■Jt:J:i )K^ :; 'l' Si'ic'Jifk"' ■• ♦'tVl? 1- J" 'J'U' '■*.*■■ jr-iSj^ir^'^ i'JF 1 ' ' ■ CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS FOURTH SERIP:S (18«4-190U) VOL. XIII CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, Manager aonUon: FETTER LANE, ^.C. laHinburgfj : 100 PRINCES STREET 33rrlin: A. ASHER AND CO. iLrip>ig: F. A. BEOCKHAUS Bombag anij Calrutta: MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. Toronto: J. M. DENT AND SONS, Ltd. Eokgo: THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA All rights reserved CATALOGUE OF SCIENTTFTC PAPERS FOURTH SKUIES (1884-11)00) COMPILED BY THE KOYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON //' VOL. XIU A-B CAMinUDGE: AT THE UXIVERSITV I'HE.SS 11)14 I ©ambtiligE : PKINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS rilEFACi: TO For III 1 1 SFIilHS Thi; Foiiitli SoiicH of till! Royal Society's Catalogue of Scientific Paperii, of whicli this is the first vuliiinc, coniinises the titles of papers piiblislicd or read during the period 18X4 to 1!)0(), ami concludes the work undertaken by the Royal Society. The Ciitalogiu' thus complrlcil will contain titles of papers for the whole of the nineteenth century. The conl iiiuatidii nl the work is now in the hands of the authorities of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, which deals with the titles and subjects of papers published after the end of the year 1900. In order to obtain the material for the present Catalogue arranged according to Authors, and also for the Subject Indexes of the various sciences, the .serial publications on till' list for the period 1884-1900 were submitted to Referees conversant with the sciences treated in tlicni, who selected the papers that ought to be catalogued. The Referees have, in addition, advised the inclusion of parts of some Serials which had been omitted in previous volumes of the Catalogue either by accident or in consei|uence of their being at the time inaccessible. These and all other entries relating to papers previous to 1.SK4 are marked by asterisks in accordance with the method adopted in the earlier scries of the Catalogue. In conse()uence of the selection of the papers having been made by diBerent Referees, and especially on account of the different characters of the subject matter, there will probably be found sonic dirterences of method of selection as regards the less exactly defined sciences, especially in the cases of Anthropology and Geography. When the preparation of the slips was commenced, it was intended to number the entries consecutively under each author, as had been the practice in the previous twelve volumes; but, in consideration of the time occupied in identifying the authors in order to connect the numbers with those in former parts of the Catalogue and the large ipiantity of matter to be dealt with, the Committee decided that the numbering should be discon- tinued. Thus the numbering is here confined to entries under the letter A. Where the full iiames of authors are not given at the headings of the papers, but only their surnaiuos, a dash has been placed after the surname, if there is no probability of confusion with other authors. Where such confusion might occur, reference books have been consulted or, as a last resort, application has been made, when possible, to the authors themselves for information. In the cases in which names of authors have been made complete by addition of parts not appended to the original papers the additions are printed in square brackets. The preparation of Catalogues and hand lists would be much VI facilitated if the editors of Scientific Journals would insist on authors giving their full names in all their papers ; this is the practice in some Societies, but it is by no means universal. In the compilation of the supplementary Volume XII it was decided that reference should be given only to the original publication of a paper, and that abstracts should not be inserted unless they were of papers published in the less well-known languages. In order to find the original paper it was often necessary to compare it with its reprints, and to select the one that appeared to be most suitable. This was found to entail a large amount of work, and the Committee has therefore thought it advisable to discontinue such procedure and to include under one entry the papers from different Serials which have identical titles and appro.ximately the same date. This course has economised time ; and it has the advantage of making reference more easy where some of the Serials are not readily accessible. Such entries are, however, not quite complete because a considerable number of the duplicates had been destroyed before this decision was made. When possible, abstracts of papers in languages other than English, French, German, Italian or Latin arc included in the entries along with the originals. When the reference to a paper contains more than one set of pages these usually represent different parts of the same paper ; but in the case of papers in the less familiar languages contained in Serials which also issue a translation or resume of the paper in some better known language, the additional paging .sometimes represents this translation, not a continuation of the paper. In certain Serials the second paging has been marked R^s. irrespective of the language of the translation or abstract. Anonymous papers have not been entered in the Catalogue of Authors, although their contents have been used for the Subject Index. In former volumes these anonymous papers have been printed separately under the respective Serials, after Z. The titles of important Patents have been collected and will be placed at the end of the Catalogue. Very brief notes which are especially numerous in the Zoological Serials have not been catalogued owing to inevitable limitations of space. For the transliteration of the names of Russian authors the system adopted by the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, based on the phonetic value of Roman letters in Bohemian, has been used, cross references being employed to facilitate identification. A list of the 1555 Serials which have been examined for the preparation of the Catalogue, together with the Abbreviations used for their titles, is prefixed. A large number of expert Referees have assisted in the selection of the papers and in making the titles for the Subject Index, and the Committee is indebted for this responsible and valuable work to Miss K. A. Burke, Miss G. L. EUes, Miss Alice Everett, Miss E. J. Forbes, Miss W. M. Hudson, Miss G. L. C. Matlhaoi, Miss F. M. G. Micklcthwait, Miss M. 11. Naylor, Mi.ss E. Perrin, Miss Burna Pool, Mrs Hingston Quiggin, Mi.ss Ida Smedley, Miss Frances A. Welby, Miss A. Werner, Mr F. Allen, Dr E. F. Armstrong, Dr A. P. Beddard, Mr T. Duncan Bell, Mr J. H. Binder, Mr W. \V. Biy ant, Dr John Cameron, Di E. P. Cathcart, Mr C. V. Crook, Mr J. T. Cunningham, Mr K. J. Dallas, Mr W. A. Davis, Dr K. Drabble, Vll Dr W. d'Este Emery, Piofo.ssor J. 1). Everett, Mr W. F, Fallaize, Dr Herbert French, Dr K. E. Fritsch, Mr A. T. (ioodfcllow, Dr E. (Juiilding, Mr W. F. (jwiimell, Mr James S. H.inlinn, Mr H. K.irs-n-aves, Dr David Eraser Harris, Dr T. A. Henry, Mr T. O. Hill, Dr ,1. Hordtr, Mr H. Kiiapman, Dr R. A. Lehleldt, Mi W . Iv-wscn, Mr T. il. Pope, Mr H. E. Schmits, Mr .1. II. Shaxl.y, Dr Iv \V. Skeats, Mr I, J. S|jeiicer, Mr K. Strachan, Mr W. L. Syincs, Mr Xorthote W. Tiiomas, Dr W. Marsliall Waits, Mr G. Harold Wilson. TIk- Coinniittec is indebted to the authorities of the British Museum, of the Natural History Museum, of tiie Royal College of Surgeons, of the Patent Office, and of the Meteorological Office, fur the facilities given to the type-writers and revisers of the Catalogue staff", in their task of copying titles of papei-s from the Serials in the libraries of these institutions; the Committee is also indebted to the Cambridge University Library, to the Chemical Society, the Geological Society, the Linnean Society, tiie Royal Astronomical Society, the Royal Geograpiiical Society and the Alpine Club for the loan of books for the preparation of the Catalogue. To the authorities of these Libraries and of others which have been consulted the Committee gratefully expresses thanks for the assistance that has been received. 'i'lic |inscnt volume contains 11551 entries of titles of papers by 2001 Authors with the initial A, and 51720 entries of papers by G92S Authoi-s with the initial B, making a total of 03271 entries by 8929 Authors. In consequence of the large amount of materia! for the Period 188-1—1900, it has been found necessary to print this and the succeeding volumes in smaller type than that used in volunus I to Xn. The Catalogue Committee desires to record its thanks to the persons constituting the Staff entrusted with the work of arranging the material and preparing it for the press. In particular it acknowledges indebtedness to the Director, Dr Herbert M'^Leod, F.R.S., for the scrupulous care which has characterized his management, to Miss Bremner, Miss Vagner, Miss Barnard, Miss Earthy, Miss Harkuess, Miss Hanbury, and Miss Chapman, ami to tlie other members of the Catalogue Staff, for their untiring zeal. The Syndics of the Cambridge University Press have undertaken the complete risk of printing and publishing, as regards both the Catalogue of Scientific Papers and the Subject Lide.x. It will be the care of the Committee, and it is hoped of the Scientific world generally, to use their best endeavours that this public-spirited action shall not result in financial loss. The thanks of the Committee are due to the officials of the Cambridge Press for their unfiling courtesy in the discharge of the complex task of printing the material. J/aroA, 1914. LIST OF AJiJUIKVIATIOXS. A. Aarau, Mitth Mittheilungt-n dt* Aai-jjauisclR-u NaturforschenrJen 0«?*ell.M:Jiaft. Nvo. .Varau. 4, 1886—9, 1901 [in part]. Abeille [Publications de la Societe Entomologique de France.] L'Abeille. Journal dEntomoloffie. Paris. 12nio. 2l', 1884 — 27. 1890 92. 8vo. 26, 1892-96 A- 29, 1896 1900. Acireale Ace. Atti Atti e Kendiconti dell' Accademia di Scienze, Letlere e Arti dei Zelanti e PP. dello Studio di Acireale. 8vo. Acireale. 1, 1890—9. 1899. Acireale, Soc. Ital. Micr. Bollettino della Societa Italiana dei MicroscopistL fto. Acireide Boll. 1, [1891 J. Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta Nova Acta Academia; Ca?sarew LeopoIdim>-Carolin£ Uerroanicae Xatune Cuiiosoruui. Verhandlungen [Abhandlunj;en] der kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischeii DeuUichen Akadetuie der Xaturforscher. 4t<.. Halle. +.5, 1884—73, 1907 [to p. 239] : 74, 1899—77, 1901 [to p. 367]. Acta Math Acta >[atheniatica. 4to. Stockholm. 4, 1884-2:5, 1900. Aeronaute L' A^onaute. «vo. Paris. 9,1876: 12,1879; 1. I, 1880; 1884- 1900. [1-8, 10, 11 and 14-16 already indexed] Aeronaut. Jl. The Aei-onautical Journal. 8vo. London. 1. 1897 — 4, 1900. Aeronaut. Soc. Rep [Annual] Report of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain 12njo. Greenwich. 19, 1884—23, [1893]. Agr. Soc. Jl The Journal of the Roval Agricultural Society of England. 8vo. London. [.Second .Series.] 20, 1884—2.5, 1889. [Tbiid Series.] 1,1890-11,1900. Agr. Stud. Gaz Agricultural Students' Gazette. Edited by tile Students at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. 8vo. Cirencester. [New Series.] 1, 1882-84 [from p. 161]— 10, 1900-02 [to p. 66]. Aix Ac. Mem Memoii-es de I'Acadeiuie des Sciences, Agriculture, Arts et Belle»- Lettres d'.\ix. 8vo. Aix-en-Provence. 1.1.1885 — 18,1900. Alabama Geol. Surv. Bull. Geolon.'«.-."-Hph!^. ••'.• s\o Karlsruhe. 1895-1900 - Jl. f. Ornith. .•>., 111. Ztschr. Ent. Sf" Zurich, Schweiz. Ges. N. Denkschr. Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Psvchiatrie und {v^vchischgerichtliche Medicin. Svo. Berlin. 40. 1884— .57, 1900. Memoirs of the American Academv of Arts and .Sciences. 4to. Cambridge [Mass.]. 11, 1888 (FL 2) & 12. 1902 [to p. 466]. 6 Albany Inst. Trans. AUg. Bot. Ztschr .\lbauy. 11, 1887 Prian- AUg. Deutsche Ornith. Ges. AUg. Ent. Ges AUg. Schweiz. Ges. Gesam. Naturwiss. AUg. Ztschr. Psychiatr. ... Amer. Ac. Mem X Amer. Ac. Proc Proceedinjjs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 8vo. Boston. 19, 1884—36, 1901 [to p. 238]. Amer. Ass. Proc Proceedings of the American A.ssociation for the Advancement of Science. 8vo. Salem. 1884-1900. Amer. Chem. Jl American Chemical Journal. Svo. Baltimore. 5 (1883-84) — 24 (1900). Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl The Journal of the American Chemical Societ}'. Svo. New York. Easton, Pa. 6, 1884—22, 1900. Amer. engineer & Rail- American Engineer, [Car Builder] and Railroad Journal. Folio. road Jl. 8vo. New York. 67, 1893—74, 1900. CuntimMtion of: Railroad Sc Engin. Jl., q.v. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans Transaction.s of the American Entomological Society [and Pro- ceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences]. 8vo. Philadelphia. 11, 1884 — 27, 1900- 01 [to p. 155]. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York. 8vo. New York. 14 (1882)— 32 (1900). Amer. Geologist The American Geologist. 8vo. Minneapolis, Minn. 1,1888 — 26, 1900. Amer. G-eol. Soc. Bull Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. Svo. New York. Rochester. 1, 1890—11, 1900. Amer. Inst. IVIin. Engin. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. Svo. Trans. Philadelphia. Easton, Pa. New Y''ork City. 1 (1871-73)— 31, 1902 [to p. 109]. Amer. Jl. Math American Journal of Mathematics Published under the Auspices of the Johns Hopkins University. 4to. Baltimore. 6, 1884 — 22, 1900. Amer. Jl. Pharm The American .lournal of Pharmacy. Svo. Philadelphia 56, 1884—72, 1900. Amer. Jl. Physiol The American Journal of Physiology. Svo. Boston, U.S.A. 1, 1898—4, 1901. Amer. Jl. Psychol The American Journal of P.syehology. Svo. Baltimore. Worcester, Mass. 1, 1888—12, 1900-01 [to p. 144]. Amer. Jl. Sci The American .Journal of Science. Svo. New Haven, Conn. [Third Series.] 27,1884-50,1895. [Fourth Series.] 1,1896— 10, 1900. Amer. Math. Soc ,See N.Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Amer. Meteorol. Jl American Meteorological Journal. Svo. Detroit. Ann Arbor, Mich. Boston. New York. Chicago. London. 1 (1884-85) —12 (1895-96). Amer. Micr. Jl The American Monthly Microscopical Journal. Svo. Washington. 5, 1884—21, 1900." Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society. Svo. Washing- ton. Ithaca, N. Y. 14 (1892)— 16 (1894).' Continuation of: Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, q.r. Succeeded hi/ .■ Amer. Micr. Soc. Trans. ... Tran.sactions of the American Microscopical Society. Svo. Lincoln, Neb. Buffalo. 17, 1895—21, 1900. Amer. Mus. Bull Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural Hi.story. Svo. New York. 1 (1881-86) [fnmi p. 139]— 13, 1900. Amer. Mus. Mem Memoirs of the American Museum of Natund llistorj'. 4to. New York. 1, 1903 [to p. 214] & 2, 1900. Amer. Natlist The American Naturalist. Svo. Philadeli.hia. Boston. 18,1884 —31, 1900. Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Tran.sactions of the American ()|ihthahnological Society. Svo. Trans. Boston. Hartford. 1884-1900. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Phila- delphia foi- Promoting ITscful Knowli'dge, Svo. Philadelphia. 21, 1884 .il, 1893; 33, 1894-39, 1900. XI Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. |Amer.| Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc .Mi'iiioriul \'<,'e. Pa. 1883-84 1893 ; 1895. [1894 inaccessible. ) 'I'laMHiictions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Hvo. New York. 1.3, 1884-44, 1900. " I'rijcecdings of the Anii-i'ii^an Spist«. Kvo. No piihlishin;,' plure. 1884 1887,10,1888-1:1(1891). Cotitinxtal Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc, , 7. Amherst Agr. Stat. Rep Annual Report of the State Agricultural Elxperiniental Station at Amherst, .MiUNs. Nvo Bo.stoii. 1, 1884 A :.', 1885. Annual Kejiort of the Boani of Control of the ."^tat^; Agri- cultural Experiment Station at Amherst, Ma.ss. 8vo. Boston. .i, 1886 IJ, 1895. Amiens I'liiJish'nni phu-. ,,/ N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., ij.r. N. France Soc. Linn. M^m., i/.i: Amiens Ac. Mem Mcninircs dc- 1 .Vr.ulcuiif dts .'sciences, des I>;ttres et des Arts d Aniien.s. Svo. Aniien.s. 31, 1886—47, 1901. Amsterdam Ak. Jaarb Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Akadeniie van Wetenschappen gevestigd te Amsterdam. 8vo. Amsterdam. 1884 -1900. Amsterdam Ak. Proc. Ivoniiiklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Ain.steiilam. Pro- leedings of the Section of Sciences. 8vo. Amsteniam. 1, 1899 -3, 1901 [in part]. Amsterdam, Ak. Verb Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Aka^lemie van Wet^nschapjien. 4to. Amsterdam. 1.1, 1873: 2.J, 1883 -I'lt, 1892. [Sections 1 it -2] 1, 1893—7, 1901. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. N'erslagen der Zittingen van de Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling der Koninklijke .Vkadt-mie van W'etenschapjien. Svo. Aiiister d.uu. 1 1 1, 1893 1, 1896. Continiuitioii of. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., >/.i-. Koninklijke Akadeniie van Wetenschappen te Am.sterdam. Vers- ing! en] van de gewone N'ergaderingen der Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling. 8vo. Amsterdam. 5, 1897— it, 1901 [to p. 480). Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Verslagen en Mededcelingen der Koninklijke .\kademie van Weten- Meded. schappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde. 8vo. Amsterdam. [Second Series.] 19. 1884 A L'O. 1884 Tiiini S.-, ies.j 1, 1885—9, 1892. Ciintinwil UK : Amsterdam, Ak. Vertl., y r. Amsterdam, Ak. Wet. Proc. Proces.sen-Veil))ial van de gewone Vergatieringen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Svo. Amsterdam. 1883-84 [Nos. 7-9]. Amsterdam Bijdr. Dierk. ... Bijdragen tot de Itierkunde uitgegeven diHir het [Konincklijk Zoologi.sch| (-Jenootschap Xnliirit Arlis Mtitf intra, te Amsterdam. Foli... .Ani'^terdani. 10, 1884 - 1 •'.. 1888 Ji Feestnummer 1888. AmsterdamGenootsch.Nat.-, S-, Maandbl. Nat. Genees- en Heelkunde Amsterdam Genootsch. " Natura Artis Magistra " Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr. Amsterdam Bijdr. Dierk. Tijdschrift van het [Kon.j Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- ■iohap, gevestigd t*" Amsteniam. 8vo. Amsterdam. Utrecht. Ix'iden. [Slitque8. Reeueil jfublii- par le Service (les Instruclintis [Xautiques]. fvo. Paris. [Second Series.] 6, 1885-2:.', 1900. Ann. Hyg. Publ. .Viinalcs (ri[v;.'i<"?ni' rul)li.|Ui- «t ili- .Mi'decino Le}(ale. Svo. Paris. [Tliini Sorifs.] 11,1884 41,1900. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Annales fie I'lnstitut IVstcur. (Journal de Mi>;ie.) Hvo. Paris. 1 (1887)— U (1900). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist The .\iiiials and Majiaziiie of Natural History, incliidint; Zoolojtty, Hotanv anil (icolojry. Svo. London. [Fifth .Series.] I. '5, 1884 L'n, 1887. [Sixtli Series.] 1, 1888— .'0, 1897. [Seventh Series.] 1, 1898— (i, 1900. Ann. Malacol Societe Malacolo^'ique de France. Annates fie Malacolojoe. ^ivo. Paris. 1 (1870 84) |fr y. .Ml] .V- 2 (1884-86). Su,>^r- nfdeil by: France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 7./. Ann. Mat Annali di .Matematira pura i-d .ipiilirata Ito. Milaim. (Sj-iorul Series.] 1 2 (1883 84) — 20 ( 1897;. [Thirrl Series.] 1.1898—1. 1900. Ann. Math .\iinals ot Matlumatics. Office of Publication: I'nivensitv of Vir<,'inia. 4to. Charlottesville, Va. 1 (1884-85) 1 2 (1898-99). Annals of Mathematics. Publisht-*! under the Auspices of Harvard University. 4to. Salem, Ma.s.s. Cambridge (Mass.). London. Leipzii;. 1, 1900 S: 2 (1900-01) [to p. 56]. Ann. Microgr Annales de Microi^raphie spi'-cialement con.sacrees a la Bact<''rio- loj;ie, au.\ Protojihvtes et aii.v Protozoaire.s. 8\o. Pari.s. [1] (1888 89)— 10 (1898). Ann. Mines -\nnales des Mines rcdij,'ees et publiees sous I'Autorisation du Ministre des Travaux Publics. Svo. Paris. [Eitrhth Series.] .i, 1884 - 20. 1891. [Ninth Series.] 1, 1892— If. 1900. Annot. Zool. Jap. Annotationes Zooloj,'ica? .Japonen.ses, .\uspiciis .Societatis ZooloL'ica- Tokyononsis seriatim edit«. 4to. Tokyo. I, 1897 -•<. 1899- 1901 [to p. 30]. Ann. Phys Annalen der Physik. Beffriindet und fortgefiihrt durch F. A. C. Gre.v, L. \V. Gilbert, .J. C. Pocoendokpf, fi. und E. Wiedk- M.\XN Unter Mitwirkunj; der Deutschen Physikalischen • fJesell.schaft herau.si;c'celien...Hvo. Leipzij;. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1900—:!, 1900. C'lmlinnaliiin of: Ann. Phys. Chem Annalen der Physik und Cheniie. Be<:rundet und f<.rtj;efiihrt (lurch F. A. ('. GnE\, L. W, Gilueht. .1. C. Pogge.mwrff Unter .Mitwirkuni; der [Meutschen] Physikalischen Gesellschaft [in Berlin) herausiieircben Svo. I>eipzi^'. [New .Series.] 21. 1884— f.!t, 1899. Ann. Ponts et Chauss \nnales des Ponts et Chaussees. 8vo. Paris. [Sixth Series.] 7 (1884)-2ii (1890). [Seventh Series.] 1 (1891)— l.l (1897); 1898—1900. Ann. Sci. Geol Annales des Sciences (ieolofpqiies. Svo. Paris, l.'t, 1884 — 22, 1889. [.Mer.ijed in Ann. Sci. Nat. {Xo. 1885. [Seventh Serie-s.] 1, 1885—20, 1895. [Eiirhth Series.] 1, 1895 12, 1900. (ZiHil.) Zixiloiiie et Paltxintoloiiie. comprenant TAnatomie, la Physio- logie, la t'la-ssification et I'Histoire Naturelle des Aniniaux. Svo. Paris. (Sixth Series.] 17,1884—20,1885. [Seventh Serie.s.] 1.1886 20,1895. [ Eighth Series.] 1,1896^11. 1900. XIV Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist The Annals of Scottish Natural History. A Quarterly Magazine with which is incorporated " The Scottish Naturalist." 8vo. Edinburgh. 1892-1900. Ann. Telegr Annales Telegraphiques. 8vo. Paris. [Third Series.] 11,1884 — 2.5, 1899. Anthrop. Inst. Jl The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. London. 13, 1884—30, 1900. Anthropological Congresses &< Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R. Anthrop. (Paris) .Materiaux pour I'Histoire de rHorame. Revue d'Anthropologie. Revue d'Ethnographie reunis. L'Anthropologie. 8vo. Paris. 1, 1890—11, 1900. Anvers, Jl. de Pharm Journal de Pharraacie. Public par [Organe de] la Society de Phannacie d'Anvers. 8vo. Anvers. 40, 1884—56, 1900. Aquila Acjuila. A Magyar Ornitliologiai Kcizpont Folyoirata. Periodical of Ornithology. .Journal pour Ornithologie. Zeitschrift fiir Ornithologie. 4to. Budapest. 1, 1894—7, 1900. [All papers in this serial are in German, French or English as well as Hungarian.] Arcachon Soc. Sci. Stat. Societe Scientitique et Station Zoologiqued'Arcachon. 8vo. Paris. Zool. Trav. 1896 97— 1899. Arcetri Oss. Pubbl See Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl. (Arcetri Oss.). Arch. Anat. Micr Archives d'Anatoniie Micnjscopique. 8vo. Paris. 1, 1897 — 3, 1900. Arch. Anat. Physiol ,\rchiv fiir Anatomic und Physiologic. {AiKit. Abth.) Anatonii.sche Abtheilung. Archiv fiir Anatomie und Ent- wickeluugsgeschichte. 8vo. Leipzig. 1884-1900 i 4 Siipplement-Bande, 1889, 1890, 1895, 1897. (^Physiol. Abth.) Physiologische Abtheilung. Archiv fur Physiologie. [Contains the Berlin. Physiol. Ges. Verh.] 8vo. Leipzig. 1884- 1900 ct 10 Supplement-Biinde, 1884-1887, 1889, 1890, 1892, 1893, 1899, 1900. Arch. Anthrop. Ceol. Arciiiv fur Anthropologic und Geologic Schleswig-Holsteins und Schlesw. -Hoist. der benachbarten Gebiete. 8vo. Kiel. Leipzig. 1, 1896 — 3, 1900. Arch. Antropologia Archivio per 1' Antropologia e la Etnologia. Organo della Societa Italiana di Antropologia, Etnologia e Psicologia Comparata. 8vo. Firenze. 14, 1884—30, 1900. Arch, Augenheilk Archiv fiir Augenheilkunde. In deutscher und englischer Sprache. 8vo. Wie.sbatlen. 13, 1884—42, 1901 [to p. 2.58]. [For English edition see Arch, Ophthalm.J Arch. Bot. N. France .\rchives Botaniques du Nord de la France. 8vo. Lille. Paris. 2, [1882-87] cl- 3 (1886-87). Arch, de Biol Archives de Biologic. 8vo. Gand. Leipzig. Paris. Liege. 5, 1884—17, 1901 [to p. 580]. Arch, de Parasit Vrcliives de Parasitologit^ paraissant tons les trois mois. 8vo. Paris. 1, 1898—3, 1900. Arch. EntwMech \rchivfiir Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen. 8vo. Leipzig. 1, 1895—10, 1900. Arch. Exper. Path ,\ichiv fiir e.xperimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. 8vo. Leipzig. 18, 1884—4.5, 1901 [to p. 155]. Arch. f. Anthrop Archiv fiir Anthropologie Organ der deutschen Gesellschaft fill- Anthropologic, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. 4to. Braun- schweig. 1.5, i884— 27, 1902 |to p. 155]. Arch. f. Ophthalm Mbicclit von (iraefc's Areliiv fiir Ophtlialmologie. 8v(). Berlin. Leipzig. 30, 1884—51, 1900. Arch. Gen. Med .\ichives Generales de Mcdecine. 8vo. Paris. 153, 1884 — 18G, 1900. Arch. Hyg Archiv fiir Hygiene. Svo. Munch.'n. Leipzig. 2,1884—38,1900. XV Arch. Ital. Biol Anliivfs Itdlifniics de JJiulifgir. Hevuos, K<»uiii<;.s, ItipioliKiioiis iipzig. 70, 18^4. [Second Scries*.] 1, 1884-17, 1900. Arch. Med Aicliiv.-s of Mwlicinu. «vo. New York. 1, 1879-12, 1885. Arch. M6d. Exp6r Aicliivcs do Mi'-decinf ExperinienUile xactes et Naturelles publiees par la Societe Hollandaise des Sciences a Harlem. Svo. Haarlem. Iji Have. I'.i. 1884 -.50. 1897. [Second Series.] 1, 1898—3. 1900.' 5, 1900. Arch. Ohrenheilk Archiv fiir Ohrenheilkunde. 8vo. Leipzig. 21, 1884—50, 1900. Arch. Ophthalm Archives of Ophthalnu>lu;,'v. Edited in English and German. 8vo. New York. 13, 1884-29, 1900. [For German edition ••(«■« Arch. Augenheilk.j Arch. Otol Archives of Oil ill. uv. Edited in English and Gennan. 8vo. New YorR. 13, 1884— 2!l, 1900. [For Gennan edition seing inacces-sible.] XVI Argentina Soc. Ci. An Vnalcs de la Sociedad Cientitica Argentina, yvo. Buenos Aires. 17, 1884-50, 1900. Armagh Nat. Hist. & Phil. X., Irish Natlist. Soc. Ass. Franc. C. R Association Francj-aise pour rAvancenient des Sciences [fusionnee avec TAssociation Scientitique de France], Couipte Rendu. Svo. Paris. 1884-1900. Ass. I Soc. I Meteorol. Ital. .SVv Moncalieri Oss. Boll. Assur. Mag Tlu^ Assurance ^Magazine [and .Journal of the Institute of Actuaries]. Svo. London. [1, 1851] — 13, 1867. Continued as : Inst. Act. JI., q.r. Astr. & Astrophys Astronomy and A.stro-Physics. 8vo. Noillilii-ld, ^Minn. 11, 1892—13, 1894. Cmitinna/ion nf : Sidereal Messenger, ij.v. Surceeded hij : Astrophys. Jl., K de I'Observatoire National d'Athenes. 4to. Athenes. 1, 1896 & 2, 1899. Augsb. Nat. Ver. Ber. Bericht des Naturhistorischen [Naturwissenschaftlichen] Vereins [fiir Schwaben und Neuburg (a. V.)] in Augsburg. Svo. Augsburg. 1885-1900. Auk The Auk. A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology. (Continuation of the Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club.) Svo. Boston, iSlass. New York. [New Series.] ' 1, 1884—17, 1900. Aust. Ass. Rep Report of the Meeting of the Australasian A.ssociation for the Advancement of Science. Svo. Sydney. Melbourne. 1888- 1900. Aust. Geol. Soc. Trans. . . . Transactions of the Geological Society of Australasia. Melbourne. 1, 1886-92. Auxerre, Soc. Sci. Bull. ... Jiullotin de la Societe des Sciences Historiqiies et Naturelles de rVonuB. Deuxienie Partie. Sciences Naturelles. Svo. Auxerre. Paris. 32, 1878—54, 1900. Avignon /'iih/is-fiiiii/ place (if Vaucluse Ac. Mem., r/.y. ,\VI1 B. Baltimore I'uhiishni'i /./.'-•. «/■ Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Mem., 7.''. Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., . Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, 7.C. Bamb. Natf. Ges. Ber Bciicht ilir- N'ainiforscljcrulcn (iesellschaft in )i»mV>orj;. Svd. JJaiuLi-ig. i;i, 1884 17, 1897. Barcelona Ac. Bol Holetin de la lieal Afjulciiiiii d, 1895; 6, 1891—1.0, 1901 [in part]. Verhandlunj^en der Naturforschenden Oesellschaft in Ba-sel. 8vo. Basel. 7, 1885—12, 1900. [10, 1895 contains reprints of the pajitis in the Festschrift of 1892.] Natiuirkundig Tijdschrjft voor Xederlandsch-Indie, uitgegeven door (le Koninklijke Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Neder- landsch-Indie. 8vo. Batavia [en Noordwijk]. 's Gravenhage. 4."5, 1884-59, 1900. Observations made at the [Royal] Magnetical and Meteorological OKservatorv at Batavia. 4to. Batavia 6 {PL 1 ), 1885— 22 {Pi. 1), 1900 i- Supplement to 21, 1899. Tijd.schr. voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkiinde, uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten- schappen. Svo. Batavia. 's Hage. 29, 1884—42, 1900. Proceedings of the Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Clul). 8v(.. Bath. .'), 1885—9, 1901 [to p. 21.$]. Mcmoires de la Societc Academique d'Arclicologie, Sciences et Arts du Departenient de I'Oise. Svo. Beauvais. 12, 1883 — 17, [1900]. Beitrage /.ur Anthropologic und Urgeschichte Bayerns. Organ der Miinchener Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie. Ethnologic und Urgeschichte. 4to. Miinchen. 5, 1884—13, 1900. Matcriaux pour la Carte Geologique de la .Suisse. Publics par la Commission Geologi<|ue de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturellcs aux frais de la Confederation. Beitriigo zur Geologischcn Karte der Schweiz. Herausgegeben von der Geologischen Commission der Schweiz. Naturforschenden Gesellschaft auf Kosten der Eidgenos-senschaft. 4t<). Bern. 1885 1900. Beitrage zur (ieologie der Schweiz. Herausgegelien von del- Geologischen Kommission der Schweiz. Naturforschenden Gej.ell- schaft auf Kosten der Eidgenossenschaft. Geotechnische Serie. 4to. Bern. 1, 1899. Beitrage zur Geophysik. Alihandlungen aus dem Gef>graphis<'hen Seminar der U niversitat Strassburg. Svo. Stuttgart. 1,1887. Beitrage zur Geophysik. Zeitschrift fiir Phvsikalische Erdkunde. Svo. Stuttgart." Leipzig. 2, 1895 4. 1900. 11. S. A. C. C Basel Verb Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. Batavia Obs. Obsns Batavia, Tijdschr Bath Nat. Hist. Club Proc. Beauvais, Soc. Ac. Mem. Beitr. Anthrop. Bayerns ... Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz Beitr. Geol. Schweiz (Gru- hi-lni. Srr.) Beitr. Geophys. XVIU Beitr. Kryptog. Schweiz Beitr. Morphol. Beitr. Naturk. Preussens. Beitr. Palaiont. Oesterr. Ung. Beitr. Path. Anat Beitr. Physiol. Morphol. Beitr. Russ. Reich. Belfast Field Club Rep. Belfast Nat. Hist. & Phil. See. Belfast Nat. Hist. Soc. Rep. & Proc. Belfast Naturalists' Field Club Belg. Horticole Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl. . Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc Bergens Mus. Aarb Bergens Mus. Aarsber. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg. Berlin Berlin Berlin, Afrik. Ges. Mitth. Beitrage zuv Kryptogaiiii'iillDra (luf Schweiz. Auf Tnitiativu diT Schweiz. Bdtaiiischen (Jesellschaft und auf Kosten der Eidge- nossenschaft herausgegebeii von einer Komiuission der Schweiz. Natuiforschenden Gesellschaft. 8vo. Bern. 1, Ili-ft 1, 1898 it 1, Heft 2, 1900. Beitrage zur Morphologie und IMorphogenie. Untersuchungen aus dem Anatoniischen Institub zu Erlangen. 4to. Stuttgart. 1, 1884. Beitrage zur Naturkunchi Preussens. Herausgegeben von der Konig- lichen Physikalisch-Oekononiischen Gesellschaft zu Ktinigsherg. ■Ito. Koiiigsberg i. Pr. 1,1868—8,1900. Beitrage zur Palaontologie [und Geologie] Oesterreich-Ungarns und des Orients. 4to. Wieii. Leipzig. 3, 1884 [fruni p. 125] — 13, 1901 [to p. 109]. Beitrage zur Pathologischen Anatomie und Physiologie. 8vo. Jena. 1, 1886 A 2, 1888. Beitrage zur Pathologischen Anatomie und zur Allgemeinen Pathologic. 8vo. Jena. 3, 1888—28, 1900. Beitrage zur Physiologie und IMorphologie Niederer Organismen. Aus dem Kryptogamischen Laboratorium der Universitiit Halle a. S. 8vo. Leipzig. 1, 1892—5, 1895. Beitrage zur Kenntni,ss des Russisclien Reiches und der angren- zenden Lander Asiens. Auf Kosten der Kaiserlichen Aka- demie herausgegelien 8vo. St. Petersliurg. [Second Series.] 7, 1884—9, 1886. [Third Series.] 1, 1886—8, 1900. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1893 k 2, 1896. Annual Reports and Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. 8vo. Belfast. 2, 1888—4, 1901 A Appen- dices. See Irish Natlist. Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. 8vo. Belfast. 1883-84 [in part]— 1900-01 [in part]. See Irish Natlist. La Belgique Horticole. Annales de Botanique et d'Horticulture. 8vo. Liege. 34, 1884 & 35, 1885. Bulletin de la Socictc Royale de Botanique de Belgique. 8vo. Bruxelles. 23, 1884-39, 1900. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 8vo. 1884— G9, 1901. [Parts 2 k 3 only indexed.' Proceedings of the Asiatic " Society of Bengal. 1884—1900. Bergens Museums Aarbog for Afhandlinger o udgivne af Bergens Museum. 8vo. Bergen. Successor to : Bergens Museums Aarsberetniiig for 8v(). Bergen. Berg- und Hiittenmiinnischc Zeitung. 4to. Leipzig. 59, 1900. See Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1885. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890. I' iilil ishiiiij ji/itir ()/ Int. Erdm. Centralbur. Ber., (/.r. Int. Erdm. Centralbur. VerofT., (/.>: Mitlhcilungeu der Afrikanisclu'u ( icscllschaft in 8vo. Berlin. 1, 1878-79—5, 1886 87. Calcutta. 53, Calcutta. 8vo. Aarsberetning 1892 1900. 1885— 189L 43, 1884— l)cutschln XJX Berlin Ak. Abh Berlin Ak. Sber Berlin. Astr. Jbuch. Berlin Astr. Rechen-Inst. Verdff. Berlin Bot. Gartens Jbuch. Berlin Bot. Gartens Notizbl. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. Berlin. Ent. Ges Berlin. Ent. Ztschr. Berlin. Ges. Anthrop. Verb. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Ztschr. ... Berlin Ges. Geburtshlf. Gynak. Berlin. Ges. Psychiatr Berlin, Gesundbeitsamt Arb. Berlin, Gesundbeitsamt Biol. Abth. Arb Berlin, Gesundbeitsamt Mitth. Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh. ... Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verh. Berlin. Physiol. Ges. Verh. Berlin, Phys. Reichsanst. Abh. Berlin Sternw. Beob.-Er- gebn. Berlin Stern^v. Rechen- Inst. Verdff. Berlin Zool. Mus. Mitt. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk lieutsche Enlo- deiii Eiitoiiiolo- 2K, 1884— 4.^ 8vo. .Vliliiiii(lluiif;cii iIiT Koiiijjliclicii .\k:uli-iiiif der Wiiisenschafu-ii zii I{(Mlin. iu,. Kni<;li('hi-ii Asti^jtiniiiisclifii J{echeii- Iii.stituts ZII Hcrlin. 4to. H.-rlin. 4. 1897 1 L'. 1900. \Co,i- liniKiiioii <;/'. Berlin Sternw. Rechen-Inst. Verbff., '/•"•I .Jiilirliuch (li's K p. »i]. I'criclitf iler Dcut.schen Chfinischen Oesellschaft. Hvo. Herlin. 17, 1884 rx 1900 .s.. 111. Wschr. Ent. Hcrlini'r Enttiiiii>l.' Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak. Sre Arch. Psychiatr. Arhi'iten au.s dfin Kaisi-rlichen Oe.sundlieitsanite. (Beihefte zu den Ver< dciii Kaiserlichen Oe-sundheitsamte. 8vo. Hcrlin. J, 1884. Vcrliandlun;;cii dcr Herliner Mediciiii.'sclicn Gesellschaft. 8vo. Herlin. 1.^ 1885 ('/'//. 2)— .31, 1901 (Th. 2). [Th. 1 not inde.\ed. ] Sitzungs-Bericlite der Ge.sell.sdi.ift Nalurforscliender Freunde zu Hcrlin. 8vo. Berlin. 1884-1900 Vcrliandlunircn dcr Plivsikali-ichcn Gcscll.sdiaft in Hcrlin 8vo. Hcrlin. Ix-ipzijr. 1884—1898. [1892 an.i 1893 are in the Ann. Phys. Chem.] Continued n.i : Deutsch. Phys. GeS. Verh., i.'isilicn Saniiiilung de.s Museums fiir Naturkunde in Hcrlin. 4to. Berlin. 1, 1898-1900. Zcit.sohrift der Gc.sfllschaft fiir Erdkunde zu lierlin. [AIs Fort- setzun? der Zcitschrift fiir .\llgeraeine Erdkunde.] 8vo. Berlin. 19, 1884— .-v.. 1900. XX Bern Mitth Mittheilungen der Naturforsclienden Gesellschaft in Bern. 8vo. Bern. 1884—1900. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club. Svo. Alnwick. [10], 1885 [from p. 425] — 17, 1901. Besanfon Publish lug place of Ooubs Soc. Mem., q.r. Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull iiullttiii de la Scjcietc d'Etude des Sciences Naturelles de Beziers. 8vo. Beziers. 7, 1886 [from p. 71]— 23, 1901. Bibl. Bot Bibliotlieca Botanica. Abhandlungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Botanik. 4to. Cassel. Stuttgart. 1, 1887— 10, 1901 [iu part]. Bibliogr. Anat Bibliographic Anatomique. Revue des Tra vau.x en laague f rani^ise. Anatoinie. Histologie. Erabryologie. Anthropologie. 8vo. Paris. Nancy. 1 (1893)— 8, 1900. Bibl. Math Bibliotheca Mathematica. Zeitschrift fiir Gescluchte der Mathe- matik. Journal d'Histoire de.s Mathematiques. 8vo. .Stock- holm. 1887—1899. Bibliotlieca Mathematica. Zeitschrift filr Geschichte der mathe- matischen WLssenschaften. 8vo. Leipzig. 1, 1900. Bibl. Zool Bibliotlieca Zoologica. Original-Abhandlungen aus dem Gesammt- gebiete der Zoologie. 4to. Cassel. Stuttgart. 1, 1888-89—8, 1895-98. Continued as: Zoologica, q.v. Biol. Centrbl Biologisches Centralblatt. 8vo. Erlangen. Leipzig. 3, 1884 [from p. 641]— 20, 1900. Birmingham Nat. Hist. & See Midland Natlist. Micr. Soc. Trans. Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proceedings of the Birmingham [Natural History and] Philosophical Proc. Society. 8vo. Birmingham. 4 (1883-85) [from p. 69]— 11, 1902 [to p. 67]. Blue Hill Obs. Bull. Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory. Bulletin. 4to. Readville. 1898, No. 1—1900, No. 1. Bohm. Com. Landesdurchf. .Vrehiv fiir die Naturwissenschaftliche Landesdurchforschung von Arch. l^olimen herausgegeben von den beiden Comites fiir die Landes- durchforschung." 8vo. Prag. 3, 1884 [Ahth. 1] ; ."), 1887 [Nos. 4-6]— 10, 1900 [Nos. l-.j]. [3, 1884 (Ahth. 2-5) ; 4, 1885 & 5, 1887 (Nos. 1-3) already indexed in Vol. 12.] Bohm. G-es. Wiss. Jber. ... Jahrcsbericht der Konigl. Bohm. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. 8vo. Prag. 1884—1900. Boll. Natlista., Siena Bollettino del Natuialista Collettore, AUevatore, Coltivatore. 4to. Siena. 8, 1888. Con.finnnl as: Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, q.r. Boll. Sci Bollettino Scicntilico. 8vo. ^Nlilano. Pavia, ,!/(». 1 (1879-80)— Ann. 12 (1890); Vols. 4, 1894 A 5, 1898; Ann. 21 (1899). Bologna Sre Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1881. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem Memmie della [K.J .\.ccadeiiiia dcllc Seienze deir I.stituto di Pxilogna. 4to. Bologna. [Fourth Series.] 5, 1883 |in part] — 10, 1889. [Fifth Series.] I, 1890—8, 1899-1900. Bologna Rend Uendii-outo nii. 4t<». Hoiin. 1, 1846- M, 1886. Bonn Sternw. Veroff. V'croflcntiirliun^icii . B<^»nieaux. .■JK, 1884—05, 1900. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem. Mi'moircs et Bullctin.s de la Soi-i<-ti- de Medeciiic ft de Chirurgie de Bordeaux, ^^vo. Paris. Bordeaux. 1884 1900. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem. Memoires de la Societe de.s Sciences Pliysiques et NaturelK^s de Bordeaux. Kvo. Paris. Bordeaux. [Third Series.] 1,1884 — .0, 1890. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1893— ."j, 1895. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1896- — ;">, 1901 [in j)art]. [The pulilicatioiis of the Coiiiiiii.ssioii Meteoroloj^icjue de la Gironde are is-sued as an Appendix to the volumes of this serial.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. P.-V. ... Proces-Verbaux des Seances de la Societe de^ Sciences Physiques et Xaturelles de Bordeaux. I^vo. Paris. Bordeaux. 1894- 95—1899-1900. Boston J'liUi.Jiiiu/ ji/ar. ,,/ Amer. Ac. Proc, y.-. Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., i/.i: Amherst Agr. Stat. Rep., / .. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl. Journal of tije Bo.ston Society of Aledical Sciences. 8vo. Boston 1, 1897- .".. 1901 [to p. 320]. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Memoirs read l)efore the Boston S(K;iety of Natural Historv : being Mem. a new Series of the Boston •Journal of Natural History. 4t<«. Boston. 3, 1878 94 [from p. 3.j3]_.5, 1895-1904 [to p. 236]! Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Pap. Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History, ^vo. Boston. 4(1, 1893 1900). Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural HisUirv. K\» ]{. Caen. 1889 -1900. Bot. Centrbl Bot.-misclies Centralblatt. Beferirendes Organ fiir da.s Gesannnt- gebiet der Bot.iiiik ties In- uiul Auslandi>s. Svo. Cassel. 17, 1884 — 88, 1901. [This serial was up to 1H9.>< the org.in of |iul)lic.ition of the following Societies: Hamburg Bot. Ges. Lund Bot. Ver. Miincben Bot. Ver. Stockh. Bot. Sullsk. Upsala Naturvet. Studentsallsk.] Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte I'.rilicfii/uui r..itaMiMli(ii t'l nu^illil.itt. Referirendes Organ fiir da.s (ie.siinuntsiebietder Ifotanik des In- und Auslandes. 8vo Ca.<;sel 1891—1900. Bot. Gaz The Botanical Gazette. 8vo. Crawfordsville. . Bruxelle-s. (J, 1866 s, 1888. Brux., Ac. Mem Menioire.s de rAcadi'inie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts .le Bel-;i(|ue. " Ito. Bruxelles. •l.'i, 1884- .54, 1900 04. [Nos. I .t 1 only.] Brux., Ann. Trav. Publ. .\nii:iles des Travaux Publics de Belgique. 8vo. Bruxelle.«. 41, 1884--.^)-', 1896. [.Second .Series.] 1 (1896)- •'i (1900). Bruxelles I'tililishinij jilnn' (if Inst. Solvay Trav., y. v. BniX.,M6m.Couronn.( VKd.) .Menioires Couri.nnes et Meinoires des .Siivants Ktrangers publics par rAcadeniie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des lieaux- Arts de Belgique. 4to. Bruxelles. 46, 1884—59, 1901. Brux.,Mem.Couronn.(8"AV/.) Mcmoires Couronnes et autres Menioires publics par I'Acadi-niie Royale des .Sciences, des Lettres et dis Beaux-.Vrts de Belgiquc. Collection in S". Bru.xellcs. 36, 1884—61, 1901-02. Brux., Mus. Congo Ann. .. Ktat Independant du Congo. Annales du Must'i- du Congo, publiees par ordre du Secretaire d'Et.at {Hot.) Botanique. Folio. Bruxellc-s. Scr. 1, 1 (/««<•. 1—6. 1898 1900) it Ser. 2, 1, 1899-1900. {Elhnoijr. (0 Anthrop.) Ethnographie et Anthropologie. Folio. Bruxelles. [Ser. 1], 1899 & [.Ser. 2], 1899. (Ziiol.) Zoologie. Folio. Bruxelles. 1, 1900. Brux., Mus. Hist. Nat. Ann. .\nnales du Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturolle de Belgii|ue. Foljn. Bruxelles. 9, 1885; 11, 1885; 12, 1896; l.J, 1887; 14, 1887. [10, 1882 already indexed.] Brux., Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull, r.ulletin du Musee Roval d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. 8vo. Bru.xelle.s. ;!, 1885— .\ [18881. Brux., Mus. Hist. Nat. M6m. Memoires du Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. 4to. Bru.xelle.s. 1, [1900-03] [in i«rt]. Brux. Obs. Ann Annalcs de I'Observatoire Hoval de Bruxelles, publices aux frais de I'Etat. (.I,s7)'.) Nouvelle Serie. Astronomic. [Annales Astrononiiques.] 4to. Bru.xelles. 1, 1878 7. 1896. {Mil.) Deuxienic Serie. Annales Metcorologiques. 4t«. Bruxelles. 1, 1881—4, 1895. Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull. .. Bulletin de la Societc d'Anthroptilogie de Bruxelles. 8vo. Bruxelles. 1, 1883 ll*. 1900. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull. Bulletin de la Societe Beige d'Astronomie. Coniptes Rendus des Seances Mensuelles de la Sser- vation, A.strononiie. iletwmlogie, Geodesie et Physique du Globe. 8vo. BruxelU-s. 1, 1896—5, 1900. XXIV Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull. Bulletin do la Societe Beige de Geologie, de Paleontologie et d'Hydrologie (Biuxelles). 8vo. Bnixelles. 1887-1900. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann. Annales de la Societe Beige de Microscopie. 8vo. Bruxelles. 1, 1875—26, 1900. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bulletin[s des Seances] de la Societe Beige de Microscopie. 8vo. Bull. Bruxelles. 1, 1875—25, 1899. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique. 8vo. Bruxelles. 28, 1884—44, 1900. Brux., Soc. Ent. Mem Meuioires de la Societe Entoniolngiqiio do Bclgique. 8vo. Bruxelles. 1, 1892—7, 1900. Brux. Soc. Iiinn. Bull Bulletin de la Societe Linneenne de Bruxelles. Svo. Bruxelles. 12, 1886— [25, 1900]. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann. Annales de la Sooieto Royale Malacologique de Belgique. 8vo. Bruxelles. 19 (1884)— 35 (1900). Brux. Soc. Sci .SVe Rev. Quest. Sci. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann Annales de la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles. 8vo. Bruxelles. Pari.s. Louvain. 8, 1884 [in part]— 25, 1901 [in part]. Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An. ... Analele Academiel Romano. Seria ii. 4to. Bucuresci. 1, 1880 — 23, 1901. Bucarest, Bur. Geol. Annu. ^Vnuarulu Biuroului Geologicu. Annuaire du Bureau Geologique. Svo. Bucuresci (Bucarest). 1882-83— [1887]. Bucarest, Mus. Geol. Anuarulu Museului de Geologia ji de Paleontologia. Svo. Bucuresci. Paleont. An. 1894—1896. Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui Buletinul Societa^ii de Sciin^e [Fizice (Fizica, Chimia si Minera- logia)] din Bucuresci-Romania. [Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences, Bucareist-Rounianie.] Bucuresci. Folio. [1, 1892] — [5, 1896]. Svo. [6, 1897]—!), 1900. Budapest See Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R., 1894. Budapest Publishing place, of Magyar Fbldt. Int. Evk., q.v. Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. {Math.), q.v. Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. (Termt.), q.v'. Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertes., t/.v. Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, q.v. Math. Termt. Ertes., q.v. Math. Termt. Kozlem., q.v. Buenos Aires PuldisJiiixj phic <>/ Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., q.v. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., q.v. Cordoba Ac. Bol., q.v. Cdrdoba Ac. Ci. Act., q.v. C6rdoba Obs. Resultados, q.i\ Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An. Analos del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires [(antes Museo Pub- lico)] Buenos Aires. 4to. 3,1883-91. Svo. 4,1895—6,1899. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Oomunicaciones del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires. Svo. Buenos Comun. Aires. 1, 1898-1901. Buffalo Bull Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Svo. Buffalo, N. Y. 5, 1897 & 6, 1898-99. Buitenzorg Inst. Bot. Bull, 's Lands Plantentuin. Bulletin de I'lnstitut Botaniquede Buitenzorg. Svo. Buitenzorg. 1, 1898—7, 1900. Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann. Annales du Jardin Botauiiiue do Buitenzorg. 8\o. Leide. 2,1885 [from p. 77]; 4, 1884—17, 1901 [top. 101] ct Supplements: I, 1897 ck 2, 1898. [3, 1883 alreamdoii. 1. 1888 (i. 1907 [/V. 1]; 7, 1896 i S, 1898. Bulletin of the California Academy of Sciences. Svo. San Francisco. 1. 1886 A- 2, 1887. Memoirs of the California Acadeniv of Sciences. 4to. ."j. 18, 1900 [incomplete]. California Min. Bur. Rep. [CaliforniaState Mining Bureau. ]...rieportoftheStateMineralogist. 8vo. Sacramento. [1], 1880—13, 1896. California Univ. Dept. Geol. Bulletin of the Department of Geology of the University of Bull. California. 8vo. Berkeley. 1, 1893-96 A 2, 1896-1902 [to p. 230]. Cambridge (Mass.) rublishing. place of Amer. Ac. Mem., q. v. Bussey Inst. Bull., q. i\ Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 8vo. Cam- bridge. 5, 1886—10, 1900. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 4to. Cam- bridge. 14, 1889—18, 1900. [18, 1900 is the Stokes Jubilee Volume.] Canada Geol. Surv Geological [and Natural History] Survey of Canada. (Cat. Canad. Plants) Catalogue of Canadian Plants. 8vo. Montreal. Ottav/a. 1, 1883 — 7, 1902. (Contrib. Micro-PalaB- Contributions to the Micro-Palseontology of the Cambro-Silurian ont.) Rocks of Canada. 8vo. Ottawa. Montreal. 1, 1883 & 2, 1889. Contributions to Canadian Micro-Palseontology. 8vo. Montreal. Ottawa. 3, 1891 & 4, 1892. (Contrib. Palaeont.) ... Contiibutions to Canadian Palwontolog}'. 8vo. Montreal. Ottawa. 1, 1885-98 ; 2 {Ft. 1), 1895, (Pt. 2), 1900 : 4 {Ft. 1), 1899. 4to. Montreal. 3 (Ft. 1), 1891. (Fobs. Plants) Report on the Fo.s.sil Plants. 8vo. Montreal. 1871 ; 1873 ; 1882. (Mesozoic Foss.) Mesozoic Fossils. 8vo. Montreal. Ottawa. 1, 1876-1903 [to p. 307]. (Palaeozoic Foss.) PaL-eozoic Fossils. 8vo. Montreal. 1, 1861-65— 3, 1884-1906 [to p. 242]. (Silurian Foss. of Catalogues of the Silurian Fossils of the Island of Anticosti, with Anticosti) descriptions of some new genera and species. 8vo. Montieal. 1866. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep.... Geological [and Natural History] Survey [and Museum] of Canada. [Annual] Report. 8vo. Montreal. Ottawa. 1882-84. [New Series.] 1, 1886— 1 1, 1901 [in part]. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Trans. 4to. Montreal. Ottawa. 2, 1885—12, 1895. [SVcond Series.] 1, 1895— (5, 1900. [Sections 1 & 2 not indexeil.] Canad. Ent The Canadian P^ntnmologist. 8vo. London [Ontario]. It!, 1884 — 32, 1900. Canad. Inst. Proc Proceedings of the Canadian Institute [Toronto, being a continuation of "The Canadian .Journal of Science, Literature and History"]. 8vo. Toronto. 2, 1884—7, 1890. [New Series.] 1, 1898 & 2, 1904 [to p. 95]. Canad. Inst. Trans Transactions of the Canadian Institute. 8vo. Toronto. 1,1891 — 7, 1904 [to p. (;]. Canad. Rec. Sci The Canadian Record of Science, including the Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Montreal, and rejilacing the Canadian Natm-alist. 8vo. Montreal. 1, 1885—8, 1902 [in part]. XXVll Cape Obs. Ann. Cape Obs. Obsns. Cape Town Cape Town, Geol. Comm. Rep. Caradoc Field Club Trans. Cardiff Nat. Soc. Trans. . .\iiii!ils of tlio f'lipf Observatory. 4to. I>oiidiiii. Kdiiiljurgh. 1, 1898; •-' (/'/. 1 [1886])— K (I'l. 2), 1900. [Fails 2 A .3 of N'ol. '2 iind Fai't 1 of Vol. K have not Ijeen inscr\atorv. Cape of (IoikI Hope. I^uidon. 8vo. 1882-85. 4to. 1885'87 -1892 95. PubUnhilul jiltir: iij Soc. Trans., 7. v. |)tparlMiiMt of Agriculture. Annual Rejwrt ('otnini.ssion. bvo. Cape Town. 1896 — 1900. Caradoc and Severn Valley Field Club. 8vo. 1893-96 k 2, 1897 1900. Society. Report and Transactions. 8vo. S. AfMcan Phil. C;ipl- of ( Mirjd ||r)pl- of the Geological Transactions of the Shrewsbury. I, Curdill' Naturalists Cardiff. I.'). 1884 — .-52, 1901. Carus, Zool. Anz .SW Zool. Anz. Casopis Casopis pio IV-si(,v;ini .Matheniatiky a Fysiky. [Journal for the .Vihaiicenient of Mathematics and Fhysics.] 8vo. V Praze [Frag]. I, 1872-30, 1901. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti... .\tti dell' Accademia Oioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania. 4to. "Catania. [Third Series.] IS, 1885—20, 1888. [Fourth Series.] I, 1889—13, 1900. Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll. Kollettinodelle Sedutodella Accademia Gioenia 8vo. Catania. .">l, 1898 (il. 1900. Conlinualion of: Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull, nullettino Mensile della Accademia Oioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania, col Resoconto delle Sedute oidinarie e straordinarie e Sunto delle Memorie in esse ]iresentate. 8vo. Catania. [New Series.] I. 1888—30 A 31, 1893. Rullettino delle Sedute della Accademia Uioenia 8vo. Catania. 32, 1893—^0, 1899. Cellule T.«i Cellule. Reoueil de Cytologic et d'Histfilogie generale. 4to. Lieiie. (Jand. Lou vain. 1, [1885]—!". 1900. Centrbl. Bakt Centralblatt fiii- Hacteriologie und Parasitenkunde. 8vo. Jena. 1,1887—16,1894. Cojilinued lu : Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie [und] Parasitenkunde [und In fektionskrHukheitenJ. {Abt. I) Krste Al)teilung. (^Metlizinisch-hygienische Bakteriologie und Tierische Panisitenkunde.] 8vo. Jena. 17,1895—28,1900. (Abt. 2) Zweite Abteilung. [Allgeraeine. landwirUchaftiich-techno logi.sche Bakteriologie, Garungsphysiologie und Pflanzen- pathologie.] Svo. Jena. 1, 1895— G, 1900. Centrbl. Med. Wiss Centralblatt fiir die Medicinischen Wissenschaften. 8vo. Berlin. 22, 1884 38, 1900. Centrbl. Min Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeontologie in Ver- bindung mit dem Neuen Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeontologie. 8vo. Stuttgart. 1900. Centrbl. Path Centralblatt fur Allgemeine Pathologic und Pathologische Anatoniie. Svo. Jena. 1, 1890—11, 1900. Centrztg. Optik Central-Zeitung fur Optik und Mechanik, fElektrotechnik und verwaiidte Berufszweige]. 4to. I-eipzig. Berlin. 4, 1883 — 21, 1900. Cette Stat. Maritime See Montpellier Inst. Zool. Trav. Chalon-sur-Sa6ne I'lililisliin'i fin.; .,/ Sa6ne-et-Ijoire Soc. Sci. Bull., : Sa6ne-et-Ijoire Soe. Sci. M^m., 7... Chambery /'„/,/;. in„>i /,!ry Survey. 8vo. No publishing place! 1, 1896 & 2, 1897. Continued as.- Chicago Ac. Sci. Nat. Hist. The Chicago Academy of Sciences. Bulletin of the Natural Surv. Bull. History Survey. 8vo. No publishing place. 3 {Pt. 1), 1898 it 4 (Pt. 1), 1900. [3 (Pt. 2) & 4 {Pi. 2) have not Ijeen indexed, their publication dates being after 1900.] Chicago Ent. Soc. Occ. Occasional Memoirs of the Chicago Entomological Society. Svo. Mem. Chicago. 1, J\^o. 1, 1900. Chicago, Field Columb. Field Columbian Museum. MUB. [Publ.] (Anthrojj.) Anthropological Series. Svo. Chicago, U.S.A. 1, [1895- 97]. Chicago, Field Columb. Publications of the Field Columbian Museum. Mus. Publ. (A„tl,rop.) Anthropological Series. Svo. Chicago, U.S.A. 2, 1897- 1903 [to p. 243]. (]i iiiatisk-iiatuividenskab(!lig Klasse. Svo. Kiistiania. 1894 — 1900. XXIX Chronometrical Congresses > ■ Congr. Int. Chronom. Chur iCoirei I'iihli.ilii„'j /ilur, ,,/ Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Ber., p. -Jl-.*]. Cirencester /'ii/i/i.'-. Cistula Ent Ci.stula Knioniologica. Hvo. London. I, 1869 76 [fi'.m p. 182]— 3, [1882-85]. Civilingenieur Dcr Oivilingeiiii-ur. Organ des Sachsi.scheii Iiigenieur- und Archi- ■ tekten-Verein.s. 4to. I^ipzig. 30, 1884—41', 1896. Clin. Soc. Trans Tran.sactions of tlie Clinical Socic-tv of I^indon. >*\i>. lymilon. 17, 1884— :5:?, 1900. Cohn, Beitr. Biol. Pfianz. I'.citr.igc /ur- Biologic der Pflanzi-n. Herausgegeben [Begriindet] von [Prof.] Dr. Ferdinand Cohx. «vo. Krcslau. 1, 1887 «, 1902 [to p. 110]. Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol. Sociodado Hrotcriana. Boletini Annual. Svo. Coinibra. .3, 1885. Holetini Annual da Sociedado Hrotcriana. Svo. Coimbra. 4, 1886—17, 1900. Colmar Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull. Bulletin de la Six-it-tc d'Histoire Natuii-lk- dc -Colniar. Svo. Colmar. 24-26, 1885. Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc. ... Pi-oocedings of the Colorado .Scientific .Sv 2, 1887-88. Contimied as: Nautilus, i/.r. Conch. Soc. Proc. ^V. Jl. Conch. Conegliano Scuola Vit. .A.nnali della R. .Scuola di Viticoltura e di Enologia in Conegliano. Enol. Ann. f^vo Cone-liano. [Tliird Series.] 1 , 1892 .V 2, 1893. Succei-J^d I'fi: Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. Riv.,erlin. 96, 1884—122, 1900 Croydon Micr. Club Proc. Proceedings and Transactions of the Croydon Microscopical anil & Trans. Natural Histoiy Club. 8vo. Croydon. 3, 1892—5, 1903 [to pp. xliv & 16]. Cumberland Ass. Trans. . Transactions of thi^ Cumberland and Westmoi'land Association for the Advancement of Literature and Science. 8vo. Carlisle. 9, 1885 [from \k 83]— 17, 1893. XXXI 1). Danish Biol. Stat. Rep. Danmarks Geol. Unders. Danzig Schr Darmst. Geol. Landesanst. Abh. IJipnrt of tlif iMiiisli HiolD'^icai Statiuii to the Home Departinciit (liiiiinl of Aj,'riculluieJ. Ito. Kjobenhavn. ',i, 1893 — 5, 1896; 7, 1898 -!», 1900. Hfrclniiif; til Iiiil(Tiri;;sniiiiisteriet fra s.sherzoglicli Hessischen (Jeologischen liHndesjinstalt zu Darmstadt. Hvo. Darmstadt. 1, 1889 — 3, 1899. ,s', 1884 1 1', 1891. Notizblatt des Vereins fur f^rdkunde und der (irossh. Geologinchen I^ndesanstalt zu Darmstadt. Svo. Darmstadt. l."J, 1892 — ■Jl, 1900. Davenport Ac. Proc Proceedings of the Davenport -Veademy of Natural Sciences. 8vo. Davenport, Iowa. 4, 1886—8, 1901. Dax Soc. Borda Bull [Bulletin de la] Societe de Borda, Dax [Landes]. 8vo. Dax. 1884 1900. , Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann. ... Annales de I'Ecole Polytechnique de Delft. 4to. Leide. 1, 1885—8, 1897. Denison Univ. Sci. Lab. lUilletin of [the Scientitic Laboratories of] Denison University. Bull. Svo. Granville. 1, 1885—11, 1902 [to p. 239]. Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztscbr. Zeitschrift des Deutschen und < >e.sterreichisehen Alpenvereins. 8vo. Salzburg. Miincheu. Wien. Berlin. Gniz. 1.5, 1884 — 31, 1900. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med. D.utsches Archiv fiir Klinische Medicin. 8vo. Leipzig. 34, 1884— r,!l, 1901 [to p. 220]. Deutsch. Bet. Ges. Ber. ... Heriehu^ der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft. 8vo. Berlin. 2, 1884—18, 1900. Deutsche Bot. Mschr 1 )(!utsche Botanische Mouatssehrift. 8vo. Sondershauseu. Bielefeld. Leipzi-. .Vnistadt. Berlin. 2. 1884—18. 1900. Deutsche Chem. Ges .sv- Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. Deutsche Elektroch. Ges. .sv- Ztschr. Elektroch. Deutsche Ent. Ges ."«>»■ following; eiitiy. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr Deut.sclu' Entomologi.sche Zeitschrift [(vorlier "Berliner Entonio logisclie Zeitschrift")] herausgegeben von der Deut-schen Entoinologischen Gesellschaft [(bisher " lierliner EntouKilogi- scher Verein ")]. 8vo. Berlin. 2.5, 1881—31, 1887: 1888- Deutsche Ges. Angew. Chem. Deutsche Kakteen-Ges. ... Deutsche Meteorol. Ges. ... Deutsche Seewarte Deutsche Zool. Ges Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg. 1900 [pp. 17-224] .S« Ztschr. Angew. Chem. Sf Mschr. Kakteenk. s,' Meteorol. Ztschr. X'-. Ann. der Hydrogr. Si' Zool. Anz. Tleut.'^che Zeitschrift tur (Jhirurgie. 1901 [to p. 196]. 8va Leipzig. 19. 1884—58, xxxu Deutsche Ztschr.Thiermed. Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Thiernicdiciii mid veigleicheude Patho- logie. "Svo. Leipzig. 10, 1884 — 22, 1897. Continued as : Ztschr. Thiermed., q.v. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verh. YerhaiKlhingen des Deutst-lien Geographentages Svo. Berlin. 1881—1897. Deutsch. Ceol. Ges. Ztschr. Zeitschrift der Deutsehen Geologischen Gesellschaft. Svo. Berlin. .30, 1884—52, 1900. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. . .SVc Arch. f. Anthrop, Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. CorrespoiKlenz-Blatt der Deutsehen Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Corresp.-Bl. Ethnologic und Urgeschichte. 4to. Munchen. 1884 — 1900. [Published with Arch. f. Anthrop.] Deutsch. Ges. Ostasien. Mittheilungen der Deutsehen Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Volker- Mitth. kunde Ostasiens [in Tokio]. 4to. Yokohama. 3, 1880-84 [in part]— 6, 1893-97. Svo. Tokyo. 7, 1898-99 & 8, 1899- 1902 [in part]. Deutschl. Forstl.-Phanol. Jahresbericht der Forstlich-Phanologischen Stationen Deutsch- Stat. Jber. lands. Herausgegeben iui Auftrag des Vereins Deutscher Forstlicher Versuchsanstalten von der Grossh. Hessischen Versuchsanstalt zu Giessen. Svo. Berlin. 1, 1886 — 10, 1896. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. .Jahrbiicher der Deutsehen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft. Svo. Jbiich. Frankfurt am Main. 11 (1884)— U (1887). Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrichtsblatt der Deutsehen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft. Nachrbl. Svo. Frankfurt am Main. 16, 1884—32, 1900. Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber. .Jahresbericht der Deutsehen Matliematikei-Vereiniguug. Svo. Berlin. Leipzig. 1, 1892—9, 1901 [Heft 2]. . Deutsch. Meere Ber Bericht der Commission zur Wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der Deutsehen Meere, in Kiel 4to. Berlin. 7-11, 1884 [in part] — 17-21, 1893. Continued as : Wiss. Meeresunter- BUCh., q.v. Deutsch. Natf. Ber Amtlicher Bericht der Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. 4to. 1877 : 1883, [See also Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl.] Deutsch. Natf. Festschr Festschrift fiir die .59. Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Svo. Bei'lin. 1886. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl Tageblatt der Versammlung Deutsclier Naturforscher und Aerzte. 4to. 1868—1876 ; 1878—1882 ; 1884—1889. [See also Deutsch. Natf. Ber.] Continued as : Deutsch. Natf. Verh Verlumdlungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Svo. Leipzig. 1890—1900. Deutsch. Palaestina - Ver. Zeitschrift des Deutsehen Pahestina- Vereins. Svo. Leipzig. 7, Ztschr. 1884—23, 1901. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verh. Verhandlungen der Deutsehen Physikalisehen Gesellschaft Svo. Leipzig. 1899 & 1900. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verh. Verhandlungen der Deutsehen Zoologischen Gesellschaft auf der Jahresversammlung. Svo. Leipzig. 1891 — 1900. Devon. Ass. Trans lleport and Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of .Science, Literature, and Art. Svo. Plymouth. 10, 1884—32, 1900. Devon & Cornwall Nat. See Plymouth Inst. Trans. Hist. Soc. Dijon Ac. Sci. Mem. Memoires de lAcademie des Sciences, Arts et lielles-Lettres de Dijon. [Partie des Sciences.] Svo. Dijon. [Third Si'ries. | S, 1885—10, 1888. [Fourth Series.] 1, 'l889— 7, 1901. Dlnant, Soc. Nat. Bull. .. Bulletin de la Soeiete des Naturaiistes Diiiantais. Svo. Dinaut. 1884 85-1888. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl Dinglei's Polvtechniselies .lourn.-ii. Stut-ty-Mrt. Svo. 251,1884 — 27.^, 1890. 4to. 279, 1891—315, 1900. XXXIll Donders, Nederl. Gasth. Ooglijd. Versl. Dorpat. Natf.-Ges Dorpat Pharm. Inst. Arb. ... Dorpat Pharm. Inst. Hist. Stud. Dorpat Sber Dorpat Schr Dorpat Univ. Sternw. Beob. Dorset Field Club Proc. Douai Soc. Agr. Mem. Doubs Soc. Mem. 1 Kl vijfi;ntwiiilig).iii;; iJi'sUifin van liirl Ni'ili;rliii|ilscli (iaslliuis vdor Oi);^lij(lcis. Vcrslaj^, tud(.-ii den ■_'" Oclnlxr l^i^l. fvn. Utrecht. •_'."), 1885. Confinn'il ,l,ci)iirl;;. Bcobachtuiijjen der Kaiserlichen Universitats-Sternwarte zu .Jurjew (vormals Dorpat). 4to. IOpi.c'Bt.. .Jurjew. I'J, 1899. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. Svo. Sherborne. Dorche.ster" 5, [1884]— 22, 1901 [in part]. Menioires dc la 8oci(-tr d'Agricullurc, .Sciences et Arts Centrals du Dt'parteinent du Nord seant a Douai. Svo. Douai. [Third .Series.] 1, 1885 .t 2, 1889. Menioires de la Society d Emulation du Doub.s. i^vo. Be.sani;on. [Fifth Scries.] 9, 1885 & 10, 1886. [Sixth .Serie.s.] 1, 1887— 10, 1896. [Seventh Series.] 1, 1897— .^, 1901. .<"■ Iris. Dresden Ent. Ver. "Iris" Corresp.-Bl. Dresden Erdk. Festschr. ... Festschrift zur .Jubelfcier des 25jahrigen Bestehens des Vereins fiir Erdkunde zu Dresden. Svo. Dresden. 1888. Dresden Erdk. Jber .Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Eixlkuudc zu Dresden. Hvo. Dresden. 21, 1885— 2(5, 1898. Dresden Isis Festschr Festschrift der Xaturwissen-sehaftlichen Gescllschaft Isis in Dresden zur Feier ihres .50jahrigen Bestehens am 1 4. Mai 18)S.5. Svo. Dre.sden. 1885. Dresden Isis Sber Sitzungsherichte uiul Abhandlungen der Xatur\vi.s.senschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden. .Svo. Dresden. 1884—1900. Dresden Min. Mus. Mitth. Mittheilungen aus deni Konigliehen Mineralogisch-Geologischen und Prahistorischen Museum in Dresden. 4to. Cassel. Leipzig. (!, 1884—14, 1898. Dresden Zool. Mus. Abh.... Alihandlungen und Berichte des Kbniglichen Zoologischen und .Vntliropologi.sch-Ethnogniphischen Museutns zu Dresden. 4to. Berlin. 1886-87—1900-01 [in {virt]. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci The Dublin .Journal of Medical Science. Svo. Dublin. 77, 1884-110. 1900. Dublin Micr. Club j Dublin Naturalists' Field'- .v, , Irish Natlist. Club ) Dublin, Roy. Soc. Ant. The Proceedings and Papers of the Koyal .S<.H:-ietv of Antitjuaries Ir. Jl. of Ireland. Svo. I>ublin. [Fifth Series] l", 1892. The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Formerly The Royal Historical and Archanilogieal Association of Ireland founded [in 1.S49] sis The Kilkennv Archaeological Society. Svo. Dublin. 2, 1892—10, 1901. K. S. .\. C. tf XXXIV Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans. ... Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans. Dun Echt Obs. Publ Dunsink Obsns Durham Univ. Phil. Soc. Proc. Tho Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Svo. Duljlin. [New Series.] i, 1885—9, 1899-1902 [to p. •474]. The Scientific Tiansaction.s of the Royal Dublin Society. 4to. Dul)lin. [Second Series.] .3, 1883-87—7, 1902 [to p. 312]. The Transactions and Journal of Proceedings of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. 8vo. Dnnifries. 4, 1887 [from p. 8]— 15, 1900. Dun Ivht Observatory Publications. 4to. Dun Echt, Aberdeen. 1, 1876-3, 1885. Astronomical Observations and Researches made at Dunsink, the Obser\atorv of Trinity College, Dublin. 4to. Dublin. 5, 1884—9, 1900. Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1, 1900 & 2, 1907 [to p. 11]. E. Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Transactions of the Eastbourne Natural History Society. 8vo. Trans. Eastbourne. 1 (Ft. .5, 1884)— 3 (1894-1900) [to p. 292]. Echange L'Echauge Organe [mensuel] des Naturalistes de la Region Lyonnai.se 8vo. Lyon. 1, 1885—16, 1900. Eckhard, Beitr BeitrJige zur Anatomic und Physiologic von C. Eckhard. 4to. ,Giessen. 11, 1885 & 12, 1888. Eclairage Elect L'Eclairage Electrique. Revue [hebdomadaire] d[e l]'Electricite •Paris. 4to. 1,1894. 8vo. 2 (1895)— 17 (1898). L'Eclairage Electrique. Revue hebdomadaire des Transformations Electriques-Mecaniques-Thermiques de I'Energie. 8vo. Paris. 18 (1899)— 25 (1900). Eclogae Geol. Helvet Eclogie Geologies; Helveticie. Recueil periodique de la Societe Geologique Suisse. Mittheilungen der Schweiz. Geologischen Gesellschaft. 8vo. Lausanne.^ 1, 1888-90—6, 1899-1900. Ecole Pratique des Hautes .See Etudes Bull. Sci. Math. Astron. Paris, Hautes Etudes Bibl. Paris, Lab. Histol. Trav. Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans. ... Transactions of the Botanical Society. 8vo. Edinbiirgli. 16,1886 — 18, 1891. Cuii/iinierl as .■ Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc. Continuation of: Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical Society 4 to. Edinburgh. 15, 1884. Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. 8vo. Edhdrargh. 19,1893—21,1900. Transactions of the Ediid)urgli Natui-alists' Field Club. S\(). [Edinburgh] 1, 1886 [from p. 136]. Continued as: Edinb. Nat. Soc. Trans., q. v. Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1, 1883— IS, 1900. Tran.sactions of the Ediid)urgh Geological Society. 8vo. Edinburgh. 5, 1888— K, 1905 [to p. 181]. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 8vo. London. Edinburgh. 1,1894; 2,1884 — 19,1901. Transactions of the Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society, instituted as the Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club. 8vo. [Edinburgh.] 2, 1891— I, 1902 | ti> p. I 32]. Continuation oj : Edinb. Field Club Trans., ry. /•. Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc. Edinb. Field Club Trans... Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep. ... Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans... Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc. ... Edinb. Nat. Soc. Trans. ... X X X V Edinb. Phys. Soc. PrOC. ... Pro(cc(liM<, 1878 .v- 0, 1884. Elect. Rev The Klectrical I!.■^il■u. Ito I^ndon. .30, 1892 17, 1900. SiircHsfKir to : Telegr. Jl., (/. i: Electrician The Klirtrician. 4to. London. 1 L', 1884 Mi, 1901 [t4i p. 376]. Elektrotechn. ZtSChr Klektiotecliuisdic Zcitschrift [(C'entrall)latt fui- Lli-ktrotechnik)]. H(*rau.sficgel>en vom [Or'gari de.s] Kli-ktroteclini.sclien Verein[s und dos Verbandcs Deutsclier Elektrotechn ikerj. 4to. IJerlin. 5, 1884—10, 1889. Folio. Berlin. Munchen. 11, 1890— 21, 1900. EIs.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abh. .Miliandluiij,'en zur Geologischen Specialkarte von Elsa-ss-Lothringen. ,-!\<). Strassburg. 1, 1877 .5, 1897. [New Series.] //./? 1, 1898— //«/■< 4, 1900. Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Geologische Specialkarte von Els!i,ss-I>otliringen. Herausge;,'elM'n Erlaut. von der Commis.sion fur die Geologi.sche Ijvndes-UnttTsucliung von Elsji.ss-Lothringen. Erliiuterungen. 8vo. Stra.s.sburg. 1887 - 1898. Emden Natf. Ges. Jber Jahre.sliericht dei- Xatuiforschenden (ieseilschaft in Eniden. 8vo. Emden. 1883 84 [in part]— 1899 1900. Engineers Soc. Trans Society of Engineers. Transactions. 8vo. London. New York. 1884-1900. Engler, Bot. Jbiich Botanische Jahrbiicher fiir Systeniatik, Pflanzeuge,schichte und Ptlanzpiigcoi^raphie herausgegeben von A. Engler. 8vo. Ijeipzig. ."), 1884 L"7, 1900. Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Memoirs of the tieological Survey of England and Wales. Svo. Mem. London. 4 (Pt. 1). 1872; 3 ("ind £•./.», 1881; 1889. Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Memoirs of the (ieologleiil .Survey of England and Wale-s. 8vo. Mem. {/tis/riri) London 1869 1900. Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Memoiis of the \o. Brooklyn, N."Y. I, 1885 86— •">, 1890. Swr-.ts.,)- to : Brookljrn Ent. Soc. Bull., and Papilio, '/.>■. Entomologist The KMtom..|o-isi. .s^,,. |y„„|on. 17, 1884 -33, 1900. Ent. Record The Entomologist's Uecoi-d and Journal of Variation. 8vo. London. 1. 1890 9i- IJ. 1900. Ent. Soc. Trans The Transju-tions of the Entomological Society of London. Svo. I>mdon. 1884 1900. < 2 XXXVl Ent. Tidskr Entomologisk Tidskritt pa Foranstaltande af Entomologiska Fdi'eningen i Stockholm. 8vo. Stockholm. 5, 1884—10, 1889. Entomologisk Tidskrift utgifven af Entomologiska Foreningen i Stockholm. Journal Entoniologique public par la Societe Entomologique a Stockholm. 8vo. Stockholm. 11, 1890 — 21, 1900. Epid. Soc. Trans Tran.sactions of the Epidemiological Society of London. 8vo. London. [New Series.] 3, 1884—19, 1900. Erdel. Muz.-Egyl. Ertek. Az Erdelyi Muzeuin-Egylet Kiadvanyai. Ertekezesek. [Publica- tions of the Tran.5ylvanian Museum Association. Memoirs.] 8vo. Kolozsvart [Klausenburg]. 1, 1887. Erfurt Ak. Jbiich Jahrbiicher der Kdniglichen Akadeniie gemeinniitziger Wissen- schafton zu Erfurt. Svo. Erfurt. 12, 1884—26, 1900. Erlangen Anat. Inst S'er Beitr. Morphol. Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sitzungsberichte der Physikalisch-Medizinischen SocietUt zu [in] Sber. Erlangen. Svo. Erlangen. Miinchen. 16, 1884—32, 1901. Erythea Erythea. A Journal of Botany, West American and General. Svo. Beikeley, California. 1, 1893—7, 1899. Espaha Com. Geol. Bol. ... Boletin de la Comision del Mapa Geologico de Espafia. Svo. Madrid. 11, 1884—2.'), 1900. Espaila Com. Geol. Mem. Meraoiias de la Comision del Mapa Geol6gico de Espafia. Svo. Madrid. 1883—1898. Essex Field Club Proc. ... .Journal of Proceedings of the Essex Field Club. Svo. Buckhurst Hill. 3, 1884 & 4, 1892. Essex Field Club Spec. E.ssex Field Club Special Memoirs. Svo. London. Chelmsford. Mem. Buckhurst Hill. 1, 1885—3, 1898. Essex Field Club Trans.... Transactions of the Essex Field Club. Svo. Buckhurst Hill. 3, 1884 it 4, 1886. Hiicceeded by : Essex Natlist., q v. Essex Inst. Bull Bulletin of the Essex Institute. Svo. Salem, Mas.s. 15, 1884— 30, 1898. Essex Natlist The E.ssex Naturalist; being the Journal of the Essex Field Club. Svo. P.uckhurst Hill. 1,1887—11,1900. Svn-essor to: "Esseii. Field Club Trans., q.r. l^tudes des Gites Mineraux S,-r France Gites Min. Etudes. Exner, Repertm Hepertorium der Physik. Herausgegeben von Pi-. F. Exner. Svo. Miinchen. Leipzig. 20, 1884—27, 1891. F. Falmouth Pnli/is/iiin/ plarr of Cornwall Polyt. Soc. Rep., q.r. Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Tr.uisactions of the Federated Institution of Mining Engineers. Trans. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1,1892—14,1898. Continued as : Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., q.r. Fennia Suomen Maantieteellinen Seura. Sallskapet for Finlands Geografi. Fennia. Bulletin[s] de la Soci('te de Gt'ograpliie Finlantiaise [de Finlande]. Svo. Helsingfor.s. 1,1889—10,1900:17,1899. Feuille Jeunes NaturaL ... Feuille des Jeunos Naturalistes. Svo. Paris 14, 1883-84- 31 [1900-01] [to p. 02} Finist^re Soc. Sci. Bull Bulletin de la Societe d'Etudes Scientifiques du Finistere. Svo. Morlaix. 0, 1884— [11], 1892. Finlande Comm. Geol. Bull, liulletin de la Commission Geologiquo de Finl.-uidc. Svo. Helsing- fors. 1, 1895-98 A- 2, 1898 1902. Finlande Soc. Geogr S/'c Fennia. Finska Vet. -Soc ,S'w Helsingfors, Bidrag. Helsingfors, Ofvers. XXXVll Firenze FirenzeAcc. Georgofili Atti Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl j',>i,i;.s/, Italia Italia Italia Italia Alii .1. '".'/ /' ./„ {Sez. Mfd.) (Arcetri Oss.) SOC. Bot. Bull., y.r. Soc. Ent. Bull., q.r. Soc. Geogr. Bull., 7.7-. Soc. Meteorol. Annu., q.v. I Uiali' .\(i;i'. di Pf-r- fczionaiiieiito in Firenze. Sezione di Scienze Fi.siclte e Natural!. 8vo. Firenze. 1,1877 —39, 1900. Sezione di Medicina e Cliirurgia [e Scuola di Farmacia. Archivio della Scuola d'.Vnatoinia Patological. 8vo. Firenze. I, 1876—20, 1897. IJ. O.ssiMViitorio di .Vrrctri. 4tu. Firenze. /Vuf. 1, 1896 — Fane. II, 1900. Sr,' Riv. Geogr. Ital. Firenze Soc. Studi Geogr. Boll. Flora Flora oder Allgeineine Botanische Zeitnng [friiherj herausgegeben von der Kcinigl. Bayer. Botanisclien Ge.sellscliaft in Regens- burg. 8vo. Regen.sburg. Marburg. 67, 1884 — 87, 1900. Foldt. Kozldn Fcildtani Kiizlony. Havi folyoirat kiadja a .Magvarlioni Foldtani Tiirsulat. *[Egyszei-sniind a M. Kir. Foldtani Intf-zet liivatalos Kiizlonye.] Foldtani Kijzloiiy. ((Jeologische Mittlieiliingen.) Zeitschrift der Ungarisclien (Jeologisclien Ge.sellschaft. (Zu- gleich amtliehes Organ der K. Ung. Geologisclien Anstalt.] 8vo. P.udapest. 11, 1884 [in part] -30, 1900. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg. ... Allgemeine Bauzeitung[niit Abbildungen]. Gegriindet von Professor Clir. Ludwig Fukster. [OesterreicliiscliP Vif-rteljahisschrift fiirden ofi'entliehen Baudienst. Herausgegeben ini K. K. .Minis- terium des Tnncrn.] Folio. Vienna. 49, 1884 — fi.'), 1900. Forsch. Agr.-Phys For.schungen au£ dein Gebiete der .VgrikulturPliysik. 8vo. Heidelberg. 7, 1884—20, 1897-98. Forsch. Deutsch. Landesk. Forscliungen zur Deutsclien Laiide.';- und Volkskiinde ini .Vnftrage der Central Koniniis.sion fiir Wis-senscliaftliclie l.^inde^ikunde von Deutsehland. 8vo. Stuttgart. 1, 1886— I'i. 1901 [to p. I. ")•_']. Fortschr. Math .falubueh iilxM- die Fortschrittv der .Matlieinatik Ix-gnlndet von Carl ()iiRTM.\NN. Svo. Berlin. 1884 1900. Fortschr. Med Fortsohritte der Medicin. 8vo. Berlin. 2 (1884)— 18 (1900). Fortschr. Phys Die Fortsehritteder Pliysik ini.Jalue Svo. Berlin. 1884 1900. Fortschr. Rontgenstr Fortschritte auf deni (iebieteder R(intirenstrahlen. 4t<>. H.indiup' 1, 1897 98— I. 1900 01 [to p. .V.i]. Fortschr. Theerfarben-Fa- Fortschritte der Theerfarbenfalirikation und \erwandter Industrie- brikation zweigc An der Hand der sy.steinatisch geoitlneten und niit kritischen Ainnerkungen versehenen Deutsclien Reiclis-Patente dari;e.stellt von Dr. P. FRiEUi..\ENDKit. 8vo. Berlin. 1877-87— 1897-1900. France Bur. Centr. M^t^o- Ministere de I'lnstruction Publique. Annales du Bui-eau Central rol. Ann. Meteorologique de France. 4 to. Pari.s. 1877 — 1898. France Gites Min. Etudes Ktudes de.s Gite.s Mineniu.x de la France publiees sou.s les Auspices de M. le ^lini.stre des Tnivaux Publics par le Service des Topographies .Souterraines. 4to. Paris. 1881 — 1900. France Serv. Carte Geol. Bulletin des Services de la Cai-te GiW)logique de la France et des Bull. Topographies Souterraine.s. 8vo. Pari.s. 1, 1890 — II, 1900. France Serv. Carte Geol. Carte G.-ologique detaillee de la France- Svo. Paris. Mem No. 1, Mem. 1873. .Mt'-nioires pour servir a I'Explication de la Carte G«''olo<,'ique detailh'-e de la France. 4t«. Paris. 1873 (2' Kd. 1879) : 1879 1897. XXXVlll France Soc. Acclim. Bull. Bulletin de la Societe Nationale d'Acclimatation de France. [(Revue des Sciences Naturelle.s Appliquees.)] 8\o. Paris. .31, 1884—35, 1888; 43, 1896—17, 1900. Revue des Sciences Naturelles Appliquees. Bulletin biniensuel de la Societe Nationale d'Acclimatation de France. 8\o. Paris. 36, 1889—42, 1895. Bulletin des Seances de la Soci^t^ Nationale d' Agriculture de France. 8vo. Paris. 44, 1884—60, 1900. Memoires publics par la Societe Naticjnale dAgriculture de France. 8vo. Paris. 129, 1884—139, 1900. Bulletin de la Societe Botanique de France. Svo. ParLs. 31, 1884—47, 1900. Abeille. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull. Rev. Ent. lisli<'«l liy the Physio ;(i'a]iliical CoiniiiiKsion of the Acadeiiiv of Si-ience.] 8vo. Krakow. I, 1887 -H, 1900; 10 {Pt. \), 1897; 10 (I'l. 2), 1898; \1, 1900. [9 and 11 afu.-r 1900.] Gard. Chron 'I'lic (lardcuets' Clironicie. 4tf>. I»iiduii. [Second Series.] 21, 1884— I'd, 1886. (Third Series.] 1, 1887—28, 1900. Garden & Forest (Jarden and Forest. A •Journal of Horticulture, Lan(l.s<'ji|ie Art and Forestry. Ito. New York. 1, 1888—10, 1897. Gazz. Chim. Ital [La] fJazzetta C'liiinii-a lUiliana. )Svo. Palermo. Kotna. N, 1885— .50 (1900, I't. ■>). Geelong Field Naturalists' >" Wombat. Club Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu. Annuaire du Conservatoire dii Jardin Botanique de Genfeve. 8vo. Gen.'ve. 1, 1897—1, 1900. Geneve, Inst. Nat. Bull. ... Bulletin de llnstitut National Genevois. 8vo. Geneve. 26, 1884 .■!."). 1900. Geneve, Inst. Nat. Mem.... Menioires de I'lnsiitut Nation.il fjenevois. 4to. Geneve. 16, 1886 IS, 1900. Geneve Mus. Hist. Nat. s,, Rev. Suisse Zool. Ann. Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem. \a- Globe. Journal Geographique. Organe de la Societ*- de Geographic de Geneve. [Bulletin et M»'-nioires.] 8vo. Geneve. 23, 1884—40, 1901 [to p. 47]. Geneve Soc. Phys. Mem.... Memoires de la Societe de Phvsiqui' et d'Histoire Naturelle de Gent-ve. ito. Geneve. 29," 1884 87— .{.!, 1898-1901 [in part], it Supplementary Volume 1891. Genie Civil Le tJenio Civil. Re\ue generale des Industries fnin<;aises et etrangeies. 4to. Paris. 1, 1880-81— .iS, 1900-01 [to p. 148]. Genova See Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann. ... Annali del iluseo Civieo rji Storia Naturale di Genova. 8vo. GenoNa. 20, 1884—40, 1899. Genova Mus. Zool. Anat. Bollettino dei Musiei di Zoologia e Anatomia Conipanita della K. Comp. Boll. I'niversita di Genova. 8vo. Genova. 1892-94— 1899 1900. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti Atti della Societa Ligustica di Scieuze Naturali e Geograliche. 8vo. Genova. 1, 1890—11, 1900. Genova Univ. Atti Atti della R. Universita di Genova pubblicati per Decreto ed a Spese del Municipio di Genova. 8vo. Geneva. 6, 1884—15, 1900. Gent Kruidk. Genootsch. .S- Bot. Jaarb. Dodonaea Geogn. Jhefte Geognostische Jahreishefte. !Svo. Cas.sel. Munchen. 1, 1888 — 12. 1899. Geogr. Jbuch Geographisches Jahrbuch. 8vo. Gotha. 10, 1885—22, 1900. Geogr. Jl The tieographical Journal. Including the PrtK-cedings of the Royal (Jeographical Society. 8vo. London. 1, 1893— Iti, 1900. Geogr. (Paris) l>a (ieographie. Bulletin de la Soi-iete de G<-ograp)iie. S\o. Pari.s. 1, 1900 A 2, 1900. CoHlimutlion o/. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. Bull., (j.r. Geogr. Soc. Proc Pr. (s (iravvulma,: 1883 84 |iii |.iiit| —1900-01 |in i«iit]. Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., 7 ■ Steiermark Mittb., 7.1. Graz Bot. Inst. Mitth. .Miitlniliui:;' n .in- d.-m IJntiinisclitJii IiistituU- zu (ii-iz. >*vo. .Iifiia. 1888. Great Britain Geol. Surv. Mcnuiirs nf ilic (U-oloj^iwil Survey uf (iiwit ilriUiin anii nf tlii- Mem. .Musciiin of Pmrtical 'ifoloj^v. iSvo. Iyt4);,'aniie BoUinv and it.s Literature. Svn. London. 1:!, [r885]--22, [1894]." H. Haarlem, Hollands. Natuurkundigi' Vcrhandelingen \an de Hollandscln- M.uitseha|i|iij Maatsch. Nat. Verh. der \\'elensclia|>pen, te Hiuirleni. 4io. Ha-irkni. L 1887 \Hluk I ] it 5, 1903 [.SV"A- 1 it Stuk 2]. Haarlem Kolon. Mus. Bull. Hulletin \.ni hit Knluniaal Museum te Haarlem. Hvo. Amsterdam. |ti|, 1893 L'.i, 1900. Haarlem, Mus. Teyler Arch, .\reliivis du .Musim- Tevkr. Ito. H:uulem. Paris. Leipsic. [Secoiul Series.] •-'. 1886—7, 1902 [to p. L52]. Habana Ac. An Anales de la [KcJil] Academia de Cieficifus .Medicas, Fisieas y Xaturales de la Haliana. lievi.st« Cientifieu. 8vo. Habana. 1, 1864 :!7. 1900. Hague (The) Sf.v 's Gravenhage. Hainaut Soc. Mem .M(■•nloil•e.^ et I'ulilic-aions de la Soeiet/' de.s Science.s, de.s Arts et des Ix'ttre.s du llainaut. 8vo. Mons. [Fourth Series.) 8,1884 — 1(1, 1888 [Fifth Series.] 1, 1889—10, 1898. [Sixth Series.] 1, 1899-;5, 1901. Halifax, Nova Scotia I'lihUxhiini iilnn- ../" N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. 6c Trans., 7. r. Halle Publish iiiii /I'lir- ,./■ Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 7. '■. Leopoldina, 7 ■. Halle Kryptog. Lab. S^. Beitr. Physiol. Morphol. Halle Natf. Ges. Abh. .\l)lian. 1888 X 1 1 1 1 Havre La Haye , Hedwigia I'., I.I, ,1,1 "J I ,i„. Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Geol. Karte Erliiut. Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Festschr. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb. Heidelb. Sternw. Veroff. Helgoland Biol. Anst. Helsingfors, Acta Helsingfors, Bidrag Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Acta Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd. Helsingfors, Ofvers Hereny Astrophys. Obs. Publ. Hermannstadt Hermannstadt Verb Hist. Soc. Herts. Nat Trans. Highland Soc. Trans Hildesheim Roemer-Mus. Mitth. Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc. Homme Hongkong Obs. Obsns Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 7. v. .bV.- Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R., 1884. Urdu i'.'ia. I!in N^.t i/.l/latt tin' Krvptogaiiiiiiche Studien nebst ItcfpiTtoiiuiii fur Krvptogaiiiisclie Literatur. 8vo. Dresden. •j;{, 1884. H(;(hvi;^ia. Organ fUr [sjjocicllej Kry|)toj.;ariierg. 1894 1900. Mitteilungcii cli Folk. Utgifna af Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten. 8vo. Helsingfors. 39, 1884 - CO, 1900. Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. 8vo. Helsingfors. i, 1881 85 20, 1900-01 [No. 1]. [Papers in Finnish not in- (le.xed with the exception of one which has a resume in German.] Mrildelandeu af Societa-s pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. 8vo. Helsingfors. 11, 1885—27, 1901 [to p. GO]. [Papers in Finnish have not been indexed.] Ofversigt af Finska Vetenskaps .Societetens Forhandlingar. Svo. Helsingfoi-s. 26, 1884—42, 1900. Publikationeu des A.strophvsikalisehen Observatoriunis zu Hereny in I'ngarn. 4to. Hereny. 1, 1884. I'lllillnliiml plili-' r./ Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 7. v. Verhandlungen und .Mittlieilungen nierMu.seuiM Hildesheim. 4to. Hil- desheini^. [1, 1895] -13. 1900. Proceedings of the Holmesdale Natural Historv Club for the years Svo. I.ondon. 1884-85—1899-1901 [in part]. I..'Hounne : Journal illustre des Sciences Anthroftologiques. Svo. Paris. 1, 1884-4. 1887. Observations [and Kesearclies] made at the Hongkong Observatory in the year Folio Honckon;;. 1884 1899. xl IV Hortic. Soc. Jl 'Die Jounud of the Pxjval Horticultural Society. 8vo. Jjonddii. 7, 1886—25 (1900-01) [to p. 193]. Hull Geol. Soc. Trans. ... Transactions of the Hull ()eoloi;ical Society. 8vo. Hull. 1,1894 — 5 (Pt. 3), 1903 [in part]. Humboldt Humboldt. Monatssclirift fiii' die Gesaniten Natuiwissenschaften. 4to. Stuttgart. 3, 1884-9, 1890. Humming Bird Tlie Humming Bird. A scientific, artistic and industrial Review. London. Springvale. 4to. 1,1891. 8vo. 2,1892 — .5, 1895. gjS^K t:rku.: * A„„. d„ Hydrcr. Hydrogr. Mitth Hydrographische Mittheilungen. Herausgegeben von dem Hydro- graphischen Bureau der Kaiserlichen Admiralitat. 4to. Berlin. i (1873) ct 2 (1874). Con/in iiM as : Ann. der Hydrogr., 7. r. Hygienic Congresses ,SVv Congr. Int. Hig. Act. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R. Int. Congr. Hyg. Arb. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. Ibis The Ibis, a quarterly .Journal of Ornithology. 8vo. London. [Fifth Series.] 2,' 1884— 6, 1888. [Sixth Series.] 1,1889—0, 1894. [Seventh Series.] 1, 1895—6, 1900. lekaterinenb., Soc. OuraL ''auiicii'ii ypa,ii,ci;aro OOmecTBa .lioOirre.neil EeiPCTBoananiii. Bull. Bulletin de la Societe Ouralienne d'Amateurs des Sciences Naturelles. Ekaterinburg. 4to. •", (No. 4), 1886; S (A'o. 1), 1885—13 (No. 2), 1891-94; li), 1895—16 (No. 2), 1897; 20 (No. 1), 1898—21, 1899. Svo. 14 (No. .T), 1896; 17 (No. 1), 1896—19 (No. 1), 1897. [10 [No. j); 14 (No<<. 1-4); 16 (No. 1) inaccessible.] 111. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull. ... P.ulletin of the Illinois State LaVioratory of Natural History. 8vo. Peoria. Springfield. Urbana. 2, 1890— ■">, 1902 [to p." 47S]. 111. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. Dulletin of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, Springfield. Illinois. 4to, SpringHeld, 111. 2, 1884—12, 1897. 111. Wschr. Ent Illustrierte AVodienschrift fiir Entomologie. Internationales Oigan fill' alle Interessen der Insektenkunde. Offizielles Organ rier- Berliner Entomologischen Gesellscliaft. Svo. Neudamin. 1, 1896 e^: 2, 1897. Continwd a.s -. III. Ztschr. Ent Illustrierte Zeitschrift fiir Entoniologie. [Organ der Allgemeinen Entomologischen GeselLschaft.] Internationales Organ fiir die Interessen der allgemeinen und angewandten Entoniologie wie der Insekten-Biologie. 8vo. Neudamin. 3, 1898—5, 1900. India Agr. Soc. Jl Journal of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of lndi;i. 8vo. Calcutta. 7, 1886 [in part]— 9 (1890-93). CoHfiMiii-(/ !!.■< .- India Agr. Soc. Proc. & Jl. Proceedings and .Journal of the Agricultur.d and Horticultural Society of India. 8vo. Calcutta. 10 (1894 96) A- 11 (1897- 1901)," India ArchaeoL Surv. Rep. Ardueological Survey of India. 8vo. Calcutta. 17, 1884 — 23, 1887.' India Bot. Surv. Records Iteconls of the Botanical Survey of India. 8vo. Calcutta. 1, 1893-1902 [to p. 329], India Geol. Surv. Mem. ... .^^Mlloirs of the Geological Survey of India. 8vo. Calcutta. 1, 1859; 21, 1885-30, 1901 [to p. Ids]. xlv India Geol. Surv. Quart. Notes India Geol. Surv. Records India Geol. Surv. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep. Indian Med. Gaz < icolo^iicul .Survey of Iniiiii iJep.irtiiuMil. i^u.-irU-rlv N'iit4?K. [Folii*. Calcutta.] 1, 1895—4, 1895; 1, 1896 1, 1896; 1, 1897. Kccnrrls iif tlic (ic'ologiciil Survey of InrJiu. Kvo. Calcutta. 17, 1884 -M). 1897. (Iciicral i{cpiiit on llii' Work ('Jirried on Ijv tlip fifologicnl Survey of lii.liii Kvo. Calcutta. 1897 98 1899 1900. Iiiilian.i. |)i|i.iiliiiciit of Cjeolo|;,'y mi'l Natural History [Kesourccs]. Sv... IrKli.uiapoliK. 14, 1884 Ji. 1900. Tlir' hiiliaii .Mi-dical (lazfttc. A Kecoril of .Miilicinc, .Surj^cry, I'ulilii' lli-altli, and of gi-neral medical Intelligence. Indian and Kurcjiean. 4to. Calcutta. 10, 1884 ."{.'), 1900. Indian Meteorol. Mem. Inillan .Meteorolo;;ieal .Memoirs: Iteing ooca.sion:(l 1 'iscuKKionK and ( 'oiiipilatioMs of meteorolo^rieal Data relatin;:; to India and the nc>ij,'lil)ouring Countrie.s. 4to. Calcutta. Sinda. 1, 1876 81 - II, 1899-1901 [to p. 2.j1]; IJ, 1900-02 [to p. :U)]. Indian Mus. Notes Indiiin Museum Notes. 8vo. Calcutta. 1, 1889-91— '«, 1903 [ill '"'"■'I- Innsbruck, Ferdinandeum /eilsclirift >iidc>ri. 4, 1891 — 7, 1893. Cniitiiiiintioii >,/': Lab. Club Trans., '/.'•. Siici-imled hi): London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., y. r. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc. ... Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution ni l 'mi KiiKineers ; Svo. London. 7r). 1884 142, 1900. Inst. Egypt. Bull Bulletin de I'Tnstitut Egvptien. Svo. Ix' Caire. [Second Series.] 1, 1882-1 U, 1890. [Third Series.] 1, 1891— I o. 1900. [Fourth Series. Inst. Egypt. Mem. Menioires i;.,'ypti.'n. 4to. Paris. I>! Cairo. 1.1862 :t. 1900. Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc. Institution of .Mechanical Kniriiie«'rs. Pr/.«■. 1 , 1896 .i. [1900]. \'l. Internationaler Congress fin- Hygiene und Deniographie zn Wien 1S87. Arheiten. Svo. Wien. 1887. Transactions of the Seventh International Congress of Hygiene an;^i<.a il luilia, piildiliaiti- a curtt del H. Cuiiiitatu (J<-i)|ij<,'ifo dt-l He^'nu. 4t«. Kiiciij'.r. Koiiia. 1, 1871-4 {J't. 1'), 1893. Meiiiorlc (k-.si:ritti\i' liclla C'arU geoli>;(ica d' Italia, ^vn. Koiiia. I, 1886 — 10, 1900. Bollcttiiio ilf'l U. Ci)iiiitat, 1884 .(I, 1900. HiiilcttiiiK (Iclla Sccictii i;ijtani<,'a llaliaiia. Xvo. Fii-i'iizc. 1892 — 1900. .Vlli dullii iSocicta C'ritti);.;aiiiulogicu Italiaiia re.sideiiti; in .Milano (K. Orto Botanico di Brera). 8vo. Vari-se. 3 (/>i»;y. .'J), 1884 ct :i {Dixj,. 4), 1885. liidlettiiii) dulla Societii Enttjinologica Italiana. J\o. King\>ton, Jamaica. 1, 1894 it 2, 1899. Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Jajum. fvo. Yokohaiuu. Tr.kyO. 12, 1885—28, 1900. Bulletin of the Imperial Geological .Sur\ev of .lajuin. 8vo. [.'Tokyo.] 1886; 1887 [to p. 203]; 1888 (pp. 99-307]; 1890— 1893 ; 1896 ; 1898 ; 1899. [In Japanese. Part of 1887 Jl- 188J* and tiie whole of 1889, 1894, 189.^, 1897 A 1900 inaccessible.] Triiisiiclions of the .Seismologicjil Society of J apjin. 8vo. Yokohama. 7 {I'l. 1), 1883-84 Hi, 1892. \\niiinued a*: Seism. Jl. Japan, 7.1'. .laluliuch fur das Berg- und Hiittenwescn iui Konigreiche Saclisen. 4to. Freiberg. 1884—1900. Jahrbuch fiir Kinderheilkunde und ph\'sische Erziehuug. 8\o. Leipzig. Berlin. [New Series.] 21,' 1884— .52. 1900. Denkschriften der -Medicinisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena. 4to. .lena. .i. 1893— ti, 1897-1901 [to p. 532]; 7 (1). 1897—8, 1894-1903 [to p. G42j. xlviii Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth. ... Mittlieilungeu dei- geographischen Gesellschaft (fur Tliiiiingcii) zu Jena. [Zugleich Organ des Botanischen Vereins fur Gesanit- thiiringen.] 8vo. Jena. 2, 1884 [in part]— 18, 1900. Jena. Sber. Sitzungsberichte der Jenaisclien Gesellschaft fiir Medicin und Natiuwi.s.senschaft fiir das Jahr 8vo. Jena. 1883 — 1886. Jena. Ztschr .fenaische Zeitsclnift fur NatinwissensL-haft herausgegeben von der Medicinisch-naturwisseiiscliaftlichen Gesellschaft zu .Jena. 8v(i. Jena. 17, 1884—34, 1900. Jern-Kontorets Ann. Jeni-Kontorets Annaler. Tidskrift ftir svenska Bergshandteringen. Svo. Stockholm. [New Series.] 39, 1884—55,' 1900. Jl. Anal. Chem The .Journal of Analytical [and Applied] Chemistr}-. 8vo. Easton, Pa. 1, 1887 — 7, 1893. Aiiudaamafed with: Amer. Chem. SOC. Jl., q.v. Jl, Anat. Physiol. The Jouinal of Anatomy and Physiology, normal and pathological [huuian and comparative]. 8vo. London. Cauibridge. Edin- Inugh. 18, 1884—35, 1901 [in part]. [Contains the Pro- ceedings of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.] Jl. Bot The Journal of Botanv, British and Foreign, .'^vo. London. li'J, 1884—38, 1900. JL Bot., Paris .Journal de Botanique. 8vo. Paris. 1, 1887— U, 1900. Jl. Comp. Path. Therap The Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics. 8vo. Edinburgli. London. 1, 1888 [from p. 101]— 13, 1900. [Pp. 1 — 100 of 1, 1888 inacces.sible.] Jl. Conch The Journal of Conchology. Established in 1874 as The Quarterly Journal of Conchology [ with whicii is incorporated the Proceedings of the Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland]. 8vo. Leeds. 4, 1883-85 [fi'om p. 129]— 7, 1892-94. The Journal of Conchology being the (_)rgau of the Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. S\o. London. Leeds. Manchester. Berlin. 8, 1895-97 & i), 1898-1900. Jl. de Conch. Journal de Conchyliologie. 8vo. Paris. 32, 1884—48, 1900. Jl. Exper. Med The .Journal of experimental Medicine. 8vo. New York. 1, 1896-5, 1900-01 [to p. 318]. Jl. f. Ornith -Journal fur Ornithologie. Deutsches Centralorgan fiir die gesammte Ornithologie. In Verbindung mit der Allgemeinen Deutschen Ornithologi.schen Gesellschaft zu Berlin herausgegeben. 8vo. Leipzig. 32, 1884—41, 1893. .Journal ftir Ornitiiologie. Gegriindet von J. Cakanis. Ini Auftrage der [Allgemeinen] Deutschen Ornithologisclien Gesellschaft herausgegeben. 8vo. Leipzig. 42, 1894 — 48, 1900. Jl. Geol. (Chicago) The Journal of Geology. 8vo. Chicago. 1, 1893—8, 1900. Jl. Int. Anat .See Int. Jl. Anat. Jl. Landw Journal fiir Land wirthschaft. 8vo. Berlin. 32,1884—48,1900. Jl. Malacol The Journal of Malacology. 8vo. London Berlin. 3, 1894 7, 1900. Continuation of: Conchologist, i/.r. Jl. Microgr Journal de Micrograph ie. 8vo. Paris. ,s, 1884— lU, [1892]. Jl. Morphol Journal of Morphology. 8vo. Boston. I, 1887—16, 1900. Jl. Mycol The Journal of Mycology. 8vo. Manhattan. 1, 1885— 4,. 1888. U. S. Dcpai'tment of Agriculture. Section of ^^egetable Pathology. The .Journal of Mycology : devoted to the Study of Fungi, especially in their relation to Plant Diseases. Svo. Washington. 5, 1889—7. 1894. Jl. Path. Bact The Jouinal of Pathology and Jiacteriology. 8vo. Edinbuigh. London. 1, 1893— 7,' "l901 [to p. 136]. Jl. Pharm Journal de Pharuiacie et de Chimie. Svo. Paris. [Fifth Series.] 9, 1884—30, 1894. I Sixth Series.] I. 1895—12, 1900. xlix Jl. Phys Journal (le Pl»ysii)u<' tln'oriquf ft applifiuee. 8vo. Paris. [.Si-coiid Scries.] :{,"1884— 10, 1891. [Tliird .Series.] 1,1892—9,1900. Jl. Phys. Cbem Tin- .Idunml <,( physical Chemistry. 8vo. Ithaca, X. Y. 1, 1896 97 1, 1900. Jl. Physiol Tlic .lounial of Plivsinlogy. 8vo. Cambridge. Ijondun. 4, 1883-84— Jti, 1900-01 [to pp. 124 *, 1884 — 24, 1900. Jl. Trop. Med The Journal of tropical Medicine. 4to. London. 1, 1898-99— 3, 1900. Johannesburg I'lih/ls/iiiir/ /Jurr of S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Jl., '/.i: S. Afi-ica Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc. q.v. Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Mem. Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ. Jurjew S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., f/.r. Meniiiirs from llie l)ioli>i;ical Laboratory of the Johns Ho]ikins University. 4to. Baltimore. 1. 1887—4, No. 4, 1900. Johns Hopkins Universitv, Baltimore. Studies from the biological I^iboratory. 8vo. Baltimore. 3, 1884-87- Tlie .Johns Ho]ikins Universitv Circulars. 4to. 1884 [from p. 46]— [19 (1899—1900)]. ,s'. Miinster i. W. 1886. Coiilitiifd as: \ Havnald-Observatorium Kozlemenyei [a Termeszettudomanyok s foleg a Csillagiiszat korelxil kiadjak a JezusTarsasagi Kalocsai Tanarok. Publications of the Haynald Ubservatory on Natural Science, especially Astronomy, published by the .Tesuit Professors of Kalocsa]. ? 8vo. Budapest. Kalocsa. 1, 1886—4, 1888. Continued as: Publicationen des Haj'nald-Observatorium.s. ? 8vo. Kalocsa. Budapest. 5, 1891—7. 1896. Transactions of the annual Meeting of the Kansas Academv of Science. Svo. Topeka. 1, 1872 {Rfprbtt 1895)— 3, 1874 (Reprint 1896); 9, 1885 [in part]— 16, 1899. 9 1 Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv. ... Kan. Univ. Quarterly Karlsruhe Bact. Inst. Arb. Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verh. Karlsruhe Sternw. Verbff. Kassel Ver. Nat. Abh. u. Ber. Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber Kassel Ver. Nat. Festschr. Kazan Astr. Obs. Publ. ... Kazan Soc. Nat. {Phys.- Maih.) Proc. Kazan Soc. Nat. Proc. Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans. Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Bull. Kazan Univ. Mem. Kentucky Geol. Surv. (Mem.] Kew Bull Kharkov Math. Soc. Com- mun. 4to. [No. 1], 1897; No. 11, [No. 3], 1894; The University Geulogical .Survej' uf Kansas. Conducted under authority of the Board of Regent.s of the University of Kansas. 8vo. Topeka. 1, 1896—6, 1900. The Kansas University Quarterly. 8vo. Lawrence, Kansas. 1, 1893—9, 1900. Arbeiten aus deni bacteriologischen Institut der technischen Hoch.schule zu Karlsruhe. 8vo. Karlsrulie. Wiesbaden. 1, 1897 & 2, 1902 [to p. 163]. Verhandlungen des naturwissenscliaftlichen Vereins in Karlsruhe. 8vo. Karl.sruhe. 10, 1888 [from p. 19] — 13, 1900. Veroffentlichungen der Grossherzoglicheu Sternwarte zu Karlsruhe. 4to. Kailsruhe. 1, 1884—5, 1896. See also Heidelb. Sternw. Veroff. Abhandlungen und Bericht des Vereins fiir Naturkunde zu Kassel. 8vo. Kassel. 40, 1895—43, 1898. Continuation of: Bericht des Vereins fiir Naturkunde zu Cassel. 8vo. Kassel. 31, 1884 [in part]— 39, 1894. Festschrift des Vereins fiir Naturkunde zu Cassel zur Feier seines fiinfzigjahi'igen Bestehens. Svo. Cassel. 1886. Tpyibi AcTpoiioMii'iecKoil OiVepBaTopiii liMiicparopcKaro ViiiiBcp- cirrera. [Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of the Imperial Uni\ersity of Kazan.] Kazan. 1893: [No. 4], 1894; No. G, 1896— A^o. 8, 1898; Ni,. 12, 1900. Svo. [No. 2], 1893; No. 5, 1895; No. 9, 1898; No. 10, 1898. Cofipanie npoTOKo.TOBt .3act>,nanii1 CeKu.iii itiisuKO-MaTCMaTii- 'lecKiixi, HayKi, 06iD,ecTBa EcTecTBoucnHTaTejieii iipii Hiaiiopa- TopcKOMt Ka:3ancK0M'B yHiiBopciiTeTt. [Proceedings of the Physico-Mathematieal Section of the Society of Naturalists of the Imperial University of Kazan.] 8vo. Kazan. 2, 1884 [in part] — 8, 1890. Succeeded hy : Kazan Soc. Phys.- Math. Bull., q.v. IIpoTOi.o.'iH ;5ac1;AaHifi OumecTBa EcTecTBOiiciibiTaTc.ieil iipii riMnepaTopcKOMT, Ka:3aHL'K0M'b yHiiBepcineTl;. [Protocols of the Sittings of the Society of Naturalists of the Imperial Kazan University.] 8vo. Kazan. 1871-72—1900-01. TpyjtH OfimecTBa EcTecTBOiieiiHTaTe.iieti iipii HMiieparoiicKo.Mi. KasaHCKOMT. ymiBepcirrerl;. [Transactions of the Society of Naturalists of the Imperial University of Kazan.] 8vo. Kazan. 12 {No. 6), 1884—34, 1900. Bulletin de la Societe Physico-Mathematique de iT'ii;)nKO-MaTeMaTiiMecKaro OomecTBa iipii Ka:_iaucKOM'i. yiuiBepciiTeTt.. Svo. Kazan. Successor to.- Kazan Soc. Nat. {Phys.-Math.) Proc, 7.^. ytieniii)i 3aiiiicKii Il.iiiiepaTopci.aio Ka:iaii('Karo yiiiiBeiiciiieTa. [Scientific Memoirs of the Imperial University of Kazan.] Svo. Kazan. 1890—1900. [1890 {I'ts. 1-5); 1891 {Pts. 1 & 2); 1893 {Pt. 6); 1895 {Pts. 4-10); 1897 {Pt. 12); 1898 {Pts. 5 & 6); 1899 {Pts. 2 & 9-12); 1900 {I'ts. 1-10 A 12) inaccessible.] Kentucky Geological Sur\ey. 4to. Frankfort, Ky. [1884.] Royal [Botanic] Garden.s, Kew. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Svo. London. 1887—1900. ('oo6inoiii!i XapitoBciv'aro MaTcMaiii'icciiaro OdineciBa. Comnnini- cations de la Societe Walhcmatiijue de Kharko\. Svo. Kharkov. 1884-1887. [Second Serie.s.] 1, 1889— 5, [1896?] [Pis. 1 — 4|. [No more accessible.] Kasan. li:tBl;eriji IhnieiinTopcKO.M'j. 1, 1891—10, 1901. Kiel Komm. Wiss. Unters. .sv, Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Deutsch. Meere Kiel Sternw. Publ I'ul.liralion (l<;r | K.liiigliclicn) Stuniwaito in Kiel. ho. Kiel I.<-ilizif;. [1|, 1873—10, 1899. Kiel Univ. Min. Inst. Mittliciluii;,'i'ii aus deia Mineralo^^isclien Institut der Univeniitat Mitth. Kir-1. .xvci. Kill. Lcipziu'. I. 1892. For contiuucUion nei' : Arch. Anthrop. Geol. Schlesw.-Holst. Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem Itrtiiiiii.ii liirBcKam ()6iucciiia Ivrc'iiBoiiciiurarc.ir'fi. [.Meinoires (le la Socii'ti' enlia\ n. Copenhague. 1, 1882-86 [from p. 77], k 2, 1887-91. Kjobenh., Carlsb. Lab. .MiddeleLser fra Carlsberg Laboratoriet. Udgivne ved Lnlwra- Medd. toriets Best\reise. Avec un resume en fram^ais. 8vo. Kjobenliavn" 2, 1888 [from p. 103; (Hi),, from p. 60)]— .5, 1903 [to pp. XXV it GO ; {Rvs. to pp. xii k G.3)]. Kjobenh., Dansk. Geol. For. Mcddilelsei- fra Dansk Geologisk Forening. 8vo. Kjubenhavn. Medd. 1, 1894—0, 1900. Kjobenh., Dansk. Vid.Selsk. Det Kongelige Danske VidenskalM'riKs Scl-kab-s Skrifter. 4to. Skr. Kjobenhavn. [Fifth S.-rins.] 4, 1856-59. 1898 [pp. 409 -4.54]. [Sixth .Series.] 1, 1880 85 [from p. 397]— 9, 1898-1901 [to p. .300]; 10, 1899-1902 [to p. 90]. Kjobenh., E Museo Lundii E Museo Lundii. En Samling af .\fhandlinger. 4to. Kjolxjnhavn. 1 , 1888 A- 2. 1893 96. Kjobenh. Ent. For .Se- Ent. Medd. (Kjpbenh.). Kjobenh., Overs Oversigt over det l-Congelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskaljs Forhandhnger [og dets Medlemmer.s Arl>ejder i Aaret samt med en Resume du Bulletin de rAcanliavn. 1884 1900. Kjpbenh. Vid. Medd Videnskabeligc !Meddelelser fra den Xaturhistoriske Forening i Kjol>enlia\n. 8vo. Kjubenhavn. 1883—1900. K. K. Ges. Aerzte .V,.; Med. Jbiich. Klagenfurt Pulit'ishimi iilm-r ,,/ Kamten Landesmus. Jbuch., r/.r. Klausenburg .?" Kolozsvar. Konigsb. Phys.-Oekon. Ges. >s'"^ Beitr. Naturk. Preussens. Konigsb. Schr Sihriftin ociety of l.,wow y2 Krain Mus.-Ver. Mitth. ... Krak6w Ak. {Mut.-I'rzyrod.) Pam. Krak6w Ak. {Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr. Krak6w Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw. Kristiania, Geogr. Selsk. Aarb. Kristiania, Norw. Mar. In- vestig. Rep. See Laibach, Mus.-Ver. Krain Mitth. Paniiotnik Akadeniii Uraiej(5tno.sci w Krakowie. Wydziat Mate- luatyczno-Przyrodniczy. [Menioir.s of the Academy of Science in Cracow. Section of Mathematics and Natural Science.] 4to. Krak6w. 9, 1884 [from p. 120]— 18, 1894. Eozprawj' i Si)rawozdania z Posiedzeri Wydzialu Matematyczno- Przyrodniczego Akadeniii Umieji^'tno.sci. [Proceedings of the Section of Mathematics and Natural Science of the Academy of Science.] 8vo. Krakow. 11, 1884 [in part]— 20, 1890. Rozprawy Akademii Umiejt^tnosci. Wydzial Matematyczno- Przyrodniczy. [Proceedings of the Academy of Science. Section of Mathematics and Natural Science.] 8vo. Krakow. [Second Series.] 1, 1891—19 [20], 1902. Akademija Umiejetnosci w Krakowie. Spiawozdanie Komis3'i Fizyograficznej [Academy of Science in Cracow. Report of the Physiographical Commission.] Svo. Krakdw. 18, 1884—34, 1899. Det Norske Geografiske Selskabs Arbog. 8vo. Kristiania. 1, 1891—11, 1900. Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations. Svo. Kristiania. 1, 1900. Lab. Club Trans Transactions of the Laboratory Club. Svo. London. 1,1888 — 3, 1890. Continued as : Inst. Brewing Trans., (j.v. Laibach, Mus.-Ver. Krain Mittheihmgen des Museal-Vereins fiir Krain. 8vo. Laibach. Mitth. 1, 1866—13, 1900. Landshut Bot. Ver. Ber Bericht des Botanisehen Vereines in Landshut (Baiern). 8vo. Landshut. 1 (1864-66)— 16, 1901. Landw. Jblich Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbiicher. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaft- liche Landwirthschaft und Archiv des Koniglich Preussischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Svo. Berlin. 13, 1884 — 29, 1900 & Supplements. Landw. Versuchs-Stat. ... Die landwirthschaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen. Organ fiir natur- wissenschaftliclie Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Landwiith- schaft. Svo. Berlin. 29," 1883— 54, 1900. La Plata PnhHs/iinff place of' Argentina, Inst. Geogr. BoL, ij.v. La Plata Mus. An Anales del Mu.seo de La Plata. Materiales para la Historia fisica y moral del Continente Sud-Ainericano. (Antrop.) Secci6n Antropologica. Folio. La Plata. 1, 1896 * 2, 1897. (Geol. & Min.) Secci6n Geol6gica y Mineraldgica. 4to. La Plata. 1, 1892—3, 1900. (Paleont. Argentina) Paleontologia Argentina. Folio. La Plata. 1, 1891—4, 1896. (Zool.) Seccion ZooWgica. Folio. La Plata. 1, 1893— 3, 189fi. La Plata Mus. Rev Revista del Museo de La Plata. 4to. La Plata. 1,1890-91—9, 1899. Las Cruces PiddixhiiK/ place of N. Mex. Agr. Coll. Bull., it<;stor LitPmiv ami Philosophical .Society. 8vo. I>-ic.«t<-r. 1883 84 i 1884 85 ; I, 1889 •">, 1901. Leiden /'uli/i-i/nni/ jilnri 1,1 Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., gi8cheii Kiich.s .MuKeiiins in L;iden. Ho. Harlem. Haaj;. I, 1868-7, 1897. Leipzig I'liliiinhiiiii jiUir.' i.f Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 7.1. Deutsch. Pala;stina-Ver. Ztschr., '/.r. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verh., 7.1. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verb., q.r. Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Publ... I'lililicuion dn- A^tiMiinniisclicn Ge-sellschaft. 4to. I.*ipzig. 1(<, 1886---' I. 1896. Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Vrtl- Vicrtcliahissclnift der A.stronomischen Ge.sellschaft. 8vo. I>>ipzig. jschr. i;»,'l884— .3.j, 1900. Leipzig Jablon. Preisschr. Prcisschriftcn gckront und herausgegel)en von der fiirstlich Jahlo- ninvski'schen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. 8vo. I^eipzig. 12, 1867— :u;, 1900. Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh. Ahlmndlungeu der niathematisch-physiiichen Cla.s.s)- der Koniglich Saehsischen fJesellschaft der Wissenschaftcii. Svo. Leipzig. 13, 1887— 2^"S Monde.'i. Revue helxloniadaire des Sciences et de 1(11 IS applications Svo. Paris. [Third Series.] 7,1884 — !). 1884. Leyde iLeiden) Se>- Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1895. Leyden Mua. Notes Notes from the Levden .Mu.scuui. J^vo. Leyden. r>, 1884 — 22, 1900-01 [to p. 128]. Lick Obs. Contrib. t'onn-iliutions from the Lick Obsei-vatcir\'. Svo. Sacramento. 1, 1889—5. 1895. Lick Obs. Publ Puhlieations of the Uck Observatory of the University of California. 4to. Sacramento. 1, 1887—4, 1900. Liebig's Ann .Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Svo. LiMpzij;. Heidelbei^. 222, 1884—313. 1900 A- Supplement Ijand, 8, 1872. Liege Ass. Ingen. Annu. .. ^'-f Rev. Univ. Mines. Liege Lab. Fredericq Trav. Univei-site de Ln ge. Institut de Physiologie. Travau.\ du Labora- toire de Leon Fi-edericq. Svo. Paris. Liege. 1. 1886 — 5, 1896. liv Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann. Liege Soc. Sci. Mem Lille Lille Inst. Zool. Trav Lille Soc. Mem Lille Trav. Mem Linn. Soc. Jl (Bot.) (Zool.) Linn. Soc. Trans (Bot) (Zool.) Liouville, Jl. Math Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math.... Lisboa Soc. Geogr. Bol. ... Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans. Liverpool Geol. Ass. Jl. ... Liverpool Geol. Ass. Trans. Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc. Liverpool Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. Annales de la Societe Geologique de Belgique. Liege. 8vo. 12, 1885 — 28, 1900-01 |p|.. 31—98]. 4to. 25 (his), 1899. Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege. 8vo. Londres. Paris. Berlin. Bruxelles. [Second Series.] 11, 1885—20, 1898. [Third Series.] 1, 1899 & 2, 1900. Piibrnihinij ])l<(i'f iif Nord Soc. Geoi. Ann., q.v. Nord Soc. Geol. Mem., q.v. Tra\iiux de ITnstitut Zoologique de Lille et du Laboratoire de Zoologie Maritime de Wimereux (Pas-de-Calais). 4to. Lille. 5, 1887. [4 inaccessible.] Travaux de la Station Zoologique de Wimereux. 4to. Lille. Paris. 6, 1892—8, 1900. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences, de I'Agriculture et des Arts de Lille. 8vo. Lille. [Fourth Series.] 1.3, 1885—21, 1895. [Fifth Series.] Fasc. 1, [1895]— ./?'«.«<'. 6, [1896]. Travaux et Memoires de I'lJniversite de Lille. 8vo. Lille. 1, 1889-91—8, 1900. The Journal of the Linuean Society. Botany. 8vo. London. 20, 1884 [from p. 511]— 34, 1898 1900. Zoology. 8vo. London. 17, 1884 [from p. 371]— 28, 1900-03 [to p. 260]. The Transactions of the Linuean Society of London. Botany. 4to. London. [Third Series.] 2, 1881-87 [from p. 120]— 5, 1895-1901. Zoology. 4to. London. [Second Series.] 2, 1879-88 [from p. 367]— 8, 1900-03 [to p. 97]. Journal de Mathematiques pures et appliquees, fonde en 183G et pul)lie jusqu'en 1874 par Jo.seph Liouville, 4t(). Paris. Third Series.] 10, 1884. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1885—10, 1894. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1895—6, 1900. Memorias da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Classe de Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturaes. 4to. Lisboa. 3 {PL 2), 1865; 5 (Ft. 1), 1875—6 {Pt. 2), 1887. [4 already indexed.] .Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturaes publicado sob OS Auspicios da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. 8vo. Lisboa. 10, 1885—12, 1888. [Second Series.] 1, 1890— 6, [1902] [in part]. Boletim da Sociedade de Geograjihia de Lisboa. 8\o. Lisljoa. [Fifth Series.] Nos. 1, 1885—12, 1885. [Seventeenth Series.] Nos. 1, 1899—6 & 7, 1901. Proceedings of tiie Liverpool Biological Society. 8vo. Liverpool. 1, 1887—3, 1889. [Contains the work of the Liverpool Marine Biological Committee.] Conthme.d as : Proceedings and Transactions of tlie Liverpool Biological Society. Svo. Liverpool. 4, 1890—14, 1900. Liverpool Geological Association. Journal. 8v(). Liverpool. 9, [1889]; 11,1891—16,1896. Continuniion ,,f .- |ji\erpc)ol Geological Association. Transactions. 8vo. Livei-pool. 4, 1884— [S, 1888]; 10, 1890. I'l'oeeedings of the Liverpoiil Geological Society. .'^\o. Liverpool. 4, 1885—8, 1900. Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Li% eipool. Svo. London. Liverpool. 38, 1884—55, 1901 [to p. 114]. [40, 1886 contains the first report of the Li\erpool Murine Biological Connnittee.] Iv Liverpool Mar. Biol. Comm. >'" Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans. Liverpool Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. Liverpool School Trop. LivctpiM.I .ScIkm.I ut ri"|iirt. lt<>, Livci'[>lenients. London ^^'■■■ Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1888. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans., 1891. Int. Congr. Zool. Proc, 1898 London, Fed. Inst. Brewing .lumnal of the Federated lii.stitules of Hrewiiij^ coniainiii;.' llie Jl. 'I'laiisactioiis of the various InKtitute.s Svo. i/jiuloii. 1, 1895 7, 1901 [in part]. SuccfSHor lo : Inst. Brewing Trans., «/.'. London Malacol. Soc. Proc. I'lmeediii^is of tlu' Malacolo^jical iSociety of L/nulon. ^\o. l>iii(loii. 1, 1895 I. 1901 [to p. 149]. London Math. Soc. Proc. Pioceedin^is of tlie London Mathematicul Hociety. Svo. London. 15 (1883-84) ;JI, 1900. London Path. Soc. Trans. 'I'lansaetions of the Pathological Society of London. Svo. London. 35, 1884—51, 1900. London Phys. Soc. Proc... Proccethng.s of the Pliv.sical Society of London. Svo. London. 4, 1884 [in part]; C, 1885—17, 1901 [to p. 66.3]. Lotos Ijuchc de Luxembourg. Svo. Lu.\euilx)urg. 9& 10, 1884 14, 1899. Lyon Ac. Mem .Memoircs de rAcadcinie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon. Sciences et Lettres. Svo. Paris. Lyon. [Third Series.] 1, 1893—6, 1901. CoiUiniuUion of': Lyon Ac. M^m. (Sol.) .Mcinoin-s de rAcndeniie des Sciences, Bel le.s- Lettres et Arts de Lyon. Clas.se.s des Sciences. Smi. Paris. Lyon. [Second Series.] 2G, 1883 84— 31, 1892. Lyon Mus. Hist. Nat. Arch, .\ivliives du Museum d'Histoire naturelie de Lyon. 4to. Lyon. 4, 1887—7, 1899. Ivi Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann Annales de la Societe d' Agriculture, Histoire natuielle et Arts utiles (le Lyon. 8vo. Lyon. Paris. [Fifth Series.] 6, 1884—10, 1888. [Sixth Series.] 1, 1889—5, 1893. Annales de la Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences et Industrie de Lyon. Svo. Lyon. Paris. [Seventh Series.] 1, 1894—8, 1901. Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull. IJuUetin de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Lvon. 8vo. Lyon. Paris. 3, 1884-85—19, 1901. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann Annales de la Societe Botanique de Lyon. 8vo. Lyon. 12,1885 — 2.5, 1900. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann Annales de la Societe Linneenne de Lyon. 8vo. Lyon. Paris. .31, 1885—47, 1901. Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem. Memoires et Comptes-Rendus de la Society de.s Sciences Medicales de Lyon. 8vo. Lyon. 24, 1885 & 25, 1886; 31, 1892—40, 1901. [26-30 inaccessible.] Lyon Univ. Ann Annales de rUni\ersite de Lyon. 8vo. Paris. Vols. 1. 1891 — 9 {Fasc. 2), 1895. Nos. 18, 1895—34, 1897. Fasc. 35, 1898—40, 1898. [New Series.] (1, Fasc. 1), 1899— (1, Fasc. 3), 1900. M. Maandbl. Nat Maandblad voor Natuurwetenschappen, uitgegeven door de Sectie voor Natuurwetenschappen van het Genootschap ter Bevordering van Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkundete Amsterdam. 8vo. Amster- dam. 1882-84 [from p. 19]— 1898. M^con Ac. Ann Annales de I'Academie de Macon. Societe des Arts, Sciences, Belles-Lettres et [d'JAgriculture [de Saone-et-Loire]. 8vo. Macon. [Second Series.] 5, 1885 [in part] ; 6, 1888 [from p. 167]— 12, 1895. [Third Series.] 1, 1896—5, 1900. Madras Jl The Madras .Journal of Literature and Science. 4to. [? 8vo.] [Madras.] 1886-87—1889-94, Madrid See Congr. Int. Hig. Act., 1898. Madrid Ac. Ci. Mem Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas v Naturales de Madrid. 4to. Madrid. 10, [1884]— 19, [1893- 1900]. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An. Anales de la Sociedad Espauola de Historia Natural. 8vo. Madrid. 13, 1884—30, 1901 [in part]. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Fest- Festschrift zur Feier des 25jahrigen Stiftungstages des Naturwis- schr. senschaftlichen Vereins zu Magdeburg. 8vo. Magdeburg. 1894. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. U. Jahresbericht und Abhandlungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Abb. , Vereins in Magdeburg. 8vor Magdeburg. 1885—1898-1900. Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk. ... A Magyar Kiralyi Fiildtani Intezet lllvkonyve. [Annual of the Hungarian Royal Geological Institute.] 8vo. Budapest. 7, 1884-87—31, 1899-1902 [to p. 165]. See a/so Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth. Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum ,SV( Termr. Fiiz. Magyar Termt. Tars ,y«< Termt. Kozlon. Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. iirtekezesek a Matheniatikai Tudomanyok korebol. Kiadja a (JJa/h.) Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. [Memoirs in the Mathematical Sciences. Published by the Hungarian Academy of Science.] Svo. Budapest. 11,1885-1.5,1894. Superseded hy : Ma.th. Termt. Ertes., q.r. Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. Eitekeze.sek a Tc^rmeszettudomanyok korebol. Kiadja a Magyar (7V /•«(/. ) Tudomanyos Akademia. [Memoirs in the Natural Sciences. Published by the Hungarian Academy of Science.] Svo. Buda- pest. 14, i885 [in part]— 23, 1894. Superseded by: Math. Termt. Ertes., q.v. VII Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertes... A M.iKyai- Tudomanyos Akudeuiia EitesiMije. [Report of the }{ 11 n^'ariim Academy of Science.] Hvo. Budapest. IM, 1884 — ■S.i, 1889. , Akadc-niiai Krtesittf a Magyar Tud. Akademia MegbizaHabol. [Report by the Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Science.] 8vo. Budajiest. 1, 1890—11, 1900. Malakozool. Blatter Malakozoologische Blatter. Al.s Fortsetzunj^ der Zeitschrift fOr Malakdzooldfjie. 8vo. Kassel. [New .Series.] G, 1883 — 11, 1891. Malpighia Malpighia. Ra.s.se>pia men.suale di Botanica. 8vo. Messina. Genova. I. 1887 -14, 1900. Manchester Geol. Soc. Transiictions of the Manchester (Jeological Society. 8vo. Man- Trans. Chester. 1 7, 1884 I'li, 1901. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Memoirs of the Literary and Piiilosophical Society of Manchester. Mem. 8vo. I/)nd<>n. [Third Seriew.] 9, 1883. Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. 8vo. Ijondon. 10, 1887. Continued in: Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mcinoiis and Proceedings of the .Manchester Literary and Philo- Mera. & Proc. sdjjhical Society. 8vo. Manchester. [Fourth .Seiies.] 1, 1888—10, 1896. [Whole Series.] H, 1897—1."), 1901 [in part]. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosopiiiral Sorji.ty. Proc. 8vo. Manchester. 2:?, 1884 -L'li, 1887. r'oHruiH«loj,'ical Lalxnatories of the Owens Qdlege. 8vo. Biol. Lab. Stud. Manchester. I, 1886 >t J. 1890. Cnnlinued as : Manchester, Owens Coll. Studies in Biology from the Biological Department of the Owens Stud. Biol. College. 8vo. Manchester. 3, 1895. Mannheim Jber Jahresbericht des Mannheimer Vercins fiir Naturkunde [Veix-ins fiir Naturkunde zu Mannheim]. 8vo. Mannheim. 18iB3-84 — 1889-93. Le Mans J'uh/ishituj place (if' Sarthe Soc. Bull., y.r. Marb. Schr Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesauimten Natur- wissenschaften zu Marburg. 8vo. Marburg. 12 (Abh. 1), 1886-1.3 {Abth. i), 1900. Marseille Fac. Sci. Ann... .\unales de la Faculte des Sciences de Marseille 4to. Marseille. Paris. 1, [1892] 10, 1900. Marseille Lab. Zool. Mar. .sv, Marseille Mus. Ann. Trav. Marseille Mus. Ann (Bull.) Maryland Geol. Surv. Massachusetts Brd. Health Rep. of Mater. Carte G^ol. Suisse R. S. A. C. Annales du Musee d'Histoire naturelle de Marseille publiees sous la direction de J/, le prof. A. F. Marion. Zoologie. Travau.v du L;ibor.atoire de Zoologie Marine, -tto. Marseille. i. 1884-85 ."), 1897-99. Serie il. ISulletin. Notes Zoologiques, Geologiques, Paleon- tologique.s, Varietes. 4to. Marseille. 1 {Fase. 1), 1898; 1 (Fane. -2), 1899 k Supplement. Maryland Geological Survey. 8vo. Baltimore. 1, 1897 — 3 i899. .\nniial Report of the State Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity of .Ma-ssjichusetts. 8vo. Boston, .i, 1884 — 7, 1886. .\nnual Report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts. .-V... HostoM. Is 1887 :!1. 1900. s.. Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz. VIU Mater. Hist. Homme IMatenaux pom I'Histoii-e primitive et naturelle de rHoimue. 8vo. Paris. l!S, 1884 — 22, 1888. For continuation see: Anthrop. (Paris). Math. Ann Mathematische Annaleii. In Verbindung mit C. Neumann be- griindet durcli Rudolf Friedrich Alfred Clebsch. 8vo. Leipzig. 23, 1884—53, 1900. Mathesis Mathesis. Recueil niathematique a I'Usage des Ecoles speciales et des Etablissements d'Instruction nioyenne. Publie par P. Mansion et .J. Neuberg. 8vo. Gaud. Pari.s. i, 1884—20, 1900. Math. Gaz The Mathematical Gazette. London. 4to. Nos. 1 (1894)— 6 (1895). ? 8vo. Vol. 1, 1900. Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn Mathematische und iiaturwi-ssenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. Mit Unterstiitzung der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften und der koniglicli Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft heransgegeben 8vo. Budapest. Berlin. Leipzig. 2 (1883-84) [in part]— 18, 1903. Math. Termt. Ertes Mathematikai es Ternieszettudomanyi Ertesito. Kiadja a Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. [Mathematical and Natural Science Report. Published by the Hungarian Academy of Science.] 8vo. Budapest. 2, 1884 [in part]— 12, 1894. Mathematikai es Termeszettudonianyi Ertesito. A M. Tud. Akademia ill. Osztalyanak Folyoirata. [Mathematical and ' Natural Science Report. .Journal of the third section of the Hungarian Academy of Science.] 8vo. Budapest. 13, 1895 — 19, 1901 [in part]. Math. Termt. Kozlem Mathematikai es Termeszettudomanyi Kozlemenyek vonatkozolag a hazai Viszonyokra. Kiadja a Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Mathematikai es Termeszettudomanyi allando Bizottsaga. [Mathematical and Natural Science Communications referring to home relations. Published by the Permanent Committee on Mathematics and Natural Science of the Hungarian Academy of Science.] 8vo. Budapest. 20, 1885—27, [1901]. Mauritius Roy. Soc. Trans. Transactions cle la Societe Royale des Arts et ties Sciences de Maurice. 8vo. Maurice. [New Series.] 11, 1884—19, 1887. Mecklenb. Geol. Anst. Mittheilungen aus der Grossherzoglich Mecklenburg. Geologischen Mitth. I^ndesaustalt. ito. Rostock. 1, 1892—11, 1900. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch. Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschiehtc in Mecklen- burg. 8vo. Neubrandenburg. 1884—1900. Med. Chir. Soc. Proc Proceedings of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. 8vo. London. [New Series.] 1, 1885 [in part] & 2, 1888. [Third Series.] 1, 1889—11, 1900. Med. -Chir. Trans Medico-Chirurgical Tiansactions. Published by the Royal ISIedical and Chirurgical Society of London. 8vo. London. 67, 1884 — 83, 1900. Medd. Grfinland Meddelelser om Grfinland, udgivne af Commissionen for Ledelsen af de geologiske og geographiske Undersjitgekser i Gr(|)nland. Svo. Kjf^benhavn. 3, 1880-94 [in part] ; 7, 1893— 21, 1899- 1902 [in'part] ; 23, 1899. [-t-G already indexed.] Medical Congresses See Congr. Int. Med. C. R. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. R. Congr. Med. Int. Atti. Int. Med. Congr. Trans. Int. Med. Congr. Verh. Med. Jbiich Mcdizinische Jahrbuchcr. I Icrau-sgegeben von der k. k. Ge.sellschaft der Aerzte. 8vo. W'ien. 1884 & 1885. [New Series.] 1, 1886—3, 1888. lix Med. Off. ilndiai Sci. Mem. Melbourne Obs. Astr.Obsns. Results M^m. Lepidopt., St. Petersb. Messenger Math. Meteorol. Congr. Meteorol. Council ^Meteorol. Off., Int. Met.] Comm. Rep. [Meteorol. Off., Int. Met. Comm. Rep. [Meteorol. Off., Int. Met. Conf. Rep. Meteorol. Off., Met. Comm. Rep. [Meteorol. Off., i Met. Congr. Rep. Meteorol. Off., Met. Council Rep. Meteorol. Off. Monthly Weath. Rep. Meteorol. Off. Quart. Weath. Rep. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl. Meteorol. Ztschr at the Mellxmrnc 1881 84. .\. -M. lioMAMiKK. 1893; '1. 1897. [H l/iii'liiii. ('atiiljri«lm'. 1.3, Metz Ac. Mem. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull. Meudon Obs. Ann. Mex. Com. Geol. Bol. M6x. Geogr. Bol Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol. .Sciciililic .M<-iii«ii-h \>y iiicii>gical Congress at Vienna. Protocols and Appendices. 8vo. I>indon. 1873. Kepiirt of the Meteoroloirical Council to the Hoyai Soeietv for .. svo. Ix)n(loii. 1877 78] [1893-94]. Conlimtation rolo;;ical Otlice for the Year 4to. London. 1884—1887. [.Appendices only indexed.] •Quarterly Weatlier Report of the Meteorological Office. 4to. Lond'.n. 1869—1880. [.\ppendices only indexed.] Quarterly .Journal of the Royal Meteorf)logical .Society. 8yo. London. 10, 1884—26, 1900. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Hemiisgegelien yoii der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft. 4to. Berlin. 1 (1884) i i (1885). Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von [im Auftrage] der Oeslerreichlschen Gesellschaft fiir Meteorologie iind der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft. Uo. Berlin. Wien. ••? (1886) 17 (1900). Metzer Akademic. Litteratur, Wis.senschaft, Kunst und Land- wirthscliaft. Memoires de I'Acafleniie de Metz. I>ettres, Sciences, Arts et Agriculture. Svo. Metz. 6."). 1887 [in part]— 81, 1902. Bulletin de la St)ciete d'Histoire naturelle de Metz. Syo. Metz. 16, 1884— -20, 1898. .\nnales de I'Obseryatoii-e d'Astronomie physique de Paris sLs Pare de Meudon (Seine-et-Oise). 4to. Pari.s. 1, 1896. liolctin de la Comisii'm Geoln^ici de Mexiin. 4to. Mexico. 1895. Continued aw. Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol., ^.r. lioletin de la Soi-iedad de Geognitia y Kstadistica de Republica Mexicans. 8yo. Me.xico. [Fourth •Serit's.] 1888 ;?. 1894. Boletiii del Tnstitnto Geologico de Mexico. 4io. Mexico. 1, la I, 1895- q.t: 14, 1900. ('onlinwilion of M^x. Com. Geol. Bol. /, 2 b M^x. Mus. An Anales del Museo Nacional de Mexico. 4to. Mexico. 3, 1886 [from p. 115] — 6, 1900 [Appendix only]. Mex. Obs. Bol Ministerio de Fomento de la Republica Mexicana Boletiii Mensual del Observatorio Meteorologieo [-Magnetico] I'entral de Mexico. 4to. Mexico. 1, 1888—3, 1890; 1895—1900. Mex. Soc. "Alzate" Mem. Memorias de la Sociedad Cientifica "Antonio Alzate." 8vo. Mexico. 1, 1887—15, 1900. Mhefle. Chem Monatshefte fiir Ciiemie und verwandte Theile anderer Wissen- schaften. Gesammelte Abhandlungen aus den Sitzungsbe- richten der kaiserlichen Akademie der WLssenschaften. 8vo. Wien. 1885—1901 [in part]. Mhefte. Math. Phys Monatshefte fiir Matheniatik und Physik. 8vo. Wien. 1, 1890—11, 1900. Michigan Fish Comm. Bull. See foN.owhu/ entry. Michigan, Fish Comm. Rep Biennial Report of the State Board of Fish Commissioners. 8vo. Lansing, Mich. 1885—1899. [Contains the Michigan Fish Comm. Bull.] Michigan Geol. Surv. Rep. Geological Survey of Michigan. [Report] Svo. Lansing. 5, 1895—8 {Pt. 1), 1900. Micr. Soc. Jl Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, containing its Trans- actions and Proceedings 8vo. London. Edinburgh. [Second Series.] 4, 1884—6, 1886; 1887—1900. Midland Natlist The Midland Naturalist. The Journal of the "Midland Union of Natural History Societies," with which is incorporated the entire Transactions of the Birmingham Natural History & Microscopical Society. Svo. Birniinghani. 7, 1884 [in part] — 16, 1893. Milano, Cagnola Atti Atti della Fondazione Scientitica Cagnola ilalla sua istituzione in poi. 8vo. Milano. 7, 1882—17, 1900. Milano, 1st. Iiomb. Mem. Memorie del Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Classe di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali. 4to. Milano. 15, 1885—19, 1900-04. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti. Svo. Milano. Napoli. Pisa. [Second Series.] 17, 1884—33, 1900. Milano Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. See Milano Soc. Ital. Milano Oss. Brera Pubbl. Publilicazioui del Reale Osservatorio di Brera in Milano. 4to. Milano. 26, 1884—39, 1900. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali [e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale in Milano]. Svo. Milano. 27, 1884—39, 1900. Milano Soc. Ital. Mem. ... Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano e Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali. Memorie. 4to. Milano. 5, 1895 & 6 (Fasc. 1), 1897. Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano. Memorie. 4to. Milano. 6 (Fasc. 2), 1898. MinasG-eraesComm.Geogr. Commissilo Geographica e Geologica do Estado de Minas Geraes. Bol. Boletim. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro. 1, 1894—3, 1895. Boletim da Commissao Geographica e Geologica do Estado de Minas Geraes. Svo. Rio de Janeiro. 4, 1896 A- 5, 1898. Min. Mag The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society. Svo. London. 6, 1886—12, 1900. Minn. Ac. Sci. Bull.' Bulletin of the Minnesota Acailemy of Natural Silences. Svo. Minneapolis. 3, [1891] [in part] & 4, 1896. Minn. Ac. Sci. Occ. Pap. The Minnesota Acadeni}' of Natural Sciences at Minneapolis, Jlinn. Occasional Papers. 4to. Minneapolis. 1, j\'o. 1, 1894. Minn. Bot. Stud. Geological ami Natural Histoiy Survey of Minnesota. Minnesota botanical Studies. Svo. Minneapolis. 1, 1894-98 it 2, 1898- 1902 [to p. 536]. Ixi Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv Rep. Min. Petr. Mitth Min. Soc. Jl. Misc. Ent. ... Missouri Geol. Surv. Bull Missouri Geol. Surv. [Subj Rep. I Geological and Natural Historj' .Survey of Minnesota. Bulletin. «v<). St. Paul. Minneapolis. 1,1889; 2, 1887~N, 1893: lit, 1894. (9 forms the spijcial sub-series entitled: Minn. Bot. Stud., ;^ii-iil Survev iit' .Mis-^nuri. (Subjeet liepji'ts.] X\<>. .Jeflei-son City. [1], 1891- ;(, 1892. Mi.ssouri (lei)ii)(;ii-jil Survry. [Subjeet Hep in Moncalieii. Annuario Storieo Meteorologico Italiano. faboratoire Zoolopique de la Faculte des Sciences de Montpellier et de la Station Maritime de Cette. 8vo. Montpellier. 1, 1885—7, 1900. Montpellier Inst. Zool Trav. Xll Montpellier, Soc. Langued. Societe Languedocienne de Geogr.aphie. Bulletin. 8vo. Mont- Geogr. Bull. pellier. 7, 1884—23, 1900. Montreal Nat. Hist. Soc. .s'.^ Canad. Rec. Sci. Proc. Morlaix FublisJdng place of Finistdre Soc. Sci. Bull., q.r. Morphol. Arb Morphologische Arbeiten. 8vo. .Jciiii. 1, 1892— S, 1898. Super- seded by: Ztschr. Morphol. u. Anthrop., q.v. Morphol. Jbuch. Morphologisches Juhilnich. Kiuc Zeitseiirift fiir Anatomie unci Entwickelungsgeschichte. 8vo. Leipzig. !), 1884—29, 1902 [to p. 281]. MOSCOU See Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R., 1892. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892. Moscou Nouv. Mem Nouveaux Memoires de la Souiete Iiiiperiale des Naturalistes dc Moscou. 4to. Moscou. 1.5, 1898 &, 16, 1898-1905 (Livr. 1 t 2). Moscou Obs. Ann Annale.s de I'Observatoire de Moscou. ito. Moscou. 1, 1874— 10 {Lirr. 2), 1884. [Secoiul .Serie.s.] 1 (Lir,: 1), 1886—3 (Livr. 2), 1896. Moscou Soc. Math See Rec. Math. (Moscou). Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull. ... Bulletin di- la Hociete Imprriale des Naturalistes de Mo.scou. 8vo. Moscou. 58 {Pt. 2), 1884 [in part]— G2 {Ft. 2), 1887. [New Series.] 1, 1887—14, 1900. Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull. ... HsB'tcTBiii HjiiiepaTOpcKaro OomecTBa .Tiooirre.iieM EcreeTBO.-iiianiM, AHTporiOjioriu ii 3Tnorpa(|)iii, cocroHmaro iipii llMiieparopcKOjn. MocKOBCKOMi yHiiBepcirreT'li. [Bulletin of the Imperial Society of Lovers of Natural Science, Anthropology, anfl Ethnography, in connection with the Imperial University of Moscow.] 4to. Moscow. 41 {No. 2), 1884; 43 {No. 2), 1885; 45, 1884; 46 {No. 1), 1885 [in part]— 96 {No. 2), 1901. Moscow Univ. Mem. {Nat YienuA SaiiiicKii HMiiepaiopcKaro MocKOBCKaro yiiiiBopcirreTa. llitit.) Otji'Lit. EcTecTBeHHOiicTopi[>iecKii1. [Scientific Memoirs of the Imperial University of Moscow. Natural History Section.] Svo. Moscow. 1, 1880—7, 1892; 9, 1892—12, 1896. [8 is inaccessible.] Moscow Univ. Mem. {Phys.- yMOHmi yaniicKii HjiiiepaTopcKaro MocicoBCKaro yuiiBcpciiTeTa. Math.) OTJt'iiJi'i. 'I'lisuKO-MaTeitaTiiiecKiii. [Scientific Memoirs of the Imperial University of Moscow. Physico-Mathematical Section.] 8vo. Moscow. 1, 1880—12, 1896. Mschr. Kakteenk [Paul Ahendt's] Monatsschrift fin- Kakteenkunde [ Organ der Deutschen Kakteen-GeselLschaft]. Svo. Berlin. Neudamm. [1, 1892]— 10, 1900. Miinchen Piililisldny place , 1901. .\.tti dclia Accadcmia Pontaniana Ito. Napoli. l<»li. 1. 1887—14, 1901. Succsmr to: Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Napoli, q.r. Nassauisch. Ver. Jbiich... .rahihiiclicr des Na.ssauischen Vereins fiir Nalurkiinde. Svo. Wiesbaden. 37, 1884— •■>4, 1901 [in fwrt]. Nat. Canad. Le Naturaliste Canadien. Bulletin de Recherches, OUs«-rvations et l)ecouvert-ipzif;. .'J, 1884 - I'J, 1900. Neu-Vorpommern Mitth — Miulii'ilmi;L;cii aus dem iiatui-wissenscliaftliclien Vereiii fiir Neu- Voi-|M)iiiiii"'ni iiiul llUgen in Greifswald. Hvo. Berlin. 1."}, 1884 .'.L'. 1901. Newb. Field Club Trans. Tiarisiu (ii.iis <,( the Newbury District Field Club. Kvo. Newburj-. •i, 1886 |fr.,ni p. 240] A •», 1895. Newcastle-upon-Tyne I'uhHsliin.i /,/,„■. ,,/' Fed. Inst. Min. Bngin. Trans., y.r. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., / N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., . Odessii. 9 (No. 1), 1884—2;? (Xu. 2), 1900. New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem. ■taiiiicKii MaTCMaTiiMecKaro OT.it..ieiiiH IIoBojirK-t-iilcKaro OfiuiecTBa (Miil/i. t'iixl.) Ki-TPnBoiiriiFJ'raTC.ieil. [Memoirs of the Mathematical Section of the New Russian Society of Naturalists.] 8vo. (Mes.sa. 1, 1878-19, 1899. New York PiMinhituj jihin- of Torrey Bot. Ciub Bull., r/.r. Torrey Bot. Club Mem., '/.r. N. France Soc. Linn. Bull, liuiietin de la Soci.tf Liun.cniic du Nord de la France. 8vo. Aiiiien.s. 7, 1884 85 lo, 1900 01 [in part]. N. France Soc. Linn. M6m. Memoires de la Societe Linneenne du Nord de la France. 8vo. Amiens. 6, 1885-9, 1898. Nice Obs. Ann. Annales de I'Observatoire de Nice publiees sous les auspices du Huroaii des Longitudes. 4to. Paris. 1, 1899: 2, 1887—6, 1897. Annales de I'Observatoire de Nice publiees sous les auspices de rUniversite de Paris. 4to. Paris. 7, 1900. Nieuw Arch. Wisk Nieuw Archief voor Wiskuude. 8vo. Amsterdam. 1. 1875 — 20, 1893. [Second Series.] 1, 1895 ; 3, 1898 k 4, [1899]. [2, and part of 4 of Second Series, inaccessible.] Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull Bulletin de la Soeiett' d'Etude des Sciences Naturelles de Niines. Mvo. Nimes. 1884—1900. N. Jersey Geol. Surv. Rep. Geolo-rieal Survey of New Jei-sey. Annual Report of the State (ieologist, for the year 8va Camden. Trenton. 1883 — 1900. N.Jersey Nat. Hist. Soc. JI. S,. Trenton (N. Y.) N. Mex. Agr. Coll. Bull New Me.xiro Agricultural College. Experiment Station. I.a.s Cruces, N. M. Bulletin. 8vo. La-s Cruce.s. 1,1890-4,1891; «, 1892. New Mexico C-ollege of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts. Agricultural ExixM-imental Station Bulletin. 8vo. La.s Cruces. .-), 1892 : 7. 1892 .?."., 1900. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann Annales de la St>ciete Ueolo;,'ique du Nord. 8vo. Lille. 11. 1884 [from p. 87]— 29, 1900. Nord Soc. Geol. M6m MiMiioires de la Societe OtK)logique du Nord. 4to. Lille. l(.Vo. 1), 1876-4 (Xn. 2), 1897. Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Tr.msju-tions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Stwietj-. Trans. 8vo. Norwich. .5. 1884 [fi-om p. .j!>7]— 7, 1904 [t4. p. 114]. K. S. A. C. t Ixvi Norges Geol. Unders. Aarb. Norges Geol. Unders. [Aarb.] Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull. Normtaf. Entwg. Wirbel- thiere Northampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl. Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans. Notarisia . Nouv. Ann. Math Nouv. Arch. Miss. Sci. Novitates Zool N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans. N. Staff. Field Club Rep. N. S. Wales Dept. Mines Rep. N. S. Wales Geol. Surv. |Mem. (^'f•o/.)] N. S. Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Geol.) N. S. Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Pal III ml.) N. S. Wales Geol. Surv. Records N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. (Mlirlrily M,„l. Viil.) N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl. Niirnb. Nat. Ges. Abh. ... Nuova Antol. Sci Norges Ge(jlogiske Unders0gelse[s] Aarbog. 8vo. Kristiaiiia. [1], 1891;' 14, 1894; 21, 1896; 28, 1900. Nurges Geologiske Underspgelse. 8vo. Kristiania. [2], 1890 — 13, 1893; 15, 1894—20, 1896; 22, 1897—27, 1898; 29, 1900 & 30, 1900. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de Noiiniindic. 8vo. Havre. I, 1873—20, 1901. Normentafeln zur Entwicklungsgescliichte dei- A\'irbelthiere. 4to. .Jena. 1, 1897 & 2, 1900. Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society and Field Club. 8vo. Northampton. 3, 1884-85—10 (1898- 1900). Natural History Transactions (jf Northumberland, f)urham, and Nt'wcastle-on-Tyne, being papers read at the Meetings of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club. 8vo. London. 8, 1884-89—13," 1900. Notari.sia. Commentarium Phyccjlogicum. 8vo. Venezia. 1,1886 — .^ 1890. La Notarisia. Commentario Ficologico Generale. Parte speciale della Ri vista Neptunia. [Revue trimestrielle algologique. Complement de la Revue Neptunia.] 8vo. Venezia. 6, 1891 — II, 1896. Nouvelles Annales de Mathematiques. 8vo. Paris. [Third Series.] 3, 1884—19, 1900. Nouvelles Archives des Missions Scientifiques et Litteraires. 8vo. Paris. 1, 1891—9, 1899. Novitates Zoological. A Journal of Zoology in connection with the Tring Museum. Large 8vo. Tring. 1, 1894—7, 1900. [The] Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of [Natural] Science [Halifax, Nova Scotia]. 8vt). Halifax, Nova Scotia. 6, 1886 [in part]— 10, 1903 [in part]. [The] North Staffordshire [Naturalists'] Field Club [and Archseo- logical Society]. Annual Report [and Transactions]. 8vo. Newcastle-under-Lyme. Stoke-upon-Trent. Stafford. 1883 — 1900-01 [in part]. Ammal Report of the Department of Mines [and Agriculture], New South Wales. 4to. Sydney. 1875—1899. Department of Mines. Geological Survey of New Soutli Wales. 4to. Sydney. [1], 1887. Continued as : Department of Mines and Agriculture. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of New South Wales. Geology. 4to. Sj'dney. 5, 1894. [2-4 not published till after 1900.] Memoirs of the Geological Survey of New South Wales. Palaeonto- logy. 4to. Sydney. 1, 1888—9, 1895. Records of tjie Geological Survey of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney. 1, 1890—7, 1905 [to p. 28]. Linnean Society of New South Wales. The Macleay Memorial Vt)Iume. 4to. Sydney. 1893. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales. 8v(). Sydney, i), 1885 & 10, 1886. [Second Series.] 1, 1887— 10, 1896. [Whole Series.] 21, 1896—25, 1901. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney. London. IS, "1885—34, 1900. Abhandlungen der naturliistoiisclien (Jesellschaft zu Niirnberg. «vo. Nurnberg. 8, 1891—13, 1900. Nuova Aiitologia di Scienze, Lettere [Lettere, ScienzcJ ed Arti. 8vo. Roma. 73, 1884—174, 1900. Ixvii Nuova Notarisia Nuovo Cimento Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. ... N. Y. Ac. Ann N. Y. Ac. Mem N. Y. Ac. Trans N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull. N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Trans. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl N. Y. Geologist Rep. N. Y. Linn. Soc. Trans. N. Y. Math. Soc. Bull. N. Y. Med. Jl N. Y. Mus. Bull N. Y. Mus. Mem N. Y. Mus. Rep L-i Niinva Xutiiri.siii. I{as8e>;nii [tiiiiic^tralcj coii.sitcnitji alio .Stufliart]. New York Academy of Sciences. Memoirs. Ito. New York. 1 (/'I. 1), 1895 it 2, 1900. Transactions of the New York Aciulemy of .Sciences. Late L3'c<-um • of Natural History. Hvo. New York. 3, 1885— Ifi, 1898. P.ulletin of the American ^Mathematicjil Society. Continuation of the Bulletin of the New Yrtrk Mathematical .Society. 8vo. New York. I^mcaster, Pa. 1, 1895 7, 1901. Transactions of the .\merican Mathematical SIatliematical Society. 8vo. New York. I. 1892— .'5, 1894. Continued a« . N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., ij.i: The New York Mitlical Journal. 4to. New York. 3"J, 1884—72, 1900. University of the State of New York. Bulletin of the New York Sute "Museum. 8vo. AlUny. 1, No. 1. 1892— 7. 1901 [to p. 944]: 8, [1900-01] [top. 22f.]! Memoirs of the New York State .Museum. 4t, 1886 : 41. 1888 : 42. 1889. Univereity of the State of New York. New York State Museum Annual RefX)rt of the Regents. Alljany. 8vo. 43.1890 — I'.t ( Vol. 1 ). 1897 ; .50 ( 15,/. 1 ), 1898—52, 1900. 4to. 49 ( IV. 2), 1898 A- 49 ( 15,/. 3), 1898. IXVlll Nyt Mag. Naturvid Nyt Tidsskr. Fys. Kem. Nyt Tidsskr. Math N. Zealand Col. Mus. Geol. Surv. Rep. N. Zealand Inst. Min. Engin. Trans. N. Zealand Inst. Trans. ... N. Zealand Jl. Sci N. Zealand Pap. & Rep. {Min.) Nyt Magaziu for Naturxidenskabeine. 8vo. Christiauia. 28, 1884—38, 1900. Nyt Tidsskrift for Fysik og Kemi. 8vo. [Kjjdbenhavii.] 1, 1896 — 3, 1898. Nyt Tidsskrift foi- Mathematik. 8vo. Kjabenhavn. 1, 1890— 11, 1900. Colonial Museum and Geological Suivey of New Zealand. Reports of Geological Explorations during 8vo. New Zealand: Wellington. 16,1884—22,1893. Continued in : N. Zeaiand Pap. & Rep. (Min.), q.v. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute of Mining Engineers. 8vo. Auckland. 1, 1897 k 2, 1898. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. 8vo. Wellington, N. Z. London. 16, 1884 [in part]— 32, 1900. The New Zealand Journal of Science. 8vo. Dunedin, N. Z. 2, 1884-85. [New Series.] 1,1891. New Zealand. Papers and Reports relating to Minerals and Mining. Folio. Wellington. 1894 — 1900. Continuation of: N. Zealand Col. Mus. Geol. Surv. Rep., q.v. o. Oberrhein. Geol. Ver. Ber. Bericht[e] iiber die Versammlung des Oberrheini.schen Geo- logischen Vereins. 8vo. Stuttgart. 1884—1900. Observatory, London The Observatory. A monthly Review of Astronomy. 8vo. London. 1, 1878—23, 1900. Odessa Publishing place of New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., q.v. Odontol. Soc. Trans Transactions of the Odontological Society of Great Britain. 8vo. London. 16, 1884—32, 1900. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr Oesterr-eichische Botanische Zeitschrift. 8vo. Wien. 34, 1884 — 50, 1900. Oesterr. Ges. Meteorol. ... See Meteorol. Ztschr. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwresen Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fiir Berg- and Hiittenwesen. 4to. Wien. 32, 1884—48, 1900. Offenbach. Ver. Nat. Ber Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit des Offenbacher Vereins fiir Natur- kunde. 8vo. Olfenbach a. M. 24 & 25, 1885 [in part]— 33-36, 1895. O-Gyalla Astrophys. Obs. Beobachtungen angestellt am Astrophysikalischen Observatorium Beob. in 6-Gyallain Ungarn. 4to. Hall.-. 1, 1879— 15 & 16, 1894. Az 0-Gyallai Astrophysikai es Meteorol6giai Observatoriumon vegzett Megfigyelesek. Beobachtungen angestellt am Astro- physikalischen und Meteorologischen Observatorium in O-Gyalla. 4to. Budapest. [New Serie.s.] 1, 1894-95 A 2, 1899. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep Report of the Geological Survey of Ohio. 8vo. Columbus. 1, 1873—7, 1893. Omis Ornis. Internationale Zeitschrift fiir die ge.samnite Ornitkologie. Organ des Permaneuten Internationalen Ornithologisclion Comite's. 8vo. Wien. Braunschweig. 1, 1885—8, 1896. Ornis. Bulletin d\\ Comite Ornithologique International. 8vo. Paris. 9, 1898—10, 1899. Ornith. Jbuch Ornithologisches Jahrbuch. Organ fiir das pahearktische Faunon- gebiet. 8vo. Hallein. 1, 1890—11, 1900. Ornith. Mber Ornitliologische Monatsberichte. 8vo. Berlin. 1, 1893 — 8, 1900. Ornithologist The Ornithologist. 8vo. Loiidnn. 1,1897. Ixix Ornith. Ool Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak) (Term/. Sza/i) {Orv. Seak) (Termt. Szak) Osnabrtick Jber Ottawa Field -Nat. Club Trans. Ottawa Natlist Ouest France Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull. Oxford Radclifie Obsns. ... Oxford Univ. Astr. Obsns. 'i'lic OriiillioliigiHt anil (Jologist. Hvo. Pawtui-kct, H. I. litnUm, .MaH.s. Il3(lc I'aik, .MuK.s. iJ, 1884 IS, 1893. n/. Knlilyi Mii/cuui-Egvlet Orvos-TeriiK-szcttudoiiiiiiyi S/jikos/.talyanuk [ .Mff the Tran.sj'lvanian Museum Association ] 8vo. I\olo/s\art. ( KlauKonhurg.] Oivosi Szjik. [Mcilical Section.] 1884- 1889. 'r<'riMi-.szettudoniiinyi Szak. [Natural Science S(?ction.) 1884 — 1889. Ertesiti) az Erdeiyi Muzeuin-Egylet (Jr\os-Ternieszettudomanyi Szakosztajyabol Il'roceedings of the Medicjtl and Natural Science Sections of the Transylvanian Mu.seum As8oci;ition ] Xvo. Kolozsvart. [Klau.senburg.] I. Orvosi Szak. [Medical Section.] 1890—1900. II. 'reniii'Nzcttudonianyi Szak. [Natural Science Section.] 1890 1900. Jahresbericht de.s naturwissenscliaftliclien Vereins zu OsnabrOck. 8vo. Osnabruck. 1883-84 1899-1900. Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club Transactions 8vo. Ottawa. Continued ax : 8vo. Ottawa. 1, 1887—14, 1900 [to L', [1887] [from p. .38]. The Ottawa Naturalist, p. 1-fi]. Nantes. [Results of] Astronomical and Meteorological ()lx««prvations nia Series x v. Himdlayan Ftissils. 1 (/V. 2), 1899— 3, 1901. (Jurass. Fauna of Cutch) Series ix. The Jura.ssic Fauna of Cutch. 2, 1900 A- 3 (ft 1) 1900. Ixx (New Series) New Series. 1, 1901 [Parts 1 &. 2], (Pretert. Vert.) Series iv. Indian Pretertiai-y Vertebrata. 1, 1865-85 [Parts 4 * 5]. (Salt Range Foss.) Series xiii. Salt Range Fossils, 1, 1887; 2, 1895; 4, 1889-91. [3 not published before 1901.] (Tert. & Post-Tert. Series .\. Indian Tertiary and Post-Tertiary Vertebrata. 2, 1881- Vert.) 84 [from p. 178]— 4, 1902. (Tert. & Upp. Cret. Series .\iv. Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous Fossils of Western Fauna) Sind. 1, 1871-86 [Pt. 3, from p. 369]. Palaeontographia Ital Palaeontographia Italica. Meinorie di Paleontologia. 4to. Pisa. 1, 1896—5, 1900. Palaeontographica Palaeontographica. Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte der Vorzeit. 4to. Cassel. Stuttgart. 30 (7%. 1), 1883; 30 (Th. 2), 1883-1903 [to p. 90] ; 31, 1885—47, 1900-01. Also Supplement. 8vo. Cassel. Stuttgart. 2, Ablh. 4, 1883— ^6//(. 6-8, 1897. Palaeont. Soc. Monogr Tlie PaUeontographical Society. Monographs. 4to. London. 1, 1848—54,1900; 55,1901—59, 1905; 61, 1907. [55-59 ct Gl done only in part.] Palermo Ace. Atti Atti della Reale Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Belle Arti di Palermo. 4to. Palermo. [New Series.] 9, 1887—10, 1889. [Third Series.] 1, 1891—6, 1902 [in part]. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend. Itendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. 4to. Palermo. 1, 1887—14, 1900. Palermo, G-iorn. Sci. Nat. Giornale di Scienze naturali ed economiche, pubblieato per Cura della Societa di Scienze naturali ed economiche di Palermo. 4to. Palermo. 17, 1886—22, 1899. Palermo Oss. Bull. Meteorol. Bullettino Meteorologico del Keale Osservatorio di Palermo. 4to. Palermo. 14, 1879. Far continuation see : Palermo Oss. Ossvz. R. Osservatorio di Palermo. Stazioni di Valverde. Osser\azioni Meteorol. meteorologiche. 4to. Palermo. [New Series.] 1, [1883] — 6, 1889. Papilio Papilio. 8vo. Philadelphia. 4,1884. Succeeded by : Entomologica. Amer., q. v. Para, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bol. Boletim do Museu Paraense de Historia Natural e Ethnographia. 8vo. Pari, Brazil. 1, 1896—3, 1902 (Fasc. 1). Paris Spe Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1878; 1900. Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R., 1889 ; 1900. Congr. Int. Bot. Act., 1900. Congr. Int. Chronom., 1889 ; 1900. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R., 1889; 1900. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1889. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull Bulletin de 1' Academic de Medecine. 8vo. Paris. [Second Scries.] 13, 1884—44, 1900. Paris, Ac. Med. M^m Memoires de I'Acad^mie de Medecine. 4to. Paris. 34, 1884 — 39, 1901. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R Coniptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Seances de 1' Academic des Sciences 4to. Paris. 98, 1884—131, 1900. Paris, Ac. Sci. Mem Memoires de I'Academie des Sciences de ITnstitut de France. 4to. Paris. 43, 1889—45, 1899. Paris, Bur. Long. Ann. ... Annales du Bureau des Longitudes 4to. Paris. 1, 1877 — 5, 1897. Paris, Bur. Long. Annu.... Annuaire pour I'An public jiar le Bureau des Longitudes. 12iiio. Paris. 1864—1900. Paris, Caus. Sci Causeries Scientifiques de la Socic^tc Zoologique de Prance. 8\d. Paris. 1900 |to p. 280]. Paris, Club Alpin Fran9. Annuaire du Club Alpin Fran(;ais. Svo. Paris. 10, 1884 — Annu. 27, 190L Ixxi Paris, Com. Int. Carte Ciel Bull. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl. Paris, Hautes Etudes Bibl. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem. Paris, Lab. Histol. Trav. Paris, Mem. Savants Etrang. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Cent. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch. Paris Obs. Ann (Mm.). (Obxius.) Paris, Obs. Montsouris Annu. Paris, Poids et Mes. Proc- Verb. Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. Mem. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull. & Mem. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Mem. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull. Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et Mem. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull. I ri'.tiuit (le FiaiRc. Acadt'iiiic dtm ScieiiCL*. Bulletin rjii C'oinit/- Iiitcniatiijiiiil Penimnent pour rExi'-cution Pliot. Paris. 1884 — 1898-99. Meuioires pre.sentes par divers .Savants a rAca*v(). Paris. siininitK Physiologie des Menhchen und der Tliici-f. IliTausj,'<';;cljei) von Dr. E. F. \V. PpLfOKR. 8vo. Bonn. 3:5, 1884-8.5, 1901. The Pharmaceutical Journal [and Transactions]. 4to. London. (Third .Series.] H, 1884—2.5, 1895. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1895 II, 1900. I'hiirniJiccutisehe Zeitwohrift fiir Hu.ssland. 8vi). St. Petersburg. •-'.•5, 1884 :5r,, 1897. .Journal of the .Vcademy nf Natural .Sciences of Philatlelphia. ito. Philadelphia. 9, 1884 95 11, 1897-1901 [to p. tlH] Pharm. Ztschr. Rusaland Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Jl. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc. Proceedinf,'s of the Acadeniv of Natural Sciences of PhiJadclphia Hvo. Philadelphia. 1884 1900. Philadelphia /'-'/.//.*/,//-./ y,A;.-. ../' Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 7.1-. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, t/.v. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans., : Franklin Inst. Jl., i/.r. Philad., Ent. News Ent^niiohjgical News [and Proceedings of the Entoniologicjil .Section of the Academy of Natural .Sciences of Philadelphia]. 8va Philadelphia. I, 1890—11, 1900. Phil. Mag The London, ISdinhurgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and .Journal of .Science. 8vo. London. 17, 1884 — .50, 1900. Phil. Stud. Philosophi.'iche Studien. 8vo. Leipzig. 1, 1883—16, 1900. Phil. Trans Philosophical Tninsjictions of the Roval S• Kosmos iLwow). Kopernika R. s. .\. c. k I.> XXIV Pontif. Univ. Gregor. Popular Astr. Portugal Comm. Geol. |Mem.| Portugal Comm. Trab. Geol. Commun. Portugal Comm. Trab. Geol. [Mem.] Pontiticia Univeisita (iriegoriana. Coatiiiuazione del BuUottiiio Meteorologico dell' (Jsservatcjrio del CoUegio Romaiu) Fondato dal P. Aiigelo .Seccui, d. (J. d. G. Ito. Koma. IS, 1879—28, 1889, No. 1. Continuation of: Roma, Bull. Meteorol., 7.'-. Popular Astronomy. 8vo. Northfield, Minuesota. 1, 1894 — 'J, 1901 [in part]. Commissao Geologico dc Portugal. 4to. Lisboa. 1865 — 1867. [Portuguese and French in parallel columns.] Continued as: Portugal Sec9. Trab. Geol. [Mem.], q.v. Comniuiiicacoes da Commissao dos Tralxilhos Geologicos de Portugal. f>\(i. Lisboa. 1, 1883 87 ct i, 1888-92. Continued as: Portugal Dir. Trab. Geol. Commun., (/.v. Commissao dos Trabalhos Geologicos de Portugal. Commission des Travaux Geologiques du Portugal. 4to. Lisboa (Lis- bonne). 1886 -1892. Continuation of: Portugal Secg. Trab. Geol. Geol. Mem. Mem. q.v. q.v. Continued as : Portugal Dir. Trab. Portugal Dir. Serv. Geol. Comumnica^-oes da Direei;;'io dos Servi(jos Geologicos do Portugal. Commun. Svo. Lisboa. 4, 1900-01. Continuation of: Portugal Dir. Trab. Geol. Commun., q.i\ Portugal Dir. Serv. Geol. Direction des.ServicesGeologiquesduPortugal. 4to. Lisbonne. 1900. [Mem.] Coiiiinuation of: Portugal Dir. Trab. Geol. [Mem.], q.r. Portugal Dir. Trab. Geol. Communicac^oes ila Direc(;ao dos Trabalhos Geologicos de Portugal. Commun. Svo. Lisboa. 3, 1895 98. Coniinnaiioii of: PoTtugaA Comia. Trab. Geol. Commun., q.v. Continued as: Portugal Dir. Serv. Geol. Commun., q.v. Portugal Dir. Trab. Geol. Direc(;ao dos Traljalhos Geologicos de Portugal. Direction des I Mem.] Travaux Geologiques de Portugal. 4to. Lisboa (Lisbonne). 1893 — 1898. Continuation of: Portugal Comm. Trab. Geol. [Mem.], q.r. Continued as : Portugal DJr. Serv. Geol. [Mem.], q.r. Portugal Sec9. Trab. Geol. Seecao dos Trabalhos Geologicos de Portugal. Section des Travaux I Mem.] Geologiques du Portugal. 4to. Lisboa (Lisbonne). 1876 — 1886. Continuation of: Portugal Comm. Geol. [Mem.], ^.r. Continued as: Portugal Comm. Trab. Geol. [Mem.], (/.!•. Potsdam Astrophys. Obs. Publicationen des Astro])hysikalischen Obscrvatoriunis zu Potsdam. Publ. 4to. Potsdam. 4 (Th. 1), 1885— 11, 1898; 13, 1899. [12 not published till after 19U0.] Prace Mat.-Fiz. Prace Matematyczno-Fizyczne. [Mathematical and Physical Paper.s.] 8vo. Warsaw. 1, 1888—11, 1900. Practitioner The Practitioner. 8vo. London. Paris. New York. Melbourne. 32, 1884-65, 1900. Prag, Abh Pojednaui Krai. Ceske Spolecnosti Nauk. ^Vbhandlungen der Kcinigl. Bohniischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. 4to. V Praze. Prag. [Sixth Series.] 12, 1885. Pozpravy Ti'-idy Mathematicko-Piirodovedecke Kralovski Ceske Spolecnosti Nauk. Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Natur- wissenschaftliehen Classe der Konigl. Bohmi.schen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. 4 to. V Praze. Prag. [Seventh Series.] 1, 1886—4, 1892. Prag, Cesk6 Ak. Fr. Jos. Pamdtnik na oslavu padesatileteho panovnickeho .Jubilea jeiio Pam. Velicenstva Cisafe a Krale FrantiJka Josefa I. Vydala Ceska Akademic Cisafe Frantiska Josefa pro Vedy, Slove.snost a llmenf. [Memoirs in celebration of the fifty vears .Jubilee of the reign of H. L * R. M. Francis Joseph 1. Pul)lished by the J5ohemian Imperial Francis .Jo.seph Academy of Science, Litera- ture and .\it.] 4to. Praze. [Prague.] 1898. Ixxv Prag, Ceske Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. (Triili, J) Prag, Fr. Jos. Ac. Sci. Bull. {Mnlh. Nat.) (Med.) Prag, Lotos Abh. Prag Sber. Prag, Sber. Prag Sternw. Astr. Beob. Prag Sternw. Magn. Meteorol. Beob. Preuss. Bot. Ver. Sber. . Preuss. Geod. Inst. Publ. . . Preuss. Geod. Inst. Veroff. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abh. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch. Preuss. Landes-Oekon.-Kol- leg. Arch. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Abh. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut. Pribram Bergakademie Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot. Ilozjjruvy CVskf- Akatlfiiiic C'isare Fniiitihkii Juaeiii pro N'edy, SlovennoHt a Uineiii v Praze. (Trida II.) [Tntiisactions of the Biili<-niiaii lni[>erial Francis Ju»epli Academy of Science, Litera- ture urul .Vrt in Prague. Cla>>.s II.] Hvo. Praze. [Prague.] I, 1892-!*, 1900. Aciuli'Miie (le.s Sciences de I'Enipereur Fran<;oiH Josepli I. (Cenka Akadeniic C'isare Fnintiiikii .Jo.tefa 1.) Bulletin International. Kesunie.s , 1901 [in part]. [1-4 in- accessible.] Al>lian(llungen des Deut^chen Naturwis.senschaftlicli-Medicinischen Vereines fiir Bohnien " Lotos." 4to. Prag. 1, 1898. Zjirdvy o Zasedan! Kralovske Ceskd Spoleinosti Niiiik v Praze. Sitznngsl>erichte der Konigl. Bohni. fJe.sellschaft der Wissen- scliaften in Prag. 8vo. V Praze. Pra;^. 1884. CoiUinvf.J ax : Zpravy o Ziiseflani [Vestnik] Krdlovske Ceske Spolecnosti Nauk. Ti'ida Matheniaticko-Pfiroericl)te der KiJnigl. Bohmischen Gesellscliaft der Wi-ssenschaften. Mathe- niatisch-Xaturwissenschaftliche Cla8.se. 8vo. V Praze. Prag. 1885 1900. .Vstrunomische Beobachtungen iiii der K. K. Stemwarte zu Prag. 4to. Prag. 1884— 1888 91 \- Appeiidi.x. Magnetische und Meteorologische Bcoliachtungen an der K. K. Sti'niwMit.' zu Pra;.'. Ito. Pra^'. 1884-1900. Si-r Konigsberg Schr. Publication des Kdnigl. Preus.s. Geodatischeii Iiistituts. 4to. Kiel. Berlin. 1884 1886. Contimted ax : Vcrdttentlicluing des Konigl. Preussisclien n. Berlin. 4to. 4 (//<■/> 4), 1884. 8vo. .". (//'./(■ 3| 1884—10 (Ue/t 7), 1894. 1.^. (H-fi'V) \- .'> i If./t •1) already indexetl.] Continued a*. Preuss. Geol. Landes- anst. Abh., i/.v. I'.ilauteiungen zur Geologischen Specialkarte von Preu.s.sen unfl den Thuringischen Staaten. 8vo. Berlin. 1870 : Lt'y. 1, 1870— /,/(/. 51. 1892; Lt'g- ">3. 1894—/,/;/. 63. 1898; Lfq. 65, 1895— Z-V^. 69. 1900; U,. 71, 1895— Z/y. 77. 1899; Lfg. 80, 1900 ; Lfg. 82. 1897 >v Lfg. 83, 1897 : Lfg. 8.5. 1898 .v Lfg. 86. 1900; Lfg. 88, 1898 Z/y. 91, 1900. [Lieferungen .52. 64. 70, 78. 79, 81, 84 .t .><7 not published till aft/>r 1900.] .s. . Wien, Berg- u. Hflttenm. Jbuch. .hdiibucher fur \\ i^cnNchiiftliolu- IVitanik. Herausgegeben [Be- t;riindet] vnn [Prof.] Dr N. Pkingsiieim. 8vo. Berlin. Leipzig. 14. 1884 35. 1900. k 2 Ixxvi Progr^s M^d Le Progres Medical. Journal de Medecine, de Chirurgie et de Pharmacie. 4to. Paris. [Second Series.] 1, 1885—20, 1894. [Third Serie.s.] 1, 1895—12, 1900. Psyche Psyche, a Journal of Entomology. 8vo. Cambridge, Mas.s. 4,1890 [from p. 123]— 9, 1902 [to p. 144]. Pulkowa Obsns Observations de Poulkova. 4to. St. Petersbourg. 1, 1869 — 14, 1888 & Supplements. Pulkowa, Obs. Publ Publications de I'Observatoire Central Nicolas. 4to. St. Peters- bourg. [Second Series.] 1, 1893; 2,1896; 5, 1898; 6, 1900; 11, 1898. [All other volumes after 1900.] Q. Quart. Jl. Math The quarterly Journal of pure and applied Mathematics. 8vo. London. 20, 1885—31, 1900. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. 8vo. London. 24, 1884—44, 1901 [to p. 160] & Supplement. Queensland, Ann. Rep. Brit. Annual Report on British New Guinea. 4to. Brisbane. 1888- N. Guinea 89 1898-99. Queensland Mus. Ann Annals of the Queensland Museum. 8vo. Brisbane. 1, 1891 — 5, 1900. Queensland Nat. Hist. Soc. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Queensland. 8vo. Trans. Brisbane. 1, 1895. Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc. The Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland. 8vo. Bris- bane. 1, 1885—16, 1901. Quekett Micr. Club Jl. ... The Journal of the Quekett Micioscopical Club. 8vo. London. [Second Series.] 1, [1884] [in part]— 7, [1900]. R. Railroad & Engin. Jl. Rassegna Sci. Geol. Ital. . Rec. Math. (Moscou) Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas Rec. Zool. Suisse Regensburg Bot. Ges. Regensburg Bot. Ges. Denkschr. The Railroad and Engineering Journal. The American Railroad Journal and Van Nostrand's Engineering Magazine ha\'e been consolidated in this publication. Folio. New York. 61,1887 — 66, 1892. Continued as: Amer. Engineer & Railroad JL, (j.v. Rassegna delle Scienze Geologiche in Italia. 8vo. Roma. 1, 1892 & 2, 1892. MaTeMaTii'iecKiri C6opniun„ ii:)j;aBaeMHH MocKOBCKinn. Maie- MaTiiHecKiiM'i. OBinecTBOMi,. Recueil Mathematique. Public par la Societe Mathematique de Moscou. 8vo. MocKBil. Moscou. 1 1 , [1883-84] [in part]— 2 1 , [19011. Recueil des Travau.x chiniiques des Pays-Bas [et de la Belgique]. 8vo. Leide. 3, 1884-19, 1900. Recueil Zoologique Suisse, comprenant I'Embryologie, I'Anatomie et I'Histologie comparees, la Physiologic, I'Ethologie, la Classifi cation des Animaux vivants et fossiles. 8vo. Geneve. Bftle. 1, 1884—5, 1892. Continued as: Rev. Suisse ZooL, q.v. See Flora. Denkschriften der Koniglich [-Bayerischen] Botani.schen Gesell- schaft zu Regensburg. Regensburg. 4to. 5, 1864 A- 6, 1890. 8vo. 7, 1898. IXXVIl Repertm. Anal. Cbem. Repertm. f. Meteorol. Rev. Biol. N. France Rev. Bot Rev. Bryol Rev. d'Anthrop. [Second Series.] 7, 1884 4, 1889. Fur ctmtinnaliwi Rev. Ent. Rev. Gen. Bot. Rev. Maritime et Colon. Rev. Math. Rev. Mycol. Rev. Quest. Sci Rev. Sci. Rev. Sci. Nat. Rev. Suisse Zool. Rev. Trim. Microgr. Rev. Univ. Mines Rheinpfalz PoUichia Fest- schr. Rheinpfalz PoUichia Jber. Rheinpfalz PoUichia Mitth. Rheinpfalz PoUichia Sep.- Ausg. Kc|)LTtoiiiiiii -ip/.ig. 4, 1884 — 7, 1E[87. For coudnuation sen: Ztschr. Chem. Ind. [.M('T<'0|K).IOril'l<'CKift ('6opiillKX lllIaHacMUll MMI|)-I)aTOI)CEOK) .\Ka,U'Mieii> KavKi. FIo^i. pe.iaKuii'Hj .Ipa I'. 11. KiUb.ta.] Kepertoriuiii fur MeU-orologie, lifrausge(;elj<;ii von n I»r Heinridh WiLiJ. 4t<>. St. Pctc'i-shurK. 0, 1885 17, 1894. l!i-\ lu- l)i(il(ji;ique du Norti de la France. «vo. Lille. [1], 1889 — 7, 1895. Kc\ Uf (Ic Hiitaniquf. Bulletin niensufl de la Sj.i: Re\isui Trinie.stral Micrograliea. Organo del Laboraturio Histo- logico de la Facultad de Medicina de Madrid. Svo. Madrid 1, 1896—5, 1900. Re\ ue universelle des Mines, de la Metallurgie, des Travaux Publics, des Sciences et des Arts appliques a I'lndustrie. Annuaire de TAs-soeiation des Ingenieurs sortis de I'Ecole de Liege. Svo. Liege. Paris. [S-. Riv. Mat. Rivista di Matematica. Svo. Torino. 1, 1891— "i, 1895. Fm- 6 see: Rev. Math. Riv. Min. Crist. Rivista di Mineralogia e Cristallografia Italiana. Svo. Padova. 1, 1887—25, 1900. Riv. Patol. Veg Rivista di Patologia Vegetale. Svo. Padova. Avellino. Firenze. 1, [1893]— 7," 1899.^ Riv. Sci.-Ind Rivista Scientifico-Industriale delle ]>riucipali Scoperte ed Invenzioni fatte nelle Scienze e nelle Industrie. Svo. Firenze. 16,1884 — 28, 1896; 31, 1899 & 32, 1900. For 29 ct 30 see following entries. Riv. Sci. Ind Rivista Scientitica e Industriale. Svo. Firenze. 29,1897. Riv. Sci. jlnd.] Rivista Scientifica. Svo. Firenze. 30,1898. Riv. Sper. di Freniatrla ... [Archivio Italiano per le Malattie Nervose e Mentali.] Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria e di Medicina le.gale [Organo della Societa Freniatrica Italiana.] Svo. Reggio-Eniilia. 10, 1884—26, 1900. Riv. Vit. Ital Rivista di Viticoltura ed Enolo^ia Italiana Svo. Conegliano. 8, 1884—10, 1886. Robin, Jl. Anat Journal de I'Anatomie et de la Physiologie Normales et Patho- logiques de I'Homme et des Animaux. Svo. Paris. 20, 1884 — 36, 1900. La Rochelle See under Charente-Inf. Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science. Svo. Rochester, Proc. N. Y. 1,1891— 3, 1906 [top. 294]. Roma See Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894. Roma, Bull. Meteorol Bullettino Meteomlogico dell' ()sser\atorio del Collegio Romano compilato dal P. Angelo Secchi, d. ('. d. G. 4to. Koma. 13, 1874—17, 1878. Continued as: Pontif. Univ. Gregor., q.r. Roma 1st. Bot. Annu Annuario del K. Istituto Botanieo di Roma. 4t(i. Milano. Roma. 1, [1885]— 7, 1898; 9, 1902 [to p. 9.5]; 10, 1900-01 [Fasc. 1 k 2]. [8 not published till after 1900.] 1 x X i X Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric. Roma, N. Lincei Atti Roma, N. Lincei Mem. Roma, Oss. Coll. Rom. Mem. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem. Rend. Trans. (Roma), Soc. Ital. Mem. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann. Rotterdam Nieuwe Verb. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull. Roumanie Inst. Meteorol. Ann. Roy. Inst. Proc. Roy. Soc. Meteorol. Comm. Roy. Soc. Proc. Russ. Geol. Min. Annu. ... Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl. Itiniilii- filths ni-1 Ijilmnitdiiij ili .Viiatoiiiia Noriimlt- (Ji-lla |{. Kniversitndi U..ina. Hv.i. Koiiia. [I], 1873 7,1899 1900. .\Ui ilcir .Vi'ciiilciiiiH PoiitiHfiii ucce»»or to: Tran.sunti. Ito. Roma. [Third Series.] S, 1884. Meiiiorie di Mateinatica e di Fisica della Soeieta Italiaiia delle Scienze. -Ito. Napoli. Roma. [Third Series.] 6, 1887 — II, 1898. l>(jllettino ilella Soeieta Roniana jK-r gli Studi Zoidogici. i^to. 1899. Contiuufd (us: [Italia], Soc. 8vo. Roma. Torino. ItoniH. 1, 1892 - Zool. Boll., q.v. Puliliiic.izioiii ilella Specola Vaticana. I, 1891 ."). 1898. .Vniiiili deir I'tiicio t'entrale di Meteorologia Italiana. 4to. Roma. [Second Series. ] 1,1880 .'). 1885. Ainiali dell' Utficio C'entrale Meteorolojpco [e Geodinainico] Itali- ano. 4to. lioraa. [Second Seriea] 6 (Ft. 1), 1886—18 (Pt. 2), 1898. Nieuwe Verliandeliiij,'cn van het Batajifsch Genootschap der Pnie- foiidervindelijkc Wijsbegeerte te Rotter>nd>>ii. 10, 1884 [in part] -Id, 1902 [in part]. Sei' Meteorol. Off., Met. Comm. Rep. Proceetlings of the Roval Six-ietv "f Londim. 8vo. London. :?G. 1884 [from p. 186]— 07, 1901: 75, 1905 [in part]. lv,i,t'r(i,iMiii;i' 110 I'eo.ioriii ii Mmicpajoriii Pocciii. Annuaire Geologique e Mineralogique de la Russie. 4to. Bnpiiiami. Varsovie. HoBan-.^.u'KcaiiapiH. Novo-Alexandria. 1, 1896- 97 4. 1900 01. ■/I.';i>iia.ih I'yccKaio 'I'li.iiiKO-XiiMiiMCCKaro 06niecTBa npii IlNiiepa- TOln■KOM^ (".-IIeTCp6yprcK0Mi. ymiBciKiiTCTt.. [Journal of the Russian Physico-Cliemical S«x-iety of the Imperial University of .St. Petersburg.] Svo. r.-neTep6ypn.. [St. Petersburg.] 16, 1884 [in part] — 32. 1900. There are two series of this puhlica- tion, one for the Physical and one for the Chemical Section of the Society ; they have the siime vol. nunib«-rs and dates. Ixxx s. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erlaut. Sachs. Thiiring. Naturwiss. Ver. Sachs. Ingen.- u. Architekt.- Ver. Sachs. Meteorol. Inst. Abh. S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Jl. S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc. S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans. S. Afiican Mus. Ann S. AfHcan Phil. Soc. Trans. Salem, Mass. Salzburg San Fernando Obs. Marina An. (.yetr. 1) (Secc. 2) San Francisco Santiago Santiago de Chile, Univ. An. Saone-et- Loire Soc. Bull. Sci. Sci. Saone-et-Loire Soc M6m. Sao Paulo Comm. Geogr Geol. Bol. Erlauteiungen zur Geologischen Specialkarte des Konigreichs «achseii. 8vo. Leipzig. 4, 1883 ; 7, 1888 ; 8, 1888 ; 10, 1883— 39, 1893; 41, 1885^57, 1885; 59, 1878— 7:i, 1896; 75, 1880— .S9, 1896; 9.3, 1882—104, 1895; 107, 1897; 111, 1877—119, 1890; 124,1885—130,1889; 134,1886—140,1887; 142,1887— 148, 1882; 150, 1898-156, 1885. [2, 120 & 133 not published until after 1900 ; the other numbers absent from the above list ale inaccessible.] tSee Ztschr. Naturwiss. See Civilingenieur. Sec Hannover Architekt.-Ver. Ztschr. Konigl. Sachs. Meteorologischeii Institutes. Abhandlungen des 4to. Leipzig. 1, 1896—4, 1899. The .Journal of the Chemical and MetaHurgical Society of South Africa. 8vo. .Johannesburg. 1, 1898 it 2, 1899. The Proceedings of the Chemical and Metallurgical Society of South Africa. 1 8vo. Johannesburg. Edinburgh. New York. 1 (1894-97) &. 2 (1897-99). Transactions of tlie Geological Society of South Africa. 8vo. .Johannesburg. 1, 1896—5, 1899. Annal.s of the South African Museum. Svo. London. 1, 1899 & 2, 1902 [to p. 116]. The Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. 8vo. Cape Town. 3 (Pt. 2), 1885 [from pp. lix & 64]— 11, 1902 [to pp. xlvii & 235]. Fiih/iahing place (if Essex Inst. Bull., q.v. Piilili.ihiiiy place iif Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., q.v. Anales del Institute y Obser\atorio de Marina de San Fernando, publicados por (^)rden de la Superioridad. Seccion 1". (Jbservaciones Astronomicas. 4to. San Fei'nando. 1892 i 1893. Seccion 2''. Observacioues Meteorologicas [Magneticas y Seismi- cas]. 4to. San Fernando. 1883—1899. I'lihlin/iinij place of , Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., q.v. Puhlighuiij pliiee of Chili Soc. Sci. Act., q.v. [Repiiblica de Chile.] Anales de la Universidad [de Chile. l" Seccion. Memorias Cientificas i Literarias.] 8vo. ' 24, 1864-36, 1870; 38, 1871 & 39, 1871 ; 41, 1872; 45, 1874—50, 1876 ; 52, 1877—107, 1900. [Tiie numbers absent from the above list are inaccessible.] Bulletins de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Saone-et-Loire. Chalon-sur-Saone. 4to. 2, 1884 [in part]— 4, 1890. 8vo. [New Series.] 1895—1898; 5, 1899 & 6, 1900. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Saone-et-Loire. 4to. Chalon-sur-Saone. 5, 1884 [in part]— 7, [1890]. Boletim da Commi.ssao Geographica e Geologica de S. Paulo. 8vo. S. Paulo. 1, 1889—14, 1897. Santiago. 43, 1873; Ixxxi Sao Paulo, Rev. Mus. lUvista do Museu Pjiulista. «vo. S. Paulo. 1, 1895—4, 1900. Paulista Sarthe Soc. Bull Bulletin de la Socit'-tt' d'A;,'riculturp, Sciences et Arts Entoniologique Suisse. 8vo. Schaflfliausen. 7. 1887 10. 119031 rtu p. 290]. Schweiz. Geol. Ges. Mitth. .S" Eclogae Geol. Helvet. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. .S-. Beitr. Geol. Schweiz. >■" Beitr. Krjrptog. Schweiz. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh. Veriiinidhingen der Sdiweizeri-schen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. Actes de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Niiturelles. [Atli della .Societa Elvetica delle Scienze Naturali.] Svo. Luzem, etc. 1883-84 - 1900. Schweiz. Palaont. Ges. Abh. Abh:iiidlungeu der Scliweizerischen Paliiontologischen Ge.sellschaft. Menioire.s de la Societt- Palt'-niitologique Suisse. 4to. Lv<>n. Basel. (;.i,f. r„rli.i. 11,1884 27.1900. Schweiz. Photogr.-Ver See Wien, Photogr. Correspond. Sci. Abs Science Abstracts. Physics and Fllectrical Engineering. 8vo. London. New York, eU-. 1. 1898—4, 1901. Science Science. Candnidge, Mas.s. New York. Svo. 1, 1883— !», 1887. [New Series.] 1, 1895— 13, 1901 [in part]. Folio. 10,1887— 2.f, 1894. Scotl. Geol. Surv. Mem. .Memoirs nf the (Jeological Survev. .Scotland. 8\o. Eurgh. (/>^^7)■l.M (iliusgow. 1897:1900. Scotl. Geol. Surv. Mem. .Memoirs nf the (ieologicjil Survev, Scotland. 8vo. Etlinburgh. iS/,..h 1869—1896. Scott. Geogr. Mag. The Scottish tieographical Magazine. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1,1885 — Hi. 1900. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl. .Journal of the Scottish Meteornloiiioiil Society. 8vo. Edinburgh. London. [Third .>v-rics.] 7, 1886—11. 1900. R. S. A. C. I Ixxxii Scott. Micr. Soc. Proc. & Trans. Scott. Natlist. Scott. Soc. Arts Trans. . S. Dakota Greol. Surv. Bull. Seism. Jl. Japan Procfbdiiig.s and Transactions iif tlio .Scuttish ^Micinscoyiical Society. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1, 1895—3, 1904 [to p. 78]. The Scottish Naturalist. 8vo. Perth. 7, 1883-84— [11, 1891]. For continuation see : Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts. 8\ o. Edinburgh. 1 1, 1887—15, 1903 [to p. 136]. South Dakota Geological Sur\ev. Bulletin. 8vo. Vermillion. 1, [1895] A 2, 1898. Seisniological Journal of Japan. 8vo. [Yokohama.] 17, 1893 — Senckenb. Natf. Gres. Abh. 19, 1894; 4, Trans., q.v. 1895. Continuation- of: Japan Seism. Soc. Abhandlungen herausgegeben von der Senckenbergischen Natur- forschenden Gesellschaft. 4to. Frankfurt a. M. 13, 1884 — 19, 1896 ; 20, 1903 [to p. 247] ; 21, 1899—2.5, 1903 [to p. 242] ; 26, 1902 [to p. 268] ; 28, 1900. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber. Bericht iilier die Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main. 8vo. Frankfurt a. M. 1884—1900. Shanghai I'nblish im/ place of China Roy. Asiat. Soc. Jl., q. v. Shropsh. Soc. Trans Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. 8vo. Shrewsbury. Oswestry. 7, 1884—11, 1888. [Second Series.] 1, 1889—10, 1900. Sidereal Messenger The Sidereal Messenger. 8vo. Northlield, Minn. 1, 1883 — 10, 1891. Continued an: Astr. & Astrophys., q. v. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jahrbuch des Siebenbiirgischen Karpathen-Vereins. 8vo. Hemiann- Jbuch. stadt. 4, 1884—20, 1900. Singapore Roy. Asiat. Soc. .Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 8vo. Jl. Singapore. 12, 1884—34, 1900. Skand. Arch. Physiol Skandinavisches Archiv fur Physiologie. 8vo. Leipzig. 1,1889 — 10, 1900. Skand. Natf. Forh Fiirhandlingar vid det Skandinaviska Naturforskaremotet 8vo. Stockholm. 1898. Skand. Natf. Forh. Forhandlinger[ne] ved de Skandinaviske Naturfor.skeres Mode 8vo. Christiania. 1886. Kjobenhavn. 1892. S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. [Abstract of] Proceedings of the South Loudon Entomo- Soc. Proc. logical and Natural History Society. 8vo. London. 1885 — - 1900. Smithsonian Contrib Smitlisonian Contributions to Knowledge. 4to. Washington. 24, 1885—29, 1903 [in part]; 30, 1895—32, 1895. Smithsonian Inst. Astro- Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian phys. Obs. Ann. Institution. 4to. Washington. 1, 1900. Smithsonian Inst. Bur. Annual Report of the Bureau of [American] Ethnology to the Ejthnol. Rep. Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. 8vo. Washington. 1879-80 1900-01. Smithsonian Miscell. Coll. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 8vo. Washington. 28, 1887—41, 1902 [Art. 1 & 2]. Smithsonian Rep Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condition of the Institution. 8vo. Washington. 1884—1900. [There are two volumes for each year of this serial, one being the Pieport of th(^ U. S. National Museum.] Soc. Bot. Ital. Bull See Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. Soc. Broteriana See Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl The Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. 8vo. Manchester. London. 3, 1884—20, 1901. Soc. Dyers Col. Jl The Jouinal of the Society of Dyeis and Colourists. Bradford, Yorks. I. 1885-16, 1900. Soc. Elvet. Sci. Nat. Atti See Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh. Ixxxii Soc. Ent. Ross. Horae I'i'Vaij I'vcciwio Hinojio.ioiii'icciuiro OdmocTBa bi. r.-IIen'|/iy|ii I,. Honi- Societatis Eiitomolugica; KossicH.- variiH HenaoiiiljuH in Kossiii uKitatis editse. 8vo. C.-neTepfivpn.. Pctrop'ili. IS, 1883 84 I in part)— 34, 1900. Soc. Franp. Bot. SV- Rev. Bot. Soc. Fran?. Ent. .SV- Rev. Ent. Soc. Freniatr. Ital iV Riv. Sper. di Freniatria. Soc. G^ogr. Finland. S>f Fennia. Soc. G6oI. Belg. Ann See Li6ge, Soc. G6ol. Belg. Ann. Soc. Geol. Suisse s,r Eclogae Geol. Helvet. Soc. Helvet. Sci. Nat. Act. .V-v Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb. Soc. Ital. Antrop Set- Arch. Antropologia. Soc. Ital. Fis. See, Nuovo Cimento. Soc. Ital. Micr. Boll See Acireale, Soc. Ital. Micr. Boll. Soc. Ital. Sci. See (Romai, Soc. Ital. Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Se,- Milano, Soc. Ital. Soc. Ligust. Sci.Nat.Geogr. Sr,> Geneva, Soc. Ligust. Atti. Soc. Malacol. de France .S" Ann. Malacol. Soc. Malacol. Ital. Bull. ... See Bull. Malacol. Ital. Soc. Meteorol. Ital. See Moncalieri Oss. Boll. Soc. Mex. Hist. Nat See Naturaleza. Soc. Nat. Sicil See Nat. Sicil. Soc. Pharm. d'Anvers b't- Anvers, Jl. de Pharm. Soc. Public Analysts See Analyst. Soc. Speleol. Se, Spelunca, Paris. Soc. Telegr.-Engin. & .V-. Telegr. Engin. Jl. Elect. Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. s'.»= Pisa Soc. Tosc. Soc. Ven. -Trent. Sci. Nat. .sv. Padova Soc. Sci. Soc. Zool. Suisse Ann. See Rev. Suisse Zool. Soc. Zool. Tokyon See Annot. Zool. Jap. Somersetsh. Soc. Proc. SomersetsliiiL- Arcliieoiugical and Niitui-al History .Society's Pro- ceedings. 4U). Taunton. .30, 1885— +(>, 1900. Spelunca, Paris Spelunca. Bulletin de la Societo dc fSpeleologie. 8vo. Paris 1895—1900. Sperimentale lj\ Speriinentale. (iiornalc Italiaim di Scicuzc Mediche. Svo. Fiicuzf. ">3, 1884—60, 1890. Lo Sperimentale. Giornale Medicfi. Svo. Firenze Sienji 1891 1895. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem. . M. inoiie della Societa degli Spettioscopi.sti Italiani. 4t<>. I{..iii.u 11, 1883 [in part]; 1.3, 1885 -JO, 1901. Stavanger Mus. Aarsber. Stavanger Mu.seuuis AarsU-retning. .^vo. Stavanger. 1890 - 1900. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital. ... Le iStazioni Sperimeutali Agrarie Italiaiie. Organo delle .Stazioni .\gi-arie o dei Uilxiratori di C'liimica Agraria del Regno Svo. Uonia. Asti. ModiMia. 14, 1888—33, 1900. [Parts ..f 30, 31 A 33 inacoe.s-sible. ] Steiermark Mitth Mittheilungeu de.s Xatuiwi.sscn.'schaftlichen V'ereines fur Steierinark. Svo. Craz. 1884 1899. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. ISuUetin de la Six;iete de llndu.strie .Minenile. 8vo. Saint Eticnne. Min. [Second Series?.] 13. 1884 — l."i, 1886. [Thii-d .Serits.] 1, 1887-14, 1900. Stettin, Ent. Ztg. Eiiteu von dein Entoinnlogi- sclien Vereine zu .Stettin. Svo. .Stettin. 4.J, 1884—61, 1900. St. Gallen, Ber Bericht iilier die Thatigkeit der St. Gallischen Naturwissenschaft- lichen Gcsellscliaft. Svn. St. tJallen. 1883-84— 1898 99. Stirling Field Club Trans. Stirling Field Cluh Tran.sactions. 8vo. .Stirling. 1878-79. Continued an : 1-2 Ixxxiv Stirling Soc. Trans. . Stirling Natural Histmy and Areha>i>lof;ical Society. Transactions, 8vo. Stirling. 1883 84 el- 1884-85 ; 1887-83—1899-1900. Transactions of the Stirling Natural History and Archa-ologicai Society. 8vo. Stirling. 1885-86 A 1886-87. St. John, N.B I'ltlilixhiiKj plnci' of N. Brunsw. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull., q.v. St. Louis Ac. Trans. ... The Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. 8vo. St. Loui.s. 4, 1886 [in part]— 10 (1900). St. Louis, Bot. Gard. Rep. Missouri Botanical Garden. 8vo. St. Louis, Mo. 1891 — 1900. Stockh. Ak. Handl. . Kongliga Svenska VetenskapsAkadeniiens Handlingar. 4to. Stockholm. 20, 1881-84 [from No. 2]— 33, 1900. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang Bihang till Kongl. Svenska Veten.skaps-Akademiens Handlingar. 8vo. Stockholm. 8, 1883-84—25, 1900. Stockh., Ak. Lefhadsteckn. See Stockh., Vet. Ak. Lefnadsteckn. Stockh. Bot. Sallsk. See Bot. Centrbl. See Bot. Notiser. Stockh. Ent. For See Ent. Tidskr. Stockh. Geol. For. Fdrh. Geologiska Foreuingens i Stockholm Furhandlingar. 8vo. Stock- holm. 7, 1884 A 85—22, 1900. Stockh., Horti Bergiani Acta Horti Bergiani. Meddelanden fran Kongl. Svenska Veten- Acta skaps-Akademiens Ti-adgard Bergielund utgifna af Bergianska Stiftel.ser. 4to. Stockholm. 1, 1891— 3 {Afd. 1), 1897-1903 {Kos. 1 A & 1 B], Stockh. Obs. Astr. laktt. ... A.stronomiska lakttagelser och Undersokningar anstalda pii Stock- holms Observatorium. 4to. Stockholm. 1, 1880—6, 1904 .. {Haft. 2-4]. Stockh., Ofvers Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar. 8vo. Stockholm. 1884—1900. Stockh., Sver. Geol. Unders. Sveriges Geologiska Undersukning. {.SV/-. Aa) Ser. Aa. 8vo. Stockholm. 1, 1862—114, 1898. {Ser. Ah) \Ser. Ac) \Ser. Ba) (.Ser. Bb) Ser. Ab. Ser. Ac. Ser. Ba. Ser. Bb. 1.-1, 1893. 1, 1877 1898. 1, 18?? —5, 1898. 1 A- 2, 1881; -5, 1887—9, 1900. {Ser. C) (Ser. Ca). Stockh., Vet. Ak. Lefnad- steckn. Stockh., Ymer St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. M^m. 8vo. Stockliolni. 8vo. Stockholm. 8vo. Stockholm. Stockholm. 8vo. 4to. 3, 1883 k 4, 1889. Ser. C. 8vo. 4to. Stockholm. 1, 1868— [183], 1900. 1, 1868; 2, 1868; 6, 1872; 17, 1877; 25, 1878: 30, 1876; 32, 1879; 34, 1879; 35, 1879; 51, 1882; GO, 1883; 81, 1886; 83, 1886; 90, 1887; 109, 1890—111, 1890; 113, 1890; 123, 1892; 125, 1892—127, 1892; 130, 1893; 146, 1895; 149, 1895; 151, 1895; 156, 1895; 158, 1896; 162, 1896; 1^<0, 1899— [183], 1900 are 8vo, the others 4to. Ser. Ca. 4to. Stockholm." 1, 1900. Lefnadsteckningar ofver Kongl. Svenska Vetenskap.s-Akademiens eiter ar 1854 aflidna Ledamoter. 8vo. Stockholm. 3, 1886- 94—4 [H/t. 3), 1903. Ymer. Tid.skrift utgi£\-en af Svenska Sallskapet for Antropologi och Geografi. 8vo. Stockholm. 4, 1885-20, 1901. Bulletin Scientifique public par rAcademie Imperiale des Sciences de Saint P^tersbourg. 4to. St. Petersbourg. Leipzig. 7, 1840—10, 1842. Bulletin de I'AcadOniie Imp(5riale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. 4to. St. Petersbourg. 29, 1884—36. [1894]. H.-tBterifl HMiiepaToiiciioii Ai;a,teMiii Hayin.. Bulletin de I'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. -Petersbourg. 4to. IIeTepf)Vl)n,. St. Petersbourg. [Fifth Series] 1, 1894—13, 1900. Memoires de I'Academie I nipcriale des Sciences de Saint-Petersbourg. 4to. Saint-Petersbourg. [Seventh Series.] 32, 1885—42, 1897. XXXV St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. ( /ill!'.''. ) St. petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol. St. Petersb., Com. G^ol. Bull. St. Petersb., Com. G60I. M^m. St. Petersb. Inst. M6d. Exper. St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Russl. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu. St. P^tersbourg St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull. St. Petersb., Sect. G60I. Cab. S. M. Trav. St. P6tersb., Soc. Russe' Gtogr. Mem. ('...;// 1 Strassb. Stem^v. Ann. ^taiiiicKii HmrciiaToprKori AKaifniii HavKX tio 'l>n.iiiKo-.MaTe- MaTimccKOMV ()Txi'.iL'HiKi. Mt-rnoires de rAcadt-inic Iiiipi'Tiale des Scit-nc-es de St.-PeterslKJur/,;. Clanse den .Scienc«« phyHitjuifJ pt niath^Mimtiquc's. 4to. C-II('Tf|t6y|)H;.] .\rc-liives - logique. 8vo. C'.-IIeTcp6ypn.. St.-Pftcrebourg. I, 1883 — lit, 1900 k Supplements. rpy,\iJ reo.ioriiHecKaro KomiTCTa. Menioires du C. r.-IItTc ii^vpn,. St -Pftersbourg. 1, 1883^ [from No. 2]— IC, 1898 1902 [No. 1]. [12 (.\'o. 1); 1.3 {No. 1) i I.') {NoK. 1 A 4) iiiit indexed because not puhlislie>,• St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol. -Mareiiia.iiJ uh reo.iiiiiii I'oiciii. Hnaiiie ]{MnepaTO|K-Karo f'.- lleTepriyprcKaro MiiHepa.ioriiieCKaro ()6uurTBa. Materialien /ur (ieoloi^ie Rus.slands. Herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Mineralogisclien tiesellschaft. 8vo. CaiiKTncTei»<>vpn.. .St. Petersburg. 12, 1885—20, 1900. St. Petersburger Medicinische Wochenschrift. 4to. .St. Peters- burg. 9, 1884-2.'), 1900. ^taiiiicKii UMiieiwToprKaro (".-IleTepriyprcKaro MiiHopa-iorimerKaro (XiiueiTBa. VerliaiRllungen der Kus-sisch-Kaisorliclien Minera- logisclien Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg fvo. CaiiKTiieTep- Cypr-b. St. Petersburg. [Second Series.] 1, 1866—38, 1900. KxerojHiiKi. iJoo.iorimecKaro My:ica llMiiepaTopcKoft .\KajeMiii HavKTi. Annuairedu Musee ZiH Karo I'yaKaro reorpa4>iii(VKaro OfiiueoTBa. liuUetins of the Imperial Russian Geographical .Soc-iety. X\o. l'.-IleTei)r>ypn. St. Petersburg. 19, 1884— .IG, 1900." Travaux de la Section Geologique du Cabinet de ."^a Majeste. (Ministere de la Maison de I'Empereur. ) Tpy,xu reojorii- qecKofl MacTii KaSiiiiera Kro lIiinepaTopcKaro nojimecTBa. 8vo. C.-IIeTepfivpr-h. St. Petersbourg. 1, 1896— .3, 1901 [to p. 121]. ■ ^lariiicKii llMiiepaTopcKaro PyccKaro reorpacpiiiecKaro OflineoiBa. IIo odmefi reorpa(j>in. Memoires de la .Society Imperiale Kusse de Geogniphie. Section de Geographic generale. 8vi>. t'.-IIeiepfivpr^. St. Petersbourg. [Third .Series.] 1, 1867 — 34 {No. 1). 1900. [30 (Nog. 3 i 4) ; 31 (No. 2) i 32 (.Vo. 4) not indexed because not published until after 1900.] Annalen der Kaiserlichen Universitats-Stemwarte in Strassburg. 4to. Karlsruhe. 1. 1896 A 2. 1899. Ixxxvi Stray Feathers Stuttgart Siidwestdeutsche Neuro- logen & Irrenarzte Suisse Soc. Zool. Ann Svenska Sallsk. Antrop. & Geogr. Sydney Aust. Mus. Mem. Sydney, Aust. Mus. Records Symons, Meteorol. Mag. Stray Feathers. A Journal nf Oiuithology for India and its Dept'iideiicies. 4to. Calcutta. 10, 1887 [from p. 435]— 11, 1888-99. Piihlisliiny filarc of Oberrhein. Geol. Ver. Ber., r/.r. l>ai;,'aku (Uiiivci-Kity of 'IVikio). (to. Toki'i. .". (.1/7"/,'/.), 1884 ; .') (.l/Y-'/c/.). 1885 : I 1, 1885. ('ontinuM an: Tokyo, Coll. Sci. Jl., q.>: I'lltil tsiil inf filttfi' I'l Annot. Zool. Jap., '/.r. Deutsch. Ges. Ostasien. Mitth., 7.1-. S,r Bot. Mag., Tokyo. The .Joiiiii.il of thi' Collcf^eof Science, Imperial Univei-sity, Japan. Jto. Tokyo. 1. 1887 -l.{, 1900-01 [to p. ."JOe]. • lournal of the Tokio (ieoiifaphiciil Soeiety. 8vo. lOkyo. .3,1881 — 16, 1894-95; is, 1896. [1, 2, 17 A- part <.f :{, !) A IH in- acce.ssihle.] Voiilinind as: Tlie .Journal of Geography. Pul(li.she. Torino. m, 1884-49, 1900. HoUettino dei ^lusei di Zoologia ed Anatoinia coiii|>iinit« dt-lla \\. Universita di Torino. 8vo. Torino. 1, 1886 15, 1900. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 8vo. New York. 11, 1884—27, 1900. Memoiis of the Torrey Botanical Club. 8vo. New York. 1, 1889-90-7, 1899: 9, 1900. [8 after 1900.] r.ulletin (Ic I'Acadeniie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lett res de Toulouse. 8vo. Toulouse. 1,1898^2.1899. Memoires tie I'Acafleniie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres lie Toidouse. 8vo. Toulou.se. [Eightli Series.] 6, 1884—10, 1888. [Ninth Series.] 1, 1889—9, 1897. [Tenth .Series.] 1, 1901 [to p. 59]. Anii.iles do la Faculte des Sciences de Toulouse, pour les Sciences Mathematiques et les Sciences Pliv-iiiue.--. 4to. Paris. 1, 1887—12, 1898. [Second Series.] \\ 1899 .V 2, 1900. .Vnnales de TOb-seiTatoire Astronouiique, Magiietiuinstiilt fur M(»t«S. Department of Agriculture. Bulletin. 8vo. Washington. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bulletin. 8vo. Washington. U. S. Department of Agriculture... Entomoloiiical Commission. 8vo. Division of Economic Oriiithologj' 8vo. Washington. 1, 1889; :>, as: U. S. biv. Biol. Surv. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 4, 1884—18, 1899. United States Commis.sion of Fish and Fisheries Division of Economic Ornithology. 2, 1888. Division of [Agricultural] Soils. 1, 1895—16, 1899. Report of the United States Washington. 4, 1885 it 5, 1890. 8vo. Washington. Report of the U. S. Ent. Comm. Rep. ... U. S. Fish Comm. Bull. . U. S. Fish Comm. Rep. ... Commissioner 8vo. Washington. 9,1884 — 25,1900. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. ... Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey. 8vo. Washington. 1, 1883^176, 1900. U. S. Geol. Surv. Monogr. Monographs of the United States Geological Survey. 8vo. Washington. 1, 1890; 7, 1884—31, 1898; .3i' {I't. 2), 1899— 40, 1900. [2-6 already indexed; 32 {Pt. 1) not published till after 1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior. 8vo. Washington. 1882-83-1899- 1900 [PU. \,i& 5]. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev. [United States] Monthly Weather Review. Dec. 1873— .Jan. 1879. Monthly Weather Review. (General Weather Service of the United States.) Washington. Feb. 1879— Dec. 1882. United States of America : War Department. Monthly \\'eather Review. (General Weather Service of the United States.) 4to. Washington. 11 (1883)— 19 (1891). United States of America: Department of Agriculture. Monthly Weather Review and Annual Sunnnary. 4to. Washington, D. C. 20 (1892)— 28 (1900). U. S. Mus. Bull Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 8vo. Washington. 23, 1885; 25, 1884; 27, 1884—47, 1896. [24 & 26 already indexed.] U. S. Mus. Proc Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 8vo. Washington. 6, 1884 [from p. 353]— 22, 1900. U. S. Mus. Rep See Smithsonian Rep. U. S. Mus. Spec. Bull Smithsonian Institution. United States National Museum. Special Bulletin. 4to. Washington. 1, 1892—4 {Pt. 1), 1900. U. S. N. Amer. Fauna U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Ornithology and Mammalogy. North American Fauna. 8vo. Wasiiington. 1, 1889—5, 1891; 7, 1893 ; 8, 1895; 10, 1895—12, 1896. [6 & 9 never published.] U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Biological Survey. North American Fauna. 8vo. Washington. 13,1897—19,1900. U. S. Naval Obs. Obsns. ... [Astronomical, Magnetic and Meteorological] Observations made during the year at the United States Naval Observatory. 4to. Washington. 1884 — 1892. Contiiined as: U. S. Naval Obs. Publ. ... Publications of the United States Naval Observatory. 4to. Washington. [Second Series.] 1, 1900. [U. S.] Sec. Agr. Rep Report of the Secretary of Agriculture. 8vo. Wasiiington. 1889 — 1893. Continuation of: [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Rep., n:iiiKH ii Xiuiiit. Sections de Physique et de Chiinie. 8vo. BapmaBa. Varsovie. 1897 ;" 1898. Cun- tinnations o/: Tpy,;w BapiiiaBci;aro 06iuecTBa FcTecTBOiiciiuTaTCien. Travaux de la Societe des Naturalistes de Vai-sovie. lIpOTOKO.iH Orjlueiiiii Bio.ioriii. BajmiaBa. Comptes Rendus de la Section Biologique. Varsovie. 8vo. Bapiiiasa. Varsovie. 1889-90 1895-96. llpoTOKOJU Oatieuia 'Imi.!iikii ii XiimIii. Bapiiiaaa. Coniptes Rendus de la Section de Physiciue et de Chimie. Varsovie, 8vo. BapmaBa. Varsovie. 1889-90—1895-96 : 1900. rpy,iu 06iuccTBa KcrccTBOiiciiUTaTO-icri iipii IlMiiepaTopoKOMi. r>apiiiancKOMi. ViiiiBepciiTCTi.. Travaux de la Societe des Naturalistes de I'Univei-site Imperiale BapmaBa. Varsovie. 1, 1891 — •'?, 1896. Jlcuioires de I'Academie de Vaucluse. fSvo. 19, 1900. L' Ateneo Veneto. Ri\-ista di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. 8vo. Veiuzia. 1, 1886— J, 1899. [1 i 2. 1884: 1 .t 2. 1885: part of •J, 1889 i of 1, 1890; J, 1897 and 1 i i, 1900 inaccessible.] m 5 de Varsovie. 8vo. Avignon. 3, 1884— XCll Venezia, 1st. Atti Atti del Reale Istituto Veueto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. 8vo. Venezia. 1883-84—1899-1900. Venezia, 1st. Mem Memorie del Reale IstituU) Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. 4to. Venezia. 23, 1887— 2G, 1897-1902 [in part]. Ver. Anal. Chem See Repertm. Anal. Chem. Verband Deutsch. Elektro- .v,v Elektrotechn. Ztschr. techniker Ver. Deutsch. Chemiker . See Ztschr. Angew. Chem. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind. See Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind. Ver. Riibenzuckerlnd. See Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind. Deutsch. Reichs Victoria Dept. Mines Spec. Victoria. Department of Mines. Special Reports. 4to. Melbourne. Rep. 1892—1898. (Coal Fields.) [1], 1892—7, 1900. Victoria Field Naturalists' See Victorian Natlist. Club VictoriaGeol.Surv. Monthly Victoria. Department of Mines. Geological Survey of Victoria. Rep. New Serie.s. Monthly Progress Report. 8vo. Melbourne. 1, 1899—12, 1900. Victoria Inst. Jl Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, or Philo- sophical Society of Great Britain. 8vo. London. 17, 1884 — 33, 1901 [in part]. The Victorian Naturalist. The Journal and Magazine of the Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria. 8vo. South Melbourne. 1, 1885—17, 1901 [to p. 152]. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 8vo. Melbourne. 1, 1889—13, [1901]. Ti'ansactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Svo. Melbourne. 21, 1885—24, [1888]. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria. 4to. Melbourne. 1 {PL 1), 1888—4, 1895. Archiv fiir Pathologische Anatomic iind Physiologic und fiir Klinische Medicin. Herausgegeben von Rudolf Virchow. Svo. Berlin. 95, 1884—162, i900. Annales de la Societe d'FImulation du Departement des Vosges. Svo. Epinal. Paris. 1884—1900. Victorian Natlist. ■ Victoria Roy. See. Proc... Victoria Roy. Soc. Trans. Virchow, Arch Vosges Soc. Emul. Ann.... Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans. Warwick. Field Club Proc. Washburn Obs. Publ Washington Washington Ac. Sci. Proc. Washington, Astr. Pap. for Ephem. & Naut. Aim. w. Tran.sactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Phila- delphia. Svo. Philadelphia. 1, 1887—3, [1890-1903] [to p. 1218]; 4, 1896—6, 1899. Proceedings of the Warwickshire Naturalists' and ^Vrchajologists' Field Club. Svo. Warwick. 1884—1900. Publications of the Washburn Observatory of the University of Wisconsin. Madison. Svo. 1, 1882—5, 1887. 4to. 6 {Pis. 1 & 2), 1890—10 {Pi. I), 1896. See Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1891. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887. J'/ihl'ishi iKj plaer of U. S. Departmental and Official Publications. Proceedings of tlic Washington Academy of Sciences. Svo. Washington. 1, 1899 1900 &: 2, 1900. Astronomical Papers prepared for the use of tli(^ American Ephe- mcris Mntographen-Vereins, der Photographisehen Gesellschaft in Mimchen und des Photo-Club in Wien]. 8vo. Wien. Leipzig. 21, 1884—37, 1900. .Jahres-Bericht des Sonnblick-Vereine.s. 4to. Wien. 1892—1900. xVnnalen der k. k. Universitats-Sternwarte in Wien (Wahring). 4to. Wien. 2,1884—14,1900. [1 apparently never published.] Wien Zool.-Bot. Ges. See Schwalbe. (Ornith. Sect.) Wien Zool. Bot. Verb Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-koniglichen Znologisch-Botanischen Ge.sellschaft in Wien. 8vo. Wien. 33, 1884—50, 1900. Wien Zool. Inst. Arb Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute der Universitat Wien und der Zoologischen Station in Triest. 8vo. Wien. 5, 1884 — 13, 1902 [to p. 80]. Wiesbaden Publishin;/ place of Nassauisch. Ver. Jbuch., (/.v. Wilts. ArchaBOl. Mag The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, published under the Direction of the Society formed in that County, A I.. 1853. 8vo. Devizes. 22, 1885—30, 1899. Wimereux Lab. [Stat.] Zool. Sre Lille Inst. Zool. Trav. Wisconsin Ac. Trans Tran.sactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. 8vo. Madison. 6, 1885—12, 1900. Wisconsin Geol. Nat. Hist. Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. 8vo. Madison, Surv. Bull. Wis. 1, 1898-G, 1900. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc. Bulletinof the Wisconsin Natural History Society. 8vo. Milwaukee, Bull. Wisconsin. 1, 1900. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc. Occasional Papers of the Natural History Society of Wisconsin. Occ. Pap. 8vo. Milwaukee. 1, 1889-90—3, 1896. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc. Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Wisconsin. 8vo. Proc. [Milwaukee.] 1885-89 [pp. 45—231]. Wisconsin Univ. Bull. (Sei.) Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. Science Series. Svo. Madison, Wis. 1, 1896 & 2, 1901 [to p. 29fi]. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. ... Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen herau-sgegeben von der Kommission zur wissen.schaftlichcn Untersuchung der deutschen Mcere in Kiel und der liiologischen Anstalt auf Helgoland. 4to. Kiel. Leipzig. [New Series.] 1, 1896 &. 2, 1897. Kiel Series. 3, 1898— 5, 1901 [//-/M]. Helgoland Series. 3,1900 cfe 4, 1900. Continuation of: Deutsch. Meere Ber., (/.r. Wombat The Wondjat. The Journal of the (icelong Fiekl Naturalists' Club, and the (Jordon College Amateur Photographic Association. Svo. Geelong. 1, [1896]— 4, [1899]. Woods HoU Mar. Biol. Lab. Biological Bulletin. Kdited by the Director and Members of the Bull. Staff of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Holl, Mass. ?8vo. Boston, U. S. A. 1, 1900 & 2, 1901 [to p. 143]. xcv Wood's HoU Mar. Biol, liiolo^'icul lit-cturoK delivered at [from] the Murine biological Lab. Lect. Jjiixirainiy [of] Wc NaturaiisUi' Field Club. 8vo. H.r.-f.ii/ Brit. Mycol. Soc. Trans., i/.v. Wiirttemb. Jhefte Jiilircslifftc dcs Vcreins fur vntcrlandiHche Naturkunde in Wiirttem- Iht;;. 8v<). StuttKiirt. 40, 1884— .06. 1900. Wiirzb. Bot. Inst. Arb Ail)citi;ii des iioluiiisflicn Jn.stituts in Wurzliurg. 8vo. Leipzig. .•i, 1888. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Festschrift zur l-'cii-r ilircs funfzi{;jaliri>;en Bestehens herausgegeben Festschr. von der I'liy.sikaliMli-Mcdizinisclicn Gesellschaft zu Wiirzburg. 4to. Wiirzlnir^'. 1899. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber. Sitzungshfrichte 'ipzig. \Vi<-ii. Jkrliii. 1, 1880— •_' I, 1900. Ztschr. Hyg /cit.sclirift fur llyginne [und Iiifectionskrankheiten]. 8vo. Leipzig. 1, 1886 .!"., 1900. Ztschr. Instrumentenk Zeitsclirift fur liistruineiitenkuiule. (Jrgan fur Mittheilungen aus deni ge.saMiiiiteu (icl)ictf' der wiiiseiLScliaftlichen Tefhiiik. 4to. Herliti. 4, 1884 - L'O, 1900. Ztschr. Kryst Zeitschrift fur Krvstallugi-apliie uiid Miiieralogie. Hvo. Leipzig. H, 1884- .i;), 1900. Ztschr. Math. Phys Zuitschrift fur Mathematik und Physik herau.sgegeljeii untt-r der veraiawortliclien Kcdactioii von Dr. O. SciiLo.Mii-fii, Dr. E. Kaiil und Di. M. C.vxTon. 8vo. Leipzig. 29, 1884 — 45, 1900. Ztschr. Morphol. u. Zt-itsciirift fur .M(jrpli<.lo;,Me und Antliroprilogie. Svo. Stuttgart. Anthrop. 1, 1899 .t 2, 1900. Ztschr. Naturwiss Zeitschrift fiir Xaturwis.senschaften im Auftrage [f)rgan] des Naturwissenscliaftlichen Vereins fiir >Saclisen und Thiiringen. 8vo. Halle. I^ipzi;;. Stuttgart. .57, 1884— 7."5, 1900. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk. Zeitschrift fiir Olirenlieilkunde in deutst'her und englischcr Spraclie. 8vo. Wie.sba.len. 1.!. 1884— :iS, 1901 [to p. 187]. [For English edition .•.■><' Arch. Otol.j Ztschr. Physikal. Chem. . Zeitschrift fiir Physikalische Cheuiie, St'X-hiometrie und Ver- wandtschaftslehre. 8vo. Leipzig. 1, 1887— :!.0. 1900. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem. ... [Hoppe .Sevlek's] Zeitschrift fiir Physiologische Clu-niie. 8vo. .Stuttgart. 8, 1883-84 [in part] — 31, 1900-01 [to p. 410]. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol. Zeitsciirift fiir Praktische Ueologie mit liesonderer fierucksichti- gung der Lagerstattenkunde. 4to. Berlin. 1893 — 1900. Ztschr. Psychol. Zeitschrift fiir Psychologie und Physiologic der .Sinnesorgane. 8vo. Hamburg. Leipzig. 1, 1890—24, 1900. Ztschr. Thiermed Zeitschrift fiir Thierniedicin. Neue Folge der Deutschen Zeit- schrift fiir Tiiieriiiedicin und der Oesterreichischen Zeitschrift fiir wi.ssen.scha£tliche Veterinarkunde. 8vo. Jena. 1. 1897 — 4, 1900. Ztschr. Tuberkulose Zeitschrift fiir Tuberkulose und Heilstiittenwesen. 8vo. Leipzig. 1, 1900. Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zeitschrift des Vereins der ileutschen Zucker-Industrie. Svo. Zuckerind. Berlin. 48, 1898—50, 1900. Coiitinuution of: Ztschr. Ver. Riiben- Zeitschrift des Vereins fiir die Riibenzucker-Industrie des deut- zuckerind. schen Reichs. 4to. Berlin. 34, 1884—47, 1897. Ztschr. Wiss. Geogr Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliclie Geographic. Svo. Wien. Weimar. 5, 1885—8, 1891. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr Zeitschrift fiir wissenscliaftliche Mikroskopie und fiir mikrosko- pische Technik. 8vo. Braunschweig. Leipzig. 1, 1884 — 17, 1900. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Svo. Leipzig. 40, 1884— (is, 1900. Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm. Zeitschrift fur Zuckerindustrie in Bdhnien. Svo. Prag. 'J, 1884 85—2.5, 1900-01 [to p. 194]. Zurich, Natf. Ges. Neu- Neujahi-sblatt herau.sgegebeu von der Naturfurschenden Gesell- jahrsbl. schaft. 4to. Zurich. 1884—1895; 1897—1900. Neujahrsblatt der Ziircherischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. 4to. Ziirich. 1896. K. s. A. c. n XCVlll Zurich Phys. Ges. Jber. .. Zurich Polyt. Sternw. Publ. Zurich, Schweiz. Ges. N. Denkschr. Zurich, Soc. Ent Ziirich Vrtljschr Zwickau Ver. Nat. Jber. Jahresbericht der physikalischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. 8vo. Uster-Zurich. 1887—1899 & 1900. Pulilikationen der Sternwarte des Eidg. Polytechnikums zu Zurich. 4to. Zurich. 1, 1897 & 2, 1899. Neue Denkschriften der allgemeinen Schweizerischeu Gesellschaft fiir die gesammten Naturwisseuschaften. Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles. 4to. Zurich. 29, 1885—37, 1900. Societas Eatomologica. Organ fiir den internationalen Entomo- logenvereiu. 4to. Zurich. 1, [1887]— 15, [1901] [to p. 146]. Vierteljahisschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Ziirich. 8vo. Zurich. 29, 1884—45, 1900. Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Naturkunde zu Zwickau in Sachsen. 8vo. Zwickau. 1884—1900. Addenda Arch, de Physiol Archives de Physiologie Normale et Pathologique. 8vo. Paris. [Third Series.] 3, 1884—10, 1887. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1888 &. ■2, 1888. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1889—10. 1898. Centrbl. Physiol Centralblatt ftir Physiologie. 8vo. Leipzig. Wien. 1,1888 — 14, 1901 [to p. 512]. Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, late the Society of Telegraph-Engineers and Electricians. 8vo. London. New York. 18, 1890—29, 1900. Continuation of: Telegr. Engin. Jl., q.v. TRANSLITERATION OF RUSSIAN The system of transliteration of the Russian alphabet adopted for the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature is based on the phonetic value of Roman letters in Bohemian : — B V d M m H n f syllable X ch e at the beginning of e after a consonant i at the beginning of a syllable i after a consonant T) is not transcribed. b before a consonant or as a final e as an initial ... e after a consonant a, 10 at the beginning of a syllable A, 10 after a consonant, with which they constitute a syllable ui S m gc e i& 1 e ja, ju ia, iu CATALOGUE OF SClEiXTiilC i^APEKS l.S84-19()0 A., /''. Oncidimn papilio (butterfly orchid). Gard. Chron., 2, 1887, 017-018. A., //. Insiile a waterspout. [1891.] Symons, Meteorol. Mat'., 26, 1892, lol. A., ./. Abnormal Cypripedium hirsutissimum. Gard. Chron., 11), 1896, .518. A., I!. Tbi'orie d3Miami .) rrnr,vsi)(>Hti'.t. 99. Le muiit Woso on Wocho, en Ethiopie. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1888. 211-213. 100. Alpine haze. [1888.] Nature, 39, 1889, 79, 247-248. 101. Sur le qobar. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1889 (/'(. 2), 328-330. 102. [Le cours probable de I'Omo.] Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. K., 1889, M-tiH. 103. Composition de I'atmosph^re. Trance Soc. Metiorol. Annu., 38, 1890, 189-190. 104. Beconuais.sancos magn^tiques, Paris, Bur. Long. Ann., 4, 1890, B'. 62 pp. 106. La lluctuation des latitudes terrestres. Bull. Astr. (Paris), 9, 1892, 89-102. 106. Sur les variations dans I'infensite de la gravite terrestrc. Paris, Ao. Sci. C. H., 110, 1893, 218. 107. Mount Wosho. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 249. 108. Sur le proc^di employ^ pour conferer I'im- munite contre le venin des serpents, d'apres des docu- ments fournis par M. UK Serpa Pinto. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 122, 1896, 441. Abbadie, .liiloiiw Thompson d' {et alii). 'L'atmospb^re de Vinus. Astronomie, 1883, 368-373. Abbado, MichcU. Divisioiie della nervatura e della lamina in alcune foglie di Buxus semper\-irens, L. Ital. Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 179-181. 3. Mostruositii in tiori di Pa'onia Moutan, Sim:'. Ital. Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 125-128. 3. L'ibridismo nei vcgetali. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 5, 1898, 76-105, 265-303. 4. Contributo alia flora Carbonifera della Cina. Palaeontographia Ital.. 5, 1900, 125-144. Abbans. .sVi' Joni&oy d'Abbans. Abbate I'aslui, O. "Asymftrie cardiaque dans la race indigene. [1882.] Inst. Egypt. Bull.. 3. 1883, 3-7. 3. 'Nouvelles observations physiologiques de subjec- tivity chez certains aveugles. [1882.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 3, 1883, 22-30. 3. 'L'equilijjre statique che/, la (emme egyptienne. [1883.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 4, 1884, 181-186. 4. 'Note sur le hascbich. [1883.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 4, 1884. 203-210. 6. Febris nilotica autumnalis. [1887.] Inst. Egypt. Bull.. 8. 1888. 283-293. 6. Questions anthropologiqaes snr I'orbite et le oer- vcau d<-M nigres. [1B88.] Inst. Egypt. Ball., 9, 1889, 156-173. 7. Encore quelques mots sur l'inap(itude a la rage dans IcK races des chiens indigenes I'U Egypte. (1889.) luHt. Egypl- ""!'•. 10, 1890 (/'f. 1), 317-326. 8. ^nesth^-sie et analgf^sie cocainiques. [1889.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 10, 1^90 {1^1. 1). 338-348. 9. Sur I'influen/.a en Egypte. [1890.] Iniit. Egypt. Bull., 1, 1891. .54-60. 10. (L'usHge des timiliii decouvert dans le Thalmoud et ses commentateurs i\ propos de la rage.] [1890-91.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 1, 1891, 208-212; 2, 1891, 179-182. 11. Preeminence des facult^s mecaniques dans la race egyptienne. Inst. Egypt. Bull., 2, 1891, 205-216. 13. Le Mvlabris fulgjirita conime Hp(;-citique contre la rage. [1894.1 Inst. Egypt. Bull., 5, 1895, 39-40. 13. Note physiologique sur la loi de contraste dans la vision abstraite et dans la vision ri^elle. [1898.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 9, 1899, 29-33. 14. La production vulontaire des sexes. [1898.] Inst. Egj-pt. Bull., 9, 1899, 47-54. Abbat«, \'incen:o, & Faac«, Luiffi. Ser Fasce >l' Abbata, Abbay, (Rfv.) liichard. .\»sign to this author title ( \'ul. 7) under Abbay, R. 11. The shadow of Adam's Peak. Nature, 36, 1887, 152. Abbe, Cleveland. 30. '[Ueport on the Nova Scotia lyc-lone of August 24-25, 1873.] [U. S.] Chief Signal (iff. Ann. Kep., 1873, 102.5-1034. 21. '[The auroni nf April 7, 1874.] [U. S.] Chief Signal Otr. Ann. Hep., 1874, 383-38.5: 1876, 301-335. 33. 'Reports and observations upon the total eclipse of the Sun, Julv 29, 1878, as tiled in the oflSee of the Chief Signal Oflicer of the .Vrmv. [Cf. No. 19 ( Vol. 12).] [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Bep., 1880. 809-982. 33. 'Hvgrometric tables. [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Kep.. 1881, 1138-1177. 34. '[Barometric reductions to sea-level.] [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Bep., 1881, 1185-1189. 36. 'Lectures on instruments and methods. [U. .S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1882 {I'l. 1). 97-103. 36. 'Determining the temperature of the air. [1883.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 6. 1884 (Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, .Art. 1), 24-26. 37. [Scientific record for 1884.] Meteorology. Smithsonian Rep., 1884, 257-395, 414-4.32. 38. A neglected correction in the use of refraction tables. jVmer. -Ass. Proc, 1886, 83. 39. The effect of wind and exposure upon barometric readings. Amer. Ass. Proc. 1886, 120; O. S. Monthly Weath. Eev., 14 (1886), 332-333. 30. Popular errors in meteorology. [1886.] Franklin Inst. Jl., 123. 1887, 115-128. 31. Inllueneeofwindon barometric readings. [1886.] Nature, 35, 1887, 29-30. 33. -\ correction for gravity in the use of refraction tables. Astr. Nachr.. 116, 1887, 1.5-16. 33. The general bibliography of meteorology and terrestrial magnetism, compiled by the Signal Oflice at Washington. Brit. A?s. Sep., 1887^ .593-594 ; Ass. Franc. C. R., 1887 (/*(. 2). 414-416. 34. Treatise on meteorological apparatus and methods. [Prepare.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 12 (1895-96), 7-11. 66. The annual snowfall [for each winter, 1884- 95]. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 23 (1895), 491-492, 500-501. 67. The altitude of the aurora above the earth's surface. [1893-98.] Terrestrial Magn., 3, 1898, 5-12, 53-76, 149-178; Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 37, 1898, 4-7 [i'ail ullllj]. 68. EscHENH.^GEN's elementary magnetic waves. Terrestrial Magn., 3, 1898, 135-136. 69. The relations of physics and astronomy to the development of the mechanic arts. Franklin Inst. Jl. , 148, 1899, 81-111. See uho Curtis, George E[dward] [et uUi). See aho tJ. S. Signal Service. See also IT. S. VTeather Bureau. Abbe, CUvehiiiil. A De Riemer (.U/ss) Alicia. See De Riemer ik Abbe. Abbe, Cleveland, & Richards, George W. See Ricbards A- Abbe. Abbe, Cleveland, Story, ,/. P., Craig, Robert, & Powell, Joseph S. See Story, Craig, Abbe, & Powell. Abbe, Cleveland {et nlii). [Climatology of the monih.] U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 22 (1894), 1-21, 47-71, 99-122, 149-169, 193-215, 235-253, 273-291, 311-327, 351-371, 393-416, 441-462, 487-505, 535-538, iv ; '23 (1895), 1-7, 47-52, 81-87, 117-127, 157-164, 199-'204, 241-247, 283-289, 325-332, 365-371, 409-415, 449-454, 489-491, IV ; 24 (1896), 1-7, 39-44, 69-74, 105-110. 145- 151, 191-196, 229-235, '281-286, 315-320, 359-363, 397- 403, 443-448, 487-490, iv; 25 (1897), 1-6, 43-48, 85-91, 123-127, 189-194, 235-'240, 285-290, 339-343, 381-387, 428-432, 474-477, 523-527, 569-572, iv. Abbe, Cleveland (./'«».). Remarks on the cuspate capes of the Carolina coast. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc, 26, 1895, 489-497. 2. An episode during the terrace cutting of the Potomac. [1898.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [18 (1898-99)], 16-17. Abbe, [Karl] Ernst. 25. *0n the mode ol vision with olijectives of wide aperture. [1882.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 20-26. 26. Note on the proper detinition of the amplifying power of a lens or lens-sj'stem. Micr. Soc Jl., 4, 1884, 348-351. 27. Eye-piece amplification. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 804. 28. Ueber neue Miki-oskope. Jena. Sber., 1886, 107- 128. 29. On the effect of illumination by meaus of wide- angled cones of light. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1889, 721- 724. 30. Messapparate fiir Physiker. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 (Th. 2), 88-90. 31. Ueber die Verwendung des Fluorits fiir optische Zwecke. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 10, 1890, 1-6. 32. Methode zur Erinitteluiig zeitlccher Variationen der Lothliuie. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 89-90. Abbe, Robert. 2. The surgery of the hand. [1893.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 59, 1894, 33^0. Abbes, Heinrieh. Ueber Jodterephtalsaure und Jodosote- rephtalsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2951- 2956. Abbey, George. On the destruction of an elm-tree by fungi at St Albans. [1896.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc Trans., 9, 1898, 129-132. Abblart, {Jules Martin Cyprien]. Contributions a I'etude des ulceres des pays chauds. Arch. M^d. Navale, 42, 1884, 374-382. Abbona, V., & Pileti, Michele. See FUeti & Abbona. Abbot, Charles G[reeleg]. Recent bolographic results from the AstrophysicaJ Observatory at Washington. Astrophys. Jl., n, 1898, 250-252. 2. A preliminary statement of the results of the Smithsonian Observatory Eclipse Expedition. Astro- phys. Jl., 12, 1900, 69-76. Abbot, Charles G[reeleg], & Powle, Frederick E. The longitudinal aberration of prisms. Amer. Jl. Sci., 2, 1896, 255-257. 2. .\ prism of uniform dispersion. Astrophys. Jl., U, 1900, 135-139. Abbot] [Abbott Abbot. VharUt Cf[r<«/12. Abbott, Arthur V[aughan]. Improvements in methods lor physical tests. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 12. 1884, (507-627. 2. Improvements in testing-machines. Science, 3, 1884. 312-320, 814. 3. Testing-machines, their history, construction and use. Van Nostrands Engin. Mag., 30, 1884, 204-214, 32.5-344, 382-397, 477-490. Abbott, Charles V[onrad]. Assign Nos. 7 & 12 {I'ol. 1) to Abbott, (Capt.) C[harle»] C[ompte S. [Mrs Kiebael). Pre- liminary analysis of the bark of Fouquieria splendens. Amer. Ass. Proc. 1884, 190-198. 2. Certain chemical constituents of plants considered in relation to their morphology and evolution. Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 270-272. 3. On hematoxylin in the bark of Saraca indica. Philad. Ac Nat. Sci. Proc, 1886. 3-52-3-54. 4. Comparative chemistrv of higher and lower plants. .\mer. Natlist., 21, 1887. 719-730, 800-810. 5. Plant analvsis as an applied science. Franklin Inst. Jl.. 124. 1887, 1-33. 6. The chemical basis of plant forme. Fnmklin Inst. Jl., 124, 1887. 161-185. 7. .\ chemical study of Yucca angustifolia. [1885.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans., 16, 1890, 254-284. 8. [Untersnchungen fiber Alloisomerie. n.] Zur KeDntnis.s der Addition von Brom nnd Chlor zn fester Crotonsanre. .II. Prakt. Chem.. 46. 1892. 273-285. AbbottJ I Abe 9. Zur Constitution des Phloretins. Berlin Cbem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2686-2689. 10. A review of recent synthetic work in the class of carbohydrates. [1895.] Franklin Inst. Jl., 142, 1896, 217-240. Abbott, {Miss) Helen C. De S. {Mrs Michael) , & Jeanpretre, Joliii. Ueber eine neue Bilduugsweise von aromatischen Nitrilen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1615-1619. 2. Zur Kenntniss der Maudelsilure und ihres Xitrils. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1678-1684. Abbott, {Miss) Helen C.De S. {Mrs Michael), & Trimble, Henri/. On the occurrence of solid hydrocarbons in plants. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 60, 1888, 321-324; Amer. Chem. Jl., 10 (1888), 439-440; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2598-2599. Abbott, Jaines Francis. The marine fishes of Peru. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1899, 324-364. 2. Notes on Chilean fishes, with description of a new species of Sebastodes. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1899, 475-477. Abbott, Maude E. On the bacteriology of a case of pro- gressive portal cirrhosis. Jl. Path. Bact., 6, 1900, 315- 326. 2. Pigmentation cirrhosis of the liver in a case of hasmochromatosis. London Path. Soc. Trans., 51, 1900, 66-86; Jl. Path. Bact., 7, 1901, 55-70. Abbott, Maude E., Adami, J[u]in] George, & Nicholson, /'. J. See Adami, Abbott & Nicholson. Abbott, P. W. On the genus Hadena. Ent. Becord, 5, 1894, 205-206. 2. A few notes on Acidalia humiliata, Hufn. Ento- mologist, 31, 1898, 274-276. Abbott, Robert. The maintenance of energy. [1888.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Proc, 1, 1889, 12-20. Abbott, Rosa (}. Electrical attraction of trees. Garden A Forest, 10, 1897, 297. 2. Electricity in vegetation. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 337. Abbott, .S'amuci Wlarreii]. 2. The relation of illuminating gas to public health. Massachusetts Brd. of Health Rep., 6, 1885 {Suppl.), 247-274. Abbott, (Rev.) T[homas] K[ingsnrill]. 7. To what order of lever does the oar belong? Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 58-61. Abbott, )('. E, 3. Water supply in the interior of New- South Wales. [1884.] N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 18, 1885, 8.3-111. 4. Forest destruction in New South Wales and its effects on the flow of water in water-courses and on the rainfall. [1888.] N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 22, 1889, 59-66. 5. Outburst of springs in time of drought. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 31, 1897, 201-200. Abbott, ir. J. Lewis. The formation of agates. [1887.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 10, 1889, 80-93. 2. Notes on some Pleistocene sections in and near London. [1890.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 11. 1891, 473-480, xn. 3. The section exposed in the foundations of the new Admiralty Offices. Geol. Ass. Proc, 12, 1892, 346-356. 4. On the occurrence of walrus in the Thames valley. Geol. Ass. Proc, 12, 1892, 357. 6. The ossiferous fissures in the valley of the Shode, near Ightham, Kent. Geol. Soc Quart. Jl., 50, 1894, 171-187. 6. A new reading of the Highgate Archway section. [1893.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 13, 1895, 84-89. 7. E.xcursion to Basted and Ightham. [1893.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 13, 1895, 157-162. 8. An ancient kitchen midden at Hastings, and a barrow at the Wildernesse. Report of the Committee. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, .500-502. 9. The Hastings kitchen middens. [1895.] Antlirop. Inst. Jl., 25, 1896, 122 130. 10. Excursion to the Kentish plateau. [1895.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 14, 1896, 196-198. 11. Excursion to Sevenoaks. [1895.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 14, 1896, 207-208. Abbott, ir. L. Notes on the natural history of Aldabra, Assumption and Glorioso islands, Indian Ocean. U. S. Mus. Proc, 16, 1894, 759-764. Abdank-Abakanowicz, Bruno. Assign to this author Nos. 1-3 {Vol. 12) under Abakanowicz. 7. *La lampe differentielle de MM. Piette et Krizik. Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 237-238. 8. Nowy spos6b budowy zwoj6w do machin dynamo- elektryeznych. [New method of construction for the coils in dynamo-electric machines.] Krak6w, Ak. {Mat.- Przyrod.) Rozpr., 12, 1884, 332-336. 9. Le galvanometre a mercure de M. G. Lippshnn. Lum. Elect., 12, 1884, 401-403. 10. Sur uu nouveau mode d'enroulemeut des arma- tures dans les machines dynamo-^lectriques. Lum. Elect., 13, 1884, 41-44. 11. Exposition d'Electricit^ de Philadelphie. Tele- graphic. [Telephonic] Lum. Elect., 16. 1885, 58-64, 126-132, 162-171, 227-230, 275-278. 12. Les intiSgraphes. Lum. Elect., 18, 1886, 49-55, 110-117, 161-167, 249-255, 306-313, 393-399, 535-544, 589-595. 13. Nouvelles etudes sur les int^raphes. [Avec un rapport de M. Loriser sur, le fonctionnement d'un de ces instruments.] Lum. Elect., 24, 1887, 3-9, 54-56, 161-168; 27, 1888, 23-25. 14. The new Elihu Thomson electric meter. Elec- trician, 26, 1891, 332-333. 15. Compensation for hysteresis. [1893.] Elec- trician, 32, 1894, 93-94. Abdank-Abakanowicz, Bruno, & Napoli, Darid. See Napoli tV Abdank-Abakanowicz. Abderhalden, Eiuil. Zur quantitativen Analyse des Blutes. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 23, 1897, 521-531. 2. Die Bestimmung des Hamoglobins im Katzenblute. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 24, 1898, 545-547. 3. Zur quantitativen vergleichenden Analyse des Blutes. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 65-115. 4. Die Beziehungen der Wachsthumsgeschwindigkeit des Sauglings zur Zusammensetzung der Milch beim Kaninchen, bei der Katze und beim Hunde. [1899.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 26, 1898-99, 487-497. 5. Die Beziehungen der Zusammensetzung der Asche des Sauglings zu derjenigen der Asche der Milch. [1899.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 26, 1898-99, 4118-500. 6. Die Beziehungen der Zusammensetzung der Asche des Sauglings zu derjenigen der Asche der Milch beim Meerschweinchen. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 27, 1899, 356-367. 7. Die Beziehungen der Wachsthumsgeschwindigkeit des Sauglings zur Zusammensetzung der Milch beim Hunde, beim Schwein, beim Schaf, Jaei der Ziege und beim Meerschweinchen. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 27, 1899, 408-462, 594. 8. Die Resorption des Eisene, sein Verhalten im Organismus und seine Ausscheidung. Ztschr. Biol., 39, 1900, 113-152. 9. Assimilation des Eisens. Ztschr. Biol., 39, 1900, 193-270. 10. Die Beziehungen des Eisens zur Blutbildung. Ztschr. Biol., 39, 1900, 483-523. Abdullah Bey [Hammerschmidt, Carl Eduard {q. v. }'ol. 1), non Hammerschmiedj. 29. * Bemerkungen iiber die Petrefactun der Devonischen Formation des Bosporus von Constantinopel. Dcutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 67. Abe, K. Exploration of the Arctic region of Alaska. [Jap.] [1894.] Tokyo Geogr. Snc, Jl., 16. 1894 96, No. 3, 67-95. Abeel [Abeille de Perrin Abie, Ciiniml. Urei Fallc von tudtlicl) verluufener Aetinomycose. Beitr. Path. Aniit., 22, 1897, 132-171. 2. Ueber iiiultiliieuliiren Echiiiococcns der Leber und eineii I-'all von Echinococcu.s do.s buckens und des ()l)(iselienkels. Virchow. Arch., 157, 1899, 519-549. Abegg, [(ieory fritdriih'] lUinrie)i. Assign to this author entries (Vol. 11) under Abegg, (/>r). For biographical notice sfe Leopoldina, 36, 1900, 168- Ifi'.l. Abegg, Richard [ Wilhelm Heiurich]. Ueber Amidochrysen. lierlin, Chem. Ges. lier., 2i, 1890, 792-793. 2. Ueber einige neue Clirysendcrivate. Berlin, Clieni. Ges. Ber., 21, 1891, 9-19-'9.5H. 3. Untersuchunnen ..iiber Diffusion in wiiBsriRen Salzlosungen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892. 517-538. 4. Studien iiber Gefrierpiinkte kon/.cntriert«r Lii- sungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1.5, 1894, 209-2(il. 5. GefrierpunktserniedriRunKCn sehr verdiiunter Lii- suntjen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 20, 1896, 2()7-2.'i3. 6. Dielectrieitiitsconstanton bei tiefen Teuiperaturen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 60, 1897, 51-00. 7. Ueber die Depolarisationsgeschwindigkeit von Electroden nnd iiber Diclectricitiitsconstanten bei tiefen Temperaturen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 62, 1897, 249-2-')H. 8. Ueber die Natur der durcb Kathodenstrahluni^ veriindcrten Salze. Ann. Phys. Chem., f)2, 1897, 425- 434. 9. Ueber die Veriinderung von Salzen durcli Kathoden- strahlen. [1897.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1897-98, 118-120. 10. Ueber die an verdiinnten Losungen ausgefiihrtcn Gefrierpunktsbestimmungen und ihre Beziehungcn zu den Theorien der Losungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 64, 1898, 486-.506. 11. Ueber das dielectrische Verhalten von Eis. Ann. Phys. Chem., G5, 1898, 229-236, 923-925. 12. Kin einfacher Versuch zur Demonstration des Ludwigaclien Phiinomens. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 26, 1898, 161-164. 13. Ueber Siiure- und Alkali-Stabilitiit stereo- isomerer Oxime. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 291-297. 14. Ueber das elcktrolytischc Leitvermogen reiner Substanzen. [1899. J Ztschr. Elektroch., 1898-99, 353- 355. 16. Ueber komplexe Salze. [With discussion.] [1899.] Ztschr. Elektroch.. 1899-1900, 92-98. 16. Bemerkung iiber die Dissociationswiirmc der Violursanre und die des Wassers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 393-394, 626. 17. Ueber die Bedeiitung hoher Dissoeiationswarmen. Phys. Ztschr., 1. 1900, 212-213, 260. 18. Ueber das Ammoniak und seine Complexe. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900. 10.52-1053. 19. Ueber die Ursaehen der photochemischen Induk- tion bei Halogensilberemulsionen. [1900.] Phys. Ztschr., 2, 1901, 24. Abegg, Itichnrd [iVillii'Iiii Heitiiiih], & Bodlander, Guido. Die Eloktroattinitiit, ein neues Prinzip der cheniischcn Sy.^tcmatik. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 20, 1899, 453- 499. Abegg, iJicA«rrf [Wilhelm Heinrich], & Boae, Emil [Her- mann]. Ueber den Einfluss gleichioniger Zusiitze au£ die elektromotorische Kraft von Concentrationsketten und auf die Diffusionsgeschwindigkeit; Neutralsalz- wirkungen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. .Jber., 1899 {.ibth. •2a), 35-44. 2. Ueber die Beeintlussung der Diffusionsgeschwin- digkeit von Elektrolyten durch gleichionige Zusiitze. [1899.] Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 17-18. Abegg, Richard [Wilhelm Heinrich], & Hen, Walter [Georg]. Die analytische Trennung und Erkeunnng der Siiuren. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem.. 23,1900,236-239; 25, 1900, 405-406. Abegg, llirhard [ Willielm Heiurich], & launerwabr, C'/[«ri( Heletie]. Ueber den KinfluBS des Biiid'-mittclK auf den pbotochemii^cheii Effect in Broinsilbercmul- sionen und die photochemische Induction. [1900.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 109. 1900 {Abth. 2a), 974-980; Mhefte. Chem. , 1901, 88-94. 2. Notiz iiber das elektrochemische Verhalten des Fluorsilbers und des Fluors. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 32, 1900. 142-144. Abegg, lUrhard [ Wilhelm Heinrich], A IVemst, Walther. Nr.' Nemat & Abegg. Abegg, Richard [Wilhelm Heinrich], .t Beitz, Wilhelm. Dielektrizitiitskonstanten und Aggregatzuslandsiinder- ungcn von Alkoholen bis zu tiefsten Temperaturen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem.. 29, 1899, 242-248. 2. Das dielektriscbe Verhalten einer krystallinischen Fliissigkeit. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 29, 1899, 491- 193. AbelUe de Ferrln, l-.lzear. 46. Catalogu.'i Malachii- danim Europffi et circa. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 29, 1885, 257-263. 46. [CoUops abrinoides, n. tp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. .\nn., 5, 1886, cxvi. 47. [Description d'une nonvelle esp^ce de Col6- optercs.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1886, cxl. 48. Nouveaux documents poor servir a I'histoire deB Malachides. Rev. Ent., 4, 1886, 4-28. 49. Malachides nouveaux. Rev. Ent., 4, 1886, 139- 153. 50. Coleoptires rares ou nouveaux de France. Rev. Ent., 4, 1886, 1.53-161. 51. Priorito absolue ou prescription? Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886. 27.3-282. 52. Ktudi- siir les Trechus aveugles du Danphine. lU-v. Ent.. 5, 1886, 138-140. 53. Descriptions de deux nouvelles espdces de Mala- chides. Geuova Mus. Civ. Ann., 29, 1889-90, 89-90. 54. Malachides d'Europe ct pavs voisins. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890. 181-260, 331-420, 567-680; 60, 1891,, 115-230, 405-446. 55. Etudes sur les Malachides. Rev. Ent., 9, 1890, 35-55. 56. Contributions aux Buprestides paldarctiques. Rev. Ent., W. 1891, 257-288. 57. [Deux nouvelles espcces de Clorides mcditerra- neens.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann.. 61. 1892, ccxxivi- ccxxxvii. 58. Notices entomologiques. Rov. Ent., 11. 1892. 62-67. 59. Descriptions de deux Choragus nouveaux d'.\l- geric. Echange, 9, 1893. 73. 60. [Descriptions de quatre nouvelles espcces de Malachiidte.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893. clxii- clxv. 61. [Description d'un nouvean Malachide deTanisie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62. 1893, clxxvi-clxxvii. 62. [Observations sur divers Buprestides, et descrip- tion de plusieurs especes nouvelles.] Paris, Soc. Ent. .\nn., 62, 1893, cccli-ccclv. 63. Xouveau supplement aux Buprestides d'Europe et circa. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 127-141. , 64. Diagnoses de Coltopteres reputes nonveanx. Echange, 10, 1894, 91-94. 65. Notes pour servir a I'histoire des Malachides. Madrid. Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894. 89-92. 66. [Genre nouveau et quatre espies nouvelles de Colcopteres fran^ais.] Paris, Soc. Ent. .\nn., 63, 1894, xxv-ixviii. 67. [Observations sur divers Bnprestides et descrip- tion de deux espcces nouvelles d'.Algerie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894. Ixiii-lxv. 68. [Description d'un Coleopt^re saharien nonvean.] Paris, Soc. Ent, Ann.. 63, 1894. cxiiii-cxxxiii. Abeille de Perrinl [Abel 69. [Description de deux geures et d'line espece fran^aise de Coliiopteres.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, cclxxi-cclxxii. 70. [Description d'un Buprestide nouveau d'Algerie.] Paris. Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, x. 71. [Deux nouvelles especes de Coleopteres.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, xxiii-xxv. 72. Buprestides palearctiques reputes nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cxvi-cxxvi. 73. Descriptions de deux Coleoptdres subeuropeens. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, ccxxix-ccxxx. 74. Description de deux Coleopteres du midi de la France et observation synonymique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, ccxlvi-ccxlviii. 75. Note sur le genre Cercomorphus, Ferris. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cccxxv-cccxxvi. 76. Deux Malaehides palearctiques nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cccliii-cccliv. 77. Cinq nouvelles Altises du nord de I'Afrique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cdi-cdiv. 78. Notes sur quelques Chrysomelines de Syrie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cdiv-cdvi. 79. Etude sur les especes syriennes du genre Dinusa, Saulcy. Misc. Ent., 4, 1896. 129-131. 80. Notes sur certains Longitarsus, suivies de la description de deux especes nouveUes d'Halticides. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 52-54. 81. Description de deux Malthiniens nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 155-156. 82. Descriptions de deux Julodis nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 262-263. 83. Description d'un Serropalpide et de trois (Ede- merides nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 283-285. 84. Descriptions de deux nouveaux Malaehides d'Algerie et revision partielle des Axinotarsus. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 391-393. 85. Notes sur les Buprestides palearctiques. Rev. Ent., 15, 1896, 269-283; 16, 1897, 1-37. 86. Descriptions de deux Buprestides nouveaux du nord de I'Afrique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 28-30. 87. Description de deux Entomoscelis palearctiques. Pans, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 42-44. 88. Diagnoses de deux Ptiuus [Bruchus] fran^ais nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 131-132. 89. Malthinus Devillei, n. sp. [1898.] Abeille, 29, 1896-1900, 92. 90. Description d'un nouveau genre d'Eucnemide de France. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 35-36. 91. Descriptions de Coleopteres du nord de I'Afrique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 254-258. 92. Malaehides de Madagascar recueillis par il. Ch. ALLU4UD. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 194-195. 93. Description d'une espece nouvelle de Colydieii des Alpes-Maritimes. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899. 408-409. 94. Description de 'deux Staphylinides nouveaux circamMiterraneens. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 203-205. 95. Malaehides recueillis par il/. Eugene Simon au Cap de Bonoe-Esperance. Rev. Eut., 19, 1900, 163-177. 96. Voyage de M. E. Simon a I'ile de Ceylan. Kev. Ent., 19, 1900, 178-180. Abeille de Ferrin, Elzear, & GrouveUe, Antoinc. De- scriptions de deux Elmides nouveaux de France. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 137. Abel, Cltarli'x. For biography and list of works sec Metz Ac. Mem., 77, 1897, 67-119. Un chapitre a ajouter a I'histoire de la Ruticilla phoenicura (rossignol des inurailles). Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 16, 1884, 1-4. a. Un mammouth pres de Thionville. [1884. | .Metz .\c. Mem., 65, 1887, 249-2-50. 3. L'erynose devant I'Academie de Metz. [1888.] Metz Ac. Mem., 69, 1892, 223-228. Abel, (Sir) Frederick Augustus. 54. Research committee on the hardening, etc., of steel. Final report on experi- ments bearing upon the question of the condition in which carbon exists in steel. Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc. , 1885, 30-48. 55. Explosions in coal mines. [1885.] Nature, 33, 1886, 1118-112, 138-142. 56. Coal-dust and explosions. Nature, 33, 1886, 417. 57. Accidental explosions produced by non-explosive liquids. [1885.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 11, 1887, 218-242. 58. Accidents in mines. [1887.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 90, 1887, 160-200; 91. 1888. 36-83. 59. [Presidential address. Historical chemistry.] Brit. -iss. Rep.. 1890, 3-51. 60. Presidential address. [On iron and steel for guns.] Iron ersdorfer und (iaudern- doifer Schichten. Wicn, Geol. Veih., 1897, 2.').5-2.5H. a. Die Titlionschii'bton von Nicdcrfelbibrunn in Niederoaterrcich und deren UeziehunKcn zur unteren Wolgastufe. Wien. Geol. Verb., 1897, 313-3(52. 3. Einige neue Monstrositiiten bei OicbideenbHithen. (Opbiva aranifeia, Hiids., und Orchis coiiophora, /..) Wien'Zool. Bot. Verb., 17, 1897, 415-120. 4. Zwei fiir Niedenisterreicli neue hybride Orchi- deeu. (Gymnadenia wett.steiniana, m., und (iynmadenia Strampfii, Asclwrs.) Wien Zool. Bot. Verb.", 47, 1897, (i09-615. 5. Studien in den TertiiirbildunKcn von EdKenburR. Beitr. Paliiont. Oesterr.-Ung., 11, 1898, 211-2211. 6. Ueber einif'e artesieche Bruniunbuhrungen iu OttakrinR und deren Reologische and palaeontologische Kesultate. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 47, 1898. 47'.l-.504. 7. Dcr Wassprleitungsstollen der Stadt Eggenburg. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gauderndorfcr Schichten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898, 3(il-312. 8. Ueber einige Ophrydeeu. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 306-311. 9. Beohachtungen an Orchideen der iisterreichischen Flora. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 409-410. 10. Fortschritts- und Riickschlag.^-Erscheinungen in der Orchideenbliithe. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 410-412. 11. Studien im Klippengebiete zwischen Donau und Thaya. 1. Pollau-Schweinbarth. Wicn, Geol. Verb., 1899, 2H4 287. 12. I'Hnige Wortc viber die Entstehung dcr Hochmure des Ferschbachthales im Ober-Pinzgau. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1899, 290-297. 13. Die Bcziehungen des Klippengebietes zwischen Dunau und Thaya zum alpin-karpathiscbcn Gcbirgs- systeme. Wicn, Geol. Verb., 1899, 374-381. 14. Untersuchungen iiber die fossilcn Platanistiden des Wiener Beckeus. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 68, 1900, 839-874. 15. Die Fauna der miocanen Schotter von Nieder- schleinz bei LiiubergMeissau in Nicderosterreich. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1900, 387-394. 16. Mittbeilnng iiber Studien an Orchis angustifolia, Rclibch. (O. Traunsteineri, Saut.) von Zall am See in Salzburg und iiber einige andere Orchideen aus dem Pinzgau. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 50, 1900. 57-58. Abel, Rudolf []'iiltnlin Ludtrig]. Ein Fall von Pseudo- hermaphroditismus mascnliuns mit sarconiatuser Crypt- orchis sinistra. Virchow, Arcb., 126, 1891, 420-437. 2. Zur Aetiologie der Khinitis fibrinosa. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892. 841-845. 3. Bakteriologische Studien iiber Ozsna simplex. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 161-173. 4. Ueber die antiseptische Kraft des Ichthyols. Centrbl. Bakt., 14, 1893, 413 422. 6. Beitrag zur Frage von der Lebensdaner der Diphtheriebacillen. Centrbl. Bakt., 14, 1893, 756-761. R, S. A. 0. 6. Ueber daa Vorkomuien feiner Spirillen in Dejck- tionen Cholerakrankcr. Centrbl. Bakt., l.'i, I8S4, 213- 216. 7. Ucl)er die Brauchbarkeit der von Scbilu angeKc- benen Formalinprobe zur Differential. Diagnusc des TyphusbiicilluB. Centrbl. Bakt , 16, 1894, 1041-1046. S. Beobacbtungen gelegentlich eincr Milzbrund- epidcmie. Centrbl. Bakt. (Ahl. 1), 17, 189B, 171-177. 0. Versuche iiber das Verbalten der Diphtherie- bacillen gegcn die Einwirkinig iler Winterkiiltc. Centrbl. Bakt. {Aht. 1), 17, 1896, 545-5.50. 10. Zur buktcriolo(.'ischen Technik. Centrbl. Bakt. {Ahl. 1), IM, 1896, 673-674. 11. Ein Halter fiir Objekttriiger und Deckgliischen. Centrbl. Bakt. (.16(. 1), IH, 1898, 782-783. 12. Zur P'iirbung des Coccidium oviforme. Centrbl. Bakt. {Ahl. 1), 20, 1896, 904-90.5. 13. Die .\etiologie der Ozosna. Ztschr. Hyg., 21, 1896. S'.)-I55. 14. Zur Kenntnis des Pestbacillns. Centrbl. Bakt. {Ahl. 1). 21, 1897, 497-517. 15. Zur Bakteriologie der Stomatitis and Angina ulcerosa. Centrbl. Bakt. {All. 1). 24, 1898. 1-7. 16. Ueber Kochapparate fiir liedingt gesuodheits- scbadliches Fleisch und Versuche mit dem Hartmann'- schen Fleiscbsterilisator. Ztschr. Hyg., 30, 1899. 375-447. Abel, Iliidolf H'alentin Liidicig], & Bnttenberg, I'ant. Ueber die Einwirkung von Schimnielpilzen auf Arsen und seine Verbindungen. Der Nachweis von Arsen auf biologi,schem Wegc. Ztschr. Hyg.. 32, 1899. 449-490. Abel, Rudolf [Valentin Ludiiig], & Claossen, Richard. Untersuchungen iiber die Lebensdauer der Choleravi- brionen in Fiikalien. Centrbl. Bakt. {Alt. 1), 17, 1896, 77-81, 118-130. Abel, Rudolf [Valentin Lnduig], & Drier, Arthur. Das Hiihnerei als Culturmedium fiir rholeravibrionen. Ztschr. Hyg., 19, 1896, 61-74. Abel, Rudolf [Valentin Ludwig], iV Loeffler, Friedrich [.luguril Johannes], See IioefiSer iV; AbeL Abel, ir. ./. The ear and bearing. Midland Natlist., 8, 1885, 119-123, 167-169, 199-201, 21.3-217, 281-285, 344-347. Abele, Rudolf. [?Ludicig.] Zur Methode der Flammen- Tachographie. Arcb. Ajiat. Physiol. {Phytiol. Ablh.), 1892, 22-33. Abeles, Hans. Zur Frage der alkoholischen Gahrung obne Hefezellen. Berlin, Chem. Gcs. Ber., 31, 1898, 2261-2267. Abeles, M[arkus]. 9. Glykogengehalt verschiedener Orgiine im Coma diabeticum. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 449-452. 10. Zur Frage der Zuckerbildung in der Leber. Med. Jbiich., 2, 1887. 383-406. 11. Ueber Harnsiiure im Blute and einigen Organen und (iewebcn. Med. .Ibiich., 2. 1887. 479-485. 12. Ueber Saccharin. Wien. Med. Wschr., 37, 1887, 789-791. 13. Ueber ein Verfahren zum Enteiweissen des Blutes fiir die Zuckerl)estimmang. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 15. 1891, 495-.i04. Abeles, M[arkuii], & Fasctakls, Heinrich. Beitrage znr Kenntniss des Tabakrauches. Arch. Hyg., 14, 1892, 209-215. Abeleven, Th. II. A. J. 2. Tweede [-rijfde] lijst van uieuwe indigenen, die na de uitgave van de eerste lijst in IsTO, in Ncderland ontdekt zijn. [1883-97.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 132-138; 5, 1891, 673-«77; 6, 1896. 502-506; 1, 1899, 282-287- 3. Flora van Xijmegen. [1888-89.] NederL Ernidk. Arch., 5. 1891. -2-51-340, -5.52-596. Abella y Casariego, Enrique. To reference in No. 6 {Vol. 12) add Espana Coin. Geol. Bol.. 11, 1884, 405- 423. Abella y Casarieg-ol 10 [Abelous 7. La isla de Bilirnn y sus aziifrales. Espafia Com. Geol. Bol., 11, 1884, 359-3fi9. 8. El Monte Maquilin (F"ilipinas) y sus actuales emanaciones volcanicas. Espafia Com. Geol. Bol., 11, 1884, 371-394. 9. Emanaciones volcanicas subordinada.s al Malinao (Filipinas). Espaiia Com. Geol. Bol., 11, 1884, 3<».5-104. 10. Rapida descripcion fisiea, geologica y miuera de la isla de Cebu (Arehipiclago filipino). Espana Com. Geol. Bol., 13, 1886, 1-189. AbelU, Vittorio. Una polmonite sviluppatasi e guarita sulla vetta del Monte Eosa (altezza 4560 metri). Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Si'in. 2), 18-25. Abelmann, is[;ias]. Beitrag zur Eewegungstheorie der Lei.iiiden. Astr. Naclir., 147, 1898, 203-206. a. Bemerkuug iiber die Bieliden. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 205-206. Abelous, J. E\rnile]. Recherches snr les microbes de Te.stomac a I'etat normal et leur action sur les substances alimentaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 310- 312; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.). 86-89. 2. Action des antiseptiqiies sur le ferment saccbari- fiant du pancreas. Doses antiseptiques et antizymotiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 {C. R.), 215-217. 3. Essais de greffe de capsules sunenales .sur la grenouille. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (G.R.), 864-866. 4. Contribution a Tetude de la fatigue. Arch, de Physiol. , 5, 1893, 437-446 ; Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 2, Fisiol), 169-170. 5. Des rapports de la fatigue avec les fonotions des capsules surrenales. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 720- 728; Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vnl. 2, Fisiol.), 20-21. 6. Contribution a I'etude de Taction de la propeptone et de la peptone sur la circulation. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 53-63. 7. Toxicity du sang et des muscles des animaux fatigues. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 433-439; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 {C. fi.), 198-199. 8. Sur Taction paralysaute de Turine huniaine in- jectee a la grenouille. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1895, 508-514. 9. Sur Taction antitoxique des organes. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1896, 654-662. 10. Sur Taction antitoxique des capsules surrenales. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 47, 1895 {C.R.). 458-459. 11. Dosage des matieres extractives r6ductrices dans les muscles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 578-580. 12. Dosage des matieres extractives reductrices dans les organes. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 1-6. 13. Sur le pouvoii' antitoxique des organes vis-a-vis de la strychnine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 398-399. 14. Sur la presence dans Torganisme animal d'un ferment soluble ddcomposant Teau oxygenic. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 51, 1899 (C. «.), 328-330. 16. Sur Texistence dans Purine des cliiens d'un ferment soluble df^composant Teau oxyg^'nee. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mt-ni., 51, 1899 (C. 7i.), 330-331. AbelouB, J. 7','|»i/7<'l, & Bardier, K[mile]. Sur quelques syruptrmies consecutifs a une nephrite experimontale. I'aris. Soc. Biol. M6m., 48, 1896 {<'. R.), 93-94. Abelous, .'. K[mih'], & Blamis, (1. Sur le pouvoir oxydiUit du sang. Arch, di' I'hvsiol., 6, 1894, 591-595; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi^m., 46, lS9i'{(;. Ji.), ,536-538. 2. Sur le pouvoir oxydant du sang et des organes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 799-801; Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1895, 19.5-199. 3. Recherches sur le mecanisme des ox.vdations organiques. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1896, 239-244. 4. Hierarchie des organes au point ile vue du pouvoir oxydant. Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 311-316; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mim., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 262-264. 5. Nouvelles exfieriences sur le mecanisme des oxy- dations organiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 {C.R.). 94-96. 6. Sur Texistence d'une oxydase chez les erustaces. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897. 277-283. 7. Sur les ferments solubles oxydants de Torganisme. Congr. Int. Med. C. 1!,, 1897 {]'nl. 2. Sect. 2). 2-3. 8. Sur Texistence d'une oxydase chez T^crevisse. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 173-175. 9. Oxydase des erustaces. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 \c. R.), 249-251. 10. Sur Texistence d'une oxydase chez les mammi- feres. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mc^m., 49, 1897 (C.R.). 285-287. 11. Nouvelles experiences sur Toxvdase des raammi- feres. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (('. iv.), 493-494. 12. A propos des remarques faites par .1/. Bourodki.ot Bur nos dernicres communicatioufi [sur Toxydase des mammiferes]. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C.R.), 559-561. 13. Sur Texistence chez les mammiferes de globulines possedant les proprietes des ferments solubles oxydants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Wm., 49, 1897 {C.R.). 576-.577.' 14. Sur Texistence chez les mammiferes d'une oxydase-globuline. Ses caracteres et ses proprietes. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1898, 664-671. 15. Remarques a propos d'une recente communication de 71/. PoRTiER [sur Toxydase du sang des mammiferes, sa localisation dans le leucocyte]. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mdm., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 494^95. 16. Nouvelles experiences relatives a Texistence chez les mammiferes d'un ferment soluble oxydant Tald^hyde salicvlique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 495-496. Abelous, J. E[mile], & Billard, G[eorges]. Recherches sur les fonctions du thymus chez la grenouille. Arch, de Phvsiol., 8, 1896, 898-907; Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 48, 1896 (C. R.). 808-810. 2. De Taction anticoagulante du foie des erustaces. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. «.), 991-993. 3. De Taction du sue hepatique d'ecrevisse sur la circulation. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 1078-1080. 4. Influence du foie sur Taction anticoagulante du sue hepatique d'ecrevisse. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 [C. R.). 86-87. 5. Une premiere injection de sue hepatique d'ecrevisse ou de peptones immunise-t-elle Tanimal centre les effets d'une injection ultcrieure de .sue hepatique d'ecrevisse? Paris. Soc. Biol. Mem.. 50, 1898 {C. R.). 212-214. Abelous,./. K[mile], & Cluzet, ■T\nseph]. Sur quelques con- ditions determinant des modifications qualitatives dans les reactions (51ectriques du nerf sciatique de la grenouille. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi^m., 52, 1900 {C. R.), .545-546. 2. Sur quelques conditions pouvant modifier les reactions clectriques des iierfs de la grenouille. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. K.), 599-600. Abelous, J. F.[miU']. & Gerard, /•.'[niis/]. Sur la presence, dans Torganisme animal, d'un ferment soluble reduisant les nitrates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 56-58; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1899, 103-105. 2. Sur la presence, dans Torganisme animal, d'un ferment soluble rc'ducteur. Pouvoir reducteur des ex- traits d'organes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 164- 166; .11. Pharm., 10, 1899, 169-172. 3. Sur la coexistence d'une diastase reductrice et d'une diastase oxydante dans les organes animaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 1023-1025. 4. Sur la pr(''sence dans Torganisme animal d'un ferment soluble reducteur. Congr. Int. Mt5d. 0. R., 1900 {Vol. 1, Physiol). 153-159, 6. Transformation de la nitrobcnzine en ph^nylamine ou aniline par un ferment reducteur et hydrogenant de Torganisme, Paris, Ac, Sci, C, E., 130, 1900, 420-422. Abelous I 11 [Abenius Abelous,./, Klmile], Xi Beim, f\r^ CasiapoBa II y OfMopcica ii iii)iixo;;i. pufiu bi, iioc.i Ii.iho.mi. liyilKl'l,. Phenomcnes pi^riodiques de la natnrc. VI. Degel et rcgel du Bcuve de I'Obi pres de Saniarovo et d'Obdorsk et mont^e du poisson en ce dernier lien. lekaterinenb., Soc. Oural. Bull., 12 (So. 2), 1890-91. 77-78. 6. [r0,^0B0R BUBOAt 0Ca,TK0B1> B^ IlepMCKOfi iy6e|)llill :ia 1891-94 lI 1896-97 rr. Quantitc d'eau tumbee daus le gouvernement de Perm en 1891-94 et 1896-97.] lekaterinenb.. Soc. Oural. Bull., 13 (.V... 1), 1891-92, i-ii, (Xo. 2), 1891-94, iii-vi ; 15 {So. 1|, 1895, 96-102, (.V(). 2), 1896, 18,1-195; 21, 1899, 143-176. 7. ll:iM'kpciiiji ii.ioTiiocTii cHtra bi. EKaxepii- uCyprb 3II1I0R> 1890-91 rr. [Messungen der Dich- tigkeit des Schnees im Winter 1890-91 in Katharinen- burg.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (/;«.«.«.), 69, 1892 {.Ippntd. So. 2), 24 pp, ; Repertm. 1. Meteorol.. 15, 1892, So. 2, 20 pp. 8. llapoMcTpiriccKl)! iiiMl.pi-iiiH BiJcoTiJ rop^ iia no,xopa;)xlui. Mi-ai.iy KBpoiioft ii \:ik'(i bt. oKpcriiifK'THXl. Kl!aTi'pllll6ypra. [Barometric mea- Murements of heights of mountains on the watershed between Kuro|)e and Asia in the neighbourhood of Kkaterinburg. ] 81. Petersb., Rush. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 2H, 1892, 289-299. 0. (yro'iiiuii \oxi- TOMiicpaTypu ciitra h oii- |)c,vknMii(' :iaBiiciiMocrii McH:,iy leii.ioiipoBfuiio- i-lliH) I'llt.ra II Cro 11.10T1IOCTI.Kp. [Beobachtungen der tiiglichen Periode der Temperatur im Schnee und Bestimmung des Wkrmeleitungsvermogenfl des .SchneeH als Function seiner Uichtigkfit.] [1892.] St. Petentb., Ac. Sci. yiem. {Rut:), T>.li93{.lppfn>l. So. 12), 65 pp.; Repertm. f. MeU-orol., 16, 1893, So. 1, 53 pp. 10. 0 ii.ioTHOoTii ciit.ra bx KKarepiiHCiyprfc. [Sur la densit*'' de la neige u Ekaterinboarg. ] St. Pitersb. Ac. Sci. Mi'-m., 3, 1896, So. 9, 21 pp. 11. 0 bucotI. A.K'KcaiapoBcKofl con Kit 11 TaraiUUI. [Un the altitudes of the Aleksandrovsky volcano and of Taganai.) [1«97.) St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 33, 1897-98, .366-368. 12. Erdniagnetische Beobachtungen in Obdorsk and Ssamarowo. St. Piterab. Ac. Sci. Bull., 11. 1900, 9-27. Abelsdorff, Geonj. Zur klinischen Bedeutung bitempo- raler Gesichtsfebldefecte. Arch. .Augenheilk., 31, 1898, 1.50-157; Arch. Uphthalm., 26, 1897, 510-516. 2. Ueber die Erkcunbarkeit des Sehpurpurs von Abramis brama mit Hiilfe des Augenspiegels. Berlin Ak. Sbcr., 1896, 325-329. a. Ueber Sehpurpur und AugenbiDtergnind bei den Fischen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Phyiiol. Abth.), 1896. 345-347. 4. Die oplithalmoskopische ?>kennbarkeit des Seh- purpurs. Ztschr. Psychol., 14. 1897, 77-90. 6. Physiologi.sche Beobachtungen am Ange der Kro- kodile. Arch. .Anat. Physiol. (Phyiiol. Ablh.). 1898, 15.5-167. 6. Ein unbeachtet gebliebene.s Augensymptom bei der Kiiltestarre der Frosche. [1899.) Centrbl. Physiol., 13, 1900, 81-82. 7. Ueber die Moglichkeit eines objecti%-en Nachwei.ses der Farbenblindheit. Arch. Augenbeilk., 41, 1900, 155- 162. 8. Die .'Venderungen der Pupillenweite darcb Ter- scbiedenfarbige Belicbtung. Ztschr. Psychol., 22, 1900. 81-95, 451-453. 9. Zur .\natomie der Ganglienzellen der Retina. [1900.) Arch. Angenheilk., 42, 1901, 188-198. Abelsdorff, (ieorri. A Kottgen, (/>'.) Kltf. Sre Kottgen ,v Abelsdorff. Alielsdorff, lidinj, A Nenmann, G. Ueber postoperative Conjunctivitis "mit bakteriologiscbem Befunde. [1900.) Arch. Augenheilk., 42, 1901, 68-77. Abend, L., A Oeigel, Richard. .See Oeisel it Abend. Abeniua, I'[er] Wilhelm. Ueber einige aromatische halo- gensubiititiiirte Acetamidoilerivate und daraus erbaltene Verbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1665-1668. 2. Ueber eine ncue Klasse aus den Glycinen derivi- render Lactone. [Vorliiufige Mittbeilnng.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1668-1669. 3. Ueber einige Pia/iuabkummlinge. [1889.) Jl. Prakt. Cbem., 40, 1889, 4i5-4l4 : 41, 1890. 79-86. 4. Ueber einige aus leu Glycinen derivirende Lactone. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 40, 1889, 498-504. 6. Zur Keiintniss der Piazinabkummlinge. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 47. 1893. 1'^3-litO. 2—2 Abenius] 12 [Aberson 6. Zur Kenntniss der Formoine. Berlin, Chem. Gea. Ber., 27, 1894, 706-719. 7. Om formoineruas ii'aktioustoiliiiUaiuleii. [1894.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihaug, 20 (Jfil. 2), 1896, No. 2, ■S:i pp. AbeniuB, P[er] WiDielin, & I.unge, Georg. See Iiunge * AbeniuB. AbeniuB, ]'[ei'\ V'iUielm, iV- Soderbaum, Il[enril;] G[nsliw]. Utljer das Diphenvltetraketon. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] BfiUn, Chem. Ge's. Ber., 24, 1891, 3033-3034. 2. Ueber einige aroraatische Tetraketone. Berlin, Chem. Gea. Ber., 25, 1892, 3468-3476. 3. Om nagra aromatiaka tetraketoner. Stoekh., Ofvers., 1893, 27-44. AbeniuB, l\ikiis]. Die Aepfelsiiure der Crassulaceeu. Berlin, Clicin. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1432- 1449. Aberson I 13 [Abetti 3. DuiHoiiiei'icvan'tappel/.aiir. [1898.] AmHterilam, Ak. Vcih. (S,;-t. 1), (1, 1899, Xn. 1, 42 pp.; Itec. Trav. Cliirii. I'avsHim, 17. 1898, :)0(»-:^10. 3. Lli'ber die Aktivitiit del Oxylirenztraubenmiure. Zt-vchi. I'hysikiil. Oliiiii., M. 1899, 17-21, Aberson, ./(»/i(/»;iciil Il[fiidrikii.i\, A Dam, If. uuii. .SVc Dam .V Aberson. Aberson, ■l\(ili:iiiii.n] //[<';irfri7i»»'|, & Oiltay, Edutird. Srr out ay iV Aberson. Abert, (Co/.) ./rim.'.i ir. On color. Cincln. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 7. 1884, 1117-173, a. On palm trees. Ciucin. Soc. Nat. Hist, Jl., 7. 1884, 174-lHO. 3. Till' Aztec calendar stone. Oincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. .11,, 7, 1884, lHl-193, 4. liiK nuns, [1888.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist, ,11,, 11, [1889], 127-13,5, Abetti, Aiitiiiiid. 13. '[ Aiiiore boreali dei niesi di sct- tt'iiiljie ed ottobre, 1870.) Padova. Moncalieri Oss. Hull,, r,, 1870, 101. 14. Osservazioni delln Cometa Pons-Brooks fatte col 1' equatoriali' Dembowski a I'adova. Astr. Nachr., 107, 1884, 223-228; 108, 1884, 27-30, 107-110. 16. Osservazioni della Cometa 1883 1 latte coll' eqiia- toriale Deuibowski a Padova. Astr. Naohr., 107, 1884, 2r,9-2t;0. 16. Osservazione della pianeta (236) Honoria fatta md r Osservatorio di Padova. Astr. Naehr., 108, 1884, 107 408, 17. Os.scrvazioni della idaiu'ta (131) Vala, fatte nel r Osservatorio di Padova. Astr. Naehr., 108,1884,439-140. 18. Osservazioni di pianetini fatte all' Osservatorio di I'ailova coll' equatoriale Denibowski. [1884.] Astr. Nadir,, 10',1, 1884, 114-120; Venezia, 1st, Atti, 1883-84, 1137-1147, 19. Osservazioni nstronomiclie fatte all" Osservatorio (li Piidova coir ei|iiiitoriali' HcMiibowski, [1884-87. | Venezia, 1st, Atti. 1883-84, ,837 8j8; 1884-85, 1427- 1438, 1849 1 850; 1886-87, 41-ol, 209-220, ao. [Beobaclitnngen ilis Cometen 1884 Wolf,] .\m Aecpiatoreal Denibowski der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1886, 107-108. 31. [Beobaehtun^en des neuen Plancten (248) Lameia auf der Sternwarte in Padova.] .\str. Nachr.. 112, 1885, 47-48. 33, Osservazioni fatte a Padova coll' equatoriale Denibowski. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 30,')-310; llli, 1887, 107-112, 215-218; ll.'^. 1888, 233-238; 119, 1888, 167-1(58; 120, 1889, 28.5-2.S8; 121, 1889, 269 272, 299- 300; 122,1889.233-230; 123,1890,3(11-361; 124,1890, 111-112; 127. 1891, 29'.i-,i02; 132, 1893, 325-330, 329- 331, 315-350, 393-400; 133, 1893, 31-36, 359-364, 399- 400: 136, 1894, 145 152. 33. Observations de la Comete Fabry, faites Ji Padoue. Bull. Astr. (Paris), 2, 1885, 565; 3, 1886, 27. 34. O.sservazioni astronomiclie delle Cnmete Fabry e Barnard fatte a Padova, coU' e(|uatoriale Dembowski, nel diceiubre 1IS85 subito dopo la loro scoperta. [1885.) Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1885-86, 191-194, 35. [Osservazioni delle Comete 1886. ..(Fabry) e 1886 ...(Barnard) fatte a Padova.] Astr. Nachr., 113, 1886, 265-266, 349-350. 36. Osservazioni della Cometa 1885... (Brooks 2) fatte a Padova ooU" equatoriale Dembowski. Astr. Nachr., 113. 1886. 397-398. 37. Esperimento per le determinazioni di latitudine, fatto coUo stnimento dei passajitji di Bambeiui all' Osser- vatorio di Padova, nell' ottobre 1.885. Itoma, R. .\cc. Lincei Uend., 2, 1886 {Sem. 1), 10-15. 38. Osservazioni astronomiclie della nuova Cometa Brooks 2 e delle Comete Fabry e Barnard fatte a Padova, coir equatoriale Dembowski, nel (jennaio 1886. [1886.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1885-86. 267-273. 3 0. I'avole per ridurre il naxccre ed il traroontare di'lla lunu dalle elTemeridi di Berlino a^li orizzonti di latiludini fra 36- e 48-. [1886,] Venezia, Ist, Atti, 1885-86, 1281-1292, 30. (jKservazioni delle nuove comete fatte a Padova. Aslr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 171-172. 31. [Beobachtungen, etc. des Cometen 1887. ..(Bar- nard Mai 12).] Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Afitr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 43-44, 101-104. 33. Beobachtun^^M-n dcrSonnenllnHterniBRl887 August 18-19. Astr. NacLr., 117. 1887. 279. 38. Osservazioni della Cometa Olbers 1887. ..fatte a Padova. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 389-390; 118, 1888, 379-380; 119,1888,41-42. 34. Beobachtungen des neuen Planeten (269). At 1' Osservotorio di Padova. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 389- 390. 36. Nozioni sul calendario dei Cofti e ki der Sternwarte in I'mlua. Astr. Nachr., 122. 1889, 171-172. 39. Beobachtungen des Cometen Swift 1889 Nov. 16. .\ur der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 125-126. 40. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1890...(BorTelly 1889 Dec. 12). Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 239-240, 283-284; Bull. Astr. (Paris), 7, 1890, 17. 41. Beobachtungen des Planeten (288) (K. Luther Febr. 20). Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 87-88. 43. Beobachtungen des Planeten (288) (ilauke. Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 171- 172. 43. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1890... (Brooks Miirz 19). .\uf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 171-172. 44. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1890...(CogKia Juli 18). Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 91-92. 46. Cometa d' Arrest 1890.... Astr. Nachr., 12G, 1891, 79-«0. 46. Cimietal890 ..(Zona Nov. 15). Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 109-110; 127, 1891, 105-108, 47. Suir orbita della Cometa 1887 IV. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 177-214. 48. Osservazioni dei nuovi pianeti fatte a Padova. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 43-J6. 49. [Beobachtungeu des Cometen 1891...(Bamard- Deuuing).] Auf der Sternwarte in Padna. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 77-78. 60. Osservazioni astronomiche su Marte fatte a Padova nell' opposizione 1892. [1893.] Homa, K. .\ce. Lincei Mem., 7, 1891, 343-363; Astr. Nacbr., 133, 1893, 2.5-32. 61. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1892... (Denning Miirz 1.S). .\uf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 129. 1892. 311-312. 63. Suir orbita delta Cometa 1887 IV (Barnard 12 maggio). Si>ettrosc. Ital. Mem., 20, 1892, 12-14. 53. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1892. ..(Holmes Nov. 6).] Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893. 14.5-146, 16;}-164, 195-196, 30.5-306. 64. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1893. ..(Brooks 189*2 Nov. 19).] Auf der Sternwarte in Padna. \att. Nachr., 131. 1893. 24,5-246, Abetti] 14 [Abetti 55. [Beobachtungen des Planeten 1892 T (Charlois Dec. 9).] Auf der Steruwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 311-312, 407-108; 132, 1893, 79-80. 56. [Beobachtunf,'en der Sonnentinsterniss 1893 April 1(5. J Auf der kgl. Steruwarte iu Padua. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 302. 57. Osservazioni della Cometa 1893...(Eordame- Quenisset) fatte a Padova coll' equatoriale Dembowski. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 377-380. 58. Pianeta 1893 A. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 399- 400. 59. Observations de la planete Charlois (1893 A), faite.s a TObservatoire de Padoue (equatorial Dembowski de 0"',137 douverture). Bull. Astr. (Paris), 10, 1893, 180-181. 60. Sul nuovo micrometro a lamina applicato al r equatoriale Dembowski. [1893.] Veuezia, 1st. Atti, 1892-93, 623-641. 61. Formole e tavole per calcolare la rifrazione differenziale nelle osservazioni micrometriche. [1893.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1892-93, 643-659. 62. Osservazioni di comete e di pianetini fatte col r equatoriale Dembowski a Padova dal febbraio 1891 al [dicerabre 1893]. [1893-94.] Veuezia, 1st. Atti, 1892- 93, 847-874; 1893-94, 1365-1389. 63. Elementi dell" orbita ed effemeride del pianeta 1893 A e confrouto coUe osservazioni. [1893-94.] Veuezia, 1st. Atti, 1892-93, 1547-1555; 1893-94, 1390- 1397. 64. Osservazioni dei satelliti di Giove fatte al R. Osservatorio di Padova coll' equatoriale Dembowski. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 153-158. 65. Congiunzione di Marte con t> Tauri e di Saturuo con 7 Virginia. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 22, 1894, 98-100. 66. Elemente und Ephemerideu des Cometen 1896... (Perrine-Lamp). Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 30. 67. Osservazioni di asteroid! latte ad Arcetri [negli anni 1895-1900]. Astr. Naebr., 140, 1896, 209-214, 213-222, 307-312; 141, 1896, 12.5-134; 143, 1897, 129- 140 ; 146, 1898, 49-68, 81-92 ; 147, 1898, 141-142, 331- 332; 148, 1899, 217-218; 149, 1899, 2.57-270, 273-278; 1.50, 1899, 239-240 ; 152, 1900, 81-84, 24-5-262, 293-302 ; 153, 1900, 89-92. 68. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1896... (Swift April 13). Auf der Steruwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr. 140, 1896, 269-270. 69. Osservazioni di comete all' equatoriale di Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 311-316; 142, 1897, 269-270; 149, 1899, 17-24. 70. Osservazioni dei satelliti di Giove fatte al r equatoriale di Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 133-136. 71. [Beobacbtuugen des Cometen l.S96...(Giacobiui).] Auf der Steruwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 311-312. 72. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1896...(Sperra Aug. 31).] Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 313-314. 73. L' equatoriale di Arcetri. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., 22 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc.'l), 1896, 23 pp. 74. II micrometro doppio dell' equatoriale. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., 23 (Arcetri Oss., Faxc. 2), 1896, 20 pp. 75. Osservazioni di asteroid! fatte ad Ai'cetri uel 1895. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., 24 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 3), 1890, 25 pp. 76. CoMieta I 1896 (Perrine.Lamp). Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 25, 1896, 33-37. 77. Elementi ed oifenieride del pianeta (345) Ter- cidiua. Aatr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 4.5-46, 111-112, 341- 342. 78. Beobachtung dea Cometen 1897...(Perrine 1896 Nov. 2). Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 61 62. 70. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1896...(Perrine Dec. 8).] Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 339-340. 80. [L' asteroide (345) Tercidino.] Nota. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., 26 (Arcetri Oss., Fuse. 5), 1897, 15-16. 81. Osservazioni astronomiche fatte all' equatoriale di Arcetri [negli anni 1896-99]. Firenze B. 1st. Pubbl., 27 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 6), 1897, 47 pp.; 32 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 9), 1898, 40 pp. ; 34 (Arcetri Oss., Fcuic. 10), 1899, 66 pp. ; 36 (Ai-cetri Oss., Fasc. 12), 1900, 76 pp. 82. Cometa 1897...(Perrine ottobre 10) osservata al- r equatoriale di Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 45-46. 83. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1898...(Perrinp Miirz 19).] Auf der Steruwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 93-94, 125-126; 148, 1899, 121-126. 84. Beobachtungen [des Cometen Coddington-Pauly]. Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 357-358. 85. Cometa Wolf 1898... e Marte. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 191-192. 86. [Osservazioni dell' asteroide (433) (1898 DQ) ad Arcetri.] Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 223-224, 279-282; 148, 1899, 157-158. 87. [II piccolo meridiano di Arcetri.] Osservazioni delle stelle di Mnemosine. Posizione media delle stelle... Firenze E. 1st. Pubbl., .30 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 7), 1898, 58-.59. 88. Cometa 1898... (Brooks ottobre 20) osservata ad Arcetri coll' equatoriale di Amici. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 93-94. 89. Beobachtungen des Planeten 1898 ED. [Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri.] Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 95-96. 90. Osservazioni di "comete ed asteroidi ad Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 21.5-218. 91. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1898 VIII (Chase). Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 239-240. 92. Planet 1899 EJ. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 15-16. 93. [Cometa 1899 I osservata ad Arcetri.] Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 27-28, 61-62; 1.50, 1899, 235-238; 151, 1900, 283-284. 94. Stelle osservate al piccolo meridiano di Arcetri nel 1898. Astr. Nachr., 149. 1899, 201-206. 95. Osservazioni ad Arcetri coll' equatoriale di Amici. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 205-206. 96. Osservazioni del pianeta (85) Io=[1899 EN] 9'" 6. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 237-238. 97. Cerere e Pallade osserviiti uell' opposizione 1899 all' equatoriale di Amici. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 333- 336. 98. Osservazioni degli asteroidi 1899 ER e 1899 ES. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 77-78. 99. Cometa 1899 V (Giacobini). Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 285-286. 100. Cometa Tempel 1899 IV. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 285-290. 101. Osservazioni di (7) Iris e (4) Vesta nell' oppo- sizione 1899 air equatoriale di Amici in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 83-88. 102. Pianeta 1900 FG. Astr. Nachr. , 153, 1900, 103- 104. 103. Cometa 1900 I (1900 a). Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 103-106. 104. Eclisse di Sole del 28 maggio 1900 ad Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 297-298. 105. Observations de la plan6te (J.yptis, faites a I'Observatoire d'Arcetri (Equatorial Amici de 0"',284 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr. (Paris), 17. 1900, 449. 106. Asteroide (456) [1900 FH|. [1900.] Astr. Nachr., 154, 1901, 9-10. 107. Cometa 1900 II (1900b). [1900.] Astr. Nachr., 154, 1901, 61-64. 108. Pianeta (1) Cerere osservato nell' opposizione Abettil 15 [Abney 1900 ill Arcotii air tiiuatorialo ili Amki. |1!)IJ0.J Ablr. Naclir., 151, 1901, 157-160. 109. II Mumi'io asHuluto iloll' era volnare nel periwlo (liiiliano. (I'JOII.J Spettrosc. Ital. iM«ni., 29, 1901, 11-15; OliHcrvatory, London, 'J.i, 1900, 315-317. Abich, [Otin \Vilhflm\ llcriiiniiii roii. AsHign to this author entries (I'ol. 1) umlov Abich, G. For hio^raphy anil works mc Aukt. .11. Sci., H2, 1886, 216; l''okU. Ko/.lciii., 16, 1886, 338; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 168 ; Nature, 34, 1886, 2 15, 290 ; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 103, 1886, 14-17; St. Potersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Husk.), 53, 1886, 5-8; St. IVtersb., Com. (n'ol. Bull., 5, 1886, K pp. ; Wion, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 1,1886 OKpecrHO- CTHMII, BI. 1864 rojiy. [Verchlepsinsk and neigh- bourhood in 1864.] St. Petersb., Soc. Basse Geogr. Mem. (Gror/r.), 1, 1867, 321-327. Abramow, .S'. Ueber die pathidogisch-anatomischen Vcranderungen der serdsen Haute bei den experimen- tellen aeutcn tibrinosen Entziindungen. Beitr. Path. Anat., 23, 1898, 1-19. 2. Ueber die Veriinderungen der Blutgefiisse bei der Syphilis. Beitr. Path. Anat., 20, 1899, 202-229. Abrams, Albert. A contribution to the study of heretofore undescribed neuroses of the lungs. N. Y. Med. Jl., 63, 1896, 767-768. 2. Note of a case of facial hemiatrophy. N. Y. Med. J 1., 64, 1896, .582-583. 3. The value of the Rontgen rays in cardiac diagnosis. N. Y. Med. Jl., 65, 1897, 785-786. 4. The lung retlex. N. Y. Med. Jl., 71, 1900, 57-58. Abrams, Le Hoy. The structure and development of Cryptomitrium tenerum. Bot. Gaz., 28, 1899, 110-121. Abranches de Moura, (capit.) Jose Ednardo. [L'eclipse totule de Soleil du 10 avril.] Astrouomie, 1893, 230-231. Abreu liacerda, Augmto de. Organisagao e trabalhos da Conimissao Geographica e Geologica do Estado de .Minas Cicraes. Minas Geraes Gomm. Geogr. Geol. Bol., 1, 1894, 6!» pp. 2. Subsidies para o estudo do clima do estado de Minas Geraes. Minas Geraes Comm. Geogr. Geol. Bol., 2, 1895, 511 pp. 3. A bacia do Kio das Mortes. Minas Geraes Comm. Geogr. Geol. Bol., 3, 1896, l-«4. Abrla, Jeremie Joseph Benoit. Assign to this author ehtries (VoU. 7 and 9) under Abrla, <}. For biography and list of works tee Bordeaux Ac. Actes, .55, 1893, 203-236; Bordeaux Soc. ScL M^m., 3, 1893, 301-330. 41. "Bordeaux (Gironde). Observations mcteoro- logique.s faites pendant [les aunees 1852—56]. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1864, Pt. 2, 125-140 ; 9, 1861, Ft. 1, 5-36. Abromeit, J[ohannes]. 2. Ueber die Anatomie des Eichcnholzes. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 15, 1884, 209-281. 3. 'Bericht iiber Exkursionen im Kreise Neustadt. [1883.J Konigsb. Scbr., 25, 1886 (Abh.), 60-69. 4. Berichtigung des Sanio'schen Aufsatzes liber die Zahlenverhaltnisse der Flora Preusseus. Konigsb. Schr., 25, 1885 (.4 (anneIongue, [Odilo7i Marc]. See I>annelongiie & Achard. Achard, Ch[arles], & deeper, M[aurice]. L'epreuve du bleu de methylene dans la d(5generescence amyloide des reins. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 1027- 1029. 2. Les globules blancs dans le rhumatisme. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 [C. R.), 1029-1030. 3. Les globules blancs dans la tuberculose. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 (C. R.). 1066-1067. Achard, Ch{arles], it DIorfaux, P[aul]. L'urobilinurie et la permeability rinale. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 51, 1899 (C. iJ.), .50-51. Achard, Gh[arles], & Fhnlpin, E[mile]. Note sur la penetration des microbes dans les organes pendant I'agonie et apr^s la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m. , 46, 1894 (C. R.), 674-678. 2. Contribution a I'^tude de I'envahissement des organes par les microbes pendant I'agonie et apr^s la mort. Arch. MM. Exper., 7, 1896, 25-47. Achard, Ch[arles], & Benault, Jules. Sur les rapports du Bacterium coli commune avec le Bacterium pyogenes des infections urinaires. Paris, Soc. Biol. JKm., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 830-835. 2. Sur les bacillea de I'infection urinaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 311-315. 3. Note sur Puree et les bacilles urinaires. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 928-930. 4. Sur les ditierents types de bacilles urinaires appartenant au groupe du Bacterium coli. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 983-987. Achard, Ch[arles], & Soupault, Maurice. Deux cas de paralysie aleoolique a forme aigue et generalisee. Arch. Med. 'Exper., 5, 1893, 359-.S75. Achard, Gli[arles], & VTeil, Emile. Contribution a I'etude des sucres chez les diabetiques. Arch. Med. Exper., 10, 1898, 816-850; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 986-988. 2. L'insuffisance glycolytique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. i?.), ",139-141. Achard, C7i[-30. 15. Edward .If.xnkr und die Frage der Immunitat. lVut..;ch. Natf. Verb., 1891 {Tb. 1), 75-95. Ackennann, Wilhelm. Deber eine neue Methnde, Sal- peter.-aure zu bestimmen. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898. 690-691. Ackland, Thomas O. *0n the graduation of mortality tables. Inst. Act. JI., 23, 1882, 3.5-2-3.59. 3. On the true measure of the probabilities of sur- vivorship t)etween two lives. [1888.] Inst. .\ct. Jl., 27, 1889, 157-159. Acklaud] 22 [Acton 3. On some practical applications of simple inter- polation formulae. Inst. Act. Jl., 32, 1896, 28G-'2i)0. 4. (I) An investigation of some of tlie mutliods for deducing the rates of mortality, and of withdrawal, in years of duration; with (II) the application of such methods to the computation of the rates experienced, and the special benefits granted, by clerks' associations. [1896.] Iu.st. Act. Jl., 33, 1898, 08-90, 131-197. Ackroyd, William. 8. Cohesion and cohesion figures. Chem. News, ,54, 1886, 58-.59. 9. On the origin of colour. (I) Relation of molecular and atomic volume to colour. [(II) The colour scale. Thermo-relations. The law of colour. (Ill) Iodine and iodine solutions. (IV) Vibrations. " Break-ethers." Oxygen.] Chem. News, 67, 1893, 27, 04-65, 111-112, 147-148. 10. The science of colour. Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 11, 1895, 160-174. 11. A rapid determination of the equivalent of sul- phuric acid and its place in the teaching of chemistry. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 2.5. 12. Researches on moorland waters. I. Acidity. Chem. Soc. Jl., 75, 1899 {Fl. 1), 190-200. 13. On the distribution of chlorine in West Yorkshire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 694-095. 14. On a limiting standard of acidity for moorland waters. Biit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 695-096. Ackroyd, William, & XSmmott, It'alter. Si'c Emmott & Ackroyd. Ackroyd, Williayn, & Knowles, //. B. On opacity to the Rontgen rays. Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 12, 1896, 6.5-66. Acland, Henry Diihe. Volcanic series in the Malvern HiUs. tieol. Mag., 1, 1894, 48. 2. On a volcanic series in the Malvern Hills, near the Herefordshire Beacon. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 54, 1898, 556-502. Acland, {Sir) Henry Wentirorth Dyke. For biographical notice see Leopoldma, 30, 1900, 169; Nature, 62 (1900), 627; Roy. Soc. Proc, 75, 190B, 109-174. Acland, Theodore D[yke\. Changes in the thymus gland in a ca.se of haemophilia and in one of purpura. [1884.] London Path. Soc. Trans., 30, 1885, 491-494. 2. Actinomycosis honiiuis. London Path. Soc. Trans., 37, 1886, 546-549. Acloque, A. Influence du milieu acjuatique sur les formes des vf-gd'taux. Naturaliste, 16, 1894, 243-245. 2. La notion de I'espece chez les Musciuees. Rev. Sci., 2, ,1894, 338-342. 3. Evolution morphologique des Basidiomycetes. Rev. Sci., 2, 1894, .593-596. 4. Les degrfes de la tendance n^orophile chez les Col(5opt^res. Naturaliste, 17, 1895, 69-71. 6. Points de contact des insects avec les autres Arthropodes. Naturaliste, 17, 1895, 203-265 ; 18, 1896, 58-60; 19, 1897, 132-134. 6. Essai d'une Bynthcse ideale de I'individu muscique. Rev. Sci., 4, 1895, 082-685. 7. La notion de I'espfice et la nomenclature. Rev. Sci., 5, 1896, 490-499. 8. Th(-orie de la fleur. Rev. Sci., 6, 1896, 82-85. 9. La multiplication agame des Musciuees. Rev. Sci., 6, 1896, 721-723. 10. La double origine des Agaricin^s. Rev. Sci., 8, 1897, 379 380. Acolet, {seryt.) . *[Notes met(5orologiques faites a] Laghouat (prov. d'Alger). France Soc. M(5t(5orol. Nouv. Mc^tc'orol., 7, 1874, P(. 2, 93-94, 103-104, 112, 121; 8, 1875, Pi. 2, 21, 43-44. Acosta, /'.'lHn(/H('|, & DdvaloB, Juan N. Conaideracioues sobre el muermo. Ex))ericMu:ias con la malcina. Habana Ac. An., .30, 1893. 384-399. .SVf ulmi Diivalos iV' Acosta. AcOBta, E[nrique], & Grande Rossi, F. Descripci6n de un nuevo Cladothrix, C. invulnerabilis. [Tr.] Centrbl. Bakt., 14, 1893, 14-10. Acosta, Leon P. Observatorio Astron6mico Meteorologico de Mazatlan. llesumen de las observaciones raeteorolo- gicas practicadas en la direccion del Observatorio, durante el ano civil de 1888 a la altura de 4 metres sobre el nivel del mar. Mi5x. Obs. Bol., 1, 1888, 280. Acqua, Aurelio dalV . Ricerche sulle congruenze di curve in una varieta qualunque a tre dimensioni. [1899.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1899-1900 {Pt. 2), 24.5-252. Acqua, Gainillo. Sulla distribuzione dei fasci fibrovas- colari nel loro passaggio dal fusto alia foglia. [1887.] Malpighia, 1, 1887, 277-282; Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 43-75. 2. Coutribuzione alio studio dei cristalli di ossalato di calcic nelle piaute. Roma Ist. Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 109-121. 3. Nuova contribuzione alio studio dei cristaUi di ossalato di calcio nelle piante. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 17-43. 4. Alcune osservazioni sul luogo di origine del 1' ossalato calcico nelle piante. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 160- 166. 5. Contribuzione alia eonoscenza della cellula vegetale. Roma, B. Ace. Lineei Rend., 0, 1890 {Sem. 1), 577-579; Malpighia, 5, 1891, 3-39. 6. La quistione dei " tonoplasti '" e del loro valore. (Rasaegna sintetica dei principali lavori suH' argomento.) Malpighia, 5, 1891, 100-115. 7. Ricerche sul poUine germogliante della Vinca major. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 373-378. 8. Sulla formazione dei granuli d' amido nel Pelar- gonium zonale. Nota preventiva. Malpighia, 7, 1893 393-396. 9. La formazione della parete cellulare nei peli aerei della Lavatera cretica, L. [1893.] Roma, R. Ace Lineei Rend., 2, 1893 {Sem. 1), 154-158; Roma 1st, Bot. Annu., 5, 1894, 85-88. 10. Sulla formazione dei granuli di amido. [1895.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 6, 1897, 1-30. Acqua, Felice dell'. II vajuolo e la vai'icella. Contributo alia diagnosi differenziale. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 340-352. 2. La morte vera e la morte apparente. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 380-891. 3. L' alimentazione carnea. Note d' igiene e di statistica. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 32, 1899, 924-940. Acquisto, Vincenzo. Contributo aUa tecuica ed alia istogenesi del sangue. Congr. Med. lut. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 2, Anat.), 37-38; Untersuch. Nat., 15, 1895, 241- 254. 2. A proposito dell' avvelenamento per acido piro- gallico. Contributo sperimentale e considerazioui aul valore delle piastrine nella coagulazioue del sangue. Arch. Sci. Med., 19, 1895, 209-217. 3. Ricerche suUa tecnica e auUa istogenesi del sangue. Palermo, Giorn. Sci. Nat.. 21, 1896, 04^72. Acquisto, Vincenzo, & IMondino, Cast miro. .S^eMondlno it Acquisto. Acree, S^olomon] F[arley], & Bailey, J[ames] B. See Bailey A Acree. Acres, ]:irl. Tlie polarisation of light practically applied to photography. []\'ith discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 18, 1894, 203-210. 2. Some hints on photographing clouds. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 21, 1895, 160-165. Acres, llirt {et alii). [Discussion on orthoohromatie photography.] Photogr. Jl., 15, 1891. 178-180. Acton, Edward Hamilton. For biographical notice and works see Jl. Bot., 33, 1896, 127-128. 2. On the formation of sugars in the septal glands of Narcissus. [1888.] Ann. Bot, 2, 1888-89, 53-63. 3. The assimilation of carbon by green plants from Acton I 23 (Adam certain organic compounde. [1889. J Koy. Sue. Proc, 17, 1890, l.W-nS. 4. (hangc'H in the reHorve materialx of wheat on ktt-iiiMK. Ann. Hot., 7, 1893, 383-387. Acton, T. Varieties uf NoctuideH at Warrington. [1895.] Ent. Ikcnrd, 7, 1895-96, 7H-M1. Acwortb, //. ,1. LepriiKy in India, [tl'ilh ditcu/itioti.] [1M!W.| .Jl. Trop. Med., 1, 1898-99, •'•2M, 270-277. •21»K-3()3. Acworth, J[oseph] J[()ltn\. 2. lleziehung zwiechen Ab- surjitioii unil KmpKiidlichkeit xenBibilisirtcr I'latten. Ann. I'hys. Chini., 42, 1891, 371-406. 3. Orthofhroiiiiitic )ihoto»;rapliv. [With disciigiidii.] I'hi.tdgr. Jl., Hi, 1892, 'ioO- 2i;h. Acworth, ./[odc/j/i] ./[(i/ihJ, A Acwortll, {Mm.) Marion II'. Notes on the Hurter and Urifljeld system of fpicd testing. [IVilh diiicusfi(iii.\ I'hotogr. Jl., 1"J, 1898, 208-221. 2. Exposure and development. A rejoinder to Mr. Stkrby's communication. Pbotogr. Jl., 19, 1895, b61-3fi6. 3. Exposure and development relatively considered. [lHi).5.1 Photogr. Jl., 21), 1896. tM Id. Acnortta, {Mrs.) Marion II'., ,\: Acworth, ./[niic/i/ij ■l[oliii]. Sec above. Acy, Kniest d'. 3. Silcx prfhistoriijues de la station de ChcUes. [With discusgion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1884, 189-202. 4. Le manimouth dans lo Forest-bed de Cromer. []\'illi discu.i:iion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Hull., 7, 1884, 4.52-lHl. 5. Defense de manimouth trouvie dans la valk'e de la Drance. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1884, 740-743. 6. De la pseudo-taille des silex de Tlirniiy. [J\'ilh diMimsion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., H, 1885, 173-1N4. 7. [Chiens sans queue.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 9, 1886, 123-124. 8. Sur les questions aryennes. Bev. d'Anthrop. , 4, 1889, 4(19-471. 9. Les silex mesviniens et les silex prequaternaiies des environs de Mods. Kev. Quest. Sci., 30, [1891], 117-140. 10. Des silex tallies du limon des plateaux de la Picardie et de la NorniHndie. [ With digcussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., .5, 1894, 184-21.5. 11. De I'age des sepultures des grottes des Baousse- Bousse. Bev. Quest. Sci., 31;, 1894, 537-574. 12. Quelques observations relativcment au gisement interglaciairc de Villefranche. [ll'ilh discti-^tioii.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 6, 1896, 80-87. Acz/i» Frederick, & ThreUall, Itichard. Ser Tbrelfall & Adair. Adair, Peter. On the former abundance of the quail (Coturnix communis, Konnatene) in Wigtownshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 168-171. 2. The short-cared owl (Asio accipitrinus, Pallas) and the kestrel (Falco tinnunculus, Linmcug) in the vole plague districts. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 219-231. 3. Goldfinch (Carduelis elegans) near Edinburgh. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 43. 4. Quail in Mid-Lothian (Coturnix communis). Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 183. 6. Notes on the disappearance of the short-tailed field vole (ArWcola agrestis), and on some of the effects of the visitation. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 193- 202. 6. The wigcon (Mareca Penelope) breeding in Selkirk- shire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 231-233. 7. Short-eared owl (Asio accipitrinus) as a breeding species in the south of Scotland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 2.02. 8. Notes on the birds of Ettrick. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1898, 21-27. Adam, .1. Note sur les surfaces de revolution applicables sur unu surface de rc-volution donnec, et plus generale- nicnt Hur les surfaces dont les ligncs de courbnre d'une famille sont situees dans des plans paralleles et qui sont applicable^ sur une surface de mcme nature. Nouv. Ann. Math., 10, 1891, 18-23. Adam, .^cllille. '[Notes mdteorologiques faiteH k] Cap Griz-Ntz [Pas de Calais). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. M. I. orol., 1, 1868, 260, 280 ; 4, 1871, 181 ; 5, 1872, 4.5. Adam, Clovis. *0n the anatomy and plivsi'dot-'y of the sniMJl moscles of the hand. Arch. .Med.,'y. 1883. .59-83, •-'60 276. Adam, (!leorge\, A I.adenbare, .itbert. See I.adenbarg A Adam. Adam, Ihtiri. "Calcnl de Monii. Des Cabteb " ou " In- troiiiiction U sa Geometrie," 1638. Bull. Sci. Math., 20, 1896, 221-248. Adam, {caiiit.) L. P. 2. Conference sur le perigraphc instantanc du Colonel Manoin et sur les signaux optiques faite a la Socitte Boyale des Arts et des Sciences de Maurice (seance du 20 mai 1886). [1886.] Mauritius Boy. Soc. Trans., 19, 1887, i-iviii. Adam, Paul [Gabriel]. Sur le xylenol bromc. Paris S.x. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 288-289. 2. .\ction de quelques chlorurcs organiqnes sur le diplunyle en presence du chlonire d'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 103, 1886, 207-208. 3. Becherches synthetiques sur quelques derives du diphenyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 104, 1887, 691-693; Paris Soc. Cbim. BuU., 47, 1887, 686-689 ; 49, 1888, 97-102. 4. [Action de divers cblorures organiques sur le diphenyle, en presence de Al'-K-'l".] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887. 738 ; Ann. Chim., 15, 1888, 224-262. 5. [Preparation dc I'acidedichloropropionique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 103. 6. Sur les emetiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 1273-1275; Jl. Pliarm., 30, 1894. 148-151; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 11, 1894, 597-602. 7. Sur le boro.^alicvlate de sodium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 204-206. 8. Sur I'huile de cade. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, .580-583. . Adam, Paul [Kmile]. Demonstration analytique d'un tliioriSme relatif aux surfaces orthogonalcs. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. B., 103, 1886. 996-998. 2. Sur le lieu des centres de courbure d'une courbe gauche et sur les conrbes (,'auches a courbure consta'nte. Nouv. Ann. Math., 10. 1891. 142-1.52. 3. >Sur les surfaces isolhcrmiques a lignes de courbure planes dans un svst^me ou dans les deux svst^mes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B.. 116,1893, 1036-1039; Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 10, 1893, 319-358. 4. Sur les surfaces admettant poor lignes de courbure deux series de cercles geodcsiqnes orthogonaux. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894, 110-115. 6. Sur Tequation d'EuuER et sur les lignes de cour- bure de I'ellipsoide. Paris, Soc. Math. Ball.. 22, 1894. 205-208. 6. Sur la deformation des surfaces. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 121. 1896, .551-.553; Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 23. 1896, 219-240. 7. Sur les syst^mes ortbogonaax. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 121, 1896, 813-815. Adam] 24 [Adamkiewicz 8. SiU' la di'formation des surfaces. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 23, 1896, 106-111. 9. Theoreme sur la deformation des surfaces de translation. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 23, 1895, 204-203. 10. Sur un probleme de deformation. Paris, Soc. JIath. Bull., 24, 1896, 2.S-35. Adam, Peter. Rudimentiire Organe bei den Einhufern. Augsb. Nat. Ver. Ber., 1894, 41-.57. Adam, [Johanu] 'Theodor. For biographical notice sec Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 22, 1896, 481-482; Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 22, 1897, 430-432. Adame, . Nota sobre el " HystrLx oristata," /.. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 17, 1888 {Act.). 118-121. Adametz, Leopold. Uutersuchungcn iilier den Bau und die ZusammensetzuDg der Muskeln bei verschiedeneu Kinderrassen. Landw. Jbiicli., 17, 1888, 577-606. 2. Saccharomyces lactis, eine neue Milchzucker vergahrende Hefeart. Centrbl. Bakt., .'i, 1889, 116-120. 3. Bakteriologische Untersuehungen iiber den Reif- ungsprozess der Kiise. Laudw. Jbiich., 18, 1889,227-270. 4. Untersuehungen iiber Bacillus lactis viscosus, einen weitverbreiteten milchwirthschaftlichen Schadling. Landw. Jbiich., 20, 1891, 185-207. 5. 0 pochodzeniu bydfe krajowego i jego pokrewi- eiistwie z dzisiejsza rasa iliryjska. (Untersuehungen iiber Bos taurus brachyceros polonicus nebst Bemer- kungen iiber dessen Verwandtschaft mit Bos taurus brachyceros illyricus.) Craoovie Ac. Sei. Bull., 1893, 47-66. 6. Untersuehungen iiber das Eind der Wahima- (Watussi-) Stamme. (Bos zebu africanus Watussi.) Jl. Landw., 42, 1894, 137-155. 7. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Streptokokken der gelben Gait. Jl. Landw., 42, 1894, 231-241. 8. Ueber Micrococcus Sornthalii. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 1, 1896, 465-473. 9. Studien zur Mouographie des illyrischen Rindes. Jl. Landw., 43, 1896, 217-284 ; 44, 1896, 105-136. 10. Untersuehungen iiber deu Korpevbau der monte- negrinischeu Schlage des illyrischen Rindes. Jl. Landw., 44, 1896, 137-157. 11. Belows Artenbildung durch Zonenwechsel im Lichte tierziichterisclier Erfahrungen. Jl. Landw., 44, 1896, 159-170. 12. Studien iiber Bos (brachyceros) europasus, die wilde Staraniform der Brachyceros-Rassen des europiii- sehen Hausrindes. Jl. Landw., 46, 1898, 269-320. 13. Nowy gatunek dyluwialnego rogatego bydta. [Bos (brachycerosi europteu.*, n.sp.'\ [1898.] Krakow, Ak. (MaL-Przyi-nd.) Rozpr., 15, 1899, 174-187; Cracovie Ac. Sei. Bull., 1898, 88-103. Adametz, Leopold, & VTilckens, Martin. Milchwirth- schaftliche Untersuehungen des thierphysiologischen Instituts der k.k. Hochsehule fiir Bodencultur in Wien. Landw. Jbiich., 21, 1892, 131-148. Adami, [Franz]. Das Sonnensystem und der Fixstem- himmel, dargestellt mittels des Projectionsglobus. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1893 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 216-217. 2. Ein Vorschlag zur Wolkenbeobachtung. Wetter, 17, 1900, 86-88. Adaml, [Franz], & Halbotb, {Franz WilJwIni]. Galva- noincter-Versuche. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 {Tli. 2, Ihilfle 1), 276-279. Adaml, Gior, 1890, 123-125. 48. Ueber diis Verhalten der Nervenkorpcrcben in kninken Nerven. Arcb. Psjehiatr., 21, 1890, 62H-635. 40. Ueber die Steinernny des intracranielleu Druoken und deren Phiinomeiie. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 {Ihl. 2, Ablh. 5), 32-.36. SO. Die Arterien des verlangerten Markcs voni Uebergang biH zur liriickc. Wien, Ak. Denkscbr., 57, 1890, 481-496; Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Ud. 2, Abtli. 2), 1-2. 61. Ueber das Wesen des vermeintlichen "Hirn- drucks" und die Principien der Behandlung der soge- nannten "Hirudniekaymptorae." [1890.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 {Ahlli. 3), 450-485. 62. Ueber die Giftigkeit der bosartigen Gescbwiilste (Krebse). [1890.] Wien, Anzeiger, 27, 1891, 121-124. S3. Ueber den apoplectischen Anfall. Wien, Ak. Sber., 100, 1891 [Ahlli. 3), 229-248. 64. Ueber daK Gift und die Zellen der bosartigen Gescbwiilste (Krebse). Wien, Anzeiger, 28, 1891, 34-36. 66. Die Principien einer rationellen Behandlung der bosartigen Gescbwiilste (Krebse) und die Keaetionsliihig- keit derselben. Wien, Anzeiger, 28, 1891, 51-55. 66. Ueber die Keactionen der Carciuome und deren Heilwerth. Wion, Anzeiger, 28, 1891, 163-167. 67. Untersucbungen iiber den Krebs. Wien, An- zeiger, 29, 1892, 14-1.5. 68. Ueber die Stauungspapille. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 802-803. 69. Ueber den Krebs. Wien. Med. Wscbr., 43, 1893, 964-965. 60. ZurUeaktionderCarcinome. Wien. Med. Wscbr., 43, 1893, 1291-1293. 61. Zu Hcrrn Prof. Fi.echsio's Mittheilung : Ueber ein neues Eiutbeilungsprincip der Grosshirnoberilacbe. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, HO7-«09; 14, 1896, 76-77, 192. 62. Die heilbare und die stationiire Form der sypbi- litischen Kiickenmarkscbwindsucht und die Beziebungen beider zu den Ciefiissen. Ein Beitrag zur Lebre von der Myelitis capillaris und zum chronischen Infarkt des Eiickenniarkes. Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 2073- 2079, 2128-2133, 218;i-2186. 63. Ueber den sogen. " Hirndruck," die Bewegung der Cerebrospinalfliissigkcit im Scbiidel und den " Druck im Gehirn." Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 434-438. 64. AafOai'onia. Gediicbtnissstiitzigkeit. Wien. Med. Wscbr., 47, 1897, 753-756, 805-810. 66. " Hirndruck " und Druck im Gehirn. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Striimung der pbysiologischen und der Stase der patbologischen Fliissigk'iten im Scbiidel. Wien. Med. Wscbr., 47. 1897, 1329-1333, 1391-1394, 1432-1435. 66. Vom Zittorn. Wien. Med. Wscbr., 47, 1897, 2081-2084. 67. Die Phiinomene der Gehirukompression. Wien. Med. Wschr., 47, 1897, 2225-2228, 2278-2282, 2353- 2356, 2391-2394. 68. Der Blutschutz des verlangerten Markes. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 295-300. 68. Ueber die Wiederkehr des verschwundenen Enie- phanomens. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 338-343. B. S. A. C. 70. Zur klinlRchcn Differenzialdiagnose zwischen (Jarcinomen und Sarkomen. Paris, Soc. Biol. (Vol. ■luhil.). 1899, 199-201 ; Centrbl. Med. Wiss., .37, 1899, 705-707. 71. Zum BlutgeHissapparat der Oanglicnzelle. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 44-48. 73. Stcben alle Gangllenzellcn mit den BlutgefiisRen in director Verbindung? Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 2-6. 73. Das Ucgenbogensehen. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900. 612-64.5. 74. Ueber Gefiihlsinterferenzen. Neurol. Centrbl., 19. 1900, 882. AdamoU, Ciiilio. Assign to this author title (Vol. 7) under Adamoll, Julet. 3. 'Iticordi d' un viaggio nclle steppe dei Eirghisi c nel Turkestan. [Italia] Hoc. Geogr. Boll. , 7. 1872. 9.5-107. 3. 'Viaggio ill Marocco. [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 13, 1876, 630-646. Adamovlc, Aloit, Nachtriiglichea zur "Flora von Siid- lioBiiien und der angrenzenden Herzegowina " des Dr (iiinther Ritter von Beck. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 7, 1889, 113-118. Adamovld, Liijo. Beitrage zur Flora von Siidostserbien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 42, 1892, 404-409; 43. 1893, 171-173. 3. Neue Beitriige zur Flora von Scrbien. AUg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 57-59, 79-81, 9.5-96, 116-120. 3. Die Vegetal ionsformationen Ostserbiens. [1898.] Engler, Bot. .Ibiich.. 26, 1899, 124-218. 4. Kritische floristische Bemerknngen zur Flora von Scrbien. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1899, 37-39, 54-55, 73-74, 113-114; 1900, 37-10. 6. Zu Delphinium midi^.ureDse, Formfn. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1899, 89-90. 6. Neue Beitrage zur Flora von Serbien. Bot. Centrbl., 78, 1899, 289-297. 7. Die mediterranen Eleraentc der serbischen Flora. [1899.] Engler, Bot. Jbucb., 27, 1900, .351-389. Adams, A. C, & Kendall, William C. Report upon an investigation of the fishing grounds off the west coast of Florida. C. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 9, 1891, 289-312. Adams, Ah'TiiuitiT J. S. 6. Ligbtniug photography. Electrician, 23, 1889, 304-305. 6. The contour of some cosmical variations and their apparent teaching. Electrician, 27, 1891. 413-416. Adams, Andnw Leilli. For biographical notice and works .vff Scott. Natlist., 7, 1883-84, 41-43. 36. *0n the dentition and osteology of the Maltese fossil elephants, being a description of remains dis- covered bv the authnr in Malta between the years 1860 and 1866." [1873.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 9, 1877, 1-124. 36. *Monograpli on the British fossil elephants. PaliBont. Soc. Monogr., 31, 1877; 33, 1879; .35, 1881, 265 pp. (in all). Adams, Arthur L. Stave pipe, its economic design and the economy of its use. [fVith ditcustinn.] Araer. Soc. Civ. Engin." Trans., 11,1899. 27-84. Adams, Ilrnjiimiii /•'., ,V Van Niiys, Thonuu C[harlton]. See Van Ntiys iV Adams. Adams, C. F. An apparatus for the determination of the coeflicient of expansion of air at constant pressure. Phys. Kev., 10, 1900, 178-179. Adams, C. If. 3. On the construction of hypsometrical tables. Aust. Ass. Rep.. 1891, 503. Adams, t'/iawson, Andreic C[ou-per1. On some Canadian rocks containing scapolite, with a few notes on some rocks associated with the apatite deposits. [1888.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 3, 1889, 185-201. Adams, Frank Dawson. & Nicolson, John Thomas. Preliminary notice of some experiments on the flow of rocks. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 642-643. 2. Experiments on the flow of rocks now being made at McGill University. [1897.] Science, 7, 1898, 82-83. 3. An experimentnl investigation into the flow of marble. [1900.] Phil. Trans. (A), 195, 1901, 363-401. Adams, Fredirick C[harhtrom\ Two new British Diptera. Ent. Month. Mag., 30, 1894, 255. 2. Rare Diptera taken in the New Forest in 1896. Ent. Month. Mag., ,32, 1896, 233. 3. A new British Dipteron : Ceroplatns sesioides, Wahlb.? Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 276. 4. List of Diptera taken in the New Forest, with some remarks on the season 1898. Ent. Month. Mag., 3.5, 1899, 95. Adams, Georqe. The design of transformers. Elect. Rev., 37, 1895, 86-87, 95, 124-125, 698-700. 2. The geometrical form of transformer plates. Elect. Rev., 37, 1895, 7^7-788. 3. Hysteresis, frictional and eddy-current losses in continuous-current dynamos. Electrician, 35, 1895, 319-320. Adams, George I. Two new species of Dinictis from the White river beds. Amer. Nathst., 29, 1895, 573-578. 2. Tlie extinct Fclidfe of North America. Amer. Jl. Sci., 1, 1896, 419-444. 3. On the species of Hoplophoneus. Ainer, Natlist., 30, 1896, 46-52. 4. A geologic section from Galena to Wellington. Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv., 1, 1896, 16-30. 5. A section from Manhattan to Abilene. Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv., 1, 1896, 124-128. 6. On the extinct FelidiE. Amer. Jl. Sci., 4, 1897, 14.5-148. 7. The Upper Cretaceous of Kansas: a historical review. Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv., 4, 1898, 13-27. 8. A geological map of Logan and Gove counties. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 19-20. 9. A geological reconnoissance in Grant, Garfield and W^oods counties, Oklahoma. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 121-124 10. Geology and paleontology. Physiograpliy of south-eastern Kansas. [1897.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 53-63; Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 87-102. 11. Pliysiography of tlie Arkansas vaUey region. Science, 11, 1900. 508. Adams, Giiinjc I. , & Taff, Jo.'icpit A . Sve Taff & Adams. Adams, James. For biographical notice and works s^e Glasgow Med. JL, 53, 1900, 46-47, Adams, James. 2. On the botany of Te Aroha mountain. [1884.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 17, 1885, 275-287. 3. The land Mollusca of the Thames goldfields. [1886.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 19, 1887, 177-181. 4. On the botany of Te Moehau mountain. Cape ColviUe. [1888.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 21, 1889, 32-41, [v], 5. On the botany of Hikurangi mountain. [1897.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 30, 1898, 414-433. Adams] 27 [Adams Adams, James. [Presidential adilre«s, Nov. 23rd, 1900.] Witli a dtscription of " riiificd beaches." Eastbonnie Nut. Hint. Sue. Trans., 3 (1894 1902), 2H7-292. Adams, Juhn. Hordciira sylvalicum in Ireland. Witb iK.tcs on other Co. Antrim plants. Irish Niitlist., 8, 1899, r,n-r,it. Adams, John Conch. For biogra|)liy and works tre Amer. •II. .Sui., 4;), 1892, 248; Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 112; Educ. Times, 4.'), 1892, 70-71 ; Engineers Soc. Trans.. 1892, 2.51-2.'jri ; Leipzig, Astr. Ge.i. Vrtljschr., 27, 1892, 168- 171, 314; Lcopoldina, 28, 1892, SU ; London I'hys. Soc. I'roe., 11, 1892 (.inn. Mi'rt., 1K92), 11-13; Manchester Lit. I'liil. Soc. Mem. & I'roe. , .5, 1892, 180-187 ; Nature, 4."., 1892, 301-302; Observatory, Lcjndon, 1.'), 1892, 17.3- 18;i ; .\nier. Ac. Proc. , 27, 1893, 414-44(); Astr. Soc. Moiitli. Not,, .53, 1893, 184-209, f348] ; Termt. Kozlon., 2"), 1893, ri30 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 20, 1895, i-v. 44. "Remarks on Mr. Stone's explanation of the large and increasing errors of Hanhun's lunar tables by means of a supposed change in the unit of mean solar time. [1H83.] Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 44, 1884, 43-47. 45. On the general values of the obliquity of the eclii)tie, and of the precession and inclination of the eijuator to the invariable plane, taking into account terms of the second order. Amer. Asa. Proc, 1884, 07-71. 46. Remarks on Major-General Tb.nnant's paper "On the change in the adopted unit of time.'' Astr. Soe. Month. Not.. 44, 1884,82-84. 47. On the detinition of mean solar time. Observa- tory, Loudon, 7, 1884, 42-44. 48. Note on Sir William Tnosiso.N's correetiu't/]. The polar compression of .lupiter. [1899.] Astr.'Jl., 20, 1900, 133. 2. The variable velocity of e Leonis in the line of sight. Astrophys. Jl., 11, 1900, 307-308. 3. The curvature of the spectral lines in the spectro- heliograph. Astrophys. Jl., 11, 1900, 309-311. Adams, Walter U[u!en], & Oill, Augustus Heiiiuin. See CiU & Adams. Adams, William. For biography see lust. Civ. Engin. Proc, 87, 1886, 416-417 ; Cardiff Nat. See. Trans., 20, [1889], vii-viii. Adams, Williaiiu For biographical notice see Med.-Chir. Trans., 83, 1900, exxxii-cxxxiii. 2. Remarks on congenital displacement or so-called dislocation of hip-joint. London Path. Soc. Trans., 38, 1887, 300-303. 3. The late Dr Carnochan's specimen of the so-oalled congenital dislocation of both hip-joints ; sent from New York. London Path. Soc. Trans., 40, 1889, 237- 244. Adamson, Charles [Murray']. For biographical notice see Nortbumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 13, 1900, 145-146. Adamson, /.). B. 3. On measuring the power of tele- scopic eyepieces. [1887.] S. Aust. Boy. Soc. Trans., 11, 1889, 112-115. 4. Remarks on photographing the solar eclipse of 12th December, 1890. S. Aust. Boy. Soc. Trans., 14, 1891, 61-62. Adamson, D. F. Notes on a curious lightning flash. Electrician, 25, 1890, 44.5-446. Adamson, Daniel. For biography and works see Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 46, 1890 {Proc), 49 ; lust. Civ. Engiu. Proc, 100, 1890, 374-378 ; Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1890, 167-171; Iron * Steel lust. .11., 1890 (No. 1), 168-175 ; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 3, 1890, 298-303 ; Nature, 41, 1890, 281. 3. Presidential address. [A summary of the leading properties of iron and steel.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1887 {No. 1), 8-26. 4. Presidential address. [On the manufacture of iron and steel.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1887 (No. 2), 13-21. 5. On a horizontal compound lever testing machine of 15,000 powers, with further recording lever of 150,000 powers. [With disaission.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1888 {No. 2), 12-40. Adamson, Margaret E. Teratological notes on Esch- scholtzia californica. Erythea, 7, 1899, 81-82. Adeunson, Samuel Arthur. For biographical notice see Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, :i-i. [The geology of the Australian goldfields.] [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 15-16. 2. Excursion to Guiseley and Menston. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 27. 3. Excursion to Idle and Thaokley. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 28. 4. Excursion to AVrose Hill and district. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 29-30. 5. Excursion to Hawes. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 30-32. 6. Excursion to Norber. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 32-34. 7. Excursion to Pateley Bridge. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, .34^36. 8. Excursion to Ingleton. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-86, 37-38. 9. Excursion to Brimhara Rocks. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 38-39. 10. Excursion to the " Hitchingstone," Keighley moors. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-86, 39-41. 11. Visit of the Council to Barnsley. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 42-43. 12. Notes on the discovery of the base of a large fossil tree at Clayton. Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 406-408; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 028-629. 13. Recent discoveries of Carboniferous vegetation iu Yorkshire. [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 71-75. 14. Leeds Lower Coal Measures.... [Excursions to Hunslet (Lonoley's brick works), to Burmautoft (Boyle's brick works), and to Newtown (Leeds patent brick works).] [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 77-78, 78-79, 79-80. 15. Excursion to Draughton. [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 80-81. 16. Excursion to Bingley (Aire valley, from Saltaire). [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 82-83. 17. Excursion to the Shibden valley. [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 83-85. 18. Excursion to Weusleydale. [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 8.5-87. 19. Excursion to Crummockdale. [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 87-88. 20. Excursion to the " Hitchingstone." [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 88-'.)0. 21. On the discovery of a stone implement in alluvial gravels at Barnsley. [1886.] Y'orks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 9 (1885-87), 281-282. 22. The Bunter pebble beds at Sutton Park. [1887.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 115-117. 23. On some sections exposed in making theSkipton and Ilkley railway. [1887.] Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 9 (1885-87), 363-369. 24. Excursion to Malton. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 127-130. 25. Excursiou[s] : Skipton and Ilkley railway [Cf. No. 23.] [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 130-133, 133-137. 26. Excursion on the Yorkshire coast (Kettleness to Staithes). [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 137-140. 27. Excursion to Leyburn. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 140-143. 28. Excursion to the Hambletons (Thirkleby and Gormire). [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 144-146. 29. Excursion to Sedburgh. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 146-148. 30. Excursion to Ingleton (Dale Beck). [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 148-151. 31. Excursion to Hatfield Chase. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans,, 3, 1886-87, 151-153. 32. Excursion to Worksop. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 153-154. 33. Excursion to Pockliugton. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 156-157. 34. Excursion, ^Ybitby to Kettleness. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 157-159. 35. Excursion to Bhibberhouses. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 159-160. 36. Excursion to Askern. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 160-161. 37. Excursion, Bridlington to Bempton. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trims., 3, 1886-87, 161-164. 38. Excursion to Nidderdale. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 164-166. 39. Excursion to Newtondale. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 106-168. 40. Notes on a recent discovery of Stigniaria ficoides at Clayton, Yorkshire. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44,1888,375-377. 41. Excursion. Hull and Barnsley railway (South Cave and district). [1889.] Leeds Geol. Ass! Trans., 4, 1888, 207-209. Adamsou] 29 [Adelphe 42. Excursion to Knaresbro' and Ploiiipton. [18h9.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 209-ill. 43. Excursion to Leyburn. [1HH9.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1. 1888, 211-212. 44. Excursion to the Meanwood vallfy. [1H89.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 213-21.5. 46. Excursion to the Saddlewortb valley. flHHy.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 21.^-219. 48. Excursion, Knaresborou^'h to Nidd bridge. [18H9.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 219-221. 47. Excursion, Becstou and Batley railway. [1H89.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 221-224. 48. Excursion to Kobin Hood's Bay. [1889.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 224-220. 40. Visit of the Council to Calverley Wood quarries. [1889.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 227-228. SO. Excursion to Market WeiKhton. [1889.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 228-230. 61. Visit of the Council to Greent;ates. [1889.] Leeds Geol. A.ss. Trans., 4, 1888, 230-231. 62. Excursion to Garforth and Newthorpe. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., ">, 1889, 51-.53. 53. Excursion to South Milford and Sherburn. [isyo ] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., .5, 1889, .54-56. 54. Excursion to Brouf,'h and EUougbton. [1890. J Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., .5, 1889, 56-59. 55. Excursion to Giggleswick and Langoliffe. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 59-61. 56. Excursion to the "Haddockstones" and district. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 62-65. 57. Excursion to the Holme valley. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 6-5-67. 68. Excursion to Hebden bridge and Crimsworth Dean. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 67-08. 59. Excursion to Ripley via Clint and Hampsthwaite to Harrogate. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 68-71. 60. Excursion to Upper Teesdale. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 71-76. 61. Excursion to Eecleshill. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 76-77. Adan de Yarza, iium6». 6. Descripci6n fisica y geol6gica (If la proviucia de Guipuzcoa. EspafiaCom. Geol. Mem., 1884, 175 pp. , 7. Descripci6u flsica y geol6gica de la proviucia de Alava. Espafia Com. Geol. Mem., 1886, 176 pp. 8. Desoripeion fisica y geoiogica de Vizcaya. Espana Com. Geol. Mem., 1892, xiv + 192 pp. 0. Eocas hipogenicas de la isla de Cuba. Espafia Com. Geol. Bol., 20, 1895, 71-88, 395; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 {BJ. 2, Re/.), 81. 10. Koca eruptiva de Fortuna (provincia de Murcia). Espafia Com. Geol. Bol., 20, 1895, 349-353 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 {Bd. 2, He/.), 81. 11. Eocas eruptivas de la provincia de Barcelona. [1898.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 2, 1892-1900, 359-369 ; Paris, Soe. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 831-839. Adanson, [Paul Napoleon] Do&met-. See Do&met- Adanson. Adanson, G. de Socqoigny-. Sec Rocquigny- Adanson. Adcock, G. II. On the tiura of Australia. Hortic. Hoc. .11., 22 (1898-99), 83-94. Adda, Kiihiiihi. Geologische Verhaltnisse von Kornia, Mehadika und Pervova im Krass6-Sz6r^nyer Comitate. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber.. 1894, 105-128. 2. Die geologischen Verhaltnisse der siidwestlichen Gegend von Teregova und der Umgebung von Temes- Kiivesd. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1896, 8-5-100. 3. Die geologischen Verhiiltnisse von Lukarecz und Umgebung. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1896, 129-155 ; 1897, 165. 4. Die geologischen Verhiiltnisse des Gebietes zwi- schen dem Thale der Beregsz6 und dera Begatlusse im Comitate Temes. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1897, 157- 165. 6. Zempliin varmegye eszaki r(;sz(:nek fuldtaui ^9 petroleum elSfordulasi viszonyai. [Geologische Auf- namen im Interesse von Petroleum-Schiirfungen im niirdlicheu Telle des Comitates Zemplin in Ungarn.] [1898.] Magyar l-'oldt. Int. Evk., 12, 1896-98, 231-278 ; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 12. 1900-01, 263-319. 6. Die geologischen Verhiiltnisse des nordlichen Teiles des Comitates Temes und des nordwestlichen Teiles des Comitates Krasso-Szor^uy, der Gegend des Kizdia- und Minis-Thales, siidlich bis zur B^ga. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1898, 1-56-177. 7. Az ujvideki vArosi artezi kutr61. [Der artesische lirunnen von Ujvid^k.] [1898.] Foldt. KozliJn., 29, 1899, 13-15, 107-109. 8. Petroleum kutatd^ok erdekeben Zenjplin 6b SAros vArmegyekben megtett foldtani felv^teleknil. [Geolo- gische Aufnamen hu Interesse von Petroleum-Schiirfungen in den Comitjiten Zempld-n und SAros.] [1900.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 13, 1899-1902, 119-165; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 13, 1899-1902, 145-198. Adda, Lorenzo d'. La production du pi-trole et les ni'cessites de la navigation k venir. [Tr.] [1896.] Eev. Maritime et Colon., 133, 1897, 140-150. Addario, C[]. .See Iieber & Addario. Addenbrooke, G. L. The standard stops. Photogr. Jl., 8, 1884, 52-54. 2. A lens tube with iris diaplrragm and adjustable exposer and a combination set of lenses for use in such a tube. [}Vith discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 12, 1888, 122- 125. 3. The action of alternating currents on dielectrics. Elect. Eev., 35, 1894, 315, 376, 400-401. 4. High- voltage lamps, and their induence on central station practice. [Il'ith disciusion.] [1890.] Inst. Elect. Kngin. Jl., 25, 1897, 195-223, 268-298. Addiego, G. d'. I fermenti sclezionati nella fabbricazione del burro. Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. Kiv., 4, 1898, 457-460, 497-499, 513-518, 536-539, 556-559; 5, 1899, 9-11, 32-35. Addison, Christopher. On the topographical anatomy of the abdominal viscera, especially the gastro-intestinal canal in man. [1898.] Boy. Soc. Proc, 64, 1899, 156- 162; Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 565-5S6; 34, 1900, 427-4-50. Addison, William L. T. On atom forms, as deduced from the crystalline modifications of the elements. [1897.] Chem." News, 77, 1898, 251-254. Addor, Georges. [La justice des corneilles.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 29, 1893, xxvii-xxviii. Addyman, Frank Tlhorntun], Action of sulphuric acid on the bromides of potassium, sodium, and hydrogen. Chem. Soc. Jl., 61, 1892, 94-102. Adelmann, Gfori; Fran: Blasius von. For biographical notice and works see Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 114-115 ; St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 13, 1888, 224. 2. Der jetzige Stand und Ausdehnung der chirur- gischen Plastik. Wien. Med. Wschr., 34, 1884, 440-443, 468-472. 508-312, 540-544. 573-576. Adelphe, (/(■mrf), it Oonnard, Ferdinand. .See Ck>nnard lV Adelpbe. Adelung] 30 [Adie Adelung, Xirolai von. Beitriige ziir Kenntnis des tibialen Gchiiriijiparates der Ijoeustiden. Ztsehr. Wiss. Zool., ">4, 1892. HlG-349. Adeney, ]V[idter] E[rnest]. On an apparatus applicable for gas analj'sis and other purposes. [1890.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 6, 1888-90, 54'2-.5.'').5. 2. On the formation of peaty colouring matters in sewage by the action of micro-organisms. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 612. 3. The chemical bacteriology of sewage : its hygienic aspect. [1892.] Jl. State Med., 1, 1892-93, 78-89. 4. Note on the present condition of the water in the reservoir at Roundwood. [1894.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 8, 1893-98, 208-214. 5. On the reduction of manganese peroxide in sewage. [1894.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 8, 1893-98, 247-2.51. 6. On the chemical examination of organic matters in river waters. [189.5.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 8, 1893-98, 337-343. 7. The course and nature of fermentative changes in natural and polluted waters, and in artificial solutions, as indicated by the composition of the dissolved gases. [189.5-97.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 5, 1893-96, 539-C20; 6, 1898, 209-281. 8. Studies in tlie chemical analysis of fresh and salt waters. Part I. Applications of the aeration method of analysis to the study of river waters. [1900.] Duldin Soc. Sci. Proc, 9, 1899-1902, 346-361. Adeney, ]l'[alter] K[rnist], & Carson, James. On the mounting of the large Rowland spectrometer in the Royal University of Ireland. [1898.] Dublin Soc Sci. Proc, 8, 1893-98, 711-716. Adeney, ]y[iilur\ K\rncsi\ & Hartley, Walter Noel. See Hartley A Adeney. Adeney, ir[((/^>;]A'[™rs/],ctShegog, 7'[/(0/»ns]. I [JM-fn/r^'c]. On a combination of wet and dry methods in chemical analysis. Part I. [1891.] Dublin Soc. Sci. IVoc, 7, 1891-92, 99-111. Adenot, E. Recherches bact^riologiques sur un cas de nieningite microbienne. Arch. M^d. Exp^r., 1, 1889, 656-072. 2. L'appendieiteet le bacterium coli commune. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. li.}, 740-742. 3. Monstre humain double. [1891.] Lyon Soc Sci. Med. Mt-m., 31, 1892 (C. Ji.), 164-165. 4. Retention des regies par imperforation de I'hymen. [1892.] Lyon See. Sci. MM. M6m., 32, 1893 (C. B.), 34-35. 5. Nouvelle note ii propos de I'origine osseuse de certaines ulcerations tuberculeuses en apparence ex- clusivement cutanees. Ann. de Dermatol., 6, 1895, 617-0.30. Adenot, K., A- Goullioud, [Paul]. See GouUioud & Adenot. Adenot, ;■;., ct Vialleton, L[oi((s]. See ViaUeton A- Adenot. Adensamer, Theodur. For biographical notice and works aee Wieu Zool. Bot. Verh., 50, 1900, 579-580. Zur Kenntnis der Anatnmie und Histologie von Scntigera coleoptrata. [1893.] Wien, Zool. Bot. Verh., 43, 1894 (.ihh.), 573-578. 2. Ucber das Auge von Scutigera coleoptrata. [1893.] Wien, Zool. Bot. Verb., 43, 1894 [Sber.), 8-9. 3. Die Coxaldriise von Telyphonus caudatus. Zool. Anz., IH, 1896, 424^25. 4. Ueber Ascodipteron phyllorhin;c (u. g. et a. sp.), eine eigenthiiudicbe l'iij)ipareuform. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (.Mitii. I), 100- hi;. 5. Revision dor Pinnntlierideu in der Sammlung des k. k. naturhistorisebeu lloiinuseums in Wien. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 12, 1897, 105-110. 6. Berichte der Commission fiir Krforscbung des Ostlichen Mittelnieeres. Zoologisohe Urgebnisse. XI. Decapoden. Gesammelt auf S. JL Schiff Pola in den Jahrou 1890-94. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 65, 1898, 597- 628. Ader, [Clement^. 7. Le phono-signal pour la telegraphic sous-marine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 837-839. 8. Sur un nouvel appareil enregistreur pour cilbles sous-marins. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 124, 1897, 1440-1442. 9. Sur des appareils d'aviatiou. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1553-15.55. Aderhold, Rudolf. Beitrag zur Kenntnis richtender Kriifte bei der Bewegung niederer Orgauismen. Jena. Ztsehr., 22, 1888, 310-342. 2. Studien iiber eine gegenwiirtig in Mombach b. Mainz herrschende Krankheit der Aprikosenbaume und iiber die Erscheinungen der Blattranddiirre. Landw. Jbiich., 22, 1893, 435-467. 3. Die Peri thecien form von Fusicladium dendriticum, Wul. (Venturiachlorcspora, f. mali.) Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 12, 1894, 338-342; 13, 1895, 54-55. 4. Untersuchungen iiber reine Hefen. III. Theil. Zur Morphologic der deutschen S[accharomyces] ellip- soideus-Rassen. Landw. Jbiich., 23, 1894, .587-621. 5. Ueber die Bacterien in ihren Beziehungeu zur Giirtnerei. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1896 (Ahth. 2c), 30^4. 6. Fusicladium betuhe, n. sp., auf den Bliittern der Birke. Centrbl. Bakt. {.ibt. 2), 2, 1896, 57-59. 7. Die Fusicladien unserer Obstbiiume. Landw. Jbiich., 25, 1896, 875-914; 29, 1900, 541-588. 8. Ueber die in den letzten Jahren in Schlesieu besonders hervorgetretenen Schiiden und Kraukheiten unserer Obstbiiume und ihre Beziehungeu zum Wetter. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1897 (Abth.'ic), 21-47. 9. Revision der Species Venturia chlorospora, in- iequalis und ditricha, autorum. Hedwigia, 36, 1897, 67-83. 10. Notiz iiber die Verderber vou Gemilsekonserven. Centrbl. Bakt. {.iht. 2), 5, 1899, 17-20. 11. Ueber die Wirkuugsweise der sogenannten Bor- deauxbriihe (Kupferkalkbriihe). Centrbl. Bakt. (.-lit. 2), 5, 1899, 217-220, 254-271. 12. Untersuchungen iiber das Einsauern von Friichten und Gemiisen. I. [Ueber das Einsauern der Gui'ken.] Landw. Jbuch., 28, 1899, 69-131. 13. Untersuchuugeu iiber das Einsauern von Friicliten und Gemiisen. II. Das Einsauern der Bohnen. Centrbl. Bakt. (.-iht. 2), 5, 1899, 511-515. 14. Analytische Untersuchuug verschiedener Gur- kensorten in verschiedeuen Entwicklungsstadien. (Bear- beitet von Dr. Heinze.) Centrbl. Bakt. (Aht. 2), 5, 1899, 517-518. 15. Beobachtungen iiber zwei Fruchtfaulnisarten. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 522-523. 16. Ueber Krankheiten des Steinobstes. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 523-524. 17. Mycosphajrella eerasella, n. sp., die Perithecien- form von Cercospora eerasella, Saec, und ihre Entwick- lung. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 18, 1900, 246-249. Aderhold, Rudolf, A Heinze, Bertliold. Ueber einen Fehliug'scheLosungreducirendenKorperinFruchtsaften. ^ Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 632. Aderman, . Zur Kenntniss der Fissura mastoideo- squamosa. Ztsehr. Ohrenheilk., 37, 1900, 358-360. Aders, R[obert Ilennj], & Graebe, Carl. See Graebe iSc Aders. Adger, .J. /)'., tt Sague, J. E. See Sague ct Adger. Adie, Patrick. For biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, H6, 1886, 367-368. Adie, Rieliard Haliburtou. On compounds of arsenious oxide with sulphuric anhydride. Chem. Soc. JL, 55, 1889, 157-163. 2. On the sulphates of antimony. Chem. Soc. Jl., 57, 1890, 540-545. Adie] 31 [Adler 3. Compounds of the oxidcB of phoHplioriis with sulphoiic anhydride. Chem. Soc. Jl., 59, 1891, 230-233. 4. On the osmotic prexRurc of Baits in solntion. Cbem. Soc. .Jl., .59, 1891, 341-372. 5. A direct comparison of the physical constants involved in the determination of molecular weights by Eaodi-t's method. Chem. Soc. Prnc , 7. 1891. 2(i. 6. Note on the reactions between sul|)liuric aeid and the elements. [189!).] Chem. Soc. I'roc, 15, 1900, 132- 133. 7. The sulphates of bismuth. [1899-] Chem. Soc. Proc. 15, 1900, 220-227. Adle, Iliihard linlHiurton, & Browning, Kendall Colin. The interaction of sulphuric aciil and potassium ferro- c.vanide. Chem. Soc. .11., 77, 1900 (Pt. 1), 1.50-160. Adie, lUihnrd Ildlihnrtmi, & Blaxr, John K[Award\ See Marr A Adie. Adie, lUihard Hiilihiirtoii, A' SXnir, M[atthew] 3I[oncrieff] Patlinnii. See BSnir it Adie. Adie, liUhard Haliburtun, tV VTood, Thomas Barlow. A new method of estimatinR potassium. Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 (/'(. 2), 1076-1080. Adil /;,//, , * NicoUe, .M. See NicoUe & Adil Peij. Adkln, Robert. Notes on collecting at Kaslliourne. S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1887, 82-86. 2. [The distribution of Spilosoma mendiea in Ireland.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1887, 90-91. 3. The influence of meteorological conditions upon insect life. Entomologist, 22, 1889, 7-9. 4. [Notes on Ketinea rcsiniUa, L.] [1889.] S.London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1888-89, 160-163; Entomo- logist, 23, 1890, 7r>-77. 5. On the nccasiunal abundance of certain species of Lepidoptera in the British Islands. [1890.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1890-91, 62-79, {Discussion 28-29). 6. On the occasional abundance of certain species of Lepidoptera. Entomolosist, 21, 1891, 60-62. 7. Notes on the genus Triphana, Ueli. [1891.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1890-91, 150-1.57. 8. The past wet summer and its probable effect upon the development of Lepidoptera. Entomologist, 25, 1892, 2.5-26. 9. Ephestia kuhniella. Entomologist, 25, 1892, 53-54. 10. On some Macro-Lepidoptera collected at Rannoch in 1891. Entomologist, 25, 1892, 105-110. 11. Colour-variation in the ova of Biston hirtaria. Entomologist, 25. 1892. 129-130. 12. On the recent abundance of Plusia gamma and Vanessa cardui. Entomologist, 25, 1892, 159-162. 13. Notes on the cocoons of Eriogaster lanestris, L. [1892.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1892-93, 67-69. 14. On a collection of Lepidoptera from the Scilly Isles. Entomologist, 27, 1894, 9-12. 15. A curious aberration of Erebia iEthiops. Ento- mologist, 27, 1894, 301. 16. Carpocapsa pomonella a nut-feeder. Entomo- logist, 29, 1896, 2-3. 17. Further notes on Triphsna comes, Hb. (orbona. Fab.). S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1896, 93-99, (Di.' oKpecTHOCTaxT. MiiHyciiHcKa. St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 19,' 1884 {Pt. 2). 246-251. a. nyieraeCTBic BI. 1883 I . [Journey in R. S. A. C. East Siberia in 1883.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 19, 1884 {PI. 2), 349-3.55. 3. "Orn. .iKclieaimiil ua A.lTaii. [On the expedi- tion to th« Altai.] [1883.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (.Vo. 4), 1887, 289-290. 4. IlyrciuecTBio iia AjTaft ii aa CaflHU, cfiBcpilIcilHOO Bli 1881 rojiy [Journey in the Altai and beyond the Sayan made in 1881.] St. Petersb., Soc. Husse Geogr. Mem! (G(?o.'/r.), 11, 1888. 147-422. Adacco, Vittorin. Contributu alia tisiologia del tetano dei muscoli striati. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 20, 1886, 1081-1094. a. La r<5action de Purine et ses rapports avec le travail musculairc. Arch. Ital. Biol., 8, 1887, 238-251. 3. Esperienze sopra P azioue fisiologica delle basi tossiche dell' orina normale. Kuma, R. Ace. Lincei Mom., 4, 1887, 521-541. 4. Espirazione attiva ed inspirazione passiva. [l'<87.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 22, 1886-87, 516-538; Arch. Ital. Hiol., 8, 1887, 194-217. 5. Sur I'existencc de bases toxiqnes dans les urines physiologiques. [1887.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 9, 1888, 203-213. 6. La sostanza colorante rossa dell' Eustrongylus gigas. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 {Sem. 2), 187-194, 213-220. 7. Sur I'excitabilite de la substance grise dans la zone motrice de I'ecorce c^r^brale. [1888.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 11, 1889, 192-194. 8. Azione della luce sopra la durata della vita, la perdita in peso, la temperatura, e la qnantita di glicu- geno epatico e muscolare nei colombi sottoposti al digiuno. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (.Sem. 1), 684-689. 9. Centro espiratorio ed espirazione forzata. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 24, 1889, 446-465. 10. Sur I'existencc et sur la nature du centre respiratoire bulbaire. [1889.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 13, 1890, 89-123. 11. Action de I'anemie sur I'excitabilite des centres nerveux. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 [Bd. 2, Abtli. 2). 70-72. 12. Sur un cas d'inhibition respiratoire. [1890.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 14, 1891, 333-343. 13. Action du carbonate de sodium injecte vers les centres nerveux. [1890.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 14, 1891, 344-373. 14. Recherches sur la fonction vaso-motrice de la moelle epini^re. [1890.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 14, 1891, 373-383. 15. ModificationE de I'excitabilite des centres nerveux dans les premiers jours de la vie. Arch. Ital. Biol., 18, 1893, 1-18. 16. Sur un pigment de la bile du crapand. Arch. Ital. Biol., 19, 1893, 98-104. 17. Influence du jeune sur Pintensit^ d'action de quelques substances toxiques. Arch. Ital. Biol., 19, 1893, 441-447. 18. Action plus intense de la cocaine quand ou en repetc I'administration k court intervalle. Arch. Ital. Biol., 20, 1894, 32-43. 19. Le phcnomene de la rarefaction expiratoire du battement rardiaque chez les chiens a jeun. Arch. Ital. Biol., 21, 1894, 412-415. ao. Action inhibitricc du chlorure de sodium sur les mouvements respiratoires et sur les monvements cardi- aques des chiens a jean. Arch. Ital. Biol., 21, 1894, 418-422. ai. Differenze del mode di reagire di alcuni verte- brati sottoposti all' azione della cocaina. Congr. Med. lut. Atti, 1894 (To/. 2, Figiol.), 160. Adncco, Vitlorio, & BIosso, Vi/olino. Esperienze fisio- Aducco] 34 [Agafonov logiclie intorno all' azione della sulfiuide benzoica o saccarina di Fahlbebg. Arch. Sci. Med., 9, 1886, 407- 422; Arch. Ital. Biol., 7, 1886, 158-171. 2. Applications therapeutiques de la sulfinide benzoique ou saccharine de Fahlbebg. Arch. Ital. Biol., 8, 1887, 22-36. Ady, Joliii Ernest. The evolution of modern petrography. N. Staff. Field Club Kep., 1884, 71-76. 2. Observations on the preparation of mineral and rock sections for the microscope. [1884.] Min. Mag., 6, 1886, 127-133. Aebi, U'liUlii'i; A Kehrmann, Friedrich. See Kebrmann & Aebi. Aeby, Christitph Theodor. For biography and works xfc Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1884-85, 111-127; Fortschr. Med., 3 (1885, Beil.), 113 ; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 211-212; Wien. Med. Wschr., 3.5, 1885, 900; Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 12, 1886, 134. 39. *Ueber Knochenwachsthum. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Bfil), 126. 40. *Ueber das histologische Verhalten fossilen Knochen- und Zahngewebes. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 225. 41. *Ueber Formenverschiedenheit der kindlichen und erwachsenen Wirbelsaule. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 56. 42. "Ueber das Verhaltniss der Mikrocephalie zum Atavismus. Deutscli. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 112-120. 43. *Die Architectur des Bronchialbaumes der Siiugethierlunge. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 258. 44. Die Herkunft des Pigmentes im Epithel. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 273-275. Aeby, ./[!(/.)■«.«] //. Beitrag zur Frage der Stickstoffernah- rung der Pflanzen. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 46, 1896, 409-439. Aeby, J[uUus] H., IVagner, Paul, Dorscb, R., & matz, Fr. See Wagner, Aeby, Sorscb & Matz. Abrling, Jnhmi Eril; Euahl. For biography and list of works see Bot. Notiser, 1888, 150-151; Ann. Bot., 2, 1888-89, 392 ; Kjobenh. Bot. For. Medd., 2, 1887-91, 188. Det exemplar af Caspar! Bauhini, Pinax Theatri Botanici, ed. 1, Basilias 1623, hvilket en gang tillhort 0. BuDBECK, fader och son. Bot. Notiser, 1884, 64-66; Bot. Centrbl., 18, 1884, 222-223. Aeppli, Aug. Erosionsterrassen und Glazialschotter in ibrer Beziehung zur Entstehung des Ziirichsees. Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz, 34, 1894, 121 pp. Aereboe, F[riedrirh\ Untersucbungen iiber den direkten und indirekten Einfluss des Lichtes auf die Athmung der Gewacbse. Forsch. Agr.-Phys., 16, 1893, 429-463. Amback-Cbristie-Iiinde, Av OKOH'iaHill HepBOBi B'l. opranaxT) ocji:)aHifl y puOi,. [On the nerve endings in the tactile organs of fishes.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Russ.], 25, 1875 {Append. No. 8), 24 pp. 4. Ueber die pathologisch-anatomischen Veriinder- ungen in den Nieren und in der Leber bei einigen mit Hamoglobinurie oder Icterus verbundenen Vergiftungen. [1883-84.] Virchow, Arch., 98, 1884, 460-500. 5. Ueber den dritten Formbestandtheil des Blutes im normalen und pathologischen Zustande und iiber die Beziehung desselben zur Regeneration des Blutes. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 35, 1884, 217-253. 6. Sur une metbode nouvelle de transfusion du sang (sang soumis pr^alablement a Taction de la peptone). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1349-1352 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 36, 1884, 61-6X. 7. Note sur les Micrococci de la pneumonic franche. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (O. R.), 356-363. 8. Aetiologie und klinische Bakteriologie ties Keuch- hustens. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 12, 1887, 323-327, 331-333, 339-341, 347-350. 9. Ueber die klinische Mikroskopie und Bacteriologie der Actinomycosis. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 13, 1888, 76-78, 83-86. Afanasjev, ]U[ichajl] l[vanovic], & SchtUz, {Frau) . Ueber die Aetiologie der Actinomycosis. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 683-684. Afanasjev, NikoJaJ. Ueber die Bedeutung des Granula- tionsgewebes bei der Infection mit pathogenen Mikro- organismen. ExperimentelleUntersuehung. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Centrbl. Path., 7, 1896, 456-462. 2. Ueber die Bedeutung des Granulationsgewebes bei der Infection von Wunden mit pathogenen Mikroorgan- ismen. Experimentelle Untersuchung. Beitr. Path. Anat., 22, 1897, 11-87. Afanasjev, Nliknlnj] P[avlovic]. OcajlKH n CHfcKHHH noKpOB'L BT. MocKBt. [Atmospheric precipitation and fallen snow at Moscow.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 87 {No. 1), 1894, 131-143. Afanasjev, S[piiidi.m] l\I[ntrejevic]. Action physiologique de la Lobelia inflata sur le cojur et la circulation. (Communication prealable.) Arch. Slaves Biol., 2, 1886, 41-47. 2. Ueber einen aus dem Korper eines Rekurrens- kranken erbaltenen Bacillus. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 25, 1899, 40.5-415. Afanasjev, T. A. Zur Pathologic des acuten und chron- ischen Aleoholismus. Experimentelle Untersuchung. Beitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 443-460. Aifolter, Fr. G. 9. Ueber Gruppen gerader Linien auf Fliichen hciherer Ordnung. Math. Ann., 27, 1886, 277- 295 ; 29, 1887, 1-26. Agababov, A[teks yjibTpa(tiio- .jeTOBoR nacTH CneKipa. [Absorption des rayons ultra-violets par les cristaux et polychroisme dans la partie ultra-violette du spectre.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (P/((/.s.), 1896, 200-215; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 349-364. Ag-afonov] 35 [Ag'apoff 4. Comparaison de I'abBorption par Ics milieux ci'istallisiis des rayoim lumineiix ot dea rayDiis Rontgeii. PariR, Ac. Sei. C. U., 121, 1897, Hr,r,-857. 6. Snr I'absorption de la luiiiii-re par lea cristaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12.5, 1897, «7-90. Agamennone, Giovanni. Sul f^rado di precisione Delia deteriniiia/.ione della densiti dei gas. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1886, 10.5-110. 2. Dotermiimziime della deiisitil dell' aria. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Hind., 1, 1885, 111-117. 3. Sopra, un vortice di sabbia osservato nel territorio di Cdllelungo in Sabina. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 {Sent. 1), 49.S-495. 4. II terrenioto nel vallo Cosentino del 3 dicembrc 1887. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sent. 1), 532-.534; Roma, U£f. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 8 (Pt. 4), 1888, 20.9-829. 5. Inlluenza della deformazione del pallone di vetro nellii niisura dtlla density dei gas. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (.S'.m. 1), 30-32. 6. Registratnre di terremnti a doppia velociti. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 1), 788-79.5; 1, 1892 (Sent. 2), 247-2.52. 7. Sopra la correlazione dei terremoti con le per- turbaziimi magnetiche. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Bend., 0, 1890 (Sem. li, 21-2(5. a. Snlla ripartizione oraria dim-no-notturna del- le scosse registrate in Italia nel 1889. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 {Sem. 1), 3.51-358. 9. Sopra alcuni recenti terremoti avvenuti in Roma. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 2), 15-17. 10. II terreniuto a Roma del 23 febbraio 1890 ed il aiamometrografo Brassart. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 10 \l't. 4). 1891, 4o-.59. 11. Sopra un nnovo pendolo sismogi'afico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 303-308; Roma, VS. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 11 (Ft. 3), 1892, 347-307. 12. II tromometro a registrazione fotogrntiea. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (.Sem. 1), 28-30. 13. I terremoti e le perturbazioni magnetiche. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 479-483. 14. Velocitu di propagazione delle principali scosse di tcrremoto di Zante nel recente periodo .iiismico del 1893. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 393-401; 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 383-389; Roma, Ufi. Centr. Meteorol. Ann.. 15 (Pt. 1), 1894, 227-250. 15. II terremoto a Roma del 22 gennaio 1892 e gli strumenti sismici del CoUegio Romano. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 12 (Pt. 1), 1893, 151-163. 16. I terremoti segnalati a Roma nel biennio 1891-92 ed il sismometrografo a registrazione continua. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 12 (/'/. 1), 1893, 175-200. 17. Velocita di propagazione superlieiale dei due terremoti della CJrecia del 19 e 20 settembre 1867. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend.. 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 443-450. 18. I terremoti di lontana prosenienza registrati al CoUegio Romano. Roma, R. Aco. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 543-550. 19. Alcune considerazioni sui differenti metodi fino ad oggi adoperati nel caleolai'e la velocity di propagazione del terremoto andaluso del 25 dicembre 1884. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 303-310. 20. Velocita superticiale di propagazione delle onde sismiche, in oceasione della grande scossa di terremoto deir Andalusia del 25 dicembre 1884. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 [Sem. 2). 317-325. 21. Sulla variazione della velocita di propagazione dei terremoti, attribuita alle onde trasversali e longi- tudinali. Boma, R. .\cc. Lincei Bend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2). 401-408. 22. Cronistoria sismica di Zante. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 15 (Pt. 1), 1894, 92-155, 259-262. 23. Alcune considerazioni generali sopra i terremoti di Zante. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 15 (Pi. 1), 1894, 156-182. 24, Correlazione tra i recenti paroBsismi fiisraici di Zante ed i contemporanei fenomeni gcodinamici d' Italia. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 15 (Pt. 1), 1894, 183- 202. 26. II sismometrografo fotografico. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 1), 2.54-2f>0. 26. Tremblement de terre d'Aidin (Asie M.) du 19 aout 1H95. Beitr. (ieophys., 3, 1898, 337-349. 27. Sulla velociti di propagazione del terremoto d' Aidin (Asia M. ) del 19 agosto 1895. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 1), 67-73; Beitr. Geophys., 3. 1898, 541-549. 28. Velocita di propagazione del terremoto di Pergamo (Asia M.) della nottc i3-14 novembre 1895. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (.Sem. 1), 162-166. 29. II terremoto dell' India del 12 giugno 1897 rcgistrato in Europa. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 1), 20.5-271. 30. I terremoti nel corso inferiore del flume Velino (Umbria.Abruzzi). Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 7, 1898 (.SV(«. 2), 90-97. 31. I terremoti nell' isola di Labnan (Borneo) del 21 settembre 1897. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Bend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 2), 15.5-102. 32. II terremoto nell' isola di Haiti (Antille) del 29 dicembre 1897. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 2), 316-318. 33. Sopra un nnovo tipo di sismoscopio. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 41-46. 34. Sopra un sistema di doppia registrazione uegli strnmenti sismici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 202-209, 618. 35. II terremoto emiiiano della notte dal 4 al 5 marzo 1898. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 8, 1899 (.Sem. 2), 321-326. 36. II terremoto di Balikesri (Asia M.) del 14 settembre 1896. Boma, B. Aec. Lincei Bend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 2), 365-.367. 37. Liste des tremblements de terre observes en Orient et en particulier dans I'Empire Ottoman pendant I'annee 1896. Beitr. Geophys., 4, 1900, 118-199. 38. II pendolo orizzontale nella sismomctria. Boma, R. .\cc. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 107-114. 39. Sismoscopio elettrico a doppio effetto per le scosse sussultorie. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Bend., 9 1900 (Sem. 1). 204-210. 40. Nuovo tipo di sismometrografo. Boma, B. Ace Lincei Rend.. 9, 1900 (Sem. 2). 31-39. 41. Gli strumenti sismici e le perturbazioni atmo sferiche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2) 3118-313. Agamennone, Giovanni, & Bonetti, Filippo. Sulla deformazione prodotta in vasi di vetro da pressioni interne. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Bend.. 1, 1886, 666-670, 699-701. 2. Sopra un nuovo modello di barometro normale Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 2), 69-75 127-132, 257-264. 3. Sopra un nuovo tipo d' igrometro. Roma, R. Aec Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 216-222. 4. Ulteriori esperienze sopra un nuovo tipo d' igro metro. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2) 23-30. .See II Inn Bonetti & Agamennone. Agamennone, (liovanni, & Cancani, .Adolfo. Contribato alia storia ed alio studio dell' igrometria. Boma. Uff. IVntr. Meteorol. Ann., 7 (Pt. 11. 1887. 1-35. Agamennone, Giovanni, Ik Issel, .irturo. See lasel A Agamennone. Agapoff, .1. Leber einige bci der Untersnehnng naeh der Golgi'solun Methode zu Tage tretende Veianderungen 5—2 Agapolf] 36 [Agassiz del- Nervenzellen der Hirnrinde bei progressiver Paralyse. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 299-301. Agar, (Rec.) W. Spiders. [1889.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 114-122. Agardh, J[acob] G[eorg]. 40. LiNNES lara om i natnren bcsfamda och bestiiende arter hos vexterne, efter Linn^s skrifter framstald, och med motsvarande asigter hos DABwnN jemford. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 10, 1885, No. 12, 135 pp. 41. Till algernes systematik. Lund. Univ. Acta, 21, 1886-86 {Math.}, No. viii, 117 pp. ; 23, 1887-88 {Math.}, No. n, 174 pp.; 26, 1889-90 (Soc. Physiogr., No. m, 125 pp.). , . . , 42. Species Sargassovuin Austrahte descnptse et dispositas. Aecedunt de singulis partibus Sargassorum, earumque differentiis mniphnlogicis in diversis speciebus observationes nonnullie ; nee non dispositionis specierum omnium generis his differentiis fundatffi, periculum. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 23, 1888-91, No. 3, 133 pp. 43. Om structuren hos Champia och Lomentaria, med auledning af nyare tyrningar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 49-67 ; Micr. Soc. .ji., 1889, 556. 44. Analeota algologica. Observationes de speciebus Algarum minus cognitis earumque dispositione. [1892- 9SI.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 28, 1891-92 {Soc. Physiogr., No. VI, 182 pp.); 29, 1892-93 (.Soc. Physiogr., No. ix, 144pp.); 30, 1893-94 (.Soc. Phi/siogr., No. vii, 98 pp.); 32, 1896 {Soc. Physiogr., No. ii', 140 pp.); 33, 1897 (Soc. Physiogr., No. ix, 106 pp.); 35, 1899 (Soc. Physiogr., No. IV, 160 pp.). Agardli, J[acob] Gleorgl Nordstedt, ICarl Fredrik] Otio, Hauck, Ferdintind, & Flahault, Charles. [Algffi ins. St. Thomffi.] Coimbia, Soc. Broter. Bol., 4, 1886, 217-221. Agassiz, (col.) IGeorges]. Catalogue des vari6tes et aberrations de [sa] collection. Macrolepidoptferes de la zone palearctique. [1900.] Sehweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 10, [1903], 237-256. Agassiz, ^. H. From Hai-phong in Tong-King to Canton, overland. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 13, 1891, 249-262. Agasslz, Alexander. Nos. 34 & 35 (Vol. 9) are duplicates ofNos. 15 & 16 (Vol. 7). 62. 'Explorations of the surface fauna of the Gulf Stream, under the auspices of the United States Coast Survey. II. The Tortugas and Florida reefs. Anier. Ac. Mem., 11, 1882, 107-133. 63. Phosphorescence in the deep sea. Science, 4, 1884, 270. 64. Three cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey steamer Blake in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880. Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 14, 1888, xxii + 314 pp.; 15, 1888, 220 pp. 65. The coral reefs of the Hawaiian Islands. [1889.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 17, 1888-89, 121-170. 66. On the rate of growth of corals. [1890.] Harvard, Mus. Zool. Bull., 20, 1890-91, 61-63. 67. Notice of Galamocrinus Diomeda>, a new stalked crinoid from the Galiipagos, dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Alhatro.'^s.... [1890.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 20, 1890-91, 16,5-167. 68. Ueber eiuen neucn Tiefsee-Crinoiden aus der Familie der Apiocriuiden. Neues Jbueh. Min., 1890 {Bd. 1), 94-95. 69. Three letters... on the dredging operations off the west coast of Central Ainorica to the Gal4pagos, to the west coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California... earned on by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross.... Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 21, 1891, 185- 200. 70. Reports on the dredging operations off the west coast of Central America to the Galiipagos, to the west coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California. ..carried on by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Alhatross. II. General sketch of the expedition of the Albatross, from February to May, 1891. [1892.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull,, 23, 1892-93, 1-89. 71. Preliminary note on some modifications of the ehromatopbores of fishes and crustaceans. [1892.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 23, 1892-93, 189-193. 72. Reports on an exploration of the west coasts of Mexico, Central and South America, and off the Gali- pagos Islands... by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer .ilhatross.... I. Calamocrinus Diomedse, a new stalked crinoid, with notes on the apical system and the homo- logies of ecliinoderms. [1892.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Mem., 17, 1890-94, No. 2, 95 pp. 73. Observations in the West Indies. Amer. Jl. Sci., 45, 1893, 358-362. 74. Notes from the Bermudas. Amer. Jl. Sci., 47, 1894, 411-416. 75. A reconnoissance of the Bahamas and of the elevated reefs of Cuba in the steam yacht ^Vild Duck, .January to April, 1893. [1894. J HaVvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 26, 1894-95, 1-203. 76. Note on the Florida reef. Amer. Jl. Sci., 49, 1896, 154-155. 77. On underground temperatures at great depths. Amer. Jl. Sci., 50, 1895, 503-504. 78. A visit to the Bermudas in March, 1894. [1895.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 26, 1894^95, 209-281. 79. A visit to the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Amer. Jl. Sci., 2, 1896, 240-244. SO. The Florida elevated reef. [1896.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 28, 1895-98, 29-51. 81. Cactaeeffi in the Galapagos Islands. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 199. 82. The islands and coral reefs of the Fiji group. Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 113-123. 83. A visit to the Great Barrier Reef of Australia in the steamer Croi/don, during April and May, 1896. [1898.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 28, 1895-98, 93-148. 84. Reports on the dredging operations off the west coast of Central America to the GalApagos; to the west coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California... carried on by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross.... XXIII. Preliminary report on the Echini. [1898.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 32, 1898-99, 71-86. 85. The islands and coral reefs of Fiji. [1898-99.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 33, 1899, 167 pp.; Amer. Jl. Sci., 6, 1898, 165-167 [Part only]. 86. Explorations of the .Hbatross in the Pacific Ocean. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 33-43, 109-116, 193- 198, 369-374; Science, 10, 1899, 833-841; 11, l900, 92-9S, 288-292, 574-578; Nature, 62 (1900), 307-311. Agassiz, Ahwander, & Mayer, A[lfred] G[ohhborough]. On Dactylometra. [1898.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 32, 1898-99, 1-11. 2. On some Medusie from Australia. [1898.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 32, 1898-99, 1.5-19. 3. Acalephs from the Fiji Islands. [1899.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bulb, 32, 1898-99. 1.57-189. Agassiz, Ale.vander, it Vniitman, Clharles] 0[tis]. On the development of some pelagic fish eggs. Preliminary notice. [1884.] Amer. Ac. Proc, 20, 1885, 23-75. 2. The development of osseous fishes. I. The pelagic stages of young fishes. [II. The pre-embryonic stages of development. Part first. The history of the egg from fertilization to cleavage.] [1885-89.] Harvard Mus. Zoo). Mem., 14, 1885-93, No. 1 {Pt. 1), 56 pp., (Pt. 2), 40 pp. Agassiz, Alexander, & vroodwortb, ir[t7/tam] il/cil/ic/i(ic/. Some variations in the genus Eucope. [1896.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 30, 1896-97, 121-150. Agassiz, Louis Jean liodolphe. To biographical references (I ■«/.-■. 7, 9, * 12) add [Italia] Soc. (ieogr. Boll., 11, 1874, Agassiz I 37 [Ag-uerre 13H-1H3; Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hint. .71., H, 1886. l-2!i-144; Science, .5, 1897, 2H5-2H'J; Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 147- 196. 164. Carta!) incditas...relativafi & viaKem...realiRada im .\niazonia (de 11 de AROsto 1h6.') ati 20 de Mar<,o lH()(j). (ThayerKxpedition.) [Postli.] Pari, Muh. Hist. Nat. Bnl., 1, 1896, 144-1.')G. Ager, fjdiiis ('[iirlis]. A |ipeiiliar chromatoRenic bacillus. N. Y. Med. .11., r,:i, 1894, 20."). Agefsborg, ';. .V. The birds of noutheastern Dakota. Auk, 2, 1886, 27(;-2H'J. Aglot, E. Sur un appareil de dosaKe des pree.ii)itis par nne m^thode optique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li., 116, 1893. 2(10-202. 2. [Utilisation de I'opacit^ produite par certains lirceipiti's au dosage dca corps qui Ics fournissent.] Paris Soc. Ohiiii. Bull., '.I, 1893, i)i». 3. Dosage optique de I'acide sulfurique. Paris Soc. Cliim. Bull., 15, 1896, H."),'')-H(i2. 4. Dosage de riiematiiine. [IH'.IU.] Mulhouse Soc. bul. Bull., 07, 1897, 2.51-2ij8; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 1H6-187. 6. Studie iiher die Bestimniun).! des Tannins. [1890.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, lsl-183. Agnello, Giucinto. BeolmchtunKen des Cometen 1884 Wolf. All' equatorialo di Mi^uz in Palermo. Astr. Naclir., 110, 1885, 141-142; 112, 1886, 289-290. a. Beobachtunpen des Cometen 188.5. ..(Barnard) air cquatoriale di Mkhz dell' Osservatorio K. di Palermo. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1886, 187-188, 291-292. 3. Osservazioni di pianetini e comete fatte all' equa- toriale di Mehz in I'alermo. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 321-322. 4. Osservazioni di comete fatte all' equatoriale di Mkkz in Palermo. Astr. Naelir., 124, 1890, 31-32. 6. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1890. ..(Denning Juli 23). AU' Osservatorio di Palermo (equatoriale di Mf.kz). Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 175-170. Agnew, C\iiriieliiix] li[i'ii]. For biography see .Amer. Ophthaliii. Soc. Trans., 1888, 14-15; .\rcli. Ophthalm., 17, 1888. 129-1311; Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 112; N. Y. Med. •II., 17, 1888, 438-439. Agnola, C'|«)7(iJ A[lbertu] delV. Estensione di un teorema di Il,U)AM.\iiD. [1899.| Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1898-99 (P(. 2). 525-539, 009-077. AgosU, MassimilidiKi. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1887, 1888, 1890.] Kecoaro. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 7, 1887, 145-140; 8, 1888, 131; 10, 1890, 175. 2. Bolide del 4 agosto [1888, Kecoarol. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 133. Agostlnelli, Ji.. it Ouamieri, (Jixiseppe. See Ouarnieri \- Agostlnelli. AgoBtinettl, Fram-rsco. Bolide del 22 ottobre [1889, VaruUii Poiiibia (Novara)]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 1911. Agostini, Hi'ttiiw. Influenza delle onde elettromagnetiche suUii condncibilitil elettrica del selenio cristallino. Nuovo Ciuiento, 8, 1898, 81-,S9. Agostini, Cesnri'. Nuovo reattivo per la ricerea del ghuosio. .\nn. di Chim, , 3, 1886, 228. 2. Sulla iutiuenza del bromuro di potassio nella eliminazione dell' urea. Sperimentale, 01, 1888, 467-480. 3. SuUe variazioni della .seusibilitil generate, sensoriale e redessa negli epilettici nel periodo interparossistico e dopo la convul.sione. [1889. J Riv. Sper. di Freniatria. 10, 1890, 30-81. 4. Contribute all' azione del bromuro di potassio nella cura dell' epilessia. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 17. 1891, 12.5-134. 6. Sulla isotonia del sangue degli alienati. Riv Sper. di Freniatria, 18, 1892, 483^97. 6. Contributo alio studio del cbimismo gastrico nei peilagrosi. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 19, 1893, 07-84. 7. I rillessi superficiali e profundi quale mezzo d' aiuto diagnostico nelle lualattie mentali. Riv. tiimT. di Freni- atria, 20, 1894. 481-500. 8. Dcscrizionc di un cranio e cervello scafocefalo. Arch. Antropologia, 20, 1896, 91-104. 9. Sul chiiuismo gastrico e sul ricanibio materiale degli epilettici in rappurlo al valore delle auto-intossica- zioni nella genesi dell' accesso convulsivo. Riv. Sper.
  • . 1898, 67-84. Agailar, [Ciiiriaiw Luis]. Apuutes para el estudio del Mioceno bilbilitano. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899 (Act.), 127-128. Aguilar, Antonio. To references in Nos. 1, 2 & 3 {Vol. 7) odd France Soc. M^teorol. Nouv. M^t^orol., 1, 1868. 319-320, 320-321. 9. '[Notes m6t^orologiques faites a] Madrid. France Soc. Uiti'orol. Nouv. M6t6orol., 1, 1868, 240, 260, 289 ; 2, 1869, 177. Agulleir Samuda, Joseph d'. For biographical notice see Inst. Mecban. Eugin. Proc, 1885, 302. Aguilar y Santilldn, Rafael. Memoria acerca de la naturaleza, propriedades, produceibn y usos del ozono. [1885.] M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 1, 1887, 13-26; Fortschr. Phys., 1887 {Abth. 3), 220. 2. Apuntes para el estudio de las lluvias en Mexico. Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 2, 1888, 97-122. 3. Apuntes relativos a algunos observatorios i insti- tutes meteorol6gicos de Europa. M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 3, 1889, .5-40. 4. El Observatorio MeteoroWgico de Leon. M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 3, 1889 (Rev.), 119-121. 5. Bibliografla meteorol6gica mexicana que com- prende las publicaciones de meteorologia, fisica del globo y climatologia, hechas hasta fines de 1889. [l«90-96.] M6x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 4, 1890, 5-47, 26.5-276; 6, 1892, 97-107 ; 7, 1893, 5-16 ; 8, 1894, 5-9 ; 9, 1895, 5-10, 309-322. 6. Brief sketch of the development of meteorology in Mexico. [1895.] U.S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894,33.5-338. 7. Observaciones meteorol6gioas. Rcsiimen general de las practicadas en varias localidades de la Kepiiblica Mexicana, durante el afio de 1894. M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 10, 1896 {Rev.), T2, 80. 8. Bibliografia geol6gica y minera de la Republica Mexicana. Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol., 10, 1898, 158 pp. Aguilar y Santillan, Rafael, & Fuga, OiiiUenno B. y. See Puga & Aguilar y Santillan. Aguilar y Santillan, Rafael, Puga, Guillirmo B. y, A- Orozco y Berra, Juan. See Fuga, Orozco y Berra, iV: Aguilar. Aguilera, Castor. Des courants bifurques. .11. Telegr. , 9, 1886, 81-84, 102-106. Aguilera, Jose G. Itinerarios geologicos. Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol., 4, 5 & 6, 1896, 78-185. 2. Sinop.sis de geologia mexicana. Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol., 4, 5 & 6, 1896, 187-250 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1899 {lid. 2, Ref.), 426-429. 3. [El mineral de Pachuca.] Pr61ogo. M^x. Inst. Geol. Bol., 7, 8 & 9, 1897, 3-5. 4. Catilogo sistematicu y geografico de las especies mineral6gicas de la Republica Mexicana. M^x. Inst. Geol. Bol., 11, 1898, 157 lip. 5. Essai d'une Evolution continentale du Mexique. [Tr.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 512-516. Aguilera, Jose G., & Castillo, .liitonio del. See Castillo >t Aguilera. Aguilera, Jose G., & Ord6&ez, Ezequiel. Las fumaiolas del Popocatepetl. [1897.] M^x., Soc. " Alzate " Mem. , 10, 1896, 18.5-188. 2. Breve explicaci6n del bosquejo geol6gico de la Re- publica Mexicana. [1894.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 385-389. 3. [El mineral de Pachuca.] II. Fisiografia de la Sierra de Pachuca. [III. Geologia general de la Sierra de Pachuca. IV. Las vetas.] Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol., 7, 8 & 9, 1897, 19-26,, 27-50, 51-80. Aguilbon de Sarran, Elie. 3. Note sur la pathogenic des kystes des m.ichoires. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^ra., 36, 1884 (C. R.). 184-187. Aguillar, Florestan. Un nuovo parassita uel cavo orale. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 18?4 {Vol. 5, Odontol.), 87-88. Aguillon, L[ouis]. 2. L'Ecole des Mines de Paris. Notice historique. Ann. Mines, 15, 1889, 433-686. .See also Aguitton. Aguirre, Cesureo. 'Observaciones meteorolojicas hechas en Copiap6. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 25, 1864, 739-771. Aguirre, Eduardo. 4. Pozos artesianos y provisidn de agua en el puerto de Bahia Blanca. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 31, 1891, 177-188; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 {Bd. 1, Re/.), 532. 5. La Sierra de la Ventana. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 32,1891,20-33; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892(ZW. 2, fle/.), 294. 6. La gruta de Aguas Doradas. [1897.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 303-307. 7. Notas geolbgicas sobre la Sierra de la Tinta. [1897.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 333- 347 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1900 {Bd. 1, Ref.), 100. Aguirre, Franciseo. Larvas de la Calliphora limensis en las fosas nasales. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 67, 1885, 187-198. Aguitton, — [? Aguillon, Loui.s]. Chalenr de combustion du gaz de houille et sa relation avec le pouvoir edairant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 56-58. Ahlborn, [Christian Georij] Fr[iedricli]. 3. Ueber den Ursprung und Austritt der Hirnuerveu von Petromyzon. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 40, 1884, 286-308. 4. Ueber die Segmentation des Wirbelthierkorpers. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 40, 1884, 309-330. 5. Ueber die Bedeutung der Zirbeldriise. (Glandula pinealis ; Conarium ; Epiphysis cerebri.) Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 40, 1884, 331-337. 6. Ein verzweigter Bandwurm (Tsenia saginata). Hamb. Nat. Ver. Verh., 1, 1894, 37-43. 7. Ueber die Was.serblute, Byssus flos aquie und ihr Verhalten gegen Druck. [1893.] Hamb. Nat. Ver. Verb., 2, 1895, 25-36. 8. Demonstration eines neuen Apparats zur Bestim- mung des Luftwiderstandes gegen verschieden gestaltete schriige Fliichen. Deutscli. Natf. Verh., 1895 {Th. 2, Hiil/te 1), 48-49. 9. Ueber die Bedeutung der Heterocerkie und ahnlicher unsyrametrischer Schwanzformen schwim- mender Wirbelthiere fiir die Ortsbewegung. [1895.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 1, 1896, 1-15. 10. Zur Mechanik des Vogelfluges. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abb., 14, 1896, 134 pp. 11. Der Flug der Fische. [1895.] Zool. Jbiich. (Si/.'it.), 9, 1897, 329-338. 12. Der Sehwebflug und die Fallbewegung ebener Tafeln in der Luft. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abh., 15, 1897, No. 2a, 31 pp. 13. Ueber die Stabilitat der Flugapparate. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abh., 15, 1897, No. 2b, 51 pp. Ahlborn, [F.] II[ermaun H.]. 2. *[Ueber Connexe.] [1882.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth.. 1, 1889, 41-42. Ahlbom I 39 lAhrens 8. *Ueber die Heziehung der elliptiKchen Functioneii zur Geoniptrie. [1883.] Hamb. Math. Gcs. Mitth., 1, 1889, m. 4. [Uebor die Uedcutung der Zahl p in den Abel'schcn Functionen und ilire Be/icliuni.! zur Geometrie.] [1884.] Haiiib. Math. Ges. Mitlh., 1, 1889, 80-81. 6. Ziiiii Pentaniamina miiifit'um. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 {Ffsturlir., T. 2), 6i)-74. Ahlenius, h'url. (Biricht iiber die Liinderkunde der skandiiiavischeii Halbiiisel.] Geogr. Jbuch., I'.t, 1897, 200-20!) ; 21, 1899, lOy-122. „ 2. Om linen Salz- bergcs. Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch., 36, 1888, 137-153. 6. Die bayerischen Snlinen. Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. .Ibuch., :I6, 1888, 325-339. 7. Das Salinenwesen vom Standpunkteder Litteratur und Praxis. Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. .Ibuch., 37, 1889, 269-368. 8. Der Salzbergbau in den osterreiohischen Alpen. Wieu, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch., 40, 1892, 203-380. Aiguer 41 lAiry Algner, /■fraju]. Zur Kenntnis der Monoalkyliithcr t Herzlg, J[(m,-/]. .SVi' Herzig iV Algner. Aignerj -Abafi], I,ajo». LepidopteroloRiai mcgfiRyeK'Sck. {Ol/sciviitioiies lepidopteroloKicoo.) Termr. Fiiz., 1« (1896), 58-01. 3. A Saturnia hybrida miijor ts minor-rol. (De Saturnia bybrida major et minor.) Termr. Fiiz., 18 (1895), 210-2 IH, 28!)-293. 3. Lepkt'szeti megfi^'yeWs. [Lepidoptwrologisclie Beo- liachtiingen.] Termt. Kiizliin., 27, 1895, 329; Math. Nat. lier. Ungarn, II, 1898, 3;i4. 4. Aclifiuntia atrnpos, /,. 111. Ztschr. Eiit., 3,1898, 337-3311; 4,1899. 4-7, 177-180, 211-214, 289-290, 337- 338, 3.55-3.50 ; 5, 1900, 36-38. 6. Die Lcpidopteren-Fauna Ungarns. 111. Ztschr. Ent., 4, 1899, 187, 219-220, 234. 6. Schiiietli-rliuns.Zwitter. 111. Ztschr. Ent., 4, 1899, 2G8, 208, 313-314, 329-330. 7. Zur Lcpidoptirin-Fauna Kumiiniens. Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 9, 1900, 543-5G1. 8. Missljildungen bei Scbmetterlingen. 111. Ztschr. Ent., 5, 1900, 99-111(1. Algre, I »[ou(ila!<]. Hi.stoire d'une I'pidumie de fiivre typliuulu. Ann. Hyg. Pabl., 23, 1890, 441-445. 2. Marche de la tievre typhoide a. Boulogne-sur-Mer de 1873 A 1893. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 32, 1894, 141-147. 3. Sangsne dans le pharynx. Arch, de Parasit., 2, 1399, 141-142. Aigret, CV; 2. Comptc-rendu de la xsx" herborisation de la Societi.' Hovalu de Botanique de Belgique (1892). Bulg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1892 (C. H.), 200-214. 3. Liste des lichens observes pendant I'herborisation [aux environs de Kochefort]. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1892 (C. /f.), 210-218. Aigret, CI., & Traaeaia, Ck. Herborisations dans la valke du Viroin. Btig. Soc. Bot. Bull., 24, 1886 (C. li.), •50-70. Aiken, Charles E. 3. Seven new birds for Colorado. Auk, 17. 1900, 298. Aiklns, Ihrbert Austin, iV Hodge, C. F. See Hodge & Aikins. Aikman, C. M. Agricultural education in this counti'y and abroad, with special reference to Germany. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 20, 1889, 133-154. 2. Nitrogen ; its uses and sources in agriculture. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 9, 1890, 031-033. 3. Manurial experiments with turnips. Highland Soc. Trans., 3, 1891, 123-138. 4. Germ-life in relation to agriculture. Highland Soc. Trans., 9, 1897, 21-40. 5. Some minute workers in the economy of nature. [1897.] Stirling Sue. Trans., 1896-97, 51-55. AUunan, I!., & I>oney, Peter. See Iioney d' AiitTnjTi AiUo, .hilius. Leber Straudbildungen des Litorinamecres auf der Insel Maut^iusaari. [1898.] Finlande Comm. G<:«. Biv. Ital. Paleont., 5, 1899, 109-111. 7. Di alcuni Conoclipeidi. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 19, 1900, 173-178. 8. Echinidi Postpliocenici di Monteleone Calabro. .Milano. Sue. Ital. Atti. 39, 1900, 05-74. Airagbi, yiina Iieardl. See Iieardl Alraghi. Aird, C. A'. Ueber den BegritI eines hydraulischen Momentes der Kanalquerschniite. Haauover Architekt.- Ver. Ztschr.. 40. 1900, 4ol-41G. Airoldi, — . & Ferroncito, Edoardo. See Ferroadto <1- Airoldi. Airy, (.Sir) George liiddell. For biography and works see Auier. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 248; Ann. Phvs. Chem. (Berlin I'hijs. Ges. Verh., 1892), 45, 1892. 001-604 ; Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 96, 168; Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892. 3.3-38; Astr. Soc. Month. Not.. 52. 1892. 212-229; Eleetrican. 28, 1892. 249-250: Engineers Soc. Trans.. 1892, 244-251 ; Gendve Soc. Phvs. Mem.. 31. 1890-93. cixxvi-cxxxix ; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc. 108. 1892, 391-394 ; Leopoldina, 28. 1892. .54 ; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 5. 1892, 185-186 ; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892. 29 : Nature, 45, 1892. 232-233; N. S. Wales Boy. Soc. Jl., 26 (1892). 2-5 ; Obsirvatorv, London. 15, 1892, 74-94 ; Paris, .\c. Sci. C. E.. 114. 1892. 91-93; 115, 1892. 1117-1118; Kov. Soc. Proc. 51.1892. i-xxi; Science. 19. 1892, 64-65; Anier. Ac Proc, 27. 1893. 446-448 ; Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc, 19, 1893, i-viii ; Geogr. Jbuch.. 16. 1893, 469-470; Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Ball.. 2, 1893 (Prof.), 24-31; [Aitken Airy] Meteovol. Soc. Quart. Jl., lij, 18?3 97 ; Munchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 202-203; Termt. Kozlon., 2o, 189;!. '^'To'^'^eference in No. 233 {Vol. 9) add Observatory, -^^: ^B^rr^if ^.^or^cf j;:^Usu.g ^"■^244. ^Spurious disks of stars. [1877.] Observatory, London, 1, 1878, 212-213. , , ,. , nfi78 1 245. ♦Distortion of the pliotohebograph. [1878.] Observatory, London, 2, 1879, 122;|2^- r)h». Ueber die Hypothesen te Erdo bil- dung. [1893.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, /d« /-is, 1RQ4 122-126. , 1 2 Ueber die Verharzungsfahigkeit und den sog. Harigehalt der Mineralole. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., '■^'''3 ^ Uebef dk Flammpunktsbestimmung der Mineral- schmie^le Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 294, 1894, 6 -.0 4 Loslichkeit der Mineralole in Alkohol. Dingleis "t'^E^vjllkuS'^ Mtn;;S;^mier o^^; '"3'^- OnTe occurrence and migration o l-^ds in the Belford district, for 1885. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., Al^;sr^S>-n --„,^a™.d] ;^ ^ Dunlop, James Craufurd. See Paton, Ail^ir."--'-- Hydraulics. N. Zealand Pap. & Eep. * v'"'' I'^r.^P 'b ''^Experimental stations. Eeport Aitken, Andre w F. O. r^xpen"' ^4R-376. -^^l^xp^^S^^ir^Tu^pTi^S^^^High. -.-^Llle"^.SUfTi!^'^K..04- ''i^!']^^^^La of testing sous. Highland «°X3'Xn'l"^8^'1^i^land SOC Trans., 17. ''l'4.'°i"lb-sis of barl^ey crop, 1883. Highland Soc. Trans., 17, 1885, "2--424 ^ observations ma^'e- a^TireVeli— 1 tlTons. Highland Soc "r-i^^^s^;?^), 1884-85. Highland Soc "^^^!-^^tc^'(SS^Bton).1885. Highland Soc "^X^-'ln;i?^!'^taf;ropofl884. Highland Soc. ''r::' Snos^and'sLgf In Scotiand. Highland Soc. ^'Tor p'o'tatrjropfHarelaw, 1886. Manurial experi- ment with potatoes at Harelaw. Highland boc Tians. '^T'lunS^'crov, Pumpberston, 1886. Highland «"^2:'Xic'Lr;nft^fmanurial value of Phos. ^.ates of^.«er.it^degr^_c.^~^^^jJand Soc 'Tt Souiiffersl^ar-^sapoUsh "-urc Highland ^"^--^ag^'n^SS'sS^^^and -^■^XhSrtf::tti::^'°^i;iar^c^^T^s.. ''•^%Z^(on of feeding stuffs analysed in 1887. "l^^lt^^k^U^-in^dff^rS^ns. Highland ^^S^^'^ic^Hu^^^^^^^eL ill .^.ous^^^ of ''T^.S^ ^:pJ=a^si^?L:"T1^irts Aitken] 43 [Aitken. on grass experiments.] Highland Soo. Trans., 1, 1889, 227-24G ; 2, 1890, 359-377 ; 3, 1891, 187-202 ; 4, 1892, 224-239 ; r>, 1893, 2(;7-28.t ; 6, 1894, 385-l()9. 30. Analyses of tuniips differently munurcd. High- land Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 2.51-2.03. 31. Analysis of fodders. Good and bad feeding turnips. Highland Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 253-2(;i. 32. Composition of oat-straw of different kinds. HiKhland Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 2G1-264. 33. Analyses of silage and hay. Highland Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 20.5-267. 34. Folding Lxperiraents in 1888-H9. Highland Soc. Trans., 2, 1890, 289-332. 35. Agricultural experiments by local societies. Manurial experiments. Highland Soc. Trans., 2, 1890, 332-358. 36. Feeding experiments in 1889-90. The digesti- bility of the turnip. Highland Soc. Trans., 3, 1891, 203-230. 37. Digestibility of ensilage. Highland Soc. Trans., 3, 1891, 231-234. 38. The most efficient and inexpensive turnip manure. Highland Soc. Trans.. 3, 1891, 235-261 : 4, 1892, 255-286 ; 5, 1893, 280-306 ; 0, 1894, 435-447 ; 7, 1895, 436-442. 30. Feeding experiment to determine the relative value as fodder of ryegrass eaten green and after being made into hay. Highland Soc. Trans., 4, 1892,240-254. 40. Experiments with Bordeaux spray to prevent potato disease. Highland Soc. Trans., 4, 1892, 292-298. 41. The roots of grasses in relation to their upper growth. [1891.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 19, 1893, 219-220. 42. The manuring of turnips with nitrogenous manures, as shown by field experiments throughout Scotland in 1892. Highland Soc. Trans., 5, 1893, 307-319. 43. Thinning of turnips. Highland Soc. Trans., 5, 1893, 320-327; 6, 1894, 426-435. 44. The estimation of oil in linseed cakes. High- land Soc. Trans., 5, 1893, 328-338. 45. A rapid and accurate method of determining the moisture and oil in linseed cakes and other feeding stuffs. [1893.] Amer. Chem. Soc. .11., 16, 1894, 114-122. 46. Does chemical analysis afford a reliable indica- tion of the feeding quality of a pasture? Highland Soc. Trans., 6, 1894, 410-42-5. 47. The determination of fiber in Scotland. Official samples. U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 43, 1894, 172. 48. The determination of woody fibre in fodders. [1894.] Analyst, 20, 1895, 3-5-37. 49. The nitrogen of the air in relation to plant life. Highland Soc. Trans. , 7, 1895, 355-373. 50. Pumpherston Experimental Station. The per- manent effects of manures upon meadowland, as shown by the relative abundance of grass and clover in the pasture, and the manner in which it is eaten by stock. Highland Soc. Trans., 7, 1895, 423-432. 51. Feeding experiment to determine the relative value of linseed cake and dried distillery grains as a by-fodder for sheep. Highland Soc. Trans., 7, 1895, 433-435. 52. Manuring of beans. Highland Soc. Trans., 7, 1895, 442-444. 53. Manuring of lea oats. Highland Soc. Trans., 7, 1895, 44,5-451. 54. Finely ground phosphates as a turnip manure. Highland Soc. Trans., 7, 1896, 452-4-57. 55. Feeding experiment to compare the feeding value of dried grains and other home-made fodders with that of linseed cake. Highland Soc. Trans., 7, 1896, 4.59-409. 56. Bordeaux spray as a preventive of potato disease. Highland Soc. Trans., "8, 1896, 252-258. 57. Feeding experiments conducted at Mains of l,aitliers. Highland Soc. Trans., 9, 1897, 1.56-180 ; 10, 1898, 259-280. 68. I''eeding experiments with sheep condnct«d at Feriiey Castle and at Wbitclaw. Highland Soc. Trans., 9, 1897, 181-188 ; 10, 1898, 281-292. 69. Nitragin. Highland Soc. Trans., 9, 1897, 188-195. eo. Analyses of swedes grown by members of the Carse of Gowrie and Dundee District Farmers' Club. Highland Soc. Traus., 9, 1897, 291-296. 61. Currant-bushes failing to bear fruit. Investi- gation into the cause. Analyses of soil. Highland Soc. Trans., 10, 1898. 293-299. 62. Experiments with nitragin. Highland Soc. Trans., 10, 1898, 299-.30.5. 63. Lime and its nses in agriculture. Highland Soc. Trans., 11, 1899, 220-24.5. 64. The nitrogenous food of plants. [Presidential address, Nov. 12th, 1896.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 21. 1900. 1 20. 65. [Svmbiosis. Presidential address, Nov. 11th, 1897.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 21, 1900, 65-87. 66. The relation between the colour of daffodils and the composition of the soils in which thev are grown. [1898.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 21, 1900, 113-116. 67. Sheep-feeding experiment at Challoch, Leswalt. Highland Soc. Trans., 12, 1900, 23-46. Aitken, Andrew P., & Milne, John. Feeding experiment to determine the kind of by-fodder most suitable for cattle feeding on a mixture of green tares and oats. Highland Soc. Trans., 5, 1893, 339-3.52. See aUo Blilne & Aitken. Aitken, Andrew P., ^XToodbead, t], Davidson, Jlames'\, & BeU, T. R. See Davidson, BeU & Aitken. Aitken, Henry. 2. The Hilderston silver-mine, near Linlithgow. [1893.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 6, 1894, 19.3-198. 3. The formation of the earth's crust and its destruction. [With discussion.'] [1893.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 6, 1894, 210-215, 523-525. Aitken, J. Edington, & Menzies, R. C. See Menzies & Aitken. Aitken, John. Assign Nos. 13 & 14 (Vol. 7) to Aitken, ■Jolni [of Darroch). For biographical notice and works see Nature, 30, 1884, 371. Aitken, Joint (of Ardenlea, formerly of Darroch). Assign to this author Nos. 13 & 14 (Vol. 7, under Aitken, .Jo/of). 18. The remarkable sunsets. Ediub. Koy. Soc. Proc, 12, 1884, 448-450, 647-660. 19. Thermometer screens. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 12, 1884, 661-696; 13, 1886, 632-642; 14, 1888, 53-84, 428-432. 20. Chromomictors. [1885.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 122-130. 21. On dew. Phil. Mag., 22, 1886,206-212,363-368. 22. On the formation of small clear spaces in dusty air. [1884.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 32, 1887, 239-272. 23. On dew. [1885.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 33, 1888, 9-64. 24. Note on solar ra,diation. [1887.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc, 14, 1888, 118-121. 25. Note on hoar frost. [18H7.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc, 14, 1888, 121-125. 26. On a monochromatic rainbow. [1888.] Edinb. Roy. Soc Proc, 15, 1889, 13.5-137. 27. On the number of dust particles in the atmo- sphere. [1888.] Edinb. Roy. Soc Trans., 35, 1890, 1-19. 28. On improvements in the apparatus for counting the dust particles in the atmosphere. [1889.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc, 16, 1890, 135-172. 29. On the number of dust particles in the atnio. sphere of certain places in Great Britain and on the continent, with remarks on the relation between the amount of dust and meteorological phenomena. [1890.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 17, 1891, 193-254. 30i On a simple pocket dust-counter. [1890.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 18, 1892, 39-52. 31. On a method of observing and counting the number of water particles in a fog. [1891.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 18, 1892, 259-262. 32. On the solid and liquid particles in clouds. [1891.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 36, 1892, 313-319. 33. On some phenomena connected with cloudy condensation. Roy. Soc Proc, 51, 1892, 408-439. 34. On the particles in fogs and clouds. [1893.] Edinb. Roy. Soc Proc, 19, 1893, 260-263 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 37, 1895, 413-425. 35. The origin of lake basins. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 315. 36. The cloudy condensation of steam. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 340-341. 37. Observations of atmospheric dust. [1896.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 734-754. 38. On the number of dust particles in the atmo- sphere of certain places in Great Britain and on the continent, with remarks on the relation between the amount of dust and meteorological phenomena. [1892- 94.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 37, 1895, 17-49, 621- 693. 39. On some observations made without a dust- counter on the hazing effect of atmospheric dust. [1893.] Edinb. Roy. Soc Proc, 20, 1895, 76-93. 40. Breath figures. [1893.] Edinb. Roy. Soc Proc, 20, 1895, 94-97. 41. Notes on clouds. [1896.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 21, 1897, 93-95. 42. The colour of sea water. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 509-510. 43. On some nuclei of cloudy condensation. [1897.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 39, 1900, 1.5-25. 44. Atmospheric electricity. [1900.] Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 514-515; 62 (1900), 366-368. 45. Notes on the dynamics of cyclones and anti- cyclones. [1900.] Ediub. Roy. Soc. Trans., 40, 1905, 131-1.56. Aitken, Robert Glrant]. Observations of the transit of Mercury, November 10, 1894, at College Park, University of the Pacific. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 6, 1894, 272. 2. Total eclipse of the moon, September 3, 1895. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 7, 1895, 291-292. 3. Double star measures. Astr. Soc Pacific Publ., 7, 1895, 305-310. 4. Observations of Comet d 1895 (Brooks), made at the Lick Observatory with the 12-inch equatorial. Astr. JL, 16, 1896, 54. 5. Elements and ephemeris of Comet c 1895 (Perrine). Astr. JL, 16, 1896, 111 ; Astr. Soc. Pacific I'ubL, 8, 1896, 99 [Part only]. 6. Observations of Comet b 1896 (Swift), made at the Lick Observatory. Astr. JL, 16, 1896, 120, 177. 7. Orbit and ephemeris of Comet b 1896 (Swift). Astr. JL, 16, 1896, 136. 8. A bright meteor seen September 6, 1896. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 8, 1896, 267. 9. Measures of Sirius. Made with the thirty-six- inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1896.] Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 8, 1896, 314; Astr. JL, 17, 1897, 27; Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 77-78. 10. The position of the companion of Sirius. Science, 4, 1896, 877. 11. Measures of Procyon, made with the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. JL, 17, 1897, 76. 12. Double star measures made at the Lick Observa- tory. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 161-182 ; 145, 1898, 129-1.52. 13. The great sun-spot of January, 1897. Astr. Soc Pacific Publ., 9, 1897, 43. 14. The Bruce photometers of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 9, 1897, 184-186. Aitkenl 45 [Akerblom 15. OliscMvatinn of tlip partial Bolar oclipHe, July 20, 1H!)7. Astr. Sou. raciflc I'ulil., 0, 1897, l!l,5. 16. Measurps of the compftiiion of Siriim, and of fi HH3. Astr. Soc. I'lu-iiic I'ulil., !l, 1897, 23H-23i). 17. Observationa of Ii'Auuest's Comet (=a 1897), made with the 12-ineh equatorial of the Lick ObKorvii- tory. [1897.] Astr. ,T1., 18, 1898, 24. 18. Measures of (i 88H, (3 !i'>'i and Sirius, made witli the ;iG-iiich telescope of the Lick Observatory. [1897.] Astr. .11., 18, 1898, .56. IS. Observiitions of Comet b 1897 (Perrine), made with the 12-ineli ei|uatoii:U of the Lick Observatory. [1897.] Astr. .Jl., 18, 1898, HO. 20. Measures of Sirius, Proeyon, and ft 39.5. Astr. .11., 18, 1898, 128. 21. Double-star measmes. Aatr. JI., 18, 1898, Kil- 105, 180. 22. Spectroscopic binary stars. .\str. Soc. Pacific Pub!., 10, 1898, 2r, .il; 11,' 1899, 254-257. 23. Some interestini; double stars. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 10, 1898, 38. 24. Errata in star catalogues. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 10, 1898, 39-40. 35. The Leonid shower in 1898. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 10, 1898, 241-242. 26. The companion to ft Orionis { = ft 55.5). Popular Astr. , 0, 1898, 5K5-58(;. 27. Mea.sures of tlie fifth satellite of .Jupiter. [1.S98.] Astr. .11., 19, 1899, 29. 28. Obsprv.ations of the satellites of Uranus. [1898.] Astr. .Tl., 19, 1899, 7(;-77. 29. Observation of Comet j 1898, made with the 3(j-incli refractor of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Jl., 19, 1899, 172. 30. Definitive determination of the orbit of Comet 18911 III. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 337-374. 31. Measures of the satellite of Neptune. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 373-370. 32. Measures of double stars in 1898. Astr. Nachr., 1.50. 1899, 113-170. 33. Double star notes. Astr. Soo. Pacific Publ., 11, 1899, 45-47. 34. Three new double stars. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 11, 1899, 128. 35. New double stars. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 11, 1899, 101-162 ; 12, 1900, 127-128. 36. Observations of Temi'KI.'s second C(miet = c 1890. Astr. Jl., 20, 1900, 147-148. 37. Observations of Holmes's Comet 1899 II made with the aO-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. N'ai'hr., 1.51, 1900, 29-30. 38. Measures of the satellites of Uranus in 1899. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 105-108. 39. A list of 47 new double stars. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 161-170. 40. Measures of 204 double stars. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 209-242. 41. Second list of new double stars. .\str. Nachr., 153, 1900, 309-380. 42. The orbit of T Cvgni. (A.G.C. 13.) .\str. Soc. Pacific Publ., 12, 1900, 103-109. 43. Venus by daylight. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 12, 1900, 198-199. 44. A new planetary nebula. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 1-2, 1900, 203; Astr. Nachr., 15:;, 1900, 307- 308. 45. The orbit of 99 Herculis = A. C. 15. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 12, 1900, 240-242. 46. Observations of the binary stars S Equulei ( = Oi;5.35), and k Pegasi { = ft 989), in 1900. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., Pi, 1900, 255-257. 47. Observations of Comet a 1900 (Giacobiui). [1000.] Astr. Jl., -Jl, 1901, ,30. Aitken, Robert G^rant], & Hussey, WiUiiim J[oisepK\. S.I' HuBsey & Aitken. Aitken, Iliihirl ll\ruul], A Ferrlne, Chtirlft D[iH«n]. Observations of Comet c 1895 (Perrine), made with the 12incli equatorial of the Lick Observatory. A8tr. Jl., 10, 1896, 53. Si;' also Ferrlne & Aitken. Aitken, Itobrrl i:[rnnl], iV Schaeberle, J[<)lm] Mlartin]. Srr Schaeberle 'r. Umiinderung des Soxhlet-Siekel'schen Ex- tractions-Apparates zu einem continuirlich wirkenden. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 894. Alapy, H[enrik]. Ueber das Verhalteu der Wundinfek- tionserreger im Darme. Wien. Med. Wsohr., 39, 1889, 6-8, 59-61, 98-100. Albabary, Jacques M. Synthese des 3-Propylisochiuolius. Beilin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2391-2398. 2. Sur un produit de dcdoublement de I'albumine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 121-124. Albanello, Cesare. Sopra la determinazione quantitativa deir acido feuico uei saponi fenicati. [1899.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1898-99 (Pt. 2), 767-776. 2. Contributo speriuientale intorno alia eliminazione del ferro (ferratina) iniettato sotto la cute. Ann. di Farm. e Chim., [1900], 133-139, Albanese, Liiiyl. Rapporto di un feuomeno di miraggio luuare [20 novembre 1895 Gozo (Malta)]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 16, 1896, 133. Albanese, Manfredi. La circolazione sanguigna del reue sotto r iuHuenza di alcuni farmaci. Ann. di Chim., 13, 1891, 89-97. 2. La fatiea negli animali privi di capsule soprarrenali. Roma, E. Ace. Liucei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 127-133. 3. Ricerche suUa funzione delle capsule surrenali. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Rend., 1, 1892 (Scm. 1), 363-366. 4. Ueber den Einfiuss der Zusammensetzung der Ernahrungsflilssigkeiten auf die Thiitigkeit des Frosch- herzens. Arch. Kxper. Path., 32, 1893, 297-312. 5. Ueber die .Vuordnung der motorisclien Nervenfaseru fiir die Flexoren und Extensoren in don Nervenstiimmen des Frosches. [1894.] Arch. Exper. Path., 34. 1894, 338-341 ; Arch. Ital. Biol., 25, 1896, 19.5-198. Albancse V, [Albeggiani 6. Ucber dna Verhalten des CnfleViis iind deg Thco- biomins im Organismus. Arch. Exper. Path., 35, 1896, ■U'J-IIK. 7. Sul contepno della caffeina e della teobrumina ncir organismo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1896, Pt. '2), 208-321. 8. Sur Taction pljarmacologique do la moiioiiietliyl- xanthiiie. [7V.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 32, 1899, 309-325. 9. Sulla trasforma/.ionc dclla calTeina in Snii'tilxan- tina iwW ori^'iiiiismo aniniale. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 2'J (1899, Pt. 2), 301-310; Berlin, Chem. Gcb. Ber., 32, 1899, 2280-2282. 10. Ueber die Wirknngen des 7- nnd 3-MethylxanthinB. Arch. Kxpcr. Tath., 43, 1900, 305-310. 11. Sur la caracterisation m(;dicol(''gale de I'atropine et de I'aconitine an nioyen de lenrs reactions physio- logiques. Arch. Ital. Biol., 33, 1900, H5-45'.l. 12. L' inriucnza del fegato snlT azioue del curare assorbito per la mucosa pastro-intestinale. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Kend., 33, 1900, !)38-!)40. Albanese, Mini/n-iti, & Barabinl, Emmatiuele. Kicerche farinacologichc 6ui chetoiii. | !8'.)1-92.J Ann. di Chim., 15, 1892, 124-12U, 225-238; Arch. Ital. Biol., 17,1892, 231-238. Albani, Gitisrppf. Nota entomologica. Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena. 18, 1898 (Boll.), 74. 2. Sul uiimetismo nei Colcotteri. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 18, 1898 (Ilnll.). 911-101. 3. Odonati dei dintorni di Monza. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 18, 1898 («o//.), 113-114. 4. Appunti .sui Lepidotteri della Grijjna. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 19, 1899, 108-110; 20, 1900, 32-33. Albanus, (ieoni. Zur WidalVclien Reaction. St. Peter.sb. Med. Wschr.,' 24, 1899, 4U5-107. Albarda, ,/. Hfrman. I'or liiot!rai)hical notice and works .«',• Tijdschr. Ent.. 42. 1900 ( IV/vs/. ), 38-39. 3. Ornithologie van Nederland, waarnemingen in 1885[-98|. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 1. 1885-87, 57-08; 2, 1889. 10-18, 145-157; 3, 1890-92, 12-34, 93- 107, 191-205; 4. 1893 94, 20-34, 289-295; 5, 1898, 1-9, 35-40, 47-50; 0, 1900, 109-118. 4. Erster ornithologischer .Jahresbericht (18851 a«s Holland (Friesland und Zuid-HoUand). Ornis, 1, 1885, 589-631. 5. Notes sur les Perlides dicrites par le Dr. R.\mbck. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 33, 1889, 37-49. 6. Note sur la Ta-niopteryx nebulosa, L., ct la T. prtEtexta, Bitrmeister. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 33, 1889, 51-05. 7. Notes on Psocus obscurus, Rambur. [1889.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 210. 8. Catalogue raisonne et synonymique des Nevropteres observes dans les PavsBas, et dans les pays limitrophes. Tijdschr. Ent., 32, 1889, 211-376. 9. Revision des Raphidides. Tijdschr. Ent., 34, 1891, 05-184. 10. Ueber das Vorkommen seltener Vogel in den Niederlanden. Jl. f. Oruith., 40, 1892, 417-431. 11. Ueber pomarinus als Artname. Jl. f. Ornith., !.">. 1897. 170-171. Albarndo variabile o costante. Modena, Ace. Sci. Mem., 10, 1894, 449-456. Alberts, C. Geologische und bergbauliche Skizzen aus Humiinieu. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg.. 47, 1888, 131-132. Alberts, {Kiipt.) H. *Ueber das .■Vuftreten des Treibeises im Nordatlantischen Ocean im I'ruhling 1883. Ann. der Hydrogr., 11 (1883). 468-471. Albiekij, Aleks^j .-{[tulri-erii']. To reference iu No. 1 {Vol. 12) under Al'bitskii mid Jl. Prakt. Chem., 30, 1884, 209-212. 3. Ueber das Brechungsvermogen des aus Allyldi- methvlcarbinol sicli bildenden Kohleuwasserstoffs C,.,H.,„. [Cf. No. 2 (Vol. 12).] Jl. Prakt. Chem., 30, 1884, 213- 214. 4. 0 n-bKOTopuxi. CBoflcTBax'B II npespame- Hiflxi> j,i!MeTiija.i.ieHa (Bajcpiuciia Pebj-.th). [On some properties and transformations of dimethylallene (Ueisoul's valerylene).] Euss. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 19 (CAf HI.), 1887, 364-368 ; Chem. Soc. Jl., 54, 1888 (Ahs.), 797-798. 5. Kt. Bonpocy o6t> iiaojiepiii Mea;,iy o.ieuiioBofi II 3.iaii,iiiHOBofi, spyKOBoR ii Opaccii,T.niioBori KHC.lOTaMn. [Beitrag zur Keuntnissvon den Isomerie- verhaltnissen der Oel-, Elaidin-, Eruca- und Brassidin- aiiare.] Buss. Pbys.-Chera. Soc. Jl., 31 {Chem.), 1899, 76-100; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 61, 1900, 6.5-94. 6. 0 X.10pOCTeapilHOBO'rt KlIClOrL. [Ueber Chlorstearin'iiiure.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 100-103; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 61, 1900, 94-98. 7. jI.'feRcTBie yKcycuaro aiinijpnja na uLko- TOpiJfl atlipHUa KIIC.IOTU. [Einwirkung von Essig. fiiiurcaiihydrid auf einigc Fettsiiuren.] Kuss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 103-106; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 61, 1900, 98-101. a. 067i oiiiic.ieuiii nliuoTopuxi. bucuihxt. HCIipe.lt.lMIIJXI. KlIC.lOTlCMliCLlOCfcpUOfi KIIC.IOTU n, na,-lcf;pil0Kllc.lUM1> aMJIOIlicMl. [Ueber die Oxy- dation einiger liiJherer, ungesiittigter Fettsauren durch Schwefelsiiure und .\mmoniumpersulfat.] Kuss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Chem.), 1900, 640-641 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2909--2910. Albiekij, AleUsej .{[ndreevxc], & Emeljanov, Michajl. See Emeljanov tV Albiekij, Albiekij, Alehstj .-i[;i(/re«'t'i<'], & NikoUkij, Vladimir. () iRMCTyieMi iipo.xyiiTt OKiic.iciiiji yr.ieBOjopoja Ci^a.,,, iio-iy'iaesiaro im a.i.nujiiM.^Tii.iKapOimoja. [Ueber ein nichttliichtiges Produkt der Oiydation des aus AUyldimethylcarbinol gewonnenen Kohleuwasserstoffs CjoHjo-l Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chem.), 1886, 430-439; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 34, 1886, 473-477. Albiekij, V[asilij] I[vaiiovi<^-]. Ueber die Ermittelang der Zahnezahl bei kieisformigen Stirnriidern. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 288, 1893, 156-161, 178-181, 200-203, 27-5-279. Albini, Augusto. Di mi fungo nuovo per 1' Italia. Mal- piu'hia, 8, 1894, 302-303. Albini, Augusto, & Firotta, Romualdo. See Firotta & Albini. Albini, Giuseppe. To reference in No. 1 (Vol. 7) add Nuovo Cimento, 21 & 22, 1865-«6, 160-166. To reference in No. 3 (Vol. 7) add Nuovo Cimento, 23 & 24, 1865-66, 93-96; 27 (1868), 290-294. 39. Sui movimenti del cervello nell' uomo. Napoli, Rend., 24, 1885, 34-37. 40. Sui movimenti dei cromatofori nei Cefalopodi. Napoli, Rend., 24, 1885, 121-124. 41. Sulla tunica muscolare dell' intestino tenue oel cane. Napoli, Rend., 24, 1885, 309. 42. Ridessioni suUa trasfusione del sangue. Napoli, Rend., 25, 1886, 284-286. 43. SuUo scambio di materia e di forza de' vegetali. [Kicerche sperimentali sulla segregazione dei vegetali.] Napoli, Rend., 26, 1887, 30-32, 144-146; 27, 1888, 64-66, 483-485. 44. Rapporto sulle esperienze di controllo solla vaccinazione del barbone bufalino. Napoli, Rend., 26, 1887, 110-144. 45. Sulla mobilitA dei liquidi viscosi non omogenei. Napoli, Rend., 29, 1890. 24-27. 46. Sulla possibilita di trasporto di microorganismi per evaporazione ener^ica di liquidi che li contengono. Napoli, Rend., 29, 1890, 255-'259. 47. II movimeuto cunsiderato quale fattore principale delle perdite invisibili nel peso degli animali. Determi- iiazione col metodo gralico. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 34, 1892, 335-340. 48. Di alcune emiuenze alia faccia interna della retina del cane e del CHpretto. Napoli, Rend., 31, 1892, 132-134. 49. Suir immobility come causa iniziaute il letargo iemale de Moscardini (Myoxus avellanarins). Napoli, Rend., 33, 1894, 15-19. 50. Suir acqua di sdoppiamento e d' ossidazione Albini] 52 [Albrecht orKanica della civetta (Strix noctua). [1894.] Napnli, Ace. Atti, 7, 1895, ^'o. 'ii, 11 pp. 61. Parallelo fra le perdite invisibili di peso, notturiie e diurne, del Parus major e del Parus (Poecile) paluatris. Napoli, Rend., 34, 1895, .31-38. 52. Considciazioni sul valore nutritivo del pane integrale. Napoli, Kend., 37, 1898, 117-120. 53. Anmenti in peso e perdite invisibili degli animali in via di sviluppo. [1897.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 9, 1899, No. 1, 10 pp. 54. La tisonomia delle perdite invisibili dell' uomo e degli animali. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 29, 1899, No. 12, 13 pp. 55. Su una nuova tunica muscolare dell' intestino tenue del cane e di aleuni altri animali. [1900.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 10, 1901, No. 3, 2 pp. Albini, Giiiseppt-', & Malerba, Pasqitale. 3. Sugli albuminoid! della Castauea vesca e su d' una sostanza gommosa finora non scoperta in questo frutto. Napoli, Rend., 23, 1884, 78-80. Albini, (jiusciipe, & Sanna-Salaris, Giuseppe. Sulla stricninn. Napoli, Rend., 27, 1888, 410-412. Al'bitskii. .S'l't^ Albickij. Albo, (J[iaromo]. Sulla funzionetisiologica della "solanina." [1899.] Contrib. Biol. Veg., 2, 1897-99, 191-209. Albov, N[ikokij MichajloviS]. For biography and list of works see New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 23 (No. 1), 1899, v-xv. A6xa3CKie uanopoTniiKir. (Les fougferes d'Ab- khasie.) New Euss. Soc. Nat. Mem., 16 (No. 1), 1891, 97-106. 2. The western Caucasus and its flora. Gard. Chron., 11, 1892, .58.5-586, 686. 3. Rapport preliminaire sur une excursion botanique dans la Sierra Ventana. La Plata Mus. Rev., 7, 1896, 181-187. 4. Contributions k la Acre de la Terra de Feu. Observations sur la vegetation du canal de Beagle. [Enumi5ration des plantes du canal de Beagle et de quelques autres endroits de la Terre de Feu. Familiie Eanunculacese-Filices.] La Plata Mus. Eev., 7, 1896, 277-308, 355-392. Albrand, }}'(ilter. Bericht liber 549 Staaroperationen der Professor Scholer'schen Augenklinik in Berlin. Arch. Augenheilk., 2G, 1893, 196-218; Arch. Ophthalm., 23, 1894, 153-162. Albrecht, E[ugen] {Uechaniker). F. Hoppe-Seiler's kdlorimutrische Doppelpipette. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 12, 1892, 417-418. Albrecht, E[iigeiil & HUfner, [Carl] G[».s-((n']. See Hutnei & Albrecht. Albrecht, Eiiyen {Dr. Med.). Der Uutergang der Kerne in den ErythroblastenderSaugethiere. [1895.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 11, 1897, 17-20. 2. Leben und lebende Substanz. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (77i. 2, Hiilfte 2), 342-345. 3. Untersuchungen zur Structur des Seeigeleies. [1898.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 14, 1899, 133-141. 4. Zur physiologisohen und pathologisohen Morpho- logic der Niercnzellen. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (2Vi. 2, Hiilfte 2), 43-44. 6. Neue Fragestelluugen zur Pathologic der Zelle. [1899.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 15, 1900, 36- 49. Albrecht, Kucjeii, A- Schmaus, Hans. See Schmaus d' Albrecht. Albrecht, Ileinrich. Ein Fall von sehr zahlrcichen. iiber dus gauze Peritoneum vcrsprengten Nebenmilzen. Beitr. Patli. Anat., 20, 1896, 513-527. 2. BcitragzurvergleichendenAnatomiedesSiiugethier- Kehlkopfes. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 Ubth. 3), 227- 322. ^ ' 3. Zusammenfassender Bericht iiber die Thiitigkeit der von der kaiserlichen Akaderaie der Wissenschaften in Wien zum Studium der Pest nach Bombay entsendeten iirztlichen Expedition. Wien, Anz., 34, 1897, 136-146. 4. Ueber die Beulenpest in Bombay im Jahre 1897, I. Zur Geschichte der osterreichiscben Pestcommiasion. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 66 (Th. 1), 1898, i-xiii. Albrecht, Heiiirieh, & 6hon, .inton. Ueber die Beulenpest in Bombay im Jahre 1897. II. Wissenschaftlicher Theil des Berichtes. B. Pathologisch-anatomiscbe Unter- suchungen mit Einschluss der pathologischen Histologie und Bacteriologie. [C. Bacteriologische Untersuchungen iiber den Pestbacillus.] Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 66 (Th. 2), 1898, 227-580, (77!. 3), 1900, 581-827. Albrecht, Hfinrich, & Stoerk, Oscar. Beitrag zur Paraffinmethode. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 13, 1896, 12-18. Albrecht, Heiiirich, miiller, Hermann Franz, & Ghon, Anton. See Miiller, Albrecht JL' Ghon. Albrecht, Hermann. 6. Des rapports entre la tuberculose et la scrofule au point de vue de I'hygiene individuelle. D'apres les recherches microbiques nouvelles. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. E. (1884, 1), 237-244; Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 14, 1884, 51-62. 7. Sur le kiphir. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 14, 1884, 113-118. 8. Du cholera. [1884.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 15, 1886, 99-115. 9. Sur une nouvelle peptone de viande. [1885.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 15, 1886, 116-121. 10. La cocaine, un nouvel anesthesique. [1885.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 15, 1886, 135-141. 11. Sur I'analyse microsco pique de la nouvelle eau potable de Neuchatel (sources du Champ-du-Moulin). [1887.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888, 101-107. 12. De roxyh^moglobine et de son dosage approxi- matif. [1891.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 20, 1892, 93-100. Albrecht, J. *Ueber den Ausgang der fungosen Gelenk- entziindungen und die Bedeutung der Gelenkresection bei solehen. [1883.] Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 19, 1884, 137-217, 401-462. 2. Klinische Beitrage zur Nervenchirurgie. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 26, 1887, 430-497. Albrecht, A'[((rZ]. Ueber cine neue Bildungsweise von Derivaten des Benzhydrols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3292-3299. 2. Fortschritte in den Naturwissenschaften. Chemie. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 14-18, 380-383; 8, 1889, 103-106, 345-349; 9, 1890, 85-88, 343-347. 3. Darstelluug der kiinstlicheu orgauischen Farbstoffe. Humboldt, 8, 1889, 42-43, 86-87, 127-128, 167-168. 4. Vorlesungsexperimente mit Salpetersaure. Hum- boldt, 9, 1890, 34. 5. Zur Kenntniss der Diphenylmethanfarbstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3294-3299, 3548. Albrecht, A'[«W], & VTiU, [Curl] )V[H)u'lm]. See 'WiU iV' Albrecht. Albrecht, M[icluiei]. 2. Ueber Veitstanz beim Einde. Deutsche Ztscln'. Thiermed., 19, 1893, 405-425. 3. Aseptik und Antiseptik in der thieriirztlichen Geburtshilfe. Miinchen Thierarztl. Hochschule Jber., 1892-93, 37-53. 4. Mittheilnugen iiber Loretin. Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 20, 1894, 353-368. 5. Mittheilungeu iiber kleine Versuche an triichtigen Hausthieren. Miinchen Thieriirztl. Hochschule Jber., 1894^95, 67-80. 6. Ueber das Vorkomnien von Zucker im Urin von au Geburtspareso leideuden Kiihen. Miinchen Thierarztl. Hochschule Jber., 1894-95, 80-84. 7. Kiweissausscbiidung im Harno bei triichtigen Einderu. Miinchen Thieriirztl. Hochschule Jber., 1894- 95, 84. Albrecht] [Albrecht Albrecht, [K'irl Mitrlht] Paul. For bioKrapliical notice .<.<■ Leupoldina, ao, 1894, 163-164; Ztuclir. Etlinol., 20, 1894, (4-20). 21. "[Sur IcB OS intermaxilliiircs.J [1882.] Biiix. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 1, 1883, 73-95. 33. *Siir le crane d'lini' idiote dc 21 aus. lirux. Soc. Aiitlimp. Bull., 1, 1883, 135-188. 33. *Ueber die Hcitlichf Kieferspnlte. DcutBcb. Nntf. litr., 1883, 137-138. 34. "Ucber den niorplioloKisclieu Werth dcr GebiJr- kncicludchcn, dcs Unturkiefergelenkes und die Uerivato der Viflcornlbogen. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1883, 143-144. 36. *tiur la fossette vermienne du crane des mam- miKres. [1883.] Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 2, 1884, 138-158. 36. On the morpholiif;ical bearinRs of fissures in the jaws, lips and face. [\f'illi discussion.] [Tr.\ Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 749-751, 790-793. 27. Diasteuie deiilaire chez I'homnie. Bru.x. Soc. Anthrop. Hull., 3, 1884, 183-184. 38. Os trigone du pied ebez Thomine. []f'ilh dix- ciission.] Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 3, 1884, 188-191, 384. 39. Ueber die Wirbelkiirperepiphysen und Wirbel- korpergelenke ywischen dein Epistropheus, Atlas und Oeoipitiile der Siiugethierc. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. B., 1884 (7'. 1, ^;iri(.), 54-()3. 30. Die vier Zwischenkiefer, das Quadratum, das tjiiadrato-jugule, das Jugale, die I'ostfrontalia, das Basioticum, die epipituitaren Wirbelzentren, der Pro- atlas und die Costoide dcr Siiugetbiere. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. K., 1884 {T. 1, Aiwt.), 03-67. 31. Ueber die grij.'isere Liiuge der zweiten Zehe bei den alten Griecheu. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp. - Bl., 1884, 99. 33. Ueber die griissere Bestialitiit des weiblichen Men- schengeschlechtes in anatoinischer Hiusicht. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp. -Bl., 1884, 99-100. 33. Ueber die Unterschiede des raenschlichen Beckens von den iibrigen .MIenbecken. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp. -Bl., 1884, 100-101. 34. Epiphysun zwischen Hinterbauptsbein und Keil- bein beim Menscheu. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp. - Bl., 1884, 183-184; Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Boll., 3, 1884, 186-187. 35. Ueber die epipituitaren Wirbelzentren der Siiuge- tbiere. Deutsch. (ies. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1884, 184- 185. 36. Ueber die extracranialen RJiunie in der Schiidel- hohle der Siiugetbiere. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Cor- resp.-HI., 1884, 18.5-187. 37. Sur Ies spondjlocentres ^pipituitaires du crane, la non-existence de la poche de Katbkc et la presence dc la chorde dorsale et de spondylocentres dans le cartilage de la cloison du nez des vert6br^s. [1884.] Biol. Centrbl.. 4, 1886, 62:'-632. 38. [Sur la valeur niorphologique de la trompe d'EusT.tcuK et Ies derives de I'arc palatin, dc Tare mandibulaire et de Tare hyoidien des vertebres, suivi de la preuve que le symplectico-hyoniaudibulaire est morphologiqueiiient independant de Tare hyoidien.] [1884.] Biol. Centrbl.. 4, 1886, 029, 032-634. 3S. Erwiderung aiif Herrn Professor Dr. Hermann VON Mkveb's Aufsatz : "Der Zwischenkieferknochen und seine Beziehungen zur Hasenscbarte und zur schriigen Gesichtsspalte." [1.S84.] Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 21, 1886, 201-212. 40. Ueber die im Laufe der phylogenetischen Ent- wickelung entstandene, angeborene Spalte dcs Brnstbein- handgritTes der Briillaffen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 337- 3.53. *1. Ueber Existeuz oder Nichtexistenz der Rath- ke'scheu Tasche. Biol. Centrbl., 4. 1886, 724-726. 43. Ueber die Chorda dorsalis und sieben kmicherne Wirbelzentren im knorpligen NaBcngeptum eines erwach- Kcnen Itindeii. [1885.] Biol. Centrbl., 5, [1886], 144-159, 187-189. 43. Ueber eine in zwei Zipfel auslaufende, rechts- witige VorderfloBSC bei einem Exeuiplare von ProtopteruB anneetenti, Oic. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, .54.5 .546. 44. Ueber die cctoide N'atur der Pruniaiuwalia. Deutsch. Ges. Antbrop. Corrcsp.-Bl., 1886, 141-140. 46. "Herr Paul Aluiiecht zuni letzten >Ialc. (I. Die Chorda in der NasenschciJcwand der Ochsen. II. Der Zwischenkiefer."] Antwort auf den gleichnamigen Aufsatz des Herrn Gehcimrathes Dr. vos Kollikeb vom 12. August 1885. Wiirzb. Pliys. Med. Sber., 1886, 84-91. 46. Uebor den morphologischen Sitz der Hasen- Bchartenkiefcr.-ipaltt. [1886.] Biol. Centrbl., 6, 1887, 79-82, 121-123. 47. Ueber die morphologische Bedeutung der Peni- scbisis, Epi- und Hypospadie des Menschen. [1886.] Biol. Centrbl., 0, 1887, 204-212. 48. Wahre Wirbelzentrenepiphysen zwischen Hinter- bauptsbein und Keilbem des Menschen. Anat. .\dz., 2, 1887, 404. 49. Die zwiBchen Gehirn und Hypophysis liegendeu Wirbelzentrenkomplexe. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 405-406. 60. Verliiuft der Nervenstroni in nicht geschlossener, oder geschlossener Strombahn, und wie gelangt er, wenn letzteres der Fall ist, zuui Sitze der elektrumutoriscben Kraft zuriick? Biol. Centrbl., 6, 1887, 720-726. Albrecbt, Paul .imold. Ueber arterio-mesenterialen Darmverschhiss an der DuodenoJejunalgrenze und seine ursiichlicbe Beziebung zur Magenerweiterung. Virchow, Arch., 1.56, 1899, 285-328. Albrecbt, liudulph. For biographical notice and works see St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 9, 1884, 428. Albrecht, [Carl] T h[eodnr]. 8. Astronomisch-geodatische Arbuiten in den Jahren 1883 und 18^*4. Bestimmung der I.iingendifferenzen Berlin-Swinemiinde, Kiel-Swine- miindc, S\vinemiinde-Koni.:sberg, KonigsbergWarsehau und Berlin-Warscbau. Bestimmung der Pulhubc des Zeitballes in Swinemiinde. Preuss. Geod. Inst. Pabl., 1886, 202 pp. 9. Ueber eine durch Erdbeben veranlasste Niveau- stiirung. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1887, 129-134. 10. Beobachtungen der Sonnenfinsterniss 1887 August 18-19. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 280. 11. Astronouiisch-geudutische Arbeiten I. Ordnang. Telegraphische Langenbestimmungen in den Jahren l«85[-93]. Preuss. Geod. Inst. Veroff., 1887, 216 pp.; 1889, 268 pp. : 1890, 273 pp.; 1896, 241 pp. 13. Die Wiiterungszustiinde auf dcr Schneekoppe. Wetter, 6, 1889, 32-40. 13. Provisorische Besultate der Beobachtongsreiben in Berlin, Potsdam und Prag betrcffend die Veriinder- lichkeit der PolhOhc. Astr. Naibr., 126, 1891, 145-158. 14. Besultate der fortge-setzten Beobacbtuugsreihen in Berlin und Prag betreffi-nd die Veranderlicbkeit der Polhohe. Astr. Xaolir.. 128, 1891, 129-136. 15. Besultate der Beobachtungsreihen in Berlin, Prag, Strassburg und Honolulu betreffend die Verander- licbkeit dir Polhohe. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 169-172. 16. Ableitung der Bewegung des Nordpols in den Jabren 1890-95. A.-^tr. Nachr., 139, 1896. 321-328. 17. Berieht iiber den Stand der Erforschung der Breitenvariation.... [1898-1900.] Int.Erdm.Centralbur. Ber., 1897, 30 pp.; 1898, 22 pp.; 1899, 26 pp. 18. Balm des Nordpoles der Erdaxe- in der Zeit 1890.0-18H7.5. Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898. 129-136. 19. Babn des Nordpoles der Erdaxe von 1895.0- 18US.7. Astr. Nachr., 149. 1899, 247-2.52. 30. Bahn des Nordp<:>les der Erdaxe von 1895.1- 1899.8. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 129-134. Albrecht] 54 [Alcock 21. Astronomisch-peodatisclie Arbeiten I. Ordnimg. Bestiramunc; der LanRendifferenzen Knivsberg-Kopen- hagen und Knivsberg-Kiel im .Tahre 1898, Bestimimmg der Polbohe und des Azimutes auf den Stationen Die- trichshagen, Wilhelmshaven und Knivsberg in den Jahren 1895, 189G und 1898. Preuss. Geod. Inst. Veroft., 3, 1900, 216 pp. Albro, {Miss) Alirc llltipl:ins]. & Chittenden, Rlussell] JI[i'nrt/]. See Chittenden & Albro. Albu, Albert. Der <,'eKeijwartige Stand der Malariaforsch- ung. Humboldt, 9, 1890, 309-312. 2. Klinisebe und experimentelle Beitrage zur Kreosot- behandlung der Lungentuberculose. [1892.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 23, 1893 (Th. 2), 226-234. 3. Ueber die Bedeutung der Lebre von .den Autoin- toxioationen fiir die Pathologic. Deutscb. Natf. Verb., 1895 {Th. 2, Hiilfte 2), 49-50. 4. Untersuchungen iiber die Toxicitat normaler und patbologiscber Serumfliissigkeiten. Virchow, Arch. , 149, 1897, 405-420. 5. Die Wirkungen korperlieher Ueberanstrengungen beim Eadfabren. [18;i7.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 28, 1898 {Th. 2), 74-86. 6. Zur Lebre voni Eiweissstoffwechsel. Fortscbr. Med., 17 (1899), 505-508. 7. Zur Physiologie und Patbologie derGallensecretion. [1900.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 31, 1901 (Th. 2), 218- 238. Albu, Albert, & Koch, [Hermnnn William] Ma.r. Klini- sobes und Anatomiscbes zur Lebre vom MagensaftBuss. Virchow, Arch., 157, 1899, 1-18. Albu, Albert, & VTeyl, Themtor. Das tuberculose Sputum nach audauerndera Kreosot-Gebrauch enthiilt lebeude Tuberkelbacillen. Ztscbr. Hyg., 13, 1893, 38-41. Alby, . Note sur des experiences de congelation des trrraiiis. Ann. :\rines, 11, 1887, 56-86. Alby, , it S^sal, [Louis Jean Victor Ame]. See R6sal A Alby. Alcaino, Francisco A. Estudio de las carnes contagiosas del matadero de Santiago y medidas profllacticas que eonvendria adoptar. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 75, 1889, 455-489. Alcala, Ma.rimino. Criaderos de petroleo de Pichucalco, tinea de Guadalupe, estado de Chiapas. [1903.] Mex., See. "Alzate" Mem., 13, 1900, 311-326. Alcantara, {dom) Pedro de. See Pedro II [ex-Emperor of r.razil). Alcocer, Pascual. Estudio de algunos principios astrin- gentes vegetales. [1885.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887, 116- 125. Alcocer, Pascual, & Septiem, Jose A. Observaciones meteorol6gicas. Besiimen general de las practicadas en el colegio de Quer^taro de julio de 1888 a junio de [1890]. [1892-93.] M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 6, 1892, 46, 62. Alcock, {Surr/.-Maj.) Alfred W[illiam]. A case of veno- mous bite by Echis carinata. [1888.] Indian Med. Gaz., 23, 1889, 17.5-181. 2. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey steamer Invest i!ialor....tio. 13. On the bathybial fishes of the Bay of Bengal and neighbouring waters, obtained during the seasons 1885-89. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 376-399, 450-461. 3. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey steamer /Hi'es), 1896, 1">7-2'.)1; (\r, (I't. 2), 1897, l;51-2<)li; 67 (I't. 2), 1898, 07-233; GH (Pi. 2), 1900, 1-104, 123- U;<) ; 09 {I't. ■>), 1901, 279-4HG. 29. Description of a new species of oxyrhynch crab of the Renus I'artlienope. [1895.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 04 (I't. 2), 1896, 290-298. 30. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey steamer Iiifestigatur.. ..Heries ii. No. 23. .\ supplementary list of the marine fishes of India, with descriptions of two new genera and eight new species. [1896.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 05 (I't. 2|, 1897, 301-338. 31. Description of a new si)ecies of Branchipus from Calcutta. [1890.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 05 {/'«. 2), 1897, 538-539. 32. An instance of the natural repellent effect of "warning colours." [1890.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 65 (I't. 2), 1897, 539-540. 33. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey ship /jircfdi/ufor.... Series ii, No. 25. A note on the deep-sea ti.shos, with descriptions of some new genera and species, including another probably viviparous ophi- dioid. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898,' 136-150. 34. Some riinaikable deep-sea animals. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1898, 2-4. 35. A summary of the deep-sea zoological work of the Royal Indian Marine Survey ship Inri.ttigator from 1884 to 1897. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem.', 11, 1898, 45-93. 36. An interesting instance of commensalism between a fi.sh and a zoophyte. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1899, 37-38. 37. New species of fish. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1899. 78. 38. Natural history notes from the Eoyal Indian Marine Survey ship Investigator Series ill, No. 3. On some notable new and rare species of Crustacea. [1899.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 68 (I't. 2), 1900, 111-119. 39. Remarks on some insects that possess special means of scaring their enemies. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1900, 3-5. Alcock, [Surih-Miij.) Alfred ir[i7/inHi],ll 31(;6. Alechin, .\[lek»rj I'asiljevic]. 2. ()6l. aiini.ipiIJiaxii Hilllllina. [Sur leu iinhydrides de la mannite.] Ru8». PhyB.-Chem. See. Jl., HI (CVi<-m.), 1884, 382-384; Paris Soc. Cbiiu. Bull., 42, 1884. 328-329. a. 0 Me.loilMTOnh. [Sur le meMzitonc.] Bubs. Phvs.-Cliem. Soc. .11., 21 (C7Aem.), 1889, 407-421; Ann. Chim., IH, 1889, 532-5.51. AlechsleS, Xicolaiu. Ueaetionszcitcn bei Durchgangs- lMi>liiiclitungen. Pbil. StuU., 10, 1900, 1-60. Alsfeld, Friedricli. .t Vaabel, W'ilhelm. Ueber die Dar- stelliinK vnn Farb.stoffiMi aus Hydroxylderivaten der iiriinnitischen Reilie init Hiilfe des clektrischen Stromes. Cliiiii. Ztg., 22, 1898, 207. Aleksandrov, .1/. I'co.loril'ieCKift CiepKT. GepciOBl Jl. ,I,oiia MejKjy tiaiiituaMii Ki)eMeiicKoii ii H.iob- .lllliciioil. Geologische Untersucliungen am Flnsse Don zwisclien Krcmenskaja und Ilowlinskaja. Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 17, 1887 (.Vo. 6), 17 pp.; St. Pi-tcrsb. Com. (i.-ol. Bull., 7, 1889 {SiippL). 1. AleksandroT, .Y. A. MaTcpia.lIJ KT> BOlipOCy 0 MO.icKy.iflpiio.Mi Bhci, aii'iiiaro a.iLfivMiiiia. [Ma- terials towards a solution of the question of the molecular weight of egg albumin.J Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 4, 1891, 555-613. Aleksandrov, .V. .1.. ,V Bdibaneev, A[lektandr'} F[avlovic]. s'ci' Sabaneev A AleksandroT. AleksandroT, I'clr, A Zajcev, Xikolaj. OCn, l[.)09py- KOHoil KllcMnT'l;. (LVluT Isoerucasiiure.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. .11., 24 [Chan.), 1892, 486-491; .11. Prakt. Chem., 49, 1894, 58-63. Aloksat, P. K. 0 KpiICTa.l.lM>ICCKOn 4)0pMl; MypaB- 1.11 110 lUlC.iaro crpouuiH. [Ueber die Krystallform des Strontiumformiates.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 11, 1898, 446-468 {lies. 466-468). Alekseev, Xicolaj, & 'Weyer, Leon. See VTeyer & Alekseev, Alekaee-v, Nikolaj Nikolaeric. 12. *() l!0,1X0,tHIUIIXL ,ipori;i X b, iio.iyiaeMuxi. iipii iiaBje'iPiiiii KBajpar- iiaio Kopua 1131) ut.iaro Miioro'i.ieiia KaKoii .iiiOo CTCncHll. [On approximate fractions obtained in the extraction of the square root of an integral polynomial of any degree.] [1880.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem. («i/.s.<.), .37, 1881, 107-123. Aleksiev, /'[r/r] P[,(mr/<']. Assign to this author entry {Viil. 7) uudor AlexejefF, S. For biography and works see Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. , 1890-91 {C. R.', rhi/s. Chim.). Xo. 9, 1-3; Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 11 {Append.), 1892. 48 pp. ; Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl.. 24 {Chem.), 1892. 20-5-23.5. To reference in No. 20 {I'ul. 12) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 17, 1884 (flc/.), 172-173. To reference in No. 21 (To/. 12) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Re/.), 171-172. 23. .\ction de la lumiSrc sur I'acide nitrocuminique. Ass. Franf. C. R., 1886 {Pt. 1). 113; Rnss. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chem.). 1886, 112-114; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 178-179. 23. OreMiiepaiypt. naTBep,ffcBaiiiH iitKOTopHXT. atii.iKOCTeH ii o B.iiHiiiii ox.iaH!;iciiiH iia xojt. pe- aKlllll. [On the temperature of solidification of some liquids and on the influence of cooling on the rate of reaction.] [1885.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 8 (1), 1886, li-lii. R. s. A. C. 24. Sur la forme cristalline de quelques azocom- binainons Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1886 iPl. 2), 274-275. 26. 0 CTpociiiii HiiTpocoejiiueuiti xiipiiaro P>l.l.a. [Sur la constitution des nitrocombinaisons de la Bz-rie grasse.] Kubb. I'hvs.Chem. Soc. Jl., 18 (Chem.), 1886. 38.5-380; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 46, 1888, 266- 208. 28. Iu> IICTOpill a.'IOCOejIIIieili(i. [Contribution to the history of the azo-compounds.] [1887.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 9. 1888, xxxiv-xxxv. 27. Sur le chlorure d'azocnminyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 206-207. Alekseev, lleir] P[elruvic], & 'Warner, E[vgenij I'lilen-moric]. De I'influence de certains groupes sur lu valeur de Toxydrile et du carboxyle dans la serie aroraatique. Recherches thermiques. Ass. Frani;. C. R., 1889 (Pi. 2), 341-.352; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 717-728. 2. Toii.ioTa nenTpa.iir3aniii ntKOTopuxb apo- .MaTII'ICCKIIXl. coejlineilifi. [Ueber die Neutralisa- tionswarme ciniger aromatiscber Verbindnngen.j Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 21 {Chem.), 1889, 477-489 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889 (Kef.). 834. Alekseev, y[isgarion] G[rigorjevic]. FeOMeTpll'ieCKiH ii.ic.rl.,iOBaiiifl o6t. o;iHO-qeTupex3iiaMiioMi. coot- Bt.TCTBiii 'icTBepTaro iiopajKa jbvxi ii-iocKOCTeR. [Recherches geometriques sur la correspondance uni- quaternaire du 4"" ordre de deux plans.) [18H8.) Rec. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 223-278; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 647-649. 2. CooTBtTCTBie ycTaHaBjnBaeHoe nyHKom KpiIBUXl. TpeTbaro nopajKa. fUeber die dnrch einen Buschel von Curven dritter Ordnung bestimmte Verwandtschaft.] [1891.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 16, [1893], 256-258. 3. Teopia >nic.i0Buxi xapaKiepiicTiiKi ciic- leMi KpiiBuxi. .iiiiiift. (HcTopiiqecKiR oqepKi. ClICTOMIJ KOIIII'ICCKlIXl ctieniB.) [Theorie der Charakteristiken der Curvensysteme. (Historisches. Kegelschnittsysteme.)] Moscow Univ. Mem. {Phyt.- Math.). 10, 1893, 206 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 1036-1037. Alekseev, V^itsarinn] G[ri{iorievic], box)', [i^ur la chaleur de dis.solDtion de I'acide salicylique daus I'eau.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Chem.), 1884, 180; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 42, 1884, 317. 12. [0 B.iailMHOn paCTBOpilMOCTII aHMKCX-Tefl. Sur la solubilite reciproque des liquides] Russ. Phyg.- Chcm. Soc. Jl., 16 (Chem.), 1884, 377-378; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 42. 1884, 329-330. 13. OOt. yc.ioBiaxT.,onpcjt.iaioiunxT. npoiHOcn. COejIllieiliH. [On the conditions determining the stability of compounds.) Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc JL, 16 (Chem.), 1884, 641-642; Chem. Soc. Jl., 48, 1886 iAb$.). 114. 14. Ueber eine Feblerqnelle bei den Dampfdichte- bestimmungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 18S5 2898-2900. 8 Alekseev] 58 [Alessandri 15. 061 ll30JI0pill l)a('TBO])OBl.. [Ueber die Isomerie der Losuiigen.] Russ. Plivs.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chnn.), 1885, 46-51; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885 (Re/.), 599. 16. 0 i)acTBopax7> ;i;iiji;KocTen m, ;kii,hkocthxT). [Ueber Losungen von FlussiRkeiten in Fliissigkeiten. ] Russ. Phvs.-Cheni. Soc. Jl., 17 {Clicm.), 1885, 99-109; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885 (llff.). 398-400. 17. [() BSailMIIoii pacTBOpilMOCTlI BTOplIMliarO OyTll.lOBaro cniip'ra 11 B0j;U. Ueber die gegenseitige Liislicbkeit des seciindaren Butylalkohols und de.s Wassers.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc^Jl., 17 {Chem.), 1886, 281 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885 {Re/-), 599-600. 18. Ueber Losungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 28, 1886, 30.5-338. 19. Ueber die katalytische Wirkuug des Glases. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.,' 19, 1886, 812. 20. Eine neue Einricbtung zur Bestimmung des Warmewerthes der Steinkohlen im Calorimeter. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1557-1561. 21. 0 KaTajiirrinecKiixT. CBoiicTBaxt cTeKJia. [On the catalytic properties of glass.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Hoc. JL, 18 {Chem.), 1886, 57-60. 22. [0 HOBott pasiiocTii ropnaro BOUKa ii3t KaJiyatCKOil ryfiepnill. Ueber eine neue Bergwachs- varietat aus dem Kaluga'schen Gnuveruement.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 29, 1892, 201-208; Ztschr. Kryst., 24, 1895, 504. 23. [0 Meieopiirf uzT, ji,epeBHii ABrycriiiioBKii EKaTepmiOCiaBCKOft ry6. Ueber den Meteorit aus demDorfeAwgustinowka, GouveruementJekaterinoslaw.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 30, 1893, 475. 24. [0 6ypuxT> yr.iaxi IIojiMOCKOBHaro oac- cenna. Ueber die Braunkohlen des Moskauer Beckens.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 30, 1893, 476. 25. [0 CO.TII II3'b 6acceflHa p. Mauu. Ueber ein Salz aus dcm Flusssystem der Maua.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 31, 1894, 350-351 ; Ztschr. Kryst., 26, 1896, 336. 26. [0 iioBOM'h Tiiirl; onicyiiopnHX'i, oiih'l. Ueber einen neuen Typus feuerfester Thone.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 34, 1896 (Prot.), 17. 27. [0 r.iiint, ct Kocoro lipoma, no p. 'lycoBofi. Ueber den Tbon von Kossoi Brod an der Tschussowaja.] [1897.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 35, 1898 {Prot.), 63; Zt.scbr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 509. 28. [Out. yrjit) iis'h IIoBtHeuKai'o yiajiia Ojio- HeUKOn ry6epHilI. Ueber die Steinkohle aus dem Kreise Powenetz im Gouvernement Olonetz.] [1897.] St. Petersb. Miii. Ges. Verb., 35, 1898 {I'wI.), 75. Alekseevskij, ]'[ludiinir] P[etrofic]. To reference in title {Vol. 12) add Fortscbr. Math., 1884, 288. 2. 0C'1> llllTerpiipOBaHill ypaBHCHifl [Ueber die Integration der Gleichung] d''y a d"-^y ^ . Kharkov Math. Soc. Commnn., 1884, 41-64; Fortscbr. Math., 1884, 289-290. 3. oajitTHa 061, o6o6in,eHiii ypaBneinfl Piikattii. [Notiz iiber die VerallKomeinerung der Kiccati'schen Gleichung.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Comniun., 1884, 80- 82 ; Fortscbr. Math., 1884, 290. 4. 06i) iiiiT('i])iipoBaiiiii oxiiuro .iiiiicriuaro j;H(J)(licpeiiniajif,iiaio ypaniieiiiH n-vo iioitHjica. [Ueber die Integration einer linearen Dilferential- gleichung n'^' Ordnung.] Kharkov JIath. Soc. Commun., 1884, 222-232; Fortscbr. Math., 1885, 328. 5. 0 (jivHKuiflXT) iiojiooHHX'i, c[)yiiKuiii raMMa. Sur les fouctions analogues a la fonction gamma. Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 1, 1889, 169-238; Fortscbr. Math., 1890, 439-441. 6. Ueber eine Classe von Functionen, die der Gamma- functioii analog sind. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 46, 1894, 268-275. 7. Ooi aBTOMopcJtHOH ijiyHKuiii, aHajioni'iHoil MKrilOlIPHTHofl. [Ueber eine automorpbe Function, die der Exponentiellen analog ist. ] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 4, 1895, 253-262; Fortscbr. Math., 1895, 466. 8. Ueber die Definition der Lange in der nichteukli- dischen Geometric. (Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 6, 139-153.) Fortscbr. Math., 1898, 411. Alelekov, {.Hehsondr Nikolaevic]. Beitrag zur Sympto- matologie und Patbologie der syphilitischen Erkran- kungen der Arterien und des Gebirngewebes. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 253-267. Aleman, Jesiis. Apuntes acerca de la mariposa del madrono. Eucheira socialis, de Wcstorroel. [1885.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887, 152-155. 2. Frey-Suila Dugesii. [1887.] Naturaleza, 1, 1891, 21-26, 39. 3. Un punto de duda respecto del aparato veneuoso del letalurus Dugesii. Naturaleza, 1, 1891, 498-499. AUn, J\ohon'\ E\dv(ird\ To refeience in No. 0 {Vol. 9) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Ref.), 435- 436. To reference in No. 7 {Vol. 9) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Ref.), 436-437. To reference in No. 8 (Vol. 9) a((rf Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (fie/.), 437. 10. Ueber die Emmerling'sche Probe auf Gehalt an Scbimmelsporen und Faulnisserregeru in kauflicheu Futtermitteln. Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 1634. 11. Om -q- och ^-triklornaftalin. Stockh., Otvers., 1884, iVd. 2, 95-98. 12. a-Oxazonaftalin-a-sulfonsyra och uagra dess Salter. Stockh., Ofvers., 1885, No. 5, 15-20; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 45, 1886, 184-18.5. 13. Einige Analysen von einer abnormen Kuhmilcb. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 509-510. 14. Undersokning af postglacial lera (" svartlera") friin Goteborg. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 10, 1888, 341-344. 15. Analyser af qvinnomjolk. Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 29, 1894, 213-218. Alencar Silva, Otto d\ De Taction d'une force accelera- trice sur la propagation du son. [1900-01.] Gomes Teixeira Jorn. Sei., 14, 1900, 17-48, 97-108. Alenicin, Madimir [Dmilrievic]. 7. *Die lenchtenden Dipti-ren. Deutscb. Natf. Tagebl., 1875, 150. Alessandrello, P[elk'ririno], & Andreocci, Americo. Sec Andreocci & Alessandrello. Alessandri, Ciidiu ile. Co)itribuzione alio studio dei Cirripedi fossili d' Italia. [1895.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 13, 1894, 234-314. 2. liicerche sui pesci fossili di ParanA (Repubblioa Argentina). [1896.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 31, 1896, 451-466 or 715-730. 3. Avanzi di Oxyrhiua hastalis nel Miocene di Alba. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 36, 1896, 263-269. 4. Contribuzione alio studio dei pesci Terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 45, 1896, 262-294. 5. La pietra da Cantoui di Rosignano e di Vignale (Basso Monferrato). Stuili stratigrafici e paleontologici. Milano, Soc. Ital. Mem., 6 (Fasc. 1), 1897, 98 pp. 6. Osscrvazioni geologiche suUa Creta e suU' Eocene della Lombardia. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 38, 1899, 253-320, 472. AlessandriJ 59 [Alexander 7. Fossili Cretacei della Luinbardia. Palteontographiu Ital., I. 1899, 169-202. 8. Sopra alcuiii fossili Aquitaniani del dintorni di Acqiii. I Italia) Soc. Geol. Boll., li), 1900, 549-.';'>4. 9. Appiinti di geologia e di palt'ontcilintia Bui dinturiii di Acipii. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 39, 1900, 173-34S. Alessandri, r[aol(i] /•;[mi7io]. 4. Reclu'ruhe di; la saccliaiinc. [Tr.\ Anvers, .11. dc Phariii., 44, 1888, 24(i-218. 5. Sul proecBso Pagnoul per riconoBcere la presenza di Rostanze coloranti nocive nel vino. Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegna, .5, 1891, 244-246. 6. PriKesso vohinietrico per la valutazione del- r aiiiiliide carbonica libera, seinicomhinata e combinata, lullo !\.a\ne potabili. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 2.'j, 1893, lf)H-17.5. Alessandri, Roberto. Effetti del cloroforinio buU' or- jjiinisMio e sui reiii. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 [Vol. 4, C7ii>.), .573-577. a. Ueber die Wirkung des Colitoxins, hervorgebraoht in einem Falle von Dvsenteiie und tijdlicber Septikamie. mit lirtlielier Ganunin der Operationswunde durch Bac- terium coli. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, G.. Alexander, William. Assign to this author No. 2 {Vol. 1). For biographical notice and works see Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 10, 1889, 251-253. Alexander, William H[i")iri/]. The flood of January, 1880, at Basseterre, St. Kitts, W. I. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 196. 2. [Observations of the St. Kitts, W. I., hurricane.] U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 396, 409-410. 3. Climatology of St. Kitts. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 583-587 ; 28 (1900), 66-67, 330-333, v. 4. Thunderstorms at Antigua, W. I. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 380-381. 6. Rainfall on the island of St. Kitts, W. I. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 487-488. Alexandre, Andre Pierre. For biographical notice see N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 262-263. Alexandre, Paul. Reeherches expt:rimentales sur les mortiers hydrauliques. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 20 (1890), 277-428. Alexi, ,1. P. Die St.-Georger Sauerlinge im Nordosten Siebenbiirgens und die Flora auf dera Gebiete derselben. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 12, 1892, 12-31. Alexis, (le frere) [secular name Gochet, .1/.]. L'heure universelle et le meridien initial cosmopolite. Rev. Quest. Sci., 15, 1884, 159-170; 26, 1889, 353-370. 2. Note relative a I'unilication des heures. Paris, Soc. G(5ogr. C. R., 1890, 89-93. 3. Les 24 fuseaux horaires pour la r^glementation Internationale des heures. Rev. Quest. Sci., 27, 1890, 512-517. Aley, Robert Jiidson. Contributions to the geometry of the triangle. Pennsylvania Univ. Publ. (Math.), 1, 1897, 3-32. Alezais, H[enri]. De la bourse s^reuse de Fleischman ou bourse sublinguale. Robin, Jl. Anat., 20, 1884, 441—454. 2. La main des ouvriers bouchonniers et de quelques ouvriers d'une manufacture de pianos. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1889 (Pt.2}, 1124-1127. 3. Aire chirurgicale des sinus frontaux. Ass. Franf. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 708-712. 4. Monstre p(5rac6phale. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 437-440. 5. Note sur le mode de communication du sinus frontal avec le m^at moyen. Paris, Soo. Biol. M^m., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 702-705. 6. Note sur I'urine normale du cohaye. Paris, Soc Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 [C. R.). 213-214. 7. De rurnie du cobave. Arcli. de Physiol., 9, 1897, 576-589; Paris, Soc. Biol.' Mem., 49, 1897 {C.R.), 413-414. B. Les muscles scal^nes du cobaye. Paris, Soo. Biol. M(im., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 896-898. 9. Note sur les muscles masticateurs du cobaye. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C7. R.), 1068-1070. 10. Contribution n I'l'tude de la capsule surr^nale du cobaye. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1898, 444-454. 11. Le poids des reins chez le cobaye. Paris, Soo. Biol. M^ui., 50, 1898 (C. 71.), 188-189. Alezais] 01 [Alfken la. Note sur I'^vdlutioii de queli|ueH ^landeH. ruris, Soc. biol. Mtm., 50, 1898 {C. li ), 4'.'5-427. 13. De la verti'bre iliaphraKiuntique de Gif.iiki,. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. /<.), 686-fi87. 14. Contribution A lY-tiuie de In pl^vrc et dii pi-ritoine chez le (-t>buje. Robin, .11. Aiiat., M, 1898, 4H7-49.J. 15. Ktude anatoniiiiiie du cobavc (Cavia cobava). llobii), ,11. Anat., 34, 1898, 735-756 ; 35, 1899, 333-381 ; 36, 1900, 63.5-648. 16. Le Tajnia semi-circularis. Paris, Soc. Biol. Wm., 51, 1899 (C. /?.), 2G6. 17. L'innervation dii f;rand adducteur. Paris, Soc. Biol. M.'m., 51, 1899 (C. A'.), .563-564. 18. La torsion du tendon d'.Vcliille chez rbomine. Paris, Soc. Biul. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. U.), 728-729. 19. L'articulation du coude et la pronosupiiiation de I'avantbras. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C.R.), 508-510. SO. Le quadriceps femoral des sauteurs. Paris, See. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. J{.), 510-511. ai. Quelques adaptations fonctionnelles du grand pectoral et du granii dorsal. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6ra., 52, 1900 (C. li.), 701-703. aa. Note sur quelques adaptations fonctionnelles des muscles des membres. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 (C. Ti.), 9ti8-99'.t. AlezalB, //[eiiri], A Amaud, Fninrois {D.M.). Be- elierches experimentales sur la toxicity de la substance des capsules surrenales. Ass. Franc,'. C. R., 1889 {Pt. 2), 703-707. a. Sur les caract^res du sang efferent des capsules surrfnales. .\ss. Franv. C. R., 1890 {Pt. 2), 808-810. 3. Sur la repartition des elements nerveux dans les capsules surr^uales. Ass. Frarn,'. C. R., 1891 {Pt. 1), 325. Alezais, H[enri], & Astros, Leon d'. Les arteres iiourricieres des noyaux du moteur oculaire commun et du pathftique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. n.), 492-493. a. La circulation artdrielle du pidoncule cerebral. Robin, Jl. Anat., 28, 1892, 519-528; Paris, Soc. Biol. M<^m., 44, 1892 (('. /?.), 273-274. Alezais, II[enri], & FaUot, .l[rpidopt., St. Petersb., 5, 1889, 124-191. 11. Zur Lcpidoptercn-Fauna von Tenerifla. [Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. G. SiEvr.as.] Mem. Lopidopt., St. Petersb., 5, 1889, 203-232. la. Sur quelques L<;pidopt^res de la Rassie m^ridio- nalc. Mem. Lf-pidopt.. St. Petersb., 5, 1889, 233-240. 13. De I'olfHction chez les L<^'pidoptercs. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, xcvii-c. 14. On some cases <.( dimorphism and polymorphism among pabearctic Lepidoptera. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1891, 497-502. 16. Kv.iMxa II Tfliih-IIIaiiL. TlyTCBUH :i^u- ■liTKll. [Kuldja and Tian-Shan. Travel notes.) St. P(:-tersb., Soc. Kusse Geogr. Mem. (Gfogr.), 23 (.Vo. 2), 1891. 192 pp. 16. Lepidoptera nova a Gr. Giiim-OBt)HiMAii.u in Asia Centrali novissime lecta. Soc. Ent. Boss. HoriB, 2t;, 1892, 444-4.59. 17. Lepidoptera nova Asite Centralis. Iris, 6 (1893), 346-347. 18. Notes lepidopterologiques. Iris, 7 (1894), 303- 313; 8 (1896), 171-180. 19. Lepidopt^res nonveaux. Iris, 8 (1896), 180-202. ao. L^pidoptL'res rapportes par 3/. Gr. Grocm- Grshimailo de I'Asie Centrale en 1889-90. Mem. Lopi- dopt., St. Petersb., 9, 1897, 1-81. ai. LOpidopteres des provinces cbinoises Se-Tchouen et Kbam recueillis, en 1893, par G. N. Potanine. MOm. Lipidopt., St. Petersb., 9, 1897, 83-149. aa. L^pidopt^res de I'Amour et de la CorOe. Mem. Lopidopt., St. Petersb., 9, 1897, 151-184. 33. Memoire sur differents Lepidopteres tant non- veaux que pen connus, de la faune palearctiqae. Mem. Lt-pidopt., St. Petersb., 9, 1897, 18.5-227. 34. Sur quelques Wpidopteres rapport<'8 de I'Asie, en 1893-95, par I'expedition de A/J/. Robobowskt et KozLOV. Mim. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 9, 1897, 229- 237. 36. Lepidopteren aus Kamtschatka gesammelt von 0. Hkrz. Mim. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 9, 1897, 301- 347. Alferov, Sergej. 3. Nouvel appareil servant k compter cxactement les globules sanguins. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1884. 269-286. Alfiers, /'[ranz], & Jannasch, Paul. See Jannasch .V Alfiers. Alfken, J. Diedricli. Systematisches Verzeiclmis der bisber in der Umgegend von Bremen aufgefundenen Falten\ves)>en. [1886.) Bremen Abb., 9, 1887. '282-284. a. Hymenopterologiscbe Beobachtungen. Zwei neue Farbenvarictiiten von Bombus soroeusis, Fabr. Bremen Abb., 10, 1889, r,5A-oo5. 3. Beitriige zur Insektcn-Fanna der Nord-See-Insel Juist. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 {Th. 2), 136-142. 4. Mittheilungen liber das Leben einiger Apiden : Bombus, .Andrena. Nomada und Osmia. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 {Th. 2), 160-16'2. 5. Biologiscbe Beobachtungen an Hymenopteren. Ent. Nachr.. l-*. 1892. '209-211. 6. Erster Beitrag zur Insekten-Fauna der Kord- See-Insel Juist. [1891.] Bremen Abh., 12, 1893. 97- 130. 7. Verzeiclmis der Blattwespen von Juist. [1895.] Bremen Abb. , 13, 1896. 348-349. 8. Ueber einige wenig bekanute Halictas-.Arten. Ent. Nachr.. 23, 1897. 101-108. 9. Eine neue Megachile-.Art : M. Ktinnemanni, n. ip. Ent. Nachr., •23, 1897. 161-16'2. 10. Zwei neue Farbungen von Bombus pratorom, L. Ent. Nachr.. 24. 1898. 158. Alfken] 62 [AUain-Le Canu 11. Nomada flavoguttata, A'., far. Hoppnevi. Ent. ^'achr., 24, 1898, 158-159. c > i T?r,t 12. Ueber Halictus punctatissmnis, Schenck. i^ni. Nacbr., 24, 1898, 305. t^ ^ m i, 13. Ueber Halictus cephalicus, Mor. Eut. Nachr., 24, 1898, 305-306. 14. Megftcbile Schauinslandi, n. sp. Ji^me neue Megacliile-Art aus Honolulu. Ent. Nacbr., 24, 1898, 15 Ein Beitrag zur Bienen-Fauna von Giessen. 111. Ztschr. Ent., 3, 1898, 292-294, 342-344. 16. Antlnena afzeliella, Kirbi/, und Verwandte. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 102-106, viii. . 17 Ueber das Leben von Cercens arenaria, L., una rybiensis, L. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 106-111. 18. Halictus tumulornm, L., und seme Verwandten. Ent. Nacbr., 25, 1899, 114-126. . • » -j 19. Syuouymische Bemevkungen iiber einige Apiden. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 14.5-147. 20. Die Xylocopa-Art der Hawauan Islands. Nicht X cen'eipeunis'. Vefj-, sondern X. cbloroptera, Lep. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 317-318. „ , ,, w 21. Pyrameis Ida, n. sp. Ein neuer Tagfalter nebst einer VarietiU von den Cbatham Islands. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 5-8. . . 22. Die Gruppe der Autbrena mgnceps, A irbji. Eut. Nachr., 26, 1900, 3-7. , ^- , „ 23 Zwei neue CoUetes-Arten des palaaarktisehen Gebie'tes. Ent. Nacbr., 26, 1900, 74-76. 24. Xylocopa cantabrita, Lep. ="- ^^ '^"f ' ' ' V^i^!' ^*- luru u-ienl & Anbin, Knule. .bVc Aubin ^- AUa Allaln LlL, /r. Fmilel Sur un moyen simple d obv.er a I^'d^^mposition du chloroforme a I'aide du soufre. II Phiirm 2 1895, 252-255. AUain, i":'^'. [Le Transsaharien.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C 1! 1890. 330-332. ■ -, t , o,,,. Allain ie Canu, [Jacques Fram-ois Louis) Jues. Sui ^une c-mbinais;./ d'4e. -^"l- .''1885 1 0-m calcium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, UU II-. Allain-Le Canu] 3. Sur unc combinaison d'l^thcr aci^'tlque et de chloriire de magntsium. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, ■.m-m'}. 3. Ktudc chimifiue et thermiquc des acides ph6nol- Bulfuri(iu('8. Acide paiaphonolfiulfuriiiiie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1!., 103, 1886, :wr,-3HH ; PiiriH Soc. Chim. Ball., 47, 1887,, 879-8M2. 4. Ktudf chinii(|ue et tlipriniciuc des acides pliiiiol- HuHuriijms. .Vciile orthopluiiDNulfiirique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 109, 1889, 22-5 •-'•Jh, H()(;-308. 6. Sur I'ncidf phtnoldisiilfonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li., 109, 1889, U2 114. 6. Action du limine sur le paraxvlO'ue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li., UK, 1894, .')34-.53.'>. 7. Action de la phi'nylhydrazine sur les bromures, chlorurcs et iodures alcooliijues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 10.5-106. 8. Action do la phenylbydrazine sur les iodures alcooli.iuts. Ass. Franr'. C. R., 1900 (I't. 1), 157-158. Allaire, //. Hpcherches sur les boracites lodges. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1!., 127. 1898. .5.55-557. Allaire, //.. A Rousseau, [Henri] Gustave. See Rousseau ', A' I^ezA, li. See iMXi A" Allard. Allard. See alto Sarran d' Allard. AUardice, Ji[ohert] E[(lyiir]. Spherical geometry. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 2, 1884, 8-16. 3. Radical axes in spherical geometry. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc. 3. 1888, 59-61. 3. Solution of a problem proposed by Dr. Muib. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc . 4, 1886, 37. AUardice] 64 4. Projective geometry of the sphere. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 4, 1886, .56-58. 5. The equilateral and the equiangular polygon. 11886.1 Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 5, 1887, 28-38. 6. Geometrical notes. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, -5, 1887, 78-83. , . n aa7 i 7. A method of transformation m geometry. [lHHt-l Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 6, 1888, U-21. 8. On Stirling's approximation to n ! when n is large. Edinb. Math. Soc Proc, 6, 1888, 22-24. 9. On the inscription of a triangle of given shape in a given triangle. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 6, 1888, 42-47 10. A. construction for the Brocard points. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 6, 1888, 88. 11. Note on a formula in quaternions. Edinb. Matli. Soc Proc, 7, 1889, 8-10. . , »■ ■ 12. On the expression of a symmetric function in terms' of the elementary symmetric functions. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 7, 1889, 41-42. 13. On some theorems in the theory of numbers. [1889.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 8, 1890, 16-19. 14. On a property of odd and even polygons. Ediub. Math. Soc. Proc, 8, 1890, 22-26. 15. On a problem in permutations. Edinb. Matli. Soc Proc, 8, 1890, 64-69. X6 Notes on the solution of certain equations. [1890.] Edinb. Koy. Soc Proc, 17, 1891, 139-142. 17. On some properties of a triangle of given shape inscribed in a given triangle. Ediub. Math. Soc. Proc. , 9 1891 39-48. ' 18. ' The barycentrie calculus of Moebius. [1891.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 10, 1892, 2-21. 19. On the contact-property of the eleven-point conic Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 10, 1892, 37-41. 20. On a surface of the third order. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 10, 1892, 59-62. 21. Note on four circles touching a common circle'. [1900.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 19, 1901, 7-9. AUardice, R[ohert] E[dgarl & Fraser, A. Y. La tour d'Ha- noi. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 2, 1884, 50-52. iUlary Euifene. 6. Regeneration des acides residus de la fabrication du coton-poudre. Paris Soc. Chini. Bull., 47, 1887, 102-103. 7. Chlore et cyanogene. Paris Soc Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 865-867 ; 50, 1888, 43. AUaume, . M^moire sur le trace des courbes de raccordement par cordes successives. Ann. Conduct. Ponts et Cbauss., 34, 1890, 76-79. AXa)\).tt,r[honn'^\ Clifford. S. Music, rhythm, and muscle. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 340. 6. Theory and practice. Nature, 56 (1897), 332-333. 7 Historical aspects of the discovery of the circulation of the blood. Nature, 62 (1900), 630-632. AUcUln, ir[/;//<(m] //[chh/]. * Kebb, R[icluird] G[r«i»f/f f]. Lymphant;iectasis intestini. London Path. Soc. Trans., 46, 1895, 221-223. AUdridge, T\}iom(is] J{oshua\ Wanderings m the Hinter- land of Sierra Leone. Geogr. Jl., 4, 1894, 123-140. AUeger, ]VaUi'r W. Formalin. Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc, 15 (1893), 192-197, 219-220. 2. Surgical cleanliness. Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc, Irt (1893), 222-223. 3. Formalin in bacteriology, with more especial reference to its action on the bacillus of diphtheria. Amer. Micr. Jl., 15, 1894, 104-112. 4. Some remarks on the limitation of tuberculosis, illustrating the value of the microscope in preventive medicine. Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc, 16 (1894), 101-111. 5. Agar.agar. Amor. Micr. Soc Trans., 20, 1899, 91-95. , , . AU«eret, \_Akxandn'\. 29. liecherches chronologiques [AUen sur les fastes de la Eepublique Eomaine et I'ancien calendrier de Numa Pompilius. Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sei.), 28, 1886, 1-188. AUeln, , * Gaud, Fernand. Sur certains produits de decomposition du glucose. Jl. Pharm., 30, 1894, 300- 305. 2. Sur un noiiveau mode de dosage du glucose par liqueur cuproalcaline. Jl. Pharm. , 30, 1894, 30,5-307. Alleman, /.. A. IT. The papillitis of sunstroke. N. Y. Med. Jl., 47, 1888, 489-491. AUen, .1[h.soh] W[,inen], & Norton, Lewis Mills. See Norton >& AUen. AUen, Alfred H[eiinil 40. Notes on the estimation of lead in'aerated waters. Analyst, 9, 1884, 194-195. 41. Note on the stabiUty of hypobromite solution, and its use for the titration of oils, etc Soc Chem. Ind. Jl, 3, 1884, 65-67. 42. Note on the optical estimation of milk-sugar. Analyst, 10, 1885, 72. 43. On Beichkrt's method of examining butter-fat. Analyst, 10, 1885, 103-105. 44. The determination of ethyl nitrite and the change undergone by the spirit of nitrous ether on keeping. Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1886, 463-469; Pharm. Jl., 16, 1886, 440-442, 45. The assay of amyl nitrite. Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1885, 469-472; Pharm. Jl., 16, 1886, 442-443. 46. The determination of ethyl nitrite in the spirit of nitrous ether and kindred preparations. Pharm. Jl., 15, 1885, 673-675. 47. New and little-known applications of the nitro- meter. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 4, 1885, 178-182. 48. On the determination of the glycerin produced by the saponification of fatty oils. Analyst, 11, 1886, "49. Commercial shark oil. Analyst, 11, 1886, 122- 126. 50. On the saponification-equivalents of fixed oils. Analyst, 11, 1886, 145-147. . , .„ 51. Note on the fat of porpoise milk. Analyst, 11, 1886. 190. . .u , . 52. On the specific gravity and some other characters of waxes and allied bodies. Analyst, 11, 1886, 223-228. 53. Further notes on the methods of examining and chemistry of fixed oils. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 5, 1886, 65-71, 282-283. 64. Note on Reichret's distillation process. [1886.] Analyst, 12, 1887, 11-13. 55. An improved method of detecting quassia and certain other hop-substitutes in beer. Analyst, 12, 1887, 107-112. . . , X o 56. Laboratory notes. [1. .\lumina in wheat. 2. Precipitation of hop-bitter by lead acetate. 3. Note on the determination of sulphur in oils.] Analyst, 13, 1888 41—4.5. 57. The detection of saccharine in beer. Analyst, 13, 1888, 105-106. 58. Ou the detection of cotton-seed oil in lard. Analyst, 13, 1888, 161-165. 59. The use of the term "normal" in volunietrio analysis. Analvst, 13, 1888, 181-183. 60. Adulteration of lard with cocoa-nut oil. Analyst, 13, 1888, 189-190. , , . , , , 61. On the precipitation of hop-bitter by lead acetate. Chem. News, 57, 1888, 53-54. 62 The analytical examination of water for technical purpo'ses. Soc Chem. Ind. Jl., 7, 1888, 795-802. 63. On the assay of commercial picric acid. [II if ft discussion.] Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 4, 1888, 84-88. 64. On some abnormal samples of butter. [1888.] Analyst, 14, 1889, 5-14. 65. Methyl-orange and other indicators. Pharm. Jl., 19, 1889, 902-905. Allen! 65 [Allen 66. On some of tlip oonstituentB of niiliiriil writorB, with observations on leatl-corrosion. Soc. Dverfl Col ■II., r,. 1889, ->i-r,H. 67. N.itos on commercial creRvlio acid and allied prodmts. Soc. Cliem. Ind. .Jfl., !l, 1890, )41-lt:j. 68. On the constitution of Ijwtter-fut. Aiiaivst It) 1891, Ull-lfi7. •' ' 69. SuKRestioiis for the assav of aconite and its pie|„,mtions. [jrnh ilisriisshn.] Urit. I'lmnii. Confer Tnuis., 1891, 4.')l-4(;.5; I'jiaim. .)1., ■>•>, 1892, 2:iO-2:fH. 70. On the reaction of Kl.yceriJe.- with alcoholic alliahes. Chem. News, (It, 1891, 179-182. 71. Studies on saponififation. Chem News fi4 1891, 2r>3-2G.5. 73. The chemistry of whisky and allied products Soc. ('hem. Ind. Jl., 10, 1891, M0.5-,S12, .51!)-.521. 73. Notes on Taii.uiik's metlioil of determining alcohol. [1891.1 Aimlyst, 17, 1892, ■',. 74. Experiments on the alkaloid of tea [I('i7/i iliiicu>sinii.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1892 415- 4.H7; Pharm. .11., 23, 1893, 213-220. 76. The volumetric determination of the alkaloids Chem. News, f>(i, 1892, 2.")!». 76. Note on (i, S. Cox's paper on cider-vineear. Analyst, I'.l, 1894, yi-92. 77. The examination of urine for small quantities of sUKar. Analyst, 19, 1894, 178-184. 78. On extraneous mineral matter contained in commercial ginper. Analyst, 19, 1894, 217-220. 79. Notes on commercial condensed milks. Analyst. 20, 1895, 274-27.5. ^ 80. Note on the titration of quinine. Analyst 21 1896, 8.-I-87. .' • ■ 81. Note on the preparation of pure hydrofluoric acid. Analyst, 21, 1896. 87. 83. On the composition and analysis of commercial cream of tartar, .\nalyst, 21, 1896, 174-180. 83. Note on the analysis of cream of tartar. Analyst 21, 1896, 209. •' 84. Note on the concentration of condensed milk Analyst, 21, 1896, 281-282. „?*• 0" ™'"''^""'"'' vinegar. [irUh discuisioi,.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1896, 321-326: Pharm .11 3, 1896, 104-10.5. 86. Condensed milk. [)Vith discussion.] Brit Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1896, 326-331. 87. An improved method of determining urea bv the hypobromite process. [1896.1 Chem. Soc. Proc. 12 1897, 31-33. ' ' 88. The chemistry of %vhiskv. [1896.] London Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 3, 1897, 24-4(), .500. 89. Note on the assay of electro-plating and gilding solutions. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 199. 90. A proposed new method of examining pepsin. Pharm. Jl., .5, 1897, .561-562. 91. On the synthesis of albumin. Pharm Jl 7 1898, 242-243. ' ' 92. The detection of ar.senic. Chem. News 8'' 1900 305. ' See also Thorpe, riiomas Kduard (et utii). Allen, Al/nd ll[u,n/\. & Chattaway, iVilliaiii. Note on the composition of some preparations sold as hop substitutes. Analyst, 12. 1887, 112-114. a. Note on the detection of hpp substitutes in beer. Analyst, 1.5, 1890, 181-183. 3. On the examination of spirituous hquids for secondary constituents. Analyst, lii, 1891, 102-115. Alien, Alfiyd Hlennj], i- Cox, >'. Hudson. ' Note on the presence of heavy metals in cheese. Analyst 22 1897 187-188. •' ' ' AUen, .llfn-d H[enryl & Homfiray, D[arid]. Note on the reaction of acetin with alcoholic potash \nalv3t 16. 1891, 167-169. ' 3. Knrtber notes on acetin. Analyst, 16, 1891, 201- AUen, .1 I/red II\enri/], & Moor, C[retacre] GUorge]. Vin.gar. Analyst, 18. 1893, 240-246. a. On the detection tif exhausted ginger. Analvst 19, 1894, 124-127. a. On the change in the composition of butter bv long keeping. Analyst. 19, 1894, 12H-131. AUen, Alfred ll\nini\, & Bearle, Alfred B. An improved mithoil of determining proteid and gclatinoid substances Analyst. 22, 1897. 258-263. Allen, Cirrie .V. A contribution to the development of I'urvpha croeea. Woods HoU Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull 1 1900, 291-315. ■ ' AUen, Charles. 3. Two liundred tables of elevation above tide-level of the railroad stations, summits and tunnels; canal locks and dams, river riffles, etc., in and around Pennsylvania.. ..Pennsylvania Geol Surv Ken N, 1878, 279 pp. '' AUen, Charles li., & Jonea, llarri/ C[lary]. See JooM & AUen. AUen, Charles Slover. For biographical notice see Auk 11, 1894. 86-87. Breeding habits of the fish hawk on Plum Ishind, New Vork. Auk, 9, 1892, 313-321. a. The nesting of the black duck on Plum Island. Auk. 10, 1893, 53-.5y. AUen, Charles ]V[arrene]. Leprosy in the United States and Its relation to the state. N. Y. Med. Jl., 47 iBSs' 318-323, 347-352. ' 3. Some ways of preventing the spread of syphilis N. Y. Med. Jl., 56, 1892, 310-313. AUen, E[dwin] IC[e«A]. The needs and requirements of a control of feeding stuffs. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1897, 421-428. AUen, E[dwiii] Ulesl], * ToUens, I}[ernhard Chrittian OoWrifd]. N'otiz iiber Xylose uud Holzgummi aus Stroh und anderen Materialien. Berlin, Chem. Ges Ber., 23, 1890, 137. 3. Ueber Holzzucker (Xylose) und Holzgummi (Xylan) Liebig's Ann. , 260, 1890, 289-306. 3. Ueber die Xylousiiure. Liebig's Ann., 260. 1890 306-313. , , »v. See also ToUens, Ii[ernhard Christian Gottfried] let alii). AUen, Edfjar J[ohns,ni]. On the minute structure of the gills of Palffimonetes varians. [1892.1 Quart Jl Micr Sci., 34, 1893, 75-84. 3. Preliminary account of the nephridia and body, cavity of the larva of Palcemonetes varians. [1892.] Koy. Soc. Proc, 52, 1893. 338-342. 3. Nephridia and body-cavity of some decapod Crustacea. Quart. Jl. .Micr. Sci., 34. 1893, 403-429. 4. Studies on the nervous system of Crustacea [1894-96.] Quart. Jl. .Micr. Soi., 36, 1894, 461-482' 48.3-498; 39, 1897, 33-50. 5. Some points in the histology of the nen'ous system of the embryonic lobster. Hoy. Soc. Proc .5.5 1894. 4117-414. 6. On the nervous system of the embryonic lobster Bnt. Ass. Kep., 1896, 470-U71. 7. Fauuistic notes. January to June, 1895. [1895.1 U. K. Mar. Biol. A.ss. Jl., 4, 1896-97, 48-52. 8. The reproduction of the lobster. [1895.] U. K. Mar. Biol. .\ss. Jl., 4. 1896-97, 60-69. 9. Notes on dredging and trawling work during the latter half of 1895. [1896.] U. K. Mar. Biol. A.ss. Jl., 4, 1895-97, 164-166. _ lO. The protection of crabs and lobsters. [1896.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 4, 1896-97, 182-187. 11. Report on the sponge-tishcry of Florida, and the artificial culture of sponges. [1896.1 U. K. Mar. Biol Ass. Jl., 4, 1895-97, 188-194. K. A. C. 66 Allen] 12. Report on the present state of knowledge with regard to the habits and migrations of the macljerel (Scomber scomber). [1897.] V. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 5, 1897-99, 1-2SI. 13. On the fauna and bottom-deposits near the thirty- fathom line from the Eddystone grounds to Start Pouit. [IS'.lil.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 5, 1897-99, 3(5.5-542. AUen, K'hi„r J[oIntxon], & Todd, R. A. The fauna of the Salcombe estuary. [1900.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 6, 1900-03, 151-'214. Allen, Kuneiie r[!mmas]. Native iron in the coal measures of Missouri. Amer. Jl. Sei., 4, 1897, 99-104. a. Notes on tlie hydroxides of aluminium. Chem. News, 82, 1900, 7-5-76.' Alien, EiKinw T[linimiis], & Gottschalk, V. H. A new method for the determination of aluminium. Amer. Chem. Jl., 24 (1900), 292-304. AUen, FAifieve T[homns], & Hill, Henry B[arker\ Sec HiU A- Alien. Allen, Kiiiieiw Tlhnmas], & Rogers, if [cr6«rf] F. The action of caustic hydroxides on aluminium. Amer. Chem. Jl., 24 (1900). 304-318. AUen, -F. />'. Mineral found at Waitekauri. N. Zealand Pap. & Rep. (Mill.), 1899, C 3, 8. AUen, F[rni)li] J[ames]. On the nature of the heart- sounds. [1885.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 5, 1886, 321-323. 2. On the cause of the twisting of the umbilical cord, illustrated by mechanical models. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 26, 1892, 300-304. 3. The function of the urethral bulb. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, 23.5-236. 4. [Dust photographs.] [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892- 93), 342. 5. [Sheptou Mallet earthquake, Dec. .30, 1893.] [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 229. 6. The Mendip earthcpiake of December 30-31, 1893. [1894.] Nature. 49 (1893-94), 245-246. 7. The teeth and civilisation. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 38, 1895, 673-675. 8. Mock-moon phenomenon of May 31st. [1895.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 30, 1896, 122-123. ' 9. Mirror writing. Brain, 19, 1896, 38.5-387. 10. The physical basis of life. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 983-984. 11. Subjective transformations of colour. Nature, 56 (1897), 174. 12. The causation of muscle sounds. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, xxxi ; 23, 1898-99, [37]. 13. Stereochemistry and vitalism. Nature, 58 (1898), 520. 14. What is life? [1899.] Birmingham Phil. Soe. Proc, 11, 1902, 44-67. AUen, Francis H{enrii]. Tameness of the pine siskin. Auk, 5, 1888, 426. 2. An unusual auroral bow. Science, 11, 1888, 302. 3. Summer birds at Bridgewater and Moultonboro', New Hampshire. Auk, 6, 1889, 76-79, 359. 4. Summer birds of the Bra.s D'Or region of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Auk, 8, 1891, 164-166. 5. Irregular abundance of birds in the breeding season in different years at the same locality. Auk, 11, 1894, 334-335. 6. Some notes on Cape Breton summer birds. Auk, 12, 1895, 89-90. 7. The Hudsonian chickadee breeding in southern Vermont. Auk, 13, 1896, 345. 8. Bicknki.l's thrush on Mt. Ktaadn, Maine. Auk, 15, 1898, 60-61. 9. llal)its of the Maryland yellow-throat. Auk, 15, 1898, 75. AUen, Fritnk. Effect upon the persistence of vision of ex()08ing the eye to light of various wave lengths. [Alien Phys. Rev., 11, 1900, 2.57-290; Amer. Ass. Proc, 1900, 78. AUen, G. H. [The Kansas hot winds.] [1890.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 6 (1889-90), 587. AUen, Georijc Younii, & Perkin, Arthur Georiic See Ferkin iV: AUen. AUen, ICIiiirles] Grant [Blairlhuhe]. For biographical notice and works see Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 13; Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 62-63. AUen, H. See Hazen, Henry Allen. AUen, H[erbert] S[tanleii]. the motion of a sphere in a viscous fluid. Pliil. Mag., .50, 1900, 323-338, 519-534. AUen, Harold N. On the determination of specific heat of vaporization with the vapor calorimeter. [1890.] Nebraska Univ. Stud., 1, 1888-92, 195-204. 2. Energy movements in the medium separating electrified or" gravitating particles. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 13, 1895, 392-403; Phil. Mag., 39, 1895, 357- 367. 3. The graphic representation of vector potential. Electrician, 36, 1896, 752-753. 4. Fundamental magnetic units. Electrician, 36, 1896, 849-850. 5. The graphical representation of magnetic theories. Phys. Rev., 3, 1896, 470-477. 6. The measurement of inductance with the secohm- meter. Electrician, 39, 1897, 379-381. 7. Diagrams of instantaneous voltage in alternate current circuits. Electrician, 39, 1897, 549-550. 8. Sparkless reversal in dynamos. [1898.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 27, 1899, 209-238. 9. The inductance of a portion of an electric circuit. Electrician, 44, 1900, 108-109, 191-193. AUen, Harrixon. For biography and works see N. Y. Med. Jl., 66, 1897, 709-710 ; Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1897, 510-51.5, 518-529 ; Science, 7, 1898, 262-265. 20. *0n a case of human congenital malformation. [1883.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 21, 1884, 413-418. 21. On a new method of recording the motions of the soft palate. N. Y. Med. Jl., 40, 1884, 81-82. 22. Electricity in medicine. [1884.] Franklin Inst. Jl., 119, 1885, 310-319. 23. On the pectoral filaments in the sea-robin (Pri- motus palmipes). Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1885, 377. 24. The shape of the hind limb in the Mammalia as modified by the weight of the trunk. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sei. Proc, 1885, 383-384. 25. On the tarsus of bats. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 26. On the types of tooth-structure in Mammalia. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 295-297. 27. On a post-tympanic ossicle in Ursus. Philad. Ac Nat. Sci. Proc, 1886, 36. 28. Muscles of the hind-limb of Cheiromeles tor- (juatus. Science, 7, 1886, -506. 29. A prodrome of a memoir on animal locomotion. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1887, 60-67. 30. On the coloration of mammals. Science, 9, 1887, 36. 31. On the flight of birds. Science, 9, 1887, 232. 32. The distribution of the colour marks of the Mammalia. [1887-88.] Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1888, 84-105. 33. The palatal ruga; in man. Philad. Ac Nat. Sci. Proc, 1888, 254-272. . 34. The occipito-temporal region in the crania of Carnivora. Science, 11, 1888, 71. 35. The anatomy of the nasal chambers. [1888.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 49, 1889, 113-115. 36. Remarks on the pronghorn (Antilocapra ameri- can.i). Amer. Phil. Soc Proc, 26, 1889, 366-367. 37. On the genus Nyctiuonuis and description of Allen] 67 [Allen two new species. Amcr. Phil. Soo. Proc. , 20, 1889. 5.58-,563. 38. On the taxotiomie values of the winK-mem- braues, and of the tenninal phalantjes of the dij^its in the Chiroptera. Philad. .Vc. Nat. Sci. Proc , 1889, H13- 340. 89. Description of a new species of CaroUia and remarks on C. brevicauda. [1889.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, as, 1890, 19-20. 40. Description of a new species of Pteropns. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 28, 1890, 70-72. 41. Description of a new species of Macrotus. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 28, 1890, 72-74. 42. On the distribution of the colour-marks in the PteropodidsB. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1890, 12-30. 48. Description of two new species of bats : Nyoti- nomus enrops and N. orthotis. U. S. Mus. Proc, 12, 1890, 63.5-640. 44. Description of a new species of bat, Atalapba semota. [1890.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 13, 1891, 173-17.5. 45. On a new species of Atalapba. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 2!l, 1891, 5-7. 46. On the winps of bats. Philad. .^c. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1891, 33.5-330. 47. Description of a new species of Vampyi'op.s. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1891, 400-405. 48. On the influence exerted by the tongue on the positions of the teeth. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1891, 451. 49. A new genus of Vespertilionida?. Philad. .^c Nat. Sci. Proc, 1891, 467-470. 50. On the molars of the pteropine bats. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1892, 172-173. 51. On the ceplmlo-bumeral muscle, and the so- called rudimentary clavicle of Carnivora. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1892. 217. 52. On the foramen magnum of the common poqjoise, and on n human jaw of unusual size. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1892, 289. 53. The Toner lectures.... Lecture X. A clinical study of the skull. [1889.] Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 34, 1893, Art. 0, 79 pp. 54. On a new sub-family of phvUostome bats. [1892.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 15, 1893. 437-4.39. Description of a new f;enus of phyllostome bats. U. S. Mus. Proc, 15, 1893, 441-442. On Temmikck's bat. Scotophilus Temminckii. U. S. Mus. Proc, 15, 1893, 443-444. The forms of edentulous jaws in the human Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1893, 11-13. 55. [1892.] 56. [1892.] 57. subject. 58. Note on the mechanism of the act of the expulsion of secretion from the anal sac in Mephitis. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1893. 280-281. 59. A monograph of the bats of North America. U. S. Mus. Bull., 43, 1893, ix -f 198 pp. ; U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1894, 1-28 [Part o)dij]. 60. Notes on the genera of Vespertilionidie. [1893.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 10. 1894, 29-31. 61. The changes which take place in the skull, coincident with shortening of the face-axis. Philad. .Ac Nat. Sci. Proc, 1894, 181-182. 62. Hyperostosis on the inner side of the Jys. lower jaw. Philad. Ac_ Nat. Sc' 63. Obser<"<*""^s of mammnlc -" .. ", ,:",,?" ,,"''V-' -• - Vroc, 1894, 182-183. Jiuif 7 jV'- ■"''°°^ °" Blarina brevicauda. Philad. .^. .<■'... '.->ci. Proc. 1894, 269-270. 64. On a new species of Ametrida. [1894.] Boston hoc. Nat. Hist. Proc, 20, 1895, 240-246. 65. Demonstration of skulls showing the effects of cretinism on the shape of the nasal chambers. [1894 1 N. \. Med. Jl., 01, 1895, 139-140. 66. Foreign bodies in the oesophagus : specially considered from the points of view of symptomatology Sci. and morbid anatomy. N'. Y. Med. .11., 02, 1896, 203- 210. 67. Pithecanthropus erectas. Science, 1, 1895, 239- 210. 68. The classification of skulls. Science, 1, 1896, 381. 69. Crania from the mounds of the St. John's river, Florida: a study made in connection with crania from other parts of North .America. [1896.] Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. .11., 10, 1894-96, 367-448. 70. Note on a uniform plan of describing the human skull. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1896, 170-174. 71. The ulna of the coiumon brown bat. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1896, 291. 72. Notes on the vampire, bat (Dipbylla ecaudata), with special reference to its relationships with Desmodus rufus. U. S. Mus. Proc, 18, 1896, 709-777. 73. Description of a new species of the genns Glossophaga. U. S. Mus. Piy)c., 18, 1896, 779-781, [liv]. \ 74. On the effects of diseaale and senility as illus- trated in the bones and teeth \of mammals. [189C.] Science, 5, 1897, 289-294. " 75. Observations on Tarsiusl fuscus. Philad. .Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1897, 34-5.5. \ 76. Comparative measuremenris of skulls. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1897, 482. i 77. Glossophaga Truei. Science. 5, 1897, 153. 78. On the Glossophaginae. [i?oV Allen. Allen, ,f[ohn] t\emrick]. 2. [Deposits of atmospheric impurities on snow.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soo. Mem. A- Proc, 9, 1896, 192-194. Alien, •/. .1/. The festoon cloud. Science, 7. 1886, 144. Allen, J. Mayheir. On the generalization of Simpson's rule for joint-life annuities. Inst. Act. Jl., 33, 1898, 53.5-.538. Allen, (Capt.) James. *To foretell frost. U. S. Signal Serv. Notes, Xo. 3, 1882, 11 pp. 2. Relation of dew-point to rain forecasts. [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1890. 687-689. Allen, James. Snowdrops. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 13. 1891, 172-188. Allen, James F[ranklin]. Parasitic htemataria. or bloody 801-jine. Practitioner, 40, 1888, 310-320. 17in, Joel Asaph. 66. 'Intelligence of the crow. 176. '. 'Capture of the crested seal on the coast of ■>cted Bhusetts. Science, 1, 1883, .542-o43. 633. M^'WO ' -^re trinomials necessary? .Auk, 1. 1884, 102- ea"'- 200-202. lOi ^■] *• *-'*° '^'^ °'^' have a simpler system of nomen- l',7e. ire? Auk, 1, 1884, 298-300. 79. ] 1. .A lay view of "ornitbophilologicalities." -Auk, clati 7C' 1,189] 9—2 Allen] r.s [Allen 71. Zoological nomenclat|iire. Auk, 1. 1884, 338-353. 72. Sexual selection ancl the nesting of liirjs. Auk, ■2, 1885, 129-139. - 73. Capture of escaped case-birds. Auk, 2, 1886, 314-31.5. , 74. A crested auk on the 'Massachusetts coast. Auk, 2, 1885, 388. \ 76. On an extinct typeyjf dog from Ely cave, Lee county, Virginia. [1885. "i| Harvard Mus. Zool. Mem., 10, 1883-85, No. 2, 13 pp. 76. A revised list nf the birds of Massachusetts. [1886.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 1 (1881-86), 221-271. 77. The masked bo,b-white (Colinus Ridgwayi) of Arizona, and its allies. [1K86.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 1 (1881-86), 273-290. 78. Capture of a p^ir of wild hybrid ducks (mallard X Muscovy) on Long Inland. Auk, 3. 1886, 274-275. 79. '• Aptoso-chroniatism." Auk, 3, 1886, 413-414 ; 17, 1900, .327-336. / 80. -Egialitis meloda circumcincta on the Atlantic coast. Auk, 3, 1886,/482-483. 81. Three interesfting birds in the American Museum of Natural History:/ Ammodramus Leconteii, Helinaia Swainsonii, and Sasicola ffinanthe. Auk, 3, 1886, 489- 490. .' 82. A further /note on Colinus Ridgwayi. Auk, 4, 1887. 74-75. ' 83. Unusual n(esting-site of the song sparrow. Auk, 4, 1887, 260-261. , 84. The pint; finch (Spinus pinus) breeding at Cornwall-on-Hud;son, N. Y. Auk, 4, 1887, 284-286. 85. The We8|t Indian seal. Science, 9, 1887, 35, 59. 86. Descriptions of two new sub-species of the sea- side sparrow (.\mraodramus maritimus). Auk, 5, 1888, 284-^8". 87. Description of a new species of the genus Tityra from Ecuador. Auk, 5, 1888, 287-288. 88. Notes on Louisiana birds. Auk, 5, 1888, 324- 325. 89. Note on the correct name of Symphemia semi- pidmata inornata, Breiost. Auk, 5, 1888, 423-424. 90. Further notes on seaside sparrows. Auk, 5, 1888, 426. 91. On the structure of birds in relation to flight, with special reference to recent alleged discoveries in the mechanism of the wing. [With discussion.] [1888.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 7, 1887-88, 89-100. 92. Note on the lirst plumage of Colinus Ridgwayi. Auk, 6, 1889, 189. 93. The Florida gallinule breeding in Vermont. Auk, 6, 1889, 273-274. 94. The West Indian seal (Monachus tropicalis. Gray). [1887.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 1-34. 95. Note on squalodont remains from Charleston, 5. C. [1887.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 35-39. 96. Notes on a collection of birds from Quito, Ecuador. [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 69-76. 97. List of the birds collected in Bolivia by Dr. H. H. EusBY, with field notes by the collector. [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890. 77-112. 98. On Cyclorhis viridis, (Vieiil.), and its near allies, with remarks on other species of the genus Cyclorhis [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 123-135. 99. Descriptions of new .species of South Amer' birds, with remarks on various other little known spi'^"''^ [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 137-151. c'es- 100. Notes on a collection of mammals from sc Mexico, with descriptions of new species of th'-''^'"^'" Sciurus, Taniias, and Sigmodon. [1H89.] .\mLl5'^°'^''''' liull., 2, 1890, 165-181. Mus. 101. Keniarks on individual and seasonal vai in a large series of Elainca from Chapada, Matto G"*''"" lirazil., with a revision of the species of the res'°**'^°' ricted genus Elainea. [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2. 1890, 183-208. 102. On the Maximilian tj'pes of South .\mericau birds in the American Museum of Natural History. [1889-91.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 209-276; 3, 1891, 199-202. 103. To what extent is it profitable to recognize geographical forms among North American birds? [1889.] Auk, 7, 1890, 1-9. 104. Description of a new species of Icterus from Andros Island, Bahamas. Auk, 7, 1890, 343-346. 105. On seasonal variations in colour in Sciurus hudsouius, [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 41-44. 106. A review of some of the North American ground squirrels of the genus Tamias. [1890,] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 4.5-116. 107. Descriptions of a new species and a new sub- species of the genus Lepus. [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 159-160. 108. List of mammals collected by Mr. Clark P. Stbeatob in British Columbia, with descriptions of two new sub-species of Sciurus, [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 161-168. 109. Notes on a small collection of West Indian bats, with description of an apparently new species. [1890,] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 169-173. no. Notes on collections of mammals made in central and southern Mexico by Dr. Audley C. Buller, with descriptions of new species of the genera Vespertilio, Sciurus, and Lepus. [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 175-194 111. Description of a new .species of big-eared bat, of the genus Histiotus, from southern California. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 19-5-198. 112. Notes on a collection of mammals from Costa Eica. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 203-218. 113. On a collection of mammals from southern Texas and north eastern Mexico. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 219-228. 114. Notes on new or little known North American mammals, based on recent additions to the collection of mammals in the American Museum of Natural History. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 263-310. 115. Description of a new species of Capromys, from the Plana Keys, Bahamas. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 329-336. 116. On a collection of birds from Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil, made by Mr. Herbert H. Ssirrn. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 337-380; 4, 1892, 331-3.50; 5, 1893, 107-158. 117. Description of a new species of Mimocichla from the island of Dominica, West Indies. Auk, 8, 1891, 217- 218, 317. 118. Capture of Geothlypis poliocephala palpebralis in Cameron county, Texas. Auk, 8, 1891, 316. 119. Eecent work in North American mammology. [1S91.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 10 (1890-91), 71-85. 120. Descriptions of two supposed new species of mice from Costa Eica and Mexico, with remarks on Hesperomys melanophrys of CouES. [1891.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 14, 1892, 193-196. 121. The North American species of the genus Col- J\i^ considered with special reference to the relation- ships' of crruratus .-d «- cafer. Am^ej. Mus. Bull., 4, ^^22.^' Description of a new species of" tJSjrosxwtJius from south eastern Texas. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, '''''123 On a small collection of mammals from the Galapagos Islands, collected by Dr. G. B..ua. Amer. ''T2i'"'Noti'ce'ou'somfvenezuelan birds collected by Mrs H. H. Smith. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 51-.>b. Alien I 09 [Allen las. Description of a now Kallinule, from Goiiuli Island. Amer. Mus. Hull., 1. 1892, .")7-58. 126. Tliuj^'eogiapliical ili.'^triliulion ar le Museum. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 410-413. 19. Trois Coleopteres nouveaux pour la faune malgache. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 17-18. Allyn, G[eorge] IT. A case of bilateral homonymous hemianopsia. Arch. Ophthalm., 25, 1896, 206-212 ; Arch. Augenheilk. . 34, 1897, 2-50-251. Almand, (c'«pi(.) V[ictor Echniaril]. [Nouvelles du Sahara.] Paris, Soc. Gtogr. C. R., 1894, 38-41. 2. Extr^me-Sud algerieu. La region du fort Mac- Mahon. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1894, 166-168. 3. Madagascar. Observations meteorologiques sur la cote orientale de I'ile. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. R. , 1899, 266-267. 4. Note sur Tamatave. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1899, 267-270. Almansi, Emilio. Sull' integrazione dell' equazione differenziale A2A= = 0. [1896-98.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 31, 1895, 527-534 or 881-888; 34, 1898, 68-86 or 92-110. 2. Sulla deformazione di una sfera elastica soggetta al calore. [1897.] Torino Aec. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 701-707 or 963-969. 3. Sulla deformazione della sfera elastica. Roma, R. Aec. Linoei Rend., 6, 1897 (,S'm. 1), 61-64; Torino Aec. Sci. Mem., 47, 1897, 103-125. 4. Suir integrazione dell' equazione differenziale A-" = 0. Ann. Mat., 2, 1899, 1-51. 5. Influenza delle deformazioni elastiche sul movi- mento di un pendolo a reversione. Nuovo Cimento, 9, 1899, 200-278 ; 10, 1899, 8,5-111, 305-323. 6. Sulla ricerca delle funzioni i)oli-armoniche in un' area plana semplicemeute connessa per date con- dizioni al contorno. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 13, 1899, 22.5-262. 7. Suir integrazione dell' equazione differenziale A-A- = 0. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 104-107, 618. 8. Sulla torsione del cilindri cavi a spessore piccolis- sinio. [1H99.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900, 39-53. 9. Integrazione della doppia equazione di Laplace. lioma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 298-304. AUndsy, Gyiirij]!. Neliilny adat Magyarorszag oruisahoz. Einige Addenda zur Ornis Ungarns. Aquila, 3, 1896, 209-216. 2. MadArtani betekintes a roman Dobrudsaba. Ornitbologische Recognoscirung der runianischen Do- brudscha. Aquila, 5, 1898, 1-206. 3. Addenda zur Ornis Ungarns. Ornith. Jbuch., 9, 1898, H3-112. Alme, H. H. Om Spitsbergen og den Wellmanske Polar- ekspedition. [1894.] Kristiania, Geogr. Selsk. Aarb., 6, 1895, 1-36. Almeida. Sec Camena d'Almeida. Almeida. See Cantidiano de Almeida. Almeida. See Santos Almeida. Almeida Arez, {teneiile) Joao llajitisia (/'. Sobre uma formula de Waring. [1901.] Gomes Teixeira .Torn. Sci., 14, 1900, 117-120; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 162. Almeida Iiima, (capit) Joao Maria d\ Sobre uma curva do tereeiro grao. (lomes Teixeira .lorn. Sci., 6, 1885, 13-16; Fortschr. Math., 1884. 644-645. 2. Nota sobre a luz branca. Lisboa, .lorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 209-218. 3. Sobre a electricidade eoiisiderada como energia iiiotora. Lisboa, .loru. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 219-222. 4. Sobre a determiua(,ao de uma direc(,'rio lixa e sobre a detcrminavao das latitudes sem a intervenvao de ob- Almeida Lima I 73 [Almqnist »ervavo«K aHtroiioiniciis. [1896. | Linboa, Jurn. Sci. Mutli., 1, 1897, 121-126. Almen, .Ih-1127. 10. CatiUogo de la flora Plioeena de los alrededores de Barcelona. [1894.] Espana Com. Geol. Bol., 22, 1897, 14.'5-171. 11. Nota sobre la presencia del Pliocenico superior en S. .luan de Vilasar. [1898.] Barcelona Ac. Bol., 1, 1892-1900, 402-403. 12. Compte-rendu de l'excursion...ri Sans et a Montjuich. Paris. Soc. Geol. Bull., 26. 1898. 680-689. 13. Compte-rendu de rexeursion.a Olesa. La Puda et k Montserrat. Paris. Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 690- 712. 14. Compte-rendu de I'excursion.. ii Montcada et a Sardanyola. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 732-741. 15. Compte-rendu des excursions. ..a (iracia et Le Coll (Horta) et...a Vallcarca, au Tibidabo et a Esplugas. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 742-763. 16. Compte-rendu de I'excursion. ..a Castellbisbal et a Papiol. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 766-788. 17. Compte-rendu de I'excursion... a Gava, Brugucs, Begas et Vallirana. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 789-800. 18. Compte-rendu de I'excursion... a Castelldefels et Costas de Garraf. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 26, 1898, 801-811. 19. Compte-rendu de I'excursion... aux environs de Vilanova et de Vilafranca. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 812-822. 20. Compte-rendu de I'excursion... a Castellvi de la Marca, au vallon de San-Pau d'Ordal et a San-Sadurni de Noya. Paris, Soc. GeoL Bull., 26, 1898, 840-851. 21. Sobre las espccies Acerotherium lemanense. Mastodon longirostris y un Elephas descubiertos en csta provincia de Barcelona. [1899.] Barcelona Ac. Bol., 1, 1892-1900. 535-537. 22. Sobre el descubrimiento de la fauna de Saint- Cassien en el Trias de uuestra provincia. [1899.] Barcelona .■Vc. Bol., 1, 1892-1900, 538-541. R. S. A. C. 23. [Analogic du Miocene dc I'Herault et de celui du Panadas dans non bord nord-oueBt.] Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 27, 1899, 778. Almera, [can.) Jaiiiu', & Boflll yFoch, .4 r'uro. Moluscos fi'isiles de los terrenos 'I'erciiirios Superiores de Cataluna. [.MoUuBca fossilin slratuum 'fertiariornm Superiorum Catalunim.) Espana Com. Geol. Bol.. 11. 1884. 81-157; 13, 1886, 393-140; 19, 1893, 113-244; Barcelona Ac. .Mem., 2, [1886], 18-45. 2. .Monogratia de las especies del genero Pecten del Burdigalcnse Superior y de una Lucina del Helveciense de las provincias de Barcelona y Tarragona. [1896.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 1, 1892-1900. 395-408. 3. Fauna salobre Tortonense de 'Villanueva y Gcltn'i (Barcelona). [1897.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 3, [?1892- 1900], No. 1, 16 pp. 4. Moluscos f6siles recogidos en los terrenos Pliocenos de Cataluna. Descripcionea y tiguras de las formas nuevas y enumeraci6n de todas la>) encontradas en dichos yaciiiiientos. Espana Com. Geol. Bol., 24, 1898, 1-223. Almkvlat, Herman. Nordogtafrika och dess folk i vnra liai-'ar. Stockh., Ymer, 5, 1886, 1-5-37, .57-70. Almonte, Enrique de. Bemerkungen zu Ulumestbitt's Kaili- der Inscl Mindanao. [Tr.] Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 20, 1886, 387-388. Almquist, Eriitt [Bemhard]. S. Wie entsteben unsere Masernepidemien '/ Warura boren sie auf? Goteborg Handl., 20. 1886. 80 pp. 6. Lu/.ula albida, DC, funneo vid Goteborg. Bot. Notiser, 1886. 149. 7. Ora epidemiologiens methoder. Skand. Natf. Forh.. 1886, 15.5-158. 8. Uas Verhalten von Typhoid6eber, Diphtberie und Cholera im selben Hause wahrend einer langeren Zeitperiode. Ztschr. Hyg., 2, 1887, 1-14. 9. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Methoden der Choleraforschung. Ztschr. Hyg., 3, 1888, 281-286. 10. Ueber EinHuss von Jahreszeit und Witterung auf das Auftreten von Infectionskrankheiten mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der localen Epidemicen. Ztschr. Hyg., 5, 1889. 1-66. 11. Ueber das vermehrte Auftreten des Darmtyphus an einer Anzahl von mehr oder minder typhusfreien Orten nach jahrelangen Zwischenriiumen. Wicn. Med. Wscbr.. 40, 1890, 1652-16.5.5, 1699-1701. 12. Untersucbungen iiber einige Bactcriengattungen mit Mycelien. Ztschr. Hyg., 8. 1890, 189-197. 13. Ein Detail, die Attiolofie des .ibdominaltyphus betreffend. Ztschr. Hyg., 10, 1891. 163-166. 14. Pemphigus neonatorum, bacteriologisch und epidemiologi.sch beleuchtet. Ztschr. Hyg., 10. 1891. 253-266. 15. Zur Vegetation Japans, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Licbenen. Engler. Bot. Jbiicb., 14. 1892. 221-229. 16. Zur Biologic der Typbusbakterie und der Esche- rich'schen Bakterie. Ztschr. Hyg., 15, 1893. 283-290. 17. Ueber eiue Mctbode, das specitiscbe Gewicht von Bakterien und anderen Korperchen zu bestimmen. Ztschr. Hyg., 28, 1898, 321-330; Skand. Natf. Forh.. 1898, 348-350. 18. Biologiska studier ofver Geranium bohemicom. L. Bot. Notiser. 1899. 81-8.5 ; Bot. Ccntrbl., 80, 1899, 78. 19. Zur Phagocylose. Ztschr. Hyg., 31, 1899, -507- 5 12. Almquist, /'[evene, J'lioel)us A\iiron Deodar]. See Iievene A- Alsberg. Alsberg | 75 I Althans Alaberg, Mfiiihurd. Kor bjoKnipliical notice arr Aiiirr. Clinii. Hoc. Jl., 19, 1897. 9.") l-il.W. AlabeTg, Moril:. 4. I'eliiT den iitmoHphiiriBchen Stanb. Kusscl Ver. Nut. liir., 31, 1884, 1:1-17. 6. KortKchiitte in den NntuiwiHuenschaftcn. Antliro- polii),'ie. Humboldt, 4, 1886, I'A-im, HCH-iCr, ; .'>, 1886, 97-100, H77-HH2 ; (1, 1887, i-Jd-L'HO, 4<;i-46.5 ; 7, 1888, 274-27H; H. 1889, 24-2H, •it>ii-2rS, 4ti0-475; 9, 1890, 201 -'OT. 121 127. 6. Ein iiulcbgebcnder Ziegenbock. Humboldt, 7, 1888, l.'iH. 7. Die Skelette von Spy. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 299-.H0O. Alsop, William A'., it Tocnm, ■John II. Composition ol till' nslieB of some mw tHniiiiig miiterialB. Araer. Chem. Sue. .11., 20, 1898, H38-340. Alston, (iiinniiiil. Coraparison of evaporation resnlts in New South Wales and South Africa. [189-5.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 9, 1898, H-19. 2. [Notes on some Euphorbia;.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 10, 1898, vii-viii. Alt, Adolf [non Addlphus]. 4. Original contributioug coneeriiing the glandular structures appertaining; to the human eye and its appendages. St. Louis Ac. Trans., 10 (1900), 18.5-207. Alt, b'lrdimind. Ueber apopleetiforme Labyrintherkran- kungen bei Caissonarbeitern. Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896. 1730-1731; Arch. Otol., 2.5, 1896, 400-407. Alt, Ihrmann. Ueber Brorairung der n-Aeetylainidoben- zoesiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889", 1043-1647. a. tiewiehlsaniilytische Bcstimmung voii Snlfocya- naten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 32.58-3259. 3. Zur Fiillung von Mangan als Hyperoxyd. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 1339. 4. Znr Keniitniss des Chiuolins. Liebig"s Ann., 2.52, 1889, 318-330. Alt, lliriiuiiin, & Iiellmaim, Eugen [CarV\. See ZieUmaiin k Alt. Alt, Ilermunn, & Sctaolze, Julius. Trennung des Zinks vom Nickel. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 32.59- 3262. Alt, Konrnd. Das Symptom der Personenverwechslung bei Geisteskranken. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 44, 1888, 50- 77. a. Ueber das Entstehen von Neurosen und Psychosen auf dem Boden von chrouischen Magenkrankheiten. Arch. Psychiatr., 24, 1892, 403-451. 3. Ueber die -Vusscheidung des Sclilangengiftes durch den Ma(;en. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber.. 1892. 116-118. 4. Toxalbumine in dem Erbrochenen von Cholera- kranken. Hiille Natf. Ges. Ber., 1892, 119-121. Alt, Konrnd. \ Schmidt, Karl K[duurd] Franz. Unter- suchungen liber den elektrischen Leitungswiderstand der thierischen Gewebe. Pfliiger, Arch. Phvsiol., 53, 1893, 57.5-584. Alt, il., & Weiss, Julius. Aneemia infantilis pseudo- leiicn>miea. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 30, 1892, 433-433, 450-452. Altamlrano, Fernando. 4. Ligeros apuntes de la flora del camino entre .Mexico, Tulancingo v Huauchinango. [1891.] .Mt'X., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 4," 1890, 129-130. 6. Noticias sobre la flora de Cacahuumilpa. [1892.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 5, 1891, 213-218. 6. Necesidad de la repoblacidn de los bosques. [189.5.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897 [Api-'ad.). 11-22. 7. .\lgunns observaciones tisioldgicas sobre los efectos de la ponzona del alacran de .Jojutla. [1900.] M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 14, 1899, 327-330. Altar, Sii/mumi. Ueber die Oxydation symmetrischer Trialkylpyridine. Liebig's Ann., 237, 1887, 182-201. Altetaoefer, [.liii/iisf Ihinrich]. Ueber die Desinfektions- kraft von Wasserstoffsuperoxyd auf Wasser. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 129-137. Altemalre, L[oiii.i F.uriene]. & Bovis, lilene] de. Etades anatomi'ines et cliniiiues snr les phlegmons profonds Ivrnphangitiiiues de la main et de I'avant bras. Arch. .Sf.d. I'harm. Militaires, 28, 1896, 227-249. Altsn, //., >V Jilnnicke, n'ilhliittern dun'li Asphaltdiimpfe. Hot. Ztg., 49, 1891. 195 199, 649-6.50. AltcnbUTBer, Juliut. On the grouping of endowment ii-er die Beziehungen der Basalte in den Vor- bergeu de^s Isergebirges zur Eiszeit. Breslaa. Schles. Ges. Jber., 1892 {Abth. 2|, 19. 16. Ueber einen Qaarzkantner aus dem Eatzengebirge. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber.. 1892 (.Ulh. 2). 29-30. 10—2 Althansl ^^' 17 Ueber neue peolofjisohe Sehriften und Kaiten- werke. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1893 {Ahlh. -lu), l-». 18. Ueber BiklunR vou Mondkratern. Breslau, Sehles. Ges. Jber., 1894 {AMh. 2«), 27-52 19. Gletscherschrammeu am Rummelsberg, Kreis Strehlen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. .Tbuch., 14, 1894, 54 (;«.5)-59 (bis). „ , o v,i 20. MiiieraloKische Mittheilungen. Breslau, bchles. Ges. Jber., 1895 {Abth. 2fl), 2. . r^i » 21 Ueber mutbraaassliche Endmoraneu ernes Glet- schers vom Rehorn-Gebirge und Kolbenkauniie hei Liebau i Schl. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 401-406. 22. Bestiitigung der Aicbungsmangel vou Anemo- metern der preussischen Schlagwetter-Commission seitens der Deutsehen Seewarte unter Widerlegung von Aeusse- rungen gegen Beobachtungen der Windgescliwindigkeit auf meteorologischen Anstalten. Ztschr. Berg- Hutten- u. Salinenw., 47, 1899 (Abh.), 235-238. Althans, R. Riegelbildungen im Waldenburger Stein- kohlengebirge. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., II, 1893, 18 (;(;, 1893, 275i;--i759, 3100. Altschul, Michael, it Flctet, Riwul. See Plctet .V Altschul. Altschul, Miehnel, athijgene>iiH of yellow fever. Int. .Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (!'«/. 1), li;i-168. Alvarez, (It.)lKriieiit Kugi-iir]. Obock et Abyisinie. Itcv. MuritiMic et Colon., 121, 1894, .59-101, 295-330. Alvarez, K. Kecherches sur I'anatomie pathologii|ue liu iliiMuHclerome. Arch, de Physiol.. 7, 1886. 196-207. 2. Sur un nouveau microbe, determinant la fermenta- tiiiu indig«ti<|ue et la production de I'indigo bleu. Paris, .\e. Sci. C. K., 105, 1887, 286-289. Alvarez, A'.. ,v Comll, A[ndn^ V[ictor]. See Comll iV Alvarez. Alvarez, A'., il' Taval, A'[niji(]. liecherches sur le bacille de 1,1 HToAiiTKS. Arch. de Physiol., 6, 1886, 303-321. 2. liecherches sur le microbe de la syphilis. Progri^s .Mid., 2, 1886, 13.5-136. Alvarez. See nlno Oonzalez Alvarez, Alv :iTO, > rill He /) lie. Hvudroiueivphu-niiilarien. [Tr.] [1897.] Arch. Med. Navale. 71, 1899. 217-224. Alvemy, A[mlri'] d'. Note sur la (lore estivale des Hohe Tiiuern (.\utriehc). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 073-081. Alves de Camareo CaLxelro, Antonio. Commissao geo- gruphicn e geolugica do estado de S. Paulo. Quadro climatologico do anno de 1888. Estaeao de Tatuhy. Rio de Janeiro Obs. Kev., 1890, 31. Alves Ferelra da Fonseca, A. A. M. V. Estudo com- imiativo da estructura do peciolo de algumas especies de (^lereus. Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol., 13, 1896, 48-.59. Alvlsi, Ugo. Kicerche sul gruppo della canfura. Uoma, R. Ace. Lincei Bend.. 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 364-371 ; 1. 1892 {Sem. 2), 444-451; Oazz. Chim. Ilal., 22, 1892 (/'f. 1), 205-274; 23, 1893 {Pt. 1), 332-341. 2. Sulla furmazione di derivati pirazolici dalle di- cloridrine c dalla tribromidrina della glicerina ordinaria. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 {Sem. 2), 4.50-457 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 [Pt. 1), 15tt-168. 3. Delle relaz.ioni tra il periodo di Lothar Mever ed il periodo del Mesdelf.eff. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend.. 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 137-143 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), .509-517. 4. Delia disposizione de' pesi specifici de' corpi semplici ncl sLstema periodico dei;li elementi chimici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. Il, 191-196; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pi. 1), 518-523. 6. Dell' azione della fenilidrazina sail' etilencloridrina. Hoina, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 219-223; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1). 529-535. 6. Ricerche sugli acidi inorganic! complessi. Nota jireliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3. 1894 (S.m. 1), 494-498; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, /'(. 1), 523-528. 7. Osservazioni suUe relazioni tra il peso molecolare e la densitiV ne° corpi solidi e liquidi. Sali alogenati. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 {Sem. 2), 376-382; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (189B, Pt. 1), 31-41. 8. Sul metalluminato di trietilsolfina. Roma, R. .\cc. Lincei Bend., 5. 1896 (Sem. 2), 407-413 ; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 14, 1897, 302-308. 8. Ancora delle relazioni tra il peso molecolare e la densitii ue' corpi solidi e liquidi. Roma. R. Ace. Lincei Bend., 6. 1897 (Sem. 1|, 77-85. 10. Nuove ricerche sulla formazione del solfaro rosso di mercurio per via umida. Roma, R. .\cc. Lincei Rend., 7. 1898 (Sem. 2), 97-98. 11. Ricerche sperimentali su nuovi materiali esplosivi c detouanti. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1). 121- 143. 399-405. (/'(. 2). 64-81, 478-490. Alvlsi, I ''10. A' Oiorgls, Giovanni. See Oiorgls & Alvlsi. Alvlsi, r.;.>. ,v Miolatl, .^[rtMro]. See Hiolati A' Alvlsi. Alvisi, ('; , ,V Paternb, Emanuele. See Fatemo iV Alvisi. Alvord] [Amagat Alvord, {(li'ii.) lifiijdmiit. Assign to this author title {Vol. 1) under Alvord, Benjamin. For biographical notice and list of works see Washington Pliil. Soc. Bull., 7, 1885 (Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Art. 2), l-27-l'i9. 8. "A special case in maxima and minima. [18S3,] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 6, 1884 (Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Art. 1), 149. Alvord, (Maj.) Henry K[lijah]. Telemetric aid to mete- orological records. Amer. Ass. Proc. , 1885, 81-83; [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1885, 11-13. 2. Relative values of human foods. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1885, 504-507. 3. Observations on the formation of dew. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 113-116; [Amer.] Soc Agr. Sci. Proc, 1886, 12-10. 4. Relative values of different kinds of milk and milk products. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 336-338. 5. Influence of topography upon rainfall, from observations during the summer of 1884, at Houghton Farm, Mountainville, Orange county. New York. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1887, 11-10. 6. The dairy herd : its formation and management. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1894, 295-316. 7. Report upon experimental exports of butter, 1897- U. S. Bur. Anira. Ind. Rep., 15, 1899, 83-136. 8. Breeds of dairy cattle. U. S. Bur. Anim. Ind. Rep., 15, 1899, 137-200. Alwood, William B. Notes on the life history of Protoparce Carolina. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 369. 2. The life history of Schizoneura lanigera, Huusm. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 369-370; U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 17, 1898, 70-72. 3. The leaf-spot disease of apple, Phyllosticta pirina, Sacn., and several unrelated forms occurring therewith. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 413. 4. On the occurrence of a yeast form in the life cycle of the black rot of apple, Sphffiropsis malorum, Peck. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 422. Alzate y Bamirez, Jose Antonio. 8. *Abeias y aranas. [1788.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887 {Apend.), 15-17. 9. *Noticia de alguuas plautas. [1791.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887 (Apend.), 4-6. 10. *Del chayote. [1792.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887 (Apend.), 7-11. 11. *Memoria acerca de la yerba del polio. [1792.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887 (Apend.), 11-15. 12. Proyecto para desaguar la Laguna de Texcoco y las de Chalco y San Cristdbal. [Posth.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 3, 1889, 18.5-201. 13. *Datos para la historia de la meteorologia Mexicana. Notas y observaeioues relatlvas a meteoro- logia fisica del globo y astronomia. [1789-91.] Mex. Obs. Bol., 3, 1890, 178-180, 237-257. Alzbeimer, .l^(pil) = 0]. Paris. Xc. Sci. C. R., U8, 1894, 326-330, 566-570; Paris, Soc. Phvii. Seances, 1894, 103-113. 64. Sur la pression interienre et le viriel des forces inteneures dans les tluides. Paris, \c. Sci. C. B.. 120, 1896, 489-493, 580; Paris, Boc. Phys. Seances, 1896. 62-67. 65. Sur les variations du rapport des chaleurs spe- cifiques des fluides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 121, 18B6, 863-866, 968; 122, 1896, 66-70; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1896, 24-33. 66. Sur les chaleurs spd-cifiques des ga/. et les pro- priites des isothermes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, PiO-121. 67. Vd-rificatioD d'ensemble de la loi des ^tats corres- pondants de Vi.N dku Waals. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 30-35. 68. Sur la loi des i-tats correspondants de Van IjKH Waai.h et la di-tcrminution des constantes critiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 83-86. 68. Sur les relations exprimaut que les divers co- efficients consideres en thermodynamique satiefoot a la loi des itats correspoudauts. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 547-550. 70. [Sur les relations qui existent entre divers co- efficients.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1897, 18*-19*. 71. Sur la compressibility; de Pair, considere comme melange gazeux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 88-90. 72. Essai sur une forme nouvelle de la fonction f(pvt) = 0, relative aux fluides. [Cas de I'etat de satura- tion.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 538-542, 619- 653 ; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances. 1899, 51- Boiipoi'V O llirBllocril ci'JieiicTBa Unionid*. [Sur ranciennete probable des Unionidie.] [1891.] Tarsovie Soc. Nat. Irav., 1890-91 (C. U.. Hiol.). So. 7. 1-5. 2. 0 pycCKllxi Antliracosidee. [Sur les .Anthraco- sides de la Russie.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Xat. Trav., 1891-92 {C. P.. liiot.t, .\o. 3, 1-5; [St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull.. 11, 1893 {.Siippl .)]. 41-42. 3. CooriuieHie oCi ; nosHaniio (j)ayHH nepMCKoR ciicTeiiu I'occiii. I. MeprejiitcTO-necHaHua iiopojaj OKCKo-BojiJKCKaro 6acceriHa. [Mat^riaux pour la conuaissanee du systeine Permien de la Kussie. I.] [1892.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. 11., JUoL), No. 8, 15-18. 6. 0 .lOJlHlIKOBUX'B OTJIOJEeHlflXI) OKpecTHO- creft BapiIiaBIiI. [Sur les couches diluviennes des environs de Varsovie.] [1893.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1892-93 (C. R., Plii/s. Cliim.), No. 5, 10-14; St. Petersb., Com. G6ol. Bull., 13, 1895 (Suppl.), 1. 7. 0 npl'.CHOBOinHxt n.iacTiiH^iaToataoepHHxi 11.31. KajieHHoyro.ibHMXT. OTjro;Kenii1 ,1,OHeKKaro Caccettlia. [Des Lamellibranchiata d'eau douce des couches Carboniteres du bassin du Donetz. ] [1893.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1893-94 (C. R., Biol.), No. 1, 4-8; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 14, 1896 (Suppl.), 34. 8. A comparison of the Permian freshwater Lamelli- branchiata from Russia with those from the Karoo system of South Africa. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 51, 1895, 337- 349. 9. HIscKoatKO saMtiaHitt o BepxHe-IIepMCKiixt KOHTIIHeHTa.lBHHXT. OTJIOJEeHiflXt PoCCilt 11 V). A^JpiIKII. (Quelques remarques sur les couches Per- miennes de la Russie et de I'Afrique niiSridiouale.) [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1894-96 (C. R.), 117- 126; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 15, 1897 (Suppl.), 38-39. 10. HtcKOjri.KO sawli'iaHiil o IIocTii.iioneno- BBIXTi OTJIOJKeniflXTi BapiliaBH. [Einige Bemer- kungen iiber Post-Pliociine Ablagerungen Warschau's.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., lliuL), No. 2, 19 pp. ; Russ. Geol. Min. Annu., 2, 1897-98 [Sect. 4), 1-2. 11. reo.ioniMecKaH ;-iKeKypciH na cfeBep'i. Poccill. [Excursion geologique au nord de la Russie.] [1896-98.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 {C. R., Biol.), No. 3, 15 pp.. No. 5. 14-24 ; 1897 (Biol.), No. 1, 7 pp. ; 1898 (Biol), 5 pp.; [St. P(:-tersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 17, 1898 (Suppl.)], 1-2. Amann, .Toset .i[llicrt]. Zur Darstellung von Lymph- bahnen im Uterus. [1891.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 7, [1892], 74-76. 2. Ueber Bildungvon Ureiern und primiirfoUikelahn- lichen Gebilden im senilen Ovarium. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 2), 23.5-236. Amann, .Jules. Essai d'un catalogue des mousses du S.-O. de la Suisse avec indication des localites. [1885- 86.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 20, 1885, 241-286; 22, 1887, 145-156. 2. Sur remploi du baume de Tolu pour les prepara- tions de Diatomees. [1885.] Brux. , Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 11, [1886], 127. a. Etude des propri^tes optiques du peristome chez les mousses. [1886.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 22, 1887, 157-161. 4. Mithodes de preparations microscopiques pour I'etude des Muscin^^es. Rev. Bryol., 1.5, 1888, 81-83. 5. Causerie bryologique. Rev. Bryol., 15, 1888, 83- 86. 6. Bryologische Bummeleien im Davoser Gebiete. Sclnvciz. Alponelub Jbuch., 23, 1888, 531-540. 7. Leptdtrichum glaucescens, i/(iw//K'. Bot. Centrbl., 37, 1889, 71-72. 8. Hyjinum Sauteri et Hypnum fastigiatum. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 11-13. 9. Notice sur une mycose du sporange des mousses. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 13. 80 [Amann 10. Note sur le Bryum comense, Schimper. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 52-53. 11. Note sur le Campylopus alpinus, Schimper. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 53-54.' 12. Musci novi rhietici. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 54- 55. 13. Note sur le Brachytheeium trachypodium, Bridel. Rev. Bryol. , 16, 1889, .5i5-.56. 14. Etudes bryologiques faites en commun avec M. Philibebt, en aoilt 1888. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 56-57. 15. Neuf mousses uouvelles pour la tlore Suisse. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 57. 16. Especes et varietes nouvelles. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 87-91. 17. Eurynchiumdiversifolium, /Jr. iJur. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 91-92. 18. [Mousses int^ressantes des environs de Davos.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 24, 1890, 501-502. 19. Sur I'eraploi de la lumi^re polarisee pour I'etude des Muscinees. Arch. Sci. Phy.s. Nat., 24, 1890, 502-508. 20. Mnium subglobosum, Br. Eur. Rev. Bryol., 17, 1890, 53-56. 21. Der Eiufluss der Koch'schen Imptungen auf die Tuberkelbacillen im Sputum. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 1-3. 22. Charakterbilder aus der Moostiora des Davoser Gebietes., Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 26, 1891, 70-75. 23. Etudes sur le genre Bryum. Rev. Bryol., 19, 1892, 53-57 ; 20, 1893, 39-45. 24. 4000 Sputumuntersuchungen statistisch verwertet. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 365-368. 25. Pleochroismus gefiirbter Bakterienzellen. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Bakterienfiirbung. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 775-780. 26. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Pilz-Flora Graubiin- dens. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 36, 1893, 88-94. 27. Methode expeditive de preparations microsco- piques pour les mousses. Rev. Bryol., 20, 1893, 74-75. 28. Notice sur le Bryum Philiberti, Amann. Rev. Bryol., 20, 1893, 84-85. 29. Contributions a, la flore bryologique de la Suisse. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1893, 49-76. 30. Ueber einen neuen Moosbastard zwischen ver- schiedeneu Gattungen (Physcomitrium und Phvscomi- trella). Zurich Vrtljschr., 38, 1893, 392-393. 31. Notiz iiber einen Plasmodienbefund in eineni atypischeu Falle von Malaria. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 37, 1894, 210-215. 32. Woher stammen die Laubmoose der erratischen Blocke der schweizerischen Hochebene und des Jura? Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1894, 19-30. 33. Das objectiv y'j" Semiapochromat homogene Immersion der Eirma F. Koristka in Mailand. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 11, 1894, 145-148. 34. Le birefractom^tre ou oculaire-comparateur. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 11, 1894, 440-454. 35. Du role des phenomeues de diiiraction dans la formation de I'image microscopique. [1894-95.] Lau- sanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1896, 34-56. 36. La flore des mousses suisses. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 31, 1895, 384-385. 37. Der Nachweis des Tuberkelbacillus im Sputum. Centrbl. Bakt. (.ihl. 1), 17, 1895, 513-522. 38. Sur la reeherche du bacillo de la tuberculose. Lausanue, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1895, xxi-xxiii. 39. Sur le bacilli- de la dipUterie. [1895.] Lausaune, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, v. 40. Nouvelles methodes de preparation di's crypto- garaes cellulaires vertes. Jl. Bot., Paris, 10, 1896, 187- 190. 41. Sm' les lois de la variation chez les etres organises. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32. 1896, xxi- xxiii. Amannl 81 [Amato 43. Lii recherche des phciaoU dans I'urine commo moyen >le diaKnontic dcH auto-intoxicatioiiH d'orixinc digestive LiiuBimne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, xlvi- xlvii : '^'^, 1897, xv-xvi. 43. line mi'thode K"^'"ni(^-triqiio do repr<5i)cntation de la funiii' dus fiuillcB chez los Muscini^'ea. Lausanne, Soc. Valid. Bull., 8->, 1896, ■J.'>'.l-270. 44. ConBorvirunKsfliiHHiKkeitcn und Einschlussmcdien fiir Moose, Cliloro- und Cyanophyceen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., ID, 1896, 18-21. 45. Un noiivcau microscope Rrand module poor la min(jralo);ic it la potrographie. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., a.i, 1897, 22H-230. 46. (line nouvellc nii'tliode de dosa(;o de I'aclde uriiiuo.l rjiuisaniie, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, li-lii. 47. Un imuvel azotometre. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., :il, 1898, lii. 48. .Xppliciition de la loi di>s prands nombrcs iV r<5tude d'un type VLjjctal. Kludu do philosophic hota- nique. .]l. Hot., Paris, I.), 1899, 175-193, 220-22S, 22'.)- 233. 40. Sur le pouvoir oi)tique de Tobjectif photogra- pbique. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 35, 1899, xix-xx. SO. NuueBooliachtungsmedien. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 16, 1899, 38-1 1. 61. ICtudc do la flore bryologique du Valais. Bull. Murith., 27 A 28, 1900, 73-116. 62. Deux cas de symbiose cbez les mousses. Bull. Murith., 27 & 28, 1900, 122-124. Amann, Jules, A Jaccard, Paul. See Jaccard & iUuann. Amann, Jules, & Meylan, Charles. Flore des mousses suisses. Etude du la (lore hryoloKique du Haut-Jura nioyen. Schwoi/. Bot. (ies. Ber., 6, 1896, C-38. Amann, Jules, Jaccard, Ileiiri, & Favrat, Llouis]. See Jaccard, Amann A' Favrat. Amans, l'[ciul] C. 3. *Kssai sur le yol des insectcs. [1883.] Key. Sci. Nat., 3, 1883-84, 121-139. 4. Etude de I'organe du vol chez les Hymenoptferes. [1SH4.] Key. Sci. Nat., 3, 1883-84, 48.->-o22. 6. Comparaisons des organes du vol dans la serie animale. Ann. Sci. Nat. {Zoot.), 19, 1886, .l)(. 2, 222 pp. 6. Sur les contours apparents des machines animales. Ass. Erau?. C. B., 1886 {Ft. 2), 568-572. 7. G^niralites sur les organes de locomotion aqua- tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 10.5, 1887, 103.5-1037. 8. Rapport sur I'Expositiou .\ironautique de Vienne eii 18H8. A(ironaute, 1888, 183-19(1, 209-214,231-239; 1889, 8-17, 2.5-36. 5. Comparaisons des organes de la locomotion aqua- tique. Ann. Sci. Nat. {^ioot.), 6. 1888, 1-164. 10. Sur les rapports de I'hyponautique et de la mccanique animale. Ass. Framj. C. K., 1888 (Pt- 2). 336-339. 11. Sur un appareil destine & mesurer la force pro- pulsiye de diverses palettes. Congr. Int. Zool. C. B., 1889. :!08-312; .Wronaute, 1890, 139-144. la. I'erfectionnement des helices acriennes. Ass. Franv. C. K., 1891 {Pt. 2), 574-583; A^ronaute, 1892, 219-231. 13. La physiologic du vol, d'aprfes Leonard i>k ViNCi. Rev. Sci., 49, 1892, 687-693. 14. Bi'ponse aux observations du lieutenant-colonel TocciiK sur I'article : " Pcrfectionneraent des helices acriennes." A(5ronaute, 1893, 58-60. 16. Sur les biiUces adrieunes. A^ronaute, 1896, 101- 108. 16. [Sohre un nuevo fon6grafo.] Chili Soc. Sci. .\ct., 6, 1896. xcviii-xcix. 17. Construction de phonographes a long banc. Ass. Franv. t". R.. 1899 (/V. 2), 268-270. 18. Quelle est la meiUeure forme de burin phono- B. S. A. C. graphique? Sur un nouveau type dc raboteuse et d'outil A cylindrer. Ass. Franr. C. R., 1899 {Pt. 2), 271-274. 19. Sur un nouveau dispositif de volet de tension. Ash. Fran... C. R., 1900 {Pt. 2), 432-434, ao. Fabrication de pAtes phonographiques. Ass. Franr. C. B.. 1900 (Pt. 2|, 434-439. ai. I'liunographe pour bobincs do 40 centimetres de lon-ueur. Ass. Fran.,-. C. B., 1900 (Pt. 2), 439-440. Amanzlo, Iiomenico. 7. lutorno ad una funzione iso- barica. [1886.] Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 17, 1887, 8.5-107. 8. Sopra alcuni speciali polinomii. Napoli, Ace. Atti. 7, 1896, .Vi). 10, 3.5 pp. Amaral, .l('/.'/V Amaral. Amaral. .S''- ri/.teu-Amherg moditizierte Sedgwick-Rafter'sche Methode der Planktonzahlung. Biol. Centrbl., 20, 1900, 283-288. 2. Beitrage zur Biologic des Katzensees. Ziirich Vrtljschr., 45, 1900, 59-136. Ambialet, J[e(in]. L'encephale dans les cranes deformes du Tuulou.sain. Antbrop. (Paris), 4, 1893, 11-27. Ambler, Cliaxe P. Perichondritis of the laryngeal carti- lages. N. Y. Med. .11., 61, 1895, 555-559. Ambronn, H{erinann\ S. Ueber heliotropische und geoiropische Tcnsionen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber. , 2, 1884, 183-190. 6. Liste der von der deutschcn Nordpolar-Expedition am Kingawa-Fjord des Cumberland-Sundes gesammelten Phanerogamen und Getiisskryptogamcn. Deut.sch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, Ixv-lxvii. 7. Zur Mechanik des Windens. Leipzig Math. I'liys. Ber., 30, 1884, 136-184; 37, 1885, 132-180. 8. Ueber Poren in den Aussenwiinden von Epider- miszellcn. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 14, 1884, 82-110. 9. Einige Bemerkungen zu den Abhandlungen des Herrn Wortjunn : "Theorie des Windens" [Bot. Ztg. , 44, 1886, 617-625, etc.] und "Ueber die Natur der roti- renden Nutation der Schlingpflanzen " [Bot. Ztg., 44, 1886, 27.3-283, etc.]. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1886, 369-375. 10. Zur " Erwiderung " des Herrn Wobtmann ["Theorie des Windens," und "Ueber die Natur der rotirenden Nutation der Schlingpflanzen," Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1886, 414-421]. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 5, 1887, 103-108. 11. Pleochroismus gefarbter Zellmembranen. (Vor- laufige Mittheilung.) Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, 8.5-94. 12. Ueber den Pleochroismus pflanzlicher Zellmem- branen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 34, 1888, 340-347. 13. Ueber das optische Verhalten der Cuticula und der verkorkten Membranen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, 226-230. 14. Notiz iiber die Doppelbrecbung in ziihfliissigem Gummi. Ann. Phys. Chem., 38, 1889, 159-160. 15. Das optische Verhalten und die Structur des Kirschgummis. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 103- 114. 16. Pleochroismus gefarbter anisotroper Substanzen des Thierkorpers. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 44, 1889, 301-305. 17. Das optische Verhalten markhaltiger und mark- loser Nervenfasern. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 42, 1890, 419-429. 18. Cellulose-Reaction bei Arthropoden und MoUus- ken. [1890.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 9, 1889-91, 47.5-478. 19. Ueber den Glanz der Sapphirinen. [1890.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 9, 1889-91, 479-482. 20. Einige Beobacbtungeu iiber das Gefrieren der CoUoide. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 43, 1891, 28-31. 21. Ueber das Verhalten doppelbrechender Gelatine- platten gegen Magnetismus und Electricitiit. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 43, 1891, 394-398. 22. Ueber die optischen Eigenschaften sehr enger Spalten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 48, 1893, 717-722. 23. Ueber eiue neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Brechungsexponenten anisotroper mikroskopischer Ob- jecte. Leipzig Matli. Phys. Ber., 45, 1893, 316-318. 24. Farbenerscheinungen an den Grenzen farbloser Objecte im Mikroskop. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 48, 1896, 134-140. 25. Ueber Pleochroismus pflanzlicher und thierischer Fasern, die mit Silber- und Goldsalzen gefiirbt sind. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 4S, 1896, 013-628. 26. Ueber Anomalieen bei der accidentellen Doppel- brecbung. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., .50, 1898 (Natiirv.), 1-31. Ambronn, H[ermann], & Held, Hans. Beitrage zur Kinntniss des Nervenmarks. [1. Ueber Entwickelung und Bedeutung des Nervenmarks. II. Ueber Beobachtungen an lebenden und friscben Nervenfasern und die Sicht- barkoit ihrer doppelten Contourirung.] [1895-96.] Arch. Anat. Physiol, (.inal. .Ihili.), 1896, 202-221 ; Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 47, 1895, 38-51 [Part I 0)1 III]. Ambronn, H[ermann'], & I>e Blanc, 3/o.r [Julius Lomn]. Einige Beitrage zur Kenntnis der isomorphen Miseh- krystalle. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 46, 1894, 17.3- 184. 2. Einige Beitriige zur Kenntnis isomorpher Misch- krvstalle. [ZweiteMitteilung.] Ztsehr. Physikal. Chem., 22, 1897, 121-131. Ambronn, II[ermann], & Zslgmondy, Richard [.idol/]. Ueber Pleochroismus doppelbiechender Gelatine nach Fiirbung mit Gold- und Silberlosungeu. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 51, 1899 {.Xatunr.}, 13-15. AmbronnI 83 [Ambiihl Ambronn, {h'rifdiirh Aiii,,it\ I.eojmht. 2. [FortBoliritto in iie vormittclst des Fraunhofer'schen Helio- meters der Sternwarte zu Giittingen. GTittingen .\l)h., 39, 1894 (Miith.-Pliys.), 58 pp.; Gottingen Sternw. Aatr. Mitth., 3, 1894, 58 pp. 15. [Heobachtung des Cometen 1895. ..(Brooks Nov. 21).] Auf der Sternwarte in Gottingen. Astr. Nachr., 139,1896, 113-144. 16. [liicibiiclitungen des Coraeten 189f>...(Perrine- Lamp). Auf der Sternwarte in Gottingen. ] Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 381-.382 ; 140, 1896, 4.5-4(), O.'j-OC). 17. Beobachtungen des Cometen 189t)... (Swift April 13). Am 0 z. Merz'schen Cometenaueher der Stern- warte in Giittingen. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 20.5-20G, 237-238. 18. Beobaclitung des Cometen 189.') IV am grossen Heliometer der Sternwarte in Gottingen. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 2r.l-2.52. 19. Measungen des Lowenbogens zum Zwecke der Untersnchung systeraatischer Fehler bei Heliometer- mcasungen. Astr. Nachr.. 145, 1898. 49-72. ao. [Beobachtung doa Cometen Coddington-Pauly.] Auf der Sternwarte in Giittingen. Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 357-358. 21. Kurze Mittheihing iiber die Resultate einer Tri- angulation der dem niirdlichen Himmelspole nahen Gestirue. Astr. Nachr., 14l>, 1898. 301-366. 33. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1898. ..(Brooks Oct. 20| am grossen 6 ziill. Cometensucher von Mkhz der Sternwarte in Gottingen. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 221- 222. 33. Measungen des Sonnendurchmessera fiir diejenige Stelle des Handea, an welcher die ausgedohnte Flecken- gruppe von .\nfang September 1898 verachwand. Aatr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 323-326. 34. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1899 a (Swift).] km 6 zoll. Cometensucher der Sternwarte in Gottingen. Astr. Nachr., 149. 1899, 29-30. 36. Beobachtuu); der tuttilen Mondtinsterniss 1898 Dec. 27. Astr. Nachr., 149. 1899, 297-302. 36. Beobachtungen deH (.'ometen 1899 I auf der Steniwartc zu Giittingen. Aetr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 9- 12. 37. Beobachtung der Leoniden 1899. Anlr. Nachr., l.-.l. 1900, 20.';-200. 38. L'eber die Beatimmung des VenusdarchmesBers. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 351-354. Ajnbrome, I Iter.) .hihii. For bioi/raphical notice $te N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. en und Gesund- heit des Menschen. [1899.] St. Gallen, Ber., 1897-98, 366-396. 8. Ueber die Herstellung von Kochgeschirren aus Lavez-Stein am Siidrande der Alpen. [1900.] St. Gallen. Ber.. 1898-99. 240-2.51. 9. Ein neuer.\pparat zar Aether-Destillation. Chem. Ztg., 24. 1900. HA. 10. Zur Frago der Uebereinstimmung der gewichts- analvtiseh ermitlelten mit der berechneten Milchtrocken- substanz. Chem. Ztg., 21. 1900, 871-872. 11-^2 Amburger] 84 [American Society of Civil Engineers Amburger, G[ust■(/. 2, Re/.), 170-173. 16. Informe sobre el Museo Antropologico y Paleonto- logico de la Universidad Nacional de C6rdoba durante el afio 1885. C6rdoba Ac. Bol., 8, 1885, 347-360. 17. Oracanthus y Coslodon, g^neros distintos de una niisma familia. Cordoba Ac. Bol., 8, 1885, 394-398 ; Berhn Ak. Sber., 1886, 463-466. 18. Contribuciones al conocimiento de los mamiferos f6siles de los terrenos Terciarios antiguos del Parana. C6rdoba Ac. Bol., 9, 1886, 5-228. 19. Una rapida ojeada a la evolucion filogenetica de los mamiferos. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 10, 1889, 163-174. 20. Sur les niamniiKres fossiles de la R^publique Argentine. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1889, 280. 21. Los Plagiaulacideos argentincs y sus relaeiones zool6gicas, geolbgieas y geograticas. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 11, 1890, 143-201. 22. R^pliques aux critiques du Dr. Bcrmeister sur quelques genres de mammift^'res fossiles de la Republique Argentine. Cordoba Ac. Bol., 12, 1890, 437-469. 23. Nouvelles explorations des gites fossiliferes de la Patagonie australe. Rev. Sci., 46, 1890, 506-507. 24. Enumeration synoptique des esp^oes de mammi- feres fossiles des formations Eocenes de Patagonie. C6rdoba Ac. Bol., 13, 1892, 259-452. 25. Contribucion al conocimiento de los mamiferos fosiles de la Republica Argentina. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (lid. 1, Re/.}, 564-567. 26. [Sur revolution des molaires et prijmolaires chez les Primates et en particulier chez I'homme.] Anthrop. (Paris), 4, 1893, 382-383. 27,. Maiumiferes fossiles dans les couches de Laramie, aux Etats-Unis, et dans les couches Eoctees de la Pata- gonie australe. Paris, Soc. Gi5ol. Bull., 21, 1893, Ixviii- Ixxi. 28. Les mammiferes fossiles de la Patagonie australe. Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 13-17. 20. Nouvelles d^couvertes paleontologiques dans la Patagonie australe. Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 731. 30. Sur revolution des dents des mammiferes. Cordolia Ac. Bol., 14, 1894, 381-517. 31. Sur les oiseaux fossiles de Patagonie et la faune maninialogique des couches a Pyrotlierinm. |1895.] Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 15, 1894, 501-600. 32. Notas sobre cucstioues de geologia y paleonto- logla argentinas. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 17, 1896, H7- 119 ; Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 4-20. 33. Manunifcres Cretaces de I'Argentine. Deuxieme contribution a la connaissance de la tiuine niammiilogiquo des couches i, Pyrotherium. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 18, [1897, 117 pp.]. 34. Sur I'Arrhinolemur, genre du Tertiaire de Parana, representant un tvpe nouveau de la classe des mammi- feres. Paris, Ac."Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 395-396. 35. Sur revolution des dents des mammiferes. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898. 497^99. 36. L'age des couches fossiliferes de Patagonie ; nouvelles deoouvertes de mammiferes fossiles. Eev. Sci., 10, 1898, 72-74. 37. Nota preliminar sobre el Loncasaurus argentinus, un representante de la familia de los Megalosaurida; en la Kepublica Argentina. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 47, 1899, 61-62. 38. Los Arrhinolemuroidea, un nuevo orden di mamiferos extinguidos. [18119.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 146-151 ; Nature, 61 (1899- 1900), 372. 39. On the primitive type of the plexodout molars of mammals. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 555-571. 40. Notices preiiminaires sur des onguies nouveaux des terrains Cretaces de Patagonie. [1901.] Cordoba Ac. Bol.. 16, 1899, 349-426. 41. Presencia de mamiferos diprotodontes en los dep6sitos Terciarios del Parana. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 49, 1900, 235-240. 42. L'age des formations sedimentaires de Patagonie. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 50, 1900, 109-130, 145-165, 209-229. 43. Mamiferos del Cretaceo inferior de Patagonia. (Formacion de las areniscas abigarradas.) [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 197-206; Nature, 62 (1900), 274. Amelang, Gustav. Zur Biologie von Asteroscopus uube- culosus, Esp. Ent. Nachr., 12, 1886, 41-44. 2. Sesia spheciformis. Biologisches. Ent. Nachr., 13, 1887, 193-198. 3. Die Schmetterhngsfauna der Mosigkauer (Des- sauer) Haide. [1888.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 31, 1887, 243-286. Amelung, Ericli. Ueber mittlere Zellengrossen. Flora, 77, 1893, 176-207. 2. Ueber Etiolement. Flora, 78, 1894, 204-210. Amelung, ./[»/]. 2. Die Bewegung des Mondes um die Sonne. [1887.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 334-335. Am Ende. Set' Ende. Ament, Wilhehii. Ueber das Verhiiltniss der ebenmerk- lichen zu den iibermerklichen Untersehieden bei Licht- und Schallintensitiiten. Phil. Stud., 16, 1900, 135-196. Amerano, (Valihi) . La caverne Delle Fate (Ligurie). Congr. Int. Anthrop. G. R., 1889, 173-182. American Association, Committee of Botanical Club. List of Pteridophyta and Spermatopliyta growing without cultivation in north-eastern North America. Torrey Bot. Club Mem.. 5. 1893-94, 377 pp. American Association, Committee on Standards of Stellar Ma()uitiiile.'i. [Fnst — fourth reports.] Amer. Ass. Proc, 1881, 1-3; 1884, 29-30; 1886, 23-31; 1886, 26. American Association, Cotnmittee on a Uniform Method of statini] tlie Results of the Analysis of Mineral and Potable M'aters. [Report.] Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 143-144. American Chemical Society, Committee on Nomenclature and Notation. Rejiurt. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 8, 1886, 116-118. American Ornithologists' Vnion, Committee. Second I — ninth sup)ilements] to the .\nierican Ornithologists' Union check-list of North American birds. Auk, 7, 1890, 60-66; 8, 1891, 83-90; 9, 1892. 105-108; 10, 1893, 59-63; 11, 1894, 4»)-51, 359; 12, 1896, 163-169; 14, 1897, 117-13,5, 25S; 16. 1899, 97-1:13. American Society of Civil Engineers, Committee on the Ciaiijiressire Slreniilh of Ci'iiienls ami the Compression of American Society of Civil Engineers | 8r» LAmi Mortam and Settlement of Mumnry. Reports of progrenK. Amor. Soc. Civ. Knt-in. Trans., I.'i, 1886, 717-732; 17, 1887, 2i:!-'J17; IH, 1888, 'ilU-'JHil. American Society of Civil Engineers, Ciimmittee on the Proper Itclntion to each other of the Hextioni of ftnilwuij Wheeh iiiiil lliiiln. Hepoits. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. TiiiiiH., l!l, 1888, 1 .'il; 21, 1889. 22.t :f02. American Society of Civil Engineers, Committee on Siiiiiiliuil Iliiil SeriiiiiiH. I''iiiiil ri'port. Amer. Soc. Civ. Kiiniii. Trans., 2M, 1893, 12')-! tl. American Society of Civil Engineers, Committee on a Vnifuriii Sijstem for Tests of Cenieiil. Report. Amer. Soc. Civ. KiiK'in. Trans., It, 1886, •17-') IH.^. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Committee nil II Sliiiiiliint Melliiiil of Stnini-huiler Trials. Report. Vim N.istniiurs ICngin. .Slft(,'., 32, 1885, 211-222, 80H-32H. Amerlo, Allessniiilrol. Sulla ri/siHti/nzii ik-llf Holuzioni siUiue in movinieuto. Nuovo Cimeuto, 10, 1899, 27G- 278. 2. Se i raggi del Rontokn favoriscimo il ralTredda- nii'ntd di un corpo. Nuovo Cimcnto, 10, 1899, 300-372. Amerllnck, . [Le cliniat du Katanga.] [1893.] Ciel ct Tcrre, 14 (1893-94), 10.5-167. Amerllng, Carl. 27. 'I'liysiokratische Bemerkungen iilier Kxeursionen urn Prag im .Jahrc 1808. Lotos, 19, 1869, 10-13, 75-79, 107-109. Amerman, (leorrie I.\orelfss]. it Ctaittenden, R[us»ell] H[iiiry\. S,e Chittenden \' Amerman, Amery, C. F. Tlic function of nitrogen in manures. Science, 10, 1887, 34-35. 2. Instinct. Science, 20, 1892, 300-302. 3. Professor L.\NciLEV on the internal work of the wind. Science, 23, 1894, 40-47. Amery, y '. /''..S. 3. Third[ — sixth, and eleventh — sixteenth reports] (second .series) of the committee to collect and tabulate observations on the climate of Devon... Devon Ass. Trans., 10, 1884, 183-18S, |M42]; 17, 1886, 187- 192; 18, 1886, 142-140; 19, 1887, 102-100; 25, 1893, 212-217; 20, 1894, 73-78; 27, 1896, 75-80. Ames, C. //. .\ brilliant meteor. Science, 8, 1886, 108. 2. Sharks in fresh water. Science, 22, 1893, 111. 3. .\ brilliant meteor. Science, 23, 1894, 52. JUmet, rloseph .Sireetiiuiii. The concave grating in theory and practice. [1889.] .Tohna Hopkins Univ. Circ, 8 (1888-89), 09-73; Phil. Mag., 27, 1889, 309-384; Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 28-42. 2. On relations between the lines of various spectra, with special reference to those of cadmium and zinc, and a redetermination of their wave-lengths. Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 33-48. 3. On some gaseous spectra: hydrogen, nitrogen. Pliil. Mag., 30, 1890, 48-58. 4. On homologous spectra. Phil. Mag., 32, 1891, 319-320. 5. On the probable spectrum of sulphur. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, .50-51. 6. Some recent advances in spectrum analysis. Science, 5, 1897, 310. 7. Apparatus and plans for operation at the total solar eclipse. May 28tli, 1900. [1900. J Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [19 (1899-190011, 00-01. Ames,. '«,si7)/i.S'«V((m«H,vV Humphreys, n'[i7/iViiH],/[((cA*on]. On the spectra of heavy and liglil helium. Astrophys. Jl., 5, 1897, 97-98. 2. .\ note on the effect of pressure upon the series in the spectrum of an element. [1897.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [10 (1896-971], 41-42. Ames, J(i.<('p/i .SiriiriiKiH, Earhart, Ii[obert] F., & Be«s«, Herbert M[ereilith]. Notes on the Zeeman effect. Astro- phys. Jl., 8, 1898, 48-50; Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [17 (1897-98)]. 53. Ames, (hikes. .\n easy method of propagating Drosera tilifurmia. Rhodora, 1, 1899. 172. Ameseder, Adolf. For biographical notice tee Mhcfte. .Math. I'hys., 2, 1891. 479. 22. Das allgeineinc niundichc Nullsystcm zweitcn Grades. Crclle, Jl. -Math., 97, 1884, 02-92. 23. Konstrukce teeen asteroidy. [Construction der Astroidentangentt!.] Ousopis, 14, 1886, 40; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 713. 24. IJeber Configurationcn und Polygons auf biquad- ratischen Curvcn. Wien, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 {Ahth. 2), 3.57-379. 25. Zur AuUosung der Glcichungen vierten and fiinften Gnides durch Hewegungsmcthanismen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 {Abth. 2), 380-385. 26. Zur Theoric der Thetocharacteristiken. Wien, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 (Ahth. 2), C18-C22. 27. Ueber die linearen Transfurmationcn des tctrae- ilralen Complexes in sich. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 2a), 627-035. 2a. Theorie der cyklischen Projectivitiiten. [1H89.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 {Abth. 2rt of the GeoIoKical Branch for the Beasou of 1887. [1888.] Ottawa Natlist., 1, 1887, 172-173. Amice |/'»fui'. |. The stpani cn(rine indicator. [1884~H7.] Electrician, II, 1886, 6-7, 27-28, 4(>-l7, 8()-88, UC-1 17; 15, 1886, 9-11, H07-3f)9; 1(1, 1886. 11-12, 2(>-27, 47-l!t, 67-(i9, lOs-lOil, 120-127, 22r,-227, 272-27^; 17, 1886, 12-13, 0(M;8, 129-131; 18, 1887, 324-326. Amid, Gioi'aniti linttistn. 43. [Description of his microscope.] [7'r.] {I'o»lliS\ Micr. Soc. Jl., 1900, 627-630. Jiinici,Nirola. Kisohizionedellacongnicnza «•" = ?< (mod 2''). Palerjno Circ. Miit. Kend., 8. 1894, 187-201. 2. Sulla risoluzione delliicongrnenza j-''^ = fc(mod|)*). [I89ti. I Palermo Circ. Mat. Kend., 11, 1897, 4:1-57. Amlds, K[nric(t] de. Una niiova diniontrazione del teorema fondanientale dclla teoria delle frazioni continue. Giom. Mat., 30. 1892, 217-220. 3. Dipeudenza fra alcune proprieta notevoli delle relazioni fra cnti di un medesimo sistema. Kiv. Mat., 2, 1892, 113-127. 3. Suir incommensurability, secondo il Prof. I>. Gambioli, e 8U certi libri di te.sto. Riv. Mat., -5, 1896, 110-121. Axnlcla, Giovanni Augusto de. L' Amphistegina del calcare lenticolare di Parlascio. [188.5.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Prof. Verb.), i. 1883-86, 222-226. 3. II calcare ad Amphistegina nella provincia di Pisa, ed i suoi fossili. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 7, 1886, 200-248. 3. Ellipsactinie nei dintorni di Salerno. [1889.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 0, 1887-89, 196. 4. Altri calcari ad EUipsactinifB neUa provincia di Salerno. [1889.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 6, 1887-89. 238-239. 5. Strumenti litici nel Salernitano. [1889.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti l/Vdc. Verb.), 6, 1887-89, 239-240. 6. (Sul rinvenimento di re-sti fossili spettanti a Mammiferi terrestri nei conplomerati e nelle sabie gialle del Pliocene Superiore nella regione detta Val di Berti presso Cortiglione.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 11, 1892, 29-30. 7. Coutribuzione alia conoscenza dei Foraniiniferi Pliocenici. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 12, 1893, 293-478. 8. La fauna a Foraminiferi del Pliocene Inferiore di Bonforuello presso Termini-Imerese (Sicilia). (Nota preventiva.) |1894.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Ferfc.), 9, 1894-96, 117-119. 9. O.sserN'azioni critiche sopra talune Tinoporinai fossili. [1894.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 9, 1894-96, 136-141. 10. AstrorhizidtB e Ramulinina! fossili del Pliocene Inf.riore italiano. [1895.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 13, 1894. 106-110. 11. I Foraniiniferi del Pliocene Inferiore di Boafor- nello presso Termini-Imerese (Sicilis). Nat. Sicil., 14, 1896. 51-74, 91-127. 13. Sopra alcune forme nuove di Foraminiferi del Pliocene Inferiore. Pisa Soc. Tosc. .\tti (.I/cm.), 14. 1896, 18-31. Amlcls, Tomiuaso de. Four recent cases of mycosis fungoides of Alibert, with an examination as regards the existence of parasites. Int. Med. Congr. Traus., 1887 (Vol. 4), 275-292. 3. Psorospermose cntanee vegetante. Ann. de Der- matol., 3, 1892, 1036-1037. Amlco, (ciimm.) A"[r7i<'Siinrd Pierre Marie]. 11. Sur one serie analogue a celle de Laokangk. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 99, 1884, 1149-1151. 12. Sur les surfaces applicables. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, .564-566. 13. Theor^mes .«ur les surfaces ganches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 104, 1887, 1092-1094. 14. Equation generale des surfaces reglees dont la ligne de striction satisfait a certaines conditions. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 77-82. 15. Demonstration purement algebriqne du tbeoreme fondamental de la tbeorie des (Equations. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 112, 1891, 212-214. 16. La theorie des ensembles et les nombres incom- mensurables. Marseille Fac. Sci. Ann., 2. [1892]. ;i3-42. 17. Thiorime sur les foyers dime courbe quelcouque. Nouv. Ann. Math., 11, 1892. 163-167. 18. Note sur un problcme d'algibre. Nouv. Ann. Math., 11, 1892, 245-249. 18. Le reste de la s(5rie de Tatoor. Nouv. Ann. Math., 12, 1893, 88-92. 30. Application du calcnl des rdsidus. Nouv. .Ann. Math., 12, 1893, 142-148. 31. Generalisation de la serie de Lagkasgk. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 368-370, 429. 23. Intersection de deux coniques. Nouv. .\nn. Math., 13, 1894, 81-91. 23. Sur les surfaces gauches dont une m^me courbe plane est a la fois lipue de striction et ligne de courbure. Nouv. Ann. Math., 14. 1896. 491-494. Amlot, [Henrj]. 'Bassin houiller de Langeac. France Giles Min. Etudes (Brioude, Brassac et Langeac), 1881, 287-317. Amiradzlbi, S.. & Onlevlc, I7[adimir] S[frgieric]. See aolevlc it Amlradiibl. Amltin, .Sitriih. I'eber den Tonus der Blutgefasse bei Kniwirkung der Witrme und der Eiilte. Ztschr. Biol., 3o, 1897, 13-42. Amm, .inton. Untersuchungen iiber die intramolekulare .\thmung der Pflanzen. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 25, 1893, 1-38. Ammelbnrg, Alfred. Ueber die aj-a^-Amidoacetnaph- t.iHdmonosulfosiiure des Patents Nr. 66.354. .11. Prakt. C lieni.. !S. 1893. 2>», fc-gouali, di specie s. Napoli, Rend., 37, 1898, 433-438. 20. Curve fc-gonali di s«»>"i" specie. [1898.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 9, 1899, No. 4, 21 pp. 21, Curve di gonalitil A' eon punti fissi nella (/i-l)"'""" serie canonica e rappresentazioni normali plane delle curve trigonali. Napoli, Rend., 39, 1900, 174-191. Amodeol 89 lAmstein 32. Contributo alia detcrminazione delle Bovrnb- bniidanzc doi sistomi ili curve nfRiiintc alle curvo iilncljiioho. Niipoli, UoMil., :i!), 1900. •i21-2:j2. 23. CouiljCK normftk'H trinuimlcH ilii plan. I'lirU, Ac. Sci. C. U., I.IO, 1900, 1744-1745; 131, 1900, 400. Amoore, Jnliii S. 3. '(On tlip forms iif U'ctli and (loiilal iipiianitii.s of tjji! Mi>lliinca.| [1Hh:<.] Urit. .11. Dental Sfi., 27, 1884, 11 4:i, 89-lM. Amore, /,| »////| (/'. Siill' a/.ionc liinlouica dell' apociiiina. Connr. Med. Int. .\tti, 1894 {Vol. 3, Fanmical.), 04-71. 2. Grindelia robiista. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (r..;. 3, Fiinnaml). lOS-114. Axnore, /.(k/i/i'I ' TTghettl (V; Amore-Bonelll. Amoretti, P., A' Flleti, MIchrlr. .SV<' Fileti A Amoretti. Amoroso, .\icohi. 2. Snl dia^ranima dei iiiassiini momenti inHettenti nel caso d' una trave siluata su due appoggi e porcorsa da un sistema di eariclii mobili. Napoli 1st. Incoran. Atti, 4, 1891, .Vo. 1, 26 pp. Amort, Klmil], it PartheU, All'mt. See Farttaell A Amort. Amort, l:[mil]. PartheU, .4lir,fl. .V Oronover, .llUierl]. .s.f Partheil, Amort A Oronover. Amory, . I H((rfir. Ahnnoutli list of marine Alpe. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist.. |10J, 1885, 5.39; [llj, 1887, 267-268; [12], 1890, 113-114. 2. Diamond-backed moths and ichneumon flies. Berwick. Nat. Club Hi?t.. [13], 1892, 385. Amos, ir. ,S'., A- aayre, L[nriiix] /.[/wier]. Examination of Snlauum rostratum. j^lH'.ll.J Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 13, 1893, 21-23. Ampere, .iiidri' Slarie. To biographical references {Vols. 7 & 12) odd Ann. Telogr., 16, 1889, 84-92. 65. Lcttres a Daw sur le tluor. [Posth.] Ann. Chim., 4. 1885, 5-13. Ampferer, Otto, A Hammer, ll'illielm. Geologische lUsobreibung des siiiUichen Theiles des Karwendelge- birges. Wion, (ieol. .Ibuch., 48. 1899, •Ji^'.l-374. Amphlett, l-:[dward] G[riiiiliill]. A Armstrong, llfunj £[diriird]. Isomeric change in the naphthalene series. No. 2. /3-Ethoxynaphtlialenesulphonic acids. Chem. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 144. Ampola, (;[fi.-7ni)v]. Sopra un composto dell' acidopicrico con I'anotol. Uoma. R. .\cc. I/incei Hend. 3. 1894 (t^fm. 1), 338-339; Gazz. Chim. Ital.. 21 (1894. Pt. 1), 432-433. Ampola, ij[asfare], A Carllnfanti, A[»ii7ii)J. Hicerche sul comportamcnto della nitrobenzina come solvente ncllc rieerche crioscopiche. Roma, K. Aco. Lincei Rend., 4, 189B (ScHi. 2), 289-294; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 2), 76-91. Ampola, G[ri,«/i,ircl. A Oaxino, E[Uo]. Sulla denitrifica- zione. Roma. R. .\cc. Lincei Itend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 346-351, 373-375 : 6, 1897 (.S'.hi. 1), 1'20-122 ; Centrbl. R, S. A. C. Bakt. {Aht. 2), 2, 1896, 670-676; 3, 1897, 309-310; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, Pt. 2|, 197-'20«. Ampola, <',[aiii)arf\, A Mannelll, QamiHo]. II bromo- fr>rinio in crioscopia. Uoma, R. Ace. Lincei IU;nd., 4, 1896 {Sent. 1), 3R2-3A7 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (189B. Pi. 2i, 91-101. Ampola, (:\aajHiTe], & Oddo, G[iiueppt]. See OddO A Ampola. Ampola, (l\aiipare], & Fat«m6, Enumuele. Ser Fatcm6 A Ampola. Ampola, (i[aiii>are], A Becchl, l'[incen2o]. Azione delle ammine e delle ammidi siilI' acenaftenchinone. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei R.'nd., 8. 1899 {.Sem. 1), '209-218. Ampola, (![aspare]. A Blmatozl, Carlo. La dimetilaniliiia ill triiiBcopia. Roma. R. .\cc. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 1), 264-269; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, Pt. 1), 51-68. 2. L' ossalato di metile in crioscopia. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei lltnd., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 404-407. 3. L' anilina in crioscopia. [1896.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., -27 (1897, Pt. 1), 3.5-51. 4. Sul comportamento crioscnpico deli' ortonitrofenol. itoi..,., ;;. .'.c Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 {Sem. 2), 31-33. Ampola, ^-4aj]l, t\elAo]. Sulla denitrifica- zione. [1898] Roma, U. Auc Linc<'i Mem., 2, 1896, 474-494 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 (1*98, Pi. 1). 110-438. 2. Sull' azione riduttrice dei batten denurihcanti. C.-.v/./.. Chim. Ital., '29 (1899. /'(. 1), 49-72. Amruscb, Emit. Ueber eine Zoogloea-Form der Tuberkcl- Organismen. Med. .Jbiicb., 1, 1886, 291-298. Amsel, Ilufin [Felix f'incent]. Zur Untersuchung von Leinol und Leiniilfimissen. Ztschr. .\ngew. Chem., 1896, 73-78, 26'2-2e4. 2. Zur Kenutniss harzsaurer Mctalloxyde. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 4'29-433. 3. Zur Untersuchang von Chromgelb und Chromroth. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 613-618. 4. Ueber ungekochte Leindlfirnisse. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 690-693, 870. 5. Ueber feste und fliissige Siccative. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1897, 303-306, 344-347. 6. Zur Untersuchung von Leinol. Ztschr. Angew. Chen... 1897, 369-370. Amsel, lluiio [Felix Vincent], & Hofmann, .{[uriiml] ll'[///ie/m| von. Ueber ein amidirtes Benzvlamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1284-1290. ' Amsler, . La flore interglaciaire de Pianico. [Materiel recolte par .17. J. Frikiii,.\knpeb fils, de Berlin.] Arch. Sci. Pliys. Nat., 10, 1900, .587-589. Amsler, .i If red. 2. On the uses of J. Amsler-Lxfkon's integrator in naval architecture. Naval Architects Trans., 25, 1884, 189-205. 3. Instrument pour mesurcr la vitesse de rotation. .Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 32. 1894, '291-295. 4. The utilisation of the .SchafThausen water power. [inthdiscu.ision.] Inst. Elect. Engiu.Jl, '29, 1900. 175-191. Amsler-IiOffon, J[acob]. 11. Neuere Planimcter-Con- struetioiien. Ztschr. Instrumcntenk., 4, 1884, 11-24. 12. [L'emploi de disqucs tournants a des mesures de precision.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28. 1892, .36'2-363. 13. Un niveau a pression d'air. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat.. ,311, 1893, 34.5-348. 14. La coloration des Alpes an coucher du soleil. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 32, 1894. 278-280. 15. Ueber das .\lpcngluben. Zurich Vrtljschr., 39, 1894, 221-237; 40, 1896, 386-400. 16. Besprechuug einiger hydrologischer Fragen. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh., 1896. 198-202. 17. llm bojningsforsok. [Tr.] Jem-Kontorets Ann., 52. 1898, 1-16. Amstoln, [Hfinrich] H[rrnMnn]. 6. Note sur la resolu- tion numerique des equations. [1884.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., -20. 1886. 201-21'2. 12 Amstein] 90 [Ancey 7. Notice sur iin theoreme relatif aux podaires d'un certain systeme dc cnni(|ues. [1886.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 22, 1887, 87-95. 8. Fonctions abclienncB du Rpnre 3. f]888M)0.] Lau.sanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 24, 1889, 99-172; 2.5, 1890, 13,S-165. 9. Note sur les epicycloYdes et les hypocycloides, envisagees au point de vue de la representation couformc. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 28, 1892, 67-84. 10. Sur le loRaritlime-inti^Kral. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1895, 203-226; 36, 1900, 1-15. 11. Note sur les solutions singulieres d'une equation diffcrentielle ordinaire du premier ordre. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 33, 1897, 22-29. Am Stein, Johann Gcorr/. Sec Stein. Amttaor, Carl. 7. Ueber die Phospliorsiiure im Wein. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 4, 1884, 87-88. 8. Ein Beitrag zur Gescliiclite der forensi.schen Oenochemie. Kepertm. Anal. Chem., 4, 1884, 114-116. 9. Analysen 1883er Elsass-Lothringsclier Naturweine. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 4, 1884, 296. 10. BeitraR zur Kenntnis des Honigs. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 4, 1884, 361-362. 11. Nouveau proc6dc poui consiater la presence du caramel dans un liquids. .11. Pharm., 11, 1885, .560—562. 12. Einiges iiher die Zusammensetzung der Weine vor uid nach dam Entsauren. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 5, 1885, 19. 13. Ueber rechtsdrehenden Naturhonig. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Honigs. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 5, 1885, 163-166. 14. Ueber das Nuclein der Weinkerne. Reil'estudien an Weinkcrneu. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 9,1885, 138-144. 15. Zur (ilycerinbestimmung im Wein. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 155-1.56. 16. Studien iiher reine Hefen. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 12, 1888, 64-71. 17. Ueber den Saecharomyces apiculatus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 12, 1888, 558-564. 18. Ueber Weinhefen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 5-6. 19. Ueber Hefeweine und den Ammoniak-Gehalt in Most und Wein. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 27-29. 20. Ueber den Saecharomyces apiculatus. Chem. Ztg., 15, 1891, 670-671. 21. Ueber Pferdefett. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 443. 22. Ueber die Ursachen der Eanzigkeit der Butter. Fresenius, Ztschr., 38, 1899, 10-20. Amthor, Carl, & Miiller, Gnxtav. Ueber Terpenylsiiuro und deren trockne Destination. Jl. Prakt. Chein. 42 1890, 38,5-399. Amthor, Carl, & Stem, Jacob. Analysen zweier rechts- drehender Naturhonige. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889 575-576. Amthor, Carl, & Zink, Julius. Beitrag zur Chemie der Thierfette. Fresenius, Ztschr., 36, 1897, 1-17. Amundsen, Edward. A journey through south-west Sechuan. Geogr. Jl., 15, 1900, 620-625; 16, 1900, 531- 537. Amwandter, Carlos. *Estacion de Valdivia. Observa- ciones meteorolojicas. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An. 33, 1869, 61-69. Amyot, Tlinmas Edward. For biographical notice .si'i; Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 6, 1899, 124. 2. Direct vision microscopes. Micr. Soc. .11. 5 1885, 1056-1057. 3. Winfarthing oak. [1895.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soo. Trans., 6, 1899, 113. Anagnostakis, .■i[vdreas]. For biographical notice and works *■('<■ Ann. d'Oculist., 117, 1897, 400, 401-408. La mrthode antiseptique chez les anciens. Ann. d'Ofulist., 101, 1889, 2(;6-273. Anaatasin, Victor. Note preliniinaire sur la constitution geologique de la Dobrogea. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 595-601. 2. Le Trias de la Dobrogea. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 890-893. 3. Sur le Cretace de la Dobrogea. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 192-194. Anca, Eranccsco (baronc di Mangalavite). For biography and works sec Nat. Siei!., 6, 1887, 94-102. Ancarani. Sec Guzzoni degli Ancarani. Anceaux, Emile. Sur les quatre grosses planfctes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 199-200. Ancel, Ch\urlcs Hcne]. Des microbes ct de I'humus. [1890.] Metz Ac. Mem., 71, 1893, 159-164. Ancel, P[aul]. Documents recueillis a la salle de dissection de la Faculte de Medecine de Nancy (semestre d'hiver 1899-1900). Bibliogr. Anat., 8, 1900, 43-52. 2. Recherches sur le developpement des glandes cutanees de la salamandre terrestre. (S'otc jtreliminairc.) Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. 7?.), 959-961. 3. A propos de I'origine des glandes cutanees de la salamandre. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), iU.3:r-.v)60. Ancessy, J. *[NoteB meteorologiques faites a] Nedroma (prov. d'Oran). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 9, 1876, Ft. 2, 46, 77, 109. 143, 176, 207, 237. Ancey, Clesar} F[elix]. 36. Contribution a la faune malacologiijue indo-thibctaine. [1884.] Ann. Malacol., 1, 1870-84, 381-397. 37. Mollusques ineditsdu systeme europeen. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 1, 1884, 157-172. 38. Etudes sur quelques Mollusques terrestres inedits ou mal connus. Nat. Sicil., 3, 1884, 344-346. 39. Description d'un Chelonarium nouveau. [1884.] Naturaliste, [2, 1882-84,] 463. 40. Description de deux espcces nouvelles d'H(51ix du Thibet. [1884.] Naturaliste, [2, 1882-84,] 485. 41. Sur les divisions proposees dans le genre Strep- taxis. [1884.] Naturaliste, [2, 1882-84,] 508. 42. Nouvelles contributions mal.acologiques. [I. Sur divers Mollusques de I'Empire Chinois. II. Sur dif- ferentes especes africaines. III. Considerations sur le genre Opisthostoma et les Diplommatinacees. IV. Auriculaeees d'Aden (Arabic). V. Descriptions de Clausilida; exotiques nouvelles. VI. Etudes sur la faune malacologique des iles Galapagos. VII. Note sur I'etat jeune de certains Ennea. VIII. Mollusques nouveaux de I'extreme Orient. IX. Catalogue raisounb des Mollusques neo-caledoniens publics ju.squ'a ce jour, et compris par les auteurs dans les genres Hyalinia, Helix, Diplomphalus, etc. X. Mollusques terrestx'es de I'arcbipel Sanghir (Malaisie).] France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 2, 1885, 113-1.56; 4, 1887, 273-299; 5, 1888, 341- 376; 7, 1890, 14.5-163. 43. Observations sur les Buliraes des iles Galapagos. [1885.] Naturahste, [3, 1885-87,] 63-64. 44. Diagnose du sous-genre Oehroderma (Mollusques). [1885.] Naturaliste, [3, 1885-87,] 93. 45. Une excursion malacologique sur le versant atlantique du Honduras. [1886.] Ann. Malacol., 2, 1884-86, 237-260. 46. Diagnoses of a few subgenera in Holicida'. [1886-87.] Conchologists' Exchange, 1, 1886-87, 20, 53-54, 64, 7.5-76; 2, 1887-88. 22-23, 38-39. 47. E.ssai monographique sur les Buliminus de I'Asie centralc russe et de rAfghanistan. France Soc. Malacul. Bull., 3, 1886, 15-64, 329-339. 48. Colcopteres d'Afrique. [1886.] Naturaliste, [3, 1885-87,] 224. 49. Description d'un nouveau genre d'Heliceens. [1886.] Naturaliste, [3, 1885-87,] 231-232. 60. Diagnoses de quilques espices de Buliminus de I'Asie centralc russe. [18s0.] Naturaliste, [3,1886-87.] 270. AnceyJ 1)1 [Ancoua 61. Deflcription il'uu nouvean MollaHijue melaooine afriiuin. [iMHIj.] NatiiraliBto, (3, 1886-87.) 285. 62. Noto sur certaines m ctions du K''''"-" I'li.VHa i^t iliviTsi's foriiicB lie ce genre. [IMMO.) Naturaliiitp, (3, 1885 87, 1 .■).')7-3.')«. 63. A eatiilogue of tlie Bulimini found in Central Asia. [1887.] Conchologists' Exclmnge, •>, 1887-88, 5-(i. 64. On the generic name nf a remarkable bivalve Hhell fi.un.l in tlio Congo. [1887.] ConchologistH' Ex- change, 2, 1887-88, 22. 66. Hescription of North American xhells. [1x67.] Ciinehologists' Exchange, 2, 1887-88, IJ3-64, 7'.t-80. 66. Hur la faiine terreBtre ct tluviatilc du Mozambiiiic Hcptentrional. Naturaliste, U, 1887, 79-80. 67. .Sur I'Helix plectotropia, Marleiu, el ses variationH. Naturaliste, !), 1887, 1G7. 68. Etude monographi(|ue sur le genre Pyrgnlopsis. France Soc. Mahicol. Bull., 3, 1888, 18-5-202. 60. Mollusques du Haut-Tciukin (recoltes de .V. Vir i.Ki.MiY). Naturali.ste, 10, 1888, 70-72, 83-84, Vi-'JS. 60. Note snr les Bulimes frauf-ais. Naturaliste, 10, 1888, 120-121. 81. Descriptions deMollusquesterrcBtres. Naturaliste, 10, 1888,, 188-190, 200-201, 215-210. 83. ICtude Kur la I'aune malacologique des iles Sand- wich. France S,ic. .Malacol. Bull., 6, 1889. 171-258. 63. Mollusques terreatres nouveaux d'Oceanie. Naturali.ste, 11, 1889, 19, .50, 71-72. 84, 118, I'.lO, 203, 246, 206, 290- 2111 ; 12, 1890, 11-12, 26, 95, 21G-217. 64. On Mr. Pii.snuv's critics [>ic] upon some American shells. [188'J.] Nautilus. 3. 1889-90, 39-42. 66. MoUusques nouveaux de I'archipel d'Hawai, de Madagascar et de I'Afrique equatoriale. France Soc. Malacol., Bull., 7, 1890, 339-347. 66. Etudes sur la faune malacologique des iles Sandwich. Frauc.? Soc. Zool. .Mim., 5, 1892, 708-722; me sinistral land shelU. [1897.] Nautilus, lo, 1896 97. 104-105. 84. Description" of three new Eulotic (Helices) from Central Asia. [1897.] Nautilus, 11, 1897-98. lt>-17. 86. On two Ho-called "Biilimi" from the New Hebrides. [1897.) Nautilus. 11, 1897-98. 2cr., 6, 1898, 51-52. 3. Trai,'os geologicos da .\frica occidental portugaeza. Lisboa Soc. Geogr. Bol.. 9. 1886. .525-529. Anclra. ^''f BKartinez Anclra. Ancona, Vesare d'. 3. '.Malaoologia Pliocenica italiana descritta ed iUustrata. Italia Carta Geul. Descriz. Mem., 1, 1871, 30.5-359; 2 (Pt. 1), 1873. 171-261. 3. Oli antenati della vite vinifera. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti. 13. 1890, 263-282. 4. Storia genealogica del carallo. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti. 17. 1894. 94-115. Aneona, Giuseppf if. Delia chimica composizione degli scisti galestriui e di una prova di debbio in essi eaegaila. Pisa Soc. Tosc. .\tti (Mfiii.). 16, 1898. 37-58. 3. La Trigonclla phipnum gripcuin. [1898.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. .\tti {Pnf. I'erh.]. U. 1897 98. .59-69; Landw. Versuchs-Sut., 51, 1899. 387-396. 12—2 Ancoua] 92 LAnderlini 3. II Lotus corniculatus o ginestrino. [1899.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 17, 1900, 79-94; Staz. Spcr. Agrar. Ital., 32, 1899, 274-294. 4. La lupinella (Onobrychis sativa, i«)«A-.). |1900.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 12, 1899-1901. 63-73. 5. II trifoglio giallo delle sabbie (Anthyllis vulneiaria, L.). [1900.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 12, 1899-1901, H3-92. 6. II trifoglio incarnato (Trifolium iucarnatuni, L.). [1900.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 12, 1899-1901, 92-103. 7. La Trigonella pluenum grfficum, L., consiilerata come piauta miglioratriee del terreno. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 33, 1900, 3.57-364. Ancona, Napoleoue d'. II creosoto nella cura del catarro cronico gastro-intestinale. Padova Aeo. Atti e Mem., 2, 1886, 39-48. 2. Tubercolosi e mode di difendersi. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 6, 1890, 95-102. Ancona, Ugo. Zur Theorie der Beibungskuppelungen. Civiliugenieur, 38, 1892, 393-404. 2. Eintlieilung und Kennzeichen der hydraulieehen Radmotoren auf (iruud der Wirkimgsweise des Wassers. Civilingenieur, 39, 1893, 3.59-370. Ancora, Michele d'. Aneora del bolide [del 16 ottohre 1885, Forio d' Ischia]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 187. Ancyferov, F. D. CBt^ltllifl 0 HtltOTOpHXl. ofillil- mcHlMxi, H iiojieaniaxi. iicKonaeMHxi. lUajipim- CKaro yis^a. (Sur quelques affleurements dans le district de Chadrinsk.) St. P^tersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 8, 1890, 215-217. Andeer, J. J. Sur un nouvel appareil anatomique observe dans le p(;ritoine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 577- 580. 2. Recherches sur les ostioles. Paiis, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1320-1323; 125, 1897, 6f)9-(J71. 3. Recherches sur les ostioles des muqueuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1.545-1.548. 4. Sur I'appareil gen^rateur des leucocytes daus le p&itoine. Palis, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897", 1051-105.3, 1194-1195. 6. Eamollisseraent des os par la phloroglucine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 129.5-129(1. 6. Eecherches sur les ostioles du syst&me cerebro- spinal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1598-1000. Andeer, Justus. 6. Das Resorcin bei Kehlkoptleiden. Ceutrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 116-117. 7. Das Eesorcinderivat : Phloroglucin. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 193-195, 579-580. 8. Ueber Eesorcingelb. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 737-738. 9. Der Hauptsitz der aromatischen Verbindungen, speciell des Resorcins, im Siiugetierkcirper. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 913-914; 23, 1886, 1-2. 10. Das Eesorcinderivat : Phloroglucin. Int. Jl. Anat., 1, 1884, 350-353. 11. Uesorcin bei der Seekrankheit. Centrbl. Med. Wi.ss., 25, 1887, 930-931. 12. Rcsurcin bei Keloi'den. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 20, 1888, 785-780. 13. Zur Wirkung des Eesorcin auf Hiihnereiweiss. Vircliow, Arcli., 119, 1890, 191-192. 14. Das Kesorcin gegen Leichengift. Virchow, Arch., 122, 1890, 376-377. Anderegg, f.'ra.s-;. (Icnerationswechsel bei Insekten. Hern, Mitth.. 1892, 1 69. Anderllk. ,See Andrllk. Anderllnd. .Sec Iieo Anderlind. Anderlini, Franceseti. Ai)|iarat zur Uarnstolibestimniung. Chejn. Ztg., 9, 1886, 906. 2. Eicerche chimiche suUa seta. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 311-323, 1283-1289. 3. II glicogeuo negli animali inl'eriori e note pre- liminari suUe sue combinazioni coll' acido solforico. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 1291-1294. 4. Sopra alcuni derivati della pirrolenftalide. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Eend., 4, 1888 (.SVm. 1), 500-563; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 18, 1888, 149-153; Berlin, Cheni. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2869-2870. 5. Ueber Nitro-a-carbopyrrolsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2503-2506. 6. Ueber die Einwirkung von Jodmethyl auf das Tetramethyldihydropyridin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2.506-2511. 7. Ueber das Pyrrolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2512-2515. 8. Sopra alcuni derivati uitrici dell' etere metilico deir acido a-carbopirrolico. Eoma, E. Aec. Lincei Eend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 1), 40-43 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 93-97. 9. Suir acido piroglutaraico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Eend , 5, 1889 {Sem. 1), 44-46; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 99-102. 10. Sopra alcuni derivati dell' acido a-carbopirrolico. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 663-667; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 350-355. 11. Suir azione del joduro di metile suUa tetra- metildiidropiridina. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 2), 49-54, 377 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 55-59. 12. Suir azione del joduro di metile suUa penta- metildiidropiridina. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 5, 1889 (.SV»(. 2), 54-58; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 01-64. 13. Sopra alcuni derivati della pirrolina. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 5, 1889 (.Sem. 2), 84-88; Gazz. Cbim. Ital., 20, 1891, 69-73. 14. Sopra alcuni derivati della cantaridina. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 21.5-221 ; 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 127-132; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pf. 1), 454-460, 460-470; 23, 1893 {Pt. 1), 121-128; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 485-486; 24, 1891, 1993-2000. 15. Suir azione delle diammine suUa cantaridina. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 223-230; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 128-139. 16. Sopra r azione delle ortodiammiue aromatiche su aloune anidridi di acidi bibasici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Eend., 2, 1893 {Sem. 1), 42.5-433; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 140-150. 17. Sopra alcuni apparati di laboratorio. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 150-156. 18. Apparato per la distillazione nel vuoto. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 190-191. 19. Azione dell' etilendiammina suUe anidridi di acidi bibasici. Eoma, E. Aec. Lincei Eend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 257-261; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 401-407. 20. Azione dell' etilendiammina sopra alcuni iicidi bicarbossilici. Eoma, E. Aec. Lincei Eend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 293-296; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 397-401. 21. SuUe anidridi suberica, azaleica e sebacica. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 3, 1894 (Sim. 1), 393-396; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 474-477. 22. Sul dipropionato di dietilacetilenglicole ed osser- vazioni sui suoi omologhi .superiori. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 2), 40-57. 23. Sopra alciine question! relative alia rifrazione atoniica rlell' ossigeno. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1896, /'/. 2), 127-162, 105-172. Anderlini, Prancescd, A Borlsl, Kdoardo. Sulla conden- sazione degli eteri forniieo e sucoinico. Roma, E. Aec. Lincei Eend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 253-255; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 439-442. Auderlini I 9:5 LAnderson Anderllnl, t'liiiiefxrii, A Clamlclan, tliiicomo J.uiiii. See Clamiclan iV Anderllnl. Anderllnl, Frdnrrxrn, A Olilra, .1. Kopra un imovo iiutudu ili |iii pani/.ioiic ili'U' jiiiilo cuiitai'ico e Hojirii un iiuovo isomeru dellii cantaridina. (iit/./.. Chiiii. Ital., 21, 1891 {Pt. 2i, M-(i2. Anderllnl, I'rnncetco, A Naolnl, liuffaello. Ser Naalnl A Anderllnl. Anderllnl, Frmtceunt, & Salvador!, Ilohertn [Orente Miiriii]. Iticeiclie ci>ni])arute sopra i Miitmli ili diHtilluzione fra- zionata. (Jazz. Oiiin. Ital., 2'> (1896, /'(. 1), 1-31. Anderllnl, I''riiiicf«co, Naslnl, liaffmlto, .V SalTadorl, Uiihrrtii lOrfKle Miiiin]. .S'ci- Naslnl, Anderllnl .V Salvador!. Anders, Kriixl. For liioi;raphical notice and list of works ».'.■ St. IVtcrsl). Med. Wschr., 25, 1900, 2.'..')-'2.')(i. Anders, •' 1 1/ mid I M\f.-irlili'r]. 4. The exhalation of ozone liy lluwerinK l)laiits. Anier. Natlist., IH, 1884, 337-344, 470-477. 6. The value of the tubercnlin teat in the diagnosis of pulmonary tubercnlosia. N. Y. Med. .11., 71. 1900, 994-998. Anders, .J[iim,'s] M[esc)iti'r], & MlUer, (i. 11. M. The exhalation of ozone hy odorous plants. Amer. Natlist., Ml, 1886, H.5H HVu}. Anders, Th. Ein Vortrag iiber Plateausehe Gleiclinc- wichtstiguren. [1889.] liiga Corresp.-Bl., 33, 1890, 7-10. 2. Experimentalvortrag fiber die InHnenzmaschiue. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 37, 1894, 85-86. 3. [Ueher die Ki>Mt.;ensL-hen X-Strahlen.] [1896.] Higa Conesp. HI.. 311, 1896, 81; 40, 1898, 8.5. Anders, Th., A Fohrt, .V. See Pohrt & Anders. Anderscli, II. l"elHr O. Guttmasx's Verbesserungen in der Salpeter.-iiiurefabrikation. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 619-620. Andersen, Astiid. En soninierrejse i Diskobugten og ruianaksfjorden. Stockli., Ynier, 17, 1897, 21-39. Andersen, ]■'. P., r biographical n.iii,,. s,',' Glasgow Med. Jl., 45, 1896, 372-373. Anderson, Alexander lIucGlatliaii, Camelley, Tlnmi'it. cV Haldane, John S[cott}. See Camelley, Haldane A Anderson. Anderson, Alexander P[ierce]. On a new registering balauce. [1894.] Minn. Bot. Stud., 1, 1894-98, 177- 180. 2. The grand period of growth in a fruit of Cucurbita pepo determined by weight. [1895.] Minn. Bot. Stud., 1, 1894-98, 238-279. 3. On the formation and distribution of abnormal resin ducts in conifers. Bot. Uaz., 22, 1896, 235; Science, 4, 1896, 431-432. 4. Stomata on the bud scales of Abies pectinata. Bot. Gaz., 24, 1897, 294-295. 5. Comparative anatomy of the normal and disea.sed organs of .\l)ips balsameaaflected with .^2cidiuni elatinum. Bot. Gaz., 24, 1897, 309-344. 6. .\ new Tilletia parasitic on Oryza sativa, L. Bot. Gaz., 27, 1899, 467-472. Anderson, . I iii/nu- .Irtlmr. 2. Notes on the geography of south central Africa, in explanation of a new map of the region. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 6, 1884, 19-36. Anderson, V. L. 2. California Christmas flora. Garden A Forest, 1, 1888, 28. 3. On a sand ridge in California. Garden & Forest, 1. 1888. 374-375. Anderson, Ernest. 2. Notes on some Victorian Lepi- doptera. [1892.] Victorian Natlist., 9, 1893, 80-93, 3. Cocoon makers and cocoon breakers. [1894.] Victorian Natlist., 11, 1896, 6-5-71. Anderson, Ernest, & Spry, F[rank] P. A new bntterfly, Lycaniia Cyrilus, 11. ^^». [1897.] Victorian Natlist., 14, 1898, -5-7. S,,' (f/.[ontana. Jl. Mycol., 5, 1889, 30-32. 7. A preliminary list of tlie Erysiphem of Montana. Jl. Mycol., r>, 1889, 18-1-194. 8. Apliyllon faseiculatum in Montana. Torrcy Bot. dull Bull.,' 16, 1889, 21,j-217. 9. A new Fomes from northern Montana. Fomes Ellisianus, Anders., n.sji. Bot. Gaz., 10, 1891, US- UI. 10. Notes on certain UredineiB and UstilagineiE. .11. Mycol., Ci, 1891, 121-127. Anderson, l\i;'thri,k] ]V., & EUis, J[<)h] lt[i,-l;nall]. .SVf Ellis A Anderson. Anderson, l''[reclerich] H'., & Kelsey, F[;v(H(i.<] D. Ery- sipLea' upon Phytoptiis distortions. Jl. Mycol., 5, 1889, 209-210. 2. Common and conspicuous Algn> of Montana. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., IS, 1891, 137-146. Anderson, fj'| I'or/yc] (/. Large irrigation canals. liailroad it Engin. Jl., 64, 1890, 307-309. Anderson, {Lt.) G[('i)ri7f;] Z.[«c(h.<]. The copper volta- meter. Telegr. Jl., 23, 1888, 432-434. Anderson, Gcorr/f. On the recently announced companion of a Lyrie. [IW)?.] Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, 30. Anderson, Gi'i)n/c,Frisby,A'(i(/«r, Brown, .SV/h!S(ih,7[()sc;)/i], it HiU, Gmnje A[ii(lrfus]. ' ,SVf Trisby, Brown, HiU it Anderson. Anderson, //[H(//t] 7i [err]. On the myelination of nerve fibres. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1898, 717-719. Anderson, Jl[ui))i] K\i'rr], & Kanthack, Alfredo Aiitunes. See Kanthack it Anderson. Anderson, if [»<;/(] A[fn-], it Iia.nB.ley, J[ohn] N[ew]}orl]. See Langley it Anderson. Anderson, Henri/ II. Anoplophrya ffiolosomatis, a new ciliate infusorijin parasitic in the alimentary canal of .Eolosoma chlorostictum, W.-M., MSS. [1887.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., ,57 (I't. 2), 1890, 381-383. 2. Notes on Indian rotifers. [1889.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., r,S (Ft. 2), 1890, 34.')-358. Anderson, llenrij H., & Shephard, J. Notes on Victorian rotifers. [1891.] Victoria Boy. Soc. Proc, 4, 1892, 69- 80. Anderson, llenrij J. C. Whirlwind on Eydal Water. 1 1896.) Nature, .55 (1896-97), 5. Anderson, ■I[ushua\ 'l\hotnas\ Noble. A few notes on water tube boilers, with results of some trials on a new form of water tube boiler. Aust. Ass. Hep., 1893, 603- 61.5. Anderson, J[ames] Wallace. Case of locomotor ataxy, with Charcot's joint lesion. [1886.] Brain, 9, 1887, 224-227. a. On a case of pulsus bigeminus or cardiac couple- beat, complicated by a quadruple aortic nmrnuir. [1890.] Glasgow Med. Jl., 35, 1891, 123-130. 3. Friedreich's ataxia. Glasgow Med. Jl., 40, 1893, 168-174. Anderson, Jiinieii. For biographical notice see Med.-Chir. Trans., 76, 1893, 31-33. A case of myxcedema. [1884.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 18, 1885, 21 24. 2. On recent advances in the anatomy of the nervous system. [1884-86.] Brain, 7, 1886, 25'9-2(;(;; 8, 188G, 125-131, 540-.546. 3. On sensory epilepsy. A case of basal eorcbral tumour, affecting the left temporo-sphenoidal lobe, and giving rise Ut a paroxysmal tastt.'-sensation and dreamy state. [1886.] Brain, 9, 1887, 385-395. 4. Brain and eye. Ojitic neuritis. |1887.] Brain, U), 1888, 254-258.' 6. Ilruin and eye. Tlie jiupil. Hraiii, 11, 1889, 528-533. Anderson, (Sir) .Jnnies. For biographical notice see Lum. Elect., 48, 1893, 396. Anderson, (Sir) James, & Kennelly, A[rthMr] K[dwi7i]. On a method of localising a partial earth in a cable when a return wire is not obtainable. Electrician, 15, 1885, 177-180. Anderson, James. Glaeiation and raised beaches In Jura and Islay. [1887.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 8, 1888, 316-321. 2. Evidences of the most recent glaciers in the Firth of Clyde district. [1894.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 10, 1896, 198-209. Anderson, (Rev.) James For[r?]ester. Assign to this autliiir entries (I'd/. 9) under Anderson, .fas. J. 3. *Notes on the birds, reptiles and upon four species of lemurs of Madagascar. [1882.] Mauritius Koy. Soc. Trans., 16, 1885, 96-105. Anderson, James T. Experiments in determination of moisture, and ether extract. U. S. Div. Cliem. Bull., No. 28, 1890, 9.3-94. 2. Identification of arsenic and antimony. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 13, 1891, 210. 3. Report on foods and feeding stuffs low in carbo- hydrates. []f'itli discussion.] U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 35, 1892, 127-137. Anderson, {Sir) John. For biography and works see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 86, 1886, 346-353; Inst. Mechan. Engin. I'roc, 1886, 460-461. Anderson, John (il/.D.). For biography and works nee Geogr. Jl., 16, 1900, 481-4.82; Nature, 62 (1900), 529-531; Science, 12, 1900, 41.5-416; Zoologist, 4, 1900, 440; Roy. Soc. Proc, 75, 1905, 11.3-116. 41. List of birds, chiefly from the Mergui archipelago, collected for the trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Xool.), 21, 1889, 136-153, viii. 42. Report on the mammals, reptiles, and batra- chians, chiefly from the Mergni archipelago, collected for the trustees of the Indian Museum. Linn. Soc. Jl. (ZooL), 21, 1889, 831-350. 43. On a small collection of mammals, reptiles, and batrachians from Barbary. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 3-24. 44. [Occurrence of Spalax typhlus in Lower Egypt.] Zool. Soc Proc, 1892, 472-476.' 45. On a new species of Zamenis and a new species of Bufo from Egypt. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 439-440. 46. On two new species of agamoid lizards from the Hadramut, soutli-eastern Arabia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1894, 376-378. 47. On a new species of the genus Erinaceus from Somaliland. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 414-421. 48. On a collection of reptiles and batrachians made by Colonel Yeiuiohy at Aden and its neighbourhood. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 635-663. 49. [Remarks on Mustela subpalmata.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 600-601. 50. The fishes of the Nile. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 399-402. 61. On the presence of Echis coloratus, Giinther, in Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 419 425. Anderson, Joltn. 5. New b^calities for some rare Border plants. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [13], 1892, 386. Anderson, John. Barcigrnphic records in the vicinity of a tornado. |1890.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 18, 1892, 62. Anderson, Nichidai. Notes on the precipitation of the precious metals from cyanide solutions by means of zinc. No. 1. The non-existence of cyanide of zinc in alkaline solutions. [1895.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc, ."> (1894- 96), 140 143. Anderson, (Her.) I'. I>. L'histoire de ti Eridaui. [Tr.] [1893.] Ciel et Terre, 14 (1893-94), 22H-233. Anderson] 95 [Anderson Anderson,/'.//. MoH(]uitoc8. [iHHfi. | Victorian NatliHt., .1. 1887. Hi:t IOC), 1.-|4-1.".7. Anderson, I'lUr. On MnlH observed in tlie inland of Tirv, . ,\iin. Sciitt. Nut. MiKt., 1898, Vi-AMM. Anderson, li. E. Tlio i>l.iiir triiin^'lc Mtt- intiiiioKuribp, 1897, (W-119. Anderson, li. Ilmi. The climate of Mexico City. Scott, (leo^r. MiiK'., 1'.", 1899, 2O9-210. a. Cliiiiatu of Mexico. Scott. Geogr. Mag., Iti, 1900, IKI. Anderson, /f/<-/mi'(/,/[ii/iii]. 16. The tranaverse meoxure- uients of human ribs. Jl. Anat. I'hyHiol., 18, 1884, 171- 173. 17. Note on supraclavicular mtiscles. Int. Jl. Anat., 2, 1886. lir.MO. 18. Note on the peritoneum of the Kcal. Jl. Anat. Physiol., I'.l, 188S, 22S-22!). 19. A cii.se of exostORis of the ulna. Jl. Anat. I'hy.iiol., 19, 1886. 309-310. 30. On the so-called pelvistcrnum of certain verte- brates. Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1886, l(i:i-16.5. ai. Iteport on the occiipiition of the table [at the Zoological Station at Naples]. Brit. Ass. Kcp., 1888, 157-lo9. aa. Notes on two scapuhe. Int. Jl. Anat., 5, 1888, 249-251. aa. Eiglit true ribs in man. Anat. Auz., 4, 1889, 95-96. a4. Some remarks on the functional equivalency of certain parts of limbs. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 042-645. as. Measurements of ribs in mammals. Int. Jl. Anat., 6, 1889, 41-64. a6. A iianoriimic arrangement for the microscope. Int. Jl. Anat.. 6, 1889, 2S9-290. a7. An apparatus illustrating crystal forms. [18H9.] London I'hvs. Soc. I'roc, 10, 1890, 163-169; Phil. Mag., 28, 1889, 127 132. as. An apparatus for determining the rotatory move- ment of the forearm. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892, 80-82. 29. The lens in au albino rat. Int. Jl. Anat., 10, 1893, 6.->-67. 30. Note on a diastema between molars and iire- mohirs in an ox. Int. Jl. Anat., 15, 1898. 206-207. 31. Some notes on the manus of the dugong. .11. Anat. Physii^, 32. 1898, 765-767. 33. The pelvic symphysial bone of the Indian elephant. Brit. Ass. 'Kep.,"l899. 781-782. 33. A discussion on the significance of muscular anomalies. Int. Jl. Anat., 16, 1899, 5.5-62. 34. The dentition of the seal. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 790-792. as. On dentition. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 {Vol. 1, .Imir.), 116-117. 36. .\ note on the respiratory murmur. Congr. Int. Med. C. li., 1900 (10/. 1. Pliiisiol.). 173-175. 37. Note on the comparative thickness of the skull as an index of brain recession. A suggestion. Int. Jl. Anat., 17, 1900, 357-360. 38. A discussion on the interchange of gases in the lungs. Int. Jl. Anat., 17. 1900, 361-366. 39. The crookedness in the sterna of certain breeds of domestic fowls. Irish Natlist., 9, 1900, 150-152. Anderson, Itiiiiolph M. The marsh hawk. Ornith. Ool., IM, 1893. 140. Anderson, 7'[/i»ki'] M'Call. 6. Some observations on the tuberculin treatment. Glasgow Med. Jl., 51, 1899, 321-327. Anderson, Tempest. 6. The volcanoes of Auvergne. Brit. Ai>s. Rep.. 1888, 1017. 6. On a varying cylindrical Icdh. Urit. Ahs. liep., 1886. .520 .521. 7. The volcanoes of the two SicilicH. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1888, 663-664. a. On the correction of optiral inslniments for in- dividual eyes, lirit. Ass. lUji.. 1894, 586. 9. On certain vidcanic sulisiiiences in the north of Iceland. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, <»0-651. 10. The volcanoes of Iceland. [1892.) Yorks. Geol. Soc. I'roc, 12. 1896, 162-169. 11. The Altels avalanche. Brit. Km. Itcp., 1896, H51-H53. la. The eruption of Vesuvius of 1898. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899. 749. Anderson, I'liniti-it, A Johnston -Iia vis, Henry Jamet. Notes on the late eruption in the island of Vulcano. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1888, 664-666. a. The supposed volcanic eruption of Cape Keyk- janaes. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1890, HlO. Anderson, 'riinmnt I)[aviil]. The new stAf in Auriga. Nature. 45, 1892, 365. a. New variable star in Andromeda. [1^93.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 101. 3. Mittheilungen iibcr[neue veriinderliehc Sterne] in Cassiopeja. Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, 211-212; 148, 1899. 79-80; 152, 1900. 157-158. 4. New variable staffs] in Lvra. Astr. Nachr.. 137. 1896, 23.5-236; 139, 1896. 269-270. 6. New variable star in Uelphinus. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 27-28. 6. New variable atarfs] in Andromeda. [1896-1900.] Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 117-llH; 142,1897,1-59-160; 148, 1899, 175-176; 1.52, 1900, 12.5-126; 154. 1901, 147-14«. 7. New variable star[s] in Pegasus. [1896-19f)0.] .\str. Nachr., 139. 1896. 117-118; 147, 1898, 287-2HH; 153. 1900, 409-410; 154, 1901, 15-16. 8. New variable starfsj in Hercules. Astr. Nachr., 139. 1896, 119-120; 141, 1896, 103-104, 419-420; 144, 1897, 127-128; 1.50,1899.32.5-326. 9. New variable star in Coma Berenices. Astr. Nachr.. 144, 1897, 1.5-16. 10. New variable star(s] in Aquila. [1898-1900.] Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 79-80; 147, 1898, 269-270; 154. 1901, 13-14. 11. New variable star[s] in Draco. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898. 111-112: 151. 1900, 307-308. la. New variable star in Gemini. Astr. Nachr. , 145, 1898, 111-112. 13. New variable star in Lynx. Astr. Nachr., 14.5, 1898. 173-174. 14. New variable star in Cygnus. Astr. Nachr., 1.50, 1899. 325-326. 15. New variable star in Taurus. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900. 1-5.5-158. 16. New variable star in Auriga, .tstr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 289-290. Anderson, ll'[i7/iVini] Cnrrick. A method of obtaining the speeitie gravity and porosity of coke. Soc. Clicm. Ind. Jl.. 15, 1896, 20-21. a. A contribution to the chemistry of coal, with special reference to the coals of the Clyde basin. [1h;i7.] (ilasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 29, 1898, 72-96. 3. A new form of potash bulb. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., IK. 1899. 119. Anderson, l\'[illiam] Carrick, & iMan, George. The iixi.iation of ammonia by iron ore. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 19. 1900, 2S. Anderson, W[iHiiim] Carrick, & Bobarta, .Jamet. Some chemic.ll properties of Scotch coal. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 17. 1898. 1013-1020. a. The recovery of nitrotren in coal distillation. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 18, 1899, 1099-1104. Anderson, II'[i7/i(im] CiirricA". * Binitli, .itidreic. The Anderson] 96 [Anderson estimation of iocline by thiosulphate of soda in pieseuce of cyanides. Soe. Chem. Ind. Jl., 18, 1899, 118-119. Anderson, W[illiam] S[meUic]. On the solubility of carbonate of lime in tie.sh and sea water. [1889.] Bi'it. Ass. Rep., 1889, 637; Edinb. Koy. Soc. Proc, 16, 1890, 319-324. 2. On the determination of sea-water densities by hydrometers and Sprengel tubes. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 10, 1894, .574-.590, 64(1. Anderson, H'[illiam] S[mellie], & Irvine, Robert. See Irvine iV Anderson. Anderson, IT. 11'. Tlie South Carolina tornadoe.s in February, 1883 and 1881. [188,5.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 1 (1884-'86), 402-411. 2. [Tornado of Dee. 22nd, 1884.] [1885.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 1 (1884-85), 497. 3. Thunderstorm or tornado? Electricity and tor- nadoes; also, a note on the tornado of April 23, 1883. [1885.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 1 (1884-85), 550-.551. 4. Storm of December 22nd. [1885.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 2 (1885-86), 55-56. 5. Stereoscopic vision. Science, 9, 1887, 56. 6. Tornado force. Science, 10, 1887, 323-324. Anderson, {Sir} iVilliam. For biography and works sec Engineers Soc. Trans., 1898, 240; Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1898, 696-701 ; Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1898 {Nn. 2), 324-325; Nature, 59 (1898-99), 154; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 135, 1899, 320-326; Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 28, 1899, [665]. 3. On the purification of water by means of iron. Agr. Soc. Jl., 20, 1884, 681-689. 4. Purification of water by agitation with iron, and by sand filtration. Soc Dyers Col. Jl., 2, 1886, 207- 210. 5. On water supplies suited to farms and villages. Agr. Soc. Jl., 23, 1887, 28-69. 6. [Presidential address, Mech. Sci. Sect., Sept. 12.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 718-732. 7. Aluminium and its manufacture by the Deville- Castner process. Science, 13, 1889, 260-264. 8. The revolving purifier for treatment of potable waters by means of metallic iron. Int. Con^r. Hyg. Trans., (1891, 7), 129-133. 9. On tests for steel used in the manufacture of artillery. []S'ith discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1891 {No. 1), 60-89. 10. Some properties of cordite. [Posth.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 136, 1899, 251-264. Anderson, (.Sir) Williaiii, & Cowper, Edward .Alfred. See Cowper & Anderson. Anderson, iVillinm. For biographical notice sec Leopol- dina, 36, 1900, 177-178. 2. Left clavicle presenting a marked articular process in the region of the conoid tubercle. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 25, 1891, V. 3. A case of extroversion of the bladder. [1891.] Clin. Soc Trans., 25, 1892, 78-83. 4. A note on the course and relations of the deep branch of the ulnar nerve. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 28, 1894, x-xii. 5. An undescribed variation in the course of the iliac ])ortion of the sigmoid colon. [1897.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, ix-xii. Anderson, It'illidiii, A niafcins, (leariie Ileiiii/. Experi- ments in craniocerebral topography. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 23, 1889, 455-465. 2. The planes of subperitoneal and subpleural con- nective tissue, with their extensions. [1890.] Jl. Anat. I'hyKJrjl., 25, 1891, 78-86. Anderson, W'illiaiii (ct ulii). Discussion on non-suppura- tiv<' ankylosis of joints. London Path. Soc. Trans., 47, 1896, 193-222. Anderson, Jl'iUiam. [Report on the geological features of the country immediately to the north of Cope's Creek and the Gwydir river.] [1888.] N. S. Wales Dept. Mines Rep., 1887, 155-156. 2. [Report on the Bingera diamond-field, county of Murchison.] [1888.] N. S. Wales Dept. Mines Rep., 1887, 156-159. 3. [Report on the geology of the Byerock district.] [1888.] N. S. Wales Dept. Mines Rep., 1887, 161-163. 4. [General geology of the country between Nyngan, Nymagee, Cobar, and Girilambone.] [1888.] N.S.Wales Dept. Mines Rep., 1887, 163-164. 5. Note on the occurrence of a new species of Carboniferous crustacean at Ardross, near Elie, Fife. [1885.] Edinb. Geol. Soc Trans., 5, 1888, 280-281. 6. Notes on the fish remains from the Ijone bed at Abden, near Kinghorn, Fife. [With remarks by Dr. R, H. TuAQDAiK.] [1886.] Edinli. Geol. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 310-315. 7. Report on bismuth ores at Ben Lomond, near Glencoe. [1890.] N. S. Wales Dept. Mines Rep., 1889, 231. 8. Report on the Bungonia caves. [1890] N. S. Wales Dept. Mines Rep., 1889, 232-233. 9. Petrographical notes on the eruptive rocks con- nected with the silver-bearing lodes at Sunny Corner, near Bathurst, New South Wales. [1889.] N.' S. Wales Geol. Surv. Records, 1, 1890, 16-22. 10. On the Post-Tertiary ossiferous clays, near Myall Creek, Bingera. [1889.] N. S. Wales Geol. Surv. Records, 1, 1890, 116-126. 11. On the stratigraphical position of the fish and plant-bearing beds, on the Talbragar river, Cassilis district, N. S. Wales. [1889.] N. S. Wales Geol. Surv. Records, 1, 1890, 137-139. 12. On the mineral spring at Rock Plat Creek, near Cooma, Monara district. N. S. Wales Geol. Surv. Records, 1, 1890, 179-183. 13. Report on Peak Hill. [1891.] N. S. Wales Dept. Mines Rep., 1890, 261-2I>3. 14. Report on Pambula gold-field. [1891.] N. S. Wales Dept. Mines Rep., 1890, 263-264. 15. Report on Mount Dromedary. [1891.] N. S. Wales Dept. Mines Rep., 1890, 264-265. 16. Report on the Bendithera silver-field and Cur- rowan and Brimbermala gold-field. [1892. J N. S. Wales Dept. Mines Rep., 1891, 252-254. 17. Report on Wallah Wallah. [1892.] N. S. Wales Dept. Mines Rep., 1891, 2.59-260. 18. Notes on the Tertiary deep lead at Tumbarumba. [1890.] N. S. Wales Geol. Surv. Records, 2, 1892, 21- 26. 19. Notes on the shell-heaps, or kitchen-middens accumulated by the aborigines of the southern coastal district. [1890.] N. S. Wales Geol. Surv. Records, 2, 1892, 52-60. 20. Description of some stone weapons and imple- ments, used by the aborigines of New Soutli Wales. [1890.] N. S. Wales Geol. Surv. Records, 2, 1892, 73-81. 21. On the general geology of the south coast, with petrological notes on the intrusive granites and their associated rocks armmd Moniya, Mount Dromedary, iind Cobargo. N. S. Wales Geol. Surv. Records, 2, 1892, 141-165. 22. Notes on tlie occurrence of opal in New South Wales. [1892.] N. S. Wales Geol. Surv. Records, 3, 1894, 29-32. 23. Chota Nagpore. India (ieol. Surv. Quart. Notes, 1, 1896, 2; 2, 1896, 3; 2. 1896, 1. Anderson, tl'illiinii, A David, 7'. W. Edgcworth. See David ,V Anderson. Anderson, \l'illi*. 3. A description of the desiccated human remains in the ('alifornia State Mining Bureau. California Min. IJur. Hull., .Vt). 1, 1888, 41 pp. Anderson, T. Bcott-. .Si)' Scott-Anderson. Anderson-Henry. .Sit' Henry, Isiiin- Anderson-. Anderssen, Jiiytiis. Zur Kunnlniss der Verbreitung des Kohrzuokers in den Pflanzen. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 29, 1900, 423-428. Anderssohn, Aurel. To reference in title [No. 2] {Vol. 9) r. Forh., 14, 1892. 105-175, 280; Bot. Centrbl., 54, 1893, 196-199. 10. Niigra ord om grauens invandring i Sverigc. Stockh. Geol. F.ir. Forh., 14, 1892, 170-188, 30:i-370, 591-592; Bot. Centrbl., 56, 1893, 114-116. R. S. A. C. 11. Om de viixigeogriifiska och viixtpale'^intologiRka 8t(idi'n fiir antagandet af kliinatviixlingar under kvartiir- tiden. [With dini-ufiiion,] Stockh. Geol. Fiir. Forh., 14, 1892, 490-491, 509-5:i8; Bot. Centrbl., 50, 1893, 48-51. 13. Om slamning af torf. Stockh. Geol. Fiir. Forh., 14, 1892, 50»>-.".08; Bot. Centrbl., 54, 1893, 190-199. 18. Viixtpaleontologiska UD■), •/. Oirrtn., och AInus incana (/..), Willd.] Bot. Notiser, 1893, 217- 239; Bot. Centrbl., 58, 1894, 406-408. 15. Den subfossila forekomsten af AInus vid Skatt- manso. Bot. Notiser, 1894, 110. 16. Om senglaciala och postglaciala aflagringar i mellersta Norrland. Stockh. Geol. For. Fijrh., 10, 1894, 531-575, 666-708, vii; Neucs Jbuch. Min., 1896 (Hd. 2, lie/.), 326-328. 17. Om nagra vaxtfossil fran Gotland. Stockh. Geol. For. Fiirh., 17, 1896, 3.5-52, 362; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 (/(,;. 1, Itif.). 3.50-351. 18. Norrliindska elfdalsaflagringames bildningssiitt och alder. Stockh. Geol. Fiir. FOrh., 17, 1896, 490-500. 19. Om konservering af kvartiira viixtliimningar. Stockh. Geol. For. Fiirh., 18, 1896, 493-498; Bot. Centrbl., 69, 1897, 275-276. 30. Hvad iir Folliculites och Paradoxocarpns? Stockh. Geol. Fiir. Fiirh., 18, 1896, 538-542 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1899 {Bd. 2, Be/.), 343. 31, Die Geschichte der Vegetation Schwedens. [1896.] Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 22, 1897, 433-550. 33. Ueber das fossile Vorkommen der Brasenia purpurea, Mich., in Bussland und Danemark. [1896.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 22 (Afd. 3), 1897, No. 1, 24 pp. 33. Nagra anmiirkningar om den Centraljamtska issjijn. Stockh. Geol. For. Fiirh., 19. 1897, 488-491. 34. Den Ceutraljiimtska issjiin. Stockh., Ymcr, 17, 1897. 41-76; Neues Jbnch. Min., 1900 (Bd. 1, Ref), 454-455. 35. Studier ofver Finlands torfmossar och fossila kvartiirflora. [1898.] Fennia, 15, 1897-99, So. 3, 210 pp. (R,'s. 181-210); Fiulande Comm. Geol. Bull., 2, 1898- 1902, .Yo. 8, 210 pp. (lU'S. 181-210). 36. Om de ryska steppcma. Stockh. Geol. Fiir. Forh., 20, 1898, 33-37; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1898-99, 342. 37. Om Qott-tegar i Finland. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 20, 1898, 44-49; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1898-99, 218-279. 38. Om en af strandvall ofverlagrad torfmosse pa siidra Gotland. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 21. 1899, 533-535. Andersson, [Carl Filip] Gunnar, >!' Berghell, Hutjo. Torf- mosse ofverlagrad af strandvall vaster om Ladoga. Stockh. Geol. Fiir. Forh., 17, 1896, 21-34 ; Neues Jbnch. Mm., 1897 (/(./. 1, Re}.), 349-350. Andersson, [Carl Filip] Gunnar, & Hesselman, Ilenrik. Vcrzeichnis der in Kdnig Karls Land wahrend der schwedischen Polarexpedition 18;i8 gefundenen Phane- rogamen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 55-5-557. Andersson, Giitt. O. Bidrag till Sodermanlands Hiera- ciurallora. [1889.] Bot. Notiser. 1890. 88-94; Bot. Centrbl.. 46, 1891. 257-258. Andersson, J. .1. .Amnesomsattningen vid myxodem fore och under behandlingen med thyreoideapreparat. Skand. Natf. Fiirh., 1898. 318-319. Andersson, .'. .1., >V Bergman, Per [G.]. Ueber den Ein- Uuss der Schilddnisenfiitterung auf den Stoffwechse! de-^ gesunden Menschen. Skand. Arch. Physi.1l., 8, 1898, 326-346. 13 Audersson] 98 Andogskij Andersson, Johtm Gunnar. Ueber das Alter der Isochi- Una canaliculata-Fauna. Stockh., Ofveis., 1893, 125-129. 2. Ueber Blocke aus dem jiiiiKeren Untersilnr au£ der lusel Olatid vorkommend. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 521- 540. 3. Note on the occurrence of the Paradoxides olandi- cus zone in Nerike. [1893.] Upsala Geol. Inst. Bull., 1, 1894, 82-83. 4. Om (iliindska raukar. [1895.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihans, 21 {Afd. 2), 1896, No. 4, 25 pp.; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 [Bd. 2, Ref.), 427. 6. Till fragan om de baltiska Postarkaiska eruptivens alder. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 18, 1896, 58-64, viii ; Neues Jbuch. Miu., 1897 {Bd. 2, Re/.), 55. 6. Svenska Kambrisk-Siluriska, fosfoiitforande berg- arter. [With discussion.] Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 18, 1896, 174-177. 7. Ueber Cambrische und Silurische, phosphoritfiUir- ende Gesteine aus Schweden. Upsala Geol. Inst. Bull., 2, 1896, 133-238. 8. Om fosforitbildniug och fosforitforande sediment. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 19, 1897, 245-295. 9. Siinkningsomrhdet Tester om Hjelmaren. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 20, 1898, 111-113. 10. Ueber die Stratigraphie und Tektonik der Baren Insel. Upsala Geol. Inst. Bull., 4, 1900, 243-284. 11. Den Svenska Expeditionen till Beeren Eiland sommaren 1899. [? 1900.] Stockh., Ymer, 20, 1901, 423-454. Andersson, Johan Gunnar, & Sahlbom, {Friiken) Naima. Sur la teneur en fluor des phosphorites su^doises. [1898.] Upsala Geol. Inst. Bull., 4, 1900, 79-88. Andersson, Josef. Bidrag till kiinnedomen om svenska makrolepidopterers geografiska ntbredning. Ent. Tidskr., 11, 1890, 81-86, (Res. 87). 2. Bidrag till kiinnedomen om nagelspinnarens (Aglia tau, L.) utvecklingshistoria. Ent. Tidskr., 13, 1892, 93-96. 3. For viirt land nya skadefjarilar. Ent. Tidskr., 18, 1897, 72-74. 4. For svenska faunan nya Lepidoptera. Ent. Tidskr., 18, 1897, 111-112. Andersson, Lars Gabriel. List of reptiles and batrachians collected by the Swedish Expedition to Tierra del Fuego 1895-96 under direction of Dr. Otto Nordenskiold. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 457-462. 2. Comparison of Cottus poecilopus, Hcckel, with Cottus gobio, Limiaus. [1898.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang,"24 (Afd. 4), 1899, No. 3, 44 pp. 3. Catalogue of Linnean type specimens of snakes in the Koyal Museum in Stockholm. [1898.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 24 (A/d. 4), 1899, No. 6, 35 pp. 4. Niigra anteckningar om Orthagoriscus mola (L.). Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 603-633. Andersson, N. L. Bidrag till Vesterbottens vaxtgeografi. Bot. Notiser, 1890, 36-38. Andersson lafterwards Borge], 0[scar] Fr[^cdrili]. Om Palmella uvfeformis. Kg., och hvilsporerua hos Drapar- naldia glomerata, Ag. [1887.] Bot. Notiser, 1888, 86- 87; Bot. Ceutrbl., 35, 1888, 351. 2. Om Ijuskopiering. Bot. Notiser, 1889, 250-251. 3. Bidrag till kannedomen om Sveriges chlorophyllo- phyceer. i. Chlorophyllophyceer friin Koslagen. [ii. Chlorophyllophyceen aus Falbygden in Vestergotlaud.J [1890-95.'] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 16 (Afd. 3), 1891, No. 5, 19 pp.; 21 (Afd. 3), 1896, No. 6, 26 pp.; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1891,' 162 [Part I o)ily]. 4. Subfossila sdtvattensalger fnin (iotlaud. [1891.] Bot. Notiser, 1892, 55-58; Bot. Centrbl., 63, 1895, 56-58. 6. Algologiska notiser. [1. Clilorophyllophycuer fnm .Japan. 2. Chlorophyllophyceer friinSpetsbergen. 3. Zur Kenntniss der Verbreitungaweiso der Algen. 4. Silss- wasser-Plankton aus der Insel Mull.] [1891-97.] Bot. Notiser, 1892, .58-00; 1897,210-215; Bot. Centrbl., 63, 1895, 58-59 [Parts 1 ct 2 only]. 6. Ett litet bidrag till Sibiriens chlorophyllophyce- flora. [1891.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 17 (Afd. 3), 1892, No. 2, 16 pp. ; France Soc. Bot. BuU., 39, 1892 (Rev.), 86. 7. Chlorophyllophyceer fran norska Finmarken. [1891.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 17 (Afd. 3), 1892, No. 4, 15 pp. 8. Uebersicht der neu erscheinenden Desmidiaceen- Litteratur. Nuova Notarisia, 4, 1893, 389-398 ; 5, 1894, 490-.519; 6, 1896, 1-5-29, 111-137, 150-193; 7, 1896, 44- 69, 109-130; 8, 1897, 71-78, 90-106; 9, 1898, 73-104, 121-142; 11, 1900, 34-43, 56-62. 9. Siisswasser-Chlorophyceen gesammelt von Dr. A. Osw. Kiulman im nordlichsten Russland, Gouvernement Archangel. [1893.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 19 (., 1884, 1»-19. 9. Note sur la v6ritication cbiiniiiuo du la puret6 dcs beurruH. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1886, 15:i-l.', 6 pp. 8. Sur les furmulcH gent^ralcs dc la m^canique cdlestc. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 4, 1890, K, 3.5 pp. O. UbHcr%'atiouM de la planet*.' Chitrlois (mars 5) [faitos 4 rObscrvatoirc de Toulouse) (au grand t4:legcope). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 510-511. 10. Sur quelques iuigulitus do la longitude dc la lune. Toulouse Fac. Sci, Ann., 6, 1892, J, 33 pp.; 7, 1893, E, 19 pp. 11. Sur la dynamique du point. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, .'.2-6.5. 12. Sur la division alg(;brique appliqu(-c aux poly- Domes humoginca. Liouville, Jl. Math., 1, 1896, 61-90. 13. Sur I'intersection de deux quadriques. Nouv. Ann. .Math., 15, 1896, 153-173. 14. Sur I'extension que I'on peut donner aa tbto- rbme de Puishon, relatif ti I'invariabilitc! dcB grands axes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 790-793. 15. Sur la tbd'orie de la luuc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1532-1.533. 16. Sur la longitude de la lane. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 131, 1900, 1288-1289. Andoyer, ll[rnri], it Fabre, CliarUt. See Fabra * Andoyer. Andrade, Alfredo de. Estudos do planalto do districto de Beuguella do Bihi; ao Mochico (1897). Liaboa Soc. Geogr. Bol., 11, 1897, 663-669. Andrade, .Jules {Frederic Charles]. Sur I'invariant diffe- rtntiel des figures congruentes. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 150-158. 2. Sur deux th^or^mes curieux signal^s par M. Poi.NCAitE. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 435-440. 3. Sur une reduction du probleme des n corps qui conserve - ou — — distances mutuclles. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 108, 1889, 226-228. 4. Sur les reductions du probleme des n corps qui conservent certaines distances mutuelles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1899, 280-281. 5. Sur le mouvement d'un corps soumis a I'attractioD Newtonienne de deux corps fixes. Sur une extension d'une propriete des mouvements Eepleriens. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 60, 1890, 1-57. 6. Sur le mouvement d'un vortex rectiligne dans un liquide contenu dans un prisnie rectangle de longueur indetiuie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 418-121. 7. Sur I'application repet^e du tbeorime de Bkr- .NODLLi. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1281-1284, 1482. 8. Thermodyuamique des gaz ; approximations corn- parses de la loi de Joule et des lois de Mariotte et de Gay-Lussac. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 64-66, 220. 9. La loi de Joule et la loi de Mariotte dans les gaz reels. Paris, Ao. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 244-246. 10. Sur un point de doctrine relatif a la theorie des integrates multiples. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 1192-1195. 11. Sur ane determination de I'irratioanelle e^ par le calcul des chances, et sur une identite numSriqae. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 64, 1894, 225-232. 12. Note sur les inttgrales de .V. ScnwARz. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894, .50-52. 13. Sur une proprietirles]. To reference in No. 22 {Vol. 9) add France Soc. M6t(3orol. Annu., 28, 1880, 54-55. 33. *La grande com^te observfe a I'Observatoire de Lyon. Astronomic, 1883, 104-106. 34. *Sur la variation diurne du barom^tre A diffu- rentes altitudes. [1883.] France Soc. M(5t(5orol. Annu., 32, 1884, 15-17. 35. *Sur I'existence d'un troisiume maximum baro- nietrique. [1883.] France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 32, 1884, 18-19. 36. Note sur les oscillations barom^triques produites pur IVruption du Krakatoa. Lyon Ac. Mjm. (Sci.), 27, 1886, ;!13-317. 37. [Communications relatives aux ("'toiles filantes du 27 novembre 1885.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 1208. 38. Le Soleil et le magn^tisme terrestre. Astronomie, 1888, 335-337. 39. Observation de I'^clipse de lune du 28 Janvier, i, Lyon. Bull. Astr., 5, 1888, 104. 40. Influence de I'altitude sur la temperature. Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.), 29, 1888, i-cxxvii. 41. Sur le ligament lumiueux des passages et occul- tations des satellites de Jupiter. [Moyen de I'^viter.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 216-218, 615-617. 42. Sur les mouvements verticaux de Tatmosphfere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 703-704; Lyon Ac. Mim. (Sci.), 30, 1889-90, 37-40. 43. Comparaison des effets optiques des grands et petits instruments d'astronomie. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1889 {Pt. 1), 254; Lyon Ac. M(5m. (Sci.), 30, 1889-90, 49-101. 44. Sur le ligament lumineux des passages des satel- lites de Jupiter. Jl. Phys. , 8, 1889, 69-74. 45. Occultation de Jupiter par la lune, du 7 aout 1889. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 358-360. 46. Sur les occultations des satellites de Jupiter. Paris, Ai;. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 465-467. 47. Etude experimentale des passages et occultations des satellites de Jupiter. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 707-769. 48. Pluies et neiges des ann^es met^orologiques 1880-84. Observatoire de Lyon, station du Pare de la Tete-d'Or. Lyon Ac. M^m. (Sci.), 30, 1889-90, i-clxvi. 49. Elements magnetiques a Lyon au 1" Janvier, 1889. Lyon Ac. Mi5m. (Sci.), 30, 1889-90, 41-42. 50. Elements du magn^tisme terrestre a Lyon, en 1889 [et en 1890], [1890-92.] Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.), 30, 1889-90, 259-260 ; 31, 1892, 133-139. 51. Sur I'observation du passage des satellites de Jupiter et des occultations d'^toiles. Paris, Ao. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 876-877. 52. Relations des diff^rents elements meteorolo- giques. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1891 {Pt. 1), 198. 53. Contribution a I'^tude de r^lectricite atmo- sph<5rique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1509-1512; Astronomie, 1891, 300-302. 54. Notes sur un sejour a I'Observatoire du Pic du Midi. [1891.] Lyon Ac. Mi^m. (Sci.), 31, 1892, 119- 131. 55. Sur reiectricite negative de ratmosph^rc. Lum. Elect., 45, 1892, 406-408. 56. Temperatures a differentes altitudes. Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.), 31, 1892, i-1. 57. Oscillations diurnes du magnetisme terrestre observees a Lyon et deduites du magnetometre Mascart. Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.), 31, 1892, 31-37. 58. Relations des phenomenes meteorologiques de- duites de leurs variations diurnes et annuelles. Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.), 31, 1892, 191-356. 59. Sur I'apparition de I'eiectricite negative, par beau temps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 659-661. 60. Sur I'eiectricite negative par ciel serein. Reponse a M. L. Palmieri. Lyon Ac. Mem., 1, 1893. 345-348. 61. Observation de I'eclipse de Soleil du 16 avril 1893, k I'Observatoire de Lyon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 862-863. 62. Sur les variations de I't'tat eleetrique des hautes regions atmosjiheriques, par beau temps. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 117, 1893, 729-732. 63. Sur la temperature aux limites de I'atmosph^re. [1894.] Lyon Ac. Mem., 3, 1895, 157-164. 64. Etude sur I'hiver de 1894-95. Lyon Ac. Mem., 3, 1895, 421-444. 65. Note sur les relations des taches solairea et de la tcniiierature de I'air. Lyon Ac. Mem., 4, 1896, 351-353. 66. Occultation des Pleiades, du 23 octobro 1896 Andrei 101 [Andr6 (Obscrvatoiri! de Lyon). PivriH, Ac. Sci. C. II., 12:1, 1896, 781; Astr. Nnclir., M2, 1897, 269-270. 67. UtiliHution do Itt vitPSHO rodiale pour la di'tcrini- niition di.H diincuHions abKolueB dos BystimcH binaireB. Ana. Franc,-. C. It., 1897 (/'(. 2), 202-20.'.. es. Occultiition des Pliiadcs i)ar bi liinc du 17 do- cerabro IHOO. AkIi-. Nachr., 113, 1897, ICi-lll. 69. ()<:c;iiltation du troupe dos PluiadcH par la lunc, 1(- 28 jiiillut 1H97, i\ Lyon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 125, 1897, 2m;)-21)0. 70. Occultation du groupo des Pleiades par la lune, 1.1 Ki ontobic 1H29. Andr6, (I'iMif) Ch[urh'!t], & Oonnesslat, b'lranruis^ 2. Ktude cxporimentale du IV'ipiatiiiM dt'-cimale dans les observations de passages, faite i I'Observatoire de Lyon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892. l-')7-l.">8. 3. Etude exptiimentale de Tctiuation d^cimale dans les observations du Soleil et des planetes, faite a I'Obser- vatoire de Lyon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 893- 89.1. Andri, (Viihbi.') Ch[nrlcit]. & Iiagrula, Phlilippe]. Demi- dianietre apparent du Soleil et position relative de la lune dtduits de Tcclipse du 28 mai 1900. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 466-468. Andr6, (Vabht') t7i[.5-<;6. Andre] 102 [Andre 11. Les mi^tamoiphoses de rEumolpus vitis. NaUua- liste, 9, 1887, 96-98. 12. La mouche a scie du groseiller. Nematus Ribesii. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 133-134. 13. Les nids des M^gachiles. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 105-167. 14. Le Triodon bursarius. Naturaliste, 10, 1888, 264-26.5. Aadxi, ICmile. Sur un cas de t^ratologie. Paris, Soc. BioL Mi5m., 4.5, 1893 {C. R.), 674. 2. Contribution a I'anatomie et a la physiologie des Ancylus lacustris et fluviatilis. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1, 1893, 427-461. 3. Sur les teguments du Zonites cellarius. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 39-40. 4. Recherehes sur la glande p^dieuse des Pulmonis. Rev. Suisse Zool., 2, 1894, 291-348. 6. Le pigment m^lanique des Limn^es. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96, 429-431. 6. MoUusques d'Amboine. [1896.] Kev. Suisse Zool., 4, 1896-97, 395-405. 7. Note sur les Rhizopodes testac^s du bassin de la Plessur. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 41, 1898, 57-59. 8. La fossette triangulaire eaudale des Orions. [1898.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 5, 1897-98, 179-182. 9. Organes de defense tegumentaires chez le Zonites (Hyalinia) cellarius, Gray. Zool. Anz., 21, 1898, 436- 438. 10. Anomalie de I'appareil genital male chez la sangsue. Rev. Suisse Zool., 6, 1899, 427-428. 11. Orgaues de defense tegumentaires des Hyalinia. Rev. Suisse Zool., 8, 1900, 425-433. Andri, Ernest. 3. Description de quelques fourmis nou- velles ou imparfaitement connues. Rev. Ent., 6, 1887, 280-298. 4. Hym^noptferes nouveaux appartenant au groupe des Formicides. Rev. Ent., 8, 1889, 217-231. 5. Materiaux pour servir 4 la faune myrmicologique de Sierra Leone. Rev. Ent., 9, 1890, 311-327. 6. Voyage de M. Chaper i Borneo. Catalogue des fourmis et description des esp^ces nouvelles. France See. Zool. M(5m., 5, 1892, 46-55. 7. Mat^riaux myrmficologiques. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 45-50. 8. Notes pour servir A, la connaissance des Mutilles paWarctiques et description de quelques esp(>ces nouvelles. "France Soc. Zool. M(5m., 6, 1893, 286-296; 9, 1896, 261- ■"277. 9. [Description d'une nouvelle espfece de fourmi de Tunisie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, cxci-cxcii. 10. Description de quatre espfeces nouvelles de fourmis d'Am(5rique. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 148-152. 11. Notice sur une collection de Mutilles de I'Abyssinie miiridionale. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 217-222. 12. Especes nouvelles de Mutilles africaines. [1893.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, 069-682. 13. Contribution k la connaissance des Mutilles de I'Inde. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. .Jl., 8, 1893-94, 462-484. 14. [Description d'uue nouvelle espfece d'Ampulex.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, cclvii-colviii. 15. Notice BUr les fourmis fossiles de I'ambre de la Baltiiiue et description de deux espfeces nouvelles. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 20, 1895, 80-84. 16. Mutillidcs d'Australie nouvelles ou imparfaitement connues. Franco Soc. Zool. M(5m., 8, 1896, 475-517. 17. Diagnoses de (juelques espiJoes nouvelles do Mutilles du Bresil. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1896, cccxx cccxxil. 18. Formicides de I'Ogoou^ (Congo frangais). Kev. Ent., 14. 1895, 1-5. 19. Sur ([uelques Vespides africains nouveaux ou pen connus. Rev. Ent., 14. 1896, 3.52-3.';0. 20. Recherehes zoologiques dans les serres du Museum de Paris. Formicides. [1896.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 26, 1895-96, 90-92. 21. Hymi5nopteres recueillis pendant les campagnes scientifiques de S. A. S. le Prince de Monaco. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 21, 1896, 210-211. 22. Fourmis recueillies dans les serres du Museum. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 24. 23. Liste des Hym(5nopteres appartenant aux families des Formicides et des Mutillides recueillis au Siam et au Cambodge et offerts au Musi-um par M. Pavie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 261-262. 24. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Sylaon. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 10-11. 25. Description d'une nouvelle fourmi de France. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 367-368. 26. Fourmis nouvelles d'Asie et d'Australie. Rev. Ent., 15, 1896, 251-26.5. 27. Mutillides nouveaux ou imparfaitement connus faisant partie des collections du Mus^e National de Hongrie. Termr. Fiiz., 19 (1896), 9-25. 28. Desci'iption de trois nouvelles especes de Mutilles de I'Afrique orientale appartenant au Mus^e Royal de Belgique., France Soc. Zool. Bull., 22, 1897, 17-22. 29. Etude sur les Mutillides existant dans les col- lections du Mus^e Civique de Genes. Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 37, 1896-97, 66-104. 30. Liste des Mutillides recueillis au pays des Somalis par il/. le Cap. V. Botteqo et description de deux especes nouvelles. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 37, 1896- 97, 281-284. 31. Synopsis des Mutillides de France. [1898.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 28, 1897-98, 38-40, 60-63, 81- 85, 106-109. 32. Contribution k la connaissance des Mutillides de I'Australie. France Soc. Zool. M^m., 11, 1898, 256- 308. 33. Etude sur les Mutillides du Museum de Paris. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 67, 1898, 1-79. 34. Description d'un genre nouveau et d'une espSce nouvelle de Mutillide d'Algerie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 143-145. 35. Description de deux nouvelles fourmis du Mexi- que. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 244-247. 36. Description du male de I'Apterogyna dorsostriata, A7idre. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 347-34^. 37. Tableaux analytiques illustr(5s pour la determina- tion des L^pidopt^res de France, de Suisse et de Belgique. Misc. Ent., 7, 1899, 74-75, 117-119, 130-131, 182-184; 8, 1900, 9-11, 20-23, 41-48, 63-70, 77-84, 108-116, 145- 159. 38. Mutilles nouvelles de Madagascai'. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 34-37. 39. Les types des Mutillides de la collection 0. Radoszkowski. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 68, 1899, 1-43. 40. [Diagnoses d'insectes recueillis par I'Exp^dition Antarctique Beige.] Thynnidae. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 44, 1900, 105. 41. Sur la femelle probable de I'Anomraa nigricans, ///. (Hym^noptdre). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 364-368. Andr6, Gln'goire]. Sur la pathogi'uie de la chlorose. Ass. Franv. C. R., 1887 (P«. 1), 335. a. Un cas de cbromydrose rose. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1887 {Pt. 2), 739-761. 3. De I'albuminurie dans la fievre typholde. Ass. Franr. C. R.,1889 (Pt. 2), 733-734. 4. Des rapports de I'ozone avec les bacteries de Pair. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. K., 1889, 419-420. 5. Parente clinique du cancer et du fibrome. H^r(5- dit(5 et contagion. Congr. Med. Int. .\tti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Piitol.), 91-99. Andr6, (;[i(s(iirc]. lO. Etude cliimiiiue et tliermique de Andrei qiiiklueB oxyohlorureB mdtalliqueg. Ann. Cliim., 3. 1884 11. Hur la chalciir do formation df» oxvchlorurca dc meruure. Poiim, Ac. Sfi. C. H., 1)H, 1884, -iOM 300. la. Siir la clialiiir d.' fotiijiitii.r. dcH (.xybromurcs de mercurc.^ I'liriK, Ac. Sti. C. 1{., w. 1884. .'il.'i-.^ltj. r, ^.^'^ ^"'' '■""^'-'''lorurG dc barvum. I'aiifi, Ac. Sci. C. 11.,9H,,1884, r,T2 r,7l. 14. litmle l)ieriuii|no de quelqnes u.'cychlonirca ot ox.vliKiiiiurcH de niercure. Paris Soc. Cliim Bull., 41 1884. 274 --.'80. 10. Hur Ics Kulfatcrt dc zinc ammoniiicaux, ot sur la separation on deux couches d'uno solulion purement acjueuHo. I'liriK, Ac. .Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, •211-243. 16. Sur (lucliiucH n/.otates bttsiqucK et amuioniacaux. aris, Ac. Kci. C. U., 100, 1886, 639-641; Jl. Pharm.. 11, 1886, (i7H-67!l. 17. Sur le sulfate de cuivrc ammoniacal et sur un sulfiiti- basiquc de cuivre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K. 100 1888, U.W-1I40. 18. Sur un sulfate ammoniacal de zinc et sur la separation en deux conches d'un licjuido purementaqueux. I'arm .Soc. Cbim. Hull., 4.!, 1885, 272-277. 19. Sur quelques conibinaisons do I'acitamide avec les chlorure.s metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li 102 1886. UiJ-llS. • ' ao. Action de I'animoniaqueet deTcan sur lechloro- forme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. U., 102, 1886, .'i53-.55.5. ai. Action de I'eau et de I'aninioniaque sur le chlorure de meth.vli'ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 102, 1886, 1474-1477. aa. Action de I'oxyde do plonib sur quelciues chlorurca dissous. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 3.W-360. as. Action de ro.xyde de mercure sur quelques chlorures dissous. Paris, Ao. Sci. C. li., 104, 1887, 34. Sur quelques combinaisoDs ammoniacales du chlorure de cadmium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R 104 1887 908-910. ' ' ' as. Sur quelques combinaisous ammoniacales du sulfate et dc I'uzotate de cadmium. Paris, Ac. Sci C R 104, 1887, ',W7-y'J0. ■ ■ ■' 36. Action do certains oxydes sur les chlorures do zinc et de manganese dissous. Paris, Ac Sci C R 106, 1888, 8.';4-«.')6. ' ' 37. Sur quelques oombinaisons ammoniacales dessels de nickel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, '.l3(i-939. 38. Sur quobiuos reactions des chlorures ammonira 29o!"293"''^' ^*"'' *"■ ^"' ^' "■' ^''*'' ^^®' '^'^'^-'■^'^^• 3». Snr quelques modes do production des chlorures ammonios de mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 108 1889 IIOS-IUO, 1164-1167. ' SO. Sur quelques reactions des chlorures amraonies de mercure. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 317-321. 31. Sur quelques chlorures ammonies de mercure Pans Soc. Chim. BuU., 2, 1889, 14.5-153, 864. 83. Sur la pr(?paratiou et la reaction des chlorures ammomacaux de mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci C E 112 1891, 85'.>-«61. 33. Sur quelquea composes formes par le chlorure mercunquc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 99-5-998. 34. Sur I'ncide bismuthique. Paris, Ac' Sci C K 113, 1891, 860-«<62. 35. Sur quelques propri(5ta frigida, Jan. IV. Kurzer Vergleich der chinesischcn und der curopaischen Landschneckenfauna des Liiss. ] Hildesbcini Hoc-nicr-Mus. Mitth., A'l). 12, 1900, 14 pp. 31. Hiotitaplito im Granitit von Baveno. Hildesheim Roemer-Mus. Mitth., No. 13, 1900, 3 pp. Andreae, A[chiltes], & Konlg, Walter. Der Magnetstein vom Frankenstein an der Bergstrasse. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss polarmagnetiscber Gesteine. [1888.] Senck- enb. Natf. Ges. Abh., 15, 1890 {He/t 2), 59-79. Andreae, A[<:hilles], & Oea.nn, J[lf red]. Die Porphyrbreccie von Dossenheim. Ein Beitrag zur Bildungsgeschichte vou Reibuugsbreccien. [1892.] Heidelb., Geol. Landes- anst. Mitt., 2, 1893, 36.5-372. 2. Loss und Losslehm bei Heidelberg, ihre Hohenlage und die darin vorkommenden Mineralien. Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 2, 1893, 733-742. 3. Blatt Heidelberg. Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Geol. Karte Erliiut., 23, 1896, 60 pp. 4. Tietencontacte an dem intrusiven Diabasen von New-Jersey. [1892.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 16-27. Andreae, A[cliiUes], Benecke, E[rnst] ]l'[ilhelm], Schu- macher, E[ii!ien], & Werveke, Leopold van. Erlaute- rungen zu Blatt Weissenburg. [With analysis of mineral spring by R. Serda.] Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Erlaut., 1892, 85 pp. Andreae, J. Benclter. Communication relating to the results of experiments with four- and two-bladed screw propellers. Naval Architects Trans., 29, 1888, 346-349. Andreae, J[oha7ines] L[eonai-dns]. 2. Die Loslichkeit fester Korper in Wasser bei verschiedenen Temperaturen. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 29, 1884, 456^77. 3. Die Dichte gesiittigter Losungen fester Korper in Wasser bei verschiedenen Temperaturen. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 30, 1884, 30.5-312. 4. Eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Dichte in Wasser loslicher fester Korper. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 30, 1884, 312-315. 5. Dissociatie-spanning en ontledingstoestand der stof. Rotterdam Nieuwe Verb., 3, 1890 {St. 3), No. 2, 45 pp.; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 7, 1891, 241-273. Andreas, Ernst. Elektricitiitserreguug auf chemischem Wege. [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1896-97, 188-189. 2. Ueber den specifisohen Grenzmagnetismus perma- nenter Stahlmagnete. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 18, 1897, 485-487, 497-502. Andreas, J. Ueber den Bau der Wand und die Oeffnungs- weise des Lebermoossporogons. Flora, 86, 1899, 161- 213. Andreasch, Rudolf. 14. Zur Kenntniss des Allylharn- stoffs. Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 {Abth. 2), 23-36; Mbefte. Chem., 1884, 33-46. 15. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Snlfliydantoine [Thiohydantoine]. [1885-97.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 92, 1886 {Abth. 2), 967-989; 96, 1888 (Ahtli. 2), 497-514; 104, 1895 {Abth. 26), 664-672; 100, 1897 {Ablh. •2b), Gi-102; Mhefte. Chem., 1885, 821-843; 1887, 407-424; 1895, 789-797; 1897, 56-94. 16. Ueber die Chloressigsulfonsiiure und einige andere halogensubstituirte Sulfonsiiuren. Wien, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 {Abth. 2), 680-697; Mhefte. Chem., 1886, 158- 175. 17. Zur Kenntniss der sogenannten Senfolessigsaure und der Rhodaninsiiure. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 26), 56-64; Mhefte. Chem., 1889, 73-81. 18. Ueber Dimetbylviolur.iiiure und Dimethyldilitur- saure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1895 (Abth. 2b), 2.5-41, 648-663; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 17-33, 773-788. 19. Ueber einige Thioharnstoffderivate. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. (ies. Ber., 31, 1898, 137-139. 20. Ueber Methylviolursiiure und MethyMilitursiiure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Abth. 26), 166-185; Mhefte. Chem., 1900, 281-300. Andreasl, Armitdo. Studio analitico dello tre cubiche cicliche. Giorn. Mat., 30, 1892, 241-286. Andree, Adolf. 8. Tiifolium elegans, Suvi, eine Stand- ortsvarietiit von Trifolium hybridum, L. Deutsoh. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, 97. Andreel 105 fAndreev O. IViifiiiK! <1«" PcrubalRainn. Arch. Phariii., 223, 1886, .'iGl-.".76. 10. Siilziilisrrhpidunt^en durcli die Bliittor. Oeutach. Hot. (ii«. Btr., :<, 1888, .S1.VS16. 11. Vaccinium mncrocarpiim. Ait. (cranberry), am Stiinliuder Mffre und die FIdhi des Winzlarer SloorcH. [IKH.').] Hannover .Iber., 1883-87, 56-C(). 13. Ptlaiizenannic'delunnen auf Ncubrucli. [ISH.^.] Il.inM..ver .Il)cr., 1883-87, (il-IIG. Andree, Richard. 9. 'AnranKC der Kartographie. Deiitsch. Natf. TaKobl., 1876 (ISeil.), 79-80. lO. Die Verbrcitunn dcH Albinismus. Deutsch. Gen. Antlirop. Cornsp.-Bl., 1887, S">. Andrie, .S'[i;/<)«i(/;ij .I[»;/im/]. To reference in No. 4 (Vol. !)) .;.;./ Kortschr. I'hvs.. 1884 (.ihth. :^), Ki5. 5. Hydro|iyrometi'r fiir inetallurRiakt bruk. Jem- Kontorets Ann., Hit, 1884, 173-182; Berg- u. Huttenm. Ztn., 13, 1884, .'50(i-.509. e. Sur le chaMse-neiRe dans Ics ri^gions arctiques. Arch. Sci. I'hys. Nat., 1.^, 1886, •^)23-.533. 7. laktta^elser iifvcr luftclektrieitetcn under solfilr- miirkolsen den 19 Augusti 1H87. Stockb., Of vers., 1887, .")20-r)31. 8. lakttnRelser vid kondensation af vattenangan i en fuktij;, elektrisk atmosfer. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 11 (.ltd. 1), 1889, No. 8, 11 pp.; Fortschr. Phys., 1888 (.-ihth. 2), 111. 9. Undersokningar angAende viirmcts ledning i po- rosa, fuktiga kroppar. [1890.] Stockb., Ak. Handl. Biliang, 16 (.Ifd. 1), 1891, No. 7, 7 pp. ; Fortschr. Phys., 1890 (Mth. 2), 381. 10. Voyage a^rien h travers la Baltique au moyen du guide-rope. A(5ronaute, 1893, 275-281. 11. lakttagelser under en ballongfiird den 15 .luU 1H!)3. [1893.] Stockh., .\k. Handl. Bibang, 19 (.ir./. 2), 1894, Nn. 3, 20 pp. ; Meteorol. Ztschr., 11 (1894), (70). 12. Ucber die Kohleusaure der Atmo.'iphare. Stockb., Ofvers., 1894, 3.5.5-371. 13. lakttagelser under en ballongfiird den 9 Angusti 18;w. f 18;i4.1 Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 {.ifd. 2), 1896, iVo. 1, 30 pp.; Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (1896), (34)- (35). 14. lakttagelser under en baUongfard den 19 Oktober 18'.13. [1894.] Stockh., W. Handl. Bihang, 20 (.ifd. 2), 1895, -Vo. 3, 39 pp.; Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (18951, (34)- (35). 15. lakttagelser under en ballongfiird den 2(> Februari 189 J. [1891.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 (J/d. 2), 1896, No. 4, Hi pp.; Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (1896), (34), (35)-(36). 16. lakttagelser under en ballonglard den 7 April 1894 sanit umlei- upi)stigningar med fiingslad ballong d. 15 Febr. s.imt d. 7 och 30 April 189J. [1894.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 (.ifd. 2), 1896, No. 5, 18 pp. ; Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (1896), (G7)-(Ci8). 17. lakttagelser under en ballonk'fiird den 14 .Inli 1894. [1894.) Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang. 20 (.ifd. 2), 1896, No. 6, 25 pp. ; Aeronaute, 1896, 12.5-134. 18. Projet d'exp6dition en ballon aux regions arc- tiques. Paris, .Ac. Sci. C. R.. 120, 1896, 892-89.5. 19. lakttagelser under en ballongfiird den 4 Augusti 1894. [1895.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 21 (.ifd. 2), 1896, No. 3, 13 pp.; Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), (3|-(4). ao. lakttagelser under en ballongfiird den 29 November 1894. [1895.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 21 (.4W. 2), 1896, No. 5, 20 pp.; Fortschr. Phys., 1896 (Abth. 3), 19(1. ai. lakttagelser under en ballongfiird den 17 )fars 18'.l.'.. [1895. 1 Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 21 (Afd. 2), 1896, No. 8, 20 pp.; Meteorol. Ztschr.. 13 (1896), (32). aa. Forslag till polarfiird med luftballong. [1895.) Stockh., Ymer, 15, 1896, 55-70. R. S. A. C. aa. Rapport aiigiiende 1m96 ars Svenska Polarexpe- ditiou. Stockb., Yrner, 10, 1896, 181-192. Andrte, Tli[omaii]. 4. Kin Beitrag zur Geologie des ( .tniiiKarwincr Stcinkohlcnrcviers. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1896, 28H-2;iO. Andree, \[,udtcig] Th^fodor]. Om faktigheta invcrkan pii ritpapper och deraf fiirorsakade fel s grufkartor. .Iirn Kontoreta Ann., 47, 1892, 1-10. Andreev, .1. [1] (IV. 71 under Andreyeff. .TajOXCKOC n:ippo II rii,ipor|>.iitiii'iofKifl pa6oTU, iipoii.tBo- iiiiuiiicH iia iioMi. Bi) iiacTOH mot' BpcjIJI. St. 1'. t.rsli., Soc. Uusse Gijogr. M^rn. (Ofuyr.), 1. 1867. 1-10. Andreev, .1., & Andres, Hugo. See Andre* A Andreev. Andreev, h'[iiiitttmliii] A[Ukiife lioiofmijjn. i|iyiiKiu)lMli .lKH:.VFi,Tpa. [Ueber die Entwickelung ciner Function in einc Beihe nach Functionen die den Legendre'schen ahnlicb Bind.] St. Pctersb. .Ac. Sci. Mem. [liust.), 51, 1886, 1-14; Fortschr. Math., 1886, 500. la. Note sar une relation entre les int^grales d^-finies des produits des fonctions. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^m., 2, 1886, 1-14. 13. CeMiiyro.ll.HllKll lilptTEpa. [Ueber Sieben- ecke von R. ScuiKiTEB. ] Kharkov Math. Soc. Ck>mmun., 1, 1889, 277-280; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 009. 14. Ki Boiipocy 0 Koii(J)iirypaui«xi. [Sur le problime des configurations.] [1889-90.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 2, 1891,9.5-107; Fortschr. Math., 1891, .564. 15. roMomiiuiiqecKoe nsoCpaxenie ccficpH na n.lOCKOCTb. [Representation homocyclique de la sphere sur le plan.) [1891.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 3, 1893, 35-41 ; Fortschr. Math.. 1891, 894. 16. 0 pasiJCKaniri pauioiia-ibuuxt nacTHUxi iiiiTerpa.ioBT> .iiiiiefiiiuxi. jii(ti4'cpeHuia.ii.iiux^ ypaBHciiiii iipii iiomoihii iiiiTerpiipyK>maro mho- HClITe.lfl. [Sur la recherche des integrales particuliires rationnelles des equations diHerentielles lin^aires au moyen d'un multiplicateur.] [1893.] Kharkov Math. Snc. Commun., 4, 1896, 177-205; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94. 534, 535-536. 17. KoMJieiiTapili kt. cxaTbt aKa;ieHiiKa B. T. UMinKHEiiKaro o pa.'! uo can in paiiioua-ibUMXi. pt.iiicniil iie.inHennHxi. .iii Mopt n y 6eperoBi Mypvana bt, 1880, 1881 11 1882 rojaxt. [Results of meteoro- logical and hydrological investigations made in the White Sea aiid on the Murman Coast in 1880-82.] [1883.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 19, 1884 (Pt. 2). 22-27. a. rt.BcpHufi.TeiOBimiiB OKeani. Maiepiajbi no rnjpojorin, coOpaHHHa bt> ncpio.n. ct. 1889 no 1893 ro.lT>. Ocean arctique. Matcriaux occano- 14 Andreev] 10^ graphiques rassembles pendant les annees 1889-93. St. Petersb., Soc. Eusse Geogr. Mem. (Geogr.), 34 (Wo. 1), 1900, 136 pp. Andreev, N. P. Rasche Fiirbung von tiiberkulosen Sputis. Einzeitiges Eutfarben uud komplementiires Nachfiirben des Grundes bei der Ziehl-Neelsen'scben Metbode. Ceutrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 22, 1897, 593-597, 826. Andrelnl, Alfredo. Caso di ecbinocoeeo del cuore umano. Koma, Soc.' Studi Zool. Boll., 6, 1897, 227-233. 2. Beitrag zum Studium der basisehen Produkte des Diplococeus pneumoniee. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 678-684, 736-744, 1021. Andrelnl, Angiolu. Sopia una proprieta singolare di alcimi mimeii dipendente dal sistema particolare di numerazione nel quale souo scritti. Giorn. Mat., 20, 1888, 31.5-326 ; 28, 1890, 43. Andreini, B. Hull' azione biologioa e tossioa dell' urea e di alcune carbammidi alchilate. Ann. di Farm, e Cbim., [1899], 394-416. Andreis, Angela de. 3. *Fenomei]0 elettrico visto a Civitavecchia 1' 11 settembre 1880. [1880.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 15, 1881, 164. 4. Nuove esperienze di elettrostatica induzione. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, .?7, 1884, 150-151. 5. Osservazioni sulla malaria. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 94. 6. Studi di geodiuamica. Roma, Specula Vaticana Pubbl., 1, 1891, 89-93. Andreocci, America. For biography see Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2545 ; Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 62, 1900, 27-31. Action du pentachlorure de phospbore sur I'ether succinylsuccinique. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 18, 1887, 562-563. 2. Azione della fenilidrazina suir aeetiluretano. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 2), 115-119; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 448- 452. 3. Azione della fenilidrazina sull' aeetiluretano. (l)Fenil(3)metil(5)piro-diiizolone e suoi derivati. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 [Nem. 2), 20'J-21.S. 4. Azione del pentasolfuro di fosforo sul (l)fenil- (3)metil(5)pirazolone e suU' antipirina. Nota prelimi- nare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 [Sem. 1), 269-271. 5. Azione del calore sul cloroplatinato dell' (l)fenil- (3)metil-pirazolo e sui cloroplatinati pirrodiazolonici e pirrodiazolici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 157-166. 6. Sintesi dell' acido (l)fenil(3)carbo-pirrodiazolieo, del (3) metil-pirrodiazolo, dell' acido (3) carbo-pirrodia- zolico e del pirrodiazolo libero. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 458-403; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 1), 109-117; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 225-230. 7. Sopra il pirrodiazolo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 16-18. a. Sopra alcuni derivati dell' uretano. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Scj.'i. 1), 257-264. 9. Sopra due nuovi isomeri della santonina e due nuovi isomeri dell' acido santouoso. Gazz. Cbim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 408-493. 10. Sulla santonina. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 551-552; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 298.5-2980. 11. Sopra un isomero della santonina. Nota pre- liminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (.Vim. 1), 328-329. 12. Sulla riduzione della santonina. Nota pre- liminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 376. 13. Sopra un isomero della santonina ed un nuovo isomero dell' acido santonoso. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei [Andreocci Rend., 2, 1893 (.SVm. 1), 494-497; Berlin, Chem. Ges Ber., 26, 1893, 1373-1376. 14. Suir acido disautonoso. Nota preliminare, Koma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 538-539. 15. Sopra un' altro nuovo isomero della santonina e sopra un' altro nuovo isomero dell' acido santonoso. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 175- 183. 16. Sopra alcuni derivati metilati dell' acido des- motiopo-santonoso. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2 1893 (Sem. 2), 20(1-202. 17. Sulla costituzione della dieian-fenilidrazina e dei composti triazolici di J. A. Bladin. Roma, R. Aco, Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (.SVm. 2), 302-310. 18. Sui quattro aeidi santonosi e sopra due nuove santonine. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Mem., 2, 1895, 4-89 Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 1), 452-568. 10. Sulla struttura degli acidi santonosi. Roma, R Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 68-76. 20. Sugli acidi di-santonosi. Nota preliminare, Roma, R. Aco. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 164-165. 21. Sulla trasformaziorie dell' acido desmotropo santonoso nell' acido levo-santonoso. Roma, R. Ace, Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 250-265. 22. Sulla octoidro-jj(7?«-dimetil-etil-naftalina. Roma R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 431-435. 23. Sul solturo d' azoto. Nota preliminare. Roma E. Aec. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 254-258. 24. Sopra un prodotto di addizione della santonina coir acido nitrico. Azione dell' acido nitrico sulla desmotroposantonina. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem.. 2), 309-313. 25. Azione dei cloruri [ed ossieloruri] di fosforo... sopra alcuni derivati ossigenati del pirrodiazolo (2.4). Koma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 1), 114-120, 217-225. 26. .Jodio-etilato e bromo-etilato di fenil(l)metil(3)- pirrodiazolo (2.4). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 1), 293-295. 27. Costituzione dei pirrodiazoloni. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 0, 1897 (Sem. 1), 378-386. 28. Ueber den SchwefelstickstolJ. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 14, 1897, 246-2.50. 29. II pirrodiazolo 2.4 ed i suoi derivati. (Roma), Soc. Ital. Mem., 11, 1898, 3-116. 30. Sopra un racemo parziale. Sopra alcune rela- zioni riseontrate nel gruppo della santonina fra I'isomeria ottica e la triboluminescenza. Nota preliminare. [1898.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 50, 1899, 13-19; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 513-510, 516-519. 31. Stereoisomeria delle desmotroposantonine e degli acidi santonosi. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 80-86. Andreocci, America, & Alessandrello, P[ellegrina]. Sulla scissione dell' acido isusantonoso inattivo nei suoi coni- ponenti destro e levo, mediante la cinconina. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 12, 1899, Mem. 15, 5 pp. ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 479-483. 2. Sulla scissione dell' acido isosantouoso inattivo nei suoi antipodi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Eend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), .503-505. Andreocci, America, & Bertolo, P[v., :io', 1892, 98 '.19, 188-189, 3.50-.S.'il ; 31, 1892, 342- 344. 4. \ii' chlore et la Boade ^leotrolytiiiiies (systimes Kichiinlson-Holland et B. Cutten). Luiii. Klect., 40, 1892, 218-223. 8. The elcctnilvtic production of clilorine and soda. Elect. Hov., 32, 1893, 204-200. 6. Facts and tiRiiies on electrolytic chlorine and noda. Elect. Kev., 32, 1893, 488, .')21-.522, .5.50-5.58, 014-640. 7. Chloride of lead secondary batteries. Elect. Rev., 33. 1893, 494. a. Luminosity, ozone, and vacuum tabes. Elect. Rev., 33, 1893, 551-5.52. 9. Extraction dc I'or par le cyanure. Eclairaxe Elect., 1, 1894. 3.53-358. .591-595, 637-041. 10. Clilorid.' of lend battery. Elect. Rev., 34, 1894, .508. .592; 35, 1894, 117-118. 11. Electro-deposition of gold. Elect. Rev., 35, 1894, 5.50-552. la. ( 'yanide and electrolytic cyanide solutions. Elect. Rev.. 35," 1894, .580-588. 13. La prati(|ne de I'electroly.se des chlorures. Lum. l!;iect., 53, 1894. 50-00, 120-123, 205-207. 14. Gleichzeiti;;e ErzeuRunn von Ozon und Licht. Ils'.il.] Ztschr. Elektrotuclin. Elektr.ieh., 1894-95, 307. 15. Le traitenient electrique des minerals de Broken- Hill. Eclairage Elect., 7 (1896),303-308,.508-513,.790-.594. 16. L'ozoue et les bact^ries. Eclairage Elect., 9 (18961, 348-3.58. 17. Electrometallurgy in 1895. Elect. Rev., 38, 1896. 129-131. 18. Sur le rendement des ozoniseurs et le dosage de I'ozone. Eclairage Elect., 12 (1897), .509-511. 19. Sterilisation of impure water by ozone. Elect. Rev., 41, 1897, 498-499. ao. The progress of electro-chemistry and electro- metallurgy during the last 25 years. Elect. Rev., 41, 1897, 037-040. ai. Ozone, its commercial production and applica- tions. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 10, 1897, 89-93. Andres, Atifielo. 8. La salamandra gigantesca del (iiiippone (Megalobatrachus maximus, lioul.). Cenni descrittivi dell' eseuiplare esistente vivo nel Civico Museo di Milnno. .Milano, Soc. Ital. .\tti, 35, 1896, 201-21.8. 9. Lo miospine della Tinea. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897. 1123-1139. 10. Caratteri sessuali secondari nella Tinea. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 1430-1458. 11. L' interpretazione della morte in alcuni organism! inferior!. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 31, 1898, 88:1-907. 13. La niisurazione razionale degli organismi col metodo dei milhsimi somatici o millisomi (somatometria). Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend.. 33, 1900. 398-429. Andres, Anij'lo, . (Ciihtcsx a-::tTll.l-/J-i|)i'llll.i:iTll.loilM0.10H»oll KIU'.IOTU.) [Ac- tion of a mixture of zinc and ethyl a-broniohutyrat« on benzaldehvde. (Synthesis of a-ethyl-^-phenylethylene- lactic acid.)] [1895.] Russ. I'hys.'-Chem. Soc. jl.. 28 (Chem.). 1896, 28:1-293: Paris Soc. Chim. Ball., 16. 1896, 114:*-1144. Andresen, (Kapt.) II. Aussergcwohnliche Witlerung auf der Klieile yon .\.kyab. .Vnn. der Hydrogr., 17 (1889). 458. a. Die Witterung in Olehleh (Nord-Snmatra) im Januar und Februar 1891. Ann. der Hydrogr., 21 (18931, 442-443. Andresen, ./o/i. C. En nyfunden flek af primordial i Ikiiuungbygden, Grans prestegjeld. Sorges Geol. Undcrs. .\Vrb., [1], 1891, 19-21, (Rii. 94). Andresen, M\omme\. 3. Safranin und Methylenblaa. [Vorlaulige .Mittheilung.] Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886. 2212-2217. 4. On the constitution of organic photographic developers. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 10, 1891, 982-984; 11, 1892, 3. 5. Ueher die Zusammensetzung des kikuBichen Na- triumsultits. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 31, 1894, 211-214. 6. Die Isomeren des Amidols. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 31, 1894, .50.5-511. 7. Ein neuer Diazotypprocess. Wien, Photogr. Corrcsponii., 32, 1895, 284'-2a8, 372. 8. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Diamidooxydiphenyls als Entwickler. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 34, 1897, 587-591; 30. 1899, 200-21.5. 9. Charakteristische Rcactionen der bekannteren Entwicklersubstanzen. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 35. 1898. 12-22. 10. Zur Theorie der Eutwicklang des latenten Licbt- bildes. Wien. Photogr. Correspond., 35, 1898. 44.5-1.52. 11. Zur .\ktinometrie des Sonnenliclites. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 35, 1898, 502-521. 13. Das Wasser9tofTsupero\yd im Dienste der Photo- graphie. Wien. Photogr. Correspond.. 36. 1899. 260- 260. 13. Bromhydrochinon als Entwickler. Wien. Photogr. Corres|H)nd.. 30. 1899, 396-398. 14. Zur Charakterisirung der Entwicklersubstanzen. Wien. Photogr. Correspond., 36, 1899. 6:1.5-613. 15. Intluence de la pression barometriqae sur Taction cbiiuiqiie de la luiniere ilirecte du soleil. Mont Blanc Obs. Ann., 4, 1900, 1-17. 14—2 Andresen] 108 [Andrews 16. Zur Chemie der nrRanischen Entwiokler. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 37, 1900, 185-199. Andrew, //. M. 2. The red sunsets. [1884.] ' Victoria Eoy, Soc. Trans., 21, 1885, 158-159. 3. An unusual rainliow. Nature, 37, 1888, 464-465. Andrew, J[ames] Grant. Specimens of lobulated adult human kidneys. Glasgow Med. Jl., 38, 1892, 427-129. 2. Cast and teeth from a case of dentigerous cyst. [1898.] Glasgow Path. Clin. Soc. Trans., 7, 1899, 171- 175; Glasgow Med. Jl., 50, 1898, 127-131. Andrew, James. For biographical notice and works see Med.-Chir. Trans., 81, 1898, cii-cvi. 2, A case of hemorrhagic varicella and a case of gangrenous varicella. Clin. Soc. Trans., 23, 1890, 79- 83. Andrew, (Rev.) John. The British bees. [1886.] Belfast Field Club Rep., 2, 1888, 449-451. 2. Melicerta ringens. Irish Natlist., 3, 1894, 43-44. 3. The primeval basis and progressive build of the inorganic world. [1896.] Belfast Field Club Rep., 4, 1901, 362-379. Andrew, Thomas. 2. Some notes on the well at tlie Exeter City Asylum. Devon. Ass. Trans. , 20, 1888, 123- 128. 3. Some notes on a natural pipe from a sand-pit in the Breccia series, in the parish of Heavitree. Devon. Ass. Trans., 20, 1888, 378-382. Andrewes, Frederick William. Observations on pyogenic organisms. Loc. Gov. Brd. Rep. (Med. Off.), 20, 1891, 273-280. 2. Preliminary report on the growth of bacteria in pus. Loc. Gov. Brd. Rep. (Med. Off.), 21, 1893, 209-212. 3. Observations on blood-infection. Loc. Gov. Brd. Rep. (Med. Off.), 22, 1894, 419-426. 4. Report on spore-bearing anaerobic bacilli in the contents of the human intestine, with special reference to their concern with acute diarrhoea. Loc. Gov. Brd. Rep. (Med. Off'.), 26, 1897, 25.5-2G2. Andrews, ./. J. Discovery of fossil beds at tlie Witkopje Pan. S. Africa Geo). Soc. Trans., 3, 1898, 146. Andrews, .-I. Le Roy. On some variations of Spiranthes cernua. Rhodora, 1, 1899, 110. 2. The Orchidacese of a series of swamps in southern Vermont. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 114-115. 3. Orchids of Mt. Greylock, Massachusetts. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 179-180. 4. Ferns of a deep ravine in Thettord, Vermont. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 229-230. Andrews, C. Irvimi. The volcanic rock of Alum Hill, Boulder county, Colorado. [1895.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc, 5 (1894-96), 148-155. Andrews, Cecil R. P. Draba muralis, L., in Kent. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 275. 2. Two grasses new to the Channel Islands. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 38-37. 3. Notes on Channel Island plants. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 483-484. Andrews, Clntrles Wljilliavi]. Note on a new species of .^pyornis (/E. Titan). Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 18-20. 2. On some remains of jEpyornis in the Britisli Museum (Nat. Hist.). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 108-123. 3. On the development of the shoulder-girdle of a plesiosaur (Cryptoclidus oxoniensis, Phillips, sp.) from the Oxford Clay. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1896, 338- 346. 4. On the structure of the skull in Peloneustes philarchus, a pliosaur from the Oxford Clay. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1896, 242-256. 5. The ])ectoral and pelvic girdles of Murienosaurus plicatua. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1895, 429-434. 6. Some remarks on the Stereornithes, a group of extinct birds from South America. [1895.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 714-715; Ibis, 2, 1896, 1-12. 7. Note on a specimen of Keraterpetum Galvani, Huxley, from Staffordshire. Geol. Mag., 2, 1895, 81-84. 8. Note on a skeleton of a young plesiosaur from the Oxford Clay of Peterborough. Geol. Mag., 2,1895,241-243. 9. On some remains of .33pyornis in the Hon. Walter Rothschild's Museum at Tring. Novitates Zool., 2, 1895, 28-25. 10. Note on the pelvis of Ci'yptoclidus oxoniensis (Phillips). Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 145-148. 11. Note on a nearly complete skeleton of Aptornis defossor (Owen). Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 241-242. 12. Note on the skeleton of Diaphorapteryx Hawkinsi, Forbes, a large extinct rail from the Chatham Islands. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 337-388. 13. On the structure of the plesiosaurian skull. Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 52, 1896, 246-2.52. 14. On the skull, sternum, and shoulder-girdle of .Epyornis. Ibis, 2, 1896, 376-389. 15. On the extinct birds of the Chatham Islands. Part I. The osteology of Diaphorapteryx Hawkinsi. [Part II. The osteology of Pateolimnas chatliamensis aud Nesolimnas (gen. nor.) Dieffenbachii.] Novitates Zool., 3, 1896, 73-84, 260-271. 16. On a skull of Orycteropus Gaudryi, Forsyth- Major, from Samos. Zool". Soc. Proc, 1896, 296-299. 17. Note on a cast of the brain-cavity of Iguanodon. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, .58.5-591. 18. Note on a nearly complete skeleton of .35pyornis from Madagascar. Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 241-250. 19. On the structure of the skull of a pliosaur. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 53, 1897, 177-185. 20. On some fossil remains of carinate birds from central Madagascar. Ibis, 8, 1897, 843-359. 21. On a complete skeleton of Megalapteryx tenuipes, Lydekker, in the Tring Museum. Novitates Zool., 4, 1897, 188-194. 22. A description of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). [1898.] Geogr. Jl., 13, 1899, 17-35. 23. The relations of Christmas Island to the neigh- bouring lauds. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 815. 24. Note on a nearly complete skeleton of Dinornis maximus. Geol. Mag., 6, 1899, 39.5-397. 25. Fossil Mammalia from Egypt. Geol. Mag., 6, 1899, 481-484; 7, 1900, 401-403. 26. On some remains of birds from the lake-dwellings of Glastonbury, Somersetshire. Il)is, 5, 1899, 351-358. 27. On the remains of a new bird from the London Clay of Sheppey. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 776-785. 28. On a new species of chelonian (Podocnemis EBgyptiaca) from the Lower Miocene of Egypt. Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 1-2. 29. [On a cast of a portion of the jaw of an Ichthyo- saurus.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 060. 30. On the extinct birds of Patagonia. I. The skull and skeleton of Phororhacos intiatus, Ameghino. [1899.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 15, 1901, 55-86. Andrews, Charles \\\Hliam'\ (et alii). On the marine fauna of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). I. Intro- ductory note. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 115-117. Andrews, Clement W[iilker\ Influence de la temperature sur la rotation specitique du Sucre de canue. [Tr.] Moniteur Sci., 3, 1889, 136(>-1369. Andrews, Clement ]\\alker], & Norton, L[ewia] il/[^7^s]. .Si'.' Norton & Andrews. Andrews, K. I). jS.ssign to this author entries (Vol. 1) uudcv Andrews, E. ]t., and No. 4 (]'ol. 7) under Andrews, /•. . 14. 'Report on Gallia county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1873 (Pt. 1), 225-246. 15. "Keport on Meigs county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1873 (Pt. 1), 247-260. 16. 'Report on Athens county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1873 (I'l. 1), 261-293. Andrews] 109 [Andrews 17. *K('i)ort on Morgan county. Ohio Oeol. Surv. liep., 1, 1873 (/'(. 1), 2!t4-H13. 18. 'Itiport oil Muskingum county. Ohio Oeol. Huiv. Hop., 1, 1873 {Pt. 1), 314-304. 10. *.Surfuce neology ["f Houth-eftstern Ohio]. Ohio Geol. Surv. Hep., 2 {PI.' I), 1874, 44I-4.-.2. ao. 'Report on the RcoloKy of WaHhinRton county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 {Pt. 1), 1874, 4.53-50H. 21. "Report (in the rcoIorv of Nohle county. Ohio Oeol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. 1), 1874, .';09-.52H. 33. "Report on the KeoloKy of Ouernsey county (south half). Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 {Pt.'l), 1874, 529-.^)42. 33. "Report on the geology of Belmont county (south halO. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (/'(. 1), 1874, .')43-.5tJ9. 34. "Report on the geolojiv of Monroe county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. 1), 1874, .'JTO-iJH?. 36. "Report on the geology of I'ickuway county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pi. 1), 1874, .'588-592. 3d. "Geologv of Fairfield county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Kep., 2 (Pt. 1), 1874, 5'J2-r.94. 37. "Descriptions of fossil plants from the Coal Measures of Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pi. 2), 1875, tl3-42G. 28. "Supplemental report on Perry county, and portions of Hocking ami Athens counties. Ohio Geol. Surv. Hep., 3, 1878, 81.5-882. Andrewa, K. C. Notes on the limestones and general geology of the Fiji Islunds, with special reference to the Lau group. Based upon surveys made for Alexander AoAssiz. [1900.] Harvard Mub. Zool. Bull., 38, 1900-03, 1-50. Andrews, Filmuud. Assign to this author Nos. 1-3 {Vol. 7) under Andrews, /'.. To rtference in No. 6 (Vol. 9) add Chicago Ac. Sci. Bull., 1. [1883-86], 1-9. Andrews, Knusl l{[obeil], & Bleldola, liaphael. See Meldola & Andrews. Andrews, Ktlmn .illen. "On the anatomy of Libinia emarginata. Leach, the spider crab. [1883.] Connecticut Ao. Trans., 6, 1882-85, 99-121. 2. Atlinitiesof annelids to vertebrates. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1886, 767-774. a. Reproductive organ of Phascolosoma Gouldii. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 140-142. 4. Autotoniy in the crab. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 138-142. 6. On a new American species of the remarkable animal Phoronis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1890, 445- 449. 6. Notes on the anatomy of Sipunculus Gouldii, Pourliilig. [1890.] Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 4, 1887-90, 389-430. 7. Notes on the body-cavity liquid of Sipunculus Gouldii, Pourtalif. [1890.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [9 (1889-90),] 65. 8. A commensiU annelid. Amer. Natlist., 25, 1891, 25-35. O. Reproductive organs of Diopatra. Jl. Morphol., 5, 1891, 113-124. 10. Compound eyes of annelids. Jl. Morphol., 5, 1891, 271-299. 11. The distribution of Magelona. [1891.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [10 (1890-91),] 9C. 13. On the eyes of Polychieta. A preliminary com- munication. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 285-286. 13. Report upon the .Annelida Polychesta of Beaufort, North Carolina. [1891.] U.S. Mus. Proc., 14, 1892, 277-302. 14. Experimental embryology. Amer. Natlist., 26, 1892. 367-382, 580-592. 15. Bifurcated annelids. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1892, 725-733. 10. On the eyes of polychstouB annelids. JI.Morphol., 7, 1892, 109-222. 17. Notes on the fauna of Jamaica. [1892.] Johns Hopkins Oniv. Circ, [11 (1891-921,] 72-77. IB. An undesiribed iicraniatc : .\nvmmctron lucaya- num. Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 5, 1893, 2i:i-247. 10. The Bahama AraphioxuH. [1893.) Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [12 (1892-93),] 104. 30. Some abnormal annelids, (^uart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 36, 1894, 43.-.-160. 31. Conjugation in an American crayfish. Amer. Natli-7-60. 26. On the conjugation of Cambaras. Zool. Anz., 18, 1896, 2H4-285. 27. Breeding habits of the spotted salamander. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 03.5-637. 28. Spinning in Serpula eggs. Amer. Natlist, 31, 1897, H1S-H20. 30. HAUM.Mt's ectoplasmic layer. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 1027-1032. 30. Some activities of polar bodies. [1897.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [17 (1897-98),] 14-16. 31. Some activities of the polar bodies in Cerebra- tulus. [1897-98.] Science, 7, 1898, 221-222; Arch. EntwMech., 0, 1898. 228-248. 33. Some ectosarcal phenomena in the eggs of Hydra. [18118.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [18 (1898-99),] 1-3. 33. Filose activity in metazoan eggs. [1898.] Zool. Bull., 2, 1899, 1-13. Andrews, Florence M. Notes on a species of Cyathns coiiiinon in lawns at Middlebury, Vermont. Rhodora, 2. 1900. 99-101. Andrews, Frank M. Development of the embryo-sac of .kflVrsonia diphylla. Bot. Gaz., 20, 1896, 423-J24. Andrews, George Frederick. Notes on aluminum. Amer. Chem. See Jl., 16, 1894, 48.5-l.s7. Andrews, Grace A. Studies of the dream consciousness. [1900.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 12, 1900-01, 131-134. Andrews, GicendoUn Floulke]. Some spinning activities of protoplasm in starfish and sea-urchin eggs. Jl. Mor- phol., 12, 1897, 307-389. 3. On a method found useful in preservation of protoplasmic spinnings. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 14, 1897, 447-4.52. Andrews, Horace. Solution of trigonometrical problems by continued approximations. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 31, 1884, 54-57. Andrews, J. D. F. 3. Electrical distribution by means of condensers. Electrician, 23, 1889, 330-331. 3. An experiment with the electric arc. Electrician, 26, 1891, 081. Andrews, <7u/in Joseph Frederick. On ship caissons for dock basins and dry docks. Engineers Soc. Trans., 1890. 189-200. Andrews, i/osfpA .^[//r^if]. 3. Trachoma and the etiology of je.iuirity ophthalmia. Arch. Med., 11, 1884, 221-261. 4. Contagious conjunctivitis ; its causes, prevention, and treatment. N. V. Med. Jl., 42, 1885, 449-452, 480- 483. 5. The electric light as an illuminator. The effect of strong light on the eye. [M'ilh diicwition.] Amer. Ophtbalm. Soc Trans., 188€, 228-241. 6. Contagious eye-disease. N. V. Med. Jl., 44, 1886, 347-352. 7. Purulent ophthalmia : observations on the etiology Andrews] 110 [Andrews and treatment of the disease. N. Y. Med. .71., .'il, 1890, 681-68.5. 8. Functional headache fiom eye-strain in children. N.Y. Med. Jl., .54, 1891, 41-4G. 9. Tubercle of the iris. Being a report of a case of tubercle of the iris, with remarks addressed to the inquiry: Does tubercle ever occur iirimarily in the iris? Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1896, 561-577. Andrews, L. Soil-preferences of some less usual vascular plants in central Connecticut. Rhodora, 1, 1899, 103- 104. 2. Aster concinnus in New England. Ehodora, 2, 1900, 10l)-167. Andrews, Liiuncelot J]'[incliester]. 5. On a volumetric method of general applicability for the determination of combined sulphuric acid. Amer. Chem. Jl., 11 (1889), 567-571. 6. The detection of coniine in a case of poisoning. Amer. Chem. Jl., 13 (1891), 123-128. 7. On a new astatic galvanometer with a single spiral needle. [1H87.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1 {Ft. 2), 1892, 75. 8. An unusual form of calcium glycerate. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1893, 107. 9. On the assumption of a special "nascent state." [1893.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1 {Pt. 4), 1894, 9-12 ; Chem. News, 70, 1894, 152-153. 10. Some peculiarities of solutions of ferric sulpho- cyanate. [1893.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1 {Pt. 4), 1894, 12-15 ; Chem. News, 70, 1894, 1G5-16G. 11. Recent advances in the theory of solutions. [Presidential address, Dec. 1894.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1895, 13-19. 12. On the analysis of alloys of lead, tin, antimony and arsenic. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 869-873. 13. The nascent state. Chem. News, 71, 1895, 80-81. 14. The reduction of sulphuric acid by copper as a function of the temperature. Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 3, 1896,37-40; Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 18, 1896, 251-254. 15. A new volumetric method for the determination of silver. Amer. Chem. Jl., 24 (1900), 2.56-266. Andrews, Launcflot W[ini:)ie!:Ur'\, & Ende, Carl. A study of the physical properties of solutions of lithium chloride in arayl alcohol. [1894.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1895, 95-103; Ztschr. Physikal. Cliem., 17, 1895, 136-144. Andrews, Lfoiuird. The prevention of interruptions to electricity supply. [If^ith disrusxiuii.] [1898.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl'., 27, 1899, 487-522. Andrews, {.Mixs) Man/ K. Denudation at Cultra, County Down. [1892.] Belfast Field Club Rep., 3, 1893, 529- 532. 2. Dykes in Antrim and Down. Iri.sh Natlist., 3, 1894, 93-96. 3. Notes on Moel Tryfaen. [1894.] Belfast Field Club Rep., 4, 1901, 20.5-210. Andrews, fi. /x. 2. The origin of the dental fibril, [ll'if/i di.tnission.] Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 5), 503-511. 3. The development of the teeth, with demonstrations of the formation of dentine from the odontobla-sts and fibril-cells. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 31, 1888, 808-814. 4. Pits and fissures of the enamel. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 32, 1889, 996-1005. 5. On the formation and calcification of the enamel. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 [lid. 5, .ibtli. 14), 44-51. 6. A contribution to the study of the development of the enamel. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 43, 1900, 1009-1022. Andrews, Iltitinaa. For biography and works .s-cc Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 312-344; Luopoldiiia, 22, 1886, 165- 166 ; London I'hys. Soc Proc, 7, 1886 (.■Inn. Meet., 1886), 8-9; Nature, 33, 1886, 157-1.59; Termt. Ko/.lOri., 18, 1886, 513; Roy. Soc Proc, 41, 1887, xi-xv. 61. On the properties of matter iti the gaseous and liquid states under various conditions of temperature and pressure. [1886.] [Poslh.'\ Phil. Trans. (A), 178, 1888, 45-56. Andrews, Thomax (C. A'.). 2. On galvanic action between wrought-iron, cast metals, and various steels during long exposure in sea-water. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 77, 1884, 32.3-336. 3. Experimental research on the electromotive force from difference of potential during diffusion in tidal streams. Roy. Soc. Proc, 37, 1884, 28-35. 4. Corrosion of metals during long exposure in sea- water. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 82, 1885, 281-300. 5. Observations on variations of the electromotive force between metals at high temperatures in fused salts. Roy. Soc. Proc, 38, 1886, 216-218. 6. The action of tidal streams on metals during diffusion of salt and fresh water. Experimental research. Part II (Uravimetric). Roy. Soc. Proc, 38, 1885, 372- 378. 7. Apparent lines of force on passing a current through water. [1884.] Edinb. Roy. Soc Proc, 13, 1886, 18-21. 8. The resistance during recrystallisation of fused salts of the halogens compared with .some others and glass. [1885.] Edinb. Roy. Soc Proc, 13,1886, 275- 279. 9. Electrochemical reactions between metals in fused salts. Edinb. Roy. Soc Proc, 13, 1886, 947-950. 10. Effect of temperature on tlie strength of railway axles. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 87, 1886, 340-370; 94, 1888, 180-209; 105, 1891, 161-176. 11. Observations on pure ice and snow. [1886-90.] Roy. Soc Proc, 40, 1886, 544-549 ; 48, 1891, 106-116. 12. *0n the relative electro-chemical positions of wrought iron, steels, oast metal, etc., in sea-water and other solutions. [1883.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 32, 1887, 20.5-218. 13. Electrochemical effects on magnetising iron. [1887-92.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 42, 1887, 459-469 ; 44, 1888, 152-168; 46, 1890, 176-193; 52, 1893, 114-117. 14. Heat dilatation of metals from low temperatures. [1887.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 43, 1888, 299-304. 15. The passive state of iron and steel. [1890-91.] Roy. Soc Proc, 48, 1891, 116-126; 49, 1891, 120-126, 481-488. 16. The effect of chilling on the impact resistance of metals. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 103, 1891, 231-249. 17. The action of tidal streams on metals. [Witli dixciisxiun.] [1890.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 1, 1892, 191-208; 2, 1892, 110-111. 18. The effect of strain on railway axles, and the minimum flexion resistance-point in axles. Engineers Soc. Trans., 1895, 181-223. 19. Micro-metallography of iron. Part 1. Roy. Soc. Proc, 58, 1895, 59-64'. 20. Thermo-elektrische Vorgiinge und Strome zwi- schen lletallen in geschmolzenen Salzen. [Tr.] [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1896-97, 117-121. Andrews, ]V[illiam] //[»/;»«], it Campbell, Edward D[i; 3IilU']. Si'f Campbell iV Andrews. Andrews, IT. IT. .\ cheap form of self-regulating gas generator. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 304-306. 2. The position of argon in the periodic system. Chem. News, 71, 1896, 23,5. 3. Some extensions of the plaster of Paris method in blowpipe analysis. Amer. Chem. Soc Jl., 18, 1896, 849- 869. 4. Reform in the teaching of chemistry. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 601-608. Andrews, William. 3. On recent observations on the Trias in central Warwickshire. Warwick. Field Club I'roc, 1884, 18-21. 4. The great clialkv boulder clay in central Warwick- shin-. Warwick. Field Chil) Proc," 1884, 32-33. Andrews] 111 (Andrlik 5. Tho older I'liliiozoic tocUk in north-east Warwick- shire. Midland NatliKt., 9, 1886, 5»-5'.). d. On a new discovery of Cambrian rocks lietwotn Chilvers Colon and linrton Hastings. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1886, Hl-32. 7. On the north Warwickhhire Cambrian slialcs. Midland NiitliHt., 12, 1889, 2'1't. a. (In till' liorclinlcH at Coventry. Warwick. Field Club I'roc., 1889, '27-.*a. 0. On a disciivery of blue slate in north Warwick- shire. Warwick. Fiild Club I'roc, 1890, !l-10. 10. On the new water supply at Kenilworth. Warwick. Field Club I'roc, 1890. rii-ST. 11. On recent boreholes in Warwickshire. Warwick. Field Club I'roc, 1897, :il-3t. 12. Tlic Leonids in 1868, [1898.] Nature, .VJ (1898-99), 55. la. The niiRration of swifts. Nature, 62 (1900), 430. Andrews, Willium M. Apical (growth in roots of Marsilia qinidrifolia and Equisetum arvensc. Hot. Gaz., 1.0, 1890, 171-177. Andrews, (Rev.) William Rtjton. 3. The origin and mode of formation of the vale of Wardour. [1891.] Wilts. Archieol. Map., 2(;, 1892, 258-26'.). 4. The makint; of the South Downs. [1H!)4.] East- bourne Nat. Hist. Soe. Trans., 2 (1886-94), 4-'i)-432. Andrews, (/>>')'.) William Uijtitn, A Jokes-Browne, .l[//rcd] J[ohn]. The Purbeck beds of the vale of Wardoiir. [1H93.] Geol. Sec. Quart. .11., 5n. 1894, 44-r,;i. .SVi- ahn Jnkea-Browne iV Andrews. Andrl, .ilf. Ii'eniiiloi ile I'acier dans lo materiel des oliemins de fer. Kovue Univ. Mines, 26, 1894, 117-172, 2.56-276. Andrlan, Ferdinand (Frhr.) ron. 27. Ueber einige liesultate der modernen Ethnolope. Deutsch. Ges. Anlhrop. Corresp.-UI., 1894, .'57-73. 28. Elementar- und Volkeri,'cdanke, ein Bcitrag zur Entwickelungsgesichichte der Ethncdogie. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-131., 1898, 166-17".!. Andrlen, C. Sur le point de Faonano. Matbcsis, 20, 1900, 10.5-109. Andrles, /'. 6. Resultate aus fiinfjiihrigen meteoro- logischen Beobachtungen in Wilhelmslmven. Ann. der Hydrojir.. 11 (1883). 133-145; 16 (1888), 373-383. 7. Ueber (iewitter- und Hngelbildung. Ann. der Hydrogr., 12 (1884), 1-17, 6.5-72; 13 (1886), 125-134, 187-195. 8. Der Mascaret. Ztschr, Wiss. Geogr., 5, 1886, 265-269. 9. Ueber die Ursache der zunehmenden Zahl der Blitzschliige. Petermann, Mitth., 32, 1886, 5.5-58. 10. Ueber Erdmagnetismus. Ann. der Hvdrogr., 15 (1887), 467-480. 11. Das Quecksilberthermometor. Wetter, 4, 1887, 25-34. 12. Ueber die RoUe der Elektriciliit bei meteoro- logischen Erscheinungen. Wetter, 4, 1887, 217-232. la. Der EinHuss der Sonne und des Mondes auf den Erdmagnetismus, den Luftdruck und die Luftelektricitiit. Ann. der Hvdrogr., 16 (1888), 203-215. 14. Die KiilteriickfiUle im .Mai. Wetter, 6. 1889, 121-129. 16. Eine neue Methode des italienischen Physikers Govi, um den Ort, die Lage und Griisse der Bildcr von Linsen oder Linsensystemen zu konstruiren und zu berechnen. Centrztg. Optik, 11, 1890, 97-98. 16. Dns Verhalten der Thiere bei Erdbeben. Wetter, 7, 1890, 67-69. 17. Der Chinook und der Blizzard. Wetter, 7, 1890, 201-206. 18. Ueber Scintillation. Wetter, 8, 1891, 31-39. 19. Ueber die Entstehung der Tromben. Wetter, 8, 1891, 16'J-174. Andrlessen, lliiiio. Eine neue Methode zur Messung von lTi.|iikti..nskoelBeienten. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 17, 1896, 170-171, 182-185, 43.5. 2. Die KapacitiilHverliiiltnisse in Kabeln. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., IK, 1897, 792-794. Andrlessen, 11'. /■'. (iroenland. Amstc-rdam Nederl. Aiir.lr (M-nootsch. Tijdschr., 9, 1892, .524-548. Andrlen, Edimmd. De la dent de six an«. [With ditcer die Bestimmnng des Zuckergehaltes der Riibe mittelst des Apparates von .\rm. Lk Docte. [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bolim., 22, 1897-98, 29.5-304. 12. Berieht iiber das Verhalten der H.^flinose bei der Vergiihruiig von Melasse. [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Btihm., 23, 1898-99, 1-25. 13. Ueber die Kiibenharzsanre in der Zuckerfabrika- tion. [1898.] Ztschr. Zackerind. Bohm.. 23. 189»-99, 25-37. 14. Ueber die Riickfiihrung der Synipe in dem Betrieb nach der MethfKie Dr. Zscheye. [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23. 1898-99, IV5-75. 15. Ueber Saturalion^sohlamm und seine Zasam- menwtzung. [1899.] Ztschr. Zackerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 163-170. 16. Ueber den Einfluss der Saccharose auf die Bestimmnng der Pentosane mittelst der Phloroglucin- raethode. mit besonderer Beriicksichtigang der Zacker- fahrikprodukte. [1899.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 314-;V23. 17. Ueber das Reinigen der DicksSfte raitlels Ozon nach dem Verley'schen Verfahren. [lsj»9. ] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohni.. 23. 1898-99. 341-;i.50. 18. Kleinere Mittheilnngen. [a. Ueber die Loslich- keit des Eisenoxyds, der Thonerde and der Kieselsiiure Audrlik] 112 [Andrusov bei der Einwirkung von Ziickerlosnngen auf den gewohn- liclien, unroinen Aetzkalk. b. Ueber die Loslichkeit der ini gebrannten Kalke enthaltenen Kalksilikate in Zuekerlosungen. c. Furfurol aus der Riibe und Melasse. d. Analyse einiger alten Syiupe. e. Einige Ablage- rungen aus Ziickerfabriken.] [1899.] Ztsehr. Zuckerind. Biihm. , 23, 1898-99, 551-559. 19. Ueber Citronensiiure im Saturationssohlamm. [1900.] Ztsehr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, C4.5- 648. 20. Ueber die Oxalsiiure im Saturationsschlamm. [1900.] Ztsehr. Zuckerind. B6hm., 25, 1900-01, 139- 142. 21. Studien iiber das Schwinden der Alkalitat der Safte wahrend der Abdiimpfung und Verkoehung. [1900.] Ztsehr. Zuckerind. Bohui., 25, 1900-01, 143-148. 22. Der Eintiuss der Alkalitat bei der zweiten Saturation auf die Loslichkeit der Magnesia ira Safte. [1900.] Ztsehr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 25, 1900-01, 148-152. Andrlik, Karel, & Kranicka, H. Reduktion des Kupfer- oxj-ds mittelst Methjlalkohol bei der Invertzuckerbestim- mung. [1897.] Ztsehr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 216-221. Andrlik, Karel, & Pinek, J. Ueber die Fiirbung des Zuckers durch an Kali gebundene Melasse- und Ulmin- Siiure. [Tr.] [1895.] Ztsehr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 19, 1894-95, 502-505. Andrlik, Karel, & Stanek, Vladimir. Ueber die Bestim- mung tier Oxalsaure im Diffusions-Safte und die Bedeu- tung derselben fiir den Zuckerfabiiksbetrieh. [1899.] Ztsehr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, 52 (ti'sj-BO. Andrlik, Karel, & Vrban, Karl. Analysen von Biiben aus dem Jalire 1898 mit Riicksicht auf die stickstoff- haltigen Substanzen. [1899.] Ztsehr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 629-646. 2. Einige Diinnsafte aus der Campagne 1898-99 und ihr Verhalten bei der Abdampfung mit Kiicksicht auf den Alkalitiitsverlust. [1900.] Ztsehr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, 212-222. Andrlik, Karel, tt Voto£ek, Emit. 0 pryskyficn^ kyseline fepy cukrove. [Ueber eine Riibenharzsaure.] [1897-98.] Prag, Sber.,1897 (jVath.-Nat.), A'o. 54,14 pp.; Ztsehr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 248-264. Andrlik, Karel, Berounsky, .St., & Hranicka, //. Ver- suche zur Bestimmung der Polarisationsverluste beim Verdampfen und Verkochen von Fabrikssal'teii und Zuekerlosungen. [1898.] Ztsehr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 52.5-541. Andrlik, Karel, Urban, Karl, & Stanek, Vladimir. Die Zusammensetzuug von Dift'usionssiiften aus der Cam- pagne 1898-99. [1900.] Ztsehr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, 20.5-211. 2. Die Kiillmassen aus der Campagne 1898-99. [1900.] Ztsehr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, 257- 273. 3. Ueber die aus Diffusionssaften und Fiillmassen mit Aether auslaugbaren organischen Siinren und deren Bedeutung im Zuckerfabriksbetriebe. [1900.] Ztsehr. Zuckerind. Bolim., 25, 1900-01, 83-89. Andronico, Carmelo. La fubbre sifilitica. Sperimeutale, 57, 1886, (;28-(!31. Andros, Charles II. The blue yellow-backed warbler. Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 147-148. 2. The Maryland yellow throat (Geothlypis trichas). Ornitb. Ool., 10, 1886, 60-61. 3. Fall migration in Bristol county, Mass., 1885. Ornith. Ool , 11, 1886, 1-2. 4. Notes on .some birds of Grand Manan. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 151-152, 172-173, 179-180. 5. Tile black and yellow warbler at Grand Manan. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 182^183. 6. Golden crested kinglet at Grand Manan. Ornith. Uol, 12, 1887, 203-204. Andros, Frederic W. A day among the ospreys. Ornith. Ool., 11, 1886, 133-135. 2. A list of the birds of Bristol county, Mass. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 137-141. AndrusoT, Niknlaj I[oauovie]. 8aMl;TKa 0 reOlOTH- lecKHxi) iiacitjiOBaHiflxi bi oKpecxiiocTHxt r. Kepill. [Note on geological investigations in the neighbourhood of Kertch.] New Buss. See. Nat. Mem., 9 {No. 1), 1884, 15 pp. 2. Ueber das Auftreten der marin-mediterranen Schichten in der Krim. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1884, 190- 194. 3. FeojorHiecKia HScitwEaiiiH iia Kep'ien- CKOMT. no.iyoCTpOB'fe [Geological investigations in the Kertch peninsula.] New Huss. Soc. Nat. Mem., 9 {No. 2), 1885, 1-199; 11 {No. 2), 1887, 69-147; 14 {No. 2). 1889, 59-129; Nature, 32, 1885, 580 [Part I]; Neues Jbuch. Min.,1887 {Bd.2,Ref.), 132-133 [Part II]; Brux. Soc. Beige G(5ol. Bull., 1890 {Proc.-Verb.), 82-83 [Part III]. 4. Ueber das Alter der unteren dunklen Sohieferthone auf der Halbinsel Kertsch. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1885, 213-216. 5. Ueber zwei neue Isopodenformen aus neogenen Ablagerungen. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 {Bd. 2), 155- 174. 6. Die Schichten von Kamyschburun und der Kalk- stein von Kertsch in der Krim. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 36, 1886, 127-140. 7. Eine fossile Acetabularia als gesteinbiblender Organismus. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887, 77-80. 8. Mediterranschichten in der Krim und am Kau- kasus. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887 {Not.), 76-78. 9. OiepKi. iicTopiii pasBnTifl KacniiicKaro MOpa II ero o6lITaTe.ueri. [Skizze der Geschichte des Kaspischen Meeres und seiner Fauna.] [1888.] St. Petersb., Kuss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 24, 1889, 91-114; Neues .Jbuch. Min., 1890 {Bd. 2, Bet'.), 116-119. 10. Ein kurzer Bericht iiber die im Jahre 1887 im transkaspischen Gebiet ausgefiihrten geologischen Uuter- suebuugen. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 38, 1889, 265-280. 11. Kep'ieucKiri ii3BecTHjii;i. ii ore ^layaa. [Der Kalkstein aus Kertsch und seine Fauna.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 26, 1890, 193-344; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1890 {Bd. 2, Be/.), 120-121. 12. 0 HeoSxoAHMocTii rjiyCoKOBOjuiHxi. iisc- JltiAOBaHin Bl, MepuOMt MOpt. [Ueber die Nothwen- digkeit der Tiefseeuntersuchuugen im Scbwarzen Meere.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 26, 1890, 171-185; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 {Bd. 1, Re/.), 52. 13. npcjiBapiiTe.ii.HHil oTueiT) o6'i> ynacTiii Bt lepHOMopcKoii r.iiydoMt,pnoii 3Kcneji,imiii 1890 r. [Vorliiufiger Bericht iiber die naturvvissen- schaftlichen Ergebnisse der Tiefseeuntersuchuugen im Schwarzen Meere.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 26, 1890, 398-409; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 {Bd. 1, Re/.), 52-53. 14. Die Schichten von Cap Tschauda. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 5, 1890, 66-76. 15. BioreoriwciHi'U'CKiii 3aMl;Ti{ii. 1. Ilojia- rii'iocKaii (|)ayiia ii ijuopa. [Biogeographical notes. 1. Pelagic fauna and tlora.] New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 17 {No. 2), 1892, 1-49. 16. lIt.K.OT(ipi.ii' pi-tv.iKniTM ;)Kciio;iimiii "Mep- iioMoi'HA." Ivi' noiipocy ii iipniicxoiKjioiiiii cbpo- BOJiopoAa Bi. BOJUixi. Mi'piiaio mopii. [Queliiues Andrusovl 113 [Anfrie resultats de I'cxpiiditinn ilc la Tchr.rnnmnrtin. Contri- bution b, la question dc I'ori^'iuc do ThydroRine aiilfurii des eaux de In iiier Noire] St. I'eterHb., I(n88. Gooffr. 800. Bull., 28, 1892, 370-397 ; Montpellier, Soc. Lan- gued. CdonT. Hull., Hi, 1893, VXA iM. 17. Phygieul explorHtion of tlie Black Sea. [1892.] GeoRr. .11., 1, 1893, 49-51. 18. •{ilMt'iailifl 0 ceiieficTB'L [NoteH Kur la famillo de] DrcitiBcnaidic. New Uush. Soc. Nat. Mem., 18 (iVr,. 1), 1893, (W-94; St. P«5terBb., Cora. Geol. BuU., 13, 1896 (Sitppl.), 33-34. 19. Ilpofi.ieMU j;;ui.iit.(iiiiaio iiiywoiiifl 'lop- iiaro Mo]))r 11 cTpain. ero OKpy;KaK)UUixi). I. Mpasiopiioe mope. [Problems of the further study of the Black Sea and the surrounding regions. I. Sea of Marmora.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Ru»s.), 72, 1893 (Append. No. 3), 11 pp. 20. rooT('iMoniii;a Kep'ieiiCKaro iio.iyocTpoBa. [Die (Ipotiktonik der Halbinsel Kertsch.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Bussl., 16, 1893. t;3-336; Nenes Jbuch. Miii., 1896 (Ud. 1, Jie/.). 435-437. ai. OCn, o,i.iiojni mctoxI; oii|)exI''-ioiii)i cko- pocTii oT.iOHtciiifi ocajiKoiti. iia ,t,iiI; Mopcii. [A method of dctermiuinn the rate of deposition of sediment at the bottom of seas.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 29, 1893, 437-140. aa. Einigc Besultiite der Tiefsceuntersuchungen im Schwarzen Mcere. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 36, 1893, 373-393. as. Sur I'dtat dn bassin de la mer Noire pendant IMpoque Pliocene. [1892.] St. Petersb. Ac. Soi. Bull., 35, 1894. 437-448. 24. lIpod.ii'Mij la.ii.nifliiiaro ii.TV'ioHifl Hopiiaro Mopa II CTpairi. oro oi;py;icaioiii,iixi.. II. 0 c'I;poBO,T.opo,T.iioMi 6poH;eiiiii bt> 'lopiioMi siopt. [Les problf^mes des etudes ulterieure.s de la mer Noire et des pays d'alentour. II. Sur la fermentation hydro- suUureuse dans les eaux de la mer Noire.] [18114.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. M^m., 1, 1895, Xo. 1, 10 pp. ; St. P(5tersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 14, 1896 {Siippl.), .51-52. as. npoj,Ba])inc.n.iiufi ot'ictt. 0 rcMorii'iecKofi lI0t,UK'b BT> PyMUIlilO .tIitOMI 1H93 r. [Rapport prealable sur uue tourn(5c g. (Bemerkungen iiber das Miociin der kaspi- R. S. A. C. Bchcn Liinder.) [1899.] St. Pitcnib.. Cora. G«ol. Bull., IM, 1900, 339-369 (/Wk. 362-369). 33. Ueber Kphipiellura symmetricum. Jar. Lorn- ui.-U,. [1899.] Uorpat Sber., 12, 1901, 248-249. 34. KritiHche Bcruerknngcn lilier die EntstcbungB- hyp'ithescn des Bosporus und der Uardancllon. [1900.] Dorpat Sber., 12, 1901. 378-400. 35. 0 .ipiMiiiiixi. Gt'poroBuxi. .iiriiiflxi Kacni- ru'liaro HOpH. Ueber die ehcmaligen Uferlinicn des Kaspi.ichen MeereB. [190O.] Rubs. G60I. Min. Annu., 4, 1900-01 (Sect. 1), .3-10. Andaon, (Ilev.) William. Meteorological [observations taken at Dumfries, 1886-98.] [1887-99.] Dumfr. Galliiw. Soc. Trans., .5, 1888, 14-18; 0. 1890. 28-32, 107-110, 203-207; 7, 1891, 51-54; 8, 1893. 41 16; 9, 1894,32-36; 10,1896,311-45; 11, 1898, 84-«9 ; 12.1897, 31.37; 13,1898,33-39; 14, 1898, .39-47; 15.1900,45-51. a. observations of the tiiiipirature of the Nitb and its istuury for the year ending 15lh April, 1890. Durafr. Gallow. Soc. TrauB., 6, 1890, 248-252. 5. Ubscrvations on the temperature of the River Dee and its estuary during the year [1889-90]. [1890.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., ?', 1891, 6-8. 4. Mr. AiTKKx's theory of dew. [1891.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soe. Trans., 8, 1893, 5-7. 6. Meteorological observations taken by Mr. Eluot at Warmanbie. [1896.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 12, 1897, 130-132. Anelll, G., & Pargotti, .4(ti7(0. See PorgotU & AnaUi. Anelll, L. Sull' assorbimento del gas idrogeno da parte del platino a diverse temperature. Nuovo Cimeuto, 4, 1896, 257-269. Anert, E. E. IIpe,iBapnTe.if.Huft OTqen. MaHbHxyp- cKOfi nKcnciimiii IIsiiiepaTopcKaro PyccKaro reoipa(|)ii'iecKaro OdinecTBa. lacn. reojorii- "lecuaa. [Preliminary report on the Manchurian ex- pedition of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Geological part.] [1897.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 33, 1897-98, 164-192; Geogr. Jl., 11, 1898, 63-65. 2. [0 iio.iesiiijxi. ucKonacMUxi MaHBixypin. Ueber nutzbare Mineralien in der Mantschurei.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 37, 1899 (Prot.), 79-81 ; Neues .Ibuch. Miu., 1901 (Brf. 2, Ref.), 404. AnSmoT, J. A. Ueber die pathologisch-anatoraische BedeutoDg der sog. Vacuolenbildung in den Nervcn- zellen. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 13, 1888, 93-96, 101-105. Anfosso, Carlo. Gli insetti e I' igiene. Tenezia, Ateneo, 1. 1886. 1-59-175. 2. Sulr esame microscopico della cosiddettA polvere da pane. [1886.] Venezia, Ist. Atti. 1885-86. 829-832. 3. I microbi benefici. Nuova .intol. ,Sci., 91, 1887, 492-.504., Anfrta, Emile. Note sar nn gypaete barba (Gypaetus barbatus. Tcmm.). Rouen Soc. Sci. BuU., 1893. 79-64. 2. [Sur le Puffinus .\nglorum, Kuhl.] Bouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1893, 110-111. 5. Note sur le bee anomal d'on corbeau freax. Bouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1894, 423-425. 4. Note sur un passage de cygnes dans U valine de la Toucqucs. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1895. 28-30. 5. Nouvelle rencontre du vison en Nonnandie. Bouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1896, 88-90. 6. Le rat fauve k ventre blanc, type ou variety du rat noir. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 90-92. 7. Coloration anomale de quelqnes vertebras obsen'Cs dans la re;:ion da Lisieax (Calvados). Bonen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1898, 37-43. 8. Le labbe pomarin (Steroorarins pomarinas, VieiU.'\. Bouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1898, 199-204. 15 Angel] 114 [Angeli Angel, Myron. Kern county. California Min. Bur. Rep., 10, 1890', 219-226. 2. IMonterey county. California Min. Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 345-348. 3. San Benito county. California Min. Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 515-517. 4. San Luis Obispo county. California Min. Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 567-58.5. 5. Santa Barbara county. California Min. Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 59.5-599. 6. Tulare county. California Min. Bur. Rep., 10, 1890. 728-733. Angelbis, Alexander, & Anscbiitz, Bicliard. Synthese von Dimethylantliracenliydriir unci Diphenyliithan bei der Einwirkung von Aluminiumchlorid auf Aetbyliden- chlorid oder Aethylidenbromid und Benzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 165-167. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung von Aluminiumchlorid auf Vinylbromid in Benzol und Vinyltribromid in Benzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 167-168. Angelbis, Giistav. 8. Ueber Untersnchungen auf dem Westerwalde und in der Lahngegend. Preuss. Geol, Landesanst. .Jbucb., [5], 1885, Ivi-lx. 9. Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Sectionen Hadamar und Dachsenhausen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [6], 1886, Ix-lxi. Angelbis, Gtistm', & Sciineider, Adolf. Blatt Marienberg. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 22, 1891, 35 pp. 2. Blatt Rennerod. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, Nn. 23, 1891, 15 pp. 3. Blatt Selters. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 27, 1891, 28 pp. 4. Blatt Westerburg. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 28, 1891, 23 pp. 5. Blatt Mengerskirchen. Preuss. Tliiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 29, 1891, 22 pp. 6. Blatt Montabaur. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 33, 1891, 34 pp. 7. Blatt Girod. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 34, 1891, 31 pp. 8. Blatt Hadamar. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 35, 1891, 41 pp. Angeles, Felipe. Formulas relativas a las velocidades y presiones en las armas. [1897.] Mex., Soc. " Alzate " Mem., 10, 1896, 433-464. 2. Principios del arreglo del tiro de la artilleria. [1899.] Mex., Soc. " Alzate " "Mem., 12, 1898, 193-210. Angelescu, [Covstantin]. See Angtaelescu. Angelescu, [Nieolae J.], & Brunner, }[einricli. See Brunner & Angelescu. Angeli, Angela. Sulla difenilacetilendiureina e sopra alcnni suoi derivati. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 1), 912-916 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 563-568. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung des Oxaldiiithylesters auf das Pyrrylmetliylketon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1793-1797, 2154-2160. 3. Sopra la dimetiletilendiammina, un nuovo isomero della putrescina. [1890.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 [Sem. 1), 416-418; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1357-1359 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 558- .561. 4. Sui prodotti di condensazione dell' a-acetilpirrolo col benzile. [1890.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 {Sem. 1), 418-422; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 135.5-1357 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 5.53-558. 6. Suir etcre pirroilpirnvico ed i suoi derivati. Roma, K. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 2), 110-118. 6. Sui prodotti di comlensa/ionu del ])irrihnetilehe- tone con 1' utere ossalico. [1890.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 753-772. 7. Ueber die Einwirkung des Oxaldiiithylesters auf das Acetothienon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 232-233. 8. Ueber die Einwirkung von Harnstoff auf Benzil. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 606. 9. Ueber die Einwirkung der salpetrigen Saure auf einige ungesiittigte Verbindnngen der aromatischen Reihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 3994-3996; 25, 1892, 1956-1963. 10. Sopra r etere tenoilpiruvico. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 {Pt. 1), 444-449. 11. Ricerche suU' eulite. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Ft. 2), 32-36 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 130.3-1305. 12. Sopra 1' azione dell' acido nitrico suU' acetonilace- tone. (iazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pt. 2), 36-40; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1305-1306. 13. Sulla determinazione dello zolfo nelle sostanze organiche. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pt. 2), 163- 165. 14. Sull' impiego dell' ipofosfito sodico nella reazione di Sandmeter per le trasformazioui dei diazocomposti. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pt. 2), 258-261. 15. SuUe costanti di affiuita di alcuni acidi della serie del pirrolo e dell' indnlo. [1892.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, 45.5-484 or 163-192 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 1-31. 16. Suir azione degli acidi nitrico e nitroso sopra alcune sostanze organiche. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (P(. 2), 325-340. 17. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra 1' isosafrolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 445-492. 18. Sulla conducibilita elettrica di alcuni acidi pirrolcarbonici ed indolcarbonici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 160-169. 19. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra i coraposti non saturi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 25-31. 20. Sopra un nuovo passaggio dalla caufora all' acido canforico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 441-444; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 140-143 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 58-59. 21. Ricerche sopra le sostanze che contengono il gruppo C2N.,02. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 38-44 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 417-425 : Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 527-530. 22. Nuovi studi sopra le sostanze che contengono il gruppo C.,N.)0.>. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 21-37. 23. Notizie diverse. [1. Sopra la trastormazione dei composti allilici nei propenilici. 2. Una nuova reazione dell' idrossilammina. 3. Reazione degli indoli. 4. Azione del cianogeno sopra 1' idrazina. 5. Distilla- zione nel vuoto di piccolo iiuantita di liquid!.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 101-104. 24. Sopra 1' addizione dell' acido nitroso ai composti non saturi e suUa costituzione dei nitro.siti. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 124-135. 25. Azione dell' acido jodico sull' acido malonico. L' acido trijodoacetico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 228-230; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 {Ft. 1), 430-433; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 595-597. 26. Sopra i prodotti di ossidazione di alcune sostanze che contengono il gruppo CoN.iO-^. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 266-270 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 {Pt. 1), 436-441 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 593-595. 27. Sopra qualche reazione dei composti a lacune. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 319-324. 28. Sulla costituzione dei nitrositi. Roma, R. Aco. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 639-545. 29. Sopra un modo di formazione del sale argentico Ang-elil ■i.^ll' acido azotidrico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincci R.iid 2 ?f.f oi'^'oMo .!,*•. '''''^"""' = ^'''■'■- ^'""'- J^"*'-. "■ 1893 30. Azioiie dcir acido iiitroso Hopra le chetoamraine. Koma, K. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem 2) '''i-'iO ■ Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (/'(. 2), .■il.5-354 ;' Berlin! Clieni. Cres. Ber., 26, 1893, 171.'5-171;). 31. UuberDiazoverbindungen. Deutsch. Natf. Verb 1894 (/'A. 2, Iliil/te 1), 103. ,. *^' ■^''■'""'^ ''•-'"' "Cidonitrosoaopiarararainocanfora. t.azz. Chun. Itul., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 41-52, 317-32.5- Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 453-4o!( [eirst jKirt diih/]. 33. Hopra un nuovo niiseuRlio eaplosivo. Roma R Ace. Lincei Rend., .i, 1894 [Sem. 1), 510-514; Gazz. Chun. Ital., 24 (1894, I'l. 2), 52-58. 34. Sopra le sostauze che eontengono gli anelli C„i\.,0.j. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (.SVm I) uyO-.59G ; (Jazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, I't. 2), 59-67. 35. Azione dell' acido nitroso .«opra 1' amminouracile e eopra 1' ammiuoacetone. Roma, K. Ace. Lincei Rend 3, 1894 (.S'em. 2), 72-76. 36. Ueber die Verwandhmg des Camphers in eine isomere ungesiittiste Verbindung. Berlin, Chem. Ges Ker., 2S, 1896, 1127. 37. Siiir azione dell' acido nitroso sopra la can- forossima. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 iSem. 2), 255-2,->'j; 6, 1897 {Sem. 2), 26-30. 38. Leber die Einwirkung des Hydroxylamins auf Witrobenzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1884- lo8;j. 39. Ueber das Nitrobydroxylamin. [Cf. No. 40.1 Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 176. ■" 40. Sopra la nitroidrossilammina. Gazz. Chim Ital., 20 (1896, Pt. 2), 17-25. 41. Sopra la logge dell' eteriBcazione di V. Meyer. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (SVm. 1), 84-88. 42. .Suir azione del nitrato di etile soprL 1' idrossi- loo"".',""" "• ^- ^"=- ^''"=«' ^«"^- »■ 1896 [Sem. 1), 43. Sopra 1' acido nitroidrossilamminico. Bologna Pt >'} ]v,T'^mi ^^^"^°^= *^"='- ^^'"^- "'^•> 27 (1897, 44. Sopra alciini nitrocomposti non saturi. Roma K. Ace Lincei Rei.d., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1). 398-400; Gazz. Cbim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 275-277. 45. Sopra i nitroclietoiii e gli ortonitroderivati. noma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend.. 9. 1900 (Sem 1) 41-47- Gazz. Chim. Ital.. 30 (1900, Pt. 2), 261-267. f. tf»" ,^."P'" ' '"^''i^oni- Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Snii. 2), 180-183. Angeli .l„g,-lo. A AngeUco, Francesco. Sopra alcuni mtrodenvati aro.natici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend 8, 1899 (.SVm. 2), 28-32. 2. Sopra r acido uitroidrossilamminico. Gazz. Chim Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 1), 593-595. 3. Sopra i /S-nitroindoli. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 2), 268-283. 4. Sopra una reazione dei nitrosoderivati. Roma, H. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 44-46 AageU, Aniieh. & Bartolottl, Pietro. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra_ l' isapiolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 AagtU.Angelo, & BoerU, Giovanm. Intorno all' influenza aclla dissociazione elettrolitica suUa scomposizione del nitrito aramouico in soluzione acquo.ta. Roma R \ec Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (.S'.m. 2), 70-71; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22. 1892 {Pt. 2). 349-351. AageU, A„,,elo. & chluasl, A. .\zioiie deU' acido jodico swi acido levuhnico. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 •>005 ■>')o"'^'^~"'^^ ■ ^"^''°- ^''«™- <^es. Ber., 2.i, 1893, Ang«U, Angelo. & Ciamidan, Giacomo Luigi. Ueber die ^^^ (Angelini Oxydationsproducte gebromterThiophenc. Berlin, Cbem Ges, Her., 24, 1891, 74-78. s>< ithd Ciamidan ,t AngaU, AngeU, Aiiijil,,, cV levl, Enir^io. Azione dell' acido jodico Hupra r acido acctondicarbonico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 366-369; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23 1893 (Pt. 2), 97-lWJ. Angeli, Anijelo, A- Magnanl, Francetco. Azione dei cloruri di zolfo sopra 1' ;i<-(tilucetone. Gazz. Chim. Ital 21 (1894, Pt. 1), 342-361. AngeU, Angela, A- Magnanlni, Gaetano. See Magnanlnl A AngeU. AngeU, .);;//. /.,, A- BSalagnlnl, Giovanni. Sopra U con- lii,'urazione di alcune gliossirae. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 37-43; Gazz. Cbim. Ital., 24 (1894. Pt. 2), 131-14.5. AngeU, Angela, & Mole, /-■. Sopra il diisosafrolo e la cububina. (Jazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 127-130. AngeU, Angela, & Blmini, Enrico. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra alcuue ossime della serie delta canfora Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1896, Pt. 1), 406-410; 26 (1896 Pt. 2), 228-230; Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28. 1895', • 1077-1078 [First part only]; Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Bend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 1), 394-395 [Second part only]. 2. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra il safrolo. Gazz Chim. Ital., 25 (1896, Pt. 2), 188-213. 3. Sopra r esodiazoacetofenone. Gazz. Chim. Ital. 25 (1896, Pt. 2), 494-497. 4. Sopra alcuni bromoderivati della serie della canfora. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 (.SVm. 1), 390-391 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1896, Pt. -.'), 162-164 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 819--8'20. 5. Sopra il nitrosito dell' isosafrolo. [1895.1 Gazz Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 1), 7-12. 6. Suir azione dell' acido nitroso sopra la eanforos- sima. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 2), 34-15, 4.5-54 517—521. ' AngeU, Angela, & Bpica, Matteo. Sopra alcuni nitrosoin- doh. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 218-220; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), .500-503. AngeUco, Francesco. Sopra le diossime della canfora. K •lua, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (.SVm. 2), 47-51. AngeUco, Francesco, & AngeU, Angela. See AngeU A AngeUco. AngeUco, Francesco, A- Montalbano, Glimeppe]. Sopra le diossime della canfora. Gazz. Chim. Ital.. 30 (1900 Pt. •>), 283-300. * AngeUco, Francesco, A Bplca, Matteo. See Biiica A AngeUco. AngeliUo, Michele. Tossine e fenomeni nervosi. Autoin- tossicazione da Bacterium coli con sintomi epilettiformi [1895.] Napoh Soc. Nat. Boll., 10, 1897, 1-19. 2. Patogenesi dei fenomeni nenosi da autointossi- cazione. [1899.] Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 26, 1900, Angelini, Ginranni. 2. Nuova cattura in To.scana del- r Hirundo rufula, Temm. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc Atti (Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-86. 80-81. 3. Osservazioui sopra alcuni uccelli appartenenti alia sottofamiglia degli Emberizini. [1884.1 Pisa Soc Tosc. Atti (.l/<-m.), 6, [1892], 37-69. 4. Avifauna sicula. Nota sulla quaglia tridattila (Turnix sylvatica). Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll 1 1892, 9.5-99. ' ' 5. Sulla permanenza invemale di alcune specie di uccelli in Sioilia. Roma, Soc. Studi ZooU Boll. 2 1893 15-18. ' ' 6. .\lcune note suU' avifauna marchigiana. Boma Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 4. 1896, 75-78. 7. Contribute alio studio delle migrazioni omitiche con osservazioui fatte specialmente attorno alio Stretto di Messina. Roma. Soc Studi Zool. Boll.. 5 1896 21-29, 130-146, 177-193. Angelini] 116 [Angelitti 8. II Dendrocopus medius in provincia di Roma. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., .5, 1896, 100-101. 9. Osservazioni intoi'uo alia Saxicola melanoleuca (Guld.), ed alia S. occidtntalis, Salcad. Roma, Soe. Studi Zool. Boll., 7, 1898, .50-51. 10. Notizie ed osservazioni intorno alia naturalizza- zione della Testudo nemoralis, Aldrov., in Sardegna. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 8, 1899, 50-52. 11. Anomalia di eolorito in un' Anas boschas, Linn. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 8, 1899, G7-69. 12. Rarita ornitiche catturate presso Roma (Porphyrio eiEiuleus(r'()H(?i;/;i),FuliguIamarila(L/»".), Anas boschas (Linn.)). [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., 1, 1900, 245-246. 13. Nidificazioue del falco grillaio (Cerchneis Nau- manni, Fleisch., nel Romano. [Italia], Soe. Zool. Boll., 1, 1900, 26.5-266. Angelini, Giovanni, & Carpegna, Guido Orazio Falconieri (conte) di. La Limicola platyrbyncha avvertita per la prima volta in provincia di Roma. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 5, 1896, 97-99. 2. Seconda oattura di un piviere orientale (Charadrius fulvus) nei dintorni di Roma. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 6, 1897, 125-127. Angelini, Sebastiano Luigi. Sulle variazioni di resistenza elettrica di till di argentana soggetti a trazione. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 16, 1884, 241-250. 2. Della temperatura dell' acqua deUa laguna con- frontata con quella dell' aria a Nord secondo le osserva- zioni fatte nel quadrieunio 1880-81-82-83 in Venezia. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-85, 2117-2145. 3. Sulla trasparenza e sul colore dell' iicqua marina. Osservazioni fatte nella laguna di Veuezia e nel Golfo di Gaeta. [1895.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1895-96, 89-96. Angelis d' Ossat, Gioacduno de. Sopra uu giaoimento di roccie vulcauiche nel territorio di Rocca S. Stefano (provincia di Roma). Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892, 81-84. 2. lutroduzione alio studio degli Antozoi fossili. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892, 129-132, 141-142; 13, 1893, 6-9, 25-28, 34-38, 60-64, 77-82. 3. I Zoantari fossili dei dintorni di Roma. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 12, 1893, 1-25. 4. II Ceratotrochus multispinosus, Micliclotti, nei dintorni di Roma. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 12, 1893, 504-507. 5. Giacimenti elevati di Pliocene nella valle del- r Aniene. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 350-353. 6. I Corallari dei terreui Terziari dell' Italia setten- trionale. CoUezione Miehelotti. Museo Geologico della R. University di Roma. [1893.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 1, 1894, 164-280. 7. II pozzo artesiano di Marigliano (1882). Studio geo-paleontologico. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 7, 1894, Mem. 7, 50 pp. 8. Sopra il primo fossile vcgetale trovato negli schisti Carboniosi, Paleozoici dell' Elba orientale. [Italia] Soe. Geol. Boll., 13, 1894, 176-178. 9. Contribuci6n a la fauna Paleozoica de Catalmla. [Tr.] [1895.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 2, 1892-1900, [244]-[250]. 10. Antozoos y Briozoos de los dep6sitos Pliocenicos de Cataluna y contribuei(5n k la fauna Paleozoica de dicha region. [iV.] [1895.] Barcelona Ac. Wem., 3, [? 1892-1900], No. 3, xlvii pp. 11. L' Elephas antiquus, Falc, nei dintorni di Laino-Borgo (provincia di Cosenza). Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 39, 1895, 24-25. 12. I Corullnri fossili del Carbonifero e del Devoniaiio della Carnia. lltalia] Hoc. Geol. Boll., 14, 1895, 88-90. 13. Addizioui alia ittiofauna fossile del Monte Titano. Riv. Ital. Paleont., 1, 1895, 250-257. 14. Studio puleozoulogiuo. 1 Corallurii fossili dei terreni Terziarii, collezione del Gabinetto di StoriaNat., R. Institute Tecnico di Udine. Appendice. Intorno ad una Hydrocorallina fossile. Riv. Ital. Sei. Nat., Siena, 15, 1895, 20-22, 33-35, 43-46, 57-62, 81-86. 15. Contribuzione alio studio della fauna fossile Paleozoica delle Alpi Carniche. [1896-99.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 2, 1895, 242-274 ; 3, 1899, 4-32. 16. II Rhinoceros (Ca;lodonta) etruseus, Falc, nella provincia romana. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 9, 1896, Mem. 2, 9 pp. 17. Appunti preliminari suUa geologia della valle dell' Aniene. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 423-426. 18. Sopra alcuni mammiferi fossili della valle del Po. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 377-391. 19. II Trigonodon Oweui, E. Sism., e 1' Umbrina Pecchiolii ?, Laivl., nel Miocene di Sardegna. Riv. Ital. Paleont., 2, 1896, 100-101. 20. Breve relazione di una escursione a Monte S. Pietro (Iglesiente). [1897.] [Italia] Soe. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 566-570. 21. Geologia, paleontologia ed evoluzione. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 17, 1897, 6.5-69, 9.5-99, 118-124. 22. I dintorni di Rapolano (Siena). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 2), 113-121. 23. L' alta valle dell' Aniene. Studio geologico- geografioo. [1898.] [ItaUa] Soc. Geogr. Mem., 7, 1897, 191-266. 24. Contribuzione alio studio paleontologieo del- r alta valle dell' Airiene. [1898.] [Italia] Soe. Geol. Boll., 16, 1897, 280-318. 25. Sulla probabile mancanza in Italia dell' Elephas primigenius, Blum. [1898.] [Italia] Soe. Geol. Boll., 16, 1897, 324-330. 26. Nuovi fatti geologiei nella provincia romana. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 17, 1898, 199-200. 27. L' origine delle montagne. Riv. Ital. Sei. Nat., Siena, 18, 1898, 61-68, 93-100. 28. Los primeros Antozoos y Briozoos Mioetoieos recogidos en Cataluna. [Tr.] [1899.] Barcelona Ae. Mem. , 3, [? 1892-1900], No. 4, 31 pp. 29. II gen. Heliolites nel Devoniano delle Alpi Carniehe italiane. [Itaha] Soe. Geol. Boll., 18, 1899, 33-40. 30. Riunione straordinaria della Sooieta Geologica Italiana tenuta alle Isole Eolie ed a Palermo 7-17 Aprile 1900. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 19, 1900, xli-lxxii. 31. 1 eiottoU esotiei nel Mioeeue del Monte Deruta (Umbria). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend. , 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 384-391. 32. L' origine dei ciottoli' esotiei nel Miocene del Monte Deruta (Umbria). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 40-44. Angelis d' Ossat, Gioacchinn de, & Bonetti, Filippo. Mammiferi fossili dell' antieo lago del MLTcure (Calabria). Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 10, 1897, Mem. 15, 42 pp. Angelis d' Ossat, Gioaceliino de, & Cerulll-Irelli, Serafino. S,-e Cerulli-lrelli cfc Angelis d' Ossat. Angelis d' Ossat, Gioaceliino de, & TLmz}, G. F. I fossili dello Schlier di San Severino (Marclie). [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll, 16, 1897, 61-68; 18, 1899, 63-r,4. Angelis d' Ossat, Gioaceliino de, & Nevianl, .intonio. Coiallarii e Briozoi Ncogcnici di Sardegna. [1897.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 571-598. Angelis d' Ossat, (Honrcliino de, & Verri, .intonio. See Verri A AngeUs d' Ossat. Angelitti, Filippo. 6. Distanze zenitali circnmmeridiane (li alcuui' stelle principali osservate nell' anno 1821 dal- r astiiinonu) Carlo BmoscHi. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 19. 1889 (/'(. 2), 1-128. 6. Determinnzioni assolute della declinazione mag- netica nel R. Osai-rvatorio di Capodimonte eseguite [negli anni 1888-96]. Napoli, Rend., 28, 1889, 198-204; Angelitti] 117 [Anglas 29, 1890, 135-13') ; 30,1891. 177-181 ; 32, 1893, 21»- 220; 33, 1894, 221-220 ; 3.',, 1896, 344-.14ti. 7. Sopra una niodilicazioiiv al nictodo dotto di Talcott per detcrmiimrf la lutitiidine neogralica. Niipoli, Rend., 29, 1890, .'iO-.".(). S. VariuZKiui dulla decliuazioue ma|,'Detica osHervntc nella H. Spocolu di Capodimonte (n<«li anni 1888-92]. Napoli, lUnd., 29, 1890, 57-Gl, 217-226; 32, 1893, 49-.';G; 33, 1894, 21-31; 34, 1898, 304-311. 9. Naova dutemiiuazione delia latitudine del K. Osservatorio di Capodimonte niediautc i pasaaKKi di alcune stello al priuio verticale, (isservati uell' anoo 1889. [1892,] Aslr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 429-134 ; Napoli, Ace. Atti, 5, 1893, So. 7, 12G pp. 10. Di'termiuiuiuni asNulute della inclinazione mag- netica nel K. OsRervatorio di Capodimonte, eseguite negli anni 1889, 1890 e 1891. Napoli, Kend., 31, 1892, 17-22. 11. Itiassunti decadici e meneuali delle osservazioni mi-teoriche fatte nel R. Osservatorio di Capodimonte, nell' anno 1891. Napoli, Rend., 31, 1892, 113-118. 13. Sulla connu-isione tra 1' iscursione diurna della dccliaazione magnetica a Ca|>odimunte e la freijuenza delle macchie solari. Napoli, Kend., 32, 1893, 8.5-88. 13. Distanze zenitali circummendiiinc del Sole osser- vate neir anno 1821 dall' astronomo Carlo BBioscni, alloro Direttore dell' Osservatorio di Capodimonte. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 24, 1894, .Yo. 13, G8 pp. 14. Sui triangoli sferiei considerati nella loro massima generalita. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 25, 189S, A'o. 9, 24 pp. 16. Sulla data del viaggio dantesco desnnta dai dati cronologici e confemiata dalle osser\'azioni astronomicbe riportate nella Commedia. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 27. 1897, A'o. 7, 100 pp. ; 28. 1898, .Vo. 17, 39 pp. 16. i'omiole e teoremi relativi all' ellissoide terrestre e calcolo nell' ellissoide di Besskl di alcuui element! per la latitudine di Capodimonte. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 28, 1898, So. 2. 124 pp. 17. Rettilicnzione di un arco di meridiano nel- r ellissoide terrestre. Napoli, Rend. , 37, 1898, 320-330, 338-343 ; 38, 1899, 107-121, 121-130. 177-187, 207-224. 18. SuUe priiicipali appareuze del pianeta Venere durante dodici sue rivoluzioni sinodiche dal 1290 al 1309 c sugli accenni ad e.'^se nelle operc di Dante. [1900.] Palermo Ace. Atti. G, 1902 (.SVi. .Yuf.), 24 pp. Angellttl, Filippo, A Bajna, ilicIuU. Determinazione della differenza di longitudine tra Napoli e Milano mediante osservazioni fatte nel 1888 dal Professore Emaniiele Feiiirzecki ze Ktiinowiska geologiczno- tektouicznego. [Tbe petroleum zone of Bobrka from a geologico-tectouic point of view.] Kosmos (Lwow), 20, 1896, 201-211. 6. Pas naftowy w Potoku. [Petroleum zone at Potok.] Kosmos (Lwow). 23, 1899, 111-115. Angerabacb, A. L. Der Felssturz im Kooigenthale bei liaiiil :ienoble. AngioIeUa, Oaetano. ^ulle tcndeiize suicide negli alienati e sulla psicologia del siiicidio. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 26, 1900, 336-355, G33-663. a. Sulle alterazioni delle cellule nerrose negli stati di eccitameuto e in quelli di depressione. Biv. Sper. di Freniutria, 26, 1900. 910-913. AnglolcUa, <7ii<(-li.l.'i4. 64. Sur la rcpri'soiitation des plitnom6neB mitioTO- logiques par dos w rieH liarmoniqueB. Ana. Franv. C. B., 1889 (/'(. 1), •281-282. 66. Sur la ■vitesso du vent au sommet de la tour Eiffel. Paris, Ac. Sci, C. K., lO'.l, 1889, (i;)7-099. 66. Sur Ics obBorvationB de temperature au sommet de la tour Eiffel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 898-900. 67. L'an(jmomitre ciniSraORraphe de Mil. Kicinnu Wres. Paris, Soc. Pbys. S(5ances, 1889. 201-20'.t. 68. Observations mitiSoroloRiques faites au Bureau Central Mi^teorologiquo et ii la tour Eiffel pendant [les annecs 1H80-1I4]. [1891-, B.103-B.13H. 69. [Les obaervations miteoroloKiiiucs sur la tour Eiffel.] [1889-90.] France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 38, 1890, 11-12, 7.5-H2; Paris, Soc. Pbys. Seances, 1889, 209-217 [Flirt oiilij]. 70. Valours normales de la tempt-rature, de la pression et de la pluie A Paris. France Bur. Centr. Meti^orol. Ann., 1890 (1), B.129-B.160; Ass. Fran?. C. K., 1891 (Ft. 1), 197. 71. Sur ramplitudo de la variation diurne de la temperature. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1189- 1190. 72. Sur la tcmpfite du 23-24 novembre 1890 et les mouvements verticaux de I'atmosphere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., Ill, 1890, 848-850. 73. [Coniparaisons des observations de pression baronietrique et de temp(5rature faites au Bureau Mct^orologique, a la tour Eiffel et au Parc-de-Saint- Maur pendant I'annee 1889.] [1890.] France Soc. M(5t(5orol. Annu., 311, 1891, 41-42. 74. Nouvelle mcthode pour representer les regimes pluviometriques. Ass. Fran?. C. B., 1891 (Ft. 1), 196- 197 ; Astronomic, 1894, 3")4. 76. Sur la pradnation des thermomitres a alcool. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 39, 1891, 8")-88; Jl. Phys., 10, 1891, 399-403. 76. [Temperatures normales du climat de Paris.] France Soc. M<5teorol. Annu., 39, 1891, 258. 77. [Observations de temperatures faites en 1890 sur la tour Eiffel, a 123 mfitres, 197 metres et 302 metres au-dessus du sol.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 39, 1891, 317-318. 78. La nobulosite a Paris. [1893.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1891 (1), B.1.S7-B.144. 79. Sur I'etude des nuages par la pbotOKraphie. Ass. Fnini,-. C. K., 1892 (Ft. 2), 284-289; Aeronaute, 1893, l-")7-H;3. 80. [B<5sunie des ob-servatious I'aites au sommet de la tour Eiffel sur la tension de la vapeur d'eau.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 40, 1892, 76-77. 81. [Resultats obtenus au sommet de la tour Eiffel, relativement aux mouvements verticaux de I'atmospb^rc.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 40, 1892, 78-79. 82. [Sur la pliotoi»raphie des nuages. ] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 40, 1892, 13^-139. 83. Sur la decroissance de la temperature dans Pair avec la hauteur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 115, 1892, 1270- 1273 ; Astrouumie, 1893, 186-188. 84. Ilcmarques sur IcH observations faiteH an sommet du mcjnt Blanc par .V. V.u.i/jr en 1887. [1893-94.) France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1892 (1), B.14.5- B.158; France Soc. M<;'t<^orol. Annu., 42, 1894, 3. 85. R^Huniii dcH (etudes Bur la marche des phenom^-nes de vi^'Ketation et la migration des oiseaux en France pendant Icb dix annees 1881-1890. [1H94.] France Bur. Centr. M(:t<:orol. Ann., 1892 (1), B.1.VJ-B.210. 86. Itiigime des pluicH du la p(ininHule iberique. Franco Bur. Centr. Mi-tfl-orol. Ann., 1893 (1), B.157- B.194. 87. La mesure de la hauteur des nnagcs au moyen de photographies. France Soc. M«5tiorol. Annu., 41, 1893, 70-71. 88. .Sur les observations faites par M. J. Vai.i«t en 1KH7, au sommet du mont Blanc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117. 1893, 786-788. 89. Sur la variation diurM de la pression au sommet du mont Blanc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 117, 1893, 847-850. 90. Sur la variation diurne de la tension de la vapeur d'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 1067-1069 ; Meteorol. Ztschr., 11 (1894), 72-73. 91. La pluie ii Aragori. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 42, 1894, 46-48. 92. Sur le regime des pluies dans le Canal de Saez. France Soc. M(5t^orol. Annu., 42, 1894, 130-134. 93. Contribution a I'etude du rd'gime pluviometrique de la pi'ninsule iberique. France Soc. Meteorol. Anna., 42, 1894, 205-209. 94. Cloud photography. [Tr.] [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893- 94), 267-268; U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 769-772. 96. Sur la temperature des hautes regions de I'at- mosphdre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1 18, 1894, 282-284. 96. Sur la temp^tc du 12 novembre 1894. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 119, 1894, 903-905. 97. Resume des observations m(5teorologiqucs faites au Bureau Central et k la tour Eiffel pendant les cinq annees 1890-1894. [1896.] France Bur. Centr. MiStcorol. Ann., 1894 (1), B.145-B.188. 98. Sur I'aurore boriale du 13 novembre 1894. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 43, 1896, 11-13. 99. Notes sur la photographic des nuages. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 43, 1896, 13-17. 100. [Sur le regime des pluies de I'AUemagne du nord, sur une pcriode s'i-tendant depuis 1861 jusqu'en 1890.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 43, 1896, 54. 101. Sur la double oscillation diurne de I'hamidit^ relative. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 595-596. 102. Premier catalogue des ob.servations mit^oro- logiques faites en France depuis I'origine jusqu'en 18.50. [1897.] France Bur. Centr. Metiorol. Ann., 1896 (1), B.8i1-B.146. 103. Regime des pluies de I'Europe occidentale. [1897.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1896 (1), B.15.5-B.192. 104. Sur le regime pluviomf-triqne de I'Eorope occidentale. Ann. Giogr., 5, 1896, 15-24. 106. Observations meteorologiques recueillies par .1/. le Dr. Hkrr, aa cours de la Mission Clozel. Ann. Geogr., 5, 1896, 319-321. 106. [Sur la variation horaire de la pluie en France.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 44, 1896, 70. 107. Sur la variation diurne de la pluie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1409-1411. 108. Sur la trombe observe* a Paris le 10 septembre 1896. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 123, 1896, 460-461. 109. La nouvelle carte du Bulletin International du Bureau Central Meteorologique. [1898.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1896 (1). B. 151-B.158. no. Sur la formule baronietrique. [1898.] France Bur. Gentr. Meteorol. Ann.. 1896 (1), B.1.59-B.196 ; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 826-828. Angot] 120 [Anguiano m. Sur la variation diurne de la direction du vent. [1897.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1020-1022; France Sqc. Meteorol. Annu., 40, 1898, 7. 112. Etudes sur leclimatde la France. Temperature. Premiere partie : Htations de comparaison. [1899.] France Bur. Centr. Met(5orol. Ann., 1897 (1), B.93- B.170. 113. E^sum^ des observations an^mom^triques faites au Bureau Central et a la tour Eiffel pendant les six annies 1890-1895. [1899.] France Bur. Centr. M(5t^orol. Ann., 1897 (1). B.171-B.200. 114. Etudes sur les migrations des oiseaux en France. Epoques du premier chant du coucou. [1900.] France Bur. Centr. M(5teorol. Ann., 1898 (1), B.121-B.170. AngBtrom, Atiders Jonas. To biographical reference ( Fo/. 9) ^ add Nature, 10, 1874, 376-377. Angstrom, C[arl] A[rendt]. Om anvandning af hydrauliskt tryck sasom drifkratt for atskilliga i mekaniska verk- Btader och for jernhandteringen begagnade arbetsmas- kiner. Jern-Kontorets Ann., 41, 1886, 442-474. 2. Beriikning af godsdimensioner hos konstruktions- delar till valsverk. Jern-Kontorets Ann., 43, 1888, 200- 23,5. 3. Om sparkonstruktioner for jarnvalsverk. Jern- Kontorets Ann., 4.5, 1890, 42-114. 4. Om nya konstruktioner af hydrauliska smides- pressar. Jern-Kontorets Ann., 46, 1891, 463-484. 5. Walzen- und Kaliberconstruction fiir Eisenwalz- werke. [Tr.] Wien, Berg- u. Hiitteum. Jbuch., 39, 1891, 353^22. 6. Anordning och drift af hydrauliska smidespressar. Jern-Kontorets Ann., 48, 1894, 212-244. Angstrom, C[arl] .4[rt'Hd(], Didron, F., & Westman, li. Sec Didron, VTestman & Angstrom. Angstrom, Kimt [Jolian]. 2. Un uouveau g^othermo- metre. [1884.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 8, 1883- 84, No. 19, 10 pp. 3. Ogi stralande viirmes diffusion fran plana ytor. Upsala Arsskr., 1885 {Mat. Nat.), 55 pp.; Ann. Phys. Chem., 26, 1886, 253-287. 4. Sur une nouvelle methode de faire des mesures absolues de la chaleur rayonnante, ainsi qu'un instru- ment pour enregistrer la radiation solaire. [1886.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 13, 1887, No. 8, 17 pp. 5. Vatskors volyms- och tathets-forandringar genom gas-absorption. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 415-428; Ann. Phys. Chem., 33, 1888, 223-233. 6. Sur la diffusion de la chaleur rayonnante par les surfaces spheriques. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 {Afd. 1), 1888, No. 4, 12 pp. 7. Bestamning af kiinsligheten vid bolometriska matningar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 379-383; Fortsehr. Phys., 1888 {.ihth. 2), 376. 8. lakttagelser iifver dunkla mediers genomtrang- lighet for varmestralning af olika vaglangd. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 385-397; Ann. Phys. Chem., 36, 1889, 715-724. 9. Eine Wage zur Bestimmung der Starke magueti- scher Felder. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 (dfd. 1), 1889, No. 11, 7 pp. 10. E^sumiS pr^liminaire d'une recherche exp^ri- mentale sur I'absorptiou do la chaleur rayonnante par les gaz aJmosphi^Tiques. Stockh., Ofvers., 1889, 203-207. 11. Etude des spectres infra-rouges de I'acide car- boniquo et de I'oxyde de carbone. Stockh., Ofvers., 1889, 549-557. 12. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Absorption der Wiirmestrahlen durch die ver.schiedcnen Hestandtheile der Atmosphiiro. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 {Afd. 1), 1890, No. 9, 29 pp. 13. Bcoljaclituugun iiber die Stralilung der Sonne. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. bihang, 15 {Afd. 1), 1890, No. 10, 19 pp. 14. Etudes de la distribution spectrale de I'absorption dans le spectre infra-rouge. Stockh., Ofvers., 1890, 331- 352. 15. L'intensit^ de la radiation des gaz sous I'in- fiuence de la decharge electrique. Note preliminaire. Stockh., Ofvers., 1891, 373-379; Phil. Mag., 33, 1892, 387-391. 16. Eine elektrische Kompensationsmethode zur quantitativen Bestimmung strahlender Warme. Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 16, 1893, No. 6, 8 pp. 17. Einige Bemerkungen anlasslich der bolometri- schen Arbeiten von Fr. Paschen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 52, 1894, 509-514. 18. Bolometrische Untersuchungen iiber die Starke der Strahlung verdiiunter Gase unter dem Einflusse der elektrischen Entladuug. [1892.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 15, 1895, No. 8, 45 pp. 19. Tva metronomiska hjiilpapparater. Stockh., Ofvers., 1895, 643-655; Fortsehr. Phys., 1896 {Abth. 1), 24-25. 20. Ueber eine einfache Methode zur photographi- schen Darstellung des ultrarothen Spektrums. [1895.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 17, 1898, No. 2, 4 pp. 21. Om absorptionsformiigan hos en sotad yta. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 283-295; Fortsehr. Phys., 1898 {Abth. 2), 864-365. 22. Ueber absolute Bestimmungen der Warmestrah- lung mit dem elektrischen Compensationspyrheliometer, uebst einigen Beispielen der Anwendung dieses Instru- mentes. Ann. Phys. Chem., 67, 1899, 633-648. 23. Ueber eine objektive Darstellung der Hysteresis- Kurven bei Eisen und Stahl. Stockh., Ofvers., 1899, 251-261. 24. Ueber die Bedeutung des Wasserdampfes und der Kohlensiiure bei der Absorption der Erdatmosphare. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 720-732. 25. lutensite de la radiation solaire a diff^reutes altitudes, recherches faites k Ten^riffe, 1895 et 1896. [1900.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 20, 1904, No. 3, , 46 pp. Angstrom, Knut [Johan], & Ekstrand, A^ke] G[erliardt]. .SVt' Ekstrand & Angstrom. Angstrom, Knut [Jolian], & Falmaer, Wilhelm. he spectre infra-rouge du chlore et de I'acide ohlorhydrique. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 389-395. Anguiano, Anifel. 2. Eclipse de Sol del 1" de enero de 1889. [1889.'] M(5x., Soc. "Alzate"Mem.,2, 1888(fl(;i>.), 53-55. 3. Observatorio Astron6mico Nacional Mexicano de Taoubaya. Observaciones de asteroides y cometas. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 225-228; 124, 1890, 23-26; 136, 1894, 385-390. 4. Eeuatorial de 0" 38. Observaci6n del pianeta (247) Eucrates. Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 1, 1890, 5- U. 5. Mauchas solares [observadas en 1892]. Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 1, 1890, 136-143, 179-185, 278-291, 330-341. 6. Cometa Swift (a 1892) observado en Tacubaya. Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 1, 1890, 156-159. 7. Estudio sobre la posicibn lieliogratica de las manchas solares. Taoubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 1, 1890, 235-249. 8. Tninsito de Mercurio por el disco solar observado en Tacubaya el 10 de noviembre de 1894. Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 1, 1890, 317-320. 9. Memoria sobre el eclipse anular observado en Aguascalientes el 29 de juUo de 1897. [1898.] Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 2, 1897, 72-110. 10. La aurora boreal del 9 de septiembre de 1898 observada i bordo dc La Touiaine. [1899.] Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 2, 1897, 153. 11. Longitud del Observatorio Astronomioo Nacional Anguiauo] Mexicano por Befiales telefirafioas cambiadas dirccta- mente entre St. Louis, Missouri (E. U. de A.) y Tacubaya. [1900.] Tacubaya Obs. AHtr. Bol. , 2, 1897, 217-202. Angulo y Suero, h'riincitco. For biographical notice and works sif .Mudri.l, Soo. Hist. Nat. An., 20, 1897 (Act.), 211-212. "Eatudio hidrotim^trico de las aeuas potables dc la ciudad de Santiago de las Vegas. Habana Ac. An., 18, 1881, 24 J-27-t. Angus, 11. Crawford. A trip to northern Angonilnnd. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 1.5. 1899, 74 79. Angus, Herbert F., & HoUbom, A'. See HoUborn d- Angus. Angus, Jiiiiies. Notes on some species of Catocala. I'apilio, 1, 1884. .'i.') :i7. Angus, WHUiuii Cruilie. 8. Notes on a hybrid between a blackcock and a pLca.snnt. [188.5.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 1, 1887, 2(50-262. 0. Ornithological noti<. [1881),] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 1, 1887, 7, 379-39.S. 10. Notes on tlie turnstone, Strepsilas interpres, lAn. [18«<;.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1890, 180-182. 11. The little auk (Mergulus alle, Linn.). [189-5.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1897, 241- 243. Aniielsser, linlaml. Ueber die aruncoide Blattsprcite. (I'.iu Buitrag zur Blattbiologie.) Flora, 87, 1900, 64- !IJ. Anlkln, V. P. () KO-lcCailiaxt BT) COCTaBf. ccieR ro.TiiiiiJXh oaeiTb KacMiificKaro fiaecciiua. Ueber Schwaukungen im Bestande der Salze der Salzseen des Kaspi-Bassins. [1898.] Uuss. G^ol. Min. Annu., 3, 1898-99 (Si'ft. 1), .31-45 {if^«. 43-4-5). Anislmov, /. .S. 0 KaBKa;tCKIIX7, EBpPHX1>. [On Caucasian Jews.] [1885-86.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 4H {\o. 2), 1888, 13, 16. AniBimov, V[iixiUj\ A[fana»jevic]. *H'k;K0.1bK0 TCO- pejii 0 iqiiiBiJxi. .^Bormofi KiiiiBii-niH u iixi. paSBepTKaxi.. [Einige Siitze iiber Curven doppelter Kriimmung und ilire Evoluten.] [1883.] Kec. Math. (Moscou), 12, 1885, 42-48; Fortschr. Math., 1885, 745- 746. 3. OcHOBaiiifi reopiii .iiriicfiiiiiixT. ,T.ii(J)(j)epeH- Uia.ll.HHX7> ypaBlH'lliil. [Principles of the theory of linear dilTerential equations.] Moscow Univ. Mem. (l'hy/:.-iI(ilh.). 8, 1889, xiv + 200 pp. 3. Ueber dtu Fuchs'schen Grenzkreis. Math. Ann., 40, 1892, 145-148. 4. ^aMli'ianie o n]io,xh.ii.iioMT> upyrt yKca. [Benierkung iiber den Fnchs'schen Grenzkreis.] [1892.] Kec. Math. (Moscou), 16, [1893], 234-235; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 387. 6. Die elementare Ableitung des .\dditionstheoreras fiir die Weierstrass'sche Function If) (»). (Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1893, 2.) Fortschr. Math., 1893 94, 767. «. Kl. TCOpill KpilBMXl TBoiillOli Kpill!ll3HU. (Zur Theorie der Curven doppelter Kriimmung.] [1894.] Roc. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1896], 447-460- 7. KpaTKaii saMtTua oin. iiiiTCipiipvioiueMi MiiOHtiiTi'.Tl; ,Tii(|t()iopeiinia.u.iiMxi. ypaBiieiiifi. [Sur le facteur integrant des equations differentielles.] [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1896-96 (C. R., Phijs. Chim.), A'o. 2, 2-3. B. Kt. TCOpiu OIICTCM^ COBJltCTUUXl. OflMKHO- BCHHUxi. ,T,ii(ti(j)opoHuia.ibHtixi. vpaBiioniii. [Sur la theorie des eqiiations differentielles ordniaires simul- tauees.] [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. A'., Phyt. Chim.), No. 3, 2-3. R. S. A. C. 121 [Anizan 8. .VpaBiioiiic I'liKKATii o6maro Biija. [liic- citi'h (Jlcichung allgcraeiner Form.] Varsovie S(x;. Nat. Trav. {Hem.), 3, 1896, 33 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 256. 10. 'I'opjia iiiiTerpa,iOBi jii(J)<|)epeiiuia.ii.iiuxT. ypaBiieiiiii ci iiPi)io,iii"iecKiijiii ico3(|)(})i(uienTaMii. [Uober die Form der Integrale der Diflerentialglcichungen mit periodisohen Coefticienten.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. (.V ypaBiienift ii H-fcuoTO- puii iipii.ioxieiii)! ciiocorta ,iiii|>'k'l"^»UiipOBainH. [Sur lea methodes d'int<;gration des equations diffcren- tielles ordinaires et quclques applications de la methode de differentiation.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 tPhyt. Chim.). Fate. 1, Hem. 1, 35 pp.; Math. Ann., 51, 1899, 181-195. 13. 0 ({lopMl! iiHTerpa.iOBT. .Tii(|)(i)cpeHuiaji>HUX'b ypaBiieiiiit ct. nepio.iimecKiijiii K03(t)(f)imieuTaMii. [Sur la forme des int^grales des equations differentielles anx coefficients periodiques.] [1896-97-] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 [PhijK. Chim.). Fate. 2, Hem. 6. 14. OCvh o.Tiioii (})opMy.Tfc, OTHocaineiicfl Kt onpexl;.iiire.i)i>n,, ii oCn. ca iipi(.TOHveiiin kt, reo- piii .iiiueiiiiuxi. ,iiii}"4>ppeHUia.ibimx^ vpaBneHiil. [Sur une formule, relative aux determinants, et son application il la theorie des equations difl^'rentielles lineaires.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 (Phy«. Chim.), Fasc. 3, item. 2, 16 pp.; Fortschr. Math-, 1898. 263- 16. Zur Theorie der Curven doppelter Kriimmung. (Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 25 pp.) Fortschr. Math., 1898. 517. 16. 0 BHcoTaxi uaii6o.ibraaro ocBtmenia jan- Hhixi. ll.loiua,T,eft. [Sur les hauteurs du maximum de I'eclairement des aires donnees.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1898 (Phys. Chim.), 24 pp.; Bull. Sci. Matb., 23, 1899. 264-276. 17. HtTCopiir ,Tii(t((tiepciiuia.ibHUXT.ypaBnciiifi. [Sur la thtorie des <5quations diff ypaBIieHift. [Sur la theorie des equations ditTOrentielles lineaires.] [1898.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 20. [1899], 316-336. 19. Ki. Bonpocy o (})opM'fe nHTerpa.iOBi jii(})- (t)epiMinia.ii.iiHxi. ypaBiioHifi ct. iippiojiiiecKiiiin KOH(})(|)imi('ilTaMll. [Zur Frage nach der Form der Integrale der Differentialgleichungen mit periodischen Coellicienten.] [1898.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 411-430; Fortschr. Math., 1898, 286-287- 30. Sur une formule nouvelle relative aux deter- minants et son application a la theorie des equations differentielles lineaires. Math. Ann., 51, 1899, 388-400. 31. 0 (tiopjit. iiHTeriia.ioBi oOiiKHOBeHUHxi ,lii(})(J)cpeHuia.ibHuxT. ypaBHCHili ct. nepiojniec- KlIMll KO;=t(J)(lnmioilTaMII. [Sur la forme des in- tegrales des equations differentielles ordinaires a co- efficients periodiques.] [1900.] Rec. Math. (Moscod), 21, [1901], 62-66. Asislts, Juan Daniel. Ujabb adatok a szerbtoris d^la- merikai eliifordulasahoz. Weitere Beitrage znr Eennt- niss des Vorkomniens von .Xanthium spinosum in SiidAmerika. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szak), 1898. 145-151, {Rev.) 105. Anizan, ./. Lign^s artificielles de HXI. de Bb-octille et AsizjlS. Ltun. Elect., 40, 1891, 4-31-456. 16 Anizan] 122 [Anschiitz 2. Sur la mesure de la capacite des circnits t^le- phouiques. Lum. Elect., 43, 1892, 601-604. , 3. Le microphone Mercadier et Anizan. Eclairage Elect., 1, 1894, 677-680. 4. La telephonie a grande distance. Lum. Elect., 52, 1894, 424-427. 5. Tableaux-coinmutateur.s telephoniques. Jl. Telegr., 24, 1900, 97-102. , 6. Tableau-commutateur multiple de la Societe des Etablissements Postel-Viuay. Jl. Telegr., 24, 1900, 169- 173. 7. Tableau-commutateur multiple a batterie centrale fie la Western Electric Co. Jl. Telegr., 24, 1900, 198- 202. Anjel, . 3. Experimentelles zur Pathologie und Therapie der cerebralen Neurasthenic. Arch. Psvchiatr., 1-i, 1884, 618-632. Ankersmit, H[en(lrik] J[(in], & Fictet, Ame. Sfe Pictet iV Ankersmit. Anna, £nrU-o d\ Sulla spermatolisi nei Vertebrati. Koma Lab. Anat. Norm. Eic, 3, 1893, 127-171. Annable, Henry, & Young, George. See Toung & Annable. Annacker, J. H. Butterrefractometer. Ztschr. Angew. Cbem. , 1893, 2.52. Annaheim, Jlose-ph}. 11. Ueber substituirte Naphty- lendiamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1371- 1374. Annan, J[o/ih] G[rieg}. Apparatus for the saponification of fats, oils, etc. Chem. News, 79, 1899, 51. Annandale, {'Dwmiisl Nelson. Notes on Orthoptera in the Siamese Malay states. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 73-77, 95-97. 2. The Siamese Malay states. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 16, 1900, 505-523. 3. Observations on the habits and natural sur- roundings of insects made during the " Skeat Expedi- tion'' to the Malay Peninsula, 1899-1900. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 837-869. 4. Note on the habits of Malayan Phasmidffi, and of a flower-like beetle larva. [1900.] Edinb. Pliys. Soc. Proc, 14, 1902, 439-444. Anneessens, C. 3. De I'aseptol. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 19, 1885, 173-177. Annenkov, (It.-ijcn.) M. N. Le chemin de fer transcaspien et les pays qu'il traverse. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. E., 1886, 127-185. 2. Cpe3,HJifl Asia n ea npiirojiHOCTb ,T,.ifl bo,^- BopcHia Bi. Heft pyccKoft Ko.ioHnsaiiiir. [Central Asia and its physical conditions in relation to Eussian colonisation.] St. Petersb., Euss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 25, 1889, 277-293; Paris, Soc. G^ogr. Bull., 11, 1890, 237- 254. Annequin, [FTan(;ois Blaise'l. Contribution a I'etude des myopathies pseudo-hypertrophiques des merabres in- ferieurs d'origine iufectieuse, neurotique ou vasculaire, independantes des dystrophies congenitales. Arch. M^d. Pharm.,Mihtaires, 19, 1892, 99-112, 249-274. 2. Etude sur I'an^vrysme art(5rio-veineux de I'artere tibiale posterieure. Aicb. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 21 1893, 259-283. 3. Occlusion intestinale d^termin^e par le divcrticule de Meckel. Mort subite pendant le lavage de I'estomac. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 28, 1896, 324-326. Annesley, [Franr/ds Henry] .-l[r(7)Hr]. Paraplegic suite de rougeole. Aich. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 8, 1886, 386- 38H. Annett, H[enry] E[ilwaril]. Boric acid and formalin as milk preservatives. [1899.] Liverpool, Thompson Yates Lab. Eep., 2, 1900. 57-67. 2. Tubercle bacilli in milk, butter, and margarine. ■ Liverpool, Thompson Yates Lab. Eep., 2, 1900, 29-35. Annett, II[enr)i] E[dward], Ross, {.SiirS'('<' Hljmans van Anrooij. Ansart-Deusy, (capit.) [Auguste Leonard]. For bio- graphical notice and works see Brest Soc. Ac. BuU., 12, 1887, 414-415. 5. Meteorologie et physique generale du globe. Note sur la formule de L.^mbert. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 9, 1884, 323-328. 6. Le deluge universel est la cause de la periode glaciaire. Les Moudes, 8, 1884, 46-49. Anschiitz, C[iirl]. Drei uoch unbekannte Briefe des Astronomen Joh. Kepler an Herwart von Hohenburg, 1599. Prag Sber., 1886 (Math.-Nat.), 417-523. 2. Ueber die Entdeckung der Variation und der jahrlichen Gleichung des Mondes. Ztscbr. Math. Phvs., 31, 1886 (Hi.-it.-lit. Ahlh.), 161-171, 201-219; 32, 1887 {Hi.st.-lit. Abth.), 1-1.5. Anschiitz, Richard. 17. Bemerkung zu den vorste- henden Mittheilungen uber Synthesen mittelst Alumi- niumchlorid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 169-170. 18. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Chrysauilins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 433-437. 19. Ueber Acridinpikrat. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 438-439. 20. Ueber die Verwenduug entwasserter Oxalsaure als Condeusationsmittel. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 107.8-1079. 21. Ueber die Synthese von Dimethylanthracenhy- driir und Dipheuylaethan. [Ergebnisse einer in Ge- meinscbaft mit Herrn Alex. Axgelbis unternommene Untersuchung.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1884, 36-39. 22. Die Einwirkung von Aluminiumchlorid auf Vinyl- bromid und Benzol, aiif Vinyltribromid uud Benzol, auf Tribromaethylen und Benzol. [In Gemeinschaft mit Herrn Alex. AxoiiLiiis ausgefiihrte L'ntersuchungen.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1884, 39-43. 33. Ueber die PipitzahuVnsaure. Bonn Niederrhein. Anschiitz I IL'.-J [Anschiitz Gc8. Sbcr., 1884, 145-150; Berlin, Chom. OeB. Ber., 18, 1886, 700-71") [Il'i(/i aildiliniit]. 34. Uebcr (lie AiiliydriilbiliiuiiK bci einbasiHcben und bci /.wuibu»iHC'hftii Siiureu, IjiebJK'fi Ann., 226, 1884, 1-13; 228, 1888, 855. 35. Ueber die Kraetziing zwtior Chloratorae in Chlo- ridi'D (lurch ein SauerHtolIutom raittelst entwiiiK«rter Oxiilsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 22t;, 1884, 13-22; 22U, 188S, 355. 36. Uebcr Traubensiiure ivus l-'umarBiiiire und die Caleiumsiilzc der vicr isonicren Wciusiiuren. Liebig's Ann., 220, 1884, l'.II-2l)l. 37. Ueber die liililung von Traiibensiiuremethyliither auH llecUts- iiud IjinkBweinsiiureJinietbyliither, sowie iiber die Darapfdichte des TraubensiiureiHhylathers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 1397-1400. 38. L/'ebi-r eine neuc Bililungsweise aromatiscber Kohlenwasserstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 1945-iyiG; Bonn Niedirrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 26-5- 267; Chem. Soc. Jl., 47, 1886, 808-809. 39. Beitrage zur Kenutniss der AepfelsUuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 1940-19.53; Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 2(;o-2"3. 30. Ueber .\inido- und Oxy-phenanthrcnchinone. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 261-265. 31. Ueber die Zersetzung aroniatischer Fumarsaure- iitlier duroh Hitze. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 267-260. 33. Ueber die Darstellung der .\conitsaure aus Citro- nensiiure. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 273-275. 33. Ueber die EinwirkunK von Phosphorpentachlorid auf Salicylsiiure. Erste Abhandlung. Liebig's Ann., 228, 1886; 308-321. 34. Ueber die Bildung des .\cthvloxalsiinrechlorides. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 10, 1886. 2158-2160. 35. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Wirkung des Alumi- niumchlorids. Liebig's Ann., 235, 1886, 150-229, 299- 341. 36. Concerning the isomerism of fumaric and maleic acids. Amer. Cliein. Jl., 0 (1887), 2-53-269; Deutseh. Natf. Ta^ebl., 1887, 239; Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 661-662. 87. Ueber die Bildung von Anilsiiuren aus Anhy- driden zweibasischer Sauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 3214-3216. 38. Zur Geschichte der Isomeric der Fumarsiiure und der Maleinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 161- 184 ; 240. 1887, 348 ; 254, 1889, 168-182. 30. Uebcr die Bildung von Phenylhydrazilsiiuren aus den Anbydriilen zweibasischer Stiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber^, 21. 1888, 88-89. 40. Ueber die Isomeric der Fumarsaure und der Malelnsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 518- 620. 41. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid aut einige .Anilsiiuren zweibasischer Siiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 21, 1888, 057. 43. Ueber Bkisskbt's PyranilpyroYnsaure, Pyranil- pvroinlacton und Auilberusteinsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 246, 1888, 11.5-123. 43. Ueber Rf.issebt's PyranilpyroYnsaure u. s. w. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3252-32.56. 44. Ueber die Bildung von Diacetyltraubensiiure- dimctbyliither und die Bestimmung seiner Molecular- grosse nach der Methode von Raoclt. Liebig's Ann., 247, 1888, 111-122. 48. Ueber Reissert's Anilbernsteinsiiure und .\nil- propionsiiure, ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Oxaoilsiinre. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 22. 1889, 731-748. 46. Ueber die Raoult'sche Methode der Molecular- gewichtsbestimmung in ihrer .\nwendung zur Ent- scheidung zwischen Isomeric und Polvmerle. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 080-983. 47. Kann die Raoult'sche Methode zur EntHcheidang dienen zwischen .\tombindung und Molecularbindung ? Liebig's Ann., 253, 1889, 343-347. 48. Ueber die Alkyloialsiiuren. die Dichlorglycol- siiureiither, die .MkyloxalHiiurechloride und die Tetraalkyl- Oder Halborthoxaliither. Liebig's Kun., 2.54, 1889, 1-42. 48. Ueber die Acetyltrichlorphenomalsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 251, 1889, 15'2-151. SO. Ueber eine neue Bildungswei.se des Hydantolus. Liebig's Ann., 2-54, 1889, 2.58-261. 61. Ueber die Darstellung von Flaveanwasseratofl. Liebig's Ann., 2.54, 1889, 262-264. 63. Ueber die Lactanibildung in der Fettreihe und den Kachweis der Gleichhcit von Reihseiit's Pyranil- pyroTnlacton mit Citraconanil. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 887-896. 63. Kryatallographischer Xschweis der Gleichheit von Reisseht's Pyranilpyrolnlacton und Citraconanil. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2079-2081. 54. Ueber die .'Vmiii- und Anilsauren der Kamarsiiure unrl der Maleinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 259,1890, 137-148. 56. Ueber das mit dem Glycolid isomere .\uhydrid der Diglycolsiiure. Liebig's Ann., '2.50. 1890, 187-103. 56. Ueber das vcrmeintliche N-Phenyl-o-keto-7-oxy- ;3-oi-dimethyl-^i-tetrahydropyridinearbonsiiurelacton,ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss von /3-.\nilidobrenzweinanil. Lie- big's Ann., 261, 1891, 138-151. 67. Ueber Salicylidbildung. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3.506-3512; Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893. 73-93. 68. Ueber die Darstellung von reinem Chloroform raittelst Salicylid-Chloroform. BerHn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3512-3513; Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893 (ii), 10-12; Liebig's .\nn.. 273, 1893. 94-06. 50. Ueber das Glvcolid von Heintz. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 26, 1893. 56(J-.562. eo. Ueber die Destination unter vermindertem Druck im Laboratorium. [1894.] Ztscbr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 34. 61. Ueber die Constitution des Succinanils. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 50-60. 63. Ueber aromatische Glyoxalinverbindungen. Lie- big's -Ann., 284. 1896. 8-3,5. 63. Ueber die Constitution der Tartraziue. Deutscb. Natf. Verb.. 1896 {Th. 2, Hal/U 1). 93. 64. Ueber ein Gesetz der Bildung freier Phenolcar- bonsaurechloride. Deut.sch. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, Wilite 1), 94; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 221- 223.' 65. Ueber eine Gesetzmiissigkeit bei der Esterbildung unsymmetrischer aliphatischer Dicarbonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 26.52-26-54. 66. Ueber die Constitution des Tartrazins. Liebig's Ann., 294. 1897, 219-243; 306, 1899, 1-5. 67. Ueber die Einwirkung von Pbcsphorpentachlorid auf Imide zweibasischer Sauren. [Zweite Abhandlung.] Liebig's .Ann., 295, 1897, 27-28. Anschiitz, ltirliiir{l. A AngelUa, AUsander. See An- gelbis .V Anschiitz. Anschiitz, UUhunl, iV Beavis, Charles. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf Imide zwei- basischer Siiuren. Erste Abhandlung. Ueber Dichlor- niale'inanilchlorid. Liebig's .Ann., 263, 1891, 1.56-163. 3. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpenlaeblorid auf Succinanil. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 57-58. 3. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf Succinanil und Dichlormaleinanil. Liebig's -Ann., 295, 1897. 29-43. Anschiitz, Riehird. \ Beclcerhoff, H[einrich]. Nachweis del Identitiit von A. Likhm.inn's Isoamylphenol mit Teitiaramvlphenol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 407-410. Anschiitz, ni,h,irV 8chroet«r, [Kmil Itruno Victor^ (leiirg. Holier dii; Mi'lckiiliiinriisKe von Halicyliil und HoiuoHalicylid. Liel)iK'H Aun., 273, 1893, 97-101. 3. Ueber die Kiiiwirkung von I'hoHpliiirpcnlBchlorid anf [f/K-]-I)ini('thylKiiecinanil, Dichlorinaleiniiiiid uiid iSiicciniiniil. liiubin's Ann., "Jit."), 1897, ()7-'JH. AnBctaiitz, ICicliunl, A Bcbnltz, Ginliiv [Tliciidur Aiiijual i>lti>\. 7. Ueber das Verhalleii eini(;er primiirer, aro- iimtisilier Amino (.'o^'on Sclnvefel. Berlin, Chem. GeB. Hc-r.. 'J-.'. 1889, '.h()_.-,kC,. Anschiitz, Uiilmnl, \ Scbwlckeratli, Karl. [Ucber aro- niatiscbi' GlyoMilinverbindunKen.] Ueber die Constitu- tion dor EinwirkiinKsproducte von ThioharnstofI oder KtiodiuiiunniiiMiiii]! nnd von Hiirnstoll auf Benzoin. l.iol.in'K Ann.. -JSl, 1895, '.»-•-'"). Anschiitz, Riflianl, A- Selden, CliurUx C. Contributions to our knowledge of Gi..isi:ii'h two nionobronicinnamic acids. Amer. Cliom. .11., 9 (1887), 37'.)-3«5 ; Berlin, Cliiin. (io.<. Ber., 20. 1887, l:W2-1388. Anschiitz, Richard. A Stlopcl, .fiilius. Ueber die Kin- wirkiiiiK von Anmioniak und Ainmoniakbasen auf Di- chlortixtilsiiuremetliylostor nnd Halborthooxalsiiureme- tliyie-iter : Die " Uianiidooster." Liebig's Ann., 30fi, 1899. r,-27. Anschiitz, Richard, & Stlepel, Karl. Ueber Diamido- alhor. licrlin, Cliom. Ges. Uor., 28, 1895, 00-62. Anschiitz, Richard, it VTeyer, llciiirich. Ueber die Ein- wirkunt! von Anilin anf Aiseiichloriir und Arsenbromiir. Liebigs Ann., 2lil, 1891. 27!)-297. Anschiitz, Hichanl, iV ^XTirtz, (,iiiiriii. Ueber die Zer- sot/.ung aroniatiseher FiunarsiLiireiitlier dumb Hitze. Berlin, Cliom. Gos. l!er., 18, 1885, l".)47-iy49 ; Chem. 8oo. Jl., 47, 1886, 8!I!)-',I01. a. On the andide» of fumaric and nialeic acids and on pheuylaspartio acid. Amer. Chem. .11., !) (1887), 235-252; Liobig's Ann., 2311, 1887, 137-160; 210, 1887, 34,S. Anschiitz, Richard, Bendlx, I'aiil, A Kerp, ]\'ilhclm. Boitriigo zur Konntniss dos Mesitenlactons und der Iso- dohydiacotsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 259, 1890, 14*-186. Anschiitz, IVillij. Ueber den Diabetes mit Bronzefiirbung der Haut, zugloicli ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der allgo- nieinen Hamochromatoae und der Pancreasschrumpfnng. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Mod., <;2, 1899, 411-485. Ansdell, (lerrard. A: Dewar, .Jnmcs. On the gaseous constituents of motoorites. Koy. Soc. Proe., 40, 1886, 549-559. Ansel, Olio, A Fechmann, IJ[an»] von. See Fechmann cV Ansel. Ansell, Harold II'., it Young, Julian E. On the localisa- tiou of a partial-earth fault in a submarine cable by fall of the fault's natural potential. Electrician, 22, 1889, 530-531. a, C'apacity measurements of cables. Electrician, 26, 1891, 052-653. Anselm, R. Ueber den Hisengehalt in der Milch. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 28, 1896, (123)-(127). Anselm, i''[ri(;]. Ueber HydronaphtaUiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889. 8.59-860. Anselm, y[ritz], & Zuckmayer, i'[rifj). Ueber einige Dorivate der Saplitalsaure, Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., .12, 1899, 3283-3296, 4085. Anselm, Rudolph. Ueber die Kisenausscheidung durch die Gallc. Dorpat Pharm. Inst. Alb., 8, 1892, 51-107. Anselml, Kmanuele. Intorno alle sorgente tei'nio-solfurea di Seruiioue. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1890, 225-245. a. Otto casi di pellagra, veridcatisi in una famiglia per r uso del niais guasto. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1892. lli.8-174. Anselmino, (>[iUi]. \ Auwers, A'lirl [Friedrich}. See Auwers iV Anselmino. Analauz, Georijea. La mort par Ic rofroidiKscmcnt. Con- triliulion li I'tituda de la respiratiou et de la rirculatiou. Brnx., Ac. Bull., 17, 1889, 5.5.5-602 ; Arch, de Biol.. 10, 1890, 151-186, a. De I'influencc de la tn de chaleur chez los aninmux a sang chaud. Hocherches de calorimi^trie. Brnx., Ac. Bull., 20, 1890, .591-614; Arch, de Biol., 11, 1891, 1-17. 3. Becherches critiques ct eiperimenlales sur le aphygmoHcope de Ciiauvkau-M.miky et Ics manom^'tres (:iaHti(|UcK. Brux., Ac. Bull., 23, 1893, 377-405 ; Arch, de Biol., 12, 1892, 611-637. 4. I'seudo-diphterie 4 streptocoques ; broncho-pnea- monie; mort. Brux., Ac. Mid. Belg. Bull., 9, 1896, 82-87. Anslanz, George*, & Coxln, Gabriel. See Corln A- Ansiaux. Anslaxix, Geurgen, A Corln, Joiepli. See Corin & Ansiaux. Anspacb, Lurien. Note sur lea tranBmissions par cables tel>idvnumi(|ues. Revue Univ. Mines, 15, 1884, 436-461, 634-647; 16,1884, 72-166. a. De la resistance doH disqnes & rotation rapide. Revue Univ. Mines, 10, 1890, 264-301. 3. Le rAle de I'eau dans les cylindres k vapcur. [1891.] Revue Univ. Mines, 17, 1892, 1-83; 18, 1892, 229-265. 4. Ditente Delville. Distribution par levicr d'avance i bras variable. Revue Univ. Mines, 25, 1894, 347-352. 5. Tht'-orio des pompes k vapeur. Revue Univ. Mines, 27, 1894, 221-284. 6. Etude de I'effct des obliquities dans la dit«nte Delville. Revue Univ. Mines, 30, 1898. 109-127. 7. Resolution graphique des problimes de flexion. Revue Univ. Mines, 32, 1896, 29-52. 8. Note sur la detente Delville. Revue Univ. Mines, 40, 189,7, 274-284. 9. Etude sur la stability des poutres en treillis. Revue Univ. Mines, 50, 1900, 1-31. Antaev, s. S. OCii, y])aBiiciii}ixi nHTofi CTeneHii, l)a:ipl;maesiuxi bt, pa.iiiita-iaxi ii o pa-uarae- .MocTii vpuBiieHiii ' ''.~ -oil cTcneiiii (npii p iijiocTosn.) OTh ciiJiMeTpiiMecKofi (})yiiKuiii XB\\-b Kopneft laiiiiaro ypanneiilH. (Ueber die durch Radi- cale auflosbaren Gleichungen fiinften Grades und iiber die Zerlegbarkeit der Gleichung des Grades .Jp {jt - 1) {p gleich einer PrimzabI), deron Wurzeln symmetrische Functionen zweier Wurzeln der gegebenen Gleichung sind.] [1894.] Beo. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1896], .544- 574 ; Fortsclir. Math., 1893-94, 156-157. a. H.i.ioHjeuie ociiobiiuxt. cBoficTST. ypaBiieuia n-ofi CTCIteUlI BT) SaBIICHMOCTn OTT> CnCTCMU n ypaBueiiift oti Kopiieft .laimaro ypaBneHia. [Ex- position des proprietes fondamentales de I'equation du n-i6me degre dans leur rapport avcc le systemc de ii Equations entre les racines de I'equation donnee] [1897- 1900.] Rec. Math. (Mo.scou), 20. [1899]. 33-91 ; 21, [1901], 1-53; Fortschr. Math., 1897. 92; 1900. 94. 3. ."Jasit.TKa ofii iiiiTerpiipoBaiiiii ypaBHcnifi ci. 'lai'TiiUMi! iipoiiJBOjiiUMii nepBaro nopfliKa. [Note sur I'integration des equations aux derives par- tiellesdu premier ordre.] [1898.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 20. [1899], 443-450 ; Fortschr. .Math., 1898. 305. 4. IJaMtTKa OTiiociiTejhiio TeojicMU: " Ecjn rpyiina (|)yiiKuiii v Kopneii ypaBHCHia cojepsHTT. Bi. cc'Ctl ri)yiiiiy i|>ynKuiii Ha pauioiiajbHOli (J)yiiKuieR ott, , la fonctiou ^ peut 6tre representee comme fonction rationnelle de 0."] [1,~;98.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 472-484; F..rtschr. Matb., 1898, 70. Antal, Eiigen. Ueher das Westplial-Piltz'selie soR. para- doxe Pupilleupbiinomen. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 14'.)-15.5. Antal, Geza. For biography see Termt. Kozlon., 22, 1890, 635; 31, 1899 (SitppL), 104-110. A hiilyag kiilonbozo bantalmainak cystoskopikus k^pei. [Cystoscopiscbe Bilder der versehiedenen Affectionen der Harnblase.] [1887.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 6, 1888, 1-2. 2. Electro-aero-uretbroskop. [Electro-Aero-Uretbro- skop.] [1887.] Matb. Termt. Ertes., 6, 1888, 68-70; Matb. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 6, 1889, 10-13. Antelminelli. See Castracane degli Antelminelli. Antequeda, Carlos. Iiistruccion para el conocimiento y uso del trigonoteiemetro. Argentina See. Ci. An., 45, 1898, 390-403 ; 46, 1898, 5-22. Antessanty, {Vnhhi') G[nhrlel] Cesiima-iaTiiiicKoft oOjaciii. Leber deu Magnesit and Walfenit der Blei-, Silber- und Kohlenlagerstiitten von Df.bwis und Kj.vsaszev, Prov. Semipalatiusk.] St. Petersb. Min. Lies. Verh., 27, 1891, 447-448; Ztschr. Kryst., 22, 1894, 75. a. [() ii]io<)jeNaTi(>iecKoMi loiuepiirfc ii.n. ropoAa KapKapa.11,1. Ueber den problematischen l>opplcrit von Karkarala.J 8t. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 28, 1891, .503-504 ; Ztschr. Kryst., 23, 1894, 275. 3. [() iiy.i(()L'iiiiTl;, pciULrapt, .lasi-MroHiirl., ii.iyM<'>()i:yiipiiT'li 11 hjiitL ii:ji. cepefipo-cBiiimo- Bu.xi. srIj'TopoHi.vMiift r. "Pom jKi-Biiaa ii K". Bl. ('cMIIIia.iaTIIIICKoii od.iacTll. Ueber Wulfenit. liealgar. Jaraesonit, Plumbocuprit und Ehlit der Blei- und Silbergrube des Herm von Dkrwib, Prov. Scmi- palatinsk] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 28, 1891, .527-528; Ztschr. Kryst., 23, 1894, 275-276. 4. 0 co;icpH:aiiiii tili.uh bi. Koaiciaiil; raj- Mfiliiuxn. py,iiiiiKOBi. UapcTBa IIo.iu'Karo. [On the thallium content in the pyrites of the calamine mines of Poland.] Buss. Pbys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 {Chein.). 1896, 384-387; Paris Soc. Chim. BuU., 16, 1896, 17.5t;-1757. 6. [0 -TOllxiljllTt nni O.lLKVIua. Ueber Lon- chidit von OIkusch.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 34, 1896 {Prot.), 24; ZUchr. Erygt., 30, 1899, 388; 31, 1899, 650. 8. Aiia.iMTinccKoc ii^c.itjoBaHie cociaBa iayxi MPTCopiirOBTj. [Uecherches cbimiques sur deux me- teorites.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1898, 91-103; Ztschr. Kryst., 32, 1900, 426-127. 7. [0 CvKjaiuiiTt. ll:l^ AxMaroBCKofi Konii. Ueber den Bucklandit von Achmatowsk.] St. Pet«rsb. Min. Ges. Verh., 37, 1899 (Prot.), 45-48; Ztschr. Kryst., 34. 1901, 699. 8. [0 iioBojn. Mt.tTopoH;,ieniii ypanoBofi c.ikjju Bl. Pocriii II oCn, ecTeiTBCiiHofi okiicii uiiiiKa Bi O.lLKVniCKIIXX pyIHIlKax^. Ueber eiue neue Lager- stiitte des Urauglimmers und iiber natiirliches Zinkoxyd aus den Gruben von OIkusch.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 38, 1900 (Prut.), 38-42 ; Neues Jbach. Min., 1902 (lid. 2. lie/.), 36-5-366. Antisell, Thomas. For biographical notice and works ue Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 13, 1900, 367-370. 6. *The currents of the Pacific Ocean. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 15 (1883), 101-132. Antoine, [Louis] Charles. 13. De la densite et de la compressibilite des gaz et des vapeurs, Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 102. 1886, 863-864. 14. Volume, ehaleur totale, chaleur speci6que des vapeurs saturees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 103, 1886, 1242- 1243. 15. Variation de temperature d'un gaz on d'one vapeur qui se comprime ou se dilate, en conservant U meme quantitc de chaleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 105, 1887. 1242-1244. 16. Sur les variations de temperature des gaz et des vapeurs qui conservent la meme quantite de chaleur, sous des tensions differentes. Paris, Ac ScL C. B., 106, 1888, 57-60. 17. Variation de temperature d'une vapeur com- primee on dilat^e, en conservant la meme chaleur totale. Paris. Ac Sci. C. B.. 106. 1888. 116-117. 18. Tensions des vapeurs : nouvelle relation entre les tensions et les temperatures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 107, 1888, 681-684. 19. Calcul des tensions de diverse* vapeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 107, 1888, 778-780. ao. Tensions de diverses vapeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B.. 107. 1888. 83fr-837. ai. Volumes des vapeurs saturees. Paris, Ac Sci. C. K., 107, 1888, 1143-1145. aa. Dilatation et compression de I'air atmospheriqae. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. B.. I KOCTeR noji,:. BaiflnieMi oo.ibmii,VT. KiioBony- CKailiil. Sur les alterations anatomiques du sang et de la moelle des os longs sous I'influence des fortes saignees. St. retersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 2, 1893, 516-577. Antolik, KoTohj. 8. Les figures electriques. Lum. Elect., 11, 1884, 810-315. 9. A gyuriicsoves higany-iegszivattyii. [Ueber eine ringformige Quecksilber-Luftpumpe.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 3, 1885, 135-139; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 3 (1884-85), 40-43. 10. A hangattetellel eliiidezett hangidomokr61 kifesz- itett rezgo hartyakon es iiveglemezekeu. [Ueber Klangfiguren, die aut gespannten Membranen und auf Glasplattcn mittels Toniibertragung, hervorgerufen wer- den.] [1890.1 Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. (Terml.), 20, 1891, No. 4, 31 pp.; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 8, 1891, 285-325. Antomaii, ,\'[«dict-]. 4. Sur Ic produit de deux sommes de huit Carres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 566-567. 6. Sur une ])ropriete caracteristi((ue des lignes geo- desiqueB d'un cone. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 17, 1889, 118-124. 6. Remarques sur I'integration des equations aux derivees partielles. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 19, 1891, 154-1.58. 7. Sur les surfaces regiees applioables avec paralleiisme des generatrices. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894, 58- 63. 8. Sur les conditions qui expriment qu'une equation algebrique de degre m n'a que p racines distinotes (p <. m). Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 63-7-5. 9. Siir un cas particiilier de la transformation homo- graphique. Nouv. Ann. Math., 17, 1898, 489-499. Anton, Ferdinand. For biographical notice see Astr. Nacbr., 153, 1900, 431-432. 4. Ueber das Interpolationsverfahren bei Monddis- tanzen nach den nautischen Ephemerideu. Ann. der Hydrogr., 14 (1886), 324-328. 5. Specielle Stijrungen und Ephemeriden fur die Planeten (114) Cassandra und (154) Bertha. Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Ahth. 2), 1089-1126. 6. Bestimmung der Polhohe des astronomisch- meteorologischeu Observatoriums in Triest durch Beo- bachtung von Sternpassagen im ersten Vertical. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 2((), 107-135. Anton, Ferdinand, & Nahlik, (il/iy.) A[lois]. Bestimmung der Ljingendifferenz zwischen Lemberg und Wien. Aus- gefiihi't...im Juni 1875. Wien, Gradmessungs-Bur. Astr. Arb., 7, 1895, 135-184. Anton, Ferdinand, & Orff, (Gen. Maj.) Carl von. Bestim- mung der Liingendiflerenz zwischen Prag und Mfinchen. Ausgefiihrt...Juli — August 1874. Wien, Gradmessungs- Bur. Astr. Arb., 3, 1891, 119-172. 2. Bestimmung der Langendifferenz zwischen Wien und Miinchen. Ausgefiihrt.. .October 1874. Wien, Grad- messungs-Bur. Astr. Arb., 9, 1897, 49-75. Anton, Ferdinand, & Falisa, Juhann. See Falisa & Anton. Anton, Ferdinand, & Sawitzki, .1/. Bestimmung der Langendifferenz zwischen Pulkowa und Wien. Aus. gefiihrt... August — September 187.5. Wien, Gradmes- sungs-Bur. Astr. Arb., 11, 1899, 205-272. See also Sawitzki & Anton. Anton, Ferdinand, & Sctaram, Robert. Bestimmung der Langendifferenz zwischen Wien und Greenwich. Ausge- fiihrt...Juli — September 1876. Wien, Gradmes.sungs-Bur. Astr. Arb., 11, 1899, 1-142. 2. Bestimmung der Liiugendiffereuz zwischen Wien und Prag. Ausgefiihrt. ..Juni — Juli 1874. Wien, Grad- messungs-Bur. Astr. Arb., 12, 1900, 121-170. See also Sctaram & Anton. Anton, Gabriel. Zur Anatomic des Balkenmangels im Grosshirne. Ztschr. Heilk., 7, 1886, 53-64. 2. Zur Kenutniss der Storuugen im Oberfliichen- wachsthum des menschlichen Grosshirns. Ztschr. Heilk., 7, 1886, 453-478 ; 9, 1888, 237-260. 3. Zur Auatomie des Hydrocephalus und des Gehirn- druckes. Med. Jbiieh., 3. 1888, 125-168. 4. Beitrage zur klinischen Beiirtheilung und zur Localisation der Muskelsinnstcirungen im Grosshirne. Ztschr. Heilk., 14, 1893, 313-348. 5. Ueber Bau und Leistung des centraleu Nerven- systems. [1893.] Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber., 21, 1894, xvi-xviii. 6. Die Bedeutung des Balkenmangels fiir das Gross- hirn. Deutsoh. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 2), 318- 321. 7. Ueber die Selbstwahrnehmung der Herderkrank- uugtn des Geliirns durcli den Kriinken bei Rindeubiind- heit und Ilindcutaubheit. Arch. I'sychiatr., 32, 1899, 80-127. Anton, (l.t.) M., & Siest, {Maj.) Walther ron. See Diest A Anton. Anton, Mainirl. [I'Vrnando Poo y el Golfo de Guinea. I'lnumeracion y estudio do las coleccioues recogidas en Anton] HU viaje por ol Dr. Okkohid. | Antropnlugia. Miulrid, 800. HiHt. Nut. An., 15, 1886, 317-.)3M. a. [KHtuilio dc un cnineo nulablc proccd.'iiU' dt- Guinea.] Madrid, Soc. HiBt. Nat. An., 10, 1887 (.1./.), 8. Sobre do§ ordneos prehigt6rico(i dc la colcccibn del profcHor ViijNovA. Madrid, 800. HiBt. Nat Au *>« 1897 {Act.), Hl-82. 4. [Noticias Kolire Iob AHcbantig quo hc oxiiibcn en el Jur.lin del Uucii Ketiro.] .Madrid, Soo. Hint. Nat. An., 2(i, 1897 {.IcI.}, 214-216. Anton, Uithflm. Fibroma (mollc) auriculnj. Arcli. Ohrcn- bcilk., 2«, 1889, 285-287. a. beitrii;;c zur Konntnis des Jivcob«on'iicben OrKanes dca Krwach.sciun. ZtBchr. Heilk., 10, 1896, 355-372. a. JieitraK zur CiiKiiistik der AciiKticUKtumoron. (Zwci I'allo von Fibr.ifarkom des Nervus ociisticus.) Arch Obrenheilk., 11, 1896, 116-122. Antonelll, Alh.rtu. Sulla digeBtione dei grassi. Napoll liiii.l., Jl, 1888, 53-50. a. Suotoiiietre. Ann. d'Oculist., 110, 1893, 30-32. a. Lo c-roi.s.siint linoairc du criKlalliii, diiii.s cc-rtaineH formcB de cataracte; conannation anatomo-patlioloinnue Ann. d'Oculist., UN, 1897, 17-27. 4. La forme de la source lumineui^e (caiT(5 lumineux) pour la skiascopie ; astiKmoraetrie et uberroRcopie objec- tive de I'ail. Ann. d'Oculist., U'.l, 1898, 369. 0. TrBitement iles affections lacrynialcs par les sondes au protar);ol. [With diinission.] Ann. d'Oculist 121 1899, 270-272. ' ' «. Lesions oculaires congenitales chez un enfant issu d'une mktc atteinte de lievre tjpholde vers la fin de sa grosscsse. [With discussion.] Ann. d'Oculist. 123 1900, 133-134. ' ,.'•,. ^'inmates opbthalmoscopiques de la syphilis hereditaire etatavique. Nouvellcs contributions. Concr Int. Med. C.R.. 1900 (Vol. 12), 341-345. AntonelU, Aiip,], & Bonettl, lulippo. he diatomee fos.Mh di for di Salle uei diutorui di liouia. Koma N Liucei Mem., 9, 1893 (/'(. 1), 23.>-246. Antonelll, (,'[/««,;,;„•], \ Panesi, /•'[r.inrMco]. Kelazione (lello osservazioni fatte nell' Osservatorio Meteorologico di Osimo dal luylio al decembie l.s92 e nell' anno 18'.i3. Roma. N. Lineei Atti, 47, 1894, 59-07, 101-114. AntonelU, {mnt, ) I'leiro. ♦Scioa e Scioani. [Italia] Soc. Gf.igr. lioll.. Ill, 1882, 09-92. a. •AppiimisuAssabedintorni. [Italia] Soc. Geocr. Boll., 19, 1882, 403-472. a. 'Notizie da Assab c dallo Scioa. [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 20, 1883, 215-216, 283-287, 413-420, 782- 795, 857-S80. 4. I territori dei Guragh^ e le rcgioni vicine. [Italial boc. Geogr. Boll., 23. 1886. 804-«06. ,„?• . ^' Pf'""' viaggio di un Europeo attraverso I'Aussa. (lliario.) [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 20, 1889, 331-348. 6. Al salto Guft>r:i. [Italia] Soc. GeoKr. Mem.. 6, lB96, oO— 102. Antonladl, Ku;,ine .M. Magnifiques Uches solaires. Astronomic, 1892, 74-76. K. s. A. c. 12!) [Antoniazzi a. I.* grande tachc golairc de ferrier. A»tronomic 1892, 195. 3. CurioiiHeH dt^'fonnationH da Boleil coachant. A«- truiiiiiiiii', 1893, 35. 4. iLoceultationdc Jupitcrdu 20f(Svrier.] Aitrono- niie, 1893, 153. 5. La grande tache solaire d'oout 1893. Aatronomie 1893, 3.>2. 6. Le tour du mondc de Jupiter en dix beurei As- tronomic, 1893, 453-159. 7. Curieux changements sor Jupiter. A«tronomie 1894, .(2. 8. La grande tache d'aout 1893 disparaii>sant au l>ord occidental du Soleil. Astronomic, 1894, 3.3-.34. 8. [Satume.] AMtronomie, 1894, 298-301. 10. La grande tachc solaire d'ooiit 1894. AstroDO- mie, 1894, 349-350. 11. Observations de hi planet* Mars faites & I'Ob- ser%atoire de Juvisy. AKtrouomie, 1894, 376-383. la. Notes on the rotation period of Venus. Astr Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 313-320. 13. Note on the constitution of Saturn's "crape" ring. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 69, 1899, 498-501, 586- 588. 14. Sur une anomalie de la phase dichotome de la planete Venus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 131, 1900, 468- 409. Src iiUu BritiBh Astronomical Aasodatlon. Antonladi, Ku.itn,: .)/.. ,v riammarlon, CamilU. See Flanunarion l1' Antonladl. Antoniazzi, Antni.i.j Maria. Su alcune espressioni dei rapporti n, cd n, proposte per la seconda approssimazione iicl ealcolo di un' orbita ellittica su tre osservazioni [1893.] Venezia, 1st. AttI, 1892-93, 1556-1.507. a. Osservazioni del pianeta (2.t) Thalia fatte a Padova coir equatoriale Dembowski. Astr. Nachr. 140 1896 303-366. ' 3. Equazioni di condizione per le occultazioni osscrvate a Padova nel 1894 e nel 1895. [1896.1 Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1895-96, 327-384. 4. Elemcnti ed effenieride del pianeta (36.3) (1893 S) Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 61- o iiol;:i;i,Kl; Bt ,l,ai'('('Tan'I., .TliTOJn> 1H82 ro,|a. [Report on a journey to Dftghestan in the snmmer of 1882.] [1884.] St. Petor.^b., Hnss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 20, 1885, 357-449. 7. *0 ApeBiiiixi. HCKyccTB('iiiio-,xe(j)oi)jmi>o- BaHHUXT, 'lopeiiaxi., iiaii.ioiiiiuxi. bi. iipeAluaxi. Poccill. [On ancient artilieially deformed skulls found within the boundaries of Kussia] [18S3.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (.Vo. 4), 1887, 3(J7-414; Kev. d'Anthrop., 3, 1888, 375-370. 8. Ueber die Re.ste des Hohlen-Baren [und des Menschcn] aus Transkaukasien. Moscmi Soc. Nat. Bull., 1, 1887, 210-221, 374-377; ^fater. Hist. Homme, 21, 1887, 215-220 [First jnirt unhj]. 9. HcKoiiaesiHJi nnucdiji;!,. IIo iii)Bo;jy nepeiia iicKoiiaeMaro oBui'CuJKa (Ovibos fossilis, Rut.) vi, GepcM'OBi. .ItMiiJ, iiaxo,T.flinaroca bi. •loo.iorii'iec- Kojn. Mysel; Moi'KOBCKaio ViiiiBciK'UTOTa. [Ovi- bos fossilis. With reference to a skull of the same from the banks of the Lena in the Zoological Museum of Moscow University.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 07 {So. 3). 1890. 40-49. " 10. Sur les restes de I'Ursus spelseus et de rOvibos fossilis trouves en Russie. Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R., 1892 (1), 241-248. 11. Sur leg cranes anciena, artiSciellement d£-form^s, trouves en Russie. Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R., 1892 (1), 263-268. 12. Quelques donn^es pour la craniologie de la popu- lation actuelle du gouvernement de Moscou. Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R., 1892 (2), 279-286. 13. [Uebersicht iiber die wissenschaftliche Litteratur zur Liinderkunde des europiiischen Russlands.] Geogr. Jbuch., 17, 1894, 238-200, 299-308. 14. [Geographische Erforschungen in] Ruasisch- Asien. Geogr. Jbuch., 18, 1895, 316-332; 20, 1898, 409-424. 15. 0 iil'.KOToinJxi. flB.ie(iiflxi> iiOBbuiiioii anTpono.ioni'iecKoii .iiiTepaiypu. [On some pub- lications of recent anthropological literature.] [1894.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 00, 1897, 475-477. 16. 4cjioBhKoiio,T,or>iiiji1 "lepem. ci. ocrpoBa Hbh (Pithecanthropus erectus). [Skull of an anthro- poid ape from .lava.] [1896.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 90, 1897, 497-498. Anwandter, C. *Klima und Wittcrungsverhaltniase von Valdivia in Chili. Ann. der Hydrogr., 4 (1876), 341- 345. Anz, 11 .i/fir. Tschifu und Umgebung. Petermann, Mitth., 40. 1900. 191-192. a. Durch die Hulbinsel Schantung von Tschifu nach Tsingtan, 1. bis 0. Miirz 1899. Petermann, Mitth., 40, 1900, 273-277. Anzi, Hartinn. For biographical notice tee Notarieia, 7, 1892. M.-<0-14.5e. Anzinger, t'laiiz. Die Gartengrasmiicke als Stuljcnvogel und ihre Behandlung. Wien Ornith. Vcr. Mitth., 17, 1893, 75, 8H-89. a. Uaa Rothkehlchen in seiner Bedeutang aU Sing- vogel. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893, 121-122. 3. Geht der Gesang der schwarzkiipfigen Grasmiicke (Sylvia atricapilla) im Allgemcinen zuriick oder darf die Vcrschlechterung ihrcs Gesangea nur eine stationiire genannt werden? Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893, 107-108. 4. Singt oder schlagt unsere Singdroasel (Tardus musicuB)? Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893. 186-187. 6. Ge.schmackarichtungen in der Vogelgeaangaknnde. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 19, 189B, 11-14, 6. Unsere Raubviigel und ihre Erkennungszeichcn. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 19, 1895, 14.5-151. 7. Hie Blaudrossel (Monticolu eyana. /,.) aU Stnben- vogel. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 20, 1896, 29-31. 8. Variationen in der Iriafiirbung bei Parus cristatns, L. Ornith. Jbuch., 8, 1897, 14-5-147. 9. Gesangliche Leistungen verschiedener Vogelarten in Tirol. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 21, 1897, 87-93. Anzinger, Fninz, \ OaUa Torre, A'[(iri] W[Hhelm'] von. Sii- Dalla Torre ,t Anzinger. Aoyama, Ch'bei. On the amber in North Germany. [Jiip.] Tokyo Geol. Soc, Geol. Mag., 3, [1896], 231 (;,/«)— 235. Aoyama, Clu'hri, & Isblhara, Hatttitaro. See Ishiliara & Aoyama. Aoyama, Tl'inemichi]. Pathologische Mittheilungen. [I. Indirecte Kerntheilunginverschiedenen Neubildungen. II. Vorkomnien von den C!orpora amylacea ahnlichen Substanzen in einem Brustkrebs.] Virchow, Arch., 106, 1886. 508-578. a. Die Pest. [1899.] Deutsch. Ges. Ostasien. Mitth.. 8, 1899 1902, 211-220. Apdthy, Istv/in = Stefan. Taniilm&ny a najadeak szovet- tanir61. [Studien zur Histologic der Najaden.] Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. (/V™(.), 14, 1885, So. 8, 121pp.; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 3 (1884-85), 109-110. a. A sima izomzat gyarapodasa ^s p6tl6ddsa. [Die Vermehrung und Wiederersetzung der glatten Muskula- tur.] [18a5.] Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. {Termt.), 15, 1886, No. 15, 1-24 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 3 (1884- 85), 68. 3. Methode zur Verfertigung langerer Schnittserien rait Celloidin. [1887.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 7, 1886-87, 742-748. 4. Studien iiber die Histologic der Najaden. [1887.] Biol. Centrbl., 7, 1888, 621-630. 5. Systematische Streiflichter. [I. Marine Hirudi- neen.] Arch. Naturg., .54. 1888 (B,l. 1), 4;l-«l. 6. Analyse der aus.seren Ki>rperform der Hirudineen. [1888-89.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth.. 8, 1888, 15:i-232; Magyar Tud. .\k. Ertek. {Termt.), 19, 1890. So. 3, 87 pp. 7. Siisswasser-Hinidineen. Ein systematischer Essav. [1888-89.] Zool. Jbiich. (.SV-). 3, 1888. 72.5-794 : Math. Termt. Kiizlem., 23, 1890. 303-373. 8. Nachtriige zur Celloidiutechnik. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 5, 1888, 4-5-49. 9. A pioczak fejlud^stanara vonatkoziS vizsg&lataim- r61. [Embryologische Untersuchungen in Bezug auf die Hirudineen.'] [18as.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 7. 1889, 6.5-76. 10. .\ magyarorszagi hi/vvizek pidczairol. [Ueber die Hirudineen der uiigarliindisehen Thermen.] [188U-91.] Termt. Kozlon., 21, 1889. 34; 23, 1891 (Siippl.). 121-128; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 7. 1890, 472 [Firm part only]. 11. Notiz iiber die Ringelung von Piseicola. Zool. Auz.. 12. 1889. 649-6-52. la. Uel't-r das Kriechen von Hirudo und Aalastoma. Zool. Jbiich. (.Si/»t.). 4. 1889. 267-26-1. 17—2 Apathy] 132 [Apgar 13. Mikrotechnische Mittheiluiigen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 6, 1889, 104-172. 14. Bimerkungeii iiber die Celloidin-Einbettung8- metliode von Arwid Flobman. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 6, 1889, 301-303. 15. Nach weloher Eicbtung bin soil die Nervenlehre reformiertwerdeu? (HistologischesundHistogenetisches.) [1889.] Biol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 527-538, 600-608, 625- 048. 16. Pseudobranchellion margoi (nova familia Hirii- dinearum). Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szak), 1890, 110-113, 122-127. 17. Az izom- ^s idegrostok primitiv tibiilluraairbl s a protoplasma-szerkezetrfil Walaban. [Uebi-r die "Langs- tibrillarwabige Struetur" uud iiber Protoplasma-Struc- turen im Allgemeinen.] Orvoa-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. S:uk), 1890, 305-310, 353-356. 18. A szovettani m6dszerekrol. [On histological methods.] Termt, Kozliin., 22, 1890 (Suppl), 19-32. 19. Die Lang'schen leeren Kinge, besonders bei Hirudo medieinalia. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 320-322, 351. 20. Ueber die " Schaumstruktur" hanptsachlicli bei Muskel- und Nervenfaseru. Biol. Centrbl., 11, 1891, 78-87, 127-128. 21. Az egysejtii allatok a tobbsejtiiek szempontj4b61. Die einzelligen Lebewesen als Bildner der Metaznen. Zoologiscbe Vorlesungen. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. [Tt'i-inl. Szak), 1891, 13-40, 84, 93-114, 223-254; 1892, 1-46. 22. Keimstreifen und Mesoblaststreifen bei Hirudi- neeii. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 388-393, 436. 23. Pleurosigma angulatum und das Lendl'sehe Mikroskop. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 8, 1891, 433-450. 24. Kritische Bemerkungen iiber das Frenzel'sche Mesozoou Saliuella. Eine biologische Skizze. Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892, 108-123. 25. Contractile und leitende I'rimitivtibrillen. [1892.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 10, 1891-93, 355-375. 26. Ertahrungen in der Behandluug des Nerven- systems fiir histologische Zvvecke. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 9, 1892, 1.5-37, 466-467. 27. Ueber die Muskelfasern von Ascaris, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die von Lumbricus und Hirudo. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 10, 1893, 36-73, 319-301. 28. Das leitende Element in den Muskelfasern von Ascaris. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 43, 1894, 886-911. 29. Ueber das leitende Element des Nervensystems und seine Lagebeziebungen zu deu Zellen bei Wirbel- thieren und Wirbellosen. Cougr. Int. Zool. C. K., 1895, 132-136. 30. Das leitende Element des Nervensystems und seine topographi.scben Bezieliungen zu deu Zellen. Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 12, 1897, 495-748. 31. Az orvosi pi6cza nyakmirigy(5nek alkotasa (5s miikod^se. (Tekintettel a mirigyvAladek klinikai hasz- nalatdra. ) Beschatl'enheit vmd Function der Halsdriisen von Hirudo medicinalis, L. (Mit Riicksicht auf die klinische Verwertliung iluvs Extractes.) Orvos-Termt. 6rtes. {Orv. Szak), 1897, 200-220, (Rev.) 37-77; Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 218-229. 32. A kestartb szerejierol a mikrotomiAban, kapcsolat- ban egy lij fajtiinak Iciriisaval. Ueber die Bedeiituiigdes McKserhalters in der Mikrotomie. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (7Vrmr. Nziik), 1897, 32-53, 244, [liev.) 11-48, 208-209; Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 14, 1897, 157-174, 332-333. 33. [A centroHomak szereper/il. Ueber die Bedeutung der Centrosomen.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szak), 1897, 81, {Rev.) 61-02. 34. [Brunchelliun es Braneliiobdella petefeszki petei. Ovarialeier von Brauchelliiai und Braucbiobdella. ] Or- vos-Termt. Ertes. (Terml. Szak), 1897, HI, (iiVr.) 02. 35. BemerkungiMi zu * iAiim>WKKi's Uarstelliing [tier Lehre des Autoren] von den Icitenden Nervenclementen. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 704-713. 36. Ueber Neufibrillen und iiber ihre nervos leitende Natur. Int. Congr. Zool. Proc, 1898, 125-141. 37. Him partheniogenesisrcil. , Ueber die mannliche Partheiiiogenese. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szak), 1899, 87, {Rer.) 17-18. 38. [Mikroskopische Priiparate iiber postembryonale Vermehrung und Wachstum der Neurofibrillen.] Anat. Anz., 18, 1900 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 211-213. Apel, [licit IidIiI], & Tietjens, [Louis]. See Tietjens & Apel. Apel, il/[«;r], & ToUens, B[ernhard Christian Gottfried]. Ueber mittels Formaldehyd aus Aldehyden und Ketonen synthetisch gewonneue mehrwerthige Alkohole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1087-1090. 2. Ueber das Pentaglycol, einen aus Formaldehyd und Isobutyraldehyd synthetisch hergestellten zweiwerthigen Alkohol. [1895.]" Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 36-46. 3. Ueber den Anhydro-ennea-heptit aus Formaldehyd und Aceton. [1895.] Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 46-51. 4. Ueber das Pentaerythrit-di-benzal. Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 34-35. Apel, M[ax], & Witt, Otto N[ikoiaxis]. Ueber die Con- densation von Formaldehyd mit Anhydro-eimea-heptit. Liebig's Ann., 290, 1896, 153-155. Apel, [Otto Theodor] W[illiplm]. Beitrag zur Anatomie und Histologic des Priapuhis caudatus (Lam.), und des Halicrvptus spinulosus (v. Sieb.). Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 42, 1885, 459-529. Apert, E[ugene]. Taches pigmeutaires iutestinales con- stituees par de la rubigine (purpura intestinal en trans- formation pigmentaire). Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 49, 1897 {C. fi',), 804-865. 2. Etude anatomo-pathologique d'un cas de tubercu- lose p^riton^o-pleurale subaigue. Arch. Med. Exp^r., 10, 1898, 476-482. 3. Le titragene dans les angines. P.iris, Soc. Biol. M.5ra., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 137-139. Apert, E[u!Kiie], & Cbarrier, I'[aul Robert], See Cbarrier ct Apert. Apert, E[uii!'iie], & Gandy, C)i[arles]. Epilepsie jacksou- uienne ; tumcur eerehrale de diagnostic ditiicile, probable- ment parasitaire. Arch. G^n. Med., 185, 1900, 581-595. Ap6ry, P[ierre]. 2. [Nouveau r^actif de I'aloes, le per- ehiorure de fer.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 979- 980. Apetz, Heinrich, & Hell, Carl [Mu(imis]. Einwirkung der Salpetersiiure auf Aldehyde uud Ketone, insbesoudere auf Dimethylketon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 933-946. Apetz, Rcinhold. Ueber die pathologische Bedeutung des NonneugeWiusches fiir aniimische Zustiinde. Virchow, Arch., 107, 1887, 419-433. Apfelbeck, Victor. Ein nener Geotrupes aus Bosnien. Ziirich Soc. Eut., 4, [1890], 167. 2. Changements de forme chez les Cok'opteres des regions alpines. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 20, 1895, 79-80. 3. Sur la faune colfeptirologiipie des caverues de la Bosnie-Herzegovine. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 04, 1896, cxcvi-cxcix. 4. Sur la faune des cavernes de Bosnio et d'Herz(5go- vine. Spelunca, Paris, 1895, 23-24. 5. Zur Kenntniss der Ycrwaudtschaftsgruppe des Otiorrhynchus signatipennis, Sciwiih. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 371-373. 6. Ein ueuer augenloser Tapinopterus (Coleopt.) aus der Herzegowina. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 147-148. 7. Neue Coleopleren von der Baikan-Halbinsel. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 289-292. Apgar, Austin l'[riiiii]. Binocular vision of lateral-eyed fishes. [1880.] Trenton (N. J.) Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 1, 1886-88, 0-8. a. A new variety of Aralia nudicaulis, L. Torrey Hot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 100-107. Apgarl 133 [ApoBtoli 3. The miiRknit and the Ilnio. (18M7.] Trenton (N. J.) Nut. llist. Soc. Jl., 1, 1886-88, SH-Sa. *. KxtrHordinftry vitality in h K'irdlcil limb. [IHH'.I. ] Trenton (N. .1.) Nat. Hiht." Soc. Jl., 'J, 1889 91, 7-!l. 5. MolhiHkH of the Atlantic coast of the United StateH south to Cape HattcriiK. (IHDl.] Trenton (N. J.) Nat. Hist. Soc. .11., ■>. 1889-91, 1'>-WL Apgar, h'Alis .1. Soino obnervationB on tho anatomy of ('iiftdn Keptendeoem, I.iuii. [1HH7.] Trenton (N. J.) Nat. I list. Soc. .11., 1, 1886-88, 43-10. Apltzscb, ]I[rrmiinn]. Ueber die EinnirkiinR von NitroB- iiivluiriincn aiif jirimiire IJaxen. lierlin, Cliom. Gen. liei'., :):), 1900. 3.",21-H52.'). Apltzscb, II\. ijii.inii], iV- FUcher, [I'liilipj)] Olio. See Fischer A Apitzsch. Apltzsch, 7/[.imi/H»], A Faal, ('[nr/ lAiilwiy]. .SVc Faal & Apitzsch. Apjohn, JiimeH. For hioprapliy and worku ace Chem. News, .'ill, 1886, 29() ; Clieni. Soc. Jl., .'il, 1887, 4«9-470; Hoy. Soc. I'roc, 41, 1887, i-ii. Apjohn, James Ilennj. On the area of sluice-opening necessary for the supply-sluico of a tidal canal. Inst. Civ. Kiii,Mn. Proc., 7m, 1884, MA-.V1\. a. Note on the movement of the walls of the Kidder- pur docks. Inst. Civ. EuKin. Proc., 121, 1895, 104- 113. ApUn, (Rev.) U[eujamin] /''0[i/Zi/], ApUn, Frederick Charles, & Aplln, Oliver ]'[enit»i]. See below. ApUn, Frederick Churles. For biographical notice see ll>is. t, 1898, IHIi. Aplln, Frederick Charles, A.plin,(Iter.) Ii[eiiiami»] l>'0[yly], cV Aplln, Olirer ]'[ernon]. A list of the birds of the Banbury district. [1HH4.] Northampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 3, 1884-85, 15-21. ApUn, Oliver l'[eni;ist, H, 1884, 10-13. 2. Note of some rare British birds in the collection of iMr. .). WniTVKEit. ZooloKist, 8, 1884, 50-52. 3. Ornitholofjirul notes from the Norfolk coast. Zoologist, 12, 1888, 131-135; 13, 1889, 'J-12 ; 1.5, 1891, 144-1.50. 4. In Sherwood forest. Midland Natlist., 12, 1889. 54-58, 82-HC. 6. A lield-naturalist's notes in North Devon. Midland Natlist., 13, 1890, 145 151, 178-183. 6. The grey mid the white wagtails in Oxfordshire. Zoologist, 14,"l890, 371-370. 7. On the distribution and period of sojourn in the British Islands of the spotted crake. Zoologist, 14, 1890, 1(11 417, 4.".7 ; 15, 1891, 88-!ie. 8. An innuigration of hawfinches. Zoologist, 15, 1891, 367-371, 430. 9. The polecat in Merionethshire. Zoologist, 15, 1891, 392-3'.t3. 10. Notes from a winter jounial, 1890 and 1891. Midland Natlist., 15, 1892, 40-43, 58-62. 11. Notes on birds seen in Switzerland. Zoologist, 16, 1892. 3-14, 6,5-73, 430. 12. On the distribution of the cirl bunting in Great Britain. Zoologist. 16. 1892, 121-128. 174-181. 13. ...notes on the birds of Oxfordshire. Zoologist, 16. 1892, 241-258; 17, 1893, 340-352; Is, 1894. ill-'.l'.l. 153; 20, 1896, 219-227; 3, 1899, 433-442; 4, 1900, 11-28. 14. The status of the woodchat, Lanius rufus, in Great Britain. Zoologist, 16, 1892, 345-3.52 15. [Notes on Santa Elena, Monzon, Uruguay.] Ibis, 6, 1893, 284-28.5. 16. On the distribution in Great Britain and Ireland of the red-backed shrike (Lanius eollurio, Linn.). [1892.) Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 5, 1894, 286-310. 17. On the birds of Uruguay. [With an introduction and notes by P. L. Sclatgk.] Ibis, 0, 1894, 149-215. 18. The autumn song of birds. Zoologist, 18, 1894, 410-413; 1, 1897, 410-411. IS. Fii'ld-notcs on the mammals of Uruguay. Zoul. Soc. I'riK- , 1894. 297-315. ao. On biids observed in South Wales. Zoologist, 19, 1895, 13-18. ai. Some notes on the red backed shrike (Lanius eollurio). Zoologist, 20, 1896, 70-7.5, 103, 355-350. aa. Bird life in eastern Algeria. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 121-133. a3. A naturalist's journal in Holland and Belgium. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 324-335. a4. .\n ornithological tour in Norway. Zoologist, 20, 1896. 416-432, 441-404. 26. Bird notes by the way. [1896.] Ornithologist, I, 1897, 1-9. 26. [Nesting habits of the willow-warbler and chiff- chalT.] [1896-97.] Ornithologist, 1, 1897, 187-188. 27. [On the colour of the irides of young crows.] Ibis, 3, 1897, 625. as. On the plumage of the female kestrel. Natura- lists' Jl., i;, 1897, 3.5-30. 20. Stouts turning white in winter. Zoologist, 2, 1898, 193-194. 30. [The barreil warbler in Oxfordshire in Noreniber.) Ibis, 5, 1899, 16U-101. 31. Notes on the birds of Belgium. Zoologist, 3, 1899, 149-163. 32. The birds of Lleyn, West Carnarvonshire. Zoologist, 4. 1900, 489-.-,U5.' Aplln, Oliver ('[ernon], A Biacpherson, Arthur Hotlt. Ornitbologiral notes from Oxfordshire in 1880. Zoologist, I I , 1887, 283-288. ApUn, Olirer V[emon]. A Biacpherson, {Her.) Il[ugh] .■t\lejraTuler]. See Biacpherson iV ApUn. ApUn, Oliver l'[ernon]. ApUn, Frederick Vluirlet, A ApUn, I Air.) It[eniamiii] I>'o[iilij]. .SV< above. Apolant, F.duard. 2. Ueber Intranterininjectionen im Puerperal tieber. Virchow, Arch., 106, 1886, 451-178; 107, 1887, 185. Apolant, Hugo. Ueber die Resorption und die .\pp08ition von Knochengcwebe bei der Entwiekelung bijsarliger Knochentumoren. Virchow, .\rch.. 131, 1893, 40-77. a. Ueber das Ganglion ciliare. .\nat. .Anz., 12, 1896 (.inat. Ges. Verh.), 173-174. 3. Ueber die sympathischen Ganglienzellen der Nager. Arch. Mikr." .\nat., 47, 1896. 461-171. 4. Ueber die Beziehung des Nervus oculomotorius zum Ganglion ciliare. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 47, 1896. 655-068. 6. Ueber Bcizung der Nebcnnieren. Centrbl. Physiol., Vi. 1899, 721-722. ApoUonio, Carl. Mikroskopische Untersnchungen iiber die Organisation des Untcrbindnngs-Thrombus in den Arterien. Beitr. Path. Anat., 3. 1888, 203-276. a. Sulle correnti elettriche del niuscolo e del ner^•o in riposo. Riv. Sper. di Kreniatria. 16, 1890, 456-464. Aporti, t\errante'\, & BadaeU, Frauceico. Sul modo di comportarsi dei globuli bianchi nella febbn; tifoide. Congr. Med. Int. Atti. 1894 (Vol. 3, Med.). 381-382. ApostoU, 0[eornes]. Sur un nouveau trailement electrique des tibromes literins. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. B., '.t9, 1884, 177. 2. Sur un cas tr^s grave de demiatite consecutive i deux applications dc ravons X. Pathogenic et traite- ment. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 139.5-1397. 3. Sur les applications nonvelles du conrant ondula- toire en therapeutique electrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. . 125, 1897, 267-2IW. 4. I)e Taction iles oourants de haute frequence dans larthritisme. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R.. 128. 1899, 1610-1612. ApostoU, G[eorges], A BarUos, .t[nl.}ine]. Action thi^ra- |H'Utique des courantK a haute frtk)uence (autoconduction de .V. nARsoxv.»L). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 120. 1895. Apostoli] 134 [Appell 644-645 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. M.^m., 47, 1895 (C. /?.), 199- 201. Apostoli, G[eor!ies], & Laqucrritre, [A]. De I'action polaire positive du coiirant galvanique constant sur les microbes et en particulier sur la bacteridie charbouneuse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 918-919. ApoBtoUAis, [lYicholas Cliristo]. 6. [Trois raicroc^phales vivants.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 5, 1894, 590-591. Appel, I). Der Kefractor des McKira Observatory. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 6, 1886, 15-19. 2. Die freie Schwerkrat't-Hemmung der Normal-Stern- Uhr zii Princeton, N. J. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 7, 1887, 29-31. 3. Eine freie Hemniung rait vollkommen unabhiingiger und freier Unruhe oder Peudel. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 12, 1892, 19-21, 1G5. Appel, J. Ahbe's refractoraeter. Tidsskr. Phvs. Chem., 27, 1888, 104-171. Appel, [/''. C. L.] Otto. Caricologische Notizen aus dem herzynischen Uebiete. [1889-90.] Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 8, 1890 {Bot. Vcr. Gesamtthilringen), 41-44; 9, 1891 (Bot. Ver. Gesamtthilringen), 23-26. 2. Coburgs Cyperaceen. Deutsche Bot. Msehr., 8, 1890, 102-106. 3. [Quelques plantes rares ou nouvelles pour la Acre Suisse.] Arch. Sci. Pbys. Nat., 26, 1891, 495-496. 4. [Compte rendu de I'exeursion de la Soeieti5 Bota- nique Suisse aux Morteys les 21 et 22 aoiit 1891.] Galles (Zooe(?cidies). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 643-644. 5. Ueber Dorycnium Jordani, Lor. et Bnrr., var. ger- manicum, Greml. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 9, 1891, 44. 6. Ueber Zoo- und Phyto-Morphosen. Konigsb. Schr., 39, 1898, 82-139. 7. Ein Beitrag zur Anwendung des Loeffler'schen Mausebacillus. [1898.] Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. I), 25, 1899, 373-375. 8. Molkengelatine niithohemSchmelzpunkte. Centrbl. Bakt. [Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 762-764. Ai>pel, [F. C. L.] Otto, Schroter, Carl J., & Wilczek, Ernest. [Conipte rendu de I'exeursion de la Societf!' Botanique Suisse aux Morteys les 21 et 22 aodt 1891.] Plantes vasculaires. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 638-642. Appelberg, Ossian. Vattenmiingdsuppgifter om Sveriges vattendrag. Stoekh. Geol. For. Fiuh., 9, 1887, 399-402. 2. Einrichtung der hydrographischen Untersuchuugen inBohmen, Sachsen undPreussen. [Tr.] [1890.] Wetter, 8, 1891, 154-1.58. 3. Vatteustiindsvariationer i mellersta Sveriges vat- tendrag. Skand. Natf. Furh., 1898, 246-247. Appell, Paul [Umite]. 64. Sur les fonctions de trois variables r<5elles satisfaisant k I'liquation ditiferentielle AF^O. Acta Math., 4, 1884, 313-374. 65. Sur uue formule de M. Tisserand et sur les fonctions hy]iergi-ometriques de deux variables. Liou- ville, .11. Math., 10, 1884, 407-428. 66. Sur la distribution du potentiel dans des masses liquid('S limitees par des faces planes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 98, 1884, 214-216. 67. Sur rinversion des integrales aheliennes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 99, 1884, 1010-1011; Liouville, .11. Math., 1, 1885, 245-279. 68. Sur les fonctions , doubleinent p^riodiques de trnis)("-rtie pspece. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 1, 1884, i:i.")-16l; 3, 1886, 9-42. 69. Sur uue methode (5Wmentaire pour obtenir les developpoments en s(5rie trigonoinetrique des fonctions elliptiques. [1884.] Paris, Soc. Matli. Bull., 13, 1886, 13-18. 70. Sur les fonctions doublenient p^riodiques dc troisienio cspice. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 101, 1885, 1478- 1480. 71. D^veloppements en s^rie des fonctions double- ment p^riodiques de troisieme espece. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 2, 1885, 9-36. 72. Application du theoreme de il. Mittag-Leffleb aux fonctions doublement periodiques de troisieme espece. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 2, 1885, 67-74. 73. Sur la chainette spherique. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 13, 1885, 65-71. 74. Sur quelques applications de la fonction Z(x,y, z) k la physique math^matique. Acta Math., 8, 1886, 265- 294. 75. Sur un probleme d'interpolation relatif aux fonctions elliptiques. Bull. Sci. Math., 10, 1886, 109-114. 76. Diveloppements en series trigonometriques de certaines fonctions V(5rifiant I'equatiou du potentiel AF=0. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1439-1442; Liouville, Jl. Math., 3, 1887, .5-52. 77. Sur le mouvement d'un fil dans un plan fixe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886. 991-993. 78. Sur les fonctions abulieunes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1246-1248. 79. Quelques remarques sur la thi'orie des potentiels multiformes. Math. Ann., 30, 1887, 155-156. 80. Sur les polyniimes qui expriment la somme des puissances pi'mm des n premiers nombres cutlers. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 312-321. 81. Sur les valeurs approchees des polynomes de BERNonLi.i. Nouv. Ann. Math. , 6, 1887, 547-554. 82. Sur les equations differentielles alg^briques et homog^ues par rapport k la fonction inconnue et i ses d(5rivees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1776-1779. 83. Sur les invariants des equations differentielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 55-58. 84. Memoire sur les d(5blais et les remblais des sys- temes continus ou discontinus. Paris, Mem. Savants Etrang., 29, 1887, No. 3, 208 pp. 85. Sur I'equilibre d'un til flexible et inextensible. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 1, 1887, B, 5 pp. 86. Surfaces telles que I'origiue se projette sur chaque normale au milieu des centres de courbure principaux. Amer. Jl. Math., 10, 1888, 175-186. 87. Sur une classe d'equations differentielles r^duc- tibles aux liquations lin^aires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 776-778. 88. Sur des equations lin^aires integrables a I'aide de la fonction Xm (•''' '/)• Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 5, 1888, 211-218. 89. Sur le mouvement d'un fil dans un plan fixe. Acta Math., 12, 1889, 1-50. 90. Sur les invariants de quelques equations differen- tielles. Liouville, Jl. Math., 5, 1889, 361-423. 91. Sur les points d'interseetion d'une conique fixe avec une conique mobile passant par deux points fixes. Nouv. Ann. Math.. 8, 1889, 48-56. 92. De rhomographie en m^canique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 224-226; Amer. Jl. Math., 12, 1890, 103-114. 93. Sur certaines expressions quadruplement perio- diques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 607-609. 94. Sur les Equations differentielles homogenes du second ordre k coeflicieuts constants. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 3, 1889, K, 12 jip. 95. Sur les integrales de fonctions a nuiltiplicateurs et leur application au developpement des fonctions abeliennes en series trigonometriques. [1889.] Acta Math., 13, 1890, 174 pp. 96. Sur les fonctions elliptiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 32-34. 97. Sur les fonctions dc deux variables k plusieurs paires de periodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 181-183. 98. Sur la theorie de la chaleur. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. U., 110, 1890, 1061-1063. 99. Sur les fonctions periodiques de deux variables. Appelll 1.35 [AppellSf Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 111,1890,036-638; Liouville, Jl. Math., 7, 1891. l.')7-21'.). 100. Siir Ips fonetions tie deux variablcR >|uadrjiplL'' ment ]itriodii|nc'R de troiBiime osp^ce. I'ariH, Kculo Norm. Ann., 7, 1890, 143-1.54. 101. Snr une classi- de polym^mes k deux variableH ct !<• oalcul approclii- dcs intoRrnles doublea. TouIoubc Fac. Sei. Ann., 1, 1890, H, 20 pp. lOa. Hur !('» loiH de furces centrales fiii«ant decrire A leur ])niiit d'upptication une conhpie iiuelles (pie noient les conditionH initiales. Anier. Jl. Mutli., 13, 1891. l.'j.Vl.W. 103. Sur des equations differentielles lineuires trans. fnrniuldes en clles-menies par un ciiangcment de fonetiou et de varial)le. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 112, 1891, 31-37; Acta Matli., 15, 1891, 281-31.5. 104. Sur line fonction annlojiue a la fonction O. [18!)1.] Marseille Fac. Sci. Ann., 1, [1892], 47-.52. 105. Sur une exprcBsion nouvelle des fonctions elliptiqucs par le qiiotieot de deux Bi^ries. Amer. Jl. Math., 14, 1892, 9-14. 106. Sur des transformations demouvemeots. Crelle, Jl. Math., 11(1,1892, 37-41. 107. Sur r^quation o^, - a- = 0 e' '* th<5orie de la chaleur. Liouville, Jl. Math., 8, 1892, 187-216. 108. Sur des potentiels coujuKues. Marseille Fac. Sci. Ann., 2, [1892], .53-58. lOQ. Sur les courbes dont les tanf;cntes appartiennent it un coniplexe linenire. Nouv. Ann. Math., 11, 1892, 115-119. no. Extension des (Equations de Laobanok an cas du frottement de glissement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C, B., 114, 1892, 331-334. 111. Du tautochronisme dans un systimc materiel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 114, 1892. 996-998. 112. Sur certaines proprietes d'uue position d'equilibre d'un systdme. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., G, 1892, C, 6 pp. 113. Sur Temploi des equations de L.vr.KASoE dans la tlieorie du choc et des percussions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1?., 116, 1893. 1483-1487 ; Liouville, Jl. Math., 2, 1896, .5-20. 114. Formes des intoKralcs abelicnnes des divcrses cspfcces. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 7, 1893, A, 4 pp. 115. Courbes autopolaire.s. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, 206-210. 116. Sur le thdor6me des aires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 770-771 ; Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894, 190-195. 117. Sur une transformation de mouvements. Amer. Jl. Math., 17, 1895, 1-5. 118. Sur la theorie du frottement de roulement. I'nris. Soc. Math. Bull., 23. 1895, 98-100. 119. Quelques exemplcs de series doublemcnt p<5riodique8. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 126-129. 130. Exeroice sur les courbes de direction. Nouv. Ann. Math.. 15. 1896. 491-495. 121. Exeuiples d'inversion d'inteprales doubles. Amer. Jl. Math., 19, 1897, 377-380, 3.'*2. 122. Sur les equations de Thydrodynamique et la theorie des toorbillons. Liouville, Jl. Math., 3. 1897. .5-16. 123. D^veloppement en series triponometriques des polvnomes de .V. Leaute. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 26.5-268. 124. Sur un mode d'inversion des integrales multiples. Purls, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 213-214. 125. Hcniarqnes sur la communication preccdente de M. LKVi-CivrrA. f" Sur les intuRralcs quadratiques des equations de la m^canique."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 395. 128. Observations snr Is communication prec<5dente. [" Sur certaines equations analogues anx (Equations dif- ft^renticUes."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 143.3- 1434. 127. Interpretation de la periode imaginaire dans un mouvement a la Poinmit. I'aris, Soc. Math. Boll., 26, 1898, 98-102. 128. Sur les equations de Laokanuk et le priiici|>e d'HAMiLTos. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 26, 1898, 26.5-267. 120. Li^nes correspondantes dans la deformation d'un milieu; extension des thioremes sur les tourbilions. Liouville, Jl. Miith., 5, 1899, 137-153. 130. Sur les mouvenienis de roulement; equations du inouveriient analogues a celles de Li'iiiANOK. Paris, Ao. Sci. C. H., 129, 1899. 317-320. 131. Sur une forme feneralc des equations de la dvnan)i(|ue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 129, 1899, 423-427; Crelle, Jl. Math., 121, 1900, 310-319. 132. Sur une forme nouvelle des equations de la dyimiuique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 4.5'.)-»60. 133. Sur les positions d'equilibre d'un navire avcc un chargemcnt liquide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 567-569, 6.36-637, 880. 134. Sur I'integration des ^-quations du mouvement d'un corps pesant de revolution roulant par une arete circulaire sur un plan horizontal ; cas particulier da ccrceau. [1899.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 14, 1900, 1-6. 135. Sur une forme gen/rale des equations de la dvnamiquc et sur le princi[)e dc Gauss. Crelle, Jl. Math., 122, 1900, 205 '208. 138. Notion de I'inlini en geometric ^lementaire a prnpos d'un article dc M. Rii-ekt. Ene«ign. Math., 2 (1900), 20.5-206. 137. Developpements sur une forme nouvelle des equations de la dyuamique. Liouville, Jl. Math., 6, 1900, 5-40. 138. Sur r^-qnilibrc d'un flotteur avec un chargement licpiide. Paris, Ecole P.dyt. Jl., 5, 1900, 101-117. 130. Propriete caracteristique du cylindroidc. Paris, Soc. Math. Bu.ll., 28. 1900. 261-26.5. Appell, I'liid IKiiiile], & Cberret, Alfred. Sur la distri- bution du potenliel dans une masse liquide ayant la forme d'un prisme rectangulairc indefini. Paris, Ac. Sci C. R., 98, 1884, 3.58-360. Appellof, [-Iiikoh Jfih'iit] .^(/[o/f■]. Japanska cephalopoder. [lK«r>.] Slockh.. Ak. Handl., 21, 1884-87, .Y««. 13, 40 pp. 2. Om skalets bildning hos Sepia ofBcinalis, L. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 49-5-502. 3. Teuthologische Beitrage. I. Chttnopteryx n.ii.. Veranya sicuhi, Krolin, Calliteuthis, Verrill. [II. Chaunoteuthis, ri.<7. (Egopsidanim.] [1^90-91. ] Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1889, .Vo. 3, 34 pp. ; 1890, -Vo 1. 29 pp. 4. Om Bergeiisfjordenes faunistiske prjeg. [lH;f2.] Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1891. .V". 2, 14 pp. 5. Zur Keiintniss der Edwardsien. [1h92.) Bergens Mus. Aar.sber., 1891, So. 4, 31 pp. 8. Teuthologische Beitrage. [IIL Bemerkungen fiber die auf der norwegi.scheu Nordmeer-Eipedition (1R76-78) gesammelten Cephalopoden. IV. Ueber einen Fall von doppeltseitiger Hektokotylisation bei Eledone cirrhosa (Lam.), D'Orb.] [1893.) Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1893, Xo. 1, 15 pp. 7. Die Schalcn von Sepia, Spirula, und Nautilus. Studien iiber den Bau und das Wachsthum. [1X93.] Stockh., Ak. Handl.. '25, 1893-94, So. 7, 106 pp. 8. Ptychodsctis patula, ii.j. et n. tp.. der Reprasen- tant einer neuen Hexactinien-Familie. [1894.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1893, So. 4, 22 pp. O. Ueber einige Resultate der Kreuzbefruchtune bei Knochenfischen. [1896.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1894-95. So. 1, 17 pp. 10. Faunistiske undersogel.ser i Herlnfjorden. [1996.] Bergens Mus. -Aarb., 1894-95, So. 11, 11 pp. 11. Die Actiniengattuugen Fenja, Aegir, unciBa 10 jiaa 1893 i'o;i,a. [Observations a, propns de la communication faite par M. le Prof. A. M. LiArouNov a la seance de la Soc. Math. de Kharkov le 10 mai 1893.] [1895.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, 723-727. Appelt, Vilein. Studie o nervove soustave Pbalangiinu. [Studien iiber das Nervensystem der Phalangiinen.] Prag, Sber., 1900 {Math. -Nat.), No. 25, 38 pp. Apperly, Herbert. Some curious symptoms following inhalation of nitrous oxide. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 28, 1885, 543-544. Appert, Leon. 3. Moulage mdthodique du verre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1073-1075. 4. Sur le role de I'alumine dans la composition des verres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 67'2-673 ; Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 510-511. Appert, Leon, & HenriTaux, Jules. Sur les devitrifica- tions des verres ordiuaires du commerce. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 109, 1889, 827-829. Appia, , & Jousse, . *Quelques mots sur le Lessouto. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1883, 199-203. Appiani, Giusepjje. Sopra un apparecchio di levigazione per r analisi dei terreni e delle argille. [1894.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 25, 1893, 246-256. 2. Intorno all' analisi dei perfosfati : determinazione deir acido fosforico solubile nel citrato. [1896.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 28, 1896, 817-832. 3. Sulla determinazione dello zucchero di latte nel latte e nei suoi derivati. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 449-466. Appiani, Giuseppe, & IHenozzi, Angela. See Menozzl & Appiani. Applegarth, E. Carey. The latent time of the knee-jerk. Jolins Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 5, 1893, 99-113. Applegarth, E. Carey, & Meirtin, Il[enry] Newell. See Martin & Applegartb. Appleton, ir. (-'. The sea-breeze at Cohasset, Mass. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 134-138. Appleyard, G., & Cohen, Julius liereml. See Cohen & Appleyard. Appleyard, •7(MHesiJ[o6ert],&Prankland,i'trc)/F[arada2(]. Si'e Frankland Sc Appleyard. Appleyard, .htines Jt[ol)ert], & Fiirstenhagen, O. See Fiirstenhagen & Appleyard. Appleyard, James R[obert], & Kay, Percy. See Kay & Appleyard. Appleyard, James It[obcrt], & Knecht, Edmund. See Knecht &. Appleyard. Appleyard, James R[abert], & VTalker, James. See Walker il' Appleyard. Appleyard, llnllo. Photo-electric cells. Telegr. Jl., 28, 1891, 124-126. 2. The adaptation of Wheatstone's bridge for the measurement of resistances containing disturbing E.M.F.s. Telegr. Jl., 29, 1891, 8. 3. The measurement of the resistance of conductors containing disturbing E.M.F.s. Telegr. Jl., 29, 1891, 711-714. 4. The electrical conductivity of the earth. Telegr. Jl., 30, 1892, 316-317. 5. The capacity of looped cables. Elect. Rev., 34, 1894, 140-141. 6. On dielectrics. [1894-96.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 13, 1895, 1.55-169; 14, 1896, •255--266 ; Phil. Mag., 38, 1894, 396-41)9; 42, 1896, 118-159. 7. A "direct reading" platinum thermometer. [1895.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 14, 1896, 74-84 ; Phil. Mag., 41, 1896, 62-72. a. True resistance. Electrician, 37, 1896, 403. 9. Adjustment of the Kelvin bridge. London Pbys. Soc. Proc, 14, 1896, 243-244 ; Phil. Mag., 41, 1896,506-507. 10. Twenty-live years of experiment iu physics. Elect. Rev., il, 1897, 672 -676. 11. Liquid coherers and mobile conductors. London Pbys. Soo. Proc, 15, 1897, 72-75 ; Phil. Mag., 43, 1897, 374-376. Appleyardl 137 fArai la. The formation of inciciiry liliiis by iiri eliM^lrical process. London I'hvs. Soc. I'roc., 15, 1897, lly-121 ; i'hil. M.i>.'., 11, 1897,' 74-76. 13. Till' failure of merman silver and platinoiil wires. 118117.] I.onilon I'liys. Soc. Proc, 16, 1899, 17-24; I'hil. Mill?., 4.-., 1898, 1.57-lGa. 14. Kiiult tests for cable core. [1900.] London Pliys. Soc. rroi-., 17, 1901, 104-107. Appunn,[(:rorrr<'], & Prat, (It.) [Eriietl OiarUt Emilf]. Observations de maree sur les cotes d'.^nnam et du Tonkin eSectuces par la Corned- en 1889, 1890 et 1891. -Ann. Hydrogr., 15, 1893. 100-146. Arago, Ch[arlfit]. Le dernier mot sur les eaux de Paris. Les resultats de I'enquete officielle. Ann. Hyg. Pabl., 43, 1900, 2.54-267. Arago, Domininuf Franroii Jean. For biographv tre Moniteur Sci ,' 27, 1886, 403-418; Kev. Sci.. :i5,'l886, 257-269; Paris, .Ac. Sci. Mem., 44, 1888, lixix-cxiii. 136. 'Notices scientitiques. [Sur la Com^te de H.VLLKV. Questions k resouJre conrcrnant la meteoro- logie, I'hydrographie et Tart naiitiqiie, etc.] [1835.] Paris, Bur. Long. .Annu., 1836, 189-349. Arago,!'. 'Lesoleildeminuit. .\stronomie, 1882. 373-379. Arag6n, .igintin. Observaci6ues relalivas a los metodos de ensenanza de la trigonometria r consideraciones accrca de los ciUcalos numericos. [1892.] Mei., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 5, 1891, 69-95. 3. La geometria analitica y su diferencia con la aplicacion del algebra a la geometria. Mex., Soc. ".Mzate" Mem., 8. 1894. 173-178. 3. Apreciacii'in positive de la lucha per la existencia. [1896. 1 Mex., Soc. Alzate " Mem., 9, 1895. 14.5-161. Aragon, .igmtin. A: BSateos, Junn. La prevision del tiempo. il8.<3.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem.. C, 1892 {Rev.), 51-54. Aral, D. Voyage to Sew Caledonia. [Jap.] [1'<'.'2.] Tokyo Geogr. Soc. Jl., [14], 1892-93, Sot. 6 4 7. 17-26. 3. Meteorological report.s from New Caledonia. [Jap.] [1892.] Tokvo Geogr. Soc. Jl., [14], 1892-93, .Vo«. 8 4 9, 43-4a 18 Aral] 138 [Arber 3. Travels in New Caledonia. [Jiip.] [1893.] Tokyo Geogr. Soe. Jl., [14], 1892-93, No. 12, 53-62. Arai, /. The geopraphical longitude of .Japan. [Jap.] [18H.5.] Tokyo Geogr. Soe. Jl., 7, 1885-86, No. 1, [17]-[32]. 2. The total eclipse of the Sun, 1887 August 19. Astr. See. Mem., 49, 1890, 271-272. Araki, TrtisabKru. Ueber den Blutfavbstoff und seine niiheren Urawandlungsproducte. Ztscbr. Physiol. Chem., 14, 1890. 40.5-415. 2. Ueber die Bildung von Milehsaure und Glyeose im Organisnius bei Sauerstotfraangel. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 1.5, 1891, 33.5-370, 546-561 ; 16, 1892, 4.53-459. 3. Ueber Bildung von Glyeose und Milchsiiure bei Sauerstoffmangel. Entgegnuug [an Herrn Dastbe]. Zt.sehr. Physiol. Chem., 16, 1892, 201-204. 4. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Einwirkung von Phosphor und von arseniger Saure auf den thierischen Organismus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 17, 1893, 311-339. 5. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der /30xybuttersaure und ihres Verhaltens im Organismus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 18, 1894, 1-12. 6. Ueber die chemischen Aenderungen der Lebens- processe in Folge von Sauerstoffmangel. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 19, 1894, 422-475. 7. Ueber die aus Formaldehyd dargestellten Geruenge von Kohlehydraten. Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 60, 1895, 261-262. 8. Ueber das Chitosan. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 20, 1895, 498-510. Axaki, Trasiibiiio. A Hoppe-Seyler, [Knist] FelLc [Im- miinii,'!]. Sec Hoppe-Seyler * Araki. Arana. Set- Barros Arana. Aranda, Ilafael. Doynel, Carlos, & Girardet, Emiliu. Obras de liiego de los Altos de Cordoba. Argentina Soe. Ci. An., 36, 1893, 104-139, 14.5-190, 193-237, 241-256. Arandarenko, . Le Dervaz et le Karateguine. [IV.] Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip., 1891, 53-82. Arango, Jose Francisco. La teoria parasitaria y las enfer- uiedades inl'ecciosas. Habana Ac. An., 23, 1886, 395-417. 2. Contestacion al informe del Dr. Luis Maria Cowley, sobre extraccidn de un enfermo del hospital de San Lazaro. Habaua Ac. An., 24, 1887, 47-74, 89-96. 3. El contagio de la lepra. Habana Ac. An., 24, 1887, 142-152. Arango. See iiJso Fosada-Arango. Arango y Lamar, Fniiieisco. *Deseripei6n de un teto eetriimi'lieo. Habana Ac. An., 12, 1875, 107-112. Arango y Molina, Itufael. For biographical notice and list of works see Jl. de Couch., 46, 1898, 46-47. 4. *Descripciones de especies nuevas de moluscos terrestres de la isla de Cuba. Habana Ac. An., 12, 1875, 279-285. 5. *Badiados de la isla de Cuba. Habana Ac. An., 14, 1877, 272-284, 312-318. 6. Description of new species of terrestrial MoUusca of Cuba. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1884, 211-212. AxSLtitave, Fnri(iiie de. * Informe sobre el establecimiento de un servicio municipal de pararayos en la ciudad de Santiago de Cuba. [18H1.] Habana Ac. An., 17, 1880, 405-416. Aranyi, Lojos. For biography and works sec Ternit. Kozliiii., 20, 1888, 464; Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertes., 3, 1892, 117-132 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 301-302. Aranzadi y TJnamuno, 'I'elesforo de. Dbservacioues antroponji'trieas imi los Cacerefios. Madrid, Soe. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894 (.4c(.), 2-5; Anthrop. (Paris), 5, 1894, 612. 2. Le peuple basijue. Etude d'anthropologie. Paris Si.i'. Antlirop. Bull., 5, 1894, 510-519. Aranzadi y Unamuno, Irlesforo de, & Hoyos y Salnz, Luis de. Un avance a la antropologia de Espafia. Madrid, Soe. Hist. Nat. An., 21, 1892, 31-101. Arapides, L[eoiiidas .4.]. [Untersuehungen iiber .\zole.] 2) Umlagerung von Khodanketunen in Oxythiazole und Keduction der letzteren zu Thiazolen. [3) Zur Kenntniss der sog. " Senfolessigsiiure."] Liebig's Ann., 249, 1888, 7-26, 27-31. Arapides, L[eoiiidtis .4.], tV' Hantzsch, Arthur [liudolf]. See HantZBCb & Arapides. Arata, Pedro N[arciso]. 13. Metodo para la investigacion de algunos derivados del alquitnin en los vinos, etc., etc. Argentina Soe. Ci. An., 19, 1885, 140-144; Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegna, 1, 1887, 201-204. 14. Contribuciones al conocimiento higienico de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. (Trabajos de la oficina (juimica municipal.) Argentina Soe. Ci. An., 22, 1886, 5-15. 15. Composiciou quimica de las aguas del consumo. Argentina Soe. Ci. An., 24, 1887, 5-54. 16. Las variaciones de nivel de las aguas subterraneas en sus relacioues con la presion atmosfeiica, Uuvias y enfermedades infecciosas. Argentina Soe. Ci. An., 24, 1887, 101-119. 17. Estudio de la corteza de Winter verdadera, Drymis Winteri, Forster. Argentina Soe. Ci. An., 26, 1888, 104-117. 18. Sobre la goma de la Uareta (yareta), Azorella madreporica, CI. Argentina Soe. Ci. An., 26, 1888, 281-286. 19. El gas de agua y el gas de agua purificado. Argentina Soe. Ci. An., 29, 1890, 148-156. 20. Observaciones heliometricas durante los anos 18HS[-97]. Argentina Soe. Ci. An., 30, 1890, 209-214; 43, 1897, 97-110. 21. El pillijan y la pillijanina. La Plata Mus. Rev., 2, 1891, 225-240. 22. Analisis [del carbon fosil de San Rafael]. La Plata Mus. Rev., 4, 1892, 135. 23. La sacarina Fahlberg considerada bajo el punto de vista higienico. La Plata Mus. Kev., 4, 1892, 137-149. 24. Desnaturalizacion de alcoholes para usos in- dustriales. [Alcohol para la desnaturalizacion.] Argen- tina Soe. Ci. An., 48, 1899, 356-367. Arata, Pedro Nlarciso], & Canzoneri, Frcincesco. Sulla corteccia di china morada. (Pogonopus febrifugus, Uenth.-Ilook.) Gazz. Chim. Ital., 18, 1888, 409-421. 2. Studio suUa vera corteccia di Winter (Drymis Winteri, Forster). Gazz. Chim. Ital., IS, 1888, 527-539. 3. Contribute alio studio del pillijan (Lieopodium Saururus, Lam). Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 1), 146-157. Arata, Pedro S[ureiso], & Gelzer, Carl. Ueber das Monenin und das Morrenol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1849-1853. Araujo, (isair d'. Le climat du Biesil. Rev. Sci., 52, 1893, 4'25-43ll. Araujo. .SV-' also Silva Araujo. Arbaumont, •/»/!,< i/'. 12. Note sur le pericycle. France Soe. Bot. Ball., 33, 1886, 141-151. 13. Nouvelles observations sur les cellules a mucilage des graines de Cruciferes. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 11, 1890, 12.5-184. 14. Note sur les teguments seminaux de quelquea Cruciferes. France Soe. Bot. Bull., 37, 1890, 251-257. 15. [Bifora radians, une espece nouvelle pour la Cote d'Or.] [1895.] Dijon Ac. Sci. Mom., 5, 1896, Iv-lvii. 16. Sur une vigne a intiorcscence monstrueuse. Fiance Soe. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 281-282. 17. Note sur une prune double. Fiance Soe. Bot. Bull., 47, 1900, 324-326. 18. t^uelques olisurvations sur le Myrsine africaua. Jl. Bot., Paris, 14, 1900, 361-368. Arbenz, C[harles]. L'acide phenvlsalicvlique. .\rch. Sci. rii.vs. Nat., 21, 1889, 374-375; Liebig's Ann., 257, 1890, 76 H7. Arber, F[dicard\ A[lcxandcr] Newell. The British and Arberl 139 [Arcangeli SwJBS alpine floia«. flH9!l.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 'i'A (1899- 1900), Hi 1)1. 2. ItclntioiisliipH of the iiKlcfinite iiifloroBCCDces. Jl. liot., :)7, 1899, 1()0-I(i7. 3. On llic" effect of saltB on the CO.^ aHKunilation of UlvR littisxiinn, /.. Krit. Ass. Hep., 1900, !i:)l. Arbea, /.. ,V Macta, /•.fni.v/]. Ser Mach A' Arbe*. Arbesscr von Rastburg, (I.t.) Ciixiir. Kxpiditioii S. Xf. SrliitT I'lila in cluH Uotlic Moor, niiniliclie Hiilflc (October IH'.).", -Miii IH'.Hi). IV. Meteorolo^isclie lieoliaclitunt'en, annestellt an lioiil H. M. ScliitTes I'olit anf The Hrotlien. in Koseir und in .liiMa. [V. Geadiitisclie Arheiten, aus- Ketiihrt von ilin ScliilTs-Ollieieren.] Wicn, Ak. Denksclir., t;.-), 1898, 2ir,-:iW, -.ui-.m). Arbo. (-'{ml] (). K. 3. La carte do I'indice c(^phalique en Norwege. liev. d'Antlirop., 2, 1887. 2.57-2r.-l. 3. Bidraj; til knndskab oni FiiTnerneK befolknin^s antbropolot-i, specielt dens kranioliiglske forhold. Skand. Natf. Korli.. 1892. DlO-r,!:!. 4. Fortsiitte hidiag til Nordniaendenes anthropolo^i. III. StavanK*"'' anit. [IV. Lister og Mandals amt. V. Nedenies iimt.] Christiania Skr. {Math. -Nat. A'/.), 189B, .V,.. 0, 72 pp.; 1897, So. 1, 62 pp. (iJ^«. 56-57); 1898, .Vii. G. H.5 pp. (/iV,<. 7.') -7H). 6. I'dsipt over det syilvestliKe NorRes anthropologiske forliold. Stoekh., Ymer, 11. 1895, IG-j-lSt;; Arch. f. Anthmp., 2:t, 1896, (UG-lilT. 6. [.\ntlnopoloj,'iske forliold i Lister OR Mandalsamt.] Christiania Korli., 1896 l<)icr«.), :i. 7. Sur I'indice cephaliquo en Norwege, sa repartition topographiipie et ses rapports avec la taille. [If'ith iliM-iissiiiii.] Concr. Int. Mid. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sen. 1). 22-27, (!'»/. 7|, xliv. a. Om de soniatiske tegn paa to befolkningers op- trirden i Norge. N.yt Mag. Naturvid., 37, 1900, 317-3.52. 0. Er der foregiiet nye invandringer i Norden? Forsog pii en antlirnpolngisk besvarelse. (18'J7.] Stoekh., Ymer.. 20, 1901, 2.")-48, (He.i. 48-49). ArbolB de JubalnvlUe, [»U'iric]..-l[;f.rn)i(/r<'] (/'. 9. La rouille des lilc's. Vosges Soc. Knuil. Ann., 1884, 21!)-221. 10. I'ernnospora viticola, avril, uux environs de Batna. France Soc. But. Bull., 39, 1892, xc-xci. 9. Ra|>port sur rherborisation faite par la Socit^-U!', le 2(i avril, li la foret des cedrcs et au Djcbel Toogour. France .Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892. xci-xciii. 10. Rapport Bur I'lierboriMation faite par la Societe, le 27 avril, li (..ambise. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, xeiii-xcv. Arbackle, //|<.ir/irrf] /([<•//], & Mora*, U[armon] S[ortlirup]. V. , Morse ,V Arbnckla. Arbnzov, .(/./.«. i/n/r Urminingeldovic. ()6l) a.lJII.1- Mrl ir.ii|icilil.lK;ipf)llllo.rl;. (I.'cber das AUylmethyl- phcn\ Icarbinol. ] Rufis. l'hys..Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (C'/icwi.), 1900,' 753-7.54; Chem. Zlg', 24, 1900, 1117. Arcais, I'limrencii iV. 6. *.Sul grado e Bopra i discrimi- niiiiti di una equastioue algebrica differenziale del primo ordine fra quattro variabili edella ~uaprimitivacompleta algebrica. [1883.] Ann. Mat., 12 (1883-84), 1-10. 6. Sulle espressioni analitiche rapprescntanti porzioni di fun>',ioni analitiche diverse, liiv. Mat., 5, 1895, 1*^-189. 7. Sulle fun/ioni di una variabile coniplei'sa. [189x.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1897 98, 1048-10-50. a. La Kecunda fun/ioue di Ciiikkn pel canipo piano limitato da due circonferenze concentriche. [1898.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1897-98, 1<;64-1670. 9. Un problema eulle funzioni biarmoniche e sua risoluzione jK'r un campo circolare. [1899.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1898-99 [Pt. 2), 479-48C. 10. Un problema di caleolo di probabilita. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 16, 1900, 219-22.5. Arcangeli, Giovanni. 31. Quelques experiences sur I'assimilation. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884, l!t9-206. 33. Elcnco delle protallogamee italiane. [Italia] Soc. Crittog. Atti, 3 (Disp. 3), 1884, 130-152. 33. Sopra la tioritura del Dracunculus crinitUB, Schotl. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Vroc. Verb.). 4, 1883-85, 46-48. 34. Ulteriori osservazioni sopra la Canna iriditlora hybrida. [1881.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (I'roc. Verb.), 4, 1883-86, 63-64. 35. Sopra alcuni ibridi combinati ottenati dalla Canna Ehmannii. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 114. 36. Sopra i serbatoi idrofori dei Dipsacus e sopra i peli che in essi si osservano. [188.5.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (froc. Verb.), 4, 1883-86, 178-181. 37. Osservazioni sopra alcune viti esotiche e sopra una nuova forma di Perouospora. [1K85.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.). 4, 1883-86, 181-18:1. 3a. Sopra alcune dissoluzioni canniniche destinate alia coloritura degli elementi istologici. [18-85.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti l/'ror. Verb.), 4, 1883-85. 233-237. 39. Sopra V azione dell' acido borico sul germoglia- mento dei semi. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {.Proc. Verb.). 5, 1885-87, 25-29. 40. Sopra alcune alterazioni osservate in una pianta Ecballium elaterium. Rich. [1886.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.). 5, 1886-87, 136. 41. .-Ucune notizie riguardanti la flora it&liana. [1886-] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87. 137-139. 43. Sulla Aoritura dell' Eurvale ferox, Sal. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 8. 1887, '281-300. 43. Sopra una particolarita di conformazione nelle foglie di alcuni muschi. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proe. Verb.). 5. 1885-87, 241-243. 44. Sopra alcune crittogame raccolte nel Piccno e nello Abruzzo. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. .Atti (Proc. Verb.), 5. 1885-87, 243-246. 46. I'lteriori osservazioni suU" Euryalc ferox, Sal. [IH87.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (M.m.\. 9. 1888, 369-3d;<. 18—2 Arcaugelil 140 [Arcangeli 46. Sul Saceharomyces minor, Enqel. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. , -20, 1888, 803-306. 47. Sull' influenza della luce nell' accrescimento del!e foRlie. [With discuss>on.'\ Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital.. -iO. 1888, 331-341. 48. Sul kefir. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 381-387. 49. Sul germogliamento della Eurj'ale ferox, Sal. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 4(57-473. 50. Sulla fermeutazione panaria. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 9, 1888, 190-211. 51. La fosforescenza del Pleurotus olearius, DC. Nota preliminare. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Scm. 2), 365-369. 52. Sopra alcune piante raccolte nel iMonte Amiata. [1888.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 119-121. 53. Sulla struttura dei semi della Nympha'a alba. [1888.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889^ 122-125. 54. Sulla struttura del seme del Nupliar luteum, SM. [1888.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 138-140. 55. Sulla funzione trofilegica delle foglie. [18.88.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 272-276. 56. Esperimenti suUa moltiplicazioue di alcune viti americane. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 12,1889, 191-198. 57. Sopra 1' esperimento di Kkads. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 3-14, 58. Sopra alcune mostruosita osservate nei fiori del Narcissus Tazzetta, Linn. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 5-8. 59. Sulla struttura dei .semi della Victoria regia, Lindl. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 286-289. 60. Sulio sviluppo di calore dovuto alia respirazione uei ricettacoli dei funghi. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 405-412. 61. Sopra due fungbi raccolti nel Pisauo. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 434-436. 62. Sopra un caso di sinanzia osservato nella Saxifraga (Bergeria) erassifolia, L. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21,. 1889, 45-5-456. 63. Elenco delle Muscinee fino ad ora raccolte al Monte Amiata. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 465-475. 64. Sopra alcune Epatiche raccolte in Calabria. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 53.5-537. 65. Ancora alcune osservazioni sulF Euryale terox. [1889.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 6, 1887-89, 270-273. 66. Ricerche sulla fosforescenza del Pleurotus olearius, DC. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 6, 1889, 197-214. 67. Suir impoUinazione del Dracuuculus vulgaris, (L.) Sc}iolt, in risposta al Prof. F. Delpino. [1890.] Malpighia, 3, 1889, 492-507. 68. Sui pronubi del Dracuuculus vulgaris, Schott. [1H89.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 52-.57. 69. Suir allungameuto dei piccioli nelle foglie di Eurvule ferox, iS'«/. [ed in altre piante ac-308. 111. Supra aleuni casi di clorosi. [IH PAroz Areas. Areelin, JffricN. 23. *La classification pr^historiqne des Ages de la picrre, dn bronze et du fer. Bcv. Quest. Sci., 1. 1877, 399-4'25. 24. 'Lii famillc et rh6r^it<^ natarelle. Bev. Quest. Sci., 2, 1877, 39'-'-459. 36. *Le8 sepultures dc I'Age du renne de Solntr^. Rev. Quest. Sci., 3. 1878, 349-399. 36. 'L'anthropologie. Rev. Quest. Sci., 6, 1879, 41'i-4.53. 37. L'anthropologie et la science sociale. Rev. Quest. Sci.. 12, 1882, .5-65, 441-177; 13, 1883, 393-444; 15, 1884. 38-113. 38. Sur les silex soidisant tallies de I'^poque tertiaire. Ass. Frani,-. C. R., 1886 [Pi. 2), 50.3-504. 39. L'honime tertiaire. [1887.] Macon Kc. Ann., 7, 1890. 197-236; Rev. Quest. Sci., 25, 1889, 'y-A\. 30. Les nouvelles fouillcs de Solutre (pri-s Macon, Saiine-et-Loirc). Anthrop. (Paris), 1, 1890, 295-313. 31. Les glaciers !» I'eiHXiue quaternaire. Rev. Quest. Sci.. 2^i, 1890. 353-400: •2<.l, [1891]. .5-51. 353-390. 32. Quelques probldmes relatifs k I'antiqnit^^ pribis- torique. Rev. Quest. Sci., 37. 1896, 5-30. 33. L'origine et raucienncte de I'homme. Saooe-et- Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 1896. .S9-.56, 6'2-78. 34. Excursion a Solutre. 8a6ne-et-Loire Soc Sci. Bull.. 1896. 198--203. Arcelin] 142 [Archer 35. L'homme priihistorique. Saniie-et-Loire Soc. Sci. liuU., 1897, 170-180, 184-203. 36. La lUssociatiou psycliulo{;ii|ue. Rev. Quest. Sci., 47. 1900., -5 11-547; 48, 1900, 144-11(1, 488-542. Arcelin, Edouard. Le Bajooieii Sujieriui-ir en Maconuais. Saone-c't-Loire S(ic. Hci. Bvill., 5, 1899, 132-133. Arcetri Observatory. Srv Abetti, Aiiloiiio. Arctaambault, Paid. Note- sui un cas de cheveux monili- foiii;e,s. Ami. de Dermatol., 1, 1890, 392-39(5. Archangelskij, . 06l) OKI[C.ienil[ JIlIMOHeHa. [Sur I'oxydation du liraonene.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soe. Jl., 2(i(Chem.,Ft. 2), 1894, 7-8; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 1387-1388. Arcliarov, /. Contribution a la fonction des va.somnteurs clifz la grenouille. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 570-574; 2, 1886, 321. 2. tFeber die physiologisehen Wirkuiigen des chlor- wasserstoffsauren uud bromwasserstoffsauren Coniin auf den tierisehen Orgauismus. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 24, 1886, 369-371. 3. 0 BcacHBaiiiii u-n no;iK05KiiHxi. .niUKliaTir- qecUlIX'b Mt.llIliOB'1. y .ilJiryillOK'h. [De I'absorption par les sacs lymphatiques sous-cutanes chez les gre- nouilles.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 18 (No. 2), 1887, 18 pp.; Arch. Slaves Biol., 4, 1887, 205-219; Arch. Anat. Phjsiol. (Pln/siul. Ahth.), 1887, 377-388. 4. Ueber die Be.stimmung der organischen Stoffe der Luft vermittelst Kaliumpernianganat. Arcli. Hyg., 13, 1891, 229-246. 5. Recherches sur la guerisoo de I'infection pneu- nionique chez les lapins au moyen du serum des lapins vaccinas. Arch. UiA. Exper., 4', 1892, 498-544. Archbold, Gt'())v;f. 2. The albuminoids of maize. Amer. Cliein. Soc. Jl., 14, 1892, 313-317. Arcbbutt, Liniiard. Determination of free acid in oils. Analyst, 9, 1884, 170-171. 2. On the proportion of free fatty acid in certain oils of commerce. Analyst, 9, 1884, 171-172. 3. On some points in the analysis of oils. Soe. Chem. Ind. .11., 5, 1886, 304-312. 4. Analysis of grease. Soc. Chem. Ind. .11., 7, 1888, 494-495. 5. On some results of analyses of olive oil from different sources. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl, 8, 1889, 685-fi8(). 6. The determination of sulphur in iron and steel. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 9, 1890, 25-26. 7. The estimation of silica in clay. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 11, 1892, 215-217. ' 8. The analysis of sodium peroxide. [1894.] Analyst, 20, 1895, 3-5. 9. Note on Gi.ahdino's process for the determination of resin in soap. [1894.] Analyst, 20, 1895, (i-7. 10. Note on the ignition of sawdust by nitric .acid. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 15, 1896, 84-85. 11. Note on an experiment made to determine the pressure of ether and some othi-r volatile liquids in closed vessels. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 15, 1896, 85-86. 12. An evaporation test for mineral lubricating oil. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 15, 1896, 326-328. 13. On Hkhnku's bromine thermal test lor oils. Soc. Chem. hid. Jl., 16, 1897, 309-311. 14. On arachidie acid in rape and mustard oils. Soc. Cliem. Ind. Jl., 17, 1898, 1009. 15. Tlie constants of curcas oil. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 17, 1898, 1009-1010. IS. Notes on the arachidie and lignoceric acids of earthnut oil, and tlieir estimation. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 17, 1898, 1121-1126. 17. Note on niai/.o oil (corn oil). Soc. Ciiem. Ind. Jl., IW, 1899, 346-347. 18. I'lii- determination of oxygen in copper by ignition in hydrogen. Analyst, 2.5, 1900, 253-202. Arcbbutt, Leonard, & Deeley, Rlichard] Moitntford. The treatment of hard water. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 10, 1891, 511-517. Arcbdeacon, Williciin //[pnri/], & Coben, Julius lierend. A method for preparing cyauuric acid. [1895.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 11, 1896, 148-149. Sec iiUo Coben * Arcbdeacon. Arcbe, Alto. 2. EinHuss der mechanisohen Bearheitung des Aluminiums auf seine Angreifbarkeit durch chemische Agentien. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 284, 1892, 25.5-256, 310. Arcbe, .Ulu, & Kassack, Carl. Analyse eines GruV)en- wassers. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 251, 1884, 132-135. 2. Analyse einiger indischer Bronzen und dereu Patina. Dinglers Polytechn. JL, 253, 1884, 514-519. Arcbe, Altii. & Kornautb, Kml. See Komautb & Arcbe. Arcbenegg. See No6 von Arcbenegg. Arcbenbold, F[riedrich] S. Ueber einen Sonnentleoken in grosser Breite am 4. Miirz 1890. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 169-170. 2. Ueber das Auftreten von schwarzen Flecken auf der Jupiterscheibe. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 77-78. 3. Ueber die Bewijlkuugsgrbsse des Nachthimmels und ihre Registrirung. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1890 [Th. 2), 50-51. 4. [Ueber den neuen Stern in Auriga.] Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 77. 5. Ein ausgeilehnter Nebel bei J Persei. Astr. Nachr.. 129, 1892, 153-158. 6. Ephemeride des Cometen 1892 I. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 219-222. 7. Beobachtungen des veranderlichen Sterns R Trian- guli (BD. +33°.470). Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 259-2G0. 8. [Beobachtung des Cometen 1893 ... (Rordame- Quenisset).] Auf der Sternwarte Grunewald bei Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 101-102, 117-118. 9. Beobachtung des Cometen 1897... (Perrine Oct. 16). Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 381-382. Arcber, Fnineis. For biograpliy aee Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 112; Entomologist, 25, 1892, 100; Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 7, 1893, ix-xi. 2. *Notes on the worked Hints of the raised beaches of the N.E. coast of Ireland. [1880.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 4, 1885, 209-216. 3. Supplementary report upon the testaceous MoUusca of the Liverpool Marine Biological Committee district. [Poxth.] Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 6, 1892, 10.5-121. Arcber, Thomas Cro.ven. For biography and works see Pharm. JL, 15, 1885, 709; Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 16, 1886, 272-276 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 14, 1888, 110 (;);s)-ii4 (/.soN.] Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 11, 1893, Pt. 2, 72-105. Arcber, William. For biography and works see Irish Natlist., G, 1897, 253-257; Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, .501-502; Archer] 113 [Arctowski Nature, 50 (1897), 570; Hoy. Soc. I'loc, (W, 1898, xl xlii. Arcbettl, Ainhfn. Di uii BcnHibili^Kiiiiu rcattivo della ciillciim. Ami. di I'anii. <■ Chiin., [1899J, "Jotl-'itiO. Archibald, Chutlen F. Wild birds useful and injuriuus. Aki. Sue. Jl., 5, 1894, G0-8-J. Archibald, E{dmiiii(l] Ddiiiild.i. 18. '[The remarkable MiMsfts.] [1HH3. ] Natiiiv, -J'J, 1884, 176. 10. \n aecoiiiit of H,'ii,:ri] //f./,n/], ,1- BlacOregor, ./['inicii] (,[";./„/, |. Srr BlacOrcBOr ,v Archibald. Archlnard, .hihii, Arcbinard, I'luull J.., s. WToodaon, l![ul„rl] S. Sec below. Archinard, I'l'iiil] /'.'., 'Woodaon, Il[obert] S., it: Archlnard, Juliii. Bacteiiological study in the Etiology of jellow fever. [1898] N. Y. Med. Jl.. 09, 1899, 109-114. Arcldlacono, Sitlvulure. Lo Stromboli dopo 1' esplosione .kl 31 agosto 1891. Kuma, Uil. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 11 (/'/. 3), 1892, 21(^221. a. l-'enonicni geodinamici chc prcccdettero, accom- pagnarono e segiiirono I' eruzioneetnca del maggio-giugno 1880. Catania Ace. (iioen. .\lli, 6, 1893, Mem. 21, 49 pp.; Nature, 49 (1893-94), 107-108. 3. Sul lerremoto del 13 aprile 1895 avvenuto in pro- vincia di Siracusa. Koma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 10 (I't. 1), 1896, 109-17.5. 4. Sui terrenioli del 3 maggiu 1899. Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 00, 1899, 28-33. 5. but periodo eruttivo dell' Etna dal 19 luglio al 5 agosto 1899. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 13, 1900. Mem. 17. 12 pp. Arcldlacono, Salviiture, \ Ricco, .InnihuU. See Blcco 6 Arcldlacono. Arclmis, .iiiqnsi:! T. To references in No. 2 {Vol. 9) add Ronja. Bull. Meteorol.. 14, 1876. 37-.39. 7. "Conjunction of Mars and Saturn, 1879, June 30, observed at Cadiz. [I>i79.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 107-108. 8. 'Eclipse of the Sun, 1879, July 18. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 126. 9. *The occultation of .\iitares, 1879, July 2«. [1879.] Observatorj-, London, 3. 1880, 148. 10. Afterglows in Spain. Nature, 48 11893). 29. 11. The great Madrid meteor. [1890.] Nature, 53 (1896-96), 3115, 423. 13. Probable weather conditions in Spain during the total solar eclip»e of May 28, 1900. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 439. Arcinettl, Viltore. *[Dcscrizione degli 08.ser\atori cbe sono in eorrispondenza meteorologica coU' Os^trvatorio di Moncalieri.] II. O.-scrvatorio Meteorologico di Pine- rclo. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 1, 1866, 48-19. Ards, Arlliiir d\ Voyage au nord du pays de Gallcs. Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 20, 1887 {Uull.), 34-50, 54-67. 3. Canuobio et ses environs (Lac Majeur). Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem.. 27. 1888 (Hull.), 165-183. 3. Lie .Mont Pilat (Ceiennes). Genive Soc. Geogr. Mem., 30, 1891 {Bull.), 196-212. 4. Les Monts Pisans. Genive Soc. Geogr. Mem., 32, 1893 {Bull.), 217-233. 5. De Peri)ignau a Figueras et Port-Bon, a travers les .\lbcres. Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 33, 1894 (BuU.), 12x140. Arcoleo, Eunenio. La luce negli iusetti. [1890.] Nat. Sicil., 10, 1891, 40-i;2. Arctowski, Htnrijk. Fails relatifs aux proprietes du sullurede carboiie. Brux.. Ac. Bull., 27, 1894, 304-371; Zt.schr. .Vuorg. Cheui.. 0, 1894, 255-259. a. Communications sur la dissolnbilite. Brux., Ac. Bull., 27. 1894, 372-382, 905-932; Ztsclir. Anorg. Cbem., 0. 1894. 260-207. 392-410. 3. Note sur un uouveau mode de reprt>duction aiti- ticielle de loligiste. Brux., .\c. Hull.. 27, 1894, 933-936; Ztschr. Anorg. Cbem.. 6, 1894, 377-379. Arctowski] 144 [Arduini 4. Untersuchiingeii iiber die Fliichtigkeit des (^ueck- silbercblorides. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 7, 1894, 1(37-175. 5. Essai sur les r(5actions de double decomposition entre vapeurs. Brux., Ac. Bull., 29, 1895, 59-72. 6. De Taction de la chaleur sur le sulfuie de carbone. Brux., Ac. Bull., 2!t, 1896, 286-291; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 8, 1895, 314-S17. 7. Recherches preliniinaires sur Thydrolyse des dis- solutions aqueuses du cblorure mercurifjue. Brux., Ac. Bull., 29, 1895, 022-U38; Anvers, Jl. de Pharni., 51, 1895. 241-246, 283-290; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., i), 1896, 178-189. 8. Quelques remarques sur I'interet qu'offre pour la geologie I'exploration des regions antarctiques. Brux. See. Beige Geol. Bull. , 1895 {Pioc-Ver!).], 17.5-177; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, .589-591; Liege, See. Geol. Belg. Ann., 23, 1896-96, Ixi-lxvii. 9. Determinations de la solubilite, a des temperatures tres basses, de quelques composes organiques dans le sulfure de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 123-125., 10. Etude do Ferosion dans le plateau ardennais. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, 3-9. 11. Ueber die doppelte Umsetzung bei gasformigen Korpern. Ztschr. Auorg. Chem., 8, 1895, 213-223. 12. Ueber die Fliichtigkeit des Chromsaurean- hydrides. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 9, 1895, 29-30. 13. Notiz iiber die Krystallisation des Broms. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 10, 1896, 2.5-26. 14. Zur Krystallographie des Quecksilberchlorids. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 10, 1895, 27-30. 15. Untersuchungen iiber die Loslichkeit beimErstar- rungspunkte der Losungsmittel. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 11, 1896, 272-277. 16. Versuche iiber die Fliichtigkeit des roteu Phos- phors. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 12, 1896, 22.5-228. 17. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Losbarkeit fester Korper in Gasen. Ztt-chr. Anorg. Chem., 12, 1896, 41.3-416. 18. Untersuchungen iiber die Verdampfungsge- Bchwindigkeit der Quecksilberhaloidsalze: ein Beitrag zur Kenntuis der Loslichkeit fester Korper in Gasen. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 12, 1896, 417-42(;. 19. Untersuchungen iiber die Sublimationsspan- nungen des Jods. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 12, 1896, 427-430. 20. Quelques mots relatifs a I'etude du relief de I'Ardenue et des directions que suivent les rivieres dans eette contree. Bnix. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1897 (Prnc-Verh.), 118-127. 21. The problem of antarctic exploration. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 803-804. 22. Expedition Antarctique Beige. Rapport prt:- liminaire sur les sondages de la Belqica. Brux., Ac. Bull., 1899, 479-484. 23. Rapport priiliminaire sur les recherches oceano- graphirjues de I'Expedition Antarctique Beige. Brux., Ac. Bull., 1899, 642-649. 24. liesultats preliniinaires des observations mcteoro- logiques faites pendant I'hivernage de la Ilelijica. [1899.1 Ciel et Terre, 20 (1899-1900), 245-248, 269- 275, 352, 353-364, 402, 626. 25. The bathymctrical conditions of the antarctic regions. Geogr. jl., 14, 1899, 77-82. 26. The antarctic climate. Geogr. .11., 14, 1899, 41.3-420. 27. Queli|ues resultats des observations meteoro- lopicjucs faites a Punta-Arenas (AmiSrique du Sud) par le lUv. P. Maiiaiiini. | 1900.] Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 179-182. 28. Notes sur uiie aurore australe observee iV I'ilo des lUatH. [1900.] Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 376-378. 29 Sur les conditions meteorologiques des regions antarctiques. [1900.] Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 379-384. 30. E6sultats d'observations met^orologiques faites a I'ile des Etats. [1900.] Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 453-461. 31. Sur les glaciers et la geologie des terres d^couvertes par I'Expedition Antarctique Beige et sur les glaces du pole sud. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1900, 380. 32. Notice sur les aurores australes observ^es pendant I'hivernage de I'Expedition Antarctique Beige. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 1276-1279; Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 127-131; Geogr. Jl., 16, 1900, 92-94. 33. Sur I'ancienne extension des glaciers dans la region des terres decouvertes par I'Expedition Antarctique Beige. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 479-481. 34. Les calottes glaciaires des regions antarctiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 131, 1900, 1260-1262. Arctowski, Henryk, & Renard, A[lplionse] F. Notice prrlimiuairo sur les sediments marins recueillis par I'Expedition de la Belqica. Brux., Mem. Couronn. (8° lid.), 61, 1901-02, No. 2, 30 pp. Arcybasev, E{vcienij\ & Fetrenlio-Kritcenko, I'titd h'iniiivic. See Fetrenko-Kritcenko & Arcybasev. Ardagb, (Col.) ,J[olin] C'[//ai/is]. The Red Sea petroleum deposits. Geogr. Soc. I'roc, 8, 1886, .502-507. 2. Nilometers. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 11, 1889, 28-38. Ardaillon, E. Rapport sur le tremblement de terre de Zante, du 31 Janvier 1893. Ann. Geogr., 2, 1893, 273- 280. 2. Geologie de Java. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 27, 1898, 267-272. Ardenne, — d\ De Taction de Textrait de coca dans le traitemeut des affections douloureuses de Testoniac. Ass. Frane. C. R., 1887 {Ft. 2), 876-877. Ardigo, Robert. La science experimentale de la pens^e. [7'r.] [18S8.] Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 514-521. Ardin-Delteil, P. Cryoscopie de la sueur de Thomme sain. Paris, Ac. Sci.' C. R., 131, 1900, 844-845. Ardin-Selteil, P., iV Mairet, A[lbcit]. See Mairet & Ardin-Selteil. Ardissone, Fraiieesco. 14. Rivista bibliogratica anno 1883. Botanica sistematica. [Italia] Soc. Crittog. Atti, 3 (Dhp. 3), 1884, 228-257. 15. Quali siano le condizioni attuali della geogratia crittogamiea in Italia, e quali i mezzi die potrebbero migliorarle. Parte in a. Alghe marine (escluse le Diatomee). Congr. Bot. Crittog. Atti, 1887, 29-32. 16. Le Alghe della Terra del Fuoco raccolte dal Prof. Spegazzini. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 21, 1888, 208-215. 17. Le divisioni primarie del regno vegetale. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 23, 1890, 281-287. 18. Note alia jjhycologia mediterranea. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 26, 1893, 674-690 ; 33, 1900, 140-145. 19. Le Alghe cosmopolite. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 27, 1894, 770-781. 20. Sopra alcune fotomicrografie. Milauo, Soc. Ital. Atti, 37, 1897, 102-104. Ardu Onnis, Ejhio. Crani umani della Maifeiita del Museo d' Anatoraia Comparata della H. University di Torino. Arch. Antropologia, 24, 1894, 47-69 ; Torino Mus. Boll., 9, 1894, So. 180, 2 pp. 2. Su alcune ftirine anomale del bacino umano. Note di antropulogia e di anatomia comparata. Torino Mus. Boll., 10, 1895, \n. 209, 14 pp. 3. Contributo all' antropologia della Sardcgna. Arch. Antropologia, 26, 1896, 27-52. 4. II metodo zoologico in antropologia. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 6, 1897, 21-35, 101-117. 5. II nuovo metodo antropologico e i crani della Sar- degna. Arch. Antropologia, 28, 1898, 169-196. Arduini, Vittorio. Conchiglie Plioceiiiolie del bacino di Albenga. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 6, 1896, 1.59-209. Arduini] 145 [Argelander 3. L' isola Ualliiiiii'ia. Genovn, Soc. Ligiist. Atti, H, 11897,] 18S-197. Arechavaleta, J[osf]. Cuatro gramineas nuevas y una conooiila de' la K('pul)lica Uruguaya. nuonos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1896, 177-187. 2. Las tiraiiiineas UruKnayas. [1891-97.] Monte- video Mus. Nac. An., [1, 1897,] "iO-ni, 213-581. 3. Contrilnicii'm al conooiraiento de los liciuenes Uru- guayoa. [18'.)4.] Montevideo Mus. Nac. An., [1, 1897,] 17.V18fi. 4. Contiibueii'in al conociniiento de la flora Uniiiaaya. [1H'.I9-190().] Montevideo Mus. Nac. An., 2, 1901, 273- 2'.in. Areltlo y Iiarrinaga, A Ifotmo de. For biographical notice and works see Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884 (.1./.), 109-111. Arenander, . Die hornlose Eindviehrasse. Ztschr. Natnrwiss., (;9, 1896, 105. Arends, (.'. Uel)er (lereinigto Balata und Guttapercha. Ztsehr. Anjjew. Clieni., 1900, 1010. Arendt, C[- 3. Einteilung der Kakteen nach dem Salmschen System. Mschr. Kakteenk., [1, 1892.] 1")6-167. Arendt, Throdor. Die Bestimmuni.; der Temperatur at- moBpharischer Niederscbliige. Wetter, 12, 1895, t)2- 68. 3. Zur meteorologischen Optik. Wetter, 12, 1895, 107-111. 3. Die Schwankungen im Wasserdampfgehalto der Atmosphiire auf Grund spectroskopischer Untersuch- unpen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 58, 1896, 171-204. 4. Die Bestimmung des Wasserdauipfgchaltes der Atmosphiire auf Grund spektroskopischer Jlessuugen. Mcteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), 376-390. 5. Beziehungen der elektrischen Erscheinungen un- serer Atmosphiire zuni Enhnagnetisuius. Wetter, 13, 1896, 241-2.-)3, 265-280. 6. Die Theorie des Polarlichtes von Adam Paulsen. Wetter, 14, 1897, 54-63. 7. Iiisirende Wolken. Wetter, 14, 1897, 217-224, 244-2.52. 8. Das St. Elmsfeuer. Wetter, 15, 1898, 2-10, 37-41, 49-,56. 9. Zum Polarlicht vom 9. September 1898. Wetter. 15, 1898, 241-216, 26.5-274; 16, 1899, 20-22. 10. Ueber die Zunahme der Blitzgefahr. Wetter, 16, 1899, 1-8, 32-42. Arena, Ci/ri [FrnH,- Jnhann]. Ein cinfacher Nachweis von Tubcrkelhacillen durch Fiirhung nebst einer Augabe zur Fiirbuug von Bakterien in fettreicheu Snbstraten. Centrbl. Bakt., 11, 1892, 9-10. a. Ueber den Nachweis spiirlich vorhandener Cholcra- baoillen. [ls92.] Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sbcr., 1893, 5-7. 3. Demonstration eines neuon Luftreinigungsap- parates. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1893, 31-32. 4. Quantitative Staul>bestinimungen in der Luft nebst Beschreibung eiues neuen Staubfiiugers. Arch. Hyg., 21, 1894, 32,5-358. 5. Eine Methode zur Platteukultur der Auaeroben. CeutrW. Bakt., 15, 1894, 1.5-17. Arta, .-1. Pourqnoi Mars est-il rouge? [1884.] Ciel et T.nv, :.. 1886, 35-36, 88-89. Areschoug, /'[r^rfriA] W[ilhelm} C[hristian]. 39. Some observations on the genus Kubus. Lund. Univ. Acta, B. s. A. c. 21, 1886-86 {Math.), So. \x, 1-120; 22, 1886-87 (ilath.). So. V, 127-182. 30. Ueber Reproduction von Pflanzentheilen. Hot. Centrlil., 31, 1887, 186-188, 220-223. 31. Cm spiralfiborceller i bluden uf Saiisevieria-arter. Bot. Xotiser, 1887. 146-148; Bot. Centrbl., 31, 1887, 258-261. 33. Ora liubuB affinis, Whe., och R. relatas, F. Ar^rh. 1 1887.] Bot. Notiger, 1888, 1-4; Bot. Centrbl., 34, 1888, 348-3.50. 33. Om Trapa natans, 7^., rar. conocarpa, F. .trench., och dess hiirstamning fmn denna arts tvpiska form. [1KS7.] Bot. Notiscr, 1888, 16-23; Bot. Centrbl., 35, 1888, 253-256, 285-287. 34. Betrachtun(;en liber die Organisation und die biolodischen Verhiiltnisse der nordischen Biiume. Engler, Bot. .Jbiich., 9, 1888, 70-85. 35. Ueber Rubus obovatus, f!. Dr., und R. ciliatus, C. -J. T.indeb. [1888.] Bot. Centrbl., 37. 1889, 208-270, 298-300. 36. Om fiirekomsten af Artemisia stelleriana. Best., pa vestra .Skanes liafsstriinder. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 111- 120; .11. Bot., 32, 1894. 70-75. 37. Det fanerogama embryots nutrition. [1894.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 30, 1893-94 (Soc. Phy$iogr., No. a, 1-21). 38. Beitriige zur Biologic der geophilen Pflanzen. Lund. Univ. Acta, 31, 1895 (Soc. Phijfiogr., So. i\\ 60 pp.). 39. Leber die physiologischcn Leistungen und die Entwickelung des Grundgewebes des 6Iatt«8. Land. Univ. Acta, 33, 1897 (.S'oc. Physiogr., So. x, 46 pp.). 40. Till synonymien inom sliigtet Romex. Bot. Notiser, 1899, "86-88. Areschoug, Johnn Krhard. For biography and list of works see Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88. 381-382; Bot. Centrbl.. 30.1887, 335; Bot. Notiser. 1887, 1.50-151; Science. 9, 1887, 583 ; Stockb., Vet. Ak. Lefnadsteckn., 4 (lleft 1), 1899, 35-62. 39. Observationes phycologictB. [Partic. 4 et 5. De Larainariaceis nonnullis.] [1883-84.] Upsala Soc. Sci. N. Acta, 12, 1885, So. 8, 23 pp.. So. 11, 16 pp. Areskog, Carl. Nagra for Olands flora nya eller mindre kiinda Viola-former. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 101-162. Aresa, 7t., & Brigidl, Vincenzo. See Brlgldi it- Aresn. Aretta, C. Aggiunte alia flora parmense. Malpighia. 8. 1894. 302. Arivalo y Baca, Josf. For biographical notice tee Ibis, 2, 1890. 271. 3. Nota sobre el estado actual de la botanica y la horticultura en Valencia v Andalucia. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884, 91-101. 4. .Vves de Espana. Madrid Ac. Ci. Mem., 11. [1887]. 471 pp. Arey, Albert L. Preliminary notice of the di.scovcry of strata of the Guelph formation in Rochester. N.V. [1892.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc. 2, 1895, 104-107. Arez, Joao. Sobre uma formula de analyse. [1894.] Gomes Teixeira .lorn. Sci.. 11, 1892, 187-188; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 463. 3. Sobre uma formula de analyse. Gomes Tei.xeira Jom. Sci., 12, 1895, 110-113; Fortschr. Math.. 1895, 307-308. Arez. See iiUo Almeida Arez. Argall,/'/ii7i/i [//.]. 3. Nickel : the occurrence, geological distribution and genesis of its ore deposits. [1893.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc., 4, 1891-93. 395-^20. Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm .iuriutt. 138. 'Durch- niu>tirung lies nordlichen Himmels z\rischen 45 und SO tirad der Declination auf der InK'rims-Sternwarte der Koniglichen Rheinischen Friedrich-WilhelmsUuiversitat zu Bonn in den Jahren 1841 bis 1844 ansgefiihrt nnd mit Hiilfstafeln zur Itcdaction der scheinbaren Oerter der 19 Argelander] 146 [Arieti Sterne auf die mittlern zu Aufange des Jahies 1842 versehen. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Bcob., 1, 1846, xxxii + 499 pp.; 5, 1862, i-xxxiii ; 6, 1867, [7]. 129. *DurchmusterunR der Himmelszone zwischen 15 und 31 Grad siidlicher Declination auf der Sternwarte der Kiiniglichen Rheinischen Friedrich-Willielms-Uuiversitat zu Bonn in den .Jahren 1849-52 ausgefiihrt und rait Hiilfstafeln 7ur Reduction der scheinbaren Oerter der Sterne auf die mittlern zu Anfange des .Jahres 1850 versehen. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob.,2,1852, lvi + 427pp.; 6, 1867, [8H16] ; 7, 1869, 519. lao. *Bonner Sternverzeichuiss. Erste Section ent- haltend die genaherten mittleren Oerter von 110984 Sterneu zwischen 2 Grad siidlicher und 20 Grad nbrd- licher Declination fiir den Anfaug des .Jahres 1855. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Prof. Dr. E. Schoenfeld und Dr. A. Krhegeb auf der Sternwarte der Koniglicheu Rheinischen Friedrieh-Wilhebns-Universitat zu Bonn beobachtet und berechnet. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 3,1859, xxvi + 378 pp.; 4,1861, xlviii ; 5,1862, xxxiv- XXXV ; 6, 1867, 370-377; 7, 1869, 519. 131. *Bonner Sternverzeichniss. Zweite Section enthaltend die geniiherten mittleren Oerter von 105075 Sternen zwischen 20 und 41 Grad uordlicher Declination fiir den Anfang des Jahres 1855. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Prof. Dr. E. Schoenfeld und Dr. A. Kkdeger auf der Sternwarte der Koniglichen Rheinischen Friedrich- Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn beobachtet und berechnet. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 4, 1861, [10] + xlviii + 361 pp.; 5, 1862, XXXV ; 6, 1867, 377-379 ; 7, 1869, 519. 132. 'Bonner Sternverzeichniss. Dritte Section ent- haltend die geniiherten mittleren Oerter von 108129 Sternen zwischen 41 und 90 Grad nordlicher Declination fiir den Anfang des Jahres 1855. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Prof. Dr. E. Schoenfeld und Prof. Dr. A. Krueger auf der Sternwarte der Kijuiglichen Rhein- ischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn beo- bachtet und berechnet. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 5, 1862, [22] + XXXV + 380 pp.; 6, 1867, 379-380; 7, 1869, 519-520. 133. *Verbesserungen und Bemerkungeu zu ver- schiedenen Sternverzeichnissen und Beobachtungs- sammlungen. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., (j, 1867, [39] pp.; 7, 1869, 167-246. 134. *Mittlere Oerter von 33811 Sternen abgeleitet aus den am Meridiaukreise der Bonner Sternwarte in den Jahren 1845-67 angestellten Beobachtungen und in drei Verzeichnissen zusammengestellt. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 6, 1867, xx + [39] + 381 pp.; 7, 1869, 520-523. 135. *Untersuchungen iiber die Eigeubewegungeu von 250 Sternen nach iiltern und den auf der Bonner Sternwarte angestellten Beobachtungen. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 7, 1869, 1-143, 523. 136. "Mittlere Positionen von 160 Sternen fiir das Jahr 1875 abgeleitet aus iiltern und neuern Beobacht- ungen. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 7, 1869, 247-314, 524. 137. 'Beobachtungen und Rechnungen iiljer ver- iinderliche Sterne. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 7, 1869, 31,-1-518, .524. Argence, Louis. La geographic des palmiers. [1889.] Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 12, 1890, 18-26. 2. De la fecondation naturelle et artificielle des vegetaux. [1890.] liiziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 13, 1891, 18-24. Areenaon, G. Sur le dosage de I'aci^tone dans les urines. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 1055-1058. Argod-Vallon, Aiulrf Allirrt. [Description d'une nouvelle espece aveugle de Coloo)it(Tes de la division des Silphales.] Paris, Soc. Knt. Ann., 5, 1886, clxiii-clxiv. 2. [Description d'une nouvelle espece franeaise de Carabique.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887, clxix-clxx. 3. [Description d'un Curoulionide nouveau.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1896, xxviii. 4. Description d'un Ccrambycide nouveau de I'Afrique urientale. Paris, Soc. Ent. Biill., 1899, 208. Arg^s [Pseiirl.]. The ghost of the season. Jl. Sci., 21, 1884, 256-265. Argxitinskij Dolgorukov, (Prince) P[etr Michailovic]. Muskelarbeit und Stickstoftum.satz. Pfiiiger, Arch. Phy- siol., 46, 1890, 552-580. 2. Ueber die Kjeldahl-Wilfarth'sche Methode der Stickstoffbestimmung unter Beriicksichtigung ihrer An- wendung zu Stoffweehselversuohen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 581-593. 3. Versuche iiber die Stickstoffausscheidung durch den Schweiss bei gesteigerter Schweissabsonderung. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 594-600. 4. Ueber die elementare Zusammensetzunp des Och- senfleisches. [1893.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 55, 1894, 345-365. 5. Ueber eine regelmiissige Gliederung in der grauen Substanz des Rilckenmarks beim Neugeborenen und iiber die Mittelzellen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 48, 1897, 496-52.3. 6. Ueber die Gestalt und die Entstehuugsweise des Ventriculus termiualis und iiber das Filum terminale des Kiickenmarkes bei Neugeborenen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 52, 1898, .501-534. 7. Eine einfache und zuverliissige Methode Celloidin- serien mit Wasser und Eiweiss aufzukleben. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 55,1900, 415-419; PhysiologisteBusse, 2 (1900-02), 15-18. Argyle, . Phenomenal weather in Victoria. [1897.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 32, 1898, 27. Argyll, George Douijhis Campbell (Diikc of). For bio- graphy and works .-see Nature, 62 (1900), 13-14; Scott. Geogr'. Mag., 16, 1900, 709-711; Ediub. Geol. Soc. Trans., 8, 1905, 176-181. 20. The diffusion of species. Nature, 30, 1884, 462. 21. lona. Nature, 32, 1885, 413. 22. 'Continuity and catastrophes in geology. [1883.] Edinb. Geol. Soc. trans., 5, 1888, 1-27. 23. Presidential addre.=s to the Scottish Crvptogamic Society. [1888.] Scott. Natlist., 10, 1889-90,' 16-22. 24. Supposed fossils from the southern Highlands. Nature, 39, 1889, 317-318. 25. An unusual geological sequence. Nature, 40, 1889, 642. 26. On certain bodies, apparently of organic origin, from a qunrtzite bed near Inveraray. [1889.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 16, 1890, 39-64. 27. Acquired cliaracters and congenital variation. Nature, 41, 1890, 173-174, 210, 294-295, 366-367. 28. Border-lands between geologj' and geography. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 6, 1890, 169-181. 29. Araucaria cones. [1890.] Nature, 43, 1891, 8. 30. Snowy owl (Nyctea seandiaca, L.) in Argyllshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist.', 1892, 71. 31. Glacier action. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 389. 32. Origin of lake basins. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 485-486. 33. Two glens and the agency of glaciation. [1895.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 38, 1897, 193-202. 34. S.^dine's gull in Kilbreunan sound. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 46. 35. The great submergence. Nature, 56 (1897), 173. Argyropoulos, T[inioleon]. Vibrations d'un fil do platine niaintenu incandescent par un courant 61ectrique, sous I'inlluence des interruptions succcssives de ce courant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 525. 2. Observations sur les rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1119. Arheidt, Riihonl. Ueber Diphenylendihydrazin. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 206-215. Arias. See Rodriguez Arias. Arieti, (liusei>})c. I trattamenti preventivi dei ceveali Arieti] 147 [Arloing coDtro la carie ed il carbonc. ItasseKna Htorica e nuove CHpericnze. Staz. Sp«r. Agrar. Ital., 'id, 1900, 405-f29. Arts, Mfhmed. Ueber a-/3-DibroniiuovalerianBuurc. Lie- bJK'H Ann., "iHO, 1894, 25'.(-2G2. Arlfon, . Doable image dans Tatmosphi^re. ABtro- noiiiic, 1892, 78. Arln, [Emmanuel Auguate], F6rochaud, [Jugrpli t'aUntin], A 9SlraUl«, Charles. See F«TOcbaad, BIiraUi« & Arln. Arlola, IiHffnjo. Due nuovcflpeciedi liotriocefali. Genova, Soc. Ligiist. Atli, 6, 189B, 247-254. 2. Sulla "Bothriottenia plicata (Riid.)" e sul euo Bviluppo. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 7, 1896, 117-12tj. 3. Sopra alcuni Dibotrii iiuovi o pooo noti e sulla classilicazione del cenere Uothriocephalus. Genova, Soc. Lipust. Atti, 7, 1896, 2G1-2H2. 4. Note intorno auli KIminti del Museo Zoologico di Torino. Di alcuni Botriocefali. Torino Mus. Boll., 11, 1896, So. 259, 7 pp. 0. Osservazioni sopra alcuni Dibotrii dei pesci. Genova, Soc. Linust. Atti, 10. 1899, 60-70. 6. Di alcuni Treniatodi di pe^^ci marini. Genova, Soc. LiRUst. Atti, 10. 1899, 129-138. 7. II Kenere Scyphocepbalua, Kiyg., e proposta di nuova classificaziune dei Cestodi. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 10, 1899, 1G0-1(;7. 8. Notizio soprit alcuni Botriocefali del Museo Uni- versitario di Copenhagen. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 10, 1899, 240-252. 9. Kevisionc della famiglia Botliriocepkalid>e, >. str. Arch, de Parasit., b, 1900, 369-484, G46. 10. Un evoluzionista del secolo xviu. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 11. 1900, 39-49. 11. Nota sui Cestodi parassiti del Centrolophus pompilius, Linn. Oenova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 11, 1900, 215-220. 12. Einc Zweideutigkeit des Dr. Luhe [iu seinen "Bemerkuugen zu Ariola's neuestem Ceatodensystem "]. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 417-419. Arlola, \'ineeii:(), & Brian, Alesmndro. Un' escursione al Monte Bamazzo. Genova, Sue. Ligust. Atti, 7, 1896, 92-97. Arlola, ]'ittcenzo, & Farona, Corrado. See Farona tV: Arlola. Arlatov, . Zur Eenntniss der syphilitischen Er- krankungen des Magens bei hereditarer Lues. Ztschr. Heilk., 19. 1898, 395-413. Arlstov, /. /. OCn, iiTCpauiir (|)yHKUift. [Ueber Itera- tion iler Eunctioiieu.) [1900.] Kazan Soc. Phvs.-Math. Bull., 10, 1901. 11-49, 85-131; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 40:^-^104. Axlatov, I';., it Denajanov, N[ikolaj JakovUviH]. IIpo- AyKTU OKiic.iciiiji o-OKciiKiif.ion, xiipiiaro i)s;ia. [Ueber die Oxydationsproducte der oOxyfettsauren.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 19 (t'/icm.), 1887, 257-271; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887 (Re/.), 697-699. Ark, Hlenri] HarUmij van. Ueber die Einwirkung von Bromacetophenon auf Pyridin. [1897.] Arch. Pharm., 238, 1900. 321-330. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung von Bromacetophenon auf Piperidin. Arch. Pharm., 238. 1900, 330-334. Arkle, Charles Joseph. For biographical notice see Med.- Chir. Trans., 82, 1899, cxxv-cxxvi. On a micro-organism from a case of multiple neuritis. Clin. Soc. Trans., 27. 1894, 120. Arkle, Charles Joseph, it Binds, /■'[rani]. A case of pneumonomycosis. London Path. Soc. Trans., 47, 1896, 8-13. Arkla, J. Notes on Tieniocampa opima. Entomologist, 23, 1890. 307-309. 2. Life-historv of Pachnobia lencographa. Entomo- logist. 24, 1891, 51-53. 3. Arctia caia. Entomologist, 25, 1892, 57-62. 4. A tomato caterpillar (Heliothis arraigera). Ento- mologiHl, 25, 1892, 237-238. 5. The cyanide bottle. Entomologiit, 27, 1894, 58-59. 0. Notes on "assembling," with some general remarks on the senses in Lepidoptera. Entomologist, 27, 1894, 336-338. 7. The senses of insects. Entomologist, 28, 1898, 243-246; 29, 1896, 343-345. 8. I'lusia festuca! and its second brood. Entomo- logist, 29, 1896, 113-116. 9. Tfi)hroHia crepuscularia (bistortata) = T. biundn- laria. Entomologist, 31, 1898. 26-30. 10. On the larva; of certain British moths. Entomo- logi.-il, 32. 1899. 122-127. Arkovy, Jnzsef. 4. Experiment*lle Untersuchongen iiber Gangran an der Zahnpulpa und Wundgaugran. Centrbl. Bakt. (.4(-(. 1), 23, 1898, 917-929, 962-975. 6. A fogpulpa <;8 sebgangroena egy lij bacteriologiai ti-nyeztij^rol. [Ueber einen neucn bacteriologischen Factor der Zahnpulpa und Wundgangriine.] Math. Temit. Ertes., 16, 1898, 243-245; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 322-323. 6. Adatok a fogcaries a-tiologiajahoz. [Beitrage zur Aetiologie der Zabncaries.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16, 1898, 24(i-247; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn. 16, 1899, 323. Arldt, C. Drehfeld-Femzeiger. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 18. 1897. 487-190. Arlidge, John 'r\)iomc. Biol. Mem., 48. 1896 (C. /(.), 2.5-27. 100. La toxicity de la sueur. Paris, Soc. BioL Mem., 48, 1896 (C. B.), 1107-1110. 101. De I'intoxication par hi sueur de I'homme sain. Paris. Ac. .Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 218-221, 28.3-286. 103. Distribution de la matii^re agglutinante des microbes dans le sang et quelques autres humcurs de I'organi.-me. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 iC. R.), 104-105. 103. La toxicite de la saenr de I'homme ; sea variations ; ses rapports avec la toxicite urinaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 49, 1897 (C. Tl.), 533-535. 104. Toxicite de la sueur. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem.. 37, 1898 (C. /?.), 33-34. 105. Intluence de la voie et du mode d'introduction sur le devcloppement des effets immunisants du serum antidiphterique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12C, 1898, 1179- 1182. 106. Sur robtentioD de cultures et d'^mulsions homogenes du baciUe de la tuberculose humaine en milieu liquide et " sur une variete mobile de ce bacille." Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898. 1319-1321. 107. .Agglutination du bacille de la tuberculose vraie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1898. 1398-1400. 108. Apparition dans le serum »angnin, sous TiD- tlueuce de produits chimiques, dune matidre capable d'agglutiner le bacille de la tuberculose vraie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C..R., 120, 1898. 1-5-50- 1.5.53. 109. Ktude sur la toxicite de la sueur de I'homme en bonne sant^. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1. 1899, 24'.'-258. no. Ktude experimentale de I'intoxication par la sueur. .Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1. 1899, ■-'»',8-280. 111. Intlueuee de la voie d°intro01-614. 116. Etude sur la serotheiapie du charbon sympto- matique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 548-.550. 117. De rinmuuiite coiitre le charbon symptomatique apr^s rinjection du s^rum pr^ventif et du virus naturel isoles ou m^lang^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 991-994. 118. Nouveaux procediis de vaccination centre le charbon s.vmptomatique du bceuf, par I'association de s^rum iminuuisant et de vaccins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 319-323. Arlolng, Siiliiniin, & Cazeneuve, Paul. Sur les effets physiolo^iques de deux colorants rouges azoiques ires employes pour eolorer les substances alimentaires. Arch, de Phvsiol., 9, 1887, 350-393; Jl. Pharm., 1,5, 1887, 609- 011 ; Paris, Ac. Med. Bull,, 17, 1887, 434-436. , Arloing, Satiintiii, & Chantre, Kdonard. Etude sur I'origine microbienne de I'infection purulente chirurgicale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 117, 1893, 324-327 ; Lvon Soc. Sci. M^d. M6ra., 33, 1894 (C. R), 124-125. 2. Agent de I'infection purulente chirurgicale ; ses variations morphologiques et pathogeniques. [With discussion.'] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Patol.), 136-142. 3. Sur les variations morphologiques et pathogeniques de I'agent de I'infection purulente chirurgicale. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1895, 610-618. 4. R«cherches physiologiques sur le muscle sphincter ani ; particularite offerte par son innervation et sa contraction reflexes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 1206-1210. 5. Becherches physiologiques sur la contraction du sphincter ani. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 536- 539. 6. Partieularites relatives a I'innervation et aux pro- prietes physiologiques g^n^rales des nerfs du sphincter ani. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 651-654. 7. Effets de la section des nerfs du sphincter ani sur le role, les propri^tis physiologiques et anatomiqnes de ce muscle et sur I'organisme en general. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 127, 1898, 700-703. Arloing, Satuntiit, & Cliauveau, [Jean Baptiste] A[u(iuste'\. See Cbauveau & Arloing. Arloing, Salnniiii, A Comevin, Clt[arles Ernest]. Sur un procedii d'augmentation de la virulence normale du microbe du charbon symptomatique et de restitution de I'activite primitive apres att(?nuation. [1886.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 103, 1886, 1078-1081 ; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 9, 1887, cxx-exxii. Arloing, Satiirnin, & Courmont, Jules. Sur le traitement des tumeurs malignes de I'liomme par les injections de s^rum d'ane normal ou pri5alablement inocuU' avec du sue d'epitheliome. Paris, Ac. Mi5d. Bull., 35, 1896, 517-5.38. Arloing, Saturnin, & Courmont, Paul. De I'obtention des cultures du bacille de Kocu les plus propices a I'etude du phenom^ne de I'agglutination par le s^rum sanguin des tubercuieux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 312- 315. 2. Sur la recherche et la valeur clinique de I'aggluti- nation du bacille de Koch par le serum sanguin de I'homnie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 127, 1898, 425-428. 3. Transformation du bacille de Koch d'origine huniainc en une variete possedant la plupart des at- tributs du bacille de la tuberculose aviaire. Congr. Int. Med. C. B. , 1900 (Vol. 3, liact.), 175-178. 4. Diagnostic ))reuoce de la tuberculose par la si!'ro- agglutination. [)Vilh discussion.] Congr. Int. M^d. C. It., 1900 (Vol. 4), 748-758. 6. Des causes qui inodifleut le di'Velopjjemi'nt du pouvoir agglutinant dans le sang des sujets rendus experimentalement luberculeux. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 2, 1900, 82-94. 6. Etude de I'influence chez le chien d'une inocu- lation de bacilles de Koch tr^s virulents sur le pouvoir agglutinant determine par une premiere inoculation de bacilles att^nu^s. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 1025-1026. 7. De I'agglutination du bacille de Koch ; application au sero-diagnostic de la tuberculose. Ztschr. Tuberkulose, 1, 1900, 11-16, 116-123. Arloing, Salurnin, & Dumarest, F[rederic]. Essai ex- perimental sur un antagouisme signal(5 par qnelques pathologistes entre la tievre typhoide et la tuberculose. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 {C. R.), 837-839. Arloing, Saturnin, & Duprez, . Des qualit^s pre- ventives du siJrum sanguin d'une ginisse immuuis^e contre la peripneumonie contagieuse des bovid^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, 573-576. Arloing, Saturnin, & Guinard, Louis. Becherches sur I'obtention d'un serum antituberculineux. Congr. Int. MM. C. B., 1900 [Vol. 3, Bact.), 178-181. Arloing, Saturnin, & Iiaulani^, [Bertrand Prosper] F[erdinand]. Introduction a Tetude des troubles de la temperature, des combustions respiratoires et de la thermog^n^se sous I'influence des toxines bacteriennes. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1895, 675-686 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1896 (C. R.), 433-435. Arloing, Saturnin, & Iiesbre, F[rani:ois] X. Projet de reforme de la nomenclature myologique vet(5rinaire. Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 5, 1898, 135-173. Arloing, Saturnin, Comevin, C li[arlcs Ernest], & Thomas, I). To reference in No. 12 (I'ol. 9) add Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., .35, 1884 (C. P.), 121-128. Arloing, Stiturnin, Rodet, A., & Courmont, Jules. Etude exporimentale sur les proprietes attribuees a latuberculine de Koch. Arch. Gen. Med., 168, 1891, 362-363; Lyon Univ. Ann., 6 (Ease. 1), 1892, 99 pp. Arloing, Satiirni7t, Rollet, Ktienne, & Moral, J[ean] P[ierTe]. See Rollet, Arloing ct Morat. Arlt, [Karl Ferdinand] (Bitter) von. For biography and list of works see Ann. d'Oculist., 98, 1887, 5-24; Arch. Augenheilk., 17, 1887, 479-482; Arch. Ophthalm., 16, 1887, 370-373; Arch. f. Ophthalm., 33, 1887 (Ahth. 1), v-vi ; Leopoldina, 23, 1887, 58 ; Wien. Med. Wschr., 37, 1887, 321-322, 341-344 ; Termt. Kozlon., 20, 1888, 464- 465. 8. Winke zur Staaroperation. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 31, 1885 (Abth. 3), 1-38. 0. [Die Entwicklung des Mikrophthalmus und Anophthalmus congenitus.] Med. Jbiich., 1885 {An:.), 100-106. Arlt, F{erdinand] von. Ueber Pseudocinchonin und das Verhalten von Hydrochlorciuchonin. Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Ahth. 2b), 159-183; Mhefte. Chem., 1899, 425-449. Armagnat, //. Notioiis elementaires sur les syst^mes oseiUants. Eclairage Elect., 7 (1896), 395-407, 446-450. 2. Observation des appareils de mesures <51ectriques. Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 153-162. 3. Galvanomitres. Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 454- 462, 506-516, 546-565. 4. Electrom^tres. Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 591-602. 5. Sur la th^orie des bobines d'induction. Eclairage Elect., 15 (1898), 52-62; 22 (1900), 121-125. 6. Les progr^s de la bobiue d'induction. Eclairage Elect., 19 (1899), 41-46, 134-139, 157-158. 7. Contribution a I'etude de I'interrupteur Wehuelt. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 128, 1899, 988-990. Armaignac, U[enry]. 6. De la cocaine, et principale- ment de son omploi en chirurgie oeulaire pour produire I'anesthesie locale de la coruiie et de la conjonctive. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1884, 330-352. Armaignac] 151 lArmasevskij e. Sur IcH niBvi de Tail ct dcs |iartie» voisiDeB. Bordeanx Soc. Wd. Wm., 1886, 310-327. 7. OrnnuliitionH conjonctivales. Bordeaux Soc. Mi^d. Mem., 1887, 349-378. 8. Hi'niianopsieen K('>nr'TaI. Ht'ininnoptiicbiteraporale (•n pRiticulior. Hordeaux Soc. Med. Mi'-in., 1889, 305-3.38. 0. Histoire d'un (^laucnnie et consMerationsKeneralcB Bur cette inaladie. | With ilixi-ituKton.] Uordeaux Soc. Mi^d. M(-m., 1893, 1K2-1'J1, 200-214. 10. De I'emploi dcs antiseptiqucs, den caufitiques et de» couleurs d'anilinc en oculistiquc. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1894, .')94-6()4; Ann. d'OcuUst., 112, 1894, 340-341. 11. De la Inxaticin spoiitanee du cristalliii. Obser- vations. Hordcanx Soc. Med. Mem., 189S, 297-313. 12. Hi luiaiiopsic bitemporale suivic rapidement de e IIoc- .i-fiTpeTiiMHUxi, ofii>a.!OBiiiiijixi Ki;i;noR Pocciii. [Die Aullindung der Paludina diluviana in den Postter- tiaren Bildungen Siid-Russlands.] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10. 1889. Iv-lvii; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1891 (/W. 1, /?./.), 315 310. 16. Kl rco.iorill OBJiyifKaro yfaja. [Con- tribution to the geology of Ovrutch (Volhynia).] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. ^fem., 10, 1889. Ixxv-lxxvi. 17. KpiiCTa.i.iorpaittiiMPrKi« ii.iMt.])eni>i x.io- I)aiirii,ipii,T,a a.iOKyMirnoBnff kiicjotu. [CpfbuIIo- graphic measurement of azocuminic chloride.] [1889.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 11 (1), 1890, Ixxxii-lxxxiii. 18. PesyjbTaTU aBa.iii3a ryjiycoBaro .lecca. [Results of the analysis of Loess containing humus.] [1891.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 12 (2), 1892. nii-ixiii. 19. IIpejBapiiTe.iMiijfi omcii o reo.ioni- 'lecKiixi ii3c.itaoBaniflxi. bi Morii.ieBCKort ry- 6epilill Bl> 1891 r. Compte rendu pri^liminaire sur les recherches gcologiques dans Ic gouvemement de Mohilew. [1892.] St. Petersb., Com. G^ol. Bull., U, 1893, 163-167 (lie-H. 167). 20. 0 IIocjtTpeTHqnuxi ofipaaoBaiiiaxi c. Tpoimuaro B1. OKp. MocKBH. [On the Post-tertiary deposits of the village of Troitzk near Moscow.] [1892.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 13. 1894, xxv-uvi. ai. npcj.Bapi(Te.ibiiHn OT'ieii o reoaorn- 'lecKiixT. iisc.itaoBaniHxi. bt. ryfiepHiflXT, Morn- jeBCKofi II Csio.ieiicKon bt> 1''92 rojy. (Compte rendu preliminaire sur les recherches gcologiques dans les gouvernements de Mohilew et de Smolensk.) [1893.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Ball., 12. 1894. 24.5-251 (Ret. 250-251). 22. 0 ntKOTOpUXl. 6ypOBUXT, CKBaSHHaXl HI. OKp. KieBa. [Sur quelques Bondages des environs de Armasevskij] 152 [Armstrong laTille de Kiev.] [18;i4.1 Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., !•') (1), 1896, xlv-li; St. Peteisb., Com. Geol. Bull., If), 1897 (SiippL), 169. 23. 0 uypoBiaxi. cKBaiKiiHaxb bii oKp. cc. .Io:_inoB'F. u He|iHOMiiiiL lln;^o.^bCKO^f ry6epHiii. [On borin(»s in the neighbourhood of the villages of LozDV and Tchernominy, Podolia govt.] [1894.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 1.5 (1), 1896, Ixix. 24. npejtBapiiTo.iruiuii oTieT-b o recmiiii- "lecKiix'B i[3c.it.noBaniflX'B B'B MoriiJieBCK. r. bi 1893 r. (Compte rendu preliminaire sur les reeherches Keologiques dans le gouvernenieut de Mohilew.) St. Petersb., Com. Geo). Bull., 14, 1896, '229-2.54 {Res. 234). 25. 0 rpojioniMecKOMt cTpocniii oitpecTHOCTeri M. KopcyHH. [On the geological structure of the neighbourliood of Korsun.] [1897.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., l(i (2), 1900, Ixxxvii-lxxxviii. 26. K'B reOJIorilT KieBa. [Contribution to the geology of Kiev.] [1897.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 16 (2), 1900, clii-clvi. 27. Kt. Bonpocy o IIocJi'liTpeTiPiiir.ixi. oilpaiso- Baninx'b KieBa. [Contribution to tlie question of the Post-tertiary deposits of Kiev.] [1898.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 17 (1), 1901, xlvii-1. Armasevskij, r[elr\ Ja[korlevic'j, & Antonovic, I'. B. Si'i' Antonovic & Armasevskij. Armelin, GKstoii. La reforme du calendrier. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. K., 1888, 355-363; Astronomic, 1888. 347-349. Armendaris, Kdiiardo. Estudio de los alcaloides vege- talus. Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 8, 1894, 11-29. 2. Apuntes para la dosiiicacidn del tanino en los vegetales. Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 8, 1894, 117-132. 3. Alcaloides de origen animal. [1895.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 8, 1894, 217-254. 4. Notes sur les proprietes physiologiques de quelques preparations pharraaceutiques du Heleninm mexicanum (cbapuz, hierba de las animas, rosilla de Puebla, cabe- zona de Guanajuato). [1896.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 9, 1895, 253-259. 5. Apuntes acerca de una contrahierba de Mexico. [1894.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 380-382. 6. Dosificacion aproximada de la clorofila. [1894.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 382-383. 7. Un nuevo reactivo para la investigacion de los alcalis. [1894.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 424-426. 8. Nota relativa al Amanita muscaria que se cria en los hordes de algunas acequias del distrito federal. [1898.] Mix., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 11, 1897, 71-74. 9. Un caso de triquinosis intestinal. [1899.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 12, 1898, 397-402. 10. Algunas oKservaeioues sobre la valorizacion del aziicar por el licor de Fehlino. [1901.] M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mera., 15, 1900, 361-366. Armendaris, Kdinirdo, & ViUada, ilrnuiel 31. Sec Villada A Armendaris. Armieux, t^uiiis I, ran Ciirille. For biography and works .■•■.'(■ Touli.usc Ac. Sci. Mem., 8, 1886, 479-494, 528-531. Armistead, J. J. Atmospheric and other intluences on the migration of fishes. Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 30-37. 2. The balance of nature in regard to our fisheries. Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 6, 1890, 216-218. 3. Atmospheric and other intlueuces on the migration of fishes, n. S. Fish. Comm. Bull., 13, 1894, 93-99. 4. Fish culture. [1H96.] Koy. Inst. Proc 15, 1899, 39-52. Armistead, ,S[«mj«'/] 11'., Converse, Geonjc J[lliert1, Greene, A[lhni\ S.. .V VTilks, Gilbert. Sec Converse, Oreene, Armistead tV WUks. Armlt, (CVi;)/.) William !■'.. 4. The Papuans : comparative notes on various authors with original observations. [1885.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 2, 1886, 78-116. Armltage, (ht.) [Albert]. Meteorological, magnetic and astronomical observations [in Franz .Tosef Land]. Geogr. Jl., 11, 1898, 130-1.32. Armltage, [Rev.) E^dward^ Appunti suUa flora del- 1' isola di Malta. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 49-5- 500. Armltage, (Hiss) Elennora. Anemopasgma carrerense, II. S2>. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 188-189. 2. Early spring flowers. [1898.] Nature, 57 (1897- 98), 365. 3. Iridescent clouds. [1898.] Nature, 58 (1898), 390; 59 (1898-99), 127. 4. Denbighshire mosses. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 78-80. Armltage, F[Tiiiicis] P[aiil]. The atomic weight of boron. [1898.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 14, 1899, 22-23. Armltage, .7. Li.^tcr. A delicate test for morphine. Pharm. Jl., 18, 1888, 761. Armovir, T[lieodore] R. U'. Genito-urinary organs of a male Jerboa. [1900.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 35, 1901, Ivi-lvii. Arms, (Miss) J[ennie] M[nria]. Clay concretions of the Connecticut river. Canad. Rec. Sci., 4, 1891, 237-241. Arms, {Miss) .7[eiinie] M[aria], & Hyatt, Alpheus. See Kyatt lV' Arms. Armsby, H[enry] P[rentiss]. 6. Contributions from the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Wisconsin. Digestion experiments. Amer. Jl. Sci., 29, 1885, 355-369 ; 30, 1885, 88. 7. On the creaming of milk by the Cooley system. [Amer.] Soc Agr. Sci. Proc, 1885, 49-59. a. Do animals excrete free nitrogen? Science, 5, 1885, 172-174. 9. Errors in digestion experiments. Science, 5, 1885, 292-294. 10. Influences of the nutritive ratio on milk pro- duction. [.\mer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1890, 11-17. Armsby, II[innj] P[reiUiss], & Frear, Williavi. See Frear & Armsby. Armsby, tl[enrii] P[)-en(i.s.s], & Short, F[red] G[arl(ind]. Apparatus for Kjeldahl's method of nitrogen determina- tion. Amer. Chem. Jl., 8 (1886), 323-326. Armstrong, Charles. Physianthus albens. [1889.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 7, 1890, 230-231. Armstrong, K[duard] Frankland. Ueber 9-Aethylharn- siiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2308-2314. Armstrong, E[dward^ Vranldand, & HoS, J[acobns\ ll[iiidrifiis] viin't. See Hoff it Armstrong. Armstrong, /•.'. J. A new shaft governor. Elect. Rev., 37, 1895, 72-73. Armstrong, Georije Frederiek. For biographical notice see Inst. Mech.Engin. Proc, 1900, 621-622; Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1900 {No. 2), 387-388. 3. [Presidential address, Nov. 9th, 1896. Retrospect of the year 1896.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 14, 1898, 18.5-208. Armstrong, Ilenri/ F^[dward]. 25. *Note on the forma- tion and on the constitution of the fulminates. [1883.] Chem. Soc. Jl., 45, 1884, 2.5-27, 721. 26. On the teaching of natural science as a part of the ordinary school course and on the method of teaching chemistry in the introductory course in science classes, schools, and colleges. Chem. News, 50, 1884, 239-242. 27. On the manufacture of gas from oil. No. 1. Pre- liminary note on certain bye-products of the manufacture of gas from oil by the Pintsch process in reliitiou to the question of the conditions under which benzenoid hydro- carbons are formed. Soo. Chem. lud. Jl., 3, 1884, 462- 468. 28. [Presidential address to the Chem. Sci. Sect., Al)i'raeen, Sept. 10.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 94.5-964. 29. Note with reference to the methods proposed for Armstrong! 153 coking; ciial and rpcovcrint! volatile matters. Iron A- Steel Inst. Jl., 1886, 120-12.";. ao. The theory of the interaction of carbon monoxide, water and oxygen gases: a note on Mr. H. B. Dixon'k paper on tlie action of carbonic oxide on steam. Chem. Soc. J!., 4servaiions on the cholera bacillus as a means of positive diagnosis. N. T. Med. Jl., 46, 1887, 546- 547. Armstrong, S.iiniiil Trinl. A' Sachs, I<[emhard], See Sachs lV Armstrone. Armstrons, T[homaii] II[(nry]. The rocket oil-engine. [Willi ditcustion.] [1895.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 10. 1896, 473-478; 11, 1896, 170-171. Armstrong, ll'[illiam] (jun.), & Bird, 11'. ./. The econo- mical working of steam boilers at collieries. [H'ilA discussion.] [1890.] N. £ng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 39, 1892, 60-79. Armstrong, William. For biographical notice see Fed. Inst. .Min. Engin. Trans., 14, 1898. 171-172. Armstrong, William Geori/e Armstrong |/»r(f|. For liio(.'raphv sef Engineers Soc. Tran>., 1900. 269-270; Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 44, 1901, 337-338; Koy. Soc. Proc, 75, 1906, 217-227. 19. On a multiple induction machine for producing high tension electricity, and on some remarkable results obtained with it. [1892.] Kov. Soc. Proc, 52, 1893, 17i-l',il. Armstrone, H'lffiam Georrie Armstrong (Lord), Sc Vavasseur, Josiah. The application of hydraulic power to naval gunnery. [1887.] Naval Architects Trans., 29, 1888, 8-22. Aroaldi, Michele. Sui determiuanti orlati e sullo sviluppo di un determinautc perdeterminauti orlali. Giorn. Mat., 31, 1896, 209-214. Arnao, I'ederico. 'Ensayo sobre el estudio de quisles hemuticos. Santiago dc Chile, Cniv. An., 49, 1877, 216-253. Amand Unj. [.J. D.]. .Assign to this author title (Vol. 1) under Amaad, (1). For biography tee Paris, Soc. G^gr. C. B., 1884. 384-380; Leopoldina, 21, 1886, 56; Geogr. Jbucb., 12, 1888, 351. 20—2 Arnaud] 156 [Arnaud a. *Des orues anuuelles du Nil observ^es au Barrage, depuis 1846 jusqu'en 1862, compjir^es avec celles in- diqu(?cs par le Meqhyas. Inst. Egypt. Mf5m., 1, 1862, 11.5-120. Arnaud, Allhert Leo7i]. Assign to this author entries (I'n;. 9) under Arnaud, . 4. Sur la recherche de I'acide azotique au moyen d'un sel de einchouamine. France Soc. Agr. Bull., 14, 1884, 453-454. 5. Dosage de I'acide nitrique, par precipitation k I'etat de nitrate de cinchonaraine. Application de ce procede au dosage des nitrates contenus dans les eaux naturelles et dans les plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 99, 1884, 190-193. 6. Eecherches sur les matiSres colorantes des feuilles ; identity de la matiere rouge orangS avec la carotine, C18H2JO. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 100, 1885, 751-753. 7. Eecherches sur la composition de la carotine, sa fonction ehimique et sa formule. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 1119-1122. 8. Sur la presence de la cholest^rine dans la carotte ; recherches sur ce principe imm^diat. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 1319-1322. 9. Dosage de la carotine contenue dans les feuilles des v6g(5taux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 104, 1887, 1293-1296. 10. Sur la carotine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 64-69. 11. Sur la matiere cristallis^e active des fltehes empoisonn^es des Qomalis, extraite du bois d'ouabaio. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 106, 1888, 1011-1014; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 451-452. 12. Sur la composition ei<5mentaire de la strophantine cristallisee, extraite du Strophantu,s kombe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 107, 1888, 179-182. 13. Sur la matiere cri.stallisee active, extraite des semences du Strophantus glabre du Gabon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 107, 1888, 1162-1164. 14. Identity du principe actif du Strophantus glabre du Gabon avec I'ouabaiue. [1888.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 10-11. 15. Sur la tanghinine cristallisee extraite du Taughinia venenifera de Madagascar. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 108, 1889, 1255-1257. 16. Eecherches sur la digitaline cristallisee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 109, 1889, 079-681. 17. Eecherches sur la digitaline et sur la tanghinine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 109, 1889, 701-703. 18. Eecherches sur la carotine; son role physio- logique probable dans la leuille. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 109, 1889, 911-914. 19. Eecherches sur la cinchonamine, nouvel alcaloide des quinquinas. Ann. Chim., 19, 1890, 93-131. 20. Sur uu nouvel acide gras non sature de la serie C"H-"-^02. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 79-81. ai. Transformation de I'acide taririque et de I'acide stearoieique en acide st(5arique. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 122, 1896, 1000-1002; Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 82-84. 22. Eecherches sur I'ouabaine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 346-349, 451. 23. Sur les produits de dedoublement de I'duabnine par lydrolyse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 120.S- 1211.' 24. Action des alcalis sur rouabaine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1280-1282. 25. Sur une lieptacetine cristallisee, deriv^e de I'onabaine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1654-1656. 26. Sur lea d(jriv6s nitres resultant de Taction de racidc nitrique sur I'ouaba'ine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 121;, 1898, 1873-1870. Arnaud, A\lbcrt J.i'on], & Brongniart, Clitirle.^ [Jules Edme]. Sur une cigale vesicanle de la Chine et du Tonkin. Paris, Ac. Hci. C. R., 106, 1888, (J07-609. Arnaud, A[lbert Lion], & Cbarrin, Albcil. Recherches chimiques sur les secretions microbiennes. Transforma- tion et elimination de la matiere organique azotSe par le baeille pyocyanique dans un milieu de culture determinee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 112, 1891, 755-758. 2. Eecherches chimiques et physiologiques sur les secretions microbiennes. Transformation et elimination de la matiere organique par le baeille pyocyanique. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. E., 112, 1891, 1157-1160. 3. secretions microbiennes. Leur formation. Apropos de la note de M. Gcinochet. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. Ji.), 495-499. 4. Sulfate de cinchonamine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. li.), 671-672. 5. A propos de la cinchonamine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 744. Arnaud, A[lbert Leon], & Grimaux, Edoiiard, See Grimaux & Arnaud. Arnaud, A[lbert Leon], & Fad6, L[eon]. Eecherche ehimique de I'acide nitrique, des nitrates dans les tissus vegetaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 1488-1490. Arnaud, A[lbert Leon], & Vemeuil, Auguste [Victor Louis]. Sur un nouveau procede d'extraction du caout- chouc contenu dans les ecorces de diverses plantes et notamment des Landolfia. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 259-261. Arnaud, Cluirles. Assign to this author title (Vol. 12) under Arnaud, . For biographical notice see France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 355-356. 2. Lettre [sur la decouverte du Ceterach offioinarum, Willd., var. crenatum, Milde, dans le Lot-et-Garonne]. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, 431-432. 3. Lettre [sur le Ceterach officinarum, rar. crenatum et sublobatum]. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, 208-210. Arnaud, Fr[an<;ois] (notaire). Note sur I'altitude primitive des Alpes dauphinoises. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 389-396. 2. Observations k propos de la discussion sur I'altitude primitive des Alpes dauphinoises. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 544. Arnaud, i'VrtiK/ois (M.D.). Diagnostic de la syringomyeiie. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1890 (Ft. 2), 776-784. 2. Frequence des abces du foie a Marseille. Di- agnostic de I'hepatite suppuree aigue de nos cliraats a foyers multiples. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1891 (Ft. 1), 310. 3. Recherches sur I'urologie du phosphorisme chro- nique cliez les ouvriers des manufactures d'allumettes chimiques. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 35, 1896, 193-223. 4. Les hemorragies des capsules surrenales. Arch, (ien. Med., 186, 1900, 5-65. Arnaud, Frunrois (M.D.), & Alezais, H[enri]. See Alezais & Arnaud. Arnaud, Francois (il/.D.), * Astros, l^eon d\ Recherches des microbes dans les abces du foie ; son importance pour le diagnostic et le traitement. Ass. Franf. 0. &., 1891 (Ft. 1), 310. Arnaud, II\ilaire]. Assign to this author title (Vol. 1) under Arnaud, (2), and Nos. 1, 4, 7 r('s du C'retace Supi^-rieur. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 48, 189B. 2:)1-2:W. 39. (JuclqueH observations sur les Salenia Crc^tacees du «ud-ouest. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 52, 1897, 1-35. 30. Diviaionx naturelles dn C'retac^ Kupi^'rieur au- desBus du Santunien dans Ic sud-oucst et dans la n'nion pyrd'U&'nne. Paris, Soc. UM. Bull., 25, 1897, 670-081. 31. Observations sur le Cidarin p.seudopistillum, Cott. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 53, 1898, lu:i-lil9, 120. 33. BrisBopnenstes aturensis. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Aft.. 53, 1898, 111-118, 120. Arnaud, ll[iluire], & CoBsmann, Maurice. See Coss- mann iV Arnaud. Amaud, Il[iliiirf], & Ziirctaer, Pli[ilippe]. See Ziirctaer iV' Amaud. Amaud, l![ttiri]. Du pli cutan^ persistant. Ass. Franv. C. K., 1889 {I't. 2), 710-720. 3. Le glvcosiiie du sang ou glycogfene h^matiquc. Ass. Franc,'. C. 1!., 1890 {I't. 2), 068-072. 3. Kxperiences pour decider si le cceur et le centre respiratoire ayant cess^ d'agir, sont irrevocablement niorts. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 390-400. 4. Memoire sur la constitution des albuminoide.^. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. K., 112, 1891, 148-151; Jl. Pharm., 23, 1891, 312-313 [Part mily]. 6. Note k propos du diabete. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 1 12. 1891, 244-245. 6. Un ca-s d'anomalie de position da coeur. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. li.), 4-8. 7. Un lapiu avec ectopic artificielle des deux reins. Paris, Soc. Biol. M.5ni., 43, 1891 (C. /?.), 8-10. Amaud, Leopoldo. Expedicion al Chaco. Informe sobre laa observaciones cfectuadas en el Chaco por el gefe do la Comision Cientitica. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 6, 1885. 201-210. Amaud, .U[.), 239-241. 8. Quelques observations sur la lepre en Tunisie; un casdecette atfection traite par les injections de tuberculine. Ann. de l>ermatol.. 7. 1896, 293-298; Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 32, 1898, 40-53. Amaud, 0[dHon Paul Jean], & ZiaftuUle, P[aul Louis]. Ktatistique, i^-tiologie et prophylaxie de la tuberculose diins Vnrmff. Arch. Mtkl. Pharm. Militaires, 35, 1900, 100- I'll, 2.50-294. Amaud da Fabra, [J. Amfd(e\. Assign to this author title {Vol. 9) under Fabra, Amaud de. 3. Note phvsiologique sur I'l-s^-rine. Asg. Fran^. C. n., 1888 (Pi. 1), 213. 3. .Sur Taction convubtivante de I'atropine. Ass. Krim..-. C. I!.. 1887 (/'/. 2(, 852-853. Amaud de Oramont. .^'■■'- Oramont, .irtuiud de. Amaudean, .1. (alcul sans instrument de la distance dun iMiint inaccessible. Rev. .Sci., 39, 1887, 27, 475. Amaudat, . Sur un ri^'tlexe douloureux du (oie dans les etats iufectieux du ventre. Paris, Soc. Biol. Md-m., .50,1898 (C. /(.). 07,■-• Riv. Sci.Ind., 2-5, 1893, 248-2-50; Monitcur Sci-, 8, 1894, 14.5. 13. Ktudes sur les bois tannants. Monitear 8ci., 4, 1890, 91.5-921, 1233-1230. 13. Des njatieres tinctoriales jaunes dues k des prineipcH iinnii^'diats connus et inconnus et des plantes qui les fourniswnt. Moniteur Sci.. 5, 1891, 483—487. 14. De I'algarobille (Ciesjilpinia melanocarpa) de r.^merique UK-ridionale. Ktude du tannin et des autres principes imniiidiats qu'elle contient- Moniteur Sci., 7, 1893, 107-108. 16. Su r les soies v^itales et en particulier le kapok de rinde. (Bombax pentandrum et Kriodeadron anfractuo- sum.) Moniteur Sci., 7, 1893. 095-697- Axna.\xioa,G[ioranm]G.,&VhaUiBi,(i[imeppe]. 3. Sur le .latropha curcas et sur I'huilc qu'il contient. Moniteur Sci., 7, 1893, 447-449. Arnault. See Cbaband-Amanlt. Amd, C\(irl]. Beilnir zur Statistik der Rectamcarcinome. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 32, 1891, 1-92. 3. Ueber die Durcligiiugigkeit der Darmwand einge- klemmter Briiche fiir Mikroorganismen. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 173-176- Amdt, C. 13. Biitzower Salz. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1889, 114-117. 14. SeUenePHanzen der Butzower Flora. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1889, 17-5-187. 16. Abnorme Kartoflelbildung. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch.. 1889, 247-251. Arndt, Georri. .\pparat zum .\ufblasen der Froschlunge iiitni riliim. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 16, 1899, 300-303. Arndt, A'[i/rf], A Knoxra, G[eorg Karl] ton. See Knorrc c^- Arndt. Arndt, Loiiiji. [Beobachtungen der totalen Mond6nsterni>iS 1.^91 Nov. 15. Auf der KOniglichen Steruwarte in Berlin.] Astr. Nachr., 128. 1891. 413-414. 3. [Veber den neuen Stern in Auriga.] Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892. 115. 3. Recherohcs sur le calcul des forces pertorbatrices dans la thi-orie des perturbations s^culaircs. [189.5.] Ncuchiktcl Soc. Sci. Bull, 24, 1896. i-U. 4. Elemcnte und Ephemeride des Planeten 1896 CW. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 405-106. Arndt, .V(i.r. Zur P.erK, -i- Integration af en diflerentialligning. Tklsskr. Math., 3, 188S, 168-175; Fortschr. Math., 1886, 328. Arneberg] 158 [Arno 2. Hovedpuucterne i spectralanalysens udvikling. Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 24, 1885, 321-335, 353-365. 3. Nyere iiigttagelser paa spectralanalysens omraade. Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 27, 1888, (i.)-70. Amell, .-l.r('(. Fenologiska iakttagelser vid Framnas, aren 1877-90. Stockh., Ofvers., 1896, 716-721. Amell, Hlmiipus] Wilhelm. 9. Anmarkningar angiiende Sorbus aucuparia, L., f. minor, Amell. Bot. Notiser, 1884, 1117-108. 10. Bryologiska uotiser frim Vesternorrlands Ian. Bot. Notiser, 1886, 89-94; Bot. Centrbl., 27, 1886, 142. 11. Philonotis mollis, Venturi. Bot. Notiser, 1886, 11,5-110. 12. Bryologiska notiser frun det smiiliindska hog- landet. Bot. Notiser, 1886, 123-129; Bot. Centrbl., 28, 1886, 292. 13. Bryum oblongum, Lindb. ( = Br. Itetum, Lindh.). Bot. Notiser, 1886, 190. 14. Musei Gallise, N" 742. llev. Bryol., 13, 1886, 44. 15. Trichocolea toraeutella (Ehrh.). Bot. Notiser, 1887, 192. 16. Fossila liasselnotter. Bot. Notiser, 1889, 29. 17. Om de skandiuaviska Thyidia tamariseiua. Bot. Notiser, 1890, 73-80; Bot. Centrbl., 45, 1891, 111. 18. Om niigra Jungermannia ventricosa, Dicks., nar- staende lefvermossarter. Bot. Notiser, 1890, 97-104; Lotos, 41, 1893, 113-117. 19. Bryum Funekii, Sckwaegr. Bot. Notiser, 1890, 157-158. 20. Jungermannia medelpadica, .int. Bot. Notiser, 1891, 133-135; Rev. Bryol., 18, 1891, 12-13. 21. Tvenne i norra Smaland funna reliktformer. Bot. Notiser, 1891, 135-136. 22. Om slaktnamnet Porella, Dill., Lindb. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 127-132; Bot. Centrbl. Beihelte, 1893, 494-495. 23. S. F. Gray's lefvermoss-sliikten. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 137-151; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1894, 199-200. 24. Moss-studier. Bot. Notiser, 1894, 49-63 ; 1896, 97-110; 1897, 67-68; 1898, 49-62; 1899, 73-79; Bot. Centrbl., 6U, 1894, 55-56; 69, 1897, 71-72; 76, 1898, 183; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1900, 173. 25. Niigra ord om Botrychium simplex, Hitchc. Bot. Notiser, 1897, 65-66; Bot." Centrbl., 76, 1898, 234. 26. .Musci novi. Rev. Bryol., 25, 1898, 1-9. 27. Bryum (Eucladodium) malangen.se (Kuuriii et Amell), II. sp. Key. Bryol., 25, 1898, 39-40. 28. Bryum (Eucladodium) grandiflorum, H. «/). Rev. Bryol., 26, 1899, 36-37. 29. Beitriige zur Moostlora der Spitzbergischen Inselgruppe. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 99-130. Amell, H[aiii2>uii] Wilhelm, & Jensen, Chr[istiiiii'\. Oncophorus suecicus, n. sp. Rev. Bryol., 22, 1895, 75-76. 2. Ein bryologischer Ausflug nach Tasju. [1895.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 21 (.■!/<(. 3), 1896, No. 10, 64 pp. AmeU, JI[aiiipu.-i] Wilhelm, & I.indberg, .S'Lf.r/»s] 0{Uo]. See Iiindberg & AmeU. AmeU, Kn. Kr. To reference in No. 2 (Vol. 9) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 {Re/.), 47-48. 3. Om tvii isomera /i-monoklornaftalinsulfonsyror. Stockh., Ofvers., 1885, No. 5, 21-28. 4. Action de I'acide suU'urinuc sur la naphtaline monochlori'ie ji. Paris Soo. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 184. Arnesen, Kmily. Beitriige Kur Anatomic und Histologic von Ulocyathus arcticus, Cariophyllia Smithii, Uendro- phyllia ramca und Cladocora cespitosa. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 20, 1898, No. 9, 31 pp. 2. Sjiongier fra den norake kyst. I. Calcarea. Sys- tematisk katalog ined bcmerkninger og bestemmelsestabel. (BestimiMungstafclindeutschcrSprache.) [1901.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1900, No. 5, 46 pp. Arnet, A'. *Regenfall zu Luzern 1861-80. [1881.] Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 383-384. 2. Uebersicht iiber das Gefrieren einiger Seen der Centralschweiz im Winter 1892-93. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1893, 121. Amhart, Ludwiij. 2. *TJeber die Entdeokung des iEcidiums von XJromyoes Genistie tinctoriffi (Pers.). [1883.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 33, 1884 (Sher.), 6. 3. Objektive Psychologie. Biol. Centrbl., 19, 1899, 521-526. Arnheim, Friedrich. For biographical notice see St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 18, 1893, 85-86. Appareil thermo-electrique. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 615. 2. Sur la perspiration cutan^e et la d^perdition de la chaleur chez les individus (enfants) dont la peau a &ti partiellement couverte de vernis. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886. 615-616. Arnbeim, G[eorg]. Coagulationsnekrose und Kernschwund. Virchow, Arch. , 120, 1890, 367-383. 2. Ueber einen Fall von congenitaler halbseitiger Hypertrophie mit angeborenen Bronchiektasien. Vir- chow, Arch., 1.54, 1898, 300-320. 3. Beitrag zur Bacteriologie des Keuchhustens. [190(1.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 31, 1901 (Th. 2), 198-206. Ambeim, Richard. Beitrage zur Theorie der Athmung. .\rch. Auat. Physiol. (Physiol. Ahth.), 1894, 1-50. Arnliold, il/[i/.r]. Zur Kenntniss des dreibasischen Ameisensaureathers und verschiedener Methylale. Liebig's Ann., 240, 1887, 192-208. Aming, FAl[uard\ Ueber das Vorkommen des Bacillus lepne bei Lepra anoesthetica sive nervorum. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Virchow, Arch,, 97, 1884, 170-171. 2. [Bacillus leprffi.] Amer. Micr. Jl., 7, 1886. 199-200. 3. Bericht fiber eine mit Mitteln der Humboldt- Stiftuug unternoramene Keise nach den Sandwichs- Inseln, zur Erforschung der dort herrschenden Lepra. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 1141-1146. 4. Das Inselreich Hawaii und seine Vulkane. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 14, 1887, 193-206. 5. Leprosy. [With discussion.'\ N. Y. Med. Jl., 46, 1887, 501-502. 6. Mittheilungen iiber Lepra. Centrbl. Bakt., 6, 1889, 201-202. Amlng, ¥.d{uard\ & Nonne, .l/[((.r]. Weiterer Beitrag zur Klinik und Anatomic der Neuritis leprosa. Virchow, Arch., 134, 1893, 319-330. Aming, Kd[uard] (et alii). La diffusion actuelle de la lepre en Europe. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 1017-1022. Arn6, Riccardo. Campo elettrico rotante e rotazioni dovute air isteresi elettrostatica. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 284-289. 2. Del campo elettrico rotante. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. I), 179-180. 3. Sulla dissipazione di energia in un campo elettrico rotante e sulla isteresi elettrostatica. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 341-346. 4. Ricerche quantitative sulla dissipazione di energia nei corpi dielettrici in uu campo elettrico rotante. Roma, R. .\cc. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 260-267. 5. Sulla trasparenza dcir ebanite. Torino Aoc. Sci. Atti, 28, 1893, 746-748. 6. Metliode pour annuler les effets de I'inductance dans les circuits parcoiirus par des courants alternatifs. Eclairago Elect., 1, 1894, 537-538. 7. Esperienze con un sistema di condensatori a coibente mobile. Roma, R. Aoc. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 272-278. 8. Sulla leggc della dissipazione di energia nei die- lettrici sotto r azione di cam pi elettrici di dcbole intensity. Homa, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (.S'.'W. 1), 585-589. 9. Sull' impiego dell' elettrometro a quadranti come Arnol Rtrumento diflcrcnziale. Ronin, K. Ate. Lincci Rond. H, 1894 {Sew. 2), 152-156. 10. iSul ritiirilo della polari/xazionc nei diclpttrici. Roma, R. :\cc. Lincei Hciid., 3, 1894 {Sent. 2), 2',)J-298 ; Eclairane Elect., 2 (1896), im)-163. 11. Itotazinni elettrostatichc nei gas rarefatti. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 29, 1894, 635-637; Electrician, 33, 1894, 210-211. 12. La railiazione di Riintokn con tubi di Hittobk ad idroKcno rarefutto. [1H[ernUurd\ \ Lellmann, Eugen [Carl]. See I.ellmann A' Arnold. Arnold, ( //., A PaUerson, A[ndrew] H[enry]. See Patterson A- Arnold. Arnold, Curl. 19. Die Bestimmung des Stickstoffs im Ham nach Kjki.i>ahl. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 4 1884 97-99. ao. Die Ejeldabl'sche Metbode der Stickstoffbestim- mung. Arch. Pharm., 223, 188S, 177-185. ai. Gnindlagen zu einor neuen Stickstoffbcstim- mnngs-methode von allgemeincr Anwendbarkeit. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 806-812. aa. Kurze Methode zur Bestimmung der Chloride im normalen und pathologLwhcn Harne der SSucethiere nnd Menschen, in der Milch und in seriisen Fliissig- keiten. Pfliiger, .\rch. Physiol., 35, 1886, 541-^57. 33. Zur Bestimmung des Stickstoffs in Nitraten und Nitroverbindungen. (Vorliiulige Mitteilung.) Repertm. Anal. Chem., 5, 1886, 41-42. a4. Eine Moilitikation des Will-Varrcntrappschen Kugelapparates. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 5, 1888. 57. as. Die allgemeinere Anwendbarkeit der Kjpldahl'- schen Stickstoffbestimmungsmethode. Arch. Pharm 224, 1886, 785-794 ; Ztschr. Chem. Ind., 1, 1887, 4-6. ' Arnold, Carl, .t VTedemeyer, Konrad. Eine leicht ausfiihrbare Methods d.r Stickstoffbestimmung in Nitraten. Fresenius, Ztseiir. . 31, 1893, 389-392. a. Beitriige zur Stickstoffbestimmung nach Kjeldahl. Fresenius, Ztschr., 31, 1892, 52.5-533. 3. Zur Bestimmung des Hamstickstoffs nach Schneideb-Seeoen und nach KjEi.rAnL. Ptiiiger, Arch. Physiol., 52, 1892. 590-591. 4. Zur Phosphorsaurebestimmuug nach Spic.v. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892. 603-604. Arnold, F.[iitjelbert]. Non-synchronous motor for ordinary alternate currents. Electrician. 30, 1893, 444. l.W [Arnold a. Bin Beitrag zur Berecbnung der WechseUtrom - motorcn. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 42-13. 3. Asynchrone Motoren fiir KCwohnlichen Wcthnel- Htroin. Elektrotfchn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 2.56-258. 4. Phascnregelung bei \Vichw;lstrommotoren. Elek- tri.lechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 579-580. 6. Uebcr die unipolare Induktion und WtcbKelHtrom- maschinen mit ruhenden Wickelnngen. Elektrot«chn. Ztschr., 16, 1896, 1.36-140. 6. Zur Theoric der Weehhelstrommotoren. Elcktro- teehn. Ztschr., 16, 1896, 662. 7. .Mittheiluncen uber die Ankerwickelungi-n der (Miichstronimasehinen. Elektrotecbn. Ztschr., 17,1896, 62-63, 83-86, 104-105. 8. Ucber die Berecbnung und Beurtheilung von Dynamomaschinen fiir Ein- und Mehrpbasenstrom und Gleichstrom. Elektrotecbn. Ztschr., 17, 1896, 730-733, 774-778. 9. Spannungsabfall bei Wecbselstromgeneratoren. Elektrotechii. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 893_>;!»4. 10. Das magnetisch.' Drehfeld. [1899.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 13, 1900 [Sher.), 172-173. Arnold, Eduiird. Uebcr Metbvl- und Aetliyloxalessigester. Liebig's Ann., 246, 1888, 329-338. Arnold, Idii.ird, & vrisUcenos, U'ilhelm. See 'Wlalleenas hinen des friinkischen .lura. Flora, 67, 1884, 65 96. 145-173 227-258, 307-338, 403-434, 549-596, 645-»i64 ; 68, 1886 49-80, 143-176, 211-246, 261. 16. Lichenologi.scbe Ausfliige in Tirol. [1886-98.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 36. 1886 {.ibh.), 61-^8; a7, 1887 (.4W(.), 81-1.50 : 39, 1889 (.4bh.), 249-266; 43. 1894 (Abh.\. 360-407 ; 46, 1896, 101-143 ; 47, 1897. 210-224, .3.5.V395 671-(;77. 16. Lichenologische Fragmcnte. Flora, 70, 1887, 145-164; 71, 1888, 81-95, 107-112. 17. Licbins de I'ile Miijuelon (Amcrique septen- trionale) recueillis par .V. le Dr. Delamabe. Rev. Mycol., 9, 1887, 141-144. 18. Muellerella tballopbila, .4rn. (n. «p.). Flora, 71 1888. 14. 19. Die Licbenen des frankiscben Jura. Regensburg Bot. Ges. Denkschr., 6. 1890, 61 pp. ao. LichenologiscbeFragmente. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 41. 1891, 189-194, 228-231, 272-274; 42, 1892. 117-119, 170-171, 189-192; 43, 1893, 95-99, 137-138; 44, 1894, 81-87, 139-144. 181-1H4. 221-224, 249-2.52; 45 1896 60-63, 106-109, 146-147; 46. 1896, 12»*-131, 176-1h2; 213-220, 24.5-251, 286-292, 326-3.S2, 359-3»i3 ; 49. 1899 56-60, 99-102, 146-149, 17.5-179, 226-229, 270-275. Arnold, F[rederick] H[enry]. Hampshire plants. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 345. a. Lepidium latifolium in Sassei. Jl. Hot., 25 1887, 215. 3. Lathyms tuberosns, L., in Snssei. Essex Natlist., 2. 1888, 170. Arnold, Friedrieh. For biograpbv and works tee .Knat All?... 5, 1890, 397-405: Fortschr. Med., 8 (1890), 61.5- 616; Leopoldina, 26. 1890, 16.>-167. Arnold, G. A. The anterior cranial nerves of Pipa aniericana. Essex Inst. Bull., 25. 1894. 126-134. Arnold, Horace I). Weight of the •• normal " heart in adults. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., 3 1899 174- 184. Arnold, Uahel S. Notes on the flora of the Upper Chemung valley. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888 131-133. Arnold, ./[oAn] ir[i7/i"iim] S[chmidt]. For biographical notice »« N. Y. Med. Jl., 48, 1888. 463. Arnold, John Oliver. Note on Mr. .Vllen'b method for the detection of hop-sabstitut«s in beer. Chem. News 57, 1888, 33. Arnold] 160 [Arnold 2. On the influence of chemical composition on the strength of Bessemer-steel tires. [1888,] Inst. Civ. Engiu. Proc, 95, 1889, 11-5-l.SO. 3. The physical intiueiioe of elements on iron. [With disciissioii.] iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1894 {No. 1), 107- 1.55, 181-2.51. 4. The influence of carbon on iron. [1895.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 123, 1896, 127-162. 5. Estimation of carbon in ferro-chrorae. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 263. 6. The micro-chemistry of cementation. [With dis- cussion.] Iron it Steel In.st. JL, 1898 (No. 2), 18.5-199 ; Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 46, 1898, 66.5-667. 7. The internal architecture of metals. [With dis- russioii.] [1898.] Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trana., 42, 1899. 7-5-86. Arnold, John Olirer, & Hardy, Henry J. The influence of phosphorus on the estimation of chromium in iron and steel. Chem. New.s, 57, 1888, 153-155. 2. New methods for the estimation of sulphur in steel and steel-making iron. Chem. News, 58, 1888, 41-44. Arnold, John Oliver, & Knowles, F[rcd] K. On the permeability of steel-melting crucibles. [With discussion.] Iron A Steel Inst. Jl., 1897 (No. 1), 77-88. Arnold, John Olix;cr, & la'William, Andreio. The diffusion of elements in iron. [With discussion.} Iron <$: Steel Inst. Jl., 1899 (Nu. 1), 85-129. Arnold, Joint Oliver, & Bead, A[rthur] A[very]. The chemical relations of carbon and iron. Chem. Soc. Jl., 65, 1894, 788-801. 2. The conditions in which carbon exists in steel. [1894.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 10, 1895, 105-106. Arnold, Jolm P. The dependence of the tonus of the muscles of the bladder in rabbits on the spinal cord. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 902. Arnold, John P., & Asher, Leon. See Asber & Arnold. Arnold, Julius [Friedrielt]. 41. Ueber Kern- und Zell- theilung bei acuter Hyperplasie der Lymphdriisen und Milz. Virchow, Arch., 95, 1884, 46-69. 42. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber die Theilungsvor- giinge an den Knochenmarkzellen und weissen Blutkorpern. Virchow, Arch., 97, 1884, 107-131. 43. Ueber Kerntheilung und vielkernige Zellen. Virchow, Arch., 98, 1884, 501-511. 44. Ueber das Vorkommeu "heller" Muskeln beim Menschen. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Festschr., A, 1886, 1-18. 45. Ueber Theilungsvorgiinge an den Wanderzellen, ihre progressiven und regressiveu Metamorphosen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 30, 1887, 205-310. 46. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber Kern- und Zell- theilungen in der Milz ; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der von der typische Mitose abweichenden Kerntheilungsvorgiinge. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 31, 1888, 541-564. 47. Ueber behaarte Polypen der Raohen-Mundhohle und dcren Stellung zu den Teratomen. Virchow, Arch., Ill, 1888, 176-210. 48. Bemerkungen einesBeteiligten iiber Spiralfaseru und pericelluliire I'adennetze an den tianglienzellen des Sympathicus. Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 2U4-207. 49. Die (Jeschicke des eingeathmeten Metallstaubes im Korper. Beitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 1-20. 50. Ueber angeborene einseitige Nierenschrumplung mit Cystenbildung. Beitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 21-28. 61. Das Vorkommen und die Bedeutung der treien Kugelthromben im Herzen. Beitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 29-37. 52. Ein Fall von glykogenhaltigem Myoma strio- cellulaream Hoden. Beitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 109-117. 53. Ein knorpelhaltiges angeborenes Fibrom des Scheitels mit Hypertrichosis. IJeitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 118-122. 54. Zwei Fiille von primarem Angiosarcom der Leber. Beitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 123-139. 55. Acromegalie, Pachyacrie oder Ostitis. Ein anatomischer Bericht iiber den Fall Hagner I. Beitr. Path. Anat., 10, 1891, 1-80. 56. Ueber riickliiufigen Transport. Virchow, Arch., 124, 1891, 385^08. 57. Gehirn, Eiickenmark und Schadel eines Hemi- cephalus von dreitiigiger Lebensdauer. Beitr. Path. Anat., 11, 1892, 407^40. 58. Ueber "combinirte" Erkrankung der Striinge des Riickenmarkes. Virchow, Arch., 127, 1892, 18-32. 59. Altes und Neues iiber Wanderzellen, insbesondere deren Herkunft und Umwandlungen. Virchow, Arch., 132, 1893, -502-529. 60. Ueber die Geschicke der Leukocyten bei der Fremdkorperembolie. Virchow. Arch., 133, 1893, 1-17. 61. Myelocyste, Transposition von Gewebskeiaien uud Sympodie. Beitr. Path. Anat., 16, 1894, 1-28. 62. Weitere Beitriige zur Akromegaliefrage. Vir- chow, Arch., 135, 1894, 1-78. 63. Ueber angeborne Divertikel des Herzens. Vir- chow, Arch., 137, 1894, 318-329. 64. Zur Morphologie und Biologie der Zellen des Knochenmarks. Virchow, Arch., 140, 1895, 411-448. 65. Zur Techuik der Blutuntersuchung. Centrbl. Path., 7, 1896, 70.5-708; 8. 1897, 294-295. 66. Ueber die feinere Struktur der hiimoglobinloseu und hiimoglobinhaltigen Knochenmarkzellen. Virchow, Arch., 144, 1896, 67-85. 67. Zur Morphologie und Biologie der rothen Blut- korper. Virchow, Arch., 145, 1896, 1-29. 68. Ueber die Herkunft der Blutpliittcheu. Centrbl. Path., 8, 1897, 289-294. 69. Die corpusouliiren Gebilde des Froschblutes und ihr Verhalten bei der Gerinnung. Virchow, Arch., 148, 1897, 470-500. 70. Zur Morphologie der extravascularen Gerinnung. Virchow, Arch., 150, 1897, 444-470. 71. Ueber Structur und Architectur der Zellen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., .52, 1898, 134-151, 535-552, 762-773. 72. Kritische Bemerkungen iiber Flem.ming's " Faden- geriistlehre." Anat. Anz., 15, 1899, 400-404. 73. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber "vitale" Granula- fiirbung. Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, 568-572. 74. W. Flemming und die " Mitomlehre." Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, 6U7-615. 75. Ueber die sogenannten Gerinnungscentren. Centrbl. Path., 10, 1899, 313-316. 76. Der Farbenwechsel der Zellgranula, insbesondere der acidophilen. Centrbl. Path., 10, 1899, 841-846. 77. Zur Morphologie der intravasculiiren Gerinnung und Pfropfbildung, Virchow, Arch,, 155, 1899, 165-197. 78. Ueber Granulafiirbung lebeuder uud iiberlebender Leukocyten. Virchow, Arch., 157, 1899, 424—437. 79. Siderofere Zellen und die " Grauulalehre." Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 346-354. 80. Die Demonstration der Nervenendausbreitung in den Papilloe fungiformes der lebenden Froschzunge. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 517-519. 81. Gvanulabilder an der lebenden Hornhaut und Nickhaut. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 4.5-47. 82. " Fettkornchenzellen " und "Grauulalehre." Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 385 391. 83. Ueber " vitale" Granulafiirbung in den Knorpel- zcllen, Muskelfasern und Ganglienzellen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 55, 1900, 479-488. 84. Ueber Graimlafiirbung lebender und iiberlebender Gewebe. Vircliow, Arch., 159, 1900, 101-116. 85. Ueber Siderosis und siderofere Zellen, zugleich ein Beitrag zur "Grauulalehre." Virchow, Arch., 161, 1900, 284-310. Arnold, N. 4, Apum mohilcviensium species parum Arnold] Kil [Arnoux cognitiB vel imperfcote desoriptiD. Soo. Ent. Bohh. Horio, m, 1886, 282-287 ; 22, 1888, 202-200 ; 28, 1894, i(;i-i78. Arnold, St. Ucber oincn knorpcl- und knochenliaHiK>'ii Tumor dor Brustdrtiso. Virchow, Arch., 148, 1897, 419- ir,ii. Arnold, 'I'll. Mittheilun(!en iiber 400 Staar-Opcrationen, ausniliilirt von I'rof. O. Haaii an Kranken der Ziirieher Univcreitiits- und Bciner I'rivat-AuRenkliuik. Arch. AuRenhoilk., 25, 1892, 41-10!) ; Arch. Ophthalm., 22, 1893, 4Ci2-474. Arnold, r. Kin BeitriiK zur Spektroskopie des Blutcs. Cintrl>l. Med. Wiss., 37, 1899, 4G5-408. 3. Ueber dasncutraluUiinmtinspcktrum. (Ein Bcitra^' zur Spektroskopie des Blutcs.) [IB'J'.I.J Centrbl. Med. WiBR., 37, 1899, 833-836, 849-851 ; Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 2!), 1900, 78-8."). Arnold, II'. Uebev Luminescenz fester Korper mit Heriickfliclitisun},' der WirkiuiK vim RontHen-Strahlen. [IWIG.] Ztsclir. Elektroch., 1895-96, 602-G04. a. Ueber Luminescenz. [1896.] Ztschr. Krvst., 27, 1897, 92-93. S. Ueber Luminesceuz. Ann. Phys. Chem., 61, 1897, 313-329. 4. Einttuss der Luminescenz der Antikathode auf Ansscndung der EontKen-Strahlen. Erlanuen Phys. Med. Soc. Sbor., 30, 1899, 25-26. Arnold-Bemrose, ll[enrij] H[iiife]. On the Derbyshire tciailstonc. lirit. Ass. Kep., 1893. 780-781. a. On the microscopical structure of the Carboni- ferous dolerites and tufis of Derbyshire. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 50, 1894, 6(13-643. 3. Discovery of mammalian remains in the old river- pravcls of tlie lierwent near Derby. Geol. Soc. Quart. ,11., 52, 1896, i;t7-.500. 4. On a iiunrtz-rock in the Carboniferous limestone of Derbyshire. Geol. Soo. Quart. Jl., 54, 1898, 169-182. 5. Geology of the .Vshbourne and Buxton branch of the London and North Western Eailway : Ashbourne to Crake Low. Geol. Soc. Quart. .Jl., 55, 1899, 224-237. 6. On a sill and faulted inlier in Tideswell dale (Derbyshire). Geol. Soc. Quart. .71., .55, 1899, 2.39-249. 7. On the petropraphy of the rocks of Congleton Edge. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 55, 1899, 556-.559. 8. A sketch of the geology of the Lower Carboniferous rooks of Derbyshire. With special reference to the long excursion of 1899. [1899.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 16, 1900, 16.5-221. viii. Arnold-Bemrose, Ii[ennj] U[oice], & Hind, Wheelton. Long excursion to Derbyshire. [1899.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 16, 1900, 221-225. Amoldl, \'[lBCiuocTBi. II nCn, iciMiiii'iiiii mvkii iipii p:i.'iBiiTiii ni. ucn ll.l IwilCBUXI. ijiopMI, ri)ll60BL. (On the hygrosco- picity of Kumc substances and on a change which takes place in flour during the development in it of some fungus forms.] Kazan Univ. M<.m., 1898 {I't. 10), 11.5- 144, (Pi. U), 65-96, (/•(. 12), 1-32; 1899 {I't. 1), 127- 144, (7'f. 4), 21-36. (/'/.. 5 A- 6), 1-26. Amonc, l.uigi, ii Colaed, Vincemo L. Set Coined aiinl!an;i,le. Ztschr. Biol., 20, 1890, 434-451. Amsperger, Huns. Ueber verastelte Knochenbildung in der Lunge. Beitr. Path. Anat., 21, 1897, 141-171. 2. Zur Lehre von den sogenannteu Dermoidcysten des Ovarium. Virchow, Arch., 156, 1899, 1-36. Amst, Th[eodur], & Hart, Ferdinand. Zusammensetzuug eiiiigc'r Gowiirze. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 136. Amst, 'rii[ei>di)r], & Zincke, [Ernst Carl] Th[eo OKOH-iaHiflxi uepBOBi) bt. porOBIIU't. [Contribution to the question of the nerve- endings in the cornea.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 20, 1889, 1.5-34. 12. Die Endapparate der Geschmaeksnerven. [1892.] Biol. Centrbl., 13, 1893, 444-445. 13. Die Nervenendigungen in deu Schmeckbechern der Sauger. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 41, 1893, 195-218. 14. Zur Morphologic der sekretorischen NeiTenend- apparate. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 410-419. 15. Mop(l(O.Iorifl II Me;uiHinia. [Morphology and medicine.] [1895.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1897 {Pt. 1), 23 pp. 16. Ueber secretorische und sensible Nervendapparate im Epithel. Congr. Int. Med. C. B., 1897 {Vol. 2, Sect. 1), 18-22, {Vol. 7), xliv. Amstein, liohert. Ueber die Bestimmung der Xanthin- basen im Harn. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 23, 1897, 417- 430. 2. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung der Xanthin- basen im Harn. (Vorliiufige Mitteilung.) Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 36, 1898, 257-258. Arntz, F[mil\ Bredt, [Conrad] J[uUus], & ■H.&Xtt, A[lfred]. See Bredt, Arntz ct HeUe. Amy, H[enni] J'[ineconic]. Parthenium hysterophorus. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 69, 1897, 169-180. Amy, H [en r I/] V[inecouie], & Hatcher, R[obcrl] A. See Hatcher & Amy. Axny,H[enry] V[inccome], & WaUach, Otto. See WaUacli & Amy. Aro, J. £. Ueber Hadeua Maillardi, jcir. kuusamoeusis, St(n(d. [1900.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Feun. Medd. 27, 1901, 46-50. Aron, [Theodor]. 2. [Versuche mit Coca'in als locales Aniistheticum.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1885, 376-378. Aron, E[7nil]. Ueber einen Versueh, den intrapleuralen Druck am lebenden Menschen zu messen. Virchow, -■Vrch., 126, 1891, 517-533. 2. Ueber einen Versueh, die Spannung der Luft in der Trachea des lebenden Menschen zu messen. Virchow, Arch., 129, 1892, 426-435. 3. Ueber die Einwirkung verdichteter und verdiinnter Luft auf den intratraehealen Druck beim Meuschen. Virchow, Aich., 130, 1892, 297-306. 4. Zur Casuistik der Halsrippen. [1892.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 23, 1893 {Th. 2), 166-173. 5. Ueber den intrapleuralen Druck beim Ventil- Pueumothorax. Virchow, Arch., 131, 1893, 370-374. 6. Plethj'smographische Untersuchungen der Athem- bewcgungen des Menschen. Virchow, Ai'ch., 132, 1893, 408-427. 7. Graphische Darstellung einigor Athmungstypen des Menschen. Virchow, Arch., 137, 1894, 178-190. 8. Ueber die Einwirkung barometrisch verschiedener Luftarten auf deu intrapleuralen und den Blut-Druck bc'i Kaninchen. Virchow, Arch., 143, 1896, 399-412. 9. Experimentelle Studien iiber den Pneumothorax. Vircliow, Arch., 145, 1896, 562-581. 10. Eiitgognuiig auf einige Bemerkungen des Herrn Dr. Sackuu: Weiteres zur Lehre vom Pneumothorax. Virchow, Arch., 150, 1897. 583-586. 11. Die Lungen- Ventilation bei Aenderung des Ath- mosphiireii-Druckes. Virchow, Arch., 157, 1899, 550- 557. Aron] 103 [Aronstein 13. Der iiitraplciiralo Druck bcim Icbonrlon, gcsunden Menschen. Virchow, Arch., 100, 1900, ■22fi-234. 13. Die Meclmiiik des (^eKclilossi'Mi-n PiH-uiiiothorux beiin MenHclieii. Virchow, Arcli., llil, 1900, .'il!!)-.'i77. Aron, II[fnnann\. 12. Ucher einoii iiitifn Klektri/.i- tiUHZithlcr. Eltktrotechn. Ztsclir., .5, 1884, IHCMB'J. 13. Ueber cine nciic clektrirtche Uhrt'nrcgulirung. Elcktrotfclin. ZtHchr., 7, 1886, Sija-SUO. 14. Drehstromziihlcr. Elcktrotcchn. Ztschr., 13, 1892, 1!)3. 15. Vi-rvollkommnetcr Uhrenziihler. Elcktrotcchn. Ztschr., IH, 1897, 872-375. 16. Eluktricitiitsziihler fiir Akkumulatorenbetrieb. ElL-ktrotechn. Ztschr., 19, 1898, r,r,d-J61. Arone, (liovnnni I), d'. Iiitorno iid uii teurcma di Tciiii- iiYciiKW. Giorn. Mnt., 21), 1888, t'>l-G4. 2. I'll theori^nic 8ur lc8 fonctionB harmoniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1892, 105.5-10.57. 3. Sur 1111 thcoriime relatif aux fonctiona harmoni(|ni's dc phisiiiirs variables rC-clles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, :U2 :il5. Aronbelm, 1:. 14. *Ueber das Zinnphenylchlorid uiid .stiiif Uirivate. Ueutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877,"l38-l.S9. Arons, I.fo [Martin]. Hcstiiiimung der Verdet'schen Con- staiite in absolutcm Maass. Ann. Phys. Chem., 24, 1886, 1G1-1H2. 2. Interforenzstreifen im Spectrum. Ann. Phys. Chcni., 24, 1885, 669-070. 3. VerdiinnunKswiirme und Warmecapacitiit von Salzliisungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 25, 1886, 40.S-416. 4. Methode zur Messung der electroraotorischen Gcgeiikraft ini clectiischen Liohtbogen. Ann. I'liys. Chem., 30, 1887, 9.")-'.i9. 6. Ucbor don eluctrischen Riickstand. Ann. Phys. Chem., 35, 1888, 291-311. 6. Beobachtungen an electrisch polarisirten Platin- spiogclii. B.rlin Ak. Sber., 1890, 969-973; Ann. Phv.s. Chem., 41, 1890, 473-483. 7. Ein clcctrolytischer Versuch. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1891, G7-08 ; Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 383-384. 8. Eiu Demonstrationsversuch mit electrischen Schwingungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, .553-559. 9. Versnche iiber eleotrolvtische Polarisation. Ann. Phys. Chem. {Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1892), 46, 1892, 169-171. 10. Ueber einen Quccksilberlichtbogen. Ann. Phys. Ch.ra. (lierlin Phys. Ge.f. IVr/i., 1892), 47.1892, 767-771. 11. Ueber Diolectricitiitsconstauten fester, und op- tisclie Brechiingsexponenten, geschmolzener Salze. Ann. Phys. Chem.. 53, 1894, 95-108. 12. Ueber den electrischen Liohtbogen. Ann. Phj's. Chem., 57, 1896, 18.5-200. 13. Ueber die Polarisationserscheinungcn an diinnen Metallmembranen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 57, 1896, 201- 208. 14. Ueber den Liohtbogen zwisohcn Quecksilber- electroden, Amalpamen und Legirungen. Ann. Phys. Cliem., .58, 1896, 73-95. 16. Ueber die Deutung der Polarisationsersoheinnngen an diinnen Metallmembranen. .Vnu. Phys. Chem., 58, 1896, 080-690. 16. Bemerkung iiber die TemjieraturverhiiltDisse an den Electrodeu von Quecksilberbogenlampen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 02, 1897, 569-570. 17. Ueber dt-n Extrastrom bcim Unterbrechen eines electrischen Stromkreises. Ann. Phys. Chem., 63, 1897, 177-182. 18. Mikroskopische Beobaehtung von Wechseloon- taoten (Cohiirer). .^^nn. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, .567-571. 10. Einfache analytische Behandlung eines sche- niatisclien Ealles electromagiietischer Schirmwirkung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, 590-^594. 20. Eiu ueuer elcctromagnetischer Saitenunterbre- oher. Ann. Phys. Chem., 66, 1898, 1177-1179; 67, 1899, 682. 21. Ui'bcrden Lichtlxigen zwischen MetallelcUtrodeu. Deutsch. .Vatf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Uiil/le 1), 61-62. 22. Ueber den elektrisohen Liclitbugeii zwiHchen .Mitiillclcktroden in StickstofI und WaBgerstoff. .^nn. I'liys., 1, 1900, 70» [.Murtin], ii Cohn, Emit. Sr. Cohn ,V' Arona. Arons, f.en [Martin], 4 Bnbens, Ileinrich. Ueber die ForlpllanzungsgcBciiwindigkeit eltctriacher Wellcn in isolircnden Flussigkciten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 42, 1891, .581-592. 2. FortpllanzungBgeschwindigkeit elcctrischer Wellen in cinigcn (eaten Isulatoren. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 206-213. 3. Bemerkung zur Abhandlung des Hm. Waitz iiber die MesHung der I'ortptlnnzungsgescbwindigkcit elec- triscber Wellen in vorschiedcnen Diclectricig. Ann. Phvs. Chem., 4.5, 1892, 381-383. Arontohn, Eil[uard Hermann]. 'Bcitriige zur Phypiologie di? (ieruchs. [1883.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phytiol. .Uilh.). 1884, 163-107. 2. Ueber elcktrische GeruchHempfindunK. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phytiol. Abth.), 1884. 460-405. 3. Experimentelle Uutersuebungcn zur Pbysiologie des Geruchs. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phytiol. Abth.), 1886, 321-3.57. 4. Die elcktrische Gerncbsempfindnng. Ncae BeweiBC. Ceiitrbl. Med. Wiss., 20, 1888, 370-373. Aronsotan, Kd[niiril Ili-rmanii], & Baclia, J[uliiu]. Ein WiCniiecentrum im Grosshirn. [1884.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiul. Ahlh.), 1886, 106. 2. Zur Gescliichte des sogenannten Wjirmecentrums im Grosshirn. Ccntrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1886, 882. 3. Die Beziehungen des Gehirns zur Kiirjierwiirme und zuni Fieber. Experimentelle Untersuchungen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 37, 1886, 232-301, 62.5-026. Aronson, Hans. Ueber Apnoe bei Kaltbliitcrn und neuge- liDiiiun Siiugethieren. .Arch. .Vnat. Physiol. (Phytiol. Ahth.}, 1885, 267-274. 2. Ueber die Anwendung des Gallein zur Fiirbung des Centralnervensysteras. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 28, 1890, 577-579, .593-595. 3. Ueber die antiseptischen Eigenschaften des Form- aldebvds. [1892.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 23, 1893 (Th. 2), 143-151. 4. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Diphtherie und die ininiunij-irende Substanz des Blutserums. [1893.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 24, 1894 [Th. 2), 8S-109. 6. Ueber die antisepti.schen Eigenschaften des poly- merisirten Formaldehyds und die inm-rliche .\nwendung desselben. Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 1397. 6. Immimisirungs- und Heilvtrsuche bei der Diph- therie mittelat .Antitoxin. Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 1953-1955, 2001-2003, 2040-2049. 7. Ueber eiiie neuc Methode zur Dcsinfection von grossiren Riiumen mittels Formalin. Ztschr. Hyg., 25, 1897, 168-178. 8. Zur Biologieder Tulwrkelbacillen. [1898.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb.. 29, 1899 (Th. 2(, 217-222. Aronstein, I.[ouig]. & HoUeman, A[mold] ^X''"''^'''''']' Ueber das Stilben. BitIim. Cluni. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2831-2834. 2. Ueber die dirccte Ueberfiihrung Ton Derivateo des Acetylens in die des .Aetfaylens durch .addition von Wasserstoff. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22. 1889. llsl- 1184. Aronstein, L[i>mi<], it Keilinlzcn, Sijtze Hero. OuJer- zoekinpen over bet niiileoulairijewicht van de zwavel volgrns de kookpunt-smelbode. [1898.] Amsterdam, Ak. Veih. (Sect. 1). 6. 1899, Xo. 3, 50 pp.; Arch. Seer- laud.. 3, 1900, 89-130. 21—2 Ai'osemena] 164 [Arrhenius Arosemena, C. C, & MaBon, William P[itt]. See Mason A Arosemena. Arozarena, Domivgo G. de. *Investigaciones relativas al at,'ua de la Zanja.' Habana Ac. An., 11, 1874, 110-114. Arozarena, Rafael M. de. The Guadalajara electric-light installation, utilizing the famous Juanacatlau water- falls, 28 km. distant from Guadalajara. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 29, 1893, 68'J-694. Arpin, H. Marcel. Die Analyse des Mehles. [1896.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 113-114. Axppe, Adolf Edvard. For biography and list of works see Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 594; Leopoldina, 30, 1894, 1.54; Helsingfors, Acta, 20, 1895, No. 12, 24 pp. Arqiiistade, [eapit.) d\ Exploration de la bale Saint-Franijois dans I'archipel du Cap Horn, au mois d'avril 1715. [Note r(5dig^e par M. R. de Caefort, lieutenant de vaisseau.] [Posth.] Ann. Hydrogr., 6, 1885, 226-232. Arraez y Carries, [Jose Joaquin]. Piel y sistema piloso de los delincuentes andaluces. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 25, 1896 (Act.), 77-79. 2. Datos para el estudio antropol6gico del delincuente espaiiol. La oreja en los delincuentes andaluces. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 26, 1897 (Act.), 79-80. Arragon, H[enri]. 2. Contribution 4 I'litude comme topique s^datif de la decoction de valeriane. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 605-606. Arrault, PauUn. Sondage au lieu dit le Petit-Chfiteau prfes de I'Etablissement des Boues a Saiut-Amand. Nord Soc. G(5ol. Ann., 13, 1886, 329. Arreola, Jose Maria. Observatorio meteorolbgioo del Seminario de Zapotlan (Ciudad Guzman), Jal. Datos de los temblores, erupciones, lluvias y otros fenomenos notables observados en Zapotlan Mex. Obs. Bol., 3, 1890, 307-308. 2. Observaciones del volcan de Colima, 1896 [y 1897]. Uix. Obs. Bol., 1896, 4, 19-20, 36-37, 47-48, 63, 80-81, 95, 110-111, 137, 143, 164-166; 1897, 9, 14, 24, 29, 34, 51, 67, 82, 123. 3. El volcan de Colima. M(5x. Obs. Bol., 1896, 10. 4. Observatorio meteorologieo y vulcanol6gico del Seminario Conciliar de Colima. Mex. Obs. Bol., 1896, 10-11. Arrer, Maximilian. Ueber die Bedeutung der Couvergenz- und Accommodations-Bewegungen fiir die Tiefenwahr- nehmung. Phil. Stud., 13, 1898, 116-161, 222-304. ArrheniuB, Axel. [Niigra friin Finland hittills icke kiinda Viola-hybrider. Einige fiir die Flora Finnlands neue Yiola-Bastarde.] [1887.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 15,1888-89,211-212; Bot. Centrbl., 34, 1888, 91-92. 2. Om Polygonum Rayi. Bab., f. borealis, A. Arrh., n. f. [1891.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 16,' 1888-91, 190-191. 3. Om Stellaria hebecalyx, Fenzl, och St. ponojensis, A. Arrh., n. sp. [1891.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 16, 1888-91, 192-198. 4. Frosthiirdighet hos Senecio vulgaris, L. [1892.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 19, 1893, 21-22, (Res.) 171. 5. Vaccinium Myrtillus, var. leucocarpum, Diiiitort., och dess forekomst i Finland. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 19, 1893, 96-99. 6. Tviinne floristiska smimotiser. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 19, 1893, 115-118. 7. Sparganium speirocephalum, Neam., och dess forekomst i Finland. Helsingfors, Fauna FUora Fenn. Medd., 19, 1893, 143-144. 8. Niigru anmiirkningsviirda Salix-hybrider frim siJdra Finland. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 21, 1895, 88-89. 9. Om Geum Btrictuni och dess utbredning i Finland. 11897.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 24, 1900, 15, (Rgs.) 191. lO. Epilobium montanum x palustre och dess fore- komst i Finland. [1899.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 26, 1900, 38-41. Azrhenius, Johan {Fehr\ For biography and works see l!ot. Notiser, 1889, 177-178; Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 11, 1889, 440-441. Arrhenius, Svante [August]. 4. Ueber die Giiltigkeit der Clausius-Williamson'schen Hypothese. Beleuchtung einiger von Hrn. Dr. Hans Jahn gemachten Einwiirfe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 49-52. 5. Recherches sur la conductibilite galvanique des electrolytes. [1884.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 8, 1883-84, No. 13, 63 pp.. No. 14, 89 pp.; Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 83-84, 303. 6. Bidrag till fragan om fluiditetens inverkan pa elektrolyters galvaniska ledningsformaga. Stockh., Ofvers., 1885, No. 6, 121-131; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 344-348. 7. [On electrolysis in its physical and chemical bearings.] [Tr.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 310-312. 8. [Recherches sur la conductibilite galvanique des Electrolytes. Reply to critical analysis by Oliver Lodge.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 384-387. 8. Viscosity and conductivity. [Tr.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 387-388. 10. Undersokningar angaende blandningars elektriska ledningsformaga. [1886.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 12 (Afd. 1), 1887, No. 5, 32 pp. 11. Ueber das Leitungsvermogen von Mischungen ans wasserigen Saurelosungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 30, 1887, 51-76. 12. Forsok att berakna dissociationen (aktivitetsko- efficienten) hos i vatten losta kroppar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 405-414; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 631- 648. 13. Ueber additive Eigenschaften der verdiinnten Salzlosungen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 561-575. 14. Ueber die innere Reibung verdiinnter wasseriger Losungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 285-298. 15. Ueber das Leitungsvermogen der phosphoresci- renden Luft. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 1), 1888, No. 7, 29 pp. 16. Einfluss der Neutralsalze auf die Reaetions- geschwindigkeit der Verseifung von Aethylacetat. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 2), 1888, No. 2, 30 pp. ; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 110-133. 17. Ueber die Einwirkuug des Lichtes auf das elektrische Leitungsvermogen der Haloidsalze des Silbers. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (.ibth. 2), 831-837. 18. Reply to Prof. Armstrono's criticisms regarding the dissociation theory of electrolysis. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 352-355. 19. Elektrolytische dissociatie. Maandbl, Nat., 1888, 61-69. 20. Ueber den Einfluss der Sonnenstrahlung auf die elektrischen Erscheinungeu in der Erdatmosphiire. Meteorol. Ztschr., 5 (1888), 297-304, 348-360. 21. Ueber das Leitungsvermogen der beleuchteten Luft. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 31-37. 22. Theorie der isohydrischen Losungen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 233-247; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 284-295. 23. Ueber den Gefrierpunkt verdiinnter wasseriger Losungen. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 (.-ifd. 1), 1889, No. 9, 23 pp. 24. La theorie moderne d? la constitution des solu- tions i^lectrolytiques. Lum. Elect., 33, 1889, 401-407, 458-466, 513-519, 563-567. 25. Electrolytic dissociatioh versus hydration. Phil. Mag., 28, 1889, 30-38. 26. Ueber die Gleicligewichtsverhaltnisse zwischen Elektrolyten. Stockh., Ofvers., 1889, 619-015. 27. Eiufache Ableitung der Beziehnng zwischen Arrheniusl o.sraotischcm Uruck und Krnicdrigun« der IJai,.„f 38. IJebei die DiH»ociation«wiirme imd den l-;infln„B /.|^cl,r. I hysikal. Chem., 4, 1889, 9ti-U(i; 9, 1892, 339- Inw^,- ,."*''" If, ^'^'''"'«"»S''«chwindigkeil bei der 1 ' ^r" Kohrzucker durch Sauren. Ztschr I'l.y.sikal. Chcm., 4, 1889, 2-2G-24H ' I89^o°"o0i-!^yr '"""*'""■' '•'' '""'• ^'"■"- ^^'^'- •«. Hal/dani,,fen lu der Bunsenllammf. VorliiufiJ Vii theduHK. [1890.] Wion, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 (&. ^;1; 32. Ueber die Leitung vou Elektricitiit durch huiaae Spectral , men auf die Interferen.erscheinunKen.l An 1 liys. Chem., 44, 1891, 383-;M4. -■ 34 Bcmerkunge.i zu Hr.i. .T. Tiudbe's Kritik der Hypothese der elektrolytischen DiBs.,ciat on Berlin Cliem. Cle.s. Ber., 24, 1891, 224-231 i^trlin, 35. Bemerkungcn liber'cinige" gegen die Hvuotl.Ps,. der elekuol.vt,sohen l)i.,sociation frhobenL wlnde Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 22.5.^-2264 '''""'""*^- 36. La coiuluctibilite des sels vaporiads dans la flamme d'un bee Bnnsen. Lum. Elect. 39, 1891, 501- r>^-uS!%i\^. electric conductivity of hot gases. .. n°i," ^^J"e''^"'.'«'^n ='•" Herrn E. Wiedemanns Aufsatz Di!:!da[;:!;'=;:onli^ri:3f,t;;ci^t"'^"^f'^" Stockh., Ofvers., 1892. 4,sn94 '^""'"^'''^'-'itsvei-si.chen. P,t?; r''^" '''«,H"'"«'^^'' '^'•■^ Bewei.es von Hen-n I .A.scK fur das van 't Hofifsche Gesetz. Ztschr Pl.vBilr«l Chem., 9, 1892, 330-334 -^iscni. i-hysikal. ^Ki^;^j;:T^^r.^T;liSr ''••-•«= sls-^w 5? 1 «?' 'T W'-: Skand. Natf. lorh., 1892 Of";., ?893, 95-124.'" ™" Alkalisalzen. Stockh., ni.^b," ^^^f- '''" ^'foportionalitiit zwisclicn Gefrier P> ".^'7""^<'''1""g ""'' osmotischem Druck. Ann Ibys. Chem., ol, 1894, 49:^-499 • Of";., S'6l4r«""""^' ^"'"" P""<='P- stockh., 46. Ueber die Hydrolyse von Salzcn schwacber ir'mr'or^ir"""'""^"- ^'-''^- PKvsik:rchet : ve?.^: li^a'i'^t ^:t'^'- ^^"'-''- ^«"- |le.chzeu>ge Veranderung des Gehaltes der Luft a »iiurLharts"'n^,7 ^"'^t'' ''^'^ «'»"'^P''S>ischen Kohlen- 16.5 [Arrigoni degli Oddi 317-3^ • ''^ ''P= ^'*'''- ''''■^•»''"''- Chem., 28. mm! 68. LeH oscillations s^ulaires de U temiM5ratnrP A 1,. T« y rA '^'f'^'"- '^''-'''troch.. 1899-1900, 10-1 O"-.. i;M".5r5 5^"""' "^^ Nordlichter. Stockh., a. Notizie ed osservazioui fa'ttc dall' aeosto al Ai veneto^ [1886.] P^adova, Soc. ^l^^B^lut^l^^',;,]: inf .d:;:tv^;rs^':ri^n^Sr^l: :;s: 'i^"' ri^V 1^ P t"'''^' °^>'°"'' !" domesticita nel maggio 1885 [1^7.] Padova, Soc. Se.. BuU., 4, [1887-901 3-5 6. -Notizie sopra un uccello uuovo per 1' avi(.'„n. Italia. [1887.] Padova, Soc. Sci. BurMl"^'-«]: in^g;„e';r^tl:^rA7eS:o~?t«T'81r'•*'''*'*'^'"° T.l.:. ^n'"'" T?* "" '^"'^° fanss'iuo (Dafila acuta 8. Notizie sopra un melanismo della qoaglia comnnp lO. Notizie di Caccia c note zoolociche Kiv Ti«l Sci. Nat.. Siena. 9, 1889, 104-107. XI. Notizie sopra un Ligurinus chloris IL) ed una AJaudaarvensis ,/,.,. Anomali nel rostro Wi^^ Jul bci. Nat., bieua, 9, 1889. 26l.>-261. "'^-ital. la. Cn ibrido uuovo nella 1amir,u^ j it (Maieca Peuolop.- [/.„„,.]. e SirquS c'J^'firt MUano. Soc. lUil. Alti, 33, IMG, 17-19.^ ^^^ 1^"">.]). Arrigoni degli Oddi] 16fi [Arruda Furtado 13. Su di im maschio adulto di Hirundo rustioa, Lituucuit, coUe timoniere esterue straordinariaraente allungate. Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 10, 1890, 53. 14. Notizie sopra le peregrinazioni autunnali della gluaiidaja (Ganulus glaudarius, Linnccus) nella provincia di Padova in un quinquennio di osservazioni 1885-89. Kiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 10, 1890 (Boll.), (51-66. 15. Supra un individuo femniina di Querquedula crecea. [1890.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 12, [1892], 142-144. 16. La Branta leueopsis nel Veneto. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 34, 1892, 117-121. 17. La i'uligula Homeyeri, Baedeker, ibrido nuovo per r Italia. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 34, 1892, 179-1'.)2. 18. Anomalie nel colorito del piumaggio osservate in 216 individui della [sua] coUezione ornitologica italiana. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 34, 1892, 193-253. 19. Notizie sopra un ibrido di Lagopus mutus e Bonasa betulina appartenente alia collezione ornitologica del conte G. B. Camozzi-Vertova. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 34, 1892, 271-280. 20. Materiali per la fauna padovana degli animali vertebrati. Uocelli. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 34, 1892, 367-432. 21. Ceuui suUa raccolta ornitologica del R. Istitnto Teeuico di Bergamo. Aberrazioni nel colorito del piu- maggio (uccelli italiani). [1892.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 1, [1894], 33-46. 22. Su di un Monachus atricapillus (L.), a becco auomalo. Nota ornitologica. [1892.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 1, [1894], 47-48. 23. Un ibrido naturale di Anas boscas, Linnicus, e Mareca Penelope, Linrueus. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 1, [1894], 404-411. 24. Sopra cinque ibridi selvatica del gen. Fringilla colti in Italia. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 35, 1895, 33-40. 25. Materiali per la fauna padovana dei vertebrati. 1. (Mammiferi, rettili, antibi, e pesci.) Cenni tisico- naturali sulla provincia. [1895.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 2, [1896], 1-81. 26. Le ultima apparizioni dell' Actochelidon sand- vicensis {Latham), nel Veneziano. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 36, 1896, 17-32. 27. Nota sopra una varietii, di Nyroca africana (Gmelin). Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 36, 1896, 215-219. 28. La recente cattura di un feuicottero nel Veneziano. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 36, 1896, 221-223. 29. Nota sopra un anonialia di colorito della Querque- dula crecea {Limueus). Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 36, 1896, 22.5-229. 30. Note ornitologiche per 1' anno 1895. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 36, 1896, 231-238. 31. Nota sopra una Querquedula crecea (Linn.), colorita anormainiente. Kiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 16, 1896 (Boll.), 119-120. 32. Nota sopra una varieta di colorito osservata in un' Anas boscas, Linu. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 37, 1897, 208-210. 33. Le recenti eomparse del PufHnus Kuhli (Boie), nel Veneziano. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 37, 1897, 211- 213. 34. Sopra gli ibridi del tipo Anas boscas, Linn., e Cliaulelasmus stre])cniH (/,/««.). colti in Italia. [1897.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1896-97, 1510-1554. 35. La nidificazione del Milvus migrans, Boddarrt, ni-l tcrritorio Veronese. [1^97.] Veiiezia, 1st. Atti, 1897- 98, 93-114; Jl. f. Ornitb., 46, 1898, 524-537; Zoologist, 3, 1899, 241-253. 36. Notes on some specimens of AnatidcB in the late Count NiNNl's collection. Ibis, 1, 1898, 67-74. 37. [Noteon Anserneglectus.] Ibis, 4, 1898, 173-174. 38. On two hybrid ducks iu Count Ninni's collection at Venice. Ornis, 9, 1898, 23-31. 39. Ornithological notes on thirty abnormal coloured Anatidffi caught in the Venetian territory. Ornis, 9, 1898, 109-126. 40. Elenco degli uocelli rari o pin difficili ad aversi conservati nella sua collezione ornitologica italiana al 31 dieembre 1898. [1899.] Ornis, 9. 1898, 199-249. 41. [Distribution of skuas in Italy.] Ibis, 5, 1899, 156-158. 42. Note ornitologiche sulla provincia di Verona. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 38, 1899, 75-190. 43. Materiali per una fauna ornitologica Veronese con note di Vittorio dal Nero. [1899.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1898-99 {Pt. 2), 387-437. 44. Relazione sul IV Congresso Internazionale di Zoologia tenutosi in Cambridge nell' agosto 1898. [1899.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1898-99 (Pt. 2), 723-765. 45. On the occurrence of Nordmann's pratincole (Glareola melanoptera) in Italy. Ibis, 6, 1900, 60-62. 46. Note ornitologiche sul Museo Nazionale di Zagabria (Agram). [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., 1, 1900, 69-81. Axrigoni degli Oddi, (conte) Ettore, & Iieverkiibn, Paul. Die ornithologische Litteratur Italiens wahrend der Jahre 1891 bis 1893. Jl. f. Ornith., 42, 1894, 280-290. Arrigoni degli Oddi, (conte) Ktlore, & Sictaer, Enrico. See Sicber A Arrigoni degli Oddi. Arrou, J[o.5(7)/i]. Circulation arterielle du testicule (anatomic compart^'e). Bibliogr. Anat., 1 (1893), 59-60. Axrou, J[oseph], & S6bileau, Pierre. See Sdbileau & Attou. Arrous, J. Eflets toxiques compares des injections iutra- veineuses de glycose, de levulose et de sucre interverti. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5ra., 50, 1898 (C. A'.), 512-513. 2. Etude comparative de Taction diur^tique des sucres. Coefficient diur^tique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 51, 1899 (C. P.), 879-880. Arrous, J., & II6don, [Charles Edouard Eutropel E[niinanuel]. See Hidon A- Arrous. Arrow, Gilbert J[ohn]. On the rutelid beetles of the Transvaal ; an enumeration of a collection made by Mr. W. L. Distant. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 118-122. 2. Notes on the classification of the coleopterous family Rutelidas. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 363-370. 3. On sexual dimorphism in beetles of the family Rutelidie. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1899, 255-269. 4. Notes on the rutelid genera Anomala, Mimela, Popillia, and Strigoderma. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1899, 271-276. 5. On sexual dimorphism in the rutelid genus Parastasia, with descriptions of new species. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1899, 479-499. 6. On pleurostict lamellicorns from Grenada and St. Vincent (West Indies). Ent. Soc. Trans., 1900, 17.5-182. Arrow, GiUiert ./[»/(«], it Gahan, Charles Joseph. See Gahan & Arrow. Arruda Furtado, Francisco. 3. Instinct of orientation in Helix aspersa. [Tr.] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1886, 519-520. 4. Coquilles terrestres et fluviatiles de I'exploration africaine de HIM. Capkllo et Ivens (1884-85). Jl. de Conch., 34, 1886, 138-152. 6. Sur la denomination de 1'" Helix toiTefacta," Loive, des Canaries. [1886.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 86-87. 6. Siibre o logar que devem occupar nas respectivas familias os moUuscos mis. [1886.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, .S8-94. 7. Catalogo geral das coUecfoes de molluscos e conchas da sec^ao zoologica do Muscu de Lisboa. [1886.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 105-150. 8. Sur uue nouvelle espiice de C^phalopode apparte- Arriida Furtado] "",';; ".'A '•;Z O''""""?""-''!'''™- LiHboa Ac. Sci. Mem., " U '■ -), 1887, i\o. 4, Id pj(, » 9. Hiir I,. |(„li,nu„ ..xurutus, .)/W/,.r. (/',„,/, 1 ;. ,|.. ^^,'''-"/i-'^i'i"«''- L".... Kic-ct' rmi l9 19h' ;M-nr'.,"';,"fA' "''"7. lHr,-l:tH 1h«_1w i»t)-IUH, 2.H,'-,-2.1b, 2t>l-2(ir), 412-113- .T igoi i.,i ,.,„' •13H-439, 4r)4-4.57. --»i-i, •>, I881, 121-122, T '^' ,•/'''"' '"^ "eiid.'incnt dcs moteurs -297 •^'^^'^^^ , .,, aa. 'Lu inesnre dps teiiipc-ratiircs par I'dleotricito • 410, ,,12-,.13, .54(;-.547 ; 7, 1882, 43-4.5 U (;•-, oo> Voa L "• Ki^t, T mlr it '''^"'^^ * cloisonnement. L^-Eie^^ ';^'l^,:"l^S-',r ' ""'^^ — triqnes. f..„"7' ,*'^.I'l"'f'''' Penrnttant de preparer I'oxyL'd-ne a 18^2 ((■^A"),'^244T4t" '''™' '"'■■■ ^''"- *^'^'"-' ='*• 29. "Sur nil dispositif simple pour avoir une tern E^^-'3i!i^2:?^]jT^j/^"-^- ^^-^ aa. Physi.iue biologique. Nouvelles ni^thodes calori- L„m'-Ki::lr"i"f im,' rf ""^ -lonmetriaues. 34. Circulation abdominale, antaRonisme dn svm ^^Tl^lS^ ^P';-.>;.o.astr.,ue. kris. So'" IZ. as. Nouvelle mitbode calorim(5trique applicable k Ihomme. Par.s, Soc. Biol. Mo„,.. I, is^^'.^lf K%^\,^''^"f^^^^<"'^°''^i*'rieanimBile. Paris Soc Biol. Mtm., 3G, 1884 (C. fl.), 72I-706 7fiq trt j^' 1888 (C. y;.), 404-4(17. ' ^''^-'O^ ; 40, n„f.'' °"f«'■'^^^de9 gen(!rateurs clectrcmecanidues et (cT,,t67!m""- ''''"^' '"'• ^'"^'- -^-- 3'"«^ Lr-El^, ?rS i!n^f"^ «alva.on>.tri<,ues. «;i*°n ^""' '" «"PP'<'S""on des vapeurs nitreuses de la pde Bunseu et sur une nouvelle pile sc. dopolar san, par *i cT ^\ ^"- ^'- "•• ^"f- 1886, 116,lll6V ' ra*s"Ao ScTr'n^'lnT'""'"^ Hl-Wioable A Ihomme. P^v < ■ ^■' ^^^- 1*«8, 1400-1404 ; Paris Soc Injs. Soaiicos, 1886, H5_si| ' ""^"' ooc. 167 [Arsonval 48. Sur le danger dea condcnsatcum cniploytii nour mipprmier 1 extra-courunt den machines ^JuigT/ l-uriH, Hoc. Uiol. iUm.. 37, 188« (C. 11.), 211 212 '^rJ u ,x,"" "I'l"'"'' " I'rojM-lioiis -iinpliad.. pari*. •Sfw. Biol. Mem., .17, 1880 (C. II.), 212. Hi!?i'\r""' .1'," '""'o'"''""-"* tota'lisateur. Pari*. Soc. Biol. .Mtiii., 37, 1888 (C. !{.), 213. « **;, ■^"f,*^"" '•'•^l"*dt" inipolarisablea wilideo. PariH ho.'. Biol. .Mpu... 37, 1888 (C. /;.). 207-2CM ' „„;.'■ 1 "i".' ''■" """"'■" '*'■" '-•'""■a"'" <^lectri_i3 ,lnfr^•l•?•"^ "" . "PPaf'-'l 'IcstirR. a nu-J.irer U con- Juc ibil.te des tissus vivants pour le son. P.n> ^o^ Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. U.), loa-104 Pant ''^';'7.'"°'"!(,.i"'^'Tupte"r de .V. Ch. Vebi>i.x. lans, .Soc. Biol. .Mem., .38. 1886 ((' II) 117 ns Soc. Biol. Mem., 3H, 1886 (f. II.), 124-12.5 se. Sur un proctde pour enregistrcr ies phases du degagement d'acide carbonique dans la respiratuTde^ etres v.vants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 38, 1m" (r nX S7. Appareil pour mesurcr I'acuVte auditive on ^T^i^-^^-''' ^--SocBioL^lm:^ *?• ..\'",'^ "" phenom^ne physique analogue k la conduejib^ite ..erve^se. Paris^. 'Sol Biol. ^^..^J eo. Les anesthesiques et la thermog.-n^ m.-thodo pour mesurer instantancmen. les mollreT anati^" dans la production de la chaleur aniniale. Paris, s" Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. li.). 274-275 i,;i'.^' ga'^anomi^tres aperiodiques de grande sensi- bilite. Pans, Soc. Phys. Seances. 1886, ^f 7^79 22 m6 ntltr '*'°"'"*'^''- «"'''>'. •"• Anat.; T „t^" v/°f "",1"^'"' P"""" ''""""^^ •1'' '■'^'^tricite animale Lum. Elect., 24, 1887, I.5a-1G1, •20ft-209 «4. Chrouometre electrique pour mesurer la vitesse 60.^6! ''"""' °*"''°^«- Lum. Elect., 24. 188?! 66. La mort par lelectricite dans lindustrie Ses p'rinT'sci'^'i^'lf'-lr^''- ^"y^"' Pre.'crva.e.^ Pans, Ac. Sci C. R., 104. 1887, 978-981 ; Paris. Soc Biol. .Mem.. 39, 1887 (C. K.). 9.>-97 ^ ee. Appare.l pour inscrire la quantiu^ doxvp^ne ab.sorbte par un etre vivant. Paris Soc Biol V fn 3.. 1887 ,C-. A-.), i^,; Paris. Soc. Ph;s'"sean Boiipocy o iiirrauiii i'nnii;i,i('BT> .Tiiiiiariiiii- itOBi opraiiiiMPCKiiMii coejiiiHouijiMir. IIi)Oj'i,Baiiii- ■rejILUOC COofilueHie. [Contribution to the question of the nutrition of the gonidia of lichens by organic com- pounds. Preliminary communication.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 12, 1899 (Prot.), 74-79. 9. Ueber die Entwicklung der griinen Algen unter Ausschluss der Bedin(,'ungen der Kohlensiiure-Assimila- tion. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 13, 1900, 39-47. Artarla, Flerdinando] A[u(iusto]. Contribuzione alia flora della provincia di Como. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend. , 26, 1893, 390-411. 2. Note critiche suUa Androsace Charpentieri, Ileer. [1894.] Malpighia, 7, 1893, 465-469. 3. Seconda contribu/.ioue alia Hora della provincia di Como. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 35, 1896, 137-164. Artaud, Jean, & Gulnard, Louis. See Oolnard & Artaud. Artault de Vevey, Stephen. Le bacille pyocyanique dans un oeuf de poule. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 45, 1893 (C. R.). 78-79. 2. Deux coqs diphtf5riques trait^s par le s^rum de Roux. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 683-684. 3. Action de I'infectiou des gen^rateurs sur leurs descendants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 773-774. 4. Troubles nerveux provoques par des emanations de laurier-rose. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R. ), 84-86. 5. Neurasthenic grave a la suite d'une intoxication par une infusion de fleurs de cytise. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(?m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 86-88. 6. Le sens de I'orientation chez les animaux. Rev. Sci., 8, 1897, 793. 7. Flore et faune des cavernes pulmonaires. Arch, de Parasit., 1, 1898, 217-307. 8. Etude d'hygi^ne urbaine. Le platane et ses m^faits. Un nouvel acarien parasite accidental de I'homme. Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 11.5-123. 9. Sur quatre cas d'actinomycose. Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 209-227. 10. Existet-il un ferment lipogene? Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 551-552. 11. Formation du noyau cellulaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi5ra., .52, 1900 (C. R.), 552-5.53. Artemare. See Oonod d'Artemetre. Artemieff, .1. Ueber die uiikro- und bakterioskopisehe Untersucliung der Lochien. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 17, 1889, 171-186. Artb, G[eorges Marie Floretit]. 8. Sur quelques reactions de I'urethane mentholique. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, xix-xxi. 9. Nouveau d(5doublement du carbamate d'ithyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 98, 1884, 521-522. 10. Sur I'oxydation du menthol au raoyen du perman- ganate de potassium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 576-578; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 332-334. 11. Sur line nouvelle reaction du carbamate d'ethyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 334-335. 12. Action de I'azotate d'ammoniaque ammoniacal anliydre sur quelques metaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100." 1885, 1588-1589. 13. Etude de quelques derives du menthol. Ann. Chim. 7, 1886, 433-499; Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 210-211. 14. Sur la pr(5paration du tartrate et du racemate de soude et d'ammoniaque anhydres. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 {Ease. 20), xxvii-xxix. 15. Sur deux proprietes des ur^thanes de la s^rie grasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 977-978; Ann. Chim., 8, 1886, 428-432; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 702-704. 16. Recherches sur I'amide de I'acide oxymenthy- lique. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1887, xxv-xxvi. 17. Sur I'acide pimi'^lique derive du menthol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 107-110. 18. Observation sur le dosage de I'acide pbosphorique dans les scories Thomas et sur un phosphate ferrique quadrihydrate. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 324-327. 19. Quelques experiences sur des honilles immergies dans I'eau. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 619-622. 20. Sur le calcul du pouvoir calorifique des honilles d'apres la regie de Dui.ong. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 820-823; 15,1896, 1112-1116. 21. Action de I'isocyanate de ph^nyle sur I'acide 7-pimelique d^rivd du menthol. Paris Soc. Chiju. Bull., 15, 1896, 227-229. ,^ 22. Analyse ilectrolytique. Eolairage Elect., 12 (1897), 49-52; 14 (1898), 106-109; 15 (1898), 18-20, 452- 455. ArthJ 171 [Arthur 33. Sur I'actiDn de I'act^tylAne Hur I'azotate d'argent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, l.'.SI-l/iSe. 34. Sur nil apparcil |)our lo doiuiKi' df I'azote libre (iiiMM l>! Huz di' hoiiillB ^puti. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, l'.»7-43*2. 35. Chaux oaustiquc trouvAe dans une mavonnerie anciennc. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., I'J, 1898, 717- 718. ae. [Production i volnntf'', dans le mi-me bain, d'aci'tiitf fcrreux on fcrrique, suivaut lii den«it('' du courant.) Paris Soc. Clilui. Hull., 19, 1898, 741, 37. Kur la diasolutioii d'une ariodu dr fer danf one flolution d'aci'tatp de sodium ft d'acide acotique. Paris Soc. Cliim. Hull., 'Jl, 1899. 7i;i)~7 e Raymond A' Arthaud. Arthur, David. Bacteriology of sewer air. Jl. State Med.. 2, 1894, 275-281. Arthur, ./[(wcpA] C'[/iaW<'»]. lO. Polarity of lettuce leaves. [1HH4.] Bot. Gaz., 9 4 10, 188*-88,"l47. 11. .\merican acidia on Ranunculi. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 A 10. 1884-86, 177. 13. [On the nature of gummosis in fruit-trees.] Science, 4, 1884. 359. 13. Proof that bacteria are the direct cause of the disease of trees known as pear blight. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1886, 295-298. 14. Pear blight and its cause. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1886. 1177-118.5. 15. The ffcidjum of .\doxa. [1885.] Bot. Gaz., 9 4 10. 1884-86, 369. 16. Some botanical laboratories of the United States. [1885.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-86, 39.5-406. 17. Hollyhock-disease and the cotton-plant. Science, 5, 1886, 2. 18. Contribution to the flora of Iowa. [1882-86.] Davenport Ac. Proc, 4, 1886, 27-30, 64-75. 19. A new larval Entumophthora. Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 14-17. ao. Historv and biology of pear blight. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc", 1886, 322-341. 31. Pear blight. Micrococcus arovlovorus. Bur. [U. S.] Coram. Agr. Rep., 1886. 125-129. 33. .\ bacterial disease of carnations. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1889. 280. 33. What is common wheat rust? [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1889, 11-12. 34. Some .Alge of Minnesota, supposed to be poisonous. [1885.] Minn. Ao. Sci. Ball., 3, [1891,] 97- 103. 35. A physiological basis for the comparison of potato pr.duction. [1891.] [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc. 1891-93, 11-23. 36. Notes on Uretiinese. Bot. Gaz., 16. 1891, 225-2J7. 37. How the application of hot water to seed increases the yield. Amer. Ass. Proc. 1892, 226-227. 38. Cultivating the ascospurous form of yeast. Bot. Gaz., 17, 1893, 92-93. 22—2 Arthur] 172 [Artini 29. The gases in living plants. [1891.] Anier. Natlist., 27, 1893, 1-7, 98-104. SO. Deviation in development due to the use of unripe seed. [1893.] Araer. Ass. Proc, 1893, 259-260 ; Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 804-815, 904-913. 31. A new factor in the improvement of crops. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1893, 17-23. 32. Address [to the Bot. Sect., Aug. 1895]. Develop- ment of vegetable physiology. Ajner. Ass. Proc, 1895, 163-184. 33. The distinction between animals and plants. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 961-965. 34. Delayed germination of cooklebur and other paired seeds. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1895, 70-79. 35. Laboratory apparatus in vegetable physiology. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 463-472. 36. The movement of protoplasm in coenocytic hyphffi. Ann. Bot., 11, 1897, 491-507. 37. The common Ustilago of maize. Bot. Gaz., 23, 1897, 44-46. 38. Cultures of Uredineaj in 1899. [1899.] Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 298-299; Bot. Gaz., 29, 1900, 268-276. 39. New station for the dwarf mistletoe. Bhodora, 2, 1900, 221-223. Arthur, Jloseph] C[harles], & Kolway, E[dicard] W[illet'\ D[orlard]. Description of American Uredineffi. [1895- 98.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 3, 1894-96 {No. 3), 44-57; 4, [1898,] 377-402. Artbur, J[oseph] Clharlex], Bailey, L[iberty] H[yde], & Holway, E[dward] Wlillet] Dlorltird]. Plants collected between Lake Superior and the international boundary, July 1886. Minn. Gaol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 3, 1887, 10-43. Arthur, J[oseph] C[harles'\ {et alii). Keport on botanical work in Minnesota for the year 1886. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 3, 1887, 56 pp. Artbur, IC. lO. Notes on the New Zealand frost-fish. [1884.] N. Zealand Jl. Sci., 2, 1884-85, 157-158. 11. Notes on New Zealand fishes. [1884.] N.Zea- land Inst. Trans., 17, 1885, 160-172. Arthus, Maurice. Glycolyse dans le sang et ferment glycolytique. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 425-439; 4, 1892, 337-352. 2. Action du froid sur les etres vivants. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 38, 1891 iSem. 1), 240-257, 321-333. 3. Recherches sur la coagulation du sang. Jl. Pharm., 23, 1891, 472-474. 4. Sur le ferment glycolytique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 43, 1891, 65-70. 5. Sue gastrique. Jl. Pharm., 25, 1892, 359-365, 408-411, 466-472, 510-518. 6. Glycolyse dans le sang. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 114, 1892, 605-608. 7. Sur la fibrine. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 392- 400 ; 6, 1894, 552-566. 8. Substances albuminoides du lait. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 673-677. 9. Sur les casiiines et les fibrines. Paris, Soc. liinl. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. B.), 327-329; Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 467-469. 10. Parallfele de la coagulation du sang et de la cas^ifi- cation du lait. Paris, Soc. Biol. U6m., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 435-437. 11. Sur la labog^nie. Remarques sur le labfermeut. Arcli. de Pliysiol., 6, 1894, 257-268. 12. Le labfernient est uu element constant de la 8(5cr(;tion gastrique des mannniferes adultes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. li.j, 178-180. 13. I'ibrinog^ne et fibrine. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 306-309. 14. Sur un proci'd(; permettant de reconnaltre la trypsine. Paris, Sue. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. A'.), 394- 395. 16. Procid^ permettant d'obtenir faoilement et rapide- ment des cristaux d'oxyh^moglobine. Paris, Soc Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. i?.), 686. 16. [Ueber die Rolle der Kalksalze bei der Blutgerin- nung.] [1895.] Centrbl. Physiol., 9, 1896, 472. 17. La coagulation du sang et les sels de chaux. (Refutation expidrimentale des objections d'Alexander ScHMiuT.) Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 47-61. 18. Applications de la dialyse a la solution de quelques questions de chimie phvsiologique. Ztschr. Biol., 34, 1896, 432-446. Arthus, Maurice, ct Dastre, A[lbert Jules Frank]. See Dastre & Arthus. Arthus, Maurice, & Huber, Adolphe. Ferments solubles et ferments figures. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 651-663. 2. Fermentations vitales et fermentations chimiques. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 839-841. 3. Sur les solutions de fibrine dans les produits de digestion gastrique et pancr^atique. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 447-454. 4. Procede permettant d'obtenir des cristaux d'oxy- h(;moglobine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mh1 dcttii Niivite ili Mdiitocutiiii. Koma, 1(. Ace:. Liiieoi lieiid., 1, 1888 (.SViii. I), Sl-SS. 8. Aleunc iiuovc OHxcrvn/iiini hiiIIu /.euliti di MoiiU'c- cliio Mai,'gioio. Uomu, K. Ace. Lincui llcnd., 4, 1888 (.Vm. 1), .OHIi r.ll. O. Cunti'ilnuiuni ullii miiicralo^'lii. dei vulcani Cimiai. IlDiiia, K. Ace. Liiicci Mem., (i, 1889, 8«-'J3. 10. Sulla niitrulite di liunibiana iiul UoioKncsc. lloinii, 11. Ace. Lincui Hend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 1), 37-31). 11. Hullu k'udliillite di Sardogna. Giorn. Min. Crist. Potr., 1, 1890, 1-2;). 12. Ktudii |)etroKrafici su aleiine rocoe del Veneto. Giorii. Min. CriHt. I'clr., 1, 1890, 139-1.58. 13. Delia forma cristallina di alcuni nuovi compoBti orgaiiici. (iioni. Min. Crist. IVtr., 1, 1890, 212-223 ; 2, 1891, 3,5-17, 2,-/J-2Ul ; 3, 1892, 238-242. 14. Iiitoriio alia coniposi/.ione mineraloijica delle sabbie del Ticino. Giorn. Min. CriBt. Petr., 2, 1891, 177-lilfi. 16. iiigposta ad aleunc osBervazioni fattc dal Prof. A. Cathukis alia [sua] nienioria "Quarzo di Val Mnleneo." Giorn. Min. Cri.it. Petr.. 2, 1891, 220-222. 16. Contribu/.ioni allacunuscenza delle forme cristal- line di'lla .stefanite del Sarrabua. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 2, 1891, 241-2,58. 17. Alcune ulteriori osHervazioni sulle zeoliti di Montecehio MagKiore. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 2, 1891, 2ti2-2f>9. 18. Delia forma cristallina e dei caratteri ottici della mctilacetanilide C^H^.NCHjOCHj. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 3, 1892, 159-lbl. 19. Sopra alcune rocce dei dintomi del Lago d' Orta. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Hend., 2.5, 1892, 972-978; Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 3, 1892, 243-219. ao. Appunti petrografici sopra alcune rocce italiane. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Itend., 25, 1892, 1140-1147; Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 4, 1893, 7-1.5. ai. Coutribu/ioni di mineralogia italiana. Celestina di lloniagna. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 2U, 1893, 323- 329. 32. Appunti di mineralogia italiana. Antimunite di Cetiue. Koma, R. Ace. Liucei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 416-419; Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 7r)-80. 23. 8u ali'uni mineral! di Gorno. Milano, Soe. Ital. Atti, 3.5, 1896, 219-231; Riv. Min. Crist., Iti, 1896, 19- 28. 24. liaritina di Vassera. Milano, Soe. Ital. Atti, 35, 1896, 233-238; Riv. Min. Crist., 10, 1896, 10-14. 25. Apatite dell' Elba. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 {Sem. 2), 259-202; Riv. Min. Crist., 10, 1896, 15-18. 26. .\ppunti petrognifici sopra alcune rocce del Veneto. 1 hasalti del Veronese. [1895.] Venezia, Ist. Atti. 1894-^96. 252-270; Riv. Min. Crist., 15, 1896, 33-52. 27. lnt<.irno alia composizione mineralogiea di due sabbie del litorale adriatico. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 800-804; Riv. Min. Crist., 10, 1896, 90-93. 28. Su alciini minerali di Rovegnu. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 3(1, 1897, 152,5-1534. 29. Intorno alia composizioiie mineralogiea delle sabbie di alcuni llumi del Veneto, con applicazioui della ricerca microscopica alio studio dei terreui di trasporto. Riv. Min. Crist., 19, 1898, 33-94. ao. Ancora suUa leadbillite di Sardegna. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend.. 32, 1899, 1048-1050; Riv. Min. Crist., 23, 1899, 33-35. 31. Intorno ad alcuni minerali di Laorca e Ballabio. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend.. 33. 1900, 1177-1183. Artini, Kitore, & Maiiani, Kriuvta. Appunti geologici e petrogratiei snll' alta Val Trompia. [1898.] Milano, Soo. Ital. Atti, 37, 1897, 244-259. Artini, Kttorr, A Melzl, Gilberto. Sulla Iherzulite di lialmuecia in Val Se^ia. Ituma, It. Ace. Linc«i Rend., 4, 1896 (.SVwi. 2), 87-92. 2. Intorno a un meteorite caduto ad Ergbco prewio itrava (penisola dei Somali). Milano, Ist. Lomb. licnd., 31, 1898, 983-994. 3. Ricerclic petrograficliee geolot'iclie nulla Val .S. Chrysanthemum inodorum, /,. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Her., 3, 1886, 299- 300. 7. Zur Flora von Schluderbacb in Siidtirol. Deutsche Bot. Msehr., 5, 1887, 9M-I03; 6, 1888. 60-6H, 96-99. 8. Botanische Reise - Erinnerungen aus Tirol. Deutsche Bot. Msehr., 10, 1892, 140-144; 11, 1893, 161- 165. Amch, E[ugenio], & Fmrml, Claudia. See r«nni . [Contribution to the anthropology of the Caucasian tribe of the Udines.] Moscow, Soe. Sci. Bull., 90, 1897, .521-527. Array, 11'. Wyznaczenie paru granic w tcoryi powierz- chni. [Determination de quelqnes limites dan.4 la th^orie des surfaces.] Pracc Mat. -Fiz., 9, 1898, 164- 169. Arvay, IT. .v Komperda, H. O pewnych cechach cbarak- tervstycznvcli grupy ruchbw euklidesowych. [Sur qucl- ques caracteres du groupe des mouvemenls euclidiens. ] Prace Mat. -Fiz., 10, 1899-1900, 113-128; Fortschr. .Math.. 1899, .540. Arret-Toavet, C[iisimir]. 2. Commentaire sur le genre llieracium. Ass. Frauv. C R., 1886 (Pt. 2), 426-436. 3. Les Hieracium des .\lpes franyaises ou occidentales de I'Europe. Lyon Soe. Linn. Ann.. 34, 1888. 1-131. 4. Revision des epervii^res de I'berbier de Halleh fiU. Geneve Conserv. Bot. .\.unu., 1, 1897, 6K-,s9. 5. Elencbus Uieraciorum novorum vel minus cogni- torum priesertim in Herbario Delessertiano asserva- torum. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Aunu., 1. 1897, 90-104. 6. Sur un nouveau genre de Chicoracs. Geni^ve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 1, 1897. 105-106. 7. Description de deux cspices nouvelles du genre Hieracium. Gent've Conserv. Bot. .Vnnu., 3, 1899, 27-28. Arret-Toavet, C[asimir], A Oantier, G[iuton]. Hieracium nouveaux pour la France ou pour I'Espagne. France Soe. Bot. Bull., 41, 1894, 328-371. Arwidaaon, Ivar. Zur Kenntni^^ der Oattungen Glycera und ciouiada. [1897.] Stockb., Ak. Handl. Bibang, 23 {Afd. 41, 1898. So. 6, 30 pp. 2. Studien iiber die Familien Glycerids und Gonia- dida>. [1899.] Bergens Mus. .\arb.,'l898. -Vo. 11. r,9 pp. Arx, .Viix t'c>». Geometric nnd Statik der vreiblichen Beckcnorgaue. .Vrcb. Anat. Pbysiol. (Anat. AUK), 1896, 324-346. Arz] 174 [Asayama Arz, Gustav. Eine Bergfahrt in die Rodnaer Alpen. Siehenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 14, 1894, 1-.38. 2. Ein geologisclier Streifzugvon Deiitsoh-Budak auf den Henyul. Siebenb. Karpath,-Ver. Jbuch., 17, 1897, 49-71. a. Geologische und audere Beobachtungen liiugs der Strasse von Bistritz nach Romuli. Siebenb. Karpath.- Ver. Jbuch., 18, 1898, 1-39. Arzanl, G. Riassunto dell' anno 1899 della stazione di Moncalvo. Riepilogo dccennale dal 1889 al 1899. Monealieri Oss. Boll., 20, 1900, 10. Arzberger, H[ans], & Zlncke, [Ernst Karl] Th[eodor]. See Zincke d- Arzberger. Arze, Jen'mimo. Curacion ftntis(^ptica eon el bieloruro de inerourio. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 69, 1886, 649- 688. Arzel^, Annibale. Contributo alio studio sul solfato di berberiua eontro il tumore splenico e le febbri da in- fezione malarica. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 24-35. Arzeli, Cesare. 9. Intorno alia eoutiuuiti della somma di infinite fuuzioni continue. [1884.] Bologna Rend., 1883-84, 79-83. 10. Un teorema intorno alle serie di funzioni. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 262-267. 11. Sulla integrabilitadi una serie di funzioni. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, .S21-326. 12. Sulla integrazione per serie. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 532-537, 566-569 ; 6, 1897 (Sem. 2), 290-292. 13. Sopra una certa estensione di un teorema relativo alle serie trigonometriche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 637-640. 14. Sui prodotti infiniti. [1886.] Bologna Rend., 1885-86, 92-100. 15. Sulla teoria delle funzioni analitiche. [1887.] Bologna Rend., 1887-88, 25-37. 16. Sugli integrali di funzioni che, oltre alia variabile d' integrazione, contengono altre variabili. [1888.] Bologna Rend., 1888-89, 16-22. 17. Funzioni di linee. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 342-348. 18. Sugli integrali doppi. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, 133-147. 19. Sulle serie doppie trigonometriche. Bologna Aco. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, 373-382. 20. Sulle funzioni di linee. [1894.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, 22.5-244. 21. Suir integrabilita delle equazioni differenziali ordinarie. [1895.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895-96, 257-270. 22. Suir esistenza degli integrali nelle equazioni differenziali ordinarie. [1896.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1896-97, 131-14U. 23. Sul principio di Dirichlet. Bologna Rend., 1, 1897, 71-84. 24. Sulla rappresentazione approssimata delle funzi- oni analitiche. Bologna Rend., 2, 1898, 1.39-148. 25. Sulle serie di funzioni. Bologna Ac. Sci. Mem., 8, 1899-1900, 131-186, 701-744. 26. Suir integrazione per eostituzione. Bologna Rend., 4, 1900, 82-90. 27. Estensione di un criterio di convergenza dato da RiKMANN. [1900.] Bologna Rend., 5, 1901, 25-31. Arzruni, Andrea/:. For biography and list of works nee I.eopoldiua, 34, 1898, 140-141; Riv. Min. Crist., 21, 1898, 87-97; St, Teterab. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1898, xlii- xliv ; Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 34, 1898, 2-3; Ztschr. Ethnol., 30, 1898, (4i)r.)-(408) ; Ztschr. I'rakt. Oeol., 1898, 446-448; St. I'lter.sb. Min. (les. Verb., 36, 1899, 477-488, {I'rut.), 30-32; Anat. Hefte (Aht. 2), 9, 1900, 519-520; Geogr. Jbuch., 22, 1900, 434; Min. Mag., 12, 1900, 129. 38. Eine Anzuhl schlesische und amerikanische Mineralien. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 220- 223. 37. [Ueber eine Suite von Mineralien aus den Vereinigten Staaten.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 228-234. 38. Note sur un nonveau mineral trouv^ dans la province de Utah (Etats-Unis). France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 126-127. 39. Einige Mineralien aus einer uralischen Chromit- lagerstiitte. Ztschr. Kryst., 8, 1884, 330-337. 40. Schwefel von Zielenzig. Ztschr. Kryst., 8, 1884, 338-342, 668. 41. Groddeckit : ein neuer Zeolith von St. Andreas- berg am Harz. Ztschr. Kryst., 8, 1884, 343-350. 42. Ueber einige Mineralien aus Bolivia. Ztschr. Kryst., 9, 1884, 73-77. 43. Utahit : ein neues Mineral. Ztschr. Kryst., 9, 1884, 558-561. 44. Ueber einen Paragonit-Schiefer vom Ural. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 680-693, 1055; Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 20, 1885, 983-996. 45. Untersuchuug einiger granitischer Gesteine des Urals. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 865-896, 1055. 46. Ueber einen Colemanitkrystall. Ztschr. Kryst., 10, 1885, 272-276, 663. 47. Mineralogisches aus dem Sanarka-Gebiet, im Siid- Ural. Vorlautiger Bericht iiber eine im Sommer 1886 ausgefiihrte Reise. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 1211-1215. 48. Ein neues Zwillingsgesetz im reguliiren System. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 23, 1887, 126-132. 49. Manganotantalit, eine neue uralische Mineral- varietiit. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 23, 1887, 181-192. 50. Vergleichende Beobachtungen an kiinstlicheu und natiirhchen Mineralen. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 44-63. 51. Nephrit von SchahiduUa-Chodja im Kiien-Liin- Gebirge. Ztschr. Ethnol., 24, 1892, 19-33. 52. Vergleichende Untersuchuug der Smaragde von Alexandrien, vom Gebel Sahara und vom Ural. Ztschr. Ethnol., 24, 1892, 91-100. 53. Ein Beryllkrystall mit rhomboedrischer Ausbil- dung. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 31, 1894, 155-160. 54. Reise nach Siid-Kaukasien. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 22, 1895, 602-611. 55. Kiinstlicher Kassiterit. Ztschr. Kryst., 25, 1896, 467-470. 56. Forsterit vom Monte Somma. Ztschr. Kryst., 25, 1896, 471-476. Arzruni, Andrea.'!, & Frenzel, .-([»(;«.<(]. Ueber den Ferronatrit. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, .■)95-598. Arzruni, Andreas, & Scbutz, E. Krystallisirte Verbin- dungen, gebildet beim Deacon-Process. Ztschr. Kryst., 23, 1894, 529-535. Arzruni, Andreas, & Thaddeev, Konslantiii. Colestin von Giershagen bei Stadtberge (Westfalen). Ztschr. Kryst., 25, 1896, 38-72, (155. Arzruni, Andreas, & Traube, Hermann. Etude cristallo- graphique de quelques derives de la (luinolt^ine et de la lepidine. Rec. Trav. Cbim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 61-64, Arzruni, Andreas, Thaddeev, Konslanthi, A Dannenberg, A[rthur]. Neue Minerale aus Chile, ein neues Vor- kommen von Utahit und ein neues Wismuthcarbonat von Schneeberg. Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 229-247; 32, 1900, 674. Asada, (;. List of ferns collected in Kyoto. [Jap.] Bot. Mag. Tiikyo, 9, 1895, 178-182, 294. Asakawa, iV. Die Basis der natiirlichen Immuuitiit des Huhns gegen Tetanus. VorliiuKger Bericht. Centrbl. Balit. {Aht 1), 24, 1898, 166-174, 234-250. Asayama, Jknjira. Ueber die Resorption des Kammer- wassins \'on der vorderen Fliiche der Iris. Arch. f. Ophtlmlui., 51, 1900, 98-114. Asbeckl ITf) fAschan ABbeek, ('/(Iton) van. Ouragan in 17 uoilt 1880 dnriK III iiHitid Slid de la mcr des AiitilleH. [Tr.] [IHWJ.] Ann. ll.vdro(?r., '.», 1887, 90-102. Aibeck, •/. Extrai:tii>n KilberlmltiKer AurbereitUDgsab- giiiiKC iiiittcU dcH KusselljirocesKes zu Sala in Schwcdcii. Berg- u. Hiittenni. Ztg., .'i.), 1894, l.t-15. 3. Ga»'Apparat fur Laburatuiieu. Cbcm. Ztg. , 20, 1896, 21 22. Asboth, Sdndor =Alexander. A KjeldahlKle l(5gcnymeg- hatarozAci m6ilszer tapabb-kiini alkalinazasa. [Ueber eineallgemt'inere Anwtndung der KjilclabrBcben Metbode ^er Stioksti)fIlitHtiinniung.] [IHHo.J Matli. Ternit. Erte»., 4, 1886, I.'i-IH; Matb. Nat. Ber. Ungam, 4 (188B 86), 11-17. a. I'j niodBzcr a keiiiciiyitii iiuaiititativ luugbataroza- sAra. INuue Metbode zur quantitativcn lieRtimnuint' der Starke. I [1H86-H7.1 Math. Tcriiit. Erti.^., •"), 1887, 83-87, 203-210; Math. Nat. lier. Unk'arri, ."> (1886-87), 50-01; Cheni. Ztg., 11, 1887, 785-786; Kepertm. Aoal. Chem., 7,1887, 2'J7-308. 3. Vun-e a gabunaiieiiiuekben eziikor? [P'nthaltcn die Getreidearten Ziicker?) [1887.) Math. Tennt. Krtes., 6, 1888, 12.5-129 ; Matb. Nat. Ber. Uiigarn, 6, 1889, 78-82; Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 2.5-20, 63. 4. Ueber die Stiirkebistinimuiigs-Metbode. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 093 094 ; 13, 1889, •'J91, Oil ; Analyst, 13, 1888, 128-13(1; 14, 1889, 138-139, l.')0-157. 6. Az amylalkolujlok jiyriilin tartalmnn')!. [Ueber das Vorkommeii von I'yridin in manciien .\niylalkoholen.] Math. Termt. Erte.s., 7, 1889, 34.5-348 : Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 7, 1890, 201-204 ; Chem. Zlg., 13, 1889, 871-872. 5. A diszuozsir hamihitaeanak fclismerese. [t>ie Ver- fiilschung de.s Schweinefettes mit Baumwollsamenol iind dessen Erkennen.] Math. Termt. Erten., 7, 1889, 349- 3.53; Matb. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 7, 1890, 205-211; Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 93-94. 7. A mesters<''ges krjohtli I'a a liuoraluminium dis- sociatioja. [Der kiinsthcbe KryoMth und die Dissociatinn des FhioraUiminiums.] Matli. Termt. Ertts., 8, 1890, 214-217; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 8, 1891, 79-82; Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890. 808-869. a. \ kem^nyitii oxydatib-termenyei. [Die Oxyda- tions-l'rodukte der Stiirke.] Math. Termt. Kites., 9, 1891, 207-209 ; Matb. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 9, 1892, 188- 191. 9. Maassanalytische Bestimmung der Schwefelsiiure iu scbwefelsauren Salzen. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1892, 922. 10. Wirkung des Wasserstoffsuperoxydes auf die Starke. [1892.] Chem. Ztg., 10, 1892, 1517-1518, 1500- 1561; Termt. Kiizlon., 25, 1893, 158; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 11, 1894, 420. 11. Metliode zur vollstiindigen Analyse der Enollen- Gowiichse und die Zusammensetzung der Cetewayo- Kartoflel. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 725-726. 12. Die Analyse der Samenarten. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 32-33. 13. Ueber die Scbwefelbestimmungsmethoden iu Schwefelkiesen. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1896, .598-.599; Termt. Kbzlon., 27, 1896, 273; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 301. 14. Neue Metbode zur Bestimmung des Schwefels in organiscbeu Verhindungen. [1895.] Chem. Ztg., 19, 1896, 2040 ; Termt. Kozlon., 28, 1896, 46 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 304. 16. Die kritiscbe Temperatnr der Fliissigkeiten und sine neue Metbode zur Bestimmung der Identitiit der Fette, Oele, etc. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 0*5-686. 16. Die Uuterscheidung der Kuhbutter von der Mar- garine-butter und eine neue Metbode zur Unterscheidung der verscbiedenen Fettarten von einauder. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 312-314. Aibrand, Ernst, & Frennd, Martin. See Preund .t Asbrand, ABcarelll, Annelo. HaematologiKchc Untcrsuchungen iib.r lien Hiibnerembryo. Untersuch. Nat., 15, 1896, 255-270. A«ch, Knifl, & iraUsar, Alfred. UnterBuchuDgen iiber die electriHohe Erregbarkeit der vcnichiedencn Schicht.•. incisivum der Nagetiere. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 20, 1887, (9)-(24). Ascbenbrenner, Herman Melchor. For biographical notice see Habana Ac. An., 14, 1877, 358-359. *De la c^lula y del tejido orgAnico en su valor y relaeioues con la patologia y la terap^utica. Habana Ac. An., 2, 1865, 218-222, 356-364, 40.5-424, 464-477; 3, 1866, 54-63, 1,3.3-140, 179-182, 337-346, 407-418. Ascber, Brrnhard. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Verlaufs und der Aetiologie der allgemeinen Paralyse. [1889.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 46, 1890, 1-29. 2. Ueber Apbasie bei allgemeiner Paralyse. [1891.] AUg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 49, 1893, 256-277.' 3. Geschwister mit Anomalien der Ohren, der Zahne und der Haul. Ztschr. Ethnol., 30, 1898, (114)-(116). Ascber, L[o»ier, H. See Iiier tt Ascber. Ascbermann, H. Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Chrom. [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroeh., 1897-98, 214-215. Ascberson, Paul [Friedrieh Auffust]. 168. *[Ueber die dcutschen Atriplex-Arten.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1873, 133-134. 169. *Beitriige zur Kenntniss der geographischen Verbreitung der Seegriiser. Ann. der Hydrogr., 4 (1876), 119-120. 170. *Subflorale Axen als Flugapparate. Berlin Bot. Gartens Jbuch., 1, 1881, 318-336. 171. *Beitrag zur Flora des nordwestlichen Kleina- siens. Berlin Bot. Gartens Jbuch., 2, 1883, 339-365. 172. AmphikarpiebeidereinhpimischenViciaangusti- folia. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, 235-245. 173. FoESK.\L iiber die Jletamorphose der P0anze. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, 293-297. 174. [Vicia angustifolia. All., mit kleistogamischen Bluten.] [1884.] Brandcnb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 26, 1885, xiii. 175. [Neue /iugiiuge zur Flora der Provinz Branden- burg.] [1884.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 26, 1885, xxiii-xxiv. 176. Bemerkungon zur Karte [s]einer Keise nach der Kleinen Oase in der Libyschcn Wiiste. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 20, 1885, 110-160. 177. Einige Beobachtungen in der Flora der Schweiz. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1885, 316-319. 178. Zur Flora Sardiniens und der adriatischen Kiistenliinder. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 3.5, 1885, 308-312, 350-3.55. 179. [Ueber Linaria spuria (I,.) Mill., mit unterir- dischen Bliiten und Friichtcn.] [1885.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27, 1886, xxi. 180. ITuteressante PHanzen der Provinz Branden- burg. | llHsr,-86.1 Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27, 1886, xxi ; 28, 1887, iii iv. Ascherson 1 177 [Ascherson 181. lAmiLianluK Kpiiiosu», L., auH dor Soliwci/..] [1HH.5.) liriiii'li'iib. Hot. VtT. Vcrli., 27, 1886, xxi-xxii. 183. Eiiio vcrkiiiiMtu UtriculuriuArt dor deutxeheii uiid iniirkiBchen Flora. lirundciib. Hut. Vit. Vcrli., 27, 1886, 1m:1-1ijO. 183. Utricularia exolcta, /{. lir., iin wcHtliclien Mittul- iii.-.ii^cliict. Dcutsch. Hot. (ipH. Ber., 1, 1886, -401-409. 184. [di'licr Utriculiuiii ocljrolfUt'U, llnrlin., aUH der I'riiviiiz lirniidinliurK, uiid iibcr dio Ijeulcii, in .Vt'Kypten vorkominuiidc'ii Kuniicn von CarthanitiH tiiicturiuB, L.] [18H6.] Bnindinb. Hot. Ver. Verli., 2«, 1887, x.\ii-xxiii. 186. Die nordliche Isthnius-Wuste Aegyptens. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verh., 11, 1887, 313-322. 186. (Beinerkiinnen iiber die l'rtanzengi'OKrii])liic MadaKiiskiirs.] Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1887, 178- 179. 187. Ueber eine Bremseana der Oase Qatieh. Berlin Natf. Freunde Slier., 1887, lHl-183. 188. Ueisebriefe alls Ae(,'.vpten. [1887.) Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 29, 1888, vii-xv. 189. Le lac Sirbon et le mont Casius. [1887.] Inst. lOK.Vpt. Bull., K, 1888, 175-187. 190. [Eine Drogue, die aus den Antberen der Mesua ferrea, L., besteht.] Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1888, 34-38. 101. Ueber Knutms Flora von Sclileswig-HoUtein. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 2'.l, 1888, 132-166. 193. Ein neues Vorkonnnen von Carex aristala, R. Ilr., in Deutschland. Ueutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, 283-293. 193. Ueber angeboreuen Mangel der Vorbaut bei beschnittenen Volkern. Ztschr. Ethnol., 20, 1888, (r26)-(130). 194. Einige biologische Eigentiimlichkciten der Pedaliaceen. [1888.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 30, 1889, ii-iv. 195. [AdventivpHanzen der Oelfabrik in Mannheim (Fr. Lmv.), nauientlieli Hpergula Uaccida (liujth.) AscIutk. (Spergularia fallax, Lou-e).] [1888.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 30, 1889, xxxi-xliv. 196. [Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Flora von Deutsch- Siidwest-Afrika und der angrenzenden Gebiete.] I'e- daliaceiB. [1888.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 30,1889, 181-186, 239. 197. Lasiospermum brachyglossum, DO. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1889. l.')l-io.5; 1890, .57-58. 198. Springende Bolmen (brincadores, jumping seeds). Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1889, 187-188; 1892, 19-20. 199. Nachschrift [zum Artikel von W. Behbkndsen : Ein Vorkomiiien von Adventivptlanzen zu Riidersdorf bei Berlin]. Branilenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 30, 1889, 28.0-2H7. 300. Zur Synouymie dtr Eurolia ceratoides [L.) C. A . Meii, und eiuiger aegvptisclier I'aronvchieen. Oesterr. Hot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 99-101, 125-128, 252-256, 297- 301, 324-327. 301. [Ueber das Vorkommen eines Budiments des hinteren unpaaren Staubblattes bei Grntiola officinalis, L.] [1889.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 31, 1890, xvi- xi\. 303. Das Vorkommen der Scopolia carniolica, Jaeij., in Ostpreussen. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1890, 59-78, 81-82. 303. Carex refracta. }\'iUd. (1805), C. tenax, Reuter (1856). Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 40, 1890, 2.59-261. 304. [Das Auftreten vim Juncus tenuis, iri{((f., und anderen Adventivptlanzen in der Berliner Flora.] [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 32, 1891, xxxviii-xliv. 305. [Helosciadium inundntum, A'dc/i, bei Uuhland.] [1890.] lirandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32. 1891. xliv-xlv. 306. [.\chillea cartilaginea, I.edeb., im Oderthale oberhalb Frankfurt.] [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, xlv-li. R. S. A. C. 307. [Myrica Gulc in der Altniark.) (1890. J Bran- denb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, li-lv. 308. [Verbreitung von Mynca und f^'dum.) [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, Iv-lxiv. 309. Ilerbsthliile von Ledum und anderen Bycomes. [18'.)0.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891. Ixiv-lxvii. 310. Bemerkungcn iiber einige I'otentillen und andi'ii.' rilatizen Oht- und Westpreussens im AnschlusH an den .Xufsatz [von C. Kamo : ZahlcnverhaltniKBe der Flora I'rousseuB. II.] Urandonb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, 129-172. 311. [Ueber ein Exemplar von Veronica ChamiedryB, I,., mit tiefgetciltcn I>aiibbliittcrD.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 33, 1893, xvii. 313. [NacbtriiglicbeH iiber Anemone nemorosa, L., var. cierula, />C'., und andere Formen der Fhihlings- Anemonen, besonders A. ranunculoides, L., var. sub- integra, \yir»b.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 33, 1892, xviii-xxii. 313. [Primula cortuHoides, Z.., bei StrausBberg. ] [18:11] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 33, 1892, xxii. 314. [Leucoium sstivum, L., und Thlaspi alpestrc, /.., bei Elsterwerda.) [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 33, 1892, xxii-xxiii. 316. [Brunella laciniata, L., far. B. alba. Pall., von STEiNimEcuT bei Walbeck gefiinden.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 33, 1892, xlvii-xlviii. 316. [Silene chlorantha, Ehrh., mit klebrigem Stengel.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xlviii. 317. [Ueber den Fang des Butarcha-Fiaches.] Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1892, 145-148. 318. Ueber das Auftreten des sogenannten mctall- gliiiizenden Weinsteins an den Ziihnen der Wiederkiiuer, nanientlich in Siideuropa und dem Orient, und die sich daran kniipfende Sage vom Goldkraut. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1892, 190-195 ; 1893, 79-84 ; 1900, 235-236. 319. Lepidium apetalum, WiUd. (L. micranthum, I.rdfh.), und L. virginicum, L., und ihr Vorkommen als AdventivpHanzen. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, 108-129, 141-142. 330. Happort sur la question de la nomenclatare. [With discu/ision.] Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892. 8.5-121. 331. Hvgrochasie und zwei neue Falle dieser Erschci- nuiig. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892. 94-114. 333. Die Bestaubung von Cvrlamiuus persica. Hill. Dcutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 226-235, 314-:J18, (233). 333. Vorlau6ger Bericht iiber die von Berliner Botani- kern unternommenen Schritte zur Ergiinzung der " Lois do la nomenclature botanique.'' Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892. 327-3.59. 334. Zur Geschicbte der Einwanderung von Ualin- soga parviflora, Cav. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 42, 1892, 397-HIO. 336. Die springenden Tamarisken-Friicbte and Eichen-Galleu. [1891.] Bremen Abb.. 12, 1893, .53-58. 336. Taxus baccata, /.., in der Pricnitz? [1892-94.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb.. 34. 1893. xl ; 35. 1894. Ixi. 337. Eine bemerkeuswerihe Almuderungder .Sheraniia arvinsis, L. Deutsch. Bot. (ies. Ber., 11, 1893, 29-42. 338. Die Nonienclaturbewegnng von 1892. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 15, 1893 (lifihl.. No. 38, 20-28). 339. Sparganium neglectum, fi«f by, un J sein Vorkoin - men in Oesterreich-Unpam. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr.. 43, 1893, 11-14. 44-47. 330. Veronica campestris. Sthmalh., and ihrc Ver- breitung in Mitteleuropa. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 43, 1893. 123-126. 331. [Polygunatum vertieillatnm (L.) All., von QoTTFKiEU im Uakel aufgefunden.] [1893.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, iv. 2.3 Ascherson] 178 [Aschieri 232. Eine fiir das Vereinsgebiet neii entdeckte Pflanzenart : Spersularia ecliinosperma. [1893.] Bran- denb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35. 1894, xliii. 233. Eine neu in Europa aufgetretene Wander- pflanze : Solanum rostratuni, Dun. [1893.] Braiidenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, xliii-xlv. 234. Botaniscbe Keiseeindriicke aus Hinterpommern, West- und Ostpreussen im Spatsommer 1893. [1893.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, xlv-lix. 235. BeruerkunRen uber die Verwandtschafts-Ver- hiiltnisse der mitteletiropiiiscben Carices monostacbysB {Gruppe P.syllopbovaj, LoisL). Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1894, 126-134. 236. Beraerkuugen und Zusatze zu dem Aufsatze [von C. Waknstokf : Beobacbtungen in der Ruppiner Flora im Jahre 1893]. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35,1894, 134-147. 237. [Ueber die Verbreitung der Convallaria majalis, L., var. ro.sea, und des Antboxantbum Puelii in Nord- deutscbland.] [1894.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 36, 1895, xxv-xxvi. 238. [Ueber die Benennung des Cirsium silvaticum.] [1894.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 36, 1895, Ixv. 239. Isoetes ecbinospora, Dur., in Pommern. Allg. Bot. Ztscbr., 1895, 95-97. 240. Zur Geschichte und geographischen Verbreitung der Viola uliginosa. [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, x-xix. 241. [Cerastium anomalum, neu lur die Provinz bei Frankfurt a. 0. von Lnx und Grunhsiann gefuuden.] [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, xxix-x.ix. 242. [Fragaria vesca, var. rosea, Itnstriip, fiir Deutscb- land neu von Frl. E. Lietzmann bei Danzig gefunden.] [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, xxx. 243. [Scolopendrium bybridum, Aspleuum trieho- manes x Ruta muraria (in Steiermark von E. Preissmann, in Nieder-Oesterreicb von Frl. M. Beichel. in Tirol von Dr. W. Hauchecorne aufgefunden), Ibcris pinnata (Pots- dam, A. Be4Ni>) und Gymnadenia odoratissima (neu fiir das Gebiet bei Kl.-Schwecbten in der Altmark vou M. WiLCKE entdeckt).] [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, xlvi-xlix. 244. [Cbenopodium carinatum, mit WoUe aus Australien in Mitteleuropa eingescbleppt.] [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, liv-lv. 245. Ziisatz [zum Aufsatze von Otto von Seemen : Zwei Rosen und andorc Ptlanzen von den Riidersdorfer Kalkbergen]. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, 161-162. 246. [Neottia cordata bei Forst N.L. von Lebrer P. Decker gefunden.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 38, 1896, bi-liii. 247. [Weitere Beobacbtungen iiber die Verbreitung von Bidens connatus und den fiir Deut.seblaud 1896 neu aufgefundenen B. frondosus in Nord-Deutscbland.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 38, 1896, liii-lx. 248. Rechtfertigung des Namens Botrychium ra- mo.sum. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 38, 1896, 64-75. 24S. Eine bemerkenswerte Spielavt der Populus tremula. Deutscbe Bot. Mscbr., 14, 1896, 73-75. 250. Equisetum beleoobaris, E. maximum und Atbvrium alpestre. Oesterr. Bot. Ztscbr., 46, 1896, 3-10, 44-49, 201-204, 251-254. 251. Mitteilungen iiber einige neue, interessante PUanzenfunde in der Provinz Brandenburg. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 39, 1897, xxxiv-xliii. 252. [Ueber die Verbreitung dor beiden nordameri- kaniHcbeu Bidens-Arteu.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 39, 1897, Ixxxix-xci. 253. Ucbersicht neuer bez. nou veriiffentlicbter wicbtigir Fundc vou GefiisBpflanzen (Earn- und Bliiten- pUanzen) des Vereinsgebiets aus [den .Talnen 1897, 1898 und 181i;i]. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, 53-61 ; 41, 1900, 219-236; 42, 1901, 284-294. 254. Bidens connatus in Meckleuburg. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arcb., 1898, 87-95. 255. [Varietiiten der Friichte von Sambucus nigra.] [1899.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 41, 1900, Ixii. 256. Carex aristata, rar. Kirscbsteiniana, eine neue miirkiscbe Art. [1899.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 41, 1900, Ixii-lxvii. 257. Zur Chronik der markischen Flora. (Taxus baccata, Pirus torminalis, Ompbalodes scorpioides.) [1899.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 41, 1900, 111-117. 258. Uebersicbt der Pteridopbyten und Sipbonoga- men Helgolands. Wiss.Meeresuntersucb.,4 (H(,'?(7o;an(J), 1900, 91-140. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August], & Bolle, Carl. See Bolle & Ascberson. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich Augusf], & Engler, [Heinrich Guntar] Adolf. 2. Erklarung der Gescbiiftsleitung der vom internationalen Congress zu Genua (1892) ein- gesetzten Nomenolatur-Commission. Deutscb. Natf. Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 1), 153-159. Ascherson, Paul {^Friedrich Au<)u.st], & Graebner, P. Beitriige zur Kenutniss der norddeutscbeu Flora. Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Ber., 11, 1893, 516-530. See a!fo Craebner & Ascherson. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrifli Auiiust], & Luerssen, Chr[is- tian]. Sec Iiuerssen & Ascherson. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August], & Slagnus, Paul [iriV/ic/m]. 3. Die weisse Heidelbeere (Vaccinium myrtillus, L., rar. leucocarpum, Hausm.) nicbt identiscb mit der durcb Sclerotinia baccarum {Schroet.) Rehm, verursacbten Sclerotienkrankbeit. [1890.] Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 387-400, (188). 4. Die Verbreitung der bellfriicbtigen Spielarten der europaiscben Vaccinien, sowie der Vaccinium bewoh- nenden Selerotinia-Arten. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 41, 1891 {Ahh.). 677-700. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August], & Matz, A[lhcrt]. Sec Matz iS: Ascherson. Ascherson, Paul [Fric 1889 414-128, 484-49G, .^)58-.524-64(i. 40. Sulle oinojirafie di 2" specie. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Keud., 23,1890, 312-319. 41. Sulle DinoKialie binarie e ternarie. Milano Ist Lomb. Rend., 24, 1891, 278-292. 42. Sulle omoKrafie binaiie e i loro prodotti Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 24, 1891, 9114-975. 43. Sopra un metodo per stabilire le coordinate omogeiiee projittive del piano e dello spazio. Milano Ist. Lomb. Rend., 2'), 1892, 381-397. ' 44. Fondamenti di K'eometria analitica. Modena .\cc. S(M. Mem., 11, 1895, 301-338. Asehlerl, Tomasu. [lk'..bachtunBen der Bedeckung von Jupitir duroh den Mond 1889 Aug. 7.] All' equatoriale 111 Mkhz del R. Osservatorio di Torino. Astr. Nadir 122, 1889. 423-424. 2. Effemi-ridi del Sole e della luna per 1' orizzonte di lonno c per [gli anni 1890-93J. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti •2o, 1890, 44-57 ; 20, 1891, .5-19 ; 27, 1892 107-120 • •>8 1893, 7-ly. ' ~ ' a. Osservazioni lunari al circolo meridiano dell' Os- servatorio Astronomico di Torino. Astr. Nachr l->7 1891, 213-216. ' A^hkinasB, E[mil]. Ueber den Einlluss eleetrisclier W.ll.n a.if den t;alvanischen Widerstand metallischer Leiler. Berlin Phys. Gea. Verb., 1894, 103-112. ^' Ueber .las Absorptionsspeutrum des flussigen Wassers und iiber die Durchliissigkeit der Augenniedien fur rothe und ultrarothe Stralilen. Ann. Phvs Cbem 55, 1895, 401-431. ' ' 3. Zur Widerstandsiindernnp durch electrische Be- strahlun;;. Ann. Phys. Chera., 57, 1896, 408-411. 4. Spiktrobolometrische Untorsuchuugen iiber die Durchlas.sigkeit der Aufjenmedieu fiir rote und ultrarote btrablen. Ztschr. Psychol., 11, 1896, 44-52. 6. Theoretisches und Experimentelles iiber den Coharcr. Ann. Phys. Chcm., 06, 1898, 284-307. 6. Ueber die Emission des Quarzes in deiu Siiectral- bereiehe semer metallisclien Absorption. Berlin Phvs Oes. Verb., 1898, 101-105. 7. Ueber die Wirkung elektrischer Schwingungen auf beuetzte Contacte metallischer Leiter. Ann Phvs Chem., 67, 1899, 842-845. 8. Ueber anomale Dispersion im ultraroten Spektral- gebiete [1899-1900.] Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 53-54 • .\nn. Phys., 1, 1900, 42-68. Aschkinass, A[h„7], a Oarbawo, Antonio [Giorgio]. Sve Oarbasso A- Aschkinass. Asdikinass, /;[»,,7|, ,v Kauftnann, irr„/r,.rl. S.'f Kanf- mann ,v AschlOaass. [Ascione A«chkina»«, i:[mil]. A Bub«ns, ll\fiurich]. S<-f Bub«ns 'V Aschkinass. Aschman, (■{.imilU]. 9. Butter-UntcfHuohnng. Chem. /ti^'., 211. 1896, 723-724. 7. Was.Her^tofl-Eutwickelungsapparat. Cbem. Zte.. 21, 1897, 1049. ^ 8. Zur Bestimmnng der Jodzahl. Chem. Zt«., 22, 1898, .19, 71-72. 8. In gerinoir pratique. Brux. Soc. Linn. Bull.. (24. 1899] (.Vo». 3 A 4), 9-10. ,,.***• I'tstimnmng der Gesammtphosphorsiiure in den 1 li.jrnasschlacken. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 435-436. Aschman, C[umilU]. & Faber, llarald. Zur Besliramung der lluinussubhtauz in der Ackererde. Chem. Zt«., 23, Aschman, /■•. T. 'StimulaDts and narcoticB. School of .^Imj.s Quarterly, X. Y., 1, I88O. 74-HO. Aschmann, (Cpt.-lA.) — . 'Aus den Reisebcrichten S. M. S. I .cr«rm, Corv.-Capt. Donneb. Ueber das Antreflen deg Nordost-Passates auf der Rcise von .Madeira nach St Thomas. Ann. der Hydrogr., 4 (1876), 60-61. Aschner, .4rf/iur. Beitrige zum Iot,^^rus svphiliticus pre- cox. Wien. Med. W.schr., 40. 1896. 1411-1415 Aschoff, Albrecht. Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichtc der Artenen beim mun.whlichen Embryo. 11892 1 Mor- pliol. Arb., 2, 1893, 1-3-5. Aschoff, Curl. Ueber die Bedentung des Chlors in der 1 llanzc. Landw. Jbiich., 19. 1890, 113-141. Aschoff, A-[«r/J, & Jannasch, /',ii,/ [Kltrhardt] See Jannasch A: Aschoff, Aschoff, K[„rl], & Mai, J[ulitu]. Set Mai * AmeHott. ^^^*^°«, '-"fl'dg. Ueber den Aufbau der minschliehen liiiomben und dag Vorkommen von Plattchen in den blutbildendeu Organen. Virchow, .\rch., 130, 1893, 93- 2. Ein Fall von Distomum lanceolatum in der mensch- lichen Leber. Virchow, Arch., 130. 1893, 493-496. 3. Uiber capilliire Embolie v..n riesenkemhaltigen ZcUen. Virchow, Arch.. 134, 1893. 11-25. 4. Zur Frage der atypischen Epithelwnchernng and der Entstehung pathologischcr Driisenbildungen Gtittin- gen Nachr., 1894, 2-50-200. 5. Ein Beitrag zur normalen und pathologischen Ana- tomic der Schleimhaut der Hamwege und ihrer drtisigen Anhange. Virchow, Arch.. 138. 1894, 119-161. 19.5-220. 6. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Lei«r und des ZwerchfelU zu den Nahelschnur- und Bauchbriichen. Virchow \rch 144, 1896, 5U-.547. ' 7. Ueber den Fettgehalt fiitaler Gewebe. Deatsch Xatf. Verb., 1897 {Th. 2, H,il/U 2). 17-18. 8. DieOtiti.< media neonatorum. Ein Beitrag zur Ent- wickelungsgeschicbte der Paukenhohlc. Ztschr. Ohren- heilk., 31, 1897, 29.5-346; Arch. Otol., 28, 1899. 23.5-249. 9. Beitriigezur Anat.imiederSchwangerscliaft Beitr Path. Anat., 25, 1899, 273-308. Ascione, Enrico. Alcune considerazi.mi sol p«nta«dro c.mpleto. Napoli, Rend.. 31, 1893, 147-152. 2. Studio di una trasform&zione (3, 3). Giora Ust 31, 1893, ,5.5-94. ■ Ml"., 3. Sulla hessiana di una varietA nello spazio a 4 di- mensioni. Giorn. Mat., 31. 1893. 210-217. 4. SuUe snperticie del 3° ordine. Napoli Rend V2 1893, 39^4. ' 8. Su di im teorema di geometria proiettiva. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 9. 1896, 208. 6. S.,pra alcune invuluzioni dello spazio. Nanoli Rend.. 35. 1896, 13-29. *^ ' 7. S.il comple.^so di 1» ordine delle triaecanti di una suivi-ti.u. immersa in an S,. Roma, K. Ace. Linoei Rend., 6. 1897 [Sftu. 1). 162-169. 8. Sulle superficie immerse in un S,, le cni trisecanti costituiscono comples.«i di !• ordine. Roma. R \cc Lincei Kcnd., G. 1897 {Srm. 1). 240-247. 2»— 2 Ascione] 180 LAscoli 9. Proiezione ombelieale relativa alle quadriche a punti ellittici. [1900.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 10, 1901, No. 2, 33 pp. Ascoli, Albirto. SuU' acitlo plasminico. Ann. di I'arm. e Chim., [1899,] 485-489; Arch. Sci. Med., 23, 1899, 401-413; Ztscbr. Physiol. Chera., 28, 1899, 42&-43H. 2. Ueber den Phosphor dor Nucleinstoffe. [1900.] Ztscbr. Physiol. Chem., 31, 1900-01, 150-160. 3. Ueber ein ueues Spaltungsprodukt des Hefe- nucleins. [1900.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 31, 1900-01, 161-1(54. Ascoli, Carlo. Ueber die liistologische Entwickelung der menschliehen MaKenschleimhaut. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900 [Anat. Ges. Vcili.), 149-150. AscoU, G[iiilio]. Sur le mode de se comporter des corps alloxuriques dans les nephrites. Arch. Ital. Biol., 30, 1898, 484-496. a. Ueber die Stellunf,' der Leber im Nuolemstoff- wechsel. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72. 1898, 340-351. Ascoli, Ginlio. 19. U concetto di lunRhezza di linea non k soltanto indipeudente dal concetto di derivata ma anche da quello di continuita. Milauo, 1st. Lomb. llend., 17, 1884, 564-572. 20. Integrnzioue dell' equazione differenziale A-tt = 0 Ufir area di un cerchio. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 627-635. 21. Integrazione dell' equazione differenziale A"u = 0 in alcune aree plane assai semplici. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 252-258. 22. Dei rami alKfbrici di cm-va. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 279-284. 23. Intorno ad alcune rappresentazioni contormi. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 349-356, 390-395, 440-450. 24. Intorno alle funzioni che soddisfano alia equazione differenziale A-» = 0. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., IH, 1885, 474-480, 546-551, 599-610, 617-629. 25. Integrazione dell' equazione differenziale A-it = 0 in un area Rienianniana qualsivoglia. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 718-732. 26. Hi pone in chiaro il par. 3 delhi memona di RiF.MAKN : La teorica delle funzioni Abeliane. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 783-798. 806-816. 27. Un teorema suUe funzioni di cui ciascun termine eunafuuzionedi2( = \(' + i(/). Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 173-175. 28. Alcune osservazioni alle sue note relative alia integrazionedella equazione differenziale A'hi = 0. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 19, 1886, 285-287. 29. Integration der DiHereiitialgleichung A-h = 0 in einerbeliebigenRiemann'sohenFlache. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (.ifd. 1), 1888, No. 2, 83 pp. 30. Riassunto della [sua] memoria : " Le curve limite di una varieta data di curve" ed osservazioni critiche alia medesima. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 21, 1888, 226- 239, 257-265, 294-300, 365-371. 31. Sulle funzioni a due variabili reali, le quali crescono o decrcscono nel verso positivo di eiascuno degli assi in un pezzo di piano a distanza tinita. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 22, 1889, 317-335, 438-448, 686-726, 804- 810. 32. Ricerca delle condizioni cui deve soddiafare la funzione /(s) del punti del contorno C'.^ di un' area connessa qualsivoglia posta a distanza finita, pi;rche si possa costruire in quoKt' ultima una funzione / (.r, i/), Itt quale, cssendo ovunque eontinua, cresca ognora nel verso poeitivo di eiascuno detail assi e raggiunga i va- lor! fin) lungo C„. [1890.] Milano, 1st. Lomb. Mem., 16, 1891, 197-23.5. 33. Delle funzioni regolari in un' area connessa qualsivoglia a distanza liiiita. Ann. Mat., 20 (1892-93), 243-255. 34. Sulle derivateapparenti. Riv. Mat., 4, 1894, 22-24. 35. Sulla definizione di integrale. Ann. Mat., 23 (1895), 67-71. 36. I fondamenti deU' algebra. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 1060-1071. Ascoli, Qraziadio [Isaia]. Carlo Cattaneo negli studi storici. Nuova Antol. Sci., 171, 1900, 636-640. AscoU, il[olsh]. Sopra un metodo per la calibrazione elettrica di un filo metallico. Roma, R. Aec. Liucei Rend., 1, 1885, 197-203. 2. Sopra le correzioni di calibrazione. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 465-469, 538-540. 3. Bicerche sperimentali sopra alcune relazioni tra r elasticita e la resistenza elettrica del metalli. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Mem., 4, 1887, 406-431. 4. Sopra un termoseopio elettrico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 449-452. 5. Sopra la resistenza elettrica e 1' elasticity del- r argento. Koma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 {Sem. 1), 502-510. 6. Sulla relazione tra la forza elettromotrice ed il calore chimico nella pila. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 1). 397-403. 7. Sopra la tenacita e la plasticity del ferro a diverse temperature. Nuovo Cimento, 32, 1892, 8-19, 134-155. 8. Sulla elasticita e suUa resistenza elettrica del rame. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 10-16. 9. Sopra la tenacita del ferro a diverse temperature. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 388-395. 10. Sopra la misura della plastieita dei solidi e sopra la plastieita del ferro a diverse temperature. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 414-419. 11. Di alcuni effetti dell' incrudimento sopra la pro- priety magnetiche del ferro. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 30-38. 12. Un esperienza da lezione sulla induzione mag- netica. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 26, 1894, 11-12. 13. Misura della dilatazione dell' acciajo e dell' ar- gentano, mediante 1' apparecohio di Fizeao. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Mem., 1, 1894, 150-162. 14. Sopra la distribuzione del magnetismo indotto nel ferro. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 176-183,377-383; Nuovo Cimento, 35, 1894, 181-190. 15. Sopra la reazione del magnetismo indotto sul canipo induttore. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 279-285. 16. Sul magnetismo dei cilindri di ferro. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (.Sem. 1), 314-321; 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 341-340. 17. Ueber die maguetische Schirmwirkung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 54, 1895, 381-384. 18. Sopra la distribuzione del magnetismo indotto. Nuovo Cimento, 1, 1895, 5-18, 108-127, 279-280. 19. Studi sperimentali sul magnetismo. Nuovo Cimento, 3, 1896, 5-39. 20. Sui magneti Jamin. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 2), 61-66. 21. Sul fattoi-e smagnetizzante nei fasei e nei cilindri di ferro. Roma, R. Ace. Liucei Rend., 6, 1897 (.Sem. 2), 129-134. 22. Sulla determinazione della temperatura e del coeflicienti di conduttivita termica interna ed esterna di un conduttore. Nuovo Cimento, 7, 1898, 249-263. 23. Sulla penetrazione del magnetismo nel ferro. Nuovo Cimento, H, 1898, 32-34. AscoU, .U[(i;s;], A tori, Feiiiiiuuido. Sulla distribuzione del nmgnetismo indotto nel ferro. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 157-164. 2. Sopra il fattore smagnetizzante nei cilindri di ferro. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Bend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 190-196. AscoU, .M(ii(ri:iii. Sull' (luatojioeBi nella Lampreda. [1898.] Toriun Aco. Sci. Atti, 33, 1897, 676-683 or 916-923; Arch. Mikr. Anat.. 53, 1899, 623 631. Ascoli] 181 a. Ucber das Vorkommcn kernlialti(;cr Er.vthrocjtcu im nornialen Hlutc. Arch. Mikr. Anut., 55, 1900, J-it^-JHO. Ascott, (icur;/,- IC. Benzylidinc dipipcridine. Amer. Jl. I'hanii., li.'j, 1893, 428-433. ABcroft, Rtibirl Liivih. Notes on the shad. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. A- Traus., 12, 1898, 211-213. a. Mussel-beds and mud-banks. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 13, 1899, 147-149. 3. Note on the American shad. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 14, 1900, 173-174. 4. Notes on the white Huke or flounder. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. k Trans., 14, 1900, 174-177. A»li, (Hev.) C. D. Notes on the larva of Danima Bank- siie, Ltu-iii. Ent. Month. Mat;., 28, 1892, 232. Asbbumer, Cluiiies Albert. For biography and list of works set- Araer. Geologist, G, 1890, GSI-78; Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 1, 1890, 521-523; 5, 1894. 504-507; .\mer. Inst. Min. Eu^in. Trans., IM, 1890, 305-370; Amer. Jl. Sci., 39, 1890, 100; Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 28, 1890, 53- 5'J; Kaihoad & Enfjin. Jl., 04, 1890, 92. 8. 'Keport of the Aughwick Valley and East Broad Top district. Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Kep., fPI 1878 141-200. r L J. 9. 'The Bradford oil district of Pennsylvania. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 7, 1879, 310-328. 10. 'Kenovo coal basin. Pennsvlvania Geol. Surv Bep., G*, 1880, 73-78. 11. "The geology of McKean county, and itsconnection witli that of Cameron, Elk and Forest. Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Rep., 11, 1880, 371 pp. 12. 'Brazos coal-tield, Texas. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 9, 1881, 495-.30C. 13. "New method of mapping the anthracite coalfield.s of Pennsylvania. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans 9 1881, 5(10-518. ' ' 14. 'The anthracite coal beds of Pennsylvania. [1882.] Amer. Inst. Min. Encin. Traus.. 11 1883 130-159. , , oo, 15. 'Anthracite coal-fields of Pennsylvania Science 1, 1883, 313. 16. [Notes on the Natural Bridge of Virginia.] Amer Phil. Soc. Proc, 21, 1884. 690, 699-700. 17. Pennsylvania anthracite. Science, 3, 1884, 310- 18. Report of the progress of the second geological survey of Pennsylvania in Elk countv. Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Rep., RR (I't. 2), 1886, 01-300. 19. Report of the progress of the second geological survey of Pennsylvania in Forest county. Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Rep., KR (Pi. 2), 1885, 301-326. ao. The geolo-y of natural gas. [ls8o.] Science, G 1886, 42-43. 184-185 ; Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans 14, 1886, 428-438. 21. Borings for oil in Jackson and Abbot townships Potter county. [1880.] Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Ann' Rep., 1885, 82-94. 22. Report on the Tipton Bun coal openings, Blair county. (Coal beds in the Pooono formation No. x.) [1886.] Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Ann. Rep 1885 250-268. ' 23. Second report of progress in the anthracite coal- regions. Part II. [1880.] Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Ann. Rep., 1886, 209-490. 24. Report on the Brandywiue Summit kaolin-bed Delaware county. [1886.] Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Ann. Rep., 1886, 593-614. 25. Notts on the quaternary geology of the Wyoming- Lackawanna valley in Luzerne and Lackawanna counties I. Description of the Archbald pot-holes; also of the buried valley of Newport Creek near Nanticoke with special reference to the "Nanticoke mine disaster" of December, 18S5. (1880,] Pennsylvania Geol. Surv Ann. Rep., 1886, 015-030. [Ashe 26. The product and exhaustion of the oil-regions of Pennsylvania and New York. [1885.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 14, 1886, 419-428. 27. The classification and composition of Penn- sylvania anthracites. Amer. Inat. Min. Engin. Trans 14, 1886, 70IV725. 28. The geologic distribution of natural gas in the United States. [Jl'ith duciutiou.] [1886.] Amer. Inst. .Min. Engin. Trans., 15. 1887, 50.J-520, 539-542. 29. The geologic relations of the Nanticoke disaster. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 15, 1887. 029-644. 30. The geolog.v of Buffalo as rehited to natural gas explorations along the Niagara river. [1888.] Amer. Inst. Mm. Engin. Trans., 17, 1889, 398-40*). 31. Natural gas explorations in the eastern Ontario P'ninsiila. [1889.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 18. 1890. 290-303. Aahbuxy, Thomat. .Metallurgical and mechanical progress o-s illustrated by the exhibits in the K, 1895, 370. 10. Ueber das Vorkomnien von Aussatz in priicolum- Ashmead] 183 [Ashmead bisclier Zeit in America. Ztsclir. Ktlinol. 27 1898 (mTi-(3(l6). 11. On venomous opbidianB o( Culombia, South Am.MJca. [1896.] Indian Med. Gaz., .SI, 1897, 126-127. la. The H'tiology of beri-beri. N. Y. Med. Jl 70 1899. 788-789. Asliinead, I(i7//nm H[arriit]. lO. A biblio(;raphical iind .syiionymical catiilo(;ue of the North American Cjnipida-, witli description of new species. Amer. Ent. Soc. Tibdh ' 12, 1886, 291-304. 11. On the cynipidous galls of Florida with de- scriptions of new species. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans 12 1885. v-ix. la. Studies on North .American Chalcidida', with descriptions of new species from Florida, .\nier. Ent. Soc. Trans., 12, 1886, x-xix ; 13, 1886, 12.5-13.5- 14 1887, 183-203. 13. On the discovery of Thoracantha, a tropical genus of chalcid Hies, in Florida. [188.5.1 Entomolot'ica Amer., 1, 1886-86, 9.V96. 14. Synopsis of the North American sub-familie.'i and genera of Cynipida;. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans.. 13, 1886 59-64. 15. On two new Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Canad. Ent., 18, 1886, 18-20. 16. Description of a new chalcid parasitic on Mantis Carolina, Suy. Canad. Ent., 18, 1886, .57-58. 17. A new chalcid parasite on the common basket worm (Thyridopteryxephemerffiformis, Haworth). Canad. Ent., l.H, 1886, 97-98. 18. On the cynipidoas galls of Florida, with descrip- tions of new species and sj-nopses of the described species of North America. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans 14 1887 125-158. 19. Studies on the North-American Proctotrnpidm, with descriptions of new species from Florida. [1887.] Entomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88. Ti-1(,, 97-100, 117-119. ao. Studies of the North .\merican Proctotrupids, with descriptions of new species from Florida. Canad. Ent., 19. 1887, 125-132, 192-198. ai. Description of a new proctotrupid. [1887.] Entomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88. 128. aa. Hemipterolopical contributions. [1887.1 Ento- mologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 15.5-156. as. Report on insects injurious to garden crops in Florida. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 14, 1887, 9-29. 34. Descriptions of some new genera and species of Canadian Proctotrupidie. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 48-55. a5. An interesting new chalcid from Canada. ' Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, .55. ae. Descriptions of some new North American Chalcididce. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 101-107. a7. On the chalcideous tribe Chiropachides. Canad Ent., 20, 1888, 172-176. as. Description of a new species of Orthesia from California. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 202-204. a9. The chalcid genus Hileya.' Canad. Ent., 20 1888, 229-230; 21. 1889, 37-3.>^. 30. Descriptions of three new eucharids from Florida, with a generic table of the Eucharine. [1888.1 Entomo- logica Amer. 3, 1887-88, 186-188. 31. Descriptions of new Florida chalcids, belonging to the sub-family Encyrtinie. Entomologica Amer. 4 1888, 15-17. 3a. A revised generic table of the Eurrtomina;, with ilescriptions of new species. Entomologica Amer., 4, 33. A proposed classificaUon of the Hemiptera. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 6-5-69. 34. A revised generic table of the Chalcidin*. Entomologica Amer., 4. 1888, 87-88. 35. A generic synopsis of the Cicadidffi. Entomo- logica Amer., 4, 1888, 140-141. 36. A generic 8>-nopsis of the Fulgorids. Entomo- logica AniRf., 5, 1889, 1-6, 21-28. 37. .Agenericsynopsisof theBj-thoscopids. Entomo- logica Aiui-r., 5, 1889, 12.5-126. 38. \ g'-neric synopsis of the Aphididie. Entomologica Amer., 5, 1889, 1»*.5-189. 30. Not« KM parasites of .\therix ibis, FuZn-. Entomo- logist, 22. 1889, 290. 40. Descriptions of new Braconide in the collection of the U. S. National Musemn. U. S. Mus. Proc., 11, 1889, 611-671. 41. Descriptions of new Ichneomonids in the col- lection of the U. S. National Mugenm. U. S. Mus. Proc. 12, 1890, 387-151. 4a. The corn delphacid, Delphax maidis. [1890.] Psyche, 5, 1891, 321-324. 43. Report on an outbreak of the army worm, and on some other insects affecting grain, in Marvland. [1890.] U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, -53-57, 518. 44. A generic svnopsis of the Coccidte. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 18. 1891, 92-102. 45. Descriptions of some new Canadian Braconidte. Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 1-7. 46. An cncyrlid with six-branched antenns. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891. 455-457. 47. Discovery of the genns Cratspus, Fanter, in America, and the description of a new species. Canad. Eut., 24, 1892, 309-310. 48. Two new and remarkable ophionids. Philad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, 105-108. 49. Three new pambolids from the United States. [1892.] Psyche, 6, 1893, 289-290. 50. Synopsis of the Hormiinae of North America. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 20, 1893, 39-44. 51. Descriptions of new braconids bred by Prof. A. D. HoiKixs. Canad. Ent., 25, 1893, 67-79. 53. .\ new species of Tomnus. Philad., Ent. News. 4, 1893, 278-279. 63. On the species of the genus Mirax found in North America. Psyche, 6. 1893, 377-379. 64. [The strawberry weevil, .\nthonomus signatas, S'ly.] Descriptions of the parasites mentioned. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 5, 1893. lH-5-186. 55. A monograph of the North .\merican Proctotry- pidne. U. S. Mus. Bull., 45, 1893. 472 pp. 56. Descriptions of new |.arasitic H^-menoptera. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 21, 1894, 318-344; 23. 1S96. 179-234. 57. Descriptions of two new hymenopterons paiasites from water beetles. Caoad. Ent., 26, 1894. 24-26. 58. Descriptions of thirteen new parai^itic Hymeno- ptera, bred by Prof. F. M. Weestek. [1894.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. .11., 17. 1894-95, 4->-55. 59. A new genus and species of Proctotrypidse. and a new species of Brachysticba. bred by Prof. F. M. Webster. [1894.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. HisL Jl., 17 1894- 96, 170-172. 60. A new spider parasite. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 6, 1894, -2-59-260. 61. Some parasitic Hymenoptera from Lower Cali- fornia. [1894.] California Ac. Proc., 4. 1896. 1-2-2-1-29. 63. Notes on cotton insects found iu M;^- --npi [1894-05.] C. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life. 7, 1895 ■>j--W 240-247. 3-20-3-26. 68. [The discovery of Eia.V4- 266. Ashmead] 184 [Ashworth 66. Keport on the parasitic Hymenoptera of the island of Grenada, comprising tlii' families CyniijidjE, Ichneu- nionidiE. Braconidte, and Proctotrypidffi. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 7-12-812. 67. The habits of the aculeate Hymenoptera. [18',U.] Psyche, 7, 1896. 19-2B, ,H;t-46, .59-66, 75-79. 68. Some parasitic Hymenoptera from Baja Cali- fcirnia and Tepic, Mexico. [189.5.] California Ac. Proc, 5, 1896, 539-5.55. 69. [Anthidium eonsimile, n. sp.] Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 2-5-26. 70. [Torymus anthidii, ». .<;>.] Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 26. ■ 71. [Stelis 6-uiaculata, ;;. sp.] Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 218. 72. [Heniiteles Davidsonii, n. sp.] Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 320. 73. Descriptions of new cynipidous galls and gall- wasps in the United States National Museum. [1896.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 19, 1897, 113-136. 74. Descriptions of some new genera and species of Canadian Proctotrypidse. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 53- 56. 75. A new water-bug from Canada. Canad. Ent., 29. 1897, 56. 76. Two new parasites from Eupoeya Slossouiae. Canad. Eut., 29, 1897, 113-114. 77. Descriptions of Jive new genera in the family Cynipidie. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 260-263. 78. Nitelopterus, a new larrid genus. Philad., Ent. News, 8, 1897, 22-23. 79. Descriptions of three new parasitic Hymenoptera from the Illinois river. [1895.] 111. Lab. "Nat. Hist. Bull., 4, 1898, 274-284. SO. Notes on the Hymenoptera, collected by the Bahama expedition from the State University of Iowa. [1896.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 4, [1898,] 28-32. 81. Classification of the horntails and sawflies, or the sub-order Phvtophaga. Canad. Ent., 30, 1898, 141-145, 177-183, 205-213, 22.5-232, 24!l-2o7, 281-287, 305-316. 82. An egg parasite of Smerinthus astylus, Driin/. Philad., Ent. News, 9, 1898, 24. 83. Two new genera of sand \vasps. Philad., Ent. News, 9, 1898, 187-189. 84. Description of some new genera in the family Cynipida>. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 67-69. 85. Descriptions of two new fossorial wasps. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 129-130. 86. Notes on some European hymenopterous parasites of the Hessian fly, Ceeidomyia destructor, Sny, and other insects; bred by Dr. Paul Mauchal, the French govern- ment entomologist. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 135-138. 87. ThvnnidiE in the United States. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 251. 88. Some new genera of bees. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 282-285. 89. Classilication of the bees, or the super-family Apoidea. [1899.] Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 26, 1899- 1900, 49-100. 90. Classification of the cntomophilous wasps, or the super-family Sphegoidea. Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 145-155, 101-174, 212-22,5, 238-251, 291-300, 322-3,30, 34,5-357. 91. Super-families in the Hymenoptera and generic synopses of the families Thynnidm, Myrmosidio and Mutillidie. N. Y. Ent. Soc. j'l., 7. 1899," 45-60. 92. Four new entomophilous wasps. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 9-10. 93. Three new species in the genus Diploplectron, Fax. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 55-50. 94. The largest oak-gall in the world and its parasites. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 193-190. 95. Four new species belonging to the genus Pleno- culus. Fox. Psyche, 8, 1899, 3.37-339. 96. A generic table of the family Panurgidae : a reply to Mr. Cockeuell's critique on the segregation of Perdita, Cockerell. Psyche, 8, 1899, 372-376. 97. Description of the type of Polydontoscelis, Ashm. Psyche, 8, 1899, 387-388. 98. Classification of the fossorial, predaceous and parasitic wasps, or the super-family Vespoidea. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 14.5-155, 185-188, 295-296. 99. Description of a new genus in the Aphelininae. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 349. 100. Some changes in generic names iu the Hymen- optera. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 368. 101. Keport upon the aculeate Hymenoptera of the islands of St. Vincent and Grenada, with additions to the parasitic Hymenoptera and a list of the described Hymenoptera of the West Indies. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1900, 207-367. 102. Some hymenopterous parasites from dragon-fly eggs. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 61.5-617. 103. Some new exotic parasitic Hymenoptera. Philad., Eut. News, 11, 1900, 623-630. 104. On the genera of the chalcid flies belonging to the sub-family EncyrtiniE. U. S. Mus. Proc, 22, 1900, 323-412. 105. Notes on some New Zealand and .Australian parasitic Hymenoptera, with descriptions of new genera and new species. [1900.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 25, 1901, 327-360. Ashmead, ]Villiavi H[airis], & Howard, L[eland] Olssian], ,S'( (■ Howard & Ashmead. Ashmead, M'iUinm H[nrris], Biley, Charles Valentine, & Howard, L[eiand^ 0[ssia/i]. See Riley, Ashmead & Howard. Ashton, A[rtluir] W[illiam], Fleming, ,7[i)/i)i] Aliiilirose'], & Tomlinson, H. J. See Fleming, Ashton & Tomlinson. Ashwell, John R. Some notes upon dyed hosiery and its relation to skin irritation. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 5, 1886, 220-232. Ashworth, F., & French, William. See French !J'"' '°"'°'*''': l-''ostvom 8. Jannar 1S86 in. Thiir- (1 "j we:^'n88?:T;;:^,Jl'"'""^'" ^'- ^'^ ''''■ T ,w.T" ''''"" '"■'"' '^'^"«"'e itiir Ermitteluns der wahren Lufttemperatur Berlin Ak. Sb.-r., 1887, 'sAjl^ '" im^idQ lialnoometeorologie.] Hun.boldt, G, 1887 1-16. '""■• *' ^«"- 2«5-284; 5, 1888, jbf°-n ui';'"it8'"''r"""''™'''- ^'^^'''- ^■*"- v«^- M«rv^-^;f--^--'---a.,on. »^. uer Wettoruiuschlaf? in der eraten Wr,ol,= j Jahres 1888. Wetter, 5 1888 17-18 Kr-.«"'%fe t'^^issi .r,-,H!r"" ern., 1SB9, J,j 30 ; Wetter, 6, 1889, 129-133 ae. Ueber EistUamente. Wetter, G, 1889 7-13 s^";.iS '^r!t^i^9,^ror''"'" -^■^^'" s.rnf; ''^'■''""fnde Besprechungen der neuen "In [Association Fran9aise M*d;b 'vfrver Il'e" ^'^1'}^"''"' •^'■" Kl.matologen. .i.i|,ui.o. .>ut. Vcr. .Jber. n. Abb., 1890 9-11 l.errncbende lu. uenza-Kp.den.ie. WhUt 7 1890 /-l5' 138 '^«''«' '•WetterHanlon.- Wetter, 7! 1890, 1»0- 48. Ueber die Demonstration eines Aaoiration. vXT^i't"-!^; «""—"- Ber'ol^xn::: 9, "92 'i':i.!'""""''=''e Erzeugung vonlWgeo. ' Wetter, 2^*8- *•"' "-Itsa.ner IJegenfall. Wetter, y. 1892. 274-. n.";nk'!"l2''789l'TlT"''''°"'*^'*'- ^'^''^- '"*'™- Ua^^^'-" Ballonfahrten. irol^^t; i8".-N^:;i"Tf^^9Jii^,"j''^'^"'°''^-«-^--'-' we't?.,?2%T9ri«-ro'^G.^^f ""' ''^"' '^-''-■ We"er, V2:"ir5"l'69-nr ^P'-'--P'^y'='^--..er. rr^' I?''^ V "T ^r"?'""" °f November U, 189G ^ .J H;.^- *'''°"''y^^ <=*"'■ Rev., 24 (1896) i^lU^u 67. D,e Erforschung der huheren Schich^'i^ der Atmosphare. Wetter, 14, 1897, I-9 ■'<='"<=1'en dtr «t,frt" ^"'■j"<^f '>"■"'' 'ies Gewitters', und der Gewitter u..^^. ^i!:r,'^:i^J*l5^/«P-'--^«rehro. 60. Uammernngsstreifen. Wetter, 1.5, 1898. 2H3-2*4 ■54 bl", g^l|^^°'">«°«'^'J>l"ng. Wetter. 17. W l-«. 63. Einige Betrachtungen iiber deu TemDerRt.ir.T»„„ 64. Aus dem Aeronanlischen Observatori.im d«. »oo.'-'i'4t;63^i:i;ttrtr ^-'""- ^ve.^'i:. t^ pe^^s^ti'^r'^.iS;!.'^^;;^""-''- «'• S. Ueber senile Dvsurie. St I>et«r«h \f^ «- 1. 18,1893,79-^2. ^'- 'e««r8b. Med. Wschr., Association of American Anatomist. r„n.„i„ 33, 1899, x-xv. '"1"'". Jl. Anat. Physiol.. Assodaaon rran,ai.e. Section d'AnthropologU Di. c,,ss„.„ s„r \, ,M-,.„u.„t de Thenay. Ass. Frauc' C K 1884 (7'/. 21. 3T0-.V.I1. J^rauv. c. «., Association PrMsalsa, Secliou d< Chimit Discussion snr le rapport de la Sous-Co.u.uission fTnca^se^rrU Association Francaise] 188 [Astre rel'oriiie . IIi)e.HBapnTe.ntnno cooflmenie. [1877.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Proc, 1876-77, .-tpjiend. No. 29, 6 pp. Asted, . Nogle sffitninger som en indleilninR til den projektive geometri. Nyt Tidsskr. Math., 6 (.\), 1895, 1-16. Astid, n{iriniinn]. Dihydrophtalsaure. [1888.] Liebig's Ann., 258, 1890, 187-219. Astis, Filijipo ih\ Sulla derivabilita di un sistema di forme binarie da un' uniea forma con applicazione al sistema di due cubiche binarie. Giorn. Mat., 36, 1898, 161-171. 2. Sul sistema di tre forme quadratiehe binarie. Giorn. Mat., 37, 1899, 148-159. Astis, iriti.i {il.D.). See Arnaud i^ Astros. Astros, Li'on d', A Rletsch, Mujrimilien. Essais d'i'X- traction de rantitoxiiic di|ilit(;'ritique. Paris, Soc. 13ioI. Mtiu., .52, 1900 {C. li.), S37-3H9. Astruc, .1. I'ontrilmticin a IVtude des glycerophosphates. .11. Pharin., 7, 1898, -5 8. 2. .Mcalimctrie des amines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., VI'.), 1899, 1021-1023. 3. Acidimetrie des acidis jiolvba.siqucs organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 2.")3-2.5J. 4. De racidimitrie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130,1900, 1503-1.504. 5. Du Talcalim^trie et de I'acidimd-trie en analyse volnnu-trique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., l.SO, 1900, 1030- 10:!'.i. Astruc, .1., iV Imbert, Henri. See Imbert i% Astrue. Astruc, .1., A- Murco, //. Sur quelques composts caco- dyliqiios. .11. Pliarm., 12, 1900, ,')53-5.50. 2. Acidimetrie des aldi^hydes et des acetones. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. B., 131, 1900, 943-94.5. Astruc, //. .\ction des noirs decolorants sur le vin. Ann. Cliim. Anal., 3, 1898, 183-191. AstTup, Kifiiiil. K(ir liioprnphy see Kristiania, Geonr. Selsk. Aarb., 7, 1896, 117-120 ; Wien Oeogr. Ges. Mitth., 39, 1896, 214. A journey round Melville Bay. Geogr. Jl., .5, 1896, 34.5-3.54. a. Det arktiske problem eg de to Peary-expeditioner. Slmderei.se til Melvillebugten. Kristiania, Geogr. Selsk. Aarh., 0, 1896, 80-94. Asvdnyl, /,uji)8. Szarvasmarha^sbivaly korcsai. [Hybrids of ox and buffalo.] Termt. Kozlon., 20, 1894 {Suppl.), 90-92. Aswadouroff, A'. Comparaison du dtveloppement des ninsoles cliez I'embryon liuniain et chez les animaux k I'etat adulte. Paris, Soc. I3iol. Mem., 40, 1888 {C. II.), 077-078. Atanasescu. See Atbaaasesca. Ataaasov, I'. Uebir bulgari.iche Niokelscheidemiinzen. Cluin. Zig., M, 1890, 098-099. Aterido, LiiU. Nuevos datos para la flora de Madrid. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894 {.iet.), 241-243. a. I.ista ordenada inetodieainente de ninchas plantas de la provincia de Cuenca. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899, (.t<-/.), 195-202. Atgler, [I-'.iiiilf Ale.ri>uiire]. Anthropologic de la Vienne aux temps actuels. (K.tudo de la population de ce departement d'apr^s les observations et r^sultats statis- tiqucs recueillis sur les liommes de la classe 1891.) Paris Soc. Antlno|i. Bull.. 9. 1898. 017 037. a. Ktudc ct statibtiquc cthoique de I'liidrc. Paris Soc. Antbrop. Bull., 10, 1899, 171-190. Atbanasescn, |iVira/iim Lfoii]. Re- cherclus sur le mecanisine dc Paction antiooagulante des injections intraviineu.ses de peptone. Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 800-881. a. Contribution h. I'etude de la coagulation du sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 3'^0-382. 3. L'action dc la peptone sur les globules blancs du sang. Paris, Soc. Biol. iUm., 48, 1896 (f. J!.). 328-330. 4. La propcptone comme agent anticoagulant du sang. Paris. Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. /;.), 526-528. 5. Effcts des injections de peptone gnr la consti- tution morphologique de la Ivmphc. Paris, Soc. Biol. ilim., 48, 1896 (C. li.), 769^771. 6. De la snppleance des tissus dans le pheiiomine de la coagulation sanguine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. /(.), 1094-1095. 7. Bemarques sur le tibrin-ferment et I'alcalinit'^ du jilasma peptonique. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 375-384. 8. L'action des hautes tem)X'ratures sur le caeur in riio. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 789-«01. 9. La resistance des animaux homeothermes aux in- jections tr^s chaudes intraveineuses. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 49, 1897 (f. «.), .590-592. 10. L'action des hautes tem|>irature8 sur le ccenr de la tortue. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mim., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 700-708. 11. La polypnce tliermiquecentrale et son m^-canisme de production. .■Vrch. de Physiol., 10, 1898, 9.5-103. la. Le travail mnscalaire et le rvthme du ca'ur. Arch, de Physiol., 10. 1898, 347-302. 552-567. 13. Des moditicatiuns circulatoires qui se produisent dans les mcmbres en activite, etudi^es k I'aide du ple- thvsmographe. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., .50, 1898 (C. U.). 208-270. Athanasiu, J. [Ion], A Z.anglois, Jlean] l^aul]. Action coinpart-e des sels de Cidinium et de zinc. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 47. 1896 (f. K.). 391-392, 496-497; Arcb. de Physiol.. 8. 1896. 251-263. a. .\ction des sels de cadmium et de zinc sur le sang. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mim., 47. 1896 {C. Ji.), 719-722. 3. Du role du foie dans la destruction de la sub- stance active des capsules surrinales. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49. 1897 (f. li.}. 575-576. Athanasiu, ,'. [Ion], Carvallo, Jlonchim Lt'on], A CltarTln, .llUit. Sur Taction lyniphagogiie des toxine- pyocya- niques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 48. 1896 (C. K.). •'CO- •gne of tlio Inrtcctu of the oriental r«'gion, ...Order Cnleoptera. [FariiilieB Cicindelidii', Caraliida', L)yti>ici(la\ Gyririidie, I'aUBHidn!, Ilvdiupliilidio, Silpliidie, Corylophida', Scydiiui'iiiJu), I'selupliidie, Utaphylinidii'.j [1889-90.] Uenkal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 58 (Vt. 'i), 1890 (Sttpid.), 1-24, IQ'.l; 59 {Pt. 2), 1891 (Suppl.), 2G5 + XXV pp. 9. ('atalof^iie of tlie Insecta. Order Rliynehota. .Sub- order lieiiiiiitera-Heteroptera. Family Capsido!. [1889.] Bentjal Asiat. Soc. .11., 58 (I't. 2), 1890 {Suppl.), 2.5-199. 10. Notes on Indian insect |iests. Rliynehota. [1889.1 Indian Miis. Notes, 1, 1889-91, 1-8, 12.5-127. 11. Notes on Indian economic entoiiioloj^y. Rliyn- ehota. [1890.] Indian Mus. Notes, 1, 1889-91, 175- 190. 12. American blight (Schizoneura laniKera). [1891.] [I'osth.\ Indian Mus. Notes, 2, 1891-93. .")2-58. Atkinson, Kilward. 3. Extraordinary vitality of En- tomostraca in mud from Jerusalem. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 372-376. Atkinson, (.l/i.«) Kliziilielh Alien. I. Metal separation by means of hydrohromic acid gas. II. Indium in tungsten minerals. Amer. Clicm. Soc. .11., 21), 1898, 797-813. Atkinson, (Miss) F.li:(thHh .tlh'ii, .t Smitti, Kiliiar I'Jahxl The .separation of iron from beryllium. Amer. Chem. Soc. .11., 17, 189B, f)8H-B89. Atkinson, (;[i'iii7/(| A[li:raii(li-r] S[inic], & Ferman, FAgar riiilip. .S'r'i' Ferman iV Atkinson. Atkinson, (![i-iiriir] .iim.cs of nutrient agar agar. Bot. Gaz., 17, 1892, 1.54-1.56. 23. The genus Frankia in the United Stales. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 19, 1892, 171-177. 24. Comparative study of the structare and (unction of the sporangia of ferns in the dispersion of spores. .\mer. Ass. Proc, 1893, 253-254. 25. Symbiosis in the roots of the Opbioglosscs. Amer. Ass. Proe., 1893, 2.54-255. 26. Photography as an instrument for recording the macroscopic characters of microorganisms in arti- ficial cultures, .\raer. .\-*s. Proc, 1893, 255. 27. A study of a new fungus. Amer. Micr. Jl., 14, 1893, 121-126. ■ 28. A new disease of the apple. [With ditcuuion.] [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1893, 24-27. 29. Method for obtaining pure cultures of Pamuel's fungus of Texas root rot of cotton. Bot. Gaz., 18, 1893, 16-19. 30. A new " damping off " fungus. Bot. Gaz., 18, 1893, 26-27. 31. Contribution to the biology of the organism causing leguminous tubercles. Bot. Oaz., 18, 1893, 157-166, 226-237, 257-266. 32. Dropsy of violets. Garden & Forc-t, 6, 1893, 536. 33. Dropsical diseases of plants. Science, 22, 1893. 323-324. 34. Unequal segmentation and its significance in the primary division of the embryo of ferns. Torrey Bot. Club Hull., 20, 1893, 4(15-407. 36. Two perfectly develoiwd embryos on a single prothalliura of Adiantum cuueatum. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20. 1893, 407-408. 36. The extent of the annalns, and the fanclion of the different parts of the sporangium of ferns in the dis|>ersion of 8|)ores. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 435-437. 37. Relation between the functions of the vegetative and reproductive leaves of Onoclea. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1894, 290. 38. On the swarm spores of Pythinm and Ceratio- myxo. Amer. Ass. Proc. 1894. 2-50. AttliUl, I.iimbe. 6. On the action of certain drugs on the uteio-ovarian system. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 80, 1888, 457-404. Attix.'.jHici C, & Meade, Richard A'li'dd^r]. Sec Bleade .V Attiz. Attwater, Harni I'. Nesting habits of Texas birds. Oniith. Ool., 12, 1887, 103-105, 123-125. 2. List of birds observed in the vicinity of San .'Vn- tonio, Bexar county, Texas. Auk, 9. 1892, 229-238, 337-345. Attwood, Georgr. 6. Notes on some of the auriferous tracts of Mysore Province, southern India. Geol. Soc. yuart. Jl.. -14. 1888, G3tMJ51. Attwood, Melville. For biographical notice and works tee Geol. Mag.. 5, 1898, 33.5-336. *0n the milliug of gold quartz. California Min. Bur. Bep., 2, 1882 (.Ippetiil ). 191-203. R. S. A. C. 2. A simple working test for determining the quiin- tity of giild mechanically combined with auriferous vein- matter. California Miii. Bur. H<;p., 5, 1888, 7H-H7, 228. 3. Lithologv of wall rocks. California Min. Bur. lt<|i.. M, 1888. 771-784. 4. On distinguiHliing minerals. Amer. Micr. Jl., 17, 1896, 139-111. Attwood, .Melrille, & Hanks, Henry U. See H«nk« & Attwood. Atwater, .Umuoii I){ancin]. [On the rearrangement of iniidoeHters.] Experiments with furirnidoiiietliyl ester, ;j-tolenylimidiiniethyl ester, and /Snapbthylimidoethyl ester. Amer. Chem. Jl., 23 (1900), 14.5-147. Atwater, ir[i7/>Mr| (J[lin]. 6. On the chemistry of fish. Aiiiir. Ass. Proc., 1884, 170. 7. Percentages and costs of nutrients in foods. Amer. Ass. Prw., 1884, 648-651. 8. On the assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen by plants. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1884, 685-686; Science, 4, 1884, 322. 0. Les relations cntre lea plantes et I'azote de leur nourriture. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 689; Ann. Chini., 2, 1884, 322-331. 10. On till' acquisition of atmospheric nitrogen by plants. [1885.] Amer. Chem. Jl., 6 (1884-88(. 365- 3.88; Landw. Jbiich., 14, 1888, 621-632. 11. Contributions to the knowledge of the chemical composition and nutritive values of American fo'id-fishes and invertebrates. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 11, 1888, 433-499; 16, 1892, 079-868. 12. On the liberation of nitrogen from its compounds and the acquisition of atmospheric nitrogen by plants. Amer. Chem. Jl., 8 (1886), 39»-420. 13. On the determination of nitrogen by soda-lime. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 13.5-136. 14. On chemical changes accompanjnng osmose in living organisms, illustrated by the oyster. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 136. 15. On the chemistry of fish. Part I. Analyses of specimens of American fishes. Amer. Chem. Jl., 9 (1887), 421-452; 10 (1888), 1-20. 16. On sources of error in determinations of nitro- gen by soila-lime, and means for avoiding them. Amer. Chem. Jl., 10 (1888). 197-209, 262-282. 17. Ueber die Ausnittzung des Fischfleisches im Darrakanale im Vergleich mit der des Rimlfleisches. Zt-schr. Biol.. 24, 1888, 16-28. 18. On the acquisition of atmospheric nitrogen by plants. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1889, 179. 19. [Remarks on the lines of investigation for chemists.] [1889.] U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., So. 24, 1890. 69-71. 20. Report of Committee on ways and means for securing more thorough chemical study of foods and feeding staffs. U. S. Div. Chem. Ball., No. 28, 1890. 117-125. 21. Abstract of paper on the nutritive value of alc.hol. [1899.] .\uier. Jl. Physiol., 3, 1900, xiii-iiv. Atwater, ir[i7iiir] 0[lin]. A Bail, Elreretl] .M[eaeham]. On certain sources of loss in the det[a«;»]. Do I'lmpermeabilisation du sol des habitations collectives des malades et essai de paraffinage k rh6pital Villemanzy. Ann. Hyg. Publ , 42, 1899, 362- 377. Aubert, .l[iiiii'~\. 4. Sur la contagion de la tuberculose. Ass. Franc,'. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 706-707. Aubert, .ilfred n[elUimy]. The gum of Liquidarabar styracitlua or American storax as a mountiug medium. Amer. Micr. .11., (i, 1885, 86-87. 3. Results of experiments upon the adhesiveness of some microscopical cements. Amer. Micr. Jl., 6, 1885, 227-229. 3. Index of refraction. Amer. Micr. Jl., 13, 1892, 225-229. 4. Diatoms found in a fresh-water deposit from Jone.sport, Maine. Amer. Micr. Jl., 17, 1896. 165-166. Aubert, .ilj'red BlelUimy], & Colby, I>. IC. Notes upon the composition and some peculiarities of mule's milk. Jl. Anal. Chem., 7, 1893, 314-316. Aubert, .il/red li[,'ll(imy], A Patrick, Gfo. E. See Patrick c(' Aubert. Aubert, Eplircm. Note sur les acides organiques chez lis pbintus grasses. France Soc. Hot. Bull. , 37, 1890, 13.j- 137. 3. Sur la repartition des acides orpaniques chez les plantcs grasses. Rev. Gin. Bot., 2, 1890, 369-384. 3. Respiration compar^e des plantes grasses et des plantes ordiuaires. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 492-503. 4. Note sur le dc^gagement simultane d'oxyg^ne et d'acide carboniqiie chez les Cactees. Paris, .4c. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 674-676. 6. Note sur un phenomfcnc physiologique qu'on observe dans les ^changes gazeux chez certaines plantes grasses. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mf'm., 43, 1891, 51-57. 6. Nouvel appareil de ilM. G. Bonnier et L. Manois pour I'analyse des gaz. Rev. Gen. Bot., 3, 1891, 97-104. 7. Recherches sur la turgescencc et la transpiration des plantcs grasses. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 16, 1892, 1-90. 8. Recherches sur la respiration et I'assimilation des plantes grasses. Rev. G^n. Bot., 4, 1892, 203-219, 273-282, 321-331, 337-353, 373-391, 421-441, 497-502, 568-568. 9. Recherches phyHlologiqucs sur les plantes grassc-x. R"V. Sci., .51, 1893, 24.3-244. Aubert, llernuitm. For bii)K'ra|)hy »ee Leopoldina, 28, 1892, 58; ZtBclir. INychol., 3, 1892, 2.56. 39, '[L'nterBUchungen iiber Jen KinfluHsder.\thmung auf die I'ulsfrequenz und den Bliitdruck.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagibl., 1869, 207. 30. Niihert Hich die Hornhautkriimmungam meisten der Ellipse? Pfliig.r. Arch. Physiol.. 35, 1885, .597-621. 31. [ Die Schnellpbotogniphieals cine Methov Aubert. Aubert, Paul. Question proposee au coucours general pour la classe de mathematiques 8i>^ciale.s, juin. Iiis6. Solution analytique. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 4, 1886, 91-96. 3. Composition de mathematiques ilementaires pro- posee au eoncours d'agregation >le 1886. Solution. [1886.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proo. , 5, 1887, 23-28. 3. Sur un syst^me de cercles tangents 4 one circon- ference et orthogonaux A une autre circonference. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc. 6, 1888, 33-3><. 4. Sur une propriete projective des sections coniqaes. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc., 7, 1889. 61-66. 6. Sur une generali.satiou du tbeor6me de Pascal donnant neuf points en ligue droite. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 5-29-535. 6. Coordonn^es tangentielles. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, .55-4>8. Aubert, Samuel. [Quelqnes anomalies des tleurs de saule.] [1893.] Lau.^aune, Soc. Vaud. Bull-, 30, 1894, xi. 25—2 Aubert] 196 [Auche 2. [La flore de la vallee de .Toux.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull. , 30, 1894, xxx-xxxi ; 30, 1900, 16-'22. 3. Les pommiers de la valine de Joux. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, 290-291. 4. Notes .sur ijuelques plantes rares ou non signalees de la valine de Joux. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 33, 1897, 196-202. 5. La tlore de la vallee de Joux. Etude monogra- pliiiiue. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 3(i, 1900, 327-741. Aubert, Samuel, & Forel, F[ran(jois] Allphoiinc]. See Forel & Aubert. AVLbe\ix.,[Alexiiiidre Jules Marie]. For biographical notice see .Vngers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, 292. Aubin, Cli[arles], & Graebe, C[ltarles]. See Graebe it Aubin. Aubin, Emile. Sur les precedes suivis pour la d(itermina- tion de I'acide phosphorique dans les superphosphates. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 98. 1884, 1591-1594. 2. Sur le dosage de Tacide phosphorique dans les phosphate."! livr(5s k I'agriculture. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 15'.).5-159(j. 3. Sur la separation et le dosage du plomb, de I'arpent et du zinc dans les minerais composes de galene et de blende. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull. , 7, 1892, 134-135. 4. Nouveaux fourneaux a moufles. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 596-597. 5. Les sfories de depbospboration. France Soc. Agr. Bull. , .55, 1895, 175-177. Aubin, Emile, & Alia, L[ucien]. Sur le dosage de I'azote organique par la methode de M. K.ieli)AHl. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 246-248, 960-961. Aubin, indie, & Muntz, A[cliille]. See Oliintz &■ Aubin. Aubin, Emile, & Quenot, Jetties]. Sur la determination de I'azote total dans les engrais. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 3, 1890, 322-326. Aubin, Perey A. The limpet's power of adhesion. Nature, 45, 1892, 464-465. Aubineau, E. De la seroth^rapie antidipbterique en ocu- listique. Pro^'res Med., 3. 1896, 353-355. 2. Trois cas de molluscum contagiosum Ann. d'Oculist., 123, 1900, 463. Aublez, Ant. Sur un passage de Strabon relatif a un traitement de la vigne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1301-1302. Aubouy, A. Florule de Palavas ou catalogue des plantes vasculaires observees aux environs de cette localite. [1884.] Rev. Bot., 3, 1884-85, 171-206. 2. Sur une Statice des environs de Palavas. As.s. Fran?. C. R., 1889 (Ft. 1), 300. 3. Contributions a la flore de Montpellier. Plantes interessantes observees aux environs d'Auiane (Herault). Rev. Bot., 8, 1890, 291-301. Aubouy, F. L'Isoetes de la mare de Grammont, pros Montpellier [Isoetes setaoea, Delile]. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 22, 1897 (Mem.), 29-33, (C. li.) 17. 2. Contribution i, I'histoire de la botanique a Mont- pellier. Note sur un catalogue de plantes du naturaliste Auguste Brohssonnet. BiSziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 20, 1898, 5-19. Aubry, {It.) [itienne Jean Isidor]. Note sur la latitude de Curai;'ao et sur les longitudes de La (iuayra, Puerto- Cabello, Curasao (Rif-Fort) et Sainte-Mar'thc. Ann. Hydrogr., 9, 1887, 45-52. 2. Note sur les observations magnetiques faitcs a br)rd de la Minerve (1886-88). Ann. Hydrogr., 10, 1888, 290-303. Aubry, A. Solution d'une question d'alg^bre : [Etant donnee l'(5quation x^ + ax- + bx + c = ii, trouver les substi- tutions raiiouuelliis qui reproduisent I'equation]. Nouv. Anii. Math.. 6, 1887. 175-190. Aubry, Alphunse. 2. liajiport sur le Choa et les pays Gallas. Arch. Miss. Sci., 12, 188B, 407-411. 3. Observations geologiques sur le royaumc du Choa et les pays Gallas. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 1182- 1184. 4. Observations geologiques sur les pays Danakils, Somalis, le royaume du Choa et les pays Gallas. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 201-222. 5. Une mission an Choa et dans les pays Gallas. [1886.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1886, 320-324; Paris, Soc. G(5ogr. Bull., 8, 1887, 439-485; Arch. Miss. Sci., 14, 1888, 457-511. Aubry, C'[(/Hi;7/t'], Rutot, .-([/me']. & Broeck, E\rncst] van den. See Rutot, Broeck A Aubry. Aubry, L[oms]- 3. Eiuiges iiber Malzuntersuchung. Deutseh. Natf. Verb., 1899 {Tli. 2, Hiil/te 1), 159-163. Aubry, Paul. Projet de generalisation du service d'identi- tieation par I'anthropometrie. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 32, 1894, 29-36. 2. A propos de la lutte centre la syphilis en Russie. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 3.S, 1897, 400. AubuiBson, Aurfuste d'. 3. Supplement a joindre au "Catalogue des Lepidopt^res de la Haute-Garonne." Publie dans le Bulletin de la Societe d'Uistoire Natu- relle de Toulouse (B. M. 4 mai 1868). Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1885, 20.5-216. 4. Melitffia Deione, Hb., dans le departement du Lot. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 71-72. 5. Chelonia fasciata, Bodd. (Lepid.), dans le departe- ment du Lot. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 11.5-116. Auburtin, Guston. Das Vorkommen von Kolbenhaaren uud die Veranderungen derselben beim Haarwiederer- satz. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 47, 1896, 472-500. 2. Beitrag zur Teobnik des Aufklebens von Celloidin- scbnitten. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 90-93. Aubusson. See Magaud d'Aubusson. Auch^, A[uiiuste]. Sur le cocco-bacille rouge de la .sardine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 18-21. 2. La lepre en Nouvelle-Caledonie. Arch. Med. Na- vale, 71, 1899, 5-36, 81-133, 161-193, 241-25o, 321-343, 401-425. Auctai, A[uijuste], & Dn Bois-Saint-Sivrin, [Louis Marie]. See Du Bois-Saint-S^vrin & Aucb6. Aucta^, B[ernard]. Des alterations des uerts periph^riques chez les diabetiques. Arch. M^d. Exper., 2, 1890, 635- 676. 2. De la choree hysterique arythmique. Progr^s Mdd., 14, 1891, 435-437. 3. Passage des microbes k travers le placenta des femuies enceintes atteintes de variole. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(;m., 44, 1892 (C. H.), 922-924. 4. Complications peritoneales de la variole. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. li.), 83-87. 5. Recherches exp^rimentales sur I'lHranglement in- testinal. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 2), 588-590. Aucb6, B[ernurd], & Carri^re, G[eorrjes]. Toxicite uri- ujure dans I'adeuie tuberculeuse et dans la lytnpbadenie leucemique splenique et ganglionnaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. .Mem., 48, 1896 (C. B.), 670-672. Aucb6, B[ernard], & Chambrelent, [Jnles J. B.]. De la transmission k travers le placenta du bacille de la tuberculose. Arcb. Med. Exper., 11, 1899, 521-545. Aucl>6, />'! ernard], & Chavannaz, iagno.«e des Diph- tlurubacillus. Centrbl. Bakt. {.ibi. 1), 23, 1898, 041- lUC. Anclalr, .Iiile.i. Kssais de serothcrapie experimentale antituberi-uleuse A I'aide du sang de poules trait^es. Arch. Med. Exper., 8, 1896, 44.5-J.58. 2. La tuberculose hnmaine chez le pigeon. Re- cherches sur In localisation du bacille tuberculeux humain dans rorgauisme de cet oiseau. .irch. Med. Exper.. 9, 1897, 277-281. 3. Becherches sur la virulence des bacilles tuber- culeux humains provcuant de sources cliniquuH diYersea. Arch. M<;d. Exp<:r., 9, 1897, 1124-1134. 4. Les poisons du bacillc tuberculeux liumaio. Uecherches sur la pneumonie tuberculeuse. [IjU, kcM- rose pulmonairc d'origine tuU-reuleuse.] Arch. Med. Exper., 11, 1899, 303-377; 12, 1900, 189-202. Aocour, . 'Oran (.VIgerie). Observations mi'teoro- li>gic|ueM faiU'S pendant [les aiinees 18.53 et 1857-67]. I'niuiM' .Soc. .MeUiorol. Annu., 2, 1884, I'l. 2. 283-291; «, 1860, I't. 1, 107-115: 9, 1861, /'(. 1, 127-130; 13, 186B. I'l. I, 77-88; 14. 1866, Tuhleuux. 71-80; 15, 18«7, Tiihleauj-, 81-90; 10, 1868, Taldetius, 93-98. Anconr, , A Kobln, . 'MoBtaganem (Alglirie). Observations meteorologii|ueB faites pendant I'annee 1853. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1804, Pi. 2, 292-294. 2. *Oran et Mostaganem (Alg(^rie). Resumes des observations meteorologiques faites pendant les anni^-es 1854-56. France Soo. Meteorol. Anuu., 5, 1807, Pt. 1, 157-169. Audon, .luthnini II'. Pterodactyles. Liverpool Geol. Aiis. Ti.iiis., 4, 1884, 71-70. Auden, Humid A\lldin]. Some new osazones and tetra- zones. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900. 229-232. Anden, llnndd A[lldeii], & Fowler, Uilbert John. The action of nitric oxide on some metallic salts. Brit. Ass. Rep.. 1896, 050-6.58. Auden, Humid A[lldrn], Ferkln, William Henry (^un.), iV Rose, ./. L[eunard]. Experiments on the synthesis of ciimphoric acid. Part II. Chem. Soc. Jl., 75, 1899 (I'l. 2), 909-921. Andenlno, /,. I Pteropodi Mioccnici del Monte dei Ca|)puceini in Torino. [1899.] Bull. Malacol. Ital., 20, 1896, 97-114. Audeond, ll[iiiri]. Note sur le nystagmus familial. Ann. dOculist., 113, 1896, 412-418. Audeville, .indri d'. Un cas (•ingulier de teratologic sur UM salmonide monstrueux. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 35, 1888. 990-903. 2. La truite arc-en-ciel d'.\merique. France Soc. Acelim. Bull., 35. 1888, 10.57-1068, 10;U-1101. Andbonl, ]'[icltir]. Sur le clapotage stomacal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 9s, 1884, 1G08-1609. Audln, Mririuf. Les Centauries du Beanjolais. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1896 (C. H.), 22-24. 2. Corydalis solida de la roche d'Ajoux. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann.," 20, 1896 (('. «.), 49-51. 3. Additions a la Hore da Haut-Beaujolais. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 21, 1896 {Mem.), 57-66. 4. Polymorphisme du Thlaspi silvestre. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann.; 22, 1897 {Mem.). 25-27. 6. Anomalic par arret de developpement d'une grappe florale de Thlaspi silvestre. Lyon Soo. Bot. Ann., 22, 1897 {.Me'm.), 77-78. 6. Plantes calcicoles du Haut-Beanjolais. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 23, 1898 {Mem.), 89-96. 7. Compte rendu [d'eicursions] dans le Haut-Beau- jolais. Lvon Soc. Bot. Ann., 24, 1899 {Mem.), 125-130; 25, 1900 (j/<«m.), 70-72. a. La chlorose de la vigne dans le Beaujolais. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 25, 1900 \Mim.), 64-69. Audisio, («'85] Valdieri. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1886. 107. 8. [Terremoti del 1" e del 23 Inglio 1885. Valdieri.] Moncalieri Oss. BoU., 5, 1886, 125. Audisio] 198 [Auerbach Audisio, (sue.) G. (et alii). Terremoto nelle Alpi marit- time [26 aprile, 1880]. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 80. 2. Terremoto del 'J giuRiio [1886. Valdieri, ecc.]. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 112-113. Audley, James A. Botany. [Reports for 1892-1900 on the botanical section of the North Staffordshire Field Club.] N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1893, G2-(;4 ; 1894, 103-108; 1895, 95-99; 1895-96, 65-70; 1896-97, 70-73; 1897-98, 102-109; 1898-99, 61-64; 1899-1900, 71-75. Audouard, [Eticime] P[ru!iper]. For biographical notice and works see Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 20, 1895, 475-479. Mesure de la distance dii but dans les batteries de cote. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 13, 1888, 173-208. 2. Recherche experimentale de la refringence de Fair au bord de la mer. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 13, 1888, 209-226. 3. Tel^metres de depression, syst^me Audouard. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 100, 1889, 5-50. 4. T^l^metre de depression a spirale. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull, 16, 1891, 159-167; 17, 1892, 419-423. 5. Methode de pointa^e des bouches a feu de cote pour utiliser au mieux les indications instantan^es du telemetre. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 118, 1893, 311- 325. 6. Ombres color^es. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 20, 1895, 161-167. Audouin, Jean J'ictor. For bioRraphical notice and list of works see Abeille, 25, 1888 (Les Entoin. et^leurs Kerits, 232-236); 26, 1889 {Les Enlom. et leurs Ecrits, 237-23'.l). Audoynaud, All/red]. 11. Sur la resistance des vignes dans les terres sableuses. Ann. Agron., 10, 1884, 458- 468. 12. Falsiticatiousdel'liuiled'olive comestible. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 101, 1885, 752-753; Ass. Fran?. C. K., 1886 {Pt. 1), 221-222. 13. Observations sur le platrage des veudanges. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 103, 1886, 1028-1031. 14. Observations uouvelles sur le platrage des ven- danges. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1887 {Pt. 1), 339-340. 15. Importance agricole de la craie chlorit^e et des sables verts dans le sud-e.st de la France. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 891-892. 16. Sur la fermentation rapide des moiits de raisin. Ann. Agron., 14, 1888, 211-221; Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1888 (Pt. 2), 602-614. 17. Repartition de I'acide phosphorique dans les sols des Basses-Pyr6u6es. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 1), 326. Audoynaud, A[lfred], & Zacharewicz, Ed. Contributions a I'etude du fumier de trrme. Ann. Agron., 11, 1885, 129-137, 337-345. Audra, E[dgard]. Demonstration de la preparation des glaces au geiatinobromure d'argent. Les Mondes, 8, 1884, 498-505. Audra, R. *Phare d'Ar-meu (Finist^re). [1881.] Gc5nie Civil, 1, 1880-81, 125-128. 2. Le canon de 340 millimetres du colonel de Bange et la balistique moderne. G^nie Civil, 7, 1885, 145-147. Audrain, J. Contribution a I'etude de la pelade. Valeur (li's chi-veux casses. Ann. de Dermatol., 6, 1896, 874-879. Audry, Charles. Du gonococeus de Neisseh et de ses rapports avec quelques manifestations parablennorha- giquus. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1887, 450-456. 2. De l'(5rythcme polymorphe infectieux herpetiforme (herpes generalise febrile). Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1888, 627-633. 3. Note sur un fipitheiiome oligo-kystique du maxil- laire infirieur. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mini., 40, 1888 (('. li.), 424-428. 4. Critique anatoraique de quelques keratonoses. Ann. de Dermatol., 4, 1893, 384-402. 5. Sur la dermatose de Unn.\. (Eczema seborrhe- ique.) Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 761-789. 6. Note sur le tissu elastique de quelques muqueuses normales et pathologiques (joue, urethre, etc.). Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 1321-1324. 7. Sur la resorption angio-plastique de repithelium cutaue. Ann. de Dermatol., 6, 1895, 513-516. 8. Sur les cellules isoplastiques (Mastzellen). Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 9-22. 9. Sur un cas de lepre. Etude histologique des lepromes. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 773-779. 10. Sur un erytheme recidivant des extremites. Classification provisoire des acrodermatites. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 1141-1114. 11. Le soi-disaut eczema seborrheique. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 113-127, 209-225. 12. Sur la lesion du moUuscum contagiosum. Anu. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 621-635. 13. Reflexions sur la syphilis. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 218-223. 14. Sur les cellules geantes epitheiiomateuses. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 1201-1204. Audry, Charles, & Novi-Josserand, Glabriel]. Tumours multiples de la peau. Epithelioma et idradenome. [1892.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 32, 1893, 2.5-34. Audry, Charles, & Thivenin, . Note sur I'histologie des scarifications et leur reparation. Anu. de Dermatol., 9, 1898, 467-470. Audry, J. Syphilide pigmentaire generalisee. (Examen histologique des taches.) Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1890, 134-137. 2. Note sur les souffles veineux continus de la region sus-ombilicale. [1892.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 32, 1893, 52-64. Audubert, [J. Ortaee]. De la laryngite tertiaire et de son traitement par les eaux sulfureuses de Bagneres- de-Luchon. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1895, 140-162. Audubon, JoJiii JaDies. For biograph.y and wt)rks .see N. Y. Ac. Trans., 13 (1893-94), 43-57; Zoologist, 17, 1893, 217-222; Perthsh. Soc. Sci. Trans. & Proc, 2, 1898, xxiv-xxix. Audubon, (Miss) M[aria] R., & Shufeldt, iJ[oter«] Wlilson]. Sre Sbufeldt & Audubon. Auer, Henrik. Az fethylphenolrol. [Ueber das Aethyl- phenol.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 2, 1884, 187-190; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 2 (1883-84), 350-354; Berlin, Chem. Cies. Ber., 17, 1884, 669-673. Auer von vrelsbacb. Curl. 2. Beitriige zur Spectral- analyse. Wien, Anz., 21, 1884, 160-161. 3. Ueber die seltenen Erdeu. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1885 [Abth. 2), 337-351; Mhefte. Chem., 1884, 508-522. 4. Die Zerleguug des Didyms in seine Elemeute. [1885.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 92, 1886 (Abth. 2), 317-331; Mhefte. Chem., 1885, 477-491. Auerbach, A. Assign No. 2 (Vol. 7) to Auerbach, G. 2. *0 MIIKpOCKOIIII'iecKOMI) ii:ic.Tluoi!aniii HHrepMaii.iaHji,cKaro .laOpaaoiia. [Mikroskopische Untersuchuug des ingermanliindisclicn Labralors] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 5, 1870, 1-24. 3. *Ha6.iioji.eHiji naji,!, iqiiicTa.i.iaMii Toiia;ia IlOJt'h MIIK110CK0II0MT.. [Beobachtungen der Topas- krystalle uuter dem Mikroskope.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 5, 1870, 162-168. Auerbach, .ileraiitlrr. 3. Ueber die Siiurewirkung der Fleischnahruug. Virchow, Arch., 98, 1884, 512-526. Auerbach, />'. Ijos resultata de la derniere expedition d'EMiN-l'acha. Relief, geologie, hydrographie. .\nn. Geogr , 4, 1895, 76-85. Auerbach, i"X''/'.r]. 14. "Ueber den Einfluss der iuneren Heibung auf die Resonanz. Deutsch. Natl'. Tagebl., 1878, 40-12. Auerbach 1 16. •Ueber den ToniperaturcocQicienlin dcH galvan- iBohen WidcrstaiideH der fe«ten, cinfaohcn Metullc DeutBch. Natf. TaKebl., 1879, IHl. 16. Ueber die KlectricitiitHliituny von Metallnulvero Ann. I'hys. Cbem., 2H, 1886, COl-613. 17. Ziir KlarHtellunK des Klasticitatsbegriffes. Bres- lau, HchlcH. GcH. Jber., 1887, 132-188. 18. Dynamoelektrische Versuche. Brcslau, Schles Ges. Jber., 1887, 18H-1U0. 19. Ueber die SchaltunK von Batterie-Elementen. hlektrotechii. Ztschr., H, 1887, (16-09. ao. Ueber die KrregutiK des dyimiiioelectriaeheii btroraes. Ann. Phys. Chem., 3-1, 18S8, 172-17<». ai. Dynamoelektriseho Untersuchungon. liiektro- techii. Ztsclir., 'J, 1888, 201-'i08. 32. Wetterwarten iin Hochi;ebirge. Deutsch. Al- penver. Ztschr., 20, 1889, 57-70. 23. Ueber die von Kolbenluftpumpen crzePRte Luft- verduunung. Ann. I'bys. Chem., 41, 1890, 364-368. 24. Absolute Hiirtemessung. Ann. I'hys. Chem., 43 1891, 61-100. ' 26. Hiirte, Spriidigkeit und Plasticitiit. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1891 {Tli. 2), 46-4!). 26. Ueber Harteuiessung, insbesondere an plastischen Korpern. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 262-276. 37. Plasticitiit und Sprodigkeit. Ann. Phys. Chem 45, 1892, 277-2'Jl. aa. Ueber die Hiirte- und Elasticitiitsverhiiltnisse des Glases. Ann. Phys. Chem., 53, 1894, 1000- lUoH. 29. Die Mondphaseu und das Wetter. Leopoldina, 30. Erkliirung der Brentanoseben optischen Tiiu- scliung. Ztschr. Psychol., 7, 1894, 152-160. 31. Die Hiirtescabi in absolutem Maasse. Ann Phys. Chem., .58, 1896, 357-380. 33. Bestiminuug einigcr hoher Klastieitiitsmoduln nebst Bemerkungen uber die Ermittelung von Moduln mit emem IXininium von Material. Ann. Phvs. Chem 58, 1896, 381-390. •' 33. Ueber Widerstandsverminderung durch elec- tnsche und durch akustische Schwingungen. Ann Phys. Chem., 64, 1898, 011-617. 34. Bemerkungen iiber die absolute Tempcratur. Ann. Phys. Chem., 64, 1898, 754-7.58. 36. Mittbiilung libor Versuche des Hrn. Ad. .Meyer (Stockholm) uber ,len electrischen Widerstand zwischen Stahlkugelu. Ann. Phys. Chem., 66, 1898, 700-766 36. Ueber die Harte der Metalle. Ann. Phvs 3 1900, 108-115. ' ' ' 37. Ueber die Elasticitiit und die Hiirte von krystal- lisirter, amorpher und wasserhaltiger Kieselsiiure Ann Phvs., 3, 1900, 116 ll!l. Anerbach, /•(,//,,]. A Meyer, O^kar Emit. See Meyer A Auerbach. Aaerbacb, Friedhch. Ueber ein neues CoUidin Berlin them. Gcs. Ber., 25, 1892, 3485-3490. a. Ueber eine Pipecolincarbonsaure. Berlin Chem Ges. Ber., 25, 1892. 3490-3493. Auerbach, l[vim] Blogdaiiorid] {Johann Alexander). 8. Leber den sogenunnten Achtarvndit. [Postli 1 St Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 3, 1868, 113-115. 9. *ropa BoTAO. [Cl npcAiicJOBieiii, V 1 PAyTlllojb;ia. The Bogdo Mts. With an introduc- tiou by H. TR.4UTScnoi,D.] iPo.lh.] St. Petersb., Soc. Kusse Geogr. M(5m. (Geoyr.), 4, 1871, 1-81. Auerbach, Leopold. For biography and list of works see •« ^r,' ^-^''''- ^^^- •'^'■' "" <-^'''*-). »-9; Leopoldina, 33, 1897, la8; Anat. Auz., 14, 1898, 257-267. V \1',> *'^,",'' »"Ke™e'ncu .Mu.skel-Physiologie. Deutsch. Natf. lagebl., 1876, 106. 18, -Ueber die streifige Spiudclfigur bei der Ver- ^^^ [Auerbach mclirung. resp. Theilung der Zillkcrne. Deutach Natf Her.. 1877, 231. 19. (I'heorie dc8 Saugens.] Deutsch. Natf. Taaebl 1886, 201, 443. '' ao. Zur .Mechanik des Saugens und der Inspiration. Arch. Anat. Phyniol. iPhy^inl. Ahth.), 1888, .59-128. „*^'.,^"'' '■™*** '^'•■'' w'flflichen oder scheinbaren iMuskel)iy|)ertrophie. Centrbl. Med. Wi»« 27 1889 802 803. ' ' aa. Ueber die Blutkorperchen der Batrachier. Anat Anz., .5, 1890, 570-578; Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (//erma von Dytiscus marginalis. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1893, 18.5-203 39. Zu den Bemerkungen des Hcrm Dr.' Baj,i.owitz betreffcnd ,ias Sperma von Dytiscus marginalis. Anat Anz., 8, 1893, 627-630. 30. .Spermatologische Mittheilungen. [1 Die Sa- menelemente von Paludina vivipara. 2. Ueber die Samenkorperchen von Astacus fluviatilis. 3. Die Samen- elemcnte von Ascaris megalocephala.l Brealan Schlea Ges. Jber., 1894 {Ablh. 2b}, 11-39. 31. Zur Entstehnngsfeschichte der zwcierl. i Samen- faden von Paludina vivipara. Breslau, Scliles. Gcs. Jber., 1896 (Ahih. 2/<), 26-34. 33. Untersuchungen iiber die Spermatogenese von 1 Hludina vivipara. Jena. Ztschr., 30, 1896 405-5.54 Auerbach, Leopold. Ueber das Verhaltniss des Diabetes imlhtus zu Affectionen des Xervensystems. Deutsch Arch. Klin. Med., 41, 1887, 484-508. ». *• ^'^''^''^'''Lobioi.ticiderKnochenfiBche. Deutsch Natf. Tagebl., 1887, 319. a. Die Lobi optici der Teleostier nnd die VierhOgel der hoher organisirten Gehime. .MorphoL Jbuch 14 1888, 373-393. 4. Bemerkungen in Bezug auf " die Fortsetzung der hinteren Kuckenmarkswurzein zum Gehim " (L. Edkoeb) Anat. Auz.. 4, 1889, 407-411, 481-482. 6. Zur Auatomie der aufsteigend degeneriercnden by^teme des Ruekenmarks. Vorlaufige MitteUune Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 214-216. 6. Zur Anatomie iler Vorderseitenstrangreste Vir- chow. Arch., 121, 1890, 199-209. 7. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der asccndirenden Degene- ration des Kiickenmarks und zur Anatomie der Klein- hirnseitenstrangbahn. Virchow, Arch., 124, 1891, 149- 174. 8. Zur Anatomie und Physiologic der Nervenfa-ern Deutsch. Naif. Verb.. 1896 [Th. 2, Hiilfte 2|, 310-314* 9. tarbung (ur .^.xencyiinder und ihre Endbiumcben Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 439-441. 10. Nervenendigung in den Centralorganen. Neurol Centrbl., 17, 1898. 415 4.J4. 7S4-736 Auerbach, .1/.. a WoUIenatela, Hiehard. Ueber die Einwirkung von W asserst<.lIsuiK;roxyd auf tertiare Bascn. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. .S2, 1899. 2.507-2520 Anarbaeb, J/[aj-J. Die Unterkiefe'rdriisen von Myoius Auerbach] 200 [August muscardiiius, Schreher. Rev. Suisse Zool., 8, 1900, 45-53. Anerbach, Siegmund. Die in Folge von Nierenkrank- heiten entstehendi-u psvchischen Storungen. [1895.] Allg. Ztschr. Psycbiatr.," 52, 1896. 337-372. Auerbach, Willielm. Ueber die Ursaelie der Hemmung der Gelatine- Vertiiissigung durch Bacterien durch Zuoker- zusatz. Arch. Hyg.,.31, 1897, 311-318. Auersperg, [Graf) Alexander. *Beobachtungen iiber den Zug der Vogel in der Umgebung Laibacbs vom Juli 18U3 bis April 1864. Laibach, MusVer. Krain Mitth., 1, 1866, 210-213. Auffray, Lionel. La darutyne. Kesum^ des recherches faites sur I'herbe de Fl.\cq, ou herbe grasse, ou herbe divine ou gu^rit vite (Siege.sbecbia orieiitalis). [1885.] Mauritius Koy. Soc. Trans., 19, 1887, 62-65. Aufireclit, £[m. Strongylus rtlaria, B. Arch. Naturg., CO, 1894 (/;<;. 1), 25.5-304. August, F[riedric}i Willulm Ofcar]. Assign to this author title [i'ol. 1) under August, t\ For biographical notice and works see Leopoldina, 36, 1900, 46-47. 9. Gleichgewicht eines iiber eine Fliiehe gespanntcn Fadens rait Beriicksichtigung der lieibung. Arch. Math. Phys., 70, 1884, 225-238. 10. Ueber Kiirperketten. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 31, 1886, 348-361. 11. Die Sonnenkompassuhr. Humboldt, 6, 1887, 51-53. 12. Ueber die Rotationsfliiche kleinsten Widerstandes und iiber die giinstigste Form dor Geschossspitzeu nach der Newtonscbcn Theorie. Crelle, Jl. Math., 103, 1888, 1-24. 13. Ueber Rotalionsflachen mit loxodromischer Ver- waudtschaft. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 33. 1888, 154-166. 14. Ueber die liewiguug vou Kttten in Curveu. Ztschr. Miith. Phvs., 33. 1888, 321-3.16. August] 201 [Auquier 15. Ueber dip ReweKunR freior Ketton in rotircndon Linipn. Ztsclir. Math. I'hv«., 35, 1890, '.\7-\20. 16. Ueber Tf'trftwl(^r, dori'ii Mcitenfliiohen teilwoiRe odor Kiinitlich Rliieli Hiud, und iiber diiH Hyporholoid dpr HiiliPii bi. AutORraphicrecordsof pressure, temperature, direction and velocity of wind^at the Petrina belvedere in Prague, 1895-96]. Prag, Ceske Ak. Fr. .los. Kozpr. (7'rii/'i 21. 5, 1896, .Vn. 16, 85 pp.; 6, 1897. Xo. 22, 86 pp. 15. I'ie Teniperaturverhiiltnisse der Sudetenliinder. Prag, Sber., 1899 (il/(/(/i.-.V(i(.), No. 1, 86 pp.; 1900 {Math.- Nat.), Nn. 32, 100 pp. Aiiinger, .Muthias. For biography .«cc Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890. -'57-258; Wien, Nat. Hiat! Hofmus. Ann., 5, 1890 [Snl.], 103-106. Atijeszky, Almldr. Az arziSnnel val6 m^rgezesrol. [.Vrseiiical poisoning.] Termt. Kozlon., 29, 1897, 358- 364. a. Eine einfache Sporenfiirbungsmethode. Centrbl. Bakt. (Ahl. 1), 23, 1898, 329-331. 3. Zur Spurenfiirbung des Bacillus gangricnie pulpie. Centrbl. Bakt. {.ihl. 1), 24, 1898, 324-.325. 4. .\ilatok a lepfene ellen valii imniunizalas k^rde8<5hez. [Beitriige zur Frage der Anthraximmunitiit.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16,1898, 30&-310; Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt.l), 24, 1898, 325-327. 6. Ueber Immnnisierung gegen Wut mit normaler Nervensubstanz. Centrbl. Bakt. (Aht. 1), 27, 1900, 5-10. 6. Erwiderung auf die Beraerkungi>n des Herrn Prof. Bauks iiber die Beeinflussung der Wut dureh normale Nervensubstanz. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 177- 178. Aulard, A. Bcmerkungen zn vorstehender Beschrcibang des Fluorscheideverfahrens. [7V.] Ztschr. Ver. Biiben- zuckerind., 40, 1890, 9i:i-917. a. Ueber die Ursache der nadplfiirmigen Krystallisa- tion des Zuckers. [/>.] Ztschr. Vcr. Kiibenznckerind., 41, 1891. 829-838. 3. Ueber die Baftinose und ihr Verhalten in den I'roducten der Zuckerfalirikotion u. s. w. [Tr.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerinil., 42, 1892, 752-762. Anld, A[lfr. Kx>'avation> at Walsall. Midland Natlist., 9. 1886. 322-323. Aaqnier, [Kugrne]. De radh^on mol^cuUire intra- pleurale consid^r*e comme la senlc cause do contact des 26 Auquier] 202 [Aurivillius deux feuillets pleuraux. Niraes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1885, Ixix-lxx. Aurellanu, P. S. Respunsulu. [Reply to Porcior on the flora of Naszod.] [1885.] Bncarest, Ac. Rom. An., 7 (Sect. 2), 1886, 135-140. Aur6n, T. Eric.ion. Ueber Polarisationserscheinungen in FlammenRaseu. Stockh., Ofvers., 1899, 583-608. AMTia., Lii if] i d'. 2. The ellipticity of planets. Franklin Inst. Jl., 117, 1884, 428-431 ; 118, 1884, 152 ; Phil. Mag., 18, 1884, 229-232. 3. How to determine the grade of expansion and the size of a steam engine which is to perform a given duty with the least total expenditure of money per working hour. Franklin Inst. Jl., 118, 1884, 1-4. 4. The Earth's ellipticity. Franklin Inst. Jl., 118, 1884, 127-131, 472-473. 5. The law of cylinder condensation in steam engines. Franklin Inst. Jl.,"l21, 1886, 373-876. 6. A newly-discovered property of the ellipse. Frank- lin Inst. Jl, 123, 1887, 27-30. 7. A new method to determine the moon's mass cor- rectly, followed by a discussion upon the theory of tides fully idcntifviug the phenomenon upon dynamical prin- ciples. Franklin Inst. Jl., 123, 1887, 331-334, 409^10. 8. The most economical cross-section of compound dikes. Franklin Inst. Jl., 125, 1888, 482-484. 9. Two remarkable astronomical coincidences. Franklin Inst. Jl., 126, 1888, 295-296. 10. On the force of impact of waves and the stability of the superstructure of breakwaters. Fi-anklin Inst. Jl., 130, 1890, 373-376 ; 131, 1891, 49-54. 11. A new theory of the propagation of waves in liquids. FrankUn Inst. Jl., 130, 1890, 456-465. 12. Analytical discussion of the tidal volume ad- mitted into bays and rivers under given conditions of width, depth and area of basin, relation between width and depth in the cross-sections of tidal streams whose beds are yielding to the action of currents, variation of cross-sectional area in such streams. Franklin Inst. Jl., 131, 1891, 267-276. 13. The law of variation of the theoretical amplitude of tidal oscillation, and the elevation of the high water line in the various cross-sections of tidal rivers. Franklin Inst. Jl., 131, 1891, 350-357. 14. Stellar dynamics. Franklin Inst. Jl., 144, 1897, 306-312. Auric, J[ndre]. Sur les Equations diff^rentielles lineaires a coefficients constants. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, 47-52. 2. Note sur le probleme du billard circulaire. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, 215-218. 3. Note sur la formation du calendrier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 804-805. 4. Sur la formation des calendriers. Ass. Franf. (;. K., 1897 (/'(. 2), 169-174. Aviriol, lleiiri/. [Coup de vent du 25 septembre, 1896.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 651-652. 2. Sols agricoles du canton de Gendve. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 7, 1899, 275-277. Auriol, Henry, A Blonay, ll\cnri~\ Wl^illinvi] de. Analyses des dift('rentCK terres du canton de Geneve ex6cut(5es en 1891. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 27, 1892, 308-312. Auriol, Ih'nnj, A Monnler, Denix. Dosage de la cas^ine par lo sulfate de cuivie. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 22, 1889, 55-.58. ,S'/r' ,'te bland Lamiidurua fmn Kaniarun. [IJn iioiivuau j;enrc dc Laniiidex, provenant de Kauicroun (Afiiciue occideutale).] Knt. Tidskr., 7, 1886, 51-53, (/{<■». 131 135). 13. Nya Coleoptcra lonRicornia. Ent. Tidskr., 7, 1886, «y-U4; 8, 1887, 191-197; 12, 1891, 97-101; ; 14, 1893, 177-186; 18, 1897, 241-248; 20, 1899, 259- 205. 14. Ett njtt eKendomligt sliigte bland Curculioni- deniu. Ent. Tidskr., 7, 1886, 95-97. 15. Anmiirkningar nirande niigra Bvcnskagriifsteklar. Ent. Tid.skr., 7, 1886, 101-109. 18. Antc'ckninKar uni bloniman ock befrtiktningen bos Acouitum l/jeoctouuni, /,. [IHtsO. ] Bot. Notiser, 1887, 87-91 ; Bot. Cuntrbl., 29, 1887, l-'5-128. 17. lu.sfktfr insamiadc pu Kaoiaranberget af G. Vai.iian ocli K. Kmtson. I. Colcopteni, Cc'loniida; et Lucanidn.'. |1hhO.J Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 12 (.!/jtnant M. Jublln-Dannkelt. Stockh., Ofvcrs., 1887, 30.5-314. as. Uni nivggors forekomst i Sala grufva. Ent. Tidskr., 9, 1888, 97-101. 34. Svensk eutomologisk literatur 1887[-95]. Ent. Tidskr., 9, 1888, 102, 11.5-117 ; 10, 1889, 89-91 ; 11, 1890, 105-107; 12,1891,77-78; 13, 1892, 2.S2-2H4 ; 14, 1893, 215-217; 10, 1896, 80-88, 12.5-127; 17, 1896, 267- 209. 36. Arrhcnophagus, ett nytt sliigte bland Encyrti- dcrua. Ent. Tidskr., 9, 1888, 142-147, (lies. 148). 36. Die Bracliyceriden-Gattung Theatcs, Fahr, and ihre Arten. Knt. Tidskr., 9, 1888. 149-154. 37. Bidrag till kiiunedomen om v&ra solitiira getin- gars Icfnadssiitt. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, O0.'>-011. 38. En ny art af .sliigtet Charaxes, Uchs. Ent. Tiilskr., 10, 1889, 191. 30. Gronlands iusektfauna. I. Lcpidoptera, Hy- menoptera. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 {.ijd. 4), 1890, Ao. 1, 33 pp. 30. Neue Kiifer aus .\frika. Ent. Tidskr., 11, 1890, 203-206. 31. Verzeichniss einer vom Herrn Fritz Theobix aus Gabun und dem Gebiete des Canicrunflusse.s heimge- bracliten Schmetterlings-Samuilung. Knt. Tidskr., 12, 1891, 193-228; 13, 1892, 181-200. aa. Collection d'insectes formde dans I'lndo-Chine par .U. Pavie. Coleopt^res. Curculiouides. Curculionines. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., 3, 1891, 205-224. 33. Die nut Oxyopisthen, 7Viom..on, verwandten, afrikanischen Gattuugeu der Calaudriden. Stockh., Ofvers., 1891, 301-371. 34. Leddjurens syufCmiHga. Ent. Tidskr., 13, 1892. 171-180. 36. Om slokornllugan (Oscinia frit, /..). Ent. Tidskr., 13. 1892, 209-224. 38. Kiuc ncuc palicarktiBche Eolengattung. Ent. TidHkr., 13, 1892, 285. 37. Verzeichniss der von Herren C. Lcmooi.tz und C. FaiHTKiiT iiu nordlichen Queensland gcsamiuelten Cerainbyciden. Ent. Tidskr., 14, 1893, 1.53-109. 38. lliagnoseu neuer Lepidoptcreii aus Africa. Ent. Tidskr., 14, 1893, 199-214; 10. 1896, 113-120; 18, 1897, 213-221 ; 19, 1898, 177-l8<;; 20, 1899, 233-25«. 39. Itcitriige zur Kenntniss dcT Insektt^nfauna von Kanierun. 2. Tagfaltcr. Ent. Tidskr., 14, 1893, 257- 292 ; 15, 1894, 273-314 ; 16, 1896, 195-220, 2.55-268 ; 17, 1896, 279-292. 40. Ncuo Spinner aus Asien. Ent. Tidskr., 15, 1894, 109 177. 41. Einc neue Laniocampide aus Afrika. Ent. Tidskr., 15, 1894. 177-178. 43. Die paliearktischen Gattungen der Ijasir>cani- piden, Striphnopterygidcn und Megalopygiden. Iris, 7 (1894), 121-192. 43. Diagnosen neuer Tagfalter aas Africa. Ent. Nachr., 21, 1896, 379-382. 44. Neue Acruiden aus dem CoDgo-Gebietc. Ent. Tidskr., 10, 1896, 111-112. 46. Ueber die Verandtrlicliktit von zwci afrika- nischen Papilio-.Artcn. Ent. Tidskr., 17, 1896, 71-74. 46. Diagnosen neuer Lepidopteren aus dem Congo- Gebiete. Stockh., Ofvers., 1896, 431-1:^0. 47. Benierkungen zu den vun J. Chr. Fviiaicics aus diiuischen Samnilungcn bcschriebcnen Lepidopteren. Ent. Tidskr., 18, 1897, 139-174. 48. En ny svensk iiggparasit. Ent. Tidskr., 18, 1897, 249-250. 49. Ni'uc Nym|ihaliden aus dem Congogebiete. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 279-286. 50. Hvad nieuadc LiNNE med Papilio hvale? Ent. Tidskr., 19, 1898, 61-«4 ; Wien Zool. Bot". Verb., 49, 1899, 128. 61. Om parasitema hos Lymantria monacha, L. Ent. Tidskr., 20, 1899. 279-281. S3, lihopalocera athiopica. Die Tagfalter de-^ Kthio- pischen Faunengebietes, eine systematisch-geographische Studie. [1899.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 31, 1898-99, So. 5, 561 pp. 63. Svensk insektfanna 2. Andra ordningen. Rat- vingar. Orthoptera. Ent. Tidskr., 21, 1900, 23;{-254. 64. Anmiirkningar roriinde nugra svenska Antho- myidcr. Ent. Tidskr., 21, 1900. 2.5.5-256. 65. En for Sverige ny troUsliinda. Ent. Tidskr., 21, 1900, 204. 56. Verzeichni.ss der von Dr. F. Meixebt im Jahr« 1891 in Venezuela gesammelten Cerambyciden. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 409-421. 67. Verzeichniss einer von den Herren Missionaren E. Laman und W. Sjouolm bii Mukiubungu am untereu Congo zusammengebracbten Schmetterlingssammlung. Stockh., Ofvers.. 1900, 1039-1058. 68. Lepidoptera och Coleoptera insamlade onder Professor A. G. Nathor-t's arktiska expeditioner 1898 och 1899, under den svenska expetlitiouen till Beeren Eilaud 1899 och under Konscrvator G. Kolthoft's ex- pedition till Grunland 1900. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900 1135-1144. Aurivlllins, [/'.r Oloj] Chrittopher, A Mayr, Guttar. Set Mayr .V Aarlvlllliu. AnrlvtUlua, [l\r OU>t] Chrutoph.-. Wcnnelln. ./../wri 111 link. A' Ranutedt, G. See WermeUn, AorivUllna ,v Ranutedt. Aoscher, [-hilet]. Etude sor reooulement de la vapeur Jiiiis lis tuyaux. -Ann. Mines, 7, 1896, 32.5-362. Ansctaer, Ernefl. Snr un cas de maladie de Friehrbich (sckrose nivroglique pure), suivi dautopsic. (Etude 26—2 Auscher] 204 [Austen histologique de la tnoelle ^pini^re et des nerfs cutanea.) Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. R.), 475-479 ; Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 340-350. Auscher, Kntest, A Dejerine, J[u;es]. See Dejerlne & Auscher. Auscher, Ernest, A: Lapicque, Louis. Quelques reclierches chimiques sur un eas ile diabete pit,'nientaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mtoi., 47, 1896 (C. B.), 402-405, 510-512. 2. Hvperglobulie experimentale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 406-407. 3. Accumulation d'hydrate fenicjue dans I'organisme animal. Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 390-401. 4. Localisation de la rubigine produite par injection de sang dans le p&itoine. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 50, 1898 (C. Ji.), 185-188. Sec also I«apicque lV Auscher. Auscher, Ernest. Dejerine, J[ules], & SoUier, Paul. See Dejerine, Sollier & Auscher. Auspitz, [Curl] Heinrich (non Henri]. For biography and works set' Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1886, 325-327; Leopokiina, 22, 1886, 114 ; N. Y. Med. Jl., 44, 1886, 213 ; Wien. Med. Wschr., 36, 1886, 797-798. 2. Wo stehen wir heute gegeniiber der Syphilis? Wien. Med. Wschr., 34, 1884, 1256-1260, 1284-1286, 1311-1314, 1337-1339. Ausserer, .•J[Hri)H]- 7. *[Ueber die BehaarungundFarbung der Spinnen und iiber den Werth dieser CharaUtere fiir die Systematik.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 180. 8. Ueber das mnssenhafte Auftreten eiuer Poduride in Aussee, Anfangs Marz 1884. Steiermark Mitth., 1884, ciii-civ._ Ausset, E[douard Louis']. De I'influence de la temperature dana I'analyse baoteriologique des eaux. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 58-59. Ausset, E[douard Louis], & Barret, Eugene [Albert]. Contribution a la question de I'identite de la variole et de la vaccine. Arch. M^d. Pharm. Militaires, 24, 1894, 498-513. AuBt, G[eorg Karl Rudolf], Zur Frage iiber den Einfluss des Nervensystems auf die Todtenstarre. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 39, 1886, 241-244. Austaut, Jules Leon. 9. Description de la chenille du Satyrus sylvicola. [1885.1 Naturaliate, [8 (1886-87),] 99-100. 10. L^pidoptiresuouveauxd' Algeria. [1885.] Natural- iste, [3 (1885-87),] 141-142. 11. Des caracteres specifiques chez les Deilephila. [1886.] Naturaiiste, [3 (1885-87),] 251-253, 259-2G1. 12. Notice sur deux Smerinthus nouveaux de la cote septentriouale de i'Afrique. Naturaiiste, 12, 1890, 190- 191. 13. Deux Sphingides nouveaux de I'Asie orientale. Naturaiiste, 14, 1892, 68-69. 14. Lepidopteres inedits d'Algerie et du Maroc. Naturaiiste, 16, 1894, 55-56. 15. Note sur un Parnassien nouveau du Thibet. Naturaiiste, 17, 1896, 39. 16. Papillons nouveaux de la Siberie et du Thibet. Naturaiiste, 17, 1896, 84-85. 17. Notice sur quelques Cossides nouveaux de la Perse. Naturaiiste, 19, 1897, 44-45. IB. Notice Bur les Parnassius Jacquemontii, Boisd., et sur une espice inedite du Thibet septentrional, Parnassius tsaidameusis, Amtaut. Naturaiiste, 20, 1898, 104-106. 10. Lepidopteres nouveaux d'Asie. Naturaiiste, 22, 1900, 48-49. AusteU, .Alfred, & I.ocke, James. See Locke it Austell. Austen, Ernest E[duard]. Descriptions of new species of dipterous insects of the family Syrphidie in the collection of the British Museum, with notes on species described by the late Francis Wai.kkii. l>art I. Bacchini and Brachyopini. Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1893, 132-164. 2. On the specimens of the genus Cutiterebra and its allies (family (Estridre) in the collection of the British Museum, with descriptions of a new genus and three new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1896, 377-396. 3. Further notes on Cutiterebra : on the identity of certain species described by the late Bracy Clark. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 147-155. 4. Culex dorsalis, J/(/. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 228-229. 5. Necrophagous Diptera attracted bv the odour of flowers. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896," 237-240. 6. Notes on a recent zoological expedition on the lower Amazon. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1896, 768-779. 7. On the British species of the genus Chrysops (famihj Tabanidie). Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 224- 228. 8. Notes on the cestrine parasites of British deer. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 8-13. 9. On certain recent additions to the British Museidse (Tachinidaj of Verrall's list). Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 35^0. 10. Frauenfeldia rubricosa, ilq. : an addition to the British Muscida; (Tachinidic of Vekrall's list). Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 81-83. 11. On the preliminary stages and mode of escape of the imago in the dipterous genus Xylomyia, Rond. (Subula, M(]. et auet.), with especial reference to Xylomyia maculata, F. ; and on the systematic position of the genus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 181-190. 12. On the British species of the dipterous genus Loxocera, Mg, {Earn. Psilidffi), with the description of a new variety. Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 65-68. 13. Mosquitos and malaria. The manner in which mosquitos intended for determination should be collected and preserved. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 582-583. 14. [On a collection of insects and arachnids made in 1895 and 1897, by Mr. C. V. A. Peel, F.Z.S., in Somalilaud, with descriptions of new species.] 2. Diptera. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 7-10. Austen, Ernest E[dward], Ross, (Maj.) Ronald, & Annett, H[enry] E[dward]. See Ross, Annett * Austen. Austen, (Lt.-Col.) H[enry] H[aversluini] Godwin-. See Godwin- Austen. Austen, Harri/. Nest and eggs of the ruby-crowned kinglet. Oiiiith. Ool., 15, 1890, 105-106. 2. Nesting of olive-sided flycatcher. Oruith. Ool., 15, 1890, 141-143. 3. Oological notes. Oruith. Ool., 16, 1891, 120-123. 4. Nesting of 3ellow palm warbler at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Ornith. Ool., 16, 1891, 126. 5. Notes from Nova Scotia. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 97-99. 6. Notes from Dartmouth, N. S. Oruith. Ool., 17, 1892, 146-148. Austen, Peter T[ow7isend]. 12. *The analvsis of stannate of soda. [1883.] Amer. Cheiu. Jl., 5 (1883-84), 2HV211. 13. The relation of aluminic and ferric salts to plant life. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 6, 1885, 235-240. 14. On hypoohloi'ous acid in alkaline solution. Amer. Chem. Jl., 11 (1889), 80-82. 15. On di-amido-sulphocyanbenzene hydrate. Amer. Chem. JL, 11 (1889), 82-83. 16. Lecture experiments with nitric acid. Amer. Chem. Jl., 11 (1889), 172-177. 17. Lecture experimeuts. Amer. Chem. Jl., 11 (1889), 270-273. Austen, Peter T[ownsend], & Broadhurst, IT. Homer. Absorbent blocks. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1896, 472-473. Austen, Peter I'lowntend], tt Chamberlain, J. Chester. "Amiiionimu ferrous sulphate as a reagent for nitric acid. [1H83. 1 Amer. Cbem. Jl., 5 (1883-84), 209. Austen, I'ller l'[ownsend\, iV Horton, II'. .-1. .\ convenient Austen] 205 [Autenrieth form of universal hand-clamp. [1803.1 Amcr. Chem. So.-. JI., 17, 1895, 611-612. Atuten, t'lter 'l\iiwiuend], A Smltli, Franklin S. On diuilrusiilphocyiinbenzene. AtniT. Chom. JI., H (188S), H'.l-!)2; Chem. News, 54, 1886, .I'.KGO. Austen, I'etfr 't^awrutml], A BtlllweU, Joieph S. See BtlUweU tV AOBten. Austen, J'ller 'l\nirn»evit], & WTUber, I'ranrit A. To rifiri'iiee in No. 2 (Vol. 9) ir/. Ueber die Hiikteriendichtigkeit der Uarmwand. Wien, Ak. Sber., 107, 1898 {Abth. 3), 33-67. Austin, .l[rr/iiir| Klreretl]. Ueber dieqaantitative Bestim- iiiiiii^' dts Glvko(,'eu8 in der Leber. Virchow, Arch., LIO, 1897, 1H.5-I;i6. Austin, . I wiiri/. \ historical akctcli of fisli-culture. [18UU.] Newport Nat. Hist. See. I'roc, 9, 1900, H.-)-107. Austin, Charles Edward. For biographical notice lee Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 113, 1893, 329-331. Austin, iMiij.) II[erbert] ll[enr>j]. Lake Rudolf. Geogr. .11.. U. 1899, 148-152. 3. From Njemps to Marich, Save and Mumia's (British East Africa). Geogr. JI., 14, 1899, 307-310. Austin, I.[eonard] S. A recent assay balance. [1897.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc, 6 (1897-19001. 34-40. Austin, Louis ]f'[inalotc]. Kxperiinentalunterauchungen iiber die elastische Liings- und Tor.sionsnachwirkuug in Metallen. Ann. I'liys. Chem., 50, 1893, 659-077 ; Phys. liev., 1, 1894, 4(11-425. a. The effect of extreme cold on magnetism. Phys. Bev., 1, 1894, 3M1-382. 3. Note on Mr. Wood's method of illustrntinf; planet- ary orbits. [189H.] Nature, .57 (1897-98), 536-537. 4. [Some recent observations on the change of length of iron due to magnetization.] Science, 10, 1899, 694-695. 5. Ou the change in length of soft iron in an alter- nating magnetic field. Phys. Rev., 10, 1900, 180-186. 6. .\ modification of M.^nck's method of determining battery resistance. Phys. Itev., 11, 1900, 117. Austin, Louis ir[im7oir], A Thwing, Charles li. On a new form of water battery. Phys. Rev., 3, 1896, 309- 310. a. An experimental research on gravitational permea- bility. Phys. Rev., 5, 1897, 294-300. Austin, M. >'., A Howell, William H^enry]. See Bowell A Austin. Austin, (Miss) Martha. On the estimation of manganese separated as the carbonate. Amer. JI. Sci., 5, 1898, 382-384; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 17, 1898, 272-275. a. The double ammonium phosphates of beryllium, zinc, and cadmium in analysis. [1899.] Amer. JI. Sci., 8, 1899, 206-216; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 22, 1900, 207-220. 3. The constitution of the ammouium magnesium arseniate of analysis. Amer. JI. Sci., 9, 1900, 55-61 ; Ztschr. Auorg. Chem., 23, 1900, 146-154. Austin, (.l/i«,«) Martha, A Ooocta, Frank Austin. See Oooch A Austin. Austin, ;,',.//,iii .v., A Kahlenberg, Louis [^Albert Berthold]. S,e Xablenberg A Austin. Austin, W. L. Matting dry auriferous silver-ores. [With ifi«cii!i.tiOTi.] [1887. J .\mer. Inst. Min. Engio. Trans., 16. 1888, 257-269. a. Nickel. First paper. Historical sketch. [Second paper. The nickel deposits near Riddle's, Oregon.] [1893-96.] Colon-do Sci. Soc. Proc, 4 (1891-93). 373- 394; 5 (1894-96), 173-196. 3. Da8 AnHtin-Verfshren de« Kieoschmelzena. [Tr.] Iterg- u. Huttenm. Ztg., 53, 1894, 217-219. 4. The explosion of BandaiKan. [1897.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc. 6 (1897-1900), 61-02. 5. Some tellurium veins in La Plata mountains. [1897.] Colorado Sci. Boc. Proc, 6 (1897-1900), 87- 88. 6. Some Sew Mexico copper deposit*. [1897.] Colorailo Sci. Soc. Prr>c.. 0 (1897-1900), 91-95. Australasian Association, Committee So. 7. Report. Minenil iirii-us of .\ustralaBia. Aust. Ass. Bep., 1890, ■Jil.'i -.'s-J. Australasian Association, Committee No. 14. Report. The stale ami progrens of chemical science in Austral- asia, with special reference to gold and silver appliances nsi'd in the Colonies and elsewhere. Anst. AJsa. Rep., 1890, 283-292. Australasian Association, Committee So. 11. Report. The bibliography of the .Australasian, Pa|>uan and Poly. nesiun races. Aust. .\sh. Rep., 1890, 293-311; 1892, 240-249. Australasian Association, Committee No. 1. Report. Seismological phenomena in AuBtralasia. Aost. Ais. Rep., 1892, 200-229. Australasian Association, Committee No. 2. Report. The tidi s of the coast of South Australia. Aost. Ass. lU'p., 1892. 230-232. Australasian Association, Committee So. 6. Report. The ftrtili^^ation of the fig in the Australasian ooloniea. .\UJ.t. .\ss. K. ],.. 1892. 233-235. Australasian Association, Committee on the Composition and Properties ttj the Mineral Wat^s of Australasia. Report. Aust. .iss. Rep, 1898, H7-108,'lii. Australasian Association, Committee on (jlacial Action in Auslrnlanin. Ke|K)rt(s). Aust. .\ss. Rep., 1893, 229- 240: 1895. 31.5-32U; 1898, 109-113, 114-127, hi; 1900, 172-170. Australasian Association, Sritmolofjical Committee. Re- port[s]. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1893, 207-225; 1896, 309-314; 1898, 57-70. Autenrieth, Wilhelm [Luilicig]. Ueber ein Derivst dea Dimetliylendisulfous. Berlin, Chem. Ues. Ber. , 2U, 1887, 373-376. a. Zur Kenntniss der snbstitnirten Crotonsanren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1531-1533. 3. Uelier gemischte Situreanhydride. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 3187-3191. 4. Ueber Thiixlerivate der Crotonssuren. Liebig'a Ann., 2.54, 1889. 222-252. 6. Uel>er Sulfomlerivate der Crotonsauren. Liebig'a Ann., 259, 1890. 332-357. 6. Uemerkungen tiber die Geuther'schen ^-Chlor- crotonsauren. Liebig's Ann., 259. 1890, 358-362. 7. Notiz iiber Benzol- und Aethylsulfin^aure. Liebig's Ann., 2.59, 1890, 36'2-364. B. Ueber einige schwefelhaltige Derivste des Aoetes- sigesters. Methyl- und Aethylacetessigesters. Liebig's Ann., 259. 189oi 365-373. 9. Ueber einige Derivate des .Aeelals und Acetons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24. 1891, 1-59-166. 10. Zur Kenntniss einiger substituirten Solfonale. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 24, 1891, 166-172. 11. Ueber einige Sulfouderivate und deren Spaltung durch Alkahen. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., '24, 1891, 151'2-15I9. la. Zur Kenntuis des gelben BlutlangensaLzes und iiber den Nachweis von Biausiiare neben Ferrocvaniden. Arch. Pharm.. -iSl. 1893. 99-109. 13. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf aromatische .Aether. Arch. Pbarm., '233, 1895, •26—12. 14. Ueber einen neuen Indikator. Arch. Pharm.. 233, 1895. 43—48. 15. Beitrage zur Beurtheilnng der I'^'^nvne der Autenrieth] 206 [Autonne Crotonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1639- 1652. 16. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phenylhydrazin auf die isomeren ^Chlorcrotonsaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1653-1664, 2169-2171. 17. Ueber einige neue Siiurederivate der beiden iso- meren ^-Chlorcrotonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1665-1670. 18. Ueber die "Phosphorylining" der Phenole. Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 2369-2381, 3450. 19. Ueber das Vorkommen von Jod im Malachit. Ztsehr. Physiol. Chem., 22, 1896-97, 50K-513. 20. Ueber die Einwirkung sehwaoher Siiuren auf Ferroeyankalium. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 866-867. 21. Ueber das Vorkommen von Jod im Cuprit und Malachit. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 626-627. 22. Die chemischen Syntheseu im Thierkorper. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 187-191. 23. Zur Kenntniss des Indicators Luteol. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 453-455. Autenrieth, ]yilliclm [Luclwip], & Hildebrand, <)[tto]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorsulfochlorid auf die wiissrig-alkalische Lcisung der Phenole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1094-1111. 2. Ueber die Syntlie.se eines Phosphazins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1111-1113. Autenrieth, Wilhrhn [Luilwig], & Hinsberg, Oscar [Hein- licit Daniel]. Zur Kenntnis des Plienacetius und iiber ?H-Aethoxyl-o-Pheuylendiamin. Arch. Pharm., 229, 1891, 456-467. 2. Ueber Oxv- und Aethoxychinoxaline. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.', 25, 1892, 492-503. 3. Ueber einige Derivate des o-Toluylendiamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 604-607. Autenrieth, ll'ilhclin [Ludioiij], & Rudolph, P[aul]. Die "Pliospborylirung"deraromatischen Aminbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2099-2111. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorsulfochlorid auf aromatische Amine bei Oegenwart von Alkali. Ber- lin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2112-2115, 4193. Autenrieth, M'ilhelm [Ludwiij], & Vdmossy, Zoluin von. Uelier das Verhalten der Phosphorsaurephenolester im Thierkorper. Ztsehr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 440- 448. Autenrieth, Wilhrlm [Ludwiii], & Windaus, Adolf. Ueber den Nachweis und die quantitative Be.stimmung der scliwetligen und unterschwefligen Siiure. Fresenius, Ztsehr., 37, 1898, 290-300. Autenrieth, U'ilheliii [Ludwiii], & VTolff, K[arl]. Zur Kenntniss des Trimethylenmercaptans und der Trirae- thylendisulfone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1368-1375, 4083. 2. Ueber cyolische Disulfide und Disulfone. Berlin, Cbeui. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1375-1390. Authelin, Charles. Montague Noire. Eeuille de Saint- Atlriijue (terrains secondaires). France Sei'v. Carte Geol. Bull., 10, 1899, 500-509; 11, 1900, 142-145. 2. Sur le Toareieii des environs de Nancy. Paris, Soc. Gi^'ol. Bull., 27, 1899, 230-234. 3. Sur le Toarcien du dil'partement des Vosges. Ass. Fran(;-. C. U., 1900 (PI. 1), 169. Autissier, Alexandre. Notice sur les ardoisieres de lloehe- fort-en-Terre (Morbihan). St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 5, 1891. 295-309. AvLtoane, Leon. 4. Sur les groupes d'ordre fini, contenug dans le groupe des substitutions quadratiques Cremona. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. 1!., 98, 1884, 565-567; Liouville, Jl. Math., 1, 1885, 431-454. 6. Reeberches sur les int6grales algebriques des equa- tions differentielles lin&iires^ i1 coefficients rationnels. (Second mtnioire.) Paris, Ecole I'olvt. Jl., 54, 1884, 1-29. 6. Reeberches sur les grou])es il'ordre lini eonteuus dans le groupe cubique Cremona. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 53-55; Liouville, Jl. Math., 2, 1886, 49-103. 7. Reeberches sur les groupes d'ordre fiui, contenus dans le groupe des substitutions lineaires de contact. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 313-315 ; Liouville, Jl. Math., 3, 1887, 63-85. 8. Sur les groupes irr^ductibles d'ordre fini contenus dans le groupe quadratique cremonien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 103, 1886, 1176-1178. 9. Sur les substitutions cr^moniennes quadratiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 767-770. 10. Sur les groupes quadratiques cr^moniens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1422-1425. 11. Sur les groupes cubiques Cremona d'ordre fini. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 267-270. 12. Sur une representation geom^trique dans I'espace des int^grales de I'^q nation/ O-'l)-- Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 850-854. 13. Sur I'application des substitutions quadratiques cremoniennes a I'integration de I'equation differentielle du premier ordre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 929- 932 ; 106, 1888, 262-265. 14. Reeberches sur les groupes d'ordre fini contenus dans le groupe quadratique cremonien. Premier m^moire. Etude d'une substitution cremonienne isol6e. Second miraoire. Multiplication des cremoniennes, groupes qua- dratiques ; groupe directeur. Liouville, Jl. Math., 4, 1888, 177-247, 407-464. 15. Sur une application des groupes de M. Lie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 570-573. 16. Sur les int^grales algebriques de I'equation diffe- rentielle du premier ordre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 632-635 ; 114, 1892, 407-409; 115, 1892, 587-589. 17. Sur la theorie des equations diffi5rentielles du premier ordre et du premier degre. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 61, 1891, 35-122; 62, 1892, 47-180; Lyon Univ. Ann., 3 (Fasc. 1), 1892, 120 pp. 18. Sur la limitation du degr^ pour I'integrale gene- rale algebrique de I'equation differentielle du premier ordre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 132-134, 104.5- 1047; 118, 1894, 1184-1187; Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 63, 1893, 79-183; 64, 1894, 1-53. 19. Sur la representation des courbes Ranches alge- briques et sur une formule d'HALPHEN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 845-848. 20. Sur les varietes unicursales Ji deux dimensions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 673-676. 21. Sur les varietes unicursales a trois dimensions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 881-883, 1129-1130. 22. Sur la representation des courbes gaudies alge- briques et sur le nombre des conditions qui expriment qu'une courbe algebrique est situee sur une surface algebrique. Lyon Univ. Ann., [20], 1896, 37 pp. 23. Sur une differentielle exacte. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 232-236. 24. Sur les poles des fonctions uniformes a deux variables independantcs. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 10, 1896, 196-228. 25. Sur les substitutions regulieres non lineaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1043-1045. 26. Sur lea symboles S ^ plusieurs variables inde- pendantcs. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 420-426. 27. Sur les poles des fonctions uniformes iV plusieurs variables independantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 139-142; Acta Math., 21, 1897, 249-263. 28. Sur I'equation differentielle du premier ordre et sur les singularites de ses integrales algebriques. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 2, 1897, 51-169 ; 3, 1897, 1-74. 29. Sur le rai>port aubarmonique. Nouv. Ann. Math., 18, 1899, 341-346. 30. Sur les integrales algebriques de I'equation de RiccATi. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 410-412. Autonnel 207 [Anwers 31. Knr len vari(^UH uniciirHalcB & plueiears dimen- sioiis. I'liriH, Roc. Math. Bull., 27, 1899, 263-282. 32. Stir lc>8 eiiiiatiunB algt^'briqtuH doiit totites lea racines Ront dps intrjaaleB d'line nii'mo rijuntion de KiccATi. Lkmvillr. .11. Math , I), 1900, l')7-214. 33. Snr Ics iquatioim alui'briinii's iinhannoniqueB. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. U., 130, 1900, 313-31(i, 390-393. 34. Siir certainea C(|uatioiiH den ijuatricnie et cin- (|ui(!me degree. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 28, 1900, 90- 107. 35. Sur lc8 formes quaternaircs k denx ei^'rieg de varialiles. Apjilications a la yeonietrie et an calcul intiRral. [iHilil.] Bnix., Mem. Couronn. (4» Kd.), .59, |1901| (/'(. 2), 2.'j4 pp. Autran, /■,[ii;;;>He], & Benter, Odo Morannal. Hemiptera Aiiiurensia! llev. Ent., 7, 1888, 199-202. Autiic, [Jean Hupthte Piirre Mariim]. Note [sur lea obBcrvations de la Fcintillation des etoilcs faites en 1S94— 95 A herd de la Durance]. Ann. Hydrogr., 17, 1896, 107-108. Anwers, [Gi'nrg Fiiedrich Julius] Arthur. 63. *Vcr- (jkicluing dpB Fundamental-Catalo(,'s des Berliner .Jahr- biichs mit denjenigen deB Nautical Almanac, der Con- nai.«isance des Temps and der American Ephemeris. [1HH2.1 Berlin. .\8tr. Jbuch., 1884, 93 pp.; 1887, (36). 64. Neue Bcrechnunn der von Fi.kiiiiais im Auftrage des lUireau des Lonfjitudes in den Jahreu 1867-70 aus- (jefiilirten Liingen-Bestimniun(,'eu. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 313-300. 65. Some remarks on the chain of meridi.an distances, measured around the earth by H.M.S. llaKjIc between the years 1831 and 1836. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 41, 1884^ 303-346. 66. Bestimmung cines fundamentalen Meridians fiir Anstralien durch absolute Methoden. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1886, 289-316. 67. Beobachtungen der Sonnenfinsterniss vom 16. Mai 1882 in Berlin, Potsdam und Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1886, 6.5-94. 6B. (ieographische Lange unJ Breite von 17-5 Stern- warten. Geogr. Jbuch., 10, 1886, 67.5-681. 69. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die gegenwartige Ver- liisslichkeit des Fundamental-Catalogs fiir die Zonen- Beobachtungen der Astronomischen (iescllschaft und die Genauigkeit seiner Urundlagen. Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 1-20. 70. Ueber die Declination von 74 Cygni (.\. G. C. Nr. .514). Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 6.5-70". 71. Neue Untersuchungen iiber den Durchmesser der Sonne. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 1055-1126; 1887, 449- 486 ; 1889, S8.3-942. 72. A catalogue of 480 stars to be used as funda- mental stars for observatiims of zones between 20" and 80^ south decUnation. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 47, 1887, 455-473. 73. Geographische Lange und Breite von 192 Stern - warten. Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 475-480. 74. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1889... (Barnard 1888 Sept. 2). .\str. Nachr , 121, 1889, 97-102. 76. Vorlau6ger Fundamental-Catalog fiir die siid- lichen Zonen der -Astronomischen Gesellschaft. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 145-172. 76. Vcrsuche iiber den Einfluss der Farbe der Blend- gliiser bei Messungen des Sonnendurclimessers. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 97-104. 77. Beobachtung des Mercurdnrchgangs 1891 Mai 9 und der Sounentinsteruiss 1891 Juni 6. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 123-124. 78. Die Sonnenparallaxe nach den Hcliometer-Beo- bachtungen der dentschen Venus-Expeditionen von 1874 und 1882. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 329-338; 134, 1894, 3.59-362. 79. Der Sonnendurchmesser und der Veuusdurch- measer nach den Beobachtungen an den Heliometem der deutschon Venus. F.xpedition. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 361-376; 134, 1894, 3.59-362. BO. Geograpliicche I.iinge und Breite von 216 Stern- warten. Geogr. Jbuch.. 14, 1891, 4m.5-4;>0. 81. Beitriige /.ur Kennlnissdes SiriuB-SyHtcms. Astr. Nacbr., 129, 1892, 18.5-232. 82. Die Liingc von Aden. Aatr. Nacbr., 133, 1893, 189-194. 83. Tafelo znr Reduction von Stemortem auf das Syt-tem des Fundamental-Catalogs fiir die Zonenbeo- bachtuugen der Ai-tronomischen Geselli-cbaft (A. G. I'ubl. XIV und XVII). A«tr. Nachr.. 134, 1894, 33-.58; 14.'., 1898, 101-106. 84. Krgebnisse einer Untcrsuchnng der Bradley'.schen Scctorbeobachtungen hinsichtlich der Wabrnelimbarkeit von PdlhuhenBchwankungen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 189B, 44.5-448. 85. A determination of the solar parallax and mass of the moon, from heliometer observations of the minor planets Iris, Victoria and Sappho made in the years 1888 and 1889 at the Itoyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in co-operation with the obser\'atorie« of Yale College (Newhaven), Leipzig, Gottingen, Bamberg and Oxford (Badcliffe), and from meridian observations made at all the principal oliBervatories. Discussion of the places of the comparison stars for Iris, Victoria, and Sappho, from meridian observations made at twenty-two ob- servatories. [Derivation of the solar parallax from the meridian observations.] Cape Obs. Ann., 7, 1896, 405- 716; 6, 1897 (/'(. 5), [95] pp. 86. Tafeln zur Reduction von siidlichen Stvrncata- logen auf ein vorliiufiges Mittelsystem nnd weilcre Tafeln zur lieduction von Sterncatalogen auf das System des Fundamental-Catalogs fiir die Zimenbeobachtungen der A. G. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 65-90; 145, 1898, 101- 106. 87. Fundamental-Catalog fiir Zonenbeobachtungen am Siidhimmel und siidlicher Polar-Catalog fiir die Epoche 1900. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 361-412. 88. AufForderung zur Beobachtung von Polstemen. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 113-122. 89. [Geographische Coordinaten] von 237 Stern- wartin. ' Gto^r. Jbuch., 19, 1897, 431-437. go. Vorliiufige Verliesserung des Fundamental-Cata- logs fiir die Zonenbeobachtungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft und seiner tiidlichen Fortsetzung. (Publ. XIV und XVII der Astr. Ges.) Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 49-84. 91. Verbesserungen der Oerter des vorlanfigen Fun- damental-Catalogs fiir die siidlichen Zonen der .Astro- nomischen Gesellschaft. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 10-5- 122. 92. Gewichtstafeln fiir Sterncataloge. Astr. Nachr., 1.51, 1900. 22.5-276. Anwers, Kurl [Frifdrich]. Znr Kenntniss des Pseudo- cumenols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2976- 2983. 2. Zur Kenntniss des Pseudocumenols nnd des Psendo- cumidins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886. 26.55-2663. 3. Ueber die Anwendbarkeit der Raoult'schen Methode der MoleculargewichtsBestimmung im chemiscben La- boratorium. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber.. 21, 1888. 701-719. 4. Zur Darstellung der Oxime. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 604-607. 5. Ueber das Oxim des p-Tolylphenylketons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23. 1890, 3'.i9-103. 6. Ueber S> nthesen alkylirter Tricarballylsauren nnd anderer niehrbasischer F'ettsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24. 1891. 307-314. 7. Zur Kenntniss der Hydrobenzoine und ihrer .An- hydride. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1776-1783. 8. Ueber Butantetracarbonsaure und seine neue Bil- Auwers] 208 [Auwers dungsweise von Peutamethylenderivaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 3(54-378. 9. Ueber kiyoskopische Molekulargewichtsbestim- mungen in Benzol. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 689-722. 10. Znr Frage der Konstitutionsbestimmung auf krvo.-^kopischem Wege. Ztscbr. Physikal. Chem., 15, 1894, 33-.5.5. 11. Ueber Trimethvlbernstein."aure und symmetrische aa-Dimethylglutarsaiiren. Berlin, Chem. CJes. Ber., 28, 1895, 2(53-270, 9()9. 12. Bemerkungen zu der Mittheilung von A. Meyen- BERo : Ueber die Condensation von Malonester mit Ace- ton. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 11.30-1133. 13. Ueber Beziehungen zwisohen dera kryoskopischen Verhalten der Phenole und ihrer Constitution. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2878-2882, 30.59. 14. Ueber ein abnormes Tribromderivat des Pseudo- cumenols. I. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2888- 2902. 15. Studien in der Bernsteinsiiure- und Glutarsiiure- Gruppe. Liebig's Ann., 285, 1896, 212-229, 241-282 ; 292, 1896, 132-243. 16. Ueber das kryoskopische Verhalten substituierter Phenole in Naphtalin. Nach Versuchen von W. R. Innes. Zt.^fchr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 59.5-624. 17. Ueber Dibrompseudocumenolbromid und aualoge Verbindungeu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1095- 1110. 18. Ueber Indazolderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 125.5-1271. 19. Ueber die Constitution der Oxyazokorper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2361-23(52; 33, 1900, 1302- 1315 ; Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 130 [First part only]. 20. Kryoskopische Untersuchungen. Ztschr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 21, 1896, 337-377. 21. Weiteres iiber die Constitution des Dibrompseu- documenolbromids und iihnlicher Verbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 744-752. 22. Ueber die Einwirkung von Brora auf Phenol- alkohole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., .30, 1897, 753-755. 23. Ueber eine Klasse eigenthiimlicher Nitrirung."!- producte von Phenolen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 7.55-759. 24. Notiz iiber einige Derivate der ^j-Oxybenzoesiiure und Anissiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1473- 1478. 25. Untersuchungen iiber substituirte Bernsteiu- siiuren. Liebig's Ann., 298, 1897, 147-181. 26. Kryoskopische Untersuchungen iiber Siiureamide. Nach Versuchen von .J. Pilzeii. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 23, 1897, 449-468. 27. Notiz liber die Anliydridbildung aliphatischer Dicarbonsiiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2112-2113. 28. Ueber Derivate aroraatischer /3- und S-Oxyde. Iiiel)ig's Ann., 301, 1898, 203-266. 29. Ueber isomere Tribromderivate des Pseudo- cumenols. Berichtigung und vorliiutige Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 17-26. 30. Notiz iiber a-Methyl-a-oxy-i-hexylessigsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2573-2575. 31. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die alkaliiinliis- licheii l'heni>lbromide. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2978-2987. 32. Ueber Phenolbromide aus n.«-o-XyIenol und iis- )H-Xylenol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2987 3005. 33. Ueber Oxydationaproducte von Phenolen u?id Phcnolbromiden und die Constitution des isomercii I'sendociimenolbromids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3440-3453. 34. Ueber Beziehungen zwisohen der Constitution von Meta-Phenolhaloiden und ihrem Verhalten gegen Alkalien. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3583-3.587. 35. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chloroform und Alkali auf (i.s-0-Xylenol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3598-3599. " 36. Ueber Aminsiiuren uud Imide aliphatiselier Di- carbonsiiuren. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 31(5-347. 37. Ueber den Einfluss der Natur des Losungsmittels aut das kryoskopische Verhalten von Phenolen. Nach Versucheu von H. M. Smith and W. B.\rtsch. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 30, 1899, 300-340. 38. Kryoskopi.iche UntersuchuuRen iiber die Konsti- tution der Siiureamide. Nach Versuchen von M. Dohrn. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 30, 1899, 529-544. 39. Vermischte kryoskopische Beobachtungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 31, 1899, 39-62. 40. Ueber eine Atomwanderung. Vorliiuflge Mit- theilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1923-1924. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & AllendorfF, H[u(io]. Ueber Anhydro-;)-oxymesitylalkohol und seine Umwandlungs- prod'ucte. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 7(5-98. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Anselmino, ()[/(()]. Ueber den Abbau von Phenolen durch Bromiruug. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, .3587-3597. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Avery, S[amuel]. Ueber ein abnormes Tribromderivat des Pseudocumenois. III. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2910-2923. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Baum, F[riedricli]. Ueber die Constitution des Dibrompseudocumenolbromids und seiner Umwandlungsproducte. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2329-2348. Auwers, A'(ir( [Friedricli], & Beger, C[arl]. Anwendung der Friedel-Crafts'schen Reaction auf Thiophenoliither. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1733-1741. Auwers, K(rrl [Friedrich], & Bernhardi, R[eiiihard]. Ueber Structurbestimmung aliphatischer Siiuren durch Bromirung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2209- 2233. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Betteridge, F[rederic H.]. [Ueber substituirte Bernsteinsauren.j IV. Ueber sym- metrische Bidecylberusteiusiiuren. Liebig's Ann., 298, 1897, 179-181. Auwers, Knrl [Friedrich], & Bredt, Titus V[iktor]. Ueber Dithienyle. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1741-1747. 2. Zur KenntuissderButantetracarbonsauren. Berlin, Chi'iu. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 882-890. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], Si Brolcber, ,/[o.«t'/]. Zur Kenntniss der Oxydationsproducte von Phenolen uud Phcnolbromiden. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3475-3486. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], it Biittner, G[eorii]. Ueber Bromirungsproducte des Saligenins. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 131-152. Auwers, Karl [Fyiedrirli], & Burrows, I[[arry]. Ueber das Heptabromderivat des i/.v-o Xylenols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3034-3045, 4(t85. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], A Campenbausen, G[erhard] (Frhr.) von. Ueber Bronulerivate des (i.<-m-Xylenols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1129-1132. 2. Ueber Oxytrimethylbernsteinsiiiire. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1543-1549. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], it Clos, .-([(/ii/yi/)]. Ueber die CarbonB.Huen der Benzilhvdnizone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Her., 27, 1894, 1133-1140.' Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], A Czemy, ttaiis. Zur Kennt- m.-is d(>r Beckmann'schen Uiulageniiig. Berlin, Chem. des. Her., 31, 1898, 2692-2()98. Auwers, Khol. Berlin, Cbein. Ges. Her., 32, 1899, 3373-3381. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Dlttricb, .1/ti.r. Ueber die AuwersI 209 [Auwers Structur dor OximidoKniiipe in don isomcrcii lienzilmon- oximen. Herlin, Ch«m. Ge«. licr., •2-1. 1889, l!t9i;-'2011. Auwers, Karl [Fiiedrirh], & Ebner, A{lliirt\. Uebor dan Oxviliitionsproduct dcsl'MeiKlocuiiiin'iltriljroinidH. Berlin, Clii Ml. (Jcs. Ber., S'i, 1899, :i4r,i-Mr,-,, 1085. Auwers, Karl [b'rifdrich |, & Ercklentz, H[einrich]. Uebcr yiOxypmiidociiniylalkolicil unil siMiieliromiriinysproducte. liiibiti's Ann., HO'i. 1898, 107-130. Auwers, Kurl [Fi ieitrich], & Ergrselet, Il[uihil/] {Frhr.) mil. Ueber das Pentabiomilciiviit iles ««-r)-Xvlenol8. IScilin, Chum. Gps. Ber., ;i2, 1899. :illl(;-303:{, 3.502, 40H.5. Auwers, Karl [I'riedrich], & Frltzweller, Ii[icliiiril]. [Ucber substitiiirte Bernsteinsiiunn.J I. Ueber Bym- nietrische Mitliyliithylbernsteinsauren. [II Uebcr a- synimetrische Metliyliithylbern.steinsiiure.J Liebig'H A.m., 2^x. 1897, 151-lll(!, 1G(;-177. Auwers, Karl [Frii-driclt]. & aardner, John Addyman. Zur Kenntnis.s der Tetramutlivlbi rnstoinsiiurc. Berlin, Clum. (loK. Ber., 23, 1890, 3G22-3G2.'.. Auwers, Kurl [h'rifdrich], A Hampe, ]y[Hhclm'\. Ueber das Pentalironiid des ii.<-m-Xyleni>ls. Berlin, Chem. (les. Ber., 32, 1899, 3005-301(). Auwers, Kurl [l-'iifdrirli], A- Harger, J[t>hn\ Ueber .-uhstitiiiito Anile iind Anilsauicn der Bernsteinsiiure. l.iiliiK'a Ann., 292, 1896, 1H7-I94. Auwers, Karl [Friedricli], & Haymann, K[arl\. Ueber lias Vt'rlialten der Niitrinm.>inl/.e von Phenolen gegen Mono- und Dioliloressigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2795-2S0l>. Auwers, Kurl [Fricdrtch], & Hof, l,[udKi(i Kdoiiard]. I'elpcr Dilirompscudocumcnolbroniid, -cbliirid und -jodid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2!l. 1896, 1110-1120. Auwers, Kurl [Frifdrich], A Imbauser, .{[uijuft]. Ueber die lironiiriing von Bernstein.saiire und deren Alkylderi- vat, 11. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2233-2240. Auwers, Kurl [Frivdrich], & Jackson, Luuis L. Ueber Strueturbestimmung ahphatischer Siiuren und die soge- nannte "dvnaniische Isomerie.'' (I.Mittheilung.) Berlin, Chem. (lis. Ber., 23, 1890, 1.^99-1617. Auwers, Kurl [Friedricli], & Jacob, A[dolf]. Ueber stcicnisdiiiore Biitautetraearboii'^iiiiri'n. Berlin, Chem. (les. litr., 27, 1894, 1114-1132. Auwers, Kurl [Frifdrich], A KauSmann, llui/o. Ueber Btereoisomere Derivate der symmetrisehen Dimethyl- glutarsiiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2.5, 1892, 3221- 3217. Auwers, Kurl [Friedrich], & Kobner, E[duard]. Ueber sviiimetrische Dimethylglutarsaiuoii und Trimethylbern- s'liinsiiureii. Berlin, Cht-in. G. s. 1!. r., 21, 1891. 1923-1937. Auwers, A'lirf [Friedricli], iV Maas, Tli[i;udor]. Ueber das Dibrom-Hi-oxvpseudocumvlbromid. Berlin, Chem. Ge8. Ber., 32, 1899, 34(;B-347o'. Auwers, Kurl [Friedricli], & Marwedel, J[oh. Krf.]. r, liL-r ein abnormes Triinoniderivat di s I'seudocumen- ols. 11. Berlin, Chem. Ges. B.r., 2.s, 1895, 2902-2910. Auwers, Kurl [Friedricli], it Mayer, F[rit:]. [Ueber substituirte Bernsteinsiiuren.J III. Isopropylbernstein- siiure aus Amylen. Liebig's Ann., 298, 1897, 177-179. a. Derivate der Bernsteinsiiure. Liebig's Ann. , 309, 1899, 320-327. 3. Derivate der Methylbernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 309. 1899, 327-328. 4. Derivate der IsopropylbernsteinsSure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899. 328-3.30. 5. Derivate der/iiin. und mul. .<;/iii. Methyliithylbern- sleinsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899. 33-5-338. Auwers, Kurl [Friedricli], A Heyenbnrg, i-'[rit'(/ric/i] i-on. Ueber eine neue Synthese vmi Derivait-n des Isindazols. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2370--2388. Auwers, A'',)(.), 'M. 1897-98, 202-2«9. 101. On the attraction of tlnwers for insects. [1897.] liiiiii. Soc. .11. (/for.), 33, 1897-98, 270-278. 102. On some Spitzbcryen Collenibola. Linn. Soc. Jl. {/out.}, 20, 1898, 61t;-619. 103. [Presidential address, International Congress of Zoologists, Cambridge, Aug. 23, 1898.] Nature, .58 (1898), 391-.S92. 104. Buds and stipules. [1898.] Boy. Inst. Proc, l.'>. 1899, .5(;5-,566. 105. On some .\ustralasian CoUembola. [1899.] Linn. Soc. ,11. (/ool.). 27, 1899-1900, 334-338. 106. On the configuration of the Earth's surface, with s)i(>cial reference to the British Islands. Geogr. Jl., I."), 1900, 40-50. 107. HiXLEY's life and works. [1900.] Nature, C3 (1900 01), 92-90, 110-119. Avelcyra, Rumi'm X. Sustituciones de algunas drogas in.li'jcims. [1885.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887. 109-177. Avellne, ]i'iUidem\x.)] Eng. A Wale's Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 98 N.E., n. s. 39), 1888, 94 pp. Avellne, Wniiam Tnlhot, & Trench, Richard. 'The geology of I'art of Northamptonshire. [List of fossils bv B. ExuKRiiHSF ] Great Britain Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 53 S.E.), 1860. 19 pp. Avellne, Il'i7/i saKoiit. paciiiirpciiifl xiij- KOCTCri. [Sur la loi gi'neralc de la dilatation des liquides.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 10 (Phy:), 1884, 212-247: Jl. Phys., 4, 1886, 587-588. 16. IIo Hoiipocy o puciiiiipciiiK 3:ii,tkoctii. [On the question of the expansion of a liquid.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (rhy*.), 1884, 400-40G; Jl. Phys., 4, 1886, 587-588. 17. Pasfiopt. pafioTU Ki'AEBit'ia o cicopocTii paciipocTpaiioiiifl .invKa. [Bevicw of the work of Kbvrvic on the velocity of propagation of sound.] [lH8i;.] Kiev Sue. Nat. Mem., 8 (2), 1887, v-vi. Avenean de la Qranciire, (comte) Paul. Quelques obser- vations sur I'age du bronze en Brctagne-Armorique. Les monuments et les d^pdts de bronze. Ass. Franf. C. B., 1898 (Pt. 2), 60'i-631. Averlll, Charh-H K. Feeding habits of Sitta canadensis. Auk, 5, 1888, 118. a. Loggerhead shrike at Bridgeport, Connecticut. Auk, 6, 1889, 74, 192. 3. The evening grosbeak in Connecticut. Auk, 7, 1890, 211. 4. Bkumnich's morre in Connecticut. Auk, 8, 1891, 307-308. 5. Stations for some of the rarer plants of Connecticut. Bhodora, 1, 1899, 39-40. 6. The distribution of certain trees and shnibs in western Connecticut. Bhodora, 2. 1900, 34-38. Avery, D. The preparation of byi>oiiitrites from ethyl nitrite in alcoholic solutions. Auat. Ass. Hep.. 1893. 320-322. Avery, .V[(imucf ]. A Auwers, Karl [Friedrieh]. See Anwers ,v Avery. Avery, .%amU(l]. & Bonton, (ilitt} Roia. On phenylglu- taric acid and its derivatives. Amer. Chem. Jl., 20 (1898), 509-515. Avery, .^[amuel], & Dales, lienton. The electrolytic deter- mination of cadmium. .\mer. Chem. Soc. Jl., lit. 1897, 379-382, 513. 2. Die Fehlcr-Quellen bei der elektrolytischen Be- stimmung des Eisens. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 64-68. 3. Der Kohlenstoffgehalt des elektrolytisch auage- scliiedenen Eisens. Bemerkungen zu einem Aufsatz der HHrn. Hans Vkrweb und Friedrieh Groll. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 32. 1899. 2'233-2238. Avery, S[amiul], A- Fossler, Mary /.[oiii'ic]. On a-methyl- /J-phenylglutaric acid. Amer. Chem. Jl., 20 (1898), 516- 518. Avery, ^[aninc;]. A mcholaon, lllenry) H[udM>n]. Set Nicholson A Avery. Avery, U'lUiaiii (\u.ihman]. For biographical notice tee Auk, 11, 1894, -iOS-JGl. Will s of the peregrine falcon. Omith. Ool., 12, 1887, 74-75. 27—2 Avery] 212 [Axenfeld 2. King rail in Louisiana. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, SO. 3. Observations on tlie f,'rassliopi)er sparrow in Hale county, Alabama. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889. 122. 4. Number of eggs in a set of the cardinal. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 185. Avetta, Carlo. Kicerche anatoniiche ed istogeniche sugli organi vegetativi della "Pueraria Thumbergiana," Benth. Roma 1st. Bot. Annu.. 1, [1885], 201-222. 2. Contribuzione alio studio delle auoraalie di strut- tura nelle radici delle Dieotiledoni. [1887 ] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., .3, 1888, 91-107. 3. Bicerche anatomo-istologiche sul fusto e suUa radice dell' Atrajihaxis spinosa, L. Koma 1st. Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 141-147. 4. Contribuzione all' anatomia ed istologia della radice e del fusto dell' Antigonon leptopus. Hook. Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 148-156. 5. [Contribuzioni] alia flora delln Scioa. [1889.] Nuovo Gioru. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 303-311, 332-339, 344-352; 22, 1890, 234-239, 242-247. 6. Sui cistoliti delle foglie di alcune Coccinia. [1893-94.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 5, 1894, 181-185. 7. Contribuzioni alia couoscenza della tlora del- r Africa orientale. iv. IMateriali per la flora dello Scioa. [1895.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., (i, 1897, 44-06. 8. Flora crittogamica della proviueia di Parma. Malpighia, 11, 1897, 181-197; 12, 1898, 3-19. 9. Ortservazioni sulla Pueciuia Lojkajana, Tliihn. iVIalpighia, 11, 1897, 236-240. 10. Annotazioni alia flora parmense. Malpighia, 12, 1898, 164. 11. Nuova specie di Chara. (Chara Pelosiana, (iii/fi.) Malpighia, 12, 1898, 229-235. Avetta, Carlo, & Baccarini, Pasquale. See Baccarini & Avetta. Avetta, Carlo, & Casoni, T'. Aggiunte alia flora parmense. Malpighia. 11, 1897, 209-224. Avgustinovic, E. *Il3CJl1iJ10BaHie lipOBOJUIMOCTlI Kli;i,KllXT> 11 pacnjiaB.ieUHHXl. lI30.IflTOpOBl>. [In- vestigation of the conductivity of liquid and fused insulators.] New Buss. Soc. Nat. Mem. {Math. Sect.), 2, 1879. Avice, [Louis Claude Theod.]. 2. Note sur un bois d'ar- bousiers dans les C6tes-du-Nord. France Soc. Bot. Bull. , 43, 1896, 123. 3. Note sur une vari^t^ maritime du Solanum dulcamara, L. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 41.5-416. 4. Lettre [sur le Solanum dulcamara, var. maritima]. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1899, 41-42. Avila, (conde) d'. Escolha do horisonte fundamental para as altitudes da Europa. Lisboa Soc. Geogr. Bol., 5, 1892, 351-369. 2. Dos nivelamentos de precLsiio e da sua superficic de referencia. Lisboa Soc. Geogr. Bob, 3, 1895, 195- 281. Avillez, Jorrje Frederico de {trisconde de Keguengo). Sobre a representai/ao da terra pelas projeci,'oes orthograpbicas ortbogonaes e sua theoria geometrica. [1893.] Lisboa, .Torn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 70-94 ; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 1888. 2. Sobre um theorema de geometria superior. [1896.] Gomes Teixcira .lorn. Sci., 12, 1895, 137-140 ; Fortschr. Math., 1895, 677. 3. Sobrc urn systcma tri-taugente. [1896.] Ijisboa, .Torn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 166-175; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 434. 4. Sur un certain triangle. Ass. Frani,'. C. K., 1897 {Pt. 2), 131-133. 5. Snr un groupe de trois paraboles. Ass. Frani,\ C. R., 1897 {Pt. 2), 133-135. 6. Sobro algumas applica(,'ocs dos determiuantes a geometria do triangulo. [1897.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 14-42. 7. Sur Tangle de Brocabd et des angles de Steiner d'un triangle. [1897.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 85-89. 8. Sur quelques decompositions de Carres en sommes de carr(!'s entiers. [1897.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1898, 90-92. Avino, A[ntonio] d\ Sulle cellule a mucillagine di alcuni semi e sul loro sviluppo nel pericarpo della Salvia e di altre labiate. [1893.] Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 7, [1894], 147-1.58, 197. Avisse, Edmond. 'Fabrication du sucre par les procedes de la difl'usion. [1881.] Genie Civil, 1, 1880-81, 225- 228. Avogadro, {eonle) .imeden. For biography and works sec Amer. Chem. Jl., 11 (1889), 289; Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 263. AvToio'v,{PavelPetrorii],&'lM\e\Uiiev,Alelisej[AleksejeviE]. Sec Lichacev * Avrorov. Avtokratov, I'lctr Micliajlovic]. Reoherches expiri- mentales sur le mode de production des contractures dans le tetanos. Arch. Med. Exp6r., 4, 1892, 700-709. 2. Ueber Veriinderungen in den Kernen der Hiruner- veu bei paralytiscbem Blodsinn. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 399-404, 4.35-442. Awano, Dcniiojo. Plants from Mt. Azuma. [-^ap.] Bot. Mag., Tokyo', 7, 1893, 345-346; 8, 1894, 29-34. 2. [Origin of the formation of the Matsushima islands in the pirovince of Rikuzen.] [daji.] [1893.] TukyCi Geol. Soc., Geol. Mag., 1, [1894], [72]-[75]. Aweng, E[iigcn]. Untersuchungen iiber die Secrete. 11. Ueber den Succinit. Arch. Pharm., 232, 1894, 600-088. 2. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der wirksameu Bestandteile von cort. franguk'e, rhiz. rhei und fol. senna;. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1898, 143-144. Axe, J. ll'ortley. Water in relation to health and disease. Agr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1893, 726-750. 2. The mare and foal. Agr. Soc. Jl., 9, 1898, 21.S-270. Axell, [./«//«»] Sevcn'n. For biographical notice see Bot. Notiser, 1892, 40-47. Axelrod, S[alomoii], & IMCarckwald, ]l'[illi/]. See Marck- wald & Axelrod. Axelson, Walter M. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber einige neue CoUemloleu-Formen aus Finnland. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 26, 1900, 105-123. Axenfeld, Z)(;r((?('. 2. Sur les cristaux d'hemine. Arch. Ital. Biol., 0, 1884, 34-51. 3. Un saggio suU' albumina. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 178-182. 4. Contribuzione alia fisiologia della corteccia del cervello. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 016-622. 6. Ueber das Fussphiiuomen. Arch. Psychiatr., 10, 1885, 824-825. 6. Ueber eine neue Eiweissreactiou. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 209-211. 7. Die Wirkuug der Halogene auf das Hajmin. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 833-835. 8. Suir emina. [Seconda e terza comunicazione.] Ann. di Chim., 3, 1886, 72-79; 6, 1887, 98-100. 9. L'acido pirogallico come reagente sul propeptone. Ann. di Chim., 5, 1887, 193-195. 10. Sugli enzimi o feniieuti solubili. Sperimentale, 59, 1887, 225-242, 337-356. 11. Physiologische Experimentc und Beobachtungen. [1885.] Untersuch. Nat., 13, 1888, 335-3.53. 12. Intorno alia trasfonna/.ionc dei sali di ammonio in urea nell' organismo. .\nn. di Chiui., 8, 1888, 172-184. 13. Sur la vision des couleurs de contraste. [1888.) Arch. Iti^l. Biol., U, 1889, 81-90. 14. Etude physiologique sur le cerveau des GallinacL-s et des Colombidis. [1885.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, 13-19. Axeufeld I 213 lAyme 15. Sur I'lii'iiiiiic. [Prima comunioazione.] [1885- 8(1. 1 Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, 1!»-21, •>l-2.t. 16. Note siir Ic curare. [18Hi;-H7.] Arch. ItiU. Biol., 12, 1889, 2:i 20. 17. Ciinlribution iV la physiologic dcs or^unes de BCiis. [IHMH.] Arch. Ital. Hiol., 12, 1889, 2!)-Ha. 18. Vibratiuiicn ilcr Stiminpibcl alH Ncrvenrciz. |ls;i2.| Ci-iitrljl. I'hy.siol., f., 1893, 2;iit-a00. 19. Iiitliicncc de ccrtainea suhHtanceH chiniii|ucs Hur IVxeitaljiliti'' du ccrveau. [1H'.)-1.] Congr. Med. Int. Atli, 1894 {Vol. 2, Fhiol.), 171; Arch. Ital. Biol., 22, 1895, liO 7H. 20. Hi no cinfaohe Methode HeinianopBie zu con- Btatiren. Neurol. Centrbl., IB, 1894, 4:^7-438. 21. Die Hiiiitticn'scheM Htrahleu deni .\rthropodenange sichtbar. [IHIMJ.] Ccutrbl. I'hyHiol.. 10, 1897, 147. 22. Die Itiintgen'schcn Ktrahleii deiu InHecteiiauRC sichtbar. flK'.li;.] Centrbl. I'hysiol., ID, 1897,430-437. 23. ('(lutribution u I'ojitiiiue J)liy8iologi4Ue. Arch. Ital. Biol., 27, 1897, 103-110. 24. UebereineEifjentliiimliclikeitderKiiochenleituni:; dcH Schttlles ini menschlichen I'nlerkiefer. [1HU7.] Ccutrbl. I'hy.siol., 11, 1898, 1-2. 25. Schachbrettlit,'ur durcli Gitter hervorgebracht, abhiinKiK voui Astit,'matisnuisdes Augcs. [1898.] Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 3H'.l-3yO. 26. Queliiues observations sur la vue des Arthropodes. Arch. Ital. Biol., 31, 1899, 370-371!. 27. Ueber die Triibung der Augenlinse. [1899.] Centrbl. Physiol., 13, 1900, 322-32.5. Axenfeld, Tluodor. Zur Lyniphombildung in der Orbita. Arcli. f. Ophthiilm., 37, 1891 (Ablli. 4), 102-124. 2. Ueber die eitrige nietastatische Ophthalmie, besouders ihre .\etiolo|,'ie uud prognostische Bedeutung. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Ahlli. 3), 1-129, {Ahth. 4), 103-1'.I7. 3. Kino weitere Bcobachtuu)^ von dcm Keratoconus entgegiiiKcsetztcr Hornhautkriimmung (corrigirbare peri- phere Myopie und corrigirbare centrale Hypcropie in cin uud deuisclbcn .\ugc). Arch. Augenheilk., 31, 1898, 86- 99; Arch. Ophthalm.. 20, 1897, HoQ-'MQ. 4. Ueber ilie Aetiologie der infectiosen Bindchautent- ziindungeu, besouders der epidcmischcn. [If'ith dis- iii.wiiiH.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1897 (.lif/i. Id), 111-120. 6. Ueber die chronisclie Diplobacillencoujunctivitis. Centrbl. Bakt. (Alt. 1), 21, 1897, 1-9. 6. Ueber den Brechungswert der Hornhaut und der Linse beim Neugeborenen nebst Benierkungen iiber Ophthaluiometrie an Leichenaugen. Ztschr. Psychol., li'), 1897, 71-81. 7. De la blennorrhee non-gnnococcique de la con- jonctive. Ann. d'Oculist., 120, 1898, 382-384. 8. Diinonstrations anatomo-pathologiques. Ann. d'Oculist., 122, 1899, 222-223. 9. lietttbliasenient du sac conjonctival par trans- plantation cutanee. [1900.] Ann. d'Oculist., 125, 1901, ■m;-,. Axenleld, Themlor, & Schorenberg, . Troubles congenitaux des muscles oculaires ct spasnie unilateral de I'accommodation. |1'.I00.] .\nn. d'Oculist., 12.">, 1901, 365. Axenfeld, Theodor, \ Whtlioff, W[ilhelni\. See TXhtHoff A' Axenfeld. A-KinaTiTi, [I'lifdricli] C[iirl]. Ueben den Missbrauch der inncreu Desinfection in der Geburtshiilfe. Erfurt Ak. Jbiich., Ill, 1890, 73-89. 2. Ueber vorbeugende Hygiene. Erfurt Ak. Jbiich., 19, 1893, 13.5-160. 3. (liebt es speoifisch trophische Nerven? Erfurt Ak. Jbiich., 20, 1894, l'.l'J-228. Aztoll, Kditin I!. For biographical notice see N. X. Med. Jl., 70, 1899. 972. The removal of the spinal cord. N. Y. Med. Jl., 47, 1888, 493. 2. Hulpliate of atropine : two-fifths of a grain hjrpo- deruiicully. N. \'. Med. Jl., 51, 1890, 140-147. 8. Toxic paraplegia. N. Y. Med. Jl., 02, 1898, 101- 104. Ayera, Howard. 2. On the structure and dcvclupiiicnt of tile nasal rays in Condylura cristata. [1884.] Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1888, 35t>-300. 3. Beitriige xur Anatoiiiie und Phygiologie der Dipnoer. Jena. Ztschr., 18, 1888, 479-527. 4. Untersucliungen iiber Pori abdominales. Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1886, 344-3.50. 5. On the carapax and sternum of decapod Crustacea. [1885.] Essex Inst. Bull., 17, 1886, 49.59. 6. On the structure and function of the spba.'ridia of the Kchinoidca. [1885.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 20, 1886. 39-52. 7. The morphology of the carotids, based on a study of the blood-vessels of Chlauiydosclachus angaiueus, Gartiian. Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 17, 1888 89. 191-223. 8. The ear of man : its past, present and future. Wood's Holl Mar. Biol. Lab. Lect., 1890, 188-230. 9. Contribution to the morphology of the vertebrate head. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 5U4-.500; 10. Concerning vertebrate cephalogcnesis. [1890.] Jl. Jlorphol., 4, 1891, 221-245. 11. Die Membrana tectoria : was sie ist, und die Membraua basilaris : was sie verrichtet. Auat. Auz., 0, 1891, 219-220. 12. Vertebrate cephalogcnesis. II. A contribution to the morphology of the vertebrate ear, with a recon- sideration of its functions. Jl. Morphol., 6. 1892, 1-3G0. 13. On the genera of the Dipnoi Dipneumones. Amer. Natlist., 27, 1893, 919-932. 14. The macula neglecta again. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 238-240. 16. Ueber das peripherischeVerhallen der Gchomeri'en und den Wert der Haarzellen des Gehororganes. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 43.5-440. 16. Some nerve-muscle experiments on the frog (Kana catesbianu). Jl. Morphol., 8, 1893, 379-39*2. 17. The auditory or hair-celLs of the ear and their relations to the auditory nerve. Jl. Morphol., 8, 1893, 44.5-466. 18. Anatomical nomenclature. Science, 21, 1893, 190-191. 19. Myology of the cat: or the m. flexor occegsorius of the human and feline foot. Science, 22, 1893, 13.5- 136. 20. BdelloBtoma Dombeyi, Lac. Wood's Holl Mar. Biol. Lab. Lect., 1893. 12.5-161. 21. On the membrana basilaris, the membrana tectoria, and the ncr^'e endings in the human ear. [1897.] Zool. Bull., 1. 1898, 27-5-278. 22. On the pithecoid type of ear in man. Zool. Bull., 2. 1899, 247-250. Aykroyd, ll[riinj] E.. A Richardson, /''[rcfftric] Il'[i7/it. 5), 283-313. 4. The Flathead forest reserve. [1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1898-99 (Pt. 5), 24.5-310. 6. Lewis and Clarke forest reserve, Montana. [1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1899-1900 (Pt. 5), 27-80. 6. Timber conditions of the pine regions of Minnesota. [1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1899-1900 (Pi. 5), 673- 089. Ayres, H. Messenger. Cirrhosis of the lung. [1884.] N. Y. Med. .JL, 41, 1885, 227. Ayres, Ph. IS. C, & Lowson, James A. Report on the outbreak of bubonic plague in Hongkong, 1894. Congr. Int. Hyg. G. R. (1894, 2), 652-670. Ayres, Thomas. 6. Additional notes on the ornithology of Transvaal. [With notes by John Henry Gurnev.] Ibis, 2, 1884, 217-233; 3, 1885, 341-351; 4, 1886, 282-298. Ayres, II'. .S. 'Deflection ot girders. [1876.] Araer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 5 (1876-77), 53-55. Ayres, Walter. A list of birds collected in Transvaal and in Um/.eilla's country lying to the north-east of Transvaal, between the 23rd and 24th degrees of south latitude and the 32nd and 33rd of east longitude. [Communicated by John Henry Gdrney.] Ibis, 5, 1887, 47-64. Ayres, William C. To reference in No. 9 (Vol. 9) add Arch. Augenheilk., 13, 1884, 29-33. 11. Granulations of the conjunctiva produced by long-contiriueil instillations of cocaine. Arch. Oplithalm., 17, 1888, 265-267. Ayres, William 11. 86. Carnivorous prairie dogs. Car- nivorous orioles. Science, 8, 1886, 105. Ayrton, (Mrs.) Hertha. See Marks, (Miss) Sarah. Ayrton, W[illiani] E[dward'i. To reference in No. 17 {J'ol. 9) add hum. Elect., 5, 1881, 91-94, 109-110, 122-125. 21. The law of the dynamo machine. [1885.] Electrician, 10, 1886, 31-32. 22. Efficiency of incandescent lamps and electric traction. Electrician, 20, 1888, 481. 23. The electric transmission of power. Electrician, 21, 1888, 598-605 ; Nature, 38, 1888, -508-511, 533-536. 24. Electrostatic attraction in liquids. Telegr. JL, 22, 1888, 278-279. 25. L'unit^ pratique d'induction. Lum. Elect., 34, 1889, 107-109. 26. The rise of potential difference in the Deptford mains. Electrician, 26, 1891. 260. 27. [Inaugural address, Jan. 28, 1892.] Electro- technics. [;i892.] Inst. Elect. Engin. JL, 21, 1893, 5-30. 28. Electrostatic error in electro-magnetic instru- ments. Electrician, 32, 1894, 697-098. 29. The true resistance and back e.m.f. of the arc. Elect. Rev., 37, 1895, 767-769. 30. Sixty years of submarine telegraphy. Electrician, 38, 1897, 545-548. 31. The permanency of resistance coils. [1897.] Electrician, 40, 1898, 39-40. 32. Our knowledge of the value of a resistance. [1897.] Electrician, 40, 1898, 149-150. 33. [Presidential address to the Math, and Phys. Sci. Sect., Bristol, Sept. 8th. The physics of smell.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 707-777. 34. The best education for an engineer. Nature, 00 (1899), 508-5f)9. 35. Electrical power distribution. Nature, 62 (1900), 290-300. Ayrton, W[illiam] E[dward], & Cooper, W[illiam] Ji[a}iso)i]. Variations in the electromotive force of Clark cells with temperature. [1895.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 59, 1896, 308-381. Ayrton, W[iUiam] E[dward], & Haycraft, H. C. Student's simple apparatus for detevmiuiug the mechanical equiva- lent of heat. [1894.] Loudon Phys. Soc. Proc, 13, 1895, 29.5-309 ; Phil. Mag., 39, 1895, 100-172. Ayrton, W[illiam'\ E[dwanr\, & Jones, J[ohn] Viriamu. On a determination of the ohm made in testing the Lorenz apparatus of the McGill University, Montreal. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 212-218. 2. An Ampire balance. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 157- 1.58. Ayrton, W[ilUam'\ E[dward], & Kilgour, [.Martin] U[aiiiilton]. The thermal emissivity of thin wires in air. [1891.] Phil. Trans. (A), 183, 1893, 371-405. Ayrton, Wlilliam] F:[dward], & Matlier, T[homas]. The construction of non-mductive resistances. [1891.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 11, 1892, 269-275; Phil. Mag., 33, 1892, 180-191. 2. A universal shunt box for galvanometers. [With discus.iion.] [1894.] Inst. Elect. Engin. JL, 23, 1895, 314-320, 362-370. 3. Transparent conducting screens for electric and other apparatus. [With diseassivn.] [1894.] Inst. Elect. Engiu. JL, 23, 1895, 370-381), 387-393. 4. An astatic station voltmeter. [With discussion.] [1894.] Inst. Elect. Engin. JL, 23, 1895, 380-393. 5. .\ portable magnetic-field tester. Electrician, 35, 1895, 074-075. 6. [The E.M.F., etc., of electric arc] Nature, 52 (1895), 530. 7. Galvanometers. Phil. Mag., 42, 1896, 442-440. 8. Galvanometers. Third paper. [1898.] London Phys. Sou. Proc, 16, 1899, 169-204; Phil. Mag., 46, 1898. 349-379. Ayi'tonl 21.0 [Azam 0. Some dcvelnpmcnU in the use of Puick's K»>ii'd- wire in insiilntiiiii tests. [1000.] I-oinlon I'hv«. Soc. I'lne . 17, 1901, 'J',)-10;t ; I'liil. Mii- , I'.l, 1900, 34;i-ai7. Ayrton, U'[illiiiiii] E[s. Soc. I'roc, l:t, 1896, 4a9-47(j; Phil. Mat,-., :W, 1895, aH9-.122. Ayrton, \\'[illiam] K[(hriiid], & Terry, Jnlni. To reference in No. 32 I^Vol. \)}tliode dc Cioi.oi. Mi'thode de Goloi sur coupes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (G. R.), 839-841. 19. L'^re nouvelle des sons et des bruits. Mus6es 216 [Azzarelli et archives phonographiciues. Rev. Sci., 13, 1900, 712- 715- ^ „. ,• Azoulay, Leon, & KUppel, M[aurice]. Les alteratious des cellules de I'ecorce ci5r(5brale dans la paralysie g(5n(;rale, etudiees par la methode de Goloi. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1894 (C. R.), 405-407. Azoulay, Lrou, & iajard, J[osvph]. Quelques considera- tions sur la deuxieme decimale dans les indices craniens et faciaux. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 2, 1891, 5.50- 553. Azoulay, Lron. & Marie, Pierre. See Marie & Azoulay. Azoulay, Ij'on, & Nageotte, Jean. Oculaire de micro- scope II index fixe de il. Bohhouet de Montpellier et oculaire a index mobile. Paris. Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 641-642. Azoulay, Le-nn, & Regnault, Fdli.v. De I'automatisme chez le paralytique general. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C.ii.), '732-735. 2. Des diverses formes des dents incisives supeneures. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 4, 1893, 266-269. 3. Sur un moyeu pratique d'exagerer le trcmblement. Ass. Franv. C. K., 1894 {Pt. 2), 874-878. Azua, Juan de, & Mendoza, Antonio. De la production de l'ecz(5ma banal par le Staphylococcus aureus. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 9), 71-77. AzzareUi, Mattia. For biography and hst of works see Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 51, 1897, 49-55. 41. Equazioni delle superticie di 2" ordme dedotte dalle loro genesi. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 37, 1884, 20-5- 1)1 Q " 42. Trasformazione del binomio Va + v'''- Koiia, N. Lincei Atti, 38, 1885, 227-242. 43. Esercizio geometrico. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 39 1886 95-131. 44 Nota sul caso irreducibile dell' equnzione del 3" grado. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 40, 1887, 67-83. 45. Alcuni teoremi e problemi sopra i tnangoli annessi. Eoma, N. Lincei Atti, 40, 1887, 135-1.)0. 46. Integrazione di alcune funziom differenziali. Eoma, N. Lincei Mem., 1, 1887, 247-264. 47. Trattato elementare del cinque poliedri regolan. Eoma, N. Lincei Mem., 4, 1888, 123-183. 48. Generalizzazione del problema delle meiiiane di un triaugolo rettilineo. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 42, 1889, 59-70. 49. Proprieta di alcune note curve dimostrate pel mezzo della teorica dei limiti. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 42, 1889, 160-194. . 50. Alcune proprieta cbe risultauo m un tnaugo o rettilineo dalla esistenza di una retta simmetnca alia mediana rispetto la bisettrice. Eoma, N. Lincei Atti, 42, 1889, 255-266. 51. Derivazione delle coniclie da una conica qualunque. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 43, 1890, 103-112. 52. Alcuni teoremi sul triangolo rettilineo. Eoma, N. Lincei Atti, 44, 1891, 49-88. , 53. Generalizzazione di alcune formole numeriche. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1892, 7'2-77. 54. Costruzione per punti e proprictil di alcune curve di grado superiors al seoondo. Eoma, N. Lincei Mem., 8, 1892, 7-36. . ,, xt t • • 55. Alcuni luoghi geometrici. Eoma, N. Lincei Atti, 46, 1893. 186-224. 56. Costruzione grafica dei raggi di curvatura delle lince del secondo ordine. Eoma, N. Liucei Mem., 11, 1896, K7-103. 57. Dei poligoni regolan convcssi iscntti e cnco- scritti ad una circonferenza. Eoma, N. Lincei Atti, yO, 1897, 6'.l-102. B] 217 [Babbitt B B., A. Rxponition UnivtTsellc do 1889. Le phonuporo Ann. T(519. TuberciilineH d'origine aviaire. Arch. G6n. M^d., 168, 1891, 371-372. Observations sur la morve. Diagnostic de la morve. Passage de son bacille par la peaa et Ich muqueuses intttctes. Bacilles pseudomorveux. Cinq cas de morve chez riionime. Les associations bactericnnes de la morve. Substances chimiiiues produites par le bucille de la morve. Arch. Med. Exper., 3, 1891, Ijl9-(;ij. Ueber liucillen der hiimorrhagischen Infektion des Menschen. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 719-722, 752-756. ErklarendeBomerkungeniibor"iiaturliche Varietiiten" des Typlmsbacillus. Centrbl. Unkt., Ul, 1891, 281-283. Ueber die Wirkung gewisser von den Tuberkell)acillcn erzeugter chemischer Substanzen. Centrbl. Bakt., 10, 1891, 443. Ueber UakterienassociationenbeiTuberculose. Centrbl. Bakt., 10, 1891, 585-586. L'infection hemorrhiigique bact(jricnne chez I'honime. Int..Congr. H.vg. Trana. (1891, 2), 98-105. Etudes sur la rage et sur la vaccination antirabique. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 3), 22-30. [Sur la gu^rison de la tuberculose.] Paris, Ac. M6d. Bull., 20, 1891, 132-134. Ueber die pathologische Bedeutung der Anwesenheit von uur zwci .\orteuklappen. Virchow, Arch., 124, 1891, 562-578; 125, 1891, 206. Sur certains caractires des lesions histologiques de la rage. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 6, 1892, 209-223. L'etiologie d'une enzootic des moutons, denomraee carceag en Koumanie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 113, 1892, 359-361. Sur lY'tiologie de certaiues formes d'infection hemorrhagique. Bronchites hemorrhagiques. Duo- deuite h(^morrhagique. Arch. Med. Exp^r., 5, 1893, 490-519. Sur un bacille produisant la gingivite et les he- morrhogies dans le scorbut. Arch. Hid. Exp^r., 9, 1893, 607-619. Note sur la defense de la Koumanie contre le cholera en 1892. [tVilli tlitciissioii.] Paris, Ac. iled. Bull., 30, 1893, 188-194, 257-260, 366-368. Nota usupra causeloru unorii enzootii de vite In Komunia. [Note on the cause of an enzooty of the vine in lioumania. ] [1893.] Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 16 {Pt. Admin.), 1894, 57-62. Despreenterohepatitasupurata. [Surl'entero-hepatite suppuree.) Bucarest, .4c. Bom. An., 16 (Pt. .idmin.), 1894, 144-149; Congr. Med.Int.Atti, 1894(l''o8 in pelagrii. [Lesions of the nervous svstem in pellagra.] [1899.] Bucarest, Ac. Bom. An., 22"(i't. Admin.). 1900, 91-97. Cercetari none asupra actiunii substan(«! nerrdse In afee(iunile sistemului nervos. [New researches on the action of nervous substance in affections of the nervous system.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 22 (Pi. .'<ics A iidri], Iia Toumeiie, de, Fargue, [Li'iince], & Iiemoine, George.^. Resume des observations centralisees par le service hydrometrique du bassin de la Seine pendant I'ann^e 1894. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 43, 1896, 129-160. Babinet, .T[acqiies Andre], Iieblanc, E[dmond], Iia Tournerie, de, & Iiemoine, Georges. Resume des observations centralisees par le service hydrometrique du bassin de la Seine pendant rann(^e 1892. France Soc. M(!teorol. Annu., 41, 1893, 31.5-349. Babinet, J[«C(/«(;,'i Andre] (et nlii). Resume des observa- tions centralisees par le service hydrometrique du bassin de la Seine pendant I'annee 1897. France Soc. M^tMrol. Annu., 47, 1899, 105-130. Babington, Cliirrirs Ciirdiile. For biography and works sec Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 261 ; Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 220-221 ; France Soc. Bot. Bull., 42, 1896, 545; Jl. Bot., 33, 1896, 257-266; Leoiioldina, 31, 1896, 168; Nature, 52 (1895), 371-372; S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1895, 17; Geol. Soc. ti)uart. Jl., 52, 1896, Ixx; Roy. Soc. Proc, 59, 1896, viii-x; Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 15, 1897, 313-321. On Senecio spatlnihefolius. 358. On the naturalization of Natlist., 8, 1886-86, 11-12. • Pembrokeshire plants and the Rev. Mr. Holcombe. .11. Bot., 24, 1886, 22-23. Notes on British Eubi : with special reference to the list in "London Catalogue'' ed. 8. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 216-223, 225-237; 25, 1887, 20 23, 327-333. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 357- plants. [1885.] Scott. Babington] 221 [Babor SaxiCraRa ciBBpitoBa, L. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 281. On botanical nomenclature. Jl. Hot., 2(j, 1888, 3(j'.l 371. hubus thyrsigt-r (lluO.). .Jl. Hot., 26, 1888, 37a. Hyijericum liiiariifolium, VahL, in Catruarronsbire. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, iHu. KubuB duuiuonieuBis, n. tp. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 338- 339. Primula clatior, Jucq. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, ll'J-120. List of pliLDtH st'on in the vallt.-}' of liraciuar and on Morrone. Scott. Natlist., [11, 1891], 81-85, 132-130, 174-184. [On KubuB.] [I'otth.] Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 280-291. Bablnston, {Rev.) Churchill. For biography and lixt of works «(•(• Kdinb. Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 519-521 ; Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 110-111 ; Norf. Norw. Nut. Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, '»(J1 ; S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. I'roc, 1888 89, 121; Zoologist, 13, 1889, iX; Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, U!); Jl. Conch., 6, 1889-91, 59. Babington, !•'. If. Analysis of sugar, molasses, and syrup. Analyst, IB, 1891, 181-185. Babln«ki, Jlimfpli Fraiiroit t'ilix]. Des modifications ■ que prcsL'Utent Ics muscles ii la suite de la section des nerfs qui e'y rendeut. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li., 98, 1884, 61-,'')2. Sur lea ksions des tubes nerreux de la moelle (ipiniere dans la sclerose en plaques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 98, . 1884, 1450-1459. Bechcrches sur I'anatomie pathologiqnc dc la sclerose en plaques et ^tnde comparative des diverses varietes de sck-roses de la moelle. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1886, 180- 207. Atrophic musculairc d'origine c^r^brale, avec int^griti- des cornes anterieurca de la moelle et des nerfs moteurs. Paris, Soc. Biol. JMiim., 38, 1886 (C. H.), 70-78. Kecherclies servant a etablir que certains phenomt^nes ner^■eux peuvent etre transmis d'un sujet & un autre sujet sous I'intluence de I'aimant. Paris, Soc Biol. Mim., 38, 1886 (f. ii'.), 475-477. Sur la presence daus les muscles strips de I'homme d'un systeme special constitue par des groupcs de petites fibres musculaires entourees d'une gaine lamellcuse. Paris, Soc. Biol. .Mini., 38, 1886 (C. U.), 629-031. Faisceaux neuro-musoulaires. (Critique du travail de M. EicuuoRsT sur la "Neuritis fasoians.") Arch. Med. Expir., 1, 1889, 416-420. Parapli/gic Uascpie par compression de la moelle. .\rch. Med. Expcr., 3, 1891, 228-251. Sur le reHexe cutaue plautaire daus certaines affections orgauiques du sysliuic nerveux central. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48. 1896 (f. ;.;.), 207-208. Belachenient des nmscles dans I'hemiplegie organique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R ), 471^72. De Taction du chlorhydrate de moi-phine sur le t^tanos. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mim.,"49, 1897 {C. Ii.), 600-602. Un phinom^ne des ortcils. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mfim., 50, 1898 (C. A'.), 099-700. De la contractilite electrique des muscles strips apr^s la luort. Pans, Soc. Biol. M.loHmiiii o.ii'pa Hajxaiiia ii oro iipiiripcxiil. [On the course of the topographical iiiventigationH of Lake Balkash and its shores.] St. P^-tcrsb., Soc. Uusse G(:ogr. Mem. (Gf.ogr.), 1. 1867, 329-347. Babllcb, lUmuinn, & Kostansckl, Stan[itlau:]. Ueber OwlHiizalacetopbenone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2:j3-230. Babllcb, Hermann, & Ferkln, .irthur Grori/e. Morin. I'urt 1. Chem. Soc. Jl., 09, 1896, 792-799. Balilot, Laurence. 'Knsayo sobre una nueva tt-oria quimico- tisiologica de la fiebre amarilla eudemica de las Antillas. llabana Ac. An., 0, 1869, 241-246, 283-287, 308-313, 36<>-367. Bal>o, Aijnft ron. Ein Fall von kleincystiseher Entartnng beider Uvarien. Virchow, Arch., 161, 1900, 311-328. Balw, Ldmhrrl [lleinrtch Ctenunt Anion] ton. For biography and works Kt Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1103-1164; Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 355 ; Leopoldina. 35, 1899, 134. Babon, •/. L'^tat gastriqae des syphilitiqoes trailes. Uastropathie medicamenteuso sypbilitique. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 703-711. Babor, Jotef Ft[ori.] Prag, Sbcr., 1894 (Math. -Sat.), So. 45, 22 pp. [Rit. 16-22) ; 1896 (ilath.-Sat.), So. 30, 20 pp. Ueber die wahre Bedeutung des sog. Semper'schi-n Organes der Stylommatopboren. Prag, Sbtsr. , 1895 (Math. Sat.), So'. 34, 20 pp. Ueber das Ceutralnervensystem von Dreissensia [Dreissena] polymorpha. Pall. Prag, Sber., 189fi (Uath.- Sat.), So. 48, 7 pp. Beitriit'e zur Kenntniss der tertitiren Binnenconcbylien- Fauna Bohmens. I. Prag, Sber., 1897 (Math.Nat.), So. 63, 18 pp. Ueber .\spidoporus Umax, Fitz. Wieo, Sat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 13, 1898, 33-39. Ueber die von Herrn Dr. H. Rkbei. im Jahrc 1896 in Ostrumelicn gesanimelteu N'acktschnecken. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 13. 1898, 40-44. EiiiBeitragzurGcsclih'chtsmetamorphose. (Vorlaatige Mittheilung.) Wiin Zool. Bot. Verb.. 48. 1898, 1.50-1.53. Note on Ariunculus auslriacas, n. tp., fixim the Alps in Austria. [1898.] London Malacol. Soc. Proc., 3, 1899, 156-158. Ueber die Nacktschnecken der Grazer Umgegend. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verb.. 1900, 148-1.50. Mittheilnngen liber Nacktschm cken in der Sanunlunk' des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. [1. Ueber eine neue .\rionidenfomi aus Nordamerika (Ariolimax Steindachneri, n. tp.). 2. Krste vorlanfige Mittbeilong zn einer Monographi,' der Gattuug Atopo«. ^'innxA.] Wien. Nat. Hist. Hofmus. .Vnn., 15. 1900, 95-102. Babor, >/oi. [Ueber eine neue bohmiscbe Campylsa.] Prag. Sl>er., 1894 iitalh.-Sat.). So. 35, 10 pp. (/.V'». 8-10). BaborJ 222 [Bach Babor, Josef Fl[oria)i\, & Pisarovic, K[arl]. See Fisaf ovic & Babor. Babu, L[eopold]. Note sur le Eammelsberg (Bas-Harz). Ann. Miues, 12, 1887, 335-343. Note sur I'etude geometrique des croisement.f de filons. Ann. Mines, 12, 1887, 352-360. Note sur Fozok^rite de Boryslaw et les petroles de Sloboda (Galicie). Ann. Mines, 14, 1888, 162-196. ■ Calcul des cables porteurs de plans a^riens. Ann. Miues, 8, 1896, 621-650. Les mines d'or de I'Australie (province de Victoria) et le gite d'argeut de Broken Hill (Nouvelle-tialles du Sud). Ann. Mines, 9, 1896, 315-395. [Bulletin des travaux de cbimie exiicut^s en 1895 par les ing^nieurs des mines dans les laboratoires d(iparte- mentaux.] Laboratoire de I'Ecole des Mines de Saint- fetienne. Ann. Mines, 12, 1897, 92-93; 14, 1898, 574; 16, 1899, 196-201 ; 18, 1900, 496-502. — — La fabrication et le travail des aciers sp^ciaux. St. Etienne Bull. Soc. Ind. Miu., 14, 1900 (Congr. Int. J/(n<-.v), 1533-1635. Babuctain, ^-1 leksandr Iiumovic. For biograpby see Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Biol.), Nos. 4 & 5, 3-7. Babucke, E. Ein Apparat zur Blutentuahme bei Typhus- kranken zwecks Anstellung der Widal'schen Eeaktion. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 1092-1094. Ueber die Kohlensaureverunreiuigung der Luft in Zimmern durch Petroleumofen. Ztschr. Hyg., 32, 1899, 33-41. Ueber die Desinfektion mit Typhusbacillen infizierter Badewasser. Centrbl. Bakt. (Alt. 1), 27, 1900, 800-803. Bacaloglu, C. P^ricardite, 'myocardite et pleuresie typhoidiques experimentales. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 831-833. Bacaloglu, Emaiwil. For biography and works see [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 2, 1893], 101-112; [3, 1894 (Si(pl.)l 51-96; 4, 1895 (Sup!.), 97-229. 'Despre calendariu. [On the calendar.] [1880.] Bucarest, Ac. Kom. An., 2 (Sect. 2), 1881, 1-16. *Desvoltarea progresivilaluminatului electricfi. [Pro- gressive development of electric lighting.] [1881.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 3 (Sect. 2), 1882, 57-71. ■ Aperatorulu de trasnetii (paratonnerre). Bucarest, Ac. Kom. An., 9 (Mem. Sect. Sci.), 1887, 85-93. Baccarini, .Alfredo. For biographical notice see Venezia, Ateueo, 1890, 806-810. Baccsurini, Pasquale. Osservazioni anatomiche sopra alcuni ricettacoli fiorali. [1884.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 1, [1885], 66-88. lutorno ad una probabile funzione meccanica dei cristalli di ossalato caloico. Nota preliminare. [1884.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 1, [1885], 154-159. Coutribuzioneallo studio dei colorineivegetali. [1885.] Eoma 1st. Bot. Annu., 2, 1886, 1-21. La Peronospora viticola nel settentrione d' Italia. [1886.] Malpighia, 1, 1887, 56-60. Patologia vegetale. Coniothyrium diplodiella, Siicc. Conegliano Scuola Vit. Euol. N. Rassegna, 1, 1887, 713- 715. Appunti intorno ad alcuni sferocristalli. Malpighia, 2, [1888], 1-18. Appunti per la biologia del Coniothyrium diplodiella (Speg.) Slice. Malpighia, 2, [1888], 325-337. Intorno ad una malattia dei grappoli dell' uva. Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti, 1, 1888, lHl-188. Intorno agli elementi speciali della Glycine sinensis. [1890.) Malijighia, 3, 1889, 451-467. Note patologiche. [1889.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. , 22, 1890, 64-70. Sullosvilup|)odei picnidii. [JVith discussion.] [1889.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 150-152. Biologia della Peronospora. Quah sono le conoscenze attuali e quali normc hc ne possono dedurre per coni- battere la malattia. Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegna, 4, 1890, 301-309. Sul sistema secretore delle Papilionacee. Nota pre- liminare. Malpighia, 4, 1890, 431-435; Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 297-301. Prirao catalogo di funghi dell' AveUinese. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 347-375. Intorno ai caratteri proprii di alcune malattie della vite. Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegna, 5, 1891, 729-741. [Sul sistema secretore delle Papilionacee.] Poche parole di risposta al signor Paul Vuillemin. Malpighia, 5, 1891, 219-220. Material! per la flora irpiua. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 47-68. Intorno ad una particolarita dei vasi eribrosi nelle Papilionacee. Malpigbia, 6, 1892, 53-57. Sul mal nero delle viti in Sicilia. Nota preliminare. Malpighia, 6, 1892, 229-234. Contributo alia conoscenza dell' apparecchio albumi- noso taunico delle Leguminose. [1892-93.] Malpighia, 6, 1892, 255-292, 325-356, 537-563. Sopra un curioso Cecidio della Capparis spinosa, L. Malpighia, 7, 1893, 405^14. II mal nero della vite (Bacillus vitivorus). [1894.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 25, 1893, 444-517; [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 228-237. Sulla petecchia o vaiolo degli agrumi. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 224-228. Sui cristalloidi fiorali di alcune Leguminose. [ItaUa], Soc. Bot. Bull. , 1895, 139-144. Intorno ad una malattia della palma da datteri. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 196-203. Sulla Genista letuensis e le Genista juncifcrmi della flora mediterrauea. Malpighia, 11, 1897, 3-73, 125-180. Sopra alcuni microorganismi del disodile di MelilU. (Nota preliminare.) Catania Aco. Gioen. Boll., 64, 1900, 3-7. Baccarini, Pasquale, & Avetta, Carlo. Contribuzione alio studio della micologia romana. Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 1, [1885], 161-181. Baccarini, Pasquale, & Buscemi, G. Sui nettarii foliari della Olraediella cesatiaua, Itaill. [1898.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 56, 1899, 10-13. Baccarini, Pasquale, & Cannarella, P. Sulla struttura e la biologia del Cynomorium coccineum, L. Nota pre- ventiva. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 317-320. Primo contributo alia struttura ed alia biologia del Cynomorium coccineum. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 12, 1899, .Vcm. 18, 60 pp. Baccarini, Pasquale, & ScaUa, 6f. Appunti per la conoscenza di due Acarooecidii. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 3, 1896, 68-80. Baccarini, Pasquale, & SciUam^, V. Contributo alia orgauografia ed anatomia del "Glinus lotoides," L. Contrib. Biol. Veg., 2, 1897-99, 81-129. Baccei, Pietro. SuUo spettro di assorbimento dei gas. Nuovo Cimento, 9, 1899, 177-191. SuUo spettro di assorbimento delle mesoolanze gassose. Nuovo Cimento, 9, 1899, 241-253. Baccei, Pietro, & Pederico, R[osario]. See Pederico & Baccei. Baccelli, G[uido]. Sulla meccanica cardio-vasomotrice e sulla diagnostica delle cardiopatie. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 3, iVeil.), 252-258. Sulla malaria. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (I'ol. 3, Med.), 259-261. Sulle iniezioni intravenosedi sublimato. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 3, Med.), 261-263. Bacchl, , & liUys, J[ules licriuird]. See I>uys A Bacclil. Bacb, . For biographical notice and list of works see Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1885, .xxxi-xxxii. Bach] 223 [Bach Bach, AljexiK]. KaolicrchcK Kur le mocanismc chimiquc de iBSHiinilatioii de I'acide carbonique par Ioh plantcs i cbloiopliylle. Moniteur Sci., 7, 1893, 6(i'J-6K-J. — - Contribution .'i I'^tude di'S plii^nomenc'ii cliimi(|ue8 do rasHiniilation de I'acido carbouique par leu phintcs A chloropliylle. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. It., 116, 1893, 1145- lllH. iSur le (ledoubleiiifiit de Tucide carboniquc souh Taction dc la radiation solaire. I'aria, Ac. Sci. C. H., ll(i, 1893, lo89, — - Ueber die Herstammung dcs WaHserstolTlivperoxydK der atmosphiiriscben Liift luid der atmospliiirischon Niederscliliige. lierlin, Clieni. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, .SIO- 3-14; KuK». I'bys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 (tViem.), ' 1894, Surrorigiuedel'eauoxyg(5n(5eatmo8pheriqiie. Moniteur Sci., 8, 1894, 241-243. L'alteratiou du ph(5nol par Taction de la lumiere est- elle due a la formation d'eau oxygin^e? Mouitenr Sci. 8, 1894, 508-510. Sur Ttxi.steiici' de I'eau oxygcnc'e danH les plantea Torte-s. Paris, Ac. .Sci. C. R., ll'J, 1894, 286-288; Moniteur Sci., 8, 1894, 572-576. — — Nouvcau reactif pirniettant de dcmontrer la presence de Teau oxyytrn'o dans les pbiutes vertes. Paris, Ac Sci. C. K., nil, 1894, 1218-1221; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. 33, 1895, 108-1011; Moniteur Sci., 'J, 1895, 184-100. Sur Tisonialto.se. (Analyse des principaux travaux publics sur I'isonmltose depuis sii decouverte.) Moniteur Sci., 10, 1896, 241-249. Sur le nucanisniu cbiinique de la reduction desazotates ct de la formation de matii!res azotees quatemaires dans les ijlnntes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 122, 1896, 1499-1502; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 188-191 ; iloniteur Sei., 11, 1897, .5-17. Action de Tald^hyde formique sur Talbumine. [1896- 97.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 3, 1897, 88-91; Moniteur Sci., 11, 1897, l.->7-l.'>9. Du rule des peroxydes dans les phenomeucs d'oxydation lente. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 11., 124, 1897, 951-954 • Arch Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897. 91-93; Moniteur Sci., 11, 1897, 479-492; Eusa. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 IChem.). 1897 373-398. Sur Ttvolution biochimique du carbone. Arch. Sci Phys. Nat., 5, 1898, 401-415, 520-535. Sur la correlation entre la reduction par Thydrotienc naissant, Telectrolyse et la photolvse de Tacide carbouinue Pans, Ac. Sci. C. K., 126, 1898, 479-481; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 5, 1898, 287-289 ; Moniteur Sci., 12, 1898 _2-*l-^-43; Kuss. I'hys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (CItem.), 1898! Formaldoxime. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 7, 1899, 296- 298; Moniteur Sci., 13, 1899, 251-253. La formaldoxime, comme reactif pour di5celer la pr(58ence de tros pctites quantitos de cuivre. Paris Ao. Sci. C. B., 128, 1899, 363-365. Sur les peroxydes supcrieurs d'hvdrogene. Arch. Sci Phys. Nat., 10, 1900, 5-24; Berlin, Chem. Gcs. Ber., 33, 1900, 1506-1517; Moniteur Sci., 14, 1900, 421-428. [Tetroxyde d'hydrogene.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 10 1900, 287-288. Ueber hohere Wasserstoflsuperoxyde. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3111-3118. Bach, C. Experiences sur la resistance des foyers cylmdriques. Ann. Mines, 6. 1894, 458-461. BacH, Ctrl. Ueber Benzyloxanthranol. Berlin, Chem Ges. Ber., 23, 1890. 1567-1571, 2527-2530. Baeh, K[,ige„], & teuckart, liudolf. Sec I.eackart A Bach, Bach, Ltuiwiy. Exophthalmus, abnorme Pupillenreaction, some Augenmuskelstoruugen nach Bleiintoxication. Arch. Augenheilk., 26. 1893, 218-225. Ueber die Eiawirkuug der Thriiuen auf den Keim- gehall des BindchautsackcK. Dcutsch. Natf. Verb. 1883 (Th. 2, Iliilfu 2), 231-2.38. Ueber die GefiiHse den Pferde-Auges mit Iwsonderer Bcriicksichtitjung der Gefajisversorgung der Aderhaut. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Slit-r., 1893, 161-168; Arch. Wiss Prakt. Thicrhcilk., 20, 1894, 241-256. Die tnberculose Infection des Au(,'cs. [1893.] Arch Augenheilk., 28, 1894, 36-47; Arch. Ophthalm., 24, 1898, 43-54. Aiiatomischcr Befnnd von Retinitis luctica. [1893.1 Arch. Augenheilk., 28, 1894, 67-70. Ueber den Kcimgehalt des Bindehautsackes, degsen natiirliche unii kunstliche Bceinflussung sowic fiber deu antlBcptischcn Werth der Augcnsalben. Arch, f Ophthalm., 40, 1894 {Ahth. 3), 130-220. Zur Bakteriologie des Biodehautsackes. Wiirzb Phvs Med. Sber., 1894, .5-13. Experinientelle Untcrsuchnngen iiber das Staphylococ- cengeschwur der Homhaut und dessen Therapie. Wiirzb Phys. Med. Sber., 1894, 89-94 ; Arch. f. Ophthalm. 41 1895 {Abth. 1), 56-84. Zur Aetiologic der ekzematosen Augenerkrankungen. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1894, 127-128. Ueber k'iinstlich crzeugten Nystagraas bei normalen Individuen und bei Taubstummen. Beitrag zur Physio- logie des Ohrlabyrinthes. [1894.1 Arch. Augenheilk 30, 1896, 10-14. Experinientelle Untersuchungen iiber die Infektionsge- fahr penetrirender Bulbusrerletzungen vom inBcirten Bindehautsack aus nebst sonstigen Bemerkungen zur Bakteriologie des Bindehantsackes. Arch. Augenheilk 30, 1896, 225-230; Arch. Ophthalm., 26, 1897, 579-.58l! Bacteriologische Untersuchungen fiber den Einflass von antiseptischen Verbiindeu auf den Kcimgehalt des Lidrandes und Biudehautsackes. Arch \ugenheilk 31, 1896. 181-185; 34, 1897, 69-73; .\rch. Ophthalm' 27, 1898, 630-631 ; 28, 1899, 637-638. Experiraentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Bedcutung dcs Pneumoniekokkus in der Pathologic des .\uge« Arch. Augenheilk., 31, 1896, 198-203; Arch. Ophthalm 27, 1898. 632. Bakteriologischc Untersuchungen iiber die Aetiologic der Keratitis ct Conjunctivitis ekzematosa nebst Bemer- kungen zur Eintheilung, .\etiologie und Prognose der Hornhautgeschwiire. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 41 igas {Abth. 2), 159-178. Die Nerven der Augenlider und der Sklera beim Menschen und Kaninchen nach Untersuchunpen mit der GolgiCajaTschen Methode. Arch. f. Ophthalm 41 1895 {Abth. 3), 50-61. I. Die Nervenzellenstractur der Netzhaut in normalen und pathologischen Zustiinden. II. Die menschliche Netzhaut nach Untersuchungen mit der GolgiCajaTschen Methode. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 41, 1895 {Abth. 3), 63-J43. Experinientelle Untersuchungen uber das Zustande- komnien der svmpathischen Ophthalmie. Wurzb Phvs Med. Sber., 1895, 74. Anatoniischer Befund eines doppelseitigen angeborenen Kryptophthalmos beim Kaninchen nebst Bcmerkun(;en iiber das Okulomotoriuskemgebiet. [1895.) Arch. Augen- heilk., 32, 1896, 16-32; Arch. Ophthalm.. 27 1898 68-71. ■ ' Die Tuberkulose der Hombaat. Arch. Augenheilk 32, 1896, 149-153; Arch. Ophthalm.. 28, 1899, 64-65. ' .-Vnatomischer Beitrag zur Genese der angeborenen Colobome des Bulbus. Arch. Augenheilk., 32 1896 277-287; .Kich. Ophthalm., 27, 1898. .531 540."' Antisepsis oder .Asepsis bei Balbusoperationen ? Ver- gleichende bacteriologische Stndie. Arch, .\ngenheilk 33, 1896. 1-10; Arch. Ophthalm., 28. 1899. .564-,t65. Die Nerven der Lider beim Menschen. Arch Augen- heilk., 33, 1896. 1.59-160: Arch. Ophthalm.. 2k 1899 317-319. ' ' Bach] 224 [Bachmann Die Nerven der Hornhaut und der Sklera mit der Golgi ■ Cajal'scheu Osmiumbichromat - Silber ■ Methode. Arch. Augenheilk., 33, 1896, lGl-167; Arch. Ophthalm., 28, 1899, 320-325. Experimentelle Studieu und kritische Betrachtuugeu iiber die sympathisclie Ophthahuie. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 42, 1896 {Abth. 1), 241-278. Experimentelle Untersuchuugen iiber die Localisation im Oculomotoriuskerngebiet, sowie iiber den Troch- leariskern. Deutsoh. Natf. Verb., 1896 {Th. 2, lldlfte 2), 351-353. Ueber die Lokalisation im Okulomotoriuskerngebiet mit Demonstrationen. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1896, 124-128. Histologische und kliuische Mittheilungen iiber Spindelstaar und Kapselstaar neb.st Bemerkungen zur Genese dieser Staarformen. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 43, 1897, 663-G82. Pathologisch-anatomische Studien iiber versehiedene Missbildungen des Auges. Arch. i. Ophthalm., 45, 1898, 1-74. Ueber das Ganglion ciliare und das Keflexcentrum der Pupille. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1898, 10-12. Demonstration eines Schema's der Pupilleninuervation. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1898, 54-55. Zur Lehre von den Augenmuskelliihmungen und den Storungen der Pupillenbewegung. Eine vergleichende und pathologisch-anatomische, experimentelle und kliuische Studie iiber die Augenmuskelkerne, das Ganglion ciliare, die Reflexbahnen und das Keflexcen- trum der Pupille. [1898-'.l9.] Aich. f. Ophthalm., 47, 1899, 339-386, 551-630; 49, 1900, 233-24U. Weitere vergleichend anatomische und experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Augenmuskelkerne. [1899.] Wiii-zb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1899, 68-76; Arch. f. Ophthalm., 49, 1900, 266-302. Experimentelle und pathologisch-anatomische Unter- suchungen iiber die Pupillarreflexbahn. Sehnervenbe- fund bei doppelseitiger reflektorischer Pupillenstarre. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1899, 76-79. Die Localisation des Musculus sphincter pupillie und des Musculus ciliaris im Oculomotoriuskerngebiet. Arch, f. Ophthalm., 49, 1900, 519-532. Bach, Ludwig, & Neumann, Rudolf. Die eitrige Keratitis beun Menschen. Eiue bakteriologische und klinische Studie. Arch. Augenheilk., 34, 1897, 267-285; Arch. Ophthalm., 28, 1899, 643. Bacteriologische, klinische und experimentelle Unter- suchungen iiber Kerato-Conjunctivitis ekzemato.sa und Conjunctivitis catarrhalis (simplex). Arch. Augenheilk., 37, 1898, 57-91, 93-116, 304. Bach, O. Zur Absorption von Gasen durch Fliissigkeiten. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 849. Ueber die Priifung der Maschinen-Sohmieriile. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 905-906. Zur Werthbestimmung des Zinkstaubes. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 291-292. Bach, Robert. Thermochemie des Hydrazins, nebst eiuer Beraerkung iiber die Molekularrefraktion einiger Stick- stuflverbindungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 9, 1892, 241-263. Bacharach, I[saak]. Ueber den Cayley'scheti Sclmitt- punktsatz. Math. Ann., 26, 1886, 275-299. Sa.clie, AU'xmiderDiiUas. To biographical references (Tofc. 7 A 12) ,idd Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 1896, 522-524. Bache, R. Meade. Possible sterilisation of city water. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 29, 1891, 26-39. Civil and military photogranniietry. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 30, 1892, 229-240. The secret of the llrownian movements. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 33, 1894, 16.3-177. The dynamics of boxing. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 33, 1894, 179-187. The causes of the Gulf Stream. Science, 2, 1895, 88-95. Bachelard, . Contribution a I'etude geologique des euviruns de Digne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1386. Bacheler, 0. R. Canine rabies. N. Y. Med. Jl., 46, 1887, 516-518. Bachelier, L. Theorie de la speculation. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 17, 1900, 21-86. Bachellerjr, A. Les mines de fer du Minnesota (Etats- Unis). Ann. Mines, 18, 1900, 154-213. Bachto, Flranz Hermann]. Ueber /3-Picolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 293-294. Ueber Methylstilbazol und seine Keductionsproducte. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3071-3082. Bachinger, Isidor. Ueber ein iUiueralvorkommen aus der Fusch. .Mm. Petr. Mitth., 6, 1885, 40-52. Bachman, F. li. 'Phosphorus determinations in pig iron and steel. Amer. Inst. Min. Eugiu. Trans., 10, 1882, 322-334. The silicon-control of carbon in cast iron. [1898.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 28, 1899, 769-796. Bachman, Irving A{rgus\. Oxidation of solutions of .sulplmrous acid and sulphites. Amer. Chem. Jl., 10 (1888), 40-41. Attempt to form arsenic nitride. Amer. Chem. Jl., 10 (1888), 42-44. Analysis of a nickeliferous talc. Amer. Chem. JL, 10 (1888), 45. Improved methods of water analysis. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 296-303. Chemical brick for Glover towers. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 360-361. Bachmann, (Kapt.) . Eigenthiimliche Lichterschei- nuug. Ann. der Hydrogr., 27 (1899), 425. Bachmann, E[iviild Theodor]. Beschaffenheit und bio- logische Bedeutung des Arillus einiger Leguminoseu, insbesondere des Besenginsters (Sarothamnus scoparius, Koch). Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1885, 25-29. Botaniseh-chemisohe Untersuchuugen iiber Pilzfarb- stoffe. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1886, 68-72. Mikrochemische Reactionen auf Flechtenstoffe als Hiilfsmittel zum Bestimmen von Flechten. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 3, 1886, 216-219. Emodin in Nephoroma lusitanica. Ein Beitrag zur Chemie der Flechten. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 5, 1887, 192-194. Mikrochemische Reaktionen auf Flechtenstoffe. Flora, 70, 1887, 291-294. Die Beziehungen der Kalkflechten zu ihrem Substrat. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 141-145. Ueber nichtkrystalhsirte F"lechtenfarbstoiie, ein Beitrag zur Chemie und Anatomic der Flechten. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 21, 1890, 1-61. Der ThalluB der Kalkflechten. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 30-37. Bachmann, F. Die Hottentotten der Cap-Colonie. Ein ethnographisohes Genre-Bild. Ztschr. Ethnol., 31, 1899, 87-98. Bachmann, Fricdrich. Antiquitatcs botanicaa Kostochi- enses. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1884, 219-228; 1886, 99-100. Bachmann, Hans. Submerse Bliitter von Nymphaia alba. [1896.] Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1897, [11]. Landformen von Nymphffia alba. [1896.] Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1897, [llHl^]- Beitriige zur Physiologic der Pilzc Mortierella Van Tioghemi, jidu. spec. [1898-1900.] Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Bur., 9, 1899, 36 (his); Priug.sheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 34, 1900, 279-32H. Die I'lanktonfiinge mittels der Punipe. Biol. Centrbl., 20, 1900, 386-400. Bachmann, llsidor]. Vurzeichuiss der im Kuutou Bern Bachmann] 225 [ Bachmetjev erhaltenen FiindliDge. [Errtttiscln' Blocke.] Scliweiz. AJpenclnb .Ibuch., 19, X884, 551-507. Die Bodenverhiiltnisse Berns. Schwctz. Alpciiclub .Tbiich., 19, 1884. r,:a-&ii7. Bachmann, Johann. KinMtiHi^ der iitiBH«ren BtHliii^unf^eii luif (lie SiJoninnienhildimK von Tbnmniiliuiii cloRnnH, /.in/,-. Dcutsch. Bot. Ge». Ik-r., 12, 1894, 93-96; Bot. 'Mi!., r,:\, 1898 (Ahth. 1), 1(17-130. Bachmann, Otio. UiiterBuchungen iibcr die HystematiHcbc Boll^•^lt^lIl^; der Scbildhaare. Flora, G'J, 1886, 3H7-10O, 1(1.! -11.". , J2H-US. Bachmann, ()tt(i,A Oredler, (/<■ rfr. perf) Vincem [Mari. 1894. 41.5-129. Bachmetjev, I'orOnj [Iranovic], To reference in No. 1 (r..(. 12) add Ji. I'hy"-. 3. 1884, 463-464. To reference in No. 2 {Vol. 12) add .11. I'hys., 3, 1884, 464. To reference in No. 3 {Vol. 12) add Jl. Phys., 3, 1884, 4(i4. • To reference in No. 4 {Vol. 12) add Fortschr. Phys., 1884 {Ablh. 1), 75. 'IV'll.lOBblH flB.KMIlH ManillTiriMa. [Wiirmeer- 6cheinun);en des Mawnetismufl.] Riiss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 {Phiju.), 1884. 81-135; Fortechr. Phys., 1884 {Ahth. 2), 836-S37. ManinTii.TMT. xeatouuxi. n])OBO.TOKi, 3aK.iio- 'leiiHUXT) uc Bcoit CBOott xiiiiiofi BT, iiaManiii- 'IlfBaKHUyio cniip;Ub. [Magnetismus eiserner Driihte, die nicht ihrer ganzeu Lange nach von der maKiietisi- rendfn Spule umReben sind.] Russ. Phys.-Cheni. Soc. Jl., 10 (Phys.), 1884, 213-221; Fortschr. Phys., 1884 {Ahth. 2), 851-852. Teii.ioxa iiaMarnii'iiiBaiiifl Kcibucofipasiiaro a.l(?KTpOMarHIITa. [Maguetisirungswarmc oines ring- formigen Electromagneten.] Kuss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 {Phyt.). 1884, 257-262; Fortschr. Phvs., 1884 {Ahth. 2), 837. H.iijiiiie cxaTia xejtsa ir cTajii iia iixi. nauaniimiBaHio. [Effect of the compression of iron and steel on their magnetization.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 {Phys.), 1884, 374-376; Fortschr. Phys., 1884 {.ibth. 2), 838-840. RiiHiiie .iiiiieiliiaro CHjaTia na iiariiiiTnocTL ace.it.:!nuxi., CTa.ii.iiuxi, ii niiKKojeBuxi. cTcpHi- Hcft. [Wirkung des linearen Druckes auf den Magnetis- mus von Eisen-, Stahl- und Nickel-Staben.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 {Phyi. ), 1884, 427-451 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1884 {Abth. 2), 838-840. ;5aBiiciiM0CTi. Meatj.y jiaManiiiTnocTrKi ii re- n.lOTOfi n.iaB.lCIli}l rluT). [Zusammenhang zwischen Diamognetismus und Schmelzwiirme.] Russ. Phys.- Chpm. Soc. Jl., 10 {Phm.), 1884. 519-523; Fortschr. Phys., 1884 {.ibth. 2), 83"7-838. ripii'iiiHa TOHa, iis.iaBaoHaro cTepxHflMii H3i ManiiiTHUXi. MCTa-i.ioBi noji. B.iifliiioMi> iipepuB- Haiaro uaMarilllMllBaHijI. [Ceber die t'rsache des von maguetischen Metallstiiben hcrvorgebrachten Tones bei unterbrochenem Maguetisiren.] Russ. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Phyt.), 1888, 6.5-7li; Exner, Repirtm., 26, 1890, 137-145. Kt. leopiii BJifliiia MCxammccKaro ii repun- qecKaro naMtneiiia pa.tMt.poBi. rlua iia ero MarmiTnoCTl). [Zur Theorie des Einflusses me- chanischer und thermischcr Aenderangen der Korper- dimensionen aaf den Magnetisraus derselben.j Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 18 {Phyt.), 1886, 31-46; Fortschr. Phys., 1886 {.Uth. 2), 677. R. S- A. C. lopifOitJCKTpHHeCEiA ll3CjtjlOBaili«. [Thermo- clc«.-tri«cli«; Bi-obuvhtungen. Vorliiufige Mittbeilung.] Husa. Phy«.Chem. Soc. Jl.. 18 Why.), 1886, 47-50; Fortiicbr. Phys., 1886 (Ahih. 2|, 64»M;47. •'{aBHciiMoiTi. iiapanariiiiTiioii ii AiaMarmiTiioH ciiocoriiKMTii Tt.n, OTi aTOHiijiro Bti/a. rilelation cntre len |xiuvoir8 magni'-tiques c-t diatnagni'-liqueii del corps simples et leurs (Kiiils atomiques.] Rush. Phys.- Ch.im. Soc. Jl., 21 (Phyi.), 1889. 39-43; Jl. Phyt., 9, 1890, 62-63. H.iiiiiiii- ;<.iPKT|tii'iPci:iixi. iicKpi. Iia pa.ipfla:onie Bl rjLiaxi.. rUeberden Einfluss der clectrischen Funken auf die Kntladung in Gasen.l Rum. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. Jl.. 21 {Phy..), 1889. 207-215; Exner. Itopertm., 26. 1890. 604-612. TopMOI^.K'KTpilHeCKJH KSCjtjlOBaHifl. [Thenno- elektrische lintersuchungen.] Russ. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. Jl.. 21 {Phyt.), 1889. 264-287; Exner.' Kepcrtm.. 26, 1890, 705-732. Ucber die .\bhiingiKkeit der maKnctischen und dia- magnetischcn Eigcnschaftcn der Element© von ihrem Atomgewichte. Exner, Ilepertm., 26. 1890. .')57-564. Einige Erscheinangen de« remanenten Magnetismus. [C/. No. 3 {Vol. 12.] Exner, Bepertm., 27. 1891. 147-175. r- , , — — Ueber den Einfluss des linearen Spannens der Dr&hte auf die thermoclektrischen Kigenschaften derselben. Exner. Repertm.. 27. 1891. 442-447. Magneto-thermoelektrische Untersuchangen. Exner, Repertm.. 27. 1891, 607-624. OiBt.Tx r-ny IIIii.iiiiiicKOMy iin noBojy moiixi TepM03.ieKTpiiHecKnxi ii.ic.i+.aoBaHift. [R^ponse i M. Spatschisskt, & propos des recherches tbermo- ilectriques de I'auteur.] Russ. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. JI.. 23 {Phyx.), 1891, 220-227; Jl. Phys.. i. 1892. 260. Ilpii'iiiua B.iiaiiifl iiaHariiii'iiiBaHifl iia Tcpxo- ;^.ieKTpiiqeiKiH cBoftcTBa JK('jt.ia n iiHKKejji. [Ursacbe des Einfiusses der Magnetisimng aaf die thermoclektrischen Eigenschaften von Eisen und Nickel.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 23 (/'/ii/*.). 1891. 301-.323; Ann. Phys. Chem., 43. 1891, 723-737. TepMoajeKTpiiiecKifl cBoilcTBa aiiajbraiii. [Propriet<5s thermo.electriques des divers amalgamen.] Russ. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. Jl.. 23 (fAyi.). 1891. 370-400; Jl. Phys.. 1. 1892. 402-403. Bjifluic Jiiiiefiuaro cataTia npoBOJOKi Ha nxi TepMOajeKTpillCCKia CBOftcTBa. [Der Einfluss von linearer Pressung von Dral)t amalgames de bis- muth et de magnesium.] Russ. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. JL, 25 {Phyt.). 1893. 219-224; Jl. Phy8.,'3, 1891 569. TcpMoaaoKipii'irt-KiacBoncTBa najjaiia. [Pro- prietes thermo-electriques du palladium." liuss. Phvs.. Chem. Soc. Jl.. 25 (Phyt.), 1893. 2.56-263; Jl. Phys.'. 3. 1894. 570-571. IlkKOTopufl 4>n3nqecEifl CBoftcTsa M+inaro Bachmetjevl 226 [Baciocchi Kyiropoca. [Einige physikalische Einenschaften von Kupfervitriol.] Uuss. Pliv^.-Chera. Soc. Jl., 25 (Phys.), 1893, 265-294; Fortschr. Phjs., 1893 {Abth. 1), 130-131. Hauptresultate der Untersuchungen iiber die elek- trischen Erdstrome in Bulgarien. Gottingeu Nachr., 1894, 324-327. ^kMHLie BJieKTpnqecKie tokii. (9KcnepH- MeHTa.lI.HOe II3C.l1;jl,0BaHie.) [Sur les courants telluiiques. Hecherche exp^rimentale.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 {Phys.), 1894, 31-76, J159-199; Jl. Phys., 4, 1895, 579-580. ir3iiiiecKifl cBOHCTBa KajiMiesBixT. aMajibraMh. [Les propri^t^s physiques des amalgames de cadmium.] Russ. Phys.-Chem! Soc. Jl., 26 (Phys.), 1894, 265-286; Jl. Phys. , 4, 1895. 583. Ueber die Vertheilung der magnetischen Verlangerung in Eisendiahten. Wieu, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 {Abth. 2a), 71-85. Hauptresultate der Untersuchung iiber die Abhangig- keit der elektrischen Erdstrome von Niveau-Schwan- kungen des Grundwaseers in Bulgarien. Gottingen Nachr., 1896, 300-303. Eine Episode aus dem Leben der Ameisen. [1896.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 11, [1897], 25-26. flBJieidc nicTepesiica y lepiioBJieMeHTOBi.. [L'hysteresis dans les Elements thermo^lectriques.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Phys.), 1897, 108-115; Jl. Phys., 7, 1898, 671. ZurVarietaten-FragevonEpinephele Jauira, L. [1897.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 12, [1898], 57-58. • Ueber eigene Tcmperatur bulgarischer Lepidopteren und Coleopteren. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (I'h. 2, Hrilfte 1), 186-187. ■ Ueber die Temperatur der Insekten nach Beobach- tungen in Bulgarien. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 66, 1899, 521-604, - Der kritische Punkt und die normale Erstarrungs- Temperatur der IiisektenFsifte. [1890.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 14, [1900], 1-2. Ueber die Dimensionen der bulgarischen Schmetter- linge im Vergleich zu den west-europiiischen. [1899.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 14, [1900], 25-26, 35-36, 43-45, 49-51. Der kritische Punkt der Insekten und das Eutstehen von Schmetterlings-Aberrationen. 111. Ztschr. Ent., 5, 1900, 86-89, 101-103, 118-121. IXepeoXjiaHvAOHie JKIIJlItOCTeil. [Ueber die Unter- kaltung der Fliissigkeiten.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (PA)/s.), 1900, 218-241; Fortschr. Phys., 1900 (.4ft(;i. 2), 261-262. Ueberkaltungs-Erscheinungen bei schwimmenden Nitrotoluol-Kiigelchen. St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 10, 1900, No. 7, 63 pp. Die Abhiingigkeit des kritischen Puuktes bei Insekten von deren Abkiihlungsgeschwindigkeit. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 67, 1900, 529-550. Die Variation des kritischen Punktes bei versehiedenen Exemplaren einer und derselben Insekten-Art. [1900.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 15, [1901], 1-2. Dasvitale Temperaturniinimum bei Insekten abliiingig von der Zeit. [1900.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 15, [1901], 41-4.3, 49-52. Liihmungbei Lepidopteren infolgeerhiihtcrTi'mj)eratur ihres Korpera. [1900.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 15, [1901], 89- 91, 97-101, 10.5-110. Bachmetjev, Pnrfirij [Ivnnovic], & Fen6ev, N. 3jlPKTpii- MOCItie TOltll IIpOca'IIIBairill. [Sur les courants elec- triques produil."; par le mouvcmcnt de I'cau 4 travers des corps poreux.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 2() (Phys.), 1894, 225-248; Jl. Phys., 4, 1895, 581. Bachmetjev, Porfirij [Ii'cinovic], & Fencev, /'. Iva.'lO- pHMerpiPiccidH ii3c.iif,A0BaHifl Ko.i.ioiijta.ii.iiaro ccpeopa. [Recherches calorimetriques sur I'argeut a I'l^tat colloidal.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 25 (Phi/s.), 1893, 1.38-155 ; Jl. Phys., 3, 1894, 239. Bachmetjev, Porfirij [hmnoi-ic], & Stamboliev, G. 9aeK- Tpiiqeciiie tokii, iiMyiaeMHe iipu HarptBaniu ojiHopoAHUxi. MeTa.i.iiniecKiiXi iipoBo.ioKi,. [The electric currents produced by heating homogeneous metal- lic wires.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 27 (Phys.), 1895, 1-24 ; Jl. Phys., 5, 1896, 467. 3.icKTpii'iecKie tokii, no.iyiaeJiHe BCJitjiCTBie ox.TaiKienifl pacii.iaBJieHUMXT. MCTa.i.ioBt. [Cou- rants ^lectriques produits par le refroidi.ssement des m^taux fondus.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 27 (Phys.), 1895, 6.5-102; Jl. Phys., 5,' 1896, 469-470. Bachmetjev, Porfirij {Ipanovic], & Vaskov, P. B-liflHie OKpyxaioineR cpcjiti iia ynpyroe nocji1;j,triCTBie MeTa.iIJIlI'lecKlIXt npOB0.10Kl>. [Influence of the sur- rounding medium on the elastic effect of a metallic wire.] Russ. Piiys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Phys.), 1896, 217-220; Jl. Phys., 6, 1897, 610. Bachmetjev, Porfirij [Ivaiwinc], & Vzarov, .la. Yjjii.iib- iiaii Teinora aMa.itraMT). [Sur les chaleurs sp^citiques des amalgames.] Kuss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 25 (Phys.), 1893, 115-137; Jl. Phys., 3, 1894, 238-239. — ;• TopMOMeTpiinecKiH ii3c.it;i,0BaHia aMa.ibraMT>. [Etudes tbermometriques sur les amalgames.] Russ. Phvs.-Chem, Soc. Jl., 25 (Phys.), 1893, 237-255; Jl. Phys., 3, 1894, 570. Bachmetjev, Porfirij [Ivanovic], Christodulos, Ch., & Georgiev, Ch. B.liflllie TUMIiepaTVpH OKpyjKaioiueii cpcjiLi Ha yjieicTpiiiecKie tokii ox.iiaacAPnia. [Ueber den Eiufiusa der Temperatur des umgebenden Mediums auf die elektrischen Abkiihlungsstrome.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Phys.), 1897, 14-21 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1897 (.4 i//!. 2), 700. Bachmetjev, V[nsilij] K[. Di un caso di setticemia acuta dovuta al piioumococco del Fran{c)kki,. Sperimentalo, 1893 (Comuii. e Eiv.), 378-384. BackeJ 227 [Backhouse Back*, Alrnold], A 'Weigrmann, H[ermuiiu]. See Walg- mann A Backe. Backelandt [i.e. Baekeland, 'y.t'.], l.fo [Ilendrik]. Sur uiic iiouvi'llu nii'tlioilf lie HC'paration ct de lioxagedu cad- miuiii et du cuivre. Brux., Ac. Bull., 10, 1888, 756-759. Sur I'oxydatioa de I'acide chlorhydriiiue sous I'influ- ence de la lumi6rc. Brax., Ac. Ball., 11, 1886, 194 {bu)- l'J9 (bU). Backer, Fflix de. ThiSrapcatique par lea ferments figures. As8. Fran.,-. C. H., 1894 {I't. 1), 257. I)i-8 ferments figures (reiuo Fermente) antaKonistes dan» les affections microbiennes. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. B. (1894, 2), 2G4-2C5. Uu traitement de certaines maladies microbiennes par I'injection des ferments figuri-s, k I'^tnt vivant. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 [Vul. .t, Med.), 77-7«. Backar, t'i'lix de, A Bmhat, ,J. Nouvelle m(-tbode de traitement ilos maladiod infectieuses de nature micro- bieune, au moyen de ferments figures. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi5m..45, 1893 (C. R.), 2-U. Backhana, [.ilexander]. Ucber Methoden, die Kubmilch lUr Fruuenmilch alinlicher zu gestalten. Jl. Landw., 44, 1896, 279-298, 299-309. ZusammensetzuuH dcr I'rauenmilch und dcren Surro- Rate. Konigsb. Scbr., 3S, 1897, [S^H^G]- Backbaus, [Alexander], A: Cronlielm, IC. Ueber Reini- guii- der Milch. Jl. Landw., 1.3, 1897, 207-236. Backbaus, Franz. Ceber Mesarteriitis syphilitica und ileren Bcziehung zur Aneurysmeubildung der Aorta. IJtitr. Path. Anat., 22, 1897, 417-442. Backlioase, James. For bio^jraphical notice und works iee Jl. Bot., 2«, 1890, 3.53-356. Bos primigenius. Nature, 31, 1886, 482. The names "Abies" and "Picea." Gard. Chron., 26, 1886, 082-683. On a mandible of Machoerodus from the forest-bed. Gcol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 42, 1886, 309. BackbouBe, Jimifji (ju'i.). Physical geography, flora, and fauna of Iceland. [1884.] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc., 1884-86, 25-26. Ornithological notes from the French Pyrenees. Zoolo- gist, 8, 1884, 20-27. Observations in the eastern Pyrenees. Ibis, 5, 1887, 66-74. Winter notes from Corsica. Zoologist, 15, 1891, 371-376. Occurrence of Nattebeb's bat in North Wales. Zoolo- K'ist, 2. 1898. 493-494. Backbotise, ./(imr.< (jiiii.), & Clarke, William Eagle. See Clarke iV Backlionae. Backboase, Thoma.^ William. 'November meteors, 1877. Ubsci viitory, London, 1, 1878, 369-370. The red si)0t on Jupiter. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 250-251. 'The red patch on Jupiter. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 320-321. 'Variable stars of short period. Observatory. London, 5, 1882, 56-58. 'The dark spot on Jupiter in 1872. Observatory, London, 5, 1883, 86. [The remarkable sunsets, 1883.] Nature, 29, 1884. 251-252. The supposed volcanic dust phenomena. [1884.] Nature, 30, 1884, 54-55, 359-360, 633-634 ; 31, 1886, 28. The sky-glows. Nature, 30, 1884, 511. The thunderstoniis of 18»4. [1885.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 19, 1884, 186. Iridescent clouds. [1885.] Nature, 31, 1886, 192-193, 360-361 ; 33, 1886, 199. The luminous cirrus cloud of June and July. Symons, Meteorol. Map., 20, 1886, 133. Proposed maps for tracing meteor-paths. Astr. 188«, 19-22; Observatory, Loudon. 9, Aiitr. Soc. Naciir., 114, 1886, 98-100. The great shower of .\uJromede8, li*85. .Month. Nut., 46, 1888, 30'J-313, .OOi. Fabkv's Comet. Nature, 33, 1886, 366. The iridescent clouds and their hei;,'ht. Nature, 33, 1888, 486. Fabuv's Comet and Bab.naai>'s Comet. Nature, 34, 1886, 29. Luminous clouds. Nature, 34, 1886, 239; 41, 1890, 297-298. The bright cloud-. Nature, 34, 1886, 312. The bright clouds and the aurora. Nature, 34, 1886, 386-387. Land and sea breezes. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 121-122, 1.56. ■. Uabsaui<'s Comet. [1886-87.] Nature, 35, 1887. .54, 224. Bishoi-'b ring. Nature, 36, 1887, 102-103; 39,1889, 412, 462; 4s (1893), 509. The sky-coloured clouds. Nature, 36, 1887, 269, 550 ; 38, 1888, 196-197, 270. Bishop's ring. The sky-coloured clouds. Nature, 36, 1887, 365. The law of error. Nature, 36, 1887, 531. 28 Andromeda-. Observatory, Loudon, 10, 1887, 274-275. Day and night breezes. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 22, 1887, 6-7, 39. Nebula in AnJromeda and Nova, 1885. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 108-110. The total eclipse o( the moon, 1888 Jaouarv 28. Aatr. Soc. Month. Not.. 48, 1888, 300-301. Comet a 1888 (Sawerthal). Nature, 37, 1888, 536. The zodiacal hght and meteors. Nature, 38, 1888, 434. White fog bows. [1888.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 23, 1889, 26. The formation of ice. Nature, 39, 1889, 437. Bishop's ring and allied phenomena. Nature. 40, 1889, 519. The shining night-clouds. An appeal for observations. Nature, 40, 1889, 594. The structure of the sidereal universe. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 50. 1890, 374-375; Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 337-342. The '■night-.shiniug clouds." Nature, 42, 1890, 246. Comet of 1889 (Borelly). Observatory, London, 13, 1890, 90. The distribution of the naked-eye stars. Obeenratory, London, 13, 1890, 115-116. Babnabu's ring nebula in Monoeeros. Obaervatory, London, 13. 1890, 179-180. The problem of probable error as applied to meteoro- logy. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891, 87-91. Kainbows on scum. Nature, 43, 1891. 416. The iieights of auroras. Nature, 44, 1891. 541-542. Apparent size of objects near the horizon. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 7-8. The theory of halos and parhelia. [1891.] Symons, MeteoroL Ma*,-., 20. 1892. 80. Nacreous clouds. Nature, 45, 1892, 305. The present comets. Nature, 46, 1892, 561. The height and spectrum of auroras. [1892.] Nature, 47 (1892-93). 151. Is the .Sun a variable star? Observatory, London, 15, 1892, 320-321. Town fogs. [1892.] Symons, MeteoroL Hag., 27, 1893. 56. The heights of auroras. [1892.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag.. 27. 1893, 121. The afterglows and Bishop's ring. 47 (1892-931. .iH2. [1893.] Nature, 29—2 Backhouse] 228 [Backlund The relative brightness of comets. Observatory, LoDdon, 16, 1893, 71-74, 204-205. The aurora of Februarv 28th. [1894.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 29, 1895, 40. Variable orange stars. Observatory, London, 18, 1896, 94. Barometric oscillations in calm weather. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 29, 1895, 179. New variable orange stars. Observatory, London, 19, 1896, 160-101. The aurora of 1896 March 4. [1896.] Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 57, 1897, 73-74. Confirmed or new variable stars. Observatory, Lou don, 20, 1897, 278-279 ; 22, 1899, 97-98, 275-276. Watch for meteors of the quadrantid shower. [1898.1 Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 7, 1899, 2-3. Observations of the brightness of a Orionis, 1895-98. Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 59, 1899, 194-199. [Remarkable lightning flashes.] Nature, 60 (1899), 520. The Gegenscheiu. Observatory, London, 22, 1899, 364-365. Backlund, [Johan] 0[scar]. To reference in No. 8 {Vol. 9) add Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 217-218, 246, 278- 279,, 310. Elements et ^ph^m^ride de la Comete d'EscKE. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 536-538, COO-602; St. P(5tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 29, 1884, 498-504. Ueber die Anvveudung einer von P. Tschebyschew vorgeschlagenen Interpolatiousmethode. St. Pi5tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 29, 1884, 477-498. *Untersuchungeu iiber die Bewegung des Encke'schen Cometen 1871-81. [1883.] St. Pttersb. Ac. Sci. M(5m., 32, 1885, No. 3, 50 pp. Zur Entwickeluug der Stiirungsfunction. [1884.] St. P(itersb. Ac. Sci. M(5m., 32, 1885, No. 4, 32 pp. Sclueiben [betreflend den Encke'schen Cometen.] Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 22.5-230. Sur la masse de la planete Mercure. Bull. Astr. , 3, 1886, 473-475. Comet Encke. Bearbeitung der Erscheinung 1885 und die Verbindung derselben mit den vier vorherge- henden Erscheinungen. St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 30, 1886, 449-470. Comet Encke 1865-85. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. M<;m., 34, 1886, No. 8, 43 pp. Dr. Hahzer's Untersuchungen iiber einen speciellen Fall des Problems der drei Korper. [1886.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 31, 1887, 125-138. Sur la th^orie des satellites de Jupiter. Bull. Astr., 4, 1887, 321-339. Htudien iiber den Sterncatalog "Positions moyennes de 3542 ^toiles, d^termin^es a I'aide du cerele miSridien de Poulkova dans les anntes 1840-69 et reduites i\ I'l^poque 1855,0." [1887.] St. PiStersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 32, 1888, 53-77, 182-185. Schreiben betr. die Pulkowaer Deolinationsbestim- mungen. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 155-158. Bemerkung iiber das Auftreten von hyperelementiiren Gliedern iu der " Storuugstheorie." St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 32, 1888, 629-648. Ueber die Herleitung der im achten Bande der "Ob- servations de Poulkova" enthalteneu Stern-Cataloge nebst einigen Untersuchungeu iiber den Pulkowaer Meridiankreis. [1888.] St. P(5tersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 36, 1889, No. 7, 100 i)p. Ueber die kleinen Divisoren bei den elementiiren Gliederu in der Theorie der I'lanetenbewegungen. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 273-302. Ueber eiiiige von Winnecke am Pulkowaer Meridian- kreise in den Jahreu 1861-63 angestellte Beoliachtuugen. [1889.] St. P(;tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 473-486. IIllCABapiITU.iIblluri OTMCTh of)I, ac TpoilOMII- iecKnx'i.pa6oTax'BTi[MaiicKori3Kcneji,nu,iiijitTOM'i) 1889 ro^a. Communication prealable des points astrono- miques determines pendant I'expedition aux monts Timane en 1889. St. Petersb., Com. G^ol. Bull., 8, 1890, 233-250. Elements et ^ph^mi^ride de la Comfete d'ENCKE. [1891.] Bull. Astr., 8, 1891,354-357; St. Pi5tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 401-405. • Anteckningar frun tvenue resor i norra Byssland, verkstiilda iireu 1889 och 1890 for astronomiska ortsbe- stamningar. [1891.] Feuuia, 5, 1892, No. 6, 34 pp. (Res. 34). Astronomische Ortsbestimmungen im nordlichen Kussland. [1891.] St. PiStersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 367-380. Calculs et recherches sur la Comete d'EscKE. [I. Tables pour le ealcul de I'auomalie excentrique et du logarithme du rayon vecteur. II. Perturbations par les plan^tes Venus, la Terre, Mars, Jupiter et Saturne de 1871 jusqu'a 1891. III. Perturbations par les planetes V^nus, la Terre, Mars, Jupiter et Saturne pendant la periode 1848-71. IV. Perturbations par les planetes Viiuus, la Terre, Mars, Jupiter et Saturne de 1819 jusqu'a 1848. V. Perturbations par Mercure de 1819 jusqu'a 1891. VI. Perturbations produites par la Terre, Venus et Mercure dans la partie sup^rieure de I'orbite de la Comete.] [1891-98.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. M<5m., 38, 1892, No. 8, iii + 60pp. ; 41, 1893, iVo. 3, xvi + 174pp.. No. 7, vii + 153 pp. ; 42, 1897, No. 7, 261 pp.. No. 8, 66 pp.; 6, 1898, No. 13, xx + 37 pp. Ueber die Bewegung einer gewissen Gruppe der kleinen Planeten. [1891.] St. Piitersb. Ac. Sci. M<;m., 38, 1892, No. 11, 54 pp. Ueber die Anwendung einer Formel von Tchebtchew zur Entwickelung der Storuugsfunetion. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 121-128. Ephemeride des Encke'schen Cometen [1894 Oct. 28.0-1895 Mars 29.0]. Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 335-336, 379-384; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1894, 261-265. Sur la masse de la planete Mercure et sur I'acceleration du moHvement moyen de la Comete d'ENCKE. Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 473-485. Ueber die Storungen des Euckeschen Kometen. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 27. 0 CBOIIXI, pa60TaxT>. [Notes. Encke's comet. Mass of Mercury, Venus and the Earth.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1894 (Prol.), 31-33. Sur rinti5gration de I'^quation diffi5rentielle du rayon vecteur d'un certain groupe des petites planetes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1103-1107; St. P(5tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 6, 1897, 311-319. Sur les observations de I'eclipse de Soleil du 9 aoflt dernier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 440^41. Beobachtungeu der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss auf Nowaja Zemlja am 8. August 1896. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 17-20; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 6, 1897, 1-7. Sur la determination des termes a longues p^riodes dans I'expression de la longitude des petites planetes du type de Hficube. Bull. Astr., 14, 1897, 321-325; 15, 1898, 5-9. Formeln zur Bereohnung angenaherter Bahneu der kleinen Planeten vom Hecuba-Typus nebst ihrer Anwen- dung auf den Planeten (184) Uejopeja. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 241-248. Zur Frage von der Iiibration in den Bewegungen der Saturnssatelliteu. St. IVtersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1898, 313-324. [0 IlJianei'li IlpOTOreHCfijl. La plani^te Proto- gen(5ia.] St. Pcter.sb. Ac. Sei. Bull., 9, 1898, 1. [06t. OTKpuToR r. Biitiomi. hobou iLiauerb. BacklundJ 229 [Bacot La plan6tc nouvclle, iii> Lucien], & Frimont, Ch. Sur I'emploi du poinfonnage et du cisaillement comme methodes d'essai d.s metaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 121, 1896, 713-716. Bacon, .ilice E. Some orchids of eastern Vermont. lihodora, 2. 1900, 171-172. Bacon, c'/idr/f-.'! .^. Barometer exposure. Science, 8, 1886, 370. Smitb Observatorv observations. Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 137, 182, 230-231, 417, 467; 10, 1891, 36, 103. Bacon, Oorliain. Diseases of tbe mastoid process, with a report of cases. Arch. Otol., 18, 1889. 280-307; Ztscbr. Ohrenheilk.. 22. 1892, 47-66. Malformation of the auricle. Plastic operation for the cure of the deformity. Arch. Otol., 19, 1890. 17-19. Middle-ear operations. N. Y. Med. JL, 59, 1894, 460-462. A ease of sarcoma of the neck involving the tonail and causing deafness in a bov seven years of age. N. Y. Med. .11., 62. 1898. 269-270. Bacon, {llev.) John M[ackmzie'\. Ou the actinic qualities of light as affected by different oonditions of atmosphere. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 426-428. Scientific ballooning. Smithsonian liep., 1898, 307- 319. On the value of possible observations from free bal- loons. Astr. Soc. Month. Not.. 59, 1899, 17t>-n7. [On the audibility of sound in air.) Nature, 60 (1899), 484. Cloud photography from balloons. Aeronaut. JL, 4, 1900, 146-148. Bacon, .s'limuWA'. Old squaw (Clangula biemalis). Omitb. Uol., 17, 1892, 45. Bacot, A. Variation of tbe larvs of Saturuia Carpini. Ent. Record, 4, 1893, 199-200. Notes on the ova of Selenia tetralonaria. Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 207, 231-232. The genus Smerinthns. Ent. Becord, 6, 1896, 173- 181; 8, 1896, 151-152. The relationship of Endromis versicolor to tbe Sphingides. [1896.] Eut. Becord, 7, 1896-96, 227- 230, 246-248. Notes on the breeding of Psilnra raonacba. [1896.] Ent. Kecord, 7, 1896-96, 261-262. [Notes on a series of Lopbopteryx carmelita.] Ent. Becord, 8, 1896, 150. Notes on the life-history of PapiUo machaon. Eot. Becord, 8, 1896, 240-241. [On the early stages of Psilura monacha and its allies.] Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 248-249. Notes on the early stages of Enodia hyperanlhus. Ent. Becord, 8, 1896, :i07-308. Notes on the early stages of Epinephele lanira. Becord, 9, 1897, 37-38. Notes on the cocoon and pupa of Satomia pyri. Record, 9, 1897, 144-146. Ou the trapezoidal tubercules of Satnmia. Becord, 9, 1897, 148. Note on the newly emerged larva of Polygonia ' Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 178. On the development and probable origin of certain ocellated spots in the lar%'[e of Lasiocampa quercus and Odonestis potatoria. Ent. Becord, 9, 1897. 2«7-'288. On the caudal horn of .igdistis. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 292-293. Notes on hybrid Smerinthns popuU-ocellatua. Ent. Becord, 9, 1897, 29^-302 ; 10, 1898, 7-8, 188-190. The larvK of certain Geometrides. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 16-17. The British liparid moths. Ent. Becord, 10, 1S98, 29-31, 73-7,5, 91-93, 123-125, 140-143, 163-164. The origin of the stemapoda of Cerura. Ent. Becord, 10, 1898. l'-'9-130. Notes on the larvie of Tephrosia bistortata and T. crepuscularia. Ent. Record. 10, 1898, 177-179. Notes on hybrids obtained by crossing Tephrosia bistortata with T. crepu.scularia. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 192-194, 217-219, 297-299. Contribution to the life-history of Tinea vinculella, rar. leopoldella. Eot. Record, ll'. 1899, 148-149. On the relationship of the lepidopterous pupa to its larva. Ent. Record, 11, 1899. 17'2-173. Contribution to the life-historv of Psyche zennattenais. Ent. Becord, 11, 1899, 180-181." Vitality of Smerinthns ooeUatus bred in confinement. Ent. Becord, 12, 1900. 108. Newlv-hatcbed larva of Erebia ceto. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 108-109. 140. Eggs of Lepidoptera. Ent. Record, 12. 1900. 131- 132. Ent. Ent. Ent. Bacot] 230 [Badoux Notes on the early stages of Laria v-nigra, Fahr. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 132-133. Bacoucea, -, & Babes, Victor. See Babes & Bacoucea. Baculo, B[artolomeo]. Dell' influenza del sistema nervoso sui fenomeni d' assorbimento; esperienze eseguite nel Laboratorio di Patologia Generale. Napoli, Rend., 26, 1887, 181-186. Saggi sperimentali su' ceutri termici in alcuni pecilo- termi. Napoli, Rend., 33, 1894, 114-120; Cougr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 2, FisioL), 179-181. Baculo, B[artoh>meu], & Martini, A[nto!iio] de. See Martini & Baculo. Baczewski, Ma.r. Chemi.sclie Untersuchung der Samen von Nephelium lappaceum und des darin euthaltenen Fettes. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 (Abth. 26), 715-729; Mhefte. Chem., 1895, 866-880. Ziu' Kenntuiss der Arachinsiiure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 26), 514-532; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 528-546. Badanelli, Vante. I diamanti di Pistoia. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 9, 1889, 45-48. La lignite del Termine nel comtine di Chianni (Pisa). Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., 8iena, 9, 1889, 257-2.J9. Badano, Fuiisto, & Fano, Giulio. See Fano & Badano. Badcock, J [o/iH] Harry. Cleft palate and its treatment. Biit. .11. Dental Sci., 30, 1887, 823-829, 855-858, 914-917. Badcock, John. On certain filaments observed in Suri- rella bifrons. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 352-353. On Melicerta ringens : a chapter frora the great book of nature as revealed by the micro.scope. [1885.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 4, 1888, 33-38. Bade, Peter. Die Ossifikatiou des menschlichen Fuss- Skeletts naeh Rontgograramen. [1899.] Fortschr. Riintgenstr., 3, 1899-1900, 134-140. Die Entwicklung des menschlichen Skelets bis zur Geburt. Eine rontgographische Studie. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 55, 1900, 24.5-290. Badel, K[lie\ & Imbert, Henri. See Imbert & Badel. Baden, Andrew. *0n the equitable apportionment of a fund between the life tenant and the reversioner. [1871.] Inst. Act. Jl., 16, 1872, 269-276. *0n the formula for the market value of a complete annuity. Inst. Act. Jl., 17, 1873, 447-449. Baden-FoweU, (il/uj.) li[aden] Flletelier] S[myth]. *Mili- tary ballooning. [With discussion.'] [1883.] United Serv. In.st. Jl., 27, 1884, 735-756. A new principle of aerial navigation. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 814-815. Kites : their uses in war. [With discussion.] United Serv. Inst. Jl., 39, 1895, 887-902. Kites. [1897.] Aeronaut. Jl., 2, 1898, 5. Gliding machine. [1897.] Aeronaut. Jl., 2, 1898, 7. Kites: their theory and practice. Aeronaut. Jl., 2, 1898, 33-41. Kites. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 24, 1898, 262-265. The secretary bird and his flight. Aeronaut. JL, 4, 1900, 134. Baden-FoweU, (Sir) George [Smyth]. F'or biographical notice and works see Geogr. Jl., 13, 1899, 77-78; Nature, 59 (1898-99), 79. Total eclipse of the Sun, 1896. The Novaya-Zemlya observations, [1896.] Phil. Trans. (A), 190, 1898, 197-201,. Bader, K[douard], & Iievy, S[iegmund]. See Iievy A Bader. Bader, Jlieliiird. Ueber die Afhnitiitsgrossen organischer Siiuren und ibre Beziehung zur Zusammensetzung und Konstitution derselben. Ztschr. Pliysikal. Chem., 6, 1890, 289-318. Ueber symmetrische Benzoltriderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1653-1655. Ueber eine Methode zur alkalimetrischen Bestimmung von Phenol. Fresenius, Ztschr., 31, 1892, 58-60. Ueber esterartige Verbinduugen des Holzgiimmis und der Xylose. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 5.5-56, 78-79. Ueber den Cellulosegehalt des Fichtenholzes zu ver- schiedenen Jahreszeiten. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 856. Ueber die Einwirkung raucheuder Salpetersaure aut Xylose und Arabinose. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 1851. Ueber Desoxyfuroin. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 1939. Badertscher, G[ustav] A[dolf]. Ueber den Eiufluss der Temperatur auf Phosphorescenzerscheinungen. [1888.] Bern Mitth., 1889, 75-108. Badger, A[lfred] Bernard. A three-eyed reptile. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 257-261. Dragons of the prime. [1891.] Midland Natlist., 14, 1891, 217-223; 15, 1892, 1-9. Badger, A[lfred] Bernard, & Greenly, Edward. See Greenly & Badger. Badger, K[dward] ]V[illiam], & Harrison, W. Jerome. Geological map of Nottingham. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 135-137. Badger, George S. C. Some observations on the urine and blood in diabetes. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., 2, 1898, 118-124. Badgley, (Col.) W[illiam] F[rtincis\. Some remarks on dew. Being notes ou observations which were made to discover wbfther dew is all deposited from the air, or if some also comes from the earth and plants, and also what quantity is formed during the year. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891, 80-86. Badia, Gerardo. Sur le traitement ^lectrom^tallurgique des m.attes de cuivre pour I'extractiou du cuivre. [1884.] Lum. Elect., 14, 1884, 3-11, 46-51, 92-98; Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 6, 1885, 109-112, 166-170. Badik, Johann. Eiutheiluug der Verbrecher in vier Typen. Virohow, Arch., 97, 1884, 254-259. Badl, Victor, & Goldsctamidt, Heinrich. See Goldscbmidt & Badl. Badoureau, A. Sur les nuages lagers des regions superieures de I'atmospli^re terrestre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 663-664. La constitution des regions superieures de I'atmo- sphere. Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 590-592. Theorie des appareils employes au lavage dea mati^res min&ales. Ann. Mines, 7, 1885, 521-534. Le charbon de terre: sa formation, son extraction, ses usages. Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 589-596. L'(5nergie : ses sources et ses transformations. Rev. Sci., 36, 1885, 169-174. Theorie du whist. Rev. Sci., 36, 1885, 587-595. Th(5orie du piquet. Rev. Sci. , 37, 1886, 299-302. Coup d'oeil sur les sciences. Leurs moyens d'investi- gation, leur histoire, leur objet, leur utilite. Rev. Sci., 42, 1888, 34-41. TuCiei. aeavrdy 1 Amiens Ac. Uim., 37, 1890, 197- 221. Theorie de la sedimentation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., Ill, 1890, 621-622. L'espace geoiu^trique et les espaces alg^briques. Rev. Sci., 46, 1890, 586-.590. Relations entre I'electricite et la mati^re. Rev. Sci., 48, 1891, 434-437. Preuves et cause du mouvement lent aotuel de la Scandinavie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 767-769, 874; Ann. Mines, 6, 1894, 239-275. — — Notes de voyage en Scandinavie. Amiens Ac. Mi5m., 41, 1894, 1-39. L'electrieite et ses applications depuis 1881. Rev. Sci., 10, 1898, 769-776. Lo passe, le present, I'avenir de I'industrie min^rale dans I'arrondissement minenilogiquo de Chambery. Savoie Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1901, 63-164. Badoux, //. Liingenwacbstum eiues Glycinezweiges. Badouz] 231 [Backstrbm (Glycine sinenRiK.) Scliweiz. Bot. Ge8. Bt-r., 9, 1899, 32 (6i«)-33 (fcix). Uebir Khytisma act'rinum, Fr. Scbweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 9, 1899," ;);t (iM)-.')-! {bhj. Badnel, Cetare. Not« clinica o Imtteriulogica Bopra uii caso (li pielitc bilateriile isuppurativa. Spcrimeiitali.', 1893 (Comun. e Hit:), r,20-ry2S. Salla topojjiratia dei reni a Htato nonnale c patoloRico c Bill valore della pLTCussiono rcnalu. Sperimcntalc, 1894 {Comun. e Uiv.). 149-153. Badnel, Cemre. >V Baqola, Elin. See Baqnls A Badnal. Baduel, ( tsar,-, ,V BUTestrlnl, [Raffaello]. Sec BUvestrinl iV BadneL B^dzyiiski, .S'(. O zniiaoach w sld'adzic substancyi iMiiiiriilnej mleka, r6wnoleRle do nieniiornmlnoBci w czjnnosciach Kvuczotow mlecznjcb. [On variationH in the composition of the mineral substance of milk cor- respondinp to abnonnnlity in the activity of the lacteal t;lands.] [1H94.] Kosmos (Lwow), 'JO, 1895, IHS-ia". Baiimlilelm, '/iis/a/. Fall af pharynxcrysipelas. Upsala Liikarefiir. Forh., 27, 1892, IHH-.OOO. Bachler, Emit. [Ueber den Urvogel.] St. Gallen, Ber., 1898-99, UO-143. Ueber die Lebcwesen der Jorazeit. St. Gallen, Ber., 1898-99, H:i-149. Ueber die Bchiitzenden Farben und Fonncn im Tier- reich. St. Gallen, Ber., 1898-99, 149-153. Beobachtunpen am Siebenschliifer (Myozus glis, /,.). St. Gallen, Ber., 1898-99, 207-288. Back, Edmund. Zuckcrbestimmung in Ruben. [1898.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 1105. Ueber Presssaft- und Digestions-methode und Bedeu- tnng der letzteren fiir die chcmische Betriebskontrole. Ztschr. Zuckerind. Biihrn., 2.3, 1898-99, 7>-«l. B&ck, .S'[«/o|. Beitrag zur Histologie und Entstehung dcs Lenticonus posterior. Arch. Augenheilk., 36, 1898, 160- 166; Arch. Ophthalm., 29, 1900, 573-577. Experimentell-hi.-itologischeUntersuchungcniiberCon- tusio bulbi. [1898-99.] Arch. f. Ophthalm., 47, 1899, 82-107 ; 4k, 1899, 470-472. B&eklln, G. Undersiikning af dct galvaniska lednings- niotstiindets beroende af tiden hos legeringar af vi.wmut och tenn. Stoikh. , Ofvcrs., 1886, So. 7, 107-142 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1886 {.Ihth. 2). 638. Backlnnd, A[Hieil} ["[iifor]. Ueber die Bewegnng von Kiirpcrn mit variablcm Volunien, die von einer unzu- sammcndriickbaren Fliissigkeit umgeben Bind. Lund. Univ. Acta, 21, 1886-86 {Math.), So. 1, .55 pp. Bidrag till thcorien fur viiprorelsen i ett gasartadt medium. Stockh., Ofvcrs., 1886, 3-23, 67-78, 327-353; 1887, 115-125, 351-36(1, 549-560; 1888, 103-117, 305- 316; Math. Ann., 34, 1889, 371-446, 600. Cm KiB.^ucorB'scykliska system. (18;t0-91.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 16 (Afd. 1), 1891, A'o. 1, 32 pp.. So. 8. 41 pp. : 17 (Aid. I), 1892, So. 2, 41 pp.; Fortschr. Math, 1891. 395. Anwcndung von Siilzen iiber partielle Differential- gleichungen auf die Theorie der OrthogonalBystcmc, insbesondcrediederBibaucour'schen cvklischen Svsteme. Math. Ann., 40, 1892, 194-260. William Rowan Hauiltons Idsning af dynamiska problem. [1893.] Lund. Univ. Acta. 29. 189a"-93 [Soc. I'htjsiogT., So. xiii, 1-17); Fortschr. Math., 1895. 1092- 1094. En undersiikning inom theoricn for de elektriska strdmmame. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 5-25, 421-437: 1896, 3-23; 1897, 115-139; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 1716-1718; 1896, 754; 1897, 803. En nndersokning inom theorien for de elektriska strommame. [1894-95.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 (AJd. 1), 1898, So. 2. 20 pp.; 21 {Afd. 1), 1896, So. 2, 34 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 1716-1718; Fortschr. Phys., 1896 (.ibth. 2), 47.5-478. ElektriHche und magnetiRclie Theoricn. Lund. Univ. Acta, 34, 1898 (.Sor. I'hyiogr., So. ii, 58 pp.). ()m i.'lektriciteten KaHom eu art af rdreUe. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 191-194. B^katrdm, Helgr [Maltiat]. EliktriHka ledningnmut. stnndit Lo8 kristaller. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 343-340; Neuis .Jbuch. Min., 1889 {lid. 2, Uf/.), 242. KristallografiKk undursukning af tv« nva kolvaU'O. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Haudl. BUiang, 13 {A/d. 2), 1888, So. 5, 10 pp.; Ztachr. Kryst., 14, 1888, 545-551. ElektrischeH und thermircbes I>eitaugsverm6gen dee EiHenglanzes. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 533—551. Bcitriige zur Kenntniss der Thermoelektricitat der KrvBtalle. Stockh., Ofvtrs., 1888, .«3-.5.59. Ueber den Rhombenporphjr aus deni Bmmnntbale in Norwegen. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bilmng, 14 {A/d. 2), 1889, .Vo. 3, 16 pp. Krystallform und optiache Konstanten dea Hydrokar- bostyrils. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 {A/d. 2), 1889, So. 4, 6 pp. Kemisk undersokning af nagra mineral fran trakten afLangesuud. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 {Afd. 2), 1890, So. 3, 25 pp. ; Berlin, Chem. Ge*. Ber., 25, 1892 {Ii'/.), 775. Om " kvartskakelagren " vid Gads, Morge. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 12, 1890, 209-246; Nencs Jboch. Min., 1891 {lid. 1, lie/.), 95-97. Krystallform des Baryumhyposnlfits. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 98. Ueber frcmde Gesteinseinschliissc in einigen skandi- naviscben Diabasen. [1890.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 16 {A/d. 2). 1891, .Vo. 1, 39 pp. Ueber ange.schwemmte Bimsstcine und Schlacken der nordeuropiiischen Kii-ten. [1890.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 16 {A/d. 2), 1891, So. 5, 43 pp. Bidrag till fragan cm langbanitens plate i mincral- systemet. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 13, 1891, 271-279; Neues Jbuch. Min.. 1893 {Bd. 1, lie/.), 473. [Tertiar gabbro frKn Kongstock i Bohmen.] Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 13, 1891, 578. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Lsliindischen Liparite. Stockh. Geol. For. Ftirh., 13, 1891. t>37-6>s2, vii. Ueber die Stellnng des Langbnnit im MineraUystcme. Ztschr. Kryst., 19, 1891, 276-283. Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmong des Arsens. FreseniuB, Ztschr., 31, 1892, 663-665. Sur la reproduction artiticielle de I'acgyrine. France, Soc. Min. Bull., 16, 1893, 130-133. Causes of mapinatic differentiation. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 1, 1893. 773-779. Tvenne nvupptackta svenska klotgraniter. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 16, 1894, 107-130 {ft^t. 126-130). Bestimmungen dtr Ausdehnung durch die Wiirroe und des elektrischen Leitungsvermdgens des Eisenglanzes. Stockh., Ofvers., 1894, 545-559. Ett pinakiolit niirstaende mineral fmn Langban. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 17, 1896, 257-259; Neoes Jbuch. Min., 1897 {Ud. 1, Re/.), 243. Krystallograplii.sche Untersuchimg einiger Naphtalin- derivate. Ztschr. Kry>t., 24. 1896, 253-273. Ueber leucitfuhrende Gestcine von den Liparischen Inseln. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 18, 1896. 1.55-164. Manganandalusit tr«n Vestana. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 18, 1896. 386-389; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 {Bd. 1, Re/.), 444-445. Vestanafaltet, en petrogenetisk studie. [1897.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 29, 1896-97, So. 4, 127 pp. {Ref. 114-127). Thanmasit fran Skottvang i Gasinge socken af Xykop- ings Ian. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 19. 1897, 307^10; Neues Jbuch. Mm., 1898 [lid. 2. Re/.), 196. Kr>'stallfi>rn> des Iridiumtctramintrichlorid. Ztschr. Krjstl, '28, 1897, 312-313. Backstrom] 232 [Baer Meddelande om niigra forsok till efterbildning af vissn bergartsstrnkturer. Skand. Natf. Ftirh., 1898, 222. Fenakit frnn Kragerii. Stoekh. Geol. For. Forh., 20, 1898, 295-303 ; Ztschr. Kryst., 30, 1899, 3.52-356, 690. Backstrom, Hclpe [Mattias], & Brogger, \V[oldeviar] C[hristo/er]. See Brogger & Backstrom. Backstrom, Hehie [Miillias], & FaijkuU, Gunnar. Under- sokningar af do vid uppliisning af jern i syror utveoklade gasernas volym och sammansiittning. Stoekh., Ofvers., 1887, 165-183; Fresenius, Ztschr., 26, 1887, 68.3-689. Baeff, B., & Duparc, Louis. See Duparc & BaefT. Babr, Ferdinnnd. Ueber den Mechanisnms der Rippen- briiche. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 38, 1894, 251-280. Bemcrkung zu der Abhandlung Wolff's; "Die Leliro von der fnnctionellen Knochengestalt." Virchow, Arch., 156, 1899, 405-406. Baehr, G[eorge] F[rederik] Wlillem]. For biographical notice see Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 131-1.32. Sur les points d'infiexion de I'herpolhodie de Poinsot. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 7, 1890, 328-360. Balir, H. Notiz, die Elektricitatserregung diirch Treibrie- men betreffend. Civilingenieur, 30, 1884, 67-68. Baekeland, Leo [Hendrik]. Sur la dissociation du nitrate de plomb. Brux., M(5m. Couronn. (8° Ed.), 44, 1891, No. 1, 35 pp. The use of fluorides in the manufacture of alcohol. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 14, 1892, 212-220. Some photochemical facts and theories. Soc. Chem. Ind. .Jl., 17, 1898, 1120-1124. See al.2r,-:vir,. Biiimer, M. Ueber die liackendniHcn der HntiKHJiuKcthii-ri-. Arch. WiflB. Prakt. Tliicrlipilk., 10, 1893, 119-17'J. Ueber die Vertbeiliin>; intratrnchcHl injicirter FliisRig- keiten. Areli. WiHS. I'riikt. Tliierlieilk., 25, 1899, 06-80. Die Veriintwortliclikeit des ThierarzteH am soRen. Clilorotormtode oiiUH I'ferdes. Ztscbr. Thiermed., 4, 1900, 2M 11, Hl-Ill. Baert, ChirUn, A VerliooKen, Renf. Sur Ic bacillc do Nicoi.AiEit et Bon role dans la patlioKi'nie du U^tanoH. Unix., Soc. BelKP Micr. Bull., l.">, 1889, 34-43. BaertUng, Ft. Ueber die neue Metliode der Milchanalyse vt)ii Mutthew A. AiiAMB nach verKleichciiden Untersiich- uiiHrii. Repertm. Aual. Cheiii., 0, 1886, 411-41.5. Baerwald, Curl. To reference in No. 3 (Vol. 12) add Ztschr. Krvst., 8, 1884, 48-.53. Ueber die EinwirkiuiK von WasscrstofTsuperoxvd auf die Molybdatc. [Vorliiufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, C'hem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1200. UntersuchnnK einiger Colestine. Ztschr. Kryst., 12, 1887. 228-233. Baessler, .Irlhitr. Uebcr einige Derivato des Dimethyl- hvilrochinons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2118- 2129. Eeisen im malayischen Archipel. Ztschr. Ethnol., 22, 1890, (493)-(.')()0). Zwei Tage in Atjih. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 18, 1891, 471-487. Ueber den Batak-Stamm der Rajas. Ztschr. Ethnol., 24, 1892, (242)-(24.5). Boise im ostliclien Polynesien. Ztschr. Ethnol., 28, 1896, (463)-(407). Ueber die Eingeborenen von Mangaia und ihre Todt- enhohlon. Ztschr. Ethnol., 28, 1896, (.'i3."))-(.537). BaesBler, I'luiil]. Assign to this iiuthor titles {Vol. 9) umlir Baessler, [Dr.) P., ami Biissler, Paul. "Analyse der Platterbse (Lathyrus pratensis). Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 29, 1883. 433-4.S8. Die A.'isimilation des Asparagins durch die Ptlanze. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 33, 1887. 231-240. Ueber die Bestinimung des Fettgehaltes der Lein- kuchen. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 35, 1888, 341-349. Ueber die Bestimmung des Fettgehaltes der Mohn- kuclirn. Landw. Versuchs-Stat , 30, 1889, 307-372. Baessler, /'|(i»/|, Nobbe, l'\rifdnch], & 'Will, II[rrmaii)i]. S<;' Nobbe, Baessler il' Vrill. Batke, lliuix. Ueber das Flimniern des Kaltbliiterherzens. rihi^er, Arch. Physiol., 71, 1898. 412-419. Baumler, Atiiia. Ueber Hohleubildungen im Riickenmark. IViitsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 40, 1887, 443-543. Biiujnler, (7ir[i.Tithesc eines Dihvdroc>-mol8. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.", 26, 1893, 232-234. Ortsbestimmungen in der Terpenreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 26. 1893. 820-820. 2267-2271. 2.558-2505. 2861- 2869 ; 27. 1894. 43iV-J54. 745. 8ia-sl6. 191.5-1923, 348.5- 3498; 28. 1898. 039-052. 1586-16nomi^ncs thermo-electriques entre deux Electrolytes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 27-29. Sur I'inversion du phenomine de Pei.tieh eutru deux electrolytes an deliV chi point neutre. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1126-1128. Bagard] 2-M [ Baglietto Sur lo trannport elcctriquc dc la ctmlour ilaim \e» (;icclrolytc«. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 'J7-100. Siir It'H forces i^luctromotriccii thpriMo-i'luctrimit'ii entro deux (ileotrolytcu ct lo tranH|)ort <-li'Ctriqiie dc la chulcur dan« k'S (•lectrolytes. Ann. Cliim., .'t, 1894. M3-13H. Sulla reale eaistcnza dpi fenomcno di H\i.i. nc-i liquidi. Nuovo Cimcnti), 1, 1896, ;W;)-388. Sur le |)li(>nom(5ne di' Hai.i. dans Ics liijuidcH. I'arix, Ac. Sci. C. R., Vi-i. 1898, 77-7i»; 123, 1898, 1270-r273 : 124, 1897, ■)«; Jl. PlijK., 5, 1896, 4'.»9-50S. — — Sur la rcaliti; du plifinoraune de Hall dans les liquidc8. Eclairage Kk-ct., 15 (1898), 9S-102. Sur Ic8 variationx de rcjRiHtance d'un conducteur iSlec- tr<>lytii|ue dans un champ luaKnt'tique. Pari§, Ac. Sci. C. It., 12H, 1899, Ul-9.i. Bagg, I'.iih.rl. The turkey buzzard in central New York. Auk, 2, 1885, 109. Nesting of the saw whet owl. Omith. Ool., 12, 1887, 5e-57. Nesting of the black-throated blue warbler. Omith. Ool., 12, 1887, 90-91. Additions to the list of birds of Oneida county, New York. Omith. Ool., 13, 1888, 5H-.')9. Hunt eggs. Omith. Ool., 13, 1888, 59. A series of Florida eggs of the bald eagle. Ornith. Ool., 14. 1889, 73-74. Birds of Oneida county, New York. Auk, 11, 1894, 162-164. Some new records from central New York. Auk, 14, 1897, 226-227. Bird news from central New York. Auk, 17. 1900, 177-178. Bagg, F.ghi-rt, it Ralph, \y[ilUam] I,. See Kalph it Bagg. Bagg, liiii'iin Miilliar. The Cretaceous Foramiiiifi-ra of New .Jersey. [1895.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [15 (1896-96),] 10-12. The occurrence of Cretaceous fossils in the Eocene of Maryland. Amer. Geologist, 22, 1898, 370-375. The Tertiary and Pleistocene Kuraminifeiu of the middle Atlantic slope. [189H.] Ithaca, Cornell Univ. Bull. Amcr. Paleont., 2 (1896-981, 295-348. The Cretaceous Foraminifera of New Jersey. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 88, 1898, 89 pp. Bagg, Itii/itt Mother, Clark, William Ilullork, it Sbattnck, tiiiii-jii' Biirhiink. .SVc Clark, Bagg it Staattnck. Baggi, ]'ittorii). Sulla tlessione dei cnuiiucchiali nella misma delle distanze zenitali. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 1896, 307-319; Astr. Nachr., 137, 1896, 353-358. Sulla forma pill conveniente da dare ai sostegni del cannocchiale nei tcodoliti e nei lirelli. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 33, 1897, 39-48. Esame del compeuso fra lo ecavo ed il riporto nei prn>;etti stradali. [1898.] Torino Ace. Sci. AWi, 33, 1897, 471-4'.I8 or 701-728. Baglnsky, Adolf. '[Vorliiufige Mittheilung iiber toxische Substanzen im diphtherischen Ham.] [1883.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1884, 176-177. Ueber das Verhalten von Xanthin, Hy))Oxanthin nnd Guaniu. Arch. .\nat. Phvsiol. (Physiol. Ahth.), 1884, 456. Ueber das Vorkoramen von Xanthin, Gnanin nnd Hypoxanthin. [1884.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 8, 1883-84, 395-403. Ueber Acetonurie bei Kindern. .\rch. Anat. Ph.vsiol. {Phytiol. Abth.). 1S8T, 349-SoO; Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 {Vol. 3), 596-597. Demonstration zur reducirenden Wirkung der Bak- terien. Arch. Anat. Phvsiol. (Phytiol. Ablh.), 1887, 583-584. ZurBiologiedernornialenMilchkothbactericn. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 12, 1888. 434-462; 13, 1889, 352-364. ZweiFiillovonPyamiebei jungenSauglingen. Virchow, Arch., 115, 1889, 460-482. Ueber Cholera iufantuni. [1889.] Berlin. Med. Gen. Verb.. 20, U90 {Th. •>). 133-153. Ueber die Coccidienkrankheil der Kaninchi'U. [189*2.) Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phyiol. Ablh.), 1893, 192-193. Zur Actiologie der Diphlherie. [1892.] Berlin. Med. Gcs. Verb., 23, 1893 [Th. 2), 1-8. Albuminurie und Nephritis bei Diphtherie. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (I'"'. 3, Pediatr.), 13. Die Anwendung des Antistreptokokken-Serum (MiB- uorkk's) gegen .Scharlacb. [1896.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 27, 1897 {Th. 2), 116-127. Ueber Veriinderungen den Blutea in Krankbeitszu- standen des kindliclien Alters. Congr. Int. M6d. C. U., 1897 {Vol. 3, .SV<-f. 6), 21-34. Zur Pathologie der Durchfallkrankbcitcn der Kinder. [1896.] Berlin. Me-J. Ges. Verb., 28, 1898 (Th. 2), 1-16. Ueber allgemcine und ortlicbe Blutentziehuni;en in der Kinderheilkunde. [1898.) Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 29, 1899 (Th. 2), 204-216. Ueber Pericarditis ira Kindesalter. [1898.) Berlin. MeJ. Ges. Verb., 29, 1899 (Th. 2), 391-412. Baginaky, Adolf, & Ii«liniann, Curt. Zur Function des Cor]ius Btriatum. |Niicleu~ ciiudutus.) Experimeutelle Stikiie. Vircho'-v, Ar.li., loi;, 1886, 258-281. Baginaky, Ailolf, it Sonuaerfald, Paul. Zur Chemie der kindlichen Ou'lle. Arch. Auat. Physiol. (Phytiol. Abth.), 1896, 562. Ueber .\u6scheidung von XanthinkOrpcra bei Nephritis. .\rch. Anat. Physiol. (Phytiol. Abth). 1895. .562-563. Zur KenntnisH der .\usscbeidung von .\lloiurkorpem bei Erkraukunut n des kindlichen Alters. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 21, 1896-96, 412-421. Ueber einen constanten Bacterienbefund bei Scbarlach. [1900.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 31, 1901 (Th. 2), 174- 197. Baginaky, Benno. Die Beziehungen des Baus des Laby- rinths zur Funktiondesselben. [U'ithdiicutsion.] Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. K., 1884 (T. 1, PhyioL), 33-40. Zur Physiologic der Bogengiinge. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phytiol. Abth.), 1886, 253-266. Bemcrkungen zu dem " Bericht fiber die vom 1. April 1881 bis 1. April 1884 in der otiatriscben Universitats- klinik zu Berlin behandcltcn Ohrenkranken von Dr. L. Jacobson, Assistenzarzt.'' Arch. Ohrenheilk., 22, 1886, 14;i-145. Zur Entwicklung der GehOrschoecke. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 28, 1886. 14-37. Ueber den Ursprung und den centralen Verlaof des Nervus acusticus des Kaninchens. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 25.5-258; Virchow, Arch., 105, 1886, 28-46. Ueber den Ursprung und den centralen Verlanf des Nervus acusticus des Kaninchens und der Kalze. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1889. 63.5-639; Virchow, Arch., 119, 1890, 81-93. Horsphare und Ohrbewegungen. [VorUafige Mitthei- lung.] Neurol. Centrbl., '.'. 1890, 458. Hiirspbare und Ohrbewegungen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phytiol. Abth.), 1891, 227-235. - — - Ueber das Verhalten von Nerrenendorganen naich Durchfichneidnng der zugehOrigen Nerven. Arch. Aiiat. Phvsiol. {Phii>iol. Abth.), 1893, .559-560; Virchow, Anb., 137, 1894, 389-404. Bagley, Kmrst, A Brearlay, Uarry. Schuffel's process for estimating tungtten in steel. Chem. News, 8*2, 1900, 270-271. Baglay, ll'iUi'dni ChandUr. The apperception of the spoken sentence : a studv in the psvcbologv of langoa^^. [1900.] Amer. Jl. Psychol.. 12, 1900-01. 80-130. Baglietto, l-\raiu:etco]. Frimo censimeuto dei Fnnghi della Lignria. Nuovo Giora. Bot. lul., 18, 1886, 230- 285. Lichenes Abvssinici a el. Prof. O. Pevzio oollecti. Malpighia, 6. 1892, 20«j-213. 30—2 Baglioni] 236 [Baiardi Baglionl, Silveslro. Der Athmungsmechanismus des Fiosclies. Arch. Auat. Physiol. [Physiol. Abth.), 1900 (Siippl), 33-5y. PhysioloKJsche Diflerenzirung verschiedener Mechanis- men des Riickenmarkes. (Physiologische Wirknng des Strychnins und der Carbolsaure.) Arch. Auat. Physiol. (Pllijsiul. Abth.), 1900 (SiippL), 193-242. ■ Chemisohe Reizung des Grosshirns beim Frosche. [1900.] Centrbl. Physiol., 14, 1901, 97-99. Bagnall, Ernent Harold. Methanetrisulphonic acid. [1898.] Clieiu. Soc. Proc, 14, 1899, 182; Chem. Soc. Jl., 75, 1899 {Pt. 1), 278-286. Bagnall, Gerald. Long-distance levelling. Inst. Civ. Eiigiii. Proc, 121, 1895, 152-169. Bagnall, Ja7iies Uliistaci']. The flora of Warwickshire. An account of the flowering plants and ferns of the county of Warwick. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 12-15, 45-48, 75-80, 112-116, 154-157, 198-201, 221-225, 261- 267, 288-293, 324-327; 8, 1886, 18-23, 48-54, 78-83, 234-235, 26(!-268, 291-295, 348-352; 15, 1892, 164-157, 211-214; 16, 1893, 22-23, 43-47, 69-70, 116-119, 141- 143, 161-164, 206-212, 229-234, 251-260, 260-262. A fungus foray in the Middleton district. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 339-341. Anker flora. Midland NatHst., 8, 1885, 28. Additions to the flora of Sutton Park. Midland Natlist., 8, 1885, 56. Abnormal inflorescence of the hazel. Midland Natlist., 8, 1886, 84. Lycopodium clavatum. Midland Natlist., 8,* 1885, 85-86. Notes on the Anker valley and its flora. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 54-58, 69-73, 89-92. A half-day's ramble in the Arrow district. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 117-119. Nitella glomerata, Chev., in Warwickshire. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 182. New British moss. MidlandNatlist., 10, 1887, 182-183. Notes on the Warwickshire Stour valley and its flora. Midland Natlist., 11, 1888, 2.5-28, 67-71, 98-103. A new bramble. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 372-373. New localities for rare Warwickshire plants. Midland Natlist., 16, 1893, 204-206. Eubus mercicus b. bracteatus, ii. var. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 187. New Staffordshire plants. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 283. The mosses and hepatics of Staffordshire. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 72-77, 108-114. Mosses of the Wnion valley, Merionethshire. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 217-220. Merionethshire mosses. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 17-5-179. . Buxbaumia aphylla in Worcestershire. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 226. Staffordshire mosses. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 440. Bagnall, .James l':[uslace], & Grove, Wlilliam] B[ywater]. See Grove & Bagnall. Bagnall, L. J. Notes on the occurrence of kauri-gum in the kahikatea forest at Turua. [1896.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 29, 1897, 412-413. Bagnera, G[iuseppe]. Sopra i determinanti che si possono fornjare cogli stessi n^ element!. Giorn. Mat., 25, 1887, 228-231. Sul luogo dei contatti tripunti delle curve di un fascio con le curve di una rete. [1895.] Palermo Giro. Mat. Rend., 10, 1896, 81-106. Sopra la costruzione del grupjio dell' icosaedro. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 11, 1897, 87-89. Ija comjiosizione dei gruppi liniti il cui grado ^ la (juinta poteuza di un uumero primo. Ann. Mat., 1, 1898, 137-228. Supra i divisori noruiali d' indice primo di un grup|)o linito. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Bend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 1), 03-07. Un teorema relativo agli invariant! delle substituzioni di un gruppo Kleiuiano. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 [Sem. 1), 340-346. Sopra i gruppi astratti di grado 32. Ann. Mat., 2, 1899, 263-275. Sul teorema dell' esistenza delle funzioni Fuchsiane. Rev. Matli., 6, 1896-99, 31-34. Bagneris, E[niji>ie]. Coloboma de la choroiide et du nerf optique. Aiin. d'Oculist., 110, 1893, 98-100. Mesure rapide du ]iouvoir dioptriqne des lentilles. Ann. d'Oculist., 115, 1896, 273-275. Bagnol, Kug'ene. Acclimatation en Tunisie. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 41, 1894 (Sem. 2), 285-287. Le jujubier lotus et le jujubier ^'pine du Christ en Algerie et en Tunisie. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 44, 1897. 153-157. Bagnold, (il/aj.) [Arthur Henri/], & Cardew, {Maj.) P. See Cardew & Bagnold. Bagot, . Nouveau perim^tre de poche. Ann. d'Ocu- list., 110, 1893, 100-105. Bagot, Viltiam S[idney]. Dystocia due to a cyst in the Uver of a fcetus. [1891.] Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 93, 1892, 265-269. Bagiiet, Charles. Note sur une fleur monstrueuse de Fuchsia eoccinea. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 29, 1890 (Mem.), 315-317. Note sur quelques localit^s nouvelles de plantes rares on assez rares de la flore beige. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 30, 1891 (Me-m.), 177-191. Bahadhuiji, A'. iV. The importance of periodic analysis of the air breathed in towns and cities. [With discussion.] Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 5), 8,s-93. Babatrian, Gabriel, & Kehrmann, Friedricli. See Kehrmann & Babatrian. Bahia, Manuel Heujninin. Las unidades. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 29, 1890, 97-122, 259-272; 30, 1890, 21-48, 81-114, 161-192, 241-273. Curso de electricidad industrial. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 35, 1893, 129-212, 217-234. Babier, [Henri Jean Marie]. Notes medicaleS sur Bio-de- Janeiro. Arch. Med. Navale, 54, 1890, 446-456. Bahier, Eugene. La photographic a travers les corps opaques. '[1896.] Genie Civil, 28, 1896-96, 222-223. Bahnson, . Spiegelung in Glasprismen. Centrztg. Oi)tik, 8, 1887, 218-220, 231-234, 253-257, 269-273, 277-280. Bahnson, Krislian. For biography see Stockh., Ymer, 17, 1897, 77-80; Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 27, 1897, [22]. Sepultures d'hommes et de femmes de I'age de bronze. [Tr.] [1886.] Mater. Hist. Homme, 22, 1888, 537-554. Ueberethnographische Museen. [Tr.] Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 18, 1888, lOU-164. Babr, [Karl], & Garnier, . Ein Fall von Strepto- coccen-Iufection mit todtlichem Ausgang. Ai'ch. Augen- heilk., 20, 1889, 321-340. Balir, Henrik J':[ilert] S[t^ren]. Aves regionis Stavangri- ensis. Stavanger omegns fugle. StavangerMus. Aarsber., 1895, 29-152. Batarl, Gabriel. Le chlore dans I'eau du Nil. [1895.] Inst, fegypt. Bull., 6, 1896, 7-8. Baiardi, Daniele. Un caso di serramento stabile, con- genito, delle mascelle. Sperimentale, 1891 [Comun. e liiv.), 32-30. Contributo alio studio dei tumori rari della mammella. Sperimentale, 1892 (.Mem.), 2.')0-259. Contribuzione alia statistica ed alia terapia della tubercolosi articolare nci bambini. Sperimentale, 1893 (Mem.), 112-115. Ernie dell' ajipendice vermiforme del oieco. Speri- iiuntale. 1896 (Camnn. •■ liiv.), 323-335, 346-360. Baiardi, P[ielr(i\. De la vision chez les astigmatiques. [1888. J Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, 414. Baiardi] 237 [Bailey Unc modification i rophtalmonietrc pour meHuror en mfiino tcMipa I<-h <1i>ux Mii'i'i(lic-ii8 principaux tie la vomi^'C. Arch. Itiil. Biul., IC. 1891, ll'). Contribution iV l'lii»loli>Kio coinpariie dc I'iriB. Arch. I la I. liiol., 11), 1893, 210-213. Balch^re, (rabhr) h.il. Notv Hur la vi^'Ki^tatiou dea eovironH di' Carcasuounv. l''rance Sue. Uut. liull., 35, 1888, xxviii- XXXV. HerborisationsdansleCabardi'gct lcMincrvuiH(veriiant meridional do la MontiiKnu Noire) (Aude). France Soc. Bot. Hull., 35, 1888, 1-lx. Sur lo pas.sat,'<' dii calcaire de Veutenac a la formation A liRnitu du Languedoc. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 79(1-71)7. Nayades de I'Aude. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 7, 1890, 117-1.12. Faiumlu mulacoloKique de Carcassonne. [1892.] Feiiille .leunes Natural., 22, 1891-92, t)3-08. Baicbire, (TiiM^) Ed., & Oantler, G{a»ton]. See Oautier A Balchire. Baler, .liifdii. Teratologisches. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 33, 1886, 117-119. Zur Flora der Umgebung von Bielitz und Biala. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 88-1)2, 130-134. Baler, Kdiiaid. Ueber Buttersiiuregiirung. Centrbl. Bakt. (.IK. 2), 1, 1896, 17-22, 81-87, 118-120. Die I'ilzUora der Milch und ihre Beziehungcn zam EiisereifungsprozesB. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 3, 1897, 530-534. Baler, Julius. Low pressure in St. Louis tornado. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 24 (1896), 332. Wind pressures in the St. Louis tornado, with special reference to the necessity of wind bracing for high building's. [Ili(7i disciitsiuu.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. 'rniiis., 37, 1897, 221-307. Baignires, '/'[ii>f>irf J, tV Dnmont, Georges. See Dtunont iV Baigrndres. Balgnires, (i[ii.«/crioJ of early man- hood. [1868.] lust. Act. Jl., 14, 1869, 247. 'On insolvency in life assurance comijanies. [1871.] Inst. Act. Jl., 16, 1872. 3H'J-198. 'The pure premium method of valuation. [1878.] Inst. Act. Jl., 21, 1879, 115-126. Bailey, Arthur llulclieton, & Day, Archibald. *0n the rate of mortality prevailing amongst the families of the peerage during the 19th century. Assur. Mag., 9, 1861, 30.-J-32I;. Bailey, Charles. Notes on the structure, the occurrence in Lancashire, and the source of origin, of Naias graminea, iJelile, far. Delilei, Magnuj. [1884.] Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 30.5-333 ; Manchester Lit. I'hil. Soc. Mem., 10, 1887, 29-75. On the Caemarvonsbire station of Rosa WiUoni, Hurrer. [1884.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 24, 1886, 20-22. New Anglesey station for Chamagrostis minima. Jl. Bot., 23, 1886, 220. Ranunculus llammula, Linn., and B. reptane, Linn.; and their connecting links. [1886.] Mancbeiter Lit. I'hil. Soc. Proc., 26, 1887, 47-51. Forms and allies of Ranunculas llammula, Linn. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 13.5-138. Arenaria gothica (£. Fries), as a plant new to Britain. [1889.) Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. i Proc, 3, 1890, 8-12. [Boussingaultia boselloides, Ilumh. el Kiinlh.] [1890.) Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. J: Proc., 4,1891, 13-15. [European and extra-European species of the genus Pedicularis.) [1890.] Manchester Lit. PbU. Soc. Mem. A- Proc, 4, 1891, 28-29. [Remarks on the anatomy of the Iris sibirica, Linn.] [1894.) Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. 4 Proc, 9, 1896, 11-12. Maize. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1888, 48-57. [Note on the structure of the peculiar permanent sheath which encloses the extremity of each root and rootlet of Pontederia (Eichhomia) crassipes.] [1899.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. A Proc, 43, 1900, I. Bailey, E[dgar] //[ciirj/] S[ummerjield]. .K preliminary report on the composition of the coals of Kansas. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 171. Report of the commission on chemistry upon the year's progress, i. Organic and physiological chemistry. [1884.] Kan. .Ac. Sci. Trans,, 9, 1886, 87-88. On the occurrence of bromides and iodides in the water of an artesian well at Independence, Kas. [1885.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Tran.^^., 10, 1887, 22-23. Miscellaneous chemical notes. [I. On the presence of barium, strontium and lithium in the mineral waters of Kansas. II. Mineral oil from Fort Scott. III. Ells- worth county mineral waters.] [1886.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 10, 1887. 62-63. On the newly discovered salt beds in Ellsworth coonty, Kansas. [1887.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans.. 11, 1889, 8-10* Si'me experiments on the relation between the taste and the acidity of certain acids. [1887. ) Kan. Ac. Sd. Trans., 11, 1889. 10. Bailey] 238 [Bailey The composition of Kansas coals. [1888.] Kan. Ac. [1888.] Kan. On the economic vahie of corn-cobs. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 49-50. Some Kansas mineral waters. [1889.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 25-29. ■ On the minerals constituting a meteorite found in Kiowa county, Kan. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1890, 172 ; Science, 16, 1890, 20(1. " Feather alum " from Colorado. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 101. Tlie Tonganoxie meteorite. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891. 383-387. The Great Spirit spring mound. [1892.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 1, 1893, 85-87. Observations on a cyclone near Williamstown, Kansas. Science, 22, 1893, 3. On the delicacy of the sense of taste among Indians. [1893.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 2, 1894, 95-98. Natural gas and coal oil in Kansas. [1895.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 4, 1896, 1-14. On the composition of the Louisville mineral water. [1897.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 6, 1896, 117-119. The chemical composition of cement plaster. [1897.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 38-40. On the occurrence of nitrates in well-waters. [1898.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 40-42. On the chemistry of gypsum, plaster of Paris, and cement plaster. Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv., 5, 1899, 134-170. The new chemical laboratory of the University of Kansas. Science, 12, 1900, 997-1001. Bailey, K[dijnr] H[riirij] S[ummerfield], & Cady, Hamilton F[eikiiix]. Sec Cady ct Bailey. Bailey, Eldpar] H[eitrit] S[ummcrjield], & Case, E[rmine] C[oii-lcs]. On the composition of some Kansas building stones. [1892.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 13, 1893, 78. Bailey, E[diiar] H[('«r;/] S[iniimerfield], & Pailyer, Gleorgc] H[e)inj]. See Fallyer & Bailey. Bailey, E[d!jar] H[eiiry] S[ummeTjiehl], & Franklin, Edward C[urtis]. The relative bitterness of different bitter substances. [1885.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 10, 1887, 23-24. A chemical examination of the waters of the Kaw river and its tributaries. [1894.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 3, 1895, 91-102. Bailey, E[diiar] lilennj] S[ummerjield], & I>ange, William. On the action of sulphuric acid upon strychnine, in the separation of this alkaloid from organic matter. [1897.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 6, 1896, 20.5-207. Bailey, E[dgar] H[e)iry] S[ummerjield], & Nichols, Edward L[eajningtoii]. Preliminary notes on the delicacy of the special senses. N. Y. Med. Jl., 40, 1884, 325. On the delicacy of the sense of taste. [1887.] Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 138; Science, 11, 1888, 145-146. The delicacy of the sense of taste. Nature, 37, 1888, 557-558. See also Nichols & Bailey. Bailey, E[dgar] H[enyy] S[ummerjield]. & Palmer, Charles M. Salicylic acid and calcium sulfite as preservatives of cider. [1897.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 6, 1896, 111- 116. Bailey, 7'.'[rf.f/«r] Illenry] Slmnmerjield], & Powell, E. M. Some special tests in regard to tlie delicacy of the sense of smell. [1884.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 9, 1885, 100- 101. Bailey, E\dijur'\ U[enry] S[tmimerfield], & Rice, ])/«;■;/ .1. On tlie comjiosition of the water from a mineral spring in tlie vicinity of the Great Spirit sjiring, Mitchell county, Kansas. [1893.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 14, 1896, 40-41. Bailey, E[dyar\ H[e)iry\ S\umtnerjield], & Slosson, Kdwin E[mery]. On barite and associated minerals in the concretionary rocks of eastern Kansas. [1889.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 4.5-46. Bailey, E[dgar] Hlenry] S[ummerjield], & VTalter, E. ]V. The water of the Fort Scott artesian well. [1884.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 9, 1885, 96-98. Bailey, £[''.'7'"'] H[enry] Slummerfield], & VThitten, W. M. On the chemical composition of some Kansas gypsum rocks. [1897.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 6, 1896, 29-34. Bailey, (Lt.-Col.) F[red.\ A forest tour in Provence and the Cevenues. Ediub., Bot. Soe. Trans., 16, 1886, 317- 346. Note of experiments in the Dean Forest, Gloucester- shire, to show the effect upon the growth of oak trees (1) of transplanting them, and (2) of lifting them and replacing them in the same boles. [1892.] Kdinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 19, 1893, 442-444. Forestry in India, ll'osth.] Brit. Ass. Bep., 1897, 714-715; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 13, 1897, 572-590. Bailey, Flrederick] Hanson. Contributions to the Queens- land flora. [1884.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 1, 1885, 8-19, 84-92, 148-153. A contribution towards a flora of Mount Perry. [1884.] Queensland Boy. Soc. Proc, 1, 1885, 61-76. Fasciation in Sicyos angulata, LiHH. [1884.] Queens- land Roy. Soc Proc, 1, 1885, 102. Fasciation in Bouvardia triphylla, Salisb. [1886.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 153-154. Description of a new species of Acacia, A. melaleuooides {n.sp.). [1888.] QueenslandRoy. Soc. Proc, 5,1889, 121. Description of the Queensland form of Nipa fruticans. [1888.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 146-148. A review of the fungus-blights which have been observed to injure living vegetation in the colony of Queensland. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1892, 388-401. Presidential address. July, 1891. Concise history of Australian botany. Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 8, [1892], xvi-xli, xlv-xlvii. Notes upon some plant specimens collected by Dr. Thos. L. B.\NCR0FT on the Diamantina. Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 8, [1892], 128-131. Description of a new eucalypt. [1893.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 10, 1894, 17-18. An account of the Easter excursion of members of the Field Naturalists' section to Eumundi. Queensland Hoy. Soc. Proc, 10, 1894, 51-53. Botanic notes. [1894.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 11, 1895-96, 14-19. Peculiarities of the phanerogamic flora of Queensland. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1895, 389-405. A few words about the flora of the islands of Torres Straits and the mainland about Somerset. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 423-447. Notes on the vegetation of New Guinea. [1898.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 14, 1899, 14-20. The Nepenthes of Australia. Hortic Soc Jl., 22 (1898-99), 192-201. Bailey, G. Perey, & Reynolds, J[ames] Emerson. See Rejmolds & Bailey. Bailey, {liev.) George. Foraminifera and other micro- organisms in fliut. [1888.] Croydon Micr. Club Proc. & Trans., 3, 1892, 147-149. The tenants of a fossil lichinus. [1890.] Croydon Micr. Club Proc. & Trans., 3, 1892, 253-256. A njcss-niate of Limna'a stagnalis. Jl. Malacol., 4, 1895, 8-10. Variations in raduhe. Jl. Malacol., 4, 1895, 52. Bailey, (Her.) George, Burrows, Henry 11'., ,V Sherbom, Charles Duvies. See Burrows, Sherbom d' Bailey. Bailey, George H[erberl\. On some vanadates of the amines, ciiem. Soc. J I., 45, 1884, 690-695. All apparatus for maintaining constant temperatures up to OOO'^. Chem. News, 54, 1886, 302-303. On a method of .separation and estimation of zirconium. Chem. Soc .11., 49, 1886, 149-152, 481-485; Licbig's Ann., 232, 1886, 352-357. Bailey] 239 [Bailey Notes on an analyniH »( koppiu-. Cln'iu. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 15;i-l.")4 ; Licl)i(?'B Ann., 232, 1886, :)57-3o9. An sjiparatuH for the dcU'rniinutiun o( the ttnipiriituri,' of deconip.'>4. The al>siirption spectra of the haloid salts of didymiuiu. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1887, 0.54-055. Silver suboxide. Chem. News, .55, 1887, 2C3. The determination of atomic weights hy means of the normal sulphate. Chem. Soc. .11. , 51, 1887, 070-GH3. On the intluence of mass on the course of chemical decomposition, with especial reference to technical processes. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl.. 0, 1887, 91-93. A double sulphate of lead and alumina. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., (i, 1887, 415. On the vitrified cement from an ancient fort. Man- chester Lit. Phil. Hoc. Mem. & I'roc, 2, 1889, 18.5-188. Estimation and occurrence of sulphur in coal. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 8, 1889, 360-304. Zirconium and its atomic weight. [1889.] Koy. Soc. Proc, 46, 1890, 74-87. The spectra of the haloid salts of didymium. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1890, 773. Fermentation, putrefaction, and decay : a chemico- niicroscopical study. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1891, xxv-xxxviii. Conditions affecting plant hfe in a town atmosphere. Brit. Ass. Uep., 1892, 781. Some aspects of town air as contrasted with that of the country. [1893.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. 5, 1894, 445-J.50. The volatilisation of salts during evaporation. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 14, 1896. I()'.i0-1021. Bailey, Gevrge }l[eibiit], A Cain, John Ciniiiell. A method of quantitative analysis. Brit. .\ss. Kep., 1890, 772-773. A simple and rapid method of gravimetric analysis. Soc. Chem. lud. Jl., 10, 1891, 329-330. Bailey, George U[erbert], A Ewan, Tlwinan. The micro- organisms and other impurities in the air of towns. Jl. State Med., 2, 1894, 13-lU. BaUey, Corpe Il[erlierl]. & Fowler, Gilbert John. Sub- oxide of silver, AgjO. Chem. Soc. Jl., 51, 1887, 416- 419. Some reactions of the halogen acids. Chem. Soc. Jl., 53, 1888, 75-5-761. BaUey, George Hlerbert], & Bopklns, \l'[illiam] Bleecliey]. Behaviour of the more stable oxides at high temperatures. (Part I.) Cupric oxide. Chem. Soc Jl., 57, 1890, 269- 272. BaUey, George H[erbfrl], it Johnston, ./[oAii] U[a»tam]. Oil some points in the analysis of water. Soc. Chem. hid. Jl., 18, 1899, 4.55-457." Bailey, George }I[erbirl], A I>amb, Thornton [Charla]. The atomic weight of palladium. Chem. Soc. Jl., 61, 1892, 745-753. BaUey, George U[erbert], A Bead, A[rlhur] A[rery]. The beliaviour of the more stable oxiiles at high temperatures. Urit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 773. BaUey, //. />'. Breeding habits of the Everglade kite. Auk, 1, 1884, 95. The cardinal grosbeak and tufted titmouse breeding in "Essex county, New Jersey. Auk, 3, 1886, 410. Singular neHting site of WiuiuN'it thnub. Auk, 3, 1886, 489. The brown thniHli laying in the oest of the wood thrush. Auk, 4, 1887, 78. BaUey, lleurij. An alloy of tin and sodium with a definite conipiihition. Chem. Neus, 05, 1892, 18. The analysis of tiu slag. Chem. News, 73, 1896, 88. The determination of unsaponitiablc oil in greases with a lime base. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 174. BaUey, ■/. t'. Plants of the rabbit-in(eHte Spnicer. To biographical references ( IV. 12) II, III Brooklyn Ent. Soc. Bull., 6, 1883-84, 4« ; ljeo|xecics of the genus Carex. Notes on Carex. [1889.] Torrey Bot. Club Mem., 1, 1889-90, 1-^.5. An aualvsis of grafting. Garden & Forest, 3, 1890, 100-102. Carex rigida, Gooden., and its varieties. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890. 171-173. Do varieties run out? Garden & Forest, 4. 1891, .5^ 59. On the supposed correlations of quality in fruits: a study in evolution. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1893, 211 ; Garden & Forest, 5, 1893, 495-497. PyTUS ioensis. Bot. Gaz., 17, 1893, 60. Crosses and crossing of plants. Garden A Forest, 5, 1892. 2-4. Is grafting a devitalizing process ? Garden A Forest. 5, 1893, 39-Ul. 50-51. Prunus hortulaua. Garden A Forest, 5, 1893, 90. The apple scab again. Garden A Forest, 5, 1892. 490. Are American varieties of fruit« best adapted to Bailey] 240 [Bailey American conditions? Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 518- 520. New Califoniian Carices. [1891.] California Ac. Proc, 3, 1893. lOi-106. Relation of age of type to variability. Amer. A.sij. Proc, 1894, 255; Bot. Gaz., 19, 1894, 380-381. Whence came the cultivated strawberry ? Amer. Nat- list., 28, 1894, 293-306. Sketch of the relationship between American and eastern Asian fruits. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1894, 437-442. Some interrelations of climatology and horticulture. [1895.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 431-435. Experimental evolution amongst plants. Amer. Nat- list., 29, 1895, 318-325. Plant breeding. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 318-319. Variation after birth. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 17- 24. The factors of organic evolution from a botanical standpoint. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 35, 1896, 88-111, 113-114. . Morphology of the Canna flower. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 222-223; Science, 4, 1896, 440-441. The philosophy of species-making. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 454-462. On the untechnical terminology of the sex-relation in plants. Science, 3, 1896, 825-827. Instructions for taking phenological observations. U. S. Monthly Weath. Key., 24 (1896), 328-331. Notes on the cultivated Brassioas. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 321-322. Hybridisation in the United States. [1899.] Hortic. Soc Jl., 24 (1900), 209-213. Bailey, Hiberly] H[i/iie'], Arthur, J[oseph} Cymrles], & Holway, Kldward] ]l'[i!let] Dlorlard]. See Arthur, Bailey lV: Holway. Bailey, Loring jr[o«r(]. On the Acadian basin in American geology. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 717. Report of explorations and surveys in portions of York and Carleton counties. New Brunswick, 1884. [1884.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 1882-84, G1-G31, xix. On geological contacts and ancient erosion in southern and central New Brunswick. [1884.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1885 {Sect. 4), 91-97. Report of explorations and surveys in portions of the counties of Carleton, Victoria, York and Northumber- land, New Brunswick. 1885. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1886, G1-G30. The deepest fresh-water lake in America. Science, 8, 1886, 412-413. On the Silurian system of northern Maine, New Brunswick and Quebec. [1886.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1887 (Sect. 4), 35-41. Geology and geologists in New Brunswick. [1886.] Canad. Rec Sci., 2, 1887, 93-96. On the relics of the stone age in New Brunswick. N. Brunsw. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull., 6, 1887, 3-16. Notes on the physiography and geology of Aroostook county, Maine. [1887.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1888 (Sect. 4), 39-44. On the Acadian and St. Lawrence water-shed. Canad. Rec. Sci., 3, 1889, 398-413. On some relations between the geology of eastern Maine and New Brunswick. [1888.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 7, 1890 {Sect. 4), 57-68. Presidential address : On the progress of geological investigations in New Brunswick. [1889.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. A Trans., 7, 1890 (Sect. 4), 3-17. The gold-bearing rocks of New Brunswick, and the possible discovery of remunerative gold deposits in that province. [1891.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proo. & Trans., 9, 1892 (.S'«-(. 4), 21-27. The mountain systems of America. A comparative study. [1895.] N. Brunsw. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull., 12, 1894, .ippend. C. Notes on the surface geology of south-western Nova Scotia. [1890.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 8, 1895, 1-8. Preliminary report on geological investigations in south-western Nova Scotia. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 6, 1895, Q1-Q21. Some typical sections in south-western Nova Scotia. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 640. The Bay ot Fundy trough in American geological history. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc iS: Trans., 8, 1897 (Sect. 4), 107-116. Notes on the geology and botany of Digby Neck. [1894.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1898, 68-82. Some Nova Scotian illustrations of dynamical geology. [1896.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1898, 180-194. Report on the geology of south-west Nova Scotia, embracing the counties of Queen's, Shelburne, Y'armouth, Digby and part of Annapolis. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 9, 1898, M1-M154. Triassic (?) rocks of Digby basin. N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1898, 356-360. The mineral resources of the province of New Bruns- wick. [1898.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 10, 1899, Ml- M129. Bailey, Loring W[oart'], & Mclnnes, William. Report on explorations in portions of the counties of Victoria, Northumberland and Restigouche, New Brunswick. To accompany quarter sheet map 2. N.W. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 2, 1887, N1-N19. Report on explorations and surveys in portions of northern New Brunswick, and adjacent areas in Quebec, and in Maine, U. S. [1888.] Canada Geol. Surv. Kep., 3, 1889, M1-M52, xiv. Report on portions of the province of Quebec and adjoining areas in New Brunswick and Maine relating more especially to the counties of Temiscouata and Eimouski, P.Q. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 5, 1893, M1-M28. Bailey, Loring JI'[o(irt], & Matthew, George F[rederick]. See Matthew & Bailey. Bailey, Fearee. Three cases of Brown-S^quard paralysis, with remarks on the sensory tract in the human spinal cord. N. y. Med. JL, 61, 1895, 294-298. Bailey, Pearce. it Ewing, James. A contribution to the study of acute asceuding (Landry's) paralysis. N. Y. Med'. Jl., 64, 1896, 1-10, 41-43. Bailey, S. C. //. A new meteoric iron from West Virginia. Science, 6, 1885, 563. On an aerolite from Rensselaer county, New York. Amer. Jl. Sci., 34, 1887, 60-62. Bailey, Solon I[rving'}. Triple rainbow. Science, 15, 1890, 363. The new meteorological station on the Misti. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 10 (1893-94), 433-434. u Centauri. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 689-692. On the forms of the disks of Jupiter's satellites. Astrophys. Jl., 2, 1895, 97-99. The diurnal oscillation of atmospheric pressure at the Peruvian stations of Harvard College ObseiTatory. [1896.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 12 (1895-96), 331-335. Variable stars in clusters. Astrophys. Jl., 8, 1898, 233-234; Science, 8, 1898, 452-4.53. The periods of the variable stars in the cluster Messier 5. Astrophys. Jl., 10, 1899, 255-260; Science, 10, 1899, 846-847. Note on the relation between the visiuil and photo- graphic light curves of variable stars of .short period. Astrophys. Jl., 10, 1899, 261-265. Peruvian meteorology 1888-90. Compiled and pre- Bailey 1 241 I Baillaad parcil for publinitiori (under the ilirection of Kdwiird (;. I'lcKKiiiNo]. Hurviird Ahtr. Obw. Aun., 39 ll't. 1), 1899, 1-153. Tlie rnte of increase in brixhtncDs of three variidde Htars in the cluxter Messier 3. Science, 12, 1900, 122- 123. Balloy, 7Y //niHi/s] L\ewii<]. A Jonea, P[hilip] II[eiiri/]. The pink cdloiiition 28. List of mammals of the district of Columbia. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 10, 1896, 9.3-101. Revision of the American voles of the genus Evotomys. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 11, 1897, 113-138. .\ new name for Microtus insularis, Bailey. Science, 8, 1898, 7H2-783. A new species of Evotomys from British Columbia. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 12, 1898, 21-22. Descriptions of eleven new species and subspecies of voles. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 12, 1898, 8.5-90. Revision of American voles of the genus Microtus. U. S. N. .Vmer. Kauna, .V". 17, 1900, 88 pp. Bailey, IT. .S'. The clas.silication and naming of igneous rocks. Science, 21, 1893. 87-8'.». Bailey, William (>. 'Report on the Michigan forest fires of 1881. U. S. Signal Serv. Notes, No. 1, 1882, Hi pp. Bailey, W'Hliavi M hilnian. Notes on Mahernia. [1884.] Bot. (la/.., y & 10, 1884-86, 10-11. Teratology. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-86, 17t>- 177. Stipules in Onagraceaj. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, '.). Cimcerning Abutilon. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 19-20. Synspcrmy in tlio horsechestnut. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 119. Some notes on the Hora of Rhode Island. [1885.] Newport Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 4, 1886, 3-12. Notes on the flora of the Hudson highlands. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, (lO-IU. Protorandry in Veltheimia. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, (>2. Note on Abutilon striatum. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 9fi. Changed environment. Nature, 40, 1889, 297. Notes from New Hampshire. Torrey Bot. Cluh Bull., !(!, 1889, 329-330. Hemlock and parsley. Amcr. Natlist., 25, 1891, 784- 786. An extraordinary case of fasciation in Kudbeckia birta. Torrey Bot. Cluh Bull., 18, 1891, 371-375. Notes on the flora of Block Island. ToiTey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 227-239. Vernation of Carya. Bot. Gaz., 24, 1897, 292-293. The old-time tloni of Providence. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 213-220. Bailey, \\'illiin}i ]l'hitman, A Rives, William V. Sec Rives i^' Bailey, Ballhache, U. Dosage de I'azotv nitriipn- par le proto- mlfiil. (I. f..r. Pari-. Ac. Sci. C. R.. 108, 1889, 1122- irj:i; P.iris S..I-. Cliini. Hull., 2, 1889, 9-13. BaUliacbe, f!., iV Commelin, Kd. Appareil pour prendre la densite des fraits, pommcs de terre, topinamboura ct autres tnberculcH ct racines. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889. P.ir.-l'iH. Ballhache, <>'., .V Blvltoe, Giutave. See Rivitre li; Ballhache. Bailie, ./'M. I). The stcamturhine engine and its appli- catHjns to mining industry. [Willi ilitciuiinn.] [1897.] Fed. Inst. Min. lOngin. Trans., 13, 1898, C21-C3fl; 11, 1898, 214-217; 1.5,1898, 178-179, 27.5-27<;. BaiUalrg^, Chirlet. Assign to this author title (Vol. 7) urjcl> r Baillargt. A particular case of hydraulic ram or water-hammer. [1884.] Canada Roy. Soc Proc. & Trans., 2, 1886 iScct. 3), 81-86. La question des "baby crystals." Sat. Canad., 21, 1897. 81-84. BalUarger, .Julf» Gabriel Frnnroit. For biographv ree Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 25, 1891, 13-16; Riv. Sper. di Fn-niatria, 17, 1891 (ileil. Lf'iale), 102. Baillaad, [Kdnwtrd] U[enjamin\ Sur les observations do Mimas. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 101-169. Sur Ic miiuvement du premier satellite de Saturne (Mimas). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884. 205-207. Sur les oscillations haromi'triques produites par I'eruption du volcan de Krakatoa, et enregistr^es an baromtitre Redier de rObservatoire de Touloose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.,98, 1884. 349. Occultations d'etoiles par la lune, obserN'ees a Toulouse pendant I'ecUpse totale du 4 octobrc 1884. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 99, 1884, 0.38-0.39. [Observations du premier satellite de Saturne, Caites depuis 1876.] Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884 (Sem. 1), 287-288. Determination des (^l^ments des orbites des cinq satellites interieurs de Saturne. [1884-86.] Toulouse Ac Sci. Mem., 7, 1886 (Hem. 1), 147-175; Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 118-122; Toulouse Obs. Ann., 2, 1886, B. h1- B. 120. IJesultats principaux de la discussion des observations des satellites de Saturne, faites a Toulouse de 1876 a 18S3. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 22.5-227. Sur le nombre des termes d'un certain developpement de la fonctiou perturbatrice. [188-5-87.] Toulouse Ac. Sci. M(5m., 8, 1886, 73-85; 9, 1887, .377-382. Sur le calcul uum^rique des integralcs d^tinies. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 2, 1886, B. 1-B. 30. Memoire sur le developpement de la fonction perturba- trice. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 2, 1886, B. 37-B. 79. Sur le calcul des fonctions if, , de M. Tissebanu. Bull. Astr., 4, 1887, 98-99. Observations de la Cometc Brooks, faites k I'Observa- toiie de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 104, 1887. 487. Rccherches complementaires sur le developpement de la fonction perturbatrice. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 2, 1888, E. 21 pp. Observations de la nonvelle Com6te Swift, faites a I'cquatorial Brunner de I'Obscryatoire de Toulouse. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. B.. 109, 1889, 8.50. Sur une preuve photographiqne obtenue aprcs neuf lieures de pose, a I'Obscrvatoire de Touloose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., HI, 1890, 519-521. Observations de la planete Charlois (11 fcvricr 1891) faites .H I'equatorial Brunnerde I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 112. 1891, 416. Observations de la Comete Swift faites a I'Observatoire de T..ulouso. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R,, 114, 1892, 726. Notice sur I'ctat de I'Observatoire de Toolouse. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 4, 1892, 276-288. 31 Baillaud] •242 [Baillet ObsxTviitions de la plani'te Chailois T (du 11 dccembre 1892), faites a TObservatoire de Toulouse (grand teles- cope). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 116, 1893, 12-5-126. Observations de petites planites, faites a I'Observatoire de Toulouse (t;rand telescope). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 679-fiSO. Observations de la plan^te (BC) (Bigourdan), faites au Krand telescope de I'Observatoire de Tonlouse. Bull. Astr., 11, 1894. .S.54. Sur I'organisation du service magn^tique a I'Observa- toire de Toulouse. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mim., 7, 1895, 597-621. Sur I'influence de la refraction sur les observations micrometriiiues. Bull. Astr., 13, 1896, 41-42, .'J36. Sur les quadratuies mecaniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 737-739. Discussion d'observations d'etoiles doubles faites a I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1898, 160-167. Observations faites a I'Observatoire de Toulouse pendant Feclipse du 27 decembre par MM. Baillaud, BouisGET, MoNTANGEKAND, EossAiiD et Besson. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 38-40. Observation des L^onides, a I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 80C-807. Etude sur les formules de quadratures mecaniques. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 3, 1899, D. 1-D. 36. Memoire sur les quadratures ni(!"caniques de rangs quelconques. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 3, 1899, E. 1-E. 38. De I'influence de la refraction sur les mesures micro- m^triqiies. [1900.] Paris, Com. Int. Carte Ciel Bull., H, 1902, 19-53. Baillaud, [Edouard] B[enjamin], & Bourget, Henri. Sur une pliutographie de la n^buleuse de la Baleine, obtenue a I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 1191-1192. Baillaud, [Eilouiiril] I>[evjamiii], & Cosserat, Kngcne. Observations de la planete Millosevich (1891, mars 1), faites a rObsen-atoire de Toulouse (equatorial Brnnner). Paris, Ac.,Sci. C. E., 112, 1891, 510-511. Baillaud, {Edouard^ ]![evjaiiiin], & Rossard, F. Observa- tions de la planete BU (Cbarlois), faites au grand teles- cope de I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1!., 120. 1895, 670, 796. Baillaud, [Edouaid] B[L'iijamiii], & Saint-Blancat, [!>■]. Observations de planetes, faites a I'Observatoire de Toulouse. .Bull. Astr., 4, 1887, 520. Baillaud, [Edoiiard] B[cnjiiiiiin], Bourget, Ihiiri, & IHontangerand, [/^.]. Si'c Bourget, Montangerand >\j Baillaud. Baillaud, [Edouard] l:[i'iijiiiiiiii], Jean, Ed., Fabre, Cliiirli'x, & Saint-Blancat, [D.]. See Jean, Fabre, Saint-Blancat A Baillaud. Baillaud, [Ediniiird] l:[i)ijaiiiin], Saint-Blancat, [/'.], Fabre, Charles, & IMontangerand, [A.]. Observations des satellites de Jupiter pendant I'opposition de 1883- 1884, faites a I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, .■.;i8-544. Baillaud, Eiiiile. Les territoires fran(,'ais du Niger. Leur valeur economique. Geogr. (Paris), 2, 1900, 9-24. Note sur la repartition des aniniaux domestiques dans le Soudan franeaiB. Paris, lUus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 331-333. Bailie, •/|''««] I!\iiptixte Ale.riiiidrr]. Delermination de I'niiiii. Etude de la metliode ilc raniortissement des aiuiants. Ann. Telegr., 11, 1884, 89-129, 224-264. Influence de la temperature sur la valeur du eoui)lo de torsion des fils. Ass. Fran?. C. 11., 1884 {Pt. 1), 158. Mesure de la composaute horizontale du magnetisme terrestre, par la m(!'thode de I'amortissement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 99, 1884, 704-706; Telegr. Jl., 15, 1884, S14. Determination des moments magnetiques par I'amor- tissement des aimauts oscillants. Ann. Cbim., 5, 1886, 289-316. Propagation d'uu cbranlement dans un cylindre. Ass. Frane. C. E.. 1885 {Pt. 1), 104-105. [La methodu de I'amortissement des aimants mobiles.] [ll'ithdiscussio)i.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1885, 12-14. Sur les d^sincrustiints des cbaudieres. Ass. Franv. C. E., 1887 (Pt. 1), 195. Etude de la vitesse du son dans les tuyaux de petit diam^tre. Jl. Phys., 6, 1887, 493-506. Sur un muyen d'etuilier les petites deformations des surfaces liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E. , 107, 1888, 731-733. Ecoulement des gaz, par nn long tuyau. Jl. Phys., 8, 1889, 29-41. Bailie, J[eim] B[aptiste Alexandre}, & Fdry, Ch[arles']. Etude de I'amalgame d'aluminium ; son emploi en thermochimie. Ann. Chim., 17, 1889, 246-256. Balance oplique a anneaux colores pour la mesure des petites forces. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1889 [Pt. 1), 253. Action des sources lumineuses intenses sur les plaques pbotographiques. Ass. Franc;-. C. E., 1890 (Pt. 1), 167- 168,; Lum. Elect., 36, 1890, 501-505. Etude d'un etalon pratique de force electromotrice. Jl. Phys., 9, 1890, 234-238. Mesure de I'eclat de Tare electrique et de quelqnes autres sources lumineuses. Lum. Elect., 41, 1891, 153-155. M^thode nouvelle pour determiner I'equivalent me- canique de la chaleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1494-1496. Baillehactte, (comte) E[ugene] de. Application des avertisseurs electriques pour la protection des bifurca- tions de la Compagnie d'Orleans. Application de ces memes avertisseurs pour la protection des passages a niveau de la Compagnie Paris-Lyou-Mediterranee, montage Chaperon et dc Baillehache. Postes de secours. Controle de la vitesse des trains. Enclenehements electriques. Ass. Franf. C. E., 1891 (Pt. 2), -269-276. Baillet, C. For biographical notice see Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 44, 1900, 297-298. Experiences sur les inoculations preventives du charbon. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884 (Sem. 1), 173-189; 7, 1885 (Sem. 1), 238-254. De I'emploi des etalons de pur sang et de leurs derives a la procreation des chevaux de service du t.ype Icger. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 9, 1887, 187-207. Sur la puissance (jue rbonnue possede de modifier I'organi.sation des animaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 9, 1887, 605-619. De I'atavisme et do I'origine des reproducteurs chez les priiicipales especes d'animaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 10, 1888, 314-341. De I'importance des etudes zooteehniques et des rapports qu'clles ont avec les sciences naturelles. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 10, 1888, 459-474. De la selection et de la eonsanguinite en zootechnie. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 2, 1890, 26.8-29li. Note sur les caraetcres qui distinguent les races dans les animaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 4, 1892, 102-121. Quelques mots sur les croisements dits au premier sang eliez los animaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 5, 1893, 128-143. Du croisement continu dans les races d'animaux domestiques. 'Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 7, 1896, 141- 160. Sur le metissage dans les races d'animaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 8, 1896, 62-79. Sur les hybridations considerees dans leurs rapports avec la zootechnie. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 9, 1897, 45-85. Baillet] 243 [BailloD Maladiex contaKieuiicii dcs aniiniiux u rbomme. IJonl.aiix Ac. Act., 62, 1900, 243-27',. BailUa, Edmund J[ohH]. Kor biograpliical notice tef Jl. Hot., U.">, 1897, 404. \Villuw8 uiul their cultivation. Clasxification of the willowK. .\gr. S0. Baillie, {l.ddi/) Mary. [Ueiiiarkuble BUiiriseH on Dc-cembor Mtli ami lull, 1H84.1 Ediiib. Koy. Soc. Proc., 13, 1886, ■2',. BallUe, Miiltheir. For biography tee Practitioner, 57, 1896, ')M;.i. BallUe, T. C. The abdolutc thermal conductivity oi nickel. tln9H.] Kdirib. Hoy. Soc. Trans., 39, 1900. 3i;i-382. BallUe, Tluimim li[ryiiun\ & Tafel, Jiiliiu. Kcduction von Acylaniineu /.u .Mkylamioen. Berlin, Cbem. Cies. Ber., 32! 1899, 6H-77. Ueber Desoxytaffein. Berlin. Chcm. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 32lli;-3220. BaUUe-Orohman, iri/2iiim. The Kootenay country. Scott. GtuKr. M:i^: , 1. 1885. 4.i..-4o9. BaiUon, AUsundre I'uul. Vea ptomaines, leor histoire chiuiiiiue, leur preparation, leurs rtl'actions, leur rule physiiilojjique et patholonique. Arch. Med. Pharni. MilitaireH, tj, 1886, 174-lli5. Methodc pour recueillir Its ^chantillons d'eau pour I'analvse micr<>biolo;), 223-225. BaUlon, ll[enri Ernest]. For biographical notice and works Ai-e Garden & Forest, 8, 1896. 340 ; Nature, .52 (1896), 301, 371; Roy. Sue. Proc., r,\), 1896, Uvii-lxii; Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1209-1211; Ik-v. Sci., 9, 1898, 013-622. — — • }techerclie8 sur les ovaires acropyUs. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884, 59-67. Etude botanique de I'hazigne (Symphonia fascicolata). Jl. Pharni., 9, 1884, 456-401. *Sur les cotes receptaculaires du fruit dcs Bertolonia. [1877.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 130-132. *Sur la symetrie tlorale du Lagiecia. [1S77.] Paris Soc. Liun. Bull., 1, 1889, 135-136. *Sur les Platycarpum. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 217. *Sur les genres australiens de la famille des Rubiacees. [1879.] Paris Sic. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 217-218. *Sur le Cephielis ixora;folia des jardins. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. 1, 1889, 218-219. *Sur les limites du genre Amaioua. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. 1, 1889, 219-221. *Sur I'organisation florale du Menyanthes. [1679.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 221. *Sur une poire luonstrueuse. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 221-222. 'Sur le retour a I'etat complet dcs diamines dans des fleurs anoriuales de Berberis. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 222-223. *Sur r.\nemonopsis. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 22;^224. 'Snr lAkania. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. BuU., 1, 1889, 224. "Sur le Didier«a. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 258-259. *Sur I'Hochstettera, DC. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 2.">9-200. 'Sur les stipules des Onagrariees. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 200-201. *Sur les gynecees monstrueux d'un Kalmia latifolia. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., 1. 1889, 201. *Sur les priJtendues coroUes regulieres des Cardudeset sur la coroUe hiiuiligulee. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. I, 1889, 201-263. *Sur quelque.-sLoKaniaceesneo-caledoniennes. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., 1, 1889, 203-264. Eiuendanda. [Is81-92.J Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 279-280, 287-288, 310-317, 407-108, 427-428, 52M. 703-704; (2, 1897,1989. • Ix-8 ovules dcs Kuiphotia. [18»4.] Parin Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889,405. Les lleurs iiolitaire< Bcorpioldales. [Ifi84.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889. 4ii5 106. Li.s-SK tranHforiiiist«. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., I. 1889, 409. Sur quelijues anemones mon'ttiTienses. [18H4.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. 1. 1889, 409-110. Leg Xylolitna ct la valeur de la famille des Cbleoac^es. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889. 410-414. Les ovules des DiefTenbacliia. llHy4.] Paris Soc. Linu. Bull.. 1, 1889, 417-Hm. Sur quelques cas d'efTets inversc-i de la force verticale. [18H4.) Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., 1. X889. 418-419. Sur un saule a placentas unioruli^. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 419-120. Un nouveau type aberrant, de Madagascar. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1. 1889. 420. La lleur femelle de I'Acanthnsicyos. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 422-423. Les vironiques a ovules detinis. (1884.) Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 423. Sur un nouveau >;cnre Cogniuuxia. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 423-424. Un nouveau type deCa;salpiniees monopetales. [18i4.] Paris Soc. Linn. BuU.. 1, 1889, 428-429. Sur un nouveau genre Bernieria. [18*4.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. 1, 1889, 434-435. Modifications de la caracteristiquc des ma.'icadicrs. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 435-136. Une nouvelle Cucnrbitacee anormale. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889. 441-142. L'intlorescence des Brunonia. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 442. Les problemes de I'orgaiiisation des Cucurbitac^es. [I8.8.5.] Paris Soc. Linn. BuU., 1, 1889. 451-4.i3. Les ovules des Ecliinocystis. [18t*5.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 457. La lieur ftmelle de I'Alsomitra brasiUensis. [1885.] Paris Soc Linn. BuU., 1, 1889, 457-458. Sur le genre Tribeles. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. BuU., 1. 1889. 465. La symetrie florale et I'androcee des Telfairia. [1885.) Paris Soc. Linn. BuU., 1, 1889, 473. Sur les nouveaux arbres a caoutchouc colombiens. [1885.] Paris Soc. Liun. Bull.. 1, 1889, 473-474. Constitution du genre Dombeya. [1885.) Paris Soc. Linn. BuU.. 1, 1889, 481-483. Organog^nie tlorale d'un Dichorisandra. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889. 489. Sur des fleurs femelles d'Orchidee. [1885.) Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1. 1889, 489-490. L'"appendice de I'achaiue" du Carex fra-seriana. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. 1. 1889. 490-191. L'apparente anomalie ovulaire du Menlzelia omata. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. 1, 1889. 513. Les nouveaux cafeiers des Cumorcs. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. 1, 1889. 513-514. L'orientation de la flcur de> Passiflores et U significa- tion morpholoi;ique de leur vriUe. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. 1, 1889. 521-.522. Le support des flours femelles des Cvcadacees. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1. 1889. .5-22-523. Sur le genre de Passifloracees Xetrastylis. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. BuU., 1, 1889, 523. Les ovules des Melampyres. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. BuU., 1. 1889. 531. Les organes sexueU du Limodorum abortivum. [1885.) Paris Soc. Linn. BuU., 1. 1889, 534-535. La placentation des Rehmannia. [1885.] ParU Soc Liun. Bull.. 1. 1889. 5:». 31—2 Baillon] 244 [Baillon Les ovules des AniRozanthos. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 63.5-536. Sur le i-oin(i-ala et ses usages. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 539-510. Une Anonacoe nouvellede Madagascar. [1885.] Paris Soc. Liuu. Bull., 1, 1889, 540. Sur I'organisation des Hydnora. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 545-547. Sur les Apama. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 547. Sur quelques points de I'organisation des Nepenthes. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 553-554. Types nouveaux de la flora nialgache. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 554-555. Sur rorganisation florale des Thylacospermum et Colo- banthus. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889,55.5-556. Les primefeuilles des noyers. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 561. De Asteropeiai structura et positione. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 561-562. Un nouveau type reduit de Portulactes. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.', 1, 1889, 569. Nouvelles observations sur les Chli^uac^es. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 570-572. La place du Minquartia d'AuBLET. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 585-586. Le genre Humblotia. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 593-594. ■ Sur la symetrie des androctes m^iostemonees et du disque des Caryopbyllacees. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 601-603. Organisation florale du Githago. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 603-604. Quelques nouveaux tvpesdelafloredu Congo. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 609-612. Experiences sur la nutation des pavots. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 017-618. Sur le genre Makokoa. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 619-620. L'antbere des Polycuemum. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 620. Sur rorganog(?nie florale des Salicornes. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull, 1, 1889, 620-622. Sur les Psilostachys de Zanzibar. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 622-623. Le genre nouveau Marcellia. [1.8^6.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 625-626. . Les aflinites multiples des Guilleminea. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 636-637. Le meilleur remede du mildew. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 041-643. Les fleurs I'emelles et les fruits des arroches. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 043-644. Eemarques sur I'organisation et les aflinites des Podost^monacees. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 644-648. D(;veloppemeut de la fleur femelle du Sarcobatus. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 649. Sur une Bixac^e i ovaire uniloculaire et uniovul^. [1887.] Pans Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 650. Un nouveau genre gamopi5tale de Loasac^es. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 050-651. Sur les Asimiua. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 651-652. Les ovules des peupliers. 1 1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 659-660. . Sur quelques types du groupe intermediaire aux Solanacics et aux Scrofulariac(5es. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 060-063. Les ovules des plantains. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 003-004. Un nouveau mode de monoccie du pajiayer. 1 1887.] I'aris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 665. Notes sur les Pedalin^es. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 665-671, 677-878. Notes sur les Crescenti^es. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 078-680, 683-088, 090-696. Sur un Celosia monstrueux. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 681. Un nouveau type apirianth(5. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 681-683. Le gync5cie du Collinsia parviflora. [1887.] Paris Soc. Liiin. Bull., 1, 1889, 0116. Organogenic florale du Pentstemon campanulatus. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 690. Le genre Baraisia. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 097-698. Sur les noms de quelques genres de Scrofulariac^es. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 698-699. Les Graminecs i ovules exceptionnels. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 699-701. Notes organogeniques sur les Salpiglossis. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 701-702. Sur rorganisation florale de quelques Gentianac^es. [1887-88.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 702-703, 755-756. Experiences physiologiques sur I'enroulement des vrilles d'nne Amp^lidee. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 705-707. Les appendices stipulaires des Leycesteria. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 707. Le nouveau genre Siphocolea. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 707-709. L'organisation florale des Seemannia. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 709-710. RemarquessurlesTernstrcemiacees. [1887-91.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 710-712, 728; [2, 1897,] 873- 874, 951-952, 905-966. L'ovule des Pediculaires et des Scutellaires. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 71.3-714. Le Tripinna de Louheibo. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 714. Le Digitalis dracocepbaloides du Flora Fluminensis. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 714-715. Observations sur les Gesneriacees. [1887-88.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 717-720, 722-725, 731-736. Le genre Newtonia. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. BuU., 1, 1889, 721-722. Une question de nomenclature, a propos des Bignonia. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 725-726. Le genre Amblvocalyx. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 727.' — — - L'ovule des Acokanthera. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 727. Observations sur le Veratrilla. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 729-730. Les feuilles anormales des Codia'um. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 730-731. Les Anacamptis et Gymnadenia ; I'origine de leur r(5tinacle. [1888.] Paris 'Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 737- 738. Sur le traitement de I'antbracnose et du black-rot. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 738-742. Sur le Plectaneia. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 742-743. Les fleurs hermapln-odites des Lilasa. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 743. ■ Le nouveau genre Lonrya. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn Bull., 1, 1889, 743-744. . Les inflorescences localis^es. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 745-747. Types nouveaux d'Apocvnac^es. [1888-89.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889^ 747-752, 757-700, 772- 775. Sur des Sohizophytes des urines acidea, puisalcaliues. [1888.1 I'ai'is Soc. I'-inu. I'.nll., 1, 1889, 753 754. Baillon] 245 I Baillon Paris Soc. Paris Soc. OrganoRc^nic ovulaire don Acokanthcra. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bnll., 1, 1889, T'lii. Sur un mode particulicr do piopajiation du mildew. fl8HH.] PariH Soc. Linn. liuU., 1, 1889, TOl-TOa. KemarqueH sur le nemo Tlionardia. [1888. | Paric Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889. 7()3-7(;8. Hur lo lUssolH'na vcrticillata, Lour. [1888.J Paris See. Linn. Hull., I, 1889, 7(18. Lea stipules ct les bractues des Circ(5es. Linn. Hull., 1, 1889, 772. Sur iiuplqucs Gynopo^on nd-o-caU-doniens. Linn. Dull., 1, 1889, 77.5^77(i, 7H1-782. Sur Us antlii-rcs de queliiues Apocynacies. Paris Soc. Linn, liull., 1, 1889, 777-77!). Sur rinllorcscL-iicp des Tryphostemmn. Paris Soc. Linn. liiill, 1, 1889, 779-780. ■ Sur un iiciuveau Plocospernia. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 7H0-7.S1. Sur I'oboueti'' du Gabon. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 782-783. Ktude des Prestonia. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 788-78-1, 789-792. Sur (juelques Milodinua n6o-cal(^doniens. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 78.")-787. Lus Hours rniUos du I'odnon. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 793; [2, 1897,] 81.5-.S1U. Les Didioroa de Madaga.scar. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 22-21. Sur une Asclepiiidac^e comestible du Laos. [1889.] Paris S(ie. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] H[0]l-8[0].5. Sur le Craspidospermum. [18S9.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,1 810].5. Sur lo ■,Tou])e des Tacazze(;es. [1889.] Paris Soc. Liun. Bull., [2, 1897.] M[0J.5-8[0]8. Sur trois Stephanotis neo-caledonicus. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 811-812. Le I'eMtaniira du Yunnan. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 812. L'organisationdela fleuret du fruit de rilarpaRonella. [188'.).] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897.1 812-811. Sur I'organisation des Humbertia. [1889.] Pai-is Soc. Linn. Bull., (2, 1897.] H14-.S1.';. Le Biinamia de DrpKTiT-THoiTAUs. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. [2. 1897, | 817. Sur I'Ellisiopbyllum. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 817-818. Les Hours du Sacellium lanceolatum, H.Il.K. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 818-81'J. Sur un nouveau Tlienardia du Mexique. Paris Soe. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 819-820. La preHoraison de la eorolle desDichondrfe. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 820. Sur plusieurs Acanthacees a Heurs involucr(;es. [1890.] Paris Soc. Liun. Bull., [2, 1897,] 820-823, 82(J-827. — — Sur le panibotano. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 824. Les <|uatre divisions stylaires du Cleonia. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2," 1897,] 824. Sur le tangliin de Menahe. [1890.) Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,]H2.5-82G. Le Garcinia Balansa?, nouvel arbre 4 praines olea- Rineuses. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 827-828. Reconstitution do la famille des Boraginacees. Orga- nisation de ses ovules. [1890.] Paris Soc. Liun. Bull., [2, 1897,] 828-831, 857-859. Sur les caractires des Otacanthus. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 831-832. Le nouveau genre Pericstes. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 833-834. Les rapports du I'odoon et du Pobinea. [1890.] Paris Soc. Liun. Bull., [2, 1897,] 831-83.5. [1890.] [1890.] [1890.] Sur quelqucs types anomaux d'Acanthac£ef>. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., |2, 1897,] 83.5-838. Sur un genre dc Boraginao'es a fcuilles opposees. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 839. Sur Ic Diantbera clttvata, Funt. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 8.39-840. - Sur la vigne d'.VIIissacli. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] H41-H42. - Le santal de Madagascar. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 842-H44. - Sur les baobabs de Madagascar. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. BulL, [2, 1897,] 844-840. - Sur le Neolindenia. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 8.51, 8(;7-8(i8. - Sur plusieurs Kuellii^escxceptionnelles. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. [2, 1897,] 8.52-8-53. Le fruit du Santalina. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] H.53. Ltt Ueur ct la graine de I'Hottonia palnstris. [1890.] Paris Soc. Liini. Bull., [2, 1897,] 8.54. Sur les caracteres des Hansteinia et Stenostephanus. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 85i5. Sur le Stropliiintlius hispidus. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 8.5.5-8.50. Observations sur quelques nouveaux types du Congo. [1890-91.] Paris Soc. Linn. BuU., [2, 1897,] 868-872, 870-879, 9-53-954. Les atlinites des Verbi5nacees. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,) 874-875. Les tieurs de I'Anisacautbus virgularis, Xea. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 875-870. Sur uu Lvsineraa monstrueux. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 879. Sur un nouveau Baillonia. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 880. Observations sur les Sapotoc^es de la Nouvelle- Cal(5donie. [1890-91.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 881-888, 889-896, 897-904, 905-912. 91-5-920, 922-920, 935-930, 941-944, 94,5-949, 903-90-5. Sur le Monotbeca et son organisation florale. [1891.] Paris Sue. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 913-915. Sur le nouveau genre Oncotheca. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 931-932. Heniarques sur les Galacees. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 93.3-935. - Les Phelline de la Nouvellc-Caledonie. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 937-939. Note sur I'organisation florale du Greyia Sutherland!. [1891.] Paris Soe. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897."] 950-951. Sur I'organogenie Morale des Utriculaires. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 909-970. Notes sur les Plombaginees. [1891-92.] Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., [2, 1897,] 981-984, 999-1000. Deux nouveaux types de Lorantliacees. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 985-986. La pretendue adlnrence du nucellc des Conifi^res. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 980-988. - — Sur une nouvelle Mappiee du Congo. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897.) 988-989. Sur quelques atlinites des Erythropalum et des Para- philia. [1892.] ParisSoc. Linn." Bull., [2, 1897,] 990-999. Sur le genre Hackelochloa. [1»92.) Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897.) 1006-1008. L'inflorescence du Sesleria cirrulea. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. [2. 1897.) 1011-1012. Sur le fruit du Rbizocephalus crucianelloides, Boitt. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1012. Les glumellules du Guaduella. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2. 1897.) 1013. L'axe d'iuHorescenec du Tbuarea. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. [2, 1897,] 1015-1016. L'organisiition et les atlinites du Kerinozoma. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1018-1019. Baillon] 24 G [Baillon Observations sui- la fleurdu Boissiera. [1892.] Paris Sue. Linn. Bull., \2. 1897,1 1019-1021. Sur l<'.s tleurs dii (laiiiiardia pallida. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1U21-1023. Sur les caracteres des Arundiuella. [1892.] Paii.s Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1023-1024. Sur I'organisation dii genre Cathestechum. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1028-1030. Les fleurs du Prosaitcs Hookeri. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897.] 1031-1032. Sur les tieurs rle rAnoniochloa marantoidea. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1033-1031. . Les fjlumellules du Poa annua. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1034. Une Graminee uniHore. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1034-1030. Sur les iJeiioarpes libres des Graminees. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1036-1037. L'inflorescence et le gynecee des Stellaster. [1.S92.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1037. La fieur femelle de I'Oiiizia. [1892.] Paris Soe. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1(137-1039. Sur I'organisation tlorale d'un Notylia. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1039-1040. Les paleoles du diss. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897.] 1042-1043. Notes orgauogeniques sur la fleur des Triuris. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1049-10.50. Sur la direction des ovules des Alisma. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1050-10.51. Sur la nomenclature geuerique. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 10.53-10-54. Les Spartina fran^ais. [1892. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1054-10.55. Les aconits antidotes. [1892.] Bull., [2, 1897,] 1057. Sur le Monachvrou, Pari. 11892.] Bull., [2, 1897,] 1057-1059. Observations sur les riz. [1892.] Bull., [2, 1897,] 1001-101)3. Sur les fleurs du seigle. [1892.] Bull., [2, 1897,] 1003-1064. Sur le Phasnosperma globosum. Liun. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1006-1067. Les rapports des Lepidopironia et des Cbloris. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 10i;9-1072. Les fleurs du Catabrosa iiquatica. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1072. Nuuvelle note sur I'Acbiachne. [1893.] Paris Soe. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1073. Sur I'epillet des flouves. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1073-1075. • Sur le Leptocbloa bipinnata. [1893.] Paris Soc. Liun. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1075-1070. ■ Observations sur les Osterdamia. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1070-1077. Sur le d^'Velopiiemeut des fleurs du Nardus stricta, L. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1077-1078. Le nouveau genre Anisocycla. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1078-1079. Suppression des Tristiiginees comme tribu. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1081-1087, 1093- 1094. LeB fleurs des iJouteloua. [1893. J Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1087-1088. Sur lellytiibispernia, Steud. [1893.] Pari.s See. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1088. lieiuurques sur un Digitaria cultivi. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull , [2, 1897,] 1089-1090. Sur les fleurs du BIcpliaiidiicbnella-eiuoehleBigelowii). [1893.] Paris Soc. Liun. Bull., [2, 1897.] 1090-1091. I;e genre Bi'ckera, Fres. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1091-1092. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Paris Soc. Linn. Paris Soc. Linn. Paris Soc. Linn. Paris Soc. Linn. Paris Soc. Linn. [1893.] Paris Soc. Soc. Linn. Paris Soc. Pai-is Soc. Paris Soc. Le fruit du Thuarea. [2, 1897,] 1092-1093. Note sur les Pennisetum. Bull., [2, 1897.] 1094-1090. Sur des fleurs doubles de perce-neige. [1893-94.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1090, 1119. L'inflorescence des Dianella. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1096 r/. Sur quelques caracteres des Conanthera. [1893.] Paris Soc. Liun. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1096 /i. Notes orgauogeniques et organographiques sur les Carex. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1097- 1101. Sur la signification des soies de certaines Cyperactjes. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1103-1104. Sur les caracteres des Khipogonum. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1105. L'organisation et les aiiiuites des Campynem^es. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 110.5-1109. Sur le Eeineckia caruea, K. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1109. La fleur d'un Oaubenya. [1893.] Paris Bull, [2, 1897,] 1110-llli. Sur les flinrs du Leucocrinuni. [1893.] Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1111. Les plautes alliees aux Tupistra. [1893.] Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1111-1112, 1113-1117. Sur les fleurs de Bulbiue annua. [1894.] Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1118-1119. Sur le genre Agrostocrinum. [1894.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull, ['2, 1897,] 1119-1120. Les ovules des Corvlopsis. [1894.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 112-2-1123. L'l/volution de l'inflorescence dans les Graminees. [1894.] Paris Soc. Liun. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1123-1128. Etude d'un uouvel Aspidistra. [1894.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1129-1132. Un Imbofia ornemental du Kalahari. Soc. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1132. Sur les limites du genre Calliphruria. Soc. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897.] 1133-1136. Sur le genre Pauridia. [1894.] Paris Bull, [2, 1897,] 1137. Sur les limites du genre Barbacenia. [1894.] Soc. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1137-1139. Sur la (lenr d'un Hippeastrum. [1894.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1140-1141. Observations sur les Liriope. [1894.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1141-1144, 11.54-1155. L'organisation florale des Portea. [1894] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1145-1146. La place des Connaraeees dans la classification. [1894.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1146-1147. Sur deux Cyrtandrees ornementales. [1894.] Paris Soc. Liun. Bull, |2, 1897,] 1147-1148. La coUerette (I'un Callipbruria. [1894.] Linn. Bull, ['2, 1897, | 1149. Une Iridaeee sans matiire verte. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1149-11.50. Les Iridacees a ovules definis. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897.] 1153. Sur la valeur du ^;enre Louienia. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1153-1154. Le nouveau genre Grevellina. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897, | 1100. Les paluiiers nialgacbes a petites fleurs. [1894-95.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull, (2, 1897,1 11111-1168, 1171-117G, 118.5-1186. Les caracteres et les limites du genre Kuscus. [1894.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull, |2, 1897,] 1169-1171. Listo des plantes de Madagascar. (Suite.) [1895.] J'aris Soc. Linn. Bull, |2, 1897,] llHO-llsl, 1196- 1199. [1894.] [1894.] Soe. Paris Paris Linn. Paris [1894.] [1894.] [1894.] [1894.] Paris Soc. Paris Soc. Paris Soc. Paris Soc. Paris Soc. Baillon I •247 [Baily OiKiiii(i(,'i'iiio llurale (1i>h Aiithiniiiiii. [18'J.j.J I'uriii Soc. Linn. Hull., |'2, 1897. | llHl-1182. Siir iin noiiveiin Diilierca. [18!)5.) PnriB Soc. Linu. Bull., 1-2, 1897,1 11H2 1184. OiKiinci(.;i'iiiu lloriilc d'uii Crdrela. [1895.] I'uHh Soc. Linn. Bull., |'2, 1897, | llH(i-llH7. Hur le.s Triuiidaetes dv I'lioibicr L.-C. Riclianl. [189").J I'ariB Soc. Linn. Hull., |2, 1897,) I1m7-U8!I. Lc» orgauvs sexueli dcs I'rescottiii. [lf"j,3.] I'nrin Soc. Linn. Hull., |2, 1897.1 1189-1190. Ob.scrviitiims sur lu Tapiscia. [189.5.] I'aris Soc. Linn. Hull., |2, 1897,) lllMi-1192. Une MuHiici'e-Zinnib(rri' Ti ftuit sili(|uiforuic. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Hull.. |2, 1897,) 1193-1194. Sur lu MvrDsinii ciuinEcfoIiuni, L. Jil. [1895.] I'aris Soc. Linn. Hull., 12, 1897,) 1194-119.5. Sur iiU(li|Ufs lioniiorcliis. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897.) 119.5-1196. Une question de nomenclature nu point de vue pratique. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897.) 1199-1200. Sur la nature axile des ovaires infcres. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Hull., [2, 1897,) 1205-1208. BaiUs, [1,1111 Ktienne]. Assign to this author No. 4 (I'uJ. 9) undir Ballls, . For biography and works see Ann. Mines, 16, 1889, 517-521. Ballls, {cc. Proe., k, 1887, 32-34; Pliil. Ma;;., 21, 1886, 415 116. On a theorem relating to curbed dilTraetion gratingN. [1886.] London Phys. Soc. Proc.. 8, 1887, 53-55; Phil. Mag., 22, 1886, 47-49. On the construction of a ocdour map. (1892.) London Phvs. Soc. Proc. II, 1892, 323-332: 12, 1894, 1-3; Phil. .Mag., 33, 1892, 496-503; 35, 1893, 4<>-17. Baily, Willifiin llellirr. For biography and list of works see Dresden IhIh Sber, 1888, 42-43; Oeol. Mag., 5, 1888. 431-432, 575-576; Nature, 38, 1888, 390; Oeol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 45, 1889 il'roe.), 39-41. '[Paheontoiogical notes on part of the county of Kildare and part of King's and Queen's counties.] Ireland Oeol. Surv. [Mem.j {Sheet [119]), 1808, 8-11. *Paln.Mmt(dogical notes [on parts of the county of Kildare and Queen's county]. Ireland Ueol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 128), 1859, 15-17. *Pal«)ontologiciil notes [on part of the counties of Kilkennv, Carlow, Kildare and Queen's Co.]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 137), 1889, 12-15. 'Paheontoiogical note* (on parts of the county of Tii'perary and of Kinii's and Queen's oouiilics]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (.S/i«l 135|, 1860, 11-14. 'Paloiontological notes [on part of the countieH of Clare and K''rrv). Ireland Geol. Sur^'. Mem. {Shtef 140 A 141), 1860, 8-10. 'Paheontoiogical note-s [on parts of the counties of Clare, Kerry and Limerick]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet li-2)'. 1860, U-19. •Paheonlological notes [on part of the counties of Clare and Limerick). Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sluet 143), 1860, 10-12. 'Paheontoiogical notes [on part of the county of Tipperary). Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 145), 1860, 10-14. '[Paheontoiogical notes on part of the counties of Dublin and Meath.] Ireland Geol. Surv. [Mem.] {Sheet* 102 A- 112), 1861, 11-19. 'Pala'ontoloiiical notes [on parts of the counties of Kilkenny and Tipperary). Ireland Gcol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 146), 1861, 9-1 ll *Pala!onlological notes [on parts of the counties of Kilkenny, Carlow and Wexford). Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 147 .t 157). 1861, 12-18. 'Palaontological notes [on j'arts of the counties of Limerick and Cork). Ireland Gcol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 153), 1861, 8-15. 'Palaontological notes [on a portion of the Queen's county). Ireland Geol. Surv. M^m. (Sheet 127), 1862, 8-13. 'Paheontoiogical notes on the Silurian and Old Ited Sandstone fossils collected within the area included in sheets 133, 134, 135, 143. 144 and 145. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 133), 1862, 9-20. 'Paheontoiogical remarks [on part of the county of Cork]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (SheeU 187, 195 & 196), 1864, 10-30. 'Palaontological notes [on parts of the counties of Cork and Kerrv]. Ireland Gcol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet* 192 A- 199), 1864. 11-25. 'Palaontolo;;ical notes [on parts of the counties o Waterford, Wexford, Kilkenny an.l Ttpjierary]. Inland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 167, 168, 178 A 179). 1865. 18-30. 'Remarks on the fossils [from parts of Wicklow and Dublin]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 121 A- l.W), 1869. 16-22. 'Paln'ontological notes [on the coantry around Belfast, Lisburn and Moira]. Ireland OeoL Surv. Mem. (Sheet 36). 1871, 13-17. 'Pala'ontological remarks [on parts of Co. Down]. Ireland Geol. Surv. .Mem. {Sheets 37, 38 A 29), 1871, 16-19. BailyJ •248 [Bain • *PalffiontoIof!icaI notes [on piuts cif tlie counties of Louth, Menth and Monafjlian]. Ireland Geol. Suiv. Mem. {S!u'rl.i HI A 82), 1871, 11-14. *Paln!ontolo(;ical leniarts [on parts of Mayo, Galway, Kosconinion and Lonf;ford]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 80, 87, 88 A 8.5), 1871, 12-14. "Palajontological notes [on parts of Meath, Louth and Dublin]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 91 & 92), 1871, 13-2a. •PaliEontological notes [ou part of the county of Mayo]. Ireland (ieol. Hurv. Mem. {Sheet 75), 1872, 14-17. *PalieontoloKical notes [im parts of Longford, West- meath and Meath]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 89 & 90), 1872, 12-16. *Palajontological remarks [on the country around Armagh]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 47), 1873, 16-22. *Palieontological notes [on parts of the counties Kos- common, Leitrim, Longford, Cavan iind Meath]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 78, 7SI * 80), 1873, 12-17. *Pala;ontological notes [on Eoscomnion and parts of Mayo and Sligo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 76 & 77). 1874, 11-15. . 'Pateontological notes [on the country around Antrim, Lame and Carrickfergus]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 21, 28 & 29), 1876, :!7-44. *Pal8eontological notes [on parts of Galway and Mayo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 73, 74, 83 & 84), 1876, 27-33. *Pala!ontological notes [on the Tyrone coalfield and surrounding districts]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 35), 1877, 14-22. ♦Pahcontological notes [on the country around Dundalk and Carrickmacross]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Slieet 70), 1877, 15-18. *Pala!ontological notes [on parts of Co. Tyrone]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 34), 1878, 24-29. *Palieontologioal notes [ou parts of the counties of Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon and Mayo]. Ireland Geol. Surv! Mem. (Sheets 66 & 67), 1878,' 17-26. *Pala!ontological notes [on parts of Cavan, Leitrim and Monaghan]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 68 & 69), 1878, 16-21. *PaliEontological notes [on parts of the county of Galway]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 93 & 94), 1878, 48-53. *Palffiontological notes [on parts of Co. Mayo and Co. Sligo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 41, 63 & 64), 1879, 30-36. *Palffiontological notes [on the county of Wexford]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 169, 170, 180 & 181), 1879, 55-60. *Pahcontological notes [on parts of the counties of Sligo and Mayo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 54 & 42), 1880, 18-22. *Pala;ontological notes [on parts of the counties of Kildare, Wicklow and Dublin]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 120), 1880, 17. *Pal!Uontological notes [ou parts of Londonderry, Antrim and Tyrone]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Slu-et 27), 1881, 44-46. "I'alieontological notes [on parts of Fermanagh, Monaghan and Cavan]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 57), 1881, 19-21. "I'alitontological notes [on parts of Sligo and Mayo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 65), 1881, 17-20. "IteviBcd ))aliEontological notes of the Lcinster or Custlecomer coal 6eld. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 127 etc.), 1881, 19-29. *Paln'ontological notes [on the country around Ennis- killen, Fivemiletown, Trillick, Lisbellaw and Maguires- bridge]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 45), 1882, 21-23. *Pal8eontological notes, sheet 158. Ireland Geol. Surv, Mem. (Sheets 158 & 1.59), 1882, 38-40. Palseontologiciil notes [ou parts of Londonderry and Tyrone]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 18),' 1884, 27-29. PaliEontological notes [on portions of the counties of Tyrone and Londonderry]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 26), 1884, 26-28. On trilohitea and other fossils, from Lower or Cambro- Silurian strata, in the county of Clare. [1885.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc. , 4, 1885, 373; Ireland Geol. Soc. Jl., 7, [1887], 29. Palseontological notes [on jmrts of the counties of Sligo and Leitrim.] Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 42 & 43), 1885, 32-34. Pala'ontological notes [on portions of the counties of Sligo and Leitrim.] Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 55), 1885, 33-35. PaliEontological notes [on parts of the counties of Armagh, Fermanagh and Monaghan], Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 58), 1885, 12-13. On a new species of Orophocrinus (Peutremites), in Carboniferous limestone, County Dublin. .\lso remarks upon Codaster trilobatus (M'Coij), from Carboniferous limestone. County Kilkenny. [1885.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 5, 1886-87, 31-32 ; Ireland Geol. Soc. Jl., 7, [1887], 71-73. PahTontological notes [ou Co. Antrim]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 14), 1886, 32-34. PaliEontological notes [on the country around Bally- meua, Glenarm, Connor, and the mountainous district west of Larue]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 20), 1886, 23-28. PaliEontological notes [on the district round Omagh, Fintona and Irvine-stown]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 33), 1886, 24-28. PaliEontological notes [on portions of the counties of Fermanagh, Leitrim and Cavan]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 44), 1886, 17-20. PaliEontological notes [on parts of Fermanagh, Cavan and Leitrim]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 56), 1886, 16-19. Palffiontological notes [on Tyrone and part of Donegal]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 25), 1887, 21-23. ■ • PaliEontological notes [on parts of Tyrone, Monaghan, Fermanagh and Armagh]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 46), 1887, 15-18. PaliEontological notes [on parts of Wexford, C'arlow and Wicklow]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 148 & 149), 1887, 20-24. [Coast of Antrim and Deny, including the Giant's Causeway.] PaliEontological notes. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 7 * 8), 1888, 41-49. • ■ Pala'ontological notes [on portions of the counties of Donegal and Tyrone]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 24), 1888, 46-48. PaliEontological notes [on Donegal and Fermanagh]. [Posth.] Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 31 & 32), 1891, 26-39. Baily, lI'iHiuni L. Western sandpiper (Ereunetes oooi- dentalis) more abundant than the semipalniated (E. pusillus). Auk, l:i, 1896, 174. Summer birds of northern Elk county, Pa. Auk, 13, 1896, 289-297. Disgorgement of cherry stones again noted. .■Vuk, 14, 1897, 412-413. The dovekie (Alle alle) on the coast of Virginia. Auk, 17, 1900, 293. Bain, Ale.i-under. The scope of anthropology, and its relation to the science of mind. [1885.] Brit. Ass. Kep., 1886, 1204; Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 15, 1886, 380- 388. Bain] 249 [Baird Bain, .llej-aiuirr, Fonlllta, .lll'rcd, iV- Bodgaon, .S7i(if(- irarlh II. UciiiJirkH un Mr. St'i,i.Y'H|)iiper on tlic |iBycho- phyHical procoSH in iiltrntii)n. ISrain, lit. 1890. .t-lH-S.W. Bain, Andrew (Jrddi't. 'ItcininiHccnccK iind iinieilntcH cumieeted with tbe hiHtory of gt'olo(,'y in .Soiilh .\fricii, or the pursuit of knowlciino under liiflicultits. [iH.M.j [/'<«(/(.] S. Africa Gcol. Hoc. Trans., 2, 1897, S'.l-7.5. Bain, Francis. The migration of the swallows. Auk, 2, 1889. 21)j. Winter birds of Prince Edward Island. Auk, 2, 1886, 2C.S-2(;7. 'I'he wild swan in Prince Edward Island. Auk, A, 1886, 131. On a Permian moraine in Priuec Edward Island. Cunad. Itec. Sci., 2, 1887, 341-3-13. The Permian in Prince Edward Island. Science, 21, 1893, 132-133. [Glacial moraine in Prince Edward Island.] A cor- rection. Science, 21, 1893, 3fi0. . Bain, Fnincix, & Dawson, (,S'i>) ./[«/iii] William. Notes on tlie Kcolofjy iind fossil flora of Prince Edward Island. Caiiiia. llec. Sci., 1, 1888, 1.54-lt;i. Bain, Harry Foster. Distribution and relations of the Saint Louis limestone in .Mahaska county, Iowa. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 1, 1893, 171-179. Structure of the Mystic coal basin. [1893.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1 (Pt. 4), 1894, 33-36. SiRournev deep well. [1893.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1 (Pt. 4). 1894, 3r)-38. Peculiarities of the Mystic coal scam. Amer. Geolo- gist, 13. 1894, 407-411. Preglacial elevation of Iowa. [1894.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1896, 23-2fi. Central Iowa section of the Mississippian series. Amer. Geolofiist, 1.5, 1896, 317-325. Cretaceous deposits of the Sioux valley. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Kep.], 3, 1896, 99-114. GeoloKY of Keokuk county. 4, 1896, 2.55-311. (ieologv of Mahaska county. 4, 1895, 3i,3-38(). Origin of certain features of coal basins. (Chicago), 3, 1896, (■i4ri-e54. Notes on Iowa building stones. [1895.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1894-95 {Pt. 4), 500-510. Geology of Washington county. [Rep.], 5," 1896. 11.3-173. — — Geology of Woodbury county. [Rep.]. .5," 1896, 241-299. Geology of Appauoose county. [Rep.], 5," 1896. 361-438. Relatii'DS of the Wisconsin and Kansan drift sheets in central Iowa, and related phenomena. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 6, 1897, 429-476. Geology of Polk county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Bep.], 7, 1897, 2G.3-412. Geology of Guthrie county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 7, 1897, 413-487. A sketch of the geology of Mexico. JI. Geol. (Chicago), 5, 1897, 384-390. The .\ftonlan and pre-Kausan dejx)sits In south- western Iowa. [1897.] Iowa Ac. Sol. Proc, 5, 1898. 8G-101. The Bethany limestone at Bethany, Missouri. Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898. 433-439. Geology of Decatur county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.]. 8, 1898, 255-309. Geology of Plymouth county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 8, 1898, 31.5-366. Properties and tests of Iowa building stones. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 8, 1898, 367-416. Notes on the drift of northwestern Iowa. Amer. Geologist, 23, 1899, 168-176. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], Jl. Geol. . S. Geol. Iowa Geol. Surv. Iowa Geol. Suiv. Iowa Geol. Surv. Geology of Carroll county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Hop. J, 9, 1899, 49-107. The western interior coal-field of America. (Ix98.j N. Eug. Inst. Mm. Kngin. Trans., 48. 1900, -55 ho. Geology of the Wichita mouutaini<. [With re|K>rt on the fossils by Stuart Wku.kh.J [1899.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull,, n, 1900, 127-144. Bain, Harry t'oiter, Sc CiUTln, Samuel. .See OalTln iV Bain. Bain, Harry Fmter, \ Zi«onard, ,4[r(/iur] ti[Tay]. The .Middle Coal Measures of the western interior coal field. .'I. Geol. (Chicago). C, 1898. -577-588. Bain, Harry Fotler, A Tilton, ./. /,. .See Tilton ,V Bain. Bain, Hurry Fuller, A: Todd, James Edward. .Stt Todd .V Bain. Bain, ./. Wation. The occurrence of gold in some rocks In western Ontario. [1899.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 2, 1904, 39-40. .\. convenient resistance for electrolytic analysis. [1900.) Canad. Inst. Proc, 2, 1904, 91-92. Bain, William. The action of certain drugs and mineral waters on the setretion and ciuuposition of human bile : an experimental investigation. [IWjy.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 91-130. An experimental contribution to the study of the mechanism of bile secretion. [1899.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, 69-74. Observations on the excretion of nitrogen in rheama- toid arthritis. London Path. Soc. Trans., 51, 1900, 124-127. Bain, William, & Edsscombe, Wilfred. The physiological action of certain mineral waters and baths on the blood, and on the excretion of urea and uric acid ; with a note on the quantitative relationship between orlc acid and leucocytes. [1899.] .II. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, 499-511. .See aho Edgecombe iV Bain. Balnbrldge, Emerson. An electric pmnp for underground use. [With discuition.] [1900.] Inst Min. Engin. Trans., 19, 1901, 346-351. Balnbrldge, F. Climate in its relation to life. [1888.] Wo..llio|ie Field Club Trans., 1886-89, 251-256. Bainbridge, F[ranciii] .i[rthur]. The lymph flow from till- submaxillary gland. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 25. 1899- 1900. xvi: 26, 1900-01, 79-91. Balnbrldge, (Surg.-Mnj.) G[eorjr]. On an instance of fructitlcation in a stamlniferous plant, Carica papaya. lioiiibay Nat. Hist. .Soc Jl.. 1. 1886. 72-73. Bainbridge, J. Examination of specimens of South African aloes. Pharm. Jl., 21, 1891. 899. Balnea, J. C. On the suflicicucy of terrestrial rotation for the deflection of streams. .\mer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884. 434-136. The sailing flight of the albatross. Nature, 40, 1889, 9-10. The soaring of birds. Nature, 44, 1891. 520-521. Baines, .4. £. Submarine cables : earth corrents. [1885.] Electrician. 16. 1886, 111-113. Submarine cables : the copper resistance test. Elec- Irlolan. 16. 1886, 1.H8-189. Balnea, F. E. Rooks at nesting time. Nature, .54 (1896), 9. Bainler, Georget. Nouvellcs observations sur les zygo- s]><'res des Mucoriuees. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.\, 19, 1884, 200-216. Sur I'.^bsidia cserulca. France Soc. Hot. Bull., 36, 1889, 184-186. Baird, (Maj.) A{ndretc'\ W{,Uon\. Report on the tidal disturbances caused by the volcanic eruptions at Java, August 27 and 28, \>^^, and the propagations of the '• supertidal '" waves. Roy. Soc. Proc, 36, 1884. 24Ji- 253. Spirit-levelling operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Geogr. Soc Soppl. Pap., 1, 1886, 619- 631. 32 BairdJ 250 I £aker Baird, PInj.) A[iulreu'\ U'[ilxun]. & Darwin, (ieoriir H[(ncurd'\. Kesults of tlie liarmonic aual.ysis of tidal observations. Eoy. Soc. Pior., 39, 1886, 135-207. Baird, Thiqald. Pumping-engine velocity diagrams. Fed. Inst. Mill. Engin. Trans., 9, 1895, 138^141. The duty of jniraping-engiues. []Vith dixciissioii.] [1896.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 11, 1896, 94- 102, 235-239; 12, 1897, 55-58. Baird, G. W. *The electric light on the U. S. Fish- Cdmmission steamer Albatross. Science, 2, 1883, 642- 645, 671-675, 705-707. The flight of the flying-fish. Science, 8, 1886, 10-12. Baird, E. A. Analysis of a "fire extinguisher." Amer. Cheni. Jl., 11 (1889), 38-39. Baird, Spencer Fullerton. For biogi'aphy and works sec Amer. JI. Sci., 34, 1887, 319-322; Auk, 4, 1887. 3-58- 359; 5, 1888, 1-14; Conchologists' Exchange, 2. 1887-88, 26; Humboldt, 6,1887, 443; Ibis, 5, 1887. 480; Mater. Hist. Homme, 21. 1887. 518; Nature, 36, 1887, 397-398; Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 156; Hailroad ct Engin. Jl., 61, 1887, 398-399; Amer. Ac. Proc, 23, 1888, 347-348; Amer. Micr. Jl., 9, 1888, 1-3 ; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc, 23, 1888, 558-505 ; Lyon Soc. Authrop. Bull., 7, 1888, 21; Smithsonian Kep., 1888, 703-744; Termt. Kozlon., 20, 1888, 465; Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 10, 1888 (Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 33,1888, .-lr(. 4), 41-77; California Ac. Proc, 1, 1889, 286-287; Essex Inst. Bull., 20, 1889, 145. Occurrence of Cory's shearwater (Puffinus borealis) and several species of jaegers in large numbers in the vicinity of Gayhead, Mass., during the autumn of 1886. Auk. 4, 1887, 71-72. Baird, Spencer Fullertoit, Brewer, T\liomas] M[ayo}, & Ridgway, Hubert. The water birds of North America. Harvard Mus. Zool. Mem., 12, 1884, xi + 637 pp.; 13, 1884, 552 pp. Baird, n'[ilUiim]H[eiirii], & Stone, lV[inlkrop]E[hwortIi]. See Stone & Baird. Baire, Rene. Sur la tbeorie generale des fonctions de variables reelles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 125, 1897, 691- 694. Sur les fonctions discontinues dfiveloppables en series de fonctions continues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 884-887. Sur les fonctions discontinues qui se rattachent aux fonctions continues. Paris, Ac Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1621-1623. ■ Sur le probleme de Tintcgration au point de vue des variables reelles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1700- 1703. Sur les fonctions de variables reelles. Ann. Mat., 3, 1899, 1-123. Sur la theorie des ensembles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E.. 129, 1899, 946-949. Sur la theorie des fonctions discontinues. Paris, -Ac. Sci. C. K., 129, 1899, 1010-1013. • Nouvelle demonstration d'un theoreme sur les fonctions discontinues. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 28, 1900, 17.3-179. Baiscb, Karl. Ueber die Natur dor Kolilehydrate des normalen Harns. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 18, 1894, 193 2011; 19. 1894, 339-368; 20, 1896, 249-252. Baistrocclii, FAlore. Sul peso specitico dell' encefalo umano, sue parti e del midollo spinale e snlla deter- minazione ipiantitativa della sostanza bianoa e della grigia. Ricerche sporimeutali. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 10, 1884, 193-226. Sulla piega aortica del Concato studiata nell' uojno e negli animali c sopra un ganglio linfatico del cuore. Sperimentale, 58, 1886, 251-257. Baither, Otto. Ueber Tetrametliyldianiido-Thiobenzo- jihenon. Berlin, Chcm. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1731-1739, 3289-3298. Bajeirdi. See Baiardi. Bajenoff, N. Etudes cephalometriques sur des bustes d'assassins supplicies et de personnages distingues. [iri(/i discussion.^ Paris Soc. Authrop. BuU., 7, 1884, 502-514. Baji6, J/., ct Zega, .i[lcxander]. See Zega * Bajic. Bajkov, A[h'lsandr'\ A[leksandrovic]. Alia.llI.'JIJ irfeKO- TopHxi, KaMeiiuiiixi) yr.ieii Ky3neui;ai'o fiatcoHHa. (Analyses chimiques de quelques specimens de la houille du bassin de Kousnetzk.) [1895.] St. Petersb., Sect. Geol. Cab. S. M. Trav., 1, 1896, 88-94. [0 CIl.iaBaxT) KajlMijl II M'IuH- Ueber Cadmium- und Kupferlegirungen.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 677-678; Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 931. • [0 cxpoeHin ii 5iexaH)i:sMt> :iaTBCi),T,t.Baiiia I'li.iaBOB'B, OTBt'iammiixi. ;3BTeKTiniecKof'[ to'ik!;. Ueber die Structur und den Blechanismus der Erstarrung von eutektischen Legirungen.] Russ. Phvs.-Cbem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Clieiii.). 1900, 2G9-270 ; Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 411. 0 jiB.iouijiX'i. iiaKa.iKii, iiau.iicinaojiijxi. hi. cil.iaBaXT) Mt.;tII ll cypMIU. [Ueber Hiirtungser- sclieinungen bei Legirungen von Kupfer und Antimon.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Cliem.), 1900, 630-633; Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 920. Bajkov, A[leksandr] A[lel:sandrovic], & I.ianan, N[ikolaj] N[iliotaevic]. See Iiiamin ct Bajkov. Bajla, Engcnio. Sull' azione dello strofanto e della con- vallaria confrontata con quella della digitale. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1899], 108-136. Baker, .-(. 7i'. Mammals of western Kansas. [1888.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 56-58. The nine-banded armadillo. Science, 4, 1896, 52. Baker, Allbert] ii[H/'».'i]. A case of objective noises in both ears. Ai-ch." Otol., 13, 1884, 293-295. Eetinoscopy. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 3), 774-779. Baker, Alfred. Some experiments in connection with the doctrine of probabilities. [1887.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 5, 1888, 194-197. Baker, (Miss) Annie (et alii). Phenological records for 1890[-93]. Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc, 6, 1891, 278-286; 7, 1894. 4-12, 64-70, 145-152. Baker, Arthur Latham. Note on the classification of surds and irrationals. [1893.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1895. 202-203. Circular inversion and its bearing on the Peaucellier cell and the straight line. [1894.] Eochester (N. Y.) Ac Sci. Proc, 2, 1895, 256-260. Algebraic symbols. Amer. Jl. Math., 18, 1896, 62-73. Graphic imaginaries. [1894.] Eochester (N. Y'.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 3, [1900], 151-155. Directed magnitudes. Fundamental operations in mathematics. [1895.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 3. [1900], 162-170. Baker, .irtliur U'lj/mlowe] ll'[(7/.-r(]. Notes on the patho- logy of a denligerous cyst. Int. Med. Congr. Verli. , 1890 (ltd. 5, Abth. 14), 10'3-105; Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 92, 1891, 272-275. A report on the present as|)ect of dental caries. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 94, 1892, 200-206. Baker, (Sir) Ilenjamiu. [Presidential address to the Median. Sci. Sect. Aberdeen, Sept. lOlli. The existing jjractical rules respecting the strength of metallic bridges.] Brit. Ass. Eep., 1885, 1182-1192. Baker, ('|/i(ij-/c»l F\rrderie'l. [Umlagerungen bei den ungesiittigten Sauren.] VII. Umlagerung der ^-y-Hexeu- siiure (Hydrosorbinsaure). Liebig's Ann., 283, 1894, 117-128. ■ Baker, ('. Weathcrall. A magnificent meteor. Nature, 38, 1888, 203. Baker] 251 [Baker Baker, ('nrl /•'[h"<''']. Michigan AniiiFic. Pliila-8(;. Niw American parasitic CynipidiP (Allotriinie). Canad. Ent.,2H, 1896, iai-l:«. ♦ A new I'nlex from Queen Charlotte islandn. Canad. Ent., 2H, 1896, 2H1. Notes on Oxvl>elus, with descriptions of new speciex. I'hilad., Ent. New.s, 7, 1896, .".'J-(i2, I.''j6-160. New llonioptera received from the New Mexico Aijricnlturiil Experiment Station. Psyche, 7, 1896, ,S«/.;)/. 1, 12-11, 24-2G. On Lcdra perdita. .1. A- .S'. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 38-39. Notes on I'hilienns. Canad. Ent., 29. 1897, 111-112. Some new and little-known Dorydini (.las.iinie). Canad. Ent.,29, 1897, 1">7-1.')9. A remarkable new acoccphalid from S. America. Philad., Ent. News, 8, 1897, 15.S-154. Four new species of Phlepsius. Canad. Eut., 30, 1898, 30-32. . Notes on Chlorotettix, with some now species. Canad. Ent., 30, 1898. 219-220. Notes on .Tnssini, with some new Bi>eciea. Canad. Ent., 30, 1898, 289-292. Notes on Siphoiiaptera, with descriptions of four new species. N. Y. Knt. Soc. .11., G, 1898. ">3-.56. Five new species of Phlepsius. Philad., Ent. News, 9, 1898, 0.5-07. A new sub-family in the Jassidre. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 7G-77. Notes on the Rcnua Dcltocephalns. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899. 114-119. Athysanelln, a new genus of jaasids. [1898.] Psyche, 8,1899, 18.5-1.'<9. Some new HvthoscopiniE with notes on others. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899," 197-201. On some new and anomalous Tettigonina>. [1898.] Psycho, 8. 1899, 2G0-262. New Teltinoninre, with notes on others. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899. 28-5-286. On two new and one previously known flea. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899. 37-38. Remarks on Empoasca (Hemiptera). Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 90-94. On Alebra and related genera. Psyche, 8, 1899, 401- 40.5. Four new species of Platymctopiua. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 49-50. Notes on Idioceras (Jassidie). Canad. Ent., 32, 1900. 207-208. Notes on Clastoptera (Ccrcopida>). Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900. 463-4ri4. On some .\nierican species of Macropsis (Jassidie). [1900.] Psyche. 9, 1902. ■5.5-.59. Baker, dirt I]un,r]. ,v CockereU, Theodore D[ru] y4[(t>on]. S,i CockereU >V Baker. Baker, CluirUt Henry. A gigantic annual. Kew Bull., 1899, 13.5-137. Baker, Vluirlrt .y[»/in|. .\hsorption of gaaes hj carlmn. (Ill Ml. Hoc. .11., .51, 1887, 219-2.58. Baker, A'. C. Stuart. The genus Chloropsin. Bombay -Nat. Hint. Soc. Jl., «. 1891, .5y-r,3. The biilbiils of North Cachar. (1892-93.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Sim;. .11., 7, 1892-93, 1-12,12.5-131, 203-208, 41:5-124; K. 1893 94. I -10. Notes on a new ii|>ccies of wren found in North Caclisr. Assam. [1H92.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 7, 1892 93. 319-.t22. Description of a new species of wren from nortli-east India, toj^ether with an account of its uest and eggi. Ibis. 4, 1892, 02-04. The birds of North Cnrhar. [1893-99.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., h. 1893 94. 102-211; 9, 1894-98, 1-24, 111-140; 10, 1898 97. 1-12, lOl-UW, 339-371. .539-507; 11. 1897-98, 222-233,390-40.5; 12. 1898 1900, 480-510. The identification of birds. [189.5.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 10, 1895 97, 1.51-1.52. Notes on the nidification of some Indian birds not mentioned in Himk's "Nests and eggs." Ibis, I. 1896, 41-04, 217-230; 2, 1896, 318-3.57. Pescription of a new Cyanops from North Cachar. Novitates Zool., 3, 1896, 2.57-2.58. Indian ducks and their allies. [1890-190O.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11. 1897-98, 1-21. 171-198, 347-367, .555-584; 12. 1898-1900. 1 31, 23.5-261, 437-464, 593- 020; 13. 1900 01. 1 24, 199-222. Note on I'ericrocotus spcciosus rel p[fr]aterculns. [1897-] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 10, 1896-97, 031- 032, xxix. The bine rock thrash (Petrophila solitaria). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 330. Probable hybrid between the scarlet- backed flower- pecker (Dicmnm crucntatum) and the fire-breajited tlower- pecker (I), ignipcctus). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Sor. Jl., 11, 1897-98. 407. Baker, E. I.. Tierra del Fuego. [1887.] Amcr. Meleorol. J I.. 4 (1887-88). 32.5-336, 378-3M4. 417-431. Baker, (/iVr.) !■'.. 1'. Notes on Mount Loa. .\mer. Jl. Sci., 37, 1889, 52-53. Note on the recent eruption of Kilanea, Hawaii. Amer. Jl- Sci., 41. 1891, 443. Volcano of Kilanea. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891. 77. Baker, Hdnmnd ]>li(;ation of Nkivton'b polygon to the theory of singiihir points of algebraic fiinctionn. Cambridge I'hil. Si.f. Trans., l."), 1894, 403-l.JO. On the theory of Rif.m.vnn's integrals. Math. Ann., ■i'}. 1894. 1IM-I:i2. The prHctical determination of the deficiency (Oe- Rchleoht) and ndjohit 0-curveH for a Kiemann surface. Math. Ann., ir,, 1894, l.t8-lH/i>i '/. .Vn improved micro-stereoscopic camera. Franklin Inst. Jl., 148, 1899. 14.5-147. Baker, John Gillnrt. 'Symbola; ad Qorani Brasilia' centralis cognosceudam, edit. Eiig. Warjiiso. Particula Urtia. Filices. [1869.] Kjobenh. Vid. Medd., 1, 1870. 79-98. (New garden plants.] Gard. Chron., 21, 1884, 11, 577, 700; 22, 1884, 102, 198, 32.8, 188, (IKi-GH, 049; 24. 1886, 230-231; 2.5, 1886, 9, 101, 130, 648, 681, 814; 26, 1886, 8, 3H; 1. 1887, «. M(», 313, 414, .513, 576, 702, 732- 733, 799-8if...Mailat;ascar. [1884-88.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (flof.), 21, 1886, 317-3.53, 407-455; 22. 1887. 441-537; 2-5, 1890, 294-:<.50. Notice sur les Rulnis des envimns de Spa. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 25, 1886 (C. «.). 51-53. [Filices ins. St. Thomas.] Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol., 4, 1886, 149-158. Kew and its work. Gard. Chron., 25, 1886, 167-168, 206, 267, 363, 4.58-^59. On the Narcissi of the Linnean herbarium. Gard. Chron.. 25, 1886, 489. On the wild forms of tuberous Solanum. Gard. Chron., 26, 1886. 746. A synopsis of the European species of Primula, with their distribution. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 7, 1886. 231-236. On the relation of tlie British forms of Robi to the continental tviies. Jl. Bot.. 24, 1886. 4-7, 4.3-47. 71-77. Baker] 254 [Baker European primulas. Jl. Bot., 21, 1886, 25-21',. A syuopsis of the Eliizocarpefe. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, .] Kew Bull., 1894, 25-32, 67-74 ; 1895, 93-99. Flora of Aldabra Islands. Kow Bull., 1894, 146-151. Note on Myrosma cannaifolia, Linn. fil. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 40-42. [On the collections of Mr. Miguel Bang in Bolivia.] Bromeliaceai. Aniaryllideio. [1895-96.] Torrey Bot. Club Mem., 4, 1893-96, 267, 268; li, 1896-99, 123-125. The genus Brodiaaa and its allies. Gard. Chron., 20, 1896, 213-214, 238-239, 459, 687. On the species and varieties of Tulipa. [1896.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 20, 1896-97, 24-26. Notes on American Erythroniums. Gard. Chron., 21, 1897, 299. Iris Danfordia; and I. stenophyUa. Gard. Chron., 27, 1900, 170. .S'f'i; alxo Kew, Royal Gardens. ,St'e also Oliver (t'< ulii). Baker, John Gilbcit, A Baker, Eilmiind GliUnTl]. The botany of High-Citp Nick, Westmoreland. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 299-307, 345. Baker, Joliii (iiUwrt, & Clarke, C[/inrJ('.s] B{aron'[. See Clarke ,^' Baker. Baker, .lolin (litliirl. & Engler, .Idolf. [Beitriige zur Flora von Afrika. in.] Liliaceie Africante. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 15, 1893, 467-479. Baker, .hilni Oilberl, A Mueller, {l:iiroii) Ferdinand [Jacob n< inri<-h\ von. Se<' Mueller .V Baker. Baker, John (Ulbcit, A Newbould, (Iter.) W[illiam] U'[illiiiiiison]. Notes on the flora of Matlock. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 334 344. Baker] •J;ja (Baker Baker, Jdliii (iilhrrl, Schumann, A'«;/, Rolfe, Hubert Allen, A- Cogmiaux, Alfrcii. Sic Schumann, Baker, Bolfe ■V Cogniaux. B.tkor, ■liiliiin I.rvelt, A Ung, Arthur JiluUrtl. Sec Iilng A Baker. Baker, .hilian Lcvclt, Ik Fope, Thomat Henry. Mannoga- liictan iiMil Ifi'vuloinaiinuii. Two new polysaccharidoH. Cheni. Koc, .11., 77, 1900 (I't. •>), (iilO-TO.i. Baker, .luUiiit I,, cell, iV Wood-Smith, Ii[ubcrt\ h\ranci»\. Sec Smith iV Baker. Baker, .)/iiit».i. 'Tliv Nuvuiubur aurora in Califuruia. Science, 1, 1883, lU. A cul lection of formulie for the area of a piano triimKle. [1HH.-,.J Ann. Math., 1 (1884-88), 13.1-138; •2 (1886-86), 11-18. A t^ioup of ciixli.s nliitcd to I'kikicd.vch's circle. WaBllin^'ton I'liil. Koe. liull., ."«, 1886 (SmitliHunian Miscell. Coll., ;i3, 1888, Art. 3), io-')2. Geo);ra|)liical centre of the United Staler. Science, 9, 1887, 3'.)0-3;il. What i8 a topographic map? [1KH7.] Wa.'^hington Phil. Soc. Bull., lU. 1888. 11-12 (Smith.sonian .Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Arl. 1), 11 {bi.i)-\2 (bU). A lollcction of solutions of the trisectiun problem. [I8H7.| Washington I'hil. Snc. liull., 10, 1888 (Smith- sonian Miscell. Coll.. .):!, 1888, Arl. -1), '.Ml '.IH. liclief maps. [IS'.M.J WashiuKton I'hil. Soc. liull., 12, 1896, 31',)-3G7. Geonrajihical research in the United States. Geogr. Jl., 11. 1898, r,->-m. Survey of the northwestern boundary of the United States 1H07-61. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., A'o. 174, 1900, 78 pp. Alaskan neot;ni|)hic names. [IIIOO.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Itep., 1899-1900 (I't. 2), 487-^0'.). A century of v!eo(;raphy in the United States. The annual presiiknitial address, April 2, 18'JS. Washington Phil. Soc. 15ull., 13, 1900, 223-23!). Baker, (l[g\L'iild]. On the passage fiom the human inte.stiue of swarms of maggots, and an explanation of the source from which they are derived. 118U2.] Indian Med. Gaz., 27, 1893, '.»7-l(X). Baker, y.'| ichard] 'l\)iumu.''\. Some New South Wales plants illu.strated. (1W)1-;»7.J N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, t), 1892, .'■i72-.573; 7, 1893, 3.33-331, 379-380, etili, [viii]; 8, 1894, 1117-lOM, 237; 9,1896,158-159; 10, 1896, 382-384; 22, 1898, (;'.l3-()97. Description of a new Isopogon (I. Dawsoni) from New South Wales. |1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1896, G38-G.59. [Note on a new variety of Acacia decurrens, H'lVW.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 21, 1896, 348. Two new species of Prostanthera from New South Wales. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 21, 1896, 378- 381, [vii]. On the botany of RyLstone and the Goulburn river districts. Part i. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 21, 1896, 427-466, [vii]. Description of two new species of Acacia from New South Wales. [1897.) N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 22, 1898, 1.53-157. Contriliutions to a knowledge of the flora of Australia. [1897-1900] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc. 22, 1898. 230-239; 21, 1900. 437-447, [vlii]; 25. 1901. 659-673. On the Cinnamomums of New South Wales: with a special research on the oil of C. Oliveii, Huil. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 22, 1898, 27;5-284. Description.-! of two new species of Pultena>a. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc. 22. 1898, 438-440. On two well-known but hitherto undescribed s|)ecies of Kucalvptus. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 23, 1898, 162-171. On new species of Eucalyptus. [1898-1900.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Pioc, 23, 1898, 414-419; 24, 1900, 292 300, .596-i;04 ; 25, 1901. 303-320, (;74--;i90. On two new Hpecics of Casuarina. (1899.] N. 8. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 24, 1900, 00.5-011. On the constancy of siwcilic charncterti of the genus Eucalyptus. Aust. Ass. llcp., 1900, 229-231. Note on a new meteorite from New South Wales. N. S. Wales Itoy. Soc Jl., 34, 1900, 81-83. Note on an obsidian "bomb" from New South Wales. N. S. Wales Koy. Soc. Jl., 34, 1900, 118-120. On a new siK-cies of Angophora. [lOW. ] N. 8. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 25, 1901, Ml m6. Baker, y.'|ic/iy. Soc Jl.. 31, 1897, 2.59-280. On the "stringybark" trees of N. S. Wales, especially in regard to their essential oils. N. S. Waleii Uoy. Soc. Jl., 32, 1898, 104-119. On the Darwinias of Port Jackson and their essential oils. N. S. Wales Koy. Soc. Jl., 33, 1899, l«:i-176. Baker, H. H'. Analysis of a beryl from .\mclia C. H., .Amelia Co., Virginia. [1885.] Amer. Chem. Jl., 7 (1886-861, 175-176. Baker, [tier.) S. fV. Notes on a bird called malau. [1884.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 17, 1885, 4.52. A description of the new volcano in the Friendly Islands, near Tongatuba. [18S5.J N. Zealand Inst. Trans,, ix. 1886. 41-16. Baker, (Sir) S'liiiucl t\'hiti: For biography and list of works sec Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootscli. Tijdschr., 11, 1894, 7.53-754; Geogr. Jl., 3, 1894, 152-1.56; Ixo- pol.lina. 30, 1894. 53; Nature, 49 (1893-94). 227-22K; Ornith. Mber., 2. 1894, 31; Boy. Soc Proc, 55, 1894, .\xxiv; Scott, (ieogr. Mag.. 10, 1894, 90-92; Geogr. Jbuch., 19, 1897, 360. Baker, Smith. Steps toward in.-jnity. N. Y. Med. Jl., 1,6. 1897, 215-221. Baker, T. The solvent action of pyridine on certain coals . [With ditaiigiim.] [1900.] N. Eng. lost. Miu. Engiu. Trans., .50, 1903, 23-27. Baker, 7'.. \- Miller, Alejcantler Klenneth]. See Miller ,V Baker. Baker, T. J. Description of a new calorimeter for lecture purfHises. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1886, .525-526. Notes on the estnnation of silver in silver-plating solutions. Chen). News, "6. 1897. 167. Baker, T. ./.. iV Baker, / . ■/. ( ;»ii. ). Note on the electro- lieposition of brass. Chem. News, 80, 1899, 37. Baker, T. J. {jun.). The heat of combination of cop|«r with zinc. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 195- 196. A surface tension experiment. Nature, 62 (1900), 196-197. The frc<]nency of transverse vibrations of a stretched india-rubber cord. [1900.] London Phvs. Soc. Proc, 17, 1901, 107-112; Phil. .Mag., 49, 1900, 347-351. Baker, /'. ■/. (jiin.). A' Baker, 7'. J. See above. Baker, 'I\honiat] H'illiam. A meteor. Xatare, 41, 1890, lis, 449. Baker] 256 [Bakliuis Roozeboom Baker, Thnimix /;[(i/,c.<(/ii»J. A valuable Florida deposit. Science, 21, 1893, :i27. A rain of ti-^hes. iScieuce, 21, 1893, 3H.5. Baker, W. H., & Graham, K. M. Mineral found 4r)0 ft. below sea- level, Thames. N. Zealand Pap. & Rep. (i)/i».), 1899, C 3, 8. Baker, W[illiain] Morrant. Three cases of joint di.sease in connection with locomotor ataxy. [IVith iliscusslon.'] [1894.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 18, 1885, 44-135. Baker, Willimn C[ooiiibs]. A lecture demonstration in wave motion. Phys. Bev., 10, 1900, 175-177. Description of a new Atwood's machine and stop clock. Phys. Kev.. 11, 1900, 105-109. Baker, WiUinin H[fiiry]. Cancer of the uterus; its treat- mint liy high amputation compared with total extirpation. 1 With iliscii/.'iioii.] N. Y. Med. .11., 4H, 1886, 313-317. BakeweU, /V[o()(')7] //[a//]. Is life a distinct force? [1884.] X, Zealand Inst. Trans., 17, 1885. 410-417. Bakhuis Roozeboom, H[fn(li-ik] ]l'[illent]. Sur I'hydrate de I'acide sullureux. Kec. Trav. Cliim. Pays-Bas, 3, 1884, 29-58. Sur I'hydrate de chlore. Kec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 3, 1884, 59-72. Sur I'hydrate de brome. Bee. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 3, 1884, 73-83. Sur riiydrate du gaz chlorliydrique. Bee. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas,' 3, 1884, 84-104. ■ Sur la dissociation des hydrates de I'acide sultureux, du chlore et du brome. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, G.5-73. Solubilite de I'acide bromhydrique a des temperatures et sous des pressions difterentes. Bee. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 102-107. Dissociation de I'hydrate HBr2H.,0. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 108-124, 331-346. La dissociation des composes liquides et la loi de MM. Debu.iy et Wiedemann. Bee. Trav. Chim. Pays- Bas, 4, 1885, 35.5-360. Dissociation du compose Ai!H4Br. 3AzH^ a I'etat solide et a I'etat liquide. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 361-H78. Solubilite du chlore dans I'oxychlorure de chrome. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 379-381. ■ Solubilite du dioxyde d'azotc dans le brome. Rec. Tray. Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 382-383. Etude thermique des dissolutions de I'acide brom- hydrique et de I'hvdrate HBr.2H„0. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886,' .323-334. Sur les conditions d'equilibre de deux corps dans les trois (5tats, solide, liquide et gazeux, d'apres M. V.4N der Waals. Bee. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886, 335-350. Sur I'hvdrate HBr.2H.>0. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays- Bas, 5, 1886, 351-362. Sur un nouvel hydrate de I'acide bromhydrique HBr.HoO. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886, 363-379'. Application de la formule de il/. Van der Waals aux hydrates de SOu, Cl^, Br^, et & la gluce. Bee. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886, 380-386. Sur les combinaisons du bromure d'aminonium avec I'ammoniaque. Bee. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886, 387-392. Sur les i)oints quadruples dans I'dquilibre d'un syst^me forme de deux corps. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886, 393-413. Sur les differentes formes de I'tKiuilibre chimique heterogene. Bee. Trav. Cliini. Paya-Bas, 6, 1887, 262-303. Sur les points triples et multiples, envisages comnie points de transition. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 6, 1887, 304-332. Sur I'astrakanite et les sels doubles liydrat(!S en g(!nerttl, Reu. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 6, 1887, 333-355. Sur la formation des hydrates de gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 100, 1888, 1292-1293. Studien liber ehemisches Gleichgewieht. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 449-481. Die Umwandlungstemperatur bei wasserhaltigcu Dop- pel.salzen und ihre Loslichkeit. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 513-522. [Het gedrag van zouten tegenover water.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded. , 6, 1889, 362-366. Etude exp^rimentale et theorique sur les conditions de I'equilibre entre les combinaisons solides et liquides de I'eau avec des sels, particulierement avec le chlorure de calcium. Arch. Neerland., 23, 1889, 199-354; Rec. Trav. Chim. PaysBas, 8, 1889, 1-146; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 4, 1889,31-65. Sur les brusques changements dans la .solubilite des sels, occasionnes par la formation de deux couches liquides. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 8, 1889, 257-272. Sur la solubilite des sels. [Repou.ses a M. Le Chatelier.] Paris, Ac. Soi. C. 1!., 108, 1889, 744-747, 1013-1015. Sur les combinaisons des metaux alcalins avec I'ammoniaque. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 110, 1890, 134- 137. Die Beziehungeu zwischen dem wasserfreien Thorium- sultat und seinen Hydraten, und die Verzogeruugser- sclieinuugen bei der Hydratierung und Dehydratierung dieses Salzes. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 5, 1890, 198- 216; Arch. Neerland., 24, 1891, 233-257. Ueber die Loslichkeit von Mischkrystallen, speziell zweier isomorpher Korper. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 504-530; Arch. Neerland., 26, 1893, 137-170. Die Loslichkeit der Mischkrystalle von KCIO) und TlClOa. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 531-535; Arch. Neerland.. 26, 1893, 171-178. Over de oplosbaarheid van isomorfe mengsels. [1891.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 50-52. [Over de samenstelling van het zeewater nabij de Hollandsche kust.] [18:11.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 81-83; Rec. Trav. Chim. Pavs-Bas, 10, 1891, 91-99. [Over den invloed der isomorphie op het gediag van dubbelzouten tegenover de waterige oplossing hunuer componenten.] [1891.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 259-261; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 10, 1892, 145-164; Arch. Neerland., 27, 1894, 1-27. Over de hydraten van ijzerchloried en hunne oplos- baarheid. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 417-418; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., Id, 1892, 477-503; Arch. Neerland., 27, 1894, 28-64. Over de oplosbaarheidslijnen voor stelsels van twee stoften. [1892.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [1], 1893, 93-96 ; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 359-389; Arch. Neer- land., 28, i895, 78-120. Over evenwichten tusschen vloeibare en vaste phaseu in het stelsel : water, zoutzuur en ijzerchloried. [1894.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, 11-15. Over de graphische voorstelling van heterogene even- wichten in stelsels van een tot vier stoffen. [1894.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, 4.5-48 ; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 15, 1894, 145-1.58; Arch. Neerland., 29,' 1896, 69-86. Over den invloed van uitwendigen druk op de omzet- ting van zwart in rood zwavelkwik. [1894.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, 162-164; Fortschr. Phys., 1895 {AbHi. 1), 164-165. - — Palladiumwaterstof. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, 267-270. Smeltlijnen bij stelsels van twee en drie organische stoffen. [1897.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 6, 1898, 62-64. Stol- en overgangspuuten bij mengkristallen van twee stoffen. Congealiug points and points of transition iu Bakhuis Roozeboom] ■2ru [Bakunin mixed crystalR of two substances. [IH'JH.] Amslcrdutn, Ak. Veri-i., 7, 1899. 134-i:)0; Aiiistcrduin, Ak. I'roc, 1, 1899, 101 103; Zlschr. I'hysikul. Chcm., 30, 1899, 385- 4211 ; Arch. Ncerliiiid., 3, 1900, 414-4(j3. Over stol- on HiiieltverHchijtiHelen bij stoflcn, welkc lautomcrie vcitoonen. Ou connealiiii.!- and iiielting- phenomona in .'tiilistances sliowint; taiitonierisin. [18!tH. ] AinHtcrdam, .\k. Veisl., 7, 1899, ■235-238; Amelerdain, Ak. I'loc, I, 1899, 17i;-17!l. Oplosbaarbeid en snicltimnt aU kriteria voor de onderscheidint; van racomischc verbindinKen, pseudo- raceiuiBche nien(,'kristallen en inaktieve kouglomeraten. On solubility and meltini; point as criteria for distin- guishing raceniic combiuations, pseudoraccmic mixed crystals and inactive conulomeiates. Amsterdam, Ak. Vcrsl., 7, 1899. :i7«-379; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 1, 1899, 310-313; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, .537-.511; Ztschr. I'liysikal. Chem., 28, 1899, 401-517; Arch. Norland., 3, 1900, 201-227. Smeltpimteu l>ij stclsels van optiscbe isomeren. On melting; points in systems of optic isomers. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 533-535; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 1, 1899, 4tl(;-4{i8. Erkennnng von Racemkijrpern in festem und fliis- sigem Zustande. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2172-2177. Een voorbeeld van omzetting van mengkristallen in verbinding. An example of the conversion of mixed crystals into a compound. [18!)!).] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 33-36; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 74-77. De natuur van het inactieve carvoxim. The natnre of inactive carvoxime. [18i)9.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 215-217; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 1«0-162. Sur la solidification de melanges liquides de substances tautom&res. Arch. Xeerland., 3, 1900, 187-200. Sur requilibru de eristaux mixtes avec la phase vapear. Arch. N^erland. , 5, 1900, 360-3(;5. Ueber die Bedeutnng der Phasenlehre. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1900 (Th. 1), 169-171. Iron and steel from the point of view of the "phase- doctrine." Iron A Steel Inst. .11., 1900 (No. 2), 311-316; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 34, 1900, 437-487. Het gedrag der mengsels van kwikindide en zilver- iodide. The behaviour of mixtures of mercuric iodide and silver iodide. [1900.] .Vmsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901. 6^8: Amsterdam, Ak. Proc. 3. 1901, 84-86. Bakhuis Roozeboom, H[,-iiitrik] ir[i7(eni], & Bchrelne- makers, / [rini.vj A[ntooii\ Hubert]. Gleichgewichte zwischen tliissigen und festeu Phasen im System: Wasser, Clilorwasserstoff, Eisenchlorid. Ztschr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 15, 1894, 588-637; Arch. Neerland., 29, 1896. 95-161. Bakliuyzen. See Sonde Bakliayzen. Bakker, (lerrit. Ueber eine Eiwcnschaft der Vcrdam- pfungswiirme. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 10, 1892, .558- 562. Bemerkung iiber den Molekulardruck. Ztschr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 280-286. Zur Theorie der Fliissigkeiten und Case. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 670-678; 14, 1894, 446-4.55. Thermodynamische Betrnchtungen lilier Molekular- druck. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 13. 1894. 14.5-154. Thermodynamische .■VbUitung der Zustandsgleichung von Van i>kk \V,v.m.s fiir Fliissigkeiten und Ciase. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 14, 1894. 456-4(;6. Bcmerkung iiber die Funktion a in der Zustands- gleichung von Van der Waals. Ztschr. Phvsikal. Chem., 14, 1894. 664-670. Zusaninienhang zwischen den Gesetzcn von Mariotte, G.\v-LissAC und .Iocle. Ztschr. Phvsikal. Chem., 14, 1894, 671-672; 17,1896,171-172. R. S. A. C. ^(r) = -^-"°i«:±-'" The pressure of a saturated vapour as an explicit function of the temperature. [1895.] Nature, .53 (1898 96), 79. Zur Theorie der Gose and Fliusigkeiten. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 17, 1896, 678-688; 20, 1896, 461-462; 22, 1897. 543-544. L"eber die inncre Vcrdampfungswarrae. Ztschr. Phvsikal. Chem., 18. 1896, 519-520. iJie Dampfdruckfurmel und das (lesctz des geraden Uurehmessers. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1896, 64.5-657. Zur Theorie der iil»ereinNtimmenden Zastande. Zthchr. Physikal. Chem., 21, 1896, 127-133, .507-508. T'elKT die potentielle Knergie und das Virial der Moii'kularkriifte u. a. w. Ztschr. Pbysikiil. Chem., 21, 1896. 497-506. I'ne propri/jte de la chaleur de vaporisation des gaz liqu.li.;s. .Jl. Phys., 6, 1897, 131-133. Tln'-orie des liquides a molMules simples. Jl. Phyg., 6, 1897, 577-588; 7, 1898, 511-515. ('el>er den Molekulardruck. Ztschr. Physikal. Cbero., 22, 1897, 277-278. lielation entrc les lois caracteristiqueB des gaz parfaits. Jl. Phys., 7, 1898. 1.52-1.54; 8. 1899, 2U-215. Theorie dvnnmique de la capillarite. Jl. Phys., 8, 1899, .545-552; 9, 1900. .394-404. Bemerkung zur " ThermodynamiBchen Theorie der Kapillaritat " von Van der Waaijs. Ztschr. Pbysikal. Chem., 28, 1899, 708-718; 34. 1900, 168-178. Opmerking over de molekulaire fwtentiaalfunclie van Van dkk W.ials. A remark on the molecular putmtial function of Prof. Van hub Waals. [1899.] Amsterdam, Ak.^Versl., 8, 1900, 223-238; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 163-178. De potentiaalfuncties 0(r) = en r , en de potentiaAlfunotie van Van der Waal,8. The potential function ,. Ae-^ + Be'^ , ,. .4 sin far -t- a) * (0 = ^ and <*('■) = ^ - and the potential fonction of Vak deb Waals. [1899.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 308-324; -AmBterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 247-262. Theorie de I'induction electriqne. Arch. Norland.. .5, 1900. 312-321. Zur Theorie der Kapillaritat. Ztschr. Phvsikal. Chem., 33, 1900, 477-499. Theorie der Kapillarschicht zwischen den homogenen Phasen der Fliissigkeit und des Dampfeg. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 35, 1900, 598-«03. Bakker, //. P. A. Het rijk Sanggau. Batavia, Tijdschr., •-';*, 1884, 353-4ri3, .597-600. B^kowakl, Jozef. For biographical notice and list of works see Kosmos (Lwow), 13, 1888. 2.5-29. Mi^czaki galicvjskie. [Mollusca of IJalicia.] Kosmos (Lwow). 9, 1884," 190-197, 275-283, 376-391, 477^90, 604-611, 680-697, 761-789. Mi^czaki z gor drohobyczich. z okolicy Zi' ciiKmaKOBii. (De I'influence du milieu ext^rieur et principalement celle des dimensions du bassin d'eau sur quelqiies .MoUusques.) New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 12 [No. 1), 1887, 21-28. 0 BJiifluiii BHtiiiiHen cpejtu it irpermymecT- Benno TCMiiepaTypu BOjiti ii B03;i,yxa na Plauorbis Vertia. (De I'inHuence du milieu exterieur et principale- ment celle de la temperature de I'eau et de I'air ,sur les Planorbis Vertia.) New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 13 (No. 1), 1888, 161-184. • 0 B.iijiuiii iiii'l;iinieft cpejUJ BooCnue it untroBi, Bi ocoCeiiHocTii na c.iii3iihkobi,, iipiina,i,,iie- atamilXT) KT) poAaiH'l. Limna-us It Planorbis. [On the influence of the external environment in general and plants in particular on Mollusca belonging to the genera LimnHiUK and Planorbis.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 67 {No. 6), 1891, 15-18. 0 BJiijiiiiii BiiiiiiiHcil cpcjUii Bondine ii hmI-.toim, BT. OCOfil'IIlIOCTll Iia IltiHOIOpiJX'l, M0.1JI IdClCOHT. naillllX'l. HOJfh. [On the influence of the external environment in general and plants in particular on some molluscs ot Russian waters.] Moscow, .Soc. Sci. Bull., 86, 1894, 19-21. Balat, G. Facule remarquable. Brux. , Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 1, 1896, 107. La meteorite de Lesves. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull, 1, 1896. 128-129. Balazs, ]\Iiir. Uj szerkezetii higany-kompenzaczi6-inga. [New mercury compensation pendulum.] Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893 (Sh;)})/.), 47-48. Baibi, Adiiano. For biography and works see [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 18, 1881, 528-532. Balbi, (conle) Emilio. Descrizione di una nuova specie liguredelgenereBathyscia, Sc/iij^f/(i'. BathysciaMurjaldii, n.sp. Boll.Natlista.', Siena, 8, 1888, 154. " Diagnosi e descrizioni di due nuove specie dei generi Leptura (Linneo) e Tiraarcha (Latreille). Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892, 49-.50. Descrizione d' una nuova specie italiana del genere Hispa (Limieo). Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 1, 1892, 195-196. Descrizione d' una nuova specie italiana del genere Microtyphlus (Lind.). Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 1, 1892, 197-198. Note sull' habitat dell' Anophthalmus Carantii, Sella. Nat. Sicil., 2, 1897, 7'2-75. Diagnosi e descrizione d' una nuova specie italiana del genere Meloe, Linneo. Nat. Sicil., 2, 1897, 93-97. Note sul genere Scotodipnus, Schauin, ed osservazioui comparative sugli Scotodipnus Doderoi, Balbi, e Scoto- dipnus strictus, Baudi. Kiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 17, 1897, .50-52, 100-103. Dilformitates et monstrositates Coleopterorum in coUectione BalbiI. [1898.] Nat. Sicil., 2, 1897, 1.50-156. Balbl, Vittorio. Effemeridi del Sole e della luna per I' orizzonte di Torino e per [gh anni 1895-99]. [1894-98.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 1895, 4-19, 869-883; 31, 1896, 646-660 or 1046-1060; 32, 1896, 772-788 or 1034-1050; 33, 1897, 598-614 or 832-848. Balbiani, E[doiuird'\ G[e'r(i)(f]. For biography and list of works see Bibliogr. Auat., 7, 1899, 151-1,52; Nature, 60 (1899), 399; Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, '265-266; Arch. Anat. Micr. , 3, 1900, i-xxxvi. il. M.\UPAS et les Infusoires ciUes. Arch. Zool. Exper., 2,1884, ii-iii. Les organismes unicellulaires. Les Protozoaires. Jl. Microgr., 8, 1884, 9-13, 66-75, 134-142, 249-257, 367- 375. Sur les effets des badigeonnages goudronneux sur les vignes phylloxerees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 634-637. Sur I'utilite de la destruction de Tauif d'hiver du Phylloxera. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 159-161. Sur un Infusoire cilie parasite du sang de I'aselle aquatique (Anoplophrya circulans). Rec. Zool. Suisse, 2, 1885, 277-303. Contribution 4 I'etude de la formation des organes sexuels chez les iusectes. Rec. Zool. Suisse, 2, 1885, 527-588. ■ • Evolution des micro-organismes animaux et vegetaux. Jl. Microgr., 10. 1886. 535-544; 11, 1887, 54-62, 134-142, 170-177, 196-205, 233-240, 365-373, 393-406, 434-446, 463-476, 499-511, 534-544; 12, 1888, 11-19, 41-49, 134-142, 173-18-2, 205-212, 23,5-243, 266-273, 303-308, 394-400, 421-429, 453-458, 517-523; 13, [1889,] 5-9, 262., - — Etudes hacteriologiques sur les Arthropodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 952-954. Les poisscins vivipines. Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 732. Ob.servati. Sur 111 fi)rmatii'n le ilu noyati dans ce pb^nomdne. Zool. Auz., It, 1891, 312-316, 323-327. Reeherches exp^rimentales sur la nierotomie des Infusoirca cili^s. Contribution & I'^tude du role ])hy8io- logi<|ue du noyau cellulaire. [1888.] llec. Zool. Suisse, 6, 1892, 1-72. Nouvellc! recherchcs experimentales sur la miirotoiuie des Infusoires cilies. Ann. Mierogr., 4 (1891-92), 369- 407, 449-489; 5 (1893), 1-25, 49-84, 113-137. Ctntrosorae et "Dotterkem." Robin, Jl. Anat., 29, 1893, 145-179. Sur la structure et la division du noyau ehez le Spiroeliona gemmipara. Ann. Mierogr., 7 (1898), 241- 2G0, 2Hy-312. Contribution i. I'^tude des B^crt'tions (•pitlxl-liales dans I'appiireil feuielle des Arachuides. Arch. Auat. Micr., 1, 1897, 1-08. Ivluiies sur Taction des sels sur les Infusoires. Arch. Anat. Mier.,.2, 1898. 518-600. Balbianl, i:[ilnuaril] (j;[<^rrtr(/], tV Hennegny, I,[ouis] F^lix. Sur In Kigniticatiun physioloi;i(|ue (l« la division cellulnire direct.'. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 123. 1896, 2(;9-270. Balblano, Liiiqi. Costituzioue dell' acido bibrouioanislco. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1886, 9-12. Sopra alcuni composti tluorati del rame ed un ossi- fluoruro cuprammonico. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1888, 74-84. Costituzioue dell' acido monobromanisico e sopra un nuovo acido nitrobromanisico cd amidoanisico. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1886, 234-251. Sulla canfofenilidrazina. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1888, 246-248. Hicerche sul gruppo della canfora. Roma, R. Ace. Lineei Rend., 2, 1886 {Sem. 1), 101-107, 632-635; 3, 1887 {Sem. 1), 140-148. 509-513; Gazz. Chim. Ital., lO, 1886, 132-13;t; 17, 1887. 95-99, 15.5-164, 240-245. Sopra alcuni derivati del piriizolo. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lineei Rend., 3, 1887 (Sem. 1), 339-343; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 17, 1887, 176-182. [Ricercbe sul gruppo del pirazolo.] I. Sopra alcuni derivati monosostituiti del pirazolo e sui composti idrogennti clie ne derivano. [II. Sopra due acidi pirazolbeuzoici. III. Derivati bromurati del 1-feuil- pirazolo. IV. Azione dei cloruri acidi sul 1-fenilpirazolo. V. Sopra alcuni derivati della trimetilenfenildianiina. VI. Siutesi del pirazolo. VII. Sopra alcuni derivati deir 1-fenilpirazolo.] [18.S8-90.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 18, 1888. 354-379, 577; 19, 1889, 119-128. 128-134, 134-141, 688-692 ; 20, 1891, 4.>9-4t;5, 466-475 ; Roma, R. Ace. Lineei Mem., 5, 1888, 16-34 [Part ij; Ann. di Chim., 9. 1889, 3-12, 89 95, 161-169 [I'urt.t ii-ivj; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1103-1108. 1448-1453 [i'lirt* vi A viij. Contribuzioue alio studio del cromato basico di rame. Roma, R. Ace. Lineei Rend.. 4, 1888 (Snn. 1), 597-600; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 18, 1888, 195-198. Sulla trimetilenfenilimina. Roma. R. Ace. Lineei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 2), 44-46. Sopra una nuova serie di composti del platino derivanti dai pirazoli. Roma, R. Ace. Lineei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2). 26-34. Boma, R. Ace. Lineei Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, Salle relazioni fra pirrazulo, pirrolo e piridina. [1894.] Roma, R. Aec. Linci .Mem., 7, 1891, 111-548. . Hull' osxidazioui: dill' acid'j cmforico. Rerieuze sul suo potere untisettico. Ann. di Chim., 6, 1887, 157-171. Balblano, Liinji, & Trasclattl, li[ecio]. Ueber ein neues Uerivat des Glykocolls. Vorlautige Mittheiluug. Berlin, Chem. (ies. Ber., 33, 1900, 2323-2326. Balbln, Vdlentin. Geomelrografia. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 44, 1897, 110-123; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 439. Baleh, .Hired W. A pos-^^ible cause of azoturia. Boston .Soc. Mexl. Sci. Jl., [4, 1900.] 234-238. Balch, .Hired If., A VbJt, Franz. See P&ff * Balch. Balcb, Fdwin Siri/t. Ice caves and the causes of sub- terranean ice. Franklin Inst. Jl., 143, 1897, 161-178. Subterranean ice deposits in America. Franklin Inst. Jl., 147, 1899, 286-297. Balcb, J)'[(i«ii/f J] If. The mechanics of the friction clutch. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 6, 1886. 118-130. Chrouologv and ancient eclipses. [18'.i5.] N. Y. Amer, .Math. Soc. Bull., 2. 1896. 8, 10-11. Balcke, .1/. Spannungsmesser fiir Bnicken. Dioglers Polytechn. Jl., 293, 1894, 175-180. Balcom, (J/i.«) L[illian] L[ynn], A: Omdorff, ir[iHiam] li[id:iely]. 6°^r Omdorff A Balcom. Baldaecl, .4iitonin. Sguardo suUa flora di Corfi. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena. 9. 1889. 13.5-136. Xel .Montenegro. C*nni ed appunti intonio alia flora di questo paese. [II. II [suo] viaggio botauico del 1890.] 33—2 Baldacci] 260 [Baldi 11890-91.] Malpifc'hia, 4, 1890, 331-339, 37S-403, 449- 471. . — — Nel Montenegro. Una parte delle [sue] raceolte. Malpighia, 5. 1891, e2-82. Altre notizie intoruo alia flora del Montenegro. Malpighia, (J, 1892, 58-89, 149-178; 7, 1893, 59-78, 163-191, 279-288. Escursione botanica alio scoglio di Saseno. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 80-84. — — Eicordi di un viapgio botanico fra Prevesa e Jauina. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 84-88. O.sservazioni sulla ramitieazione del Symphytum orientale, L., applicate al geuere Symphytum, L. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 337-341. Osservazioni sulla uatura simpodiale di alcune iu- fioreecenze di Borraginee. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 393-397. — — Sulla raniificazione delle Apoeinee {lutiori sensn di Ant. Lor. Dii Jdssieu). [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 397^01. Osservazioni suUe Eotatffi e particolarmente sul genere Vaillautia, DC. Malpighia, 7, 1893, 203-2U8. La stazione delle "doline. " btudi di geografia botanica sul Montenegro e su gli altri paesi ad esse finitimi. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 25, 1893, 137-151. AiBniti delle Aristoloehiacee e dei generi aristolo- chiacei. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 49-54. Kivista critica della coUezione botanica fatta nel 1892 in Albania. Malpighia, 8, 1894, 69-87, 159-192, 278-301. Contributo alia conoscenza della Uora dalmata, montenegriua, albanese, epirota e greca. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 1, 1894, 90-103. Monografia della sezione " Aizopsis, DC." del genere Draba, L. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 1, 1894, 103-121. Eisultati botanici del viaggio compiuto in Creta nel 1893. Malpighia, 9, 1895, 31-70, 251-279, 329-355. . Prodotti vegetali (indigeni o no) che si usaiio nel- r Albania e nell' Epirus (vihiyet di Jauina). Fuenze Ace. Geortjotili Atti, 19, 1896, 58-.S2. Itinerari albaneei. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem., 6, 1896, 45-79, 378-409; 7, 1897, 15-44. Die westliche akrokeraunische Gebirgskette. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 39, 1896, 787-814. . Kivista della coUezioue botanica fatta nel 1895 [e nel 1890] in Albania. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 386- 419; 5, 1898, 5-44; 6, 1899, 5-37, 149-187, 333-356. Die plianzengeograpliische Karte von Mittel-Albanieu und Epirus. [Tr.] Petermann, Mitth., 43, 1897, 163- 170, 179-183. Vromonero e le sue acfjue Bolfuree. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 35, 1898, 23-27. — — Gli Albanesi nel Montenegro. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 35, 1898, 346-352. — — Considerazioni preliminari sulla fitogeografia del- r Albania settentrionale. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 35, 1898, 569-575. Kicerche sulla struttura della foglia e del caule della Forsythia europ^a, Deiifu rt Baldacci. [1899.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1899-1900, 481-490 or 155-164. Osservazioni sulla struttura auatomica dell' asse simpodioforo e principalmente del cono vegetativo arrestato del Symphytum orientale, L. Bologna llend., 4, 1900, 74-78. Dal Montenegro al gnlfo di Ambracia. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 37, 1900, 208-223. Baldacci, Antmiiu, & Saccardo, Pier' Andrea. Onorio Bkm.i e Prospero Ali'Ino e la flora dell' isola di Creta. Malpighia, 14, 1900, 140-163. Baldacci, I\uii)i]. Descrizione geologica dell' isola di Sicilia. Italia Carta Geol. Mem. Descritt., 1, 1886, xxxii + 403 J)]!. OsservazioMi fatte nella eolonia Eritrea. Italia Carta Geol. Mem. Descritt., G, 1891, 110 pp. La VII sessione del Congresso Geologicolnternazionale a Pietroburgo e la escursione agli Urali. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 28, 1897, 248-276. Baldacci, L[»(V;i], & Canavaxi, Jl/[a7'io]. La regione centrale del Gran Sasso d' Italia. Osservazioni geo- logiche. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 15, 1884, 345-359. Baldacci, L[uiiii], & Francbi, Secondo. Studio geologieo della galleria del Colle di Tenda (linea Cuneo-Ventimiglia). Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 31, 1900, 33-87. Baldacci, L[uigi\ & Viola, Carlo. Sull' estensione del Trias in Basilicata e sulla tettonica generate dell' Ap- peunino meridionale. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 25, 1894, 372-390. Baldamus, [Ax(gust Karl] Eduurd. For biography and works nee Dresden Isis Sber., 1893, 36; Frankf., Zool. Garten, 34, 1893, 348; Leopoldina, 29. 1893, 207; Oruith. Mber., 1, 1893, 210-212; Ibis, 6, 1894, 148; Ornith. Jbuch., 5, 1894, 161-175; Auk, 12, 1895, 94-95. Ueber Pyrrhocorax alpinus (Alpendohle) und Ticho- droma muraria (Alpenmauerliiufer). Wien Oruith. Ver. Mitth., 10, 1886, 138-139. Baldassari, L[aigi]. Ueber die Wirkung der Diphtherie- toxine auf den Zellkern. Centrbl. Path., 7, 1896, 625- 630. Baldassarre, Sah^atore. Contributo alio studio di alcuni fatti relativi alia riproduzione delle cavalle, vacehe, pecore, e troje. Napoli 1st. Incorag. Atti, 9, 1896, No. 3, 90 pp. Osservazioni alia memoria del prof. Boubee suUa utilizzazione delle spazzature nelle grandi citti. Napoli 1st. Incorag. Atti, 10, 1897, No. 9 (Oss.), 7 pp. Baldenberger, T. Note sur un perfectionncment dans la teinture du rouge turc. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 66, 1896, 382-384. Balderston, {Capt.) if. ./. On the passage of a whirlwind over the ship Bactria of Liverpool. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. .Jl., 14, 1888, 78. Baldewein, Rudolf. Die Rhinologie des Hippokbates. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 28, 1896, 101-118. Baldl, Dario. Sulla formazione dei componenti biliari e sulla funzione emuntoria del fegato. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 154-177. L' alcalinita del sangue e della saliva durante la digestione gastrica. Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 400-404. Effetti della recisione delle radici posteriori sui movi- raeiiti. Sperimentale, 56, 1885, 265-289. Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Verbreitung des Jecorins im thierischen Organismu.'!. Arch. Anat. Phy.siol. (Pln/siol. Abth.), 1887 (Siippl.), 100-108. Suite proprieta narcotiche degli idrocarburi grassi introdotti nella molecola. Sperimentale, 60, 1887, 302- 315. Sul meccanismo di azione della eocaina e sulla ecci- tabilita della midolla spinale. Ann. di Chim., 8, 1888, 241-253. Intoruo alia formazione degli acidi biliari nell' orga- nismo. [1888.] Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 107-110. L' escrezione della creatinina durante il digiuno e sua formazione nell' organismo. Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 268-274, 569-570. Deli' azione trotica che il sisteiua nervoso esercita sugli altri tessuti. Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 3.59-375. [Sul decorso della secrezione biliare.] Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 519-526. Action d(! la nicotine sur le nerf vague. [1890.] Arch. Ital. Biol, 15, 1891, 314-320. Sur Taction jiliysiologique de la kavaine. Arch. Ital. Biol., 17, 1892, 14-24. La valeur nutritive de I'asparagine. Arch. Ital. Biol., 19, 1893, 256-260. Action phvHiologique de I'hydrazine. Arch. Ital. Biol., 19, 189'3. 420-424. Intorno all' iutluenza di alouui agenti chimici sul Baldi] 261 [Baldwin diiibete speiiniciitivln pttr asportazioiie del pancrcan. Collar Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 3, luirmacnl.), l-Jl -123. Sulla foriiia/.ioiiL' dillo zucchero nell' orKanisniu aniMialc. Spt-rimentale, 1894 (.SVz. lliol.), ri-'lh. Hill priiifipio attivo del siero untidifteiico. Ann. di Chini., 23 .V 21, |1896.1 371-37.'). ValLiir (lu clilurure tie sodium sur I'abBorplion inteKti- nale deB peptones. [1896.] Arch. Ilal. Biol., 27, 1897, 31)1-100. >Sur I'inlluence du sue pancr^atique comparativenient A celle de la bile dans I'abBorption deB KraisBes. .\rcli. Ital. l!iol., 27, 1897, 2.').5-2.59. I'rcsenza del bnimo uella ^landula tiroide normale. Milano, 1st. Lnmb. Iteml., 31, 1898, 17".I-1H2. Si la llij'ieoide detruit un poison qui Re fornierait norinalement dans ror(?iini8me. [1898.] Arcb. Ital. biol., 31, 1899, 2H1-2H6. II poato elie lu farmacologia occupa nel campo delle Bcieiize biol(>(,Mclie c nolla pratica uiedica. Ann. di Farm, e Cliiiii., [1899.1 2-18. Le zunzure e lu infezionc malarica secondo le moderne vedute. Ann. di Farm, e Cliini., [1899.] 11)4-47.5. La ciioscopiu nelle indagini biologiche e specialmenle neir analisi doll' urinu. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1900,] 358-307. I problenii huH' immuniti. Ann. di Farm, e Chim.. [1900,] 407-418. Suir opaeamento del ciistallino in cani liroidetloniiz- zati e .sulla cuiu tiroideu iiellu cachcssia stuniipriva. .Ann. di Fuiiii. e Chilli.. |1900,] .■)17-524. Baldi, Iiaiw, & Novl, lio. See Wovl A Baldl. Baldlne, Mired. Voracity of the Dro.sera. Nature, :iO. 1884, 241.' Cnre.\ ligerica, Gay, in West Norfolk. Jl. Bot., 23, 188B, .')1. Baldinl, T. Arturo. Sul tallone di alcune Cucurbitacee. [issl.] Koma 1st. Bot. Annu., 1, [188S,] 49-6.5. Di alcune particolari escrescenze del fusto del Laurus nobilis, L. Uoma Isi. Bot. Annu., 2, 1886, 69-85. Sopra alcune prodnzioni radicali del genere Podo- carpus, L'Herit. Malpighia, 1, 1887, 474-477. Le gemtne della I'irciinia dioica, Mog. Roma Ist. Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 122-131. Baldinl, I '[go]. Contribuzione alio studio degli Imcnotteri del Modenese. Sfecidi-Vespidi. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 13, 1894, 45-«6. Baldoni, .l/is.-um/ro. Lo scambio gasoso polmonare nci cuiii tiroidectomizzati. [1899.] .\un. di Farm, e Chim., [1899.1 193-213; Untersuch. Nat., 17, [1901,] 63-90. Contributoallachimicadei caleoli pancreutici. [1899.] Ann. di Farm, c Cliim., [1899,] 289-292; Untersuch. Nat.. 17. [1901.1 91-9.'). Baldracco, U[uiciiito]. SuU' azione dell' acido nitrcso sopru r etere acetilglutarico. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, I't. 1), 202-207; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 49, 1894, 196- 19'.l, Baldracco, ll[iaciHto], & Errera, Gionjio. See ISxrera lV Baldracco. Baldracco, i:\i,icinto], A nietl, Michele. See Flleti ,V Baldracco. Baldratl, hiiiu. Contributo alia ricerca della eziologia della uiitracnosi puuteggiata della vite. [Coniuuicazione preventiva.] [1896.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 10-12. l>i duo niicromiceti scoperti nel Ferrarese, nuovi per la flora itulica. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897. 244-246. La struttura anatomica e la interpretazione morfo- logica della perulu del bulbo di alcune specie del genere Allium. Nuovo (iiorn. Bot. ItiU., 4, 1897, 214-223. Appunti di cecidiologia. Nuovo Giom. Bot. Ital., 7, 1900, .i-9.i. Baldrlch, ./. .iiiKKhii. El Chaco boreal. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. liol., .5, 1884, 5-14. El Chaco central nortf. Toma del Bermojo y Teiico. Argentina. Inst, (ieogr. Bol.. 6, 1888, 124 128, 145-160. Baldaccl, AliiricuJ. Delia murfulogiu compurata dcllo Kt.rn.i. Cuiigr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {I'ul. 2, Aiiat.), 97 99. Baldwin, Cnraline Willard. A photngraphic study of arc Hp. . tru. Phys. Hcv., 3, 1896. 370-380, 448-457. Baldwin, lJ[aviil] JJ[iriiilil\. Descri|reil, & Oooch, l'\rank] Altulin], See Oooch A Baldwin. Baldwin, /■;. / . Wild cat (FeliB cattus, L.) in Sutherland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 132. Baldwin, Edicard It. The ellect of peppermint inhalation on experimental tubtrculusis. N. V. Med. Jl., 61, 1895, 623-624. Baldwin, Kielyit li. Meteorological observations of the second Wellman expedition. [Outline of the scope and character of the meteorological work in Franz-Josef Land. 1n98-99.1 [1901.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Kep., 1899 1900, 349-436. Baldwin, (Vajit.) II. •Cyclone du Paci&que des 17 et 18 iiiivi iiibre 1867. France Soc. Metcorol. Nout. Meteorol., 1, 1868, 96-97. Baldwin, Hurry L. 'Visibility of VenuB in the daytime. Oliservutory, London, 3, 1880, 573-574. Baldwin, Helen. An experimental study of oxalnria, with special reference to its fermentative origin. [1900.] Jl. Kxper. Med., 5, 1900 01, 27-46. Baldwin, /yi'iiri/. Abnurmal form of Trillium granditlorum. Science, 4, 1884. 3.52. Baldwin, Herbert li. The toxic action of Bodium fluoride. Aiiier. Chem. Soc. Jl., 21, 1899, 517-521, 942. Baldwin, J{ame*] Mark. Dream excitation. Science, 12, 1888. 216. Origin of right or left handedness. Scieoce, 16, 1890, 247-248. Right-handednees and effort. Science, 16, 1890, 302- 303. Sugge.stion in infancy. Science, 17, 1891. 113-117. Infants' movements. Science, 19. 1893, l.>-16. Tracery imitation. [1892.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 149-150. A new method of child study. Science, 21, 1893. 213-214. Distance and color perception by infants. Science, 21, 1893, 231-232; 22, 1893, 1(1. Consciousness and evolution. Science, 2, 189S, 219- 2-23. Physical and social heredity. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 42'2-428. A new factor in evolntion. Amer. Natlist., 30. 1896. 441-451, 536-553. 856. Heredity and instinct. Science, 3, 1896, 438-441, 558-.561. An optical illusion. Science, 4, 1896, 794-796. Color perception of children. [1897.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 9, 1897-98, 61-62. Organic selection. Science, 5, 1897, 634-636. Determinate variation and organic selection. Science. 6. 1897, 770-773. [Isolation and selection.] Science. 7. 1898. 638-640. Hemianopsia in migraine. Science, 11,1900, 713-714. Baldwin, S. Prentiit. Rocent changes in the Muir glacier. Amer. Geologist. 11. 1893. 366-375. Pleistocene history of the Champlain valley. .\mer. Geologist, 13, 1894, 170-184. Baldwin] 262 [Balitrand Baldwin, U'liril. Stresses in railway bridges on curves. [Willi discussion.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 25, 1891, 459-500. Baldwin, William J. Tests of condensation in cast-iron radiators. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., S2, 1894, 34-37. Baldy, F. Essai de I'aluminium et du zinc a I'aide de I'acide chloriiiue. Ann. Cliira. Anal., 5, 1900, 201- '.'0.',. Baldy, .Jlolin] ]\I[ontiioitn'rii]. The relation of pyosalpinx to puerperal fever. ' N. Y. Med. Jl., 46, 1887, 19-20. Bale, F. Eecover.v of the ammonia and chlorine in the ammonia-sdda process. Brit. Ass. llep., 1888, 638-639. Bale, ir[illiin}i] M[iiiintiei]. Closing gij'cerine cells. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 478. • The genera of the Plumujariidffi, with observations on various Australian hydroids. [1886.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Trans., 23, 1887, 73-110. On some new and rare Hydroida in the Australian Museum collection. [1888.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 3, 1889, 74.5-799. List of Victorian Hydroida. Victorian Natlist., 5, 1889, 130-133. Further notes on Australian hydroids, with descrip- tions of some new species. [1h93.] Victoria Eoy. Soc. Proc, 6, 1894, 93-117. Balestra, .4ii('if((. Almandino della valle dei Zuecanti e niitrolite di nuove locality nel Vicentino. Riv. Mia. Cri-it., 1, 1887, 6-7. Balestra, Aiulrea, & WleacbineUi, Luigi . See meachlnelli \' Balestra. Balestra, E. Sopra alcuni composti di mercuriammonio. Gazz. Chini. ItaL, 21, 1891 (Pt. 2), 294-305. Azione del joduro di potassio e dell' iposolfito di sodio sopra i sali di mercurioammonio. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 {Pt. 2), 557-563. Nuovi sali di mercurioammonio. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 {Pt. 2), 563-569. Balestre, [Albert]. Note sur I'emploi thi^rapeutique de la f,'lol)ularine et de la globularetine (prineipes actifs des globulaires). Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1897 {Pt. 1), 389. Balfour, C[liaiies] B[arriiirilon]. Meteorological notes from observations at Newton Don iu 1892-[97]. (300 feet above sea-level.) Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [14], 1894, 311-312 ; 16, 1899, 87-88. Balfour, Francis Maithiiid. To biographical references (I'o/.s. 9 * 12) add Science, 2, 1883, 299-301. Balfour, George W[iUiam]. The relation of the left auricle to the chest-wall, and to the murmurs audible in the cardiac area. [1896.] Jl. Path. Bad., 4, 1897, 75-77. Balfour, H[enrii]. The (in whale fishery in North Lapland. Midland Natlist., 12, 1889, 197-202, 228- 236. Balfour, Isaac ISayley. Diagnoses plantarum novarum Phanerogamarum Soootrensium, etc. [Pars quarta. (Supplementum).] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 12, 1884, 402-411. Initiation of a discussion upon the value of the " Type system " in the teaching of botany. Nature, 34, 1886, 536. ' Sporophore ' and ' sporophyte.' [1887.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 77-80. 'Coco-nut,' not 'cocoa-nut.' [1887.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 184-186. . The replum in Cruciferm. [1888.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 367-368. Botany of Socotra. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 31, 1888, 446 pp. Presidential address to the Biol. Sect., Oxford, Aug. 9th. Forestry in Britain. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 667- 681. Eighteenth century records of Scottish plants. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 169-174, 237-243. Balfour, John Uutlon. For biography and list of works see Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 128; Nature, 29. 1884, 385-387; Pharm. Jl., 14, 1884, 658-659; Scott. Natlist., 7, 1883- 84, 160-162; Termt. Kozlon., 17, 1885, 495-496 ; Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 16, 1886, 187-189; Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [11], 1887,218-226. Balfour, .John .1/., * Faton, D[iarmid] Niiel. See Faton d' Balfour. Balfour, Letcis J., & Officer, C. Graham W. See Officer & Balfour. Balfour, Lewis J., Officer, C. Graham ]('., & Hogg, Erelijn G. See Officer, Balfour & Hogg. Balfour, Thomas .-llex'nider Goldie. For biographical notice and list of works see Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 20, 1896, 449-451. Balguerie, [Alfred]. For biographical notice see Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xii-xiii. [Liste des fossiles reeueillis dans les faluns de la m^tairie du Paren pres d'Orthez.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 38, 1884, xxxiii-xxxviii. Balicka-Iwanowska, {Mmr.) Gabrielle. Contribution a r^tude anatomique et syst^matique du genre Iris et des genres voisins. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 413- 433; 29, 1893, 185-200, 225-241. La structure des Cyanophyc^es. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 33, 1896, 206-208. Die Morpbologie des Thelygonum Cynocrambe. Flora, 83, 1897, 357-366. Contribution a I'etude du sac embryonnaire chez certains gamopetales. Flora, 86, 1899, 47-71. Balicka-Iwanowska, {Mme.) Gabrielle, & Chodat, Robert. See Chodat & Balicka-Iwanowska. Balint, Rezso = Eiidoliih. A cebocephalia egy eseterol szovettani vizsgalat alapjau. [Ueber einen Fall der Cebocephalia auf Grnnd bistologischer Untersuchung.] Termt. Kozlon. , 30, 1898, 218; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 340. Balint, Rezsli, & Banschburg, Pal. See Ranschburg & Balint. Balint, Srindor = Alexander. Az Epeira diademata, CI., idegrendszerc^nek bonez- ^s szovettana. .\natomie und Histologie des Nervensvstems der Epeira diademata, Gl. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1887, 147-180, 357- 362. JelentSs az 1888-ik ^v nyaran szekelyfoldon tett rovartani gyiijto kirandulAs eredminyercil. Bericht iiber die Resultate seiner entomol9gischen Excursionen im Szi5klerlande. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1889, 266-280, 304. [Adatok a mi\\ boncz- es szovettanahoz. Contribu- tions to the anatomy and histology of the bee.] Orvos- Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak). 189B, 302-308. A bogarak tobblencsejii (facettezett) szem^ben elofor- dul6 sejteubeloli idegelagaz6dasok. Beobacbtungen hinsichtlich der iutracelluliireu Anorduuug der Neurofi- hrillen im Facetten-Auge der Insecten. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak). 1899, 87-88, (Rev.) 18-19. Az idegrendszer szovettani szerkezete. [The histo- logical structure of the nervous system.] Termt. Kozlon. , 32, 1900, 601-622, 657-678. Balitrand, (it.) F. Sur I'integrale | ;,—-„,-. Nouv. .\un. Math., 6, 1887, 45-47. Sur les cubiques gauches. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 520-525. Application des coordounees intiiuseques. Caustiques par rellcxion. Nouv. Ann. Math., 9, 1890, 476-479. Sur les courltes du quatrieme ordre i^ui out trois jjoints doubles d'iuilexion ct en particulier sur la Kreuz- enrre. Mathesis, 11, 1891, 241-215 ; 13,1893,5-9. Sur un Kvsteme de coiudonnees tangentielles. Nouv. Ann. Math.', 12, 1893, 256-286. Balitrand I 263 IBall Sur la Btiophoido ut lu ciKBOide, Nouv. Ann. Matli., 12, 1893, i;i0-451. ApplicationH d'lin ibeorime de Cuasleh. MathesiH, 14, 1894, (;2-(i7, Ml -84. D(^'niuni^tiiitiun dcH forniules (ondamcntalcx de la p(5rimorphic ct di'.s furmulcs de Cuiia7./.i. PariH, Soo. Math. 13ul)., 22, 1894, 97-102. Hur le divelopiK'Uieut des coordonncies d'un point danx Ic mi>uvemeiit rclatif et Btir la courburi' deH lignes ortljoKOimk'S. I'uris, Soo. Mutli. Hull., 23, 1898, 2i;-:)2. Dc^ttrminatiou des poiutH d'intlcxion dans le developpe- ment di- lu section plane d'uu cdne. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 65-68. Balke, I'uul. Zur Kenntniss der Xantbinkorper. Jl. I'rakt. Chem., 47, 1893, 5:17-567. Ziir KeuutnicB der Spaltunnsproducte des Carniferrins. Ztschr. Physiol. Cheni., 22, 1896-97, 248-264. BaUce, I'dtil, & Ide, MamUe. Quantitative Bestimmung (111- I'liosphorfleibchsiiure. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 21, 189B 96, 880-386. Balkwlll, F[raiicii<] H[iincock]. Uisso's grampus (Grampus t;riseii»). [1886.] Pljniouth Inst. Trans., 9, 1887, 314-H17. On the osteology of Kisso's grampus (Grampus griseus). Plymouth Inst. Trans., 9, 1887, 413-417. On the (.'cographical distribution of seals. Zoologist, 12, 1888, 401-411. Biiliiuopterarostrata. [1888.] Plymouth Inst. Trans., 10, 1890, 120-122. Notes on some morphological dental irregularities in some of the skulls in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. [With digcussioii.] Brit. Jl. Dentil! Sci., 34, 1891, 625-629, 661-665. BalkwiU, Flivderick] l'[iijor\, & Wright, Joseph. Report ou Miine recent I'orauiimfera found off the coast of Dublin and in the Irish Sea. [1884.] Irish Ac. Trans., 28, 1880-86, 317-372. Ball, .1[/oh:h] li[r(iijtuit]. *A contribution to the study of aphasia, with special reference to "word-deafness" and "word-lilindness." Arch. Med., 5. 1881, 136-161. Ball, llnijiimiti. For biography sti' Paris, .\e. Med. Bull., 30, 1893, 703-704 ; lUv. Sper. di Ireuiatria, 19, 1893, 196. Le dualisnie cerebral. Rev. Sci., 33, 1884, 33-37. La niorphinomanie. Rev. Sci., 33, 1884, 449-454, 705-708 : 34, 1884, 1-5. L'intelligence des animaux. Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 605. Du traitenient de la phtisie pulmonaire par les injec- tions hypodermiques d'eucalyptol. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull.. 17, 1887. 341-343. ■ Des lesions de la morphinomanie et de la presence de la morphine dans les visc^res. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., It), 1887, 525-530. Ball, llfiijumhi, & Jennines, [ Wiliium] O^tcar]. Con- siderations sur le triiitemeut de la morphinomanie. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 17, 1887, 373-377. Sur certains caracleres du pouls chez les morpbino- manes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 864-865. Ball, CarUloii Ii[oy]. An anatomical study of the leaves of Eragrostis. [1896.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc., 4, 1897, 138-146. Notes on some western willows. St. Louis Ac. Trans., 9 (1899), 69-90. The genus Salix iu Iowa. [1899.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 7. 1900, 141-160. Ball, Carleloii ii'[i';/], A Pollard, Charla Lout: Ste FoUard iV' BaU. ' Ball, thuiUs lilent]. Tetanu.s an infectious disease. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 84, 1887, 457-466. BaU, Clinlon M. The Ball-Notton electro-magnetic separator. [1890.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 19, 1891, 187-194. The magnetic separation of iron-ore. [1895.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 25, 1896, 533-551. BaU, K[irretl .M[eacham], A Atwater, nyibur] (J[lin]. .SV.' Atwater & BaU. BaU, I.iluiii ■/[tujiiiiiir]. The alloys of copper and anti- mony and of copi>er and tin. Chem. Boc. Jl., 53, 1888, 167-171. On the changes in iron produced by thermal treat- ment. [Il'ith ilhcimnioit.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1890 [So. 1), 85 105; 1891 (A". 1), 103-118. BaU, Kilurin J[enniitg»], & Wlnghain, Arthur. On the inlluence of copper on the tiusili' strength of steel. [tt ith diicumioii.] Iron * Steel Inst. Jl., 1889 {So. 1), 123-131. Experiments on the elimination of sulphur from iron. [iri(/i dincuttiou.] Iron A Steel Inst. Jl., 1892 (.Vo. 1), 102-125. BaU, Eliiifr I). A study of the genus Clastoptera. Iowa Ac. .Sci. Proc, 3, 1896, 182-194. Notes on the urthoptcrous fauna of Iowa. [1896.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proe., 4, 1897, 234-241. A review of the Cercopidie of North America north of Mexico. [1898.) Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 6, 1899, 204-226. Some new species of Deltocephalus. Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 188-192. Some new DeltocephaliniE (Jassids). Cacad. Ent., 31, 1899, 306-:il0. Some new sjx-cies of Atbysanus. Pbilad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 172-174. Notes on the Acocephalina (Homoptera-Jassida). [1899.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 7, 1900, 64-72. • Some new Jassids from the southwest. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 200-205. Adiiilions to the western Jassid fauna. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 337-347. Notes on the species of Macropsis and .\gallia of North America. [1900.] Psyche, 9, 1902, 126-1.30. Ball, KImer L). , A Osbom, Herbert. See Oabom A BaU. BaU, Iiirresi. Colaptes aaratus in California. Ault, 2, 1886, :1H3. BaU, //. />. Tornado at Eagles Merc, Pa., June 27, 1892. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 20 (1892), 309. Climate and crop report, season of 1898, Alaska section. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 26 (1898), 548- 550. BaU, lit leu A. Peculiar nest of a chipping sparrow. Auk. 12, 1895, 305. BaU, •/[(iniM] Moores. Sympathectomie pour glaucome et jiour atrophic du nerf optiijue. Ann. d'Oculist., 122, 1899. 223. BaU, -fohn. No. 1 {Vol. 1) is not by this author. Assign to this author title {Vol. 1) under Ball, V. For biography and list of works see Jl. Hot.. 27. 1889. 365-370; Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, 450-451; Geogr. H^-c. Proc, 12, 1890, 99-108; Geol. Mag., 7. 1890. 47-48; [Italia], Soc Geogr. Boll., 27. 1890, 337-339 ; Roy. Soc. Proc, 47, 1890, v-ii ; Amsterdam Ncderl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 8, 1891, 770-771 ; Geogr. Jbncb., 14, 1891, 200. — — "[The variation in the size of glaciers.] [Meteorol. Off., Int. Met.] Comm. Rep., 1878, 11-12. Contributions to the flora of north Patagonia and the adjoining territory. [1884.] Linn. Soc. Jl. {Bot.), 21, 1886. 203-240. Prof. F. Pmilifpts researches in Chili. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 65-67. Contributions to the flora of the Peruvian .Andes, with remarks on the history and origin of the Andean flora. [1885.] Linn. Soc. JL {Bot.), 22, 1887, 1-64. Notes on the botany of western South America. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. {Hot.). 22, 1887, 137-168. Delia conservazione degli erbani. Malpighia, 1, 1887. 513-517. On the measurement of heights bv the barometer. Geogr. Soc. SnppL Pap., 2, 1889, 431-472. Ball] 264 [Ball Further contributions to the flora of Patagonia. [1890.] [Posth.] Linn. Soe. Jl. {Bot.), 27, 1891, 471- 500. The distribution of plants on the south side of the Alps. With an introductory note by W. T. Thiselton Dyer. [189-5.] [Posth.] Linn. Soc. Trans. {Bot.), 5, 1895-1901, 119-227. Ball, Joint. On the circumstances which affect the ratio of solution of zinc in dilute acids, with especial reference to the influence of dissolved metallic salts. Chem. Soc. Proc, 12. 1897, 23.5-236; Chem. Soc. Jl., 71, 1897 {Pt. 2), 641-649. Ball, Leo de. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1881 III am Aequatoreal der Herzogl. Sternwarte in Gotha. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 1.57-1.58. Zweiter Versuch einer Bestimmung der Constanta der tiigUchen Nutation. Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 39-46. Notiz iiber eiuige im Marz [1884] auf der .Jupiters- scheibe gesehene Flecken. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 391- 392. Bestimraung der Nutationsconstante. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 33-42. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1884 III (Wolf), von Planeten uud Vergleichsternen angestellt auf der Uni- versitiitssternwarte in Ougr^e bei Li^ge. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 361-366. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1886... (Fabry).] Auf der Sternwarte in Ougree. Astr. Nachr., 11.3, 1886, 147-148. Ueber eiuen Apparat zum Ablesen von Registrir- streifen. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 263-264. Doppelsternbeobaohtungen. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 273-282. [Beobachtung des Cometen 1886 (Barnard-Hartwig).] Auf der Sternwarte in Li^ge (Ougree). Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 317-318. Observations des surfaces de Jupiter et de V^nus faites en 1S84 et en 1885 k I'lnstitut Astronomique annex^ k I'Universit^ de Liege. Brux., Mem. Couronn. (4» Ed.), 47, 1886, No. 7, 11 pp. Recherches sur I'orbite d_e la plau^te (181) Eucharis. Brux., M(5m. Couronn. (4» Ed.), 49, 1888, No. 2, 44 pp. ; 51, 1889, No. 2, 29 pp. Determination de la parallaxe relative de I'etoile principale du couple optique i;i516 AB, a I'aide d'observations faites k I'lnstitut Astronomique annex^ a rUniversite deLi^ge. Brux., M^m, Couronn. (4" Ed.), 49, 1888, No. 3, 38 pp. Masse de la plan^te Saturne dednite des observations des satellites Japet et Titan, faites en 1885 et en 1886 a I'lnstitut Astronomique de Li^ge. Brux., M^m. Couronn. (4° hd.), 49, 1888, iV». 6, 18 pp. Beobachtung der Mondfinsterniss 1888 Jan. 28. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 313-314. Beobachtungen am 10 inch Refractor der Luttieher Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 321-322; 123, 1890, 29-30. [Beobachtungen der Bedeokung von Jupiter durch den Mond 1889 Aug. 7.] Am 10 inch Refractor der Liitticher Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 423-424. Die Eigenbewegung des Sterns Lalande 19229. Astr. Nachr., 12.5, 1890, 365-366. Beobachtungen von Cometen und kleinen Planeten angestellt ain 10 inch Refractor der Sternwarte bei Luttich. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 37-12. Beobachtungen der in der Vierteljiihrsschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, 11. Jahrg. p. 230, ange- fuhrten Doppelaterne. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 271- 276. Bemerknng zu einer Aufgabc der Integralrcchnung. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 333-334. Ableitung einiger Formeln aus der Theorie der Bessel'schen Functionen. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 1-4. Bemerkung iiber die Differentialquotienten der Stiirungsf unction. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 107-108. Bemerkung iiber die Coefficienten einer Keihe der Storungstheorie. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 339-340. Bemerkung zu der Theorie der Elementenstorungen erster Orduung. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 339-342. Decouverte d'une etoile variable. Brux., Ac. Bull., 21, 1891, 367-370. — —Notiz betreffend Fabritios "Ueber das Verhaltniss des Dreiecks zum Sector der Kegelschnitte " in A. N. 3076. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 283-286. Ueber den veriinderlichen Stern BD. + 1°.4359 im Sternbilde Aquarius. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 367- 370. Ueber einen neuen veranderlichen Stern in Aquila. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 215-216. Ueber die Aenderuug des Winkels zwischen der Drehungsaxe der Erde und der Axe ihres grossten Triigheitsmoments. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 373-376. Zonenbeobachtungen der Sterne zwischen 5 .50' und 10" 10' siidlioher Declination. Wien Kutlner. Sternw. Publ., 3, 1894 (1" Abth.), [i]-[xvi], 1-223, (2" Abth.), [xcvi]; 4, 1896 (1° Ahtli.), i-xii, 1-382; 5, 1900, Ai-Axi, A1-A235. Observation of a maximum of 1805 V Orionis. [1894.] Astr. JL, 14, 1895, 7. Positions of comparisou-.star for the Comet a 1894. [1894.] Astr. Jh. 14, 1895, 135. Anzeige eines neuen veriinderlichen Sterns BD. -6°.5419 in Aquila. [Nebst Zusatz von Prof. F. KusTNEB.] Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 73-74. Zur Berechnung des Einflasses der Aenderung der Ekliptik auf die Mondbahn. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 49-50. Bemerkung zu der Euler'schen Mondtheorie. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 83-86. Catalogue de 382 etoiles faibles de la zone DM + 2° observ^es a I'lnstitut Astronomique de Liege de 1886 a 1889. Brux. Obs. Ann. (.-ls(r.i, 7, 1896, 68 pp. Untersuchungeu iiber die Bahn des Cometen 1882 III. Wien Kuffner. Sternw. Publ., 4, 1896 (2"' .ihtli.). 3.5-65. Bemerkungen zur Oppolzer'schen Theorie der Prae- cessiou und Nutation. .\str. Nachr., 148, 1899, 17-24. Zur Untersuohung der Theilungsfehler der Helio- meterscalen. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 233-238. Reduction der Eigenbewegung der Fixsterne auf verschiedene Aequinoctien und auf verschiedene Epochen. Formeln von F.\bbitius. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 363- 368. Neue Ableitung einiger bei der Berechnung einer photographischen Anfnahme nach Prof. Turner's Methode vorkonimendeu Formeln. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 61-66. Untersuchungen iiber die Theilungsfehler der Helio- meterscaleu. Wien Kuffner. Sternw. Publ., 5, 1900, DID 31. Ball, IjCO (/(', & Scliwarzscblld, Karl. See Schwarzacblld cV: BaU. Ball, M[ic}i(iel\ l'[a;('»((ii<']. Recent advances in bacterio- logy with special reference to food. Franklin lust. Jl., 140, 1895, 340-351. BaU, (Sir) Robert Stmvell. 'To reference in No. 46 (Vol. 9) add Observatory, London, 2, 1879. 137-139. *0n a plane representation of certain dynamical problems in the theory of a rigid body. [1883.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884-88,' 29-37. Description of a model of a ruled cubic surface known as the cylindroid. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 52 53. Results of observations made with the Soutli refractor. Dunsink Ohsns. , 5, 1884, 244 pp. Noti's on the kincniMtics and dynamics of a rigid system in elliptic space. [1884.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884-88, 252-258. Bain 265 I Ball Comets. [Lecture at the MontrenI meeting of the Britisli AHSooifttidii.) Nature, 30, 1884, ■I54-457. Note on ft ncoiiiitriciil inethoil of inveRti|;aliii(; tlie dymimical propertieH of tlin eyiinilroid. [18«5.] Irish Ao. Proc, 4, 1884-88. .'J18-.522. Note on the chaiiicter of the hnear transformation which correnpondH to the diKplacemeiit of a ri^'id Hysteiii in elliptic space. [1HM.5 ] Irish .\c. Proc, 4, 1884-88, 532-^37. KUiptlc space. (188.5.) Nature, 33, 1886, 8(;-87. L'urigine des utoiles filantes. Astroiiomie, 1886, 331- 337. Occnltation of Aldebaran, 1880 January 10. Astr. Soc. ^ronth. Not., 40, 1886, 124. Micrometric oliservations of Nova Andromedie, made at the Observatory, Dunsink. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 40, 1886. 391. Dynamics and modern geometry. A new chapter in the theory of screws. [1880.] Irish Ac. Cunningham Mem., 4,' 1887. 44 pp. Notes on Lapi.ac'k's analytical theory of the perturba- tions of Jupiter's satellites. [1880.] Irish Ac. Proc., 4, 1884-88, •557-.')07. Observations on Nova AndromediE, made at Dnnsink. [1880.] Irish .\c. Proc, 4, 1884 88, 041. Notes on the astronomical theory of the great ice age. [1880.] Irish Ac. Proc., 4, 1884-88, 042-044. [Presidential address to the Math, and Phys. Sci. Sect., Manchester, Sept. 1st. A dynamical parable.] Brit. Ass. Kep., 1887, .509-579. On the plane sections of the cyllndroid. Being the seventh memoir on the theory of screws. [1887.] Irish Ac. Trans., 29. 1887-92, 1-32. On the theory of the content. [1887.] Irish Ac. Trans., 29, 1887-92, 123-182. Occnltation of Kegulus by the moon, observed at Dunsink Observatory. [1887.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 00. On the harmonic tidal constituents of the port of Dublin. [1M88.] Irish Ac. Proc, 1, 1889-91. 190-201. The eighth memoir on the theory of screws, showing how plane geometry illustrates general problems in the dynamics of a rigid body with three degrees of freedom. [1888.] Irish Ac. Trans., 29. 1887-92, 247-284. A note on a determinant in the theory of screws. [1890 ] Irish Ac Proc, 1, 1889-91, 37.5-378. The theory of permanent screws ; being the ninth memoir on the theory of screws. [1890.] Irish Ac. Trans.. 29, 1887-92. 013-0.52. The cause of an ice age. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1891, 645- 647. Invisible stars. [1891.] Leicester Soo. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 434-437. The astronomical explanation of a glacial period. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1892. 2.50-2-56. Mars. .Astr. Soc Pacific Publ., 5, 1893, 23-36. The discussion on quaternions. Nature, 48 (1893), 391. Astronomical photography. Nature, 48 (1893), 541. The absence of air from tlie moon. Science, 21, 1893, 99. The wanderings of the North Pole. Smithsonian Hep., 1893. 7.5-87. Atoms and sunbeams. Smithsonian Rep., 1893, 121- 133. Note on a general theorem in dynamics. Brit. .\8s. Rep., 1894. 561. The theory of pitch invariants and the theory of cliiastic honiography, being the tenth memoir on the "theory of screws.'" [1894.] Irish Ac. Trans., 30, 1898-96, 559-586. Note on geometrical mechanics. [1894.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc. 8, 1896, 240-241. B. s. A. C. Obgervatious uf Gale's Comet, made at the Cambridge Observatory, with Northumberland equatorial and sifuare bar micromet«r. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., .54, 189S, 555, .584. On a form of the diflerential equations of dynamics. Aust. A-H. Kep., 189B, 21.5-217. Further development of the relations between im- pulsive screws and instantaneous screws, being the eleventh memoir on the "theory of screws." [1890.] Irish Ac. Trans., 31, 1896 1901. 99-144. Note on Mr. A. Y. (j. Camphei.i.'h paper "On the variation of uncanonical arbitrary constants, with an application to the planetary theory." Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 57. 1897, 131-133. The twelfth and concluding memoir on the " theory of screws," with a summarv of the twelve memoirs. [1897.] Irish Ac. Trans.. 3l', 1896-1901. 14.5-190. Note on a point in theoretical dynamics. [1896.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 9, 1898, 193-195. Oceultations of Ceres and Venus, obsert'ed at the Cambridge Observatory. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 462. Amendment to "The twelfth and concluding memoir on the theory of screws." [1898.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1896-98, 607-668. Preliminary description of the new photographic equatorial of the Cambridge Observatory. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., .59, 1899, 1.52-155. Theory and practice. Educ. Times, 52, 1899, 317- 318. Ball, {Sir) Robert Stnaell. & Rambant, Arthur .4(feo<:ilr]. On the relative positions of 223 stars in the Cluster x Persei as determined photographically. [1892.] Irish Ac. Trans., 30. 1892-96, '231-276. On the relative positions of 223 stars in the cluster X Persei as determined photographically. [1893.] Irish Ac. Proc, 2, 1891-93, 048. Ball, I'lthntinf. For biography and works «<<• Geol. Mag., 2, 1896, 3H2-3K3 ; Irish Natlist., 4, 1895, 109-171 ; R-y. Soc. Proc, -58, 1896. xlvii-xlix ; Geol. Soc. t^uart. Jl., •52, 1896, Ixii-lxiii ; Scott. Geogr. Mag., I'i, 1896, 31-.32. To reference in No. 53 {Vol. 9) add Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 4, 1886, 1-8. To reference in No. 54 (I'ol. 9) add Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 4, 1886, 3:i-38. To reference in No. 55 (Vol. 9) add Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 4, 1886. 09-110. On the mode of occurrence of precious stones and metals in India. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 731-732. On the newly discovered sapphire mines in the Himalayas. [1885.] Dublin Soc. .Sci. Proc, 4, 1886, 393-395; Ireland Geol. Soc. Jl., 7. [1887,] 49-51. On the collection of the fossil Mammalia of Ireland in the Science and Art Museum, Dublin. [18H5.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87. 333-348. *0n the existing records as to the discovery of a diamond in Ireland in the year iHli;. [1883.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 5, 1886-87. 332-334 ; Ireland Geol. Soc Jl., 7, [1887,] 16.3-105. Zinc and zinc ores, their mode of occurrence, metal- lurgy, and history, in India ; with a glossary of oriental and other titles used for zinc, its ores, and allovs. [1886.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 5, 1886-87. 321 -.331; Ireland Geol. Soc Jl., 7, [1887,] 1.52-102. Observations on lion-breeding in the gardens of the Royal Zoological Society of Ireland. [1886.] Irish Ac. Trans., 28, 1880-86. 723-7'>8. The volcanoes of Barren Island and Karcondam in the Bav of Bengal. Geol. Mag.. 5, 1888. 4"I4-40H : 10. 1893, 289-291. 384. On some eroded agate pebbles from the Sondan. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44, 1888. 368-309. On the probable mode of transport of the fragments 34 266 Ball] of granite and other rocks which are found imbedded in the Carboniferous limestone of tlie neighbourhood ot Dublin. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44, 1888, 371-3(4. Further notes on the identilieation of the aunnals and plants of India which were known to early Greek "authors. [1887.] Irish .\c. Proe 1, 1889-91 Ml. Cetaceans in African lakes. Nature, 44, 1891, 198- The Koh-i-nur: a leplv [to Prof. Stort-MaskelyneJ. 11891.1 Nature, 44, 1891, r>92-5!l3 ; 45, 1892, 12(5 _— On bones and antlers of Cei-vus piganteus incised and marked by mutual attrition while buried m bogs or marl. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1893, 7-56. Lion-tiger and tiger-lion hybrids. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 390-392, (507-608. Records of the export of Irish wolf-dogs to the i!.ast in the 17th century. Irish Natlist., 3, 1894, 101-102. On the gold nuggets hitherto found in the County Wicklow. [1895.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 8, 1893-98, 311-324. . T J. Keputed traces of negrito pygmies m India. Nature, 52 (1895), 80-81. BaU, fVlalter] ]V[illiam]Rousv. On Newton s classification of cubic curves. [1890.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 22 1891, 104-143; Bibl. Math., 1891, 3.5-40. 'a Newtonian fragment relating to centripetal forces. London Math. Soc. Proc, 23, 1892, 220-231. A hypothesis relating to the nature of the ether and gravity. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 20-24. Mebsenne's numbers. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 34-40, 121. , . On the use of a single symbol to denote the incom- mensurable number 3-14159.... Bibl. Math., 1894, 106. Even magic squares. Messenger Math., 23, 1894, 65-69. „ . ,. i- BaKaban, Theodor. Thrombose der Vena centralis retina! in Folge von Chlorose. Arch. Augenheilk., 41, 1900, 280-285. , ,,, Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Erkrankungen des (jlas- korpers. Wien. Med. Wschr., 50, 1900, 1977-1982, 2018-2022, 2070-2074. BaUagl, Jfhios. Remarks regarding the treatment of malarial disease. N. Y. Med. Jl., 66, 1897, 601-602. BaUance, Chitrles A[lfrcd]. The genesis of scar tissue. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (lid. 2, Abth. 3), 196- 200 BaUance, Charles A[lfredl & Colman, Walter S[tacyl See Colman * BaUance. BaUance, Charles A[lfredl A Edmunds, )) alter. Ihe ligation of the larger arteries in their continuity. An experimental inquiry. Med.-Chir. Trans., 69, 1886, 443- 472. Contributions to the physiology of the intestines. Jl. Physiol., 20, 1896, ii-iii. See alsii Edmunds & BaUance. BaUance, Charl.s A[l/red], A Hadden, ]V[alter] Blaiigh]. See Hadden A BaUance. BaUance, Charles A{lfred], & Shattock, Samuel a[eor(ie]. Cultivation-exiieiimeiits with new growtlis and normal tissues, together with remarks on the parasitic theory of cancer. London Path. Soc. Trans., 38, 1887, 412-438. A note on an experimental investigation into the pathology of cancer. [1890.] Hoy. Soc. Proc, 48, 1891, 392-403. See also Shattock & BaUance. BaUance, diaries A\lfre,l]. A Sberrineton, Charles Scott. Sre Sherrington A BaUance. BaUand, [Jusejjh] A[iitiii)ie FelLi:]. vent lea farines en vieillissant. 533-557. Note sur les bl<58 des Indes. 24-25. Falsilication de farines. Jl 470. [BaUand Alterations qu'eprou- Ann. Chim., 1, 1884 . Jl. Phiuiii., 9, 1884, I'harm., 9, 1884, 469- Repartition des matieres salines dans les divers produits des moutures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1518-15.50. ^ . , „ . Deuxitme m<:.moire sur les farines. Pans, Ac. bci. 0 R 99 1884, 71-72 ; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1884, 26l)-271, 342-3.5();'ll, 1885, 74-80, 218-222. Recherches sur les farines. Repartition de 1 acidite et du Sucre dans les divers produits des moutures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 178. Sur la panilication. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1885, 103-10o, 158-103, 202-209, 2.5.5-260, 299-301. Note sur I'Ephestia kuenhiella. Jl. Pharm., 13, 188b, Pakmentier. Rev. Sei., 37, 1886, 197-200. Rapport sur les eaux consommees par les troupes rlu II" corps darmee. Arch. Med. Pharm. Mihtaires, 11, ■ 1888, 233-239. ^, „, Sur le doFage du ligneux dans les farines. Jl. Pbarm., 17, 1888, 600-603. . Sur la presence des graines de Cephalana syriaca dans les hies. Jl. Pharm., 18, 1888, 156-157. Sur le developpement du grain de ble. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. B., 106, 1888, 1610-1612 ; Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 212-235. „ „ Sur la reparation des vieilles fannes. Jl. Pnarm., 21, 1890, 347-349. „ • . Observations sur les extraits de viande. fans, Ac. Sci. C. R., HI, 1890, 895. Pierre Bayen, Lavoisier et la decouverte de loxyg^ne. Rev. Sci., 45, 1890, 811-812. „ . .^ ,„„„ Les travaux de Bayen sur I'etain. Rev. bci., 4b, 1890, 1 Sur I'hydratation des hies. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 112, 1891 969-971. Sur I'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1536-1538; Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 49-54. „ . . „. Experiences sur le pain et le biscuit. Pans, Ac. bci. C. R., 115, 1892, 60.5-667 ; Jl. Pharm., 27, 1893^ 16-19. Analyse chimique des farines. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 29, 1893, 487-492. . . , , „aj ■ ■ Precludes employes an laboratoire central de 1 Adminis- tration de la Guerre pour Tanalyse chimique des fannes. Jl. Pharm., 28, 1893, 159-165. Sur la preexistence du gluten dans le ble. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893. 202-204; Jl. Pharm., 27, 1893, 258-260. , . , , , r Sur la temp(Srature interieure du pain sortaut du tour. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 519-521. Note sur I'emploi de recipients en aluminium pour la conservation de I'acide phenique. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 1894, 164; 24, 1894, 43. _ . - „ Observations sur les farines. Pans, Ac. bci. C. K., 119, 1894, 56.5-567. . , • . Sur la composition de quelques avoines fran^aises et ■ etrang^res, [des r^coltes de 1893 et de 1894]. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 502-504, 656, 845-846 ; Jl. Pharm., 1 1895, 478-481. o • r. n Sur la decortication des bles. Pans, Ac. Sci. 0. K. 120, 1895, 63M-640. . ^ ■ r^ c Sur la conservation des bli^s. Pans, Ac. hei. U. K., 120, 1895, 1429-1431. . Sur les ustensiles en aluminium. Pans, Ac. rtci. <-. R., 121, 1896, 381-383. Sur la composition des riz importes en J< ranee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 561-564; Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896,292-295. Sur la repartition des matieres azotees et des matieres miiif^rales dans le pain. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 121, 1896, 786-788. ^ . , , . , Sur le rendenient des bl^s en fannes et sur le pain de farine entiere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 41i--49. Sur un riz conscrvC(>noiiii(jues il'un l)lutii('i! exagiri. PariB, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, M'.lO-14'.IH. Sur le dosat;c du K'luten dans les farines. PariB. Ac. Sci. C. K., 123, 1896, 13U-137 ; Jl. Pliarm., 4, 1896, 250- 2.51. Sur les fleurnKeR. PariB, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 325-327 ; Jl. Pharni., 4, 1896, 301-303. Sur les fives. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 551- 654 ; Jl. I'hann., 3, 1897, 81-83. Sur le nouvcau pain ilc (,'ucrre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1007-100',) ; Jl. I'harra., 5, 1897, llH-100. OliBervatious nenirales sur les bits. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 123, 1896, 1303-1305. Murrons et clnitaiKnes. Jl. Pharm., 5. 1897, 525-527. Le paiu des hopitaux de Paris. Jl. Pharm., (i, 1897, 385-387. Sur les principaux bl(i3 consommes en France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li., 124, 1897, 40-42. Sur la diminution de la matiere szot^e dans les bl^s du d(5partenient du Nralio]. The effect of exposure under eerluin conditions upon some constants of oils. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 10. 1891. 2;< 33. BaUantyne, //|.'rii(i..]. .V Tbomson, Robert T. See Tbomson A BaUantyne. BaUantyne, ./[.im,«J. iiur squirrels. Ottawa Natlist., 2. 1888, 33-44. The English sparrow. Ottawa Natlist., 4, 1890, 149- 151. BaUantyne, .J[ames], & LMtt, William I'ittman. Beport of tlie zoological branch of the Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club for the year ending 18th March, 1890. [1890-91.] Ottawa Natlist., 4, 1890, 92-93, 198-199. BaUantyne, y[V Wlllianison. BaUard, Kiiicunl. For biu^raphy and work.s ait McJ.- Cliir. Trans.. 80. 1897. cxxxviii-cxxxix; Boy. Soc. Proc., 62. 1898, iii-v. On the prevalence and fatality of scarlatina as influenced by sex, age. and season. [1888.] Epid. Soc. Trans., 7, 1889, 183-192. On meat infections ; food poisoning. Int. Congr. Hvg. Trans. (1891, 3). 102-117. Ballard, Kdwurd Georqe. K new actinometer. Soc. Clieiu. Ind. Jl., 9, 1890, 469-471. The volumetric estimation of zinc. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 16. 1897, .399-400. BaUard, [Rev.) F. Cave deposits considered in relation to estimates of time. Liycrpool Geol. .A.ss. [Trans.], 1 8. 1888,1 33-36. .\ Noycs. iri//ier determinare nipidamente i principali componenti del latte di vacca. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 18. 1890. 113- 155. Ballatore, G. *[!.;•< stelle cadenti del periodu di agostn e di novembre 1879.] Fossano. [1879-80.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull.. 14. 1880. 130; 15. 1881. 33. 34—2 Ballatorel 268 LBall6 *Fenomeno ottico. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 1, 1881, 151-152. [Bolide del 19 novembre 1884.] Fossano. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, l'J.5. Terremoto del 28 novembre 188,5. Fossano. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 8. Osservatorio Meteorolo{,'ieo di Fossano (Cuneo). Riassunto annuale dell' anno 1891. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 97. Ballay, [Noi-l Kuq?iie]. I)e I'Ogoou^ au Congo. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. B., 1885, 279-289. BalW, Bmile. Aper^u de la faune nialaeologiqne des environs de Vire (Calvados). [1886.] Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87),] 382-383. Note siir une coquille de I'Helix lapieida {Liiine), pr^sentant la raonstruosit^ subscalaire. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 108. De diverses formes du polj'pode vulgaire observ(5es aux environs de Vire (Calvados). Eev. Bot., 7, 1888-89, 15.5-156. Note sur une coquille (Helix nemoralis, L.) k peri- stome anomal. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 17-18. Sur uue eoquille scalaroide de I'Helix nemoralis. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 33-34. Note sur la limace cendr^e noiratre (Limax cinereo- niger, Wolf). Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 390-391. Note sur une forme anomale de I'Aspidium filix-mas. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 402-403. Catalogue descriptif des galles observ^es aux environs de Vire (Calvados). Roiieu Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 415- 438. Note sur une production verniiforme se rencontrant sur les folioles de divers Rubus. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1890, 120-121. Note sur la dipt^roc^oidie du Diplosis tiliarum, Kieft'rr, Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1890, 143-144. Note sur un cadre .indicateur servant a retrouver les objets 6pars dans les preparations micrographiques. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1894, 216-217. Note sur deux Primula acaulis anomales. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1894. 227. Liste des Uniouid^s rteoltesdans la mare de Bouillon, prfes Granville (Manche). Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull, 1897, 11. Premiere liste des Ustilagintes et des Uredin^es observfes aux environs de Vire (Calvados). Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 26-27. Note sur cinq photomicrographies coucernant la structure du bois de quelques Coniferes. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 68-70. Du bois secondaire des Angiospermes dicotyl^donees indigenes. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1898, 49-53. Note sur Ic bois secondaire du tulipier de Virginie. Naturaliste, 22, 1900, 8U. Ballet, Gilbert. [Sur les mouvements et spasmes reflexes d'origine gaatro-intestinale.] Arch. G^n. M^d., 164, 1889, 2.50. Sur nn cas d'hypermn^sie avec accroissement patho- logiqup de la faculty de representation mentale. Progres M&l., 1(1, 1889, 17-19, 44-45. Le sommeil provoque par rri- mentaleH de la cellule nerveuse. []Vith disciinaioit.l Congr. Int. M(;-d. C. li., 1897 (Vol. 4, 1" Pt.}, 260-264. Ballet, Gilbert, & Faiire, Mmirire. Attaques (5pilcpti- formea produites par I'intoxication tabagique exp^ri- mentale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mijm., 51, 1899 (C. K.), 116-118. Ballet, Gilbert, A Froust, lAcliilte] Adrien. See ProuBt cV BaUet. Balli, IS. Zur .\ufbewahrung der Lackmuslosung mittelst Salicylsiiiire. Cheni. Ztg., 8,1884, 1766. Balli, G., & Gaucher, [I'liilippe Charles] Elrnest]. See Gaucher & Balli. Ballif, [I'liilijip]. Vie Hydrographie Boeniens und der Hercegovina. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 246-249. Balling, Carl A[lbert] .l/[aj-]. For biography and works see Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 337; Oesterr. Z'tschr. Berg- wesen., 44, 1896 (Beil.), 59-60; Ztschr. Elektroch., 1895-96, 652. Zur Bestimmung des Kohlenstoffs im Eisen durcb Verbrennen im Sauerstoffgase. Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 821. Die neuen Methoden der Schwefelgewinnung. Hum- boldt, 5, 1886, 217-220. Ballion, E[rnest £.]. Vorliiufiges Verzeiehniss der Sclimetterlinge aus der Umgegend von Noworossiisk am Schwarzen Meeie im Caucasus. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 62 {Pt. 1), 1886, 241-290. ■ Otiorbynchus turca, Stev., ein Beschiidiger des Wein- stockes. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 1, 1887, 813-814. Kurze Notizeu fiber einige russische Blaps-Arten. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 1, 1887, 900-923 ; 2, 1889, 269- 276, 694-704. Uelier Blaps armeniaca, Faldrm., und Bl. armeniaca. All. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 6, 1887, 307-309. Einiges aus [seinen] NotizWattern. Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 5, [1891,] 25, 33, 129-130, 146-147, 153, 161. Ballion, Jeu7i. [Sur I'usage du formol.] [1895-96.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 (Pt. 1), 29 ; 21, 1897 {Pt. 1), 31-33. [Phrynosoma planiceps.] [1895-96.] Brax. Soc. Soi. Ann., 20, 1896 {Pi. 1), 29-30; 21, 1897 (Pt. 1), 31. [Sur les " mistpoeffers " de la mer du Nord.] [1896.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 (Pt. 1), 33-35. BaUb, Miilyns. To references in No. 23 (Vol. 12) odd Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 6-12. ■ — ;- A glycerythritr/ll. [On glycerythrite.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 2, 1884, 177-179 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 2 (1883-84), 339-342. A levegii szensavtartalmdnak meghatdrozasAr61. [Ueber die Bestimmung des Kohlensiiuregehaltes der Luft.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 2, 1884, 180-183; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 2 (1883-84), 345-349; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1097-1100. ■ A borhegyi lisvanyvlz elemzese. [Zusammensetzung des Borbegyer Sauerwassers.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 2, 1884, 184-186; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 2 (1883-84), 343-344; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17. 1884, 673-674. A hygrotherni,4nsr61, alkalmazva a bor hevit^s^re sajat ed(?uyeben. [Ueber die Auweudung des Hygrother- manten zum Erhitzen der Weine im eigenen Gebinde.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 3, 1885, 221-226; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 3 (1884^85), 25.5-259. Ueber die Bestimmung der Wiirmeleitungsfiihigkeit der Korper. Dinglers Polytecbn. Jl., 260, 1886, 275- 281. Budapest fcivaros iv6viz kfrdc^e. [Zur Wasserfrage der Hauptstadt Budapest.] Math. Tennt. Ertes., 4, 1886, 123- 137; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 4 (1885-86), 197-213. Ueber Reduction der Weiusiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 7.50-754. A pbytoehemia cgy uj feladatariil. [Ueber eine neue Aufgalie der Phytocbemie.J Math. Termt. Ertes., 7, 1889, 159-169; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 7, 1890, 276- 287. A faggyu kinmtatilsa sert(!s-zsirokban. [Ueber den Naohweis des Unschlittes in Scbwcinefetten.] Termt. Kozlou., 29, 1897, 432; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 386. Ballochl 269 [Ballowitz Ballocb, K[du-aid] .l[rlhur]. Ova of TrichoccplialiiH cUk- piir ill liver of rat. AiniT. Micr. Jl., 10, 1889, I'.ia- i:h;. Ballot. SV,' Bays-Ballot. Ballota y Taylor, JlUardo. Geo^arm y cliiiiatolot,'ia de lit tulii iculosis. Congr. Int. Hig. Act. (1898, A), 19- 34. La porte d'entriiB pour le bacille de la tuberculose. {With ilincuimiun.] Congr. Int. M<5d. C. K., 1900 (I'ol. 4), (i:(K t\HS. BaUou, Howard M[Uler]. The Chinook wind. [1893.] AuitT. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 541-.547. Ballon, Sidney M[ilUr]. I'rofeBsor Kitsseli.'s theory of cold waves. [1891.] Amcr. Meteorol. Jl., 7 (1890-91), 529-542. The eyp of the storm. [1892.] Ainer. Meteorol. Jl., 8(1892-931, 1)7-81. 121-127. The storms of Inilia. [1Hermatologi8clien Beitra.'en, betreflend die Tunicuten, Mullusken. Wiirmer, Echinodermen, und Ccelenteraten. Int. Jl. Anat., U, 1894, 24.5-280. Bemerkungen iiber die Form und Lage des mensch- lichen Duodenums. .\nat. Anz., 10, 1896. .583-.590. Eiue seltene Zahiianomalie im Zwiscbenkiefer eines menschlichen Schiidels. Arch. Anat. Physiol, {.inat. Abth.), 1896, 280-288. Ueber angebornen, einseiligen, voUkommenen Nieren- mungel. Literarisch-statistische Bearbeitung von 210 Falltn nebst 3 neuen Beobachtnngen. Virchow, Arch., 14), 1896, 309-390. Die Doppelsj)ermatozoeu der Dyticiden. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool.. 00, 1896, 458-499. Em Beitrag zur Verweiidbarkeit der (iolifi'schen Methode. [1897.] Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr.. 13, 1896. 402-467. Ueber die Ueljereinstimmung des feineren Bauea der elektrischen Or;:ane bei den starkelektrischen und schwachelektrischen Fischen. Vorlaufige Milteilung. Anat. Anz . 13, 1897, 124-126. Ueber Sichelkerne und Riesenspharen in ruhenden Epithelzellen. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 002-604. Ueber die sogenannten "Dornpapillen " im elektri- schen Urgan des Zitteraales (Gymnotns electricnn, L.). Anat. Auz., 13. 1897, 643-648. Ueber den feineren Bau des elektrischen Organs de« gewohnlichen Rochen (Kaja clavata, L.). Anat. Hefte (Abl. 1), 7. 1897, 283-37.5. Bemerkung zu der Arbeit von Dr. Carl Siessjso iiber " Die Betheiligung von CentralkOrper und Spbare am .\ufbau des Saiuenfadeus bei Saugethieren." Arch. Mikr. Anat., 48, 1897, 080-OM9. Zur Anatomic des Zitteraales (Gymnotus electricus, L.) mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung seiner elektrischen Organe. Arch. Mikr. Anat., -50, 1897. 086-750. Notiz zur Kenntniss der Os.sa se.«amoidea des Men- schen. Virchow, .\rch., 14(<, 1897, .50O-.505. Ueber Sichtbarkeit und Ausseben der nngefarbten Centrosomen in ruhenden Gewcbszellen. ZUchr. Wiss. Mikr., 14. 1897, 3.5.5-359. Notiz liber die oberflachliche Lage der CentralkOrper in Epithelien. Anat. Anz.. 14, 1898, 369-372. Zur Entstehung des Zwischenkurpers. Anat. Anz.. 14. 1898. 390-405. Ueber Kernformen und Spbaren in den Epidermis- zellen der Amphioxnslarven. Anat. Auz., 14, 1898. 405-407. Zur Kenntniss der Zellsphare. Eine Zellenstudie am Snlpenepithel. Arch. Anat. Phvsiol. {Anat. .ibth.). 1898. 135-198. Ueber Riugkeme. ibrc Entstehang und Vermebrung. Biol. Centrbl.. 18. 1898. 286-299. Die Nervenendigungen in dem elektrischen Organ des afrikanischen Zitterwelses (Malopteninis electricus. Laeep.). [1898.] Anat. Anz.. 15. 1899. 85-92. Ballowitz] 270 [Baltzer Ueber polvtome Nervenfaserteilung. Anat. Aiiz., llj, 1899, 541-546. Ueber Hypomerie und Hypermerie bei Aurelia aurita, Lfim. Arc-h. EntwMecli., 8,1899, •239-252. Zur Kenntniss der Honihaiitzellen des Menechen und der Wirbelthieie. [1899.] Arch. f. Ophthalm., 49, 1900, 8-26. ■ Notiz iiber Riesenkerne. Anat. Anz., 17,1900,340-346. Eiae Benierknng zu dem von Goloi und seinen Scliiilern besehriebenen "Apparato reticolare interno" der (ianglien- und Driisenzellen. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 177-181. Stall- mid t'adenfiir.nige Krystalloide iin Linsenepithel. Arcb. Aui.t. Physiol. (Amit. Ahth.), 1900, 253-270. Kernuictamorpbosen in der Hornbaut wiihrend ilires Wachstbums und im Alter, Arch. f. Opbthalra., 50, 1900, 360-367. Ueber das Epithel der Membrana elastica posterior des Aujjes, seine Kerne und eine merkwiirdige Struktur seiner grossen Zellspharen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Organisation der Zelle. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 56, 1900, 230-291. Die grosseRaubseesehwalbe (Sterna oaspia, P<(W.)ander pommerschen Ostseekiiste. Jl. f. Ornith., 48, 1900. 16,5-175. Ueber Kern-Arrosion und Kern-Fensterung unter deni Eindusse der Zellsphare. Virchow, Arch., 160, 1900, 574-583. Ballowitz, Kitrl. Zur Kenntnis der Samenkorper der Arthropoden. Int. Jl. Anat., 11, 1894, 217-244. Bally, Uscar. Ueber phenylirte Piperidin- und Pyridin- baseii. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2.590-2594. Zur Kenntniss dea Pbloroglucintriearbonsiiureesters. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber , 21, 1888, 1766-1771. Einwirkung von Cblor auf Pyridin, Piperidin und Derivate derselben. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1772-1777. Balmer, J. J. Notiz iiber die Spektrallinien des Wasser- stofts. Basel Verb., 7, 1885, 548-560, 750-752. Eine neue Formel I'iir Spektralwellen . Basel Verb., 11, 1897, 448-463. Balmer, IT. T. [Lunar corona, Tenby, Jan. 7th, 1898.] [1898.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 253. Balogb, KiUini'in. For biography and works see Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 6, 1889, 498-501 ; Terrat. Kiizlon., 21, 1889, 597-598. Balsamo, Fnmcesco. Reliquie Cesatiane. Crittogame del R. Orto Botanico, raecolte dal prof, barone V. Ces.^ti. [Alghe.] Napoli, Rend., 24, 1886, 69-73. Sulla storia naturale delle algbe d' acqua dolee del comune di Napcdi. [1885.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 1, 1888, No. 14, 84 pp. Alghe della haja di Assab. Napoli, Ace. Atti, 1, 1888, No. 12, 9-12. Diatomee contenute nel canale digerente di aleune Aplysiae raecolte dal capitano G. Chierchu nel viaggio di circumnavigazione della R. eorvetta Vcltor Pisiini nel 1884-85. Napoli Soe. Nat. Boll., 4, 1890, 131-138. Suir assorbiniento delle radiazioni nelle piante. Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 5, 1891, 61-69. Sulla visiljilita delle strie delle Uiatomee iu rapporto ai Bistemi ottici ed ai niczzi d' inclusione. Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 5, 1891, 175-181. liicerche suUa penetrazione delle radiazioni nelle piante. Parte prinui. Metodo di ricerea. [1H91.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 65-70. Contribuzione alia flora al'ricana. Piante delle Oanarie e del Cuugo raecolte da (i. Zenkkk. Centuria prima. Napoli, Uciid., 31, 1892, 119-132. Manipolo di alghe napolitane Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 6, 1892, 77-97. Sull' uso di un sistema divergente per ingrandire r imagine nel microscopio. [1896.] Napoli Soc. Nat. Hull., 10. 1897, 20-23. Intorno ad una sostanza colorante della Salpichroma rliomboidea, Micrs. [1896.] Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 10, 1897. 51-53. Baltet, Charh's. he sulfate de cuivre contre les limaces et les escargots. Brux. Soc. Linu. Bull., 15, 1889, 99-100. La persicaire de Sakhalin. France Soc. Agr. Bull., 54, 1894, 167-169. Sur la fecondite de la persicaire g^ante (Polygonum sachalinense). Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 607. Fruit culture in France. [1894.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 19, 1896, 141-200. Baltbazard, V. Note sur la patbog^nie de I'^rytheme radiographiiiue. Paris, Soc. Biol. mSdi., 49, 1897 {C.R.), T26-T2S. Etude de la diurfese produite par les injections in- traveineuses de solutions bypertoniques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., .52, 1900 (C. R.), 565-568. BalthazEird, I'., & Claude, Henri [CJiurles Jules]. See Claude >Vr Baltbazard. Baltliazard, I'., A Desgrez, Alexandre. See Desgrez it BalthazEird. Baltbazard, C, tt Roux, Jean Charles. See Roux & Baltbazard. Baltbazard, I'., Claude, Henri [Charles Jules], & Savelli, . See Claude, Baltbazard it Savelli. Baltz, Carl (Killer ri>}i Balzberg). Hie Siedesalz-Erzeugung von ihren Anfangeu bis auf ihren gegenwiirtigen Stand, nebst eiueni Anhauge iiber Seesalinen. Ztschr. Berg- Hiitteu- n. Salinenw., 44, 1896 {Abh.), 207-371. Baltzer, [R.] Alrinin]. * Gebogene Gesteinsschichten. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1881, [65]. [Sur le contact du granit et des scbistes cristallins dans le massif du Finsteraarhorn.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 12, 1884, 527-532. Ueber einen Fall von rascher Strudellochbildung. Bern Mittb., 1884 [Heft 3, Abh.), 40-44. Zum Winterscblaf der Murmelthiere. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 19, 1884, 571-573. Ueber ein Lossvorkommen im Kanton Bern. Bern Mitth. , 1885 (Heft 1), 26-29 ; Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztsehr., 38, 1886, 709~7il. Die weissen Bander und der Marmor im Gadmenthal. Bern Mitth., 1885 (Heft 1), 30-33. Ueber den Liiss im Kanton Bern. Bern Mitth., 1885 (Heft 2 & 3), 111-127 ; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 14, 1885, 240-244. Randerscheinungen der centralgranitischen Zone im Aarmassiv. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1885 (Bd. 2), 2.5-43. Prottl transversal du col de la Grimsel, et tronc d'arbre trouve dans le gneiss de Guttannen. Arcb. Sci. Phys. Nat., 16, 1886, 243-246. Geologische Mittheilungen. [1. Ein Mammuthrest in den Voralpen. 2. Schichtenstiirungen in Grund- moriine. 3. Gliederiing des Diluviums bei Bern. 4. Bittersalz und Magnesit als Zersetzuugsprodukt griiner Schiefer in der Gornersehlucht bei Zermatt.] [1887.] Bern Mitth., 1886, 189-199. Mineralogisch-geologi.sche Notizen. [1. Ueber ein neues schweizerisches Vorkommen von Scheelit. 2. Ueber ein Balanidenlager am Bantiger.] Bern Mitth., 1887, 166-169. Ueber ein Schattenbild an den Lauteraarhorneni. Schweiz. Alpenclub .Ibuch., 22, 1887, 359-361. Bericht iiber die Feldexkursion der Schweizerischen Geologischen Gesellschaft ini Jahre 1887. [1887.] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1886-87, 95-105. Der mittlere Theil des Aarmassivs nebst einem Ab-schnitt des Gotthardmassivs enthalten auf Blatt XIII. Beitr. (ieol. Karto Schweiz., 24 (Th. 4), 1888, x + 184 pp. Ueber ein neues Vorkommen von Scheelit in der Schweiz. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1888 (/>'(/. 2), ,85-86. Einige Naturrncrkwiirdigkeiten des Haslilhals. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 23, 1888, 497-506. Baltzer | 271 IBaly Ueber don HautKchilil cineM Uoclien buh dcr niarinen MolaHBC. Horn Mittli., 1889, l')'.-l.")8. Curte KfMplo(;ique diK i-nvimns du Ufrni- nu aS.OOO""*. Arch. Sci. I'h.vK. Nftl., 24, 1890, 107-ll)'.t. liimitOH duK ancii'ns ulnciiTH du Rhone et de I'Aar. Arch. Sci. Phyu. Nat., 21, 1890, 401) 110. Vorkoniiiicn von HoKeuannUn Sthlagrinncn. Born Mitth., 1890, vi. Kin von dcr Al)) .\horni (Trifi) sbimmenden Ura)ihil- schiefer oder (iraphit|)livllit. lii-rn Mitth., 1890, xii. LoBsiilinliuhe Iiildun){en im Canton Bern. Deutsch. Ocol. Go». ZtKchr., 42, 1890, l(;i-l(i6. Ueber nieebaniscbe (JeHteinKveriindcrungen. Bern Mitth., 1891, xviii. Geoloni'se, 1894." Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1894, 400-468. Vom Bande der Wiistc. [1894.] Bern Mitth., 1896. 13-37. VersteinorunK'n aus deni tunisischen .^tlas. Ncues Jbuch. Min., 1895 (/(. 1897-98, 21.5-218. Drumlins und Asar bei C'onstanz. Bern Mitth., 1898, 78-80. Studien am Unter-lirindelwaldgletseher iiber Glacial- erosion, Liingen- und Dickenveriinderung, in den Jahren 18!»2 bis I8'.l7. [1898.] Ziirich, Schweiz. Ges. N. Denkschr., 33. 1893-98 {.Ihlli. 2). 20 pp. I.vpe s)X'(ial de formations erratiques ^tudic dans le bassin de I'ancien glacier du Bhone. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 479-480. Dislocation curieuse.... observee dans une moraine des environs de Berne. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat, 8, 1899, 480-481. Beitriige zur Kenntniss schweizerischer dilavialer Gletschergebiete. Bern Mitth., 1899, a4-63. Zum geologihchcn Ban des Glarnisch. Deutacli, Geol. Ges. Ztsrhr., ol, 1899, .127-334, xv. Die Hiigelnicken und ibrc Beziehung zu den Dialoca- tioncn auf .laHniund (Itiigeu). Dcutsch. Geol. Ges. ZtHchr., 51, 1899, .55G-.570. Ueber einc bcfonlere form erratisclier AbUgerangen im alten Rln-inglct'^'hergebiet. [1900.] Eclogie Geol. Hi-lvet., C, 1899 1900, 101-H;2. Beitriige zur Keni.tniHs de» diluviab-n Bhooegletwhem. IKlilO.) Eclogn- Geol. Helv.-i., 0. 1899-1900, 378-391. Baltzer, [U.] Alrmiii], & rucber, Eduard. l-'ossile I'llunzen vom Comer-See. Hern .Mitth.. 1890. 139-14.5. Baltzer, Olln, cV Pecbmann, //[«»»] run. [Untt-rsuehungen ulier O'-otriazole.) Dritte Abbandlung. Ueber einige Homologe des n-Pbenvlosotriazols. Liebig'a Ann., 262, 1891, 302-313. [Untersuchungen iibcr Osotriazole.] Vierte Abband- lung. Ueber das Osulriuzol. UiebigV .\nn., 262, 1891, 314-324. See aliii Feclunann A Baltzer. Baltzer, Iilicliiird\. Kinc Krinnerung an Mohils und semen Kreund Wkikke. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 37, 1886, l-(>. Ueber einen Satz aus dcr Determinantentbeorie. Gotiincen Nacbr.. 1887. 3h;i-391. Baltzley, I-ilimi I:., ,v Mabery, CharUt F[rederic]. See Blabery lV Baltzley. Baly, Edward ([Afir/c*] Cyril. Separation and striation of rarefied gases under the intiuencc of (be electric discharge. [1893.] London Phys. Soc. Proc., 12. 1894, 147-1.53; Phil. Mag., 3.5, 1893, 200-204. A possible explanation of the two-fold spectra of oxygen and nitrogen. Roy. Soc Proc., 57, 1895, 468- 469. Helium in the atmosphere. Nature, 58 (1898), 545. On the distillation of liquid air, and the composition of the gaseous and liquid phases. Part I. At constant pressure. [1900.] London Phvs. Soc. Proc., 17, 1901, 157-170 : Phil. Mag., 49, 1900, 517-529. Baly, Edward C[harlei] Cijril, & Cborley, John C. Ein neues Thermometer fiir hOhere Teniperaluren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 470-471. Ueber die Einwirknng von Salpetersanre auf die Lignocellulosen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 922-927; Chem. News, 71, 1896, 22t>-228. Baly, Edward C[harlfs] Cyril, A Bamsay, William. Experiments on the relations of pressure, volume, and temperature of rarefied gRses. [1894.] London Phvs. Soc. Proc., 13, 1896, 187-216; Phil. Mag., S8, 1894, 301-327. Baly, Edward C[barU»\ Cyril, Bamsay, Willittm, S: Traver«, .Morrit ir[i7/iani]. 6>i' Kamiay, Travera A' Baly. Baly, -higeph S[uriar]. For biography fee Ent. Month. M.ig.. 20, 1890. 142; Entomolosrist, '23, 1890, 197-200. 'Hescriptions of hitherto uncharacterizrd .Australian Phytophaga. [1875.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876-83, 4-5-50. 'Descriptions of new species of phytophagous Coleop- tera. [1876-77.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 123-130, 179-185. "Desciiptions of some uncharacteiized species of Crioceridie. [1h78.] Cistula Ent.. 2, 1875-83, 30.5-316. 'Description" of the phytophagous Coleoptera collected by the late Dr. F. Stoliczka daring Fobstth's expedition to Kashgar in 1873-74. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876- 83, 369-383. 'List of the phytophagous Coleoptera collected in Assam by .A. \V. Chexxell, Esq.. with note.s and descriptions of the uncharacterized genera and species. [1879.] Cistula Ent. . 1875-82, 43-5-46.5. The Colombian s|>ecies of the genus Diabrotica, with descriptions of those hitherto uncharacterized. [1885.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zwl.), 19, 1886, 213-2-2<), 230-259. Baly] 272 I Bambeke Descriptions of new genera and species of Galerucidse. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1886, 27-H9. Descriptions of uncharacterized species of Diabrotica. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1886, 443-455. Description of a new species of phytophagous Coleop- tera, alleged to be destructive to the dhan crops in the Chittagong district. Bengal Asiat. Soc. .11., 55 (PL 2), 1887, 412. Notes on Galeruciiiffl, and descriptions of two new species of Hispida;. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 23, 1886-87. 2()8-270. Descriptions of three new Phjtophaga from the East. [1888.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 8.5-8(1. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birraania e regioui vicine. XIII. List of the Hispidie collected in Burma and Tenasserira by Mr. L. Fea, together with descriptions of some of the new species. Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 26, 1888, 653-666. Diagnoses of uncharacterized species of Diabrotica. [188;i.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 251-254. Notes on Aulacophora and allied genera. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1889, 2tt7-309. Contributions a la faune indo-chinoise. Sagridse, Criocerida3, Chrysomelidie, Hispidie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, 48.5-192. Descriptions of new South-American Coleoptera of the genus Diabrotica. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 88-95. Descriptions of a new genus and of some new species of Galerucina^, also diagnostic notes on some of the older described species of Aulacophora. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 20, 1890, 1-27. Descriptions of some genera and species of Galerucinse. [1888.] Linn. Soc. Jl. {Zoo!.), 20, 1890. 156-188. On the South American species of Diabrotica. Part I. [1889.] Ent. Soc. Trans,, 1890, 1-86. Descriptions of two new genera and of some un- characterized species of Galerueinfe. Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 12-14. Balzan, L>iif]i. For biographical notice see [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 30, 1893, 919-920. SuUe condizioni fisiche e sociali della Kepubblica del Paraguay. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 26, 1889, 197-207. Revisione dei Pseudoscorpioni del bacino dei tiumi Parana e Paraguay nell' America Meridionale. Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 29, 1889-90, 401-454. Da Asuncion a La Paz. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 28, 1891, 4.52-472, 561-580. Da La Paz a Irupana. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 28, 1891, 72.5-737. Da Irupana a Covendo. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 28, 1891, 911-929. Voyage de M. E. Simon au Vto^zu^la. Arachnides: Chernetes (Pseudoscorpiones). Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, 497-552. Da Covendo a Keyes. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 232-261. Da Keyes a Villabella. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 49.5-508, 570-594, 991-1003. Vn po' pin di luce sulla distribuzione di alcuue tribu indigene della parte cintrale dell' America Meridionale. Arch. Antropologia, 24, 1894, 17-29. - Da Villa Bella a Trinidad. [I'ostli.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894, 61-74. Da Trinidad a S. Cruz de la Sierra e Corumbii o ritorno al Paraguay. [fos(/i.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894, 695-710. Balzer, . Beitriige zur Frage der Durchschlagssicher- heit iimcrer Ziindvorrichtungen. Ztsclir. Berg- Iliitten- u. Salincnw., 47, 1899 [Altli.], 323-333. Balzer,,!. Untersuchungen iiber die SeUrete. 18. IJeber das Sandaracharz, Arch, Pharm,, 234, 1896, 289-316. Balzar, F\<'li.x]. lieclierches sur les caracteres anatomiques du xantlic'Iasma. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1884, 6.5-80. Experiences sur la toxicite du bismuth. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 537-.544. Causes des infections generalisees dans la blennor- rliagie. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (I'o/. 9), 24.5-283. Balzer, F[e7/.r], ife Alquler, [L,], Malformation familiale des oreilles, Ann, de Dermatol., 1, 1900, H40-850, Balzer, F[eli.r], & Beirtbilemy, Tloiissiiiiil]. Contribution a IV'tude des sueurs colorees. Ann, de Dermatol,, 5, 1884, 317-322. Balzer, F[eli.r]. & Dubreuilli, il'illiam [Aufltiste]. Ob- servations et recherclies sur rerythrasma et sur les par.asites de la peau a I'^tat normal. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1884, 597-606, 661-666. Balzer, F[>'li.r], & Grandboiiiine, . Nouveau cas d'adenomes sibaces de la face. Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1886, 93-96. Balzer, F[Hix], & Griffon, Vincent. Le streptocoque agent pathogene constant de I'impetigo et de I'eetbyma. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 {C. R.), 916-917. Balzer, F[eli.r], & Blumpke, {Mile.) A. Recherches ex- ))erimentales sur les lesions necrosiques causees par les injections sous-cutanees de preparations mercurielles iu- solubles. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 604- 607. Balzer, F[plix], & Minitrier, P[ierre Euffine]. Etude sur un cas d'adc^nomes sebac^s de la face et du cuir chevelu. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1885, 564-576. Adenomes sebaces (variete tubuleuse) de la face et du cuir chevelu. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C R.), 313-316. Balzer, F[e!i.r], & Monsseaux, A . Erytheme polymorphe recidivant. Arch. Gen. Med., 183, 1899, 461-466. Balzer, F[elix], & Reblaud, Th[i'ophil]. Recherches ex- p(5rimentales sur les injections intra-musculaires d'huile grise et d'oxyde jaune de mercure. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem,, 40, 1888 (C, R.), 735-738, Balzer, F[i'li.r], & Souplet, .i[hel]. Nouvelle contribution a I'etude de I'albnminurie compliquant les phases aigues de la blennorrhagie. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 113124. Bambeke, Charles [Euffene Marie] van. Pourquoi nous ressemblons a nos parents, Brux., Ac. Bull., 10, 1885, 901-944. Contribution pour servir il I'histoire de la visicule germinative. Brux., Ac. Bull,, 11, 1886, 14-28. Des deformations artiticielles du noyau. Arch, de Biol., 7, 1887, 349-387. Remarques sur la reproduction de la blennie vivipare (Zoarces viviparus, Cuv.). Brux., Ac. Bull., 15, 1888, 92-117. Sur des foUicules rencontres dans I'epiderme de la niiichoire superieure chez le Tursiops tursio. Brux., Ac. Bull., 15, 1888, 503-514. . De I'origine des tissus de substance conjonctive. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 12, 1888, 119-148. Recherches sur la morphologic du Phallus ( Ithyphallus) impudicus (L,), Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 28, 1889 (.l/<')?i.), 7-.50. Omtrent de waarschlijnlijkheid van het voorkomen van een nidimentair involucrum of indusium bij Phallus (Ithyphallus) impudicus (L.), De Texistence probable chez Phallus (Ithyphallus) impudicus {[..), dun involu- crum ou indusium rudimentaire. (M'ith French transla- tion.) Bot. Jaarb., 3, 1891, 2-19, 110-123. Onderzoekingen over de vaathyphen der Eumyceten. Recherches sur les hyphes vasculaires des Kumyc^tes. (With French translation.) Bot. .Taarb., 4, 1892, 174-239. Contributi(m a Tetude des hyphes vasculaires des Agaricines. Hyphes vasculaires de Ijentinns cochleatus, Pers. Brux., Ac. Hull., 23, 1892, 472-490. Contributions a I'histoire de la constitution de I'oeuf. II. l*'.liinination d'eli'-ments mu'iean'es dans I'o'uf ovarien de Scorpi-ena scrofa, /., Brux,, Ac. Bull., 25, 1893, 323- 364; Arch, de Biol., 13, 1895, 89-l'24. Bambekel (.■5 [Bamberger Le Hillon mc'ilian on raping KaHirulairo ccuui xylophilum, Fr.), est le mycelium du Lepiota nieleagris {Sow.), Sacc. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1900 {Mem.), 81-84. Quelijues remarqucs toucliant le Lepiota roeleagris {Sow.), Saec. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1900 (.Wm.), Bambeke, Charla [Etigiiie Marie] van. & Htron-Royer, [/.imi.s Franeoin]. See Hiron-Royer A' Bambeke. Bambeke, Charles [Kugi-ne Marii] run, iV Strlcht, Omer iiiti ii,r. See Btriclit A' Bambeke, Bamber, ('[harles] ,7[(i»i<-«]. The |ireservatiou of vaccine lynipli. [IH'.I".] Indian Med. Goz., 32, 1898, 79. Bamber, K[titeard] l\isher]. Electric traction. [1894.] Niituie. 49 (1893-94), 567-568. Electricity direct from coal. Nature. 62 (1900), 437. Bamber, Heiirij Kelicay G. Portland cement : its manu- facture, use, and testing. [18;il.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 107, 1892. 31-39. On the analysis of steel. [With discustioii.] Iron . aromaliKcber Nitrile. Berlin, Chem. Oes. Her.. 20, 1887, 1702. Ueb<;r Hvdroderivate arnmatiHcber Uiuicn. Berlin, Chem. Oes. Ber., 20, 1887, 2915-2917. Zur Keniitniss des Chinolins. Berlin, Cbem. Ues. Ber., 20, 1887, .3338-3344. Zur Furniulirung der Campherbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 112.5-1131. Ueber Kcductioii von C'hinolinderivaten. Berlin, Chem. Ues. Ber., 22, 1889. 3.5:1-355. Ueber den Fichtelit. Berlin, Cbem. Ge«. Ber., 22, 1889. 635-637; Deulsch. Natf. Tagebl.. 1889. 238. Be/.iebungen z» iscben cbemiscben EiueuBcbaften und Constitution bydrirter Bascn. Berlin, Chem. Ues. Ber., 22, 1889, 767-776. Ueber Hvdrirungsstudien in der aromatiscbcn Beihe. Deut-sch. Nal(. Tag.l.l.. 1889, 226-227. Notiz uber Canipbersaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 218-219. Spaltung des alicyclisehen 1,5-TetrahydronapbtTlen- diamins in seine nptisch aetlven Componenten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 291-292. S\-ntbesen des Ammelins und der Cvanursiiure. Berlin, Cbem. (ies. Ber., 23, 1890. 18.56-1869. Ueber die Constitution des Napbtalins. Jl. Prakt. Cbem. 42, 1890, 188-206. Beitriige zur Tbcorie scchsgliedriger Ringsysteme. Liebig's Ann., 2.57, 1890, 1-55. Ueber Piperylbiguanid. Berlin, Chem. Ues. Ber., 24, 1891, 605. Ueber 1, 2, 4 Trimethyl-p-phenylcndiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24. 1891, 1645-1649. Ueber die Constitution funfgliedrigcr Ringsysteme. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1758-1764. Ueber '• alicvclischc Homologie." Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1897-1899. Die Wirkuut' der Wasserstofladdition auf tricyclische Systeme. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891. 246:1-2469. Ueber das symmetrische Bisphenylhydrazon des Mesoxalaldebvds. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24. 1891, 3260-3264. Ueber die Einwirkung von Diazobenzol auf /J-Keton- sauren. BerUn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3.547-3.555. Zur Frage der Valenz des I'vrrolslickstoOatoni!'. Berlin, Cbem. Ues. Ber.. 26, 1893.' 1946-1947. Studien iiber Imidazole. Liebig's .\nn., 273. 1893. 267-379. Uelwr die Einvirkung von Diazobenzol auf Sitro- mctban. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 27. 1894. 155-160. Zur Kenntniss des Benzenvlamidoxims. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber.. 27. 1894. 160-163. Ueber die Diazol>enzolsaurc. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894. :«9-379. Nitrirung des Anilins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894. 5!J4-.587. Diazobenzolsaure aus Nitrvlcblorid nnd .\nilin. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber.. 27, 1894. 668-671. Ueber Isomerieerscheinungen bci Diazokorpern. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 27. 1894. 679-684. Weitcrea iiber Diazo- und Isodiazoverbindnngen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27. 1894, 914-917. Bcziehungen zwischen Nitrosamineii. Diazosanren und Isodiazxkurpem. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894. 1179-1182. Sotiz iiber einc neue Bildungsweise des Nitrosobenzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894. 1182. 3-5 Bamberger] 274 [Bamberger Ueber das Diazobenzolperbromid. Berlin, Chem. Gee. Ber., 27, 1894, 1273-1278. Ueber die Eeduction der Nitroverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1347-1350. Ueber das Phenylhydroxylamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1548-15.57. Zur Kenutniss des Diazotirunp;sprocesses. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1948-1953. Ueber Stereomerie l«'i Diazoverbinduugen und die Natur der Isodiazokdrjier. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2582-2595. Ueber die "stereoisoraeren" Diazoamidoverbindungen von A. H.iNTZscH. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2596-2601. ZurConstitntionder Diazobenzolsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2601-2611. Ueber die stereomeren benzoldiazosulfonsauren Salze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2930-2939. Ueber den ^)-Nitrodiazobenzolmethylester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3412-3420. Ueber Diazoester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 28, 1895, 22.5-244. Ueber die Reduction aromatischer Nitroverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 245-251. Zur Kenntnise der Nitririiuf; organischer Basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 399-403. ■ Ueberfiihrung von Isodiazohydraten in Al>kdmmliuge des Diphenyls. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 403- 407. • Zur Theorie der Diazoverbindungeu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 444-449. Ueber eine Explosion. ZurWarnung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 28, 1895, 538-539. Weitere experimen telle Beitrage zur Chemie der Diazokorper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 826- 837. Isomerieeracheinungen auf dem Gebiet der Azokorper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 837-854. Die Constitution der Isodiazohydrate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1218-1222. HerrnHANTZsen'sneueste Ansichten iiberDiazohaloide. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 51, 1895, 58.5-591. Zur Kenntniss der Isocumarincarbonsaure. Liebig's Ann.. 288, 1895, 134-138. Ueber die Einwirkung des Nitrosobonzols auf Amido- verbindungen. [iv. Mittlieilung iiber Hydroxylamine und NitroBokorper.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 102-104. • Experimentalbeitriige zur Chemie der Diazoverbin- dungeu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 446-473. Zur Kenntniss normaler Diazometallsalze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 564-577. Notiz, betreffend die lonenzahl der diazosulfonsauren Salze. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 608-610, 1052. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Isodiazohydroxyde. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1383-1388. Schlusserklarung. [Zur Kenntniss normaler Diazo- metallsalze.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1388- 1390. Ueber ^-Alphylhydroxylamine und Alphyliiitroso- korper. Ziirich Vrtljsclir. , 41, 1896 {Festschr., Th. 2), 174-185. Einige vergleichende Versuche iiber normale und Iso- Diazotate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 211-219. Zur Kenntniss acylirter Nitrosamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 366-374. Ueber die Einwirkung von Sticksto£foxyden anf Quecksilberphenyl und Nitrosobenzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, .506-513. Ueber die Einwirkung von Alphylhydrazinen auf /3-Naphtochinon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 513-516. Zur Kenntniss der Diazosauren (Alphylnitramine). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1248-1263, 3448. Notiz iiber Formylphenylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1263-1264. Zur Kenntniss der Nitrosoalphvlhydroxylamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 574-589, 1507-1508. Ueber Naphtolquecksilberverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2624-2626. Zur Kenntniss der sogenannten Nitroazoparaffine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2626-2635. Ueber Hydrolyse gemischter Azoverbindungen. Schweiz. Natt. Ges'. Verb., 1898, 52-53. Notiz iiber Quecksilbermethyl. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1898, 53. Notiz iiber Alphylhydroxylamine. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1898, 53-54. Erwiderung [an Wolffenstein. Berl. B., 32, 688]. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1159-1161. Notiz iiber die Einwirkung von Diazoverbindungen auf Oxinie. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1546-1548. Ueber eine neue Klasse von Diazoverbindungen (Triazolene). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1773- 1797, 4083. Ueber Anhydrisirung von )3-Naphtol-azofarbstoffen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1797-1802. Notizen. [Acetylirung von a-Najjlitylamin. Benzol- sulfonirung von as-Alkylphenylhydraziuen. Nachweis von Hydroxylamin. Nachweis und Abscheidung von Aldehyden und Ketonen. Demonstration des Massen- wirkungsgesetzes, angewendet auf schwaclie Elektrolyte. Demonstration der Umwandlung von Phenylhydrazin in Diazobenzol. Ueber die sogenanute Benzilreaction.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1803-181U. Zur Geschichte der Diazoniumsalze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2043-2046, 3633-3635. Oxydation von Arylhydroxylaminen durch Luft und Wasse'r. Deutsch. Natf. Verli., 1899 (TJi. 2, Hrilfte 1), 99-100. Mechanismus der Umlagerung von Arylhydroxylaminen in Amidophenole. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 ^^/l. 2, Hfilfte 1), 100-101. Ueber die Einwirkung von Alkalien auf orthomethy- lirte Diazoniumsalze; ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der ludazole. Liebig's Ann., 305, 1899, 289-370. Oxydation sub^itituirter Hvdroxylamine. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1899, 63-64." Umwandlungen des Nitrosobenzols. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1899, 64-65. Ueber die Einwirkung von Diazokorpern auf Phenol. [1900.] Ziirich Vrtljschr., 44, 1899, 295-301. Ueber die Oxydation wassriger Arylhydroxylamin- losuugen durch den Luftsauerstoff. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 113-122, 1419. Ueber die Einwirkung von Formaldehyd auf /3- Arylhydroxylamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900 941-955. 4191. Ueber die Oxydation des Bcnzaldoxims. (Erste Mittheilung iiber Oxvdation von Oximen.) Berlin, Chem. (Jes. Ber., 33, 1900, 1781-1788. Ueber die Einwirkung wtissriger Natronlauge auf Nitrosobenzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1939- 1957. Ueber die Beziehung zwischen Azoxy- und Diazo- benzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1957- 1959. Notiz iiber das Caro'sche Eoagens. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1959-1961. Ueber die Einwirkung von Diazobenzol auf Phenol und die Synthese des Ortbooxyazobenzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.', 33, 1900, 318S-3192. Notiz iiber die Umlagerung von Azoxybenzol. Berlin Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3192-3193. Ueber die Einwirkung von Nitrosobenzol auf aro- Bamberger] 27.'i [Bamberger matiBche Hydrazine. Berlin, Cliem. Qes. Bcr., 33, 1900, 3308-3510. Uel>er den MecbanlKinus der Unilagerune von Arylhy- droxylamineti in Aniidophenole. Berlin, Chcm. ind iibcr ac- Tetia-livilro-o-nftiilitylamin. Berlin, Cliem. Gea. Ber., 22, 1889, 951-968. Bamberger, Eiigen, & Banin, Marie. Ueber die N„ Naphtalendiazoojtyde C,o Ho < (C > ■ [1899.] Ziirich Vrtljschr., 43, 1898, 327-339. Bamberger, Euyen, & Berli, Ii[ernhard]. Ueber das \'er- bultun ilus Carvacrols Rtfeii Keiluetionsniittel. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1891. 3208-3212. Weiteres iiber Henziiiiidazole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 274-278. Spaltiing des Imidazolringes. Berlin, Chum. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 278-281. Ueber Dibenzovldiamidoiithylen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3053-3654. [.Studien iilwr Imidazole. Zweite — vierte Abhandlunn.] Die a-stiindiKu .MetlijlKTuppe der Benzimidazole und das Verlialten der letzteren bei der Oxj'dation. [Aufspaltunn des Ijnidazolrings. Product« der .idditiou von Chloral an ChinoliubaKen nnd Benzimidazole.] Liebig'a Ann., 273, 1893, 303-342, 342-363, 364-373. Bamberger, A H^['», it BoeIunann,0((o. Ucber(3-Naphtiilin- aldehyd. Berlin, Chem. (ies. Her., 20, 1887, 1115-1119. Ueber die Einwirkun):! von Natrium aut alkobolisches ^-Naphtonitril. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1711- 1712. Bamberger, Eugen, & Bordt, Fr\!edrii-h]. Weitere Biitr'i^;e zur Kenntniss des aTetrahvdronaphtvlamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 625-634. Ueber aromatiscbcs aXelnilivdronaphtol. Berlin, Chom. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 215-218. Bamberger, Ettiien, & Brady, Eriedrich. Ueber die Ein- wirkuiiK' der .\lkalien auf .Vrylhydroxvlamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900. 271-274, 4190. Ueber 2,4-Dimethvlphenvlhvdroxvl8min und iiber 2,4-Dimethvlchinol. Berlin, "Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3642-3658." Bamberger, Eugfn, & Burgdorf, C[hristian]. Ueber Aiiiidoclirvsen. Berlin, C'bcm. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 10U6-1007. Zur Kenntniss des Chrysens. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bcr., 23, 1890, 2433-2446. Bamberger, Euti^'ii, & Caiman, A[lbfrt]. Ueber gemischte Az .vi>ibinduu(,'eu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 25(;:+-25r>7. Bamberger, Eugen, & Cliattaway, Frfderick l)[anitl]. Abbau des Chrysens. Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 174J5-1751. Ueber das Picen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1751-1754. UntersuchuDRen iiber hochmolekniare Kohlenwasecr- stoffe. Ueber das Picen. Liebig's Ann., 284, 189B, 52-80. Bamberger, Eugen, & Sleckmann, n'[nlter]. Ueber eiue none Syuthese der Guanainine und den Mechanismus ihrer liildungsweise. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 534-542. Zur Kenntniss des Biguanids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 543-546. Ueber das Tetrahvdriir des Isochinolins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26. "1893. 1205-1221. Bamberger, Eiigrti, & DJlerdJlan, G[eorg]. Ueber den I'virolaldebyd.' Berlin, Chem. (jet. Ber., 33, 1900, 530- 542. Bamberger, Einieii, Ai Blntaom, .il/red. Zur KeuntnisH der im Kuseliil eiitlialtenen Banen. Berlin, Chem. Gea. lier.. 30, 1897, 224-229. Bamberger, Eiigiii, & Ekecrantz, Tlior. Zur Kenntiiins il. - .SitriisrjplieiivlhydruivlaniiiiH. Berlin, Chem. Gen. J!.r.. 2'.l, 1898. 2412-2414. Bamberger, Eiigeti. A nietine, U'illielm. BeziehanKen z»i-,clien phyKiolot'isehen Eigenschaften undConxtitution hvilrirter Basen. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 777-77H. Bamberger, Eugrn, . Her., 26. 1893, 27N3-2786. Bamberger, Eugen, & B.elwie, Hermann. Ueber Hydrirung seouudiireruudtertiarer.^lkvlderivatedesa-Naphtylamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889. 1311-1317. y.nr Kenntniss hvdrirter Naphtobenzvlamine. Berlin, Cli. Til. (ies. Ber., 22. 1889, 1912-1917. Bamberger, Eugen. it Hill, Adulj. Directe Oxydation von Jodarylen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 533- 536. Bamberger, Eugen, & Bindermann, E[mil]. Umlagerung dir I'iiinylsulfaminsaure. Berlin. Chem. Gea. Ber., 30, 1897. 654-6.55. Bamberger, Eugen, & Hofbnann, FetU. Ueber Dihydro- antlirol und DihvdroaiitlirKmiu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. H.r., 26. 1893, 366'i-3072. Bamberger, Eugen, tt Hooker, .Samuel C[ox]. Ueber Iteteii. Berlin', Chem. Gea. Ber.. 18, 1886, 1024-1030, 1030-1036, 1750-1755. [Untersuchungen iiber hochmolecnlare Kohlenwasser- Btoffe.] Ueber das Reten. Liebig's Ann., 229, 1880, 102-162. Bamberger, Eugen, A Hoskyns-Abraliall, J[olin] L[eiph]. Ueber l,5ii<--Tctrahvdronaiihtyleiidiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 22, 1889."943-'.t51. " Bamberger, Eugen, \ Sirpal, Alfred. Nitrirung alipha- lischer Ba-en. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 53.5- 538. Bamberger, Eugen, & Kitsdtelt, il[ax]. Ueber alioy- clisclies und aromatisches Tetiahvdro-,J-naphtTlamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 23. 1890.'h76-8.S4. Ueber aromatisches ;3-Tetrahvdronaphtol. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber.. 23. 1890, 88.5-887. Ueber das Verhalten von Naphtalin un i Antbracen bei der Reduction. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890. 1.561-1565. Ueber die Einwirkung der unterchlorigen Satire auf /SNaphtochinon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892. 133-136, 888-^598. Ueberfiihrung von Naphtalin in Isochinolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892. 113)*-1147. Ueber eine Svnthese des Chinolins (ond Skatolsl. Berlin, Chem. Ge's. Ber., 27, 1894, 3421-3427. 33—2 Bamberger] 276 [Bamberger Bamberger, Eiigen, & Knecbt, Maja. Ueber die Reduction iKi- Nitro- zur nydrox.vliimiiiKruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. -.".I, 1896, Sfia-KCi. Bamberger, l-Aii/en, A' Kranzfeld, J[(u-o61. Ueber Cbrysen. Berlin, Clieni.' Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 19.H1-1034. Bamberger, Eiuien, & Kraus, E/nil. Ueber Thiodiazover- bindungen. ISerlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 272-28G. Das Verhalten einiger Diazoverliindungen gegen Kaliumsulfit. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1829- 1835. Ueber Naphtalen-2,l-diazooxyd. Ziirich Vrtljschr., 42, 1897, 136-146. Ueber die Einwirkung von Alkalien auf Tribrom- diazobenzol. [1900.] Ziirich Vrtljschr., 44, 1899, 2.57- 204. Bamberger, Euqen, & Sublemann, E[riedrich]. Ueber das Diformazyl und seine Beziehimg zum Diamidrazon. Berlin, Chem'. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2978-2982. Bamberger, Euijen. & Kunz, Jukob. Unilagernng von Sulfonsauren. ' Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 2274- 2277. Bamberger, Etigev, & I>agutt, Jai?. Ueber das Verhalten des Phenylhydroxylamins gegen alkoholische Schwefel- saure und gegen Anilin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1500-1507. Bamberger, Euffen, & IiandBtelner, Karl. Das Verhalten des Diazobenzols gegen Kaliumpennanganat, Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2G, 1893, 482-495. Bamberger, Eugen, & Iiengfeld, Felix. Zur Charakter- istik des Hydrirungsprocesses. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1124-1137. ■ Neue Eeductionsprodnete des Chinolins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1138-1158. Bamberger, Evgen, & I>odter, JV[illieliii]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Natrium und Alkohol auf a-Naphtonitril, Benzonitril und Tolunitril. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1703-1710. Ueber Hydrirung aromatischer Kohlenwasserstofle. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 3073-3078. Uelier die Reduction aromatischer Siiurethiamide. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 51-56. Ueber a-Naphtalinaldebyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 266-260. Zur Charakteristik partiell hydrirter aromatischer Substanzen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 836- 846. Ueber alicyclischesjS-Tetrahydronaphtol und secundiire Ringalkohole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 197-213. Ueber die Einwirkung von Schwefelkohlenstoff auf Menthol und Borneol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 213-215. Ueber ein ringformiges Analogon des Aethylens. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891," 1887-1888. Ueber das Dihydronaphtalin und einige seiner Derivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1833-1844. Studien iiber alicyclische Naphtalinderivate. Liebig's Ann., 288, 1895, 74-133. Bamberger, Eugen, & Lorenzen, <7»/[i«s]. Zur Kenntniss der Benziniidazole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 269-273. Ueber Formazylmethylketon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3539-3.547. [Studien iiber Imidazole. Erste Abhandlung.] Die Constitution, der Bildungsniodus und die Imidgruppe der Benziniidazole. Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 269-302. Bamberger, Eugen, & Meimberg, Franz. Directe Urn- wandluiig von Anilin in Nitrobenzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 19fi-4y7. Einige weitere Beoliurhtuugen iiber Azofarbstoffe. Berlin, Cli.in. Ges. Ber., 2H, 1896. 1HH7-1897. Bamberger, Eugen, & Meyenberg, Ale.rander. Ueber phenylbydrazindisulfonsaures Kalium. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 374-378. Bamberger, Eugen, & Miiller, Jens. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Diazubenzol auf Acetaldehyd, Brenztrauben- siiure und das Phenylhydrazon der letztereu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 147-155. Ueber die Einwirkung von Stickstoffperoxyd auf Quecksilbermetliyl. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3546-3554; 33, 1900, 228. Zur Kenntniss der Nitrosamine methylirterNitraniline. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 100-113. Ueber eine neue Bilduiigsweise der Isodiazotate. Liebig's Ann., 313, 1900, 97-128. Bamberger, Eugen, & Miiller, lintlolf. Ueber das soge- iiannte Carbonvlcarbazol (Carbazolblau). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887. 1903-1907. Ueber /i Tctraliydro[na]phtvlamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888', 847-860, 1112-1125. Zur Kenntniss des Phtalimids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1888-1892. Ueber Hydrirung alkylirter /S-Naphtylamiue. Berlin, Chem. Ges." Ber., 22, 1889, 1295-1311. ' Ueber Tetrahydriire des /3-Naphtochinolins und ^-Naphtochinaldins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2641-2G47. Ueber Oktohydriire des ^-Naphtochinolins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2648-2661. Bamberger, Euqen, & Philip, Max. Ueber das Pyren. Berlin, Chem. 'Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1427-1431, 1995-1999, 3036-3040; 20, 1887, 365-371; Liebig's Ann., 240, 1887, 147-192. Ueber die Constitution des Aceuaphtens und der Naphtalsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 237- 244. Bamberger, Eugen, & Renauld, Edmond. Eine neue Bilduiigsweise des Diazomethans. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1682-1685. Ueber alpbylirte und alkylirte Hydroxylamiue. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, '2278-2289. Bamberger, Eugen, & Rising, Adolf. Ueber Mesitylliy- droxylamin und Nitrosomesitylen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3623-3636. Ueber Mesitylohinol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3636-3642. Bamberger, Eugen, & Riist, Ernst. Isodiazotirung von Arylaminen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3511- 3512. Bamberger, Eugen, & Scbieffelin, William Jay. Ueber Hydrirung von Ortho- und I'aranaphtyleudiamin und iilier 2, 7-Naphtylendiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1374-13'S4. Bamberger, Eugen, & Seeberger, L. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss des Dicyandiamids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 899-907. Ringsynthesen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 525-533. Ueber die Con,stitution des Dicyandiamids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1583-1587. Bamberger, Eugen, & Sternitzlu, H[ermann]. Weiteres iiber Dihydromethylketol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bar., 26, 1893, 1291-1307. Bamberger, Eugen, & Stettenheimer, Ludu'ig. Ueber Tetiiihvdro-a-napiitocliinoliu. li.ihn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1891, 2472-2480. Ueber aromatisuhes Octohvdro-a-naphtochinolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2481-2495. Bamberger, Eugen, & Stiegelmann, .-IrnMnd. Ueber die l')iiiwirkiiiig von Nitnisoiirylen auf asymmetrisch alkylirte Arylliydrazine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 35.54- 35i;o. " Bamberger, Eugen, & Storcta, Lndwig. Das Verlialten des l>ia[zoJbcnzols gegen Ferrideyankalium. Berlin, Cheiu. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 471-181. Bamberger, F.ugeu, & Strasser, l.uduig. "Ueber den I'lehtelit. " Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 22, 1889, 3361-3368. Bamberger] 277 [Banal U«ber Oktohydriire des /J-NaplitochinaldiiiH. Berlin, Chnm. (lis. Her'.. 21. 1891. •2r,t)2-2i;6!l. Bamberger, Eiiijiu, & Bzolayskl, ISoikIhii. I'eber die IsinwirkiiiiK von Lull und Wiiss.r HUf fil-Ueii/.vlhydroxyl- arjiin. lierlin, Clieiii. Gcs. li. r.. :«, 1900. :iiy3-H201. Bamberger, Kikjiii, it Tsebimer, /■'/(■(/( rrii/.]. Ziir Ox\ ■ ilutiuii des Aniliiis. Vorliiuline MittheilunK. Uerliii. Cheiii. (i.H. Her., :U, 1898, 1522-1.V2«. Ziir Ox.vdiition uroiiiutischer Uasen. Berlin, Clieni. Ge». Bur., :«, 1899. :M2-35.'). Dirrctc riinvundluiii! dc« Anilina in Phenylhydroivl- auiin. Berlin, Cheni. Ges. Bi-r., 32. 1899. It;75-Ui78.' Zur Kenntiiiss des DimetliyluDJlinoxydB. Berlin. Cheni. Gcfl. Bei., 32, 1899, 18H2-1H03, 4083. Ueber Orthouniidudimethvlunilin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, I'.lOH-l'.IOT. Uebir die Eiuwirknnt; von Diazomethan auf /3-Aryl- liydroxylaniiue. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 'J.^.^- 1I5U. Zur Oxydation des Auilins. Liebig's Ann., 311, 1900, Bamberger, Kuijen, & Vois, A[llred\. Ueber Ketotetrn- bvdioim|)htalin. Berlin, Cbem. Oes. Ber., 27, 1894, l."il7-l,54.s. Bamberger, I'.uiieii, A VTeller, Max. Ueber die Reduition des o-Nitrii-mim-diniothylphenylnitrometlians (iironi.- ulipliat. l>initroniesitylcn-). .11. I'riikt. Cbeiu., .ia, 1898. 333 3111. Bamberger, Kugen, & VTbeelwrlght, E[dwin Whitfield]. Ueber die Einwirkungvon I'lazobenzolauf Acet«ssi«iilher. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2.5, 1892, 3201-3213, 33G8. Bamberger, Euijen, & Wlldl, S. Ziir Kenntniss des 1,'2-Naiilitalindiazooxyds. [I'JOl.] Ziirich Vrtljschr., 45, 1900, 272-27(i. Bamberger, Ewjen, & 'WilUamson, Sidwij. Ueber ^- I'ldtliylnaplitylarain luid stiiie Hydrirunpsproducte. Berlin, Chem". Ges. Ber., 22. 1889, 1700-1764. Ueber das Dekahvdrochinoliu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27. 1894, 14.58^1478. Bamberger, Eiigen, A: Witter, lingo. Ueber Formazyl- pbiMvlkeioii. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2780- 27'.I0.' Bamberger, Eiigen, A- VTulz, F[aul]. Ueber vierlach livdrirtes u-.\uiidochinaldiu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 204<.t-20o5. Ueber Homologe des Tetrahydrocbinolins. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 20-5.5-2076. Zur Charakteristik des Metbvlparatoluidins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24. 1891. 2077-2086. Zur KiMintniss des .•icetons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 21, 1891. 27!t3-2797. Bamberger, Eiigen, & Ztunbro, E. .4. Ueber Dihydro- metliylkelol. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss alicyclisclii r Honiologie. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26. 1893, 128.5- 12!tl. Bamberger, Eii'uii. Biisdorf, //[oru;], & Sand, Henry J. S. l>as Verhaileu dir NiUusoalphyle cek'en cone. Scbwefel- siiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 31. 1898. 1513-1522. Bamberger, Euiieii, Bdsdorf, H[(nis]. & Bzolayakl, Ihiiidiin. Ueber die Kinwirkung von Cblor- und Brom- Wasscrstoff auf Nitrosoalphvle. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber,. 32, 1899, 210-221, 4080. Bamberger, l-.uijen, Schmidt, (.)tto, & I^evlnateln, Hrrbrrt. Die Einwirkuug von Diazobenzol anf Ni(romethan. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900. 2043-2061. Bamberger, lleiitrich roH. For biography and works «(*,• Eortschr. Med.. 6 (1888), 'J62-9t;3 : Leo|K)ldina, 24. 1888. 226: Wien. Med. Wschr., 38, 1888. 1537-1538, 1619-1622. 171'J-1721. 174.5-17.53; N. Y. Med. Jl, 4>.l, 1889, 45; Termt. Kozliln., 21, 1889, o'JS. Bamberger, Heiiirich. Ueber Bildung von metallischem Natniini aiis Natriumsuperuxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 451. Zur Analyse des Calcinmcarbids. Zlschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 1»6-1'J8, 243. Ueber das VurkoMinien von Ammoniuk iiii t4-chuitschen Acetylen. Zlschr. Angew. Cheui., 1898, 720-721. I'raktischer Einsutz fiir Exiiiccaloren. Chem. Zlg., 23. 1899, 3.5'J. Bamberger, Max. Zur Analyse der Har/.e und Balnaine. Will]. Ak. Sber., U9. 1891 {.iUli. 2fc), lil2-101 ; Mheft*. Cliem., 1890. 8l->(6. Zur Kenntniwi der Uebcrwallungsharze. Wien, Ak. Sber., 100, 1891 t.lhtli. 2b), 401-423; 103, 1894 (Ablh. 2fc), 44.5-458; Mhefte. Cbem., 1891, 441-463; 1894, .505- 518. Zur Kenntniss der Xunthorrha-aharzc. Wien, Ak. Sber., 102, 1893 {.ibtli. 2(.), 333-313; Uheft«. Chem., 1893, 333 343. Das Gas einer Quelle in i'erchtuldsUurf bei Wien. Chem. Ztg.. 19. 189S. 1421. On the discovery of argon in the water of an Austrian well. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1896, 757-758. Ueber den Nacbweis von Argon in dem Gase einer Quelle in Perchtuldsdorf bei Wien. Wien, Ak. Sber., 1"5, 1896 {Abth. 2b), 590-598; Mhefte. Chem.. 1896, 604-612. Bamberger, Max, & Benedikt, Rudolf. See Benedikt A: Bamberger. Bamberger, .Max. A Bock, /•'/ il:. Ueber Nilruvtrbiiidungen lies Anthragallols. (i. Mittheilung.) Wien, Ak. Slier., 106. 1897 {Ablh. 2b), 272-290; Mhefte. Cbem., 1897, 2-3-301 . Bamberger, Max, Ji Iiaodaiedl, .4/i(on. Zur Kenntniss der Ueberwallungslmrze. U iin. Ak. Sber.. lOO, 1897 {Abtli. 2b), 497-525; 108, 1899 {Ablh. 2b). 3y2-404. .508- 514; Mhefte. Chem., 1897, 481-509; X899, 647-".5y, 75.5- 761. Ueber den Nachweis von Argon in den Badequellen von Vo.-laa bei Wien. Wien, Ak. Sber.. 107. 1898 {Ablh. 2h), 138-139; .Mhefte. Chem., 1898, 114-115. Erythrit in Trentepohlia jolithus (vorliiulige Mit- theilung). Wien, Ak. Sber., 109. 1900 tAbth. 2b), 452- 454 ; .Mhefte. Chem.. 1900. 571-573. BamlMrger, Max, A' VUclmer, £hii2. Zur Kenntnis der Leberwallungsharzu. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109. 1900 {.ibih. 2b). 44;5-451, 723-730; Mhefte. Chem.. 1900. 561-570, 949-956. Bamberger, Max, & Weldel, Hugo. See ^(Teidel il' Baiiil>erger. Bamler, ( . Fohnerscheinungen in den Vogesen und dtren Eintluss auf das Klima der sudlichen Vugesenthiiler. -Miieorol. Ztschr., 11 (1894), 143-147. Bamler, J. Die Tami-lnseln. Peterniann Mitth.. 44, 1898. 105-106. Banunann, .'oA[erger, A'uj;en. .SV, Bam- Bamps, Coiulant. Notes sur quelques especes rares de La fauue des Vertebres de la Belgique. observeeo dans le Limbourg beige. Brux.. Ac. Bull., 14, 1887, 36»-373. Note sur la decou%'erte a Lanklaer (Campine lim- bourgeoise) du Gamphocleis glabra, Uerbtt, Urthoplere nouveau pour la Belgiqae. Bniz., Soc. £nt. Ann., 32, 1888, xviii-xxii. Bas, y. The coal mines of Hokkaido. [Jap.] [1893.] Tokyo Geogr. Soc. Jl., [14]. 1893-93. So. 11, 3-25. Banal, Remigio. Su alcuni )>arameiri diflerenziali di 1- ordine. Glorn. Mat., 30, 1892. 23-5-240. Ui una cla&'e di superticie a tre dmiensioni a carvatora totale nalla. [1895.] Venesut, lat. Atti, 1894-9S, 998- 1004. Sulle variety a tre dimensioni con una curvatura nulla e due eguali. Ann. Mat., 24 (1896), 213-240. Sugli spazii a curvatura costante. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Uend., 6, 1897 (*Vm.2), 357-362; 7. 1898 [Sem. 1), 7-15. Banal] 278 [Bancroft Sulla deformabiliU delk superfieie a tre dimensioni. Roma, R. Are. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 {Sem. 2), 13-22. Banari, (cnpil.) A[riimiid Aubiii], Note sur la rectification des longitudes des cartes de la mer int(5rieure du Japon. Ann. Hydrogr., 9, 1887, 212-236. Les collisions en nier. Ann. Hydrogr., 10, 1888, 29- 216, 305-473; Rev. Maritime et Colon., 97, 1888, 177- 304, .385-14.5; 99, 1888, 177-272, 369-460. Rapport sur les experiences de telepbonie sous-marine effectuSes du ler au 15 aout en raile de Brest. Ann. Hydrogr., 10, 1888, 47-5-492. Sur des experiences de telepbonie sous-marine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 457-458. . Note sur les formules de reduction d'une distance lunaire apparente en distance vraie (methodes nouvelles de rt^duction). Ann. Hydrogr., 11, 1889, 82-119. Bancroft, Charies P. Automatic muscular movements among the insane ; their physiological significance. Amer." Jl. Psychol., 3, 1891, 437-4.52. Bancroft, F.dwurd. Co-ositication of axis vertebra with third cervical. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1890, 419. Bancroft, Frank ]yatts. Notes on Chelyosoma productum, Stimpson. [1896.] Science, 5, 1897, 435. The venomotor nerves of the hind limb. Amer. .71. Physiol., 1, 1898, 477-485. Ovogenesis in Distaplia occidentalis, Ritter (MS.), with remarks on other species. [1899.] Harvard, Mus. Zool. Bull., 35, 1899-1900. 59-112. A new function of the vascular ampuUie iu the Botryllidie. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 450-462. . The anatomy of Chelyosoma productum, Stimpson. [1898.] California Ac. Proc. (Xonl.), 1, 1900, 309-332. Bancroft, Genrye J. Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, and its surroundings. [iri(/i discussion.] [1898.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 28, 1899, 88-100, 808-812. Bancroft, Irving Reed. The nasal organs of Pipa americana. [1895.] Essex Inst. Bull., 27, 1897, 101-107. Bancroft, Joseph. For biography see Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 288; Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc., 10, 1894, 102. Au inquiry into the maize disease of the Caboolture district. [1886.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 108-111. An unusual agency in the destruction of marine MoUusca. [1887.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 4, [1888,] 26. Respiration in the roots of shore-plants. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1888, 327-331. Bancroft [Retid Barcroft], Joseph. An apparatus for estimating the gases of successive small quantities of blood. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898, [(i4]. The gaseous metabolism of the submaxillary gland. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899-1900, 265-282, 479-486. Bancroft, Thovias L[ane]. Preliminary notes on some new pi>isonous plants discovered on the Johnstone river, north Queensland. [1886.] N. S. Wales Rov. Soc Jl., 20, 1887, 69-71. On the poisonous property of Nicotiana suaveolens. [1887.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 4, [1888,] 9-10. On the discovery of saponin in Acacia delibrata, A. Cunn. [1887.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 4, [1888,1 10-11. On the physiological action of Cryptocarya aiistralis. [18H7.] Queensland Roy. Soc Proc, 4, [1888,] 12-13. On the physiological action of Uaphnandra repandula. [1887.] Queensland Boy. Soc Proc, 4, [1888,] 13-16. Note on Hiematomonas in rat's blood. [1888.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 31-32. Preliminary notes on the pluirmacology of some new poisonous plants. [1889.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 4, 1890, 1061-1064. On Filanie of birds. [1889.] Queensland Hoy. Soc. Proc, 6, 1890, 58-62. Queensland Roy. Soc. [1890.] On Echinococcus in a wallaby. Proc, 7, 1891 (P«. 1), 31. Strychnine, a useless remedy in snake-bite. Queensland Roy. Soc Proc, 8, [1892,] 2.1-31. Preliminary notes on some new poisonous plants. [1891.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 8, [1892,] 35-36. On the whip-worm of the rat's liver. N. S. Wales Hoy. Soc. Jl., 27 (1893), 86-90. Note on bacterial diseases of the roots of the Legumi- nosaj. [1893.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 8, 1894, 51-52. On the habit and use of nardoo (Marsilea Drummondii, .4. Br.), together with some observations on the influence of water-plants iu retarding evaporation. [1893.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 8, 1894, 21.5-217. Preliminary notes on the phannacology of Carissa ovata, var. stolonifera. Bail. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 28 (1894), 44-47. Note on bungwall (Blechnum serrulatum. Rich.), an aboriginal food. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linu. Soc Proc, 9, 1895, 25-26. On the metamor])hosis of the young form of Filaria Bancrofti, Cobb, (Filaria sanguinis liominis, Lewis ; Filaria nocturna, Mmtson) in the body of Culex ciliaris, Linn., the " house mosquito " of Australia. N.S.Wales Roy. Soc. Jl. , 33, 1899, 48-G2. Bancroft, Wilder D[uii]ht]. Ueber Oxydationsketten. Ztschr. Physikal. Cheiu., 10, 1892, 387^09. Die chemische Potential der Metalle. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 289-297. On ternary mixtures. [First paper.] Amer. Ac Proc, 30, 1895, 321-368; Phys. Rev., 3, 1896, 21-33, 114-136, 193-209. Saturated solutions and the mass law. Science, 2, 1895, 355. The chemical potential of the metals. Amer. Ac. Proc, 31, 1896, 96-122; Phys. Rev., 3, 1896, 250-269 [Part only]. Solids and vapors. [First paper.] Phys. Rev., 3, 1896, 401-417. Science, 4, 1896, 471. [Second, third and fourth 1, 1896-97, 34-50, 760-765; Jl. Phys. Chem., 1, 1896-97, Jl. Phys. Chem.. 1, 1896-97, Jl. Phy.s. Chem., 1896-97, Distillation with vapor. On ternary mixtures. papers.] Jl. Phys. Chem. 3, 1899, 217-231. Solution and fusion. 137-148. On quintuple points. 337-343. Solids and vapors. Second paper, 1, 1896-97, 344-348, 786. A triangular diagram. Jl. Phys. Chem. , 1 40.3-410. Two liquid phases. Jl. Phys. Chem., 1, 1896-97, 414-425, 647-668. The equilibria of stereoisomers. Jl. Phys. Chem., 2, 1898, 143-158, 245-255; 3, 1899, 144-155. The variance of the voltaic cell. Jl. Phys. Chem., 2, 1898, 427-440. Note on the transference number of hydrogen. Jl. Phys. Chem., 2, 1898, 496-497. The relation of physical chemistry to technical chemistry. Amer. Chem. Soc Jl., 21, 1899, 1101- 1107. Pressure-temperature diagrams for binary svstems. Jl. Phys. Chem., 3, 1899, 1-11. ■ Dissociation studies. 72-94. Hydrates in solution 551-554. The dilution law. 188-196. Reaction velocity and solubility. Arch. Neerland., 5, 1900, 46-48. Jl. Phys. Chem., 3, 1899, Jl. Phys. Chem., 3, 1899, Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 31, 1899, Bancroft! 279 [Bang Isohydrio Bolutions. Jl. Phys. Chcm., 4, 1900, 271- 289. Reaction velocity and equilibrium. .11. Phys. Chem., 4, 1900, 7O.V70H. Bancroft, U'llil.r li[uiiiht], i- Jackson, C[harle»] Lorivg. N/ (' Jackson iV Bancroft. Band, |/''. //.] Gi-onj. [Wcitere Iieitrii>;e zur Synllicse von I'.vriilindorivateii aus Alikiimmlini^eii den "Cunmlins" (••o-l'vicins").] I'lilte .MjhandlunK. Eiiiwirkiini;; von Anilin Kiif den Diiitliy lister der t'l-AethoxylciimalinS, .'j-dicftrljonKaiire iind der UicarbuxylglutacoaHiiurc. Lie- liin's Ann., 28.5, 1895, 108-153. Banda, Uosnlio. Menioria sobre la determinaci6n de la altiira nb.'soluta de t'olinin. Mex. Obs. Bol., 1, 1888, 174-178. Bandalln, ■hi.. \ KUmenko, Kfim Filimonovid. See Klimenko ,V Bandalln. Bandolier, . I t;|i)/^;/i.' l-'nnii;iiis Alphottse]. Die Grenzgcbiete der Vereiniyten Stauten luul Mexico's. Berlin Ges. KrJk. Verb., 12, 188B, 25H-281. Bandl, Ivo, & Btagnltta Ballstreri, Francesco. Die Vorbreitun),' der Hubonenpest dureh den Verdauungsweii. Ztsclir. llyg., 28, 1898, 2111-275. Bandler, Ailnlt'. Ueber die Sprachbildunc bei luftdicbtem Keblkopfverscldusse. Ztsebr. Heilk., 9, 1888, 428-432. Uelier die BiziehunKon dir Cliorditis voealis infer. hvpertro|ibiea (Gerbanlt) zu deni Khinu.seleroui (llebral. Ztselir. Heilk., 12, 1891, 227-24G. Bandler, Ailalf, A Boyka, l[sidor]. See Boyka A Bandler. Bandler, I'irtor. Wirkung des elektrischen Stromes und Villi Herz),'iften auf das Dapbnienherz. Arch. Exper. I'.itli.. 31, 1894, 39-2-401. Bandow, K[ricli\. Ueber einige .^bkommlinge des leonar- cotins uud eine neue Base : Das Hydrodicotarnin. Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 174.5-1749. Bandow, E[rich], .t vroUfenstein, Richard. Elektro- lytiselie Darstelluiig des liydrocutaruins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31. 1898, 1.577-1578. Bandrowskl, Eniest [7'i/i/s]. Ueber die Einwirkung zweibaaiaoher organisober Siiiiren auf Hydrazobenzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, llHl-il,s5. 0 dzia+aiiiu bezwodnika kwasu ftalowego na hydrazo- benzol. [On the action of phthalic anhydride on hydrazobenzene.] Krakow, Ak. (ilut.-l'rzyrod.) Bozpr. , 12, 1884, 3-7. Kilka slow o utlenieniu dwnfenylaminu (CjHjIjNII za ponuK^i nadmanganianu potasowego w rozczynie alkalicziiyiii. [L'cber die Oxyilation des Diphenylamins nut Kaliumpermanganat in alkalischer Liisung.] Krakow, Ak. (ilat.-frzyrod.) Rozpr., 14, 1886, 258-262; 15, 1887, 215-223; Wien, Ak. Sber., 94, 1887 {Abth. 2), 213-220; Mbefte. Cliem., 1886, 375-382. O dwufenylopara-azofenylenie. [Ueber das Dipbenyl- parazophenylen.] Krakow, Ak. (ilat.-Przyrod.) Kozpr., 17, 1888, 195-2117; Wien, .Vk. Sber., 90, 1888 (.IKA. 2), 523-,531; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 475-483. 0 dwunitrobenzydynach. [Zur Kenntnissder Dinitro- benzidine.] Krak6\v, .\k. (Mitt.-l'rzyrod.) Rozpr., 17, 1888, 208-213; Wien, Ak. Sber., W,, 1888 (Abth. 2), 519- 522; Mhefte. Chem.. 1887, 471-474. O pochodnych chinonimidu. [Ueber Derivate des Cliiuoniniids. J Krakow, ..^k. {Mitt.-Przyrod.) Rozpr.. 18, 1888, 94-99; Wien. Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (.Uth. ib), 98- 102; Mhefte. Cliem. , 1888, 133-137. Ueber die Einwirkung vou .\nilin auf Chinonphenyl- imid und Diphenylparazoplienylen. Synthese des IMauilidochiuonanils und des Azopbenins. Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 2fc), 399-405; Mhefte. Chem.. 1888, 414-420. Ueber die Oxydation des Paraphenylendiamins und des Baraamidopbenols. Wien, .\k. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 2(.), 112-117; Mbefte. Chem., 1889, 123-128. O parazofenylenach, chinonimidach i pochodnycli. [Ueber Parazophenylene, Cliinonimide und Derivate.) Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 5, 1893, 371-377; Cracovie Ac. Sei. Bull., 1893, 114-127. 0 Swieceniu podezas krystalizacyi. (Ueber Liehter- schcinungen wahrend der KrvhtalliKation.) Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.. 1894, 253-251); 1898, 75 7«; 1896, 199-203; Ztschr. BbyHikal. Cb.-m., 15. 1894. 323-32*;; 17. 1895, 234-244 [I'arlii I und //]; Krakow, Ak. [ilat.-I'rzyrod.) Rozpr., 10, 1896, 337-344; 11, 1897, 1-10 [Purtt III and II]. 0 utlenieniu parafenilenodnunminn. [Ueber die Oxydation des I'araphenylenodianiinB.) [1893.] Krak6w, Ak! (Mal.-l'rzyrmi.) Rozpr., 8, 1896, 149-1(11; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1893, 199-200: Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 4H0-486. Optyczne odmiany kwasu /S-oksymasl-owego. (Ueber optische Isomeren der /ij-Oxybuttcr»aure.) Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 12.5-129. O kwasic^-oksymastowym. [Ueber /S-Oxybuttersaure.] [1K97.] Krakow. Ak. (iliit..rrziirnd.) Rozpr., IJ. 1899. 127-137; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.", 1897, 272. Nowy Hpos6botrzymywaiiia benzochinonu. [Ein neues Verfahrcn zur Darstellung von chemisch reinem Bcn- zochinon.J [1897.] Krakbw, Ak. (.Uaf.-/Vri/rnia. [1899.] Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 13, 1901, 91-108. Bangs, Outram, & MiUer, Gerrit S[milh]. See MUler & Bangs. Banbam, French. Case of Thomsen's disease. [1886.] Brain, 10. 1888. 229-232. Banholzer, .l/[ii.r]. Zur pathologiscben Anatomic nnd Patliogenese dcr Ketinitis proliferans (M.^nz). Arch. Augeniioilk., 25, 1892, 186-209; Arch. Ophtbalm., 22, 1893. 212-21.-<. Banbos. S' t Lopes Banhos. Banker, N. .V. On tlio direction assumed by a magnet witliin a solenoid or hollow magnet. Telegr. Engin. Jl., 13. 1884, 113-116. Bankes, Kiistucf R[(ilph]. Occurrence in Dorsetshire of Butrtlis siccella, Xeller, a species new to Britain. [1887.] Eut. Month. Mag., 23. 1886-87, 27.5-276; Dorset Field Club Proc, 9, 1888. 118-122. Descriptions of the larvte of Butalis siccella and B. vnriella. [1888.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 246-248. Coleophora frischella, L. (=C. trifolii, Ciirtit), versus C. melilotella, Scott. [1888.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89. 1-5. First supplement to the "Lepidoptera of the Isle of Purbeek." Dorset Field Club Proc. 10. 1889, 197-213. R. s. A. c. Trifurcula pallidella in the Isle of Purbeek. [1889.) Ent. Month. Mag., 2.5, 1888-89, 44.5-446. Purbeek wild Howers in December. [1H89.J Dorset Field Club Proc., 11, 1890, 82-87. .Scoparia atomalis. Ent. Month. .Mag., 26, 1890, 7-8. The genus Scojiaria. Ent. Mouth. Mag., 26, 1890, 98-101, 210-211. He-occurrence in Britain of Catocala electa, likh. Ent. Becord, 4, 1893, 8.5-86. Lithocolletis tri/uttella, Stn.. a variety of L. faginella, a. Ent. Month. Mug., .30, 1894, 30-31. Lita instabilcllii, I),/!., ami its nearest Britinh allies. Ent. Month. Mag., 30, 1894, 80-83, 12-5-128, 188-194. Kandom notes on Lepidoptera in 1894. Ent. Month. Mug., 31, 1895, 126-132. On a new species of the genus ArgjTesthia, lllj., from England. Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 2.5-26. Occurrence of Coleophora glilzella, H/mn., in Britain. Ent. Month. Mag., 32. 1896, 1 15-148, xiii. IJemarks on "Additions to the British Lepidoptera during the past ten years." Entomologist, 29, 1896, 18.5-187. Notes on breeding Amphidasys betularia and its var. doubledayaria. [1h<)»j.j Ent. Kecord, 7, 189S-96. 181-182. On the position of the pupa of Aciptilia migadactyla, IIu: ( = spilodactyla, CrI.). Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 86. Life-history of .\riBtotelia tctragonella, Stn. Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, .5-7. Descriptions of the larva and pupa of Depres.'^aria pulcherrimella, Stn. Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 26-28. . Tinea cochylidella, .S"(;i., an aberration of T. rurico- lella, Stn. Ent. Month. Mag., 33. 1897, 79-80. On the distribution of Gelechia suppeliella, IVUm., and peliella, Tr. Eut. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 101-103. Notes on Ithodophsa rubrotibiella. Ent. liecord, 9, 1897, 329-330. Descriptions of the larva and pupa of .\proa:rema sangiella. Sin. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 2-3. Gelechia confinis, .S7n., a northern form of (i. similis, Stn. Eut. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 196-198. On a new species of the genus Aproterema, Dmt. ( = .\nacamp8is, and., nee Cri.), from England. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 242-244. Notes on the unique • ' .\rgvresthia " decimella, .Stn. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898. 263-264. Aristotelia uuicolorella. Dp., identified as a British species. [.Y. sijnn. Lita unicolorella, /)/)., = Anacampsia uuicolorella, //.-.S., = Gelechia immaculatella, Dgl.] Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 33-36. Descriptions of the larva and papa of Cnephasia sinuana, Siph. Ent. Month. Mag., .35, 1899, 10-5-106. Some exact observations on the emergence of Endromis versicolor, L. Ent. Month. Mag.. 35, 1899. 137-139. ■ Notes on the life-history of Phalonia vectisana, Il'«/ir., with descriptions of the larva and pupa. Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 178-180. Descriptions of the larva and pupa of Apros>renia vinella, Bnks. Ent. Jfonth. Mag., .35, 1899. 202-205. Lithocolletis concomitella. n. tp., and its nearest allies. Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 241-2,5.5, 284-2-88. Notes on Emydia cribmm, L. Entomologist, 32, 1899, loi-ias. Supplementary notes on Lithocolletis pvrivorelU, liiikx. Ent. -Month. Mag., .36. 1900, 12-5-126. Bankes, EuMaee lilalpl,]. A: Disby, (iJ-r.) ClhtirUt] lilolierl]. Lepidoptera of the I.^^le of Purbeek. Dorset Field Club Proc, 6, [1885.] 128-177. Binki, Doniit. Le moteur Diesel et les moteurs thermiqoes. (it nie Civil, .3.5, 1899, 258-263. Bankiewicz, Zynm[unt]. Ueber die Reductionsproducte des r-.<-Dinitroparacettoluids und ihre Umwandlung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2402-2411. 36 282 Bankiewicz] Produkta redukcyi metanitroparaacettoluiayny otrzy- mane dziafeniem siarczku amonu. [Ueber die Reduc- tionsproducte des me(<.-Nitroparacettoluids durch das Schwefelammonium.l [1889.] Krakow, Ak {Mat.- Przurod.) Rozpr., 20, 1890, 5.5-71; Craoovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1889, No. 4, xxxiv; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., •22, 1889, 1396-1400. ^,^„^ , ^ ,. Banks, C/ir,iZf.«. MeteoroloRy and cholera. [1896.] Indian Med. Gaz., 31, 1897, 399-401. . v, v Banks, James W. Nesting of the broad-wmged hawk (Bnteo pennsylvanicus). Auk, 1, 1884, 95-96. — — The great'horned owl (Bubo virginianus) m confine- ment. Auk, 1, 1884, 194-195. Nest and eggs of the rusty grackle (Scoleeophagus ferrugineus). Auk, 2, 1885, 106-107. Banks, Niithaii. A new pseudoscorpion. Canad. bnt., 22, 1890, 152. ., „ , t:. . Notes on North American Chernetidse. Canad. lint., 23, 1891, lCl-166. , . , „ . n A Notes on the Dysderida; of the United States. Canad. Knt., 23, 1891, 207-209. Notes on some spiders described by Hentz. Philad., Ent. News, 2, 1891, 84-87. t. . xt Synonymical notes on spiders. Philad., Ent. News, 2 1891 193. '- A synopsis, catalogue, and bibliography of the neuro- pteroid insects of temperate North America. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 19, 1892, 327-373. A classification of the North American spiders. Canad. Ent., 24, 1892, 88-97. The land MoUusca of the Cayuga Lake valley. [1892.J Nautilus, 5, 1891-92, 137-139. , , , . The spider fauna of the upper Cayuga Lake basm. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1892, 11-81. Our Atvpida) and Theraphosida;. Philad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, 147-150. ^^ . ^ „^ , The Phalangida Mecostethi of the United States. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 20, 1893, 149-1-52. Notes on the mouth parts and thorax of insects and chilopods. Amer. Natlist., 27, 1893, 400-401. New ChernetidH) from the United States. Canad. Ent., 25, 1893, 64-67. The Phalaugime of the United States. Canad. Ent., 25 1893 205-211. 'a new species of Oligoloplius. Canad. Ent., 25, 1893, 259_253 "Notes on spiders. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 1, 1893, 123-134. A new American Lacinius. Psyche, 6, 1893, 402- 403 r'west African Insecta and Arachnida.] Arachnida. Araneina. [1893.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 16, 1894, 586- 587 Some new American Acarina. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 21,1894, 209-222. The Odonata of Ithaca, N. Y. Canad. Ent., 26, 1894, Washington Phalangida, with description ot a new southern Liobunum. Canad. Ent., 26, 1894, 160-164. ,Some PsycliodidiP from Long Island, N. Y. Canad. Ent., 26, 1894, 329-333. , „ „ „ . The Plinlangidn; of New York. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 2, 1894, 40-41. On the Lycosida; of Colorado. N. Y. Ent. boc. Jl., 2, 1894, 49-52. Notes on Phalangida;. N. Y. Ent. See. Jl., 2, 1894, 145-146. Notes on Larinia and Cercidia. Philad., Ent. News, 5, 1894, 8-9. . On a collection of neuropteroid insects from Kansas. Philad., Ent. News, 5, 1894, 178-180. ^ ^ . . , On a classification of arthropods. Philad. , Ent. News, 5, 1894, 213-216. [Banks Two families of spiders new to the United States. Philad., Ent. News, 5, 1894, 298-300. On the Oribatoidea of the United States. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 22, 1895, 1-16. New neuropteroid insects. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 22, 1895, 313-316. Some new Attidiu. Canad. Ent., 27, 1895, 96-102. Notes on Psvchoda. Canad. Ent. , 27, 1895, 324. The Arachnida of Colorado. [1895.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 8, 1893-95, 417-434. x, ,, ,, * a ti Notes on the Pseudoscorpionida. N. Y. Ent. boc. Jl , 3, 1895, 1-13. o Ti o Two CaUfornian phalangids. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 3, 1895, 66. .,,.,-. A list of spiders of Long Island, with descriptions of new species. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 3, 1895, 76-93; 4, 1896, 190-193. ^, V -n , Some acarians from Sphagnum swamp. N. 1. Ent. Soc. Jl., 3, 1895, 128-130. Some Missouri spiders. Philad., Ent. News, 6, 1895, 204-207. The Nemastomatidffi and Trogulida; of the United States. [1894.] Psyche, 7, 1896, 11-12, 51-52. Some Mexican Neuroptera. [1895.] California Ac. Proc, 5, 1896, 515-522. The genus Oxyptila. [1895.] Psyche, 7, 1896, 241-244. New North American spiders and mites. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 23, 1896, 57-77. A few new spiders. Canad. Ent., 28, 1896, 62-65; 29, 1897, 193-197; 30, 1898, 185-188. New CaUfornian spiders. N. Y. Ent. Soo. Jl., 4, 1896, 88-91. „ ^ , c T, A A new species of Gomphus. N. Y. Ent. boc. Jl., 4, 1896, 193-195. A new species of Meleoma. Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896 9-5-96. New North American neuropteroid insects. [1897-99.] Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 24, 1897, 21-31; 25, 1898-99, 199-218. , ., , ,. [Indiana caves and their fauna.] Arachnida. Indiana, Dept.Geol. Ann. Rep., 21, 1897, 202-205. ^, .^, „ , Descriptions of two new smynthunds. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 5, 1897, 33-34. xt -^ t^ . o Some Syrjihidaj from Long Island. N. Y. Ent. boc. Jl., 5, 1897, 40-41. , , , ,, XT A Leucochrysa from Florida. Philad., Ent. News, 8, 1897, 183-184. Three myrmecophilous mites. Canad. Ent., 30, 1898, — ^ Some Mexican Phalangida. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 6, 1898, 181-182. Arachnida from the Malaspma glacier, Alaska. Philad., Ent. News, 9, 1898, 16. Concerning the names of some common spiders. Philad., Ent. News, 9, 1898. 141-142. A classification ot the North American Myrmeleonida;. Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 67-71. The Smynthuridie of Long Island, New York. N. 1. Ent. Soo. Jl., 7, 1899, 193-197. New MyrmeleouidiE. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 170—172. The psocids of an old snake-fence. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 260-261. Arachnida from Baja California, and other parts of Mexico. [1898.] Cahfornia Ac. Proc (/Cool.), 1, 1900, •205-308. ^. ^ ., New genera and species of nearctio neuropteroid insects. [1900.1 Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., '26, 1899-1900, 239-259. . , , , -ri Synopses of North Amencau invertebrates, ix. Ihe scorpions, solpugids and IVdipalpi. Amer. Natlist., 34, 1900, 421-427. Banks] 283 [Banti On two genera of mites. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 30-33. Some new North American Bpiders. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 9ti-l()2, 120. New genera and species of American Phalangida. N. Y. Eut. Soc. Jl., 8, 190O, iyy-201. Some Arachnida from Alabama. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1900, 529-513. A new genus of Atropida:. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 431-432. Two new species of Troctes. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 559-560. A new species of Myrmeleon from Texas. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, .596. Camphor secreted by an animal. Science, 12, 1900, 649. A list of works on North American entomolog}'. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 24, 1900, 95 pp. The red spiders of the United States. U. S. Div. Ent. Tichn. Ser., 8, 1900. 05-77. Papers from the Harrimau Alaska Expedition. X. EntomoloRical results (4) : Nuuroi/tcroid insects. [(5): Arachnida.] Washington Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1900, 465-470, 477-486. Arachnida [of the Hudsonian zone in New Mexico]. [1900.] Psyche, 9, 1902, 123. Neuroptera [of the Hudsonian zone in New Mexico]. [1900.] Psyche, 9, 1902, 124. Banlu, Richard fl'. Reminiscences of the Downton sand- stone. [1890.] Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1890-92, 390-404. Bankwitz, [Ricluirii]. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der ein- seitigen Retinitis hcDmorrhagica. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 45, 1898, 384-399. Bannatyne, (rilbert Allexandcr]. The treatment of diph- theria Ijy the injection of the erysipelas albumose. Glasgow Med. Jl., 3G, 1891, 201-217. Osteo-arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis: its pathology and treatment. Practitioner, 04, 1900. 530-544. Bannerman, {Siirg.Maj.) ]l'li!liam\ Il[urney]. Recent researches in malarial infection. [1890.] Indian Med. Gaz., 25, 1891, 227-232. Bannerman, {Surg.-MuJ.) fi'[iUiam] B[urney]. & HaSUne, iy[iildemaT] Al[ordecai H'o{/f]. SeeHaffkine cV Banner- man. Banneuz, J. T^li^graphie et t^l^phonie siuiultanees par It's mimes fils conducteurs. Jl. T^l^gr., 8, 1884, 3-10. Essais faits en Belgique sur les conducteurs en cuivre. [1886.] Ann. T.51egr., 14, 1887, 189-192. Banneux, Philippe. Explosion dune chaudiire i vapcur, survenue la nuit du 5 au 6 mars 1886, dans I'etablisse- meut industriel des fr^res O., i Herstal. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 44, 1886, 289-315, 320-329, 333-3.50. De la resistance des enveloppes, cuvelages, serrements et plates-cuves. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 49, 1892, 347-455. Bannister, Henry ilartyn. Note on the classiOcation of insanitv. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 5), 291-2',i3. The drift and geologic time. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 5, 1897, 730-743. Bannow, .1. Ueber reine Buttersiiure. Berlin, Chem. Lies. Ber., 19, 1886, 25.52-2554. Bannwartb, [Emil]. Untersuchungen fiber die Milz. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 38, 1891. 34.5-644 [446]. Anweudung der Galvanoplastik in der anatomischen Technik. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893 [Anat. Ges. Vfrh.), 159-160. Banaa, Conrad. Ueber Kaliumdoppelsaize der Unter- phosphorsaure. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 6, 1894, 128- 160. Banse, Guido. Ueber einige Abkommlinge des p-Cvanto- luols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 27, 1894, 2161-2171. Banti, Adol/o. Descrizione e figure dello Aspidiotas CLratoniie, Colv. Uiv. Palol. Veg., 2, 1893, 12-22. Banti, Anyelo. Magnetizzazione del nichel uollecitato da piirticiilari aziuni meccaniche. Koma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 7, 1891, 62-85. Experiments on BnowN'sasynchronoos motors. Elect. Rev., 33, 1893. 607-608 ; 31, 1894, 60-61, 114-116. Banti, fluidii. *Le cellule plane di connettivo nei loro rapporti colle neoplasie inHammatorie e cellule gigan- tcsche. Fircnzc K. Ist. Pubbl. (Sez. ited.), 9 (1, 1881), 95-114. 'Studio anatomo-patologico sail' ipertrofia generale delle mammelle. Firenze R. Ist. Pubbl. (Hez. Med.), 9 (2, 1883), 1-36. •Dcir anemia splenica. Firenze B. Ist. Pubbl. (Sez. He J.), 9 (2, 1883), 53-122. I nuovi metodi di studio dei batterii. Sperimentale, .55, 1886, 521-556. Meningite ccrebrale. Eeame batterioscopico. Speri- mentale, 57, 1886, 1.59-163. Afasia e sue forme. Sperimentale, 57, 1886, 261-280, 361-388. Studio Bulla percussione del cuore. Sperimentale, 57, 1886, 59.5-609. Lipoma primitivo del cuore. Sperimentale, 58, 1886, 237-241. .^Icuui fatti utili a detenninare la durata del periodo d' incubazione nel colera asiatico. Sperimentale, GO, 1887, 3-17. Sur la destruction des bacteries dans I'organisme. [1887.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 9, 1888, 44-45; Arch. Sci. Med., 12, 1888, 191-221. Suir etiologia della pericardite. Sperimentale, 61, 1888, 344-351. Sopra quattro nnove specie di Protei o Bacilli capsulati. Sperimentale, 62, 1888, 139-167. Pneumococco o Diplococco capsolato ? Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 138-145. Sopra alcune localizzazioni extrapolmonari del Diplo- cocco lanceolate capsulato. [1890.] Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl. {Sez. Med.), 9 (5, F.V JaegU. Baptie, Gfoj-t/f. Is Monotropa uniflora a parasite? Ottawa N'atU.st., I,"l887, 40-43. Baptle, Gc«rih\ Fletcber, James, & Small, H. Beaumont. See Fletcber, Small & Baptie. Baquis, Klia. Di im particolare ruovimento combiuato delle palpebre e del globo oculare. Sperimentale, 59, 1887, 582-536. ■ Studio sperimentale suUe retiniti. [1888.] Bologna Rend., 1887-88, 49-53. Etude exp^rimentale sur les r(5tinites en rapport avec la reaction irritative des divers Elements r^tiuiens. Beitr. Path. Anat., 4, 1889, 265-290. La retina della faina. Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 366-371. [Fatti istolosici consecutivi ad anemia temporanea della retina.] Arch. Augenheill;., 24, 1892 (Ber. 1891, 101). Sur un cas de d(!'generescence amyloide de la corn^e. Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1895, 289. Das Trachom der Thranendriise. Klinischer und patbologisch-anatomiscber Beitrag zu den symmetrischen Adenopathieen der Thranendriise. Beitr. Path. Anat., 19, 1896, 406-432. • Die coUoide Degeneration der Cornea. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Entstehung des Colloids aus epi- thelialen Elementen. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 46, 1898, 553-620. Baquis, 7'.7/((, & Baduel, Cesare. Su alcuni interessanti fenomeni oculnri subbiettivi verifioati in un soggetto nevrastenico. Studio elinico. Kiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 20, 1894, 23-54. Baquis, Klin, Tizzoni, Guidn, & Cattani, Giuseppina. See Baquis, Tizzoni A: Cattani. Bar, Louis. De I'otomycose ou inflammation paraaitaire du conduit auditif externe. Congr. Int. IKd. C. R., 1897 (Vvl. 6, Sect. 12a), 109-121; (Vol. 7), Iv. Bar, Lou is, & Gilcbrist, [Alexander WilHatn]. See Qilcbrist c&Bar. Bar, P[aul], & B6non, [Louis]. Ict^re grave, chez un nouveau-nd atteint de syphilis h^patique, paraissant du au Proteus vulgaris. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 379-380. Presence du bacille de Koch dans le sang de la veine ombilicale de foetus humains issus de mferes tuberouleuses. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), .50.5-508. Bar, P[nul], IHeni, .-I., & Mercier, R. De la pri5sence dans Purine de femmes (iclamptiques d'une albumine offrant une reaction speciale. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 49, 1897 (C. 1!.), 1038-1039. Baraban, L[eon]. Sur I'existence de fibres ^lastiques dans r^jjiploon humain et leurs modifications .sous I'influence de Page. Robin, ,71. Anat., 24, 1888, 90-102. Lymphangiomes etkystes sfireux cong(5nitaux. Arch. Miid. Exptr., 1, 1889, 528-546. Baraban, L[eon], & Saint-Remy, G. Sur un cas de tubes psorospermiqucB observes chez I'liotume. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mim., 46, 1894 (f. R.), 201-202. Le i)arasitisnie des Sarcosporidies chez rhouinie. [1894.] Bibliogr. Anat., 2, 1895, 79-82. Baraban, L[eoii], & Scbubl, [■hisepli]. 01)literation congenitale de I'oriiice aortique. Bibliogr. Anat., 5, 1897, 40 14. Barabasev, I'urel [.\ikoUijei'i<:]. Zur Frage von der Chinin-Aniaurosc. Arch. Augenlieilk., 23, 1891, 91-91). Beitrag zur Anatoniio der Linse. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 38, 1892 {Ahlh. 3), 1-14. Barabini, Emmamiele. SuU' aceto-ortotoluide, nuovo antipiretico. Ann. di Chim., 15, 1892, 153-166. Barabini, Emmanuele, & Albanese, Manfredi. See Albanese & Barabini. Barabini, Emmanuele, & Oddo, G[ivseppe]. See Oddo & Barabini. Barabino, Santiago E. See Scbneidewlnd, Alberto (et alii). Baraccbi, Pietro. Results of observations with the Eater's invariable jDendulums, made at the Melbourne Observatory, June to September, 1893. [1893.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Proc, 6, 1894, 162-177. Observations of Comet 1894 II made at the Melbourne Observatory with the 8 inch equatorial from April 5th to 11th and with the 8 inch transit circle from May 9tb to 15th. Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 141-142. • On the most probable value and error of Australian longitudes, including that of the boundary lines of South Australia with Victoria and New South Wales. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1895, 185-208. Magnetic work in Australia. Terrestrial Magn., 1, 1896, 191-196. Presidential address [to section A. Astronomy, mathematics, and physics]. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 157-17.5. Cloud observations in Victoria. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 2.59-265. The testing of reflecting surfaces. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 265-267. Baracz, Roman von. Zur lokalen Cocaiuaniisthesie. Wien. Med. Wschr., 38, 1888, 1121-1123, 1150-1153. Ueber einen Fall von chronischem Rotz (Wurm) beim Menschen. Virchow, Arch., 159, 1900, 491-520. Barad, D[avid], & Bischler, August. See Biscbler & Barad. Baradat, Claudia. La telephonie a,grande distance au moyen de I'induetion multiple. Eclairage Elect., 5 (1895), 14-20. Baradel, . Note sur les reseaux annexes du r^seau telephouique de Reims. Ann. TOlegr., 15, 1888, 239-245. Baraduc, Hippnlyte [Ferdinand]. Electricite intra-stonia- calc. Dilatation d'estomac. Ass. Frani;. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 2), 647-651. Conservation indi5finie et ingestion du sang defibriu^ (globules et serum) dans la chlorose, les antmies ner- veuses, les mc^'trorragies. [Avec une note de M. Hi;Biss0N.] Ass,. Fran? . C. R. , 1890 (Pt. 2), 755-7.59. A propos des photographies d'effluves. Rev. Sci., 8, 1897, 752-754. Communication sur la biom^trie. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 2), 20-21. Beiraduc, Hippolyte [Ferdinand], & Pilliet, .ile.randre H[enri]. See Pilliet & Baraduc. Barajas, Miguel. Observaciones del volcan de Colima en [los meses] de agosto [y octubre] de 1897. Mdx. Obs. Bol., 1897, 109, 142-143. Baraldi, Giovanni. L' osso sfenotico dei pesci teleostei (Parker) nell' Ovis aries, Lin. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verh.), 4, 1883-85, 251-252. Appunti suir omologia tra 1' anello nervoso esofageo dei Vermi e 1' encefalo dei Vertobrati craniati. [1886.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 120-135. Apparato femminile della generazione nei nilgau (Portax picta. Pall.) cd un cenno sulla loro placenta. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.). 8, 1887, 205-215. Alcune ricerche contribuenti alia conoscenza della tavola triturante o macinante dei denti mascellari negli Equidi. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.),S, 1887, 343-441, 461. Ancora sull' osso sfenotico nell' uomo. [1889 95. ] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 12 16, 183-184; 9, 1894 96, 244-2.55. Baralis, I'. Terremoto del 17 novemhre 18S5. Sampeyre (Saluzzo). Moncalicri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 8. Barandonl 285 [Baratta Barandon, {Knpt.) . Uebpr den Gebrauch Ton Oel luil' Sci'. Ann. del- HydioKr., V) (1888), 157. BaraneckU, 0|.w;;] l'['matcux. Ann. Sci. Nat. {Hot.), 4, 1886, la.'i-aoi. Sur lo d(!veloppement dcB points vijgiitatifB des tiges chez Ics Monocotyltdones. Ann. Sci. Nat. {Hot.), 3, 1897, 311-30,0; Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 15 (2), 1898, C23-G74. Die Ursacbcii der Hicbtung dtr Scitenzwcigc der Biiunip. [1898.1 Hot. Centrbl., 77, 1899, 108-109. Ein neuor Kegistrirapparat. DeutBcli. Bol. Ges. Bcr., 17, 1899, 190-194. 0 TAKi) iiaiiuniioMf.ixi. fliiuojiaTOpa.iLiiuxi. co- CJ'AllIiIXl. liyiliaxT.. [Sur los faisceaux vasciilaires ftppell(5a bicollatif'iaux.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem , 10 (2), 1900, 241-307; Ann. Sci. Nat. {Hot.), 12, 1900, 201-332. Baranlecki, Munjjiin .1. "Uozwinii/cie nii iitainok ciag'ty stijsunku liwocb zupiinycli ca+ek eliptycznych pierwszego i dnigiuKo gatunku. [Developpemeiit en fraction con- tinue du rapport de deux int^grales elliptiiiues completes, de prcmi'>re et de deuxifime espeee.] Paris Tow. Nauk Scih-t. I'am., 7, 1876, Art. 5, 8 pp. *0 podstawieniach wymiennych. [Sur leg substitu- tions permutables.] Paris Tow. Nauk Soisl. Pam., 7, 1876, .in. 7, 3.5 pp. 'Dowfid jednego znsadniczego twierdzeniaodnoszacego 8i(> do hypergeometryeznycli fuukc>j. [Demonstration d'un tbeiireme fondamental, relatif aux fonctions liyper- g(;om<5tri(iue9.] Paris Tow. Nauk ^cisi. Pam., 8, 1876, Art. 2, 19 pp.; Bull. Sci. Matb. Astr., 1, 1877 {I'l. 2), 223-224. "Zasadnicze wnioski geometryczne z tcoryi algebraicz- nej form kwadratowycb podwojnych. [Kepr(5sentation gi^-ometriiiue des resultats de la thoorie des formes qua- dratiques binaires.] Paris Tow. Nauk f^cis-J. Pam., 8, 1876, .Irf. 9, 8 pp. *0 tworzeniu systematu sprz^zonego podstawieii liniowycb postaci l-VjA'^^^l. [Ueber die Bildung des conjugirten .Systems liueurer Substitutionen.] Paris Tow. Nauk Sci'si. Pam., 10, 1878, Art. 3, 8 pp. *0 wyznaezeniu spolnycb pierwiastk6w dwocb rownaii danycli przy jjomocy rugownika tycli rownari. [Ueber die Bestimmung der gemein.schaftlicben Wurzeln ge- gebener Gleicbungen miltels ilirer Eliminante.] Paris Tow. Nauk Seisl. Pam., 10, 1878, Art. 5, 7 pp. O przeksztatceniu kola na przeciijcie sto:!kowc. [On tbe transformation of a circle into a conic section.] [1884.] Krak6w, Ak. {Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 13, 1886, 172-182. 0 tunkeyjach BEBNODLLiego. [Ueber die BcrnouUi'- schenFunctioncn.] [1884.] Krak<5w, Ak. {Mat.-Przyrod.) Kozpr., 13, 1886, 183-19.5; Fortschr. Math., 1886, 410. O pewueni wuioskowaniu unalitycznOm w tomie I tego wydawnictwa. [Ueber eine analytische Beweisfiibrung ini I Bande der "Prace mat.-(iz."] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 2, 1890, 220-222 ; Fortschr. Math., 1890, 23,5-230. Barannikov, l[van Audrejivic]. I'eber don Parasiten des Malariaticbers zu Cbarkov. Congr. Int. M(5d. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 2, .SVr(. 3), 241-243. Zur Frage liber die Bakteriologie der Lepromata. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 20, 1899, 113-144; 27, 1900, 709- 710. Baranov, {Maj.-Gen.) . CllIICOK^ fiapOMCTpiI- >n B7. 1888 rojy Bl. AO-lllirfc 'laTKaJia. [List of barometric heights determined in 1888 in the Chatkala valley.] St. Petersb., Russ. Cieogr. Soc. Bull., 2.5, 1889, 514. Baranowski, .4. 0 wzorach s)uz)}cych do obliczenia liczby liczl) picrwszych nie przekraczajacych granicy danej. [Ueber die Formeln znr Berechnung der Auzahl der uine gegebcnc Grcnze nicht iib-430. Suir aldeide isobutirrica mouo- e trimolecolare. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 16, 1886, 430-437. Suir aldeide isobutirrica e iiaraiiMjbutirrica. [1880.] Pisa Soc. Tow. Atti (I'roc. Verb.), 5. 1886-87, 111-113. Contribuzioni' alio studio del Buxus scmpervirenB, L., pianta della famiglia delle Kuforbiaccc. Pisa Soc. To«c. Atti (.Mem.). H, 1887, 25.5-270. Azione dello zolfo sull' aldeide paraisobutirricn. [1888.] Piga Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 6, 1887-89, .5.5-57. Suir olio eBBCDziale di LauruB nobilis, /.. [1888.] Pisa Soc. ToBC. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 6, 1887-89, 181-181. ■ • Sulla parabUHhinidina, alcaloide del Buxus semper- virens, L. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tobc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 149-1.53. Barbaglia, (i[iovaiiuH .i[ngelo], etto uUe acque potubili. [1888.] Pisa Soc. Tobc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), li, 1887-89, 57-62. Barbaglia, 0'[ioi'aTini] AlngeUi], & BSarqaardt, .4lberl. Azione dello zolfo Bulle aldeidi. [l«9u.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Pruc. Verb.), 7. 1889-91, 153-157; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pi. 1), 195-2U4. Ueber die Einwirkung des Schwefels auf Benzaldeliyd. Berlin, Chem. Gee. Ber.. 24, 1891, l8Hl-18«:i. Barbarat, [I'iug'ene] .4[i«ie']. Note BUr Its teiiBionB de» fiU telegraphiqucB & diverses temperatures. Add. Telcgr., 14, 1887, 229-235. Note sur I'emploi du iil de cuivre pour les lignes aeriennes. Ann. Telegr., 14, 1887, .528-.54W. Note hur le montage des piles en echclle d' Amsterdam. Ann. Telegr., 15, 1888, 123-152. Note sur le rapport du eourant d'arrivce au couraut de depart. Ann. Tel<^gT., 15, 1888, 385^08. Note sur la construction des lignes aeriennes. Ann. T(51(5gr., 17, 1890, 138-148. Note sur les tensions adoptees pour les divers fiU ti'legraphiques ou telephoniques. Aon. Telegr. , 17, 1890, 162-169. Note sur la meilleure disposition des fils des circuits danB les reseanx t<^lepboniques aericns. Ann. Telegr., 20, 1893, 475^92. Cables telcphoniqucs 4 circulation d'air sec. Ann. Telegr., 21, 1894, 193-219. Note sur le memoire de 31. Pbekce : ["Electrical disturbances in submarine cables"]. [1897.] Ann. Telegr., 23, 1896-97, 161-164. Barbarin, I'[aul .Jean Joteph]. Sur les lignes de courbare du paraboloide equilatcre. Nouv. Ann. Math., 3, 1884, 97-104, 160. Note sur rherj'olhodie. Nouv. Ann. Math., i, 1886, 538-556. Axes des sections planes des surfaces du second ordre. Mathesis. 6, 1886, 2.5-31, 49-53. Bctrouver les elements d'une surface de revolution dont on ne possede qu'un fragment. Ass. Fran^. C. B., 1887 (Pt. 2), 123-126. Sur les racines de I equation du troisi^e ordre. Ass. Franv. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 126-127. Bcsume d'un memoire sur la determination d'nn triangle au moven des longueurs de ses bissectrices. Paris. Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894. 76-SO. .Application de la methode de Gkkgonxk a la sphere. Triangles spberiques et triangles circulaires plans. Ass. Franc. C. li., 1896 (Pi. 2), 43-50. Polygones spiraux, definition gcometrique des lo- garithmes. Ass. Franf. C. R., 1896 {Pt. 2), 257-264. Svstemes isogonaux du triangle. .\ss. Franc. C. R., 1896"(P'- 2). 89-105. Construire nn triangle dont les bissectrices sont donnees. Mathesis. 16. 1896. 14.3-160. Geometric generale des espaces. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1898 (Pt. 2), 111-132. Proprietes angulaires des cercles focaux dans les coniqucs. Ass. Fran?. C. R, 1898 {Pt. 2), 132-139. Barbarin] 288 [Barbet Constructions spheriques a la regie et au compas. Mathesis, 19, 1899, 57-60, 81-85. Etudes de peometrie analytiiiue uon-euelidienue. [1900.] Brux., Mem. Couronu. (8° Ed.), 60, 1900-01, No. 1, 167 pp. [A propos d'un article de M. Frolov : " Considerations sur la geometrie uon-euclidienne."] Enseign. Math., 2 (1900), 306. Les fonctious hyperboliques dans Fenseiguement moyen. Enseign. Math., 2 (1900), 443-447. Barbarous, [J.rnii], & Courmont, I'linl. See Courmont A' Barbaroux. Barb6, H'lnirles], i\ Dangeard, r[icirc\ .l[ii(jiistin Clement]. See Dangeard A Barb6. Barbe, [Cluirles Daviil], & Gaucher, {Philipiie Charles] Elrnent]. See Gaucher & Barbe. Barbe, Fuul. For biographical notice see Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1890 (P(.' 2), 1G!I-170. Barber, C'[/«i/7c.<] .L[lfred]. On the structure and develop- ment of the bulb ill Lauiiuaria bulbosa, Lamour. [1889. J Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, 41-64. The structure of Pachytheea. [1889-91.] Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90. 141-148; 5, 1890-91, 14.5-162. On a change of flowers to tubers in Nympha:a lotus, var. monstrosa. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 4, 1889-91, 105- 116. On the nature and development of the corky excres- cences on stems of Zanthoxylum. Ann. Bot., 6, 1892, 155-166; 10, 1896, 98. Nematophycus Storriei, noi'. sj). Ann. Bot., 6, 1892, 329-338. Drought at Antigua. Nature, .50 (1894), 475. The tick pest in the tropics. Nature, 52 (1895), 197- 200. Cupressinoxj'lon vectense ; a fossil conifer from the Lower Greensand of Shanklin, in the Isle of Wight. Ann. Bot., 12, 1898, 329-361. Barber, C[harlcs] M[elvin], & Cockerell, Theodore D[ru] A[lison]. A new weasel from New Mexico. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1898, 188-189. Barber, Claretiee M. Carbon and its uses in electrical engineering. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 29, 1893, 680-688. Barber, E{mil\. Gorlitz Abh., — Die Flora der Gorlitzer 1893, 57-146. Nachtrag zur Flora der Ober-Lausitz. 18, 1884, 155-181; 19, 1887, 97-133. Heide. GorUtz Abb., 20, High explosives in .11., 131, 1891, 117- Beitriige zur Flora des Elstergebiets in der preus- sischen Oberlausitz. Gorlitz Abh., 20, 1893, 147-166. Flora der Oberlausitz preussischen und siichsischen Anteils einschliesslich des nordlichen Bohmens. Auf Grund eigener Beobachtungeu unter Beriicksichtigung iilterer floristischer Arbeiten zusammengestellt. Gorlitz Abh., 22, 1898, 337-387. Barber, A'[(/?(>i»!] A[tlee]. A new species of moss. Hypnum (Amblystegium) Barberi, Eenanld. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 821. Barber, [CouivKinder) F[rancis] M. warfare. [1890.] Franklin Inst. 140. Barber, G|co»7/i'] l\I[firriott]. Notes on the treatment of the gold ores of the Guanaco mineral district, desert of Atacama, Chili. [With disciissioti.] [189G.] Inst. Min. Metall. Trans., 5, 1 1896-97,] 99-114. Bairber, //. [Une anomalie du foie ciicz un homme adulte.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 3i, 1898, xvii. Barber, Harry J. [Thais rumina, var. medesicaste, existence en Suisse.] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1893, (i8. Barber, Ham/ Lee. Menispermum canadense. Amer. .11, Pharm.,'56, 1884, 401-404. Barber, ./. I\I. J're-hisloric man. Liverpool Geol. Ass. Jl., 12, 1892, 13-16. Barber, John F. Notes from Santa Monica Forestry Station. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 341-342. Barber, Jolni Thomas. For biograpliy see Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 131; Meteorol. Soc. Quart. .11., 24, 1898, 99. Barber, Marshall .i[lbert]. Adulterations of buckwheat flour sold in the Lawrence market. Kan. Univ. Quarterly 7, 1898, 37-38. The pre))aration and use in class demonstration of certain crvptogamic plant material. Kan. Univ. Quar terly, 7, 1898, 111-113. Diphtheria in Kansas. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 8, 1899, 23-35. Barber, {Rev.) Samuel. The sand martin, and its migra- tions. .11. Sci., 21, 1884, .397-399. Halo of 90° with parhelia. Nature, 50 (1894), 269. A white rainbow.- [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894-95), 274. [Bright meteor, Jau. 28, 1900.] [1900.] Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 326. Barber- Starkey, 11'. •/. S. Wireless telegraphy without the coherer. Elect. Bev., 45, 1899, 1026-1027. Barbara, A[!)atino] G. L' azoto e 1' acqua nella bile e nelle urine. [1893.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 3, 1892, 471-482; Ann. di Chim., 20, 1894, 337-349. Un nuovo ureometro a mercurio. Ann. di Chim., 19, 1894, 341-346. L'elimination de la bile dans le jeiine et apres differents genres d'alimentation. Arch. Ital. Biol., 23, 1895, 165-172. Influence des clysteres uutritifs sur I'eUmination de la bile et sur la secretion du sue gastrique. Contribution a une nouvelle interpretation de la signification physio- logique de la bile. Arch. Ital. Biol., 26, 1896, 253-278. . Ueber die Erregbarkeit von Herz- und Gefassnerveu nach Injection von Jod und phosphorsaurem Natron. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 434-448. Un nuovo metodo per determinare 1' alcalinita del sangue. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., 27 & 28, [1898,] 241-248. Ueber die Keizbarkeit des Froschmagens. Ztschr. Biol., 36, 1898, 239-258. Ein Gefiissnervencentrum im Hnndeherzen. Ztschr. Biol., 36, 1898, 259-276. Encore sur l'elimination de la bile apr^s les diverses alimentations et apres I'iugestion d'uree, d'acide urique, etc. Nouvelle contribution a la connaissance de la signification physiologique de la bile. [1898.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 31, 1899, 427-452. Der Einfluss von Jod, Jodnatrium und Jodothyrin auf den Blutkreislauf. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 79, 1900, 312-318. Barbara, A[;iatino] G., & Asher, Leon. See Asher & Barbara. Barbet, [Leandre]. Note sur le calcul des barrages de reservoirs en manonnerie. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 1898 (Trim. 2), 265-299. Note sur les conditions de resistance des barrages de reservoirs en maeonnerie. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 1899 {Trim. 1), 22-56. Barbet, E[mile Aupustin]. Appreciation de la purete des alcools. Jl. Phaim., 19, 1889, 413-416, 457-460. SchnelleBestimmungdesReinheitsquotienten. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 45, 1895 {Th. 2), 784-790. Die Bestimmung der Aldehyde mittelst verschiedener Phenole. Ztschr. Ver. lUibeuzuckeriud., 47, 1897 {Th. 2), 935-939; Barbet, E[mile Aiiyustin], & Jandrier, Edin[ond]. Diffc- renciation des diverses aldehydes au moyen des phenols, et di'S divers phenols au moyen des aldehydes. Ann. Chim. Anal., 1, 1896, 325-328. Sur le dosage des cthors dans les alcools. Ann. Chim Anal., 1, 1896, 367-368; Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 75-76. liechiri'he et dosage des nitrites dans les eaux. Jl Pharm., 4, 1896, 248-249. Barbetl 289 [Barbier Barbet, /.[wiin] A{UjriinJre\. Note sur la profoiideur 4 (ioDiiir nux ecluses ct sur liufluence qu'exerce, au point de vuo dn reinplisiiagc' du sas, la position des ventollcB des portes d'limout. Ann. I'onts et CliauaH., 10 (1888), 727-743. Etude sur les ponts de grandes ouvertures. Emploi de I'acior. Calcul Kraphiijiio des arcs. Poids dc ponts I'n ai'icr d.' 100 iV 400 miHru.^. Ann. Ponts ct Clmuss., 12 (1886), !)7-120. Note Hur iu construction et 1« calcul des cylindrcs de presses hydrauliqucs ou a uir. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1888 (I'l. •>), .'•.G5-617. Traction des tramways par nioteurs h I'air comprimc^. Ginie Civil, 27, 1896, ni-'A;, 08-70, 82-86, 97-100, 113- 116, 12n-l:!:t, 157-161, 168-171, 181-184, 199-202, 216- 219. 232-23.-.. Barbette, K[iloii., far. Lotharingiie. Rev. Mycol., 11, 1889, 14-16. Excursion botanique du 12 juin 1888 dans les bois de Cliatel et au fond de Montvaux. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. liuU.. 18, 1893. 83-92. Barbier, , Vlttu, , <& Fatemelle, . See Vlttu, Faternellc .V Barbier. Barbier, Ch.. ,v Bart>ier, I'r. Fauue entomologique de Beziers (Herault) et de ses environs. Cicindelida»-Cara- bidiB. [1S8.J-87.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 15, 1884-86, 75-79, 8i>-91, 108-109. 119-121; 18, 1887-88, &-S. Barbier, F.miU. To reference in (No. 1] {\'ol. 7) add Franco Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 10, 1862, /'(. 2, 135-158. R. S. A. C. *[Sur la condition de I'climination de I'crreur de lecture d'un cerclc graduii provenant du jeu des tourillons dans les coussinets.] Paris, Boc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1868, 21-23. Sur une gi^uif'ralisation dc la th<5orie des reduitei. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 98, 1884, 1531-1.533. Sur I'equilibrc d'un segment homoginc de paraboloide de r^'volution flottant sur un liquide. Paris, Ac. .Sci. C. H., 99, 1884, 703. Comparabilit/i du thermomitre ii poids et du thermo- metre a tigo. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. K., 99, 1884, 752-7.53. Observation 4 propus de la note recent* dc M. E. H£nard sur les seize reseaux des plans de I'icosaMre ri^Kulicr convcxe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 304, 540. Tableau des principaux i^It^ments des dix figures polyedriqucs regulieres. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. B., 101, 1885, 562-564. Calcul des probabilitcs. G^-neralisation du probleme r(5solu par M. .1. Bertiu.sd. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 105, 1887, 407, 440. Sur une gd'neralisation dc rindieatrice de Ch. Dura*. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 51C-518. On suppose ecrite la suite naturelle des nombres ; quel est le (10><'")i"»' cbiffre ecrit? Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 795-798, 1238-1239. Barbier, F. Resistance a la traction du materiel rnnlant a grande Vitesse. [1898.] Genie Civil, 32, 1897-98, 377- 379. Barbier, Fr., & Barbier, Ch. .S<-<- above. Barbier, ll[enri]. Dc quelqucs associations microbiennes daus la diphthtrie. Arch. Med. Exp^r., 3, 1891, 361- 378. Sur un Streptocoque particulier trouvc dans les angincs k fausses membranes, seul on associe an bacille de la diphtcrie (Diplostreptocoque). Arch. Med. Exp^r., 4, 1892, 827-835. Sur un mode d'infcction septiqnc par le Streptocoque dans la diphterie. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 45, 1893 (C. n.). 672-674. Barbier, H[<>;iri], & Fictet, .ime. .See Fictet i Barbier. Barbier, (ll.) Henry. Dc la stabilite des petits navires j>!ir grosse mer. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 126, 1896, 452-457. Barbier, J[oieph'\ V{ictor\ L'Indo-Chine vue par an missionnaire lorrain il y a cinquante ans. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 2), 834-843. Le projet de carte de la terre 4 Techelle de 1/1.000,000. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 2), 91.5-941; 1896 {Pt. 2), 919-923. De la situation faite au projet de la carte du monde par les resolutions de la commission officielle de la di'cimalisatiou du temps et des angles. Ass. Fran?. C. R.. 1897 (Pf. 2), 860-862. Barbier, P[tiul]. Sur I'application du galvanom^tre Deprez et d'.^sonval aux mcsures electriqnes pratiques. Lnm. Elect., 13, 1884, 370-372. Uu nouveau telephone et uu nouveau microphone de .V. le Dr. OcHORowicz. Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1886, 17. Barbier, [Fram;oU Antoine] Ph[ilippe]. Sar la phtalimi- (linc ct la methvlphtalimidine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 107. 1888, 918-921. Sur un isomere du camphre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892. 126-128. Sur I'e.ssence de Licari kanaU. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892. 674-C75. Sur quelqucs derives da licareol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116. 1893, 883-884. Sur le licar^ne derive du licareoL Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116. 1893, 993-994. Sur la constitution du licar^L Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1062-1064. 37 Barbier] 290 [Barbieri Sur le licarbodol d(>iiv^ du licaieol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1200-1202. Sur le licar(iol droit. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 1439-1461. Sur le g^raniol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 117. 1893, 120- 122. Derives et constitution du rhodiiiol de I'essence de roses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893. 177-178. Sur les isomeres acycliques du borneol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 802-811, 914-918, 998-1008. Rectification a propos d'une note de 31. G. Bocchardat [sur le licareol et le linalol et sur la reaction isoraerisaute de I'anbydride acetique sur les alcools CH'-O]. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 261. ■ Sur un nouvel alcool tertiaire incomplet, le dimethyl- heptenol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1423-1426. Sur la puleg^uacetone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 870-872. Synthese du diruethylheptenol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 110-111. ■ [Sur le nitro- et I'amidogayacol.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 562-563. Sur le Icmonal de I'essence de Lippia citriodora. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 63.5-638. Sur le citral et ses formes isomeriques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 617-618. [Sur le nitro-gaiacol.] [1899.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1901, Ivi. Barbier, [Frani;ois Antoine] Ph[ilip]ie], & Boaveault, Louis. Condensation de I'ald^byde isoval^rianique avec I'acetone ordinaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 198-201. Sur une acetone non satur^e naturelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. R., 118, 1894, 983-986. Sur I'aldehyde de I'essence de lemon grass. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.', 118, 1894, 1050-1052. Sur le geraniol de I'essence d'Andropogou schainan- thus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 11.54-1157. Sur la constitution du licareol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1208-1211. . Sur I'essence de pelargonium de la Reunion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 281-284. Sur la constitution du rhodinol de I'essence de pelargonium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 334-337. Condensation dps aldehydes et des acetones satur^es. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 1269-1272. Condensation des aldehydes non saturee.s de la serie grasse avec la dim^thylc^tone ; synthese d'hydrocarbures aromatiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 1420- 1423. Sur I'essence de linaliie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 121, 1895, 168-170. Sur I'essence de lemon gmss. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 121, 1895, 1159-1162. Sur les aldc5hydes derivees des alcools C'^H'^O iso- m(^riqnes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 81-86. Synthese partielle de I'acide geranique ; constitution du l^monol et du It'-monal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 393-395. Extraction du rhodinol, de I'pssence de pelargonium et de I'essence de roses ; identity de ces deux alcools. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 122, 1896, 529-531. Constitution du rhodinol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 673-675. Sur le rhodinal et sa transformation en menthone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 737-739. Sur le citronnellal et son isom6rie avoc le rhodinal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 795-796. Sur I'homolinalool et sur la constitution du licart'ol et du licarhodol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 842- 844. Synthase de la nK'th}'lhept(5none naturelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 1422-1424. Action du gaz chlorhydrique sur le licareol, le lica- rhodol et le lemonol ; rapports entre ces trois alcools. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 594-597. Sur les composes isolemoniques (isogeraniques) ; pre- paration et constitution de I'ionone. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 1002-1008. Bmbier, [Fnini;oisAntoi)ie]l'li[ilippe],&Grigaaxd,]''[iclor]. Kur I'acetylbutyrate d'ethyle /3-isopropylt' et les acides diisopropylhexenedioiques stereoisomercs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 251-253. Barbier, [FraiKjois Antoine] Plililippe], & Hilt, J[t'«H]. Recherches sur I'australene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 519-520. Barbier, [Franrois Antoine] Plililippe], & Xtiser, Geonjes. Sur un meiithoglycol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1308-1311. Sur le licarhodol droit. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 590-596. Sur racetylmethylheptiinone. Syu : methyle-2, uo- nene-2, dione-6,8. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 748-751. Barbier, {Frunrois Antoine] Ph[ili2>pe], & Monnet, Plant]. See Monnet & Barbier. Barbier, IFranrois Antoine] Plililippe], & Rous, Leon. Action de la chaleur sur les acetones. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1559-1562; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 46, 1886, 268-274. Recherches sur la dispersion dans les composes organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1249-1251. [Action de I'iodure de methyle sur le mesitylene (1. 3. 5).] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 4. Recherches sur la dispersion des dissolutions aqueuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 457-460; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 419-423. Sur les accroissements moleculaires de dispersion des solutions salines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 527- 528. Eecherches sur la dispersion dans les composes organicjues (alcools de la serie grasse). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 1071-1074; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 9-16. Eecherches sur la dispersion dans les composes organiques (ethers-oxydes). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 180-183; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 614-620. Eecherches sur la dispersion dans les composes organiques (acides gras). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 235-236; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 620-622. Recherches sur la dispersion dans les composes aromatiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 255-261, 960. Eemarque sur le pouvoir dispersif specifique des dissolutions aqueuses. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 424-426. Eecherches sur la dispersion dans les composes or- ganiques (Others). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 582-584. Barbier, [frajifois Antoine] I'lililipj>e], & Vignon, Leu. Sur un nouveau mode de formation des safranines sub- .stitudes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 105, 1887, 670-672, 775; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 6:i6-639. Sur une nouvelle niethode de formation des safranines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 105, 1887, 939-941; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 771-773. Eecherches sur la phfnosafranine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48. 1887, 338-342. Barbieri, [/>'.]. See Boma, Collegio Romano, R. Osser- vatorio. Barbieri, A. Attiviti straordinaria della Solfataia di Pozzuoli ai 22-23 ottobre 1888. [1888.] Bull. Vulc. Ital., 15 & 16, 1888-89, lOO. Fenomeni geodinamici. [Osservatorio della Solfatara di Pozzuoli, 23 settembre 1889.] Moncalicri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 177-178. Barbieri] 291 [Barboza du Bocage Lc stellc cadenti del iwrimlo di noveiiilirp, IMH'J. Kontuniva (Padova). Moncalieri Oss. Boil., 10, 1890, 75. Bolide del 9 aROsto [1890, Solfatara, Pozzuoli]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 177. Barbieri, J[ii/ianH]. I'ebc-r die photoKraphisclien Ent- «ickl<'r. Wien, I'hotogr. Correspond., SI, 1894, 31.5- :i-2I. Barbieri, Nicola Alberto. L'inncrvation don arteres et de« capillaires. Paris, Soc. Biol. .M.iii., lit, 1897 (C. li.). •i2i-'i'ir> ; Robin, .11. Anat., 31, 1898, ."jS3-jh8. Hi^'tt^-roplastie, cbiinie de I'enci-pliale. Congr. Int. M^d. C. B., 1900 (IV. 1, Phijfiol.), l(;i-172. Le« t'lin^lioMS nerveux des raciiies posterieures appartienncnt au »v»t<>medu Rrand sympathique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130; 1900, 103U-1041. Heti-roplastie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1139- 1141. Etude pr^liminaire du chiinisme de rencephale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 131, 1900, 347-349. Preliminari ad uno studio generale di^l sistema ner- voso. [I'JOd.) Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1899-1900 {Pi. 1), las-ieii. Barbieri, l'[biililo]. Ueber die ErwiirmunR blanker frei- j;ispaiintor Kupferdriihte darcb den Strom. Elektro- tichii. Ztschr., 1'.'. 1891, 30. Barbieri de Introlni, -. Brevi cenni sulla Birmania. Miliiuo, Ist. Lomb. Hend., 24, 1891, 850-865. Barbllllon, [Lucien], Note sur une varii^t^ d'^rytbtime passn^er survenant chez les inilividus souniis a la medication cliloralique et alcoolique. Arch, de Pbvsiol.. il, 1887, (;7-si). Barblilion, [I.ucUn], & Cnffer, [Paul]. .See CufTer .V Barbilllon. Barbllllon, L[oui»]. Sur les rapports de la dispersion dos qndes elcctromagnttiques avec celle des ondes lumineus. s. Kcliiirnge Elect.. 19 (1899), 2ir>-252. Barboaa, Antonio .Maria. 'Investigavoes sobre a ac<^ao da fava do Calabar. Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 3 {Pt. 2), 1866, No. 11, 25 pp. 'Memoria sobrc a laquea^iio da arteria iliaca primitiva a proposito d'esta operai^'ao praticada em 7 de fevereiro de 1873 no hospital de S. Jos^ de Lisboa. Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 5 (/-"(. 1), 1876, .Vo. 4, 38 pp. Barbot, J. Grottes de la rallee du Lot pr^s Mende. Siioluiua, Paris, 1896, 13.3-135; 1897, 178-189. Barbot de Mamy, Sikolaj Parlorii-. 'For biography sff St. Peter.sb. Min. Gcs. Verh., 13, 1878, 39r>-399. *roornocTii'iecKoe nyTPinocTBie bx ctBcpiiua i'y6epHiii EBpoiiciioKoii Pocciii. [Geognostische Reise im europiiischen Eusslami.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 3. 1868. 204-283. *reo.Torii'iocKia lucitaoBaiiin, npoiciBejciiUHn Bi. 1868 ro.iy Bi. ryfiopiiiaxi KicBCKofl, IIoj:o.ib- CKOft II Bo.lHHCKOii. [Im Jahre 1868 ausgefiibrte geologiscUe Untersuehunpeu in den Gouvernements Kiew, Podolien und Volyuieu.] St. Petersb. Min. Gcs. Verb., 7, 1872. 40-72. *reo.iorii'iecKiH ii3c.it.,ioBanifl, npon:tBe,ieiiHUH BI. 1870 r. Bi. Pfl3aiicKott II Ht.KOTopHxi. .ipymxi ryOepilinxi>. [Im .lahre 1870 ausgefiibrte gcologiscbc Untersuchuugen im Gouvernement Binsan und in einigen anderen.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 7. 1872, 177- 224. *0 naxoH;,ieiiiii rpaiiiira no p. Jony. [L'eber das Vorkommen des Granits an den Ufern des Flusses Don.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 7, 1872. 2J.1-232. Barbonr, .i[lexander] Il[iigh] F[reeUiii,1]. A VTetwter, Jloliti] C[lareiice]. Anatomy of advanced pregnancy and of labour, as studied br means of frozen sections and casta. Edinb. R. Coll. Pbyans. Lab. Kep., 2, U90, i-ei. Barbonr, I'.ncin IliiiekUy. On a young tortoise, Chry- seniVH picta, with two headH. Amer. Jl. Hci., 36, 1B88, 227-230. Remains of the primitive elephant found in Grinnell, lo. Science, 16, 1890, 263. I.,iving fossils. Hot. Oaz., 17, 1892, 223. Notes on a new order of gii.'antic fossils. [1892-96.] Nebraska Univ. Stud., 1, 1888 92. 301-32J; 2, 1894- 1902, 1-16, 81-124; Science, 19, 1892, 99-100. Attempted extermination of the pocket-gopher, Geomys bursarias. Science, 19, 1893, 204-20.5. A new habitat of the bluck-tbroatud rock swift, Micropns melanoleucus. Science, 20, 1892, 23.'>-236. Notice of the occurrence of Nyctalc Riclmrdsoni, BicnARbsos's owl, in Nebraska. Science, 20, 1893. 361. Is Dajmonelii a burrow ? A reply to Dr. Theodor Fcciis. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1896, 517-.J27. Lincoln Salt Lake and the occurrence of Strepsilas interpres. Auk. 12, 1896. 297. The occurrence in Nebraska of Vireo flaToviridis. Auk, 13, 1896, 263. A two-beaded tortoise. Science, 4, 1896. 159-160. Nature, structure and phylogeny of Daenionelix. [1896.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 8, 1897, 30.5-314. The rapid decline of geyser phenomena in the YeUow- stonc National Park. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899. 230. Glacial grooves and strie in southeastern Nebraska. flH9!l.] .11. Geol. (Chicago), H. 1900, 309-312. Barbonr, Kncin Hinckley, iV Knlgbt, Wilbur C. The discovery of new invertebrates in the dinosaur beds of Wyoming. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899. 229-230. Barlionr, Erwin Hinckley, Jt Torroy, .Juieph. Notes on the microscopic structure of oolite with analyses. Amer. .11. Sci., 40, 1890, 246-249. S't' alin Torrey A' Barl>onr. Barbonr, .Jtilm FitiI. The microbic origin of scarlet fever. N. Y. .Mod. .11., 51, 1891, 541-543. Barbonr, Philip F. Empyema in children. N. Y. Med. .Jl.. lit;, 1897. 664-666. Barboza dn Bocage, Josf I'icente. To reference in No. 2 I rol. 7 1 .!(/,i Marottes. [1887.] Lisboa, Jom. Sci. Math.. 12, 1888. 84-86. Snr nn python nouveau d'.Afrique. [1887.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 12. 1888. 87-88. Sur un oiseau nouveau de St. Thom^ de la fam. ■• Fringillidffi." Lisboa, Jom. Sci. Math., 12, 1888. 148- 1.50. Note sur la '• PhB?ospiza thomensis.'" Lisboa, Jom. Sci. Math.. 12. 1888, 192. 37—2 Barboza du Bocage] 292 [Barcena Sur quelques oiseaux de I'ile St. Thom^. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 12, 1888, 211-215. Cliiropteres africains nouveaux, rnres ou peu connus. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Matb., 1, 1890, 1-7. Mammiffires d'Anpola et du Congo. [1889-90.] Lisboa, Join. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 8-32, 174-185; 2, 1892, 1-32. Breves considera^oes sobre a fauna de S. Thom^. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 33-3G. Sur deux espJ'ces a ajouter ii la fauue ornithologique de St. Thom(5. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 142-144. Les damans d'Angola. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 186-196. Chiropteres de I'ile St. Thom(5. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 197-199. Observations sur I'Euryotis Anchietje. [1889.] Lis- boa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 206-208. Aves da ilha de S. Thome. [1889-91.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 209-210; 2, 1892, 77-87. Les rats-taupes d'Angola. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 269-276. Sur une esp^ce nouvelle a ajouter a la faune erp^'to- logique de St. Thom^ et Rolas. [1890.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 61-62. Sur une variety de "Phyllorhina Commersoni" de I'Ue St. Thom(5. [1891.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 88. • Aves do sertao de Benguella. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 157-172. Observations sur les especes du genre " Cynouycteris " rencontr^es en Angola par M. d'Anchieta. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 173-178. Subsidios para a fauna da Guin^ portugueza. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 179-184. Aves de Dahome. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 185-187. . Sur le " Hemidaetylus mabouia," var. " Molleri," BedrUiqti, de St. Thom^. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 221. Additions et corrections k I'ornithologie d'Angola. [1892-93.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2,1892,248-264; 3, 1895, 6-lC. Note sur le " Dendraspis " de I'ile St. Thom^. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 265-267. [Bradyornis Sharpii, >i. sp., Angola.] Brit. Omith. Club Bull., 3, 1894, xliii. Note sur deux oiseaux nouveaux de I'ile Anno-Bom. [1893.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1898, 17-18. Mammiferos, Aves e Reptis da ilha de Anno-Bom. [1893.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 43-46. Diagnoses de deux nouveaux Reptiles de I'ile de Anno- Bom. [1893.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 47- 48. Diagnoses de quelques nouvelles especes de Reptiles et Batraciens d'Angola. [1893.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 115-121. Oiseaux nouveaux d'Angola. [1894.] Ijisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 153-154. Aves de Galanga. [1894.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1896, 155-160. — — Sur un Batracien nnuvoau de Ferniio do V6. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 270-272. Subsidios para a fauna da ilha de FernSo do P6. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math,, 4, 1897, 1-15. . Reptiles et Batraciens nouveaux ou pen connus de Fornao do PC;. [1895.] Lisboa, .lorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 16-20. Aves de Benguella da exploravao Anchieta. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 21-23. A doninha da ilha de S. Thome. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 24-27, 48-50. Sur une espice de crapaud a ajouter k la faune herpdtologique d'Angola. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 51-.53. Reptis de algumas possessoes portuguezas d'Africa que existem no Museu de Lisboa. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 65-104. Mammiferos, Aves e Reptis da Hanha, no sertao de Benguella. [1896-97.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 10.5-114, 207-211. Sur quelques Reptiles et Batraciens africains pro- venant du voyage de 31. le Dr. F.mil Holub. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 115-120. Sur deux agames d'Angola a ecaillure het^rog^ne. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 127-130. Reptis de Bolama, Guin^ portugueza, colligidos pelo Sr. CosT.i Martins, cbefe interino de saude no Archi- pelago de Cabo-Verde. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 176-178. Aves d'Africa de que existem no Museu de Lisboa os exemplares tjrpicos. [1896.] Li-sboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 179-186. Mammiferos, Reptis e Batrachios d'Africa de que existem exemplares typicos no Museu de Lisboa. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 187-206. Sur nne nouvelle esp^ee de Cynonycteris d'Angola. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 133-139. Aves do Archipelago de Cabo Verde. [1898-1900. ] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 140-150; 6, [1902,] 39-47. Nota sobre a presenija do Lyeaon pictus, Temm. , no sertao de Benguella. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 184. Barboza du Socage, Josf Vicente, & Brito Capello, Felix dr. To reference in title (Vol. 1) add Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 3 (Ft. 2), 1865, No. 6, 3 pp. Barbut, G. Culture du 'ol^ au champ d'experiences de I'Ecole Pratique de la Brosse (Yonne). Ann. Agron., 15, 1889, 76-88. Barcena, Mariano. For biography and works see Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 2, 1897, 181-182; U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 158; Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 34, 1900, 49. Fossil man in Mexico. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 920. Notice of some human remains found near the city of Mexico. Amer. NatHst., 19, 1886, 739-744. The fossil man of Pefion, Mexico. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 633-635. Nuevos datos acerca de la antigiiedad del bombre en el valle de M(5xico. [1886.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887,265-270. Contestaeion a las observaeiones de la carta anterior [del Profesor Newbehry sobre el hombre del Penon.] [1886.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887, 286-288. Informe sobre el estado actual del volcan de Colima. [1889.] Naturaleza, 1, 1891, 249-269. El Jardin Boti'mico y de Aclimataci6n de Guadalajara. [1890.] Naturaleza, 1, 1891, 433-4.36. The climate of the city of Mexico. [1896.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, COl-611. Las ciencias naturales pueden facilitar varias indica- ciones en la investigaoi6n de senales dudosas 6 perdidas sobre los limites de la propiedad. M^x. Obs. Bol., 1896, 86-92. La metoorologia y el campeslno. Mex. Obs. Bol., 1896, 4, 8-10. Pluviometria. Datos para el estndio de las lluvias en el valle de M(5xico. Uds.. Obs. Bol., 1896, .si -85. El Bosque de Chapultepec. Informe relativo a las causas que originan la destrucci6n de su arbolado. [1892.] Naturaleza, 2. 1897. 193-198. Apuntes relntivos a la geologla del estado de Jalisco. (1.892.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 198-207. • Alguuds datos flsicos de la ciudad de Guadalajara prcsentailos al tercer Congrcso Medico Mexicano. M^x. Obs. Bol., 1897, 123-129. Bircena] 293 [Bard Ensayo practico do repoblaci6n de bosques. Mi5x. Obs. lioi., 1897, iUi-lU. Bdrcena, Mnrlniio, & Castillo, Antoniii del. Noticia iicercu del liulliiZKO ile itHto« IminaiioH prehiHtiricos on el vallo lie M(;xico. [iHHi).] Naturalczii, 7, 1887, 257- 2(;i; Normandie Snc. (i.'ol. Hull., 12, 1887, 1»-115. Barche, Gri'noirf, & Kehnnann, t'riedrich. Sfr Kehr- mann iV Barche. Barclay, {Siinj.-Maj.) A[rtliur\. For bioRraphy and list of works gee Ueiinal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1891, IM ; Jl. IJot., 29, 1891, :hh| ; Indian Med. Gaz., 20, 1892, 278-27'J. On uiedinc[s]alTectinK the Himalayan spruce-tir (Abies Hmitliiiina, t'urlifs). [IHSC] bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl. , 55 {Pt. 2), 1887, 1-11, 140-143. On a new species of urcdine parasitic on Cedrus deodaia, LowUm. [1886.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., ■'55 (/'(. 2), 1887, 223-22(;. On the life history of a new .iEcidium on Strobilanthes dalhoufianus, Clarke. Med. Off. (India) Soi. Mem., 2, 1887, 15-27. .lEcidium Urticn', Schum., var. himalayense. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 2, 1887, 29-38. A descriptive list of the Uredineie occurring in the neighbourhood of Simla (western Himalayas). [1887-91.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 56 (I't. 2), 1888, 350-375; 58 (Pt. 2), 1890, 232-253; 59 {Pt. 2), 1891, 75-112; 60 (i'(. 2), 1892, 211-230. On the life-history of a new Caioma on Smilax aspera, Linn. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 4, 1889, 37-45. On the life-history of Puccinia Geranii silviUici, Karat., var. himalensis. [1890.] Ann. Bot., .'., 1890-91, 27-36. Description of a new fungus, iEcidium esculentum, n. sp., on Acacia eburnea, Willd. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 5, 1890, lGl-105. On some rusts and mildews in India. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 257-261; 30, 1892, 1-8, 40-49. On the life-history of a remarkable uredine on Jasminum grandiflorum, L. (Uromyces cunningham- ianns, ;i. sp.). [1890.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Hot.), 3, 1888-94. Ml(()is)-1.51. On the life-history of a Himalayan Gymnosporangium (G. cunninghamianum, it. sp.). Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, 71-78. On a Chrysomyxa on Rhododendron arborcura, .5m. (Chrysomyxa himalense, n. sp.). Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, 79-85. On the life-history of a uredine on Itubia cordifolia, Linn. (Puccinia eoUettiana, n. sp.). Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, 87-91. On the life-history of Puccinia coronata, var. hima- lensis. [1891.] Linn. Soc. Tmns. (Hot.). 3, 1888-94, 227-236. On the life-history of Puccinia Jasmini-Chrysopogonis, H. sp. [1891.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Bot.), 3, 1888-94, 237-242. On two auta?cious Cajoraata in Simla. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 0, 1891, 6-5-69. Khododendron Uredinete. Med. Off. (India) Sei. Mem., 6, 1891, 71-74. Barclay, (Sur(i.-3Iaj.) .i[rlliur], .V Kantliack, A[l/redo] .llntinics). See Kantback A' Barclay. Barclay, .4../. U[ii»iun|. Ou the t<'aehing of elementary geometry. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 2, 1884. 24-2.'.. " On physical science in schools. [1885.J Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 4, 1886, 21-22. Barclay, G. H'. )('. On some algoid lake-balls foand in South Uist. Edinb. Koy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 845-d. 1899, 218-219; Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 2.3, 1899, 220. Barclay, Robert. The geolog}- of the Highlands, from Mount Battock, Kincardineshire, to the village of Edzell, and thence to the sea at St. Cyrus. [1890.] Scott. Natlist., 10, 1889-90, 347-349. Barclay, ']'. ('. The Dutch colonies in N.E. Sumatra. Sci.tt. (ieogr. Mag., 7, 1891, 157-160. Barclay, William. The flora of the Woody island. [1887- 88.) Pcrthsh. Soc. Sci. Trans. 4 Proc, 1, 1893, 30-44, 102-104. Flora of the right bank of the Tay, between Perth and the mouth of the Earn. [1889.] Pcrthsh. Soc. Sci. Trans. A Proc, 1, 1893, 123-134. Flora of the left bank of the Tay between Perth and Glencarse. [1891.] Perthsh. Soc. Sci. Trans. A Proc, 1, 1893, 245-255. Notes on .Scottish roses. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 116-121. 169-176; 1899, 172-179. Bosa involuta, Sm., in Forfarshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899. 118. l{[08a] hibemica in Midlothian. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 118-119. Barclay- Smith, K[dtcard]. Muscular anomalies, with notes on the origin and function of the ligameotura posticum WiNSLowii. Jl. Anat- Physiol., 27, 1898, xxiv- XXX. Examples of separation of the oa styloideum of the third metacarpal. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, xxxvii- xxxviii. The astragalo-calcaneo-navicalar joint. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 30, 1896, 390-412. Some points in the anatomy of the dorsum of the hand, with special reference to the morpholoiry of the extensor brcvis digitorum manus. [1896.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, 4.5-58. A fcetus of abont 13 weeks, presenting a peculiar con- dition of the digits. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, xxxiv- XXXV. A case of idiopathic dilatation of the sigmoid colon and rectum, accompanied by a diaphragmatic hernia of the stomach. Jl. .\nat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 341-3.52. [Hemarkable am.maly of the malar bone.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, xl. Divided parietal bone in a skull. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, xxiv. Works of early British anatomists. [1899.) Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, xlii-xlv. .\rch8Eologia anatomica. John Halle: a sixteenth century anatomist. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, 275-282. Barcron, David. Note on partitions. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [5] (1886-86), 64. Generalization of two theorems. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [6] (1886-87), 30. Forms of non-singular quiutic curves. Amer. Jl. Jfath.. 10. 1888, 131-140. Barcroft, Henry. Description of twin screw-propellers with adjustable immersion, fitted on canal boats. Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1894, 36ii-366. Partially immersed screw-propellers for canal boats; and the intlnence of section of waterway. Inst. Mechao. Engin. Proc, 1897, 101-114. Barcron, Joseph. The properties of the surface of liquids. [1S'.I5.] Belfast Nat. Hist. Soc. Rep. A Proc, 1895-96, 24-26. (See also iiinler Bancroft [Barcroft], Joseph, p. 278.) Barest, Lajiis, A B6kai, .irpdd. .\z idiilt paraldehyd ^ idiilt chloralhydrat mergezes allatoknal. [On chronic poisoning with paraldehyde and chloral hydrate io animals.] Orvos-Termt. Krtes. (Orv. Siak), 1886, 109- 132. Bard, L[ouis]. Anatomie pathologique genersle dcs tumeurs, leur nature et leur classification physiologique. .^rch. de Physiol.. 5, 1885. 247-265. Des tumeurs du ti,-pe uerveux, nenrosarcomes et ntvromes adultes. Arch, de Physiol., 5. 1886. 38-5-397. Bard] 294 [Bardeleben Deg tumeurs du type epithelial, ^pith^liomes et ad^Domes. Arch, de Physiol., C, 1885, 498-.525. De la nature parasitaire de la m^lanose et de certaiues tumeurs m^lauiques. [WitJi discussion.] [1885.] Lyou Soc. Sci. M(5d. Uim., 25, 1886, 33-41, (C. U.), 45-48. La specificite cellulaire et I'histogenesechez I'embryon. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1886, 406-420. Des caraeteres anatomo-pathologiques g^u^raux des lesions de cause microbienne. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1887, 99-148. De I'induction vitale ou influence sp^cifique k distance des 616raents cellulaires les uns sur les autres. Arch. M^d. Exp^r. , 2, 1890, 387-410. La specificity cellulaire et les faits anatomo-patho- logiques sur lesquels elle s'appuie. [Willi discussion.] Int. Med. Congi-. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 2, Jblli. 3), 92-99. Les selles de.s febricitants au point de vue bact^rio- logique. [1891.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Mid. Mem., 31, 1892 (C. R.), 14-15. De la coexistence de deux cancers primitifs chez le meme sujet. Arch. G(5n. Mc'd., 169, 1892, 541-.555. Eefoulement du coeur a droite et dextrocardie con- g(5nitale. [1892.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M(5d. M^m., 32, 1893, 135-150. Du role des pouss^es inflammatoires dans la genfese de I'asystolie li^e aux affections organiques du cceur et des indications th^rapeutiques qui en r^sultent. [1893.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M6d. Mem., 33, 1894, 52-68. De Taction antipyretique des badigeonuages de gaiacol. [1893,] Lyou Soc. Sci. M^d. Uim., 33, 1894, 143-151. Du traitement de I'erysipele de la face par les badi- geonuages de gaiacol. [With discussion.] [1893.1 Lyon Soc. Sci. MiA. M(5m., 33, 1894, 282-299, {C. B.), 152- 154. Aetiologie und Pathogenese des Carcinoma. Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 2065. De la glycosurie dans le cancer du pancreas. Ass. Fran?. C. B., 1896 (Ft. 1), 222-223. Des moyens a employer pour empecher la propagation des maladies contagieuses par les transpcjrts en voitures et en chemins de fer. Ass. Fraur. C. B., 1896 (Ft. 1), 259-261. De I'importance de la palpation du cceur. Donu(5es cliniques et signes nouveaux qu'elle fournit. [1896.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M6d. Uim., 36, 1897, 82-94. De la palpation large du coiur et des vibrations de fermeture des valvules auriciilo-veiitriculaires. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mi^-m., 37, 1898, 3-14. Des renseignements fournis par le Hot lombo-abdo- minal. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Mid. M(;'m., 37, 1898, 137-144. Sur la permeability rinale. [1897.] Lyou Soc. Sci. M(5d. M(5m., 37, 1898 (C. R.), 169-170. De I'existence d'un type peripherique de la forme tardive de la maladie bleue. [1899.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 39, 1900, 145-159, (C. R.), 119-120. L'intersystole physiologique et les chevaucbemeuts pathologiques des systoles. [Witli discussion.] [1900.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Mid. Uim., 40, 1901, 43-64, (C. R.), 58-59. Du signe de I'orbiculaire dans le diagnostic de la paralysie faciale. [1900.] Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. Mim., 40, 1901, 163-106. Bard, L[oiiis], & Bonnet, L[ouis] M. Eecherches et con- siderations cliuiques sur les differences de permeability r(''Dale dans les diverses e.spioes de nephrites. Arcb. (Mn. Wd., 181, 1898, 129-163, 283-308, 464-484. Bard, I.[ouis], & Ctaarmeil, [Fitul]. De la Bangr6ne piil- monaire, sa spc'cilieitc', sa contagion. [1885.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M('d. MijiM., 25, 1886, 286-311. Bard, L[ouis], A Duplant, F. Compression tardive de la nioelle cervicale par un cal hypertrophique de I'axis. Arch. Gin. Mid., 178, 1896, 129-148. Bard, L[ouis], & Lemolne, Georges. De la maladie kystique esseutielle des organes glaudulaires ou angiome des appareils s6critoires. Arch. G^n. Mid., 166, 1890, 151-168, 313-341. Bardaeb, Bruno. Ueber den Einfluss einiger Medioamente auf die Analyse des Harnes. Fresenius, Ztschr., 36, 1897, 776-784. Ueber die Gerinnungsursache erhitzter Milch. Wien, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 {Alith. 2^), 218-235; Mhefte. Chem., 1897, 199-216. Bardach, Bruno, & Goldschmidt, Heinrich. See Gold- Schmidt cV: Bardach. Bardach, Ja. Sur la vaccination intensive des chiens inoculis de la rage par tripauation. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1 (1887), 84-87. Le virus rabique dans le lait. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1 (1887). 180-184. Nouvelles recherches sur la rage. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 2, 1888, 9-17. Eecherches sur le role de la rate dans les maladies infectieuses. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 3, 1889, 577-603; 5, 1891, 40-49. L'emploi de la tuberculine comme moyen pr^ventif et comme traitement de la tuberculose. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 2), 209-211. Eisultats statistiques de TInstitut Antirabique d'Odessa. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 3), 35-42. Snaqenie IlACTEPa Bt Me;i;nuiiHt, ir CaKTei)io- Jiorill. (Ce que P.iSTEUR a fait pour la medecine et la bactiriologie.) New Buss. Soc. Nat. Mem., 18 (iVo. 1), 1893, xxi.\-xliv. Traitement et vaccination centre la diphtirie par le sirum immunise. Ann. Microgr., 6 (1894), 434. Etudes sur la diphtirie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 9 (1895), 40-55. Eecherches sur la fi^vre r^eurrente. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 13 (1899), 365-384. Bardeen, Charles Russell. A study of the visceral changes in extensive superficial burns. Jl. Exper. Med., 2, 1897, 501-514. Costo-vertebral variation in man. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 377-382. Bardeleben, [Heinrich] .idolf von. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 31, 1895, 218-219; Anat. Anz., 11, 1896, 303-305; Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 42, 1896, 309-322. Bardeleben, Heinrich von. Abdominalanastomose der Nabelarterien. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 725-728. Bardeleben, Karl [Heinrich] von. To reference in No. 3 {Vol. 9) add Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 228-230. To reference in No. 17 {Vol. 9) add Jena. Sber., 1883, 75-77. To reference in No. 18 (Vol. 9) add Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 237-240. *Beobachtungen an Hingerichteten. Dentsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 244-245. *Das Intermedium tarsi beim Menschen. Jena. Sber., 1883, 37-39. *Die Ausgaugsoffnungen des Leisten- und des Schen- kel-kanals. Jena. Sber., 1883, 39. * Ueber das Intermedium tarsi. Jena. Sber., 1883, 91-93. Das Intermedium tarsi der Saugethiere und des Menschen. [1884.] Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1886, 374-378. Untersuchuugeu zur vergleichenden Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte von Hand und Fuss der Saugethiere und des Menschen. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1885, 156-158. Ueber pbylo- und outogenetische Entwicklung von Hand und Fuss der Saugethiere. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1885, 203-204. Zur Entwickelung der Fusswurzel. (Kin neuer Bardeleben I 295 IBardenheuer TnruUBknorpel liuini inunxclilicliun Kiiiliryu und vine niMic, KecliBte, Zuhc bei lieutulthieren.) Jona. Sbcr. , 1886, 27-32. Zur Murphologie des Hand- und FuBsskelcts. Jona. Sbor., 1886, 81-K8. Ueber die anatonii8ehen VerliiiltnisBc dcr vordercn Brustwand und die Lage des Herzens. Jena. Sber., 1886, 101-107. I'cber iiciie ISeutandllieile der Hand- iind Fusswurzel der HiiiiKethicre, sowie die normalc Aniage von Itudimen- tcn "iiberziihligcr" l-'inger und Zuhen beim MenBolien. Jena. Sbcr., 1886, 14!)-1(>4. Hand und Fu.ss. Deutsch. Natf. Tagobl., 1886, 9t;- 102. Die morphologisohe Bcdeutung des Musculus "stor- niilis." Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 324-333. Ueber (lie Lage der weiblicheu Beckenorgane. Anat. Adz., 3, 1888, .")3.5-.571. Ein Brief von Professor W. His, betretTend Profes- sor VON PnECKcnEN's " blasenformigc AUantois" beim Menschen. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889, 17-21. Praepollex und Pracliallux. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889 {Aiiiit. Geg. Vn-li.), 10()-112. On the pnei>ollex and praliallux, with observations on tlic carpus of Theriodesmu.s phylarchus. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889, 2-59-262. Hat der Praepollex von Pedetes eincn Nagel oder nicht? Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 321-322. Ueber die Hand- unil Fuss-Muskeln der Siiugetiere, besonders die des Praepollex (Praehallux) und Postmini- mus. Anat. Anz., .5, 1890, 43.V441, mG; Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (/.', 1896. 95-120; 0, 1897, 44-87. Massenuntei-suchuugen iiber Hyperthelie beim Manne. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 171-185. Hand und Fuss. Anat. .\nz. , 9, 1894 (.luat. Ges. Verh.), 257-337; 10. 1896, 304. On the bones and muscles of the mammalian hand and foot. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1894, 354-376. Die Entstehung der Samenkorper. Anat. Auz., 11, 1896, C97-702. Ueber Spermatogenese bei Monotremen und Beutel- tbieren. Anat. An?... 12, 1896 (Anal. Ges. IVr/i.). 38-43. Ueber das Praefrontale und Postfrontale des Menschen. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896 (Anal. Ges. Verh.), 153-154. Eine neue Theorie der Spermatogenese. Deutsch. Natf. Verb.. 1896 (77i. 2, Illil/te 2), 489-490. Uebor Holzin (Opi-kiimann). Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 (7Vi. 2, JUil/le 2), 490. Die Zwischenzellen des StiugethierhodeDS. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 529-536. Diniorphismus der miinnlichen Ge.im gencraUz- zato da A. Serret. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 26, 1893, 344-348, 379-381. [Fommie di quadratura.] Kiv. Mat., 3, 189S, 16-17. Un teorema sui baricentri generalizzato. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 27. 1894. 32i;-330. Suir uso delle coordinate obliquangole nella moccanica razionale. .Milano. lA. Lomb. Rend!, 29. 1896, 174-183. .\lcuue relazioni tra baricentri e momenti d' inerzia. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Kend.. 30, 1897, 842-846. Sui momenti d' inerzia dei solidi di rotazione. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Kend., 32. 1899, 837-842. Bardelli, Luigi. Contributo alia mineralogia dell' alta Italin. Miliiuo, 1st. Lomb. Rend.. 28. 1896, 240-245. Bardenhener, Fran:. Ueber die histologischen Vorginge bei der Jurch Terpentin hervorgerafenen Entztinduug im Unterhaut-Zellgen-ebe. Beitr. Path. Anat., 10, 1891, 394- 432. Bardetl 296 [Bardy Bardet, G[odefroi/]. Note sur Taction physiolofiique de la piliganine. Paris, See. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 357-359. Activite comparee des diverses digitalines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 755-756; Jl. Pharm., 20, 1889, 511. H6-(;dit(? de la ressemblaiice. Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 732. Action di's rayons X sur la retine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897," 1.388-1389. Action therapeutique des phosphoglycerates acides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1.30, 1900, 9-.6-957. Baxdet, G\ode/roy], & Dujardin-Beaumetz, G[corges Oi'tave']. See Dujardin-Beaumetz & Bardet. Bardet, Glodefroi/], & Robin, Alhert. See Robin & Bardet. Bardey, Alfred. Notes sur le Harar. Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip.,' 1897, 130-180. Rapport sur El-Yemen et partie du pays d'Hadramaut (Arable). [1900.] Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip., 1899, 19-63. Bardi6, Armand. [Note sur trois plantes trouvees a Soulac et au Verdon.] [1891.] Bordeaux See. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xiv. . [Nouvelle station (entrepbts des docks) de I'Alyssum incanum, L.] Bordeaux Soo. Linu. Act., 46, 1893, xxxviii-xxxix. Compte-rendu botanique de la premiere excursion trimestrielle de la Soci^te Linneenne en 1893. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, xlix-lv. Compte-rendu botanique. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 53, 1898, vi. Excursion de la Society Linneenne a La Teste-de- Buch, le 6 fevrier, 1898. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 53, 1898, xxii-xxxiii. Compte-rendu de la troisifeme excursion de la Societe Linneenne a Baulac et aux bords du Ciron. Bordeaux Soo. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, ccx-ccxiii. Bardier, i5[mi7e]. Cardiographie du lapin et du cobaye (a propos d'un nouveau cardiographe). Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 704-709. Echanges respiratoires chez les animaux gras en inanition. Paris, Soc. Biol. ftKm., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 162-163. Note sur un nouveau cardiographe du lapin. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi^m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 197. Cardiographie du cobaye. Toxiues et coeur. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 311._ Action cardiaque de la bile sur le lapin. Paris, Soo. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. J?.), 605-606. Nouveau module de canule a pression art^rielle. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi5m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 1025-1027. Action de I'extrait capsulaire sur le cceur du lapin. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1898, 370-376. Action cardiaque du si5rum d'anguille. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mein., 50, 1898 ((7. R.), 548. Bardier, K[iiiile], & Abelous, J. E[niile]. See Abelous & Bardier. Bardier, K[mile], & Bauby, [Dcins]. Note sur un cas rare de catalepsie. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 47-49. Bardier, E[mile], & Charrin, Albert. See Cbeurrin ife Bardier. Bardier, K[mu7<'], & Frenkel, Henri. Action pbysio- logique de I'antipyrine et du salicylate de sonde sur la diur^se. ,J1. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1, 1899, 463-475; Paris, Soo. Biol. M(5m., 51, 1899 (('. R.). 147-149. Action de I'extrait capsulaire sur la dinr^se et la circulation rinale. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1, 1899, 950-963; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 {C. R.), 544- 545. Effets sur la diuriise de I'association de I'antipyrine ct du salicylate do sonde. Paris, Soo. Biol. M(;m., 51, 1899, (C. li.), 151-1.52. Ktude sur le dibit compare des deux reins. Condi- tious de leur inegalite fonctionnelle. Jl. Physiol. Path. G^n., 2, 1900, 413-421. Etude sur le debit urinaire. 1". A propos de I'al- ternanoe physiologique des deux reins. 2°. Rythme de I'ecoulement urinaire. Jl. Physiol. Path. G^n., 2, 1900, 437-442. Sur le d^bit compare des deux reins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 600-602; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. />'.), 19.3-194. A propos de I'alternance physiologique des reins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 671-673; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., .52, 1900 (C. R.), 195-196. Bardier, E[mile], ,& Rogues de Fursac, [Marie Henri Joseph Pierre Etienne]. Action de la morphine sur les echanges respiratoires du chien. Paris, Soo. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 ,(C. R.), 546-.548. Bardier, E[iiule], & Truchot, CJi[arles]. Troubles car- diaques du lapin pendant la tetanisation. Paris, Soo. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 768-769. Bardin, (il/mc) . Les mirages a Paris. Astronomic, 1890, 153-154. Bardonnaut, [Paul Etienne]. Note sur un systSme de sourdines vibrantes destinies a faire disparaitre le bruit cause par les vibrations des tils tiligraphiques. Ann. Tiligr., 12, 1885, 26-29; Jl. Teligr., 9, 1885, 50-51. Bardou, [Puul]. Compte-rendu d'une excursion faite par la Sociite Giologique du Nord, aux environs du Cateau et de Solesmes, le 22 mai 1892. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 20, 1892, 340-345. Bardakij, M. OtbIitT) Ha CTaTbK T. CoKO.lOBa : "Ht.cKOJitKo c.ioBt 110 noBOAy CTaxtn r. Bapi- cKaro : '0 xapaKTepi chjih qacTninaro npii- THajeHia '." [Reply to Sokolov's paper concerning the author's memoir "On the nature of molecular attrac- tion."] Kuss. Phys.-Chem. Soe. Jl., 16 [Pliys.), 1884, 497-509. OnpejiliJieHie TenjioTU, BH,i'{;jiflK)mefrcfl npii o6pa:soBaHin xiiMiiqei'Kiixi. coeiiiHeHiu ii3i. Ha6- .lIOAeHiH Ha^t AllCCOlliauieil. [Definition de la chaleur de formation des composes chimiques par les donuees de I'observation de leur dissociation.] [1884.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 18 (Phijs.), 1886, 142-149; Jl. I'hys.', 7, 1888, 220. Bardsley, James G. Fallacy of popular weather-proverhs relating to the moon, with some predictions. [1885.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 2 (1885-86), 53-54, 286-287. Bardsley, (Rev.) John Wiareing]. *Th6 origin of man. [With discussion.] [1883.] Victoria lust. Jl., 17, 1884, 254-281. Barduzzi, D[omenico]. [Gonococco e prooesso blenorra- gico.] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 5, Derm.), 21-24. Bsirdwell, {Miss) Elizabeth M. "A star shower." Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 29. Mount Holyoke Observatory, sunspot observations. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 37. Meteor in daytime. Popular A.str., 1, 1894, 192. Leonid meteors observed at Mt. Holyoke College Observatory. Popular Astr., 7, 1899, 49-50. Bardwell, {Miss) Elizabeth M., & Mack., {Miss) I. G. Observations of the solar eclipse of March 16, 1885, at the John B. Willistou Observatory, South Hadley, Mass. Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1885, 126. Bardwell, F. M. "Speculations in regard to comets' tails. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 2, 1873 {Reprint. 1896), 79-86. "Suggestions of the true llioory of number. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 3, 1874 {Reprint, 1896), 94-98. "Discrepancies between theory and observation of the moon's motion. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 3, 1874 {Reprint, 1896), 103-105. Bardy, Ch[arles]. "Description d'une nouvelle base, la Bardyl 297 [Barfurth nii''thvl(liphi''nylaiiiine, ct production d'une nouvcllf matii'ii; coloranto bleue (jui on derivo. [1883.] Mul- hoime Sou. Ind. Bull., .'.4, 1884, 07-69. llc'clicrcliK fit dosage doi iiiipiiretis dans Icb alcoolx indiiMtricU. .11. I'liaim., 18, 1888, •271-282, m2-:VJ0, 309-379, fiO^Sa, 4(17-473, ,->l(l-.")I7. Ik'clicrche dps alcools Hiip(!i icurs dans I'alcoul viniquc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. U., 114, 1892, 1-.'01-1204. IVnatmation dcs alcools. .11. I'harin., '28, 1893, 4.5.5- 4.-)S, .517-521. Bardy, Chlnrles], & Birard, . DosaKC des huiles esgentielles dans les alcools. Jl. Pbarm., 28, 1893, 458- 460. Bardy, Oh[iirleii], A Dusart, [Liicirti]. 'Mi'-tliode RPn^rale di' preparation des amines secoiidaires et tertiaires ap- lilii:iblos a la prodiietinn rles inati(''res colorantes. [1883.] MulliDiise Soc. Ind. Hull., .54, 1884, (19-70. Bardy, Ilriiri. '[Notes nit''tforolo(!i(|ues faites a Saint-Dir, Vosm's.] France Soo. M<'tiaItcnes forhold mod aramoniak. Kj .benh.. Over-.. 1886. 19-18; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 39, 1889. 201-229; 40, 1889. 5S4. Barfurtli, Dietrich. Die Excretionsorgane von Cyclostoma elej.'ans. Zool. Anz.. 7. 1884. 474-475. Vernleichend-bistochemische Cut«rsuchuugen fiber da.s Glycogen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 25. 1886. 259 (bit)- 404; Bonn Niederrbein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 371-376. 38 Barfurth] 298 [Barie Veisuche iiber die VeiwandlunR der Frosohlarven. Anat. Anz., 1, 1886, 314-317; Arch. Mikr. Anat., 29, 1887, 1-28; Biol. Centrbl., 6, 1887, 609-613. ■ Biologische Untersuchungen iiber die Bachforelle. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 27, 1886, 128-179. Der Hunger als forderndes Princip in der Natur. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 29, 1887, 28-34. Die liiickbildung des Froschlarvensehwanzes und die sogenannten Sarcoplasten. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 29, 1887, 3-5-60. Die Regeneration des Amphibienschwanzes. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 403-40.5. Ueber Zellbriicken glatter Muskelfasern. [1890.] Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 {Bd. 2, Ahth. 1), 7-8; Arch. Mikr. Anat., .38, 1891, 38-51. Zur EntwickeUmg und Regeneration der Chorda dorsah's bei deu urodelen Amphibien. Anat. Anz., (i, 1891, 104-106. Ver.suche znr functionellen Anpassung. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 37, 1891, 392-405. Zur Regeneration der Gewebe. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 37, 1891, 406-491. Ueber Zellbriicken bei Pflanzen und Thieren. [1891.] Dorpat Sber., 9, 1892, 413-418. Regeneration. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 1, 1892, 103- 140; 2, 1893, 124-1.56. Halbbildung oder Ganzbildung von halber Griisse? Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 493-497. Versuche iiber die Regeneration der Keimbliitter bei den Amphibien. [1893.] Anat. Anz., 8, 1893 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 43-50 ; Anat. Hefte {Abt. 1), 3, 1894, 309- 354. Ueber organbildende Keimbezirke und kiinstliche Missbildungen des Amphibieneies. [1893.] Anat. Hefte {Abt. 1), 3, 1894, 355-389. Regeneration und Involution. Hefte {.iht. 2), 3, 1894, 132-209; 1896, 329-383; 6, 1897, 391-438; 1899, 626-694; 9, 1900, 327-414; 10, 1901, 547-598. Extraovat und Intraovat. [1892.] Dorpat Sber., 10, 1895, 173-178. Ein Zeugnis fiir eine Geburt von Siebenlingen beim Menschen. [1894.] Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 330-332. Die experimentelle Regeneration uberschiissiger Glied- massentheile (Polydaktylie) bei den Amphibien. [1894.] Arch. EntwMech.", 1, 1895, 91-116. Sind die Extremitiiten der Friische regenerationsfabig? [1894.] Arch. EntwMech., 1, 1895, 117-123. Versuche iiber die parthenogeuetische Furchung des Huhnereies. [1895.] Arch. EntwMech., 2, 1896, 303- 351. Zellliicken und Zellbriicken im Uterusepithel naeh der Geburt. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896 {Anat. Ges. Verh.), 23-26; Anat. Hefte {Abt. 1), 9, 1897, 79-102. Ueber die experimentelle Herstellung der Cauda bifida bei den Amphibien. [1897-99.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1897, xi-xii ; Anat. Anz., 14, 1898 {Anat. Ges. Verb.), 24-26; Arch. EntwMech., 9, 1900, 1-26. Ueber einen lebenden Triton ta>niatus mit einer iiber- schiissigen fiiufzehigen Vordergliedmasse. (Atavistische Regeneration.) Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1899, vii-viii. Menschliche Schiidel ohne Thriinenbeiu. (Bericht iiber eine Untersuchung von E. Zabel.) Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1899, xxxviii-xxxxi. Eine Larve von Petromyzon Planeri mit drei Schwanz- spitzen. [1899.] Arch. EntwMech., 9, 1900, 27-31. Bargagli, {/iiarcli.} Piero. Rassegna biologiea di Rincofori I'lnopei. {Continuazione.) [Italia], Soc. Ent. Hull., 16, 1884, 3-52, 149-258; 17, 1886, 3-50, 293-3.50; 18, 1886, 3-23, 259-.307, 369-401 ; 19, 1887, 3-34. Note intorno alia biologia di alcuni Coleotteri. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 16, 1884, 92-96. Invasioue di bruci. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 17, 1885, 128-129. [1894-1900.] Anat. 4, 1895, 4.58-498; .5, 7, 1898, 486-529; 8, Ricerche suUe relazioni piii caratteristiche tra gli insetti e le piante. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 11, 1888, 67-84. Nuova stazione del Pinus sylvestris, Linn. [1890.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 327-.330. Dati cronologici suUa diffusione della Galinsoga parvi- flora. Run e Pav., in Italia. [1891.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull, 1892, 129-131. Escursioni nel Tirolo. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 98-105, 152-164. [Intorno alia Galinsoga parviflora.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 151-152. Notizie intorno alle abitazioni della Formica rufa, L. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 25, 1893, 42-4.5. [SuUe ragioni che possono spiegare la mancanza di Orcbidee nella maggior parte delle isole toscane.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull.. 1894, 206. Notizie sopra alcuni Entomocecidi e sui loro abitatori. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 39-43. Noterelle di viaggio. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull. 27, 1895, 21-28. • [Nuovo metodo di osservazione per i movimenti delle piante.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull, 1896, 314-31-5. Notizie intorno ad alcuni erbari che si conservano nel E. Istituto Tecnico Galileo Galilei in Firenze. [Italia], Soc. Boi. Bull, 1897, 16.5-171. Notizie intorno alcune malattie del castagno. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 22, 1899, 177-193. Barge, R. Ein neuer Gaseutwickeluugs-Apparat. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 955. Barge, 7i., & Palilberg, C[onstantin'\. See Fahlberg & Barge. Beirgebulir, Arnohl. Ueber Ascites ehylosus und chyli- formis. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 51, 1893, 161-192. Chyliise und chyliforme Ergiisse im Pleura- und Pericardialraum. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 54, 1896, 410-441. Bargellesi, Giuseppe. Ricerche sperimentali suUe modi- ficazioui che subiscono le superfici articolari e le loro cartilagini nelle disarticolazioni. Arch. Sci. Med., 13, 1889, 337-343. Bargellini, Demetrio. Sulla cura del sordomutismo. Sperimentale, 58, 1886, 351-375. Bargellini, K. Sui rapporti della urobilinuria colle con- dizioni del tubo intestinale. Sperimentale, 1892 {Mem.), 119-140. Bargioni, Guido. Sulla saccariua. Preparazione, pro- prieta, reazioni, metodi di ricerca nelle sostanze ali- mentari, proprieta tisiologiche. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 9, 1889, 33-36, 84-87. Bargmann, Albert Fr. J. Der jiingste Schutt der nord- lichen Kalkalpen in seineu Beziehungen zum Gebirge, zu Schnee und Wasser, zu Pflanzen und Menschen. Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Wiss. Veroff., 2, 1895, 1*-103*. Bargmann, .Ve.r. Die Artberechtigung des Ips (Tomious) Vorontzowi, Jacobson. 111. Ztsehr. Ent., 4, 1899, 36-38. Bargonl, K. Di un Foraminifero parassita nelle salpe (Salpicola amylacea, n. g., n. sp.) e considerazioni sui corpuscoli amilacei dei Protozoi superiori. [1894.] Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric, 4, 1894-96, 43-64. Barham, C[h(iries Foster]. For biographical notice see Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 11, 1886, 89. "Results of the meteorological observations made at the Royal Institution of Cornwall, Truro, in lat. .50° 17' N. , long. 5° 4' W., in the years 1840 to 1881, inclusive, with some notes of results at other stations in Cornwall, since the year 1728. [1883.] Cornwall Roy. Inst. Jl, 8, 1886 {Suppl.), 24 pp. Bari6, Krnest. Sur un ens de chromidrose jaune, cata- miniale, alternant sur les deux mains. Ann. de Dermatol, 10, 1889, 937-94(1 • De la stomatite ureinique. Arch. Gen. Med., 164, 1889, 415-432, 690-702. Bariel 299 [Barker Rcchcrclies sur rinKufliHance des valvulPK de rart<'Tc piilnioimire. Arch, lit'-ii. Mid., Iti7, 1891, (J50-(i7;S ; lliH, 1891, 30-70, 1H3-2M. • La vniio et Ioh pscudo-inRufTisanccs aortiquen. Arch. G.i], M, il., 177, 1896, •2.-,7-'275, 401-117, 5(19-58.5. Barlglonl Fereira, ('. OHservazioni delle aciiue Botter- lanw. Moncalieri Osk. lioll. , 7, 1887, 121-123. Sulla miKiira dc'lla iJi-cHsionc intorna della terra. ( 1HH7. | Monoalicri Oss. lioll., H, 1888, ■11-4.'). Barllarl, I'uriiiin. For l)iii(!ra|>liica! notice nee Homa, li. A(x. Liiicfi lU'iul., 7, 1898 (.S'em. 1), .'58. Barium, A[uyunte Kloi]. Dee eaux ininoro-thermalGB il'llainiuam cl Lif (TuniBie). Jl. I'harni., 13, 1886, 14-17. pjtude chimique d'uii proc^d^ de pani6cation qui utiliscrait la inatirre a7,ot('e du Ron (proctdij Souvant). Arch. Mtd. I'liarni. Militiiirt's, 17, 1891, 22U-240. De la nature et (Us causes de raltiinition des crayons de nitrate d'ar!,'ent tondu lui contact de diverses semeucos. Arch. Mi'd. I'harni. Militaires, IH, 1891, 13'.)-143. Thermonu'tre ilectrique avertisseur, pour etuvcB de laboratoire. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 118, 1894, 246-218; Arch. Mcid. I'liarni. Militaires, 23, 1894, 27-30; .11. Pharm., 29, 1894, 3i;7-36!). — — Dosage de I'azote nitriquc dans les eaux, ii I'etat de bioxyde d'azote. Paris Soc. (Miim. Bull., 11, 1894, 434- 436; Jl. Pharm., 2'.l, 1894, 411-444. Examen de tablettes de bouillon. .11. Pharm., 2, 1895, 193-199. Phosphate hicalciquc ; nouveau mode de preparation et de formation; particulariti-s ; structure cristalline. Arch. Med. Phanu. Militaires, 30, 1897, 81-103, 175- 194. De la nature et des causes de I'alti^ration de I'enveloppe ext^rieure d'un certain uonibre de paquets de pansement individuel; titrago du principe antiseptique. Arch. Med. I'liann. Militaires, 31, 1898, 298-304. Barillon, , A Sizary, [Jean]. See Bizary & Barillon. BarlUot, . , A Vldal, . .SV,> Vidal it BarlUot. Baiillot, Kriiest. Dosage des impuivtes dans les methy- lenes. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 1315-1317. Sur une nouvelle r<5action de la colchicine. Paris Soc. Chini. Bull., 11, 1894, oll-.'Jl6. Sur un nouvel apparcil rectificateur il analysenrs et i\ plateaux retrogradateurs. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 929-931. Recherche toxicologique et dosage de I'arsenic. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 958-959. Analyse des nitthylenes et des alcools denatures. Historique et critique des proc^dfes. Moniteur Sci., 10, 1896, 92-97. Sur le rendement des diverses essences de bois en charbon. alcool methvlique et acide ac^tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 122, 1896," 409-471. Sur les produits de la distillation du bois (expiH-iences industrielles). I'aris. Ac. Sci. C. K., 122, 1896. 735-736. — — Sur la denaturation de I'alcool. Paris, .\e. Sci. C. K., 121. 1897. 1163-1164; Jl. I'harm., ('). 1897, 7-5-77. BarlUot, lu-neat, A CtaaatalilK, P[inil I.viiis]. Sec Ctaastalng it BarlUot. Barllovlc, Alleksdiidr Itoimiiiovif]. 0 ,1lllI30nponiM- inaBe.u'Boii II a-,T,iiMeTir.i-^-oi;cii-iii'Oi;aiipoii0BoH K lic.io 1 axi.. [Ueber a - Dimethyl -;J- oxyisocapronsiiure und Diisopropyloxalsiiure.] Buss. Phys.-CUem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Cliem.), 1896, 40-47; Beriin, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 2463-2460. CiiHTo:!-!, II cBoitcTBa a-,-tiijieTii.i-;S-oKCiinejai)- roilOBoti KIICJIOTM. [Synthese et proprii^tes de I'scide o-dimethvl/J-oxvpelargonique.] Buss. Pbys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 2S ((•;ifiH.)."l896, 360-364; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 16. 1896. 1532-1535. Baring, {lloit.) Cecil, S: OgUvle-Orant, W'illlum I![nli,-rl'i An expedition to the Salvage Islands. ZoologUt, 19, 1898. 401-417. Barlng-Oould, (Kec.) S[iibinr]. Presidential addrt-KS. 'I'lic jirchistoric ethnology and archa-ology of Devon, cBpecially of Dartmoor. Devon. Ass. Trans., 28, 1896, 2.'>-49. Barlnger, ir[i7/i/). Ueber einige ^-SelenharnHtoffe. lierliii, Chera. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1003-1000. Barlalen, (mpil.) t^rnetl] S[iilmli'uii]. Propri<5t<:» des ccreles de Ciubi.eh. Mathesis, 15, 1895, 1'29-134, 158- 163, 241-2.50; 16, 1896, '205-271. Sur les podaireH BUceeKsi%'es d'une courbc. Nouv. Ann. Math., 14, 1896, 89-94, 1.57-104, •207-'213, 233- •244, 463-471. Sur lea triangles forini-s par Icb tangentes communes in trpis eercles donnf-s. Matbesis, 16, 1896, 33-37, 60-64. Ktudc d'un triangle remarquable. Aes. Franv. C. K., 1897 (/'(. 2), 107-128. Sur les triangles qui soiit inscrits danu une ellipse et circonscritfi i\ un cercle concentrique, Mathesis, 19, 1899, 224-226, 247-'249, 269-271; 20, 1900, 84-86, 113-116, 136-139. Note sur certaines courbes derivees des Hi-79. Alluvial deposits in the Trent valley near Stoke. • N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1888, KH-91. Notes on sections in the drift in N. Staffordshire and S.W. Derbvshire. [1893.] N. Staff. Field Club Hep., 1894, 123-128. The physical geography of the British Islands during the Carboniferous epoch. " [1897.] N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1896-97. 19-38. Barker, .1 rlhur £[(finirrf] J[amet]. 'Tubercular ulcerati(m of tongue. [1883.] London Path. Soc. Trans., 35, 1884, 169-183. Deficient development of right half of body without paralysis except of the facial nerve. Clin. Soc. Trans., 17, 1884, 225. Ununited fracture of the clavicle causing pressure on the brachial plexus and writers' cramp. Excision of the false joint, and wiring of the fragments. Perfect union and con.plete relief of nerve symptoms. Clin. Soc. Trans.. 19. 1886. 104-109. 38—2 Barker] 300 [Barlow Cases of optic neuritis associated with purulent in- flammation in the neighbourhood of the lateral sinus. Clin. Soc. Trans., -23, 1890, •214-218. Two cases of dermoid cyst in connection with the tongue. [1890.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 24, 1891, (',8-72. Malignant polyp of the nose. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, "293-29.5. Sequel of a case of cystic accessory thyroid body in which four operations for recurrence were performed in the course of six years. London Path. Soc. Trans., 47, 1896, 22.')-229. ■ Notes on the techniijue of skin grafting by Thiersch's method. Practitioner, 61, 1898, 347-3.51. Barker, Arthur E[dward] J[ames], and Nabarro, I)[inuil] N[unes]. A case of pancreatic cyst treated by incision and drainage: with analysis of the contents. Clin. Soc. Trans., 32, 1899, 121-126. Barker, /([(■)()('] T[lioiiijis] I'[ercivul]. Fragrant yeast. Amer. Micr. Jl., 21, 1900, 350-3.51. A fragrant ' Mycoderma ' yeast, Saccharomyces ano- malus {Hansen). Ann. Bot., 14, 1900, 215-244. Barker, Cecil IF. Notes on seasonal dimorphism of Hhopalocera in Natal. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1895, 413-428. Barker, (Cujit.) David VTilson-. See Wilson-Barker. Barker, K[tti(itl] It., A- Mulliken, S\(tmiiel] r[arsons]. See Mulliken iV. Barker. Barker, Edward Raymond-. See Raymond-Barker. Barker, (Muj.) F[rancis] W. J. Modern gunpowder as a propellant. [With discussion.] [1890.] United Serv. Inst. .11., 34, 1890-91, 257-278. Barker, [Benjamin] Fardijee. For biography and list of works see Olasgow Med. Jl., 36, 1891, 141-144; N. Y. Med. JL, 53, 1891, 656-657; 54, 1891, 470-471. The prevention and treatment of puerperal fever. N. Y. Med. Jl., 39, 1884, 151-153, 183-186. Permanganate of potassium in the treatment of amenorrhoea. N. Y. Med. Jl., 43, 1886, 238-240. Barker, Georiie F[rederick]. [Scientific record for 1S84-80.] Physics. Smithsonian Kep., 1884, 433-489; 1885, 577- 636; 1887, 327-386. On the use of carbon bisulphide in prisms ; being an account of experiments made by the late Dr. Henry Draper of New York. Amer. Jl. Sci., 29, 1885, 269-277. On the Henry Draper memorial photographs of stellar spectra. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 24, 1887, 166-172. The borderland between physics and chemistry. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 13, 1891, 11-29. Electrical progress since 1743. [1893.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, [32], 1894, 104-158. Barker, Harold C[liarles]. Analysis of Pycnanthemum lanceolatum, and notes on its ethereal oil. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 66, 1894, 65-71. Barker, Lewellys F[ranklin]. Demonstration of the presence of iron in granules of eosinophile-leucocytes. [1894.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 1895, 128. On the grouping of neurones within the central nervous system with es]:iecial reference to the localiza- tion of nervous functions. [1897.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [16 (1896-97),] 48-49. The anatonij' and physiology of the nervous system and its constituent neurones, as revealed by recent investigations. N. Y. Med. Jl., 6.5, 1897, 649-656, 681- 686, 817-821, 861-868; 66, 1897, 377-382, 721-726; 67, 1898, 105-107, 241-246, 521-526, 737-743; 68, 1898, 75- 80, 399-403, 907-912. Note on Dr. D. W. Montgomery's case of teratoma. Jl. Kx).er. Med., 3, 1898, 284-292. Barker, Levelh/s F[ranliliu], & Flexner, Simon. See Flexner A Barker. Barker, Leirelliix J']ranhlin], & Flint, Joseph Marsluill. A visit to the plague di-stricts in India. N. Y. Med. Jl., 71, 1900, 145-154. Barker, M[ichael]. Notes from the Harvard Botanic Gardens. Garden & Forest, 3, 1890, 68, 202-204, 562- 563; 4, 1891, 80, 90-92, 141, 319-320, 333, 368, 525, 608-609: 5, 1892, 31-33, 236, 284-28.5, 585-586, 597, 609; 6, 1893, 68-69, 93, 166, 468. A hybrid Calanthe. Garden * Forest. 4, 1891, 16. Vanda Eatenianni. Garden & Forest, 4, 1891, 512. Barker, 'J'. On a combination integrating wattmeter and iiiaxinium demand indicator. Brit. Ass. llej)., 1900, 878; i;U-ctriciau, 45, 1900, 862-863. Barker, Tliomas Alfred. For biographical notice and works gee Med.-Cliir. Trans., 75, 1892, 19-21. Barker, il'[illiam] H[enri/]. A simple apparatus for the estimatiuu of carbon dioxide. Chem. News, 78, 1898, 293. Barkliausen, G[eorti]. Auftragung von Einfluss- (Influenz-) Linien fiir Bogen. Hannover Architekt.-Ver. Ztschr., 31, 1885, 159-176. Spannungsermittelnng und Stellung der Tragerquer- schnitte fiir Biegungsmomente, welche nach Gr(')sse und Eichtung vcranderlich sind. Hannover Architekt.-Ver. Ztschr., 40, 1894, 447-456. Barkley, MaeDonald. Notes upon the antelopes of the Pungue valley. Zool. Soc, Proc, 1894, 130-132. Barkly, (Sir) Henri/. For biographical notice see Geogr. Jl., 12, 1898, 621-622; Kew Bull., 1898, 335-336; Roy. Soc Proc, 75, 1905, 23-25. Barla, Jean liaptiste. For biographical notice and works .SVC France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43. 1896. 541-542. B^rladu, S. Taubes-. See Taubes-Barladu. Barling, [Harrii] G[ilhert]. Tuberculosis: an infective disease. [1KS8.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc, 6 (1887-89), 2.33-242. Burlow, Alfred Ernest. On the contact of the Huronian and Laurentian rocks north of Lake Huron. Amer. Geologist, 6, 1890, 19-32. On the nickel and copper deposits of Sudbury, Ont. Ottawa Natlist., 5, 1891, 51-71. On the relations of the Laurentian and Huronian on the north side of Lake Huron. [1892.] Amer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 236-239; Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 4, 1893, 313- 332. On some dykes containing " huronite." [1894.] Ottawa Natlist.', 9, 1895, 25-47; Science, 1, 1895, 62. On the occurrence of cancrinite in Canada. [1896.] Canad. Beo. Sci. , 7, 1897, 228. On the origin of some Arehican conglomerates. [1899.] Ottawa Natlist., 12, 1898, 20.5-217. Report on the geology and natural resources of the area included by the Nipissing and Temiseaming map- sheets, comprising portions of the district of Nipissing, Ontario, and of the eountv of Pontiac, Quebec. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 10, 1899', 11-1287. Barlow, Alfred Erin. it, & Adams, Frank Dawson. See Adams & Barlow. Barlow, Alfred KriiesI, & EUs, I<[obert] W[heelock]. See Ells cV: Barlow. Barlow, .llfred Ernest, & Terrier, Walter F. On the relations and structure of certain granites and associated arkoses on Lake Temiseaming, Canada. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 6,59-660. Barlow, Chester. Some notes on the nesting habits of the white-tailed kite. Auk, 14, 1897, 14-21. Occurrence of Zonotrichia albicollis in California. Auk, 14, 1897, 221. Nesting of the hermit warbler in the Sierra Nevada mountains, California. Auk. 16, 1899, 1.56-161. Barlow, Crairford. The new Tay viaduct. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 883-885. The London sewage question. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 8S 1-882. Barlow, Edward. A short note on the food-insects of the mantis, Hierodula bipapilla, Serv. Bengal Asiat. Soc. I'roc, 1894, 138-139. Barlow I 301 [Barnard Arch. Klin. Me.1., 59, Kine kritische Studie. MUcolldnnous notes from the pntomoloKical Kection. |1h;i(;.1 Iiiiliuii MiiK. NotcB, -1, 1900, i;<-40. An exiiibit colk-i'tion of ccoiioniic in«cct« in the Indian MuBcuni. [1H'JI>.| luiliun Muh. NoteH, 4, 1900, 41-4C. NoteR ou insect pentH from the entomological Bection, Indian Mnsenin. [1K!)6-Iy(l0.1 Indiiin Mug. Notes, 4, 1900, r,t;-7H, lIH-ll-2, IHO-Ii'il; ',, 1903, li-34. List of thf Melolonthini contained in the collection of the Indian Museum. [1H9U.] Indian Mus. NoteR, 4, 1900, 2:U-2T.i. Barlow, ,Ii)hn Jiimet. A new method of precipitating and ( siiiiiatinK manganesi', also iron indirectly, \>y means of hydrogen peroxide. Cliem. News, .53, 1886, 11-42. On a new method and reagent ft. 5. Clin. Soc. Trans., 32, 1899, 98-l()'(). Barlow, M'ci/fcr S[ijiliieij] Iiazama-. .SVi' Lazams- Barlow. Barlow, William. Probablenatureof the internal symmetry of crystals. [1883-84.] Nature, 29, 1884, 180-188, 20.5- 207, 404. A theory of the connection between the cry.stal form Bndtheatt>m composition of chemical compounds. [1«,S.5.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, '.l.-<3-9.S4 ; Chem. News, 53, 1886, 3-0, 10-19. On the horizontal movements of rocks, and the relation of these movements to the formation of dykes and faults and to denudation and the thickening of strata. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44, 1888, 783-790. On atom-grouping in crystals. Brit. .\ss. Rep., 1890, 754-75,5. On the connection between the crystal form and the chemical composition of bodies. The symmetry of crystals accounted for by the application of Boscovicn's theory of atoms to the atoms of the chemist. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891. .581-582. .\ new explanation of the wave- movements of a stretched string. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 593. Homogeneity of structure the source of crystal symmetry. [1894.] Nature, 51 (1894-96). 58. Ij'ebcr die geonietrischen Kigenschaften homogener starrer Struclurcn und ilire Anwenduug auf Krystalle. Ztschr. Kryst., 23, 1894, 1-63. The relation lietween the morphological symmetry and the optical symmetry of crystals. Brit. Abb. Rep., 1896, 017-619. Nachtrag zu den Tabellen homogener Strneluren und Bemerkungen zu K. vos I'kimuiiiw's Abliamlhiiig iiber regelmiissige I'unktsysteme. Ztschr. Kryst., 25, 1896, 86-91. On homogeneouB structnreg and the Byrometrical par- titioning of them, with application to crystaU. [1895.] Min. .Mag., 11, 1897, 119-130; Ztschr. Kryet.. 27, 1897, 449-407. A mechanical cause of homogeneity of structure and symmetry geometrically investigated ; with special ap- plication to crystals and to chemical combination. [1897.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 8, 1893-98, 527-090; Ztschr. Kryst.. 29, 1898. 433-588. ■ ■ The relations of circular polarization, afl occurring both in the amorphous and crystalline states, to the symmetry and partitioning of homogeneous structures, i.e. of crystals. Phil. .Mag., 43, 1897, 110-117; Ztschr. Kryst., 27, 1897, 40H-47l"i. Demonstration von Modellen zur Rrliiuterung homo- gener starrer .Structuren. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (7Vi. 2, Ilal/U- 1), 19:i-194. Barlow, If'iliy, Jt Tblale, Johanw. See Tlilele il' Barlow. Barmwater, [Peter Ilriurich] /■Jfrdiiirtn/i]. Ueber das W.sen des osniotischen Drucks. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2S, 1899, 11.5-144. Ueber da-s Ijeitvermcigen der Gemische von Klektro- lytcn. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 28. 1899, 424-430. Barna, ISaldzt. Adatok a Charrinia diplodiella, 1'. f$ H.. ismeretehez. [Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Charrinia diplodiella. V. el K.] Termt. K.izlOn., iO, 1898 (Suppl.), 18.5-187; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungam, 15, 1899. 383-384. Baxnaart, A. E. Historical notes on Dutch hyacinths. Hortie. Soc. Jl., 11, 1889, 49-53. Bamaby, {Sir) S'athaniel. The protection of buoyancy and stability in ships. Naval Architects Trans.. 30, 1889, 216-220. Bamaby, Siidney Walker. Hydraulic propulsion. Inst. Civ. i:ngin. Proc., 77, 1884,' 1-23. The screw-propeller. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc.. 102, 1890, 74-92. Hydraulic life-boats. Inst. Civ. Eugin. Proc., 130, 1897,' 241-246. On the formation of cavities in water by screw pro- (wllers at high s))eeds. [1897.] Naval Architects Trans., 39. 1898. 139-143. Bamaby, Sijdii.ij Walktr. ,V Thomycroft, ■John Isaac. S,-f Tbomycroft A' Bamaby. Barnard, [Mits) A. M. Thrincia tuberosa, DC. [1885.1 Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, 143. Barnard, t\harUt] K[dirard]. Notes on actinomycosis. anil its transmissibility to the human subject. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc.. 1890, 254-2-59. Infection in disea.se. Aust. .\«s. Rep., 1893. 743-747. Barnard, Clharlet] f:[dicard], A Park, Archibald. Notes on Spiroptera Bssociat^-9. •Notes on the great Comet of 1882. [1882-83.] Sidereal Messenger, 1, 1883, 221-223, 255-258. Barnard] 302 [Barnard 1883, Sidereal Messenger, 1, [1883.] Sidereal Messenger, 'Transit of Venus. •290-292. *Reuiarliable meteors. 2, 1883-84, 148-149. *" Gefjenschein." [1883-85.] Sidereal Messenger, 2, 1883-84, 254; 4, 1885, 30. ♦BnooKs' Comet (h 1883)— Pons 1812. [1883-84.] Sidereal Messenger, 2, 1883-84, 257-258; 3, 1884, 28- 29, 54-55. *[Duplicity of Bradley 2607.] [1883.] Sidereal Messenger, 2, 1883-84, 290. [Storm at Nashville, 25th March, 1884.] [1884.] Amer. Meteorol. .Jl., 1 (1884-85), 8-9. New nebula;. Small black hole in the Milky Way. Duplicity of fi' Capricorni. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 369-372'. Eutdeckung eines Cometen [1884 II]. Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 207-208. The tail of the great Comet of 1882. Sidereal Messenger, 3, 1884, 108-171. Peculiar lunar phenomenon. [1885.] Amer. Meteorol . .71., 2 (1885-86), 56. New nebula near General Catalogue No. 4510. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 12.5-126. Duplicity of the small star preceding fS Capricorni. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 133-134. EutdeckunK eines neuen Cometen [1885 II]. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 139-140; 4, 1885, 179-180. Observations of Comet 1885... (Barnard) made at the Vanderbilt University Observatory, Nashville, Tenn. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 371-372 ;" Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1885, 217, 252-253. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1885. ..(Brooks). At the Vanderbilt University Observatory in Nashville, Tenn. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 37.5-376. Small nebula near great Andromeda nebula. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 391-392; 113, 1886, 31-32, 47-48; Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1885, 247, 31.5-316. ■ Ueber den neuen Stern im grossen Andromeda-Nebel. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 403; Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1885, 210-243, 308-309. The aurora of March 15, 1885. Nature, 32, 1885, 78. Encke's Comet. Observatory, Loudon, 8, 1886, 122-123. New nebulte. Ob.servatory, London, 8, 1885, 123. Comet II. 1884 (Barnard). Observatory, London, 8, 1885, 161-162. Spots on .Jupiter. Observatory, London, 8, 1885, 211-212. Changes in the length of the great red spot on Jupiter. Observatory, Loudon, 8, 1885, 244-245. The Comet of 1812 (Pons-Brooks). Observatory, London, 8, 1885, 32.5-327. Comet Brooks (1885/;). Observatory, London, 8, 1885, 362-364. New nebuloe in Eridanus. Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1886, 53. [Astronomical notes. Jupiter's satellite IV. "Gegen- scbeiu." Aurora borealis. Nebula;, new and old. New iielaila. Note on G. C. 1409.] Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1885, 124-125. [Observations on the black transit of Jupiter's III sat('llite made at the Vanderbilt University Observatory, Nashville, May 1885.] Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1886, 158. Astronomical Notes. [Comet Barnard. The August meteors. Nebula?. Large nebula not in G. C] Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1886, 222-223. The great nebula in Monoceros. Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1886. 313-314. Eutdeckung [eines neuen] Cometen [1886 II]. Astr. Nachr., 113,1886, 119-120. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1886...(Finlay). Auf dcr Sternwarte der Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 267-26H. 1886, 1886, A correction to Dr. Swift's list of new nebulse in A. N. 2746. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 31.5-316. Ring-micrometer observations of comets and nebulai made with the 6-inch Cooke equatorial of the Vanderbilt University Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 323- 328. Bkooks' second Comet, 1886. Observatory, London, 9, 1886, 278. Comet Barnard (II) 1885 D. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 21-22. New nebulfe. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 25. An excessively faint nebula. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 27. Large nebula in field with General Catalogue 4510. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 31. Return of the Biela meteors. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 74-79. The Brooks Comet. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 89. • New nebulous star. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 154. Dark transits of Jupiter. [Red spot. Peculiar dark spots at the equator.] Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 155- 156. Position angles of the tail of Comet Fabry. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 157. Jupiter. Bliiek transit of satellite IV. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 184. Comet Barnard. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 190. Observation of Comet c (Brooks) 1886. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 218. On the nebula 4036 of Heeschel's General Catalogue. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 2.55. The new comet [1886 IX]. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 275, 310-311. General Catalogue No. 4594. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 286. Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen 1887 Jan. 23. Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 143-144 ; Sidereal Messenger, 6, 1887, 114-115. Beobachtung des Cometen 1887... (Brooks Jan. 22). Auf der Sternwarte in Nashville. Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 203-204. • Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen 1887 Febi'. 15. Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 207-208 ; Sidereal Messenger, 6, 1887, 161. Ring-micrometer observations of comets made at the Vanderbilt University Observatory, Nashville, Tenn. [1887.] Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 251-252; Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 63, 79. Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen 1887 Mai 12. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 31-32. Ring-micrometer observations of Comet 1887... (Barnard May 12) made at the Vanderbilt University Observatory, 'Nashville, Tenn. [1887.] Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, '57-58, 243-246, 385-388; Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 99, 111-112, 112, 126, 168. Orbit of Comet 1887... (Barnard Febr. 16). [1887.] Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 59-60; Sidereal Messenger, 6, 1887, 161, 222; Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 95. Beobachtungen des Olbers'schen Cometen 1887 Auf der Sternwarte der Vanderbilt University in Nash- ville, Tenn. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 327-328. Ring-micrometer observations of Winnkckk's Comet 1886 VI made at the Vanderbilt University Observatory, Nashville, Tenn. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887i 337-340. Recent stellar photography. Sidereal Messenger, 0, 1887, 58-65. Elements of Comet <■ 1887 (Barnard). Sidereal Messenger, 6, 1887, 220-221. Double meteor. Sidereal Messenger, 6, 1887. 322. Notes on Comet 1886 /"(Barnard. Oct. 4). [1887.] Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 41-43. Barnard 1 303 1 Barnard RinR-niiciomctor oLscrvutiuiiH of Comet 18H7 / (Brooks), miidu iit llif Viinili>rbilt UniverKity Obnorvatory. [18H7.) Astr. .11., 7, 1888, 127, i:i6. : Observfttions of the zodiucal coiiiitornlow. [188tt-!(».] Antr. .11., 7, 1888, 1SX5-187 ; 11, 1892, 19 20; \:\, 1894, l()'.l-171. . Ut'ber Nr. 11 nnd I.** d^B Swift'Hch<*n Ncl)elcatHlo^'H Nr. 6 in A. N. •27'.m. AHtr. Nncbr., IIH, 1888, 17:1-17). Comet /■ IH88 (barnard). Sidereal Messciigcr, 7, 1888, 4.5',) ; AHlr. Nuehr., 120, 1889, M3-H 1. Observations of tlicoci-iiltiition of 47 LibriD by Jupiter, IHKH .Mine !). [188«.] Astr. .11., 8, 1889, ti4. Observations... of Comet 1HH8 e (Harnnrd, Sept. 2). [18HH.] Astr. Jl., H, 1889, 102. 10&-ll)9, 110. 120. Discovery and observations of Comet 18H8/. [18H8- 8'.l.) Astr. Jl., 8, 1889, 134-lH.j ; Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 237-2H8. On a search for the comet reported 1889 Jan. 1.5 by Mr. BitooKs. Astr. Jl., H, 1889, 1G8. Discovery of a comet, March 31. Astr. Jl.,8, 1889, 18.3. — — Filar-mieroinetcr observations of Comet h 18H9 (Barnard, March HI) made with the 12-inch cqnatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Jl., 8, 1889, 183. Drawings of Comet 1888 I. Astr. Nadir., 120, 1889, 43-44. Observations of Oliikks' Comet 1887 V made with the 12-inch eiiuatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, CS-lie. Discovery and observations of Comet 1889. ..(Barnard 1888 Sept. 2). Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889. 91-92. Discovery and observations of Comet 1889... (Barnard March 31). Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 223-224, 301-302. I'ilar-niicrometer observations of Comet 1889... (Barnard March 31) made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1,889.] Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 33.5-336 ; Astr. Jl., 9. 1890, 5-6. Discovery and observations of Comet 1889... (Barnard June 23). Astr. Naclir., 122, 1889, 115-118. [BeobachtungdesC'ometcn 1889. ..(Davidson).] [1889.] Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 171-172 ; Astr. Jl., 9, 1890, 66-67. TheihuiK des Cometen 1889. ..(Brooks Juli 6). Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 191-192. The cluster CJ. C. 1420 and the nebula N. G. C. 2237. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 2.53-254. Discovery and observations of companions to Comet 1889. ..(Brooks, July 6). [1889.] Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 2t;7-2i;8; Astr. Jl., 9, 1890, 77-78. Observations of F.^ve's Comet 1888 IV. [1889.] Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 309-314 ; Astr. Jl., 9, 1890, 2<.»-31. The nebula G. C. 2091. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 49, 1889, 418-419. New double stars. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 1, 1889, 38. A very remarkable comet. Astr. Soc. Pacitic Publ., 1, 1889, 72-74. Observations on the near approach of Mars and Saturn on September 19, 1889. Astr. Soc. Pacitic Publ., 1, 1889, 82-83 ; Sidereal MessenKer, 8, 1889. 428-429. Observations of Jupiter with a tive-inch refractor, during the years 1879-86. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 1, 1889, 89-111. (Solar eclipse of January, 1889.] Report of the photographic operations. Lick Obs. Contrib., 1, 1889, 56-73. Partial eclipse of the moon, Jan. 16, 1889. Sidereal Me-ssenger, 8, 1889. 137-138. [Occultations of the planet Jnpiter as observed at the Lick Observatory March 23, 1889.] Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 222-223, 424. .\nonialou3 tail of Comet 1889 I. [1889.] Astr. Jl., 9. 1890, 32. Discovery and filar-micrometer observations of Comet c 1889 (Barnard, June 23), made with the 12-inch equatorial. [1889.] Astr. Jl., 9, 1890, 47, 55, 86. - [Comet (/ 1889.] [1889-91.] A«lr. Jl., 9, 1890, 48; 10, 1891, 4-6, 136. Kilar-microniet«r obscr^■ation» of Comet d 1889 (Brooks, July 6), made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1889.] Astr. Jl., 9, 1890, .54-.55. [Observation of Comet d 1889, at the Lick Obwrvatory.] [1889.] Astr. Jl., 9. 1890, 64. Comet 1888 V. [1889.] Astr. Jl., 9, 1890. 87-**. Pilar-mii-rometer observations of Comet / 1889 (Swift), made with the 12-iiich equatorial of the I.,ick Observatory. [1889-'.MI.l Astr. Jl., 9, 1890. 119 ; 10, 1891, 7. Pilar-micrometer observations of Comets 1889 / and n, made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1H89-90.] Astr. Jl., 9, 1890, 131. 142. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet a 1890 (Brooks, March 19), wade with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1890-91.] Astr. Jl., 9, 1890, 189; 11, 1892, 79. Note on Comet 1889 I. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 409-410. .\n unsuccessful search for BiioiisKS's Comet 1889-90. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 43-44. I'hysical and micrometrical observations of the com- panions to Comet 1889 V (Brooks). Made with the 12-inch and 36-inch refractors of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 177-196. Note on the nebula G. C. 4036 = N. G. C. 5834. A«lr. Nachr., 125, 1890. 315-318. Apparent duplicity of the first satellite of Jupiter. Astr. Naehr.. 125, 1890, 317-318. Aullindung des d'Arrest'scben Cometen auf der .Storn- warte Mt. Hamilton. [1890.] Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 367-368 ; Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 420 ; Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 92-93. Additional observations of the companion C of Comet 1889 V (Brooks). Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 377-380. A cluster of eighteen small nebul» discovered with the 36-iuch refractor of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890. 379-380. Observations of the eclipse of lapetus in the shadows of the globe, crape ring, and bright ring of Saturn, 1889 November 1. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 50, 1890, 107- 110. On some celestial photographs made with a large portrait lens of the Lick Observatory. Astr. .Soc. Month. Not., .50, 1890, 310-314. Probable return of Lkxell's Comet. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 2, 1890, 21-24; Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 116-119. Occultations of stars at the dark limb of the moon, observed with the twelve- inch equatorial. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 2, 1890, 24. On the photographs of the Milky Way made at the Lick Observatory in 1889. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 2, 1890, 24(^-244. Observations of small spots on Japiter. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 2. 1890, 247-248. On a black transit of the IV satellite of Jnpiter, observed on August 13, 1890, with the twelve-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 2, 1890. 2.52-256. Dark transit of the III satellite of Japiter. .\8tr. Soc. Pacific Publ.. 2, 1890, 2.12-294. The longest known duration of visibility of a comet, I 1889. Sidereal Mes,seuger, 9, 1890, 276^277. The lunar appulse of 1890 June 2. [1890.] Astr. Jl., 10, 1891. 31. Comets 1889 I and II, and some suggestions as to the possibility of seeing the short-jieriod comets at aphelion. [1.890.] Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 67-68. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet d ls90 (Barnard, Oct. 6l, made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1890.] Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 88. Barnard] 304 [Barnard i'ilar-miciometer observations of Comet c 1890 (Denning), made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [IS'JO.J Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 1)5-96, 104. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet b 1890 (Coggia), made from the 12-inch eqaatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1890.] Astr. .11., 10, 1891, 100. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet e 1890 (Zona, Nov. 1.5), made with the 12-inch eiiuatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1890-91.] Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 110, 127, 151. On the reobservations of Comet 1889 V (Brooks, July r>, 1889), made with the SB-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1890.] Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 111, 130. Comets e 1890 (Zona, Nov. 1-5) and /' 1890 (Spitaler, Nov. 16). [1890.] Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 120. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet / 1890 (Sjiitaler, Nov. 16), made with the r2-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1890.] Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 125 ; 11. 1892, 21. Strange astronomical coincidence. [1890.] Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 18-19. Ob.servations of Comet/ 1890 (Spitaler, Nov. 16), made with the 12-inch and 36-inch refractors of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 148. Discovery and observations of Comet « 1891. Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 190. Observations of (181) Eucharis, and of some .small stars near the path of Eucharis, and of a new nebula. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1891, 53-56; 128, 1891, 199-200. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet 1889 V (Brooks) made with the 3C-ineh refractor of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 137-138. • A new planetary nebula. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 277-278. On the nebulosities of the Pleiades and on a new Merope nebula. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 293-294. Observations of Venus near inferior conjunction made with the 12-ineh equatorial and its 3|-inch finder. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 295-296. Neuer Comet 1891. ..(Barnard-Denning). Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 4.5-46. The new Merope nebula. [Reply to Prof. Piutchabh.] Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 13.5-136. Wiederauliindung [und Beobachtungen] des Wolf- schen Cometen 1884 III in seiner zweiteu Erscheinung 1891.... [1891-92.] Astr. Nadu., 127, 1891, 149-1-50, 367-368; Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 13; 12, 1893, 87-88. On an early search for Winnkckf;'s Comet before perihelion. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 231-232. Wiederauliindung des Encke'schen Cometen in seiner Erscheinung 1891.... Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 47-4H, Ul-112. AuBindung des periodischen Cometen Tempel-Swift (1891...) auf der Sternwarte Mt. Hamilto». [1891.] Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 237-238; Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 62. Entdeckung eines Cometen [1891 IV] auf der Stern- warte Mount Hamilton. [1891.] Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 239-240; A.str. JL, 11, 1892, 63-64. Kemarkable spots on the planet Jupiter. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 291-292. Observations of the difference of declination of 21 Asterope und 22 Asterojie, at the transit of Wolf's Comet 1891 Sep. 3. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 42.5-428. Observations of the jilanet Jupiter and liis satellites during 1890 with the 12-inch equatoreal of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 543- 555. Note on the first satellite of Jupiter. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 556. On the phenomena of the tratisits of the first sateliitf? of Jupiter. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 557-558. Observations of the contacts, diameter and position of Mercury at the transit of May 9, 1891, at Mt. Hamilton. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 3, 1891, 230-233. Note on the visibility of Mercury during trausit. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 3, 1891, 233-234. [Lunar eclipse of July 22, 1888.] Observations. Lick Obs. Contrib., 2, 1891, 117-121. Observations of Venus near inferior conjunction in the first part of December. Sidereal Messenger, 10. 1891, 43. The re-discovery of Wolf's periodic Comet. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 287-288. Observations of the Transit of Mercury May 9, 1891, made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 291. Photographing with a non-photographic telescope. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 331-335. llelative motions of the spots and markings on the surface of Jupiter, from micrometrical observations made at tile Lick Observatory. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 413-415. Note on the August meteors. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 470-471. Observations of Comet 1889 V (Brooks), made with the 36-inch refractor. And on the extended visibility of three small comets of 1889. [1H91.] Astr. Jl., 11, 1892. 5. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet [1889 V] (Brooks), made with the 36-inch equat(^rial of the Lick Observatory. [1891.] Astr. Jl., 11, 1892. 5, 168. Observations of d'Akhest's Comet, 1890 V. [1891.] Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 6-7. Kediscovery and observations of Enckk's periodic Comet. The 'nebula N. G. C. 1514. [1891.] Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 36-37. Measures of the position-angles of the rings of Saturn. [1891.] Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 42-43. On a classification of the periodic comets by their physical appearance. [1891.] Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 46. Comet 1889 I. [1891.] Astr. .Jl., 11, 1892, 51-54. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet 1889 IV, made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1891.] -\str. Jl., 11, 1892, 75. Colour changes in the markings on the surface of the planet Jupiter. [1891.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 6-7. Observations of the spots and markings on the planet Jupiter, made with the twelve-inch equatoreal of the Lick Observatory. [1891.] Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 52, 1892, 7-16. Observations of the partial phase of the total eclipse of the moon November 15, 1891. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 92-93. Disappearance of the new red spot on Jupiter ; the great red spot and other Jovian phenomena. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 93. Transparency of the crape ring of Saturn, and other peculiarities as shown by the observations of the eclip.se of Japetus on November 1st, 1889. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 119-123. Obsirvations and photographs of Swift's comet of March 6, 1892. Astr. A Astrophys., 11, 1892. 386-388. Aurora at Mt. Hamilton [May 18 and June 2(>]. Astr. A Astrophys., 11, 1892, 539, 633. — Preliminary rcMuarks on the observation of Mars 1892, with the 12-in. and 36-in. refractor of the Lick Observatory. Astr. A .\strophys., 11, 1892. l')80-684. Kecent observations of Jupiter, the great reil spot and its changes. Astr. A Astrophys., 11, 1892, 686-688. An account of the discovery of a fifth satellite to Jupiter. Astr. A Astrophys., 11, 1892, 749-750; Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 375-376. Barnard I 305 [Barnard Nova Aurigio a nebula. Antr. it Aiitroph>H., II, 1892, 751; Antr. Naclir., 130, 1892, 107 -lOH. Kiliir mieioiiioti-r ol)H<;r\iitiiin»of IJuiiiol (Swift), miule with tlif 12'inc)ic<|uati>rinl of the Lick Obiervatory. Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, ir,H. I'"ihir-niicrom«tpr obsorvatioiiH of Comet c 18!)2 (DeniiiiiK), iiiado with the l'2-in). Aatr. Naclir., 12!), 1892, ll'.)-120. Two probably variable nebulio. Astr. Nactir., 130, 1892, 7-H. The hinur craters Alpotragius anil Thales. Astr. Nachr.. 130, 1892, 7-10. A simple and rapid method of detecting chaUKes on colostinl phutOK'raphs due to motion or variability of the celestial bodies. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892. 77-7S. A new nebulous star, and corrections to DnBYKli's NGC. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 77-^0. The nebula (1H92.0) : 23'' 0'" 40' + 59°3'J'-7. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 223-221. Photoj-raphic nobuli)sities and ^,'roup3 of nebulous stars. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 233-234. Ueber die Nova AuriRoe. A.str. Nachr., 130, 1892, 344; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., .53, 1893, 35. On the phenomenon of the transit of the first satellite of .Jupiter 1H90 September H, and observations of the red spots on the planet. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 156-157. Observations of the reappearance of the rings of Saturn ; observations of the position-angles of the rings, and observations of the satellites. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., r,-2. 1892, 419-123. Some further observations of the fifth satellite of Jupiter. Observatory, London, 15, 1892, 42.5-427. Discovery and observations of a lifth satellite to Jupiter. [1892.] Astr. Jl., 12, 1893, Hl-85, 17G. Occultation of Mars and Jupiter by the moon in September. [1892.] Astr. Jl., 12, 1893, 91. Photographic discoverv and visual observations of a comet. [1X92.] Astr. Jl., 12. 1893, 102, 144. Note on the period of the fifth satellite of Jupiter. [1892-93.] Astr. Jl., 12,1893, l(i3-104; .\str.tt.\8trophy6., 12, 1893, 78.S-7a9; Astr. Jl., 13, 1894. 141-142. Filar-micrometer observation of Comet e 1892 (Barnard, Oct. 12), made with the 12inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1892.] Astr. Jl., 12, 1893, 112, 120. [Observations of Comet f 1892 (Holmes).] At the Lick Observatory. [1892.] Astr. Jl., 12, 1893, 12(i-127. Photographic and visual observations of Comet /' 1892 (Holmes). [1892.] Astr. Jl., 12, 1893, 127. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet / 1892 (Holmes, Nov. (>), made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. [1892.] Astr. Jl., 12, 1893, 149, 176. Discover)' of a comet [1892 V] by photography. [1892-95.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53," 1893. 31'.; Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893. 63-ti4 ; Observatory, London, Hi, 1893, 92-95; Popular Astr.. 3, 1896. 13-14. Note on the period and distance of the fifth satellite of Jupiter. [1892-94.) Astr. Soo. Month. Not.. 53, 1893, 3G-37 ; Astr. A Astrophys., 13, 1894, .5.50-557. Kemarkable transfornmlion of Holmes' Comet. Astr. A Astrophys., 12, 1893, 180-182. Blueuess of the sky at high altitudes. Astr. it Astrophys., 12, 1893, 7.50-751. - On a wind screen for large refractors. Astr. -117. Tlie Gi^ttenschein or zodiacal counterblow. Astr. Jl., 17, 1897, l.Ol-I.W. On the third and fourth satellites of Jupiter. Astr. Naclir., 114, 1897, 321-330. An aHtronuniical coincidence. [Nolo on comet comparison star.] Astr. Nadir., 141, 1897, 331-332. On an instrument for accurately photographing an unsein nmving but known celestial body. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 331-332. I'liysical and micrometrical observations of tlie planet Venus, made at the Lick Observatory with the I'Jinch and 3G-ineh refractors. Antrophys. Jl., .5, 1897, 2119-304. Astronomital photography witli small lenses. Astrophys. Jl., 6, 1897, 4ll)-45il. Observations of the partial solar eclipse of 1897 July 29. [1H97.] Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, 23. I'hotogmpli of an August meteor. [1897.] Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, 2H. On tile companions to Vega. [1897.] Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, 4(;. Small stars near Sirius. [1897.] Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, 93. The Leonids of 1H97. [1897.] Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, 107. Nebulas near Castor. [1897.] Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, 112. The great nebula of Kho Ophiuchi and the smallness of the stars forming the ground work of the Milkv Way. [1897.] Popular Astr., o, 1898, 227-232. On the i)hotograpl)y of meteors. [1897.] Popular Astr., r,, 1898, 281-284. A micrometrical determination of the dimensions of the planets and satellites of the solar system made with the 3(;-inch refractor of the Lick Observatory. [1897.] Popular Astr., 5, 1898, 285-302. Address [to the Math. A- Astron. Sect.]. The develop- ment of photography in astronomy. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 19-51. Another astronomical coincidence. [Note on comet comparison star.] Astr. Nachr., 14.5, 1898, 237-2.S8. Note on some of the variable stars of the cluster Messier 5. I'rom observations with the 40.inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 243-248. The great nebula of Andromeda. Astrophys. Jl., 8, 1898, 226-228. Portrait-lens photographs. Astrophvs. Jl. , 8, 1898, 240. Observations of the companions of Procyon, and of /3 883, made with the 40-inch refractor of the Verkes Observatory. [1898.] Astr. Jl., 19, 1899. 23-24. Measures of the satellite of Neptune with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory, with remarks on the great telescope. [1898.] Astr. Jl.", 19, 1899, 2.5-29. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet c 1898 (Coddington). (1898.) Astr. Jl., 19, 1899, 55. Micrometrical measures of double stars, made at the Lick Observatory. [1898.] Astr. Jl., 19, 1899, 113-110. New variable star (S.DM. 4' 5381). (1855.0 21'> S" 22' .7-4»37'.4). Astr. Jl., 19, 1899, 193. The variable .star S Lyncis. Two new double stars. Andkhsos's variable near BD. -(-5."i°.3011. .\str. Nachr., 149. 1899. U>7-172. Observations of the Leonid meteors of 1898. Astrophys. Jl., 9, 1899. 151-156. Photograph of the Jlilkv Way near the star Theta Ophiuchi. Astrophys. Jl., 9, 1899, 157-158. Koto on the exterior nebulosities of the Pleiadon. Astr. Soc. .Month. Not., .W, 1899, 1.55. Photographs of comets and of the Milky Way. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., .59, 1899, 354-370. Observations of Hi.m>'h variable nebula in Taurus (N. O. C. 15.55) made with the 40'inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 59, 1899, 372-376. The Oegenschein or 7:odiacal counterglow. Popular Astr., 7, 1899, 169-179, 290-291. Triangalation of star cluBters. Science, 10, 1899, 789. The fifth satellite of Jupiter. Science, 10, 1899, 789-790. Micrometrical measures of the satellite of Neptune during the opposition of 1898-99 with the iOinch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory, with some remarks on temperature changes in the object-glass. [1899.] Astr. Jl., 20, 1900, 41-44. Micrometrical measures of the companions of Procyon, made with the 40-inch refractorof the Yerkes Obmjrvatory. [1899-1900.] Astr. Jl., 20, 1900, 44 ; 21, 1901, 10. The double head of Comet a 1899 (Swift). [1899.] Astr. Jl., 20, 1900, 60. Position-angles of the north polar cap of Mars, 1898-9. [1899.] Astr. Jl., 20, 1900. 124. Micrometrical measures of the fifth satellite of Jupiter and on the motion of the line of apsides of the orbit of the satellite. [1899.] Astr. Jl., 20, 1900, 12.5-130. Periodical changes in the form of the Oegenschein. [1899.] Astr. Jl., 20, 1900, 131-132. Small stars near Sinus. Astr. Jl., 20, 1900, 166, 188. Note on the companion of Sirius. Astr. Jl., 20 1900 167. The double star j3 883. Astr. Jl., 20, 1900, 170. A small planetary nebula near the star BD.-t.34°.732. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 3.5.5-356. Some abnormal stars in the cluster M 13 Herculis, Astrophys. Jl., 12, 1900. 176-181. Discovery and period of a small variable star in the cluster M 13 Herculis. Astrophys. Jl., 12, 1900, 182- 184; Popular Astr., 8, 1900, 48<>-488. On the probable motion of the annular nebula in Lyra (M 57) and the peculiarities in the focus for the planetary nebula: and their nuclei. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 60, 1900. 245-257. The exterior nebulosities of the Pleiades, with a drawing from the photographs; and on the apj>earance of the involved nebulosities of the cluster with the 40-inch refractor. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., tX), 1900, 258-261. On the diameter of Ceres and Vesta. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 60. 1900. 261-262. Filar-micrometer measures of the position of the star DM. i-37"4131 for parallax, made with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observator)-. [1900.] Astr. Jl 21, 1901, 12-14. Observations of Eros, made with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. [1900.] Astr. Jl., 21, 1901. 29. Observations of the stars Krucger 60 and ^ 1291, made with the 40inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory [1900.] .\str. Jl.. 21. 1901, 64. Barnard, Edicitnl /•.[m/-i»rm). ,V Schaeberle. ./[oAn] M[itrlin]. Ste BcliaelMrle iV Barnard. Barnard, F. G. A. Notes of a visit to the Jenolan caves. New South Wales. [1"*88.] Victorian Natlist., 5. 1889 121-130. Notes on the butterfly, lalmenua evagoms, Don. Victorian Natlist.. 5, 1889,' 168. Notes on the butterflies of Victoria. [1889.] Victorian Natlist., 6. 1890. IV, 83-87. 39—2 Barnard] 308 [Barnes A mutton. bird strays inland. [1899.1 Victorian Natlist., IB, 1900, 76. Excursion to Plenty Kanges. Victorian Natlist., 10, 1900, iv, 163-170. The "camp-out" at Maroondah Weir. [1900.] Victorian Natlist., 17, 1901, 131-1.38. Barnard, Frci/fj-ici Augu-^tus Porter. For biography see Xuivr. kc. Proc, 24, 1889, 441-4i5; M^x. Obs. Bol., 2, 1889. 4U4. The metrological system of the Great Pyramid. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 5, 1884, 97-127, 193- 217, 289-329. Systems of weight and measure. School of Mines Quarterly, N. T., 9, 1888, 193-212, 291-299. Balance for determining specific gravities by inspec- tion. Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 4 (Pt. 1), 1888, 203-206. Theory of magic squares and of magic cubes. Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 4 (Pt. 1), 1888, 209-270. Barnard, George. For biographical notice see Entomo- logist, 27, 1894, 228. Chalcophora in the scrubs of central Queensland. Entomologist, 23, 1890, 179-181. Barnard, Harold L[eslie]. The action of morphia, ammonia and hydrocyanic acid upon the volume of the heart as recorded by a cardiometer. [1897.] .Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, xv-xix. The functions of the pericardium. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, xliii-xlviii. Barnard, Harold L[eslie], & Hill, Leonard. See Hill & Barnard. Barnard, Harold L[eslie]. Hill, Leonard. & Sequeira, James H[arry'\. See Hill, Barnard & Sequeira. Barnard, Harold L[eslU'], Hill, Leonard, & Soltau, AlU'red] B[ertram]. See Hill, Barnard & Soltau. Barnard, Jloseph] Edu'in. On the application of the electric arc to photomicrography. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1897, 600. Barnard, J[oseph] Edwin, & Carver, Thomas A. B. The applicatiun of the electric arc to photomicrography. [1897.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 1898, 170-173. Photo-micrography with high powers. [1898.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 448-449. Barnard, J[i'sepli'\ Edwin, & MacFadyen, Allan. See IttacFadyen it Barnard. Barnard, Jantes. Aborigines of Tasmania. Aust. Ass. Kep., 1890, 597-611. Barnard, ii. J. A. The annual march of temperature. Phil. Mag., 50, 1900, 408-409. Barnard, tVilliam Stebbins. For biographical notice and works see Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 1136-1137. 'Movement of the arms in walking. Science, 1, 1883, 140. Barneirdo, O. Fleming, A case of ectopia cordis c. fissura sterni. [1897.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 325-333. Bamaud, {It.) [Leon]. *Rapport sur les operations -X Choirillos (P^rou) et a Panama, pour servir a la deter- mination des longitudes Valparaiso-Chorrillos, Valparaiso- Panama. Paris, Bur. Long. Ann., 3, 1883, 355-364. Bamaud, (/(.) [Leon], Bernardiires, (ritpit.) [Oelave Marie (labriei Joacliiiii], A Favereau, (//.) [Charles Eiigi lie]. See Bernardiires, Bamaud cV Favereau. Barnay, [Marius]. Necessite de substitner. dans la tliiiapeutique, les principes actifs aux substances d'ou ils .sont retires. Opportunity dV'tablir un formulaire uniforme des substances actives, basi sur la doso inoyciine i|uoti(lienne dc chacune d'elles. Ass. Franc,'. 0. K., 1900 il'l. 2), 874-878. Bameby, Thomas. "Saturn and his satellites. [1877.] Observatory, London, 1, 1878, 248-250. •7,, 7.,, and 7:, Andr'<' Ibis, 2. 1896, 162. liirdn' nesting in l(iij|iootanii. Uumbay Nat. Hiat. Soo. Jl., 1, 1886, 'AK-m. Note on the breeding; of I'arra indica. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 1, 1886, 2'2I--222. Tlie two sliuuiaH. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 2, 1887, Sfi. Notes on Ploceus pbilippinas. Bombay Nnt. Hist. Soc. Jl., 2, 1887. lO'j-107. Note on the irregular breeding of (irus Antigone, the Barus. Bombay Nat. Hist. S(.c. Jl., 2, 1887, Hit-ISO. Not»-« on the breeding of the Kentish ringed plover (.£gialitia cantianuii) within Indian limits. Bombav Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 2, 1887, HiT-Hl'.l. Nesting of the Indian hirundines. Bombay Nat. Hist. Sue. Jl., 3, 1888, iA-iH. Nesting in westc rn India. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl. 3, 1888, 20.-.-224; 4, 1889, 1-21. H3-98, 237-2.55; 5, 1890, 1-1'J, 97-116, 315-337; G, 1891, 1-2.5, 129-153, 2M5-317. Note on the black tailed rock-chat. [1892.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 7, 1892-93, 2.52-253. On the occurrence of the spotted grey tree-creeper at Abmednagar, Heccan. [1H'.(3.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 7, 1892-93. 548-',49. List of birds noted at Aden and its vicinity. [1893-] Bombay. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., H, 1893-94, 231-233- On the birds of Aden. Ibis, ."), 1893. 57-84, 105-181. Barnes, (I,t.) H[enrii'\ Edicin, & Bwinlioe, {Col.) Charles. Si, Swlnhoe A Barnes. Barnes, //. //., A Veesenmeyer, E. Zum Borcbers'scben tiaseknient. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 101-102, 192. Barnes, Hoicanl Turner. On some measnrements of the temperature of the river water, opposite Montreal, made during the winter with a differential platinum ther- mometer. Canada Hoy. Soc. Proo. & Trans., 2, 1896 {Sect. 3), 37-44. On some measurements of the temperature of the Lachine liapids made during the winter of 1806-97 with a differential platinum thermometer. Canada Boy. Soc. Proc. A Trans. , 3, 1897 {Sect. 3), 17-30. Notes on frazil and anchor ice, with considerations as to the freezing point of water. Canada Boy. Soc. Proc. A Trans., 5, 1899 {Seel. 3), 17-22. On the molecular weight of sulphur in carbon disulpbide solutions. Jl. Phys. Chem., 3, 1899, l.)t>-1.59. Note on the relation of the electrical and mechanical units. Canada Hoy. Soc. Proc. * Trans., 6, 1900 {Sect. 3), 71-73. Note on the effect of a change in dissociation on the density-curve of a hydrated electrolyte in aqueous solutions of different concentration. Canada Boy. Soc. Proc. i- Trans., C. 1900 (.Sect. 3), 75-76. On the inversion of the hepta- and hexahydrates of zinc sulphate in the Clark cell. Jl. Phys. Chem., 4, 1900, 1-20. On the Weston cell as a transition cell and as a standard of electromotive force, with a determination of the ratio to the Clark cell. Jl. Phys. Chem., 4, 1900. 339-348. .\n hermetically settled type of Clark standard cell. Phys. Rev., 10. 1900. 2(38-276. On the capacity for heot of water between the freezing and boiling points, together with a determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat in terms of the inter- national electrical units. Experiments by the con- tiuuoustlow method of calorimetry performed in the Macdonald Physical Laboratorv of McGill Universitv. Montreal. [lUOO.] Hoy. Soc. Proc, 67, 1901, 23d-244'. Barnes, lliiiritr.iif r,rA). Barnes, ./|»nda and CephalopohTsiological, and hvgienic conditions produced thereby. [1899.] .Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 26, 1901. 206- 218. On the mottled Carboniferous limestone of Derby- shire. [1900.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 26, 1901. 561-567. See alto Bolroyd & Barnes. Barnes, ■Inmer. On the depression of the fruzing-jsunt in solutions containing hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. Canada Boy. Soc. Proc. A- Trans., 6, 1900 {Sect. 3), 37-54. On the conductivity, specific gravity and surface tension of a4|UCOus solutions containing potasuum chloride and sulphate. [1899.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 10. 1903, 49-66. On the relation of the viscosity of mixtares of soIntioDS of certain salts to their state of ionization. [1899.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. d- Trans., 10. 1903. 113-128. On the calculation of the conductivity of aqui-ous solutions containing bvdrochloric and sulphuric .-leids. [19(X).] N. ScuUa Inst. Sci. Proc. * Trans., 10, 1903, 129-138. Cfn the depression of the freezing-point by mixttues of electrolytes. [I'.tOO.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. 4 Tnins., 1(1, 1903, 1.39-161. Barnes, Joseph. Note on titanic acid as a mordant. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 4. 1888, 310. Comparative gasonietric assaying, with especial refer- ence to the valuation of zinc powder, and the testing of carbonates. Soc. Chem. Ind- Jl., 5, 1886. 14-5-147. On the estimation of organic matter by means of chromic acid. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl.. 15, 1896! 82-84. On the preparation of wal<:-r free from ammonia. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 15, 1896, 254-2-55. Note on the behaviour of alizarin orange in vool- dyeing. [1898.] Soc. Dyers Col- Jl., 15. 1899. 11. The Qse of titanium compounds a.' mordanta and pit-ments. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., !>*, 1899. 1.5-16. Bamea, Juttin L. The influence of the eve on character and career. N. Y- Med. Jl., 61, 1896, 203-208. Barnes, R. II. Heat and dryness of July 26th. Symons, MeteoroL Mag., 20, 1885, 104. Heat and dryness of July 4th. Symons, Meteorol. Mttg., 21. 1886. '89. Excessive terrestrial radiation. [1899.] Symon», Meteorol. Mag., 34, 1900, 54-55. Barnes] 310 f Baron Barnes, B. M. Nesting of the prothonotary warbler. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 37-38. List of birds breeding in Marshall county. 111. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 113-116. Barnes, Ilohert. Notes on snow measurement. Meteorol. See. Quart. Jl., 23, 1897, 62-G3. Barnes, 11'. 7)., Reppert, Fred. [? Feirlinand], & Miller, A[li)!i:o] A. The flora of Sfott ami Muscatine counties. [lilOd.J Davenport Ac. Proc, S. 1901, 199-287. Beirnea, M'illiinn. On the development of the posterior fissure of the spinal cord, and the reduction of the central canal, in the pig. Amer. Ac. Proc, 19, 1884, 97-110. Some new species and varieties of Lepidoptera from the western U. S. Cauad. Ent., 29, 1897, 39-42. New species and varieties of North American Lepidop- tera. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 42-48. Notes on North American diurnals with some additions and corrections to Dr. Skinner's catalogue. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 328-332. Barnes, Jl'iUis L. Dark transit of Jupiter's third satellite. Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 426 ; 10, 1891, 515 ; Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 94-95. Bamett, A. K. Note on the occurrence of " vivianite" in bones found at Deadman's Grave, Sancreed. [1888.] Penzance Soc. Trans., 2, 1884-88, 363-364. Bamett, ./. Dnvies. The mechanical value and treatment of hard and soft coal. [1886.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 4, 1887, 82-91. Bamett, Maurice. The evolution of the storage battery. Franklin Inst. Jl., 141, 1896, 296-307. Bcirnett, Robert E[dward'\. On the viscosity of water as determined by Mr. J. B. Hannay by means of his microrheometer. Eoy. Soc, Proc, 56, 1894, 259-261. Note on the formation of platinio pyrophosphate. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1896, 513-514. . On the preparation of ethers. Phil. Trans. (A), 189, 1897, 103-107. Barnett, Robert K{dwnrd], & Tilden, William Atigustus. Sec Tilden tt: Bamett. Bamett, Saiiiiie! ,7. On the coefticient of absolute rigidity of quartz fibers and its time and temperature variations. Phys. Rev., 6, 1898, 114-120. On the surface tension of liquids under the influence of electrostatic induction. Phys. Eev., 6, 1898, 257-284. Some methods of measuring high potentials with low potential instruments. Elect. Rev., 44, 1899. 9-10. Barnett, Sumuel J., & Merritt, Ernest. See Merritt & Barnett. Barneville. See Brisout de Barneville. Bamewitz, A. Botanische Mittheiluugcn. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, Ixvii-lxviii. Kopfweideniiberpflanzen aus der Gegend von Branden- burg a. d. Havel und Gurlsdorf bei Angermiinde. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, 1-12. Die auf der Stadtmauer von Brandenburg a. H. wachsenden Pflanzen. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, 97-108. Barney, Cliiirles Norton. The tuberculin test in man. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., 2, 1898, 210-215. Barney, George I). Anaemia : its cause and treatment with pepto-mangan (Dr. Gude'k). N. Y. Med. Jl., 62, 1895, 721-724. Phthisis; its etiology and treatment. N. Y. Med. JL, 70, 1899, 86-90. Barney, IV. C. A. G. Bell not the inventor of the magneto tcleiihonc. Telegr. Jl, 23, 1888, 358-359. Barnliart, John Hevdley. Ulmaria Ulmaria (I^.). Torrey Bot. Club Bull, 21, 1894, 491. Family nomenclature. Torrey Bot. Club Bull, 22, 1895, 1-24. On the two editions of EsioRv's Report, 1848. Torrey Bot. Club Bull, 22, 1896, 394-395. Nomenclatural notes. Torrey Bot. Club Bull, 24, 1897, 409-411 ; 20, 1899. 376-380. A new species of Utricularia. Torrey Bot. Club Bull, 25, 1898, 51.5-516. Heteromorphism in Helianthemum. Torrey Bot. Club Bull, 27, 1900, 589-592. Bamick, Otto. Klinische und pathologisch-anatomische Beitrage zur Tuberculose des mittleren und ioneren Ohres. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 40, 1896. 81-122. Ueber Briiche des Schadelgrundes und die durch sie bedingteu Blutungen in das Ohrlabyriuth. Arch. Ohren- heilk., 43, 1897, 23-.52. Untersuchungen von Taubstummen. [1899.] Arch. Ohrenheilk., 48, 1900, 62-78. Bamouvin, Hlenri]. The vegetation of solutions. [7'r.] [1895.] Amer. Micr. .Jl, 17, 1896, 149-150. Causes d'erreur dans la recherche qualitative des alcaloides par I'iodure double de mercure et de potassium. Anvers, Jl de Pharm., 52, 1896, 108-109. Barns, Joint 11'. For biographical notice and works see Geogr. Soc Proc, 12, 1890, 765-766. Barnsby, D[avid]. '[Notes m^teorologiques faites a] Tours. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol, 2, 1869, 66-67. Culture du bacille de la tuberculose sur la pomme de terre. [1889.] Ann. Microgr., [1] (1888-89), 362-363. Note sur les sajous an Jardin de Tours. France Soc. Acclim. Bull, 36, 1889, 114-116. Barnsby, D[avid], & Ziallemant, . De Paction emmeuagogue exercee par les injections de liquide testiculaire. Paris, Soc Biol. M^ra., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 1016-1017. Barnsby, D[avid], A Meunier, lEdouard]. See KSeunier & Barnsby. Bamstein, /'Vn/i»aHrf. Ueber Isobutenyltricarbonsiiure und die unsyrametrische Dimethylbernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 242, 1887, 126-140. Ueber eine Modifikation des von Ritthausen vorge- schlagenen Verfahrens zur Eiweissbestimmung. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 54, 1900, 327-336. See eiho Kellner, 0[.'.'f(zr .Joliaim] {et alii). See also Eiilin, Gustin^ [.4lbert Tlieodnr] {et alii). Bamstein, Ferdinand, Kobler, .llbin. & Zielstorff, ir[///!/ Adalbert Karl]. See Kotiler, Beimstein * Zielstorff. Bamstein, Ferdinand, Kellner, 0[scar J[.iear] T. Notes on the localities visited by [the autlior] in northern Peru and on the Trochilida; found tlicre. Novitates Zool, 4, 1897, 1-10. Baronl 311 [Baroni Baron, /'., ,V Castalgne, J. Contribution A.ri'tiidc ile la piitluiKiiiio (1(! I'lclaiiipsie puc'rjwjrale. Kludu expcri- iiiintiile (111 piissaiic des Hubstiincen tuxi(|UuH du fwtUH k la iiurc. Aicli. M('d. Expi-r., 10, 1898, 1193-711. Baron, Riwul. Influence de la nourriturc dew viiclies Bur 111 composition du lait. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 12, 1884, 'A'i%- 342. La loi de Dki.ikkcf. Bull. Sci. France Belg.,22, 1890, 12.3-137 ; 2.5, 1893, 155-173. Notion, nature et ensei(,'nemcnt des rfiRles de la multiplication. EnaeiHn. Matb., 1 (18991, 317-333. Baron, Itaniil, . [1891.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 61-65. Del posto che occupa la Rohdea japonica, lioth, tra le famiglie vcgctali c sal suo proccsso di impoUinazione. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 53.5-539. — — - Eruramcnti lichenografici. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 192-194. Sopra nlcunc Crittoganic africane raccolte presso Tripoli di Barberia dal Prof. RafTiudlo Si'Ioai. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 239-243. Noterelle crittogamicbe. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 243-245. Riccrcbc anatomichc sul frutto e sul seme di Eugenia mvrtillifolia, DC. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 275-2'h3. Lichenes pedemontuni a cl. Prof. Akcanoem in Monte Cinisio et Monte Rosa annis 187G ac 1880 lecti. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 370-372. Licheni raccolti dal Prof. E. Rodegiier nell' Italia Buperiore. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 70-77. Notizie e osservazioni sui rapporti dei Licheni calcicoli col loro Bostrato. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 136-140. A proposito di una comunicazione di L. Micdeletti che ha jwr titolo : " Ochrolechia parella, var. isidioidea, .U(i..»." [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893. 141-144. Sulla struttura delle glandole liorali di Pachira alba. Pari. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 233-236. Nuova specie di Arisiema. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 515-516. Osservazioni sul poUine di alcune Papaveracee. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 2.5, 1893, 130-135. Ricerche sulla struttura istologica della Rohdea japonica, llolh, e sul suo processo d' imi>olUnazione. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 25, 1893, 1.52-175. [Di una nuova localitA toscana della Cladonia en- divaifolia, {Iii<-k».) Fr., sporifera.] [1893-94.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 38, 49. Sopra alcuni Licheni della China raccolti nella pro- vincia dello Schen-Si settentrionale. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 46-49. [Due forme di Biophytum sensitivum, DC] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 54". Sopra alcune feici della China raccolte dal missionario padre Giuseppe Gikaldi nella proWncia dello Shen-Si settentrionale. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 134-139. SuUe gemme di Corylus tubulosa. Wilhi., deformate da un Acaro. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 177-178. Gigli nuovi della Cina. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 2, 1895, 333-339. Illustrazione di un orto sccco del princi|>e iiella Cattolica, da questi douato a Pier Antonio Micheli nell' anno 1733. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 3, 1896, 439-472. [Mostruosita in un fiore di Cypripedinm spitzerianum, Rchh.] [Italia], Soc. But. Bull., 1897, 65. Osservazioni sopra alcune .\racee cinesi fioritc nel It. Urto Botanico Fioreutino. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 188-191. Sopra due forme nnove di " Hemerocallis " e sopra alcuni "Lilium" della Cina. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 303-307. L' Orto e il Museo Botanico di Firenze nell' anno scolastico 1896-9?. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 4'20-423. Novum genus Compositarum plantarum. Nuovo Gioru. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 431-432. Sulla scoperta in Italia della Spergnlaria segetalis, Fenzl. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull.. 1898, 96-98. [Notizie sulla tioritura di alcune piante della Cina.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 185-186. Sullc piante indicate coi nomi di Alsine e Alsinanthe- mum neir opera mauoscritta "Flora Fiorentina " di P. .\. MicBKLi. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 5, 1898, 341- 352. [Sopra una fioritura anormale nella Deutzia gracilis, Sieb. et Zucc] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 86-88. Baroni] 312 [Barral [A proposito di una pretesa Podostemonacea dei dintorni di Vullombrosa.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 77. [Sopra una nuova localita toscana del Cytinus hypo- cistis, L.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 203. Baroni, Eiitjenin, & Christ, Hermann. Filioes plantseque lilicibus atKnea in Shen-Si septentrionali, prov. Imperii SineusLs, a rev. patre Josepho Gikaldi coUectas. Nuovo Giorn. But. Ital., 4, 1897, 8G-102. i'ilices plnntiEque filicibus affine.s in Shen-Si septen- trionali, pruvincia Imperii Sinensis, a rev. patre Josepho GiK.\LDi collectie. Manipulus alter. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 27-32, 182-184; 1900, 260-263. Baroni, Eiigenio, & Cuercio, G[iucomo] del. Sulla in- fezione prodotta nelle fragole dalla Sphisrella Fragaria\ Sacc. Nuovo Giorn. Bot^ Ital., 1, 1894, 208-21(5, 287. See aho Guercio d' Baroni. Baroni, Etn/enio^ & Bossetti, Corfado. See Bossetti & Baroni. Beironi, (iiulio. Sul metodo ebulUometrico di Beckhann per la determinaziune dei pesi molecolari. Gazz. Chim. Ita!., 23, 1893 {Pt. 1), 263-277, {Pt. 2), 249-291. Baroni, Gndio, & Cavazzl, Alfredo. See Cavazzi & Baroni. Baronio, Giuseppe. For biography and works see Milano, 1st. Lomb. Mem., 17, 1896, 111-131. Barot, .i[lexandre]. Herborisations faites en juiu et juillet 1883 sur les territoires de Chenay, Cbalons-sur-Vesle, Merfy, etc. (Marne). [1884.] Kev. Bot., 3, 1884r-85, ;t7-lil4. Baroulier, . [Bulletin des travaux de chimie executes en 1882-83 par les ing^nieurs des mines dans les labora- toires departemeutaux.] Laboratoire de I'Ecole des Mines de St-Etienne. Ann. Mines, 5, 1884, 136-140 ; 7, 1886, 160-163. Barozzi, J. Tubereulose de I'uterus. ISI, 1898, 230-242. Barp, (xae.) Antonio. *L' inverno Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 1.5, 1881, 19. Barr, Amlreii'. Ueber das Verhalten einiger Harnstoffe der aromatischen Beibe bei hiiherer Temperatur. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 176.5-1770. Nitropheuole und Phenylbydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 14'J7-1.500. Ueber die Uarstellung von Nitramiuen aus Nitro- phenolen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1541-1549. Barr, Archibald. Comparisons of similar structures and machines. {With discussion.] Glasgow, Inst. Engiu. Trans., 42, 1899, 322-360. Barr, Archibald, & Stroud, William. On some new telemeters, or range-finders. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 499-512. Telemeters and range-finders for naval and other purposes. Inst. Mechan. Engin. Pruc, 1896, 33-.59. Beirr, Charles E., Cage, Simon Henri/, & Mercer, .i[ljred] Clifford. See Gage, Mercer & Barr. Barr, J. Miller. The variable star Algol. Observatory, London, 10, 1887, 320-322, 388, 423-424. The satellite of Procyon. Nature, 39, 1889, .510. The system of Gapella. Astrophys. .11., 11, 1900, 248-2.50, 41.5. Barr, James. "On a case of pulsus bigeminus or cardiac couple-ljeat, comi)licated by a quadruple aortic murmur.'' Glasgow Mud. Jl., 3.5, 1891, 220-225. Barr, James Mark. The ball race. Elect. Key., 43, 1898, 769-770. Barr, James Mark, & Fbillips, Charles E. S. A new v.acuum gauge. Electrician, 37, 1896, 822. On the deflection of cathode rays. Electrician, 38, 1897, 498, 530. Barr, James Mark, Beeton, Stanley, & Taylor, C[harles] Perci/. Wave form synthesis. Electrician, 35, 1896, 257-260, 280-290. Arch. Gen. M^d., a Feltre. [1880.] See also Beeton, Taylor it Barr. Barr, James Mark, Burnie, William lieckit, & Rodgers, Charles. On some new methods for the delineation of alternate-current wave forms. Electrician, 35, 1896, 719-721. Barr, Jolin. A record of experiments on flow of water over bell-mouthed pipe.s. [With discussion.] [1899.] Gla.sgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 43, 1900, 50-64. Barr, John ^[., & Henderson, George Gerald. See Henderson & Barr. Barr, Ij., Holman, Silas Wlhitcomb], * Iiawrence, Ralph H. See Holman, Ijawrence iV' Barr. Barr, P[eter], & Moore, Tliomas. See Moore S- Barr. Barr, Tho7nas. On bone-conduction of sound, and the value of Rinne's test in tbe diagnosis of disease of the nervous structures of tbe ear. Arch. Otol., 15, 1886, 330-338; Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 17, 1887, 278-285. Enquiry into the effects of loud sounds upon the hearing of boilermakers and others who work amid noisy surroundings. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 17, 1886, 223-239. The developments of intracranial surgery in relation to purulent diseases of the ear. accompanied by a demon- stration of cases. [1900.] Glasgow Path. Clin. Soc. Trans., 8, 1901, 55-70. Barraclougb, S[amuel] H[enrii]. The tensile and com- pressive strengths of magnesium. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 29 (1896), 453-456. The present position of the theory of the steam engine. [1896.] N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 30. 1897, cxxxi-cxlv. Barraclougb, S[amucl] H[enrij], & Strickland, Tom P[creinil]. Experimental investigation of the flow of water in uniform channels. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 31, 1897, 356-376. Barraclougb, S[amuel] H[enry], & MVarren, W^illiam] H[enrii]. See 'Warren & Barraclougb. Beirradas, Erancisco. Breves apuntes sobre la familia de las Leguminosas. [1886.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 1, 1887,, 130-138. Barral, Eiienne [Victor]. Sur I'hexacblorophenol. Ass. Franf. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 1), 200. Sur I'he.xachlorophenol a. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1894 [Pt. 1), 129. Sur le parabichlorure de benzene hexacblorc et la constitution de la quinone et de rhexachlorojihenol. Ass. Franc,'. C. R., 1894 {Pt. 1), 129; Paris Soc. Cliim. Bull., 13, 1895, 418-423, 423-427. Sur un nouvel octochloroph^nol. Ass. Franr. C. R., 1894 (/'(. 1), 1'29. .Sur un nouveau chlorure de carbone, le bichlorure de benzene hexachlore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1049. Action du pentachlorure de phosphore snr la quinone tetrachloree. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 280-281. Preparation de I'hexachlorophenol. Paris Soc. Chira. Bull.. 11, 1894, .557-560. [Preparation de I'hexachlorophenol o.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894. 675. Formation de quinone tetrachloree au moyen de I'hexachlorophenol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 705-710. Sur la preparation de I'hexachlorophenol et la forma- tion du chloranile aux d(5pens de oe corps. [1894.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 2, 1895, Ixiii-lxv. Recherches sur quelques derives surchlorcs du phenol et du benzene. Lyon Univ. Ann., 9 (Ease. 2), 1896, 128 pp. Action des chlorures d'aeides sur riiexnchlorophonol a en pr(''senco du chlorure d'ahnninium ; formation d'ethers du pentachlorophenol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 340-:i4r). Action du chlorure d'aluminium sur I'hexachloro- Barral] 313 [Barr^ plii'-nol a. PiirU Soc. Cliim. Hull., la. 1896, 3-J5-348; Abb. Franv. C. 11., 1896 (/'/. 1), l.'vl-l.'io. Sur trois octochloruphi^'nolH (triclilorurcH [«iiiji]. Prepara- tion du pentachlorophenol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 822-S2.'). Barral, Elienne [ I'iclor], & Liplne, R[aphael]. See Lipine .V Barral. Barral, Elicnne [Victor], & Morel, .llhert. Preparatinn des clilorocarbonates phenoliques. Paris. .\c. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1578-1581; Paris Soo. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 722-727. Sur quelques chlorocarbonates phenoliques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 21. 1899, 727-728. Barral, .lean .iiiiiiialiii. For biography and works tee Aeronaute. 1884, 19(i; Nature, 30, 1884, 517; Ass. Fraof;. C. R., 1885 (/'(. 1). 27: Termt. K.izli.n.. 17. 1888, 496; France Soc. Agr. Mem., 133, 1889, 3M7-430. Bairrande, ■Indchim. Assign to this author title (Vol. 9) uii I Barrande, J. To biograiihical references (Vol. 12) tuhl Science, 2, 1883. 699-701, 727-729; Amer. Ae. Proc, 19. 1884, 539- 545; Bolini. Ges. Wiss. .Iber., 1884. xii-xxxviii; Geol. Soc. Quart. .11., 40. 1884 (Vroc), 37; Homme, 1, 1884, 147; Leopoldina. 20, 1884. 7.S 82; Lotos, 33. 1884. v- xiii; Neues Jbuch. Min.. 1884 [ltd. 1. lief.), 5 pp.; Rev. Quest. Sci., 16, 1884. 5-71; Termt. Ed'zldn., 16, 1884. .507; Wien. Almanach, 34, 1884, 201-204; Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 5. 1888. 29-33. *Du maintien de la nomenclature etablie par M. MiHCHisox. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R.. 1878. 101-106. Baxrandon, [.4.]. For biographical notice see France Soc. Hot. Bull.. 44, 1897. .524-,52.5. Observatious nouvelle-s snr Ics plantes de la rt^gion mediterraneenne comprise entro le Rhone, les C^vennes et les Pyrenees, et rectifications i\ apporter 4 la Flore de Friii\ce de CiREXiER et Goubon. Nimes Soc. Sci. Hull.. 1897, 106-113. Barrandon, |.l.], i<- Flabaalt, Chorlff. S^,- Flahaalt A Barrandon. Barras de Aragon. .sK Las Barras de Aragon. Barrat, Maurice. Trois cou|)es geologi(iues du Congo trauvais. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 119, 1894, 703-705. R. S. A. C. Sur la geologic du Congo franeais. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 7.58-761. Sur la geologic du Congo Francis. Ann. Mine*, 7, 1895, 379-510. Note Hur les ermosis. [1896.] Jl. Path. Baet.. 4. 1897. 64-<;8. Barratte, [Uiinl'irr]. Les Doronicum scorpioides, IfiUd., et Linum austriacum. /...existent-ils en Algerie? France Soc. Hot. Bull.. 40. 1893. 115-118. Barri, . A Qrlmbert, l./on. See <>riinb«rt >V Baxri. Barri, L. La pluie d'ltoiles filante^ du :.'7 novembrc 1885. Rev. Sci.. 36, 1888, 7.5.5-759. X>a nouvelle etoUe. Rev. Sci.. 37. 1886. 17-18. La meteorolngie [des annies 1hm7-»6, 1«9s ct 1899]. Rev. Sci., 41, 1888, 90-91; 43. 1889. 92: 45. 1890. 60; 47. 1891. 61-62; 4;i. 1892. 91-'.i2; .il. 1893. 1,1-62: 1. 1894. 60-61; 3, 1895. 5h-5'.i : 5. 1896. 90-91; 7. 1897, 59-60; 11. 1899. 123-124; 13. 1900. 119-121. L'abaissement de la temperature en Europe de 1885 a 18H8. Rev. Sci., 44, 1889, .506-507. Les nouvelles petites planetcs. Rev. Set, 49. 189S. 188-189. Mesures micromtl-triques des petites distances celestes. Les dimensions des satellites de Jupiter. Bev. Sci., 3, 1896. 188-189. Les variables c^l^bres dans I'histoire. Ber. Sci., 5, 1896. 253. Ia} cvclone dn 10 septcmbre k Paris. Rev. Sci., 6, 1896. 378-3->0. La temi'ete du 23 au 28 septembre 1896. Bev. Sci., 6, 1896. .■)0>i-.509. Les obstrvatoires astronomiques franvais. Rev. Sci. , 9. 1898. 104-109, 137-143. La vie et les travaui scientifiqnes k I'Obserratoire du Ben-Scvis. Rev. Sci.. lo. 1898. .557-5.59. Barri, L., Viennet, /^'"ij. >V Brandlconrt, Ch. Instru- ments de (ivMiiKV. t)bservations i:- - ■ 1 '<97. Positions conclues de la lune. des i . de L.M..\siiK. d"etoiles de coniparaison ei ires. [1899-1904.] Paris Obs. Ann. [OUn^.f, 1897. C. 1.54 pp.; 1898. C. 152 pp. : 1899. C. 94 pp. ; 1900. C. 104 pp., [;icnl examina- tion. Quart. Jl. Mier. Sci., •Jl",, 1886, (J07-(i21. The present ])0»ition of the Kiiiikebite controyersy. [1892.] Victoria Hoy. Soc. Proc., r,, 1893, 181-1««. Sneezing: fallivcious obseryationH. |1H'.I2.) Victoria Roy. Soc. I'roc, 5, 1893, 187-1!I2. A cii«e of Filaria oculi bumiini. Arch. Ophthiilm., 2.5, 1896, 2!)1-2!I2; Arch. AuRcnheilk., 34, 1897, 2.'55. An excellent yiew of the retinal circulation. [1896.] Nature, .53 (189B-96), .510. A white sea. Nature, .58 (1898), 4!)i;-4<.l7, Gill. Barrett, ■lumps W[illiii luiinghauxeniuna in Wexford. Jl. liot., 25, 1887, 348. Ornithological notes from Co. Wexford. Zoologist, 15, 1891, 170-172. The introduction of the magpie into Ireland. Zoolo- gist, 15, 1891, 247-219. Long-tailed ducks in Wexford. Irish Natlist., 3, 1894, 158. The marten in Ireland. Zoolugist, 18, 1894, 134-142. 187. [On the flight of hawks.] Ibis, 1, 1896, 166. Sahine's 8ni|)e. Gallinago ca-lestis, var. Sabinii. Irish Natlist., 4. 1896, 12-17. Irish mammals. Irish Natlist., 4, 1896, 6.5-72, 85-92, 167. The great auk (.\lca irapennis) as an Irish bird. Irish Natlist., 5, 1896. 121-122. On wild forms or subspecies of Mas mnsculus. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 178-181. [Remains of Myodes lemmus from Portugal.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 304-306. On a variation in the pattern of the teeth of a speci- men of the common field vole. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 598-599. On the existence in Europe of two geographical races, or subspecies, of the common field vole. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 599-603. [Account of a journey to the fur-seal islands of the North Pacific] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897. 190-193. [The Pacific walrus, Trichechua obesus, with obser- vations on the cetaceans and seals of the North Pacific] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 266-267. Notes on the beech-martens of the paliearctic region. Ajin. Mat;. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 441-443. Description of a new sjwcies of hare from Algeria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 422-423. Note on the European dormice of the genera Mus- cardinus and Glis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 423-426. Notes on a visit to north-eastern Kamchatka. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1898, 944-94-5. [Nucifraga kamchatkensis, n. ip., Kamchatka.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 7, 1898, xlvi. Notes on the introduction of the brown hare into Ireland. With additional remarks on other intro- ductions of hares, both brown and blue, in the British Isles. Irish NatUst., 7, 1898. 69-76. The spotted crake in Co. Wexford. Irish Natlist., 7, 1898. 125. Note on the water voles of Bosnia. Asia Minor, and western Persia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. 1899. 223-225. Note on the Sicilian dormice of the genera Kliomys and Glis. Ann. Map. Nat. Hist.. 3. 1899. 22«i-228. Note on the harvest-mice of the pala;arctic region. Ann- Mag. Nat. Hist.. 3, 1899. .311-345. Note on the beech-marten and badger of Crete. .\nn- Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, .38:1-384. On two recently described mice from St. Kilda. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. ,1899, 1>9-I4t1. Notes on bird bones from Irish caves. Irish Natlist.. 8. 1899. 17-18. The introduction of the black grouse and of some other birds into Ireland. Irish Natlist., 8. 1899. 37-13. 230. Extraordinary abundance of herrings in the rivers Snir and Barrow. Lrisli Natlist., 8, 1899, 16.5. 40—2 Barrett-Hamilton] 316 [Barroeta Wood pigeon cooing by moonliglit. Irish Natlist., 8,- 1899 231 Kamchatka. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 15, 1899, 22.5-2.56. [Local colour-variations in Sciurus vulgaris.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 3-6. On the species of the genus Mus inhabiting St. Kilda. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 77-88. [Change of pelage in Lepus variabilis.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 5;i8-599. Note on a possible mode of origin of some nuptial and se.\ual characters in vertebrates. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 47-48. Note on the weasel, Putorius (Ictis) nivalis, Liim., and some of its subspecies. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 41-50. . Note on the common hedgehog (Erinaceus europteus, Liinucvs) and its subspecies or local variations. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 360-368. Further note on the harvest mouse (Mus minutus, Pallas) and its geographical variations. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 527-530. Note on variation in the weasel and hedgehog. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 243-246. Note on exhibition of skulls of antarctic seals. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1900, 792. A suggestion as to a possible mode of origin of some of the secondary characters in animals as afforded by observations on certain salmonids. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 10, 1900, 279-285. Notes on the birds observed during three visits to Kamchatka in 1896 and 1897. Ibis, 6, 1900, 271-298. Notes on the influence of man and civilisation on certain birds. Irish Natlist., 9, 1900, 161. [Dormice of the genus Muscardinus.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 8.5-87. [Lepus timidus, Linn.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 87-92. On a small collection of mammals obtained by Captain De.^sv in south Chinese Turkestan and western Tibet. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 196-197. ■ On geographical and individual variation in Mus sylvaticus and its allies. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 387- 428. Barrett-Hamilton, Gerald E[(lwin] H[amilton], & Bon- hote, John L[eicis]. On two suljspecies of the arctic fox (Canis lagopus). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, ■2S7-2.S'.I. Barrett-Hamilton, Gt'rald E[dicln] ll[antilt{iu], & Clarke, ]]'illinm Eaijle. See Clarke ct Barrett-Hamilton. Barrett-Hamilton, Gerald E[dwin] H[umillon], & Glas- cott, {ilinx) L. S. Plants found near New Ross, Ireland. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 4-8. Plants found near Kilmanock, Co. Wexford. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 87-89. Barrett-Hamilton, Gerald E[(liein] H[umilton], it Jones, II. C. A visit to Karaginski Island, Kamchatka. Geogr. Jl., 12, 1898, 280-299. Beirrett-Hamilton, Gerald E[dwin'] H^amiltori], & IMoifat, C. B. The characteristic plants of Co. Wexford. Irish Natlist., 1, 1892, 156-158, 181-183. Notes on Wexford plants. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 198- 200. Barrett-Hamilton,GeraW£[(?j(i(>i]f/[n)»i7(0H],'-t Thomas, (lldjielcl. See Thomas & Barrett-Hamilton. Barrey, .i. Sur une relation possible entre la frequence des orages et les positions de la lune. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 118, 1894, 306-309. La m(it(;orologie havraise. Eev. Sci., 2, 1894, 314- 315. Barrie, Thomas S[lewort'\. A new process for the deter- mination of potassium itnlide. Pharm. Jl., 11, 1900, 58. The use of sodium peroxide in analysis. Pharm. Jl., 11, 1900, 579. Barrier, Glustuve Joseph Victor]. Sur les veaux cyno- C(5phales. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 213-215. Parturition anormale consecutive h une rupture com- plete et ancienne du col uterin (brebis). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 296-299. Morphologie de la trochlee f^morale cbez les Mam- miferes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 119-121. ;- Role de la corde fibreuse f6moro-metatarsienne dea Equidi5s. Paris, Soc. Biol. Uim., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 847-850. Barrier, G[usline Jn.ieph Victor], & Hayem, Georges. See Hayem A Barrier. Barrieu, /-■. Theorie gen^rale du plus grand commun diviseur et du plus petit multiple commun des nombres commensurables. Nouv. Ann. Math., 14, 1895, 95-101, 165-173, 214-232. Barrillot, [Etienne], & Vignon, Leo. See Vignon & Barrillot. Barrington, Richard Manliffe. "Report on the flora of the shores of Lough Erne. [1883.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884-88, 1-24. *[The remarkable sunsets.] [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 153. Epilobium alsinifolium in Ireland. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 247. Irish breeding-stations of the gannet, Sula bassana. Zoologist, 8, 1884, 473-479. Notes on the flora of St. Kilda. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 213-216. The Manx shearwater on Skomer Island. Zoologist, 12, 1888, 367-371. Trientalis europsea in Foula. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 31.5-316. The great skua (Irestris catarrhactes) in Foula. Zoologist, 14, 1890, 297-30L A list of birds observed in Shetland, June, 1890. Zoologist, 14, 1890, 345-348, 394. W'asps catching flies on cattle. Irish Natlist., 5, 1896, 272. Battle between wasp and spider. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 325. [On rare visitors to Ireland.] Ibis, 5, 1899, 158- 159. Late wasps' nest. Irish Natlist., 9, 1900, 108. See aho tinder M'Carron, Edward. Barrington, Richard ilnnliffe, & Harvie-Brown, John A[lex. Barroeta, (irninrio, .V Martinaz, Emilin A. Obscrviuiiones iii(liiiriil6f;icaH. Htsi'iiinii (.'ciiituI dc Iuk practlcadaB en tl Iristiluto do San Liiin I'otuHi durante el iifio de 1890. [iwy.i.] Mi'-x., Soc. "Alzali'" Mem., 11, 1892 |/{rr. ), 94. Barroll, Oiiilio. Knlla liin^'liezzn nlativa del primo e MC'dnJo ditodel picde iiinaiiii. [ll'illi ilitcumion.] Arch. Antropologift, 15, 1888, 7-Ti, 248--2."j0. Una gita fra i Calabro-AlbuncHi. Arch. Antropolngia, 17, 1887, 257-270. Barrois, CViur/c*. 'Recherches sur le terrain Cretace Hii|ii licur de l'An(;lcterre et de I'lrlande. Nord Soc. Ucol. Miim., 1 (iVo. 1), 1876, 232 pp. 'Oliservations sur la repetition des memes monve- nicnt.i du sol a dc lougs intervalles. Congr. Gi'Ol. Int. C. U. , 1878, 57-59. 'Kecherches sur les terrains anciens des Asturies et de III Oulice. Nord Soc. Geol. Mem., 2, 1882, 630 pp. Kponges hexactinellides du terrain Devoiiien du nord de la France. A.ss. Franr. C. 1!., 1884 {I't. 2), 2f;i. CouihesiiNercitesdu liourg-d'Oucil (Haute-Garonne). Ass. Fran.;. C. It , 1884 (/'(. 2), 2t)2 ; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11,1884.219-22(1. Hoches nit'tamorphiijues du Morhihan. Ass. Frani;'. G. 15., 1884 (/'/. 2), 2(;3-265. Note sur le chloritoide du Morhihan. France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 37-13. Ob.servatioiis sur la constitution g^ologique de la Bretagne. (1884-88.] Nord Soc. G^ol. Ann., 11, 1884, 87-91, 278-285; 10, 1889, 1-11. Sur les gri>.s nRtaniorpbiques du massif granitiquc du Gucmeue. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11, 1884, 103-140. Sur ritage Aptien de la Haute-Garonue. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11, 1884, 227-228. Note preliminaire sur les schistes h Staurotides du Finistere. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann.. 11. 1884, 312-313. Le granite de Kostrenen, ses apophyses et ses contacts. [1884.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 12, 1886, 1-119. Li'gende de la feuille de Granville. [1884.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 12, 1885, 151-157. Sur les tremblements de terre de I'Andalousie; leur Epicentre, la Vitesse de propagation de ri-branlement et la profondeur du centre d'ebranlement. Lille Sue. M<'-m., 14, 1886, 3(19-378; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 12, 1886, 324-332. Sur la structure stratigraphique des nionts du Menez. [1885.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K.. 101, 1886, 129G; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 13, 1886, 65-71. L(5gende de la feuille de Chateaulin. [1885.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 13, 1886, 49-65. Sur le calcaire ii polvpiers de Cabrieres (U^rault). [1885.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 13, 1886, 74-97. Sur la faune de Hont-de-Ver (Haute-Garonne). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann.. 13, 1886, 124-144. Sur le calcaue Devonien de Chaudefonds (Maine-et- Loire). Nord Soe. G, Brest, par Tile de Terenez, la poudritre de Prioly, le Moulin de nier, la I'ointe du Chateau et Porsgnen. Paris, Soc. tieol. Bull., 14, 1886. 672-677. Apervu de la constitution geologique de la rade de Brest. [Willi dUciission.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 678-713. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 23 aoiit, de Quim- iwrle A Pont-Aven et 4 Tanse du Pouldu. [With ebesconte, P[aul]. Massif Armori- cain. Feuille de Bennes. [1894.] France, Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 6, 1896, 30-35. Barrois, Charles, & Ofiret, Albert. Sur la constitution geologique de la Sierra Nevada, des Alpujarras et de la Sierra de Almijara. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1060-1064. Sur la structure stratigraphique de la chaine betique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1341-1344. Sur les schistes micaces Primitifs et Cambriens du sud de I'Andalousie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 174-176. Sur les schistes et gneiss amphiboliques et sur les calcaires du sud de I'Andalousie. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 103, 1886, 221-223. Sur la disposition des breches calcaires des Alpujarras, et leur ressemblance avec les breches houiUfcres du nord de la France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 400-402. . Memoire sur la constitution geologique du sud de I'Andalousie, de la Sierra Tejeda a la Sierra Nevada. Paris, Mem. Savants Etrang., 30, 1889, No. 2, 79-169. Barrois, Jm/i's. Sur le developpement des Chelifer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 1082-1083. [Embryogenie de Chelifer.] [1885.] Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-86), 43-44. Recherches sur le cycle genetique et le bourgeonne- ment de I'Anchinie. Robin, Jl. Anat., 21, 1886, 193-267. Memoire sur la metamorphose de quelquesBryozoaires. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 1, 1886, 1-94; Paris, Hautes Etudes Bibl., 32, 1886, Art. 5, 94 pp. Sur I'embryogenie de la Comatule (C. mediterranea). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 1176-1177. Des homologies des larves de Comatules. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 103, 1886, 892-893. Note sur une nouvelle forme parasite des Firoles, Trichoilina paradoxa (Barrois). Robin, Jl. Anat., 23, 1887, 1-17. Becherches sur le developpement de la Comatule (C. mediterranea). Rec. Zool. Suisse, 4, 1888, 545-651. Une nouvelle conception de I'organisme cestode. [1889-90.] Bev. Biol. N. France, [2], 1890, 18-23, 199. Memoire sur le developpement de Chelifer. [1890.] Bev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96, 461-498. Barrois, Thcod[ore]. Contribution a I'etude des glaudes byssogenes et des pores aquifires chez les Lamelli- branches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 188-190. Les glandes du pied et les pores aquifure.s chez les Barrels] 319 [Barrows LamellibriincheB. Bull. Sci. Nord, 17 (1886), 35-10; Rev. Sci., 3S, 1886, 117-119. Note Hur le PttliiiiioiK'tiiS varians, I. each, suivie de quelques con8idiratioii8 uur la dixtribution K<^'Ogra]ihiqae de ee Crustaci. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 11, 1886, 691-707. Note Bur I'histoire naturclle ilea A'.orcs. De I'adapta- tion de rOrdiestia littorca A la vie terrestre. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 19-22. Kcmaniues sur lo iliiuurpliiHiuc sexuel chez qiiclques Amijhipoiles du genre M(era (.\I. HciHsimana, Cotta, = M. integriiiiiinn, Heller, M. grossimana, Muntiujue, = M. Uonatoi, Heller). France Soc. Zuol. Bull., 13, 1888, r>i-.v.i Sur un Acarien nouveau (Uropoda Orcbestiidarum) commensal dea Talitres et des Urchesties. Lille Soc. Mem., 15. 1888, 327-330. Liste dea KchinodermeB recueillia aux .\<'ores durant lea mois d'aoiU et septenibrc 18S7. [1**H.] Kev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 31-33, 69-7.5, 109-11.5. Lc stvlet criatallin des Lamellibranchea. Kev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 124-Hl, 101-109, 263-271; [2J, 1890, 209-220, 299-311, 351-3.57. Note sur la dispersion dea HvdrachnidcB. Bev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889. 220-22.5. Notes li.vdrachuologiques. i. Bemarquea aur lc Diplodontus acapularis (Dugfs). [ii. De I'identite des Nesa'a uncata, Kirnike, et Neaoea viridis, Koch. in. Sur I'adaptation des Hjdrachnides aux eaux aaumiitrcs. rv. Sur I'identite de IWrrenurns Chavesi, Th. Barroin, et de I'Arrenurua emarginator, O. F. MulUr.] Rev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 393-400, 430-133; 5, 1893, 200- 207. La psorospermose coccidienne ht^patique du lapin dans les garennes du Pas-de-Calais en 1889. Kev. Biol. N. France, [2], 1890, 16I>-1(J8. Sur la prpence de I'Harpacticus fulvus, Fischer, dans le Boulouuais. Kev. Biol. N. France, [2], 1890, 288. Notes de voyage d'un naturaliste k la nicr Morto. [1890-91.] Kev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 44-5-5, 151-158. Sur la presence A Chinon (Indre-et-Loirc) d'une Orchestie terrestre (Orchestia cavimaua, Heller) nouvclle pour la faune fran(;aise. [1890.] Kev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 80. Sur la presence du Lumbricus (Photodrilns) phos- phoreus, Dugis, k Grollliers (Pas-de-Calais). [1890.] Kev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 117-119. Notes preliminaires sur la faune des eaux donees de rOrient. i. Sur trois Diaptomus nouveaux des environs du Caire. Rev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 230-234, 277- 281, 310-318. Sur une curicuse diflormit^ de certAines coquilles d'Unionidees. Kev. Biol. N. France, 4, 1892, 235-239. Description d'un appareil destini a la recherche des orgauismes pilagiiiue,'* par des profondeurs determinces. Rev. Biol. N. France, 4, 1892, 409-470. Liste des Phyllopodes recueillis en Syrie. [1892.] Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 24-39. Sur la profondeur et la temperature du lac de Tibe- riade. Paris, Soc. Ut^o^-r. C. K.. 1893, 449-160. Liste des Dtcapodes tluviatiles recueillis en Syrie suivie de quelques considenitions sur le genre Caridine. Kev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 12.5-134. Sur un nouveau ca.a de Tinia triidre de I'esiWce Tienia saginata, Goeze. Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 421- 432. Contribution & IVtade de quelqnes lacs de Syrie. Rev. Biol. N. France, 6. 1894, 224-312. Quelqnes observations au snjet du Bodo urinarins. Has.< Correa de Barroa. Barros, {padre) ilarcellinu Marqoea da. .Sn BSarqnaa de Barroa, Barros, {cor.) XicoUU. Expedicion [al Chaco. Itioerario de los movimientos diarios de la Coniision expedicionaha.] Argentina, Inst. Cieogr. Bol., 6, 1885, 210-224, 2J5-2J3. Barroa Arana, Diego. 'Apuutes sobre la elnografia de Chile. Santiago de Chile, L'niv. .Vn., 47, 1878, .5-12. .\lguijas palabras sobre la bistoria de la jeogralia a propo'-ito del descubrimiento de America. Santiago de Chile, I'uiv. An., 82, 1892, 4.5;i-171. Barros Borgono, I'ictor. La septicemia quinirjica i la liuctnna de los jcrmenes. Santiago de Chile, t'niv. An., I'.".. 1884, 000-030. Barroso. .See Bonaa Barroso. Barrow, (jeorye. The geologv of north Cleveland. Eng. A- Wales Geul. Sun-. Mem. (.S/i«J 104 S.W. & S.E., nj. 34 cV 35), 1888, 101 pp. On certain gneisses with round-grained oligoclase and their relation to pegmatites. Ueol. Mag., 9, 1892, 64-65. On an intrusion of muscoviie-biutite gneiss iu the South-eastern Uighlauds of Scotland, and its aocom- panving metamorphism. (ieol. Soc. Quart. JL, 49, 1893, 330-350. Un the origin of the crystalline schists. With special reference to the southern Highlands. [1893.] (ieol. Ass. Proc., 13, 1896, 48-49. On the occurrence of chloritoid in Kincardineahiie. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 54, 1898, 149-1-55. Un the unconformity bet«etn the Carb< : 1 the Bunter, with special rif< riuct lo the ( [I'.KW.] N. Staff. Fiti.l (lib i:.p.. 1899-19WV. ,- ■-•. Barrow, (jeoroc. A Fox-Btrangwaya, Charlet Edicard. >'. Foz-Strangways .\ Barrow. Barrow, 'kt^;. . Fox-Strangwaya, tlutrlei KJu-ard. A Cameron, .{[l-n<\ < . i,'r.!„! . .v,- Fox-Strangways, Cameron iV Barrow. Barrow, drorne. Fox-Btrangways, Charlet Edtcard, A' V.eii. L'Umeitt. .So Fox-Btrangwaya, Bald A' Barrow. Barrow, John. For biographical ni'tux xf Mancht^tor Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. A Proc, 4, 1891, 4s5-4>6. Un the microscopical structure of some seeds. [1886.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc., 26, 1887, .58-60. Barrows, .l[r»A«r] F.[dtcaTd], A Tnrmar, Thonuu. Esti- iiiiition of slag in wrought iron. Cnem. Soc. Jl., 61, 1892. .551-0.57. Barrows, .In n<- /iff. Respiration of Oesmognatiias. Anat. Auz., 18, 1900, 461-464. Barrows] 320 [Bartels Barrows, Flranklin] W. The effect of inanition on the sliacture of nerve cells. [1897.] Ainer. Jl. Physiol., 1, 1898, xiv-xv. Barrows, Waller B[radford]. 'Flight of the flying- fish. Science, 1, 1883, 603. Birils of the Lower Uruguay. Auk, 1, 1884, 20-.30, 109-113, 270-278, 313-319. Abnormal coloration in a caged robin. Auk, 1, 1884, 90 ; 2, 1885, 303. Another black robin. Auk, 2, 1885, 303. The sense of smell in Cathartes aura. Auk, 4, 1887, 172-174. The food of crows. [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Bep. , 1888, 498-535. The English sparrow (Passer doraesticus) in North America, especially in its relations to agriculture. Prepared under the direction of Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Ornithologist. U. S. Div. Ornith. Mamm. Bull., 1, 1889, 405 pp. Seed planting by birds. [U. S.] Sec. Agr. Rep., 1890, 280-285. Food of the horned larks or shore larks (Otocoris). [U. S.] See. Agr. Eep., 1892, 193-197. Food habits of the kingbird or hee martin. (Tyrannus tyrannus.) [U. S.] Sec. Agr. Rep., 1893, 233-234. Bbunnich's murre in Michigan. Auk, 12, 1895, 387. The present status of tlie San Jose scale in Michigan. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 9, 1897, 27-29. Notes on the malodorous carabid, Nomius pygma?u.s, Dej. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 9, 1897, 49-53. Beirrows, Waller Ii[railf IloiljtCKOM'h IipMIIBl; (ril6e.ll. KpilKaroa). [The catastrophe of 1883 in the Sunda Straits (eruption of Krakatoa).] [1884.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 65 (No. 1), 1890, 2-3. Barstow, C[harles] .i[ll)ert]. The sensibility of dentine. r.rit. .11. Dental Sifi., 29, 1886, 10-18, 142. Bartalini, Giuseppe. Trasforraiizione di una formula di fisica cristallografica. 118S7.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 17'.)-180. Metodo per determinare 1' indice di rifraziono con grande angolo rifrangente. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.], 5, 1885-87, 181-183. Sulla determinazione delle proprietil ottiche dei cristalli mediantc tro prismi di orientaziono qualunque. Giorn. Miu. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 94-102; 4, 1893, 145-150; Riv. Sci. -Ind., 22, 1890, 45-56; 2.5, 1893, 75-77. Diraostrazioni semplice che non vi posson esser che assi di simraetria 2, 3, 4, 6-nari compatibili eolla legge di razionalita. Riv. Min. Crist., 24, 1900, 59-tll. Beirtalini, Ginsepiie, & Grattarola, Giuseppe. Modifica- zioni apportate ad alcuni strumenti e appareochi da laboratorio. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 113-128. Bartayrfes, [.4/i(oiHc']. *Agenet Espalais(Lot-et-Garonne). Resumes des observations mt^t^orologiques faites pendant les annees 1841 a 1853. France Soc. M^teorol. Annu., 6, 1858, Pt. 1, 39-42. Bartel, A. Zur Bestimmung des Gerbstoftes in Sauer- briihen. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl, 280, 1891, 233-234. Beitrag zur Beurtheilung von Gerbereigebrauchs- wiissern. Dinglers Polyteclin. JL, 299, 1896, 136-144. Untersuchungen uber lohgare Leder und deren Zusammensetzung. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 305, 1897, 65-72, 89-95, 114-118, 138-144, 161-168, 185-192. Bartel, A.. & Scbroeder, [Theodor] J[ulias Reinhold] von. See Schroeder it Bartel. Bartel, A., Schroeder, {'iheodor] J[alias Reinhold] von, & Scbmitz-Dumont, Wlinny]. See Schroeder, Bartel & Schmitz-Dumont. Bartel, .Tulius. Casuistische Mittheilungen. [i. Ein Fall von Cystadenoma papilliferum der Schweissdriisen- ausfiihrungsgange mit Hypertrophic und Cystenbildung der Schweissdriiseu selbst. ii. Zwei Falle von Gyuii- komastie und ein Fall von echter, doppelseitiger Hyper- tro])hie der weiblichen Brustdriise.] Ztschr. Heilk., 21, 1900 {Path. Anal.), 200-214. Bartel, il/rt.T. Ueber eine wenig beachtete Form miserer europiiischen Macroglossa-Arten. Ent. Nachr., 24,1898, 337-340. Eine neue Lasiocampide aus Japan. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 353-355. Ueber zwei neue paliiarkti.sche Lepidopteren-Formen. [1. Notodonta torva, Hb., ah. Fiigei, m. 2. Ein neuer Bastard der GeometridiB.] Ent. Nachr., 20, 1900, 337- 350. Bartels, {■Julius Georij Liidwi;i Karl]. Le poids du cerveau chez les alienes. Homme, 4, 1887, 574 ; Rev. Sci., 40, 1887, 477. Ueber das Gehirngewicht bei Geisteskrauken. AUg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 44, 1888, 180-193. Einfluss von Influenza auf Geisteskrankheit. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 167-169. Bartels, {Repierungsarzt). Klima und Gcsundheits- verhiiltnisse des Schutzgebietes der Marschall-Inseln 1898-[1900]. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 17, 1900, 553-557, 558-560. Bartels, A[mandu.'<], & Jannascb, Paul. See Jannasch lV' Bartels. Bartels, Karl. [Schneefall in den Tiroler Alpen, insbe- sondere auf dem Brenner von Innsbruck bis Gossensass.] [1890.] Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 36 & 37, 1891, 31. Ueber Melanismus bei Kiilern. Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 38, 1892, 22-24. Entomologische Wanderungen in Siidtirol in den Monaten Juli und August 1893. [1893.] Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 39, 1894, 18-19. Bartels, Ma.r [Karl August]. Die geschwanzten Men- schen. Arch. f. .Antbr'op., 15, 1884, 45-132. Ueber die Abnormitiiten der Zahnbildung bei der Hypertrichosis universalis des Menschen. Berlin Natf. Freunde Slier., 1884, 38-46. Ueber eine giftige Spinne des Ilaussalandes (Nord- Afrika). Berlin Natf. Froundo Sber., 1884, 183-186. Em Pseudoschwanz beim Menschen. (Ijipoma pen- dulum caudiforme.) Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 20, 1884, 100-112. Ueber den .Mfenmenschen unil don Biirenmenschen. Ztschr. Ethuol., 16, 1884, (10(;)-(110). Ueber das Variiren von Salanumdra maculosa vom Harz. Berlin Natf. Freuude Sber., 1886, 3-5. Bartelsl 321 IBarth Ueber Skelet-IicRtcn von Ccrvus ouryceron. Berlin Natf. Freiiiide Slior., 1888, 10:i-104. Notiz iibor cinii;c uiftiKi- Tliipre ties HaugHa-Landeii. Berlin Natf. Frcniide SIhi-.. 1888, 134. Mitlliriliiii^rn iiljcr ZwilliiiKHijclmricn bci Basutus. ZtKchr. lUliiiol., IS, 1888, (.•«;)-{.J7). Ueber die Scliwnnznii'iiKclioii von Borneo. 'Mschr. Etliiiol., IH, 1886, (1HH)-(140). Cnltuiflle uiul KftH.-enuiitorHcliieilc in Ke/.iiK aiif ilii- Wundkrunkliciten. [1887.] /t«chr. Etlinol., 20, 1888, 1611-183. Ueber Desijuamation. Berlin Natf. Frcundo Sber., 1888, (>7-6'.». Ein lebendoH gabelscliwiinzigeH Exeni|)lar einer Eidechse (Lacerta agiliH). Berlin Natf. Freunde Sbcr., 1888, G9-72. Ueber die Spiit-Laktation der Kafferf ranen . Ztschr. Ethnol., 20, 1888, (79)-(Sl); 21, 1889, ((;i)-((>2). Eine BookpustScndiing auH Siid-Afrika. (Ueber die Eierzahl bei Heteropoda, up., aus Natal.] Berlin Natf. Freundc Sbcr., 1890, 23-24. Das Nest einer Vogelspinnen-Art aus Stendal (Natal, SUdost-Africa). Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1890, 21- 25. Ueber SchiitzfiirbunR bci Kreuzspinneu. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1891, 1-4. Eine biirtige Dame. Ztscbr. Ethnol., 23, 1891, (243)- (24.5). Sohiidliclie Haupen aus Siidost-Afrika. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1892, fiO-Gl. [Ueber einen jungen Mann] mit abnormer Behaarung. Ztschr. Ethnol., 24, 1892, (215). [Ueber eine] 17 jiihrige Zigeunerfrau mit einem grossen Pigmentmal. Ztschr. Ethnol., 24, 1892, (215)- (21G). Ueber luftgeschorene und iiber wieder ersteliende Wiilder. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sbcr., 1893. 121-124. Beitrag zur Volksmedicin der KafTern und Uottcn- totten. Zt-sclir. Ethnol., 25, 1893, (133)-(135). Photographic eines jungen Manues mit iibcrziihliger medianer Brustwarze. Ztschr. Ethnol., 20, 1894, (201)- (203). Ueber Spiit-Lactation anf Java. Ztschr. Ethnol., 2(), 1894, (379)-(380). Drei Guancbe-Schiidel von Tenerife. Ztschr. Ethnol., 2G, 1894, (450)-(451). Ueber Siebenlinge. Ztschr. Ethnol., 26, 1894, (452)- (453). Ueber einen Menschenschwanz. Ztschr. Ethnol., 26, 1894, (4.13)-(455). [Hiihner-Ei mit zwei Dottern.] Berlin Naif. Freunde Sbcr., 1895. 143-145. Zwii bcmcrkenswerthe Arten des Tbierfanccs in Bosnien und der Hereegovina. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sbcr., 1896, 147-152. Zwei schiidliche Thiere aus dem Innereu von Malilka. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1896, 79-81. Ueber Lactatio serotina in Java. Ztschr. Ethnol., 28, 1896, (110»-(112). Ueber die Spiit-Lactation. Ztschr. Ethnol., 28, 1896, (267)-(270). Photographic eines Fallcs von Dracontiasis. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1898, 1.5.5-1.56. Die Haut einer Python-Schlange. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1898, 199-200. Ein neu aufgefundencs Oclgeiuiilde einer biirtigen Dame. Ztschr Ethnol., 31, 1899. (4.55)-(4.59). Zwei ubcr/alilij;e kleine Finger. Ztschr. Ethnol.. 32. 1900. (541)-(542). BarteU, ('|('i>], .V Roie, Carl. Sfe Bos* \ Bartels. Bartels, I'liiil. Mittbeilung iiber eine ncue Mcthode der Capacitiitsbcstimmung des Schiidels. Ztschr. Ethnol., 28, 1896, (256)-(262). Ueljer eine Ocuonblldung der Arteria reciirrena rndiulix fiir den NervUH radialix profunda*, kombioiert Miit anderen Abnormitatcn. Anat. ileft« (Abt. 1), 1-5, 1900, 20.3-211. Fall von (icHchwuUtbildung bcira Hsushahn. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1900, 70-73. Bart«lt, ./oA. Ueber Thyrojodin. Dorpat Sbcr., 11, 1896, 123 I. 36. Bartcna, [l.iiilwii)]. For biographical notice and worka - . Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 48, 1892, .54C. Leber den EintluHH der Schwungenicliaft auf den Verlauf der Oeisttsstorung. Allg. Zlnchr. Psychiatr., 40, 1884. 573-5H3. BarteD*t«ln, Julnn. /iir Kenntnim der Reactionszeiten. Fniliurg ll.r., 4, 1889. 2IC.I-231. Barter, tMnj.) C[hurUt Si. I.rijer]. Notes on Ashanti. Scott, licogr. Mag., 12, 1896, 441-4.58. Bartet, [.{llt^ric Juteph .llfred Imuii}. Contributions a la g.ographie medicale. Parages dc la mcr Bouge. Arch. Mid. Navale, G5, 1896, 421-450. Bartet, E. Dc I'intluvnce exeroV par I'epoque de I'abatage sur lu production et Ic developpement des rejetn de soucheH dans les taillis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 110, 1890. 1279-1282. Bartet, E., A Vnllleinln, Vnul. Rechercbes snr le riiuye des feuillcs lu |>in s.vlve!i]. Zur Kenntniss der LupuUnsaure (/3-Hopfenbittersaure). Vorlaufige Mittheiluiig. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2022- 2025, 2544. Barth, Heinrich. To biographical references {Vols. 7 & 12) atld Miinchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., 16, 1896, cxxvi-cxxix. Bartb, Hirniunn. Studien fiber den mikrochemischen Nachweis vou Alkaloiden in Arzneidrogen. Arch. Pharm., 236, 1898, 354-367; Bot. Centrbl., 75, 1898, 225-231, 261-257. 292-300, 326-344, 369-378, 401-408. Barth, J. P. J. De laadschappen aan de Boveu-Pinoh. (Wester-afdeeling van Borneo.) Batavia, Tijdschr., 39, 1897, 581-646. Barth, Josef. Eine botaui.sche Exkursion aut die Vle- gyasza. Hermannstadt Verb., 42, 1892, 30-36. Barth, Kurt [Eiiiil]. Beitrjige zur Kenutnis der kom- plexen Salze der sc)nvefligen Saure. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem.. 9, 1892, 176-219. Barth, Kurt [Eiiiil]. & Hefelmann, liiiiJolf. See Hefel- mann & Barth. Barth, Luilwig (RitWr) von Barttaenau. For biography and list of works .ve Ann. di Chim., 12, 1890^ 176; Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 1051; Leopoldina, 26, 1890, 167- 168; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891 (Jief.), 1089- 1115; Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber., 19, 1891, xviii-xxxi ; Wien, Almanach, 41, 1891, 182-185; Moniteur Sci., 6, 1892, 464. Barth, Ludwig (Ritter) von Barthenau, & Herzig, ,7[o,-1M1. Action du bibromnre d'^thyline snr le cyanacetate d'othyle sod^. Ass. Franv. C. R., 1900 {Pt. 1), 151- 152. Sur I'acide cacodylique en toxicologic. [1900.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1899-1900, 28-29. Sur les phosphates ammouio-terreux. [1900.] Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1899-1900, 59-61; Paris Soc. Chira. Bull., 23, 1900, 422-425. Intoxications alimentaires par ingestion d'artichants cuits. Jl. Pharm., 12. 1900, 414-117. Barthe, [.Tosfph Paul] Leonce, & Falliraa, Klie. Prepara- tion des sels de strontium purs. [1892.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7,1893, 104-108; Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1893. xxvi-xxix. Sur I'elimination complete de la baryte dans les sels de strontium. Paris Soc. Chim. Ball., 7, 1892, 473- 475. Riponse i la note de .V. Ccnkpin [intitnl^e : "L'elimination complete de la baryte dans les solutions concentrtes des sels de strontiane est impossible par les movens sulfuriques'^. Anvers, Jl. de Pharm., 48, 1892, 248-2.51. Barthe, [.Jnieph Paul] Lfonce, & Ferri, [.lean Hippolyte] Gabriel [Paul]. De Taction physiologique de quelques molecules organiques cyanogenees (cyanosuccinate de mi^thvle et derivt^). Arch, de Phvsio'l., 4, 1892, 488- 494. Barthe, [.Tnseph Paul] Lionet, A: Bailer, Allj[in]. See Bailer Sc Barthe. Barthe, [.losfph Paul] Lfonce, & Sonlard, /.. Snr la sterilisation des objets de panscment !\ I'hopital Saint- .\ndre de Bordeaux. Jl. Pharm.. 5, 1897. ll>7-170. Barthe, O. Synodischer Monduuilauf und Temperatur. Wetter, 10. 1899. lU-63. Barthe de Bandfort, [£.]. De I'illntation partielle (applications loonies de boues) aux thcrraes de Dax. Bordeaux Soc. Mid. Mom.. 1885. 330-36t). Expose general de la therajwutique de Dax. Con- ference. Dax Soc. Borda Bull., 1886, 303-315. Insuffisance aortique. [With discui$ion.] Bordeaux Soc. MM. Mem.. 1887, 267-289. — — De rasHuciation du bain d'eaax-mires au bain de boues aux thermes de Dax. Aas. Frang. C. B., 1889 (Pt. 2), m-T29. Sur certttineH |)crturbation« dans le niveau de la raer, observees dniis la baic du BruHC. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 12.'), 1897, 06-67. Barthel, Chr. Kinit'e Vcri-uche iiber die Bildung von K.'t^i^Hjture in Milcli durch Milchsiiurebakterien. Centrbl. liakt. (.ibt. 2), 6, 1900, 417-124. Barthelemy, [Pierre] E[u{)eue Gabriel]. .\ml)lTopic doable simalee ; proced^ pour la dejoaer et mesnrtr lacnite risuelle. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 189*, 2^5- 28S. Barthilemy, f\ranroit]. Repertoire des decouvertes pre- historiques dans le departement de la Meurthe. Ass. Franv. C. R.. 1889 (Pi. 2l, 59»-«14. Outil acheuleen deoouvert dans les allavions de la MoseUe. Ass. Franv. C. R.. 1890 (Pt. 2). .596-598. Sar des molaires de mammonth tronvees & Nancy. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull.. 1893. 2.'>-27. Compte r«nda de Texcursion da landi 22 aoOt, de Remiremnnt h Chateau-Lambert par la route des cretes. [lH9s-9y.] Brox. Soc. Beige G^l. Ball.. 1899 (.U^'m.i. 1.50-102. Barthdlemy. ^■[r.iii.-inl. .V Blelcher, [ilarie] G[ustare]. S>. Blcicber .V' BarthUcmy. Barthelemy, r[oiMiarn(]. Sur les anto-ioocnlationg da 41—2 Barthelemy] 324 [Bartlett chancre syphilitique. Ann. de Dermatol., 6, 1885, 200- 202, Etiologie et traitement de I'acn^. Arcb. Gin. M^il., 164, 1889, 641-(jn2. Notes sur la grippe epidemique de 1889-90 et princi- palement sur les eruptions syniptoruatiques ou rash de la grippe. Arch. Gen. Metl., 166, 1890, 283-297. De I'acnitis ou d'une variete sp^ciale de folliculites et lifrifollieulites generalis^es et diss^min^es. Ann. de Dermatol., 2. 1891, 1-38. Contribution a I'asepsie dan.s la therapeutique hypo- dermique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 423. . Du dermographisme. Progres M^d., 17, 1893, 2-8, 2.5-29, 49-53. Statistique v^u^r^ologique. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 528-542. Note sur les ^ph^lides (ephelides et nasvi). Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 774-776. Aenitis et folliclis. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 856- 868. Bartbileiny, Tloussaivt], & Balzer, F[elix]. See Balzer & Barttailemy. Bartli^leniy, T[oiiHsaint], & Jacques, G[ubriel]. Nouvelles recherches sur les " langues blanches" (leucoplasies, syphilis, cancer). Congr. Int. M^d. C. R., 1900 {Vol. 9), 502-548. Barthelemy, T[o-222. Nuevos Lepidopteros de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 84, 1893, 813-834. Monogratia de los Elat(''ridos de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 98. 1897, 779-.MG0. Bartley, E[lias] //[iii/.«()n]. Indigestion and intestinal catarrh in infants. [With discmsion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 40, 1884, 58-02, 77-79. Modern adulterations in foods, and their relations to disease. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 44, 1886, ei-52, 57-03. A raiiid and eas.v method of estimating urea in urine. Amer. Chtin. Soc. Jl., 12, 1890, 283-284. (rlucose and cane-sugar as foods. N. Y'. Med. Jl., 01, 1895, 492-194. Albumin testing. N. Y. Med. Jl., 64, 1896. 425-126. The rapid estinmtinn of uric acid in urine. Amer. Cheni. Soc. Jl., 19, 1897, (149-6.")6. Bartley, Kduurd. The building timbers of Auckland. 11885.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 18, 1886, 37-11. Bartley, .V. The tirst discovery of gold in Queensland. [I8S7.1 Queensland Koy. Soc." Proc, 4, [1888], 114-118, I24-12S. Bartllng, . Beobachtungen meteorologischer Er- scluinungen. Ann. der Hydrogr., 26 (1898), 230. Bartoli, .id'ilfo [Giuseppe]. For biography and list of works «f^ Catania .\cc. Gioen. Bull., 44 .t 45, 1896, 23- 28; Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 16, 1896, 8H-,S9 ; Nuovo Ciniento, 4, 1896, 211-224; Kiv. Sci.-Ind.. 28, 1896, 102- 104, 128-140; Spettrose. Ital. Mem.. 2.5, 1896. 214-216. "Espericnza da lezione per diniostrnre un teorema di RiF.M.\sx sulla elettrostatica. Nuovo Ciniento, 13, 1883. 209-213. Sopra un apparecchio da lezione per dichiarare il prinio principio di termodinamica. Nuovo Cimento, 15, 1884, 18-22. II calorico raggiante e il seeondo principio di termo- dinamica. Nuovo Cimento, 15, 1884, 193-202. Relazione fra la conducibilitA elettrica e la composi- zione dei carboni di varie specie. Nuovo Cimento, 15, 1884, 203-210. Sopra on singolare fcnomeno oKservsto nel misurare la conilucibilitA elettrica doll' etalio. Nuovo Cimento, 16. 1884, 70-74. luturno ail una relazione fra la temperstura critica e la teni))cratura di ebullizione ordinaria, ilata dal sig. I'awi.kwhki c dal sig. NaI'Kjdine. Nuovo Cimento, 16, 1884. 71-78; 20, 1886, 139-140; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1888. 510-543 [I'art I oulij]. - l»i varie ipotesi per mi-tiere d' accordo i resuitati dclla tooria del raggiameiito col seeondo principio di termo- dinamica. Hiv. Sci.lnd., 16, 1884. 224-226. I volumi molecolari e le dilatazioni dei liquidi alle temperature corrispondenti. Itoma, H. Ace. Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, .577-630. La conducibilitA elettrica delle combinazioni del carbonio. Koma, K. Ace. Lincei Trans., 8, 1884, 334- 337. Sulla permeabilitA del vetro ai gas. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Trans., 8, 1884, 337-340; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1888, 541-54H. Sulla coesistenza di fonnule empiriche diverse, ed in ispecic su quelle che contengano la cOHtanto capillare dei liijuidi o la coesione dei solidi. Roma, R. Ace. LiiK-ei Trans., 8, 1884. 340-343, 3.59-362. .Su la conducibilitA elettrica delle combinazioni del carbonio ed in is|iecie sulla conducibiliti delle ammidi, dei nitroderivati, ecc. , ecc. Roma, li. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 546-550; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1886, 392-397. La conducibilitii elettrica delle mescolanze di com- binazioni organiche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1888, 550-.5.55. La conducibilita elettrica di alcuni composti organici, alio stato solido. Itoma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1888, 569-572; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1888, 400-403. Sulla di]iendenza della conducibilita elettrica della dietilanmiina dalla temperatura. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1886, 572-573, 884. La conducibilitt't elettrira delle resine. Roma, R. Aoc Lincei Rend., 1, 1886, .586-590. DensitA di un solido in cni entrano tutti i corpi semplici e suo confronto con la densiti media della terra. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1. 1888, o96-5'.i9. Sulla dipendenza della couducibilitj'i elettrica dalla temperatura nelle soluzioni degli alcoli C,Hj,.50 nei liquidi poco conduttori od isolanti. Boma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 2. 1886 (.SVm. 2), 122-129. JjtL conducibilitA elettrica al punto critico. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 (SVm. 2), 129-131. Su la conducibilita elettrica delle combinazioni del carbonio alio stato liquido, ed in ispecie su la conduci- bilita delle combinazioni dei radicali acidi cogli alogeni, degli solfocianati, degli isosolfocianati. dti nitrili, degli solfuri e delle combinazioni organometalliche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend.. 2. 1886 (Sent. 2), 132-135. Se p<'r r evaporazione di alcuni liquidi conduttori e molto volatili si abbiu sviluppo di elettricita. Catania Ace. (iiwu. Bull.. M, 1889. 10-11. Sul'a con.lueibilita elettrica di alcuni roe«cogli naturali di composti organic! ed in particolare sulla condueibiliti\ elettrica degli olii, dei grassi, delle cere, delle essenze, dei balsamie delle resine. [1889.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti. 2, 1890. 4.5-80. SnI calore spcciSco 6no ad alta tempetatora delle lave deir Etna e di altri vulcani. Catania Ace. Gioeo. Atti, 3, 1891, 61-66. - Misura della potenza chimica delle radiazioni solan. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 16, 1891, 12-16. Sul calore specifico fino ad alta temperatura di alcune roecie e minerali della Sicilia. Nuovo Cimento, 30, 1891, 231-235. Spiegazione delle anomalie che presenta la conduci- bilita elettrica dell' etalio. Catania Ace. Gioen. Ball.. 23 A 24, 1892. 12-13. Bartoli] 326 [Bartoli La conduoibilita elettrica di alouni liquidi molto viscosi dopo raffreddamenti rapidi, e dopo lenti raffredda- menti. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 26-28, 1892, 4-5. Suir equivalente meccanico del calore (revisione delle determinazioni eseguite nel 1879). Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 26-28, 1892. 10. Sulla costituzione degli elettroliti e sulle variabilita del loro ealore specitico col variare della tempeiatura. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 26-28, 1892, 1.5-16. Sulla temperatura delle lave dell' attuale eruzione dell' Etna. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 29, 1892, 2-4; Kiv. Min. Crist., 12, 1892, 61-63; Riv. Sci.-Iud., 24, 1892, 218-22(1. Suir eruzione dell' Etna, scoppiata il 9 luglio 1892. Monoalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 169-179. Sul calore specilico fino ad alta temperatura di alcune roccie della Sicilia. Nota ii. [1893.] Riv. Min. Crist., 12, 1892, 56-60. Etna. lUoncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 11. Sulla trasmissibilita delle radiazioni solari attraverso r atmosfera carica di cenere vulcanica, nell' eruzione deir Etna del 1892. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 7, 1894, Mem. 15, 6 pp. Sulla dipendenza della condueibiliti elettrica degli eteri composti dalla temperatura. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 27, 1894, 490-503; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 156-172. SuUo state deir Etna dopo la fine della grande eruzione del 1892. Monoalieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 33-35. Di alcune receuti misure calorimetriche ed in particolare della misura del calore solare. Nuovo Cimeuto, 35, 1894, 239-242. Sulla conduttivitii elettrica di alcuni composti in prossimitil della temperatura critica. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 246-248; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 1), 205-207. Intorno all' uso del metodo del raffreddamento nella misura delle quantita di calore. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 787-795. Sulla dipendenza del calore specifico dell' anilina dalla temperatura e sugli errori clie porta 1' impiego di questo liquido nelle determinazioni calorimetriche. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 1032-1041 ; Nuovo Cimento, 2, 1895, 347-356. Su la compressibility degli idrocarburi C„H.,„^2- Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 1141-11.52; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 1), 466-471. Sulla sceUa dell' uniti di calore. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 99-106. SuUo spostamento dello zero dei termometri calori- metrici in seguito a un precedente risoaldamento. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 247-254. Sopra alcuni dati termici riguardanti la fisica terrestre (misura della temperatura, della capacity calorilica delle lave e del calore da loro emesso nelle eruzioni). Studi sperimentali. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 363-376. Bartoli, Adotfo [diusejipe], & Iiungo, Carlo del. Etna. La fine dell' eruzione dell' Etna, [gennaio 1893]. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 28-29. Bartoli, .idulfo [O'liiscyy/jc], & FapasogU, Gionjio. *Su la clettrolisi delle soluzioni di fenolo con elcttrodi di carbonc e di platino. Nuovo Cimento, 13, 1883, 185- 208; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 90-104. Sopra un nuovo elettromotore fondato suUa ossida- zione a freddo, del carbone. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1886, 85-90. SuU' ossidazione dei oarboni di diversa specie per via degli ipocloriti alcalini e su i jirodotti di tali ossidazioni. Nuova contril)uzione alia istoria del oarbonio. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1886, 446-459. Elettro-siutesi di alcuni nuovi interesaanti composti derivati dal mellogeno per incompleta ossidazione. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 461-474. Sintesi di alcuni nuovi composti che derivano dal mellogeno. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 590- 596. Sulle diverse forme che prendono i corpi nel di- sciogliersi entro un liquido indefinito e in particolar raodo sulle forme che assumono il ghiaccio e i sali nel- 1' acqua, i corpi attaccati dal liquido che li circonda e gli elettrodi positivi di metallo oppur di carbone e sulla notevole iuHuenza dell' ossigeno dell' aria in quests ultime azioni. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Meiii.), 7, 1886, 134-142. Synthase de I'acide melliqne et des autres acides benzo-earboniques en i^lectrolysant I'eau avec des electrodes de charbon. Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 349-364. Sur la composition et les proprietes du mellogene, corps obtenu par ^lectrosynthfese. Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 364-374. Nuova contribuzione alia istoria del carbonic. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Topc. Atti (Mem.), 6, [1892,] 30-36. Bartoli, Adolfo [Giuseppe], & Somigliana, Carlo. Intorno all' uso del metodo elettrico per misurare le temperature e le quantita di calore. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend. , 29, 1896, 27-5-278. Bartoli, Adolfo [Giuseppe], & Stracciati, Enrico. Sul calorico specilico della mellite. Nuovo Cimeuto, 15, 1884, 5-18. Intorno ad alcune formule date dal sig. D. Mende- LEEFF per esprimere la dilatazione dei liquidi e dai sigg. T. E. I'hobpe ed A. W. Ruckek per calcolare la tempera- tura critica dalla dilatazione termica. Nuovo Cimento, 16, 1884, 91-104; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 384-389. Le temperature critiche e i volumi molecolari ai gradi critici per gli idrocarburi C„H2„.^„ dei petrolii di Pensil- vania. Nuovo Cimento, 16, 1884, 101-109; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 548-553; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 390-393. Le proprieta iisiche degli idrocarburi C„H.,„ + 2 dei petroh. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 643-671; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 417-445; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 37.5-383. Sopra alcune relazioni stabilite dal sig. De Hees fra la dilatabilita e il punto di ebullizione dei composti di una stessa serie omologa. Nuovo Cimento, 18, 1885, 107-111. Sulla dilatazione termica di un mescuglio di due liquidi, dedotta dalle dilatazioni dei componenti, com- binando una nostra formula con un' altra del sig. Pawlewski. Nuovo Cimeuto, 18, 1885, 111-114. In quali casi sia applicabile una rcgola data dal sig. Grosh.\ns per calcolare le temperature corrispondeuti. Nuovo Cimento, 18, 1885, 193-194. Revisione di alcune misure calorimetriche. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 541-546, 573-575. ■ Reply to the observation.s made by Messrs. T. E. Thorpe and A. W. Rucker upon [the authors'] essay entitled "Intorno ad alcune formule date dal sig. Mendele.ieff e dai siggn. T. E. Thorpe e A. W. Rucker per calcolare la temperatura critica della dilatazione termica." Phil. Mag., 22, 1886, 533-534. • Sul calore specilico dell' acqua liquida a diverse temperature. Revisione delle esperienze calorimetriche. Catania Aec. Gioen. Bull., 7, 1889, 3-7. Misure del ealore solare, fatte in Italia dal 1885 in poi. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 7, 1889, 7-14. Sulle formule esprimenti la tensioue dei vapori saturi in funzione della temperatura. [1889.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 2, 1890, 1-43. Misure actinometriche del ratTreddaniento notturno eseguite sull' Etna. Nota preliminare. [1890.] Catania Aoo. Gioen. Bull., 16, 1891, 2-5. Sul calore specidco dull' acqua. (Risultati tinah. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 18 A 19, 1891, 25-28. Bartoli] 327 [Barton Furmuln cini)irica pel ciilorc Kolnre. Cntiiniii Ace. Oiovii. Atti, 4, 1892, Mem. 0, 16 pp.; Nuovo Ciniento, 31, 1892, 19.V2IW. II ciilorc «|ii'(;ilico dell' acqtin. Catania Ace. Uiucn. Atti, 1, 1892, Mim. 7, '.Mi pp. Hill ciiIorL- Hpecilico dill' iifijua Bopradisa. Catania Ace. GiiHMi. Hull., 2.1 >t 'J-l, 1892, D-IO; Nuovo Ciiuento, 31, 1892, l.i3-13u. Nuovo nictodo di iiiihura del calore Bpccifieo dci liipiidi, 0 del potere asBorbeiite dei solidi per le riidiazioui solari. Catania Ace. Oioen. liull., 2A A 2-J, 1892, 10 12. Sulla correzione dovuta al talTreddauiento nellc niisure ciiloiimetriclie. Catania Ace. Gioen. Hull., 26- 28, 1892, 1. Kulla variiiLilitiV del calore spccifieo del mercuric con la tcniperatuia. Catania Ace. Uioeu. Bull., 26-28, 1892, U. Kiduzione dei calori Bpecifici dell' acijua fia 0° e 31° al termonietro a idroKeno. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Hend., 26, 1893, 517-522. Misure actinometriehe del rallreddaniento notturno esCKuito suir Etna. Uiv. Sci.-Ind., 2.5, 1893, 81-84. Hulle corie/.ioni lU'lle unsure di terniochiuiiea. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, I't. 2), 132-437. II calore specitico dell' acqua sotto volume costante. Milano, lat. Lomb. Rend., 27, 1894, .524-527. Suir assorbimento delle radiazioni Bolari dalla nebbia e dai cirri. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Itend., 27, 1894, .592- 602; Nuovo Cimento, 30, 1894, 287-297; Kiv. Sei.Iud., 27, 1896, 24-35. Nuove misure del calore specifico del mercnrio fra 0' e +30°. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Uend., 28, 1896, 409-479. Sul calore speeitico di alcuni metalli (i)latino, argento, Bta^nt), piombo, ramc). Milano, Ist. Lomb. liend., 28, 1896, 524-528. Sul calore specifico a volume cOBtante degli idrocar- buri C„H.,„+.> dci petroli di Pensilvania. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Ue'nd.", 29, 1896, 157-159. Bartoli, Adolt'u [diiifeppe], Btracclatl, Enrico, & Baffo, Giiiifii. Misure pircliometrielie eseguite durante I' eclisse Bolnre del 16 aprile 1893. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 8, 1896, il/fHi. 2, 13 pp.; Nuovo Cimento, 1, 1896, 70-8(5. Bartoli, Adoliit [(Husfppe], Btracclatl, Knricti, Baffo, (I'li/iAi, & Fettlnelll, I'urifino. Studi pirelinmetrici fatti nel 1H'.I4 sullo Stelvio e loro coufronto con quoUi conipiuli suir Etna. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1896, .583-599; Nuovo Ciinentci, 2, 1896, 5-17; Men- tali, li Oss. Boll., 15, 1896, 57-03. Bartolottl, Pirtro. Di alcune esperienze dirette a prepa- rare il jodalio. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti [I'roc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 157-158. Suir cssenza di Mvrtus communis. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tose. Atti (iVor. ]'irh.), 7. 1889-91, 182-183; Gazz. Chim. Ilal., 21, 1891 (/''■ 1). '270-283. Azionc del pentacloruro di fosforo snlla metilidroco- toina e sulla metilprotocotoina. [1892.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem.. 2, 1891, 429-433 or 157-161; Gazz. Cbim. Ital., 22, 1892 (/'(. 1), 498-503. Derivati dell' isapiolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 [Pt. 1), 5.58-500. Kamiila e rottlerina. Roma, B. Aec. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (SVm. 1), 571-576; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894. Pt. 1), 1-7. Azioue del permanganato potassico e dell' acido jod- idrico e fosforo rosso sulla rottlerina. [1895.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, /'(. 2), 480-484. Derivati del benzofenone. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 2), 433-441; 27 (1897, Pt. 1), 280-288, (Pt. 2), 18-25; '28 (1898, Pt. 2), 283-'290 ; 30 (1900, Pt. 2), 2'24- 229, 229-234. Triclorotrimetilfloroglucina e triclorotrimetilpirogal- lolo. [1890.J Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, Pt. 1), 289- 291. Appareochio di laboratorio i>er la preparazione del ga* cui petroli leggieri. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, /'(. 2), 33.5-347. Bartolottl, I'lelro, A Angall, Augelo. Ste Anc«U & Bartolottl. Barton, [lifinri' .llrxuniler]. A new navigable balloon. A. r..iiaiit. .11., 3, 1899, 73-74. Barton, Ilollina-ya elegans. [1893.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [12 (1892-931], 105. Barton, /.'. L. A panther eating a panther. Bombay Nut. Hist. Soc. Jl., 6, 1891, 274-276. Notes on thecccentricilifs of a dog. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 310-313. Babmeen fishing in B>-08. A systematic and structural account of the genus Turbinaria, I.amx. [1891.] Linn. Soc. Trans. {Hot.), 3, 1888-94, 21.5-'2'26. A provisional list of the marine Algie of the Cape of Barton] 328 [Baruch Good Hope. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 53-56, 81-84, 110-114, 138-144, 171-177, 202-210. Note.s ou Bryopsis. Jl. Bot., 33, 1896, 161-162. Cape Algai. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, l'.)3-198, 458-161. Welwitsch's African luai'ine Algae. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 369-374. On the Btrueture and development of Soranthera, Post, et Rupr. [1898.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 33, 1897- 98, 479-486. On the fruit of Chnoospora fastigiata, J. Aff. [1898.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 33, 1897-98, 507-508. On Notheia anomala, [Iiirv. et Bull. [1899.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (But.), 34, 1898-1900, 417-425. On the forms, with a new species, of Halimeda from Funafuti. [1900.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 34, 1898-1900, 479-482. Barton, Ethel Surel, & Murray, George. Sec Murray A Barton. Barton, G[eorge] E[stes]. Methods for the examination of glycerol for use in the nitroglycerol manufacture. [1894.] Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 277-280. Arsenic in glycerol. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl. , 17, 1895, 883-890. Ou the manufacture of dynamite. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 19, 1897, 500-509. Volumetric apparatus. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 20, 1898. 731-739. Barton, George H[unt]. Notes on the lava-flow of 1880- 81 from Mauna Loa. Science, 3, 1884, 410-413. Glacial origin of channels on drumlins. [1894.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 6, 1895, 8-13. Evidence of the former extension of glacial action on the west coast of Greenland and in Labrador and BafBn Land. Amer. Geologist, 18, 1896, 379-384. Glacial observations in the Umanak district, Green- land. JL Geol. (Chicago), 5, 1897, 89-92. Barton, George H[u!>t], & Crosby, IVilliam 0. See Crosby & Barton. Barton, J[ames] Kingston. A contribution to the anatomy of the digestive tract in Salmo salar. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, 29-5-300. Bartonec, J'V. Ulozenie galmanu na drugorz§dnem iozy- sku. [Galmeivorkommen auf secuudiirer Lagerstiitte.] Krak6w Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 23, 1889 (C:. 2), 182-184; Wien, Geol. Verh., 1889, 143-145. Bartoniek, tji'za. Az eg szokatlan pirossaga. [Remark- able redness of the sky.] Termt. Kozlou., 16, 1884, 49-61. A radiofbnia. [Badiophony.] Termt. Kozlon. , 16, 1884, 331-342. Uj mddszer a hangterjedes sebess^g^nek meghataro- ziisara a szabad levegoben. [Ueber eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit des Schalles.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 4, 1886, 153-165. A hangterjedes sebess^genek mer(;ser6k [Ueber die Messung der Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit des Schalles.] Termt. Kozlon., 20, 1888, 203; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 6, 1889, 436-437. A Konig- es a Kundt-fele manometer-modositiVsa. [Moditikationen an akustischen Manonietern.] [1S88. ] Termt. Kozlon. , 20, 1888 (Siipiil.), 140-142; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 6, 1889, 401-405. Az elektromoss.-lg us a fcny ielens(5geiuek rokons4ga. [Electricity and its relationship to tlie phenomena of light.] 1 1889.] Termt. Kozlon., 21, 1889, 353-370; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 7, 1890, 217-219. Bartorelll, [.-lutonio]. Sopra il coniportamento dell' allii- niiiiio come elcttrodo. lliv. Sci.Ind., 32, 1900, 213. BartoB, ]l'[eiizil]. Ueber die Ziisamnu'nsetzung der Zue- ki'iriibe in verschiedenen I'erioden iluer Vegetation. [1897.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Biihm., 21, 1896-97, 503-513 ; 22, 1897-98, 99-114. Ueber die Ursachen des Vorkommens vou sogenann- ten " Trotzern." [1898.] Ztsclu'. Zuckerind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 456-461. ■ Ueber die Wurzelkropfbildung bei der Zuckerriibe. [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 82-97. Einige BeobacbtuJigen iiber die Herz- und Trocken- fiiule. [1899.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 323-330. Bartosevic, S[t(inhlav'\ T[elesforovic]. Die feuerfesten Wattepfropfeu fiir die bakteriologischen Probirglaser. Ceutrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 212. Zur Frage iiber das quantitative Verhalten der Schwe- felsiiure und der Aethersehweftlsiiuren im Haru bei Diarrhoen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Darmfiiulniss. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 17, 1893, 35-62. Bartow, Edwitrd. Microscopic comparison of samples of white arsenic. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 9, 1900, 255-257. Bartow, Eilword, & Macomb, .Johii Novnrre. Table for the calculation of analyses. [1897.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 6, 1896, 59-60. Bartram, George H. On a source of error in the deter- mination of nitrates in water by the phenol sulphonic acid method. Franklin Inst. Jl., 131, 1891, 385-386. Bartrum, Clement 0. [On the soaring of birds.] Nature, 42, 1890, 457, 637. An open-scale barometer. Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 7, 1894, 553-556. [Chance or vitalism?] Nature, 58 (1898), 545. Bartsch, E. Zur differentiellen Diagnostik der Erkran- kung des schalUeitenden und schallemptindenden Ap- parates. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 15, 1886, 110-123; Arch. Utol., 15, 1886, 144-159. Bartsch, F[ritz], & Stoermer, R[k-!tard]. See Stoermer & Bartsch. Bartsch, Paul. Notes on the Cretaceous flora of western Iowa. [1896.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 3, 1894-96 (No. 4), 178-182. Uria lomvia, an addition to the Avifauna Columbiana. Auk, 14, 1897, 312-313. A few notes on the Avifauna Columbiana. .\uk, 14, 1897, 326. Xema Sabinii and Chordeiles virginianus Seunetti. Two additions to the Iowa avifauna. Auk, 16, 1899, 86. Ammodramus Nelsoui in Iowa. Auk, 16, 1899, 276- 277. Va.Ttscix, Stimn ( = Samuel). *Korcscs6rii seregely. Stur- nus vulgaris, L. Sturnus vulgaris mit difformem Schuabel. Termr. Fiiz., 1, 1877, 76-77, 118-119. *Az Astacus leptodactylus, Esch., taplalkozasi es emesztesi szervei. Anatomiai tanulmiiuy. Die Erniih- rungs- und Veidauungsorgane des Astacus leptodact.ylus, E.'icli. Anatomische Studie. Termr. Fiiz., 2, 1878, 21- 28, 61. *Az Astacus leptodactylus. Each., ivarszervei. Die Fortpflanzungsorgane des Astacus leptodactylus, E.ich. Termr. Fiiz., 2. 1878, 137-141, 190-192. Bartscht, .-Imbros. Biologisches iiber Hvpopta offistrum, lib. Wien. Ent. Ver. Jber., 5, 1895, 23-24. Bartuska, Kurt. Haliaetus albicilla. Mitth., 9, 1885, 299. Bernicla torcjuata in Siidbiihmeu. Mitth., 11, 1887, 73. Beiruch, ./[osi'y/i]. Zur Constitution der Behenolsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1867-1872. Ueber die Constitution der Stearolsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 172-176. Nachtrag zur Spaltung der Behenolsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 176-177. Baruch, ,l\o.seiih], & Holt, .[[rttiur]. See Holt A Baruch. Baruch, Ma.e. Aus der Kryptogiimcn- Flora vi'U I'ader- boni. Westfiil. \er. Jber.,' 1898-99, 92-109; 1899-1900, 75-95. Zwei Pflanzen-Monetrositaten. Deutsche Bot. Meohr., 17, 1899, 64-66. Wien Ornitli. Ver. Wien Ornith. Ver. Baruchl 329 I Barus Baructa, Mur, A- Nolle, . Flora voii railcrborn. Wcstfiil. V.r. .Ilipi-., 1893 94, 'JHe 245: 1894 98, 207 "ilS; 1898 96, 177-1*-!); 1897 98. llll I2f. ; 1898-99, 01. Baruch, Simmi. Tlio pn viiitioii of |iiK'rp('riil infection. A Ktuily (if iintisoptic pniirticn in tlii' inutcriiity liospitalK uf I'liri-, I'raKiii', IkTlin. I'lirnia, (IIhhi^ow, Co|>ffnhH|{i'n, anil New York. N. Y. Mod. .11.. H!), 1884, 322-327. Thr lliirapentic Kinniliciincc uf tlif cervical fullicleK. N. Y. Meera- turo in case of liquids. Amer. Jl. Sei., 38, 1889. 407-408. Die Ziihigkeit der Gase bei liohen Temperatnren. Ann. rhys. Chem., 36, 1889, 35H-398. The viscous effect of strains mechanically applied, as interpreted by Maxwkll's theory. Phil. Mag., 27, 1889, 155-177. On the thermo-clecti ic measurement of high tempera- tures. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., So. 54. 1889, 313 pp. A methocrature boiling points. Phil. Mag., 29, 1890. 141-1-57. The chance of the order of abw)lute visc/>Kity encoiin tereil on passing from fluid to holid. I'hil. Mag., 29, 1890, 337 ;«5. The isometrics of liquid matter. Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 3:«-3t;i . Note on the variation of molecular pressure. Amer. Ac. I'roc, 26. 1891, 313 325. The compressibilitv of hot water and its solvent action on gla*s. Amer. Jl. Sii., 41, 1891, 110-116. The continuity of solid and liquid. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891, 125-147. The solution of vulcanised India rubber. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891. 3.59-369. The contraction of molten rock. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891, 498-49;i. The chemical equilibrium of solids, in its relation to pressure and to temi>erature. Phil. Mat'., 31, 1891, 9-35. A comparison of the Bourdon, the Tail, and the .\niai:at high-pressure gauges. Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 400-406. The viscosity of solidg. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., .Yo. 73, 1891, 139 pp. The volume lag and its bearing on molecular consti- tution. Amer. Chem. Jl., 14 (1892), 191-202. The relation of melting point to pressure in case of igneous r(x;k fusion. Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 56-57. The change of heat conductivity on passing iso- thermally from solid to lii|nid. Amer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 1-15; Phil. Mag., 33, 1892, 431-132. The thermal variation of viscosity and of electrolytic resistance, .\raer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 255. The fusion constants of igneous rock. Phil. Mag., 34, 1892, 1-18; 35, 1893, 17.3-190, 296-307. Thermoelectrics of platinum-iridium and of platinam- rhodium. Phil. Mag., 34, 1892, 376-381. The compressibilitv of liquids. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., Sn. 92, 1892, 9li pp. The mechanism of solid viscosity. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., .Vo. 94, 1892, 135 pp. The volume thermodynamics of liquids. U. S. GeoL Surv. Bull., .V". 96, 1892, 100 pp. Itcport on condensation of atmosiihcric moisture. [1893.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Hep., 1891-92, .526-.528. Note on the relative position of hich temperature melting and boiling points. .\mer. Ac. Proc., 27, 1893. 100-101. Isothermals, isopiestics and isometrics relative to viscosity. Amer. Jl. Sci., 45, 1893, 87-96. The colors of cloudy condensation. .\mcr. Jl. Sci., 45, 1893, 1.50-151 : Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 488-.521. Criticism of Mr. Fisheiis remarks on rock ftision. Amer. Jl. Sci.. 46, 1893, 140-141. Colored cloudy condensation as depending on air temperature and dust-contents, with a view to dust- counting. (1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 10 (1893-94), 12-34. High temperature work in igneous fusion and ebulli- tion chiefly in relation to presstire. C. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., .Vo. 103, 1893. .57 pp. [The use of the ballnn captif in connection with the weather service.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull.. 7.1893.44-45. An elementary expression in thermo-electrics. Amer. Jl. Sci., 47. 1894", 36f.-371. Spiral goniometrv in its relation to the measurement of activity. Amer. Jl. Sci., 48. 1894, 1-10. The present status of hich temperature research. Amer. Jl. Sci., 48, 1894. 3.32-337. Note on the telephonic measurement of electromotive force. Amer. Jl. Sci.. 48, 1894, 316. .\ simple chronograph pendulum. .Vmer. Jl. Sci., 48, 1894, 396-397. 42 BarusJ 330 [Barvif Remarks on colloidal silver. Atiier. Jl. Sci., 48, 1894, 451-454. The cloudy condensation of steam. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 363-3B4. Coloured cloudy condensation, as defending on' the temperature and the dust-contents of the air. Phil. Map., 38, 1894, 19-35. Telephonic measurement of electromotive force. Phil. Mag., 38, 1894, 558-567. Eeport on the condensation of atmospheric moisture. [1893-95.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 12, 1895, 104 pp. The filar anemometer. Science, 2, 1895, 639; Phil. Mag., 41, 1896, 81-90. The couutertwisted curl aneroid. Science, 2, 1895, 639; Amer. JI. Sci., 1, 1896, 115-129. The lecture experiment with liquid carbon dioxide. Amer. Jl. Sci., 2, 1896, 1-4. . A curve-tracing top. Science, 4, 1896, 444-446, 572. Address [to the Phys. Sect.]. Long range tempera- ture and pressure variables in physics. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1897, 65-92. Preliminary trial of an interferential induction balance. Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897, 107-116. Note on the excursions of the diaphragm of a telephone. Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897, 219-222. The secular softening of cold hard steel, with remarks on electrical standards. Phil. Mag. , 44, 1897, 486-493. On a possible development of the idiostatic electro- meter. Phys. Eev., 4, 1897, 400-404. The combination tones of the siren and an organ pipe. Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 88-92. — — A curious inversion in the wave mechanism of the electromagnetic theory of light. Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 343-348. Ecmarks on colloidal glass. Amer. Jl. Sci., 6, 1898, 270. The compressibility of colloids, with applications to the jelly theory of the ether. Amer. Jl. Sci., 6, 1898, 285-298. On a method of obtaining pores of capillary canals of specified diameter. Pliys. Rev., 6, 1898, 52-54. Ballistic galvanometry with a countertwisted torsion system. Phys. Rev., 7, 1898, 10-18. Inertia as a possible manifestation of the ether. Science, 8, 1898, 681-685. The thermodynamic relations of hydrated glass. [1898.] Amer. Jl. Sci., 7, 1899, 1-3. The aqueous fusion of glass, its relation to pressure and temperature. Phil. Mag., 47, 1899, 104-109, 461- 479. The olijective presentation of harmonic motion. Science, 9, 1899, 385-405. Die Einwirkung des Wassers auf heisses Glas. [1899.] Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 3-5. The motion of a submerged index thrend of mercury in the lapse of time. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 139-142. Hot water and soft glass in their thermodynamic relations. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 161-175. - On a method of studying the diffusion (transpiration) of air through water, and on a method of barometry. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 397-400. Torsional magnetostriction in strong transverse fields and allied phenomenn. Amer. Jl. Sci., 10, 1900, 407- 418. The rates of a rocking watch, with remarks on a gravitational pendulum. Phil. Mag., 50, 1900, 595-604. The transmission of the ionized exhalations of phos- phorus through air and other media. Phys. Rev., 10, 1900, 257-267. On the absorption of condensation- producing atmo- spheric dust by solid nuclei and surfaces, and on the diffusion velocity of supposedly non-ionized dust par- ticles. Science, 11, 1900, 201-206. The interferences observed on viewing one coarse grating through another, and on the projection of one piece of wire gauze by a parallel piece. Science, 12, 1900, 617-627. Bams, Carl, & Hallock, l]'[i Ilium]. The degree of constant high temperature attnined in metallic vapor baths of large dimensions. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 54, 1889, 56-83. Bams, Curl, & Iddings, Joffph Pu.rson. Note on the change of electric conductivity observed in rock magmas of different composition on passing from liquid to solid. Amer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 242-249. BaruB, Carl, & Scbneider, Eduard Aldolpli]. Ueber die Natur dcr kolloidalen Lijsungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 278-298. Ueber das Verhalten des festen colloidalen Silbers gegen den electrischen Strom. Ann. Phys. Chem., 48, 1893, 327-337. Barus, Carl, & StroiUial, Vincent. The electrical and magnetic properties of the iron-carburets. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 14, 1885, 238 pp. The viscosity of steel and its relation to temper. Amer. Jl. Sci., 32, 1886, 444-466; 33, 1887, 20-36; U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 73, 1891, 1-52. Tlie relation between electrical resistance and density, when varying with the temper of steel. U. S. Geol. Smv. Bull., Nu. 27, 1886, 30-50. The relation between time of exposure, temper-value, and color in oxide films on steel. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 27, 1886, 51-61. Physical properties of the iron-carburets. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 35, 1886, 62 pp. The effect of sudden cooling exliibited by glass and bv steel, considered both physically and chemicallv. [i886.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull.. No. 42, 1887, 98-131; Amer. Jl. Sci., 32, 1886, 276-283 [_Parl only]. Set' aho Stronbal it Barus. Baruth. ,SV( Solms-Baruth. Barvir, Jin. I'u/.niVinkv o (,'eo(rn(iHlick23. Zelenavy pyroxenicky Kranulit od .\dolfova. [Ueber den Kriinlieben PyroxenRranuIit von Adolfstbiil.] Pras;, Sbcr., 189V (.M,ilh.-S',il.), .V«. 3, 0 pp.; Nuues Jbuch. Min.. 1899 {/Id. 2, lief.). o7-'.8. O vbiknitych limotiicb ktcraennf-ch ze ncrpentinu nioravskOcli. [Ueber faseriKe Qiiarz^ubstanzen ans niiilirisclien Serpentinen.] Prng, Sber., 1897 {.Muth.- Nut.). No. It, H pp.; Ztscln-. Kryst.. 31, 1899. .')io-r,2G. 0 zlatokopnych pniceeb u Vltavy .1.1/,. ml .liloveho. [Ueber Goldscb'iirfc an der Moldan' S.S.W. von Eulc.] PraK, Sber., 1897 (.)/.i//i.-A'«(.), No. 21, f, ))p. ; Neuea Jbiich. Min., 1899 (llil. 2, lief.}, 92. Nekolik ukazek z niikroskopioke struktury rulovit^ho Rralitu od Cernelio I'otokn (Scliwarzbacb) v jiznich Cecbiicb. [Einige Proben der mikrosknpiRclien Structur " des Gneissfjrapliites von Sobwarzhacli in Siidbohmen.] PraR, Sl)er., 1897 {Muth.-Nul.), No. .52, 13 pp.; Ztschr. Krj-at., 31, 1899, •Vi7. Dalsl peoloKicke pozniiiuky o zlatouosntim okoli Novebo Knina. [Weitere t'eoloK'ische Bemerkungen iiber die Roldfiihrende UmRcbuu); von Nen Knin.) Prag, Sber., 1897 {.Math.-Nat.), No. 33, 7 pp.; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1899 (/(oldina, 24, 1888, 5r,; Malpighia, 2, [1888J, 35-37; Manc-he-ter Lit. Phil. Soc. .Mem. A Pri«:., 1, 1888. 94 : .S'atnre. 37, 1888. 297-298; Pharm. Jl., 18, 1888. fiol. .ibih.), 1898, 341-360. Ueber die Frage der Kreiizung der Facialiswurzcln. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 781-787. Bary, Emit ton {et alii). Erglinzungen zur Flora des Isargebietes. (.\us der Umgegend Miincheus.) Landshut Bot. Ver. Ber., 11, 1889. 154-157. Bary, Paul. Sur le.s indices de refraction des solutions salines. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. B., 114, 1898. 827-830. Sur la composition des stdutions aijnensea de sela, d'apri's les indices de refraction. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. B., 118. 189*. 71-73. Quelques conditions de fouctionuemcnt de I'intcrrnp- teur ilectrolvti*. Bary, /'.in/. A Beignler, (7i. See Belsnler tV Bary. Bary, l\'[ilhelm] tU . Beitrag zur Kenntniss der niedercn Organismen ini Mageninhaltc. [1885.] Arch. Eipcr. Path., 20. 1886. 213-270. Ueber zwei Falle von Cysten in der Wand der weib- lichen Harnrobre. Virchow, .Arch.. lOi). 1886. 65-80. Ein Fall von doppelseitigem .\nophthalmus bei einem Kalbe. Virchow, Arch., 108, 1887. 3'i.5-3.58. Bary, Ulilhelm] de. A Orawltz, Paul [.ilbert]. See Orawitz A' Bary. Barzaclii, Mauri:io. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo d'agosto 1890.] Chivasso (Torino). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890. 191. 42—2 Barzachi] 332 [Basedow Bolide del 21 marzo [1892, Torino]. Monealieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, G4. Barzilovsklj, Jakob N[ikolaevic]. MaTepia.im MH iisyMPiiiji K!iBi;a:!CKiix7. MiiHepa.iii>iiHxii Bo;i,'h. [Zur Erforschung der kaukasischen Mineralwassev.] Buss. Pliys.-Cliem. See. Jl., 1(5 {Clu-m.), 1884, 141-147 ; Berlin, C'liem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Ref.), 183-184. Oui, oKiic.ieniir apoMa-niMccKiixi. aMiniOBi). fOu the oxidation of aromatic amines.] Buss. Phys.- Chera. Soe. .11., 17 [Chem.], 1885, 38-40; Chem. Soe. Jl., 48, 1885 (ALx.), 52.5. 0 peaicniii MeiK.ny eensouHHin. a.iAerirA0M7. ir a.306eiI3njl0M'I.. [On the reaction between benzalde- liyde and azobenzene.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soe. Jl., 17 (Chem.), 1885, 366-368; Chem. Soe. Jl., 50, 1886 (.-!/«.), 148. Bjiifliiie flB.ieiiii1 iisojiopiiaro iipcBpaineidii na Te'ieiiie peaKniii niiiicjieiiifl apoMaTiPiecKiixT. aMllIIOB'I). [Influence de I'iaomf'risation sur la reaction de I'oxydation des amines aromatiques.] Kiev Soe. Nat. Mem., '8 (2), 1887, 289-343. MaTC'piajiiJ ,T,.ia 'reopiii o6pa:iOBaniH aiiu.iii- KOBHX'i. Kpacnifi. iipii oiuic.ieniii apoMaTii'ieeitiixi. ajllIllOB'Ii. [Materials for a theory of the formation of aniline colours by the oxidation of aromatic amines.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soe. Jl., 19 (Chem.), 1887, 132-149. Koii;i,eiicaui}i a.ii,;terii;i,OBT.C'ha30coe;iiintMiifljiif. [Condensation des aldehydes avee lea compos^js azoiqnes.] [1890.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soe. Jl., 23 {Chem.), 1891, 47-79; St. PiStersb. Ac. Sci. Bull, 34, 1892, 259-289. 0 itoiuoHcaniii ajiAcrii,iOBi. r-i. apojiaTii'iecKiiMir aMUnasiII. [Condensation of aldehydes with aromatic amines.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soe. Jl., 26 (Chem.), 1894, 51-52; Chem. Soe. Jl., 70, 1896 [Abs., Pi. 1), 358. Kt. BoiipocY 0 cTpoeHiii iipoAyiCTOBi, OKiicnenifl Iiapa-Tnjiyiij;iyiia. [Structure of the ))roduets of oxi- dation of paratoluidine.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soe. Jl., 2(i (Chem.), 1894, 52-55; Chem. See. Jl., 70, 1896 (.ibs.. Pt. 1), 357-358. Bas, F. lie. De triangulatie van Sumatra en de opnemin- gen in Nederlandsch-Indie gedurende de jaren 1883 en 1884. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 3 (Art.), 1887, 167-174. Bascti, I''[inKt] E[iiiiei)]. Kiinstliche Darstellung des Poly- halit. Berlin Ak'. Sber., 1900, 1084-1085. Bascb, Kmerieh. Ueber Mycosis fungoides. Wien. Med. Wschr., 41, 1891, 1371-1372. Behandlung des Lupus mittelst der cheniischen Strahlen des Lichtes nach FiNSEN. [1898.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 463-464. BaBch, Kiirl. Ueber sogenannte Fhighautbildung beim Mcnschen. Ztschr. Hedk., 12. 1891, 499-515. Zur Anatomic und Pliysiologio der Brustwarze. Wien. Med. Wschr., 42, 1892, 1811. Uie zentrale Innervation der Saugbewegungen. [1893.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 763-764; Jbuch. Kinder- heilk., 38, 1894, 68-81. Die Entst<'hung des Caseins in der Milclidriise. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 47, 1898, 90 104. Bascb, Kiirl, & Weleminsky, Frieilrieh. Ueber die Aus- scheiduiig von Mikroorganismen durch die thatige Milcli- driise. ArcOi. Hyg., 35, 1899, 205 226. Bascli, Samuel [Sieiifried Kail\ (Uillei) ron. Assign to this author title (Vol. 1) under Basch, Samuel. ■ Die Innervation des Darmes. Wien. Med. Wschr. ,34, 1884, 311. Zur Terminologip des Pulses und Technik des Puls- fuhlens. Wiin. .Med. Wschr., 31, 1884, 8(19-812. Ueber eine Fuuktiou des Kapillardruckes in den Lungenalveolen. [1887.] Biol. Centrbl., 7, 1888, 243- 246. Einige Bemerkungen zu der Untersuchung Prof. EiNTHOvEx's liber die Wirkung der Bronchialmuskeln, etc. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol, 52, 1892, 417-426. Fiinfzehn Jahre Blutdruckmessung. Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 617-620. Die Lehre von der cardialeu Dyspnoe und ilue his- torische Entwicklung. Wien. Med. Wschr., 47, 1897, 1233-1237, 1293-1297. Eine Methode zur Messnng desLungenvolums. [1898.] Centrbl. Physiol, 12, 1899, 74-77. Ueber die Messung des Lungenvolums und der Lun- genelasticitiit. [1898.] Centrbl. Phvsiol, 12, 1899, 151-152; PHiiger, Arch. Physiol, 76, 1899, 356-378. Eine neue Verwendung [seines] Pneumometers. Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 1137-1139. Ueber die Anwendung des Sjihygmomanometers in der arztlichen Praxis. Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 1(357-1660. Baschieri, A. Sul comportamento dell' acetilene con alcuni ossidanti. Roma, E. Ace. Lineei Bend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), .391-393. Bascbin, [.iilnlf Carl] Otto. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Niederscldag.sperioden. Meteorol Ztschr., 7 (1890), 35.5-356, 440. Ein Winter in Bossekop (Lappland). Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 19, 1892, 262-270. Magnetische Stcirungen in Bossekop. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 356. Angmagaalik, eine neue meteorologische Station an der Ostkiiste (Iriinlands. Wetter, 11, 1894, 272-275. Andbees Vorschlag einer Nordpolexpedition im Luft- ballon. Wetter, 12, 1895, 201-206. Die Abfahrt der Andrt'e'sehen Ballon-Expedition zum Nordpol und ihre Aussichten. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Vei-h., 24, 1897, 413-423. Die Entstehung welleniihnlicher Oberfiacheuformen. Ein Beitrag zur Kymatologie. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 34, 1899, 408-124. Unsichtbare Luftwogen. Meteorol. Zt.sehr., 17 (1900), 231-232. Die ersten Nordlichtphotographien, aufgenommen in Bossekop (Lappland). Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 278- 280. Bascom, Florence. The structures, origin, and nomen- clature of the acid volcanic rocks of South Mountain. Jl Geol (Cliicago), 1, 1893, 813-832. .\ Pre-Tertiary nepheline-bearing rock. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 4, 1896, 160-165. Perido-steatite and diabase. Philad. Ae. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1896, 219-220. The ancient volcanic rocks of South Mountain, Pennsylvania. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull, .Vo. 136, 1896, 124 pp. Aporliyolite of South Mountain, Pennsylvania. [1896.] Amer. Geol. Soe. Bull, 8, 1897, 393-396.' Tiie relation of the stre.-ims in tlie ueigldiourliood of Philadelphia to the Brvn Mawr gravel Amer. Geologist, 19, 1897, 50-57. On some dikes in the vicinity of Johns Bay, Maine. Amer. (jeologist, 23, 1899, 275-280. Volcanics of Neponset vallev, Massachusetts. Amer. (ieol Soe. Bull, 11, 1900, 115-126. Bascom, r/r»//»?. 'Fn'cdoin of will eni])irieally considered. Ilssl.] Wisconsin Ac. 'I'rans., 6. 1885, 2-20. Bascombc, PeijiuaUl F,\(lwaril'\. Dental nioditication for fiuu^tiiin in Mannnalia. Brit. Jl Dental Sol, 34, 1891, 577-587. Base, Daniel. On double halides of zinc with aniline and the toluidinrs. Amer. Chem. Jl, 20 (1898), G46-663. Basedow, Hans run. Spechtmeisen-Ziiohtnng. Frankl Zool Gailen, 29, 1888, 119-122. Basedow! 333 [Basler PBychologinche BiUler aus dcr VoKclwclt. Wii'ii Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 12, 1888, 4-.'>. Aiisfsciiit'ni]oriiitlioloKisulieiiTnKebiicIi. WieiiOniitli. Ver. Mitth., 1'2, 1888, .S(i. BeitriiKc zur Oiiiitliolo«ic ThiiringenB. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mittli., la, 1888, t;.-j-(i(). Bill Albino. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mittli., 12. 1888, ISO. Die EntwickcUini/ dea Voxels im Eie rrliiiitcrt an 'lor dea lliiliiicreics. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 13, 1889, in.'i KiH, Ua-11.'.. Baaenau, I'ril:. Ueber cine ini FleisrOi nc-fundeno infcc- tiiisi' liat'terie. Kin Beitra^ ziir Lehre vim den NO|{en. FlcifchverniftnnRen. Arch. Hy^., 20, 1894, 2I2-2'.II. Ueber die AiisscheidnjiK von l!act<'ric'n diirch dio thiiti^e Milohdriise und iibcr die sopen. bactericiden Kinen.'ichuften der .Miloh. Arch. Hy«., 2H, 1898, M-Slj. Ucliir du.'i Verhnltcn der Cliolerabauillen in rohcr Milch. Arch. Ilyw., 2:!, 1896. 170-1h:^. Wiitere BtitriiRe zur (ieschichte der Fleischvertfif- tmiKen. Arch. Hy«., 32, 1898, 219-284. Baserln, ()[xcar]. Ueber den Eiseiigihalt der Galle bei I'olych.ilie. Arch. Kxper. Path., 23, 1887, 1 1.5-117. BaseTl, {Ciil.) C[liiirle»'\ K[tiiriird]. Arj;on and the kinetic theory. Nuture, .".2 (1895), 221-222. Clai'huis' virial theorem. Nature, .")2 (1896), 413-414. Basevl, J'iltorin. I)e la vision .stereuscopique dans ses rapports nvec raieommodation ct le.s coulenrs. Ann. dOcnlist., 103, 1890, 222-229. UebtT die directe Kntfernune der nenativcn pliysio- lofjischen Scotome von dem Eixirpunkt nnd deni Mnriotte'scheii Fleck. [18911.] Arch. Aiigenheilk., 22, 1891, 1-10. Therraonu'trie et st^'thoscopie oculaire. Ann. d'Ocu- list., 114, 1896. 300. Un cas de Leptothrix buccalis. Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1896, :i00-301. Basevl, I iltorio, A OaUarani, Giot^nnni. Ser Oalleranl (V Basevl. Basford, (!. M. Lubrication of loci^motive cylinders. Anier. Engineer .t Railroad Jl., 71, 1897, 20">. Weights on driving wliecls as related to counter- balancing. Amcr. Engineer A- Railroad Jl., 71, 1897, 34G-347. The Holland submarine boat. Ainer. Engineer it Railroad Jl., 72, 1898, IGJ. STi'p.\KofF's eompammeter. Anier. Engineer tt Rail- r,.ad .11., 73, 1899, ")9, ItJU. Basbfortli, /'noic/.s. On a niethnd of estimating the steiulincss of idongated shot when fired from large gnns. Nature, 29, 1884, '>27-52.S. On the inotlim of projectiles. Nature, 30, 1884, •5-C. . On the law nf the resistance of the air to the motion of projectiles. Nature, 33, 1886, C04-i;07. Calculation of ranges, etc., of elongated projectiles. Nature, 38, 1888, 468. Calculation of trajectories of elongated projectiles. Nature. 4r>, 1892. 473-471!; ll.. 1892, 3r.6-3(j7. The measunuiiut of pressure in guus. [1895.] Nature, ol (1894-96), 461. The measurement of pressures in the bore of gnns. I1S97.1 Nature, ">.'> (1896-97), 400. Basbore, Ilnifei/ II. \ new method for O-scertaining heights and distances in right-angled triangles. Science, 14, 1889, 224. The telephone for the prediction of thunderstorms. Science, 14, 1889, 273. The Champlain period in the Susquehanna valley. Science, 14, 1889, 340. The Harrisburg terraces. Anier. Jl. Sci,, 47, 1894, 98-99. Notes on glacial gravels, in the lower Susquehanna valley. Amer. Jl. Sci., 1. 1896, 281-2S2. Baalle, A. W inverno a Gozo (Malta). Moncalieri Cm. lioll., 11, 1891, ;'.8-.'j9. Baalle, (liiuichino. \,e bomlxf vulcaniche dell' Etna. [l8Mli.| CaUmia Ace. Giocn. Atti, 20, 1888, 29-110. Ricostituzione, con viti americarie a pr'nluzione direttn. dei vigneti attaccati dalla lillossera. Catania Aec. Gioin. Atti, 1, 1889, 1-30, nr,-im. Sulla prei>enza della mannitv in un vino da taglio. [1889.] Catania Ace. (Ji«*n. Atti, 2, 1890, \:,A-\rA\. Scoperte paletnologiche nella proviiicia di Catania. Bull. Paletn. Ital., 17, 1891, 110-114. Sopra una toniba n'jolitica scoperta vicino Aci S. Fi- lippo. Circondario di Acireale. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 18 A 19, 1891. 19-22. Sopra un villaggio trogloditico preistorico dell' cpoca neoliticaesiHtente a nonl dclla ciltA di Catania. Catania Ace. (iioeii. lUiU.. 18 .t 19, 1891, 22-2.'i. Di un nuovo ininerale trovato in ana lava dell' Etna. [1m;i2.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 0. 1893. Slein. U, 14 pp. Sullc ac'iue potabili di Acireale. Acireale Ace. Atti, 4, 1893, 97-170. Fermentazione mnnnitica ni-i vini rossi di Sicilia. Catania .\cc. Gioen. Atti. 7. 1894, Mrm. 11, 38 pp. Fermentazione maniiitica dt-i vini in Sicilia. .Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 20, 1894. 4.51-197. Analisi dulle aci)uc meteoriche cadute a Catania da tutto giugno 1888 a tutto settembre 1889. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 28, 1896, .';4.5-.'j7 I. Baslle, Gimichimi, Sc CUUa, E. dr. Salla determinazione dil lalcare nelle terre. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 27, 1894, 11.5-l.-)i;. BaslU, .liiilnit. Fecondazione ed iramunita per il Proteo- sonm nel Culex pipieiis. Roma. R. Ace. Lincei R«nd., 9. 1900 (.SVm. 2), 302-364. Basin, M\r,d. Sur la |>ossibilite dela navigation aerienne. I,, s Mondes, 7, 1884, 49M-502. Baakerville, Chirlet. Rapid method for the estimation of jdiosphorus in titaniferous iron ores. Jl. Anal. Chem., 7, 1893, 194-190. Separation of titanium from iron. Amer. Chera. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 427-428. Separation of zirconium by means of sulphnrons acid. Amer. Cheni. Soc. Jl., 10, 1894, 47.5-476. — — Reactions l)etwecii copper and concentrated sulphuric acid. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1896. 904-912. Reduction of concentrated sulphuric acid bv copper. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., IH. 1896. 942-947. On the universal distribution of titanium. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl.. 21, 1899. 1099-1101. BasltervlUe, Churl,. <, A Corse, J/[i)ii«i;(>iiirrj/] H. Sre Corse A Baakerville. Baskcrvillc, (7/,ii/,.. ,v I.anginTLlr, .l[rrAMr] C. Sre Langmuir .V Baakerville. BaskervlUe, Chtirlei, A Miller, i-[r.i»A| ir[i//ipectium plates. Astropliys. Ji., 1, 1895, 166-167. Basquin, Olin H[a)U!On], & Crew, Henry. See Crew & Basquin. Bass, Kufien. Pial. Sin fuHHili L' s\iir cti'i di'(j;li sehisti bituniinnHi di Monte Pcttiiie pi'CHHuUilToni Vulle Piana in pruvinria di iSnlerno (dolumia pi'inci]>ak'). (lionia), iioc. Ital. Mcni., 'J, 1893, No. 3, 27 pp. .\|>|ju]]ti d' ittiolof^ia fossilu ilaliaua. Napoli, Ace. Atti, 7, 1895, .V(,. 7, 1(1 pp. La iuiiifaiina dulla doloniia principale di GilToni (pi'ovinuia di Salerno). PalaeontoKrapliia Ital., 1, 1896, 109-2111. Di una piccola bucca apcrtasi nel fondo della Sol- fatara. Napoli, Itcnd., 37, 1898, 111-442. Af^^iunte alT ittiofaiuiii Eocenica dei Monti Bolca c I'ostale. i'iilauc>nl(i^;niidiia Ital., ;i, 1898, 77-H8. La ittiofauiia del caltaru Eocoiiico di Gassino in rieniunte. Napoli, Ace. Atti, !), 1899, A'(i. 18, 41 pp. — — Sii la •'Hirudellii luticauda, <). (J. Vuttn," doij'li Kcliisti hitujnino.si Triasiei di Giffoni, nel Salcrnitanu. Napoli, Kend., H.s, 1899, 22.5 227. Avanzi di Cliipea (Meletla) crenata nelle niarne di Alee in Sardej-na. Napoli, lUnd., .'59, 1900, loO-1.5«. Sii alcuni avanzi di pesci nelle niarne Stampiane del bacino di Ales in Sardegna. Napoli, liond., 39, 1900, 191-194. Di un conRegno per facilitare 1' isol.tmento dei fossili. [1900.] Napoli Ist. Incorug. Atti, 2, 1901, Xo. 4, 4 pp. Bassani, Fraiifiuro, & Iiorenzo, iliiiscppc ite. Per la geolu^ia dellu pcnisola di Sorrento. Itoma, K. Ace. Lincei Hoiul., 2, 1893 (.SVm. 1), 202-203. II Monte Consolino di Stilo. [1893. J Najroli, Ace. Atti, 0, 1894, So. 8, (i pp. Basse, .Ik^., iV KUneer, Ilcinricli. Zur Kenntniss dur lUityroino luul dis Isuvaleroius. Berlin, Cheni. Ge.s. liir., 31, 1898. 1217-122.">. Bassie -Crosse, , & Place, Luuis dc. See Flaco lj .Wj'reil]. Zur Hei'stellting keinifreien Triiikwas.surs diircli Chlorkalk. Ztsclir. livg. , 20, 1898, 227 211. BassAres, /'"[ ni iiriiiV Howiveiitiire Pierre]. Contribution a I'ctudc cliniijuc des complications oculaires du paludisiuc. Arch. Med. I'lianii. Militaires, 31, 1898, 3311-359. Basset, .([/fVci/j /'[iiniiin/]. A note ou associated functions and spherical harmonics. Messenger of Math., 13, 1884, 147-152. On the potential of an electriticd spherical bowl, and on the velocity potential due to the motion of an iutinitc liquid about such a bowl. [1885.] London Math. Soc. I'roc, Iti (1884-86), 286-306. On the motion of a liipiid in and about oi rtiiin quartic and other cylinders. Quart. .11. Math.. 20. 1885. 231-2.50. On a niithod of finding the potentials of circular discs by moans of Bksskl's functions. Cambridge Phil. Soc. I'roc. . 5, 1886, 42.5-433. Note on the induction of electric currents, in an iutinite plane current sheet, which is rotating in a field of magnetic force. Phil. Mag., 22, 1886, 140-144. Ou the motion, in an inlinite liquid, of a cylinder whoso cross-section is the inverse of an ellipse with respect to its centre. Quart. Jl. Math., 21, 1886, 336- 339. On the motion of a liquid ellipsoid under the intlueuce of its own attraction. [1886.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 17, 1887, 255-262, 419. Ou the motion of two spheres in a liquid, and allied problems. [18H7.] London Math. Hoc. Proc., IH (1886- 87), 3f,9-377. Waves in a viscous liquid. Brit. Ash. licp., 1888, 5fi3-.5t;4. — — On the polentialK of the surfaees formed by the revolution of limavons and cardioiils about thiir axe... [I88r,.j Cambridge I'hil Soc, Pnw.. r,, 1889, 2-19. On tlie motion of a ling in an intinile licpiid. (1887.) Cambridge Phil. Soc. Pioc, C, 1889, 47-60, 120. On the application of LAOiiAMiK's equations Ui the motion of perforated solids in a liquid when there is circulation. [1887. J Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, G, 1889, 1)7-126. On the application of LAuu(N(iK'K equations to the motion of a number of cylinders in a liquid when there is eiicnlation. [1887. J Cambridge Phil. Soc. I'roc, 6, 1889, 13.5-144. On the stability of a liquid ellipsoid which is rotating about a principal axis under the inHuencc of its own attraction. [1887.] London .Math. Soc. I'roc, 19, 1889. 46-56. On the motion of a sphere in a vIbcoub liquid. [1887.] Phil. Trans. (A), 179, 1889, 43-63. On the htiadv ujotii'ii of an annular mass of rotating liquid. Anier. .11. Math., 11, 1889. 172-181. On the extension and bending of cylindrical shells. Brit. Ass. liep., 1889, 499-.'.01. On crystalline reflection and refraction. London Math. Soe. Proc, 20, 1889, 351-372. On the effect of oil on disturbed water. Nature, 41, 1890, 297. An electromagnetic theory of quartz. Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 152-160. On the extension and flexure of a thin clastic plane plate. [1889.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 21, 1891, 33-51. On the radical vibrations of a cylindrical elastic shell. [1889.] London Math. Soe. PnK.-.^ 21, 1891. .53-.58. On the extension and flexure of cyliudrical and spherical thin elastic shells. [1889.] Phil. Trans. (.\), 181, 1891, 433-480. On the disturbance produced by an element of a plane wave of sound or light. London Math. Soc. Proc, 22, 1891, 317-329. On selective and inetullie reflection. [1891.] London Math. S..C I'roc, '23, 1892, 1-18. On the theorv of elastic wires. [1891.] London Math. Soc Proc, 23, 1892, 10.5-127. On the reflection and refraction of light at the surface of a magnetized medium. [1891.] Phil. Trans. (A), 182. 1892, 371-396. On the steady motion and stability of dynamical systems. Cambridge Phil. Soc Proc, 7, 1893, 351- .357. Modern dynamical methods. Nature, 46, 1892, 516- 517. On the diniciilties of coostrncting a theory of the collapse of boiler-flues. I'hil. Mag., 34. 1892, 221-2.33. Stability and instability of viscous Uquids. [1892.] lioy. Soc. Proc, 52, 1893, 273-276. On toroidal functious. Amcr. Jl. Math., 15, 1893, 287-302. Motion of a solid Wxlv in a viscous liquid. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93). 512-513. Klectro-optics. Nature. 48 (1893), 34-35. Note on the finite bending of thin shells. Phil. Mag., 35, 1893, 496-502. Waves and jets in a viscous liquid. Amcr. Jl. Math., 16, 1894. 93-110. On the deformation of thin elastic plates and shells. Amer. Jl. Math.. 16, 1894, 254-2'M). The foundations of dynamics. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 529-530. Basset] 336 IBassieres Discontinuous motion. [1894. | Natme, f)! (1894-95), 11. On the staliilit.v of M.\cl.\urix's liquid spheroid. [1892.] Cambrid^'C Phil. Soe. Proc, 8, 1895, 2H-40, 327-329. A provisional theory of Kerb'.s experiments on tlie retiection of li^jht from an electromagnet. [1893.] Canibrid{;e Phil. Soc. Proc, 8, 1895, 68-81. On a class of definite inte^'rals connected with Besskl's functions. [1893.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 8, 1895, 122-128. On the deformation of thin elastic wires. Amer. Jl. Math., 17, 1895, 281-317. The alle),'ed absoluteness of motions of rotation. [1895.J Nature, 51 (1894-95), 271-272. MacCullagh's theory of double refraction. [1895.] Nature, 52 (1895), 595;' 53 (1895-96), 5.i. The theory of magnetic actii>n upon li^ht. [1895.] Nature, 52 (1895), (il8; 53 (1895-96), 130. Theories of the action of magnetism on light. Araer. Jl. Math., 19, 1897, 60-71. On the stabilit.y of a frictionless liipiid. Theory of critical iilanes. Math. Ann., 48, 1897, 89-96. A theory of magnetic action upon light. Math. Ann., 49, 1897, 247-254. The mildness of the season. [1898.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 127. A iiuintic curve cannot Lave more than fifteen real points of inQexion. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1900, 647-648. Antotomic curves. [1900.] Nature, 62 (1900), 572 ; 63 (1900-01), 82. Basset, t'liarks. Excursion geologique du 27 avril 1884 a la Poiute du Che et a Chatcl-Aillon. [1884.] Charente- luf. Soc. Sei. Ann., 21, 1885, 33-35. Foramiuif^res de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de la Chareuteluferieure. [1884.] Chareute-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1885, 153-173. E.xcursiou geologiqne du 30 mai 1886 a Angoulins. [1886.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 23, 1887, 45-47. La photographic et la microphotographie appliquces ii Ihistoire naturelle. Foramiuiferes, Diatomees, mi- crobes. [1892.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 29, 1893, 65-79. Buseet, J[u!ex Gulriel], Assign to this author title {Vol.O) under Basset, {Dr.) . De la nugalantropogenesie. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 9, 1897, 402-437. De la migraine. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, 1899. 110-136. [Discours sur la tuberculosc.] Toulouse Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, 1899, 228-250. Basset, iLt.) Walter ISaxtietl. The extraction of magnetic particles from auriferous and other ores. [U'ilh discus- »/»«.] [1892.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 4, 1893, 53-58. Auriferous ironsands, and a new method of profitably extracting gold therefrom. [\]'illi tliscussion.] [1892.] Inst. Min. Metall. Trans., 1 (1892-93), 107-114, 142-1.56. Bassett, Henry. Assign to this author title (Vu\. 1) under Bassctt, 11. Note on the reaction of tin with sulphuric and nitric acids. Chem. News, 53, 1886, 172. On the preparation of triclilormethylsulphonic chloride. Chem. News, 54, 1886, 79-80. The interaction of iodine, water, and potassium chlorate. Chem. Soc. Jl., 57, 1890, 760-767, 1121. Eulyte and dyslyte. (A correction.) Chem. Soc. Jl., 59, 1891, 978-981. A tabular expression of the periodic relations of the elements. Chem. News, 65, 1892, 3-4, 19. Note on anthracene testing. Chem. News, 71, 1895, 202-203. An improved nuthod of anthracene assaying. Chem. News, 73, 1896, 178-179. Bassett, Henry, i- Fielding, E. On the action of hypo- chlorous anhydride on iodine trichloride. Chem. News, 51, 1886. 205-206. Bassett, Homer Fre, & FUeti, MiclieU. .sVf FUeti A Basso. Basson, [Kapt.) )'. 'Stromuugen in der Djilolo-Pussagc. Ann. der Hydrogr., 8 (1880), 171. Basset, (//t'li.) [Jean] A[ntoine Leon]. La nieridienne de Laghouat. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 106, 1888, 818-820. Determination de la difference de longitude entre Paris et Madrid, operation Internationale execatee par ilM. EsTEBA-s et Bassot. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 109, 1889, 563-360. Determination de la difference de longitude entre Paris et Leyde, operation intcrnationale executee par 3IM. H. G. Van he Sasdk Bakiuvzes et Bassoi. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889. 961-963. La goodesie franvaise. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 12. 1891, 162-189; Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. K., 1891, 153-156. Sur la nouvelle meridienne de France. Paris, .Ac. Sci. C. K., 115, 1892, 706-708. Sur la stabilite de la tour Eiffel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 903-909. La gcodisie moderne en France. Paris, Bur. Long. Annu., 1899. B. 34 pp. Sur une nouvelle mesure de Tare da Peron. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1899, 54*. Revision de Tare de meridien de Quito. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 131, 1900, 1273-1275. Baasot, {gen.) [Jean] A[ntoine Leon]. A Defforges, (com- titandani) [(Jilbert F.tienne]. Sur la dt-ttrmination rc- iTiite de la longitude Paris-Greenwich. Astr. Soc. Month. Not.. 51, 1891, 407-413. Basaot, (g^n.) [Jean] A[ntoine Leon]. & Perrler, [gHt.] 1 ranroii. See Fexrier li' Basset. Basaot, {gfn.) [Jean] A[ntoine Leon], Ferrotlii, J[oteph], & Celorla, Giovanni. Determination de la difference de longitude entre Paris et Nice et entre Milan et Nice. Nice Obs. Ann., 2, 1887, 1-16.'>. Bast, Omer de. Les eleotro-raoteurs :"i champ magnetique rotatoire. Rev. Univ. Mines, 16, 1891, 221-244. R. s. A. C. La pratique aetaclle des installations de tramway I'lectri'iue. Bev. Univ. Mines, 33, 189<. 241-209; 3-5, 1896. 144-179. Baita, Joluinn. Studie iiber die ElsKticitiit und K>-tigkcit der doppelt gekriimmten Triiger. Stalik der fr-itriit" nden Treppen. Furster. .AUg. Bau/.(ritg., 6:1, 1898. 27.47. Baatablc, <\liarlei\ h\raneit]. [ PreHidential addrena tu the Ki:-li8, 103-196, 203-218. Baatalaer, D[etirf] A[lfsandre] ran. L'ozone atmo- sp|jerii|uc et I'ozunometrie en Belgique; resume de six iinnies d'obser»-.itions faites en 1Hh<;. 1H87. 18-w. 1889, 1K90, et 1891 dans tout.es les region* du pa.>s. Moyennes ou titrcs ozonomitri.iues de« diverses stations. Bmx., Ac. Mel. Belg. Bull., 6, 1892, ti71-706; Ciel et Terre, 13 (1892-93), 4K.5-490, .509-519, 53:1-510. Conimuniration sur I'ozonometrie. [With di'nution.] Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 8. 1894, OK-eii. 6-2.5-A41. 727-711. 841-855; 9. 1896. 31-48, 171-180, 398-U.5, 620- Ba«tell>erKer, J[oteph] .l/[aj-]. Ueber Technik und Werth mikropliotograpliischer Priiparate. besonders des Central- nerveusystems. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1888. 193-194. Zouosoma qoercimontaria, m., eine neue Zono^oma- .Art aus dem Rheingan. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 58, 1897. 120-125, 220-228. Eiuc eigentbiimliche Form von Knmeria pulveraria, £,., aus dem Rheingau (ui. violacearia, Graeitr?). Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 58, 1897, 216->20. I'eber Zouosoma ruticiliaria, Herrieh-SchnffeT. 111. Ztschr. Ent., 3, 1898, 257-2.")9, 27:i--275. Ueber Eupithecia ericeata, Rbr., und Eapithecia millierata, Stgr. (=:pauxillaiia, J{6r. ^ expressaria, iliU., non=expres.saria. H.-S.) (Lep.). 111. Ztschr. Ent., 5, 1900. 129-131, 146-148. Ueber die Genitalanhangc der Manncben onserer eurupaischen Zonosoma- (Ephyra-) Formen. Iris, 13 (1900), 73-94. Ueber Zonosoma lenigiaria, Fuehs, and ibre Beziehtuig zu albiooellaria, Hb. Kassaoisch. Yer. Jbach., 33, 1900, 201-215. Bastla, C'arfo Marengo. Del moto di an pnnto attrstto da un centro fisao con una forza proporzionale ad ana potenza della distanza considerate come moto perttirbato. Giorn. Mat., 22, 1884. 167-190. Bastlaa, Adolf. Elhnolo','ische Beitrage aas Ooeanien. Arch. f. Anthrop., 1.5, 1884. 9-21. Die Ethnologic in ihren geographischen and his- torischen Gesichtspunkten. Ztschr. Ethnol., 16, 1884, 60-68. Zur ethnischen Psvcbologie. Ztschr. EthnoL, 17, 1886. 214-238. Die Beiieutung amerikanischer Sammlangen. Ztachr. Ethnol., 21. 1889. (98)-(105). Mitteilnngen iiber seine letzte Beise. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb.. 18, 1891. 32»-3;«. Ueber Methoden in der Ethnologic. Petfrmann Mitlh.. 39. 1893, 186-191. Vorkommen von .\us.-^tz in .America zu praoolam- biscber Zeit. Ztschr. Ethnol., 37, 1896, (365M366). Die .Aufgaben der Ethnologic. Batavia, lijdschr., 40. 1898, 191-213. Mittbeilungen von seiner letzten Beise nacli Nieder- liindisch-Indien. Ztscbr. Ethnol.. 31. 1899, |420l-(436). Baatias, //[run/] Charlton. *.An anomalous case of dis- seminated cerebro-spinal sclerosis (with autopsr). [1883.] Clin. S V. Trans.. 17, 1884. 7-17. 43 Bastian] 338 I Bataille *A case of rupture of a large aneurism in the right corpus striatum, witli intra-ventricular hromorrhage and extreme lowering of rectal temperature. [1883.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 17, 1884, 18-20. *A case of apoplexy in a boy aged lH : intra-ventricular hemorrhage, convulsions, and death in four hours. [1883.] Chn. Soc. Trans., 17, 1884, 21-24. A case of thrombosis of the basilar artery, with pro- found coma, extreme lowering of rectal temperature, and death in five and a half hours. Clin. Soc. Trans., 18, 1885, 193-198. The "muscular sense"; its nature and cortical localisation. [With dismssion.] [1886.] Brain, 10, 1888, 1-137. On the symptomatology of total transverse lesions of the spinal cord; with special reference to the condition of the various reflexes. Med.-Chir. Trans., 73, 1890, 131-217. On the neural processes underlying attention and volition. Brain, 15, 1892, 1-84. Note on the relations of sensory impressions and sensory centres to voluntary movements. Koy. Soc. Proc, .58, 1895, 89-98. On a case of amnesia and other speech defects of eighteen years' duration, with autopsy. [1890.] Med.- Chir. Trans., 80, 1897, 01-86. Bastian, J[osef], & Kummer, E[rnst]. See Kummer iV Bastian. Bastianelli, Giuseppe. Die physiologische Bedeutung des Darmsafts. Uutersuch. Nat., 14, 1892, 138-163. Bastianelli, Giuseppe, & Bignami, Amico. Sur la structure des parasites des ii^vres estivo-automnales. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 2, Putol.), 231- 235. Ueber die Structur der Malariaparasiten, insbesondere der Gameten der Parasiten des Aestivoautumnaltiebers. [1900.] Untersuch. Nat., 17, [1901], 108-126. Ueber die Entwickelung der Parasiten der Terzaua im Anopheles claviger. [1900.] Untersuch. Nat., 17, [1901], 147-178. See also Bignami & Bastianelli. Bastianelli, Giuseppe, Bignami, Amieo, & Grassi, Gioritn liattista. Coltivazione delle semilune malariche del- r uomo neir Anopheles claviger, Fabr. (sinonimo : Ano- pheles maculipennis, Meig.). [1898.] Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (S'em. 2), 313-314; Untersuch. Nat., 16, 1899, 571-572. Bastianelli, Giuscpj)e, Grassi, Giovini liattista, & Bignami, Amico. See Grassi, Bignami ct Bastianelli. Bastianelli, Rapliael. Die Ijewegungen des Pylorus. [ISKil.] Untersuch. Nat., 14, 1892, 59-94. Bastianutto, Pietro. Tromba terrestre, [il 27 luglio 1886, Cavazuocherina]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 145. Bastien, J. Th. Sur la recherclie de la viande de cheval dans les saucissons. Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 540-542; 9, 1899, 54-56. Bastin, A. Contribution h I'etude du pouvoir bactericide dn sang. Cellule, 8, 1892, 381-417. Bastin, Edson S[ewell]. For biography and works see Amer. JI. Pharm., 69, 1897, 385-391. [Mimicry of a snake.] Science, 22, 1893, 8. Starches in different commercial varieties of cacao. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 66, 1894, 369-377. Structure of Podophyllum. Amer. .11. Pharm., 06, 1894, 417-424. Structure of Heuchera americana. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 66, 1894, 467-473. Structure of Geranium maculatnm. Amci-. Jl. Pharm., (;f;, 1894, 516-522. Structure of .\sarum canadense, L. Amer. Jl. Pliann., 66, 1894, 574-580. A new section instrument tor vegetable materials. Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc, 16 (1894), 121-122. Structure of Iris. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 67, 1896, 78-83. Structure of Cimicifuga. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 67, 1895, 121-128. Structure of Veratrum viride. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 67, 1895, 196-203. Structure of Epigsea repens. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 07, 1895, 231-236. Structure of Sassafras. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 67, 1895, 312-318. Structure of our hemlock barks. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 67, 1895, 356-362. Structure of our cherry barks. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 67, 1895, 435-452, 595-599. Bastin, Edson S[ewe!l], & Trimble, Hennj. A. contribu- tion to the knowledge of some Nortli American Coniferae. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 68, 1896, 21-39, 65-79, 136-140, 199- 210, 242-254, 321-337, 383-386, 409-422, 354-566, 642- 648; 69, 1897, 90-97, 354-359. Bastit, Eugene. Comparaison entre le rhizome et la tige feuillie des mousses. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, 29,5-303. Influences compar^es de la lumiere et de la pesanteur sur la tige des mousses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 111, 1890, 841-843. Influence de I'etat hygiometrique de Fair sur la position et les fonctions chez les mousses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 112, 1891, 314-316. Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur la tige et la feuille des mousses. Rev. G^n. Bot., 3, 1891, 2 j.5- 271, 306-316, 341-360, 37.3-388, 406-426, 462-187, 521- 530. Bastogi, G\\ialtiero'\. Come cammiuano gli iusetti. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Sieua, 14, 1894 {lUdl.), 107-108. Bastow, E., & Kay, Percy. See Kay & Bastow. Bastow, iiic/(nnZ .1. Jungermaunia reticulata. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1885, 311-312. Tasmanian mosses, their identification, &c. Tasmania Roy. Soc Proc, 1885, 318-320, 395-399. Moss flowers, split-moss, bog-moss, and earth-moss. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1885, 337-341. Peronospora infestans, Mont. Potato peronospora. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1886, 27-31. Tasmanian mosses. Tasmania Roy. Soc Proc, 1886, 38-102. Notes on a new plant to Tasmania. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1887, 36-37. Tasmanian Hepatica;. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1887, 209-289. Description, collection and preservation of mosses. [1892.] Victorian Natlist., 9, 1893, 123-127. Key to tribes and genera of Melanospermeaj. (Olive- green seaweeds.) N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl. , 32, 1898, 169-173. Key to tribes and genera of the Florideffi. (Red or purple marine alga;.) N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 33, 1899, 45-47. Basu, {Sur;).-Capt.) B[aman] D[ds]. On the study of indigenous drugs. [1891-93.] Indian Med. Gaz., 26, 1892, lH'i-t',Hi. Ktiide priiliminaire Hiir la ciiiiso iiuclculaire dans I'liiBtolyBC chez los amphibifiis. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 30, 1890, 305-318. ModitictitiunH nuol^aires int^ressant le nucl(l-ole ct pouvant jc'tiT iiiiil(|iie jniii- tiiir mi HiKnification. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. II., 11(1, 1890, 1217-1219. La d(;Kt la pression PariH, Soc. Biol. M<;ni., 52, 1900 (C. R.). Pariw, Hoc. Pkbkz. osmotique. 435-4.37. La prcsHinn OHmoti(|uc et I'anlivdrobiosc. Biol. M.'m., 52, 1900 (C. Jl.\. 437-43H. La thc'Orie des metaniorpboMH de M. C'h. Paris, Soc. Hnl. Bull., 1900, Oh (;2. Batalllon, A'[iif;i"«r], A Ooavreor, /^[dmimdl. Sur les cdiiditioiiK physiques de la respiration uquati<|uc. Paris, Soc, Biol. .Me'm., 41, 1889 (f. /(.), (;07-«JH. K.tudes sur legnmd fourmilier(.Myrmecophaga jabata). Lyon Soc. Ijinn. Ann., 3S, 1891, 115-120. La fonction glyeogenique cbez le vcr u sole pendant la rat^-tamorphosc. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi-in., 44, 1892 (C. !{.). 009-071. Sei" iilti) Convrenr & Batalllon. Batalllon, K[n;iiiif], A Sabard, . Sur une maladie di' li tiiiite ct des o/ufs de truite. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 4'.. 1893 {C. II.), 353-355. Batalllon, /- 1 ii./i;;i. |, & Ronaaay, Frf.dfric. See Hooasay A: Batalllon. Batalllon, K[iii;'ene], A goahlwr, Renf. Observations gar lis plii-nomenes karyokinetiquex dans les cellules du blastoderme des T<:i(;ost<-ens. Paris, Ac Sci. C. K., 117, 1893, .521-524. .S'.'i< uUn Koahler >1- Batalllon. Batalllon, /•.[ii;;.ii.], ,t Terre, /.[oiiin]. La forme sapro- phytiquc de la tubtrculose humaine et de la tuberculoso aviaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1399-1400. Tuberculose et pscudo-tuberculoHCS. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1898, 538-541. La tuberculose au point de vue morphologiquc. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. /:.), 60-m;10. Batalllon, K[ui;tne], Bnbard, , iV Terra, A[ouij]. Un nouviiiu tviM? de tuberculose. Paris, Soc. Biol. W-m., 4'.l. 1897 ("c. R.), 446-149. Batallia-Bels, ./[di/mc]. Recent Portuguese explorations in Africa. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 11, 1889, 680-<;88. The supposed discovery of South America before 1448, and the critical methods of the historians of geographical discovery. Geogr. Jl., 9. 1897, 185-210. Batalln, A[lek«andr Fedonnic]. For biographical notice and works see Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Bcr., 15, 1897, (43)- (40). *[Ucber die Ursachen der periodischen Bewegungen der Blatter.] DeuUch. Natf. Tagebl., 1873, 131. Wirkung des Chlornatriums auf die Kntwickelung von Salicomia herbacea, L. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884, 219-232. Dos Perenniren des Roggens. [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Vcr. Verb., 32, 1891. xxix-xixiv. Bataolt, . Un compteur dVlectricite. [1388.] Geneve Soc. I'hys. Mc'm., 30, 1888-90. Ixxv-lxxvi. Batavia ObBerratory. Meteorological obscr\'ations. Batavia. 1881[-9'.i). Batavia Obs. Ob.^ns., 6, 1885, 1-241; s. 1888. 264 pp.; 9, 1887. 1 S4 ; 10, 1888, 1-95; 11, 1889. 1-100; 12, 1890, 1-114; 13. 1891. 1-114; 14, 1892, 1-111 ; 15. 1893, 1-115; 10. 1894, 1-109: 17, 1896, 1-105; is. 1896, 1-115; 19, 1897, 1-114; 20. 1898, 1- 113; 21, 1899, 1-109; 22 {Pi. 1). 1900. 1-110. liesults of meteorological obsers-ations. Batavia, 1866 to 18(99]. Batavia Obs. Obsns., 6. 1886, 243-3:13 ; 8, 1888. 79-4S8, 167-170, 25.5-2l>4 ; 9. 1887. 1-59-lTO; 10, 1888. 171-181; 11, 1889, 175-l.x.-,; \2. 1890. 189-199; 13, 1891, 1.89-199; 14, 1892. 187-1'.»7; 15. 1893. 191-202; 10. 1894, 185-190; 17. 1895. 181-191; 18. 1896. 191- 202; 19, 1897, 189-202; 20, 1898, 189-202; 21, 1899, 18.V198; 22 {Pt. 1), 1900, 131-144. The influence of the moon on the cloudiness of the sky. Batavia Obs. Obsns., 6, 1886, [lJ-{2]. Magnetical observations [made from July 1st 1883 to December 31st 1899]. Batavia Obs. Obsn.*., 6 {Suppl.). 1886. iv-h75 pp.; 7. 1886, v + 190 pp.; 9. 1887. 8.5^122; 10, 1888. 97-169: 11. 1889. 101-173; 12, 1890. 115-187; 4»— 2 Batavia Observatory] 340 [Bates 13, 1891, 115-187; 14, 1892, 11.3-185; 15, 1893, 117-189; 1(1, 1894, 111-183; 17, 1895. 107-17!); 18, 1896, 117-189; 19, 1897, llo-lHH; 20. 1898, 115-187; 21, 1899, 111-183; 22 (Ft. 1), 1900. 111-129. Results of magnetical observations. [Batavia. 188G- 99.] Batavia Obs. Obsns., 9, 1887, 171-183; 10, 1888, 183-193; 11, 1889, 187-203; 12, 1890, 201-210; 13, 1891, 201-212; 14, 1892, 199-210; 15, 1893, 203-214; 111, 1894. 197-208; 17, 1895, 193-204; 18, 1896. 203-214; 19, 1897, 203-214; 20, 1898. 203-214; 21, 1899, 199-210; 22 (Pi. 1), 1900, 14G-152. Kesultsof meteorological observations. Batavia, IS.Sfi- 90. Batavia Obs. Obsns., 13, 1891, 213-253. Results of magnetical observations. Batavia, 1882- 94. Batavia Obs. Obsns., 16, 1894, 209-247. Results of meteorological observations. Batavia, 1866- 95. Batavia Obs. Obsns., 18, 1896, 21.5-256. Batavia seismometric records. 1898-99. Batavia Obs. Obsns., 21, 1899, 211-214; 22 [Pt. 1), 1900, 1.53-156. List of earthquakes observed in the East Indian Archipelago, and reported to Government, from .January to October 1899. Batavia Obs. Obsns., 21, 1899, 214-216. See also Tigee, S[ivion]. See also Stok, J. P. van der. Batcave, Louis. Note pluviom^trique et thermometrique. Dax Hoc. Borda Bull., 1891, 63-64. Batchelder, Charles F[oster]. Description of the first plumage of Clarke's crow. Auk, 1, 1884, 16-17. Buffon's skua in western Vermont. Auk, 1, 1884, 97-98. Winter notes from New Mexico. Auk, 2, 1886, 121- 128, 23.3-239, 306. The North Carolina mountains in winter. Auk, 3, 1886, 307-314. . An undescribed subspecies of Dryobates pubescens. Auk, 6, 1889, 253-255. . Recording the numbers of birds observed. Auk, 7, 1890, 216-218. . The snow goose (Chen hyperborea nivalis) on the coast of Maine. Auk, 7, 1890, 284. Notes on several birds in the Catskill mountains. Auk, 7, 1890, 295. Helminthophila chrysoptera in Manitoba. Auk, 7, 1890, 4114. Thryothorus ludovicianus in Massachusetts. Auk, 9, 1892, 73-74. Vireo olivaceus in British Columbia and Washington. Auk, 9, 1892, 39.5-396. Nesting of Mimus polyglottos in eastern Massachu- setts. Auk, 12, 1895, 308-309. An undescribed shrew of the genus Sorex. Wash- ington Biol. Soc. Proc, 10, 1896, 133-134. Some facts in regard to tlie distribution of certain mammals in New England and northern New York. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc, 27, 1897, 18.5-193. Batchelder, .John M[oiitiiomeri/]. For biography see Amer. Ac. Proc, 28, 1893, 305-310. The lamprey as a builder. Science, 4, 1884, 469-470. . Temperature of the Saoo river. Science, 11, 1888, 170. Batchelder, Samnel F. A new series of isanomalous timperaturc charts, based on Bitchan's isothermal charts. Amer. Meteorol. .11., 10 (1893-94), 63-65, 451-474. Batchelor, [Iter.) .John, & Mlyabe, Kini/o. Ainu economic lilaiits. .laiian Asiat. Soc Trans., '21, 1893, 198-210. Ba.te,{Siirii.-I.t.-<'ol.}[Thoniiis Klwood lAiiilsaij]. ("White ground" illumination.] Micr. Soc .11., 1893, 419. Bate, C[harles\ S/inice, For liiography and list of works see Brit. .11. Dental Sci., 32, 1889, 738; Devon. Ass. Trans., 21, 1889, 110-64; Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 526-528; U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 1, 1889 90, 220; Roy. Soc. Proc, 46, 1890, xli-xlii ; Cornwall Roy. Inst. Jl., 10, 1891, 305. *Arch(eastacus (Eryon) Willemoesii, a new genus and species of Eryonidffi. [1883.] Geol. Mag. , 1, 1884, 307- 310. On the geographical distribution of the macrurous Crust.acea. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 753-758. On a new genu.s of JIacrura (Ophthalmervon transi- tionalis). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 67-76. Bate, JJoufllas C. Notes on Amphidasys betularia. [1895.] Ent. Record, 7, 1895-96, 27-31. Stray notes on the Macro-Lepidoptera of Dulwich and neighbourhood. [1896.] Ent. Record, 7, 1895-96, 301- 306. Notes on Selenia tetralunaria (illustraria). Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 46. Notes on Spilosoma mendica. Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 46-47. [Notes on Ephestia Kiihniella in all its stages.] Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 93-94. Bate, Doiuflas C. (et alii). Mr. Edmdnds' method of maintaining constant current. [Correspondence.] Electrician, 22, 1889. 319, etc. Batelli, Andrea. Dello adattamento di alcune cellule endoteliali nelle membrane sierose. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 132-153. Delle glandule anali di alcuui carnivori. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 9, 1888, 174-189. Escursione al M. Terminillo. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 463-466. Note anatomo-tisiologiche sugli Ixodini. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 23, 1891, 218-23.5. Batelli, Andrea, A: Giacomini, Ercole. SuUe glandule salivari degli uccelli. [1888.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 6, 1887-89, 106-110. Contributo alia morfologia delle glandule salivari degli uccelli. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 6, [1892], 38.5-444. Bateman, .James. For biographical notice see Garden it Forest, 10, 1897, 508. Bateman, .Jidin. The tinamu in Essex. Essex Natlist., 2, 1888, 206. Otters breeding in the open near Brightlingsea. Essex Natlist., 7, 1893, 123. Bateman, Jolin Frederic La Trohe. For biograph.v and works see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 97, 1889, 392-398; Geol. Soc Quart. Jl., 46, 1890 (Proc), 44; Roy. Soc. Proc, 46, 1890, xlii-xlviii. Bates, A. S. Electrical impressions on photographic plates. Nature, 58 (1898), 32. Bates, Ahhy F[rances] C[ahlwell'\. A swallow roost at Waterville, Maine. Auk, 12, 189S, 48-51. Bates, C. O. Analysis of water for railway engines. [1892.] Iowa Ac Sci. Proc, 1 (Pt. 3), 1893, 27-28. Bates, £[nip.<(] Fred[erick]. 'Characters of the new genera and species of Heteromera collected by Dr. Stoliczka during the Forsyth Expedition to Kashgar in 1873-74. [1879.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 467-484. On the Zygnemacea>: a chapter in the history of the fresh-water Alga:. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 315-324. On sexuality in the Zygnemacea;. [1884.] Quekett Micr. Club Jl., 2, [1886],' 104-108. The Coleoptera of Bradgate Park. [1896.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 170-176. Bates, F.\rnest] Fred[eriel!], & Hodges, Loi{is lt[ianmont] M[oorc]. Notes on a recent exposure of the lower Lias and Rhn3tics in the Spinney hills, Leicester. [1886.] Leicester Soc Trans., 1, 1889 (Pi. 1). 22-23. Bates, F.des, A Morgan, Franh IL See Morgan it Bates. Bates, Frank .!\masii\. Nesting of peregrine falcon. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 156-157. Tramping in the White mountains. Ornith. Ool., 16, 1891, 33-37, 68-69. Bates, //. Flliott. Self-infection from the intestinal tract. N. V. Med. Jl., 57, 1893, 432-436. Bates] 341 [Bateson Bates, 1/tnri/ H\(ibart]. The plivnical liasin of phenomena. [18K4.] WaHliiiiKtori I'hil. Sw. Hull., 7, 1888 (Siuith- Honian Miticoll. Coll.. 83, 1888, .in. •!), 10 IIH. (Wliat in force?) [ISMh.] ^Val•hin^tou I'hil. Hoc. Bull., 11, 1892, .IHT-.'.IIO. Star layo GroonibridRe. Science, 20, 1898, 230. The chemical conHtitution of Mars' atmOKpberc. Anlr. Soc. I'acitic I'ubl., 6, 1894, 3(K) 3(12. Bate*, Henry ll'nller. l-'or liiograjihv and works trf Berlin OcB. Erdk". Vcrh., I'.l, 1892, '.M'.; Knt. .Month. MaK'.. 28, 1892, H;t-H". ; KiitdnioldRiHi, 2."i, 1892, 77-H(l; Knt. Soc Tran.s., 1892, 1-lv; OcoKr. Soe. Proc. 14, 1892. Jl."! 2.';7; Humming liird, 2, 1892, 2G-31 ; Nature, 4.'). 1892. 377, 3yH-3;i9; rhaiui. JI., 22, 1892, CHI; I'liilad., Knt. NewH, 3, 1892. 72; Scott. GeoKr. Mat;., 8. 1892. 102; Zoologist, 16, 1892, 184-188; Psyche, C, 1893, 24;i-250. 'New Renera and .specicB of Ciiraliidm from Tasmania. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 18T5-82, 317-326. 'Description of twcnty-tive new species of Cicindelida>. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876-82, 329-336. "New Renera and spicics of Callichroniinie (Coleoptcra longicornia). [1879.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876-82, 39.5-419. New longiciirn Coleoptcra of the Monohammina' RToup from tropical Wist Africa. [1884.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-86, 14-18. List of Coleoptera of the families Carabido; and Scarabaeidw collected by the late W. A. Fobbks on the Iiower Niger. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1884. 404-406. Loogicoru beetles of Japan. Additions, chiefly from the later collections of Mr. GeorRe Lewis ; and notes on the synonymy, distribution, and habits of the previously known species. [1884.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Xnol), 18, 1886, 205-262. On the geodephaRous Coleoptera collected by Mr. George Lkwis in Ceylon. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 68-81, 143-156, 199-212. Tropical .\frican Coleoptcra; chiefly from the Zanzibar mainland. [1886-88.] Ent. Month.' .Mag., 22, 1885-86, 188-197 ; 23, 1886-87, 9-13, 54-57 ; 24, 1887-88, 200-203, 237-242. Three new longicorn Coleopt«'ra from S. America. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 62-63. On a collection of Coleoptcra from Korea (tribes Geodephaga, Lamellicoruia and Longicornia), made by Mr. J. H. LKKcn, F.Z.S. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 367- 380. On some new species of Coleoptcra from Kiu-Eiaug. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888. 380-383. On a new sjiecics of Brachyonychus from the Mergni Archipelago. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. [XooL], 21, 1889, 135. Three new species of Coleoptera from Japan. [1889.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 297-298. Vittggiodi l/conardo Fk.* in Binnania e regione vicine. XVI. On some Carabida? from Burma collected by Mr. L. Fka. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 27. 1889. 110-111. New species of .\frican Coleoptera (Carabidn') in the Leyden Mu.^omm. Leyden Mus. Notes, 11, 1889, 201-208. Contributions A la faune indo-cbinoise. 3" nieinoire. Carabidie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889. 261-28(;. On new si)ecie.s of the coleopterous family Carabidx?, collected by Mr. J. H. Leech in Ka.shmir and Baltistan. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 210-215. On new species of the coleopterous families Cicindelidir and Carabidn\ taken by Mr. Pratt in Chang Yang, near Ichang on the Yang-tsze, China. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889. 216-219. On new genera and species of coleopteroos insects from Mount Kinibalu, North Borneo. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 383-393. Coleoptera collected by Mr. Pratt on the Upper Yang-tsze and on the borders of Tibet. Entomologist, 23, 1890. 209-213, 244-247; 24, 1891 (Suppl.j. 69-80. Additionn to the Cicindelids fauna of Mexico, with remarks on some of the pnviuurly recorded gpccieii. Ent. So3. Trans.. 1890, 493 ■'ilO. On some coleopterous iiiHucts collected by Mr. W. Bonny in the Aruwiiui Valley. Zool. Soc. Proc, U90, 479-492. List of the Carabidffl (ord. Coleoptera) obtained by i'i'ri- Cari>on \n ChotaNagiMrc. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 35. 1891, cc'cxiiv-cccxxxix. — — New longicurn Cole-287. Colioplera from Kulu in N. W. India. Entomologist, 21, 1891 (Supiil.j, 7-23. Additions to the curabidcons fauna of Mexico, with remarks on some of the s|>ecies previously recorded. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1891, 223-278. Col(;opt<';re8 dn Uengale occidental. .Seconde liste des Carabido!. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 36, 1892, 23(>-2a3. Vniggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmauia e regioni vicine. xi.iv. List of the Carabida-. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 32, 1892, 267-428. .\dditions to the Longicornia of Mexico and Central America, with remarks on some of the previously re- corded species. [With an introduction by Frederick Du Cane OontiAK, F.li.S.] [rotth.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1892, 143-183. .Siv uUo uniUr JacobTi Martin. Bates, J. Eliryn. Descriptions of three new species of lieumetndie. Canad. Ent.. 18. 1886. 74-76. Celiptera bifaaciata, . nuv. Canad. Ent., 18, 188<, 91-95. Bates, J[o»eph] I. The geology of Swanage and neigh- bouring district. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1898, 14- 32. The geologv of .\lam Bay, Isle of Wight. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1899, 46-47. Cambrian rucks of Warwickshire. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1900, 13-20. Bates, (liev.) ./[oAn] M[nllery]. Notes on a few shrubs of northern Nebraska. Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 803-804. Notes on the trees of northern Nebraska. Amer. NatlUt., 28, 1894, 1034-1036. A new Astragalus. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1896, 670-671. Bates, Onxciird. Pine stringers and floor-beams for bridges. [H'll/i ditcwuion.] Amer. Soc Civ. Engin. Trans., 23, 1890, 261-276. Bates, /.'[f-jiiMW] H[fnry]. Cleft palate. Brit. Jl. DenUl Sci., 30, 1887, 1119-1126. Bates, ir. II. The use of the extract of the suprarenal capsule in diseases of the eye. Arch. Ophthalm., 28, 1899, 293-300; Arch. Augenheilk., 41, 1900. 316. Secondary cataract. An experimental sludv. S. Y. Med. .11., 72i 1900, 1-5. Bateson, {ilia) Anna. The effect of cross- fertili7.ation on inconspicuous flowers. [1888.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 255-J61. On the change of shape exhibited by tnrgeaecnt pith in water. [1889.] Knn. B8-236. Note on the later stages in the development of Balmno- glossns Kowaleyskii {.iiiasti:), and on the aflinilies of Bateson] 342 [Bather the Enteropneusta. [1884.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 38, 1886, 23-30. The later staRea in the development of Balauoglossus Kowalevskii, with a .suggestion as to the affinities of tlje Enteropneusta. Qnart. .11. Micr. Sci., 25, 1885 (SiippL), 81-122; 20,1886,011-533. On the early stages in the development of Balano- glossus aurantiacus. [1884.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 5, 1886, 107. On the types of excretory system found in the Ent- eropneusta. [1885.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 5, 1886, 225. Suggestions with regard to the nervous system of the Chordata. [1885.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 5, 1886, 321. • The ancestrv of the Chordata. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 26, 1886, 535-571. On variations of Cardium edule from the Aral Sea. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc Proc, 6, 1889, 181-182. Suggestion that certain fossils known as bilobites may be regarded as casts of Balauoglossus. [1888.] Cam- bridge Phil. Soc Proc, 6, 1889^ 298. On some variations of Cardium edule apparently correlated to the conditions of life. [1889.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 46, 1890, 204-211; Phil. Trans. (B), 180, 1890, 297-330. Notes on the senses and habits of some Crustacea. [1889.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 1, 1889-90, 211-214. The sense-organs and perceptions of fishes; with remarks on the supply of bait. [1890.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 1, 1889-90, 22.5-256. On some cases of abnormal repetition of parts in animals. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 579-588. On the perceptions and modes of feeding of fishes. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 7, 1892, 42-43. On some skulls of Egyptian mummied cats. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 7, 1892, 68. On the nature of supernumerary appendages in insects. [1891.] Cambridge Phil. Soc Proc, 7, 1892, 159. ■ On variations in the colour of cocoons (Saturnia Carpini and Eriogaster lauestris), with reference to recent theories of protective coloration. [1891.] Cam- bridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 7, 1892, 251. On variation in the colour of cocoons of Eriogaster lauestris and Saturnia Carpini. [1891.] Ent. Soc Trans., 1892, 45-52. ■ On variation in tlie colour of cocoons, pupiB, and larvfe; further experiments. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1892, 205-214. The alleged "aggressive mimicry" of Volucellre. [1892.] Nature, 46, 1892, 585-586; 47 (1892-93), 77-78. On numerical variation in teeth, with a discussion of the conception of homology. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 102- 115. [On an abnormal foot of a calf.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 530-531. [On specimens of Clupea pilchardus, showing varia- tion in the number and size of the scales.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 164. On two cases of colour-variation in flat-fishes illus- trating principles of symmetry. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 246-249; 1895, 890-891. On numerical variation in digits, in illustration of a principle of symmetry. [1893.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 8, 1895, 61. The origin of the cultivated Cineraria. [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894r-95), 60.5-607; 52 (1895), 29, 103-104. On the ecjlour-varlations of a beetle of the family Chrysomelidic, statistically examined. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 850-860. [Webbed feet in Antwerp pigeons.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 989-990. Notes on hybrid cinerarias produced by Mr. Lynch and Miss Pertz. [1897.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 9, 1898, 308-309. Hybridisation and cross-breeding as a method of scientific investigation. [1899.] Hortic. Soc. Jl. , 24 (1900), 59-66. Problems of heredity as a subject for horticultural investigation. [1900.] Hortic. Soc. JL, 25 (1900-01), 54-61. On a case of homoeosis in a crustacean of the genus Asellus antennule replaced by a mandible. Zool. Soc. ■ Proc, 1900, 268-271. Bateson, William, & Bateson, (.l//s») Anna. On variations in the floral symmetry of certain plants having irregular corollas. Linn. Soc.'jl. [J/ot.), 28, 1891, 386-424. Bateson, ll'illiam, & Brindley, II[amld] H[ulme]. On some cases of variation in secondary sexual characters, statistically examined. Zool. Soe. Proc, 1892, 585-594. Bateson, William, & Pertz, [Miss) Dorothea F. M. Note on the inheritance of variation in the corolla of Veronica Buxbaumii. [1899.] Cambridge Pliil. Soc. Proc, 10, 1900, 78-92. .SVi? akn Pertz it Bateson. Batey, I. Notes on the liabits of native birds. [188.5-86.] Victorian Natlist., 2, 1886, 90-92, 104, 128 (bis)-lSO {bis). 154-160; 3, 1887, 11-12, 36. Bath, ir. Harcourt-. See Karcourt-Batli. Bather, Francis A[rthur]. Note on some recent openings in the Liassic and Oolitic rocks of Fawler in Oxfordshire, and on the arrangement of those rocks near Charlbury. [1885.] Geol. Soc Quart. Jl., 42, 1886, 143-145. The growth of eephalopod shells. Geol. Mag., 4, 1887, 446-449. Shell-growth in Cephalopoda (Siphonopoda). Anu. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 298-310. Professor Blake and shell-growth in Cephalopoda. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 421-427. Trigonoorinus, a new genus of Crinoidea from the "Weisser Jura" of Bavaria; with the description of a new species, T. liratus. Appendix. Sudden deviations from normal symmetry in Neocrinoidea. [1888.] Geol. Soc Quart, ji., 45, i889, 149-171. Note on Marsupites testudinarius, r. Sclilotlteiin, sp. [1888.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 45, 1889, 172-174. Pentacrini in peculiar beds of Great Oolite age near Basle. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 49-52. Scientific bibliography. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 189-190. The basals of Eugeniacrinida;. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 45, 1889, 359-362. British fossil crinoids. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1890, 306-334, 373-388, 48.5-486; 6, 1890, 222-235; 7, 1891, 3.5-40, 389-413; 9, 1892, 189-194, 194-202, 202- 226. " Goldfus.sia," " Comaster," and " Comatulida;." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 464. Some alleged cases of misrepresentation. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 480-489. Crinoidal stems in Ordovician of Sweden. Geol. Mag., 8, 1891, 141. Visit to the botanical department of the British Museum (Natural History). Demonstration on fo.ssil vascular cryptogams, by W. C.\krutiiers. [1891.] Geol. Ass. Proc,' 12, 1892, 88-90. Classification of the Cephalopoda. Amer. Geologist, 10, 1892, 396-397. Suggested terms in crinoid morphology. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9, 1892, 51-66. The Crinoidea of Gotland. Part i. The Crinoidea Inaduiiata. [1893.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 25, 1893 94, No. 2, 200 pp. Brachiocrinus and Herpetocrinus. Amer. Geologist, IS, 1895, 213-217. The habits of the young Sepia. Jl. Malacol., 4, 1896, 33-34. Bather] ;iJ3 [Battandier The colours of molher-o'-pcnrl. [IHII'i.] Nuturc, 53 (1896-96), (i-7, 174. Ou Uintncrinus: a morplioloKical study. Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1896, 074-1004. ZoncH of the Carboniferous. Geol. Mii^., 3, 1896, ■U'l. MeroeriiuiB Siilopiii', h. up., nnd another crinuiJ from tho middlo Ordovician of W08t Shropshire. Geol. Mai{., 3, 1896, 71-75. The Kciircli for UintnerinuM in England and West- plmlia. (leol. MiiK., 3, 1896, 443-14."). The inheritance of sijeciiic churocters. [1896.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), U9. The term " nyzy){y " "i the description of crinoids. Zool. An/.., 19, 1896, 57 til, 19.S. ApiocrinUH recubnriensis, Crema, from the Muschcl- knlk, iK a primitive Millericrinus. Ueol. Mag., 4, 1897, 11(1-123. Haiialocrinus Victoria), n. »p., Silurian, Melbourne, and itH relation to the I'latycrinidno. Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 337-345. Scolocy8ti8,Echinocystis,nud Fiysocystis: Diacocystis, Echinodiscus, and Agclacrinidoi. Geol. Ma^., 4, 1897, 381-382. A phylogenetic classification of the Pelmatozoa. Brit. Ass. Uep., 1898, 916-9-J3. Studies in Edrioastcroidea, i. Dinocystis Barroisi, II. fl. ft II. up., P.sammites tinn,>irji.'. 1894. 61-64. Battandier, ./[»/><] ,i[iin(\. Notes sur quelqucs plant«8 de la llore d'.\lg(''r[ie] rares, nonvclles ou |k;u connues. France Sue. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884. 3(»-36(;; 32, 188B, 336-343; 33, 1886, 3.50-356; 34, 1887, .38.5-391 ; 35, 1888, 38.5-395; 36, 1889, ccxviii-ccxiv, («er.), 189. Notes sur quelqucs plantes d'Algtric k propos du livre de M. A. Dk Caskoi.lf. sur I'origine des plantes cultivies. France S.«;. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 378-381. Sur deux Amarvllidees nouvelles |>our la flore dc I'Alk'irie. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1888, 143-145. Sur queliiues Orcbidd-ca d'Algi^-rie. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1888, 297--299. Sur trois plantes de la flore atlantique. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 476-479. Notes critiques sur quelques cspeces m(^ditcrrandcnncs. Ass. Franv. C. K., 1887 (/'/. 2), .567-572. Quelques mots sur les causes de la localisation des espcces d'unc region. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, 189-195. Notes sur i|uelqaes plantes rares on critiques. Ass. Franv- C. R., 1888 (Vt. 2), 298-302. Note sur queli|ues genres de la famille des Synan- therees. Ass. Frane. C. R., 1889 (/'(. 2), 486-190. Exp<5rience sur la valeur du sens de I'enrijulement des gousses comme caracttl^re specitique dans le eenre Medicago. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 520-522. Note 8ur un nouveau Lactuca d'Alg(5rie. France Soc. Bot. Bull., .36, 1889, 40-2-401. Observations sur quelques Silenc d'.Ugerie. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891. 217-219. Absence dc la santonine dans les capitules de l'.\rtemisia herba-alba d'.Mgi^rie. Jl. Pharm., 23, 1891, 380-381. Note sur quelques plantes d'.\lgifric, distribuees autrefois par Boubokau, Kk\uk et Cossos, conser\'t-e« dans I'herbior de il. P. Mab^.s. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, 47-50. Letlre (sur quelques cspices critiques d'.\lgcrie]. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, 166-168. Note sur quelques plantes recoltees pendant la session i\ Biskra. France Soc. Bot. Bull.. 39, 1892, 33l".-;«9. Note sur la glaucine. Jl. Pharm., 25, 1892, 3.50-351. Presence de la fumariiie dans une Papavdracoe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892. 1122-1123; Jl. Phami., 26, 1892, 12H-129. Description d'une nouvelle espece algcrienne de ZoUi- koferia. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893. 190-192. Excursion botanique dans la rek'ion de I'OuarKenis. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40. 1893. 259-'264, {Itev.), 202. Consid(!'rations sur les plantes refugiecs, rares on en voie d'extinctiou de la flore algerienne. Ass. Franv- C. R., 1894 (/'/. 2), .5.5'2-.558. Notesd'herborisation. [Surquelquesplantesd'Algdrie.] France Soc. Bot. Bull., 41. 1894. 512-517. Note sur quelques plantes rocoltecs en Algeric et probablemeut a Iventiees. France Soc. Bol. Bull., 42, 1896. 289-296. Reactions de la chdlidonine avec les phenols en solution sulfurique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 189S. 270-271. Sur I'histoire des alcaloides des Fnmariacees et Papaveracees. Paris, Ac. ScL C. R., 1'20, 1896, 127&- 1277. Sattaudier] 344 [Battelli Contribution a I'etuiie des caracteres taxonomiques tires de la chimie vegetale. Ass. Fiani,-. C. R., 1896 {Pt. 2), 440-445. Crucif^re nouvelle pour rAlg(5rie et reniarques siir la classification des Crucifc'res siliculeuses. France See. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, •2o6-2.59. Notes sur quelques plantes d'Algerie. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 477-483; 45, 1898, 235-240. Contribution a la flore atlantique. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 44, 1897, 321-32.5. Revision des Piironyques algcriennes a grandes bract^es argent^ea. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 46, 1899, 265-272. Notes sur quelques plantes de la flore atlantique. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 46, 1899, 281-289. R^sultats botaniques de la mission Flamand du 20 novembre 1899 an 20 mars 1900; observations et recoltes de M. Joly. France Soc. Bot. Bull.. 47, 1900, 241-253. Battandier, ,T\idt's] A[iiiip], & Malosse, Tli[eoiiore]. Sur un nouvel alealoide. Paris, Ac. Soi. 0. R., 125, 1897, 860-362; Jl. Pharm., fi, 1897, 241-242. Sur la retamine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 4.50-451; Jl. Pharm., 6, 1897, 387-389. Battandier, J[ul<'s'\ A[inie], & Trabut, L[imis]. Excur- sion botanique dans le sud de la province d'Oran. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1888, 338-348. Description du Pancratium Saliara;, Cosson (inedit). Rev. Gen. Bot., 2, 1890, .5-6. Extraits d'un rapport sur quelques voyages botaniques en Algeria entrepris sous les auspices du Ministre de rinstruction Publique, pendant les ann^es 1890-91. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, 29.5-324; 39, 1892, 70-77. Note sur nn Podanthum nouveau de la flore d'Algerie. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, Ix-lxi. Description d'une nouvelle esptee du genre "Urginea," Steinliril. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1893 {Pt. 2), 505-506. Battelli, Anijflo. Sui .sistemi catottrici centrati. [1884.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 19, 1883, 387-409. Sulla propagazione della luce in un sistema catadiot- trico. [1884.] Venezia, 1st. Atti. 1883-84, 1081-1095. Conseguenze di una nuova ipotesi di Kohle.\usch sui fenomeni termoelettrici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1886, 117-120. Sui fenomeni termici che accompagnano la formazione del miscugli di sostanze non metalliohe. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 646-651. Sulle proprieta termoelettriche delle leghe. Studio sperimentalc. Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 36, 1885, 487-513. Influenza della pressione sulla temperatura di fusione di alcune sostanze. Studio sperimentale. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-85, 1781-1813. Intorno all' influenza della magnetizzazione sopra la conducibiliti termica del ferro. [1886.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 21, 1885, 799-820. Suir effetto Thomson. Studio sperimentale. [1886.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 22, 1886-87, 48-69. Sulla resistenza elettrica delle amalgame. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 4, 1887, 206-220. Sui fenomeno Thomson nel piombo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (.S'cm. 1), 212-218. Suir annullarsi del fenomeno Peltier al punto neutralu di alcune leghe. Roma, R. Aco. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 {Sem. 1), 404-407. Sulla termoelettricitiV del mercurio. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (SVm. 2), 6-10. Sulla termoelettricitil delle amalgame. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 {Sfiii. 2), 37-44. II fenomeno TlioinMon nel nickel. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 {Sem. 2), 10.5-108. Sui fenomeno Thomson. [1H87.] Torino Ace. Soi. Atti, 22, 1886-87, 539-556. Sulle proprieta termoelettriche delle leghe. Studio sperimentale. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 1137- 115.5. Sulle correnti telluriche. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 {Sun. 2), 2.5-29; Nuovo Cimento, 24, 1888, 45-50. Sulle variazioni della resistenza elettrica e del potere termoelettrico del nickel al variare della temperatura. Ricerche sperimentali. [1888.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 23, 1887-88, 231-245. Sui fenomeno Peltier a diverse temperature e sulle sue relazioni col fenomeno Thomson. [1889.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 5, 1888, 632-675; Nuovo Cimento, 27, 1890, 111-136. Le meteore ottiche pin comuni. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 114-115. Misure assolute dell' inclinazione magnetica nella Svizzera. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 1), 771-777. Sulle correnti telluriche. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 9 {Pt. 4), 1889, 1-95. Sulle proprieta termiche dei vapori. [18S9-96.] Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 40, 1890, 21-130; 41, 1891. 25- 76; 42, 1892, 119-178; 43, 1893, 63-98; 44, 1894, 57-88; 45, 1896, 235-261 ; Nuovo Cimento, 30, 1891, 23.5-274 ; 31, 1892, 156-167; 32, 1892, .38-50; 34, 1893, 97-114, 186-203; 2, 1895, 97-115. Sulle correnti telluriche. Nuovo Cimento, 27, 1890, 233-244; 28, 1890, 97-111. Misure assolute degli element! del magnetismo terrestre, eseguite nella Svizzei"a nel 1889. Nota pre- liminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 51.S-519. Suir evaporazione dell' acqua e del terreno umido. Roma, VS. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 9 {Pt. 1), 1890, 99- 129 ; Nuovo Cimento, 28, 1890, 247-256. Sui crepuscolo. Nuovo Cimento, 29, 1891, 97-131 ; 30, 1891, 283. Suir influenza della forza elettromotrice degli elettrodi nello studio delle correnti telluriche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 1), 403-410. Sur les variations s^culaires des elements du magn^- tisme terrestre en Suisse. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 202-235. Risultati delle misure per la costruzione della carta magnetica della Svizzera. Nuovo Cimento, 32, 1892, 250-257. Misure assolute degli elementi del magnetismo terrestre nella Svizzera eseguite nel 1888 e nel 1.889. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., U {Pt. 3), 1892, 29- 167. Misure per la costruzione della carta magnetica della Svizzera. [1892.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1891-92, 455-525, 973-1029, 1479-1519. SuUo stato della materia nel punto critico. [1893.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1891-92, 161.5-1645; 1892-93, 68.5-693; Ann. Chim., 29, 1893, 400-432. Sulle iaobare dei vapori. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 {Sem. 1), 171-179; Nuovo Cimento, 34, 1893, .5-13. Sui oomportamento termoelettrico dei metalli mag- netizzati. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 {Sem. 2), 162-168. Carta magnetica della Svizzera. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 14 {Pt. 1), 1893, 83-88. Influenza del magnetismo e delle azioni meccaniche sui fenomeni termoelettrici. [1893.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1892-93. 1452-1465, 1.581-1589, 1637-1646, 1676-1688, 174.5-1764. On the thermal behaviour of liquids. Phil. Mag., 38, 1894, 24.5-248. Sui luogo di emanazione dei raggi Rontgen nei tubi a vuoto. Nuovo Cimento, 3, 1896, 129-141. Battellil liicerclic sulle n/.ioni fi)to«rnlich.> ncll' intcrno dci tubi di Hcarica. Niiovo Ciincnto, .), 1896, l'jH-202' Phil. Ma^., 43, 1897, IXi-Ur,. Kapporti fra 1p azioni fotograticho all' intorno o all' fsttrno dci tubi a vuoto. Nuovu Cimento. 5. 1897 W.)-lH'2. KappDrti fra i mnui catodici c i rn^Ri del Rmntokn. Nudvo Cimeuto, ".,1897, ;)Hn-396; Phil. Ma«., 4.0,1898 103-172. Ellluvi clettrici unipolaii nei ga« rarofatti. Nuovo Cimento, 7, 1898, Hl-l()l. Motodi e conquisto della fisica. I{iv. Sci. [Ind I, 30 1898, 1-19. SuUu Koaricho clottriclie. Kiv. Sci.-Ind., .32, 1900, La lok'«i! di Bovi.K a ]irBs8ioni molto basso. Kiv. Sci.- Iiid., .Ti, 1900, •2lO-'-'lI. BattoUl, Aniiflo, A Oarbasso, Antonio [Giorgiu]. Sopra i ragKi del Kontoen. Nuovo Cimento, 3, 1896, 40- 01. Sopra un niodo per ridiirre il tempo di poea dellc fotOKralic (■su(,'iiite coi rai,'},'i di Hontoen. Nuovo Cimento 3, 1896, 107- 1 6H. UaKKi catodici e ra«(,'i X. Nuovo Cimento, 3, 1896, 289-299. Sulla (lispersionu dclle cariche elettrostatirlip, prodotta dai raggi ultravioletti. Nuovo Cimento. 3. 1896, 321- 324. Azione dei raftgi catodici sopra i condnttori isolali. Nuovo Cimento, 4, 1896, 129-133; 0, 1897, .'«-8. Sur quelc|ue.s fails so rn)ipi)itant nux ravons de KiiNTciKN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 122, 1896, 003. BattelU, .Ihi/c/o, A Magri, Ltiigi. Sui rangi anodici e sni raggi catodici. flH99.] Nuovo Cimento, 10, 1899, 2IM 208; Phys. Ztsclir.. 1, 1900, 18-20. BattelU, Aiiiiflo, A Martinetti, M Palazzo A- BattelU. BattelU, .1 iiii.lii. .V FandolB, .1/| '0U8 svst.iii in children. Brain, 23, 1900, 20;i-270. Batten, lr.,l,rirk E[iutace], & Barlow, Thomat. Stf Barlow ,V Batten. Batten, frederick l:[mtace], & CoUler, Jamei S[tanffielevon. A.S8. Trans., 18, 1886, 57-58. Batten, liayner l>{rmj]. A clinical pulse manometer. Practitioner, 49, 1892. '.l.'i-'.iO. Batten. See alto Chiaholm-Batten. Batterbam, J[nhii] ll'[i//iiim]. Notes on a case of amnesia. Brain. 10, 1888, 488-l'.i3. Case of haemorrhage mto the medulla oblongata. Recovery. [1888.) Brain, 11, 1889, 1'23-125. Battermann, H[iih*]. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 18.S.J (Brooks).] Am Sechsfu.s»er der Stemwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 112. 1886, 32.5-320. — — Positionen einiger Verglci.hstcrne fiir den Mond aus Beobachtungen am kleinen Moridiankreise der Berliner Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 357-358. 44 Battermann] 346 [Batters Verfinsterungen der Jupiterstiabanten beobaclitet auf der Sternwaite in Berlin. Astr. Nacln-., 11-1, 1886, 405- 408. Heliometrisicher Anschhiss des Saturn an /i und t; Geminorum wiihrend der Conjunctionen im Januar und Marz 1886. Astr. Naohr., 11.5, 1886, 225-230. Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatze des Herrn 0. Jesse "Die anffallenden Abendcrsebeinungen am Himmel im Juni und Juli 1885." Meteorol. Ztschr., S (1886), 171)- 180. Beobachtungen am Passageuinstrumeut der Ham- burger Sternwarte 1882-83. Astr. Nachr., IKi, 1887, 6.5-74. Beobaclitungen des Cometen 1887 IV (Barnard Mai 12) angestellt am <> Fiisser der Sternwarte in Berlin (Ring- mikr., Vergr. 49). Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 38.5-386. Einige Berichtigungen aus dem Gebiete der Aberration und Fortptianzungsgescbwindiglceit des Lichts. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 369-372. Erwiderung auf das Schreiben von Herrn Director FoLiE in A.N. 2844 betreffend die Aberrationsconstante. Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 297-300. Untersuchungen iiber die Gestalt der Bilder und die Theorie der Messuugen ausserhalb der optischen Axe von astronomisclien Instrumenten. Mit specieller Beriick- sichtigung des Heliometers mit ebener Fiihrung. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 337-416. Erwiderung auf die Bemerkungeu von Herrn Dr. ScHEiNER in A.N. 2884 betr. die Ausmessung photo- graphischer Flatten. Astr. Naclir., 121, 1889, 217-222. Triangulation zwischen den 8 hellsten Sternen der Plejadengruppe. Ausgefiihrt am Heliometer der Konigl. Sternwarte zu BerUn. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 353-392. . Beobachtungen von Vergleichsternen am kleinen Meridiankreise der Berliner Sternwarte. Astr. Naclir., 125, 1890, 129-146. . [Beobachtungen des Mercurdurchgangs 1891 Mai 9.] Auf der Koniglichen Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr. , 127, 1891, 341-342. Beitriige zur Bestimmung der Mondbewegung uud der Sonnenparallaxe aus Beobaclitungen von Stern- bedeckungen am sechsfiissigen Merz'schen Fernrohr der Berliner Sternwarte. Berlin Sternw. Beob.-Ergebn., 5, 1891, 42 pp. Beobachtungen von zwei Erdbeben auf der Sternwarte zu Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 239-242. Beobachtungen des Cometeu 1893 II am llefractor (244 lum. OeiJnung) der Konigl. Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 139-140. Beobachtung der Plejadenbedeckuug 1895 Juli 17 auf der Kgl. Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 297-298. Beobachtungen der Sonnenfinsteruiss 1896 Aug. 8. Auf der Kgl. Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 253-254. Bemerkung zu der Abhandlimg "Ueber die systeraati- schen Fehler der Distanzmessungen mit neueren Helio- nietern," Astr. Nachr. 3397-98. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 373-376. Ueber die Benutzung der Projectionsfactoren bei Untersuohung der systematischen Fehler heliometri.scher Distanzmessungen. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 3-53-356. Ueber Vermeidung von Zeiehenfehlern bei Voraus- berechnung von Finsteniissen uud Sternbedeckuugen. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 355-358. Tafeln zur Bereclinung der Mondparallaxe fiir Voraus- berecbnung von Sternbedeckuugen. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 1-14. Beobachtungen von Plejadenbcdeckungen auf der Konigl. Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 59-62. Systematische Beobachtungen von Sternbedeekungen am Merz'schen llefractor der Kgl. Akademio der Wissen- schaften auf der Kgl. Sternwarte zu Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 1-28. Individuelle Correctionen von 388 Fundamental- sternen des Berliner Jahrbuchs. Nach Beobachtungen am grossen Berliner Meridiankreise 1892-96. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 177-198. Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatze von Herrn Nyren in A.N. 3480. [Ueber die Ertel'sche Theilung des Pulkowaer Verticalkreises, etc.] Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 119-122. Mittlere Oerter fiir 1895.0 und Eigenbewegungen von 206 Polhohensteruen fiir Potsdam, Prag, Berlin. Nach Bestimmungen am grossen Berliner Meridiankreise 1893-:i5. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 33^6. Eesultate der Bestimmungen von 33 Scalenpaaren. Ausgefiihrt am grossen Berliner Meridiankreise 1892-94. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 14.5-150. Mittlere Oerter fiir 1895.0 von 136 Sternen der beiden Riimker'schen Cataloge. Nach Beobachtungen am grossen Berliner Meridiankreise 1895-97. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 193-200. Ableitung der Aberrationsconstante, der mittleren Polhohe, und einer von der Rectascension abhiingigen Periode in den Declinationen des Fundamental-Catalogs der A.G. aus den 1891-92 auf der Konigl. Sternwarte zu Berlin ausgefiUirtenPolbohenbestimmungen. Vorliiufige Mittheilung. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 257-270. Resultate aus Beobachtungen von 379 Anhaltsternen und 1040 duich Anschluss bestimmten Sternen angestellt in den Jahren 1892-97 am grossen Berliner Meridian- kreise. Berlin Sternw. Beob. Ergebn., 8, 1899, 156 pp. Resultate aus den Polhohenbestimmungen in Berlin ausgefiihrt in den .Jahren 1891 und 1892 am Universal- Transit der Konigl. Sternwarte. Int. Erdm. Centralbur. [Veroff., 1], 1899, 45 pp. Battermann, H[ans], A Kiistner, [Karl] Fricdricli. Sec Kiistner & Battermann. Batters, Edward A[itltiir] I,[ione!]. Notes on the marine AlgiE of Ber\vick-ou-Tweed. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [10], 1885, 53.5-538. A description of three new marine Algae. Linn. Soc. Jl. [Hot.), 24, 1888, 450-453. A list of the marine Algie of Berwick-on-T\veed. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [12], 1890, 221-392. Hand-list of the Algfe [of the Clvde sea-area]. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 212-214, 229-236, 273-283. On Schmitziella, a new genus of endophytic Algie, belonging to the order Corallinaceie. Ann. Bot., 6, 1892, 185-194. Gonimophyllum Buffhami : a new marine Alga. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 6.5-67. Microchfete teruginea, »i. sp. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 86. Additional notes on tlie marine .Mgte of the Clyde sea- area. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 170-177. New or critical British Algfc. [1892-94.] Grevillea, 21, [1893], 13-23,49-53, 97-100; 22, [1894], 20-24, 50- ,52, 114-117. On the necessity for removing Ectoearpus secundus, Kiltz., to a new genus. Grevillea, 21, [1893], 85-86. A provisioual list of the marine Alga' of Essex, and the adjacent coast. Essex Natlist., 8, 1894, 1-25. New British marine Alga;'. Grevillea. 22, [1894], 90-92. Some new British Algse. Ann. Bot., 9, 1895, 168-169. On some new British marine Algie. Ann. Bot., 9, 1895, 307-321. Some new British marine Algm. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 274-276; 34, 1896, 6-11. 384-390. On Acrosiphonia Traillii, a new British Alga. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. A Proc, 20, 1896. 213-214. New or critical British marine Algie. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 433-440; 38, 1900, 369-379. Batters, PUluuird A[rthiii] T.\ionel], & Holmes, lulward .Voiell. See Holmes A Batters. Battersby | 3n [Baubigny Battersby, ./. Crocodile's egg with solid shell. Nature, •IH (18931, '24H. Battestl, I'i'li.r. Lo pain qui no nourrit pas. [1891.] Nat. Ciiiuni., -.'CI, 1890, lirj-ll'J. Battistl, .1., A Bicher, Kiiricn. S,;' Blcber <\: Battistl. Battlstl, ('..sii/r. liii Htuili liuinologici itiiliiiiii iicl 1m9H. Nutii l)il]lioyrntioii. Hiv. Geogr. Itiil., G, 1899, 3"J— 13. Battlstlni, Allilio. Eintiuss deH SantoniiiK auf diu Uallnn- Aiissclii'iduiig. [1H85.] I'nt.rsuch. Nat., 13, 1888, 111- •13 1. Battlstlni, Attilin. it Moleschott, Jnc[nh Albert Willi- lir,inl]. S,',' Moleschott A Battlstlol. Battlstlni, h'rrdi}iiiiidii, A Scofone, Lorenzo. Ricerche spei'imuutuli nulla toxMcita del xangui' di nnimali pro- fondaniente nneinici. {Contribute alia patologia ddle giavi aneinie. ) [1897.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 3'2, 1896, 389-13.') or 593-(!39. Kicerche speriuieiitiili sugli effetti dclla trasfusionc nella iiuemia da cmolisi. [1897.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, (;3,')-{it;i or 897-923. Battle, //[.rt.i/J /(. Keport on potash. U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., .No. 31, 1891, 14-1-148. Ou the loss of moisture in bottled fertilizer samples when closed with cork. U. S. Uiv. Chem. Bull., No. 31, 1891, liVJ. The effect of finer grinding in the preparation of fertilizer samples. [With dixcittsion.] U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., Ao. 31, 1891, 160-164. Battle, .hiliii I>. An investigation of the coast waters of South Carolina with reference to oyster-culture. U. S. Fish Conim. Bull., 10, 1892, 303-330. Battle, Williiiin Henry. Epiphy.sitis (so-called) in infants. London I'atli. Soe. Trans., 42", 1891, 2.58-263. A eiise of removal of a lar(;e recurring tumour of the frontal region of a carcinomatous character, and of the underlying portion of the skull. Clin. Soc. Traus., 32, 1899, 127-132. Battley, .1. V. Notes on Apamea ophiogramma. Ent. Record, 2, 1891, 191-192. Battocchi, (i. li. Delle moditicazioni alia pila Leclanch^. Bull. Vulc. Ital., 17, 1890, 89-90. Battut, /.. Ueber die Bestimmung des Zuckers und der Glukose mittelst Kupferlosung. [Tr.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 34, 1884, 361-366. Die Wirkung der Siiuren auf den Rohrzucker. [JTr. ] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 34, 1884, .553-558. Die schwefelige Siiure in der Zuckerfabrikntion. [Tr.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 34, 1884, 1161-1175 ; Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 9, 1884-86, 142-1.59. Der StickstofI im Press- und DilTusionssaft. [7'r.] Ztschr. Vei'. Riibenzuckerind., 35, 1886, 46-48. Die chemische Ueberwachung der DifTiisionsarbeit. [Tr.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 36, 1886, 374-383. Ueber die Bestimmung des krystallisirbaren Zuckers in der Riilie und in den rohen Riibensiiften. [Tr.] [1887.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 11, 1886-87, 518-531. Die Anwendung der Elektricitiit zur Reinigung der Zuckerfabriksproducte. [Tr.] Ztschr. Ver. Riiben- zuckerind., 46, 1896 {Th. 2), 623-653, 71'.i-744, 817- 8-53. Battye. See Trevor-Battye. Batvjey, X[ikolaj .Heksundrovic]. Eine seltene Arterien- anomalie (Ursprung der A. basilaris aus der .\. carotis interna). Anat. Anz., 4, 1889, 282-285. C.\BABELLrs Hockerchen und andere nnbestiiadige Hiicker der oberen Mahlziihue bei dem Mcnschen und den Afleu. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 5, 1896, 9;i-109. Batoronl, Genmimo. A September norther on the Mexican coast. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 20 (1892), ■252. Obser\aciones meteorol6picas. Resumen general de las practicadas en Veracruz durante el afio de 1894. Mt'x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 9, 1896, 30. Batnt, /.[oui<]. Des complicatioiiK du cbti dc I'oreille dans le cours do la scarlatine. De I'otorrhee et de Is meningitf ceff-bro-spinalc considi ri-es Cfmime formes frustes de la sciirlHtinc. .\.rch. .Med. I'harni. Militaires, 8, 1888, 266-2H2. 3.59-372. De la tuberouloHC verruqueuse non ulc^rcuse (lupus sok-rcux ot non vcrruqucux). Ann. de Dermatol., H, 1894, 1083-1092. Baty, T. E. Eggs of Lepidoptcra. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 177-178. Batz, /•.'. de. Note sur la vitalit/- de certains microbes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M. m., .52, 1900,(6". R.). 81.5-816. Batz, /■;. de, Sabrazis, Jean [Kmilf], & Brengnes, |/'>iii/i»]. ^er Babrazis, Batz >V Brengues. Batz, /fcti'' dc. The auriferous de|>OMi^ of Siberia. (1898.] Ainer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 'Jx, 1899, 452-4C7. Batzfiroff, . La pneumonie pesteuse exp<-rimentale. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 13 (1899). 385-4U5. Ban, .l/fj-diidrT. OniithologiHches aus Vorarlberg. Ornith. .Ibuch., 11, 1900, 121-131. Ban, Arminiut. Die Bestimmung von Maltose, Dextro'se und Dextrin in Bierwiirze imd Bier mittelst Reinkulturen von Giihrungs-OrganismcD. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 825-826. Composition des raodts de biJre au point de vue des hvdrates de carbone. [Tr.] Moniteur Sci., 5, 1891, 1096-1098. Ueber die Bestimmung der vergiihrbaren Sabstanz in Bierwiirzen. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 1473-1474, 1520. Ueber die Verwcndung der Hefe zar qoantitativen Bestimmung giihr^iger Substanzen. Chem. Ztg., 17. 1893, 392-393. Ueber die Bestimmung der Isomaltose. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 499. Ueber Melitriose und deren quantitative Bestimmung. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 1794-1799. Ueber ein neues Enzym der Hefe. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1896. 1873-1874. Ueber Melibiose. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 185-188. Nene bakteriologische Doppelschalen. C«ntrbl. Bakt. I^Aht. 2), 4, 1898. 645-646. Ueber krvstallisirte Melibiose. Ztschr. Ver. Deatscb. Zuckerind. ."49, 1899 [Th. 2), 8.50-«62. Baublgny, U[enr\j]. Sur la preparation dn salfate de sesquioxyde de chrome pur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 100-103. Determination de I'equivalent du chrome i Taide de son sulfate de sesquioxvde. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 146-148. Sur I'oxydation et le dosage du .scsquioiyde de chrome. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 291-101. Sur la transformation des amides en amines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103. 1886, 149-151. Sur la reproduction de I'alabandine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1372-1373. Sur la liqueur de Scbweitzkk et I'eau celeste. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 104. 1887, 1616-1613. Action de I'hvdrog^ne sulfure sur les sels de cobalt. Paris, Ac. Sci. C". R., 105. 1887, 751-754. 806-809. Sur I'emploi de I'hydrogene snifure pour purifier les sels de cobalt et de nickel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 132-135. Sur la separation dn cobalt et da nickel par la methode des nitrites. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888. 685-686; Ann. Chim.. 17. 1889, 103-113. Action de I'hydrogeue sulfure sur le sulfate de zinc en solution neutre ou acide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888. 114.8-11.50. Separation dn zinc et da nickel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889. 236-238. Sur la Separation du zinc et dn cobalt. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 108. 1889. 450-453. 44—2 Baubig-ny] 348 LBaudi di Vesrne Sur le dosafje rlu thallium. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 113, 1891, 544-547. Le vermilion d'antiiiioine n'est pas nn oxysulfure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 687-690. Sur la kermesite. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 119, 1894, 737-740. Sur les caractferes analytiques d'un melange de sels de baryura, strontium et calcium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 326-330. Sur le dosage de I'antimoine h, I'^tat de peroxyde. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. B., 124, 1897, 499-.502. Action des bautes temperatures sur le peroxyde d'antimoine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, .560-.562. Eraploi de la fluoresc^ine pour la recherche de traces de brnme daus un melange salin. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. B., 125, 1897, 6.54-637. Bechercbes sur la separation et le dosage des elements halogenes dans leurs combinaisons avec I'argent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 1219-1221. Methode g^nerale de separation du chlore, du brome et de rioile melanges a I'etat de sels d'argent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 128, 1899, 51-54. Bechercbes sur la separation de ti-aces de brome existant dans les chlorures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1160-1163. Separation et dosage de traces de brome en presence d'un tr^s grand exc^s de chlorure. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 128, 1899, 1236-1239. Separation et dosage de traces de chlore en presence d'nn tres grand exces de bromure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1326-1329, 1420. Baubigny, H[em-y], & Pochard, E. Sur refflorescence du sulfate de cuivre et de quelques autres sulfates metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 171-174; Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 321. Sur la dissociation de Falun de chrome. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892. 604-605. Memoire sur I'efflorescence de certains sulfates. Ann. Chim., 28, 1893, 41.5-432. Baubigny, Ulrmi/], & Rivals, Paul. Sur la separation du chlore et du brome. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 859-862. • Etude de Taction du permanganate de potassium sur le bromure cuivrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 954-956. Precede de separation et do distillation du brome d'un melange de chlorure et de bromure alcalins. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 125, 1897, 527-530. separation et dosage par voie directe du chlore et du brome coutenus dans im melange de sels alcalins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E , 125, 1897, 607-610. Bauby, [Denis], & Bardier, E[mile]. See Bardier & Bauby. Bauch, E[mil]. Ueber die Constitution einer Jodmetaxylol- sulfonsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3117- 31 19. Baucli, E[mU], A Tohl, /l[/6('r(]. See Tohl & Bauch. Bauch, RicJiiird. Die Biickwirkung des Ankerstronies auf die leldstiirke einer Dvnamomaschine. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., IH, 1892, 644-045. Begnlirung der Drehzahl bei elektrischem Antrieb von Werkzeugmaschiuen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 499-500. Baucher, /''|)vi»ra/.s- Jraii FJieiive]. Assign to this author lilUa {}'iil. 9) under Baucher, , and Baucher, /''. J. A. Becherches chimiques et microbiologiques sur les alterations et la protection des metaux usuels en eau de mer. Piqures des carijnes et eoirosions des tubes do chaudieres. Bev. Maritime et Colon., 124, 1895, 11(1-135. Analyse des eaux potables. Ann. Chim. Anal., 3, 1898, 300-367. Sur une falsification de la scammonee par la gaiene et Taniidon. Ann. Chim. Anal., 4, 1899, 186-187. Dosage de I'azote dans les matieres azotees et speeiale- ment dans les nitro-celluloses. Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 373-376. Baucke, H. Sur I'amide de I'acicle phenylpropiolique. Itec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 15, 1896, 123-127. Action de I'ammoniaque sur les ethers de I'acide phenvlbibromopropionique. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 15, 1896, 128-134. [Mededeeling over mikroskopische onderzoeking van eenige metaallegeeringen.] [1897.] 's Gravenhage Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr;, 1896-97 {Verrj.), 133-136. Beitrag zur Priifung der Eisenmennige. Fresenius, Ztschr., 37, 1898, 668-679. Baucke, H., & Behrens, Th[eodor] II[einrick]. See Behrens & Baucke. Baud, E. Action du chlorure d'aluminium anhydre sur I'acetylene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 1319- 1322." Baude, Em. Contribution a I'etude de I'influence de la syphilis sur la grossesse. Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1888, 798-804. Baude, S[imeon], & Beychler, Albert. Sur quelques derives du piperonal. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 616-618. Baudelon, [CJtarles Fra>i(;ois Georges]. Description de I'ouragan oyclonique des 4 et 5 fevrier 1895 essuye par le paquebot de la Compagnie Transatlantique la Gascogne, pendant sa traversee du Havre a New-York. Ann. Hydrogr., 17, 1895, 11-12. Baudens, (It.) Gaston [Charles Lm-.ieii Beno'it Marie]. La Coree. Bev. Maritime et Colon., 82, 1884, 206-243. Notice sur les typhons des mers de Chine et du Japon. (Observatoire de Zikawei.) Bev. Maritime et Colon., 82, 1884, 330-353. Vingt-ciuq milles dans la r-iviere Noire. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 7, 1886, 272-280. Note sur le Tong King. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. E., 1886, 283-286. [Explorations dans I'lndo-Chine et reflexions sur le Tonkiu.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. B., 1887, 207-210. Baudi di Selve, FUimitiio. *Heteromerum species ex Aegvpto, Syria et Ai-abia. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 25, 1881, 273-290. *AnthicHs blechroides, Baudi, n. sp. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 27, 1883, 150. Mylabridum seu Bruchidum (Lin. Sch'un. All.) europeiB et fiuitimarura regionum faunfe recensitio. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 30, 1886, 38.5-416; 31, 1887, 33-80, 449-494; 1890, 337-347; 1891, 251-252; Nat. Sicil., 5, 1886; 6, 1887, 136 pp. (in all); 9, 1890, 20.5-215. Lista dei Pselatidi e Scidmenidi vivonti in Italia. Nat. Sicil., 8, 1889, 10.5-173. Osservazioni sul Carabus morbillosus, Fabr., e sue varieta. Nat. Sicil., 8, 1889, 174-175. Note entomologiche. Nat. Sicil., 8, 1889, 197-200. Note sul genere Beicheia, Saulci/. Nat. Sicil., 10, 1891, 73-77. Di un Bembidide cieco del genere Diohropterus, Elders. Nat. Sicil., 10. 1891, 77-78. Note entomologiche suppkmentari sopva specie del genere Beicheia c del genere Mvlabris (Bruchus). Nat. Sicil., 10, 1891, 166-169. Di una nuova specie del genere Tritoma, Genfl'r. Nat. Sicil., 11, 1892, 121; 12. 1893, 154-1.55. Viaggio del Dr. E. Fusta in Palestina, nel Libano o region! vicine. Coleotteri. Torino Mus. Boll., 9, 1894, A'ci. 173, 13 pp. Baudi di Vesme, F.nrico. Itiiicrario fra i Somali. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. lioll, 27, 1890, 637-639. [Lettera] diilla penisola dei Somali. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 28, 1891, 384-390. Da Berbera attravi'rso 1' Ogaden a Ime e nell' Harrar. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. HoU., 28, 1891, 553-560. Baudi di Vesmel 349 [Bauduer Baudi dl Vesme, Eurico, & Candeo, Giuseppe. Un' CR- {■iirsiiinr iifl pHnidisn dei Somali. |Itiiliiij, Soc. Geogr. Itnll., .!(), 1893, 7-:). 10(10-10(5.5. Bandiscb, H[u(io]. Ueber die BescbafTung von Drucklutt bei den Werken des Zwickauer Bruckenborg-Steinkohlen- bauvereins. Jbucli. Berg- u. Hiittenw., 1895, 10-20. Baudoln, .■{[iiloiiiii]. Des influences niijleorologiques sur la composition du vin. Ann. Agron., 12, 1886, 86-88. Note sur le sulfate de cuivre. Anu. .\gron., 13, 1887, 319-321. Bandon, Aug[uste]. Troisii^me catalogue des niollusques vivants du depai'teraent de I'Oise. .11. de Conch., 32, 1884, 193-325. Canton de Mouy. Geologic ; miueralogie. [1893.] Beauvais, Soc. Ac. Mc^m.. 15. [1894,] 569-587. Geologic et fos.siles. Mollusques terrestr'.-s et flnvia- tiles vivant actuellement dans le canton do Mouy. Beauvais, Soc. Ac. Miim., 15, [1894,] 612-625. Baudon de Mony, [.4]. De I'origine des courant.s atmo- spbcriques et marins. Theorie et appareils de Mgr. KoioEKiK. Influence preponderante de la i-otation du globe. Paris, Injien. Civ. M^m., 1894 (I't. 1), ()yf>-723. Baudot, E[mile]. Iteuulat^ur isochroue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 1(1-, 1888, 323-325. La telegraphic muliiplc. Ann. T^ligr., 22, 1896, 28- 71, 1.-.2-177. Baudot, y. Les mines d'^tain de la Villeder (Morbihan). St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. lud. Min., 1, 1887, 151-187, 483- 532. Histoire, conditions g^ologiqnes et principaux usages de retain. St. Etieuue, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 1, 1887, 33.5-343. Baudot, l'h[ilihert]. & Barry, [Simeon]. See Barry A Baudot. Baudoiiln, (ll.-eol.) [A.]. The function of electricity in iitmciH|ilieric phenomena. ('/>•] Agr. Hue. JI..8, 1897, .'.17 .5.50. Baudouin, 'ieariie; •!■ Hinocqoa, Albert. See BAnocqne .V Bandooln. Baudouin, Marcel [F.douard]. Le p^dieux de la main. Pans Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 8, 1886, 188-193. Le cort entre la fievre t>-phoide et la constitution geologique dn soL Ann. Uyg. Publ., 40, 1898. 38.5-396. Ktude sur les imitiques. Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, .536 -.".71. Bandrillard, J. L'instinct nidificateur. Bev. Sci., 8. 1897, Jl. Baudrlmont, ilarie Victor F.rnat. For biography and works .., Anvors, Jl. de Pharm., 41, 1886, 439-440; Jl. I'harni.. 12. 1886, 331-334; Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 14, 1886. 1252-12.54. Baudry, Kiimond. [Sur les causes des tremblements de terre.] Paris. Soc. Geogr. C. B., 1885, 248-249. Baudry, S[otthcne]. Demonstration d'nn procide facile et certain de provoquer la diplopie monoculaire a I'aide du prisme simple. Son application d la recherche de la simulation de la cicite unilaterale. Congr. Int. Mid. C. H.. 1897 [Vol. 6, .W.-f, 111. r.H-75. Bauduer, I... iV Nicloux, Maurice. See mdoux d Bauduer. Bauduer] 350 [Bauer Bauduer, P[aul]. 'Considerations g^n^rales sur les Agrilus. [1H77.] Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 12, 1878, 73-83. Bauduy, Jerome K. Pljysiological, pathulogical, and clinical notes on hydiochlorate of cocaine, witli special reference to its use in melancholia. A preliminary study. N. Y. Med. Ji., 42, 1885, 339-343. Bauer, [Karl Heinrir]i]. Ueber Versuche, welche in deu letzten Jahren auf HalsbriicUner Hiitte zur Condensation des Hiittenrauches vorgenommen worden sind. Jbuch. Berg- u. Hiittenw., 1889, 57-62. Ueber Flugstaub-Condensationsanlagen auf den Frei- berger Hiittenwerken. Jbuch. Berg- u. Hiittenw., 1894, 39-55. Bauer, . Ueber Solaningehalt von Speisekartoi'feln und iiber eine scbarfe Reaction zum Nacbweis des Alka- loids. Ztschr. Angew. Cbem., 1899, '.t't-100. Bauer, ,1 [(/><•(/]. See under Baur. Bauer, Adidf, & Engler, C[arl Oswald Viktor]. See Engler cV~ Bauer. Bauer, Ah-.i-nnder [Anton Emil], & Pichter, Fritz. See Fictater A Bauer. Bauer, Ale.iumdir lAiitoii Emil], & Hazura, Karl. Unter- suchuugeu iiber die Hanfolsiiure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 {Abth. 2), 956-969; Mhefte. Chem., 1886, 216- 229. Ueber trocknende Oele. Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 2?/), 423-432; Mhefte. Chem., 1888, 459-468; Ztscbr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 455-458. Bauer, Anton. Die feuerlose I'ampfmasehine mit Honig- mann'.schem Natronkessel. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 33, 1885, 31-33, 51-52, 73-76, 108-109, 141-142, 152- 155, 174-175, 181-184, 206-207, 219-221, 232-234, 249- 251, 265-268. Der gute Gang der Riider mit Winkelzahnen. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 38, 1890, 391-397. Bauer, C[arl]. Ueber endotheliale Hautwarzen und ihre Beziehungen zum Sarcom. Virchow, Arch., 142, 1895, 407-428. Bauer, Eduard. Ueber die Wirkung der sogenannten Fixationsabscesse. Virchow, Arch., 156, 1899, 529-565. Etude bacteriologique des eaux d'alimentation de la ville de Neuchatel. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 28, 1900, 103-122. Bauer, Eduard, & Kebrmann, Fricdrich. See Kehrmann & Bauer. Bauer, Emil. Versuche, Osmosewasser giihrfiihig zu machen durch abernialige Osmose allein und in Ver- bindung mit nachfolgcnder Saturation. Ztschr. Ver. Eiibenzuckerind., 36, 1886, 291-301. Ueber das wahrscheinliche Vorkommen von Vanillin und Eugeuol im VVeingeiste. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 151- 152. Kleinere Mittheilungen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 11. Ueber den Gebrauch der Knochenkohle zur Entfar- bung dunkler Zuckerlijsungen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 385-390. Ueber die Verzuckerung der Starke mit Salzsiiure. Ztschr. Ver. Eiibenzuckerind., 39, 1889, 1071-1077. Zur Bestimmung des Kalis als Kaliumplatinchlorid. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 270. Bauer, Ernst. Beitriige zur Moosflora Westbohmens und des Erzgebirges. Lotos, 41, 1893, 57-122. Beitriige zur Moostlora von Ceutralbiihmen. Lotos, 43, 1895, 1-24. Beitrag zur Moosflora Westbohmens und des Erzge- birges. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 45, 1895, 374-377. Zwei neue Biirger der Laubmoostlora Biihmens. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, (;2-63. Beitrag zur MoosUoraBohmens. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 14, 1896, 17-19. Einige neue Laubmoosstandorte aus Bolimen. Dcut- sclie Bot. Mschr., 14, 1896, 82-85. Beitrag zur bOhmischen Moosflora. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 46, 1896, 278-280. Bryologische Notiz aus Centralbohmen. AUg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 50-51. Bryologisoh-ttoristische Beitriige aus Bijhmen. Deut- sche Bot. Msehr., 15, 1897, 40-45. Bryologischer Vorbericht aus dem Erzgebirge. Deut- sche Bot. Mschr., 15, 1897, 315-316. Neue und interessante Moose der bohmischen Flora. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1898, 95-96. • Notiz znr Moosflora des Erzgebirges. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 16, 1898, 183-185. Polytrichum juniperinum, Willd., n. var. Resinkii. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1899, 22-23. Ein bryologischer Ausflug auf den Georgsberg bei llaudnitz. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 17, 1899, 1-4. Bryologischer Bericht aus dem Erzgebirge. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 18, 1900, 37-40. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Moosflora Westboh- mens xmd des Erzgebirges. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 18, 1900, 177-183. Bauer, Eucjen, & Haussermann, C[arl]. See Hauitser- mann & Bauer. Bauer, F. II. [Remarks on a flying lizard, Ptychozoon liomalocephalum.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1885, 718-719. Bauer, 2"'[)a»;] W[illiehn],&: Engler, C[«rZ Oswald Viktor]. See Engler & Bauer. Bauer, Felix. Automatischer Apparat zur Begulirung der Kochdauer von Fliissigkeiten. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 432. Bauer, Felix, & Elba, Karl. See Elbs & Bauer. Bauer, Franz. Die Ichthyosaurier des oberen weissen Jura. [1898.] Palseontographica, 44, 1897-98, 283-328. Ueber den Sohwund der Diploe an einem Philippinen- sohiidel. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 58-62. Osteologische Notizen iiber Ichthyosaurier. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 574-588. Der puerperale Uterus des Frettchens. Anat. Hefte {Aht. 1), 15, 1900, 123-152. Ueber Schiidel von den Philippineu. [1900.] Arch. {. Anthrop., 27, 1902, 107-116. Bauer, Franz Sales. Ornithologische Notizenr Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 9, 1885, 18-19. Ueber das Vorkommen des "Nucifraga caryocatactes " als Brutvogel in der Niihe des Stiftes Rein. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 9, 1885, 43. Bemerkungen iiber den Zug der Schwalben im Friih- jahre 1885. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 10, 1886, 62. Ein Kreuzschnabelnest (Loxia curvirostra). Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 11, 1887, 50-51, 54-55. Ein Wiirgfalke (Falco sacer, Sehkgel; laniarius, Pallas) in Mittelsteiermark. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 12, 1888, 62. Muscieapa parva, Beclist., Brutvogel bei Rein in Steier- mark. Ornith. Jbuch., 1, 1890, 112-117. Der Gesimg des Alpenmauerkiufer. Tichodroma muraria. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893, 49-50. Bauer, Giistav. Ueber die Berechnung der Discriminante eiuer biniireu Form. [1886.] Miinchen Ak. Sbei\ , 16, 1887, 183-191. Ueber Fliiohen 4. Ordnung, deren geometrische Erzeugung sich an 2 Tetraeder kniipft. [1888.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 18, 1889, 337-354. Ueber die Darstellung biniirer Formen als Potenz- summen und iusbesondere einer Form vom Grailo in als eine Summe von « -I- 1 Potcnzen. [1892.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 3-20. Bemerkungen iiber zahlentheoretische Eigenscliaften der Legendre'schcn Polynome. [1894.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 24, 1895, 343-359. Ueber eine neue Methode zur experimentellen Be- stimmung des specifiachen Gewichtes von gesiittigten Diimpfen. Ann. I'hys. Chem., 55, 1895, 184-212. Bauer 1 351 [Bauer Von zwei Tetnii'clern, weklie liniinder /.ui^k'icli ein- Kcschiiu'ljcn uiid iimselirieben sind. [1897. J Miiiichcn Ali. Shcr., 27, 1898, 35-l(i3, 188-191. Bcitrag zur Pljanerogamenflora der Bukowina und des nngrenzendtn Tlieiles von Siebenbiirgen. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 4(1, 1890, 218-221, 208-271. Bauer, yv'(/r/. I'eirographiscbe Untersucliungen an Glim- merscliiefern und I'egniatiten der Koralpe. Steiermark Mittli., 1895. 20(;-240. Beitriige zur expcrimentellen Petrographie. Neucs Jbuch. .Min. {Ueil.-HBition of the earth's permanent magnetic field. No. 1. The assumed normal magneti- zation and the characteristics of the resulting residual field. Terrestrial Magn., 4, 1899, 33—52. Is the principal source of the secular variation of the earth's magnetism nitbin or without the earth's crust? Terrestrial Magn., 4, 1899, 53-58. The magnetic work of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Terrestrial Magn., 4, 1899, 93-104. Remarks upon Professor KCckeii's paper and Wildk's magnetariuni. Terrestrial Magn., 4, 1899, 130-132. Die Aufgaben der erdmagnetischen Forschuug der Vereinigten Staaten Nordamerikas. Terrestrial Magn., 5, 1900, .5-7. Magnetic observations on dav of echpse. May 28, 1900. Terrestrial Magn., 5, 1900,' 90, 143-165. Bauer, LouU Ayricola, & Bazard, I). L. The physical decomposition of the permanent magnetic field of the United States. No. 1. The assumed normal magnetization and the characteristics of the primary resulting residual field. Terrestrial Magn., 5, 1900, 1-4. Bauer, Litdirig, 4 Dentscb, Krmt. Das Verbalten der Magensiiure, Motilitat und Ite.sorption l)ei SaugUngen und Kiudern unter physiologischen und pathologiscben Verhiiltnissen. Jbuch.' Kinderheilk., 48. 1898, 22-71. Bauer, ,V(ix [Hermann]. To reference in No. 16 (I'of- 9) add .Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878. 14-39. 'Blatt Korner. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Eriaut., L/ff. 25, Gradablh. 56, So. 41. 1883, 9 pp. *Blatl Ebeleben. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Eriaut., L/g. 25, Oradabth. 56, So. 45, 1883, 12 pp. Ueber Pseudomorphosen v.m Kalkspath nach .\ragonit. Ncues Jbuch. Min., 1886 tlul. li, t/i-HO. Ueber Aufnabme der Section Tann. Pretlss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [6], 1886. Iv-lvi. Beitriige zur Mineralogie. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1887 {lid. 1), 1-37; 1890 (Ud. 1), 10-48; 1891 {Bd. 1), 217- 266. [Ueber Cristobalit vom Cerro S. Cristdbal bei Pacbuca (Mexico).] Ncues Jbuch. Min., 1887 (ltd. 1). 199-200. Khodonit aus dem Dillenburgi^chen. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1888 [Ud. 1). 214. Blatt Gotha. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaat., I.ffl. 39, Gradiibth. 70. .Yl bei Marburg und cinige EinschlUsse desselben. Neues Jbuch. )lin., 1891 [lid. 2), 156-205. 231-271. 0 napaMop(lio3axi pyrnaa no aHarasy. [Ueber Bauer] 352 [Baug6 die Paramorphosen des Eutils nach Anatas.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 28, 1891, 147-168. On the jadeite mid other rocks from Tammaw in Upper Burma. [Tr.] India Geo]. Surv. Records, 28, 1896, 91-105; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1896 (Bd. 1), 18-51. DiirchsicbtiKer blauer Spinell von Ce.ylon. Neues Jbucli. Min., 1895 {lid. 1), 281-283. Jiideit von "Tibet." Neues Jbuch. Min., 1896 (Bd. 1), 85-95. Ueber das Vorkonimen der Eubiue in Birma. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1896 {Bd. 2), 197-238. Das Marniorlager von Auerbach an der Bergstrasse. Neues Jbuch. Min!, 1897 {Bd. 1), 220. Das Vorkommeu des Jadeits von "Tibet." Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 {Bd. 1), 258-259. Chrysoberyllkrystall von Ceylon. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 {Bd. 2), '106-108. Ueber die Krystallform des Histidin-Chlorhydrats. Ztschr. Physiol. Cliem., 22, 1893-97, 285-287. BeitriiRe zur Geolo(,'ie der Seyschellen, insbesondere zur Kenntiiiss des Laterits. Neues Jbucli. Min., 1898 {Bd. 2), 163-219. Ueber die Natur des Laterits. Petermann Mitth., 44, 1898, 280-283. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der niederhessischen Basalte. BerUn Ak. Sber., 1900, 1023-1039. Fuebsit als Material zu praliistorischen Artefacten aus Guatemala. Centrbl. Min.. 1900, 291-292. Ueber einige Diabase von Curasao. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1900 {Bd. 2), 140-153. Bauer, Ma.r [Hi'rniaiin], & Brauns, Hcinhard [Anton]. Beitiag zur Kenntniss der krystiiUographiscben und pyroelektrischeu Verhaltnisse des Kiuselzinkerzes. Neues ji)uch. Min., 1889 {Bd. 1), 1-28, (/iV/'.) 378. Bauer, Max [Hcrmiinn], Weiss, Er}i.it, & Schelbe, Robert. Blatt Obrdruf. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Eiliiut., Lfii. 39, Grudabth. 70, No. 9, 1889, 19 pp. Bauer, Miluilij. A negyzetes alakok elm^letehez. [Zur Theorie der quadratischen Formen.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 13, 1895, 316-322; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 13, 1897, 37-44. Adalek a veges csoportok elmeletehez. [Contribution to the theory of finite groups.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 17, 1899, 611-6i7; Nouv. Ann. Math., 19, 1900, 59-66. A torzsszambatvany-rendii csoportok elmetelehez. [Zur Theorie der Gruppen, deren , Onlnungsziihl eine Primzahlpotenz ist.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 18, 1900, 133- 135. Note sur les groupes finis. Nouv. Ann. Math., 19, 1900, .503-509. Bauer, P[anY], & Busch, Max. See Buscb ct Bauer. Bauer, R[ndolf'\. Ueber Azobenzolthiosulfonsiiiiren und Azobenzolsulfinsauren. Liebig's Ann., 229, 1885, 353- 371. Bauer, Uleinhard] W[atther']. Ueber den aus Agar-.Agar entstehcnden Zucker, iiber eine neue Siiuie aus dir Arabinose nebst dem Versuch einer Classification der gallertbildeiiden Kohlehydrate nach den aus ibnon entstehenden Zuckerarteu. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 30, 1884, 367-388. Ueber die Arabonsiiure und die aus Licheniu onlsteh- ende Zuckerart. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 34, 1886, 4(>-50. Zur Bestimmuug der Qualitiit von Ciilturb(i(len aus den Hesultaten dcrchemisclien und mechaniscbeu Bodcn- analysc. Cbcm. Ztg., 12, 1888, 1623. Ueber eine aus Plirsicligummi entstehende Zuckerart. Laudw. VersuclisStat., 35, 1888, 33-34. Ueber Galaktose aus I'Hauinengummi. Liindw. Ver- suchs-Stat., 35, 1888, 21."i-21C). Ueber die aus Kbihsaincnschlcim entstehende Zucker- art. Liebig's Ann,, 218, 1888, 140-144. Ueber cine aus Laniiiiariaschleim entstehende Zucker- art. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 618. Beitriige zur Frage der Diingung auf Grund der Bodenanalyse. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 1705. Ueber die Birotation der Arabinose und den Reduk- tionswert derselben gegen Fehlino's und S.\chsse's Losung. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 36, 1889, 304. Notiz iiber eine aus Pflaumenpektin entstehende Zuckerart. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 38, 1891, 319. Ueber eine aus Quittenschleira entstehende Zuckerart. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 39, 1891, 469-470. Ueber eine aus Leinsamenschleim entstehende Zucker- art. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 40, 1892, 480. Ueber eine aus Birnenpektin entstehende Zuckerart. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 41, 1892, 477. Ueber das Verhaltnis von Eiweiss zu Dotter und Schaale in den Vogeleiern. Biol. Centrbl., 13, 1893, 511; 14, 1894, 560; 15, 1896, 448; 16, 1896, 528, 818; 19, 1899, 320. Ueber chemisohe Beschaffenheit von Brunnenwassern im Gebiete des tietgriindigen Geschiebelebmes. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 42, 1893, 479. Ueber eine aus Aepl'elpektin entstehende Zuckerart. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 43, 1894, 191. Ueber Liivulose aus getrockneten Apfelsinenschalen, Citrus auranticum chinensis. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 45, 1895, 293-294. Das Pectin aus Apfelsinenschalen-Essigsiiure-Iuversion. Deutsoh. Natf. Verb., 1900 (77/. 2, Hdlfte 1), 99-100. Bauer, ii[("(n/ior(Z]ir[((/(/iC/-],Haedicke, J[«/iH.N], it Tollens, B[ern!iard Chiixtiiin Gottfiieii]. See Haedicke, Bauer ct Tollens. Bauer, J'lelor. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Tannins und einiger verwandten Substanzen. Pharm. Ztschr. Ku.-s- land, 35, 1896, 821-823. Bauer, }\'illielin , & Pechmann, II[ans] von. /St^eFecliinann it Bauer. Bauerman, Ililonj. Report on the geology of the country near the forty-ninth parallel of north latitude west of the Rocky Mountains. From observations made 1859- 61. [1884.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 1882-84, Bl- B42, iv. The salt-industry of Stassfurt. Inst. Civ. Engiu. Proc, 83, 1886, 41.5-424. Note on a rare blast furnace slag of the composition of gehlenite. [With discussion] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1886, 88-98. On the iron ore deposits of the Ural. Iron & Steel lust. JL, 1898 {No. 1), 134-143. Bauermeister, [A'ari]. Ueber die wichtigsten bis jetzt bekauuten Tubeikuline, ihre Herstellung und ihre Unter- schiede. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierbeilk., 26, 1900, 301-324. Bauernberger, Hermann. Ueber die Starke elektrischer Wellen, weun der Primiirfunke in Oel iiberspringt. Wien, Ak. Sber., 102, 1893 {Alith. -la), 782-792. Leucliteude Nachtwolken? Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900). 419. Bauernfeind, Carl Ma.viniilian iu>n. For biography and works see Leopoldiua, 30, 1894, 161 ; 31, 1896, 62-66, 78-82, 94-97; Forster. Allg. Bauzeitg., 60, 1895, 31-32; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 25, 1896, 161-170; Geogr. Jbuch., 19,1897,361. Der einheitliche Meridian. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verb., 1884, 43-45. Ergebuisse aus Deobachtungen der terrestrischeu Re- fraktion. [1884-90.] Miinchen, Ak. Abh., 15, 1886, 1-102 ; 16, 1888, 517-567 ; 17, 1892, 445-156. ■ Das Bayerische PraecisionsNivellement. [1891.] Miinchen, Ak. Abh., 17, 1892, 357-444. Baug6, Georges [Jean Baptisie]. Sur un carbonate chro- lueux ammoniacal cristallise. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E. , 122, 1896, 471-477. Sur nil carliouate double de sonde et de protox.yde de chrome. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1177-^1180; Paris See. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 107-110. Baugel 353 [Baum - r- Vcticiii erzellen. Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 12, 1886, 267-283. Die Artcricnanastomosen des Ilundes und die Bi - dculung der CoUateralen fiirden thierinclien Organixnius. Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 14. 1889, 273-316. Ein Fall von .Syndaktylie bcim Hunde. Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 15, 1889, 81-90. Die Lage dc-s Magi^ns voin Hundo in don verschie- denun FiillungHgraileu und die Hotation^theorie. Deut- sche Ztschr. Thiermed., 15, 1889, 401-122. Die Thymusdriisc des llundes. Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 17, 1891, 349-354. Isl Citrullin ein Abfiihrmittel fiir unsere Haustbiere? Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierhcilk., 19, 1893, 414-133. 1st Colocynthin ein .AWubrmittel fiir unsere Haus- tbiere? Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 20, 1894, 10-22. Besteht eiue VerbinJun;,' zwischen dem Kiipselbande des Kniescbeibengelenkes und dem dos Oocr-untcrscheu- kelgelenkes bcim Pferde? Atch. Wias. Prakt. Thier- heilk., 20, 1894, 35-40. Die Nasenhublc und ilire Nebenhohlen (Stim- und Kii-ferliiihle) beim Pferde. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thier- heilk., 20, 1894. 89-170. Die Anwendung der Gefriermethode bei grossen Haus- thicren. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 21, 1890, 179- 1H4. Besteht beim Rindc eine Verhindung zwischen der Kniescheibenkapsel und der Kapsel des Femoro-Tibinlge- lenkes, bezw. zwischen den beiden Siickeu der letztereo? Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Tiiicrheilk., 22, 1896, 333-337. Ueber die Giftigkeit des Alkoliciles bei rcktaler In- jektion. Arch. Wiss. Prakt Thierheilk., 23, 1897. 403- 429. Ueber die abfiihreode WirkuDi- des Podophyllia, Podo- pli\llotoxin und Barbaluin. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thier- heilk., 24, 1898, 267-272. Die Na.senhohle und deren Nebenhohlen (Stim-, Kiefer- und GaumenhOble) beim Riude. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 24. 1898. 337-374. Baum, llfTiirinii, A: Ellenberger, \l'[illulm]. .See EUen- berger cV Banm. Banm, Heniuinn, ii Seellger, [Ricluird]. Wird Plumbum aceticum mit der .Milch ausgeschieden und geht das.sell>e in so grossen Mengen in die Milch iiber, dass Ictztcre gesundheitsschadlich wird? Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thier- heilk., 21, 1896, 2H7-309. Wird das dem KOrper einverleibte Kupfer auch mit der Milch ausgeschieden und wirkt derartige .Milch schadlich, wenn sie genossen wird? Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 22, 1896, 194-201. Stcht die Menge des resorbirtcn Kupfers in propor- tionalem Verbaltniss zur Menge der jier o< verabreichten Kupfersaize? Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Tliierheilk., 23, 1897, 121^137. Ueber die verschiedene Giftigkeit einiger Eupferpra- parate. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 23, 1897, 429- 446. Die chronischc Kupfervergiftung. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 24, 1898, 80-127. Baam, >/[iijir;)/i]. Eine einfaehe Methode znr kiinKtIicben Darstellung von Ilippursaure und iihnhch zusammen- gesetzten Verbindungen. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 9, 1886, 465-168. Oxydationsproductc des Coniins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. lit. 1886. 50()-.=il2. Banm, .Tlotepli], ik Bchotten, CarL See Schotten d' Baum. Baum,./. Cro/f. liemarkable inttilligenoc of a rat. Amer. Nathst.. 21, 1887. 29.">-296. Banm, .'i>IiM>'. Bcitra-.;e zur Keunlnis der MuskeUpindeln. Anat. Hefte i.l'.f li. 13, 1900, 349-3*5. Baum, V i - . A Bamberger, Eugen. See Bamberger .V Baum. Banm, W[illielm]. Wie \Hel Darra kann der Meosch entbehreu ? Fortschr. Med., 2 (1884), 793-795. 45 Baumann] 354 [Baumann Baumann, -, A Rittliausen, [CdW] H[einricli Leopold]. Sit' Kittliausen Ji- Baumann. Baumann, Anton. Das Vcrhalten von Zinksalzen geRen I'tlanzeu und im Boden. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 31, 1885, 1-53. Ueber die Bestimmung deR Ammoniake im Boden nacli del- azotometrischen Methode. Fresenius, Ztschr., 26, 1887, 302-312. Ueber die Bestimmung des im Boden enthaltenen Ammoniak-Stickstoffes und liber die Menge des assimi- lirbaren Stickstoffs im iinbearbeiteten Boden. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 33, 1887, 247-303. Ueber die Bestimmung des Ammoniaks im Boden nacli der Methode Knop-Wolf. (Antwort auf die "Bemer- kungen" %'ou W. Knop zu [seiner] Abliandlung Bd. 33.) Landw. Verauehs-Stat., 34, 1887, 259-276. Ueber die Entsteliung der Salpetersiiure und sal- petrigen Siiure in der Natur durcli Verdampfung von Wasser, durch alkaliselie Kulistanzen und durcli den Boden an und iiir sich. Landw. Versucbs-Stat., 35, 1888, 217-260. Eine Tabelle ziir Berechnung der Salpetersaure aus dem gefundenen Volum Stickoxyd. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 662-664. Die Analyse des Braunsteins mittels Wasserstoffsuper- oxyd. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 72-79. Entwickelung von Sauerstoff aus dem Kipp'schen Apparat. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 79-80. Neue Methoden der quantitativen Analyse. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 135-142, 203-210, 328-332; 1892, 113-114. Zur gasvolumetriscben Analyse. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 332-339, 450-451. Zur gasvolumetriscben .Tod- und Saurebestimmung. Ztschr, Angew. Chem., 1892, 70-72. Gasvolumetrische Alkalimetrie. Titerstellung von alkalischen Fliissigkeiteu ohne Wage und ohue titrirte Liisungen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 114-116. Bestimmung des Wasserstoiifsuperoxyds und Baryum- supcroxyds. Ztschr. Angew. Chem,, 1892, 116-117. Bestimmung der arsenigen Saure. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 117. Bestimmung des Antimonoxyds. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 117-118. Bestimmung der schwefligen Siiure und der Sulfite. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 118. Baumann, K[n{ten AUirrt Gcort)]. For biography and list of works .sec Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2575- 2580; Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 897; Leopoldina, 32, 1896, 187-188; Nature, 55 (1896-97), 109; Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 2058; Amer. Chem. Jl., 19 (1897), 242; Anu. di Chim., 25 * 2(), [1897,] 96; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 3197-3213 ; Science, 5, 1897, 51-53 ; Termt. Kozliin., 29, 1897, 629 ; Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 23, 1897, 1-22. Zur Oxydation des Kohlenoxyds durch Luft und feuchten Phosphor. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 283-286. Zur Frage der Jodbestimmung im Harne. [1884.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 8, 1883-84, 2K2-290. Ueber Cystiii und Cvstein. [1884.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 8, 1883-84, 299-305. Ueber AlikommHuge iler Brenztraubensfiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 258-267. Ueber Verbiiidungen der Aldehyde, Ketone und Keton- Biiuren mit den Mercaptanen. Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 883-892. Ueber die Aetherschwefelsiiuren des Harns und das Verhalten i/.iii Fromm A Baumann. Baumann, l\\u(iiii Allierl ilnir;i\, it Ooldmann, K[dwiii]. S' I Ooldmann & Baumann. Baumann, J\[ugen Allierl Gfoig], & Kaat, Alfred. Uebcr iliii Hc/.iebiHiK'en zwischen cheiniscber KonHtitution und pliysioloi^ischer Wirkunt; bei eininen Sulfoiiun. Arch. I'hnrm., 'I'll, 1889, 1098-1100; Ztschr. I'hjsiol. Clicm., 14. 1890, ;V.'-74. Baumann, K[ugen Albert Geor-r)94. Baumann, I<[inieii Albert Genrg], & TJdrdnszky, LiUzln. See TJdrdnszky A' Baumann. Baumann, /•[«(/>■» Alherl Gearii], it VolkOT, M[ieliail Mnlrierd-]. See Volkov it Baumann. Baumann, /■,'[«(;(•« Albert Georii], it VTalter, G. Ueber viTseif bare Siilfonc, Siilfonsultinsiiuren und Sulfinsiiure- liioloiie. lierlin, Chem. Gcs. Ber., 26, 1893, 1124-1139. Baumann, Krn.-1180. Baumann, J[nseph]. Die Miiuchener Fernsprechanlftge. I'.l. ktii.ti'chn. Ztschr., .5, 1884, 338-342. Baumann, ./(h(ih.-]. Die Einwirkung von Aminen auf die Aethvleudibenzovl-o-carbousaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.; 20, 1887, "l4SC,-1493. Ein abgeiindertcr Soxhlet-Sickel'scher Extractions- Apparat. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 39, 1889, 302- 303. Eiu Beitrag zur Beurtheilung von Pellet's Wasser- digestion der Riiben. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 39, 1889, 936-942. Extraciionsapparatezur Riibenuntersuchung. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 40, 1890, 089-094. Ueber Vorsichtsmassregeln bei der Zuckerbestimmung mit Fehling'scher Liisung. Ztschr. Ver. Uiibenzuckeriiid., 40, 1890, 778-786. Beitrag zur Invertzuckerbestimmung raittelst Fehl- ing'scher Losung. Zt.schr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 42, 1892, 824-820. Die Untersuchung von Producteu, die Rohrzucker, Raftinose und grossere Mengen Invertzucker gleichzeitig enthalten. Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckeriud., 48, 1898 {I'h. •>), 779-784. Tahellen zur Berechnung der Invcrsionspolarisation. Anleitnng zum Gebrauch der Tabellen. Ztsohr. Ver. D.utsch. Zuckeriud., 48, 1898 (Th. 2), 784-787. Baumann, ./[iifiii.'i]. it Bom, iri//iiim. Vacuum water- bath fur temperatures of IW C. and upwards : with note on estimation of moisture in syrups. Chem. News, 09, 1894, 243-246. Baumann, ./[uliut], A Otto, J'liiil. Die BcKtimmung dcH Invi ii/uckersin SleluHsen mittelst Koldaini'Hcher L<'jHang. Zir-ihr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 11, 1891, 68.')-687. Baumann, ■/. Jotunhcim. Deutsch. Alpcn%'er. Ztschr., •-'1, 1890, 447-106. Baumann, .'[iifjiia]. In wie fern eignen sich die realen WisHensc'liaft^'n immer mchr dazu, die Urundlage der Bildung der Znknnft zu werden? Dentech. Nstf. Verh., 1897 (/•/(. 2. n,iljte 1), 8-19. Baumann, Murilz, & BclloU, Roland. See Bcholl it' Baumann. Baumann, Oihir. For biography and list of works lee G.i.t'r. .11.. 14, 1899, -^74; Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1899, .wiii-xxiv ; Leopoldina, 3.'j. 1899. 178-179 ; Anlhrop. Inst. Jl., 30, 1900, (10); Geogr. Jbuch., 22, 1900. 43.0; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 16, 1900, 32-33; Wien Anthrop. ties. Mitth., 30, 1900, [12iiH130]; Wien Geogr. Ges. Abh., 2. 1900, 1-20. Die Uelle-Fnige. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 28, 1B8S, 342-348. Die Umgebung von .\ngo-.Kngo am anteren Congo. Wien Geogr. Ges. .Mitth., 29, 1886, 129-141. Oesterrcichisehc Congo-Expedition [Briefe.] Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 29, 1886, 34 1-3.'>2, 417-124; 30,1887, 32-40, 219-'229. Bemerkungen zur Kartc der Route von Ango-Ango nach Leopoldville. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 29, 1886, 497-.'>04. Die Station der Stanley-Fiille. Besehreibung des Landes und der Bewohner am siebenten Katarakte der Stanley-Falle des Congo. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 29, 1886, .504-513, 647-656; 30, 1887, 0.5-69. [Ueber seine Reise im Congogebiet und auf Femando- Po.] Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1887. xxi-xxiii. Beitriige zur phvsischcn Geopraphie von Fernando P6o. Petermann. Mitth., 33, 1887, 20-5-269. Beitriige zur Ethnographie des Congo. Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 17, 1887, 160-181. AusHug nach Siwa-Siwa's Dorf. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 30, 1887, 107-170. Beitriige zur physisclien Geographic des Congo. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth.," 30, 1887, 513-527. Bemerkungen zur Karte der Karawanenroaten im Gebiete der Livingstonefiille des nnteren Congo. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitlh.. 3(l. 1887. 527-531. Usambara. Petermanu, .Mitth., 35, 1889, 41-47. Earte von Usambara. Petermanu, Mitth., 35, 1889, 257-261. lieisc in Deutsch-Ostafrika. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 32, 1889. 29-34. Begleitworte zur Karte des mittleren Congo (Blatt 3). Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 33, 1890, 300. Ueber das nordliche Deutsch-Ostafrika. Berlin Gcs. Erdk. Verb., 18, 1891, 79-82. Reise durch Montenegro. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 34, 1891, 3-12. Durch Deut«ch Massai-Land nnd znr Quelle des Kagera-Nil. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb.. 20. 1893, 277- 283; Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth.. 1893. xlii-xlvi; Wicu Geogr. Ges. Mitth.. 36. 1893, 263-270; Deutsch. Natf. Verh.. 1894 (T/i. 11, 121-12H. DiekartograpliischenErgebnissedcrMassai-Expedition des deutschen Antisklaverei-Komiteea. Petermann, Mitth., 40. 1894 (Krgnnzuiigfh. Ill, .56 pp.). Fiinf Briefe... von seiner mit Unterstiitzuni; des Vereins ausgefiihrtcn For.schungsreise im Zanzibar- archipel. [189".] Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1895. 1-13. Der Sansibar-.Xrchipel. Ergebnissc ciner mit Untcr- stiitzung des Vereins fiir Erdkunde za Leipzig 1895-% ausgefuhrten Forschungsreise. Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Wiss. Veri>ff.. 3. 1896. 38 + 48-1-15 pp. Der Unterlauf des Pangani-Flus-ses. Petermani>. Mitth., 42, 1896, 59-62. 45—2 Baumann] 356 [Baumert Der Chakwati-See. Peteimaun, Mitth., 42, 1896, 139-140. Contiave Sexual-ErscheinunKen bei der Nef;er-Bevol- keruDK Zanzibars. [Posth.] Ztscbr. Ethnol., 31, 1899, (668)-(670). Baumann, Slitiiamund], & Claus, Aillolf Carl Liidwiij]. See Clans & Baumann. Baumann, Tli. Ueber einen Scalen-Taster mit festem Mikroiueter im llikroskop. Ztsehr. Instrumentenk., 4, 1884, 149-152. Baumann, Tliiehnut. Etude sur la nigrisine. [1889.] Miilhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 60, 1890, 65-68. Sur un nouveau Kris direct de 3/. Max Petzold. Mulliouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 63. 1893, 221-222. Baumann, T}iiebant^ & Nolting, Kmilio [Dojiiinfio], See Nolting L^' Baumann. Baumbacta, M[a.r]. Ueber das Verhalten des linken Ventrikels bei der Mitralstenose. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 4S, 1891, 267-291. Baumberger, E[r)i!it]. Ueber die geologischeu Verhaltnisse am linken Uter des Bielersees. Bern Mitth., 1894, 150- 203. Ueber die Entstehung der Hauterivientaschen. Bern Mitth., 1896, ix-x. Ueber d.is Untere Urgonien von Cbamp-du-Moulin, Brenets und Cressier (Neuenburg). [1898.] Eclogte Geol. Helvet., 5, 1897-98, 525-530. Sur le Valangien et I'Hauterivieu dans le Jura Suisse. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 472-474, 600. Vorliiufige Mittheilungen iiber die Ammouitenfauna des Valangien und Hauterivien im Schweizerjura. [1900.] Eclogffi (reol. Helvet., 6, 1899-1900, 159-161. Baumberger, E[rnst], & laoulin, Henri. La serie N^o- comieiine a Valangiu. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 26, 1898, 1.50-210. Baumberger, /<;[»7is(], & Schardt, Hmis. See Scbardt & Baumberger. Baumeister, Kduard, & Eintaorn, Alfred. See Binhorn & Baumeister. Baumeister, W[illiehn\ Ueber die Darstellung der Oxyxan- thone aus den Salolen mehrwerthiger Phenole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 79-82. Baumel, L[eopold^. Distribution geographique du rachi- tisme. Congr. Int. Mf5d. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 3, Sect. 6), 110-124. Baumert, Geor(j [Paul Gustav Hermami]. Zur quantita- tiven Bestinimung des Alkaloidgehaltes der Lupinen. Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 137-138, 195-196. Untersuchungen iiber den fliissigen Theil der Alkaloide aus Lupinus lutens. [Lupinidin.] Landw. Versuchs- Stat., 30, 1884, 29.5-330; 31, 1885, 139-153. Einwirkung von Acetylchlorid und Essigsaurean- hydrid auf Lupinin. Liebig's Ann., 224, 1884, 313-321. Ueber das fliissige Alkaloid aus Lupinus luteus. Liebig's Ann., 224, 1884, 321-330. Das Lupinidin aus Lupinus luteus. Liebig's Ann., 225, 1884, 365-384. Ueber die Ausmittlung des Arsens bei gerichtlich- chemisehen Untersuchungen nach H. Beckukts. Chem. Ztg., 9, 1885, 904-905. Analyse der Soolquelle von Sennewitz bei Halle a. S. Halle Natf. ties. Ber., 1885, 38-53. Ueber das Verhalten des Lupinidins zu Aethyljodid. Liebig's Ann,, 227, 1885, 207-220. Analysen einiger californischer Weine. Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 58, 1885, 429-435. Analyse eines call torn ischcn " Orape Brandy." Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 58, 1886, 435. Ueber den " Bitterstoil," das Icterogen und Lupino- toxin der Lupinen. Ein Wort zur Ivliirung gelcgentlii-li der Entliitterungsfrage. Arch. I'liarm., 224, 1886, 49-59. I. Ueber californischen Wein in Uiicksicht auf seine Verwendbarkeit zu arzeneilichcn Gebrauch. ii. Notiz iiber californischen "Grape Brandy." Arcli. Pharni., 224, 1886, 286-292. Entbitterung der Lupinen nach den Methoden von Dr. Kellner in Tokio (.Tapan) und Dr. F. Bknte-Ebstorf. Arch. Pharni., 224, 1886, 1068-1071. [Ueber das Gift der Miesmuschel.] Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 59, 1886, 60-62. Ueber ein colchiciniilmliches Faulnissproduct. Arch. Pharni., 225, 1887, 911-918. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der californischen Weine. Nebst einem Auhang iiber die Zusammeiisetzung ainerikauischer Weine, californischer Weiulandserde und eines "Grape brandy." Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 33, 1887, 39-88. Saffransurrogat und gefalschter Zucker. Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 60, 1887, 600. Chemische Untersuchung zur Vergleichung des Kellner'schen und Soltsien'schen Lupineneutbitterungs- verfahrens. Arch. Pharm., 226, 1888, 42.3-432. Ueber die chemisehen Bestandteile des Lupinen- samens. Arch. Pharm., 226, 1888, 433-440. Zur Frage des normalen Vorkommens der Borsiiure im Weine. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3290- 3292. [Entbitterung der Lupinen.] Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 61, 1888, 06-67. Nachweis des Saccharins im Weine, Zuckerwaaren und dergleichen. Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 62, 1889, 202-204. [Priifung des Branntweins auf Fuselol.] Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 62, 1889, 358-339. Ueber Bestimmung von Glycerin im Wein. Arch. Pharm., 230, 1892, 324-331. Ueber die chemische Untersuchung von Fleischwaaren. Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1895, 620. Ueber den chemisehen Nachweis von Pferdefleisch. Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 68, 1895, 112-114. Neues Vorkommen von Vanillin. Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 68, 1895, 133. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung der Rohfaser in Nahruugs- uud Genussmitteln. Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 408-411. Zur Frage des chemisehen Nachweises von Pferde- fleisch. Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 412. Ersatz fiir Muttermilch. Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 69, 1896, 248-249. Ueber die Kennzeichnung der Mai-garine. Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1897, 581-582. Die latente Fiirbung der Margarine in Bezug anf das sogen. Margarinegesetz. Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 70, 1897, 112-113. Getrocknete Milch. [1897.] Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 26-27. Passburg'sche Trookenmilch. Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 297-298. Ueber den Nachweis von Milehverfalschungen. Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 220-221. Der Ziiikgehalt der amerikanischen Apfelconserven. Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 355-356. Ueber einige neuere Eiweiss-Niihrpriiparate. [1899.] Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 257-258. Ueber das J. Kcil'sche Verfahren zur gleichzeitigen Gewinnung von Stiirke und Kleberteig fiir Biickereizweoke u. dergl. Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 805-809. Ueber Aleuronat-Priiparate. Ztsehr. Naturwiss., 73, 1900, 118. Baumert, Genrii \Pim! Gustav Hermann]. & Bode, H[ii(fo]. Zur Bestimmung des wahren Stiirkegehaltes der Kartoflehi. [Unter Mitwirkung von A. Fest.] Ztsehr. Angew. Cliem., 1900, 1074-1078, 1111-1113. Baumert, Georii [Paul Gniilai< Hermann], it Halpern, A'[ii)-/1. Clieniisohe Zusamnienselzung und Niilirwert des Saniens von Chenopodium album, /,. Arcli. Pharm., 231, 1893, 641-644, 715. Baumert] 357 [Baumhauer Ueber ruBsisclicH HunKerbrnt. Arch. Phami., 231, 1893, 011-048. Uebcr Cheiiopodin iiiuldi'nNttcliweiKfU'BClifnojiodiiiiii- samciiB in MuhlpKidukti'ii. Arch. I'liurm., 2:il, 1893, fi4S-r..5H. Baumert, Geanj [I'aiil (Jimluv Hermann], & HoldefleUs, I'diil. Eiiifuche llethode zur BeNtinmiiiu^ dir yc- biiiidenuii Kuljlcnstiuru bcz. dcB in dur Ackcrc-rdu i-nt- Imltencn koldcnsaurtn Kiilkos. Ztschr. Angew. Cbcm., 1899, rii.i. Baumgiirtel, Conrad, A Baeyer, [■fohaitn Friedrich \l'ilheliii] Adolf. See Baeyer A Baumgiirtel. Baumgiirtel, Max. Das KiichbiiKur UniiiilKoliit't. Eine gucilu^^ische ISkizzc. Zwickim Ver. Nut. Jlier., 1894, 1-24. Baumgiirtner, Karl Ileinricli. tor biographical notice and w.irk.-i sec Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 218. Baumgardt, Ludwig M. Zur bcluiiidlung von Mugncti- siiuiij,'skiirvi;n. Elektriiteehn. Ztscbr., 11,1890,070-072. ItLclinung und Graphik in di-r Hand des Djnanio- Kon.Htrukteius. [1890.] Eloktrottchn. Ztsohr., 12, 1891, 80-83. Note ziuu BegvitI '■Kniftlinie." Elektrotechn. Ztsohr., 12, 1891, 420. Kiugaiikur fiir vielpulige Hoclis|ianiiungsma8chinen. Elektrotechn. Zlsclir., 14, 1893, 3^1. ZurDimeusiciuirung von Nutenankern. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 4'J7-49'J, 544. Ver|,'lci<:lionde UntL•r^ucbuni,' elektrischer Cieneratoren und Motorin. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., Lo, 1894, 79-80. VoltninduktioQ und Jlassenbewegung. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894. 237-2.9, 272. Experinientclle Bestimmung des scbtidlichen Magnct- felde.-i in (ileichstrouimaschinen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 16, 1895, 344-34.5, 374. Baumgart, Oswald. Ueber das quadratische ReciprocitiitB- geset/.. Eine vergleichinde Darstellung der Beweise des Fundiinientaltheorenies in der Tlieorie der ([uadratischen lieste und der denselben zu Urunde liegenden Principieu. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 30, 1886 (Hist.-lit. .ibtli.), 109-236, 241-277. Baumgarten, [Hans]. Beitrjige zur Entwickluugsge- sehichte der Uehorknochelchen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 40, 1892, .■)12-530. Baumgarten, Egnwnt. Verwerthung des Hiniiberhorens biini Kinne'schen Versuche. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 23, 1886, 133-140. Das Cocai'n als differentialdiagnostisches Mittel ini Kehlkopfe. Wicn. Med. Wschr., 37, 1887, 1436-1437. Ueber eine wahrscheinliche Ursache der Taubstumm- heit in Uugarn. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. K. (1894, 7), 726-728. Baumgarten, l'{iiul Clemens]. *Ueber das VerhSltnis von I'erlsuclit und Tuberkulose. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1880, 139. Einige Bemerkungen zur Histologie des Trachoms. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 30, 1884 (Abth. 1), 277-289. Uebor ein ueues Ueiuculturverfahren der Tuberkel- bacillen. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 309-370. I'iithologisth-anatoniische Mittheiluugeu. Virchow, Arch., 97, 1884, l-.JO. Beitriige zur Darstellungsmethode der Tuberkel- bacillen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1, 1884, 51-60. Ueber Untersuchungsmethoden zur Unterscheidung von Lepra- und Xuberkelbacilleu. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1, 1884, 307-371. Ueber eine gute Fiirbungsmethode zur Untersuchnng von Kerntheilungstiguren. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1, 1884, 415-417. Ueber die Fiirbnngsunterschiede zwischen Lepra- und Tubevkelbacillen. Centrbl. Bakt., 1, 1887, .573-571). Tuberkel- und Leprabacilleu. Centrbl. Bakt., 2, 1887. 291. Ueber eine Dermoidcyste des Ovarium mit angenahu- lichen Bildungen. Virchow, Arch., 107, 1887, .515-.527; 108, 1887, 210-217. I iber Vaginalcysten. Virchow, .Arch., 107, 1887, .)28-.-,34. Jiakteriologischc Mittheilnngen. [1. Zur Frage der Sporenbildung beiden Itotzbacillen. 2. Ueber Sciiki;iii.kn'h CareinoinbacilluH.] Centrbl. Bakt., 3, 1888, 397-398. Mittheilung iiber einige das Creoliu betreflende Ver- hui-he. Centrbl. Bakt. ..5, 1889, 113-110. Ueber das " Ex]>erimentnm crucis " der Phagocyton- lehrc. Beitr. Path. Anat., 7, 1890, 1-10. Uebcr die Herknnft der in Entziindnngsherden auftretenden lym|ilikiirperchenartigen Elemente (Lym- phocyten). Centrbl. Path., 1, 1890, 764-767. Beitriige zur Lehre von der natiirlichen Immunittit. Deutsch. Natf. Verh.. 1899 (Th. 2, Hnlfte 2), 19-20. Die liolle der fixen Zellen in der Ent/undung. Congr. Int. M<:d. C. E., 1900 (Vul. 3, Anal. Path.), 46-56. E.'cperinientelle Studicn iiber Pathogeuese und Histo- logie der Hodenluberculose. Wicn. Med. Wschr., 50, 1900, 2057-20.59. Ueber die histologiscbc DifTercntialdiagnose zwischen den tubcrculosen und Byphilitischen Proccssen, spcciell zwisclien tuberculoser und gummoser Orchitis. Wien. .Med. Wschr., .50, 1900, 2209-2215. Baumgarten, r[aul CUinent], A Treltel, Th[eodoT]. See Treitel cV Baumgarten. Baumgarten, i'[.i«/ Vlrmenx], & VTalz, Karl. Ueber den HL-ilwirt des neutn Koch'schen Tuberkulins nach Ex- perinienten an tuberkulos iutizierten Kaninchen und iMeerschweinchen. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 587-593. Baumgarten, IT. Infarction in the heart. [1898-99,] Bust. in Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., 3, 1899, 39-10; Amer. Jl. I'liysiol., 2, 1899. 243-265. Baumgartner, Juliiif. Pllanzengeograpbische Notizen zur Flora des oberen Dooauthales und des Waldviertels in Nitderosterreich. [1893.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 43, 1894 {Abh.). .548-551. Banmliauer, JC[douard] II[enri] von. For biography and list of works see Arch. Neerland., 19, 1884, 4 pp.; Leopoldina, 21, 1886, .57-58; Rev. Sci., 35, 1886, 190; Amsterdam, Ak. Jaarli., 1887, 1-57. Over de op 17 Maart 1883 te Haarlem en in de omstreken waargenomen aardschudiliug. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 19, 1884, 60-71. Sur la meteorite de Ngawi, tombee le 3 octobre 1883, dans la partie centrale de I'ile de Java. Arch. Neerland., 19, 1884, 175-185; Jaarb. Mijnw. Nederl. Ind., 13 (1884), [Pt. 1], 331-342; Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 1, 1886, 8-18. Thermoregulateur de construction simple, pouvant aussi servir de thermom^tre enregistreur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 99, 1884, 370-374 ; Arch. Neerland., 19, 1884, 297- 302; Fresinius, Ztschr., 24, 1886, 42-16. Baoinlianer, Heinrich [.idol/]. 'Bemerkungen zu der Abliandlung des Herrn .1. UmscBW.tLD : " Ueber unsere derzeitige Kenutniss des Leucit-Systems.' Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878, 287-288. *Ueber einige optische Erschcinungen am Quartz, Gyps und Kalkspath. Min. Petr. Mittii., 5, 1883, 285- 289. Uebcr die mikroskopische BeschafleDheit eiucs Bunt- kupfererzes von Chloride (New Mexico). Ztschr. Krvst., 10, 1886, 447-4.50. Bemerkungen iiber den Boracit. Ztschr. Krrst., 10, 1886, 451-457. Ueber den Kryolith. Ztschr. Krvst., 11, 1886, 133- 139. Uebcr die Abhiingigkeit der .Aetzfiguren des Apatit von der Natur und Concentration des .Aeizmittels. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1887, 863-878 ; 1890, 447-465. Ueber die Structur uud die mikroskopische Beschaffen- Baumhauer] 358 [Baur heit von Speiskobalt und Chloanthit. Ztsehi-. Kryst., 12, 1887, 18-33. Ueber die Aetzerscheimmgen des Strychninsulfates. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, GU8-609. Ueber sehr fliichenreiche, \vabri;chemlich dem Jordanit angehorige Krystalle aus dem Binnentbal. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1891, 697-711. Ueber das Krystallsystera des .Jordanits. Berlin Ali. Sber., 1891, 915-92.5. Ueber die Winkelverbaltnisse des Apatit von ver- schiedenen Fundorten. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 31- 43. Ueber Zwillinge des Kryolith. Ztsclir. Kryst., 18, 1891, 35.5-360. Ueber die Krystallisatiou des Nephelin. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 611-018. Krvstallographische Notizeu. Ztschr. Kryst., 21, 1893, 200-209; 24, 1895, 78-90. Ueber den Skleroklas von Binn. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1895, 243-252. Die Krystallstructur des Auatas. Ztschr. Kryst., 24, 1895, 555-580. Sur quelques mineraux du Binnenthal (Valais). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 281-284. Ueber deu Rathit, ein neues Mineral aus dem Binnenthaler Dolomit. Ztschr. Kryst., 26, 1896, 593- 602. Neue Beobachtungen am Binnit und Dufrenoysit. Ztschr. Kryst., 28, 1897, 545-552. Ueber Zwillingsbildungen an Krystallen. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 {Tli. 2, Hfilfte 1), 190-191. Ueber sogenannte anoniale Aetzfiguren an monoklinen Krystallen, insbesoudere am Colemanit. Ztschr. Kryst., 30, 1899, 97-117. Beitrage zur Kenntniss und Theorie der Zwillingsbil- dung an Krystallen. Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 252-275. Ueber die krystallographischen Verhiiltnisse des Jordanit. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1900, 577-590. Ueber die Krystallformen des Muscovit. Ztschr. Kryst., 32, 1900, 164-176. Baumliauer, 31. M. von. 'On the method of constructing tables of mortality. [Tc] [1869.] Inst. Act. Jl., 16, 1872, 34-42. Baumholtz, J. L. Die Eesistenz der rothen Blutkor- perchen bei Phtisis pulmonum und die Ursache der Kesistenz im AUgemeinen. Congr. Int. ftWd. C. E., 1900 {Vul. 4), 745-746. Baumstark, F[erdinand]. For biographical notice and works see Leopoldina, 26, 1890, 54. Ueber eine neue Methode, das Gehirn chemisch zu ertorschen, und deren bisherige Ergebnisse. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 9, 1885, 145-210. Baumuller, Bernharil. Pulydactylie beim Reh. Niirnb. Nat. Ges. Abb., 9, 1892, .51-71. Baup, [Fruiicis], & Stanculeanu, G[eorges]. Le colibaoille dans les suppurations auriculaires et leurs complications. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi5m., 52, 1900 (C. It.}, 152-153 ; Progrfe Med., 11, 1900, 129-132. See also Stanculeanu & Baup. Baup, Samuel. For biographical notice and list of works see Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 29, 1893, 18.5-210. Baur [?Bauer], .4[lfred]. Untersuchungen iiber die Se- krete. Ueber das Burseraceen-Opoponax. Arch. Pharm., 233, 1896, 209-252. Baur, .l/bcrt. ,S'ei! Baur-Thurgau. Baur, C Beitriige zur experimentellen Akustik. Ann. Phys. Chem., 23, 1884, 1.50-156. Tonende Platten, die durch einen Wasserstrabl erregt sind. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verh. , 1886, 43-44. Ueber einen neueu Thermostaten. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verh., 1886, 44-46. Ui'ber Arbeitsniessungcn an olektrisclien Kleinmotoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 9, 1888, 290-292. Neuere Untersuchungen iiber den Magnetismus. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 10, 1889, 128-134, 151-154, 18.5-188. Krankheiten von Dynamos. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 11. 1890, 57-59. Baur, C'[(()/] U'lilhelml. Einige Eigenschaften der Bi- nomialcoefficienten mit Anwendungen auf Combinations- lehre. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 32, 1887, 218-233. Baur, Ii[mi!]. Bestimmung von Umwandlungspunkten auf elektrischem Wege. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 180-182. Bestimmung einigerLeitfahigkeiten. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 183-184. Ueber die Leitfahigkeit des Nitramids. Liebig's Ann., 296, 1897, 95-100. Bestimmung der Alfinitatsgrossen und Dissociations- wiirmen einiger Stickstoffsauren. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 23, 1897, 409-416. Ueber die chemische Theorie der lebendigen Substanz. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 239-240. Ueber die Theorie der Gasgliihstriimpfe. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 10.55-1057. Baur, E[iiiil], & Sluthinann, Wilhelm. See Blutlunann & Baur. Baur, Erwin. Zur Frage nach der Sexualitat der CoUe- maceen. [1899.] Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 16, 1898, 363-367. Baur, F. *[Note3 metc5orologiques faites i] Metz. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 1, 1868, 239, 259, 287; 2, 1869, 37, 42, 65, 153-154, 235, 256, 290 ; 3, 1870, 37, 68, 95, 179, 203. Baur, Georg {Hermann Carl Ludwig]. For biography and list of works see Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 717-718; 33, 1899, 15-30; Auk, 15, 1898, 286-287; Geol. Mag., 5, 1898, 379-381; Leopoldina, 34, 1898, 126; Nature, 58 (1898), 350; Ornith. Mber., 6, 1898, 167-168; Science, 8, 1898, 68-71 ; Zoologist, 3, 1899, 95-96. Note on the pelvis in birds and dinosaurs. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 1273-1275; Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 613-616. Der Carpus der Paarhufer. Eine morphogenetische Studie. Morphol. Jbuch., 9, 1884, 597-603. On the morphology of the tarsus in the mammals. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 86-88; Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 458-461. On the centrale carpi of mammals. Amer. Natlist. , 19, 1886, 195-196; Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 455-457. The trapezium of the Camelida?. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 190-197; Morphol. Jbuch., 11, 1886, 117-118. On the morphology of carpus and tarsus of verte- brates. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 718-720; Zool. Anz., 8, 1885, 326-329, 486-4S8. Preliminary note on the origin of limbs. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 1112. Dinosaurier und Vogel. Eine Erwiederung an Herrn Prof. W. Dames in Berlin. Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 446-454. A second phalanx in the third digit of a carinate bird's wing. Science, 5, 1885, 355. A complete fibula in an adult living carinate bird. Science, 5, 1885, 375. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Ossification der " langen " Knochen. Zool. Anz., 8, 1885, 580-581. Zur Morphologie des Carpus und Tarsus der Rep- tilien. (Vorliiufige Mittheilung.) Zool. Anz., 8, 1885, 631-638. Ueber das Arohipterygium und die Entwicklung des Cheiropterygium aus dem Ichtbyopterygiuni. (Vorliiufige Mittheilung.) Zool. Anz., 8, 1885, 06.3-606. The oldest tarsus (Archegosaurus). Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 173-174; Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 104-106. The intercpntrum of living Keiitilia. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 174-175. Baurl 359 [Baur The proatliiK, atlas and axis of tlic Crocodilia. Anicr. NatliBt., 20, 1886, L'hh-293. The iiitoii^entiuin in Sphenodon (Hattcria). Amer. Nathst., 20, 1886, IGa-KiO. Tlie ribs of Splienodon (Hatteria). Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, y79-9Hl. Uebcr did Honiol(i(,Men einiger Schadelkiiochen dor Stegocephalen nml Hiptilien. Anat. Anz., 1, 1886, 348-350; 2, 1887, ('."iT-lioH. Bemerkungen iiber den "Astragakis" nnd das " Intermediinii tarsi " der Siiugethiere. Morphol. Jbuoh., 11, 1886, 4f)W-483. W. K. I'ahkku'h Uenierkuiigen iiber Archu;opteryx, 18r)4, und cine Zusammenstelhing der hauptsiiehlichstcn Littenitur liber diescn Vogel. Zool. Anz., '.I, 1886, lOti-lO'J. Die zvvei CentraHa ini Carpus von Sphenodon (Hatteria) und die Wirbel von Sphenodon und Gecko vertieellatus, I.aur. (G. verns, Gray). Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 188-190. Herin Professor K. Bahdei.ebkn's Bemerkungen iiber "Centetes niadagascariensis." Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 219-220. Bemerkungen iiber Sauroptervgia und Ichthyopterygia. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 24')-2">2, 323. Osteologische Notizen iiber lleptilien. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, (;8.5-fi90, 73.3-743; 10, 1887, 96-102; 11, 1888, 417-424, 592-597, 73t!-740; 12, 1889, 10-47. Ueber die Morpliogenie der Wirbelsiiule der Amnioten. [188G.] Biol. Ceiitrbl., 6, 1887, 332-342, 353-3(53. Ueber das Quadratuni der Siiufjethicre. [188(1.] Miinoben Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 2, 1887, 45-57. On the morphogeny of the carapace of the Testudinata. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 8U. On the morphology und origm of the Ichthyopterygia. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 837-840. On the morphology of ribs. Amer. Natlist., 21. 1887. 942-945. On the pliylogenetic arrangement of the Sauropsida. Jl. Morphol,, 'l, 1887, 93-104. Ueber die Kaniile im Humerus der Amnioten. Morphol. Jbuch., 12, 1887, 299-.305. Ueber den Ursprung der Extremitiiten drr Ichthyo- pterygia. Oberrhein. Geol. Ver. Ber., 1887, 17-20. • — — Ueber Lepidosiren paradoxa, F(/Ji)iycr. Zool. Jbiich., 2, 1887, 575-583. Ueber die Abstammung der amnioten Wirbelthiere. [1887.] Miinehen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 46-(U. Notes on the American Trionychida;. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 1121-1122. Unusual dermal ossifications. Science, 11, 1888, 144. Derniochelys, liemiatochelys oder Sphargis. Zool. Anz.. 11, 1888, 44-45. PaliEoliatteria, Creiiner, and the Proganosauria. Amer. Jl. Sci., 37, 1889, 310-313. Note on Carettochelys, Ratnsay. Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 1017. The gigantic land tortoises of the Galapagos islands. Amer. Nullist., 23, 1889. Io3'.i-10g7; 24, 1890. 1226. The relationship of the genus I'irochelys. Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 1099-1100; 24, 1890, 1226. Neue Beitriige zur Morphologie dcs Carpus der Siiu- geticre. Anat. Xn?.., 4, 1889, 49-51. The systematic position of Meiolania, Oiioi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, 54-62. On "Aulacoehelys," Lydekker, and the systematic position of Anosteira, I.eiily. and Psendotriouyx, Dollo. Ann. iS[ag. Nat. Hist., 3. 1889. 273-276. On Meiolania and some points in the osteology of the Testudinata : a reply to Jlr. G. A. Boulenoeii. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 37-45. Mr. K. T. Nkwton on Ptcrosauria. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 171-174, 288. On the morphology of ribs and the fate of the actinoBts of the median fins in li.sheK. Jl. Morphol., 3, 1889, 463-466. On the morphology of the vertebrate skull. Jl. Morphol., 3, 1889, 4(i7-474. Bemerkungen iiber den Carpus der Proboscidier und der Uugulaieii im Allgemcinen. Morjdiol. Jbuch., 1.5, 1889, 478-482. Die svstematiscbe Stellung von Dermochelys, Blainv. [1889.] ■ Biol. Ccutrbl., 9, 1890, 149-153, 180-191, 618-619. KadaliosauruB priBCUB, C'redner, a new reptile from the Lower Permian of Saxony. Amer. Jl. Sci., 39, 1890, 156-158. The genera of the Podocnemididte. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 482-484, 1226. Note on the genera Hydraspis and RbinemyB. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 4MJ-185. The genera of the Cheloniida;. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 486-487. On the classification of the Testudinata. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 530-536, 1227. An api)arently new species of Chelys. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 967-968, 1227. On the characters and Bystematic poBition of the large sea-lizards, Mosasaurida;. Science, 16, 1890, 262. Two new species of tortoises from the south . Science, 16, 1890, 262-263. The problems of comparative o-^teology. Science, 16, 1890, 281-282. Das Variieren der Eidechsen-Gattung TropiduruB auf den Galapagos-Inseln und Bemerkungen iiber den Ur- sprung der Inselgruppe. [1890.] Biol. Centrb)., 10, 1891, 475-483, 653. Oi> interialation of vertebrae. [1890.] Jl. Morphol., 4, 1891, 331-336. On the origin of the Galapagos Islands. Amer. Natlist., 25, 1891, 217-229, 307-326. Remarks on the reptiles generally called Dinosauria. Amer. Natlist., 25, 1891, 434-454. The lower jaw of Sphenodon. Amer. Natlist., 25, 1891, 489-490. On the relations of Carettochelys, Ramsay. Amer. Natlist., 25, 1891, 631-639. [Trip to the Galapagos islands.] Amer. Natlist., 2.5, 1891, 902-907. The pelvis of the Testudinata, with notes on the evolution of the pelvis in general. Jl. Morphol., 4, 1891, 34-5-359. Notes on some little known American fossil tortoises. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1891, 411-430. The very peculiar tortoise. Carettochelys, Ranuay, from New Guinea. Science, 17, 1891, 190. American box-tortoises. Science, 17, 1891. 190. The horned saurians of the Laramie formation. Science, 17, 1891, 216-217. On some peculiarities in the structure of the cerric&l vertebral in the existing Monotremata. Amer. Natlist., 26, 1892, 72, 435. On the taxonomy of the genus Emys, C. Dumiril. Amer. Phil. Soe. Proc, 30, 1892, 40-44, 245. Der Carpus der SchilJkrOten. Erwiderung an Herrn Prof. Dr. Eniil Kosknbebo. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892, 206-211. Ein Besuch der Gal&pagOB-lnselD. Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892. 221-2.".0. On the morphology of the skull in the Mosasauridffi. Jl. Morphol., 7. 1892. 1-22. Professor .\lexander .\n.issiz on the origin of the fauna and llora of the Gal&pagos Islands. Science, 19, 1893, 176. 360 Baur] Bemerkungen iiber verschiodene Arten von Schild- kroten. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, lo5-15y. — Notes on the classilicatiou of the Cryptodu-a. Amer. _^5wo'nI;"pec'F^' North American Testudinata. Amer. NatUst., 27, 1893, 07O-677. Further notes on American box-tortoi,cs. Amei. Natlist "27, 1893, 077-678. . The' 'discovery of Miocene amphisbienians. Amer. Natlist 27, 1893, i)U8-99'J. __ Note's ok the classification and taxonomy of the Testudfnata. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 31, 1893, 210- _^' Ueber Bippen und ahuliche Gebilde und dereu Nomen- clatur [1893.] Anat. AiiZ., 9, 1894, 110-120. , The differentiation of species on the txalapagos islands and the oriRia of the group. Wood's Hoil Mar. Biol. Lab Lect., 1894, G7-78. _- Bemerkungen fiber die Osteologie der Schlatengegend .ler hiiheren Wirbelthiere. [1891-] ^nat. Anz., 10, _^^The rdationship of the lacertilian genus Anniella, Cvni ri894 T U. S. Mus. Proc, 17, 1896, 34o-3ol. _1 Cope on the temporal part of the skull, and on the systematic position of the Mosasauridii;. Amer. Natlist., J!'Uebe'r^den^°Proatlas einer Schildkrote (Platypeltis spinifer, Les.). Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 319-354 1 Die Palatingegend der Ichthyosauria. Anat. Anz., 10 1895, 450-459. , . , , ti i-r 'Ueber die Morpbologie des Unterkiefers der Reptilieu. ri895 1 Anat. Anz., 11, 1896, 410-415, 569. Jl- Das GebiBS von Sphenodon (Hattena) und emige Bemerkungen fiber Prof. It. BuiicKHAEirr s Arbeit uber das Gebiss der Sauropsiden. [1895.] Anat. Anz., 11, — ^The paroccipital of the Squamata and the affinities of tlie Mosasauridfe once more. A rejoinder to Professor E D Cope. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 143-147. : Professor Cope's criticisms of [the author s] drawings of the squamosal region of Conolophus^ subcristatus Gray (Amer. Natural., Febr., 1896, p. 148-149) ; and a few remarks about his drawings of ttie same object from Ste.npachner. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896 327-329 The StegoeephaU: a phylogenetic study. Anat. Anz., 'mj. Walter E. Collinge's remarks on the pra30- percular zone and sensory canal of Polypterus. (Anat. inz Band xii. No. 3, 11 Mai 1896, p. 87.) Anat. Anz., -Ji'lJCT^Scliadel einer neuen grossen Schildkrote (Adelo- chelys) aus dem Zoologischeu Museum m Munchen. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896, 314-319. __ Bemerkungen fiber die Phylogenie der Schildkroteu. Anat Anz 12 1896, 501-570. — New observations on tlie origin of the Galapagos islands, Willi remarks on the geological age ot the Pacific Ocean Amer. Natlist., 31. 1897, 061-080, 804-896. . Birds of the GaUlpagos Archipelago : a criticism of Mr. Uobert KiuawAi's paper. Amer. Nathst., 31, 1897, -Il^eltegosaurus. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897 975-980 Pareiasauria, .SVWcy (Cotylosauria, Cope), from the Triassic of Germany. Science, o, 1897, (20- (2- [Note on the seals of Galapagos.] bcieiice, o, 1897, ! Ampinbia or Batrachia. Science, 6, 1897, 170-174, 372-373 Ueber die systematische Stellung der Microsaurier. ri897.1 Anat. Anz., 14, 1898, 148-151. — — Bemarks on the question of intercalation of vertebr.e. [1897.1 Zool. Bull., 1, 1898, 41-55. BauT, Gcury [Hermann Carl Ludwiy], & Ca«o, iLrmi/ie] [Baur-Thurgau aoulcs]. On the mori)hology of the skull of the Pelyco- sauria and the origin of the mammals. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 109-120. , . , ^ , Baur, Ludiciy [Heinrich Gustav]. Zur Theorie der Dede- kind'schenldeale. Math. Ann., 32, 1888, 151-156. ] )ie Dedekind- Weber' sohen Ideale in einem hyperel- liptischen Kiirper. Math. Ann., 41, 1893, 491-508. Zm- Theorie der Funetionen eines cubischen Korpers. Math. Ann., 43, 1893, 50.5-520. Aufstellung eines vollstiindigen Systems von Differ- entialen erster Gattung in einem cubischen Functionen- • korper. Math. Ann., 46, 1895, 31-01, 160, 608. Zur Theorie der algebraischeu Funetionen. Crelle, Jl. Math., 110, 1896, 107-170. t. ^ : ■ A Ueber den Zusammenhang zwisehen der Dedekind- Weber'scheu Normalbasis und dem Hensel'schen absolu- ten Fundamentalsystem. Math. Ann., 49, 1897, 73-82.^ Ueber die Verzweigung der dreiblattengen Biemann - schen PUichen. Crelle, Jl. Math., 119, 1898, 171-174 Ueber die verschiedeneu Wurzeln einer algebraischen Gleichung. Aus einem Schreiben an H. Webek. Math. Ann., 50, 1898, 241-248. , , • , Ueber die verschiedeneu Wurzeln emer algebraischen Gleichung und deren Ordnungen. Math. Ann., 52, 1899, 113-119. ^ , , .. , Baur R Apparat zur Bestimmung von Kohlensaure und Car'bonaten Jl. Prakt. Chem., 29, 1884, 489-493; 35, 1887, 86-87. , , , t- n ■ Apparat zur Bestimmung von kohlensaurem Kalk m der Kuochenkohle und von Kohlensaure, etc., uberhaupt. Ztschr. Ver. Biibenzuckerind., 34, 1884, 1151-1150 Bestimmung der Fettsauren m Seifen. [188fa.J Jl. Prakt. Chem., 35, 1887, 88-89. , t i Baur Wilhelm. Beitriige zur Laubmoosflora der Insel Malta. Hedwigia, 30, 1891, 217-219. Ulota maerospora, Baur & naniM., nov. spec. Hed- wigia, 32, 1893, 259-200, [Ueber Mimulus luteus.] [1893.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 11, 1896 (.S7;fr.), 225-220.^ Bruchia vogesiaca wieder aufgefunden. AUg. Bot. Ztschr., 1899, 187. . Banr-Breitenfeld, [Karl] ron. Ueber Paratolylditbiobia- zolouthiol, Cll, . C0H4 . N — N SO C . SH. s Jl Prakt. Chem., 00, 1899, 206-212. Baur-Thurgau, Albert. Contribution a retude d" m"sc artificiel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ul, 1890, 238-240; Jl. Pharm., 21, 1890, 368-370; 22, 1890, 323-324 Studien fiber den kfinstlichen Moschus. Chem. Ztg., 14 1890, 1093-1094; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, •j33O_08in- 27 1894, 1024; Moniteur Sci., 5, 1891, 1025- 1033-''Muliu)Use Sou. Ind. Bull, 61, 1891, 460-475; Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 11, 1892, 306-307. Ueber die Nebeuproducte, welche bei der Darstellung des Butyltoluols auftreten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, ldoO-1009. ,, , T, r Ueber die Nitroproducte des Butylbenzols. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ecr., 27, 1894, 1610-1611. Ueber das Aethvlbutylbenzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1011-1614. Ueber die Phenole des Butvltoluols und dessen Aether. Berlin, Chem. Ge.'i. Ber., 27, 1894, 1614-1019. Beitrii'-e zur Keuntniss des bromirten Butyltoluols. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1619-1623 Ueber das Butylnaphtalin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27 1894, 1623. Ueber Derivate des Butyltoluols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 303-305. Ueber Keton-Moschus. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1344-1349, 3678. Baur-Thurgau | 30 1 [Bauschinger Ueber Derivatc Jes HiiIvIx.vIoIh. Berlin, Chom. Ge». Ber., 33, 1900, 25G2-2ot)n, iV.h. Baur-Ttaorgan, Albert, A Blschler, Auii[uiil]. UebiT Alilclivii-Mosclms. Berlin, Clicm. Gcs. Bcr., 32, 1899, ■Myil-M'AH; 33, 1900, 607, ilH-119. Banacblnger, Johann. For bioK'raiiliy and works see Kl.ktroticlin. Ztschr., II, 1893, 71')"; Leopoldina, 29, 1893. 2(19; Miinclien Ak. Sber., 24, 1895, 114-120. Ueber die Veriinderuniien der ElasticitatsKrenze von Eisen nnd Stahl. Dinfilers Polytechn. Jl., 266, 1887, •2i(;--_'2o. Bauschinger, Julius. Zur Frage tiber die Bewegnng des Merourperihcls. Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 27-32. Beobachtun(!en der Cometen 1886...(Fabr}-) und 1886 ...(Barnard) niit deni RinRmikrometer des .5 zoll. Re- fractors der Sternwarte zu Miinclien. .\str. Nachr., 113, 1886, 347-348; 114, 1886, 43-14, 315-316; 115, 1886, 47-48. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1886. ..(Brooks I) mit dem lOJ zoll. Ri-fractnr der Sternwarte zu Miinchen. Astr. Nachr., 114. 1886, 381-382. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1884 III (Wolf) mit dem Bingmikrometer des o zoU. Refractors der Sternwarte zu Miinchen. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 233-236. Ueber die Beobachtung des Planeten (29) Amphitrite in den Miinchener Zonen. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 397-398. Neuer Veranderlicher in Libra (1855.0): 15''4'°1'.5- 5° 27'. 6 Lamj 1875. Astr. Nachr., IIH, 1888, 27-28. Beobachtung der partialen Mondlinsterniss 1887 Aug. 3. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 121-122. Beobachtung des Cometen 1889... (Barnard Miirz 31). [Auf der Sternwarte in Miinchen.] .Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 17.5-176, 207-208, 239-240. Beobachtungen des Planeten (33) Polyhymnia anpe- stellt am 10^ zolligen Refractor der k. St«rnwarte zu Miinchen. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 199-202. Beobachtungen von Cometen angestellt am 104 zolligen Refractor der k. Sternwarte bci Miinchen. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 265-268. [Beobachtungen des Comet«n 1889. ..(Barnard Juni 23).] Auf der Sternwarte in Miinchen. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 43-44, 117-118. Elemente des Cometen 1889... (Barnard Juni 23). Astr. Nachr., 122. 1889, 103-104. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1888 V angestellt am lOJ zolligen Refractor der k. Sternwarte zu Miinchen. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889. 157-1.58. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1889... (Brooks Juli 6).] Auf der Sternwarte in Miinchen. Astr. Naohr.. 122, 1889, 189-190; 123, 1890, 407-408. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1889. ..(Davidson).] Auf der Sternwarte in Miinchen. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 219-220. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1889 I angestellt mit dem lOJ Zolligen Refra»tor der Sternwarte in Miinchen. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 217-218. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1889 IV angestellt mit R. s. A. c. dem 104 zolligen R<^rractor der Sternwarte in Milnchea. Astr. Nachr., 123. 1890, 281-282. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1890 ..(BorrcUy 1889 Dec. 12).) Am lOJ Zoller der Miinchener Sternwarte. A«tr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 283-284, 319-320. ■ ISeoliachtong des Cometen l8'J0...(Brookii Miirz 19) auf der Sternwarte in Miinchen. A^tr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 191-192; 128, 1891, 13-14. Zusamnicustellung der Eigenlxiwegungen von 90 telc- skopischen Sternen, welche in den .Miinchener Zonen vorkommen. A»tr. Nachr., 124. 1890. 289-294. [Beobachtungen des d' Arrest' «chen Cometen 1890.] .Auf der Sternwarte in Miinchen. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 383-384 ; 126, 1891, 31-32. Notiz iiber die Bahn der die astronomische Refraction mit einer Bestimmunp der Polhohe von Miinchen und ihrer Schwankungen vom November 1891 bis October \9j3 und einem Katalog der absuluten DecUnationen Ton 116 Fnndamental-Sternen. [1896.] Munchen Stemw. Xeue Ann., 3, 1898, 41-229. 46 Bauschinger] 362 [Baxter Oppositions-Ephemeride fiir (29) Amjiliitrite. Astr. Nachr., 14"), 1898, 1(19-110. Genaherte Oppositious-Ephemeriden von 45 kleinen Planeten fiir 1898 Januar bis August. Unter Mit- wirkung niehrerer Astronomen, insbesondere der Herreu A. Berberich und P. NEUfiEBAUEK. Berlin Astr. Eechen- Inst. Veroff., 6, 1898, 16 pp. Genaherte Oppositions-Ephemeriden von 49 kleinen Planeten fiir 1898 August bis December. Unter Mit- wirkung niehrerer Astronomen, insbesondere der Herren A. Berrerich und P. NicnaEBAUEB. Berlin Astr. llechen- Inst. Veroff., 7, 1898, Hi pp. Unterauchungen iiber den periodisohen Kometen 1889 V. 1896 VI (Brooks). [2. Theil. Die Erscheinung 1896-97 und ilire Vei'binduug mit der vom .Jahre 1889-90.] Berlin Astr. Reclien-Inst. Veroff., 8, 1898, 52 pp. Ueber die Bezeiehnung des Planeten 1898 DQ. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 22.3-224. Genaherte Oppositions-Ephemeriden von 52 kleinen Planeten fiir 1899 Januar bis August. Unter Mit- wirkung mehrerer Astronomen, insbesondere der Herren A. Berrerich und P. Neugebauer. Berlin Astr. Recheu- Inst. Veroff., 9, 1899, 17 pp. Genaherte Oppositions-Ephemeriden von 32 kleinen Planeten fiir 1899 Juli bis December. Unter Mit- wirkung mehrerer Astronomen, insbesondere der Herren A. Berberich und P. Nedgebauer. Berlin Astr. Bechen- Inst. Veroff., 10, 1899, 12 pp. Gutachten iiber die decimale Winkel- und Zeitteilung. [1899.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 8, 1900 {Heft 1), 159-163. Genaherte Oppositions-Ephemeriden von 67 kleinen Planeten fiir 1900 Januar bis August. Unter Mit- wirkung mehrerer Astronomen, insbesondere der Herren A. Berberich und P. Neugebauer. Berlin Astr. Eeohen- Inst. Veroff., 11, 1900, 23 pp. Geniiherte Oppositions-Ephemeriden von 40 kleinen Planeten fiir 1900 Juli bis December. Unter Mit- wirkung mehrerer Astronomen, insbesondere der Herren A. Berberich und P. Neugebauer. Berlin Astr. Rechen- Inst. Veroff. , 12, 1900, 14 pp. BauBchinger, Julius, & Seeliger, Hugo. See Seeliger & Bauschinger. Bauwens, [Leouanl Marie]. *Les Diatomfes de Belgique. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr Bull., 3, 1877, xci-ciii. Bauwens, [Z.sirfoi'c]. De I'iode et de I'ergotine d'YvoN, dans le goitre, et surtout de Tinjection parenchymateuse de ces substances. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 18, 1884, 262-294. Bauzon, J. Etiologie de I'ict^re des nouveau-nfe. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (To/. 3, Pediati:), 106-108. Bavay, A[ithur]. Note sur la reproduction des Helix Cooperi et H. ha-mastoma. Jl. de Conch., 32, 1884, 383-384. Addition il la faune malaeologique terrestre et marine de la rade et des environs de Brest (Finistere). Jl. de Conch., 37, 1889, 363. Sur la presence du Bothriocephalus latus a Mada- gascar. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 15, 1890, 134-135. Le serpent cracheur de la cote occidentale d'Afrique. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 20, 1895, 210-213. Coquilies nouvelb-s, jjrovenant des i-ecoltes do M. L. Levat, dans les rapides du Haut-Mekong, pendant la canipagne du 3Ias.iie, 1893-95. Jl. de Conch., 43, 1896, 82-94; 46, 1898, 15-19. Description d'une coquille nouvelle. Naturalistc, 17, 1896, 100. Au Bujet d'une couleuvre vipirine. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 22, 1897, 108-109. Au sujet du passage d'un mollusque dc la mer llougc dang la M^diterran^e. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 22, 1897, 199. Note sur les moUusques du canal de Suez. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 23, 1898, 161-164. Sur deux moUusques etablissant un lien nouveau entre la faune amt^'ricaine et la faune chinoise. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 24, 1899, 212-213. Bavay, .i[rtliur], & Dautzenberg, Ph[ili2>pe]. Description de coquiUes nouvelles de I'lndo-Chine. Jl. de Conch., 47, 1899, 28-55, 275-296; 48, 1900, 108-122, 435-460. Bavoux, Vital. Persistance de la vie dans les souches de sapins (Abies pectinata, DC.) aprt'S I'abattage de la tige. [1892.] Doubs Soc. M(5m., 7, 1893, 171-176. Bawden, K. IVilliam. A short description of the Klerks- dorp goldfiekls. [1897.] S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 3, 1898, 12-16. Notes on Professor Pbister's paper "Notes on the origin and formation of the Witwatersrand auriferous deposits." [S. Afr. Gl. S. T. 4 (1899) 19-36.] [1898.] S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 4, 1899, 4.3-45. Baxendell, Joseph. For biography and works see Nature, 36, 1887, 585; Obsei-vatory, London, 10, 1887, 399-400; Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 175-176; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 157-160 ; Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 54 ; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 1, 1888, 28-58, vii; Roy. Soc. Proc, 43, 1888, iv-vi; Termt. Kozlon., 20, 1888, 465. *New stars, or hitherto unobserved variables. Obser- vatory, London, 3, 1880, 453-454. *The colours of stars. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 610-611. The variable star R Leonis. Observatory, London, 7, 1884, 169-170. Results of observations of the variable star S Corona. Observatory, London, 7, 1884, 373-374. Note on the visibility of the moon during total lunar eclipses. [1884.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 24, 1886, 4-5. On the reversion of the minima of the double-period variable star R Sagittaa. [1884.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc Proc. , 24, 1885, 14-17. The variable star U Cygni. Observatory, London, 8, 1885, 20-22. Observations of Nova Audroraedffi. Observatory, London, 9, 1886, 94-95. On the variable star T Aqiiilse. [? S Aquilte.] Ob. servatory, London, 9, 1886, 122-124. Maxima and minima of variable stars observed during the year 1886. Observatory, London, 10, 1887, 261-262. Baxendell, Joscp/i (jun.). Maxima and minima of variable stars observed during the year 1884. Observatory, London, 8, 1885, 170-172. The variable star S Vulpeoulse. Observatory, London, 9, 1886, 124-126. Maxima and minima of variable stars observed during the year 1886. Observatory, London, 10, 1887, 262-263. Grass thermometers in time of snow. [1891.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 26, 1892, 9-10. Sunshine recorders. [1891.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 26, 1892, 87. Short-period cyclical changes in the magnetic con- dition of the earth. Electrician, 39, 1897, 76-77. A new self-recording anemoscope. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 25, 1899, 326-328. Description of Halliwei.i.'s self-recording rain gauge. Meteorol. Soc. tjuart. Jl., 26, 1900, 281-283. Baxter, E[van] ISuchanaii. For biographical notice and works see Med.-Chir. Trans., 68, 1885, 24-28. Baxter, (ireijory I'aul. The occlusion of hydrogen by metallic cobalt and other metals. Amer. Chem. Jl., 22 (1899), 351-364. Baxter, (Irciiori/ I'oul, A Rlcbards, Theodore William. See Richards iV- Baxter. Baxter, Jmiies. Sirox gigas in Peeblesshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hisl., 1899, 55. Baxter] 303 [Bayer Baxter, Sylrfnter. Two diBCoveries in liuiimn osteology liy tlio Hcmenway Expedition. Science, IH, 1889, "i'J-aO. Baxter, ll'illiiim. Note on un nhiiormnl form of I'ariH iimuliifiilia. Plrnnii. Jl., 11), 1889, 59H. Fertilization of CypripediuincalceoluB. [188'J.] Pharm. Jl., 20, 1890, 412. Baxter, l\'ilU, 1894, .'■.oi-r)OH. Bayet, [Ailrieii], & Oallamaerts, K[miU]. Ser Qalle- maerts c(' Bayet. Bayet, Knie.^t. Note sur quclques excursions i^eologiquea fiiii.H mix unvirons de Lugano (Tessin). Brux., Soc. Malucol. Ann., 2'2 (1887), xciii-xcix. Bayet, Loiiia. Session extraordinaire annuelle tenue dans rKntrc-Sambre-et-Meuse. du 17 au 1!) septembrc 18S7. Liefie, Soc. (jeol. BelR. Ann., 10, 1888, 29-54. Note sur un facias local du poudingne dp Bnrnot. LitV'e, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., ir,, 1888 89, 1.58-162. Sur I'existonce de scliist«B noirs dans ie Coblencien de I'Kntre-Hanibreet-Meuse. [1893.] Li^ge, Soc. Giol. Belg. Ann., 20, 1892-93, Ixvii-lxviii. Le calcaire Carbonifere de Beaumont. [1893.] Li^ge, Soc. Geol. Bclg. Ann., 20, 1892-93, cxii-cxv. Contribution il I't'tude de la bande Frasnienne de I'hilippeville. (1894.] Liige, Soc. Gtol. Belg. Ann., 21, 1893-94, 171-174. Lc poudinuue du Bois Godeau ;i Boutlioulx. [1895.] Liege, Soc. (ieol. Belg. Ann., 22, 1894-96, 1-li. Etude sur les <5taacs D^voniens de la bande nord du bassin meridional dans I'Entre-Sambre et-Meuse. [1895.] Li(5ge, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 22, 1894-95, 129-161. Premiere note sur quelques d(5p6ts Tertiaires de rEntn-Sanibre-et-Meuse. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 {Mrin.), 133-100. Note sur un d^pot de silex Cr^tac^ dans la vallte de la Sarabre. Brux. Soc. Beige Guol. Bull., 1898 (f roc- IVrft.), 92-95. Bayenz, R[anul], A Roger, Illennj]. See Roger & Bayeox. Bayfield, (Adm.) Henry }VoUet/. For biographical notice s,,' Asti. Soe. Month. Not., 46, 1886, 182-183. Bayfield, Thomii.i Gnliiiel. For biography and works see Giol. Mag., 10, 1893, 240; Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Irans., 5, 1894, 336-338. Baylac, J[osei>h]. Note sur la toxicite du s^ram sanguin k r^tat patbologique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C. H.), 998-999. De la valeur de la glycosuric alimentaire dans le diagnostic de I'insuffisance hepatique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), U)G.5-106l). De la toxicite des liquides d'ced^mes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Miiu.. 51, 1899 (C. «.), 939-941. Contribution a I'itude de la i)athogenie de I'urdmie. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 {Vol. 2), 563-575. Toxicite des extraits de tissus normaux et patho- logiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(?m., 52, 1900 (C. li.), 803-805. Becherches sur la toxicite du sulfnre du carbone. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 87-98. De la toxicite du serum sauguin. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 144-150. Rapport du poids des differents organes an poids total de I'animal chez le lapin. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 15.5-156, 206-207. Baylac, ./[o.4i7)/i], & Rooina, [Jo.ic/iA]. Note sur la toxi- cite du serum sanguin d'un cheval atteiut de tetanos. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mdm., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 637-638. Bayldon, I). H. The Hauraki gold mining district (northern section), Auckland, New Zealand. [1890.] N. Eng. Inst. Miu. Engin. Trans., 39, 1892, 31-37. Bayldon, Francis J. Notes on the zodiacal light: being a summary of observations maile at sea since 1889. Astr. Soc' Pacific Publ., 12, 1900, 13-24. Observations of the zodiacal hght from Januarv. 1899 to July 1900. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 12, 1900, 184-190. (Bay ley BayU, (Jliiidf Kmilr. For biography and lint of works tee Ann. MineH, 9, 1896, 209-28:4 ; Jl. de Concb., 44, 1896. 109-110. Bayle, /■'. Description d'un rigiilatcur dynamomdtrique pour les moteurs k vapeur k grande vitess*' actionnant ies dvnamos des navires dc guerre, llev. Maritime et Colon., 134, 1897, 478-508. Ri-gularisation de la vite«»e des moteurs 4 vapi-ur auxiliaires des navires de guerre. Itev. Maritime et Colon., 138, 1898, 472-521. Bayles, .7[/im.«] ('. 'Microscopic analysis of the structured of iron and steel. Amer. Inst. Mid. Engin. Trans., 11, 1883, 261-274. The studv of iron and steel. [1884.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin." Trans., 13, 188«, 15-20. Spirally welded tubing. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 16. 1888. 547-556. Bayley, /{. CluUi. Messrs. Luuit^RE's process of printing with manganese salts. [With ditcutfion.} [1893.] Photogr. Jl., 18, 1894, 130-133. Note on a method of ascertaining the melting point of gelatine solutions. Photogr. Jl., 20. 1896, 224-225. On the melting and setting points of gelatine solutions and their modification. [With diicuttion.] [1898.) Photogr. Jl., 23, 1899, 84-90. Bayley, Thomtu. On the estimation of nitrous compounds in vitriol. Chem. News, 53, 1886, 6-7. On an error in the nitrometric assay of vitriol. Chem. News, 53, 1886, 266-207; 54, 1886, 6-7. The reduction of ferric acid in the nitrometer. Chem. News, 54, 1886, .52. On the analysis of alloys and minerals containing the heavy metals, selenium, tellurium, etc. Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 735-738. On the separation of zinc from nickel and manganese, and the estimation of nicj^el. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., C, 1887. 499. On a reaction of iron with nitric oxide. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 6,1887, 499-.500. Atomic volume as a periodic fanction. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 20, 1898, 935-948. The cvclical law of the elements. Chem. News, 77, 1898, 157-100. The melting point of hydrogen. Chem. News, 80, 1899, 159. lielutious between the atomic weights and physical properties of elements. Chem. News, 80, 1899, 282; 81, 1900, 12. The relation between boiling point and melting point in the hydrocarbons. Chem. News, 8l, 1900, 1-3. The formula of cobalt peroxide. Chem. News, 82, 1900, 179-180. Bayley, William Shirley. On some peculiarly spotted rocks from Pigeon Point, Minnesota. Amer. Jl. Sci., 35, 1888, 388-393. Synopsis of RosEXBrscn's new scheme for the classi- fication of massive rocks. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 207- 217, 295-305. Notes of microscopical examinations of rooks from the Thunder Bav silver district [1888.] Canada Geol. Surv. Hep., 3, 1889. H115-H122. A quartz-kiratophyre from Pigi'On Point and Ibvino's anpite-syenites. .Vmer. Jl. Sci.. 37, 1889, .54-63. The origin of the soda-granite and qnartzkeratophyre of Pigeon Point. Amer. Jl. Sci., 39, 1890, 273-280. Eleolite-syenite of Litchfield, Maine, and Hawes' hornblende-svenite from Red Hill, New HamjHihire. [1891] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 3, 1892, lii, 231-252. .\ fulgurite from Waterville, Maine. Amer. Jl. ScL, 43, 1892, 327-328. A fibrous intergrowth of augite and plagioclase, resembling a reaction rim. in a Minnesota gabbro. Amer. JL Sci., 43, 1893, 515-320. Bayley] 3G0 [Bayrac striated garnet from Buckfield, Maine. Amer. Jl. Sei., 44, 1892, 79-80. Notes on the petrography and geology of the Akeley Lake region in northeastern Minnesota. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Rep., 19, 1892, l;)3-210. Actinolite magnetite schists from the Mesabe iron range in northeastern Minnesota. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 176-180. . The basic massive rocks of the Lake Superior region. .71. (ieol. (Chicago), 1, 1893, 433-4.56, 587-596, 688-716; 2, 1894, 814-825 ; 3, 1895, 1-20. The eruptive and sedimentary rocks on Pigeon Point, Minnesota, and their contact phenomena. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 109, 1893, 121 pp. Spherulitic volcanics at North Haven, Maine. [1894.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 6, 1895, 474^476. [The Marquette iron-bearing district of Michigan.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Monogr., 28, 1897, 5-148, 149-220, 460-486, 487-524. [The Crystal Falls iron-bearing district of Michigan.] Chapter vi. The Sturgeon river tongue. U. S. Geol. Surv. Monogr., 36, 1899, 4.58-487. The geological features of the Menominee iron district of Michigan. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1900, 189-190. .S'i'c ahu II ink' r Clements & Smyth. Bayley, IViUiam Shirley, & Morse, H[annon] N[ort}iriip]. Sec Morse & Bayley. Bayley, William Shirley, & Remsen, Ira. See Remsen it Bayley. Bayley, William Shirley, & Van Kise, Charles Richard. See Van Hise & Bayley. Bayley, William Shirley, Clements, Julius Moryan, Smyth, Henry Lloyd, cfc Van Hiee, Charles Richard. See Clements, Smyth, Bayley A- Van Hise. Baylis, Philip. The growth of oaks. Seed i^erstis trans- plantation. [1893.] Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1893-94, 138-141. Bayllss, R. T. The accumulation of amalgam on copper plates. [)\'itli discussion.] [1896-98.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 26, 1897, 33-38, 1039-1051; 27, 1898, 1003-1005. BaylisB, lV[illia?ii] Maddoch. On the physiology of the depressor nerve. Jl. Physiol., 14, 1893, 30.5-325, v-vi. [Vaso-dilator nerves.] Nature, 50 (1894), 462-463. The non-antagonism of visceral and cutaneou.s vascular reflexes. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [14]-[15] ; Nature, 58 (1898), 481. The presence of efferent vaso-dilator fibres in posterior roots. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899-1900, xiii-xiv; 26, 1900-01, ii-iv. A potentiometer for physiological use. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 26, 1900-01, xii-xiv. Bayllss, W[ilUam] Maddock, & Bradford, John Rose. On the electrical changes accompanying secretion. Jl. Physiol., 6, [1885,] xiii-xvi. On the electrical phenomena accompanying secretion in the skin of the frog. Jl. Physiol., 7, [1886,] 217-229. The electrical phenomena accompanying the process of secretion in the salivary glands of the dog and cat. Eoy. Soc. Proc, 40, 1886i 203-206; Int. Jl. Anat., 4, 1887, 109-111, 117-136. The innervation of the vessels of the limbs. Jl. Physiol., 16, 1894, 10-22. Bayllss, Wiilliam] Maddock, & HiU, Leonard E[rskine]. On the formation of heat in the salivary glands. Jl. Physiol., 16, 1894, 351-359. BayUss, W\illiam\ .Maddock, & Starling, F.ruest II[enry]. On the elietroniotive plienoiiiena of tlie niamiiiiilian heart. [1891.] Jl. Physiol., 12, 1891, xx-xxi ; Int. .11. Anat., 9, 1892, 256-281; Hoy. Soc. Proc, 50, 1892, 211- 214. On the electrical variations of the heart in man. [1891.] Jl. Physiol., 13, 1892, Iviii-lix. On some points in the innervation of the mammalian heart. Jl. Physiol., 13, 1892, 407-418. On the form of the intraventricular and aortic pressure curves obtained by a new method. Int. Jl. Anat., 11, 1894, 426-435. Observations on venous pressures and their relation- ship to capillary pressures. Jl. Physiol., 16, 1894, 159- 202. On the origin from the spinal cord of the vaso- constrictor nerves of the portal vein. [1894.] Jl. Physiol., 17, 1894-96, 120-128. [Experimental inquiry into the innervation of the portal vein.] Nature, 50 (1894), 462. The influence of blood supply on the intestinal movements. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [34]- [35]; Nature, 58 (1898), 484. Preliminary note on the innervation of the small intestine. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, ix-xi. The movements and innervation of the small intestine. Jl. Physiol., 24, 1899, 99-143. The movements and the innervation of the large intestine. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 26, 1900-01, 107-118. Bayliss, ^V[illiam] Maddock, Hill, Leonard K[rskine], & Gulland, G[e(rrye] Lovell. On intra-cranial pressure and the cerebral circulation. Part i. Physiological. Part II. Histological. Jl. Physiol., 18, 1895, 334-362. Baylor, A{rmistead} K[eith'\. Some recent developments in electric traction appliances. [With discussion.] [1897.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 26, 1898, 344-393, 39.5-431. Bayly, H., & Perry, John. See Perry & Bayly. Bayne, A[rthur] F. The Lepidoptera of Epping Forest. Ent. Record, 3, 1892, 82-84, 114-115, 133-135, 165-166. Notes on Stauropus Fagi. Ent. Record, 4, 1893, 29-38. Notes on Nyssia hispidaria. [With discussion.] Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 80-87. Bayne, Herbert A. For biography see Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 219; Nature, 34, 1886, 553; Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1888 {Sect. 3), 1. On the analysis of silk. Quantitative estimation of silk in a mixed texture. [1885.] Canada Roy. Soc Proc. A Trans., 3, 1886 (Sect. 3), 21-24. Baynes, Robert E[dward]. [Weighing with a ternary series of weights.] Nature, 43, 1891, 198-199. . [Clau.sius' virial theorem.] Nature, 52 (1895), 569. Der Zusammenhang zwischen den Gesetzen von Boyle, Gay-Luss.\c, Jodle, etc. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 335-336; 21, 1896, 556. Bayol, [Jean]. *Observatious meteorologiqucs faites en 1880, pendant un voyage de Medine a Kita (Senegal- Niger). France Soc. M^tcSorol. Annu., 30, 1882, 61-70. Voyage en Seuegambie. Haut-Niger, Bambouck, Fouta-Djallon et Grand Beledougou, 1880-85. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 94, 1887, 441-473; 95, 1887, 72- 104, 256-281, 438-466; 96, 1888, 155-181, 492-559. Bayol, Paul. Controle des transmissions sur une ligne telegraphique desservie par des appareils a double courant. Ann. TeliSgr., 12, 1885, 34-48; 15, 1888, 228-238. Protection electrique des cables d^fectueux. Ann. Telegr., 12, 1885, 118-128. Le quadruplex en Angleterre. Ann. Td^gr., 12, 1885, 253-258. Ondulateur Lauritzen. Ann. T^l^gr., 12, 1886, 337- 3i;i. Bayol, Paul, & Derles, .Irmand. See Deries & Bayol. Baybn, F[rancisco]. Caparrapi balsam. Pharm. J I., 23, 1893, 104.5-1046. Bayrac, I[[enri] P[icrre]. Nouveau proci'd(5 de dosage de I'aeide urique dans les urines. Arch. MlhI. Pharm. Militaires, 15, 1890, 360-364; Mouiteur Sci., 4, 1890, 391-393. Dosage de I'acide urique des urines au moyen d'une Bayrac] 367 [Bazin Bolution (l'liy|K>l>roniit(' do sonde, & cliaiid. rarix, Ac. Sci. C. H., Ill), 1890, 352-353. 8ur riuilo'tliyinol. Pri^paration dc la tliymoquinone. I'nris Soc. Chilli. liull., 7, 1892, 97-99. Motliode de prtpiiration des )>arai|uinoiii'S nil inoyen des iiulophi^'Dola. Taris Soc. Cliiiii. liull., 11, 1894, 1129-1130. 8iir uni' iiouvelk' riniiione : iV'thylhcnzoqninune. I'urin Soc. Cbim. Hull., U, 1894, 1130-1131. Sur une si^rie d'iiidoplii^nols. Mc'thode (ii'ni-rale de preparation. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 1131- 1130. Sur Ic dosafic de I'azote total urinaire par le procedo Hoiininger. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 11, 1894, 1139- 1142. Pi^'parntion du paraethyltoluene. Sur deux sels monosulfdConjuKUes barytiques du para(5tbyltoluine. Sur deux im'thyliiiiraethylph<5nol8. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 13, 189B, HH9-H.), 1889, 260-263; Jl. Phys., 9, 1890, 539. Procedi; pcrmettant d'abregcr le temps de pose pour la photographic aux ravons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 720. Bazllle, A. Etude comparative des lignes telegrspbiques et di'S lignes artiticielles (sans self-induction). Ann. Tekgr., 17, 1890, 43-48. Bazln, {Vabli^) . *Sar les cchinides do Miocene moyen de la Bretagne. [1883.] Paris, Soc. O^ol. Bull., 12, 1884, 34-45. Bazln, Albert. Obser\'ation3 sur les experiences aero- dynamiques de .1/. Lam-.i.ev. Aeronaut*', 1891, 21!«-220. Bazln, Kil., & Babrazia, Jean [hmiU]. .See B»tirm%tu ,V Bazin. Bazln, Henri. Assign to this author entries (Vol. 9) under Bazln, . 'Notice sur la formation et la marche des oragesdans le departemeiit de la Cote-d'Or. France Soc. M^teorol. Annu., 6, 1868, Pt. 2, 2.5.5-260. 'Note sur les anciennes observations des hauteurs de pluie dans le departeinent de la Cnted'Or. France Soc. Metiorol. Annu., 22. 1874 (Itull). 09-70. Notice sur I'emploi des doubles floltenrs pour la mesure des vitesees dans les grands cours d'eau. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 7 (1884), 554-591. Experiences sur la propagation des ondes le long d'an cours d'eau torrcntucux. et confirmation par ces ex- periences des formules donmes par .V. Bovssi.vEso, dans sa theorie du mouvement graduellement varie des Huides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 100. 1886. 1492-1494. Note sur la mesnre des vitesses k I'aide da tube jangeur. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 14 (1887). 195-229. Experiences nouvelles sur I'ecoulement en dtversoir. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 105, 1887, 212-215. 507-570. Experiences nouvelles snr I'ecoulement en deversoir. Ann. Ponts et Chauss.. 16 (1888). 393-448; 19 (1890), 9-82; 2 (1891), 44.5-5'20: 7 (1894), 249-357; 12 (1896), 645-731; 1898 [Trim. 2), 15I-'2t.4. Experiences sur les deversoirs a seuil epais (barrages fi poutrelles). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106. 1888. 1.S95-1397. Experiences sur les di-versoii-s inclines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B.. 108, 1889, l-23;<-l'2.30. Sur la distribution des pn'.s,«ions et des vite..ipes dans I'interieur des nap|ies liquides issues de deversoirs sans contraction latorale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 321-3-24. Experiences snr les d^versoire (nappes dot^ en dessous). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 113, 1891, 123-125. Experiences sur les deversoirs novcs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110. 1893. 309-312. Experiences sur la contraction des reines liquides et siu la distribution des vitesses & leur intcrienr. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 118, 1894, 1031-10.14. Experiences nouvelles sur U distribution des vitesses dans les tovaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 1-22, 1896, 1250- 1-2.53. Bazin] 368 [Beadle Etude d'une nouvelle formule pour calculer le ddbit des canaux decouverts. Ann. Fonts et Chauss., 1897 [Trim. 4), 20-70. Bazlen, il/[n.c], iSr Bemthsen, August. See Berntlisen c(' Bazlen. Bazlen, .1/[«.r], & KlUani, Heinrich. See Kiliani tt Bazlen. B&znosanu, Popovici A. Note snr les Cheloniens ter- restres de Iloumanie. Buearest Soc. Sci. Bui., 9, 1900, •278-283. Bazot, L[ouis Marie]. Souvenirs d'herborisationa dans les Ardennes franijaises. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, xix-xli. Note sur le Linaria minor, Desf. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 311, 1892, 4G-47. Considerations gdn^rales sur la geographic liotanique du departement de la Cote-d'Or. Kev. Gen. Bot., li, 1894, 44(1-4.59; 7, 1895, 447-464; 8, 1896, 353-367, 418- 425, 451-408, 507-513. Bazy, P[ierrc]. De la dilatation de restomao dans ses rapports avec les affections chirurgicales. Paris, Ac. Sci..C. R., 106, 1888, 1443-1446. Etude sur les faux urinaires et en particulier sur les faux urinaires glycosuriques. Arch. G^n. Med., 166, 1890, 418-439. De I'origine infectieuse de certaines formes de cystite dites a frigore ou rhumatismales ou goutteuses, etc. Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et M(5m., 17, 1891, 489-492. Des cystites exp&imentales par injection intra- veineuse de culture du coli-bacille. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 225. De I'absorption par les voies urinaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 739-741; Arch. M6d. Exp^r., 6, 1894, 526-537. Du pouvoir absorbaut de la vessie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 624-626. Des infections urinaires. Arch. Gen. Med., 175, 1895, 650-664; Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et M(5m., 21, 1895, 137-148. De la s^roth^rapie dans le tetanos. [With discussion.'] Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et Mem., 22, 1896, 186-191. Bazy, F[icrri'] (et alii). Sur I'asepsie dans les operations. Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et M(5m., 26, 1900, 553-561, 589-596, 613-624, 644-651, 7.5.3-761, 785-800, 806-817, 866-871, 949-974, 980-983. Bazza. See Tonni-Bazza. Bazzi, Eiigeiiio. Freuo a liquido per gli appareechi a deviazione impulsiva. Nuovo Cimento, 19, 1886, 270- 277. Sulla fotografia della vena liquida. Nuovo Cimento, 19, 1886, 277-278. Apparecchio per la composizione grafica dei niovi- meuti pendolari. Nuovo Cimento, 22, 1887, 150-155. Metodo per mostrare la legge di oscillazione di una corda vibrante. Nuovo Cimento, 22, 1887, 155-156. Esperienze e disjiosizioni per telegrafia senza fili. Hiv. Sci.-Ind., 32, 1900, 169-174. Bazzlgher, L[ucius]. Beitrage zu einem Verzeichnisse clcT Insectenfauna Graubiindens von Dr. E. Killias. Dritter Nachtrag zum Verzeichnis der Biindner Lepi- doptercn. Graubiiiiden Natf. Ges. Jber., 43, 1900, 49-50. Beacall, Thos. A tooth of Hybodiis grossicornis from the Iiifcridr Oolite. Nature, 58 (1898), 390. Beach, .llice M. Additions to the known species of Iowa Ichneumonida). [1893.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1 (Pt. 4), 1894, 128-129. Some bred parasitic Hymenoptera in the Iowa Agri- cultural College collection. [1894.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1896, 92-94. . Contriliutions to a knowledge of the Thripida; of Iowa. Ii.wa Ac. Sci. Proc, 3, 1896, 214-227. Beach, Alice M, A Fammel, L[oiii.i] Uleniiiiim]. Sec Pammel & Beach. Beach, Gtiarles C. Ptomaines. N. Y. Med. Jl., 46, 1887, 205-210. Beach, Fletrlier. On atrophy of the brain in imbeciles. [18.S4.] Brain, 7, 1885, 212-223. Defects and mental diseases of children. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R., (1894, 7), 629-633. Beach, Flelehn; & Shuttleworth, G[eoige] E[dward]. See Shuttleworth ct Beach. Beach, Fletcher, & Vfamer, Francis. See Warner & Beach. Beach, Frederick E[lijah]. The use of cupric nitrate in the voltameter, and the electro-chemical equivalent of copper. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 81-88, 490. Beach, George William, & Moras, Victor. See IHorax & Beach. Beach, I{rving] E., & Evans, Thomas. See Evans & Beach. Beach, S[pencer] A[mbrose]. Notes on self-pollination of the grape, Amer. Ass. Proc, 1892, 216; Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 451-452. Chrysanthemum blight. Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 153. ■ Bean anthracnose and ils treatment. Bot. Gaz. , 18, 1893, 28. Prevention of apple-scab. Garden . The etliciency of the hermite bleaching solution. Chem. News, 7J, 1897, 73-74. Viscose and viscoid. Franklin Inst. .11., 14.S, 1897, 1-12. Beadle, ChtyUm, & Sahl, O. ir[orni]. Increase in tempera- ture of cellulose on absorption of atmospheric moisture. Cluin. News. T.S, 1896, 1H(I-1H3. Beadle, ('lui/lnii. Cross, ('\liiirhi'] l'\rvilen'rl;\. ,V Bevan, Kilinnil .l[iihn]. Ser Cross, Bevan & Beadle. Beadle, /*| <■/<).«] U'. Canadian wild flowers. [1892.] Ciiniid. Inst. Trans., 3, 1893, 125-130. Beadle, lAVr.) /•.7iii« A". For biography see Amer. Phil. Soe. I'roc., 22, 1886. 227-240. Beadle, //. A. Macro-Lepidoptera taken in Keswick and district. Ent. Record, (5, 1896, 27li-2K3. I.iiiva and pupa of Melampiusepiphron. Ent. Ifecord, 11. 1899, 343-344. Beadle, IT. //. //. The character and paths of storms; influence of topopraphv. [1H86.] Amer. Meteorol. .11., 3 (1886-87), 290-202. Thunder in Oregon. [1889.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 6 (1889-90), 32. Beadles, Cecil F[oirli-r]. Cholesterin cyst of kidney. London Path. Soc. Trans., 4.'>, 1894, 125. False bursiE from arm. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894. 139-140. Rodent ulcer. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 17&-181. Small hyperplastic growth from sweat-gland. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 18.3-184. A case of multiple miilifjnant growths. London Path. Soc. Trans,, 45, 1894, 188-198. A further note on the histological changes to be found in the breast when the seat of glandular carcinoma. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45. 1894, 198-210. Some gross lesions in the brains of lunatics, with remarks ui>on the frequency with which the two sides of the brain are affected. London Path. Soc. Trans., 46, 1895, 10-32. Malignant disease at the base of the skull, involving the pituitary fossa. London Path. Soc. Trans., 46, 1896, 172-184. The relation of biliary calculi to malignant disease of the liver and gall-bladder. London Path. Soc. Trans., 47, 1896. 69-94. Lesion of the superior parietal lobule. Brain, 21, 1898. 138-140. Myxcedeniiv : a rei>ort on three fatal cases, one of them associated with trichinosis. London Path. Soc. Trans., 49. 1898. 262-289. Two cases of mvxanlema. London Path. Soc. Trans., 51. 1900. 247-268." Beadles, Cii-il I-Joiilrr]. & Boyce, Hubert ir'[i7/i5. Parasitic fungi as affecting plant distribution. [.Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1886, 16-18. Dispersion of some tree seeds. Hot. Gaz., 11. 1886, 17-18. Expulsion of the seeds of Sporobolus cr^'ptandms. Bot. Gaz., 11. 1886. 247. The buUiform or hygroscopic cells of grasses and sedges compared. Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 321-326; Science, 8, 1886, 221. Experiments with Lima beans in germination. Amer. Natlist.. 21. 1887, 576-577. A study of Poa pratensis, L. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc. 1887. 2.3-28. The rootstocks of Leersia and Muhlenbergia. [1887.] .Amer. Natlist.. 22. 1888, 351-352. The flora of the .lack-pine plains of Michigan. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc. 1888. 17-20. Comparison of the flora of eastern and western Michigan in the latitude of 44= 40". Bot. Gaz., 13, 1888. 238-239. Ob8er\ations on the succession of forests in northern Michigan. Bot. Gaz., 13, 1888, 239-240. Notes on bird'seve maple. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1889, 12-14. 47 Seal] 370 [Bean Vitality and growth of seeds buried in soil. [Amer.] Soc. Agr.'Sci. Proc, 1889, 15-16. Elymus virgiuicus, 7,., var. glaucus. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1889, 17. Geographical distribution of the grasses of North America. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1890, 312-319. Grasses in the wrong genus. Bot. Gaz., 1-5, 1890, 110-112; Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 17, 1890, 153-154. Movements of fluids in plants. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1891, 309-313. The description of varieties of strawberries and rasp- berries. [1891.] [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1891-92, 21-28. A study of the relative lengths of the sheaths and internodes of grasses for the purpose of determining to what extent this is a reliable specific character. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1892, 220. The sugar maples of central Michigan. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1894, 285-286. Grasses and other forage plants best adapted to endure severe drought. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1895, 26-29. Some reasons for plant migration and the way plants flee from their enemies. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1897, 283- 284. A remarkable increase in size of leaves of Kalmia angustifolia apjiarently due to reduction of light. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 414. • The leaves of the red Astraehan apple immune from the attack of Gymnosporangium macropus. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 421. Some unii]ue examples of dispersion of seeds and fruits. Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 859-866. Some monstrosities in spikelets of Eragrostis and Setaria, with their meaning. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 290; Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 27, 1900, 85-86. Some observations on root hairs. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1900, 283-284; Science, 12, 1900, 586. Beal, W[ilUam] J[aines], A: St. Jobn, C[harles] E[dti!ard]. A study of Silphium perfoliatum and Dipsacus laciniatus in regard to insects. Bot. Gaz., 12, 1887, 268-270. Beal, ll'[illiam] J [utiles], & Tourney, J[aiiiuti] U'[illiain]. The continuity of protoplasm through the cell walls of plants. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1890, 332; Amer. Micr. Jl., 13, 1892, 129-132. Bealby, J. T. *The .Java eruption and earthquake waves. [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 30-32. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 3, 1887, 174-184. Beale, ('. The basalt of Rowley Begis. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 109-112, 126-131. Beale, Klclwin] Clijl'ont. A case of "Henoch's purpura." Pn.ctitioner, 62, 1899, 265-268. Beale, Lionel S[mith]. The constituents of sewage in the mud of the Thames. Micr. Soc. .11., 4, 1884, 1-19. Note on structure and structureless. [1886.] Victoria Inst. Jl., 20, 1887, 276-278. The nature of life. [With disrussion.] [1899.] Victoria Inst. Jl., 32, 1900, 337-356. Vitality. [Willi discussion.] [1899.] Victoria Inst. Jl., 33, 1901, 52-73. Beale, I'ei/lon T[(icl(l] II[ou-man]. Distribution of nerves in synovial membranes. Jl. Physiol., 13, 1892, xiii-xiv. Beau, {I.I.) F[ielder] M. M. Direction of movement of areas of low pressure. U. S. Monthly Weath. Kev., 15 (1887), 291-292. BealB, Kdu-ard A\lden]. The ether and its relation to the aurora. 11892.] Amer. Meteorol. J 1., 9 (1892-93), 268- 272. Psychic effects of the weather. [1895.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 12 (1896-96), 61-68. Importance of static electricity in weather bureau work. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., '18, 1896, 39-12. Oregon weather and Bering Sea ice. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 201. Beam, ll'llliant, & IieSmann, Hennj. See Leffmann & Beam. Beamish, G[eorge] H[oTatio] T[ownsliend]. Survey of fishing grounds, west coast of Ireland, 1890-91. Table of temperature and specific gravity of sea-water. From observations taken on board the Harlequin, in 1891. [1891.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 7, 1891-92, 481- 483. Bean, Barton A[pi)ler]. Fishes collected by William P. Se.il in Chesapeake Bay, at Cape Charles City, Virginia, September 16 to October 3, 1890. [1891.] "U. S. Mus. Proc, 14, 1892, 83-94. [A report upon investigations in the Columbia river basin, with descriptions of four new species of fishes.] Notes on Williamson's whitefish in breeding colours, from Little Spokane river, Washington, and remarks on the distribution of the specie.s. [1894.] U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 14, 1895, 205-206. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross. No. xxxiii. Descriptions of two new flounders, Gastropsetta frontalis and Cyclops- etta Chittendeui. U. S. Mus. Proc, 17, 1895, 633- 636. Notes on a collection of fishes from Mexico, with description of a new species of Platypoecilus. [1898.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 21, 1899, .539-542. Notes on the capture of rare fishes. [1898.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 21, 1899, 639-640. Bean, Barton A[2)2>ler], it Bean, Tarleton H[njrmini]. .SVc below. Bean, Barlon .i[}>pler], & Evermann, Barton Warren. See Evermann & Bean. Bean, Barton A[ppler], & Smitb, Hugh 31. See Smith L^ Bean. Bean, C. E[dward]. Mycosis tonsillaris. N. T. Med. Jl., 60, 1894, 208-209. Bean, Tarleton H[oJf'man]. "[Descriptive catalogues of the collections sent from the U. S. to the International Fisheries Exhibition, London, 1883, constituting a report upon the American section.] F. Catalogue of the cfUections of fishes exhibited by the United States National Museum. [1883.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 27, 1884, 387-510. The deep-sea fish, Malacosteus. Science, 3, 1884, 747. List of fishes collected by the U. S. Fish Commission at Wood's Holl, Massachusetts, during the summer of 1881. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 10, 1884, 339-344. Notes on a collection of fishes made in 1882 and 1883 by Capt. Henry E. Nichols, U. S. N., in Alaska and British Columbia, with a description of a new genus and species, Prionistius macellus. U. S. Mus. Proc, 6, 1884, 353-361. Notes on some fishes collected by James G. Swan in Washington Territory, including a new species of Macrurus. U. S. Mils. Proc, 6, 1884, 362-364, [vii]. Notes on fishes observed at the head of Chesapeake Bay in the spring of 1882, and upon other species of the same region. U. S. Mus. Proc, 6, 1884, 365-367. Description of a new species of whitefish (Coregonus Nelsonii), from Alaska. [1884.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 7, 1885, 48. Descriptions of Physiculus fulvus and Lotella maxil- laris, new species of fishes collected in 1881 by the United States Fish Commission. [1884.] U. S.'Mus. Proc, 7, 1886, 240-241. On the occurrence of the striped bass in the lower Mississippi valley. [1884.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 7, 1886, 242-244. I The distribution of the Salmonidiein Alaska.] [1884.] Washington Biol. Soc. Proc. , 2, 1886, Ixi-lxiii. Bean! 371 [Bean [Salmon mid tiont of North Amfricd.) Science, 5, 1886, fit. Notes upon an cxploriition of Long Island Sound. U. S. FiKli Comm. Bull., ",, 1886, .'13. De8cri))tion of ii new Kpecies of PlectromuH (P. crasxi- ceps) taken liy the United States Fish Commission. [188.5.] U. S.'Mus. Proc, H, 1886, 73-74. Description of a new species of Aspidophoroides (.\. Guentlierli) from Alaska. [1885.) U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886. 74-75. On the occurrence of Hadropterus aurantiacus (Cope) in the French Broad river. North Carolina. [188S.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 165-166. On the identity of Cottus maeulatuB, Fischer, with Cottus bubalis, F.iiphrasen. [1885.] II. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 11)6-167. On Statlnnonotui, a new (,'enu8 of fishes related to Munenoides, from Florida. [1H85.] U. S. MuB. Proc, 8, 1886, l'Jl-192. Note on Stoasodon Narinari, Kuphrasen. [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 192-193. Description of a new species of Pempheris (P. Poevi) from Cuba. [188.5.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 229- 230. Notes on Epinephelus nigritus, Caulolatilus microps, and Corvphiena hippurus. [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, '230-233. Descriptions of five new species of fishes sent by Prof. A. Doofcs from the province of Guanajuato, Mexico. [1887] U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 370-375. Distribution and some characters of the Salmonida;. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, .30fi-314. Notes on a young red snapper (Ijutjanus Blackfordi), from Great South Bay, Long Island. U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 512. Descriptiou of a new species of Thyrsitops (T. vio- laceus) from the fishing-banks off the New England coast. U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 513-514. Description of a supposed new species of char (Salve- linus aureoliis), from Sunapee Lake, New Hampshire. U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 628-630. Description of a new genus and species of fish, Acrotus Willoughbvi, from Washington Territory. U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, '1888, 631-632. lleport on the fishes observed in Great Egg Harbour Bay, New .lersev, during the summer of 1887. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull.. 7, 1889, 129-154. A hybrid between the lake trout and brook trout. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 7. 1889, 216. Description of Coregonus pusillns, a new species of whitefish from Alaska. U. S. Mus. Proc, 11, 1889, 526. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albalroxs. No. vin. Description of a new cottoid fish from British Columbia. [No. xi. New fishes collected off the coast of .\laska and the adjacent region southward.] [188',l-ilO.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 12, 1890, 641-642 ; 13, 1891, 37-45. Notes on fishes collected at Cozumel, Yucatan, by the U. S. Fish Commission, with descriptions of new species. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 8, 1890, 193-206. Keport on the proposed introduction of the .Jamaica mountain mullet into the United States. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 8, 1890, 443-151. Report on the salmon and salmon rivers of .\laska, with notes on the conditions, methods and needs of the salmon fisheries. U. S. Fish. Comm. Bull., 9, 1891, 165-208. Observations upon fishes and fish-culture. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 10, 1892, 49-61. Description of a new species of star-gazer (Catheto- stoma albigutta) from the Gulf of Mexico. [1892.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 15, 1893, 121-122. Notes on fishes collected in Mexico by Prof. Alfredo DcoftH, with deKcriptions of new species. [1892.] U. 8. Mas. Proc, 15, 1893, 283-287. Life history of the salmon. [1893.) U. S. Finh Comm. Bull., 12, 1894, 21-38. Bibliography of the Salmonidic of Alaska and adjacent regions. [1893.] U. 8. Fish Comm. Bull., 12, 1894, 3!l-49. Description of a new blennioid fish from California. (;. S. Mus. Proc, ID, 1894, 699-701. Description of a new species of rockfish, Sebastichthys brcvispinis, from Alaska. U. S. Mas. Proc, 17, 1895, 627-028. Description of a new species of fish, Bleekeria GUIi. U. S. Mus. Proc, 17, 1895, 629-0.30. The Pacific salmon with notes on the habits of the young. N. Y. Ac. Trans., 15, 1896, 182-188. Notes upon New York fishes received at the New York Aquarium, 1895-97. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 327-375. Notes upon fishes received at the New York Aquarium, with description of a new species of snapper from Bermuda. Amer. Mus. Bull., 10, 1898, 4.5-50. Notes on Mexican fishes obtained by Dr. Carl LcM- Hoi.TZ. Amer. Mus. Bull., 10, 1898, 105-108. Fishes of the south shore of Long Island. Science, 9, 1899, 52-55. Identity of common and Labrador whitefish. Science, 9, 1899, 416-417. Keport on the fishes of Long Island collected in the summer of 1898. N. Y. Mus. Kcp., -52, 1900 (Vol. 1), r92-rni. Bean, Tarlcton H[njfmau], & Bean, Barton A[ppler]. Description of Gobioides Broussoneti, a fish new to North .Vmerica, from the Gulf of Mexico. U. S. Mus. Proc, 17, 1896, 631-632. [Contributions to the natural history of the Com- mander Islands, xii.] Fishes collected at Bering and Copper Islands by Nikolai \. Giikbsitzki and Leonhard Stejneoeb. [1896.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 19, 1897. 2:17- 251. Notes on fishes collected in Kamchatka and Japan by Leonhard Stkjskoeb and Nikolai A. Giikhnitzki, with a description of a new blenny. U. S. Mus. Proc, 19, 1897, 381-392. Description of a new blcnnylike fish of the genus Opisthocentrus collected in Vulcano Bay, Port Mororan, Japan, by Nikolai .\. Giiebsitzki. [1897.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 20, 1898, 463-464. Note on Oxvcottus acuticeps (Gilbert) from Sitka and Kadiak, .■Uask'a. [1898.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 21, 1899, 05.5-6.56. Bean, Tnrleton II[offmnn\ & Dreael, H[ernuin'\ G[eorge]. K catalogue of fishes received from the Public Nluscum of the Institute of Jamaica, with descriptions of Pristi- poma approximans and Tylosurus eurrops, 2 new species. [1884.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 7, 1886, 151-170, [viii]. Diagnoses of three new species of fishes from the Gulf of Mexico. [1884.] Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 2, 1886. 99-100. Bean, Tnrlton H[iiffman], & Ooode, George Brown. See Ooode .tr Bean. Bean, r.irlelun H[i)/ni, 1892, 439-440. Observations on some of the footprints from the Trias in the neighbourhood of Liverpool. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 779-780. Report of the excursion to Shropshire, Easter, 1894. [1894.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 7, 1897, 228-230. An attempt to classify the footprints in the New Bed Sandstone of this district. [189.5.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 7, 1897, 391-409. Observations regarding a footprint from the Keiiper Sandstone at Storeton ; with a note on the probable striiclure of the foot by Prof. H. G. Seei.ky. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Tran's., 11, 1897, 179-181. Notes on examples of footprints, etc., from the Trias in some provincial museums. [1898.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 8. 1900, 233-237. A section of the Trias recently exposed on Prenton Hill. [1,S98.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 8, 1900, 238- 241. Beailey, llenrij C, S: l.omas, Joseph. On some east and west faults at Caldy Grange. Liverirool Geol. Soc. Proc, 0,1892,413-41.5. Report of Easter excui-sion to Malvern, 1890. [1896.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 7, 1897, 401-402. Beasley, {Iter.) T[ltnma>] C{SV(' Elie de Beaumont. Beaumont! 375 [Beauregard Beaumont, ir[«!/o] I[Mif)tmu]. Note on liiccrnariuns iiponri 111(1 in tlio neighhourliooilof Port Erin, Inleof Muii. Liverpool Uiol. Soc. I'roc. ct Trans., 7, 1893, UHA-HY.i. Itcjiort on nemertines olmervcd at I'ort Krin in iH'.il and 1H<)5. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 'J, 1896, ■ii'A-.iT.i. [Tlie fauna and Hora of Valencia harbour on the west coast of Ireland.] vii. The rcsultrt of drcdgin); and Bhore-colIeetinR. [ix. The Lucernarida). xi. The Nemertea. xii. Keport on the opiKthobranchiate MoUusca.] [1899.] Irish Ac. Proc, .5, 1898-1900, 7.')4- 708, 806-811, 8I.'-)-8.Sl, 8;!2-8.54. Beaumont, ]t'[iitl' Vanstone , 1889, 1-28. — — On the intornnl and external work of evaporation. Brit. Asa. Kip., 1891, 777-779. The automatic balance of reciprocating mechanism. Brit. Ass. Rep , 1893, 665-668. The cause of fracture of railway rails. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 896. Beaunla, H[euri Etienne]. "Note sur la forme et les oarin-ti'Tt's do lii contraction musculaire reflexe. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. li.), 528-')32. Becherehes sur les formes de la contraction musculaire et sur les ph(5nora^nes d'aiTet. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, 1-86. Sur les contractions simultan^es des muEcle.s an- tagonistes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 100, 1886, 918; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mom., 37, 1886 (C. li.). 345-347. Sur la section dis nerfs pneumogastriques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. 1!.), 70-73. Presentation d'un lapin (nrrachement du facial). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 3!). 1887 (C. li.), 20.5-206. Du nystagmus experimental. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (('. 7i".). 112-114. LVvoUition du svsti^me nerveux. Rev. Sci., 42, 1888. 257-263, 360-368, 757-764 ; 43, 1889, 8-17. Recherches physiologiques sur la contraction simul- tanee des muscles antagonistes, avec quelques applica- tions ii la pathologie. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 55-69. • De differents sens chez les animaux. Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 749-753. Beaupaln, .1. Sur quelques /ormules de calcul intC-gral. Brux., Mem. Couronn. (4" Kd.), 51, 1889, So. 4, 60 pp.. No. 6, 40 pp. ; 52, 1890-93, No. 4, 62 pp. — ;- Sur I'iutegrale EuUrienne '. U. (illni.r. I, /i^'e du bronze en Kgypte. .\iahi..p. l^nli^), 1. 1890, 3h:J-384. Beauregard, lliiiri. Eur biography $i-i' .11. I'harm., II, 1900, 427-431 ; Paris. Soc. Biol. Miiu., 52, 1900 (C. /<.), 305-307; Robin, Jl. Anat., 36, 1900. 139-142. 'Recherches sur le cer\eau de la Bulmnoptera Sibbaldii. [18N3.] Pans, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35. 1884 (C. U.), r,7-lii. 'Appareil buccal des iusectes de la tribu des VesicantB. [188.3.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. H.), 204- 200. Les poissons t-lectriques. Lum. ^>lect., 13, 1884, 201- 207, 251-2.57, 334-338, 372-375. Sur le dijveloppemcnt de.^ Cerocoma Schrelieri et Stenoria apicalis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 148- 151 ; Paris, Soc Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. Jt.), 507-509. Lu premii^rc larve de rK|>icnuta verticalis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 611-(J13; Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 36, 1884 (C. n.), 560-5t;i. Structure de I'appareil digestif des insectes de la tribu des Vesicants. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 108:j-1080. Note sur le ca-ur et le lar}-nx du cachalot. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. li.). 421-122. Quelques observations snr les moeurs et le dC-veloppc- ment de la Cantharidc (Cantharis vcsieatoria). I'ariii, Soc Biol. MCm., 30, 1884 (C. li.), 4*5-487. Note sur le developpement du principc vesicant chez la Cantharide. Paris, Soc. Biul. Mem., 36, 1884 (C li.), 509. Note sur quelques particularites do developpement de la Cantharide. Ass. Krauf. C. R., 1886 (/■•(. 2), 455-457. Iusectes vesicants, siege du principe actif. Jl. Pharm., 11, 1886, 193-210. Sur le mode de developpement naturel de la Cantharide. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 100, 1888, 1472-1475; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. li.), 383-384; Paris, Soc. Ent. .\nn., 5. 1886, cxviii-cxix. Sur le mode de developpement de I'Epicauta verticalis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 754-756; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. li.), 624-625. Note sur la Balienoptere de Cavalaire (Balxnoptcra musculus). Paris, Soc Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. 7?.), 47. Structure des elytrcs et des ailes dts Vesicants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 {C. li.). 244-246. Note sur une jcunc Baln>noptcre capturee prt-s de Fecamp. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. li.), 687- 688. Note sur une M^gaptere echouce au Bmse pros Toulon. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. «.), 753. Recherches sur les insectes vesicants. Robin, Jl. Anat., 21, 1886. 4k:}-,524 ; 22. 1886, 8.5-108, 242-284, 521-548; 23. 1887. 124-163. Sur la digestion chez les Vesicants. Aj>s. Franij. C. B., 1887 (Ft. 2). 662-664. Note sur la spermatogenise chez la Cantharide. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39. 1887 (f. li.). 331-333. Note sur une jeune Balicnoptcrc capturee pres d'Audierne. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 419-420. Note sur deux Balainopterea ecbou^es sur les cotes de I'ocian. Paris, Soc. Biol. Him., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 734- 735. Sur le developpement des Cantharides et aulres insectes vesicants. Jl. Pharm.. 17, 1888, 341-352. Considerations sur les deux dentitions des Mammiferes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 40. 1888 (<". R.), 230-233, 2.59- 261. Note snr I'oreille des Cetaces. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1889 (/'(. 1). 306-307. Note sur le developpement de Meloe antamnalis. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 55-57. Beauregard] 37G [Beauvisage Note sur lui baleineau (B. lostrata) echoiu' siir la ccite lie Miniizan. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. li.), 238-239. Note sur le Protoptfere (Protoptenis annecteus). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 {C. R.), 5-56-558. Sur uiie partieularite anatomique du caclialot. Ass. Franc. C. E,, 1890 {Pt. 1), 202. • L'artere carotide interne des Kutninants. As.s. Fran^. C. E., 1892 {Pt. 1), 228. Le canal carotidieu cbez les Cheiroptferes. Ass. Franc C. E., 1892 {Pt. 1), 229. L'ambre gris. ,11. Pharm., 20, 1892, 346-350. La baleiue de Porsmoguer. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 2, 1892 (Pt. 1), 138-142. Note sur deux t'cbouements recents de Balfenoptera musculus. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. P.), 202-203. Note sur le role de I'appareil de Cokti dans I'audition. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 {C. It.), 524-527. Note sur le rule de la fenetre ronde. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. P.), 555-557. Le canal carotidien des roussettes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 [G. P.), 914-916. L'artere carotide interne chez le mouton. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 {C. P.), 930-931. Deux cachalots echoues sur les cotes de France. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (0. P.), 1014-1016. Eechercbes sur I'appareil auditif cbez les Mammiferes. [1891.] Robin, Jl. Anat., 29, 1893, 180-222; 30, 1894, 366-413. Contribution a I'etude de Orthagoriscus truncatus (Flem.). Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 {Pt. 1), 229-246. Note sur une Balsenoptera Sibbaldii echouee a Ouessant. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R), 274. Note sur deux lois que fait ressortir I'etude morpho- logique du systime dentaire des Carnivores. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. ,"45, 1893 {C. P.), 784-785. Les glandes a parfum des Viverridcs. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. E., 118, 1894, 106.3-1064. Eeclierehes sur I'oreille interne de la roussette de rinde (Pteropus medius). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 1351-1353. Le rorqual de K^rafed^. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 {C. P.), 275-277. Conference d'anatomie. Eev. Sci., 1, 1894, 717-721. Note sur un voluniineux morcoau d'ambre gris. Paris, Soc.BioI. Mem., 47, 1895 {C. P.), 743-744. Etude bacteriologique de l'ambre gris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 254-256; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 269-272; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. P.), 7H.5-73S. Note sur le Spirillum recti physeteris. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 {G. P.), 801-803. Les ervjitogames de l'ambre gris. Ann. Microgr., 10 (1898), 241-278. Note sur une moisissure provenant de l'ambre gris. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 50, 1898 (C. P.), 278-280. Conditions de d(5veloppement de Stcrigmatocystis ambaria, n. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (G. P.), 590-592. Note sur un nouveau bacille chromog^ne. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., .50, 1898 (C. P.), 717-718. Origine pre]nitiale des ghuides a parfum des Maninii- feres. Paris, Soc. Biol. {]'(d. Jiiliil.), 1899, 634-635. Beauregard, Ilfitri, it Boulart, Pannl. 'Note sur un oiur de liabenoptera SililiaUlii. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 {f. P.), 316-317. Note sur la pbicentation des Euminants. Eoliin, Jl. Anat., 21, 1886. 93-99. Sur I'utricule prostatique et les canaux deferents des CcStacis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 118, 1894, 596-597. Note sur un plexus veineux de I'oeil de Balsenoptera musculus. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 46, 1894 (C. P.), 775-776. Note sur le placenta du cerf sica (Cervus sica). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. P.), 629. Note sur la circulation du cceur chez les Baloenides. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 16-18. Note sur la circulation du cceur chez les Balffinides. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 {C. P.), 125-127. Note sur le placenta du Tragelaphus gratus. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 20-21. Eecherches anatomiques sur les Balffinides. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., 9, 1897, 95-112. Beauregard, Henri, it Dupuy, Eiiijciie. Sur une variation electrique determinee dans le nerf acoustique excite par le son. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122. 1896, 1565-1567; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. P.), 690-692, 1045. Beauregard, Henri, & Guicbard, . Action des rayons X sur cirtains caract^res l:)ioli)giques des microbes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 {C. P.), 803-804. Beauregard, Henri, & Foucbet, Georges. See Fouchet iV Beauregard. Beauregard, Lu(ln-i;i. "Forellenstein (Olivingabbro) von Langenlois. Min.' Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878, 369. Beaurepaire, . Note sur les conditions de la forma- tion du durol et sur la production du monobenzyldurol par I'application de la methode au chlorure d'aluminium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., .50, 1888, ()76-679. Beaussenat, , & lie Gendre, P[inil]. See lie Oendre it Beaussenat. Beauvais, . Simulation d'amblyopie double attribuee a la hmiiere des Eclairs. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 35, 1896, 434-441. Beauvais, ./i'|('(ir(;i'.s yv'H.()(H(' Charles]. Observations sur deux roses prolifi'res. Lyon Soo. Bot. .\nn., 15, 1888, 157-162. Beau visage I 37; IBebber Lc Jardin licilnniipK' ilc la K«cull6 ile Mt'dccino do IjJ'oii I't 111 niolliodc natiirL-llo. Lyon 80c. Hot. Ann., lH, 1888. 1I;h 1!)I>. Siir les faHcicnlcH oriblrs cnclnvi's duns lu bom Hccondttirc de In Bulladonc. Jl. Hot., I'nriH, '1, 1891, Kil-lti.-J. • I Drcoiivi'ite a Snint-GciiiKliiiviil dc« kaIIcs d'Hoplo- ciiiiipii XyloHtei, (liiauit.] Lvoii Soc. l!ot. Ann., I'.l, 1894 (C AM. -,•> 'tA. IKInirs do GlrditBchift I'l deux carpelleH.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. /{.), (io. Revision dc ijiielques genres dc plantex neo-cale- doiiionnes dn U. I'. .Montboiv.ikr. Lyon Soc. Hot. .\nn., 19, 1894 (.l/.JH.), 1.") -28. - Toxieiti' des Rraines de ricin. Lyon Soc. Bol. .\nn., Ill, 1894 (Mr III.), •J'.I-.W. Toxicite de IKrviim eiviliii et dn Snponaria vaccaria. Lyon Soc. Hot. Ann., 20, 1896 (C. II.), 1-2. (Kinploi du forinol.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 189S (('. /;.), 31-32. IChampiKnons parasites Bur Asparagus oHicinalis.] Lyon Soc Bot. Ann.. 20, 1895 {C. A'.), t;.5. C'eri'Ueils phnraoniques on bois d'if. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1896 (Mriii.), .13-38. [li'Hibis< us .Vheliiioschus en Kgypte.J Lyon Soc. Bot Ann , 21, 1896 (C. A'.), 10-11. [HonjaKiucs sin- lErytlironium.) Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 21, 1896 (('. li.}, 20. Deuxieine note sur I'herbier du R. P. MonthOUZieh. Le nenre Kntreeasteanxia, Montr. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann.. 22, 1897 (.l/rm.), 71-76. (Kcinai'(|ues sur la siKuilication des deux termes "synietrie et nuiilarite" iles fleurs.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 2-'), 1900 (C. A'.), 37. Beauvoi*, A. La thfrapeiitiijuc des fievres en We.stphalie :iii XVIII- siecle. "L'.4rcheu8 febrium faber et raedicus" (le .1. H. CoHAVsKN (l(i6.'>-17.50). Arch. Gen. Med., 186, 1900. 232-241). Bcaven, K. .s'.. ,v Munro, -John M[ay] H[erhert]. See IWunro A- Heaven. Beaver, Iiiiiiiel I!. Ii. Initablc stricture of the urethra in llic male, rcsultinR from masturbation, a cause •>{ hvpeiajsthesia of the retina. Arch. Ophthalm.. 1.5, 1886, n;3 i()8. Bcavls, Charles, & Anachiitz, liiihnrd. See Anscbiitz & Beavls. Beazeley, .1/ [icfcac/]. Notes of an overland journey through Ihe sniulierii part of Formosa from Takow to the south cape, in lH7.'i, with an intnidiu'torv sketch of the island. [1881.] Geogr. Soc. Proc. 7, 1886, 1-19. Bebb, M[ich-1.S7; 11. 1889, 49-54, 115-117; 15, 1890, .53.56 : If), 1891. 10-2-UW. While mountain willows. Torrev Bot. Club Bull.. 1.5. 1888, 121-1-25; 16, 1889, 39-42, 211-215; 17. 1890. 149-151. Willow-galls. Torrcy Bot. Club Bull.. 16. 1889. 22-23. Notes on some arborescent w-illi>\vs of North .America. Garden & Forest, s, 1896,' 363-364, 372-373, 423, 473, 48-2-483. The range of Salix nigra. [/'o.«»/i.l F.rvthea. 5. 1897, 10 11. Bebber, i\'[illiiliii]J[iiknh\ran. Benierkenswerthe Sliirnie. Ann. der Hydrogr., 8 (1880), 609-618; 9 (1881). 9-21; K. s. A. (.'. 10 (1882), 6-20; 12 (1884), 67B tWo; IH (1890), 3.59 .V.I ; •20(18921, 4.5 .56; 24 (1896), 114-124; 26 (1898), 12 21. "Hie geographische Verthi-iliiDg uiid liewegiing der baroinetrischen .Minima lilx-r NordWcnt- und Mitlel- Eiiropa in ileii .Inhren 1876 bin 1H80. Ann. der Hydrogr., 9 (18811, 299-301. 'Ix? deplaci-ment des minima bar<>nietri<|uot. [7'r.) (18H0.] Ciel et Tcrrc, 3, 1883, 104 107. Typiiche \Villerung«Erscheinungen. Ann. der Ihdrogr.. 12 (1884), 183-190; DcuUch. Xalf. Tagebl., 1884, 19 20. Witternngsiibersicht fiir Centraleuropn. [November 1883 bis Oktober 1889.] Humboldt, 3. 1884. 37-38, 77- 78, 115-116, 1.56-1.57, 19h^199. "237. 277-278, 317-31H, 357, 390, 4-27 I •2!l. 468 469; I, 1886. 14, 87-88, l-.'9, 168 169, 208, 2.5H--2.59. "296 -29H. 33K-:i39, 378, 417- UK, 457, 493; 5. 1886. 31, 71-75. 109 110, 153. 18S-1M9,233. 273, 311, 351-352. .391. 431; 6. 1887, 30-32, 76-77, 117- 118, 160-161, -201. •239--240. ■2H0 -282. 317-319, .S62-363, 41X1-41)1, 441-442; 7, 1888, 36 37, 81-H3, 116-117. 161- 162. 201-202, 244-245, •28n bei typischen Witteriingscrscheinangen auf (irundlage von Zeitungs-Wetterkarten. der Isobaren-Telegramme und Wctterkarten iiberhaupt. .\nn. der Hydrogr., 14 (1886 1. 29-33. Die Untersuehungen von Elias Loomib fiber die Form und die Bewegung der Cvklonen. .Ann. der Hydrogr., 14 (1886). 89-94. Die Untersuehungen von Elias Loomis iiber die Form. Ausdehnung und Fortplianzung der baroinetrischen Maxima, sowie iiber die Beziehungen der Maxima und Minima. Ann. der Hydrogr., 15 il887l, 3.5-5-365. Fortschrittc in den Naturwissenschaften. Meteoro- logic. Humboldt, 6. 1887. 143-147. 382-389; 7. 1888, 187-192, 428-431; 8, 1889, 223-227; 9, 1890, 16:i-170. 377-381. Der tiigliche Gang des feaehten Thermometers in den Tropen. Meteorol. ZUchr., 4 (18871, 10-5-106. .AufTallende Erwiirmnng am 22. -Juni 1887. Meteorol. Ztschr.. 4 (18871, 310-31-2. Die Untersuehungen von Elias Looms nber das Verhalten der barometriscben Maxima und Minima. Wetter. 4, 1887. 145-150. 169-175. Winter-Wetterl\-pen aiis dem letztverflossenen Winter. Humboldt. 7. 1888", 22-2-223. Das Klima Indiens. Humboldt. 7. 1888. •289-2'.i2. 333-331;. .\bhKngigkeit der Stiirke des Cnterwiiides von der Unterlage. Ann. der Hydrogr., 17 (18891. 48.5-488. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der taglichen Periode der Windgeschn-indigkeit an nnserer Kuste. Leopoldina. ■25. 1889. 132-136. [Teber die Entwieklung des Sturmwarnungsw<>sen» an der deutschen Kiiste.] Meteorol. Ztschr., 6 (18891. 274- 275. Eine neue Methode der Phifang von Sturmwamangen 4i< Bebber] 378 [Bechamp nnd Ergebnisse der Sturmwarnungen an den deutschen Kusten im Jahre 1889. Ann. der Hydrogr., 18 (1890), 310-313. Der Sturm vom 11. bis 14. Miirz 1888 an der atlan- tischen Kiiste der Vereinigten Staaten. (The great March blizzard.) Meteorol." Ztschr., 7 (1890), 121-126. Klimatafeln fiirdiedeutsche Kiiste. Meteorol. Ztsehr., 7 (1890), 192-191), 311-314,474-475; 8 (1891), 311-313, 43.5-487. Die Zugstraesen der barometriscben Minima nach den Bahnenkarten der Deutscben Seewarte fiir den Zeitraum 1875-90. Meteorol. Ztsehr., 8 (1891), 3(51-366. Entgegnung auf die Aiiplassungen des Herrn Dr. Hermann J. Klein iiber Wettirprngnosen nnd Sturm- warnungen. Wetter, 8, 1891, 193-203, 253 ; 9, 1892, 72. Die Priifiing der Wetterprognosen und die Erbaltungs- tendenz der Wittei ung. Wetter, 8, 1891, 268-280. Das Wetter in den barometriscben Maximis. Meteorol. Ztsehr., 9 (1892), 295-297. Riickblifk auf das Wetter in Deutschland [in den .Tnhren 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895]. Ann. der Hydrogr., 21 (1893), 7-15; 22 (1894), 21-31; 23 (1895), 61-69; 24 (1896), 74-84. Die tiigliehe und iiihrliche Periode der Temperatur zu Hamburg. Ann. der Hydrogr., 21 (1893), 484-489. . Bodentemperaturen zu Hamburg (Eimsbiittel) naeh den von C. C. H. Mullkr in den .Jahren 1886-91 ange- stellten Beobachtungen. Meteorol. Ztsehr., 10 (1893), 215-220. Die Verteilung der Warmeextreme iiber die Erdober- fliiehe. Petermann, Mitth., 39, 1893, 273-276; 40, 1894, 44-45. Die letztverflossene Frostepocbe. Wetter, 10, 1893, 25-40. Die Witterungsverhiiltnisse des Jahres 1892 in Deutsch- land. Wetter, 10, 1893, 55-59. Present condition of the weather service. Propositions for its improvement. [With appendices by representatives of weather services in Europe and North America.] [1893.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 34-67. Haufigkeit und Tiefe der barometriscben Minima sowie Bahnen der Maxima und stationiire Maxima in dem Zeitraum vom Winter 1883-84 bis Ende Herbst 1887. Ann. der Hydrogr., 22 (1894), 208-218. Die Witterungsverhiiltnisse des Jahres 1893 in Deutschland. Wetter, 11. 1894, 25-29. Das Sturmwarnuugswesen an der deutschen Kiiste und Vorschlage zur Verbesserung desselben. Ann. der Hydrogr., 23 (1895), 334-340 ; Deutsch. Natf . Verb., 1895 (77). 2, Hiilfte 1), 39-40; Wetter, 12, 1895, 223-234. Der Herb.vt 1895 (September und Oktober). Neue Methode der Darstellung von Witterungsverhaltnissen. Wetter, 12, 1896, 249-253. Das meteorologische Observatorium ini Freihafen zu Bremen. Wetter, 13, 1896. 193-196. Die Hauptwetterlagen in Europa. Ann. der Hydrogr., 25 (1897), 442-458; Wetter, 14, 1897, 121-130, 145-153, 169-178. Einiges iiber Wettervorhersage, insbesondere iiber das Sturmwfti-nuiigswesen an der deutschen Kiiste. Ann. der Hydrogr., 2(! (1898), 63-70. SonnenscheiudauerinNordamerika. Meteorol. Ztsehr., 15 (1898), 214-215. Wissenschaftlicbe Grundlage einer Wettervorhersage auf mebrere Tage voraus, insbesondere im Inteicsse der Enndwirthsohaft. Wetter, 16, 1899, 217-221, 241-245. Bebert, I'inrc Anioine. For biography and works see Siivc.ic Ac. Mem., 10, 1884, Ivii-lviii; 1891, 180-181. Bee, V\Uul'nnir Ah'hseeric]. For biographical notice see Wien. Med. Wschr., 45, 1895, 33-37. Division de I'lige d'homme en dix periodes corres- poudant aux modifications relatives dans la structure du si|uelette. Arcli. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 014-615. [Sur le rapport du volume des os a la hauteur totale du squelette huniain, dans les differents ages.] Arch. Slaves Biol, 1, 1886, 618. Beca, /'. Manuel. Algo sobre las enfermedades mentales en Chile. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 67,1885, 335-371. Becasnov, (il/die.) Prlapie. Abbiingigkeit der Pulsfreqnenz des Froschherzens von seinem Inhalte. Arch. Anat. Phvsiol. (Pliysiiil. Ahth.], 1898, 531; .11. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [12]; Schweiz. Natf. ties. Verb., 1898. 123-124. Beccari, Gioranni Battista. 'La stazione di Assab. [I.ettera.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 18, 1881, 11.5-123. Beccari, Lodovieo. II ferro della bile nell' inanizione. Arch. Sci. Med., 20, 1896, 229-244. Beccari, Ludovico, & Rimini, Enrico. SuU' azione bio- logica di alcuni nuovi composti ossigenati dell' azoto. Eicercbe sperimentali. Ann. di Chim., 23 & 24, [1896], 241-246. Beccari, Odoiirdo. *Cenno di nn viaggio a Borneo. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 1. 1868, 193-214. *[Lettere dalla Nuova Guinea e dalle isole Aru.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 9. 1873, 14.5-153 ; 10, 1873 (Fa.'ic. 4 & 5), 66-69, 87-89, (Fasc. 6), 38; 11, 1874, 78-81, 276-282, 480-488, 652-667 ; 12, 1875, 117-122 ; 13, 1876, 31-38. Reliquiie Schefferiauffi. lUustrazione di alcune palme viventi nel Giardino Botauico di Buitenzorg. Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 2, 1885, 77-165. Le palme incluse nel genere Cocos, Linn. Malpighia, 1, 1887, 343-354, 441-454; 2, [1888], 85-95, 147-156. Turgescenza dei petali di Magnolia Yulan. Malpighia, 1, 1887, 420. Nuove specie di palme recentemente scoperte alia Nuova Guinea. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 177- 180. Beccari, Odoardo, Antinori, {marchese) Orazio, & Issel, .^rt»ri>. See Antinori, Beccari d' Issel. Beccaro, Toiiima-^o del. Sopra il teorema di Wilson generalizzato. [1893.] Homa, E. Ace. Lincei Mem., 1, 1894, 344-371. Becchi. See Becbi. Beccbini, Stefann. Sftlla natura della pneumonite cruposa. Sperimentale, 53, 1884, 590-609. Becco, Aniielo. Sulle varietii di anastomosi fra il nervo muscolo-cntaneo ed il mediano nel braccio. [1897.] lioma Lab. Anat. Norm. Bic, ti, 1897-98, 39-58. Becerra, .-liitiniio. Especies de Ortopteros de la Sierra de Segura. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 27, 1898 (.lei.), 44-45. Becb, Edouard. Les moyens employes pour assurer la securite de la navigation. Le controleur de route. Brux. Ann. Ti-av. Publ., 2 (1897), 68-3-693. Bicbeunp, [Pierre Jacques] A[ntoine]. Les granulations moleculaires et le virus rabique. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 13, 1884. 429-433. Sur I'inactivite optique de la cellulose du coton et sur le pouvoir rotatoire du coton-poudre des photograpbes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 99. 1884, 1027-1029. Menioire sur les matieres albuminoides. Paris, M^m. Savants Etraug., 28, 1884, A'-). 3, 516 pp. Sur la signification des experiences polarim(^triques executees avec la dissolution du coton dans la liqueur de ScHWKizKR. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 117-119. Sur I'origine des Microzymas et des Vibroniens de I'air, des eaux et du sol, iV propos d'une communication de M. DncL.\ux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 181- 184, 293. Sur la signification des experiences polarimetriques executees avec la dissolution du coton dans le reactif ammonicuprique; essais pdlarinietriques sur ce reaetif. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 100, 1886, 279-282. Sur I'iuactivite optique de la cellulose et spc'^cialeraent de celle qui est sepiiree de la dissolution du coton dans le reactif ammonicuprique. Paris, .\c. Sci, C. R., 100, 1885. 36--370. Bechampl 379 [Bechamp Ol)KervatioiiB conccrimnt I<'« i>r;;aniHn>0H pro-.'.I2, ."iH'i-.'.H.-j. Dc la cause dcs alterations sullies par le sang au contact de I'air, dc I'oxyKcue et dc I'acide carboniijue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, .:1H7-5W'J ; Paris, Ac. Med. Hull., 17, 1887. •22.V2-27. Sur la zymase dc I'air expire par I'homme sain et le» matii ics aniniales de I'air conliue. Paris, Ac. yiii. Bull., lit, 1888. 177 IMl. Sur la constitution chiinlque ct histologique des difle- rents laits. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 20, 1888, 71H-737. Sur la zymase de I'air expire par I'liomme sain. Paris, Ac. Sci. C.'U., 106. 1888, '292. Sur la nature du lait. Rcponse il cette question : "Le lait contient-il dcs elements anatomiques del'organ- isation ct les globules laiteux soutils au nonibre de ces elements?" Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 107, 1888, 772-77.3. Nouveaux faits pour servir It I'bistoire de la caseine. Ass. Franv. C. H., 1889 (Pi. 1), 267-268. Sur la double fonction des Microzjmas gastri(|ues et de la ixjpsine. Ass. Fran^. C. R., 1889 {/'/. 1), '268. Les rechercbcs preliminaires (\ui ont conduit a la metbode de r<5action d'oii n'sulte lo procedc industrid de fabrication de I'aniline. Ass. Frani,-. C. R., 1889 (/'(. 1), •274-27.J. [Constitutions comparees des laits de vachc, d'anesse et de femme.] Paris Soc. Cliim. Bull., 1, 1889, 769- 770. Le lait; sa constitution hislolopique et sa composition chimique. Rev. Sci., 43, 1889. 673-681, 74.5-749. Sur la constitution liistologique ct la composition chimique comparees des laits de vache, de cbcvre, d'anesse et de femme et les consequences qui en dcconleut pour la physiologic ct I'hygiine. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 24, 1890, 214-248. [Fermentation de I'acide mucique.] Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 3, 1890, 770. Remarques sur le phcnomcne de coagulation. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890. 181-186. [.\ction de Tacide cyanhydrique sur la tibrine.] Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull.. 4. 1890, 610-611. Sur I'originc ct sur la nomenclature rationnelle et scientilique des zymases (ferments solubles). Ass. Fran(^. C. R., 1891 {Pi. i). 184. Sur les maticres extractives du lait de femme et du lait de vache. .\ss. Fran.,-. C. R.. 1891 {Pt. 1), 188; Paris Soc. Chini. Bull., 6. 1891. i-.',, 8'2-H3, 212. Sur la fermentation dite btityrique de la fecule. .\ss. Franv. 0. R.. 1891 (/'(. H, 190. Sur Ic phcnomcne de I'aigrissement et de la coagula- tion spontancs du lait de vache. Paris. Ac. Xlcd. Bull., 25, 1891, 161-197, 470-512; 26. 1891, 397-460, 490. Cousidcrations sur les mi'thodcs actuelles de I'analyse du lait, sur les maticres extractives de cette huraeur ct sur les substances reductrices du nactif de Fkhlinu, autres que le lactose, qu'elles contiennent. Paris, Ac. Mid. Bull.. •>>•>. 1891. 21.5-23.5. Considerations physiologiques sur les globules et les Microzymas laitoux de laits de vache anormaux. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., '21;, 1891, 262-278. (Sur la fibrine du sang de bceuf.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., .5, 1891. •2'l0. [Sur le mccanisme de la formation de Puree dans I'organisme. ] Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull.. .5, 1891. 721-722. Remarques sur le phenomcne dc coagulation : la 6brine et la coagulation du sang. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 7oS-769. Rj'ponse k .V. Lk Bei. au sujet dc ses remarques sur la communication prcccdente [sur la Kbriue du kang]. I'aris Soc. Chim. Bull., ii. 1891, 769-773. ])e Taction do la lumiere sur le cblorure d'argent. Paris Sue. Chim. Bull., fi, 1891, M.J6-8J0. Sur les albumines physiologiques uoniiales et patho- logiipies et sur I'albuminuric phvsiologique. Paris, Ac. Mi'd. Bull., 2H, 1892, 601 6'23, 876-927. Faits pour servir a I'bistoire de la gomme arabique. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 7, 1892. •587-600; 9, 1893, 4.5-.5I. (Fermentation directc dc lemiKiiH d'amidon et du Sucre de caune provoi|uee par le contact avec dc la craie de Sens et certains autres calcaires.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892. 753-7.54. Sur la fcrnicntati'in de la gownie du S^D^'gal. Aas. Franc. C. R., 1893 {Pi. 1), 195-196. Sur I'amygdaline. Ass. Franv. C. R., 1893 {Pi. 1), 197. Sur la caseine et le phosphore organique de la casi^'ine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893. lOM.5-1088. Sur la non-inter\'crsion spontaneedu sucre de canue, en solution aqueuse, aux temiieratures ordinaircs, et sur la cause de cette interversion en apparence spootance, sous I'intluence de la lumiere. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 9, 1893, 21-27. (Rcchercbes sur les albumines des albuminuries.] Paris Soc. Chim. Ball., 9, 1893, 161. [Rcchercbes sur I'inuline.j Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 21-2-214. [Sur le pouvoir rotatoire de la gomme arabique on Senegal.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 484-485. Sur la cause de la variation du pouvoir rotatoire dons certaines dissolutions de corps optiquemeut actifs, arec le temps et avec la dilution, et sur le |>ouToir rotatoire des substances actuellement amorphes. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 9, 1893. .51 1-5-29. Sur la ca.->cine, le phosphore organique de la cas<'ine et I'etat des phosphates insolubles dans le lait de vache. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 31, 1894. 109-1-20. Existe-t-il une digestion sans ferments digestifs des maticres albuminoides? Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118,1894, 1157-1160. 1370. Sur le phosphore organiqae des maticres albaminoides. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894. 113-114. Sur la caseine et le phosphore organique de la caseine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11. 1894. 1.52-176. [Fermentation de I'acide citrique en presence dun exces de craie dc Sens et dune petite quantitc de viande lav^e k I'eau.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 387- 388. (Fermentation des acides siiccinique et pyrotartrique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11. 1894. 418. (Fermentation des acides maliijue et tartriqiie.] Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 11. 1894. 466. [Femientntion de I'acide lactique.] Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull.. 11, 1894. .531. Sur I'etat de la fibrine dans le sang pendant la Tie. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1895 {Pi. 1), 249--250. Sur les alterations du lait soumis k la coction. Asa. Franc,-. C. R., 1896 [Pi. 1), '2.50. Sur les alterations spontances du loit et snr cclles que la cuisson lui fait suhir. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1.5, 1896, 91".- 1 17, •248--27-2, 426-4.5.5 : [Bocarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 5, 1896). -2-13. 44-.56. 8-5-100. [Sur les variations du point de congelation des liquides organiqnes. ] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull, 17, 1897, 67:j-674. La fenr.entation sans levilre. (Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bnl., 7, 1898]. 213-216. Sur la comjiosition et la constitution des matieres albuminoides en general, et parUculierement sur celle de la fibrine ou plutot des fibrines. Ass. Fran^. C. B., 1900 tPl. 1), 144. 48—2 Becliampl 380 Sur la nature et la nomenclature des ferments solubles ou zymases, dans leurs relations avcc les ferments figures. Ass.'Franc;. C. Iv., 1900 (/'/. 1), 140. Sur la fermentation en general et partieulierement sur la fermentation dite alcooliiiue, consid^rees connne plienonienes de nutrition. Ass. p^rani;. C. B., 1900 {Pi. H, 1.52. Bichamp, |.l/(/r(>] J[oseplt], A Dujardin, .-I . De la zymase du jiMiuirity. Paris, kc. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 70-71, lilO. Bectidolt, Alilolf] F. Geological notes in Blue Earth r-ounty. Minil. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Rep., IS, 1885, 111-146. Becber, Eduard. For biography and list of works see Wien. Ent. Ztg., 5, 1886, So'i; Leopoldina, 23, 1887, -53; Wieu, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887 [Xot.). 8-9. A new species of Siniulium from Assam. [Tr.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., .53 {I't. •>). 1884, 199-200; Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1884, 162. Notes on Indian economic entomology. [1889.] [Poslh.] Indian Mus. Notes, 1, 1889-91, 77-81. Becker, (Maj.) Edward French. The land and fresh- water Mollusca of the Maltese Islands. [1884.] .11. Conch., 4, 1883-85, 229-237. A Sind lake. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 1, 1886. 91-96; Zoologist, 10, 1886, 42.5-431. Some cold-weather notes from Guzerat. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 3, 1888, 114-117. Hot-\veather notes in the Central Provinces, 1887. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 3, 1888, 134-137. At Malta to and from India. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 4, 1889, 66-69. Some shooting notes. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 316-320. Cold-weather shooting in Raipur. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, .556-562. Becher, H[arry] M[acdoiudd]. For biography and works see Geogr. Jl., 2, 1893, 470-471; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 50, 1894 [Proc.], 51; Inst. Civ. Eugin. Proc, 115, 1894, 397-398. On some cupriferous shales in the province of Hon- Peh, China. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 42, 1886. 494-495. Notes on the mineral resources of eastern Shantung. [With diseussioit.] [1887.] China Boy. Asiat. Soc. Jl., 22, 1888, 22-38, 116-120. The gold-quartz deposits of Pahang (Malay Peninsula). [1892.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 49, 1893, 84-88. Mining in the Malay Peninsula. [With disciissioii.] [1892.] Inst. Min. Metall. Trans., 1 (1892-93), 78-107, 131-141. Becher, J. .1. Ueber Eiesenzellen-Bildung in Caneroiden. Viichow, Arch., 156, 1899, 62-93. Becber, .S'. ./. The Nullagine district, Pilbarra gold-field. Western Australia. [With discussion.] [1898.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 48, 1900, 44-52, 92-93. Becher, W\iil/], A Lennhoff, [RiuUdfTi. See Lennlioff .V Becher. B^cheraz, .IchilU . I'eber die Sekretbildung in den schi- zdgcnen Ciingen. Bern Mitth., 1893, 74-109; Arch. Pharm., 231, 1893, 653-658. Bechert, <]»rt Friedrich]. Ueber die Condensation von Aldehvdeii und Cyaniden. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 50, 1894, 1-2W. ■ Becheruccl, Giuseppe. Saggio di una classifieazione di'i runitteii scssuali secondarii. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 1 1 , 1900, 290 326. B^cbevel, [Fnijeiie Dieudonni' Henry] de. [Bulletin des travaux de chimie executes par les ingenieura des mines dans les laboratoirea d^partementaux.] I^abora- toire de ('lerniont Kerrand. Ann. Mines, 5, 1884, 121- 127; 7, 1886, 14.5-1-18; 10, 1886, 430-431; 13, 1888, 531 535; 1, 1892, 28;i 2'.I2 ; 4, 1893, 34-35; 6, 1894, 277; 9, 1896, 557 559; 12, 1897, 91 92. Bechhold, .lnoili ll[einricli]. Krystallographisehe t'liter- [Bechterev .suchung organiscber Kcirper. Ztschr. Kryst., 11.1888. 447-455. Umwandlung von Benzolazoresorciniithern in Oxy- hydrochinonderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2374-2384. Ueber Carbazoldisulfosiiure. Berlin, Chem. (les. Ber., 23, 1890, 2114-2146. Ueber Liisungsenergie auf der Oberfliiche von Fliissig- keiten. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 5, 1890, 68. Schwefelvorkommen und Schwefelgewinnung m Italien. [1893.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 32-34. Wanderungen in Norwegen und Sch\veden. [1894.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1895, 31-16. Der Kreislauf der Fette. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 {Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 98-99. Untersuchungen an dem Kliirbeckenschlamm zu Frankfurt a. M. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 849-854. Bechi, Emilio. Assign to this author entries [Vol. 6) under Becchi, Emilio. For biographical notice see Fireuze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 23, 1900, Ixxxiii-lxxxv. Sul metodo per ricouoscere 1' olio di cotone nelle miscele con altri olii. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 9, 1886, 216-221, 258-261. Intorno all' olio di cotone. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 11, 1888, 338-346. Redaction pour la recherche de I'huile de colon dans I'huile d'olive. Jl. Pharni., 17, 1888, 200. Sulla reazione die da 1' olio di cotone, mischiato con altri olii. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 13, 1890, 76-83. Sur la priisence de I'acide boricjue dans les vegetaux. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 122. Intorno alia ditt'usione dell' acido borico. Fireuze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 14, 1891, 240-2.50. Sopra alcune esperienze e rieerche intorno all' Erio- dendron anfractuosum, pianta malvacea dell' India. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 15, 1892, 278-280. Sopra un vino di oltre venti anni apparteneute al Signor liodolfo- Shneioekff. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 17, 1894, 80-81. Intorno alia cultura dell' olivo. [1897-98.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 50, 1897, 45-46; .52, 1899, 20-25. Bechl, Emiliu, & Papasogli, Gioryio. Intorno alia coin- posizione dell' olio di cotone, ed intorno ad aleuui studi delle foglie dell' olivo. Firenze .\cc. Georgofili Mli, 9, 1886, 262-2(;7. Bechi, G[iiido] de. Assign to this author entries [Vol. 9) under Becchi, G. de, and Bechi, (;. roti. Sur les nouvelles syntheses daus la serie du triphenyl- methane. Rev. Sci., 39, 1887, 619-624. Bechi, G[mdn] de, & Friedel, ( 'hnrles. See Priedel A Bechi. Bechi, G[iiido] de, A Noelting, Emilio [Dominyo]. .S'.v Noelting & Bechi. Bechmann, [/w/i..<^ Georyes]. Sur un moyen d'illummer iin j.-t d'eau paraboliipie de grande dimension. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 564. Alimentation en eau dans les principales villes de France, resultats de renijuete. [1892.] Ann. Hyg. Publ., -29, 1893, 84-85. Bechterev, V[l(idimir Michujloric]. Ueber die nach Durcli- sehiieidung der Sehnervenfaaern im Inuern der Gross- hiniheniisphiiren (in der Naehbarschaft des hintereu Absebnittes der iiineren Kapsel) auftretenden Ersehein- ungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 3, 1884, 1-9. Ueber die Bemerkungen von V. Henskx [zum Aufsatz des Autoren] "Ueber den Verlauf der die Pupille ver- engenden Nervenfasern im Gehirn.'' Pfiiiger, .\rch. Physiol., 33, 1884, 240-243. Ueber die Fiiiietiou der Vierhiigel. PMiiger, Arch. Phvsiol.. 33, 1884, 113-439. Ueber die Verbindung der sogenannten peripheren (ileiehgewiehtaorgane init dem Kleinhirnstiele. Pfiiiger, Arch. Phvsiol.. 31, 1884, 362-388. Bechterevl 3S1 [Bechterev I'MttTKUcliiinKi'ii iilxr die SolilcifenRchiclit. Leipzig Mftlh. I'liVK. lii-i., 'J", 1886. -.Ml 211. I'clicr (lie llesliiiiilllii'ilo (111- IliiitcTHtiuiii;!! (lis Kiicki'ii- iimrkH aiif Griiiul iUt riilersuclmjiK iliivr Kntwickelnnif. .Neurol. Ceiilrlil.. 4, 1886, 31 a.l. Zur .\natoiuif lii-r Sclieiikel cU-s Kleinliirii-. iri» bt.soii(iiTi) (lei- BrJickcnai'iue. Neurol. C'eiilrbl., 4, 1886. 121 125. Leber die innere AbtliciluiiK des Htrickkorpers mid den itchten Hiriinerven. Neurol. Centrbl., -J, 1886, 14.") 147. Ueber eine binher uiibekaniite Verbinduat; der Rrosxen Oliven iiiit dem Urossjliirn. Neurol. Cerjtrbl., 4, 1886, l'J4-19ti. I'eber die Liingsfrtscrziine der I'orniatio reticularis medullar oblongiitjt et ijoiitis. Neurol. Centrbl., 4. 1886, 337-yi(!, 3H4. Wie siiiil die Erscbeiiiungen zu verstehen, die nach Zer.stiirung des motorischen Rindenfeldes an Tliieren auftieteu? I'lliiger, .\rcli. I'liysi!)!.. 3.5. 1886. 137-14."). I'eber Zwangsbewcguiigen bei Zerstorung der Hirn- riude. Vircliow, Arch.. 101, 1886, 473-183. I'eber eiuen besonderen Beslaudtlieil der Seitenstrange des Kiickeninarkes und liber den Faserursprung der grossen aufsteigenden Trigeniinuswnrzel. Arch. Anat. I'lVVsiol. {Aiiul. Ahlh.), 1886, 1-4. I'eber die liestandtlieile des Corpus restifomie. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Anal. Ablli.). 1886, 403-411. Rt'trecisseiuent reHexe de la pupille par la lumiere. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1. 1886, 35t;-3C3. De I'exeitabilite des centres tuoteurs de I'ecorce cere- bralc cliez le.s chiens nouveau-nes. Arch. Slaves Biol.. 2, 1886, 1»1-1»M, 463. Ueber die hinteren Nervenwurzeln, ihre Endigung in der grauen Substanz des liuckenmarkes und ihre centrale I-'ortsetzung im letzteren. Arch. Anat. Phvsiol. {Anal. Abth.), 1887. 12t>-13G. Pbvsiologie de la ri'gion niotrice de la substance corticale du cerveau. Arch. Slaves Biol., 3, 1887, 177- 206. Le ceneau de I'homnie dans scs rapports et connexions intimes. Arch. Slaves Biol., 3, 1887, 293-321; 4, 1887, 1-30, 249-296. liecherclies sur I'exeitabilite de differents faisceaux de la moelle epiniere cbez les auiniaux nouveau-nes. Arch. Slaves Biol., 4, 1887, 337-346; Neurol. Centrbl., 7. 1888, 1.54-1.59. Zur Frage iiber den Ursprung des Hornerven und liber die pbysiologische Bedeutung des N. vestibularis. Neurol. Centrbl.. 6. 1887. 193-198, 264. Ueber die Trigeminuswurzeln. Neurol. Centrbl., 6, 1887. 2M9-290. Die Bedeutung der Sehhiigel au( Grund von experi- nientelleo und pathologiscbeu Daten. Virchow, Arch., 11(1, 1887, 102 154. 322-365. Ueber die Bestandtheile des vorderen Kleinhirii- schenfcels. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (.4h)<>. I'eber die verschiedenen I^agen und Dimeniiionen der I'yraniidenbuhiien lieim Mensrlien und den Thieren und iitMT das \'orkoriiiiien von Fa-erii in denselU-ii. welclie i-icli rliirch eine fruhere Kiituickeluiig auhZeichneu. Neurol. Centrbl.. 9, 1890, 73S-741 ; 10. 1891. 107. K.iiii'ciii|iiiKauiH .lyiiii-Biiu.M. Cnj.rl.^iiiei'i. [Clas- Hilication of mental diseases.] Kazan Univ. Mem.. 1891 (/'/. 4). h;J-U8, {Pt. 5), .57-78. Zur Frage iiber die ausseren AssociationKraiiera der Hirnrinde. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891. 082-6S4. Zur Frage iil>er die Blutcirculatinn iiu Hirn wiihrend epileptisolier .\nfalle, nach den Untcrsuchungen von Dr. TonoiisKV. Neurol. Centrbl.. 10, 1891, 6«4-689. IIpOBOJHIuiu IIVTII Moara. [Different tracts of the medulla.] Kazan Univ. Mem.. 1892 (/'«. 6), 123-lOC ; 1893 (/'«. ll, 157-2:iM, (/'(. 21, .50-12«. Ueber eine neuc Uiiiersucbungsniethode der Sehnen- rertexe uud iiber die Veriiiiderungen letzterer bei Geistes- krankheiten und bei Epileptikeni. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 34-40. Zur Frage uber die Striie medullares des verIangert«D Markes. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 297-3*5. Uetier zeitliclie Verhaltnisse der psychischen Procefse bei in Hypnose betindlicheii Personeu. Nach deo Uuter- suchuiigen von E. Hksika und B. Wohotynhki. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 305-307. Ueber neuro-psychiscbe Slorungen liei chroniiicliem Ergotismus. Nach den Beobachtungen von l>r. N. Uefokm.\tzki. Neurol. Centrbl.. 11, 1892. 769-775. Ueber die Kiudencentra Sphincterix aui et vesica'. Nach den Versuchen von Dr. J. MtVKH. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893. 81-82. Ueber den Einfluss der Suspension auf die SehstOrung bei Aflectionen des Iliickenmarkes. Nach den Unt<-r- sucliungen von Dr. B. Wi.botvsski. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 210-217. Uel)er die Geschwindigkeit-sveriinderuDgeu derpsychi- scheu Processe zu verschiedenen Tage.«zeiten. Nach den Uiiteisucliun(;eii von P. Ostankow und M. Ge.».s. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 2;H)-292. .504. Steifigkeit der Wirbels-aule und ihre Verkrummung als besondere Erkrankungsform. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 426-434. Ueber die Wechselbeziehung znischen der gevOhn- lichen und sensoriellen Aniisthesie (Functionsabnabme der Sinne.sorgane) auf Grund klini.scbcr und e\|>eriiuen- U-Uer Daten. [1892.] Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 189*. 252- 256, 297-303. Unanfhaltsames Lachen und Weinen bei Him&ffec- tionen. [ISltS.] Arcli. Psychiatr.. 26. 1894. 791-817. Ueber das Oliveubiiudel des cenncaleu riieiles vom Kiickcninark. Neurol. Centrbl.. 13. 189*. 433-437. Ueber die SchalUeitung und Percu.«sion der Schadcl- knoeheu und der Wirbelsaule aU Untersuchungsmetbode bei Nerveukrankheiten. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 189*, 513- 518. Zur Frage ulier den Eintluss der Hirnrinde und der Sehhiigel auf die Schluckbewegungen. Nenrol. C«ntrbl.. 13, 189*. 584-5.>*.5. Die sensiblen Bahnen im Riickenm&rk. NacU den Unter.sucbuugen von Dr. F. Hoij!ISiieu. Nearol. Centrbl.. 13, 189*. (U2. - — — Ueber pupillenverengemde Fasem. Neurol. Centrbl.. 13. 189*, 802-807. Ueber die Blutcirculation im Grosshim wahrend der .\nf:Ule experimentellcr Epilepsie. Nach den Beobach- tungen von Dr. A. Toi>ob.ski. Neurol. Centrbl., 13. 189*. 834-838. Ueber die Bedeutung des gleichzeitigen Gebrancfas der Bechterev] 382 [Bechterev Bromide und der Adonis vernalis bei Epilepsie. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 838-843. Uelifi- die Schleifenseliielit auf Grund der Besultate von iiach der eiitwickeluiigsgescliichtlichen Metliode ansgefiihrten Uiitersueluingen. Arcli. Anat. Physiol. {Anal. Ablh.), 1896, 379-39-5. Ueber deii Eiiiliuss der traumatischen Eiitziinduiig der Hirnrinde auf die Erregbarkeit derselben. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1896, 2-3. Uebtr den Einfiuss der durch die Stimmgabel- schwingungen lierbeigefiihrten Ersohiitterungen auf den menschlichen Organismus. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 194-199. Uutersuelinngen liber die Genese der epileptischen Anfalle. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1896, 394-397. Der hiutere Zweihiigel als Centrum fiir das GeliiJr, die Stimme und dieEeflexbewegungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 706-712. Ueber den Einfiuss des Hungerns auf die neugebo- reneu Thiere, insbesondere auf das Gewicht und die Entwiekelung des Gehirns. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 810-817. Ueber ein besondcres, interraediiires, in den Pyrami- denseiteustrangbabnen befindliches Fasersystem. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1896, 929-932. Ueber wenig bekannte Reflexerscheinungen bei Ner- venkrankheiten und iiber die diagnostisehe Bedeutung des Rog. Fussphsinomens und der Sebnen- und Hautre- flexveranderungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 11.57-ll(i(5. Ueber die Empiindungen, welche mittels der soge- nannten Gleichgewichtsorgane wahrgenommen werden, und iiber die Bedeutung dieser Empfindungen in Bezug auf die Entwiekelung uuserer RauuivorKtellungen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (I'hi/xiol. Abth.), 1896, 10.3-141. Ueber syphilitisehe disseminirte, eerebrospinale Skle- rose nebst Bemerkungeu iiber die secundiire Degenera- tion der Fasern des vorderen Kleinhirnschenkels, des centralen Haubenbiiudels und der Sehleifenschicht. Areh. Psychiatr., 28, 1896, 742-772. Die Lehre von den Neuronen und die Entladungs- theorie. (Untersuchuugsresultate des Nervensystems nach der Golgi'schen Methode.) Neurol. Centrbl., 1.5, 1896. 50-57, 103-111. Ueber das Knieseheibenphauomen als diagnostisebes Kennzeichen von Nervenleiden und iiber andere verwandte Erscbeinungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 818-823. Ueber pathologLsche EmpBndungen und Mitempfind- ungen bei Geisteskranken. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 1058-1067. Ueber die Kerne der mit den Augenbewegungen in Beziehung stehenden Nerven (des Oculomotorius, Abdu- cens und Trochlearis) und iiber die Verbindung derselben unter einaiider. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Anat. Abth.), 1897, 307-315. • Ueber das sog. Krampfcentrura und iiber das Centrum fih' die Locomotion im Niveau der Varolsbriioke. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 146-151. Die Erriitbungsangst als eine besondere Form von krankhafter Storung. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 386- 391. Ueber das besondere, mediale Biindel der Seiten- striinge. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 680-682. Neue Beobachtungen iiber die "Errcithungsangst." Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 985-989. Zur Behaudlung der Myotonie. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 990-993. Ueber centrifugale, aus der Seh- und Vierbiigelgcgend ausgebende Uiiekcinmarksbahncn. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 1074-1077. Ueber das Hciren der eigenen Gedanken. [1897.] Arch. Psychiatr., 30, 1898, 284-294. Ueber die Erregbarkeit der Grosshirnrinde neugebo- rener Thiere. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 148-150. Die partielle Kreuzuug der Sehnerven in dem Chiasma hoherer Siiugethiere. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 199-202. Ueber die Bedeutung der Cardiaca bei der Behandlung der Epilepsie. Neurol. Ceutrbl., 17, 1898, 290-294. Ueber eine eigenartige psychopathische Form der Retentio urinaj. Neurol. Centrbl.. 17, 1898. 834-840. Ueber Storungen des Stoffwechsels bei Neurasthenie. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 1029-1032. Das elektrische TrichoiEsthesiometer und die sog. Haarempfindlicbkeit des Korpers. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 1032-1035. Epileptische und epileptoide Anfalle in Form von Angstzustiinden. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 1121-1124. Ueber die Entwiekelung der Zellelemente in der Grosshirnrinde des Menschen. [1896.] Neurol. Centrbl. , 18, 1899, 770-772, 1072. Untersuchungsergebnisse betreffend die Erregbarkeit des hinteren Absohnittes des Stirnlappens. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1899, 500-503. Ueber die Gebcircentra der Hirnrinde. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol Abth.). 1899 {Sappl.). 391-402. Ueber die Lage der motorischen Riudencentren des Menschen nach Ergebnissen faradischer Reizuug dersel- ben bei Gehirnoperationen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Phy- siol. Abth.), 1899 {SiippL), 543-546. Ein ueues Algesimeter. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 386-390. Ueber iinwillkiirlicben Harnabgaug beim Lachen. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 447-448. Ueber die seusiblen Functionen der sog. motorischen Rindenzone des Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Phy- siol. Abth.), 1900, 22-24. Ueber pupillenverengernde und pupillenerweiternde Centra in den hinteren Theilen der Hemisphiireuriude bei den Aft'en. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1900, 25-28. Ueber die Localisation der Geschmackcentra in der Gehirnriude. Arch. Anat. Physiol, {Physiol. Abth.), 1900 {Sappl.}, 14.5-151. Myotonie, eine Krankheit des Stoffwechsels. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 98-102. Ueber objective Symptome localer Hyperiisthesie und AuiBsthe.sie bei den sog. traumatischen Neurosen und bei Hysterie. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 205-208, 388- 389. Ueber den Scapulo-Humeralreflex. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 208-209. Ueber pupillenverengernde und Accomraodationscentra der Gehirnrinde. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900. 386-388. Ueber acut auftretende Storungen der Motilitiit mit den Merkmalen cerebellarer Ataxie bei Alkoholikern. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 834-837. Ueber die Bedeutung des Scapulo-Humeralreflexes. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 1042-1045. Ueber Zwangserbrechen. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 1045-1048. Bechterev, ]'[hulimir Micliajlovic], & niislavskij, N[iliolaj] .l\lfhsaudrovic]. Ueber den Eiuliuss der Grosshirnrinde auf den Blutdruck und die Herzthiitigkeit. Neurol. Centrbl., 5, 1886, 193-195. Ueber den EinHuss der centralen Gehimtheile auf den Blutdruck und die Herzthatigkeit. Neurol. Centrbl., 5, 1886, 416-418. Die Hirncentra fiir die Bewegung der Harnblasc. Neurol. Centrbl.. 7, 1888, 505-509. Ueber den Eintluss der Hirnrinde auf die Speichel- secretion. Neurol. Centrbl., 7, 1888, 553-556. 0 UOIlTpa.ni.lIOW II IIOplKllOllUMCCKDil llllIIC))- Hauill KlIIIIOK'li. [Ueber centrale und periidiere Darm- innervatlon.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 20, 1889, 245- 278; Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1889 {Sup]>l.), 243-262. Bechterevl 383 I Beck Ziir FrnKC iibcr die die SpoiclicUfcrition nnrcKOiiden Uindenfoldcr. Neurol. CVntrbl., H, 1889, 190-19a. Ziir Frane iiber die Innerviition dcB MageiiK. Neurol. Centrbl., !», 1890, l'J.'j-19!t. L'ebiT die Hirnceiitreii dcr ScheidenbcweRUDKeii bei Tbieren. Arcb. Anat. I'hyBiol. (I'lnitiol. Ahlh.), 1891, 380-393. T'eber die Innervntion iind die Hiriicenlnii der Thrii- ncnfibsonderuriK. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, •IM1-4KB. BecLterev, \'[laiiimir Michujlniie], ct Ostankor, l^rlr Mihsiindrofie], I'eber den KintluKS der (JrosHhiniriiide uiif den .Sebluekaet und die Atbmiiiig. [189B.] Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, u80-')H4. Bechterev, V[ladiinir Miilinjlnvir], S: Rosenbacb, /fiiri/ .liihiil, vii']. I'eber die Heiieiitunn ib r Inti rvert'bml- );unKlien. Exiierimentcll-bistolonische Unteniucbunx. Neurol. Centrbl., 3, 1884, 217-223, 320-322. Beck, Alli-xiiiider], I'eber den K^genwiirtiK' bei as- trononiischeu Beobacbtungen benutzten Chronographen. [18H1.1 Riga Corrcsi)..Hl.. 2H, 1888. 9-10. I'eber cinige neue Anwendungen ebener Spiegel. Ztschr. Inftrunientenk., 7, 1887, 3'<0-389. Ucber einige neue Anwendungen ebener Spiegel in der praktiachen Aetronomie. liiga Corresp.-Bl., 31, 1888, 34-3.-.. Ueber den von Gelieimrat Doi.i.ks in I'ulkowa im Jahre 1HH2 geniachten Vorsclilag, die Zeit der totalen MondtiuKternisKe zur Heobacblung der Fixsternbedeck- ungen zu benutzen. Riga Corre.op.-Bl., 31, 1888, 3K. Klcnientare Herleitung der I'liicker'scben Fonueln. Zurich Vrtljschr., 33. 1888, 173 178. Ueber die Fundanientalnufgabe der Axonometrie. Crelle, Jl. Miitb., lOli. 1890, 121-124. Ueber tin neues Instrument zur Zeit- und Polhohen- beatiramung. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1891, 38.5-.S9G. Bcobacbtung des Mercurdurchgangs 1891 Mai 9 auf der Steruwarte do.s Polytecbnikunis in Riga. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 427-428. Ueber die .\n\vendung eines Objectivprismas zur Zeit- und Polhobenbestimmung. .\str. Nachr., 130, 1892, Hl-96. Ueber eiuen Ersatz fiir den Queck.-*illierhorizont. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 65-78. Ueber den Schnitt zweier Kegel und iiber cine Steiner'.sche Aufgabe betreffend ehene Curven. Ziirich Vrtljschr., 38, 1893, 19'.(-227, 2(;tj-293. Zweite Form des Iiistrnmcnis mit verlicalem Fernrohr und Objectivprisma zur Zeit- und rolhohenbestinimung. Astr. Niichr., 1311, 1894, 22.5-242. Ueber Dopjwlspiegel und deren Verweudung bei astronomisohen Instrumenten. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 37, 1894, Hti-,S7. Ueber die geographiscbe Breite von Riga aus Beo- bacbtungen an einem neuen astronomischen Instrument. Riga Corresp.-lil. (/•"ritte Form des Nadir-Instrnments. Astr. Nachr., • 140. 1896, ll'.)-124. Vortrag iiber Planimeter. [1896.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 40. 1898, 99-100. Ueber perspektive Aninitiit zweier Riiume. Ztschr. Math. Phys.. 44, 1899, .S.^-IOI. Beck, Aililhoii Um/tl. Analysis of Ricinus communis. Amer. .11. Pliarm.", 60, 1888' 93-98, 664. Beck, Ailolf. 0 pobudliwosci rozlnycb miejitrag zur Phyniologie deg LendenniarkeH bcim Frosche. ) [1892.] Krakiv, Ak. (Mal.l'r:yroit.\ Ro/.pr , 4, 1893, .">6-72 ; Cracovie Ac. Hci. Bull., 1892, .58 .59. Obecny »tun nauki o lokalizacyi czynnosci kory mozgowej. (Present state of the theory of the localisa- tion of function in the cerebral cortex.) Kosmos (Lwow), IM, 1893, 1-19. O zmianach cisnienia krwi w zytach. [On variations in venous pressure.) (1h93.] Krakow, Ak. {Mat.- I'rziirofl.) Rozpr., 7, 1898, 23-62; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Knli., 1893, 192-P.m. O powslawaniu urobiliny. [Ueber die Entslehung des Urobilins.) Krakow, Ak. {Mnl. ■I'rzyrml.) B-)zpr., 7, 1898, 328-373; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.. 1898, U-17. [The velocity of blood in the portal vein.] Nature, 52 (189BI, .5.56. O suie i jego przyczynach. [On sleep and its causes.] Kosnios (Lwow), 2l', 1896, 225-239. Pomiary pobudliwosci roznych miejsc nerwu za pomoca rozbrojei'i kondensatora. [Messimgen dcr Erregbarkeit verschiedener Stellen eines und desselben Ncrven ver- mittcls Condensator-Entladungen.) [1896.] Krakow, Ak. {Mal.-PTZtjrod.) Rozpr.. 11, 1897. 231-246; Cracoiie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1896. 253-2'.4 ; -Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phi/iiiol. Ablh.), 1897, 4I.5-J25. O trujacych w+iisnosciach moczu. [Ueberdie toxischen Eigensciraften des Harns.) [1H96.) Kraktiw, Ak. (Mat.- I'rzijriid.) Rozpr., 13, 1898, 64-106; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.. 1896, 3-52-355; Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 71, 1898. 560-595. Zur Untersuchung der Erregbarkeit dcr Nervcn. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72. 1898. 352-3.59. Badania nad unerwieniein gruczoiow slinowych. [Untersucbungen iiber die Innervation dcr Spcichel- driisen.) [1K97.) Krakow. Ak. (ilat.-Prziirod.) Rozpr., 15. 1899. 13-62; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1897, 398-403; Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899. 33-37. Ueber kiinstlich hervorgerufene Farbenblindheit. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol.. 76, 1899, 634-640. Ueber die bei Belichtung der Nelzhaut von Eledone moschata entstehenden .\clinn«strome. Pfliig.r, .\rch. Physiol. .7X. 1899. 129-162; Kosmos ( Lwow). 25, 1900, 1-3-5. Beck, Adidi. iV Cybtilakl, Sapulfon. Dalsze ba.lania nad zjawiskami elektrycziiemi w korze mozgowej u ma^py i psa. (Weitere Untersucbungen iiber die elektrischen Erscheinungen in der Hirnrinde der .\flen und Hunde.l Cracovie .Ac. Sci. Bull., 1891, 369-375; Centrbl. Physiol , 6, 1893. 1-6, 64. Die elektrischen Erscheinungen in der Hirnrinde der AfTen und Hunde. Cougr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Fifinl.), 66. Dalsze badania zjawisk elektrycznych w korze moz- gowej. [Weitere Untersuchnnneu iiber die elektrischen Erscheinungen in der Hirnrinde.) (189.5.) Krakow, Ak. [Mal.PrzijroiiA R<.zpr.. 12. 1996. 174-2-57; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.. 1895. •J5'."--.'ra. Sft iihn Cybalakl A Beck. Beck, Adoli. A Olailrtakl, W.Aiitfni. Wpjyw podwijzania moczowodu na czynnos^ nerki. (Przyczynek do'teoryi wydzielania moczu.) (Ueber den Einfluss der Unter- bindung des Harnleiters auf die Function der Nierc Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Hamabsondemng.] (1m;cnitiitton. Zt«chr. I'rtikt. (lei.l , 1899, 1-10. Hi.'itiiiKe ziir KciintniBH von Urokcnliill. ZtBclir. I'lukt. Geol., 1899, 6.5-71. NeiieH von din afriknnisclien Dinniiintla^rrHtiittcu. /tKchr. I'nikt. (icol., 1899, 117-419. Uelier die KrzliigurHtiitlen von ScliwiirzenbcrK ini KiicliNiscbcii Er/.(,'chirKP. IJcutsch. Geol. (icK. Zt«chr., 52, 1900 (IVr/i.), .'.K-OO. I'ii' Antim(inliVK''r'''iitten von KoHtninik in Scrbicn, nach W. vox I'ikckn. Ztschr. 'I'mkl. (ii;ol.. 1900, ;iH-3(i. Back, \<'iirl\ liicliiinl, & Dalmer, Kiirl. Sfi- Dolmer .V Beck. Beck, |0'(ii7) Iticliiiiil, A Hazard, •/. Si'ctii>n Kn-^diMi. •Siiclirt. (Jcol. Kiiiic Eriant., HUill (ili, 1893, IHJ pp. Beck, I' 'a Vinci (1452- 1.519 n. Chr.). (6) Vannecio BiHiNOfccio (um 1.540 n. Chr.l. (7) Georgius Aubic.u.a (1490-15.5.5). (H) Hierunimus C.MtKAMs (1501-1.576). (9) .Iaci|ne8 Bksson (+1.569). (10) Agostino K.vmki.i.i (etwa 1530-1590). (11) Buonainto LoniNi (geh. tun battista dki.i.a Pokta (1.53.S-1615I. Zcit der Hussitenkriege (uni 1430). (1,56S-1602). (15) Leonardo ha Vinci. (16) .luanelo TriiiiiANo (|.50O-15,'^5). (17) Heinrich Zkisinc; (t 1613i. (18) Leonardo pa Vixci.] Civilingenieur, 32. 1886. 401- 426, 619-634; :«. 1887. 343 3.50. 417-13S; 34. 1888, 2.5- 46, 561-571), 737-7li6: 35. 1889. 511,538; 36. 1890. 191- 212, .505-524; 37, 1891, 409-428; :«, 1892. 1M9-206, 617-634; ;19, 1893. 289-314. 5X7-6:30; 40, 1894. .50.5-538 ; 41, 1896, 529-.548; 42, 1896, 401-456. K. s. A. C. 1.5451. (12) (iiam- (13) Skizzen aus der (14) Vittorio Zoxca Beck, ll'[illirlm\, A BSneketov, y|i'ii»] r(>it'»'J, To refeience in title 1 1'../. 9| aild .Si. I'etCfMb. Uin. Ge<*. Verb., IH. 1883. I 76. Beck, llli;/i^;m]. ,V Telch, AT. 'Ueber Wolfram und .Sehielit uuH lundortern ItusslandH. St. Pet«nib. Min. Ges. Verli.. 4, 1869, 312-321. Beck, ll'illirlm. Ueber den AuKtritt des N. hypoglo>^i>ui> und .N. cervicalis primus uiis dein Ceiitralorgan lieiin .Muiii-ebeii und in der Keibe der Kiiugetiere unter be- Honderer Beriieksichtigung der dorsaleii Wurzeln. (1*<05.] Anat. H.flc I Ifcf. 1). 6, 1896, 249-345. Beck, W, III, Ini, A rrorlep, .iuijuMt. Sre Froriep iV Beck. Beck von Mannagetta, 'iUnllirr (Hitter). *Neue I'thiiiZ' ii ii.->i,ireicliB. 11MM3.) Wicn Zool. Bot. Verb.. 33, 1884, 225-228. Zur Pilztlora Niederi>hl*rreich». [18H3-H9.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 33, 1884 (.l'ora , Conla. Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Ber.. 7. 1889, 212-216; Wieu Zool. Bot. Verb.. 39, 1889 (.Sbrr.). 60. Trichome in Trichomen. Oesttrr. Bot. Ztschr., .S9, 1889. 20.5-206. Uelior die Entwicklung und den Bau dcr Schwimm- Organe von Neptuiiii oleracea, Lourr. Wien Zool. Bol. Verb.. 39. 1889 [Sht-r.). 57-59. . ■ Monographic der Gattung Orohanche. Bibl. Bot., 4, 1890, llffi 19. 275 pp. Einige Beuierkungen zur systematischen Gliederung unserer Cruciferen. [ With di$eussion.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb.. 10. 1890 i.sV,m., >). 1894, ;i.il-3.')i. Berieht vilier die im .Jahre 189-5 unternoramene funtte Keise zur botanischen Erforsclniiif! Illyiien.s. Wien. Nat Hist. Hofmiis. Ann.. 10, 1895 (Not.), '19^102. Ueber ilie Verbreitniif! der Schwaizfobre (Pinus nigra, .-l™.) in den noidwestlioheii Balkanliindeni. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 44, 1895 (Slun:). 40-41. Notizen zur Flora vnn NiederiJsteneicb. \\ien Zool. Bot. Verb., 44, 1895 (Sbcr.), 43-45. , Die Geum-Arten der Balkanliinder. [1895.] Wieu Zool. Bot. Verb., 45, 1896, 101-104. [Eine nene Laminaria aus der Adria.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896. -50. Ueber die Fornien der Antbyllis Dillenii, Aiit. \\ien Zool. Bot. Verb., 4lj, 1896, 53-54. Ancylistes Pfeifferi, n. sp. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 233. , Einige interessante illyrische Veilcben. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 233-234. Ein neuer Biirger der osterreicbischen Flora, Kanun- culu.s sartorianus, Boixs. et Heidi: Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 234. Einige auffiiUige Geranium-Formen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 266-267. Einige fiir die Flora von Niederosterreicb neue und seltenere Pflanzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 380-381. . Bewegungserscheinnngen der Bacillarien. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb. , 47, 1897, 272-274. [Berieht iiber die von der Section fiir Botanili ins Marcbfeld nnternomniene Excursion.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 47, 1897, 274-277. Die Arnieria-Arten der Balkanhalbinsel. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 47, 1897, 577-5H0. . Die Speimatozoiden der (iyninospermen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 47, 1897, 646-648. Die Sporen von Microcbffite tenera, Tliiin't. und deren Keimung. Oesterr. Bot. Ztscbr., 48, 1898, 81- 86. Sexuelle Erscbeinungen bei den biiberen Pilzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb.. 48, 1898, 4-6. Ueber die genetisehen Bcziehungen zwiscbeu Sjioren- und Samenpflanzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 4m, 1898, 517-521. Bcinerkungen zur Noiuenelatur der in Niederosterreicb vnrkomnicnden Canipanida pseudolanceolata, I'liiit. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 50, 1900, 4()")-470. Beck von Mannagetta, (iiinthcr (Uitlfi), * Breidler, ■ hiliiiiin. Ser Breidler .t Beck von Mannagetta. Beck voniaannagetta,';H»//i(/(/.'i'fi'r),>V Szy8zy»owicz, liliuini. PlantiB a Dr. Ign. SzvNZ\f,u\vi( z in iiinere per Cernagoram et in ,\ll]ania adjacenti anno 18.S6 lectie. Krakow, Ak. (Mdt.-VizijwiL) Eozpr., 19, 1889, 1-166; t'raec.vie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1889, .Vn. 5, xxviii-xxix. Beck von Mannagetta, '-'iVii^/ic'/- (/i'/»fr), & Zablbnickner, Alexunder. Schediu ad " Kryptoganuis exsiccatas" edita; a Museo Palatino Vindobonensi. Wien, Nat. Hist. H.. funis. Ann., 9, 1894, 119 142; 11, 1896, 81-101; 12, 1897, 75 98; 13, 1898, 443-472. Becka, B[iiliiimil -IujKIhI}]. "Urceni boduoty poniyslneho soii.'iiiu [Bestimmung des Werthes des iniaginiucn Products] h'—^!^!!'^-^,- Casopis, 5, 1876, 37-38; J ?i(ii + 1) + (1 - () Fortschr. Matb., 1876, 251. •Oboili'cbdbiatu. H'eberlntlexioiispunklc. | Casopis, 6, 1877, 10-20; Fortsebr. Math., 1877, 487. Becke, Fririlrich. *Oesteine der Halbinsel I'balcidiee. Min. I'etr. Mitth., 1, 1878, 212 274. *Gesteine von (iriiehenlaiid. Serpentine und (iiiin- steine. [ii. Krvstallinische Scbiefer. | Min. I'etr. IMittb., 1, 1878, 4.59-464, 469-193; 2, 1880, 17-77. [Becke *Evansit von Kwittein bei Miiglitz, Miihieii. Min. Petr. Mittb., 1, 1878, 465. *Akinit aus deni Elaeolithsyenit von Ditro, Sieben- biirgen. Min. Petr. Mittb., 1, 1878, .554-55.5. *Rittingerit und Feuerblende von Scbemnitz. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 94. *Krvetallform der salzsauren GlutaminsSure. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 181-183. *Ueber die Krystallform des Traubenzuckers. Min. Petr. Mittb., 2, 1880, 184-185. *Ueber die Zwillingsbildung und die optischen Eigen- Bcbaften des Cbabasit. Min. Petr. Mittb., 2, 1880, -391- 418. *Ein neuer Polarisations-Apparat von E. Scuxkiuer in Wien. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 430-437. *Hvperstben von Bodenmais. Min. Petr. Mitth., 3, 1881, 60-70. 'Ueber den Hessit (Tellursilberglanz) von Botes in Siebenbiirgen. Min. Petr. Mittb., 3, 1881, 301-314. *Euklas aus den Alpen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1882, 147-1.53. *Die Gneissformation des niederosterreichisclien Waldviertels. Min. Petr. Mittb., 4, 1882, 189-264, ■ 285-408. *Hornbleude nnd AnthophyUit nach Olivin. Min. Petr. Mitth,, 4, 1882, 450-4.52. *Barvtkrvstalle in den Quellbildungen der Teplitzer Tbermen. Min. Petr. Mittb., 5, 1883, 82-84. *Eruptivgesteine aus der Gneissfoimation des uieder- osterreichischen Waldviertels. Min. Petr. Mittb., 5, 1883, 147-173. *Glaseinschliisse in Contactinineralen von Canzacoli bei Predazzo. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 174-175. *Parallele Verwacbsung von Fahlerz und Zinkblende. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 331-338. *Aetzversuche an der Zinkblende. Min. Petr. Mitth., .5, 1883, 457-526, 536. *Ueber die Unterscheidung von Augit und Brouzit in Diinnschliffen. Min. Petr. Mittb., 5, 1883, 527-529. Aetzversuche am Bleiglanz. Min. Petr. Mitth., 6, 1885, 237-276. Ueber die bei Czernowitz im Sommer 1884 und Winter 1884-85 stattgefundenen Rutscbungen. Wien, Geol. .Ibuch., 35, 1885, 397-406. Ueber Zwillingsverwacbsungen gesteinbildender Py- roxene unl Ampbibole. Min. Petr. Mittb., 7, 1886, 93-107. Aetzversuche an Mineralen der Magnetitgruppe. Min. Petr. Mittb., 7. 1886, 200-249. Notizen aus dem niederosterreichi^cben Waldviertel. Min. Petr. Mitth., 7. 1886, 250-255. Aetzversuche am Pyrit. Min. Petr. Mitth.. 8, 1887, 239-330; Wien, Anz., 24, 1887, 45-46. Einige Fiille von natiirlicber Aetznng an Krystalleu von Pyrit, Zinkblende, Bleiglanz und Magnetit. [1887.] Min. i'etr. Mittb., 9, 1888. 1-22. Unterscheidung von Quarz und Feldspath in Diinn- schliffen mittelst Fiirbung. [1888.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 10, 1889, 90. Km Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Kryslallformen des Doloniit. [1888.] Min. Petr. Mittb., 10, 1889, 93- 1.52. Die Krystallfcuin des Triiulienzuckcrs und optisch netiver Snlistanzen im Allgemeinen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 10, 1889, 464-499; Wien. Anz., 26. 1890, 129-131; Mbelte. Chein., 1889, 231-232. Ueber Doloniit und Magnesit und iiber die Ursacho der Tetartoedrie des ersteren. Min. Petr. Mittb., 11, 1890. 221 260, 439. Uebi'r lj)iiaizfreiiidlingc in Laiiiiuopbyren. Min. I'etr. Mittb., 11, 1890, 271-272. Aetzversuebo am Fluorit. Min. Petr. Mittb., 11, 1890, .119 437. Beckel .1R7 IBeckeukamp OrientiniiiK' licK Doloiiiit von Uvbroulnx. Mill. I'ctr. Mittli.. 11, 1890. .'>.'li;. I'flicr (ii4* rrHuoin; ilvr 'INHarlot-dfiw dcK IJiiluiiiil. [IH'.m.l Wion, Aiiz., -27, 1891, 25 afi; Mlifflt'. Cheni.. 1890. 3.1 :m. . KivKliillfcpiiii unii optiHcho Orientiruni; dcH Keramo- Imht von Tciiciifa. Min. I'etr. Mitth., 12, 1891. 4.")-lH. Titiiiiit von Zoptiiu. Min. I'etr. Miltli., 12. 1891. 11)9-17(1. KrvHtiillfdini o|itinch activor Siil)Ktau:ten. Min. I'clr. MIttli'., 12, 1891, 25(;-2'>7. Unti'iBclifiilnnn von Qiiaiz iimi KuldspHthcii niittelxt l''iirl)uiiK. Min. I'ftr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 2.'j7. KrjstullfonnundoptiHdioEi^feiisclmfteii dis.siil/.suuifn CjHtins (C,;H,.,N.,S.,(), + 2HC1). Ztsclir. Krvst., 19, 1891, a36-n:t'j. Optisclier Clminkter drn Mclilith aJK (icsteinsKC- inenKtln-il. (1S92.1 Min. IVtr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 444. Vorliiulincr licri'.-ht iiber den ({''"loBischcn Ban iind die kryHtiillini.tclien Schiefer des Holien Gesenkes (Altvatngebirge). Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 (Ablli. 1), 2H(>-300. Bfiiitrkunnin zu Heirn Fikk'h .\ufsntz: " lieitrii;,'!- zur Kenntniss dor IScziehnii^'i'n zwischen Kivstullforin uiid chi'iiiischer ZusuniinenBetzun)?" [Z. Kr. 20, 1892, 7C-84). Ztschr. Krvst., 20, 1892. 253-2.58. Ueber Chia.stohth. [1x93.) Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 25r)-257. I'etrogiapliische Studien am Toiialit der Kieserferner. [1893.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 379-4.S0, 4,S3-4«4, 538. Ueber die Bestiinnibarkeit der (lesteinBpomenptheilc, besondeis der P!ii;;ioklii.se luif Giiinil ihres Iiiohtbrech- unKsvernnigens. Wien, Ak. Sber., 102, 1893 [Ablli. 1), 338-376. Ueber moleculare Axenverbiiltnisse. Wieu, .\nz., 30, 1893, 204-20r>. Der .\iifliuu der Krvstalle aus Anwachskegeln. [1892.] I.otos, 42, 1894, 1-18.' I'eliii alpine Intrusivfe.steine. Deutseh. Niitf. Verli., 1894 (Th. 2, lliil/le 1), 18K. Olivinfels nnd .\ntigoritSerpentin ans deni Stubach- thal (Hohe Taiierii). [1894.] Min. I'etr. Mitth., 14, 1896, 271-271). Scheelit iin Granit von Predazzo. [1894.] Min. Petr. Mitth.. 11. 1895, 277-278. Sehalenblendr vcni Mies in liiihmen. [1894.1 Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 189S. 27.S-279. Klein'srhe I.upe niit Mikrouieter. [1894.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 1896, 375 :I7W. Bestinminun kalkreielier Plagiokla.ie durch die Inter- ferenzbildcr von Zwillin^en. Min. Petr. Mitth.. 14. 189B. 41.5-442. Uraht aus den Ostalpen. Min. Petr. Mitth.. 14, 1896. 476. Messiing von .\xenbildern mit deni Mikroskop. Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 1896, 5i;3-565. [Bericlit iiber die diesjiibrij^en .\ufnahnien behufs petrograpliischer Erfor«chung der Ceiitralkettc der O.xtalpen.l Wien, Anz., 32. 1896. 45-49. Beitrag zur KeniUniss der Carlioruiidumkrvstalle CSi. Ztschr. Kryst., 24, 1896. 537-512. I'eber Beziehungen zwischen Dynamoinetainorphose und Moleeularvohiinen. Neues ,ll)iich. Min., 1896 {lltl. 2), 182-183: Wien, Anz., 33, 1896, 13-15. [Berioht der Coiiiinission fur die petrographische Erforschung der Centrnlkette der O.'talpen ; iiber den Fortgang der Arbeiteii.] Wien, .\nz., 33, 1896, 15-21; 34, 1897. 8-14 ; 31".. 1899, 5-10. Kin Wort iiber das Symnietriecentruni. Ztiichr. Kryst., 25, 1896, 73 7.><. Gesteine der Coluinbrete.ruck. [1897.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 17, 1898, 387. Chemische Analysen aus dem Ijiltomtorium der deutschcn Univemitiit in Prag. [[.^.-ucit-Buxanit voiii Ve^uv. Toiialilgneis vi.n Wintra (Kiiniten).) (1M9-*.] Min. I', tr. .Mitth.. Ik, 1899. 94. Del H.vperBthen-.\iide«it der Insel Alboran. Min. Petr. Mittii., In, 1899, •52.5-.")55. Znr Bestiminiing der Plagiokla-se in Diinnschliffen in Schnitten seiikrecht zu .V und P. Min. Petr. Mitth., 18, 1899. •55(>-558. Optische Orientirung dcs Anorthit8 vom Vesav. Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 tAhlh. 1), 434-441 ; \Vien, Anz., 36. 1899, 183-184. Whewellite von Briix. [18j9.] Min. Petr. Mitth.. 19, 1900. I64i. Ueber Alboranit und Santorinit und die (irenzin der Andesitfamilie. Min. I'etr. Mitth., 19. 1900. 1H2-200. Die Orientirung der optifclien Axe A in .Anorthit. Min. Petr. Mitth., 19, 1900. 201-206, 244. Optische Orientirung des .\lbit von Amelia, Virginia. Min. Petr. .Mitth . 19. 1900. .(21-335. VoiliiuUge Mittheilung uber die .\uffindung von Theralith am Flurbiihel bei Duppau. Wien, Geol. Verb.. 1900. 351-3.53. Becke, FrifdrirU, A.' Bchostar, Max[intili0 : 32. 1900. 9-48 ; 33. 1900. 6V Beckenkamp. Beckenkamp, ,7[, 1890, 'M-M. Hi'obachtuiiKcii tliH CuiiiGtrii lH*JO...(DcnninKJuli 23). AHti. Naclir., 125, 1890, 9H-'.tl. Ueber ciiiigi' Vfrsuchr von DnrcliRanRKb«ubaclilunK<-ii nacli ill 111 niiiLii ItLpKold'Hchrn Vcifohrcn. Astr. Naehr., 1'27. 1891, IH.- IDO. ■ llU'iibai^litiin^'cn ilcr KoiincntinHti-iniKK 1M91 Jnni >'•.] Auf (In- KaiH. IJnivcrsiliitB-Sternwarlf in StraHxbuig. ABtr. Nai-ln-., 1'2«, 1891. 21 24. iicobnclitiing des pi'iiodisc'lK-n Conictpn Tenipcl-Swifl (1H91...). Asti. Nachr., 12«, 1891, 4.W-4.')4. IKnUk'i'knng cineH Conieten vim Di'iinini; in BriHtol 1892 .Miirz IH. ] Astr. Naclir.. 129, 1892, 149 1.^)0. Hi'oliac'liliin^'LMi fiirdii- LiinKeiibi'stimniunj;!!! zwisclicn Wien-Uerlin iind lierlin-Gri'iMivvii'li. Aus»;rfiilirt in Berlin. ...luli-Septenibcr 1H7G. Wiin, (iradnu>«8ungH- Bur. Astr. Arl)., 1. 1892, 137-1H9. llL'iibachtungL'n dir totalin MondtinsterniHg 1892 Nov. 4. Auf dtr Kais. Universitiits-Stfrnwarte in Slrassbuig. Astr. Naelir., 131. 1893. 393-39tj. I'eber die pliitxlichi' Aenderting ira .\uKsehen dcs Conieten 1892 III (Holme.s). Astr. Naclir., 132, 1893. 31. |Biobttclit»ng dcs nencn Comet 1893...Rordanie- Quenisscl. I .\str. Nacbr., 133, 1893, 87-88. Beobaclitiing der Sonnonlinsterniss 1893 .\])ril 16 anf der Kaisi rl. I'liiversitiits-Sternwartc in Strassburg. Astr. Nadir., 133, 1893, 199-200. Viigleiciiung dir in Strassburg beobaditeten Breiten- scliwankungeu niit der Rechnung. Astr. Nachr., 134. 1894, 271-274. Beimrkunnen zu dera Stern BD. + 22'.3272. Astr. Nadir., 137, 1896, 291-292. I'l'otale JIoiidKnsterniss 1895 Miirz 10.] Beobach- tiingen auf der Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr.. 138, 189S. lO.^-lOtl. Ni'Uer Veriinderlicher in Aquarius. Astr. Nachr., 139. 1896. 41-42. [Beolmchtung des Cometen 189.')...{Pcrrine Nov. 16).] Astr. Nadir., 139, 1896, 123-124. (Beobaditungen des Cometen 1898 KundanientalHternen nadi Beobaehtungen in den .lahren 1884-88. .Strassb. Su-rnw. Ann., 2, 1899, (175)-(l84). Tafeln zur Bereehnung der Pntcession. Straasb. Sternw. Ann., 2, 1899. C, iv4 91 pp. Beobachtung der Lconiilen 1899 dunh die Astrononien der Kaiserlichen L'niversitiitssternwarte zu Strassburg. Astr. Xaclir.. 151, 1900, 117120. lieubadiliingi n der Sonnenlinsterniss 1900 Mai 28. .\uf der K. rniverhiliitssieinnarte in Strassburg. .Astr. Nachr.. 152, 1900, 373-374. Brobachtungeu des Conieten 1900 b. Astr. Nachr., l.'i:). 1900. 107-108. Becker, /.[rii«( Emil Hugo], Ifabllk, Aloit, A Xuhiwrt, iriiit:. Bestimniung der Laiigeudifrerenz zni'gy, division of the Pacific.) [1884.J l". S. Geol. Surv. Rep.. 1882-83, 39-41. The iiifliieuce of convection on glaciation. Amer. .11. Sci., 27, 1884, 47:i-476. The relations o( the mineral belts of the Pacific slope to the great uplieavals. Amer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 209- 212. [.Administrative] report. [Division of the Pacific.] [18*5.] V. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1883-84. 47-19 : 1884-86. 67-70. Impact friction and faulting. Amer. Jl. Sci.. 30, 1886. lltJ-128, 194-209. The geometrical form of volcanic cones and the elastic limit of lava. Amer. Jl. Sci.. 30, 188S. 283- 293. Becker] 390 [Becker Notes on tin; stratinrapliy of California. V. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., Xo. 1'.), 1885, "is pp. A theorem of niaxirrium ilissipativity. Amur. .U. Sci., 31, 1886, 115-120. A ]R\v law of tliermo-ehemistry. Amer. .11. Sci., .'il, 1886, l-20-12.'i. Cretaceous metamorpliic rooks of California. Amer. Jl. Sci., 31. 1886, 34,^-357. [Administrative] report. [California division of geolof,'y.] [188,S-89.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1885-86, 93-97- 1886-87, 153-1.55. The Washoe rocks. [1880.] California .\c. Bull. , 2, 1887, 93-120. A sketch of the geological development of the Pacific slope. [1886.] Newport Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 5, 1887, 3-12. The texture of massive rocks. Amer. .Jl. Sci., 33, 1887, 50-58. Natural solutions of cinnabar, gold and associated sulphides. Amer. .11. Sci., 33, 1887, 199-210. Summary of the geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific ' .slope. [1889.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Kep., 1886-87, 961-985. [On the crystalline schists of the United States and their relations.] (c.) The crystalline schists of the coast ranges of California. Congr. Geol. Int. C. K., 1888, 170-176. Geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific slope ; with an atlas. U. S. Geol. Surv. Monogr., 13, 1888, xix + 486 pp. [Administrative] report. [California division.] [1889- 93.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep.. 1887-88, 10il-lO2; 1888-89 {Ft. 1), 111-141; 1889-90 {VI. 1), 95-96; 1890-91 {I't. 1). 104-106; 1891-92 {Pt. 1), 133-135; 1892-93 (Pi. 1), 192. Silicic acids. Amer. .11. Sci., 38, 1889, 151-157. An elementary proof of the earth's rigidity. Amer. Jl. Sci., 39, 1890', 336-352. The structure of a portion of the Sierra Nevada of California. [1890.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 2, 1891, xiv, 49-74. Antiquities from under Tuolumne Table mountain in California. [fVilh di.tcussio7i.] [1890.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 2, 1891, 189-200. Notes on the early Cretaceous of California and Oregon. [l(7(/i dixciission.] [1890.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 2, 1891, 201-208. Finite homogeneous strain. How and rupture of rocks. [1892.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 4, 1893, x, 13-90. FisHKU's new hypothesis. Amer. .Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 137-139. Guekn's use of "potential." Amer. .11. Sci., 46, 1893, 1.51. The finite elastic stress strain function. Amer. .Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 337-356. On certain astronomical conditions favourable to glaeiation. Amer. .Jl. Sci., 48, 1894, 95-113. Sobre la teoria de la substitucion en .\lmadi''n. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894 {.ict.}. 22(;-233 ; Ztschr. ICryst., 28, 1897, 203. The torsional theory of joints. [I('(7/( fZ/.s-ci/.x-.v/oH. ] [1894.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 24, 1895, 130- 138, 863-807. Distribution of gold deposits in Alaska. .11. Geol. (Chicago), 3, 1895, 90O-902. Gold fields of the southern Appalachians. [1.S95.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Hep., 1894 96 (/'(. 3), 251-331. Schistosity and slaty clcaviige. .11. Geol. (Chicago), 4, 1896, 429-148. Some queries on rock differentiation. Scieuee, 4, 1896, 927. - ■ Some queries on rock differentiation. Amer. .11. Sci., 3, 1897, 21-40. Note on computing diffusion. .\mer. Jl. Sei., 3. 1897, 280-286. -Fractional crsstallization of rocks. .\mer. Jl. Sci., 4, 1897, 257-201. Lkwis on the diamond. Science, 0, 1897, 664-067. New diamond find in the Transvaal. Science, 6, 1897, 720-727. The Witwatersrand Banket, with notes on other gold- bearing pudding stones. [1897.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep,, 1896-97 [Pt. 5), 153-184; Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 193 -208. Reconnaissance of the gold fields of southern Alaska, with some notes on general geology. [1898.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1896-97 {Pt. 3), 1-86. On the determination of plagioclase feldspars in rock sections. .■Vmer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 349-354. Memorandum on the mineral resources of the Philippine Islands. [1898.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1897-98 {PI. 6, Vul. 2). 687-693. Brief memorandum on the geology of the Philippine Islands. [1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Kep., 1898-99 [Pt. 2), 1-7. Becker, liustav. Die Aiguille du Geant 4013 m. (Dent du Geant). Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., 24, 1893, 291- 320. Der Gurgler Kamm. Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., 27, 1896, 234-276. Becker, II. Die Wasserversorgung des hochgelegenen Hof- gutes "Berghaus" bei Thiengen in Baden mittelst einer Wasserkraftmaschine. Forster, AUg. Bauzeitg., 50, 1886, 82-84, 89-91. Die Wasserversorgung von Biichenbronn in Baden mittelst einer Widderanlage. Furster, Allg. Bauzeitg., 58, 1893, 19-22. Becker, //., & Fiirard, Emile. Essais de piles. Lum. l':iect., 24. 1887, 460-463. Becker, //., Iiarmayer, . Lii Mortola. Msclir. Knktecnk., 10. 1900. ;t7-10. Becker, l.i'nn. CatnluKuc drs .\racliiii(k's do llel(iaKii(i8('K lit' i|ui'li|iii'H Ai'ucliiiiJeH nouvc-aux. Brux., Sue. Eiit. Ann., 30, 1886, xxiii-xxvii. iSur If I'holcii." pliiiliiii).'i()idi'K, tiieimlij, 1775. 13rux., Soc. Eiit. Ann., H(i, 1892. r>A'J-',iO. Lfs .\rnchnidi'« de IJtlniciuc. Urux., Mns. Hist. Nat. Ann.. 12, 1896. ri7 + 37H p),. Backer, I.mliiiii. Note on Comet a 18ft8 (Saweitlial). AHtr. S(ic. Month. Not., 4M. 1888. 380-381. On the orbit of the ptTiodic Comet 1867 I. .\str. Soc. Mi>nth. Not., .'il. 1891. n.'.-49l. The solar s| ectruni at medium and low altitudes. Observations of the refiion betwien wave-lengths 6024 and 4N(il A.U., made at Lord CiiKnKoiin's observa- torv. Uiin Keht, durin),' the vears 1887 to 188'.l. (18'J0.] K.linli. Hoy. Soc. Trans., 36. 1892, 99-210. Becker, I.i/ilin Ernestine. For biographical notice and works Ke'e .11. Dot., 28, 1890, 320. Becker, M[oriz'\ .4[/()/»]. I'or biograpliical notice «cf (ieogr. .Ibuch., 12. 1888. 353. Die blaue (Jrotle von Bnsi. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., •>x. 1886, 529-537. Becker, Mas. Beitrag zur Kcnntniss der Augenlidlu- III. .nil. Arch. f. Ophthalm.. 41. 1896 {.ilitli. 3), 169- IK.-,. Becker, .V. .1/. MilTOpiiUIJ i; 1. (|iM:iio.10rill II (jiaji- Mai.n.iDiiii ii(i,UK('.iy,|o"iiiofi H;o.ie:iij. ii. 0 B.iiiiiiiii iiu oT.xiuciiie luuiKiieaTii'ieciiaid coKa pai'TBiipoBi. .TByyr.u'Kiic.iaio iiaTjia, iioBaiieiiiiofi co.iii II yio.ii.Hoi1 KiiiMOTM. a raKHto iiiiKOTopij.M. lUiMO'llUilXI. Bi),T,li. Cnnlrlbutions a la physiologic et ii la pharinacolo;:ie de la glaude panrreatiiiue. ii. De rinlluence des solutions d^f bicarbonate de sonde, de sel niarin, d'acide carboniiiue cfdc quelques eaux alcalines sur la secretion dn sue pancrcatique. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol.. 2, 1893. 432-461. Becker, i iiIik For biography and works sc- Ann. d'Oculist., lii:i. 1890. 271-278; Anli. Angenheilk.. 21. 1890. [2 pp.]; \Vi,n. .Med. Wschr., 40. 1890. 2.X4-285. Becker, I'mil. Chlorirung mittelst Acetylchlorid. Berlin, rlnin. lies. Ber. . 20, 1887, 2006-2008. Becker, i'/i. K. I'eberdns Knochensystem eines Castraten. Ai.li. Anat. Physiol. (.4Hri/. Alilh.'). 1899. H3-112. Becker, Ilichnid. For biographical notice »te Westfiil. v. r. Jber.. 1899-1900. 54-.">5. I'hrcorvctes Menkeanus. [1889.] We.-tfiil. Ver. .Iber., 1888, 57-58. - Pteroslichus cupreus. f. [1890.] Westfiil. Ver. Jber., 1889. 42-44. Becker, 7'/i[fiiifi»'], A: BUchaelis, [Carl Amohl] .4[ii>/u«(|. >.. BUchaelis ,V Becker. Becker, J Ihnjnr. Biitr;it;e zur Kenntniss der Dipteren- Fauna von St. Moritz. Berlin. Ent. Zlschr., 31. 1887, 93-141 ; 3:i. 1889. 169-191. Hilarii .sartor, m. up. {0.rlin. Knt. Zt.schr.. 32. 1888. 7-12. Eine zwitteiabnliche Missbildnng von Syiphus lunu- latits, Miig. Wien. Ent. Ztg.. 7. 1888. 71-74. Altes und Neues aus der Schweiz. Ein diptero- l..giMlier Beitrag. Wien. Ent. Ztg.. M. 1889. 73-W, 136, 28.5; 9, 1890. 128; 10, 1891, 289-296. Nene Dipteren buh Dalinatien, geHamiuelt uuf einer lleise ini Mai 1HM9. [1H90.] Berlin. Knt. Zt^ehr., 33, 1889. 335 346. Kiiiige Benierkungen zu Herrii .1. M. K. Biout'ii CliiHsilicirung der Knipiden im i. Heft de» .lalirgangeK 1KX9 di'r Annates de lu Soci"l" Entoiuulogique de France. Wien. Knt. Ztg., 9, 1890. 32-35. Altes nnd Neues aus Tirol und Salzburg. Ein dipteru- logischer Beitrag. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 9, 1890. W-70. Neues aus Siid-Timl und Steiermark. Ein diptcro- logischer Beitrag. Wien. Ent. Ztg.. 10, 1891, 281-288; 11, 1892. 12.5-126. Kine neue Leplis aim der Schweiz. Ein diptero- logischcr Beitrag. Wien. Ent. Ztg.. 11, 1892, 2;i-25. Kevision der (iattung Chilosia. Mfiijeii. Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova .\cta. 62, 1894. 195-522. DipterologischeStudien. [i. Scatomyzidie. ii. .Sapro- myzidic. in. LonchK'idn'. iv. Ephyilridie. v. Pi- )iuii< iilidit.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr.. 39. 1894. 77 196; 40, 1896, 171-264, 313-344; 41, 1896, 91-276; 12. 1898. 2>- KK); 45, 1900, 21.5-2.52. Benurkung zu Ililnni longicornis, StrM. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 13, 1894, 156-1.59. Beitrag znr Dipteren -Fauna von Nowaja .Si-mlja. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu. , 2, 1897,396-401. Die I.eptiden-Fornien im Gebiete der europaitich- asiatischen nnd Mittelmeer-Fauna. Ent. Kaclir., 26, 1900, 97-116. 176. Beitiiige zur Dipteren-F'auna Sibiriens. Nurdweiit- sibirisebe Dipteren gesammelt vom Prof. John S.\iiLBKiii) aus Hel.^ingfors im Jahre 1H76 nnd vom Dr. E. BriiuiiuiTii aus Tamnierfora im Jahie 1«77. Helsingfurv, Acta, 26, 1900. .Vi>. 9, 66 pp. Becker, Wilhrlm. Florietisches aus der Umgebnng von .Sangerhausen am Haiz. Deutsche Hot. .Mschr. , 14, 1896, 21-21; 15, 1897. h4-h6. rntcrsuchungcn iiber die .\rten des Geous Viola aus der Gnip|)e Pteromisehion, Ilorb. Dentache Bet. Mschr., 16. 1898. 10-12. 41-43. 164-166, 1H.5-1H7. Floristisches aus der Vnigegend von Sangerhnnsen am Harz. nebst einigen .\ngaben zur Flora Nord- thiiringens und des SudHarzes. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 16. 1898, 66-68. Viola riviniana, Ilclib., x stricta, //oni. = Viola Wcin- harti, II'. Ilekr., Injbr. nor. Allg. Bot. Zlschr.. 1899, 75-76. Einige Notizen zur Systematik des Genus Viola. Allg. Bot. Zt«chr., 1899, 11.5-116. Flo; istische und systematiscbe Beitrage zur Flora Nord-Thiiriiigens und des Siid-Harze-s. Allg. Bot. Ztschr.. 1899. 122-124. ISeinirkungen zii din "Viola; exeiccatir." Dentschc Hot M-.lir.. is, 1900. 7^-hO. 109-110. 126-128. Beckerboff. Il[riririrli]. \ Anscbiitz, Richard. Ste Anschtitr ,v BeckerboS. Beckers, (J. Eiu unvollkonimener, "gcniischler" Znitter voii Dolerus madidus, Klq. Ent. Nachr., 12. 1886, 174- 175. Gnorimns variabilis, rar. Heydeni. Deutsche Ent. Zt-schr.. 1888, 24. Sotiz ubcr Carabus auratus, ror. Brullci, Gehin. Ent. Naclir.. 14, 1888. 17. Beitriige zur I.*b*nsgeschichte des Gnorimus variabilis. Deutsche Ent. Zt-chr.. 1890. 142-144. L'eber Gm-rimns variabilis. rer die typhusahnlicheu Bac- terien des Strassbnrger Wasserleitunpswasssers. Arch. Exper. Path., 33. 1894, 46t>-467. K. S. .\. C. Beckmann, M'. Klinische rnt^TKUchungcn ulxrr den (liiiLTiiistihchen Werth der Tcnnehrten lndiranaii»»cbei- dung bei Eiternngen. St. Petcntb. Med. Wschr.. 19, 1894. 255-25K, 26.5-268. Znr Ai'tiologie der Inversio uteri po-it psrtura. Eine kliniscb statistische Studie. Ztuchr. Geburtsidf. Gynak., 31. 1896. 371-401. Zur Coniplieation der Oravidiliit und G.'bnrt mil CoUumkrebs. Ztschr. Gcburtshlf. Gynak., 3). 1896, 51-6H. Beitrag zur Graviditat im rudimenlaren Ulerushom. Ztschr. Geburtsblf. Gyniik., 35, 1896. 60-79. Beitrag zur Graviditas inti^rstitialis. Ztschr. Gc- burtshlf. Gynak., 3h, 1898, 471-496. Zur Histologie und Histogenew der T.'tcruHsarkome. Ztschr. Geburtsblf. Gyniik , 40. 1899. 287-309. Zwei Fiille von I'ternssarkora. Ztschr. Geburtsblf. Gyniik., 41, 1899, 427-439. Die puerperale L'terus^'angrin. Ztschr. Geburtsblf. Gyniik., 42, 1900. 423-489. Becks, iK'ipl.) . "Ueber einige Stiirme bei Tscbifu im November and Dezember 1879. Ann. der Hydrogr., H (1880), 280. "Teifun ira Ost-Chinesiechen Meer am 6. Juni 1880. Ann. der Hydrogr., 8 (1880), ■54.5. Beckorts, Ufinrirh [Auitust]. 'Vcrbalten der Dichlor- projiionsiiure gegen molekulares Silber. Deutsch. Natf. Tag.bl., 1882, 16(^-168. ■ Znr .\usniittelung des .\rsenB bei gerichtlichcbemi«ehen Untersuclinngen. Arch. Pharm., 2'22, 1884. 653-666. Zur Anwcndung von Salz.aaure im Marsb'scheii Apparate. Arch. Pharm., 222. 1884, 6-24, 1886, 333-337. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung der Carbolsaare als Tribrompbenol. .\rcb. Pliarm., '224, 1886. 561- 572. Uel)er die Bestimmung des Phenols in der rohen Carbolsiiure. Arch Pharm., '224, 1886, .57-2-580. Ueber die Gehaltspriifung von .\cidam carbolicum liiiuefactum. Arch. Pharm., 224. 1886, •580-588. Die Austnittelung giftiger .Alkaloide bei gerichtlicb- chemiscben Untersuebungin mit Bezug anf den hcutigeu Stand der Ptomainforschung. Ar ' ■' '224.1886, 1041-1065; Clieni. Zt;:.. 10. 1886. [Ucber Diehlorbrucin und den N . :. Strychnin nelwn Brucin.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl.. 1886, 204-205. Ueber die Ursache des mi>ireeartigen Beschlages in Gemiiseconserven enthaltenden Wci.ssblechbnchsen. Dentsch. Natf. Tagebl.. 1889. .363-364. Ueber den Zinngebalt von Gemiiseconserven. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl.. 1889, 364. Ueber die Untersuchung von verzinntcn Weissblechen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl.. 1889, 365. Znr Priifung des Ferruni rednctam. Deutsch. Naif. Tagebl.. 1889, 36.5. Ueber Ptoraainvergiftung. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889. 365. Ueber das Verhaltniss Ton Strychnin and Bracin in .50 Beckurtsl 394 [Beco den Stryclmospiiiparaten. Deutsch. Natf. Tat;ebl., 1889, 36fi-3()8. Ueber den Guhalt der Brechniisse an Alkaloiden. Deutscli. Natf. Tas,'«--bl., 1889, 868-369. Zur Alkaloidbo.'itiiumung in den trockenen Extracten. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 361). Zur AlkaloidbestiniTiiung in chluropb.vllhaltigen Ex- tracten. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 369. Zur Kenntnis des Strychnins. Arch. Pharni., 22H, 1890, 313-325. Zur Kenntnis des Brueins. Arch. Phiirm., 228, 1890, .326-330. Ueber einige Verbindungen der Alkaloide mit Ferro- cyanwasserstoflsiiure. Arch. Pharm., 228, 1890, 347- 3'r.2. Beitriige zur Kenntnis des Anemonius. Arch. Pharm., 230, 1892, 182-206. Ueber den Alkaloidgehalt der Binde von Strychnos Nux vomica und der Samen von Strycliuos potatorum, L. ,nl. Arch. Pharm., 230, 1892, .549-.5.52. Beitriige zur cheniischen Kenntnis der Kakaobohnen. Arch. Pharm., 231, 1893, 687-694. Werthbestimmung narcotischer Extracte. Pharm. Ztschr. Rus-sland, 33, 1894, 5r,^-557. 567-568. Zur Kenntnis der Angosturaalkaloide. .Arcli. Pharm., 233, 1895, 410-423. Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Ureide und der acidylierteu Carbarn insiiureester. Arch. Pharm., 237, 1899, 28.5-288. Ueber den Alkaloidgehalt javaniseher Granatrinde. Arch. Pharm., 238, 1900, 8-9. Beckurts, Jliiiirich [Auciiist\ & Briiche, IT. Kxperi- nientelle Unter>;uchungen liber die \Vertl)estimmung der H;irze und Balsame. Arch. Pharm., 230, 1892, 64-93. Beckurts, Ileinrii-li [A^igtist], & Frerlchs, G[u.ini'], Chambon, [Ernest], Menard, Snint- Yres, & Co-alomb, [Geurges]. Transmission intra-uterine de rimmunite vaccinale et du pouvoir antivirulent du serum. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 235-237. B6cl£re, .i[iituiue], Chambon, [Ernest]. Minard, Siiint- Yecs, & Jousset, [Andre]. Le pouvoir antivirulent du .serum de I'homme et des animaux immunises contre I'infection vaccinale ou variolique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898. 1227-1229. Beco, Eueien. I'eber die .\etiologie der uriimischen Peri- carditis. Centrbl. Path., 5, 1894, 839-842. Etude sur la penetration des microbes intestinaux dans la circulation generate pendant la vie. Ann, Inst. Pasteur, 9 (1895), 199-209. Beitrag zum experinientellen Studium der Association des Bacillus antbracis init dem Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Centrbl. Path., 6, 1895, 641-649. Contribution a Tetude de la stomatite diphteroide infantile. Arch. Med. Exper., 8, 1896, 433-444. Recherches sur le sero-diagiiostic du la 6i'vre typhoide. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., Id, 1896, 870-877. La permeabilite de la jiaioi intestinale vis-iV-vis des microbes de I'intestin. Arch. MM. Exper., 9, 1897, 108- 119. Recherches .sur la valeur de ragfil"'''i'i''"n 1""' 'i formaline et le serum des typhises en tant que moyen de diagnostic entre le Bacillus tvpliosus rt le coli-bacille. Brux., .\c. Med. lielg. Bull., 12,' 1898, 391-406. Recherches sur la llori' baclerieiine dn ])ouinoii de I'homme et des animaux. Arch. Med. Expi-r., 11. 1899. 317-362. Note sur la valeur de ragglutmation par le .serum antityphiquc experimental comnie moycu de diagnostic Becol .'i9r. [Becquerel entrp l<" Imcillo d'EnKiiTii ct les racei ciMiforinPJi. Contrlil. Bakt. (Aht. II, ■>6, 1899, 13t sons den sols pazotini'S et drnudi'S. [1S79.] France Bur. Centr. Mtttorol. Ann., 1878 (1). C.1-C.12. Ktude speclrale di-s corps rcndus phospborescents par Taction do la luuiiire ou par les lU'charges •'•lectriques. Paris. .\c. Sei. C. R.. 101, 1888, 20.1-210. Action du nianganise sur Ic pouvoir de phosphor- escence du carbonate de chnux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 103, 1886. 1098-1101. Sur la phosphorescence de Taluniine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 103, 1886. 1224-1227. Sur la phosphorescence du sulfure de calcium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104. 1887. .i.51-.-).i3. Sur la preparation des sulfures de calcium et de strontium pbosphorescents. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888. 892-89-5. Note relative i Taction de la chaleur snr le pouvoir magnetique du fer, du nickel et de quelques alliages de platinc. et sur les conseijuences ijue Ton pent en tirer pour le dosage du fer. Paris. Soc. Philom. Mem. Cent.. 1888, 8.-,-90. Observations sur la communication de .V. Lii'PM,\sn au sujet de la reproduction photographiqne des couleurs. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 27.5-277. Becquerel, [Aleinmhe'\ Kdmond, A' Becquerel, [Aiitoine] llrnri. Temperatures du sol et de Tair observees au Museum d'Histoire Xaturelle pendant Tannee 1878 [et les annees 18S0-S2]. [1880-84.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann.. 1879(11. B.l-B.ll: 1880 (1), B.l-B.lO; 1881 (1), B.l-B.ti; 1882 (I). B.3 H.8. Memoire sur la temperature de Tair et du sol, avi Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, jx-ndant les annees 1883 et 1884. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R.. 100, 1886. 142G-1429; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch.. 8. 1886. 361-.3G5. . Memoire snr la temperature de Tair il la surface du sol et de In teiTe jusciu'i trente-six metres de profondeur, ainsi que sur In temperature de deux sols. Tun denude. Tautre couvort de gazon, pendant [les annees 1881-84]. Paris, .\c. Sci. Mt^m., 44, 1888, Xo. 1, .50 pp.. So. 2. .50 pp., .Vo. 3, 12 pp. Becquerel, [Antoine] Henri. Nouvellc methode pour niesun 1 linten.site dun courant electrique en unites absolues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 98, 1884, 1253-12-5.5; Luni. Klect., 12. 1884. 321-323. Spectres d"emis>ion infra-rouges des vapeurs metal- liques. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R.. 99, 1884, 371-376. Dfterminatiou dcs longueurs d'onde des raies et bandes principales du spectre solaire infra-rouge. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 99. 1884, 417-420, 4.50. Mesure du pouvoir rotatoire magnetique des corps en unites absolues. Paris. .\c. Sci. C. R., KXI, 1886, 1374- 1377: Ann. Chini. . (>. 1886, 145-173; Paris, Soc. Pbvs. Seances, 1886, 117-129. Relations entre Tabsorption de la lumiere et IVmission de la phosphorescence dans les composes d'uranium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886. 12.52-1250. Sur les variations des s|x-clri'» d'abaorption et den spectres d'^miiution par phosphorcso-ne* d'un uieinc corps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 1V2, 1886. lofi 110. Sur les variations de« si)eclre« d'absorption lUns les milieux non isotro|)e8. Parii, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 10:i, 1886. 198-202. Sur Tabsorption de la lumiere an travers des crisutix. France, Soc, Min. Hull.. 1". 1887. 120-124; Paris. Soc. Phvs. Seances, 1887, 28-29; Rev. Sci , 42. 1888, 70<;-708. Sur les lois de Tabsorption de la lumiere duns les criBtaux et sur nne mi!'thode nouvelle permettant de ilistinguer dans un cri«tal certaines bandes d'abiwirption appartenant 11 des corps diffirenls. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 104. 1887. 1(W-1<;9. Sur les variations des spectres d'ahsorption du didyme. Paris, .\c. Sk Cistkbs.*! i>c Fat, phvsicien. intendant du Jardin Royal des Plantes (1698- 1739). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Cent., 1893. ia3-lK.5. Sur les radiations eniises par phosphorescence. Paris. .\c. Sei. C. R.. 122. 1896. 420-421. Sur les radiations invisible? emises par le« corps phosphorcscenU. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 122. 1896, .501- -503. Sur quelques proprietes nouvelles des radiations in- visibles imises par divers corps phosphorescent-s. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 122. 1896, .559-564. Sur les radiations invisibles eniises par les sels d'uranium. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 122. 1896. 689-694. Obser\ations relatives h une note de .V. Charl.-s Henry, intitulee: '-Sur le principe d'un accnmulateur de lumiere. " Paris. .\c. Sci. C. R.. 122. 1896, 695. Sur les proprietes differentes des radiations invisibles 50—2 Becquerel] 396 [Beddard ^mises par les sels (ruraniuiu, et du rayonnement de la parol anticathodique d'un tube de Ckookes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 1-22. 1896, 762-767. Observations iclatives a la n'pouse de HI. Charles Hknuv : [sur le piincipe d'uii act-nniulateur de lumiere}. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 122, 1896, 791-792. Emission de radiations noiivelles par I'liranium me- tallique. Pari.s, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1086-lOHH. • Sur diver.ses proprieles des rayons uraniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 855-8.58. . Reclierches sur les rayons uraiiiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 4.S8-444. ■ Sur la loi de la decliarge dans I'air de I'uraniuni ^lectrii-f:-. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 800-803. ' Explication de quelques experiences de il. G. Le Box. [Snr les propri^t^s glectriques des radiations emises par les corps sous I'inHuence de la lumiere.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 984-988. Sur une interpretation applicable au ph^nomene de Faraihy et au phenomene de Zfemann. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 679-685. Observation.s relatives il la communication pr^c^dente. [Sur quelques resultats nouveaux relatifs au ph^nom^ne decouvert par M. le Dr. Zeemann.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 187. Remarques sur la polarisation rotatoire magnitique et la dispersion anomale, a I'oecasion d'une experience nouvelle de Mil. D. Macai.uso et O. M. Cokbino. Pax-is, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 647-651. Sur la dispersion anomale et le pouvoir rotatoire magnetiqiie de certaines vapeurs incandescentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 899-904. Sur la dispersion anomale de la vapeur de sodium incandescente, et sur quelques consequences de ce ph^- nomene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 145-151. Note sur quelques propri^tes du rayonnement de I'uranium et des corps radio-actifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 771-777. . Recherches sur les phi^nomenes de phosphorescence produits par le rayonnement du radium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 912 917. InHuence d'un champ raagn^tique sur le rayonne- ment des corps radio-actifs. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 996-1001. Sur le rayonnement des corps radio-actifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 1205-1207. — — Contribution a I'etude du rayonnement du radium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 206-211; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1900, 28-38. . Sur la dispersion du rayonnement du radium dans un champ magnc'tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130. 1900, 372-376. Deviation du rayonnement du radium dans un champ (jlectrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 809-815. Note sur la transmission du rayonnement du radium au travers des corps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130. 1900, 979-984. Sur la transparence de I'aluminium pour le rayonne- ment du radium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1154- 11.57. Note sur le rayonnement de I'uranium. Paris, Ac. Sfi. C. R., 130, 1900, 1.583-1.585; 13], 1900, 137-138. Becquerel, \A)itnine\ llniii, it Becquerel, {Alexiiiidrr] Ftiiniififl. -See above. Becquerel, \Aiilciiiie] Ih'iiri, A Brongniart, Chcirlfs [,/iiles Jliiiiniiieiic de Zkemann. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 997 lOlll. Oliservations nouvellcs sur le ]ili('iH)mene de Zekmaxn. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127. 1898, 18-24. Becquerel, [Antoiiie] Henri, A Moissan, Henri. Etude de la Huorine de Quiucie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 669-672. B6dart, [Gabriel .1 .]. Ectrodactylie quadruple des pieds et des mams se transmettaut jiendant trois generations. Paris Soc. Authrop. Bull., 3, 1892, 336-342. Quelques cas rares d'anomalies niusculaires observes a Toulouse au Laboratoire d'Anatomie. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 3, 1892, 376-379. Pesanteur apparente, verticale apparente, et mal de mer. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem,, 44, 1892, 219-233. Etude experimentale sur le nieeanisme de I'elevatiou du poids total du corps sur la poiute des pieds. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. H.), 414-421. Eetablisseujent et conservation de la secretion lact^e par excitation peripherique. [1898.] .11. Phvsiol., 23, 1898-99, [65]. B6dart, [Gabriel A.]. & Mabille, [Ij'on]. Action de I'arsenic sur I'iutoxicatiou par ingestion de corps thyroide. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99. [6.5]; Nature, 58 (1898), 484. Bedaux, . Position d'un train sur une poutre a deux appuis simples portant une charge permanente uuiforme, dounant le moment flechissant maximum sous un essieu determine. Genie Civil, 17, 1890, 381. Resistance des mat^riaux. Determination graphique des moments flechissants et des eiiorts trauchauts pro- duits dans une section dounee d'une poutre a deux appuis simples pendant la duree du passage d'un convoi sur cette poutre (le convoi pouvant etre contenu entiere- ment ou non dans la travee). [1892.] Genie Civil, 20, 1891-92, 316-318. Note sur la recherche du moment flechissant maximum et maximorum produit par le passage d'un convoi sur une poutre a deux appuis simples. Genie Civil, 21, 1892, 130-132. Beddard, Frank E[i'ers'\. On the genus Megascolex of Tkmpi.eton. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 398-402. A gigantic earthworm. Nature, 30, 1884, 570-571. Note on the presence of au allantoic (anterior ab- dominal) vein in Echidna. Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 653- 654; Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 553-554. Preliminary notice of the Isopoda collected during the voyage of H.M.S. Cliallen<]er. Part i. Serolis. [Part II. Munnopsidic. Part in. Munnidffi, Asellidte, Arcturidie, Cymothoidai, Sph.tn'omida3, Tanaidie, Anceida' and Anthurida'.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 330-341 ; 1885, 916-92.3; 1886, 97-l'22. On some points in the structure of Hapaleuuir griseus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 391-399. A contribution to the anatomy of Scoiius nnibretta. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 543-553. Note on the structure of the body-wall in certain earthworms. [1884.] Edinb. Phys. Soc Proc, 8, 1886, 89-91. Sur les organes segmentaires de quelques vers de terre. [Tr.] Ann. Sci. Nat. (}Cuul.), 19, 1885, Art. 6, 19 pp. ; Paris, Hautes Etudes Bibl., 31, 1885, Art. 5, 19 pp. Contributions to the structure of the Oligocbjeta. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 1102-1103. Remarks on the ovary of Echidna. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 8, 1886, 354-362. Notes on the structure of a new species of earthworm belonging to the genus .^canthodrilus. Edinb. Phvs. Soc. Proc, 8, 1886, 369-377. Note on tile ])aiieil dorsal vessel of certain earth- worms. Ediub. Phys. Soc Proc, 8, 1886, 424-430. Ou the aftershaft in the feathers of certain birds. Ibis, 3, 1885, 19-23. Note on the distribution of the genus .Scrolls, and its occurrence ou the shores of New Zealand. [1885.] N. Zealand .11. Sci., 2. 1884 86, 388-391. Beddard] 397 [Beddard I'lclimiiinry note on the nepliriiliit of a new HpccicR of ciutliwoiiii. Ilov. Soc. I'roc, :tery.\. Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1886, 18H- I8i). On the specific cIniracterH anil structure of certain New /eahmd earthworms. Zool. Soc I'roc, 1885.810-832. Notes on the visceral anatomy of liinls. No. 1. On tlie HO rullr'tl omentum. [No. 2. On the respiratory organs in certain divmi; binls. | Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, HHIi 841 ; 1888, 2r.'.'-2,58, [Preliminary' reports on some observations made in connection with Scottish fisheries tlurinK the nummer of 188a.] (a. I At lOyeniouth. [1884.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. .11., 7, 1886, ari-aij. Observations on the Ktructure of Lumhricus eompln. natus, Dui/;,!. [I88,j.] Edinb. Hoy. Soc. Proc, 18, 1886, 4.'>1 KiU. Notes on some earthworms from Ceylon and the Philippine Islands, including a description of two new species. Ann. Miij;. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 8!) 98. Striated muscles in Kchinida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 428-4;iO. On the reproductive organs in the genus Eudrilus. Kdinb. Hoy. Soc. Proc, IS, 1886, 072-682. Note on the ovaries and oviducts of Eudrilus. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, ;i42-;(44. The ovariiui ovum of Lepidosiren (Protopterus). Zool. An/.., y, 1886, ;}7:i-375. Note on the ovarian ovmn in the Dipnoi. Zool. An/.., 9, 1886, G'ia-iV.il. Note on the air-sacs of the cassowary. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886. H.';-146. On tlie syrinx and other points in the anatomy of the Caprimiilf,Mdie. Zool. Soc Proc, 1886, 147-153. . Note on the structure of a large species of earthworm from New Caledonia. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1886, 1G8-17.>. On some points in (he anatomy of Chauna chavaria. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1886, 178-181. Observations on the ovarian ovum of Lepidosiren (Protopterus). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886. 272-292. Descriptions of some new or little known earthworms, together with an account of the variations in structure exhibited by Perionyx excavatus, E. I'. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886," 298-314. Notes on the convoluted trachea of a curasaow (Notho- crax urumutum). and on the syrinx in certain storks. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886. 321-32.5. " Observations on the development and structure of the ovum in tlu> Dipnoi. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, .505—527. Note on a new tvpe of compound eye. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 20. 1887, 233-2315. Note on a point in the structure of Fratercula arctica. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1887, 771. On tlie so called prostate glands of the Oligocheeta. Zool. An/.., 10, 1887, ()7.5-ti78. Note on the reproductive organs of Moniligaster. Zool. An/,,, 10, 1887. r.78-G81. Notes on Brachyurus calvus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 119-121. On the structure of a new genus of Lumbricidir (Thamnodrilus Ouliclmi). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887. 154- ItiS. Contributions to the anatomy of earthworms. Zool. Soc. Prec. 1887. 372-392, 544-.54.S. Note on a point in the structure of Myrmecobios. Zool. Six-. I'roc. 1887, .527-.531. Observations on the structural characters of certain new or little known earthworms. [1887,] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. 14. 1888, loO 170. On the minute structure of the eye in certain Cvmo thoida.. (1M«7.) Kdinb. Hoy. Soc. Trann., 33, 1888. 443-452. Note on the stnicture and development of the ovum in an annelid (Eudrilus). [1887.) Jl. Anat. Physiol., •22, 1888. 9-14. Note on the systematic position of Monitor. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 204-20«. On the reproductive organii of Phreoryetes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 387-395. Uemarks upon a species of Coccidium infeiiting Peri- chieta. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 2, 1888. 433-439. On the structure of the (iraatiaii fcillicle in Didelphyn. Edinb. I'hys. Sw. Proc, 9. 1888. 407-412. On the classification of the Striges. Ibis, U, 1888, 335-344. 493. The nepliridia of earthworms. Nature, 38, 1888. 221- 222. On the anatomy of Allunis tctriedniB {Ki'en). (^uart. .11. Micr. Sci., 2«, 1888, 30.5-371. On the occurrence of numerous nephridia in the Slime segment in certain earthworm', and on the relationship between the excretory system in the Annelida and in the |ilatylielminth8. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 28, 1888. 397-411. Preliminary note on the nephridia of Pericha-ta. Hov. Soc. Proc, 43, 1888, aif.t-SlO. Preliminary note on the mucous gland of UrochiFta. Zool. An/., 11, 1888, 90-91. Preliminary notes on the anatomy of Pericbieta. Zool. An/,, 11, 1888. 91-94. Further notes upon the reproductive organs of Kudrilu". Zool. Anz., 11, 1888. 013-040. On certain points in the visceral anatomy of the Laeerlilia, particularly of Monitor. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 98-107. Observations upon an annelid of the genus .Eolosoma. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1888. 213-217. On certain points in the visceral anatomy of BaUe- niceps rex, bearing upon its affinities. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888. 284-290. Note on the sternal gland of Didelpbys dimidiata. Zool. Soc. Proc , 1888, 353-3.55. Note on a new gregarine. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 355-358. On certain points in the structure of Clitellio (Cti- p.iriiU). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888. 48.5-495. Report on annelids fmm the Mergni Archipelafio, collected for the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by Dr. John Anhkrson, F.H.S., Superintendent of the Museum. [1887.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Xml.), 21, 1889, 256- 206. The tail bri.stles of a West Indian earthworm. [1888.] Nature. 39. 1889, 15-10. On the structure of three new species of earthwonns, with remarks on certiiin )>omts in the morphology of the OligochiEtA. [1888.] gaart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 29, 1889, 101-131. On certain points in the strncture of Urochicta, K. P., and Dichogaster, nor. 9^11., with further remarks on the nephriilia of earthworms. [188»(.) (^uart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 29, 1889, 235-2H2. Notes upon certain species of £oIoM>nuL Ann. M»g. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889. 2«'2-265. On the (Hissible origin of the Malpighian tubules in the Arthropoila. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889. 290- 292. Contributions to our knowledge of the freshwater anDetids. Brit. Ass. Itep.. 1889. 01l>-6l7. Contributions to the anatomy of the hoatzin (Opis- thocomus cristatus), with iwrticular reference to the structure of the wing in the young. Ibis. 1. 1889. 283- 293. Beddardj 39S [Beddard Notes on the marine Oligochffita of Plymouth. [1889.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 1, 1889-90, 09-71. Preliminary notes on some Oligochaita. Zool. An-/.., 12, 1889, •533-.536. On a new sporozoon from the vesicnliB .scminales of Periclneta. Zool. .Jbiieh. (.S'i/.-(.), 4, 1889, 781-792. Note upon the green cells in the inte(;ument of .Eolo- soma teuebrarum. Zool. Soo. Proc, 1889, -51-5(3. On certain jioiuts in the anatomy of the Accipitres, with reference to the afhnities of Polyboroides. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 77-82. Some notes upon the anatomy of the American tapir (Tapirus terrestris). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 2.52-2.58. On the oligochietoHs fauna of New Zealand, with preliminary descriptions of new species. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 377-382. Contributions to the natural history of an annelid of the genus Dero. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 440-444. Contributions to the anatomy of picarian bird*i. Part I. On some points in the structure of the horn- bills. [Part II. A note upon the pterylosis of the barbets and toucans. Part iii. On some points in the anatomy of the kingfishers.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, .587-594; 1896, 555-557, 603-606. On the anatomy of Bdkmhister's cariama (Chunga Burmeisteri). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 594-602. On the anatomy and systematic po.^ition of a gigantic earthworm (Microchseta Kappi) fjom the Cape Colony. [1884.] Zool. Soc Trans., 12, 1890, 63-76. On the structure of Hooker's sea-lion (Arcto- cephalus Hookeri). [1887.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 12, 1890, 369-380. On the anatomy, histology [and affinities] of Phreo- ryctes. [1889.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc, 16, 1890, 117- 119; Edinb. l!oy. Soc Trans., 35, 1890, 629-640. On the alimentary canal of the Martineta tinamou (Calodromas elegans). [1889.] Ibis, 2, 1890, 61-66. The pigment of the touraco and the tree porcupine. [1889.] Nature, 41, 1890, 152. On Photodilus badius, with remarks on its systematic position. Ibis, 2, 1890, 293-304. The colours of animals. [1890.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 95-96. Contributions to the anatomy of earthworms, with descriptions of some new species. Quart. .11. Micr. Sci., 30, 1890, 421-479. On the structure of a species of earthworm belonging to tlie genus Diachffita. Quart. .Jl. Micr. Sci., 31, 1890, 1.59-174. On the structure of a new genus of Oligochffita (Deodrilus), and on the presence of anal nephridia in Acanthodrilus. Quart. .Jl. Micr. Sci., 31, 1890, 467-488. Preliminary note on a new earthworm belonging to the family Eu'drilida>. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, .561-563. Preliminary note upon Heliodrilus, a new genus of EudrilidfE. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 627-029. Observations upon an American species of Perichseta, and upon some other members of the genus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 52-69. Notes on the anatomy of the condor. Zool. Soc. I^roc, 1890, 142-147. ■ On the structure of Psophia and ou its relations to other birds. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 329-341. On the minute structure of the eye in some shallow- water and dfi-p-sea species of the isopod genus Arcturus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 365-375. On the anatomy of Podica sencgalensis. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 425-413. Zoological notes, [i. On some British species of Pachvdrilus. ii. .Aquatic earthworms. ] [1889. | I'Minb. Phys'. .Soc Proc, 10, 1891, 101-106, 208-210. Observations upon the structure of a genus of Oligo- clucla belonging to the limicoline .section. [1889.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 17, 1891, 5-7; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 30', 1892, 1-17. The classification and distribution of earthworms. [1890.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 10, 1891, 23.5-290. On the homology between genital ducts and nephridia in the Oligochajta. [1890.] Roy. Soc Proc, 4k, 1891, 452-455. Abstract of some investigations into the structure of the 01igocha>ta. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7. 1891. 88-90. Ornithological notes. Ibis, 3, 1891, 510-514. On the structure of two new genera of earthworms belonging to the Eudrilida\ and some remarks on Nemertodrilus. Quart. .Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 235-278. On the structure of an earthworm allied to Nemerto- drilus, Midi., with observations on the post-embryonic development of certain organs. Quart. .Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 539-586. Preliminary notice of a new form of excretory organs in an oligochietous annelid. Koy. Soc. Proc, 49, 1891, 308-310. Contributions to the anatomy of the kagu (Rhino- chetus jubatus). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 9-21. On an earthworm of the genus Siphonogaster from West Africa. Zool. Soc Proc, 1891, 48-52. On the pouch and brain of the male thylaciue. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 138-145. Preliminary account of an earthworm from West Africa referable to a new genus. Zool. Soc Proc, 1891, 172-176. Notes on the anatomy of Dolichotis patagoniea. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 236-244. Additional notes upon Hapalemur griseus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 449-461. Anatomical description of two new genera of aquatic Oligochffita. [1890.] Edinb. Roy. Soc Trans., 36, 1892, 273-305. On the anatomy of Ocnerodrilus (Eisen). [1891.] Edinb. Roy. Soc Trans., 36, 1892, .563-583. Formation of a temporary cyst in the fresh-water annelid .Eolosoma. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 28. Warning colours. [1891.] Nature, 4.5, 1892, 78. Preliminary notice of a new branchiate oligochnite. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 109-110. Note upon the encystment of .Eolosoma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9, 1892, 12-19. The earthworms of the Vienna Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9, 1892, 113-131. On a new genus of Oligocha'ta, comprising five new species, belonging to the family Ocnerodrilida;. .\nn. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 74-97. A new branchiate oligochiete (Branchiura Sowerbyi). Quart. .Tl. Micr. Sci., 33, 1892, 325-341. Researches into the embryology of the Oligochieta. No. I. On certain points in the development of Acantho- drilus multiporus. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci , 33, 1892, 497- 540. On some Pericha'tida^ from .Japan. Zool. Jbiieh. (&>•(.), 6, 1892, 755-761;. On the earthworms collected in Algeria and Tunisia by Dr. Anderson. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 28-37. On some species of the genus Periehicta yxriisit stricto). Zool. Soc. Proc. 1892, 153-172. Notes on the anatomy and osteology of the Indian darter (Plotus melanogaster). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892. 291-296. On some acpiatic oligochiEtous worms. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 349-301. On the brain and muscular anatomy of Aulacodus. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1892, 520-527. On the convolutions of the cerebral hemispheres in certain rodents. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1892, 596-013. On some new species of earthwui ins from ^•arions parts of the world. Zool. Soc Proc, 1892, 06i''-706. 1 Beddard] 399 [Beddoe On the i)steolii(,'y, ]itt'rylosiH, iiiiil iiiiiKcnlur Hnatomy of tho AiijcrioHii tin-foot (IIvlioniiH xiiriiiuiiicnhis). Ibiit, r>, 1893, liO-lO. Two new (■cncra and nomc new BpericK of curtliwoniii>. guart. .11. Micr. Sci., 31, 1893, 24»-a78. On tlic tirnin of the African clpphant. Zool. Sou. I'loc. , 1893. ;U1-31'). On tlie atrium and priwtatt' in thu Oligochata. Zool. Soc. Troc., 1893. 47.'5-ls7. On tile RpoKraphical iliHtribution of eartliworiDH. Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1893. 7:t:i-7HH. Some new or little known OliuocliU'ta. [lH9:t. ) EdinI). Pli.v«. Soc. I'roc, 12, 1894, Hl-l.'i. I'reliminarv nolice of South American Tuhilicidie collected liy Dr. Muiiaklskn, includini; the ilescription of a branchiate form. .\un. Mat;. Nat. Hist., IH, 1894, 20.5-'210. Another new branchiate oligochiete. Nature, •'iO (1894), -'O. A contribution to our knowledge of the Oligochiela of Iriipieal eastern Africa. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 3<), 1894, •201--i7(l. Notes upon the tadpole of Xenopus Itt'vis (Dactylethra capensis). Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1894, 101-107. On two new genera, comprising three new species, of earthworms from western tropical Africa. Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1894, .nil -3".)0. On some ]K>int8 in the visceral anatomy of Ornitho- rhynchns. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1894. 71-5-722. A contriiiution to the anatomy of Sutroa. I18'.(2.] Kdinb. Hoy- Soc. Trans., 37. 1896." 19.5-202. Contributions to the anatomy of the anthropoid apes. [18112.] Zool. Soc Trans.. 13. 1896. 177-21H. The former northward extension of the .\ntarctic conlinent. [189.5.] Nature, 53 (1896-96), 129. On the ylsceral anatomy and brain of Dendrolagus Bcnnetti. Zool. Soc. I'roc. 1896, 131-137. On the brain of Gulo. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 1.39- 142. On the brain in the lemurs. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1895. 142-148. Preliminary account of new .species of earthworms belonging to the Hamburg Museum. Zool. Soc Proc, 1896. 210-239. On the visceral and muscular anatomy of C'rypto- jiroeta ferox. Zool. Soc Proc, 1896. 430-437. On some points in the anatomy of Pipa amcricana. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 827-841. On the diaphragm and on the muscular anatomy of Xenopus, with remarks on its affinities. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 841-H,50. On some earthworms from the Sandwich Islands collected by Mr. li. L. Pekkins; with an appendix on some new species of Perichieta, etc. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 194-211. On the oblique septa ("diaphragm" of Owks) in the passerines and in some other birds. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 225-231. A note upon Dissura episcopus, with remarks on the classification of the Herodiones. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 231-235. A contribution to the knowledge of the anatomy of Rhynchops. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1896, 299-303. On the anatomy of a grebe (.Echmophorus major), with remarks upon the classilication of some of the schizognathous birds. Zool. Soc Proc, 1896, 538-547. [On the structure and distribution of birds.] Nature, .56 (1897), 31;. Notes upon the anatomy of a manatee (Manatus inuiiguisl lately living in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc Proc, 1897, 47-53. Notes upon the anatomy of Phai^thon. Zool. Soc Proc. 1897, 288-295. On a colU'Otion of earthwonnii from South Africa, belonging to the genus Acaothodrilus. Zool. Soc. Pruc., 1897, 33«)-349. Note u|H)n iuterccntra in the vertebral column of birds. Zo..l. Soc Proc, 1897, 465-172. On the anatomy of an Australian cuckoo, Scythruin Novic llollandiie. 'Zool. Soc Proc, 1898. 44-49. On certain points in the anatomy of the cunning basrarisc, Uassarisciis astutus. Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1898, 129-131. On a hybrid between a male Kuiuea-fowl and a fetaalc domestic fowl with some observations on the osti.'ology of the Numidida?. Ibis, 5. 1899, 33.t-341. A note upon phosphorescent earthworms. Nature, CO (1899), .52. Notes on the anatomy of the genus .\pleryx. Novi- tales Zool., i;, 1899, 38i;-402. .\ contribution to our knowledge of the cerebral con- volutions of the gorilla. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 6.5-71;. On the brain of Hydrochiirus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 798- -113. VibrissH.' on the forepaws of mammals. Nature, 62 (1900), 523. On a s|iceies of earthworm from we«t«rn tropical Africa, belonging to the genus Benhamia. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 11,7-173. On the brain of a siamang (llylobatos syndactylos). Zool. Soc Proc, 1900, 187-190. .\ revision of the earthwi'rms of the genus Amyntas (Perichieta). Zool. Si>c. Proc. 1900. tJO9-0.52. On the structure of a new species of larthworm of the genus Benhamia. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 653 i>.59. On the anatomy of Bassaricyon Alleni. Zool. Sue. Proc, 1900, 661-675. On the earthworms collected during the "Skeat Expedition" to the Malay Peninsula. 1h99-190«J. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 891-911. On a new species of earthworm from India lielonging to the genus Amvntas. Z .ol. Soc Proc. 1900, 998- HMI2. Beddard, Frank £[rrr«], A Tedarb, ^'/ihif M. On some Periclnetffi from the Eastern Archipelago collected by Mr. EvEKETT. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hi.st.. 16, 1896. 6;'-73. Notes upon two earthworms, Pericha-ta biserialis and Trichocha>ta hesperidnm. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 80.7- 809. Beddard, I'nnik t[ivr»], A MitclieU, l'[(ler] Chalmrr: Oil the anatomy of Palamedea coniula. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894. 536-557. On the structure of the heart of the alligator. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 34:i-349. Beddard, trunk A"(iV KraiR, [ll'nliclm Lniliriy] Friedrich [Fniil]. Sf Kraflt A Beddlea. Beddoe, -hilin. Couleur lies yeux ct des cheveux sur lea Isirds du Khin, en Sui.sse et en Savoie. Paris Soc. Anthiop. Bull., 7. 1884. 70:i. On the stature of the older races of England, as estimated from the long bones. Anthrop. Inst. Jl.. 17. 1888, 202--209. .er]. - on ", 11 4. Frrdrrick. Zool. Soc. [1885.] Beddoel 400 Bedel On human bones discovered by CJeneral Pitt-Riveks at Woodcuts, Rotberle.v. *c. [1888-89.] Brit. Ahs. Rep.. 1888, 8H9; Antbio)i. Inst. .Jl., 19, 1890, 2-11. Obsoiviitiona on the natural colour of the skin in certain oriental races. [1889.] Brit. Ass. Rep,, 1889, 787; Anthrop. In.st. .71., 19, 1890, 2.57-263. Some roujjh observations made in the interior of North Queensland. Scott. Metoorol. Soc. Jl., 8, 1889, 217-220. Auniversai-y addresis, Jan. 28, 1890. [Anthropology at the Paris Exhibition of 1889, and the recent advances of physical anthropology.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 19, 1890, 481-493. .\nuiversary address, Jan. 27, 1891. [AnthropoloKJcal work of the year.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 20, 1891, .^48- 3.59. BoGU.\Nov on the primitive Rus.sians. Science, 20, 1892, 244. Sur I'histoire de I'indiee ceph.ilique dans les lies Britanniques. Anthrop. (Paris), 5, 1894, .513-,529, 6.58- 673 On oomplexional differences between native.s of Ireland with indigenous and exotic surnames respectively. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 77-5. On the northern settlements of the West Saxons. [1895.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 2.5, 1896, 16-20. On complexional differences between the Irish with indigenous and exotic surnames respectivelv. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 27, 1898, 164-170. Ethnology of Cornwall. Anthrop, Inst. Jl., 28, 1899, 328. On the mediieval population of Bristol. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 29, 1899, 142-144. On the anthropology of west Yorkshire. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 30, 1900, (83)-(86). On some vagaries of the kephalic index. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 30, 1900, (94)-(96). Beddoe, Jolin, & Moore, A. W. See Moore & Beddoe. Beddome, [Capt.) ('[/»i/7f.s] K. Note on Cyprffia angustata, Uniii, iiir. subcarnea, Aiicfif. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 21, 1896, 467-468. Description of a new species of Pupina from Queens- land. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 21, 1896, 814-815. Voluta fusiformis, Sifiiittson, vnr. micropapillosa. Tasmania Boy. Soc. Proc, 1896, 8(). Description of a new species of land shell. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 22, 1898, 123. Notes on species of Cvpreea inhabiting the shores of Tasmania. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 22, 1898, 564-576. Beddome, (Col.) ll[icliaril] //[oin/]. An account of the carth-siiakes of the peninsula of India and Ceylou. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 3-33. Ferns collected in Perak by Father Scoutkchini. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 321-325. Ferns collected hi Perak and Penang by Mr. J. I>av. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 1-6. New Manipur ferns collected bv Dr. Watt. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 234-235. Two new Athyriums from the N. W. Himalayas. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 72 73, Descriptions of laud shells from the island of Koror, Pelew group. Zool. Sue. Proc, 1889. 112-117. Desci-iptions of some new land-shells from the Indian region. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 313-315, ScoHTKCiiiNi's Malayan ferns. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 225- 226. Notes on Indian ferns. Jl. Bot.. 31, 1893, 227-228. Beddome, U'ul.) It\irliiiril\ //[('»n/|, it Godwin-Austen, {I, I. -I'"!. I Il\i'nrii] II[iivi!i:iliaiii\. .SV. Oodwin-Austen <\ Beddome. Beddow, />('(/, iV Rubemann, Su'ijfiicii. Sfi Ruhemann et Caucasi," edit. in. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 4, 1886, 56-57; 5, 1886, 89. [.\grilus limoniastri, h. sp. 6, 1886, cxxx-cxxxi. [.\pion Helianthemi, ii. sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. .\un., 7, 1887, cliv-clv. [Nnnophyes gallicus, ;/. up.] Paris, Soc. Ent. .\nn,, 7, 1887. I'lxx. [l)cscri|ition d'un Curcnlionide nouveau d'.\lgcrie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 8, 1888, xxxvi. [Trois Coli^opt6res nouveaux du nord de l'.\frique.] I'aris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, cxxxv-cxxxvi. Description de deux Coleoptercs heteromeres du noi'd dc rAfrbiui'. 1 1891.] Ocnova Mus. Civ. Ann., 30, 1890-91. 791 796. I Description de deux Colcoplrres niuneiiux du nord de I'Afrique.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, xxxvii- xxxviii. Paris, Soc. Ent. .\nn. Bedell to I I Bedford SvoopHiB (IcB Krands HydropliileH (Keiire BlethoxuH, Solier). lluv. Knt., 10, 1891, :Wt; 328. lli-iiHeii^neiMi-iitH Hiir U'w iiMi-urH ol le (li^vcloppomciit deK Meloiiloo. Alii-illt-, 27, 1890 92, 2;j.5-250, 304. Ri'viBion dtH Souruliii'UH piil6iirotii|ueH. Akcillc, 27, 1890-92, 2H1-2H8, 304. . Suppli'iiic'iit mix Coccincllidro dc Wkibk. [1893.) Abi'illo, 2H, 1892 96, 8"i-!l.5. DiitKiiiisis rlc CIdlroptfrcH nouvoaux d'Algdrie. [1893.] Aheillc, 2H, 1892 96, 102 lilt. Diiiwniisi' il'iin ikhiviiiu l!ciiil>idion indditerrandpn. 1 18113. 1 Alicilli', 2H, 1892 96. lOH. Tiiblciui dc« ilippixliiiiiia pal^'arctiqucn. [18!)3.] Abcille, 28, 1892-96, 108. NotcH Kur k's Cetonides vraU ct remarquea 8iir Icur synonymif. [1894.] AIiimIIp, 28, 1892- 96, 139-14(;. Remnr(|ni;8 sur Ich llylialiis, llr., ct iioiivenii sviiopniH den iiiAles de ce goure. [1894. | Abeillc, 28, 1892-96, 147-149. Note 8ur le genre Steplinnopachys, Waterh. (Uino- deriiH, ui/i7.), ct synopNii dis espi'ccs de I'Ancien Monde. [1894.] Aheille, 28, 1892-96, 149-150. Recherelie.s sur la syiionvinic des Coli'-oplirefl de I'Ancien Monde. [1894.]" Abcille, 28, 1892-96, 1.50-1.5(1, lt(''vi.sion des Onio|)hhi« tt HcliotaiiruK de Barbaric. [1894-9.VI Abiille, 28, 1892-96, I.m-174. Synopsis dii penro Uiapliovocera, Ilfijii. (1863), [1895.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96. 180. Synopsis dis Macro.'.in>;on meditcrrant'Cns. [1895.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 184-192. CatftloKiie rainonnc'i des ColdoptAres du nord dc rAfri.pie. |18',)5-19il0.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96 ; 29,1896- 1900, 2IIM p|i. |,H ,ill\. DiaK'nosrs de deux Ciirabiiiues nonveaiix du nord de rAfriipie. I'aris, Soe. Ent. Ann., 114. 189S, cccxlv-cccxlvi. Nouvcau genre alKi'rien de la tribu des Har])alini. Paris, Soc. Knt. Bull., 1896, :(4.")-34li. Nouveau type alKirieii de la tribu des Cetoniiui. Paris, Soc. Ent. Hull., 1896. 384-385. Reclierc'lies synonyniiciuis et rectiBcatives. [1897.] Abeille, 29, 1896 1900, :!■') 311. Les Ubaniniisiuni. I.ntr., et Icurs varietes de colora- tion. [18'J7.] Abeille, 2'.l, 1896-1900, 43-44. Diagnoses de nouveaux Trechus ct Lebia d'Algerie. Paris, Soc. Ent. linll., 1897, 118. Note sur I'.Vnisodactvlus Winthemi, Dej. Paris, Soc. Ent. Hull., 1897, 31)8-309. Diagnoses de deux genres nonveaux de Carabiques du Sahara septentrional. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 241-242. Diagnose d'un nouvel Ilvdriena des Alpes franvaises. .Paris, Soc. Ent. Hull., 1898. 292-293. Sur divers Cryptoceplialus de France et leur synonymie. [1899.] Abeille, 29, 1896-1900. 2118. Diagnoses et synonymie de plusieurs Cleridcs mediter- raneens du groupe des Corynetini. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 115. Un nouvel Histcride myrini'cophile des Basses-Alpes. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 183-184. Diagnose dun nouveau Mylabre saharien. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 382-383. Diagnoses de deux nouveaux Dromius de Barbaric. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900. 12-13. Description d'un Platyderus nouveau de la Tunisie meridionale. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 170. Diagnose d'un Harjialide nouveau de Tunisie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 217. Notes sur les I'aussus du nord de I'Afriqoe et sur lea e8p(''ces du groupe de P. cornutus, Clifvr. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 278-279. Description dime esp6ce nouvelle de Nanophyes para- site dn Seduiu telephiuin, L. Paris, Soc. Ent, Bull., 1900, 304-305. R. S. A. C. DeAoriptions de deux Col.] I'hyB. Itev., t. 1897, 247-252. Bedell, I'redfrirk, & Crehore, Albert Cuthing. The effects of i-elf-induction and di^tributeV Klniley, Curl. A study of the residual charges of condensers and their dependence upon temperature. [1894.] Phys. Rev., 2, 189B, 170- 196. Bedell, I'r,-,t, rul. ,v Moler, George $[yfraniM]. .S>* Moler ^ Bedell. Bedell, I'reilcrict, A Byan, llarrit J[o»eph]. Action of a single-phase synchronous motor. Franklin Inst. .11., 139, 1896. 197-214. Bedell, Frederick, Ballantyne, .Y. F., \ ^niUamson, Hiilierl II. .Mternatc-cuncnt condensers and lii.-l.t trie hysteresis. [1893.] Phys. Rev., 1, 1894, wl-'U. Bedell, Frederick, Ctiandler, Ulichard] F.. A Bberwood, li. //. The predetermination of the regulation of a transformer with non-inductive load. Amer. Ass. I'roc., 1897, 126. Bedell, Frederick, Xleln, It. M.. A: Tbompeon, T[homitt] I'lcrriii], The most cfliciint thickiios "f transformer plate. Phys. Rev., 7. 1898. 242-245. Bedell, Frederick. Miller, K[emptler] B., A ^VaKner, C. F. I A new form of contact-maker.] [1893.) Nature, 49 (1893-941, 37. irregularities in alternate-current curvea. [1893.) Phys. Rev.. 1, 1894. 21H-221. Beder. See Bodmer-Beder. Bedford, Churlet //|dir;/]. The pathology and treatment of fiininculosis. [1891.] Indian Med. (iaz., 26, 1893. 132-140. BediOrd, Charlet Samuel, A Ferkln, .Irthur George. Some derivatives of maclnrin. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1898, 9.13- 936. Bedford, ( Vice-.idm.) A"[r/irnr-19fi. 21«, 2-50-251. .Aberrations of Epinephele hyperanthus. Entomo- logist. 30, 1897. 49-.'.0. RejKirt on the holothurians ooUected by Mr. J. Stanley t>Ani>iNKK at Funafuti and Rotunia. Zool. Soc. Pn>c.. 1898, 834-M48. (.iecko cannibalism. Nature. (lO ilS99). 8. .•il Bedford] t02 LBedriaga Notes on the occurrence of Arapliioxus at Singapore. [1900.] Nature, 01 (1899-1900). 444-44.5. On echinodernis from Singapore and Malacca. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 271-299. Bedford, James E. The effects of denudation. [1887.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 110-11.?. Notes on flint-flake implements found in the Isle of Man. [1887.] Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 9 (1885-87), 369-371. Notes on the Isle of Man. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 177-179. Inaugural address. The oil fields of America and Russia. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 187-194. Septemher 11th, 1890. Excursion to Ingleborough. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 6, 1890-91, 1113-100. Evidences of glacial action in the Leeds district. [1892.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 7, 1891-92, 29-34. The Mourne mountains. [1893.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 9, 1893-94, 17-20. Evidence of glacial action near Leeds. [1891.] Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 12, 1895, 69-71. Geology of the rocks of the Ilfracombe district of Devon.shire. [1895.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 10, 1894^96, 3.5-36. Flint implements in the Isle of Man. [1897.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 11, 1896-98, 13. Bedford, T. G. On the expansion of porcelain with rise of temperature. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 245 ; London Phvs. Soc. Proc, 17, 1901, 148-156; Phil. Mag., 49, 1900, 90-97. Bedford, WHIkiiii. For biographical notice and works see Photogr. Jl., 17, 1893, 12-5-126. Orthochromatic photography, or the photographic rendering of colours in monotone. [IVith discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 12, 1888, 126-131. Bednall, ir[/U«i7n] T[ompson]. Descriptions of and notes upon the species of the genera Murex and Typhis, known and recorded to exist on the coast of the colony of South Australia. [1885.] S. Aust. Roy. See. Trans., 8, 1886, 63-66. [Elder Expedition.] Land and freshwater MoUusca. [1892.] S. Aust. Roy. Soc. Trans., 16, 1892-96, 62-67. On a new land shell from central Australia. S. Aust. Boy. Soc Trans., 18, 1894, 190. Notes on some Tasmauian chitons. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1894-96 (1894), 34-39. The Polyplacophora of South Australia. [1896.] London Malacol. Soc. Proc, 2, 1897, 139-159. Bedb, Albert. Magyarorsziig erdosegei. , [Die Walder Ungarns.] [1885.] Magyar Tud. Ak. Krtek. {Termt.), 15, 1886, A'-(<) | I'lnllips. A Cooper, ./. Experiments with tin- SImw gas-tester. [ Mif/i ,/i.,u...-37. On Potentilla reptans and its allies. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 78-79. On Callitriche polymorpha, L'l'ninroth, as a British plant. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 2.33-234. On the two valerians. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 340-344, 378-379. On some British Viola forms. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 226- 229 : 30, 1892, 67-68. Ranunculus acris, L. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 251. On Potamogeton fluitans, Hoth. Jl. Hot., 28, 1890. 203-204. Kumex propinquus, J. K. Artsch., in Britain. Jl. bot.. 28, 1890. 217; .Scott. Natlist., 10. 1889-90. 300. On Sparganium. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 234-237. Hieracium protractnm, Lindeb,, in Britain. Jl. Bot., 29. 1891, 53. Zannichellia. Jl. Bot., 29. 1891, 216. A new Hieracium. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 243-244. Grafted plants. [1891.] Nature, 45. 1892, 151. On the flora of Shetland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 51 -.55. On natural hybrids. Jl. Bot.. 30. 1892, 209-212. Our endemic list. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, •W)-67. Svante Mcrhkck on gentians. Jl. Bot.. 32. 1894. 1-4. Eleocharis acicularis. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 87. Potamogeton trichoides in Surrey. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894. 88. Festuca heterophylla in Surrev. Jl. Bot., 33, 1896, 253. Varieties. Medicago lupulina, rur. Willdeuowiana, Kocli. [Cilvceria dislans, var. prostnata, Betby.] JL Bot., 33, 1898, 31.5-316. Beecbeno, {Ilrv.) J. Quartz (rock crystal) and its associa- tions. [1894.] Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans.. 2 (1886-941, 43:{-440. Shells: their inhabitants and uses. [181*6.] East- bourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 3 (1894-19021, 130-139. Beeeher, ChurUi F.mtrsun. C<'ratiocarida! from theCbeiuung and Waverlv groups of Penn.sylvania. Pennsvlvania Geol. Sur\. Rep.." PPP, 1884. 1-22. Carnivorous habits of the muskrat. Science. 5, 188S, 144-14.5. A spiral bivalve shell from the Waverly group of Pennsylvania. N. Y. Mus. Kep.. 39, 1886. 16'l-164. 51—2 Beecher] 404 [Beekman Note on the fossil spider Arthrolycosa antiqua, Harger. Amer. Jl. Sci., 38, 1889, 219-223. On the (ievelopment of tlie sliell in the genus Toinoceras, Iltjatt. Anier. .11. Sci., 40, 1890, 71-75. Koninckiua and related genera. Amer. Jl. Hei., -10, 1890, 211-219. On Lepta?ni6ca, a new genus of braehiopod from the Lower Helderberg group. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 238- 240. North American species of Strophalosia. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 240-246. Development of the Brachiopoda. Part i. Intro- duction. [Part II. Classification of the stages of growth and decline.] Amer. Jl. Sci., 41, 1891, 348-3.57; 44, 1892, 133-15.5. Development of hilobites. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891, 51-56. The development of a Palffiozoic poriferous coral. [1891.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 8, 1888-92, 207-214. Symmetrical cell development in the Favositidee. [1891.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 8, 1888-92, 215-219. Larval forms of trilobites from the Lower Helderberg group. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 142-147. A larval form of Triarthrus. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 378-379. On the thoracic legs of Triarthrus. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 467-470. Some correlations of ontogeny and phylogeny in the Brachiopoda. Amer. Natlist., 27", 1893, .599-604. Kevision of the families of loop-bearing Brachiopoda. [1893.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 9, 1892-95. 376-391. The appendages of the pygidium of Triarthrus. Amer. Jl. Sci.. 47, 1894, 298-300.' — — The development of Terebratalia ohsoleta, Dall. [1894.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 9, 1892-95, 392-399. Further observations on the ventral structure of Triarthrus. Amer. Geologist, 15, The larval stages of trilobites. 1895, 166-197. Structure and appendages of Trinucleu.s. Amer. Jl. Sci., 49, 1895, 307-311. On a supposed discovery of the antenna of trilobites by LiNN.?5us in 1759. Amer. Geologist, 17, 1896, 303- 306. On the validity of the family Bohemillidae, Barrande. Amer. Geologist, 17, 1896, 360-362. On the occurrence of Silurian strata in the Big Horn mountains, Wyoming, and in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Amer. Geologist, 18, 1896, 31-33. The morphology of Triarthrus. Amer. Jl. Sci., 1, 1896, 251-256. [The systematic position of the trilobites.] Remarks. Amer. Geologist, 20, 1897, 38-40. Outline of a natural classification of the trilobites. Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897, 89-106, 181-207. Morphcilogv of the brachia. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., tio. 87, 1897, 105-112. The origiu and significance of spines : a study in evolution. Amer. Jl. Sci., 6, 1898, 1-20, 125-136, 249- 268, 329-359. Conhad's types of Syrian fossils. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 176-178. On a largr. slab of Uintacrinus from Kansas. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 2r>7-268. Kestoration of Stylonurus Lacoanus, a giant arthropod from the l'p|ier Devonian of the United States. Amer. Jl. Sci,, 1(1, 1900, 145-150. Beecher, Chnrli's F.mfmni, & Call, li[icliarii\ Kllswvrth. .SVr Call lV Beecher. Beecher, I'lmrbs Kiiu'istrii. it Clarke, .7o/m M[awn]. The development of some Silurian Brachiopoda. N. Y. Mus. Mem., 1, 1889, 95 pp. Notice of a new Lower Oriskany fauna in Columbia 1896, 91-100. Amer. Geologist, 16, county, New York; with an annotated list of fossils. Amer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 410-414. Beecher, Charles Emerson, & Dodge, U'illiiim H'. See Dodge & Beecher. Beecher, Charles Emerson, & Schuehert, Charles. De- veloijment of the brachial supports in Dielasma and Zygospira. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 8, 1893, 71-78. Beechey, St. Vincent. *The use of the electric light in the observatory. Observatory, London, 5, 1882, 239- 241, 270. * Splendid aurora. The dark spot on Jupiter. Ob.servatory, London, 5, 1882, 373. Beechler, Charles. Corrected list of fossils found at Crawfordsville, Ind. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Kep., 16, 1889, 65-70. Beede, Joshua W[illiam]. The stratigraphy of Shawnee county. [1896.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 15, 1898, 27-34. The McPherson Equus beds. [1897.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 15, 1898, 104-110. Notes on Kansas physiography. [1897.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 15, 1898, 114-120. New corals from the Kansas Carboniferous. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 17-18. Variations of external appearance and internal characters of Spirifer caraeratus, Morton. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 103-105. Notes on Campophyllum torquium, Owen, and a new variety of Monopteria gibbosa. Meek anil Worthen. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 187-190. Preliminary notice on the correlation of the Meek and Marcou section at Nebraska City, Nebraska, with the Kansas Coal Measures. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 231-233. On the correlation of the Coal Measures of Kansas and Nebraska. [1898.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 70-84. Description of some new forms of Pseudomonotis from the Upper Coal Measures of Kansas. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 8, 1899, 79-84. New fossils from the Kansas Coal Measures. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 8, 1899, 123-130. Carboniferous invertebrates. Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv., 6, 1900, 1-187. Two new crinoids from the Kansas Carboniferous. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 9, 1900, 21-24. A reconnaissance in the Blue Valley Permian. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 9, 1900, 191-202. Beede, .Juslnui ]V[illiinit], it Haworth, Erasmus. See Haworth it Beede. Beede, J(),s7iH(i W[illiiiiii], A Rosera, Austin F[lint]. New and little known pelecypods from the Coal Measures. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 8, 1899, 131-134. Beeg, [Hinis]. [Ueber die Absorption der Wasserdampfe durch Natronlauge und die Honigmanu'sche feuerlose Lokomotive.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 57, 1884, 68-72. [Reiniguug der Abwiisser durch Rauchgase.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 61, 1888, 627. Beehler, (Lt.) W. H. The origin and work of the division of marine meteorology. [1893.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 221-232. Keliitions between the barometric pressure and the strength and direction of ocean currents, U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 177-185. Beek, .J[an] Clornclis] ran. Sur la filtration des liquides i'l travel's les membranes tibreuses. Arch. Nterland., 19, 1884, 241-271. Beekman, .l[»(i)«l .i[lliert]. lets over den eigenaardigen toi'stand van un/.en bodoni. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Geiiootsch. Tijilsehr., 1, 1884 (.t;/.i, 190-225. De zoekleilanilen van Nederland. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsoh. Tijdschr., 2, 1885 {.^rt.. Sink 2), 134- 194. Beekman] 40r> [Beevor AanwinHt on vcrlion van Kroiidi'ii in /cvland in d"- lant^U' 10 jiirin. Ani-itiTdiini Nedtrl. Aiirdr. Ctenootxcli. Tijds.lii , 14, 1897. 67H-ti'J4. Beely, I-[li)riiiii]. On the Hcupe of orthopirdicH. N. Y. M((i. .11.. r>.-,, 1892. .')3H-.">34. Boenette, lUiiim,!. Pyorrhcra alveolaris. Ijrit. .11. Dental Sci., C). 1900, r.l-(10. Beenko, ih'niit.) II. "Bericlit iilwr nn({fwi>hnlicli Htiir- iiiihcliri Wcltir ini Hiidweatliclien Tlieile dcK I'nxHatgehiets dts Niuliitluntlsc'hen UceanH. Ann. der Hydmgr., H (1880), 171-172. Wind- nnd SlromunRsverliiiltnisfie iiiif deui Wege %'on Mantii Miich I'untiirenaK ini Febrnar Ik'.K). .\nn. der Il.vdiOKi-., I'.l (1891). 1!!."). Beenich, l.^o, X Fischer, Ktiiil. See Flscber .V Beensch. Beer, Itiitlmld. On tliu development nf tlie Sylvian liKsurc ill till' human embryo. [1H89.] Jl. Anat. I'hysiol., 24, 1890, ix-xi. Bear, t'litz. Ueber die Transrormation der elliptixchen Fuiiclionen. Arch. Math. I'hys., 14, 1896, 113-138. Beer, I'hrmUir. I'eber den HiiiHiiss der pcriplioren Vaijus- rei/.ung auf die Lunge. .\rch. Anat. I'hvsicil. (Phi/tiol. Atilh.). 1892 (Siippl.), 101-21(i; Cenlrbl. Phvsioj., .5, 1892, TH-2-7M4. Studien iiberden tranmatischen Enophthalmus. Arch. Aut;cnhcilk,-2.-i,1892,3I.5-.3.56, 447^48; Arch. Oph thai m.. 22, 1893. !)H-106. Studien iiber die Acconiniodati23-t;50. Ein neuer geaichter Apparat znr Messung und grapbischen Rcgistrirung des Blutdruckcs. [1891).] Centrbl. Physiol., 10, 1897, 329-333. l>ie .\ccommodation des Kephalopodenauges. P6ilger, Arcb. Pby.-iol.. 07, 1897. ."i41-.")8(i. Die Accommodation des .\uges in der Thierreihe. L18'.I8.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [29H30]. (.\ccomiuodation of the eye in various animals.] Nature, .58 (1898), 483. Die Accommodation des .-Vuges boi den Beptilien. PUiiger, Arch. Physiol.. (J!), 1898. .507-568. Vergleichend-physiologische Studien zur Statocysten- function. i. Ueber den angeblichen (iehiirsinn und das angebliche Ctehiirorgan der Crustaceen. [ii. Versuche an Crustaceen (Penwus membrnnaceus).] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 73, 1898, 1-41; 74. 1899. 3(>4-382. Die Accommodation des .\uge.s l)ei den .\mphibien. [189'.».] Ptiuger. Arch. Physiol., 73, 1898. .501-534. Beer, Thcodnr, A' Kreldl, Alois. Ueber den Ursprung der Vagusfasern, deren centrale Iteiznng Verlangsaniung resp. Stillstand dor Atbmung be«irkt. [1895.] PHiiger, Arch. Physiol. . ti'i. 1896. 15l> 105. Beer, Thenilar, Betbe, Albr.clit, A Uezkoll, J[acoh] von. Vorschliige zu einer objektivierenden Noraenklatnr in der Pbysiologie des Nervensvstems. [189!t. ) Biol. Centrbl., 19,1899, .517-521 ; Zool.Anz., 22. 1899, 275-280; Ceutrbl. Physi.d., 13, 1900. 137-141. Beer, Hii/f,!-. The Xlunier system of construction. [1897.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 133. 1898. 376-393. Beers, ^'[riinl] T., A Fond, y[riiiici«] Jlontt]. See Fond .V Beers. Beers, Sulhan T. .\ test case for taste. N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 305-360. Beers, ir[i/;i,/m] Genrge. The teeth of children. Brit. .11. Dental Sci., 28. 1886. 345-352. Beesley, 'I'liomiis. For biograi)hv and list of works tee (ieol. Mag., 3, 1896. 33r.: Jl. Bel.. 34, 1896, 440; Pharm. Jl., 3, 1896. 201-202; Warwick. Field Clnb Proc., 1897. 1.5-20. Beeson, (7i./r/,> //.. ,v Elgenmann, Curl II. See Elgenmann A Beeson. Beeson, Jlniper] /.[ullirr]. On the decomposition of diazaratus fur food-KtufI analvsis. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 18, 1896, 744-74.5. .\ study of the claritication of sugar cane juice. Amer. Cbem. Soc. Jl.. I'.i, 1897, 5i;-01. The physical etlecis of various salts and fertilizer ingredients upon a soil as modifying the factors which control its supply of moisture. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 19, 1897, 020 1149'. Nitric iiitro;;en produced bv the pe». Amer. Chem. S..,.. .11., 20. 1898. 793-7115. Beeton, {.Mint) Murij. \ Fearsom, Karl. Data for the problem of evolution in man. ii. A fimt sliidy of the inheritance of longevity and the selective death-rate in man. [1899.] Hoy. Sor. Proc., 65, 1900. 2WJ-305. Beeton, (.)/i«i>) Mary, Tnle, irf. Diita for the problem of evolution in man. v. On the correlation between duration of life and the number of offspring. [1900.] Hoy. Soc. Proc, 67. 1901, 1.59-179. Beeton, Slanl.ii. Barr, ./'ii'i'O Murk, \ Taylor, <\harlet] I'errii. .Str Barr, Beeton otential difference wave on the iron losses of transformers. [ With iluriution.] [1896.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 25, 1897, 474-518. Beetz, fi'ri(' e del monti limitroti. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 38, 1897, 189-341. Prima contribuzione alia briologia romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 75-82. Nuove specie e nuove localita per la flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 116-122, 209-214. Intorno ad alcune Potentille nuove, rare, o critichc per la flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 141- 150. Di una famiglia e di alcuui generi nuovi per la flora della provincia di Roma. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 23-31. II geuere Gagea, Salisb., nella flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 31-35. Notizie preliminari suUa biologia fiorale nel genere Romulea, Manitti. [Italia], Soo. Bot. Bull., 1899, 214- 222. — — La flora dei depositi alluviouali del flume Tevere dentro Homa. Nuta prevenlivu. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 222-229. BeguinotI 1U7 IBehal Intorno ad slcune forme di Itcneda lulea, I. in. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Hull.. 1899, 229-2M.'.. Ulteriori nutizic intorno alia Fritillnria |>er«ica, J, in., ed alia Oxalis violacea, I. in., nella llora italianu. [Italiii], Soc. Hot. Hull., 1899, :Wl-3ii9. Contriliuzicino alio Btudio di alcune K^neri della flora dcllc puludi Pontine. Niiovo Oiorn. Bot. Ital., (1,1899, 284-295. La famitdia delle " Kliitinacpc " nella flora romana. Nnovo (iiorn lint. Itiil.. t'l. 1899. lH.i-li)2. II (^enerc Si-olopendriiini nella flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900. 29-8H. Generi e (specie nuo%'e o rare per la flora della provincia di Roma. [Italia], Soc. Hot. Hull., 1900, 47-5(). I'lorula di niciini piccoli latilii iiieHplorati della pro- vincia di Koma. [Italia], Soc. Hot. Bull., 1900, oV>- 63. Nuovc localiti'i per xpecic della flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Hull.. 1900. 112-121. Piante nuove o rare della flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull.. 1900, 121-130. • Notizie preliminari sulla flora dell' Arcipelago Ponziano. [Italia], Soo. Bot. Hull., 1900, 290-301. Itinerari botanic! pontini nell' estate del 1898. [Italia], Soc. GeoKT. Boll.. 37, 1900. 3()i;-339. Sulle alltiiitiV sifiteniaticlie e sulla distrihuzione kco- Rratica di Carex Griolelii, Jiorm., in Italia. MalpiRliia, 14, 1900. 511-529. • 1)1 alcnnc specie rare per la flora romana. Kiv. Ital. S( i. Nut., Siena. 20, 1900. 33-37. Bigulnot, .inijuxio, tV Senni, /,. Una escorsione botanica 11 .Mniite Tarino, nel (;ruppo dei Simhruini. [Italia], Sue. Hni. Hull,, 1900, 7H-87. Bihagbel, [Henri]. .\rl)res et arhusteg A planter dans lis duue.s. Ass. Franf. C. H., 1900 (I't. 2), 414-4111. B6taaBle, F[iritinand] dr. Hunt Dubaujjui. Mission de Bkh.volk. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. R., 1898, 3.59-361, 460- 4<>2: 1899, 221-222. Bitaaguel, , A' Folsson, JiiUf. See Polason A- Biba^uel. BAIial, .l[ii(iiisie]. Separation du cuivre et du cadmiam. Jl. Pharm., 11, 1886, 5.53-554. Hecherche qualitative des nzolales et des chlorates. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1886, 490-492. Synthese d'une acetone au moyen d'un carbure acet.vlenique. Paris Soc. Chini. Bull., 44. 1888, 195- 197; .11. Pharm., 12, 1885. 1.5.5-158. Caprvlid^ne, carbure aeetvlenique; son hjdratation. Constitution de I'nldehvde ca]irvlique. [1886.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 33-39. Aldoxime capryliqne et aoeti>xime methylhexylique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47. 1887. Iti3-165." Preparation de liodure d'allyle. Formation d'alcool allyllque. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47. 1887, H75-877. Sur rhvdratalion du diallyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48. 1887, 43-51. Nouveau carbure acetylenique substitne, I'ethylpro- pylacetyl^ne ; son hydratation. Paris Soo. Chim. Bull., 48. 1887, 216-219. Caprylidene du caprylOne, son isomeric avcc le caprylidene de I'aldelivde capryliiiue. Paris Soo. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 704-706. Sur lalle^ne. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48. 1887. 788-799. Preparation de I'isopropylacetylene avec la methyliso- propylcarbonyle. [1887.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull!, 49, 1888, 23-27. Kecberches sur les carbures acetyleniqucs et sur leur hydratation. Ann. Chim., 15, 1888. 2i'.7-288. Uccherchcs sur les carbures acetvleniques substitues R-CsC-lf. .\nu. Chim., 1.5, 1888. 108-432. Nitrate d'argent en solutiou alcoolique, reactif des carbures ac^tyleuiqnes. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 335-337. Hydratation du tolaoe. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 337-339. Ttausformation de ra-nautbylidene et du eaprylidJ-De, carbures acetyleniques vrais, en carbures acfl-tyK-niques Hulistitues HOUH I'influence de la potaiwe alcoolique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 581-.5K4. [Action du KOSci. C. R., 121, 1896. 465-468. [Sur la preparation et les proprietes des deux amides ct iicides campholeniques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896. 517-518. [Hecherches sur la serie campboUnique.] Paris Soc Chim. Bull.. 13, 1895. 625-627. Derives campholeniques. Campholenonitriles et campholinamides. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 834-841. .\cides campholeniques et campbolenes. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 841-846. [Sur les produits d'oxvdation de rigocampboUne. ] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15. 1896, 469. Sur une s^ric de nouvelles cetones cycliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1-25, 1897. 1036-10.3«, 113«. [Isomeric existant entre la tropme et la pseodo- tropine.] Paris .Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 4.35. Les ceiones cvcliques des huiles de bois. .\sr. Kranv- C. R., 1898(/'(. i). 128. Sur une nouvelle c^tone cvcliqne, la methvlcvclohexc- none II. Paris. Ac. Sci. C' R.. 126. 1898.' 46-49. [Citones extraites des huiles lourdes de bois privees d'acides et de creosote.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 19. 1898, 51. [Nouveau regnlatenr pour les distillations dans le vide.] [1898.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 21, 1899. 2. Behal] 408 IBehm Sur les anhydrides mixtes cie I'acide f'ormique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 128, 1899, 14G0-14(i3 ; Ann. Cliira., 20, 1900, 411-432; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 74.5- 760. Sur les anhydrides mixtes des acides acycliques et cveliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 681-684; Ann. Chiin., 19, 1900, 274-288; Paris Snc. Chim. Bull, 23, 1900, 71-82. B6taal, Alufliistc], & Auger, Victnr. [Sur le chlorure de niiilouyle!] Pans Soc. Chim. Bull., -50, 1888, .594. Actiou du perchlorure de pliospliore sur I'acide malonique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., .50, 1888, 631-632. Sur ime noiivelle classe de diiicetones. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1(19, 1889, 970-973; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 122-128. Actiou du chlorure d'ethylmalonyle sur IV'thylbenzine en presence du chlorure d'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 194-197; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 161-162, 244. [Actiou du chlorure d'ethylmalonyle sur les carbures aromatiques en presence de Al-Cl".] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 6, 1891, 129-130, 210-211. [Obtention d'acides ^-cetc>niques de la serie aroma- tique.] Paris Soc. Chim. BuU., 6, 1891, 211-212. [Sur les produits de Taction du chlorure de malonyle et de ses homologues sur les hydrocarbures benzoniques en presence de Al^Cl".] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7. 1892, 35.5, 402. Sur qiielques ^-dicetones symetriques de la serie aromatique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bnll , 9, 1893, 696-704. See also Auger & B^hal. B6hal, A[iiiiiixte], it Blaise, Kibiwnil E[mi!e]. Action de I'hvpoazotide snr I'acide campholenique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C.'R., 121, 1895, 256--2.59; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 753-7")4, 786; 15, 1896, 25-31. B6hal, A[uriUfte], it Choay, l:\uiieiie]. [Action de AzH^ sur le chloral en solution clilorot'ormique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., .50, 1888, 658. • Action de la chalenr sur le chloralammoniaque. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 817-820; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 742-745. Combinaisons du chloral avec la ph^'uyldimethyl- pyrazolone (antipyrine). Jl. Pharm., 21, 1890, 539-542. Chloralimide et son isom^re ; transt'ormatiou i-on](?- rique reversible. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 110, 1890, 1270- 1273. [Sur un des pr^tendus isom^res du cliUualimide.] [1890.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 50. [Action du brome sur le chloralimide.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, '209-210, 642. [Produits de decomposition spontanee du chlcual- ammoniaque.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 370. Sur quelques derives du chloral. Ann. Chim., 26, 1892, 5-64 ; '27, 1892, 319-339. Analyse des creo.sotes officinales ; (,'ayacol. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 197-'200; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 147-151 ; Jl. Pharm., 27, 1893, 254-2.56. Sur le gayacol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 14'2- 143.. [Ktude des diphenols et des ethers de ces derniers contenuB dans la cri'^osote officinale.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 611-612. Sur les ethylphenols. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1!., 118, 1894, 422-425 ;' Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 206- 212; Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 345-352. Sur les points de fusion de ijuelques phenols et de leurs ethers benzoiques. I'aris, .Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1211-1213. Composition qualitative des creosotes officinales de hois de lietre et de hois de chene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1339-1342. Composition quantitative des creosotes de bois de hfitre et de bois de chene. Paris, Ac. Sol. C. K., 119, Sur I'asboline Paris, Ac. Sci. Essai du chloro- Guerbet it 1894, 166-169; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 939- 944; Jl. Pharm., 30, 1894, 154-160. [Points de fusion et d'ebulhtion de quelques phenols et de leurs ethers benzoiques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 466-467, 602-604; Ji. Pharm., 30, 1894, -5-7. [Preparation et proprietes du gayacol ciistallise.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 530-531. Recherche qualitative des plieuols conteuus dans la creosote officinale, creosote de hetre et creosote de cli^ne. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 698-705; Jl. Pharm., 30, 1894, 97-106. B6hal, A[uriiiste], it Sesgrez, Alexandre. Combinaison des acides gras avec les carbures ethyleniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 676-677; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull , 7, 1892, 241. Actiou des acides organiques sur les carbures acety- leniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1074-1077. [Actiou de I'acide aceti(iue en tubes scelles a 280° sur les carbures acetyleniques vrais et substitues.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.", 7, 1892, 354. [Sur la formation de derives organiques dans lesquels le soufre se comporte comme element tetravalent.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 401. B6hal, .-)[!(,((«.'-'(f], & Desvignes, [Paul], (pyrocatechine et homopyrocatechiue). C' R., 114, 1892, 1541-1.544; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 465; 9, 1893, 144-147. Bihal, A[u;iuste], & Francois, Maurice. forme. .Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 417-424. Bilial, A[iii]u.';iingo iin Caplllarelectrometer. Ann. Phys. Chem., 61, 1897, 748-7.'>9. Fiber wechselseitige DitTiision von Elcctrolyten in verdiinnten \vii«serigen Liisungen, insbesondere fiber Diffusion gp(;en das Concentrationsgefiille. Ann. Phys. Choni., 62, 1897. 54-67. UeluT die specifische Wiirme einiger Metalle bei tiefon Teinperaturen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 66, 1898, 237-214. Ueber die specifisclie Warme der Metallo, dea Graphits nnd einiger Legirunpen bei tiefen Temperaturen. Ann. Phys., 1, 1900, 2.17-269. Ueber die Siiljlimationswarme der Eoblensaore und die Verdnnipfnngswiirme der Luft. Ann. Phys., 1, 1900, 270-274. Uebi'r dii" Piclite der Kohlensiiure im festen und fliissig.ii Zustiinde. Ann. Phys., ,S, 1900, 733-743. Behn-Eschenborg, Ilam. Untersuchungen fiber die electrisclien F.igenschaften eines Guttaperchakabels. Ziirich I'hys. Ges. .Tber., 1891, 9-36. Arbeitsmcssnng bei Dreiphasen-Drelistrom. Elek- trotechn. Ztsebr., 13, 1892. 73-74. Ueber die SpannunRen in Ferranti-Kabeln. Elek- trotcchn. Ztschr., 13. 1892. 604-60.5. Uebcrden Spnnnungsabfall in Wechselstromma^chinen und Transformatoren, Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 13, 1892, 6.51-6.54. Ueber die Wirknngsweisc synchroner Wecliselstrom- motoren. Elektrolcclin. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 20.3-204. Kegnlirharer Wechseletromniotor. Elektrotechn. Ztschr.. 14. 1893, .300. Einfacher .\piinnit zur Vergleichnng der magnetischen Eigenschaften verschiedener Eisensortcn. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 330-331. Theoretisches iiber asvnchrone Wechsolstrommotoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14. 1893. 519-.524, 620. Vernielirnni.; der Zahl der Erregerphasen zur Erzeu- gung rotirender niagnetischer Felder. F'lektrotechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894. 35-36. Theoretisches iiber Wechselstrommotoren. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 178-182, 308, B. S. A. C. Ueber cinen Vcrsuch der Kraftiibcrtragung auf 46 kin DJHtanz mit Spannungcn bis 33rei phiiHeiiHtrouimoloren. Ziirich Phys. Ges. Jlwr., 1893 A 1894. 13-46; Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 17, 1896, 10 12. 27- 29, H6^9. On the investigation and design of altcrnatfl-current dynamos. [7V.] Electrician, 35, 1898, 424-426. Zur Bercclinung clcktrischer Kraftiil>ertrai.'ung mit W.«h«elstrom. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 16, 1898, 536- 537, 558-56:3. Zur Berichnung der Kis^'uverluste in Alternatoren des nogenannti-n Induktortvps. Elektrot<.-cbn. Zt'^chr., 18, 1897, 21-22. Experiment iiber elektrolvtiwhe Leitung ohne Elek- troden. (18'.I9.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1898-99, 402-JOJ. ■Bata, .ilbert. [Ueber Nephelis octoculata.] (1894.] Biga Corresp.-Bl., 38, 1898, 5!1. Ueber die Fauna der wirboUosen Tiere des Babitseo. [1896.] Riga Corresp.Bl.. 40, 1898. 77-78. [Ueber die Tiefe des Schlafes.] [1898.] Higs Corresp.-Bl.. 42, 1899, 16.5-166. Bemerkungen fiber Erinnerungsfiilschungen und palholoRische Traumzustande. Allg. Ztschr. Psvchiatr., 56, 1899. 918-952. Ueber das Wandem der .\upen bei den Plenronek- tiden. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 42. 1899, 174-175. [Ueber eine Wahmehmung nahrcnd des UnterganKi-* der Sonne am Strande] Biga Corn-sp. Bl., 42, 1899, 178-179. Behr, .iriinld. GabeluDg der Bliittcr bei einheimischen Farnen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 13. 1898. 34-35. Behr, H[ant] U[ernutn]. New Lepidoptera. [1885.] California Ac. Bull., 1. 1886. 61-62. Biological synopsis of California Lepidoptera. [188.5.] California Ac. Bull.. 1, 1886, 63-65. Changes in the fauna and flora of California. [IR*«- 95.] California Ac. Proc.. 1. 1889, 94-99; 5, 1896. 368-376. Entomological contributions. [1889.] California Ac. Pioc, 2, 1890, 91-96. The live oak caterpillar. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890. 685-686. A new N'otodonta. [1892.] California Ac. Proc., 3. 1893, 206. Botanical reminiscences of San Francisco. Erythea, 4, 1896, 168-173. A Californian tick. Cansd. Ent.. 31. 1899. 229-231. Behr, n[iiut] H[frman], & KalloKK, .iH'frt. .\nemone Gravi. ii. fp. California Ac. Bull.. 1. 1886 |.V». 1, 1884). 5-6.' Behr, P[^(crl. Ueber eine nicht mchr farbstoffbildende Race des Bacillus der blanen Milch. Centrbl. Bakt. , 8, 1890. 4*5-487. Behr, y[ImUmir Vhidimirorif]. 3ail1rrKn 0<)1. OKCKyp- cill BT. 'I'opr.lllCKyHt nCuaCTI- Bemarques sur I'excur- sion dans la province de Fergana. [1899.] Kazan .Soc. Nat. Proc. 1897-98, .impend. So. 170, 7 pp. {French tr.. 4-7i. Behr-Bregowskl, I.. {\'iiimu/. 2), ill. Uelicr liuiiiit/uiiK doH OohururH zu V«'rHiir}n'ii mil fk-ctiiKcliL'ii WellrMi. Aim. I'hyH. Chciii., OU, 1898, 11)21 Wi'.l. Iic'iti'ii){e 7.ur Kenntiiiai* der Becquerelstralileii. Aim. I'lij-H. c;h<,Mn., (lit, 1899. 'jao-'ias. Dii8 Verliulteii dcH " KudiumH " bei tiefer Temperatur, Aim. IMijH., 2, 1900, Mr, :Vi7. Behrendsen, ll'[eniiT], Kin V'orkuniinun von .\ilvriitiv. I>lliin/,L'M /.u lUidurwdorf bei lierlin. [18H8.] liraiidunb. Hot. Vt-r. Will., :tO, 1889, 2H2--JtH'>. • Zur Ki'nntniH dcr bfrliiRT Adventivllora. [1H95.] linituk'iib. But. Ver. Vcili., 3n, 1898, 70 100. Behrens, (Mih.) . Hiuziliaii rainfall. [1888.] SyiMims, Muteorol. Mat,'., 2a, 1889, .09. Behrens, (1. Viu KeifunK und Itcfruclitiiii^ deg Forel- liuieics. Auat. Hefte {Abl. 1), 10, 1898, 227-285. Behrens, //. Diu FoitptlanzuiiK' der Scbnabeltbiere. |IMM-,. I Biol. Centibl., ',, |1886J, 7.5-78. Behrens, Ileinricli. Beitriige zur KntwiekelunKSKL'sdiiolite -131. Sur la structure niicroscopique et sur la trempe de I'acier et de la fonte. ,Kec. Trav. Cbim. Pays-Bas, 10, 1891, 261-270; Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 7. 1892, 132- 138. [Over de mikro-structuur van gebard staal.] [1891.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9. 1892, 123. Over de mikroskopische structnur van eeuige alliagcs. .\uisterdaiii, .KV. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 415-416. [Over alliages van koper en zink.] .\msterdam, Ak. Versl. en .Meded., 9. 1892, 430-431. Over de structuur van gedegen goud. [1893.] Anuter- diim, Ak. Versl.. [2 J, 1894, 79. Over de chemische constilutie vsn alliages. [1893.) Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., (2). 1894. 79-80. Over de samenstelling der alliages van ijzer met chromium en wolfram. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [2], 1894, 151-152. Experiences sur la formation de fissures, de csvitva et noyaux pierreux dans les cones de debris. Arch. Neer- laiid., 27, 1894, 149-172 ; Neues Jbuch. Min. (Ul« siinsi-t«.l Nutuiu, 21), 1884, 308-309. 'Over rt'Kfneratif-vcrschijnselen nan Ki'Hpleten veKctn- tiepuutcn vim BtcngulH en over lifktrvoiniing. [IHtiH.) Nederl. Kruidk. Aruli., i, 1886, (J3-105. Ovir noiiuiiU' wurtelknoppun. [1884.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 1, 1886, 162-lH(i. Ueber den Wei/.eiibastard Triticum nionococcuni ? x Triticuni dicocouin j . [1884.) Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 189-201. Gyiiodioecie bei Daucus carota, L. [1885.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 34.5-353. Ueber die Hiistiiide zwischen Triticum nionocuceuiii und Triticum dicoccuin. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 465-473. Beouuchtungen und BctrachtunKen iiber Wurzel- knospen und Ncbenwurzeln. Anislerdani, .\k. Verh., 25, 1887, 150 pp. Over liet Cecidium van Neiualus Capreie uan Salix amy)-dalina. Aiiisterilaiu, .\k. Versl. en Meded., 3, 1887, 11-21; Arch. Ni:erlaud., 21, 1887, 475-492; Bot. Ztg., 4G, 1888, 1-11, 17-27. The yaideniii-root disease. Gard. Chron., 1, 1887, 488. [Over de uitwassen aau de wortels der Piipilionaceeeii, Ela>agnaceeen , van .Minis en andere planlen.] [1887.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 4, 1888, 30O-301. Die Biuterien der Papilionnceen-Kni>llcheii. Bot. Ztg., 40, 1888, 725-735, 741-750, 757-771, 781-790, 797-802. [Over kruisingsproeven met kultuurgeret.] [1888.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 202. Over een middel oni de werking van verschilleude stoffen op den groei en enkele andere levensverricbtingen van microorganismen vast te stellen. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., (J, 1889, 123-128; Ztachr. Wiss. Mikr., (i, 1889, 374-375. L'auxanographie, ou la nielhode de rhydrodiSusion dans la gelatine appliquie aux recherches mierobio- logiques. Arch. Neerlaiid. , 23, 1889, 306-372. Le I'hotobacterium luminosum, bacterie lumineusc de la nier du Nord. Arch. Neerland., 23, 1889, 401—115; Maandbl. Nat.. 1889, 1-10. Les baeteries luuiineuses dans leurs rapports avec roxygciie. Arch. Nierland., 23, 1889, 416-427; Maandbl. Nat.. 1889, 11-18. Sur le k. tir. Arch. Nierland., 23, 1889, 428-444. Die Lactase, ein neues Enzym. Ceutrbl. Bakt., 6, 1889, 44-18. Over hot filter Pasteur-Chamberland. Maandbl. Nat., 1889, 10-20. Over gelatincculturen van eincellige groenwieren. Utrecht Piov. Genoot.scli. Aanieek., 1889, 35-52; Bot. Centrbl., 43, 1890. 142-145. Ein einfacher DiSusionsversuch. Ztschr. Phvsikal. Chem., 3, 1889, 110-112. [Over lichtvoedsel en plo-stisch vocdsel van licht- baoterien.] Amsterdam, \k. Versl. en Meded., 7, 1890. 237-238; Arch. Neerland., 24, 1891, 36U-442. L. Bki.ssnkii's Untersuchungen beziiglich der Retini- sporafrage. Bot. Ztg., 48, 1890. 517-.524, 533-511. Culturversuche mit Zoochlorellen, Lichcnengonidien und anderen niederen Algen. Bot. Ztg., 48, 1890. 725- 739, 741-754, 757-708, 781-785, xxxiv. Over bncteroiden in de onderaardsche knolletjes bij de IJhinanthaceiE. [1889.] Nederl. Kruidk. .Arch., 5, 1891, 437-439. Cultuurproeven met zoochlorellen, lichcnengonidien en andere lagcre wieren. [1890.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 8, 1891, 30-33. Kunstmatigp infectie van Vicia faba met BociIIuh radicicola. (iHtK).] Aiii«tcrdum, .\k. Versl.cn Modr(. 2), 1, 1893, So. 10, 51 pp. ; Arch. Neerland., 29. 1896. 1-08. - Bcricht iiber [sjeine Kulturen iiiedercr Algen auf Niihrgelatine. Centrbl. Bakt.. 13, 1893. :fi;8-373. Ueber AtmunKStigurenbeweghcherBaktcrien. Centrbl. Bakt., 14, 1893, 827-845. Notiz iiber den Nachweis von Protozoen and SpiriUen in Trinkwasser. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, lH-15. Ueber die Naturder Fiiden der PapilionaceenkooUchen. Centrbl. Bakt.. 15, 1894, 728-732. Ueber Thernioliixis l)ei Bacterium Zopfii. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 799. Schizosaccharomvce-s octosporus, cine achtsporige Alkoholhefe. Centrbl. Bakt., 16, 1894, 49-58; {Abl. 2). 3, 1897, 449-4.55, 518-52.5. Over siilfaatreductie door Spirillum desnlfuricans. 11894.) Ainsterduin. Ak. Versl., 3. 1898. 72-82 ; Centrbl. Bakt. {.Iht. 2), 1, 1896, 1-9. 4H-59. 104-114; Arch. Neerland.. 29. 1896. 233-277. Over het dichroismc in het geslacht Polygonum. [1894.) Nctlerl. Kruidk. Arch., 0, 1898, 325-330, (Krt. 509-510). Ueber Nachweis and Verbreitung der Glukase, das Enzvm der Maltose. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2). 1. 18M, 221-2-29, 20.5-271, 329-312. 521. Over de levensgesehiedenis van Cynips calicis, bare wisselgeneratie en de gailen daarvan. [1>^95.) .Amster- dam, Ak. Versl., 4, 1896, 01-62; Bot. Centrbl., CO, 1896, 327-328. Kulturversuche mit AmOben auf (eatem Sabatrate. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 19. 1896, 2-57-207; 21. 1897, 101- 102. Ueber eine Eigentfimlichkiit der loslichen Starke. Centrbl. Bakt. [Abt. 21. 2. 1896, 097-0'.«. Ueber die Einrichtung eiiier nonnalen Battersaure- giirung. Centrbl. Bakt. {Aht. 2), 2. 1896. t.99-701. Ueber Gallbildnng und tienerationswcchsel bei Cynips calicis nnd iiber die Circulansgalle. [ 1896.] Amsterdam, .\k. Verh. (.s>f«. 2), 5, 1897. So. 2, 43 pp.; Arch. Neer land.. 30. 1897, 387-444. EmuL^sions- und Sedimentfiguren bei beweglichen Baklcrieu. Centrbl. Bakt. (.li>l. 2), 3. 1897, 1-0, 40- 47. Ueber die Arten der Kssigbakterien. [1897.] Centrbl. Beijerinck] 414 LBeilstein Bakt. {Abt. 2), 4, 1898. 209-216; Aich. Neerland., 2, 1899, 180-189. Leber Kegeneration der Sporenbildung bei Alkohol- hefen, wo diese Funktioii im Verschwinden begriffeu ist. Ceutrbl. Bakt. {Aht. 2), 4, 1898, 657-663, 721-730; Arch. Neerland., 2, 1899, 269-289. — Xotiz uber Pleurococcus vulgaris. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 4, 1898. 78-5-787. Ueber ein Contagium fivum fluidum als Ursache der Fleckenkrankbeit der Tabaksblatter. [1898.] Amster- dam, Ak. Verb. {Sect. 6, 1899, So. -5, 22 pp. Amsterdam, Ak. Proe., 1, 1899, 170-176 ; Arch. Nter- land., 3, 1900, 164-186. Over zuurstof behoefte bij obligatanaeroben. On the relation of the obligatous anaerobics to free oxj'gen. [1898.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 19-32 ; Amsterdam, Ak. Proe., 1, 1899, 14-26 ; Arch. Neerland., 2, 1899, 397-411. Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatz von Herx-n Iwanowsky iiber die Mosaikkrankheit der Tabakspflanze. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), .5, 1899, 310-311. ■ Ueber Glukoside und Enzyme in den Wnrzeln einiger Spirieaarten. Centrbl. Bakt. (.!&(. 2), .5, 1899, 42.5-129. Over de indigovorming uit de weede (Isatis tinctoria). Ou the formation of iudigo from the woad (Isatis tinc- toria). [1899-1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 91-99; 9, 1901, 74-90; Amsterdam, Ak. Proe, 2, 1900, 120-129; 3, 1901, 101-116. Over de indigo-fermentatie. On indigo-fermentation. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 572-590; Amsterdam, Ak. Proe, 2, 1900, 495-512. Sur la production de quinone par le Streptothrix chromogena, et la biologie de ee microbe. Arch- Neer- land., 3, 1900, 327-340 ; Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 6, 1900, 2-12. Ueber die Wirkung des Benzylsenfols auf das Wachs- tum des Kahmpilzes. Centrbl. IJakt. {.ibt. 2), 6, 1900, 72. Sehwefelwasserstoffbildung in den Stadtgrabeu und Aufstellung der Gattung Aerobacter. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 6, 1900, 193-206. Noch ein Wort iiber die Sulfatreduktion in den Gewassern. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 6, 1900, 844. Over verschiliende vormen van erfelijke variatie bij mikroben. On different forms of hereditary variation of microbes. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 310-324; Amsterdam, Ak. Proe, 3, 1901, 352-365. Over het ontstaan van knoppen en knopvariaties bij Cytisus Adami. On the development of buds and bud- variations in Cytisus Adami. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, "336-342; Amsterdam, -Ak. Proe, 3, 1901, 36.5-371. Beijerinck, M. W., & Dam, J. ran. '[The remarkable sunsets. Sediment deposited after rain on December 13, 1883, at Wageningen.] [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 175. Beijerinck, il. H'., & Wijs, J. ./. .-I. De aardnoot en de aardnoten-olie. (Delftsche sla-olie.) Haailem Kolon. Mus. Bull., [12], 1896, 42-47. Beilby, George 7'[/iOHi. ron. Unter- ^uchungen iiber die Basicitiit der Antimonsiiure. [1888.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 97-116. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung des .Antimons. [1889.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 201-207. ■ Ueber die Bestimmung des Natrons neben Kali. [1889.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 209-211. Beilstein, Fr[iedneh Konrad], it Orosset, Theudor. Ueber die Analvse der schwefelsauren Thonerde. [1889.] St. I'etirsb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890. 147-153. Beilstein, Fr{iedricli Konrad\, A Lutlier, It[obert Thomas Diedrich]. Ueber ein neues Verfahren zur Trennung des Eisenoxyds von der Thonerde. [1890. ] St. Pi5tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 1.5.5-164. Beilsteinl 415 f Beketov Bellsteln, Fi\ieilrich Konrml], it Rlnns, li. I'cbcr die Hi>-tiiiiiiiun« (les Glycerins uiid rljc Aiiiilvnedc« Waclises. St. I'l liTBb. Ac. Sci! Bull., ,'., 1896, 'Jm:) 2!i.3. BeUiteln, I'r\iedrich h'oiirinl], A WleKand, i:\iigtii]. Veber cine niMK' Bildungswtiw ilt-r Hri'n/.triiubenKaure. Berlin, Cheni. (ipH. Her.. 17. 1884, HlO-Mia. Uc'ber AnBelikaKiiiiru und TiKlniBiiiiro. Berlin, Chem. GeB. Ber., 17, 1884, 22(il-2'jra. TJclicr finit;c ungei'iittit.'ti' VcrliindunRcn der Fettreihc. Berlin. Chem. (ieH. Ber., IS, 1886, 4M1 483. Beln, [dnirii]. Ueber Mnniiislmktiriou. Wien. Med. WBchr., 47, 1897, 205.3. Beta, .S| i(/;'»mum(]. Ziir Axphalt-AnalyBe. Repcrtui. .\nal. Chem., C, 1886, 33-;!r.. Eine nciie indirekte Fluorbeetiinniuni;. Rcpertni. Anal. Cliem., •;, 1886, 169-17.5. Ueber die quantitative Abscheiduni; nnd Hestimraun)' des Zinks. Kepertni. Anal. Chem., (>, 1886. 27.")-283. .Vrsen in Tapeten. Chem. ZtR., II, 1887. .527. Anal.v.>*pn einijjer Biere aus dem Ziureksiben Lnbora- toriiini. Hupertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 3!l7~3!tM. Methode und .\p| arat znr t'eiiaiien lie.slimmnni; des Entziindiin(;R- bez. Detonationspnnktci von .Spieng- stoffen. Ztschr. An^ew. Chem., 1889, 667-<)69. Ueber den Nachwcin der Dotterfarbstofle. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23. 1890, 421-422. Eine exacte Methode zur He.'61. Beln, llilh) [Arnold]. Beitrage zur experimentellen Be- Htimnuing von Ueberfiihrungszahlen in Salzlosungen. Ann. Phvs. Chem., 4(1. 1892. 29-70. Verfahreu zur Elektrohse chemischer Verbindungen und zur Gewinnung ihrer Zersetzunk'sprodukte oline Benutzung von Diaphragmen. [1895.] Ztschr. Elek- troch., 1898-96, .346-347. Ziir Bestimmung der Ueberfiihrung bei der Elektro- lyse verdiinnter wiisseriger Salzlosungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 27, 1898, l-')4. Einige Versuche iibei die Aliliiingigkeit der I'eber- fiihrnngen von Salzen von der liesehaffeiilieit der Meni- branen, wulche die Elektrodenl.osungen voneinander trennen. Ein Beilrag zu dem Verhalten von Membranen gegen Salzlosungen. Ztschr. I'hv.^ikal. Chem., 28, 1899, 439-4.52. Bainert, Carl Chrixtiau. For biograpliical notice »fe Hreslnii. Schles. Ges. .Iber.. 1893 {Alith. 2fc), 17-18. Betnllng, A'., cV Bebrens, Jnhdiiufs. Ueber Tabaksamen nnd .\iizuclit der Setzlingu. Laiidw. Versuchs-Stat., 40 1892. 339-349. BoUsel, Iijtui:. For biographical notice and works tee Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1888 IProc.-Vfrb.), 193- 193. Die Foraminiferen der Aachener Kreide. [Xach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgegeben, iiiid mit einer Ein- leitiing versehen von E. Hoi.zapfkl.] Preuss. Geol. Lundesanst. Abh.. 3, 1891, 78 pp. Belasner, llmis. Die Zwischensubstanz des Hodens und ihre Bedeutung. .\rch. Mikr. Anat.. .51, 1898. 794-820. Der Bail der samenableitenden Wege bei Hana ru.oca nnd Rana escnienta. .\rch. Mikr. Anat. ,.53. 1899, lt).8-179. Balasncr, Lludwig]. Ueber Jupendformen von PHanzen, specicll von Coniferen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888. Ixxxiii-lxxxvi. Coniferes de Chine. [Tr.] [1896.] Xuovo Giorn. Bot. Itttl.. 4, 1897, 183-187. Ueber verschiedene Entwickelungsstadien, zumal Jugendformen von Pflanzen. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1897, 128-135. Durch KnOHfienvariation entstandenc Pflanzenfonnen. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1898, 30-12. Conitcres dc Chine. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 166-170. Coniferes de Chine, recolU-» par le rev. pcre Joseph GiiiALOi dans le Shensi septentrional et milTidional. [Italia], Soc. Hot. Bull., 1899, 3(J9-311. Pllanzcnphysiologii-chn Betrachtungen, Bonn Nieder- rhein. Gen. Sber., 1900, 6-18. BelsswaenKcr, //. Zur Verbreitung des Milzbrande.^ in Wiirtt. nilK-rg. Ztschr. Hyg.. 8, 1890, 179-188. Beitler, C. Ueber da* Chloropriil*iiiochrom. Berlin, ibiiii. Ges. Ber., 31. 1898, ir,4j4-1610. BeltUr, A[llirrt]. Uelx-r digitalinartige Reaklion v.m li.siundteilen der Chinarinde. Arch. Pbarm., 2.35, 1897. 137-143. BeiTlnlUer, n'illirlm. Das Brahma-Huhn. [Tr.] Wien Urnith. Ver. Mitth., 18, 1894, 11-1.3, 26-28. 43-44. BejnaroWc, .S. A'. Sur la question de I'immanite contre la |>este bubonique. Premiere communication. Durec de I'lnimunite passive. Essais d'immunis.ttion au moyen des injections combinees de serum aDti|>esteuz et de microbes pesteiix. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 6. 1898, 234-2.54. Bek. .SVt' Kazem-Bek. Bekaert, .(., ,v Bemptlnne, Alfxondre [Paul] dr. See KemptlnDe A Bekaert. Bekarevlc, .V. () ll I.KOTOpUXT. aiIONa.liAXl, BCTpt- MMliilUllxrM y Syrinpa vnlgaris, /,.. Galium mollugo, /. , II Campanula patula, /,. [Ue quelques anomalies ren- contrees chez la Syringa vulgaris, le Galium moll ago et la Campanula patula.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Proo. . 188a-M, Append. So. 88, 4 pp. ; Arch. Slaves Biol., 4, 1887. 23'.t. Bake, .Ui ( = £ni':]. fWiT, IIHMtHniill ortvua iipii i>i'>i»a.iOBaHiii jieTaj.iiiiecKiixi OKiicort. [Ueber die Veriinderung des Volumens bei der Bildang von Metalloxyden.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 19 C'l.-ni.l. 1887. .57-60; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Btr.. 20. 1887 (Het.). 189-190. Recherches sur I'energie de combioaison. Les oxydea de potassium et de lithium. [1887.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. BuU., 32, 1888, 1^6-193. Beketov] 416 [Belfanti [0 no.iyiicHiii jiyoii;i,ifl ii o TeiuioTf. OKiiojioiiiH cro. Uel)er die Bildungswiinne des Kubidiumoxyds und Hvdrats.l Kiiss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20, 1888, 363-365; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888 (Rrf-), i'H- 425. HsdiipaTejibHoe xiimii'icckoo cjioactbo. LSe- lective chemical affinity.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. .Jl., 20 (Clicm.), 1888, 52.')-.'i33; Chem. Soc. Jl., 56, 1889 (Abs.), 332-33.5. Etude siir I'energie de combinaison du rubidium. [1888-89.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 117- 118, 173-175. [iI>llH!IKO-XIIMnqeCKia jaUHHil O UCHill. Physico- chemical data for cfEsium.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 22 (Chem.). 1890, 364-365. Siir la reduction du cesium. [1890.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 169-170. Drs projirietes physico-chimiques du cesium et de son hydrate. [1890.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 171-173. Experiences sur I'influence de la vapeur d'eau et de differents paz sur la combustion d'un melange d'oxyde de carbone et d'hvdrogine. [1890.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 17.5-177. Note sur la chaleur de combinaison du brome et de I'iode avec le magnesium. [1891.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 291-292. 0 jitficTBiii BO,iopoj,a na 6e3Bo,;Hy[o okiici, Iiesiil. [De Taction de I'hydrogene sur I'oxyde de cesium anhvdre.] [1893.] Russ. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 25 (C/i™i.),1893, 433-134; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 36, [1894], 247-249. Determination thermochimique de Paction du cesium metallique et de son oxyde anliydre sur I'eau. [1892.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Biill., 35, 1894, 541-544. De quelques proprietes physico-chimiques des sels haloides du cesium. [1893.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 36, [1894], 197-199. 0;i,Ha iiat BtpoHTHHXT. niiiiiiiHT) BCTpacxaHiH .MOjioity.iJipHoii ;i.ienTponpoBnji,HocTii no sif.pl; paSiKlIiKelliH CO.IHHMXT. paCTBOpOBTi. [Molecular conductivity of dilute solutions.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 (Chem.), 1894, 6.5-67; Chem. Soc. Jl., 70, 1896 {Abs., Pt. 2), 348. Hiic.TbjiOBaiiie ii35ri;noHifl oC'seMa iipii o6pa- aoBaidii iojiicTaro cepe6pa iisi. BjieMeHTOBi. ii yjl,t.jn>Huri Bt.CT, HtII,HKarn iojI,a. [Du changement de volume pendant la formation de I'iodure d'.argent par les ^l^ments et la densite de I'iode liquide.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 4, 1896, 361-363; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 2H (Chem.), 1896, 212-213; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 16, 1896, 1498-1499. ■ TlpiiMoe oiipe;itjieHie TerLion, o6pa30Baiiiii ra.TOi[ji.Hijxi. coeAiiHeniH. BpoMiicTMu ajiioMiiiiiil. [Determination directe de la chaleur de formation des sels haloides des metaux. Le bnmiure d'aluminium.] [1898.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (Chem.), 1898, 874-876; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 10, 1899, 79-81. [0!ipf!ji,t.ieHie TPii.ioTi, ofiiiaaoBaiiiii ra.toii,i,- HUX'I. COejlUHPHiii. IIpo.'tO.VfKCllie. [Determination directe de la chaleur de formation des sels haloides des m(5taux. Suite.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 10, 1899, xxxix-xl. Beketov, Nikoltij N[iJ!<>lt Jakovlev, . See Jakovlev & Belcov. Belcov, .1. Zur Frage der Mikroorganismen bei Pyamie. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 370-373. Zur Regeneration des Epitliels der Harnblase. Virchow. Arch., 97, 1884, 279-288. Belden, .1. IC, it Venable, F[raiik] P[reston'i. See Venable it Belden. Beldlng, I.ymnn. Description of a new thrush from Calaveras county, California. [1889.] California Ac. Proc, 2, 1890, 18-19. The small thrushes of California. [1889.] California Ac. Proc, 2, 1890, 57-72. Land binls of the Pacific district. California Ac Occ. Pap., 2, 1890. 274 pp. Song of the western meadowlark. Auk, 13, 1898, 29- 30; 15, 1898, .56-57. B^liguic, (cripit.) E. C. *Les causes qui determinent raltoriianee dea courants e.". Iliol.). •27H-->'M. Belfantl, Seni/ino, & Carbons, Tito. Contributo alia conoHoenza dell' antitogsiDa difterica. Arcb. Sci. Med., 22, 1898, 9-35. Belfanti, Scra/nin, & BIya, Giuteppe. See Mya iV Belfantl. Belfanti, Serii/iiw, A Fescarolo, /?. Ucber cine iii'iie pHll]o^;('np Bacterium-Art, iiitileckt im TctaiiUHiuaterial. t'entrbl. liakt.. 4, 1888. .",i:i-.-,l'.). Neuer licitrud /iiin bakteii. 1889, 680-682, 710-712; •i. 1889, 283-28J, SOCi-ltdll. Belfantl, Sernfuw, & Vedova, {Trmii'tocle] delta. Siir r<'liiiliifriL. Ac I'oz^ne et sur sa cunibilite avec la B<5ro- tb.'iapic. Arelt. Ital. Hiol., 25, 1896, 321-325. Belfast Naturalists' Field CInb, Cinnmitlee. [Report on tbe liurne (jr.ivels and the position in them of the Hint rtake.s and cores for which they are noted.] [1886- 89.] Belfast Field Club Bep., 2, 1888, 519-330; 3, 1893. 198-210. Belforti, I'hiiUln. Carburo di calcic. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 27, 1896, 111-96. L'ueetilene come gas illuminante. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 27, 1895, 281-295. L'iricroniatina. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 31, 1899, 54. L'aria liquida e le sue applicazioni. Riv. Sci.-Iud., 31, 1899, 6.5-68. Belgrand, K[iitiene]. To reference in No. 7 {Vol. 1) ndd Friince Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 4, 1886, I't. 2, 17-47. To reference in No. 2 {Vol. 7) add France Soc. Metcorol. Annu., 6, 1858, Pt. 2, 12-18. *De I'intlnenee des forets sur recoulement des eaux pluviales (complement de la notice lue dans la si^ance dn 12 juillet 1853). France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1854, Pt. 1, 81-87. *I)e la simultaneite des pluies qui prodnisent les crues des grands cours d'eau couipris entre Ic plateau central de la France, les chaines du Jura et des Vosges et la frontiere de Belgiqne. Application a I'organisatiou des services hvdrometriques. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1864," Pi. 1, 140-151. *Sur les crues de la Seine. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 4, 1866, Pt. 2, 101-102. '[L'averse tombte a Paris Ic 21 mai 18-57.] France Soc. Metcorol. Annu.. 5, 1867, Pt. 2, 179-185. 'Note sur I'hvdromimetre. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1868, Pi. 2, 21-24. 'Note sur les secheresses de 1857 et 1858. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1868, Pi. 2, 246-254. 'Note sur la temperature des eaux it, Paris, du ler juillet 1856 au 30 juin 1858. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 7, 1869, Pi. 2, 34-41. 'Details sur la grande averse de pluie tombee a Paris. le 16 juillet 1860. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 8, 1860. Pi. 2, 153-155. 'Notice sur les observations pluviometriques en 1858, 1859 et 1800. France Soc. Miteorol. .innu., 9, 1861. Pt. 2, 54-61. 'Note sur le puits de Passy. France Soc. Miteorol. Annu., 9, 1861. Pt. 2. 124-129," 185-198. 'Observations pluviometriques faites en 1861 dans le bassin de la Seine. France Soc. Metcorol. Annu., 11, 1863. Pt. 2, 76-81. 'Des grands debordements de la Seine k Paris. France Soc. Meteorol. Anna., 12, 1864, Pt. 2, ;264-280. 'Notice sur le regime de la pluie dans le bassin de la Seine pendant les annees 1862 et 1863. [iri(/i ductution.] France Soc. Meti^orol. Annu., 13, 1866, Pt. 2, 9-31. 'Note sur le bouillon de niai. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu.. 15. 1867 {Bull.), 205. • '[Averse a Clermont-l'H^rault, lea 17 et 18 octobre R. s. A. C. 1868.] France Soc. Mi^t4iorol. Nouv. M^tt^-orol., 1, 1868, 314. 'Note sur le regime des pluies et des coura d'eau dans le baxsin de la .Si-ine k ri''po<|ue yuaternairc, c'egl-a-dire a 1 Tige de la piernr taillcr ou du miimmouth. France Soc. .M.l/-.irol. Annu., 17,1869 lllull.). 145-17H. Belgrand, K[uii'rHe], k I>«moine, Henrgen. To reference ]M .Nm. 2 {Vol. 7) adil FraiicK Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 14, 1866 {Hull.), 16'2-'208. To references in No. 3 {Vol. 9) add France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., '22, 1874 (/(««.). 161-HM5. 'Note Hur les orages et les pluies du 30 mai 1867 dans le bassin de la Seine. France Soc. M nailopOTIIIIKOB'I.. [Sur la germination des microspores chez les Hydropterides.] [1890.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1890-91 (C. R., Bin!.), No. 5, 7-8. Zur Lehre von dem Pollenschlauche der Gymno- spernien. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 9, 1891, 280-286; 11, 1893, 196-201. 0 MPToxli npiiroTOB.ienifl pacTHTejtHHX^ iipeiiapaTOB'i) npii iiomoihii MiiitpoTOMa ii iipeji- BaiiiiTCjibHaro ,ia.iiiBaiiiH iixi. bi. iiapa(|iiiHii. [Proced^ pour laire des coupes de plantes au microtome.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Biol.), No. 1, 6. 0 MeToji,!; iiiiitroTOB.iieuifl iipenapaTOBt hst. MirKpOCKOIIllHeCKII Me.lKlIXl. oC'beKTOBT.. [Sur le montage des preparations faites d'objets niicroscopiques.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Biol), No. 1, 6-7. 0 in.T.ii>ii,PBOM Tpyfint. ro.ioctMJiHHUxi,. [Sur le tube polliniquecluz les (ivmnospermea.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Biol.), No. 2, 5-7. 0 itapioKiiiio:)'!; bT) MaTepmiCKHXT) KJit,Ticaxii IlUJIIiUIil y Larix. [Sur la caryocinese dans les cellules mdrea de pollen chez le Larix.] [1892.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1892-93 {C. R., Biol), No. 2, 6-9, No. 3, 23-26; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1893, 446-447. 0 IIM.II.UCBI.IX'I. Tjiy^Kaxii. [Ueber die Pollen- Bchliinche.] [1892.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1892-93 (C. /;., Biol), No.i. 4 & 5, 3-6; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1893, 445-446. 0 CTpOCllill II pa3BIITiH aUTCpOSOlIAOBT). [Sur le developpement des cils des anth(''rozoides.] Varsovie Soc. Nut. Trav. (,1/rm.), 2, 1892, A'(i. 6, 49 pp.; Varsovie Soc. Nat. Tniv., 1891-92 (C. R., Biol.), No. 7, 12-13. Ueber Ban und Entwickelung der Spermatozoiden der Pflanzen. Flora, 79, 1894, 1-48. Zur Kenntniss der Karvokinese bei den Pflanzen. [1894.] Flora, 79, 1894, 430-441; Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1894-95 (C. R.), No. 1, 2-4. KT) Boiqiocy oCt> oii.iojoTBopeniii y xbohhuxi,. [Contribution to the question of fertilization in Conifers.] [1894.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav.. 1894-95 (C. 1!.), No. 1, 1-2. • 0 sa-iiiBaHiii bti iiapa(}iiiH'b HisKOTopuxi. paCTIITe.lI.HIJX7. IipeiiapaTOBf.. [On the immersion in paraffin of some plant preparations.] [1894.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1894-95 (C. R.), No. 3, 59-60. MeTa5iop(l)03i. K.it,Ti;ii iipii cnepiiaToreHesI; IiailopOTHlIKOBl). [Metamorphosis of the cell during spermatogenesis of Hydropterideae.] [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., Biol.), No. 1, 14-10. AHTep0301IIH XBOmeit. [Antherozoids of Equi- setum.] [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1896-96 (C. R., Biol.), No. 1, 17-20. 0 HhltOTOpHXT. npOTIIBOpliqiHXl. B1> ll3C.lt,- ji,OBaHiHXT> KapioKiineTii>iecKaro ;;t.ieHiK a.iepi. y jiaCTeHiil. [Einige Streitfragen in den Untersuch- ungen iiber die Karyokinese.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., Biol.), No. 3, 2-4; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, 345-349. Til. BOiipncy o cipoeniii xpoMOcoiri,. [On the structure of chromosomes.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1896-96 (('. R., Biol), No. 4, 14-16. C'X0,1,CTB0 Ht.KOTopiJXl JIB.ieHiri BT, fliepJUXTO- reHe3i; y wiibothmxi, ii paexeHin. [Ueber die Aehnlichkeit einiger Er-iicheinungen in der Sperraato- geuese bei Thieren und Ptianzen.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., Biol). No. 5, 9-11; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, 342-345. 0 iipiioop'li jiJifl iipoMUBaiiifl npcMiaparoni,. [On an apparatus for washing preparations.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., Biol), No. 5, 12-13. Ueber den Nebenkern in spermatogenen Zellen und die Spermatogenese bei den Farnkrautern. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, 337-339. Ueber die Spermatogenese bei den Schachtelhalmen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, 339-342. lie noBOjiy cfiopHiiKa CxPACbypFEPa "Cytolo- gische Studien." [On Stb.isbcrgek's ' ' Cytologische Studien.'"] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 (Biol), No. 4, 4-8. — — Die verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen den Phanerogamen und den Cryptogamen im Lichte der neuesten Forschungen. [1897.] Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 209-218. Ueber die miinnlichen Prothallien der Wasserfarne (Hydropterides). Bot. Ztg., 56. 1898 (.i/illi. 1), 141-194. Ueber die Eeductioiistheihmg des Pflanzenkernes. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 16, 1898. 27-34. Ueber die Cilienbildner in den spermatogenen Zellen. Deutsch. Bot. (ies. Ber., 16, 1898, 140-144. 0 ueHTpocoiiaxT, bi, ciiepMaToreHHHxi, K.iil;!- KaX'b. [Ueber die Centrosome in den spermatogenen Zellen.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1898 {lUol), r> pp.; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 17, 1899, 199 205, (293). 0 i)p,iyi;iuoiiiioMb Al'-iciiiii ii;ti'|)ii y pacTeiiifi. [On reductional divisicin of the nuclei in plants. | Var.sovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1898 (liiol), 10 pp. 0 I'aMooiiM.icMiii II iio]K'Kp('(-ni(iMi. iiiii.i.iciiiii pa:i.iii'iiil.ixi. coproin, riiyiin, ii Jiri.iotii.. [On self- pollination and cross pollination of different sorts o{ pears Beljaev] 419 [Bell iiiid appleg.] Vnrsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1900 ]■> pp. Beljankin, /iviii I[r(ni(Wir]. lir.lllii.VI. TOIK.U'l'TBa liKiii.i'iiiii'.Mca HI. Tcoiiiii niiii'pi'.i.iiinTii'R'cKMxi. llllTcrpa.lOII'l.. [Deramistration i\v I'iderititu de Wkikh- BTiiAHs ilaiiH la thi'orie dfs inti-k'niles hyperelliptiqueB.] Kazan Soc. I'livs.Matli. liiill., '.I. 1900, 3-5-:i7. Hroixiii ,uii|i(|ic|>i'iiui:i.ii.iii.iii iiapasicrpi. KBa,v liani'iiioii 111. ,i.iii|M|icpi'iiuia.]axi. iii<>p.MiJ n ll(':ianiIcilMliIX1. llopi'.Mi.lllll.IXI.. [Sur le Kecond paraiiu'tru de la forme dilTirentielle (|iiudTati(|ue. ] [I'.IUO.] Kazan Soc. Phys.-Matli. Bull., 10, 1901, 181- 18li. roOMPrpiI'U'CKaJl TCO])eMa. [Th(''orime de gio- metrie.] 1 1000.] liec. Math. (Moscou), 21, [1901], iCl-UV-i. BiUdn, r. r. BeitiiiRp zur Kenntniss der Quillaja-Rinde in plmrniakci(,MK)-itiseher Hinsicht. I'liariu. Ztschr. Kus-land, 27, 1888, 7.0a-701, 7011-778, 7«9-7'J4, 806-814, H'i'_>-H'.'8. Belknap, (liear-Adm.) George E[iigeiie]. 'Die Tiefseeloth- UMtjeu nnd hydri.Riaphischen ForBchunRen des V. S. D. Timrdrorii iin niirdlichen Stillen Ocean. Hjdrogr. Mitth., 2 (1874), 2K.-)-290. •KcilienteniperaturBeobachtungen im Kuro-siwo und am niirdlichen Kande desselben, anKestellt an Bord des V. St. D, Tuscarorci zwiaclicii .Japan und dcr In.sel Tanaga (Aleuten) im .Juni und Juli 1871. Ann. der Hydrogr., 3 (1875), 340 343. *A singular meteoric phenomenon. Science, 1, 1883, 4-5. Observations of comets at the U.S. Naval Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 113, 1886, 2.57-2()0. The depth of the Pacific off the east coast of Japan, with a comparison of other oceanic depths. [1890.] Japan Asiat. Sor. Trans., Ml, 1891, 1-15. .SVf* (lUo U.S. Naval Observatory. BelkowBky, •/. M. Kxperimentelles zur Pathologic des HiickLiimarkcs. All^-. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 50, 1899, '.11-100. BeUcy, Jdnos. For bionra))liical notice and works see Tei-mt. Kozliin., 25, 1893, 631. A Tisza-Eszlari biinvad, tiirv^nyszeki orvostani szem- pontb61. [The Tisza-Eszlar criminal case from the forensic point of view.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Orv. S:iik). 1884, .53-72. Adatok a legnemii mergek hat«s;inak ismeretehez. [Beitriige zur Kenntniss dcr Wirkung dcr gasfilrmigen Oifte.] Oi-vos-Termt. Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1886, 117-130; Virchow, Arch., 106, 1886. 148-165. BeU, Aluilreu] /.[.■<•<]. The influence of a previous sire. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 30, 1896, 259-274. Bell, A[lexander] Monliiovterie. Remarks on the flint implements from the chalk plateau of Kent. [1893.] Authrop. Inst. Jl., 23, 1894, 266-284. On the Pleistocene gravel at Wolvercote, near Oxford. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1894, 663-664. BeU, A[ijrippa] S[eh(>ii]. The history, practical applica- tion and cllicieucy of steam as a disinfectant. [With discussion.] Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (I'o/. 4), 565-581. BeU, Alexander Graham. 'Upon the formation of a deaf varietv of the human race. [1883.] Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 2, 1884, 179-262. Deafness in white cats (and statistics of deafness and epilepsy in America]. Science, 3, 1884, 171, 243-244. Is there a correlation between defects of the senses ? Science, 6, 1886, 127-129. The hypothesis of potential energ)'. Science, 11. 1888, 196." A rare phenomenon. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 79. («/«/.), in mechanical flight.] Nature, Paris. Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, of 141; [Ex|)erimcntH (1896), --O. • Sur le vol m^canique 1896, 1179-1180. I A Huccenstul trial of the aerodrome.] Science, 3, 1896, 754. On the development by selection of supernumerary inaiiiina' in Hlieep. Science, 9, 1899, 637-639. BeU, Alfred. Fossil Tertiary Polyzoa of the higher zones, and note on the scarcity of Eocene Polyzoa. Brit. Ass. Il<:|)., 1886, 666-672. The succession of the later Tertiaries in Oreat Britain. Gcol. Mag., 3. 1886, 67-78. First [to fourth reports] of the Committee ..for the purpose of reporting upon the " manure " gravels Wexford. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1887, 209-211 ; 1888. 133 1889, 92-93; 1890, 410-424. Post-glacial insects. Entomologist, 21, 1888, 1-2. British Upper Tertiary corals. Geol. Mag., 5, 1888, 28-29. Notes upon the marine accumulations in Largo Bay, Fife, and at Portrush, Countv Antrim, North Ireland. [1H90.] Edinb. Phys. .S.h:. Proc., 10, 1891. 290-297. Notes on some Post-Tertiary marine dc|)Osit8 on the south coast of England. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 47, 1891 {Proc). 172-173. Notes on the correlation of the Later and Post-Pliocene Tertiaries on either side of the Irish Sea, with a reference to the fauna of the St. Erth valley, Cornwall. [1892.] Irish .\c. I'roc. 2, 1891-93, 620-642. Notes on a Post -Tertiary deposit in Sniwex. York«. Phil. Soc. Kep.. 1892, 58-78. ■ The glacial fauna of King Edward, in Banffshire. [1892.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 12. 1894, 20-22. On a deposit in Largo Bay. [1892.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 22-24. [The fauna of the raised sea bottom of Fillyside, and of the Largo Bay deposits.] [1892.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 24-26. Tertiary deposits in north Manxland. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 783.' A synopsis of the Crustacea and Echinodermata of the Upper Tertiaries. Yorks. Pliil. Soc. Rep., 1896, 1-12. Pleistocene fossils from Co. Antrim. Irish Natlist., 8, 1899, 210-211. On the Pliocene shell-l>eds at St. Erth. [1897.] Cornwall Geol. Soc. Trans., 12, [1904J, lll-16<4.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 7. 1888, 425. 53—2 Bell] 420 [Bell Notes on the geology of Oban. [1884.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 8, 1888, llG-133. On the glacial phenomena of Scotland, with reference to the reports of the Boulder Committee of the Eoyal Society of Edinburgli. [1887-88.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans], 8, 1888, -237-254, 2.54-201, Ul. On a glacial monnd in Glen Fruin, Dumbartonshire. [1891.] Geol. Mag., 8, 1891, 415-418; Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 9, 1893, 34.5-3.54. The great winter: a chapter in geology. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 22, 1891, 261-283. On the alleged proofs of submergence in Scotland during the glacial epoch. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 713- 714. Phenomena of the glacial epoch: ii. The "great submergence." [1889.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 9. 1893, 100-138. On the alleged proofs of submergence in Scotland during the glacial epoch, i. Chapelhall, near Airdrie. [ii. Cla%'a and other northern localities.] [1892-9G.] Gla-sgow Geol. Soo. Trans., 9, 1893, 321-344; 10, 1896, 105-120, 377-378. A short preliminary note on some glacial mounds in the neighbourhood of Lochg. Mammalian longevity. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), )H6 ; V,0 (1899), 30-31." Bell, F[rancis] Jeffreij. On the species of Pseudoboletia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 108-111. Note on some parasites of fishes from Madras deter- mined by Dr. Oeiu.ey. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 173-175. A second note on Pentastomum polyzonum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 92-93. Notes on the structural characters of the spines of Echinoidea. (Cidarid*.) Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 846- 850. A rare British holothurian. Nature, 30, 1884, 146- 147, 193-194, 335. On the generic position and relations of Eohinanthus tumidus. Woods. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 40-44. Contributions to the systematic arrangement of the Asteroidea. il The species of Oreaster. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 57-87. Studies in the Holothuroidea. in. On Amphicyolus, a new genus of dendrochirotous holothurians, and its bearing on the classification of the family, [iv. On the structural characters of the cotton-spinner (Holo- thuria nigra), and especially of its Cuvierian organs. V. Further notes on the cotton-spinner, vi. Descrip- tions of new species.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 2.53-258, 372-376, 563-565; 1887, 531-534. Notes on a collection of Eehinodermata from Australia. [1884.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1885, 496-507. Notice of two Lumbrici with bifid hinder ends. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 475-477. On the echinoderm fauna of the island of Ceylon. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 1065. Recent advances in zoology ; with especial reference to the origin of the Vertebrata. ' Zoologist, 9, 1885, 281-293. Note on a nematoid worm (Gordius verrucosus) obtained by Mr. H. H. Johnston on Kilima-njaro. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1885, 236. Description of a new species of minyad (Minyas torpedo) from north-west Australia. [1885.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 19, 1886, 114-116. On a species of Echinocardium from the Channel Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 516-517. [Grouse disease.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 6, 1886, 1107; 1887, 699-700. Bipalium keweuse. Micr. Soc. Jl., 6, 1886, 1107-1108. Some of the ways in which animals breathe. Zoologist, 10, 1886, 305-318. Note on Bipalium keweuse and the generic characters of laud planarians. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 166-168. Description of a new species of Distomum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 116-117. Description of a new species of Nucleolites, with re- marks on the subdivisions of the genus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 125-127. Description of a new species of Evechinus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 403-405. Note on the variations of Ainpliiura Chiajii, Forbes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 411-413. A forgotten species of Peripatus. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 709-770. A note on the relations of helminth parasites to grouse disease. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 770. The echinoderm fauna of the island of Ceylon. [1887.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 643-658. Holothurians or sea-slugs. Zoologist, 11, 1887, 41-47. Report on a collection of Eehinodermata from the Andaman Islands. Zool. Soc. Proc 1887, 139-145. Eehinodermata. [Report on a zoological collection made by the ollicers t>f H.M.S. I'li/iufi-Fisli, on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean.] Zool. Soc Proc, 1887, 523. A new Victorian starfish. [1887.] Victorian Natlist., 4, 1888, 118-119. Notice of a remarkable opluurid from Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 368-370. Belli 421 [Bell Description of Xiphigorgia Ridlcyi. Ann. Mag. Nut. Hi8t., 2, 1888, 17fi-177. Notes oil icliinodirinH collbctcil at Port I'liillip liy Mr. J. llniccliriilnu Wii.kon. Ami. Mag. Nat. Hist., 'I, 1888, 101 107. On till' ]''.iliinoiIfrmata of tlic Sea of Bengal. Hrit. Ahs. It.].., 1888, 71H. Note on the lur^e size of the spicules of Aois orieutalis. Micr. Soc. .11., 1888, '.I21-'J22. Descriptions of four new species of ophiurids. Zool. Soc. Pioc, 1888, ■JH1-2H4. Hepcirt on a collection of ccliinoderniB made at Tuti- corin, Mluln^^i, Ijy Mr. Eilfjar Tni hston. C.M.Z.S., Superintenileiit, Government Central Museum, Madras. Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1888, 3W3-3M!). On the holotliurians of the Mergui Archipelago col- lected lor the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta by Dr. John Ashkuson, Superintendent of the Museum. [1886.] Linn. Soc. .11. (/.oi,l.), '21, 1889, •-'') 28. Note on a remarkably large specimen of Luidia from the island of Mauritius. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, 422-423. [Report of a deep-sea trawling cruise off the S.W. coast of Ireland, under the direction of Kev. W. Spotswood GiiKicx, M.A., F.R.G.S.J Kchinodermata. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, \:Vl~\\r,. Additions to the eehinoderm fauna of the Bai' of Bengal. Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1889, (J-7. Descriptions of some new or rare species of plexaurids. Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1889, 47-49. On the generic name of Asterias sanguinolenta, 0. F. Mailer. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., t;, 1890, 472-473. Notes on the echinoderms collected by Mr. BoriixE in deep water off the south-west of Ireland, in H.M.S. Research. [18i)0.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 1, 1889-90, 324-32G. Stray notes on the nomenclature, etc., of some British startishea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 233-23.5. .\8teria8 rubens and the British species allied thereto. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 409-479. Description of a new species of Tristomum from Histiophorus brevirostris. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 534-.53.5. On the arrangement and inter-relations of the classes of the Kchinodermata. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 206-215. Some notes on British ophiurids. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 337-344. Ad liistoriam Cucumaria;. .\nn. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 406. Observations on a rare starfish, Bathybiaster vexil- lifer. Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1891. 22S-231. Description of a new speciesof .\ntedon from Mauritius. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9, 1892, 427-428. On the echinoderms collected by the ss. Fingal in 1890, and by the ss. Harlequin in 1891, off the west coast of Ireland. [1892.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 7, 1891-92, .'120-529. A contribution to the classification of opbiuroids, with descriptions of some new and little known forms. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 175-183. [Remarks on the habitat of Bipalium kcwense.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892. 258. On the characters and variations of Pontaster tenui- spinis. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 430-433. On the names or existence of three exotic starfishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 12, 1893, 2.5-29. Singular swarms of Hie.s. Nature, 48 (1893), 127. On Odontaster and the allied or synonymous genera of asteroid echinoderms. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 259-262. On a small collection of crinoids from the Sahul bank, North Australia. [1892.] Linn. Soc Jl. {Zool.), 24, 1894, 339-341. Note on three species of river-crabs of the genus Thelphusa, from specimens collected in eustem Africa by Dr. J. W. Uurooiiy, Mr. H. H. Joiinhtos. C. B., and .Mr. I'". .). Jackson. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 160. ■ On the echinoderms collected during the voyage of H.M.S. I'eiiijitin and by H.M.S. lOiirta, when surveying Macclesfield' bank. Zool. Soc. Pr(x;., 1894, 392-413. Contributions to our knowledge of the anlipatharian corals. [1890.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 13, 1896, 87-92. Description of a remarkable new sea-urchin of the genus Cidaris from Mauritius. [1892.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 13, 1898. 303 304. On the variations observed in large masses of Turbi- naria. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1898, 14^-149. On the actinogonidiate echinoderms collected by Mr. J. Stanley GAKniNKit at Funafuti and Rotuma. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 849-850. BeU, //. //. J. Notes on a spider. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 5.57-558. BeU, //. ./. The meteoric shower of Nov. 27. Observatory, London, 9, 1886, 100-lOL BeU, (Sir) I\sitac] Loictliian. *0n the hot blast, with an explanation of its mode of action in iron furnaces of different capacities. [With difciimdon.] [1h76.] Amer. Inst. Min. Eiigin. Trans., 5 (1876-77), 56-81. On the use of raw coal in the blast furnace. [Ililb discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1884, 13-59. On the blast-furnace value of coke, from which the products of distillation from the coal, used in its manu- facture, have been collected. [Il'i(/i discussinn.] Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1888, 57-100. On the manufacture of salt near Middlesbrough. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 90, 1887, 131-145. On the reduction of ores of iron in the blast furnace. [With discussion.] Iron A- Steel Inst. Jl., 1887 {So. 2), 74-96, 97-118. Presidential address to the Chem. Sci. Sect., Sept. 12. The manufacture of iron. Brit. Asa. Rep., 1S89, 521- 533. On gaseous fuel. [With discuttion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1889 (No. 2), 139-205. On the American iron trade and its progress during sixteen years. Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1890 {Spec. Vol.), 1-208*. " The smelting of iron ores chemically considered. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 9. 1890, 691-712. On the probable future of the manufacture of iron. [With discussion.] [1890.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 19, 1891, 834-855. The manufacture of iron in its relations with agri- culture. [With discussion.] Iron it: Steel Inst. JL, 1892 (.Vi.. 2), 11-30. On the waste of heat, past, present, and futare, in smelting ores of iron. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1893 {So. 2). 19-20, 219-284. On the use of caustic lime in the blast-furnace. [H'li;! disciusion.] Iron A- Steel Inst. Jl., 1894 (.Vo. 2), 38-103. BeU, J. Carter. On the manufacture of white lead, and Gardner's electric white lead. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 3, 1884, 348-353. Estimation of iron in water. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl. , 8, 1889, 175. The analysis of snow from the neigbbonrbood of chemical works and various other places. Soc. Cbem. Ind. Jl., 11, 1893, 320. On the purification of commercial alcohol. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl.. 12. 1893. 236. Note on the estimation of moisture in wood pulps. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 13, 1894, 117-118. Silk adulteration. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 16. 1897. 303-304. On the oxygen test for sewage and effloents, as carried Bell] 422 [BeU out iu the laboratory of tlie Mersey and Ii-well Joint Committee. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 17, 1898, 11-13. BeU, J[oliii] Flerc/unon}. Water-gas. Soc. Chem. lud. Jl., 8, 1889, G05-607. BeU, J. Jones. The flour moth. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, •iOU-204. Notes on ginseng (Araliaijuinquefolia). Amfer. Natlist., 20, 1892, 343-344. BeU, J [dines] T. List of Staphylinidie taken at Belleville, Out. Canad. Ent., 17, 1885, 49-50. BeU, {Rev.) Jlohn] ll'[iUiam] ll[usxey]. [On the accommo- dation of the colour of lepidopterous pupte to their surroundings.] Midland Natlist., 12, 1889, 28',)-290. BeU, James. I'ood adulteration and analysis. Analyst, 9, 1884, 133-141. Mode of distinguishing horseflesh from beef. Chem. News, 55, 1887, 15-16. BeU, James EiUjar Stevenson. Analysis for adulteration of commercial pepper. Amer. Jl. Pharm., CO, 1888, 481- 484. BeU, James H., & HanseU, Howard F\prde\ See HanseU & BeU. BeU, John Montgomerie. Notes on a visit to the Dovre- fjeld, Norway, in July and August 1899. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 21, 1900, 281-290. BeU, Louis. Temperature of the spheroidal state. Science, 4, 1884. 5. Notes on the absorption spectrum of nitrogen peroxide. [1885.] Amer. Chem. Jl., 7 (1885-86), 32-34. Spectroscopic deteimniation of lithium. [1885.] Amer. Chem. Jl., 7 (1885-86), 35-36. The optical properties of malic and tartaric acids. [1885.] Amer. Chem. Jl., 7 (1886-86), 120-128. Bainbaud spectroscopy. Amer. Jl. Sci. , 30, 1885, 347-354. The ultra-violet spectrum of cadmium. Amer. Jl. Sci., 31, 1886, 426-431. On the absolute wave-length of light. Amer. Jl. Sci., 33, 1887, 167-182; 35, 1888, 265-282, 347-367; Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 265-282; 25, 1888, 245-263, 350-372. Kecent determinations of absolute wave-lengths. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1887, 584-585. Problems in electric traction. Electrician, 23, 1889, 223-227, 250-252. Electricity as the rival of steam. Franklin Inst. Jl., 131, 1891, 212-227. Bell, Louis, it Rowland, Henry A[ugustus]. See Bowland cV' BeU. BeU, (Vol.) Mark Slever]. On the great Central Asian trade route from Peking to Kulja and Semirechensk, and to Yarkaud and India. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1889, 660-662. The great Central Asian trade route from Peking to Kashgaria. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 12, 1890, 57-93. Around and about Armenia. Scott. Geogr. Mag. , 6, 1890, 113-135. BeU, llichard. Emu and ostrich farming in the highlands of Dumfriesshire. [1897.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 13, 1898, 46-66. BeU, liobert. Keport on part of the basin of the Athabasca river, North West Territory. [1884.] Canada Geol. Surv. Kep., 1882-84, CC1-CC35, xi. Observations on the geology, mineralogy, zoology and botany of the Labrador coast, Hudson's Strait and Bay. [1884.] Canada Geol. Surv. Kep., 1882-84, DD1-DD62. List and notes of mammals of the vicinity of Hudson's Bay and Labrador. [1884.] Canada Geol. Surv. Kep., 1882-84, DD 48-1)1) 53. List and notes of birds of the vicinity of Hudson's Bay and Labrador. [1884.] Canada Geol. Surv. Kep., 1882-84, LID54-DD5G. The geology and economic minerals of Hudson Bay and northern Canada. [1884.] Canada Koy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1886 (Sect. 4), 241-245. Observations on the geology, zoology and botany of Hudson's Strait and Bay, made in 1885. [1885.] Canada Geol. Surv. Kep., 1, 1886, DD1-UD20, i. The mode of occurrence of apatite in Canada. [1885.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 3, 1886, 294-302. The forests of Canada. [1884.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 2, 1887, 65-77. On some points in reference to ice phenomena. [1886.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1887 [Sect. 3), 85-91. Marble Island and the north west coast of Hudson's Bay. [1886.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 4, 1887, 192-204. Keport on an exploration of portions of the At-ta-wa- pish-kat and Albany rivers, Lonely Lake to James' Bay. Canada Geol. Surv. iiep., 2, 1887, G1-G39. Rock specimens from Cumberland Sound, Baffin Land. Science, 10, 1887, 287. The petroleum held of Ontario. [1887.] Canada Koy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1888 (Sect. 4), 101- 113. Presidential address : The Hurouian system in Canada. [1888.] Canada Koy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 6, 1889 (Sect. 4), 3-13. The origin of some geographical features iu Canada. [1888.J Canad. Kec. Sci., 3, 1889, 163-165. The origin of gneiss and some other primitive rocks. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1889, 227-231. On glacial phenomena in Canada. Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 1, 1890, xi, 287-310. The nickel and copper deposits of Sudbury district, Canada. [1890.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 2, 1891, 125- 137. Report on the Sudbury mining district. [1891.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 5, 1893, F1-F95. — — The succession of the glacial deposits of Canada. Amer. Geologist, 12, 1893, 226-227. Pre-paleozoic decay of crystalline rocks north of Lake Huron. [1893.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 5, 1894, 357- 366. Honeycombed limestones in Lake Huron. [1894.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 6, 1895, 297-3U4. The Labrador penmsula. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 11, 1895, 335-361, [xii]. Proofs of the rising of the land around Hudson Bay. [1895.] Amer. Jl. Sci., 1, 1896, 219-'2-28. ■ Evidences of northeasterly differential rising of the land along Bell river. Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 8, 1897, 241-250. • Recent explorations to the south of Hudson Bay. Geogr. Jl., 10, 1897, 1-17. The geographical distribution of forest trees in Canada. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 13, 1897, 281-296. On the occurrence of mammoth and mastodon remains around Hudson Bay. [1897.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 9, 1898, 369-390. Keport on the geology of the French river .sheet, Ontario. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 9, 1898, 11-129. Outline of the geology of Hudson's Bay and Strait. [1898.] Science, 9, 1899, 101-102. The geological history of Lake Superior. Canad. Inst. Trans., (J, 1899, 45-60. The Laurentian limestones of Baffin Land. [1900.] Science, 13, 1901, 100. BeU, Robert. A new theory of gravitation. Jl. Sci., 21, 1884, 659-660. A new theory of the tides. Jl. Sei., 22. 1885, 139- 140. BeU, Robert B. The roller (Coraeias garrula) in east Ross. shire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894. 54-.55. Bell, Rohiit Bruce. For biography see Inst. Civ. Engiu. Proc, 75, 1884, 293-296. BeU, Roliert George. For biographical notice see Geol. Soc. yuart. Jl., 44, 1888 (I'roc), 47-48. Bell] 423 [Bellati Land shells in the Red Crag. Gcol. Mag., 1, 1884, 2(i2-2G4. The Pliocene beds of St. Krtli, Cornwall. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1887, 718-71!). Notes on Pliocene bed«. Geol. Mbr., 4, 1887, 5.54- S.'jH. Bell, Ilnhrrt (lenrrie, A Kendall, Percy F[nj]. .See Kendall .V BeU. Bell, liiiberl ll'iUidiii. The Pliocene beilH of St. Ertli. llHHIi] Coiiuvall (licil. Soc. Trims., 11, 1896, 4.'i-.">0. Bell, 7'. ]!.. Davidson, ./[rimci], * Altken, E[dward] Il[iimil(iin\. ,SVi' Davidson, Bell iV Altken. BeU, T. IC. Cliniatal chanKcs. tlHH.5.] Ltcds Geol. Ass. Tmns., 1, 1883-86, 10-18. Bell, TliDina.i. ' \ monograph of the fossil malacostracous Crustacea of (ireat Hritain. [18.")7-f)2.] Palioont. Soc. Monogr., 10. 1868. viii i 14 pp. ; M, 1863, vii + 40 pp. Bell, TlionKis, & Owen, (.S'/r) Riclmnl. .SVc Owen & BeU. BeU, Tliiimas, On the Middlesborouyh salt works, and ttu' recent boring on the Lackenby foreshore estate. [Il'illi rfi'xdnmon. ] Manchester Geol. Sue. Trans., 20. 1890, 5.55-561. Section of strata sunk through in No. 2 shaft. Deaf Hill colliery, Co. Durham, for the Trimdon Coal Co. during the year 18'.)l-!)2, by Mr. Frank CorLsoN, with notes on the fossil tish of the marl slate therefrom by Dr. U. H. TuAorAiK, F.IJ.S. [18il3.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 22, 1895. 191 1!)3. Further remarks on the Durham and Cleveland salt districts. [With ili.-icii.i.iion.] [189(5.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans.. 25, 1898, 69-83. Notes on the working of coal mines under sea; also under the Permian feeder of water, in the county Durham. [1899-1900. ] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 26, 1901, 366-399, 554-559. BeU, )\'[illi(im] Ileward. The buried Paloeozoic rocks of Wiltshire. [1890.] Wilts. Archieol. Mag., 25, 1891, 80-85. BeU, ]l'[illium] lleicaril, it Bennett, Ilraticis] J\iimes]. Excursion to Devizes, Swindon and Faringdon. Easter, 1892. I. Devizes, Seend. Etchilhampton and Potterne. Geol. Ass. Proc, 12. 1892, 323-325. BeU, IVilliam. For biographical notice and works see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 109, 1892, 390-392. BeU, William A. Mineral resources of Colorado. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 7, 1891, 52.5-.531. BeU, i\'illiavt Ilniiiiltoii. Note on new locality for zoisite. [18.84.] Min. Mag., 6, 1886, 109-110. New localities for the mineral agalmatolite. with notes on its composition. [18s6.] Min. Mag., 7. 1887, 24-28. Exposures of the Old Kcd Sandstone between Callander and Crieff. [1886.] Edinb. (Jeol. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 301-365. Geognosy of the Cruachan district. Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 513-515. BeU, Wilson. Fur biographical notice tee Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 101, 1890, 285-2.'<7. A heavy Indian rainfall and its result. Symons, Meteorol. Slag., 19, 1884. 76. BcUaar Spruijt. .Sc.' Sprntjt. BeUagamba, C/. SuU' intluenza della pressione baro- metrica nelle dcterminazioni della componente orizzontale del magnetismo terrestre. Roma, K. Ace Ijincei Rend., 8, 1899 {Sem. 1), 529-534. BeUaIrs, (/,f.) .V[orHiirieo]. Esperienze suUo schiudimento estemporaneo delle nova del baco da seta. [1892.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1891-92, 171.5-1736. Influenza dell' ossigeno e dell' aria compressa suUo schiudimento intempestivo delle ova di filugeilo. [1897.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1897-98, 1.5.5-156; Arch. Ital. Biol., 29, 1898. 153-154. Bellati, Munfredo {conte), & Romanese, Rliceardo'\. To reference in No. 4 {Vol. 9) add Nuovo Cimento, 14, 1883, 187-206. Sul calore di trasformazione da uno ad altro sistema cristallino dell' azotato potassico. [1885.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1884^85, 653-669. Sulla dilatazioue e sui calori specifici e di trasforma- zione deir azotato ammonico. Ricerche sperimentali. [1886.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1885-86, 139-5-1420. Bellati, Manfredo {conte) {et alii). SuU' elettroguardia del Sig. Bernardo Giorda di Venezia. Rapporto della giunta esaminatrice. [1892.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1891- 92, 369-370. Bellavitis, Giusto. To biographical references {Voh. 9 & 12) odd (Roma), Soc. Ital. Mem., 6, 1887, Ixxiii-lxxxv. *Sulla scelta del primo meridiano. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 8, 1872. 1117-110. Belle, Gaston. *Note sur la determination analytique des meilleurs elements de construction de transmetteurs a charbon. Lum. Elect., 7, 1882, 158-160, 516-518. Belle, Ivan. [La viticoltura e la vinificazione nella Bul- garia.] [Tr.] Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Ras- stgna, 3, 1889, 371-374. Belle, Louis. Maladies des violettes. Bull., 42, 1895, 808-810. Maladie des citrouuiers. Rev. 282. Bellecourt. See Viron-Bellecourt. Bellefonds. See Iiinant de Bellefonds. Belleli, V, Du role des parasites dans le dtWeloppement de certaines tumeurs. Fibro-adenome du rectum produit par les ceufs du Distomum ha»matobium. Progrfes M^d., 2, 1885, 54-56. Bellen, E[rnst'\ rail der. Ueber die Bildung von Asbest auf mechaniscliem Wege. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 284- 285. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Asbestos. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 39'2-.393. Bellenot, Giistnr, & Ferkln, M'illiam Henry (Jan.). See Perkin ct Bellenot. Bellerade. See Bial de Bellerade. Bellerive, -237. Notice sur les castors d'Europe et d'Ameri(]ue. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 40, 1893 {Sem. 2), 481-499. Sur I'importation de quelques fruits exotiques en Europe. France Soc. .\cclim. Bull., 41, 1894 (Sem. 2), 419-422. Bellesme. See Jousset de Bellesme. Bellet, Ihiniel. Les eaux min^rales de la France. Rev. Sci., 48, 1891, 206-213. L'expansion du syst^me mdtrique. Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 657-659. Vibrations et chute des ponts m^talliques. Rev. Sci., 52, 1893, 272-276. Le climat du Mexique. Paris, Soc. Geogr. 0. R., 1895, 10. Les bateaux ilvapeur I'l propulsion hvdrnulique. Rev. Sci.. 3, 1895, 299-304. Un no\iveau bateau de sauvetage hydraulique. Rev. Sci., 4, 1895, 668-669. Belletl 125 (Bellini Fjiv clirvre d'An^jorn ct In Uinc mohair. France Soc. Accliiii. Hull., »:i, 1896, 117-4'.'a. Le clicinin dc fer monorail dn l'Kxpo»itioii de Hrux- nlles. Rev. Sri., 8, X897. -ryj-lil. Belletty, N. NotPH on a wild species of HJlk wotni (nund ill till' jiuikIch of Pert'unnah Tundi, Zillah Munlihum, Cluita NaKporc division. India Apr. Soc. Jl., 9 (1890 931 (I'nir. 1893). cclxxxviii-ccxc. Belleville, . 'lirest (Kinintrre). Observations Di(''l(''oro- lot?iiiiu>s faites pimdant (Ics annees 185.5—59]. France Soc. Mi'tt'orol. Annii., 1, 1856, I'l. 1, l'.)-30 ; 5, 1887, I't. 1, 5-li); (i. 1888, /'/. 1, 15-18; 7, 1889, /'(. I, 11-10; 8, 1860, I't. 1, .59-04. Belleville, tlr. Sur les oiscnux qui se rcproduisent iliiiis lis niils artificiels et sur des espi'ces qui se sent luiiuilliinrnt ailaptoes A ce genre d'hahitation. France S.av Aiclim. Hull.. 10, 1893 (.SV/n. 2), 89-90. Bellevoye, .li/[o//i/ii']. Notes sur le Gibbium Scotias. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 10, 1884, .5-7. Nouvellcs observation,s sur les Antlirenus. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull.. IC, 1884, 7-9. Observations sur le ('hiilicodoma muraria, Ic Mega- cbilns ceuluiicularis, ot I'Osinia bicoriiis aux environs de Met/.. Met/. Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 10, 1884, 113-131. Contribution i\ la ti'ratologie entomologique. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Hull., 17, 1887, 181-188. [Observations sur le Moiioinoriura Pliaraonis, Lair. {domestica, Schenk).] Paris, Soc. Ent. .\nn., 8, 1888. rUxvii-clxxxi. Sur quelques curieux nids d'Hyiucnoptires. Paris, Soc. Knt. Bull., 1897, 'iHO-aS?. Belli, /.i/ii/i. Temporale a Bologna. Moncalieri Ogs. Boll., I.(. 1893. 176. Belli, [( .d/ii] Saverio. Osservazioni su alcunc specie del gen. Hicraciuni, iiuove per la flora pedemontana e .su alcuni loro caratteri ditTerenziali. Malpighia, B, 1889, 134-138. Che cosa siano Hieracium sabaudum, Linne, e Hie- racium sabaudnm, Allioni. Studii critici. [1890.] Malpighia, 3, 1889, 433-400. .\vena plauiculiiiis, Srhrml. (Fl. Germ. I, p. 381), var. (3 tauiinensis. noh. Malpighia, 4, 1890, 3()3-364. Sull' Helianthemum Vivianii, Poll. Congr. Dot. Int. Atti, 1892. 414-416. Siii rapporti sistematico-biologici del Trifolium sub- terraneum, L., cogli aflini del gruppo Cal.vcomorpbum, I'refl. Se:. CarpoipogeaCarpoepitiea (.\iieniopeta-Geo- tropa), uob. [1892-93.] Malpighia, 6, 1892, 397-415, 433-4.53. Hivista critica dellc specie di "Trifolium" italiane comparate con quelle stranierc della sezione Lupinaster (Ilii.rhitiim). Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 44, 1894, 23:^-292. Ko.sa .lunilzilli, Ile.^ser (nuova per la Hora italiana). [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896. 73-75. Endoderma e periciclo nel g. Trifolium in rapporto colla tooria della stolia dl Van Tikohkm e DorLioT. Osservazioni anatomico-critiche. Torino .\cc. Sci. Mem., 46, 1896. 353-443. I Hieracium di Sardegna, rivista critica delle specie note dalla Flora Sardoa di Moms e dal catalogo di W. Bahiikv. Specie nuove per la Sardegna e notizie sul H. crinitum, Sibih. Sm. Torino Ace. Sci. Mem.. 17. 1897, 421-499. Belli, [('.ir(o] Suverio, & Olbelli, G[iuteppf]. Ste Oibelli A BeUi. Belli, {/'.Hire) Sttinislao. '[Aurora polare del 3 aprile 1870. Fenomeni aurorali.] Lodi. Moncalieri Oss. Bull.. 5, 1870, 37. '[Aurora del 18 et del 23 aprile, 1871.] Lodi. Mon- calieri Oss. Bull., 6. 1871. 66. 81. *[Le stelle cadeuti del periodo di agosto 1871.] Lodi. Moncalieri Oss. Bull.. 6. 1871, 131-132. '[Fenomeni aurorali osservati in Italia nel novembre R. s. A. c. 1871. Aurora polare del 10 novembre 1871.] Lodi. [1872.] .Moncalieri Oss. Bull.. 7, 1873. 18-19. Bellia, (, 1886. I2.">. Bollon, , & Delflea, . Effets prodaits sur un tiltphoiie inthienee jmr line ligne tc-legruphique. Anu. IVl.-r., 12. 1885, 212-217. S,e oltiii Delflea A' Bellon. Belloncl, (;iH.'.r/7)c. For bioK'raphical notice and list of works «<■(; Arch. Ital. Biol., 11. 1889, 341-344. La terminai.son contrale du nerf optique chez les Mamraif^res. -■Vrch. Ital. Biol., li, 1884, 405-412 ; Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884, 199-204. Sul fuso dire/.ionale dell' ovulo di Cavia. [1884.] BoloRim Rend., 1884-86, 43-44. Intomo alia cariocinesi nella segmentazione dell' ovo di axolotl. Roma, K. .\cc. Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 3-7. Blastopore e linea primiliva dei Vertebrati. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 83-125. Intomo 111 modo di gencsi di un globulo polare nel- r ovulo ovarico di alcuni Mammiferi (topolino, Cavia, coniglio). [Irt.s5.] Bologna .\cc. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884, 363-3G7. Intorno ad un principio di segmentazione e ad alcuni fenomeni degeuerativi degli ovuli ovarici del topo e della Cavia. [1885.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., ti. 1884. 368-370. lutorno nil' nppanito olfattivo c olfattivo-ottico (nuclei rotondi, Fritscli) del cirvello dei Teleostei. Roma. R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 1. 1886, 318-323. Del fuso direzionale e della fonnazione di un globulo polare iiell' ovulo ovarico di alcuni Mammiferi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1886, 285-280. Sui nuclei polimorti delle cellule sessuali degli Anfibii. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1886, 109-182. ■ Sulla spermatogenesi iiei Vertebrati. [1886.] Bologna Rend.. 1886-86. 70-71. Dello strato linfoide periepatico di alcuni Anfibii Urodeli. [IK.sO.] Bologna Rend., 1886-87, 31-33. Sulla proihizKiiie dei globuli rossi nell' axolotl. [18.H6.] Bologna Rend., 1886-87, 33. Intorno al ganglio otlico degli Artropodi snperiori. Int. Jl. Aniit., 3, 1886, 195-204. • Sulle comniissvire cerebrali anteriori degli Anfibi e dei Retlili. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem.. S, 1887, 49—56. Di una connessione fra il foglietto cornco e il tubo midoUare dei giovani embrioni di anitra e di polle. [1887.] Bologna Rend., 1886-87. 9a-99. Intomo alia divisionc "diretta"del nucleu. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, IBM, 317-320 or 107-110. Ueber die cenlrale Kndixung des Nervun oplicun bei den Vertcbraten. Ztschr. Wiks. Zo8 missions ciri'umpil i pesci del Mediter- raneo.j Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 30, 1887, .351-3.52. Note ittiologiche. Osservazioni (atte sulla coUezione ittiologica del Civico Museo di Suiria Naturale in Milano. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 31, 1888, 213-229. — - .\ppunti air opera del dottor Emilio Moread: "His- toire naturelle des poissons de la France,'' e al rclativo supplemento. [1891.] Milano, Soc Ital. Atti, 33. 1890, 107-144. Note al manuale d' ittiologia francese del Dott. Emilio MoiiKAU. Milano. Soc. Ital. .\tti, 34, 1892, 19-:i5. Un nuovo siluroide giupponese. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 34, 1893, 99-101. Belloy, '/'. Origine des corps jauoes daus I'ovaire. Rev. S. 1., 11. 1899, 170. Bellucci, diuseppf. •[Bolide dell' 8 settembre 1869.] Perugia. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 4, 1869, 101. *[Le stclle cadenti del periodo di novembre 1869.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 4. 1869, 148-1.50. 'Aurora boreale del 28 maggio 1870. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 5, 1870, 50. *[Spedizione geografica italiana nel Sahara Tunisino. Relazione topografica, geologicae idrographica.] [Italia]. Soc. Geogr. Boll., 12, 1876, 4.5;i-tlJ8. '[Spedizione geographica italiana in TunisU. L' eti della pietra.] [lUlia], Soc. Oeogr. Boll., 13, 1876, 347- 38.5. Terremoto del 22 marzo [188.5]. Urbino e Perugia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., .5, 1886. .50. Terremoto del 10 aprile (1hH5, .\aagai e Pertigia]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll.. 5, 1888. 70. Sulla formazione dell' nmido nei grani di clorofilla. Ann. di Chim., -5, 1887, 217-230: Gazz. Cliim. Ital., 18, 1888, 77-85 ; Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital.. 14. 1888. 77-8.5. Contribuzione alio studio delle acque meteoriche. Staz. Sjier. Agrar. Ital., 14, 1888, 2.5.5-258. Documenti per la paletnologia dell' .\bis8inia. .^rch. Antropologia, 20. 1890, 307-.372. BeUncci, l[Uiln], & MloIaU, .l[rriiro]. Stt KloUtt A- Bellucci. Bellazzl, Cetare. For biographical notice tet Bologna Rend., 1887-88, 9-10. Belly, F. *L' istmo americano e il canale del Nicaragua. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll.. 14. 1877, 199-208. Belmondo, Ernttto. Di alcuni pervertimenti dell' istinto di nutrizione, s|iecialmente negli alienati. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 14, 1888. 1-39. Sulla teoria della colorazione nera del Goixii. Rir. Sper. di Freniatria, 14, 1888. 349-.359. Le alterazioni anatomiche del midollo spinale nella pellagra e loro rapporto coi fatti clinicL Kiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 15, 1889. 20t:.-2'.i4, 394-443; 16. 1890, 107-146. Sulle moditicazioni dell' eccitabilitA corticale iudotte dalla cocaina e sulla natnra dei centri psioo-rootori. Sperimentale. 66, 1890, 16.5-180. 54—2 Belmondo] 428 [Belon Suir azione sedativa ed ipnotica della duboisina nelle malattie mentali. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 18, 1892, 1.54-1G5. ■ Nuove osseivazioni sull' uso terapeutico della duboi- sina. Kiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 18, 1892, 43.5-438. Un rarissiino easo di denti soprannumerari ed altre anomalic dentarie in crani di alienati. Areb. Antropo- lofia, 25, 1895, '2.5.5-2G9. Alcune idee sui processi ehimici nel cervello durante r attivita fuuzionale e durante il sonnu. [Jl'ith i(/.s- nissioii.'\ [1S95.] Arch. Antropologia, 25,1895,295-316; 26, 1896, 372-374. Recberches exp^rimentales toucbant I'iufluence du cerveau sur I'eohange azotS. Arch. Ital. Biol., 25, 1896, 481-488. Contributo critico e sperimentale alio studio dei rajiporti tra le fuuzioni eerebrali e il ricambio. Kiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 22, 1896, 657-748. Belmondo, Ernesto, & Oddi, Biipiiero. Intorno all' in- Ihieuza delle radici spinali posteriori .sull' eccitabilita delle anterior!. Eicercbe sperimentali. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 16, 1890, 265-327. Beloe, Oiurh's II. The flow of water in open channels. Liverpool Lit. Phil. Soe. Proc, 38, 1884, Ixxviii-lxxxiv. Belohlavek, FeiiUmnid. Poznamka o delitelnosti cisel. |Zur Teilbarkeit der Zablen.] Casopis, 23, 1894, 59-60; Fnrtscbr. Math., 1893-94, 273. Belohoubek, Anionln. 0 chemickem slo/.eni vody Labske. [Ueber die Zusammensetzunp des Elbwassers. ] Prag Sber., 1884 (Math. -Nat.), 254-259. O slozeui lu)iku z litvaru permskebo od Vrchlabi. [Ueber die chemiscbe Zusammensetzung der permischen Gaskohle bei Hohenelbe.] Prag Sber., 1884 {Math.-Nat.}, 404-409. ZprsWa o vysledku zkoumani vody z pramene sv. Vintife v laznich Letinskych. [Bericht iiber das Resultat der Untersucliung des Wassers der St. Giintbersquelle ira Badeorte Letin.] Prag, Sber., 1886 [Math. -Nut.), 555-570. Belohoubek, A ugust, Ueber die wahrscheinliehe ehemische Wirkungsweise des Chloralhydrates im Organismus. Congr. int. Med. C. R., 1897 {Vol. 2, Sect, ib), 2-8, (Vol. 7), xlv-xlvi. Ueber Paris quadrifolia, L., in forensischer Hinsicht. []Vith disciission.1 Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 [Vol. 2, Sect. 4c). 25-29. ^ UJinek aminil ve chloralhydrat. (Cbeniickf v<'klad 0 pusobeni chloralbydratu v iWem organismu.) [Ein- wirkung der Amine auf Chloralhydrat. Chemiscbe Erklarung der Einwirkung des Cbloralhydrata im lebeuden Organismus.] I-'rag, Sber., 1897 (.Vath.-Nat.), No. 47, 8 pp.; Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898 (Uepcrlm.), 10. Belon, ile rev. pere) [Paul] Mai ie JuAepli. Description d'un Coleoptere nouveau du Chili. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, clxiii-clxv. Note sur (luelipies especes du genre Cartodere, Thoiiix. Brux., Soc. Pjnt. .\nn., 28, 1884, exci-cxciii. Sur-un petit groupe de Corticaria propres a la Nouvelle- Zelande. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, ccxvii-ccxxi. Notes synonymiques sur quelques Lathridiidie de la Nouvelle-Z^lande. Brux., Soc. Ent. .\nn., 28, 1884, ccxxii-ccxxiv. Sur un MetopbthaluiUK de la NouvcUc-Zelaiide. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, ccxxiv-ccxxv. Revision des Lathridiidie de Nouvelle-Z^lande. Rev. Ent,., 3, 1884, 240-266. Enumeration des Lathridiida^ du Japon. [1884.] Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885 (I't. 2), 1-8. ■ Histoire naturelle des Coleopteree de France. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 31, 1886, 61-212. [Holoparaniecus (Taniyrium) similis; Metophthalmus Raffrayi, 7m. upp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1886, xxxix. Materiaux pour servir a I'etude des Lathridiens. Rev. Ent., 4, 1886, 239-254. Liste des Lathridiides d^crits posterieurement an catalogue de Munich. Brux., Soc. Ent. .\nn., 30, 1886, 88-97. Lathridiens nouveaux ou pen connus. Rev. Ent., 6, 1887, 215-229. Description d'une esptee nouvelle du genre Dasycerus, lirongn. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 32, 1888, xcvii-xcix ; 33, 1889, xvii-xviii. Note Kur le Pedius siculns, Levrat. Rev. Ent., 7, 1888, 71-74. Supplement k la monographic des Lathridiens de France. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 3.5, 1889, 7-5-91. Voyage de M. E. SnioN an Venezuela. CoMopteres. Famille des Latliridiida;. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, 221-224. Les Lathridiens dans la Fauna Transsylvanica du Dr. Seidlitz. Rev. Ent., 8, 1889, 50-60. Les Clytus d'Europe et circa. Eehange, 0, 1890, 99, 107-108, 115-116, 139, 146-148. Contribution a I'etude du genre Anoplomerus, Th. (famille des Cerambycidffi). Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 36, 1890, 291-304. [Description d'un Longicorne exotique.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, ix. Description d'une espece nouvelle du genre Lathridius, Herbst. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 35, 1891, cxxxiy-cxxxv. Les especes du genre Hymenoplia, Esch. Eehange, 7, 1891, 10-12. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. xxxviii. Latbridiidai. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 30, 1890-91, 877-880. [Genre nouveau de Longicorne lamiide.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, liv-lv. Les Ceranibyx d'Europe et circa. Eehange, 8, 1892, 70-71. Nouvelle contribution a I'^tude des Lathridiens. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann.. 39, 1895, 75-105. Descriptions de deux Latbridieus nouveaux de Bolivie. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 39, 1895, 478-484. Supplement d'enquete sur le genre Neoplotera. Rev. Ent., 14, 1895, 357-362. Contribution a I'etude des Longicorues de Bolivie. Lyon Soe. Linn. Ann.. 43, 1896, 241-255. Description d'un Cerambycide int^dit du groupe des Disteniini. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull, 1896, 128. Description d'un Longicorne nouveau, du groupe de.^ Niphonides. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 387-388. Remarques sur le genre Euryptera, Serr., du groupe des Lepturides et description d'une espece nouvelle de Bolivie. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 41, 1897, 339-343. Description d'un Longicorne nouveau uu genre Hebe- stola. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 186-188. Essai de classification geuerale des Lathridiidoe, avec le catalogue systematique et alphalietique de toutes les especes du globe. Rev. Ent., 16, 1897, 10-5-221. Contribution a I'etude des Lathridiidie de I'.^frique meridionale. Brux., Soc. FiUt. Ann., 42, 1898, 439- 449. Addiliona an catalogue des Lathridiida;. Rev. Ent., 17, 1898, 157-165. Description d'un Meti>lilitlialmus nouveau de Mexiquc. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 37-38. Diagnose d'un Longicorne nouveau de Bolivie, appar- tenant au genre Mecometopus, Tli. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 156-157. Ricjipitiilation des Lathridiidae de I'Amerique meridio. nale. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 46, 1900, 137-191. A propos des travanx recents sur les Lathridiid»\ Notes supplcmentaires a I'cssai de classification, liev. Ent., 19, 1900, 75-122. Descriptive catalogue of the Coleoptera of South BelonI 429 [Klopolskij Africa. Family LathridiidiB. [IH'J'J.) S. African I'liil. Siir. ■|'r;iiis., 11, 1902, 35-o'J. BelopoUklj, Ai\iftiiicli] A[iiiilliiiuivic]. 'Obwrvatioiin den ituiltH liluntes du iiiois d'aoilt 1877. fait«n par Mil. UllKlilCIIIN, BKI.OI'dl.^KV Ct 8oCOI,OKP. MoBCOIl Obs. Ann., 4 {Uvr. 2), 1878, H4-H8. 0li8cr\-ations photolieliDt^rapliiiiues. Moacou Obs. Ann., 4 (l.irr. 2), 1878, 102-1H; .', (l.iiT. ■>). 1879, 10- 21; U (I.iir. 2), 1880, M4-1.'..'); 7 (/.iir. 2), 1881, 2.S-.W; 8 {Lirr. 2), 1882, '.12-112; It (l.irr. 2), 1883, 1-:H; 10 (Liir. 2), 1884, (iO-DU ; 1 (l.ivr. 1), 1886, 103-llH, (Lirr. 2), 1888, 5H-H2, ObHcrvatious an ecrcle niL'ridien. Mo.scoii Oba. Ann., 10 (/,iiT. 2), 1884, 1-25. Essai d'nne d<5tL>rmination dn rayon apparent du Soleil an nioyen de In photographie. Moscou Ob.i. Ann., 10(/,nc, 2),"l884, 20-l(i. Utbtr die I'liotonraphic der Cometen. Astr. Nachr,, 110, 1886, 3.3-38; Moscou Obs. Ann,, 1 (Lirr. 1), 1886, 1)9-102. EiiiiKC Gedanken iiber die Uewcgiingen anf der Sonnen- oberHiiche. Aslr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 153-150, 3K3-3t4 ; Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Lirr, 2), 1888, 54-57. [Positions des queues anouiales des conieles 18(>2 III, et 1844 III.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Lirr. 1),1886, 05-69. PliotuK'iHpbii- dir Mondliiisterniss am 4. October 1884. Moscou Obs. Ann.. 1 {,l.irr. 1), 1886, 97-9.S. IljiTHa iia ('(uimt II iixi, .iKiiHiciiie. [Sunspots and their molion.] .Moscow Univ. Mem. {I'hyn.-Math.), 7, 1887. 1H3 pp. Schreiben betr. die totale Sonnenfinsterniss 1887 Aug. 18-19. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 45-40. LYclipse totale de Soleil du 19 aout 1887 observi-e i Jurjewetz. Moscou Obs. .\nn., 1 {Livr. 2), 1888, 37-53. Beitrag zur Ermittelung von Sternparallaxen aus Durchgangsbeobachtitngen. Astr, Nachr., 121, 1889, 113-128. 0 C0.1IIC njlTHaxT,. [On sunspots.] [1886.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Hull., 65 (.Yo. 1), 1890, 8-9. Ucber die Uewegungcu auf der SonnenoberHiiche, Astr. Nachr., 124. 1890, 17-22; 125, 1890, 251-254. Ueber die Ciironal'hotoj.'raphien 1887 Aug. 18-19. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 18.^-18ii. Ueber die Rotation des Jupiter. [1890.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 31, 1892, 121-137. [Ueber die Nova .\uriga;.] Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 438; 131, 1893, 28. Observation d'une eruption solaire. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 2(1, 1892, 1.52-153. Einige Uutcr.ectrogruiiiines, faits !i Poulkovo.) St. Petersb. Ac. >Sci. Bull., 3, 1896, xi-xiv. [0 !ie|)eMl;iiHoii v Aquilie iiuxccjtayiDmaro (■0,V>|)/Kailill. Sur la variable >) Aquilw-.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3. 1896. liii. H.'ic.iiaoiiailie CMi.iiit'iiifl .niiiiit vh ciu-ktiiI. CaTypiia ll ero K0.1l.lia. [Recherches sur les d<-p!act- menls des raies dans le sjiectre de Satume et de son anueau.J St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull.. 3, 1896. 379-403. Si)ectrographi8che Untersucliungcn dea Suturnringes. Astr. Sachr., 139. 1896, 1-4. Spectrographische Uulersuchungen iiber Jupiter. Astr. Nachr., 139. 1896, 209-214. Spectrographische Unter-iichungen fiber i Cephei am 30 Zoller der Pulkowaer Steriiwarte ira Jahre 1895. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 17-22. Ueber die EijiciibBWenung der helleren Componente von 01 Cygni. Astr. Nachr.. 140, 1896, 21-22. Ueber die Veriiuderuiigtn in deiu Sternhaufen XGC. 5272. .Astr. Nachr.. 140, 1896, 23-24. On the performance of an auxiliary lens for spectre- graphic investigations with the tbirty-inch refractor of the Pulkowa Observatory. .Vstrophys. Jl., 3, 1896, 147- 149. Observations des raies renversecs dans le spectre des protuberances faites a Poulkovo. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 25, 1896, 21-26. Sur les vitesses radiales p<^iodiques de I'^toile a Cimeaux. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 4, 1896. 341-313. O .•iBt3,it. o' ]j.iii3iieitOBi, KaKi ciii:i:TpajbHO ABoiilloil. [On the spectroscopic binary a' Ueminoram.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 6, 1897, 49-76 ; Astrophys. Jl.. 5, 1897, 1-7. Die totale Sonnenfinsterniss am 9. August 1896. Bericht fiber die Sonnenfiusteruis.'wxpedition der Pul- kowaer Stvrnwttrte nach Orlowskoje am .\mur. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., l\. 1897, 271-290. IIoBbDl ll3c.lbiOBa!lijl iiU'KTpa "(3 Lyr«.' [Re- clierclies nouvelles sur le spectre de "$ Lyne."] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1897. 3-55-305; Astrophys. Jl.. 6. 1897. 328-337; Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 26, 1898, 135- 143. H.tcJt,.toBaiiie ciieuTpa iicppHtmioft "i| Aquils" (3. .5-4. 7 b). Kechcrches sur le spectre .>le I'etoile variable " i; Aquilie." St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull.. 7, 1897,307-374; .Astrophys. J 1., 0, 1897,393-399; Spettrosc. llal. Mem., 20, 1898. lOl-llKj. Ueber das Spectrum von \ Tauri (3". 4-1". 2). Astr. Naclu-., 145, 1898, 281-284. Ueber einen Versiich die Ge.schwindigkeiten im Visionsradius der Componcnten von y Virginis und ■> Lconis zu bestimmen. Astr. Nachr., 147. 1898. 89-94. Sur le raouvement rapide de la ligne des ab>i.les dans le svst^me a' Gemeaux. St. Petersb. .\c. Sci. Bull.. ■*, 1898. 133-139; Spettrosc. lul. .Mem., 20, 1898, 171-179; ■2>*. 1900. 103-108. l)lipiMt,.101lie .IVHCBUXl CKOpoOTCft '•> Virginis." [Determination des vite«se.-; nuliales de "7 Virginis.'] St. Pel.rBa. (2-0 II 3-5 B.) [Sur les vitesses radiales de T^toile double 7 du Lion.] St. P(5tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., U, 1898, 369-376. Ueber die BeweKUUf des Sterns 17 Peyasi in der Gesiehtslinie. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 1-27-128. Ueber die Bewegung des Sterns a Ursa? majoris in der Gesiehtslinie. Astr, Nachr., 148, 1899, 331-332. Ueber die Bewegung von j" Geniinorum (3"', 7-4'". 5) in der Gesiehtslinie. .Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 239-240. Note on the spectrum of P Cj'gni. Astrophys. .71., 10, 1899, 319-320; Astr. Nachr., 1.51, 1900, 37-40. . Bewegung von Polaris in der Gesiehtslinie. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 199-202. ■ Ein Versucli die Kotationsgeschwindigkeit des Veuus- sequators auf sjiectrographischem Wege zu bestimmen. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 263-276. OCfh o,T,HOMT. cnocoOi iio,nHepKiiBaHi>i c.iaoux'i, jiimiii SBtaxHHx'h cneKTporpaMMt. [Sur une m^thode de souligner les raies faibles des spectro- grammes stellaires.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 12, 1900, 205-210. OnuiB uacirtAOBaHiK upiniuiina ^oii.iep'h- $1130, He npiiotrafl k% KOCMiiiecKiiMt CKOpo- CTflM'B. [Essai dYtudier le principe de Doppler-Fizead, sans avoir recours aux vitesses cosmiques.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 13, 1900, 461-471. Belopolsklj, Aifistarcli] Aljiolloncnuc], & Bredichin, F[e(li)r] A[lclit, 'Iepji,iaHCKaro ytajia. Les gisements de minerals de fer du domaine de la Vichera, district de Tcherdyne. Kkaterinenb. Soc. Oural. Bull., 15 (No. 1), 1895,'27-31; Russ. G60I. Min. Annu., 1, 1896-97 (Sect. 2), 109-110. Below, K[riist Ericli Albert]. Die Ganglienzellen des Gehirnes bei verschiedenen neugeborenen Thieren. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (I'hysioL Ahth.), 1888, 187-188. . Die praktischen Ziele der Tropenhygiene. Deutsch. Natf. V.rh., 1896 (Th. 1), 91-120. BelowBky, i/|((.r]. Ueber die Aenderungen, welche die optischen Verhiiltnisse der gemeinen Hornblende beini Gliihen erfahren. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1891 (lid. 1), 291-292. Belsantl, Michelc. Studi su alcuni caratteri regressivi del cranio umano. Arch. Antropologia, 10, 1886, 173-221. Belt, K\dieard] Oliver. Report of one hundred cataract extractions at the Presbyterian Eye, Ear, and Throat Charity Hospital. Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 1-8. Beltoni, Pio. II Lago di Garda. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 20, 1900, 6.5-70. Beltrame, (abate) Giovanni. *GIi Akka del Mian'i. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 16, 1879, 6.5-66. '[Viaggio ai Sciangillah.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 16, 1879, 151-167. Disposizioni che deve avere chi viaggia, specialmente fra popoli barbari o selvaggi, perch^ i suoi viaggi riescano piacevoli ; e mezzi che sta bene eh' egli possegga e se ne valga, perche tornino vantaggiosi. I Barabra della Nubia settentrionale e i Barabra dell' .Algeria e del Marocco. I Bisciarin e gli Aiabi Ahn-ZH. Origine dei Bisciarin e dei Barabra. [1886.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-86, 81-5-828. La palma-dattero nell' emisfero settentrionale del- r .\frica. Vantaggi che ne ritraggouo gli abitanti. [1887.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1886-87, 817-829. Beltrami, Kngenio. For biography and list of works see Ann. Mat., '4, 1900, 151-160; Bologna Rend., 4, 1900, 91-99; Enseigu. Math., 2 (1900), 173-179; Giorn. Mat., 38, 1900, 355-375; Milano, Ist. Lomb. Renl., 33, 1900, 241-245; Napoli, Reud., 39, 1900, 74-80; Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 568-569; Nuovo Ciuiento, 11, 1900, 150-151 ; Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 14, 1900, 27-5-289 ; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900. 677-681; 131, 1900, 10;»-1039 ; Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Bend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 139-142; Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900, 355-360 or 541-546 ; Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1899-1900 (Pt. 1), 72-74; 'Wiad. Mat., 4, 1900, 266-267; Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Bull., 10, 1901 (Prot.), 32-35; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 30, 1901, 345-348. To reference in No. 77 (Vol. 9) add Nuovo Cimento, 13, 1883, 213-228. To reference in No. 78 (Vol. 9) add Nuovo Cimento, 14, 1883, 89-96, 107-117. To reference in No. 79 (Vol. 9) add Nuovo Cimento, 14, 1883, 126-138. Intorno ad un problema relativo alia teoria delle correnti stazionarie. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 538-546. Sulla rappresentazioue delle forze Newtoniaue per mezzo di forze elastiohe. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 581-589. Suir uso delle coordinate curvilinee uelle teorie del potenziale e dell' elasticita. [1885.] Bologna Aco. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884, 401-448. SuUe coiidizioui di resistenza dei corpi elastic!. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 704-714; Nuovo Cimento, 18, 1885, 14.5-155. Suir interpretazione meccanica delle formole di Maxwell. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1886, 3-38; Nuovo Cimento, 20, 1886, -5-25, 97-111. Sulla teoria delle onde. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 424-435. Intorno ad alcuni problemi di propagazione del calore. [1887.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1887, 291-326; Nuovo Cimento, 23, 1888, 97-109 ; 24, 1888, 24-32, 145- 152 ; 25, 1888, 34-40. Sulle funzioni sferiche d' una variabile. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend.. 20, 1887, 469-478. Sulle funzioni complesse. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 20, 1887, 624-635 ; 24, 1891, 1 188-1195 ; 27, 1894, ;i37-344. Considerazioni idrodinamiche. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 22, 1889, 121-130. . Sul principio di Huyoens. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 22, 1889, 428-438. Note tisico.matematiohe. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 3, 1889, 67-79. Sulla fnnzione jiotonziale della circonfercnza. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 3, 1889, 193-209. Beltrami] 431 [Belzung Sur la tlieorie de la di'fomiation inliniment petite d'un milieu. Taris, Ac. Sci. C. 1!., 108, 1889, ">0-2-50o. Un precurBore italiano di LKiiKMUir. e di Li>n.\T«cli- EWSKV. Koma, K. Aci-. Lincei lU-nd., 5,1889 (Sem. 1), Suir eatcDaione del principio di d'Alemukrt all' clet- trodinainica. lioma, R. Ace. Lincei Kend., H, 1889 {Sem. 1), H.52-8.06. yuelijiiCH reniarqucR au Rujet des fonctiuns Bpheriqucf. PuriB, Ac. Sci. C. K.. 110, 1890, •134-yaH. C'onsideiazioni !;iilla teoriu inateinaticn del magnetisnio. [1891.] Bologna Aec. Sci. .Mi-ni., 1, 1890, 40'l-4.53. Intorno a! mezzo elastico di Ghkkn. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Kend., 24, 1891, 717-72H, 77'J-789. Sulla teoria (jeiierale delle imde plane. Palermo Circ. Mat. Kend., 5, 1891, 227-235. Considerazinni sulla teoria niateiuatica dell' eletlro- magnctismo. [1892. j Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, 313-378. Suir espressione analitica del principio di HuvoEss. Roma. R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (.S>wi. 1), 99-108. Osscrvazioni sulla nota precedente [di (i. MouEiu: "Soluzione generale delle eciuazioni indefinite dell' equi- libno di un corpo conlinuo"]. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 {Sem. 1), 141-142. Nota sulla teoria della propagazione del calore. [1893.] Bologna Rend., 1892-93, 61-63. Sur la theorie des fonctions spb^riqaes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 181-183. SuUe equazioni dinamiche di Lagrange. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend.. 28, 189S, 744-7.52. Sui potenziuli lermodiniimici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend.. 4, 1896 {Sem. 1), 473-480. Suir espressione data da Kirchhofk al principio di HrYoENs. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Bend., 4, 189B {Sem. 2), 29-31. Sul teorema di Kikcuiioff. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 189B {Sem. 2), .51-52. A proposito di una nuova ricerca del prof. Carlo XEtsuNN. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 {Sem. 2), 177-180. Sulla teoria delle funzioni sferiche. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend.,, 29. 1896, 793-799. Beltr^mleux, Kdouard. For biograpliy lee Charente-Inf. .Soc. Sci. .\nn., 32, 1898, -5-20. Excursion geologique du 6 avril 1884 A Fouras. [1884.] Charente-lnf Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1886, 17-20. . Kxcursion scientilique du 22 mai 1884 k Piedemont et au Portdes-Barques. [1884.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1886, 43-45. Excursion gtologique du n juin 1884 i la Roche- courbon. [1884.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1886, 55-58. Excursion geologique du 17 aoiit 1884 k Tile Mailame. [18.>^4.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1886, 59-63. Excursion geologique du HI avril 1885 a Fouras. [1885.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann.. 22, 1886 {Tome 1). 13-15. Excursion geologique du 20 juin 1886 k Velluire et a Fontena.v. [1886.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 23, 1887, 53^.56. Coni]ite rendu de I'excnrsion du 7 septcmbre [A Chatelaillon, Yves et Charras]. Paris, Soc. Gcol. Bull., 15, 1887, 814-817. (Etude sur les Araneides.] [1888.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 25, 1889, 11-12. Rapport sur le Museum Fleuriau. Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 25, 1889, 2.^-30 ; 27. 189)1, 2-5-29. [Sur les quatres espOces d'Echeneides.] [1893.] Cbareute-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 30 (Tome 1), 1894, 9-11. Beltz, L. Observation de phlebite rhumatismalc. .\.rch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 6, 1886, 266-271. Balnson, [.4//>'i(>n<']. Becherchcs sur leg caugeH de I'at&xic loe(jniijtrice progressive. Progres Med., 2, 1886, 149-154, 171-17:t. Belagon, '>[ui7/iN : Ergninen und Wachsthura der etiolirten Bliitter.) Jl. Bot., Paris, 5. 1891, 350-355. Recherches chimiques sur la germination, et cristal- lisations intracellulaires artificielles. Ann. Sci. Nat. {Bot.). 15, 1892, 203-262. Remarques retrospectives sur les corps bleoissants et leur classitication. Jl. BoL. Paris, 6, 1893. 456-4.58. Note additionnelle sur les sulfates et nitrates des plantules en voie de germination. Jl. Bot., Paris, 7, 1893, 87-91. Nature des spherocristaux des Euphorbes cactifonnes. Jl. Bot., Paris, 7, 1893, 221-22'4. 261-267. Rectification a propos de I'article de il. Famixtzin " Sur les grains de chlorophvlle des grames et des plantules." Jl. Bot.. Paris. 8," 1894, 1.56-1.59. Sur I'existence de I'oxalate de calcium a I'etat dii^sous. Jl. B<^t.. Pari.*. ><. 1894. 213-219. Marclie tutale des phenomenes amylochlorophyllieng. Jl. Bot., Paris. 9, 1896. 33-40, 41-49, 61-72, 101-108, 134-136, 137-153, 181-189. Belzung] 432 LBemmelen Belzung, Ernest, & Poirault, Gcorr/cs-. Sur les sels de I'Angiopteris evecta, et en paiticulier le raalate neutre de calcium. Jl. Bot., Paris, (i, 1892, •286-298. ,, . , Beman, W\oostn} \r[oodniff]. Address [to the Math. & Astron. Sect.]. A chapter in the history of mathematics. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1897, 33-'50. Evleh's use of i to represent an imaginary. N. 1. Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 4, 1898, 274, .5.51. Bement C S Ueber neuere amenkanische Mmeral- vorkoumien. Ztschr. Kryst., 12, 1887, 179-180; U. 1888, 4l)-47 ; 14, 1888, 2.')()-2.57. Bemmelen, A\,lr„un,] A[ntlion,i] va». For biographical notice «'f Ibis, 3, 1897, 474-47-5. [Mededeehngen over bastaardeu bij zoogdieren en vogels.] [1884.] Nederl. Dierk. Yer. Tijdsehr., 6, 1882- 85, ccvii-ccviii. , -r^ [Over het trekken van insecteu.] Tijdsehr. Ent., 27, 1884, xci. [Mededeelingen over voortteling en genitalia, en over den duur dcr zwangerschap bij hoogere dieren.] [188.5.] Nederl. DierU. Ver. Tijdsehr., 1. 1885-87, xlix-li. Bemmelen, .J[nha,i^ F{rans] van. [Ontwikkeling en metamorphose der kieuw- of visceraalspleten en der aortabogen bij embrvonen van Tropidonotus natrix en Lacerta muraUs.] [188.-..] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 2, 1886, 174-177. . Ueber veinuithliohe rudimenttire Kiemenspalten bei Elasmobranchiern. [1885.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 6, 1886, 165-184. [Over de ontwikkeling en vervormmg der kieuwspleten bij de embryonen van v.-gels.] [1886.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdsehr., 1, 1885-87, cxxxiv-cxxxvi. [Onderzoek der zoogdier-embryonen.] [18SG.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdsehr., 1, 1885-87, cxl-cxlii. [Over den anatomischen bouw der AmphisbiEniden.] [1886.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdsehr., 1, 1885-87, cxhi. [Anatomisch onderzoek der halsstreek eener Hatteria punctata.] [1886.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdsehr., 1, 1885-87, cxlviii-cli. Over de beteekenis en de verwantscbap der groote arterien die bij reptilien van't hart naar den kop opstijgen. [1886.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdsehr., 1, 1885-87, ccvi-ccviii. , . -r, .-,• Hie Visceraltaschen und Aortenbogen bei Keptilien und Vogeln. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 528-532, 543-546. Die Halsgegend der Keptilien. Zool. Anz., 10, 1887, 88-96. , , . „ ,.,• Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Halsgegend bei heptiUen. Amsterdam Bijdr. Dierk., Ki, 1888, 1-146. [Over den oorsproiig van de >oorste ledematen en de tongspieren bij reptilien.] [1888.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 202-205. Epitheelderivaten van den ventralen darmwand achter de kieuwspleten. [1888.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdsehr., 2, 1889, xxxvii-xxxix. Ueber die Herkunft der Extremitatoii- und Zungen- inuskulatur bei Eidechseu. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889, 240- 255. Ueber die Suprapericardialk5rper. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889, 400-407. [Onderzoekingen over den ooreprong der long- en ledemaatspieren bij reptilien.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdsehr., 2, 1889, Ixx-lxxi. Ueber die Entwickliing der Farben und Adern aut den Schmetterlingsfliigeln. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdsohr., 2, 1889, 235-247. , , , , Over de ontwikkeling der kieuwzakken en aortabogen bij zeeschildpadden, onderzocht ann embryonen van Chelonia viridis. Amsterdam, Ak. Vcisl, 1 1], 1893, 204- 206 ; Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 801-803. „,.,,,.., Be.ncrkungen zur Phylogenie der bchildkroteii. [With ,/i'.sc»s«ion.] Congr. Int. Zool. C. li., 1896, d22- b3o. [Over eenige bijzonderheden aan den sc'edel van Dermochelys (Sphargis) coriacea.] [1896.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdsehr., 5, 1898, lii-liii. On reptilian affinities in the temporal region of the mouotreme skull. Int. Congr. Zool. Proc, 1898, 163- 165. Kesultaten van een vergelijkend onderzoek der ver- hemelte-, orbitaal- en slaapstreek aan den schedel der Monotreiuen. [The results of a I'omparative investiga- tion concerning the palatine, orbital, and temporal legions of the monotreine skull.] [1899-1900.] Amster- dam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 157-160; 9, 1901, 110-111, 478-479 ; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 81-84 ; 3, 1901, 130-133, 405-407. [Onderzoek over den monotremen-schedel.] [1899.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdsehr., I), 1900, xxx-xxxii, liv-lvii ; Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 449-461. Bemmelen, J{akoh] M [aarttni'\ van. Over de samenstelling en het voorkomen der zure gronden in het nederlandsch diluvium. [1885.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 2, 1886, 125. Sur les couches alluviales recentes dans I'lJ et le Zuiderzfee et sur la formation des terres pyritiques et acides dans leS- alluvions des Pays-Bas. Eec Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886, 199-211. i»tc verhandeling. De bodem van het voormalige I.J. [ii'"' verhandehng. Over de samenstelhng van de nieuwe zeeklei in het IJ en in de Zuiderzee, iir'' verhandeling. De samenstelling van de zure gronden in het nederlandsch alluvium.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verh., 25, 1887, 105 pp. Explosion d'un tube contenaot des cristaux de sulfate de protoxvde de chrome. Kec. Trav. Cliim. Pays-Bas, 6, 1887, 202-204. Notice sur I'oxyde de germanium. Kec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 6, 1887, 205-208. '[Over de hydraten van de reeks der viervoudige zuren.] [1887.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 4, 1888, Die Ahsorptionsverbindungen und das Absorptions- vermogen der Ackererde. (Dritle Abhandlnng.) Landw. Versuolis-Stat., 35, 1888, 69-136. Sur la nature des coUoides et leur teneur en eau. L'hydiogel de I'acide silicique. Le coUoide d'alumine et I'hydrate d'alumine. Les coUoides de I'oxyde stan- niciue.' Sur le coUoide de I'oxyde ferricpie. Sur le eoUoIde de I'oxyde chromique. Kec. Trav. Chim. Pays- Bas, 7, 1888, 37-68, 69-74, 75-87, 87-106, 106-114, 114- 118 [Over de samenstelling van vulkanische en andere klei in Deli en .Java.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 7, 1890, 168-17-2. ,y , ■ a Die Zusammensetzung des Meeresschlicks in den neuen AUuvien des Zuiderzee (Niederlande). Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 37, 1890, 239-256. Die Zusamniensetzung des vulkanischen Bodens in Deli (Sumatra) und in Malang (.Java), und des Fluss- Thonbodens in Kembang (.Java), wclche fiir die Ta- bakskultur bcnutzt werden. Landw. Versucha-Stat., 37, 1890, 257-278. Ueber die Bestimmung des Wassers, des Humus, des Schwefels, der in den cnlloidalen Silikaten gebundeneii Kieselsiiure, des Mangans u. s. w. ini Ackerboden. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 37, 1890, 279-290. Die Zusammensetzung der Ackererde, nach Anleitung der in den vorigen Abhandhmgon mitgetoilten Analyseu von gewdlinlichen und vulkanischen Thonboden. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 37. 1890, 347-373. Ueber die Ursaclieu der Fruchtbarkeit des Lrwald- liodens in Deli (Sumatra) und auf Java fiir die Tabaks- kiillui uiul der Alinahnie dieser Fruchtbarkeit. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 37, 1890, 374-408. Ueber die Zusammensetzuug der Asche der labaks- blatter in Beziehung zu ihrer guten oder schleohten Bemmelen] 4.3:5 Benardeau Qualitiit insbesondcro zu iliror Brcnnbarkeit. Landw. Veisuch8-Stat. , 37, 1890, 40. [Over lict h.ydratisclio ijzuroxydc] Amstercbiiii, Ak. Vcrsl. en Meded., !», 1892, 342-31li. Kristallijn nalriumforriet en kristallijn ijzeriix.vd- hydraat. (1H9-'.] AiiiBlcrdam, Ak. Vcrsl., fll, 1893 11-43. Over dc dampspanning van het colloidalo kiezelzuur. AmBtcrdani, Ak. Versl., [1], 1893, (iH-71. Over het collnidalc en liet krUlallijne hydniat van het koperoxyd. Amstcrdiun, Ak. Vcrsl., [1], 1893. 117-12.5; Ztschr. AnorK. Chem., .5, 1894, 466.^83; Arch. Neerland.! 30, 1897, 1-24. Over do kleurveranderinKcn in de opiossing van chloorkobalt. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., fl], 1893, 160- 1(;3. Dor TcilungskoeUizientbel .\bsorptionen aus Losungen durch feste Stoffe. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 331-334. Over de samcnstelliug, het voorkomen, en de vorming van sideroze (witte klien) en van vivianiet in de ondersto darglaag der hoogvecnen van zuidoost Drcnthe. [189.5.] Amsterdam, .\k. Verb. (Sect. 1), 3, 1896, No. 1, 16 pp.; Arch. Nterland., 30, 1897, 2.5-43. Over de ontwatering, herwatcring en herontn-atering van het colloidalo kiezclziuir bij 15°C. [189.5.] Amster- dam, Ak. Ver.ll., 4, 1896, 02-71. De uitkomst van een onderzoek naar het fluorgehalte van fossicle heenderen uit de Pliocene formatie op Midden-.Iava. [1896.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., .5, 1897 62-66. Over den deelingscoi'tlicicnt bij de absorbtie van opgeloste stoffcn doer kolloiJen. |1896.J .\insterdam, Ak. Versl., 5, 1897, 06-73; Fortschr. Phys., 1897 lAhlh. 1), 543. ^ — — Over de chemische metamorphose van het phosphaat in fossiele beenderen. Amsterdam, .\k. Versl., 5, 1897, 33.5-311. Die Absorption. [Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. E. A. Ki.oHuiK.] Ztsehr. .\norg. Chem., 13, 1897, 233-3,56; 18, 1898, 14-30. 98-146; 20, 1899, 185-211; 23, 1900, 111-12.), 321-372. Der tiebalt an Flnorcaloinmeines fossilen Elephanteii- knochen aus der Tertiiirzeit. [Unter Mitwirkun? von Dr. .\. Simon TnosiAs und Dr. E. A. Ki.onniE.] Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 15, 1897, 84-89; Arch. N^erland., 3, 1900, 229-235. Die Absorption. Anhiiiifiing von Flaorcalcinm, Kalk, Phosphaten in fossilen Knochen. [Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. E. A. Ki.oitiiiE.] Ztsclir. Anorg. Chem., 15, 1897, 90-122; Arch. Nc^erland., 3, 1900, 236-272. Over het absorptie-vcrinogen van het koUoidale kiezelzunr. Amsterdam. .\k. Versl., 6, 1898. 498-.506. Hydrogel van ijzeroxyde. [On hydrogel of oxide of iron (ferric-oxide).] Amsterdam, .\k. Vcrsl., 7, 1899, 305-310; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 1. 1899. 249-253. Ueber das Vorkommen. die Zusammensetzung und die Bildiing von Eiseuanhiiufungen in und unter Mooren. [Unter Mitwirkung von C. Hoitskma and E. .\- Kloiibie.] [1899.] Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 22, 1900, 313-379. De chemische samenstelling van 2 monsters Loess. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verb. (Sect. 2), 7, 1901, So. 3. 18-26. Over het stelsci Bi., 0^ - N„ O, - H„ 0. [On the svstcm : BioO,-N,05-H...O.] [1900.] Am'sterdam, Ak.Ver.sl., 9, 1901. 0IU74: Amsterdam, .\k. Proc. 3, 1901. 196-203. Bemmelen, .r[nkoli] M[atirUn] t-nii, A Klobbie, K[iUinrti] .4[ii,./iis(]. Ueber das amorphe, wasserhaltige Eisenoxyd, R. S. A. C. das krvHtnllinsche Einenoxydhydrat, dan Kaliumfcrrit und das Natriumferril. JJ. Prakt. Chem., 46, 1893, 197 ".29; Arch. Neerland., 29, 1896, 413-4.53. Bemmelen, fl'\illfm] van. Dc isogonen in de 16* en 17* ocuw. Amsterdam, Ak. VerHl., [l], 1893, 202-204. Ueber iiltere erdmagnetischc IJeif' erdmagnotische Kachxturung. Meleorol. Ztschr., 12 (1898), 321-329. Over de algemecnc graphischc voorsttdling van de seculuire variatie der aardmagnetische declinatie. [1896.] Amsterdam, Ak. Vcrsl., 4, 1896, 119-122. Die Linien glcichcr Siikular- Variation der Declination. [1895.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 4, 1896, 192-197. Wertc der erdniagnetischcn Dcklinati'in fiir die Periodc 1.500-1700, und ihrer Siicular- Variation fur die Periode 1.500-1*50. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 5, 1897, 390-400. Nicuwe aanwinsten voor de verzameling van cade miswijzings-waarnemingen. [1897.] Amsterdam, .\k. Versl., 6, 1898, 317-321 ; Terrestrial Magn., 3, 1898, 45-48. [Aardbevingsverschijnselen.] Batavia, Natuurk. Tijd- schr., oH. 1898. .V21-.523. Die .\bweichung der Magnetnadel ; Beobachtnngen, Siicular- Variation, Wert- und Isogontnsysteme bis zur Mitte des XVIII"™ Jahrhunderts. BaUvia Obs. Obsns., 21. 1899 (Siippl.). 109 pp. Spasmen in de aardmagneetkracht te Batavia. ["Spasms" in the terrestrial magnetic force at Batavia.] [1899.] Amsterdam, Ak. Vcrsl., 8, 1900, 11.5-125; Amsterdam. Ak- Proc, 2, 1900, 202-211. Die Siikular-Verlegung der magnetischen Axe der Erde. Batavia Obs. Obsns.. 22 (Pi. 1). 1900. 1-57-166. Bemmelen, n'\ill,iii] i;iii. .V Rijckevorael, E. van. See Rijckevorsel .V Bemmelen. Bemont, (i{u.-^i,tn]. A" Etard, A[le.[andre Lion]. See Etard ,v B6mont. Biimont, '.'fii-f.u-.l. Curie, I'l-rr,:. Jt Cnrte, f.Vnw.) Marie Sklodowska. s. > Carle, Curie A' B6mont. Bemporad, ,(;.;;'iij- Cmnpl.jssi di 2 graio custituiti dalle normali ad una serie di cun-e piano. [1m99-) Torino .Ace. Sci. Atti, 34, 1898. 391-402 nr 535-546. Bemrose, ll[enry] //[oirc] Arnold-. <•• Arnold- Bemrose. Bemrose, Jna'pli, ,t Oirdwood, <;[i('»c. Phys. Seances. 19<)p. 213-226. Btaard. Ilrnri.' A Maacart, filleuthere itUe SieoUu]. ^ Mascart A' Binard. Binard. '.(//•». La virsc des cereales, France Soc. Agr. Bull.. 5il. 1890. 454-455. Binardeau, i-\ihifn. De Taction des eaux dans les montagnes. Paris, Club Alpin Fran^. Annu., 11, 1885. 375-396. 56 434 Benardeau] La restauration des montagnes. [1887.] Taris, Club Alpin Franc. Annu., 14, 1888, 427^4.52, Benassi, Pin. Piante ed insetti fossili di Ke in Val Vigezzn. Riv. Ital. Taleont., 2, 1896, 31.5-.S20. Benavente, David. Contribucion al estiidio del aparato hioideo i de sus funciones. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, 183-198. Contribucion al estudio de la topoRrafia craneo- encefalica. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 87, 1894, 287-293. . . ■.• Benavides, Jriiarn. *E1 iodoformo i sus usos terapeuticos. .SaiitiHf^o de Chile, Univ. An., 61, 1882. 203-222. Binazet, F. Sur le dosage du phosphore dans les produits de la nuHallurgie du fer. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 1083-1091. Benbow, Juki,. Middlesex plants. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 56, 279-280; 23, 1885, 36-38, 338-340; 25, 1887, 14-20, 363- 366; 28, 1890, 120; 31, 1893, 218. Crepis biennis in Middlesex. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 213. Salvia pratensis in Bucks. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 279. Crepis taraxacifolia in Middlesex. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 220-221 ; 27, 1889, 22. Middlesex mosses. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 106-107, 369- .370; 34, 1896, 400; 37, 1899, 441. Bucks plants. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 400; 36, 1898, 492. Middlesex Rubi. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 25.5-2.58. Bencker, C. Sicherheitsausguss mit Gummiverschluss fiir Flaschen mit iitzenden Fliissigkeiten. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 1033. Bencltiser, A[lfoiis]. Ueber eine seltene Art von secun- diirem Carcin'om des Uteruskorpers. Ztscbr. Geburtshlf. Gvniik., 22, 1891, 337-343. '. Ueber abnorm ausmiindende Ureteren und deren chirurgische Behandlung. [1898.] Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 41, 1899, 413-422. Ben'ckiser, Tli[eodor]. & Nietzki, R[_udolf]. Sec Nietzki cV Benckiser. Benezur, Dioni/s. Studien fiber den Hamoglobingehait des menschlic'hen Blutes bei Chlorose und Aniimie unter Hiimoglobin- und Blutzufuhr. Deutsch. Arch. Khn. Med., 36, 1885, 36.5-397. Benezur, Diani/.-'. & Csatary, Atifinst. Ueber das Ver- hiiltniss der Oedeme z\im Hiimoglobingehalt des Blutes. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 46, 1890, 478-496. Benezur, Dinm/s, A J6nas, Arnold. Ueber Thermo- pahiation. [1889.] Deutsch. Arch. Khn. Med., 46, 1890, 19-34. ^ , ^ . Wesen und Zustandekommen der thermopalpaton- schen Erscheinungen. [ZV.] [180O.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 48, 1891, 578-596. Benda, Carl. [Ueber das Vorkommen des Koch schcn Bacillus in den Nieren und die von deraselben hier erzeugten Krkrankungen.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Jh/;i.), 1884, 300-301. r,oo. T Untersuchungen fiber Miliartuberculose. [1884. J Beriin. Med. Ges. Verb., 15, 1885 (Tk. 2), 93-100. Ueber die Spermatogenese der Siiugethiere. [1885-86.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1886, 186-187, 386-388. ■ ,,.,,, [Das Auftroten und Auordnung chromopliilor Granu- lationen ini Kfickenniark.] Anat. Anz., 1, 1886, 290- 291 ileber eine ncue Fiirbemethode des Centralnerven- systems, und Thcoretisches fiber Harnmtoxylinfiirbungen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Ahlh.), 1886, .562-564. Ueber die Spermatogenese der Siiugethiere und des Men.'fchen. [1886.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 17, 1887 (Th. 2), 205-213. ^ ,,,. Zur Spermatogenese und Hodenstruktur der \N ir- beltiere. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 368-370. Ein interessantes Strukturverhiiltnis der Miiuscniere. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 425. Untersuchungen fiber den Bau des functionnenden [Bendall Samenkaniilchens einiger Siiugethiere und Folgerungcn ffir die Spermatogenese dieser Wirbelthierklasse. Arch. Mikr. Anat., .30, 1887, 49-110. Makroskopische und mikroskopische Praparate. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 706-707. . Eine neue Hiirtungsmethode besonders fur das Centralnervensystem. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 26, 1888, 407-498. , ^ , Die Entwickelung des Siiugetierhodens. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 125-130. Neue Mittheilungen fiber die Entwickelung der Genitaldrfisen und fiber die Metamorphose der Sanien- zellen (Histiogenese der Spermatozoen). Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phiisiol. Abth.), 1891, 549-5.52. Ueber die Histiogenese des Sauropsidenspermatozoons. Anat. Anz,, 7, 1892 (Amt. Grs. Verh.), 195-199. Zellstrncturen und Zellteiluugen des Salamander- hodens. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 161- 165. Ueber die Schleimhautleisten des wahren Stimm- bandes beim Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1895, 563-564. „ x v, d .i, <■ Formalin beim Gefrierverfahren. Centrbl. Path., b, 1895, 803-804. . -v f v, Ueber die Bedeutung der durch basische Anihnfarben darstellbaren Nervenzellstructuren. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 7.59-768. ^ ,. Ueber den Bau der blutbildenden Organe und die Regeneration der Blutelcmente beim Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Plu/siol. .Ihth.), 1896, 347-352. Neuere Mittheilungen fiber die Histiogenese der Siiugethierspermatozoen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phy.'nol. Abth.), 1897, 406-414. Anatomische Mittheilungen fiber akute Leuksemie. Wien. Med. Wschr., 47, 1897, 2001. Ueber die Entstehung der Spiralfaser des Verbindungs- stfickes der Siiugetierspermien. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 264-266. Ueber die Spermatogenese hiiherer Evertebiaten. i. Theil. Geschlechtszellen. [ii. Thiel. Spermien.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. 385-392, 393-398. Weitere Mittheilungen fiber die Mitochondria. Anat. Physiol. (Phr/siol. Ahlh.), 1899, 376-383. Weitere Beobachtuugen fiber die Mitochondria und ihr Verhiiltniss zu Secretgranulationen nebst kritischen Bemerkungeu. [1899.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phy.'iiol. Ahth.), 1900, 166-178. Paula Gunther's neues Lupenstativ. [1899.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phi/siol. .Ibth.), 1900, 179-180. Ueber'acute Miliartuberculose. [1899.] Berhu. Med. Ges. Verb., 30, 1900 (Th. 2), 2.59-281. , , . , Ueber den nonnaleii Bau und einige pathologische Veriinderungen der mensclilieheu Hypophysis cerebri. [1900.1 Arch. Anat. Phvsiol. (Pliysiol. Abth.), 1900, 373-380; Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh,, 31, 1901 (Th. 2), 436-451. ^ . Erfahrungen fiber Neurogliafiirbungen und eine neue Fiirbungsmethode. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 786-798. . Eine makro- und mikrocheraische Reaction der Fettgewebs-Nekrose. Virchow, Arch., 161, 1900, 194- 198. Benda, Carl, A Brentano, Adolf. See Brentano A- Benda. ■ , . , i Benda, Carl. A Perutz, Fr. Ueber eiu noch nicht beach- tetes Structurverhiiltuiss des nieiischlichen Hodens. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phiisiol. .I!,IU.). 1899, 577-579. Benda, 7,|o»/,s], & Gnehm, R[obert]. See Gnehm A- Benda. , .^., , Benda, Th[eodor]. Zur Pariislhesie der Hautnerveu am Ohcrschenkel. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 256-2.59. BendaU, Ifilfred. A list of the land Mollusca of the island der Vertebraten und Ueber die vegetativen Die Histiogenese der . (Physiol, .ibth.), 1898, Arch. Beudalll 43.'j [Beudix of New Proviilcncr, lialmmaii, with an enumeration of the Hpi-cicfi recorded from tlic other islandx. London Miiliicol. Soc. I'roc., 1, 1895, ■J'.|-2--.''.l5. Bander, ('I rirf). Stiidicn liher Siil/.iii!•>, 1884, I7!l--20:i; al, 1887, HT1-Hm. lirechiiii(;!oliii. Chiin. Ztn., U, 1890. Hi)',. Bender, /'|ri(:]. lliliur die aiiH a-Naphtol ent.stehcnden Sulfosiiuren. Berlin, Chem. lies. Ber., 22, 1889, il'JS- lUOO. Ucber Derivate des ;)-r)inieth,vlamidobpnzaldehyd». Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2H, 1896, KC.l-lll. Ueber die Kinwirkuug von Alkalien auf fi-Nitrotoluol- Bulfosiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1898, 422- 426. Bender, /'In*.], it Scbnltz, ilimtar fTlimJor Augiitl Olto]. Ueber DinniidoKtilben und Iiiamidostilbendiaulfosiiiire. Berlin, Cli. m. Gis. Ber., l'.(. 1886. .WiM-MM. Bender, dion;. Leber Kohlensiiureiitlier. Berlin, Chem. Ues. Ber., 19, 1886, 22f..-)-2271, 2950-2952. Ueber substitnirto Chlorstickstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 19, 1886. 2272-2271. Ueber Rliodanwismuth. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 72a-72(i. Ueber die Nichtexistenz des Chrombeptasulfids. Berlin, Chem. Ge8. Ber., 20, 1887, 72(>-72S. Ueber die EinwirkunR des Monochloracelessigiithers anf Pheiiylhydruzin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2747-2752. Ueber die Einwirkung des Phenylhydrazins auf halogensubstituirte Ketonsiiureiither und halo^eDSub- stitnirte Ketone. Berlin, Chem. Oes. Ber., 21, 1888, 2492-2498. Bender, .1/, 1888, 306-372. l>escription of the nest and eggs of the California black-cap|>ed gnat-catcher (I'olioptila califomicii, HrfWfler). U. S. .Mus. Proc., 10. 1888, .549-551). Notes on a collection of birds' nests and eggs from southern Arizona Territory. U. S. Mus. Proc., 10, 1888, .551-558. Notes on the habits, nests and eggs of Dendragapus obscurus fuliginosoB, the sooty grouse. .Auk, 0, 1889, 32-39. A peculiar neat of Cinclus mexicanus. Auk, 6, 1B89, 75. Notes on the general habits, nests and eggs of the genus Passerella. Auk, G, 1889, 107-11);. Description of the supposed nest and eggs of Zono- trichia querula, Haiibis's sparrow. Auk, G, 1889, 1.50- 152. Picicory'us columbianas {n'iU.), Cuuikk's nutcracker. Its nest and eggs, etc. .Auk, 6. 1889. 22C-2.36. Description of the nest and eggs of Megaacops Aaio Maxwellia>, the Rocky Mountain screech owl. Auk, 6, 1889, 298-302. Notes on Pipilo fuscns mesoleaens and Pipilo Aberti, their habits, nests and eggs. Auk, 7, 1890, 22-29. Megascops .^sio Maxwelliic. Auk, 7, 1890. 91. .\ second nest and eggs of Picicorvus columbianus taken in Colorado. Auk. 7. 1890. 92. Directions for collecting, preparing and preserving birds' eggs and nests. U. S. Mus. Bull., 39 (Pt. D), 1891, 10 pp. Life histories of North .\merican birds with special reference to their breeding habits and eggs. Smithsonian Contrib., 2X. 1892, 440 pp.; U. S. Mus. Spec. Bull., 1, 1892. 44r, pp. .Kn attractive addition to the avifauna of the United States. Icterus gularis jucatanensis, ro/i BerUptch. Auk, 10. 1893, 300-367. The cowbirds. Smithsonian Bep. (U. S. Nat. Mus. Rep.), 1893, 587-624. Tympanuehus americanns Attwateri, Rendirf. Att- w.itek's or southern prairie hen. .\uk, 11, 1894, 130- 132. Descriptions of nests and eggs of some new birds, collected on the island of .Udabra, north-west of Mada- gascar, by Dr. W. L. Abbott. [1894.] U. 8. Mug. Proc., 17, 1895, 39-41. The American barn owl breeding at Washington, D. C in winter. Auk. 12, 1896. I-'O-IHI. Life histories of North .\in. . . ' ut the parrots to the grackles, with sp- their breeec. Bull., 3, 1896, 518 pp. .SVi- u/sii iiuiier Uttlejohn, Chntf. Bendlx, IlernlmrJ. Zur Frage der Kindererniihr::- - "Ueber die Verdaulichkeit der stcrilisirten und i.. .. sterilisirten Milch." Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 38, 1894. 3'.i:i- 4-29. Beitriige zum SlofTwechael do^^ >;.,.!. ,™a Jbuch. Kinderhiilk., 43. 1896. 2;i-53 : 4> - ^31. Zur Frage der Ammouiakau- durch den Bendix] 436 [Benecke Harn bei magendarmkranken Siiuglingeu. Jbueh. Kin- derheilk., 48, 1898, 165-173. Uebcr den Eintiiiss der Menstruation anf die Lacta- tion. [1898.] Wien. Med. Wscbr., 4!1, 1899, 31B-317. Ein Stoffwechselversuch beim ativ.iiliiscbcii Siiugling. Arch. Aimt. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.], 1899 {SappL), 206- 217. Bendix, Ernst. Bericht iiber Versnche, wie viel Zucker nach Darreicbung verseliiedener Eiweiss-Arten im thieri- schen Organismus gebildet wild. Arch. Anat. Phy.sioL {Plii/sinl. Ahlli.). 1900 {Siippl.), 309-311. Bendix, Ernst, \- ■Wohlgemuth, Julius. Ueber Reindar- steUiiug des Glykugens. Pfiiiger, Arch. Physiol., 80, 1900, 238-240. Bendix, Piiul. & Anschiitz, Riclmrd. See Anschiitz A Bendix. Bendix, Piiul. AnscIiUtz, Richnril, & Kerp, Wilhelm. See Anschiitz, Bendix & Kerp. Bendixson, har. *yiir la luiissance des ensembles parfaits de points. [1883.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihaug, 9, 1884r-85, jVo. 6, 1.5 pp. Un thi5oreme auxiliaire de la thiorie des ensembles. [1884.] Stockh., Ah. Handl. Bihang, 9, 1884-85, No. 7, ■^PP- Sur la formule d'iuterpolation de Lagr.\nge. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. E., 101, 1885, 10.50-1053, 1129-1131. Sur une extension a I'infini de la formule d'iuterpola- tion de G.^Dss. Acta Math., 9, 1887, 1-34. Bestiimuing af de algebraiskt upplijsbara likheter, i hvilka hvarje rot kan uttryckas sora en rationel fuiiktion af en af rotterna. Stockh., Ofvers., 1891, 131-147; Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 7, 1893, C, 7 pp. Sur les Equations diff^-rentielles liu^aires homogenes. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 91-105. Sur I'irr^ductibilitc- des fonctions de plusieurs varia- bles. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 189-193. Sur I'integration d'on systeme d'e(iuations aux diffe- rentielles totalea. Stockh'., Ofvers., 1892, 271-277. Sur les Equations diff^rentielles riguliferes. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 279-285. Sur un th(5oreme de M. Lie. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, .301-306. Quelques applications du theoreme de Sturm ctendu a un systeme d'equations. [1892.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 18 (Afcl. 1), 1893, No. 2, 18 pp. Sur les equations difiV-rentielles liueaires homogenes. [1892.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Biliaug, 18 (Afd. 1), 1893, No. 7, 29 pp. Sur le calcul des integrales d'un .systeme d'equations diffc'-rentielles par des approximations successives. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 599-612. Sur un theoreme de M. Poincake. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 118, 1894, 971-973. Sur le developperacnt des integrales d'un systeme d'equations differentielles au voisinage d'un point singulier. Stockh., Ofvers., 1894, 141-151. Sur les points singuliers d'une Equation diff^rentielle lineaire. Stockh., Ofvers., 1895, 81-99. Di^monstration de I'existence de Tint^grale d'une Equa- tion aux derivecs partielles lin(5aire. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 24, 1896, 220-225. Sur les liquations diffcirentielles lineaires i\ solutions pi-riodiques. Stockh., Ofvers., 1896, 193-205. . Sur une application nouvelle des parametres differen- tiels dans la tlieorie des surfaces. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 331-339. Sur la (convergence uniforme des si;ries. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 605-(;22. Sur les points singuliers des Equations diiMrentiellcs. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 69-85, 139-151, 171-188, 635- 658. Sur les racines d'une Equation fondaraentalc. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 1099 1103. Bendrat, T[liomas'] A[Uierl\ it Herrick, C[hirence"\ L. Sfe Herrick >V' Bendrat. Bendt, Enin:. Die Kraftiibertragung and ihre Methoden. tlentrztg. Optik, 15, 1894, 87-90. Bendz, C. IT. Hvad er centrifiigalkraff? Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 32, 1893, 225-236. Bendz, lliins. Bidrag till kiinncdomen om hiingnings- dcklens fenomeu. Lund. Univ. Acta, 21, 1885-86 [Med.), .'lO + xxxvi pp. Bene, (Jezu. A resicza-domani Liasz koszEnbauy^k es kornyekenek geologiai viszonyair61. [Ueber die geolo- gischen Verhiiltnisse der Lias-Kohlengrnben von Resicza- lloman und ihrer Umgebung.] Foldt. Kijzlon., 21, 1891, 2H9-3(lO, 325-3,38. B^nech, [Louis Victor Alfred] Eloj)he. Toxalbumine retiree de la chair d'anguille de riviere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 833-836; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1899, 35-37. Action de I'i.socyanate de phenyle et de I'isothiocyauate de phenyle sur les aoides bibasiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 920-923. De la toxicite des urines. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. H.), 805-806. B6nech, [Louis ]'ietor Alfred] Elojihe, & Cassaet, [Jfii«] ]':[rie Tlieodote]. See CassaetcV' B6nech. B6nech, [Louis ]'ietor .ilfred] Eloplie, Ijayet, A[le.raudre Eheiir] , cV- lie Dantec, A le.vandre. See Iiayet, lie Dantec iS: B^nech. Benech, L[ueieu]. Contribution a la nosographie de I'ictere febrile essentiel. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 13, 1889, 431-448. Benecke, llerthidd. For biography see Humboldt, 5, 1886, 240; Konigsb. Schr., 27, 1887 {Sljer.). 17-18. Ein neuer Cyprinoidenba^tard. Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 228-230. Benecke, E[rust] W[ilhelm]. •Ueber die Trias in Elsass- Lothringen und Luxemburg. Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abb., 1, 1877, 490-829. Geologische Karte des Grigna-Gebirges. Neues Jbuch. Miu., 1884 (i'd. 1), 81-82. Ueber Cidaris Buchi, Mnstr. Neues Jbuch. Min. , 1884 (Bd. 2), 132-134. Eriauterungen zu einer geologischen Karte des Grigna- Gebirges. [1884.] Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 3, 1885, 171-251. Ueber eine Ophiure ans dem englischen Rliat. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 (Bd. 2), 195-200. Eriauterungen zu Blatt Lembach. Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Erlaut., 1892, 46 pp. Bemerkungen iiber die Gliederung der oberen alpinen Trias und iiber alpinen und ausseralpinen Muschelkalk. Freiburg Ber., 9, 1895, 221-244. Beitrag zur Kenntuiss des Jura in DeutschLothringen. Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abh., Heft 1, 1898, 97 pp. Lettenkohlengruppe und Lunzer Schiehten. Freiburg Ber., 10, 1898, 109-151. llyophoria inflata, Emmr., im schwabischen Rhat. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1900 (2W. 1), 218-224. Myophoria inflata, Emuir. Centrbl. Min., 1900, 5. Benecke, 7-,'[)h.s7] }]'[illielm], & Bosenbusch, H. *Einlei- tende Bemerkungen iiber die neue geologische Laiides- Aufnahme von Elsass-Lotliringen. Verzeichniss der mineralogischen Litteratur. Chronologischer Ueberblick der mineralogischen und geologischen Litteratur iiber die lieicbslande Elsass-Lotliringen. [1875.] Els.-Lothr. (Jeol. Karte Abh., 1, 1877, i-xxvi, 1-77. Benecke, •E[rust] ^'[ilhi'lni]. Andreae, A[chilles], Schu- macher, /.|»(/r'H|, iV VTcrveke, lleopohl] r'i!{<}< ^") "'> MitlilpruductL-n. Liiiidw. Vcr- BUchsStnt., 31, 1888, 107-414. Ucbcr dii! Kuiillchcn aw den Leguniinogun-WurzolD. Bot. Centrbl., •i'J, 1887, ."j3-54. Ueber die UrHacheu der Veriindcrungeii, welclic bIcIi wiihrend deH Kcifuni^HproccsseH im Kiiiiiientliuler Kiise vollziehen. Ceiitibl. Hiikt.. 1, 1887, rj-il .520. Ueber die Mvk'nliizii. Zusaimiiciifasseiidcr Bericht. Centrbl. liftkt.."4, 1888, 7."i:i -T'j.'i, 781-7H5. Zuiii Nueliweifie der Mablprodukte de8 lioggens iu den Mablprndiikten des Weizenn. Landw. Versuehs-Stat., :i(l, 1889, .•t;i7-306. iieitraR ziir Kenntniss der WaclistliumsReschwinilig keit. IJeut.sch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 11, 1893, 173-170. ■ Ueber das Chinn.wl. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), :(, 1897, 0.'i-73, 114-120. Benecke, Fruit:, & Bchulze, /,'. Untersuchungen iiber den Eninienthaler Kiise nnd iiber einige andere schwei/.erische Kiisesortcn. Landw. .Ibiicb., 10, 1887, 317-400. Benecke, Willieliii. Die Nebenzellen der SpaltiiiTnuiigcn. liut. Zli,'., .JO, 1892, 521-529, 537-546, .5.5.3-502, 50a-37H, 5H5 5113, 001-007. Ein Beitrag zur mineralisclien Nabruug der I'Hanzen. [1895.] Deutsch. Bot. Ge.s. Ber., 12, 1894, (105)-(117). Die zur Erniihriing der Scbimmelpilzc uotbwendigen Mctiille. Pringsbeim, Jbiiob. Wi.ss. Bot., 28, 1895, 4«7- 530. Die Bedeiitung des Kaliums und des Magnesiums (iir Entwickelung und Wachstbuni des Aspergillus niger, i'. I'll., siiwie einiger anderer Pilzfonnen. Bot. Ztg., 54, 1896 (.!';(//. 1), '.17-132. Ueber Cnlturbedingungen einiger Algen. Bot. Ztg. , 56, 1898 (Abth. 1), H3-yti, (Ahth. 2), 236. Meclmni.smus und Biologie des Zerfalles der Conjnga- tenfiiden in die einzelneu Zelleu. I'ringsbeim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 32, 1898, 4.53-470. Ueber farblose Diatonieen der Kieler Fobrde. Prings- heim. .Ibiich. Wiss. Bot., 35, 1900, 53.5-572. Beneden, A. run, iV Corin, Gabriel. See Coxin ^V Beneden. Beneden, Eiloiiard van. *[Die ersten Entwicklungser- Hcheinungcn bei Limulus.] Deutsch. Nat(. Tagebl., 1873, 58. Sur quelques animaux nouveaux pour la faune littorale beige, formant une faune locale toute particuliere an voisinage du banc de Thornton. Brux., Ac. Bull., 8, 1884, 040-650. Sur la presence il Liege du Niphargus puteanus, Sch. Brux., Ac. Bull., 8, 1884, 050-652. Sur la presence en Belgique du Bothriocephalus latus, Hremser. Brux., Ac. Bull., 12, 1886, 20.5-280. [Ueber seine Untersuchungen an den ersten Entwick- lungsstadien von Siiugethieren (Kaninchen, Maus, Vesper- tilio murinus).] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 374-375. Les genres Ecteinascidia, Herd., Khopala'a, I'hit., et Sluiteria, n.g. Note pour servir a la classification des Tuniciers. Brux., Ac. Bull., 14, 1887, 19-15. Les Tuniciers sont-ils des poissons degenires? Quel- ques mots de reponse a DomtN. Zool. Anz., 10, 1887, 407- 413, 433-436. Sur la fecondation chez I'Ascaride m^galoc^phale. (Rectification.) Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 104. De la fixation du blastocyste a la niuqueuse uterine chez le murin (Vespertilio murinus). Brux., Ac. Bull., 15, 1888, 17-27. De la formation et de la constitution du placenta chez le nmrin (Vespertilio murinus). Brux., .Ac. Bull., 13, 1888. 351-364. Mons. (icioNAiiP et la decouverte de la division longi- tudinale des au.ies ehromatiques. Arch, de Biol., 9, 1889, 485-495; 10, 1890, 105-126. Les Authozoaires pelagiqucs recueillis par le Prof. Hkn.sen, daus .sou expedition du plauktou. i. Une larve voisine dc la larvc de Bempkk. Brux., Ac. Bull., 20, 1890, 55 99; Arch, de Biol., 10, 1890, 485-521. Seconde reponse & Mnmieur Griu.sAiin au nujet de la division longitudinale des anscs ehromatiques. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 1.57-103. Itecherches sur le d<-veloppcment des Arachnactis. Contribution ii la morphologic des Ci-rianthides. Brux., Ac. Bull., 21, 1891. 179-214; Arch, de Biol., 11, 1891, 115-146. [On the relatiooB of protoplasm.] Nature, 50 (1894), 434. I On the origin and morphological signification of the nolochor.l.j Nature, 50 (1894), 434. Le Phreoryctes menkeanus dans les provinces dc Liege et dc Limbourg. Brux., Ac. Bull., 29, 1895, 341-346. Un court-vite, Cursurius isal>ellinus, Mryrr, tire en Belgique. Brux., Ac. Bull., 29, 1896, 340-3.52. Sur deux points de I'histoire des globules polaires. Brux., Ac. Bull., 34, 1897, 21-24. Sur la presence, chez I'houime, d'un canal archente- rique. Anat. Auz., 15, 1899. 349-3.56. Bechcrehes sur les premiers stades du developpement du murin (Ves|iertilio murinus). Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, 305-334, /,24-526. Beneden, Kdonunl ran, A- Snval, Mathiai. Lea placentas iliscoides. Paris, Sue. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. K.), T>:i-T.n. , Beneden, Edouard van, & Jnlln, CharUt. 'Observations siir la nutturation, la fecondation et la segmentation de I'a-uf chez les Cheiropti-res. [18«0.] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 7, |1883|, Ivii Ixvii or liv-lxiv. Itecherches sur la formation des annexes futales chez les Mammif(>res (lapin et Cbeiropt^res). Arch, de Biol., 5, 1884, 369-434. Keclierches sur le d^veloppement postembryonnaire d'une Phallusie (Phallusia scabro'i'dcs, nor. ip.). Arch. de Biol., 5, 1884. 011-638. La spermatogenese chez I'Ascaride megalocephale. Brux., Ac. Bull., 7, 1884, 312-342. La segmentation chez les Ascidiens et ses rapports avec I'organisation de la larve. Brux., Ac. Ball., 7, 1884, 431-447; Arch, de Biol., 5, 1884, 111-126. Le systeme nerveui central des .\scidies adultes et ses rapports avec celui des larves urodiles. Brux., Ac. Bull., 8, 1884, 13-72; Arch, de Biol., 5, 1884, 317- 367. Les orifices branchiaux externes des .Aacidiens et la formation du cloaque chez Phallusia scabroides, nor. tp. Brux., Ac. Bull., 8, 1884, 631-046. Keclierches sur la morjjhologie des Tuniciers. [1885.] Arch, do Biol., 6, 1887, 237-476. Beneden, Kdouard ran, A Veyt, Advlphe. NouveUea recberches sur la fecondation et la division milosiqae chez r.\scaride megalocephale. Brux., Ac. Ball., 14, 1887. 21.'.-295. Beneden, l\ierre'\ J[otfph\ ran. For biography and works see Mex., Soc. •• Alzate " Mem., 7. 1893 (Rer.), 52-54; Bologna Rend., 1893-94, 35-3H ; Brux., Ac. Bull., 27, 1894, 201-208; Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 8, 1894, 20-23; Brux., Soc. Malacol. .Ann.. 29 (1894), v-ii; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 50, 1894 (i'n«-.), 56-57; Lcopoldina, 30, 1894, 5.5-56; Micr. Soc. Jl.. 1894. 118-119; Nature, 49 (1893-94). 293-294; Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 118, 1894, 90-92: Jl. de Conch.. 43. 1896. 76; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 24, 1895, 151-153: Rev. Quest. Sci., 37, 1896. 336-348; Bov. Soc. Proc.. 57, 1895, xx-xxii ; Brux., Soc. Beige Miir. Ann.. 20. 1896, 3-18. *Une baleine fossile du Croatie, appartenant aa genre M^socete. [1882.] Brax., Ac. M^m., 45, 1884 (So. 2), 29 pp. Une nouvelle Balsnoptera rostrata dans la Meoiter- rauee. Brux., Ac. Bull., 8. 1884. 713-719. Beneden I 438 [Benedict Un mot sur les deux Bal^noptferes d'Ostende V GiU, .1. C. See Dennis,' Benedict A' OiU. Benedict, Fiancix (luno. Double haloids of antimony and lii>t:issium. Amcr. Ac. Proc., 29, 1894, 212-227. Double haloid wvlts of antimony, ciilciuiii, and mag- nesium, with observations on the remarkable dissociation of these compounds. Anier. Ac. Proc., 30, 1895, 9-1*;. Absorption apparatus for elementary organic analysis. Amer. Cheni. .11., 23 (19001, 323-334. The elementary analysis of organic substances con- taining nitrogen. Amer. Chem. .11., 23 (1900), 334-3-52. The di.stilbition of ammonia in the determination of nitrogen. Amer. Chem. Soc. .11., 22, 1900, 2.59-263. Benedict, Fiuneis Gaiin, A NorriB, Ji[ohert] S. The determination of .small quantities of alcohol. Amer. Cluiu. Soc. .11., 20, 1898, 2'.l3-302. Benedict, Frdiwis Gnno, & Osterberg, I'.mil. The ele- iinTitiirv composition and beat of combustion of human flit. [1900.] Amer. Jl. Phy.siol., 4, 1901, f>9-76. Benedict, Francis Gatw, & Tower, Otiri Freeman. The use of comjircssed oxygen in elementary organic analysis and of .soda-lime in the (juantitative determination of carbon dioxide. .Amer. Chem. .Soc. .11.. 21, 1899, 389-398. Benedict, //[iirr;/] Y[(indeU\. The effect upon the Eulerian p. riod of an inequality in the ecpiatorial moments of inertia. [1897.) Astr." .11., 18, 1898. 78. On the rotation-velocity of the earth. .\3tr. Jl., 18, 1898, 135. Benedict, Ilnnx. Das /3-Ketohydrinden, / \ /«\ CH 0/ \ II I CO. CH C. \ r^ CH Leipzig Math. Pliys. Ber., 41, 1889, 244. [Ueber liingketoue.] vii. Das j3-Hydrindon und einige seiner Derivate. Liebig's Ann., 275, 1893, 3-51- 356. Benedict, Harris .1/[i7/V Benedict. Benedikt, lleinri'h. & Beck, Sonm. See Beck A' Benedikt. Benedikt, Moriz. "Kephalometrie bei idiopathischer i. e. hereditiirer aus Eclampsia infantihs hervorgegangcner oder in der ersten Kindheit erworbener Epilepsic. Dentsch. Natf. Tagebl.. 1879, 310-311. Die KriimmungsHiicheu am Schadel. Ccntrbl. Med. Wiss., 24. 1886, 27.3-275. Kephalometrischer Befund bei corticnler angeborener Blindheit. Neurol. Centrbl., 5, 1886. 217-218. Cebcr die Bedentung der Kraniometrie fiir die theo- retischcn und practischen Fiichcr der Biologic Dcutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1887, 197-204. Drei Chine.seD-Gehirne. Anatomische Mittheilung. Med. .Ibiich., 2, 1887, 121-133. Beitriige zur .Anatomic der Gehim-Oberflache. Med. Jbuch., 3, 1888, 39-6t). Der Schadel dcs Kaubmorders Scuiu.ak. Med. Jbuch., 3, 1888, 169-182. Ein neues Diagramm der Medianebene. Neurol. Centrbl., 8, 1889, 121-123. Einige qualitative Varietiiten des Knicpbanomens. Neurol. Centrbl.. 8, 1889. 489-491, 54.>-.546. Ueber die Fissura calloso-marginalis. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 («ci«Ju>ioii.] Congr. Med. Int. Atti. 1894 [Vol. 2, .Di.i«.). 10-12. Antwort auf den vorhergehenden ofFenen Brief des Herm Prof. Dr. .Aurel vox To»«k (liber Probleme der Benedikt] 440 [Beneke Kraniologie und Forschungsmethoilen in derselben]. Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 2.5, 1896, [9]-[13]. Ueber den Begriff "Krampf." Wien. Med. Wschr., 45, 1895, 5(15-509, .554-5.58. Nouvelle contribution il Tanatomie coniparoe du cerveau. Pari.s Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1896, 228-241. Weitere Beitrage zur Biomechauik des Kreislaufes. Wien. Med. Wschr., 4«, 1896, 2033-2038. Beitrage zur Augenkunde. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 43, 1897, 683-705. —— De la conductibilite bilat(^rale des nerfs. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 [Vol. 2, Sect. 2), 30-31. La theorie des mouvements atactiques spinaux. Congr. Int. Med. C. K., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 2), 40. La bion]i''caniiiue de la circulation. Progrfe Med., 6, 1897, 49-51. Quelques considerations sur la propagation des excita- tions dans le systeme nerveux. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 3!), 1898, 14-21. — — Weitere kathetometrische Studien. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Anat. Abth.), 1899, 353-388. Benedikt, iloriz (et (ilii). [.Anomalie della superficie del- I'encefalo nei criniinali. Discussione.] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 4, F-sirhiiitr.), 83-86. Benedikt, liudolf. For biography and works see Berlin, Chem. Gea. Ber., 29, 1896, 407-409; Chein. Ztg., 20, 1896, 127-128; Leopoldina, 32, 1896, .59. Ueber das Morin. Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 633. Ueber eine neue Methode zur Untersuchung von Fetten. Ztschr. Chem. Ind., 1, 1887, 14i)-152. Die von Hiibrsche .Jodadditionsniethode. Ztschr. Chem. Ind., 1, 1887, 213-214. Die Analyse der Tiirkischrothole. Ztschr. Chem. Ind., 1, 1887, 325-326. Zur Kenntnias des Destillat-Stearins. (Vorliiutige Mittheilung.) Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 [Abth. •21,), 4U2-494; Mhefte. Chem., 1888, .518-520; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 491-4U2. Beitrage zur Fettanalyse. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 83.5- 836. . Ueber Schmidt's Verfahren zur Umwandlung von Oelsiiure in feste Fettsiiureu. [1890.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 (Abth. 26), 89-101; Mhefte. Chem., 1890, 71-83. Ueber Eoese's Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Alkohols. Chem. Ztg., 15, 1891, 44-45. Ueber die Analyse von Bleiglanz und Bleisulfat. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 4.3-44. Biirettenschwimmer. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 217. Ueber Neuerungen in der Technologie und Analyse der Fette. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 650-653. Zur Analyse des Bienenwachses. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 1922. Ueber Ekeniiebg's Eaftinationsverfahren von Oelen, Fetten u. dgl. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 672- 676. Benedikt, liudolf, &, Bamberger, Max. Ueber eine quanti- tative Iteaction des Lignins. [1890.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 (Abth. 26), 289-296; Mbeftu. Chem., 1890, 260- 207. Zur Bestimmung des Holzschliffes ira Papiere. Chem. Ztg., 15, 1891, 221-222. Ueber die Einwirkung von .Todwasserstoffsiiure auf Bchwefelhaltige Substanzen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 100, 1891 (Ahth. 26), .5-«; Mhefte. Chem., 1891, 1-4. Benedikt, Itiiilolf, & Cantor, Malhiax. Ueber die Bostim- niuiig des KisclienWacbHthum. [1898.] Braunscbw. Vcr. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 122-126. Ueber eini^e .\npa«.suti(,'en der Gewebe an mecbanische BediuKUnRen. [1H9K.J Ijraunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 128-133. Ueber freies Wachstluim metastatischer Geschwnlstele- mente in sero.sen Hiihlen. Deutscb. Arch. Klin. Med., G4, 1899, 237-2(15. Zur Technik der Baucbsectiou. Centrbl. Patb., 11, 1900, 433-436. Ueber die EntstebunR der Milzeysten. Congr. Int. Med. C. B., 1900 (I'c)'. 3, .ln-anisidina. Napoli, Heml., 37, 1898, 279-281; Gazz. Cbim. Ital., 28 (1898, I'l. 21, 202-208. Bcnfenati, /'. .1. Composizione della cenere della Clematis vit.ilba. Biv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12. 1892, 124-125. Benger, !•'. Badi-n. On the digestive ferments. Soc. Cbem. lud. Jl., 6. 1887, 189-193. Bengln, .1 . Note sur les zebus de la plaine de B6ne. Franco Soo. Aoclim. Bull., 45, 1898, 209-213. Bengough, .1. //. The periodicity of earth-currents. Electrician, 22, 1889, 519-520. Bengtsson, Simon. Bidrag till kiinnedomen om larven af I'lialcHiocora rcplicata (Lin.). Lund. Uuiv. .\cta, 33, 1897 [Sm\ Phynioiji-., So. vii, 109 pp.). Uoliorsogen. Herzkorper bei Insectenlarven. Zugleicb ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss dor Blutgewebc. [1899.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 25, 1900 (Afd. 4), iVo. 3, 23 pp. R. S. A. C. Benham, chnrlfn K. Dichromatism id Euglena. Ebdcx .Natlist.. I, 1890, 142. A butterfly on the warpath. Essex Natlist., 7, 1893, 126 127. The artificial Kpectrum top. Nature, 51 (1894-9B), 113 114, 200, 321. Colours of molherof-|X!arl. Nature, 52 (1695), 619- 620. .\ theory of the Itiintgcn phenomena. | iri Lantzius-Beninga. Benington, 11. C. Dissection of a symelian monster. Jl. Anat. I'bysiol., 25, 1891, 202-209. Beninl, ,A Bianchi-JMariotti, G. II. See Bianchi- Maiiotti A- Benini. BeniBchke, (iuslav. Kxperimental-Untersuchungen iilier Diclektrica. Wien, Ak. Sber., 102, 1893 Ulilli. 2.i). .530-545. Zur Fragc der Wiirmctiinung durch dielektrische Polarisation. Wien, Ak. Sber., 102, 1893 {.thtli. 2(i), 134.5-1351. Fine neue asynchrone Wechselstromtriebmasohine. Elektrotcchn. Ztschr., 16, 1895, 368-369. Die Wirkungsweise der Kondensatoren im Wechsel- stromkreise. Elektrotcchn. Ztschr., 16, 1895, 612-615. Ueber Dielektrika. [1893.] Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber., 22, 1896, iii-iv. Stroboskopische Methoden zur Bestimmung der Um- drehungszahl kleiner Motoren, der Polwechselzahl und der Schliipfuug. [1898.] Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 142-144. Pracisions-Instrumente fUr Wechselstrom. Centrztg. Optik, 21, 1900, 153-155, 161-164. Neuere Messinstrumente fiir Wechselstriime. Deutsch, Natf. Verb., 1900 (Th. 2, Hfilfte 1), 36-39. Ueber den sogenannten Formfaktor der Wechselstrom- kurven. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 21, 1900, 674-675,76.5-766. Benison. See Worsley-Benison. Benitez y Leal, Pedro. & Noriega, Pedro. See Noriega & Benitez y Leal. Benjafield, [Jf'illiam Biiniett]. [The climate of Tasmania.] [1900.] Nature, 63 (1900-01), 187. Benjamin, Charles H[e)iry]. Ueber Festigkeitsversucbe an gusseisernen Cylindern. [Tr.] [1898.] Dinglers I'olytechn. JL, 315, 1900, 405-408. Benjamin, Henri. Pathologie animale. Arch. Gen. Med., 184, 1899, 116-128. Le role de I'infection cas^ique dans la tuberculose pulmouaire. Arch. Gen. Med., 185, 1900, 120-124. Benjamin, Henri, & Robin, Albert. See Robin & Benjamin. Benjamin, Ludwig. Contributions to the solution of the problem of stability. Naval Architects Trans., 25, 1884, 208-218. Description of a new stability apparatus. [1884.] United Serv. Inst. Jl., 28, 1885, '771-773. Benjamin, Morenx. Address [to the Social & Econ. Sci. Sect. ]. The early presidents of the American Association. Amer. Ass. Proc. , 1899, 397-459. Benjamin, Eiehard. Beitriige zur Lehre von der Lab- gerinnung. Virchow, Arch., 145, 1896, 30-48. . Ueber den physiologischeu und pathologischen Schlaf. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 54, 1898. 1061-1088. Benjamin, .S. G. W. Persia and the Persians. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 18 (1886), 27-66. Benjamins, H. D. De grenzen van Nederlandscb Guiana. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 15, 1898. 797-846. Benker, C[iul], & Faal, l'[arl Ludwig]. See Faal & Benker. Benker, F. Notice sur une amelioration dans la fabrication de I'acide sulfuri(iue. Moniteur Sci., 3, 1889, 1209-1211. Benkert, .Irtliur L. , & Smith, Edgar F. The separation cif bismuth from lead. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 18, 1896, 1055-1056. Benk6, Gdlior. Erdely kristiilyodott calcitjai. [Crystallized calcites of Transylvania.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szalc), 1884, 53-79. Uj colestin (5s baryt eloforduUs Erdelyben. [Ein nenes Vorkonunen von Colestin und Baryt in Siebenbiirgen.] Orvos-Termt. Krtes. {Termt. SziiA), 1885, 57-60; Ztschr. Kryst., 11, 1886, 263. A kovasznai ,,Pokolsar" es legnjabb eruptioja. [The " Pokolsar'' (a bubbling spring) of Kovaszna and its recent eruption.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1886, 141- 146. Jelentes a mult nyi'iron Hunyadmegy^ben tett asva- nygyujto kiranduliisainak eredminyeirol. [Bericht iiber die liesultate des Mincralien-Sammclns im vergange- nen Sommer im Huuyader Comitat.| Orvos-Termt. Krtes. (Termt. Szcili), 1886, 15-20; Ztschr. Kryst., 13, 1888, 67. Asvilnytani kiizlemc^nyek Erd(51yb61. Mineralogjsche Mittheilungen aus Siebenbiirgen. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1887, 217-220, 272. Asvanytani kozlemcnyok az erdelyi Erczhegysdgbol. Benk6l 443 [Bennett MiiieraloKiHclie MiltlieilunRen aus dem 8iftbcnbur^iHc)lon KrzKebirK'c. OrvoH-Tcrint. I'lrU-'H. (t'ermt. Szak), 1888, I'.IH-'iOd, 'IM; -l-AH; 1889, l(i3-16(;, 1H3-1H(1. Benko, 'cn. HcnnuiiiiHtucIt VitIi., 311, 1886, H.")-H7. Zsil- Viijdci-bi'Jl HZi'tiim/.u aHphaltszerii aiiya^ lUvAnytani is vo^'ytani vi/,sgalata. [MiiieraloKischc und cbt-mische UntersuchiiiiK eines asphaltartij^en Mincnvlea auH Zflil- Vnjdei.] OrvDs-Termt. Krtest. (Terml. Szak), 1886, 159- KiO; Ztsclir. Kryst., l.t, 1888, G8-G9. Benko von Boinlk, Ii-n {Frlir.) rim. [BeobachtungCD dcs Cijiiicten ln«t Wolf I aiif dtr Sternwarte in Pola. Astr. Naolir., HI). 1886, 13 1 J. • Btiibachtiinf^en dcs I'lanctin (217) auf der Sternwarte in Pola. A8tr. Niurhr., Ill, 1886, 267-2«8. [Beobachtuni,' de.i Coineten 1893... (Brooks Oct. 16).] Aatr. Naclir., 134, 1894, 2y-30. [EntdeckiinK eiiieH ncuen Cometen (Perrine Nov. 16).] Astr. Naehr., 139, 1896, 95-96. [EntdecknnR eincs ncuen Cometen (Brooks Nov. 21).] Astr. Naehr., 13'.l, 1896, 111-112. [BeobachtunR des Cometen 1895. ..(Perrine Nov. 10).] Astr. Naehr., 139, 1896, 123-121. Beobachtungen von Cometen am C ziill. Steinheil- .oelien Refractor der Sternwarte Pola. Astr. Naehr., 139, 1896, 141-142. llieobachtiinRpn des Cometen 1896...(Perriue-Lamp).] Astr. Naehr., 139, 1896, .383-384; 14(1, 1896, 25-20. [Beobauhtungen des Cometen 1890... (Swift April 13).] Ant der Sternwarte Pola. Astr. Naehr., 140, 1896, 237- 2.38, 381-382. Beobachtungen anf der Sternwarte in Pola. Astr. Naehr., 141, 1896, 10.5-124. Beobachtungeu vnn kleinen Planoten am Meridian- kreise der Sternwarte I'ola der K. n. K. Kriegs-Marine. Astr. Naclir., 141, 1896, 257-202; 145, 1898. 81-88; 140, 1898, 183-1!)(). [Beobachtung des Cometen 1890...(Sperra Aug. 31).] Astr. Naehr., 141, 1896, 31.5-316. [Beobachtung dis Cometen 1896. ..(Perrine Dec. 8).] Astr. Naehr., 142, 1897, l():i-110. Beobachtungen auf dor Sternwarte Pola des hydro- graphisehen .\mtes der K. und K. Kriegs-Marine. .\str. Naehr., 143, 1897, 121-128; 141, 1897, 279-2.S0. Beobachtungen von I'lancten am Meridiankreise der Sternwarte Pola der K. u. K. Kriegs-Marine. Astr. Naehr., 144, 1897, 0.5-70. [Entdeckung eines ueuen Cometen Perrine Oct. 16.] Astr. Naehr., 144, 1897, 335-336, 349-350. Beobachtung des Cometen 1897... (Perrine Oct. 16). Am 6 zoll. Ketractor der Sternwarte in I'ola. Astr. Naehr., 145, 1898. 29-30. Beobachtungen von I'laneten am Fadenmikrometer des 0 zoll. Steinheil'sehen Refractors der Sternwarte Pola. Astr. Naehr., 140, 1898, 71-74. [Beobachtungen des Cometen Perrine-Chofardet.] Astr. Naehr., 147, 1898, 269-270. [Beobachtung des Cometen 1898... (Brooks Oct. 20).] Astr. Naehr., 147, 1898. 3(>5-300. Beobachtungen [der Leoniden 1898 und 1899]. Auf der Sternwarte der K. n. K. Kriegs-Marine in Pola. Astr. Naehr., 148, 1899, 147-148; 151, 1900. 177-182. [Neuer Comet 1899 e (Giacobini).] .-Vstr. Naehr., 1.50, 1899, 359-360. ■ [Beobachtung des Planeten 1899 ER.] Astr. Naehr., 151, 1900, 13-14. Beobachtung der Perseiden am 10 .\iigu8t 1899 auf der Sternwarte des hydrographischen Amies der K. und K. Kriegsmariuein Pola. Astr. Naehr., 151.1900. 177-178. Beobachtung der Bieliden 18<)9 auf der Sternwarte des hydrographischen .\nites der K. und K. Kriegsmarine in Pola. Astr. Naehr., 151, 1900, 377-380. Beobachtungen von Planeten und Coraeten am 6 z. Steinheirschen Refractor der St<:rnwartc Pola der K. u. K. Kriegsmarine. AKtr. Naehr., 151, 1900, 383-388. Beobachtung des Cometen 1900 a (Uiacobini). Aatr. Naehr., 152, 1900. 45-10, 357-3IK). Benn, TlmmiiK (i. Sunmier and winter in a week. Symons, Melecirol. Mug., 21, 1886, 72-73. [Barometric depression of December 8th to 9th.] Symons, Meteorol. .Mag., 21, 1886, 101. ^ The climate of Carlisle. [1886.) Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl.. 13, 1887, 14-21. Remarkable displacement of earth. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 22, 1887, 8. Experiments with solar radiation thermometers. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. .11., 15, 1889, 170-177. Benndorf, JJaiu. Ueber den Druck in Seifeublasen. Wien, Ak. Sber., lOJ, 1895 (Ahth. 2-1084. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der atmosphiiriBchen Elektri- citiit. II. Messungen des Potentialgefiilles in Sibirien. Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Ahlh. 2.l, 1900 {Ahtli. 2a), 69.5-698. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der atmosphiirischen Elektri- citiit. VI. Ueber die Storungen des normalen atmo- sphiirischen Potentialgefiilles durch Bodenerhebungen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109. 1900 (Ablh. 2a), 923-940. Bennecke, Krich. Bcitrag zur Kenntniss der centralen epitlielialen Kiefergeschwiilste. Deutsche Ztschr. Chi- rurg.. 42. 1896, 424-452. Bennecke, /'. Untersuchnng der stationiireD elektrischeo Strciniung in einer unendlichen Ebene fiir den Fall, dass die Zuleitung der beiden verschicdenen Elektrieitiiten in zwei parallelen geradlinige.i Strecken erfolgt. Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova .\cta, 51, 1887, 253-300. Benner, A. Note sur les plantes disparues et stations botaniques du rayon de Mulhouse detruites dans le cours des ciuquante dernieres annees. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull.. 67. 1897, 414-417. Benner, Franklin. Notes on the arrival and nesting of birds in the vicinitv of Minneaiwlis for the spring of 1HH7. [1888.] Minn. Ac. Sci. Bull.. 3, [1891], 187-191. Benner, Ilanjt. Beitrage zur Geologic uud Agronomic des Schwabachthales bei Erlangen. Jl. Landw., 45, 1897, 159-171. Benners, G[i-oT;eton. Jl. Hot.. 25, 1887, 289. [Notes on I'otaniogitons.] Jl. Hot., 25. 1887, 315; 28, 1890, 91-92; 30, 1892, 227-230; 32, 1894, 203-205; 33, 1896, 371-374; 38, 1900, 12.5-129. Potamogeton rufescens, Schrad. Jl. Hot., 25, 1887, 372-373. Rhyncliospora fusca, 11. ft S., in Scotland. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 373. Additional records of Scotch plants for the [years 188t)-90]. Scott. Natlist., 9, 1887-88, 5t>-l)i;, 247-261; 10, 1889-90, 99-113, 2G3-274; [11, 1891], 85-91, 137-141, 18.5-190. Notes on Nuphar puniiluni and X. intermedium. [1887.] Scott. Natlist., 9, 1887-88, lOU-107. Arabisalpina, /.., in Scotland. [1888.] Scott. Natlist., 9, 1887-88, 180-181. Juncus tenuis, ft'illil., in Scotland. [1888.] Scott. Natlist., 9. 1887-88, 181-182. Notes on the British species of Epilobium. [1887.] Kdinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 47-.50. Additions to the Scottish flora during 1887, with a resume of the year's work. [1888.] Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 178-183. On the occurrence of Calamagrostis stricta, var, borea- lis, Iliirtm., in Scotland. Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 410-417. Notes on the record.s of Scottish plants during 1888[-92]. [1889-93.] Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 417-420; 18.1891, 2.54-256; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. A I'roc., 19, 1893. 75-77, 253-255; 20, 1896, 35-37. Potamogeton perfoliatus, /,., var. Richardsonii. Jl. Bot., 27. 1889, 25. Carex elytroides, Fries, in Britain. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 117. The synonymy of Potamogeton rnfescens, Schrail. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 242-244. The synonvmv of Potamogeton Zizii, Roth. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889," 203-205. Carex Irevigata, Sm., var. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889. 31 1. Atriplex tatarica, /.. (niicf.). Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 314- 315. Notes on some British Carices. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 330-335. A Nitella new to the British flora. [1889.] Scott. Nathst., 10, 1889-90, 191-192. Further records from Iceland. Jl. Bot.. 28, 1890. 78-«4. Potamogeton Tuckermani, Uobbins (1808). Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 92. Potentilla maculata, Pourr., in Dumfries. Jl. Bot.. 28, 1890, 248. Potamogeton Quitaus, Suth. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 249. The nomenclature of Potamogetons. Jl. Bot., 28i 1890, 297-:KI2 ; 29, 1891, 1.50-152, Ml ; 30, 1892, 227-230; 31, 1893, 132-134, 294-297. Notice of the occurrence of Areoaria gothica, h'riti, in Great Britain. [1890.] Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 18, 1891. 252-254. Notes on the flora of Dumfriesshire. Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 7, 1891, 81-80. Notes on Potamogeton : as treated by Dr. Richteb in "Plantii! Europeie", pp. 11-10. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891. 75-76. Callitriche polymorpha, Li'iinrvtli, in Surrey. J I. Bot., 29, 1891, 8.5. Potamogeton javanicus. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891. 121-122. Potamogeton javanicus, Iliitik., and P. tretocarpus, Maxim. Jl. Bot.. 29, 1891, 1-54. Notes on the flora of the Outer Hebrides. [1889.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. .Soe. Proo. A Trans., 3, 1892, 37-41. Contributions towards a flora of the Outer Hebrides. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892. 50-64 ; 1896, 240-247. Records of Scottish plants for [1891-99]. additional to [W.\Tso.s'sl "Topographical Botany," Kd. 2. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 1 19-127 ; 1893, 9.5-101; 1894, 158-104; 1896, 114-llH; 1896, 113-115; 1897.210-248; 1898, 22.5-22*1; 1899,92-94; 1900, 1.59-104. Linaria minor, /.. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 203- 204. Contributions towards a flora of Caithnewi. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 247 252; 1900, 108-119. — ^ A botanical run through the lens. (I8'.t2.] Holmes- dale Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 1890 92. 78-81. Carex aquatilis, fValilb., and its British forms. Irish Natlist., 1, 1892, 48-50. Notes on the flora of Suffolk. Jl. Bot., .30. 1892. 8-10. — ■— Arenaria gothica. Friee. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 80. Gentiana amarella, /.., var. praecox, Itaj. Jl. Bot., 30, l692, 153. Sonchus palustris, /,. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 1.53. Fragaria elatior, F.lirh. Jl. Bot.. 30, 1892. 248. Note on Orobanche. Jl. Bot., 3(1. 1892. 280. Rumex acetosella, /.. Jl. Bot., M). 1892, 307-;i08. Vaccinium intermedium, liuthe. Jl. But., 30, 1892, 308. Bemerkungen iiber die Arten der Gattung Potamogeton im Herbarium des K. K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuneums. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 7. 1892. 28.5-294. Notes on some Scotch plants, especially with relation to Dumfriesshire and Galloway, and their relation as native siwcies. [1892.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 8, 1893, 85-87. Ranunculus flammula, /.., var. petiolaris, Langt ined, Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 51-52. Caltha palustris. /... and its forms. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893. 52. Contribution towards a flora of east Sutherland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist.. 1893. 22.5-236; 1894, 2.5-29. Junii^rus intermedia, .S'c/itir, in Scotland. .Kaa. Scott. Nat. Bist., 1893, 250-251; Jl. Hot.. 31, 189S. 2.50. Orobanche cnienta, Bertoloni, in Scotland. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. A Proc., 19, 1893, 585-586; Ann. Scutt. Nat. Hist.. 1893. 121-122. Ajuga pyramidahs in Scotland. Jl. Bot., 31. 1893, 50-.51. Monstrosity of Orobanche earyopbyllacea. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 218-219. Some British species of CEnantbe. Jl. Bot.. 31. 1893. 230-238. Pvrola rotundifolia and itsEnropean forms. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 332-334. LEnanthe silaifolia, Birb. Jl. Bot.. 31. 1893. 338-339. Pvrola serotina. illcq. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893. 373. Notes on the genaa Orobanche in Scotland. [1892.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 9, 1894, fr-8. Bennett] 446 [Bennett Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, L., in the Outer Hebrides. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894, 186. Linna-a borealis, Groit., in Sutherland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894, 18(;-187. Potamogeton undulatus, Wolfijang, in Ireland. Irish Natlist., 3, 1894, 121-12(>. Eleocharis acicularis. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 54. ■ Arabis petraja. Lam., var. grandifolia, Druce. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 114. Potaiuoseton prielongus x perfoliatus? Jl. Bot., .S2, 1894, 153-154. Potainogeton undulatua, Wolfq. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 154. ■ Ledum palustre, L., in Scotland. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 274-275. Pyrola rotundifolia h., var. arenaria, Koch. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 310-311. Saxifraga nivalis, L. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 345. Notes on British plants. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 364-3G9 ; 35, 1897, 244-252, 259-264. Notes on the plants of Nortliumberland and Durham, in relation to their extension northwards to Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, and Wigtown. [1894.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 10, 1895, 132-137. Carex fusca, AUiimi, in Scotland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 247-249. Potamogeton rutilus, Wolfgang. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 24. Cladiura germanicum, Schrad., in Scotland. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 25-26. Juncus tenuis, Wilhl., in Great Britain. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 39-40. African Potamogetons. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 137-139. Carex notes. Jl. Bot., 33, 1896, 282-283. Carex salina, M'ahl., rar. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 315. Elatine hexandra, DC, in the Outer Hebrides. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 63-64. Carex Buxbauniii, IVahl. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 87-88. Iceland and Faroe botany. Jl. Bot. , 34, 1896, 353-354. Euphrasia Kerneri, Weltstein. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 400. Additions to the flora of the Isle of Man. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 448-449. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 510. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 510-511. in Westernesa. Ann. Scott. Geranium molle, I'ar. Hypochoeris glabra, L. Juncus tenuis, Willd., Nat. Hist., 1897, 32-33. Carex magellanica, Ij. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., in the Outer Hebrides. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 1H,S-190. Isle of Man plants. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 7.'J-7I); 36, 1898, 441-442. The British Carex frigida. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 103. Notes on the flora of Shropshire. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 380-381. Elatine hydropiper, L. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 440. Melanipyrum cristatum, L., in Hants. Jl. Bot., 36. 1898, 441. Atriplex calotheca, Fries. 1899, 119. Scottish forma of Juncus. 1899, 119-120. Carex curta. Good, var. dubia, Bailey {null, canescens). Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 187-188. On Hierochloa borealis, ](. tV S., as a Scottish species. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 230-235. Psamraa baltica, Roem. & Scliult. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 135, 181. Sussex plants. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 136. Cumberland plants. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 225. Notes on Cambridgeshire jilants. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 243-247. Epipactis atrorubens, Schiill. Jl. licit., 37, 1899, 274, 359. Notes on East Anglian botany. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 322-326. Hierochloe borealis in Kirkcudbrightshire. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 328. Notes on the "Flora of Kent." Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 340-343. Alopecurus pronus. Mitten. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 358- 359. Selinum carvifolia, L. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 359. Senecio paludosus and S. palustris in East Anglia. Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 6, 1899, 457-162. Stellaria nemorum, L., and S. aquatica, .Scop. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 56. Note on Alisma. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 24. Potamogeton rutilus, ]l'olfq., in Britain. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 65-67. Juncus alpinus, J'ilL, in Cumberland? Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 88. Tragopogon pratensis, L., var. grandiflorus. Jl. Bot.. 38, 1900, 279. Elymus arenarius in Sussex. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 444. Bennett, Arlliur, & Grant, James F. See Grant it Bennett. Bennett, Arthur, & Grieve, Si/miugton. List of new and rare plants presented to the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Garden. [1887.] Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 110-111. Bennett, C. T. Determination of mercury in ammoniated mercury and other mercury compounds. Pharm. Jl., 11, 1900, 575-576. Bennett, Eldward] H[allaran]. On the ossicle occasionally found on the posterior border of the astragalus. [1886.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 21, 1887, 59-65. On the variability of the upper end of the fibula. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 92, 1891, 97-100. Bennett, fJ[dward] H[allaran], & Cunningham, V[amel] J[olin]. See Cunningbam it: Bennett. Bennett, i"'[ra)U7s] J[ames\. The geology of the country around Diss, Eye, Botesdale, and Ixworth. Eng. it- Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 50 N. W.), 1884, 44 pp. The geology of the country around Attleborough, Watton, and Wymondham. Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 66 S. W.), 1884, 31 pp. [Report on the denehole exploration at Hangman's Wood, Grays, 1884 and 1887.] Appendix iii. On chalk wells. Essex Nathst., 1, 1887, 260-265. Influence of geology on the early settlements. [1888.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 10, 1889, 372-384. The geology of the railway line from Chiseldon to Collingbourne. [1894.] Wilts. Archa3ol. Mag., 28, 1896, 91-103. On the origin of lynchets. Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 379- 380. See also under VThltaker, IT. {et alii). Bennett, F[raiicis\ ,7[ome«], & Bell, }l'[illiam] Heward. See Bell & Bennett. Bennett, Flnineis] ,![. 1891, :i55-35(i. Bennett, l''[reilerick] ]f'[illiam]. [The rocks of Chnriiwood Forest.) [1H'.)9.) Leicester Soc. Triins., 5, 1901, 1!I5- 197. Bennett, Fri'dirick. IVrmo-Curbonifcrous fossils from Hanima. |1H.] N. 8. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 10, 1886. li;2-169, [xi]. Remarks on the decav of certain species of Eucalypti. [1885.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc. 10, 1886, 453-454. Note on the mode of nidification of a species of Pachycephala, supposed to be P. Gilbertii, from the interior of N. S. Wales. [1887.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 2, 1888, 103-104. Notes on a species of rat, (Mus Tompsonii, Ranuai/), now infesting the western portion of N. S. W. [1887.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 2, 1888. 447-449. Note on the breeding of the glossy ibis, Falcinellus igneus (Ibis falcinellus, Linn.). [1889.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 4, 1890. 10.59-1000. [Habits of Erismatura australis.] Ibis, 3, 1891, 143- 145. Notes on the disappearance, total or partial, of certain species of birds in the lower Lachlan district. [1891.] Sydney, Aust. Mus. Records, I, 1890-91, 107-109. Bennett, I'rier l)[iiikworlh]. For biography and works «« Iiiht. Mecbaii. Kngio. Proc, 1888, 525; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 83, 1886, 432. Description of tensile tests of iron and sleel bars. \l'niith.] Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1886, 44-«;i. Bennett, Snmuel llnberl. .\ctinonietric observations of the Milar eclipse. [1900.) DubUn Soc. Sci. Proc, 9, 1899- 1903, 3U5 377. Bennett, [ll'i//iani CharUt] SUirer. For biographical notice »e.- Brit. Jl. Dental 8ci., 43, 1900, 708-709. On some recent additions to the museum of the Odontological Society. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 545-549. Report on jaws and t<:'eth from Bowl's Barrow. [1888.] Wills. Archttol. Mag., 24, 1889. 117-125. Ankylosis of human teeth to the jaws. [1898.] Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 41. 1898. 110.5-1107; OdontoL Soc. Trans., 31, 1899, 14-23. Bennett, T. ■/. *Les moteurs K'gers de MM. Hkrbesooff. A.ronuute, 13, 1880. 27-33. Bennett, 'I'h'nu.i,. RUey, ('harle* Valfntin.-, VTebiter, /■'. .)/., cV Osbom, Herbert. See Blley, 'Webiter, Osl»m eil8 in Scotland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 53-56. Bennie] 448 [Benoist Bennie, James, & Jobnston, .7. A. Kemarks on two transverse sections of Carboniferous wood from Baberton new quarry, Midlothian. Ediub. I'bys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 359-3t)l. Bennie, James, & Kidston, Robert. On the occurrence of spores in tlie Carboniferous formation of Scotland. [1886.] P^dinb. I'hys. Soc. Proc, 9, 1888, 82-117. Bennie, Jume.t, & Scott, Andrew. The ancient lake of Elie. [1893.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 148- 170. Bennie, James, & Scott, Thomas. The ancient lakes of Edinburgh. [1889.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 10, 1891, 126-1.54. Benny, A. E. Autunni leaves. [1898.] Barrow Field Club Rep., 13, 1899, 28-29. Benoist, [Aleide]. Rapport sur un cas d'hermaphrodisme. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 16, 1886, 84-87. Benoist, de. Traitement du mildew. [1890.] Macon Ac. Ann., 9, 1892, 134-139. Benoist, Kmile A[ndre], [Une note relative aux resultats geologiques de I'excursion trimestrielle faite a Saint- Andrede-Cubzac et ii Cubzac] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 38, 1884, xxi-xxvi. [Compte-reudu geologique de la fete linneene.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 38, 1884, li-liii. Fossiles des environs de Lucbardez. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 38, 1884, Iviii-lx. Sur le Turbinella Lynchii. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 38, 1884, Ix. [Sur un sondage artesien qui vient d'etre termine a Portets, ehez 31. Descacq.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 38, 1884, Ixiii-lxvi. [Sur un gisement de coquilles fo.ssiles uouvellement explore k Saucats.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 38, 1884, Ixvi-lxviii. L'etage Oligoccne Moyeu dans la commune de Gaas (Landes). Uax Soc. Borda Bull., 1884, 53-61. Revision de la liste des esp('"ce.s fossiles, appartenant aux families des Buccinida3 et des Nassidie trouvees dans les faluns Miocenes du sud-ouest. Bordeaux Soc Linn. Act., 39, 1885, xvi-xxiii. ■ [Sables cruptifs des gravifereadeMonrepos.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39, 1885, xxiv-xxvi. Compte-rendu geologique de I'excursion trimestrielle faite le 26 avril 1885, a Villandraut et a Balizac. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39, 1885, xxxi-xxxii. Forage d'un puits au moulin de Perron, commune de Landiras. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39, 1885, xxxiii- xxxiv. [Le puits artesien du Parc-Bordelais.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39, 1885, 1-lii. ■ Compte-rendu geologique de Texcursion trimestrielle, faite le 9 aout, a Vertheuil. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39, 1885, Ixii-lxiii. Description geologique et paleontologique des com- munes de Saint-Estephe et de Vertheuil. Bordeaux Hoc. Linn. Act., 39, 1885, 79-115, 301-352. • Observations geologiques fournies par le forage du puits artesien du Parc-Bordelais. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 40, 1886, x-xii, xx-xxi. Observations geologiques aux environs de Mont-de- Marsan. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 40, 1886, xlv-li. Sur le niveau k Brachiopodes du puits du Parc- Bordelais. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 40, 1886, l.w-lxvi. Note sur la succession des niveaux grologiqiies iiu ruisseau de Moras. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 40, 1886, Ixxi-lxxii. Observations sur les diiMrents niveaux g(5ologiquos des crassats d'Arcachon. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 40, 1886, Ixxiii. Note sur les Nummulites trouvees dans le forage du puits du Parc-Bordelais. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 40, 1886, c-ci. Les Nummulites de l'etage Tongrien aux environs de Bordeaux. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 41, 1887, xxx- xxxii. Sur I'existence du Nummulites planulata dans les couches Eocenes du sud-ouest. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 41, 1887, xxxii-xxxiii. Sur les especes de Nummulites recueillies dans le forage du puits artesien, au Chateau-Mauvezin, com- mune de Moulis. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 41, 1887, xlvi-xlvii. Tableau synchronique des formations Tertiaires du sud-ouest de la France, du bassin de Paris, du bassin de Mayence et du Vicentin. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 41, 1887, 191-199. Note sur les gisements Tertiaires des environs de Beaumont. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 849-854. [Sur les forages artesiens executes a Libourne, Arveyres et Vayres.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 42, 1888, iii-vi. [Resultats stratigraphiques des sondages artesiens executes entre Bordeaux et Pauillac] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 42, 1888, xxvii-xxxi. [Coupe relevee entre Plassac et Roque-de-Tau. ] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 42, 1888, xxxiii-xxxv. [Sur les couches a Nummulites du sud-ouest de la France.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 42, 1888, xxxv-xxxvii. Observations sur les sables du Perigord. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 42, 1888, xlii-xliii. [La limite supcrieure de l'etage Oligoccne.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 42, 1888, lii-Iiii. [Sur I'age des sables du Perigord.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 42, 1888, lix-lx. Description des Cephalopodes, Pteropodes, et Gaste ropodes Opisthobranches (Acteonida;). Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 42, 1888, 11-84. Sur les terrains traverses par la Creuse entre Eguzon et Argeuton (Indre). Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 43, 1889, vii-ix, Ivii-lviii. [Compte-rendu geologique de la fete linneenne a Villandraut.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 43, 1889, Ixxvi-xo. Etude sur les Nummulites et les Assilines recueillies dans divers gisements Tertiaires de la Chalosse et du Bordelais. Dax Soc. Borda Bull., 1889, 9-28. Sur le gisement fossilifere de Sarcignon, calcaire a Ast^ries. ISordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, xliv-xlv. Excursion trimestrielle du 20 avril 1890. Compte- rendu geologique. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, 1-Iiv. [Observations sur les espices trouvees par M. Reyt au moulin de Gamachot.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, Ixiv. Compte-rendu geologique de I'excursion faite tl I'occa- sion de la soixante-treizi^me fete linneenne. [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, liii-lvii. Mollusques recueillis dans le bassin d'alimentation des docks de Bordeaux. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xcv. [Note sur les Unio de la Gironde.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., .50, 1896, Ixii-lxiv. Note pour servir :i I'ctude de la geologic du departe- ment de I'lndre. Etage Biithonien. [1900.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 31, [1900-1901], 2-6. Benoist, Kmile A[ndre], & Bllliot, >/. T. Coupe gi^ologique des terrauis Tertiaires sur la rive droite de la Gironde ot de la Dordogne. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 43, 1889, 209-249. Sur la position stratigraphique des couches it Echinides de la faune de Saint-Palais. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, lx.xviii-lxxix. [Sondages faits a I'rtablissement thermal deBarbotan, commune de Cazaubon (Gers).J [1891. | Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xxx. Benoist] 4 1ti [Bensaude Bcnolst, L[nciim]. Sur la fprmrntation dog cuven d'indigo. Muiiiteur Sci., aii, 1884, ."il-i-ZjlS. rid'panition do iiuelnueH milieux niitritifH doetiin'M A IV'tiido dcH l)act('-iies. [IHHH.] Ann. Microti. ,[ 1 1 (1888-89), 7 -I 7H. Benoiat, LfMci'en], & Collin, (:h[arle»]. See Collin & Bcnolst. Bcnolst, /,|»c(>)i], & Mlquel, llierre]. Sec BllqacI & Bcnolst. Benoiat, /,|(ih(«|. I'llcctioscope i\ trois feuillea d'or. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 123, 1896, 171-172; Paris, Soc. Phys. Hcancos, 1896, 281-282. Action des rayonB X Rur les diilectriqnes gazeux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12H, 1896, 12(i.5-1268. Loi do trnnsparonce des kuz [pour les rayons X. Paris, Ar. Sci. (;. It., 12», 1897, lli;-148; Paris, See. Phys. S.'iiiiecs. 1897, 21 -Id. Benoist, I.\iiiils], iS: Hunnuzescu, D[rago7nir]. Nouvclles liropriiitcs des rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 23.5-236. Nouvelles reclierchcs sur les rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 37!l-381. Action dcB rayons X .fur les corps ('■lectrises. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 779-782, 'J26-i)2'J. Hijponse aux observiitions de M. Augusta Rioui : [" Effets electriciucs de» rayons de R4 i.58. Benoit, F. Du role de Thumeur aqaeuse dans le.s infections endog^nes de I'iris. Ann. d'Oculist., 117, 1897, 442-443. Voies d'l'limination au pole post^rieur de I'mil. Ann. d'Oculist., 122, 1899, 19t)-197. Regeneration du cristallin chez les Amphibies UrodSles. Ann. d'Oculist., 124, 1900, 70. Benoit, / ., .V Brachet, Albert. See Brachet it Benoit. Benoit, / '.. .V Nuel, /. /'. See Nnel A- Benoit. Benoit, / ., ,v Simonin, [Pierre Kdouord] J[iileg]. See Simonin .^ Benoit. Benoit [ilil Becker), F[43 ; Scienee, 1, 1884, 3r,2-3r)3 ; Aiiier. Ac. Proc, 20, 188B, .527-538; Amer. .11. Sci., 2'.l, 1885, 103- 113; I.copoliliua, 21, 1885, l')7-l')8; l!oy. Hoc. I'roc, 38, 1885, i-v; Tcrint. KiizMn.. 17. 1886. •l'J(;-107; Eilinb., Hot. Soc. TraiiH., Hi, 1886, 11)0-192; Miinclieu Ak. Sber., 15, 1886, 18(H'.)3; N. S. WalcH Itoy. Soc. Jl., I'.l, 1886, 2-3; Ami. Hot., 12, 1898, ix-xxx. Benttaem, .1. "lierleidiut; van de forniule van Cardaxits in lict onlierlcidbare (,'eval. Nicuw Arch. Wisk., 1, 1876, 07-69. *Theorie der functien van verandcrlijke complo.^i' Retallen. Nieuw Arch. Wi.sk., 1, 1876, 124-156; 2. 1876, 1-39, 113-134; 3, 1877, 113-144. *Converf;L>ntie van ntkaen met complexe terraen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk.. 2, 1876, lHO-192. *Dc pcriodiciteit der functicu. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 3, 1877, 186-192. *Dio slakkenlijn of cochleoide. [1883.] Nieuw Arch. Wisk,. 1(1, 1884, 76-80. Bentivegna, .1. Le va^ue et le sympathique dans la liathiini'iu'se ilc> la pnriinionie experimentale. Arch. Hill. Biol., 24, 1896, 243 2.'.7. BenUTOgUo, Jlherlo. & BentivosUo, Tito. Libellulidi dei dintorni di Tortona. [1895.] Modeua Soc. Nat. Atti. 13. 1894. 101-103. Bentivoglio, Titii. Analisi di un sagRio di fondo del Mar Itiisso (coral-mud). Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 11, 1892, 81 83. Ricerehe sulla dolomite. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 11, 1892, 84-107, 228. Contribuzione alio studio del I'smidonfiirotteri del Modonese. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 11. 1892. 122-124. .\nalisi dei sediminti marini di due prandi profonditA del Mediterraneo. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 11, 1892, 178- 181. Analisi dei sediment! marini di alcuno profonditA del Mar KoRso. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 11, 1892, 185-202. Sopi'a im' antico ceinento artitieiale di Canossa. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 13, 1894, 10-17. Note sui Pseudoneurottcri. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 13, 1894. 20-21. — Di un Petromyzon marinus catturato a S. .VnRelo Lomellino. [1895.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 13, 1894, 198. Lihellulidi din dintorni di Mortarii. [1895.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 13, 1894, 199-207. Di un caso di albinismo nella Periplaneta orientalis, L. [1896.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 14, 1896. 12. Ijihellulidi dei dintorni di Uimini. [1897.] Modeua Soc. Nat. Atti. 11, 1895. 116-148. Ossorvazioui intorno alio varietA della specie " Platy- enemis pennipes." Modena Soc. Nat. .\tti. 15. 1898. 1-4; 2. 1901. 92. Libellulidi del Modoneso. [1899.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 1, 1900, 41-65. Contribuzione alio studio dei Pseudoneurottcri della Toseana. Iiibellulidi di MassaCarrara. [1900.] Modena Soi'. Nat. Atti. 2. 1901. hC-'PI. Bentivoglio, 7 if... ,v Bentivoglio, Allivrto. See above. Bentivoglio, I'lto. A Magnanlni, Gaetano. See Btagna- nini ,v Bentivoglio. Bentley, /jN-id,-] Miulison. Thf memory image and its qualitative fidelity. [1699.] Amer. Jl. PHychul., 11, 1899 1900, 1 4H. Til.- Bvntliitii; experiment. [1900.] Amer.JI. PHycbol., 11, 1899 1900, 405-425. Bentley, lUihrrt. For biographical notice and works tee Amii. .11. Pharm., 66, 1894, 319-320; Amer. NatliHt., 28, 1894. :i(i7-36«; Nature, 49 (1893-94), 228; I'haruj. Jl., 21, 1894, .'..59-560. Bentley, ('.'«/((.) If. A. Heavy rainfall in Clare and GiiKvay, Ireland, on September 1st, 1887. Mctcorol. Hoc. guiirt. Jl., 16, 1890, 67-68. Iteport on the great rainfall in east Clare on the 2nd of July, 1892. [1892.] Symous, Meleorol. .Mag., 27, 1893, 122-123. Bentley, ( ( Uipt . ) If. A.,Sc Perkina, G . II. Les cristau x de la ni-ii.e. I Tr. ) ( 1898.] Ciel et Terre, 19 (1898-99), 543-548. Bentley, l\'illiiiiii ll[iirv Thorpe, Jocetyn Field. Cii- and (raru-methyliso- propylsuccinic acid. Chem. Soc. Jl.. 69, 1896. 270-287. Benton, Charles S. Ephcnieris of Comet 1892 III (Holmes). [1893.] Astr. Jl.. 13, 1894, 83, 149. Benton, Frank. Bees of great value to fruit and seed growers. U. S. Div. Knt. Insect Life, 4, 1892, 254-256. How far do bees fly? U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 4, 1892, 319-321. The Langdon non-swarming device. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 5, 1893, 230-235. The honeybee : a manual of instruction in apiculture. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 1. 1895, 118 pp. Benton, .hihn liuhert. .Abliiingiijkeit des spec ifi sell .n Tor- sionswidcrstandes einitir Metalldrahte von der Spannang. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 171-491, Benton, .1/i/n.ii li. Longevitv of the elm. Garden A- Forest. 3, 1890, 170-171. Benton, .S\ //. Antiseptics ; are they essential to success in surgical and obstetrical practice? [With diicuttion.'\ |1SS6.] N. Y. Med. Jl.. 45, 1887. .5-7. 22-24. Bentz, F.rnest, \ Farrell, Frank .J. A note on the theory of dyeing. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl.. 16. 1897. 405-406. 57—2 Beutzen] 452 [Berard Bentzen, Clir. F. Ueber experiraentelles Glaukom beim Kaniiichen iind iiber die Bedeutung des Kammerwinkels fill- den intiaoculaien Driick. Arch. £. Ophthalm., 41, 1895 (Ahth. i), 42-114. Bentzen, Clir. F., & Leber, Thenclor. Ueber die Filtration aus der vordereu Kammer bei normalen und glaukoma- tijsen Augen. Ai-ch. f. Ophthalm., 41, 1895 {Abth. 3), 208-257. Benz, C'. Anwenduug des Taylor'schen Satzes zur Recti- fication der Ellipse und zur Complanation des Ellipsoids. Arch. Math. Phys., 8, 1890, 378-387. Ueber die Verspatuug des Flutmaximums inbezug auf die Culmination des Mondes. Arch. Math. Phys., 13, 1895, 3.5-3S. Benz, F[mil], & Iiellmann, Eiigen. See IisUmann & Benz. Benzengr, V[asiUj] N[iItolaevic]. *HoBHU Ciiy'iail MllKpoue(j)a.ilill. [New case of microcephaly.] [1883.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 {No. 3), 1886, 228-234. *H3C.lt.Ji;0BaHifl Ha^l. MnKpOUeijiajlieiO. [Re- searches ou microcephaly.] [1883.] Moscow, Soe. Sci. Bull., 49 {No. 4), 1887, 31,5-326. *0 CiiHra.iesaxi), AypoKanaxi) ii FajiiiCii. [On Singhalese, Araucanians and Galibis.] [1883.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 {No. 4), 1887, 3.53-367. Le comte Alexis Razoujiovsky, premier president de la Soci^t^ Imp^riale des Naturalistes de Moscou, [1887.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 2, 1889, 78-95. Benzi, Armanilo. Contribuzione alio studio degli Imenot- teri del Modenese e particolarmente delle specie del genere Nomada, con la descrizione d' una nuova specie. Modeua Soc. Nat. Atti, 11, 1892, 213-225. Benzi, .Iniuindo, & FicagUa, Luigi. Contribuzione alio studio degli Imenotteri del Modenese. Tentredinei e Siricidei. [1896.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 14. 1895, 73-102. Benzon, Alfred. For biographical notice see Kjobenh. Bot. For. "Medd., 1, 1882-86, 129-130. Om sterilisation af forbindstoffer, sa-rlig iodoform og jodoform-gaze. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892, 416-422. Benzon, R. von Fischer-. See Fischer-Benzon. Benzonl, Hoherto. Esame delle ipotesi ultimamente ideate per determinare e chiarire il fatto dell' eredita. Palermo Ace. Atti, 1, 1891 {Sei. Moral). 34 pp. Beorchia-Nigris, .liitoiiio. SulF avvelenamento per es- algiua. Ann. di Chira., 14, 1891, 65-89. Su di un case di avvelenanieuto acutissimo e letale per acido nitrico. Ann. di Chim., 16, 1892, 201-209. Sulla tossicita dell' antipirina e degli altri antipi- retici. Ann. di Chim., 21 & 22, [1895], 97-99. Due casi d'intossicazione per semi di stramonio. Ann. di Chim., 21 & 22, [1895], 529-532. Suir ematuria ed emoglobinuria da chinino nei mala- rici. Rivista critica. Ann. di Chim., 25 & 26, [1897], 41.-)-419. Bequet, . *[Les mesures de longueur prises sur des femurs et des humerus du cimetiere de Wanceniie.] Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 1, 1883, 122-123. Ber. See Bebr. Berall, )('. Zur Wirkung der Rontgen-Strahlen. Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 1048-1049. Beran, A. Ueber Paraamidooctylbenzol, I'araamidocapryl- bcnzol und ein Amidooctyltoluol. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 131-149. Biraneck, F.diiuitiil. Recherohea sur le d^veloppement des ncrfs craniens chez Its li^zards. Rec. Zool. Suisse, 1, 1884, 519-603. Ueber diis Parietalaugc der Eeptilien. Jena. Ztschr. , 21, 1887, 374-410. Sur rhistog(5nese des nerfs c^plialiques. [188G.] Nenchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888. 236 238. Des organes des sens branchiaux. [1886.] Nenchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888. 210-241. Etude sur les corpuscules niarginaux des Actiuies. [1887.] Neucbatel Soc. Sci, Bull., 16, 1888, 3-40. Etude sur les replis m^duUaires du poulet. [1887.] Rec. Zool. Suisse, 4, 1888, 30.')-364. L'ceil primitif des Vertebras. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 24, 1890, 361-380. Sur le nerf de I'oiil parietal des Vertebres. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 589-594. Sur le nerf parietal et la morphologie du troisi^me ffiil des Vertebres. Anat. Anz. , 7, 1892, 674-689. L'embryogenie de I'oeil des Alciopides. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 554-555. L'individualiti de I'ceil pineal. Reponse &, il. nE KLiNCKOwsTRciM. Auat. Auz., 8, 1893, 669-677. Etude sur l'embryogenie et sur I'histologie de I'a'il des Alciopides. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1, 1893, 6,5-111. Contribution a l'embryogenie de la glande pineale des Amphibiens. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1, 1893, 255-288. L'organe auditif des Alciopides. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1, 1893, 463-500. Quelques stades larvaires d'un Chetoptere. Rev. Suisse Zool., 2, 1894, 377-402. [Sur la bacteriologie de la diphth^rie.] Neucbatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 23, 1895, 256-257. Les Ch^tognathes de la bale d'Amboine. [1895.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96, 137-1.59. B6raneck, Edmoiid, & Verrey, L. Sur une nonvelle fonction de la cboroide. Neucbatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 20, 1892, 49-92. B6ranger, . Doigts supplf5mentaires sur le bord cubital de chaque main. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1887, 600-603. Berard, . "[Notes met^orologiques k] Mahelma (prov. d'Alger). France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. M6teorol., 8, 1875, PL 2, 87, 121-122. B&rard, , & Bardy, C}i[iirles]. See Bardy A B6rard. Birard, , & Juigner, . See Juigner A Berard. B6rard, , Juigner, , & Guimas, . See Juigner, Berard it Guimas. B&rard, [Fraiieois]. Note sur la marehe des flotteurs dans les courants. Ann. Fonts et Chauss. , 12 (1886), 830-835. Berard, {rubbe) [A.]. La foudre a I'usiue a gaz de Montigny-les-Metz. [1888.] Metz Ac. Mim., 70, 1893, 103-109. B6rard, A[ristide]. Resultats d'experiences entreprises a la Poudrerie Nationale du Pont-de-Buis sur les ap- pareils de regulation de deux turbines, dans le but de controler les conclusions du travail de M. Le.idte, relatif aux oscillations a longues p^riodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1211-1213. Sur la deformation des pieces comprim^es et la stabilite des grandes cbarpentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1008-1010. Berard, .J[ris(((/f], & l.6auti, Hennj. Sur les moyens de r^duire les accroissements momeutanis de vitesse, dans les machines munies de regulateurs a action indirecte. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1167-1170. Berard, Alexandre. Les etrangers et la criminalite u Lyon. [With diseussiou.] Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 1, 1885, 116-125. Berard, F.dgard, & Corln, Gabriel. See Corin A Berard. Birard, (I. de. Secousses de tremblement de terre a Manille, le 16 mars 1892. Bull. Astr., 9, 1892. 316-320. Note sur les eruptions du volcan Mayon (ile de Lufon). Ann. Hydrogr., 22, 1900, 43. Berard, Leon. Actinomvcose dc la face. [1895.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., '35, 1896 (C. /.'.), 14-16. Cas d'actinomyoose peri - laryngo - uj.soiihagienne. [1895.] Lyon Soc. Set. M(!d. Uim., 35, 1896 (C. Jl.), 48-51. De la valeur de I'iodure de potassium dans le traite- ment de ractinomycose. Ass. Franv. C. K., 1897 {I'l. 1), 368-371. Berard] 45,3 [Berberich Btoard, l.i'on, iV Destot, Ktienne. See DeBtot it B6rard. B6rard, l.i'nn, A Dor, I.iniix. Aclinoiiijcom; i:x|M'riiiii'ntitli'. llH'Jit.J Lyon Hoc. Sci. Mc-d. M siir les microbcH aerobieH. I^iiris, Soc. Bio). Mi'mii., 51. 1899 (C. !{.), 772-774. Not© 8ur la riisistance dcs spoi^B de rActiiiomyces. I'niis, Hue. Hinl. M/in., -^i, 1900 [C. /?.), M3.5 H.ifi'. B6rard, /,...», ,V Pavlot, ■l[eaii]. See Faviot .V Birard. B6rard, /..mm, a Foncct, Aiiluniii. .SVi' Poncet A' Birard. Bdrard, /.> ii, Poncct, .liitiiiiin, A' Destot, Etieniie. See Poncet, Destot A B6raTd. B6rard, /.i.w/. Poncet, Aii/nniii, Iiumi^re, Amiiisle, & I.uml«re, l.^ntis. See Poncet, B6rard, Lomitoe A I, 1886, 12-Io; li. 1886, 1(;3-1C4. Bolide. S. Giovanni in Galilea [lU luglio 1880]. Moncalieii O.is. Boll., 6, 1886. 103. [Le stelle cailenti del periodo d' aROsto, 1886, 1888 e 18i)l.] S. Giovanni in Galilea. Moncalieri Os^s. Boll., 6, 1886, 17(1; «. 1888, 177-178; 12, 1892, 85. Stelle cadenti del novenibre 1886. S. Giovanni in Galilea. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 0, 1886, 185. Berardlnla, (Siuranni de. Sullo scostaniento della linea geodetiua dalle sezioni norniali di una superficie. Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 30, 1886, 1-59-179. Geodesia. Snlla deterniinazione di alcuue iocognite. Giorn. Mat., 25, 1887, 313-.320. Le coordinate Keodetiche ortogonali e le Keoprafiche sulla sfera e .iiiU' ellissoide di rotazione. Giorn. Mat., 27. 1889, 127-152, 318-320; 28, 1890, 53-91, 13,8-1.53. B6raud, . "[Nnagcs orageux en Algerie.] France Soc. Met^orol. Nouv. M<5ti5orol., 2, 1869. 59. Beraz, lleinrich. Uebcr die Bedeutung dcs Kalkes fiir die Ziihne. Ztschr. Biol., 27, 1890, 386-397. Berbeiich, A[doll]. Der Doppelstern fi Draconi» (i:2130). A>tr. Nachr., 1(18, 1884, 249-254. Elliptisclie I'^lemente de« Cometen 1884 Barnard. Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 36.5-360. Eletnente und Kpliemeride des Cometen 1884 Wolf. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1886, l;^-14. Bahnbestimmuns' des Doppelsterns i: 2107. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1886, 97-104. Notiz iibcr den Doppelstern 221510. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 123-124. Der Comet 1873 VII. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1886, 379- 380; 111, 1885, 95-96. Neue Elemente des Cometen 1884 II (Barnard). Astr. Nachr., Ill, 1885, 15-16. Elemente des Cometen 1885 III. Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 43-44. Elemente des Cometen 1885 II. Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 157-1.58. - — Elemente uud Ephemcridcu der Cometen 188C (Brooks 1 und Brooks 2). Astr. Nachr.. 114. 1886, 303-304, 333- 334. Elemente und Epliemeriden des Cometen 1887... (Brooks .Ian. 22). Astr. Nachr., 110, 1887, 1,59. Ucber die Balin des Cometen 1840 VI (Peters). Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 249-252. Elemente des Cometen 1884 III (Wolf) abgeleitet aus den Strassburger Beobaclitungen des Hemi Prof. Dr. ScHUR. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 251-254. Der Comet des Jahres 1672. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 49-72. Ueber eine Methode. sonnennahe Cometen bei Tage aufzutinden. .\str. Nachr., 118, 1888, 71-74. Stembedeckungen durch Planeten [in den Jaliren 18HH-94J. Ahtr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 81-90; 120, 1889, 177-182; 123, 1890, 129-138; 120, 1891, 05-70; 129, 1892, 1-8; 131, 1893, 171-174; 134, 1894, 97-102. Kin VefBUch, die (JesammtmaHse und An/.alil der I'lanetoiden zwicchen .MarH und Jupiter zu ertnitteln. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 289-290. Klliptihche Kleniente und Epiienieride dcs Coiueten lM88...(Suwerthal). Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 45-40, 93- 96, 219-220. Die Helligkeit des Encke'iMjhen Cometen. Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888. 49-4iO. Eleiiient4.' und Eplienicride des Cumeten liarnard 1888 Sipt. 2. Astr. Niuhr., 120, 1889, 31-32, 79-80, 9.5-9C, 109-170, 191-192; 121, 1889, 43-48; 122, 1889. 413-414; 123, 1890, 275-282; 125, 1890, 1.59 100; 120, 1891, 279- 280. Ephcmeride des Cometen 1889. ..(Barnard Miirz 31). Astr. Nachr., 121. 1889. 301-302. Elemente und ICpheuieride den Planeten (287) Nephthvs. A«tr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 395-390, 431-432; 129, 1892, 24.5-246. Ellipti.sche Elemente des Cometen 1889 III (Barnard Juni 23). Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 77-78. SternschnupiK-n aus der Bahn des Cometen 1881 V (Denning). Astr. Nachr., 123. 1890. 123-124. Bahnbestimmung des iKjriodiscbeu Cometen 1884 II (Barnard). Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 145-170. Ueber die Lage der Balm des Comett-n 1884 11 (Barnard). Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 189-190. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1890... (Borrelly 1889 Dec. 12). Astr. Nachr., 123. 1890, 28-5- 286; 124, 1890, 173-174. Detinilive Bahnbestimmung des Cometen 1885 II. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 385-406. EUiptische Elemente des Cometen 1889 IV und Bemerkuugen iiber einige andere Cometen. A«tr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 117-1.50. Elemente und Ephemeriden der Planeten (291) und (292). Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890. 287-288. Die kiinftige Bahn des Cometen 1889 I. Astr. Nachr , 124, 1890, 407-410. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1890... (Coggia JuU 18). Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 77-8U, 12;>-126. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1890... (Denning Juli 23). Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 95-9G, 123 126. I'ernere Nachrichten iiber den Cometen 1889 I sowie iibcr die Wiederauflindung des Cometen 1889 II. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890. 29.5-296. Elements and ephcmeris of Comet 1884 III (Wolf). Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 175. Erste Beobachtnngen des d'Arrest'scben Cometen 1890. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1891, 29-30. Comet 1889 V (Brooks). Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 59-60. Elemente der Planeten (295), (297), (298), (299) und (300). Astr. Nachr.. 120, 1891, C:i-64. Elemente nnd Ephemeride des Cometen 1890 IV (Zona Nov. 15). Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 125-126. 1.59- 160. Zur Wiederauflindung des Cometen 1889 V (Brooks). Astr. Nachr.. 120, 1891, 139-140. Beobaehtung des Cometen 18.89 V (Brooks) auf der Lick Stemwarte. .\str. Nachr.. 120, 1891. 231-232. Planet (2(55) Anna. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 259- 264. Planet (302). Astr. Nachr.. 126, 1891, 341-342. Elemente der Planeten (299) und (300). Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 359-;^60. Elemente der Planeten (.S03) und (304). Astr. Nachr , 127, 1891, 43-44. Berberich] 454 [Berberich Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1891... (Barnard-Denning). Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 47^8. Ellemente der Planeten (305) uud (SOG). Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, li)i)-200. Elenunte der Planeten (308) und (309). Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 215-216. Elemente des Planeten (310) (Charlois Mai 10). Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 159-160. Planet (311) (Charlois 1891 Jnni 11). Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 1 89-190. Elemente der Planeten (313), (318), (319) und (320). Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 359-360. Planet (295) Theresia. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 391- 392. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1891. ..(Bar- nard Oct. 2). Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 40.5-408. Conjunction des Planeten Uranus niit \ Virginis. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 407-408. [Corrected ephemeris of Comet 1891 11 (periodic of Wolf).] [1891.] Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 12. Elements and ephemeris of the periodic Comet of Wolf. Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 103-104. Elemente von kleinen Planeten. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 117-118. Neuer Planet (Wolf 1892 Miirz 19). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 245-246. Die Bahnneigangen der kleinen Planeten. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 265-268. Ephemerideu der Planeten (325) und (329). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 275-276. Elemente und Ephemeriden der Planeten (324) und (326). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 275-276. Ephemeride des Planeten (304) Olga. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 277-278; 141, 1896, 87-88, 207-208. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1892. ..(Swift Miirz 6). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 277-280; 130, 1892, 13-14; 131, 1893, 127-128, 307-310. Elemente und Ephemeriden der Planeten (328) und (330). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 293-296. Elemente der Planeten (329) und (331). Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 15-16. Elemente iind Ephemeride von (306) Unitas. Astr. Nachr., 1.30, 1892, 111-112, 221-222. Elliptische Elemente des Cometen 1892 I. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 215-216. Ephemeride des Cometen 1892 I. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 215-220, 423-424, 433-436; 131, 1893, 123-126. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1892... (Brooks Aug. 27). [1892.] Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 343-344; Astr. Jl., 12, 1893, 80. Die Planeten Wolf vom 22 Aug. (1892 A) und 1 Sept. (1892 B und C). Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 373-376. Ephemeride des Planeten 1892 C (WoU). Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 391-392. Beobachtungen der neuen Planeten 1892 G und H. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 31-32. Ephemeriden der Planeten 1892 E, G und H. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 47^8. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten 1892 C (Staus). Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 6.3-64, 119-120. Bemerkung zu Deichmiji.i.kk "Ueber die Vorausbe- rechnung der CometenHelligkeiten" in A. N. 3123. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 75-76. Elemente und Ephi'meriden der Planeten 1892 E, G und J. Astr. Nachi., 131, 1893, 119-120. Elemente uud Ephemeride des Cometen 1892... (Holmes Nov. 6). Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 149-150. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen Brooks 1892 Nov. 20. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 181-182, 295-296. EUijitischc Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1892. ..(Holmes Nov. 6). Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 181-182. Der Ijaut des Cometen 1892. ..(Holmes) im Sommer 1892. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 205-206. Elemente von kleinen Planeten. Astr. Naclir., 131, 1893, 213-214; 1.35, 1894, 347-348. Epliemeride des Planeten (313) ChaldfEa. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 373-374. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten 1892 T (Charlois). Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 31-32. [Beobaehtuug des neuen Planeten 1893 B.] Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 63-64. Neuer Planet 1893 F. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 79-80. Planet (321). Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 9.5-96. Mittheilung[en] iiber kleine Planeten. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 141-142, 239-240; 134, 1894, 147-150. Ueber die mittlere Parallaxe der Sterne erster Grosse. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 189-190. Durchgang des Cometen Finlay 1893...durch die Prassepe. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 319-320. Planet (298) Baptistina = (330) Ilmatar. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 335-336. Planet 1893 S = Wolf 1891 Nov. 28. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 335-3.36. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten 1893 AH. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 367-368. Elements des nouvelles planetes, d^couvertes par la photographie. Bull. Astr., 10, 1893, 181-182, 563. Numeration of asteroids. [1893.] Astr. Jl., 13, 1894, 181. Planet (175) Andromache. Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, 143-146; 135, 1894, 151-152. Planet 1893 L = (89) Julia. Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, 147-148. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (334) Chicago. Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, 107-168; 136, 1894, 303-304; 139, 1896, 221-222; 149, 1899, 123-126; 153, 1900, 59- 60, 75-76. Elemente der Planeten (374), (375), (376) und (378). Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, 33.5-336. Planet 1894 AY. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 47-48. Planet (332) Siri. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 187-190. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (324). Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 347-3.50; 139, 1896, 221-222; 14G, 1898, 45-16; 150, 1899, 389-392. Ephemeride des Planeten (175) Andromache. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 349-350. Ephemeride fiir die Wiederkehr des Cometen 1884 II (Barnard). Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 333-336; 138, 1896, 215-216, 287-288. Elements and ephemeris of planet (175) Andromache. [1894.] Astr. Jl., 14, 1895, 36-37. [Orbit of planet (175) with Jupiter perturbations.] [1894.] Astr. Jl., 14, 1895, 134. — — On the orbit of (313) Chaldiea and asteroid AW. Astr. Jl., 15, 1895, 30. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten 1894 BE. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1896, 13-14, 45-46. [Ueber den neuen Cometen 1894. ..(E. Swift).] Astr. Nachr., 137. 1895, 31-32. Planet (158) Korouis. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 45-46. Ephemeride des Planeten (372) (1893 AH). Astr. Nachr., 137, 1896, 93-94, 205-206. Elemente des Planeten (369). Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 127-128. Ephemeride des Planeten 1895 BY (Charlois 1895 Juni 20). Astr. Naelir., 13s, 1895, 231-232. Ephemeride des Planeten (313) Chaldma. Astr. Naohr., 138, 1896, 285-286. Vorliiulige I'llemenle und Ephemeride des Cometen 1895. ..(Ssvift Aug. 20). Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 333-336. Elliptische Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1895. ..(Swift Aug. 20). Astr. Nachr., 138, 1896, 351- 352. None Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1895... (Swift Aug. 20). Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 367-368; 139, 1896, 31-32. Berberich] • 455 fBerckholtz Uchcr die Balm di^s I'lanetcn 1895 BX = (403). Astr. Nachr., VM, 1898, 12:1-124. Elcii.ciite dcK Planeteu 1895 BY = (404). Astr. Naolir., 13H, 189B, 423-424. KIcininto uiid K|>licinL'riden dor riuiictcn (392) Willulniina mid (393) (1894 BG). AhIf. Naclir., 139, 1896, M9-92. EliMiientu iitid Kpliemeiide dt'8 Comctcn 1895... (BrookH Nov. 21). Awlr. Nacbr., 139, 1896, 143-144, 205-208. Elenicnte und Ephcmeride des Planctcn (407) (1895 CC). Astr. Naclir., 139, 1896, 1.59-160. riaiiPt (396) (1894 UL). Astr. Nachr., 1.S9, 1896, 219- 220. Elpiiicntc und Epbcmeridc dcs Planetcn (3.52) (1893 15). Astr. Naclir., 139, 1896, 223-224. [Plancten 1896 CK und CL.] Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 271-272. Planet (408) (1895 CD). Astr. Naclir., 139, 1896, 271-272. Balinbestininum^.' dcs Planeten (401) Ottilia. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 107-110. Planet (31(1) Goberta. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 201-202. Planet (325) Heidelberga. Astr. Nacbr., 140, 1896, 2.51-2.-,2. Planet (318) Magdalena. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 2,53-254. Ephemeride des Planeten (38fi) (1894 AY) fiir die Opposition 1896. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 15-16. Epbemerido des Planeten (380) (1894 AY). Astr. Nacbr.. Ml. 1896, 87-88. Ephemeride hemiride des I'lancten (117) I..oniia. Aiitr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 79-KO. Elemente und Ephemeride des Plancten (388) [1894 BAj. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900. 93-96. Ephemeride des Cometen 1900 a. Astr. Nacbr., 152, 1900, 18.5-188. Elemente [und Ephemeride] des Planeten 1900 FC. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 289-290, 389-390; 153, 1900, 19-20. Elemente und Ephemeride dcs Planeten 1900 FH. Astr. Nacbr., 1.53, 1900, 35-36. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planetcn (175) Andro- mache. Aslr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 57-60. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (432) [1897 DO). Astr. Nachr.. 153, 1900. 139-140. AufsucbungsEpbemeride fur den Cometen 1h84 II (Barnard). Aslr. Nucbr., 1.53. 1900, 219-222. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (322) Phaeo. Astr. Nacbr., 153, 1900, 30.V304. Neue Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (295) Theresia. Astr. Nacbr., 153, 1900, :J83-384. Ephemeride des Brorscn'scben Cometen. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 411-412. Berberich, .l|(/../r]. A Oinzel, Flriedrich] h'[arl]. Sre Oinzel ,V Berlwrlcb. Berbericti, Herman. I'ruximate analysis of the bark of Piscidia erj'thrina. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 70, 1898, 425- 427. Berbericb, Ludu-ifl. Anatomische Untersuchong zweier Fiille von experimentellem Secuudarglancom am Kanin- cbenauge. Arch. f. Opbthalm., 40, 1894 {Abth. 2), 113- 134. Berberla, A. Temporale. [Bolzonella (Padova) i set- tembre 1887.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 1.53- 1.54. Berchelmann, W[Hhrlm]. A Oattermann, Ludwig. See Oattennann & Berchelmann. Berchem, J/dj ran. Le niTd de la Sjrie: souvenirs de vovages, geographic, monuments, etc. [18',)6.] Geneve SoV. Giogr. Mem., 36, 1897 {Ihill.). 27-31. Berchem, Paul van. Note sur la preparation de la ditolvlphtalide. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 42, 1884, 168- 169." Sur I'dtat d'equilibre qne prend au point de me de ss concentration une dissolution gazeusc primilivement homogdne dont deux ])arties soul porlees k dcs tempera. lures differenle.s. [1889.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 21. 1889, .".56; 23, 1890, 70-75; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 82-84. [Temperature des eaux du lac de Geneve a diflcrcntes profoudeurs.] Arch. Sci. Phvs. Nat., 30, 1893, 67»- two. Berchem, Paul van, & I« Boyar, Alexandre. [Formation de glavons flottants a la surface dun lac agile par le vent.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 25, 1891, 471-473. [L'unisstm pour les couranUs de haute tension.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat.. 30. 1893. 178. See alio lie Beyer A' Berchem. Berchet, Gualielmo. 'Reports on the eruption of Moont Sirone. [Jap.] [1882.] Tokyo Geogr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1881-83. So. 2, 5 pp. Berchon, Ernett. For biographical notice and works tee r„.ni. aux Ac. .\ct, .58, 1896, 680-691. BerclLholtz, [Fedor OKar Ed. Enut Herm.]. Cnter. suchungen iiber den Einfluss des Eintrocknens auf die Lebensfiihigkeit der CholerabaciUen. Berlin Gesond- beilsamt Arb., 5, 1889, 1-36. Berckholtz] 456 [Berendt Berckholtz, ]l'[iUi/l. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Morpho- lof;ie iind Anatomie von Gunnera manicata, Linden. [1891.] Bibl. Bot., 5, 1893, Hi'ft 24, 1!) pp. Berdach, Julius. Bericht iiber die MeniugitisEpidemie in Tiit'ail im Jahre 1898. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 6.5, 1900, 449-479. Berdal, Henri. Sur I'emploi combine du bichromate de potasse et du sulfate de cuivre pour I'iinpregnation des cellules du systeme nerveux central. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. fl.), 134. ■ Sur I'lmpr^gnation des cellules du systfeme nerveux central par des m<;'langes de bichromate de potasse et de sulfate de cuivre. Mi5thode derivee de la precedente, permettant de colorer. a volonte dans les coupes de moelle soit les cellules et les cylindres d'axes, soit les gaines de my^line. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(!'m., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 185-186. Sur uu porte-objet a congelation s'adaptant au "rocking microtome" et fonctionnant soit avec le chlorure de m^thyle soit avec I'acide sulfureux li(iuide. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mom., 47, 1895 (6'. R.), 187. Berdal, Henri, & Bataille, . See Bataille & Berdal. Berde, .trim. For biographical notice and works see Termt. KozlOn., 2-5, 1893, 6.30-032. Berdell6, Charles. Sur une nouvellc raaniere de faire la multiplication. Ass. Fran?. C. li., 1884 (Pt. 2), 584- 587. L'arithmetique des directions et des rotations. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1886 {Pt. 2), 103-110; 1887 {Pi. 2), 197- 206. La uuraoration binaire et la numeration octavale. Ass. Frane. C. R., 1887 {Pt. 2), 206-209. Boite a multiplication. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1887 {PI. 2), 210-211. Kcponse a quelques objections contre l'arithmetique directive. Ass. Fran?. C. B., 1888 {Pt. 2), 109-112. Th^orie des logarithmes fondee sur la multiplicatiou des series. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1889 {Pt. 2), 38-42. Demonstration el6mentaire d'un thcorime enonce par Jl/. E. Catalan. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 17, 1889, 102-104. De rincommensurabilite des angles des triangles rectangles en nombres entiers. Ass. Frane. C. K., 1890 {Pt. 2), 186-191. Caicul directif. Rectification importante. Surfaces de revolution de la droite et leurs .sections planes. Ass. Franc. C. K., 1891 (Pt. 2), 181-185. L'arithmi''ticiue des gammes. Ass. Frane. C. R., 1897 {Pt. 2), 198-201. . Curiosites du caicul. Ass. Franr. C. R. , 1898 {Pi. 2), 139-144. De la numeration parl(''e au point de vue international. Enseign. Math., 1 (1899), 269-272. Au sujet de questions chronologiques. Enseign. Math., 2 (1900), 188-194. Berdez, J[jdes]. Contribution a I'etude des turacurs des capsules surr^nales. Arch. Med. Bxpcr. , 4, 1892, 412-415. De la sclerose tubereuse du cerveau. Beitr. Path. Anat., 17, 1895, 648-6')). Berdez, ./| iiJc.s], i\; Nencki, M[urcel]. Ueber die Farbstoffe di-r melanotischen Sarkome. Arch. Exper. Path., 20, 1886, 316-361. Berdez, ■I\ules], & Zuntz, Nlathan]. Beitrag zur Kenntuiss der Einwirkung des Wi.'ingeistes auf den Kespiriitions- process des Menschen. Fortschr. Med., '> (1887), 1-9. Beregszaszy, Julius. Ueber Photographits des nuaiscli- lichen Kelilkopfcs. Wien, I'hotogr. Correspond., 23, 1886, 364-372. Beitrag zur Anatomie und Physiologie des Kehlkopfes. PHiiger, Arch. Pliysiol., 46, 1890," 46.5-477. Bereman, T. A. What caused the obliquity of the ecliptic ? Science, 17, 1891, 93-95. The general circulatiou of the atmosphere. Science, 19, 1892, 301-304. Auroral display. Science, 20, 1892, 6.5. The boom of the prairie chicken. Science, 22, 1893, 32-33. Berend, Luihrii). Ueber einige neue Alkine. Berlin, Chem. (ies. Ber., 17, 1884, 510-512. Ueber Dimethylchinaldin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 653. Ueber Dimethylchiuolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bar., 17, 1884, 11.89-1490, 2716-2717; 18, 1885, 3165. Ueber ein Trimethylchinolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 376-377. Ueber die Alkaloide der Lupinensamen. (Zweite Mitteilung.) Ueber das Lupiuin und das Lupinidiu der gelbeu Lupine. Arch. Pharm., 235, 1897, 262-289. Berend, Ludwiii, & Herms, Joaehim. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Hydrazinhvdrat auf das Acenaphtenchinon. .11. Prakt. Chem., 60, 1899, 1-25. Berend, Luilwiij, & Stoehr, ('[iirl]. Ueber Brucin. Jl. Prakt. Chem.', 42, 1890, 415-420. Berend, Ludwip, & Thomas, E[rnst]. Ueber Ketone der Chinolinreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2548- 2549. Berend, Nicoluus. Ueber eine neue klinisclie Methode zur Bestimmung der Blutalkale.scenz und iiber Untersuch- ungeu der Blutalkalescenz bei Kindern. Ztsehr. Heilk., 17, 1896, 351-394. Berend, Nicolaus, & I>ange, Jerome. See Iiange & Berend. Berendes, J[ohiinnes]. Pharmacie bei deu alteu Cultur- viilkern. Arch. Pharm., 22.5, 1887, 937-9.58, 1001-1012 ; 226, 1888, 719-742, 775-791; 227, 1889, 678-707, 733- 752, 773-798, 833-845, 876-897, 931-944. Die Namen der Elemente. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 103-104. Aeltere und neuere Bezeichnungen in der Chemie. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 663-665. Berendt, G[ottlieb Micliael]. *Blatt Linum. Preuss. Thiiriug. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 11, Gradabth. 44, No. 16, 1878, 25 pp. *Blatt Nauen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfy. 11, Gradabth. 44, No. 22, 1878, 23 pp. *Blatt Markau. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 11, Gradabth. 44, No. 28, 1878, 20 pp. ^ — *Blatt Rohrbeck. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 11, Gradabth. 44, No. 29, 1878, 34 pp. *Blatt Spandow. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 14, Gradabth. 44, No. 30, 1879, 32 pp. *Blatt Teltow. Preuss. Thiiring. (ieol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 20, Gradabth. 44, No. 36, 1882, 39 pp. *Blatt Tempelhof. Preuss. Thiiriug. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 20, Gradabth. 45, No. 31, 1882, 50 pp. *Blatt Beelitz. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 22, Gradabth. 44, No. 46, 1883, 29 pp. *Blatt Wildenbruch. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 22, Gradabth. 44, No. 47, 1883, 47 pp. Kreide und Tertiiir vou Finkenwiilde bei Stettin. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztsehr., 36, 1884, 866-874. Das Tertiiir im Bereiche der Mark Brandenburg. Berliu Ak. Sber., 1885, 863-884. [Unterkiefer von Elephas primigenius.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztsehr., 37, 1885, 5,54-555. Das uuterdiluviale .\lter des Joachimsthal-Oderberger Geschiebewalles. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztsehr., 37, 1886, 804-807. Geschiebe-Dreikanter oder Pyramidal -Geschiebe. Preuss. Geol. Lande.sanst. Jbuch., [5], 1885, 201-210. Blatt Bie.senthal, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrtabelle. Preuss. Thiiring. (ieol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 29, Gradabth. 45, No. 14, 1885, 117 vp. Blatt Berlin, ncl)st Bohrkarte und Bohrtabelle. Preuss. Thiiring. (ieol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 29, Gradabth. 45, jV(>. 25, 1886, 62 )ip. Berendtl ir>7 fBerendt [Bison priHcii8 von Rizdorf.] Dcutfcli. Oi-ol. Oph. Ztschr., :w, 1886, 245. Dpr Obi' rol isocline Mecrcssand zwisclien Kibe und Oder. Dcutrtch. Geo). Gpb. ZtHchr., ;w. 1886, 2.">.')-268. GeoKnoBtiKcho Skizze der Ctegend von Glo^au und das Tiefbohrlocli in dortifier KrieKrwehule. PrcuHn. Oeol. LandesanHt. .Jbneh., 10], 1886, 317-8.5.'>. Uic bi»heri(;<'n .\iifHcliliis8edcHniarkiRch-pommpr»ohcD Tertiiirs und ihre IJebereinBtimmunK mit den Tien)ohrer- RpbniBSPn dieser Geiicnd. PrpiiSH. Thiiring. Geol. Kartc Abh., 7 {llefl 2), 1886, IH pp. Zur Geounosie der Altninrk. Untcrschicde in den Beognofltischcn Verhiiltni«8en derBclben nogeniiber denen der Murk lirimdenburR. Preuss. Geol. Tjandexaniit. Jbuch., [7], 1887, 10.-)-Il.^). Der Sooliiuellen-Fund im Admirnlsgurtinbade in Berlin. Dcntsch. (Jeol. Ges. Ztschr.. 10, 1888. 1(12-108. [Uebor den ,Ioacliimsthal-Chorin-I,ic|)er Gcicbiebe- walj.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztsclir., -10. 1888, 807-371. AsarbildunRen in Norildeiitschland. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr.. 40, 1888, l8:i-48!», [624]. Kin neues Stiick iler siiillichen haltischen Endmorane. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 40, 1888, .>W-.')64. Die siidliche baltische Endmoriine In der Ge^'end von .loachinisthal. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, 301-HlO. Die LHf;oruiiKSverhiiltnisse und Hebuncserscheinungen in den Kreidcfilsen auf Riigen. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 41, 1889, 148-1.54; 42, 1890, 58H-.587. Ueber Tiefliohrnngen in Tierliu und nachster Urage- bung. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 41, 1889, .SH1-.S82. Ueber einige Ergebnisse bei den Aufnalimen im Flachlande. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. .Jbuch., [9], 1889. cxviii-exxi. Die beiderseitige Fortaetzung der siidliehen baltischen Endmiiriine. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, 110-122. tieschrararate Grauwacke von Magdeburg. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztwhr., 42, 1890, 371. . Das Tertiiir bei Falkenbcrg tind Freienwalde a.O. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Zt.schr., 44, 1892, 335-340. Ueber wissenschaftlich neue Ergebnisse bei der A.ut- nahme des Blattes Stettin. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch.. [10], 1892, Uxxv-lxxxviii. Die Knolbohrungen im Weichbilde der Stadt Berlin. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [10], 1892, 347-376. Erbohrung Jurassischer Schichten unter dem Tertiar in Ilermsdorf bei Berlin. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch.. 11. 1892, 83-94. Ueber die Paludinen-Bank von Nieder-Schonweide bei Berlin. Dentsch. Oeol. Ges. Ztschr., 45, 1893, 326- 327. [Ueber den Verlauf der siidliehen grossen baltischen Endmoriine.] Deutsch. Geol. Ge.s. Ztschr., 45, 1893, 536-541. Ueber Ergebnisse der Aufnahmearbeiten anf den Bliittem Hohentinow, Wolsickendorf und Freienwalde bezw. Oderbcrg und Zehden. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 12, 1893, Ixvii-lxx. Spuren einer Vergletscherung des Kiesengebirges. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch.. 12, 1893, 37-90. Ueber Ergebnisse der Aufnahmearbeiten innerhalb der Bliitter Hohenfinow und Freienwalde. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch.. 13. 1893, Iv-lix. Endmoriine in Schleswig-Holstein betreffend. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 46, 1894, 841-843. Briefliche Mittheilung. [Spuren einer Vergletscherung des Kiesengebirges.] Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 14, 1894. 22-23. Blatt (iross-Schonebeck, nebst Bobrkart« und Bohr- register. Preus.s. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., I.fri. .53, Gradoblh. 45. So. 2. 1894, x-l-38-f 18 pp. Blatt Joachimsthal, nebst Bobrkarte und Bobrregister. B. s. A. c. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., [.fy. 53, Gradalith. 45, .Vfc.1/(r/i(/('/].I,attermann, f;i'0)V/, A- Wliiller, Gottfried. See Iiattermann, nitUler & Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieh Miclaiel], iaufer, Ernst, A Keilhack, Kimrad. See Iiaufer, Keilhack ,t Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieh Michael], Wahnschaffe, Feli.r, & Keilhack, Konrad. Blatt Friedrichsfelde, nebst Bohr- karte uud Bohrtabelle. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., L/V/. 29, Gradahth. 45, jVii. 2(1, 1885. 55 pp. Berendt, G[ottlieh Michael], Keilhack, Konrad, Schroder, Henry, & VTahnschaffe, Felix. Neuere Forschungeu auf dem Gebiete der Glacialgeologie in Norddeutschland erliiutert an einigen Bcispielen zugleich ersehienen als Fiihrer fiir die Excursioiien der Deutschon Geologischen Gesellschaft in das norddeutsche Flachland vom 28 Sep. tember bis 5 October 1898. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 18, 1898, 42-129, 178 (his); 19, 1899, 137 {'(/.■.). Berenger, \Gi\iseppe] Adolfy de. For biographieiil iiotiee and list of works see [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 132- 137. Bironger, <). CamilU. Education de namlous. Frauce Soc. Acclim. Bull., 31, 1884, 91(5-919. Elevage des demoiselles de Numidie (Grus virgo). France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 37, 1890, 969-973. B£renger-F6raud, [Laurent Jean llaptiste]. For bio- graphical notice and works see Paris, Ac. M^d. Bull., 44, 1900, ,790-791. Etude d"un empoisonnement multiple survenu a Ijorient par I'usage de morue alteree. Arch. Med. Navale, 42, 1884, 440-456; 43, 1885. 5-25. liecherches sur les accidents que provoque la morue alteree. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 14, 1885, 331-340, 427-456, 516-549. Note sur le cornet a chloroforme en usage dans la marine. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 26, 1891, 59.5-601. De la ladrerie chez I'homme. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 27, 1892, 481-517. Note sur les accidents de kerato-conjonctivite produits par le venin d'un serpent du S^n^gal. Arch. Med. Navale, 57, 1892, 241-243. Sur I'augmentation de frequence du Ttenia en France depuis un demi-sidcle. [Witli discussion.] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 27, 1892, 112-127. Le Tenia dans les colonies frani,"aises, I'Algerie et la Tunisie. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull.. 28, 1892, 248-257. Distribution geographique des Tenias de I'homme. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 28, 1892, 282-.304. Du nombre et de la longueur des Ttenias que Ton rencontre chez I'homme. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 29, 1893, 12-15. B6renguier, Pirnl. Description d'uue helice nouvelle de France. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 1, 1884, 285-286. B6r£nl, , I,e Bantec, [Ale.randre], & Boye, . See Le Dantec, Boy£ d' B6r£ni. Berenstein, .1/. Neue Versuche zur Bestimmung der Eesidualluft am lebenden Menschen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 50, 1891, 303-375. Ein Beitrag zur experimentellen Pbysiologie des Diinndarnis. [1892.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 53, 1893, 52-70. Uebereinen Fall von glaukomatoser Entziindung nach Cataraotextraction mit Druckwirkung auf die Stiibchen- schicht der Netzhaut. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 51, 1900, 186-198. Berent, St. Ueber das'capillare Verhalten der Fliichen von Steinsalz und Sylvin gegeuiiber Mutterlaugeu. Zt.schr. Kryst., 26, 1896, 529-557, 678. Berent, U'aclaw. Zur Kenutnis des Parablastes und der Keimliliitterdiffereuzierung im Ei der Knocheutische. Jena. Ztschr., 30, 1896, 291-349. Beresford, (Lt.) C. W. de la Poer. Note on the ascent of Anibrym volcano in the New Hebrides. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 6, 1884, 129-132. Beresford, lloiis H. Fack-. See Fack-Beresford. Beresford, F. A new formula for the calculation of draw- bridge strains. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 32, 1886, 137-144. Berestnev, N. M. Des propri^t^s fermentatives du sang et du pus. St. P^terab. Arch. Sci. Biol., 3, 1895, 40-52. Ueber Pseudoaktinomykose. Ztsohr. Hyg., 29, 1898, 94-116. Zur Frage der Klassifikation und systematischen Stellung der Strahlenpilze. Centrbl. Bakt. (.ilit. 1), 26, 1899, 390, 587. Berezovsklj, M. M. | BIlCTlt ofil) rtKCllOlllui". News of nil expedition.] St. Pctersb. , Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 29, 1893, 2118-302. RaimMeTiniqedviil ;i,HeBHiiKi., B0,icnniJi1 b7> ropojil! Xoti-CiiHb, m. hdkhoiI >iaoTir iiiioiumuiii l'aiib-('y, Bi, Kirral;, bi. 1892-93 ro.;axb, r-ojib Lauwaert, KaiOjiIl'iefKllMli MIICcionepOMb. Ob- servations baroini-triijiies faites a Hoi-Hien, au sud de Kan-Sou, en Chine, en 1892-93 par M. Lai'wakkt, mis- Berezovsky! 459 [Berg Bioimire catlioli(|ue. St VHenh., Soc. Rustic Oianr. iUm. (r,V»(/r.), 33, 1898 (A'u. 3), 33 |j|). BerezovakU, .1/. ^1/., A Blancbl, r[i;nKH- torisclif llypiTtropliie 3, 1899, 53-1 2.">, 2G4-317. Berg, . "I'lliiT 1 uropiiisclic GriidmoBsungen. [1H70.] ('li.iiinitz Htr., 1868-70. (;7-lW. Berg, [Frifilrifh WilhfUn .Juliim von\. *0 (|lOTOM('Tp i, lIlMKi'.xa II o iioi'.ioiHciiiii cB'L'ra aTMocilpcpoio, ,1.1)1 Ull.ieiirKaro lopiliioiriK. [On Schwkud's photo- meter und on the absorption of atuioxpheric li»;ht, for the horizon of Vilim.] |1871] St. I'etersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (/i'«.«.), 21. 1872. 107 112. Berg, [l-'rhr.) |('i(/7 llrinrich Edmund] voti. Ornitholo- (lisdie liiMibacbtiingen »ns Elxa-HsLothrincen 18H.5-t98]. |lHUr.-iyO(l.] Oruis, H, 1896, 2.53-3.T2 ; '.t. 1898. 32(1-411; I", 1899, 1.19-174. Berg, .l{nii(iiid h'riitiritis Jtilien], Sur le.s chromo-iodatcs. ruris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 104, 1887, l.')14-1517. Sur les derivd's ehlorii.s des amvlainines. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. H.. 110, 1890, 862-865; I'aris Soc. Chini. Bull., 3, 1890, r.M.'>-6'.IO. Snr ipielquca chromoiodatcs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 111, 1890, 42-43. Sur Ifs amylamines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., Ill, 1890. C0(i-(i08. Sur les ocides isobntvlauiidoacitiques. Ass. Fram,-. C. U., 1891 {I'l. 2), 337-338. Sur les butylamines! normales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 11., 112, 1891, 437"-439. Action ilf la sonde et du cyannre de potassium snr la chlorodianiylamiue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 114, 1892, 483- 484. Sur les derives chloris des isobutvlamines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1379-1382; Paris Soc. Chira. Bull., 7, 1892.543-54.5. Action de la sonde alcooliqae snr la chlorodiamylamine et la chlorodiisobutylamine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7. 1892, 545-547. Sur un nonvean procede de prd'paration des cyanamides. Paris Soc. Cliini. Bull., 7, 1892, 547-549. Sur les derives chlores des propylamines, des benzyl- amines, de I'nniline et de la parstoluidine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 116, 1893, 327-329. Sur les chloramines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 887t889. Ktnde sur les derives des ammoniaques compos<-es. Ann. Chim.. 3, 1894, 289-361. Sur une reaction des acides-alcools. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 11, 1894, 882-'<83. Ktude sur les chromoiodates. Marseille Fac. Sci. Ann., 6, 1897 iFanc. 4), 35 pp. — — Sur le mode de formation de I'elat^rine dans I'Ecbal- lium Elateriuni. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 8.>-«8. Diagnose des amines secondaires gras.ses u radiraux d'alcools niono-atomiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17. 1897, 297-300. lodates doubles de bioxvde de manganese. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 673-676. L'^lat^rase, diastase des Cuourbitacees. .\ss. Frani,'. C. R., 1900(/'(. 2), 471-473. Sur Taction des iodtires et de I'acide iotlbydriqoe sur lacide sulfareui. Pari* Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1*00, 4« Hfni* Julieti], A Carl-Mantr&nd, /.. Sur de nouveaux explosifs. Monitifur S(i.. 7. 1893. 271; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 9, 1893, 94 95. Berg, .l[rmiind Irnnruit .lulirn], \ 0«pb«r, Charlri. .Methode de recherche de quelques acide« orgsniques dans les plantes. A*«. Franv- C. B. . 1896 [I'l. 2), 222- 226; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull, 15, 1896, 1050-1055; Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 544-.'546. Snr les wides contenus dana Ic sue cellulaire den MdsemhrvnnlhemteB. Am. Franv. C. B., 1896 (Pt. 2), 316-319. Sur la recherche des acides organiquea dans quelques Mesenibrynnthi-mees. Rev. (ien. Bot.. h. 1896, 29-5-302. Berg, .l(rm(i)i(f Franeoit .lulitn], A Klein, iJauiel. See Klein .V Berg. Berg, .tlh,Tt. For biography and works «•< Leopoldina, 21, 1886, 112; Ucogr. Jbuch.,' 12, 1888, 354. Berg, .Hired. Kritik ofver nilt'ra vaxtformer, begkrifna af Fl. Bk'iisi. [1889.) Bot. Noliser, 1890, 22-24. Lichenologiska anteckningar. Bot. Notiser, 1890, 161- 173. En nv form af Torilis Anthriscus (/..), C. Gmel. [1893.1 Bot. Notiser, 1894. lOs-109; Bot. CenUbl., 67, 1896, 102. Studien iiber Rheotropismus bei den Keimwurzeln der Pflanzen. Lund. L'niv. Acta, 35, 1899 (S'oc. Phyiiogr., So. VI, 35 pp.). Berg, C. /,. ran der. To what extent are tropical altitadea adaj>ted for settlement by Europeans'? Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891. 10). 170-178. Berg, Carlot. Addenda et emendanda ad Heiniptera Argentina. Arpentina Soc Ci. An., 17. 1884. 20^-11, 97- 118, 1 66- 176. La simbiosis. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 17. 1884, 247 260. Metamorfosis. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., H, 1884, 65-74. Qumdecim Coleoptera nova faunae Reipublicjp Argeo- tinie. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 19, 1888, 219-23.5. RhinocerophisnBBUB,r;(irm.; Bothropsamnioeeialmente zooli'>gicos y botj'inicos, de los tres viajes llevadoa a cabo [por el Dr. Hoi.MiiKRo], en 1881, 18,82 y 1883 a la Sierra del Tandil.] Reptiles. Anfibios. Cilrdoba Ac. Ci. Act., 5, [1886], 93-98. [Phenpodes uruguayensis, ii. ip.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann.. 6. 1886, lix-lx. I'n capitulo de lepidoptcrologia. Argentina Soc. Ci. .\n.. 26. 1888. 91-103. Enumeracion sistemiitica y sinonimiea de los Foriniciilos argentinos. clulenc s y urugnayos. Argentina Soc. Ci. An. 29. 1890. 5-43. Sobre la Carpocapsa saltitans, Wftt»., y la Grapho- litha niotrix. Berg, n. tp. Argentina Soc. Ci. An.. 31. 1891. 97-110. La formacion Carbonifer* de la Repdbliea Argentina. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 31, 1891. 209-212: 32. 1891. 68-71. 58—2 Berg] 460 [Berg Dyscophus onthophaKus, un nuevo grillo uruguayo cavernlcola. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 32, 1891, 5-8 ; Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892, 8(>. Nova Hemiptera faunarum argentinfe et uruguayensis. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 32, 1891, 164-175, 231-243, 277- 287; 33, 1892, .5-11, 43-.50, fi.5-72, 97-104, 151-165; 34, 1892, 82-91!, 193-205. iEolus pyroblaptus, Bern, uu nuevo destructor del trigo. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 33, 1892, 60-62. Cuestiones de limites. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 34, 1892, 53-64. Canabalismo entre insectos. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 34, 1892, 236-238. [Sur .Eglea laivis.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 61, 1892, cevi-covii. Geotria macrostoma {Burin.), Berp,y Thalassophryne niontevidensis. Berg, dos peces particulares. La Plata Mus. An. {Zool), i, 1893, 7 pp. Pseudoscorpionidenkuiffe. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 446^48. Enumeracion sistematica y sinonimica de los peces de las oostas argentina y urugiiaya. Buenos Aires Mus. Nae. An., 4, 1895, 1-120. Sobre peces de agua dnlce nuevos 6 poco conocidos de la Republica Argentina. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1895, 121-165. Dos reptiles nuevos. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1895, 189-194. HemipteroB de la Tierra del Fuego, coleccionados por el Sefior Carlos Backhacsen. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4. 1895, 197-206. Revision et description des especes argentines et ebiliennes du genre Tatoehila (BiitL). Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1895, 217-255. Descripcion de tres nuevos Lepidopteros de la eoleeciun del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires. [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 1-4. Sur la distribution geographiijue de I'Ophioderes materna (L.). B.11I. [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nae. An., 5, 1896-97, 23-24. Comunicaciones ool6gicas. [i. El huevo de la supuesta Khea nana, Lyd., es huevo basilisco de Rhea Darwini, Gould. 11. El huevo del mitii, Crax fascio- lata, Spix. in. Huevos de coloracion anornial del terutero, Vanellus cayenneusis (Gtn.), Vieill.] [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 33-38. Contribueibn al estudio de los Hemlpteros de la Tierra del Fuego. [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 131-137. Una Filaria horrida, Dies., dentro de nn huevo. [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An. , 5, 1898-97, 139-140. . Batracios argentines. Enumeracion sistematica, sinonimica y bibliografica de los Batracios de la Bepublica Argentina. [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 147-226. Deacripciones de algunos Hemipteros Heteropteros nuevos 6 poco conocidos. [1894.] Montevideo Mus. Nac. An., [1, 1897], 13-27. Comunicaciones lepidopterolbgicas acerca de veinti- cinco Ropal6eeros sudamericanos. |1897.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 233-261. Contribuciones al conocimento dc los poees sud- americanos, especialniente de los de la Bepublica Argentina. [1897.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 263-302. Ueber die Eiablage, die Brutpflege und die Nahrung von Amphisbmna Darwinii. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1897 (Th. 2, Ilalfic 1), 164-165. Langlebigkeit eines Cardiniils (Paroaria cueullata). Ornith. Mber., 5. 1897, 179. Descriptiones Hydrometridaruin novarum Heipublico) Argentina-. [1898.] Buenos Aires MuB. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 3-6. sur r.Eglea lasvis {Latr.), Leach. Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898- Buenos Aires Mus. 91-97, 165-174, 293- Mus. Observations [1898.] Buenos 1901, 7-8. Comunicaciones ictiologicas. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 9-13, 311. Variation de regime. [1898.] Buenos Aires Nao. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 14-15. Lobodon carcinophagus (H. ./.), Gr., en el rio de la Plata. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 15. Substituci6n de nombres genericos. [1898-99.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 16-19, 40-43, 77-80. Dolichotis salinicola, Burm., est bona species. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 23-24, 44-45. Sobre los enemigos pequenos de la langosta peregrina, Schistocerca paranensis (/iurm.). [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 25-30. Descriptio novi generis Cerambycidarum Reipublicae ArgentinoB. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 31-33. Sobre el langostin y el camarbn, dos Crustaceos Maeruros de aguas argentinas y uruguayas. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun , 1, 1898-1901, 37-39. Sobre el Thelyphonus maximus, Turnani. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 55-56. Contribuciones al conocimiento de la fauna erpeto- logica argentina y de los paises limitrofes. [1898.] Buenos Ah'es Mus. Nac. An., 6, 1899, 1-32. Dufe species novit argentina; Gyponse generis. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 47, 1899, 5-7. Observaeiones sobre Lepid6pteros argentinos y otros sud-americanos. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 6, 1899, 369-390. Coleopteros de la Tierra del Fuego, coleccionados por el Sr. Carlos Backhausen. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 57-65. Brenthis Cytheris y Brenthis Dexamene. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nao. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 110- 115. Apuntes dipterol6gicos. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 124-130. Los Mantispidos de la Republica Argentina. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nae. Comun., 1, 1898-1901. 139-145. El genero Ehyephenes, Scliiiiih., en la Republica Argentina. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 151-154. Notas bemipterologicas. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 158-160. Sobre algunos .\nisom6rtidos chileuo-argentinos. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 181-186. . Tres Reduviidaj nova> argentina?. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 187-190. Sobre algunas larvas de Lepidopteros argentinos. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun.. 1, 1898-1901, 206-209. Termitariophilic. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 212-214; Micr. Soc. .71., 1901, 32. Notas sobre los nombies de algunos Mamiteros sud- americanos. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun. , 1, 1898-1901, 219-222, 260-263. Datos sobre algunos Crustiieeos nuevos para la fauna argentina. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 223-235. Ajnintes sobre dos especies del genero Odynerua de la Tierra del Fuego. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898 1901. 237-240. Notice sur les es]iuces du genre Alurnus, F., apparte- nant a la faune argentine. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898 1901, 252-257. Bergl 401 [Berg I'leminia iirKcntina, iiii nuevo Kiiidnfilidd. [15KK). ] BiicnDN Ali'cH MiiK. Nac. Cumnn., 1. 1898 1901, 201. Berg, E. Astrii^^nlim ilunicuH. Hrl:., in I'uniiuorn. Deutsche Hot. Msehr., 13, 1898, « '.I. Berg, Kmiiiiiifl. I'eber KxiiipaHH-Diiviiitiuiuii und Kuth. Ik'HtiniiniiiiKen uuf See. Elektrotechii. ZtHchr. , 9, 1888, 2-21-2-2H. KlektiiHcliljctliiitinte AliKperrventile fiir Dniiipf., (ia«- und Wan8eileituiiKuii. Klcktrotechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, «17-f,lH. Berg, Kinil. Die KedeutuiiK der absoluten Feuchtifc'keit fiir diiKnt»tiluiiiKiiiid l''oitiitlanzuii(!derGcwitter. Re|>ertni. f. Metoorol., 11, 1888, .V«. lA, 111 pp. ; St. I'etiTHb., Ac. Soi. Mem. (/i'i(.<«.>. til. 1890 Uppend. .V./. 'J), 2H pp. UiiteiHiicliunK eincB \Vinler(,'ewitli'rK. Hepertm. f. Mcteorol., 12, 1889, .Vii. l,i, 2H pp.; St. I'etersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. [HuKo.], i;:i. 1890 i.lpii.ii IIO.IOBII IIV 1890 ro,'l.a. [I'elier die BeobachtunKen der Schncedeeke im europiiischen Hiissland in deiersten Hiilfte von 18i)0.] St. I'etersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. Iliiisi.). C.G, 1891 {.ippeitd. No. 9), .SI pp.; RepLMtm. f. Mcteorol., 14, 1891, .No. 5, 23 pp. IIoBiopiicMocn) II i'(>ni|)a(|iiiM('ci;oe i)aciii)e,i,t.- .lOllic .iiiHiit'ii Bl. KBlioiU'MCKofi I'occill. [Ueberdic Hiiuti^'keit und BeoK'raphische Vertlieilung starker Rcfien- fiille im europiiisclien Kussland.] [IWtl.) St. Petcrsb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Iliiss.), (18, 1892 (.ipprml. Sn. 2), 90 pp. ; Eepertm. f. Meteorol., 11, 1891, .Vo. 10, (57 pp. IIaC.Tio,icniji iia;i,i> cirl.;i;iiiJMi. iiouiiOBOMi. ii MCTC.lJIMll Bl. I'OCciilcKOri llMIICpill ;illMOKi 1890- 91 IT. [BoobaclitunRen der Schneedecke und der Scbneegcatciber im Winter 1890-91 im russischen Reich.] [1893.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sei. Mem. {liiiss.), 73, 1894 {.ippfiid. No. (,}, 218 pp. ; Repertm. f. Meteorol., IG, 1893, No. 6, 41 +lxxix pp. Ueber die Schneegestiiber im europiiischen Russland im Winter 1891-92. Repertm. f. Meteorol., 17, 1894, No. 9, 2.5 pp. Kritische Untersuchung der Angaben freicr und geschiitzter Regenmesser. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, 1896, 193-220. 0 TUKi. iiaauBaesioR iiOMOxb ii.iii .Mr.ih, fiuBiiicfl 26-28 iio.iii c. r. no CTiinm, bi iim. CociioBith, CaMapCKoii ry(). [D'une esp^ce particuliere de brouil- lard. qu'on appelle "poniokha", observee il Sosnovka, gouv. Samara.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sei. Bull., 5, 1896, 29.5-290. Berg, F[raHri.'iCH«] ,J[ohannes] ivm den. For biography and list of works gee 's Gravenh;ige, Inst. Ingen. Tijaselir.. 1891 92 (Verg.), 133; Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1. 189B, 1-10; Amsterdam, Ak. .Inarb. (1897). 97-14.5. Over de benadcrde rectilicatie van een cirkelboog. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 4. 1878, 200-204 ; 10. 1884, 180-193. Bijdrage tot de oplossing van een vraagstuk uit de getallenlecr. [187H-,84.] Nieuw Areh. Wisk., .5, 1879, 47-.57 ; 10, 1884. 202. "[Over een maasiven driehoek mstende in een drie- vlakkigen lioek.] Nieuw .\rch. Wisk., 6, 1880, (37-97. "Over de vergelijkiug der door drie gegeven ricbtUjnen bepaalde hyperboloide, in verband met het evenwicht van vier knichteu in de ruimte. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 6, 1880. 183-19.5. "Over twee met bttrekking tot een driehoek sym- metrische groepen van drie cirkels, en over twee dergelijkegroepen van drie rechte lijnen. [1880.) Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 7. 1881, 78-90. Over het verband tusschen dc worteU eener ver- gclijking en die van hare afgeleidc. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 9, 1882, 1-14, 00; 11. 1884, 153 180; lo. 1888. IWJ-IW; I'ortBchr. Math.. 1884, 70 : 1888. 7.5-70 \Purt uidij]. "Over de onderliiige afwijking van den groottcirkel- boog en de loiodroraische kronime tussc'hen twee nabij- gelegen plaatsen op de bolvonnige aarde. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 9, 1882, 1.5 31. "Over een mietkundig vraagRtnk van kanerekeoing. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 9, 1882, 32 .59 ; 10. 1884, 202. Over ecne onjuiste beschouwing in G. J. Vkkdam's hanilboek der spherische trigonomelrie. Nieuw .\rch. Wisk.. 10, 1884, 193-198. Over zeker s|><-l. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 12, 1886, 38- .59; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 121. Over de graphischc oplossing van een stelsel lineaire vergelijkingen. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 4, 1888, 190 252; Fortschr. .Math., 1887, 89-90. Over een vriuigstok van bolvormige driehoeksmcting. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 14, 1888, 7h-'j4 ; Fortschr. Math., 1887, 505. Over zoodanige stelsels van twee cirkels in het phittc vlak of op den bol, of ook van twee coaxiale ellipien in het platte vlak, dat daarin en daarom en zelMe ve<.'llio<-k past. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 14, 1888, 95-110, 125 192; 10, 1889, 1(50-178; Fortschr. Math., 1887, 725-726; 1889, 719. De constructie-figunr voor de oplossing van een stel- sel lineaire vergelijkingen beschouwd als configuratie. Amsterdam, .\k. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 207-288; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 76. Eenige formulen voor de berekening van de Ber- noulliaansclie en van de tangenten-coeflicienten. Auislerdaui, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5. 1889. 358-397; 0, 1889, 20.5-276; Arcli. N<:erland., 24, 1891, 99-141. Over even tovervierkaiiten. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 10, 1889. 1-31 ; Fortschr. Math., 1889. 203. Over de bepaling van een driehoek, waarvan de leugten der drie hoekdeellijnen gegeven zijn. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 10, 1889, 179-199; Fortschr. Math., 1889. 570. Over het tbeorema der drie reactii'U bij een doorga- anden ligger met steunpunten op ongelijke afstanden. [1889.] 's Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1889-90 (Verh.), ()9-75. Over de bepaling van een driehoek, waarvan de deel- lijnen der drie supplemcntaire boeken gegeven zijn. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 17, 1890, 191-205; Fortschr. Math.. 1890. .590. Over de kans dat, bij willekeurige verdeeling van eene gegeven rechte lijn, de scgmenten tusscben gegeven grenzen liggen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 18, 1891, 42-*2 : Fortschr. Math., 1891, 233-234. Over de kans dat. bij willekeurige verdeeling van eene gegeven rechte lijn. uit dc segnienten gcaloten veelhoeken kunnen worden gevormd. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 18, 1891. 03 117; Fortsclir. Math.. 1891, 234. Over Nkwtos's benaderingsleerwijzc voor de oplossing van vergelijkingen. .Amsterdam. .\k. Versl. en Meded.. 9. 1892. 53-07; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 103-104. • Over kroinniingskegelsneden van vlakke kromme lijnen. Amsterdam. .\k. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892. 8.5- 103; Fortschr. Matli.. 1892, 6.54-6.55. Over de berekening van geceutreerde lenzenstelsels. Amsterdam. Ak. Versl. en Mede.1., 9, 1892, 12.5-130; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 1039. Over zolf-wederkeerige poolkrommen. Nieuw .\rch. Wisk., 19. 1892. 80-97; Fortschr. Math., 1892. 0,52-<>54. Over een vrnagstuk. dat in de geoJesie van dienst kan zijn. Nieuw Arch. Wisk.. 19. 1892. 151-187 ; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 1124-1126. Berg-] 462 [Berge De oudste rekentafels der wereld. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1!», 1892, 211-215. Over codrdinaten-stelsels voor cirkels in het platte vlak en voor boUen in de ruinite. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1, 1895, 11-44; Fortsclir. Math., 1893-94, 1106. Berg, Frfdrili Theodor. For biograpliy see Stockh., Vet. Ak. Lefnadsteckn., 4 (Hft. 2), 1901, 1-34. Berg, (Graf) Friedricli. Einige Spielarten der Fichte. Schlangentichte, astlose Fichte, pyramidale Fichte, Trauerfichte, Hiingefichte, Kugelflchte, Krummficlite Oder Sumpliichte, nordisclie Fichte (obovatai. Dorpat Schr., 2, 1887, 44 pp. Beobacbtungen iiber die Eutstehung iind die Bewe- gungsriehtung in Luftwirbeln. Wetter, .5, 1888, 202-206. Eine der Wildkatze iihnliche Katze. [1886.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 154-155. Einige Spielarten der Fichte. [1886.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 157-163. Von den Ur.sachen der Erdrotation. [1888.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 377-382. RoggenztichtUDg 1890. Bot. Centrbl., 46, 1891, 183- 186, 21.5-218. Roggenziichtung 1889. [1889.] Dorpat Sber., 9, 1892, 26-48. • Das nitrificirende Ferment des Bodens. [1892.] Dorpat Sber., 10, 1895, 68-82. Berg, Fritz. Die Syphilis in ihren Beziehungen zu Knochen- und Gelenkerkrankungen. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 19, 1894, 399-402. Berg, Gcnrg. Beitrag zur Waclisthumsiusufilcienz des Herzens im Kindesalter. Jbucli. Kinderheilk., 29, 1889, 182-199. Zur Aetiologie der Incontinentia urinfB. Wien. Med. Wschr., 48, 1898, 55-.59. Berg, Georg. Ueber eine Verbindung der Titansiiure mit Apfelsiiure. Ztschr. Anorg. Cheiu., 15, 1897, 328-330. Berg, H. W. *The etiology of congenital talipes equino- varuB. Arch. Med., 8, 1882, 226-248. A plea for the substitution of the sodium iodide for the potassium iodide in therapeutics. Arch. Med., 11, 1884, 145-156. Berg, Johan»es. Der Erdtriton ira Terrariura. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 34, 1893, 367-375. Zur Kenntniss der Briickenechse. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 35, 1894, 102-10.3, 146-150. Zur Kenntniss des Hohlenmolches (Spelerpes fuscus, ISoiiap.). Frankf., Zool. Garten, 37, 1896, 88-92. Ein neues Tropen-Terrarium. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 37, 1896, 140-143. Zur Kenntniss der Stummelschwanzechse (Trachy- saurus rugosus). Frankf., Zool. Garten, 38, 1897, 277- 279. Berg, L[i'r] S[emenovi(]. PmCh r>ariKa.ia. (Die Fische des Baikalsecs.) St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 5, 1900, 326-372. Berg, L[cr] S[emenovie], & Ignatov, P. 0 lt0.iefianijlX'li yi)OBii)i o:iC])i, ciip,T,iieii Aniii ii :)Aiia;tiiOM (^iifiiipii. [Deber die Sclnvankungen der Seesjjiegel Mittelasiens und d(^s westlichen Sibiriena.] St. Petersb., liuss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 36, 1900, 111-125; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1902 (/((/ 1, /ie/.), 204-206. Berg, I.[ev] S[eme)ii>rii']. Elpatjevskij, I'., A Ignatov, /'. () (■o.iciii.ix'i. Oiicpax'i, OMciiaro y'h;i;i.ii. UnOjcr die Salzseen des Oinsk'sohen Kreises.] St. I'etersb. , Kuss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 35, 1899, 179-200; Neues .Ibuch. Min., 1900 illd. 1, Ref.), 229-230. Berg, A'. P. ran den. Vroegere berichton omtrent Kra- katuu. De uitbarsting van 1680. Batavia, Tijdsclir.. 29. 1884, 208-228. Berg, Otid. Ueber die BedeutunR der Kathodenstrahlen fiir den Entludungsmcchanisinus. |Vorliiutige Mitthei- lung.] Freiburg Ber., 11, 1899-1901, 73-77. Ueber die Bedeutung der Kathodenstrahlen und Canal- strahlen fiir den Entladuugsmechanismus. Ann. Phys. Chem., 08, 1899, 688-697. Ueber einen A|)parat zur Gasanalyse, speciell zur Bestimmung der im Wasser gelosten Gase. Freiburg Ber., 11, 1899-1901, 85-94. Berg, P[aul] vnn. Ueber die Trennuug des Zinks von Eisen, Kobalt und Nickel. Fre-^euius, Ztschr., 25, 1886, 512-519. Bergaml, Francis. Comparison of Pemberton's method of phosphoric acid determination with the official method. [1893.] Franklin Inst. Jh, 137, 1894, 129-133; U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., Xo. 43, 1894, 97-100. The citrate method of phosphoric acid determination, with special reference to insoluble phosphates. Franklin Inst. ,T1., 140, 1896, 139-152. A .source of error in the determination of phosphoric acid by the citrate method. Franklin Inst. Jl., 141, 1896, 383-385. Standardising of normal acid by borax. Franklin Inst. Jl., 141, 1896, 386. Bergami, (>[ttii]. Untersuchungeinerkaukasischeu Krapp- wurzel. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20. 1887, 2247-2251. Bergami, 0[tl(i], & Ijiebennann, C[arl Theodor], See Iiiebermann & Bergami. Bergamo, Gennaro. Teoria delle spostazioni fillotassiche. Napoli, Rend., 39, 1900, 28-43. Bergasse, G. Nouveaux faits de .syphilis par tatouage. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 25, 1895, 203-208. Berge, A Ihert. Enumeration des C^tonides d^crits depuis la publication du catalogue de MM. Gemminger et H.^ROLi). Brux., Soe. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, 113-163. Note sur la coloration des teguments, chez les insectes et sp^cialement chez les Col^opteres. [IT'((/i discussion.'] Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885, c-cii, cxiii-exv. ■ Des varit'tis du Carabus auronitens, Falj., au point de vue de la coloration. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885, cxxvi-cxxs. Note pour servir a la monographie du genre Age- strata. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885 (Pt. 2), 11-14. Des couleurs m^talliques chez les insectes et sp^ciale- ment chez les Coleopteres. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 31, 1887, 31.5-325. Notes pour servir a I'^tude de la coloration des tegu- ments chez les insectes. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 33, 1889, clxxvii-clxxviii. Coleopteres du Bengale occidental. Cetouides. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 36, 1892, 239-241. L'action de la cuisson sur les aliments vegetaux et animaux. Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 12, 1893, 191- 217. Emploi de divers produits chimiques inorganiques pour la destruction des insectes nuisibles. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 37, 1893, 362-365. L'epuration de I'eau par le peroxyde de chlore. [ With disrussion.] 11900.] Li(5ge, Soc. Gdol. Belg. Ann., 27, 1899-1900, cxciii-cci. Berg6, .ilbert, & Pouchet, Georges, See Foucbet & Berg6. Berg6, .lll>ert, & Reychler, .llliert, L't'punition do l'a<'i;'tyleiie. Paris Soc. Chim. Hull., 17, 1897, 218 221. Berg6, Andrr. Sur la pathogenic de la sciirlatine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. 11. ), 1012-1014. Maladies du c!». Berg*! /i'[<'ii>'|. Kxp/'rii'nci-H Hiir In culture Ju blr iIiiiik Ic pavH (1« Cttux (1HM6-87). Ann. Axroii., 14, 1888, Berge, Hubert. Die Rinwanderung dcH IlainsterH (CricctUH fruincntariiiH, Vail.) in die GeKcnd von Zwickau, /wickau Ver. Nat. ,lbcT., 1898, C.O-OH. Die ViiRel dcr I'niKfK'i'iid von Zwickau. Zwickau Vcr. Nat. Jbpr., 1896, 1 -'.)(). Wiiit<^rbaunini'Kti'r cli'« HausBperliuKx. Ornitli. MbiT., 5, 1897, 10;t-110. TotiHiK von Sturen dnrcli l'n»vctter. Oniith. Mber. , ■>, 1897, 127-128. Uebcr da.s clii'malige Vnrkonimen dcr Knisstrcn Kaubniiugutiere in Sachscn. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 41, 1900. 1;«)-1H.5. Ornithologiscbe VorkommnisKe aus dem we»tlichen Sochwn. .II. f. Ornith., 48, 1900, 175-181. Friiherc Brutvogi'l im KoniK'reich Sachscn. Jl. f. Ornith., 48, 1900, 23.J-241. Inxi'ktonfftng eines Turmfalken. Ornith. Mber., 8, 1900, 37-38. Ornithologischc Boobachtungen aus dem westlichcn Saobscn. Zwickau Ver. Nat. .Iber., 1900, 19-22. Bergeat, Alfred \Kilmun(l\ Zur (icologic der ma8.lfatara at Pozzuoli, Italy. Ii..l. liaz., 23, 1897, 198-199. Bergen, 77i"m /{. Karly arrival of the kingbird at Caiiil.ndf.-, Mann. Auk, 15, K98. 2f,H-2«9. Bergendal, limid. DaH Knuchengcwebe der Amphibien. Aiiit. All/... 1, 1886, 189-190. .Iiriifiirand"' htudiir mh underio'ikningar ofver l(*nviif- naderiH Htruktur. utveokling f>ch tillvaxt med KJir^kild biinnyn till fiirekoni-t'-n af Mavemka kanaler. Lund. Univ". AcU, 22, 1886 87 (.W.i(/(.), So. vi, 1.52 pp. Zur KenntniK dir I^andplunarivn. Zofd. Anz., 10, 1887, 21H-224. [Ueber abnorrae Fomieo der erst«n abdominalen Anhiinge bti einigen Krebi-weibchen.] [1888.] Stockh., Ofv.rs.. 1888, 343-346; SKKikh., Ak. Handl. Bihang. 14 (AUI. 4|, 1889, So. 3, 35 pp. Uelicr eine dritte vnrdi-re Kitremitat tints braunen Frosclies. |1888.) Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 {Afd. 4), 1889. .V<). 8, 35 pp. Neue l!eiil>achtnngen iiber die Formvariation der ersten alMloniinalen Anhiinge liei Krebsweibchen. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang. 15 (Aid. 4), 1890, So. 5, 15 pp. Studien iiber nordiscbe Turliellarien und Nemertineo. Stockli.. Ofvers., 1890. 323-328. Kurzcr Bericht iiber eine im Soromer d. J. 1890 untemommene z»ologi., eine neue Ciattung uudFamilieder Hiiderthieri'. [1892.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, Ik {.4id. 4), 1893, .V«. 4. 22 pp. Polypostia similis. n. <;.. n. >p. En acetyl Polykla Brauer tV' Bergenstamm. Bergeon, /,[f o;i]. Sur les injections de mi^dicaraents gazeux dans le rectum. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 176-177. Sur Taction physiologique des lavements gazeux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 104, 1887, 1812-1813. Lavements gazeux d'ncide carbonique; leur influence sur la nutrition. [With discussion.] [1893.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 33, 1894 (C. R.), 83-86. Berger, [Louis J.]. Des rivieres a maree. [1888.] Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 46, 1889, 167-238. Le calcaire Devonien, le petit granit et les pierres de Meuse. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 47, 1890, 341-383. Notice sur les travaux a executer aux rivieres a lit mobile pour prevenir ou diminuer les inondations. [1890.] Brux. Ann. Trav, Publ., 48, 1891, 1-74. Notice sur les essences d'arbres a choisir en Belgique pour les plantations des routes. [1892.] Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 50, 1893, 1-76. Le cerisier sauvage d'Amorique a fruits noirs (Prunus serotina). [1892.] Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 50, 1893, 293-298. — — Notice sur les Merits d'Alphonse Belpaire coneernant les rivieres a mar^e et sur les projets qu'il a dresses pour I'am^lioration du Rupel. [1895.] Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 52, 1896 (.Wm.), 1-65. Berger, Ahxuniler [Fredrik]. *Sur une sommation de quelques scries. [1883.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 12, 1885, No. 7, 31 pp. Om antalet losningar till en viss indeterminerad eqvatiou med flera obekanta. Stockh., Ofvers., 1886, 355-366; Fortschr. Math., 1886, 149-150. Sur une application de la thi^orio des ^^quations binomes a la .sommation de quelques s(''ries. [1886.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 13, 1887, No. 7, 36 pp. Deduction de quelques formules analytiques d'un th(5oreme ('■l(''mentaire de la theorie des nonibres. Acta Math., 9, 1887, 301-320. Om riitternas antal till kongruenser af andra graden. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 127-151; Fortschr. Math., 1887, 181-182. Om en talteoretisk formels anviindning till transfor- mation af en delinit dubbelintegral. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 153-158. — — Sur une generalisation des nombres et des fonctions de Bernoi'li.i. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (.ifd. 1), 1888, No. 9. 43 pp. De BernoulU'ska talens ocli funktionernas teori, base- rad pa ett system af funktionaleqvationer. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888," 433-461. Hiirledning af nagra independenta uttryck for de BernoulU'ska talen, Stockh., Ofvers., 1889, 129-138; Fortschr. Math., 1889, 247. Ora anvandningeu af invarianter och haltinvarianter vid losningen af allmiinna algebraiska eqvationer af de fyra lagsta graderna. Stockh., Ofvers., 1890, 165-188; Fortschr. Math., 1890, 140. Eecherches sur les valeurs moyennes dans la theorie des nombres. [1887.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 14, 1891, No. 2, 130 pp. Eecherches sur les nombres et les fonctions de Bernoulli. [1888.] Acta Math., 14, 1890-91, 249-304. Om en anvandning af de Bernoulliska funktionerua vid nagra serientvecklingar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1891, 523- 540; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 274. En algebraisk generalisation af nagra aritmetiska satser. Stockh., Ofvers., 1891, 683-720; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 190-191. Deduction des propri^t^s principales de la fonction elliptique geni^rale du second ordre. Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta^ 14, 1891, No. 12, 50 pp. Sur revaluation approchee des integrales definies simples. Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 16, 1893, No. 4, 52 pp. Sur les fonctions entieres rationelles, qui satisfont a une Equation differentielle lin(?aire du second ordre. [1892.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 15, 1896, No. 4, 28 pp. Sur une generalisation algebrique des nombres de Lame. [1893.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 15, 1890, No. 10, 33 pp. Sur le d^veloppement de quelques fonctions discon- tinues en series de Fourier. [1894.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 15, 1895, No. 13, 33 pp. Eecherches sur les nombres polygonaux. [1895.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 17, 1898, No.i, 38 pp. Om de konvexa polyedrarne. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 497-522. Undersiikningar iifver nugra aritmetiska funktioner. Stockh,, Ofvers., 1898, 579-619. Om en viss oiindlig grupp af rationela hela funktioner. Stockh,, Ofvers., 1899, 175-195. Sur quelques relations entre les racines de certaines equations du troisieme degr^. [1m99.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 18, 1900, No. 3, 14 pp. Berger, Alwiu. Stapelia hanburyana, Bi-jir. et Eilsl. Mschr. Kakteenk., 9, 1899, 6-9. ' Mesembrianthemum Bolusii, Hook. Jil., im Garten des Comm. Th. Hanburv, F.L.S., etc. zu La Mortola. Msohr. Kakteenk., 9, 1899, 39-43. Zwei verwecliselte Euphorbien. (E. caput Medusie, L., und E. parvimamma, Boiss.) Mschr. Kakteenk., 9, 1899, 88-92. Cereus spachianus, Lem., im Garten des Herrn Commendatore Th. Hanbury zu La Mortola. Mschr. Kakteenk., 10, 1900, 92-95. Cotyledon macrautha, Hort. La Mort. Msohr. Kakteenk., 10, 1900, 10(5-110. Aloe pluridens, Ilatc. Mschr. Kakteenk., 10, 1900, 137-138. Berger, F[dwaril] }l'\illium]. [Pseudoscorpiona of Tas- mania.] Nature, 56 (1897), 470. Dr. F. S. Conam's notes on the phy8iolog,v of the Medusie. [1898.] .lolins Hopkins Univ. Giro., [18 (1898-99)], 9-11. Physiology and histology of the Cubomedusse in- cluding Dr. F. S. Conant's notes on the physiology. Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Mem., 4, No. 4, 1900, 84 pp. Bergerl 465 [Berger Berger, l;iiiil (nr F.milr). lii'iiii'rkiiiiK "ziir ZoniilafinKi'." Arch. f. Oiilitlmlin., HI. 188S {Alilh. .i), '.i;»-'JH. KefraclioiiH.OphtbAluiuHkiip mit vurinhlciii IntiTvullc zwisclien j« zwui CorrectionHKliiiterii. Zt»clir. limtru- nienlonk., 5, 1888, 77-79. lU'chcrclu'H Hiir lex truubluH oculairc-H tliiiiH Ic tabes dorwil. Taris, Ac. Sci. C. H., KMi, 1888, ItilK 1020. Uii apparcil pmir ili'tc-rmiiier In vcritubU' furiiii' tlcK objcts niicr()>!rapbiiiui;». L'l'teiijuo df la chumbru po8t(^'riourL' dc I'u'il. I'aris, Soc. biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. «.), 21.^216. Di'H cellulcH ganfjlionnaircK imdiaiii-ment Hiliiees daiiB In iMoi'llo ('piiiiiTc do« sfrpeiits. I'arin, Soc. lliol. Mi^m., 10, 1888 (r. /(.), 217. Die ScliHt(iruu(!un bt'i Talus ilorHnlix und VcrBuch rincr einheitlichcn KrkliiruiiK <)oh Sviiiptoiiicni'onipltfXcH Her Tabes. (IK)W-h;(.] Arib. Aui.5. Action (Ics toxincs sur la secretion lacrymale. I'atho- ^eniu de hi keratomalacie survenaiit dan.s les maladies infcclieu.ses. I'aria, Soc. Biol. Mem., -16. 1894 (C It.), 279-2H0. Historiscbe Benierkunnen znr Anatomic der Ora serrata retiuw. Arch. AuKenheilk., 32, 1896, 28f»-2!Hl ; Arch. Ophthalm., 2H, 1899, 73. Gmploi de I'liolocaine en ophtalmologie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49. 1897 (C. /.'.). .■.H.5-.586. Sur une nouvelle Inuiw binoculaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 821-823; Arch. Augenhcilk., 41, 1900, 23.i-241. Uebcr stereoskopisclie Lu)>on und Brillen. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verb., 1900, 100-lt)2. Transformation de Iou|m; simple en loupe binoculaire et stereoscopiiiue. France Soc. Zool. Bull.. 2.5. 1900. 70-71. Apparcil Iransformant la loupe simple en instrument liinoeulnire et stereoscopiciue. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., .52. 1900 (C. A'.). 199-200. Barger, I'.mil (or HtitiU), & Iiocwy, Itohrrt. L'etat dcs yeux pi'udaut le .sommeil et la theorie du sommeil. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mini.. .511. 1898 (C. /.'.), 448-4.50; It. .bin, .11. Anat.,,34, 1898. :ii-.| US. Berger, Kmil (or Khii7<'), A Meyer, K<1. Sec Meyer A Berger. Berger, rrrilittaml. Streckenbetrieb in KreisboKcn mittclst S.luiblonen. UcstiTr. Ztschr. BerRwesen, .33, 1885. 7-9. Berger, tniiiz. I'cber die l>arstellunK des Phenvlcynna- mids. Wien. Ak. Sbcr.. 89. 1884 {Ahth. 2), 702-70.5; Mhefte. Chem., 1884. 217-220. I'eber die Einwirkung von Acetamid auf Phenyl- cyanamid. Wien, Ak. Sber., 90. 1885 {Abth. 2), 280-300; Mhefte. Chem.. 1884. 451 171. Barger, G. O. lelier den Kintluss der Reizstarke auf die Dauer einfaoher psychisicher VorRauKe mil besonderer Riicksicht auf Lichtreize. Phil. Stud.. 3, 1886, 3*-93. Ueber den Eiufluss der Uebung auf geistige Vorgiinge. Phil. Stud.. 5, 1889, 170-178. Berger, linns. [Die Besteiguug lies Vulkans tUlacna ini ii..rdlichen Chile.) Leipzig Vcr. Enlk. Mitth.. 1891. xxx-xxxii; Petermann. Mitth.. 37. 1891. 241-247. Havmaubkiui's Objeitnetzmikrometer. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 15. 1898. 303-310. Kxperimentellanntomisohe Studien liljer die durch den Mangel optischer lleize veraulsssten Entwicklungs- hemmuugen ini OecipitAllappen des Hundes und der Katze. .Vrch. Psychiatr., 33, 1900, 521-567. Ser iltlo [I.udvig]. Ann. Mine*. 5, ZtKhr. Berber, Ihtif, ,\ Blniwanger, BInawangn' \ Berger. Berger, /.. rUude sur leu cables acriena. 1884, I.IO KM. Berger, .t/uj-. Kin nener Mikro«kop-Oberbau. Instruinentenk.. IH, 1898, 129 133. Berger, Otcar. For bingniphy and works «<•<• BresUu, ScbleK, Gis. .IIxT.. 1885. I2H-429 ; F..rlMbr. Med.. 3 (1886, lleil.). 113-114; Uopoldiiia, 21. 1865. IDl. *Zur phy»ioloi.'ischen und theniitiiitiHchen Wiirdigung des Amylni'trits. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1874. 103. Berger, I'aiil. Clinical lecture on salivary calculus and byixrlropby of Biciiat'r " boulc graiaseuse." Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884. &-«. De riisteomyelilc infectieuse aigui? developpee chez l'ndult<>. I W'iih diiciiMtiim.] Paris Sue. Cbirurg. Bull, et Mem. II. 1888. 77 95. 102-114. Sur le traitement chirurgicul dcs plaies p<''netrante8 de I'abdomeii. [H'ith fion. ] Paris Soc. C'hirurg. Bull, et Mem.. 14, 1888, 281-29.5, 300-311, 324-332. 334-351. Autoplastic par la methode italienne modifide. Arch. Gen. Miid., 164, 1889. .5r.K-.5r,.3. Note sur nil cas de telanos traumatii|ac cbroniqne a marcbc progressive, gueri par lamputatinn. (H'lf/i disrufion.] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 28, 1892. 744-7.53. — - Suture du nerf cubital pour une bicssure de ce nerf remontant a plus dc quatre mois ; retour presqne im- mediat de la scnsibihte. Paris. Kc. Med. Bull., 29, 1893, 293-296. Sur lies mc^moircs concernant le traitement do t^tanos. Paris. Ac. Mikl. Bull.. 29. 1893, .59.5-613. Abces du foie devcloppe sous I'influencc d'une grippo six ans aprr^s une pou8s<-c legere d'hep«tite snrvenue au eours dune dysentcrie des pays cliands. Evacuations du |cc& Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 3M, 1897. 56 65. L'amputation interscapulo-thoracique (amputation du membre superieur dans la contiguite crl. Beitni.;e zum Melanismiis der Schmetter- linge. Zurich. Soc. Ent.. 6. (1893). 180; 7, [1893]. 2<>-21. 27-28. 3.5-^16, 44-4.5, .52-53. 59-60. Bergar, ir[,i/(cr]. I'ebcr Anti.sepsis und Asepsis bei Buibuso|>erationen nebst einer Stati.'tik ul>er 229 an der Universit.'tts..\ugenklinik zu Wurzburg in den Jabren 1893, 1894 und 1895 bei aseptischem Verfahren aus- gefiihrten Staaroperationen. Wiirzb. Pbys. Med. Verb., 30, 1897. (83)-(104). 59 Bergeron | ■166 [Bergeron Bergeron, .J. Aic-en-ciel Innaire. Astronomie, 1893, 32. Bergeron, Clittrles. For biographical notice see Inst. Median. Engiu. Proc, 1884, 61. Bergeron, -Iiiles. *Note sur les terrains Silurien et Dcvoni.Mi de Murnsson (Aveyron). [1883.] Paris, Hoc. Gc"l. Bull., 12, 1884, 121-124. Note sur les strobiles du VValchia piniformis. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 533-538. Sur le terrain Permien des departeraents de FAveyron et de I'Herault. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 101, 1885, 17!)- 182., Etude g^ologiiiuf lie la partie S.-O. de la Montagne- Noire. Ass. Franv. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 477-480. . Etude g(5ologi(iue du bassin houiller de Carmaux. Ass. Franv. C. K , 1887 (Pt. 2), 492. Sur la constitution geologique de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 530-532. Sur I'hyperite d'Arvieu (Aveyron). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 247-250. Note sur le bassin houiller d'Auzits (Aveyron). Paris, Soc, Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 2ry2-264. . Etude paleoutologique et stratigraphiijue des terrains anciens de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 373-382. Note sur I'existence probable d'une nouvelle assise du Devouien Inf^rieur, sur le versant meridional de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Soc. GtVil. Bull., 15, 1887, 756. Note sur les terrains Priniitif, Archeen, Cambrien, et Silurien du versant meridional de la Montagne-Noire. [With dixciissioii.] [1887-88.] Paris, Soc. Giol. Bull., 16, 1888, 210-213, 214-216, 246. Sur le Cambrien et sur I'allure des depots Paleozoiques de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 760-762. Note sur la presence de la faune primordiale (Para- doxidien) dans les environs' de Ferrals-les-Montagues (Herault). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 16, 1888, 282-285. [" Die Paleeozoischen Bildungcn von Cabrieres (Lan- guedoc)."] Keponse au Dr. Fkkch de Halle. Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 16, 1888, 93.5-947. Note sur les bassins houillers de Graissessac et de Decazeville. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 16, 1888, 1032- 1045. Note sur les roches eruptives de la Montagne-Noire. [1888.] Pari?, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 54-63. Etude geologique du massif ancien situe au sud du plateau central. Ann. Sci. Geol., 22, 1889, 362 pp. Sur la presence du genre Oldhamia dans la Montagne- Noire. Ass. Frani-. C. R., 1889 (/'(. 1), 295. [Sur la presence du genre Encrinurus a Cabrieres.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 466. Reponse a la note de BI. le i>rofesseur P. G. i>E RouviLLE [sur le Paleozoique do I'HeiaullJ. [1889.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 18, 1890, 13-18. Sur la presence, dans le Languedoc, ile certaines especes de I'^tage e^ du Silurien Sup(''rieur de Boheme. [1889.] Paris, Soc. GM. Bull., 18, 1890, 171-174. Sur une forme nouvelle de Trilobite de la famille des CalymeuidEe (genre Calymenella). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 18, 1890, 365-371. [Sur I'origine des serpentines. ] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, cxlv-cxlvi. Contriliutions ii I'etude geologique du Ronergue et de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 20, 1892, 248-261. Description de quelcjues Trilobitee de I'Ordovicien d'Ecalgrain. Normandie Soc. G(Sol. Bull., 15, 1893, 42-47. Notes pal^ontologiques. Paris, Soc. (ieol. Bull., 21, 1893, 333-346; 23, 1896, 465-481. Note sur I'allure des couches Paleozoiques dans le voisinage des plis Tertiaires de Saint-Chinian. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 22, 1894, 576-592. Montagne-Noire. Roches cristallines. [1894-96.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 6, 1895, 61-64; 7, 1896, 67-69; 8, 1897, 95 (bis)-100 (hix). Sur le metamorphisme du Cambrien de la Montagne- Noire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 911-914. Notes et observations a propos de la communication de M. DE LoNrTBAiKK sur les seismes et volcans. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1895 {Pt. 1), 442-454. Observations relatives a la note de MM. he Rouville, Delage et MiQUEL sur les plis Tertiaires de St.-Chinian. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, Ixxiii. Sur les calcaires Cambriens de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, xcvii-xcix. [Sur le metamorphisme des schistes Cambriens de la Montagne-Noire.] [JVitJi discussion.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, cxcix-ccii. Remaniues relatives a deux notes do M. Miqdel: [Notes sur la geologic des terrains Primaires du departe- ment de I'Herault. Le Cambrien et I'Arenig. Essai de stratigraphie gcnerale]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, 337-343. De I'extension possible des differents bassins houillers de la France. [1896.] Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1896 (/'(. 1), 727-751; Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 12, 1897, 335-360. Sur quelques roches metamorphiques de la Montagne- Noire. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 24, 1896, 533. Montagne-Noire. P'euille de Bedaricux (roches erup- tives Tertiaires). France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 9, 1897, 338-341 ; 10, 1899, 123-131, ,509-510; 11, 1900, 145. Allure des couches Paleozoiques sur le versant meri- dional de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1675-l(i76. Etude du versant meridional de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 472-487. [Observations sur les calcaires Paleozoiques de Mont- cada.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 763-764. Note sur les terrains Paleozoiques des environs de Barcelone et comparaison avec ceux de la Montagne- Noire (Languedoc). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., "26, 1898, 867-875. Note sur la base du Carbonifere dans la Montagne- Noire. Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 27, 1899, 36-43. Etude de quelques Trilobites de Chine. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 499-516. Fi>ragc d'un puits art^sien aux Chemiuieres, pres Castelnaudary. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 61-5- 616., Etude des terrains Paleozoiques et de la tectonic|ue de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 617-678. Compte-rendu de I'excursion du 6 septembre [au col de Sainte Colombe]. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 27, 1899, 680-682. Compte-rendu de I'excursion du 7 septembre [a Saint- Chiuian]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 682-685. Compte-rendu de I'excursion du 9 septembre [dans les environs de Koquebrun]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 724-730. Les basaltes de I'E.-icandorgue et du Salagou. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 739 741. Compte-rendu de I'excursion de la matinee du 11 se])tembre a Laurens. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 741. Excursion de rapres-midi du 11 septembre. [Etude de recaille de Laurens-Gabian. | Paiis, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 747-74H. Compte-rendu de I'excursion du 13 septembre [a Cadenas, Cabrieres et la Combe Izarne]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 760-764. Conijiterenclu de I'exeursion du 14 septembre [au nord du Pic de Bissous). [With discuKsioii.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 765-770. Berg'eron] 4C7 [Bergevin LanKuedoc el Aqiiitaine. Fi'uille do Ciircaiuioniie. France Serv. Carte (ii'ol. Hull., II, 1900, 1IM-I.".0. Obm'rvalioriK faiU>H Hur If bord iinTidional du lac de MoiiriHcot, pn-H liinrrit/. [With (iiariiKnioii. J I'arm, Soc. C/.il. Iliill,, 2H, 1900, 22 -IH. Bergeron, liilri, A Janat, Charlet. Srr Janet it Bergeron. Bergeron, 'k/' , A BIlcbelI>6vy, [.^iiqiiafr]. Set Michel- Levy A Bergeron. Bergeron, /»'., A Munler-Chalmas, \l\nirsl I'liiHitpr]. s,-< Munier-Chalmas A Bergeron. Bergeron, ./»/.», Jardel, , A' Flcandet, . Ktude t'iolot,'iii>Kru)iliicnl notice lee rmis Ac. Mid. bull., U, 1900, TOfJ-TOH. Bergeron, [Ktieiim] Jule», A Iiaborde, /. ('. Lea incHurcs |ii<>|ihyliiotii|ueH centre I'alcocilisnie ; |irupoRition de vceu M lAciidiinje. I'aris, Ac. Mc 1. Bull., 33, 1896, .".98-(i(»0. Bergeron, \Ktieiine] JuIik, iV IMartin, .1. ■/. Cits de T»f.e liiiinnine si(;nales en France par li's prefi'Ctiires |H;ndant len uniKcH 1HK3, iMMl, 18M.0 et ISHI). (1887. | Trav. C'..ni. HjK. I'nLl., 17. 1888, 254-270. Bergis, Arinliile. Sur Intilisiitiiin des chutes d'eau du Imssin de Lancey. [1898.] laere Soc. Bull., 30, 1899, 113-415. La houille blanche. Uire Soc. Bull., 31, 1900, 11-32. BergcBlo, /''.. A Musso, Uiuai-ppf. See Blaaso & Bcrgedo. Bergeaio, /■'. . A Sabbatanl, I.uigi. Formazione di penta- liroiiioacetiine dall" acido acitondicarbunico. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., 27 & 28, [1898], 529-532. Berget, Alplunini;. Mesure de la conductibilite caloriliqac ilii mercure, en valeur absolue. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 105, 1887, 221-227. Sur la variation de la conductibilite calorilique du mercure avec la tenipc'rature. Paria, Ac. Sci. C. K., lOG, 1888, 1152-115."). Sur la conductibilite thermique du mercure au-de.ssua de 100\ Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 171-172. Mesure des coeflicienta de conductibilite thermique des metaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 107, 1888, 227-229. Conduetibilite thermique du nienure et de quelques m^tanx. Paris. Soc. Phya. Seancea, 1888. 335-351. — ;- Modele portatif dVlectronietre capillaire. Lum. Klect., 37, 1890, 03-04 ; Paris, Soc. Pbys. Siaucea, 1891, 50-58. Sur le rapport entre les condnctibilitea electriqne et tljermi ile opticii. [Bncareat Soc. Sci. Bui.. 2. 1893], 5-7. Di'termiuation experimental* de la con^tante de Tatlra^'tion univeraelle ainai que de la ma^M- et de la denNit<'' de la Terre. Paris, Ac. Kci. C. ](., lUi. 1893, I&01-I.5O3. IteclierclK'H relativee a la denaite et a la maime de la Terre. Paria, Sw. Phya. SV-ancca, 1893. 23.0. - — [liH |»'raiatiuioe dea inipreasiona lumineuaes.) Paris, So.-. I'hys. Seance-, 1893, 283. — .MetiHlii niiuii |K-ntru a deterrniiia dilalatiunea abftuluta a ticliiilelur fi a a|K'i in particular. Nouvelle methode |Hiur deteniiiner la dilatation abaolue des liquiiles et de I'ean en particalier. [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 3, 18B4J, 205-207. Methode d'enregistrement photographiqae pour^tudier la dilatation des liquidea. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. B., 123, 1896. 745 740. Enrexistrement microplionique de la marche des chronomitres. Paria, Ac. Sci. C. h., 129, 1899, 712- 713. Di'-monstration de la rotation de U Terre. par I'ex- periencp de Foccaci.t realia<'-e avec un pendale de I". Paria, Ac. Sci. C. U., 131, 1900, 10<;-107. Nouveau diapoaitif d'appareila 8er>'aiit a la meaure dea baaea K^od^iques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 407-408. VtTgerin, Kriirtt Je. [hi- Phvacomitrella patens, //-274. Melange d'obaervations botanique.s aur la variability de I'iiidividu et la valeur de rea]>ece. Bouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 83-121. Comjite renilu de I'excarsion de Caudebec-cn-Caax (27 mai 18Kk). Zoologie et botanique. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 123-131. [Sur troia B|>ecimen» du Ciraium eriophoram, i'cop.) Bouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 190. Aperi.u physiolot;ique aur une forme de Tbrincia hirta, JMh. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888. 211 224. Liate dea plantea recueillies pendant I'eicursion de Pacy-sur-Eure (octobre 1888). Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 353-350. Note aur un acte intelligent et apontane observe chei des fourmis. Bouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 395-398. Note aur une forme anomale du Lencanthemum vulnare, l.am. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 53-63. Note sur un cas de avnanthie du Digitalis purpurea. Rouen Soe- Sci. Bull., 1889, 409-410. Partitions anomales du rachis chez les foagires. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull.. 1889, 439-47H: 1890. 8-10. Liste des plantes recueilli&s )>endunt I'excuraion de la Societe aux environs d'Ellieuf (Lc Fr»mboi»ier et la vallee de I'Oiaon) le 15 aeptembre I8s9. Bouen See. Sci. Bull., 1889. 479-481. lieniarques sur lea vurintions de Loliam perenne, L., dans ses aousvarietea criatatum. Cot. ft Herm. Fl., et ramosum. /'. Fl. Bouen Soc. Sci. Bull.. 1890. 161- 185. Note sur la colornti'ni et I'alliinisme de- Uramin^es. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull.. 1890. 187-192. Liate de quelques plantes recolt«<>s en .\li;erie (province il'Oran) coniparees avec lea especei similaires qui croia-aent en France- Rouen Soc. Sei. Ball.. 1893. 171-218. (L'H\']mum molluscum. Heiltr.] Rouen Soe. Sci. Bull. . 1899. 25-26. Note sur le Bryum Rcmmipamm, de Sol. Roaeo Soc. Sci. Bull.. 1899. 43-47. Sur un ty}>e bryologique probablement ancestral, rEpbemeropais ijibodenaia. Gab. Boaen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899. 103-169. 59—2 Bergevin] 468 [Bergh ■ [Observations sur la fascie.] Kouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1900, 16-18. Bergey, David Hendricks. The biological relation between bacteria ami tlie more hi^bly oraauized flora of running streams. IVnusylvania Univ. Publ. (Coutrib. Lab. Hyg.), 1 & 2, 1898, 1-15. Comparative studies upon the pseudo-diphtheria, or Hot'mann bacillus, the xero.sis bacillus, and the LiitHer bacillus. Pennsylvania Univ. Publ. (Uontrib. Lab. Hyg.), 1 & 2, 1898, 17-i4. — — llechods for the determination of organic matter in air. [1896.] Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 39, 1899, /lr^ 1, 28 pp. An investigation on the influence upon the vital resistance of animals to the microorganisms of disease brought about by prolonged sojourn in an impure atmosphere. [1898.] Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 39, 1899, All. 6, 10 pp. Bergey, Darid Hendriclis, & Abbott, A[lexKiMiwiirrmi. Zu(il. All/,., '.I, 1886, "Jltl •j:).'). UntLTHuehunv^L'ii iibcr di-'ii llau iiinl die l-^ntwickhiii^ dcr Gc'Kcliliilitsoi^^iiin; dur Ki'nuinviiriiu'r. ZtHclir. WIhh. Zool., -11, 1886, :iii:i :i:)2. Ui'Iht dell TliuiliiiiKsvurKant? bci dun UinoUiiKi'ilatcii. (1880.) Z«)(il. JIjuuIi., 2, 1887, T.i-Hlj. Heiiiii'ikniiiKt'i' oiii iidvikliiiKen iif Luccniarin. Kjiilii-iili. Vid. Mfdd., 1888, 211-22(1. Zur IJildiiiiK.iHLScliiclitu dui Kxkritii)ri.>i(iinane bi'i Criodriliis. Wiii/.l). Zool. Inst. Aili., m, 1888, 22:i-24«. lii'c'lierelii.'.^ Kiir lea iioyiiux dc rUroHtyla i^rundiH et dc rilro.styla intti'iuedia, ». up. Arch, de Biol., i), 1889, 4;i7-514. Eiii iiioderiier Tlieoictikor uiid seine Metliodik. Zur Abwulir geneii Herrii K.viii.. Zuol. An/,., 13. 1890, 17-21. Nouo lieitritge zur Kmbrjologie der Itpgeiiwiiriiier. (VorliiufiRe MittheilunK.) Zool. An/.., 13, 1890, 180- 190. iin Keiiustreifcn der BluteRel. Zool. An/.., 13, 1890, O.'iH- — Uie .ScliicliU'iibildiin^; (Vorliiutige Mittbeiliiiin.) 600. Ncue Ucitrilge zur Ztwlir. Wiss. Zool., ")0, KmbrvoloKio der Annelideii. 1890, "lOy-ViO; r,2, 1891, 1-17. Kritik einer niodcrncn llv|>(>tliest' von der UelHi- tragung erblicher KigeiiHcliafU-n. Zool. Aiiz. , 1^'>, 1892, 43-.''j2. Die Dreliung des Keimstrcifens und die Anlage des Dorsalortjans bei Oamiuarus pulex. Zool. Anz., l.'i, 1892, 208-271. Zur Kntwitklunj,' des Keimstreifens von Mysis. Zool. Anz., 1,"., 1892, 13i;-4-10. beitriit^o zur Enibrjologie der Crustaceen. [1893.] Zool. Jbiicb. (Amil.), 0. 1893, 491-528 ; 7, 1894, 23r>- 248. Ueber die relaliven ThpiluiiRspotenzen cinii;er Enibrvo- nalzellen. [1895.J Arch. KutwMech., 2, 1896, 281-297. Uebcr din BegritI der Heteromorphose. Arch. Entw- Mech., 3, 1896, 000-001. Ueber Stiitzfasern in der Zellsubstanz einiser In- fusorien. (1890.] Anat. Hefte {.tht. 1), 7, 1897, 103- 113. Beitriige zur vergleichenden Histologie. [1. Ueber dip Gefiisswandung bei Mollusken. 2. Ueber den Bau der Gefiisae bei den Aniieliileii.] Anat. Helte {Alit. 1), 10, 1898, 10.5-125; 14, 1900, 379-407: l-'J, 1900, ■'>y7- 023. iMethodologisk-kritiske bemeerkainger om modcrne forskiiint'sretninger i embryologien. Kj.ibenh. Overs., 1899, 109-191. NdcliiiiaU liber die Entnieklung der Seginentalorganc. Zt^^■lll. Wiss. Zool., 00. 1899. 13.')-449. Bergh, liudnliih S.. A Sltlevien, .1. Om et hidtil ukcndt by^jiiingsforliiiM i e|iidermis boa " Oligochieta limicola." Kj.dienh. Overs.. 1899, 323-331. Berghaus, .1. Kobalt, Saflor, Smalte. Centrztg. Optik. 12, 1891. 183-186. Metall-Spieucl. Centi/.tt;. Optik, 12, 1891, 19,>-197. l)er Braunstein. Ceiitrzlj;. Optik. 13, 1892, •'5-7. ClieiiiisLlie Bezeieliiiung der .Metalie. Ceutrztg. Optik, 13, 1892. llS-120. Die Messiing holier Teniperaturen. Centrztg. Optik, 14, 1893, 121-123. Eiii historisclier liiickbliek. Centrztg. Optik, 14, 1893, 253-250, 200-208. Historisebe Notizen iiber die magnetische Kraft. Centrztg. Optik, 1.5, 1894, 1-3. Ueber ■ Kalender-Wetter." Wetter, 13, 1896. 90-94. Berghaus, lleiiirirh Karl. For biography and works .mc LeojHiUliua, 20, 1884, 59 00; Terint. KOzlon., 17. 1886. 497; lieogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 354-335. Berghaoa, Iffniuinu Carl Fritdrieh. For biography and winks «<-i- Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. OeniMilHch. Tijdsehr., H, 1891, 709; Oeogr. Jbuch., 14, 1891. 201; Leiipiildiiia, 27. 1891. 28 30, 43-45 ; Ivteriiiaun, Mittli., 37, 1891. i-v ; Sft.tt. (iii)gr. M.it'., 7, 1891. HC; Terml. Ki./Imii., 23, 1891. -11.5. Beobachtungen wiihrend der Sonnenfinstemiss vom 28. Mai 19I10. Meteorol. Zt.schr., 17 (1900), 320. Bergler, R. A. An improveil French pocket-compass. I l--s'.» ] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 18.1890.97-101. Bergin, /'. ./., A BCoore, Itenjamin. Stt Wtoam S Bergln. Bergis, /.I'.imv. Lutte ])our le vin. Peripeties et vicisai- tudis dun petit vigiioble d'ltudes, nieridien de Paris, 41 latitude nord. A.ss. Franv. 0. K., 1888 {Pt. 2), 5.56- •'iTii. Bergk, . Ueber die Mittel zur Beseitignng der Kes.selsteinbildung ini .\llgi-meinen und uber die Reini- gung lies Ijocomoliv-Siieisewassjrs au( dem bayerischen Bahnhdfe zu Leipzig nacb dem Verfahren von Bkbknoeb- Stint.i. im Besonderen. Civilingenieur, 30, 1884. 449- 4i;6: 31. 1888. 03-04. Bergkammer, F. CasuistLsober Beitrag zur Verbreitung del Miliiirtuberculo.se und Einwanderung der Tuberkel- bacillen in die Blutbahn. Virchow, Arch., 102. 1885. 397-400. Berglund] 470 [Bergmanu Berglund, Emil. Neue Metliode zur qualitativen Scliei- duni; von Ziun, Antimon und Arsen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 95-98. Method att (jvantitativt atskilka klor och brom. Stockli., Ofvers., 1884, Xu. 10, 55-67 ; Fresenius, Ztschr., 24, 1886, 184-195, 48(;. VoRTMASXs method att direkt bestamma klor vid niirvaro af brom. Stockh., Ofvers., 1884, No. 10, 69-7'2; Fresenius, Ztschr., 24, 1885, 196-199. Ueber den Bromgehalt des Meerwassers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 2888-2890. Bergman, Arvid. Om (Estriderna och deres ekonomiska betydelse. Ent. Tidskr., 20, 1899, 138-1,55. Uudersokningar af sjuka larver till lofskogsnunnan (Ocneria dispar, L.). Ent. Tidskr., 20, 1899, 284-28IJ. Bergman, F[raHs] A[nUm] Gustuf. Nyare undersokningar i kolerans etiologi. [1884.] Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 20, 1886, 73-83, 146-156, 160. I begrafnings- och likbranningsfriigan ur medicinsk syn]iunkt. [1888.] Upsala Liikarefor. Fiirh., 24, 1889, 39-77, 212-217. Bergman, Per G. Ueber die Reflexerregbarkeit der Frosche bei Hemmung der Circulation. Zur Beleuchtung der central-nervosen Wirkungen der Herzgifte. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 7, 1897, 198-221. Bergman, I'er G., & Andersaon, J. A. See Andersson 1^' Bergman. Bergman, Per G., & Bergendal, A'. See Bergendal ct Bergman. Bergman, Pir G., ct Tigerstedt, Robert. .Sir Tigerstedt lV Bergman. Bergmann, A[ilolf] ron. Ueber Lepra in Riga. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 10, 1885, 317-320, 32.5-326. Das multiloculiire Kystoni des Netzes. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 22, 1897, 19-20. Bergmann, .4. Ueber die insektenfresseuden Pfianzen Tlniringens. Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 4, 1886, 135-136. Bergmann, Enist von. Zur Diagnose der augeborenen Sacral-Geschwiilste. [1884.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb,, 15, 1885 {Th. 2), 218-245. Die Errungenschaften der Radioskopie und der Radiographie fiir die Chirurgie. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 1), 39-58. Bergmann, liugen. Ueber die Ursache der Luttblasen im Tafelleim. Ztschr. Angew. Chem,, 1893, 141. Sur la fabrication des cyauures au inuyen de Tani- moniaque et des eaux amraoniacales jirovenant de reparation du gaz d'eclairage. [Vr.] Moniteur Sei., 11, 1897, 44-56. Ueber die Fabrikation der Salpetersaure dureh Destination im Vacuum. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 1003-1005. Bergmann, F{ritz], & Francke, Br[mw]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chlor auf n-Amido-jj-kresol und o-Toluy- lendiamin ; l-Methylpentachlyr-3, 4-diketo-R-hexen und Umwandlungsproducte. Liebig's Ann., 296, 1897, 159- 179. Bergmann, Friedricli. Ueber Nonylsauren (Pelargon- siiuren) verschiedenen Ursprungs. Arch. Pliarm., 222, 1884, 331-344. Bergmann, //. Bohrung nach artesischem Wasser in der N'u.derung von Neubyd/.ov niirdlich von Chlumeo in B.'.hmen. Wien, Geo'l. Verb., 1889, 313-314. Bergmann, .7. Ueber die Beobachtung des Fliissigkeits- standes in durcbsichtigen, kreiseylindrischeii Rciliren an Marken auf der Aussenseite der Wandung. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 853-857. Zum Alnnessen von Mengen einer wiisserigen Fliissig- keit vermittelst Messkolben imd Messcylindern. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 719-721. Bergmann, ■lnh. licsebreibung eines nenen Apparates zur Dnrstclluiig einfacher Sohwingungen. |1886.] Neu- \'orponimeni Mitth., 18, 1887, 1-6. Beobachtungen iiber Aenderungen des electrischen Leitungsvermiigens nach starkem Erwiirmen der Metalle mit Hiilfe der Inductionswage. Ann. Phys. Chem., 36, 1889, 783-791. Eine experimentelle Darstellung der einfaohen Schwin- gungen (Sinus-Bewegung) und der Schwingungscurven. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber,, 1889, 134-139. Intiueuzmaschine. [1889.] Neu-Vorpommern Mitth., 21, 1890, 35-39. Ueber die Inductionswage und die Beobachtungen mit derselben. Breslau, Schles. Ges. .Iber., 1890 (.ihtli. 2), 24-46. Weitere Versuehe mit der Inductionswage. Speci- fisches electrisches Leitungsvermugen gemiinzter Metalle. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1891 {Abth. 2), 20-46. Ueber den zeitlichen Verlauf elektrischer Inductions- striime. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 {Abth. 2«), 9-20. Einige Versuehe iiber elektrische Schwingungen. Breslau, Scbles. Ges. Jber., 1894 (Ahlh. 2a), 115-124. Zur Bestimmung der Dauerelectrischer Schwingungen von grossen Perioden. Ann. Phys. Cliem., 64, 1898, 685-707. Bergmann, JuJi., & Oberbeck, A. See Oberbeck Sr Bergmann. Bergmann, U[,inhold]. Ueber die Zuverlassigkeit der Haarhygnimeter auf meteorologisohen Stationen in Kussliind. [1884.] Repertm. f. Meteorol., 9, 1885, No. 3, 30 pp. Barometrische Bestimmung der Meereshobe des Ladoga-Sees. Repertm. f. Meteorol., 9, 1885 (Kl. Mitth.), 20-25. Meteorologisehe Beoliaehtungen im Jana-Gebiet, an- gestellt von Dr. Alexander Bonoe. Nach den Original- notizen bearbeitet. Beitr. Russ. Reich., 3, 1887, 183- 228. Meteorologisehe Beobachtungen auf den Neusibirisehen Inseln, augestellt von Dr. Alexander Bunoe. Nach den Originalnotizen bearbeitet. Beitr. Russ. Reicb., 3, 1887, 323-361. Meteorologisehe Beobachtungen im JanaLande und auf den Neusibirisehen Inseln, angestellt von Baron Eduard Toll. Nach den Originalnotizen bearbeitet. Beitr. Russ. Reich., 3, 1887, 363-412. Witterungsbeobachtungen an der Ishma, angestellt von dem Diakonus Istomin. Repertm. t. Meteorol., 10, 1887 (7a. Mitth.), 26-36. Ueber die Erdbeben in Wernyj in Juni 1887. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth. , 30, 1887, 537-540. Out, oTK.ioiieiiijixi, reMiioiJaTypu ir icojiiiiecTBa OCaAltOB'I. OTt HOpMa.ilbUUX'I,, BOCUOIO II JlI-.TOMI. 1890 r. B'L EBponeflCKOri Poccill. [Ueber die Ab- weichinige!! der Temperaturen und Niederschlagsmengen iui Europiiisohen Russland von ibren Normahvertben wiihrend des Friihlings und Sommers 1890.] [1891.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {liuss.), 07, 1892 {.ippeml. No. 1), 20 pp.; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 14, 1891, No. 6, 21 pp. 0 paoiipoAluoHiu II A'feflTe.ii.nocrii jieroopo.io- iii'U'ciciix'i. cTaHuiil B'l. PocciilcKoii IImiioiiIh t'l. iKi'iajia iixi. B()3niiiiiioB(Mii)i j;o 1889 r. bkjio- MIITCJIUin. [Ueber die Vertheilung und Thiitigkeit der meteorologischen Stationen in Russland, von den ersten Anfiingen bis zum Jahre 1889 inclusive.] [1892.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Hiixs.), 71, 1893 (Api>ciiit. No. 4), 350 pp.; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 15, 1892, No. 11, 314 pp. Das Temperatur-Minimum in Kola in den Jahren 1878-92. Meteorol. Ztschr., 10 (1893), 226. Jl('iiM)))o.i()rii'iecicin iia('>.iii(iji,('iii;i iipoiiiiBCAi'ii- HUH liapoiioMi. U. H. Tojiewb ii .Icii'ieHaHTOJih- Bergmannl 471 (Bergroth rtijioTii K. 11. IIIiIjIKiIko in. 1893 rojty no bju'MH ;ili('i[f','i.iiuiii Mil IloBo-C'iifnipruif ocrpoiia ii B,x<'.ii' fpciicion'i. .Ii'ioiiirniro oiciMiia. lMcici (;r\vi.>^Kt*n Stoffwcohst'Ianoniiilioii, Hpt'zicll \tvi )t)irnsanrer niiilhe-**!. Wiun. Med. Wschr., II, 1894, 17H5-I7H7, 1H,U-1h;«. BergonlA, ■l{fiiii\. [I, a fuiinulc dunnaiit la distancr fi>calc dii dioptre.] [188U.J Borduaux Hoc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, vi-x. Contractions ("'Ic-ctriquenient provoqn(5e8, rcsscmblant a la contraction volontairc. Ass. Fram.-. C. R., 1896 {Pt. 1), 22.S. Mesnro des n'siKtancos ('Icctriiiucs en cliniquc. Ass. Fran-;. C. R., 1896 (/"(. 2), IH? IH'J. — — Notp .sur Ics radiations KontKcn pt Icur omploi en nii'docine. Bordeaux Ac. Act., '>H, 1896 (''. A'.), Hi III. I'hotOK'raphips oblenucs a I'aide des rayons X. [IH'.Mi.] Bordeaux Soo. Sci. Proc.Verb., 1896 96, 29. Nonveaux fails de radioscopie de l(;sioDS intrn- thoraci(|ues. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 126H- 12t;!l. Snrun traitcnient electriipiepalliatif dii tic douloureux de la face. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 12.^>. 1897, 310. Du mccanisme du soulevement du corps sur la pointc des pieds. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 {C. R.), 365- 367. L'elcctricite medieale et Ic medecin <51cctricicn. Ass. Frane. C. U., 1899 (/'(. 1), 3H6 392. Traitenient electrolytique des angiomes graves. Ass. Franr;. C. U., 1899 {Pt. 2), 9'.I0-'.I97. De rutilite des mesures eUctriques en radiograpbic. Ass. Frane. C. li., 1899 (/'/. 2), 103(>-1044. Sur la mesurc du volume et de la densitd du corps bumain. Paris, Soc. Biol. [Vol. .liihil.), 1899, l.">2-1.57. Du rheostat en electrotherapie. Determination de ses constantes. Ass. Fran.;. (', U., 1900 {Pt. 1). 301. Bergonii, J[ean], A Carriire, (.■(cdv;,*]. ,Sur quelques nsultats coinparatifs des niethodes clioiqnes ordinaires et de I'examen tluoroscnpiiiue dims les epiinebements pleureti(pies. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. U., 12.j, 1897, 97.5-977. Bergonl6,.'[t'iiii]. A Terrt,[Jcaii llippolyte] (inhriel [Piiiil]. Acliun des rayons de Bokntokn sur la vitalite et la virulence des cultures du bacille de Kocu. Congr. Int. Med. C. U., 1897 {Vol. 2, ,S>c/. 4.i), 91-93. BergoniA, ,/|.nn]. .t Mongonr, Ch. Les rayons Rontgen ontils une action sur la tubereulose pulnionaire de rhommeV Paris, Ae. M. d. Bull., 38, 1897, 66-71. Bergonli, ■l[eini], A Slgalas, ('. Mesures calorimetriqnes sur rbomine. [1K9.5.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1896-96, l.')-22. Nouvelles mesures calorimetriques snr I'bomme. .\ss. Fram,'. C. U., 1896 {Pt. 1), 146-147. Sur Taction des courants de haute tension et de Srande frequence. Paris, Sos. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. li.). 99-103. .\ppareil pour I'etude des combustions respiratoires chez Ihomme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 906-907. Mesure des surfaces du corps de rhomme, mcthode et resultat. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., .50, 1898 (C. R.), 616-617. Bergonl^, J[iii»], Jolyet, /•'., A Sigalas, C. Becherelies sur les echanges pii:eux dans la respiration de rbomnie. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem.. :>. 1887, w-xix. See also Jolyet, Bergonl* ^^' Slgalas. Bergoaslal, Curzin. For biograpliy and list of worlu let .Modena Sue. Nat. Atti, 1.5, 1898, v-xiii. '[Catalogo (l"i Prolozoi del Modenesc con un' ap- pcndice Hui Klagcllati.J Modena Soc. Nat. Atti {Hriul.), 1, 1882. 19-23. Sopra alcune particolarita dclla struttura microscopica delle \K\\r del glandc. [188.5.] M'ldena Soc. Nat. Atti (Keiid.). •>, 1884. 1.58 1(;4. Sulla Htruttura dello stomaco dell' Aloedo hispida e Hullo stralo cuticolare (cornco) del ventriglio degli uccelli. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 4, 1888, 1-13. Sopra una Taenia segbettatla. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti (/.'.;/i>;>'. Di un caso d'ermafrodlsmo. [1893.] Bnll. Sei., 4, 1894 t.liiii. 15), 9-13. La forinalina quale mezzo di c-29. Una rara varietu muscolare. Boll. .Sci.. 4. 1894 (.inn. 16). 101 lo:). Bcrgqvist. 'W.,.'., ,v Tigent«dt, Roherl. .SV. Tlgentedt A Bergqvlat. Bergreen, Henry. Zur Kenntniss der Isonitrosokorper. IJeriin, Cliem. (ies. Ber., 20. 1887. 531-534. — — Leber Tbiophosgcn. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 20, 1887. 196.5-1966; 21, 1888. 337-3.52. Bergroth, Hrnst Krnlil. Descriptions of two new species of Arailidn?. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22. 1886-86, 7-9. Ueber die Gattung Mezira, Am. et Serr. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 4. 1886, 181-182. Zur nonllichen Verbreilung eini^er Inaeclen-Arten. Ent. Nachr., 12. 1886. 378-;W0. Ueber einige amerikaniscbe Aradiden. Wien. Ent. Ztg.. 6. 1886. 97-98. Zur Kenntniss der .\radiden. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb.. 36. 1886 (.l'>/i.). .53-60. Enlouiolngiscbe Parentheseu. [Nomenclatur. ] Ent. Nachr.. 13. 1887, 147-1.52. Finek entomologisk literatoi lt»86[-95]. Ent. Tidski., Bergroth] 472 [Bergroth 8, 1887, 38; 9, 1888, 28; 10, 1889, '.)o-9li ; 11, 1890, 109- 110; 13, 1892, 280-282; 16, 1895, 65-68; 18, 1897, 117- 118. Synopsis of the genus NeuioctenuR, Fieh. Helsingfois, Ofvers., 29, 1887, 173-189. Notes sur quelques Aratlides nouveaux ou peu connus. Rev. Ent., 6, 1887, 244-247. Ueber Bracliyrrliyuchus centrales, licr;/. Wien. Ent. ZtK., 6, 1887, 284, Diagnose d'uno nouvelle espece ile Thysanopteres. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 32, 1888, xxx-xxxi. Fahrea. nor. ijen. Hydrophilidarum. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1888, 221. On some S. African Tipulidai. Ent. Tidskr., 9, 1888, 127-141. Ueber einige nordamerikani.sche Tipididen. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 7, 1888, 193-201, 228, 23'.)-240. Oesterreichischo Tipuliden, gesaniniell von Prof. .1. A. Palmen im Jahre 1870. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 38, 1888 (Ahh.), 64,5-656. Notes sur quelques Aradides appaiteniint au Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Bruxclles. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 33, 1889, clxxx-clxxxii. Notes on two Capsidie attacking the cinchona planta- tions in Sikldm. [With a note by Chas. 0. Wateuhouse. ] [1889.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 271-273. Viaggio di Leonardo Ee.\ in Birniania e regione vicine. XXII. Comnjentarius de Aradidis in Burma et Tenasserim a L. Fea coUectis. [xlvii. Coranientarius secundus de Ai-adidis,...] Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 27, 1889, 730-739; 32, 1892, 710-717. Om Finlands Ptychopterida) och Dixidie. [1889.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 15, 1888-89, 158-165. [Nouvelle espece du genre Malthodes, Kicsw.'\ Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, cciii-cciv. [NovfE Aradidarum species.] Wien. Ent. Ztg., 8, 1889, 49-52. Ueber einige paia>arktischc Tipuhden. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 8, 1889, 113-120. Zwei neue Diptera. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 8, 1889, 29.5- 298; 11, 1892, 162. Beitrag zur Tipuliden-Fauna der Sohweiz. Bern Mitth., 1890, 131-138. Note on the genus Caridophthalmus, Assm. Ent. Montli. Mag., 21',, 1890, 132-133. Note on tlie genus Protenor, Amer., 6, 1890, 217. Note on Lepisnia doniestica, Amer., 6, 1890, 233. Deux Reduviides nouveaux palearctiques. 9, 1890, 56-57. Nouvelle espece palearetiipie du genre Coptosonia, Lap. Rev. Ent., 9, 1890, 355. Additions au "Catalogue nietliodique des Elatcrides connus en 1890 par E. Canueze" (Liege, 1891). Brux., Soc. Knt. Ann., 35, 1891, ccxxxiii-ccxxxvii. On the new Australian vine pest. Ent. Month. Mag., 27, 1891, 68-70. [Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Leptopus, Latr.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, cU-cHi. Contributions a I'etude des Pentatoniides. Rev. Ent., 10, 1891, 200 235. Eine neue Saldiden-Gattuug. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 10, 1891, 263-267. — — Rhynchota lethiopica. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 36, 1892, 160-162; 38, 1894, .535-547. Aradides du Bengale boreal. Brux., Soc. Ent. ,\nn., 36, 1892, 503-504. Nouvelle espiicc du genre Megynienuni, l, IIilB.IOBCKa. r.-Ilirt'lii'i) pra ll KpomilTaiTa. [Vergleich der R. S. A. C. Climate von I'awlowHk, Ht. Pctcraburg and Kronntsdt.] St. I'et.THb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (lium.). 6<;, 1891, 1-23; It.-ixrlrii. f. Mctcorol., 14, 1891 (AV. .Mitth.), 1-15. Bergstrand, . Forsok rorande tulx-rkulioels diagnoa- tinka betvdeliH! hog hundjurcn. Bkand. Natf. Forh., 1892. r,|.5-OnO. Bergstrand, [Curl] (tiltn [Kmnnurl]. Sur la ri^-duclion ll. , iiiisures mierometriiiues des cliches photographii|ues ^U•llalreM. Ktockb., Ofvers.. 1896. 519-542. Sur rinflu'iice de la n'fraction et de 1 alx-rratiou sur les mesures pliotograinm<'!trii|ueii des etuilcs. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, .5Mi5. Till teorien fiir kometemaa upplO^-ning i met«or- evarmar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 50.H-.567. Sur les parallaxes des eUjiles i: 1516 A et AOe. 11077. Astr. Nachr., 1.50. 1899, 297-.tfHl. Sur la ib'formalion din couches senKiblea des plaques phot>>^ri-ap],iqy(.g^ et son inthien'-e gur les mc-'Urefl photo- (.■raiiimilrii|uefi. Stockh. Ofv.r.n.. 1900. 187-221. Bergatrom, John A. Ex|>eriineiits u|H>n physiological memory by means of the interference of associatiuns. Amer. '.n. Psychol.. 5, 1893, 3.56-369. .\n ex)x!rimental study of some of the condition^ of mental activity. [1894. j Amer. Jl. Psvchol.. 6. 1893. 217-274. The relation of the interference to the practice effect of an association. [1894.] Amer. .11. Psvchol., 6, 1893, 133-442. Bergt, If'allhrr [.4dolf]. Beitrag zar Petrogmphie der Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and der Sierra de Perija in der 1!< 'publik Colombia in Siidamerika. Min. Petr. .Mitth., 10, 1889, 271-3M6. I'eber einen Kieseloolith aus Penn.sylvanien. Dresden Isis Sber., 1892 {Abh.}, 115-124. Die Gestciue der Huinenstiitte von Tiahuanaco im alten Peru (Bolivia). Dresden Isis Sber., 1894 iAhh.), 3.5-52. Die Melaphyrgange am ehemaligen Eisenbahntunnel im Plauenschen Grunde liei Dresden. Dresden Isis Sber.. 189S (.4'. N. Y. M. 1. .11.. .53. 1891. •>''.-5 '72. Bergwltz, h'\>irl]. .V 'Wactumntll, [iirhard. .Scr TVadu- math ,v Bergwltz. Berber, . 'L'limatologie d'Epinal. [R^um^ des observations meteorolouiqucs faites dc 1849 K 1869.] [Pofth.] Vosgeg Soc. Kniul. .\nn., 14 [Cah. I), 1871, 356-357. Barher, Kuti-ue. Supplement au catalogue des plaot«s du d' pnrteraent des Vosges. Vosges Soc. Kmnl. Ann., 1891, 1.-.7-197. B«rlar, Dt Litgnel. UnseaAinable birds on Long Island. Auk. 3, 1886, 281. The pine grosbeak (P. enucleator) in New Jer«ev. \nk, 13. 189«; 175. Btolgny, Ailnlphe. For biographic&l notice and lift of works »(■<■ France Soe. ^(.I...t,. Vimti ti laac i -. lu *Sar les dictons n: Medard et k la Saint-it - eo Berigny] 474 [Beringer Soc. MSteorol. Annu., 2, 1854. I't. 1, 152-154; C, 1858, Pt. 2, 89-92. *Sur Toiasje du 2 mai 1855. France Soc. Mt'teorol. Annu., 3, 1856, Pt. 1, 252. 'Versailles (Seiiie-ct-Oise). Observations meteoro- logiques faites penilant [les annees 1854-5fi et 1869-81]. France Soc. Mi^teorol. Annu., 3, 1855, Ft. 2, 91-145; 4, 1856, Pt. 1, 7.3-lHO; 5, 1857, Pt. 1, 65-122; 18, 1870, Tableaux, 5-28; 19, 1871, Tab!('aii.v, 5-27; 20, 1872, Tableaux, 5-20; 21, 1873, Tableau.!-, 5-28; 22, 1874. Tableau.r, 87-102; 23, 1875, Tableau.:; 5.5-70; 24, 1876, Tableaux, 27-42; 25, 1877, Tableaux, 31-46; 2r,, 1878. Tableaux, 31-46; 27, 1879, Tableaux, 29-44; 28, 1880. 225-240; 29, 1881, 339-356; 30, 1882, 357-372. *01)servations faites a Versailles avec le papier dit ozononietrique, de 31. Schcenbein (fie Bale) pendant le mois d'aoijt 18.55, a six hemes du matin, midi, six heures du soir et niinuit. France Soe. M^t^orol. Annu., 4, 1856, Pt. 2, 78-82. *Siir les observations ozonoraetriques faites avee le papier Schcenbein, autour de la caserne de Saint-Cloud et au milieu de la cour, si deux altitudes differentes, a sept heures et demie du matin et i sept heures et demie du soir, pendant trente et nn jours (du 6 octobre au 5 novembre 18.55 inclusivement), et les relations qui existent entre I'ozone et les phenomenes physiologiques. France Soe. M(^t(5orol. Annu., 4, 1856, Pt. 2, 84-98. *Recherches et observations pratiques sur le papier ozonometrique. France Soc. M6t(5orol. Annu., 5, 1857, Pt. 2, 149-156. *Gamme chroniatique pour I'ozonometrie. France Soc. Metterol. Annu., 6. 1858, Pt. 2, 2.5-27. *Note sur la quantite d'eau de pluie et de neige fondue recueillie a Ver.sailles, pendant dix aun^es (1847 k 18561. France Soc. Mi^^t^orol. Annu., 6, 1858, Pt. 2, 93-95. *Memoire sur les observations ozonom(5triques et meteorologiques faites en Crim^e, au milieu des campe- ments et des ambulances, d'apres les ordres de M. le marechal V.^illant, ministre de la guerre, membre de rinstitut, du 7 mai au 4 juin 1856 inclusivement. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu.,' 6, 1858, Pt. 2, 239-245. *Ozone obtenu pendant la periode de I'aurore boreale du 28 aout au 2 septembre 18.59. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 7, 1859, Pt. 2, 201. *[Sur I'ouragan du 27 fevrier, 1860, observ(5 a Ver- sailles.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 8, 1860, Pt. 2, 32-34. *[Sur les observations ozonometriques faites au pliare de Calais.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 8, 1860, Pt. 2, 73-74. *Epreuve photographique du soleil, obtenue par ^1/. Behtsch, le 5 juillet 1860. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 8, 1860, Pt. 2, 96-97. *[Sur les orages des 20 au 23 juin 1861, a Versailles.] France Soc. Mi^teorol. Annu., 10, 1862, Pt. 2, 11-14. *[Sur I'ozone.] [With diseusxiau.] F" ranee Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Pt. 2, 43-50, 194-198. *[Sur les rapports de I'ozone avec les tempetes.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Pt. 2, 112-114. . 'Observations mi^teorologiques faites a Versailles pendant I'eclipae du 6 mars 1867. France Soc. Met(5orol. Annu., 15, 1867 {Hull.), 190-191. "[Sur I'ornge qui a eu lieu a Versailles le 12 juillet, 1868.1 \U'ith disciiHsion.] France Soc. Meteorol.' Nouv. Uit6«ro\., 1, 1868, 205-20H. *[Coloration du i>apier ozonometrique a I'approche des tempetes.] [IJ'///i dhi-ii».ixliid«. Guid. Cliron., 1, 1887, T.ili; 2, 1887, 7-1. \aiiation in orchids. Giird. Cliron., 3, 1888. 20.^. Berkeley, (Her.) J/|i7i'»| d[i>seph]. Kor liioKrapliy and list of works »!■!• Gnrd. (hron., G, 1889, l.)l-112: (iarden it Forest, 2. 1889. .110 411; .11. Hoi.. 27. 1889, m5-30H; Nature, -til, 1889. :t71-372; Nortliaiupton Nat. Hist. Soc. .11., 5, 1888 89. :U'i-H4'J; Ann. 13ot., :i. 1889 90. 451-45ti; 11, 1897, Ix-xi; Gvcvilloa, IH, |18901. 17-l'.l; Hoy. Soc. I'roc, 47. 1890, ix-xii; Scott. Natli.st.. 10, 1889-90. 14.^- 148; Tcrnit. Kiizlon., 22, 1890, G35-(i3(j. (Botanical notes from the Fens.] Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 23')-23G. Notices of fungi collected in Zanzibar, in 18S4. by Mis.s K. K. Bkhkelev. Ann. Mat'. Nat. Hist., 15, 1888. 3H4-3M7. Berkeley, (Rev.) il[Hts]J[oseph], & Broome, (\hrMopher] K[dinuii)-601. Berkeley-Cotter, ./. C. .Sec Cotter, ./. C. Berkeley. Berkenbuscb, Ffnlimind. Zur Jlessung von Flammen- tiiniieralureii durch Thennocleraente, insbesondere iiber die Temperatur der Bunsentlamuie. Ann. Phys. Chem., 67. 1899. 64!l-667. Berkenbuscta, //. Die Blutversorgung der Bengesehnen del linnd. G.lttingen Niichr., 1887. 403-406. Berkenlieiin, .l[/iniH().l/[oi<('iTii'J. Icber Menthol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2.5. 1892, 68C-69H. . [Zur Kenntiiiss der Terpene und der iitherischen Oelc.] Ueber Tetrahydropiuen. Liebig's Ann., 268, 1892, 225- 228. IliKMiuoBanio MOHTO.ia. [Recherches sur le men- thol.] lluss. Phys. -Chem. Soc. .11., 24 {Chem.), 1892. 17'.l-201: Paris s'oc. Chira. Bull.. 8. 1892. 1344-1346. Ilacilaoiuiniii iidl luacca iiai|iTiMiomi. IIpoii:i- BO.tlluii Mi'llTO.ia. [Sur Ics derives du menthol.] Russ. Phys. -Chem. Soc. .11.. 24 (CAem.), 1892, 687-688; Paris See. Chim. Bull., 12. 1894, 627-628. Ii;ir.rl;,T,oBanio neint'cTBa ii:n. Santalum Preissii. [C'rystalliuc substance from Santalum Preissii.] Russ. Phys. -Chem. Soc. .11.. 24 (Cli,-m.\. 1892, 6.88-6y0; Chem. Soc. ,11.. 64. 1893 (.J'w.. I'l. II. 666. Berkey, Chnrhs P. Preliminary report of levelling partv. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Kep., 22, 1894. 134-140. " Notes on Minnesota minerals. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Snrv. Hep.. 23. 1896, 194-202, [viii]. An apophyllite geode. [1MU3.) Minn. Ac. 8ci. Bull., 4, 1896, 28. The occurrence of datolite on the north shore of Lake Superior. (1894.) Minn. Ac. .Sci. Bull., 4, 1896, 42-43. Chemical analysis of the Fiither meteorite. Amer. Geologist, 20. 1897, 317-318. Geidogy of the St. Croix Dalles. Amer. Geologist, 20, 1897. 340-383; 21. 1898, 139-1.5.5. 270-294. Berktaan, Omralil. Deljc-r die SUiruDg iler Schriftspmche 1" i ilalhidiiiteii und ihre Aehulichkeit mit [dem Sprach- gebreehen, Stammeln und StotternJ. Arch. Psychiatr., 16, 1886, 78-86; 17, 1886, 897-900. Ueber die freien Zwischenriiume des periodischen Irreseins. [1896.] Allg. Ztachr. Psychiatr., .53, 1897. 90H-;i6.5. Ueber einen weiteren Fall von Akromegalie. Ztschr. Ktliiiol.. 32. 1900. (307)-(308). Berkliout, .1. //. o( (Wii). Dc Oost-Indiscbe hontiioorten, vuoriiamelijk djati-hout, hare exploitatie en de handel diiarin op de Europei-schc markt. Haarlem Kolon. Mus. Bull.. |HJ, 1894, 18-27. Berkley, Jhniii ./. SyringomTelia. Brain, 12, IBM, 4C0- 481. • Two cases of general cutaneous and sensory anit»the-ia. without marked psvchical implication. Braio, 14. 1891. 441-464. Die Osmium -Kupfer-Htimatoxylin-Farbung. Eine schnelle Weigert-Mcthode. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1898, 270-272. The nerves and nerve endings of the mucous layer of the ileum, as shown by the rapid Golgi method. (1892.) Anat. .\nz.. 8, 1893, 12-19. Studies in the lustology of the liver. 1. The intrinsic nerves. Abstract paper. Anat. Anz., 8. 1893, 769-7'.t2. The intrinsic nerves of the kidnev. A histological study. .11. Path. Bact., 1. 1893, 40«jUi6. On complex ner%e terminations and ganglion cells in the muscular tissue of the heart ventricle. Anat. Anz.. 9, 1894, 33-42. The neuroglia cells of the walls of the middle ventricle in the adult dog. Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 746-753. The liner anatomy of the infundibular region of the cerebrum including the pituitary gland. Brain, 17, 1894. 51,5-547. Studies on the lesions produced by the action of certain poisons on the cortical nerre cell. i. Alcohol. Brain. 18. 1896. 473-496. The intra-cortical end-apparatus of the nerve fibres. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896, 258-262. The pathological findings in a case of general catane- ous and sensory anasthesia without psychical implica- tion. Brain. 23. 1900, 111-138. Berland, K., 4 Chenevier, .4. Nouvel appareil pour mesurcr la fluidite des huiles ct autres liquides. Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. .Mem.. 3. 1887, 41^-416. Berli, /•'[frriA« Bamberger .V Berli. Berlemont, G. Soiipa|>c de surete pour trompe a eau. [IM'.M.] Paris Soc. Chim. BuU., 13, 1895. 33-34. Hegulateur de temiKrature. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull 13. 1896. 228-229. Nouveau tube a distillations fractionn^s modifie par .V. Lkrki.. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896. 674-675. Trompe I'l eau moditiee. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 15 1896. 917. Berlemont, '/.. .V Boorcet, Paul. .See Boorcet .V Berle- mont. Berlemont, <;.. vV Jonard, . Sur un nouveau type de trompe a mercure permettani dobtenir rapidement le vide maximum. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. H.. 131. 1900, 110- 111; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1900, 194-197. 60—2 Berlepsch] 476 [Berlese Berlepsch, Ihiiis [Hermunn Carl Lvilwig] (Ornf) von. On a collection of hiid-slnns from the Orinoco, Venezuela. Ibis, 2, 1884, 4H1-141. Description of a new species of the genus Pieiimnus from southern Brazil. Ilns, 2, 1884, 441-442. [Diagnosen einiger neuen Vogelarten aus der Umge- geud von Bucaramanga, Neu Granada.] Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884, 249-250. Untersuchungen iiber die Vogel der Umgegend von Bucaramanga in Neu-Granada. Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884. 273-320. XJeber die in Europa vorkommenden Formeu der Schwanzmeise (Acredula). [1884.] Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1885, 17-18. Descriptions of three new species of birds from South America. Ibis, 3, 1885, 288-290. Ueber die Kolibri. [188.5.] Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 32 & 33, 1886, 30-34. On some interesting additions to the avifauna of Bucaramanga, U. S. of Colombia. Ibis, 4, 1886, .53-57. Kritische Bemerkungen zur Colibri-Literatiir. Kassel Ver. Nat. Festschr., 1886, 257-279. . Descriptions of new species and subspecies of Trochi- lidffi. Ibis, 5, 1887, 289-298. Systematisches Verzeichniss der vou Herrn Kicardo KoHDE in Paraguay gesammelten Vogel. Jl. f. Ornith., 35, 1887, 1-37. 113-134. Kritische Uebersicht der in den sogenannten Bogota- CoUectionen (8. 0. Colombia) vorkommenden Colibri- Arten, und Beschreibung eines neuen Colibri (Cyano- lesbia Nehrkorni). Jl. f. Ornith., .35, 1887, 313-336. Descrii^tions of new species and sulispecies of birds from the neotropical region. Auk, 5, 1888, 449-460. On the genus Cyclorhis, Swaiiis. Ibis, 6, 1888, 83-92. Descriptions of two new species of birds from Bogota, Colombia. Ibis, 6, 1888, 128-130. Beschreibung eines neuen Colibri und Bemerkungen iiber eine Collection von Vogel-Biilgen aus der Umgegend von Sta. F6 de Bogota in Colombia. Ztschr. Gesam. Ornith., 4, 1888, 178-187. l.iescriptions of two new birds from northern Peru. Iljis, 1, 1889, 181-182. [Occurrence of Spheniscus magellanicus in Rio Grande do Sul.] Ibis, 1, 1889, 257-25S. Systematisches Verzeichniss der von Herrn Gustav Gablepp in Brasilien und Nord-Peru, im Gebiete des oberen Amazonas, gesammelten Vogelbalge. Jl. f. Ornith., 37, 1889, 97-101, 289-321. . Notes on some neotropical birds belonging to the United States National Museum. U. S. Mus. Proc. , 11, 1889, 559-566. Ueber Chrysotis brasiliensis. Jl. f. Ornith., 39, 1891, 363-366. . Die Vogel der Insel Curasao nach einer von Herrn cand. theol. Ernst Peteiis daselbst angelegten Samni- lung. .Jl. f. Ornitl)., 40, 1892, 61-104. [Neue siidamerikanische Vogelarten.] Jl. f. Ornith., 40, 1892, 451-456. On a remarkable new tincli from the highlands of Bolivia. Ibis, 5, 1893, 207-210. Diagnosen neuer siidaniurikanischer Vogelarten. Ornith. Mber., 1, 1893, 11-12. Beschreibung einer neuen Merganetta-Art aus Bolivia. Ornith. Mber., 2, 1894, 110-111. Description nl two new species of the genera Phieui- cophaes and Spilornis, with a note on Oriolus consobrinus. Hams. Novitates Zool., 2, 1896, 70-74. Beschreibung einer neuen Chrysotis. Ornith. Mber., 4, 1896, 173-174. [Cyanalcyon EHsabeth, und Halcyon quadricolor, aus Deutach Neii-Guinea.] [1896.] Jl.'f. Ornith., 45, 1897, 90. [Ueber das Studium des Kolibris.] Jl. f. Ornith., 45, 1897, 88-90. [Ueber Nomenklaturfragen und den Begriff der Sub- species.] [1897.1 Jl. f- Ornith., 45, 1897, 505-506; Dresden Zool. Mus. Abh., 1898-99, So. 2, 18-20. ■ Beschreibung eines neuen Colibri aus West Ecuador. Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, .58-59. Beschreibung vier neuer Vogelarten aus West Colum- bien. Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, 173-176. (Buthraupis Kothschildi, n. .fp., N. W. Ecuador.] [1897.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 7, 1898, iii-iv. On the rediscovery of three remarkable species of birds of South America. Ibis, 4, 1898, 60-67. Systematisches Verzeichnis der von Dr. Alfred Voeltz- Kow in Ost-Afrika und auf Aldabra (Indischer Ocean) gesammelten Vogelbiilge. [1898.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abh., 21, 1899, 479-496. Berlepsch, HiDtx {Hermann Carl Liidwiii] {Graf) von, lV Boucard, Adolplic. Sec Boucard & Berlepsch. Berlepsch, //««» [Hfrmium Carl Lucluiii] (Lira/} von, & Jhering, Hermann von. Die Vogel der Umgegend von Taquara do Mundo Novo, Prov. Rio Grande do Sul. Ztschr. Gesam. Ornith., 2, 1885, 97-184. Berlepsch, Hans [Hermann Carl Ludirig] {Graf) von, & Iieverkuhn, Fanl. Studien iiber einige siidameri- kanische Vogel nebst Beschreibungen neuer Arten. Ornis, 6, 1890, 1-32. Berlepsch, Hans [Hermann Carl Liidwip] (Graf) vou, & Stolzmann, -Jean. Eesultats des recherches ornitho- logiques faites an Perou par M. Jean K.\linowski. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 371-411. Description of a new species of grebe from central Peru. Ibis, 6, 1894, 109-112. Descriptions de quelques esp^ces nouvelles d'oiseaux du Perou central. Ibis, 6, 1894, 38.5-405. On the ornithological researches of M. Jean Kalix- owsKi in central Peru. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 322- 3S8. Berlepsch, Ha)t!t [Hermann Carl Lndwi(]] (Graf) von, cV Taczanowski, Ladislas. Deuxieme liste des oiseaux recueillis dans I'Ecuadeur occidental par J/il/. Stolzmann et SiEMiKAUSKi. Zool. Soc Proc, 1884, 281-313. .SV^- aho Taczanowski iV Berlepsch. Berlepsch, liana [Hennann Curl Ltidwiij] {Crraf) von, Reichenow, .inton, & Voeltzkow, Phil. Alfred. .See Beichenow, Berlepsch i^' Voeltzkow. Berlepsch, {Maj.) [Sitlig Karl liiid.] Ilans (Frlir.) von. Die Steiusperling ein Brutvogel Thiiringens. Ornith. Mber., 1, 1893, 23. Die Vogelschutzfrage, soweit dieselbe durch Schaffung geeigneter Nistgelegenheiten zu Icisen ist. Kassel Ver. Nat. Abh. u. Ber., 41, 1896, 74-93. Berlepsch, Hermann Alexander {Frlir.) von. For bio- graphical notice see Petermann, Mitth., 30, 1884, 100. Berlese, Amedeo. Rapporti fra la vite ed i Saccaromieeti. 11896-97.] liiv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897. 211-237, 263-282, 295-342, 354-360; 6, 1898, 1 {lji.s)-20 (bis), 24 (fci,<)-[204] 44 (Ipi.s); Conegliano Scuola Vit. Euol. Eiv., 3, 1897, 161-162 [Part only]. Prove di fermentazione del mosto con fermenti non provenienti direttamente dall' uva. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 513-536. Berlese, Anlnnio. *Studi critici suUa sistematica dei Chilogiiati couservati nella racoolta del Museo Zoologioo della K. UniversitA di Padova. [1883.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1883-84, 247-280. La sistematica dei Sarcoptidi. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 16, 1884, 287-292. Acaroruni svstenuitis specimen. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 17, 1885," 121-135. Di alcuni .\cari del Museo di Fireuze, culla descrizione di tre nuov<' specie ajipartenenti alia famiglia dei Trom- bididi. [Italia], Soc. Knt. Bull., 17, 1885, 13i;-144. Berlesel •J7< [ Berlese Sopra alotini Acari. Luttcra ..iil dntt. O. Hai.i.kr in ZuriKo. |Italii>|, Soc. Knt. Bull.. 17. 1880. 1I.'>-1IH. .Itilidi iito ullii fuuim miria|M>
  • lo^'icit Uulinim. [Itnliu], Soc. Knt. litill., IH. 1886, 42-'.l(l. lH:t-2;i8. I. II s(ittofaiiii);liH del Tnrsoneiiiidi. [Italia], Sue. Eut. Bull.. IH, 1886, XU-iai. Aoiiri iiusirii-iiiiii-i'iciiiii cjuoh culloKit Aluysius Balzan. [Italiii]. S.ic. Knt. Bull.. 20, 1888. 171--.'22. Mati-riuli per un cntalni'i) dci Tenlnclinei iluliani. [Italiii]. Soc. Km. Bull., 21, 1889, 20li-2.17; 22, 1890. 144-202. Ai'iiri nfrieani tres illtiBtrnti. I'adnva Soc. Sci. Atti. 10, 11889], 2!W-:i02. Intoini) alle coccini^'lic di'Kli aKruini cd at niodo di coniOattfile. [Is92.] Hiv. Patol. Vcr.. 1, [1893], .W- 70 La ti(fnuoln del iiicio t-d il modo di conibatt«rla. Hiv. I'utol. Vei,'., 1, [1893], U.5-1C.7. Sullu azionc di'lle Holuzioni di Kubina !iopra insetti e piante diverse. Uiv. Patol. Wk.. 1, [1893]. 247-2r,7. Kstratto di una nionioria sulla Mytilaspis fulva, 7'iin/. Tuz:., e mezzi per coiubatti-rla. Kiv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, HO-tlO. Lf coeciiiit-'lio itiiliiine vivcnti eugli ntiriimi. Riv. Patol. Vet!. 2, 1893. 7()-10!l, 12il-l, 1897, 375-376. Gli .\cari agrarii. [1897-99.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, l-(>5; 7, 1899, 312-344. Dsscrvazioiii sopra particolari fenomeni cbe avvcngono nella niiifn.si dei Muscidi. Nota preventiva. Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898. [269] 111 (ii»)-[272] 114 {hit). Fenomeni che oecouipagnano la fecondazionc in taluni insetti. Hiv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, 3.53-368; 7, 1899, 1-18. Circa il mesointestino di alcuni .\racnidi. [1898.] Riv. Patol. Veg.. 7. 1899. 226-251. Intorno alle moditicazioni di alcuni tessuti durante la ninfosi della Calliphora ervtiirocepbala. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 32. 1900. 25:^-288. Con.xiderazioni sulla fagocitosi negli insetti metabolici. Zool. Anz.. 23, 1900. 441-449. Berlese. .Intonin. & Caneatrint, 'Viotvinni. .SVi- Cancatrinl >v Berlese. Berlese, Aiiloiiin, & I.eonarodi. [1884.] Padovs. Soc. Sci. Bull.. 3. [1884-86]. 8:1 89. Hicerche intorno alia Leplospba-ria agnita ilJfim.\. Vet. el l>. S.. «1 alia Leptospba-ria ogilvieiisis (/(. <•( Hr.), Ce: et l>. S. Padova Soc. .Sci. Atti, 9, [1888], 244 251. Sopra una specie di lyjpbiostoma nul conosciuta. Nuovo (iiorn. Bot. lUl., 18. 1886, 43~.V2. Alcune idee nulla Mora niicologica del gelso. [1886.] Padova, S..c. Sci. Bull., 4. (1887 90). 9-38. Fungi veneti novi vel critiri. .Malpigbia, 1. 1887. 531-536; 2. [1888], 99-100, 211 2-50. Monogratia dei generi I'leospora, Clatbrospora e Pvrenopbora. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. lul., 20, 1888, 5-176, 193-260. .Sopra due parassiti della vite per la prima volta trovati in Italia. Nuovo Gioro. BoU llal., 20, 1888. 441-445. Lo svilnppo dei parassiti vegetali. [1888.] Padova, Soc. Sci. Bull., 4, [1887-90). 114-115. Le Douveau genre Peitosphipria ( Pyrenomycetes sphi-riaci-s). Rev. Mycol.. 10. 1888. 17-18.' Intonio ad un nuo»'o genere di Pirenorniceti. [1887.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 10. [1889]. 171-175. Intorno ad alcune s|)ecie |X)co note del genere Lept'>- spbaria. [1888.) Padova Soc. Sci. Atti. 11, [18S9]. 17-37. Rivista delle Laboulbeniacee e descrizione d' una nuova specie di questa famiglia. Malpighia, 3, 1889. 44-60. Sulla Pleospora hcrbaruni e sulla Pleoapois inrccturta. Malpigbia, 3. 1889. 84-87. Sullo svilnppii di alcuui Ifomiceti. Malpighia, 3, 1889. 243-2.59. Note intorno al PolyporuB hispidus del Fbies. ed ol- r .Agaricum gelsis ten moris etc., ilich. Nuovo Giora. Bot. Ital., 21. 1889. 526-.531. .\ncora sul Polyporus hispidus del Fbies e sul- r .\garicuiu gelsis . Berlingozzl, /{. Temporale. JlDntevarchi, 14 Inglio 1888. Moniiilicri Oss. Boll.. 8. 1888, 137. Berlioz, , A Duflocq, P[iiul]. See Dnflocq A- Berlioz. Berlioz, A[}ttoiu,<]. Examen d"une concr(5tion ombilicalc. .11. I'haini.. 22. 1890, l(il-lf.3. Examen de quntrc rhinolithes. Jl. Pbarm., 23, 1891, 447-449. Snr la sterilisation de la solution de cblorhydrate de mnrpbine. Jl. Pharm., 29. 1894. 410-411. & Apostoli, (l{eorries]. ComU, .4[Hdre] .S'l >' ApostoU V[iclor'\. See Etude sur les I'nrine. Areb. Pbarm., 29, 1894, 4t"., 1894 (I'. A'.), Berlioz, A\nUi\ne iV Berlioz. Berlioz, A\uliiiii,-]. Comil A' Berlioz Berlioz, A[}iliiiH,]. & Lipinois, K[nifsr]. ililTi nntes combinaisons dii chlore dans Med. Exper., ti, 1894, 303-314: Jl. 288-29ti; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 4.5-41;. Examen d'un calcnl amygdalien. Jl. Pharm., 2, 1896. 433-43.5. Berlioz, A[ntoine\ A Yvon, r[.] Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 10, 1897, .-,1 113. Bemacklj. See Blemackl. Bemadacb, . '[Notes meteorologiqncii.] Geryville (pKiv. d Oran). France Sue. Meteorol. Xouv. Met(. 1), 374- 375. [Kisposta all' articolo del sig. ComiiSK •'Sulla clorosi o r infeconditlt delle viti calcifngbe nci terrcni calcari."] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 22, 1892. 4.% Relations entre les cartes gcologiques et les cartes avec courbes d'egal calcaire. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1894 {Pi. 1), 274. Sur la variation du 0,0 de calcaire avec la U'nuite. Ass. Fran?. C. 1!.. 1894 (Pt. 1|. 2X2-283. Geologie agricole et cartes agroni>mique<. Macon Ac. Ann., 1, 1896, 1-56. Acidimctrie des monts. vins et vinaigres. Ass. Franv. C. l; . 1897 (PI. r. 394 : .Miicon Ac. Ann., 2. 1897. 9.V191. Bernard, ienpil.} .4iii;i/»fin. Les dunes du Sahara. Pari-, Soc. liiogr. C. I{..'l890. 320-323. Oo*. Les r^cifs de coraux. Ann. G>-ogr.. 2. 1893. 2.'*l-295. Bernard, Ch. Recberches sur les spin res attractive^ chez Liliiim candi'lum. Helosis euvumnsis. etc. Jl. Bot., r.ii-, 14. 1900. llH-124. 177 "1*8. -.nW^^i. Bernard, (Vi.. A Cliodat, floherl. .V.- Cliodat A' Bernard. Bernard, (.s"ir) I /i(ir/c>. Bunna: the new British pro\inc<.. I Is^T.l Scott. Geogr. .Mag.. 1. 1888. fi.5-81. Bernard, Claude. For biographv and works see Bull. Sci Nord. 16 (1884-86). 18.5-196. 221-232: Paris, A. ' Bull.. 14. 1886. 714-739: 32. 1894. .3.58-.366: 1 Ml i.. 1. 1886. 447-149. 471-474; Paris. Ac. yU->i .M in . 35. 1887. 1-24 ; Practitioner. 63, 1899. 1*5-190. *.\cci6n fisiologica ilel opio v sus alcaloido:. Inves- tigaciones experimentales. [186.5.] Habana Ac. An.. 1. 1864. 231-236. Bernard] 480 [Bernard *Estudio acerca de la fisiolo;;ia del f?razo°- „Habana ■ Ac. An., 2, 186B, G8-71, 10«-U1, 153-1.>7, i}}:^^'- La drculat.on abdominale. Le «y']>I';^''"'l".!j./ ''' pneumosastrique. [Po^tk.] Kev. Sci., 34. 1884 ^ a-b81 Bernard, F. La dysenterie dans la garnison de D.Jon in 1K92 et 1893. Arch. Med. Pharm. Mihtaires, 21, 1894, Brr^^d,' mix. For biography and f orks s.. Geol Map ., 1898 528; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull. 4, 1898, 30b- ■Ws; Jl. de Coucl,., 47, 1899, 08-71; Pans, Soc. Ceol. Bull 27, 1899, lOS-159. Strucure de la branchie des Gasteropodes Pi;oso- branches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 105 1887, 316-318. Structure de la fausse branchie des Prosobranches pectiuibranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R 105, 1887, 383-385. -i- Le Polypariuni ambulans (Coelent4r6 nouveau). Natu- raliste, 10, 1888, 5C-58, 74-76. v Hoe Sur le mauteau des Gasteropodes Prosobranches et les orpanes qui en dependent. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. K., 10b, 1888, 681-683. „ , , • • r Kecherches anatomiques sur la Valvata piscinalis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 191-194- ,, , Recherches sur les or<;anes palleaux des Gasteropodes Prosobranches. Ann. Sci. Nat. \Zool.), 9, 1890, 89-404. Kecherches sur Valvata piscinalis. Bull. Sci. JJ ranee Bel"., 22, 1890, 253-361. Scioberetia australis, type nouveau de Lamellibranche. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 27, 1895, 364-395. Sur un Lamellibranche nouveau (Scioberetia austraOs) commensal d'un Echinoderme. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 569-571. , , ... , , Liste des Echinides recueillis pendant les croisieres du n-avnaUuret du TaU>:man. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1,1895,207-209. Echinides recueillis par I'expedition du Cap Hoi n (1882-83). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 272-274. -— Sur quelques stades du developpement du Scioberetia australis, nob., Lamellibranche a coquille interne. Pans, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 275-277. Note preliminaire sur le developpement et la mor- phologic comparee de la charniere des Lamellibranches. Paris, Soc. Giol Bull., 23, 1895, xsxvii-xxxviu. [Notes] sur le developpement et la morphologic de la coquille Chez les LameUibranehes. P«"s. ,^"';- ^^°'- Bull., 23, 1895, 104-1.54; 24, 1896, 54-82, 412-449; 25, 1897, 559-566. .„ , ^ ... Etudes comparatives sur la coquille des Lame i- brancbes. Condylocardia, type nouveau de Lamelli- branches. [Les genres I'hilobrya et Hochstetteria.J Jl. de Conch., 44, 1896, 169-207 ; 45, 1897, 5-47. Diagnoses de coquilles nouvelles de Lamellibranches (genres Hochstetteria et Condylocardia). Pans, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 193-197. Kote preliminaire sur Chlaniydoconcha Orcutti, U«. f '-'t-fh ^"^,^i"" (Natural History)- Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., lb, 1895, 273- '^81 -— On the spinning-glands in Phrynus; with an account of the so-called "penis" and of the morphology of the operculum. [1894.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (/ool.), 2», 1896, J^'^Thrcomparative morphology of the Galeodidffl. [1895.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Zool.), 6, 1894-97, 305-41 (. Bernard I isi (Bernaroli The Monsc of sight: Kkitch of ii new llifory. Ann. MsK. Nat. Hi8t.. 17, 1896, 102-170. HcrmaphroditiMn iinionK the Apodidic. Ann. Man. Nat. Hist., 17. 1896, 2'.»0-3()<». An attempt tn ileducH the vertebrate evcK from the akin. [lH9(i.) (Juiirt. .11. Micr. Sci., 39, 1897, 343- 370. Notes. morpholoKiful and H.VHtematic. on the niadre- porarian subfamily Moiilipi>rinn' (Monti])ora and Anocro- porn), with un iiccuunt of the ph.vlnni'iiv of the Madre- poridii'. Ann. .MaK. Nat. Hist., 20, 189?", 117-l;i.'.. On the ttlVinities of the niadreporarian gcnuR Alveopora with the Talniozoic Fa^ositida'. together with a brief sketch of some of the evolutionary stages of the madre- porurian skeleton. [1807.] Linn. ,Soc. Jl. {Zonl.), 26, 1898, 4SI.")-516. Heiint I'oritidie, and the position of the family in the madriporarian system. [lSi)9. ] Linn. Soe. Jl. (Znol.), 27, 1899-1900, 127-149. ■ On the structure of I'orites, with preliminary notes on the soft parts. [1899.] Linn. Soc. .11. (/.mil.), 27, 1899- 1900, IH7-.')03. • A suggested origin of the segmented worms, and the problem of metamerism. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 0, 1900, 509-520. Studies in the retina: rods and cones in the fiog and in some other Amphibia. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 43, 1900, 23-47. [On the marine fauna of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean).] III. On the Madreporaria collected by Mr. C. W. .Vxi.iiKWS at Christmas Island. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1900, 119 127. Barnard, Heurij M{eyiHrH], & Bratusclieck, Karl. Der Nut/en der Schleimliiillcn fiir die I'ldscheier. Biol. Ceiitrbl., II, 1891. 691-694. Bernard, /. , cV Engel, U[mtotplie Charles], See Engel iV' Bernard. Bernard, TJon. De la permeability renale. Valeur com- parer de ses modes d'exploration. Son role dans les affections du rein. Congr. Int. Med. C. It., 1900 (Vol. 4), 489-499. Bernard. I.i'oii, & AXb»rrin,J[oaquin]. .SVr Albarran >V Bernard. Bernard, l.run, A Brocq, [Anne Jean] L[ouii]. See Brocq A Bernard. Bernard, l.run, il' Marfan, .4. B. Se^ Marfan a Bernard. Bernard, f.e'on, A: Sergent, Emile, Sn Sergent dc Bernard. Bernard, .1/. Etude stir le gisement de In Cannette et sur le traitement de ses minerais. Ann. Mines, 11, 1897. ,597-6311. Bernard, Soel. Sur la germination du Neottia nidus-avis. I'aris. Ac. Sci. C. K., 128. 1899, 1253-12.55. Sur les tuberculisatinns precoces chez les vigetaux. Paris, .Ac. Sci. C. K., 131, 1900, 020-629. Sur (|ueli]ues germinations dilliciles. Hev. Gin. Bot., IJ. 1900. 108-120. Bernard, Paul. Vn trait de uioears de rhirondelle de ilicmiuLes (Hirundo rustica, L.). Ornis, 10, 1899, 50. Bernard, Pierre. Note sur niie forme peu commune d'anouialie de I'opuf de poule. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 41, 1889 (C. if.), .5II4-.-.07. Note sur un cas de parasitisme du cheval. Paris, Soc. r.i.l. Ml m., 48, 1896 (C, i?.). 459-460. Bernard, Itaymitml, N^vrite ascendants et hysteric. 11S98.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem.. 38, 1899. 101-170. Bernard, Ftydoljihe. Les nonveanx colorants phenoliques. Monit.\ir Sci.. 12, 1898. 7>i2-784. Bernard, lioilolphe, S: Oassmann, Ch, See Oassmann A Bernard. Bernard, Hodolphe, A Oloess, Paul. Sef Oloeu cV' Bernard. R. S. A. C. Bernard, Itniliilphe , Si ITietzkt, U[udolf]. See ITlatzkl oligonometria rctti- liiK'u e di poligoiiometria sferica. Uiorn. Mat., 29, 1891. 03-67, 173-194, 378. • Siill' estra/.ione abbreviata della radice cubica dai nimieri. Giorn. Mat., 3.5. 1897, 112-119, 3.53. Bemardien (le frire). '[Notes meteorologiiiues.] lieims (.Marne). France Soo. .Meti'-orol. Nonv. .Miti-orol.. .5, 1872. 53, HI, 10.5-lWi, 126, 141,1.57, 177-178. 191,202. 21 I ; 0. 1873. Pt. 2, 3; 7, 1874, I'l. 2. 47, CO, 72. Bemardlires, intpit.) [ffctitre Marie (iabriel Joarhim] de, ".Mi-moire ndresse au Bureau des Longitules sur les di'terminutions niagnetiques effectuifx pendant li' voyage de la mission [chargee de robservatioii du Passage dc Venus au Chili, et de la mesnre des difr(.'renc»-» de longi- tude snr la cote occidtntale de TAroeriijue du Sud par .17.1/. UK BKiiSAKDikiiKS. Baiinaci), et Pavkheau]. Paris Bur. Long. Ann.. 3, 1883, :*5-.506. Determinations telegraphiques de dilTereuces de longi- tude dans I'Amerique du Sud. Paris. .\c. Sci. C K.. 9x, 1884, 882-890; Hev. Maritime et Colon., 82, 1884. 427- 430. Sur la construction de nonvelles cartes magn<^'tiqnes du glolie. entreprises sous la direction du Bureau de« Longitudes. Paiis, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 121. 1896, 079-682; I'liris. Bur. Long. Annu., 1896. C. 6 pp. Bemardltoes, (capit.) [Ortnre Morie Gnbriel Joaehim] de, Bamand, (/( ) [/>(>n]. iV FaTerean, (It.) [Clmrlet Kmiliie]. Hesume des determinations magnctiqui's ellec- tuees en 1882-83 par la mission chargee de Tobscrvation du Passage de Venus au Chili et de la mesore de differ- ences de longitude sur la cote occidentale de I'.Amenque dvi Sill. |IH84.] Ann. Hydrogr., 6. 1886, 91-110. Bemardlire*, icapit.) [Octave Marie Gabriel Jmiehim] de, Loewy, Mmiricf. \ Le Clerc, (r(i;»it.) . See IrfMwy, Le Clerc ,V Bemardi^ree. Bernardin, I. ion. Lu lieigerie de Hambonillet et les in. I in. .s. France Soc. Agr. Mem., 133. 1889. 191-323. Bemardlnl, ' I no. Ipertrotia cerebrale e idiotismo. Osser- vii/.ione clinico-anatomica. Kiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 13, 1887, 2.5-51. Sulla reazione ncra del G01.01 in cervelli di |mralilb i ed epilettici. Kiv. Spcr. di Freniatria. 13, 1887 (Med. Legale), 207-208. La vertigine paralizzante. Hassegna. Kiv. Sper. di Fieniatrin. 14, 1888. 139-142. Epilessia traumatica con sintomi pseudo-paralitici da alcuolismo. Nota clinica ed anatomo-patologica. Riv. Sper. di Freniatriii, 2i'.. 1900, 178-187. Bemardlnl, (iiio. A Ferrari, (>[iiifio] Ceiare, Rioerehe speriiiuntali suUn meni'iia musicale nei frenaslenici. l!i\. S|>or. di Freniatria. Tl, 1896, 31.5-,323 Bernardlni, Cino,& Femgia, .1. Le fun/ioni di relazione nella demenza. [1894.] Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 21, 1896. 120-13.5. Bemardlnl, Ciiin, tV Petnxsani, Pietro. Pazzia morale I- siiimlaiione. Studio peritale. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, I'.', 1893. r, 0-715. Bemardlnl, > 1. '. ,v Sarlo, h'rance$eo de, Sf Barlo A Bernardlni. Bernaroli, l'[ao], >V Selplno, Federico, Pseadanzia di I. uiiU'iliA e di Geum. Maipighia. 5, 1891, 14-5-1.55. 61 Bernart] 482 [Bernhardt Bernart, )VilU(nn F. "Floaters'' in the urine. N. Y. Med. .11.. 72, 1900, .")8-59. Bemasconi, a., \ Rem-Ficci, (j[i(icomo]. See Rem- Ficci ct Bernasconi. Bemath,-7["';.s'.7'l- *I>ie Mineralwiisser Ungarns. Deutscb. Natf. Tagebl.; 1881, [(i()]-[6'2]. Bernatsky, Jetio I^Eiiiiev). Haramcsiraju tolRvniak. Il'jine dreikeiniige Eieliel.] Termt. Kozliin., 29, 1897, 434; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 1.5, 1899, 3.S1-382. A Crocus reticulatu.s, Ster., mint novenyegyesiilet tagja. [Ueber die Crocus reticulatu.s, Ster.] Termt. Kozlon., .30, 1898 (Siippl.), 16.5-175; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 333. A Limnanthemum nyrapbieoides es a N.ymphiBa alba. [Das Limnanthemum ri,vmpha?oides, (L.) Gmel., in der Flora Budapest's.] [1898.] Termt. Kozlon., 31, 1899 {Suppl), 15-25; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 334. Adatok az endotroph Mykorhizak ismeretehez. Bei- trage zur Kenntniss der endotropheu Mykorhizen. Termr. Fiiz., 22 (1899), 88-110. A hazai siilyfii (Polygonatum) fajok anatomiai meghatarozasa. [Die auatomische Bestimmung der ein- heimischen Polygonatumarten.] [1899-1900.] Termt. Kozlon., 32, 1900, 199; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 18, 1903, 440; Termr. Fiiz., 23 (1900), 66-74. • A gomlialakta gyijkerekrol. Ueber Mykorhizengebilde. Termr. Fiiz , 23 (1900), 291-309. Absidia septata. Van Tiegh. Termr. Fiiz., 23 (1900), 404-413. A Njirs^g nov^nyeirol. [On the flora of Nyirs^g.] Termt. Kozlon., 32, 1900 (Suppl.), 190-192. Bemays, Albert ■Jami'.'i. For biography .vet" Chem. Soc. Jl., 61, 1892, 488; Leopoldiua. 28, 1892, 54. Bernays, .iujjiistits C. The pathology and therapy of cancer, with special reference to cancer of the stomach. N. Y. Med. .71.. 70, 1899, 653-657, 698-701. Bemays, KikiiKiril 31. Proposition dans le but de |>reserver les especes en voie de disparition. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1892 (C. fl.), 1.58-162. Une coquille nouvelle pour les sables a " Isocardia Cor" d'Anvers. Brux. .Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1895 iProc.-Verb.), 174. Eecherches dans les sables Diestiens dits a "Isocardia Cor " mis a jour lors du creusement de I'ecluse du bassin Lefevre en 1894 et 1895. Brux. Soc. Beige Gool. Bull., 1896 {.Mem.). 117-132. Bemays, Kdnuard M., & Stainier, Xnvier. See Btainler iV Bernays. Bernays, Kdu-in .irthur. For biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 91, 1888, 408-411. Bernays, L[ewis] .4. The economic aspects of entomology. [188,-,.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 2, 1886, 13-17. Bernbeck, C. Sanicn der Mercurialis annua als Vergif- tuugsursacbe der Hiihner. Arch. Pharm., 224, 1886, 799-800. Bemdt, 2i. Ueber die Veriinderungen der Milzbrand- bacillen in faulendem Rinderblute ausserhalb des tierischen Korpers. Ceutrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 648-651. Bemdt, Fritz. Beitrag zur Casuistik der Verletzungen an den obersten Halswirbehi. Deutsche Ztsohr. Chirurg. , 35, 1893, 554-566. ■ Protozoen in einem Leberabscess. [1893.] Deutsclie Ztsclir. Chirurg., 40, 1895, 163-172. Berndt, G[eorii]. Ueber die Spcktra von Radium und Polonium. [1900.] Phys. Ztschr., 2, 1901, 180-181. Bemdt, (liistiir. For biogiaphical notice and works gee (ieogr. Jbuch.. 12, 1888, 355. Der Alpenliibn in seinem Einlluss auf Natur- und Menschenleben. Petermann, Mitth., 32, 1886 {Krflaiiz- unynh. 83, 66 pp.). Die Plaine de la Crau oder die provenfalische Sahara. , 8, 1891, 146-163, 184-206, II'|(7/;/]. See Marcfc- Deutsch. Natf. Verb., [1885.] NytMag. [1886.] Ztschr. Wiss. Geogr., 257-301. Berndt, L[udwiri]. d' Marckwald, wald & Bemdt. Bemegau, L. Ueber Kolaniisse. 1898 (77i. 2, HUme 2), 4.55-457. Bemelot moens. See Moens. Bemer, [///■]. Om .scapbenocephalie. Nntnrvid.. 31, 1890, 3(12-303. Bernerston, N. />'. A trip from Soul to Peng Yang. Amer. (iec.gr. Soc. Jl., 16 (1884), 234-241. Bernert, Richard. Ueber Oxydation von Eiweiss mit Kaliumpermauganat. [1898.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 26, 1898-99, 272-307. Bemet, [//.]. Sarcusoyphus alpinus, Gottsche, vur. hetero- phyllus. Eev. Bryol., 12, 1885, 47-48, 62. Une excursion a la gorge de Salvin. Eev. Brvol., 13, 1886, 42-44. Bemfeld, Isidor. Studien iiber Schwefelmetallelektroden. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 25, 1898, 46-73. Bernhard, Adolph. Ueber die Einfiibrung von .icylen in den Benzoylessigiither. Liebig's Ann., 282, 1894, 153- 191. Bembard, C. G. Cacao und dessen Praparate. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 44-5-446; 13, 1889, .32. Bernhard, (). Perlsiichtige Gemse. Graubiinden Natf. Ges, .Jlier., 35, 1892, 149-1.50, Bernhard, U'ilhelm. Eine neue Modification des Abbe'schen Zeiehenajiparates [nebst Zeicheutisch fiir mikroskopisehe Zwecke], Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 8, 1891, 291-295 ; 9, 1892. 439-445; 11,1894.298-301; Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 49, 1893, exxiii-cxxx. Kleiner Tropfapparat fiir Mikrotome. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 8, 1891, 30.5-310. Einiges aus der mikroskopischen Teehnik. [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber. (9), 1903, 47-51. Bernbardi, [Fr.]. Foucj'age et epuisemeut des puits de la mine Cl^ophas, pres Zalenze (Haute- Sil(58ie). [Tr.] Rev. Univ. Mines, 12, 1890, 60-76. Bernhardt, I{[eiiiIiord], & Auwers, Karl [Friedrich]. .See -Auwers i^' Bemhardi. Bernhardt, Martin. Neuer Beitrag zur Frage von den Erfolgi'u der Debnung des N. facialis bei Facialiskrampf. Arch. Psyehiatr., 15, 1884, 777-783. Ueber die Beziehungen des Kniephanomeus zur Diph- theric und deren Nachkrankheiten. Virchow, Arch., 99, 1886, 393-410. Ueber die spastische Cerebralpavalyse im Kindesalter (Hemiplegia spastica infantilis), nebst einem Excurse iiber "Aphasie bei Kindern," Vircliow, Arch., 102, 1885, 26-80. Beitrage zur Lehre von den basalen und nuclearen Augenmuskelliihmungen. Arch. Psychiatr., 19, 1888. .505-512. Ueber eine hereditiire Form der progressiven spinalen mit Bulbiirparalyse coniplicirten Muskelatrophie. Vir- chow, .-^rch., 11-5, 1889, 197-216. Ueber eine weniger bekannte Neurose der Zunge und der Muudhohle. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 389-392. Ueber angeborene einseitige Trigemiinis-Abduceus- Facialisliihmung. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 419-424. Zur Aetiologie der Tabes. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 710-714. Beitrag zur Lehre von den familiiiren Erkrankungcn des Centralnei-vensystems- Virchow, Arch., 126, 1891, 59-71. [Uutersuclmngen mit der Influrnzmascliine und den durch sie erzeugteu elektrischen Striimen iiber die Erregbarkeit von Nerveu und Muskeln an gesunden und kranken Menscheu.] (1891.] Areli. Psychiatr., 24, 1892, 278-280. Ergiiuzung zur Miltlieilung des Herrn Privatdocenten Dr, WiNDSCHKii) iiber "Isolirte Liihniung des N. musculo- Bernhardt] 4K3 [Bernheimer cutsiieuB [ni-bHt Benierkungen iiber die RumfVlie trau- matiHclie Ufaction -o.')0. Bernhardt, Murtin, iV Ormerod, J[i)feph] .l[r(/crnc]. Sie Ormcrod V Bemhart. Bemhauer, Miijr. Neue Staphvliniden aus Europa. Wien Zool. Hot. Verh., 48, 1898, '338-341 ; 49, 1899, 1.5-27, 249-251, 422-437; 50, 1900. 38-.50, 197-204, .532-.541. Zweite Folge neuer Stiiphyliniden aus Oesterreich- Ungarn. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 530-533; 49, 1899, 107-111. Neue Staphyliniden aus dem Kaukasus und den angrenzendeu Liiudern. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 19, 1900, 40-55. Die Staphyliniden-Gattung Leptusa, Kraal:, nebst einer analy tiscbeu Bestininiungatubelle der palitarktischen Arten. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 50, 1900, 399-432. Bemhelm, . [Bulletin des travaux dc chimie executes ell 1891 par les ingenieurs des mines dans les laboratoires depiirti mentaux.] Laboratoire du Mans. Ann. Mines, 0. 1894. 278-279. Bemhelm, .l[r(/iiir]. Beitrage zur Chemie der Exsudate uml Tiiuissudate. Virchow. Arch., 131. 1893. 274-303. Bemhelm, U[ipp), 748-7-50. On the pnychieal nature of hyMterical uniUterel am- blyopia and xenxitivo-senHorial liemiunteHtbesia. Bruin, 16, 1893, lsl-1'.KJ. Zur I^'hre vom Hvpnotismus. Wien. Med. Wachr., 15, 1898. 219 222. 20'7-270, 305-308, 357-301. Bemhelm, Hui/n. Die parasitaren Haklerien derCerealien. D.ut-cli. Ntttf. TageU.. 1888. 277-278. Bemhelm, ./[u/r«J, JL- Bonwaa, [Henri] Giulave. Sre Bouaeean A Bemhelm. Bemhelm, Jnhnli. Dk- Innervation der Hamblase beim l-i..:,i:lie und Salamander. Arch. Anat. I'hyHiol. {I'hyiiul. AIjIIi.). 1892 ISu/iiil.), 11-28. Uelx-r Invasion von Hautkukken bei Ekzem. Centrbl. Bakt., 15. 1894, 141-1.50. rel>er die Miscliinfection bei Diphtherie. Klinische und experimentelle Unterauchungeu. Ztschr. Hyg., 18, 1894, 529 -.582. Ueber die Rolle der Streptococcen bei der experimen- telleii Misehinfietion mit Diphtheriebacillen. .\rch. Hy-K.. 28, 1897, 138-145. Ueber cinen bakteriulogischen Refund bei Stomatitis ulcerosa. (1897.] Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 177-182. Ueber IniQiunisirung von Teraochstliieren gegeo die Mi.sehinfection mit Diphtheriebacillen und Streptococcen. Arch. Hyg., 33, 1898, 35-09. Bemhelm, Jakob, A- rolsar, ('. T'eber verzweinte Diph- theriebacillen. Centrbl. Bakt. (Aht. II. 2chen. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 4, Abth. 10). 149-151. UebiT Sehnerveuverandemng bei hochgradiger Skle- rose der Gehirnarterien. .\rcb. f. Opbthalni., 37, 1891 (Ahlh. 21. 37-.57. {Ablh. 3), 263-264. Ein Keitrag zur Kenntniss der Missbildungen des Auges. Arch. Augenheilk., 28, 1894. 241-263; Arch. Ophthalm.. 23. 1894. 270-275. 61—2 Beniheimer] 484 [Bernstein Zur Aiiatomie des Oeulomoturius. Deutscli. Natf. Verh., 1894 (T)i. 2, Hiilfte 2), 214-215. Expeiimentellf Stiidien zur Kenntnissder Innervation der innereu uud aussoreii vom Oculomotorius versorgten Muskulu des Auges. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 44, 1897, 481- 525. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntuis,s der Bezieluingen zwischen dem Ganglion ciliare und der Pupillarreaction. Ai"ch. f. Ophthalm., 44, 1897, o2fi-538; 45, 1898, 230. Experiuientelle Untersuchungen fiber die Bahnen der Pupillarreaction. Wien, Ak. Sber., 107, 1898 (Abth. 3), 98-112. Die BeHexbahn der Pupillarreaction. Nach anatomi- sclieii Untersuchungen an embryonalen Gehirnen des Menschen und Experimeuten am Alien. [1898.] Arch, f. Ophthalm., 47, 1899, 1-49. Thatsachliche Beriehtigung zu L. Bach's Arbeit: "Zur Lehre von den Augenmuskellahmungen und den Storungeu dtr Pupillenbewegung." Arch. f. Ophthalm., 47, 1899, (J82. Bemerkungen zu L. B.\ch's Arbeit: "Zur Lehre von den Augenmuskellahmungen etc." Arch. f. Ophthalm., 48, 1899, 403-469. Experimentelle Studien zur Kenntniss der Bahnen der synergischen Angenbewegungen beim Ailen und der Beziehungen der Vierhiigel zu denselben. Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Ablh. 3), 299-317. Der rein aiiatomische Nachweis der ungekreuzten Sehnervenfasern beim Jlenschen. [1899.] Arch. Augen- heill;., 40, 1900, 155-160. Analomische und experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die corticaleu Sehcentren. Congr. Int. M^d. C. B., 1900 (Vol. 12), 228-232. Bernicclii, Gaetano. *Terremoto del 19 agosto 1882. [Pellegrino Pannense.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 2, 1882, 199. *Uragano. Pellegrino Parmense, [2 settembre 1883]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 3, 1883, 154. [Le stelle cadenti di novembre 1890.] Pellegrino Parmense (Parma). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 104. Temporale. [Pellegrino Parmense, 14 maggio 1891.] Moueaheri O.ss. Boll., 11, 1891, 107. Bernimoulin, K[mile]. Note sur la division des noyaux dans le Tradeseantia virginica. Belg. See. Bet. Bull., 23, 1884 (M(-m.), 7-14. Berninzone, il. li. Sulla secrezioue interna del rene. Ge)iova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 11, 1900, 16-20. SuU' esistenza di reazioui rever.sibili nella chimica biologica. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 11, 1900, 149- 151, 152-164. Fenomeni termici nella coagulazione del latte. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 11, 1900, 277-289. Sulla diffusione della lipasi nelT orgauisrao e re- ver.sibililiV della sua azione. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 11, 1900, 327-349. Bemis, [i'/cr/r]. Kaccordement parabolique entre deux arcs de eercle contigus de niSme sens. Ass. Frauv. C. li., 1892 (Pi. 2), 212-213. Bemotti, Itonwo. Le combat entre navires. [Tr.] [1897.] liiv. Maritime et^ Colon., 137, 1898, 341-345. Bernou, [Juseiili Kdouard Pierre]. Sur la culture de la bctt(!iHVc en Algerie. .11. I'harm., 9, 1884, 2'i-2(i. Bernoud, ('., & Bonne, Cli. Sec Bonne iV Bernoud. Bernoulli, WillUiiii. Plantes raresuu nouvelles du Simjilon, de Zernuitt et d'Anuiviers recolties en 1885-88. Bull. Murith., lU-lK, 1890, 17-21. Quelques stations de plantes valaisannes, soit nou- vellea, soit iudiquees d'une maui^n'e plus precise. Bull. Mnritli., 23-25, 1897, 3-8. BernouUi-VTertlieniann, ./. ./. For hiograpliy and winks .s.-c Basel Verli., Ill, 1895, .s44-8fil. Kinige merkvNiirdige nnteorologische Erlebnisse. [Poiilli.] Basel Verb., 10, 189B, 856-861. Berns, W'illielm, & Anschiitz, Richard. See Anschiitz iV' Berns. Bernstein, A\leksandr'] N[ikolaevi!]. Die psjchischen Aenssirungen der Chorea minor. [1890.] AUg. Ztscbr. Psyehiatr., 53, 1897, 538-553. Bernstein, Ale.rander. Ueber die elektromotorische Kraft galvanischer Elemente. [1884.] Elektrotechn. Ztschr., G, 1885, 52-56. On low resistance incandescent lamps. Electrician, 15, 1885, 471-472. On tlie amount of light obtained by incandescent carbon. [1885.] Electrician, 16, 1886, 36-37. Electric lighting by means of low-resistance glow- lamps. [With discussion.] [1886.] Telegr. Engin. Jl., 15, 1887, 161-197, 198-229. Ueber Vertheilung der elektrischen Energie durch konstanteu .Strom. Elektrotechn. Ztsclu'., 10, 1889, 506-518. The chemical action of a new bacterium in milk. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1894, 6n8-(;09. Bernstein, /.'. , it' Potylieyn, A[Ieksej] L[avrentjevic]. See Fotylicyn ^(. Bernstein. Bernstein, Ileniliard. Eine neue Stromwende-Elektrode, zugkich Schliessungs- und Unterbrechungs-Elektrode. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 307-310. Bernstein, /'. Stein-. See Stein-Bernstein. Bernstein, Kdwurd J. The non-operative treatment of crossed eyes. N. Y. Med. .11., 57, 1893, 439-442. Bernstein, F[eli.c]. Ueber einen Schonflies'schen Satz der Theorie der stetigen Funktiouen zweier reeller Verander- lichen. Gottingen Nachr.. 1900, 98-102. Bernstein, Jiiliuis. *Ueber den Einfluss des constanten Stromes auf das Herz. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 137. Ueber den Einfluss der Salze auf die Liisung der rothen Blutkorperchen durch verschiedene Agentien. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 96-98. \Yeiteres iiber die Entstehung der Aspiration des Thorax nach der Geburt. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 34, 1884, 21-37. Ueber das Entsteheu und Verschwiuden der elektro- tonischen Strome im Nerven und die damit verbundenen ErregungsschwankungendesNervenstromes. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Pliysiul. Abth.), 1886, 197-250. Ueber die secundaren Wellen der Pulscurve. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1887, 40-49. Eine neue Methode der kiinstlicheu Athmung. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 319. I'hototelephonische Untersuchung des zeitlichen Yerlaufs elektrischer Strome. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1890, 153-157. Sphygmophotographische Versuche. Fortschr. Med., 8 (1890), 130-132. Zur Theorie der elektrischen Erregung. Antwort auf die Bemerkung les Herrn N[.\qy] von EkqSczy iiber [seine] Theorie. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 259-266. Weitere Versuche iiber die Sauerstoflzehruug in den Geweben. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1891 (Th. 2), 148- 151. Neue Theorie der Erregungsvorgiinge und elektrischen Erscheinungen an der Nerven- und Muskelfaser. Halle Natf. Ges. Abb., 17, 1892, 135-211. Ueber die Siiuerstoffzelu'ung der Gewebe. Halle Natf. Ges. Ahh., 17, 1892, 213-244. Ueber die specilische Energie des Hornerven, die Wahrnebnuuig binauraler (diotischer) Schwebungen und die Bezii'hungen der Hiirfunktion zur statischen Funktion des Ohrlabyrinths. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol. , 57, 1894, 475- 494. Ueber das angebliohe Horen labyrinthloscr Tauben. [Nach Versuchen, welche gemeinsam niit Herrn Dr. F'r. iMaitu angestellt sind.] Pliiiger, .-Vrch. Physiol., 61, 1895, 113-122. Bernstein] 485 (Beroud DaH Hciii;un(,M«IK'ktiuni dug quergi'streifleii MuhWc-Ih bei (liT Contrakticin. I'Uiixi-r, Arch. I'IivmioI., lil, 189S, 'iH,->-2<»0. IiijectiiinH Huii8-coiijuDctivale8. [It'ilh JiMcufion.] Ann. d'Ociilisl., lllj, 1896, 2ort-20(». UeinT diis Verlmlt**n dor KiithodeuHtraldf n '/Ai tiinun- der. Ann. I'h.vs. flitiii., 02, 1897. 41."i-424. Ufbur dif LiitcnzdniiLT der MiiKkvlzuckun^. I'HuKcr, Arch. I'livsiol., ()7, 1897, 207-21H. Zur Tlu'iirie der ne»;Htiven SchwiiiikunK- Utljtr dii- Methode der XhoutomverHiiclic iind iilwr den Kiiiflusn ilcr lii'liistiui); iiiif die Mi'(;utivt' Scliniiiikiing de8 MuskelH. rilii«er. Arch. I'hjsiol., (17, 1897, :i49-;<72. Ziir (lis('liwiiidif;ki'it der ContractionsproccRse. Be- nicrkiMi); zu (Umii .\ufsatze von Th. W. Kniiki.mann " I'tbtT den I'.inllusrt der Jici/.stiirkc u. n. w." I'lliigcr, At«h. I'liysiol., CH, 1897, '.l.i-'J'J. Ueber reflectorische negative Hcliwankung dea Nerven- slronis und die Reizleituni? im Itetlexbogeu. [1H97.] Arch. Psvchitttr , 30. 1898. t;.")l-«.')2; rfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 73, 1898. 374-:WO. Zur Tluoric des Waclisthums iind der Befriichtuiig. Arch. KntwMech., 7, 1898, .511-.i21. (iegenbemerkung zu der Engi Iniann'sclien Abhand- lung '• Ueber den EinUiisK der lieizstiirke u. s. w." I'Hiiger, Arch. I'hjsiol., 70, 1898, 807-370. Zur Kon.'eli\veriigsauren) Natrons. Deutsch. Natf. Tagehl., 1881. \'>l]. 'Die Constitution der Thiocarbamin^iiurederivate und die Nomencliitur der uiihcren Kohlensiiurederivute. Deutsch. Nutf. Tagebl., 1881, [.53]-[59]. Zur Kcnntniss des Methylenblaus und verwandter Farbstoffe. Berlin, Cbeni. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 011-020, 2*54-28.57, 2857-2800, 2800-2802. Ueber das Juglon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884. 194.5-1947. Zur Frage nach den vou Acridinen und CbinoUnen ableill>uren .Vniuioniumbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1947-1957. Die Acridine. Liebig's Ann., 224, 1884. 1-.5G. Zur Kenutniss der vom Chinolin ableitbaren Am- nioniumbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 1014- 1018. Studien in der Methvlenblaugruppe. Liebig's Ann., 2.(0. 1888, 73 211; 251,"l889, 1-97; Hcidelb. Nat. Med. Verb.. 3, 1886, 300-433 {I'urt onhj]. Ceber eine bei dcm Durchleiten von Anilindampf durch gliihende Rohren eutstehende, dem Benzidin isomere Base. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886. 420-425. Zur Constitution der Safranine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886. 2C.'.tO-2093 ; 20, 1887. 179-180. Eine neue Synthese des Thiodipbenvlaniins. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 32.55-32-50. " Ueber pyrogene Bibluug des Phenazins. Berlin, Chem. Ges." Ber., 19, 1886. 32.56-32.58. Zur Frage nach der Constitution der Saflranine und verwaudter Farbstoffe. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 3. 1886, G 18-029. Ueber ein neues Chromogen, das Phenazoxin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 942-944. Notiz liber die Einwirkung von ZimnitsiiDre auf Diphenylamin bei Gegenwart vou Chlorzink. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1552-1554. Zur Beziehung zwiachpn Hydrazi'len und Azoverbin- dungen. Berlin, Chem. Gex. jk-r.. 21, 1888, 743-745. Ueber den Kintritt von Sebwefil in uruwatinche Puriulianiine, die KuDKtitution di» Methylenroih und Ml 111' Synthewii von Farbiituflen der Indamin- und 'riiiodiphenvlamingruppc. Ueutkch. Natf. Tagebl., 1888, 35-37. Zur Kenntniiw der aSaphtylamin- and a-NaphUil- 3 : 8.diHul(o8iiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 3327:1335. Zur Kenntuiwi der Naphtosaltonsulfoiiiiuren und aNaphtosulfaniidsulfoi-iiuren. Berlin, Chem. Gen. B«r., 23, 1890. ;«iMH ;ii»9<;. Zur KeniitnisH der Amuioniumba>«n des Phenyl- acridins. Berlin. Chem. Ges. tier., 2.5. 1892, 174tJ-1747. Ueber ni-Aniidudialkyl-U't. 1 J. .V aaettesanK, Ham. Ueber einige Iteactionen der Chinolinbtiure. BerliD, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1208-1210. Bemtliaan, August. A MaUart, F[ranz]. Ueber .\cridyl- alili livd und .^cridincarbonsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ge-. Her.. 20, 1887, 1-541-1.551. Bemtliaen, Aitffiut, A- Oaainn, Allfrtil]. Notiz fiber die Kry>i«llfurm einiger Acridmabkommlinge. Berlin, Chem. (i.-. Ber.. 19, 1886. 125 427. Bemtliaen, Auijunl, \ Sattler, Heinrieh. laotbionio (dem Liiulhsoben Violett isomerer Farbsloff). Liebig's .Ann., 230. 1885. 133-130. Bemtliaen, Auniut. * Schweitzer, lluijo. Pas Phenazin i.\zoplienylen) als Muttfr>iuli>taiiz von Farb^toffen. Berlin, ('hem. (ies. Ber., 19, 1886. 2604-21)07. Das Phenazin als Muttersubstanz der Farbstoffe der Toluylenrolhgruppi". Liebig's .\nn., 2;i0, 1886. 332-3-50. Bemthaen, .iugtut. A Semper, Aufiuit. Ueber das Juglon. IVrlm, Chem. Ges. liir.. In, 1888. 203-213; 19 1886 104-170. Ueber die Constitution des Juglons und seine Sjmthese aus Naphlalin. BerHii, Chem. Ge». Ber., 20, 1887, 934- '.M 1 . Bemthaen, .iugiitt. A Traabe, I[$idor]. Bntylaeridin und .\cridvlbenzoesaar«. Berlin, Chem. Ge*. Ber., 17, 1884. 1.508^1512. Bemtrop, ,/. ('. Eine einfuche Methode zur ii iiM.l <|iiantitativen Bestimmung ininimaler in Wasser. Chem. Ztg.. 20, 1896. 1020. Beroud, ti'.ihbr) J. .V. hur la grotte des Balme^, pres Viilenversure (.Vin). .K»». Frani.-. C. R.. 1886 (Pf. 1). 132. [i'l. 2i. 471-475; .MaU-r. Hist. Homme, 20, 1886. 241-250. Berounsky] 486 [Berson Berounslcy, St., Andrlik, Kurel, & Hranlcka, H. See Andrlik, Berounsky cV' Kranicka. Berrens, lllippulyti']. Almailuu. Ses mines ile ruercure ft MS iliveis systt-mes de induction du mineral. Ass. Franv. C. K., 1892 (Pt. 2), -261-266. Berri, Adolfo. Delia poliuria pernianente nella frattura della base" del cianin. Sperimeutale, .59, 1887, 48.S-.')02. Berrldge, Douphis J. P. The action of light upon the solul)le metailic iodides in presence of cellulose. Chem. News, 72, 1896, 17.5-177. Berridge, G. IC. *0n a method of graduation applied to the peerage mortality deduced by Mr. Bailev and Mr. Day, with tables founded thereon. [1865.] Assur. Mag., 12, 1866, 220-229. "Demonstration of a formula for interijolation. [1868.] Inst. Act. Jl., 14, 1869, 214-246. *0n the values of annuities on assured lives. Inst. Act. .11., 19, 1876, 3.51-362. Berridge, William. Meteorological notes. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 66, 98, 141-142, 166-167, 206-207, 236, 268, 297, 328, 346-347; 8, 1885, 27, 55-56, 84, 110-111, 139-140, 173, 205, 237, 268-269, 296, 327, 347-348; 9, 1886, 24, 58, 85. 112, 140-141, 169, 197, 224, 2,55, 305, 333; 10, 1887, 25, 49, 76-77, 104, 133-134, 158. Berrlngton, R. E. IT'. The Wolverhampton sewerage works. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 7), 89-91. Berro, Mariano B. La vegetaci6u uruguaya. Plantas que se hacen distinguir por alguna propiedad util o perjudicial. [1899.] Montevideo Mus. Nac. An., 2, 1901, 89-196. Berruti, Giacinto. Influenza dei cicloni auUa meteorologia locale. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 26, 1891, 739-740. Sulla teoria dei vettori eomponibili. [1893-94.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 29, 1894, 115-118, 531-534. Berry,.!. A'. Full beers of low alcoholic strength. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 4, 1898, 367-381. Berry, Artliiir. Simultaneous reciprocants. Quart. Jl. Math., 23, 1889, 260-316. The pure theory of distribution. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1890, 923-924. Eclipses of the Sun. [1893.] Leicester See. Trans., 3, 1895, 291-292. Note on a case of divisibility of a function of two variables by another function. London Math. Soc. Proc, 30, 1899, 271-276. Sur les surfaces de quatrieme degre qui admettent une integrale de differentielle totale de premiere espece. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 449-451; Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 18, 1900, 333-347. On the evaluation of a certain determinant which occurs in the mathematical theory of statistics and in that of elliptic geometry of any number of dimensions. [1898.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 10, 1900, 2-10. Berry, Kdward E., & Sulman, Ilarri/ Lifiiii/sloiie. See Sulman A Berry. Berry, Ccuriir A[ndreas]. [Civilisation and eyesight.] Nature, 31^ 1885, 387-388. Sur deux cas de conjonctivite infectieuse causae par une piqure de mouche. [7V.] .\nn. d'Oculist., 108, 1892, 429. Note on the focus of concavo-convex lenses the surfaces of which are of equal curvature. [1893.] Ediiib. Roy. Soe. Pioc, 20, 1895, 192-195. Berry, Jiiihi's. Suspensory ligaments of the thyroid gland. [1887. J Jl. Aiiat. Physiol, 22, 1888, iv-v. . On the pathology of goitre and some other diseases of the thyroid gland. Loudon Path. Soc. Trans., 41, 1890, 258-269. Berry, ■lames. Proceedings of the second annual con- vention of the American Association of State Weather Services, with brief reference to former conveiitious. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 21 (1893), 228-232. Climate and Crop Service. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 24 (1896), 7-9, 45-46, 74-76, 110-112, 151-153, 196-198, 235-237, 286-288, 320-322, 363-365, 403-406, 449-451. Climate and Crop Service publications. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev.. 27 (18991, 150. Berry, Ju)iii. M. A comparison of the phagocytic action of leukocytes in Amphibia and Mammalia. Amer. Micr. Soc. Trans., 19, 1897, 98-116. On the development of the villi of the human intestine. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 242-249. Berry, Mabil C. First occurrence of the blue grosbeak in New Hampshire. Auk, 13, 1896, 342-343. Berry, A'[(>i7/] AHford]. Analysis of a copper slag of bright red color. Amer. Chem. Jl'., 8 (1886), 429-430. Berry, P. A curious instance of melanism. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 9, 1894-95, 224. Berry, Richard J[ames] Alrdiur]. The anatomy of the ciecum. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 401-409. The anatomy of the vermiform appeudix. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 761-7(59. The patliology of the vermiform appendix. [1895.] Jl. Path. Bact., 3, 1896, 160-175. The true ceecal apex, or the vermiform appeudix : its minute and comparative anatomy. [1900.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 35, 1901, 83-100. Berry, Richard J[amcs] .i[rthnr], & Crawford, Jotiii. The stomach and pylorus. [1899.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, 153-158. Berry, I['[(7(i(im], it Armstrong, Henri/ E[dward]. See Armstrong & Berry. Berry, William, Lesser shrew (Sorex minutus, L.) in Fife. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 09. On the introduction of grouse to the Tentsmuir in Fife. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894, 197-203. White-fronted geese in Fife. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 182. Berry, ll'ilton G., & Martin, Edu-ard IC. See Martin A- Berry. Berscb, Carl. Die Riickbildung des Dottersackes bei Lacerta agilis. Anat. Hefte (Aht. 1). 2, 1893, 475-503. Bersch, Williclm. Ueber die Umsetzung vou Uxyden uud Hydroxyden schwerer Metalle mit Halogenverbindungen der Alkalien. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 383- 395. Studien iiber die Einwirkung elektrischer Stnime auf Riibensiifte. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 43, 1893, 416^45. Mais und MaisabfiiUe. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 46, 1896, 85-102. Hirse und Hirseabfiille. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 46, 1896, 103-116. Ueber die Zusammenaetzung der Mispel, Mespilus germanica, L. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 46, 1896, 471- 473. Die Zusammensetzung verschiedener Melonensorten. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 46, 1896, 473-476. Bersier, (It.) H[cnri\. Sur le trausmetteur automatique des ordres de route. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 550-5.52. Berson, A{rtliur Joseph Stanislaus]. Uebersieht iiber die Witterung [in Centraleuropa, Miirz 1891 bis Jnnuar 1899, und Juni 1900]. Wetter, 8, 1891, 108-109, 135-136, 1.58-1,59, 1.82-183,210-211. 236-238, 253-254, 280-281; 9, 1892, 19-20, 45-46, 63-64, 88-89, 110-112, 140-141, 162-163, 186-187, 204-205, 231-232, 251-252, 277-278; 10, 1893, 17, 40-41, 6U-61, 83-84, 116-117, 140-141, 163-164, lKO-182, 210-211, 233-234, 261, 280-281; 11, 1894, 1.5-16, 36-37, 67-68, 87-88, 116-117, 136-137, 162-163, 18(;-187. 203-204, 236-237, 255-256, 275-276; 12, 1896, 20 21, 37-38, 68-69, 88-89, 114-115, 136-137, 158-159, 182-183, 198-199, 234-235, 258-2.59, 284-285; 13, 1896, 12-13, 42-13, 63-64, 83, 112-113, 138-139, 153-155, 184-185, 200-207, 232-233, 257-258, 283-284; Bersonl \»7 [Bert It, 1897, 18-10, 43-44, 64-65, <(l-!ta, 112-113, 188-130, 1-.7~1.',;), 18R-1S7, 206 208, 2H1-2H2, 2.'i(;, 278-270; IS, 1898, l:! 11, 11-12, r,{)-r,7, Wl-ilO, 10'.) 110, i:iH-13!t, 1.5H 1-,1(, 1K(;, 213-211, 2.S6-2:)7, 260 2tl2, 281-283; 16, 1899, l',l-20, 41 -l.-|, (>:i-(il; 17, 1900, lH'.l-1'IO. Die Ilcikiinft di'r l)iiiniiiiTun(;«»treifcii und ihrc Be- rechiiuiiK. Wetter, 11, 1892. ltr,-i:,l), 102. Uebur Kcine ErfiiliruiiU'ii uml ICrKobnisKC nuf Ballon- ftthrten. IJei|)7.i^; Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1898, xv-xix. Eiiie Heise in dns Kcich del- Ciricn. Wetter, 12, 189B, 1-10. Gcographisches aiis deiii I.uftlmlloii. |180i>.] Berlin GcB. Erdk. Verb., 28, 1896. Ii)-"i8. Kurzer Itiukblick auf die Witleriinn (der.lalirc 180.5- 071- Wetter, 13, 1896, 64-66; 14, 1897, 89-91; 1.5, 1898, 90-93. In den Eussstapfcn GLAisnEii's. (Eine Ballonhoeh- fahrt in England.) Wetter. 1.5, 1898, 217-226. I{o7.\\oj i cele aeronniityki nowoczesnej. [Develop- ment and aims iif modern aerunautios.] Kosmos (Lwow), ■-'.■|, 1900. 610-624. Berson, \l-'i'lix] (j[ustavc Adolplie]. De I'influence de la temperature sur raimantation. Ann. Chim., 8, 1886, 433-502; .11. TbyH., .5, 1886, 437-4.56. InHuence du ehoc sur I'ainiantation d'lin barreau d'acier. Ann. Chim., 14, 1888, 401-421. Keeliercbes experiuientales sur les variations de I'ai- niantnti(m dun barreau d'acier par le choc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1!., 106, 1888, 592.59.5. De riiitlnencc du choc sur raimantation permanentc du nickel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. I!., 10s. 1889, 94-9-5. De I'inHucnce du choc sur la force coercitive dans les motaux magnetiiiues. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 1, 1889. 407-419. De I'inHuence du clioc sur Taimantalion residuclle d'un barreau de nickel. Toulouse Euc. Sci. Ann., 3, 188?, G, 11 pp. Etude sur les miroirs magiques de la Chine et du Japou. Toulouse .\c. Sci. Mem., 2, 1890, 428— ^:^9. Des tremblements de terre au .Tajiou. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 3, 1891, 230-252. Sur IVmploi des figures geomelriiiues par les Japonais pour la resolution des probk^mes d'arithmctique. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 3, 1891, 268 271. Sur raimantation du nickel ; influence de la longueur des barreaux. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 6, 1892, K, 10 pp. Introduction a une etude des attractions et repulsions appareutes des corps vibrants dans les milieux Huides!. Toulouse Ac. Sci. .Mem., 5, 1893, 40(>-41"). Eflets des trepidations sur les aimantations totale, temporaire et residuelle des metaux magnetiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mi5m., 6, 1894. 22l>-237. Berson, [h'elix] G[uflnrr Adolplu], & Bonasae, //[eiiri I'icrrf Maxime]. Sur I'elasticiti' di' tmsiou d'un fil oscillant. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R.. 119, 1894, 48-.50. Benon, [l-'rlix] (i[H.'' Ailolphe], A Sestrem, A. De I'electrolvse des solutions de potasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H.. 106, 1888, 1794-1797. . Etude sur 1 'electrolyse. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 3, 1889, L, 14 pp. Berson, ] Frlix] G[u.itiuposition des ondes electriques i|uelconc|uesenoscillationselementaires. Eclairage Elect., l.^ 11898), 287-289. Bert, raiil. For biogiaphy and works see Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 1112-1114; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 216; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 103. 1886, 90.5-907 : Venezia. Ateneo, 2. 1886. 403-404 ; Aeronaute. 1887. 13-14 ; Bordeaux Soc. Linn. .\ct., 41. 1887. xxviii-xxix ; Bordeaux Soe. Sci. Mem., 3, 1887, i-ii; Naturaliste, (3 (1885-87)J, 372; Nature, 3.5, 1887, .54; Parid, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887, 17-24; 41. 1889 C. «.), 480-495; Scliweiz. Naif. Ges. Verb., 1886 87. 111-112; Tcrmt. Kdzlon., 10, 1887, 501. '[Ilixtoirc des recherclies auxquelles h'csI consacree la Societ/- do Navigation Ad-rieunc.) [187.5.] Aeronaute, 9, 1876, 6-16. *Sur la capacity- roKpiratoire du sang des animaux habitant les hauts plateaux de I'AnK^rique du Sud. Pans, Soc. Biol. .Mem., 34, 1882 «'. li.), 0.5-07. *Pr<'*si*nce du sucre dans Purine aprds raccouchement cliez uiic cbi^vrc privee de manielleH. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. 11. t, 103 191. *Sur la mort par Paction des melanges d'air et de vapeurs de cbloroforme. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C II.), 241-242. •Anestheeie prolongi^e obt4.-niie par le protoxyde d'azoto a la pression normale. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (f. A'.). 347-350. 'Methode d'anesthesic prolong^ ymr des melanges doses d'air et de vapeurs de ehlorofonne. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (('. Jl.), 400. *Sur limraunile pour le chol<-ra des ouvriers qui travaillent le mercure. [18«3.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (f. 11.). 519. *Sur I'aneBthesic par I'i'ther. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 3.5, 1884 (f. It.), .52'i-523. Application k rhoinnie dc la inethode d'aneHthi'sie chloroformique par les melanges titrcs. [188,3-84.] Paris, Soe. Biol. Mi:m., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 6fi5-«69 ; 36, 1884 (C. /{.), 7-9. L'ancstliesie par la metbodc des raela'iges litres de vapeurs et d'air; son application a I'homiue |>k sur I'clasticitc pulmonaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. M<^m., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 333. Observations a propos de la communication dc .V. AcBE.iD, relative aux melanges titres de chloroforme et d'air. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. /?.), 422- IJ ! Sur la non-accumulation du chloroforme dans I' _• iv isme a|>ri^s I'anestbesie complete. Paris, Soc. Biol. M. lu.. 36, 1884 (C. fl.). 454-4.56. Chloroforme impur. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., .36, 1884 (C. «.). 524-525. Observations i> propos des expf^riences sur les de- capitcs. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R.. 101, 1888. 272-27.3. Note sur Taction de la cocaine sur la [K-au. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem.. 37, 1888 (C. R.). 31-32. Sur la ngencration des nerfs pneuniogastriques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37. 1886 >C. R.). 100. Etude analytiqne de I'anesthesie, par les mdUnges titres de chloroforme et d'air. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 37, 1888 (f. fi.l, 442-44.5. Fails sur le pmloxvde d'azotc. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 37. 1888 (C. H.). .520-521. La rigidile cadaverique. Note communiques k Is Societe de Biologic en jiiin 1K81. niais nou publiee. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 37. 188S (C. R.). .522. Iimocuite du grisou. Paris. Soc. Biol. MJm., 37, 1886 »r. R.). 523. Colonttion du lizard vert. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1888 (C. R). 523. Venin cutane de la grenouille (Raiia viridisi. Paris. Soc. Biol. Mem., 37. 1886 (C. «.), 524. Bert] 488 [Bertelli Animaiix d'cau douce dans I'eau de mer. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., S", 1885 {('. R.), •5-25-.52fi. Observation.s sur la respiration du Bombyx du murier a ses differents etats. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. li.), 5-28-.5:iO. Observations diverges sur la vie des chrysalides et du Bombjx du niiirier. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. r'.), .531-532. Sur le role de la membrane niotitante des oiseaux. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 37, 1886 (C. R.), 532. • Note sur quelques phenomenes du refroidissement rapide. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 {C. R.), 567- 570. Intoxication cliroiiique par le chloroforme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem,, 37, 1885 (C. R.), 571-574. Venin du scorpion. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R-], 574-575. Note sur la germination des amandes ameres. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. 7i'.), 576. Bert, Paul, & Capitan, Llouix]. 'Influence de divers sels sur le di'veloppement du microbe de la morve. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 {C. R.), 519-521. *Sur la non-receptivite de certains organismes pour certaines maladies contagieuses. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 521-522. Bert, I'liul. it Laffont, Marc. 'Action du systeme nerveux sur l(s viiisseaux l,vniphati(iues. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), iwM-ls!). Bert, Paul, & Begnard, Paul. *Influenoe de I'eau oxygeuee sur les virus et les venins. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 736-738. *Sur la decomposition de I'eau oxvg<5nte par la fibrine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 738- 740. "Transformation des substances albuminoides en albuminoses sous I'influence de I'eau oxj'genee. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 {C. R.), 133-135. *Sur Temploi de lean oxygenee en tlierapeutique. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. IKm., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 157- 161. Production d'alcool dans les fruits sous I'influence de I'eau oxygenee. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.}, 462-463. Action de I'eau oxygenic sur le sang. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mf^m., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 537-538. Bertaccbi, Cosimo. C. E. Biddulph e P. Dei,i,.\ Vai.le a proposito di uu' escursione nel deserto salato persiano. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 427-434. Delle vicende e degli ordinamenti dell' insegnamento geogratieo nelle scuole secondarie, dalla costituzione del Kegno; e proposte dei mozzi per migliorarlo. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 1031-1057. La Birmania e il viaggio di Leonardo Fe.\. [1897.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem., 6, 1896, 241-285. Sulla plastica e la geologia della regione pugliese. Kiv. Geogr. Ital., 6, 1899, 81-93, 193-200, 271-283. L' Italia e il suo mare. Come e quanto 1' Italia possa aver contribute alia conoscenza scientitica il. Le poumon des Arachnides. Cellule, 5, 1889, 253-317. Bertel6, {.ilphenise Ilalthazard]. Quelques observations sur la vaccination animale et la conservation du vaccin de genisse. Arch. Mt'd. Pharm. Militaires, 14, 1889, 425-426. De I'origine et des causes des phi^nomenes que Ton ob.serve dans le precede d'optometrie de CriuNET, dit licrato.scopie ou skiascopie. Arch. Med. Pharm. .Mili- taires, 23, 1894, 165-172. Bertelli, Danle. Glandule salivari nella Hirudo medi- cinalis, L. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proe. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 284-285; 6, 1887-89, 29-.32. II solco intermediario anteriore del midollo spinale umano nel priino anno ill vita. [1888-89.] Pi.sa Soc. Tosc. Atti (.U.m.), 10, 1889, 246-250. II nuiscolo temporale superticiale. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {.Mem.), 10, 1889, 1(11-109. II nuiscolo auricolare anteriore. [1889.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Prnc. Verb.), 6, 1887-89, 285-294. Ricerche intorno alle vene superficiali dell' avaui- braccio. 1 1891-91. | I'isa Soc. Tosc. Atti (.l/rai.), 11, 1891, 67-77; M, 1896, 104-124. Bertellil 489 IBertelli II Hoico intcnnediario antcrioro del midollo Hpiniilc uiiiuno. I'isii iSoc. Tosc. Atti {Mem.), U, 1891, 213- 225. Uiipporli dulla piii-mftdre con i Holclii del midullo Kpiiiale iiiimiiii. |1H1I1,] I'Ihu Soc. Tohc. Atti {I'roc- I'erh.), 7, 1889-91, 21H-219. Kur la iiKiiiliriiiie tvnipttiiii|ii(> di' la " liiiiia CBCulenta." |1H02.] Aicli. Ital. I5i(il., IM, 1893, 4.JH-I(;2. - VnrittiV ilol fiiraiui' iiKiitoiiicro noil' uomn. (Nota pnviiiliva.) |1H'.I2.) I'isa Soc. Tosc. Atti (/Vuc. I'rrb.), H, 1891 93, 13. Uehor die Structur des TrommeHullK. Anat. Anz., H, 1893 {Amil. Org. Verh.), 204-205. Kiippoiti (lella pia-madre con i Bolchi del midollo spinule umano. PiHa Soc. Tosc. Atti (.Mem.), 12, 1893, ■>7-7-4. llicerche sulla mnrfologia del mhikcuIo diafranima nei Maiiiniiferi. Aieli. Sci. Med., 19, 189B, 381-137. Pieglie dei leni priniilivi iici Itettili. Contiibutn alio sviliippo ilrl (liafiatinna. Pisa Sdc. Tose. Atli (.)/>/h.), l.'>, 1897, 120-138. Pieglit' dei reni piimitivi. Contributo alia morfologia e alio sviluppo del diafranima. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Mnn.), IG, 1898, 72-lOH. Le pleiire degli iiccolli. Anat. Anz. , 18, 1900 {.Inat. (1,'s. Vnli.), 97-1I9. Sviluppo dei sacclii aeriferi del polio. Divi.sione della cavita eelomatica degli ucccUi. PiBa Soc. Tosc. Atti (il/cm.), 17, 1900, 145-1()6. BerteUl, (iioiiiniii. Alcinie notizie siil violentissimo teire- nicito die danne^jKio la eittJi di Firenze e parte della pi-ovincia la sera del IH ma){t;i4, 180. 'Osservazioni sismometriche fatte al Collegio La Querce di Firenze nel Kriinde terremoto del Veneto, il 29 giugno 1873. [1873.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 8, 1874, 163. *Osser\'azioni sismiclie fnttc a Firenze nel Collegio La Querce. [1874.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 9, 1875, 20- 21, 35, .52-53, B8, 84, 115, 131, 148-149, 16-2, 178. 'Tnmiometro a prisma proposto per le osservazioni niicrosismielie dal P. Bkutkli.i e dal I'rof. he Kossi. [1874.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 9. 1876, 14.5-148. 'Sulle nuove tavole espositive dei moti mierosismici per I'anno meteorico 1874-75. [1875.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull.. 10, 1876, 3. 'Osservazioni tromometriche fatte al Collegio alia (Juerce di Firenze nel dicembre 1874 [e dal dicembre 1875 al novembre 1876.] [1875-76.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 10. 1876, 6. -22, 36. 5-2, 69, «5. 101. 117, 134. 149, 167, 181; 11, 1877, 6, 18, 21, 37, 63, 69, 86, 101, 117, 133, 149, 165, 181. 'Terremoto del 9 novembre. (1878.J Moncalieri Osn. Bull., 13, 1879, 16.3-164. 'Indicazioni Hismiebc del Collegio alia Querce di Firenze nel febbruio 1881. Moncalieri Osh. Boll., 1, 1881, 57. 'Terremoto del 28 Hcttcmbrc. Firenze. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 1, 1881. 220. '[Terremoti. Firenze, 16 novembre 1881.] Mon- calieri 0h«. Boll., 1, 1881, 270. •Tcrninoto del 14-15 luglio. Moncalieri Qgs. Boll., 3, 1883, 120. 'Terremoto. [Firenze, 5 settcmbro 188:1.] Mon- calieri Obs. Boll., 3, 1883, 1.53. 'Terremoto del 25 novembre. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 3, 1883, 186. BispoBta ad alcune obbiczioni ripetute contro le osBervazioiii niicrOBiHmiclie in occasione del terremoto d' Iscliia del 1MH3 ed opinioiii clie I' autore riticne piii probabili riguardo al vulcaniBmii antico e moderno della terra. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, 97-102, 123-125, 157-1.'>9, 173-179: 5. 1888, 17-19, 3.'{-38 ; Koma, N. Lincei Mem., 1, 1887. '21,5.321 ; 2. 1887, 23.V297. Terremoto del 12 marzo [1885]. Firenze. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1888, 55. Dellc cause probabili del vulcanismo presente ed antico della terra. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5. 1880, r22- 125, 181-185, 197-201 ; 6, 1886, 17-'20, 61-64, 73-75, 89-94, 137-138, 152. BtSponse h (juelqucB objectioiiB faites aux obsenrationii microseismiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 1385- 13M6. Relazione di alcune conferenze geodinamiche tenutc in Firenze nel mangio 18H7, risguardanti ancbc le norme ediljzie per attenuure i pericoli dei danni uci terremoti. Bull. Vulc. ItJil., 14, 1887, '23-33. [Sullo studio dei terremoti.] [Italia], Soc. Ueol. Boll., 6, 1887, 488-492. [Sui fenomeni fisioi dei terremoti] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 6, 1887, 496-500. Alcune osservazioni intorno al terremoto del 23 febbraio presso Firenze.... Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 57-58. Brevi considerazioni snlla causa dei terremoti. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 70-71. Alcune considerazioni intorno ai parafulmini. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 129-132; Riv. Sci.lnd., 19, 1887, 205-213. Sopra una memoria dei Prof. T. Tailimklli e ti. Mkucalli : I terremoti andalusi cominciuti il 2.5 dicembre 1884. l{om», X. Lincei Alii, 40. 1887, 93- 107 : Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887. 1-7. Delle varinzioni dei valuri d' iuleiisita relativa nelle medie tromometriche mensiii ed annuali osservate nel Collegio alia Querce di Firenze dall" anno melenrioo 1872-73, a tutto il novembre 1887. [1887.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 41, 1888, 9-12; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 149-1.52. Uiassunto di alcuni concetti toorici c pratici ris- guardanti la sismologia. [1887.] Boma, N. Lincei Atti, 41, 1888, 51-58. .\lcnni dati im|)ortanti forniti da un ria«suDlo dellc osservazione microsismiche fatte dall' [autore]. [1888.] Bull. Vulc. Ital., 15 * 16. 1888-89, 59-61. [Sul valore delle indicazioni del tromometro.] [1888.] Bull. Vulc. Ital., 15 A- III. 1888-89, 65-»'i7. Osscnazioni fatte in un escursioue sopni la Riviera del Genovesato in occasione del Convegno geologico- sismico di Savona nel settembre del 1887. Moncalieri Oss. Boll.. 8. 1888, 5-7. 83-«6. 98-102. 113-116. Osservazioni tromometriche. Moncalieri Og». Boll.. 8, 1888. 54-55. Burrasca atmosferica e tromometrica. Moncalieri Oss. Boll.. 8. 1888. 55. 62 Bertelli] 490 [Berthelin Oscillazione del livello del maip. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 135. Osservazioni fatte in oeeasione di una escursione sulla Riviera ligure di Ponente dopo i terremoti ivi segniti in quest' anno. Eoma, N. Lincei Mem., 3, 1888, 129-153. De peculiari organo terrm pulsibus scrutandis metiendis aecommodato. II tromometro. [ISS.S.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti. 42, 1889, 37-40. Sismometro Pagani. Bull. Vulc. Itnl., 15 & 16, 1888-89, 80. I II terremoto deir 8 marzo 1880.] Firenze. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 78. [Terremoto del 2.5-26 agosto, 1889, Firenze.] Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 161. Avvertenza sui termometri a massima. Moncalieri Ose. Boll., 9, 1889, 178. Delle vibrazioni sismiche e delle indicazioni sismo- metriclie. [Nota i.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 42, 1889, 95-119. ■ Delle vibrazioni sismiche e delle indicazioni sisnio- metriche. [Nota ii.] Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 6, 1890, 67-221. Sull' origine della parola ealamita, usata dagli Italiani ad esprimere la pietra magnete, I'ago e la bussola. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 161-163, 177-178. Sulle indicazioni degli istrumenti sismici. Moncalieri Oss. Boll,, 12, 1892, 79-80. Di alcuni moti tromometrici osservati in Sicilia nolle eruzioni etnee del 1883 e 1892, e di fjuella sottomarina della Pautelleria neH'ottobre 1891. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 133-1.36. Aurora polare. Moncalieri Os-s. Boll., 12, 1892, 147. In oeeasione dell' ernzione dell' Etna, [novembre 1892]. Lettera. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 194-195. Biassunto di una memoria storica iutorno alia scoperta della declinazione fatta da Cristoforo CoLo^rno nel 1492. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1892, 97-100; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 89-91 ; U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 486-492. Intorno ad un articolo dei periodici "Nature" e "Cosmos" sui moti microsismici di Rocca di Papa in ordine al terremoto di Aquila dell' 8 febbraio 1892. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1892, 121-135; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 103-108, 117-119. Studi comparativi fra alcune vibrazioni meccaniclie artificiali e le vibrazioni sismiche. Roma, VS. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 10 {Pf. 4), 1892, 5-44. Cenno descrittivo ed usi del tromometro. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 2-4. Di alcuni moti tromometrici osservati in Sicilia nelle eruzioni etnee del 1883, 1886 e 1892 e di quella sotto- marina della Pautelleria nell' ottobre 1891. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 46, 1893, 17-24. Studi storici intorno alia bussola nautica. Roma, N. Liucei Mem., 9, 1893 {Pt. 1), 77-178, {Pi. 2), 131-218. [II terremoto del 22 gennaio 1S92.] Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 3, 1893, 154-157. Sopra una scarica clettrica. [1895.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 49, 1896, 28. Pendolo sismico protografico. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 16, 1896, 69-71. Di un ddcumento del principio del secolo xvii risgiiar- dantc la sismologia. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 40, 1896, 39-45. Degli istrumenti sismici dell' Osservatorio Vaticano. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 49, 1896, 135^^142. Di un supposto lavoro intorno alia bussola pubblicato da Filippo Pioafi-.tta nel 1586. [1898.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 51, 1897, 73-77. Studi storici intorno alio scandaglio marittimo e proposta di qualcbe miglioramento al medesimo. Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 14, 1898, 163-232. Dei nuovi istrumenti sismici dell' Osservatorio Vaticano. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 5, 1898, 151-157. Deir origine della bussola c di alcune sue principali niodificazioni. Moncalieri Oss. Annu., 1. 1899, 7-16. Appunti storici intorno all' uso topogralico ed astro- nomico della bussola fatto anticamente in Italia. Honia, N. Lincei Mem., 16, 1899, 51-72; 17, 1900, 1-17. Bertelli, {jtadie) Timoteo, & Lais, Giu-ffjijie. See Iiais cV Bertelli. Bertels, A. Ueber den Einfluss des Cliloroforms auf die Pepsinverdauung. Virchow, Arch., 130, 1892, 497-511. Bertels, Ale.r. Ueber Entstehung des Erdols. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 43, 1900, 44-45. Bertels, K. [Ueber Crucibulum vulgare.] [1885.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 29, 1886, 2. Bertelsen, Bcrtel P. Et sseregent koordinatsystem. Nyt Tidsskr. Math., 8 (a), 1897, 21-27. ■ Additionssubstitutiouer i algebraiske ligninger. 9 Nyt 1898, 84-94 ; Fortschr. Math., Tidsskr. Math.. 1898. 73. Berten, [P.] ./[«c.]. Anomalien der Zahnstellung. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1893, 33-36. Ueber die Beziehungen von Zahnerkrankungen zu den Erkrankungen der Kieferhijhle. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1893, 139-144, 14.5-147. Ueber die Haufngkeit und Ursacheu der Caries bei Schulkindern nach statistischen Untersuchungen. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1894, 134-142. Die elektro-medicamentcise Bebandlung in der Zahn- heilkunde. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1897, 57-64. Bertenson, Lev [Bernanlovic\. Zur Statistik und .\etiologie des Scorbuts. Die Scorbutepidemie von 1889 nach Beobachtungen im St. Petersburger Nicolai- Militiirhospital. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 49, 1892, 127-155, 323-347. Contribution an diagnostic des tumours cardiaques primitives. Myxome de I'oreillette gauche. Arch. Med. Expf5r., 5, 1893, 386-403; Virchow, Arch., 132, 1893, 390-407. Bertez6ne, Alfred. Nouvelle theorie du baccarat. Rev. Sci., 7, 1897, 780-7H2. Bertba, Ale.raiidie de. Sur un syBteme de gammes nou- velles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1137-1139. Sur les gammes enharmoniques. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 56. Bertha, .1/. Ueber einige bemerkenswerthe Fiille von Aktinumykose. Wien. Med. Wschr., 38, 1888, 1181-1184. Berthault, F. Observations lelatives a la creation des prairies. Ann. Agron., 13, 1887, 124-135. [Experiences sur I'emploi de sulfate de fer en agricul- ture.] France Soc. Agr. Bull., 49, 1889, 42-45. Essai sur I'emploi des levures selectionnees dans la fabrication du vin. Ann. Agron., 20, 1894, 65-78. L'Armagnac, ses terrains, son vignoble, ses eaux-de- vie et ses landes. Ann. Agron., 25, 1899, 305-325, 421-447. La ri''partition des engrais et ses consequences. Ann, Agron., 26, 1900, 417-430. Berthault, /■'., & Boiret, H. Essais sur la culture des pdninies de terre k I'Kcolc de Grignon. Ann. Agron., 17. 1891, 181-517. Berthault, !•'., & Crochetelle, J. Contribution li, I'etude des mattes du bas Medoc. Ann. Agron., 21, 1895, 1-22-135. Sur un ble provenant d'un terrain sale, en Algerie. P.nis, Ac. Sci. C. i;., 120, 1895, 691-693. Berthault, P., & Faturel, (;|/' constantes critiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 128, 1899, 606-609. Sur I'augmcntation de pression produite par le melange de deux gaz et sur la compressibilitt'. du melange. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1159-1160. Sur lecalcul dclacompressibilite d'un melange gazeux d'apres celles de ses ^k-ments. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 1-28, 1899, 1229-1231. Sur le melange des gaz. Paris, Soc. Phys. S^noes, 1899, 102-112. Quelques remarques sur I'^quation caracteristiqae des fluides. Arch. Neerland., 5, 1900, 417-146, 079. Sur la valeur de la pression interne dans les oints d'ebullition du zinc et da cadmiom. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R.. 131, 1900, 380-3S2. [Application de I'tlectricite au chauflage de precision dans les laboratoires et a la determination des hautes temperatures.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 322-323. Bertbelot, [Puiil Alfred] Daniel, A Bacerdote, Paul. Sur le melange des gaz et la compresMbilit<- des melanges gazenx. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12H, 1899. 8211-822. Bex'thelot, Mtircellin [Pierre Engine]. Recherehes sur les >ullltes alcahns. Ann. Chim., 1,1884. 73-77; .11. Pbarm., 9. 1884. 193. Di'comixisition pyrog^nee du sultiti? de potosse. Ann. Chim., 1, 1884, 78 ; Jl. Pharm.. 9, 1884, 193-194. Sur les hvposultili'.'< alcalins. .\nn. Chim., 1, 1884, 79-81 ; Jl. Piiarrn., 9. 1884, 198. Sur les metasultites. Ann. Chim., 1, 1884, 81-90; Jl. Phann., it, 1884, 194-198. Recherches sur les chromates. Ann. Chim., 1. 1884, 92-101. Sur la ehaleur de formation de I'acide chromique. Ann. Chiui., 1, 1884, 101-111. 62—2 Berthelot] 492 [Berthelot Eemarques siir le principe du travail maximum. Ann. Chim., 3, 1884. 368-373; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885. 2(i5-272. Sur la uhaleur de formation des fluorures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, (11-63. Sur la loi de F.4R.\ij.iy. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 264-20.5. Sur la loi des modules ou constantes thermiques de substitution. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 98, 1884, 400. Sur r^cbelle des temperatures et sur les poids mol6- culaires. [1884.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 98, 1884, 952- 9.56; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 570 -.57.5 ; Rev. Sci., 33, 1884, 513-515; Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 84-90. Sur la presence universelle des azotates dans le rigne V(5getal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1506-1511 ; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1884, 89-94. Remarques sur les donn^es thermochimiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 4-12. Sur le calcul des temp(5ratures de combustion, des chaleurs specifiques et de la dissociation des melanges tonnants. Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 17-28. Sur les notations alcbiraiques. Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 370-400. Remarques sur le m^moire [de M. W. A. Tilden sur la decompo.sition des terptoes par la chaleur]. Ann. Chim., 5, 1885, 136-137. Recherches sur la vegetation. Ann. Chim., 5, 1885, 385-392. Recherches sur le fluorure phosphoreux. Ann. Chim., 6, 1885, 358-367 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 260- 202. Sur les signes des m^taux rapproches des signes des planetes. .11. Savants, 1885, 233-240. Recherches thermochimiques sur le fluorure phos- phoreux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 81-85. • Sur la neutralite chimique des sels et sur I'emploi des mati^res colorantes dans le dosage des acides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100,1885, 207-213; Ann. Chim., 0, 1885, .506-.528 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 530-530. Sur la Vitesse de propagation de la detonation dans les matieres explosives solides et liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 314-320; Ann. Cliim., 6, 1886, 556-574; Jl. Pharm., 11, 1885, 073-074; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 536-538. Reaction du brome sur les chlorures et sur I'acide chlorhydnque. Nouvelle classe de perbromures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 701-707; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 410-426. Contribution a I'histoire du soufre et du mereure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1326-1328; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 571-573; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 114-115. Recherches sur I'isomerie dans la serie aromatique. Action des alcalis sur les phenols a fonction mixte. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 541-546; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 170-179; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 67-75. Etudes thermiques sur la serie aromatique: des phenols a fonction eomplexe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 651-656; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 179-193. Sur la neutralisation des acides aromatique^. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 685-686; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 193-200 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 7-5-70. Sur divers phenols. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 101, 1886, 687-690; Ann. Chim., 7,1886, 200-209; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 76-79. Fixation directe de I'azote atmospherique libre par certains terrains argileux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 775-784; l-'rance Soc. Agr. Bull., 40, 1886, 86-101; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 121-128. Sur les idees des alchimistes. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1886, 538-539. Les papyrus alchimiqnes d'Egypte. Rev. Sci., .35, 1886, 68-71. Les manuscrits alchimiques grecs des bibliothiques. Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 170-174. La fixation de I'azote atmospherique. Rev. Sci., 36, 1885, 641-645. La chimie des Egyptiens, d'apres les papyrus de Leide. Ann. Chim., 9, 1886, .5-05. Les planetes et les metaux dans ralchimie ancienne. Astronomic, 1886, 101-170. Recherches sur le sulfure d'antimoine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 22-27; Ann. Chim., 10, 1887, 123-144; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 14-24. Etats multi))les du sulfure d'antimoine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 84-86. Sur les actions reciproques et les equilibres entre les acides chlorhydrique, sulfhydrique et les sels d'anti- moine. Paris", Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 86-90. Sur le dosage du carbone organique contenu dans les sols qui fixent I'azote libre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 951-954 ; .11. Pharm., 13. 1886, 545-548. Remarques sur la decomposition des sels ammonia- caux par les bases et oxydes metalliques. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 1354-1357; Ann. Chim., 9, 1886, 283-288. Recherches sur les sucres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 533-537; Jl. Pharm., 14, 1886, 401-405. • Recherches thermiques sur les reactions entre I'am- mouiaque et les sels magnesiens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 844-848; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 310-317; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 838-840. Recherches sur les phosphates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 103, 1886, 911-917; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 3.50-302; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 85.3-859. Sur le phosphate ammoniaco-magnesien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 900-970; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 302-368 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 8.59-863. Les precedes authentiques des alchimistes egyptiens. Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 417-429. Les origines de la chimie : metaux et mineraux provenant de I'antique Chaldee. Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 742-745. Sur le cuivre des anciens. Ann. Chim., 12, 1887, 141-143. Sur la connaissance ancienne des composes du cobalt et du cobalt metallique. Ann. Chim., 12, 1887, 143- 144. Figures des appareils des alchimistes grecs. Ann. Chim., 12, 1887, 145-199. Sur la fixation directe de I'azote gazeux de I'atmo- sphere par les terres vegetales. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 104, 1887, 205-209; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4.8, 1887, 084-088. Metaux et mineraux provenant de I'antique Chaldee. Sur les origines de I'etain dans le monde ancien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 20-5-271; Ann. Chim., 12, 1887, 129-140. Sur la fixation directe de I'azote gazeux de I'atmo- sphere par les terres vegetales, avee le concours de la vegetation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 62.5-030; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 088-692. Sur les phosphates terreux, renuirque sur une com- munication de M. JoT.v. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 104, 1887, 1606-1607. Sur la graduation des tubes destines aux mesures gazometriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 105, 1887, 591- 594; Ann. Cliim., 14, 1888, 279-286; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 959-900. Recherches sur le drainage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 640-646; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., -18, 1887, 678-084; 50, 1888, '2-8; Ann. Chim., 14. 1888, 491-503. Sur les divers modes de dei'omposition explosive de I'acide picriqui- et ties composes nitres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1159-1162; Paris S.ie. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 950 959; Ann. Chim., 10, 1889, 21-25. Berthelotl l!t3 [Berthelot Lea origineB de IY;tain duns le mondc ancien, d'apn'-n do nouvollcs analyses. Ruv. Soi., H'.l, 1887. 106 ItiO. B'i.xatiun dc I'azote atiiios|>hi'rii|iii' iiir la t«rre Vf-Retalo. (M/nioireK i-iv.] Ann. Cliim., Ill, 1888, -"i-H, 15-73, 74-7H, 7H-9'2, 93-119. Sur le noni du bronze. Ann. Cliim., 15, 1888, 570- 574. Sur le nom du bronze chez Ics alchimiHtefl Rrecs. .11. Savants, 1888, 675-C7H. Sur un iiroct'dt' antique pour rendre les pierres pn'cieust's ct Ics vitrifications phospliorescfntes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1888, 443-140. Sur (luelquis conditions ({('■nc!ralC8 dc la fixation dc I'uzoto par la terrc V(!'nctak'. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 509-574; Ann. Cliini., 14, 1888, 473-491 ; Paris Hoc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 8-12. Sur la transfVirniation. dans le sol, des azotates en eomposi's or(;auiqHeH azotes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1888, tiHa-641. Traitement des sables anrifdres par amalgamation, chez les anciens. Collection des alchimistes p-ecs, seconde livraison. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1888, 910-917. Observations sur la fixation dc I'azote par certains sols et terres v(5t?etales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., lOG, 1888, 104'.l-1055. Sur la fixation dc I'azote par la terrc v^-gt'talc. Reponse aux observations de .1/. Schix)esin(i. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1888. 1214-1215. Experiences nouvelles sur la fixation dc I'azote par certaines terres ve^etales et par certaines plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 372-378. L'arsenic mi'tiillique counu par les ancien.s. Paris Soc. Chim. Rull., 49, 1888, 901-963. Sur la presence de la vapeur de benzine dans le ^az de reclairage et sur son dosage. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 000-602 ; Jl. Pliarm., 19, 1889, 97-98. Notice sur les oriKines et sur I'liistoire de la Soci^t^ Philonirtthique. Paris, Soc. Philom. M^m. Cent., 1888, i-xvii. Experiences nouvelles sur la fixation de I'azote par certaines terres vej.'i'tales et par certaines plantes. [Premier m^moire. Donn<;cs des experiences ct methodes d'analyse, relatives i I'etude de la fixation de I'azote. Deuxieme mi5moire. Experiences faitea sur la terre vegetalc nue, pour etndier la fixation de I'azote. Troisieme me-moire. Experiences faites sur la terre, avec le concours de la vegetation des Legumineuses, pour etudier la fixation de I'azote.] Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 433-435, 435-4.53, 453-191, 491-038. De I'emploi du vinaigre dans le passage des Alpes par Anniiiai.. ainsi que dans la guerre et les travaux de mines chez les anciens. Jl. Savants, 1889, 244-248. Sur les nonis qalai, callais, et sur ccux de retain. Jl. Savants, 1889, 379-382. Lettre :i .1/. K. Havkt sur I'emploi du vinaigre dans le passage des Alpes par Annibal. Jl. Savants, 1889, 508-511. Sur les ages d^ cuivre et de bronze et sur le sceptre de Pepi 1", roi d'Egypte. Jl. Savants, 1889, 507-573. Sur les reactions cntre I'acide chromique et I'eau oxygenee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108. 1889. 24-31. 1.57- 161. 477-479; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 2. 1889, 77-81, 81-t>5, 85-87; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 41-05. Sur la fixation dc I'azote dans les oxydations lentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 543-546; Ann. Chim., 17, 1889. 500-.500; Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889. 417-420; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 74-75. Fixation de I'azote par la teiTe vegetale nue, on avec le concours iles Legumineuses. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 108. 1889. 700-708: Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 2, 1889, 66-74; Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 4.50-4.54. RecheiX'bes sur la theorie thionique. [Chaleur de formation dc8 acidea thioniqucs. Action des alcalix. Action des acides sur les hyposulfites.] I'aris, .\c. Sci. C. R., lOS, 1889, 773-779, 92.5-930. 971-978; Ann. Chim., 17, 1889, 43.5-471, 471-180, 4MO-494 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 92-90, 96-99, 99-103. Sur I'origine du bronze et sur le sceptre de Pepi l", roi d'KgypU". Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., lOM, 1889. 923-925 ; Ann. Chim., 17, 1889, 507-510; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 70-77. Sur la chaleur de formation des hypoazotites. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., lOS. 1889, 1286-1288; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 571-574; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 106- 108. Remar<|Uea sur lea conditions oil a'opere la fixation de I'azote par lea terres argileuaea. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 277-280. Recherches nouvellea sur la fixation de I'azote par la terre vegetale. Intluence dc I'electricite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 281-287; Ann. Chim., 19, 1890, 434-492; Jl. Pharm., 21, 1890, 123-124; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 648-6.52. Sur la fixation de I'azote atmospheriqae. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889. 417-419; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 6.52-6.53; Ann. Chim., 19, 1890, 433-434. Observations sur la formation de I'ammoniaque et de composes azotes volalils, aux depens de la terre vegetale et des plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 419- 423; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, C5»-655; Ann. Chim., 19, 1890, 492-.50O. Nouvelles observations sur les deplacements reci- proques entre I'oxyg^ne et les elements halogenes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 546-548; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 657-066; Ann. Chim., 19. 1890, 515-532. Faita pour servir a I'histoire du rafGnose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889. .548-5.50. Deplacements reciproques entre les elements halogenes et I'oxvgene ; acides bromhvdrique et iodhvdrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 590-597. Sur la chaleur animale. Chaleur degagec par Paction de I'oxygene sur le sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 109, 1889. 770-78"l; Ann. Chim., 20, 1890, 177-202; Jl. Pliarm., 21, 1890, 49-55; Paris Soc. Chmi. Bull., 3, 1890, 332- 335. Obaervationa BUT la communication precedente. ["Sur la fermentation formenique du fumier."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 841-842; Ann. Chim.. 19, 1890, 513- .515; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 3, 1890. 331-332. [Difference entre la stabilite et les reactions de« cyanures de K, Ag, Hg.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 273-274. Note sur la preparation de I'azote k froid, aa moyen de Pair atmospherique. Paris Soc. Chim. Ball., 2, 1889, 643-044; Jl. Pharm., 21, 1890, 122-123. Faits pour serv ir a I'histoire du melitose. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 0.55-657. Faita pour servir a I'histoire cbimique des sacrea. Ann. Chim., I'.l, 1890. 500-513. Sur les experiences de Lavoisier relatives k la dilatation du mercure. Ann. Chim., 20, 1890. 2«6-288. Remarques sur la mesuredes chalenrs de combustion. Ann. Chim., 21, 1890, 573-574. Sur le? traces des ecrits alchimiques grecs conservees dans les traitcs latins du moyen age et sar I'oavrage intitule J'urha philotiiphorum, Jl. Savants, 1890, 514- 523. 57:i-586. Remarques sur la formation des azotates dans les vegetaux. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890. 109. [Action du flnor sur les different<-8 varietes de caibone.] Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R.. 110. 1890. 279. Observations sur les reactions entre la terre vegetale et I'ammoniaque atmospherique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 110. 1890. 55,s ,-.i;<). Berthelot] 494 [Berthelot Sur lea condensations de I'oxyde de carbone et sur la IK-m'trabiliti- du verre par I'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 60>,I-G1'2. Observations sur la communication pr^cMente ["Sur la condensation de I'oxj'de de carbone"] et sur la dessic- cation des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 684-68.5. Sur la r^'duction des sulfates alcalins par I'hydrog^ne et par le cliarbon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., liO, 1890, 1106-1112; Ann, Cliim., 21, 1890, 397-409; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 234-238. Sur les diverses inosites isomeres et sur leur chaleur de transformation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1244-1246; Ann. Cbim., 21, 1890, 416-418; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 4, 1890, 246-248. Rechercbes nouvelles sur la stability relative des sels, tant a I'lHat isol^ qu'en presence de I'eau. Sels d'aniline. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., HI, 1890, 1.3.5-144; Ann. Cbim.. 21, 1890, 3.55-372; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 4, 1890, 241- 246, Eiiuilibres et d^placements r^eiproques des alcalis volatils. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 2811-296; Ann. Chim., 21, 1890, 372-383; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 474-479. Sur I'absorption de I'ox.yde de carbone par la terre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 469-471; Jl. Pharm., 22, 1890, 458-4.59 ; Ann. Cbim., 24, 1891, 133-1.3.5. Sur I'ac^tyl^ne condense par I'effluve. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 471-472; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 480-481 ; Ann. Chim., 24, 1891, 135-137. Sur le nom du bronze: nouvelles indications. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 7l:i-71.5. Remarijue sur quelques sensations acoustiques pro- voquees par les sels de quinine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 715. Observations sur la note pr<5c^dente [de MM. ScHLOESiNG et Laurent: "Sur la fixation de I'azote giizeux par les L^gumineuses"]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 753. Sur I'histoire de la balance bydrostatique et de quelques autres appareils et proced^s scientifiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 935-941 ; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 475-485. Sur le dosage de I'azote sous forme d'ammoniaque au moyen de la chaux sod^e. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 480. Les grandes d^eouvertes de Lavoisier. Rev. Sci., 45, 1890, 33-42. Lavoisikr et Priestley. Rev. Sci., 46, 1890, 513-514. Sur les alliages d'or et d'argent et sur les recettes des orfevres au temps de I'Empire Remain et du moyen dge. Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 145-172. Quelques figures d'appareils chimiques, syriaques et latins au moyen ilge. Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 433-468. Sur la d(''Couverte de I'alcool. Ann. Cbim., 23, 1891, 469-475. Remarques sur les rapports qui existent cntre les changements de volume, la stabilitc^ et les quantit("S de chaleur d^gagees dans les reactions chimiques. Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, .50.3-507; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 5, 1891, 564-565. Sur I'unit^ calorimetrique. .11. Phys., 10, 1891, 169- 171. Sur les traces des Merits alchimiqucs grecs conservi^s dans les ("'crits latins et sur la transmission des doctrines alchimiques au moyen igc. Jl. Savants, 1891, 124-132. ■ Sur divers traites techniques dti moyen age, tels que les Compositioncs ad tingenda, la Mappie clavicula, etc., et sur la relation de ces traites avec les ouvrages analogues des artisans et des alcliimistes de I'antiquitii. Jl. Savants, 1891, 182-193. Traditions techniques de la ohimie antique chez les alcliimistes latins du moyen age. Jl. Savants, 1891, 370-;i84. Sur quelques Merits alchimiques, en langue proveni;ale se rattacbant i I'ecole de Raymond Lulle. Jl. Savants, 1891, 628-632. Sur I'onde explosive, sur les donn^es caract^ristiques de la d(?tonation et sa vitesse de propagation dans les corps solides et liquides, et sp^^oialement dans le nitrate de methyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 16-27; Ann. Cbim., 23, 1891, 48.5-503; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 5.58-564. Nouvelles observations sur les composes azotes volatils emis par la terre veg^tale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 195-197; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 574-573; Aun. Chim., 25, 1892, 330-334. Note k propos de la communication de M. Poincare. [Sur I'experience de .1/. Wiener.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 329-331. .'\ction de la chaleur sur I'oxyde de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, .594-597; Ann. Chim., 24, 1891, 126-132; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 567-568. Sur une reaction de I'oxyde de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, .597; Aun. Cbim., 24, 1891, 132- 133; Jl. Pharm., 23, 1891, 464-465; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 569. Sur quelques donn^es calorim^triques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 829-834; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 563-570. Remarque sur la note pr^c^dente. [Etude thennique des aoides organiques bibasiques a fonctions simples.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1064-1065. Sur une eombinaison volatile de fer et d'oxyde de carbone, le fer-carbonyle, et sur le nickel-carbonyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1343-1349; Ann. Cbim., 26, 1892, 560-570, 572-574; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 431-434, 434-435. Sur les persulfates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1481-1483. Sur I'oxvdation du nickel earbonyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 679-680; Ann. Chim., 26, 1892, 570-571; Jl. Pharm., 25, 1892, 32-33; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 434. Sur des manuscrits a figures int^ressant I'histoire de I'artillerie et des arts mecaniques vers la tin du moyen age. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 715-726; Ann. Chim., 24, 1891, 433-521. Sur les actions photocbimiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 565-567. Sur la preparation de I'hydrogene pur. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 576. Sur I'histoire des sciences chimiques au moyen age. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 576-579. Sur I'histoire de la science antique et sur la tradition des precedes lu^tallurgiques, d'aprfes un traite du moyen age, intitule : "La clef de la peinture." Rev. Sci., 47, 1891, 162-170. Sur le " Livre des feux" de Marcus GRiEcrs. Rev. Sci., 47, 1891, 513-515. Quelques nouveaux details sur I'inveution du scaphandi-e. Ann. Cbim., 25, 1892, 287-288. Sur les traductions lutines des ouvr.ages alchimiques attribui^s aux Arabes. Jl. Savants, 1892, 11.5-128, 179- 195, 318-329. . Sur une nouvcllc metbode d'aiialvse organique. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. li., 114, 1892. 3I7-31S; Ami. Cliim., 2(1. 1892, 5.5.5-.55y; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 430-431. Sur I'emploi do I'oxygene comprime dans, la lioiiibe calorimetrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 11.. 114, 1892. 31« 319; Ann. Chim., 26, 1892, 5.59-560. Recherches sur I'acide persulfuricpie et ses sels. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892,875-883; Ann. Cluiii., 26, 1892, 526-555; I'aris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 7, 1892, 417-122. Quelques ob.servations nouvelles sur Templui de la hombe caloriiu(5trique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892. 201-203. Berthelotl 495 IBerthelot Sur la clialeur do combiiHtion do I'licidc glycoliqiic. I'ariH, Ac. Hei. C. R., 115, 1892, 3'.(a. NouvelloH recliurclioH Hur la fixation de I'azotii utiuo- splii'rique par ItH microbes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 115, 1892, 5(;'J-571, (J9(i; Ann. Cliini., 30, 1893, lU-Ult; Paris Hoc. Chini, Hull., 11, 1894, 7H1-7H4. Itrponse a la comniunicatioii [dr M. Si iiluksinij, sur sen observations relatives i\ " la fixation de I'azotc atmo- splierique par Ics microbes"]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 115, 1892, (;37-t;HM. Observations sur les communications [sur la fixation de I'aZDte libre par les plantesj. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 115, 1892, 787-7HH. Sur la chaleur de combustion du camphre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li., 115, 1892, 76'2-7ti3. l{eniari|ues sur les liautes temperatures et sur la vapori.satiun du tarbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. K., 115, 1892. 1275-1-277. Sur la chaleur de combustion du camphre et sur son emploi comme ([uantite auxiliairc dans les di^terminatioDS calorim6triques. Ann. Chim., 28, 1893, 12G-139. Sur quelqucs alliages mi^'talliiiues eonnus au moyen age. Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 285-2HS. [Discours prononco a la seance du 6 juillet 1892. J France Soc. Agr. Mem., 135, 1893, 7-14. Sur quelques objets en ciiivre, de date tres ancienne, provenant des fouilles de -U. he S.^Bz^:c en Chaldee. [1H93.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., IKi, 1893, lt;i-l(13; Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 572-574; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 11, 1894, 8.59-861. Recherchcs nouvelles sur les microrganismes fixateurs de Tazote. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R.. 11(1. 1893, 842-849; Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 41;i-432; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 784-793. Sur la sublimation des iodnres rouge et jaune dc mercure. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R.. 117. 1893, 827-'^28: Ann. Chim., 3, 1894, 431-4.32; .11. I'hann., 29, 1894, 70- 71; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 748-749. Remarques sur 1 rehaulTement et I'inHammation spontame des fuins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li., 117, 1893, 1039-1040; Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 430-432; Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 97-98; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 810- 812. The discovery of alcohol. [Y'r.] [1892.] Timehri, 7, 1893. 89-108. Les classifications et les symboles chimiques dans I'antiquite et au moyen age. Ann. Chim., 1, 1894, 259- 272; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 828-837. Sur une methode destinee a etudier les echangcs ga/.eux entre les etres vivants et I'atmosphore qui les entoure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 112-114 ; Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 289-292; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894. 741-744. Observations sur la note [de M. Le Blanc] : des limites ile I'eleotrolyse. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 412-415; Ann. Chim., 3, 1894, 138-144. Remarques sur la note [dc U. Le Bl.\sc : "Sur la force electromotrice minima necessaire a I'electrolyse des electrolytes."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 707- 709. Sur quelques nouveaux objets de cuivre provenant de I'ancienne Ejivpte. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 118. 1894, 764-768; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 861- 863. Sur I'alteratioD lente des objets de cuivre, au sein de la terre et dans les musses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 118, 1894, 768-770. [Observations relatives aux remarques de -V. .Arm. Cr.vrxiKK: "Sur le mecanisme de la desassimilation des albuminoides et la formation de Puree dans Peconomie."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118. 1894, 906-907. Rechercbes sur les ga/. isomeriques avec le propylene et Hur leurs Hulfales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B. , 118. 1894, 1009-11113; Paris Sf)C. Chira. Bull., 11, 1894, 870-872; Ann. Chim., 4, 189B, IfX)-I07. RcchcrchcB hur le Irimr'-lbylinc et Hur le propylene et Bur une nnuville claKWf de carbures d'hydrogi-ne ; I'isomorie dvnamii|ue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1115 1123; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 873-878; Ann. Chim., 4. 1898, 107-117. Le prinei|i)' du travail maximum et I'entropie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1378-1392; .Ann. Chim., 4, 1898, 79-100. Rccherches sur la phi'nylhydrazine. Action de I'oxvg^ne et action de I'eau ; formation des sels. Paris, Ac.'Sci. C. R,, 119, 1894, .5-12; Paris .Soc. Chim. Bull., 11. 1894, 898-902; Ann. Chim., 4. 1896, 117-1.3.3. RemarqucK sur [une note de J/. Matioson : '-Sur les substitutions de radicaux alcooliqucs VU-s au carbone et a I'azote"]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. U., 119, 1894, 79-80; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., II, 1894, 87K-879. Sur deux menhirs trouves dans Ics bois de Mendon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894. 2rtion8 multiples des composes chimiques et la chaleur degagee dans leur formation. Ann. Chim., 4, 1896. 145-213. Remarques sur Pinertie des agents oxydants ou reductcurs dans les analyses par voie humide. Ann. Chim., 4. 1896. 429-4.32. Rechcrche.'i thirmochimiques sur les substitutions en chiijiie miniralc. .\nn. Chim., 4, 1896, 4.33-494. Etude sur les metaux qui composcnt les objets dc cuivre, de bronze, d'etain, d'or et d'argent. dt'couverts par .V. i>K MoHoAN dans les fouilles de Dabchour. ou provenant du Musee de Gizeh. Ann. Chim., 4, 1898, 546-574. Formation tliermique des sels rapportes a I'etat solide; donnees numeriijues. Ann. Chim., 5, 1896, 14.5-185. Formation des sels solides par I'unioD des composonts gazenx ou liquides. Ann. Chim., 5, 1896, 185-194. Formation des sels par la combinaison des anhvdrides. Ann. Chim., 5, 1896, 194-209. Mcmoire sur la ihermoehimie des carbures d'hydro- pine. Ann. Chim., 5. 1895. 493-.567. Sur la fusion de la silice pendant la combustion explosive de la dynamite. Ann. Chim., 5, 1896. 573- 574. Sur la thermocbiiuie des alcools. .Ann. Cbim., G, 1896. .5-59. Sur la thermochimie des aldehydes et congeneres. Ann. Chim., 6, 1896, 59-89. Sur la thermochimie des acides organiques. Ann. Chim.. 6, 1896, 14.5-2.32. Recherches sur la thermochimie des composes organiques azotes. .Ann. Chim., 6. 1896, 232-29f>. Sur largon. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R.. 120, 1896, 521- 522. Essais pour faire entrer I'argon en combinaison chimiqne. Paris. .Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 1896, 581-585; .11. Pharm.. 1. 1896. 345-:«9. Remarques sur les spectres de I'argon et de Paurorc bortale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 120. 1898. 662-tJ»;3. Observations sur I'argon : spectre de fluorescenoe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 1-20. 1896. 797-«O0. Relations thermochimique« entre les etats isomeriques du glucose ordinaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 120, 1895. 1019-1023. 1137: .Ann. Chim.. 7, 1896. 51-57. Sur la combinais'M. Sur 3. KquilibreH entre I'acide cyanhydrique et les acidcs unis aux bases alcalineH. Ann. Cliim. , 17, 1899, 4.58-4.">7. Sur le dosajie du phosphore et du soufre rlans les ve^etaux el dans leurs ccudres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 128, 1899, 17-2.S. Sur la |ir(;'sence et le dosage dn chlore dans les plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 23-2fi. Sur la marche gi'Mierale de In v^gitation: plante developjic'e il I'onilire et au soleil; regain. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 128, 1899, l:W-144. Ni>uvelles recherches relatives k Paction de I'acide sulfurique sur I'ncdtyl^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 33H-3H9. Sur les cyunures doubles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 12H, 1899, 630-642; Ann. Chim., 17. 1899, 4.58-470. Actions de I'hydrogine sulfure et des sulfures nlcalins sur les cyauures doubles: cyanosulfures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1{.. 128. 1899, 700-715; Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 470-483. Sur In svntliese de I'alcool. Paris, \c. Sci C. R., 128, 1899, "KH2-864; Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 324-326; Paris Soc. Cliim. Bull., 21, 1899, 362-363; Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 42.5-42(1. Heniarques sur la formation de I'alcool et de I'acide earbonique et sur I'absorption de I'oxygene par les tissus des plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1306-1370; Ann. Chim., 21), 1900. 57-63. Nouvelles recherches sur I'argon et ses combinaisons. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 129, 1899, 71-84; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 00-89. Sur leseombinaisonsdu sulfure decarboncavec I'hydro- gene et I'azote. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 133-136; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 14.5-150. Remaniues sur la combinaisoii de I'nzote avec I'oxy- gene. Paris, Au. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 137-139; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 1.54-1.58. - — Determinations thermochimiques. L'^tbylenediamine. Paris, Ae. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 320-326; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 103-188. Reactions de I'argon et de I'azote sur les rndicaux mercuriels. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899. 37s-:i79; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1899, 340-342; Ann. Chim., 19. 1900, 89-91. Etudes sur le trimcthyl^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 129, 1899, 48.3-491; .Viin. Chim., 20, 1900, 27-42. Sur la simultancite des phenomenes d'oxydation et des phenomenes d'hydratation nccomplis mix depens des principes organiques, sous les intlueuces reunies de l'oxygt''ne librc et de la luniiere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., l'29i 1899, 027-030; Paris, Soc. Biol. (Vol. Jubit.), 1899, 1-10; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 42-57. Recherches sur les diamines. Hiethylene diamine (pip(irazine). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 129, 1899, 0H7-694. Sur quelques ciiracteres des diamines, tires de leur neutralisation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1-29. 1899. 694-700. Observation relative aux recherches sur les diamines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1'29, 1899. 743-744. Sur les radicaux metalliques composes : d^riv^s du R. s. A. c. mercurc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 91>^920, 1047; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900. 1.5H-102. Sur I'exploHion du eblorat^' de pritnsw-. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 92G-92<); Ann. Chim., 20. 1900, 11-15. Sur une methode genZ-rale pour le dosage des divers corps simples contenus dans lea compofu^'S organiques. Paris, \c. Sci. C. R., 1'29, 1899, 1002-1005; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, .5-10. Sur le dosage du soufre dans les compos^-H organiques. Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 513. I'eberdieExplosibilitatdcs Acetylens. Ztschr. .\ngcw. Clicm., 1899, H27. Nou voiles obwrvations relatives aux actions chimiqnes de la Inmiere, cQinpan'-es avec celles de I'effluve lilectrique. Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 1.50-1.54. ])('-terminations thermochimiques. Amygdaline, acide cholnlique, conicine. Ann. Chim.. 20, 1900, 14.5-149. Recherches sur la formation de I'acide azotique pendant les combustions. Ann. Cliim., 21, 1900. 1 15-'201. Action des sulfures alcalins sur le ferrocyanure dc potassium. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900. 204. Action de refllu\e •'•Icctrique sur le perfluomre de soufre. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 20.5. Observations sur la ri'action entre Polygene et Poiydo de carbone en pri'-sence des alcalis. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 205-206. Action lente du gaz brombydriqae sur le yerre. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 206. Recherches sur la B-i:)7. Sur lit hilice ilans Iih vi(,'<-liiux. I'ariH, Ac. Soi. C. 11., IIJ, 1892, •2.")7-20:i; Ann. Chini., 27, 1892, 145-164; Paris Sdo. Cliim. Bull., 7, 1892, 437-111. Siir la ftTincntation da sang. PariH, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, .514-520; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 16-5-195, 574; Paris Soc. Cbini. Bull., 7, 1892, 4.W-457. Sur IcH Miatiures organiciues constitutivcs du boI vt'gi'tal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 666-<;72 ; Ann. Chim.. 1, 1894, 273-28S; Paris Soc. Cliini. Bull.. U. 1894, 771-7H1. Etudes sur la formation de I'acide carbonique et I'absurption de I'oxygine par les feuilles di'-tacln^'cs des plnntes: reactions pureiuent cbiniiquos. (Kxpericnces faites il la tenip<5rature ordinaire, avcc le concours des actions biologi(iues. ) Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., IIX, 1894, 45-54, 101-112; Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 2'J3-339 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 793-»10. Sur IV'xistencc, dans les vegetaux, de principes dc- doublables avec production d'acidu carboniiiue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 119, 1894, 711-714. Sur la presence de I'alumine dans les plantes et sur sa repartition. Paris, .\c. Sei. 0. K., 120, 1896, 2lW- 290; Ann. Chim., 5, 1896, 429-432. Nouvelles recherches sur la marche geuerale de la vt^getation. .\un. Chim., 9, 1896, 5-119, 14.5-229. Recherches sur la volatilite de I'acide livnlique. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 341-343; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 66-71. Sur les reactions excrcees ii froid entre I'acide jihos- phorique et I'ether, en presence de I'eau. Coellieieuts de partage. Paris. .\c. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 344-349; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897. 210-217. Nouvelles recherches relatives a la decomposition des sucres .sous I'intluence des acides et specialement i la production de Tacide carbonique. Paris. .\c. Sci. C. R., 123. 1896. 567-580; Ann. Chim., 11. 1897, 150-175. Heoherches sur I'arabinose. Paris. .\c. Sci. C. R., P23, 1896, 62.5-631; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 175-184. liecherciies sur I'aeide phosphorique: dosage de I'acide pvrophosphorique. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 773-776; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 184-189. Transfonuations de I'acide pyrophosphorique. Paris, Ao. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 776-782; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897. 197-204. Sur les pyrophosphates uuignesiens simples et com- plexes. Ann. Cbmi., 11, 1897, 190-197. Nouvelles recherches sur le dosage de I'acide pyro- phosphorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 261-265. Faits pour servir a I'histoire de I'acide nietaphos- phorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897. •26.5-26'.i ; Ann. Chim., U, 1897, '204-210; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 434. Sur les transformations des sucres et sur I'acide levulique. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 64.5-048; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897. 71-78. Nouvelles recherches sur les chaleurs de formation et de combustion de divers composes azotes et autres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1-J8, 1899, 959-971; .\nn. Chim., IT, 1899. 433-451. Berttaelot, Mnrcellin [I'ierre Eugene], & DelAplne, Marcel. Sur I'azoiate d'arpent ammoniacal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C- R., 1'29. 1899. 326-330. Recherihes sur les derives metalliques de I'acetylenc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1'29, 1899, 361-378, 422; Ann. Chim., 19. 1900, -5-54. — — L'aride laetiqne. [Therniochiraie.) Paris, \c. Soi. C. R.. 129, 1899, 9iO-9'26, 1047; Ann. Cbim., 20, 1900. 149-158. Sur I'iodure de coprosacetyle- Ann. Cbim-, 19, 1900, 54-56. Sur I'ozotuto d'argent ammoniacal et sor I'argentam- nionium. Ann. Chini., 19, 1900, .57-6-5. Sur lu chaleur de combustion de qut-lques liquides tr.'s volatils. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 130, 1900, 1045- lol'); Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 2H9-296. Berthelot, Mnri-eUin [I'lrrrr hwjiitf], k Engcl, Itludolphe Chitilei], Recherches tbermiquea sur les n de lacetv- lene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129. 1899. 427-4.34; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 1.5-26. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eughie], 4 I>aglnin, \'l\tiiliniir E.]. Cbaleurs de combustion. Pans, \c_ Sei. (.•. R.. 104. 1887. 1574-1.577; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 4-^. 1887. 7tK)-702; .\nn. Chim.. 13, 1888. 321-339. Berthelot, Mnrcellin [Pierre Einiine], X Katicnon, CamilU. Chaleur de combustion de que|t{aes compos4^s sulfures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. Ill, 1890, 9-11; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 4. 1890, •251-'253; Ann. Cbim., 22. 1891. 177-186. Recherches sur ijnelque« principes sucres. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R . 111. 1890. 11-14; .\nn Chim., 21. 1890, 409-116; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 4, 1890, 248-2.50. Sur la chaleur de combustion et de forrnati.'n des corps chK.res. Paris. \c. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1102- 1107; Ann. Chim., 23. 1891. .507-538. ISecherches sur la serie campbeniqoe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 112, 1891, 1161-1170: Ann. Chim., 33, 1891, .53.'*-563. Cbaleurs de combustion et de formation des biuzines nitrees. Paris, Ac. ,Sci. C. R., 113. 1891. 24'".-249 ; Ann. Chim.. 27. 1892, 304-310; Paris S.jc. Chim. Bull.. 7, 1892, 427 430. Sur la chaleur de formation de Phydrazine et de I'acide azothydrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B.. 113. 1891, 672-679. 7.5s."; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892. 289-;i02 ; Paris Soc. Chiiu. Bull.. 7. 1892. 423-4-2.5. 63—2 Berthelot] 500 [Berthelot Chaleur de neutralisation de I'acide hippurique. Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 303. Sur les dialeurs de combustion et de formation de raleool et des acides formique et acetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1145-1149; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 310-319 ; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 425-427. Chaleur de combustion de divers composes chlor^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 347-350; Ann. Chim., 28, 1893, 565-574. Sur I'acide glycoxylique ou dioxyac^tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 115, 1892, 350-353; Ann. Chim., 28, 1893, 139-144. Donniies thermochimiques. Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 430. Sur le nitromethane et ses homologues. Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 5(15-572 ; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 867-870 [Part only]. Sur la chaleur de combustion des principaux gaz hydrocarbon^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 1333- 1339; Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 547-565; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 738-741. Sur I'azoture de baryum. Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 144. Berthelot, MarceUin [Pierre Eiighie], & Illoissan, Henri. Chaleur de combinaison du fluor avec I'hydrogene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 109, 1889, 209-210; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 647-648; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 570-574. Berthelot, MarceUin [Pierre Eugene], & Ogier, Jules. Eecherches sur les hypoazotites. Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 230-247. Berthelot, MarceUin [Pieire Eugene], & Petit, P[aul]. Sur la chaleur de formation de I'hydrogene antimoni^. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 108, 1889, 546-550; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 65-80; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 87-90. Chaleur de combustion du carbone sous ses divers 6tat8: diamant, graphite, carbone amorphe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1144-1148; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 80-100. Sur les chaleurs de combustion et de formation des nitriles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 108, 1889, 1217-1222; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 107-140; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 164-166. Eecherches tbermiques sur les camphres nitres iso- miriques et sur le camphre eyan^. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 109, 1889, 92-95; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 644- 647; Ann. Chim., 20, 1890, 5-12. Sur la chaleur animale et sur les chaleurs de forma- tion et do combustion de I'urte. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 109, 1889, 759-764; Ann. Chim., 20, 1890, 13-20; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 329-331 [Part only]. Sur les dilferents ^tats des carbones-graphites et sur les derives chimiques qui leur correspondent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 101-106 ; Ann. Chim., 20, 1890, 20-46; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 336-340. Chaleur de combustion et de formation des oxydes graphitiques et pyrograpbitiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., nil, 1890, 106-109; Ann. Chim., 20, 1890, 46-56. Berthelot, MarceUin [Pierre Eugene], it Recoura, .i[lbert]. Sur 111 liombe calorimetrique et la mesnre des chaleurs de comliustion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 104, 1887, 875- 880; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 697-700. Chaleurs de combustion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 104, 1887, 1571-1574. Sur le passage entre la s^^rie arcimatiipie et la serie grasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 105, 1887, 141-145; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 702-704; Ann. Chim., 13, 1888, 340-344. Sur la mesure des chaleurs de combustion. Ann. Chim., 13, 1888, 289-304. Chaleurs de combustion de divers composes organiqnes. .\nn. Chini., 13, 1888, 304-320. Berthelot, Man-ellin [Pierre Eugene], & BlvalB, Paul. Nnuvelles reclierches sur les relations thermochiniiciues entre les aldehydes, les alcools et les acides. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. E., 120, 1896, 1086-1095; Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 29-47. Sur les lactones ou olides camphol^niques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1896, 1390-1391 ; Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 47-50. Berthelot, MarceUin [Pierre Eugene], ct Vieille, Paul. Sur le sil^niure d'azote. Ann. Chim., 1, 1884, 91. Eecherches sur les melanges gazeux d^touants. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 545-550; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 554-558; Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 13-17. Melanges gazeux d^tonants. Calcul des temperatures et des chaleurs specifiques. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 001-606 ; Ann. Chim., 4, 1886, 59-66. Vitesse relative de combustion des melanges gazeux d(5tonants. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. E., 98, 1884, 646-651; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 575-578; Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 39-48. Intiuence de la density des melanges gazeux d^tonauts sur la pression. Melanges isomeres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 70.5-711; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 558-561 ; Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 48-59. Sur la chaleur sp(5citique des elements gazeux, a de tres hautes temperatures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 770-775; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 561- 566; Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 66-74. Sur les chaleurs specifiques de I'eau et de I'acide carbonique a de tr^s hautes temperatures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E.. 98, 1884, 852-858; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 566-570; Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 74-84. Nouvelle methode pour la mesure de la chaleur de combustion du charbon et des composes organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 99, 1884, 1097-1103; Ann. Chim., 6, 1885, 546-556; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 262- 265. Eecherches sur les melanges gazeux detonants : de la pression developpee. Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 29-39. Sur les chaleurs de combustion et de formation des carbures d'hvdrog^ne solides. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 102, 1886, 1211-1217; Ann. Chim., 10, 1887, 433-455; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 863-867. Chaleur de combustion et de formation des sucres, hydrates de carbone et alcools polvatomiques cong^neres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 1284-1286; Ann. Chim., 10, 1887, 455-463 ; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 867-870. Eecherches sur quelques sels de I'acide azothydrique. Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 339-351; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 744-748 [Part only]. Eecherches sur les proprietis explosives de I'aeetyl^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 523-530; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 5-15; 13, 1898, 5. Sur les dissolutions d'ac^tylene et sur leurs proprietes explosives. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 988-996; Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 6-18. Eemarques sur la d(?eomposition explosive des dis- solutions d'acetylene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 996-1000; Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 18-23. Sur quelques conditions de propagaticm de la decom- position de I'aeetvleue (mr. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1000-1004; Ann. Chim., 13, 1898. 24-29. — — ■ Sur I'aptitude explosive de Paeetylene melange a des gaz inertes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899. 777-787; Ann. Cliim.. 17. 1899, 3(W-320. Berthelot, .MarceUin [Pierre Eugene], & 'Werner, E[rgeni.j I'alerianiiril!-]. Snr les substitutions bromc'e.s. Paris, Ac. Sei. ('. R., 98, 1884. 1213-1218; Ann. Chim., 3, 1884, 551-566; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 43, 1886, 148- 1.53. Eecherches sur I'isom^rie dans la s(5rie aromatique. Chaleur de neutralisation des phenols polyatomiques. 1 Chaleur de neutralisation des acides oxybenzoiques. Sur les acides oxybenzoiques t-'t sur leur chaleur de Berthelot] 501 [Bertholon pa- fornmtioii et de tranHformation.] Paris, Ac. 8ei. C. R., 100, 1888, r>Hly-rm, lo6H-1570; 101, 1888, 'i'J0-29r, ; Paris Si)C. C'liiin. Bull., 43, 1888, "iTO ".l.t; l.";, 1886. 61-C.S, 03-67; Aun. Cbim., 7, 1886, 103-116, U.5-1.W, 153-168. Substitutions brotn^es des phenols polyatomiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. I!., 100, 1886, 08H-ti92 ; Paris Soc. Chira. Bull., 43, 1886, .543-545; .\un. Chim., 7, 1886. 117-127. Note sur lea acides pb^nolsulfuriques. Ann. China., 7, 1886, 16H-170. Berthelot, Mairelliii [Ptfrre Eugi-ne], AndrA, G[uiittive], .1 Matignon, Camille. Sur ro.xydatiiin du soufr.; des couipo.st's organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., Ill, 1890. C-9; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 2.50-251; Ann. ('him., 22, 1891. I73-17C. Berttaenson. .S',< Bertenson. Bertberand, /.'[miii'] /.[rmoj. [Snr le cliampi(;non toxique de la morue secbe.] Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, 8.'>-87. Contributions alRi-rienne.s a la luaticre m-160, 250-256. Bertmer, Kniisl. Traitement des minerals d'argent par voie huniide. [1886.] Genie Civil, 8, 1886-86. 244 246. Berthler, Henri. Helices inedites de la scrie de la striata de MuLLER. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 1, 1884, 353- 356. Description du Meladomns Letourneuxi d'Egypte. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 2, 1886, 1(11-102. A quel auteur attribuer la paternite du genre Ca-cilianella. France Sue. Malacol. Bull., 4, 1887, .W-Oe. Bertliod, /^(i»/. Lesenfants nesavant temie. Lacouveuse. -\rcli. Gen. Med., 160, 1887. 710-722. Bertliold, A. A. *I>escripoion y cstudio de un cr&neo extrai.lo de las tumbas de uno de los palacios de Mitla. [1SK3,] iUx. Mus. An., 3. 1886, 115-121. Bertliold, [Karl Hubert] K[mil]. *rcber den Einfluss der Nerven der Paukenhohle auf die Sekretion ihrer Schleim- haut. Deutsch. Xatf. Tagebl., 1880. 2.i7-260. '[Ueber .subjektive Farbenempfindungen.] Konigsb. Schr., 24, 1884 (Sber.), 33-34. -jf — Zur physiologischen Wirkung des Cocalns. Med. Wiss., 23, 1886, 14tW147. Ueber den Einfluss des Cocalns auf den Blntdruck. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1886, 43.5-436, 62-5-626. [Ueber die objectiv wahrnehmbaren Veriinderungen der belichteten Netzhaut.] [1885.] Kiinigsb. Schr., 26, 1886 (Sber.), 18-21. Was vermag das menschliche Ohr ohne Steigbiigel zu horen? [1888.] Ztscbr. Ohrenheilk., 19, 1889, 1-6; Arch. Otol., 17, 1888, 244-2.50. Zur optischen Darstellung der Bewegungen des Trom- melfells. [l.SilO.] Ztscbr. Ohrenheilk., 21, 1891, 94-98; Arch. Otol.. 20, 1891. 37r>-378. Einige seltenere Beziehungen der Xase zum ubrigen Korper. Krmigsb. Schr., 32, 1891 (Sber.), 46. [1883.] Centrbl. Bertliold, Cr'[u((/ri>-.\bschuitte. Kine .Monographie. XeafHil Zool. Stat., Fauna A- Flora, 12. 1884, 27 pp. Bemerkungen zu der vorsteheiidi-n Abliandlung von Fr. Oltmasns "Ueber Scheincopulationen bei Ecto- cai|)ecn und anderen .\lgen." Flora, 83,1897. 41.5-425. Bertbold, (lerhard. Sotizen zur (ieschichte der Pliysik. Ztscbr. .Math. Phvs., 38, 1893 (Hitt. lit. Abllt.), 121- 125. Dr. Christian Hkiukis und die Griginal-Luftpumpe Otto VON GrKiucKKs. Stockli., Ofvirs.. 1896. 45-."<3. Ueber den angcblichen .\usspruch Galii.ki'h: "Eppur si muove." Bibl. Math., 1897, 57-58; Ztachr. Math. Phys., 42, 1897 (//m(. lit. Abtb.), .5-8. Berthold, Jul. Die Nachttom|>eratur und das feuchte Thermometer. Meteorol. Ztscbr.. 3 (18861, 219-220; 4 (1887), 304. Bei welcher Temperatur fiillt im Erzgebirge in .500 m. Seehiihe Schnec? Meteorol. Ztschr.. 5 11888). 30-32. Xiichtliches Temperatur-Minimum. %erglichen mit feuchtem Thermometer und Minimum am Bodeo. Meteorol. Ztscbr., 5 (1888), 367-:KW ; 7 (1890), 473-»74. Ueber die interdiume Veriiuderlichkeit der Temfieratur in drei verschiedenen Hiiheulagen des sachsischen Erz- gebirges wiihrend der Periode 1«76-H5. [1889.] Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1888, 77-104. Klima von Keitzenhain im Erzgebirge. Meteorol. Ztscbr., 8 (1891), 3(^37. Der hundertjahrige Kalender. Wetter, 12, 1896, 220- 222, 25:^-2.58, 276-284; 13, 1896, 4-8. Berthold, Rich. Die kleinen Planeten. Zwickjui Ver. -Nat. .Iber., 1886, 1-10. Berthold, Ilu/tir. Vcrzeichniss der forstlieh-phiinolo- gischen Stationen, auf welchen im -lahre 1h:iO B'->>bach- tuugen angestellt wordcn sind. Dcutscbld. Forstl.- Phiinol. Stat. Jber., 6, 1892, 5-12. Pdanzen-Beobachtungen. Deutschld. Forstl.-Phanol. Stat. Jber., 6, 1892, 13-75. Beobachtungen an Vogeln und Insekten. DeatschM. Forstl.-Phiinol. Stat, Jber,. 6. 1892. 77-lOH. Bericht iiber den Ausfall der Uolzsamenerote. DeuUchld. Forstl.-Phiiuol. Stat. .Jber., 6, 1892. 10'.t-113. Bemerkungen iiber das Vorkummen der wiehtigsten forst.schiidlichen Insekten. Deutschld. Forstl.-Pli^ol. Stat, .Jber., 6, 1892. 11-5-119. Bertholet, P. De la germination da sapin bUnc ao Jorat, sur Lausanne, cu 1897. .\rch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897. 67-69. Bertholon, L[ufien]. La colonisation arabe en France (721-1026). [tfith iliseiution.] [18-t6.] Lyon Soc. Anthrop. BuU., 5, 1887, 73-116, 117-121. Craniologie de la Tonisie. Be». d'.Vnthrop., 3, 1888, 2.50. Note sor deux cnines pheniciens troav^ en Tooisie, Anthrop. (Paris), 1. 1890. 314-319. Exploration anthro|>ologiqne de la Kroumirie. Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip., 1891. 41.5-499. Documents anthrop<'logiques sur les Pbeniciens. Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull.. 11, 1892, 179-224. Exploration anthropologiqne de I'ile de mb. Rend., 19, 1886, 176-183. Sulla geometria degli spazj lineari in uno spuzio ad n dimensioni. Milano, Ist. Lomb. liend., 19, 1886, 8:,5-H62. Sui fasci di quadriche in uno spazio ad n dimensioni. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 (Sem. 2), 208-211. Costruzione delle oniografie di uno spazio lineare qualunque. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Bend., 20, 1887, 650- 666. Sulla scomposizione di certe omografie in omologie. [1887.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 22, 1886-87, 86-5-866. Sopra alcuni teoremi fondamentali delle curve piane algebriche. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 21, 1888, 326- 333, 413-4'24. Sulle curve fondamentali dei sistemi lineari di cur\'e piane algebriche. [1888.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 3, 1889, 5-21. - — Zum Fundamentalsatz aus dcr Theorie der algebra- ischen Functionen. [Tr.] Math. Ann., 34, 1889, 447- 449. Deduzionc delle trasformazioni piane doppie dai tipi fondamentali delle involutorie. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Bend., 22, 1889, 771-778. Sopra un teorema del sig. Nktto. Math. Ann., 35, 1890, 456. Sul numero dei punti di diramazione di una singo- larita qualunque di una curva plana algebrica. Milano. Ist. Lomb. Rend., 23, 1890, 307-311. Intorno ad alcuni teoremi della geometria sopra una curva algebrica. [1890.] Torino Ace. Sci. .\tti, 26, 1891, 118-130. Rappresentazione di una forma ternaria per combina- zione lineare di due altrc. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 24, 1891, 109-5-111.5. Dimostrazione di un teorema sulla trasformazione delle curve algebriche. Riv. Mat., 1, 1891. 22-24. Ossei"vazioni sulle " Vorlesungen iiber Kii:U4Ss's Theorie der Aber.*chen Integralen" von Dr. C. XKttMANS (zweite Auliage). Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 6, 1892. 165-172. La geometria delle serie lineari sopra una curra plana secondo il metodo algebrico. Ann. Mat., 2*2 (18941, 1-40. Sulle superficie di Riemanx. Roma, B. Ace. Linoei Rend., 3, 1894 {Sem. 1), 106-110. Sugli spazi lineari delle quadriche a numero pari di dimensioni. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 189G, 3-50-354. Sulle configurazioni di KCmmek piu volte tetraedroidali. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Bend.. '29, 1896, .566-570. Le tangenti multiple della Cayleyana di una quartica plana generale. Torino .\cc. Sci. Atti, 32. 1896, 32-33. yuand' o che due curve piane dello stosso ordine hanno le stesse prime polari'.' Torino Ace. Sci. Atti. 33. 1897. 23-29. Sui sistemi di ipersnperficie di S, aventi le stesse prime polari. Roma, B. Ace. Lineei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 2). 217-227, 275-281, 3.57. Bertinien (/<• fri-re). '[Notes meteorologiques.] Rouen (Siiue-lnferieure). France Soc. Mi-teorol. Nouv. M^teo- rol.. 7. 1874. Pt. 2, 87. 96, 10.5, 114. Bertinien \le .frere), & Iineard {le frire). See I.ocard cV Bertinien. Bertkau] 504 [Bertolio Bertkau, I'liilipp. For biograpli.v aud works gee Leopoldina, 31, 1895, •220-221: Bonn, Nat'. Hist. Ver. Verh., .")3, 1896, 9-19: Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, (iC; Ent. Naehr,, 22, 1896, 24-29 ; Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1896, v. Ueber den Ban und die Funktion der .sogenannten Leber bei den Spinneu. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 23, 1884, 214-245. Die Begattungvon Mutillaephippiuni. Biol. Centrbl., 3, 1884, 722-724. Ueber den Verdauungsapparat der Spinnen. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-BL, 1884, (56-77; Arch. Mikr. Anat., 24. 1885, 398-451. [Fossile Holzer au.s dem Steinkoblengebirge bei Wit- ten.] Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1884, 96. Die Eeblausfrage. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-BI., 1884, 96-97. Entomologische Miszellen. [1. Ueber Duftvorricht- ungen einiger Schmetterlinge. 2. Xylocopa violacea ein Honigrauber. 3. Weitere Beitrage zur Spinueufauna der Eheinproviuz. 4. Zur Kenntniss der Funktion der einzelnen Tlieile an den Tastern der Spinnenmannchen. ] Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verh., 41, 1884, 343-363. Ueber Tetrodontophora gigas. Renter. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 28, 1884, 235. Ueber die Coxaldriisen der Arachniden. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1885, 13-16. [Ueber die Augen und ein als Gehororgan gedeutetes Organ der Spinnen.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sljer., 1886, 218-225, 282-284. Ueber Planocephalus aselloides, Sciidd., und Lira- noehares antiquus, ti. Heyil. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1885, 298-300. Ueber den Duftapparat einiger einheimisoher Schmet- terlinge. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1885, 300-301. Ueber den Saisondimorphismns und einige andere Lebenserscheinungen bei Spinnen. Zool. Anz., 8, 1886, 459-464. Bemerkungen zu Schimkewitbch's Notiz " Sur un organe des sens des Araignees" in Zool. Anz. No. 201, p. 464. Zool. Anz., 8, 1885, 537-538. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Sinnesorgane der Spinnen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 27, 1886, .589-631. Ueber Ameiseniihnlichkeit unter Spinnen und einen besonderen Fall dieser Erscheinung. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1886, 66-69. Ueber die geographische Verlneitung einiger Psociden. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 68. Zwei Bemerkungen zu E. Ray Lankestek's Artikel : Prof. Claus and the classification of the Arthropoda. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 430-432. Ueber Duftapparate einheimischer Schmetterlinge. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1887, 118-119. [Ueber den Ban der Chernetiden.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1887, 112-117. Ueber Mermis in Tarantula inquilina und die durch den Parasiten bedingte Sterilitiit des Wirthes. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corre.sp.-Bl., 1888, 91-92. Ein .lapyx bei Bonn. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.- Bl., 1888, 92-93. Branchipus Grubei, /)!//(., bei Bonn. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1888, 93. Ueber einen Zwitter von Gastropacha Quercus. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1888, 67-68. Beschreibung eines Zwitters von (liistropacha Qurrcus, ncbst allgenieinen Bemerkungen und einejn Verzeichniss der beschriebenen Arthropodenzvvitter. Arch. Naturg., 5.5, 1889 (lid. 1), 75-116. [Einige interessantc Thiere von Bonn.] Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1889, 69-79. [Ein neuer Fall eines Begattungszeichens. | Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1889, SO 82. Ueber proterandrisches Zwitterthum ira Thierreich. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1889, 5-6. [Untersuchung der Geschlechtsorgane eines Arthropo- denzwitters.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1889, 49-.50. ■ Ueber die Larvcn von Microdon. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1889, 58-60. Ueber ein " Begattungszeichen " bei Spinnen. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 4.50-454. Ueber die einfachen Augen der Gliederfiissler. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1890. 70-71. [Eine P.socide als Hausplage. ] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 63-66. [Das Weibchen einer vierten deutschen Atypus-Art, A. muralis.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 76-78. [Ueber das muthmassliche Weibchen von Homalisus suturalis.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 78-79. Beschreibung eines Arthropodenzwitters. Arch. Naturg., 57, 1891 (Bd. 1), 229-238. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pseudoscorpione. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1891, 45-46. Lebende Branchipus Grubei. Bonn Niederrliein. Ges. Sber., 1891, 54-55. [Ueber die Giftspinne (Chiracanthium nutrix, WnU-}:.).] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1891, 89-93; 1892, 102- 103. Beschreibung der Larve und des Weibchens von Homalisus suturalis. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1891, 37-42. Ban der Giftdriise einheimischer Spinnen. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1892, 59-00. Ueber Sinnesorgane in den Tastern und dem ersten Beinpaar der Solpugiden. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 10-13, 110-111. [Ueber eine Sendung von Thieren aus Dar es Salaam in Deutsch-Ostafrika.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 16-20. ■ [Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Begattungsvorgiinge bei den Spinnen.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1894, 7-9. Bertolani, Giorgio. Espressioni delle derivate logaritmichc d' ordine superiore al secondo delle funzioni 3^ e o- ellit- tiche. Gioru. Mat., 33, 1895, 139-144. Contributo alia teoria della funzione E (x). Giorn. Mat., 34, 1896, 1-10. . SuUe derivate logaritmiche d' ordine superiore delle funzioni theta iperellittiche a due argomenti. Giorn. Mat., 34, 1896, 135-145. Bertoldl, . Bolide [17 di nov. 1899, Beooaro]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 20, 1900, 8. Bertoldo, Jean ilarius. Sur le developpement des axolotls. Naturaliste, 14, 1892, 15. Bertolini, Gian Lndovico. II sistema fluviale padano. lliv. Geogr. Ital., 1, 1894, .502-5(16. La linea di corso di un fiume in relazione a' suoi affluenti. Riv. Geogr. Ital., 2, 1895, 614-619. Lagune dolei e lagune salate. Riv. Geogr. Ital., 3, 1896, 43.5-4.39. I fiumi di resorgiva in relazione alle lagune ed al territorio Veneto. [1897-1900.] Riv. Geogr. Ital., 4, 1898, 449-453. 574-576 ; 5, 1898, 201-205 ; 6. 1899, 98- 104; 7, 1900, 371-387. Bertolini, S[tel'iiuo de]. Contribuzione alia fauna trentina dei Coleotteri. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 19, 1887, 84-135; 20, 1888, .3-58; 21, 1889, 157-205; 23, 1891, 169-217; 24, 1892, 193-208, 346-368; 25, 1893, 221-247; 26, 1894, 356-388; 27, 1896, 117-108; ;^0, 1898, 85-120; 31, 1899, 291-299. Bertolio, Antonio, Ooiran, Aiiostiiio. Zannetti, Jrliiro, & MusBO, I,nipi. See Ooiran, Zannetti, Bertolio l^' MUSBO. Bertolio, S(}Umiinn. Note sur quelques roches des Collines Enganeennes. Paris, Soc. Gt'ol. Bull., 21, 1893, 406- 437; Riv. Min. Crist., 15, 1895, 3-32. Studio micrografico di alcune roccie dell' isola di S. Pictro (Sardegna). Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 25, 1894, 407-421. Bertoliol 505 [Bertram Sur le massif voIcanii|ue ntri)iiizione alio studio dci tcrreni vulcanic! di Sarde^na. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 27, 1896, 181-20:i, Appunti Keolo({ico-minerari sull' isola di S. ri.tri> (Sardegna). Italia Cora. Geol. Boll., 27, 1896, Id) 421. Sur Ics formations volcaniques de Sardaigne. Paris, Soc. Oio\. Bull.. 24. 1896. I'M-nOO. Sulla composiziimo eliiniicii duUe comenditi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., r>, 1896 (.SVm. 2), 1.50-1.V2. Sulla mitrostrutturii dtlle comenditi. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., H2, 1899, lOOO-lOOS. Bertolo, llumiwilr]. Sopra la reazione della santonina c iIlIU' dusmotroposantonine col cloruro ferrico. {Xala preliminare.) Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., (JO, 1899, 51-53; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 2 1 (1899, I'l. 2), 102-103. Bertolo, I'{a>:iiiiiilv |. it Andreocd, .1 merico. See Andreoeci ,v Bertolo. Bertoloni, AiitoiiiiK Notizic storiehe sull' origine dillu studio dei semplici in Italia. (1HS9-90.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 84-93; 23, 1891, 215-221. Riferimento sulle eollezioni botaniehe e i manoscritti lasciati dal Dott. Cav. Pietro Bihasi di Bagnacavallu. [1890.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. lUl., 23, 1891, 206-21.5. Bertolotti, G. [Bolide, .\ltare, febbiaio 27, IH'.IH.] Mon- oaliiii Oss. Boll., is, 1898, 13. Berton, ./. De Lastourville sur I'Ogooue ii Samba sur lo N'Gounie (septembre et ootobre 1890). Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull.. IK, 1896, 211-218. Bertoni, (Hacomn. .\nalisi dell' acqua minerale di Acqua- rossa nel canton Ticino. [1884.] Milano, Ist, Lomb. Bend., 17, 1884, 339-344; Ann. di Cbim., 78, 1884. 257-269; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1886, 232-233. Contributo alio studio dell' eteriticazione per doppia decomposizione. Formazione dell' etere nitroso dell' alcool allilico. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 536-545; Ann. di Cbim., 1, 1886, 337-319: Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1886, .361-370. Fatti sull' eteriticazione per doppia decomposizione. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Bond.. IS, 1885, 823-833, 999-1006; Ann, di Chim., 2, 1885, 155-166; 3. 1886. ir.6-173 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885. 351-360; 16, 1886, 17.5-182; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 15, 1886, 27-49 [Purl , 35-41. Bertozzl, r|.i/';i(iHo], & Mazzara, G[irolamo]. See Mcizzara ,V Bertozzl. Bertram, . Beitrii^ie zur Keiintniss der Sarcosporidien iipi.st einem .\nhange iiber parasitische Schlauche in der l.riliihle von Uotatorien. Zool. Jbiich. (.inat.), 5, 1892. 581-604. Bertram, •. Ueber Meteorite. [1896.] Hannover .Jl.ii.. 1893-97, 78-79. Bertram, .l[u(iui>t]. Zur Kenntniss des Monophenylthin- liarnsiiitTs und der Imidocarbaminthiosaureester. [1890.] licrliii, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 48-l. .Krch. Pharm.. 2.35. 1897. 176-184. Bertram, /,'['// //A). •Krystallographischc Unttrsochung einictr organischer Verbindungen. [1882.] Ztschr. Kryst., 9, 1884, 302-308. 64 Bertram! 506 [Bertrand Bertram, 11'. [Verzeichniss dcr anf dio LiuulesUur)ile des Heizo;,'thums Braunschweig beziiglichen Litteratur.] Pflanzenwelt. Biaunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber. (6), 1891, 2S4-292. Bertrand, [Joseph Jenn]. Expi'riences siir la myopie et !a piii'ille artiticielles. Ann. d'Oculist., 91, 1884, 3'i-44. Bertrand, . Concours de 1882. Probleme de mi'- caiiique. Ann. Conduct. Fonts et Chauss., 31, 1887 [I't. 1), .S8-44. Bertrand, , & Ogier, Jules. Sur nne epideniie il'iiitnxication satiirnhie, caiisee par des fai'ines. [1887.] Aim. Hyg. Piibl., 11). 1888, 68-76. Bertrand, (ctipit.) Alfred. *Voyage k la vallee de Cacheniiie. [1883.] ' Geneve See. Geogr. Mem., 23, 1884 {Bull.), 20-49. Passage de Pest k Pouest du detioit de Magellan et des canaux lat&aux de la Patagonie. [1887.] Geneve Soe. Geogr. Mem., 27, 1888 (Bull.), 18-28. Tientsin, Peking, la Grande Muraille de Chine, residence iniperiale de Djehol (Moiigolie interieure), les tonibeaux des Mings, la passe de Nan-Koou. Souvenirs de voyage. Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 32, 1893 (Bull.), 79-108. Notes sur un voyage d'exploration au pays des Ba- Eotse (nord dii Zambeze). Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 36, 1897, 41-61; Paris, Soe. Geogr. C. B., 1897, 58-62. From the Machili to Lialui. Geogr. .11., 9, 1897, 14.5-147. • Methods of survey employed by the Chilean Boundary Commissions in the Cordillera of the Andes. Geogr. Jl., 16. 1900, 329-344. Bertrand, C[hnrles] Eiiphie. Eecberches sur les tubereules de jalap, par Albert BorniEz. Compte-rendu et analyse critique. [1882-85.] Arch. Bot. N. France, 2, [1882-87], 43-69. • Une etude sur le genre Vesqnia, Taxinee fossile des terrains Aach(5niens. [1884.] Bull. Sei. Nord, 16 (1884-85), 40. Loi des surfaces libres. [1884.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 9H, 1884, 48-.')l; Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-85), 40-41; France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 2-12. ■ Phylloglossum. [1885-86] Arch. But. N. France, 2, [1882-87], 70-223. Les Poroxylons. Vegetaux fossiles de I'cpoque Houil- !nre. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 13, 1890, 3-49. Eemarques sur le Lepidodendron Haroourtii de WiTHAM. [1891.] Lille Trav. Mem., 1, 1889-91, Mem. 6, 159 pp. • Le Boghead d'Autun. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 6, 1892, 453-506. Conferences sur les charbons de terre. [Premiere partie: Les Bogheads a algues.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1893 (il/f'm.), 45-81. Sur une nouvelle Centradesmide de Pejioque Houillcre. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1894 [Ft. 2), 588-593. Nciuvelles reniarques sur le kerosene shale de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. E., 123, 1896, 615-617; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 24, 1896, 1()1-164. Charbons liunii(]ucs et charbons de purins. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1897 (/'(. 2), 328-340; Brux. Soc. Beige (ieol. Bull., 1897 (Mi'm.), 284-310; Lille Trav. Mem., 6, 1898, Mem. 21, 218 pp. Caracteristiqucs du kerosene shale dans les gisements du northern coal Held et de Newcastle, Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Ass. Franv. C. E., 1897 (Pi. 2), 341-:S46. Premiers ai)er(,*us sur la formation d. Beige Micr. Bull., 19, 1893, 1 '29 131. Caracteres gt'-nih-aux des Boghcails a algues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E.. 117, 1893, 593-.-)96. ,S'<'>' iilsii Renault cV' Bertrand. Bertrand, ( '| hurlfs] Euifrnc, Cornaille, F.. & Hovelacque, Mnurire. Eemarques sur la struclurc des Isoctes. .\ss. Kraur. C. li., 1897 (Ft. 2), 483-493. Bertrand, K]iiilr. Sur la fiicdelite. France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 3-4. Pro)iri(''tt''s opti(|Ucs dc la berzeliite. France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 31-32. Bertraudl -lOT [Bertrand Forme cristallino ii|ues des roches. France Soc. Min. Bull., 8, 1885, 42(1-428. Microscope miniiralogique. .11. Microgr., 9, 1885, 163-106. Refractomi'trc construit specialement pour IVtude des roches. France Soc. Min. Bull., 9, 1886, 1.''j-21 ; 10, 1887. 1 in 141. TliauMia-iitens optiska egenskaper. [In French.] Stockli. (liol, Fiir. Fiirh., 9, 1887, 131. Liiniides il'inilicea supiirieura ii, 1.8. France Soc. Min. Bull., II, 1888, 31. Bertrand, F.mili\ Note sur quclques Carabiiiues de la Hf^ion lie Calmpthout. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 33, 1889, xi^vi xcviii. Bertrand, KmiU. Note sur quelques proprietis du triangle. Mutlusis, 12, 1892, 130-133; 13, 1893, 15.V102. Bertrand, Unhiirl |/-.'m(7i']. | I'ri'paration du xylose.] l'ari> Soc. Cliim. Bull., 5, 1891, ,040-.547. llechercbes sur (jueUiues derives du xylose. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 554-5.57. [Kecherclies sur la xylite.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, ri42. Sur la constitution de la xylite et du xylose. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., ."., 1891, 740-742. Sur quclques reactions colorees des hydrates de carbone. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 6, 1891, 2.59-2G1. Kecherclies sur la composition imnn'iliate des tissus v^getaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 114. 1892, 1492-1494; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 4(;8-4(;9. Sur les zincates alcalino-terreux. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 939-941, 102^<. Determination specifique du xvlose. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 49il-.'>02. Sur la compositioM chimique de I'essence de Niaouli. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1{., 110, 1893, 1070-1073; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 432-437. Sur le latex de I'arbre a laque. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R. , 118, 1894, 121.5-1218; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 717-721. Sur le latex de I'arbre a laque et sur une nouvelle diastase contenue daus cc latex. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 478-480. Sur la laccase et sur le pouvoir oxydant de cette diastase. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 206-269; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 361-305, 1107. Sur la recherche ct la presence de la laccase dans lea v<5getaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 166-168; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 1095-10U8. Examen du miel produit par une Poliste de Bassc- Californie. Paris, >Ius. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 38-39. La laque du Tonkin et sa diastase oxydante. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895. 134-130; 2'. 1896, 161-164. [Reactif tres sensible de la laccase.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 757. Sur I'existence de diastases oxydantes chez les veg^taux et sur quelques cas oil elles interviennent. Ann. Agron., 22, 1896, 116-131. La laque et la laccaBO. Contribution a la connaiasance des oxydatiuDB diastasiqucH. Arch, de Plivniol., 8, 1896, 23-31. Pieparation biochiini(|iic du sorboso. PariK, Ac. Sci. C. H., 122. 1896, 900-903; Paris, .Muh. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 113 116; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 627- 631. Sur leu rapports qui existent entre la conBtitution chimique des composes orguniques et leur oxydabilite Sims rinllucnc** de bi laccase. Paris, Ac. Sc:i. C. R., 122, 1896, 1132-1134; Paris .Soc. Chim. Bull , 15,1896, 791-793. Sur une nonvelle oxydase, ou ferment solable oxydiint, d'origine vegetale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122. 1896. 121.5-1217; Paris. Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 200- 208; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1.5, 1896, 793-797. Sur la presence simiiltanee de la laccase et de la tyrosinase dans le sue de quebines champignons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 463-465. Sur la separation de la laccase et de la tyrosinase conteuucs dans le sue de certains champignonH. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2. 1896, 358-300; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 15, 1896. 1218-1220. Observations sur quelciuea nouveaux derives de la serie dcs pentoses: I'acide lixoniqiic ct la lixite. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896. .592-594. Nouvellea recherches sur les fcrmenLs oxydaula ou oxydases. Ann. Agron., 23. 1897, :J85-399. Recherches sur la laccase, nouveau ferment soluble, k propri(^-tes oxydantes. Ann. Chim., 12, 1897, 11.5-140. . Sur I'intervention du manganese dans les oxydations provoquees par la laccase. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. If., 124, 1897, 1032-1035; Paris, .Mua. Hi.st. Nat. Bull., 3. 1897, 173-170; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 019-624. Sur Taction oxydante des sels manganeux et sur la coi^stitution chimique dcs oxydases. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 135.5-1358, 148 nho Bourquelot & Bertrand. Bertrand, Oahriil [Kniik'], & Mallivre, All'red. Sur la ))ectase et sur la fermentation )iectiijne. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 1012-1014; 120, 1895, 110-112, 172; Jl. Bot., Paris, 8, 1894, 390-396; 9, 1895, 53-58; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 77-82, 252-256. • Sur la dijfusion de la pectase dans le r^gne vegetal et sur la preparation de cette diastase. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 726-728; Jl. Bot,, Paris, 10, 1896. 37-41; Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 32-33; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 31-33. Observations sur la fermentation peetique. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 291-293. Bertrand, Gabriel [Emilc], & Fhisalix, Clesnirel. See Fhisalix & Bertrand. Bertrand, Gabriel | /•.';» iZc], &■ Poirault, Geuri/es. Sur la niatii'-re colorante du pollen. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 82S-8:S(1. Bertrand, ./., ct Mayet, 0[clave] F[eli.r.]. See Mayet c(' Bertrand. Bertrand, ■laseph [lAmis Francois]. For biography and list of works see Giorn. Mat., 38, 1900, 171-176; Jl. Savants, 1900, 257-259, 312-315; Leoi«)ldina, 36, 1900, 129-130; Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 614-61fi; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 13(1, 1900, 961-978; 131, 1900, 1033-1034; Science, 11, 1900, 637; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 12, 1900, xxxiv; Wiad. Mat., 4, 1900, 267-268. *Le satellite de Venus. Astronomic, 1882, 201-206. *Des progres de la mecanique. M. IMarcel Dei'Hez. Lum. Elect., 10, 1883, 194-207. Les zodiaques et le calendrier egyptien. Bull. Sci. Math. Astr., 8, 1884, 8-19. Conference de barometrie. Les Mondes, 7, 1884, 54- 60, 136-148. Conference de chronometrie. Les Mondes, 7, 1884, 223-233, 027-630, 6-50-655; 8, 1884, 179-185, 221-229. Conference de metrologie. Les Mondes, 8, 1884, 50- 53, 104-108, 131-137. Sur les unites electriques. Extrait d'une lettre adress('e k I'tiditeur, |.1/. G. Mittao-LefI'-leu]. Acta Math., 8, 1886, 387-392. Levons sur la thiiorie mathi5matique de I'^lectricite. fltedigi^'es par MM. G. Szaiuaijy et G. DucHii.] Iium. Elect., 22, 1886, 289-299, 387-398, 438-448, 484-490, 530-543, 592-601. [Observations relatives a uno communication de MM. L. Cailletk'I' et E. Mathias sur bi densit('' de I'acide sulfureux a lY'tat de liquide et de vapeur saturee.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1568-1571. Solution d'un probleme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 369. Formule nouvelle pour repr^seuter la tension maxima de la vapeur d'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 105,- 1887, 389- 394. [Observations relatives aux notes de MM. Emile BAitniEB et D^sir^ Andre, sur un probleme de calcul de probabilites.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 437- 439. [Remarques relatives k la fonction designee longtemps par les pbj'siciens sous le nom de fonction de Carnot. ] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 477-483. Note sur une loi singuliere de probability des erreurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 779-780. Sur un paradoxe analogue au probleme de Saint-P^ters- bourg. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 831-833. Sur ce qu'on nomme le poids et la precision d'une observation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1099- 1102. Sur les epreuves ripet^es. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 105, 1887, 1201-1203. Sur I'association des ^lectenrs par le sort. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 17-19. Demonstration du tbeoreme [relatif a la duree du jeu]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 49-51. Sur la loi de probabilite des erreurs d'observation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 153-156. Probability du tir a la cible. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 232-234, 387-391, 521-522. Sur la determination de la precision d'un systeme de mesures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 440-443. Sur la rigueur d'une demonstration de Gadss. Paris, Ac. Sci, C. R., 106, 1888, 50.3-565. Sur rindetermination d'un probleme r^solu par PoissoN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 636-638. Sur la combinaison des mesures d'une meme grandeur. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 106, 1888, 701-704. Sur la valeur probable des erreurs les plus petites dans une serie d'obsei'vations. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 106, 1888, 786-788. Sur revaluation a posteriori de la contiance m^rit^e par la moyenne d'une serie de mesures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 887-891. Snr I'erreur a craindre dans revaluation des trois angles d'un triangle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 967-970. Sur les lois de raortalite de Gompertz et de Makeh.ui. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1042-1043. Sur la methode des moindres carres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 111.5-1117. Sur la precision d'un systeme de mesures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1195-1198. Sur les consequences de I'egalite aeceptee entre la valeur vraie d'un polynome et sa valeur moyenne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1259-1263. Note sur I'introduction des probabilites moyennes dans I'interpretation des resultats de la statistique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 10(1, 1888, 1311-1313. Note sur le tir a la cible. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 205-207. Generalisation d'un tlieorftme de Gauss. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 107, 1888, 537-.538. Sur I'application du calcul des probabilites k la thtorie des jugemeuts. Paris, Soc. Pbilom. M(5m. Cent., 1888, 69-75. ■ Note sur un tb(5ort>me du calcul dea probabilites. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 701-703. Note sur un probleme de niecaniquo. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894. 13-15. Note sur un tbeoreme de g^omiHrie. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 121, 1896, 921-922. BertraudJ 50!) [Bertrand Sur la tht'oric ilea guz. I'ariH, Ac. Sci. C. U., 122, 1896, 963-".Mi7. 10Hi:i-1084. I Sur 111 lliiiorif des >;iiz. Hcponse a J/. Boi.tzmasn.] Palis, Ac. Sci. C. It., 122, 1896, 1171, 1314-1315. Bertrand, .loxiph. Sur quclqucH cfclones de la st-rie craHSc a jKiids iiioleculaires i^lcvi'.i. Brux., Ac. Hull., 31, 1896, 2i;7 277; I'aria Soc. Chim. Bull., 1.0, 1896, 7(>4-7(>H. Bertrand, /.[«»/»] F.[iimoiid hidurf]. A. LkkKvbe, son roll' daus la question df la ciilique seclie de8pa,v.schaudK. Arch. Mi'd. Navalc, 4',, 1886. l(il-177. KelatioM d'uiic I'pidiiiiii' de dyKt-ntorie qui a rc-gnt- iV Toulon du mois dc niai uu niois de noveiiibre 18y7. Etude de cette dysenterie i I'hopilal de SaiutMandrier; observations et recherclies cliniques anatoniique.i, bacti'-- rioloRiques, etc. Arch. Mi!d. Navale, 4'J, 1888, 321-371; 50. 1888, 5-30, 81-101, 2(50-285, 339-371. Sur un cas de tii'vre dile liilieuse hemoglohiiiurique. I Arcimilianni' de reniarques do 31. Lavkkan.] Paris, Ac. Mid. Hull., 41, 1899. 7t)-82. Bertrand, 7,[»i/i.sJ I\iiiiwud Isidore], & Fontan, J[uleg] A\iitoiiie Kmile], De Tenti-ro-colite chroniqne cndeniique des pays chauds. Arch. Mi'd. Navale, 45, 1886, 211-22it, 2C(i-308, 40B-42(i; 46, 1886, 37-52, 101-126, 241-293, 342-3111, 401-408; 47, 1887, 50-71, 99-154. Bertrand, I.i'idi. Note sur truis esptces du genre Scalpelluni, du Calcaire tiroesicr des environs de Paris. Paris, Soc. Giol. Bull., 19, 1891, (J93-698. Sur la constitution geologique de la partie septentrio- nale des Alpes-Maritimes. Paris, Soc. Giol. Bull., 21, 1893, xv-xviii. [Presence de I'hypersth^ne dans certains ichantillona de labradorite du conglom^rat de Villeueuve-Li>;ibet (AlpesMaritimes).] Paris, Soc. Gi5ol. Bull., 21, 1893, xviii. Alpes Maritimes et Provence. Nord du departement des Alpes Maritimes. [1894-95.] France Serv. Carte Gtol. Bull., 6, 1896, 103-105; 7, 1896, 107-113. Sur la tectonique de la partie nord-ouest du departe- ment dis .\lpes-Maritimes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 121, 1895, 137-141. I'ltude gi'ologique du nord des .■Vlpes-Maritimes. [189G. ] France Serv. Carte Giiol. Bull., 9, 1897, 1-214. Alpes. Feuille de Saint-Martin-Visubie. [1897-98.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 9, 1897, 388-389; 10, 1899, 180-181. Sur un moyen dc di'termiiiation pratique des feldspaths plagioclascs dans un cas particulier. Application dune lipure de ,1/. Michel Lkvv. France Soc. Min. Bull., 20, 1897, 219-223. Alpes. Feuille de Nice. [1898-99.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 10, 1899, 170-179, 554-557. [Observations sur le Cntace et le gypse des Alpes- Maiitimos.] Paris, Soc. Giol. Bull., 28, 1900, 42-43. Bertrand, I.i'nii, iV liAvy, .([Hi/iisfc] Mithel. Sin I,ivy & Bertrand. Bertrand, I.''es, et la formation du continent euroiM-en. Paris, Soc. Giol. Bull., 15, 1887, 423- 447. ilot Triasique du Beauaset (Var), analogie avee le basain houiller francoliidge et avec les WfHf^ de Glaris. [1N87.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 007-702; 10, 1888, 79-84. Compte rendu de I'excursiou du lundi 12 septembre, aux carriires de Chancelade. Paris, Soc. Giol. Bull., 15, 1887, 834-840. [Tertiairc des environs de Beaumont.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 848. [Note sur les giseuients Tertiaires de la ceinture do Plateau Central.] Paris, Soc. Giol. Bull., 15, 1887, 654- 855. Xrfs plis couches et les renversements de la Provence. Environs de Snint-Zacharie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., IOC, 1888, 1433-1436. Sur les relations des phenoroeiies eruptifs avec la formation des montagnes et sur les loia de leur distribu- tion. Paris, .Ve. Sci. C. K., 106. 1888. l-548-l.i50. Allure gem-rale des plissenunls des couches de la Provence : analogic avec ceux des .\lpes. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 100, 1888, 1613-1615. Les plis couclii's de la region de Draguigiian. [1888.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 107. 1888. 701-703; Paris, .Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 234-240. Un nouveau proldeme de la giologie proveuvale- Pinetration de mumes irisies dans le Cretace. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 878-881. Sur les bassins houillers du plateau central de la France. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 10, 1888, 517-528. Sur la distribution geographique des rochts eruptives en Europe. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull.. 10, 1888, 573-<;i7. Nouvelles etudes sur la chaine de la SainteBeaume. Allure sinueuse des plis de la Provence. Paris, Soc. Giol. Bull., 10, 1888. 748-778. Comptcrendii de Texcursion du 18 aofit a Bicetre et a Villejuif. Paris, Soc. Giol. Bull., 17. 1889. 84.5-850. Sur les schistes lustres du Mont-Cenis. Paris, Soc Giol. Bull., 17, 1889. 8S0-H83. [Sur la coupe da sonimet de I'Ouarsenis. ) Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull.. 19, 1891. Ixvii-lxviii. Sur le massif d'Allauch. [1891.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull.. 19, 1891, cii-cv; France Serv. Carte Giol. Bull., 3, 1892, 283-333. Compte-rendu de la course de la Ciotat et de Bandol. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1051-10.")7. Compte-rendu de I'excursion au Val d'Aren, an Canadeau et au Vieux Beausset. Paris, Soc. Oiol. Bull., 19, 1891, 106-2-1077. Compte-rendu de I'excursion au tiligraphe de la Cadiere et a Fontanieu. [ll'ilh diseu*$ion.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1077-1087. Beponse aux observations de J/. Toccas [sur la classitictttion dc la Craie Siiiiirieure du Beausset]. Paris, Soc. Giol. Bull., 19. 1891. 1090-1095. Sur le plissement de la mippe de recomTement da Beausset. Paris, Soc. Giol. Bull.. 19. 1891, 1096-1100. Compte-reudu de I'excursion du 2 octobre. a la Baraliere. a Turbeo et a Broussan. Paris, Soc. Giol. BuU., 19, 1891, 1116-11-24. Note sur la baude d'aflais-sements de Cbibron. Paris, Soc. Giol. BuU., 19. 1891, 113-i-1134. Compte-rendu de la course du lundi 5 octobre. [Premiire partie ; de Brignoles a Salemes. Deuxieme partie: coa|>e du defile de la Bouissiire.] Paris, Soc. Geol. BuU., 19, 1891. 1166-1171. Berti'audl 510 [Bertrand de Foutviolaut Sur la di-formation de I'ecorce terrestre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 40'2-4i)(i. [Sur rorigiiiB iles pmidinKues de la Ciotat.] Paris, Soc. Genl. Bull., 20, 1892, li-liii. [La continuation des plis Tertiaires du bassin de Paris dans !e Crotacc de la Sarthe.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull.. 20, 1892, xci-xcii. [Sur la formation des anticlinaux.] Paris, Soc. Gtol. Bull., 20, 1892, xcv-xcvi. Sur la coutiuuite du pbenomene de plissement dans le bassin de Paris. Paris, Soc. G(5ol. Bull , 20, 1892, 118-165. ■ • Sur le raccordement des bassins houillers du nord de la France et du sud de I'AnKleteri'e. Ann. Mines, 3, 1893, 5-83; Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 5, 1893, 100-141. The mountains of Scotland. [Tr.] Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 118-129. Sur la structure du Mole [pr6s de Bonneville (Haute- Savoie)]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 21, 1893, xx. [Sur les bandes Triasiques de la Provence.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 21, 1893, liii. Le Mole et les coUines de Faucigny (Haute-Savoie). [18(!3.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 4, 1894, 345-393. Etudes sur le bassin houiller du nord et sur le Boulonnais. Ann. Mines, 5, 1894, 509-035. Structure des Alpes franraises et recurrence de certains facies sedimentaires. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1894, 101- 177. Sur la structure des Alpes fran(,-aises. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 212-215. Ligues directrices de la g^ologie de la France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 2.58-202. Sur I'origine de certains gypses du Trias alpin. Paris, Soc, Geol. Bull., 22, 1894, xxx-xxxi. Etudes dans les Alpes frauvaises. (Structure en ^ventail, massifs anjygdaloides et m^tamorphisme. ) Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 22, 1894, G9-118. Etudes dans les Alpes fran^aises. (Schistes lustres de la zone centrale.) Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 22, 1894, 119- 162. [Alpes Maritimes et Provence.] Bandes Triasiques de Barjols et de Rians. [1894.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 6, 1895, 105-106. Alpes centrales. Manrienne et Tarentaise. [1894.] France Serv. Carte Gi^ol. Bull., 0, 1895, 110-115. [Alpes.] Feuilles de St. Jean de Maurienne et de Bonneval. [1895.] France Serv. Carte G^ol. Bull., 7, 1896, 113-115. Essai de reconstitution de la geographie des temps ' Carbonifcres. Paris, Soc. Gi^'ol. Bull., 24, 1896, 24-25. Sur les schistes du Mont .Jovet (a propos d'une note du Dr. J. W. Gnf:ooRY). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 140-147. Rii'ponse au sujet des domes 4 d^^versement p^ri- phc^rique. Paris, Soc. OM. Bull., 24, 1896, 763-765. [Sur le Trias du Djebel Chettabali.] Paris, Soc. G<^ol. Bull., 24, 1896, 1184. . Alpes. La Tarentaise au nord de I'lsere. [1890.] France Serv. Carte G(5ol. Bull., 8, 1897, 145 (6is)-150 {big). La basse Provence. Ann. Geogr., 0, 1897, 212-229; 7, 1898, 14-33. Les excursions du septi^me Congr^s G^ologiqne Inter- national en Eussie. Paris, Soc. G^'ol. Bull., 25, 1897, 705-723. Note on extensions of the coal-field of the north of France. [Tr.] [1897.] Fed. Inat. Min. Engin. Trans., 13, 1898, 583-584. Le bassin Cretacc^' de Fuvoau et le bassin houiller du nord. Ann. Mines, 14, 1898, 5-85. . L'cxpi'dition au GroiJnland de la Soci^t^ de Geo- graphic de Berlin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 805-808. Observations a propos des notes de M. E, Fourniek [sur I'excursion au Caucase, et sur plusieurs massifs des environs de Marseille]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 4M-54. . Sur deux faits interessauts dans la coupe d'une galerie [de mines de ValdonneJ, dans les couches a charbon du Criitace Supi-rieur. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 158. La nappe de recouvrement des environs de Marseille. Lame de charriage et rapprochement aveo le bassin houiller de Sik'sie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 20, 1898, 032-052. La grande nappe de recouvrement de la Basse Provence. France Serv. Carte G(5ol. Bull., 10, 1899, 397-407. Sur les ph(!'nomenes volcaniques et les tremblements de terre de I'Amerique Centrale. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 27, 1899, 494-495. Etudes sur les bassins houillers. Bassin houiller du Gard. Ann. Mines, 17, 1900, 505-618. Le bassin houiller du Gard et les plu'-nomenes de charriage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 213-220. Essai d'une theorie m^canique de la formation des montagues. Deplacement progressif de I'axe terrestre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 291-298. Deformation tetraedrique de la Terre et deplacement du pole. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 449-464, 612. Observations a propos de la note de il/. he L.\pp.\rest. [Sur la svmetrie tetraedrique du globe terrestre.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 619-622. Observations sur la formation des chaines de montagnes. Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 28, 1900, 18-21. Observations sur la note de .1/. Repelin ; [Nouvelles observations sur la tcctonique de la chaine de la Nerthe.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 2.S, 1900, 264-267. Bertrand, Murcel, & GoUiez, H. Les chaines septentrio- nales des Alpes Bernoises. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 508-595. Bertrand, Mia-cel, & Kilian, [Charles Con.'itant] W[ill'ri-48. Sur les deformations elasti(iues d'un corps solide, isotrope ou cristallise, sous Paction d'une force d'intensiti constante, pivotant autour de son point d'application. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 109, 1889, 210-219. Detcnnination et emploi des lignes d'influence dea tensions elastic|Uos dans les arcs plcins et les arcs reticulaires articules aux naissances. [1890.] G^nie Civil. 16. 1889-90, 391-394, 40(5-408. Sur la staticjue Kraplii(iue des arcs diastiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 110, 1890. 697-700; Paris, Ing^n. Civ. Mem., 1890 (I't. 1), 402 4.^)0. Jlethode gent rale de determination des lignes d'influence dans les poutres jileines ou riticulaires assujetties h des conditions surabondantes. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1890 {I't. 2), 742-7.59. Sur les deformations elasticiues maximums des arcs metalliques. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. I!.. 114, 1892, 410; Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1892 (I'l. 1), 198-203. Calcul des poutres continues : metliode satisfaisant aux nouvelles prescriptions du r^glement niinisleriel du 29 aout 1891. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 11.5, 1892, 996- 999. Sur la determination des efforts tranchants maximums produits dans un pont h une travoe par le passage du train-type ditiui par le riglement ministeriel du 29 ao&t 1891. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1892 {Pt. 1), 171-176. Ponts metalliques A traveea continues. Mcthode de calcul satisfaisant aux prescriptions du resilcmeiit ministeriel du 29 aout 1891. Paris, Ing^n. Civ. Mem., 1892 (/'/. 2), 1105-1286. Expression de la charge su))portce par I'arbre d'une turbine hydraulique en niarchc. Theorenie relatif a I'effet dynamique de Teau sur les aubages. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, r.37-639. Bertscta, llermmm. Einiges zur Geologic des Muschelkalks nnd der Lettenkohle. Wiirttemb. .Ihefte., 45, 1889, 58-63. Bertsclilnger, Alfral. Untersueliungen iiher die Wirkung ilir Siindtilter dea stiidtischen Wasserwerks in Ziirich. Ziiiiih Vrtljschr., 34, 1889, 121-190. Zur lieurtheilung von Bier. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, r.(;5-671. Bertscbinger, Hans. Ueber da.< Vorkommen und die liedeiUung der von Kecklinghausenschen (iitterfiguren in Kuochen, besonders bei iler das weiche Scliiidelosteo- pbyt begleitendeu " physiologischen Osteomalacie" der Scinvangeren (Hanau). Virchow, Arch., 147, 1897. 341- 388. Bervi, Sikolaj l'[iisi//i'rir]. () ,l.Bir/KOIlill JKll.lKOcril CI oripauoBaiiicMi. noBepxiioi'Toii paaxli-ia iioji. JlbiicinioM I. Oir.llJ nilKecTII. [Ueber die Bewegung einer Elussigkeit mit Bilduug von Trennungsfliichen unter der Einwirkung der Schwere.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 83 (.V(). 2). 1894. 44-45; 91 (.V->. 1), 1894, 49-56; Fortschr. Phys., 1895 {.ihtli. 1), 365-366. 0 ni.Koroimxi. pHjaxi. n ,T.ii(|(clioiieiiuia.ii.iiijxi. vpanut'llijlXI.. [Ueber einige Roihen und Differential- gleichungen.] [1894.] Ree. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1896.] 838-843; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 275. HiiTcrpiipoBaiiie vpaBiieiiirt abii-hjciiIh oahoH JlcxaillliRTKort CIICTI'MIJ. [Integration der Bewegungs- gleichungen eineg mechaniscben Systems.] Moscow, Hue. Sci. Bull., 91 (So. 2), 1896, 32-37; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 827-828. Phiiieiiii' iit.Koropuxi. ofiiuiixi. BoiipocoBb TCOpill MHCIOBUXI. llirn'rpa.lOBl. [Die AuHosung ciniger allgemeinen Fragen der Theorie der zahlen- theorctischen Functionen ] [1894.] Kec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896. 519-585; Fortschr. Math., 1896. 156-157. Hl.iiOTopuji qiiiMORMH ii|>M.ioH;ciiiji niia.iii:ia 6e;iitoiie'iiio Ma.iuxi. ii aiia-Uini'ici-Kiji ii]»ii.io- »iciiifl Teopiii "iiicc.n.. 'I'yiiKniir, itMtKiiiiiH OCOfilJfl .lllllill. [Einige zahlentheoretische Anwen- dungen der Analysis des Unendlicbkleinen und analy- tisclic Anwendungen der Zahlentheorie. Functionen rait siagularen Linien.] [1895.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 92 (Xo. 1), 1896, 1-28; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 157-158. Sur un analvseur barmonique. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 (Pt. 2), 1896,' 109-120. 0 JBMHieiliH CTpyil miUKOCTII IIO.T,^ jt.ftcTBipMI. Cll.ll>. [Ueber die Bewegung eines freien Fliissigkeits- strahles unter der Einwirkung von Kriiften.] [1896.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 93 (So. 1), 1897, 1-8; Fortschr. Math., 1897. 687-688. lipaTKif! o'lepKi. coBpeMCHnaro cocTOHHiH Tcopill 'lllc.lOBHXt. (j)yilKuill. [Kurzcr Abriss des gegenwiirtigen Standes der Theorie der zahlentheorcli- Rchen Functionen.] [1896.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 19, [1897,] 182-196; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 1.56. (liipp,li..ieiiic Bt.po«Tiii.riiiiaro riiiaHPiiifl n:t- .M l;|i)i('Maio ofibciira iia ociioBaiiiii nt,cK0.ii.Kiixi. iiafi.inijoiiiri IIOMII5I0 iiocry.iaTa r.vvira. [Die Bestimmung des wahrscheinlichsten Werthes eines zu messeuden Objectes auf Grund mehrerer Beobachtungcn ohne Zuhiilfenahme des Gnuss'schcn Postnlats. ] Moscow, Soe. Sei. Bull., 96 (So. 1), 1899, 41-45; Fortschr. Phys., 1900 \.Vilh. 1), 24. Berwertb, Fritz. Der Boden Siebenburgens. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbucb.. 5. 1886. 1-2.3. Ueber ein neues Vorkommen '"krystallisirten Sand- steins ' bei Gersthof nachst Wien. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann.. 1, 1886 (Sot.), 31-34. Drifter Nephrit-Fund in Stcicnnark Steiermark Mitth., 1887. 158-163; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 3, 1888, 79-82. Das Meteor vom 21. .\pril 1887. (Bericht einer Heisc nach Schrems in Niederosterreich.) [Slit einem .\nhange vou Professor G. von Nie.soi. in Briinn.] Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887, 353-374. Vorliiufige .\nzeige eines neuen Vorkommens von Herderit und .Indeit. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887 (Sot.), 92-94. Reisebericht: AusHugc im siebenbiirgischcnErzgebirge. Wien. Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 3. 1888 (Sot.), 116-138. Vcsuvian-Pyroxen-Fels vom Piz Longhin. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann.. 4. 1889. 87-92. .Mtkrvstallinische Gesteiuc im Wiener Sandsteine. Wien. Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann.. 5. 1890 (.Vof. I. 97-102. Die beiden Detunaten. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 13. 1893. 19-26. I'eber .Alnoit von Alno. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 8, 1893, 440-154. Ueber vulcanische Bomben von den Canarischen In,seln nebst Betrachtungen fiber deren Entst^liung. Wien. Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann.. 9. 1894, 399-414. Dacittuff-Concretionen in DacittuS. Hermannstadt Verb., 44, 1896. 1112-104; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 10, 1896, 78-60. Berwerth] S12 [Besangon Neue Nephritfnnde in Steiermark. Steiermark Mitth., 1897, 187-191; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofnuis. Ann., 1.?, 1898, 11.5-117. Bemerkungen zur Struotur des Meteoreisens von Mount .Joy. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 12, 1897 (.Vor), .56-57. ■ Neue Seheelitvorkommiiisse in den ostlichen Central- alpen. Min. Petr. Mittli., 18, 1899. .5.59. Grosser Diamantkrystall aus dem Capland. -Min. Petr. Mitth., 19, 1900, 840-341; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann.. 15, 1900 (Nut.), 4-5. Berwerth, Frit:, & Raimann, /'.'. .SVc Baimann & Berwertb. Berwerth, ;•'(•((.-, ancereaux, A'. Sre Iiancereaux j'' = ax + b. [1897.] Math. Gaz., i, 1900, 130. Besauc^le, . Carnet ornithologique (mars 1900). r.iulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 128-131, 153-154, 1M.H-1<)I», 241-245, 2.57-259. Bescberelle, Kmile. Flonile bryologiquc dc Mayotte. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Hot.), 2, 188B, 82-98. Mousses nouvelles de I'Anierique Australe. France Soe. Bot. Bull., 32, 188B, liv-lxi-X. Knpport gur I'herhorisation faite par la Societe le 1.5- juiii : Laifour et Kevin. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1888, Ixxvi-lxxix. Liste dcs mousses du Paraguay distribuees en 1884 par .1/. B.\i..\Ns.\. Hev. Brvol., 12, 1885, 17-19. Contribution a la Dore bryolo^iciue du Tonkin. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, 95-100; 41, 1894, 77-80. Nouvelle contribution a la llorc bryologiquc du Toukin. Jl. Bot., Paris, 4. 1890, 201-201). Selectio novoruni Muscorum. .11. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 142-148, 2.52-255, 342-350 ; 8, 1894, 43-44, 59-64, 177- 179. Revision des Fissideutacces de la Guadeloupe et de la Martinique. Eev. Bryol., 18, 1891, 49-55. Musci novi guadalupenses. Kev. Bryol., 18, 1891, 75-7.7. Enumeration des mousses nouvelles recoltees par M. I'abbe I)i;i,avay an Yun-Nan (Chine) dans les environs d"IIokin et de Tali. licv. Bryol., 18, 1891, 87-89; Ann. Sci.. Nat. [Hot.). 15, 1892, 47-94. Etude sur le genre Eustichia {Brid.), C. Mueller. Jl. Bot., Paris, 0, 1892, 177-186. Enumeration des Hi5patiques recoltees au Tonkin par M. BihxusK et dcterminoes par M. Stephani. Rev. Bryol., 19, 1892, 13-15. Nouveaux documents pour la flore bryologique du Japon. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Hot.), 17, 1893, 327-393. Enumeration dis Hc'patiquos connues jusqu'ici aux Antilles francaises (Guadeloupe et Martinique). Jl. Bot., Paris, 7, 1893, 174-180, 183-194. Liste des Hcpatiques r^cnlt(5cs aux environs de Kio- Jaueiro (Brosil) par J/. Glazioc. et d. 1 18^(1] Paris Soc. Linn. Hull-, 1. 1889, 626-032, 637-010. Bescherelle, Kmile, & Bpmce, Riclmrd. Hepatiques niiuvellia des colonies franeaises. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 30, 1889, clxxvii-clxxxix, (Uev.), 189. Beachoren, Mut. For biographical notice see Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth.. 1888, 20.5-207. Eeitriige zur mihern Kenntnis der brasilianischcD Provinz Sao Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul. Reisen und Beobachtungen wabrend der Jahre 1875-87. [Potth.] I'eterniann, Mitth., 35, 1889 {Krijiinzungih. 96, 91 pp.). Beseke, ';. J. Der NordOstsec Kanal. Petermann, Mitth., 32, 1886, 289-294- Beselin, [Bertlwld]. Ueber das Desinfcktol und dessen dcsinlicirende Wirkung auf Fiikalien. Ccntrbl. Bakt., 7, 1890, 364-372. Beselin, Otto. Uutersuchungen uber Refraction und Grundlinie der Augcu und iiber die dynami^ihen Ver- hiiltnisse der lateral wirkenden Augenmuskeln an Mad- chen von 5-18 Jahreu. Arch. Augenheilk., 14, 1888, 132-161 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 14. 1888, 200-222. Cholesteatomartige Desquamation im Nierenbecken bei priniiirer Tuberculose derselben Niere. Virchow, Arch., 99, 1886, 289-305. Amyloid in der Cornea eines Btaphylomat<5sen Auges. Arch. Augenheilk., 16, 1886, 130-145 ; Arch. Ophthalm., K!, 1887, 313-316. Ein Fall von extrahirtem und mikroscopisch noter- suchtem Schichtstaar eines Erwachsenen. [1887.] Arch. Augenheilk., 18, 1888, 71-86 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 318-332. Amyloid oder Glycogen in der Homhaut? Erwiderung auf den Aufsatz von Herrn Dr. Scbiele ; Glycogen in der Conjunctiva und Cornea pathologischer Augen. Arch. Augenheilk., 20, 1889, 90-96. Beaemfelder, Eduard. [Ueber die Constitution des Benzols.) Ueber die Reductionsproducte der .j-Naphtoe- siiure. Liebig's Ann., 266, 1891, 187-202. Reagensrohr zur Hervorrufung von Zonen-Beactionea. Chem. Ztg. , 16, 1892, 694-695. Verfahren zum .\ufschliessen schwer- bezw. unloslicher Verbindungen durch Erhitzen derselben mit Ammonium- salzen in geschlossenem Gefasse. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900 421-422. Besbore, E. S. Examination of Chimapbila umbellata. Amir. Jl. Pharra., 59, 1887, 12.5-126. Besley, IT. E. The Geminid meteors. [1898.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 176-177. Early appearances of the Lyrid meteor-shower. Observatory, London, 22, 1899, 154-157. The Quadrantid meteor-shower. Observatory, London, 23, 1900, 52-55. The Geuiinid meteor-shower. ObservBtoiy, London, 23, 1900, 366-370. Besnard, Anton Frnnz. For biography and works tee Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 207-208. Besnard, Aug. Note sur quelques plantes reputees hybrides des environs dc Saint-James (Manche). Caen. .Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 10. 1886, 187-217. 65 Besnardl 514 [Bessemei* Mousses des environs de St. -James. Rev. Bryol., 13, 1886, '2-9. Besnard, Hijrpohjte Joseph. For biography see Angers See. Sci. Bull., 1886, 293-295. Besnier, Ernest. Eapport sur les mesures a prendre a regard des sujets atteints de pelade, au nom d'une Commission composee de MM. H.\rdy, Bercieron, FOUBNIEB, GORNIL, BUCQUOY, OlMVIEB, Le KoY HE MERiconRT, V.\LLiN, ViDAL et Emest Besnieb, rap- porteur. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 20, 1888, 182-223, 207. Observations pour servir 4 I'histoire clinique du pityriasis rubra pilaire (pityriasis pilaris de Devebgih et 'de RiCHACD). Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1889, 253-287, 398-427, 485-544. — ;- Pathogenie des erythemes. , Eryth^me polymorphe. Erythemes scarlatiniformes. Etude nosologique. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1890, 1-24. Farcinose mutilante du centre de la face survenue au cours d'une equina chroniiiue ; debut par morve pulmonaire; gomme farcineuse unilatcrale solitaire; morve renale ; mort par le rein. Ann. de Dermatol., 2, 1891, 296-304. Deux observations nouvelles pour servir a I'histoire clinique du mycosis fongoide et particuli^rement de la periode premycosique de cette maladie. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 241-252. Premiere note et observations preliniinaires pour servir d'introduction a I'etude des prurigos diath^^siques (dermatites multiformesprurigineuses chroniques exacer- bantes et paroxystiques, du type du prurigo de Hebea). [With discussion.] Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 634-648. Sur la question du prurigo. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 981-1002. Role etiologique i, de I'heredite ; ii, de la transmis- sibilite dans la production de la l^pre. Nosologic g^nerale. Prophylaxie. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 953- 991. Besnier, Ernest, & Kallopeau, [Franrois] Hlenri]. Le traitement de Koch a I'Hopital Saint-Louis. Ann. de Dermatol., 2, 1891, 129-158. Sur les erythrodermies du mycosis fongoide. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 987-1003. Sur un cas de mycosis fongoide d'embloe avec lesions aiguijs multiformes. Verification histologique. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 743-750. Besnier, i'/'Hcst {et alii). Sur la lepre. Nature; origines et transmissibilite; modes de propagation et de trans- mission. {Communicatiuii and discnssion.] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 18, 1887, 457-518; 19, 1888, 647-607, 684- 706, 746-751, 888-910, 929-936; 20, 1888, 751-752. Besnoit, , & Cuilli, . Sur le role du parasitisme interne dans les infections g^nerales. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (<-'. B.), 1089-1091. La septicemic hemorragique du mouton. France Soc. Agr. Mem., 139, 1900, 114-116. Besnoit, , A Morel, Cli. Note sur les lesions nerveuses de la tremblante du mouton. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., .50, 1898 (C. K.), 536-538. Besnou, L[<'o7i]. "Cherbourg (Manche). Ecsuuk'S des observations mi^teorologiques faites pendant les ann{5es 1853-57. France Soc. Md'teorol. Annu., 6, 1858, Pt. 1, 65-68. '[Exposition Geologique et Paloontologiquc du Havre, 1877. J Considerations sommaires sur quelcpies produits BouB-marins et analyses de ces produits. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 0, 1880, 704-741. Besques, I'anl, & Vir6, .Innanrl. See Vlr6 * Besques. Besredka, A . L'etat actuel de la question de la Icucocy- toBi;. Ann. Inst. Past.air, 11 (1897), 726 7.'iO. De la lencocytoBc dans la diphterie ; (^tude exp(''ri- mentale et cliniiiue. Ann. Inat. I'asteur, 12 (1898), 305- 342. Du pouvoir bactericide des leucocytes. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 12 (1898), (i07-()24, 868. Etude sur I'inimunite vis-a-vis des composes arscni- caux. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 13 (1899), 49-66, 209-224, 465-479. La leucotoxine et son action sur le systenie leucocy- taire. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 14 (1900), 390-401. Besredka, .1., A Mecnikov, Klias. See laecnikov & Besredka. Besredka, .1., ct Zelinskij, Nikoluj Dlniilrieeii']. Sec Zelinskij iV Besredka. BesE^. .Sec H^rard de Bess6. Besse, [le ehanoine) Maurice. Excursion botanique aux Toules dans la Vallce d'Aoste. Bull. Murith., 19 & 20, 1892, 83-87. Stations nouvelles de Hieracium. [1896.] Bull. Murith., 23-25, 1897, 9-20. Statii>ns nouvelles ou mieux precisees. Bull. Murith., 23-25, 1897, 21-23. Riddes et ses environs. [1897.] Bull. Murith., 26, 1898, 267-274. Contributions a la flore du Valais. Bull. Murith., 27 & 28, 1900, 244-250. Besse, {le clmnoine) Maurice, & Wilczek, Ernest. [Compte rendu de I'excursion de la Societc Botanique Suisse au Grand Saint-Bernard du 29 aout au 2 septembre 1893.] A. Plantes phanerogames. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, (iOl-605. Besse, {le ehanoine) Pierre. Note sur I'ceureuil blanc, variete de I'ecureuil comraun (Sciurus vulgaris, Linn.). [1885.] Bull. Murith., 13-15, 1887, 21-23. Liste des oiseaux palnics du Valais. (Du lac Lemau et des bords du Rhone.) Bull. Murith., 16-18, 1890, 36-42. Bessel, . *P'l;iuCHie BOnpOCa II3'li JlioilTllllKlI : HafiATii noBepxiiocTi. cpejtu iipejiOMJiflioineii ii co6iipaiomei1 bi> ojiHy TciKy .lyuii cBtTa, iicxo- Xfliuie nopMa.ibHO ii3t, TCieKt jiaHnorr noBcpx- IIOC'Tll. [Solution of a question in dioptrics. To find the surface of a medium retracting and collecting in one point the rays of light normally proceeding from a point in a given surface.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem. {Rus.s.), 3, 1863, 236-248. Bessel, .4. *06'i> iiiiBapiaiiraxi. iipoeTt.fiin iixi. cncTCMi. cOBOKyiiHMX'ft 6iiHapHr>ixi. (ImiiMj,. [On invariants of the simpler systems of combined binary forms.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem. {Russ.), 14, 1868 {SuppL), No. 3, 88 pp. Bessel, Friedricli Wilhelm. For biography and list of works see Kiinigsb. Schr., 25, 1885 (Abh.), 113-134. Zwcilf Briefe an Olbebs. [Posth.] Berlin Ak. Sber., 1900, 745-762. Bessel-Hagen, Carl Ernst. See Hagen, [Carl] E[rnst Uessel]. Bessel-Hagen, Frit:. Eiu ulceriises Sarcom des Jejunum bei eiiiem Kinde. [1883-85.] Virchow, Arch., 99, 1885, 99-129. Ueber Defectbildungen an den uutereu und oberen Extremitaten. [1889.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 435-437. Besseler, II\einrich], & Claus, Adnlph [Carl Ludwig]. See Claus ('^ Besseler. Bessels, I'.mil. I'or liiography and works s«c Leopoldina, 21, 1888, 110; Science, U, 1888, 219-220; Termt. Kiizlon., 21, 1889, 599; Geogr. Jlnioli., 14, 1891. 201- 202; Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 11, 1892, 405-4(>6. The northernmost inhabitants of the earth. [Tr.\ Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 801 882. Bessemer, {Sir) Jlenri/. For biography and works see G. nie Civil, 32, 1897-98, 43:^-434 ; Nature. 57 (1897-98), 487-488; Amer. Engineer ct Railroad Jl,, 72, 1898, 131; Bessemer] 510 [Bessey Dinglers Polytcchn. .11., 308, 1898, .18 ; Enfincers Soc. Tiani"., 1898, •2:i4-2H('. ; Inst. Civ. Engiii. I'roc, 134, 1898. :i',M-:W;); Inst. Medmii. Eiigiii. Proc, 1898, 133- l:tU; Iioii & Sttel Inst. Jl., 1898 (.Vo. 1), 2'.)H-311; Monit«ui- Sci., 12, 1898, 382-384; Soc. Chom. Iiid. .11., 17, 1898, 228-22',). On some i;iiily forma of Kessemer coDverters. Iron & Stuul Inst. Jl., 1886, 638-«4y. On the maniilaeturt' of continuous sheets of tniilleable iron and steel, direct IVoni fluid metal. [With diiicuH»ioii.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1891 (.Yo. 2), 23-41. L'origine du procede Bessemer. ['V.] Moniteur Sci., 11, 1897, 437-440. Besser, /-. vuu. Ucber die Bakterien der normalen LuftwcKe. Beitr. Path. Anat., 0, 1889, 331-372. Ein noch niclit be.Hehriel>ener Bacillus liei der Variola vera. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, oW~5i>o. Besser, (Mllf.) I.ydie Kijim de. I)e Taction mi-canique des nuiscle.s des doiKts et du poignet. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, 29>l-347. De iu retraction des muscles apres la section de leur tendon. Lausanne, Soc. Vaiid. Bull., 31, 1898, 348-300. See uho iiiidrr Bugnion, Ednuurd. Besser, Iliidolf. Uilur die VertheilunR der inducirten lOlektricitiituuf eineni unbegrenzten elliptischen Cylinder. Ztschr. .Math. I'liys., 30, 1885, 2.57-273, 30')-324. Besserer, I.iidiviij (Friir.) ran. Ornis der Unigebunt,' von Dieuze in Lothringen. [IHy.").] Ornis, 8, 1896, 1-32. Seltene Erscheinungen aus dem siidlichen Bayern im Jahre 1800. Ornith. Jbueh., «, 1897, 130-143. Oruitliologisches aus Bayern. Ornith. Jbuch., 9, 1898, r.0-00. 7.U- und Abnahnie einiger Vogelarten in Bayern. Ornith. Jbuch., 9, 1898, 113-117. Circus pallidus, Sykes, in Bayern. Ornith. Jbuch., 9, 1898, 150-157. Entenzug in Lothringen. [1897.] Miiuchen Ornith. Ver. Jber., 1, 1899, 25-35. Budytes borealis, Siiiid., in Bayern. Miinchen Ornith. Ver. Jber., 1, 1899, 153-155. Bessey, Carl A., A Bessey, Kdward A. Further notes on thermometer crickets. Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 203-204. Bessey, Cliarh'x lidwiii. 'Further obser?ations upon Silpbiuni laeiniatuni. [1877.] Iowa Ac. Sci. I'roc, 1875-80, 13. *0n the aflinities of the Uredincoe. [1878.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1875-80, 14-1.1. . — — 'Sketch of a natural arrangement of plants. [1879.] Iowa Ac Sci. Proc, 1875-80, 18. 'A classification of the tissues of plants. [1879.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1875-80, 20. 'The morphology of the iris leaf. [1880.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1875 80, 22. 'Notice of a simple dendrometer. [1880.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1875-80, 24-25. The adventitious inlloresccnce of Cuscuta glomcrata. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 508; 1885, 21(2; Anier. Natlist., 18, 1884, 1145-1147; Bot. Oaz., 9 A- 10, 1884 86, 334. Hybridism in Spirogyra. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 67-68. Glands on a grass. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 420- 421. An enormous pufl-ball. .\mer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 530. Structure of the fruit of porcupine grass. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 930-'.i31. Mode of opening of the flowers of Desmodium sessili- folium. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 it 10, 1884-86, 1.57; Science, 4, 1884, 358; Amer. Natlist., I'.l, 1886, 711-713. The question of bisexuality in the |>ond-scums (Zygnemncea;). Amer. As.s. Proc, 1886, 291 ; Bot. Gaz., 9 A 10. 1884 86, 334. Plant migrations. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1886, 398-399. Attempted hybridization between poud-scumn of different genera. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1886, 800-802. The abundance of asli rust. Amer. Natliiit., 19, 1886, 8H0-887; 21, 1887. 000. The movement of protoplasm in the styles of Indian corn. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1886, 888. The demands made by agriculture upon the science of botany. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1886, 10-18. The adventitious infloreBcence of CusCuta glomerata known to the Germans. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 278- 279. A hybrid apple. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 10-52. Huppia maritima, L., iu Nebraska. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886. 10.52-10.53. The roughness of certain urcdospores. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 1053. [Tumble-weeds.] Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 10.53-10.54 ; 21, 1887. 9-2'J-OAO; Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 41. The growth of Tulostoma mammosum. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 00-5-000. The eastward extension of Pinus ponderosa, iJoaglat, var. scopulorum. Amer. Natlist., 21. 1887, 928-929. The iron-wood tree in the Black Hills. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 929. The westward extension of the black walnut. Amer. Natlist., 21. 1887, 929. A meeting-place for two floras. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 189-191. The grass flora of the Nebraska plains. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 171-172. Effect of ice upon tree.-i. Amur. Natlist., 22, 1888, 352-353. An overlooked function of many fruits. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 531. A miniature tumble-weed. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 64-5-640. A few notable weeds of the Nebraska plains. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 1114-1117. Two big-rooted plants of the plains. Amer. Natlist. , 23, 1889, 174-176. The flora of the Upper Niobrara. Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 537-538. The grass problem in Nebraska. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1889, 17-19. The yellow water crowfoot. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 475. The forage problem on the plains. [.\mer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1890, 17-20. Sections of staminate cone of Scotch pine. Amer. Micr. Jl., 12, 1891, .56. The bearberry in Central Nebraska. Amer. Natlist., 25, 1891, 11.30. The hybridization of plants. Garden * Forest, 4, 1891. 400-467. Ferns of the Black Hills. Amer. Natlist., 26, 1892, 252-253. Monstrous poppy. Science, 20, 1892, 249. [Is there a sense of direction ?] Science, 20, 1892, 263. Address [to the Bot. Sect., Aug. \mi^. Evolution and classiflcation. .\mer. Ass. Proc, 1893, 237-251. The use of personal names in designating species. Amer. Natlist.. 27. 1893, 822-823. The weeds of Nebraska. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc. 1893, 33-44. .\ synopsis of the larger groups of the vegetable kingdom. Amer. Natlist., 28. 1894, 63-65. Holophvtes and hysterophytcs. Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 343." The so-called " Itussian thistle." Amer. Natlist.. 28, 1894, 427-430. The homologies of the Uredinete (the rosts). Amer. Natlist.. 2S. 1894. 989-996. 65—2 Bessey] 516 [Besson Further studies in the relatiorishi|i and arranf;enifnt of the families of flowering ))Iants. Bot. Gaz., 19, 1894, 372-373. Some features of tlie native vegetation of Nebraska. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1896, 48()-487. Saealine. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 1007-1008. • Notes on the distribution of the yellow pine in Nebraska. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 102-103. • The conifers of the Pike's Peak region. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 74K-749, 1046. The significance of the compound ovary. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 224-22.5 ; Science, 4, 1896, 434-43.5. The point of divergence of monocotyledons and dicotyledons. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 229-232 ; Science, 4, 1896, 438-440. The box-elder on the plains. Garden & Forest, 9, 1896, 33. [On the canon flora of the plains.] Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 3-57. Report upon the progress of the Botanical Survey of Nebraska. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1897, 273. The systematic arrangement of the Protophyta. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 6.3-(i5. Long stolons of Phragmites. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 227-228. Becent changes in the nomenclature of North American trees. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 431-433. Phvlogenv and taxonomy of the angiosperms. Bot. Gaz., 24, 1897, 145-178. On the chimney-shaped stomata of Holacantha Emoryi. Brit. Ass. liep., 1897, 861. Some considerations upon the functions of stomata. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 861-862. ■ On the distribution of the native trees of Nebraska. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 862-863. Are the trees receding from the Nebraska plains ? Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 4.56-457. Some characteristics of the foothill vegetation of ■western Nebraska. [1897.] Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 111-113. The southern maidenhair fern in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Bot. Gaz., 26, 1898, 311. Ellis's North American fungi. Science, 7, 1898, 346-347. Relative infrequence of fungi upon the Trans-Missouri plains and the adjacent foothills of the Rocky Mountain region. [1898.] Amer. Natlist., 33, 1899, 215-216. Studies of the vegetation of the high Nebraska plains. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 290. A thousand miles for a fern. Amer. Ass. froc, 1899, 294-295. ■ Are the trees advancing or retreating upon the Nebrnska plains? Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 300; Science, 10, 1899, 768-770. ■ Another station for Thorea ramosissima. Bot. Gaz., 27, 1899, 71. The modern conception of the structure and classifi- cation of diatoms. With a revision of the tribes and a rearrangement of the North American genera. Amer. Micr. Soe. Trans., 21, 1900, 61-85. Bessey, Charles Edwin, & Woods, Albert I''. Transpira- tion, or the loss of water from plants. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1891, 305-308. Bessey, Eiheard A., & Bessey, Carl A. See above. Bessey, Krnst A. The comjiarative morphology of the pistils of the Banunculacea', Alismaceic and Rosacea;. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 403-404; Bot. Gaz., 26, 1898, 297-313. Notes on the sperraatozoids of Ginkgo. [1900.] Science, 13, 1901, 2.55. Bessey, Ernst .1., & Webber, Herbert J. See Webber d' Bessey. BesBiires, (/'a///('') . '[Notes m(;t(5orologiques.] Sainte- Hel^ne (S^minaire), Algerie. France Soc Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 83, 91. Besso, Ddvide. Sul prodotto di due .soluzioni di due equazioni differenziali lineari omogenee del second' ordine. Koma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 219- 231. Suir equazione del quinto grado. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 232-244. Di una classe d' equazioni differenziali lineari del quart' ordine, integrabile per serie ipergeometriche. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 24.5-2.50. — — Di una classe d' equazioni differenziali lineari del terz' ordine, integrabile per serie ipergeometriche. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 251-2.52. Sopra una classe di equazioni trinomie. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 631-642. Sopra una classe d' equazioni differenziali lineari del quart' ordine, e sull' equazione del quinto grado. [Note I e II.] Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 183-186, 233-237, 884. SuUe equazioni trinomie e, in particolare, su quelle del settimo grado. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 237-243. Di alcune proprieta delle equazioni lineari omogenee alle differenze finite del 2° ordine. Roma, R. Aec Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 381-383. Sopra una classe d' equazioni differenziali lineari del second' ordine e suU' equazione del quinto grado. Roma. B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 {Seni. 1), 593- 597. Suir integrate del prodotto di una funzione razionale pel logaritmo di una funzioue razionale. Giorn. Mat., 25, 1887, 356-362. Di alcune equazioni alle derivate parziali del prim' ordine. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (Scm. 2), 158-160. SuU' integrazione dell' equazione differenziale lineare omogenea del second' ordine, quando sia conosciuta una funzione intera del secondo grado a coeflicienti costauti di due suoi integrali fondamentali. Modena, Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1890, 239-244. Suir integrazione dell' equazione differenziale lineare omogenea del terz' ordine, quando sia conosciuta una funzione intera del secondo grado a coeflicienti costanti di due suoi integrali fondamentali. Modena, Ace Sci. Mem., 7, 1890, 24.5-2.52. Sopra alcune equazioni differenziali ipergeometriche. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 {Sem. 2), 393-400. • Di alcune formole relative alia funzione sferica P„(.r). Gomes Teixeira Jorn. Sci., 12, 1895, 65-80. Di una formola relativa all' integrale ellittico conipleto di prima specie, conteuuta in una precedente nota, e di altre a quella allini. Roma, E. Ace Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 229-232. Besson, [Pierre Leon]. Description dun appareil destine a I'llairer le vernier et le limbe du sextant pour faciliter les lectures pendant les observations de nuit. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 87, 1885, (;02-606. Besson, [Joxc])!! Pieire Auguste], Le rayon vert. Rev. Sci., 37. 1886, 444. Besson, [./»/i>.s'] Aldoljilie]. Sur quelques combinaisons du biiixyde d'azote et de rhypoazutide avec di's chlorurcs anhydres. Paris, Ac. Sci.'c. R., 108, 1889, 1012. Sur I'existence du sulfate de phosphonium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 044-645. ■ Sur la temperature de solidification du chlorure d'arsenic et du chlorure d'(?'tain, et sur leur faculty d'absorber le chlnre a basse temperature. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 940-941. Sur quelques combinaisons et redactions du bioxyde d'azolo et de I'hypoazotide avec quelques chloiures anhydies. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 771-773. Sur les combinaisons dc Phydrogc^ue phosphor^ Besson I -.17 [Besson Razeux avec les liuoruroH dc bore ct de eilicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, H()-82. Siir Ics comliiimisotiK dii ^;iiz unimoiiinc ct du paz hj'droKi'ne jihospliore avec le bicliloriire ct le bibromure dc silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. II., 110, 1890. •240-242. Sur les combiiiaisoiis dii paz hydroncne phospboie ct du yaz aninioniiic avec le clilorure de bore ct Ic Bcsqui- chlorurc dc silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 110, 1890, r,llj-r>lH. Sur les combiimisons ct reactions du paz ammoniac ct du gaz hydroRcne pliosphorc? sur les composis halo- gincs de I'arsenic. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., XIO, 1890, 125H-12G1. Sur la combinaison du gaz ammoniac avec les clilornrcs cl bmmurcs de pliospliore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., Ill, 1890, 972-974. Sur le silicibromoforme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 112, 1891, 530-532. Sur Taction de I'acidc indli.vdriv Colas, C. Curieux halo solaire. AsIron.'Uii. . 1889, 311-:!li:. Besson, I.^'ui-. A: Saint-Blancat, [D.]. Sfi- Sa.int- Blancat A Besson. Paris, Ann. Besson] 518 [Bethe Besson, Loiiia, Golliard, !■'., & Fouchet, . Anthfelie. Astronoiiiii', 1891, ;i94-:i»o. Besson, I.iiiiis, Montangerand, [L.], .V Rossard, F. See Montangerand, Rossard A: Besson. Besson, /'. L'intelligence des animaux. llev. Sci., 35, 1885, 317-318. Besson, /'., * GoUiaurd, F. Pluie sans nuages. Astro- noniie, 1890, 274. Best, D. A holiday excursion to North Mirboo. [1889.] Victorian Natlist., 6, 1890, 77-82, 91-94. Notes on Scolecobrotns Westwoodii, Hope. Victorian Natlist., 14, 1898, 14G-147. Best, D., & French, Clliarles]. See French & Best. Best, Elsdon. Notes on some customs and superstitions of the Maori. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 7G8-777. Maori origins. [1899.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 32, 1900, 294-298. Best, Friedrich. Korektopie. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Ahtli. 4). 198-218. Ueber die Bildung von Glykogen und Pigment im Sarkom der Aderhaut. Ein Beitrag zur Pathologic der vom Endothel ausgehenden Geschwiilste. Beitr. Path. Anat., 23, 1898, 253-279. Ueber die Grenze der Erkennbarkeit von Lagenunter- schieden. Arch. t. Ophthalm., 51, 1900, 453-4(30. Best, Friedrich. Ueber o-Anisyl-, a- und /3-Niiphtyldithio- earbazinsiiure und Derivate derselben. Jl. Prakt. Chem., liO, 1899, 225-232. Best, G. N. Pinus pungens in New Jersey. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 121-122. Examination of pine-seed wings. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 245. Eeniiirks on the group CaroIinsB of the genus Rosa. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 253-256; 16, 1889, 101-103. North American roses ; remarks on characters with classification. [1889.] Trenton (N. J.) Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 2, 1889-91, 1-7. Remarks on the group Cinnamomeaj of the North American roses. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 17, 1890, 141- 149. Two new American mosses. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20,1893, 110-117. Ortliotrichum gymnostomum, liiircli. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 527-528. Revision of the North American TLuidiums. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 78-90. Revision of the Claopodiums. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 427-432. Fabroleskea, a new genus of mosses. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 25, 1898, 108-109. Revision of the North American species of Pseudo- leskea. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 27, 1900, 221-230. Best, Hunx, & Meyer, llicliiird Josef. See Meyer t' Beer, Betbe i(' Vexkoll. Betbe, .Murlni. Initriige zur Kenntniss der Zahl- und Manssverhiiltnisse der rothen Blutkorperchen. [1.891.] Morphol. Arb., 1, 1892. 207-240. Betbge, Emil. Das Blutgefiisssystem von Salamandra niaculata, Triton tieuiatus und Spelerpes fuscus; mit Betrachtungeu iiber den Ort der Athniung beim lungen- losen Spelerpes fuscus. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 63, 1898, 080-707. Betbke, .1. 'Bericht iiber die botanische Untersuchung der Uuigegeud von Danzig. [1882.] KOnigsb. Schr., 24, 1884 (Abh.), 44-47. Ueber die Bastardc der Veilchen-Artcn. Konigsb. Schr., 24. 1884 (.Ifc/i.), 1-20. *|Hunii'X vrispus X paliister.] [1883.] Kunigsb. Schr. , 25, 1885 (.I/-/1.), 10.5-lOti. Bethmann, Iril:. (.'eber o-Xvlalphtalid. Berlin, Chem. tera observed during an .Alpine tour in 1883. [1884.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-86, 7-13. Descriptions of some new spccicB of Lepidoptera from Algeria. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-86, 241- 245, 268-270. Notes on some Lepidoptera from Algeria. [1886.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86. 2.50-2.54. Description of a new species of the lepidopterous genus Carama, together with a few notes on the genus. Ent. Soc. Trans.. 1887, 133-136. Description of a new genus of Khopalocera allied to Anteros, Hew. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1887, 175-176. Descriptions of some new species of I.«pidoptera from Algeria. [1887.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1888. 117-121. Descriptions of some new species of Micro-Lejiidoptera from Algeria. [1888.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 254-2.57. Notes on some Norwegian Crambi. [1888.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88. 267-268. On the distribution of the Charlonia group of the genus Anthocharis. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1889, .523-533. Holiday captures in 1886 on the Itbiue and in the Palatinate. Ent. Month. Mag., 26. 1890, 237-23H. Notes on the genitalia of a gynandromorphous Eronia hippia. [1890.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1891, 1-6. Notes on the Lepidoptera collected in Madeira by the late T. Vernon Woli.astos. [1890.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1891, 197-221. Holiday captures of Lepidoptera in Switzerland in 18811. Eiit. Month. Mag., 27. 1891. 62-65. Notes on Lyca:ua (rede Thecla) rbymnus, Tengslrtemii, and pretiosa. " [1891.] Ent. Soc. Trans.. 1893, 27-31. On a new genus allied to Hercyna. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 204-205. Notes on some Lepidoptera received from the neigh- bourhood of Alexandria. [1893.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1894, 33-51. Descriptions of the Pyralidffi. Crarabids. and Phycidce collected by the late T. Vernon Woi.laston in Madeira. Ent. Soc. trans.. 1894, .581-586. Four new species of Arhopala. Ent. Month. Mag.. :i:i. 1897. 202-20.5. Bethune-Baker, George T[homaii], A Dmec, U'lmilton II[trhert Charlet Jamet], See Dmce A Betbnse- Baker. Bitbnys, Georgef. Les progrJs de la'-ronauii'iue. [1887.] (i. nie Civil, 10. 1886-87, 375-377. La navigation aerienne. Rev. Sci., 39, 1887, 156- 1.57. Fabrication de Phydrog^ue et son emploi en aero- station. [1888.] Genie Civil. 14. 1888-89. 7-5-77. La fabrication electrolytique de I'hydrogiue. Oenie Civil, 17. 1890. 101. " Les ponts funiculaires et lenrs applications militaires. Genie Civil. 19. 1891. 18.5-189. Betocctal, .Alesxiiiiilro. EtTt-meridi e slatistica del fiume Tcvere prima c dopo la conduenza dell' Aniene e dello Betocchi] 520 [Betti stesso fnnme Aniene clurantc 1' auno 1SI83[- '.11]. [18S4-92.] Konia, K. Acr. Lincei Mtiii., 1, 1886, 800-315, 417-423; .3, 1886, 417-423 ; 5, 1888, 531-537 ; (i, 1889, 3-8, 307-313 ; 7, 1891, 45-50, 295-301; 1, 1894, 372-.378. Bets. See Bee. Betsch,';[('o)v/('.s],itKehnnann, Friedrich. .SVc Kehrmann .'( Betsch. Betsctaart, A'ra.sHiiis. Ueber die Diagnose maligiier Lun- fjentumoren aus dem Sputum. Virehow, Arch., 142, 1896, 80-100. Betta, [Francesco] Edourdo de. For biograpliy and list of worlcs see Biv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 17,' 1897, 1-4 ; Veuezia, 1st. Atti, 1897-98, 1383-1398. "Le cavalette in piovincia di Verona nel 1883. [1883.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1883-84, 106-lOS. Sulle Najadi dell' Italia. [1884.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1883-84, 4U.5-488. Snl Pelobates fuscus trovato in provincia di Verona. [1884-85.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1883-84, 1455-1459; 1884-86, 1507-1509. Sulle diverse forme della Rana temporaria in Europa e pin particolarmente nell' Italia. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1885-86, 4.5-90. Sulla questione delle rane rosse d' Europa. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 527-533. Sul carpione del lago di Garda. (Salmo carpio, L ) [1890.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1889-90, 803-808. Bettanini, G. Celestina di Monteecbio Majigioi'e. Nota prelimiiiare. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 19, 1887, 101-103. Calcolo delle piu probabili costanti di una specie cristallina. Riv. Min. Crist., 13, 1893, 65-76. Bettazzi, EodoJfo. Sui concetti di derivazione e d' inte- f^razione delle i'uuzioni di piu variabili reali. Gioru. IWat., 22, 1884, 133-166, 200. Sulla derivata totale delle funzioni di due variabili reali e suU' inversione delle derivazioni. Giorn. Mat., 26, 1888, 21-32. Su una corrispondenza fra un gruppo di punti ed iin continue anibedue lineari. Ann. Mat., 16 (1888-89), 49-60. Osservazioni sopra 1' articolo del Dr. G. Vivanti "suir intinitesimo attuale." Riv. Mat., 1, 1891, 174- 182; 2, 1892, 38-41. . Sui punti di discontinuita delle funzioni di variabile reale. Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 6, 1892, 173-195. II concetto di Innghezza e la retta. Ann. Mat., 20 (1892-93), 19-39. Sulla catena di un onte in un gruppo. [1896.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 31, 1895, 304-314 nr 446-456. Gruppi finiti ed intiniti di enti. [1896.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 31, 1895, 362-368 or 506-512. Sulla definizion<' del gruppo fiuito. [1897. J Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 240-243 or 3.52-355. Sulle serie a termini positivi le cui parti rappresentano un continuo. [1898.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 33, 1897, 199-218 or 355-374. L'application dans renseigncment de la mathematique. Enseign. Matb., 2 (1900), 14-30. Bettel, WiUiiim. Seimration of gold from the platinum metals. Chem. News, 56, 1887, 133-134. The President's inaugural address: [Gold extraction. | [1894.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc, 1 (1894-97), 1-11. S\vee)> smelting and refining of gold, silver, aiid platinum metals. [1894.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc, 1 (1894 97), 18-22. [Hydro -metallurgy of silver and copper.] [1894.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc., 1 (1894-97), 56-60. On the technical analysisof cyanide working solutions. [1895.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc, 1 (1894 97), 163-170. Analysis of cyanide solntions. [Criticism of Clhnnel's paper.] [1890.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc, 1 (1894-97), 218-221. Estimation of oxygen in working cyanide solutions. [1896.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc, 1 (1894-97), 270-281. Remarks on fire assaying of gold-bearing materials. [With discussion.] [1898.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc, 2 (1897-99), 463-472, 575-576, .594-601. A reverberatory furnace for smelting gold slimes. S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. .11., 2, 1899, 41. [The chemical precipitation of gold.] A reply to Professor P. nu Wildk. S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Jl., 2, 1899, 4.5-48. Osmotic pressure, dissociation, and electrolysis. A contribution to the discussion on Professor vox Oet- tinoen's paper. S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Jl., 2, 1899, 64-69. Bettel, U'illiaiii, & Feldtmann, 11'. R. See Feldtmann iV- Bettel. Bettellieim, luirl. For biography and works see Leo- linlclina, 31, 1895, 169-170; Wien. Med. Wschr., 45, 1895, 1415. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Antipyrins. Med. .Tbiich., 1885, 263-271. BetteUl, ('[iro], A Fesci, Leone. See Pesci A- BetteUi. Bettencourt, .liiiiihnl, & Camara Festana, . See Camara Festana iV Bettencourt. Bettencourt Ferreira, -/. Sur quelques especes du genre "Elaps" deposes au Museum de Lisbonne. [1891.] Lisboa, .Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 89-96. Sobre o " Acantbodactvlus" de Portugal. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 188-194. Sur I'existence du "Triton palmatus" (Schnd.) en Portugal. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 195-198; 3, 1896, 238-242. Revisao dos Reptis e Batrachios de Portugal. [1892- 93.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 268-290 ; 3, 1895, 19-27. Remarques sur la " vipere commune." [1894.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1896, 167-170. Additamento ao catalogo dos Reptis e Batrachios de Portugal. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, '231-237. Reptis e Batrachios do norte de Portugal e Hespagna. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 33-47. Reptis da India no Museu de Lisboa. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 21'2-234. Sobra a peconha das serpentes e sens antidotos. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, '235-248. Sobre um " Hemidactylus" novo da ilha de Anno Bom. Lislioa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 249-251. Sobre alguns Reptis ultimamente enviados a seceao zoologica do Museu de Lisboa. [1897.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 111-110. Lista dos Reptis e Amphibios que fazem parte da ultima remessa de J. i>'.\nc'Hieta (1897). Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 240-246. Reptis de Timor no Museu de Lisboa. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 151-156. Sobre alguns exemiilares pertencentes a fauna do norte de Angola (Reptis, Batrachios, Aves e Mammiferos). [1900.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 6. [1902,] 4S-54. Bettendorf, Heinrich. Ueber Musculatur und Sinncs- zellen ilcr Trematoden. Zool. Jhiich. {.hiat.), 10. 1897, 307 358. Bettendorf, Heinrich, & Blochmann, Flriedrich]. See Blochm.inn >V Bettendorf. Bettendorll, .(| H/i)«|. Studien liber die Erden der Cerium- nnd Vttriuui-tiruppe. Liebig's .\nn., 256, 1890, 159- 170; 263, 1891, 16-4-174; 270, 1892, 370-383. Betteridge, F\rcd,'nc II. \. A' Auwers, Karl [Friedrich]. Srr Auwers X- Betteridge. Betti, F.nnco. Lor bio;^rapliy and works see Napoli, Rend., 31, 1892, 143-144; Nuovo Cimento, 32, 1892, 5-7; Palermo Circ. Jlat. Rend.. 6, 1892, 24-5-246; Riv. Mat., 2, 1892, 151-153; Riv. Sci.-lnd., [21, 1892, | 211-212; Bettn 521 [Belts Ann. Mat., 20 {1892-93), 256; Venczia, IhI. .\tti, 1892- 93, r)0;)-(!21. To iiferi-nce in No. 6 {Vol. 7) tidd Nuovo Cimento, 28 (1868), II. ".-124. 'Teorica delle forze chc ngiscono seconclo )a huge di Newton, e sua applicazione alia clettricitiV statica, Nuovo Cimnuto, lit, 1863, ">!l-75, 77-95, 149-175, .S57- 377; 20, 1864. Ill :iorm cltlla uL|>iI)ariti\. Nuovo Cimento, 25, 1867, 81-105, 225-2H7. *Sopra la elettrodinamioa. Nuovo Cimento, 27 (1868), 402-407. *Sopra il moto dci fluidi elastic!. Nuovo Cimento, 14, 1883, 4.S-51. Sopra una pstensione della terza legge di Kepleiio. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 2, 1888. 14.5-147. Sopia la cntroijia di nn sistenm Newtoniano in moto stabile. Roma. It. Ace. Lincei Kend., 4, 1888 (Sfm. 2), 113-115, 19.5-inH. On the motion of an elastic solid strained by extraneous forces. London Mat)i. Soc. Proc, 20, 1889. 24f>-248. Sopra un teorcmadi meceanica. lioma, K. .\cc. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 {Sem. 1), 150-160. Bettl, (liiixfpiie. Supplemento nlla flora bologncse. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 20, 1900, 15-19, 30-32, 56-58, 109-117. Betti, Marin. Di alcuni derivati dell' amminoazobenzina. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 (1898, Pt. 1), 241-245. Snir ossima dell' esterc dietilaoetacetico. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 (1898, Pt. 1), 274-270. Das Mctbylenplienylh.vdrazon des Camphers und dessen desmotrope Fornien. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899. 1995-1999. Gli idrazoni metilenici delle forme tautomere della canfora. Gazz. Chim. Ital.. 29 (1899, Pi. 2), 8.5-92. La fotoprafia coi raggi KiiiitKen applicata alle leghc. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 31, 1899, 101-102. Isomeric instabili fra i derivati azoici del /3 naftolo. [Con la collaborazione di Giovanni Leoncini.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pi. 2i, IT, 1-177. Suir addizione di basi aldeido-aminiche ai naftoli. [Con la rollaborazione di Cesare Speroni.] Gazz. Chim. Ital.. 30 (1900, Pt. 2), ,301-309. lieazione generale di condensazione fra /3 naftolo, aldeidi e amine. Nota i. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, PI. -2). 310-316. Substituirte Polyasparas-ine. Liebig's Ann., 310, 1900, 30f> 315. BetU, .Viir;.i. A Schiff, l!ol„-rto. Sec Sehlff ,v Betti. Bettlnelll, IK, .V Flancber, Giuseppf. S,-. Piancher A BettlnelU. Betting, C. !■'. Ein neuer Objecthalter fiir Mikrotome. Ztsclir. Am-ew. Mikr., 2, 1897, 236-237. Bettlngtaans, .iltWd. Geonnostische BeschrcibunR des Riithslicruer Hiihonzuges. Erlanpen Phys. Med. Soc. Sbcr., 28, 1897, 12-60. Battlnl, (1. I.. Itinerarii da Asmara verso snd. [Italia], Soc. Geocr. Boll.. 30, 1893, 109-121. Da Acrur all' .Vsmara prv il piano di Ala. II Bizen. [Italia], Soc. Gi'0|,T. lioll.. :iO. 1893. •204-214. Bettlnk. .S'lC Wefers Bettink. Bettmann, I'ocnw. Peroxide of hvdrogcn. N. Y. Med. .11., 41. 1885, 2'26. Bettmann, .s'. Ueber den Einfluss des Arseniks auf das Blut und das Knochenmaik des Kaninchens. Beitr. Path. Anat., 23. 1898. 377-497. Bettonl, .liirfrcd. .\nioranipnti "Toarciani" delle Prenlpi bre.sciane. [1900.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 18, 1899, 461-466. Fossili Domeriani della provincia di Brescia. Schweiz. Palaont. Ges. Abh., '27. 1900, .Vn. 3. K8 pp. Bettonl, .iiifltlo. Alcune osscrvazioni sull" anatomia del midoUo allungato, del poutc e dei peduncoli cerebrali. u. s. A. c. [1895.] Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric, 4. 1894-98, 189- 204. [Intorno alle funzioni dei tubf-rcoli mamillari del cervello.] Brescia Ateneo Comment.. 1897. 26-13. Bettonl, F.nnenio. For biograjihv and li»t of works ire .Milaiio, Ist. Lomb. Rend.. 31. 1898, 128.5-1'299; Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1899, '20-23. Progptto di Btazione di piscicoltora da fondarsi a Brescia. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1886. 133-138. [Delia importazione dei Coregoni nei laghi Maggiore e di Como.] Brencia Ateneo Comment., 1894, 49-58. Sopra la tempcratura delle acque del lago di Como, rilevate dal cav. E. Bi'itoniKKes. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend.. 28, 1896, 942-946. Casi di emiteria presentati dal loccio. Milano, Ut. Lomb. Rend.. '28, 1895, 1012-1017. [Di una larva di .\scaride consolidata nel goscio di un novo di gallina.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1897, 6S-67. [Elcnco dell' ornitofauna bresciana compilato dal prof. Luiai Enn.v.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1898, 31-34; 1899 {.Append.), 38 pp. Bettonl, Pio. Luce crepuscolare. Salo (Lago di Garda) [dicembre 18«41. Moncalieri Oss. Boll.. 5, 1886, 12. [Turbine nel territorio di Lonato.] Sal6. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 110-111. [Meteorologia, os8er%atorio di SalA] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1888. 312-318; 1890. 3'20-327 ; 1891. 33fl- 340; 1892, 242 249; 1893. 210 ■.'49; 1894. •>74-'28.i ; 1896, ■29(;-304 ; 1896, 234- '242 ; 1897. 172-182; 1898, 164-177; 1899, '296-310; 1900, '294-:^00. Note storiche su terreraoti. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 8 (Pt. 4). 1888. 209-219. [Alcuni fenomeni geodinamici della regione del lago di Garda.] [1888.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 132- 133. II vulcanismo e la scienza. Brescia Ateneo Com- ment., 1889, 14-16. L' acciua e le forze interne della terra. Brescia .\teneo Comment., 1891, 49-53. Alone solare. Moncalieri Oss. Boll.. 11. 1891, 123. II terremoto del 7 ciugno nella riviera di Sali> (lago di Garda). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 1.38-139. II terremoto del 5 gennaio 1892 snl lago di Garda. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 60-€2. Distribozione delle pioggie. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 18. 1898, 59-60. Terremoto a Sal6. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 18, 1898. 60-61. II terremoto del 16 novembre 1898 a Said. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 19, 1899, -2-3. Perche la peste da circa un secolo non 4 piii ricom- parsa in Europa? Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 19, 1899, 19- '20. La grandine. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 19, 1899, 29-32. [Studii limnografici snlle ses.se del lago di Garda. ] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1900, 3'2— 58. Osservatorio meteorologico geodinamico di Said. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1900. .301-310. Bettonl, Pin (ft nlii). II terremoto del 26 febbraio [1885]. Lombardia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5. 1886. 41-42. Bettoni-Cazzaeo, Lodnvicn. (La pesca sol Benaco.] lir.Hcia At.upo Comment., 1886, 187-'200. Bettremlenx, [Paul]. I'n ceil myope pent-il devenir eir.niPtrope? Ann. d'Oculist.. 121. 1899. 39i?. Bett», .4rf/iMr. Irrigation bv wire. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 301-.302, 473-474. Betts, Eldward] G[forpe]. Observations on the teeth of certain rodents. [H'ilh ditnution.] Brit. Jl. Dental Sci.. 27. 1884. 691-694. 751-754, 76-5-767 ; Odontol. Soc. Trans.. 16, 1884, '261-274. Betts, ■'■'hii n. Pteratomus Phaseolns. Amer. Micr. Jl., 6. 1886. 40. 66 Betz] 522 [Beushausen Betz, G. E. Radb's new thermo-electric battery. Telegr. Jl., '22, 1888, 332. Betz, II. ]]'. Neue Anwendung von Mikrometer-Einstel- lunsen unter VerwenJiiiiR eines Differenzial-Gewindes. Centrztg. Optik, 19, 1898, lHl-182. Betz, V[ladiiiiir Aleksieric]. See under Bee. Beu, Hans. Ueber den Einfluss des Raiicheins auf die Fiiulnisserreger bei der Konseivirung von Fleischwaaren. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 513-520, 545-553. Beu, Julius. Untersuchungen iiber die Giftigkeit der Exspirationslut't. Ztschr. Hyg., 14, 1893, 1)4-75. Beucke, Carl. Ueber die Regenzeiteu in Ostafrika. .Jena (ieogr. Ges. Mitth., 8, 1890, 87-105. Beudon, Jules. Sur I'int^gration des equations aux derivees partielles du second ordre a deux variables ind(5pendantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1188- 1190. Sur certains systfemes d'equations aux derivees par- tielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 304-307. Sur uue application de la mcHhode de .1/. Darboux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 902-903. Sur I'extension de la methode de Cadchv aux systfemes d'eqaations aux derivees partielles d'ordre quelcouque. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 808-811. Sur les systemes d'^quations aux derivees partielles dont les caract^ristiques dependent d"un nombre fini de parametres. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 13, 1896 (Suppl.), 51pp. Sur les singularit^s des equations aux derivees par- tielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897. 671-673. Sur rint^gration des systemes d'equations aux derivees partielles du premier ordre a plusieurs fonctious incon- nues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 156-159. Sur la th^orie des groupes infinis de transformation et I'integration des equations aux derivees partielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 811-813. Sur les oaracteristiques des equations aux derivees partielles. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 25, 1897, 108-120. Sur des sy.stemes d'equations aux derivees partielles analogues aux Equations du premier ordre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 324-32.5, 388-389; Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 15, 1898, 229-242. Sur les systemes d'equations aux derivees partielles reductibles aux equations difterentielles ordinaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 1003-1004. Sur les singularites des Equations aux derivees par- tielles du premier ordre. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 26, 1898, 77-80. Sur les systemes d'equations aux derivees partielles analogues aux systemes d'equations du premier ordre en involution. Liouville, Jl. Math., 5, 1899, 351-364. Sur le cah^ul des formules conteuant des fonctions arbitraires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1215-1218. Sur les changements de variables. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull , 28, 1900, 107-116. Beuermann, Johu .l[HflHsf«s]. The differential diagnosis between benign lymphomyxoma and malignant l^'mpho- myeloma. N. Y. Med. .11., 64, 1896, 183-186. Beuf, Franciseo C. Tablas para la pretliL'ci('in de las ocul- tacioues de las estrellas por la luna, utilizando al efecto los dates del " Nautical Almanac" amuricano construidas y calculadas para el paralelo 34" 35' sur (julio 1883). Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 17, 1884, .5-19. Singulier mouvement de la mer a Montevideo. Astrononiie, 1884, 233-2.34. Sur la lueur rose crepusculaire il Huenos-Ayros. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 49S-499. Sur un mouvement suliit do la mer il Montevideo. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. U., 98, 1884, 499-500. Do8cripci6n de iin nuevo cron6grafo eiectriuo para la deterniiuacion de las longitudes. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 19, 1886, 5-13. Observations de la Coniete Sawerthal, faites a I'Obser- vatoire de la Plata (equatorial de 0'", 217 de Gautier). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1588-1.590. [Terreraoto en la liepiiblica Argentina.] Montevideo, Obs. Meteorol. Bol., 4, 1894, .Vo. 11, 8-9. Beuf, Henri. Dosage du plomb jiar I'acide phospho- molybdique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 852-855. Beuf, VictDr. [Terremoto en la Republica Argentina.] Montevideo, Obs. Meteorol. Bol., 4, 1894, No. 11, 8. Beuk, Slauixliius. Zur Kenntniss des Baues der Niere und der Mor])hologie von Teredo, L. Wien Zool. Inst. Arb., 11. 1899, (269)-(288). Beumer, [Friedrieh Wilhelin] 0[tto]. Zur Aetiologie des Trismus sive Tetanus neonatorum. Ztschr. Hyg., 3, 1888, 242-280. Beumer, [Friedrieh Wilhelni] 0[tto], & Feiper, Erich. Bacteriologische Studien iiber die iitiologische Bedeutung der Typhusbacillen. Ztschr. Hyg., 1, 1886, 489-552; 2, 1887, 110-137. Entgeguung auf die Abhandlung der Herren Dr. E. Fraenkel und Dr. M. Simmonds: "Weitere Untersuch- ungen iiber die Aetiologie des Abdominaltyphus. " Ztschr. Hyg., 2, 1887, 382-385. Beuriger, J. Versuche iiber das Zwei- und Dreileiter- syatem. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1899, 4.3-45. Beurmann, [Lucien] de. Etude sur les causes et les syniptomes du scorbut des prisonniers. Arch. Gen. Med., 153, 1884, 23-36, 161-198. 445-462. Beurmann, [Lucieu] de, & Claude, Henri [Charles Jules]. De lervtheme noueux d'origine syphilitique. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 485-506. Beurmann, [Lueien] de, & DeUierm, . Quelles sont les limites de I'infection syphilitique ? Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 547-561. , Beumier, Louis. Etude historique et critique sur la nature anatomique des tubercules souscutanes dou- loureux. Arch. Gt-n. Med., 154, 1884, 402-419. Beushausen, [Hermaim Frnst] L[ouis]. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Oberharzer Spiriferensandsteins und seiner Fauna. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Abh., 6 {Heft 1), 1884, 133 pp. Ueber die Ergebuisse seiner Aufnahmen auf den Sectionen Gross-Wusterwitz und Brandenburg a. H. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, xcvi-xcvii. Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Bliittern Bietikow und Gramzow. Preuss. Geol, Landesanst. .Jbuch., [9], 1889, cxxviii-cxxx. Ueber einige Lamellibranohiaten des rheinischen Unterdevon. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, 212-236, 40 (his). Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Bliittern Gramzow, Pencuu und Greifeuhagen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 11, 1892, Ixxxvii-xciii. Amuigenia rheiiana, u. sp., ein .\nodonta iihnlicher Zweischaler aus dem rheinischen Mitteldevon. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 11, 1892, 1-10. Ueber Hypostome von Homalonoten. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst.' Jbuch., 12, 1893, 154-1G6. Ueber den Ban des Suhlosses bei Mecynodus, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Synonymik einiger Zweischaler des rheinischen Devon. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 13, 1893, 01-97. Ergebnisse eines Ausfiugs in den Oberharz zu Pting- sten 1894. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 46, 1894, 480-481. Ueber Alter und Gliederung des sogenannten Kramen- zelkalkes im Oberharze. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst, Jbuch., 14, 1894, 83-92. Die Ijaniellibranchiaten des rheinischen Devon mit Ausschluss ilor Aviculiden. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abh., 17, 1896, 514 pp. Vorliiufige Mittheihnig iiber Aufnahmen auf dem Blatte Zellerfeld. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 15, 1895, xxv-xxx. Beushausenl 623 fBeutenmiiller Uebcr die Aufimhmc dor Bliittcr PoIkhcii, Phhsow iniil Cunow. I'reUKB. Oeol. Lundesanat. Jbucli., 15, 1896, Ixii-lxviii. Ueber cinige ErKebnissp seiner vorjiihrigen Aufnalimen ini Oberbiirze. [fl'ith iliscussion.] Deutxch. Oeol. Uen. ZtRchr. , 48, 1896, •i'iM-'i'iT. Blatt liittikow, nebst Bohrkarte und BohrreRiHter. PreusM. Tbilrin^;. (!ei)l. Kartp Krliiut., [.fy. 00, iiradabth. •JH, No. 10, 1896, vi f 12 H 40 + lU pp. Bliitt (jrnmzow, nebst Bohrkarte und Bolirre^ister. Preusa. Tliiirin^;. (leol. Karte Erliiut., I.fii. GO, Urudablh. •28, X». 47, 1896, vi + 12 + 40 + 18 pp. Blatt Pencun, nebat Bohrkarte und Bohrregiater. Preuaa. Thiirini,'. Geo). Karte Krlaut., Lfij. 06, Gradabth. 2«, No. 48, 1896, vi I 14+40 + 18 pp. Die Fauna dea Hauptcjuari^ita am Acki>r-Bnichl)erpe. Preuas. Gcol. Landeaanst. .Ibueb., 17, 1897, 'iMi-SOO. Blatt Polaaen, nebat Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuas. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfy. 76, (iradahth. 28, No. ,i2, 1899, vi + 10 + ;i4 + \r> pp. Blatt Cunow, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. PreusB. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg.H't, Grudablli. 28, No. .54, 1899. vi + 18 + 84 + 12 pp. Ueljer dtn Nachweis dea Kelhvasser-Kalkea mit Buchiola angulifera, .4. Ri'im., bei Biideaheini in der Eifel. Deutsoh. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., .02, 1900 {Verli.), 14-16. Daa Devon des niirdlichen Oberharzea mit beaonderor Beriicksichtigung der Gegend zwischen Zellerfeld und (ioslar. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abh., 80, 1900, 383 pp. Bericht iiber Aufnahmen auf den Blattem St. Andreas- berg und Elbiugerode ]8y9. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 20, 1900, i-iv. Zur Frage nach dem geologisclien Alter des Pentamerus rhenanus, F. Roemer. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 20, 1900, 173-179. Beushausen, [Hermann £rns(] Z.[oui«], it: Senekmann, [Ueiiiiiili WiUielin Martin] Auffust. Sdialsteinconglo- nierat bei Lnngenaubach. Briefliche Mittheiluug [an Herrn W. Haiciikcohne]. Preuss. (ieol. Landesanst. .Ilju.h., IT), 1895. 182-184; 10, 1896, 72-73. Beushausen, llUnnann Ern.tt\ L[ouis]. & Kocta, Max. Mittheilungen iiber Aufnahmen nuf Blatt Riefensbeek, iui Ablagerungsgebiet des Bruchbergnuarzits und der Sielicr-Gnunvaeke. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. .Ibuch., 19, 1899. xxvii-xlvi. Beushausen, [lli'riiinini F.rnsl] T.[oiiif], A Iiattermeinn, dioiii. sVf I.attermann iV Beushausen. Beushausen, l//t'rniii»;/ Knist] /.[miiyj. ,V laufer, /•'rii*-/. St,' I-17. Description of the j)reparaUirj- stages of Datana Drcxelii, //;/. Fdir. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 57. Descriptions of some lepidopterous larvie. Canad. Ent., 2(1. 1888, 184-136; 22, 1890, 16-17. On North .\merican Tineidre. Entomolugica Amer., 4, 1888, 29-30. Two new species of Tineidie from the Aleutian Islands. Canad. Ent., 21, 1889, 27. (.)n early stages of some Lepidoptera. Canad. Ent., 21. 1889. 100. On North American Tineidas. Eotomologica Amer., 5, 1889. 9-10. CinMiiKBs' corrections to his paper on the illustratioDS of the neuration of the wings of American Tineidc. En- toraologica Amer., 5. 1889, 37-38. Descriptions of some lepidopterous larvs. Eotomo- logica Amer.. 5, 1889, 38-39. Preparatory stages of Callosamia angulifera, M'alk. Entomologies Amer., 5. 1889, 200. Catalogue of Lepidoptera found within fifty miles of New York City, with their food-plants. [1689.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 5. 1889-91. 199-230. Descriptions of the larva of Trirhabda tomentosa, /.. Canad. Ent.. 22. 1890, 80. On the food-habits of North American Bbynchopbora. Canatl. Ent-, 22, 1890, 200-203, 258-261. Description of the larva of Thymalis fulgidus, Er. Eotomologica .\mer., 0, 1890, 57. Descriptions of the preparatory stages of Kdema albi- frons, .4. A .S". Entomologies Amer., 6, 1890. 75-76. Mode of oviposition of certain species of Odonata. Entomologica -imer.. 0. 1890. 16.5-ltki. Foixl-hal'its of some Chrysomehda?. Entomologica Amer., 0, 1890, 175-178. Pte|>aratory stages of Samia Cynthia, Dr. Entomo- logica Amer., 6. 1890. 216-217. 66—2 BeuteumuUer] 524 [Beuthin • Description of the preparatory stages of Datana Angusii, G. anil It. Entomologiea Amer., 6, 1890, 219" 220. Description of the ])reparatorY stages of Datana con- tracta, Walkn: Philad., Ent. News, 1, 1890, 144-145. Descmptions of some new North American moths. [1890.] Psyche, 5, 1891, 299-300. Descriptions of the preparatory stages of Smerinthus excfficatus, A. & S. Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 14-15. On the early stages of some moths. I'hilad., Ent. News, 2, 1891, 152-153. On the earlier stages of some species of North American moths. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 0.5-70. ■ Some notes on trausfonnations of Australian Lepi- doptera, made by the late Henry Edwakds, with notes and additions. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 71-74. Catalogue of gall-producing insects found within fifty miles of New York City, with descriptions of their galls, and of some new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 245-278. Descriptions of the larva and pupa of Scotobates ealcaratus, Fabr. [1891.] Psyche, 6, 1893, 13-14. Description of the preparatory stages of Callosamia promethea, Druiy. [1891.] Psyche, 6, 1893, 94. Notes on some North American moths, with descrip- tions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 19-26. Notes on transfurmations of some American moths. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 87-94. Descriptive catalogue of the butterflies found within fifty miles of New York City, together with a brief account of their life-histories and habits. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 241-310. On the food-habits of North American Rhynchophora. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 1, 1893, 3()-43, 80-88. Studies of some species of North American MgeruddB. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 87-98. Notes on some species of North American Orthoptera, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 249-2.52. Descriptive catalogue of the Orthoptera found within fifty miles of New York City. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 253-316. On North American moths, with a description of a new sjiecies of Triprocris. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 365-368. Description of a new tree-cricket. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 2, 1894, 56. Descriptive catalogue of the SphingidEe found within fifty miles of New Y'ork City. Amer. Mus. Bull., 7, 1895, 275-320. Descriptions of the preparatory stages of Ennomos ainiaria {Limi.). N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 3, 1895, 137-138. Critical review of the Sesiidie found in America, north of Mexico. Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 111-148. Transformations of some North American hawk- moths. Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 291-298. Food-habits of North American Cerambycida;. N. Y'. Ent. Soe. Jl., 4, 1896, 73-81. Description of a new moth. N. Y'. Ent. Soc. Jl., 4, 1896, 146. Notes on North American Sesiidce, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mue. Bull., 9, 1897, 213-216. Food-habits of North American Sesiidie. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 217-220. Larval stages of Amphion Nessus (Cr.). Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 28. Preliminary handbook of the Coleoptera of north eastern America. N. Y. Ent. Hoc. Jl., 5, 1897, 36-40. Hevision of the species of Eucliloi' inhabiting America, north of Mexico. Amer. Mus. Bull., 10, 1898, 235-248. Descriptive catalogue of the bombycine moths found witliin fifty miles of New Y'ork City. Amer. Mus. Bull., 10, 1898, 353-448. Three new species of Sesiidffi. N. Y'. Ent. Soc. Jl., 6, 1898. 240-241. Notes on the American forms of Euchloe, Hilbner. Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 56. New African Sesiidce. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 7, 1899, 170-172. Descriptions of and notes on some N. American Lepi- doptera. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 7, 1899, 254-2.56. Synopsis of the species of Melittia of America, north of Mexico, with description of a new species. [1899.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 12, 1900, 149-151. ■ On some species of North .\merican Lepidoptera. Amer. Mus. Bull., 12, 1900, 157-160. A new Sesia from Alaska. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 208, 377. Synopsis of food-habits of the larvffi of the Sesiido). Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 301-303. Two new Sesiidie. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 8, 1900, 254. Beutenmiiller, WiUiaiii, & I^eng, Charles W. See Leng tk Beutenmiiller. Beutlier, i-'/v;;. Teber Gangbildungen. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., .50, 1891, 165-167, 173-175, 195-198, 21-5-219. Beuthin, Heiiirich. [Beitrage zur Fauna der Niederelbe.] II. Verzeichniss der Pseudoneuropteren und Neuropteren der Umgegend von Hamburg, [xxxiv. Naohtrag zum Verzeichniss der Neuropteren der Umgegend von Ham- burg.] Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterb. Verb., [1], 1876, 122- 126; 6, 1887, 91. *[Beitiiige zur Fauna der Niederelbe.] in. Beschrei- bung eiuer neueu Art Chrysopa. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., [1], 1875, 126-127, 189. [Beitriige zur Fauna der Niederelbe.] iv. Zweiter Nachtrag zum Verzeichniss der um Hamburg gefangenen Kafer. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., [1], 1875, 127- 129; 6, 1889, 9. [Beitriige zur Fauna der Niederelbe. v, x, xxiii und xxxi. Beitriige] zur Kenntniss der Hymenopteren der Umgegend von Hamburg. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., [1], 1875, 129-136; 2, 1876, 225-233; 4, 1879, 239- 241; 6, 1887, 44-45. *Beitrage zur Fauna der Niederelbe. viii. Zweiter Bei- trag zur Kenntniss der Orthoptera der Umgegend von Ham- burg. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 2, 1876, 219-221. "[Beitriige zur F'auna der Niederelbe.] ix. Ueber zweifelhafte Hamburger Kiifer. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 2, 1876, 222-224. Neue und seltene Varietiiten von Cicindela. Ent. Nachr.. 11, 1885, 106-107; 12, 1886, 157; 14, 1888, 81-82. Neue Varietiiten von Carabus. Knt. Nachr., 11, 1885, 219-220; 12, 1886, 158. [Beitriige zur Fauna der Niederelbe. xxii.] Erster Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Dipteren der Umgegend von Hamburg. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb.. 6,1887,46-86. [Beitriige zur Fauna der Niederelbe. xxxiii.] Ver- zeichuisderbisher um Hamburg beobachteteu Rhynchota. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb.. 6, 1887, 87-91. Ueber die Varietiiten von Cicindela campestris, Linni. Ent. Nachr., 15, 1889, 230-233. Die Varietiiten von Cicindela (Cilindrodera) germanica, Linne. Ent. Nachr., 15, 1889, 318-319. Die Varietiiten von Carabus nemoralis, Miiller. Ent. Nachr., 15, 1889, 374-375. Ueber Varietiiten europiiischer Cicindeleu. Ent. Nachr., 16, 1890, 36, 71, 89-94, 137-139, 207-208, 210-212. Carabus liispanus, rar. Boudeti, rar. nov. Ent. Nachr., 18,1892,211. Ueber die Beiieiinung der Varietiiten bei den palaeark- tiscben Cicindeleu. Ent. Nachr.. 18, 1892, 290-291. Ueber Varietiiten palaearktischer Cicindeleu. Ent. Nachr., 18, 1892, 333-335, 359-362, 376-378; 19, 1893, 24- 25, 61-62, 133-139, 155-157; 20,1894, 205-206,262-266. — — Die Varietiiten von Carabus auratus, Liniir. Ent. Nachr., 20, 1894, 109-112. Beuthin] 525 Uebcr die Varietiiten von Carabiis urvensis, Heybnt. Ent. Naclir.. 22, 1896. 55-5r>. - — Die Varictiiten lits Carabus cancellatUH, Illiger. Ent. Nacbr., 22, 1896, lirj-119. Die Varietiiten des Carabus monilis, Fabriciui. Ent. Nachr., 22, 1896, 217-220. [Beitriigczur Fauna dcr Niedorellic. i.vi und Lix.] Die Cicindelen der I'liipcKeiid Hanibiin.'s. llumb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb.. '.I, 1896, 12-l(i; 1(1, 1899, H>. Ueber eini),'e Varietaten. Ent. Nacbr., 2-J, 1898, M'''. Neue Varietaten von Carabus. Ent. N'ucbr., 2.5, 1899, 204. Beutl, Jasef. BedienuDf; des Kalkofens mit Zuhilfenahme des Apparatcs zur Ptiifung der Kauchgase nach der Anlcitunk'ilLS llfrrn I rig. Kasalovsk^. Ztscbr. Zuckerind. Bi>bm., 10, 1885-86. 112-114. Beutnagel, [Iltrniiniin]. Metabrom-o-ortbobrombenzoe- siiiin-, CiH;,. mUr.oBr.CO.H (Schmelzpunkt 147' C). Lifljin's Ann., 222, 1884, iOo-107. Beutnagel, [Ih'rrmdiiii], iV Burghard, [RudolpW]. See Burghard lV: Beutnagel. Beuttner, (/[sinr], A' Jentzer, .1 . S,e Jentzer A Beuttner. Beuze, de. Droiterie et gaucbene. Uev. Sci., 4'.l, 1892. 1.55. Bevacqua, .S'nfraforf. *Fatti meteorici. [Pioggiadi sabbia meteiiriea, Reggie Calabria, 28 niaggio 1879. | [1879.] Moncalicri Oss. Bull., 14, 1880, 83. "Teruporale del 20 ottobre 1880 nel territorio di Beggio Calabria. [1880.] Monealieri Oss. Bull., 1.'), 1881, lO-'J. *Terremoti ed eruzione dell' Etna. [SuUe piogpe di cenere avvenute in Reggio Calabria, il 20 marzo 1883.] Monealieri Oss. Boll. 3, 1883, oG. [Terrenioto del 27 agosto 188G. Italia Bassa.] Calabria. Reggio. Monealieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, IGl. Bevad, I[iitn] I[ianoiic]. '.illwhrKU 110 IIOBCT.}' pacTBoiniMOCTii yiMeiuiciaro .iinifl bi. Bo.i.t.. [Note sur la solubilite du carbonate dc litbium.] Ruas. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. .11., 16 (Cliem.), 1884, 591-.')92; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 43, 1885, 123. 0 xoj.t ofipaaoBaiiiii yr.ieKiic.iuxL mc.io'inuxt :ieMc.ii. (bi. ;iaBiiciiMOi-rii on> BppMeiiii, siaccT. ii KaiCCTBl ocajlITe.l)r). [On tbe rate of formation of the carbonates of tbe alkaline earths (in relation to time, mass and nature of tbe precipitant).] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chem.), 1886, 89-96; Chem. Soc. Jl., 48, 1885 (Abs.), 480-481. Kb BOllliOfV 0 prpoPllill nilTpOHraiia. [Contri- bution to tbe question of tbe structure of nitroethane. ] Buss. Phys.-Cbem. Soc. .11., 18 (Chem.). 1886, 426-427. 0 AbficTBiii uiiHK;4Tii.ia iia iinTpo3;iipiiu)i eoe;ilIlieilijl ll IIXI. 6])OM01ipoir3BOJ.Ill.IJI. [Uebcr die Einwirkung von Zinkiitbvl auf die Nitroverbiudungen der Fettreihe und auf deren Bromderivate.] Russ. Phvs.-Cheni. Soc. .11., 20 (C/;,™.), 1888. 12.5-135; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888 (/.'./.I, 479-481. 0 .itrk-TBiii niini;:iTii.ia iia ir'iibii'ihuh ii BTOpilHHIJH Hirri)OCOe,lllHeili)I. [On the action of zinc ethyl on primary and secondary nitro-compounds.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl.. 21 {Chem.). 1889. 43-47, 232; Chem. Soc. .11., oH, 1889 (.0..«.), 1127-1128. lIciyilMlie BTOplIMIlUXTi II ippTII'IIIUXI. llIITpo- cop,T.iiiiouin 1131. ra.ioii,;oiii)oii:iBO,T.nuxi iiiiTpo- MPiaiia H imTl>Oi»rana. [Preparationof secondary and tertiary nitro-compounds from halogen -derivatives of nitromethane and nitroethane.] Russ. Phys.-Cbem. Soc. Jl., 21 (CVk-hi.), 1889. 47-50; Chem. Soc. Jl., .56, 1889 {Abs.), 1128. 0 TperiiMHHxi. HiiTpopopjiiiiPHiHXT. siiipnaro pfl;ta. [Sur les derives nitres tertiaires de.s hydrocarbures [Bevan dc la Biric grasBC.] [1890.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1890-91 (C. It.. I'hij: Chim.), ^o. 7, 6-7; Huss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 23 (<'/i--m.), 1891, Hi-x'.l ; 24 |(7„-m.), 1892, 12:^-12.5; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, '.173 977; Paris Soc.Chim. Bull., 0,1891, 864-866; 8,1892,1298-1299. O TpPTiniHIJXI. llllTpOCOPJlllH'HiHXI.. [Sur les hydrocarbures nitres Icrtiaires.] [1891.) Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. It., I'hijt. Chim.). So. 6, 3-.5. ()(n, n(|ii!paxi. a.ioTiicTofi kiumotu. [Sur les ethers de I'acide nilreux.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 IC. /(., I'hy. Chim.), No. 6. .5-8; Kuss. Phys.-Cliem. Soc. Jl., 24 {Chem.), 1892, 125-127; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 8, 1892, 1299. OCn. o6pa30Baiiiii a3oriiPTiJxi. Mf|iiii)OBi. iipii iio- .iv'ieniii nirr]ioLOPj,iiHL'iii(i iiociiorofiy H. MKilKi-a. [Sur la formation des ethers nitreux, aetompagnants lea dirivc-s nitris dans le precede dc V. Meyeb.] [1892.] Varsovie Sec. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. /;., Phyi. Chim.), So. 8, 1-5. C1IIITP3T. MOHOHllTp01ipOII3BOAHHXl npCAlUL- HUX^ yr.lPBO.TOpojOBl.. [La pynthese de diriv^s mononitres des hydrocarbures de la P.-rie grasse.] Var- sovie Soc. Nat. Trav. (Mem.). 2. 1892. So. 9, 102 pp.; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 129-139; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 48, 1893, 345-383. 0 ,it(icTBiii niiiiK;«iua iia aaoTiicTO-iiaonpo- IIII.lOBUfl ;^(lJllp^.. [Sur Taction du zinc-ethyle sur Tazotitedisopropyle.] [1896.) Varsovie Sec. Nat. Trav., 1896-96 (f. It., Phiju. Chim.), So. 10, 1-4. 0 Bo:iLTanoii.iPHiii .iBv- ii Tpexsautmcuiiuiiii rii,TpoKcii.iaMiiHaMii okhciiijxi co.ieft Mtiii ii H;e.li.3a. [Sur la ri'duction des sels d'oxydes de cnivre et de fer par les hydroxylamines bi- et tri-snbstituteea.] Varsovie Soc. Nat." Trav., 1897 {Phyi. Chim.), Ftuc. 1, So. 3, i-ii. 0 )3-renTiiJ-rii,ipoKCii.ia>iiiHt. [Sur la ^-heptyl- liydroxylaraine.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 {Phy: Chim.)', Fuse. 1. So. 3, ii-iii. 0 iipo,T.yi;Taxi. oKiic.iPiiiH /S-jByaaMtmeiiimxi ni.TpoKPll.iaMllllOBl. [On the oxidation-products of ^■disubstituted hydroxylamines.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav.. 1898 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), So. 5, 8 pp. Ki. ppahniii niiiiKa.iKii.ioBi. ci. aaoTiicTOKnciH- Mll aiJilipaMII. [Sur la reaction des d^riviserganometsl- liques du zinc sur les ethers nitreux.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1898 (P''i/». Chim.), 4 pp. 0 iipaKuiii aaoTiicTHxi HiliiipoBi. ii iiiiTpo- lIapa(|n^llllOB^. ci. uiiiiKa.lKlljaMil. [.\ctiou des zinc- alkyles sur les ethers azoteux et les nilroparaffines.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl.. 32 {Chem.). 1900. 420-542; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 26, 1901. 252-259. O iieiiTpa-ituuxi. iipoivKTaxi ppaKuiii miuK- a.lKll.lOBl.Cl. llllTpi)liapa4»i)llna>lll. [Sur les produits neutres de la reaction des ziuc-alkyles sur les nitro- paraffines.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trsv.. 1900 (f. R., Phyt. Chim.), So. 1, 5 pp. Bevad, /[i(i»] [[vanovir], A aCilOaievsMJ, SI. See MiklaaeTSkij A' Bevad, Bevan, l.diciird .I[iihii]. On the diazotype process of pbiitographic dveint' und printing. [1892.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 13'. 1894. 181-186. Note on the detection of cotton-seed oil in lard. Analyst, 19, 1894, 8*^-89. The loss of total solids in milk on keeping. Analyst, 19, 1894. 241-244. The use of formalin as a preservatiTe of milk samples. Analyst, 20, 1896. 1-52-154. See abo Thorpe (2-253. Bemerkungen zu dein Aufaatz von Dr. Schhoedeb: "Beitriige zur Casuistik der Porenkephalie." Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 56, 1899, 86('i-8t;n. Beyer, Geonje K. Contributions on the life histories of certain snakes. .\mer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 17-24. The ivory-billed woodpecker in Louisiana. Auk, 17, 1900, 97-99. An intere.sting hybrid [between a mallard (.Vnas boscas) and pintail (Dafila acuta)]. Auk, 17, 1900, 170-171. Beyer, Umiry G. *A contribution to the knowledge of the physiological properties of salicylic acid. Arch. Med., 3, 1880, 216-223. Ob.servations on the influence of oxygenated and non- oxygenated blood, as well as of blood iu various degrees of dilution, on the isolated heart of the frog and slider terrapin. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 531-,532. History of Lingula. [Preliminary notice.] Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 560-561. On the action of carbolic acid, atropia and convallaria on the heart ; with some observations on the influence of oxygenated and non-oxygenated blood, and of blood in various degrees of dilution. [1884.] Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud.. 3, 1884-87, 73-98. Biological deductions from a comparative study of the influence of cocaine and atropine on the organs of circulation. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 318-321. The structure of Glottidea pyramidata (.S'd'm.), Dall. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1885, 321-324. On the influence of atropia on the heart. [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 101-103. The influence of variations of temperature upon the rate and the work of the heart of the slider terrapin (Pseudemys rugosa). [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 225-229. A study of the structure of Lingula (Glottidia) pyramidata. Slim. {Dull}. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 3, 1884-87, 227-265. The influence of exercise on growth. [1895.] Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896. 54C>-558; Science. 3, 1896. 118. The relation between physique and mental work. Boston Soo. Med. Sci. JI-, [4, 1900,] 121-132. Beyer, lliiinj <;., A- Porter, iVilliam Towntend. See Porter A: Beyer, Beyer, ./. L. Durch wclchcn BeKtandtheil der lebendigen Zillen wird die Tellursiiure reducirt? Arch. Anat. Physiol. (I'hijuiol. .thtli.), 1896, 225-241. Beyer, Otln. Der Basalt des (irossdehsacr Herges und seine EinschluKse, sowie iihnliche VorkommniH^e aun der Oherlausitz. [1888.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 10, 1889, 1-51. Weitere .Miltheilungen libcr granitische KinM-hlusse in BasulUii der Oherlausitz. [1893.) Min. I'etr. .Mitth., 13, 1892, 231-238. Neues Vorkommen von glacialen Frictionserschein- ungen auf Granit in der Lausitz. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. ZtHchr., 47. 1896, 211-214. Beyer, (illo tl'itln-hn. Der Giftapparat von Formica rufa, ein reduziertes Organ. Jena. Ztschr., 25, 1891, 26-112. Beyer, l\iiiil]. Krystallographische Untersuchungen %on Terpenderivaten. " Zt.chr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 296-309. Beyer, H. Ueber Saxifraga florulenta, .Moretli. [1885.] Hrandenb. Bot. Vcr. Verb., 27, 1886, ii-vi. [Ueber das Vorkommen von Cerastiuni macilentum, Aiip.,hei Berlin und von Ccrastium triviale, tur. nemorale, I'echtr., in der Ukermark.] [18(j5.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27, 1886, 113-114. Ncuer Fundort von Vaccinium intermedium. [1885.) Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27. 1886, 114. Varietiit von Potentillacaulesccns. [1885.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27, 1886, 115. Ueber Primeln aus der Sektion Enprimula, Scholt (Primula veris, L.), und deren Bastarde. [1887.] Hrandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 29. 1888. 22-29. Ueber Primula niacrocalyx. Ituniie, und Primula inflata, Lehmann. [1888.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 31), 1889, 322-326. Ein neuer Achillea-Bastard. [1889.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 31, 1890, x-xv. Ueber Zwischenformen von Saxifraga opjwsitifolia, /,., und S. Rudolphi.»na. Iloriuch. [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, iv-vi. Missbildungen an Bliiten von Pnmala officinalis, Jai-'j. [1893.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, xv-xvi. Weitere Beobachtungen von " Ueberpflanzen '' auf Weiden. [1893.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, 37^1. .\splenium lepidum, Prenl., iu Nord-Istrien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 44, 1894, 167-1()9. Ueber die Gattungszugehorigkeit der Moehringia Thomasiana, Gay. [1894.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 30, 1896, Ixvi-lxxi. I'eber eine Monstrositiit von Taraxacum officinale. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 38, 1896. xiii-xvii. Ergebnisse der bisberigen Arbeilen bezfiglich der Ueberpflanzen ausserbalb der Tropen. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb.. 37. 1896, 105-129. Ueber das Auftreten gecundiirer Kopfchen bei Bellis perennis. Bramlenb. Bot. Ver. Verb.. 39, 1897, xliv- xlvi, 107 ; Danzig Schr., 9, 1896-98 (Hefte 3 * i), 35- 36. Ueber ein neues spontanes Vorkommen des Rosen- wegericbs. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb.. 39, 1897, 104- 106. Ueber Linum Leonii, Schull:, und einige andere Formen der Gruppe Adenolinum {Rehb. a. G.). Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, Ixxxii-sciv. Ueber einige Verbiinderungen und andere Missbild- ungen. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb.. 40. 1898, xcv-xcix. Ueber einige bisher noch unbekannte oder wenig beachtcte Formen in der Gattung Luzula. [1899.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb.. 41, 1900, xii-xxvii. Beyer, Sfimuel ll'alker. Ancient lava flows in the strata of northwestern Iowa. Iowa Geol. .Surv. [Hep.]. 1. 1893. 163- 169. The spotted slates associated with the Sioux qnartzite. [1895.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [15 (1896-96).] 10. Beyer] 528 [Beyschlag Geology of Boone county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 5, 1896, 175-239. Evidence of a sub-Aftonian till sheet in northeastern Iowa. [189fi.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 4, 1897, 58-62. The Sioux quartzite and certain associated rocks. Iowa Geol, Surv. [Bep.], 6, 1897, 67-112. Geology of Marshall county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Bep.], 7, 1897, 197-262. Buried Loess in Story county. [1898.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 6, 1899, 117-121. Mineral production of Iowa in 1898. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 9, 1899, 31-48. • Geology of Story county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Bep.], 9, 1899, 155-237. Mineral production of Iowa in 1899. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Bep.], 10, 1900, 41-58. Geology of Hardin county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Bep.], 10, 1900, 241-306. Beyer, Theodor. Ueber Waschedesinfection mit dreipro- centigen Schraierseifenliisungen and mit Kalkwasser. Ztschr. Hyg., 22, 1896, 228-262. Beyerinck. .Sec Beijerinck. Beyerlein, Fr. Einige Versuche iiber den Wasserverlust bei Regenmessungen durch Verdunstung und durch Befeuchtung des Begenmessers. Meteorol. Ztschr., 16 (1899), 217-219. Beyersdorff, [Ferdinand] Adolf. For biographical notice xue Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 27, 1890, 188. Ueber Lichtdruck. [Posth.] Wien, Photogr. Corre- spond., 29, 1891, 410-423. Beyfiiss, Gastav. Maasstabelle von Eingeborenen des indischen Archipels. Ztschr. Ethnol., 17, 1885, (881)- (383); 18, 1886, (124). Ueber die Acclimatisation der Europiier in Nieder- Hndisch-Indien. Ztschr. Ethnol., 18, 1886, (88)-(92). Maasstabellen von Makassaren und Alfuren. Ztschr. Ethnol., 18, 1886, (369). Tropen-Malaria und Acclimatisation. Beobachtungen in Niederliindisch-Indien. Virchow, Arch., 155, 1899, 322-384. Ueber sogenannte idiopathische Leberabscesse in Bezug auf ihre Aetiologie und Nomenclatur. Virchow, Arch., 161, 1900, 43-5-453. Beynon, TUchnrd. Effect of oil on disturbed water. Nature, 41, 1890, 205-206. Beyricb, [Hcinricli] K[rnst]. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 32, 1896, 110-118; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 5, 1896, xxvi; Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 301-302; Ztschr. Ethnol., 28, 1896, (385); Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 53, 1897, Iv ; Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbucb., 17, 1897, cii-cxxxviii ; Seuckenb. Natf. (ies. Ber., 1897, vii-viii ; Wien, Almanach, 47, 1897, 310-312; Berlin Ak. Abh., 1898, 11 11]).; Geogr. .Tbuch., 20, 1898, 465; Jliincben Ak. Sber., 27, 1898, 442-446 ; Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1900, 97-110. 'Blatt Zorge. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 1, No. 237, 1870, 23 pp.; (2« Aiisc/abe) Omdabth. 56, No. 20, 1893, 24 pp. *Blatt Ellrich. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 1, No. 2.55, 1870, 18 pp.; (2» Aiisgnle) Gradahth. 56, No. 26, 1893, 20 pp. Eriiiuterungen zu den Goniatiten L. voN Buck's. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 203-219. [Ueber einen zu Bixdorf gefuudenen Elephantenzahn.] Deutsch. Geol. Gos. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 462-463. [Gliederung des Kothliegenden.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 699-701. Beyrleh, [Heinru-li] F,[rniit\, & Eck, II[einrich Adolpli]. •lilatt Nordhauscn. Preuss. Thiiring. (ieol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 1, No. 2.56, 1870, 27 |i|). ; (2'' Ansoahe) Grodohth. 56, No. 27, 1893, 29 pp. Beyrleh, \ILinrU-)i] K\rnst\. & Haucbecome, W[ilkelm\. •Kinliitende liomerkuugcn zu der geologischen Special- karte von Preussen und den Tbiiringischen Staaten. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., 1870, viii pp. Beyricb, [Heinrich] E[rnst'], & Ijossen, 7v[«r/] Alugnst], *Blatt Benneckenstein. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 1, No. 238, 1870, 21 pp.; (2' Amgabe) Graduhth. .56, No. 21, 1893, 23 pp. *Blatt Stoll)erg. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 1, No. 257, 1870, 24 pp.; (2'' Ausgahc) Gradabth. 56, jVn. 28, 1893, 24 pp. Beyricb, [Heinrieli] E[rnst], * MCoesta, Friedrich. *Blatt Sontra. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 8, Gradabth. 55, No. 58, 1876, 35 pp. Blatt Heringen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 9, Gradabth. 56, No. 34, 1884, 12 pp. Blatt Sangerhausen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut.. Lfg. 9, Gradabth. 56, No. .S6, 1884, 11 pp. Beyricb, [Hehirich] F,[rnsi], I.ossen, K{(irl] .l[»,'7»,s-(], & Moesta, Friedrieh. *Blatt Schwenda. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 16, Gradabth. 56, No. 29, 1883, 59 pp. Seyricli,[He inrich]E[rnst], VloeBtA,Friedrich,& Scbliiter, [Clemens] A[ugust Joseph]. Blatt Fraukenhausen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 9, Gradabth. 56, No. 41, 1884, 40 pp. Beyricb, [Heinrieli] E[rnst], Iiossen, K[arl] A[agust], ■Weiss, [Christian] E[rnst], & Moesta, Friedrieh. *Blatt Wippra. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 16, Gradabth. 56, No. 30, 1883, 84 pp. Beyacblag, Fran:. Ueber Aufnahmen an der unteren Werra und Fulda (Provinz Hessen-Nassau). Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [5], 1886, xlix-lii. Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Bliittern Salzungen und Altmorschen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [7], 1887, xli-xlv. Ueber Aufnahmen auf Blatt Salzungen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. .Ibuch., [8], 1888, lix-lx. Ueber Aufnahmen in Hessen. Preuss. Geol. Landes- anst. .Jbuch., [8], 1888, Ixi-lxiv. Die Erzlagerstiitten der Umgebung von Karasdorf in Thiiringen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, 329-377. Blatt Melsungen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 45, Gradabth. 55, No. 50, 1891, 20 pp. Blatt Altmorschen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 45, Gradabth. 55, No. 56, 1891, 24 pp. Ueber Aufnahmen im Gebiete des Blattes Waldeck- Cassel (1 : 80000). Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [10], 1892, Ixx-lxxvii. Geologische Specialaufnahmen. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1893, 2-4, 89-92. Geologi.sche Kartenaufnahmen von Oesterreich-Un- garn und einigen Nachbarliindern. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1893, 336-339. [Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Thiiringer Waldes, in Sonderheit iiber das Rothliegendedesselben.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 47, 1896, 596-607. Blatt Bieth. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 60, Gradabth. 70, No. 44, 1895, 34 pp. Blatt Heldburg. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 60, Gradabth. 70, No. 45, 1896, 55 pp. Die Internationale geologische Karte von Europa. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1896, 1-4. Das Montanwesen auf der Millenniums-Ausstellung zu Budapest. Ztschr. Priikt. Geol., 1896, 461-466. Der Goldbergbau Schellgaden in den Lungauer Taucrn. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1897, 210-212. Die Eisenerze des Vogelsbergs. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1897, 337-338. Die Kobaltgiinge von Schweina in Thiiringen. Ztschr. I'nikt. (Jco!., 1898, 1-4. Das Manganei.senerzvorkomnien dor " Lindoner Mark " bei Giessen in Oborhessen. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1898, 94-96. Beyschlagl 529 [Bezold Hericht iiber die wiRHcngchartliclien ErKcbnisse der Aufimlinifiii lies Jaliri'S 1H9H. I'lcuss. Geol. Landcsaiist. Jbuch., lit, 1899, Ixxxviii-xciv. Die Ktoliij^isclu'ii Verliiiltnisse (dcs PioBbcrges und der UmmmiHl voM Osiiiibriick|. licrlin Gesundheitsatnt Arb., 17, 1900, 217-221). Beyacblag, Fniiiz, & Frltscti, Kiirl i-on. Das jiinccro Sli'iMk(il]|(iij;fbiigf und das UotblieHende in der I'rovinz Sacliscn und den iinKrfnzfndcn (lebieten. Preuss. Geol. Liind.'siinst. Abh., 10, 1899, 2i;;i iip. Beysctalag, Fnni:, & Kroscta, /'. Die Goldf!iinge von l)oMiiyl]i()ok in Westaustralicn. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1900, W.> 171. Beyschlag, Fniii:, it Moesta, I'liedrich. .SVc Moesta .V' Beyschlag. Beyscblag, I'niii-, A Froscholdt, llermunn. Blalt Roduch. I'luuss. Tliiuin^;. (Iccil. Kiute KrUint., Lfi). GO, (Irmliihth. 70, ,\"... .-ill. 1895, -10 pp. Beysen, ('ml, & Clans, Ailolph [Curl I.iidwi;!]. ,SVc Clans & Beysen. Beyttalen, A'|(/i7| A\(l(>l/\, S: ToUena, I l[niiliiirabM, .Marcel. Ktudc sur Ic mode de reaction et le r(ealisations microbiennes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 52, 1900 (C. It.), 31-33. Bezan^on, Fernand, A' Tlilblerge, Georget. See Thlblerge A' Bezan^on. Bezan^on, Fernand, h Widal, Fernand. Sec VTidal A Bezan;on. Bezan<;sn, Fernand, Oriffon, Vincent, & !•« Bonrd, L. Culiuic du bacille du chancre mon. Paris, .'^oc. Biol. Mem., r,2, 1900 (C. It.\. 104S-1O.51, 112;i. Bezanfon, Paul, iV Variot, 'J. See Variot iV Bezan;on. B^zier, [Tousmint]. Sur la presence de Trilobites dans les schistes rouges-Iie-de-vin des environs de Rennes. [1888.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 16, 1889, 60-63. Sur un gisement carbonilere, de Tetage de Vis^, reconnu a Quenon, en Saint-Aubin-d'.\ubigne (Illeet- Vilaine). Paris, Kc. Sci. C. It., Ill, 1890, 403-104. Bezold, Friedrieh. Ueber die Erkrankungen des Gebur- organs bei Ileotyphus. .\rch. Ohrenheilk.. 21,1884, 1-53. Gesanmitbericht iiber die 1881-1.S83 inel. behandellen Ohrenkranken. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 21, 1884. 221-2(;6. Ueber Erkliiningsversuche zum Verhalten der Luft- und Knochenleitung beim Rinne'schen Versuch. mit eincm Obductiousfall. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 22, 1886, 307-312. Bemerkungen iiber die Ulir als Hfirmcsser und die einheitliche Bezeichnung der HOrpriifungeu nach KsAPr. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl.. 1885. 312-314; Ztschr. Ohren- heilk., 15. 1886, 151-1.55 ; Areh. Otol., 15. 1886. 79-84. Schuluntersuchungen iiljer das kindliche Gehororgan. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 14, 1885. 253-279; 15. 1886. 1-67; .\rch. Otol.. 14, 1885, 1.5K-209. 242-2H7. Labvrinthnecrose und Paralvse des Nervus facialis. Ztsehr.Ohrenheilk., 16, 1886, li9-210; Arch. Otol.. 16, 1887, 297-348. Slatische Ergebnisse iiber die diognostische Verwend- barkeit des Rinne'schen Ver.suches und eine daraus sich ergebendc Erkliirung fiir die physioloijiscbe Function des SchalUeitungsjjppiirat' s. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 17, 1887. 1.53-237: IS 1888. 193-215; 19. 1889. 212-2.30; Arch. Otol., l(i. 1887. lsrt-235; 17, 1888, 130-1.52. Cholesteatoni. Perforation der Merabrana daccida SiiRAPXELLi und Tulienverschluss, eine ittiologische Studie. (18.89.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 20. 1890, 5-28; .\rch. Otol., 19. 1890. 2;r(2-254. [Demonstration verbesserterHorpriifungsinstrumente.] [1890.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 21, 1891. 121-123. ■ Ueber das Cholesuatom des Mittelnhres. klinisrher und thernjieutischcr Thcil. [1890] Ztsobr. Ohrenheilk., 21. 1891. 2.52-271 ; Arch. Otol.. 20, 1891. 305-309. 67 Bezoldl 530 [Bezold Ueber das Verbalten cUr im Vt'ilaufo von Plithisis jnilnionum auftreteiiden Mittelohreiterungeu unter clem Einfluss del- Koch'schen Behandlung. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 47, 1891, 622-fi.S6. . Einige weittre Mittheiluugen iiber die continuirliche Tonreihe, insbesondere iiber die physiologisehe obere und untere Tongreiize. Ztscbr. Ohrenheilk. , 23,1892, 254- 267; Arcb. Otol., 22, 1893, 216-225. Eine contiuuirliehe Tonreibe als Horpriifungsmittel. [1892.] Miincben Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., H, 1893, 70-81. Untersucbungen iiber das durchschnittlicbe Horver- mogen im Alter. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 24, 1893, 1-24 ; Arch. Otol., 28, 1894, 214-227. Eine Eutfernung des Steigbiigels. Ztschr. Ohi-en- heilk., 24, 1893, 25;)-264; Arch. Otol., 22, 1893, 4U0-403. Ein paar BeraerUungen znr continuirliehen Tunreihe. Ztscbr. Ohrenheilk., 24, 1893, 265-267. Ein Fall von Stapesankylose und ein P^all von nervoser Sehwerbiirigkeit mit den zugehorigen Sec- tionsbel'unden und der mauoraetriscben Unter.sucbung. Ztschr. Ohrenlieilk., 24, 1893, 267-279; Arch. Otol., 2.3, 1894, 48-57. Demonstration der continuirlichen Tonreihe in ihrer neuen von Dr. Edelmann verbesserten Form. [1893.] Ztscbr. Ohrenheilk., 25, 1894, 66-67. Horvermogeu bei doppelseiliger angeborcner Atresie des Gehorgangs mit rudimentarer Muschel. [1894.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 26, 1895, 11-19; Arch. Otol., 25, 1896, 127-131. Ein weiterer im Leben diagnosticirter Fall von doppelseitiger Steigbiigelankylose mit Sectiousbefund, manometriscber und histologischer Untersuchung. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 26, 1895, 1-10; Arcb. Otol., 25, 1896, 67-73. Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Horpriifungen. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 29, 1896, 1-28; Arch. Otol., 25, 1896, 274-284. Demonstration einer kontinuirlicbeu Tonreihe zum Nachweis von Gehijrdefekten, insbesondere bei Taub- stummen, und die Bedeutung Hires Nachweises fiir die Helmboltzsche Theorie. [1896.] Ztschr. Psychol., 13, 1897, 161-174. ■ Die Stelluiig der Consonanten in der Tonreihe. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 30, 1897, 114-121; Arcb. Otol., 26, 1897, 383-388. Nachptiifung der im Jabre 1893 untersuchten Taub- stummen. Ztscbr. Ohrenheilk., 30, 1897, 2U3-223 ; Arcb. Otol., 29, 1900, 107-117. Die Feststellung einseitiger Tanblieit. Ztscbr. Ohrenheilk., 31. 1897, 61-102; Arch. Otol., 27, 1898, 158-178. Schema fiir die Gehiirspriifung des kranken Ohres. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 33, 1898, 165-174; Arcb. Otol., 29; 1900, 34-41. Statistischer Bericht iiber die Untersuchungsergeb- nisse einer zweiten Seric von Taubstummen. [1899.] Ztscbr. Ohrenheilk., 36, 1900, 1-78. Ergebnisse der functionellen Gcborspriifung mit der continuirlichen Tonreihe, insbesondere am Taubstuni- menohr. Miincben Ges. Moi-phol. u. Physiol. Sber., 16, 1900, 1-21. Eine Analyse des Hinne'schen Versnches. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 37, 1900, 197-207; Arch. Otol., 29, 1900, 453-161. Bezold, Friedrich, & Edelmann, M[ii.r] 'I'li[(iiiihitn, A Fedler, .llesander. See Fedlor A Bbaduii. Biaille de Langibandlire, . Montage des Diatom^es. .11. Microgr.. 13, [1889], 59. Bial, F[riin-], A 'VTemer, Alfred. See 'Werner i BUd. Blal, Man/red. Ein Beitrag zur Physiologie der Niere. PBiiger, Arch. Physiol., 47, 1890, 116-124. Ueber die diastatische Wirkung des Blut- und Lymphserums. Pfliiger, Arch. Phvsiol., 52, 1892, 137- 150. Weitere Beobachtungea iiber das diastatische Ferment des Blutes. [1892.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 53, 1893, 156-170. Ein neiterer Beitrag zam Chemismaa des zucker- bildcnden Blutfermentes. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 54, 1893. 72-80. Ueber die Beziehungen des diastatischen Fermentes des Blutes und der Lymphe zur Zuckerbildiing in der Leber. [1893.] Pfluger, Arch. Physiol. -5-5, 1894, 434- 468. Ueber den Mechanismus der Magengahningen. [1895.) Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 273 274, 334. Ueber den Mechanismus der Ga.%'itbrungen im Magen- safte. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Blologie des Hefepilzea. [1890.] Arch. Exper. Path., 3S. 1897. 1-34. Ueber Magenphotographie. Centrbl. MeJ. Wis.s., 37, 1899. 97-98. Blal, .Muiifrid, A: Rohmann, F[ram]. See »"»■"' iiTin Jt Bial. Bial dc Bellerade, . [Sar le Cryptocephalus janthinaa (Germ.).] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39, 188S, xxiii-iziv. Sur le genre Aphthona. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39, 1886, xxix. [Sur I'habitat de plusieurs Coleoptircs.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39. 1886. xixix-xl. [Variete de Cassida vittata. Liste des Cassides de la Giroiide.) Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39, 1886. xlix. Coleoptires recneillis dans I'excorsiou qui k en lieu aux environs dc la Keole, le 26 juin 1892. Bordeaux Soc. I. inn. .\ct. . 45, 1892. elxxi-clxxiv. Bial de Bellerade, , Blondel de Jolgny, , 9-288. Kicerche sperimentali e cliniche intorno alia possi- bilita di delimitare esattamente 1' area del contenuto gastrico, suo valore semejologico e sue modalitil. Speri- mentale, 62. 1888, 361-387. Studio clinico delle impronte del piede. I eircoli plantari ; loro descrizioue e valore semejologico. Speri- mentale, 63, 1889, 146-181, 225-244. Della cura asettica del vajuolo. [Kicerche cliniche e sperimentali.] Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 571-576, 642- 661. Ueber Phouendoskopie und phonendoskopische Pro- jection des Korperinneren. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, HIilfte 2), 68-71. ■ Les trois priucipaux types d'estomac. Congr. Int. Udd. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 2), 7-8. Les modalites motrices de I'estomac pendant uue journee (24 heures). Communication preventive. Congr. Int. Mod. C. K., 1897 (Fo/. 2, Sect. 2), 58-59. Sur la phonendoscopie des organes et particulierement sur la projection phouendoscopique de I'estoniac et de son contenu avec demonstration pratique. Congr. Int. M(5d. C. K., 1897 {]'ol. 2, Sect. 2), 64-72, (Vol. 7), xliv. Sur la phonendoscopie. [Jl'itli discussion.] Congr. Int. Med. C. K., 1897 (Vol. 2, .SV<:(. 4), 48-53. L'ectoscopie, methode pour etudier la dilatiibilit^ des organes. Congr. Int. Med. C. K., 1900 (Vol. 1, Physiol.), 215-216. Variations diurnes des organes etudiees par la pho- nendo.seopie. Kvolution de la methode pendant trois ans. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 1, Pliijsiol.), 216-219. Sur un moyen pour localiser les bruits et mesurer leur intensite. Congr. Int. Med. C. K., 1900 (Vol. 4), 617. Bianchi, Aiirelio, & Comte, Cli[arlrs]. Des ehaugcmcnts de tornii' et de position de I'estomac chez riiomme, pendant la digestion, etudies par la jirojection plionendo- seopique. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 891-904. Sur le temps de sejour des licpiides dans I'estomac. Congr. Int. Med. C. 1!., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 2), 56-58, (Vol. 7), xliv. Bianchi, .liirelio, A- Regnault, I'eli.r. Modifications des organes dans la course de soixante-doiize heures en bieyelette, etudiees par la phonendoscopie. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. K., 127, 1898, 387-388. Action du bain tnre sur les organes internes. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. K., 128, 1899, 324-327. Bianchi, E. Sulla diatermaneitil dell' ebanite. Nuovo (Mmento, 8, 1898, 285-295. Bianchi] 533 [Bianchi Blanchl, I.mnardi}. Un cnso di sorditA vcrlialc. II iikUhIo podiifjoKico lu'lla oura della bIchsb. Riv. Si(CT. ili Kriiiiiitria, 12, 1886, 57-71. Sulle ilei^eiH-nizicjiii Hpcriiiieiitali discendcnti ncl ct'iVL-llo f nel iiiidollo Bpinalc. Riv. Sper. di Preniatria, 12, 1886 (.l/i(/. I.eiiiil,). 225. I.a njspoiisiiliiliti'i nell' istmismo. [1KH!(.) Riv. S|)cr. di Frcniatria, 10, 1890 (Mid. I.i'ijnU), 111-154. La pHicoloKia in lappurto ulle ultime nozioni Ji fisiolonia del cervello. [188!). J Aiutr. J I. I'sjcliol., 3, 1891, .5.50-551. Dcs li'MiiiiiB c('i<'l)rales en fovor et de Icur traiteniiMit. Arch. Gtn. Mid., 170, 1892, 717-74H. 1st diu VLinuiift uinu an.ssclilifSBlloh den Enipfind- UDgsbereichen rfipie fuchsiane. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (.SVm. 2), l(>l-ir,5. Sui sistemi di equazioni lincari ai differenziali totali. Roma. R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (.SVm. 1). 312-323. Sulle forme quadratiche a coetlicienti e a indetermi- nate complesse. Koma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5. 1889 (.SVm. 1), 589-599. parziitii del 1889 (.SVm. 2), Sulle equazioni liiieari a derivat<; 2° ordine. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5 3.5-44. Sopra alcune nuovc claxiii di superficie e di sistemi tripli ortogonali. Ann. Mat., 18 (1890), 301-358. .Sopra una classe di rappreMntuzioni e<|uivalenti della sfera Hul piano. Roma, R. .\cc. Lincei Rend., 0, 1890 (.SVm. 1), 220-229. Sui gruppi di sostituzioni linear! a coeflicicnti interni complessi. lioma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 0, 1890 (.SVm. 1), 331-339. Sopra una classe di gruppi fuchsiani riducibjii a gruppi modulari. Roma, R. Ace. Linc«i Rend., 0. 1890 (.SVm. 1), 375-384. (jeometrische I>arHtelluDg der liruppen hnearer .Sub- stitutionen mit ganzen compleieu Coetlicienten nebst Anwendungen auf die Zahleolheorie. Math. .\nn., 38, 1891, 3l:i-333. Sulle nu|)erlieie, le cui sezioni, fatte con un sistema di piani paralleli, tagliano le linee di curvatura sottu augolo costante. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (.SVm. 1), 4-13. Sui gruppi di sostituzioni lineari c sulle (onne quadratiche di Diiiiciilkt el di Hf.huitk. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (.SVm. 2), 3-11. Sui sistemi tripli ortogonali che contengono una serie di superticie con un slstema di linee di curvatura piane. Ai>u. Mat., 19 (1891-92), 177-199. Sui gruppi di sostituzioni lineari con coefficienli appartenenti a eor]>i quadratic! imma^jinari. Math. Ann., 40, 1892, 332-412. Sulla trasformazione di Backlunu per le superficie pseudosfericbe. Koma, K. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1. 1892 (.Sew. 2), 3-12. Sulle deformazioni infinitesime delle superficie tlcs- sibili ed inestendibili. lioma, R. Ace. Liucei liend., 1, 1892 (.SVm. 2), 41-48. Sulla trasformazione di R.icKi.iNii pei sistemi tripli ortogonali pseudosferici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Bend., 1, 1892 (.SVm. 2), 1.50-161. Ricerche sulle forme quatemarie quadratiche e sui gruppi poliedrici. Ann. Mat., 21 (1893), 237-288; 23 (1895). 1-44. Sui gruppi di sostituzioni lineari. Math. Ann., 42, 1893. 30-57. Sopra alcune classi di gruppi di sostituzioni lineari a coetlicienti complessi. Math. .Ann., 43, 1893. 101-135. Sulle divisioni regolari dcllo .spazio non-euclideo in poliedri regolari. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Bead., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 6-5-72. Sui sistemi tripli ortogonali di Welnoautkn. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend.. 8, 1894. 2-5-32. Sulle forme quatemarie i|uadratiche e sui gmppi poliedrici. Roma, R. Ace. Linoei Rend., 3, 1894 (.SVm. 1), 3-12. Applicazioni geometriche del metodo delle appros- simazioni successive di riCAun. Roma, B. Aoc. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (SVm. 1). 143-1.50. Sulla interpretazionc geoinetrica del teorema di MocTAiiK. lioma. It. .\cc. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (.SVm. 1), 56.>-573. Sulle superficie i cui piani principali hanno costante il rapporto delle distanze da un punto fisso. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei liend., 3, 1894 (.SVm. 2), 77-84. II metodo di Bikuan.n esteso alia intef^razione della eijuazione : PJ-,. l/u. Roma, R. .Vce. Lincei Kend.. 4, 1895 (.SVm. If, 8-18. Sulla estensione del metodo di Bif.>ia>'N alle equazioni lineari alle derivate parziali d' ordine superiore. Roma, R. -\cc. Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 (.Sem. 1), 89-99, 13.3-142. Biauchi] 534 [Biancone SuUe superficie a curvatura nulla negli spazi di cmvatura costante. Torino, Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 1895, 74^-755. SuUe superficie a curvatura nulla in geometriaellittica. Ann. Mat., 24 (1896), 93-129. Nuove rieerehe sulle superficie pseudosferiohe. Ann. Mat., 24 (1896), 347-386. • Sopra una classe di superficie collegate alle superficie pseudosferiche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 {Sem. 1), 133-137. Sur deux classes de surfaces qui engendrent par un mouvenient helicoidal une famille de Lame. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 11, 1897, H, 8 pp. Suir applicabilitil di due spazi coUa medesima curvatura di Riem.inn costante. Koma, R. Ace. Lincei Ro, 1885, 161-106 ; 58, 1886, 113 125. Le arterie coronarie del euore. Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 277-281. Nuove ricerche sui linfatiei del euore. Sperimentale, 58, 1886, 376-386. Sul modo di formazione del terzo condilo e sui processi basilari dell' osso occipitale nell' uomo. Osser- vazioni anatomiche. Arch. Antropologia, 17, 1887, 345- 358. Un caso di sacralizzazione incomplcta (uiiilaterale) fra 111 sesta e la scttinia vertebra cervicale. [l]'it)i dix- cussiuii.] Arch. Antrojiologia, 19, 1889, 93 111, 549-5-50. Sul modo di svilupparsi dell" osso Wormiano epipterico neir uomo (osso stenotico del Baualdi). Sperimentale, 03, 1889, 31 35. Sopra un rarissimo caso di arteria cruralis bifida. Sperimentale, 03, 1889, 383-387. Su di un proceaso articolare anomalo della 6" vertebra cervicale. Sperimentale, 03, 1889, 451-452. Sii di una ram aiiomalia arteriosa. Sperimentale, 03, 1889, 508-569. Ancora suU' osso sfenotico nell' uomo. Risposta alia nota del prof. Bakai.ih. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 143-146. Ossifieazioni aecessorie (squamo-condiloidee) dello occipitale umano. Sperimentale, 66, 1890, 256-262. ■ Sur le d^veloppement de la squame occipitale et sur le mode d'origine des diverses formes des os interparietaux et preinterparii^taux dans le crane humain. Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, 103-107. I seni frontali e le arcate sopraccigliari studiate nei crani dei delinquenti, degli alienati e dei normali. Arch. Antropologia, 22, 1892, 231-249. Bianchi, Staiiislan, & Marimb, Francesco. Sur quelques anomalies craniennes des alien(?3. Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, vii ; Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 18, 1892, 103-121. Biancbi, V[alentiti Lvoric]. Ueber einen neuen Wiirger aus der Untergattung Otomela (Otomela Bogdanowi). St. I'etersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 30, 1886, 514-519. Zur Ornis der westlichen Auslaufer des Pamir und des Alai. [1886.] St. Pijtersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 31, 1887, 337-396. Biologische Notizen iiber die im Sommer 1884 bei Uschaki (Gouvernement Nowgorod) beobachteten Vogel. Beitr. Russ. Reich., 4, 1888, 189-275. Iw. (|iaynt Rhopaloeera TBepcKou ryoeimiii. [Contribution to the Rhopaloeera fauna of the govern- ment of Tver.] [1892.] St. Petersb., Ae. Sci. Mem. (Ru>:s.), 70, 1893 (.ippend. No. 1), 17 pp. • On two new forms of the heteropterous family GerridiE. St. P(5tersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 69-76. De speciebus duabus novis generis Nabis, Latr. St. P(5tersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 113-116. 0 XByxT) HOBUxi, n.in pyccKori (IjayHH BiiAaxi. nTIIUTi. [Sur deux esp^ees d'oiseaux, nouvelles pour la faune de la Russie.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 126-136. K'i> ji.iarnoeTiiKt na-ieapiiTiiiecKiix't bii^obt. pojI,a [Uebersicht der paliearktischen Arten der Gattung] Carpodacus, Kanp. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 2, 1897, 218-240 ; Jl. f. Ornith., 40, 1898, 102- 123. Acanthia (Calacanthia) Trybomi (J. Suhlh.), CI IIOBOU 3eMJllI [from Novaja Zemlya]. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 2, 1897, 362-304. 06;!0p'I> BlIjT.OB'I. pn,T,a Tetraogallus, Gnnj. [Ueber- sicht der Arten der Gattung Tetraogallus, dray.] St. P(5tersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 3, 1898, 111-123 ; Jl. f. Ornith., 47, 1899, 421-434. Enumeratio operum opusculorumque ad faunam Hemipterorum-Heteropterorum Imperii Rossici perti- nentium. 1798-1897. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 3, 1898, 289-323. Ad coguitionem Phymatidarum Mundi Antiqui. St. P(''tersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu.. 4, 1899, 221-236. Biancbi, 'l'[iileiUiii. Lvovic], & Berezovskij, .1/. .1/. See Berezovskij iV' Biancbi. Biancbi, V{iihi:Uii Lvorie], & Zarudnyj, N[il(ohij] A[leLseei-ir\. t)n a now species of stone-chat (Saxicola Semenowi) from eastern Persia. St. Pt'tersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 5, 1900, 187-189. Blancbi-Mariotti, G. II., it Benini, . Sui trombi iaiini iirlli' infezioni sperimentali. Congr. Meii. Int. Alti, 1894 (!"?. 2, I'alol.). 280-281. Bianchi-Mariotti, (,'. 1'., A Fisenti, Cii.-ttiiro. See Piaenti .V Biancbl-Marlotti. Blanco. .s.< Zanotti-Bianco. Biancone, (iionniiii. Contributo clinico alio studio della iiiioliuiiia (Knv eFr. Schui-tze). Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 21, 1898, 31.'! 310. Biancouel 535 IBickel Cnntribittd cliiiiio «1 anivtoiiiicuallo Httidiodci tiiiniui dcllc I'luincnzf bigciiiiiic. Kiv. Spur, di I'Veniulriu, W, 1899, 7;iO-7H7. Suir n/.ioiu' ipnotica o Hodntivn dell' licdonal. Hiv. Spir. (11 Fri'iiiatriii, 'iCi, 1900, 3117 119. Blaneonl, (![iiwiiiiiii\ <:\iiisi'i)iie\. *l)u fiottctncnt commc ciiiisi' (Ic III tminc'c liiiiiiiicnRo des holidi's. France Soc. Mctiuiol. Annu., II, 1863, I'l. 2, 17H IHO. Blard, /,. lti'|>iiit on tin' Iiuk ash in products of cane sugar maimraetorics, incinerated with Kulphuric acid. U. S. Div. Ch. m. Hull., A'o. HI, 1891, 77-80. Blarnis, (I. Snr lii tixite dc lu ric'hc8Bc en oxygens du Kimi,' aitiriil iImz les aniiimux snpi'TieurH. Congr. Int. Mv,\. C. K., 1897 (Vol. 2, .SVc<. 2), 0. Blarnds, (/'., A AbelouB, J. E[mHc]. See Abeloua A Blarn^B. Biarn^s, '/.. A Meyer, /'.'. See Meyer A Biam&s. Blart, l.iiriiii. Fur liiogriiphicul notice and wcpika sec .•\nthrop. (I'aris), 8, 1897, :i61)-:!7(). lie rayiin vert. Astrunoniie, 1891. IIO. Blazzi, Ftrrnccio. Circa lo studio delle correnti ncgli iiiiaiii. (lenova, Soc. Ligust. .\tti, t, 1893, 344-35.5. Bibblns, ,1 rtliiir. Notes on the paleontology of the I'otomac fomiation. |1H9,").] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [15 (189S 961,1 17-20. Blbbins, Artliiir, & Clark, ll'illium Hiillock. See Clark >t Blbbins. Blberfeld, [//( rmiiHH], /ur Wirkungswcise des Strychnins auf liiickcnniaik uiid piiiplKre Ncrven. Pfliigcr, Arch. I'hysicil., H.-i, 1901, 3<.l7-402. Btberstein, M. Ikiti iigc zur Serodiagnostik des Abdominal- typhus. Ztschr. Hyg., 27, 1898, 347-374. Bibra, Alfred vo7i. IJeber die Verunrcinigung der Zimmer- luft (lurch salpetrige Siiure (I'ntersalpetersaure) als Pro- dukt dir ktinstlichen Bcleuchtung. Arch. Hyg., 15, 1892, 216-23!). Blbran. S,'r Senden-Bibran. Bicbat, l'.\niist Atl,dj)he\. Sur la cristallisation des para- tartrat'js. Nancy .Soc. Sci. Bull., 1885, xvi. Sur lo tourniquet (:'lcctrique et la d(!'pcrdition de l'eleotrieit('' par convection. Ass. Franc;. C. U., 1886 [Pt. 2), 243-253; Ann. Chim., 12, 1887, 64-79. Sur le di'doubleuient des composes optiquement inactifs par compensation. Paris, Ac. Sci. O.K., 102, 1886, 42H-431, 766-7G7. Sur uu tourniquet electrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 17H(;-17H9. Sur Ics (ilu'nomi^ne.s actino-electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. n., 107. 1888, 5.")7-55!) ; Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1889, 27-3(1; .11. I'hys.. .s, 1889, 24.'5-2.53. Sur le d('doubk'nipnt des paratartrates. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 1-10. Sur le calcul des franges de Tai.uot. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, .">-8. I'ouvoir iuducteur sptcifiquc. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1896, xix. Blchat, A[r)ic«( Adolphe], & Blondlot, [Prosper] R[ene']. Sur les differences electriques eutre les liqnides et sur le role de I'air dans la mosuro ilectrom(?trique de ces differences. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 1IM1, 1886, 7'.ll-7!13. Of^cillation du plan de polarisation par la di'charge d'une batterie. Ass. Fran..-. C. H.. 1886 {Pt. 1), 100. Sur un elcctromJtre absoln, I'l indications continues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 102, 1886, 753-756; Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 {Fuse. 20), 2.5-32. Construction dun (!'lectronietrc absolu, permettant de mesuror des poteutiels tris clevis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 103, 1886. 245-248. Sur les phenonif'nes dits nctino-clectriques. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 13-21. Action des radiations ultra-violcttes sur le passage de r«51ectriciti' i\ faible tension an travers de I'air. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 106, 1888, 1349-1351. Action conibini'i- de rinsuniation ct de rillumiiistion sur les couclieH electriques qui revetent leu corps cr. For biographical notice and works ue I'aris. Soc. Biol. {Vol. Jiihil.), 1899, 11-13. Bicbe, /{. Note sur I'Ononis niitissima. (1886.] Be/.icrs Soc. Sci. Bull., (9], 1888. 52-53. Letlre sur I'excursion de .Malpns et Nissan. [1889.) B(!zier8 Soc. Sci. Bull., 12, 1890, 30-31. Lettre sur I'excursion dc Cabrieres. [1889.] B<5zierg Soc. Sci. Bull., 12, 1890, 3.t-35. Note sur nn nouvel hyhride dc Mercuriale. B<^-zicrs Soc. Sci. Bull., 14, 1891, 9-10. Les plantes nuisihles ii I'agricultare des environs de IV'/.c'nas indiqnecs par leurs nonis patois, vulgaire et scientili.pie. Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 19, 1897, 106 112. Bicheronz, b'rnneoit. Contribution a I'etude du Unci des cannelures d'un laminoir. [1893-95.] Bnix. Ann. Trav. Publ., .50, 1893, 51.5-.594; .52, 1896 {.Vrm.), 67- 127. La mise a feu des hauts-fouroeaux. [1895.] Uev. t'niv. Mines, 33, 1896, 175-231. Bichler, .Josef. Zum Volksglauljen. Wien. Med. Wschr.. 30. 1886, i.549-15-'.3, 1.581-1.586, 1615-1619; 37. 1887, 373-377. 407-411, 453-456, 557-560, 837-841, 975-977, 1075-1077. 1186-1189. Blckel, . Elektrische Bleicherei nnd .\kkumulatoren- Svstem Tribbelhorn. [1h98.] .\arau, .Mitth., 9, 1901, xl-xliv. Blckel, .Adolf. Beitriigc zu der Lchre von den Bewegangcn der Wirbelthiere. [1896.] Pdiiger, Arch. Physiol.. 65, 1897, 231-248. Action de la bile et des sels biliaires sur le sygl^tne nerveux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K.. 124, 1897, 702-704. Ueber den Einfluss der sensibelen Nerven und der Labyrinthe auf die Bcwegungen der Thicre. Pflu?er, Arcli. Physiol.. 67. 1897, 299-344. Beitriige zur Riickeninarksphvsiologie des Aalcs. Pfliigcr, Arch. Physiol.. 6H. 1897, "llO 119. Beitriige zur Hiickenmarksphysiologie dtr .Vniphibien nnd Keptilien. Pliiiger. Arch. Piiysiol., 71, 1898. 44-.59. Zur vergleichciulen Physiologic des Urosshims. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898. 190-215. Zur Methode der quantitativen Bestimmung des Traubenzuckers in reinen Losungen und im Blute. Pfliigcr, Arch. Physiol., 75, 1899, 248-264. Beitriige zur Riickenmarksphvsiologie der Fischc. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Ahth.), 1900, 4x1-184. Beitriige zur Riickenraarkspbvsi'dogie des Frosches. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Al,lh.). 1900, 485-193. Ueber einige Erfahruugen aus der vergleichcnden Physiologic des Centralnervensysteras der Wirbelthiere. Fine Krwiderung an .1. Stkineb. [1900.) Pfliiger. Arch. Physiol., 83, 1901, 1.5.5-171. Blckel, .idol/. A Jacob, Paul. Ucbor ncuc Beziehungen zwi.schen Hin)rinde und hintercn Uiickenmarkswnrzeln hinsichtlich der BewegungsreguUtioD beim Hundc. Berlin Ak. Sber.. 1900. 763-767. .s-,',' ,i/..o Jacob \ BlcksL Blckel, Ciistiir. I'tbir dit- Ausdchnnng und den Zasam- nunlmng des lymphatischen Gewebes in der Rachen- gfgiiid. Virchow. Areb.. 97. 1884. 340-359. Blckel, //. Ueber Derivate der Diphenylessigsanre nnd der BcDzilsaure. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Her., 22, 1889, 1537-1539. Bickel] 536 [Biddle Bickel, Huns. .S'ci' I.ebinann, Karl Ihrnhard (I't ulii). Bickerlegge, (/I'cf.) ". (jranite and its relations. Liver- pool (ieol. Ass. .Jl., 14, 1894, 21-:J0. Bickerton, J[lc.niiidvi] ]l'[illiam]. On constructive eos- niical impact. Aust. Ass. Hep., 1891, 79-83. The spt'cilio heat of gases at constant volume. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 117. Molecular attraction. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 117. Some possible causes of the low temperatures of partial dissociation. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 117-118. ■ Some recent evidence in favour of impact. [18'JiJ.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 26, 1894, 461-176, [iv]. . The immortality of the cosmos ; being an attempt to show that the theory of dissipation of energy is limited to finite portions of space. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1896, .538-54.5. Synoptic statement of the principles and phenomena of cosmic impact : prejjared for the criticism of scientific men and societies. [18'J4.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1895, 54.5-558. On an oversight in Ckoll's mode of lengthening the age of the Sun's heat. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1895, 558-559. Cosmic evolution. Phil. Mag., 50, 1900, 216-223. Bickerton, Tlionuis H[crbcrt]. Colour-lilindness generally considered. Nature, 44, 1891, 595-597. Colour-blindness and defective vision in the mercantile marine. Arch. Ophthalm., 28, 1899, 657-058. Bickerton, Thuiiicin ll[(r!jcrt], & VTigleswortli, Joseph. Si'f Wlsleswortli & Bickerton. Bickes, Th., A Jannasch, Paul [K/irli:il [Bi'Jschof BidcUe, //|i'/in/| ( '[/ki/hut*]. Ucbcr Dpiiviitc ilcs iKUrctiiiK lii r I'oi'niliydroxiiiiisiiiiie und ilirc Bi'zieliungcii zur Kniill- Kluire. LioMs's Ann., 310, 1900, 1-24. Blddle, Ilciiri/ .1. Notes on the surface geolof^ of gouthcrn OiiKon. Amer. Jl. «ci., 35, 1888, 17o-JH2. Biddulph, ('. K. Journey across the western portion of the Kri'iit Persian desert, via the Siah Kuh mountains and the Daryai.Nuinak. Ucogr. Soc. I'roc, 13, 1891, 04.5 ()-,7. Biddulph, (f.r.'C'i'/.) JkIiii. On the wild sheep of Cyprus. Zool. Sue. Hroc, 1884, r)'.l3-.5'.l(l. On the geofj-raphiiiil races of the Itocky Mountain biRhorn. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, t)78-<>HJ. Biddulph, {(icn. Sir) Michael A. S. Chilas. Geogr. .II., 1 , 1893. :i 12-343. Biddulph, [iJ.llen. Sir) lioherl. Tlie cedar forest of Cyprus. Nature, 29, 1884, .'iHT-.V.IH. Cy))rus. Geo!,n-. Soc. Proc, 11, 1889, 705-719. Bldell, Hirman. [Linhtnin^ effect on tree at Playford, April 2t), IH90.] Nature, 42, 1890, 36. Biden, Williiim I). *Kormul(c for approximatinR to the expectation of life. Assur. Mag., 7, 1858, 352-353. Bidenkap, Olitf. Kn for videnskaben ny diptcr. Ent. Ti.lskr., 11. 1890. l'.l9-200. • Uudurscjgelser over Diptcra Brachycera i Jarlsberg og Imurvigs nmt sommeren 1891. Ent. Tidskr., 13, 1892, 225-246. Diftgnoser af tre nye Annulata Polychieta. Christiania Forh., 1894, So. 3, 0 pp. Systeiuatisk oversigt over Norges Annulata Polychrela. Christiania Forh., 1894, -Vo. 10, 142 pp. Unders'igelser over Annulata Polychastaomkring Har- dangerfjordens udlob sommeren 1893. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 17, 189B, So. 1, U pp. Bryozoen von Ost-Spitzbergen. Zoologisclie Ergeb- nisse der im Jahre 1889 auf Kosten der Bremer Geo- graphischen Gesellschaft von Dr. Willy Kukknthai, unJ Dr. Alfred \V.^I,TKK ausgefiihrten Expedition nach Ost- Spitzbergen. [1897.] Zool. Jbiich. (&>«.), 10, 1898, 609-639. Diptera Brachycera fra Jarlsberg. Tromso Mus. Aarsh., 19, 1898, 147-150. Undersiigelser over Lj-ngenfjordens evertebratfauua. I. Storfjorden. Tromso Mus. Aarsh., 20. 1899, 81-103. Tromsosundets Echiiiodermer. Tromsi Mus. Aarsh. , 20, 1899, 101-112. [Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Untersuchungsfahrt des deutschen Seetischerei-Vercins nach der Biireninsel und Westspitzbergen, ausgefithrt im Sommer 1898 auf S. M. S. OUja. HI.] Die Bryozoen. [Nebst Uebersiclit der an den verscliiedenen Stationen der 0/.fl»i-Reise gefangtnen Bryozoen, zusammengestellt von Dr. CI. HARTL.irB.] Wise. Mccresuntersuch., 4 {Helgoland), 1900. 249-263. Blder, Gustar. Ueber das spektroskopische Verhalten des Blutes nach Aufnahme von scliSfllieheii Gasen und eine Methode diese Veriinderuugen fiir gcrichtliche Zwecke objectiv zur Darstellung zu bringen. Arch. Phariu., 230, 1892. 609-640. Blder, Max. Echinococcus multilocularis des Gehirns ; nebst Notiz iiber das Vorkommen von Echinococcus in Basel. Virchow, Arch., 141, 1895, 178-20O. Bidermann, //. •/. Hochpusterthal. Dcutsch. .Vlpenver. Ztscbr., 18, 1887, 23-57. Bidet, .indre. Preparation continne de I'oxyg^ne an moyen du clilorure de cbaux et de I'oxyde de cobalt. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886. 81-83. [Sur les derives de la benzine.] [1X88.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889. 3. De rintiuence du thiophene ct ses homolognes sur la coloration des derives de la benzine et ses bomologues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 520-522. Sur la cause de I'alteration qu'^prOQvent certains R. s. A. c. coiiipos/'S de la s<''rie aruwatiqne sous rintiuence de I'sir et de la lumiere. PariH, Ac. .Sci. C. li.. Ill, 1890, 47. [Coloration des sels d'aniline, toluidine, etc.] Paris Sue. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, r,H\l-*;m. Sur les causes de I'alti-rabiliU- osition des I'laneten (36) .\talante berechnet aus den Schubert 'schen Elementenin A. N. 1868. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889. 313-:«1. Ephemeride fiir die Op)>osition des Planeten (236) Honoria. Astr. Naclir., 121. 1889, 31-32. Elcmente und Ephemeride ftir den Planeten (279) Thnlc. Astr. Nachr., 122. 1889, 31.5-348; 1-28. 1891, 405-106. Ephemeride fiir den Planeten (286). Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 347-34.8, 409-410. Bestimmung der Bahn des Planeten (175) Andromache. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber.. 9«. 1890 {.ibth. 2.i|, 48>-49'<. Elemente des Planeten (276) Adelheid. A*tr. Nachr., 123, 1890. 39-40. Verbesserte Ephemeride fiir den Planeten (279) Thulc. Astr. Nachr.. 123. 1890. 137-138. Elemente der Bulin des Planeten (279) Thule abgeleitet aus Beobachtungeu zireier Erscheinangeo. Astr. Nachr.. 123. 1890, 25:i-254. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen Is.iO (Brooks Marz 19). Astr. Nachr., 121. 1890. 17i IT'.. 23'.t-240. 28.5 286: 125.1890. 47-I'*, 12:i-12J. 31,« <-:i; 126, 1891, 128 121, 21.5-216. 3-y Kiilpliiir cells. flHsr..) IjDiiilim I'livH. Soc. I'loc, 7, 1886, 2.'iti- 204; I'liil. Mik;., 20, 1888. .•128-3a(i. - - On lli(! cliiinnf» piiuluccd by miiKnetisation in tlio length of rods of iron, Kteel, and nickel. [1885.] Koy. Soc. I'roc, 10, 1886, 10'.I-13:J. On (liathii inminv and electrolytic conductivity. Brit. Ass. Ui|.., 1886, liOl) ;ilO. On thf MiiiKiietic tor.sion of iron and nickel wires. I'hil. Mag., 22, 1886, 2r.l-2.").5. On the cliant;es produced by magnetisation in the Irn^lh of iron wires under tension. Hoy. Sou. I'roc, 111, 1886, 2.';7 2fi(i. On the liftiuK power of elcctroMuiynets and the magnetisation of iron. Hoy. Soc. Proc, 40, 1886, 481)- 490. On a nioditieation of Wmuvtstonk's rheostat. [1880.] London I'liys. Soc. I'roc, 8, 1887, 'lO-r.:!; Phil. M.ig., 22, 1886, 211-32. On the electrical resistance of vertically suspended wires. |18H7.] London I'liys. Soc. I'roc, 'j, 1888, 3-8 ; I'hil. Mag., 2:(, 1887, 4;i;i-.')03. Magnetic strains. Nature, 38, 1888, 224-225. On the changes produced hy nnigiietisation in the dimensions of rings and rods of iron and of some other metals. [\HHH.] I'liil. Trans. (A). IT'.l. 1889, 20.'.-230. The electromotive forces jiroduced by the contact of similar metals at ditTcrent temjieratures. Electrician, 23, 1889, .540 547. On an elTict of light upon magnetism. Roy. Soc. Proc, 4.'i, 1889, 453-455. The electrification of a steam-jet. [18.89.] London I'hys. Soc. I'roc, 10, 1890, 32,5-330; Phil. Mag., 2;i, 1890, 158-102. Lightning and the electric spark. Nature, 42, 1890, 151-1.54. The magnetization of iron in strong fields. I'hil. Mag., 29, 1890, 440. On the effect of tension upon magnetic changes of length in wires of iron, nickel, and cobalt. Roy. Soc. Proc, 47, 1890, 409-480. The Hellesen dry cell. Electrician, 27, 1891, 37. An experiment showing the effect of electritication upon the eondensaticm of .steam. Meteorol. Soc. QuiU't. Jl., 17, 1891, 258. An automatic lamplighter. Nature, 43, 1891, 395-396. Alum solution. Nature, 44. 1891, 505. A lecture experiment illustrating the etTect of hent upon the magnetic susceptibility of nickel. [1889.] London I'hvs. Soc. Proc, 11, 1892, 47-49; Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 13'6-138. Some experiments with selenium cells. [1890.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 11. 1892, 01-07; Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 2.50-236. On the changes produced by uiagnetisation iu the length of iron and other wires carrying currents. Roy. Soc. Proc, 51, 1892, 495-,503. Magnetic phenomena. [1890.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 13, 1893. 50-55. Some meteorological problems. .\ lecture delivered before the Royal Meteorol. S.ic, March 15th, 1893. Meteorol. Soc. l^uart. Jl., 19, 1893, 101-171. The eloudv condensation of steam. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94). '388. On the elTect of magnetisation upon the dimensions of wires and rings of annealed iron, Rov. Soc. Proc, 55, 1894, 228-234. On the elTect of magnetisation npon the dimensions of iron rings in directions t>erpendicular to the mag- netisation, and upon the voluuie of the rings. Roy. Soc. Proc, 56, 1894, 94-99. On the recurrent images following visual impressions. Roy. Soc. Proc, 50, 1894, 1:12-14.5. The electrical properties of H(-lenium. London l'hv«. Soc I'roc, 13. 1896, .5.52-578; Phil. Mag.. 40, 1898, 233-250. • Fogri, clouils and lightning. [1893.] Roy. Ingt. Proc, 14. 1896, 97-107. Disi'leeiiilication by phosphorus. [1890.] Nature, .55 (1896 97), 0. 155. On Bulijective colour phenomena attending sudden changes of illumination. [1890.] Roy. Soc Proc, 60, 1897, 308 377. Subjective colour phenomena. [1897.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 307-368. Subjective transformations of colour. Nature, 50 (1897), 128. On tlie negative after-images following brief retinal excitation. Roy. Soc. Proc, 61, 1897, 208-27J. Some curiosities of \-ision. [1897.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 15, 1899, 354-305. Multiple vision. [1899.] Nature, .59 (1898-99). .5.59- .501. Magnetic strain in bismuth. Nature. 00 (1899), 222. Dark liglitning Hashes. Nature. (.0 (1899), -591. On the formation of multiple imagei in the normal eye. Roy. Soc. Prnc, 04, 1899, 241 215. Bidwell, IC. D. The human eye : the changes which occur in middle life. [1888.] Kan. Ac Sci. Trans., 11. 1889, 101-103. Ble, /.. //. Kombinationshere. En fremstilling til hrug ved selvstudium. Nyt Tidsskr. Math., 0 (\), 1895. 81- 120. Bie, I'. Oni lysets virkning paa mikroorganismer. Skand. Natf. KiJrh., 1898, 344-345. Bieber, I'. Ein Dinotberium-Skclet aus dem Eger-Fran- zensbiuler Tertiiirbecken. Wien, Geol. Verb.. 1884. 299- 305. Biedermann, Alfred. Ueber Tbiophenaldehyd nnd die dem lienzylalkobol entsprechende Verbindung der Thio- phenreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886. 630-040, 1853-1857. Ueber das Thiophenol nnd das o-Naphtol der Thio- phenreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 19, 1886, 1615- 10211. Biedermann, Alfred, & Jacobson, P[aul]. Ueber eine dem Naphtalin entsprechende Verbindung der Thio- phenreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886. 2444- 2447. Biedermann, Alfred, A I^petit, Jioliert [AlUrt KmiU]. lelier die Indigosynthese aus .\nilidoessigsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890. 3289-3291. Biedermann, F.rnat. Production. Verwenduug und Ver- tlieilung der Edelmetalle in tabellarischen Nachweisungen und Eriiiuterungen. Ztschr. Berg- Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 40. 1898 (.^/./l.), 1-68. Biedermann, Georg. Kephnlonia nnd Ithaka. [1886.] Mumhen Geogr. Ges. .Ibcr.. 11, 1887, 21-53. Biedermann, ■fo/i[iiiiiic«]. Ueber PamxybenzylalkohoL Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 19, 1886, 2H73-237d. Ueber Chinolin-p-methenylamidoxim und Abkdmm- linge desselben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 22. 1889, 2701-2707. Ueber Glutarendiamidoxim und .\bkommlinge des- selben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 22, 1889. 2967-2973. Uelwr Umwaudlungsproductc der Phenyl-o-oxycro- tonsiiurc Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, i891, 4074- 4082. Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise dcs Amids, Anilids und Phenvlhvdmzids der Mandclsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber..' 24. 1891. 4083-4084. Biedermann, A'"ir.']. ,v Jannascta, Panl [Ehrliardl^ See J.tnn.tsch A Biedermann. Biedermann, i',iu.°. Ueber Multiplicatorgleicbungen holierer Stufe. Leipzig Math. Phvs. Ber.. 37, 188S, 201-221. 68—2 Biedermann] 540 [Biedl • Ueber Multiplicator-Gleichungen huberer Stufe im Gebiete der elliptischeu Functionen. Arcb. Matb. Pbys., i. 1887. 1-90. Biedermann, R[u(lolph]. To reference iu Xo. 5 (Vol. 9) ,„l,l Deiitseb. Natf. Tafiebl., 1874. 182-183. Biedermann, Biehard. Ueber Fusshaltung im Fluge. Ornitb. Jbueh., 7, 1896, 85-101. Jngendrarbunpen von Iris und Gefieder. (Ein Hin- weis auf die STstematische Verwertung der.?elben.) Ornith. Jbucli., 8, 1897, l-(.i. Die Federn im Magen der Podicipes-Arten. Ornith. Jbuch., 8. 1897, 6-8. Baubvogelzug iu der bolsteinischen Kiistengegend. Ornith. Jbuch., 8, 1897, 9-10. Die Eaubvogel des Fiirstentums Liibeck und nachster Unigebung. Ornitb. liber., 6, 1898, 73-81, 121-130, 159-103. Biedermann, Wilhehn. *Ueber electrische Eeizung der Mubkein und Kerveu. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 155-156. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysin- logie. 14. Mittlieilung. Ueber da.s Herz \on Helix pomatia. (Ein Beitrag zur vergleicljeuden Pbysiologie der Muskeln.) Wien, Ak. Sber. , 89, 1884 {Abth. 3), 19-55. Einiges neuere iiber sekundiir-elektroniotorische Erseheinuugen an iluskeln und Nerven. [1884.] Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 378-383. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. 17. ilittheUung. Ueber die elektrische Erregung des Schliessmuskels von Anodonta. Wien, Ak. Sber., 91, 1885 (Abtlt. 3), 29-96. . Ueber antagouistische Polwirkuugen bei elektrischer Muskelreizung. [1885.] Biol. Centrbl., 5, [1886], 627- 039. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. 18. Mittheilung. Ueber Hemmungserscheinuogen bei elektrischer Eeizuug quergestreifter Muskeln und liber positive kathodische Polarisation. [1885.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 92, 1886 (Abth. 3), 142-182. Ueber die Einwirkung des Aethers auf einige elektro- motorische Erscheinungen an iluskeln und Nerven. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 201-202. Zur Histologie und i'h\ siologie der Schleimsecretion. [1886.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 202 ; Wien, Ak. Sber., 94, 1887 (Abth. 3), 250-272. Beittiige zur aUgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. 19. Mittheilung. Ueber das elektromotorische Verhalten des Musehelnerven bei galvanischer Eeizung. Wien, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 (Abth. 3), 56-98. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. 20. Mittheilung. Ueber die Inneivation der Krebsscheere. (Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Nerveu- und Muskeiphysiologie.) Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 [Abth. 3), 7-46. Zur Kenntniss der Nerven und Nervenendigungen in den quergestreiften Muskeln der Wirbellosen. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Jblh. 3), 8-39. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskeiphysio- logie. 21. Mittheilung. Utber die Innervation der Krebsschere. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 3), 49-82. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskeiphysio- logie. 22. Mittheilung. Ueber die Einwirkung des Aethers auf einige elektromotorische Erscheinungen an Muskeln und Nerven. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 3), 84-123. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelpliysio- logie. Dreiundzwanzigste Mittheilung. Ueber secuuoiire Erregung von Muskel zum Muskel. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 3), 145-100. Zur Pliysiologie der glatten Muskeln. Nach geniein- Bchaftlich mit D' M. Simchowitz augestellten Versuchen. Plliiger, Arch. Physiol., 45, 1889, 309-388. Ueber den Ursprung und die Endigung der Nerven in den Ganglien wirbelloser Thiere. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 2), 63-04. Zur Pbysiologie der glatten Muskeln. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 46. 1890, 398-421. Zur Lehre von der elektrischen Erregung querge- streifter Muskeln. Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 47, 1890, 243-273. Ueber den Ursprung und die Eudigungsweise der Nerven in den GangUen wirbelloser Tiere. Jena. Ztschr., 25, 1891, 429-466. Ueber den Farbenwechsel der Frosche. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 51, 1892, 4.55-508. Ueber Zellstrome. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 54, 1893, 209-277. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Pbysiologie der Ver- dauung. i. Die Verdauuug der Larve von Tenebrio molitor. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898, 105-162. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Eeflexfunction des Eiickenmarkes. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 80, 1900, 408- 469. Biedermann, Wilhehn, & Moritz, P. Beitrage zur ver- gleichenden Pbysiologie der Verdauung. ii. Ueber ein celluloselosendes Enzym im Lebersecret der Schnecke (Helix pomatia). Pfliiger, Aich. Physiol., 73, 1898, 219- 287. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Pbysiologie der Ver- dauung. ni. Ueber die Function der sogenaunten "Leber" der MoUusken. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 75, 1899, 1-86. Biedert, Ph\^ilipp]. Die "sogenannte" Abhandlung T.scheb.n'off's iiber Fettdiarrhoe. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 22, 1885, 208-212. Beitrag zur Frage nach der Constanz der Spaltpilze (KokkobaciUus zvgmogenus und Bacterium termo). Vircbow, Arch., 100, 1885, 439-159. Erwiderung [an F. Hoppe-Seyler: "Ueber Trennung des Casein vom Albumin iu der menschlichen Milch "]. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 9, 1885, 354-355. Casein und Fett im Saugliugsdarm. Bemerkungen zu vorstehendem Aufsatz des Herrn Tschernoff : [Untersuchungen der Trockensubstanz des Kothes auf seinen Gehalt an Stickstoff etc.]. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 28, 1888, 21-24. Ueber normale Milchverdauung. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 28, 1888, 344-384. Zur Chemie der Eiweisskorper der Milch. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 32, 1891, 333-334. Kuhmilchproduction und Kinderernahrung. Congi\ Int. Hyg. C. E., (1894, 3), 199-206. Eeferat iiber den jetzigen Stand der kiinstlichen Sauglingserniibrung mit Milch und Milchpraparaten. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1897 (Th. 2, Hlilfte i). 133-137. Biedert, Ph[iUpp\ A" Sigel, (;[«;((«!■]. Chronische Lungenentziindung, Phthise und miliare Tuberculose. Virchow, Arch., 98, 1884, 91-159. Biedl, Arthur. Absteigende Kleinhirnbahuen. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 434-448, 493-501. Beitrage zur Pbysiologie der Nebenniere. Erste Mittheilung. Die Innervation der Nebenniere. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 67, 1897, 443^83. Ueber eine neue Form des expcrimentellen Diabetes. [1898.] Jl. Phvsiol., 23, 1898-99, [43]-[44]; Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 024-629. [Glycosuria produced by blocking thoracic duct.] Nature, 58 (1898). 4«(;. Biedl, Arthur, A Koliscta, liiidull'. Ueber Phloridzin- diabete.^. Wien. M.d. Wsehr., 50, 1900, 2194. Biedl, Arthur, A Kraus, liudol/. Ueber die Ausschei- dung der Mikroorganismen durch die Niere. [1895.] Arch. Exper. Path., 37, 1896, 1-25. Ueber die Ausscheidung der Mikroorganismen durch driisige Organe. Ztschr. Hyg., 20, 1897, 353-376. Biedl] 541 [Bieler Biedl, Arthur, li Reiner, Max. Sludiun iiber Hiro- circuliition mid llirnodL'm. Krste Miltheilung. l/'cbiT dus Vat{iiH-Plianoiiit;ii bi'i hohiin Hlutdrucke. I'lliigur, Arch. Pliyfiol., 7:!, 1898, ;)M.')-l(l2. Sliulien iiber liiriicirculatiuii uiid HiriiiMltii). Zwcitc Mittlieiluii);. /iir l''ra>;e ilor Innervation dor Hirngefiisiw. PlliiKer, Arch. l"hy«iol., T'.l, 1900, I'lH-lSii. OITener Urief au den Heraus«eber. [Studien iiticr Hirncirculation und Hirniiilcni. J [I'JOO.J I'diiyer, Arch. l'h.v>i.il., 8:t, 1901, 152-1.54. Blegadskl, l\'ttuiiis-tair. Ueher die diuretische Wirkung der Qiiecksillierpniparate. Dcutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 43, 1888, 177-205. I.ciikocytiise bei der croupiiscn Pneumonie. Deutsch. Aivh. Klin. Med., 5.H. 1894, IXi-iryl. Biegelaar, Kiiriro (liotniiiii. Clelone a Bugkalan. Mon- caheri Oss. Boll., 11. 1891, 7J-7t). Parelio e para.seleno. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1894, 186. Bleu, Carl. Die " idiopatbische " Perichondritis der Ohrmuschel und das "spontane" Othiimatom. Arch. Ohrenheilk., IS, 1897, 21.5-250. Die BeurtheiliuiK em- nnd beider.seitiger Taubheit. Arch. Ohrenheilk., U, 1897, 257-266. Die Hiiufinkeit der Erkrankungen der einzelncn Abschnitte des GehororHancs. Eine statistische Be- trachtunK. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 41. 1898, 263-263. Ueber die intracranielle Dnrchtrennung des Xerviis vestibiili unil deren Folgen. Wien. .\k. Sber., 109, 1900 (.ihth. 3), 324-33'.l. Biehler, ( /il<"''c'<]. Sur la transformation des ^qaations. Notiv. Ann. Math., 3, 1884, 209-218. Sur le calcul des fonctinns synietriqnes des racines d'une eipiation. Nouv. .\nu. Math., 3, 1884, 218-224. Sur la construction des courbes dout I'equatiou est donnee en coordonnees polaires. Nouv. .\nn. Math., 3, 1884, 367-376 ; 4, 1885, 153-1.5'.), 223-235, 249-256. Sur I'equation de degre hi (jui donne tang - lorsqu'on connait tangn. Nouv. .\nii. Math., 6, 1887, 5-9. Snr une classe d'equations algebriqucs clont toutes Ics racines sont reelles. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 9-18. Sur I'eliniinatiiin par la methode d'Kri.F.R. Nouv. Ann. Math., (i, 1887, 67-73. Snr le theorime de Roi.i.k. Nonv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 75-79. Sur une a|>plication du theorime de RuLLt:. Nonv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 190 204. Sur les series. Nouv. .\nn. Math., 6. 1887, 243-251. ' Sur Tabaissenient des e(|nations reciproipies. Nonv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 251-2.56. Sur une application de la methode de Stit.m. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 421-426. Snr les di'velojipenieiits en series des {onctions rationnelles. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 4.H5-492. Sur les plans dianietraux dans les surfaces du second ordre. Nouv. Ann. .Math., 8, 1889, 247-275. Sur le plan asymptote et les cylindres asymptotes d'nne surface. Nouv. .\nn. Math., 8, 1889, 536-541. Snr les t'qnations auxqnelles conduit le probleme de la rlivision des arc-i en trigonometrie. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 552-563. Sur les surfaces du deuxi^me degre. Nonv. Ann. Math.. 8, 1889, 573-585. Biehrlnger, [I'ricdrich Ainjust] .Tmii-him. Beitnige 7.ur AnatoMiie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Treniato, 648-655. Bcitrttge zur KenntniHS der leichteBt fliichtigen Au- theile des Steinkohlentheem. Dingler« Polyti^chn. Jl., 276. 1890, 78-90, 184-191; Erlaugen Phyg. Med. Soc. Sber., 23, 1891, 22-25. Ueber die Unikehrung der Keimbliitter bei den Nagctiercn. [1890] Biol. Centrbl., 10. 1891, 403-111. Ueber den y^*ir(i-Nitro-rt//>/i-407. Bielefeld, liudoli. ISeitrag zur Flora OstfriesUnds. Brenien Abh., 13. 1896. 3.53-:J74. Ueber den Wechsel im Artenbestand der Flora zwischen Jade und Dollart. Eniden Natf. Cies. Jber.. 1899 1900. 41-48. Bielefeldt, Max. Die neneren Sicherheits-Sprvngstoffe. Ztschr. Berg- Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 38. 1890 (Abh.). 145-1.-.0. Bieler, A'»r(. Die Rothamsteder Versnche nach dem Stande des Jahres 1894. Landw. Jbiicb., 2-5. 1896. 19-5- 3(K). Bieler, Kurt, it ToUena, ftlrruliard Christian Golt/rud]. UeUr das Fucustil. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber.. 22, 1889. 3062-3064. Ueber das "Fncusol" genannte Oemenge von Fur- furol und Methvlfurfnrol. Liebig's Ann., 258. 1890. 110-128. Bielar, .S°. |Un Ta'nia elliptic^ de petite dimension.] 118.'<8.1 I^iu.«nnne, Soo. Vand. Bull., 24. 1889. xix-xi. Sur les variations de leinte du manteau des animanx Bieler] 542 [Bienko domestiques et spt-cialement duns IVspece bovine. [1890.] Lausanne, Sue. Vaiul. Bull., 20, 1891. xxvi. [Causes moditiant la couleur des animaux.] [1890 ] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., '27, 1892, ii. [Sur la presence de " fausses-cotes " chez les bovins amelioies.] [189.5.] Lausanuo, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, vi. La repartition Rtiograpliique des animaux domestiques en Suisse. Geneve Soc. G^ogr. M^ra,, 35, 1896 (Num. Spec), 70-72. [Sur un etat maladit des pigeons boulaiits ou a grosse gorge.] Lausauue, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31. 1898, xix. ■ • Sur la soudure congenitale des os tarsiens du cheval. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, xli. Influence du climat sur le developpement des races bovines du Valais. Genfeve Soc. G^ogr. M^m., 39, 1900, 159-168. Bieler, Tlwuilore. Sur un cas probable d'impn'^gnatiou eliez uu pommier. [1890.] Lausanne, Soc. ^'and. Bull., 33, 1897, iii-iv. [Deux blocs erratiques siguaMs a Diz.y et Gilly.] [1898.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 3.5, i899. xii. Bielfeld, P. Ueber die Sehwefelsaure in der Knoclienasche. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 3511-354. Bieliaski, Jozi'f. Stan nauk matematyczno-fizycznycb za czasow Wszechnicy Wileiisluej. Szkic bibliograticzuy. [Mathemati.scbe und physikalische Wisseiischafleu auf der Universitat zu Wilna. Bibliographiseher Abriss.] Brace Mat.-Fiz., 2, 1890, 20.5-432; Fortschr. Math., 1890, 4. Bielka von Karltreu, Arthur (Rittcr). Ein Fall von linksseitiger Doppelniere. Virchow, Arcli., 152, 1898, 545-550. Ein Narkosekorb fiir Thiere. Ptliiger, Arch. Physiol., 80, 1900, 233-235. Ueber die Vereinigung der unteren Hoblvene mit der Pfortader. [1900.] Arch. Exper. Path., 45, 1901, 50- 05. Bielschowsky, [Eiiiil]. [Demonstration eines Krauken uiit corticaler Ataxic.] Brealau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1891 (Alith. 1), 92-93. Bielschowsky, Alfred. Ueber monoeuliire Diplopie ohne physikalische Grundlage uebst Bemerkungen iiber das Sehen Schielcnder. Arch. f. Ophthalni., 40, 1898, 143- 183. Untersuchungen iiber das Sehen der Schieleudeu. Arch. f. Oplithahn., 50, 1900, 406-.509. Bielschowsky, Alfrrd, & Hofmann, /•'. B. See Hofmann L^ Bielschowsky. Bielschowsky, Mux. Zwei Fiille von Dystrophia muscularis progressiva [Typus facio-scapulo-humeralis]. Neurol. Ceutrbl, 9, 1890, 13-16, 43-45. Beitrag zur Lehre von den Irophi.seheu Veriinderungen der Niigel bei multipler Neuritis. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 741-744. Obere Scbleife und Hirnrinde. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 20.5-207. Morvan'scher Kranklieit. Neurol. 450-454. A Blocb, M[(irliii]. See Bloch & FUen, Max. Zur Technik der Neurol. Ceutrbl., 19, 1900, 1141- Ein Fall von Centrbl., 15, 1896 Bielschowsky, M't.i\ Bielschowsky. Bielschowsky, Mux, NcrvLiizi-llenfiirbung 1142. Bielz, K\iliiiird] Albert. For biograpliy and list of works >iee Ornilli. .Jbuch., 9, 1898, 229-233;' Wieu, (ieol. Verb., 1898, 228-231; Ilennannstadt Verb., 48, 1899, 1-21; Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1899, v-vi ; Siebenb. Karpath.- Ver. Jbuch., 19, 1899, 1-1. Beitrag zur Hiililenkunde Siebenbiirgens. Sieboub. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 4, 1884, 1-06. Das reicho Petroleum-Vorkonimen am Siidabhauge des Burzenliinder Gebirges. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 4, 1884, 132-136. Naobtrag zur Hiililenkunde Siebenbiirgens. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 5, 1885, 34-40; 6, 1886, 171- 178. Das Vorkonnnen unJ die Verbreitung des Sade- Wachholders (Juniperus Sabina, L.) in Siebenbiirgen. Hermannstadt Verb., 36, 1886, 48-50. Die in Siebenbiirgen wildwachsenden Arten der Syringa. Hermannstadt Verb., 30. 1886, 51-.54. Ueber die in Siebenbiirgen vorkommenden Fleder- rniiuse. Hermannstadt Verb., 36, 1886, 70-84. Die Erforschung der Kiiferfauna Siebenbiirgens bis zum Schlus.se des Jahres 1886. Hermannstadt Verb., 37, 1887, 27-114. Die Fauna der Wirbeltbiere Siebenbiirgens nach ihrem jetzigen Bestaude. Hermannstadt Vei'h., 38, 1888, 1.5- 120. Der Gebirgssee Gyiikostb oder Veresto in der G}'ergy6 und seine Entstehung in neuerer Zeit. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 8, 1888, 150-101. Die in Siebenbiirgen vorkommenden Mineralien und Gesteiue nach den neuestcu Untersuchungen revidiert und zusammengestellt. Hermannstadt Verb., 39, 1889, 1-82. ■ Miociines Petrefactenlager von Michelsberg. Her- mannstadt Verb., 43, 1894, 92-93. Bienaiin6, (etipit.) Almedee Pierre Leouiird]. Resume succinct des rcsultats du voyage du transport-aviso La Manche en Islande, ii Jan Mayen et au Spitzberg pendant VH^ de 1892. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 083-687; Rev. Sci., 50, 1892, 051-056; Nouv. Arch. Miss. Sci., 5, 1893, 1-44; Rev. Maritime et Colon., 110, 1893, 115- 119. Mesures de gravitation. [Faites par .1/. Auguste Gbatzl.] Nouv. Arch. Miss. Sci., 5, 1893, 143-144. Note sur le cyclone du 28 avril 1894 a Madagascar. . Ann. Hydrogr., 16, 1894, 133-134. Bienayin6, Andre. Sur nnc geni^'ration descourbes planes unicursales du troisieme et du quatri^me ordre. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, 144-155. Bienenthal, Alexander. Ueber die Einwirkung des Glyceriii-a-cblorhydrins auf eiuige tertiiire .\minbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3.500-3.506. Bienfait, Alfred. Contribution a I'etude de la pathogenie du goitre exopbtalmique. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 4, 1890, 470-487. Recherches sur la physiologic des centres respiratoires. Arch, de Biol., 12, 1892, 639-645; Brux., Ac. Bull., 2o, 1892, 260-268. Bienfait, Alfred, & Kogge, .-llhert. Recherches sur le rythme respiratoire. Circulation cephalique croisee. Circulation c^'phalique artificielle. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 2, 1888, 561-572; Arch, de Biol., 10, 1890, 139-1,50. Bienfait, /,., A Koning, Xicolaas Marie. See Koning A Bienfait. Bieniasz, Franciszek. Oznaczenie wzglgdnego wieku geologicznego ska'I'y wybuchowi^j (tak zwanego trachitu) \v Zalasie. [Detenniniition of the relative geological age of the eruptive rock (so-called trachyte) in Zalas.] Krakow, Ak. {Mat.-Przi/md.) Rozpr., 12, 1884, 233- 238. OlijaSnienia szozegolowe do map Tyimienicy- Ttumacza i Monasterzysk. | Detailed explanation to the map of Ty.smieniec-Tiumacz and Monasterzysk.] (ialicyi Atlas G.^ol. Tekst, 1. 1887, 41-79. Bieniasz, 7''ra»ci.<;//.-, it Zuber, Hiidnlf. Notiz iiber die Natur mid das relative Alter des Eruptivgesteiues von Zalas im Krakauer Gebiete. Wieu, Geol. Verb., 18S4, 252-250. Bienko, {et alii). [Discussion iiber die Cholera.] Breslau, Scblos. Ges. Jber., 1892 (Ahtli. 1), 103-112. Bienstockl 543 [Biermann Blenstock, /)'. Zur FriiKO -334, 434-4»)5. Vcrsuche iiber Cocainisiruiig des Kiickeniuarkes. Deutsche Ztschr. Chiruri,'., 51, 1899, 361-3ti'J. Blerbaner, Ilnmo. The check-list of the Paheozoic fossils of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota and Nebraska. [isss.] Minn. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, [1891], 20i-247. Blerons d« Haan, I>[iivi.5- 693. Zur Reduction Abcl'scher lntegr»le au( elliptiscbe. Wien, Ak. Sber., 10.5, 1896 (Abth. -la). 924-931. Uelx.'r Functionen zweier recUer Yariablen. Math. Ann.. 48. 1897. .393-400. Ableitung einer analvtischen Darstellung der Epicl- lipside. Mheflc. Math.' Phys., 8, 1897, 87-94. Ueber unendliehe Dopp. Quantitative tests for urea. N. Y. Med. Jl., •'il, 1891, 668-572. Blese, Krimt. |()tii den Finska Polarpxptditionen till Sodiiiikylii och Kullalii Sren 18H2-«a och IHSH-Hl.] II. I'.xpcditioncnH fortKilnK och vigti^aste reaultut. Helsin«for.s, Hidiii-, I'i, 1885, ii\-T.i. Absoluta iiiagnetiska bestiininingiir vid Meteorologiska Ceiitialanatiilten i Helsingfors. HclsingfoiK, Ofvers., 29, 1887, 14:i-llH; HO, 1888, 7'J-Hl ; 31, 1889, 164-106. BeriitteUu ofvpr Finska Vetpnitkaps-Societetens Mete- oroloRiska Centnilanstalts viirksainhet friin 18!)0, .Maj, iiitill fHUitet af ar 18!!!)]. Hi-lsiiigfors, Ofvers., HH, 1891. •209-22"); 84, 1892, •J'.ir>-:!07 ; Ho, 1893, Ml-loH; HIi, 1894, 1H7-1!I7 ; :t7, 1896. 201-2011; 3.S, 1896, 221-231; 39. 1897, 201; 277 ; 4(t, 1898, 241-2.51 ; 41, 1900, 130- 13<.); 42, 1900, 34H-361. [Atlas de Finlande.] Meteorologie. Lea maturiaux met^orologicines. Fennia, 17, 1899, Sag. 5-7, flfc, 15 pp. Biese, Kni.'it. ,V Helnrichs, Axel. Sec Helnrlchs .V Blese. Blesentlial, (/'mi/j. Teber deu KiiiHiiss des I'lperaziiis auf die Imriisaure Diathese. Virehow, Arch., 137, 1894. 51-77. Die Wohnungsdesinfektion mit Hilfe von Form- aldehyd. (.'ongr. Int. Hig. Act. (1898, 2), 160-168. I'eber die Miillschnielze, ein neiips Verfahren zur luorativen Beseitigigung de.i Hausuiiills erfunden von Carl Weuknkr. Congr. lut. Hig. Act. (1898, 4), 144- l.->0. Blesiadeckl, Alfred. For biographical notice and works sec Kosiiios (Lwow), 14, 1889, 96-98. *Ueber die Verheilung durchschnittner Blutgefiisse und Infarctbildung. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1872, 217- 21H. Bleske, . Die Methoden der Tiefbohruug. [1884.] Ktinigsb. Scbr., 25, 188S {Sher.}, 6-7. Blitiix, .ilejriiiiilre. Sur I'acide dibroraogallique et les dibromogallate8. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 411- 417. Stir quelqnes ethers de I'acide gallique et de I'acide dibromogallique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 623- 625. Sur les acides triacetvl- et tribenzovl dibromogalliques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.." 9. 1893, II.t-117. Snr I'acidp moiiobromogallique et ses derives. Paris Soc. Cliim. Bull.. 9, 1893. 241-243. Sur quelques dirive.s du gallate de methyle et du dibromogallate de m<^thyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 692-696. Bccherclies sur la chlo'ruratioii de I'acide galli<|ue. Formation d'acide dichlorogalli>|ue et de Irichloropyro- gallol. Paris, .Ac. Sci. C. I!., 122, 1896, 164.5-1.548; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896. 904-907. Sur une matit>re colorante derivie de I'acide dibromo- gallique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 235-236. Action de la nitrosodimethylnniline sur qaelques derives bromes de I'acide gallique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1.5, 1896, 4O4-408. .Action de la phenylhydrozine sur I'acide gallique et sur I'acidp dibromogallique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896. 78;i-786. Bl^trlx, Alexiindre, A Cazeneuve, /'mi/. See Cazeneuve .V Bi6txix. Biitrix, /•.'[i/flrii?]. Observation sur un cas de nionstruosite dp I'appareil genital ehtz I'Helix pomatia. Pari.s. Hantes Etudes liibl., 32. 1886, .-Irf. 6, 14 pp.; Ann. Sci. Nat. {Zool.). 1, 1886, 95-108; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull.. 10, 1886, 74-78. R. S. A. C. Note sur un caiiai de mevure deg variations quanti- tativcH de la Taune pt'lagique microscupiquv. PariH Soc. Philom. liiill., 1, 1889. 127-129. La faune pelagiqne de la baie de Concarneau pi'udant I'ctt- de 1888. Itobin, .11. Anat., 25, 1889, 399-109. • J/(iuf de la sardine. Uobin, Jl. Anat., 26, 1890, 630- 636. Sur un nonvel cssai de niesure de la quantity de niatiere vivante pxistant i la surface de la mcr. Asa. Franr. C. U., 1892 (/'/. 2), 543-.J46. Nouveau tberniomctre k renversenient [de .V. H^mot]. [1893.] Paris .Soc. Philom. Bull., 6, 1894, .59-6ft, (C. II., So. 5). 1-2. Sur la pression du sang dans le cctur de-i poissons. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull.. 7. 189S (C. «.), 16-17. (Juelques considerations sur les notions de lacune et d'cndothf''lium en anatoniie gcncrale, a propos du re^eau vasculaire branchial dcs poissons. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 7, 1896 {C. U.}, 26-27, 30. Etude de quelqnes (aits relatifs k la morphologie g<5n^rttle du syst^me circulatoire, a propos du reseau branchial dps poissons. Biblio^rr. .Anat., 3, 1896, 109. Bl^trix, I\[iiiirnr\. A- Fabre-DomerKue, /'■!«/. See Fabre- Dojnergue i^ Biitrix. Biitrix, Eliiy'eiie], \ Foachet, Georges. See Foneliet it Bi^trlx. Biette, /,. Le pont J. F. Lt-pine. .Ann. Pouts et Chauss., 1899 (7'r/«i. 1), 130-158. Biettl, .imilciire. Zur Frage der elastischen Gcwebe im menschllchen Auge. Eine Bemerkung zu den gleich- namigen Arbeiten von StrtZKR (Arch. f. Ophth. Bd. xi.v, 1898. 2. p. 322) und von Kyoji KiiiiiircHi (.Arch. (. Augen- heilk., Bd. xxxviii. 1898, 2. pag. 177). Arch. Augen- heilk., 39, 1899, 260-263. Anntomische Untersuchungen iil)er die liegeneration der Ciliarnerven nach der Neurectomia optico-ciliaria beim Menschen. [1899.] Arch. f. Ophthalm., 49, 1900, 190-232. Blewend, R. H. T. Precede de fabrication du zinc au moytn des gaz zincif^res et son ap|dicaIion aux pro- cedes connus. Monitenr Sci., 12, 1898. 130-137. Blffen, 1! II. The functions of latex. .Ann. Bot.. 11, 1897, 334-339. The coagulation of latex. Ann Bot., 12. 1898, 16.5- 171. Coagtilatiou of rubber-milk. Kew Bull., 1898, 177- 181. On the biologv of .Avaricus velutipes. Curl. (Collvbia veluiipps. P. A'.irlr.). [1898.] Linn. Soc. Jl. {Bol.),3i, 1898 1900. 147-162. A fat-destroying fungus. .Vnn. Bot., 13. 1899, 3r>.3- 376. Bulgaria polyniorpha ( Il%((.«/ci/i), a« a wood-destroying fungus. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899. 923. Notes on indiarubber. Brit. .Ass. Rep., 1899, 929. ■ On the life liistory of .\crospeira mirabilis {llerk. and lir.). Brit. .Ass. Rep.. 1900. 943. On the biolony of Bulgaria polymorpha. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc.."l0. 1900, 260. Btffl, .s'cr;i«(o. Dimostrazione di un teorema di DrriN e sua applicazione. Giom. Mat, 28, 1890, '202- 208. Le principali proprietA delle prandezze profvirzionali novanicnte esposte. Acireale .\cc. .\tti, 2, 1891. 62-84. Bl^aignon, L[eonee\. Du peristaltisme stomacil dans Ips sii iidses rapides du pylore. .\rch. Gin. Mpd.. 176. 189S, 34-44. 69 Bigart] 546 [Bigelow Bigart, , & Nob6court, F. See Nob6court & Bigart. Bigeard, Rene. Notes sur la flore des vallees de la Brenne et du Doubs, dans le canton dp Pierre. [1888.] Saone- et-Loire Soo. Sei. Bull., 4, [1890], IJ5-98. Note sur les champignons parus en juin 1896. Saoue-et-Loire Soc. Sei. Bull., 1896, 139-142, 151-154, 165-167. Notice sur les champignons recoltesen Saone-et-Loire pendant [les amiees 1898-99]. Saone-et-Loire Soc. Sei. Bull., 1898, 172-177; 5, 1899, 101-107, 120-125, 134- 137, 228-237; «. 1900, 225-214. Bigelow, Caxsie 31. Study of glands in the hop-tree. 1 1S94.] Iowa Ac. Sei. Proc, 2, 1895, 138-140. Bigelow, Frank Haijar. The phenomena of solar-vortices. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 62-63. The sun spots as vortex rings. Sidereal Messenger, 6, 1887, 139-151. The phenomena of cooling envelopes. Sidereal Mes- senger, (;, 1887, 170-175. Elements of Comet Barnard (May 12, 1H87) from three normal places. Sidereal Messenger, 6, 1887, 320- 321. The computation of clock corrections. Sidereal Messenger, 7, 1888, 97-100. An automatic transit instrument. Sidereal Messenger, 7, 1888, 205-209. Automatic photographic transits. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1889, 80. The solar corona, discussed by spherical harmonics. Smithsonian [Contrib.], No. 091, 1889, 22 pp. On the corona, a solar aurora. Amer. Ass. Proc. , 1890, 105; Amer. Jl. Sei., 40, 1890, 343-358. The U. S. N. eclipse expedition to West Africa. Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 145-148. Exhibition and description of a new scientific instru- ment, the aurora-inclinometer. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1891, 120-121. A solution of the aurora problem. Amer. Jl. Sei., 41, 1891, 83-89. A reply to Prof. Niphek on "The theory of the solar corona." Amer. .Jl. Sei., 41, 1891, 50.5-507". The solar corona, an instance of the Newtonian potential function in the case of repulsion. Amer. Jl. Sei., 42, 1891, 1-11. Note on the causes of the variations of the magnetic needle. Amer. Jl. Sei., 42, 1891, 253-2.56. Standardizing photographic films without the use of a standard light. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1891, 119-120; Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 385-391. The law of the solar corona. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 3, 1891, 34-39. The period of the rotation of the sun near the poles, as derived from the coronas of 1878 and 1889. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 3, 1891, 201-210. The extension of the corona, and the details of its structure. Observatory. London, 14, 1891, 50-52. The new aurora-inclinometer. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 496-502. The causes of the variations of the terrestrial magnetic needle, and the unexplained motion of the jierihelion of Mercury. [1891.] Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 39. — Terrestrial ningnetism. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 8 (1891-92), 385-391. Wimik's Hingnetarium. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 8 (1891-92), 552-560. On the photographic method of determining stellar places by transits freed from the error of personal equation. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 42-49. On a simple mounting for a large telescope in the field during eclipse observations. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 257-268. Notes on a new method for the discussion of mag- netic observations. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 2, 1892, 40 pp. Report on the relations of solar magnetism to ter- restrial magnetism and meteorology. [1893.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Kep., 1891-92, 519-525. The periodic terms in meteorology due to the rotation of the sun on its axis. [1893.] .Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 10 (1893-94), 206-221 ; U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 500-510. Prediction regarding the solar corona of the total eclipse of April 1.5-16, 1893. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 97-99. The two magnetic fields surrounding the sun. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 706-717, 848. Heliographio longitudes referred to the solar magnetic prime mei^dian. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 821- 826. Inversion of temperatures in the 26'68 day solar magnetic period. Amer. Jl. Sei., 48, 1894, 435-451. The recurrence of hurricanes in the solar magnetic 26-68 day period. [1894.] Amer. Meteorol. Jf., 10 (1893-94), 380-384. Dr. Veedek's auroral results. [1894.] Amer. Mete- orol. Jl., 11 (1894-95), 28-29. The polar radiation from the sun, and its influence' in forming the high and low atmospheric pressures of the United States. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 25- 40. West Indian hurricanes and solar magnetic influence. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 441-443. The comparison of temperature with magnetic hori- zontal force. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 22 (1894), 415-416, 460, 504. The Earth a magnetic shell. Amer. Jl. Sei., 50, 1895, 81-99. Solar magnetism in meteorology. [1895.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 11 (1894-95), 319-332. The status of the solar magnetic problem. Science, 2, 1895, 509-513. The connection between sunspots and the weather. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 23 (1895), 91-92. Meteorology and magnetism. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 23 (1895), 335-336, 371. International cloud observations. Science, 3, 1896, 653-656. Remarks on Piof. W. S. Fr.\nklin's review [of author's papeis on solar and terrestrial magnetism]. Science, 4, 1896, 76-81. On the best form for the components of systems of deflecting forces. Terrestrial Magn., 1, 1896, 32-34. Storms, storm tracks, and weatiier forecasting. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 20, 1896, 87 pp. ■ The series of international cloud observations made by the U. S. Weather Bureau, and their relations to meteorological problems. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1897, 116. The standard system of coordinate axes for magnetic and meteorological observations and computations. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 25 (1897), 201-204. Meteorological observations made to determine the probable state of the sky at several stations along the jiath of the total eclipse of the Sun, May 28, 1900. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 25 (1897), 394-395; 26 (1898), 404-405. Temperature and vapor gradients in the atmosphere. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 127-129. The structure of cyclones and anticyclones. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 129-132. Cyclones, hurrioiincs and tornadoes. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1898, 525-534. Abstract of a report on solar and terrestrial mag- netism in their relations to meteorology. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 21, 1898, 176 pp. Comments on Bulletin No. 21. "Solar and terres- Bigelow] 547 [Biggs trial niiigiictiHrii in their relation to mctnoroloKy." Araer. Jl. Sci., 5. 1898, ■15r)-4(;2. Some of the results of the intcrndlional cloud work for the United StiitcH. Amcr. Jl. Sci., H, 1899, 133-444. I'reliminiir.v report from the oliHervutions of IH!)!! taken to .inrvev the cloud conditioim of the eclipse track of I'.IOO. Astrophjs. .11., 10, 1899. 2-2()-->-2l. The function of criticism in the udvuncement of science. I'opulur Aslr., 7, 1899, •-'.'< •2-2(>l, 2'J2-:10(;. Result of the oliservations of the Weatlier Bureau for the prohahlc cloudiness of the skv nlonK the path of the total eclipse of the Sun, May 28, 11)00. Popular Astr., 7, 1899, 451-4.')8. Work of the meteorologist for the benefit of agri- culture, coinnieree, and navigation. U. S. Dept. Agi'. Ycarb., 1899, 71-92. Balloon ascensions on March 24, LS'J'J, in France. U. S. Monthly Weath. Kev., 27 (1899), 197-198. The probable state of the sky along the path of total eclipse of the Sun. May 2H, lllOO, observations of 1899. U. S. Weath. Bur. Boll.. 27, 1899, 23 pp. Keport on the international iloud observations, May 1, IH'.H), to .luly 1. Is97. [l\m.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Hep., 1898-99 (2|, 787 pp. Liny integrals in the atmosphere. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), ')3.")-.")37, v. Blgelow, Fredk. .1., A Klnnlcutt, Leonard P. See Kinnicutt i^' Blgelow. Bigelow, lliiin/ .Lu-nh. For biography and list of works see N. V. Med. ,11., .52, 1890, .549; 72, 1900, 393-394; Amer. Ac. Proc, 2t;, 1891, 339-351; Med.-Chir. Trans., 74, 1891, 13-1.5. Bigelow, lliiralio /i[i/)/('i/]. *The mechanism of direction. Sciincc. 2, 1883. ti22-(;23. The cholera bacillus. Science, .5, 1886, 4.54-1.55. Bigelow, Miiiiiice A[lpheiis]. On the early development of Lepas fascicularis. (A preliminary note.) Anat. Anz., 12, 1896, 2t)3-2t;9. Notes on the first cleavage of Lepas. Zool. Bull., 2, 1899, 173-177. Embryology of Lepas. [1900.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 13, 1900 01. 477-179. Bigelow, Holji-rt I'uijne. On the structure of the frond in Chiunpia parvula. .■\mer. Ac. Proc., 23, 1888. 111-121. Notes on the physiology of Caravella maxima, [Ilaeckel (Physalia Caravella, Ksctm-hultzn. [1890-91.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [9 (1889-90),] 61-62; [10 (1890-91),] 90-93. The marginal sense organs in the Pelagidae. [1890.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [9 (1889-90),] 6.5-67. Preliminary notes on some new species of Sipiilla. [1891.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [10 (1890-91),] 93-94. On reproduction by budding in the Disconiedusa>. [1892.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [11 (1891-92),] 71-72. On the development of the marginal sense organs of a rhizostomatous Medusa. [1892.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [11 (1891-92),] 84-85. On a new species of Cassiopea from Jamaica. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 212-214. Preliminary notes on the Stomatopoda of the Albatross collections, and on other specimens in the National Museum. [1893] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ. , [12 (1892-93),] 100-102. The Stomatopoda of Bimini. [1893.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [12 (1892-93),] 102-103. Some observations on Polyclonia frondosa. [1893.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [12 (1892-93),] 10(i. A jelly-lish from the Ureal Salt Pond. [1893.) Jamaica Inst. Jl., 1, 1894, 304-308. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross. No. xxxii. Re)>ort ou the Crustacea of the order Slomato))oda collected by the steamer Allmtrait, between 1885 and 1891, and on other Kpecimens in the U. 8. National Museum. U. B. Mus. Proc, 17, 1898, 489-550. [Development of Cassiopea from buds.] [1895.] .Science, 3, 1896, 61. Bud.ling in Cassiopea. [1899.] Science, 11, X900, 170-171. The anatomy and development of Cassiopea xama- chana. |1900.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Mem., 5, 1898- 1904, l'.il-236. Bigelow, SamuA Liiareiice. Katalytische Wirkungcn auf die (ieschwindigkeit der Oxydation des Natriumsulfits dnrch dc?i Sauerstoff der Luft. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2C, 1898, 493-532. A simplification of Bkckmann's boiling-point apparatus. Amer. Chem. Jl., 22 (1899), 280-2H7. Bigelow, U'[ilUird] l>[ell]. Coloring matter in the California red wines. [1894.] Amer. Chem. Soc Jl., 17, 1896, 21.V218. Index to the literature on the detection and estimation of fusel oil in spirits. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 18, 1896, 397-402. Provisional methods for the examination of distilled liquors. [1896.] U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., A'u. 49, 1897, 113-116. The use and abuse of food preservatives. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1900, .551-560, 743-750. The composition of .\merican wines. U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., .Vo. 59, 1900, 76 pp. Bigelow, ir[i7;ar.f] I>lelt]. A: BamUton, C. C. The influence of alum, aluminum hydraxiile and aluminum phosphate, on the digestibility of bread. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 16. 1894, 587-597. Bigelow, I('[i7f/jn/] li[ell], * MeElroy, A'. /'. The esti- mation of sugars in condensed milk. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 15, 1893, 66K-695. See iilsi) BIcElroy A' Bigelow. Bigelow, ir[/7/[ell]. A 'WUey, Hlarrey] njaihiniiton]. See -WUey ,V Bigelow. Bigg- Wither {Maj.) Alrchibald] C. The meteor shower of l-<>^'., November 27. jVstr. Soc. Month. Not., 46. 1886. 121. Bigg-vritber, //. Notes on bla-sting in coal-mines. [U'ilh ./i... ».«.i/. The practical transmission of power by nieans of electricity, and its application to minini; ojierations. [With discussion.] [1892.) N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 41. 1893, .58-86; 42, 189S, 5-21. Biggin, T. On biangular coordinates, and an extension of the sTstem to space of three dimensions. Quart. Jl. Math.. 25, 1891, 237-258. Blggio, . Bolide del 27 gennaio [1893. Monteponi (Sardcgna)]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll.. 13. 1893. 30. Biggs, A. I>. Notes of spectroscopic observations of Comet " Pons," 27th January to 2nd Februarr, 1884. Tasmania Roy. Soc Proc, 1884, 200-201. 69—2 Biggs] 548 [Bigler llepDrt of spectroscopic observation of the twilight glows during I'^ebniarv and March, 1884. Tasmania Eo.v. Soe. Proc, 1884, 202-203. Observations on Mr. H. M. Johnston's vital statistics. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1884, 276 {bix)-280. Observations of Comets Pons- Brooks and Ross. [1884.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 45, 1885, 116-117. Eclipse of March 30-31, 188.5. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1885, 309. The Tasmanian earth tremors, 1883-4-5. Tasmania Roy. Soc Proc, 1885, 32.5-334. The occnltation of .lupiter. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc. 1886, 31-33. Is Jupiter self-luminous? Tasmania Rov. Soc. Proc, 1886, 33-88. The comets of February, 1880, and January, 1887. Tasmania Roy. Soc Proc, 1887, 38-39. a Centauri, with a graphic projection of its orbit from its apparent curve. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1887, 79-82. Observations of Comet a 1888 (Sawerthal), in February and March, made at Launceaton, Tasmania. Lat. S. 41° 26' 1". Long. E. 9'' 48'° 31". Astr. Soc Month. Not., 48, 1888, 348-349, 376. A new dark-tield micrometer for double-star measure- ment. Ta.smania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1889, 98-101. Observations of comet of July and August, 1889, taken at Launceston, Tasmania, lat. 41° 26' 01"; long. 9° 48' 31" East. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1889, 10.5. Recent measures of "a Centauri." Tasmania Roy. Soe. Proc, 1889, 106. The possibilities of the telescope. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1891, 18-24. Total eclipse of the moon, 24th May, 1891. Observed at Launceston; Lat. S. 41 deg. 26 min. 01 sec. ; Long. E. 9 hrs. 48 min. 31 sec. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1891, 44-45. The transit of Mercury, May 10, 1891. Observations taken at private observatory, Launceston. Tasmania Roy. Soc Proc, 1891, 46-48.' The Tasmanian earth tremors. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1892, 258-259. Remarks on Sir Robert Bali/s paper (read at the Hobart meeting of the Australasian Science Association), entitled: "The astronomical explanation of a glacial period." Tasmania Roy. Soc Proc, 1892, 21-25. Biggs, C. H. ir. , A- Snell, tl' illiatii Henri/. Distribution by transformers and alternate current machines. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 878. Biggs, Urniiiiiiii M. The a'tiology of rabies and the method of M. Pasteub for its prevention. [II'((/i discussion.] X. Y. Med. Jl., 43, 1886, 342-349, 360-362. Pasteuh's prophylactic treatment of rabies. N. Y. Med. Jl., 46, 1887, 57-63. The diagnostic value of the cholera spirillum, as illustrated by the investigation of a case at the New York Quarantine Station. N. Y. Med. Jl., 46, 1887, 548-549. What are neoplasmata, and what are the character- istics which differentiate them from blastemata, and these from inflairmmtory processes? [1888.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 49, 1889, 76-77. Biggs, III riiiiuiii J/., & Breneman, .l\briiiii] .lltlam]. The epidiniic of typhoid fever in I'lymouth, Pa. N. Y. Med. •II., 41, 1885, 576-579, 637-639. Biggs, Ilrniiann M., & Jenkins, Williatn T. Accidental sullociitiou as a cause of sudden death. N. Y. Med. Jl., 52, 1890, 29-32. Biggs, nermann M., ,fe Park, WiUiam Hiillock. Barton- olu;.'y technique of obtaining scrum and dried blood. Auicr. Micr. Jl., 18, 1897, 136 137. Bigiavl, t'drio. Sulle eijuaziuni dilTerenziali lineari. Roma, R. Ace Lincel Rend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 1), 651-657; 6, 1890 (Sent. 1), 86-90. Sulle equazioni differenziali lineari a coellicienti doppiamente periodici. Roma, R. Ace. Linoei Rend., G, 1890 (.SVm. 1), 339-346. Sopra una classe di equazioni differenziali lineari riducibili. Ann. Mat., 19 (1891-92), 97-143. Sul rapporto ~ considerato come funzione del rapporto V — dei periodi delle funzioni ellittiche di Weiebstrass. w Ann. JIat., 19 (1891-92), 261-268. Biginelli, Fielro. Azione dell' etere acetaeetico in presenza di alcune ammoniache composte suU' aldeide cinnamica. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 1), 529-531; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 212- 214. Azione dell' etere acetaeetico in presenza di ammoniaca alcoolica sul glucosio. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 {Sein. 1), 531-534; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 21.5-217. Azione del metilcloroformio sul fenol in presenza di KOH e NaOH. [1890.] Ann. di Chim., 12, 1890, 65- 68; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 {Ft. 1), 260-263. Acido saligeninossiacetico. [1890.] Ann. di Chim., 12, 1890, 69-72; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 {Pt. 1), 257-260. Intorno ad uramidi aldeidiche dell' etere acetilacetico. Ann. di Chim., 13, 1891, 337-340; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pi. 1), 497-500, {Pt. 2), 455-461; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1317-1319, 2962-2967. Derivati aldeidureidici degli eteri acetil- ed ossal- acetico. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 {Pt. 1), .360-416. Intorno ad un isomero della fra.ssetina e derivati di esso. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (.S'cm. 1), 307-311, 361-366; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 {Pt. 2), 608-620. Metaossiacetotenone e derivati. Gazz, Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 437-444. Etere benzalbiuretamidocrotonico e benzalbiureto. Koma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 {Sem. 1), 195-198; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 291-295. Cumarine carbossilate. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 {Sem. 1), 451-453. Nuova sintesi di cumarine. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 {Sem. 2), 344-352. Cumarine carbossilate e nuova sintesi di cumarine. [1895.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 491-503. Contrilmto alia sintesi della frassetiua. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 2), 36-5-373. Intiuenze degli ossimetili nella diazotazione di alcuni composti nromatici. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 11897, Pt. 2), 347-357. Intorno al metodo di purificazione dell' acetilene di A. Beroi; e A. Reychler. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., 27 &28, [1898,] 16-20. Analisi della preservalina. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., 27 & 28, [1898,] 197-200. Acque e fanghi delle grotte di Santa Cesaria (Lecce). Relazione dell' analisi chimica. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1899,] 490-502. Acque e fanghi delle R. Terme di Acqui. Relazione deir analisi chimica. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1900,] 277-292. • Composizione e costituzione chimica del gas arsenicale delle tappezzei-ie. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9. 1900 {Sem. 2), 210-214, 242-249. Biginelli, Pietro, & Koemer, Giiglielmo. Sec Koerner A' BlgineUi. Bigler, I'Irirli. Potential einer elliptischen Walze. Arch. .Matli. I'hys., 3, 1886, 337-440; 6, 1888, 225-275; 7, 1889, 225-310. Bigler] -.49 [Bigot Bctraclitung des riiiimliclieii IntcgrulH itrdt/ilz auRgedehnt iiber das Iiinere deH EllipHnideH A" }■» ;f2 Bern Mittli.. 1887, '>2-6\. Putc'iitial tiiii r elliplixclien Scheibe von der DiclitiK- keit 1, deren J'linkte den UleichunKcn ' + : ^1, z = 0 geniigen.abgelcitct mitu-latilcsdiscununuirlichen Faktorn von Diiticui.KT. HiTR Mitth., 1887, r,2~71. Poti'ntiul tints liunioKenen rechtwinkllclRn I'arallele- pipedes. Bern Mitlli., 1887, 127-142. Ueber Uaniiuufiiuctioneii mil beliebigem Parameter. Crelle, .11. Math., 102, 1888, 237-2.54. Ueber CiiHsinisclie Curven. Arch. Math. Phvs., 7, 1889, 311-324. Sechs Bcweise fiir den die elliptischen Integralu crster Gattuns; betrelTenden Additionssatz. Arch. Math. Pbyg., 7, 1889, 401-42.5. Auswertung einiger bestimmttn Integrate durcli An- wendung des freien Integrationsweges. Arch. Math. Phys., !l, 1890, C.O-W. Ueber die Kelli xiun an einer Kugelflache. Arch. Malh. Phys., 10, 1891, 113-1.53. Ueber die Darstillung des Potentiales eiuer durch eine Eugelfliiche von liadiiis r, nacii innen nder nacli aussen begrtnzten Masse fiir einen Pnnkt des leeren Raumes, wenn da.sselbe auf der begrcnzeudeu Kliiche bekauiit ist. .'^araii, Mitth., (i, 1892, 1-41. Einige Bemerkunneii iiber die Luine'schen Fiinctionen zweiter Art. Arch. Math. Phys., 12, 1894, 113-154, 22o- 273. BewcguDg der Planeten mittelat Variation der ellipti- schen Bahneleiuente behandelt. Aarnu, Mitth., 7, 1895. 34-01. Ueber die Isotimen uud Isophasin der Function /(x) = (x+l)(j--l)(x-2). Arch. Math. Pliys., 14, 1896. 337-359. Conforme Abbildung der innern Flache eines Ereises in die innere Fliiche eines regularen Vielecks. Arch. Matli. Phys., 11, 1896, 3tJ0-3'.l7. Ueber barometrische Huheiimessuugen. Aarau, Mitth., 8, 1898, 1-24. Die Bewegung eines materiellen Punktes unter dem EinHusse einer Ceutralkraft. Arch. Matli. Phvs., 16, 1898, 3.58-446. Blgnaml, .Imii-.p. Pie Tropcnfieber und die Sonuuer- uud 111 ili.-tl iiber del (;i'm!»>sigten Khniata. Centrbl. Bakt. (Aht. 1), 24. 1898, 0-5O-6(iO. Wie man Mahkrialielier bekouimt. [1898.] Untersuch. Nat., in, 1899, .518^570. Blgnaml, Amict'. A BastianelU, Giuseppe. Ueber den Bau del HuUinioudfi'rniin mil di r Gci.«sclkorperchen. Unter- siich. .Nat., l(i. 1899. .5. BastianelU, • ,iii.iun lUttti.', A' Testonl, (/iii«-/>rtito e la lattina, quando trovansi riuuiti in an meriie] QartM"]. Kriopeiti" Fei>tuc*, Fontr., a M'uli' jnM-c't new to the Britifh fauna. Entomolugint. IH, 1888, 28(1 2^7. Contribution towardH the fauna of the neighbourhood of Plyniiiutli. IHyniiniipttTa: Ichm-unionida-.] [1886.] Plymouth Inst. Trans., 'J, 1887. 31K-320. British oak-galls. Plymouth Inst. Trans., 11, 1887, 391-3!)2. Description of a new sjiwies of British Ichneumonida?. Enl. Soc. Trans., 1889, iv-xvi. A new species of C'vnipids. Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 176-177. I'impla K]>iira!, n. ip. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 37. .\ddiesB at thi- opening of the session 1893-1. [Ke- niarks on entomology'.] [1893.] Plymouth Inst. Trans , 11, 1894, 271-294. Two new g|)0cie8 of IcbneumoDidic from Devonshire. Eiit. Month. Mag., 30, 1894, 2.5.5-256. PrcDolepis vividiila. an intiisluced ant new to Britain. Ent. .Month. Ma;;., 31, 1898. 132-133. Some ob-'ervation^ on Brili«li oak-galls. Ent. Month. Man., 31, 1898. 20.5-207; 33, 1897, 54-.55. Habits of .Meiopia leucoccphala. Houi. Ent. Month. MaK., 33, 1897. 221-222. The Icbneumonidui (parasitic flies) of the soatli of Devon. Devon. Ass. Trans., 30, 1898. 4.58-.504. Notes on Aphides. Ent. Month. Mag.. 31, 1898, 6. dak Kails. Ent. Month. Mag.. 31. 1898. '.iJ-100. Photographic enlargements. Eut. Mouth. Mag., 'M, 1898, 205-207. Neuroterus Schlechtendali bred. Enl. Month. Mag., 34. 1898. 224-225. Observations on Dryophanta disticha Ent. Month. Ma-.. .(4. 1898. 27.5-276. BlgneU, ./. //. Notes on the Carboniferous rocks of the Cap.- Oiuiiy di-trict. Aust. Ass. Kep., 1890, 466-167. Blgney, .1. ./. Mm nioi:lobin and its derivatives. Amer. -Micr. .11., 18, 1897, 220-222. Blgnon, Alired. Nouveau precede d'extraction de la cocaine, alcalolde de la feuille de coca. Monit«ur Sci., 27, 1886, 8.<4-835. Cocjiine. Monitenr Sci., 27. 1888, 835-837. Blgnon, |.V//;.) Fanny. Sur les cellules aeriennes du crioe des oiseaux. Paris, Soc. Biol. .M^m., 3'.t, 1887 (C R.), 36-37. Kecherches sur les cellules aeriennes cervico-cvplia- liques cbez les Psittacides. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 180-181. Kecherches sur les rapports da syst^mc pneuniotique de la tete des oiseaax avec le systeme dependant de I'appart'il pulmonaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 4(1. 1888 (f. 71.1, 357-36(1. Contribution ik i'etude de la pneumaiicit<:- chez les oiseaux. Les cellules aeriennes cerMcu-cephaliques des oiseaux et tears rapports avi^: le-< os de la t^-te. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 2. 1889, 26(>-3-20; Kev. Sci., 46. 1890, 180-181. Note sar les reservoirs aeriens de I'urubu (Cathartes stratus). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. II.), 39-40. Note sur les r^senoirs aeriens de Sula bassaoa (foa de Bas.san|. Paris, Soc BioL M^m., 11. 1889 |C. A.j. 90-91. Kemarques sur le procede pour la preparation des poches aeriennes indique par it. Puteac. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 15, 1890. 99. L'intelligence des oiseaux. Rev. Sci., 2, 18»4. .36-5- 367. Blgnon, i.V//<-.) Fmiuy, A rOUtt, AUxamire. Set niUct A Blgnon. Blgnon, .'run. L'agricalture de la Boheme. France S2] P. See (Elilert iV; Bigot. Bigot, .l.teijues Marie Frnnijili'. For biography see Ent. Month. Mag.. 29, 1893. 145; Wien. Ent. Ztg., 12, 1893, 232; Humming Bird. 5. 1896, 12. Dipti^rcs nouveaux on peu connus. 24''[-37''] parlic. [1882-90.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, 73-111), 263- 304; 5, 1886, 121-124, 22.5-246, 247-252; 6. 1886. 2«7- 302, 369-392; 7, 1887, 17-19. 20-46, 2():i-20.S; ■•<. 1888. 77-101. cvi. 2.53-270; 9, 1889, 111-134, 313-328; 10, 1890, 261-296; 61, 1892. 321-376. [Description dun nouvcau genre et d'une nouvelle espdce de Dipt^res de la famille des Ortalids.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884. xxix-xxx. [Description d'un nouveau genre et d'une nouvelle esp^ce de Diptires de la famille des Dexida'.] Paris, Soe. Ent. Ann., 4. 1884, xxxvii. [Descriptiuns de Dipti'res nouveaux recoltes dans le Soudan oriental.] Paris, Soc. Eut. Ann., 4, 1884, Ivii-lix. [Un nouveau genre de Diptires.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann.. 4, 1884, Ixix-lxx. [Diagnoses d'un nouveau genre et d'une nouvelle >'K|i^cu du UiptvrcH dc la diviHion deH Anthomydanim.] I'ai'is, Sue. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, Ixxxix. (DipttMi-B du Simplon.) PoriB, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, cxv-cxvi. Note sur le genre Euceratomyia, WilUtt. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 3, 1884, 217. [Sur le genre Merapioides.J Wien. Ent. Ztg., 3, 1884, 320. [Kliainphininadubia; Khynchiodcxia tcnuipcs; Sipbo- niouvia melas, iiii. ng. et nn. t]ip.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1886, xi-xii. [.Vnastellorhina bioolor ; Homodexia obHcuripennio, H. ruliua, nn. gii. et nn. tpp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1886, xxv-xxvi. [.\tractodexia argentifera, n. g. et n. tp.; Uromyia Bcuniinata, n. ip.\ Paris, Soc. Ent. .Ann., 5, 1888, xxxii- xxxiii, xci. [Bolbocbeta haostellata ; TrichodiHcbia ca?nilca, T. Boriir, nn. gi). el nn. $pp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., .5, 1885, xliv-xlvi. [Dasyuromyia penicillata ; Glossidionopbora nigra, (f. bicolor. nn. gg. et nn. tpp.] Pans, Soc. Ent. .Aun., .5, 1886, liv-lvi. [Lampromyia argentata, n. ip.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1886, Ixvii-lxviii. [Tcretrura Haveola; Stietoniyia longiconiis, nn. gg. et nn. »pp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1886, clxv-clxvi. [Dimorphomyia callipborides, n. g. et n. tp.] Paris, Soe. Ent. .Ann., 5. 1886. clxxiii-clxxiv. [Crossotecnema javana, n. g. et n. tp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5. 1886, cci-ccii. UexidiE-.Sarcopliagidit. Essai d'une classitieation generale et synoptique des genres assign^s pn^sentement i ces deux groupes d'insectes Diptt'res. Rev. Ent., 4, 1886. 255-269, 358. Note[sJ rectificativc[s]. Wien. Ent. Ztg.. 4, 1886, 90, 182. [Diplogaster nigricauJa ; Strongyloneara prasina ; Synampboneuru cuprina. nn. gg. et nn. tpp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886. xiii-xir. [Macellopalpus ttaveolne, n. g. et ii. tp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, xlviii. [Loxocera atriceps, n. tp.] 1886, lxxx%-lxxxvi. [Hbabdopselaphus mus. n. Ent. Ann.. 6. 1886, ciii-civ. [Peringueyimyia capensis, Ent. .Ann., 6, 1886, cx-cxi. Dipti'res ni (lirookH I), faitcs A r()b«civnti)ire ilo I'arJH (i''i|iiati>iial ilo lit Tnur de rOiiest). PariH, Ac. Soi. C. K., 102, 1886. 100H-1()09. Obaorvutions de la Comi^ti' h IHHti (lirooks IJ) ct irc actuel. Toulouse Obs. .\nn., 2, 1886, A. 1 A. 17. Histoire dcs observatoiris do I'lOcolo Militairc. Bull. Astr., 1, 1887, •l'.)7-r)(ll ; r,, 1888, HO-IO. Observations des nouvelles Conietes Brooks et Barnard, faites iV rOhscrvatoiro do Paris (('.quRtorial do la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. .Sci. ('. K., 104, 1887, 276-277. Observations de la nouvolle Coniote Barnard (rflBK?) ct de la nouvolle plam'to |2().')1 Palisa, faitesa I'Observatoirc de Paris (('(iimtiirial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, \c. Sci. C. U., 101, 1887, .>5!)-.".60. Observations de la nouvelle Conietc Barnard (c lt<87), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris ((Equatorial do la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. ('. R., 104, 1887, 1360. Sur la reduction dc la distance apparente do deux Bstres voi.sins, a leur distance niovonne d'uno opoquc donnoe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. U., lO-i 1887. 606-608. Observations do la nouvolle planote (270) Peters, faites A I'Observatoire do Paris (ocpiatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., lO.'i, 1887, 65^^659. •^■^ Nobulouses nouvelles, docoiivertes a I'Observatoire de Paris. Paris. Ac. Sci. O.K., 10.5,1887,926-929,1116-1119. Observation do la Coniote a | Sawertlml | 1888. faite a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour do I'Ouest). Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 919, 1060-1061. Sur une disposition ([ui porinettrait I'eraploi de puissants object ifs dans ks observations moridiennes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 998-1000. Sur Ics variations de I'equation personnelle dans les mcsures d'etoiles doubles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 106, 1888. 164r)-1646. — — Observations de la nouvelle Com^te Brooks, faites iV I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial do la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 107, 1888, 419-420. Observations dc la nouvello Comete Barnard, faites 4 I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tourde I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R , 107, 1888, 49-5. Observations do la nouvelle Comete Barnard (1888 oct. 30) et de la nouvelle planote (281) Palisa, faitcs i\ rObsorvatoire de Paris (oipialorial dc la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 107, 1888. 721-722. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Barnard a 1889 (1889 mars 31), faites A I'Observatoire de Paris (equa- torial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 847-848. Sur I'aspect et ,«ur un conipapnon do la Comt^'te Brooks (6 juillot 1889). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889. 401-402. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Swift (/ 1S89', nov. 17), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 791- 792; Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890. 141-142. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Borrelly (g 1889), faites A rObscrvatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889. 933-934. Sur ri''quation personnelle dans les niesures d'etoiles doubles. Paris Obs. Ann. (Mrm.\, 19, 1889. C. 74 pp.. vii. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Brooks (u 1890), faites A I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 110, 1890, 694, R. S. A. C. Observations dc la Coniote Denuing (iHtJO juillet 23), faitcH A rObservatoire do Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. R., ill, 1890, 35.5-3.56. Observations de la nouvelle planote Cliarlois, faites k rObBcrvatorio-537. Sur I'otoile nouvelle de 1892. T .Knnnte = 19-53 Chandler. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 6.55-657. Observations iles Cometes 1893 (Rnrdaine) et c 1893 (Brooks. 1893 oct. 16), faites A rObservatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. B., 117. 1893, 657-659. [Xeuer Planet 1894 BC] Astr. Nachr., 1,35, 1894. 103-104. [Beobachtunc des neuen PUneten 1891 BE.) Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 367-368. Bigourdan] 554 [Bigourdan Observations de la Comfete 1889 V (Brooks, 1889 juillet 6) et de I'nn dc ses compaRnons, faites a I'Obser- vatoire de Paris (pcjuatorial de la Tmir de I'Ouest, de 0'", 305 d'ouverture). Bill). Astr., 11, 1894, 263-2fi5. Observations de la Comete 1888 V (Barnard, 1888 oetobre 30), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0"',305 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 313-314. Observations des Com^tes 1889 II, 1889 III, 1889 VI et 1890 I, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0"',30.5 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 396-397. Observations de la Comete 1889 IV (Davidson, 1889 juillet 22), faites a TObservatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0"',305 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 429-130. Observations de la Comete 1889 I (Barnard, 1888 sept. 2), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0"',30.5 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 489. Observations de la nouvelle planete AV (Courty, 1894 fcvrier 11), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. II., 118, 1894, 392-393. Occultation de I'Epi de la Vierge, le 22 mars 1894, observee a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, (J94-(;9.5. Obser%'ations de la planete BC, faites h I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 118, 1894, 69.5-690. Observations de la nouvelle Comote a 1894 (Denning, mars 26), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de TOuest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 730-731. Determination de I'iutensite relative de la pesanteur, faite a .loal (Senegal) par la mission chargee par le Bureau des Longitudes d'observer I'eclipse tot,ale de Soleil du 16 avril 1893. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 109.5-1096. Resume des observations meteorologiques faites a Joal (Senegal) par la mission cbargee par le Bureau des Longitudes d'observer I'eclipse totale de Soleil du 16 avril 1893. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 118, 1894, 1201- 1201. Disparition de la tache polaii'e australe de Mars. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 119, 1894, 633-634, 840-842. Observations de la planete BE, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 78.5-786. Observations de la nouvelle Comete c Swift (1894 novembre '20), faites a lObservatoire de Paris (fajuaturial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 894. Observations de la planete BC (1894 mars 24), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0"S305 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 12, 1895, 20-21, Mesures micrometricjues d'etoiles doubles, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris, du U juillet 1890 au 31 decendire 1891. Hull. Astr., 12, 1895, 29H-312. Sur I'orbite de la Comete de 1771. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. II., 1'20, 1895, 978-980. Observations de la Comi'^te Brooks (189.5 nov. 21), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 929 930. Observation d'un bolide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 930. Sur la mesure micromctrique des petites distances angulaires celestes et sur un mo}'en de perfectionner ce genre de mesures. Paris Obs. Ann. {Mem.), 21, 1896, E. 31 p|). Iriveiitaire niniml et sommaire des manuscrits de la bibliotliec|ue de I'Observatoire de Paris. Paris Obs. Ann. (.Vi'iii.j, 21, 1896, !•'. Ou pp. Sur une disposition permettant de reproduire a distance et d'enregistrer indefiniment les differences de declinaison donnees par un micrometre a vis. Bull. Astr., 13, 1896, 209-214. Observations des Cometes Perrine (a 1896 et c 189.5), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci, C. R., 122, 1896, 364-365. Sur un moyen de reconnaitre les plus petites variations de marche des horloges astronomiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1-22, 1896, 513-515. Observations de la nouvelle Comfete Swift (i 1896 = 1896 avril 13), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 979-980. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Perrine (1896 nov. 2), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 730- 731. Nouveau micrometre a double image, particulierement approprie a la mesure des petits diametres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1048-1050. Ncbuleuses nouvellesf, decouvertes a I'Obssrvatoire de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci, C. R., 123, 1896, 1243-1245; 124, 1897, 6.5-67, 133-135. Sur la parallaxe annuelle de I'etoile 1822 Fedoreuko. Bull. Astr,, 14, 1897, 105-115. Sur la comparaison des durees d'oscillation de deux pendules regies sensiblement a la meme periode. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1'24, 1897, 279-280. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Perrine (1897 oct. 16), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 59-2- 594. Rapport sur les observations d'astronomie, de physique du globe et de met^orologie faites a Joal (Senegal) (Longitude: l*" 16"' 41^ ouest de Paris. Latitude nord ; 14° 9' 22") a I'occasion de I'eclipse totale de Soleil du 16 avril 1893. Paris, Bur. Long. Ann., 5, 1897, B. 117 pp. Occultation des Pleiades par la lune, le 3 Janvier 1898, observee a I'equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest de I'Obser- vatoire de I'liris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12(), 1898, 196-197. Sur r "Histoire celeste du xvii^' siecle" de Pisghe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 712-714. Observations des nouvelles Cometes Coddington (1898 juin 11) et Giacubini (1898 juin 18), faites a I'Observa- toire de I'aris (eijuatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C, R., 126, 1898, 1768-1770. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Brooks (1898 Oct. 20), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 603. Observations de la planete DQ = (433), faites a I'Obser- vatoire de Palis (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0"',305 d'ouverture). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 805-806. Sur une methode differentielle propre a determiner les variations de la latitude et la eonstante de I'aberra- tion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 848-851. Sui' la prediction des occultations d'etoiles par la lune, et sur le ealcul des longitudes terrcstres au moyen des occultations. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. K., 127, 1898, 935- 938. Sur une comete decouvertc jiar Pons le 11 septenibre 1808. Bull. Astr., 16, 1899, 6'> 63. Sur diverses eirconstanees ipii niodilient les images reflecliies par le bain de mcrcure, et sur la transmission a travers le sol des trepidations produits it la surface. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1147-1149; Bull. Astr., 16, 1899, 210-226; 17, 1900, 5-10. Observation de I'essaini des Leonides, faite !\ I'Obser- vatoire de Paris, du 13 uu 16 novembre 1899. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1!,, 129, 1899, 805-806. (Beobacbtung des Cometen 1900 l>.] Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 107-108. Bigourdan] [Bikessy Lu ])r(>loii|,'iition de In nii'riilicniic (If Piirin, df Barcc- loiii,' mix liiilc'iirps, il'iiprrs Ich corri'H|innilaiic('K iiii'diti k de Mkciiain, do. ISicrr I't d'AiiAUO. Dull. Astr., 17, 1900, 34H-aOM, yiJO-'lOO, -JOT-JHO. Knpport Hoiiiiiiuii'i' Hur I'olispivation, faitepn Kxiiagiic, de IV'clipse totalo de Solcil du 'M inai 1'. 00. ISiill. Astr., 17, 1900, 3(>9-390. Sur nil iiHi_vi'ii ill- iiiaiiitcnir li prension conslnnte line liorluge plaeee daiiH line (!nvolop|ie i\ peu pri's (^-tanclic. (JoriKr. Int. Clirniioiii., 1900, 162-lti3. Observations du diiiinetre et de I'aplatisscmont de Jupiter. I'aris, Ac. Sei. C. !{., IHO. 1900. (i'i-CiJ. ObservationH de la Coinete Giacobiiii ( 1 DUO Janvier 31), faites a rob.xervatuire de I'aris (i''i|uati>rial de la Tour de rOuest lie 0"',30ri iloiivcrture). I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 130, 1900, o-jH. .Sur la positiiin et sur I'aspect aetuel d"une etoile nouvelle, tian»toriiiec en iiebulcusc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 131, 1900, 23'J-a40. Ob«erviUii)ns de IVclipsp totale dc Soleil du 2M niai 1900 faites en Kspagne, a Hellin, u Alhacete et i Las Minus. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 131, 1900, 24«-2J8. Ob.servations de la Cnnu'te Borelly (1900 juillct 23), faites i\ rObservatoiie ile I'aris (eqimtnrial de la Tour de rOLiesI, lie 0"',30."> iluuverture). I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 1 :i 1 . 1900. 320 327. Bigourdan, '/'[iii7([rliiii'\. Sc- Callandreau ,V BiBOurdan. Blgovirdan, li[iuUiiiiiiif\. A Fayet, H'lslmi. Observations de la Ci)inite I'errine {\H'JH mars 111), faites ;i I'Observn- toire de I'aris ii''i[tiat<>rial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0"',30.5 d'ouvertuie). I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12i;, 1898, 943-944, Observations dc la nouvelle Coim'tc I'errine (1898 juin 14), faites i\ robservntoiie de I'aris (equatorial de la Tour de lOiicst). I'ari.s, Ac. Sci. C. H., 126, 1898, 1770- 1771. • Observations de la plttiietc Kros faites en 1900 et 1901 i\ requatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest de 0"',,30.5 d'ouverture libre. [1904.] l'ari.s Obs. Ann. {ObsiiH.). 1900. K.27 K..-.1. Bigourdan, (:[iiillaiimr], Fayet, Gnston, & Schaumasse, [Alfxiiiiiire]. Obsei Viitions iiieteoroloKii|ues faites pendant ratiiiee 1900. [1904. | Paris Obs. Ann. {Oh.iiis.), 1900, li. 1-(1. 17. Bigourdan, G[iii//(itiHie], Tisgerand, F[riini;oif fV'/i'j-], Perrotln, ■l\iix,iih], ,V Jean, Kil. See Tlsserand, Fcrrotin, Bigourdan A Jean. Blhan, Hirhiinl, A Thiele, .lulianites. See TlUele A Blban. Bihler, Kiiiil. Ueber das Verlialten dcs Blutdruckcs bei Clilurolischen und iiber die bei denselben vorkommenden Storungen am Herzcn. Deutscli. .\rcli. Klin. Med., .52, 1894, 281 299. Ein Kail von tiidllicher Opiumvergiftung. Deutscb. Arcli. Klin. Med., CO. 1899. 483-491. Bitaler, Wiiil'riid. Eiu Fall von Bleiainblyopie. [1899.] Ari'li. Augenheilk., 40, 1900. 274-279, Biilmann, I'.innr. Om fremstillingen af natriumkoboltid- iiitiit ug poavisningen af kaliuiu denned. Kj'-5.')2, {lies.. 5."i3-.5.54). Ueber die Kinwirkung von AUvlnlkohol und .\etbylen auf Mereurisalze. lierlin, Chem. Gcs. Ber., 33, 1900, 1641-lC..i.5, Ueber die Einwirkung von .MIylalkohol auf Kaliuni- platochlorid. Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2196- 2201. Ueber die Parstellung der .\cr_vl9iiure aus Allylalkoliol. Jl. Prakt. Cbeni., HI, 1900, 21,">-224, Ueber die wasserfreie .•Vkrylsiiure. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 61, 1900. 491-494. Om xanthogenforbindelserne. Kjobeuh., Overs., 1900, 173 1S7: Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900 (Rrpertm.), 198. Biilmann, Eiiuir, & VTatilk, Alfred. Ueber die Uarstel luijgsiiiethoden der Acrj'lHiiure. Jl. Prukt. Cliein., )>1, 1900. 199. Bljl, /■;. Pouiquoi I'unnec 19O0 lie heral I'lle pas biKKCXtiie? I I«'.I9. 1 Ciel ,t Terre. '20 11899-1900), 173 17C. Bljl, // I .. ,v tobry de Bruyn, C[unulit] ^[Jriaaii]. See IiObry de Bruyn \ Bljl. Bijlert, .1. r.iH. Kine quantiljitive Bestimmung dcs .\iiliiiionH naeli dem .Maisli sclien Verfahren. Berlin, Chem. Gcs. Ber., 23, 1890, 2968-2971. Einige Beobaohtungen auf kryoskopi«chem Gebiet. Ztschr. Physikal. (.hem., 8, 1891,' ;*43-366. Over de wcrking van zecr vtrdund salpeteniuur. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 31, 1899, 103-113. [Over de theorie van het saliM-tcrzuur.] (I8'.i9.) Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdsilir., .W, 1900, .520 .V22. BUvanek, //' melalen (sensiblen) Bahuen im Riickenmarke iles Hundes und des Kauiu- chens in der Holie des obersten Luuibal- und unterslen Brusttheiles, sowie Untersuchungen iiber .Xnatomie und Function der grauen Substanz. Vorliiufi^'e Mittlicilang. [1898.] Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, lilO-iiM. O lokalizacyi drog dosrodkowych (czusciowych) w rdzeniu pacierzowym psa i krolika, w wygokosci goniej czi;sci li;dzttio»ej i dolnej piersiowej oraz baduiiia nad anatomiii i czynnoscia szarej substancyi. (Ueber die Localisation der centripetalen (sensiblen) Bahnen im Hiickenmarke des Hundes und des Kaninchens in der Hohe des oberen Lumbal- und unteren Brusttheiles sowie Untersiuhnngen iiber .\natoniie und Function der grauen Substanz.] [1898.] Krakow, Ak. (.Uu/. - /'r.-ynxJ.) Ui.zpr.. 16, 1899, 127-182; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 192-198. ThroniViose der Arteria cerebri anterior. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 443-447. Eine ungewohnliche F'orm von Scbussverletxung des Gehiriis und die dabei constatiite Binlerstrangdegenera- tion. Neurol. Centrbl.. 18. 1899. k71--<7-5. 960. Dcgeiierationslufunde bei einem Falle von Myelitii acuta. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 146-149. l>arf man eine nach ahwiirts abnehmende Hinter- strangdegeneration ohne weiteres als eine von oben nach unten fortschreitendean.sehen.' (Myelitis acuta: Kiicken- raark nacli .\niputalion.) Neurol. Centrbl.. 19. 1900, 937-944. Bikeles, f/iufiir, it Jaslnakl, .\.' Zur Frage der trophiitcbeu Nerven. [1898.] Centrbl. Physiol.. 12, 1899. 315-316. Bikeles, (r'iKliir, & Komfeld, Siammnl. .\natomigche Befunde bei exjierimeutellcr Porencephalie am neuge- borenen Hunde. Vorliiutige Mittheilaog. [1893.] Centrbl. Physiol., 7, 1894. 269-272. .s>.' II (..o XomfUd A' Bikeles. Bikessy, , niie;T,CTaB.lieHHHll (]lli;!II KO- MaTCMaTiiiecKoMy (liaKy.ii.TCTy o no-fcaAKt bi. ,.I,areCTaH'I.. [Report presented to the physico-mathe- matical faculty on a journey to Daghestan.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1893 [Pt. 2), 173-176. Bill, A. F. Movement of bacilli etc., in liquid suspension on passage of a constant current. Centrbl. Bakt. (Aht. 1), 26, 1899, 257-259. Bill, George E. Peculiar symptomata of sympathetic disturbances. N. Y. Med. Jl., 64, 1896, 676-680. Billard, . Sur un Hi'iuatozoaire endogloliulaire des I'latj'dac- tvlus. I'aris, Sue. Biol. Mem., r,2, 1900 (C. R.). .547- r,"iii. BlUct, Albert, it Cbriat, Hermann. ,S,; Christ A BlUct. Billot, .llhert. A Olard, .ilfred. .See aiard ,V Billet. Billet, Chiirle.-i. Contnliution a IVtude de Taction eliniiiue cle I'antipyrine. .\rcli. .Med. I'liarni. .Militaires, II, 1888, 188-1'J(>. Contribution il I'etude elinique dc I'infection tulier- ciileuse. (La tuberculose abortive.) Arch. G(!n. Md-d., 1711. 1892. riS-lSG. Bllleter, Olio. Sur un nouveau nii'dange r(''frig('rant. [18Mr).] Neucliatel Soc. Sci. Bull., l.i, 1886, lti7-ll!8. Sur le.>i pseudiithiocyanates (senevols) de radicaux aroniatiques diatomiques. [1885.] Neucliatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 1.5, 1886, 174-17f>. [Quilques mots sur I'hydrogaz.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 1.5. 1886, ■217-218. Sur I'aetiiiii du thiophosgene sur les amines sccond- aires. |1887.] Areli. Sei. I'livs. Nat., is, 1887, 348- S'l'i ; Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber.. 20. 1887, 1029-1632; Neucliatel Soc. Sci. Bull., Ill, 1888. 24G-247. Ueber eiue Vorrichtung zuni automntischen Filtriren. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887. ')09. Sur un reeipic'iit pour la distillation fractionnde dans le vide. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888, 4,5-46; 18, 1890, .53-5.5. Sur ipielques derives sulfures de i'aeide carbamique. Neuchatel Sue. Sci. Bull.. 1(1. 1888. lOS-lU. Analyse d'un echantilloii de clmcolat laete. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888, 20.5-215. Sur le dosage du fii.«el dans les spiritueux. Neuohiltcl Soc. Sci. Bull., 17, 1889, 23-24. Sur le dosage de laiiiidon dans le chocolat. Neu- chatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 17. 1889. 30-37. [Recherche de la pyridine dans les spiritueux fabriqu<5s avee de Talcool denature.] (1891.) Nenchiitel Soc. Sci. Bull., 20, 1892, 156-1.57. [L'aiialvse bactil-riologiqne de I'eau au laborntoire cantonal.]" Neuchatel Soc. Sei. Bull., 20, 1892. 181-182. - Analyse des vius de 1892 et sur quelques maladies desvins. [1892.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 21, 1893, 182. Desmotropie chez lea thiuries. Arch. Sci. I'hys. Nat., 30, 1893, 364 305. Ueber pentasulistituirte Dithiobiaretc. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2(1, 1893. 1081-1688. Sur la constitution des thiurees. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 21, 1893. 1.53-171. Contribution ;\ la constitntion des thianiides. .\rch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897. 46.5-466. Sur I'hydrog^ne silicic. Neuchatel Soo. Sci. Bull., 26, 1898, 236-238. Quelques analvcs tvpen de vins de Ncuchitel. Neu- chatel Soc. .Sci. Bull., 26, 1898, 408-112. Sur les ilitliiobiiiretH pentasubiititui-B. Arcb. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 393-394. Sur la trani-poHitioo intramoli^'culairc des pi«.-udo- dithiobinretK penlasubstitues. Neuchiitel Hoc. Sci. Bull., 27, 1899, 173-175. Sur la trans)>osition intraraoK-culairo de I'ac/'U)- phr'nvlthiiirre. Nenchiitel Soc. Sci. Bull., 2». 1900, 203-2(15. Bllleter, Off,., ,V Btelner, .i[mold]. Ueher Toluylenxenfol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1888. 3292-329.5. Transformation des diamines aromatiqnes en poetldo- thiocyanates. Arch. Sci. I'hys. Nat., 16, 1886, 220-228. Ueber Senfole zweiwerthigcr aromatischer Hadicale. (Zwiite Mittbeilung. ] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887. 228-232. Bllleter, Dttn, A Strohl, Al[ezandre]. Sur quelques d(-rives de la thiocarbaniide. [1887.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888, 86-92. Ueber die Einwirkung von Thiophosgen aof secundiire Amine. Berlin, Chem. Ge«. Ber., 21. 1888. 102 110. Bllll, I.iiigi. Temporale a Bologna |7 agosto 1893]. MoncalieVi Oss. Boll.. 13, 1893, 140-141. llelazione dei forti danni cagionati dalle piogge del novembre 1890. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 17. 1897. 90. [Terremoto del 21 settenibre 1897, Bologna.] .Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 17. 1897, 91. Temporale del 3 otlobre 1898. Moncalieri Om. Boll., 19. 1899. 9. Blllla, l.iirenzo Micheliingelo. Sulle dottrine psicofisiclie di I'l.MdSK. Modena. Ace. Sri. Mem., 1, 1898. 201-215. Billiet, [{'.] [Lettre sur la deconverte de diver.-es plantes en .Vuvergne. ] France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, 15. BiUlet, {le cardinal) Alexin. For biographical notice and works see Savoie .\e. Mt'ui., 1891, 27-;jO. BlUig, /.' . .V Strecker, Karl. See Btrecker A Bllllc. Billlngburgt, r[iiriirmnl>e] I,. Notes on the land and fiisliwati 1 Molliisca of Castlcmaiue and neighbourhood. [1893.] Victorian Natlist., 10. 1894, 01-04. The fauna of Castlemaine district ; butterflies. [1895.] Victorian Natlist., 12. 1896. 91-93. List of birds seen or obt^iined in the neighboarliood of Castlemaine. [1898.) Wombat, 4. [1899], 15-16. Notes on .Australian dragon-flies. |1h9<.i. ] Victorian Natlist.. 17. 1901, 5-9. Bllllnga, l:\ll:'itmh IT.]. 'New S|>ecie8 of Lower Silurian fossils. Canada Geol. Surv. il'altiozoic Foss.), 1, 1861- 66, 344 pp.; 1 (2hacillus of typhoid and the colon bacillus. [Presenting results of an in- vestigation by Adelaide W. I'kckthm.] [1894.] Wash- ington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 7, 1895, 477-482. The bacteria of river waters. Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 7, 1895, 419-421. . On the intluenee of insolation upon culture media and of desiccation upon the vitality of the bacillus of typhoid, of the colon bacillus, and of the Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 7, 1895, 483-484. A case of asthma and symmetrical enlargement of the arms greatly benefited by specific treatment ; marked excess of oxyphiles in the blood. N. Y. Med. .Jl., 65, 1897, 691-695. The significance of absence of nucleated red corpuscles in the blood in cases of grave anremia. N. Y. Med. -Jl., 69, 1899, 693-695. Billings, John Sllimc], & Mattliews, WiisIuii()ton. On a new craniophore for use in making composite photographs of skulls. [1885.] Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 3 (P(. 2), 1886, 119; Anthrop. Inst. .11., 16, 1887, 97-98. Billings, John S[hiiir\, & Feckham, Adelaide Ward, The influence of certain agents in destroying the vitality of the typhoid and of the colon bacillus. Smithsonian Ke)!., 1894, 451-458; Science, 1,1895, 169-174. Billings, Joint fi{liaii], Matttaews, Waahinqtoii, & Wort- man, J . L. See matthews, VTortman \- Billings. Billings, ./i)/iH ,S'['""'I' Mitchell, S'[i7,/.v] IIV;;-, &- Bergey, David IleiidricliK. The conjpositiou of expired air ancl its effects upon animal life, [189.5.] Smithsonian Contrib., 29, 1903, Art. ill, 81 pp.; Rev. Sci., 6, 1896, 275-277. Billings, ./o/i» S. (./'»"■). The occurrence of the Strepto- coccus scarlatinie (so-called) in cultures from the throats in cases of scarlet fever. N. Y. Med. Jl., 69, 1899, 774- 776. Billings, )IVi/(er R. Two new species of crinoids. [1885.] Ottawa Field-Nat. Club Trans., 2, [1887], 248-230. Report of the I'ateontolopicnl Branch. [1885.] Ottawa Field-Nat. Club Trans., 2, [1887], 259-262. A new genus and three new sj)ecies of crinoids from the Trenton formation, with notes on a large specimen of Dendrocrinus proboscidiatus. Ottawa Natlist., 1, 1887, 49.54. Billington, C\oriieliu>!] K. Permanganate of potassium in tlie treatment of amenorrliu'a. [^\Vith discunnioii.] N. V. Med. Jl., 43, 1886, 249 2.50. Billiot, ./. T. [Sur nn puits artcjsien d'Arveyres.] Bor- deaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, xlviii-xlix. Coupes g(jologiques du sud-ouest. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 53, 1898, 25-33. Billiot, J. T.. A Benoist, Kniile A[ndre]. See Benoist * Billiot. Billitzer, Jean. Ueber die AfBuitiitsgrossen gesiittigter Fettsiiuren. Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 [Ahth. 2b), 416-428; Mliefte. Chem., 1899, 666-678. BiUmann, Adolf, & Babe, Paul See Babe A Billmann. BiUot, Comille. & Laborde, .7. 1'. See Laborde & Billot. Billotte, [//<'»r/]. Le PhvUoxera en Lorraine. Metz Ac. Mem., 80, 1900, 143-150. Billotte, llene. Recensement des AmpuUaires du con- tinent africain, precede de diagnoses d'AmpuUaires nouvelles. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 2, 1885, 103- 112. Billows, Edoardo. Su d' un vistoso cristallo di vesu- vianite. [1893.] Riv. Min. Crist., 12, 1892, 53. Studio cristallografico del cloroplatinato metiletil- tetina. [1893.] Riv. Min. Crist., 12, 1892, 80. Studio cristallografico sul bromidrato di o-fenil-N- benzil-MS-benzilimidotia?.olina C23H2(|N2S H Br. Riv. Min. Crist., 13, 1893, 7-9. Studio cristallografico del cloroplatinati di due isomer! della metiletiltetina. Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 9-l"i. Sulla trasformazione degli assi cristallografici in funzione di indici di spigoli. [1897-98.] Riv. Min. Crist., 18, 1898, 23-28, 63-63. Nota sulla proiezione degli assi romboedrici ed esago- nali. Riv. Min. Crist., 19, 1898, 17-21. Forma cristallina del cloroplatinato di metil-etil-o- propioniltetina. Riv. Min. Crist., 20, 1898, 80-82. Una dimostrazione analitica d' una proprieta nota relativa a facoe cristallografiche in zona e a spigoli crist.allografici contenuti in un piano. Riv. Min. Crist., 25, 1900. 26-32. Billrotli, [Christian Albert Theodor]. For biography and works SCI' Bologna Rend., 1893-94, 83-85; Fortschr. Med., 12 (1894). 162, 203-204; Leopoldina, 30, 1894, 58-59 ; Med.-Chir. Trans., 77, 1894, 39-41 : Wien, Almauach, 44, 1894, 2.50-256; Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 265-266, 288-291, 339-348. Ueber die Entwicklung von Cysteu im Kuocheu. Wien. Med. Wschr., 34, 1884, 224. Billson, Charles James. The fourth dimension of space. [1S86.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 1, 1889 (Ft. 2), 11-19. Billups, //. Tl. On the connection between the inscribed and esorilicd circles of a triangle. [1898.] Math. Gaz. , 1. 1900, 177-180. Billups, T. R. [Notes on some insects belonging to the sub-order Hemiptera-Homoptera.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soo. Pmc, 1885, 27-29. [Cleptes nitidula and C. semiauratus.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1886. 48-49. [Notes on the nest-building of Osmia.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1887, 75-76. [Notes on gall-insects.] S. Liondon Eut. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1887, 88-89. [Notes on the genus Aspidimorpha.] [1888.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1888-89, 43-44. [Notes on tlio hynienopterous and dipterous parasites bred by meniliers of the South London Eutomological and Natural History Society during the years 1887-92.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1888-89, 90-96; 1890-91, 157-164 ; 1896, 80-87. Note upon Atherix ibis, Fabricim. Entomologiet, 22, 1889, 193-194. The galls of Cynips KoUari, and their various occupants. Entomologist, 28, 1895, 46-19. Billwiller, Johaun. Nitrogen assimilation of some Papi- liouaeea.. Chem. Soc. Jl., 70, 1896 {Abs., Ft. 2), 440- 441. BillwlUer, Robert [.4h.(;hs(]. Pioggia nolle Alpi della Svizzera. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884. 56. [Ueber den Einfluss der Alpen auf die Wind- uud Nie- derschlagsverhiiltnis.sc der Schweiz.] [1881.] Schweiz. Billwiller] nr.o IBiltz Niitf. Ocs. Verli.. 1883-84, 13-15; Arcb. Sci. I'liya. Nttt., 12, 1884, 474 47i;. Die Kiiltcriickfiille im Miii. Wicn, Mcteorol. ZtKclir. , 19, 1884, 21.-) -2 If). Die tiinliclie IViiode dcr RiclituiiK und GeBcbwindig- keit de8 Windes uuf UerKgiplelii. Wiuii, Meteorol. Ztsclir., 20, 1888, 471-177. Kegcnfall voiii 14. /17. October in der Siidsohweiz. Wien, Meteorol. Ztsclir., 20, 1885, ol'.t. Sclinecfiill in Ziiriili am 2H. September. Wien, Meteorol. Ztsclir.. 20. 1885. .'il'J-.520. Starker Schiieefull in der gunzen Nord-, Ost- und Centralsehweiz am 28. September. [1885.] Wetter, 2, 1886, 201. Die nieteoroloKisclio Station auf dem S.intis, ilire Gescliiclite und die biKlierigen UeobachtiiiigKergebnissc. [1887.) Ziiricli, Naif. Ges. NeiijahrKbl.. 1888, 2h pp. Vernleiehende HeMiltiite der diirtli SchiitziinK erlinl- tenen Daten iiber den niittleren Biwolkuii^jsgrad des llimniels und der Auf/.eichniiiif,"n dis Soniienscliein- autonraphen. Ziiriili Vrtljsclu., i'i, 1888, 2'j:i-307. Nebulosite niovenne et duree d'insolatiou. Arcli. Sci. Phys. Nat., 21, 1889, 404-417. Winter 1890/91 in der Schweiz. Meteorol. Ztschr., 8 11891), 190. [Conrbes du baroRraphe de Sriicso.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28. 1892. :i0-")-3(i0. Sur I'origine des vents de.s vallees. ^Vrch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 32, 1894, 30.S-H07. Der Fiibn vom 13. Jaunar 1895 am Nordfuss der Alpen nnd die liilduni; einer Theildepression daselbst. Meteorol. Ztsclir., 12 (1896), 201-209. Witterunn des Septi niber 1895 in der Schweiz. Meteorol. Ztsclir., 12 (1895), 470-471. Der Thalwind des Uberengadin. Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), 129-138. Dauer des Sonnensrheins auf dem Gipfel des Siintis im Mittel von 8 Jahren 1888-95. Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), 198. La repartition des jiluies en Suisse. Arcb. Sci. Phys. Nat., 3, 1897, 2'.-3r,. Merkwiirdiye Vorkommnisse des Fiihn. [With dis- i-mskm.] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1898, 101-101. Ueber verscbiedene Entstehungsarten und Erschei- nungsformen des Fobns. Meteorol. Ztschr., 16 (1899), 204-215. Starke Regenfiille und Hochwasser in der Siidschweiz vom 21. bis 28. August 1900. Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 119001. 4C.3-4G5. BlUwillcr, luihcrt [.liiiiiisl]. A: Ooldi, Emit August. See aoldi ,V BlUwUler. Billwiller, lloh.il |.li/i;i(.-;|. VTebcr. //. /'.. ,V Dufoor, ll.nri. S,-c vreber, Billwiller A Sufour. Billy, Kit. lie. Note sur la fabrication de la fonle aux l-.tats-Unis. Ann. Mines, 1, 1892, 07-117. Note sur deux precedes directs pour la fabrication de I'acier sur sole aux ICtats-Unis. Ann. Mines, 2, 1892. 329-351. Bilteryst, .1. Sur la separation des acides gras volatils dii belli re. Anvers, .11. de Pbann.. 4.'), 1889, 18.i-186. BiltriB, .iljreil. Contribution a I'etude des ijuinbydrones. t^iiiiihydroncsmixtes. Bnix.. .\e. Bull., 32, 1896. 28(V-301. Contribution a letude de>* phinoquinones et des quin- hydrones. Deuxii'ine communication : phenoquinones niixtes. Brux., Ac. Bull., 35, 1898. 44-07. Blitz, E. Ueber den Sehutz des Chloroforms vor Zer- silziing am I.icht. [1892.] Erfurt Ak. Jbiich., 19. 1893, xxx-xxxi. Biltz, K., A Sdiaclit, Carl. See Bcbacltt .V BUtz. Biltz, [Joluiini] Iliiiiricli. Ueber die Molecular>;rossc des Sihwetels. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21. 1888. 2013- 2017, 2188; Ztschr. Phvsikal. Chem., 2. 1888, 920-947; 3, 1889, 228-229. Ueber eine Metliode, das Mol(?culari{ewicbt ttucbtiger Cbloridc zu iH'HtiniDien. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2700-2772. Ueber den Einfluaii der Gestalt des Geransea bei Dicbtel>estimmungen unvollstiindig vergaster Dainpfe nach deui GasverdriiiigiingKverfabren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2772-277B. Uel)er ilie JodwaHserstoffadditioniiprodacteder Nitrile. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25. 1892, 2533-2.545. Ueber ncuere Explosivstofle. Nea-Vorpommem Mittb., 24, 1892, xxvi. Uelier die Ueduction des TriphenylacetonitriU. Nea- Vorpominern Mitth., 21, 1892, 2.5-29. Einige YorleHungsversuchc die DifTuiiion dcr Ga«e bctreflend. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 9, 1892, 1-52-157. Ueber die Gasdichte der UalogenuaKserstoffsiiaren bei niedercr Temperatur. Zt«chr. Physikal. Chem., 10, 1892, 354-362. Ueber SprenKstolIe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 137K-1383. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chloral auf Benzol in Gegenwart von .'Munimiumclilorid. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893. I952-19r,(t, 2672. Ueber die Aluminiumcbloridsynlhcse. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1960-1962. Ueber Phosphorpentoxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894. 1257-1264. Phenylliydrazonedes.Salicvlaldehvd8. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2288-229il. Ueber die Bestimmung der Molccuiargro'ige einigcr auorganischer Substanzen. Berlin Ak. Sber.. 1895. 67- 90: 1896, 91-98; Ztschr. Phvsikal. Chem.. 19. 1896, 385-430. .\pparat zur Vacuumfractionining. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 304. Ueber Molekulargewiclitsbestimmungen nacb der Gasverdriingungsmethodc. [18"J.5. ] Neu-Vorpommem Mitth.. 27. 1896. xx-xxi. Ox^dation durch Hydroiylamincblorhydrat. Berlin, Chem." Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2080-2082. Ueber eine Aendernng in der Form dir Messkolben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29. 1896. 2082-2083. "Ueber das Wassergas." (18;m>.) Nea-Vorpommem Mitth., 28, 1897, xiv-xv. Dijodacetylen uml Tetrajodatbvlen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 30, 1897, 1200-1210. Phenvlirte .\cthan- und Actbylenderivate. Liebi^j's Ann.. 296. 1897. 219-260. Ueber die Halogenaddition phcnylirter und halogeni- sirter Aetbvlenderivate. Liebig's .\nn., 2'.t6, 1897, 26.3- 278. "Neueste Forl.scbritte auf dem Gebiet der technischen Heizung (Kohlenstaub-Feuerung)." [1897.] Neu-Vor- pommern Mitth.. 29, 1898, xii-xiii. Ueber die Einwirkung von Jod auf Calciumcarbid. [1897.] Neu-Vori)oimnern Mitth.. 29. 1898. xiv. TripbenylvinylalkoboiixlerTriphenyliithanon. Berlin, Chem. Ges'. Ber.. 32. 1899 ' •" '■ - Ueber die Oxydation 1 hydpbenylhydrazons und des Salicylaldehydi'! ..^.ins mil atmosphiir- ischer Lnft. Liebig's Ann..' :M.\ 1899, 16.5-187. Notiz iiber die Phenylhydrazoneder Moiionitrosalicyl- aldehyde. Liebig's Ann.. 305. 1899. 1'<7-1'.>0. Oxvdation nut Luftsauerstofl. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 33. 1900. 2-.".i.5-2299. 4193. BUtz, [.Mmiiii] Ihiurich. .V Brnbl, J[ii1iik] ir[i7Affn]. See BriilU A' BUtx. BUtz, [.Tohiinn] Heiiirich. A- Kadesdy, Erich. Nilrotri- jodiithvlen und Dinitrodijod.-itlivlcn. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 33. 1900, 21'.M>-2196. BUtz, [.Inhiitin] Heiiirich. >V Meyer, I'lVtor. Ueber Siede- punkt und Molecularformel des Zinnrhlorurs. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 22-24, 453. Biltz] JGO [Binet Ueber Siedepunkt und Mijleeulaigriisse des Zinu- cbloriirs, und iiliRr ^'^'i'^'izeiliKe Dampfdiclite- und Teiuperaturbestininuin^en. GottinRen Nachr.,1888, 19- 29; Ztschr. Physikal. Cheni., 2, 1888, 184-193. Ueber die Dampfdichtebestimmung einiger Elemente und Verhindungen bei Weissgluth. Gottingen Nachr. , 1889, 347-36.S. Blitz, [.Jahaiiii] Heinrich, & Wienands, Albert. Ueber liii' Oxydation von Aldeliydphenylbydrazonen zu a- Iiiketonosazonen. Liebig's Ann., 308, 1899, 1-17. Biltz, [J-Atyen] Willii-ldi. Kryoskopische Untersuchungen in der Turpenreihe. Ztschr. Pbysikal. Cheni., 27, 1898, 529-551. Ueber das atberisclie Oel aus Origanum majorana. Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 995-999. Ueber das kryoskopische Verlialten der Alkohole. Ztschr. Pbysikal. Chcm., 29, 1899, 249-2(i5. Ueber neuere pbysikalisch-chemiscbe Konstitutions- bestimmungen. [1899.] Neu-Vorpommern Mitth., 31, 1900, xv-xvi. Bily, ./"//».s A. Beitrag zur Flora Miihrens. Briiun Verb., 35, 1897 (.-1 ;t;io]. Sec Nolting A- Binder. Binder, G. A. Vei'sucbe iiber die Ltislichkeit einiger Mineralien. [1892.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 332- 343. Binder, (Itto. Apparat znr Analyse von Rauchgasen. Chem. Ztg., 15, 1891, 617. Ueber Ichthalbin. Wien. Med. Wschr., .50, 1900, 1082-1084. Binder, Robert.'i. Climatology in cirrhotic rhinitis. [1894.] N. Y. Med. .11., 61, 1895, 346-348. Binder, W'ilheUii. Ueber das System der Tangentialpunkte einer unicursalen Planeurve vierter Ordnung. Ztsclir. Math. Phys., 34, 1889, 272-281. Ueber die Realitiit der Doppeltangenten rationaler Plancurven vierter Ordnung vom Geschlechte Null. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 35, 1890, 2-5-35. . Ueber absolute Fllemeutensysteme auf ebenen Unicur- salcurven vierter und dritter Ordnung. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 36, 1891, 78-98. Die Undulationen ebener Curven C;. V.'ien, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 {AtAh. in), 295-322; 107, 1898 (.ibth. la), 23-40. Die Tangentenprobleme der Kreis-Epicycloide niit Doppelpunkt. Wien, Ak. Sber., 107, 1898'(J6tfc. 2a), 362-375. Bindewald, //|(n(.'], it Michaelis, \Cnrl Arnold] A[ugust]. See michaelis it Bindewald. Bindewald, Il[iins]. it Zincke, [F.riint Carl] Th[eodor]. See Zincke it Bindewald. Bindi, / '. , it Morpurgo, licvcdetto. See Morpurgo it Bindi. Binet, .llfred. liceberches sur I'anesthsisie hystrrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 107, 1888, 1008-1010. Note sur renregistrenient des excitations portees sur une region anesth^sique du corps chez les hysteriques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 {C. It.), 27-29. Quelques observations sur la sensibilite tactile, r^ti- nienne et auditive chez les hysteriques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 487-488. Les perceptions inconscientes de I'hypnotisnie. Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 241-242. Sur la cliaine nerveuse sous-intestinale du hanneton (Melolontba vulgaris). Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 489-490. La disposition des connectifs dans la chaine nerveuse sous-intestinale du lianneton (Melolontha vulgarie). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C R.\. 556-558. Organisation d'un ganglion tboraoiipie chez quelques Colc^opt^res de la tribu des Melolonthiens. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 757-759. . Sur la structure interne des ganglions sous-intestinaux des Col^opteres M(!'lolontliiens. [1891.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 4, 1892 ((.'. fi. , So. 2), 2. Les racines du ncrf alaire chez les Col^opt6res. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1892, 1130 1132. Structure d'un ganglion al>ciomiunl de Melolouthien. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (('. R.). 166 l(i8. Le nerf alaire chez (|uelques Coleopteres apt^siques. Paris, Soc. Biol. MOni., 44, 1892 (0. R.), 257-258. Binetl 561 [Bingham Le nerf du balaiicicr chcz quelques Dipti'roB. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mtm., 44, 1892 (C. R.). 3-';»-35!l. Sur la structure d'uii (.'ani^lion nerveux (I'iiiBcctc. Pnris, Soc. Ent. Ann., HI, 1892, clx.xii-elxxv. Note sur la structure (ibrillairo des cellules nerveuBfs de quelqucs Cru«tivc(5s Docapodes. Paris, Soc. Hiol. M, 1894 (C. n.), 102. Contribution u I'etude du systfime norveux sous- intestinal des insectcs. Robin, Jl. Anat., 30, 1894, 44!)-,5sn. Psycholof'y of prestidigitation. [Tt.] Smithsonian Rep," 1894, 055-571. La peilaKogie scientitique. Enscign. Math., 1 (1899), •2!I-3H. Binet, A I/ml, A Courtier, ■/. Note sur la mesure de la Vitesse des niouvenionts graphiijues. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 4.5, 1893 (('. ft.), •>i;)-2-2(). Application nouvelle de la mothode gniphique i la musique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li., 120, 1896, tl4r,-(;47. Intluencc de la respiration sur le trnci' volumetrique des membres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. U., 121, 1896, 219- 220. Note sur un stylet A encre d'un module nonveau, pouvant i^tre einployi' dans la mothode grapliique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem".. 47, 1896 (('. li.), 212. Note sur nne application nouvelle de la methode graphiquo au piano. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mt^m., 47, 1895 (C. /?.), 212. Note sur un dispositif permettant d'eviter la projection et les vibrations du stylet inscripteur dans I'enregistre- ment graphique des phenomfenes rapides. Paris, Soc. Biol. W-m., 47, 1896 (C. R.), 213-214. Seconde note sur la correction des trac<5s au nioyen d'un orifice capillaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1896 (C. li.), 296-29rt. Un rcfiulateur graphique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1896 (C. li.), 320-322. Note sur I'iufluence que le travail intellectuel exerce sur la respiration, le pouls arteriel et le pouls capillaire de la main. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1896 (f. li.), 806. Influence de I'attitude et de la compression sur la forme du pouls capillaire et du pouls art(?riel. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1896 (C. R.), 819-821. Recherches graphiques sur la mnsique. Rev. Sci., 4, 1896, 6-15. Intluence des repas, de I'exercice physique, du travail intellectuel et des i^motions sur la circulation capillaire de rbomrae. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 123. 1896, 505-507. Signitication des diverses formes du pouls capillaire ttudit^ chez I'lionime adultc. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 48, 1896 (C. R.). 279-282. Influence de la musique sur la respiration, le cceur et la circulation capillaire. Rev. Sci., 7. 1897, 257-263. Bluet, .ilfreil, ct Ttri, Chlarles]. Les paralysies par suggestion. Rev. Sci.. 34. 1884, 45-49. La theorie phvsiolopique de Thallucination. Rev. Sci., 35. 1886, 49-53." Recherches expi^rimcntales sur la physiologic des mouvements chez les hystiriques. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1887, 320-373. See also Tiri .V Blnet. Blnet, Alfred, S: Hcnnegny, F. .See Henneguy .t Blnet. Billet, Alfred, A Henri, t'Ulor. La sinuilation de la memoire des cbitTros. l!ev. Sci., 51. 1893. 711-722. See also Etenri A' Binet. Blnet, Alfred, & Fasay, Jln •!' Blnet. Binet, I'anl [Emile]. For biographical notice and works »ee UemH'e Soc. Phys. Mi^m., 32, 1894-97, I'l. 2, Iviii-lix. Influence dc I'intoxication mert:urielle aigue sur IVlimination du calcium et de I'acide phosphorique. Arch. Sci. I'bys. Nat., 25, 1891, 462-464. Sur uno substance thcrmogenc de Purine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 113, 1891,207-210. Sur la toxicitt'- compar(''e des m£taux alcalins et alcalino-terrcux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. U., 115. 1892. 251- 253; Arch. Sci. Phvs. Nat., 2W, 1892, 159-161; Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892. 417-419. Recherches sur IVlimination de quelques substances mtdicamenteuses dans I'air expire. .\rch. Sci. Phvs. Nat., 30, 1893, 184-185. Sur la toxicologic compari^-e des pbdnols. [1895-96.] Arch. Sci. Pbys. Nat., 31, 1895, 589-590; 1, 1896, 289- 290 ; 3, 1897, 85-86. Binet, Paul [Emile^ * Frirost, J\ean] L[oHit]. Ste PrcvoBt k Binet. Binetscb, . Eine Reise durch das Ewegebiet Und- cinwiirts von der Sklavenkuste. [1889.] Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 8, 1890, 46-.56. Bins, //• -f. Uelier das Jecorin. (1898.] Ccntrbl. Phy- si..l., 12, 1899, 209-211. Untersuchungen iiber die reducirenden Substanzen im Blute. Skand. .\rch. Physiol., 9, 1899, 336-411. Bing, T. W. Notes on rust (Puccinia graminis). [1884.] N. Zealand Jl. .Sci.. 2. 1884-85, 25. Blnger, (capit.) L[oi(i«] G[Hsiine]. Du Niger au golfe de Guinee par Kong. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Ball., 10, 1889, 329-371. Bingham, (Col.) CharU' T[hnmai>\ Nesting of Mjcropter- nus pbscoceps. Nature, 32, 1886, .52—53. Hints on collecting and preserving Hvmenoptera. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. .11.. 3. 1888. 112-il4. Notes on some bees and wasps from Burma. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 3, 1888, 183-187. On new and little known Hymenoptera from India, Burma, and Ceylon. [1890-94.] Bombav Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 5. 1890, 233-252; 8, 1893-94. 3-58-39<». xxxiii. Collecting ways and collecting davs. (1893-9.5.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8. 1893-94. 346-357; 9. 1894-96, 47:i-480. Ou a collection of hymenopterous insects from the Philippines. Ann. Mag." Nat. Hist.. 16, 1896, 438-446. New and little-known species of Indo-Malayan Hy- menoptera, with a key to the genera of Indian Pompilidie, and a note of Sphex flava of K.innicirs. and allied species. [1S95.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl.. 10, 1895-97, 19.5-216. Note on the pests of the teak tree. [18ii3.] Indian Mus. Notes, 3. 1896, So. 2, 93-9.5. On some exotic fossorial Hymenoptera in the collec- tion of the British Museum, with descriptions of new species and of a new genus of the Pompilido!. Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool). 2.5, 1896. 4-22-415. viii. K contribution to the knowlolgo of the hymenopterous fauna of Ceylon. Zool. Soc. Proc.. IS?*" ' ' ■'i. The great Indian hombill in tin' ■■ 1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897 9:. The aculeate Hymenoptera procured at Aden by Col. YrBBCBv, R.A." and Capt. Nrnsr. I.S.C. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12. 1898-1900. 101-114. On some new species of Indian H.vintn..ptera. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. S.^. Jl.. 12, 1898-1900. 115-130. Note on Eumenes conica. fahr.. and Mei.»achile dis- juncta, Fabr., and their parasites Chrjsis fuscipennis. 71 Bingham] 562 [Binz Bnille, and Parevaspis abdominalis, Smitli. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 585-587. Note on Diacamma, a poneiine genus of ants, and of the finding of a female of D. vagaus, Smitli. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JI., 12, 1898-1900, 756-757. On a new genus and species of bulbul and an ap- parently new species of Cyornis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 357-359. Account of a remarkable swarming for breeding purposes of Sphex umbrosus, Christ, with notes on the nests of two other species of Sphex and of certain of the Pompilidffi. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 13, 1900-01, 177-180. Bingham, (Col.) Charles 7'[homas], & Thompson, H. N. On the birds collected and observed in the southern Shan States of Upper Burma. [1900.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. JL, 69 {Pt. 2\, 1901, 102-142. Bingham, (il/cs.) li. F. Flora near Santa Barbara, Cal. Bot. Gaz., 12, 1887, 33-35. An American Papaver. Bot. Gaz., 12, 1887, 67. Bink, G. L. Drei Monate in der Humboldt-Bai (Neu- guinea). Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 13, 1894, 22-30. . Drie maanden aan de Humboldtsbaai. [1896.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 39, 1897, 143-211. Binkard, A. IK Abundance of Datana Angusii. [1889.] U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 2, 1889-90, 149-150. Binna, Luiiji. Contribuzione alia flora sarda. Nuovo Giorn, Bot. Ital., 18, 1886, 115. Binney, Amos. For biographical notice see Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 4, 1888, 122-123. Binney, E[(hoarii] W[iHiam\ For biography and works see Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem., 9, 1883, 447-464. . •Obser\'ations on the structure of fossil jilants found in the Carboniferous strata. Palseont. Soc. Monogr., 21, 1868; 24, 1871; 25, 1872; 29, 1875, 147 pp. in uU. Binney, TI'[iW(nm] G. Notes on the jaw and lingual dentition of pulmonate mollusks. [1884.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 3, 1883-85, 79-136. . [First — fourth supplements] to the fifth volume of the terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the United States and adjacent territories. Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 11, 1883-85, 135-166 ; 13, 1886-88, 23-48 ; 19, 1890, 183-226 ; 22, 1891-92, 163-204. A manual of American land shells. U. S. Mus. Bull., 28, 1885, 528 pp. Binnie, [Sir] .■ilc.raiider Fichtirdson. On mean or average annual rainfall, and the fluctuations to which it is subject. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 109, 1892, 89-133. Presidential address to the Mechan. Sci. Sect, of the Brit. Assoc, Bradford, Sept. 6th. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 855-867. Binnie, W. J. E. Account of experiments to determine the variations in size of drops with the interval between the fall of each. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1890, 731. The Mesozoio rocks of the north-east coast of Ireland. [1888.] Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 11, 1891, 53-67. Account of an electric self-recording rain gauge. [1891.] Meteorol. Soc Quart. JL, 18, 1892, 6-11. A self-registering rain-gauge. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1900, 870-871. Blnnsj Georfie J. Coal mining in New Zealand. [Il'i(/i discussinn.) N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 35, 1886, 175-220. On a striated rock surface from Boatman's, near Eeefton. [1888.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 21, 1889, 335-336. Mining in New Zealand. [With discussioii.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 3, 1892, 644-680; 4, 1893, ,59-82; r,, 1893, 31-81. Notes on borings at Nethcrseal, Ashby-de-laZouch, Leicestershire. [1897.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 13, 1898, .595-597. Binns, Geunje J., & Harrow, Georye. On the occurrence of certain minerals at Nethcrseal colliery, Leicestershire. \]Vith diseussion.] [1897.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 13, 1898, 252-;255. Binot, Jetni. Etude exp^rimentale sur le tetanos. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 409-410. Binstead, (Rev.) C. II. Mosses. Some interesting mosses from the neighbourhood of Kington. [1898.] Woolhope FieM Club Trans., 1895-97, 30.5-306. Binstead, (Rev.) C. H., & SH^Uex, Sophie. See M^Uer iV Binstead. Binswanger, Otto [Ludwig]. *Experimentelle Beitriige zur Pliysiiilogie der Grosshirnrinde. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl.,' 1879, 314-315. . Die pathologische Histologic der Dementia paralytica. Jena. Sber., 1884, 1-5. Ueber einen Fall von Porencephalic. Virchow, Arch., 102. 1885, 13-25. Ueber Sensibilitiitspriifungen bei Tabes und Tabes- paralyse. Neurol. CentrbL, 6, 1887, 25-31. Ueber den heutigen Staudpunkt der Hypnotismus- forschung. [Mltli diseussion.] [1887.] AUg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 44, 1888, 499-.502. Kritische und experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Pathogenese des epileptischen Anfalls. Arch. Psychiatr., 19, 1888, 759-808. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Pathogenese des epileptischen Anfalles. 3. Mittheilung. Eeizversuche an subcorticalen Centren des Hundes; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Physiologie desselben. [1889.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr!, 46, 1890, 519-521. Demonstrationen zur pathologischen Anatomic der allgemeinen progressiven Paralyse. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 618-622. Therapeutische Verwerthung der Hypnose in Irrenan- stalten. [1891.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr. , 48, 1892, 494- 523. Ueber die Pathogenese und klinische Stellung der Erschopfungspsychosen. [1896.] Arch. Psychiatr., 29, 1897, 978-982. Ueber die Behandhing der Erschopfungspsychosen mit Bakteriengilten . [1897.] Arch. Psychiatr., 30, 1898, 664. Beitriige zur Pathogenese und differentiellen Diagnose der progressiven Paralyse. Viichow, Arch., 154, 1898, 389-466. Binswanger, Otto [Liidwiij], * Berger, Haii-i. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Lymphcirculation in der Grosshirn- rinde. Virchow, Arch. , 152, 1898, 525-544. Biny, . Methode de correction pour la triangulation d'une carte gf'ographique ou topographique. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1890 (P(. 2), 897-910. Procede rapide permettaut de verifier, a priori, d'apr^s une carte quelconque, si deux positions g(!'0graphiques clevees peuvcnt communiquer par la telegraphic optique. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 2), 910-913. Binz, Arthur. Ueber das optische Drehungsvermogen homologer und isomerer Terpenderivate. Ztschr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 723-741. Ueber die Auwendung von kiinstlichem Indigo und iiber den Versuch einer Theorie der Indigokiipe. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1898, 99-102. Neuc Versuche betreffs der die Athmungsthiitigkeit erregenden Eigenschaft des Weines. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1898 (B), 4-6. Ueber Indigokiipen. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 1), 86-89. Die Mercerisation der BaumwoUe. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 595-600. . Zur ek'ktrolytisclien Indigokiipe. [1898.] Ztschr. Elektrocli.. 1898 99. 5-9. Ueber Kiiiiunbildung durch galvanisch abgesehiedenes Zink. |1H9S.| Ztschr. F.lektroch., 1898-99, 10;i-108. Binz, Arthur, & Hagenbach, August. Ueber die reduzie- Binz] 563 [Bioche rende Wirkung elektrolytisch abgeschiedcner Metalle. [1899.1 Ztschr. Kli-ktioch., 1899 1900. •2r,I-271. Blnz, Arthur, iV Freusa, /.. Scr Freuss iV Blnz. Blnz, Arlhiir, A Bung, F. Ueber die lleHtimiiiimK des linlit,'olinN auf dcr l-'iisir. Ztsclir. Angew. Cheui., 1898, y04-90.'>. Uebor die Ausnutxiing des Imligoa in der Kiipenfar- berei. Ztschr. Angew. Cheni., 1898, yoT-OGO. Ueber die Zinkstaubkiipe. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 189i9, 489-494, r,lo-r>20. Ueber die Wiikun;;sweise des Alkalis in der Indigokiipe. Ztschr. Angew. Chcin., 1900, 412-118. Blnz, Arthur, & vrallach, Olio. He,' vraUacta & Blnz. Blnz, .'l».(/»x(. Beitriigu zur Morphologie und I'.iitstehungs- geschichte der Stiirkekiirner. Flora, 7(J, 1892, ;14-91. Binz, C[r], .V Schmorl, Georg. Sir Schmorl cV Birch-Hirschfeld. Birch-Reicbenwald Aars. N<'<' Aars. Birchall, Kdirin. I'Vir biograjiliical notice see Ent. Month. Mar., 21, 1884 85, 23. Birchmore, U'oodbridiie Hall. The identification of the blood of individuals'. N. V. Med. Jl., 72, 1900, 10-13. Bird, [7'.], & Hargreaves, .James. See Hargreaves & Bird. Bird, C., & Hume, ]\'[illiam] I'\raser]. Excursion to Hurhani and Aylesford. [1895.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 14, 1896, 194-195. Bird! 565 [Birkeland Bird, C. A . On the Reasonal dimorphiBm of MelanitiH Leda. Km. Kecord, 9, 1897, 3"). Bird, C. union Ooldlng-. .S'.v Ooldlng-Blrd. Bird, !■'. V. J. Null' oil ilic li. I'. ]irii(i>.s fc.r tlu' entimation of iiiorpliinuiiiu|iiuiii. (1«H7.1 I'lmriii. Jl., 18, 1888, 470. Apparatus for upward liltratiijii. Pharin. Jl., \H, 1888, 703-704. Dci-roetinised ipecacaanba. [1893.] Phanii. .Jl., "24, 1894, 211-212. Acetic extract of ipecacuanha. Phami. .11., 1. 1896, 158-1.59. Medicinal petroleum. Pliarm. .11., 5, 1897, \'>'A-\iH. Assay of belladonna plaster. Analyst, 24, 1899, 175- 17(i. Miscilile liiiuid extract of ipecacuanha. Phami. Jl., 9, 1899, 88-H'J. The soluliility of pepsin in alcohol. Pharm. Jl., 11, 1900, lO.'i. The oilicial processes for the assay of ipecacuanlia, belladonna and nnx vomica. Pharm. Jl., 1(1, 1900, 17u- 178, 30G-308, 334-335, 414-410, 532-534, 690-692; 11, 1900. 195-197, 214-215. The assay of nux vomica. Pharm. Jl., 11, 1900, 574- 575. Bird, G. li. On mercurous hydrate. Amer. Chem. Jl., 8 (1886), 426-427. Analysis of "pure zinc" made by the Bertha Zinc Companv, Pulaski county, Va. Amer. Chem. Jl., 8 (18861, 431-432. Bird, George. Notes on some of the rarer plants found on the Dovrefjeld, N'orwav. in July 1888. [1888.] Edinb., 13ot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 410-415. On the Dovrefjeld, Nornav. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [12], 1890. 12.5-128. Bird, IttnTij. Notes on the noctuid genns Hydrcecia. Canad. Eut., 30, 1898, 126-133. Southern noctuids at Rye, N. Y. Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 134-136. New histories in Hydrcecia. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 22r>-234, 276-283. Bird, (ilu.i) UaheWi L. See Biahop, (.1/rs.). Bird, Maurice. On a chlorite from Albemarle Co., Virginia. [18*5.] AmiT. Chem. Jl., 7 (1885-861, 181. Bird, Mauri,-,'. Rosa, It. B., * BSartin, IC. P. See Kosa, Bird .V' Martin. Bird, (iitr.) .Maurice C[harles] Hliltoii]. Notes on Ballus a(juaticus. [1895.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 6, 1899, 117-118. Bird, {Deputy Surg.-Geii.) Robert. For biographical notice see Indian Med. Uaz., 20, 1892, 83-84. Beniarks on the nature of nerve motion or force. Indian Med. Gaz., 20, 1885, 241-248. Bird, ir. li. M.. Stratten, (. ('.. Jameson, ^ . ,v WTilte- hom, /■.'. .SV.' Stratten, Bird, Jameson ,\ VThltebom. Bird, ir. '/. Tilt- SMUtli l>urh}im salt tied and a^suciated strata. [1888-89.] Manehe.ster Geol. Soc. Trans., 19, 1888, 504-577; 20, 1890, 263-265. Notes on the Seaton Carew boring. [1888.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 38, 1891, 21-25. Bird, ir. .r . A Armstrong, ir[i7Iiam] (jiin.). See Arm- strong A Bird. Birds, -lamc^ .i,!,!/. For biography and works see Geiil. Mug.. 2, 1895. 192; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 51, 1896, Kiv. Birdsall, ir(i7;inHi] ]i[andall]. 'The embryogeny of the sympathetic. .Arch. Med., 1, 1879. 138-149. The cliff dwellings of the cafions of the Mesa Verde. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 23 (1891). .584-620. Therapeutic experiments with nitrogen monoxide. N. V. Med. Jl., 53, 1891, 200-209. Birdwood, ll[erbert] M[ilh]. A catalogue of the flora of Mahableshwar and Matheran. [188(>-96. ] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 1. 1886, 203-214; 2, 1887, 107-132; 10, 1895-97, 394-439. BlTB*, J-:[iliriird] Al$ahel]. Liat of Crustacea Cladooera from Madison, Wisconsin. Wisconsin Ac. Trans., 8, 1893, 379-398; 9, 1893, 275-317. A re|>ort on a collection of C'ladocera, mostly from Lake St. Clair, Michigan, with a table of species. [1894.] Michigan, Fish Comm. Itcp., II, 1898 (IJull., So. 4), 45-46. On the vertical distribution of the [leUgic Crustacea of Lake Mendota, Wis., during July 1894. Biol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 353-355. Tlie Vertical distribution of the limnetic Crustacea of Lake Mendota. Biol. Centrbl., 17. 1897. 371-374. Some of the problems of limnology. [1899. J Science, II. 1900, 253-2.55. Birge, I:[,licarthrooxvauthrachinoncarbon8aure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20^ 1887. 2438-2439. Birkeland, Kr[istiau]. En ceneralisation af Stlvestebs skjiive pantograf. Tidsskr. Math., 5, 1887, 17-18; Fortschr. Math., 1887, 533. Bidrag til theorien om bevagelige staugsystemer. [1880] Arch. Math. Naturrid., 12, 1888, 361-364. Ein Satz iiber algebraische Curven. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 1, 1890, 417-424. Electrische Schwingangen in Drabten, directe Mes- sung der fortschreitenden Welle. Ann. Phys. Chem., 47. 1892. .58;i-612. Quelques applications de la theorie de Potxtiso sur le niouvemeut de I'l nergie dans I'espace. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 3(1, 1893, 186-188. Ondes electriques dans des fils ; la depression de I'onde qui se propage dans des conductears. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R.. 116. 1893, 93-96. Sur les ondes electriques dans des fils ; la force i'lectrique dans le voisinage du conducteur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893. 49,1-502. Sur les ondes ilectriques le long de fils minces ; calcul de la depression. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 116, 1893. 62.5-627. Sur la reflexion des ondes electriques a I'eitremit^ d'un conducteur lin^aire. Paris, Ac Sci. C. B.. 116, 1893, 803-806. Ueber die Strahtune elcctromacnetischer Energie im Raume. Ann. Phys. Chem.. 52, 189i, 357-380. Ueber die Retleiion und Resoiianz der Hertz'schen electrischen Schwingungeu. ErkUrung der Hagenbacb- Zehnder'schen Versache. Ann. Phys. Chem., 52, 18M, 48IV-495. Sur I'aimantation produite par des oourants Herlziens. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat.. 31, 1894. 388-390. Sur laimantation produite par des coorants Hertziena. Un diilectriqne magn^tiqae. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 1320-1324. Birkeland] 566 [Birkinbine Om krafttransmission, sferlig i et elektromagnetisk felt. TidsBkr. Pliys. Cheiii., 33, 1894, 353-373; Arch. Sei. Phys. Nat., 33, 1895, 297-309. [En almindelig losning af Maxwell's ligninger for et absorberende medium.] Christiania Forh., 1895 (Overs.), C-7. Solution gent-rale des equations de Maxwell pour un milieu absorbaut homogene et isotrope. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 1046-1049 ; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1896, 5-56. — Sur les rayons cathodiques sous Taction de forces magn(5tique8 intenses. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1, 1896, 497-512. Sur un spectre des rayons cathodiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K. , 123, 1896, 492-495. Om indsugning af katodestraaler mod en magnetisk pol. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 20, 1898, No. 15, 28 pp. ; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., C, 1898, 205-228. Sur le spectre des rayons cathodiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 228-231. Sur une analogic d'action entre les rayons lumineux et les lignes de force magnetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 586-589. Kecherches sur les taches du Soleil et leur origine. Christiania Skr. iMath.-Niit. KL), 1899, No. 1, 173 pp. Birkeland, Kr[isliait], & Sarasin, Edoimrd. Sur la nature de la reflexion des ondes electriques au bout d'un fil conducteur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 618- 622; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 685-691. .Set' II ho Sarasin & Birkeland. Birkenhead, G. A. Lepidoptera of the Vale of Neath. [1892.] Cardiff Nat. Soe. Trans., 26, [1895], 14-17. Note on mole cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris) found by Mr. Pettigkew on Ely common in the summer of 1896. Cardiff Nat. Soc. Trans., 29, 1897, 67-68. Birkenmajer, Liulunk. 0 ksztaicie i grawitacyi sferoidu ziemskiego. [On the figure and gravitation of the ter- restrial spheroid.] Krakow, Ak. {Mat.-1'rzyrod.) Rozpr., 14, 1886, 44-68. Ueber die durch die Fortpfianzung des Lichtes her- vorgerufenen Ungleichheiten in der Bewegung der phy- sischen Doppelsterne. Analyse der Bahu J Ursie majoris (Struve 1523). Wien, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 (Abth. 2), 713-788. Nowa teoryja ksztaltu i grawitacyi ziemi. [New theory of the figure and gravitation of the earth.] Krak6w, Ak. {Mat.-Frzijrod.) Pam., 13, 1887, 31-80. 0 rownowadze kinetycznej piynu niesciiShwego. [The kinetic e(iuilibrium of au incompressible fluid.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Prztjrod.) Rozpr., 19, 1889, 22-5-235. ■ O niewyzyskanym dotg,d szczegi51e z astronomii starozytnej przeehowanym u Tac\ta. [Sur un fragment d'astronomie ancienne, conserve par Tacite, et son importance pour I'histoire de cette science.] [1890. J Krak6w, Ak. [MaL-Przi/rod.) Rozpr., 1, 1891, 135-165; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1890, 100-104. Krakowskie tablice syzygij6w dla r. 1379 i 1380. Przyczynek do dziejbw astronomii w Polsoe w XIV'"" wieku. [Tables des syzygies, calcul(5es i Cracovie pour I'an 1379 et 1380. Contribution i Thistoire de I'astro- nomie en Pologne du XIV" si^cle.] [1890.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-rr;i/rod.) Kozpr., 1, 1891, 261-285; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull. ,1890, 259. Wypadki pomiarow aiiy skladowej poziomej mag- netyzmu ziemskiego wykonane w Tatraoh w r. 1H91. [Messungen der relativen magnetischen Horizontalin- tensitiit ausgefiihrt an einigen Punkten in der Tatra im Jahre 1891.] Krakow, Ak. (.Miit.-l'rzyrod.) Rozpr., 4, 1893, 206-228; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull'., 1892, 188-190. — — Martin Bvlica z Olkusza, oraz narzc^dzia astrono- miczne, ktore zapisat Uniwersytetowi Jagelloriskiemu w roku 1493. [Martinus Bylica von Olkusz und die astronomischen lustnnnente, welche er der Krakauer Uuiversitat vermacht hat.] [1892.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.- Przyrod.) Rozpr., 5, 1893, 1-164 ; Cracovie kc. Sci. Bull., 1892, 98-110. O zasadniczych wzorach refrakcyi astronomicznej. [Ueber die Grundformeln der astronomischen Refraction.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 4, 1893, 44-55; Fortschr. Phys., 1893 (Ahth. 2), 46. Notiz betreffend die Umlaufszeit des fiinften Jupiters- satelliten. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 279-280. Przeglad wazniejszych post^pow na polu astronomii dokonanych w cijigu r. 1893. [Review of the more important advances in the field of astronomy made during the year 1893.] Kosmos (Lwow), 19, 1894, 63- 70, 201-221. 0 wo-Jywie temperatury na ruch zegarow a zwiaszcza chronometrdw. [Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf den Gang der Uhreu, insbesondere der Marinechrono- meter.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przijrod.) Rozpr., 10, 1896, 357-392; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1896, 78-79. Wyznaczenie diugoSei wahadta sekundowego w Kra- kowie oraz dwocli innych miejscowoSciach W. X. Kra- kowskiego. [Experimeutelle Bestimniung der Liinge des Secundenpendels fiir Krakau und zwei andere Ortschaften im Grossherzogthum Krakau.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.- Przi/rod.) Rozpr., 12, 1896, 322-389 ; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull, 1896, 72-78. Materyaty do geomagnetyzmu w Tatrach polskich. [Materials for geomagnetism in the Polish Tatra.] Krakow Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 31, 1896 (Cz. 1), [243]- [246]. • Zapiski termo- i hypsometryczne kilku zrodel tatrzaii- skich. [Thermo- and hypsometric notes on some springs in the Tatra.] Krakow Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 31, 1896 (Cz. 1), [247]. O pewnem twierdzeuiu z teoryi liczb. [Ueber einen zahlentheoretischen Satz.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 7, 1896, 12-14; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 141. Spostrzezeuia meteorologiczne w Tatrach wykonane przygodnie w latach 1890-94. [Meteorological observa- tions made in the Tatra, 1890-94.] Krakow Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 32, 1897 (Cz. 1), [201]-[211]. Wyniki pomiar6w nat^zenia siiy ci^zkosci w kilku miejscowisciacli Galicyi zachodniej. [Experimentelle Bestimniung der Intensitiit der Schwerkratt an einigen Punkten in Westgalizien.] [1897.] Krakbw, Ak. (Mat.- Przi/rod.) Rozpr., 13, 1898, 812-347; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1897, 301-302. Meteor. Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 575. 0 stosunkach temperatury g+^bokich jezior tatrzari- skich w rdznych g+^bokosoiach i roznych porach roku. [On the temperature of the Tatra lakes at various depths and at various seasons of the j'ear.] [1894.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mot.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 19, 1901, 186-411. Birkenwald, Paul. Ueber das iitherische Oel von Sinapis juncea. Kepertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 696. Beitriige zur Chemie des atherischeu Senfols. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 29, 1890, 737-742, 753-756, 769-773, 785-787, 802-807. Ueber Darstellung von salicylsaurem Eserin. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 30, 1891, 657-659. Birkbimer, li'iit. K. *Memoir on the use of homing pigeons for military purposes. [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1882, Pt. 1, 951-955. Birkinbine, John. 'Charcoal as a fuel fi>r metallurgical processes. [1882.] Amer. Inst. Min. Kngin. Trans., 11, 1883, 78-88. The Cerro de Mercado (Iron Mountain) at Durango, Mexico. [1884.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 13, 1886, 189-209. Rainfall and water supply. Franklin Inst. Jl., 123, 1887, 277-297. Notes upon American iron ore deposits, with special reference to those visiti'd by the Iron and Steel Institute Birkinbine] 567 [Bir6 in the northern portion of the United StateB. Iron & Steel Inst. .11., 1890 {Spir. Vol.), 361-102. ProgresH in mngnctie eonocntration of iron-ore. [1890.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trann., 19, 1891, 656-674. The production of iron ores in various parts of the world. [1895.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Hep., 1894-96 {I't. .3), 21-218. [Mineral reaourccBof thcU. S. A.] Iron ores. [1896- 99.] U. S. Geol. Surv. IU]>., 1895-96 {I'l. 3), 23-43; 1896-97 (Pi. 5), 23-50; 1897-98 (I'l. 6, Vol. 1), 2:^-63; 1898-99 {PI. 6, Vol. 1), 27-.')9. [Mineral resources of the U. S. A.] Manganese ores. [1897-99. J Ti. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1896-97 (Pt. 5), 291-328; 1897-98 (Pt. 6, Vol. 1), 91-125 ; 1898-99 (Pi. 6, . Vol. 1), 125-1.")8. The iron-ore supply. [1897.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 27, 1898, 519-528. Distribution of the world's production of pigiron. [1900.) Auier. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 30, 1901,. 504-518. Birkinbine, .hilin, d' Edison, 'riioman .1. The concentra- tion of inin-ore. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 17, 1889, 728-714. Blrkman, (!. List of aculeate Hynienoptera, taken at I'eiior. Lee county, Tex. Pliilnd., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 244-2 ».->. Blrkner, ( Willielm 0»kar]. Ein neues Grvibenthermometer. Jl)u-li. Berg- u. Hiittenw., 1898, 108-111. Blrkner, Ferdimind. [Neue Beitriige zur physischen Authropologie der Bayern.] ii. Zur Anthropologie der Hand init besonderer Beriick.sichtigung der als Ras- senmerkmal angegebenen Scliwimmhiiute. Beitr. An- throp. Bayerns, 11, 1896, 14.5-204. Das Schiidelwachsthum der beiden amerikanischen Mikrocephalen (sog. Azteken) Maximo und Babtoijv. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1897, 15.S-154. Ueber die sog. Azteken. [1897.] .\rch. f. .\nthrop., 25, 1898, 45-59. Einiges iiber Zwergenwuchs. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1898, 188-192. Die verschiedenen Metboden der Edrpermessung. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1899, 132-1.33. Blrkner, Oscar. Ueber die Niederpchlagsverhiiltnisse des Kiinigreichs Sachsen. [1886.] Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1886, 13-74. Die wi.ssenschaftlichen Erhebungen zur Wasser- katastrophc in der siichsisclien Oberhiusitz am 18. Mai 1887. Meteorol. Ztschr., 6 (1889). 361-367. Einige Ergebnisse der Hagelforschung ira Eonigreich Sachsen. Wetter, 6, 1889, 97-101. Die Dauer der Schneedecke ira Bereiche des .siichsiscben Erzgebirges. Meteorol. Ztschr., 7 (1890>, 201-20,5. Blrley, (.Vi.'<) < 'nroline, ct Copland, (Miss) L. See Copland iV Birley. Blrmlnghain, .Imbrofe. The homology and innervation of the " Achselbogen " and pectoralis quartns, and the nature of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thorax. Jl. Anat. I'hysiol., 23, 1889, 206-223. Single unilateral (sigmoid) kidney. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci.. 90. 1890. 47-.')0. Variuliility in the level of attachment of the lower limb to the vertebral axis in man. Jl. .\nat. Physiol., 25, 1891, 526-534. Specimen of spina bifida of the cervical vertebrse. [1892.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893. viii. Extreme anomalv of the heart and great vessels. [1892.] Jl. Anat. Physiol.. 27, 1893, 1.39-1.50. The muscles of the external ear. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 98, 1894, 288-302. The nerve of Wrisbebo. [1895.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 30, 1896, 63-69. Asvmmetrv of the sternum. [1896.] Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., i03, 1897, 31-37. Tlie topographical anatomy of the spleen, pancreas, duodenum, kidneys, etc. Illustrated by a ca»t of these viscera hardened in situ. [1896.] Jl. Anat. Phyniol., 31, 1897, 9.5-113. The shape and position of the blaflder in the child. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 45>+-4r,7. A study of the arrangement of the muscular fibres at the upper end o( the usopbagns. [189«.) Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, lii-21. The arrangement of the muscular fibres of the stomach. [189m.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 22-;i0. Some points in the anat77.] Obnervatory, London, 1, 1878, 17-18. *lted and pmbably new star. Observatory, London, 4, 1881. 1H5. '.Meteors. Observatory, London. 4, 1881, 29-5-296. Birmingham, John, d- Eapin, ( /{«t>.) T. E. The red stars : observations and catalogue. [1888.] Irish Ac. Cunning- hnni Mem., 5, 1890. 202 pp. Bimbacher, .t/ui'ji. Ueber I'hakokele. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 30, 1884 (.l/,(/i. 4), 103-112. Eine angeborene .\nomalie am hinteren Augeupole. Arch. Aug.nheilk., l.'i, 1886, 159-160; Arch. Ophthalm., 15. 1886, 2.57-2.5H. Ueber cilio-retinale Gefisse. .\rch. .\upenheilk., 15, 1886. 292-294; Arch. Ophthalm., 16, 1887, 32-34. Ueber eine FarhenReaction der bclichteten und un- belichteten Netzhaut. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (.ihlh. 5), 1-7. Beitrag zum Chemisraus der Netzhaut. Deutsch. Xatf. Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, JlHIfle 2). 219-220. Bimbacher, .Aloii. k Czermak, Wilhelm. Beitriige zur patlicilogischen Anatomic des Glaucoms. Vorliiufige Mittheilung. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 31, 1885 (Abth. 1), 297-300. Beitriige zur pathologisehen Anatomic and Palho- genese des (ilaucoms. .^rch. f. Ophthalm., 32. 1886 (.V,th. 2). 1-14«. 307. (.I'.f/i. 4), 1-94. Birnbacher, AInis, iV Hirschberg, J[u{iii<]. See EUrach- berg d Bimbacher. Bimbanm, Engcn. Beitriige zur Statistik der Kiefer- psclnviilste. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 28, 1888, 19',i-.-)70. Bimbanm, Karl. For biography and works iee Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber.. 20, 1887, 47.3-478: Leopoldina, 23, 1887. 57; Tidsskr. Phys. Chem.. 27, 1888. 2h«. Ueber die Zusamniensetzung des \Va.-i.*ers der neuen Mineralquellen in Freyersbach (im Kenchthal, Baden). Berlin, Chem. ties. Ber., 17, 1884, 1614-1615. Blmie, Rogers. Steel cylinders for gun construction. Stresses due to interior cooling. [1895.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 13. 1900. 87-102. Bimie, .Sffcifii]. Rechtstreeksohe waamcming der varmte- ontwikkelinc bij condensatie van een damp tot vloeistof. Mnandbl. Nat.. 1887, 71-73. Blr6, /,(/;o». A homoki szolok k^sziilodS ellens^gc. [Ueber Peritelns familiaris. Boh.} Termt. Kozlon. . 24, 1893. 257-260: Math. Nat. Ber. Ungam, 10. X89S, 334. A d^leuropai termeszt (Termes lucifugos, Roni). [Ueber Termiten aus Siidungam (Termes lucifngus, iJoMi).] [1802.] Termt. Kozlon.. 25, 1893, 49; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungam. 10. 1893. 342-343. Az Oscinis frit nevii legyfajrol. (Ueber die Dipteren- gattung Oscinis frit.] Termt. Kozlon., 25. 1893, 497; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungam. 11, 1894, 407-408. Mag.varorPzagi merges pokok. [Venomous spiders of Hungary.] Termt. Kozlon., 26, 1894, 617-626. Bir6] 568 A fiumei iij barlang. [New cave at Fiame.] Terrat. Kozlon., 27, 1896, 636-638. Hiirom lij v:ik bogiir a Magyar faunaban. Coleoptera tria nova cavernicola e lamia HungariiB. Termr. Fiiz., 20 (1897), 447-448. Darazsolet Uj-Guineaban. [Wasp life in New Guinea.] Termt. Kozlon. , 29, 1897. 273-282. • Biologiscbe Mittheilungen aus Neu-Guinea. [1897.] Berlin. Ent. Ztsdir., 42, 1898, 129-138. Ueber Stimnie und Namen der Vogel auf Neuguinea. Ornith. Mber., 7, 1899, 73-76. Asztalkozosscg a legyelinel. Commensalismus bei Fliegen. Termr. Fiiz., 22 (1899), 196-204. Biron, Erflenij V[ladisIavovic]. PaajlOKBHie COJIII oaiiiil II3of)yTH.Ictli»ori KirciOXH. [Decomposition of barium fsobutylsulphate.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 {Cliem.), 1897, 697-698; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 20, 1898, 124. Oi'it oiipe;i,'fejieHiii xenjioeMKOCTii cciflnHXT) paCTBOpOBT, no MeTOay i[. 11. K0H0B.\.iI0Ba. [De- termination de la chaleur specifique des solutions, d'apres la metbode de ^1/. Konovalow.] Euss. Phys.-Cbem. Soc. Jl., 30 {Chew.), 1898, 355-366; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 3. TenjiocMKOCTT) boji,huxt. pacTBopoBt ctpHOfi KIIC.IOTU. [Chaleur specifique des solutions d'acide sulfurique.] Huss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Cheiii.), 1899, 171-203; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 917- 918. K^ Boiipocy 0 niapaTax'L cipHoft kiicioth. [Contribution to the question of the hydrates of sul- phuric acid.] Russ. Phys.-Cliem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Clwm.), 1899, 517-522; Jl. Phys. Chem., 4, 1900, 630. OjiH.ienie boji,oio asoTHOKiiciaro STiijia. [Hy- drolysis of ethyl nitrate bv water.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Ciinii.), 1900, 636-637, 6.56-667; JParis Soc. Chim. Bull., 26, 1901, 285-286 [Ft. i.]; Chem. Soc. Jl., 80, 1901 {Abs., PI. 1), 111 [Pt. II.]. ^t.HCTBie ioxiicTaro ;iTn.iia Ha asoTHOKiicjioe cepeopo. [Action of ethyl iodide on silver nitrate.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 {Chem.), 1900,667-673; Chem. Soc. JL, 80, 1901 {Ahs., Pi. 1), 111-112. Biron, Evgenij V{ladishivovie\ & VTallach, Otto. See 'Wallach & Biron. Birot, Em. Sur ralimentation du betail. [1899.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1901, 5-31, Ivii-lxi. Birt, Ernest. On certain questions relating to the urinology of the insane. [1886.] Brain, 9, 1887, 362-384. Birt, W[illiiim] ll[iidcUir]. "Klein's crater near Hyginus. Observatory, London', 2, 1879, 349-351. "The landslip in Plato. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 17-20. 'Lunar physics. Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 47-51, 108-111. Birthler, Friedricli. Ueber die Varietiiten der sieben- biirgischen Kiiferart Carabus llothi, Dej. Hermannstadt Verb., 35, 1885, 69-76. Ueber siebenbiirKische Caraben und deren niichste Vcrwandte. Hermannstadt Verb., 36, 1886, 5.5-71. Birtwell, Francis J. Another example of curious nesting of the American redstart. Auk, 16, 1899, 184-185. An example of aptosochromatism, as influenced by diet, in Megascops asio. Auk, 16, 1899, 313-318. The occurrence of aptosochromatism in Passeriua cynnea. [1899.] Science, 11, 1900, 292-299. Birukov. See BlriuKov. Birulia, ,l/i/,K. Zur Komntiiis der russischen Galeodiden. /ool. Anz., 13, 1890, 2(11 209. Einiges iibcr den Mitteldarni dor Galeodiden. Biol. Centrbl., 11, 1891, 295-300. [Birulia Beitriige zur Kenntniss des anatomischen Baues der Geschlechtsorgane bei den Galeodiden. Vorlaufige Mit- teilung. Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892, 687-689. Zur Kenntniss der russischen Galeodiden. Soc. Ent. Ross. Horn;, 27, 1893, 82-90. Beitriige zur Acariden-Fauna Russlands. i. Ehyn- cholophus (Macropus) pluraifer, n. sp. Soc. Ent. Ross. Horie, 27, 1893, 387-390. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Geschlechtsorgane bei den Galeodiden. Soc. Ent. Ross. Horai, 28, 1894, 289-326. Ixodidffi novi vel parum cogniti Musei Zoologici AcademiiB CiEsareaB Scientiarum Petropolitanfe. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, 1895, 353-364. Ko.ii.ieKiua 6e3no3Bouo'iuuxT), coilpanHaji A. C. BoTKIIHUM'Ii. [Sur la collection des evertebres de M. A. BoTKiXK.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, vii-ix. ■ Miscellanea scorpiologica. [i, ii, iii & iv. Zur Synonymie der russischen Scorpione.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 229-245; 2, 1897, 377-.392; 3, 1898, 276-283; 5, 1900, 248-256. MatepiajiH jt-ia Cio.ioriii ii 3ooreorpa4)iir iipeiiMymecTBeHHO pyccKiixt Mopeft. [i. Kt> 4)ayHl5 MexyaiCo.ioBeuKaroaa.TiiBa. n. Hydrozoa, Polychffita II Crustacea Co6paHHBia JI,-p05n> A. C. BoTKiini,nn> bi. EHuceilcKou ii Oockoh rySaxi, .I'tTOMT. 1895 ro^a. III. OiepKT) 4iayHtl Crustacea- Decapoda jiopen MypiiaHCKaro ii Bi.iaro. rv. ;l,o- IIO.IHeHie Kt Crustacea-Decapoda B1;.iarO MOpfl. V. 0 saBiiciiMOCTii cTpoenifl HtKoropHX'B ni- Aponji,OBi. iioCopeHiH Co.iOBen,KiixF, o-bobi> ot-b (j)H3ii'jecKiiX'b ycioBift iixt MicToooirrauifl. vi. Crustacea-Decapoda, CofipaHHHH HayiHO-IipOMU- ciOBoft 3Kcneji,imiett lIoMopcKaro KoMiiTeia bi. 1898 r. y MypMaHa. vn. SaMiiKa o paKoo- 6pa3U£ixT), coCpanHHx'B a-poii'B A. C. BotkiihhmT) Bi 1896 II 1897 rr. BT, KapcKoiii. jiopi ii bt. Ka- HiiHCKO-ne'iopcKOMT) paiiOHt MypMancKaro Mopn. Recherches sur la biologic et zoogeographie, principale- ment des mers russes. i. Faune des Medu-ses du golfe de Solowetzki. ii. Hydrozoaires, PolycbC-tes et Crustaces, recueilhs par le Dr. A. Botkine dans les golfes du Euisei et de I'Obi. in. Essai d'une faune des Crustaces Decapodes de la mer Blanche et de la mer Mourmane. IV. Supplement a la faune des Decapodes de la iner Blanche, v. Sur les rapports eutre la structure mor- phologique de quelques Hydroides des cotes des lies de Solovetzk et les conditions physicales des lieux qu'ils habitent. vi. Decapodes recueillis dans la mer Mour- mane en 1898 par I'expedition du Coinite des Pomores. VII. Note sur les Crustaces recueillis par le Dr. A. S. Botkine en 1896 et 1897 dans la mer Kara et dans la region sud-est de la mer Mourmane.] St. PtHersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 327-354; 2, 1897, 78-116, 405-4.52; 3, 1898, 184-190, 203-214 ; 4, 1899, 20^38, 418- 448; Annee Biol., 1898, 519 [Pt. vn on/;/]. ;3aMt.TI!a o BUAaxi. p0,il,a Amphicteis, Gnibe, Bojifliuiixoi Bi. ^eimoMT, II KacniricKoin> Mopflxi. [Note sur les espices du genre Amphicteis, Gnihe, de la mer Noire et Caspienue.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1897, 9-26. Kl. fiio.norill [Sur la biologic du] Chrysochraon dispar, (lermar. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 3, 1898, iv-v. IIoBi.iii BiiAi. civoiniioiia ,vi!i pvcrKoii (|iayiii.i. [Sur un scorpion, nouveau pour la faune de la Russie.] Birullal r,r,9 [Bischoff St. Wtcrsb. Mufl. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annii.. 4, 1899, xiv-xv. f'unpiiioiii.i ('|ic;i,ii:!t'Miio.Mn|ici;on iio,i6.iii('Tll, xpaiDiiuii'iii III. -ioo.ioi ii'i('<'i;oMi. My:ii'l; IIsiiic- paiopcicarn I^IocKoncKaro >iiiint'pciiTOTa. Soor- pioneM nicditeirnnii MiiHci ZooloKiei MciR(|iicnKi8. MoR- cow, Soc. Sci. liull., 9H (.V„. 1), 1900, 8-20. Beitiii|.!e zur Kciinlniss tier Scorpionon fauna Out- PersienH. St. PiitcTBb. Ac. Sci. Bull., V2, 1900, S.'i.'i-HTo. Ein BcitrnK zur Keiintiiiss der Scorpinnciifaiiiiii Kleinasioiifl. |1000.] Soc. lint. Boss. Honit, Xi, 1901, l:i2-110. Biaanz, (Imtav. Studie iiber ein Zellengewdlbe. Fdrster, AIIk. liiiuzcitg., .5:t, 1888, 30-81, 48. BUbee, /). /(. Nitrogen compounds of the soil. [181)4.] lowii Ac, Sci. I'riM',, •>. 1896, UC. Blabee, I>. /.'. . A Patrick, (1. 1:. See Patrick A- Biabee. Blscaro, (iitif.i jjpf. Os.sfivnzioni huUh dutciniiiiaziuno volumetrica del cloro col proccaso del Monii. [188.'j.] Venezia, IhI. Atti, 1884-86, 203-301; Ann. di Chim., 1, 1886, 241-248. Studio del miscuplio d'ipoclorito di calcic commercinle ed acido fenico usato in Padova nell' estate 1884 come antisutlico. [188(1.] Vunczia. lat. Atti, 1886-86, Gflif-IJTl. Blscaro, (liiiseppe, & Bplca, Giovanni. See Splca A- Blscaro. Blscaro, (Huseppe, & Bplca, Pietro. See Bplca & Blscaro. Blschler, Au[i[ugt]. Condensationaproductc aus Fiira- tohiidiii mit Paranitrolnttermimdelol. Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, B3(l2-330fi. Condenaationsproducte aus Basen der Parareibe mit Paranitro- und Mctunitrobittermandelol. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3207-3219. Uebcr o-Nitniplienylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 210-241, 2801-2809. Ueber Pbenniiazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, .500-508. Ueber das Pipcrazin. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891. 71C)-718. • Uebcr die Entstehung eiuiger substituirter Indole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2.i, 1892, 28(i0-2879. Ueber eine neue Sjnthese von Pyrazolderivaten. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 2.5, 1892, 3143-3146 ; 2G, 1893, 1881-1890. Zur Kenntnisa der Phenmiazinderivate. Berlin, Cboni. Ges. Ber., 2r,, 1893, 1891-1903. Blschler, Auff[iiiit], A' Barad, I)[iiri(1]. Zur Kenntniss dir Phenmiazinderivate. lierlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 2.5, 1892. 3080-3097. Blschler, .lii//[ii.''f {. A' Banr-ThnrBan, Albert. See Banr- Thurgau A' Blschler. Blschler, .!»;/[».<(], A Brodsky, S[alomon]. Ueber Meta- nitro- und Parabromortlionitrophenvlbvdraziu. Berlin, Chem. Vies. Ber., 22, 1889. 2809-2818. Blschler, . I «<;[».<»], & Burkart, ICil[wtnl]. Zur Kenntniss der I'lunmiazinderivato. Merlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893. 1319-135:). Blschler, .iuii[u.tt]. A' Fireman, Peter. Zur Kenntniss oinitier a/S-Dipbenvlindoli'. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2(!. 1893, 1336-1349. Blschler, Aii!i[u.-!t]. & Bowell, /•"[«(f«ri"cfc] J[ohn]. Zur Kenntniss dor Phenmiazinderivate. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber.. 26, 1893. 1384-1399. Blschler, .li((7[ii.sfl, A- Lang, M[(irtin]. Zur Kenntnisa der Pbonmiazinderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28,1896, 279-293. Blschler, .4M.(;[H.'ifl. A' Montendam, II[enilrik] llelruf]. Zm Kountniss der Phenmiazinderivate. Berlin, Chem. (iea. B.T.. 28. 1896. 723-73S. Blschler, .lii;i|ii.den zur (iewinnang von mono-, di- und trisubstitiiirten Bemsteinsiiuren aus M.ilonsanre- ester. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber.. 23. 1890. 631-633. Ueber Trimetbylbemstoins.-inre und Dimetbvlslntar- siiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23. 1890. 1464-146><. Ueber die Einwirkung von Cblormethvl auf Napbtalin und die Constitution des ana Carminsaure gewonnenen KoblenwasscrstotTs C,,H,.,. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23. 1890. 1905-1908. Ueber einige Azofarbstoffe aus a-Napbtrlamin, Di- Bischoff] 570 [Bischoff methylanilin und a-Oxynaplitoesauve. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1908-1911. Ueber die Sullurirung von Anilin und Naphlylamin mit primarem Kaliumsulfat. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1912-1914. Ueber gebromte Brenzweinsiiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1924-1929. Synthese der Citracon- und Mesaconsaure aus Pro- penyltricarbonsiiureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1930-1937. Beitriige zur Stereochemie des Stickstoffs. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1907-1972. Stereochemische Studien in der Piperazin-Gruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1972-1976. Ueber den sogenannten Isohutenvltricarbonsiiureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber , 23, 1890, 3395-3399. . Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntuiss der Homologen der Maleinsiiuregruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3414-3423. Ueber Trimcthylbernsteinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1891, 1041-1049. Ueber Aethyl-, Propyl- und Benzyldiraethylbernstein- siiure. Berlin", Chem. 'Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1050-1064. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der substituirten Bcrusteinsiiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1064-1074. Theoretische Ergebnisse der Studien in der Bern- steinsauregruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1074-1085. Die dynamische Hypothese in ihrer Anwendung auf die Bernsteiusiiuregruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1085-1095. Weitere Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Fumarsaurereihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2001-2025. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Piperazingruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2940-2956. Ergebnisse der Studien iiber die Derivate der ein- und zweibasischen a-Oxysauren. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 153-188. Studien iiber Verkettungen. i. Alkylirung des Malon- und Acetessigsaureesters. [ii. Conjugirte Ma- lonsaureester. iii. Umsetzung -von Chloressigester mit Natrium-Malon- und -Acetessigestern. iv. Umsetzungen der Natrium-(Alkyl)-Malonsaureester mit a-Bromfett- saureestern. v. Umsetzungen der Natrium-(Alkyl) Acetessigester mit a-Bromfettsiiureestern. vi. Theo- retische Ergebnisse der Versuche iiber die Bildung Bubstituirter Aethenyltricarbonsiiure- und Aeotsnccin- saureester. vii. Kuppelung von Malonsiiureestern mittels einfacher Bindungen. viii. Kuppelung von Malonsauredimethylestern mittels doppelter Bindnng. IX. Kuppelung von Malonsiiurediiithylester mittels dop- pelter iSindung. x. Combinationen, welche zu Estern der Metbylacetylentetracarbonsaure (Butansiiure-2-Me- thylsiiure-3-Dimethylsiiure) fiihren sollten. xi. Com- binationen, welche zu Aethylacetylentetracarbonsaure- ester (PeutanE!iure-2-Methylsiiure-3-Dimethylsiiureester) fiihren sollten. xii. Quantitativer Verlauf der Synthesen von Estern fiinf-, sechs- und siebenbasiscber Fettsiiuren. XIII. Das Diiithyldisulfonmethau und der Dijithoxyma- lousiiureester. xiv. Das Anilin und die Bronifettsiiure- ester, xv. Das Anilin und dii; Bronii'ettsiiureamide. xvi. Die Bildung von Siiureaniliden. xvii. Orthotohiidin und Metatnluidin. xviii. Paratoluidin. xix. Mctaxyli- din im Vergleich mit Anilin und den Toluidinen. xx. Die Chlorauiline. xxi. Die Nitroaniline. xxii. Nitrotolui- dine im Vergleich mit den Nitro- und Chlor-Anilinen. XXIII. Ortho- und Para-Aniidophenol. xxiv. Das Benzylamin. xxv. Das Monomethylanilin. xxvi. Das Aethylanilin. xxvii. Das Bonzylauilin. xxviii. Das Diphenylamin. xxix. Das Piperidin. xxx. Carbazol, Aniidoazobetizol und Acetanilid. xxxi. Dimethylanilin und a-Bromfettaiiureestcr. xxxii. Vergleich der mit den a-Bromfettsiiureestern in Reaction gebrachten aro- matischen Basen. xxxni. Aromatische einsaurige Basen unda-Bromfettsiiurebromide. xxxiv. Aromatische zwei- siiurigeBasenunda-Bromfettsaurebromide. xxxv. Formal- dehyd und zwei.siiurige Basen. xxxvi. Natriummethylat und a-Bromfettsiiureathylester. xxxvii. Natriumiithylat und Bromfettsiiureester. xxxviii. Natrium-Propylat sowie -Isopropylat und a-Bromfettsaureester. xxxix. Die Natriumverbindungen der isomeren Butylalkohole und a-Bromfettsaureester. xl. a-Bromfettsaureester und die Natriumverbindungen des Isoamyl-, Octyl- und Iso- capryl-Alkohols. xli. Charakteristik der gesattigten einwertliigeu Alkohole gegeniiber den a-Bromfettsiiure- iithylestern. xlii. Phenoxypropionsauren und Derivate. XLiii. o-Pheuoxy-Buttersiiure, -Isobuttersanre und -Isovaleriansaure und deren Ester, xliv. Die drei Natriumkresolate und a-Bromfettsaureester. xlv. Na- triumxylenolate und a-Broralettsaureester. xLvi. Car- vacrol-, Thymol-, Pseudocumenol-Natrium und a-Brom- fettsaureester. XLVii. Natriumnaphtolate und o-Brom- fettsaureiithylester. xlviii. Guajacolderivate. xlix. Derivate der drei Oxybenzoesiiureathylester. l. Die drei Natriumnitrophenolate. li. Derivate von gechlorten undgebromten Phenolen undUebersichtderquantitativen Umsetzungen von Natriumverbindungen einwerthiger Phenole mit a-Bromfettsaureathylestern. lii. Derivate des Brenzcatechins. liii. Derivate des Eesorcins und Orcins. liv. Derivate des Hydrochinons.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2616-2631, 2,824-2835; 29, 1896, 966-971, 972-978, 979-982, 982-989, 1276-1280, 1280-1286, 1286-1293, 1504-1514, 1514-1521, 1741-1750; 30, 1897, 487-491, 2303-2310, 2310-2315, 2315-2322, 2464-2468, 2469-2475, 2476-2480, 2760-2764, 2764-2768, 2769-2775, 2926-2930, 3169-3173, 3174-3178, 3178-3180, 3450; 31, 1898, 2672-2677, 2678-2683, 2839-2847, 2817- 2854, 3015-3024, 3025-3033, 3286-3240, 3241-3248, .3248-3258, 3677, 3680 ; 32, 1899, 1748-17.55, 1755-1761, 1761-1766,1940-1947, 1948-19-53, 19.53-1960; 33,1900, 924-931, 931-939, 1249-1261, 1261-1269, 1269-1277, 1380-1392, 1392-1397, 1398-1407, 1591-1602, 1603-1611, 1668-1676, 1076-1086, 1686-1692, 4191, 4192. Bischoff, C[nii] A[dam], & Hausdorfer, A[rthur]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Jod auf Natriummalonsaureester- derivate. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 110-131. . Ueber die Producte der Destination von citronensauren Salzen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1915-1918. . Ueber o- luid p-Ditolyl und /3-DiMapht3'lpiperazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.," 23, 1890, 1981-1986. Ueber Dipheuyl-a-7- und -a-5-diacipiperazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.," 23, 1890, 1987-1991. Ueber Derivate des Ortliotolylglycins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1991-1996." Ueber Derivate des Paratolylglycins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1997-2002. Ueber Derivate des a- und /9-Naphtylglycins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2003-2009. Ueber Derivate der Auilido- und o-Toluidoessigsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2270-2280. Ueber Paratolylglycin und seine Derivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.," 25," 1892, 2280-2290. Ueber Derivate der Napbtalidoessigsiiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2290-2298! Ueber Derivate der a-Amidopropionsaurc. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2298-2313. Ueber Acidoxylderivate des Aethylen-Diphonyl- und Ditolyldiamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3253-3262. Ueber neue Derivate des o- und /3-Naphtylamins, welche iisyinmetrische Stickstoff- und Kohlenstofifatorae cnthaltcn! Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3263-3270. Bischoff, ('[(irl] A[imj, & Trapesonzjanz, Ch[alzeherei]. Wt-it.-re Jteitriige zur KenntniHH den Dipbenylpiperazins, Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1977-1981. Ueber Monoacipiperazine. Berlin, Chem. Gee. Ber., 25, 1892, 2931-2940. Bischoff, Clarl] A[(lam], * Voit, Klduard]. Ueber • ii>' Ijeiden symmelrisehen Dimethyll>cmKteinsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 389-391; 23, 1890, 039-044. Ueber die Beziehungen der beiden symmetrischcn Dimethylbernsteinsiiuren zur I'vrfXiinclionsaare. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890. 644-040. Bischoff, C[arl] A[dam], & VTalden, Paul. Ueber bi- substituirte Bernsteinsiiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1812-1818, 1819-1822. Ueber die physikalischen Constanten der substitnirU'D Aethenyltricarbonsiiureester. Berlin, Chem. Oes. Ber., 23, 1890, 600-004. Ueber das Leitvermogen der substituirten Bemstein- siiuren und Glntarsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 19.50-1958. Pe:iy.ii.TaTij ii3c.iiaoBaiiiji iipoiciBojiiuxi. ojiio II j.BysaMt.iueiiHiJXT. a-oi;ciii;iic.iOTi. [Resulw of an investigation of the mono- and di-substituted deriva- tives of the a-hvdroxy acids.] Buss. I'hys.-Chem. Soc. .71., 26 {Chem.), i892, 179-193. Ueber das Glyculid und seine Homologen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1893. 202-265. Die Anwendung der dynamischen Hypothese auf Ketonsiiurederivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., •26, 1893, 1452-1400, 2300. Ueber einijje .\nilide und Toluide welche in zwei Modilicationen auftreten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1161-1462. Ueber .\nomalien bei Vcrkettungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1491-1495. Ueber die Aethylenester der Glycol- und Oxalsaure und die Auhvdride a-halogeni.-^irter Fettsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2939-2952. Ueber Derivate der Glycolsaore. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 45-70. Ueber Derivate der Milchsaure. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894. 71-99. Ueber Derivate der beiden a-Oxybuttersauren. Liebig's .\nn., 279. 1894. 100-118. Ueber Derivate der Mandelsdure. Liebig's .\nn., 279, 1894, 118-1-29. Ueber Derivate der Aepfelsaure. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894. 130-137. Ueber Derivate der Weinsaare. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894. 138-152. Bischoff, C. If. Histologische Uutersachnngen iiber den Kintluss des Schneidens der Haare auf ihr Wachsthum. Arch. Mikr. .\.nat., 51, 1898, 091-703. Bischoff, Kriiit. Verlegung bcider Creteren durcb Ham- steine. .\nurie von 23tagigir Dauer. [1884.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 36. 1886. 183-188. Bischoff, Kriut. Einwirkung von salpetriger Saure anf Tetramethyliliamidobenzophenon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 21, 1888. 2452-2455. Ueber die Einwirkung von salpetriger Saare auf Tetramethyliliamidobenzophenon und diesem analoue K.irper. lierhn. Chem. Ges. Ber.. 22, 1889, 337-340. Einige Derivate des Desoiv benzoins. Berlin, Chem. (.,>. r.er.. 22. 1889, 346-348. ' Bischoff, Krnst. Beitrag zur patbologiscben Anatomie 72—2 Bischoff] 572 [Bishop der schweren aeuten Vervvintheit. Al!g. Ztschr. Psy- chiatr., 56, 1899, 702-797. Beitra^' zur Lebre von der seusorischen Aphasie nebst BemerkunRen iiber die Symptomatik doppelseitiser Schliifelappenerkrankung. Arch. Psychiatr., 32, 1899, 730-767. Ueber deu intramedulKiren Verlauf des Facialis. Neurol. Centrbl., 18. 1899, 1014-1016. — — Beitrap zur Anatomic des Igelgehirnes. Anat. Anz., IH. 1900. 848-3.08. Biscboff, //., & Foerster, Flritz]. Beitrag ziir Kenntnis der Elektrolyse von Chlorcalcium-Losungen. [1898.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1897-98, 464-470. Bischoff, li[ans], & Menzer, A[rtlniT August Ludwifi], Die Schnelldiagnose des Unterleibstyphus mittels der von PioRiiowsKi angegebenen Harugelatine. Ztschr. Hyg., 35, 1900, 307-348. Bischoff, ll[an^], & VTintgen, M[ax'\. Beitrage zur Con- servenfabrikation. Ztschr. Hyg., 34, 1900. 496-517. Bischoff, /;/[««,:]. Neue Beziehungen auf dem Geoid. Astr. Nac'hr., 119, 1888, 177-184. Bischoff, Theoit. Ueber die Sambaquys in der Provinz liio Grande do Sul (Brasilien). Ztschr. Ethnol., 19, 1887, 176-198. Bischoff-Ehinger, Andreas. *Entomologische Eeise von Vogogna nacli Macugnaga und dem Monte Moro nach Saas. [1867.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges.Mitth., 2, 1868, 193-215. Biscoe, T[)iomus~\ D. Longitudinal sections of head of blossoms of marigold. Amer. Micr. Jl., 12, 1891, 56. The Wenham binocular. Can it be made adjustable to a variable tube length? Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc, 14 (1892), 57-59. Biscoe, )['. 1". A tiger killing a panther. [1895,] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. ,11., 9, 1894-95, 490. Liquid discharge from cicada insects. [1896.] Bombay Nat. Hist, Soc. .Jl„ 10, 1895-97, 535-536. Biscons,' [7,s/rforc Hippolyte Anne], & Mouret, J. Note sur les effets de I'excitation du bout central du vague apres arrachement du spinal. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6ra., 46, 1894 (C. A',), 771-772. 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A visit to Haute Island in the Bay of Fundy. July 2(;th, 1KH7. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 14.5-140. Breeding dates of birds in King's countv. Nova Scotia. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 44-4.5. Keiuarkable nesting sites of the black snowbird. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 136-137. Nesting of the Canada grouse in captivity. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, H-11. Bisknp, . Vogelappetit. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mittli., K. 1884. 31. Bisky, htlius A. Notes from Queen's countv. Long Lslaiid. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887. 13-14. Blto, Ihmte. Metodo prntico per la ricerca dell' isotonia del sangue. Sperimentale, 1893 (.l/cm.), 230-233. Blsogni, Carlo. Nota prelimiuare sulla esistenza e strut- turn d° una nuova glandubi nell' astuecio linguale della Viperu Redii. Int. Jl. Anat., 11, 1894, 123-12U. Sur In correspondance nnaloniique du groupe glandu- laire sou.s-lingual avec les plaques jugulaires dans les serpents non veninieux. Int. Jl. Anat., 12, 1896, 187- 190 ; Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 4i)')-4'.l8. Intorno all' evoluzione del nucleo vitellino del Salticus scenicus e della Scutigera coleoptrata. Int. Jl. Anat., 12, 1896, 558-5G'2. Ossorvazioni intorno a speciali confonnazioni e ad alcune anomalie nellc unghie degli uecelli. Anat. .Adz. , 12, 1896. 2111-210. Le terniinazioni nervose nelle fibre lisce delle tuniche muscolari del tubo digerentc del Liniax subfuscus {Lin.), e del Limax agrestis (Li'ii.). Auat. Anz., 12, 1896, 249- 257. Intorno alia struttura del guscio delle nova dei Viperidie. Int. Jl. Anat., 13, 1896. 17.3-180. Intorno alle terniinazioni nervose nelle cellule glandulari salivari degli Otidii. Int. Jl. Anat., 13, 1896, 181-187. Persistenza d'una nuova glandula nel genere " Vipera.'' Riv. Ital. Soi. Nat., Siena. Ul, 1896, 33-35 ; Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 490-494. Contributo alia flora d' Hipponium. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 10, 1896, 73-7G. 81-^G, 97-100. Analogie e relnzioni fra gli acidi fosforici. Osservozioni. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat.. Sienn, 16, 1896, 10-5-107. Blssell, C. H. Hydrastis canadensis, t., a New England plant. Rbodora, 1, 1899, 157. Eragrostis Frankii in Connecticut. Rhodora, 2. 1900. 87. Plantngo elungata in New England. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 1.50. Alinornial flowers in Leonaruii cardiacu. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 223-224. A new variety of Zizia surea. Rholora, 2, 1900. "22.5. Blssell, H'llliam IS. The preparation of catgut. .S'. Y. .M..1. Jl., 60, 1894, 181-1M2. BisseriA, [Churlrt llrnri\. Sur I'eiuploi de I'esiw-nce de UKiuturde en therapeutique, sen avanliiges dans la uid'decinc d'anji<'*e, et principalenieiit daus leu appro- visionneiueuts de rt-serve. Jl. Phurin., 25. 1892, 595- .5'.)H. Blsset, a. F. De la di^fenae dea vignes franvaiseg oontre les attaques du Phylloxera par les traiteioents au sul- fure de carbone. Ash. I'ranv. C. R., 1888 (/'(. 2). 508- .010. Nouvelles experiences relatives & la d^Kinfectiou anti- pbylloxi'riiiue des plants de vigne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., I or,, 1888, 247-248. Bisset, ./. I'. List of Desmidies foond in gatberingii ina>i(! in the neighlwurhood of Lake ^Yinde^nc^e during 1883. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884. 192-197. Bisset, ./. /'., A: Boy, .lnhii. See Roy 4' Blaaet. Blssing, J', lie. Les origincs de I'Egypte. Anthrop. (Paris), 9, 1898, '241-258, 408-417. Bisslne, G. Unicursal curves of degree ri -«- 1 in n-flat space. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [3]. 1884, 77. Note on the foregoing pajK-r : [Some remarks on unicursal curves]. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ. [3], 18M, 123. Note on lines of curvature. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [3], 1884, 124. BisBlnger, , & Hanking, . Zur Beurteilang von gemahlenem schwarzeu Pfeffer. Repertm. Anal. Chcni., 6, 1886. 101-104. Bisso, .1. Die Toxicitiit des Hams Tor und nach der I'nterbindung der Vena porta?. [1896.] Untersacb. Nat., 10, 1899. 90-130. Bisso, .'iifin. Sketch of the geology of Spain. [Tr.] .Kiaer. Natlist.. 23, 1889, [356]-[357]. Bisson, [A'.j. Buussole de terre et de mer, permettant de trouver le miJridien malgre le voisinage du fer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 107, 1888. 1(^18, 1.56. Bisson, / . .V Verson, Ktirien. See Verson >V Bioaon. Bissy. ^ ' Lannoy de Bissy. BisUs, ./. Lt' t.'lu>icuMie priniilif en Orient. Urigine nerveust'. Explication de Paction curative de I'iridec- toraie. Ann. d'Oculist., 120. 1898, 190-199. Biatrzyekl, [Carl Anion] .4[ugustin]. Beitrage zur Kennl- niss der Opiausiiure. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 21, 1888, 2518-2.524. Ueber die Einwirkung von o-Diaminen aaf Phtalalde- hvdsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1S90, 1U4-2- 1040. Ueber die Einwirkung von o-Diaminen auf o-Alde- hvdobenzoesiiuren. [Zweite Mittbeilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891. 627-030. Nouvelles condensations de.« acides o-aldehydiques. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., h, 1899. :iH9-392. Die Oxydation des Hydrazobenzols in alkoholisch- alkalischer Losung durcb den LiifUsauerstofl. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 33. 1900. 476. Bistrxyckl, [Curl .4ii(o»] A[ii'nnlin]. A Cybnlakl, G[tutar]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Siiurechloriden auf o-Diamine. Berlin, Chcra. Ges. Her., 24. 1891, 631-634. 998. Uelier Phtalamidone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 25. 1892. 1984-1990. Bistrxycki, [Oirf Anton] .4[u;iurifi], A nnk, E[drarti]. Uelxi Condensationsprodacte aos den Amideo zweier D-Aldehvdosauren. Eierlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 930-930". Bistrzycki, [C;tin], & I]. Ueber Condensationsproduete von o-Alde- hvdsiiuren mit Phenolen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2632-2640. Bistrzycki, [Carl Anto7i] A[u!tusti7t]. & Slmonis, H[iirio]. Notiz iiber die Condensation von Mandelsaureuitril mit Phenolen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2812- 2813. Synthase von Pyridazonderivaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 534-536. Bistrzycki, [Carl Anton] A[ugustin], & tllffers, F[ritz]. Ueber Diacyl-o-Diamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1890, 1876-i880; 25, 1892, 1991-1995. Ueber Diacetanilid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 91-93. Die Peracetylirung des Phenacetins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2788-2790. Bistrzycki, [Carl Anton] A[ugustin], & Tsselde Schepper, D[avi(l] U'[illi'm]. Ueber p-Oxyphenylphtalide und ihre Ueberluhrung in Aiithracenderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2790-2802. Bitot, [Pierre]. For bionrapbical notice see Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mii'm., 1889, 10-12. De la protuberance annulaire comme premier moteur du mi^canisnie cerebral, foyer ou centre de la parole, de I'intelligence et de la volont^. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1280-1283. Cervelet et intelligence. [ With discussion.] Bordeaux Soc. Med. iUm., 1886, .552-576; 1887, 65-75, 79-81, 89-92, 94-100, 109-112. Observation d'aninesie topographique, visuelle, du langage articule, auditive, dont le d^hut remoiite a dix ans environ, sans melange aucun de ph^nom^nes para- l3'tiques. Amendemeut des troubles du langage articule et auditif. Persistance des troubles visiiels et topo- grapbiques. Bordeaux Soe. M(5d. M(;nii., 1887, 545-552. lBitot,[Pierre Josejih] Emile. Des tremblementshyst^riques. Progres M^d., 10, 1889, 245-247, 21)1-265. Bitter, Georg. Beitriige zur Adventivtlora Bremens. [1895.] Bremen Abb., 13, 1896, 269-292. Ueber die peltaten Blatter der Gattung Hydrocotyle. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 14, 1896, 72-76. Vergleichend-morphologisehe Uutersuchungen iiber die Blattformen der Ranunculaeeen und Umbelliferen. Flora, 83, 1897, 223-303. Zur Anatomie und Physiologie von Padina pavonia. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 17, 1899, 255-274, (293). Ueber das Verhalten der Krustenflechten beim Zusam- mentreffen ihrer Bander. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur ErniihrungBphysiologie der T/icbenen auf anatomischer Grundlage. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 33, 1899, 47-127. Ergebnisse einer Reise nach dem Pacific. (Prof. Dr. ScHAViNSLANi) 1896/97.) Die phaneroganiische Pflanzenwelt der Insel Laysan. Bremen Abh., 16, 1900, 430-439. Zur Morijhologie und Physiologie von Microdictyon unibilicatum. PringKheim, .Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 34, 1900, r.lH-235. Bitter, Ileinrich. Ueber die Fermentaussoheidung des Koch'schen Vibrio der Cholera asiatica. Arch. Hyg., 5, 1886, 241-264. Ueber Sypliilis- und Smegmabacillen uebst Bemer- kungen iiber die fiirberischen Eigenthiimlichkeiten der Smegma- und Tuberkelbacillen. Virehow, Arch., 106, 1886, 209-257. Kommt durch die Entwickelung von Bacterien im lebenden Kiirper eine Erschopfung desselben an Bacterien- niihrstoffen zu Stande? Ztschr. Hyg., 4, 1888, 291- 298. Ueber die Verbreitung des Vaocins und iiber die Ausdehnung des Irapfschutzes im Korper des Impfliugs. Ztschr. Hyg. , 4, 1888, 299-317. Kritische Bemerkungen zu F. Metschnikoff's Phago- cytenlehre. Ztschr. Hyg., 4, 1888, 318-352. Ueber eiuige neuere Desinfeetiousapparate. Breslau, Schles. Ges. .Jher., 1889, 77-79. Versuche iiber das Pasteurisiren der Milch. Ztschr. Hyg., 8, 1890, 240-286. Die Methodeu zur Bestimmung des Kohlensaure- gehaltes der Luft. Ztschr. Hyg., 9, 1890, 1-40. Die Filtration bacterientriiber und eiweisshaltiger Fliissigkeiten durch Kieselguhrfilter. Ztschr. Hyg., 10, 1891, 155-162. [Ueber die Cholera.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1892 {Ahth. 1), 98-101. Entgegnung auf Bemerkungen des Herrn Prof. WoLPEKT ["Ueber Methoden zur Bestimmung des Kohlensauregehaltes der Luft"]. Ztschr. Hyg., 11, 1892, 419-420. Ueber Festiguug von Versuchsthieren gegen die Toxine der Typhusbacillen. Ztschr. Hyg., 12, 1892, 298-304. Ueber die bacterienfeindlichen Stoffe thierischer Organe. Ztschr. Hyg., 12, 1892, 328-347. Ueber die Hafikine'sehen Schutzimpfungen gegen Pest und die Pestbekampfung in Indien. Ztschr. Hyg., 30, 1899, 448-497. Bitting, .1. ir. A new photo-mierographic apparatus. Amer. Micr. .11., 19, 1898, 212-215. Effect of different media on micro-organisms. Amer. Micr. .11., 19, 1898. 226-227. Bittleston,(Lf.) G.i/. ♦[The remarkable sunsets.] [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 152. Bittner, Ale.rander. Beitrage zur Kenntniss tertiarer Brachyuren-Fauneu. Wien, Ak. Deukschr., 48, 1884 (Abth. 2), 1,5-30. Zur Literatur der listerreichischen Tertiiirablage- rungen. Wien, Geol. Jbiich., 34, 1884, 137-140. Die Tertiiir-Ablagerungeu von Trifail und Sagor. Wien, Geol. Jbucli., 34, 1884, 433-600. Aus den Salzburger Kalkalpen. Das Gebiet der unteren Lammer. [Zur Stellung der Hallstatter Kalke.] Wien, Geol. Verb., 1884, 78-87, 99-113. Neue Einsendungen tertiiirer Gesteinssuiten aus Bosnien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1884, 202-204. Geologische Verhiiltnisse der Umgebung von Gross- Reifling a. d. Euiis. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1884, 260-262. Valenciennesicuscliichten aus Rumiiuien. Wien, Geol. Verli., 1884, 311-312. Aus den Salzburger Kalkgebirgen. Die Ostauslaufer des Tiinnengebirges. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1884, 358- 367. [Ueber die Bemerkungen Herrn Prof. Nedm.kvk's, die Lagerungsverhiiltuisse Attikas betreffend.] Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 (lid. 1), 153-154. Bemerkungen zu cinigeu Abschuitten des " Autlitz der Erde" von R. Sless. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 24-33. — — Zur Stellung der Raibler Schichten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 59-70. Neue Ein.senduiigeii von Petrefacten aus Bosnien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 140-141. Bittner] 575 [Bittner Auk den KnriKthnlor Knikalpcn. NViip Fiind«t*lle von HallHtiittcr Kiilk. Wii-n, (ieol. Verli., 1888, 1 ia-146. Diluviftlvr Siixswimsprknlk von ItHdcn, ein^'rxnndt vom Hfrrn Lehior E. KiiKNtiiiiiiKii iu (iuinpoldHkircluMi. Wicn, (ieol. Vfrli., 1888, IMS-IH"). Uebcr diis Altor cIch TiilTiier Mir(;c'l8 und iiber die ViTwcndharkeit von Orliitoidcn ziir Trennunt; dor cr»ten v(pn iIli- zweitcn MeditvrranBtufe. Wicn, Ouol. Verli., 1888, •>-i:,-->:i2. Ueber eint-n AiifHclihiHB von Biirnmli^clitn Schiclitcu bci PfaflHtiittcn. Wien, Giol. Verli.. 1888, 232 •23."). Ziir (icoloj^ie des UntcrsbergCB. Wien, Gfol. Vorh., 1886, 2H0-2H2. I'ebir die I'lutcaukalkc des UntcrHbergcB. Wien, Gool. Verb., 1886, 3(1(5-373. Ueber einij!e nordostsibirische Brachiopoden. St. PcStersb. Ac. Sci. Mom., 33, 1886, A'li. fi, 138-140. Noeb fin BeitriiK zur nenercn Tcrliiirliteratur. Wien, Gcol. .Ibucb., 30, 1886, 1-70. I'tber diis V(irk(ininien von Koninckinon und ver- wamlten I'>racliiopodengattuDgen im Lias der 08talpen und in der alpinen Trias. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, Aus dem Ennsthaler Kalkhochgebirge. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 02-101. Uebcr die Koninekiniden von Set. CaHsian, speciell iiber das Auftrcten einer dor Koninckella (Lcpta-na) liasina, Iloiich., nahestehcndon Form daselbsl. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 117-118. BemerkuuK'en zu Herrn G. Gkyeb's Arbeit : " Ueber die LagerunRsverliiiltni.sse der Hierlatzschichtcn." Wien, Hcol. Vcrli., 1886, 130-134. Aus don UninobunKCn von Windischgarslen in Ober- osterreich und I'alfau in Ober.steiermark. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 242-'-'47. Die neuestoii WaiKlhingen in den modorneu Ansichten iiber Gebirgsbildung. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 374-.380. Neue I'otrofactenfundo im Worfoner Scbiefer der Nordostalpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 387-390. Ueber die weitere Vorbreitung der Roichenballer Kalke in deu nordiistlichcn Kalkalpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 445-418. Uober das .Vuftreten gesteinsbildender Posidonomyen in Jura und Trias der Nordostalpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 448-4.')0. Neue Bracliyui'en des Eoca-ns von Verona. [1886.] Wien, Ak. Slier., 94, 1887 (Ablh. 1), 44-55. Zur Vorbreitung der Oppouitzor Kalke in den nord- steiri.schen und in den angrenzendon oberostcrreichischcn Kalkalpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1887, 81-85. Aus dem Gebiete der Ennstbaler Kalkalpen und des Hoobschwab. Wien, (ieol. Verb., 1887. 89-98. Zur Konntniss der Melannpsidenniergel von Dzcpe bci Konjica in der Hercegon-iua. Wien, Geol. Terh., 1887, 298-300. Ein neuos Vorkomnien Nerineenfiihrender Kalke in Nordsteiermark. Wien. Geol. Verh., 1887, 300-301. Aullinduiig Kncrinitonrcicher BiCnke mi Muscbelkalk bei .\btcnau (Salzbuig) durch Herrn G. Pbinzixoeb. Wien, Gool. Verb., 1887, 301. Ueber Koninekiniden dea alpinen Lias. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 37, 1888, 281-292. Ueber cinige geotektonische Begriffe und dcren An- wenduug. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 37, 1888, 397-422. Aus der Umgebung von Wildalpe in Obersteiermark und Lunz in Niederiisterreicb. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1888. 71-80. Ueber die Miindung der Melania Escheri, llrongt.. und verwaiidter Fornion. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1888, 97-99. Ueber das .\uftreten von Terebrateln aus der Sub- familie der Ontronellinen iu der alpinen Trias. Wien. Geol. Verb., 1888, 125-127. Uebcr das Auftrcten von .^rten der Gattung Tbcco- spira, Xiignuii/er, in der alpinen Triao. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1888, 127- PJ-*. LuKHAcliniekeu, bulile DiluTialgetiehicbe und Mogalu- dont<,'n nuH BuHnion-Hercegowina. Wien, Oeol. Verb., 1888, 11,2-1(13. Ueber ein Vorkonimon von Brachiopoden des salz- burgiscben HochgebirgHkorallenkalkes an der Tonionalpe Hiidostlich von Gusswerk-Mariuzell uod uber eineu I'undort von HallKliitter Petrefaclen au den Ncun Kiigerln gegenuber lUr Tonion. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1888, 174-17(i. Ein neuer I'undort von Monotis salinaria in Nieder- osterreich und seine Beziehungen zu den Murztbaler Monotiskalkcn. Wien, (ieol. Verh., 1888, 170-177. Orygoceras aus i^arraatischen Schichten von Wiesen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1888, 177. Aufnahnifibericbl \<>n Tuniau bei Aflenz, 13. August 1888. Witn, (ic-ol. Verb., 1888, 248-2.M. Geologiscbe Miltheiliingen aus doru Wi-rfener Schiefer- und Torliiir-(iebiet<.' von Konjica und Jablanica a. d. Narenta. Wien, Geol. .Ibuch., 3M, 1889. 321-342. Die Trias von Eborst^-in und Polling in Karnton. Wien, Geol. .Ibucb., 39, 1889, 483-4HH. Ein neuer Fundort von Braeliiu|>oden des Hall- sliittor Kalkos auf dem Naw^kor bei Neuber*; an der Miirz und die Hallsliitter Brachiopoden vun .Miibitbal bei Piesting. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1889, 14.'5-147. Bevision der Brucbiopfiden von Set. Cassian. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1889. 159-170. Zur Altersbestimraung des Miociins von Tufler in Siidsteicrniark. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1889, 2IJ9-27-I. Brachiopoden der alpinen Trias. [1m;)(I-92.] Wien, Geol. Abb., 14, 1890, 325 jip. ; 17, 1892-1903. lUft 2, 40 pp. Ueber die Lagerungsvcrhiiltnissc am Nordrande der Tertiiirbuclit von Tiiffer. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1890, 136- 143. Eine triadische Conularia. Wien, Geol. Verb , 1890, 177-178. Pie sarniatischen und vorsarmatischen Ablagerungen dor Tertiiirbuclit von Tiiffer-Sagor. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890. 283-290. Aus dem Gebiete des Hocbschwab und der ndrdlich angronzenden Gebirgsketten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890. 299-109. Einsendaug von Gesteinen ans dem su los.tlichen Bosnien und aus dem Gebiete von Novibazar durrh Herrn Oberstlieutenant Jiiix. Wien, Oeol. Verb., 1890. 311-316. Zur Geologic des Kaisergebirges. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 40, 1891, 437-446. Triasbrachiopoden von der Baxaipe and vom W'ildangergebirge bei Hall in Tirol. Wien, Gcol. Verb., 1891, 5.5-60. Ueber Parabrissns und cinige andere alltcrtiare Ecbiniden-Gattungen. Wien, Geol. Verb.. 1891, 1,33- 144. Neue Daten iiber den Charakter und die Herkunft der sarniatischen Fauna. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1891, 19.5- 198. Zwei neue Fnndorte von Monotis in Niederosterreicb. Wien, (ieol. Verb., 1891.272-273. Zur Geologic des Erlafgebiotes. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1891. 317-.324. . I'ober Echinidon des Tertiiirs von Australien. Wien, Ak. Sber.. 101, 1893 [Abth. 1). 331-371. Triaspetrofaktcn von Balia in Kloinasicn. Wien, Geol. Jbucb.. 41. 1892. 97-116; 42, 189S. 77-69. Zur KenntnissderBelleropbonkalkeSiidtirDls. Wien, Geol. Verb.. 1892, .50-51. Aus dem Miesenbacbthale. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892. 72-76. Bittner] 576 [Bittner Petrefacten des marinen Neogens von Dolnja Tuzla in Bosnien. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1892, 180-183. Daten iiber zwei neue Brunnenbohrungen in den Gaswerken Dobling und Fiinfliaus. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 214-217. Ueber die systematische Stellung von Mactra und verwandten Gattungeu. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 232- 241. Ueber zwei fiir die Nummulitenkalke von Stockerau neue Arten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 241-242. Aus der Umgebung von Peruitz und Gutenstein im Piestingtbale. Wien," Geol. Verb., 1892, 270-271, 398- 410. Aus der Umgebung von Lackenbof und Gostling im Ybbsthale. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 271-272. Ein Vorkoujmen (jetrefactenfiibrender Partnach- schicbten im Ennsthale in Oberosterreich. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 301-303. Aus den Umgebungen von Opponitz, Tbbsitz und Gresten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 303-306. Ein neuer Fundort von Braebiopoden bei Serajevo. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 349-350. Decapoden des pannonischen Tertiars. Wien, Ak. Sber., 102, 1893 (Alilh. 1), 10-37. Was ist noriscb? Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 42, 1893, 387- 396. Geologiscbe Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete des Blattes Z. 14 Col. xii. Gaming-Mariazell. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 65-85. Ueber die Gattung Oncophora. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1893, 141-144. Partnachschicbten mit Koninckina Leonhardi im Thale von Kaltenleutgeben niichst Wien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 161-164. Ueber die Notbwendigkeit, den Terminus "norisch" fiir die Hallstiitter Kalke aiitrecht zu erhalten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 220-228 ; 1894, 391-398. Aus der Umgebung von Sohwarzau im Gebirge. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 245-247. Bericbtigung zu R. Hoernes' neuester Mittbeilung iiber die "Sotzkftsehichten." Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 251-258. Bemerkung zu der letzten Mittbeilung von E. BiJSE und H. FiNKELSTEis iiber die Bracbiopodenschichten von Castel Tesiuo. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 286-287. Aus den Umgebungen von Nasswald und von Eohr im Gebirge. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 29.5-300. Aus dem Schwarza- uml dem Hallbachtbale. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, .320-338. Neue Koninckiniden des alpinen Lias. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 43, 1894, 133-144. Zur Kenntniss der Nuculiden und Arciden der Fauna von Set. Cassian. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1894, 186-191. Aus dem Gebiete des Traisen-Flusses, den Umge- bungen von Freiland, Hohenberg und Set. Aegid am Neuwalde. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1894, 250-253. Aus dem Gebiete des Traisenflusses, den Umgebungen von Lehenrott, Tiirnitz und Annaberg. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1894, 278-282. Aus den Umgebungen von Gresten und Gaming. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1894, 368-372. Ueberschiebungs-Erscheinungen in den Ostalpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1894, 372-377. Aus dem Gebiete des Traisenflusses : Petrefactenfunde insbesondere im Mnscbelkalke des Traisengebietes. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1894, 379-385. Ueber zwei ungeniigend bekannte brachyure Crusta- ceen des Vicentiniscbeu Eociins. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1896 {Abth. 1), 247-253. — — Lamellibrancbiaten der alpinen Trias. [Theil i. Revision der Lamellibrancbiaten von Set. Cassian.] [1895.] Wien, Geol. Abb., 18, 1896-1907, Heft 1, 236 pp. Zur neueren Literatur der alpinen Trias. Wien, Geol. .Jbuch., 44, 1895, 233-379. Ueber die Gattung Kbynchonellina, Gemm. W^ien, Geol. Jbucb., 44, 1896, 547-572. Braebiopoden aus der Trias von Lagouegro in Unter- italien. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 44, 1895, 583-588. Revision der Lamellibrancbiaten von Set. Cassian. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1895, 115-128. Neue Fossilfunde bei Dolnja Tuzla in Bosnien. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1895, 197-198. Ein von Dr. E. BiJSE neuentdeckter Fundpunkt von Braebiopoden in den norischen Hallstatter Kalken des Salzkaramergutes, zwiscben Rossmoos- und Hiitteneck- alpe. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1895, 367-369. • Neue Braebiopoden und eine neue Halobia der Trias von Balia in Kleinasien. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 45, 1896, 249-254. Eine neue Form der triadischen Terebratulidengruppe der Neocentronellinen oder Juvavellinen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 131-132. Ueber das Auftreten von Oncopbora-Schichten bei Set. Polten und Traismauer in Niederosterreich. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 323-325. Ueber die geologischen Aufnahmsarbeiten im (iebiete der Traisen, der steyriscben Salza und der Pielach wabrend des Sommers 1896. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 331-335. Geologiscbes aus dem Pielachthale nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Gliederung der alpinen Trias. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 385-418. - Vorschliige fiir eine Normirung der Eegeln der strati- graphischen Nomenclatur. Congr. Geol. Int. C. B., 1897, 1-8. Ueber die Auffindung der Fauna des Reichenhaller Kalkes im Gutensteiner Kalke bei Gutenstein. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1897, 201-202. Ueber ein Vorkommen cretacischer Ablagerungen mit Orbitolina eoucava, Lam., bei Lilienfeld in Niederost- erreich. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1897, 216-219. Rbyuchoueliina Geyeri, ein neuer Brachiopode aus den Gailthaler Aljien. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 47, 1898, 387-392. Ueber die stratigraphische Stellung des Lunzer Sand- steins in der Triastormation. Wien, Geol. Jbuch.. 47, 1898, 429-454. Neue Fundorte von Haplophragmium grande, Rfiixs, in der Gosaukreide der nordostlichen Kalkalpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898, 215-216. Ueber zwei neue Fundstellen der Posidonomya alpina, Gras., in den niederosterreichischen Kalkalpen. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1898, 216-217. Geologiscbes aus der Gegend von Weyer in Ober- osterreich. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898, 277-282; 1900, 324-326. ■ Fischzahne im norischen Hallst.^tter Kalke von Miihlthal bei Piesting. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898, 321-326. OitaMeirlsjiocTii iia'i. I'liiacoBux'b oT.io;i;eniri I()3KIIO-yccyi)iMCKaro Kpajl. Versteinerungen aus den Trias-Ablagerungen des Siid-Ussuri-Gebietes in der ostsibirischen Kiistenprovinz. [1899.] St. Petersb., Com. Gko\. Mi^m., 7, 1888-99, No. 4, 35 pp. [With Germ. tra>ist.'\ Ueber zwei neue Braebiopoden aus dem Lias und der Gosaukreide von Salzburg. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 48, 1899, 1-8. • Beitriige zur Palaeontologie, insbesondei-e der triadi- schen Al)lagerungen centralasiatischer Hocbgebirge. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 48, 1899, 689-718. Neue Daten iiber die Verbreitung cretacischer Ablage- rungen mit Orbitolina conoava. Lam., in den nieder- osterreichischen Kalkalpen, bei Alland und Sittendorf niichst Wien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1899, 253-2.55. Bittnerl 577 [Bizio UcbcT ein von Hurrn Ber^haiiptmiinn J. Obiumkii in Sorajewo luilcrsuchtcH Kuhlenvorknuiuiun niiclixt Trcliiiije. Wien, Gcol. Vcrli., 1900, 14."j-14H. Ziir Verbreitung der Brachlopoiluii bub der Pamilic dcr Koninckiniilen in drn Ti iusnhlaKcriingen Uiif^nrnx. Wicn, Gt'ol. Vi-rli., 1900, IHH IM"). Uulxr nuclitriixlisclu' Venviimlti' di^r Gnttiinij MyHi- diopterii. Wicn, Gcol. Verb., 1900, 207-20H. GeoloKiHfibeH aus der Gi'>!e'nd von Altonnmrkt an dcr Eun». Wien, Gcol. Verb., 1900, :522-:J24. Trias Bracliiopodn anil Laiiiellibranchiata. [Tr.] [IK'JO.] Paluoiit. Indicu (llimat. Fom.), 'A, 1901 {I't. 2), 7t; l)p. Bittner, A >ir/, cV 'Wegschelder, liiulolf. See VTassclielder A Bittner. Blttncr, ll'illiiliii. Zur AetioloRie und Tbcrapie dor Hydroi-elo ini Kindcaiilter. Ztscbr. Hcilk., 15, 1894, 275-280. Blttd, Urht. A nitroprussidnatrium mint reagens s/'.crveM vcRjiilutekre. [Ui-ber das NitropruBsidnatrium als Kca(,'i'n» auf orKanische Verbindungen. ] [1891.] Math, Tcrmt. Krtes., 10, 1892, 2U-33; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 80-HH. Aromas nitroveg.viiletek hatAsar6l aldehydek- is keto- nokra. [Ueber die Reaction der Aldehyde und Ketone i]iit aroraatischen NitroverbindiinKen.] Math. Termt. Ertcs., 10, 1892, 1(13-108; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 89-'Jl. \ paprika chemiai osszet^telirol. [Ueber die cheniische Zusamnu-nsetzung der reiten Paprika- (roten Pfeffer) Schotc] [1892-95.1 Math. Terrat. Krtes., 11, 1893, 15-27; 13, 1896,210-225; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 11, 1894. 1-13; 12, 1896, 299-320. A/ e^'ytrtekii alkobolok kimutatasar61. [Ueber die Erkennung und den qualitativen Nachweis einwerti),'er Alkohole.] [1892.] Matli. Termt. Ertis., 11, 1893, 28- 29; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 11, 1894, 14-15. A niivenyreszek lecithin-tartalmunak meghatitrozu- s&rol. [Bestimmung des Lecitliingihaltes der PHanzen- bestandteilc] Math. Termt. Ertes.. 12, 1894, 205-214; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 12, 1896, 3t)-4(j. Ueber die chemische Zusamnicnsctzung einiger ungarischer Kohlen. Matb. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 12, 1895, 287-298. Adatok az aldehydek es ketonok szines kemhatasaiboz. [Uel)er Farbenreactionen der Aldehyde und Ketone.] Termt. Kozl.in., 28, 1896, 393-394; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 1-10. Adatok az o-sulfonomialcapronsavnak es sdinak megismeresehez. [Beitriige zur Erkenntniss dcra-Sulto- normalcapronsiiure nnd ihrer Salze.] Math. Termt. Ertes.. 15, 1897. 294-304; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 11-21. A hazai termotnlajok calcium- es maguezium-tartal- mar61. [Ueber den Calcium- und Magncsiumgehalt des Bodens in Ungarn.] [1897.] Termt. Kozlon., 30, 1898, 49; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 388. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Kalk- und Magnesia- gehaltes ungarischer AckerbOden. Landw. Versuchs- Stat.. 50, 1898, 233-244. Ueber Bodenuntersuehungen im Tokayer Weingebiet. Landw. Ver.'iuchs-Stat.. 54. 1900, 337-348'. Bltto, Vrii, A: Iilebennann, Leo. See Iilebannann A' Bltto. Bltzos, (i. Un uouveau pbacometre pratique a faire. Ann. dOculist., 109, 1893, 187-193. Encore quelques mots sur la skiascopic. Ann. d'Oculist., 109, 1893, 347-31)8. Pathogenic de la myopic. Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1895, 247-270. Blver, Eugene. Installation d'nne machine d'^puisement !\ cidonne d'eau et il vapour (svst^me Haihorn et Davev). [1885.] Genie Civil, 8, 1885-86, 81-80, 101-105. BWar, Miirrel. Pafwago dc« courbes ,danii nn trainagc nii''i'aiiir|iii' nar rhaine llottunte. St. Etienne Bull. Soc. Iiid Min.. 3, 1889. 237 2.''.2. Blvort, Arlhur. .Miit<-rianx pour la fuunc entomoloKiqoe de la province do Hiiinaut. ColioptoroH intj^resHantx ou nouveaux pour la lielgiquo, captun-x a I'l'iirus et aux cnviroiig. lirux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 42, 1898. 202-205. Blzard, /,., >V Blcard, .1. Itepnxluction CX|>orimentalc du cliamr.- i-iiuplp cbez le Binge. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mt-m., 51, 1899 (C. ]<.). 88t;-887. Blze, . Itecherches Hur Ics bourses muqueuses prorottilionnes. Robin, Jl. Anat.. .32, 1896, 85-101. Bizet, KdoiKiiil, Catalogue dos MoUusques obsorNC-s a I'ltat vivant ibins le dlogiques des chemins de fer de Mortagne ^ Monil-Maugor ot du Mortagne k Laiglc. Normandie Soc. Gool. Bull.. 9. 1884. 37-55. Aper(ju gf/neral sur les terrains sodimentaires repri- sentes dans Test du d7; 1891-92. 917-950; Termt. KOzlon., 24. 1892, 640. *11 glicogeno negli aniniali invertebrati. Nuovo Cimento, 21 & 22. 1865-66. 2tW-275. 'Ulterioriricerche sopruil glicogeno. Noovo Cimento, 25. 1867, 117-1-23. *Cenno storico sopra la depnrazione doUe acque dolci medianteilcoogelamonto. NnovoCimento.'itJ. 1867.'28-31. L'applicazione del uitrato d' argeuto all' esamo chimico dogli olii confuUla. [1885.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, U84- 85. 1449-14.^9. Ancora s uU' csanie chimico dell' olio di oliva. [1885.] Venezia. 1st. Atti, 1884-86, 181.5-1818. .Analisi chimica doUe acque delle sorgenti di Dae Ville. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-«T. 899-939. II piO recente metodo del Bkchi per iscoprire i' olio di cotone nolle miscele confutato. [1888.] Venezia, IsL Atti, 1887-88, 433-152. 73 Bizio] 578 [Bjerknes Bizio, Giorauiii, & Oabba, Luirji. Siii process! d' indagine del grassi e iu particolare suli' assapgio dell' olio d' oliva. MilaiiO, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 19, 1886, (J.5()-676. Bizot, Jean Francpis. For biograpliical notice and works »fe Geneve Soc. Phys. M(5m., 29, 1884-87, xxxviii. Bizzarri, Decio. Sulla produzione di ossicumarine. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 33-37. Kicerche sopra una nuova classe di acridine, [le carbazooridine. i. Sulla His-fenilcarbazo- cridina. ii. Sul ms-metilderivato. in. Dis^idratazione di ammidi insieme a derivati del difenile. iv. Sulla ossidazione della )/is-fenilcarbazoeridina.] [1890-92.] Gazz. Cbim. Ital., 20, 1891, -107-417; 21, 1891 {Ft. 2), 158-163, 351-359; 23, 1893 {I'l. 1), 1-9. Aleune notizie sul comportameuto del ounmrone. [1890.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 607-611. Bizzarri, Decio, & Campani, (l^ioranni], Arsenico native della Valtellina. Proprieta e composizione. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 349-350. Bizzell, J[anii's] A[ilrii], & Fraps, George S[tronacl>'i. .S'l'i' Traps & Bizzell. Bizzozero, E[ino]. Sur la membrane propre des canali- cules urinifferes du reiu humain. Arch. Ital. Biol., 33, 1900, 459-460. Bizzozero, Giacomo. For biography see Bot. Centrbl., 22, 1885, 315-318. Fungi veueti novi vel critici. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-85, 303-309. Bizzozero, Giulio. To reference in No. 29 (Vol. 9) add Arch. Sci. Med., 7, 1884, 375-384; Virchow, Arch., 95, 1884, 26-45. ■ Ueber die Mikrophyten der normalen Oberhaut des Mensehen. Virchow, Arch., 98, 1884, 441-4-59. • Ueber das constante Vorkommen von Bakterien in den LymphfoUikeln des Kaninchendarmes. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 801-804. Ueber den Bau der geschichteten Pflasterepithelien. Int. Jl. Anat., 2, 1885, 278-283; Arch. Sci. Med., 9, 1886, 373-378. Ueber die Natur der secundaren leukamischen Bilduugen. Virchow, Arch., 99, 1885, 378-383; Arch. Sci. Med., 9, 1886, 53-58. Ueber die Kegeneration der Elemente der Gewebe unter pathologischen Bedingungen. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 24, 1886, 81-84. Nuovo metodo per la dimostrazione degli elementi in carioeinesi nei tessuti. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 3,1886,24-27. Ueber die Regeneration der Elemente der schlauch- iormigen Driisen und des Epithels des Magendarmkanals. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 781-784. Ueber die Atrophie der Fettzellen des Knochenmarks. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 33, 1889, 247-254. ■ Sulle ghiandole tubulari del tubo gastro-enterico e sui rapporti del loro epitelio coll' epitelio di rivestimento della mucosa. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 24, 1889, 110-137; 27, 1892, 14-34, 320-346, 891-903, 988-1004 ; 28, 1893. 103-117, 233-251 ; Arch. Mikr. Anat., 33, 1889, 216- 246 [Part only]. Sulla derivazione dell' epitelio dell' intestino dal- r epitelio delle sue ghiandole tubulari. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 24, 1889, 702. Nuove ricerche su,lla struttura del midollo delle ossa negli uccelli. [1889-90.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 25, 1890, 156-192; Arch. Mikr. Anat., 35, 1890, 424-469. Sulle piastrine del sangue dei Mammiferi. Arch. Sci. Med., 15, 1891, 425-44.5. Berichtigung in Sachen der Kcrnthoilung in den Nervenfasern uach Durchschueidung. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 41, 1893, 33H. Accresciniento e rigenerazione noil' organismo. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 1), 276-306. Le macchine da scrivere dal punto di vista dell' igiene. Nuova Antol. Sci., 1.56, 1897, 45-68. Bizzozero, Giulio, & Ottolcnghi, Doiiutu. His-tologie der iMik-hdruse. Anat. Heft.- (Abt. 2), 9, 1900, 253-296, 871-872. Bizzozero, Giulio, & Sacerdotti, Cesare. Influence de la temperature et de I'afflux sanguin sur I'activite pro- ductive des el(Sments. Arch. Ital. Biol., 26, 1896, 88- 92. Bizzozero, Giulio, & Sanquirico, Carlo. Sul destino dei globuli rossi nella trast'usione di sangue defibriuato. Arch. Sci. Med., 9, 1886, 341-353. Bizzozero, Giulio, & Torre, A[lessandro] Alugusto}. To reference in title (Vol. 9) "iW Arch. Sci. Med., 7, 1884, 363-374; Virchow, Arch., 95, 1884, 1-25. Bizzozero, Giulio, & Vasaale, Giulio. Sul consumo delle cellule ghiandolari dei Mammiferi nelle ghiandole adulte. [1884-85.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 20, 1885, 333-334, 527-528. Sulla produzione e suUa rigenerazione fisiologiea degli elementi ghiandolari. Arch. Sci. Med., 11, 1887, 195-264, 449-450 ; Virchow, Arch., 110, 1887, 155-214. Sur le tissu des glandes excr^tantes. [1887.] Arch. Ital. Biol, 9, 1888, 1-2. Bjerke, A'. Eine veranderte Form des Sideroskops von Dr. AsMus. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 51, 1900, 461-463. Bjerk6n, I'elir [Coustantiii] af. Untersuchung der durch Druek und Zug hervorgerufenen Doppelbrechung bei Kautschuk und Leimgallerten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 43, 1891, 808-816. Ueber die Analogic zwischen Kautschuk und Leim- gallerten in Bezug auf Elastieitiit und Warme. Ann. Phys. Chem., 43, 1891, 817-830. En foriindring af kompensationsmetoden for kapa- citetsmiituingar. Stockh., Ol'vers., 1900, 57-62. Bjerknes, C[arl] A[nton]. "Quekiues remarques relatives aux experiences hydrodynamiques de M. G. A. Bjekknes. Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 208-209. Recherches hydrodynamiques. Premier memoire. Les Equations hydrodynamiques et les relations suppl^- meutaires. Acta Math., 4, 1884, 121-170. Niels-Henrik Abel, sa vie et son action scientitique. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 1, 1884, 368 pp. Hydrodynamiske undersiigelser; videre udvikliug af de elektriske og magnetiske analogier siden Naturfpr- skermodet i 1880. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1886, 45-48. ' La tentative de Degen de geniraliser le theorfeme d'addition d'EuLER. Bibl. Math., 1888, 1-2. [Sur I'analogie des phenomeues hydrodynamiques et electrodynamiques.] Lum. Elect., 33, 1889, 475-476. Analogien zwischen physikalischen, besonders elek- trischen und magnetischen Erscheiuungen und rein mechanischen. Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber. , 2, 1893, 57- 59 ; 3, 1894, 62. Zur Weiterbildung der invers electrischiihnlichen hydrodynamisohen Erscheiuungen ; Uebergang von statischeu zu dyuamischen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 63, 1897, 91-96. De hydrodynamiske analogier til celledeliugspro- cesserne. [1898.] Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 37, 1900, 341-342. Bjerknes, ]'[ilhelm Friman Koren]. Ueber die Dampfung schneller electrisoher Schwingungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 74-91. Ueber die Erscheinung der multiplen Kesonanz electrischer Wellen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 92-101. Ueber den zeitlichen Verlauf der Schwingungen im primiiren Hertz'sohen Letter. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 513-526. Sur le mouvement de r(?lectricit6 dans I'excitateur de Hertz. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 229-249. l>e I'amortissement des oscillations hcrtzieuues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 112, 1891, 1429-1431. Die Kesonanzerscheinung und das Absorptionsver- mogen der Metallc fiir die Knergie electrischer Wellen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 47, 1892, 69-76. Bjerknesl 579 [filaas Oni olektrioitctsbevirRplspn i Hkhtz'b primicre leder. Arch, ^fat^l. Natiirvid., lo, 1893. llW-23(;. Oin aiivcndi'lsen iif mi'kanikiiiH princip-727, 1027. Del elcktrinkc resonansfmnomcn or metallernefi absorptinnsevne for elcktromagiiotink energi. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892. 373-S74. Das KindriiiKen electri-ichcr Wellen in die Metalle und die eU'ctromagnelischc Lichttheoric. [1893.) Stockh., Ak. Haiidl. Bihang. 19 {Aj'd. 1). 1894, A'o. 3, 1(1 pp. Die Be.stimmiing dur DampfiiDCsconRtaiit«a des Hertz'schen Oscillatorx und RcHonators aus der Reso- nanzcrschcinuni;. [1893.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 19 {A/d. 1), 1894, .Vo. 7, 22 pp. Verschicdeiie Formen der maltiplen Rcsinanz. Stockh., Ofvers., 1894, 381-386; Ann. Phys. Chem., 54, 1898, 58-63. lleber electrische Resonanz. i. Tlicorie der Rcso- nanzerscheinung. [ii. Reaonanzvcrsuche.] [1894.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 {A/d. 1), 1895, No. 4, 58 pp., Xo. 5, 44 pp. Ueber electrische Resonanz. Ann. Phys. Chem., 55, 1898, 121-109. Zur Theoric gewisser Vektorgrossen. Christiania Skr. {M0. - — - Ueber den Helligkcit.Hsiun. Congr. Int. Sci. M^d. C. R., 1884. (7-. 3, Oph.). 11-17. Ueber die Refraktion bei Neugcborencn. [If'ith ilUciii'i'ion.] Congr. Int. Sci. Mbd. C. R., 1884 {T. 3, Oph.). 207-215. Ueber einc Zufiigung zur gewohnlichcn Gesichtsfeld- messung und iiber das Gesichtsfeld beim Glaukom. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (lid. 4. Abth. 10), 66-79. Eine Bemerkung iiber den Helligkeitssinn, veranla.sst dnrch die Abhandlung Trf.itel's in den letzteu Heften dieses Archives. .\rch. f. Ophthalin., 37. 1891 {Ablh. 3), 2G1-262. Bjsrmin, Kirsline. See Meyer, (Fni) Kirsline. Bjorck, Th. Fall af liuigvarig niiringsviigran. Up STio.lorill XMOpiJ. Contribution k I'etiologie du cholera. St. Pi5tersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 2, 1893, 94-113. Black, ['/. (r.|. The permanganate gold recovery process. N. Zealand Pap. A Rep. (.!//«.), 1898, 0 3, 162-167. Black, .-Irtliur. Reduction of a certain multiple integral. [1897.] Cambridge Phil. Soc Trans., !(!, 1898. 219- 225. Black] 681 [ Blackburne-Maze Black, Chnrlf* Kdtrard D. So'ne Ren|;rnpl)ical notes on the work i)f the Afulinn Bouniiary CommiBsion. Scott. GeoRr. .Milk'., "2, 1886. .")96-C10. Black, 0. Melville. Docs .Javai.'b oplittialmomctcr render the use of iitropine unnecessary? Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, .S.S3-338. Tlie effects of altitude upon the mucous membranes of the upi)cr air passages. With report of cases. N. Y. Med. .11., .'),'>, 1892, 407-408. Black, llninrr I'ini Viilkenhnrii, St Herty, Charlet H[olmei]. Si-r Herty iV' Black. Black, ./[i/iM<«]. [Axis with a median cleft of the neural arch. First thonicie vertebra presenting a cleft.] Jl. Anat. I'livsiol., 31, 1897, xxx. Beport of a case of cer\'ical ribs. [1898.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., .S3, 1899, xlvii-1. Black, .7[o/in] Ii[ohert]. Two cases of sprue (psilosis, Dr. Tliin). Glasgow Med. Jl., 29, 1888, 473-175. Black, Jlohii] S[trxciirt]. Journey round Siam. Geogr. Jl., H. 1896, 429-44H. Black, Xoriiiini. Adaptive modification as seen in the tcctli of Mammalia. [1899.] Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 43, 1900, 4-23. Trismus. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 43, 1900, 904-97."). Black, O/iV Fislier, & Torrey, Joseph. See Torrey & Black. Black, R[obert'\ Sinclair. Observations on the morphology and conditions of growth of a fungus parasitic on locusts in S. Africa. [1897.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 9, 1898, f)H-76. Black, II' [itliam] G[aU]. Ship anemometer. Liverpool Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 38, 1884, 223-22(1. Notes on the meteorology and hydrology of the Suez Canal. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 23, 1884, 64-70. Climate of the Delta of Egypt in 1798-1802 during the French and British campaigns. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 10, 1884, 253-2f,l. Ozone at sea. Nature, .32, 1886, 416. • The " Alaska glacier." Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 140-141. *0n a wind-pressure gauge for ships at sea. [1883.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 11, 1887, 47-49. Ozone papers in towns. [1886.] Nature, 3.5, 1887, 76. Brighton beaches after the storms of October 15 and December 8. 1886. [ia87.] Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 399-406. Wind force at sea. Nature, 37, 1888, 321. Anemometers and damage by gales of wind. [1890.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 25, 1891. .54—55. On a floating rain gauge and evaporator. [1892.] Scott. Soc. .\rts Trans.. 13. 1894. 216-218. Meteorology, sea-side, English Channel, winter. [1893.] Scott." Soc. Arts Trans., 13, 1894, 32.5-335. Blackburn, I [sane] W. On methods of preparing tis.ones for microscopical study and brains for anatomical demonstration. Amer. Micr. Jl., 8, 1887, 161-165. A method of preparing brains and other organs for anatomical and pathological demonstration, and tis.siies for microscopical study. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 {Vol. 3). 407-409. Blackburn, {Rev.) Thoma*. Notes on Hawaiian Nenr- optera, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 14, 1884, 412-421. Notes on some Hawaiian Carabids. [1884.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-86. 2.5-26. Notes on Australian Coleoptera. with descriptions of new species. [1886-1900.] S. Anst. Rov. Soc. Trans.. 10. 1888, 1-11, 12-30. 36-51. .52-71. 177-287; 11, 1889, 175-214; 12, 1889, 132-148; 13. 1890.82-93; 14. 1891. 6.5-1.53, 292-345; 15, 1892, 20 73. 207-261: 17. 1893. 13O-140, 294-315; 18, 1894. 139-168, 200-240; 19. 1896, 27-60, 201-258; 20, 1896, 3.5-109, 233-i59; 21, 1897, 28 .39, 88-98; 22, 1898. 18-64, 221-233; 23, 1899, 22- 101; 24. 1900, 3.5-68, 113-16.1. Notes on the Staphylinida> contained in the Pablic Museum, Adelaide. S. Aust. Hov. Soc. Trans., 10, 1888, 302-303. Notes on the Hemiptera of the Hawaiian Islands. [1888.] N. 8. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 3, 1889, 34*- 354. Notea on Australian Coleoptera, with descriptions of new species. [1888-94.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 3, 1889, 80.5-87.5, 1387-150C, (viii); 4. 1890. 445-J82, 707-746, 1247-1276, [viii]; 5, 1891. 147-156, 303-366, .553-592, 77.5-790; 6. 1892, 479-550; 7. 1893, 65-151, 283-300, [viii]; 8, 1894, 185-208. 24.5-286; 9, 1896,8.5- 108. [I]. Revision of the genus Heteronyx, with descriptions of new species. [1888-89.] N. 8. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 3, 1889. 1321-1362, [viii]; 4, 1890, 137-170, 42.5- 444, 661-706, 1217-1246, [viii]. Revision of the genera Colpochila (including Haplnnycha), Sericesthis and their allies, with descrip- tions of new species. [1890.] N. 8. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 5, 1891, 517-5.52. Presidential address [Oct. 6, 1891. Entomology in Australia]. S. Aust. Rov. Soc. Trans., 14, 1891, 368- 377. [Elder Expedition.] Coleoptera. [1892-93.] 8. Aust. Roy. Soc Trans., 16, 1892-96. 16-61, 177-202. Revision of the Australian .Amarvgmiden. [1892-93.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 7, 1893, 411-470, [viii]; 8, 1894, -53-106. Importance of ascertaining distribntion of Australian fauna. .\ust. Ass. Rep., 1893, 44<>— 451. Revision of the genus I'aropsis. [1896-99.] X. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc. 21. 1896, 6:17-693; 22, 1898, 166-189, [viii]; 23, 1898, 218-263, 6.56-700; 24. 1900, 482-521. On some new genera and species of Australian Cole- optera. [1899.] Victoria Koy. Soc. Proc, 12, [1900], 20r,-L'33. Blackburn, (Rev.) Thoma», ik Camoron, Peter. On the Hymenoptera of the Hawaiian Islands. [1886.] Man- chester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 25. 1886. 134-1H3; Man- chester Lit. Phil. Soc Mem.. 1". 1887, 194-244. Blackburn, {Rev.) Thonmi, •!' Bliarp, haviil. Memoirs on till' Coleoptera of the Hawaiian Islands. [1884.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans.. 3, 1883-87, 119-,300. Blackburn, IViiliam. *S|H>ntaDeous tission in an aquatic worm. [1883.] Manchester Micr. Soc. Bep., 1883-M. 34-39. The aphides, or plant lice: a short account of their structure, habit.s, classilication, and r( |irisiaction. [1885.] Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1884-86, 36-51. [On the development of bone.] Manchester Lit Phil. Soc. Proc, 25, 1886, 220-222. Bone : its structure, development, and growth. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1886. 3:+-38. Diffraction spectra. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1887. 58-60. The organisms of fermentation, putrefaction, and disease. Manchester Micr. Soc. Tran.«.. 1889. 84-101. The organic forms of silica. Manchester Micr. Soc. Tran-.. 1893. 19-31. The lace-work sponge (Semperella Scholtzei). Man- chester Micr. Soc Trans., 1896. .57-61. Mjriothela phrygia. a tnbnlarian hydroid. Man- chester Micr. Soc. Trans.. 1898, 58-63. Lucemarians. Manchester Micr. Soc Trans.. 1900. 59-66. Blackbume-Maxe. 11'. P. Notes on .Apboroia sociella. Km. K'.or.i. r.. 1896, 76-77. The humble-bee honey-moth (Aphomia sociella). NaturalisU' Jl.. 4, 1896. 70. Blackburue-Maze] 582 [Bladin Aberrations of British Lepidoptera. [1896.] Ent. Record, 7, 1895-96, 217-218. Blacker, A[rtliiii] lUirry, & Clarke, It[(ihert] H[enrii]. Lifiht as a therapeutic agent. Practitioner, 48, 1892, 273-279, 334-347. Blacker, G[eorrie'} Flrancis], Some observations on tlie topoRraphical anatomy of the fourchette. [1895.] Jl. Anat. Pliysiol., 30, 1896, 283-288. The care and feeding of premature infants. Practi- tioner, 61, 1898, 28-37. Blackett, C. B. Notes on some determinations of chlorine in the water of the Yarra. [1887.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Trans., 24, [1888], 97-99. Blackett, IF. C. The combustion of oxygen and coal-dust in mines. [IT'if/i tlisciission.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 43, 1894, 314-326; 44, 1895, 51-.52. Blackford, Ohnles Minor. Tetanus. N. Y. Med. Jl., 56, 1892, 389-390. A curious salamander. Nature, 60 (1899), 389-390. Blackford, Eugene G. Report of the work in an oyster investigation with the steamer Lookout. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., .5, 1885, 52-,57 ; U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 13, 1887, 157-163. Note on the spawning season of the eel. Science, 9, 1899, 740-741. Blackball, W. Simple microscope with multiple illu- minator. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1890, 380. Blackbam, Geo. E. On the amplifying power of objectives and oculars in the com))ound microscope. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 11 (1889), 22-31. Measurement of angle of aperture and working distance of objectives. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 11 (1889), 146-149. Blackie, Wulter G. On geography and ethnology: what these embrace. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 15, 1884, 55-62. • Sketch of the present state of our knowledge of the island of New Guinea. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 15, 1884, 202-225. Blackley, diaries Harrison. On an improved method of preparing ozone pape'r, and other forms of the test, with starch and potassium iodide. Meteorol. Soc Quart. JL, 15, 1889, 193-198. Blacklock, .1 . Woolsey. Some photo-micrography experi- ments. Amer. Micr. Jl., 19, 1898, 20-21. Blackman, Angi{.'-:t7H!). Oiii fciiyli't.vl-, friiylpidiivl- ocli ffiivlisoiiiopyltria zolfi>MMinj;iir. " Stockli., OI'vVrB., 1891, aO. How maps are made. Scott. Geogr. Ma^'., 7, 1891, 419-434. On the cosmosphere. [1895.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 14. 1898, 66-71. Blaikie, 11'. G. Southern California: past and present. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 6, 1890, 187-202. Blalkley, /)[(iriiiler\. eUlanedioique. Paris Soc. Chira. Bull., 15, 1896, 1238. — . — .\etion du cvanurc de potassium sur les olides 1.4. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 121, 1897, 89-91 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 259. [Remarques sur les ructions colore de la quinine.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 4:«-135. Syntbt'sc de I'acide teribique. Paris, .Ac. Sci. C. R.. 126, 1898, 349-351 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898. 275-277. Sur la preparation et IV-th^rification de I'acide di- methvlsucciuique dissymctrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 126, 1898, 753-755; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19. 1898, 387-389. Nouvelle synthase de I'acide dim^thyl-3.3-pentane- Blaise] 584 [Blake dioique-1.5. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 12C>, 1898, 1153- 1155, 1234; Paris Soc. Cliim. Bull., 19, 1898, 559-51)2. SynthesB de Facirle tetramithylgliitariiiue sym(5trique. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. U., 12(i, 1898, 1808-1810. Sur les cliloriires-i5tliers des aciiles bibasiques. [1898.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 183-185; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 34. Kecherches sur raeitle aa-dimSthylglutarique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 128, 1899, 676-678. [Sur les derives de I'acide dimi'thylKlutaramique.] Paris Soc. Cliim. Bull., 21, 1899, 323. Eecherches sur la syntliese le I'acide aa-dimetliyl- glutarique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, .J35-542. Reduction de Tether evauodimithylpropionique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 542-546. Prcl'paration et derives de I'acide aa-dim(;thylglutarique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 623-628. Transformation de I'acide aa-dim^thylglutarique en fj/j-dimethyl-a-pyrrolidone. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 629-631. M^thode generale de synthese des acides c^touiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 641-647. Nouvelle synthase de I'acide levulique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 617-650. Syuthese de I'acide /3^-dimethyllevulique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 71.5-719. Synthese de I'acide 77-dim^thylhexanonoique CH-'- CO-C((JH»)--CH2-CH2.C02H. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 719-722. Sur I'acide aa/3-trira(5thyl-/3-oxyadipique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1033-1036; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 42.5-430. Sur les acides a^S-dimethylglutolaetoniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1716-1719; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 918-922. Blaise, Kdmoiul £[m((fi], ck Behal, Aluquste^ See B61ial iV' Blaise. Blaise, Kdinond E[mile], & Blanc, G[ustave Louis]. Sur les aminocampholenes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 106-108; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 973- 978. Sur la camphenylone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 886-889 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 161-178. Blaise, //. Les barbiers et coiffeurs au point de vue de I'hygiuue. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 32, 1894,, 229-242. Les vacheries de Montpellier. Etude hygi^nique. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 33, 1895, 520-530. Blaizot, . Toxicite et emploi therapeutique du fluorure de sodium. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 45, 1893 (C. li.), 316-319. Blaizot, , & CaldaE^^s, . Pouvoir bactericide de quelques essences. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 {C. 1!.). 1001-1004. Blajko, .S'. Observations photom^triques. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 {Livr. 2), 1896, 25-33. Observations photom^triques de Mira Ceti (o de la Baleine) et de ses ^toiles de comparaison, en hiver 1894-95. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 (Lin: 2), 1896. 103-108. Sur le rc^glage de la mouture parallactiquu. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 315-318. Sur I'^toile variable BD. + 45°. 3062 (type Algol). Astr. Nachr., ir,l, 1900, 111-112. Sur la periode de I'etoile variable. ..AurigiB. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 295-'298. Sur la i)6riode de la variable. ..Cephei. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 297-298. Blake, Charles A. Monograph of the Mutillidie of North Amc lica. Amer. I'.nt. Soc. Trans., 13, 1886, 179-286. (Jolleitting in the wilds of Pennsylvania. Philad., Eut. News, 1, 1890, 127-128. Blake, Cbirence J\iihn]. luHuence of the use of the til' plione upon the hearing jjower. Arch. Otol., 17, 1888, 240-243; Ztschr. Ohrenhcilk., 20, 1890, 83-86. Reduplications of mucous membrane in the normal tympanic cavity. Their clinical importance. Arch. Otol., 19, 1890, 209-216; Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 22, 1892, 104-110. Removal of the stapes. Arch. Otol., 22, 1893, 78-88, 196-202, 30-5-312, 404-414. Blake, E[ilwin\ _l/[or(/»u'r]. Note upon a representation in space of the ellipses drawn by an ellipsograph. [1897.] Ann. Math., 11 (1896-97), 195-196. Upon the ruled surfaces generated by the plane move- ments whose centrodes are cougrueut conies tangent at homologous points. [1898.] Amer. Jl. Math., 21, 1899, 257-269. The ellipsograph of Proclus. [1898.] Amer. Jl. Math., 22. 1900, 146-153. Two plane movements generating quartic scrolls. N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Trans., 1, 1900, 421-429. Blake, Edward 7'[/iomrts]. On dental reflexes and trophic changes. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 1, 1888, 547-555, 600- 606; Odontol. Soc. Trans., 20, 1888, 303-327. Blake, Eli Whitney. For biograpliical notice see Phys. Rev., 3, 1896, 226-227. Blake, Eli Whitney (jnn.). Summer birds of Santa Cruz Island, California. Auk, 4, 1887, 328-330. Nesting habits of Empidouax insulioola. Ank, 14, 1897, 405-406. Blake, /''. L. Cloud observations at Toronto. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 25 (1897), 19-20. Blake, Francis t'[lark]. For biographical notice see Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 10, 1891, 349. Composition of different parts of impure silver bars. Jl. Anal. Chem., 2, 1888, 70-74. Manufacture ol cupels. Jl. Anal. Chem., 2, 1888, 250-253. Blake, Francis Hayes. Vanadinite in Pinal county, Arizona. Amer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 145. Blake, Henry A. Note on the parturition of a 'West Indian bat. Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 4, 1885, 449-450. Blake, Henrij Wollaston. For biography see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 138, 1899, 488-489; Inst. "Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1899, 467-470. Thermometer readings during the eclipse. Nature, 54 (1896), 436. Blake, J[ohn] B[apst]. The general after-effects of ether. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., 1, 1897 [No. 15), 12-18. Blake, (Her.} Jlohn] F[rederiek]. First impressions of some pre-Carabrian rocks of Canada. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 728-729. Criticisms on recent papers about faults. Geol. Mag., 1, 1884, 366-371. On the volcanic group of St. David's. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 40, 1884, 294-310. The north-west Highlands and their teachings. [1884.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 8, 1885, 419-437. Report of Sub-Committee, No. Ill, on Permian, Triassic, and Jurassic. A. Jurassic, b. Lias and RhsBtie. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1885, 485-494; 1888, B 107- B118. Introduction to the Monian system of rocks. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 6(!9. On the igneous rocks of Llyn Padaru, 'Vr Eifl, and Boduan. Brit. Ass. Rep. , 1886, 609. Report of the Committee. ..appointed to undertake the microscopical examination of the older rocks of Anglesey. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1887, 230-231; 1888, 307- 420. On a now specimen of Solaster Murchisoni from the Yorkshire Lias. Geol. Mag., 4, 1887, .529-531. On the Cambrian and associated rocks in north-west Caernarvonshire. [1887.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44, 1888, 271-289. Remarks on shell growth in Cephalopoda. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 376-380. Blake] bah [Blake EsquiHso de la ((('•olojfio dcs roches anciennos de I'ile d'AnnIcsey et dii nordouest dii Curnarvoiinliire. Coiigr. G(5ol. Int. C. U., 1888, 158-462. Oil the oociiirerice of a ^'laiicophanc-bearing rock in AnKlese.v. Oeol. MaK., 6, 1888, 12.5-127. On the Moniun system of rocks. Gcol. Soc. Quart. Jl., Jt, 1888, 4t;a-rii6. The genus Ascoceras. Geol. Mag., 6. 1889, 4-1-4.5. The Monian system. Gcol. Mag., (!, 1889, 4.5-47. On the base of the xcdinicntarv series in lOngland and Wales. Geol. Mag., 7, 1890, :^08"-;^I.^, 3.54-3(i2. The Cambrian conglomerate of St. Davids. Geol. Mag., 7, 1890, 525. On the Monian and basal Cambrian rocks of Shrop. shire. Geol. Soc. Quart. .11., 4G, 1890, 386-419. A visit to the volcanoes of Italy. [188'J.] Oeol. Ass. Proc, 11, 1891. 145-176. On some recent eontributions to pre-Cambrian geology. Geol. Mag., 8, 1891, 482-487. The geology of the country between Hedoir and Bridlington. [iS'Jl.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 12, 1892, 11.5-144. On the rocks mapped as Cambrian in Caernarvon- shire. [1891.] Geol. Hoc. Quart. Jl., 48. 1892, 243-261. On the still-possible Cambrian age of the Torridou sandstone. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 713. On two tunnel sections in the Cambrian of Carnarvon- shire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 718. The evolution and classitication of the Cephalopoda ; an account of recent advances. Oeol. Ass. Proc, 12, 1892, 27o-2')5. [Excursion to Devizes, Swindon and Faringdon. Easter, 1892.] ii. Swindon. Geol. Ass. Proc, 12, 1892, 326-327. A general sketch of the geology of Carnarvonshire and Anglesey. Geol. Ass. Proc. , 12, 1892, 359-378. Excursion to Nottingham. Geol. Ass. Proc, 12, 1892, 386-392. The shell-beds of Moel Trvfaen. Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 267-270. On the felsites and conglomerates between Bethesda and Llanllvlni, North Wales. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 49, 1893, 441-465. The landslip at Sandgate. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 467-469. On sporadic glaciation in the Harlech mountains. Brit. Ass. Rep.. 1894, 659-660. On the mechanics of an ice-sheet. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 661-662. On some points in the geology of the Harlech area. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 565. Densities in the earth's crust. Phil. Mag., 38, 1894, 413-418. On the origin of ancient quartz rocks. Science, 23, 1894, 141-142. On the bases of the classification of Ammonites. [1893.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 13, 1896, 24-39. Excursion to Brill. [1893.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 13, 1896, 71-74. Anglesey agglomerates. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 569-570. Sur la distribution des fossiles non seulement en zones, mais aussi en provinces. Congr. Geol. Int. 0. R., 1897, 175-178. On some superficial deposits in Cutch. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl.. 53, 1897. 223-243. .\ revindication of the Llanberis unconformity. [1897.] Gool. Mag., 5, 1898, 47-48, 169-178, 214-226. The laccolites of Cutch and their relations to the other igneous masses of the district. [1897.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 54. 1898, 12-13. On aggregate deposits, and their relations to zones. Geol. Mag., 5. 1898. 481-488; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 872. Excursion to Bushey and Harrow Weald. [1899.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 16, 1900, 243-244. Excumion to Kettering and Thrapston. Geol. Ash. Proc, 16, 1900, 516-517. • Fossils in Devonian rocks of north Cornwall. Geol. M:ig., 7, 1900. 239-240. Blalce, {Jlci:) .r{uhn] l^reiUriek], Lamplngb, Gleorgfl ]i'[iltiam], A Cole, (/(«t.) E[dward\ Maule. Excursion to the east coast of Yorkshire. [1891] Oeol. Aaii. I'roc, 12, 1892, 207-222. Blake, (/Jce.) ./[o/in] F[reJerick], Badleaton, Wit/red //., Bnekman, slyihieij] .S'[m'orv). iV BKonekton, Horace IK. Exoursioti to Bridport and Wevmouth. Easter, 1898. [1898.] Oeol. Ass. Proc, 15, 1899, 293-301. Blake, ./. //. The prickle-pores of Victoria regia. [1887.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 74-75. Blake, .l[nhii] H[tipwuod]. The geology of the country around East Dereham. [Parts by H. B. Wooowabd and F. J. Bknnk.tt.] Eng. ert]. See I.ettB iV' Blake. Blake, /i|i'/'<'r'] I'lrederiek], I.etts, K[diiiiiiid] A[Uiert], Caldwell, ]l'illiinii, A Hawthorne, John. See Letts, Blake, Caldwell lSi Hawthorne. Blake, Williaiii J'[hi]q>s\. *Notes on the occurrence of siderite at (lay Head, Mass. [1875.J Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans.', 4 (1876-76), 11,2-113. *Carte g^^ologique des Etats-Unis dc i'Anierique Septentrionale. Congr. (leol. Int. C. R., 1878, 199-201. "The ore-deposits of Eureka district, eastern Nevada. [Willi discussion.] [1H77.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 6, 1879, 554-563. *The geology and veins of Tombstone, Arizona. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 10, 1882, 334-345. "Hare mineials recently found in tlie State. California Min. liur. Hep., 2, 1882, Apiieiid., 20.5-223. *The metallurgy of nickel in the United States. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 11, 1883, 274-281. Crystallized gold in prismatic forms. Amer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 57-58. Columbite in the Black Hills of Dakota. Amer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 340-341. The Carson-City ichnolites. Science, 4, 1884, 273- 276. Spodumene crystals of gigantic size. Amer. Jl. Sci., 29, 1885, 71. Description of a meteorite from Green county, Tennessee. Amer. Jl. Sci., 31, 1886, 41-46. The aboriginal ax of the Salt River Valley, Arizona. Amer. Natlist. , 20, 1886, 479-481. The copper-deposits of Copper Basin, Arizona, and their origin. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 17, 1889, 479-485. Wurtzilite from the Uintah Mountains, Utah. Amer. inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 18, 1890, 497-503. Uintaite, albertite, grahamite, and asphaltum described and compared, with observations on bitumen and its compounds. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 18, 1890, 563-582. Miueralogical notes. Thenardite, mirabilite, glau- berite, halite and associates, of the Verde Valley, Arizona Territory. Amer. Jl. Sci., 39, 1890, 43—45. Columbite of the Black Hills, South Dakota. Amer. Jl. Sci., 41, 1891, 403-405. Age of the limestone strata of Deep Creek, Utah, and the occurrence of gold in the crystalline portions of the formation. Amer. Geologist, 9. 1892, 47-48. Relative abundance of gold in different geological formations. Amer. Geologist, 9, 1892, 166-168. Note upon the absorption of sulphur by charcoal. Science, 21, 1893, 326-327. ■ " Carborundum '" ; a silicide of carbon. Science, 22, 1893, 141. The tin ores of New South Wales and South Dakota. Science, 22, 1893, 19-5. The hardness of carborundum. Science, 22, 1893, 331. Telluride of gold. Cripple Creek, Colorado. Science, 22, 1893, 331-332. The progress of geological surveys in the state of Wisconsin. A review and bibliography. Wisconsin Ac. Trans., 9, 1893, 225-231. Wisconsin lead and zinc deposits. [1893.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 5, 1894, 25-32. The mineral deposits o'f southwest Wisconsin. [1893.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 22, 1894, 558-568. ■ Trilobites in the "oil-rock" horizon of the Trenton limestone. Amer. Geologist, 14, 1894, 133-134. The zinc-ore deposits of southwestern New Mexico. [1894.] Amer.Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 24, 1896, 187-195. Remarkable meteor (July 10. 1895). Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 7, 1895, 229-230. Cinnabar in Texas. [1895.] .\mer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 25, 1896, 68-76, Notes and recollections concerning the mineral resources of northern Georgia and western North Carolina. [1895.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 25, 1896, 796-811. Gypsum beds in southern Arizona. Amer. Geologist, 18, 1896, 394. Gold in granite and plutonic rocks. [1896.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans.. 26, 1897, 290-298. O-scillations of level of the Pacific coast of the United States. Amer. Geologist, 21, 1898, 164-165. Anthracite coal in Arizona. Amer. Geologist, 21, 1898, 345-346. Remains of a species of Bos in the Quaternary of Arizona. Amer. Geologist, 22, 1898, 65-72. Bison latifrons and Bos arizonica. Amer. Geologist, 22, 1898, 247-248. Hiibuerite in Arizona. [1898.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 28, 1899, 543-546. Blake] 587 [Blanc The Pliocene tikull of California and tlie flint inipli- menta of Table Mountain. Jl. tieol. (Cliicai^o), 7, 1899. 631-637. Glacial croKion and the oriKin of the Yoserait* Valley. [1899.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 29, 1900, H23- 835. ReraainH of the nmmmoth in Arizona. Amer. GeoloBi^t, '_>(;. 1900, 2.57. Blakemore, (1. II. Mctalliir(;ical metliodn in use at liiokiii Hill. Aust. Ass. Kep., 1898. 27.'>-:t0(;. Blakesley, 'riioiiKix lloUnes. On the relation which elioiild subKist between a current of electricity and the con- ductor employed to convey it. [With liiscumion.] Telegr. Kn^in. Jl., IH, 1884." 29.">-32-4. Alternating curieiits. Sclfiuilnption. Graphic repre- sentation. Kleetricinii, 14, 1886, l".»'.)-200. 258-2.59, 2.S7, 326-327, 373-374, 411-412, 470-471, .510-511 ; 15, 1886, 22-23, 58-59, 114-116. 154-155, 3'.l0-392. Original coniniunication. [Problem relating to the action of a condenser emjiloyed to bridge a circuit.] Telegr. Kngin. .11.. 14, 1886, 1.59-161. A new heliograph. [1887.] United Serv. In-^t. .Tl., 31, 1887-88, .5'.)3-.594. On a geometrical determination of the conditions of maximum eiTiciency in the case of the transmis.sion of power by means of alternating electric currents. [1887.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, ',», 1888, 85-93; Phil. Mag., 25, 1888, 30-38. On the measurement of magnetic lag. Electrician, 20, 1888, 4H2. On a method of determining the diiTirence between the phase of two harmonic currents of electricity having the same period. London Phys. Soc. Proc., 9, 1888, 165-167; Phil. Mag., 25, 1888, 29.5-296. On magnetic lag. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 9, 1888, 286-296; Phil. Mag., 26. 1888, 34-43. On a new barometer, called " the araphisba'na." [1888.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 10, 1890, 9-11 ; Phil. Mag., 26, 1888, 458-460. On some facts connected with the systems of scientific units of measurements. [1888.] London Phvs. Soc. Proc, 10, 1890. 55-65; Phil. Mag., 27, 1889, 178-186. The determination of the work done upon the cores . of iron in electrical apparatus subject to alternating currents. [1890.] Nature, 43. 1891, 116. The solution of a geometrical problem in magnetism. [1890.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 11, 1892, 56-60; Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 281-285. Further contributions to dynamometry.or the measure- ment of power. [1891.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 11, 1892. 106-1 14 ; Plul. Mag., 31, 1891, 346-354. On the ditfereutial equation of electrical How. [1893.] London Phvs. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 217-234 ; Phil. Mag.. 35, 1893, 419-435. A new electrical theorem. [1894.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 13, 1896, 6.5-67 ; Phil. Mag., 37, 1894, 44S- 450. A new definition of focal length, and an instrument for determining it. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 15, 1897, 178-185 ; Phil. Mag., 44, 1897, 137-143. On some improved fiirmula> and methods connected with lenses. [1899.] London Phys. Soc. Proc 17, 1901, 91-98; Phil. Mag., 49, 1900, 447-453. Blakey, .1. J. Soft water. Soc. Dyers Col. JL, 3, 1887, 176. Blaklston, A. Alex. Habits of chameleons. Nature, 54 118961. 621-622. Blaklston, [Capt.) Thomas Wriaht. For biography and works .<<•<• Gcogr. Soc. Proc, 13, 1891, 728-729; Auk, 9, 1892, 7.5-76; Ibis, 4, 1892, 190-191; Geogr. Jbnch., 16, 1893. 472. Water birds of Japan. U. S. Mus. Proc, 9, 1887, 652-660. Blaklaton, iCa/it.) Tliomut n'riyht, & Alexander, //i(>»i/;». I'roUction by mimicry. A problem in niiithe- inuiiial zoology-. Natiin-. 29, 1884, 405-406. Blalock, T. L., iV Horae, Il{iiriiwn] S'[orlhruj>]. See Morse it Blalock. Blanc, \IIriui .hiUt]. 'Observations faites du 24 juillet ail 1. 1 oct.bri 1h64 (ik MassouaJ. France Soc. Mtttorol. Anmi.. 13, 1866, I't. 2, 79-80. Blanc, {Kiijii.) roii. 'Iteise S.M.S. Symphe von Muzatlan nach Callao, Coronel und Valparaiso und um das Kap Horn nach Montevideo. Hydrogr. Mitth., 2 (18741. 99-102. Blanc, K[d. F. Micller). Sa variabilite et son mode de reproduction. [1884.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 20, 1885, 305-315. [Sur un nouveau Foraminifere, de la faune profonde du lac Leman.] Aich. Sci. Phys. Nat., 16, 1886, 362- 366. Ce que devient le puceron des pommiers pendant I'hiver. [1885.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 21, 1886, 188-190. [Nouvelles observations sur le puceron lanigere.] [1886.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 22, 1887, xxxv. [Uu nouveau Elnzopode monothalame.] [1886.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 22, 1887, xxxv. Notice sur une cochenille parasite des pommiers, le Mytilaspis pomorum, Bouche. [1886.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, 78-84. [Observations sur la Gromia Bruunerii.] [1887.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, xxi. Notice sur une mortalite exceptionnelle des brochets du lac Leman en 1887. [1887.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, 33-37. La Gromia Bruunerii, un nouveau Foraminifere. Eec. Zool. Suisse, 4, 1888, 497-513. Sur le systeme excreteur des Oxyures. [1888.] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1887-88, 58. • Sur le Tienia saginata et le Butriocephalus latus. [1888.] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1887-88, 58-59. Tasuia saginata et Bothriocephalus latus avec anneaux perfores. [1887.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 24, 1889, 9-16. [Le systfeme excreteur des vers nematodes.] [1889.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 25, 1890, ix. [Essais de pisciculture avec des ctufs de truite du lac (Trutta lacustris).] [1889.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 25, 1890, xxviii. Le Petromyzon Planerii. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull, 25, 1890, xxiii. Sur la maturation et la fiicondation de I'unif de la truite des lacs. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 575- 576. Protistes dragU(5s au fond du lac L^man appartenant au genre Difflugia. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 576-577. — ■ — Note prelimiuaire sur la maturation et la f^condation de I'oeuf de la truite. [1891.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 27, 1892, 272-275. [Ri'sultats d'une premit're (5tude sur les Difflugies du fond du Leman.] |1892.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 28, 1892, xi ; Bibliogr. Anat., 1 (1893), 16. Blanc] 589 [Blanc [Nouvelles observatioiiB faites sur IcCcrntiuiiiliirundi- nellti en voie de (iiviBioii iV IVtat librc.) LiiuHanne, Sue. Vaiui. Hull., •I'J, 1893, xxiv-xxv. Ktiule Kill- 111 fiiiindatioii dc I'auf dv la truite. FreibuiK Her., H, 1894, IKH-lill. [Lea rcl'BiiUatH d'uiie si'rie du patlieH pi'lagiqiien faites en 18'J4 ct IH'.i.'i duns le Lcman.] Schwciz. Natf. Gea. Verh., 1895, lO-JO. Ltt fecoiidation et la transmission des caroctSres fafSri'^ditaires chez les animaux. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verli., 1896, 13.5-130. iSiir la ficoniliition de I'leuf de la truite. Arch. Sci. I'hvs. Nat., t;, 1898, 197-498; Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh., 1898, 72-73. A propos de la fc^condation de I'uuf de la truite. BiblioRr. Anat., 6, 1898, •2->2-2iri . I'C plaiikliin Hdctuiiie du lac Li'man. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 3t, 1898, •2'2.'i-230. .\sellus a(iuulicus dans le lac L^man. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 497. [OI)servations sur le developpement dc lVpi])hyRe et de la paraphyse chez la Salamandra atra (Salaiuandre noire de« Alpes).] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1900, 121-122. Blanc, lliiiri [Josej>li]. Contribution a I'etude de la Raiii^rone palustre. Arch. M^d. Pharm. Militaires, 6, 1886, 337-3«0. Recherchcs sur la tievre typhoide en Tunisie et sur les modilicationa que Ini iniprime la chakur. Arch. Med. Pbariii. .Militaires, 9, 1887, 18-.J1, 109-131. Essai sur les furnies bilieuses du paludisnie au Tonkin. Arch. Med, Pharni. Militaires, 13, 1889, 1-4-5, 101-127. De rarterio-sclurose en gent'ral et des scleroses vasculaires dans I'armee. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 18. 1891, 1-39, 213-248. Blanc, lliunj M'illiam. A reviev? of five years of dermato- logical practice in New Orleans. [1891.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 55, 1892, 281-287. Blanc, J. li. Calcul de la resistance des voiitcs en maviiunerie en plein cmtre et surbaissees. Aun. Conduct. Ponts et Cliauss., 40, 1896, .509-522. Blanc, Jiih-s. [Sur la nidilication du gi-^be castagneux (l'oiiicc)is tluviatilis).] [1885.] Saone-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 3, [1890], .50-51. Note sur le Saxieola aurita, son passage dans le dipartement de Saoneet-Loirc. [1885.] Saone-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull.. 3, [1890], 60-(;i. Ornithologie. Saime-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 1896, 18-19. 5(1-57 ; 1896, 2H ; 1897, 100. Blanc, I.i'dii. [Kiinuiques sur la nomenclature.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (('. li.), 29. [Emploi du fonnol pour la conservation des herbiers.] Lyon Soc. But. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. /?.), 61-62; 20, 1896 (C. R.), 10-11. [Xouveau proc^d^ de photogravure des feuiUes.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. R.), 05-60. [Colorations autonmales de diverses feuilles.j Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20. 1896 (C. R.). 21. Les procedos graphiqiies appliques i la geographic botanique. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 44, 1897, 33-51. [Variation de Leontopodium alpinum.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Anu., 23, 1898 (C. R.), 6. [Synanthie de la Digitale pourpree.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 23, 1898 (f. R.), 23. [Ponime de tene monstrueuse.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 23, 1898 (C. R.), 24. [Gas teratologiuues.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 23, 1898 {C.R.),-27. [Transmission heieditaire des anomalies.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 25, 1900 (C. II.). 22-23. Blanc, Leon, it Decrock, K. Observations stir la distri- bution geographique des Primulacees. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 44, 1897, cxxvi-cxxviii. Blanc, I.ouii. Note sur le ri'le phyitiologiquc des tubes dc .M«i.ri(iiii, chez lea insectes. Kchange, 1, 1886, So. 4, - ^•, Ktude sur la constitution interne de la sole du ver pcrnycn, Attacua Pernyi. [1886-88] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 9, 1887, 4.50-454, Ixxxii ; In, 1888, 330- 337. Le troisij^me ceil des reptiles. Echange, 4, 1888. Nu. 42, 4-5. Note sur la matiere colorante de la sole du Bombyx Mori. Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 10, 1888, 325-330. Notes anatomiques sur le tube digestif, I'appareil seticigene, les yeu\ du ver pemyeu. Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 10, 1888, 337-342. De la Ben8ibilit<5 des plantes aux terrains. Kchange, 0, 1890, 172-174. Sur la coloration de la sole par lea aliments. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., Ill, 1890, 280-2M2. [Comuiunicatiuns aur I'appareil fileur du ver k sole.] [1890.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 3, 1891, cxvii-cxxi. Sur uu cas d'herinapbrodlanie faux par exces des voiea gd'uitaleB observe aur un bouc. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 38, 1891, .59-73. Sur lea monstres milomiles. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 38, 1891, 91-113. Notice historique sur la coloration artificielle de la soie par lea aliments. [1891.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 4, 1892, 15-20. Ubser\ation8 de polls het<;rotopiquea implantea aur la langue et sur la cornee. Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 11, 1892, 255-259. Transformation cutand-e de I'amnios chez un monatre celosomien ch^lonisome. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 39, 1892, 1-9. Sur un cas remarquable de dedoublement de la r^ion tarso-metatarsienne (schistom^lie). Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 39, 1892, 41-51. bur un ovule 4 deux ncyaux observe dans I'ovaire de Mus decumanus. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 39, 1893, 73-80. Sur une anomalie nouvelle de I'amnios. Paris, Soc. Biol. .Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 320-321. Un cas d'ovule k deux noyaux chez un mammifere. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mcui., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 563-564. Note sur I'inllueuce de la lumicre sur I'orienlation de I'embryon dans I'oEuf de poule. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 774-776. Note sur les effetsteratogeniqueade la lomiire blanche sur I'eeuf de poule. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 969-971. — ;- Du role des monstruosit^s dans la genese des espices. Echauge, 9, 1893, 15, 38-39. Etude sur la polydactylie chez les Mammif^res. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 40, 1893, .53-88. Etude sur les monstres doubles deradelphes. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 40, 1893. 189-204. Sur la valeur mori)hologique des cornes chez le cbeval. [1893.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 [C. R.), 725- 726; Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 12. 1894. 87-90. A propos dune note de M. Feke sur Taction de la lumiere sur les a.l. De la presence des muscles strii's cbcz les Mollusqucs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. II., 106, 1888, 1-2.5-127. Sur les muscles strifes des Molhisqnes. Paris, Soc. Biol. iUm., 40, 1888 (C. It.), 12.5-127. L'ankylostonio duodenal et I'anemie dcs mineurs. Rev. Sci.", 41, 1888, 701. Quelques mots au sujet de I'nrticle de Mr. Lataste (Z. A. No. 27H) [sur la classification dcs Batraciens anoures). Zool. Anz., U, 1888, 3.58-.'}5!). De la nomenclature des etres organises. [il'ith dhcitesion.] Congr. Int. Zool. C. li., 1889, H:^3-41(>, 419-421. Note snr les causes et la frequence des cocons doubles dans les diverses races de Bombvx Mori. France Soc. Zool. Hull., 14, 1889, 80-92; Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889. c-ciii. Quelques mots sur la cbiqne. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 14, 1889, !).5-9!). Remarques critiques sur les serpents du genre Thanato- phis, Pomiild Artinno. France Soc. Zool. Hull., 11, 1889, 346-349. Note sur un cas de sabot adventice cbcz le cba7ni>is. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 14, 1889, 3G1-306; 1,5, 1890, 84-85. Anomalie h^reditaire des doigts. Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 634. Anomalie du pluma(,'o chez un pigcon-paon. France Soc. Zool. Hull., 1.5, 1890, 92-94. Anomalie des orgaues gt'^iitaux cliez un Tienia saginata, Ga-ze. France Soc. Zool. Hull., l.i, 1890, 166-168; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (f. R.), 403-404. • Sur une Caroline d'origine animale, constituant le pigment rouge des Diaptomus. France Soc. Zool. M6m., 3, [1890], 113-122. Sur une remarquable dermatose caus<5e chez le I<5zard vert par un champignon ilu genre Selenosporium. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 3, [1890], 211-25.5. Sur une matiere eolorante des Diaptomus, analogue A la carotine des vegetaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890. 292-294. L'ordrc des Primates. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 1, 1890, 3",ltf-398. Manifestations dermiques de la goutte chez une pcrruche. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 10, 1891, 20-21; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 {C. R). 32-33. Evacuation de no.vaux cellulaires simulant une helmintbiase et une coccidiose. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 22-23; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 17-18. Erreur des sens chez un Lepidopt^re. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 23-24. Un cas de myase par la Sarcophaga magni&ca en Roumanie. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 2.5-20. Une question de nomenclature, a propos des hybrides. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 42-46. Sur le pseudo-parasitisme des larves de cousin (Culex pipiens). France Soc. Zool. Bull.. 16. 1891. 72-73. Note sur les migrations du Ta'nia gracilis, Krabbe. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 119-122; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 43. 1891 (t\ R.). 330-332. Nouveau cas de t^nia nain (Hymenolepis nana) en AniiTiquo. Fr.ince Soc. Z.i..l. Hull., 10, 1891, lO.i-HJ; Paris, S(X-. Hi..|. .Mem., 43, 1891 IC. A'.). 441-443. Courtes notices sur les Hirndinees. France Soc. Zool. Hull., 10, 1891, 21M -^21; 17. 1892, 3.5-39, 105-182, 222- 223; 18, 1893. I I 10, 20-29, 30-35, 92-108, 110-113, 194-198; H), 1894, 8.5-«»; 21, 1896, 118-120, 137-141; 24, 1899, 181-189. Note sur un t<'.tard monstrueux. France Soc. Zool. Hull., 10, 1891, 2.50-251. Sur les helmintlics dcs Primates anthropoides. (Premiere note. Cestodcs.) France Soc. Zool. Mem., 4, 1891, 180-190. Uesultats d'une excursion zoologiquc en Alg^rie. France Soc. Zool. .Mem., 4, 1891, 208-245. Notic<;s helmintbologiques (2nie s^rie). France Soc. Zo(d. Mem., 4, 1891, 420-189. Sur la faune entumulogiiiue du Gran Chaco. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 4. 1891, 49IM98. Sur quelques varietes franvaises du lezard des murailles. I'rance Soc. Zool. Mem., 4, 1891, 502-508. Sur les vegetaux parasites (non-raicrobiens) trans- missibles des aniraaux a I'honime, et ri'^ipro(|uement. [Il'i(/i diitciugioii.] Int. Congr. Hvg. Trans., (1891, 3), 88-102; .11. Microgr., 15, 1891, 284-280, 31.3-317. 327- 332; 10, [1892], 24-25; Progris Med., 14, 1891. 454-J5G, 491^493. A propos des chromatopliores des Cephalopodes. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, .565-500. Note sur quelques vers parasites de rhomtne. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.}, 604-615. Penetration de I'lxodes ricinus sous la peau de rhomme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 689-691. Identitc du Distonia clavatum, Rudolphi, et du Distoma ingens, Moniez. Paris, Soc. Biol. Md-m., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 692-693. ■ Sur la sangsue de cheval du nord de I'Afrique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.). 093-4)96. • Note prelirninaire snr le Distoma heterophyes, para- site de rhomme en Egypte. Paris, Soc. Biol. Md-m., 43, 1891 (C. R.). 791. Presence de la Glossiphonia tessellata au Chili; description complementaire de rette Hiradince. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 2, 1898, 177-187. Deuxi^me rapport sur la nomenclature des etres organises. Rapport presents an deuxi^me Congrcs International de Zoologie r^uni a Moscou du 10/22 au 18/30 aout 1892. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892 (Pt. 2), 83 pp. Description de la Glossiphonia tessellata. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 5, 1892, .56-68. Description de la Xerolxlella Leoomtei. France Soc. Zool. Mem.. 5, 1892, 539-553. Sur la presence de la " Trocheta subviridis" en Ligurie, et description de cette Hirudinee. UenoTa, Soc. Ligust. .\tti, 3. 1892. 407-435. Notices sur les parasites de I'liomme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892, 213-2.58; 46, 18»t (C. i?.), 460- 462, 699-702. [Remarquesausnjetde la communication de J/.F. Heih sur le pigment rouge da Trombidium. ] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann.. 61. 1892. 1. Sur les lEstrides ainericains dont la larve vit dans la peau de Ihommc. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 61, 1892, 109-154, ccix-ccxi. [Sur le Theromyzon pallens, PhiUppi, 1967.] Chili Soc. Sci. .\ct., 3, 1893, xiv-xxrii. Revision des Hirudiuees du Musee de Dresde. Dresden Zool. Mus. Abb., 1892-93. So. 4. 8 pp. Anomalie de la carapace chez la cistude d'Eorope. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 18, 1893, 120-122. Sanguijuelas de la peninsula iberica. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 22, 1893, 243-258 ; Micr. Soc. Jl., 1894. 343. Blanchard] 592 [Blanchet Sur une sangsue terrestre du Chili. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 446-447. Contributions a I'etuile des Dipteres parasites. Paris, Sop. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, osx-cxxxvi; 63, 1894, 142-160; 65, 1896, 640-077. Revision des Hirudinees du Musee de Turin. Torino Mus Boll., s, 1893, No. 14.5, 32 pp. Sur quelques Hirudinees du Pigment. Torino Mus. Boll., 8, 1893, .Vo. 146, 12 pp. Viaggio del Dr. E. Fest.\ in Palestina, nel Libano e re.'^ione vicine. Hirudinees. Torino Mus. Boll., 8, 1893, No. 161, 3 pp. Voyage du doeteur Th^od. Barrois aux Azores. Hirudinees. [1893.] Rev. Biol. N. France, 6, 1894, 40. Voyage du doeteur Theodore Bareois en Syrie. Hirudinees. [1893.] Rev. Biol. N. France, 6, 1894, 41-46. Anomalie des nageoires chez le Protoptere. France Soe. Zool. Bull., 19, 1894, 54-57. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioue vicine. Lvii. Hirudinees. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 34, 1894, 113-118. A propos du venin de la couleuvre. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 3.5-36. Sur le Tienia Brandti, Khohdkovski. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 418-419. Verzeichniss der im Gr. Ploner See gesammelten Hirudineen. Plon Biol. Stat. Forschungsber., 2, 1894, 66-69. Sur quelques Cestodes monstrueux. Progres M6d., 20, 1894, 1-4, 17-20. Hirudinees de I'ltalie continentale et insulalre. Torino Mus. Boll., 9, 1894, No. V.>2, 84 pp. Sur uu Tienia saginata bifurque. France Soo. Zool. Mem., 8, 1895, 232-243. Hirudineen aus dem Togoland. Arcb. Naturg. , 62, 1896 iBil. 1), 49-53. Sur le vairon montagnard (Phoxinus lievis, vur. montanus). France Soc. Zool. Bull., 21, 1896, 155-156. Campagnes de V Hironddle et de la Princt'.'iae- Alice. Hirudinees. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 21, 1896, 196- 198. Description de quelques Hirudinees asiatiques. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 9, 1896, 316-330. Sur les cocheuilles du genre Orthezia, Bosc, 1784. Paris, Soc. Ent, Ann., 65, 1896, 678-683. Viaggio dell dott. A. BorelijI nella Republica Argentina e nel Paraguay. Hirudinees. Torino Mus. Boll., 11, 1896, No. 263, 24 pp. La chique des oiseaux. (Sarcopsylla gallinacea, Wi-stwood.) France Soc. Acolim. Bull., 44, 1897, 210-220. Hirudinees du Mus^e de Leyde. Leyden Mus. Notes, 19, 1897, 73-113. Le Davainea madagascariensis i, la Guyane. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 37, 1897, 34-38. Pseudo-parasitisme d'un Gordius chez I'homme. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull, 37, 1897, 614-618. Vicissitudes de la rioiiienclature lielmintliologique. Arcb. de Parasit., 1, 1898, 350-351. Sur le pseudo-parasitisme des Myriapodes chez I'homme. Arcli. de Parasit., 1, 1898, 452-490, 637. Sur une affection causce par les spores d'un cham- pignon parasite du roseau on canne de Provence (Arundo donax, L.). Arch, de Parasit., I, 1898, 503-512. Sur des larves de Coleoptere longicorne trouvees dans les fosses uasales d'un droiuadaire. Arch, de Parasit., 1, 1898, 513-514. Notes sur la faune du Haut Tonkin, iv. Nouveau type d'Hirudinije (Torix niirus). Bull. Soi. France Belg., •i8, 1896-98, 339-341. L'histoire naturelle et la medecine. Ruv. Sci., 9, 1898, 353-357. A propos de sangsues fixees dans le pharynx. Arch. de Parasit., 2, 1899, 142-144. Sur deux Teniad^s recemment decrits par M. Meonin. Arch, de Parasit., 2. 1899, 144. Un eas inedit de Davainea madagascariensis. Con- siderations sur le genre Davainea. Areli. de Parasit., 2, 1899, 200-217. Quelques eas anciens d'actinomycose. Arch, de Parasit., 2, 1899, 3'29-342. Nouveau eas de Filaria loa. Arch, de Parasit., 2, 1899, 504-534. Obstruction intestinale par les Ascarides. [1895.] Arch, de Parasit., 2, 1899, 634-635. Actinomyces ou Discomyces? Quel nom doit porter le champignon qui produit I'actinomyces? Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 193-197. Stapbylomycose ou staphylococcic? Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 197. Quel nom doit prendre le champignon qui cause la teigne imbriquee ou tokelau? Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 207. Transmission de la filariose par les moustiques. Arch. de Parasit., 3, 1900, 280-291. Notes historiques sur la peste. Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 589-643. Du role des eaux et des legumes dans I'etiologie de I'helmiuthiase intestinale. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R., 1900, 51-56; Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 485-491. Les migrations de la tilaire du sang. Paris, Ac. M^J. Bull, 43, 1900, 566-574. Instructions a I'usage des mSdeciris, des naturalistes et des voyageurs, rddigees an nom de la Commission du paludisme, compos^e de MM. Vallin, Kelsch, Laveran, Railliet et R. Blanchard, rapporteur. Paris, Ac. M^d. Bull, 44, 1900, 6-58. Les Coccidies et leur role pathog^ne. Paris, Cans. Sci, 1900, 133-172. Blanchard, Rapliai'l, & Barret, Eugene [.Hhert]. See Barret A' Blanchard. Blanchard, RiipliaH, & Carus, J[«;j«.s] Victor. See Cams i^ Blanchard. Blanchard, iJ«jj/iu(>7, & M artel, Kldounnl] A^lfred^ La faune des caverues et la Societe de Speleologie. Congr. Int. Zool C. R., 1896, 175-178. Blanchard, RajihuH, & Bailliet, A[lcide]. Sur le pr(5- tt'udu ]\Ionostoma Setteni, Ntnutin. France Soc. Zool. liull, 16, 1891, 26-28, Blanchard, Rnplinil, & Regnard, Paul. See Begnard & Blanchard. Blanchard, Rapliai'l, & Richard, Jules. Sur les Crustaces des sebkahs et des chotts d'AIgerie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 111,1890,118-120. Faune des lacs salfe d'AIgerie. Cladoceres et Cop^- podes. France Soc. Zool. M6m., 4, 1891, 51'2-535. Sur la faune des lacs ^lev^s des Hautes-Alpes. France Soc. Zool. Mim.. 10, 1897, 43-61. Blanchetrt, C L'electricite et les tramways. Rev. Univ. Mines, 19, 1886, 371-391, 520-540; 20, 1886, 379-394, 559-599. Note sur la presence de I'eau dans les calcaires. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol Bull, 1894 (Mem.), 130-144. Calcul des machini's dynaruo-clectriques h courant continu. [1895.] Rev. Univ. Mines, 34, 1896, 113- 140, 241-322; 35, 1896, 1-52. Blanchet, [Charles]. Liste des plantes trouvees en 1883 piuir hi premiere fois dans les departenients des Landes et des Basses-Pyrenees. Indication de quelques-unes qui, trouvees precedcmnient, n'ont pas encore etc signalees et ont paru, cette aiini'e, dans de nouvelles localites. llax Soc. liorda Hull, 1884, 15-19. Blanchet, /'. Le Djebel Demmer. Ann. Geogr. , (1. 1897, 239 251. Blanchet, R. "[Sur une nouvelle forme a donner aux Blanchetl rm [Bland-Sutton France 8oc. M6tdorol. Annu., Rev. talileaux harom(^triqueB.] 4, 1866, Pt. 2, 53 54. Blanchln, (/*.]. Lcs obscrvationn de miit h la mcr. Maiitiriii' et Colon., HI). 1884. T.'tl. Blancbon, [Amlri']. Quick cliarKf accumulators. [Tr.] Electrician, 3(1, 1897, 5.')l-r)')4. Blanck, {le pi-rr) I'. Le Trane-NiKne i\ I'oucst du Tong- Kint;. I'ariB, Soc. G(5onr. Bull., ',, 1884, 4:14-152. Blancke, . Da.s Wyandotto-Huhn und seine Farbcn- schliige. Wicn Ornith. Ver. Mittli., 14, 1890, 16-lH, 65-66. liehliuhnfarbiRe Italiencr. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mittb., II, 1890, -in I 286. Blanckenliom, ilajr [Ltitlwiii Pniil]. Die Trios zwischcn Call, CoinniLMii, Ziilpich und dem Boerthal am Nordrandc der Eifel in iliren Biziehnn^i^n zu anderen Trinsgebieten und in Bezng auf die I.8nerun(,'sverhiiltDis»e. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. C'orre«p.-BI., 1884, 57-58. Die Trias am Noidrande der Eifel zwiscben Comniern, Ziilpicli iimi dem Koertbale. Preuss. Thiirinp. Gcol. Karte .\l)h., 6 (Ih-jt i), 1886, 135 pp. Die fossile Flora des Buntsandsteins und dea Muschel- kalks der UmReRcnd von Commern. [1880.] I'alaeonto- grapbica, 32, 1886-86, U7-154. [Die Verbreitunf; einer oulithischen Bank des Trochi- tenkalks in der Trias des westlichen Deutschlands,] Bonn Niedcrrliein. (ies. Sber., 1887, 11-15. Ueber Ceratitcn des oberen deutschen Muschelkalks. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges, Sber., 1887, 28-32. Ceratites brunsvicensis, n. sp. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1887, 32-36. Die Keognostischen Verhiiltnisse von Afrika. Peter- mann, Mittli., 34, 1888 (Kiffiiiminnoh. 90, 63 pp.). Pteropodenre.ste ans der Oberen Kreide Nord-Syriens und aus dem liessischcn Oligociin. Deutscb. Geol. Ges. Ztsehr., 41, 1889, ."93-602. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Binnenconcfaylien-Fauna von Mittel- und Nord-Syrien. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 21, 1889, 76-90. Das Eocan in Syrien, mit besonderer Beriickaichtigung Nord-Syriens. Ein Beitrag zur (Jeologie Syriens. Deutsch. Geol. G'es. Ztsclir., 42, 1890, 318-359. Das marine Miociin in Syrien. Wien, Ak. Denkschr. , 57, 1890, .591-620. Syrien in seiner geologischen Vergangenheit. Eine geologisch-geschichtliche Studie hauptsiichlich naeh Re- Bultaten eigener Forschiing. Eassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 36 it 37. 1891, 56-77. Das marine I'liocan in Syrien. Erlangen Pbys. Med. Soc. Sber., 24, 1892, 1-53. Ueber pseuduglaciale Erscheinuugen in mitteldent- Schen Gebirgen. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztsehr., 47, 1898, 576-581. Das Diluvium der Umgegend von Erlangen. [1895-] Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 27, 1896, 6-53. Thcorie der Bewegungeii des Erdbodens. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztsclir., 48, 1896. 382-400, 421. Entstehung und (ie.^chichte des Todten Meeres. Ein Beitrag zur Geologic Paliistinas. Deutsch. Paliestina- Ver. Ztsehr., 19. 1896, 1-59. Zur Kenntniss der Siisswssscrablagerungen und MoUusken Syriens. Die pliociinen und qiiartaren SiisswasserbiUlungen im Orontesgebiet in Nord- und Mittelsyiien und ibre Bezieliung znr heutigen Siiss- wasserconchj'lienfauna Syriens. [1897.] Palaeonto- graphica. 44, 1897-98, 71-144. lias Tote Mecr und der Untergang von Sodom und Gonuirrha. [1896.] Miinchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., 17, 1898, xxvii-xxviii. Saurierfunde im friinkischen Keuper. [1897.] Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber.. 29, 1898, 67-91. Noch einmal Sodom und Gomorrha. Dentsch. Palrestina-Vcr. Ztsehr., 21, 1898, iioSS. Zwei isolirtc TertiiirVorkoramen im Roth auf Blalt WilbelmslKibe bei ("assel. PreUKS. Geol. Landesantit. Jbuch.. 18, 1898, 103 (/,i.)-108 llni). Der MuKclielkalk auf Blatt Wilhelmshohe bei Cassel und seine Lagerungsvcrhiiltnii-se. Preuns. Geol. Landes- anst. Jbuch., IM, 1898. 109(/c. Trans., 35, 1884, 472-476. - — Diseases of the ductless glands in animals. London Path. Soc. Trans.. 35, 1884. 485-488. On the diseases of the carnivorous mammals in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1884, 177-187. Observations on the parasphenoid. the vomer, and the palato-pterygoid arcade. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1884, 566—573. Comparative dental pathology. [W'ifh diieustion.] [1884.] Brit. Jl. DcnUl Sci., 28, 1885, 5-13, 49-56. — — Diseases of the reprodactive organs in animals. [1884.] London Path. Soc. Trans.. :16, 1886. 499-527. Comparative denial pathology. Injuries and dis<»a-es of the jaws in animals. [Willi ditcusiion.] Brit. Jl. Dental Sci.. 28. 1885. 437-142. 483-191, 495-498, 544- 548, .553-556, 585-591. 631-<)35. Disea-ses of the reproductive organs in frogs, birds and mammals. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 19, 1885, 121-14.3. Tumours in animals. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 19, 1885. 415-475. T\-phoid fever in animals. London Path. Soc. Trans., :16, 1886, 527-531. R. S. A. C. Bland-Suttoul 594 LBlandford Diseases of the respiratory organs in animale. Loodon Path. Soc. Trans., 3(>, 1885," 532-553. Fatty tumours. Med.-Chir. Trans., 08, 1886, 293-308. Comparative dental pathology. Injuries and diseases of the jaws in animals. []Vith discussion.] Odontol. Soe. Trans., 17. 1886, 158-222. On hypertrophy, and its value in evolution. Zool. Soc. Pro'c., 1885, 432-445. On the development and morphology of the human sphenoid hone. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 577-587. On the origin of certain cysts, ovarian, vaginal, sacral, lingual, and tracheal. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 20, 1886, 432-455. Diseases of the vascular mechanism in animals. London Path. Soc. Trans., 37, 1886, 572-579. Observations on injuries and diseases of the joints in animals. London Path. Soc. Trans., 37, 1886, 580-587. A case of general seborrhcea or "harlequin" fcetus. Med.-Chir. Trans., 69, 1886, 291-296. Dental and oral cases in animals. [iVith discxission.] Odontol. Soc. Trans., 18, 1886, 102-119; Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 247-251, 287-290. On some specimens of disease from mammals in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 206-217; 1887, 364-368. On the intervertebral disk between the odontoid process and the centrum of the axis in man. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 837-342. On atavism. A critical and analytical study. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 551-558. The lateral recesses of the fourth ventricle; their relation to certain cysts and tumours of the cerebellum, and to occipital meningocele. [1886.] Brain, 9, 1887, 352-361. Eanula and cysts in the neighbourhood of the hyoid bone. [1886.] London Path. Soc. Trans., 38, 1887, 386-393. Odontomes. [1887.] Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 30, 1887, 1149-1155; 31,1888, 1-8,65-71; Odontol. Soc Trans., 20, 1888, 32-87. On branchial fistul*, cysts, diverticula, and super- numerary auricles. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 21, 1887, 289-298. A case of secondary astragalus. Jl. Anat. Physiol.. 21, 1887, 333-334. Curious dropsical condition of an axolotl. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 21, 1887, 670-671. Diseases of the genito-urinary organs in animals. London Path- Soc. Trans., 38, 1887, 451-456. A curious effect of rickets on the skulls of young lions. Loudon Path. Soe. Trans., 38, 1887, 456-459. On the arm-glands of the lemurs. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 369-372. • A critical study in cranial morphology. [1887.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 22, 1888, 28-37. ■ A foetus with spina bifida occulta and some remark- able associated abnormalities. [1887.] London Path. Soc. Trans. , 39, 1888, 432-437. ■ Inguinal hernia; in monkeys. [1887.] London Path. Soc. Trans., 39, 1888, 453-457. On some cases of congenital fissures of the moutli. [IVitli discussion.] [1887.] Odontol. Soc. Trans., 20, 1888, 97-115; Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 31, 1888, 101-106. On the relation of the central nervous system to the alimentary canal. A study in evolution. Drain, 10, 1888, 429-434. A case of sebaceous adenoma involving the pinna. Clin. Soc. Trans., 21, 1888. 172-175. Vestigial muscles. Jl. Anat. Physiol.. 22, 1888, xvii. MammiB in ovarian dermoids. London Path. Soc. Trans., 39, 1888, 437-442. On an exostosis from n fish. London Path. Soc. Trans., 39, 1888, 472-470. On a remarkable case of odontomes in a thar, Capra jemlaica (Himalayan goat). []VitIi liiscussion.] Odontol. Soc Trans., 20, 1888, 185-194; Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 31, 1888, 301-303. On the evolution of the central nervous system of Vertebrata. [1888.] Brain, 11, 1889, 330-342. ■ Spina bifida. [1888.] London Path. Soc. Trans., 40, 1889, 273-274. Supernumerary limbs in frogs and toads. [1888.] London Path. Soc. Trans., 40, 1889, 461^63. On some congenital pharyngeal tumours. [1888.] Odontol. Soc. Trans., 21, 1889, 27-40; Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 32, 1889, 56-59. Copper amalgams. [X'itli discussion.] [1888.] Odontol. Soc. Trans., 21, 1889, 41-45. A case of erectile tumour of the male breast. Clin. Soc. Trans., 22, 1889, 187-188. A case of leontiasis ossea of maxillae. Clin. Soc. Trans., 22, 1889, 266-268. On the relation of rickets to some forms of odon- tomes. [Witii discussion.] Odontol. Soc. Trans., 21, 1889, 138-147. A tumour of the infra-orbital nerve. [1889.] Clin. Soc Trans., 23, 1890, 44-45. Half-vertebra in a rabbit. London Path. Soc. Trans., 41, 1890, 341-342. A case of severe traumatic sciatica successfully treated by the removal of a spiculum of bone from the edge of the great sacro-sciatic foramen. [1890.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 24, 1891, 15-16. A harlequin calf. [1890.] London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 479-481. Extra-uterine gestation; a criticism. Jl. Comp. Path. Therap., 4, 1891, 95-102. Cervical teeth. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 477-479. Sections from the growing antler of a stag (Cervus elaphus). Jl. Anat. Physiol., 26, 1892, xvii-xviii. On an occasional articulation between the cuboid and the head of the astragalus. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 26, 1892, xviii-xix. Congenital absence of the tibia. London Path. Soc. Trans., 43, 1892, 124-126. An unusual form of wart (plexiform sarcoma, Bill- roth). London Path. Soc. Trans., 43, 1892, 161- 163. A case of axial rotation of a wandering spleen : splenectomy: recovery. [1892.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 26, 1893, 46-49. Rudimentai'y supernumerary pollex. [1892.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, xiii. Bland- Sutton, (Sir} .John, & Brodie, C[lMrles] Gordon. Adenoma (erosion) of the os uteri in monkeys. [1889.] Lund.m Path. Soc. Trans., 41, 1890, 398-399.' Bland-Sutton, (.Sir) John, & Gibbes, Heneai/e. *Tuber- culosis in birds. [1883.] London Path. Soc. Trans., 35, 1884, 477-481. Bland-Sutton, {Sir) .John, A Shattock, Samuel G. Keport on a living specimen of parasitic fa'tus. London Path. Sue. Trans., 39. 1888, 427-432. Bland-Sutton, (.Sir) Joliu, & White, 7'[/i()iii(i,<] Charters. Sec White d' Bland-Sutton. Blandet, . *Sur I'altitude et ses influences sur la vie et I'intelligence. France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 22, 1874 {HuU.), 152-155. Note sur les geldes printanieres. France Soc. M<5ti5orol. Aniui., 22, 1874 {Hull.), 156-158. Blandford, .S. M. [The water sujiply for the season of 19III) as (lepcnding on snowfall.] Idaho. U. S. Monthly Wcath. Kev., 2s (1900), 494-495. Blandford, 1\'.5. A list of tlie Scolytidaj collected in Ceylon by Mr. George Lkwis, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1896, 315-328. Caustic potash as an entomological detergent. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1896, 1(5-20. Kecent experiments on the means of protection possessed hv Abraxas grossulariata, L. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1898, 70-72. Polyporus betulinus as a material for mounting small insects. Knt. Month. Mag., 31, 1896, 184-186. Notes on Scolytida;. [18'J3.] Indian Mus. Notes, 3, 1896, -Vo. 1, 03-65. On the genus Dactylipalpus, Chapuis, and two new genera of Seolvtida; from Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 319-325. Scolytides de la Nouvelle CaK'donie. Brux., Soc. Eut. Ann., 40, 1896, 241-245. [On the hairs of the larva; of Lasiocampa Rubi.J Ent. Soc. Trans., 1896, iii-iv. Descriptions of new Scolytidje from the Indo- Malayan and Austro-Malayan regions. Ent. Soo. Trans., 1896, 191-228. [The tsetse fly.] Nature, 54 (1896), 247. Contributions it la faune indo-chiuoise. Scolytida;. Paris. Soc. Ent. Ann., 65, 1896, l'J-22. [Homoeochromatism.] Ent. Soc. Traus., 1897, xxii- xxvii. Report on insects injurious to coffee, etc., from Aburi, Kew Bull., 1897, 178-191. • On mimicry. Nature, 56 (1897), 197. On some oriental Scolytidie of economic importance, with descriptions of live new species. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1898, 423-430. The identity of Xyleboras aBinis, with some synony- mical notes. I'hilad., Ent. News, 9, 1898, 3-6. [Larva) in antelope horns.] [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898- 99), 342. Larva; from the head of an antelope. Nature, 60 (1899), 150. Blandford, U'd/ft'r /■'[!< /./in;;] Il[utlowaii]. Kanthack, .)[/rV,,/i)] .4[;ifH»<.~l. it Durham, Hrrb(rt'K[iiic,ird\. S,f Xanthack, Blandford ,v Darbam ; al. Kanthack, Borham ,v Blandford. Blandlnl. See Faladlno-Blandinl. Blandy, John F. 'Tniiography with especial reference to the Lake Superior copper district. [1871.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 1 (1871-73), 75-82. 'On evidence of streams during the deposition of the coal. [1875.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 4 (1876- 76), 113-116. 'The Lake Su|>erior copper rocks in Pcnnnylviuiui. {H'llli diMciuMiun.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Tmus. , 7, 1879. 331-339. Blanes, T. Sobre algunos puDtos dudonos de la catructura del bulbo olfatorio. Rev. Trim. Microgr., 3, 1898, 9«- 127. Blanlbrd, Henry F^raneit]. Fur biography and works tee Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1893, 72-74; Gtol. Mag., 10, 1893, l'.U-l'.»2; Gcol. Soc. guart. Jl , 49, 1893 {I'ruc.), 52-.54; Lcopoldina, 29, 1893, 55; .Meieorol. Zlsclir., 10 (1893j, 5.5, 404-405 ; Nature, 47 (1892-93|, 322-323 ; Amer. Meteorol. .Jl., 10 (1893-94), 71-76, 391-393; MeU'orol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 20, 1894, 104-105; Roy- Soc. Proc., 54, 1894, xii-xix ; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 10, 1894, 27-28 ; Symons, Muteorol. Mag., 28, 1894, 1 ; Geogr. Jbucb., 19, 1897, 302. *0n the geological structure of the Nilghiri Hills (Madras). India Geol. Surv. Mem., 1, 1869, 211- 248. *0n the winds of Calcutta. An analysis of ten years' hourly observations of the wind vane and four years' anemograms. [1870.) Indian Meteorol. Mem., 1, 1876- 81, 1-33. 'The meteorology and climate of V^kand and KAsb- ghar, being chiefly a discussion of registers kept by Dr. J. Scully in 1874-75. [1870.] Indian Meteorol. Mem., 1, 1876-81, 35-111. *Tbc diurnal variation of the barometer at Simla. [1870.] Indian .Meteorol. Mem., 1, 1876-81, 113-118. "On the diurnal variation of the barometer at Indian stations. Part i: Calcutta and llazaribagh. [Part ii: Goalpara, Patna, and Leli.] [1878-81.] Indian .Meteorol. Mem., 1, 1876-81, 169-181, 359-375. 'Meteorological ai^ bypsometrical observations in western Tibet, recorded by Dr. J. Sccllv; with a discus- sion. [1879.] Indian Meteorol. Mem., 1. 1876-81. 213- •248. 'Note on [Mr. F. Ciumiikks'] list of cyclones [on the west coast of India and in the .Arabian Sea], and on the Gujarat land-cvclone of Julv llth-13tli. 1881. [1883.] Indian Meteorol. Mem., 2, 1882-86, 79-101. *.\n Indian weather forecast. [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 77-78. The theory of the winter rains of northern India. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 53 [I't. 2), 1884, 1-16; Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1884, 56-59. [Variations of rainfall in northern India during the sun-spot period.] Bengal .\siat. Soc. Proc., 1884, 165- 167. [Periodicity of the sun. spot cycles, and their effect on meteorological and other phenomena.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc., 1884, 168-16'.t. [Theory of the origin of the winter rains of northern India.] Bengal -Asiat. Soc. PrcK;., 1884. 17;i-175. On the connexion of the Himalaya .snowfall with dry winds and seasons of drought in India. Boy. Soc. Proc., 37, 1884, 3-22, 495. The solar corona and after-glow. Natoiv, 31, 1886, 192. On the diurnal variation of the rainfall at Calcutta. [1880.] Indian Meteorol. Mem., 4. 1886-93, 39-46. Der Siidwest-Monsun im Indi^c'hen Ocean. .Vnu. dcr Hydrogr., 15 (1887), 214-215. [Remarks on some recent evidence on the subject of the variation of the rainfall of the Carnatic and N. W. Himalavas with the sun-spot period.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc., 1887, 116-121. Low barometric readings. Nature, 35. 1887, 344. The eleven-vear periodical fluctuation of the Carnatic rainfall. Nature. 30, 1887. 227-229. The Carnatic rainfall. Nature. 36, 1887, 293-294. On the influence of Indian forests on the rainfall. [1887.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. JL, 56 {Pt. 2), 1888, 1-15. 75—2 Blauford] 596 [Blanford The raiiifiill of India. Imlinn Meteorol. Mem., 3, 1886-88, (ioH pp. UrsftchendeiTrockenbeitNorclwest-Indieiis. Meteorol. Ztschr., .5 (1888), 146-147. The iDciirvature of the winds iu tropical cyc'.one.s. Nature, 38, 1888, 181-1S2. On the relations of the diurnal barometric maxima to certain critical conditions of temperature, cloud, and rainfall, llo.y. Soc. Proc, 44, 1888, 410-426. How rain "is formed. [1888.] Nature, 39, 1889, 224- 229; Kev. Sci., 43, 1889, 129-137. The meteorological conditions of the Aruwhimi forest tract. Nature, 39, 1889, 582-583. A list of the ferns of Simla in the N. W. Himalaya between levels of 4,500 and 10,500 feet. [1888 ] Bengal Asiat. Hoc. .11., 57 {Pt. 2), 1890, 294-315. The causes of anticyclones and cyclones. [1890.] Nature, 43, 1891, 15-17'. The genesis of tropical cyclones. [1890.] Nature, 43, 1891, 81-83. On the variations of the rainfall at Cherra Poonjee in the Khasi Hills, Assam. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891, 146-153. The paradox of the sun-spot cycle in meteorology. Nature, 43, 1891, 583-587. The forecast of the Indian monsoon rains. Nature, 44, 1891, 22.5-227. M. Faye's theory of cvclones. Nature, 44, 1891, 348- 350. Rain-making in Texas. Nature, 44, 1891, 473-475. The Samoan cyclone of March 16, 1889. [1891-92.] Nature. 45, 1892, 161-162. 462. The diurnal variation of atmospheric conditions in India; being a discussion of t^ie hourly observations recorded at twenty-tive stations since 1873. [Discussion of the hourly observations recorded at Sibsagar, Goal- para, Patna, Hazaribagh, Dhubri. Boorkee, Allahabad, Lucknow, Agra, Leh, and Chittagong.] [1892-95. J Indian Meteorol. Mem., 5, 1892-95, 1-370; 9, 1895-97, 1-32. The winter storms of northern India. Nature, 45, 1892, 490-493. Blanford, Ilciiiy F[}-iincis], & Blanford, n'[illiiiiii] T{h()iniis]. See below. Blanford, llenrii F{ranris], Blanford, \V{illiaiii'\ Tlhomas], fc Theobald, Williaiii. See below. Blanford, U'lilliiim] Tlhnmas]. *Note on the latente of Orissa. India Geol. Suiv. Mem., 1, 1859. 280-294. [Presidential address to the Geol. Sect, of the Brit. Assoc, Montreal, Aug. 28. Remarkable exce|itions to the rule that homotaxis in fossiliferous formations implies geological synchronism.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 691-711. On the classiHcation of sedimentary strata. Geol. Mag., 1, 1884, 318-321. [Remarks on a series of heads of Ovis poll.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 326-329. Note sur la classification des roches de I'Inde Bri- tanniiiue. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1885, 81-84. The classification of the .lurasbic system. Geol. Mag., 2, 1885, 47-48, 239-240, 286. [Description of a skull of an apparently new species of Paradoxurus (P. Jerdoni).] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1885, 612-613. A monograph of the genus Paradoxurus, V. Cur. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 780-808. Notes on a smooth and striated boulder from a Pretertiary deposit in the Punjab Salt Range. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 030-631. The facetted blocks from the Punjab Salt Range. Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 574. On additional evidence of the occurrence of glacial conditions in the Pabcozoic era, and on the gecdogical age of the beds containing plants of Mesozoic type in India and Australia. Geol. Soc. Quart. .11., 42, 1886, 249-260. [A criticism of the views of H. Skebohm, on the effect of the glacial epoch, etc., on the CharadriidiE and other birds.] Ibis, 4, 1886, 525-528. Report on the International Geological Congress of Berlin. India Geol. Surv. Records, 19, 1886, 13-22. Note on a character of the Talcbir boulder beds. India Geol. Surv. Records, 20, 1887, 49. Critical notes on the nomenclature of Indian mammals. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 620-638. [Presidential address, Feb. 15, 1889. The International GeoU>gical Congress and its work.] Geol. Soc. Quart. .11., 45, 1889 [Proc), 50-76. Notes on Indian Chiroptera. [1888.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. .11., 57 (Pt. 2), 1890, 260-272. [Presidential address, Feb. 21st, 1890. The question of the permanence of ocean-basins.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 46, 1890 (Proc.), 59-109. On the gaur (Bos gaurus) and its allies. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 592-599. Note on the age and ancient glaciers of the Himalayas. Geol. Mag., 8, 1891, 209-210. The age of the Himalayas. Geol. Mag., 8, 1891, 372- 375 ; 9, 1892, 161-168. On some genera of oriental barbels. Ibis, 5, 1893, 234-240. On the scientific name of a Himalayan cuckoo. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 315-319. On a stag, Cervus Thoroldi, from Tibet, and on the mammals of the Tibetan plateau. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 444-449. A note on birds from central India in B.4rnes's hand- book. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 9, 1894-95, 185-189. [Synonymy of Indian owls.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 3, 1894, xlii. On the scientific names of the imperial and spotted eagles and on the generic names of Bonelli's eagle and the black eagle. lids, 6, 1894, 283-289. [Remarks on Mr. Muns's paper on birds of the Calcutta district.] Ibis, 6, 1894, 320-321. Notes on the Indian owls. Ibis, 6, 1894,524-531. [Criticism of Lieut. Corhe.^ux's paper on the birds of Dras and Suru.] Ibis, 6, 1894, 572-575. The Burmese chipped flints Pliocene not Miocene. [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894-95), 60H. The southern Carboniferous flora. Nature, 52 (1895), 595. [On Grus Antigone.] [1895.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 5, 1896, vi-vii. Curious aerial or subterranean sounds. [1895.] Nature, 53 (1896-96), 30. [On Phalaropus hyperboreus in India.] Ibis, 2, 1896, 288-289. On the papers by Dr. Kossm.\t and Dr. Kurtz, and on the ancient geography of Gindwana-Land. India Geol. Surv. Records, 29, 1896, 52-59. The large Indian sijuirrel (Sciurus indicus, Ei:t.) and its local races or subspecies. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 298-305. The Nepal wild swan (Cygnus musicus not C. Bewicki). [1897.] Bondjay Nat. Hist. Soc Jl.. 11. 1897-98, 300. Notes on Lepus oiostolus and L. pallipes from Tibet, and on a Kashmir macaciue. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 357-362. Note on the land MoUusca of Hombav. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898 1900. 326-328. [Remarks on Mr. Jesse's paper on a diiy's egging on the sandbanks of the Ganges.] Ibis, 5, 1899, 330. On .\riophanta Dalyi, n. .<»/<.■.■;)., from Mysore, with a note on Marialla Dussuraieri (I'u/.). London Malacol. Soc. Proc, 3, 1899, 280-283. Blanford I r,97 IBlarez On Homo Hpecies of liliells of the ({'-•uera Streptiixifl and ]*jni)uti from liuliii, CeytoD, unil Uuriiiu. Zuol. Sue. I'loc, 1899, 7IJ4-77U. On a puiticulai- form of surface, apparently the reBult of glacial erosion, setn on Louh Locliv and elsewliere. Oeol. Soc. l^uart. Jl., ")0, 1900, 198-203. [DcBcription of an unrtcorilcd ugg of the great a'jk.] Ibi«, C, 1900, O'Jl-flOO. The diKtiibntiun of vertebrate animals in India, Ceylou, and Burma. [IIIUO.] I'hil. Trans. (U), 194, 1901, 3H.')-4a(;. .SVc iilsii Oldham, 'I'liniiins {,1 ulii). Blanford, ]\'\illiiini | 'lyimiinn |, iV Blanford, Ilrnrij I'Xrmicie]. \ i)al:i(JZuie ice-iige. [lh'J2.j Nulurr, 17 (1892-93), 101, l.VJ. Blanford, ]V[Hliiim] 'l\hoinas], Blanford, lleiirij 7'^ruHCi»], & Theobald, Willium. *0n the geologiciil structure and relations of the Taleheer coal field, in the district of Cuttack. India (ieol. Surv. Mem., 1, 1869, 3b-«9. Blangsted. See Hansen-Blangsted. Blank, .!///(•/(. Ueber Ciirbuzol. [1890. | Erlangen I'hj-s. Med. Sue. .Sber., -.'3, 1891, 29-3-2. (jclicr Carbiizolsyntbesen. Berlin, Chcm. Ges. Ber. , 21, 1891, :m>. Blank, .1 Ihert, A Knorr, Liubcig. See Knorr & Blank. Blank, Atii/UKt. Untersucbungen zur Bestimniung der riiundichen .\tombigirung. Zwtdte Ablmndlung. Ucber einige Glieder der Stilbengruppe. Liebig's Ann., 248, 1888, 1-34. Ueber die Eiuwirkung von Diuzobeuzolcblorid auf die a-Oxviivitinaiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 002-1104. Blank, Oskur. Notiz iiber /S-Xiiphtylessigsaure. Berlin, Cbem. Gea. Ber., 29, 1896, 2373-2375. Zur Kenntniss der a-Metliylplitalfiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29. 1896, 2370-23H1. Blank, 0.il;(ir, A Flnkenbelner, Jlemuinn [Adr.]. Ueber eine none Methode zur ({uuntitativcn Bestimmung von Formuldehvd. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2979- 2981. Ueber ([uantitative Bestimmung von Formaldehyd niit Was.serstoffsuperoxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2141. Blank, l\aid]. Ueber Derivate de.s Triniethylenchloro- broniids. Borliu, Chem. (ies. Ber., 2-5, 1892, 3040-3047. Blank, Hiihiii. Ueber die Addition von .\nilin uud I'lienyl- hvdrazin mo Benzalmalousiiureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28,1896, 14.5-118. Eine neue, allgemeine Svnthese von Indigofarbstoffen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1812-1H17. Blank, Itiiliiii, A Samson, A'. Eine neuc Bildungsweise dis Diiiirbiiitetnu'iirlioiisaureesters. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 800. Blanke, I'. Ueber die Eierproduktion eiuiger der wich- tigsten Hiihnerraceu. Wien Ornitb. Ver. Mitth. (Ueibl.), 1, 1884, Ui-nr). Blankett, Hugo. Cm Viilimuki malmfiilt, jamte nigra anilra geologieka data f™n Sordavala socken i Ostra Finland. Stockb. Geol. Fdr. Fiirh., 18, 1896, 201-227; Neues .Ibuch. lliu., 1897 {lid. 2, Re/.), 91. Blankinshlp, ./[o.'ieph] W[illia>ii]. [A precise criterion of siucits.J The chief dillerential and specific vs. individual clmimters. Science, 7, 1898, G9O-095. Blankama, J[a)t] J[uhoHnes]. Over de inwerkiug van uatriummono- en natriumdisulfide op aromatisclie nitro- lichameu. Un the action of sodiummuno- and disulpbidcs on aromatic nitro-compounds. [1899.] Amsterdam. Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 299-300; Amsterdam, .\k. Froc, 2, 1900, 271-272. Methode geuerale de preparation des derives sulfouiques au moyen de bisulfures. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 19, 1900, 111-114. Organische polysulfiden en de polysulfiden van het natrium. Organic polysulphides and the pulysulphides of sodium. |190-296. New element in the sulphur group. Nature, W (1894), 571-572. Natural groups and cross-aoalogies. Chem. News, 71, 1896, 39-40. Solubility as a clue to the genesis of the elements. Chem. News, 71, 1896, 187-188. Melting.point of the elements as a clue to their genesis. Chem. News, 71, 1896, 28.5-280. Specific volume and the genesis of the elements. Chem. News, 72, 1896, 230-231, 237-238. Boiling-point and the genesis of the elements. Chem. News, 72, 1896, 299-301. . The role of atomic heat in the periodic series of the elements. Phil. Mag., 39, 1896, 100-115. Blarez, [Pierre Marie] CImrlet. Observations sur I'analysc des vins. Recherche du pliitrage; recherche et dosage de I'acide salicylique. Matiiires colorantes arlificielles. Ass. Fraui,-. C. R., 1884 (Pt. 2), 142-14.<. Ob.servations sur le dosage acidim<-tri<|ue de I'acide phosphorique. Ass. Fran..-. C. R., 1886 {Pt. 1), 110. Presence du fiuor dans certains vins uaturels. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1886 {Pt. 1). 114. Reaction caractiristique du deriv<- sulfocoujugu^ de la fuchsine. .\ss. Fran..-. C. R., 1886 {Pi. 1), 114 ; Jl. Pharm., 13, 1886, 13-14, 314-317. De quelques eSets nuisibles r^'sultant de I'ingestion de boissons coiorees avec ceitaines matieres colorautes d^riv^es de la houille. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1886, 125-129. Dosage acidim^trique de I'acide phospborique et de I'acide arseuique en se servant de la cochenille comme reactif indicateur. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1886, xliii. Presence du fluor dans Ies vins naturels et sa conse- quence au pomt de vue analytique. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Uim., 2, 1886, xliii-xliv. Dosage volumetrique des principes albumiooides aa moyen du cam^l^ou. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^m., 2, 1886, xliv. Reaction caract<-ristique de la suUofachsine et sa recherche dans Ies vins. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1886, xliv-xlv. [Sur uue reaction permettant de diflerencier Ies matieres colorantes derivees de la houille des matieres cidorantes d'origine Tiig^tale.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1886, Ivi-lviii. Note i propoB du dosage de Teau oxyginec. Jl. Pharm., 13, 1886, 185-180. Saturation de I'acide arsenique normal par I'eau de chaux, par I'eau de strontiaue et par I'cau de baryte. Jl. Pharm., 14. 1886, .509-511. Dosage acidinu-trique de I'acide sulfureux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886. 09-71. Sur la determination res colorantes dirivies de la houille des matieres colorantes d'origine vig^tale. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 46, 1886, 148-151. Sur le dosage de I'acide urijO-5.59. BlaslilU, I'liomax. 'Ludlow and Avniestr.v rocks of llie Silurian svatcni. [IHH.i.] Woolhope Field Club Trans. , 1883-8B, 311-42. BlaBl, Luii/i de. La tifotoxiua del Bkieoek. Gazz. Cbim. Ital., 18," 1888, ,521-527. L' acqua potabile come mezzo di trasmissione della febbre tifoidea. Palermo, Giorn. Sci. Nat., 20, 1890, 343-347. Blasl, Luigi de, & rublnl, SiniDiif. See Fnblnl it Blaai. Blast, Luigi de, A Russo-TraTali, -3f<. 41-42, 63-65. 81-87, 98-101. 10.5-108, 11-5-121, 129-134. 14.5-147; 15, 1896, 6-9, 17-20. 1 crani dei Lucani. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 15, 1896, 41-43, 62-64, 73-77. 86-88. II cranio seafoide di A. G. P. di Napoli. Notarella anatomica. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 16, 1896, 42-46. BlaslUB, Eugen [Heinrich Augml]. Die Ausdehnuug der Krvhtallo dureh die Wiirnie. Ann. I'hvs. Chem., 22, 1884. .52M-5I9; /tscbr. Kryst., 11, 1886'. 140 146. ZfrKetzungsliguren an Krvstallen. Ztxchr. Krjsl., 10, 1888, 221-239. Notiz uber japanieclie magischc Spiegel. Ann. Pliys. Chom., 27, 1886, 142-143. Das (icKclz von Ciihintiii.<<8KS und die optischen Reobachtungcn am Tabascbir. Ztschr. Kryst., 14, 1888, 2.5t+-2.'j9. I'cber die Beziehiingeu zwischen d ■ 6, 1890. 547-590; 7. 1891, 1-112. 189-280, 512; 8, 1896, 33-138, 577—592, 732; 10. 1899. 2'J3-476. IV- Bericht iiber das permanent* Internationale Ornithologische Comite und iihnliche Eiuricbtungen in eiuzelnen Landern. Ornis, 7. 1891, 121-136. [Verzeichniss der auf die Lindeskunde des Herzog- thums Braunschweig bezn;;lichen Litteratur.) Hygiene. Braun.sehw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (7), 1893. 51-116. Ornis von Malta und (iozo und den umliegendeu Inseln.mit Beitriigen aus den omilbologiscben Berichten der Leuchtthurmwachter von Delimara und Giordan aus den Jahren 1886-94. [1895.] Ornis. 8, 1896. 139-211, 732. Der Tannenheher in Dent-, iilind im Herbst and Winter 1893-94, mit Beriii'> ies gleichzeitit'en Vorkonimens in Ruesland, N' inemark. Holland. Belgien, Luxemburg und der bciiwcu. [1895.] Ornis, 8, 1896, 223-252. — — Ornithologische Leucbtthnrm-Benbachtui ' r Strasse v..n Gibraltar. [1h95.] Ornis. m, iss- Schlussfolgerungen bus den omitholo>.;-^ . bacbtungen an deutschen Leuclittburmen in deni jiihrigen Zeilranme von 1H85-94. Ornis, 8. 1896. 620. Die Viigel des Herzogthnms Brannscbweig and der augrenzenden Gebiete. Ornis. •*. 1896. 621-6!*-*. 732. v. Bericht uU'r das ]i, rnian-nt*- Iniernalionale Orni- tboliigi.schv Comite fiir die Jalire ls91 bis l8.io. Oniis, 8, 1896, 689-715. Blasius] 600 [Blasius Neuer Sterilisator zur schnellen Erzeugung stromen- den Wasserdampfes [von Louis Mulleb. Priifuus seiner LeistunRsfiibigkeit]. Ztschr. Angew. Mikr., 1, 1896, 171- 172. Die Vogel des Herzogthunis Braiinscliweig. [1895.] Brauiiscliw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 30-35. Spielarteu des Fasaus (Pliasianus colohicus, L.). Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 98. Ein neuer Wanderzug des scblankscbnabeligen sihi- riscbeu Tanneubiibers (Nucifraga caryocataetes leptn. rhyuchus, 7i'. lUns.) nach Europa. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10). 1897, 115. Ueber die deutschen Grasmiicken (Sylviinte). [1897.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 22-25. Naturbistorische Skizzen aus Spaiiien und Hiidfrank- reich. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 212-220. Blasius, [I'liiit] Rudolf [Hehirich], & Finsch, Otto. See Finsch & Blasius. Blasius, [Paid] Rudolf [Heinrieh], & Hayek, Gustav von. I. [-III.] Berieht ixber das permnnente Internationale Oruithologische Comite und iilmUclie Einrichtungen in einzelnen Liindern. Ornis, 1, 1885, 1-67 ; 2, 1886, 1-48 ; 3, 1887. 619-0.S2. Blasius, IPaul] Rudolf [Heinrieh], & Iieverkuhn, Paul. See Iieverkiilin A Blasius. Blasius, [Piiul] Rudolf [Heinrieh] {et alii). vii.[-xi.] Jahresliericbt [1H82-86] des Ausschusses fiir Beobach- tungsstationeu der Viigel Deutsehlands. Jl. f. Ornith , 32, 1884, 1-52; 33, 1885, 22.5-337; 34, 1886, 129-388; 3ri, 1887, 337-(il(l; Sli, 1888, 313-571. Blasius, [.iuijust] Willielm [Heinrieh]. *Vogel von Borneo, im Siidosten der Insel gesammelt von Herrn F. J. Grabowsky. Verzeichnet und rait Bezugnabrae auf die gesammte Vogelfauna der Insel besprochen. [1882.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 33, 1884 {.ibh.), 1-90. Der japanische Norz, Fietorius itatsi {I'emiii.), in seinen Beziehungen zu den iibrigen Arten der Gattung Fcetorins im Allgemeinen nud der Untergattung Lutreola im Besonderen. Bamb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 13, 1884 {No. 1), 34 pp. Neue Thatsachen in Betreff der Ueberreste von Alca impennis, Linn. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 321-323. Ueber eine bisher zu den Zieseln (Spermophilus) gerecbnete vermuthlich neue Nagethier-Gattung aus Turkestan. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 324-325. Zur Geschichte der Ueberreste von Alca impennis, Linn. Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884, 58-17(1. Ueber einen vermuthlich ueuen Trompeter- Vogel von Bolivia (Psophia cantatrix, Boeck in lilt.). Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884, 203-210. Ueber die neuesten Ergebnisse vou Herrn F. J. Gbabowsky's ornithologiscben Forscbungen in Siid-Ost- Borneo. Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884, 210-224. Ueber Vogel-Brustbeine. Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884, 228-229. Die Eaubvogel von Cochabamba. Wien Ornith. Ver. llitth., 8, 1884, 141-142. EUobius Taucr^i, nor. sp., ein neuer Moll-Lemming Oder WurfnioU aus dem AltaiGebiete. Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 197-201. Neue Thatsachen in Betreff des Aussterbens von Alca impennis, L. (nach briedichen Mittheilungen von A. Nkwton und W. Preyeh). Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1885, 398. . Beitrag zur Keiintniss dor Vogelfauna von Celebes. Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1886, 402 403. Ostcologischc Studien (Messungs-Metbodcn an Vogcl- Skeletten). Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1885, 409-415. Ueber einige V/pgel von Cochabamba in Bolivia. Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1885, lltMlO. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Vogelfauna von Celebes. Ztschr. Gesam. Ornith., 2, 1885, 201-328; .i, 1886, Kl- 179, 193-210. • [Ueber eine Fahrt nach Skandinavien.] Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 10, 1886, 16-18. 1st Castor canadensis, Kiihl, der amerikanische Biber, eine gute Art? Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (4), 1887, 73-83. [Note on a collection of birds from the island of Palawan.] Ibis. 6, 1888, 372-375. Die Vogel von Palawan. Nach den Ergebnissen der von Herrn und Fjau Dr. Pi.atkx bei Puerto-Princesa auf Palawan (Philippinen) im Sommer 1887 ausgefiihrten ornithologiscben Forscbungen iibersicbtlich zusammen- gestellt. Ornis, 4, 1888, 301-320, 684. Die Viigel von Gross-Sanghir (mit besonderer Beriick- siehtigung der in den Jabren 1886 und 1887 von Herrn Dr. Platen und dcssen Gemahlin bei Manganitu auf Gross-Sanghir ausgefiihrten ornitholog. Forscbungen) nebst einem Anhange iiber die Vogel von Siao. Ornis, 4, 1888, 527-646, 685. Mammalogiscbe Mittbeihingen. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 {Th. 2), 118-120. Die wiebtigsten Ergebnisse von Dr. Platen's ornitho- logischeu Forscbungen auf den Sulu-Inseln. Jl. f. Ornith., 38, 1890, 137-144. Die von Herrn Dr. Platen und dessen Gemahlin im Sommer 1889 bei Davao auf Mindanao gesammelten Vogel. Jl. f. Ornith., .38, 1890, 144-149. [Ueber Polyplectron Nelirkornaj, n. s]).] [1890.] Jl. f. Ornith., 39, 1891, 9-10; Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 15, 1891, 1-2. Die faunistische Litteratur Braunschweigs und der Nachbargebiete.' Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (6), 1891, 29,3-527. Die neuen Funde in der Baumannshohle bei Riibeland am Harz. Wien .\nthrop. Ges. Mitth., 22, 1892, [107]- [109]. Sogen. gehornte Ricke. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 69, 1896, 229-231. [Herbstbliithen von Aesculus hippocastanum.] [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat, Jber., (10), 1897, 14. [Die Hiihlen im Selter und Ith.] [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 16-17. Ausgrabungeu in den neuen Theilen der Baumanns- hohle bei Hiibeland. [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 17. [Eine neue Hiihlenspalte bei Riibeland.] [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 17-19. Die Frueht der Wasser-.4.1oe (Stratiotes aloides). [1896.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 1.53-154. Kritiscbe Bemerkungeu iiber einige Vogel von Mindoro. [1896.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 157-162. [Eine abnorme Hornbildung.] Bi-aunsehw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 178-180. [Ferula Asa-ffetida.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 180. Uebersicht iiber die Vogelfauna von Mindoro. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 181-183. [Neue Ausgrabungeu in der neuen Baumannshohle.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 183-184. Mcgalitbisclie Grahdenkmiiler des nordwestlichen Deutsehlands. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 275-289. Demonstration von Fossilresten aus den Riibeliinder Hoblen. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1897 {Th. 2, Hfilfle 1), 182-183. • [Circus pallidus als Brutvogel in Braunschweig.] Jl. f. Ornith., 45, 1897, 510. [Ueber eine missgcbildete Biirzelfeder vom Seeadler.] [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 105- 106. Anthropologic und Vorgescbichte. Die antbropo- logische Litteratur Braunschweigs und der Nacbliar- gebiete (mit Einscbluss des ganzen Harzes). Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (8), 1900, 53-279. Blasius] fiOl fBlathwayt "Gehiirntp Rickc." [1894.] BraunBchw, Ver. Nat. .Ibi>r., (9), 1903, 11-13. I KcuiTHtein^Hratlio aiiH dcm neucii Tlu'ile der Biiu- manMHlHililc.l |1H91.] HiaunBcliw. Ver. Nat. .Ilif-r., (9), 1903, 13-11 Nc'iieie I'lindu fossiliT Knoclii'ii iiii Uobictc dcH Her- zo(,'tluim» limtinschweiK. [ 1H!).5.] liraunschw. Ver. Nat. •II"!-., ('.II, 1903, 14-4.'), (iK-mi. Blasius, [Aiiiiuit] M'ilhelm [lleinrich], Kadda, (liutac \F<'riliiiiiihl Ilirhiiril]. ,V Walter, Adulf. Ser Radde, Walter .V Blasius. Blaslns, Witlidiu. For bi<>(;ra))liical notice and lint of works .1,'e Meteorol. Ztschr., lli (1899), 21o, .'j.i.o-.").")?. The remarkable sun-Rlows in the falls of IHH'.i and 1881. Anier. I'liil. Soc. I'roc, 22, 1888, 213-21.5. Uober Tornados Nordamerikas, ilire KntHteliuni,', EntwickelunK iiiid .'Vufltisung. Deutsch. Naif. Verb., 1890 (Til. 2), 20 -3H. Zur Geschiclite der Mcteorologie. Meteorol. Ztschr., 7 (1890), 4(i7-40!). Merkwiirdine Hagelwolke. Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), 347-3r)0. I Hatielstiirme und Cyclone.] [1896.] BraunHchw. V,r. Xat. .Jber., (10), 1897, 1S3-143. Blasoletto, II. Induriniento del fiesao mediante i saccarati tt'iiosi. Trieste Boll., 12, 1890, .'>7-58. Blass, K. Do plants assimilate argon? [189-5.] Nature, .51 (1894-9B), 401. A problem in thermodynamics. Nature, .52 (189S). 41.5. Blass, ./. Untersuchungen iiber die physiologische Be- iteiitung des Siebtbeils der Gefiissbundel. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. lier., H, 1890. •5G-t)0 : Pringsheini, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 22, 1891, 253-292. Blatch, IlfiHiiim] (l[iihriel]. For biography nfe Ent. M.'nth. Mag., 3(i, 1900, IS9-90; Entomologist, 33, 1900, 13(1. Notes on the British species of the genus Euplectus, includinK a description of E. nubigena, lieilter, a species new to Britain. [1886.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885 86, 203-209. The Lepidoptera of the Birmingham district. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 23, 1886-87, 191S-20O. On the Coleoptera found in n small mossy bank at Knowle, ^Yar\vickshire. Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 35-37. A new species of Neuraphes. Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 93. Quedius ripariua, Kellmr : a species new to Britikia. Ent. Month. MaR., 32, 1896, 80-81. Blatcb, \V{illiam] G[abriel], & Homer, .i[rtbur] Clluj/pon]. Description of a new species of Bhiziijjbagus. Ent. Month. Ma^'., 28, 1892, 303-304. Blatchley, M'illin .Sltaiilei/]. Ou the .\nierican .species of the genus Umbra. Pliilad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc., 1886, 12-13. A review of the species of the genus Pimephales. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1885. 63-6.5. On the genus Aphredoderus. Philad. .\c. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1885, 136 137. Some Indiana -•Vcridida:. Cana.l. Ent., 23, 1891. 74- 81, 98-100; 24. 1892, 28-34; 26, 1894, 217-223, 241-245; 30, 1898, 54-64. Notes on the batrachians and reptiles of Vigo county, Indiana. [1891.] Cinciu. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 14, 189i 92, 22-35. Two new Orthoptera from Indiana. Canad. Ent., 24. 1892, 26-27. Cnicus discolor as an insect trap. Canad. Ent., 24, 1892, 310-311. A catalogue of the butterflies known to occur in Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Bep.. 17. 1892, 365-408. R. s. A. C. EntomoloK'izintf in Mexico. Philad., Ent. Sews, 3, 1892. 111-114, 131-1.36. Sonic new Locustidie from Indiana. Canad. Ent., 25, 1893, 89-93. On a collection of batrachinnK and reptiles from Mount Orizaba. M'xieo. with di-seriptions of two new species. (1893.) t'. S. Mus. Pr..c., 16, 1894. 37-42. .Miscellaneous notes. Canad. Ent., 2H, 1896, 26.5-266. A preliminary report on the clays and clay industries of the coal-bearinj; counties of Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Kep., 20, 1896, 21-185. Notes on the winter inwct fauna of Vigo county, Indiana. Psyche, 7, 1896. 247-2.50, 267-270, 279-281, 336-340, 379-381, 399-401, 434-437, 4.5.5-4.58. The natural rc-sources of Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Kep., 21, 1897, 7-25. The petroleum industry in Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. .\nn. Rep., 21, 1897,' 27-96. Indiana caves and their fauna. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 21, 1897. 121-212. A catalogue of the uncultivated ferns and fern allies (Pteridophyta) and the floweriuK plants (SixTinatophyta) of Vigo county, Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 21, 1897; 577-708. The geology of Lake and Porter connties, Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 22. 1898, 2.5-104. The clays and clay industries of northwestern Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol." Ann. Rep.. 22, 1898, 105-153. The petroleum industry of Indiana in 1897. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 22, 1898, 155-181. Two new Melanopli from I.es C'heneanx islands, Michigan. [1898.] Psyche, 8. 1899. 19.5-197. Notes on the batrachians and reptiles of Vigo county, Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 24, 1900, 535- 552. On the species of Nemobius known to occur in Indiana. [1900.] Psyche, 9, 1902, 51-54. Blatchley, IVillia S\ttinleii], A. AaUey, (ifurgr Hull. Geo- lo;,'iial scale of Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 22. 1898, 17-23. Blath, I.udwiq. Au8 dem Lande der Mitternachtssonne. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1887, v-ix. Ueber die neueren Forschun^en auf dem (jebiete der Sinneswahmehniungen. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abb., 1889. 1-5. Die Grenzen der Sinneswahrnehmungen. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1889. 22-26. Ueber das Sehen mit beiden Augen, die Tiefenan- schauung und ein uenes Stereoskop mit rotierenden Prismen (D. R. P. 80337, Oktober 1894). uebst seiner Verwendung im Unterriclit und in der .\ugenbeilkundc. [1896.) Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1894-96. 69- 100. Die Naturforschung an der Schwelle der Neazeit und die Bedeutung der Neuentdeckungen und Erfindnngen Otto VON Gcebicke's in derscllwn. [1898.] Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1896-98, 49-1-20. Notizen des Freiherrn Ludwii; vox Minx; Bockelnhagen (Siidharz) iiber die von ibn gehaltenen und ul)er die in der Umgetiend vo; „ ... hagen vorkommcmien Vogel umfasst'uj die Jahre 1840- 93. Aus uaehgelassenen Schriften des Freiherrn Ludwig vox Mi.NxiaiiRonr. bearbeitet und zusamuen- gestollt. [1900.] Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh , 1898 1900. 35-72. Blattawayt, t\rancit] l\inUi/]. A yisit to Lundy. Zool..-ist. 4. 1900, 375-380. Blatliwayt, (Co/.) /.[in//-;/]. Remarks on some Hemiptera- Heteroptera taken in tlie neighbourhood of Bath. [1888.] Bath Nat. Hist. Club Prix;.. 6, 1889. 315-327. List of terrestrial Heiuiptera-Heteroptera taken in the neif;hbourhoo), 287-295; Mheflc. Chem., 1892, 277-285. Ueber das a/S-Dipipcridyl. Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 (Abth. 'lb), 347-360; Mhefle. Chem., 1892, 330-343. Ueber die Ein\virkuii(; von Brom auf chlorwasserstoff- saure Salze und ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der beiden Halogene neben einander. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 2b), 533-552; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 547-506. Zur Kenntniss des Salicylaldehyds. Wien, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 (Ahth. 2b), 132-146; Mhefte. Chem., 1897, 123- 137. Ueber neue organische Metallverbindungen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Metalliakc. Wien, Ak. Sber., 107, 1898(Jft(ft. 26), 767-809; Mhefte. Chem., 1898, 647- 689. Blau, Fritz, A Baeyer, [-hihann Friedrieh Wilhelm] Adolf (Ritter) von. See Baeyer A- Blau. Blau, Fritz, & VTeidel, Hiifln. See Weidel A Blau. Blau, L[ouii<]. Des alterations de I'appareil auditif dans le leucemie. Aixh. Gen. Med., 15G, 1885, 354-3-55. Otitis durch Infection. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 26, 1888, 229-230. Die Erkrankungen des Gehororgans bei Maseru. [1888.] Arch. Ohrenheilk., 27, 1889, 139-155. Blauberg, ilaiinus. Beitrag zur Keuntnis der chemischen Zusanimensetzung einiger Kindernahrungsmittel, nebst kurzen Angaben iiber die cliemischen Untersuchungs- methoden derselben uud den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Frage der kiinstlicben Kinder-Erniihrung. Arch. Hyg., 27, 1896, 119-175. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzang einiger "Nahr- salze," nebst kurzen Bemerkungeu iiber die Bedeutung der Mineralstoffe fiir den Organismus. Arch. Hyg., 30, 1897, 95-124. Weitere Uutersuchungen iiber Kindernahrungsmittel, nebst kurzen Bemerkuugen iiber die mikroskopische und bacteriologi.sche Priifuug derselben. Arch. Hyg., 30, 1897, 12.5-155. Ueber die Mineralbestandtheile der Sauglingsfiices bei natiirlicher und kiinstlicher Eruahrung wahrend der ersten Lebenswoohe. Arch. Hyg., 31, 1897, 115-141, 216. Experimeutelle Beitriige zur Frage iiber den Mineral- stoffwechsel beim kiinstlich eruKhrteu Siiugling. Ztschr. Biol., 40, 1900, 1-35. Ueber den Mineralstoffwechsel beim natiirlich er- niihrten Siiugling. Ztschr. Biol., 40, 1900, 36-53. Blaue, Julius. Uutersuchungen iiber den Bau der Nasen- schleimhaut bei Fischen und Auiphibien, namentlich iiber Endknospeu als Endapparate des Xervusolfactorius. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Aiiat. Abth.), 1884, 231-309. Blauel, . Ueber Sarcome der Ileocoecal-Gegeud. Virehow, Arch., 162, 1900, 487-500. Blauvelt, William Iltitlon. Description of a plant of Semet-Solvay bye-product coke-ovens at Wheeling, West Virginia, U. S. A. [1900.] Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 19, 1901, 337-345.- Blauw, /•'. E. Eesultate und Beobachtungen aus der Tierpllege. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 29, 1888, 3-5, 68-71, 130-132. Blavier, A[ime Ktienne]. For biographical notice see Ann. Mines, 11, 1897, 120-122. Sur la cause possible des tremblements de terre de 17-55, 1884 et 1887. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 835-836. Blavier, F.[doiinril] F[rnest]. For biography and works see Ann. Tib'-gr., 13, 1886, 5i;ii-574 ; 14. 1887," 5-44, 369-401 ; IB, 1889, 97-111, 193 218; Ann. Mines, 11, 1887, 240- 242; Jl. T^li^gr., 11, 1887, 17; Lum. Elect., 23, 1887, 644-645. *Note sur des experiences executives au moyen du telegraphe sous-marin de Calais ii Douvres. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1864, Pt. 1, 68-72. • I'crturbiitioiis obscrvces sur les lignes tdli^graphiques ]H'ndaut les aurores bori5ales de la tin d'aout et du com- mencement de septembre 1859. France Soc. MiSt^orol. Annu., 7, 1859, Pt. 2, 192-193. Blavier] r,o.3 [Bleibtreu *lVrtiiibiitioiiH Hiir IcH Ii){iic8 ('•li'ctriciiicB. I''rancc Soc. M{-U'Oru\. Aiiiui., K, 1860, I't. 2, (Jll-I/J. Etiide iIls ciiiiiiiiits t<'llurii|iii's. Ann. Telt-Kr., 11, 1884, Ia5-W.i; .11. I'liys., ;). 1884. 1.57-105; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. n., »H, 1884, iom 101.-,. EBKaiu pt'i"ioiU»|ueH deH li^iK'S I'lecCriqucf* af^riennoB. Ann. TiMgr., 11, 1884, Jia-lol, ly^-Wa. Influence dfs orates Hur lt'» li^ni'M ti'liVrapliicinvit BouterraineB. Paria, Ac. Sci. C. It., 100, 1886, \'>'.ii-ir>i',; Ann. T(!l<5Rr., 12, 1886, 177-182. Sur lea couranta telliiriqucs. Ahb. Frani,-. C. U., 1886 {Pt. 1), 102. Blaxall, Frank U[iiliar(liiuii]. A ricord of i'X|)ui'itiients on the action of glycerine, vaseline, and lanoline on vaccine material derived (iirec-tly from calves. Loc. Gov. BrJ. Kep. (Med. Off.), 2'., 1896, 292-30.5. Further report on i,'lyceriiiated calf lymph. Loc. Gov. Brd. Rep. (Med. ()«.), 27, 1898, 3:«-:}ll. The relation.^ of biietirii>lo|,'y to ei)ideniiolo(,'y. Epid. Hoc. Trans., 18, 1899, 1.53-172. Blaxall, Frank ]i[ii-li(ir\ phosphate dc chaux de I'Eocine Inferieur en Algerie. [With disciisxion.] Paris, Soc. Giol. Bull., 23, 1896, clxxiii-clxxvi. L'Eocine Inferieur dans la region dc I'Oued-Zenati et d'Aln-Regada (Alptirie). Ass.Franv. C. K., 1896 {Ft. 1), 1G3. Sur le Cri?tac6 InftSrieur de la vallee de I'Oued Cherf (province de Constantine). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 957-960. Sur les teiTains Tertiaires de la vallie de TOucd-Cherf (Constantine). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 1125- 1126. Bassin du sud-oue.st. Feuille de Montauban. [1897- 98.] France Scrv. Carte Geol. BuU., 9, 1897, 348-349; 10, 1899, 1.34-136. Sur le dome du Sidi-Bgheiss (province de Constantine). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 664-665. Les chotts des hauts-plateaux de Test constantinois (Algerie). Origine de leur .talure. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 906-912. Sur I'existence probable du Trias gypso-salin dans le sud de la province de Constantine. Paris, Soc. Giol. Bull., 26, 1898, 578-579. Le pays des Nemeiichas & Test des Monts Aur^s (.Ugerie). Ann. Gi^ogr., 8, 1899, 141-159. [I.anguedoc et .Vquitaine.] Feuille de Toulouse. 1 lancc Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 11, 1900. 1.50-I.V2. Blayac, Jofepli, it richenr, K[mi7cJ. See Flchenr A Blayac. Blayac, Jo-^epli. A: Oentil, /.[uiii's]. Le Trias dans la region de Souk-Ahras (Algerie). Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 25, 1897. 523-547. Blayac, Joseph, .t B^pelln, J[oseph]. See Bipelin * Blayac. Blayac, Joueph, A Vaa««nr, G[ailon]. .See Vaaacor iV Blayac. Blayac, Vii.,;,/j. Vas««ur, ii[iiiitnii], ,t BApalln, J\'i'rpl,\. ^. . VaiMur, Blayac >V BApelln. Blazejevsl^J, Il'jimt'ild [iJiipitvic]. Sur uii probleine de geonietrie plane. Nouv. Ann. .Math.. 13, 1894, 28-tO. Sur un probli-me de gi^'ometrie plane. Nouv. Ann. Mull... 14, 1896. 49-55. Btazek, I'.ul. Nowe spostrzczenia nad nuzeniem tt'i^ miesuia. [New obHcrvations on muscular fatigue.] K.wnios (Lwow), 25, 1900, .532-531. Blaika, Frantiiek. VcrzeichniB der Art«n Jea Genus ('hiusilia in der Umgcbung von Prag. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 170-181. Uie Molluskenfauna in den Garten von Prag. Zool. Anz., l.s, 1896, 184-190. Die Molluskenfauna der Elbe-Tiimpel. Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 301-307. Bleasdale, {Rev.) John Ignatiiit. For liio(,Tapbical notice «<■■ Victoria Roy. Soc. Trans., 21, 1886, 148. Blech, (iiiJtlaviu M. Eudoxine in ]>iediatric practice. N. V. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 51-52. Blecher, . Zur Casuistik der Pneumokokkco-Osteo. myelitis. OeuUche Ztscbr. Chinirg., 48, 18>8, 413- 417. Blecher, .l[//V.'.f]. ,V OoldBcheidar, Alfred. See OoU- Bcbeider .V Blecber. Blechjmden, All/reit]. I'ur biography and works lee Inst. .Median. Engin. Proc. 1897, 131-132; Naval Architects Traus., 38, 1897, 314-315. An account of some experiments on the transmission of heat through steel plates, from heated gas at the one side to water at the other. [1893.] Naval ArchitectB Trans., 35, 1894. 70-84. Blecbynden, It. Divi-divi, or American samacb. (Ccs- alpinia coriaria.) [1887.] India Agr. Soc. Jl., 8, 1890, 90-98. Bleeker, P[ieter]. 'Revision des espices dc Dent«x, .Syna«ris, Gymnocranius, Gnathodentex et Peotapus de rinde Archip^lagique et du Japon. Amsterdam Ak. Verh., 13, 1873, So. 3, 64 pp. 'Revision des especes iDdo-archip. 1897, il73-98(i. Obsoivfttions I'l lu note conipU'incntiiiii' de .1/. Hoi.i.ikr [relative A I'exciirsion du l Hepteinbrc lny7,i'i Hopp<', pr^s Bclfort]. Paris, Snr. O.'dl. Hull., 2'>, 1897, SIIO-DDH. Sur la di'-coiiviTtu de (iriiptDlitlii'H diinnles poiidinKUCR du Gr^H voK(;ieii de« enviroMH ile Haon lEtapc (Vo»ge»). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. !(.. 127, 1898, l-2:)5-12H7. Contribution iV Pc'tude litlinloKi<|Uo, niieroscopiquc et eliimicpie di'S roi'liis si'dinientaire.s Secondaires et Terti- aircs du I'oitUKal. [lrt!IH.] Portugal Dir. Trab. Geul. Commun., H, 189B-98. 2.51-289. Conipte rendu detailli- de rexcurHion du nmrdi 10 aout de Nancy ^ I'anny-sur-Mo.selle, avec retour par Messein. [1898-99.] Brux. Soc. Bc-lge Geol. Hull., 1899 IMi'm.], 88-98. Compte rendu de la course du...l7 aout, aux "Quatre- Vents" et au Champ-le-Bccuf (plateau de Have). [1898-99.] Brux. Soc. Beige GtSol. Bull., 1899 (Mciii.), 98-107. Conipte rendu d(;'tai!l('' dc I'excursion du 20 aout il Genirdnier et au col de la Scblucht. [1898-99.] Brux. Soc. BcIkc Grol. Bull., 1899 (.Wm.), 1H7-U".. Compte rendu detiiille de lexcursinn du 21 aoiit k Saint-Maurice et a Bussang. [1898-99.] Brux. Soc. BelKc G^'ol. Bull., 1899 {.Win.), 146-155. Ik'clierches sur I'origino et la nature des (Elements du Gri^s des Vosges. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899, 1-10. Un ^chantillon de Graptolites provcnaiit des pou- dingues du Grda vosgien. Paris, Soc. G), 043-646. Lea anciens glaciers des Vosges m^ridionales. Ass. Franr. C. B,, 1893 {Pt. 2), 342-345. Bleicher, [ Marie] (V[i(.<((iiv], * CtaoSat, Paul. Contribution iv I'ltude des dragces cnlcaircs des galeries de mines et de captation d'eaux. [19tX). ] Portugal Dir. Serv. Qeol. Commun., 4, 1900-01. 148-15,5. Bleicher, |.V(iriV] t;[H.<('phiiiliii^' t4.<'tli. Brit. -Jl. Dental Sci., -.'7. 1884, 213-215. Bleichiteiner, I-'rril. Ueber Magnesit. Oesterr. Ztsclir. BergwcHcn, 40, 1892, 355-358. Die Schmiemiittel unserer Mechanisnien. Oe«terr. Zlschr. Bergwesen, 42, 1894, 387-389. Bleier, Leupuld. Bildung secundiirer Basen aiis Aetbvlen- dianiin. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Bcr., 32, 1899, 1825-1830. Bleier, Ottu. Ueber Gasbtiretten mit automatischer Ab- mcssung fiir leiclit- und schwerlusliclie Gase. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 2423-2427. I'eber gasanalvlisclie .\ppiiiate. Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 260-265, 1761-1762; 30, 1897, 097-701, 1210-1211, 1269. Ueber tier neue Metlioden dcr Gasabmessung. Berlin, Cheni. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 2753-27.59. Einc neue Methode der absoliiten Gaamessung (Messeo des reducirtcn Gasvolums). Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 3123-3131: 31. 1898, 2513. Ueber eine zweckmiissige Form von Chlorcalciam- riihren. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 8-54. Eine neue Mcsspipette. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 1028. Ueber gasometrische Apparate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 236-239. Ueber neue Messpipettcn und Messburetten. Cbem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 59-60. Eine neue Methode zum Messen der Fliissigkeiten. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898. 298-299, 376. Ein Apparat fiir exacte Gasunalvscn. Cbem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 776-777. Ein tragbarer Apparat fiir hygienische Luftaiialysen (Kohlenstiurebestimmung). Ztscbr. Hyg., 27, 1898, Hi- ll.5. Ueber die Dampfdichte des Schwcfels unterhalb seines Siedepunktes. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 {Th. 2, Ilalfte 11, 110-142. Bleier, Oltn, \ Kohn, Leopold. Ueber ein allgemein ver- windbarts Veifahren der Panipfdichtcbestimmung unter beliebigcm Urucke. Wien, .\.k. Sber.. lOS, 1899 {.Ibth.'lb), 239-272, 619-6:^5; Mhefte. Chem., 1899, 50.5-533, 909- 925. Ueber die Dampfdichte des ScbwefeU. Vorlanfige Jlittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 33. 1900, .50-,51. Ueber die Mi«li.culurgrc"'-.se und I>umiifdicht« des Schwcfels. Wien. Ak. Sber., 109. 1900 (.Ibth. 2i), 45.5- 500; .Mhefte. Chem., 1900, 575-620. Blelle, .{[Ibert] M[arlin]. The urine in epilepsy. N. T. M.a. .11., 65, 1897, 621 62.5. Bleisch, Ma.r. Die .Aufgaben und die Organisation einer ol>llgatori^chen Fleischbeschau nnt^^r Beri; i '• ^■ der gesetzlichen Bcstimmungcn und der Reel Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk.. 17, 1891, 31) ,.: 447. Beitng zur baktcrioloKischen Diflerenzialdiagnose der Cholera. Ztschr. Hyg.. 13. 1893. 31-37. Ueber bittere Milcb und die Slerilisining der Milcb dnrch Erbitzen unter Luftabscblnss. Ztschr. Hvg., 13, 1893. 81 100. Bleisch] 606 [Blinks Ueber einige Fehlerquellen bci Anstelhmg der Cliolera- rotbreaction uiul ilue Veniu-idiing. Ztsclir. Hyg. , 14, 1893, 103-115. Ein Apparnt zur Gewinuung klareu Agars ohne Filtra- tion. Centibl. Bakt. {Aht. 1), 17, 1895, ;W0-3()-2. Bleisch, .l/ 17li. Bllaa, C[liiirUs\ {.[istcii], iV Novy, Frederick (i. Action of formaldehyde on <'ii/.yineH and on certain proteids. .11. Kxper. Med., 1, 1899, 17-811. Bliss, r[h,nli:<] l,\isliii\, ,v Omdorff, \V[iUiani] R[idiiely]. Sif Omdorff .'> (1896-97), ISO. BUis, lUilKird. Organic evolution, Parwinism, and the genesis of species. [189.S.| Newport Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 9, 1900, .')-22. The hailstorm of July 14, lH9f. [1894.] Newport Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, (I, 1900, 29-33. Bliss, ll'[illitim] J[iiliiiii] .l[ll>ert]. The apparent forces between tine solid particles totally immersed in li>|Uids. Phys. Kev., 2, 1896, 241-259, 373-38ti. BUts, G. A. l>e anatumischc bouw der Oost-Indische ijzerhoutsoorten en van het djatihout. Benevens een oversiclit vau alio thans bekende ijzerhoutplanten. Haarlem Kolon. Miis. Bull., 19, 1898, nA pp. Bliz, Miiiiniiii. Ny automatisk strombrytarc fcir variabcl rytm. ' Upsala LiikarelT.r. I'liih., 19, 1884, 421-42.5; Neurol. Centrbl., 3, 1884, 440-441. Experimentelle Beitriige zur LOsung der Frage iiber die speciBsche Knergic der Hautnerven. Ztscbr. Biol., 20, 1884, Ul-LW; 21, 1885, 14r)-160. lakttaKelser och retiexioucr ofver foglarnes flygt. [1884.] Upsala Liikarefor. Forh., 20, 188B, 1-21 ; Ztschr. Biol., 21, 1885, lt;i-189. Ett bidrag till kiinnedomen um muskelns spiinning och det mekaniska arbetct vid kontraktionen. [1884.] Upsala Liikarefor. Fiirh., 20, 1885, l(;i-174. Forhalhindet af nervens tviirsnitt till de elektriska retmedlen. [1884.] Upsala Liikarefiir. Forh., 20, 1886, 174-191; Skand. Arch. Physiol.. 1, 1889. 184- 209. Zur Beleuchtung der Frage, ob Wiirme bei der Muskel- contraction sich in mechanische Arbeit urasetze. Ztschr. Biol., 21, 1886, 190-249. Om fysiologiens utveckling och niirvarande stiillning. Upsala Liikarefor. Fiirb., 22, 1887, 1.51-169. Om foglarnas segling eller krotsning. Upsala Liikare- fiir. Fiirh., 2'), 1890, 3(IG-32t;; Nature, 42,1890, 397-398, 593; Skand. Arch. PhysioL, 2, 1891. 141-1.57. Die Liinge und die Spannung des Muskels. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 3, 1892, 295-318; 4, 1893, 399-409; 5, 1896, 150-172, 173-206. Ueber gleichfarbige (isochromatische) Induction. [1892.] Skand. .\reh. Physiol., .5, 1896, 13-19. Zur Frage: W«nn der Energieumsatz bei der Muskel- contraction aucb von der Spannung abhiingt. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 6, 1896, 240-2-51. Blocta, . Recherches sur la dessiccation de la fecule. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 118, 1894. 146-149. Blocb,[.trniiiiiil\, A Schlagdenbauffen, Fr[('d«rrc Charles]. S,e Scblasdenbauficn A Bloch. Blocb, .1. M. *HxperieiKe^ relatives ik I'etude graphique de la respiration, chez rhomrae, a I'aide d'un nouviau pneumographe (pneumographe buccal, aerographe). [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi^m., 3.5, IBM (C. K.), 232- 234, 248-2.50. "Experiences sur les vitesses comparatives des trans- missions visuelles, auditires et tactiles. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi'in., .1-5, 1884 (C. Jl.), .551-5.56, 557-561 ; Robin, .11. Anat., 20. 1884, 1-38. KxperieuceH sur les sensations de contraction musou- laire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 18M (C. /(.), 31-33, — — Experiences sur lo ralentissemcnt des raouvements dn cu'Ur chez I'honime, provoque par une excitation j«''riphi'riipie douloureusc, Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 3ti, 1884 {(■. II.), 148-1.50. Experiences nouvelles sur la vitessc du courant nervcux sensitif, chez I'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem-, 36, 1884 (C. /(.), 343-344 ; Robin, .Jl. Anat., 20, 1884, 284-290. Experiences sur la contraction musculaire provnquee par une percussion du muscle chez I'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem-, 36, 1884 (f. II.}, 57C-.577; Robin, .11. Anat., 21, 1886, 19-'27. Expirieiices sur la vision. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. 11.), 493-495. Etude dynamometrique du c(ear dans les afTections cardiaques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mdm., 37, 1888 (C. J{.), 655-6.56. Note relative aux deux demii^res communications du prof. CnMii'KXTiKR, sur la persistance visuelle. Paris, Soc- Biol. Mem., .39, 1887 {C. R.). 118-119. Observations relatives i la persistance visuelle. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C- li.). 130. Note sur les sensations Tisuelles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. ft-), 391-393. La Vitesse comparative des sensations. Rev. Sci., 39, 1887, 585-589. Nouveau sphygmometrc. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. li.), 84-86. Observations relatives aux dcrniircs comnmnicntions de -V. CnAiii'KxriKn [sur le temps penlu du nerf optique]. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem-, 40, 1888 (C. /,'.), 491-493. Expi^riences de sphygmometrie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. ft-), 4.5(^458. Exp(5riences sur les sensations de traction ct de pression cutanees. Paris, Soc. Biol. M'ln., 42, 1890 (C. It.), 736-739; Arch, de Physiol-, 3, 1891, 3'22-333. Experiences sur les sensations muscalaires. Ber. Sci., 45, 1890, -294-301. Note relative k la communication de .V.V. FiiiiK. Bationf. et OcvBY: [Etude de la sensation de pression chez les epileptiques]. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. ft.), 902-903. L'achromatomdtre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 835-836. Note k propos de la commnnication de .V. Fi;re : (Experiences relatives a la notion de position). Paris. Soc. Biol. Mem., 48. 1896 tC. ft.), H1S2. Note sur un perfcctionnement apporte k [son] sphyg- momitre. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 4H, 1896 {C. i;.\, 74.5- 746. Le pncumoscopc. Paris, Soc. Biol. Nft'-m., 4H. 1896 (C. ft.), 873-874; Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897. 11'2-116. Note relative a la communication de J/.V. H.\lliox ei CoUTE sur la pression arterielle pendant I'eflort. Paris, Soe, Biol. Mem., 48. 1896 (f. ft-(, 905. Etude de lu marche normale et pathologique, au moyen d'eniprein -- Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 4.s,'l896 (C ft-). Experiences ri . .iction que les traumstismes produiscnt sur la circulation et sur la sensibilite de la iwau. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 49. 1897 (C. ft.), 1012- 101 1; Robin. Jl. .\nat., 34. 1898. '2.3.5-'246. Blocb, .idolphe. L'intclligence est-elle en rapport avec le volume du cer^■eau? Rev. dWnthrop. , 8, 188S, 577- 619. La forme du doigt et 1"^ n...i,.iit. s de Bocchabd. A.ss. Franv- C. R.. 1889 (/'(. Patboginie des affection- - de crois&ance et de surmeuage. Ass. Franv". C. li., 1890 (/'/. 2), 655- 659. BlochJ 608 IBlochmann Sur la physiologie pathologique du nervosisme. Non- valeur du terme neurasthenie. Ass. Fianp. C. B., 1891 (Ft. 2), 680-(i«5. Pathogeuie des ciosions et autres anomalies dentaiies. Ass. Frann. C. R., 1892 (/'/. 2), 770-782. Nature et pathogeuie de la scrofule. Ass. Franf. C. li., 1893 {Ft. 2), 768-773. Sur des races noires iudigenes qui existaient ancienne- ment dans I'Afrique septentrionale. Ass. Franc^. C. E., 1896 (Ft. 2), .)ll-.523. Des rapports du systenie pileux avec la coloration de la peau. Paris Soc.Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1896, 309-319. Sur une race rouge indiijene qui existait ancienue- meut a Madagascar, et sur I'origine des Hovas. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1896, 498- 511, .521-.52i. La main d'une Annamite de distinction. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1896, .580-582. Caract^res particuliers du type grand-russien. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 8, 1897, 457-403. Le pigment du sj'st^me pileux et son origine. [U^itli discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 8, 1897, 573- 587. Sur une modification frequente dans le squelette du petit orteil. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 9, 1898, 153- 162. Essai sur les levres au poiut de vue anthropologique. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 9, 1898, 284-301. Discussion sur la platycnomie. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1899, 447-449. De I'origine des brachycephales neolithiques de la France. Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. K, 1900, 271-277. Origine de la teinte jaune chlorotique. Congr. Int. Med. C. K., 1900 (]'ul. 4), 168-172. Pourquoi les anthropoides ne sont-ils pas marcheurs bipedes? Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull. & Mem., 1, 1900, 233-240. Galien anthropologiste. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull. & Mem., 1, 1900, 347-359. Bloch, C[(U-l], A Werner, Alfred. See Werner & Blocb. Blocb, E[inil]. Untersuchungen zur Physiologie der Na.-;en- athmung. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 18, 1888, 215-277, 354; Arch. Otol., 17, 1888, 279-307; 18, 1889, 1-24. Das binaurale Horen. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 24, 1893, 25-85; Arch. Otol., 24, 1895, 166-169. Die Methode der eentriijetalen Pressionen und die Diagnose der Stapesfixatiou. [1893.] Ztschr. Ohren- heilk., 2.5, 1894, 113-156. Die Erraittlung einseitiger completer Taubheit. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 27, 1895, 267-278. Ueber einheitliche Bezeichnung der Fuiiktionspru- fungs-Ergebnisse. Ein Vorschlag. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 45, 1898, 108-109. Ueber einlieitliche Bezeiohnungen der otologischen Function.spriifungsmethoden und ihrer Resultate. Ein Vorschlag. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 33, 1898, 203-223. Bloch, Krnst. Ueber das Caseiin, ein neues Eiweissprii- I)arat. Fortschr. Med., 17 (1899), 401-463. Blocb, Ernst, i-r,r,9. Ueber dns Vorkoiiiiiiin baktoriuiiulinlivhor Kui'iktcIicu in dell Ge\vi.ljon uiid Kitrn verHcliicdtiier IiiKukteii. Deutsch. Nfttf. Tiigubl., 1887, 112. Ueber die KiehtuiiKskiirper bci Im^ektenciern. Mor- phol. .Jbiich., 1-2, 1887, 544-574; Biol. Centrbl., 7, 1888, lOa-111. Ueber die (ieschleclits);eneration von Chermes Abietis, /.. |1nh7. I liiol. Centrbl., 7, 1888. 417-420. Ziir Keiiiitiiis der i''urt|>Haiizuiig von Kuglyplia alveiiliita, Diij. [1HH7.J Morpliol. Jbucb., 13, 1888, 173-183. Benierkungeu zu den I'liblikiitiuncn liber die liiclit- ungskorper bei pHrtheniigcnetiscli Hicli entwickeludeii Eiern. Murpliol. .Ibiicli., 13, 1888, t;.'54-Gti3. Ueber diirt regeiiniissige Vorkoiuiiieu v*ni bakterieiiiibn- lichen (icbilden in den (jeweben mid liierii verscliic- deuer Innecteii. /.tstlir. Biol., 24, 1888, 1-1.5. Ueber die Zaiil der Hichtungskorper bei befruchteten und unbefruchteten Bieiieneieru. MorpLol. .Ibueli., 15, 1889, «5-9t;. Kine einfache Methode zur Entfeinung der (iallerle und Eiseliale bei Fiosclieiern. Zool. Aiiz., 12, 1889, 2C9-270. Ueber die legeliniiasigon Wandeningen der Blattlause, speziell iiber den (ieneratiouBzykhis von Chcrines Abietis, L. [IHH'J.J Biol. Centrbl., 'J, 1890, 271-284. Eiue freiBchwinimende Musebellarve im Siisgwasaer. Biol. Centrbl., U, 1891, 476-478. Ueber die Uiclitungskorper bei unbefruchtet sich ent- wickelnden Insecteneiern. [1888.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 239-241. Ueber den Knlwieklungskieis von Chermes Abietis, L. [1888.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 249-25-^. Ueber das Vorkonimen von bakterieniibnlichen Gebil- den in den Gewebeii und Eiein verscbiedener lusekten. Centrbl. Bakt., 11, 1892, 234-240. Ueber tioMMKit's sogenannte " plasmatisehe Liiugs- gefasse" bei Tienia saginatn, Giize, und Tieuia sulium, I.. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 373-379. Ueber die Entwickelung von Cercariieuin aus Helix hortensis zuni gesclilecbtsreifen Distomum. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, t)49-6.V2. Ueber die .Vnatoniie nml die verwandtschaftlichen Bezielinngcn der Brachiopoden. Meekleub. Ver. Nat. Arcb., 1892, 37-50. Uiiiierkungen znr Brachiopodenlitteratur. [1893.] Zool. Anz., Ill, 1894. 40-43. Kleine Mittlailungen iiber Protozoen. Biol. Centrbl., 14, 1894, 82-91. Zur Keinitniss von Dimorpha mutans, Grub. Biol. Centrbl., 14, 1894, 197-200. [Ueber die Kerntlieihing bei Euglena.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arcb,, 1894, vii (bis); Biol. Centrbl., 14, 1894, 194-197. Ueber fieie Nirvenendigungen und Sinueszellen bei Bandwiirniern. Biol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 14-25. Zur Epitbelfrage bei Cestoden. Zool. .■Vnz., 20, 1897, 4(>0-403. Zur I'arafKnserientechnik. Ztscbr. Wias. Mikr., 14, 1897, 189-195. Ueber die Fortpdanzung des Aales. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arcb., 1898, iii-viii. Die Larve von Oiscinisea. (Die Miiller'.'iclie Brachio- podenlarve.) Zool. Jbiicli. (.4Mer die eleotriiinotoriticheu Kriifle von Ketten riiit geiuiHcliten SulzluRungen. Ann. PliVH. Cberu., 37. 1889, .564.575. Ueber die elektru-motoriitcbcn Kriifte von gulvaniHcheu Elcmeuten. [1H«U. | Konighb. Schr., M), 1890 {Sbrr.), 32-33. Ueber ilie DarutvUung und Verwendung von koinpri- miertem SauerHtufT. KunigHb. Hchr., 32, 1891 {Sber.), 58-59. Uclier UaHcxploHioncn. KOnigab. Schr., 34, 1898, [11]-(121. ( Acctylenga«licht.] KOnigsb. Scbr., 38, 18»7, [26]-(27]. Zur Tbeorie den Branlv'Hchcn liohrex. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 {Th. 2. Ilul/l'f 1). 75. Ueber die ziitlicbe Analyse der Wirkungen einer Unler-Wa«Her-Explo»ion. Deutseh. Natf. Verb., 1898 {Th. 2, Iliil/U 1). 80-83. Ueber eine in Konig)erg erlMihrte Miueralwasxer- quelle. KonigHb. Schr., 39, 1898. [17)-[18]. Blochmann, (J. F. Iluiliilf, & Blochmann, /fi-iiiA[(ir«niu8, Ztschr., 23, 1884, 333-345. Ueber die Einwirkung von salzsaurem Anilin au( Aethylencyanid. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1856-1861. Ueber den Kohlen.'^iiuregehalt der atmospbariscben Luft. Liebigs Ann., 237, 1887. 39-90. Ueber die Concentration der Keagentien. Berlin, Cluni. (ies. Ber., 23. 1890, 31-35. Blochmann, l{eiiih[aTit\, S: Blochmann, G. F. Rudolf. Vorlesungsversucli zum Nacbweise der Di-sociation de.'i Salmiaks. Berlin, Chem. Gea. Ber., 24, 1891, 2765- 2766. Block, Hermann. Die Bestandtcile der Epheupflanze (Hedera helix). Arch. Pbarni., 226, 1888. 953-1W4. Block, .7[i/«ni»]. A- Tollens, /([.rii/iurJ Chnilitiu fioti fried]. Ueber die MethylHydroxy-Glutarsaure iiud die ihr ent- sprechende Lactonsaure. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 701^-707. Ueber einige Saize der Lavulinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 238, 1887. 301-302. Block, .flmtut], lb«keler, Karl, A ToUans, ll[ernhard ( hriflian Ootlfriii. .<;;. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 8. Potentilla Tynieckii, n. ,sj). (P. leucopolitanoidi xargentea?) Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 49-50. [Rosa pseudocaryophyllacea, ii. sp.] Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 154-l'55. Rosa Ciesielskii, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 189-190. Rosa Tynieckii, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 311-312. Rosa Knappii, it. sp. Bot. Centrbl., 40, 1889, 197- 198. Rosa ciliato-sepala, ?i. sp. Bot. Centrbl., 41, 1890, 309-310. Ein Beitrag zur Flora von Ost-Galizien. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 10, 1892, 104-111. Ein kleiuer Beitrag zur Flora von Galizien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 42, 1892, 349-352, 383. Bemerkungen iiber einige kritische mitteleuropiiische Formen aus der Gattung Hieraeium und Potentilla. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 12, 1894, 6-10. Aconitum thyraicuni, ?i. sj). Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1895, 59. Aconitum fallacinum, n. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 117 IIH. Allg. Bot. Ztschr. , 1896, .\llg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, Zwei neue Cytisusarten (Sect. Tubocytisus) aus Ost- galizien. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1895, 137-138; Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 45, 1895, 303-304. Ein Beitrag zur Flora von Galizien und der Bukowina. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 13, 1895, 67-69, 133-135, 151- 152. Floristisches aus Galizien. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 3-6. Potentilla Buschakii, n. sp. 35-36. Potentilla leopoliensis, ii. sp. 56-57. Aufklarung iiber einige galizische Euphrasieu. Allg. Bot. Ztschr. , 1896, 96-98. Potentilla isosepala, n. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 115-116. Ein neuer Beitrag zur Flora Galiziens. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 143-145, 163-165. Hieraeium fragillimum, h. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896. 175-176. Hieraeium leopoliense, n. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 4-6. Noch eine Aufklarung iiber galizische Euphrasien. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 6. Potentilla Dichtliana, n. .s^. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 23-24. Hieraeium Knappii, 7i. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 45-46. Hieraeium kleparowiense, 7i. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 62. Hieraeium pinetoruln, n. sp. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 76-77. Floristisches aus Galizien. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 159-160. Ein kleiner Beitrag zur Flora OstgaUziens. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 50, 1900, 167-168. laiocq, I'tiid. Syringomyelia. Brain, 13, 1890, 289-316. Semeiology of sleep. Brain, 14, 1891, 112-126. Neurasthenia. Brain, 14. 1891, 306-334. Blocq, Paul, & Gillet, Hlenri]. Des cirrhoses graisseu.ses consid^rees comme liepatites infectieuses. Arch. G^n. M^d., 161, 1888, 641-656; 162, 1888, 60-73, 181-193. Blocq, Paul, & Marinescu, George. Sur I'anatomie pathologique de la maladie de Friedreich. Paris, Soo. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. Ii.). 118-120. Sur la morphologic des faisceaux neuro-musculaires. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mf5m., 42, 1890 (C. Ii.), 398-401. Poliomy^lites et polynevrites. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 42, 1890 (C. R.). 429-431. Sur un syst^me tubulaire special des nerfs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi5m., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 661-664. Sur un cas de tremblement Parkinsonien hemiplegique, symptomatique d'une tnmeur du pedoucule cerebral. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893, 105-111. Blocq, Paul, & Onanoff, ,/[iii'(;»i'.s] G. Une di^finition naturelle du crime et du criminel. Rev. Sci., 46, 1890, 7.52-754. Sur un cas d'association tabeto-hysterique suivi d'autopsie. Tabes superieur incipiens, avec lesion des noyanx bulbaires. Arch. Med. Expi'r., 4, 1892, 387-411. Du nombre comparatif, pour les membres supcrieurs et inferieurs de I'homnie, des fibres nerveuses d'origine cerebrale destinees aux mouvements. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 248-251. Blocq, Paul, A StrauB, I[siilure]. Sec Straus it Blocq. Blodget, Lorin. Weather predictions : rainfall maps. 1 1888. 1 Amer. Meteorol. .11., 5 (1888-89), 273-274. Temperature observations at I'hiladi'lphia. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev.. 16 (1888), 292. Blodgett, I'leiierick II. On the development of the bulb of the adder's tongue. Bot. Gaz., 19, 1894, 61-65 ; 20, 1895, 172-175. Vegetative reproduction and niulripliialion in Ery- Blodgettl 611 [Blomefield DeutBcb. Alpenvcr. Au8 den Bergen der Deutacb. Alpeiiver. thronium. [189'.).] Torrcy Bot. Club Bull., 27, 1900, 30.5-31.1. Notes upon rettiiridra ruHt (Oueinurus Caladii). Amer. Ass. I'roe., 1900. 27rt. Darluca upon carniitiini rust. A preliminary note. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 27, 1900, 2fS9-2!Mt. Blodlg, Carl. Xns di'Ui Fcrvall. Deutsob. Alpenver. Ztsc-lir., .iO, 1899, '2.V.I-277. Wiinderunri'ii iin lUiiitikon. Ztscbr. , :il, 1900. -'Ml) -".ID. Blodlg, Curl. A Furtactaeller, L. Mauriennp und der Tareutaisi'. Ztschr., 26, 1895, Grt-llO: 27, 1896, 171-211. Blocker, Il[frmiiiiu]. IIiilUiHl ,;aElllIJ)l O (|)ayilt. 'ieiiiyi'iepi.i.iiJ.Ki> C- lli'ii'in'iyprcKori ryociiiiiii. Beitrag zur Kenntnis-s der Scbuictterllngsfauna des Gouvernemcnts St. -Petersburg. Soc. Eiit. Ross. Horas, :!0, 1897, 4U4-4H0. Bloem, Friedricli, A Baeyer, [.fiihaiiii Friinlrich IVilhelm] .lilolf (Riltrr) vmi. .SVf Baeyer & Bloem. Bloeme, IT. id-. I)e kaart van bet landscbap Pestmab. Ainstcrlam Nederl. Aardr. Genootscb. Tijdscbr., 2, 1885 {.Irt.. .^tiik 1), 223-224. Blomeke, Conrad. Die Aufbcreitung erzbaltiger Scblamme und die dabei verwendeten Apparate, niit Beriicksicbti- gung einiger Zerkleinerungsversucbe mit eingesprengten Silberer/.en. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 44, 188B, 137-139, 145-148, 157-161. Ueber die Erzlager.stiitten des Harzes und die Gescbicbte des auf deniselbeu gefiibrten Bergbaues. Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbucb., 33, 1885, 1-144. Ueber die Steinkoblen-Vorkommnisse und I'loduction auf der Erde. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 47, 1888, 10.5- 107, 124-126. Ueber das Vorkonunen und die Production von Eisen in der Welt. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 47, 1888, 213- 216, 226-229. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Production von Gold auf der Erde. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 47, 1888, 317- 319. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Production von Silber auf der Erde. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 48, 1889, 6-8, 15-17. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Production von Blei in der Welt. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 48, 1889, 93-97. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Production vou Zink auf der Erde. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 48, 1889, 209- 213. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Production von Kupfer auf der Erde. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 49, 1890, 139- 141, 147-149. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Production von Ziun, Nickel, Platin und Quecksilber auf der Erde. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 49, 1890, 237-240. Ueber die Production uiid das Vorkommen der wicbtigsten llineralien und Jletallc auf der Erde. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 49, 1890, 365-3(W. Die neue Bleierz- und Blende-Aufbereitung.sanstalt der Gruben Diirnberg und .Vurora bei Ramsbeck in Westfalen. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 53, 1894, 141-144. 167-170. Die Verarbeitung der Scblamme. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 55, 1896, 209-212. Das conibiuirto Goldextractionsverfabren Pape- Henneberg- und Goepuer-Diebl. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., .56, 1897, 431-4.S4, 440-443. Ueber die Fortscbritte in der Eraaufbereitung. Wien Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbucb., 46, 1898, 357—1-56. Ueber die mecbauisobe Aufbereitung der Golderze und die cbemiscbe tiewiuuung des Goldes. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 59, 1900. 235-238, 247-250, 259-262, 271-274. Blote, //. ir. TuberkuloHC, Blutfullung und Blut. ZtKcbr. Tub-rkulose, 1, 1900, 383-387, 4X8-194. Blok, I). ./. f)nwilli.kcurige medel>ewcging van een ptosiHch ooglid bij andere spierbewegingen. [1H91.] Nederl. Gaath. Ooglijd. Vcrsl., 28-32, [1887-91), .Vo. 23, 7 pp. LV'tiologie du chalazion. [1h92.] .\nn. d'OculiBt., 109, 1893, 106. Een geval van cyclopie. [1893.] Nederl. Gantb. Ooglijd. Versl., 35, 189*, 3 pp. I)e I'induencc de la cocaine «ur la guf-rison des plaieis de la comil-e. [1894.] Ann. d'Oculist., 113, 1896, 196- 197. Mydriasis en accommodatie-paralyse bij hysterie. [1897.) Nederl. Gasth. Ooglijd. Versl., 39, 1898 (Nederl. Oogheelk. Bijdr., All. 5), 12-2.5. Blom. SV'r Oker-BIom. Blomberg, .l/^ert. 'Beskrifning till kartbladet "Hjulsjo." Stuikb., Sver. (icul. Unders. (.SVr. Aa), 69, 1879, ■10 PP- 'Beskrifning till kartbladet Olmestad. Stockb., Sver. Geol. Unders. (.S^r. Ab), 5, 1879, 27 pp. 'Beskrifning till kartbladet Nissafurs. Stockb., Sver. Geol. Unders. (.SVr. Ab), 6, 1880, 31 pp. 'Beskrifning till kartbladet Siiri. Stockb., Sver. Geol. Uuders. (.SVr. Ab), 9, 1883, 16 pp. 'Beskrifning till kartbladet Kungsbacka. Stockh., Sver. Geol. Unders. (.SVr. Ab), .10, 1883, 48 pp. Beskrifning till kartblailct Oregrund. Stockb., Sver. Geol. Unders. (.SVr. .\a). Ml, 1886, 38 pp. Beskrifning till kartbladet .Vlunda. Stockb., Sver. Geol. Unders. (.SVr. Aa), 104. 1889, 40 pp. Beskrifning till kartbladet I'enningby. Stockb., Sver. Geol. Umlcrs. {Ser. Aa), 106, 1889. 4.5 pp. Beskrifning till kartbladet Glimiikra. Stockh., Sver. Geol. Unders. (iVr. Aa), 108, 1892, 36 pp. Anteckuingar fran en i praktiskt syfte foretagen geologisk resa i Vesterbotten^i liin. Stockh., Sver. Geol. Unders. {Ser. C), 123, 1892, 14 pp. Be-skrifning till kartbladet Vittsjo. Stockh., Sver. Geol. Unders. (.SVr. Aa), 113, 1896. 2U pp. Praktiskt geologiska undersokningar inom Gefleborgs Kn. Stockh., Sver. Geol. Unders. (Ser. C), 152. 1895. 209 pp. Geologisk be.«krifning ofver Blekinge Itin. .Stockh., Sver. Geol. Unders. (.SVr. Ca), 1. 1900, 1-8H. BlomberK, Albert, & Undatrom, Airl. 'Praktiskt gro- logiska under.^okningar imini Hi-rjedalen ocb Jenit lU/i. ntfiirdu soinmaren ls76. Stotkb., Sver. Geol. Iiii. r- iN-r. I), 32, 1879. 13 pp. Blomberg, AlWrl. Santeeson, Ilenrik, A Santeason, Kirger. .SV< Bantesson, BlomtMrg .V Bantemaon. Blomlierg, (). t. Notiser, 1896. 90-106; Bot. Centrbl. Beibefte. 1898. 332-334. Blome, U. Beitriige zur Ciiemie des quergestreiften Muskels. [1890.] Arch. Eiper. Path., 28, 1891, 113- 125. Blomefield {formfrly Jenyns), {Rrr.) Leonard. For biograpbvs.i.' Ent. Montb. Mag., 29, 1893. 239; Jl. Bot.. 31. 1893, 320; Zo.d.gist. 17. 1893. 394, 413-420; Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [14]. 1894. 347-3.58; Cambridge Pbil. Soc. Proc, 8. 1895. 237-239; Batb Nat. Hist. Club Proc., 8, 1897. 3.5-.55. Notice of a second capture of the rare longicom. taken near Bath, in September. 18s:i. [1884.] Bath Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 5. 1886, 264-267. Tbe Bournemoutb tirs; con^dered as the remains of an ancient forest. Was there ever a forest of tirs on the hills around Bath? [1885.] Bath Nat. Hist. Club Proc., 6, 1889, 39-52. Further results of meteorological observations made at the Bath Roval Literarv and Scientific Institution. [1887.] Batb Nat. Hist. Club Proc., 6, 1889. 185-196. Blomefield] 612 [Blondel Lecture on some peculiar odours common in certain instances to both animals and plants. [1889.] Bath Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 7, 1893, 13-24. Remarks on the distribution and movements of British animahs aud plants, in past and present times, as instanced in the nightingale and some other cases. [1891.] Bath Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 7, 1893, 185-199. Bloin6n, J. E. Some practical points in the manufacture of nitroglycerol. [1894.] Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 263-277. On the manufacture of soluble nitrocellulose for nitro- gelatine and phistio dynamites. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17; 1895, 411-419. Blomin, J. i"., & Krug, William H. See Krug * Blom^n. Blomfield, J. E. On some recent antipyretics: kairin, auti]ivrin and thallin. Practitioner, ijS, 1885, 241- 2.50. " Blomstrand, Clhristian] W[ilhelm']. For biography aud list of works see Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 3227- 3241 ; Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 959; Jl. Prakt. Chem., .50, 1897, 398-400; Leopoldina, 33, 1897, 166-167; Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 19, 1897, 537-558; Amer. Chem. Jl, 20 (1898), 163-164. Sur la composition de la pechblende. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 816-817. ^ Om ett uranmineral fran trakten af Moss samt om de nativa urauaterna i allmiinhet. [1884.] Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 7, 1884 & 85, 59-101, 196; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 29, 1884, 191-228. Sur les uranates natifs. Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 129- 135. Zur Frage iiber die Hainstadter Thoue. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 38, 1886, 483-488, 576. Ueber die Sauerstoffsiiuren des Jodes. [1886.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 22, 1886-87 (Math.), No. i, 27 pp. ; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 34, 1886, 433-462. Om de zirconiumhaltiga silikatens kemiska byggnad. [1886.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 12 (Afd. 2), 1887, No. 9, 15 pp. ; Ztschr. Kryst., 15, 1889, 83-84. Om den s. k. cyrtolithen fran Ytterby. [1886.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. 'Bihang, 12 (Afd. 2), 1887, No. 10, 10 pp. ; Ztschr. Kryst., 15, 1889, 83. Analys at cer- och ytter-fosfater fran sodra Norge, ett bidrag till fragan om dessa mineraliers kemiska byggnad. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 9, 1887, 160-187; Ztschr. Kryst., 15, 1889, 99-10.3. Till tr8,gan om gadolinitjordens atomvigt och gado- linitens sammansiittning. [1888.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 24, 1887-88 {Muth.), No. ni, 26 pp.; Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 36B-367. Ueber die Sauerstoff.sauren des Jods. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 40, 1889, 305-340. Om jodsyran och dubbelsyror deraf med andra syror. Lund. Univ. Acta, 25, 1888-89 {Math.), No. iii, 34 pp. Om monaziten fran Ural. [1889. | Lund, Univ. Acta, 25, 1888-89 (Milt )i.), No. vi, 1-11; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 41, 1890, 266-277; Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 367-368. Om nagra svenska monaziter. Stockh. Cieol. F(ir. Ffirh., 11, 1889, 379-3H8 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (/W. 1, lirf.), 4,5-47. Carl Wilhelm Schekle. [1891.] Stockh., Vet. Ak. Lefnadsteekn., 3, 1886-94, 1-38. Till fragan om grundiimnenas fiireningsviirde. [1891.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 17 {Afd. 2), 1892, No. 6, 13 pp. Den 7-atomiga jodcns dubbelsyror. [1891.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 17 {Afd. 2), 1892, No. 7, 48 pp.; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 1, 1892, 10-50. Zur Frage iiber die Constituticjn der aroinatischen Diazoverbindungen. (1893.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 29, 1892-93 {Soc. l'hiiKio(jr., No. ii, 26 pp.). Zur Frage iiber die Constitution der aromatisehen Diazoverbindungen und ihrer Isomere. Lund. Univ. Acta, 31, 1895 (.Soc. Phijsiorir., No. i, 30 pp.). Zur Diazofrage. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 54, 1896, 305- 339. Bemerkung zu den neuesten Arbeiten von Hantzsch. [Diazo-verbindungen.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1265. Schlussworte in der Diazoisomeriefrage. Mit Bemer- kungen iiber Experimentelles von Eugen B.\mberger. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 55, 1897, 481-501. Blomstrand, C[/iris(/im] W[ithelm] {et alii). Ueber Sehwe- felplatinbasen mit verschiedenen Alkoholradikalen. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 38, ,1888, 345-365, 497-530, 596. Blonay, H[e7iri] de. Equation de la courbe d'accroisse- ment des arbres. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 28, 1892, 207-210. Blonay, H[eiiri] ]i'[illia)ii] de. Derives de I'euxanthone. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 18, 1887, 223-224. Blonay, H[enri] ]V[illiam] de, & Auriol, Henry. Sec Auriol iV' Blonay. Blonay, H[enri] U'lilliam] de, & Borel, William. See Borel & Blonay. Blondeau, . *Rodez (Aveyron). Observations m^t^o- rologiques faites pendant I'annee 1852. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1854, Pt. 2, 211-219. Blondel, .Irfi/fH. L'ile de la Reunion. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. Bull., 9, 1888, 574-597. Blondel, Albert. Du fer au point de vue de I'assimilation. Progres Med., 1, 1885. 54-55. Blondel, ^ I! rfre [Eugene]. Sur la determination des eoarbes periodiques des courants^alternatifs et leur inscription photographique. Lum. Elect., 41, 1891, 401-408, 507- 516., Etudes exp^rimentales sur Tare a courants alternatifs. Lum. Elect., 42, 1891, 551-560, 618-623; 43, 1892, 51-61. Recherches sur Tare k courants alternatifs. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 273-274. Couplages et synchronisation des alternateurs. Lum. Elect., 45, 1892, 351-359, 41,5-425, 46.5-477, 557-565, 615-622; 46, 1892, 151-160, 308-313, 360-367, 409-417, 456-468. Methode pour la determination des courbes periodiques des courants alternatifs. Paris, Soc. Pliys. Seances, 1892, 166. Ph^nom^nes periodiques de Tare alterne. Paris, Soc. Phys. seances, 1892, 167-168. A secondary standard for are-light photometry. [7V.] Electrician, 30, 1893, 658-660. On the electric light of lighthouses. Electrician, 31, 1893, 478-482. Sur le couplage des alternateurs. Lum. Elect., 47, 1893, 34-40, 85-90. Sur la mesure des valeurs instantanees et moyennes de la self-inducti,on dans les circuits a permeabilite variable. Lum. Elect., 49, 1893, 373-376. Nouvelles recherches sur r;irc a courants alternatifs. Lum. Elect., 49, 1893, 501-508, 557-569, 608-617. ■ Notes sur la tb^orie ,eiementaire des appareils a champ tournant. Lum. Elect., 50, 1893, 351-363, 473- 483, 516-524, 605-616; 51, 1894, 251-262, 320-327. Sur la mesure de la puissance dans les courants polyphases. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 54-57. Oscillographes ; nouveaux appareils jiour I't'tudc des oscillations electriques lentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, .502-506. Conditions gen^rales que doivent remplir les instru- ments enregistreurs ou indicateurs ; probl^me de la synchronisation int^grale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 748-752. Tliecontinuouscurrent arc as a standard light. [1893.] Electrician, 32, 1894, 117-119, 145-147, 169-170. Blondell 613 [Blondin Iniliictanoe lies lignes aeritiines pdur couratitH altcr- natifs. Eulairane filed. , 1, 1894, 241-251, 312-316, 3'J3-401, 493-500. Kemaiques sm- la m^thode osoillograpbiqiie. Luiii. Elect., .51, 1894, 172-175. Giaiuli'Ui-8 ft unite's pbotouietri()iics. Liira. Elcet., 53, 1894, 7-15, loO. — — Noiiville methoiie simiilifiee pour Ic ealciil des cou- laiitH alteinatifti. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 1I«, 1894, 404- 40(>. Application de la m^thode vectorielle aux appareils a chaiiip tournant asynchrones. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, i;3.3-636. Ki'inaniuea sur la methode electrocbimique d'inscrip- tioii lies courants alturnutifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 119, 1894, 399-402. La lU'terinination de I'intensite luoyenne spherique des sources de luniiere. Eclairu(,'e Elect., 2 (1896), 385- 391; 3 (1895), 57-(12, 40t)-414, 53.'+-54(), 3H3-58(). QueUiues p_ropri(5t^s g^nerales des champs magnctiques tournants. Eclairage Elect., 4 (1895), 241-254, 308- 313, 358-365. Uu role des fuitps magnetiques dans les moteurs ii champ tournant. Eclairage Elect., 5 (1895), 97-107, l(i6-171, 253-260, 442-446, 540-545, .592-599. Der Weehselstromlichtbogen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 16, 1896, 610. • Einige Bemerkungen liber den Streuungskoefticienlen bei Mehri)haseustrommotoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 16, 1896, 625-627. L'celairagc public par les lampes a arc. [1895.] Genie Civil, 26, 1894-95, 212-215, 228-231, 244-246, 259-262, 278-281. Snr la mesure du flux lumineux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 120, 1895, 311-314. Sur la mesure directe de I'intensite lumineuse moyenne spherique des sources de lumi^re. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 550-554; Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 49-52. Sur la (jucstiou des nnites magnetiqiies. Ass. Franv. C. K.. 1896 {Pt. 2), 193-205. — — Kapport sur les unites photometrique-s. Eclairage Elect., H (1896), 341-365. Quelques remarques sur le courant dewatte dans les distributions par courants alternatifs. Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 400-412. Les unites magnctieiiies dans le syst^me pratique de I'ohm et de Tampere. Eclairage Elect., S (1896). 529-531. Zur Tbeorie der Urebstrommotoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 17, 1896, 116. Quelques applications nouvelles des oscillographes. Eclairage Elect., 11 (1897), 158-1.59. Sur le phenomene de Tare electrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 164-167; Jl. Pbys., 6, 1897, 513-.-.20. Sur les oscillographes. Ass. Fran^. C. U., 1898 (/'(. 2), 191-200. Sur la theorie des antennes dans la telegraphic sans fil. Ass. Franc. C. R.. 1898 {Pt. 2), 212-216. Quelques remarques et experiences sur les coh^reurs. Ass. Franv. C. K., 1898 (/'(. 2). 21li-223. Sur une nouvelle lampe-etalon reproduisant Tunite Hefner. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1898 {Pi. 2), 223-230. L'hysteresimetre Blondel-Cai-pentier et son application a la mesure staticjue de I'liystcrcsis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127. 1898, 957 -960. Sur Tare a conrants alternatifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 1016-1021. [Lettre au sujet de la communication de il. Dpcbetkt sur la telegraphic sans lil.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1898, 77*-78*. Sur les unites ^lectriques. Ass. Fran?. C. K., 1899 (Pt. 1), 226. Sur I'erreur des wattmctres ^lectrodynamiques. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1899 (P(. 1), 227. Sur la simplitication des unites electriques. Ass. Fram,-. C. H., 1899 (/'(. 2), 304-310. Nouvelle methode pour la mesure des faibles coeflicients de self-induction. Ass. Franv. C. R., 1899 (Pi. 2), 311- 316. Sur les propric^t^g pbotoindtriques des lentilles de projection. Ass. Fram;. C. R., 1899 (Pt. ,2), 316-.')'.J5. Sur les oscillations des alternateurs. Eclairage Elect., 21 (1899), 21.5-216. Sur les arcs a courants alternatifs dissymfStriques entre uietaux et charbons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 128, 1899, 727-731. Sur I'interrupteur electrolytique Webnelt. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 877-879. Sur les reactions d'induit des alternateurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 586-589. Sur la syntonic dans la teligrapbie sans fil. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1383-1386. Blondel, .iiidri [Engine], & Dobkivltch, (S[arlan]. Sur la sensibilile maxima des coliireurs employes pratique- ment dans la telegraphic sans tils. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 1123-1126, 1220. Blondel, Amlrf [Encjine], & Perrl*, (capil.) G[iulave .imiu'le]- The present state of wireless telegraphy. [1900] Electrician, 46. 1901, 21-22. Blondel, Andre [Eugene], & Jlgonxo, [Paul]. Sur le iinilement lumineux de Tare k courants alternatifs. Ass. Franv. C. B., 1899 (Pi. 1). 227-228. Blondel, .indre [Eugrne], & Bey, ./. Etude expiirimentale de I'lclat des projecteurs de lumi^re. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K.. 126, 1898, 404-407. Blondel, .1/uuric'i'. Sur quelques phosphochromates. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 194-19.5, 268. Combinaisons des acides chromiqne et titanique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 218. Sur quelques combinaisons de I'acidc titanique avec I'acide sulfurique. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 21, 1899, 262-264. Blondel, R[aoul Emile]. Sur I'^corce et les graines de I'Holarrbena antidysenterica (ecorce de conessie du commerce). Jl. Pharm., 16, 1887, 391-400. Sur les graines de Strophantbus du commerce. Jl. Pharm., 17, 1888, 249-251. Sur I'adulteration des graines de Strophantbus. Jl. Pharm., 17, 1888. 297-300. Sur le Stroiibanthus du Niger et une nouvelle variete de graines de Strophantbus. Jl. Pharm., 17, 1888, -554- 559. Observations sur la structure des graines de Soja hispida. Jl. Pharm., 18, 1888. 537-541. Sur le parfum et son mode de production chez les roses. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36. 1889, 107-113. Blondel de Joigny, . Note snr les ravages occa.sionnes par lies Mel>>lontba dans les forets de pins. Bordeaux Soo. Linn. Act., .50, 1896, xxix-xxx. Blondel de Joigny, . Blal de Bellerade. . & Coutiires, H. See Blal de Bellerade, Blondel de Joigny A' Coutorea. Blondiauz, Paul. Loucle du Niger. Mission Blondisux. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. B., 1899, 12-15. Blondin, . 'Blois (Loir-et-Cber). Observations nuteorologiques faites pendant [les annees 1850-59]. Fiance Soc. Meteorol. .Vnnu., 4. 1866. Pt. 1, 67-72; 6, 1868, Pt. 1, 51-56; 7, 1859, Pt. 1. 25-26; 8, 1860, Pt. 1, 15-19. '[Notes met^orologiqnes.J Blois [Loir-et-Cher]. France Soc. M^teoroL NoQv. Meteorol., 1, 1868, 176-177, 239, 287. '[Notes meteorologiques.] Choisy-le-Boi (Seine). France Soc. Meleorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 4, 1871, 50-51, S2-83; 5, 1872, 117-118. Blondin, .)[ules]. Propagation des |>erturbations electriques dans les tils conducteurs. Lum. Elect., 41, 1891. 101-109. Blondin] 614 LBlonk Sur la th^orie des ph^nomenes thermo-electriquee. Lum. Elect., 42, 1891. 104-110. Kecherches recentes fur la mesure des temperatures par les precedes electriques. Lum. Elect., 47, 1893, 21- 27, 75-78, 125-129. Les experiences de Lord Akmstkong. Lum. Elect., 47, 1893, 51.3-519. Le telephote. Lum. Elect., 48, 1893, 2.59-2G6. La deperdition de I'electricite par les gaz. Lum. Elect., 48, 1893, 511-518. La conservation de I'energie. Applications aux phenomfnes electriques. Lum. Elect., 49, 1893, 101-108. Determination de I'equivalent mecanique de la calorie par les m^thodes electriques. Lum. Elect., 49, 1893, 201-208. Recherches recentes sur la polarisation rotatoire mag- netique. Lum. Elect., 49, 1893, 351-356. Sur les pressions k I'interieur des dielectriques polarises. Lum. Elect., 49, 1893, 551-557. Sur uue hypothese de Maxwell. Lum. Elect., 50, 1893. 201-209. Oscillations electriques dans les conducteurs cylin- driques. Lum. Elect., 50, 1893, 301-306, 408-418, 468- 473, 505-510, 568-575. Sur la propagation des perturbations electriques et magnetiques. Eclairage Elect., 1, 1894, 16-22, 118-124; 2 (1895), 62-70, 110-120. — - Sur la nature des rayons cathodiques. Eclairage Elect., 1, 1894, 440-446. Sur,la propagation de I'electricite dans les conducteurs. Lum. Elect., 51, 1894, 401-406. Sur la double refraction eleotrique. Lum. Elect., 52, 1894, 101-106. Theorie tourbillonnaire de I't^lectrodynamique. Lum. Elect., 52, 1894, 405-416, 570-5,77, 608-614. Les rayons de Eoentuen. Eclairage Elect., 6 (1896), 289-298. Clapets ^lectriques.et redresseurs de courants electro- lytiques. Eclairage Elect., 14 (1898), 293-298. Telegraphic par ondes Hertziennes : systeme synthone 0. Lodge et A. Muirbead. Eclairage Elect., 18 (1899), 81-86. Blondlot, [Prosper] R[ene]. Influence de I'^tat ^lectrique d'une surface liquide sur la tension maxima de la vapeur de ce liquide en contact avec la surface. Jl. Phys., 3, 1884, 442-444. Experiences concernant les propri^tes de la surface d'un liquide. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, 2.5-29. D^gagement d'^lectricit^ lors du frottement mutuel de la glace ot de I'eau a I'etat liquide. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1885, xiv. Multiplicateur electrom^trique. Nancy Soc. Soi. Bull., 1886, xxxvi. Experience concernant les propriites d'une surface liquide. Ass. Fran^. C. K., 1886 {Pt. 1), 101. Sur le passage de relectricitc a faible tension a travers I'air chaud. Ass. Franc,-. C. R., 1886 {Pt. 1), 102. Sur la loi de passage de I'electricite a travers I'air incandescent. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 {Fasc. 20), xiii. Sur une experience de Guotthdss. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 {Fuse. 20), xxxi. Sur le transport du cuivre a travers une coucho gazeuse, et sur la combinaisoTi dirocte du cuivre et de I'azote. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 102, 1886, 210-212; Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 {Fnsc. 20), ix. Demonstration el^mentaire do la proposition de Maxwkll relative a Taction mecanique qui s'exerce entre des corps electrises. .11. Phys., 6. 1887, 507-509. Siir la double refraction didlectrique. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1887, XXV. Recherches sur la transmission de I'elertriciti'' a faible tension par I'lnterniediaire de I'air chaud. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 283-286; .11. Phys., 6, 1887, 109-127. Sur les principes de la mecanique. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, xvii-xviii. Sur la double refraction di^lectrique ; simultaneite des phenomenes electrique et optique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 349-352; .Tl. Phys., 7, 1888, 91-96. Sur la theorie du diamagnetisme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1347-1349. Description du compteur d'energie Electrique [de I'auteur]. Aun. Telegr., 17, 1890, 289-298. Sur une loi ei^mentaire de I'iuduction electro- magn^tique. Jl. Phys., 9, 1890, 177-180. Sur la determination de la constante dielectrique du verre a I'aide d'oscillations electriques tres rapides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1058-1060; Paris, Soc. Phys. seances, 1891, 114-121. Determination experimentale de la vitesse de propa- gation des ondes eleotromagnetiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 628-631; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 2.59-271. Sur un nouveau proc^de pour transmettre des ondula- tious electriques le long de fils metalliques, et sur une nouvelle disposition du recepteur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 283-286. Sur la Vitesse de propagation des ondulations eleotro- magnetiques dans les milieux isolants, et sur la relation de Maxwell. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 115, 1892, 225-'227; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., '28, 1892, 340-341. Determination de la vitesse de propagation d'une perturbation electrique le long d'un til de cuivre, a I'aide d'une methode independante de toute theorie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 543-546, 678. Sur la propagation des ondes electi'omagnetiques dans la glace, et sur le pouvoir dielectrique de cette substance. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 595-597. Determination experimentale de la vitesse de propa- gation d'un trouble electromagnetique. Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 442-455. Nouvelle demonstration du theorime de Stokes. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 501-.504. Ueber die Selbstinductionscoellicienten electrischer Resonatoren. Berichtigung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 64, 1898, 811-812. Sur la mesure directe d'une quantite d'eiectricite en unites eleotromagnetiques ; application a la construction d'un compteur d'eiectricite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1691-1695 ; Jl. Phys., 7, 1898, 569-573. Production de forces eiectromotrices par le deplacement dans le sein d'un liquide .soumis k Taction magnetique de masses de conductiviti'S differentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C R., 128, 1899, 901-904 ; Jl. Phys., 8, 1899, 36'2-366. Force electromotrice produite dans une liamme par Taction magnetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1497-1498. Exposition of the principles ot mechanics. [1900.] N. Y. Amer. Math. Soe. Bull., 7, 1901, 158, 181- 182. Blondlot, [Prosper] R[eiir], it Bichat, E[rne.it Adolplie]. Ueber die Bestimmungder Potentialditferenzen zwisohen Quecksilber und Elektrolyten. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 98-99. See iil.^o Bicliat & Blondlot. Blondlot, \ Prosper \ E[rHr\, A Curie, Pierre. Sur un eiectronietri' astatiiiue pouvant ^ervu' couime wattmetre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 107, 1888, 864-867; Paris, Soc. Phys. seances, 1888, 3.-.8-364 ; Jl. Phys., 8, 1889, 80-82; Nancy Soc. Sci. Hull., 1889, 148-154. Blondlot, [Prosper] R[e>u']. & Dufour, .1/. Sur Tinfluence exercee sur les phenomenes do resonance eiectromag- neticjue, par la dissymetrie du circuit le loug dui)ucl sb propagent les ondes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 317 319. Blonk, ii. ./. Ecu walerhoos. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 57, 1898, 348. Bloiiskil C15 [Bloyet Bio^Bki, Franz. Fuiiki poloiiici nuvi. Hedwigia, 'M, 1889, Ucber diis I'liniitiitHrechl von Kltika, Andrz., 1H21 vor Clmniinpliiiiii, W'allr., 182'2. AUj,'. Hot. ZtHchr., 1900, 23. Zur Chionik der preussischen Flora. All^. Bot. Ztsehr., 1900, 177-178, 20.'.-2ll7. Bloom, Si'tiiiii. L'uber dio Uftioehuiiiiidcall>liitiiiinPn nacli .Stuaicxtractidiieii. Arch. f. Ophthalin., 4(1, 1898, lH4-23.'i. Bloom, Si'lina, A- Oarten, Sieiifried. Vt'r«li-ichriide Untcr- Hiicliiiiig der Sfliscliiirff dcs hell- mid des iliinki;liuhi|)tirten Aii|.vH. Pttiiger, Arch. I'hysiol., 72, 1898, 372-408. Bloomer, //. II. On Boiue nmlforinid speuimens of Anodonta cvgnea, /.. .11. Malacol., 7, 1900, 136-13a, 177-17a. Bloomer, Hirnm G. For biographical notice see Erythea, 7, 1899. Itl3-l«(i. Bloomfield, (y/>'t>.) E[dwin] N[cicson]. Centaurea Jacea, L., in east Sussex. Jl. hot., 22, 1884, 149-1.50. Mespilus gerraanica, L., in Sussex. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 1.50. I'eziza venoea, var. Sumueri, Berk. & lir., etc., in Suffolk. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 248. Centaurea Jacea in Sussex. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 248- 249. The moss llora of Suffolk. Jl. Bot., 23, 1886, 233- 238 : 20, 1888, 0'.l-71. Hepatica; of Suffolk. Jl. Bot., 23, 1886, 308-310. Sciopterjx consobrinus, A'/., an addition to the British Tenthredinidie. Knt. Month. Mag., 31, 189B, 24. Rare British Diptera in the British Museum (Natural History), South Kensington. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1896, 113-116. Habits of Serieomyia borealis, Fin. Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 222-223. Cepheuoiuyia auribarbis, 3Ig. : larva?, etc. Ent. Month. Mag.,' 34, 1898, 7-8. Odonata of east Sussex. Ent. Month. Mag., 36, 1900, l.')0-1.51, 2(;-2. 288. Norfolk galls. [I'JOO.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 7, 1904, llU-112. Bloomfield, 11 '. Coremia ferrugata and unidentaria. Ent, Kerard, 3. 1892, 242. Blot, [Claude I'hiliherl IIipiii)li/te]. For biograidiy and works see Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 109-111); Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, ct Mem., 14, 1888, 244. liapport sur la nviicciiiatiou obligatoire des enfauts des tjcoles, an nom de la Commission permanente de vaccine. Paris, Ac. Med. Hull., 17, 1887, .549-551. Blot, a. Note sur I'appareil helico'idal des voAtes biaises par 111 methode Theuil. .-Vun. Ponts et Chauss., 11 (1896), 663-680. Blottiire, [Rene], & HtoaU, J. Sre HtoaU S: Blottlire. Blount, .1. K. Agricultural division. Cereals, forage plants, grasses, clovers, textile plants, and sorghums. N. Mex. Agr. Coll. Bull., 6, 1892, 19 pp. Notes on canaigre. N. Mex. Agi-. Coll. Bull., 11, 1893, 17-19. Canaigre (Rumex bymenosepalus). N. Mex. Agr. Coll. Bull., 14, 1894. 37-44. Blount, llertniiii. On the cause of the decrepitations in samples of so-called explosive pyrites. Chem. Soc. Jl., 47, 1886, 593-597. On calcium borate. Cheni. News, 54, 1886, 208-209. An instance of the possibility of deception by the sulphur extractible by alcohol from vulcanised rubber. Chem. News, 55, 1887, 179. On a sample of " navy green " paint. Analyst, 13, 1888, 66-69. New form of fat extraction apparatus. Analyst, 13, 1888. 126-127. The determination of carbon in steel. Chem. News, 57, 1888, 27-28. The ignitiiig-puint of aulpliur. Chem. News, 61, 1890. 108, 153-154. The accuracy of the copper voltameter. Electrician, 31, 1893, 59-<;0. The determination of imparities in commercial copper. Analyst, 19, 1894, 92-93. Tlie determination of oxygen in commercial copper. Analyst, 21, 1896. 57-61. The direct production of electrical energy. [1896.] Electrician, 38, 1897, 121-122. On the manufacture of alkali and bleach by chemical and eleetrolytical methods. [1896.] Electrician, 38, 1897, 212-215; Moniuur 8ci., II, 1897, 589-594. The determination of acetic acid in the presence of inorganic saltH. Analyst, 22. 1897, 309-310. Electro-chemical progreKs. (1897.] Electrician, 40, 1898, 73-74. Der Verlust an Zink wahrend des Gluliens von Zink- oxyd. Chem. Ztg., 17. 1898, 918. The determination of carbon and sulphur in steel. Analyst, 2.'i, 1900. 141-111. Blount, lierlriim. \ Btanger, If. Harry. See Btanger A- Blount. Blow, .1. .1. The geology and ore-deposits of Iron Hill, Ldulville, Colorado. [1889.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 18, 1890, 145-181. Blow, Tliomii.t Ji. Mourera fluviatilis, Aubl. Jl. Hot., 33, 1895. 154. Bloxam, .irihur G[eor(ie]. On the action of carbon monoxide on the chlorides of lead and silver. Chem. News, .52. 1886. 183. Die physiologiscbe Wirkung des Natriumfluorids. Chf-iii. Ztg., 17. 1893, 1244. Bloxam, Charles L[oudon]. For biographv and works ue Chem. News, 56, 1887, 238, 248-249 ; Chem. Soc. Jl., 53, 1888, .508-509; Pharm. Jl., 18, 1888, 47.5. On the presence of barium and strontium in a boiler incrustation. Chem. News, 49, 1884. 3. Estimation of manganese in cast-iron and spiegeleisen. Chem. News, .50, 1884, 112-113. On some reactions of silver cyanide. Chem. News, 50, 1884, 15.5. On the detection of iron, aluminium, chromium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, calcium, and magnesium (as phosphates) in the precipitate produced by ammonia. Chem. News, .52, 1886. 10',»-110. On chromic phosphate. Chem. News, 52, 1886, 194- 195. On the detection of calcium in the presence of strontium. Chem. News, 54, 1886. 16-17. On the arsenate of calcium and aramoninm. Chem. News, 54, 1886, 168-170. On the arsenates of calcium. Chem. News, 54, 1886, 193-194. On colour tests for strychnine and other alkaloid-s. Chem. News, .55, 1887. 155. Bloxam, II'[iJ/i(im] Poppleicetl. The sulphides and poly- sulphides of ammonium. [1893.] Chem. Soc. Proc., 9, 1896, 178-179. A scheme for qualitative analysis of a solution con- taining hydric sulphide, liydrosulphide. sulphide, poly- sulphide, thiosulpbato. sulphite and sulphate. Chem. News. 72, 1896, iV.i-fti. The sulphides and polvsulphidcs of ammonium. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1896, 277-309. Hydrosulphides, sulphides, and polysulphides of potassium and sodium. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 {Pi. 2), 7.5.V770. Bloxam, ir[i7/i,i»i] Poppleirell, & Serroun, F[dtcard] Flelij-]. lodaldehydc. Chem. News, 53. 1886. 301-302; •'.4. 1886, 133. Bloyet, .-1. De Zanzibar a la station de Knndoa. Paris, S,x. Geogr. Bull.. 11, 1890. 3.50-364. Bludau] 616 [Blum Bludau, Alois. Die fliichentreue Aziimitprojektion vou Lamukkt und ihre Verwendung bei Karten von Asien und Europa. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 25, 1890, 263-276. Die tiacbeutreue transversalc Kegel-Piojektion fiir die Kaite von Afrika. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 20, 1891, 145- 158. Flacbentreue Gradnelz-Projektionen fur die Karten von Slid- und Nord-Amerika und Australieu. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 27, 1892, 221-247. Die flacbentreue Azimut-Projektion L.ijiberts fiir die Karte von Afrika. Petermann, Mitth., 38, 1892, 214-218. Die Oro- und Hydrographie der preussisohen und pomnierschen Seenplatte, insbesondere im Stromgebiet der Weichsel. Petermann, Mitth., 40, 1894 (Erqiinzunysh. 110, 63 pp.). Zur Abbilduug der Halbkugeln. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 30, 1896, 4U0-416. Statistisches zur Hydrographie des Pregelgebiets. Petermann, Mitth., 41, 'l895, 190-197. Die Areale der aussereuropaischen Stromgebiete. Petermann, Mitth., 43, 1897, 96, 184-180, 230-242; 44, 1898, 107-112. Die Areale der curopaischen Stromgebiete. Petermann, Mitth., 44, 1898, 185-187 ; 46, 1900, 167-170, 192-194. Blue, Archibald. Corundum in Ontario. [W'itli discussion.] [1898.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 28, 1899, 56.5- 578, 875; Canad. Inst. Proc, 2, 1904. 15-22. Notes on skulls taken from a prehistoric fort in Kent county. [19110.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 2, 1904, 93-95. Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory. Sec Rotcli, .1. Lawrence. Bliiclier, Hans. Eine Methode zur Plattencultur anaerober Bacterien. Ztschr. Hyg., 8, 1890, 499-,506. Bliimcke, [Gustav] Adolf. Ueber den Einfluss des Con- centrationsgrades auf die specifische Wiirme wiisseriger und alkoholischer Liisungen vou Metallchlorideu. Ann. Phys. Chem., 23, 1884, 161-173. Ueber die Bestimmung des speeifisehen Gewichtes solcher Fliissigkeiten, deren Existenz an das Vorhandeu- sein hoher Drucke gebunden ist. Ann. Phy.s. Chem., 23, 1884, 404-415. Ueber die Bestimmung der specifisohen Warme des Urans. Ann. Phys. Chem., 24, 1885, 263-265. Ueber die Abhiingigkeit der speeifisehen Warme einiger Wasser-AethylalkoholgemischevonderTemperatur. Ann. Phys. Chem., 25, 1886, 154-165. Ueber die specifische Wiirme stark concentrirter Natronlaugen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 25, 1885,417-419. Ueber eine Verbesserung der Fliissigkeits-Thermosta- ten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 25, 1885, 419-420. Ueber die Bestimmung der beim Buusen'schen Eisca- lorirneter geschmolzenen Eismenge. Ann. Phys. Chem., 26, 1885, 159-160. Ueber die Bestimmung der speeifisehen Gewichte einiger Gemische von Aethylalkohol und Knhlenstvure. Ann. Phys. Chem., 30, 1887, 243-250. Ueber die Bestimmung der P'rostbestiindigkeit vou Materialien. Ztschr. Bauwesen, 37, 1887, 103-112, 479- 480. Ueber die Bestimmung der speeifisehen Gewichte und Dampfsiiannungen einiger Gemische von schwettiger Siiure und Kohlensaure. Ann. Phys. Chem., 34, 1888, 10-21. Ueber die Isothermen einiger Mischungen von schwefliger Siiure und Kohlensiiure. Ann. Phys. Chem., 36, 1889, 911-923. Ueber den Zusammenhaug zwischen empirischen und theoretischen Isothermen eines Gemenges zweier StolTe. Zt.schr. Physikal. Chem., 6, 1890, 153-160. Ueber den Zusammenhaug zwischen empirischen und theoretiKclien Isothermen von Oemengen von mehr als zwei Stollen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 6, 1890, 407- 410. Ueber die Aenderung der empirischen uud theoreti- schen Isothermen von Gemengen zweier Stoffe mit der Temperatur. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 554-565 ; 9, 1892, 78-80. Kiniges iiber die labileu Gleichgewichtszustande bei Gemengen zweier Stoffe unterhalb der Schmelztemperatur beider. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 9, 1892, 323-326. Ueberdie geometrischeDarstellungderlsothermflachen von Gemengen von mehr als zwei Stoffen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 9, 1892, 722-729. Ueberdie Isothermentiachen von Salzlosungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Cliem., 11,1893, 145-166. Kiniges iiber labile Gleichgewichtszustiinde von Salz- losungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 11, 1893, 645-656; 20, 1896, 580-592. Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung des Hrn. A. Obebbeck : "Ueber den Verlauf der electrischen Schwingungen bei den Tesla'schen Versuchen." Ann. Phys. Chem., 58, 1896, 405-407. Bliimcke, [G».s-/(ir] Adolf, & Pinsterwalder, S[ebtustian]. Zur Frage der Gletschererosion. [1890. J Miiuchen Ak. Sber., 20, 1891, 43-5-444. Bliimcke, [Giistei'] Adolf, & Hess, Hans. Der Hochjoch- ferner im Jahre 1893. Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., 26, 1896, 16-20. Bliimel, [.-l/iii/.rniol als ConservierunKsfliissigkeit. [Vorliiufige Mittheilung.] [1803.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 450-452. Foriuol als Konservi(runKsfliissi;;keit. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Der., 1894, 105-204 ; 1896, 285-301. Die I'jramidoueiche bei Harreshausen (Gro.s,sherzog- tuni Hessen). Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1895, 93-102. WIssen.'ichaftliclie VeriUTentlieLunKen (1826-07) der Senckenbernischen Naturforscheuden Gesellschaft. Zu- sammenf»estellt und mit einem Sach- und Nanien- register versehen. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1897, 25-80. Die Osage-Orange, Madura aurantiaca, A'n/r. [1897.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber. , 1898, cxi. Die zweizeilige Sumpfcvpresse am Rechneigraben in Frankfurt a. M. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1898, 71-80. BlTun, /,. Ueber die alkalische lieaction des Glases. Chem. Ztg., 9, 1885, 1014. Studien iiber die Verwerthung der Plii>sphc)rsiiure in den Thomasschlacken. Chem. Ztg.. 9, 1885. 1407-1400. Zur Verwerthung der Thomasschlacke als Diingemittel. Chem. Ztg., 0, 1886, 1515. L'eber die I'liosphorsiiure in den Thomasschlacken. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 52. Zur Bestimmung des Silicinms im Eisen. Chem. Ztg.. 10, 1886, 702-703. Uoher vierbasisch phosphorsauren Kalk. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 821. Ueber den Nachweis von Albumin im Harne. Luxemb. Inst. Publ., 20, 1886, 17.5-176. Uel>er die Zersetzuug des Chlornatriums durch Phosphorsiiure. Luxemb. Inst. Publ., 20, 1886, 177- 179. Procdd^ pour donuer de la valeur k I'acide phosphorique de la scorie obtenue dans la fabrication de I'acier Thomas. [7r.] Rev. Univ. Mines, 22, 1887, 212-218. Zur Bestimmung der Thonerile neben Eisenoxyd uud Phosphorsiiure. Fresenius, Ztschr., 27, 1888, 19-24. Zur Bestimmung des Eisenoxyds in Eisenerzen nach der Weinsteiusauremethode. Fresenius, Ztsclir., 27, 1888, 146-151. Zur Ik'Htimnmng des Schwefels in Cokes. Frenenius, ZlKchr., 27, 1888, 44.5-4.52. Zur AnalvKC Thonerdc, Kalk und Magnesia entlialt- ender Subslanzen. l''re8«niuK, Ztschr., 27, 1888, 706- 712. Ueber eine nouo Methode zur volumetrischen Bestini- muiig des Mangana. FreaeniuH, Ztschr., 30, 1891, 284- 288. Zur Bestimmung des Schwefels in Kok8. Luxemb. Inst. Publ., 21, 1891, 118-124. Sur la presence de sulfate ferrique basique dana les couches (Jolitbi<|UeH de la formation .luraasiquc du Luxembourg. Rev. Univ. Mines, 38, 1897. 354-3.55. Presence d'uxyde de zinc eristalliae dans un baut- fourneau du Luxembourg. Rev. Univ. Mines, 40, 1897, 132-133. Dteouvcrte de pho.-iphorites dans le diluvium luxem- bourgeois, pris de Betteniburg. [7'r. ] Rev. Univ. Mines, 49, 1900, 100-104. Pri^.sence du vana>lium dans les prodnits des hauts- fourneaux luxembourgeois. [7'r.] R«v. Univ. Mines, .5(1. 1900, 217-218. Blom, I.i'oii. Ueber den Niibrwcrth der Heteroalbumose des Fibrins und der Protoalbumosen des Caseins. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 30, 1900, 15-14. Blum, .S'. Ein Fall von P.vocyaneus-Septikiimie mit kuiijplizierender Pyocyaneus-Endocarditis im Kindesalter. ('. Mtrbl. Bakt. {.iht. 1), 2.5, 1899, 113-116. Blumbach, l\e(l'ir Ivnnovif]. rcorpiKfllltCCKOe 110.10- •/Kl'llie I'.iaBlIOfi lia.iaTU srl.pi. ll Btcom.. [Geo- graphical position of the principal chamber of weights and measures.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Phy.), 1897 (Ajipeml.), 108-117. Blmnbach, Fr. Ueber die plOtzliche Helligktitsanderung dcs Cometen 1888 I (Sawerthal). Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 171. BlnmberK, (\imxlavtin\ Ueber das Vorkommen von Parasitcn bei den Haus^iiugethieren in Kasan. Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 10, 1884, 153-154. Experimenteller Beitrag zur Kenntniss der putriden Intoxication. [1884.] Virchow, Arch., 100. 1885, 377- 415. Zur Wuthfrage. Cenlrbl. Bakt., 7, 1890. 766-767. - Zur .Vufklarung eines durch die ru«sische Bez-i>njd Vntiljecie]. Zur Entwickelimg des Balkens. Arch. Anat. Pbysiol. {Phyiiol. Abth.), 1890. .586. Zur Entwicklungsgeschicbte und feineren Anatomie des Hirnbalkens. Arch. Mikr. Anat.. 37. 1891. 1-15. Ueber den iiussercn Kern des KeiUtranges im ver- liiugerten Mark. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 226-2:12. 78 Blumenau] 618 [Blutel Einige Bemerkungen iibei den ausseren Kern des Keilstranges. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, S89-590. Blvunenau, WiUielni MiiUer-. .S'('<' MuUer-Blnmenau. Blumenfeld, S!i,'rjfrieil. Uel>er Ciuchnmeronsaurederivate. Wien, Ak. SbeV. , 104, 1895 {Ahth. 2ft), 552-579; Mhefte. Chem.. 1895, 693-720. Blumenfeld, Sieiifrieil, & Priedlander, Paul. Ueber eiiie allgemeine Reaction aromatiscbcv Chinone. (Vor- laufige Mittheilung.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897. 1464-1465. Ueber eine allgemeine Beaction aromatischer Chinone. II, Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 2563-2568, 34.50. Blumenfeld, Sieii/rit'd, & Graebe, Charles. See Graebe & Blumenfeld. Blumenreicb, Robert. XJntersuchungen der Haare von Neu-Irlandern, Ztschr. Ethnol., 31, 1899, (4R3)-(486). Ueber die Thymiis-Diimpfung. Virchow, Arch., lliO, 1900, 3.5-74. Blumentbal, . Bruchbelastung an der Neissebriicke bei Forst i. L. Ztschr. Bauweaen, 45, 1895, 289-316. Blumenthal, Arthur. Ueber die Wirkung verwandter ehemiecher Stoffe auf den quergestreiften Mnskel. Pttiiger, Arch. Physiol., 62, 1896, 513-542. Blumentlial, Fciii(fta7/rf. Ueber Vorkommen und Bildung der Bernsteinsiiure. Virchow, Arch., 137, 1894. 539-568. Ueber die Produkte der bakterischen Zersetzung der Milch. Virchow, Arch., 146, 1896, 6-5-85. Sur la formation du sncre de ralhumine de I'oeuf. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 117-120. Sur la pentosurie. Congr. Int. M^d. C. R., 1900 (Vol 2), 460-463. Blumenthal, Ferdinand, & Bergell, Peter. See Bergell cV Blumenthal. Blumenthal, Ferdinand, & Mayer, Panl. Ueber die Abspaltung von Zucker aus Albumin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 274-278. Blumenthal, Firdimind, & Nietzki, J?[«rfo//']. See Nietzki iV' Blumenthal. Blumenthal, Otto. Die Bewegung der lonen helm Zee- mannschen Phiinomen. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 45, 1900, 119-136. Blumenthal, Philipp. Ueber einige Eigenschaften des Harns bei Keuchhusten. [1892.] St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 19, 1894, 1.55-156. Blumentrltt, Ferdinand. Begleitworte zu meiner Karte der Insel Mindanao. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 19, 1884, 257-302. Die Inseln Mindoro und Mariuduque. Petermann, Mitth., 30, 1884, 89-92. Ueber die Igorroten und andere wilde Stiimme der Philippinen. Ztschr. Ethnol., 16, 1884, (56)-(57). Das Stromgebiet des Rio Grande de Mindanao. Petermann, Mitth., 37, 1891, 108-114. Begleitworte zur Karte von Ost-Mindanao. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 34, 1891, 342-355. Ueber Eingeborne der Philippinen. Ztschr. Ethnol., 23, 1891, (436). Bcitriige zur Kenntniss der Negritos. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 27, 1892, 63-68. Neue Nachrichten iiber die Subanon (Insel Mindanao). Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 31, 1896, 369-372. Dor Batan-Archipel und die Balmyanen-Inseln. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 41, 1898, 593-60'o. Blumer, A[rlhur], A Curtlus, Jheodnr. See Curtius * Blumer. Blumer, F[.iaiai<\, ,V- Onehm, n[obert]. See Gnehm * Blumer. Blumer, Geonje, & Iiartlgau, Aui/iist Jerome. A report of three cases of ascending urinary infection dne to the Bacillus pyocyaneus and the Proteus vulgaris. N. Y. Med. .1)., 72, 1900, 495-500. Blumer, deori/e, A Thayer, William Sydney. See Thayer >V Blumer. Blumer, .S. Eine geologische Beobachtung am Siidostfuss des Glarnisch. [1900.] Ecloga; Geol. Helvet., 6, 1899- 1900, 348-350. Blumer-Zweifel, Z'. WasistFohn? Eine alpin-meteoro- logische Studie. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 30, 1896, 320-337. Blumgrund, K. Historisches iiber den Kehlkopfspiegel. Centrztg. Optik, 20, 1899, 32-34. Blumreich, Ludwig. Syncytiale Wanderzellen und Syn- evtioma malignum. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. GynSk., 40, 1899, 133-150. Blumreich, Ludwig, & Jacoby, Martin. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Bedeutung der Schilddriise und ihrer Nebendriisen fttr den Organismus. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 64, 1896, 1-52. Ueber die Bedeutung der Milz bei kiinstliohen und natfirlichen Infectionen. Ztschr. Hyg., 29, 1898, 419-453. Blumrich, Jos[ef]. Caleitkrystalle aus Vorarlberg. Min. Petr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 170-172. Das Integument der Chitonen. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 52, 1891, 404-476. Ueber die sogenannte Sanduhrform der Augite. [1893.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 239-255. Einige Minerale vora Kalkberge bei Raspenau (Nord- bohmen). [1893.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 257-258. Die Phonolithe des Friedliinder Bezirkes in Nord- bohmen. [1893.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 465-495. Blumstein, J[eruchim], & Kostanecki, Stan[isiaw]. Ueber das 2, 3'-Dioxyflavon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1478-1483, 4192. Blundell. .Sec Weld-Blundell. Blundstone, Edwin Riehardson. On the occurrence of glycogen as a constituent of the vesicular cells of the connective tissue of molluscs. Roy. See. Proc, 38, 1885, 442-445. Blunno, M. On the colouring matters of wines. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 272-273. Blunt, Tliomas P[orter]. Specific gravity of crystalline strychnine. Pharm. .11., 17, 1887, 62. Determining the fixed acids in butters and margarines. Analyst, 13, 1888, 110-111. The life-history of a myxomycete. Midland Natlist., 11, 1888, 269-272. Note on a volumetric process for the assay of ipecacuanha wine. [1889.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1889, 397-398; Pharm. Jl., 20, 1890, 254. An attempt to determine "emetine" by alkalimetric titration. Pharm. .Jl., 20, 1890, 809. Note on Tabarie's process for the indirect determina- tion of alcohol. Analyst, 16, 1891, 221-222. • The fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by leguminous plants. Midland Natlist., 15, 1892, 25.5-257. Note on ginger. Analyst, 21, 1896, 309-310. Blutel, K[mile Ma.rime]. Sur les surfaces enveloppes de cones du second degie, dans le cas oii chaque cone louche son enveloppe suivant un cercle. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 687-689. Sur les trajectoires orthogonales d'une famille de couiques. Bull. Sci. Math., 13, 1889, 25,5-257. Recherches sur les surfaces qui sont en mcme temps lieux de coniques et enveloppes de cones du second d.egr(5. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 49t)-498; Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 7, 1890, 155-216. Sur les fonctions rationuelles des raciues d'une equation enti^re. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 20, 1892, 92-96. Sur les surfaces qui admettent un systime de lignes de courbure spheriques et qui ont raeme lepresentation spherique pour leurs lignes de courbure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 249-250. Sur les surfaces aduiettant des oubiques pauches pour lignes asymptotiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 722. Blutel] C19 IBlytt Sur les surfaces A lignes do courbure 8ph^rique«. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 12'i, 1896, 301-303. Sur les liKncs iIp courbure dc ccrtaines surfaceH. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1{.. 12K, 1899, 'iHO-'illl, 721-7'23. Blnzet, ilt.) Ji. Lii r<'-)^ion de Tombouctou. Paris, .Soc. rU-oKr. Bull,, l(i, 1898. 374-388. Blyth, . I [/crdMi/cr] H'yHjer. A new test for lead. Analyst, 'J. 1884. 41. .\ luethoil of determining organic nitrogen in liquids. Analyst, i), 1884, ll.'i-Ue. Kxpcrinients on the chief disinfectants of commerce, witli a view of ftscertaining their power of destroying the spores iif the nnthriix bacillus. Edinb. Itov. Soc. I'nc, 12, 1884, ()33-<>42. Observations on the ingesta and egesta of Mr. Edward Payson Wkrton during bis walk of .5,000 miles in 100 days. Roy. Soc. Proc. 37, 1884, 46-5.';. The distribution and significance of micro-organisms in water. [1885.) Edinb. Koy. Soc. Proc , 13, 1886, 485-4y3. Studies of disinfectants by new methods. [188.5.] Koy. Soc. Proc, 3'.l, 1886, 2.59-276. Experiments with the lactocrite. [1886.] Analyst, 12, 1887, 34. The distribution of lead in the brains of two factory ■ operatives dying suddenly. Chem. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 71. Experiments on the nutritive value of wluiit meal. Koy. Soc Proc, 4.5, 1889, .54!)-5o3. The identiticiition and estimation of carbohydrates in milk. Analyst, 20, 1896. 121-126. Estimation of boric acid mainlv by physical processes. Chem. Soc .11., 7.5, 1899 {Pt. 2), 722-72.5. The ultra-violet absorption spectrum of proteids in relation to tyrosine. Chem. Soc. Jl., 7">, 1899 (Pt. 2), 1162-1166. The estimation of nitrites and nitrates by means of ferrous chloride. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 1.5, 1900, .50. The ultraviolet absorption spectra of albuminoids in relatiim to that of tyrosin. [18119.] Chem. Soc. Proc, l.'i, 1900. 175-176. Blytb, Allixander] M'yiiter, & Robertson, G[eor!ie] }l[ennj]. Notes of experiments on butter fat. Chem. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 5. Blytli, David. Notes on the traditions and customs of the natives of Fiji in relation to conception, pregnancy, and parturition. Glasgow Med. ,)1., 28, 1887, 176-186." Blytb, Kilwiinl. Three unpublished papers on ornithology. [1. On the Certhiidffi. 2. On the Capitonidffi. 3. On the Cypselidfc] Zoologist, 8, 1884, 201-211, 247-264, 300-327. Blytli, Jiimes. Note on a new foira of galvanometer. Edinb. Koy. Soc. Proc, 12, 1884, 594-596. Endless solenoid galvanometer and voltmeter. Glas- gow Phil. Soc. Proc, 15, 1884. 187-190. On a new form of galvanometer. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 939-940. On a new form of current-weigher for the absolute determination of the strength of an electric current. Brit. Ass. Kep.. 1886, 521-523. Exhibition and description of Miller's portable torsion magnetic meter. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1886, 556. The absolute determination of the strength of an electric current by means of the balance. Edinb. Koy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 650-654. On a new form of galvanometer. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc , 17, 1886, 204-205. *On the practical measurement of electric currents and electromotive forces. [1883.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 11, 1887. 60-70. On a new form of current-weigher. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 511-512; Electrician, 23, 1889, 549. - — - |.\ combined windmill and dynamo.) Glasgow Phil. Soc Proc, 22, 1891, 315. [An experiment in self-induction.] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 22, 1891, 315. On the applicution of wind power to the production of electric currents. [1892.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 13, 1894, 173-181. Blytli, /'. 7<. Bismuth oxy-iodide. Chem. News, 74, 1896, 2ii0. Blyth, I'incent J. On the thermal conductivity of sub- Rtuuces of very low conductivity. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 31, 1900i 139 144. Blyth, I'inreiii ./., Oray, .tndrf\c, V Dnnlop. Blytlic, <;, ir. Uii a cyanide of arsenic. Chem. New», '«7. 1888. 245. Blytlie, ll'[illiitm] }I[rnry]. On the construction of a modi 1 of 27 straight lines upon a cubic surface. [1894.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 8, 1898, 241-248. On the forms of cubic surfaces containing 27 real >triii;,'lit lines. [1895.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 9, 1898, 6-11. On the construction of models of cnbic (nrfacea. Quart. .11. Math., 29. 1898. 206-223. Blytlie, II'. T. [Sea water temperatures at Atlantic City, N. J.] [1892.) Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1893-93), '291, 371-372. Blyttaswood, .irchibald Campbell Campbell {Lord). On the Konlgin X rays, or the new photography. Glasgow Phil, Soc^ Proc, 27, 1896, 1IH)-161. The new actinic rays. [1896.] Nature, .53 (1896-96). 340. On the retlection of Kontgen light from polisbid speculum-metal mirrors. Kov. Soc. Proc, .59, 1896, 330-332. Blytbswood, .irchibald Campbell Campbell (Lord), Sc Marctiant, E. 11'. The echelon ^|)^^•^^"h«ope; with application to investigate the behaviour of the cliicf lines in the mercury spectrum under the influence of a magnetic field. Phil. .Mag.. 49. 1900. 3H4-403, 503. The absorption of Ronigcn rays by aqueous solutions of metallic salts. Koy. Soc. Proc", 6.5, 1900. 413-428. BIytt, Axel [Gudhrttnd]. For biography iind list of works see Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, civ-cv ; Leo- poldina. 34, 1898, 126-127: Kev. Bryol.. 25. 1898, 103; Dcutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 17, 1899, (•22.5)-(23llJ. To reference in No. 14 (f'ol. 9) add Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 {Bd. 2, /{<•/.), 225-227. Om den sandsynlige arsag til den periodiske lendring af havstronimenes styrke. Arch. Math. NaturviJ.. 9, 1884, 23-39; Biol. Centrl.l., 4. 1886. 33-48. Nye bidrag til kundskaben om karplanternes udbredelse i Norge. Christiania Forh.. 1886, .Vo. 7, 33 pp. ; 1893, -Vi). 3. 73 pp. ; 1897. So. 2. 40 pp. ; Bot. Ceulrbl.. 54. 1893, 54 [Purl otily]. On variations of climate in the course of time. Christiania Forh., 1886. So. 8, 24 pp.; Nature. 34, 1886. 220-223, 239-242. Om planternes udbredelse. Skand. Natf. Forh.. 1886. 89-100; Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 19.5-'202. The probable cause of the displacement of beachline,s. An attempt to compute geological epochs. Christiania Forh.. 1889, So. 1, 92 pp. [Om den geologiske lidsregning.) Christiania Forb., 1889 iUier,.), 4-6. Til forsvar for [haus] forsng pa en geologisk tidsreji- uing. Arch. Math. Naturvid.. 14, 1890. 196-219 ; Stockli. Geol. For. Forh.. 12, 1890. 3-5-57, viii. Bidrag til kundskalwu om Norges soparter. ii. Asco- myceter fra Dovre, samlede af .K. Blvtt. E. Kostbcp m. fl,, bestemte af E. Rostrcp. Cliristianis Forh.. 1891, .V.I. 9, 14 pp.; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte. 1892. 12-14. On some calcareous tufas in Nonvay. Brit. Asa. Kep.. 1893. 714-716. Bidrag til kundskaben om Norges soparter. ni. Myxomyceter. Christiania Forh.. 1893, So. 2. 13 pp. 78—2 Blytt] 620 [Boas Om to kalktufdannelser i Gudbraudsdalen med be- ma-rkniiiKer om vore fjelddales postglaciale geulo^i. Christiania Forh., 1892, A'o. 4, 5U pp.; Engler, Bot. Jbiicli., 10, 1893 (ISi-ihl. No. 36, 1-41). Oni de fj'togen},'nitiske o^' fytopalteontologiske grunde forat antage kliuiiitvexlinger uudei' kvartasrtiden. Chris- tianiii Forli., 1893, So. 5, .52 pp.; Bot. Centrbl., J5(i, 1893. 52-5.3. Zur Gescbichte der nordeuropiiischen, besondeis der nonvegisclifii Flora. Engler, Bot. Jbucb., 17, 1893 [linlA. No. 41, 1-30). Skrivelse i anledniug af G. Andeksson opsuts om kvartffire klimatvexliuger i Geol. Foren. Forh. Bd. 14, p. 509 ff. Stockb. Geol. For. Forh., 15, 1893, 71-72. Bidrag til kundskaben om Norges soparter. iv. Perouosporaceae, Chytridiacea", ProtomycetaceiE, Ustila- ginefe, Urediueffi. Cbristiania Forb., 1896, No. 6, 75 pp. ; Bot. Centrbl., (57, 1896. 231-232. Bo, (ll.) [Marif Jules Albert]. Note sur le passage d'une trombe, le 17 novembre 1898, dans la baie Sans-Nom, a Bizerte. [1898.] Ann. Hydrogr., 20, 1899, (JO-64. Boa, Peter. Note on the assay of scammony. [1890.] Pbarm. JL, 21, 1891, 476-477. Boam, F. JV. The rapid estimation of arsenic. Chem. News, 61, 1890, 219. A simple gas generator. Chem. News, 61, 1890, 244- 245. Cornish mines and minerals. [1892.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 513-515. Boas, Fraiiz. A journey in Cumberland Sound and on the west shore of Davis Strait in 1883 and 1884. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 16 (1884), 242-272. Keise im Baffinlande 1883 und 1884. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 12, 1885, 288-297. Die Eskimos des Baffinlandes. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verb., 1885, 101-112. Bemerknugen zur Topographic der Hudsonbai und Hudsonstrasse. Petermann, Mittb., 31, 1885, 424-426. Baffin-Land. Geographische Ergebnisse einer in den Jahren 1883 und 1884 ausgefiibrten P'orschnngsreise. Petermann, Mittb., 31, 1885 (Eroi'mzmigsh. 80, 100 pp.). The configuration of Grinnell Land and EUesmere Land. Science, 5, 1885, 17U-171. The central Eskimo. Smithsonian Inst. Bur. Ethnol. Rep., 1884-85, 399-669. A year among the Eskimo. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 19 (1887), 383-402. The formation and dissipation of sea-water ice. Science, 10, 1887, 118-119. Ueber die Vancouver-Stamme. Ztschr. Ethnol., 19, 1887, (64)-(66). The development of the civilization of north-west America. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1888, 326. Meteorologische Beobachtungen im Cumberland- Sunde. Ann. der Hydrogr., 16 (1888), 241-262. The geography and geology of BuDin Land. Canada Koy. Soc. Proc. * Trans., 5, 1888 (Seel. 4), 75-78. [Geographische Erforschungun in] Nordamerika. (1876-[89].) Geogr. Jbucb., 12, 1888, 73-104, 235- 237: 14, 1891, 108-122, 143-144. [Indian .skulls from British Columbia.] \]Vith tlif- cusHwn.] [1888.] N. y. Ac. Trans., H, 1888-89, 4-6. Die EiBverhiiltni.s9e des siidostlicben Tciles von Ballin- Land. Petermann, Mittb., 34, 1888, 296-298. A critique of psyclio-physic methods. Science, 11, 1888, 119-120. Die Tsimschian. Ztschr. Ethnol., 20, 1888, 231- 247. Ueber seine lleisen in Britiscb-Cohimbien. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 16, 1889, 257-268. First [ — sixth] repoit on tlie Indians of British Columbia. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1889, H()K;i(MI ; 1890, 502- 715; 1891, 408-449; 1895, 523-592; 1896, .56'.l-.y.)l. Ueber die Schadelformen von Vancouver Island. Ztschr. Ethnol., 22, 1890, (29)-(31). Mixed races. Science, 17, 1891, 179. Ecise an die pacifi.sche Kiiste. Ztschr. Ethnol., 23, 1891, (158)-(160). The growth of children. Science, 19, 1892, 256-257, 281-282 ; 20, 1892, 351-352 ; 5, 1897, 570-573. Address [to the Anthrop. Sect., Aug. 1894]. Human faculty as determined by race. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1894, 301-327. The Indian tribes of the lower Fraser river. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 454-463. Anthropometrical observations on the Mission Indians of southern California. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1895, 261-269. Zur Ethnologic von Britisch-CoUimbien. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 22, 1895, 205-270. Remarks on a skull from British Columbia. Canada Roy. Soc Proc. * Trans., 1, 1895 (Sect. 2), 122. Dr. William Townsend Poktkr's Untersuchungeu fiber diis Waobsthum der Kinder von St. Louis. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1895, 40-46; Science, 1, 1895, 22.5-230. The growth of first-born children. Science, 1, 1895, 402-404. Die Beziehungen desLaugeubreitenindex zum Langen- hobenindex an Sehiideln. Ztschr. Ethnol., 27, 1895, (304). Zur Anthropologic der nordamerikanischen Indianer. Ztschr. Ethnol., 27, 1895, (366)-(411), (416). The Indians of British Columbia. Amer. Geogr. Soc. JL, 28 (1896), 229-243. The form of the head as influenced by growth. Science, 4, 1896, 50-51. The limitations of the comparative method of anthro- pology. Science, 4, 1896, 901-908. [An ethnological survey of Canada. First report of the Committee.] Appendix i. The growth of Toronto children. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 443-449. A precise criterion of species. Science, 7, 1898, 860- 861. Some recent criticisms of physical anthropology. [1898.] Science, 9, 1899, 145. Boas, Fran:, & Farrand, Livingston. The north-western tribes of Canada. Twelfth report of the Committee ... ap- ])ointed to investigate the physical characters, languages, and industrial and social conditions of the north-western tribes of the Dominion of Canada. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 628-688. Boas, H[1 [Boberski Ui?l>er Amobcnenteiiti». Wicii. Mcil. Wsclir., 4(j, 1896, 037-038. Suir importanzn ilei nervini lu-llu nutrizione , 1887, lO'.i 110; Zool. Jbiich. {Syst.), 4, 1889, TM-Hiir,. UebcT die .\rtirionbopeii der Wirbelthiere. [1887.] Moi-phol. Jbuch., 13, 1888, 115-118. Oni den forskjellige iidvikliiig bos salt- og ferskvanda- fornien af Palceraouetes varians. Kjobcnh. Vid. Medd., 1889, 48-.iO. Hidrag til kundskaben oin hermaphioditisme lio.s laavildtct ("raaer nied opsats"). KjobcT.li. Vid. Medd., 1890, 1-23. Ziir Morpbologie des Magens der Cameliden und der Tragiilideii, und iiber die ."ivstematische Stellnng letzei-er Abtbeilung. Moriilml. .Ibueli., 10, 1890, 4it4o24. Ueber den Metatarsus der Wiederkiiuer. Morpliol. Jbueh., 10, 1890. .')25-52U. Ein Kail von voUstiindiger Ausbildung des 2. und 5. Metacarpale beini Kind. Morphol. .Ibuch., 10, 1890, 530-533. Zur MorpUolo(;ie der Begattungsorgane der amniolen Wirbelthiere. Mcrphol. Jbuch., 17, 1891, 271-287. Organe copulateur et accouplenient du hannetou. Kjiibcnh., Overs., 1892, 23'.t-261. Oni en tluelarve, der snvlter i oldenborrelarver. [1893.] Knt. Medd. (Kjnbenh.), i. 1893-94. 130-136. Ueber die Stigmen der MelolontliaLaive. [1893.) Zool. Aiiz., 10. 1894, 38y-3>.ll. Zur Morpbologie der Wirbelthierkralle. Morphol. Jbueh., 21, 1894. 2H1-3I1. Oni IVripatus' stillini,' i dyieriget. Kjobenb., Overs., 1898, 34.5-305; Anier. Natlist., 3:i, 1899, 019-620. L'eber die Mittclkralle der Vogel. Morphol. Jbueh., 20, 1898, 74-80. Nogle beniH'rkninger om insckternes metamorphose. Kjfibenh., Overs., 1899, 273-291 ; Zool. Jbueh. {Syst.}, 12, 1899, 385-402. Ueber einen Kail von BrutpHege bei einem Bockkiifer. Zool. Jbiich. {Sygt.}. 13, 1900, 247-2.58. Bobeck, o. Klivometern. Stockh. Geol. Kor. Kiirh., 20, 1898. 291-294 ; Neiies Jbuch. Min.. 1900 (/W. 1, IW.). 35. Bobek, K[a.timir]. Przyczynek do fauny muchovrek tatrzaiiskich. [Contributions to the Diptera-fauns of the Tatra.] Krakow Kom. Fizvogr. Spraw., 2.5, 1890 {€:. 2), (218)-{242). Przyczynek do fauny inuchdwek Krakowskiego okr<;gti. [Beitiag zur Keuntnis der DiptereiiFauna des Krakauer Kreises.] Knikow Kom. Fizvogr. Spraw., 28, 1893 (t;. 2i, 8-28; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1894. 45-46. Przyczynek do fauny muchowek okolicy PrzemySla. [Beitrag zur Uiptcren-Fauna der Umgebung von Przeinysl.) Krakow Kom. Fizyogr. .Spraw., 29, 1894 (Cz. 2), 142-107; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1896, 50. Przyczynek do (auny muchowek I'odola galicyJHkiego i okolicy Lwown. [Beitrag zur Uiplerenfauna deH ga- lizihcheii I'odoliens und der Umgebung von lA;mberg.] Krakow Kom. Fizvogr. Kpraw., 32, 1897 (C'r. 2), 79-96; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 34. Bobek, Kiirrl [Jotrf], For biography and list of works tee Mhcfte. Math. PJiys., 11, 1900, 97-101. *0 gcometrickem nii.stu bodu obratu krivek nvazku. [Ueber den geometriucben On der Int1exioiispunkt« einen Curvenbiisi^hels.] Casopi", 11, 1882, 283-284; Fortschr. Math., 1882, .580. 'Ivod do thcorie krivek tretiho stupn^ na zaklade funkci elliptickych. [Kinleitung in die Theorie der Curven dritter Ordnung auf Grundlage der elliptiochen Functionen. ] Casopis, 12, 1883, 1-24; Fortschr. Math., 1883, 407. Ueber Fliichen vierter Ordnung mit einem Doppel- kegelschnitte. |1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1886 {Ahtli. 2), 923-953, 1108-1185. Ueber projectivische Erzeugung von Cur^'en. Math. Ann., 25, 1886, 448-4/58. Ueber gewissc eindeutige involu^)riscbc Traosforma- tionen der Ebenc. Wien, Ak. Sber., 91, 1886 {Ahth. 2), 476-518. Ueber involutorische Cremona-Transformationen der ll"" und 11"" Ordnung und hyperelliptische Curven 3H + 1"-' und 3ii + 2'" Ordnung. [1885.] Prag, Abh., 1, 1886. X.>. 1, 27-47. Ueber das Maximalgescblecht von algebraischeu Raumcurven gegebener Ordnung. [1885.] Wien, .Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 (Ablh. 2), 13-27. Ueber hyperelliptische Curven. [18k6.] Wieu, Ak. Slxr., 93. i886 iAhih. 2), 001-017; 94. 1887 (Ablh. 2), 801-873; 95, 1887 {Ahlh. 2), 31-41. Ueber das verallgemeinerte CorreajKindenzprincip. Wien, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 (Abth. 2), 899-911. Ueber hyperelliptische Curven. Math. Ann., 29, 1887, 386-412. Ueber Curven vierter Ordnung vom Gesehlechte zwei. ihrc Systemc beriibrender Kegelschnitte und Doppel- tangenten. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 53, 1887 (Abth. 2), ll!l-154. Ueber Raumcurven m-ter Ordnung mit (m -2)-f«chen Secanten. Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Abth. 2(, 349-3.54. Zur Classification der Fliichen dritter Ordnung. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1888 (Ablh. 2), 35-5-380. Ueber das Maximalge.schlecbt von windschiefen Fliichen gegebener Ordnung. [l8-'<7.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1888 (Ablh. 2). 1024-1027. Ueber die Steinet'schen Mittelpunktscurven. (1888- 89.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (.Uth. '2a), 5-27, 394- 418. 520-535. Ueber Drcischaaicurven. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 9H. 1890 (Abth. 2iii Bpa- mawmaroCil liajlTHIIKa. [Graphische Erzeugung von fiinf gyroskopischeu Curven-Typen.] Russ. Phys.-Cheni. Soc. Jl., 16 (PAi/s. ), 1884, 136-139; Fortschr. Phys., 1884 (Abth. 1), 264-265. Ueber die relative Bewegung eines Punktes in einem in continuirlicher Deformation begriffenen Medium. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 30, 1885, 33(j-344. 0 ABiiKeniii noBepxHocTii, iipiiKacawmeHcfl in. Jipyron IIOBCpXHOCTII IlOIIOABllIKIIoii. [Ueber die Bewegung eiuer Oberlliiche, welche eine andere ruhende Oberflache beruhrt.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Puns.), 55, 1887, 97-121; Fortschr. Phys., 1887 {Ahth. 1), 286-287. 0 iu'])t'Ml;irl; icoop.iMiiar'i. bi. ;i,iiia.Tfe HaMMenbiiiaro ji,tiicTBiH .lArpAHyKa. [Ueber das Prineip von Hamilton oder Ostroqradsky und iiber das Prineip der kleinsten Wirkung von Lagrange.] [1889.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Russ.), 61, 1890 {Appinid. No. 5), 95 pp.; Fortschr. Phys., 1890 {AhtM. 1), 254. 0 KaraHiii no ropirnoHTajibHofi nJiocKOCTii nojiaro iiiapa, BHyipii KOToparo BcraB.ieut nipo- CKOIll. [Mouvement d'une sphere creuse, contenant un gyroscope en rotation et roulant sur un plan hori- zontal.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 24 (PAi/j-.), 1892, 14-15; Jl. Phys., 1, 1892, 439. 0 inapt. CI. riipoiKoiioMi. Bnyrpii, KaTaineiicfl no ropii:!OHTa.iLHon n.iocKocrii 6e3i. CKO.iBffieHifl. [Kugel, die ein Gyroskop einschliesst und auf einer Horizontalebeue roUt, ohue dabei zu gleiten.] [1892.] Ree. Math. (Moscou), 16, [1893], 544-581; Fortschr. Phys., 1892 {Abth. 1), 247. 061 o,T,HOM'b iacTHOMi> pisHieHiii ji,n(j)(i)epeH- uiaJTbHHX'h ypaBHeniii Bpaiii,eni)i TflHve.iiaro TBep- ,naro Ti.ia BOKpyrt Heno,iBii/Knori tohkii. [Ueber eine particulare Losung der Differentialgleichungen der Rotation eines .schweren, starren Korpers um einen festen Punkt.] [1893.] Moscow. Soc. Sci. Bull., 92 {No. 2), 1896, 21-25; Fortschr= Math., 1895, 839. 0 CHMMeTpn'iHHX'b napa.i.ie.iorpaMMax'b Mebh- UIEBa. [On Cebvsev's symmetrical parallelograms.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 {Phys.), 1899, 85-91. Bobynin, V[iktor] ]^[iktorovic]. De I'etude sur I'histoire des mathematiques en Russie. Bibl. Math., 1888, 103- 110. Quelques mots sur I'histoire des connaissances mathe- maticiues ant^rieures a la science. Bibl. Math., 1889, 104-108. Sur le procede employe dans le papyrus de Hhiud pour r^duire les fractions en quantiemes. Bibl. Math., 1890, 109-112. Programme du cours de I'histoire des mathematiques a l'Universit(5 de Moskwa. Bibl. Math., 1891, 79-88. Sur I'a'Uvre des Grecs dans le developpement des mathematiques. Bibl. Math., 1892, 1-2. Progrfes successifs des sciences mathematiques chez les peuples de I'Europe. Bibl. Math., 1892, 110-114. Sur la propagation des signes num^riques cun^iformes. Bibl. Math., 1893, 18-20. Sur les methodes primitives qui out servi a r^soudre des questions arithmetiques. Bibl. Math., 1894, 55-60. Esquisse de I'histoire du calcul fractionnaire. Bibl. Math., 1896. 97-101. Extraction des racines oarrees dans la Gr^ce antique. Ztschr. Math. Pliys., 41, 1896 {Hist.-lil. Abth.), 193- 211. La marche successive dans la fusion des notions de la fraction et du quotient. Bibl. Math., 1899, 81-85. L'enseiguemeut mathematicjue en Russie. Aperi,"u historique. Enseign. Math., 1 (1899). 77-100. L'enseignement niathematique en Russie. Etat actuel. Euseignement primaire. Enseign. Math., 1 (1899), 420-446. Developpement des procedes servants i decomposer le quotient en quantiemes. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 44, 1899 {Siiiipl.), 1-13. Boca, Kitmitiid. La traction des tramways par machines a air comprime, syst^me L. Mekar^ki. G^nie Civil, 5, 1884, '273-277. Socage. .SVc Barboza du Socage. Bocandel *;2:{ [Bochefontaine BocandA, llerlrand, & Brontln, (citpit.) . *ObB«r- viitioiiH inct('^orol(i){i(|iicB fiiitos daim Ick traverH^eH do Marxc-iile a Gori'O, de Muivi-ille a rcrnaiiil>oac et ilc Pernambouc A Marseille. France Soc. Metrorol. Annu., IH, 1865, /'(. 1, 117-1^6. Boccaccinl, t'linudo. *[Bolide dell' « sctteiiibru 1869.) Itikvi'iiiiii. MoDcalieri Uhh. UuII., I. 1869, 101. Meteore lumiiiose. Bolide. ^Colliiie del Hologiieue, 4 Bettembre 1887.) Moncalieri Oss. boll., 7, 1887, 168. Prima nota Bulla reHiHtenza alia 8tai{iuiie e Bulla precncitA di alcune piaiite dei pressi di Ciineo. Nuovo Giorn. Hot. Ital., 2U. 1888, 111-117. Boccall, C Direkte WiderKtaiKlsiiiesKUUgen, aUHK^fiibrt uiu LichtbuKen sowie an Akkuniulaturen wahrend ihrer Laduug und Entladuog. Elektrotecbn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, .51-52. Boccara, Vittdrio [EmmanueU]. Metodo semplice per la ruppre.senlaziune uiatoriale delle liiiee di forza di un campo elettrostatico. Nuovo Cimeuto, 8, 1898, 406-408. Boccara, Vittnrio [Emmanuek], & Oandolfl, A\txhimede]. Sulla velocita delle onde Hertziane nei nuzzi dielettro- magnetici. (Verifica speriiuentale della relazione r,-'.IM".J"' = l-) Nuovo Cimento, 8, 1898, 191-215. Boccara, \'ittiirio{Etumunuflc\. A Fandolfi, il[iirio]. Sul poteie induttore specifico dei mezzi dielettro-magnctici costituiti da ferro e paraffina. Nuovo Cimento, 9, 1899. 254-259. Boccard, G. di. 8u di un osxidu di manganese idrato ^l(■^;ll Euganei. Kiv. Miu. Crist., 4, 1889, 5-5-58. Boccardi, Giuranni [liatlista]. Observation d'un bolide. Bull. .\str., 13, 1896, 415-116. Elt'meuts et epliem6ride do la planite (416) (CS 1896), ciilcules a I'ObservatoirB du Vatican, & Borne. Bull. ABlr. , 14, 1897, 308-311. Elements et epbem(?ride de la planite (416) Vaticana pour la III' opposition. Bull. Astr., 1.5, 1898, 311-316.' SuU' orbita del pianeta (416) Vatioana. Roma, Specola Vatieiina Pubbl., 5, 1898, 29-59. Elements et ephemeridesdesplanetes (366) Vincentina et (347) Pariana. Bull. Astr., 16, 1899, 143-1.55. Elementi del pianeta (416) Vaticana e sua effemeride pel 1900 (IV opposizione). Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 189- 192. Elementi ed effemeride del pianeta (347) Pariana per la prossima opposizione. Astr. Nachr., 1.53, 1900, 363- 368. Etude sur la variation de la latitude. Bull. Astr., 17, 1900. 129-134. Etude sur la variation de la latitude ^ I'observatoire de Teramo (Italie). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 130, 1900, 307-309. Di alcuni diagrammi astrouomici. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 29, 1901, 175-182. Boccardi, Giuseppe. SiiUa tisio-patologiade' vasi sanguigni. Napoli, Kend., 23, 1884, 12.5. Kicercbe suUo sviluppi> dei corpuscoli del sangue negli uccelli. Napoli Kend., 2.5, 1886, .58-64. Sopra un processo per lo studio della cariocinesi ncl sangue. Napoli, Rend., 27, 1888, 129-130. Nuove ricerche sui processi riycnerativi nell' intestino. Napoli, Rend., 27, 1888, 134-14.5. Sur les alterations anatomi<|ue.s consecutives a I'cx- portation du pancreas chez les chiens. Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, 50-58. Boccardi, Giuseppi-. Malerba, I'.f^iiuiU. A Jappelli, Gtitttiiio. .SVc* Slalerba, Boccardi A Jappelli. Boccardi, Giii.-18. Die Localisation des HHUtgefiibls in ilirem VerhaltnisK 7,n den sensitiven Wurzelu des Kiickenmarks. (1K89.] L'niersueh. Nat., 14, 1892, 19-22. Eine neiie Vorrichtung zur (iewinoung de» Maeen- saftes beini Menschcn: der Saurefiwher. Untersuch. Nat., 14, 1892, 437-448. Contribute alia legge di Bell e Maoenuik circa le radici sensitive spinali. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (lo/. 2, FiirioJ.), 06-68. Bocci, UaUiuino, Si Moscncd, .4. La fonction diastasique dans la ealivc centrifnp.c. .\rch. Ital. Biol., 28, 1897, 72 76. Boccolarl, .Antonio, & Boraarl, (nrlo. Delia rexistenza I'll I'CcitabilitA elettrica nella pnralisi progressiva degli alienati e nella epilessifrenia. Ricerche aperimentali. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 15, 1889. 1(M>-110. Bochefontaine, [Lmiit Thfodore]. For biographical iii.tiie ,sv, Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 378-379. 'Note sur le deplacement des points dn gyrus sigmoide, dont la faradisation av'it sur la salivation, la circulation sanguine et les mouvements des membres. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (f. H.), 698-e99. 'Recherches experiuientales pour servir a I'etude de« lesions traumatiques de I'enci^pbale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. fl.), 741-744. 'Experiences pour servir a I'etude des proprii^tes physiologiques de la pj-ridine. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 35. 1884 (C. li.), 5-8. 'Experiences relatives a Paction du sulfate de quinine sur la circulation sanguine. [1883 ] Pans, Soc. Biol. .Mem., 35, 1884 (C. /?.), 8-11. 'Note sur qnelques experiences relatives k I'etude des efTets physiologiques de la sonde, de la potasi^e et leurs sels. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. /?.), 80-83. F:xperience pour servir k I'etude des phenomines determines chez I'homme par riDge.rii(i«'l latte filantc. [1895.] Staz. Si«m. ARrar. Ital., 27, 1894, 339-3U8. Nuovo contribiito all' alimenlazione rationale del bcstiamc a^,'rario : ii'liizidiii' all' on. MiniBU?ro dell' At?'''- coltuni |siii rinieili per Httiiiiiare e cumbalUTe la Hicita o la consegui'iite piniiriii di forat'tjio). (IH'J.';.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 27. 1894, 3H()-.T.)9. Contiibuzione alio studio Hpcrimentale del caseilicio italiano. Miino^'raliu ticiioloKica kuU' iiidustria caxearia abruzzesc e Bunnitica. [189-5.] Staz. Sper. .\grar. Ital., 27. 1894, 470 .i.'iri. Bochow, h'lirl. Substitution nener Variabclen in lioliercii Dilliieiaialqiioticnten. Ztsclir. Math. I'hys., 32, 1887, 34G-359. Zusammeiihang zwischen parliculiiren uud allge- nieinen Intejiralen gcwissfr DlffercntialgleicbunKen. Ztschr. .Math. Ptivs., 33, 1888, 101-110. Die Formelii fur die Suiiiiiie der natiirlichen Zalilen iind ihrer ersten Putenzen, iibReleitet an Finuren. Mawdeb. Nat. Vcr. .Tber. u. Abli., 1896-98, 16.5-209. .\bleitunK der Forineln fiir siii(pj±7) und cos(/3i7) alls triniinometrischen Dreiecksforraeln. Arch. Math. rii.v>., 17, 1900, 97-101. Bocianslil, . Ein Unicum von Doppelmissgeburt- (jastiodidyniiis biuiasculinus. Wien. Med. Wschr., 43, 1893, 14-51-14.54. Bock, A[(titlhi'rt Micliaet]. Ueber das VerhiiltniBs der Qiieicontractiou zur Lan);eudilatation bei Staben von verschiedenen Metalleu als Function der Temperatur. Ann. Phys. Chem., .52, 1894, 609-620. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Quercontraction zur Lan- Kendilatatioii von Eisenstiiben bei Magnetisirunp- .\nn. I'hvs. Chem., .54, 1895. 442-4.51. Ueber die objective Demonstration der Wirbelbewe^ung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 56, 1895, 131-132. Der blaue Dampfstralil. Ann. Phys. Chem., 68, 1899, i;T4 687. Bock, A. Modificirtes Goldprobirverfahren unter partieller Auwendung des elektrisoben Stromes. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 3-58-359. Bock, i'cirl. Geuom ofre Siam och Lao. Stockh., Ymer, 4. 1886, 49-67. 'Notes siir les populatious du Laos owidental. [1883.] Paris Soc. Antlirop. Mem., 3, 1888. 104-136. Bock, Emil. Studien Uber die LusuiiKsftihigkeit des (Joldes in Cyankalium-Langen. Ein Beitran zum Mac Arthur-ForrestProcess. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., .5-5, 1896, 24-5-248. Probiren von Kupfer und Kupfersteiu. Chem. Ztg. , 20, 1896. -106-407. Bock, Eniil. Zu •' Coloboma lentis congenitum." Von I>r. Richard Kaeupffeh. Arch. (. Ophthalm., 49, 1900. 717. Bock, Hans {Frhr.) von. Schutzfarben nnserer ein- beimiscben Lepidoptercn, ihrer Eier, Raupen und Puppen. Berlin- Eut. Ztschr., 28, 1884, 217-224. Parthenogenesis bei Ocneria dispar. Ent. Nacbr., 14. 1888, oft-oT. Bock, /. /. 0 ciiaC/Keiiiii f'.-lIPTepfiypra bo.xoh). [(In the St. Petersburg water supplv.] St. Pctersb. , Kuss. Geogr. Soc. Bull.. 30. 1894. 4.52-48-5. Bock, Jnh. Fliissige schweflige Siiurc (SO..). Ztschr. Vcr. Riibenzuckerind., 37, 1887, 11-53-1156." Ueber Krystallisations-Erscheinungen. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind-, 38, 1888, 96-5-972. Ueber eiue Umwandlung von Rohrzucker in Trauben- zucker. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 39, 1889, 524- 526. Bock, Johaiineg. Die Dissociationscarve des Kohlen- oxvdhiiiiu.globins. [1894.] Centrbl. Physiol., 8. 1896. 3S.5-3S7. Sur unc modification que la lumii're produit dans la mellicrooglobine. KjnlH-nh., Oven-., 1896, :«)9-319; Skand. Arch. Phyhiol., 6, 1896, 2!»!t-307. -: Undersogelaer over nogle gifteH virkning paa det isolerode patt«dyrbjii.-<;.53; Arch. Kxpcr. Path., 41, 1898, 158-178; 43, 1900. 3«7- 399. Om en vintervovnligncnde tilstand hos ikke vinters- ovende pattcdyr. Skand. Natf. Forh.. 1898, 31(V-318. Bock, Jiihiiniieg, & Bohr, Vhrittinn. Srf Bobr >V Bock. Bock, .l/i/.r ton. Zur Abwebr gegen Prof. .1. vos WiiiNKB: [Die Beziehuiigun von Teilung unl Knospung ini Tier- reich betreffend]. Biol. Centrbl.. 18, 1898. f,14-<;24. t»6. Ueber die Kno!chc Leitunnsvcrmogen von Ver- bindungen aus Schwefel und Kalium in Loaung von Natriuramonosultid und Borsaure. Ann. Pbys. Chem., 30, 1887, 631-638. Bock, IC. Ueber den gegen wiirtigen Stand der Floren- kenntiiis der Provinz Poscn. Brandenb. Bot. Ver- Verb-, 39, 1897, xxx-xxxi; Danzig Schr., 9, 1896-98 (HtfU 3 & 4), 2.5-26. Botanische Mittheilnngen iiber lx;raerkenswerthe Pflanzen aus der ruigegind von Broml>erg. [1900.] Danzig Schr.. 10. 1899-1902 (Hfft' 2 A 3), 62-63. Bock, [Jolt.] W[Hhelm]. '(Ueber die Entwicklung von Functioneu in nnendlicbe Product*;.] [l-<83.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1. 1889, 76-80. Ueber einen clementaren Beweis des Satzes, da8« jede Prirazahl von der Fonn 4n -t- 1 gleicb der .Summe zweier ganzen Quadratzalilen ist. [1884.] Harab. Math. Ges. Milth., 1, 1889, 101-104. Hydrodvnamik nach dcm Hamilton'schcn Prinzip. [1884".] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth.. 1, 1889. lOH-110. Ueber Potentialwerte verschiedener Kriifte und Fol- gerungen daraus. [1885.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 119-12-5- Ueber eine neue zahlentheoreliscbe Funktion. [1886- 87.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 187-194. 201- 212. Konibinatorische Ableitung einiger KigenBchaft«n der e-Fuuktionen. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 (F-»(«c;ir., Tl. 2), 74-80. Bockalry, P. Recherches snr les falsiticatioiis du bearre. liiii- Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 247-251, 331-335. Dosage de la margarine de colon dans les saindoax. Pans SiK-. Chim. Bull.. 2. 1889. 310-313. Bockendalil, Adolf. Ueber die Regeneration des Tracheal- e).ithels. Arch.Mikr. .\nat., 24, 1886. 361-371. Bockbazt, [Max]. Ueber eine neue Art der Zubereitung von I'leisch als fester Nahrboden fur Mikroorganismen. Deut.sch. Xatf. Tagebl., 1887, 347 ; Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7. 1887. 665. Bocklioltz, . Les ardoisidres souterraines de la pro- vincr de Luxembourg. Brux. Ann. Trav. Pnbl., 46, 1889. 423-430. BockUscti, o[itcar]. Ueber FiialLissbasen (Ptomaine) ans Fisiluu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bcr., 18. 1880, 86-89, 1922-1927. Ueber Ptomaine aus Reinculturen von Vibrio proteus (Finkler uml Prior). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1441-1446. Bockwoldt, . Bemerkungen und Erveiterungen za HniwKii's Flora von Neustadt. [1891.] Danzig Schr., 8, 1893-94 [Heft 1). 4-7. [I.*bens\veise der Mistcl.] [1894.) Danzig Schr. , 9, 1896-98 {Hrj'l 1). 171-172. Ueber das Vorkommen von Blitzschlagen an Both- 79 Bockwoldtl 626 [Bodenbender buchen. [1899.] Danzig Schr., 10, 1899-1902 {Hefte 2 * 3), 20-21. Nene Fundorte seltener Pflanzen in Westpreussen. fl900.] Danzig Sehr., 10, 1899-1902 {Ilefte 2 & 3), 72-7.S. Bocourt, F[irmin]. Note sur quelques Ophidiens nouveaux, provenant de TAnu'Tique inter-tiopicale. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 8. 1884, 133-142. Note sur un Boidien nouveau, provenant du Guati5- mala. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., '.I, 1885, 112-11.5. Ehinoeheilus Thominotii, Boct. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 45-46. Note sur un Ophidien nouveau appartenant au groupe des Colubriens provenant du Guatemala. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 168. Note sur un Ophidien nouveau provenant du Mexique. Naturaliste, 10, 1888, 234-23.5. Sur quelques Opliidiens de TAmerique intertropicale appartenant au genre Tetranorhinus. Naturaliste, 13, 1891, 121-122, 208. Note sur la variabilite dans le nombre des plaques cephaliques chez certains Ophidiens. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 17, 1892, 40-41. . Note sur un petit Ophidien appartenant au genre Tropidoclouinm. Naturaliste, 14, 1892, 132. Note sur un Ophidien appartenant au genre Eutaniia. Naturaliste, 14, 1892, 278-279. Bocourt, t\iniiin], & Sugis, Alfredo. Note sur deux Ophidiens de la famille des Coronellidse, provenant de I'Anierique intertropicale. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 4-5-40. Bocquier, Ediiioml. Note sur un veau monstrueux. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Niit. Bull., 10, 1900 {Ft. 1), xxi-xxii. Peneplaiues vendeennes. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 10, 1900 (Pt. 1), 211-218. BocquiUon-Limousin, Henri. Action du chlore sur I'alcool isobutylique. Jl. Pharni., 11, 1885, 654-657. . Des trichlorobutylates metalliques- Jl. Pbarm., 22, 1890, 45.5-458. Note sur le Gonolobus Condurango. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, 269-271. Des condurangines. .11. Pharni., 24, 1891, 485-488. Bod, .1. A practical and easy method for determining or comparing the free-board. Franklin Inst. Jl., 138, 1894, 367-.39.5. Bodard, [Paul] E[niile]. Analyse des eaux d'alimentation de Laghouat. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 18, 1891, 52-58. Boddaert, Richard. Eecherches experimentales sur la production de I'exophtalmie et la pathogenic de I'oederae. Brux., Ac. M(5d. Belg. Bull., 5, 1891, 690-715. Note sur la part qui revient a rocclusion des voies lymphatiques dans la production de Tcedeme. (Cam- niiiniealion preUminaire.) Brux., Ac. M^d. Belg. Bull., 6, 1892, 1019-1022. ■ De I'etat des ganglions dans Pcedfeme lymphatique. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 7, 1893, 752-755. De roed6me d'origine lymphatique. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 492-493; Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Piitnl.), 123-125. Recherches sur la localisation et le mode de ddveloppe- ment de Ta-d^me lymphatique. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 9, 1895, H()S-834. Etude cx]i( rimentale de la pathogenic de I'ujdeme par constriction. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 12, 1898, 422-426. T<;tude snr unc forme d'onomatomanie, Brux., Ac. Mi-d. Belg. Bull., 14, 1900, 454-462. Bode, Adolf, & 'WiUstatter, Richard. See WiUetatter A Bode. Bode, Fricdr. Die specifisehe Wiirme von Schwefelsiiuren. Ztschr. Angpw. Chem., 1889, 244-245. Bedarf an Blei zum Ban von Bleikammersystemen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 357. Vorschlage zur Verbesserung der Schwefelsaure- fabrikation. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 11-13. Bode, G[i'o)fl]. Vorkommnisse aus dem mittleren Lias bei Schandelah. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 187-190. [Amraoniten aus dem braunen Jura vom Berge Greben.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 190- 191. Die Aegoceratiden. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 198-199. [Gliederung des braunen Jura in Norddeutschland.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 208-209. Ueber eine Aufschliessung im braunen Jura in Hildesheim. [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 65. Das Vorkommen von Hilsthonen am Hilse oberhalb Holzen und die Stellung dieser Thone in der Schichten- folge des Neocom. [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 82-84. Ueber Verandcrungen an Ammonitenschalen, welche durch das Wachsthum bedingt sind. [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 107-108. Verbreitung der Molluskenfauna im Untersenon von Braunschweig. [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 154, 155-159. Bode, G[h.9(o)']. Erwiderung auf die Abhandlung des Henn L. M.\rchlewski "Zur Chemie des Chlorophylls." Jl. Prakt. Chem., 57, 1898, 488-493. Zur Eeindarstellung des Chlorophylls. Bot. Centrbl., 77, 1899, 81-87. Ueber Phvlloxanthin. Bot. Centrbl., 79, 1899, 227- 239. Erwiderung auf die Abhandlung des Hrn. March- LEWSKi " Zur Kenntniss des Chlorophylls." Jl. Prakt. Chem., 60. 1899, 385-396. Bode, H{u(]o]. *Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Diingung und Zusammensetzung der Zuekerriiben. [1882.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 34, 1884, 59-68. Penicillium brevicaule, ein Pilz mit der Fiihigkeit, kleinste Spuren von Arsenik anzuzeigen. [1899.] Ztschr. Natin-wiss.. 71. 1898, 460-461. Bode, //[hi/o], * Baumert, Georg [Paul Gustav Hermami]. See Baumert & Bode. Bode, Johann. Ueber Cholin und verwandte Verbindungen. Ztschr. Naturwiss.. 62, 1889, 125-186. Ueber einige Abkommlinge des Neurins und Cholins. Liebig's Ann., 267, 1892, 268-299. Bode, Joliunn, & Schmidt, Ernst [Albert]. [Ueber die Einwu'kung von Jodwasserstoff und BromwasserstoflF auf Neurin und Cholin.] Verhalten des Trimethyl- Oxathylanmioniumchlorids (Cholinchlorids) gegen Jod- wasserstoff. Liebig's Ann., 267, 1892, 306-318. Bode, [Carl Aut/ust] Paul. Objektive Darstellungen aus dem (iebiete der Spektrahmalyse. Frankt. a. Ver. Jber., 1891-92, 29-31. Ueber die Absorptionsspektra. Ver. Jber., 1891-92, 31-32. Ueber optische Tiiuschungen. Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1891-92, 32-33. Di(^ Alhazensclie Spiegel-Aufgabe in ihrer hiatorischen Entwicklung nebst einer analytisclien Liisung des verall- gemeinerten Problems. Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1891-92. 63-107. Soden,J[uhn]S[medle>i],&8vra.WBon,F[rederick'\C[harlfs]. [Structure of the pigmented layer of the retina.] Jl. Physiol., 12, 1891 (Proc. 1891), xv. The pigment cells of the retina. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sei., 33, 1892, 365-367. Bodenbender, //. Ueber das Verhalten der sog, gesolnve- foltcn Zuckcr gegeniiber den durcli Filtration liber Kmn-henkiilile dargestellten beini Lageru. Ztschr. Ver. Itiilii ii/.uckerind., 34, 1884, 559-561. Bodenbender, //., A: SclieUer, li. BeitriCge zur Frage der M. Phys. Frankf. a. M. Phys. Bodenbender C27 IBodin quantitativen KowichtHanalvtisclicn BustimintiriK iIch (ii- vertzuckpFH. Ztsclir. Ver. liuUiizuokeriiid., ;<7, 1887, i:iH 1. ',■-'. Bodenbender, Willirliii { = Uuillermii). Ueber ilen Zusaiu- iiionlianj,' iinil die tilicilerunK der Tertiiirbilduii^eii zwinchcii Friinkfuit a. M. uiid Mail)urR-Zi(.'(,"'nhain. [1884.] NeiifH Jl.uch. Min. {lieil.-Hd.), a, 1888, 107- 141. Expediciuii al Neuquen de lo9 Doctores KmiTZ y BoDKNKKNiiKU. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 10, 1889, 311-:129. La cui-nca del vallf dul Uio 1° eu Cordoba. Deacripcion geol6t!ica del vuUe del Uio 1" desde la Sierra de CdniohA ha8ta la iiinr Cliiiiiiita. Cordoba Ac. Bol., 12, 1890, 5-54; NeiK's .Ilmch. Min., 1892 {llil. 1, He/.), 393. VorliiutiKe Mitteiliin;,'tn liber line Reise nacli dem Ostahfall der Anden z\vi«chen Uio Diamante und Rio Negro. Potermaun, Mittli., 3i;, 1890, 242-247. Sobre el terreno JuriVsico y Crctaceo en lo3 Andes argentinos entre el Uio Diamante y el Uio Limay. Cdrdoba Ac. Bol., 13, 1892, 5-44. Sobre el carbon y asfaito carbonizado de la provincia de Mendoza. Cordoba Ac. Bol., 13, 1892, 151-170; Zt.sehr. I'rakt. tieol., 1896, 31-32. Die I'ainpulCbene ini Osten der Sierra von C6rdoba in Argentinien. Ein Beitrag zur Kntwiekelungsgeschichte der Pampa. Petermann, Mitth., 3'.l, 1893, 231-237, 2-59- 264. Los oriaderos de wolfram y molibdenita de la Sierra de Ci'irdoba; comunicaciones mineras y mineral6gicas. Cordoba Ac. Bol., 14, 1894, 93-115 ; Chem. Soc. Jl. , 72, 1897 (.Ifo., I't. 2), 209-270. El terremoto argentino del 27 de octubre de 1894. C6rdoba .\c. Bol., 14, 1894, 293-329 ; Ztsclir. Prakt. Geol., 1896, 13S-139. Devono y Gondwana en la Uepiiblica Argentina. Las formaciones sedimentarias de la parte noroeste. Cordoba Ac. Bol., 15, 1894, 201-252; Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 743-772. El siielo y las vertientes de la ciudad de Mendoza y sus alrededores. Cordoba Ac. Bol., 15. 1894, 42.5-48C. Die Wolfrani-Miuen der Sierra von Cordoba in der Argeutiuisclien Kepublik. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1894, 409-414. Ueber Silur, Devon, Carbon und die Glossopteris- Stufe in der Gegend von Jachal im nordwestliehen Argentinien. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 183-18G. Sobre la edad de algunas forniacioues Carboniferas de la Republica Argentina. La Plata Mus. Uev., 7, 1896. 129-148 ; Ztschr. Prakt. (ieol., 1896, 120-121. Wismuthspath (cerhaltig) in Gangform. Ztsclir. Prakt. Geol., 1899, 322-323. Comunicaciones mineras v mineral6gicas. [1900.] Cordoba Ac. Bol., Ill, 1899, 206-223, 273-292; Neues .Ibuch. Mill., 1902 (/(t« iV Bodewlg. Bodfish, Sumner U. On the new topographical map of Baltimore and vicinity. [1888.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ. 7 (1887-88), 72-73. Bodin, Euqine. Note sur le favus de rbommc. Ann. de Dermatol.. 4. 1893, 41.5-418. Sur la pluralite ilu favu>: etude etiologiqae, cliniqne et mycologique. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 1220-1246. Sur les favus a lesions trichophytoiJes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. «.), 711-713. Note mycologique sur le microsporam trouve a Parme pai- SI. MiiiEixi. Aun. de Dermatol., 8. 1897. 114-5-1148. 79—2 Bodin] 628 [Bodmer-Beder Sur la conservation tin bacillc tyiiliiqiie dans le cidre. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 12 (1898), 4")8464. Le mierosporum du clieval. Arcli. de Pnrasit., 1, 1898, 3711-409. — — Sur les champignons interni^diaires aux trichophytons et aux achorions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12(j, 1898, 1528- 1529. . Sur la forme Oospora (Streptothrix) du microsporum du cheval. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 14(;6-14G7 ; Ann. de Dermatol.. 10, 1899, 921-924 ; Arch, de Paiasit., 2, 1899, 362-370, 006-609. Pseudo-xanthome ^lastique. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 1073-1080 ; Congr. Int. M^d. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 9), 754-756. Sur les trichopbyties de la barbe. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 1205-1212. Sur le polymorphisme des champignons parasites des teignes et en particulier du microsporum du cheval. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (I'oL 9), 428-435. Bodin, Emieiie (I't alii). Sur le polymorphisme des champignons parasites des teignes et en particulier du microsporum du cheval. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 1029-1030. Bodine, Daiinkhon. The taxonomic value of the antennis of Lcpidoptera. Amer. Ent. Soe. Trans., 23. 1896, 1-56. Bodlngton, Alice. Mental evolution in man and the lower animals. Amer. Natlist. , 26, 1892, 482-494, 593-0U6. The parasitic Protozoa found in cancerous diseases. Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 307-315. Insanity in royal families. A study in hereditv. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 118-129, 408. A study in morbid psychology, with some reflections. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896,' 510-518, 599-605. Mental action during sleep, or sub-conscious reasoning. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 84'.l-854. Bodinus, Karl Aii(ii(st Heinrich. For biography see Frankf., Zool. Garten, 25, 1884, 351-3.52; Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1885, 104-105. Bodio, L. Note suUa superficie e suUa popolazione del- r Etiopia. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 25, 1888, 239-242. Bodisko, Aleksamlr A. Ten.IOTa paCTBOlieHiil 6e3BO;i,- naro iojllICTaro .llixiil. [Heat of dissolution of an- hydrous lithium iodide.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Chem.), 1888, 500-503; Chem. Soc. Jl., 56, 1889 (Abs.), 329. Teiijioia pacTBopeHifl 6c3Bo;i,Haro 6i>OMiicTaro .IlITifl. [Heat of dissolution of anhydrous lithium bromide.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 21 {Chem.), 1889, 7-9; Chem. Soc. Jl., 56, 1889 {Ahx.), 1098. 0 xeiLioTli pacTBopeiiin Kpiicra.'iJioB'h LiBr -^2HvO. [Chaleur de dissolution des cristaux LiBr -f2H-0.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 25 (Cliem.), 1893, 150-151 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 12, 1894, 8.52. 0 TeiijioTt pacTBopcHiii KpiiorajiJioBi, LiJ. 3H.)0. [Ueber die Losungswiirme der Krystalle LiJ.3H.)0.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (CVicm.), 1900, 271-272 ; Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 411. Bodkin, (Rev.) Richard C. The automatic image-finder. [18114.] Dublin Sue. Sci. Proc, 8, 1893-98, 281-287. Bodliinder, (.'»((/((, Ein Uoppelsalz derUnter.schwifelsiiure. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 1140-1141. Ueber die Loslichkeit einiger Stoll'o in Gemischen von Wasser und Alkohol. Ztsclir. Physikal. Chem., 7, 1891, 308-322. Ueber die Loslichkeit von Salzgemisehen in Wasser. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem.. 7, 1891, 358-366. Das Vorhalten vnormnl milk. Analyst, 20, 1896, 265-266. Bodmer, J![icliiird\, A Moor, C'l/vsiiiTf) G[cor!ic]. On copper in jioas. Analyst, 22, 1897. 141 144. Bodmer, l;\icliiiril\, iV Stokes, Alfred W. See Stokes iV Bodmer. Bodmer, Il\ii'liar,l]. I.eonard, Xoniiau, * Smith, H[iirrii] .Mctcdl/c. The analysis of golden syrup. Analyst, 24, 1899, 253 257. Bodmer-Beder, . I [nioW]. Petrographische Untersuehungen an oslalriUanischen Gesteinen. Ziirich Vrtlj.schr., 39, 1894, 187 207. Bodmer-Beder] 629 [Bockeler iJic Ei'/.laKeiKtlitttMi dcr Al|) I'lmtitigliiH im Biindn'T Uberland mid iliic FelsurU"!). [1WI7.] NeuifB Jbiicli. Min. {Uril.-JId.). II, 1897 98. •.'17-2.)8. Ueber Olivindiabase aus dciii I'leHsurfiebirxe, Orau- biindtii. [iHilH.] Neucs Jbiicli. Min. {Hfil.Ilil.), 12, 1899, 2:<8-2(i8. DureliOebirKsdruck gebogeneQuarzkryslalle. Centrbl. Min., 1900, 81-84. lieitniKe zur Petro^raphic dea oatliclien Rlmtikonx. Ni'uis .ll>ii,-h. Min., 1900 (llil. 1), 120-12H. Bodmer-Beder, .t[ntiil'18. Bodrooz, I'\eniii)ul'\. Action du brome en presence du brTi-'>'o. Action du brome en presi-nce du bromure d'aluminiuni sur quelques phenols. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. H., 126, 1898, 1282-1285; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, T-iC- 761. Action du brome en presence du bromure d'uluminium sur risobutylphenol para. Remaiques sur la bromura- tion des pli^nols. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 127, 1898, 18*1- 188. Action du brome en presence du bromure d'aluminiuni sur les livdrocarliures derives des xylenes. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., I'J. 1898, 888-889. Action des sels de plomb d'acides UKmobasiques gras en solution acide sur quelques hydrocarbures aromatiques moiiochlor^s ou monobromes dans la chaine lat^rale. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 288-291. Action de I'ac^tate de ploiuh en solution acitique sur le chlorure de bcnzylidene et le chlorure de benzenvle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 331-3H3. Sur deux polysulfures de plomb et de cuivre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., i3l», 1900, 1397-1398; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900. .501-502. Sur un chlorosulfure de mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1398-1399. Sur la production directe par voie liuniide de I'iodnre uieieurique et de I'iodure mercureux a Tetat cristallise. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. H., 130, 1900. I(i22-1G24 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 58.>-5H7. Transformation en ethers benzoiques des ethers acetiqucs du phenol ordinaire, du paracresol et du thymol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, .54-55. Bodyiiskl, J. Whkatstoxk's Rheostat iiiit (^ueeksilber- contact. Anu. Phys. Chem.. 22, 1884, 403-464. Boe, [(iustdve] AroHpennos(rn, [Willi ditcuttion.} Ann. de bermatol., 3, 1892, 1035-1036. Les tuberculides. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (>•»;. 9), 9.5-114. Boeck, ('. (<■! iilii). Tuberculides. [IMtcu$iion.] Practi- tii.rur, 65, 1900, 574-576. Boeck, KiKjiii von. For biography and works tee Auk, 3, 1886. 4'.)6; Ibis, 4, 1886, 388; Ltopol.iina. 22. 1886, HI; llniis, 2, 1886, 432-436 ; Wien Ornith. Ver. Mittli., 10, 1886. 143. Urnis des Tbales von Cocbabamba in Bolivia and der uiichsteii Umgebung. Wien Ornith. Ver. Miltb., 8, 1884, 100-102, 161-108. Zum Klinia von Cocbabamba. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 20, 1885, 370-372. Meteorologisc'be Beobacbtungen zu Cocbabamba. Wien, Meteorol. Ztscbr., 20, 1886, 417-418. Klimatologie von Cocbabamba in Bolivien. Wien (l.oK'r. lies. Mitth.. 29, 1886. 4.5.5-46.",. Bock, tril:, \ Bamberger, .Mas. s, r Bamberger A Bock. Boeck, AUg. But. Ztschr.. 1899, 53; licutsch. But. Ge^. Ber., 17, 1899, (211)-(218) ; Bremen Abb.. 16, 1900. 4''3-466. '[Symbolie ad Horam Brasilia- centralis cognoso-udam. Edit. Eng. Wakmi.vo. Particula xxv.] CyTX'racese novic in vicinia urbis Rio de Janeiro a cl. I>r. .K. Gi.(Zioc collectw. Kjobenh. Vid. Medd., 1 Jt 2, 1879-80, 24-31. Die auf der Expedition S.M.S. Uazrlle von I'r. NArajiNS geiiammelten Cviieraoeen. Eugler, Bot. Jbiich., 5. 1884, 89-94. Neue Cvperaceen. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 5. 1884. 497-521. [Beitrage zur Flora des siidlicben Japan und der Lin-kiu-Inseln auf Grund der von Dr. DriiiRBLKiN uud Tachibo gesammelten Ptianzen herausgegeben.] CyperaccR-. Engler, Bot. Jbiich.. 6. 1886. •50-.52. Neue Cvperaceen von .\rgentiuien, Muxikn. Ali^tk* und dem Kilimandscbaro. Engler, Bot. Jbiich.. 7, 1886. 273-2.S0. Ueber ein vermeintlich neues Cyperareen-Genus. Bot. Ceiilrbl., 29. 1887. 277. Bbckeler] G30 Plantse Lebmanuianse in Guatemala, Costarica et Columbia collects. Cyperacea;. Engler, Bot. Jbiioh., 8, 1887, 205-207. [Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Flora von Deutsch-Siil- west-Afrika und der angrenzenden Gebiete.] Cyperaceiu. Brandeub. Bot. Ver. Verb., 2;i, 1888, 45-48 ; 311, 1889, 139; 31, 1890, 179-180. Ein neues Cyperaceen-Genus. Bot. Centrbl., 39, 1889, 73. Ueber eine neue Carex-Art vom Rigi und sine zweite wieder aufgefundene Schkuhr'sche Art von den Siid- Alpen. Bot. Centrbl., 42, 1890, 134-136. Cyperaceie BraRilienses novae. Kjobenh. Vid. Medd., 1894, 237-240. Diagnosen neuer Cyperaceen. AUg. Bot. Ztschr., 1895, 18.5-187, 201-202, 225-226; 1896, 1-3, 17-20, 33-35, 53-50, 77-79, 93-95, 109-113, 141-148, 157- 160, 173-175, 189-192. [Die Flora der Samoa-Inseln. Teil ti. Sipbonogameu.] CyperaceiE. Engler, Bot. .JInieb,, 25, 1898, 58.5-588. Bockeler, [■/oliaiin] Otio, Kulin, [Frieilrich Adalbert] Ma.r[imiliaii], Kackel, Kilf, & Buchenau, Franz. See Kuhn, Hackel, Bockeler & Bucbenau. Bocker, Frieilrich. Kiinstlicbe Erzeugung von Eegen- wolken. Wetter, 5, 1888, 174-177. Boecker, J. Krystallograpbiscbe Beobachtungen am Idokras. Ztscbr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 225-231. Boecker, IT. Emil. Ueber ein neues Mikrotom mit Gefriereinrichtung, automatiscber Messerfiibrung und selbsttbiitiger Hebung des Objectes. Ztscbr. lustru- mentenk., 4, 1884, 12.5-127. Bockh, Hugv. Asvany-ujdonsag Budapesten a Kis- Svabbegyriil. [Eine mineralogisebe Novitat vom Buda- pester Kleinen Scbwabenberg.] Foldt. Kozlon. , 28, 1898, 129-131, 167-169. Adatok a Pecten denudatua is a Pleuronectis comitatus kerd^s^bez ujabb magyarorszagi leletek alapjan. [Bei- trage zur Frage iiber Pecten denudatus und Pleuronectis comitatus auf Grund neuerer ungarliiudischer Fuude.] Foldt. Kozlon., 28, 1898, 353-357, 371-375. Adatok a Pecten denudatus, Reuss, es a Pleuronectis comitatus, .Font., k^rd^s^hez. [Beitriige zur Frage des Pecten denudatus, Reuss, und Pleuronectis comitatus, Font.] Termt. Kozlon. , 30, 1898, 433; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 347. Nagy-Maros koruyekenek fijldtani viszonyai. [Die geologischen Verbaltnisse der Umgebung von Nagy- Maros.] [1899.] Magyar Fiildt. Int. Evk., 13, 1899- 1902, 1-57; Uug. Geol. Anst. Mittb., 13, 1899-1902, 1-62. Orca Semseyi, uj Orca-faj a salgotarjani Alsd-Mioczeu retegekbiil. [Orca Semseyi, eine neue Orca-Art aus dem unteren Mioea^n von Salg6tarjan.] [1889.] Magyar FiJldt. Int. Evk., 13, 1899-1902, 93-97; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mittb., 13, 1899-1902, 103-107. Bockli, Jdnos. A Magyar Kir. Foldtani Int^zet ^vi jelen- t^se 1883-rai. [Jabresbericbt der K. Ung. Geologischen Anstalt fiir 1883.] FOkit. Kozlon., 14, 1884, 161-174, 307-322. A Magyar Kir. Foldtani Int(5zet i5vi jelent^se 1884-r81. [.Jahresbericht der K. Ung. Geologischen Anstalt fiir 1884.] Foldt. Kozlon., 15, 1886, 217-245, 393-422. Daten zur geologischen Kenntniss des nordwestlich von Bozowics sicb erhcbeuden (lebirges. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1886, 135-16H. Triaskorbeli lerakodasok I'elli'pte Szaszkabanyan. [Da.s Auftreteu von Trias-Ablagerungen bei SzAszka- bauya.] Fdldt. Kiizlon., 18, 1888, 182-194, 280-294. Adatok az Iza volgye felsi'l szakasza geologiai viszo- nyaiuak ismeretehez kiilcinus tekintettel az ottiini petro- Icumtartalniu leriikodasokra. [Datin zm- Kenntniss der geologischen Verbiiltnisse im oberen .\b.scbnitte des Iza- Thales mit besonderer Berucksicbtigung der dortigeu Petroleum fuhreuden Ablagoruugen.J [1894.] Magyar [Boeddiughaus Fuldt. Int. Evk., 11, 1894-96, 1-79; Uug. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 11, 1897-98, 1-93. A hiiromszekmegyei Sosmezii es kornyekenek geologiai viszonyai, kiilcinos tekintettel az ottaui petroleumtar- talmu lerakodasokra. [Die geologischen Verbaltnisse von Sbsmezo und Umgebung im Comitate Haromsz^k. Mit besonderer Beriieksichtigung der dortigen Petroleum fiihrenden Ablagerungen.] [1895.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 12, 1895-98, 1-193; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 12, 1900-01, 1-222. A geologia fejlod^s^nek rovid tort^neteMagyarorszagou 1774-t61 1896-ig. [Kurze Gescbicbte der Entwickelung der Geologie in Ungarn vom Jahre 1774-1896.] [1896.] Fiildt. Kozldn., 27, 1897, 4-15, 109-122. Kovid kozlemeny a baranyamegyei Vasas ^s Hosszii- Heteny kiizt fekvo, Kose.nfeld Bernat b^csi lakos tulaj- donat kepezo Liaszbeli kutatasi turiiletrol. [Kurze Mittheiluug iiber das zwiscben Vasas uud Hosszii- Het^uy, im Comitate Baranya beiindliche Liassische Scburfterrain des Herrn Bernbard Rosenfeld in Wien.] Fiildt. K5zlon., 30, 1900, 2.55-261, 289-295. Bockli, Jdiios, Scliafarzik, Ferencz, & Kotb, Lajos. See Scbafarzik, Rotb & Bockli. Bocking, .idolf. For biographical notice see Leopoldina, ol. 1898, 106. Boeckler,.! »(/«»■(, i»WisUcenu8,IFii/icZ)H. ,S'<'<' 'WisUcenuB & Boeckler. Boeckmann, Edward. Surgical sterilization and sterilizers in ]irivate practice. Araer. Micr. Jl., 18, 1897, 48-54. Bockmann, F\ *Einige Anmerkungeu iiber die Zucht von Xantbia togata, Xantbia gilvago uudOrthosia eireel- laris. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 2, 1876, 142-143. *Beitriige zur Fauna der Niederelbe. xxi. Ornitho- logiscbe Beitriige zur Fauna der Niederelbe. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterb. Verb., 3, 1878, 252-270; 4, 1879, 249. Boeddicker, Otto. *0n the influence of magnetism on the rate of a chronometer. [1882.] Dubhn Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 1-56. Notes on the aspect of the planet Mars in 1884. Accompanied by sketches made at the observatory. Birr Castle. [1884.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 301-304. On the lunar radiant heat during a total eclipse, as observed at the Earl of Rosse's observatory at Birr Castle, Parsoustown. [1885.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc, 4 (1883-85), 427-431. On the changes of the radiation of heat from the moon during the total eclipse of 1884, October 4, as measured at the observatory. Birr Castle. Communicated with a note by the Earl of Rosse. [1885.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 321-332. A large meteor. Nature, 31, 1885, 194. Ueber die Verimderungen der Wiirme.strablung des Mondes wiihrend der totalen Mondbnsterniss 1888 Jan. 28. Astr. Nacbr., 118, 1888, 309-310. Observations of the planet Jupiter, made with the retlei-tor of three feet aperture at Birr Castle Observatory, Parsonstowu. [1888.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 4, 1888- 92, 271-288. The total eclipse of the moon of 1888 January 28, as observed at Birr Castle Observatory, Parsoustown. Nature, 37, 1888, 318. Note to accompany a drawing of tbe Milky Way. [1889.] Astr. Soc. Montb. Not., .50, 1890, 12-15. • Lunar radiant beat, measured at Birr Castle Observa- tory, during the total eclipse of January 28, 1888. [1891.] Du'blin Soc. Sci. Trans., 4, 1888-92, 481-512. BoddlnghauB, ./. Die elektrischen Beleucbtungsanlageu lieiiii (irul)cnlietriebe des Mecbernicber Bcrgwerks-.'Vktien- V, 11 ins. I'llektrotocbn. Ztscbr., 5, 1884, 103-106. Boeddingtaaus, )l'altlier. Untersucbungcn iiber Nitro- sobasen. 1) Ueber ^-Nitrosobenzylanilin und -toluidine. Liebig'a Ann., 263, 1891, 300-313! Boedding-hausl (V.U [Boehm Boeddlnghaus, ll'ulth.r, .V Bredt, [Coiiniil] J[iiliitii]. S,'i' Bredt A Boeddlnghaus. Bodecker, . WirkuriKon dtr EiBcnbnhnFalirzc'UKc iiiil' die Schiencn. Hannover ArchitcktVir. ZtHchr.. ■M. 1887, K)2-40(). Bodecker, ('. /■'. IT. Action of arHenioux iioid upon (iintiiml and piilji tissue. Brit. .11. l>rntHl Sci., 27, 1884, iV.V.i-tV.iH. BSdecker, ('. /'. II'., & Heltzmann, Carl. See Haiti- man n >V Bodecker. Boedeker, ./|»sf IIS |. Zur KeDDtDies der acutcn alkoholi- scluri OphtlialnioiileRioen. Arch. Psvchiatr., 27, 189B, «Iii-m:s(). Boedeker, ./[H.ifH.i), it JoUusburger, Otto. CiiRuistisclicr BeitraK zur Kiiintniss diT anutoniiscben Befundc bei spinaler Erkraukung mit progressivnr Aniimie. Arch. I'sycliiatr., :^0, 1898, :i72-:i.i'.l. Boedeker, ./[iixlim], & Biemerllng, Elrnut]. See Biemer- llng A Boedeker. Boder, {l\. Oni skurestriher i DaDniark og besloegtede fienomener. Kjubenh.. Dansk Geol. For. Meddel., .5, 1899, 73-104; Neues .Ibuch. Min., 1901 (Bd. 1, Rel.), 13.5-13('>. Bohlendorff, ir[i(/ic/m]. Bemerkungen zu der Abfaand- lung des Hrn. B. Walter: "Ueber den Nachweis des Zerfftlles von Moleculargruppen in I.osnngen durch Fluoresccnz- nnd .\lisorjitionserscheinurgen." Ann. Phys. Chem., 43, 1891, 784-789. Ueber -Ambroin. unter Vorfiilirnng der Fabrikate der .\mbroinwerke. G.m.b.H. Elektrotecbn. Ztschr., 19, 1898, 429-430. Botam, .^[mitnd], A- VTiUgerodt, ' llrinricli\ Clonriid ( luittoph]. Srr WlUgerodt A Bolun. Bohm, .l|/cj--r| .(. Utbtr die Uefnicbtung dc8 Seun- iiiigiiii'ieB. |1mh7.] Miinchcn fief. Morphol. u. I'bvsiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 9-10; Miinchen, Ak. .Sljer., 17, 1888, .53-62. Ueber Heifung und Befruchtung de« Eies von Petro- myzon Planeri. Arch. Mikr. Anat., .32, 1888, 61.3-670. Die liefruehtung dcK Forelleneien. [1891.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 7, [1892|, 63-73. Bohm, Arthur. Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomic der Malpiglii'schen Kiirperehen der Niere. Virchow, Arch., 1-50, 1897, .5-.'-72. Bohm, Arthur, ii Brtiiii»n», Hunt. .See Bcliinaaa k Bohm. Bohm, .lufiutt [Joief Georg] (Edler von Rnhmrrthrim). •Eine PKcudomorphoae nach Distken. Min. Pctr. Mitlh., 2, 1880, .522-523. 'QnarzDiorit von Presaburg in Ungani. Min. Petr. Mittb., 2, 1880, .524-52.5. 'Ueber die Gcsteinc des Wech»eU. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883. 197-214. Die Hottinger Breccie und ihre Beziehungen zu den Glacial-Ablagcrongen. Wien, GeoL Jbacb., 34, 1884, 147-162. Der Vcrlauf der fJeoiBotbermcn unter Bergen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1884, 161-164. Die alten Gletscher der Enns und Stevr. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 35, 1885, 429-612. Die Hochsein der Ostalpen. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 29, 1888, 62.5-<>47. Ueber Gebirgsgrnppierung. Deatscb. Geogrtag. Verb., 1887, 1.52-158. Ueber die Genauigkeit der Bestimmung von Gebirgs- volumen nnd mittlerer MasAenerliebang. Dentscb. Geogrtag. Verb., 1889, 214-224. Die alten Gletscher der Mar und Murz. Wien Geogr. Ges. Abb., 2, 1900, 91-119. Bohm, .iuflust [.logef Georti] {Edler von Bijhmersheim), & ImOxU, .Jan. Die Fauna des Kelbeimer Dicfras-Kalke.t. Dritte Abtheilung : Kchinoideen. Palaeontographica, 31. 1885. 19.3-223. B6hm, Auflust [Joief Georrf\ {Edler eon Brihmenheim). Fcnck, Allnr.-ht, A Bodler, .Alfred. Srr Fenck, Bohm cV Kodler. Boehm, Curl. A' Pauljr, Ihrmann. See Paoly A Boehm. Bohm, E[rmt\ Ueber zwei verschiedene Formen des I>iacetylthyraochinondioxim8. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 2^. 1896, 1547-15 1'.i. Bohm, K[ni- ment der Sarthe. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 40. 1888. 657-665. Neue.« I.ia,s-Vorkommen auf dem Dinkelbcrge bei Basel. Freiburg Ber., 3, 1888, 129-132. Boehm] 632 I Boehm Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss fossiler Ophiuren. Frei- burg Ber., 4. 1889, aS-i-'iS?. UeberLitliiotis problematica, Giiinbcl. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 43, 1891, 531-532. IJeber eine Anomalie im Kelche von Millerieriuiis inespiliformis. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 43, 1891, 741-743. Megaloiion, Pachyerisma und Diceras. [1891. J Frei- burg Ber., 6, 1892, 33-.56. Ueber die Zugehorigkeit von Kothpletzia zu Hipponyx. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 44, 1892, .5.57-560. [Ueber Coralliochama. Ueber Eudisten vom Col dei Schiosi.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 44, 1892, 560- .561. Lithiotis problematica, Giiiitbel. Freiburg Ber., 6, 1892, 65-80. Ueber den Fussmuskeleindruck bei Pachyerisma. Freiburg Ber., 6, 1892, 119-120. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kreide in den Venetianer Alpen. Freiburg Ber., 6, 1892, 134-149. [Fossiles Cretaces du Frioul.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 479-480. Ueber fossile Ophiuren. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 45, 1893, 158-161. Gcelastarte und Heteropis. Freiburg Ber., 7, 1893, 169-178. Ueber Cornucaprina. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1893 {Bd. 2), 129-130. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Kreide in den Siidalpen. I. Die Schiosi- und Calloneghe-Fauna. [1895.] Palae- ontographica, 41, 1894-95, 81-148. Ueber Bihippurites. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 686-688. Beitrag zur Gliederung der Kreide in den Venetianer Alpen. Deutsch. Geol. Ge.s. Ztschr., 49, 1897, 160-181. Geologische Bemerkungen aus Transkaspien. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 49, 1897, 696-697. Geologische Beobachtungen zwi.schen Badenweiler und Kanderu. Oberrhein. Geol. Ver. Ber., 1897, 14-20. Ueber das fossile Trittpaar im Tertiar des badischen Oberlandes. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898, 204- 206. Ueber Capriuidenkalke aus Mexico. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898, 323-332. Geologische Beobachtungen am Lago di Santa Croce. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., .50, 1898, 430-434. Zur Kenntniss der Gattung .Joufia. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., .50, 1898, 591-592. Aptien und Hauterivien im kleinen Balchan. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 51, 1899, 335-340. Ueber einige Fossilien aus Buchara. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 51, 1899, 465-470. Mittheilungen aus dem Aufnahmegebiete des Blattes Kandern. Heidelb. , Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 3, 1899, 665-087. Reisenotizen aus Neu-Seeland. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 52, 1900, 169-177. Keisenotizen aus Ost-Asien. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 52, 1900. 554-558. Boehni, Georii, & Clielot, [Kmile]. Note sur les calcaires li I'crna et Megalodon du nioulin de Jupilles, pres Fye (Sarthe). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 403-414. Boliin, johuiincx. Untersuchung Aaehener Griinsand- fosHilicu. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1884, 55-56. Geologischea aus Oberitalien. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 180-181. Der Griinsand von Aachen und seine Mollusken- fauna. lionn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 42, 1885, 1-152. Flyseli (les Fiirberges. Hulzbergos. Teissonbcrgps und von Muntigl niit den Nierentalscliichten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890, 211-213. Die Kreidebildungen des Fiirbergs und Sulzbergs bei Palaeontographica, Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Nenes .Jbuch. Min., Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Palaeonto- Siegsdorf in Oberbayern. [1891.] 38, 1891-92, 106 pp. Ueber das Rbiit (?) am Antelao. Ztschr., 44, 1892, 826-827. Ueber Capulus rut'osus. Sow., up. 1894 (Bd. 1), 200-203. Ein Ausflug in's Plessurgebirge. Ztschr., 47, 1895, 548-557. Die Gastropoden des Marmolatakalkes. graphica, 42, 1895. 211-308. Ueber Ammonites pedernalis, r. liuch. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr , 50, 1898, 183-201. [Ueber Miocane Conchylien von den Selvagens-Inseln. ] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898 (Verh.), 33-39; 51, 1899, 184. Ueber Triasfossilien von der Baren-Insel. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 51, 1899, 325-326. Ueber Cretacei.sche Gastropoden [und Lamelli- branchiaten] vom Libanon und vom Karmel. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 52, 1900, 189-219. Boebm, Josef [Anton]. P^or biography and list of works see Leopoldina, 29. 1893, 210; Ann. Agron., 20, 1894, 43-46; Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 33. 1894 (C. R.), 34-35; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., li, 1894, (14)-(28); Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 43, 1894 (.4hk.), 579-586; Bot. Tidsskr., 19, 1894-95, xxiii-xxiv. *Ueber Absorption von Kohlensaure durch die vegetabilische Zellwand. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 {Beil.], 101, 180. *Ueber Beziehungen zwischeu Wurzelentwicklung und Blattgrosse. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil. ), 107, 180. *Ueber den aufsteigenden Saftstrom und den Ab- schluss lebender Zellen gegen iiussere Einwirkungen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beit), 114, 180. *Ueber die Aufnahme von Wasser und Kalksalzen durch (lie Blatter. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil.), 114, 180. •Respiration, combustion et luminosite. [1883.] Belg. Horticole. 34, 1884, 267-280. Ueber die Ursache des Mark- und Blatt-Turgors. Bot. Ztg., 44, 1886, 257-262. Ueber die Respiration der Kartoffel. Bot. Ztg., 45, 1887, 671-675. 681-692. Starkebildung in den Blattern von Sedum spectabile, Borraii. Bot. Centrbl., 37, 1889, 193-201, 225-232. Ursache des Saftsteigens. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, (46)-(56). Umkehrung des aufsteigenden Saftstromes. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 311-313. Ein Schulversuch iiber die Wasserversorgung tran- spirirender Blatter. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 313-314. Ursache der Wasserbewegung in transpirirenden PHanzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 40, 1890 (.41>li.), 149- 158. Ueber die Wasserversorgung transpirirender Pflanzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 40, 1890 (Sber.), 5.5-56. Ueber einen eigentliiimlichen Stammdruck. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 539-544. Transpiration gebriihter Sprosse. [1893.] Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 622-629, (234). Uelier die Kartoffdkrankheit. [1892.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 42, 1893 {Sl,ei:). 23-24. Ueber die Respiration der Kartoffeln. [1892.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 42, 1893 (Slier ), 47-49. Ueber einen eigentbiimliclien Stammdruck. [1892.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 42, 1893 (Sher.), 64-65. Capillaritiit und Saftst(ngen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 11, 1893, 203-212, (129). Boehm, k'nil. Die l'',xistenzbe(iingungen eiuea von deu eisteii und zu'i iteii DilTerentiakiuotienten der Coordinaten aliluingigen kinetischen Potentials. Crelle, .11. Math., 121, 1900, 124-140. Bohm] 633 [Bohr B&bm, L[iiiliri!i]. Die Mecliaiiik der OrtKVcriinderunK niit bcBoiuierer ]ieriiek8ichti«i'nk' dts I'fcrdes. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 13,1887, 290-317, 422-449; 14,1888, 24-38. Vergleichende t'ntersuchiingen iiberdie therapeutiHche Verwendbarkeit vcrHchiedcner Snlbciikonstitupntien. Miinchen Thierar/.nei-Schulc Jber., 1887-88, 90-lOK. Kin Versiicli iibcr die KcKorption von H.vdrarnyruiii salicyliciini hpim Kiiide. Miinchen Tliierarznci-Schalc .Jb(i\, 1888-89, 8.5-91. Quantitative llntersnchunRen fiber die Resorption nnd Aussoheidung des Quecksilbers bei innerlicher Verab- reichimg von Hj'drargyrum salicylicum. Ztschr. I'hy- siol. Cheni., I'j, 1891, I -3H. Bohm, I.{u:lwiii] K. Die Prioritiitefrage dpH Calciuni- cnrbids. Ztsdir. Aiig.w. Chcm., 1899, IC'jH-lOfJl. Bohm, .l/|.i.r|. ,V Engler, C[arl 0»ivald Viktor]. Set: Engler & Bohm. Bohm, J!\irliiinl <'.], .V Bluthmann, Jl'ilJietm. .SVi' Muthmann iV Bohm. Boehm, l![iiiioliih Alhrrt Miirliii], Beitiiige zur Kenntniss dir Hutiiilzo in ebemipchor iind toxikologischer Bt'zic- hung. I. Uoletus hiridus. [ii. Amanita pantherina.] Arch. Exper. Path., Vj, 1886, 60-81!. Ucbcr dns Vorkomnu'n mid die Wirkungen des Cholins und die Wirkungen der kiinstlichen Muscarine. Arch. Exper. Path., Ill, 1886, 87-100. Curaro. Arch. I'liarm., 225, 1887, .502-503. Ueber das Eclmjin. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der afrikaniselien Pfeilgifte. [1889.] Arch. Exper. Path., 26, 1890, 16.5-170. Ueber Milchsiiurebildung und Glycogcnschwund bei der Todtenstarre. Pttuger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 265-266. Ueber einen wirksamen Bestandtheil von Khizoma Pannie. [Unter Mitwirkung des stud. nied. A. Dullkkx.] [1894.] Arch. Exper. Path., 3r., 1895, 1-8. Beschreibungeines Myographiontisches fiir phar.nnako- logische Untersuchungen. [1894.] Arch. Exper. Path., 35, 1896, 9-15. Einige Beobachtungen fiber die Nervenendwirkung des Curarin. [1894.] Arch. Exper. Path., 35, 1895, 16-22. Das siidatnerikanische Pfeilgift Curare in chemischer und pharmakiilogischer Beziehung. i. Tlieil. Das Tubo- curare, fii. Theil (Schluss). i. Das Calebassencurare. u. Das Topfeurare. iii. Ueber einige Curarerinden.] [1895-97.] Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh., 22, 1895, 199- 238; 24, 1898, 1-52. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Filixsiiuregruppc. [1896.] Arch. Exper. Path., 38, 1897. 35-58. Ueber das Gift der Larven von Diamphidia locusta. Arch. Exper. Path., 38, 1897, 424-427. Ueber Curare und Curarealkaloide. Arch. Pharm., 235, 1897, 660-684. Ueber homologe Phlorogluciue aus Filixsaure und Aspidin. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 171-191. Ueber Filieinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 307, 1899, 249- 282. Boehm, R[udolph Albert .Varfi'n], A- Xiilz, [Rmlolph] K\tlutinl]. Ueber den giftigen Bestandtheil der essbaren Morcliel (Helvella esculenta). Arch. Exper. Path., 19, 1885, 403-414. Bohm, Richard. For biography and works see Berlin, Alrik. Ges. Mitth., 4, 1883-85, 204-295; Ibis, 3, 1886, 338-339; Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1886, 354-368. [Keise von Earema nach Mpala, Juli-.\ug. 1883.) [1884.] Berlin, Afrik. Ges. Mitth., 4, 1883-85, 170- 178. Neue Vogelarten aus Central-Afrika. Jl. f. Ornith.. 32, 1884, 176-178. .\us Marungu. Ztschr. Gesam. Ornith., 1, 1884, 10.'>- 112. OrnithologiHche Notizen aus Central-Afrika, in. Jl. r. Ornith., 33, 1886, 3.5-73. Bohm, HichtiTd, dc KaUer, K[m>r\. •Hoise nach dem Tiinganika. [18«2.| Berlin, Afrik. Gcs. Mitth., 3, 1881- 83. lKl-208. Bohm, llirhiird. iV Belchard, Paul. 'Bcricht fiber die Befahning des Wala westhch von Gonda bis za seiner Miinilung. [1882.] Berlin, Afrik. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1881- 83, 209-216. Ueber die Keise von Gonda bis Karema. (December 1882-Januar 1883.) [1884.] BerUn, Afrik. Ges. Mitth., 4. 1883-85, 79-91. Bohm, Richard. Kaiser, Klmil], & Belchard, Paul. 'Die 0^lnfrikanische Station. [Berichl uber die Station Kakonia.] [1881.] Berlin, Afrik. Ges. Mitth., 3, U81- 83, 2-21. Bohme, . [Ueber die agrptische Papierirtaude (Cvperus papyrus, I,., Papyrus antiquorum. It'.).] [1890.] KiUsel Ver. Nat. Abh. u. Ber.. 42, 1897, xxii. Boehmie, .4. Ueber genaue Vergleichungen einer Pendel- Ubr mit der Normal-Uhr am Potsdamer Thor in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 69-74. Bohme, /•.'. P. The instability of cements rich in magnesia. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 8, 1889, .50. Bohmer, C'[cbcn Kanal. Ann. der Hydrogr., 22 (1894), 39.5-103. Tlie inlerntttmnul Polar eX|)eilitionH, 1882-83. [1895.] U. S. Wealb. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 409-48.5. Ueber die Gezciten. l)out«cb. Geogrtag. Verb., 1896, 99-109. Kigentbiimliche Gewitter. Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), 435-436. .MIgenieiiier .iu.sdruek fiir die Coefficienten dcr Formel fiir ilie .\bleukung einer Magnetnadel durcb eirien Ablen- kungsstab in beliebiger Lage. Terrestrial Magn., 1, 1896, 170-190. The law of divisibility. [1897.] Nature, 57 (1897- 98i, 54-55. Ueber die Gezeitenerscbeinungen in dem Engliscben Kanal und dem siidwestlicbcn Tbeilc derNordsee. Ann. der Hydrogr., 20 (1898), 414-421, 462-474, 480. Zur Lehre von der Deviation dei Kompa^^ses. .Ablei- tung des .\usdruck8 fiir die Schwini-'ungsdauer einer unter dem Eintlusse eines beliebig gelegeuen Magnets stebenden Nadel. [1897.] Terrestrial Magn., 4, 1899, 67-69. Ueber die Auflosang des Zweihdhen-Problems nach einer Niiberungsmctbode von Kapkb, unter Benutzung der Tabelle der Mercatorscbcn Funktionen. Ann. der Hydrogr., 28 (1900), 84-89. Borgen, Curl [SimUii .Jensen], & Copeland, lialph. See Copeland iV Borgen. B^rgesen, F[ieilerik C. £.]. Et lille bidrug til Buru- bolms Desmidie-flora. [1889.] Bot. Tid.sskr., 17, 1890, 141-1.52. Nogle Ericinee-baars advikllngsbistorie. Bot Tids- skr., 17, 1890, 307-314. Bidrng tii kundskaben om arktiske planters blad- bygning. [189-5.] Bot. Tidsskr., 19, 1894-95, 219-243 ; Bot. Ccntrbl., 70, 1897, 157-1-58. Sur I'anatomie des feuilles des plantes arctiqaes. Jl. Bot., Paris, 9, 1896, 1-7, 21-27. Ferskvandsalger fra 0stgrnnland. [Algues d'eau douce du GrOnland oriental.] [1894.] Medd. Grunland, is, 1896, 1-41, {Itts. 479-481). En for Fiirnerne ny Laminaria. [1896.] Bot. Tidsskr., 20, 1896-96, 403-4a5; Bot. CentrbL, 70, 1897, 50-57. Beretning om ct par exkursioncr i Sydspanien. [1897.] Bot. Tidsskr., 21. 1897-98, 139-1-50; Bot. Centrbl., 74, 1898. 139-140. Nogle ferskvandsalger fra Island. [1899.] Bot. Tidsskr., 22, 1898-99, 131-138. Conspectus algarum novarum aquie dulcis, qnas in insulis Faeroensibus invcnit [auctor]. Kjobenh. Vid. Medd., 1899. 317-330. .K contribution to the knowledge of the marine alga vegetation on the coasts of the Danish West-Indian islands. [Et bidrag til kundskahen om alge-vegetationen ved kvsterne af Dansk Vestindien.] Bot. Tidsskr., 23, 1900. 49-57, .58-00. B«rgesen, F[reemc i 1.895. [1896.] Bot. Tid>>kr., 20, 1895-96, 143-1.58. Bdrgesen, y[reder\k C. E.], Jt Fanlsen, Ore. Om vegeta- tiouen paa de dansk vestind.ske i>er. [18ltH.] Bot. Tidsskr., 22, 1898-99. 1-114; IJev. Gen. Bot.. 12. 1900. 99-107. 138-1-53, 224-245, 289-297, 344-354, 434-14i'.. (-'O no. Bocri. liiottinni, .V Reale, Enrico. See Reale ,v Boeri. 80—2 Boeri] G36 [Bbrnstein Boeri, Giovanni, & SUvestro, R. di. Sur le mode de se comporter des diffcientes sensibilit^s sous raction de divers agents. [1898.] Arcli. Ital. Biol., 31, 1899, 460- 464. BoerlB, Giovanni. Araeuidi raccolti nel Sud-America dal Dott. Viucenzo Bagazzi. Modeua See. Nat. Atti, 8, 1889, 123-135. Di alcuni ragni d" Ustica. Nat. Sicil. , 8, 1889, 237- 239. Studio cristallografieo di alcuue sostauze organiche. Giorn. Miu. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 30-34, 267-277. Note di mineralogia italiana. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 103-107. Azione dell' acido nitroso suU' anetolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 [Ft. 2), 165-194. Studio cristallografieo di alcuni nuovi composti organici. Eoma, B. Ace. Liucei Bend., 3, 1894 (Seiii. 1), 199-204. Sopra la calcocite di Montecatini. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Kend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 304-309; Eiv. Mm. Crist., 14, 1894, 26-32. Sulla forma cristallina di aleuni derivati dell' anetolo. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 29, 1896, 1234-1248; Eiv. Min. Crist., 17, 1897, 36-51. Suir epidoto della Comba di Compare Eobert (Avi- gliana). [1897] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 436- 466 or 670-680 ; Eiv. Min. Crist., 20, 1898, 0,")-76. Sulla forma cristallina di alcuue nuove sostauze organiche. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Bend., 31, 1898, 149- 156. Sulla forma cristallina di alcuni nuovi composti organici. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 31, 1898, 296- 301. Sulla forma cristallina dello isoapiolo d' aneto e del tetrametilapionolo. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 31. 1898, 443-447. Nuove osservazioni sopra i miuerali della Comba di Compare Bobert. [1899-1900.] Torinu Ace. Sci. Atti, 34, 1898, 451-463 or 609-621 ; Biv. Mm. Crist., 23, 1899, 20-32. Sopra la tridimite di S. Pietro Moutagnon negli Euganei. [1898.] Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 38, 1899, 17- 32; Biv. Min. Crist., 22, 1899, 66-80. Sopra una rimarchevole somiglianza di forma cristal- lina tra composti organici. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 39, 1900, 111-123. Sopra la perowskite di S. Ambrogio in valle di Susa. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Eend., 9. 1900 (Sem. 1), 52-55. Forma cristalliua del tolauo. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 382-383. Pirite di Valgioie. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 33, 1900, 488-495 or 714-721. Boeris, Giovanni, & Angeli, Angelo. See Angeli & Boeris. Boeris, diovanni, & Ciamieian, Giacomo Lnigi. See Ciamician & Boeris. Boerlage, •/. , * Duparc, Louis. See Dup£u:c & Boerlage. Boerlage, .Jlacob^ G. Mededeeling over het onderzoek van den Heer J. Haak omtrent liet thallus van Eafflesia patma, Bl. [1885.] Nederi. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 400-401. — — Voorloopige mededeelingen omtrent cenige Indische Araliaceen. Nederi. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 441-454. lievision de quelques genres des Araliacees de Tarchipel Indien. Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 6, 1887, 97-128. Mati^riaux pour la flore de Buitenzorg. [1889.] Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 8, 1890, 47-78. De flora van Marken. [1887.] Nederi. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 56-60. Het geslacht Achyranthes, L., in 's Bijks Herbarium te Leiden. [1889.] Nederi. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 420-430. Samandura of Samadera? eeoe quaestie op het gebied der botanische nomenclatuur. [1889.] Nederi. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 520-523. Aanteekeningen omtrent de kennis der flora van Nederlandsch-Indie. Nederi. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 657-672. Over een Amerikaansche aankomeling Amsinckia lycopsoides, Lehm. [1894.] Nederi. Kruidk. Arch., 6, 1895, 439-443. On Chionanthus Ghaeri, Gaertn. [1895.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 31, 1895-97, 246-248. Sur la maniere de flotter et la germination des fruits du Hei'itiera littoralis, Drijund. Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., Svppl. 2, 1898, 137-142. Over een uieuwe verwililerde Portulacacee. [1897.] Ned.erl. Kruidk. Arch., 1, 1899, 206-208. Enumeration des vegetaux producteurs de caoutchouc et de getah-pertja recoltees par le Dr. P. van Bomburgh dan.f les lies de Sumatra, Borneo, Eiouw et Java. Buiten- zorg Inst. Bot. Bull., 5, 1900, 29 pp. Boerlage, J[acob] G., & Koorders, .5. H. Bijdragen tot de kennis der boomflora van Java. [ni. Een nieuw Javaansch woudboomeu-geslacht, Bruinsmia.] Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 53, 1893, 68-72. Een nieuwe Javaansche boomsoort. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 56, 1897, 185-189. Boerma, D[avid Jakob]. Ueber einen Fall von symmetri- schcn Lvmphonien in der Orbita. Arcli. f. Ophthalm., 40. lS9i(.ibth. 4), 219-230. Boerma, D[(uid .Jakob], & Walther, Klarl]. Unter- suchungen iiber die Abnalmie der Sehschiirfe im Alter. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 39, 1893 (.ibth. 2), 71-82. Bomer, C[ii?-i]. Vorliiufige Mittheilung zur Systematik der Sminthurida>, Tullb., insbesondere des Genus Smin- thurus, Latr. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 609-618. Boemer, Charles G. For biographical notice see V. S. Monthly Weath. Bev., 28 (1900), 22. Observations of meteors made at Yevay, Ind., Aug. lOtb, 11th and 12th, 1884. Lat. 38° 46', Long. 84° 59' 20" . 5 ; above sea-level 525 feet. Sidereal Messenger, 3, 1884, 236-237. Boerner, Chns. R. An early spring trip. Philad., Ent. News, 5, 1894, 175-176. Bornstein, A"[) ».■.•( Gustav]. Ueber Oxydation des Glycerins in alkalischer Losung und einc bequeme Methode zur Darstellung reiner Gl.ycerinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 3357-3358. Zur Einwirkung von Quecksilberoxyd in alkalischer Losung auf Glycerin. Ztschr. Ver. Eiibenzuckerind., 36, 1886, 45-46. Erwideruug, betreffend die Fluoresceinreaction zur Erkennung des Benzoesauresulfinids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3396-3397. Zur Erkennung des Benzoesiiure-Sulfinids (Fahlbebo's "Saccharin'') in Nahrungsmitteln. Fresenius, Ztschr., 27, 1888, 165-108. Ueber die Einwirkung von Benzolsulfocblorid auf Nitrosodimcthylanilin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1479-1488, 2667. Oxydation des Anilins. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1898 |77i. 2, Hiilfle 1), 110. Bornstein, 7-.'[™,<( Gustav], & Herzfeld, Alexander. Ueber Oxvdation der Lavuloso. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 188"6, 3353-3337; 19, 1886. S3. See ahu Herzfeld iV Bbrnstein. Bornstein, R[icliard]. *[Versuche iiber temporiiren Mag- nelismus.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1874, 120-121. Ueber den von Nipheu vorgesclilagenen Schutz- trichter fiir Eegennicsser. Meteorol. Ztschr., 1 (1884), 381-387. Ueber locale Wetterprognose. [1884.] Wetter, 1, 1886, 3-10, 41-48, 65-71, 97-101. Bewegung einer BiJe iiber Berlin. Meteorol. Ztschr., 2 (1886), 194-195. Bbrnsteinl 637 I Boeseken llcrlin. Meteorol. ZtKcLr., 'I (1885), Uuwetttr 330-33«. Ueber eine iiiteressantc iiietcorulogiscbe Ernchcinung. [1S85.] Wetar, 2, 1888, ".)U-97. AufzeicLiiuiigC'U der metcorolof^ihclicn UcgUtrir- ujipuiute in der LanduirthHclmltlichen Hocbxcbulc wiilirtnd eiiier Graupelboc. Berlin I'byu. Gcb. Verb., 1886, 1-2. Gewitter im Juli ISHl. Berlin Phjs. Ges. Verb., 1886, 87 (hUyB. Ges. Verb., 1888, U-IO. Ein neuer Klektrieiliit>,ziibler. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1888, iy-'23; Eleklrotecbn. Ztscbr., 9, 1888, 17t*- 180. Eine Beziehung zwiscben dem Luftdruck und dem Stundtnwiukel des Mondes. Metcurul. Ztscbr., 8 (1891), lGl-170. IClektrische Beobacbtungen bei zwci Ballonfabrten. Berlin Pbys. Ges. Verb., 1894, 35-46. Klectrisebe Bcubacbtungen bei Luftfabrten unter Einduss der Balluuladung. .\un. I'bys. Cbem., ti2, 1897, b8U-6«6; Deutscb. Natf. Verb., 1897 (7Vi. 2, UaljU 1), 50. Uer jtibrliche und tii^licbe Gang des Niederstlilages in Berlin N. Meteorol. Ztscbr., 14 (1897/, 209-214. Buenstudieu gelegeutlicb des Geuitteis voiu 22. Juni 1898. Meteorol. Ztscbr., Iti (1899), 1-5. Ueber Witterungsdicnst. Wetter, Ki, 1899, 169-173, 193-200. Eine Beziebung zwiscben Luftdruckverteilung und Monddeklinatiou. [1899-1900.] Pbys. Zt^-cbr., 1, 1900, 54-50, 44(5-448; Meteorol. Zt.scbr., 17 (1900), 276-278, 420-424. Gewitterbeobaebtungen bei einer Ballonfabrt. Me- teorol. Ztscbr., 17 (1900), 377-378. Bomatein, R\icUard\ ii Iiess, Emil. Ueber die Tempera- tuiverbaltnisse von Berlin. Meteorol. Ztscbr., 15 (1898), 206. Die Temperaturverbiiltnisse von Berlin. Nach Auf- zeicbnungen an der Kgl. Lundwirtbscbaftlicbeu Hocb- scliule. Meteorol. Ztscbr., 15 (1898), 321-332. Boerrlgter, A'. J . Ueber eiue Verunreiniguug in Aetber. Arch. I'lmrm., 223, 1886, 532-530. Borsdi, Li'Vuiic] .\\i\ton Carl Cosar]. Uer Cerebotani'sche Distttiizmesser. Ztscbr. Instrumentenk., 6, 1886, 77-86, 125-134. Das Miirkiscb-Tbiiringiscbe Dreiecksnetz. Preuss. Geod. Insi. Veroff., 1889, 144 pp. Bbrscb, [Fraiu] A[nlou Curl Ciisar], & Kriigar, [Johann Heinhch] L[ouiti]. Die europiiiscbe Liingeugradmessung in 52 Grad Breite von Greenwicb bis Warscbuu. ii. Heft. Geodiitisclie Linien, Parallelbogen und Lotbab- welcbungeu zwiscben Feagbiuaiu und Warscbau. Preuss. Geod. Inst. Verotl., 1896. 205 pp. Bortzell, .4/57-631. Ueber das VerbitltuisB von Koninckina, Sytest, zu Koninckella, ilunier-Chatmai. Deutscb. Geol. Ge«. Ztscbr., 48, 1896, 92.5-931. Cuutributo alia geologia della penisola di Sorrento. [1896.] Nupoli, Ace. Atli, 8. 1897, .Vu. «, 18 pp. Die Mittelliasiscbe Bracbiujxxleufauna der ustlicben Kordalpen. Nebst eincni Auhauge uber die Fauna des unteren Dogger im bayeriscbeo Inuthale. [1897.] Palaeontograpbica, 44, 1897-98, 14.5-235. Ueber Lias in Mexico. Deutscb. Geol. Ge». Ztachr., 50, 1898. 168-175. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der alpinen Trias. 1. Die Bercbtesgadener Trias und ihr Verbaltuiss zu den iibrigen Triasbezirken der uordlichen Kalkalpen. Deutscb. Geol. Ges. Ztscbr., 50, 1898, 468-586, 695-7';l ; 51, 1899, 184, XV. Geologia de los alrededores de Orizaba con UD perfil de la vertiente oriental de la mesa central de Mexico. Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol.. 13, 1899, 52 pp. Sobre la independencia de los volcanes de grietas preesistentes. [1900.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 14, 1899, 199-224, (AV». 225-231). Das Erdbeben in der Gegend von Freiburg am 17. November 1891. Karlsrube Nat. Ver. Verb., 13, 1900 (Abh.), 421-447. Bose, Emil, & Flnltclstaln, Ueinrich. Die Mitteljuras- siscben Brachiopoden-Scbicbten bei Cartel Te^ino im ostlicben Siidtirol. Deul-scb. Geol. Ges. Ztscbr., 44, 1892, 265-302. Nocbmals die Mitteljurassiscben Bracbiopoden- scbicbten bei Castel Tesino. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893. 239-241. Boae, Emil, 6: IiOrenzo, Giuseppt dr. Zur Geologic der .Monti I'icentmi bei Neapel. Deutscb. Geol. Go. Ztacbr., 48, 1896, 202-215. Per la geologia diUa Calabria settentrionale. Boma, K. Ace. Liucei li. nd., 5, 1896 [Sem. 2), 114-116. Geologiscbe Beobacbtungen iu der sudlichen Basili- cata und dem nord^estlicben Calabrien. Wien, GeoL Jbucb., 46, 1897, 23.5-268. Boae, Emil, i: Orddnes, Etequiel. See Oril6&«z & Bose. Bose, I mil, \ Sdiloaaar, 3/ax. Ueber die Hittelliasuicbe iJntcbioi'odenfautia von SiidtrroL [19U0.] PaUeunto- ^.T^ij'liica. 4ii. 1899-1900, 17.5-2i2. Boeseken, ./[iiru/^]. Sur un sel acide de cuivre de I'acide quinoleique. Kec. Trav. Cbim. Pays-Bas, 12, 1893. •253-254; Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 8, 1897, 11-12. Note sur la mttbode de coudeiifiation de Si. Cluscn. Rec. Trav. Cbim. Pays-Ba^^, 15, 1896. 161-164. tjur les produils de Taction des amines primaires sar les dinitrosacyles. Kec. Trav. Cbim. Pavs-Bas, 16, 1897, 297-353! Note sur la formation des cetones grasses aromatiques k I'aide du cblorure d'aluminiom. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 349-350. Action des le^sives caastiqnea dilo^ea et cooeentrfea sur Tacide tartrique droit. Bee. Trav. Cbim. Pavs-Bas, 17, 1898, 224-230. Boeseken] 638 [Boettger Contribution k la connaissance de la reaction de Friedel et Crafts. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 19, 1900, 19-2G. Boeseken, J[acob], & HoUeman, A[nwld] F[rederik]. .S'li Holleman & Boeseken. Boselager, (Friir.) Pliiliiiji eon. Ueber den Nutzen und Scliadeu der Eulen und auderer Maiisevertilger. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 12, 1888, 143-144. Bdsenberg, [Friedricli] ll'[illiflm]. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Aracliniden-Fauna von Madeira und den Canarischen Inseln. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abh., 13, 1895, No. 4, 13 pp. Die ecliten Spinnen der Umgebung Hamburgs. Hamb. Mus. Mitt.. 14, 1897, 13.5-156; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbueh., 14, 1897, Beiheft 2, 13.5-156. Die Spinnen der Rheinprovinz. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 56, 1899, 69-131. Bbsenberg, [Friedrieli] W[illieliii], & Iienz, Heinrich. Ostafrikanische Spinnen, gesammelt von Herrn Dr. F. Stohlmann in den Jahren 1888 und 1889. Hamb. Mus. Mitt., 12, 1895, 25-51; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 12, 1895, Beiheft, 25-51. Boessneck, Paul [Ernst}. Ueber die Condensation von Chloralhvdrat mit tertiaren aromatischen Aminen. Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1516-1521; 19, 1886, 365-369. Ueber Acetylorthotoluylendiamin (CH3 : NH, : NH . CO . CH3 = 1 : 3 : 4) und Acetylazimidotoluol. "Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1757-1760. Ueber einen Laboratoriums-Extractionsapparat. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 16(10. • Ueber die Condensation von Chloralhydrat mit seoun- daren aromatischen Aminen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 782-784. Ueber die Doppelverbindungen des Acetons mit den Sulfiten aromatischer Amine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1906-1910. • Kritische Untersuohungen iiber die Methoden zur Werthbestimmung von Weiusiiurerohmaterial. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 356-357. Verbesserter Extractionsapparat. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 870-871. Boessneck, Paul [Ernst], & Knofler, Oskar. See Knofler A Boessneck. Boeteau, [Louis], & Klippel, M[aurice]. See Klippel iV Boeteau. Boeters, {Kapt.) . Zur Hydrographie und Kiisten- beschreibuug von Ostalrika. Ann. der Hydrogr., 16 (1888), 121-124. Botscb, C. Zur Anwcndung von Antimonoxalat. Chem. Ztg., 9, 1885, 1787, 1905. Bottcher, (Hptm.) . [Notizen iiber spiitbliihende Species.] [1894.] Konigsb. Schr., 35, 1895, 50. Bottcher, Alhr. Ueber den Gang der Eispunktsdepression. Ztscbr. Instrumentenk., 8, 1888, 409-412. Bottcher, Alhr., & Wiebe, H[ermami] F[riedrich]. See VTiebe & Bottcher. Bottcher, [.Jahnb Krust] Arthur. For biography see Arch. Ohrenheilk., 28, 1889, 310; Leopoldina, 25,' 1889, 170, 214 ; St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 14, 1889, 281-282. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Darmmyome. Virchow, Arch., 104, 1886, 1-10. Kiickblicke auf die neuereu Untersuchungen iiber den Bau dur Sclinecke, ini Anscliluss an eigene Beobaclitungen. [1886.] Arcli. Olirenheilk., 24, 1887, 1-3H, 95-106. Wie kommt die Gehor.sompfindung in der Schnecke zu Stande? Arch. Ohrenheilk., 25, 1887, 1-10. [Kiickblicke auf die neueren Untersuchungen iiber den Biiu der Sclmecke.] Zur Verstandigung. Virchow, Arch., lOH, 1887, 219-220. Boettcher, /•,'. Konstantea und transportables galvaniaches Klcnicnt. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, 350-351. Primiirelement mit Kupferoxyd mit langer Konstanz, freiwilliger Itegeneratiou des Kupferoxyds und sehr billigem Betriebe. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 13, 1892, 205- 206. Erganzende Bemerkungen zura primaren Kupfer- oxydelement. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 636. Bottcher, Georg. Untersuchungen iiber die histologischen Vorgiinge und das Verhalten des Blutes in doppelt unter- bundeuen Gefassen. Beitr. Path. Anat., 2, 1888, 199- 219. Bottcher, L[ucyan] E. Zasady raehunku iteracyjnego. [Principes du calcul iteratif'.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 10, 1899- 1900, 6.5-101. B6wnania funkcyjne podstawnicze. [Functional substitution equations.] Wiad. Mat., 4, 1900, 233-235. O wiasnoSciach pewnych wyznacznikow funkcyjnych. [Einige Hauptsiitze aus der Theorie der Gr^vy'schen Determinanten.] [1900.] Krakow, Ak. (.l/af.-Prci/rod.) Rozpr., 18, 1901, 382-389; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.,' 1900, 227-228. Bottcher, 0[skar]. Bestimmung des Salpeter-Stickstoffs. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 41, 1892, 165-169. Zur Bestimmung des Stickstoffs nach der Kjeldahl'- schen Methode. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 41, 1892, 170- 173. Zum Nachweis von Verfalschungen des Thomasmehles. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 565. Zur Bestimmung des Aramoniak-Stickstoft's in kiinst- lichen Diingemitteln. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 151-152. Ueber die Bestimmung der "citratioslichen Phosphor- saure" in Thomasmehlen. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 168- 169, 783-784, 993-995. Zur Bestimmung der " citratioslichen Phosphorsaure " in Knochenmehlen, Superphosphaten, etc. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 201-202. • Ersatz der Wasserbader und Sandbader durch Asbest- luftbader. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 794-795. Zur Stickstoffbestimmung ini Salpeter. Jl. Landw., 48, 1900, 287-289. See also Kiihn, Gustar {et alii). Bottcher, (([.■sfcar], Kellner, (J[xl;ar -Toliann], & Diessel- horst, G[eorg]. See Kellner, Bottcher A Diessel- horst. Bottcher, 0[si(/c], Kiihn, Gustar, & Konig, G. See Kiihn, Konig cV' Bottcher. Bottcher, ]l'[ilhel)n], & BCraemer, U[ustav]. See Kraemer >V Bottcher. Bottger, [liuilolph Christian]. *[Der Versuch Gkahaji's beziiglich der Absorption des WasserstoSs durch Pal- ladium.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 110. *[Neue Vorlesuugsversuche beziiglich activen Wasser- stoffs und activen Sauerstoffs.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1873, 106-107. *[Ueber Untersuchung von Wasser in Bezug auf seine Trinkbarkeit, unter Beriicksichtigung von Am- moniak, salpetriger Siiure und Salpetersiiure.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1874, 186. *Die Nachweisung von occludirtem Wasserstoii im sogenannten explosiven Antimon. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1875, 53-54. *Ein ueues Losungsmittel fiir Trinitrocellulose. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1875, 54. Bottger, Heinrieh. Untersuchungen iiber Schwefelver- bindungen. I. Ueber die Polysulfide des Natriums. [u. Zur Constitution der Alkalipolysultide. in. Eiu- wirkung von Schwefel auf Natriummercaptid. iv. Zur Kenntniss des Schwefelathyls.] Liebig's Ann., 223, 1884, 33.5-354. Bottger, Leopold. Geschichtliche Darstellung unserer Kenntnisse und Meinungen von den Kiirallenbauton. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 63, 1890, 241-304. Boettger, Oskar. *Die Keptilion und Amphibien von Marocco, 11. [1883.] Sonckeub. Nat. Ges. Abh., 13, 1884, 93-146. Neuer fossiler Arohteozonites aus dem Tertiar der Boettger] 639 [Boettger Bbon. Deutsch. Malukozool. (ies. Jbiich., 11 (18B4), 289-291. Neue Helix aus Calabrien. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., Hi. 1884, UJ. Diagnoses specieruiii novarum Carnloliie, a el. Jos. Sti'ssinkr Labaccnsi collectariiiii. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 16, 1884, 184-185. Ueber Orygoceras, Brut. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1884 {Bd. 2), 44-45. .Melanopsis costata, Neumaijr non Olivier. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1884 {Hd. 2), 46-47. UeberRiinKC von Eratopais zu Erato. Huii.sKs' und AniNQKn's neuestes Werk. Hrulia fossil. Lebcnde Vertrcter zweier Hochheimtr L'litenuiociiner Land- schnecken. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1884 {lid. 2), 136-139. Liste der von Herm O. Hkfow.ski in Abcbasien gesammelten Kcptilien und Batrachier. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1884, 144-145. Liste der von Hirrn 0. Retowski in Abchaaien gesamnielten BinnenmoUuskeu. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1884, 146-155. Fossile liinnensclmeeken aus den tJntermiociinen Corbicula-Thonen von Niederrad bei Frankfurt (Main). Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1884, 258-280. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Sclmecken-Fauna von Central-Bosnien, sowie des siidlichsten Dalmatiens und Westmontenegros. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., 12 (1886), 53-71. Fundortslisten mitteleuropaischer Nacktsclinccken. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 17, 1885, 54-58. Ostdeutsche Arteu im Mosbacher Sand. Dentsch. Malakozool. (Jes. Nachrbl., 17, 1885, 80-82. Notiz iiber zwei Clausiliinie des Mainzer Beckens. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 17, 1885, lli;-117. Zur Fauna von Elis und .\chaia. Deutsch. Malako- zool. Ges. Nachrbl., 17, 1885, 117-123. Neue Stenoniphalus-Form (Rapaninae) aus dem Mainzer Becken. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 17, 1886, 14.5-147. Zur Siisswasserfauna der Umgebung von Darmstadt. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 17, 1886, 187. Zur Naturgeschichte des Griineders (Lacerta viridis, L.). Frankf., Zool. Garten, 20, 1885. 140-147. Ueber die wichtigsten Unter.schicde der fiinf deutschen RanaArten. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 26, 1886. 233-240. BerichtigunK betr. Realia rara, Btlg. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 (Bd. 2), 236. Materialien zur herpetologischen Fauna von China. I [and II]. Offenbach. Ver. Nat. Ber., 24 & 25, 1886, 115-170; 26-28, 1888, 51-191. Materialien zur Fauna des unleren Congo, i. Offen- bach. Ver. Nat. Ber., 24 & 25. 1885. 171-186. [ReisecrinneruDRen aus Algerian und Tunis, von W. KoBELT.] Anhang i. Liste lier von Hm. Dr. med. W. KoBELT in .-Mgcrien und Tunisien gesammelten Kriechthiere. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1886, Beilage, 457-475. Liste von Reptilien und Batrachiem aus Paraguay. Ztsehr. Natunviss., 58, 1885, 213-248. •J30-437. On live new sjiecies of shells of the genus Buliminus from the Levant, collected by Vice-Admiral T. Spb.vtt. Zool. Soc. Proo., 1886, 23-26. Die altalluviale MoUuskenfauna des Grossen Bruchs bei Traisa, Prov. Starkenburg. Darmst. Ver. Erdk. Notizbl., 7, 1886, 1-7. Neue Psludincn aus dem Mainzer Becken. Darmst. Ver. Erdk. Notizbl.. 7. 1886, 7-9. Zur Eenntnis der Melanien Chinas und Japans. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., 13 (1886). 1-16; 14 (1887), 105-117. Zur Fauna von Spitza-Sutomore in Stiddalmatien. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., 13 (1886). 34-41. Neuntes Verzeichniss (ix) von MoUusken der Kaa- kaKUsliindtr nach Sendungen des Herm Hans Lekek. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbucb., 13 (1886), 121-1.56. Zur Kenntniss der Neritinen Chinas. Deutsch. Malako- zool. Ges. Jbuch., 13 (1886), 211-223. Abbildun^en und Bewhreibungen von Binnenmol- lusken aus dem Talysch-Gebiei im Siidwesten des Caspisees (ii). Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiicb., 13 (18861, 241-2.58. Versc'hieppung von Schnecken mit Farbholz. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 18, 1886, 58. Erstc Oligoptvcbie der Crucita-Gruppe aus Kleinasieo. Deutsch. .Malako'zDol. Ges. Nachrbl., 18, 1886. 81-82. Eiu Fundort von Daudebardia brevipes. I'>'r., westlich des Rlielns. Deutsch. .MaUkozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 18, 1886, 145-140. I 'cber die aufgestellten Reptilien von Deli, N. Sumatra. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1886 {Th. 1), 81-88. Beitriigezur Herpetologie und .Malakozoologie Slid west- Afrikas [und Sud-.\frikas|. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1886 (77i. 2), 3-29; 1887 (77i. 2), 135-173. -Aufzahlung der TOn den Philippinen bekannten Repti- lien un-r,~:i. BoflU y Focb, Arlurii. ,V Almera, {can.) Jaime. See Almora A BofiU y Foch. BoKaevsklj, I.roidd (l\riiiiirjfvii-]. 06l. ypaBII('Ili)l.\I. A-iJi ni.i|i;i;Ki'iii;i yiipyroci ii iiaciJlut'Hiluxi. iiapOBi.. [Ueber die Zustaiidsgleicliimgen fiii' die Tension RCHattiK- ter Diimpfe.) [1895.] Hubs. Pliys.-Cbem. Soc. .11., 29 {PlnjK.), 1897, 87-95; Fortaclir. Phys., 1897 {.Iblli. 2), 176. 0 pasjiii'iiiuxi. c'OCTOJiiiijixT. BoiuecTBa. [Sur les diff<5renta (-tuts de la matiure.] [1895.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Mim.. 5, 1897, -Vo. 13, 101 pp. 0 ,T,l.'rt('TBill cl'.pllOH KIIC.IOTIJ lUl Tl)lir.l lIUcpilAt piimillo.U'Bdii UMCIOTI.!. [Action de I'aeide sulfurique snr le triricinoliate de Klvcervie,] Russ. Phys. -Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 {Chen,.). 1897", 282-28G ; Paris Soc. Chira. Bull., 18, 1897, 1257-1258. 0 :ianoirh iniMt.iioiiiji paanociii TCii.iocjiKOCTeB. [TTeber das Gesetz der Aenderunp der Differcnz dcr Warniecapacitiiten. ] Russ. Pbvs.-Clicm. Soc. .11.. 29 {Pliijs.), 1897, 97-107; Fortachr.' Phys., 1897 {.ibth. 21, 332. SogAr, Kdlmnn. Az itrol (czitromsavas eziist) es az eziistos kotiiszerck sepsis ellenea hatasardl. [Ueber die anti- septi.ache Wirkung des Silbers und dcr Silberverband- niateriale.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (On). Szak), 1897, 187- 205, (Her.) 32-3r,. Bogatyrev, N. Koi)a.l.lIJ JCBOHCKHXl OT.IO'/Keillfl yjia.ia. Korallen der Devoniscbeii Schichten ira Ural. Kuziui Soc. Nat. Trans., 32 (So. 5), 1899, 71 pp. (/?<■'». .■.■H-711, Bogdahn, Franz. PhenylRlycolenyl- und Phenylglyoxenyl- dioxytetrazotsiiure. [1892.] Liebig's Ann., 297, 1897, 371-380. PhcnylglycolenvloxytetrazotsaurcCeHjCHlOHlCN^OH. Liebig's Ann. , 298. 1897, 88-90. Bogdan, Georges. Rupture du foie et de la rate causee par iin traumatisnie aur le ventre Sana le.iions apparentes de la parol abdoniinale. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 20, 1888, 26-27. Mort aubite par h^morragie intra-abdominale, suite d'un coup de poing dana le ventre sana lesion apparente extt5rieure. Ann. Hyg. Publ., -10, 1898, 5til-5U(;. Bogdan, /. Cercetari asupra seleniatilor basic! criatalizati. Recherchea sur lea seleniates basiques cristallisea. [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 2, 1893], 77-81). [H'ifA French transl.] Sur un f^l^niate basique de cuivre cristallis^, et un compost^ analogue de cobalt. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 584-.586. Bogd&nfy, (M'i'i { = Edmund). Ombrometriai tanulmanyok a magyar korona teriileten. [Oiubronietrische Studien auf dem Gebiete der ungarischen Krone.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 15, 1897, 107-121 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 1.5, 1899, 132-149. — — A toll csapadek es a Tisza tavaszi anizei. [Der Niedersclilag im Winter und, die Friihjahrshochwiisser der Theiss.] Math. Termt. Ertes., IG. 1898, 489-505. Bogdanov, Anatolij P[etrovic]. For biography and works tee Arcli. Antropologia, 26, 1896, 237 ; Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 15, 1896, t)8-69; Kninkf., Zool. Garti-n, 37, 1896, 124; I.,eopoldin8, 32, 1896, 108; Nature, 53 (1895 96), 584; .St. Pi'tcrsb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 5, 1896, v-vii; Wien Anthn.p. (ies. Mitth., 2(;, 1896, [51]-(52]; Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull,, 90, 1897, 1 p.; Anat. Hefte {All. 2), 7, 1898, 55.3-554. Kajui. 'I'paiiuoBii'n. Pv.ii.k ii ero iipfMiuecTBcii- iiiiini lie) iiaoc.ipl; :too.ioriii Bi. HMllepaToJ)(•KOM^ -MocKOItclCDJIl VllllBcpcilTOTl;. [Carl Itocii.i.iEii and his prcdeccHsors in the chair of zoolo|gr at the Imperial University of Moscow.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 43 (No. 2), 1888. 215 pp. *Ivi, K|)aiiio.ioi'iir ('Mo.it'iicKHxi. i;ypraiiiiuxi. 'ICliCIIOBl.. [Contribution to the craniology of the skulls from the Smolensk tumuli.] [1879.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 {.Vo. 1), 1886. 71-74; Rev. d'Anthrop., 2, 1887, 520 (&M)-521 (bi>). ''0 wopeiiaxx ii:ii iuaj6iiiui ctiBopiiofl Pocciu. [On skulls from the burial grounds of N. Russia.] [1879.] .Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (So. 1). 1886. 89-92. *0 -«7).] Moscow, Sck:. Sci. Bull., 55. 1888. 226 pp.; 57, 1889, 304 pp. ; 70, 1891. 304 pp. ; 71 (bif), 1893. 126 pp. Note sur les ca.«tors de la Russie occidentale. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1889, 63-64. L'exploration zoologique de la mer Noire. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1889, 126-129. BogdanoT, /). P. ♦reo.iorniecKiB 0'^epK^ K>ro- :iaiia.i.iioii HacTii KysneKKaro KaiieiiiioyrojMiaro 81—2 Bogdanov] 644 [Bogdanovic 6acceHHa ir npiijieatamnx'b BOSBHraeHHOCTefi. [Geologisclie Skizze des siidwestlichen Tlieiles des Steinkohlenbeckens von Kuznetsk und der angrenzenden Hohen.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 18, 1883, 149- 204. Bogdanov, Elly A[natolievic]. BiOjloril^eCKia Ha6j[K)- Jieilifl HaAt OOIITaTe.iaMH naBOaa. [Biological ob- servations on Coprophagi.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 86, 1894, 18-19. Bio.ioniHecKifl naCjiioji,eHifl Ti^xb Konpo(J)araMii neipOBCKO-PasyilOBCKarO nOJJ'b MockBOIO. [Ob- servations biologiques sur les Coprophages des environs de Moscou.] St. P(5tersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 4, 1896, No. 3, 50 pp. Ueber die Fette des Fleisches. [1896-97.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 65, 1897, 81-89; 68, 1897, 408-430. Einige Beobachtungen iiber den Zusammenhang zwischen Kdi^perforni und Leistung bei den Kiiheu. Jl. Landw., 45, 1897, 271-293. Neue Metbode der Fettbestiramung in thierischen Substanzen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 431-433. Bogdanov, Modest INikolannc], For biography and works see Auk. 5, 1888, 333-334 ; Ibis, 6, 1888, 381-382 ; Nature, 37, 1888, 567; lekaterineub., Soc. Oural. Bull., 12 (No. 1), 1889, 54; Ornis, 5, 1889, 1.50-155. *CopoitonyTH PyccKoii (Jiaynn ii iix'i, copojiit'iii. [Laniidie of the Russian fauna and allied species.] [1880.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Rtiss.), 39, 1881 (Append. No. 1), 220 pp. Kurze Bemerkung iiber Phasianus Komarowii, n. sp. [1885.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 30, 1886, 356. Bogdanov, N. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Bedeutung der eosiuophilen Granulationen. Vorliiufige Mitteilung. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 26-31. De I'origine et de la valeur des granulations 6osino- philes et de leurs rapports avec la formation du sang. [1898.] Pbysiologiste Kusse, 1 (1898-99), 35-43. Bogdanov, /'. Osepo HaTHpi-KyjIt. [Lake Chatyr- kul.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 36, 1900, 332-336. Bogdanov, S^ergej] Bl[icliajIovi<:]. 0 mininium't, liorjio- meniji BOji,u Tipopoc'raioiiuiMii cIsMeuaMii (MeTo;i,'i> iruc.TlvlOBaniH). [On the minimum absorption of water in germmating seeds (method of investigation).] [1885.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 8 (1), 1886, Ivii-lix. Ofi'i, oiipej;t..ieiiiii iiaiiOojibiireil rurpocKouii'i- HOCTII nOMBt.. [On the determination of the maximum hygroscopicity of soils.] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, Ixxxviii-xc. Ueber das Verhalten der keimenden Samen zum Wasser im allgemeinen und speziell zur Bodenfeuchtig- keit. [2V.] Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 42, 1893, 311-366. Ofvh oiipeA'ftJieHiii iiJio;iopo,iifl iiombu. [On the determination of the fertility of a soil.] [1896.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 16 (1), 1899, iii-iv. Co,T,('pvKaHie cl.pu bi, pacreniflxi,. [Sur le soufre coiitenu dans les vigetaux.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Chnii.), 1899, 471-477; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 22, 1899, 965. Co;t«p;i:aiiiL' clipu bi> iiacTuiiijixi, (imcj'h- AOBailie CTyAt'ina IjAJlliCItaro). [Amount of sulphur in plants. (Investigation by stud. Zalkski.)] [1898.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 17 (1), 1901, vii-xi. Bogdanovic, Gavriil. L'eelipse ti Irkoutsk. Aatronomie, 1887. 425-421). Bogdanovic, K{urt] l[vaiiovii]. OpO-reoJIorHieCKifl iiafi.iKiAi-'iiiw HI. iiai'()|iiioii 'lacni I^aiiaciiiiicKoR ofuacTii II Bi> cliiiupiii.ix'L iipoiiiiimijixi. Ik'iniii. npeji;BapiITeJlLHHi1 OTMGT'I.. Compte rendu prelimi- naire sur les recherches oro-geologiques dans la partie montagneuse de la region Trauscaspienne et des provinces bor^ales de la Perse. St. P(5tersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 6, 1887, 66-104 (Res. 104). XopaccaHCKia ropH ii KyjiLTypiiaji no.ioca SaKacniftcKoil ofijiacril. [Khorassan mountains and the cultivated zones of Transcaspia.] [1887.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 23, 1888, 190-206. • • HicKMbKO cjiOB'L o6t oporpa(})iii it roo.ioriii cfeBepHOU Ilepcill. [QueUjues mots sur I'orographie et la geologic de la Perse septentrionale.] [1888.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 24, 1889, 203-223; St. P(5tersb., Com. Giol Bull., 8, 1890 (Suppl), 3. [BicTii 1I3T. ;^Kciieji;iiuiii bt> HenTpajiBHyio AsilO. News of the expedition in Central Asia.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 25, 1889, 408-420. • [BfccTii 1137. TuGercKori i^Kcnejimiii. Hiicmo IIST) Kepill. News of the Tibet expedition. Letter from Keria.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 25, 1889, 469-479; St. P<5tersb., Com. Giol. Bull., 10, 1891 (Siippl.), 3-4. K-b reoiioriii Cpe^iHeii Asiir. OniicaHie hI;ko- Topux'i. ocajoMHUXT. oupajOBaHiri SaKaciiiftcKaro Kpafl II MaCTII ctBepilOH Hepciii. [Notes sur la geologic de I'Asie Centrale. Description de quelques depots sedimentaires de la contrie Trauscaspienne et d'une partie de la Perse septentrionale.] St. Petei-sb. Min. Ges. Verb., 26, 1890, 1-192 (Res. 157-192). [BtcTii U3T> Tii6eTCKori aKcneji;imiii. News of the Tibet expedition.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 26, 1890, 482-4.58 [48.5]. Note preliminaire sur les observations gdologiques faites dans I'Asie Centrale. Paris, Soc. G(5ol. Bull., 19, 1891, 699-701. CtBepo-saiiajtHuri Tii6eTi,, KyanB-.iyHb ii Ptailirapifl. [Northwestern Tibet, the Kuen-lun Mts. and Kashgaria.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 27, 1891, 480-504. Bericht iiber [seine] Teilnahme an der Pewzowscheu Expedition. Petermann, Mitth., 38, 1892, 49-58. M'liCTOiiaxoatxeniji neclipiiTa bt> Ky;inb-.Tynt. [Die Fundorte des Nephrits im Kuenlun.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 29, 1892, 1.53-162; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1894 (lid. 2, Re/.), 24-26. 0 rpaclJii'ieuKOMTj MeTojtl; cieMitii iipiulopojn. r. lIIPAJlEt'a. [Ueber die graphische Aufnahmemethode vermittelst des Schraderschen Apparates.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 28, 1892, 587-594; St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 29, 1892, 180. 0 reorpa4)iiMecKiix'b pcisyjibTaTaxi. paCoTi bt. AkmojIuhckoh oo.iac'Tii II EHiiccricKoii ry6opniii ropnow 9Kciip;i;iiii.iii MiimiCTepcTBa rocyjuipcr- BC'IIIIHXI, HMymeCTBT.. [On the geographical results of the work, in the Akmolinsk region and the Yeniseisk government, of the mining expedition of the Depart- ment of the (hown Domains.] St. Petersb., Huss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 29, 1893, 142-1.50. [0 Clloiipc'lClIXb Iie4ip"Taxi>. Ueber sibirische Nephrite.] St. Peter.sb. Min. Ges. Verh., 31, 1894, 420- 427; Ztschr. Kryst., 26. 1896, 336. 3aMl;TKIl O Ky.lHb-Jiyili.. [Note on the Kuen-lun Mts.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 3(1, 1894, 374-400. 0 r(^o.iorii'i('CKiixi, iMcitjioBaiiijixb in. 1893 r. BAO.ib ('pt',i,iic-('iif)iipcitoii ;KL'.it.;(iioi1 ,i,uporii. [Sur Bogdanovicl 645 [Bogisch les recherches utologiques faiteH en 1893 Ic long du chemin de fcr de la Sib(;rie inoveniic] St. PiJlersb., Com. (iiol. Bull., 13, 1898, 229-25t;, (Fr. tratul. 256- 280). IIpitJiO/Keiiic nnioTcaiJ CKO.ii./Koiiiii (PkHkim) Ki. o6i.)iciieniK) jtiic.ioKUuiH Bh ^{aKaciiii'icKo.Mi. Kpal'.. [Die .\nwcndung der (ik'itungxhy)x>tlieae (Hkykus) zur Erkliiiuiig der DiHiocation im trans- kiiHpiHchcn Gebicte. ] St. Petersb., Runs. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 31, 1895, 27-3.5; Ru88. Giol. Min. Aniiu., 1, 1896-97 (,S',x«. 2), 32-33. Oiipexh.K'Hip iiI;kotoi)U.\i. bucoti. iipo,xo.ii,noii npo'iii.iii Kyrtin.-.iyiiji ii onlwonori jiiiiiii iioc- peiCTBOM'i. :tact.'i(!Ki. iipocTtfiiuiiMii iiiicTpy- MeirraMII. [Determination of some heights of the longitudinal profile of Kuen-luu and the snow line by means of sections with very rough instrumentti.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 31, 1898, 409-424. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das System de.s Kwenlun. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 38, 1895, 497-52(3. Btcrii ii:ii, OxoTCKO-KaMMaTcKofi SKCiiejiiuiii. [News of the Okhotsk-Kamchatka expedition.] [1897.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 33, 1897-98. 34-47; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 13, 1897, 6-59-001. [MapeKaiiiin. C.iii;ii. 0.\OTCi;a. Marecanit von Ochotsk.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 37, 1899 {I'rul.), 86-89; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1901 (lid. 2, lie/.), 70. 0'iepKT> jit.iiTe.ii.HocTii OxoTCKo-KaMiaTCKoii ropiloR 9KCnc,TllnilI 189.5-98 r. [Sketch of the work of the Okhotsk-Kamchatka mining expedition, 189.5-98.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 3.5, 1899, .549-600. rco.ioriiiecicoc oiiiicaHie loatHoft OKOHeiHOCTii JiHO-TyiicKaro iio-iyocrpoBa bt. iipe,Tf'-iaxi> KBau- TyiicKOfi o6.iai'Tii ii eii MkcTopoai.ieiiifl so-iora. [Description g^ologique de Textri^'mitc sud de la presqu'ile de Liao-Toung (region de Kouang-Toung) et de ses gise- ments d'or.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Bussl., 20, 1900, 1-236, («.'»•. 237-248). ^aMllp^ II .'Io6'b-IIop'L. IIo iioBojy craTeR CBein> rE;uiHa. [Pamir and Lob-nor. With reference to Sven Hkmx's papers.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull.. 3i;, 1900, 8-J-llO. Bogdanovic, A'[(ir/] l[vanovic], & IHener, Carl. Ein Beitrag zur Geologic der Westkiiste des Ochotskischen Meeres. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (.ibtli. 1), 349-369. Bogdanovskij, IVrii E[vstajjeina] [.!/"" Popov] For bioKrapliv and list of works see Nature, olj (18971, 132; Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Cliem.), 1897, 147- 151. Ueber Dibenzvlketon und Dibenzylcarbinol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.," 2.5, 1892, 1271-1277. PeaKuiii yii.iOTiieiiiji ii BoitcTaiiOB.ieHia jii- 6eH31I.lKeTOHa. [Sur les reactions de condensation et de reduction de la dibenzylcetone.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 24 {Chem.), 1892, 3.55-365; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 10, 1893, 129-130. [06t> OKlIC.lenilI KCTOHOB^ HI 0KC1IK1IC.1OTU. Transformation par oxydation des cotones en oxacides.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 {Chem.), 1894, 101-162; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 128.5-1286. Bogenbard, Carl. For biography see Deutsche Bot. Mschr., :i. 1886. 116-119, 168-172, 188-190. Bogert, Marston Taylor. Carbon . compounds used in medicine classitied according to chemical structure. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 19, 1898. 47-«8. Bogert, Marslon 7'aylor, A OotUielf, .iiigiisliis Henry. .\ new synthesis in the quinazoline group. (Preliminary annonncemcnt.) Amcr. Cbem. Soc. Jl., 22, 1900, 129- 132. The direct synthesis of ketodihydroiiuinazoline from orthoamino acids. Amcr. Chem. Soc. Jl. , 22, 1900, 522- 5.3.5. Bogglanl, Ouiili). I Ciamacoco. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894. 466-510. II rio Nabilecche c la rcgione abitata dai Caduvci nello stato di Matto Grosso in Brasile. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894, 822-«24. I Caduvei. Studio intorno ad una tribh indigenn deir alto Paraguay ncl Matto Grosso (Brasile). (1896.) [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem., 5, 1895, 237-324. Nei dintorni di Corumlul (Brasile). [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 34, 1897, 366-376, 414-116. Guaicuri'i. Sul nome, posizione gcografica e rapporti etnici e linguistici di alcune tribij antiche e moderoe deir America Meridionale. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem., 8. 1898, 244-294. Bogglo, Tiimmwio. Sull' eqailibrio dcUe membrane elastiche pianu. [1899.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900. 14.5-165 or 219-239. Un teorema di reciprocitii sulle funzioni di Gbeks d' ordine qualunque. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900. 340-351 or 498-509. Integrazione dell' equazione A-A' = 0 in una corona circolare e in uno strato gferico. [1900.] Venezia, Ist. Atti. 1899-1900 (/'«. 2), 497-508. Boggio-Ielliciente di compressibility cubica, il peso specifico ed il peso atomico dei metalli. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 {Sem. 1), 16-5-168. Calcolo della forza elettrica uella scarica fra due sferc. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 38-5- 393. Sopra una equazione analoga a quella degli aeriformi vale%'ole per i metalli. lioma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sent. 1), 559-563. Sul lavoro interno nella dilatazione dei corpi solidi e sul rapporto di Poissos. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Bend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 43-48. HV Signi6cato della costante -^- Nuovo Cimento, 5, 1897, 293-296; 6, 1897. 210-214, 331-333. Sulla temperatura di ebollizione dei composti chimici appartenenti allc serie omologhe CHj- (CHj), - B. Catania .\cc. Gioen. .\tti, 12, 1899, Mem. 9, 15 pp. ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Ft. 1), 441-459. Sopra un apparecchio registratore delle scariche elettriche dell' atmosfera. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 13. 1900. Mem. 13, 10 pp. Boggs, T[htinias] R[icht}wnd], & Berty, Charlet H[plmes]. Sec Herty i^- Boggs. Bogliarst, U'iiliam. Loimographia. An account of the Great Plague of Lunilon in the year 166.5. [Sow first published from the British Museum Sloane MS 349, for the Epidemiological Society of London. Edited by Joseph Frank P.vvne, M.D., late President of the Society.] [Posth.] Epid. Soc. Trans., 13, 1894 {Suppl.), 99 pp. Bogino, Francesco. Sopra un cranio di cavallo rinrenuto ncl ferretto di Castenedolo. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1896 (.ippentl. So. U. 60-62. I Mammiferi fossili della torbiera di Trana. [Italia], Soc. Cieol. Boll., 16, 1897. 16-54. Boglacli, .i[li'red]. Ueber Carbonylsalicylamid. Chem. Ztg.. 13. 1889, 1077. .^durol, ein neuer photOi;raphischer Entwickler. Wien, Photogr. Correspond.. 36, 1899, 426-429. Reductions- und Entwicklungsvermogen. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 37, 1900, 89-99, 272-276. Bogodarov] 646 [Bogoslovskij BogodarovjP.Jn. OdtonpexiJieniii T04KII njiaBJieHin O.lOBa. [Ueber die BestimraunR des Schmelzpunktes von Zinn.] [1892.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Tiav., 1892-93 (C. R., Phi/s. Chhii.), No. 1,2-8; Fortsehr. Phys., 1893 {Alitli. 2), '312-313; Ehss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 25 (Chem.), 1893, 7; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 12, 1894, 870. BogojaTlen8l<.i3, A[le}is.] D[mitrievic]. 0 CKOpoCTII KpiICTaJI.lIiaauill. [Ueber die Krystallisatiousge- sehwindigkeit.] Uuss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (CVicm.), 1898, 1041-1056; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 27, 1898, 585-600. Bogojavlenskij, Alleks.] 7)[iiiilnfvic], & Tammann, Gustdr. Ueber den Einfluss des Drucks auf die Re- aktionsgescbwindigkeit in homogenen flii-ssigen Systemen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 23, 1897, 13-23. Ueber den Einfluss des Drucks auf das elektrische Leitvermiigen von Liisungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 27, 1898, 457-473. Bogojavlenskij, A'[//fofa/] V[asiljei'ic]. 0 IIO'lKOBaniu ca.'ll.irii. [On the budding of Salpa.] [1893.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 86, 1894, 35-36. Bogojavlenskij, F. Haf).lK)JI,eHifl liepeM'feHHHX'L SBi.SJl'b Tlina A.iro.ia Bt 1891-92 it. [Observa- tions of variable stars of the Algol type in 1891-92.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1893 {Pt. 5), 1-52. BogoUubov, jV. reo.ioniMecKifl na6jiio;i,eHiii 6jih3i> /l,Ol)OrOMII.lOBCKoi1 sacTaBH. [Geological investiga- tions in the vicinity of the Dorogomilovsk gate.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 13, 1900, 4.50^54. Bogomolec, Iran [I'asiljevic]. Zur Trennung von Strontian und Kalk. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1058-1061. 06t. OTjili.icniii CTpoHuiH ot'i, Ka.iLuia no CllOCOOy ClIJtEPCIcaro. [On the separation of strontium from calcium by Siuerskij's method.] Buss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Chem.), 1884, 426-430; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 126. Bogomolov, Th. J. Die Methoden der quantitativen Bestimmung des Urobilins im Harn. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 17, 1892, 152-154. Ueber die Anwendung von Farbstoffen zur Erkennung und Unterscheidung verschiedener Eiweissarten. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 19, 1894, 309-311. Bogomolov, Til. J.. & Vasiljev, N. I. Beitrag zur quali- tativen Bestimmung des Peptona im Harn. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 35, 1897, 49-51. Carrainsiiure als differentielles Eeagens fiir verschie- dene Eiweissarten. St. Petersb. Med. Wsohr., 22, 1897, 294-296. Bogorodickij, V[asilij Alelcshvic]. TTpeAJIOaicIlie 4-n(' iK'iiiioil itiiiirii BjieMCHTOBT. EBoiiji,a ii aicciojia coBMhl'TIIMOCTII. [The 4th proposition of the first book of Euci.ii) and the axiom of coincidence.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1892 (Pt. 2), 129-133. liajiliTitii iio 3Kciit'i)iiMeina.ii,iiOM (lioneTiiid.. [Notes on experimental phonetics.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1896(/'(. 3), 171-200. Bogorodsfcij, AUk.s!j Ja[hivlevu-]. H3CjI;;i,0Bailic I'lF- ,i,pariiijx'i. (lioi)M'L x.iopiii-raro ii OpoMiicTaro .lirrijl. [Untersuohung der Hydratformen des Chlor- und Brom-lithiums.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1893 (Pi. 4), 20.5-240; Kusa. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 25 (t'/i,™.), 1893, 316-342; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893 (liel.). 762- 763. Ilojiyienie TpexBOjiiiuxi. riiApaTOB'b 6poMiic- 'laro II x.ioiJiicTaro jiirriji ii lurniBojiiioil .'iboHiioH co.iii ioAiicraio jiiniji ct> ioAiiciusn. cbiiuuoml. [Preparation of trihydrates of lithium bromide and chloride and of a double salt of lithium iodide with lead iodide containing 5 molecules of water.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1894 (Pt. 3), 15.5-168. IIojiyieHie TpexBOAHHxi. rii,npaTOB'b 6poMii- CTarO II X.IOpilCTarO .llITia. [Darstellung der Tri- hydrate des Brom- und Chlorlithiums.] Euss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 (Cliem.), 1894, 209-216; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894 (lie/.), 616-617. 0 ABoiiHOH iiHTiiBOjuioil CO.III io.uiciaro .iiitIh C'l> iOAlICTMMl. CBIIllUOMT.. [Sur I'iodure double de plomb et de lithium pentahydrate.] lluss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 (Chem.), 1894, 216-220, 264; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 442. 0 iiojiyieniii rpexBojtHHXb riiApaTOBi. 6poMii- craro II x.iopiitTaro airriji. [Sur le bromure et le chlorure de lithium trihydrates.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 26 (Chem., Pt. 2), 1894, 5-6; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 1269-1270. K'i> BOiipocy 0 Kpioril.ji;))aTaxT,. [Sur les cryohy- drates.] Kazan Univ. Mem.. 1896 (Pts. 6 & 7), 201-210 ; Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Chem.), 1896,1-10; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 16, 1896, 1218-1219. 0 BsaiiMo^n-bHCTBiii rii;;paTOBi. rajioii;i,HUx^ COJiefi JIllTiH CO CHtrOMt. [Action riciproque de la neige et des hydrates des sels haloides de lithium.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Chem.), 1896, 428; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 18, 1897, 9. FimpaTH iOJlllcraro .llITifl. [Sur les hydrates de I'iodure lithique.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Chem.), 1897, 179-185 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 18, 1897, 1250. El. BOiipocy 0 rHapaiaxii xiopucTaro Mariiia. [Contribution to the question of hydrates of magnesium chloride.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1898 (Pt. 12), 8.5-92. r.iimepiiHb 1I3T) a.i.iii.i,T,inii)oiiii.iKapuiiiio.ia. [Ueber den dreiwerthigeu Alkohol (Glycerol) aus Allyl- dipropylcarbinol.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl. , 30 (Chem.), 1898, 138-141 ; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 57, 1898, 3.5-38. Ki. BOiipocy 0 rii,i,paTax'i> x.iopiicTaro Mandji. [Sur les hydrates du chlorure de magnesium.] Kuss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (Chem.), 1898, 735-740, 851- 852 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 918. liaMiiTKa IIO iioBo^iy cTari.ii : o riiAjjaTaxT. Xjiopiicraro Maniifl. [Note on the article: On hydrates of magnesium chloride.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1899 (/'(. 1), 124-126. Bogorodskij, Aleksej Jii[hovleiue], A' IdUbarsUj, han. Oi'i'i. a.l.llI.^;^TIl.Kllellll.^I;al)6 11 iio.it.. [Sur rallyK-thyl- plienylcarbinol. ] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (C'/icm. ), 1898, 146-151; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 20, 1898, 844- 845 ; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 57, 1898, 44-48. Bogoslovskij, (J/""*) N. O jit.riCTBill Tpil.MCTII.U'lia iia ucuiuu'i. BT) iipiicycTBiii x.iopiicTaro a.iioMiiiiiji. [Action du trimetbyl^ne sur le beuzi5ne en presence du chlorure d'aluminium.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 (Chevi., Pt. 2), 1894. 6; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 1294. BogoBlovskij, N[ikoUij] A[iulreeeic]. liaci'cilllW \\]:k% I'.i.iiiiii II Ua;ui Bi. rco.ioi'ii>iori{o.M'b oTiioiuciiiii. [l>as Flusssysteni der Wyscha und des Wad in geolo- gischer Be/.icliung.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Rusel., 16, 1893, 29-61. reoJioriiMc'cuifl ii;ic.it.,T.OBaiiiji bi. BOCTO'iiioil 'lacTii rjinancKOii ryfiepiiiii. (lIpeABapiiTcibiiufi OT'ieTt no inicrbAOBaiiiiiMb 1892 r.) [Geologische BogoslovskijI 647 [Bognski UnterBucliiinK''n im (iBtliolien Thiile iIck (ionvcrncmcntu Hjaxan. (VorliiuliKer liericlit libirdii: UntcTBUchungcn im Jahre 1892. )) St. IVtcrsl.., ^rlltur. (icol. IIiihbI., 17, 189B, 75-94; Nouiw .Ibucli. Miii.. 1899 [lid. 1, /{<■/.), 31.'i-31(i. IiO.Ti'Tii()fi uapTia EnpoiKHicKori I'ocfiii m. iH'.ci ro,T,y. [VorliiufiRer Bericht iibcrdie TJntersuchunReii im Gebiftdes 73 HIattos der 10-\verstinen Karte de.s europiiischen litiHBliinds im .lahre 1H93.] St. I'eter.sb., Mater, (ieol. Hiifsl.. 17, 1895. 10.';-112; Kiiss. Geol. Miu. Annii., 1, 1896-97 (S,ci. 2), 5o-5f!. [0 (luiyni. "Pn.iancKaro ropintoiiia." Ueber die Fauna des Kjasaiischen Horizontus.] St. Petergb. Min. Ges. Verb., 33, 1896 {I'rol.), 4"j-51. IMiCKO.lbliO liOBHXI. ,1,ailllUXl. O Pjl.tailCKOMI. ropii;!OHT'h. [Einige neue Daten iiber den Kjasanschen Horizont.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 34, 1896, 161- 164. HiifTpyKuiH ,T..iii ii:K'.Th,i,onaiii« ii oiiiicaiiin pliin.. [Instructions for the exploration and description of rivers.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc, Bull., 32, 1896 {.ti>p,ml.). 51 pp. IIptM,Bapi[T(Mi.iii,iri oT'iCTi. o6i. ii:fc.it.,T,o- Baiiiflxi. Bi. n>ro-BocTOMiioft 'lacTii 73-ro .iiicTa lO-BepcTiiofi icaivrij EBpoiu-ficKoii I'ocriii bi. 18'J7 ro,iy. (Recherches geologiqiies, dans les districts de Nijn^-Lomow et de Narovtschat du gouvernement de Penza. Compte-rendu preliminaire.) St. Petersb., Com. Gtol. Bull., 16, 1897, 2t;9-277 (AV.s-. 277). HIX'KO.ll.KO C.IOBI. 0 IIOMBaxi. Kpi.Dia. (Quelques observations sur les sols de la Crimiie.) St. Petersb., Cora. Geol. Bull.. 16, 1897, 279-2H9 {lies. 288-289). PH:taiii'i;iii iiipii.ioirn. (i|)ayna, OTpaTiirpacfiii- leclvill OTllDIIK'llijI 11 BtpOHTHIiHl B03paCTl. rtTOrO ropil.ioirra). [l>er Rjnsan-Horizont, seine Fauna, seine stratigraphisclien Beziehungen und sein wahrscbeinliches Alter.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Russl., 18, 1897, 1-157 (lies. 137-157). reo.ioni'iecKiji ii.i(Mi;,i.0BaEii;i bi. cbBepo- aaiia.lHoft 'lacTll Tieiiueill-Koil lyfiopHJII. (Ex- plorations geologiques dans la partie nord- occidentals du gouvernement de Pensft.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 17, 1898, 427-438 |fl/s. 438). Ueber das untere Neokom im Norden des Gouverne- ments Simbirsk und den KjazanHurizont. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 37, 1899, 249-267. 0 Ilt.K0T0pl.IX1. JIB.llMlijIXl. BMBt.TpilBnilill BI. 06.iaiTll I'yccKOii paBllllIIM. (Sur quelques plie- nomenes d'alteration des depots superticiels dans la plaine russe.) [1899.] St. Petersb., Cora. Geol. Bull., 18, 1900, 23.5-273 {lies. 269-273). reo.ioriiMi'CKiH ii;ii'.it,,TOBaiiiii b.io.ii. hcctIwiho- ,T.opoH;iiiJxi. .iiiiiiri IlaBo.ieni.-MocKBa ii MocKsa- CaBe.lOBO. (Recherches geologiques le long du chcmin de fer entrc PaveletzMoscou et MoscouSavelovo.) [1899.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 18, 1900, 275-296 {li^s. 29.5-296). roo.ioniMi'cKJH Ha6.ihi,Teiiiji b.:io.ii. iKo.itoiio.io- poatuoii .iiuiiii UiiiKiiifi IloBi'opoj.T.-Tiisiiipfl3eBo. (Observations g(^ologique8 le long du chcmin de fer Nijoi Novgorod-Timiraz<5vo.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., I'.l, 1900. 291-318 {Il^t. 317-318). Die Verwitterungsrinde der russischen Ebene. Bl. I'eU'rsb. Min. Ges. Verh., 38, 1900, 281-.306. [O BiJBl.ipiiMaiiiii ropiiuxi, iiopo.vi, blctciihoH II .1'k'llilli llil.liM'axl. I'yccKori paBIIIIIIM. L'ebcr die Verwitterung der Gebirgsartcn im Steppeu- und Wald- gebict der russisehen Ebene.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 38, 1900 {I'ml.), 27-28. Boga», E. /'.'. Are licecli-trccs ever struck by lightning? Science, 14. 1889, 103. Autumn colorations. Science, 18, 1891, 346. The shrinkage of leaves. Science, 20, 1892, 163. Lichens of Ohio. [1892.] Ciucin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 10, 1893-94, 37-48. • Two new species of Kcrmes from Kansas. Caoad. Ent., 30, 1898, 172. Anews|>ecie8ofKermc8. Canad.Ent.,32, 1900,20.5-206. Bogne, Virgil (1. Starapede Pass, Cascade range, Wash- ington. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 27 (1895). 239-25.5. Bognakl, F. }•'., & Zaleskl, .'. O ).r(;dkosci dziatania chemicznego pomiijdzy glinem nietaliczujm i iugami alkalicznemi. [L'eber die Geschwindigkeit der chemi- schen Einwirkuiig zwischen metallischem Aluminium und alkalischen Laugen.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 2, 1890, 243- 244 ; Fortscbr. Phys., 1892 (Ahth. 1|, 140. Boguski, .lozef •l[enj]. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Geschwindigkeit der Reaktion zwischen Mamior und Salzsiiure. Zti^cllr. Physikal. Chem.. 1. 1887, .558-.564. Proba wyrugowania wpiywu zmiany obj.;tosci naczyii w oznaczaniach icisliwosci cieczy. [Versuch, den Einfluss der Volumeniinderung der GeRisse bei Messungen der Kompressibilitat von Fliissigkeiten za elimiuieren.] Kosmos (Lwow), 13, 1888, 243-247; Ztgchr. Phvsikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 120-123, 482-487. Badania wst^pnc nad nowym sposobem oznaczania rozszerzalnosci cieczy. [.\ preliminary inquiry into a new method of determining the expansibility of a liquid.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 1, 1888, .52-68. Wiadomo^c o Pracowni Fizycznej przy Muzeum Przemj'slu i Kolnictwa w Warszawie i o pracsch, w nii^j dokonanych. [Report on the Physical Laboratory of the Museum of Industry and Agriculture m Warsaw and on the work done there.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 1, 1888, 119-128. • ■ 0 zmianach opora elektrycznego czterorlenkn azotu pod wpiywem zmian temp^-ratury. [Variations de la re.sistance electriqae de I'acide hypoazotique sous I'in- finence des changements de temperature.] Kosmos (Lwow). 14, 1889. 134-140; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 804-«U6 ; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem.. 5, 1890, 69-75. Przyczyuek do rachunkow grafochemicznych. [Con- tribution aux calculs graphiques en chimie.] Prace Mat.- Fiz., 5, 1894, 47-54. Sprawozdanie z dziaialnosci Pracowni Fizycznej Muzeum Przemystu i Kolnictwa w Warszawie za rok 1893. [Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit des physikalischen Laboratoriums des Museums fjir Gcwerbe and Land- wirthschaft in Warschau fur das Jahr 1893.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 5, 1894, 187-190; Fortachr. Phya., 1894 (.Uilh. 1), 520. O wtasnosciach roztworAw azotynu sodowego (nitrytu i. [Surqueli|ues proprieli-sdcs solutions aquenses de I'azotite de sodium.] [1898.] Krakow, Ak. (.Uaf.-Prryrod.) Kozpr., 15, 1899, 165-173 ; Cracovie Ac. Sci. BuU., 1898. 123- 124. 0 cBoRcTBaxi pacTBopoBi a.iOTi!CTOKiicjaro uarpifl. [On the properties of solutions of sodium nitrite.] Buss. Pbys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 {Chem.). 1899. 543-551. BogTiski] 648 [Bohlin Bognski, Jozef Jiery}, & Natanson, Wiadisiaw. Barometr odczytywany przy pomocy zetkui^i^ elektrycznych. [Ein Barometer mit Contactablesung.] Kosmos (Lwow), 13, 1888, 135-138; Ann. Phys. Chem., 36, 1889, 761-763. Boguslavskij, A[!iatoIij\ I[vanovic]. MeTpimeCKifl cBoucTBa iiuBo.iiouin uppBaro K.iracca bhciuiixi. nopajiKOB'b II ycjiOBifl cymecTBoBania bt, hiixi. .IBOMHUXT. 3.TlCMeHT0ET.. [Metrische EiRenschaften der Involutionen ersttr Klasse »('" Ordnung und Be- dinguugen der Existenz von Doppelelementeu.] Moscow, Soc. Sei. Bull., 65 (No. 2), 1890, 52-54; Fortschr. Math. , 1892, 572. Ajircfipa lUOCKOCTII II IipOCTpaiirTBa. [Algebra der Ebene und des Eaumes.] [1890-91.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 600-667 ; 15, [1891], 683-788 ; 16, [1893], 113-172; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 734-735. PaciipocTpaneHic TeopcMU IlAiiiia na oOtjCmh. [Uebertragung eines Hatzes von Pappus auf Volumina.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 73 [Nii. 1), 1891,27-28 ; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 614. Hc'llICJieHic IIO.IOIKOHijI. [Calcul de situation.] [1893.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 4, 1895, 86-122. Boguslawski, G[eorg Jieinricli] von. For biograph}' and works ,s'fc Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 399-400; Meteorol. Ztschr., 1 (1884), 332-336 ; Wien, Weteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 286 ; Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Vrtljschr., 20, 1885, 3-4 ; Ueogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 356-357. 'Ueber.sicht der Tage, an welchen die Miindungeu der Oder (Peene, Swine, Divenow) vom Eise des Winters freigeworden sind. (Von 1828 bis 1873.) Hydrogr. Mitth., 1 (1873), 78-79. *Ueber die Stiirme im nordlichen Stillen Ocean an der West-Kiiste von Nord-Amerika. (Aus dem "Annual Ecport of the Chief Signal Officer for the year 1872. Washington 1872," pag. 262 ff.) Hydrogr. Mitth., 1 (1873), 153-156, 161-162, 168. *Vergleichende Betrachtungen iiber die klimatischen Verhiiltnisse der beiden Polarzonen. Hydrogr. Mitth., 1 (1873), 278-279. Bobannan, i;[o.s4-fr] D[anii:l]. Convergence-subtrahends for the trigonometrical functions expressed in infinite sums. [1884.] Ann. Math., 1 (1884-85), 49-51. . The homogeneous equation of four terms to express the homographic division of two straight lines. [1884.] Ann. Math., 1 (1884-85), 109-110. Eelations expressing harmonic division on a straight line. [1885.] Ann. Math., 1 (1884-85), 121-125. Proof of a proposition in modern geometry. [188.5.] Ann. Math., 1 (1884-85), 139-140. Simple proof of a fundamental theorem in the theory of functions. Amer. Jl. Math., 19, 1897, 192. Bobatscta, .ilhert. Ueber den Fang von Carabus Scheidleri, I'aiiz. F.. in Wien. Wien. Ent. Ver. .Jber., [1], 1891, 27-31. BobatBch, Otto. Die Eupithecien Oesterrcicb-Ungarns. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 3, 1884, 294-298; 6, 1887, 117-129. Ije)ii.lopterologische Mittheilungen. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 4, 1885, 113-146, 176-179. Beitrag zur Lepidopteren-Fauna Transkaukasiens. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 5, 1886, 123-128, 200-203. Eupitheciadistinctaria, II. -S. 162. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 48, 1887, 121 127. Beitriige zur Lepidopteren-Fauna Slavoniens. Wien. Ent. Ver. Jber., 2, 1892, 31-50. Mittheilungen iiber Eupithecien. Iris, 6 (1893), 1-35. Beitrag zur Lepidopteren-Fauna des Schneebcrg- Gebietes. Wien. Ent. Ver. .Jber., 4, 1894, 39-58. Ueber Sesia coljiiformis, Sti/r. [1895.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 45, 1896, 70-72. Ueber einc siltene siideuropaische Geometridc : Acidalia ochroleucata, U.S. [1895.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 45, 1896, 108-110. Boh6as, . Resume des observations mdt^orologiques faites en 1878 et 1879 au poste de Boke (Rio-Nunez). France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 35, 1887, 209-215. Bobeman, Carl Henrik. For biographical notice and list of works see Abeille, 22, 1884 (Les Entom. et lexirs Kcrits, 141-144). Bobeman, H. Intercellularbriicken und Saftriiume der glatten Muskulatur. [1894.] Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 30.5-315. Bobl, Piers \^Paul Felix]. Das Gesetz der molecularen Attraction. Ann. Phys. Chem., 36, 1889, 334-346. Bobland, K(trl [Joseph]. Beitriige zur quantitativen Bestimmung des Stickstoffes im Ham. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 35, 1885, 199-276. Ueber die Bestimmung des Stickstoffes und der Chloride im Hundeharn. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 37, 1885, 423-456. Die Harnstoffanalyse von Bunsen mit Beriicksichti- gung der stickstoffhaltigen Extractivstoffe und der Am- moniaksalze im Harn des gesunden und fiebernden Menschen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 43, 1888, 30-70. Die Anwendung der Kamphersiiure und ihre Aus- scheidung im Harn. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 47, 1891, 289-306. Bobland, Knrt [Joseph], it Blelbtreu, Leopold [Adalbert Frtinz]. See Blelbtreu A Bobland. Bobland, Kurl [Joseph], & Pfliiger, Eduard [Friedrich ]Vilhel7ii]. See Pfliiger it Bobland. Bobland, Kart [Josepli], & Scburz, Ilrinrieh. Ueber die Harnsiiure- und Stickstoff-Ausscheidung bei Leukaemie. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 47, 1890, 469-509. Boblen, F. Ueber die electromotorischen Wirkungen der Magenschleimhaut. [1894.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 57, 1894, 97-122 ; Ceutrhl. Physiol., 8, 1895, 353-35.5. Boblig, K. Wie verhalt sich chemisch reines Kaliummouo- carbonat zu salpetersaurem Silberoxyd? Arch. Pharm., 223, 1886, 381-384. Zur Bieranalyse. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 207-208. Ueber chemische Untersuchunp der Biere im AU- gemeineu und eine neue directe Bestimmungs-Methode des Alkohols in gegohrenen Fliissigkeiten. Fresenius, Ztschr., 25, 1886, 19-22. Ueber Priifung von kohlensaurem Kali. Arch. Pharm., 226, 1888, 541-542. Boblin, Knrl [Petrus Teodor]. Ueber die Bahnelemente des dritten Saturnsatelliten, Tethys. Stockh., Ak. Hand). Bihang, 10, 1885, No. 16, 49 pp. Ueber die Bedeutung des Prineips der lebendigen Kraft fiir die Frage von der Stabilitat dynamischer Systeme. .\cta Math., 10, 1887, 109-130. Om en grupp af differentialeqvationer, hvilkas solution medfor s. k. sma divisorer. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 333- 341. Om betydelsen af lefvande kraftens princip for fragan om dynamiska systems stabilitot. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 {.ifd. 1). 1888, No. 1, 10 pp. Recherches sur les perturbations de la Com^te de WiNNKCKE depuis 1809 h. 1819. Stockh. Obs. Astr. laktt., 3, 1888 (Iliift 5), 72 pp. Om bestiimningen af konstanterna vid den dagliga nutationen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 209-213. En generalisation af Laplace's undorsokning af libra- tiouen i planetteoricn. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 333-337. Ueber eino neue Anniiherungsmethode in der Storungs- theorie. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 {A/d. 1), 1889, No. 5, 26 pp. Zur Frage der Convergenz der Reihenontwickelungen in der Sti'irungstlieorie. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 17-24. Till fragan oni sekuliira stiiringar. [1890.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bilmng, 16 {.ifd. 1), 1891, No. 12, 19 pp.; Fortsclir. Math., 1891, 1225. . • Elemente des Planeten (315) (Palisa Sept. 4). Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 293-294. Bohlinl 649 [Bohn Klpinontedefl Planeten (315) Constantia. Astr. Naclir., 129, 1892, •27.t-274. AnRcniilierte Jupitersntiiruncen derjcnigen kleinen I'lsneten, dernn mittliTC BcwenuriKPn in dnr Niilio von 900" licKPi). Astr. Nachr . l.-W. 1898, Ml-100. Epheiiii'iiilt' licK I'lancten t'M'i) Coimtiintia. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, ;n-.'<2. HiiKo (ivi.riKN. Kin bioRraphischer UinrisH ncbat einigen BcmorkunRen iibor H<"ino \viflKr>n8chaftlichen Methoden. Acta Math., 20, 1897, .S97-40J. Uebcr den VonwOilat;, nnueniihtTte Storiingen (iir die Planeten KtuppenwciHc zu bereohnen. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 1H1-1H»). llcduction (lor in Astr. Nschr. Nr. 2.'i74 vcniffcnt- lichten liiobaclitunKcn der Pbiiicten (12) Victoria nnd (80) Sappho. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 225-234. Rclationer mellan dintanserna inom SaturnuH-gyste- met. Stnekh., Ofvers., 1897. 3S9-398. Foriiiehi und Tafchi zurKnip|>pnwei8e BcreclinunR dor allgemeinen StoninKeii benacliliarter Planeten. (IS'.lo.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova .Vcta, 17, 1898, S'i>. !>, 22.) pp. Ett fiirslax till sy.stenmtirtk st(trini,'sberiikninK fur planetoiderna. Skand". Natf. Forh., 1898, 1H3-1H8. Ueber cine soiiderbare am 2 .lanuar 1897 beobachtete Nordliohterscheinung. [189K. ] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 24 {Afd. 1), 1899, S«. 5, 18 iip. Om tilULinpnin(.'i'n af L\MiiKiu'.'i lai; inom den celesta fotometrien. [1899.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 25, 1900 (Afd. 1), No. 7, 39 pp.; Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 289- 297. Schreiben betr. die Idontitiit von (161) Athor mit 1899 EQ. Astr. Nachr., 1-51, 1900, 75-78. Sur I'emploi du rcseau pour la mesure des cliches a-itropbotographiques. Bull. .\str., 17, 1900, 321-326. BohUn, Karl [Pelnis Teodor], . Die Algen der ersten Uegnell'schen Expedition. I. Protococcoidcen. [1897.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bi- hang, 23 (Afd. 3), 1898, No. 7, 47 pp. Morphologisehe Beobachtungen iiber Nebenblatt- nnd Verzweigungsverhiiltnisse einiger andinen Aichemilla- Arten. Stockh., Ofvers,, 1899, .565-581. Ett exemjiel pa limsosidig vikaricring mellan en fjiill- och en kustform. Bot. Notiser, 1900, 161-179 (Rt't. 178- 179). Boblln, A'wr*. Beobachtungen der Planeten Victoria und Sappho nach Gii.i.'s Programni auf der Sternwarte in Upsala. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 81-96. Bohlmann, (ieorii. Zur Integration der Differentialgleich- ungon erster Ordnnng rait unbestimniten Coefficienten. Crelle, Jl. Math., 113, 1894, 207-251. Zur Integration derjenigen Systeme von Differential- gleichungen erster Ordnung, deren Coe(licient<"n unab- hangige, unbostiramte Functionen der nnabhiingigen Veriiuderlichen sind. Crelle, Jl. Math., 115, 1896, 89-110. Continuierliche Gruppen von quadratischen Trans- fonnatloncn dor Ehenc. GOttingen Nachr., 1896, 44 54. Ucborsicht tihor die wichtigiiten Lehrbucher der Inflnilcsinial-IU-chnimg von Ri'lkii bin auf die heutige Zeit. UeutBch. Math. Ver. Jber., 0, 1899 {llrfl 2), 91-110. F'^in AuHgleichnngBprobleiD. Gottingen Nachr., 1899, 2i;(l 271. Bolils, ./. Mittheilungen iiber Fang und LebeniiweiKe von I.<-pidosiren aus Paraguay. Gdttingen Nachr., 1894, 80-83. Bemerkungen zur Eintbcilong der Chelydida;. Zool. Anz., 18, 1895, 51-.53. Bohm, //. Platti'nepithel und Plattenepithelkrebs im M;istdarm. Virchow. Arch., 140. 1895, 524-535. Traumatische Epithelcyste uiid FrcmdkOrperUienen- zellen in der Haut. Virchow, Arch., 144, 1896, 276- 288. Bohm, •/. O rro.iv'ii'iiill i(iniKli:iO[ipoiii(.ia. [Sur la |m|iaration du zincisopropyle.] Kuks. Phys.Chem. Soc. .11 , :U {CUem.). 1899, 46-47; Paris Soc. Chim. Boll., 22, 1899. 619. Bohmeyer, C. Nenes Sy«lem elektrisch-siTnpathischer Weoliselstromuhren. Elektrotechn. Ztfchr., 8, 188T, 503 504. Bobn, [.\lberl IJeinrich]. For biography and list of works «.-,■ .Ibnch. Kindsker ved forskellige temperaturer. Kjobenb., Overs., 1897, 607-614; Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898 (Repertm.). 41. Ora lorbindelser melleni methffimoglobin og kulsyre. Kjobenh., Overs., 1897, 615-618; Skand. Arch. Phyaiol., 8. 1898, 363-366. Absorption de I'azote et de I'hydrog^ne par le sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 414-417, 524. Om froernes hud- og lunge-respiration. Kjobenh., Overs., 1899, 193-211; Skand. Arch. Physiol., 10, 1900, 74-90. Definition og methode til bestemmelse af invasions- og evasionskoefficieuter ved luftarters oplosning i vasd- sker. Vajrdier af de nffivnte konstanter sarat af absorptionskoeflicienter for kulsyrens oplosning i vand og klornatriumoplosninger. Kjobenh., Overs., 1899, 293-321 ; Ann. Phys. Chem., 68, 1899, 500-525. Kulsyrens oplnselighed i alkohol mellem-^67 og -I- 45°C. In- og evasionskoefficient ved 0' . Kjobenh., Overs., 1899, 601-614; Ann. Phys., 1, 1900, 244-256. Pattedyrfosterets respiratoriske stofskifte. Kjobenh., Overs., 1900, 291-304; Skand. Arch. Physiol., 10, 1900, 413-424. Bohr, Cliristian, & Bock, Johannes. Determination de I'absorption de quelques gaz dans I'eau a des tempi'^ra- tures comprises entre 0 et 100'. Kjobenh., Overs., 1891, 84-115; Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 318-343. Bohr, Cliristian, A Kasselbalch, A'. A. Om honsefosterets kulsyreprodukticni. Kjolienh., Overs., 1899, 399-425; Skand. Arch. Physiol., 10, 1900, 149-173. Bohr, Christian, tt Kenriques, I'ahlennir. Sur r(5cliange respiratoire. [1892.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1496-1499; 115, 1892, 7(>; Centrbl. Physiol., 6, 1893, 225-227. Sur I'irrigation sanguine du muscle cardiaque. Kjo- benh., Overs., 1893, 38-45 ; Skand. Arch. Physiol., 5, 1895, 232-237. Comparaison des o(.), 6, 1897, 309-400. Influence d'un corps etranger introduit dans le mSristeme terminal de la racine. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1897 {Pt. 2), 510-514. Sur le remplacement de la racine principale par une radicelle, chez les Dicotyledones. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 13(>-139. Sur le tissu assiniilateur des tiges privies de feuiiles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 308-370. . Sur le remplacement de la tige principale par une de ses ramifications. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 981-984. Bois, , & Mauclaire, l'[laeide]. See Mauclaire A Bois. Bois, D[esire]. Sur le Trapa verbanensis, De Not. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, 4.53-454. Sur quelques plantes rares des environs de Paris. Jl. Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 143. Herborisations dans le d^partement de la Manche. Jl. Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 324-330. Les Cactties utiles. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 35, 1888, 641-656. Le Dioscorea Fargesii, Franch., nouvelle igname alimentaire. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 47, 1900, 49- 51. Bois, Z)[esi)e], & Faillieux, Aug. See Paillieux A Bois. Bois, l>[esiri'], Parisot, [Louis], Oaillard, A., A Gferome, . .So Parisot, Bois, aaillard A Girome. Bois, ';. Petit-. See Petit-Bois. Bois, J. Abaque logarithmique pour le calcul de la section la plus avantageuse a donner a un cable dlectrique. Lum. Elect., 39, 1891, 375-380. Boisbaudran, Paul Emile [dit Fraiieois) Iiecoq de. Separation du gallium d'avec les autres elements. Ann. Chini., 2, 1884, 176-271. Separation du gallium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 711-712, 781-782. Separation du cerium et du thorium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 525-520. Sur la solubilite du prussiate de gallium. Rectifi- cation il une note anterieure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 526. Action de I'eau oxyg^nee sur les oxydes de ci^rium et de thorium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 605-607. Rectification a une communication anterieure, relative au spectre du samarium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 607. Alliages d'indium et de gallium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 701-703. Sur un nouveau genre de spectres metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 100, 1886, 1437-1440, 1.526. Spectre de rammoniaquc par reuversement du courant induit. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 101, 1886, 42-45. Sur la fluorescence des terres rares. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 552-555, 588-.592. Sur un spectre electriqtie partieulier aux terres rares du groupe terbique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 153-155. Sur Tcquivalent des terhines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 395-398, 483; 111, 1890, 474-475. Sur I'emploi du sulfate de potasse dans les fractionne- nients de terres rares. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 102, 1886, 398-399. A propos de la theorie des trombes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 482-483, Sur la mosanilrlne de Lawrence Smith. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 647-048. Les fluorescences /ia et Xji appartiennent-elles a des Boisbaudran] 653 [Boissellier terreH diflerentcs? Paris, Ac. Sei. C. B., 102, 1886, 899-902. L'liDlminc (ou terro x <1p if- Sohkt) contient an muinn diMix nidiruiix iiRtulliciueB. I'ariB, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 10ll.'i-1004. Sur le dyHproflium. I'arig, Ac. Sci. C. It., 102, 1886, 100.5-1000. Sur le poiiin fttoiiii(|iie et Hiir le Hpectri' du germanium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 102. 1886, 1291-129.5. Sur la tluorescfiicf ancii'iiiiement attribute k I'yttria. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 102, 1886, 1.5:16-1 "..W. Idi'tititi^' d'i>riRine dc la tluorcscciico Xfi par renverse- ment vt des liumU's ohtciiui's dans le vide par .1/. ('uouKEB. I'ariH, Ac. Sci. C. K., 103, 1886, 113 117. Sur Ik poids atoniique du germanium. Parix, Ac. Sci. C. U., lO.i, 1886, 4r.2-153. Fluorescence dcs composes du mangani^e, 8oumi» i I'eflluve ^■lectrique dana le vide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 103. 1886, ■ir.H-471. Puritication de I'yttria. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. U., 103, 1886, 627-629. Fluorescence des composK C'iiancovhtoib, relativement aux relations nunieriques des poids atomiques. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. B., 112, 1891, 77-81. BoUcbevaller, .1. tli-. *De la regeneration de la chaleur dans les fours a gaz a haute tcmp(;ratare. [1883.] O^nie Civil. 3. 1882-83, 122-125. Boiae, y'[cutiquca. l';i"ris. .\c. Sci. C. B., 124. 1897, 1K5-1H7. BoiBsel, . Lettre sur la commune de Cabrieres. [IsKii ] Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 13, 1891, 63-64. Boissellier, A[iiguftiu]. For biographical notice let Charente-lnf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 32, 1898, 23-24. Sur les jdissements du sol dans le ma.ssif vend<^D, le di^'troit du Poitou et le ba>sin de la Cbarente. Ass. Franv. C. B., 1887 (/'«. 2). 524-527. Excursions geologiques des 22 mai et 12 juin 1887. [1887.] Chareute-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 24, 1888, 45- 48. Excursion geologique du 17 juin 1888 au Gros-Boc, au Douhet et i. Saint-Hilaire. [1888 ] Cbarente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 25, 1889. 4r>-48. Excursion geologique du 8 juiUet 1888 k Chaille-les- Marais. [1888.] Cbarenle-Inf. Soc. Sci. Add.. 2.5, 1889, 61-62. Excursion geologique du 23 juin 1889 k Esnandes. [1889.] Charente-lnf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 26, 1890, 27- 33. Excursion g^logique du 7 juillet 1889 dans la foret de Voiivant. [1889.] Charente-Iuf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 26, 1890. 41-44. Note sur la geologic du conrs de la Charrnte entre Bochefort et I'ile d'Aii. [1889.] Charente-lnf. Soc. Sci. Ann.. 26, 1890. 141-149. Excursion geologique du 10 mai 1891 aa Port-des- Barques. [1891.] CbareDte-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 28, 1892, 39-52. Boissellier] 654 [Boix Excursions geologiques des 29 mai et 3 juillet 1892 a Marennes et A Saint-Jean-d'Angle. [1892.] Charente- Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 29, 1893, 55-64. Le Palet tie Gargantua et les oscillations du rivage de la mer. Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 30 {Tomi' 1), 1894, 71-74. Extrait du compte-rendu des excursions faites pendant I'annee 1893, pour le service de la carte geologique au du Ministere des Travaux Publics. (Feuilles de 80,OOU« Saint-Jean d'Ang^ly et d'Angoulfime.) Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 30 '[Tome 1), 1894, 75-79. Detroit de Poitiers. Feuille de Saiut-Jean-d'Angely. [1894-95.] France Serv. Carte G(5ol. Bull., 0, 1895, 24-26; 7, 1896, 27-29. Boisset, de. Sur les compresseurs des Alouettes (mines de Blanzy). St. Etienne Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 7, 1893, 395^10. Bolssier, Alfred. En Cappadoce. [1895-1900.] Geneve Soc. Geog'r. Mem., 36, 1897, 75-113; 39, 1900 {Bull.), 41-44. Bolssier, [Pierre] Edm[ond]. For biography and list of works see Scbweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1884-86, 128-139; Geneve Soc. Phys. Mem., 29, 1884-87, xxxviii-xxxix; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 14, 1885, 308-385; Belg. Horticole, 35, 1885, 230-233 ; Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 24, 1885 (C. R.), 151-152; Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol., 3, 1885, 230-232; France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 325-327; Gard. Chron., 24, 1885, 4.5.5-456; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 212; Nature, 32, 1885, 54U; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 101, 1885, 682-685; Rev. Bot., 4, 1885-86, 331-332; Amer. Jl. Sci., 31, 1886, 20-21; Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 39-40; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1886, xiii-xvi; Dresden Isis Sber., 1886 {.ihh.), 33-39; Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 16, 1886, 308-309; Rev. Mycol., 8, 1886, 30-33; Termt. Kozlon., 18, 1886, 514; Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 22, 1887, xxvii-xxviii, 170-178. [Lettre sur les Melica ciliata et nebrodensis.] France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 126. Boissieu, Henri de. Quebjues notes sur la flore d'Orient. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 283-290. — ;- Contribution a la connaissance du littoral saharien. Etude sur la flore du Cap Blanc. Jl. Bot., Paris, 10, 1896, 218-221. [Anomalie du Geum rivale.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 21, 1896 (C. li.), 56. Note sur un Centaurea adventice dans I'Ain. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 44, 1897, 477-480. QuiUjucs mots .sur les Mitella. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [1 (''1899)], 105-109. Un uouveau Staphylea du Japon (Staphylea Francheti, n. sp.). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 47, 1900, 221-222. Liste de localit6s et esp^ces nouvelles pour la flore du Japon, d'apris les collect, parisiennes de M. I'abbe Faurik. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 47, 1900, 309-324. Boissieu, Pierre de. Sur I'eau de cristallisation des aluns. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 494-497. . • Sur le methyl iodoforme. [1887.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 16-17. Sur un nouveau proc^de de preparation du tetra- phi5nyl(5thylene. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 681-682. [Pyrogenation des residua de p(5troles russes appeles "nuizoutt. "] [1892.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 2-3. Perfectionnements dans I'industrie de I'acide sul- luri.iup. Jl. Pharm., 1, 189B, 126-129. Boissieu, Pierre de, & Auger, t'icttir. See Auger & Boissieu. Boisson, {(.'imimir Henri] .[[Iherl]. Sur les injections hy|judernii(iueH de clilorhydrate neutre de quinine. Arch. Med. I'barni. Militaires, 33, 1899, 411-419. See aluo under Kelsch. Boisson, [Casimir Henri] A[lhert], & Slmonin, [Pierre Kdfiuiird] J[uhs]. Des myosites infectieuses. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 25, 1895, 122-132. Boissonnade, {''abbe) . For biographical notice see France Soc. Bot. Bull., 41, 1897, Ixiv-lxv. Boissonnas, A., & Boissonnas, ■/. Travail et rendement des moteurs alternatifs asynchrones monophases. Lum. Elect., 50, 1893, 109-115. Boissonnas, J. , & Boissonnas, A . See above. Boistel, A. Note sur les travertins Tertiaires a v^g^taux de Douvres (Ain). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 18, 1890, 337-341. La faune de Pikermi i Amb^rieu (Ain). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 21, 1893, 296-301. Structure de la coUine de St.-Denis-le-Chosson (Ain) et ses relations avec celle du plateau des Dombes. Paris, Soc. G(5ol. Bull., 22, 1894, 299-320. Sur le Miocene Superieur de la bordure du Jura aux environs d'Amb^rieu. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 22, 1894, 628-659. La lisiere Tertiaire du Jura aux environs d'Amb^rieu (Ain). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1896, vi-vii. • Nouvelles observations sur la bordure Tertiaire du Jura a I'ouest du Bugey. Paris, Soc. G^ol. BuU., 26, 1898, 11-35. Quel est I'agent du transport des cailloutis alpins dans le Pliocene Superieur de la Dombes et de La Bresse? [With diseus.Hion.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 57-81. Boistel, E[rnest]. *Galvauomdtre universel de Siemens. Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 399-404. *Photometre a selenium de MM. Siemens et Halske. Lum. Elect., 7, 1882, 38-41, 120. Les dynamos. Eclairage Elect., 4 (1895), 211-215. Boisvert, [Franf;uis]. Myelite par compression. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1887, 590-596. Boiteau, P[ierre]. Etudes sur la reproduction du Phyl- loxera ; distribution du sulfure de carbone dans le sol par les machines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 31-34, 612-615. Reponse ii quelques-unes des critiques formul^es a propos de la note du 5 Janvier, sur la reproduction du Phylloxera et I'emploi du sulfure de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 612-615. Suite des resultats obtenus par I'elevage, en tubes, du Phylloxera de la vigne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 195-196. Sur les moeurs du Phylloxera, et sur I'^tat actuel des vignobles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 157-159. Boitel, . Sur les arcs surnumeraires qui accompa- gueut I'arc-en-ciel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K. , 106, 1888, 1522-1524, 1757. Theorie de I'arc-en-ciel. Jl. Phys., 8, 1889, 276-283. Boitel, Amedee. For biography and list of works see Ann. Agron., 15, 1889, 369-374; France Soc. Agr. Mem., 134, 1890, 577-605. Etude des prairies et des paturages de la Bretagne. Ann. Agron., 11, 1885, 241-253. Boix, Emile [Theodore]. Tachycardie par compression des pneumogastriques. Arch. Gen. Med., 171, 1893, 605-611. De Taction hypothermisante du Bacillus coli com- munis. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45. 1893, 113-120. l>e Taction hypothermisante des produits de culture du Bacillus coli communis. Paris, Soc. Biol. Miim. , 47, 1895 (C. Ji.), 439-410. Nature et pathogenic de Tiotire grave d'apris ies donni^es baett'riologiciues. Arch. G6n. Mi!d., 178, 1896, 77-91, 202-221. Le streptoserum. Arch. Oin. M(5d., 182, 1898, 488- 498, 587-610, 690-723. . A propos des arthrites purulentes i bacille de FiiiEm.,'iNi>i;ii au cours do la pneumonic. Aich. G^n. Mid., 182, 1898, 499-500. Boixl Gr.r. IBokorny Note 8ur In muladin de Hanot ou cirrhoHe hypcrtro- phiijuc biliairo av«c ictrro c'lir(ini(|u<\ I'liriH, Soc. liiol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. li.), 207-29H. Dp la toliTnnce et Je la ri'HiBtaiicc d'lin or>!aniBme robusto I't dii tnip on pnrticiilior aux buiDHonx alcooliques. Arch. G('ii. M coDTni.iciiiyiniuiii i.iiiui'piiin.. [Allylmclhvlhcxjlearbinol and its oxidation to the cor- respondiiiK' t'lvcerol.) Uuhh. Phvs. -Chora. Sor. .11., 2J {Ch.m.}. 1892, i7l-n3; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 10, 1893, I'.l'.l. Uebcr Allvl'iiPthylhexylciirbinol iiml das daraus nidi bildendc Hendccatylglycerin. .11. I'rakt. Chein., 49, 1894, .12-51. B6kai, .irpiiil. Aphoristicus mcgjcKyzt^'Sck a szivmozg&s- okr(!il. [Aphoristic observations on the movements of the heart.] OrvosTermt. Ertea. (Orv. Szak), 1884, 113- 132. Adatok a b(''lmoz(j;ii8ok ismeretehez. [Contributions to our knowledge of the movements of the intestines.] OrvosTermt. Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1884, 185-214; 1880, 1-24. A paraldeliyd t'lettani hatiisari'il. [On the biological action of paraldehyde.] Orvos-Temit. Ertes. (Ore. Sznk), 1888, 25<.)-267. [Kisi'rietek, melyeket a paraldehyddcl tett strychninnel mt'rgezptt allatokon. Experiments made with paralde- hyde on animals poisoned by strychnine.] Or\'os-Termt. Ertes. (Orr. S:,ik). 1888, 20'7-27:i. Az idiilt amylnitrit m^rgezesrol. , [On chronic amyl nitrite poisoning.] Orvos-Termt Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1886, 81-86. A metaldehydrol mint toxicus anyagr^l. [Metaldehyde as a toxin.] 0r\-O8-Tcrmt. Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1886, 95-108. Ujabb adatok a pikrotoxin <5s paraldebyd kolcsiinos meregtani antagoni.smusarbl. [New contributions on the reciprocal antagonism of picrotoxin and paraldehyde.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1886, 2.S5-238. [Uj fi'ijdalom^rzes-jelzo bemutatil-ia. Presentation of a new algometer.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1886, 241-242. Experimentelle Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Darmbe- wegungen. [18H7.] Arch. Exper. Path., 23, 1887, 209- 232, 414-426; 24, 1888, 1.53-ir.6- Kepziidik-^ methn'moglobin az elo verben chlorsavas kali niergez^snel? Bildet sich Methiemoglobin in dem Blute lebender Thicre bei tOdtlicher Intoxication mit chlorsaurera Kali? Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1887, 1-7, 203-206. Adatok az acetanilid (antifebrin) pharmakodynamicii- ji\hoz. Beitriige zur Pharmiikodymimik des .\ntifebrin. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1887, 46-54, 213-217. A veszettsdg virusa is ni^mely desinliciens szer. Szii..iGvi Janos vizsgalatai alapjan kozli. Das Lyssavirus und einige Oesinficientia. Auf Grund der Untersuchungen von .Tohann Szii.ahvi. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1890. 1-^18, 123-128. Az epenek I's alkottSreszeinek hata.ea a b<^Imozi,'asra. Uchcr die Wirkung der Galle nnd deren Bestandteile auf die Darmperistaltik. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1890, 19-24, 129-134. Experimentelle Beitrage zur Lehre von der akuten Phosphorvergiftung. Wien. Med. Wschr., 41, 1891, 1982. Arbeiten iiber das Formanilid. Centrbl. Med. Wiss,, 31, 1893, 289-292. A kerenkcdilmi asztali oUjok tApliil/i .'rU'k/rMl. ( I '.-U-r dfn Nalirwcrth diT iin Haiidi'l vrcal iV Bbkal. B6kal, .irp'lil, A TbthmAyer, Ferenez. Adatok a bilnioz- giiHok isnu-ri'tihez. [( ontributions to the knowledge of the movements of the inteatines.] Orvos-Tennt. Krten. (Orr. Szak), 1888, 39-56. B6kay, .Inhann von. I>ie HeiUenmibehandlung gegen Uipbtherie in dem Uudappster "Stefanie" Kmderspitale. 1 102 I'alle.) [1896.] Jbuch. Kinderheilk.. 44, 1897, 133- 156. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Hamrohrendivertikcl bei Kniiben .Ibuch- Kinderheilk., 52. 1900, lMl-214. Bokelmann, [Wilhtlm]. Die Antist-pKis wahrend der (teliurt. [With ditcutiion.] Ztschr. Geburtahlf. Gyniik., 17. 1889. 341-348. Bokenliain, T[homiu'\ Jettopp. The serum-therapy of typhoid fi.'ver. London Path. Boc. Trans., 49, 1898, 373-378. The serum-therapy of aff«*clionB caused by infection with streptococci. London Path. Soc. Trans., 49, 1898, 37K-3H5. Bokeobam, 'r[homiu] .Jeitnpp, .V Brunton, (.Sir) J\homat] Liuuler. .SVc Bronton it Bokenbam. Bokomy, Th[ieut.«ch. Bot. Ges. Ber.. 7. 1889. 274-275. Ueber den Nachweis von Wa^serstoffsoperoxyd in Icbenden Pflanzenzellen. Deutsch. Bot. Ge«. Ber., 7, 1889, 275-276. Welche Stoffe konnen ansser der Kohlensaare «ur Starkebildung in gninen Pflanzen dienen? Landw. Versucbs-Stat.. 36. 1889. •220-242. Zur I'haracteristik des lebenden Pflanzenprotoplas- ma-s. Prtuger. Arch. I'hysiol., 4-5, 1889, 199-219. Ueber den Ort der Wasserleitung in den Pflanzen. [1889.] BioL Centrbl., 9, 1890, 289-303, 321-327. Bokorny] 656 [Bolam Ueber die Wasserwege in den Pflanzen. [1889.] Erlangen Phvs. Med. Soc. Sber., 21, 1890, 62-63. Zur Eenntniss des Cytoplasmas. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 101-111. Notiz iiber das Vorkommen des Gerbstoffs. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 112. Die Wege des Transpirationsstromes in der Pflanze. Pringsheiiii, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 21, 1890, 469-503. Weitere Mitlheilung iiber die wasserleitenden Gewebe. Pringsbeim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 21, 1890, 505-519. Das Wasserleitungsverniogeu des Colleiichvmgewebes. [1890.] Biol. Ceutrbl., 10, 1891, 321-323; Erlangen Phvs. Med. Soc. Sber., 23, 1891, 26-27. Ueber den Nuchweis des Transpirationsstromes in den Pflanzen. Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Ber., 9, 1891, 2-9. Ueber Stiirkebildung aus Formaldehyd. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., i), 1891, 103-106. Das Verhalten des Gerbstoffs in der lebenden Pflanzeu- zelle. Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 23, 1891, 27-28. Einige Versuche iiber die Abnahme des Wassers an organischer Substauz durch Algenvegetation. Arch. Hyg., 14, 1892, 202-208. Einige Beobacbtuugen iiber den Einfiuss der Erniih- rung auf die Beschaffenlieit der Pflanzenzelle. Biol. Ceutrbl., 12, 1892, 321-330. Ueber Kohlensaureassimilation. Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892, 481-484. Bemerkung zu P. Klemm : Ueber die Aggregations- vorgange in Crassulaceenzellen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 318. Erniihrung griiner Pflanzenzellen mit Formaldehyd. Landw. .Jbiich., 21, 1892, 44.5-465. Zur Proteosomenbildung in den Blattern der Cras- sulaceen. [1893.] Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 619-621. Die Vakuolenwand der Pflanzenzellen. Biol. Centrbl., 13, 1893, 271-275. Ueber die physiologiscbe Wirkung der tellurigen Siiure. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 1598-1599. Eigenschaften, Verbreitung und Bedeutung des nicht- organisirten activen Proteinstoffes. [1893.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 55, 1894, 127-142. Ueber die Betheiligung chloropliyllfiihrender Pflanzen an der Selbstreinigung der Eliisse. Arch. Hyg., 20, 1894, 181-196. . Ueber den Einfluss des Calciums und Magnesiums auf die Ausbildung der Zellorgane. Bot. Centrbl., 62, 1896, 1-4. Einige vergleichende Versuche iiber das Verhalten von Pflanzen und niederen Thieren gegen basische Stoffe. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 59, 1895, 557-562. Einige Versuche iiber die Stickstofferniihrung griiner Pflanzen. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 53. Notizen zur Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffernahrung der Pilze. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 69. Ueber das toxikologiscbe Verhalten der Pikrinsiiure und ihrer Salze, sowie einiger verwandter Stoffe. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 963-964. Das Verhalten nitrirter Kohlenhydrate gegen Pilze. Chem. Ztg,, 20, 1896, 985-986. Die mikroskopische Veriinderung der Baumwolle beim Nitriren. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 986. . licoliachtungen iiber Stiirkebildung. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 100.5-1006. Versuche iiber die Giftigkeit des Nitroglycerins. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 1021-1022. Ueber die Wasserloslichkcit des Phosphors und die (jiftwirkung wiisseriger Phosphorliisungen. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 1022. Ueber das Vorkommen des "Gerbstoffes" ini I'llan- zenreichc und seine Bezieliung zum activen Albumin. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 1022 1023. Vergleichende Studieu iiber die Giftwirkung versohie- dener chemischer Substanzen bei Algen und Infusorien. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 64, 1896, 262-306. Toxicologiscbe Notizen iiber Ortho- und Para-Verbin- dungen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 64, 1896, 306-312. Ueber die organische Erniihrung griiner Pflanzen und ihre Bedeutung in der Natur. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 1-20, 33-48. Grenze der wirksanien Verdiinnung von Nalirstoffen bei Algen und Pilzen. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 417-426. Ueber die Kohlenstoffernahrung der Sprossbefe. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 303, 1897, 115-119, 140-143, 163-166. Erniihrbarkeit der Spaltpilze durch verschiedene Kohlenstoffverbindungen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 66, 1897, 114-144. Notizen iiber die faulnisswidrige Kraft einiger Substanzen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1897, 336-344, 364-366. Notiz iiber Athmung und Assimilation. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 99. Ueber die Wirkung der iitherischen Oele auf Pilze. [1899.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 73, 1898, 55.5-594. Selbstschutz der Pflanzen gegen Pilze. Pilzfeste Pflanzenteile. Biol. Centrbl., 19, 1899, 177-185. Zur chemischen Phvsiologie der " iitherischen Oele." Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 60-61, 75-76. Notiz iiber die Zersetzung von Eiweiasstoffen durch Siiuren. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 1099-1100. Physiologisches und Chemisches iiber die Pepton- bildung aus Eiweiss. Biol. Centrbl., 20, 1900, 53-59. Einiges iiber die Proteinstoffe der Samen. Bot. Centrbl., 82, 1900, 289-306. Notiz iiber das Myrosin. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 771- 772, 817, 832. Empfindlicbkeit der Enzyme; Bemerkungen iiber die Beziehungen derselben zum Protoplasma. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 1113-1114, 1136-1138. Ueber das Vorkommen von Albumin, Atbumose und Pepton in den vegetativen Pflanzentheilen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 80, 1900, 48-68. Bokomy, Tlilomas], & IiOew, Oscar. See IiOew & Bokorny. Boks, II. B. Die Technik der Stauung am Kaninchenohr. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 26, 1899, 565-567. Boku, C'/ii»H. Carbonated spring in Korea. {Jiip.\ Tokyo Geol. Soc, Geol. Mag., 3, [1896], [230]-[231]. Bolam, (iciirqe. Notes of arrivals and departures of birds. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [10], 1885, 581-589, 617. Ornithological notes. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [10], 1885, ,589-590; [11], 1887, 258-263. On the occurrence of the cockchafer (Melolontha vulgaris, Fah.) in Northumberland. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [11], 1887, 558-559. Additions to the lepidopterous fauna of the district, with notes on the capture of some of the rarer species. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [11], 1887, 559-561. Note on a spider (Meta Menardi, Lut.) new to the district. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [12], 1890, 151-152. Some notes on the occurrence of Pai.las's sand grouse, Syrrhaptes paradoxus (I'alUis), in the district, during the recent visitation of the species to this country. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [12], 1890, 542-551. Ornithological notes. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [13], 1892, 345-368. The diamond-lmck moth, Plutella cruciferarum, XeU. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist.. [13], 1892, 379-385. The gray seal (Halicbu-rus grypus) near Berwick-on- Tweed. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 180-181. A list of the birds of Berwick-on-Tweed, with special reference to "The birds of Berwickshire" and notices of the occurrence of some of the rarer species in the adjoining districts. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 76 93 ; 1897, 5-14, 79-88; 1899, 65-72. Bolam] 057 On the tireediriK of tliu wiKcon (Miintca I'enolnpc) on the llorderH. Ann. Scott. Nut. lliHt., 1896, 'JI'.l-'^v!!). BlyKiuuH rufuB, var. l)ifoliii«, a new plant (or the district. [189S.J Uerwick. Nat. Club Hint., 15, 1897, 362. Notes on hoidc of the rurcr Lupidoptertt, with several additioHH to llic fauna of the diHtrict. licrwick. Nat. Clul) Hint., 1.-,, 1897, 2'J7-.10(), 3110. lied foolcil fiilion (Fiilco veKpertinuH, Linn.) in Scotland. Ann. Scott. Nut. Hint., 1898, 110. Ichthyological notes. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., IG, 1899, 201-204. Monstrosity in the crab. Berwick. Nat. Club Mist., 17, 1901, 80. Ornitlioliigioal notes. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, H'J-IOH. Lesser fork-board, or tadpole fish, lianiceps trifur- catus (Turtim). Berwiik. Nut. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 112. On the occurrence of Sphodrus leucoplitbnliuus, I. inn., in thr district. Berwick. .Nut. Club Hist.. 17, 1901, 12H. Bolam, Hfibeit IVilliiini. Zur VerseifunK dcs Dicttrboxyl- glutaconsiiureester. [Vorliiutige Mittlieiluu),'.] Berlin, Chera. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 30«1-H062. On the hydrolysis of ethvlic dicarboxyl^lntaconate. [18%.] Cheni. Soc. I'roc, 12, 1897, 1H4-18.5. Bolam, lli-rhnt Willinm. iV Brown, .ilixander Cmm. See Brown iV Bolam. Bolam, //. 11'. Ueber Pyocyunin, den blauen FarbstofI des Hacilhis pyocyaneus. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 25, 1899, 8!l7-'.)il2. Bolander, llenn/ A'[iVh»{u.«]. For biographical notice and works see Eryihea, 6, 1898, 10(1-107. A new Krythronium. Erythea, 3, 189B, 127. Bolas, Thomaa. The physics and chemistry of develop- ment. Photogr. Jl., i;». 1896, 232-247. Kcproduciion by photographic proces.ses. Nature, 58 (1898), 204-20.5. Diaphragms of glass, thin to Nkwton's very black stage. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 23, 1899, 2.52- 255. Notes on the uses of the DuUmeyer focometer. [With discussion] (189!).] Photogr. .11.. 24, 1900, 107-111. Bolau, Ileinrich. Eine Zahntaube, Diduuculus strigi- rostris, im Zoologi»chen Garten in Hamburg. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 25, 1884, 65-69. /.ur Geschiilite des Naturwis.senschaftlichen Vcrcins in Hamburg. l.'<37 87. Humb. Nat. Yer. Abb., 10, 1887, No. 1, 32 pp. Die Itaubviigel des Zoologischen Gartens in Hamburg. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 32, 1891, 12-17, 36-39, 265- 274. On specimens of Haliaetus pelngicus and H. Branickii now living in the Zoological Gardens of Hamburg. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 173-174. Die ScheidenschniilH'l im Hamburger Zoologischen Garten. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 34, 1893. 297-299. Kleine Mitteilungen aus dem ZoologLschen Garten in Hamburg. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 35, 1894, 9-11, 114- 118, 227-231 ; 36, 1898, 359-:iG0 ; 37, 1896. 3.53-357. Der Kieseu-Seeadler und der KoreaSeeadler im Zoo- logischen (iarteu in Hamburg. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 35, 1894, 193-194. B. S. A. C. [Bolivar y Urrutia Die geographische Verbreitiing der wichtigsten Wale des Stillen Ozeans. Hamb. Nat. \'er. Abh., 13, 1896, iV«. 5, 22 pp. Ueber die Dinka-Neger. [1895.] Deulsch. Ges. Antbrop. Corresp.BI., 1897, 41-42. Bolan, Hermann. Die Typen der Vogelsammlung den .N'ulurhiHturiHcben Museums zu Hamburg. Humb. Mus. .Mitt., 15, 1898, 45-71 ; Hamb. Wis*. Anst. Jbuch., 16, 1898, Itetheit 2, 4.5-71. Glandula thyreoidea und Glanduhi thymus der Amphibien. Zool. Jbtich. {Anat.\, 12, 1899, 6-57- 710. Bolcan, K. *IIaf).Il<>,l,f'lliH naji TCMiicpaTyiioil II riiJcrpoToft Tf'ii'iiiH Bi. iitKOTopuxi. »it,<-Taxi. Bciril. [Observations of tenifterature and rapidity of flow at some points of the Volga.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Proc, 1872-73, .i/ipend. .Vo. 4, 18 pp. Bold, Thomas .John. For biographv and list of works $ee Niirtliiirab. Nat. Hist. Trans., 8, i884-89. 33-46. Boldlngta, a. Honiliat. Over de afwijkingeu van de wetten voor verdunde oplossingen. Maandbl. Nat., 1897, 143-147, 160-171, 181-189; Fortschr. Phvs., 1898 (.4fcf/i. II, 531 -.532. Boldlnl, Carlo. For biographical notice lee Venezia, Attneo, 2, 1888, 241-242. L' influenza del sottosuolo sullo stato igienico della citti. Veuezia, .\teneo, 1, 1886, 124-144. [La fognatura delle citti.] Parte prima. Venezia, Ateneo, 1, 1892, 314-355. Boldt, Charles Emit. Cm epifvlla blommor hos Chirita huniosa, Ji. Jlr. Kjobenh. V'id. Medd., 1897, 332-3.55; Bot. Centrbl., 74, 1898, 12^-130. Om ett fynd i Finland af Scirpus parvulns, /?;;m. et .S'./i., och dess skottbyggnad. [1899.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Med"d., 26. 1900, 100-104. Boldt, II[ermann]J[oh.]. Functional neuroses, and their relation to the diseases peculiar to women. [1898.] N. Y. Med. Jl.. 69. 1899, lHl-185. Boldt, Itoliert. Bidrag till kiinnfilomen om Sibiriens Chlorophvllophvceer. Stockh., Ofvers., 1886. .Vo. 2, 91-128; "Hot. Centrbl., 26. 1886, 1-2. Grunddragen af Desmidieernas ulbredning i Norden. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bibang. 13 {.ifd. 3|, 1888. So. 6, 110 pp.; Bot. Centrbl., 38, 1889, 736-739. Desmidieer frau On'mland. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 {.4/d. 3), 1888, So. 5. 48 pp. lakttagelser ofver konsfordelningcn hos lonnen. [1889.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 16, 1888-91, 61-65.. [Om "snous blomma" (Sphfcrella nivalis) och dean fiirekomst nos oss. Ueber die '• Blume des Schnees," Sphierella nivalis, und deren Yorkommen in FinnUnd.] |IH89.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 18, 1891-92, 192-193; Bot. Centrbl., 61. 1898, 153-1.54. Nunra si'itvattensalger fran Gn~>nland. Bot. Sotiser, 1893, 156-1.58., Bole, llirsirr] t:[mite]. & Itehltxr*, Ch[arUs Marie]. See Dcbicrre l1' Bole. Bolezzl, liiiaaiini. Sopra la salicil-p-fenetidink ed alcnni suoi derivati. Napoli. Bend.. 37, 1898, 220-225; Gazz. Chim. lul., 28 (1898, Pt. 2). 197-202. Bolivar y TTrmtla, lanacio. [Observations sur Ie< Orthop- tire.s d'Euroj* et du bassin de la Mi-diterranee.] Brux., Soc. Em. .\nn.. 28, 1884. cii-cvii. Monografia de los Pirgomortinos. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13. 1884. .5-73, 419-.50(). [Observacione.s sobre slgunos Tisanaros y Colembolos de los alredevlores de Madrid y sobre la Embia Solieri. Rb.] Madrid. Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, IBM {Act.), 31-33. — — Diagnoses d"Orthopt^res nonreanx. [1885.] Natara- liste, [3(188fr-87)]. 116-117. 83 Bolivar y Urrutia] 658 [Bolivar y Urrutia Observations siir le GrvHodes littoreus, sp. nov. [1885.] Naturaliste, [3(1886-87)], 174. [Fernando Poo y el Uolfo tie Guinea. Enumeraci6n de las coleccioues recogidas en su viaje por el Dr. OssoEio.] Articulados. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 15, 1886, 341-348. [Apuntes de un viaje por el Sahara occidental por Don Francisco Quihoca.] Crusticeos. [Miri4podos. Ortopteros. Hemipteros.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 15, 1886, 510-511, 512-517. [Enunieiaci6n de los Ort6pteros de Espana publicados despues de la aparicion de la sinopsis de los mismos.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 15, 1886 {Act.), 36-39. [Noticia sobre la colecciou de Coleopteros del Sr. D. L. Perez Arcas, douada al Museo de Madrid.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 15, 1886 (Act.), 55-60. Essai sur les Acridiens de la tribu des Teltigidie. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 31, 1887, 175-313. Especies nuevas 6 criticas de Ortopteros. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 16, 1887, 89-114. [Excursion ortopterolbgica .i Penalara.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 16, 1887 (Act.), 4-9. [Descripci6n de la copula de la Locusta viridissima, L.] Madiid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 16, 1887 {Act.), 70-73; Ent. Naclir., 14, 1888, 78-79. Enumeration des Orthopteres de Tile de Cuba. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 1, 1888, llfi-164. [Sobre un parasito del Astacus fluviatilis.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 17, 1888 (Act.), 60-63. [Observaciones sobre algunos insectos de Sabaris, Pontevedra.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 17, 1888 {Act.), 83-84. [Noticia de algunos insectos del Escorial.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 17, 1888 {Act.), 101. Enumeraci6n de los Grilidos de Filipinas. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 18, 1889, 415-431. • Ortopteros de Africa del Museo de Lisboa. [1889-90.] Lisboa, .lorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 73-112, 150-173, 211- 232. Diagnosis de Ort6pteros nuevos. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 19, 1890, 299-334. [Noticias sobre la recoleccion de los Crustilceos.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 19, 1890 (Act.), 2-6. — — [Observaciones sobre algunos Gryllodes.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 19, 1890 (Act.), 19. [Lista de Crustaceos cerca de San Sebastian.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 19, 1890 (Act.), 11.5-120. ■ Voyage de il. E. Simon au Venezuela. Orthopteres. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, 137-146. Apuntes acerca de los aparatos de pesea erapleados a bordo de la Hirondellc por S. A. S. el Principe de Monaco. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 20, 1891, 38.5-424. [Excursiones a la Poveda (Madrid) y i, los Picos de Europa (Santander).] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 20, 1891 (Act.). 3-5. La langosta migratoria de Chile. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 2, 1892, 196-199. Orthopteres provenant des voyages de S. A. le Prince de Monaco dans les archipels de Madfere ct des A(,'orea. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 17, 1892, 46-49. Lista de la coleeci6n de Crustaceos de Espnfia y Portugal del Museo de Historia Natural de Madrid. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 21, 1892 (Act.), 124-141. IjCs espi'ces du genre Cyrtaspis, Fiscli. Kev. Ent., 11, 1892, 289-293. Voyage de M. Ch. Ai.i.iiAUH dans le territoire d'Assinie (Afrique occidentale). Orthopteres. [1892.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, 169 184. Tableau jiour la determination du genre Tryxalis, F. 11H93.I FeuiUe .leunes Natural., 23, 1892 93, 161-161. Ad cognitioneni Orthopteroi-um liuropie et conliniuni. 1. Sohic el gencki!n- KiirU'l, iin donsi-ii Miixkiilutur hhwIi' imi I'Icxiih lumbo- Kacralis. Morpliol. .Ibiicli,, 21, 1894, 211-277. HekoiiKlniktiuii dor Sf^incntirunK diT (ilii-dmaHHen- inu«kiilfttiir, darKcloKt an den MuHkcln dc« -.-.l3; 20, 1898, 91-211; 27, 1899, t;3()-7n ; 2«, 1900, 10.">-14fi. Ut'ber eint' Variation dps kiirzpn Knpfis des Biceps (euKiris beim Oranj,'. Ein Bcitraj; zur Morpholofie dipHps Muskels. Morphol. .Ibucli., 2(), 1898, 274-2K1. Die Homolopip der Brust- und liauchuiuskcln. Morphol. .Ihui^h., 27, 1899, 317-321. lieitriiKc zur Aflen-Anatomie. [i. Untersuchungen am Bchwangcren Uterus von Seninopitbecus.] Morphol. .Iburh., 2H. 1900, .'j(;,5-623. Kiirzire Mittheiluni;en aus dem anatomischen Institut zu Am.-iterdani. [i. I'eberdie Persistenz fotaler Eoruier- scheinunj-pn bpi eineni erwachsenen Manne. 11. Ueber eine Wirhelsiiule mit nur sechs Halswirbeln. ] [1900.] Morphol. .Ibuch , 29. 1902, 78-93. Boll, )•'. Ueber die Umkehrungsversuche rait Brvopsis, nebst Beniprkunpen iiber ihren zelligen Aufbau (Energi- dpn). Dentsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., IH, 1900, 444-451. Boll, i/[<'c>>h]. To reference in No. 3 {Vol. 9) mid Deutsch. Natf. 'IVelil., 1876 (/i.i7.), 17t>-179 ; Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterli. Verb.. 3, 1878, 13.5-144. Bolla, .Uhillf. II gneiss oentrale nella Valtellina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (.SVm. 2), 101-105. Bolland, a. J. I'. J. Voorzienipheid en natuurwet, eene hernieuwde bespreking der oude vraag : "Werkt de natuur vol^'ens dopleinden?" Batavia, Natuurk. Tijd- schr., 47, 1887, 38-144. Schijn en wezen. .Vlgemeene beschouwingen over de begrippen stof en kracht. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. . 47, 1887, 283-527. Die Lebenserscheinungen und der Erkliirungswahn in der Physiologic der Gegenwart. Ein kritisch-philosophi- scher Versuch. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 50, 1891, 2.i8-310. Bolle, Carl. [Vorkoramen von Nycthierax ulula in der Mark Brandenburg.] .11. f. Ornith., 34, 1886, 401. Ulmus effusn. Garden A Forest, 1, 1888, 381-382. Unter den Linden des Wcrbellin. Eine miirkische Studie. [1889.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 31, 1890, 124-134. Grafting oaks. Garden A Forest, 3, 1890, 1-59. Zur Variabilitiit der Eiche in der Mark. [1889.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb.. 32, 1891, 236-244. The naturalisation of exotic forest-trees iu Prussia. Garden A Forest, 4. 1891. 321-322. Nachtrag zur Flornla der Kopfweiden. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 33, 1892, 72-74. Florula insularum olini Purpurariarum, nunc Lanza- rote et Fuertaventura oum minoribus Isleta de Lobos et la Graciosa in .\rchipelago Canariensi. Engler, Bot. Jbiich.. 14, 1892. 230-257. Botanische Ruckblicke auf die Inseln Lanzarote und Fuertaventura. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 16, 1893, 224- 261. [Ueber die Buche des Kaukasus.] [1894.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 36, 1895. xvi. Eine FarbenvaricUit der .\rmpria clongats. [1899. J Brandenb. B..t. Ver. Verb., 41, 1900, 1-4. BoUa, Curl. A' Aacberaon, I'aul [/■rinlrirh AuijumI]. liiiiutliUH LaucheaiiUK, lUr. Ein neuer Nelkenbantard. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, 102-105. Bolle, liiiivdiini, A Tttiiiaan, t'flix [Kurl Albert Errut Jwichim] (/(iiroii) ton. Contribuzioni alio stadio dei Fungbi del litoralc au«triaco con specialc riguardo a (pielli clic vegelano sulle piaute ulili. Trieste Boll., 9, |(/'f. 1)]. 1888, 64-78. BollAe, /.> UN. Siir une nouvelle machine ikcalculer. Paris, Ac'. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889. 737-739. Bolleman van der Veen, /'. J. Ijocust42lla luscinioidcs, (Miind breeding in the province of Frie«land (Nether- liincUi. 1 1896.] Leyden MuH. NoU-s, 18, X896-97, KK). BoUemont, K. Ori'goire tie. [Action du formiate d'amyle sur I'ethcr cyanacetiqae sod^.] Paris See. Cbim. Bull., 19, 1898, 214. [Action du cyanacetate d'amyle sur lYfther ortho- forniii|ue en presence d'anhydride acetiijue] Parin Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 437-138. [Preparation de rethoxymethylenecyanaceUite de melhyle et de roxvmetlivleneevanatf-tate de raethyle.] Parjs Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 742. Etude de ijuelqucs derives oxym^-tbyldniques dai ethers cvanacitiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1338-1341. Etude de roiym^thyldnecyanacitatc de mithyle et de quclques-uns de sea homolognes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, .50-.53. [Action de rorthoformiate de nu'thyle sur les ethers cyanaci/liques. Ethers mcthoxymethylenccyanacelinues et amidomethvlenecvanacitiques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899", 117-118. [.\ction de laniline sur les <-thers alcoyloxymethylt^ne- cyanacetiques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 326. BoilenbaKcn, Ueino. Beitrag zur I'athologie des Eier- stot-ks. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik.. 43. 1900, t;<>-96. BoUer, . I. .4 [((i)]. To reference in No. 12 {Vol. 12) add Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 273-274. *Kunstliche Tubereulose, erzeugt durch den Genuss der Milch tuberculoser Kiihe. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 263-265. Ueber das autochthone Vorkommen des Bothrio- cephalus latus in Milnchen nebst Bemerkungen iiber die geographisehe Verbreitung der Bandwiirmer. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 36, 1885, 277-284. Ueber multilocularen Echiuococcus der Leber. [1885.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 1, [1886], 19-20. Zur Aetiologie des Milzbrandes. [1885.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 1, [1886], 21-23. Ueber Tubereulose beim Aft'en. [1886.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 2, 1887, 5-6. Demonstration eines geschwulstbildenden Pilzes beim Pferde (Botryomykose) : Micrococcus botryogenus {Rahe), Micrococcus ascoformans {Jnhne), Discomyces Equi {Itivutla). [1887.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 5-7. Ueber Kntstehung und Heilbark^eit der Tubereulose. [1888.] Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 14, 1889, 264- 272. Ueber Cysticercus celluIosfB im Gehirn. [1888.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 4, 1889, 45-49. Ueber den Einfluss der Verdiinnuiig auf die Wirk- samkeit des tuberkuliisen Giftes. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889. 328-329. Ueber die Infectiositiit des Fleisches tuberkuliiser Kinder. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 {Tli. 2), 187. Ueber einige Quellen der tuberkuliisen Infection. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 {Th. 2), 187-188. Ueber Tuberkulose. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 {Bd. 2, Abtli. 3), 147-154. Ueber partielles Riesenwachsthum und angeborene Fettsucht. [1889.] Beitr. Anthrop. Bayerns, 9, 1891 {Miinchen Anthrop. Ges. Verh.), (28)-(29). Ueber die Verwendbarkeit des an Infectionskrank- heiten leidenden Schlachtviehes. [1S90.] Deutsche Ztschr. Tliiermed., 17, 1891, 215-241. Ueber primiire infectiose Pyelo-Nephritis beim Rind. [1891.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 7, [1892], 59. ■ Ueber die Infectiositiit des Blutes tuberculoser Kinder. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1893 {Th. 2, Hiilfte 2), 14-15. • Ueber die Identitat der Perlsucht der Binder mit der menschlichen Tubereulose. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1893 {Th. 2, Hiilfte 2), 15. Ueber die Grossenverhaltuisse des Herzens bei Viigeln. [1893.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 9, 1894, 106-113. Ueber Sauglings-Sterblichkeit und die erbliche fune- tionelle Atrophie der menschlichen Milchdriise. [With discussion.] Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1899, 117-122; Wieu Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 30, 1900, [51]- [56]. [On tuberculosis amongst domestic animals and its relationship to tubercular disease in man.] Nature, 60 (1899), 108. BoUman, Charles Harvey. For biographical notice and works see U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 7. Notes on a collection of fishes from the Escambia river, with description of a new species of Zygonectes. [1886.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 9, 1887, 462-465. Preliminary descriptions of ten new North American myriapods. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 81-82. Description of new genera and species of North American Myriapoda (Julidse). [1887.] Entomologies Amer., 2, 1886-87, 225-229. New genus and species of Polydesmidoe. [1887.] Entomologica .\mer., 3, 1887-88, 45-46. New North American myiiapods. [1887.] Entomo- logica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 81-83. Notes on North American Julida;. [1887.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 4, 1887-89, 2.3-44. Notes upon a collection of Myriapoda from east Tennessee, with a description of a new genus and six new species. [1887.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 4, 1887-89, 106- 112. Notes on the North American Lithobiidffi and Scuti- geridfp. [1887.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888. 25-1-266. A preliminary list of the Myriapoda of Arkansas with descriptions of new species. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 1-8. Descriptions of fourteen new species of North American myriapods. U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 617- 627. • Description of a new species of insect, Fontaria pulchella, from Strawberry Plains, JelTerson Co., Tennessee. [1888.] U. S. Mus. Proc., 11. 1889, 316. Notes on a small collection of myriapods from the Bermuda Islands. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1889, 127-129. Notes on a collection of Myriapoda from Cuba. U. S. Mus. Proc, 11, 1889, 335-.33S. Notes on a collection of Myriapoda from Mossy Creek, Tenn. , with a description of a new species. U. S. Mus. Proc, 11, 1889, 339-342. Notes upon some myriapods belonging to the U. S. National Museum. U. S. Mus. Proc, U, 1889, 343-350. Catalogue of the myriapods of Indiana. U. S. Mus. Proc, 11, 1889, 403-410. A report upon the fishes of Kalamazoo, Calhoun, and Antrim counties, Michigan. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 8, 1890, 219-225. BoUman] f.r.i [Bolsius [Scii'iititic reRiiltH of cxplorntinnH by the tJ. S. Fiili CuinmiHKiun StL'tiincr Albatrom. No. v. J Myriupuila. U. S. MuH. I'loc, 12. 1890, 211-210. A review of llic Centrftreliiclii'. or (ri'»liwftler BuntiKlies of North Amiricii. [7'oii(/i.J U. 8. Vinh Comm. Hep., 16, 1892, r,-,i-r,r.). A catalogue of the known Myriupoda of North Americn, iiortli of Mexico, [l^oilh.] U. S. Mob. Bull., 46, 1893, 117-130. • Some new species of North American niyriapods. [Potth.] V. S. MuH. Bull.. 46, 1893, iai-i:«". Notes on tile synonymy "( Mvriapoda. [Potth.] U. S. MuB. Uull., ii;, 1893," l:)() 14:i. Notes upon the species of .Myriapoda Syngnatha described by Tlionuis Say. \Potth.\ U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 144 14'.). Notes upon tlie North American niyriapods describiil by C. L. Kocii. [Pmtli.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 150-1.V2. Classification of Myriupoda. [Poelh.] I'. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, l.'iH-l(i2. Classiticiiticiu of the Syniinatha. [I'dxlh.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 163-167. (Synopsis of the Scolopeudridie of North America. ] [Poolh.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 168-180. A list of the Myriapoda of Minnesota. [Ponth.] U.S. Mus. Bull., 46. 1893, 181-18.5. Notes on the I'olyzoniida;. [Postli.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 186-lH A 6), 181-184; Russ. I'hys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 ((7/.m.), 1897, 326-330; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., IS, 1897, 12.')0. 0 rii,ii)aTaxi. io,T.iicTaro Ko6a.ii.Ta. [Sur les hydrates de I'iodure de cobalt.] Kazan Uniy. Mem., 1898 (Ft. 4), 171-174; Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl.. 30 {Chcm.), 1898, 386-389; Pans Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 8. 0 rii,T|)aTl; TpexOpoMiicxaro atcitaa. [Sur I'hydrate du bromure ferrique.] Kazan Uniy. Mem., 1898 {I't. 4), 175-178: Ku.ss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl , 30 {Chem.), 1898, 389-391; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 22, 1899, 8. BoUlns, (/<• T^v. p>re\ I[[einrich]. Hecherches sur la strui'tiire des orxancs segmenlaireH des HirudintWn. Cellule, ,'>, 1889, 367-436; 7, 1891, 1-77. Intrazejlulare Oiiiige. Krwiderung auf einige An- klagen des Herrn P. Levi-io. [1890.] Biol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 6,")4-6.';6. Sur un nouyeau chariot de microKCope. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 15, 1891 [I't. 1). 42-44. I,eH organes ciliis des Hirudinees. i. L'organe cilii du genre Nephelis. Cellule, 7, 1891, 289-321. Anatomie des organes scgmentuires des Hirudini^-cs d'eau douee, d'ttpres les recherehes cytologii|ues. (1890- 91.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 16, 1892 (/^(. 2), 1-69. Sur un curieux paradoxe yisuel. [1891.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 16, 1892 {I't. 1), 26-32. Une note nur un systerae de valets-pinces solidaires pour microscope. [1892.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 17, 1893 {I't. 1), 2.5-29. [Sur des Hirudinees de Mailagascar.] [1892.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 17, 1893 (Ft. 1), 30. [Sur (|uelques ]>oints d'anatomie niicroscopiquc d'Enchytriius humicultor, f'rjd.] [1892. J Brux. Soc. Sci. Aiin.. 17. 1893 {I't. 1). 30-31. Notice sur I'anatomie de l'organe scgmentaire d'Enchytrmides. Anat. .\nz., 8, 1893, 210-215. Sur un cas de su|>erfetation dans une orange. Bmx. Soc. Sci. Ann., 17, 1893 {Ft. 1), 102-104. [Over den bouw der segmentaal-organen bij de Hirudi- ncen en bij de Oligochieten (Knchytriiusi.] [1893.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 4. 1893-94, xxii [Over de trilharige organen (organes cilies) bij Nephe- liden en Ulossiphoniden.] [1893.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 4, 1893-94. xxix. ■ L'organe scgmentaire d'un Enchytraide. Etude d'anatomie descriptive. Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 9, 189S {Ft. 1). 7-31. Sur certains details de I'anatomie d'Astacobdella branchialis. [1893.] Brax. Soc. Sci. Ann., 18, 1894 (Ft. 1), 27-31. A word of reply to Mr. Bocbsk's '• Review : The Nephridia of leeches." Auat. Anz., 9, 1894, 38*2- 391. Sur I'anatomie de la Branchiobdella parasita et de la Mcsobdella gemmata. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 18, 1894 {Ft. 1), 57-61. Anatomie des organes cilies des Binidin^es du eenre des Glossiphonides. Brux. Soc. ScL Add., 18, 1894 {Ft. 1), 11-2-115, {Ft. 2), 129-lty. [Sur un ennemi de I'Aulostomum gulo. ] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 18. 189* {Ft. 1). 115. Le s|ihincter de la m-phridie des Gnathobdellides. Cellule, 10, 1894. 333-34.5. — — Contribution li I'anatomie des Glossiphonides (Clep- sinides). Le canal eff^-rent du tcsticule. Zool. Anz,, 17, 1894, 2y2--295. [Ihspositif pour indiquer nn detail particulier dan« une preparation microscopique.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann.. 19, 1896 {Ft. 1). 80-81. Niphridies extremes de quelques Hirudinees. Bnix. Soc. Sci. Ann., 19, 189B (Ft. II, 81-85. Critique de la methoi9. Les defenseurs de la eontinuit«5 actuelle des nephridies et des "entonnoirs" dans les Hirudinees. .\perfu de I'etat actuel des preuves. Brux. Soc Sci. Aon., 19, 1898 (/'(. 2), 197-202. — — Note preliminaire sur des para-sitos de quelques Hirudinees. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 19, 189S {Ft. 2), 203-206. Les nephridies dans les Hirudinees porient-elles un entonnoir ii I'extrt'mit^ interienre? Congr. Int. Zool. C. B., 189S, 483-484. Bolsius] 662 [Bolton Un parasite de la " Glossiphonia sexoculata." Roma, N. Liiicei Mem., 11, 1895, 159-1(54. Quelques conectious a faiie dans le livre de Rudolf Ledckart : "Die Parasiten dea Meuscben," nouvelle Edition. Zool. Anz., 18, 1895, 27-28, 33-38. Remarques sur les indications des grossissements dans les dessins micrographiques. Zool. Anz., 18, 1895, 38G- 388. Disposition d'un appareil pour le d^veloppement de gaz d'un usage Mquent en chimie. [1895.] Brux. Soe. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 {Pt. 1), 25-27. Sur le canal niphridien dans les Glossiphouides et 'I'entonnoir' nepbridien dans les Herpobdellides. Resum(5. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 {Ft. 1), 117-118. La glande susoesophagieune de la Hiementeria officinalis. (Communication pr^liminaire.) Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 284-285. [Note sur un organe glandulaire recemment d(Scouvert dans rHtementeria officinalis.] [1896.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 {Pi. 1), 35-36; Cellule, 12, 1897, 99-112; Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdscbr., 5, 1898, Ixxv. Sur I'ceut' de I'Ascaris megalocephala a divers niveaux de son trajet par I'oviducte. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 [Ft. 1), 92-96. L'union des cellules n^phridiales des Glossiphonides et rind(!'pendance du pr^teudu eutonnoir des Herpob- dellides. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 {Pt. 2), 6-26. Le cbariot universel, systerae rationuel de mesurage pour preparations microscopiques. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 (Pt. 2), 87-102; Zool. Anz., 21, 1898, 336- 337. [Over den anatomischen bouw der voorste en aebterste nepbridien door hem onderzocbt in de groep der Hisma- dipsiden en in Mesobdella gemmata en Xerobdella Lecoriitei.] [1895.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdscbr., 5, 1898, iv-v. [Over de recbtstreeksche verbinding van de trilhaar- (trecbter-) organen met de nepbridien bij de Hirudineeu.] [1896.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdscbr., 5, 1898, Iv. Sangsues terrestres. [1897.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 22, 1898 (/'(. 1), 24-25. • Les organes cilies de I'Heamenteria officinalis. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 240. Hsementeria officinalis. [1899.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 24, 1900 {Pt. 1), 69-70. [Over de plaatsing der zoogenaamde " nepbridiaal- trecbters " en hunne capsules in bet licbaam der Hiementeria officinalis.] [1899.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdscbr., 6, 1900. Ix. • ■ Observations faites syr un amibe. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 24, 1900 {Pt. 1), 97-98. ■ Reclierches sur I'organe cili^ de rHffimenteria offici- nalis. Cellule, 17, 1900, 267-281. Bolt, J. C. Over 't gezicbtsveld van den Hollandscben kijker. [1891.] Maandbl. Nat., 1891-92, 42-45. Bolt, J. C, & Huffel, N. G. van. [Tbe August meteors, 1893.] Observatory, London, 16, 1893, 319-320. Bolt, J. C, A Nijland, A[lbert] A[ntonie]. See Nijland & Bolt. Bolte, F. Ueber Ganganderungen von Cbronometern auf See. Ann. der Hydrogr., 16 (1888), 419-422. Ueber die Genauigkeit nautisch-astronomiscber Beo- baclitungen auf See. Ann. der Hydrogr., 17 (1889), 156-163. Die Verwertbung von Sternbedeckungen fiir die Cbronometerkontrole auf See. Ann. der Hydrogr., 19 (1891), 241-246. Geugrapbische Ortsbestimmung nach einer eiubeit- lichen Reiluctionsmetbode. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 {Til. 2, lliV/te 1), 198-200. Zur Berecbnung des Scbiffsortes aus zwei Gestiros- holion nach der Hiibenmetbodo. Ann. der Hydrogr., 28 (1900), 29-31. Bolton, B[enjamin'\ Meade. Ueber das Verhalten ver- scbiedener Bacterienarten im Trinkwasser. Ztschr. Hyg., 1, 1886, 76-114. Tbe character of bacteria. [1888.] Amer. Micr. Jl. , 10, 1889, 5-7. Diphtheria antitoxin sometimes found in the blood of horses that have not been injected with toxin. Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 543-545. Bolton, Blenjuinin] Meade, & Pease, Herbert D. The production of antitoxin by the passage of electricity through diphtheria cultures. Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 537-542. Bolton, (Col. Sir) Francis [John]. For biography and works see Nature, 35, 1887, 255; Telegr. Jl., 20, 1887, 37; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 93, 1888, 497-501. Further historical notes on the electric light. (Third article.) [1886.] Telegr. Engin. Jl., 15, 1887, 391- 516. Bolton, Fredericlc E. A contribution to the study of illusions, with special reference to (a) tbe effect of size upon estimations of weight, (b) the effect of contour upon estimations of area. [1896.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 9, 1897-98, 167-182. Hydro-psychoses. [1899.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 10, 1898-99, 169-227. Bolton, Henry Garrimiton. Tirage des ^preuves positives au moyen des sels de fer. [Tr.] Les Mondes, 7, 1884, 182-186. [Scientific record for 1884-86.] Chemistry. Smith- sonian Rep., 1884, 491-542; 1885, 637-686; 1887, 387- 447. Recent visits to "singing beaches" in Scotland and America. [Willi discussion.] [1884.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 3, 1885, 72-76. Tbe "singing beaches" of the Baltic. [1884.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 3, 1886, 97-98. Sonorous sand-bills of Arabia and Afghanistan. [1884.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 3, 1885, 98-99. • A catalogue of chemical periodicals. [1885-87.] N. Y'. Ac. Ann., 3, 1883-85, 159-216; 4, 1887-89, 19-22. Index to the literature of uranium, 1789-1885. Smithsonian Rep., 1885, 915-946. ■ Peroxides of potassium and sodium. A lecture experiment. [1886.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 5, 1885-86, 214-215. List of elementary substances announced from 1877 to 1887. Chem. News, 58, 1888, 188. • Notes on tbe great salt deposit of Petite Anse, Louisiana. [1888.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 7, 1887-88, 122- 128. Researches on sonorous sand in tbe peninsula of Sinai. [1889.] Amer. Ass. Proc, 1889, 137-140; N. Y. Ac. Trans., 9 (1889-90), 21-25. Jebel Nagous and a new Mountain of the Bell. [1S89.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 8, 1888-89, 182-184; Nature, 39, 1889, 607-608; 40, 1889, 35; Science, 13, 1889, 368-369. Notes on the occurrence of musical saud on tbe Pacific coast of the United States. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1890, 255-257. Scientific jottings on the Nile and in tbe desert. [1890.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 9 (1889-90), 110-126. Researches on musical sand in the Hawaiian Islands and in California. [1890.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 10 (1890-91), 28-35; Science, 16, 1890, 163-164 [Part only], Squeaking sand riT.fii.f musical sand. [1890.] Nature, 43, 1891, 30. Exhiliition of alchemical medals. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 13, 1891, 30-.32. Historical notes on the gold-cure. [1892.] N. Y'. Ac. Trans., 11 (1891-92), 151-155. • ■ A bibliography of chemistry for tbe year 1887. [1888.] Smithsonian MiJcell. Coll., 34, 1893, Art. 5, 13 pp. Bolton] 663 [Boltwood Progress of chemistry as depicted in ftpparatiis and laboratories. [1H9H.] N. Y. Ac. Truii.s., 12 (1892-93), 128-137. An International index to chemical literature. [180:!.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., K^ (1893-94), 2-6; Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 1.^., 1893, r,H--,T.}. A select bibliography of chemistry 14y2-18!l2. Smith- sonian Miscell. Coll., ;16, 1893, xiii+ 1212 pp. Chinese alchemical literature. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 53-54. Early American chemical societies. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 19, 1897, 717-732. An .\merican blue grotto. Science, 8, 1898, 2()()-267. Reminiscences of Bunskn and the Heidelberg labora- tory, 1863-6.5. Science, 10, 1899, 86.5-870. A select bibliography of chemistry H92-1897. First supplement. Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 39, 1899, Art. 7, ix + 489 pp. An experimental study of radio-active substances. [1900.] Smithsonian Ke|)., 1899, 1.5.5-162. A select bibliography of chemistry 1492-1902. Second supplement. Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 44, 1904, ^lr(. 5, 462 pp. Bolton, Ili'ury Carrinritnn. 2, 79-91. Bolton, Thaddeus L. The growth of memory in school children. .\mer. Jl. Psychol., 4, 1892, 362-380. On the discrimination of groups of rapid clicks. Amer. Jl. Psychol., 5, 1893. 294-309. Rhythm. [1894.] Amer. Jl. Psvchol., 6, 1893, 14.5- 238, 310-311. Bolton, Thaddeui L., & Donaldson, Henry II. See Donaldson •( Bolton. Bolton, Thiniiiix. For biographical notice lee Midland Ntttllst.. 10, 1887, 297-301. Notes on two rare annelids. Ctenodrilus pardalis. Nais Hamata. [1884.] Midland Natlist., h, i88B, 117- 118. A saccessful pond hnnt. Midland Natlist., 8, 1885, 188-190. Micro-organisms in a swampy ditch in Sutton park. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 173-176. Kllesmere excursion. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 225. Bolton, ll'eriier. Ueber die Priifung der Gesteine anf ihre Wetterbestiindigkeit mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Sandsteine. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 278, 1890, 303- 311; 289, 1893, 4.3-48. Ueber Kupfervorkommen aaf Helgoland. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl.. 280, 1891, 276-277. • Neuer Indicator fiir alkallmetrische Bestimmungen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 492-493. Nitrogenerator. Chem. Ztg., 18. 1894. 1908-1909. Eine Neuerung am Calland-Element. [1895.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1895-96, .5-6. Die Wertigkeit von Qnecksilber und Eapfer in Elektrolyten verschledener Konzentration. [1895.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1895-96, 73-79, 93-98, 183-190. Boltabatiaer, G[iovanui] .i[diimn]. For biographical notice and works see Savoie .\c. Mem.. 6, 1897, Ixxxiii-lxxxiv. 'Fenomeni atmosferici osservati in Catania. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 1, 1878, 161-163, 243-244. 'Arcobaleno lunare. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 1, 1878. 211-212. *.\lone attorno al sole osservato a Catania il 24 raarzo 1878. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 1. 1878, 212-213. Nuova formola barometrica e tavole pel le sue appli- cazioni. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4. 1884, 6.5-68. Determinazione teorica dclla temperatura in Italia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 7-9, 17-21. Le linee equitermicbe in Italia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 85-97. Boltwood, Uertram Ii[orden]. On a simple antomatic Sprengel pump. Amer. Chem. Jl., 19 (1897), 76-78. Bestimmung der molekularen Leitfabigkeit von Rubi- dium- und Casiumchlorid. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem.. 22, 1897. 132-133. On a new form of water blast. .Amer. Chem. Jl., 20 (1898). 577-580. Boltwood, /•-rfrim li[f'rden]. A ^7eUs, Horaee Hemuel]. s,-. Wells \' Boltwood. Boltwood] 664 [Boltzmann Boltwood, Bertram H[irrdrn\ A VHieeler, Henry L[orf/]. .S'i( vnieeler ct Boltwood. Boltz, [lli'iiihiilrt Olto]. [Demonstration einea Kranken niit AkromeKalie.] Ureslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1891 {Ahth. 1), 95-9(;. Boltzmann, Liidwig. *Spiegelbeobachtung mit sehr kleinen Spiegeln. "Deutscli. Natf. Tagebl., 1875, 209. Ueber eine von Hni. Bahtoli enttleekte Beziehung der Warmestrahlung zum zweiten Hauptsatze. Ann. Pbys. Cbem., 22, 1884, 31-39, 616. Ableituug des Stefan'schen Oesetzes, betreffend die Abbiingigkeit der Warmestrahlung von der Temperatur aus der electromagnetiachen Lichttheorie. Ann. Phys. Chera., 22, 1884, 291-294. Ueber die Moglichkeit der Begriinduiig einer kineti.schen Gastheorie auf anziehende Kriifte allein. Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 {Ahth. 2), 714-722. Ueber die Eigenscliaften mouocyclischer und auderer damit verwandter Systeme. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1885 (Ahth. 2),' 231-24.5; Crelle, Jl. Math., 98, 1885, 68-94. Ueber einige Falle, wo die lebendige Kraft nicht integrirender Nenner des Differentials der zugefiihrten Energie ist. [1885.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 92, 1886 (Abth. 2), 853-875. Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatze des Hrn. Lokberg iiber einen Gegenstand der Electrodyuamik. Ann. Phys. Chem., 29, 1886, 598-603. Neuer Beweis eines von Helmholtz aufgestellten Theorems betreffend die Eigenschafteu monoeyclischer Systeme. Gottingen Nachr., 1886, 209-213. Ueber die von PEB.iL in seiner Untersuchung des Euchlorins verwendeten unbestimmten Gleichungen. Liebig's Ann., 232, 1886, 121-124. Zur Berechnung der Beobachtungen mit Bunsen's Eiscalorimeter. Liebig's Ann., 232, 1886, 125-128. Der zweite Hanptsatz der mechanischen Warme- theorie. Wien, Almanach, 36, 1886, 22.5-259. [Vorlaufige Notiz iiber allgemeine Gleichungen fiir die Electricitiitsbewegung.] Wien, Auz., 23, 1886, 77-80. [Weitere Notiz iiber da.s Integrale fiir eine kreisformige Platte.] Wien, Anz., 23, 1886, 113-114. Ueber die Wirknng des Magnetismus auf elektrische Entladungen in verdiinnten Gasen. Wien, Anz., 23, 1886, 217-219. Ueber die zum theoretischen Beweise des Avogadro- sehen Gesetzes erlbrderliehen Voraussetzungen. [1886.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 94, 188T (Ahth. 2), 613-643; Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 305-333. . Zur Theorie des von Hall entdeckten elektromag- netischen Phanomens. [1886.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 94, 1887 (Ahth. 2), 644-669. Ueber einen von Prof. Pehal vermutheten thermo- chemiscben Satz, betrefi'end nicht umkehrbare elektro- lyti.sche Processe. [1886.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 [Abth. 2), 935-941; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 230-236. Einige kleine Nachtrage und Berichtigungtn. Ann. Phys. Chem., 31, 1887, 139-140. Ueber die mechanischen Analogien des zweiten Hauptsatzes der Tbermodynamik. Crelle, Jl. Math., lUO, 1887, 201-212. Neuer Beweis zweier Siitze iiber das Wiirmegleich- gewiclit unter mehratomigeu Gasmolekiilen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Ahlh. 2), 153-164. Versuch einer theoretischen Bcschreibimg der von Prof. Albert von Ettingsiiausen beobachteteu Wirknng des Maguetiamus auf die galvaniache Wiirme. Wien, Anz., 24, 1887, 71-74. Ueber einige Eragen dor kinetischen Gastheorie. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Ahlh. 2), 891-918. Zur Theorie der thermoelektri.sclien Erscheinungen. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Atith. 2), 125H-1297. Ueber das Gleichgewicht der lebenden Kraft zwi.sehen progressiver und Ilotations-Bewegung bei Gasmolekiilen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 1395-1408. Ueber die Hertz'schen Versuche. Ann. Phys. Chem., 40, 1890, 399-400. Die Hypotbese van 't Hoffs iiber den osmotischen Druck vom Standpunkte der kinetischen Gastheorie. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 6, 1890, 474-480; 7, 1891, 88-90. [Ueber einige Fragen der Maxwell'sohen Elektricitats- theorie.] Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1891 (Th. 2), 29-34; Ann. Phys. Chem., 48, 1893, 100-107. ■ Ueber ein mechanisches Modell zur Versinnlichung der Anwendung der Lagrange'schen Bewegungsgleich- ungen in der Wiirme- und Elektricitatslehre. [1891.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. .Jber., 1, 1892, 53-55. Ueber das den Newton'schen Earbeuringen analoge Phiinomen beim Durchgang Hertz'scher elektrischer Planwellen durch planparallele Metallplatten. [1892.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 53-70. Ueber eiu Medium, desseu mechanische Eigenschaften auf die von Maxwell i'iir den Elektromagnetismus auf- gestellten Gleichungen fiibren. [1892.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 279-301. III. Teil der Studien iiber Gleichgewicht der leben- digen Kraft. [1892.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 329-358. Ueber die neueren Theorien der Elektricitat und des Magnetismus. Deutsch. Natf. Verh. , 1893 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 1), 34-35. Der aus den Siitzen iiber Warmegleichgewicht folgende Beweis des Priucips des letzten Multiplicators in seiner einfachsten Form. Math. Ann., 42, 1893, 374-376. On the methods of theoretical physics. [Tr.] [1893.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 336-345; Phil. Mag., 36, 1893, 37-44. Ueber die Beziehung der Aequipotentiallinien und der maguetischen Kraftlinien. [1893.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 23, 1894, 119-127. Ueber die Bestimmung der absoluten Temperatur. [1893.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 23, 1894, 321-328. On the application of the determinantal relation to the kinetic theory of polyatomic gases. Brit. Ass. Rep. , 1894, 102-106. On Maxwell's method of deriving the equations of hydrodynamics from the kinetic theory of gases. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1894, 579. Ueber Luftschifffahrt. Deutsch. Natf. Verh. , 1894 (Th. 1), 89-96. Ueber den Beweis des Maxwell'schen Geschwindig- keitsvertheilungsgesetzes unter Gasmolekiilen. [1894.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 24, 1895, 207-210. Zur Integration der Diffusionsgleichung bei variabeln Diffusionscoefficieuteii. [1894.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 24, 1895, 211-217. Noehmals das Maxwell'sche Vertheilungsgesetz der Geschwindigkeiten. [1895.] Ann. Phys. Chem., .55, 1895, 223-224; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 25, 1896, 25-26. On certain (piestions of the theory of gases. [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894-95), 413-415, 581. On tlie minimum theorem in the theory of gases. Nature, 52 (1896), 221. Ein Wort der Mathematik au die Euergetik. Ann. Phys. Chem., 57, 1896, 39-71. Entgegnuug auf diewiirmctheoretischen Betrachtungen des Hrn. E. Zermelo. Ann. Phys. Chem., 57, 1896, 773-784. Zur Energetik. Ann. Phys. Chem., .58, 1896, 595-598. Sur la thi'orio des giiz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 122, 1896, 1173, 1314. Ueber die Lkrechnung der Abweichungen der Ga.se vom Boyle-Cbarles'seben (iesetz und der Dissociation derselben. Wien, Ak. Sber., lOJ, 1896 (Ahlh. 2,i), 695- 706. Boltzmann] 6C5 [Bolza Uuber die Unentbflirliclikeit rlcr Atonii»tik in der Naturwi.HsenHclmft. Wien, Al<. Kbcr. , 1U5, 1896 (Abtli. 2a), 'J07-922. Zii Urn. Zi:itMi;i.o'« Abliandlung " Ueber die me- chani.Hchv Erkliirung irreversiblur Vor^iinge." Ann. PhyB. Chem., 60, 1897, 392-3'.lS, 770. Ueber Itotationen im coDBtauten electrisclicn Felde. Ann. 1%8. Clicin., GU, 1897, 399- JOO. NucbmalH iiber die AtoiniHtik. Ann. Phys. Chcm., 61, 1897, 790-793. Ueber irreversible StralilungBVorgiinge. Uerlin Ak. Sber., 1897, C00-CG2, 10ir,-101«. Kleiiiigkeitennusdem Gel>ietedcrMcchanik. Deutsch. Natf. Verli., 1897 {Th. 2, llal/te 1), 26-2.1. Some errata in Maxwkli.'s papir "On ['"aiiaday'b lincB of force." [1897.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 77-79. Ueber einen mechanischcn batz Poi.sxabk'b. Wicn, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 (.IK//. 2«), 12-20. Ueber die Frane niich der objectiveu Existenz der Vorgiinge in der unbelebten Natur. Wien, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 {Ahth. 2a), 83-109. Theories of electricity and magnetism. [1897.] Electrician, 40, 1898, .5.5. Ueber vermeintlicli irreversible Strablungsvorgiinge. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1898, 182-187. Zur Energetik. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (VVi. 2, Hiil/te 1), 65-67. .\nfrage, die Hertz'sclie Mcchanik betrclTcnd. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 {Th. 2. Iliiljle 1), 67. Vorschlag zur Festleguug gewisser physikalischer Ausdriicke. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (Th. 2, HUlfle 1), 67-68. Ueber die kinctische Ableitung der Formeln fiir den Druck des gesiiltiKten Danipfos, fiir den Dissociations- grad von Gasen und fiir die Entropie eines das van der Waals'sche Clesetz befolgenden Gases. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (Th. 2, Hiiljle 1), 74. Ueber die sogenannte H-Curve. Math. Ann., 50, 1898, 32.5-332. Sur le rapport des deux chaleurs specitiques des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 127, 1898, 1009-1014. Ueber einige [seiner] weniger bekannten .\bhandlungen iiber Gastheorie und dereu Verbiiltnis zu derselben. [1897.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 6, 1899 (Ileit 1), 130-138. Kleinigkeiten aus dem Gebiete der Mechanik. [1897.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 6, 1899 (Ilejt 1), 138-142. Eine Anfrage, betreOend ein Beispiel zu Hkrtz' Mechanik. [1898.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 7, 1899 (Hf/I 1), 76-77. Ueber die Zustaudsgleichung van deb \Vaal«'. On the characteristic equation of van deb AVaals. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 477-484; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 1, 1899, 398-404. Ueber die Entwicklung der Methoden der theoretischen I'hjsik in neuerer Zeit. [1899.] Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 1), 99-122; Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 8, 1900 (Ihjt 1), 71-95. Gedenkrede auf Joseph Loschsiidt. [1895.] Phvs. Ztschr., 1, 1900. 254-257, 264-267. Festrede, gehalteu am 5. November 1899 anliisslich der Enthiillung des Denkmals des Universitatsprofessors Dr. Joseph Ldschmidt. [1899.] Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 169-171, 180-182. Die Druckkriifte in der Hydrodynamik und die Hertz'sche Mechanik. Ann. Phys., 1, 1900. 673-677. Notiz iiber die I'ormel fiii' den Druck der Gase. .'^rch. Neerland., 5, 1900. 76-77. Boltzmann, Ltidwiii. & Bryan, G[eorge] H[artlfy]. See Bryan cl- Boltzmann. Boltzmann, I.iidiini, A Vlacbe, Heinrich. "Ueber eine Moditicationdorvaiider Waals'schen Zustaudsgleichung." Wieu, .•Vnz., 36, 1899, 87-88. Ueber die Bedeutung dor Constante b den vau der WaalsVchen GesetzcB. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., IH, 1900, 91-93. Boloa, Harry. The Soath African Dora. Gard. Cbron., 25, 1886, 651-6.52. Contributions to .South African botany. (JrchideiB. I'art 2. With additional notes by N. E. biiowN. [Part 3. Part 4. (Wit)i a revised list of published species of extra-tropical South African orchids.)] [1885-88.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Hot.), 22, 1887, 66-80; 24, 1888, 171-187; 25, 1890, 156-210. [Fertilisation of DisperiscapenBis.] [1884.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 4, 1888, vi. Theorcbidsof the Ca|>e peninsula. [1888.) S.African Phil. Soc. Trans., 5, 1893, i-viii, 75-200. Contributions to the Hora of South Africa. Jl. hot., 32, 1894, 23:i-240 ; 34, 1896, 16-25. lioella decurrens. [1895.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., k, 1896, xcv-xcvi. Bolus, llarri/, .V Bciilechter, liwlolf. Sf Schleclit«r A: Bolus. Bolwln, a. Nochmals die liestimmung des Schiflsortes nach Sr. Hilaire ohne Konstruktion. Ann. der Uydrogr., ■Js 11900), 584-58;5. Bolwln, ./. Ergcbnisse der meteorologischcn Beobach- tungen in Emdeu [in den Jahren 1898-1900]. Emden Natf. Ges. Jber., 1897-99. 45 ; 1899-1900. 37-3-<. Bolyal de Bolya, Jiinm. For biography ite Ztschr. Math. Pliys., 42, 1897 [Suppl.\, 133-146. Bolza, U/car. Zur Heduction hy{>erelliptiB4:her Integrale auf elliptische. [1885.] Freiburg Ber., 8, [1883-88], 330-335. Darstellung der ration.ilen ganzen Invariauten der Biniirform sechster Ordnung durch die NuUwerte der zugehiirigen ^-Functionen. Grittingen Nachr., 1887, 418- 421; Math. Ann., .10, 1887. 471-495. Ueber die Keduction byperelliptiscber Integrate erster Ordnung und erster Gattung auf elhptische durch eine Transformation vicrten Grades. Math. Ann., 28, 1887, 447-4.56. Ueber Binarfomien sechster Ordnung mil Unearen Substitutionen in sich. Math. Ann., 30, 1887, 546-552; Amer. Jl. Math.. 10, 1888, 47-70. On the construction of intransitive groups. Amer. Jl. -Math., 11, 1889, 19.5-214. On the theory of substitution-groaps and its applica- tions to algebraic equations. Amer. Jl. Math., 13, 1891, 59-144. On the transformation of linear differential equations of the second order with linear coefficients. AJner. JL Math., 15, 1893, 26-1-273. Ueber Kroneckeb's Definition der Gruppe einer Gleichung. Math. Ann., 42, 1893. 253-256. Ueber die linearen Kelationen zwischen den zu vcr- Echiedenen singuUren Punktcu geln'irigen Fundamental- systemen von Integraleu der Kiemann'schen Diflerential- gleichung. Math. .\iin.. 42. 1893. 5-.'i,-.536. Ueberdas.AnalogondtrFui ■ ■■ i-' ■ •■■ • ■• ■■^••inen hy|)erelliptischen Fall. GOtii: '.-■■■ • 271. On the tirst and second '5 of hyperelliptic r: Integrale erster Ord- nung auf elliptische mr ; i:in-fonnation drilten Grades. Math. -Ann.. 50, 1898, 314-324 ; 51. 1899, 478-480. The partial diflercutial equations for the hyperelliptic 0- and (T-functions. .\.mer. Jl. Math., 21. 1899. 107-125. Proof of Bbioschi's recursion formula for the ex- pansion of the even ^-functions of two rariables. Amer. Jl. Math., 21, 1899. 175-19t). 84 Bolza] 666 [Bombicci-Porta Remarks concerning the expansions of the hyperelUptic sigma-functions. Amer. Jl. Hath., 22, 1900, 101-112. The eUiptic tr-functions considered as a special case of the hyperelliptic , 1891, 747-761 or 337-351. Sopra un nuovo inodo di mimesia e di struttura fibroHa, con gimmetrie ronibocdiiclie, nei ciistnlli cubici di pirite dci Monti della Kiva, pieaso la cliicsiua di liocca Corncta (Valle del Dardagna). [1891.] Bologna Kend., 1890-91, 11.5-118. PioRK'a artilicialo ed nrtificiale dirainuzione della inten.sitil c dci danni delle grandiuato. Moncalieri Obs. Boll., 11, 1891, 180-1H3. Considorazioni siille analogie di struttura luimetica fra la pirite, la boleite, la melanoflogite ed altre sostanze. [1892.1 Bologna Kend., 1891-92, 93-103. Commimicazione sulla miniusiu di alcuni minerali. [1892.] Bologna Rend., 1891-92, 127-128. [R^ponse 4 ^1/. Georges I''iiikiii:i. .sur la ra(51anopblogite.] France, Soc. Min. Bull., 1"., 1892, 141-157. Le notevoli particolariti'i dei cristalli mimetioi cubi- formi di pirite gialla scoperti nolle marne grigie Terziarie anticho dci Monti della liiva (Valle del Dardagna, Ap- ponnino bolognese). [1893.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 3, 1892, 59-10') or 25-71. Sulla priorita di una spiegazione circa il sollevamento delle montagnc e le loro dislocazioni, specialmente del- r Appennino emiliano. [1893.] Bologna Rend., 1892-93, 73-79. Descrizione degli esemplari di solto nativo crista! lizzato delle solfare di Romagna raocolti e classificati dall' autore nei Museo Mineralogico della U. Universita di Bologna. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, 737-81() or 301-380! Sulla contemporaneita di origine e di adattamento di sostanze diverse che cristallizzano nello stesso spazio poliedrico per coe.sistere nello stesso cristallo. Sulla durata indelinita del lavoro molecolare cristallogenico perfezionante nelle sostanze cristalline c nelle roeoe in posto. [1894.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., '>, 1896-96, 47.5-')l)0 or 171-190. Sui ciottoli impronlati in ordino alia loro distribuzione lungo le grandi linee di faglia del territorio bolognese. [1894.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895-96, 507-516 or 197-206. SuUe injezioni e intrusion! di rocce cristalline entro rocce analoghe di eruzioni prcccdenti (soUevamenti e injezioni del granito ellmno ; delle eufotidi nelle ser- pentine, ecc.). [1894.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 189B-96, 517-523 or 207-213. Sulla iiitrusione forzata ascendente di argille fattesi simili alio argille scagliosc con breccioliuc verdi associate nello fratture verticali -de' banclii selenitic! presso Bologna. [1894.] Bologna Aco. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, .525-527 or 215-217. Le brecciolc poligeniche dell" Appennino bolognese. Correlazioui fra le loro varictacalcareo-selcioso-ofiolitiche e i materiali d' inclusione nelle argille scagliose. [1894.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, .529-542 or 219-232. SuUe intrusion! ascendeuti di materiali argilloid! nelle fratture regional! dell" Appennino emiliano. Riassunto di fatti veeclii e uuovi. [1895.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895-96, 501-506 or 165-170. SuUe velature carbouiose bituminoid! e sulle incros- tazioni ferro-manganesifere e finamente sabbiose ricuo- prent! il quarzo cristallizzato del macigno di Porretta. [1895.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, S43-5.54 or 233-238. Considerazioni criticbe sull' attuale indirizzo dell' in- seguamento universitario di niincralogia e su di alcune modificazioni che vcnnero recentemente proposte. [1895.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895-96, 631-642 or 301-312. Sulle reciproche analogie fra talune forme frequent! ma finora inesplieate dei minerali delle argille scagliose d' introsione ascendente. [1895.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1896-97, 9-34. Risposte al questionario per la nomenclatura litologica diramato a nome della Societa Geologica Italiana, dopo r adunanza Kocialc del 20 settembre 1893. [1896.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, 707-723 or 319- 335. Le inleressant! anoroal!e(disBimmetriee spoRtamenti), dei mirabili cristalli di solfo nativo, della minicra di CiiBcrnardi. Confronto colle anomalie e contorsioni clicoidi del quarzo di Porretta. La ipotesi del Prof. . See Iiawrle, Bmaton, Bomford & Hakim. Bommer, Charles. Communication sur les soldrotes. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 30, 1891 (C. Ji.), 146-148. Essai de reconstitution physiognomique de quelqaes types de la flore houillere. Brux. Soc. Beige G4ol. Bull., 1891 (.Wm.), 43-45. Sur le gite Wealdien k veg^taux de Bracqaegnies (Hainaut). Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Boll., 1891 {Proe.- Verb.), 196-197. Note sur le Verrucaria conseqnens, Xyl. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 16, 1891, 77-99. Sur un nouveau gite de vegetaui decouvcrt dans I'argile Wealdienne de Bracqae;,'nies (Hainaut). Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1892 {Proc.Verb.), 160-161. Sclerotes et cordons mycelieus. Brax., Mem. Couronn. (4» K,t). .54. 1896, S'o. 1,116 pp. De Taction de la couverture v^getale du sol sur sa composition chimique. Brux. Soo. Beige G^l. Bull., 1899 {Proc.-rerh.). 172-173. Quelques causes derreurs en paleontologie vegetale. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull.. 1900 (Proe.-Verh.), 41-47. Bommer, (J/»i<'.) E.. A Bonssean, {ilme.) M. Florule mvcologique des environs de Bruxelles. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 23, 1884 (.V.'m.), l.i-36.5. Contribuiious i\ la flore mvcologique de Belgique. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 2.5, 1886 (.Vf m.), 163-185 ; 26. 1887 (J/rfnuK 187-241 ; 29, 1890 {M^m). 20.5-.302. 84—2 Bommer] 668 [Bonarelli ■ [Primitiss flora) oostaricensis.] Fungi. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1896 (Mem.). 151-166. Note preliminaire sur les champignons recueillis par I'Expedition Antarctiquu Beige. Brux., Ac. Bull., 1900, 640-646. Bommer, J[i'an] E[douard]. For biography and list of works see Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull, 21, 1891. 68-69; Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull,., 34, 1895 (.l/e'/H.), 7-21. Bommer, Jleini] E[douard], & Christ, H[ermaiiJi]. [Primitife Hone oostaricensis.] Filices. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1896 {Mem.), 167-240. Bompas, Georne C. On the semi-annual variation of meteors. As'tr. Soo. Month. Not., 54, 1894, 531-538. Horary variation of meteors. Nature, 54 (1896), 2fl6. The Sun's path in space. Observatory, London, 19, 1896, 4.5-49, 126. Bomstein, . Zur Frage der passiven Immunitat bei Diphtherie. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 22, 1897, 587-592. Ueber die antitoxischen Eigensehal'ten des Central- nervensystems. Centrbl. Bakt. (Ahl. 1), 23, 1898, 584- 587. Ueber das Schicksal des Diphtherietoxins im Tier- organismus. Centrbl. Bakt. {.ibt. 1), 23, 1898, 78.5-791. Ueber die Verhiiltnisse zwischen dem Diphtherietoxin und Antitoxin. Erwiderung an die Herren Cobbett und Kan-th.\ck. Centrbl. Bakt. {AM. 1), 24, 1898, 963-967. Bonacini, Carlo. Sul moto di un punto attratto da due centri fissi seeondo la legge di Newton. Giorn. Mat., 27, 1889, 352-370; 28, 1890, 44-51. Sulla separazione delle variabili nelle equazioni del moto di un punto soggetto all' azione di due centri fissi. Giorn. Mat., 28, 1890, 132-137. La croraofotografia interferenziale e un nuovo caso di sensibility pei colori. SiJettrosc. Ital. Mem., 23, 1895, 146 (i(s)-154. Sul principio di Vogel. Riv. Sci. Ind. , 29, 1897, 164-167. Bonacini, Carlu, & nialagoll, Riccardo. See Malagoli & Bonacini. Bonaduce, Salvatore. Ueber Beziehungen des Blutserums von Thieren zur natiirlichen Immunitat. Beitr. Path. Anat., 12, 1893, 353-371. Bonain, .^. La bale de Diego-Suarez. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 91, 1886, 29.5-302. Bonalda, Carlo. Albinismo e isabellismo nei passeri. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 9, 1889, 60-61. Boname, Ph. Etude sur le climat de la Guadeloupe. [1887.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann.. 1885 (4) (I't. 2), 1-24. Bonamy, , & Tuffierj Th. See Tuffier & Bonamy. Bonamy de Villemereuil. See Villemereuil. Bonanni, .l|////iii]. Die Au.sscheiduug der Sobwefelather bei vorwiegend aniylaceenhaltiger Kost. Untei'such. Nat., 16, 1899, 584-594. Quantitative Bestinmiung der Salicylsaure auf op- tischem Wege. [1900.] Untersuch. Nat., 17, [1901], 17-21. Die Spaltung des Salols im Organismus. [1900.] Untersuch. Nat., 17, [1901], 39-62. Bonannl, A\lli!it']. A Colasanti, Giuseppe. See Colasanti (t Bonanni. Bonannl, A{ttiliii\. A Jacoangeli, t'. See Jacoangeli iV Bonannl. Bonanni, ()., & Fubini, Simone. See Fubini & Bonanni. Bonaparte, (priiiee) llohmd. Les derniers voyages des Neerlandais a la Nouvelle Guin<5e. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. Bull., 5,1884, .531-561. Note on the Lapps of Finniark (in Norway). [18B5.] Anthrop. Inst. .Jl., 15, 1886, 210-213. Sur I'l^eouleiuent rc'ccnt du lao de Marjelen. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 24, 1890, 401. Les variations p(^riodiques des glaciers fran^ais. Paris, Club Alpin Franv. Annu., 17, 1891, 425-447; 18, 1892, 482-519; Ass. Frane. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 1), 206- 208. Mesures des variations de longueur des glaciers du Dauphine (massif du Pelvoux). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 114, 1892, 860-862. Recherches faites sous la direction de M. de Lacaze- DoTHiERS, k bord du vapeur le Roland, de la station zoologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1895, 129-130. Les variations periodiques des glaciers de la region frani^aise. Genfeve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 35, 1896 {Num. Sp6c.), 31-33. Mesures des variations de longueur des glaciers de la rfjgion franvaise. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1153- 1155; Ann. Googr., 5, 1896, 42,5-427. Note sur les variations de longueur des glaciers de la r(5gion franvaise. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 214-218. Bonaparte-Wyse, L. H. Entomological notes from S. E. Ireland. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 220-221, 252. _ Boneir, James. [Presidential address to the Econ. Sci. and Stat. Sect, of the Brit. Assoc. Bristol, Sept. 8th.] Old lights and new in economic study. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 950-901. Bonard, A., & Gennes, A. de. See eennes it Boneird. Bonardi, F.doardo. *Appunti sui Molluschi di Vail' In- telvi. Boll. Sci., Aim. 4 (1882), 2.5-26. *Sui Molluschi del laghetto del Piano e de' suoi dintorni. Boll. Sci., .Ann. 4 (1882), 98-105. *Prime ricerche intorno alle Diatomee di Vail' Intelvi. Boll. Sci., .-Inn. 5 (1883), 22-29. . *Sulle Diatomee fossili del bacino lignitico di Leffe in Val Gandino (Lombardia). Boll. Sci., Ann. 5 (1883), 47-48. *Intorno all' azione saccarificante della saliva ed alia glicogenesi epatica in alcuni Molluschi terrestri. Comuni- cazione preventiva. Boll. Sci., Ann. 5 (1883), 83-86. *Intorno alle Diatomee della Valtellina e delle sue Alpi. Boll. Sci., Ann. 5 (1883), 86-89, 115-122. Deir azione dei succhi digestivi di alcuni Gasteropodi terrestri suU' amido e sui saccarosi. Boll. Sci., Ann. 6 (1884), 40-53. Le acque termali acidule. saline, ferruginose, arsenicali e litinifere di Acquarossa (Val diBlenio, Svizzera). Boll. Sci., Ann. 6 (1884), 123-125. Intorno all' influenza dell' acido fenico sui microbj e sul loro svihippo. Boll. Sci., Ann. 6 (1884), 125-128. SuUe Diatomee del lago d' Orta. Boll. Sci., Ann. 7 (1885), 14-21. Contributo all' etiologia ed all' anatomia patologica del tetano traumatico. Comunicazione preventiva. Boll. Sci., .4nn. 9 (1887), 61-63. Sulla presenza di basi organiche (ptomaine) negli sputi dei tisici. Boll. Sci., A7m. 9 (1887), 121-122. Intorno alle Diatomee del lago d' Idro. Boll. Sci., Ann. 10 (1888), 20-27. Sulle Diatomee di alcuni laghi Italiani. Boll. Sci., Ann. 10 (1888), 57-64. Diatouides des lacs de Delio et de Piano. Arch. Soi. Phys. Nat., 22, 1889, 381-384. Bonardi, Kdaardn, & Oerosa, G. Giuseppe. Nuove ricerche intorno all' azione di alcune condizioni tisiche suUa vita dei microorganismi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 5, 1888, 332-373. Bonarelli, {ronte) Guido. Hecticocerae, novum genus Anmionidarum. Bull. Malacol. Ital., 18, 1893, 73-108. Osservazioni sul Toarciano e 1' Aleniano dell" Appen- nino centrale. Contribuzione alia conoscenza della geiilogia raarchigiana. [Italia], Soo. Geol. Boll., 12, 1893, 195-254. Carta geologica del M. Conero presso Ancona (Marche). [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 13, 1894, 170-172. II gen. Paroniceras, Ronar. (1893). [1895.] Bull. Malacol. Ital., 19, 1894, 225-239. Bonarellil 6C9 [Bondonnean Contribuzionc nllii conoBccnza del Giura-Liau loin. bardo. |1H!)4.| Tdiino Ace. Hci. Atti, .'iO, 1896, 81-!)(i. Fossili I)om«riiini della Hriaiiza. Miliinu, IhI. Loiiili. Rond., 2H, 1896, .f.'t;-:) 1 1 . 115 I'Jl. Nuovi allioiaiiieuti Aleniani ilill' Appcnnino ccntrale. [ItnliuJ, Soc. Geol. lioll., l,"., 1896, •277-2t«). OHHcrvazioni Kcolot^iclif hui iiiunti del l'"urlo preHHO FosBombione (piov. di I'enaro-Urbino). [Italia], Soc. Geol. lioll., ir,. 1896, 11,5-422. Sulla picKcnza del Calloviauo iiell' Appenniuo cen- trale. Kiv. Ital. Paleont., 2, 1896, 8.'.-8K. ,Sulla eta del caleari niarnoKo-areiiacei varicolori di I'ietracntale e lioceliiKliero in Calabria. Kiv. Ital. Paleont., 2, 1896, 2.'59-2«3. Le Aniiiioniti del " Hosso ammonitico " descritte e figurate da Giuseppe Mknkghini. [1899.] Bull. Malacol. Ital., 20, 1896, 198-219. I fossili Senoniani dell' Appennino centrale clie fi conseivano a PeiUKia nella collezione Bcllucci. [1H99.] Torino Ace. Kci. Atti, dl, 1898, 7.')2-7.")9 nr 1020-1027. • Escuisioin della Societil Geologica Itnliana nei dintorni di ABcoli-Piceno. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 18, 1899, Iviii-lxvii. Alcune foimazioni Terziarie fossilifere dell' Urabria. [1900.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., IH, 1899, 484-490. Appunti sulla costituzione geologica dell' Isola di Creta. [1900.] Uoma, K. Ace. Lincci Mem., 3, 1899, 518-548. Ricerclio iinalitiche sopra una roccia Kedimentaiia di Lorabardia. [Italia], Soc. (leol. Holl., 19, 1900, 1-9. Cefalopodi Sinemuriani dell' Appenniuo centrale. Palaeoutugrapbia Ital., 5, 1900, .55-83. Bonarelli, {coiilv) (hiido, A Farona, Carlo Fabrizio, See Farona d' Bonarelli. Bonatelll, Fniticesro. U punte volante delle formiche. [189<).] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1895-96, 930-931. Uu case d' anlipatia vcgetalo ; brevo escursione o piuttosto incuisione nel campo della botanica. [1897.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1896-97, 378-380. Bonaventura, I'milo. Sul teorema di reciprocity della teoria dei residui (luadratici pel numeri interi del campo (1, i\'2). Giorn. Mat., 30. 1892, 221-234. II teorema di reciprocita )'ei numeri complcssi c le funzioni lemniscatiche. tiioru. Mat., 30, 1892, 300-310. Bonavla, A'[maniif;] IC Hybrid Amaryllis. Gard. Chron., 21,1884,307,347. Variation ; its causes and effects. Gard. Chron., 22, 1884, 148. Do mosquitos live on animal or vegetable juices? Gard. Chron., 22, 1884, 171-172. On the probable wild source of the whole group of cultivated true limes (Citrus aeida, lUub., C. medica, iHir. acida of Bbandis, Hookkr, and Alpb. de Candoi.i.k). [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (/."o(.), 22, 1887, 213-218. Studies on the Gladiolus. Gard. Chron., 2, 1887, 619-()20, 051-652. The pouch of the Calceolaria. Gard. Chron., 3, 1888, 684. A topsyturvy Hippeastrum. Gard. Chron., 4, 1888, 34-35. Iris iberica. Gard. Chron.. o, 1889, 725. Heredity. Gard. Chron., 7, 1890, 736, 738. Fertihsation without pollen. Gard. Chron., 8, 1890, 295. The rind of the orange. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 13, 1891, xxvi-xxvii. Antiquitv of the citron-tr«e in Egypt. [1893.] Hortic. Soc. .11., 16! 1894, 14r)-149. Is the Nelumbium an Egyptian plant? Gard. Chron., 17, 1896, 421-422. Cypripodium, origin of the slipper. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 19, 1896, cxliv. Hybridisation of Sprekelia and Hippeastrum. Gard. Chroii., 24, 1898, 316-317. Bonavla, f.[uigi], A I^ongl, Antonio. See Longl A Bonavla. Bonchampa, (.'[hrhtiiin I.nuiii Marie] {nuirquii) de. Une iiiis-Kin ver-i le Nil Illune. PariB, .Soc. Geogr. Bull., 19, 1898, 101 431. BoncompaKnl, iprincipe) Halda$iare. For biography and li>l ()( workh »p.- Kev. Quest. Sci., 36, 1894. 262-2ti4 ; Hiv. Sci.-Ind., 26, 1894, 116; Roma, N. Linc-i Atti, 47, 1894, 161-186; Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1894-96, .509-521; ZtBchr. Math. PbyB., 39, 1894 (lliit.lil. Abth.). 201- 203. Intorno alle letters editc ed inedite di Alcssio Claudio Ci.uuAirr. Roma, N. Lincei .\tti, 4.5, 1892, 157-291. Bonconr, (Jeonjes I'aul. Htudc des moditicationB Sfjuelct- tiques couBecutivcs a I'hemipltgie infantile, i. Le K-mur. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull, it Mem., 1, 1900, 3.59-414. Bond, ('[liiirlfx] Hubert. Obscrvationa on a Chinese brain. Brain, 17, 1894, 37-19. A case of post-mortem cmphyBcma of the liver. London Path. Soc. TranB., 49, 1898, 121-126. Remarks upon the value of uranium nitrate in the control of glycosuria. Practitioner, 61. 1898, 257-264. Bond, C'[/i(ir/i'«] J(oAh). Animal beat. [1888.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 1, 1889 (/'/. 10), 31-32. Preliminary note on certain uiidescribed features in the secretory function of the uterus and Fallopian tubes in the human subject and in some of the Mammalia. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98. 296-297. Exjjeriments bearing on the (|ue»tion of the inheritance of one group of acquired characterB in plants and animals. [iK'.tg.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901. 283-294. Bond, Francis T[homat]. Acidity in milk. Agr. Soc. Jl., 2, 1891, 56-66. Bond, Frnnli. MyadestesTownsendii apparently wintering in Wyoming. Auk, 6, 1889, 193-194, 359. Notes from Wyoming. Auk, 6, 1889. 341. The mockingbird in Wyoming. Auk, 11, 1894, 258- 2,59 ; 12, 1896, .309. Capture of the brown pelican in Wyoming. Auk, 16, 1899, 351. A nuptial performance of the sage cock. Ank, 17, 1900, 325-327. Bond, Frederick. For biography and list of works lee Hnt. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89". 384; Entomologist. 22, 1889, 265-269; S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1888-89, 123; Zoologist, 13, 1889. 347-348. 401-422; Norf. Nonv. Nat. Soc. Trans.. 5. 1894, 8. Bond, George M. Standards of length and their sab- diviBion. Franklin Inst. Jl., 117, 1884, 281-295, 357- 367. Standards of length as applied to gauge dimensions. Franklin Inst. Jl., 117, 1884, 36K-386. Effect of internal strains in hardened steel, practically considered. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1890, 210-211. Bond, George PhUlipn. The future of stellar photography. [Extract from a letter written in 1857 u> Wm. MrrcHELi..) Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 2, 1890, 300-302. Extracts from letters [1857-»">0, on photography, brightness, etc.]. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 3, 1891, 124- 128. Bond, ./. II'. Records of the investigations... in the Carboniferous strata of the Leeds district. [1900.] Louis (ieol. Ass. Trans., 12, 1898-1900. 32-37. Bondam, Ji. Overzicht der flora van Harderwijk. [1888.] N.derl. Kruidk. .Krch., 5. 1891. 177-230. Bondi, itarimilian. Die pathologischanatomischen Vcr- imderungen der Retina bei pemiciOscr Anaemic. .\rrh. Augenheilk.. 33, 1896 iFetUehr.). 83-100. Bondl, .s'lHiim, ,t Walnrab, Carl. See ^Tatnreb * Bondl. Bondonnean, L[iicien]. Dosage de I'humiditf' des matieres aniylaeees. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1.53-1,55; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884. 169-172; Anvers, Jl'. de Pharm., 40, 1884, 62-64. Bondonneau] 670 LBongartz Bondonneau, L[i(cien], & Toret, . De la saccbarifica- tion directe, par les aciiles, de I'amidon contenu dans les cellules vegetales; extraction du glucose forme par la diffusion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 10.5, 1887, 617-619. Bondouy, Th. Du r61e des tubes pyloriques dans la digestion ehez les Teleosteens. Arcli. Zool. Exper., 7, 1899, 419-460. Reeberches sur la valeur physiologique des tubes pyloriques de quelques Teleo.steens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 745-746. Action du sue des tubes pyloriques de la truite sur la fibrine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 453- 454. Bondurant, G. S. Analysis of Hydrangea arborescens. Amer. Jl. Pbarm., 59, 1887, 122-124. Bondvirant, Ii[ugcue] D[u Bosc]. Brief studies in tuber- culosis among the insane. N. Y. Med. Jl., 61, 1895, 2.39- 242. Endemic multiple neuritis (beriberi). N. Y. Med. Jl., 66, 1897, 685-691. 728-732. Bondzyiiski, Slanisiaw. Ueber Sulfliydrvlzimmtsiiure und einige ihrer Derivate. Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Abth. 2), 167-182; Mbefte. Chem., 1887, 349-364. Ueber die SjdqTisfsche Methode zur Bestimmung der freien Salzsiiure im Magensaft. Fresenius, Ztschr., 32, 1893, 296-302. Ueber das Cholesterin der menschlichen Faeces. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 476-478. Ueber das Verhalten einiger Salicylsiiureester im Organismus. [1896.] Arch. Exper. Path., 38, 1897, 88-98. Bondzynski, Stanisrair, & Ginsburg, J[akob]. See Ginsburg & Bondzynski. Bondziniski, Sluiiisiaw, & GotUieb, R[udolf]. Ueber Methylxanthin, ein Stoffwechselproduct des Theobromin und Coffein. Arch. Exper. Path., 36, 1895, 45-55; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1113-1118. Ueber Xanthiukorper nn Ham des Leukamikers. Arch. Exper. Path., 36, 1895, 127-137. Ueber die Constitution des nach Coffein und Theo- bromin im Harne auftretenden Methylxanthins. Arch. Exper. Path., 37, 1896, 385-388. Ueber eiuen bisher unbekaunteu uormalen Harn- bestandteil, die Oxyproteinsiiure. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 35, 1897, 577-580. Bondzynski, Stitnistaw, & Htunnicki, IViiicenty. Ueber das Schicksal des Cholesterins im thierischen Organismus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 22, 1896-97, 396-410. Ueber das sogenannte Stercorin. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 24, 1898, 395-398. Bondzyiiski, Stanisiiiir, & Buffi, Hans. Zur Kenntniss des Butterfettes. Fresenius, Ztschr., 29, 1890, 1-6. Bondzynski, Stanistmc, & Zoja, LnUji. Ueber die frac- tionirte Krystallisation des Eieralbumins. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 19, 1894, 1-18. Ueber die Oxydation der Eiweissstoffe mit Kalium- permanganat. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 19, 1894, 225- 238. Ricerche suUa crist.allizzazione e suU' ossidazione delle sostanze albuminoidi. Ann. di Chim., 21 & 22, [1895], 62-69. Bone, William Arthur. Studies on the indoxazeu reaction. Chem. Soc. Jl., 63, 1893, 1346-1355. An improved form of gas-analysis apparatus. [1898.) Chem. Soc. Proc, 14, 1899, 154-155. A new method for preparing unsymmetrical dimethyl - and trimethyl-succinic acids. [1899.] Chem, Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 5-6. Bone, William Arthur, & Cain, John Caiuiell. The in- complete combustion of some gaseous carbon compounds. [1894.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 10, 1895, 179-181. The explosion of acetylene witli less than its own volume of oxygen. Chem. Hoc. Jl., 71, 1897 {I'l. W, 26-11. Bone, William Arthur, & Carpenter, H[enni] C[nrt] Harold. The development of scientific ideas as applied to fermen- tation industries. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 6, 1900, 454-476. Bone, William Arthur, & Jerdan, David Smiles. The union of carbon and hydrogen. [1896.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 12, 1897, 60-63. The direct union of carbon and hydrogen. Chem. Soc. Jl., 71, 1897 (I't.l). 41-61. Bone, }\'iUiaiit Arthur, & Lean, Berau. Sec Iiean ct Bone. Bone, William Arthur, & Ferkin, William Hcnrij {Jan.). The condensation of ethyUc trimethylenedicarboxylate with ethylic malonate. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1895, 108- 119. Trimethylsuecinic and aai-dimethylglutaric acids. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1895, 416-433. The symmetrical dimethylsuccinic acids. Cliem. Soc. Jl., 69, 1896, 253-268. Note on the aa,-dimethylglutario acids. Chem. Soc. Jl., 69, 1896, 268-269. Bone, William Arthur, & Sprankling, Cliarles H[enri/'\ G[ralmm]. Researches on the alkyl-substituted succinic acids. Part i. Methods of preparation. Chem. Soc. JL, 75, 1899 {Pt. 2), 839-864. The symmetrical di-isopropylsuocinic acids. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 149. Researches on the alkyl-substituted succinic acids. Part II. ,s-Dipropyl, s-di/sopropyl, and oa,propyl!sa- propyl-succinic acids. Chem. Soc Jl., 77, 1900 (Pt. 1), 654-673. Researches on the alkyl-substituted succinic acids. Part III. Dissociation constants. Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 {Pt. 2), 1298-1310. Bone, William Arthur, & Wilson, Jo /in. Preliminary note on the action of light on acetylene. [1898.] Chem. Soc Proc, 14, 1899, 15.5-156. Bonel, Auijuste. Les reseaux t^l^phoniques de Bordeaux. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1886, 63-81. Bonetti, Filippo. Ricerche sperimentali suUa variazioue di densita dell' acqua tra 0° e 10°. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Trans., 8, 1884, 323-326. Bonetti, Filippo, & Agamennone, Giovanni. Calcolo della posizinue dell' ipocentro, del tempo all' origine e della velocita di propagazioue dei terremoti. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 38-45. Sulla velocita superlieiale di propagazione dei terremoti. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (.Sem. 1), 62-68. .S't'f also Agamennone & Bonetti. Bonetti, VilipjHi, * Angelis d'Ossat, Gioacchino de. See Angelis d'Ossat A Bonetti. Bonetti, Filippo, & Antonelli, Giuseppe. See Antonelli ,V Bonetti. Bonetti, L. [Une nouvelle machine electrostatique.] Paris, Soc. Phys. S(5ances, 1894, 96. Perfectionnement aux tubes employes en radiographic. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1'26, 1898, 1893-1894. Bonfigli, (\liidomiro]. Un caso di demonopatia. Con- siderazioni suUa patogenesi e natura di questa forma mentale. Riv. Hper. di Freni.atria, 20, 1894, 341-360. Bonfigli, lutdolfo. Sulla eliminazione del bleu di mutilene iicir cpilessia, nell' isterismo ed in alcune forme mentali. Riv. Spor. di Freniatria, '25, 1899, 387-400. Bongard, [ //.] '/'., & Meyer, C[arl] .ilnton]. To reference in title (I'll/. 1) ii(/(/ St. l'oter.sb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1841, :S37 341. Bongartz, J[osef]. Volumetrische Bestimmung der Phos- ))horsaure, bci (icgenwart von .\lkalicn. Calcium, Mag- nesium, Eisen und Thonerde, mit besonderer Anwendung zur Weithbestimmung von I'rtngemitteln. Arch. Pharm., 222, 1884, 846-854, 985. Ueber Verbindungen der Aldehyde, Ketone und Ketonsiiuren mit der Tliioglyoolsiiure und der Thiacet- siiure. Bcrliu, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1931-1935. Bongartzl G71 [Bonin UtbcT AfthenvltrisulfiJ. Berlin, Chem. Oc«. Ber., lU, 1886, 218J-21H4." Ueber Verljindun(,'i-ii tier Aldehyde, Ketone iind Ketonsiiiireii mit der TliioKljcolniiure. lierlin, Clicm. (ips. Her., 21, 1888, I7«-1«7. Bongartz, ,/(LHtiiiiiminK dc'rt /iiiiiH. liLrlin, Cliem. OtH. Bcr., 21, 1888, ■-",100-2909. Bongartz, M. Ueber die Hiimoglobinurie. Arcli. Wigs. I'rakt. Thierheilk., 11. 1880, 217-224. Ueber iiaebtheili(;e WirkunnendeH liaumn'oUsaatmelilH bei Sehiifeii. Arch. Wis.s. Prukt. Thierheilk., 11, 1888, 86-92. Ueber tramuatische I'cricarditiH und die dieselbe begleiteudcn KrinikhtitKvorRiinge. Arch. Wias. Prakt. Thierheilk., 15, 1889, :i7<>-384. Bongers, Paul. Beobnchtnii>;cn iiber die .\thmung dcs I),'els wiilirend dcs Wiiitersclilafes. Arch. Anat. I'hyaiol. {Plii/Hiul. Ahth.). 1884, H2.'.-3H0. Uebi'r die liiliineude Wirkung do.s Strychiiins. Arch. Anat. I'liysiol. (I'Uytiol. Ablli.), 1884, 3al-33t;. Ueber die Ausscheidung korperfreinder Htoffe in den Magen. Arch. Expcr. I'ath., 3.j, 1896, 41.5-43ti. Bonglovanni, (Jiuseppe. L' anemosco|'io a trasmissiunc eUttncu, 1' udometro contutore Brassart trasformato in udogral'o e il pluviografo a galeggiante. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 9 (J't. 1), 1890, 41.5-422. Esposizione elcnicntare dei moviiuenti detiniti per la legge degli spazi. Kiv. Sci.-lnd., 27, 1895, 43-50. (;3-72. Espress-ioue del momeiito niagnetico di nn rucchello elettrodinamico, sua verificuzione sperinientale e appli- cazioue ad un amperometro. Hiv. Sci. Ind., 29, 1897, 12-17. Espressione dell' intensity del campo magnetico nel- r interno di un rocchetto elettrodinamico. Verificazioni s|)erimentali e amperometro ad oscillazioni. Riv. Sci. lud., 2U, 1897, 62-73. Yerificazioni sperimentali della formula esprimente la velocitii di propagazione delle vibtazioni tra-sversali nei lili fiessibili. Riv. Sci. [Ind.], 30, 1898. 20-25. Velocita di propagazione delle vibrazioni circolori trasTersali nei lili tlessibili. Kiv. Sci. [Ind.], 30, 1898, 30-41. Le spirali cilindriche di file metallico, come mocieH of the genuH Vnet- ijoila. Ann. Mag. Nat. HiHt., 1, 1898, 119-122. I'eHcription of a new ii|>ecieH of Muh from snulh India. [1M98.J Bombay Nat. Hi»t. Soc. Jl.. 12, U9»- 1900, 99 100. Un a new Kpecies of i'aniiaa from eautem Siberia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hint., 4. 1899, 38.^380. [On birds from the Bahama Islands.] Brit. Omitb. Club Bull., H, 1899, I. [On Minus polyglottus in the Bahamas.] Brit. Ornitb. Club Bull., 8, 1899, liv. .\ list of birds collected on the island of New Provi- dence, Bahamas. Ibis, 5, 1899. 500-520. [Un the moulting of Colvmbus septentrionalis and C. glaciulis.] [1899.] Brit.' Omith. Club Bull., 10. 1900, vii. Un squirrels of the .Sciurus MacClcllandi group. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900. 50-54. Un the Kol. Soc. I'ruc. 1900, 809-S>l3. Bonliote, ./u/m I.eiru, d' Barrett-Bamllton, (j[erald] I<[ihciti\ ll[amiltun]. See Barrett-Bamllton A Bonltota. Bonlioare, .Uphome. 'Note sur le l'lat\|>^illu:i Cu'-luhs, Ilitiema, et sa capture en France. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Eut. Ann., 4, 1884, 147-1.54. Boni, Carlo. For biography and list of works lee BuU. I'uletn. Itul., 20, 1894, 143-144; Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 14, 1895, xiv-x.xvii. Boni, Giacomo. The magnetic dip of ancient teria-cottas. Biit. Architects Jl., 4, 1897, 382-384. Boni, Iciliu. Methode zur Darstellung einer "Kapcel" bei alien Bakterienarten. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 705-707. Bonllla, ./one A. y. Passage sur le disque solaire d'an essaim de corpuscules. Tu k I'Observatoire de Zacatecas (Mexique). Aitronomie, 1885. 347-3.50. Uranolithc tombe an Sleiique pendant la pluie d'etoiles lilantes du 27 novembre 1885. Aslronomie, 1887, 241- 281. Observaciones meteorol6gica.s. Kesiimen general de las practicudas en Zacatecas. [1888.] Mex.. Soc. ".Alzate" Mem., 1, 1887; Mex. Obs. Bol., 1, 1888. 70, 277. Memoria sobre la agricultura y bus productos en el estado de Zacatecas (Republica Mexicans). Mex. Ubs. Bol., 2. 1889. 204-208, -230-236. 20-2-204. -290--292, 313- 3-28. 411-437. Observaciones meteorolbgicas. Besiimen general de las practicadas en el Instituto de Ciencias del estado de Zacatecas. .lurante el aiio de 1890. [1891.] Mex., Soc. •■.\lzate " Mem., 4, 1890 (/.'<-r.i, 70. [Uel^er den Sternschnuppenfall vom '27. November 1885 und iiber den Fall des Meteoreisens v.rn Mazapil.] Wiin. Silt. Hist. H..lni«s. Ann.. M (18951. :i08-3-27. Bonllla BUrat. See Santiago Bonllla IKirat. Bonin, I hiirlet Kuiiei. l>e fourane au Mekong. Paris, Soc. G.ogr. Bull., 17, 1896. 99-126. Me Tali i Tatsienloii a travers le Tibet. Paris, Soc Geogr. C. R., 1896. -234-241. Note sur les sources du deuve Bouge. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 18, 1897, -20-2--206. [Yovage en Asie.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. K.. 1897, 71-75.' Note sur les r^ullats gtktgraphiques de la mission Boninl 672 [Bonnal accomplie au Tibet et en Moiifjolie en 1895-96. Paris, Soc. G6ogr. Bull., 19, 1898, 389-403. Les deiuiers voyages dans le Tibet oriental. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull.. 20, 1899, 198-206. Empire cbinois. Mission Bonin. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. B., 1899, 33-37. Bonln, P. Figures caryocin^tiques des cellules dea corps jaunes de I'ovaire du cobaye. Paris, See. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 {C. li.), lfi.S-164. Bonlno, {sac.) Antonio. *Terremoto [8 ottobre 1877, Canavese]. [1877.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 12, 1878, 180-181. *Terremoto del 2 gennaio 1878. [1878.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 13, 1879, 19. Pluvio-vaporigrafo e fotometro per osservatorii isolati. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, 81-87. Bonino, Ch. *Tromba nel Canavese. [1873.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 8, 1874, 163. Bonis, Antonio de. [Una spica di Zea mays, presentante una singolare anomalia.] Boll. Natlista., Siena, 8, 1888, 138. Uovo mostruoso. Boll. Natlista., Siena, 8, 1888, 139. Sulle anomalie nelle inflore.scenze di Zea mays. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 9, 1889, 31-33. Le piaiite del Polesine. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 24, 1892, 202-208 ; [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 271-276. Fecondazione occasionale della Platanthera bifolia, Rich., per mezzo del vento. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 13, 1893, 21-22. Sopra alcuni fiori cleistogami. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 21-24. Bonis, .Intonio tie, & Bolz6n, Pio. See Bolzon & Bonis. Boniscontro, L., & Fileti, Michele. See Flleti & Bonis- contro. Bonizzardi, TtilUo. [Osservazioni suUo soritto del sig. cav. dr. L. FoRNASiNi: "II sottosuolo di Brescia e i sistemi di medicina."] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1884, 179-182. [II sistema di fognatura per canalizzazione e mezzo validissimo di difl'usione di malatie infettive e furto dannoso all' agrieoltura.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1885, 242-250. [I vari sistemi di coltivazione del riso e la febbre malarica.] Brescia Ateneo Comment. , 1890, 177-184. Bonizzi, Paolo. Intorno ai corpuscoli ferruginosi e magnetic! dell' atmosfera. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 292-296, 884. Osservazioni microscopiehe sulle polveri dell' aria. Roma, Uft. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 6 {Pt. 1), 1886, .S-16. Osservazioni intorno agl' Infusori ciliati. Modena, Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1888, ai-.51. Bonjean, Eilmond. Sur la presence naturelle de grandes inoportions de chlorure de potassium et de chlorure de sodium dans le jus des raisins et dans les vins des ri^'gions salves de I'Oranie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1275-1277. Vins naturellement sales (composition minerale des cendres). Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 719-722. Le bacillc pyocyanique dans les eaux d'alimentation ; resistance, virulence, recherche, origine hydrique des infections pyocyaniques. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 42, 1899, 28-51; Trav. Cora. Hyg. Publ., 28, 1899, 226-246. Analyse chimique de quebjues rochcs volcaniques provenant de rotoilemcnt prripberique du Mont-Dore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12H, 1899, 1096-1097. Analyse chimique des mclu^s. Dosages du potiissinm ct du sodium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 691- 093; 22, 1899, 1284. L'exjiloitation des eaux rainiralea naturelles purga- tives au point de vue de I'hygiftnc. Origine. Recherches bactc/riologiques et cbimiquea. Considerations g(5n(5rales. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 44, 1900, 5-35. ])u bacille pyocyanique dans les eaux d'alimentation. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R., 1900, 80-88. Analyse chimique de I'eau minerale de la " source froide" ou " du Pare" a Evaux-les-Bains (Creuse). Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900,' 405-407. Analyse de I'eau minerale naturelle de la source Brault n" 3 de Sail-sous-Couzan (Loire). Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 408-409. Bonjean, Edmond, & Foucbet, ^[nne] Gabriel. See Foucliet & Bonjean. Bonjean, Joseph. For biographical notice see Savoie Ac. Mem., 6, 1897, Ixxiv-lxxxi. Bonjean, Jules. R6£orme du calendrier. Astronomic, 1885, 287-296. Bonjour, Samuel. Note sur quelques variations observ^es dans le plumage d'oiseaux europeens. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 193-199. Grimpereau ^ doigts courts (Certhia brachydaotyla, Brehni] atteint d'un kyste dermoide. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 14, 1889, 316-317. Notes sur quelques L^pidopteres interessants ou nouveaux pour le d^partement de la Loire-Inferieure. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 4, 1894 (Pt. 1), 185-192; 6, 1896 (Pt. 1), 23-30; 8, 1898 (Pt. 1), 93-96. Faune lepidopt^rologique de la Loire-Inf^rieure. Macrol6pidopteres. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 7, 1897 (Pt. 1), 161-263, (Pt. 2), [63]. Bonjour, Samuel, & Marchand, Ernest. See niarchand & Bonjovir. Bonmariage, Arthur, & Fetrucci, EaphaH. Sur un monstre double sternopage en voie de formation, observe sur un blastoderme d'muf de poule. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 523-525. Sur la loi d'affinite du soi pour soi ou loi de rassoeia- tion cellulaire. Robin, Jl. Anat., 36, 1900, 186-209, 291-322, 417-437. Bonn TJniversity Observatory. Sec Argelander, Friedrich ]Vilhelm .iugust. Sec Schbnfeld, Eduard. Bonna, .4(iiif'. Assainissement des villes: traitement des eaux d'(5gout par les proc^dis agricoles. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 7), 6.5-74. Vonnn,, August E[uac)i]. [Sur la pbenyl-pnratolylamine.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 15, 1886, 294-295. Ueber Phenyl^jurutoluidin. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 55-64. Carbure double de calcium et de magnesium. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 5, 1898, 57-5-577. Bonna, Anffust Elngen], & le Boyer, Alexandre. Elek- trischer Ofen fiir den Laboratoriums-Gebrauch. [1897.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1896-97, 479. Bonnafont, [,/. P.]. De la decapitation. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 8, 1885, 418-423. Sur les localisations cerebrales. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1887, 783-784. Trombes de mer. Ass. Frani;. C. R., 1889 {Pt. 2). 381-389. Deux observations de croisement de races. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 12, 1889, 20-25. Bonnafy, [Gahriel.] Le tokelau. Arch. M^d. Navale, 60, 1893, 241-261. Sur la statistique medicale du corps d'occupation de la Cochinchine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124. 1897, 1255-1256. Bonnafy, [Gabriel], & Mialaret, Th[co\ihile .luguste]. Contribution tl la geographic medieale. Mission aux lies Fidji pour y etudier les nuiladies de la peau et speciale- nient le tokelau et la lepre. Arch. Med. Navale, 56, 1891. 269-286. Bonnaire, (baron) .Ichille. [Note snr divers Cok-opti'ires.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1886, liii-liv. Description de quatre Coleopteres nouveaux d'Algirie. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 310-317. Bonnal, [L. A.]. Recherches expi5rimentale3 sur la tempe- rature qu'on observe chez la femme au moment do raccouchemeut et sur celle de I'eufant au moment de la Bonnal] 673 [Bonnet naissance. ComparaJHon do cps (Ipux tnmp^^ratureg entre cllcH. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. H., 101, 1886, H(;i-H(i3. Dii mc'ciinisme de la mort 8i)us rintliicncc de la cliiili'iir. I'aris, Ac. Kci. C. U., 10,0, 1887, H-i-HT). Bonnal, ijeunje). [Un nouvuuu piseviiix.J Nimes Soc. Sii. Hull., 189B, xlvi. Bonnal, (inirgeii. Oriuine pHyclio-pliyBiologi<|ue des accords et des ^aiiimes de rharmonie moderne. Rev. ijci., 11, 1899, .500-.%!. Bonnans, E[ilniond], & Denigis, Oleorgt*]. See Denlgta A Bonnani, Bonnard, I'aul. Depliiituicnt du ccrvcau selon Its atti- tuilis. Kxperieuoes I'l faire. [With di»cu»aion.'\ I'aris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 8, 1886, li.")l-t;63. Bonnardeanz, Ch. Note sur I'iiidustrie ardoisi^'re du biivsm •i'HerLeumont. Rev. Univ. Mines, 19, 1886, 23- •11. Ta-'ivi. Bonnaud, /'.. & I.acrolx, K. See Xiacroix A- Bonnaad. Bonnay, {iabhe) I:. '(Notes mt^'teoroloniques.] K. v. Scfim., en haar voorkomen in Groninger diluviale zwerf blokken. Lepi-rditia baltica. Hit., up., their identity with Le|x-rditia Kichwaldi, Fr. v. Schm., and their being found in Groniiigen diluvial erratics. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 138- 140; AmsUrdam. Ak. Proc., 3, 1901, 137-110. 't voorkomeu van zwcrt blokken met re^ten van Leper- ditia graodis, Schreiti-k, tp., in 't Groninger diluvium. On the occurrence of remains of Leperditia grandis, Schreiick, up., in the erratic blocks of the Groninaen diluvium. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 376- 37'.i; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc., 3, 1901, .54.5-549. Bonnemtoe, Liimel. Les perles d'Europe. Angers Soc. Sci. Hull.. 1895. 133-165. Bonnirtc, ^.ACIergne, '(Notes mt^teorologiqaes.] t'arcassone. Ecole normale (.\ude). France Soc. M^t^- rol. Nouv. Meteor.. I., 9, 1876, I't. 2. 211. Bonniric, . Clamon, . .V Bablalrolee, . See Clamon, Sablalroles .v Bonnirle. Bonnezic, . Oaasseni, , Clergae, , A FetltpA, . .S't^c OauBsens, Clergrae, Fetltp4 A Bonnteic. Bonnesen, T. Systemer af kej-.b-snit, som bar dobbelt rorin^' med to faste keglesnit. Nvl Tidsskr. Math., 9 (B), 1898, 2.5-36. Geometriske konstruktioner pa kugletladen. Nyt Tidsskr. .Math., 10 (B), 1899, 1-13, 2.5-35; Fortschr. Math.. 1900. .508. Bonnet, .1. Sur qaelques propri^t^s des oxydes de plomb. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 117, 1893, 518-519. Sar la fixation directe, par les fibres vegetales, de certains oxy.les metalliques. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895. 7(Hi-7m. Bonnet, .1.. .V Placet, Em. See Placet >!' Bonnet. Bonnet, .1 . ,v Bavaz, L[ouii]. See Bavas A' Bonnet. Bonnet, .1 U'lin.t, . I'or biograpliical notice tee Pans, Ingen. Cn. Mem.. 1889 {I'l. 2), 681-682. Bonnet, 7. (fi/iimif. (Irthoptera tunetana dno nova. [1884.] Naturaliste, [2 (1882-84)), 54H-519. De quibusdam Ortbopteris tunetanis uotala. [1886.] Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87)], 245-217. Un explorateur inconnu de la flore orientale, Paul LccAS, botaniste. [1886.] NaturHliste, [3 (1886-87)], 282-285. Quelqnes plantes doutenses de la flore de France. [1886.] Naturaliste, [3 (1886-87)], 363-365. La topographic botanique et les herborisations de P. riK TorKNKKOBT dans les Pyrenees et dans le midi de la France. d'apris des documents inedits. Ase. Franr. C. R., 1887 (P(. 2), 557-5(>7. Florule des lies Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. Jl. Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 180-186, 219-221, 234-239, 249-2.53, 260- 266. Documents pour servir k I'bistoire de la botanique dans la region Ivonnaise. Lvon Soc. Bot. Ann., 15, 1888, 14.5-155. Plantes du poste optiqne de Founa.<"OBi.iASS, conserve an museum de Paris. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1S89, ccxxi-ccxxxv. 85 Bonnet] 674 [Bonnet L'herbier et les manuscrits d'Albert i>E Halleii. Jl. Bot., Paris, 3, 1889, 354-860. Gaston de France, Due d'Orleans, consider^ comme botauiste. Ass. Fianf. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 2), 416--420. Index plantanini augustissinii piincipis, regis patrui, Aurelianensinm ducis, jussu et lartiitione in Gallia con- quisitarum ab anno 1648 ad 1657. (Extrait du manuscrit de la Biblioth^qne Nationale publit'' pour la premiere I'ois avec la synonymic Linneenne.) Ass. Fiani;. C. K., 1890 (Pt. 2). 404-477. Nouveaux documents relatifs a I'ambassade d'Ethiopie. Lettres de Lenoir du Kodle et d'Augustin Lippi. Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip., 1890, 437-447. Voyage de Morison et Laugier, botanistes de Gaston d'Orleans, a La Rochelle en 1657. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 37, 1890, ix-xiv. Lettres et documents in^dits pour servir k I'histoire de la botanicjue an xviii" sitele. Jl. Bot., Paris, 4, 1890, 145-148, 159-160, 234-236. Une mission fran^aise en Afrique au debut du dix- huitidme si^cle; Augustin Lippi, ses observations sur la fiore d'Egvpte et de Nubie. Cherbourg Soc. 8ei. Nat. Mem., 27,1891, 257-280. Itiiieraire botanique d'une ambassade frani,^aise au Maroc. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891. 173-183. Lettres de Toobnefort a Facson. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 372-376, 393-396, 420-424. Una nnmenclatura medico-botanica estratta da un codice del secolo ix. scritto nell' Italia settentrionale. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 424-434. Le Congres de Genes. Corapte rendu. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, 326-333, (Pie/.), 222. Aper(;;u historique sur les plantes de Tuuisie. Ass. Fran?. C. E.. 1893 {Ft. 2), 507-519. Notices et extraits de deux manuscrits de la biblio- theque de la Faculte de Medecine de Montpellier. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, clxxix-clxxxvii. Notes sur quelques plantes rares, nouvelles ou critiques de Tunisie. Jl. Bot., Paris, 7, 1893, 161-164, 194-199, 229-237; 8, 1894, 9-16, 109-112, 13.J-139. Recherches historiques, bibliographiques et critiques sur quelques esp^ces de Doronics. Ass. Franc^. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 2), 636-644. Note sur un exemplaire de VHhtoria Stirpium Helretite, annote par Haller. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 41, 1894, cxlvii-cli. Remarques sur la nomenclature et I'orthographe de quelques nomsde plantes tunisiennes. A.«s. Frani;. C. R. , 1895 (Pt. 2), 587-595. Gi^ographie botanique de la Tunisie. Jl. Bot., Paris, 9, 1895, 343-348, 349-351, 403-408, 409^15; 10, 1896, 65-72, 73-84. Le piante egiziane del Museo Eealedi Torino. Nuovo Giorn. Bot, Ital., 2, 1895, 21-28. Coup d'ail sur les explorations botaniques effectu^es en Tunisie depuis le xvii" siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Ass. Franr. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 1), 169-173. Remarques sur quelques plantes indiqu^es en Tunisie par Desfontaines et qui n'y ont pas ^'te rocemment retrouv^es. Ass. Fram,-. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 2), 365- 374. Lettres Sorites par Desfontaines pendant son explora- tion de la r^genco de Tunis (1783-84). Ass. Fran*,-. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 2), 434-439. Notes de philologie et d'histoire botaniques. Ass. Fianv. C. R., 1897 (/'(. 2), 493-500. Le haricot (I'haseolus vulgaris, L.) (■tait-il connu dans I'ancien niondc avant la (k'couvertc de rAmerique? Jl. Bot., Paris, 11, 1897, 14-20, 35-39, 48-57. Remarques sur quelques hybrides et sur quelques monstruositi's. Jl. Bot., Paris,' 11, 1897, 239-212, 243- 252, Etude sur deux manuscrits m(Sdico-botaui(jue8ex(!cut(;s en Italic aux xiv" et xv* sifecles. [1898.] Malpighia, 11, 1897, 531-553. Plantes representees sur les vases de Boscoreale (Mas^e du Louvre); etnde historique et critique. Ass. Franf. C. B., 1899 (Pt. 2), 419-427. Additions et corrections au catalogue des plantes vasculaires de la Tunisie. Jl. Bot., Paris, 13, 1899, 83-86. Vegfetaux antiques du Mus^e Egyptien de Florence. Ass. Franr. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 2). 656-663. Quel est I'iuventeur des exsiccata? Jl. Bot., Paris, 14, 1900, 174-177. Bonnet, Edmoiul, & Flnot, Adrien. [Diagnoses de trois nouvelles especes d'Orthoptferes dont une type d'un genre nouveau, provenant de la Regence de Tunis.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, xxvi-xxvii. Les Orthopteres de la Regence de Tunis. Rev. Sci. Nat., 4, 1884-85, 193-232, 333-367. Bonnet, Edmond, & Maury, Paul. D'AinSefra a Djenien- Bou-Besq, voyage botanique dans le Sud-Oranais. Jl. Bot.,, Paris, 2, 1888, 277-301, 312-322. Etude sur le Warionia Saharie, Benth. et Coss. Ass. PVanc. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 490-498. Bonnet, Kdouard. Rdle des micro-organismes dans la thri:)mbose marastique et la phlegmatia alba dolens. Ass. Franr. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 695-698. Documents inedits sur la peste de Marseille et de Piovence. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2j, 1006-1018. Bonnet, Emile Ossian-. See Ossian-Bonnet. Bonnet, Georijes Ossian. Demonstration nouvelle de deux theoremes de M. Bertband. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 56, 1886, 143-162. Bonnet, //. Truffes nouvelles. Generation et culture de la truffe. Rev. Myeol., 6, 1884, 137-147, 201-209; 7, 1885, 9-13. Tuber Caroli (Tulasnei), ti. sp. 8-9. [Du parasitisrae des truffes.] 179-185; 10, 1888, 69-73. Du parasitisme de la truffe et de la couleur de son mycelium. Rev. Mycol., 11, 1889. 124-127. Bonnet, L{unis'\ M. Sur un cas de p.seudo-insuffisance aortique. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 37, 1898, 92-100. Bruits pulmonaires rythmis par le cceur; caractferes et siege insolites. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Mfd. M<5m., 37, 1898, 113-118. Bonnet, ],[i>nis] J/., & Bard, Llpuis]. See Bard & Bonnet. Bonnet, L[(>»('{!] J/., & Josserand, Etienne. Ser Josserand A' Bonnet. Bonnet, /.[oiiis] J/., Courmont, Paul, & Tixier, Potth. See Courmont, Tixier . Giebt es bei Wirbeltieren Parthenogenesis? Anat. Hefte {Aht. 2), 9, 1900, 820-870. Bonnet-Eymard, U. Sur revolution de I'Eimeria nova {S,-liii,'i,l,r). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., o2, 1900 (C. 11.), i;.v,i-C)i;i. Bonnevie, //. Epnktbere^'ning eftcr arithmeliske formler. Arcli. Miith. Naturvid., 12, 1888, 102-117. Bonnevie, {l-'rpkfit) Kristiiie. Zur Svstematik der Hy- droi.len. Ztsohr. Wiss. Zool., 03, 1898, 40.5-495. Neue norwegische Hydroiden. [1899.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1898, So. 5, 15 pp. En eieijdomnielig ny molluskart der lever snyttcude paa tarnikanalen hoseunlniindelig forckoniniendesjnpnlse (Stichopus tremulus). Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 37. 1900. 355. Bonnevie, {Fr^ken) Kristine, tS: Bjort, Johan. Sit Hjort iV Bonnevie. Bonncwyn, [lltitri]. For biographical notice tee Anvers, Jl. de I'liarm., 4i;, 1890, 331-332. Considerations pratiques sur I'emploi des anti- septiques et des desiufectants roiunic moyens preventifs des epidiimies. Brnx., Ac. M^d. Belg. Bull., 1, 1887, 237-209. Bonney, (/icr.) A. Note on an appearance of luminous bulibles in the atmosphere. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 13, 1887, 300. Bonney, I'r,ileric. *0n some customs of the aborigines of the river Darling, New South Wales. [1883.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 13, 1884, 122-130. Bonney, l/>'<'r.) Tlunmu Gronje. *0n a collection of ruck sp.ciiii.iiK from the Island of .Soeotra. [1882.] Phil. I'r.ins., 174, 1884, 273-291. "On the geology of the South Devon coast from Torcross to Hujie Cove. [1883.] Oeol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 40, 1884, 1-25. 'Un some rock-gpccimcns collected by Dr. Hickb in Anglesey and N.W. Caernarvonshire. [1883.] Oeol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 40, 1884, 200-200. On the .\rchiean rocks of Great Britain. Brit. Ass. Itep., 1884, 529-551. Itemarks on Her|>entinc. Geol. Mag., 1, 1884, 406- 412. Notes on the microscopic stracture of some rocks from Guernsey. Oeol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 40, 1884, 420- 428. Note on some rock-specimens collected by Dr. C. Callaway in Anglesey. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 40, 1884, 583-588. Trowlesworthite. Oeol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 40, 1884 {Proc), 7. .A rhvolitic rock from Lake Tanganyika. Nature, 30, 1884, 193. Notes on the microscopic structure of some rocks from the Andes of Ecuador, collected bv E. WiirurEK. Rov. Soc. Proc., 36, 1884, 241-248, 420^34; 37, 1884, 114-131, 131-137, 394-410. Keporl on the rocks collected by H. H. Jou.nston, Esq., from the upper part of the Kilima-njaro maaaif. Brit. Ass. Hep., 188C, 082-685. Preliminary note on some traverses of the crystalline district of the Central Alps. Brit. Ass. Uep., 188S, 1027-1021); Geol. Mag., 2, 1885, 494-490. On the occurrence of a mineral allied to enstatite in the ancient lavas of Kycott Hill, Cumberland. Geol. Mag., 2, 1886, 70-80, 334-335. Cornish serpentine. Oeol. Mag., 2, 1888. 431. On bastite- serpentine and troktolitc in Aberdeenshire, with a note on the rock of the Black Dog. Geol. Mag., 2, 1886, 439-448. On the so-called diorite of Little Knott (Cumberland), with further remarks on the occurrence of picriles in Wales. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 41, 1886, 511-521. The anniversary address of the President. [Petrology.] Oeol. Soc. Quart. 'Jl., 41, 1886 {Proc), 37-90. *0n some specimens of lava from Old Providence Island. [1883.] Min. Mag., 0, 188€, 39-45. On the microscopic structure of a boulder from the Cambridge Greensand found at .\shwell, Herts. [1884.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 5, 1886, fi'>-67. Note on a case of replacement of quartz by fluor spar. [1881.] .Min. -Mag., 6, 1886, 48. Notes on a picrite (pala^opicrite) and other rocks from Gipp.s' Land, and a serpentine from Tasmania. [1884.] Min. Mag., 0, 1886, 54-.58. [Presidential aildres-ses to the Mineralogical Society, Oct. 21. 1884 and Oct. 20, 1885. Nomenclature, etc.] Min. Mag., 0, 1886. 111-119, 195-201. [Presidential address to Geol. Sect. The application of microscopic annlysis to discovering the physical geo- graphy of bygone ages.] Brit. Ass. Bep., 1886, 601- 621. Note on the microscopic structure of some rocks from the neighbourliooentinization, etc. Geol. Mag., 6, 1899, 431-432. The parent-rock of the diamond in South Africa. [1899.] Roy. Soc. Proc., 65, 1900, 223-236. Phint-stems in the Guttannen gneiss. Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 215-220. The parentroek of the diamond. Reply to a criticism. Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 246-248. Colonel Fkili'kn's contributions to glacial geology. Geol. Mag. , 7, 1900, 289-294. The Buntcr pobblc-bcds of the Midlaudii »nd the source of their materials. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 56, 1900, 287-303. Snow-drifts on Ingleborough. Nature, 62 (1900). 412- 413. Additi'inal notes on boulders and other rock specimens from the Newlands diamond mines. Grlqualand West. [I'.MiO] Roy. Soc. Proc., 67, 1901 47'. !■<». Bonney, ilifr.) Tlmmat Ueorgf, k AUport, Samufl. See Allport A Bonney. Bonnsy, /;.i. i Tliomin George, & BUI, (Rev.) Edicin. Uelatiuris uf the chalk and drift in Moen and Btigen. Geol. Soc. Quart Jl., .'..'). 1899, 305-324. .SVi- alaii Hill /iv,<| Catherine A. Sfe Stone, Boiuiey A Ralaln. Bonney, W[ittuim] F[rancis] I'trtur. A remarkable case of obscure septicn'mia treated by antistreptococcns semm ainl niiclein. Clin. Soc. Trans., 33. 1900, 183-188. Bonnlioret, (Knpl.) J. *Ueber das .\utreffen von Eis im ('pstlichen Theil des Stidatlantischen Oc««ns. .\nn. der Hydrogr., 11 (1883). 6'<3-»'>H4. 'Fiirbung der See und Was-serhose im Indischen Ocean. Ann. der Hydrogr., 11 (1883), 749. Bonnier, (inaton {Emjine Marie] Sur ies diflcrentes formes des fleurs de la meme esp^oe. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884,240-244. Note sur la distribution des plantos aux environs da Bourg-d'Oisans (I-ere). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31. 1884, 287-291. Sur queli|ues plantes annnelles on bisannuelles qui peuvent devenir vivaees aux haiites altitudes. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31. 1884. 381-383. La respiration des lissus rivantt;. Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 577-588. Remarques sur le d^veloppement et la structure des rhizomes dWnemone nemorosa. France Soc. Bot. Boll., 32,1886. 167-170. Liration des champignons. Ann. Sci. Nat. {Bot.), 17, 1884, 210-305. Recherches sur la respiration des tissus sans chloro- phylle. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), IS, 1884, 293-382. Sur I'absence d'absorjjtion ou de degngement d'azote dans la respiration des champignons. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 19-22. Bonnierl 679 [Bonnier Sur leg (^clmiiKex uaxeax rntrc Ich liclieoB ct I'atino- sphAre. France Hoc. Hot. Hull., 31, 1884, 118-11 It. Sur leB variutiuiiH de lu respiration dcH graineH (;or- mant avec le divvlojipcnicnt. France Hoc. Hot. Bull., 31, 1884, 30t>-30i). HecherchcH «ur hi reiipiration dea reuillesil robRCuritC-. Paris, Ac. Hci. (;. U., !IH, 1884, 10C4-10(i7; Aon. 8ci. Nat. (/(()(.), I'.t, 1884, 217-2.".'>. Influence de la luniiere sur la respiration dcs tissus sans clilorophylle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 9-!l6'.l ; Ann. Sci. Nat. (IM.), 2, 1888, 31.-.- 361. L'action ohloroplivlliennc si'parec de la respiration. Paris, Ac. Hci. C. H., 100, 1886, 1303-1306; Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.). 3, 1886, •''>-44. Sur la rcspiriirion iles vdg^taux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 100, 1886, 151',l-i;22. Sur la respiriition des vigetaux. Nouvelle note. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 101, 1886, 1173-1175. ■ — — L'action cliloropliyllieniie dans loliscurit/' ultra- violette. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 123-126. Bonnier, Jules. Catalogue des Ccustac^s Malacostraccs recueillis dans la Baie de Concarneau. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), HI9-262, 296-356, 361-422. Sur les espices de (ialatliea des cotee de France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 106. 1888, 1686-1689; Bull. Sci. France Belg., 19, 1888, 121-lHl. Les Ampliipodes du Boulonnais. Bull. Sci. France Bel«., 20. 1889, 373-398; 22, 1890, 173-201, [viii] ; 24, 1892, llil-207. Le dimorphisme des males chez les Crustacea Amphi- podes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 111. 1890, 9x7-989. La glande antennale chez les Aniphipodes de la famille des Orchestiidai. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li., 113, 1891, 808-810. Notes sur les Annelides du Boulonnais. i. L'Ophrvo- trocha puerilis, C/n/i. et Metuch., et son apparcil maxil- laire. Bull. Hci. France Belp., 25. 1893. 198-226. Sur I'apparuil niiixillaire des Eunicicns. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 524-526. [Resultnts scicntiflques de la.oanipagne du Caudan dans le Golfe de Gascogne.] Kdriophthalmes. Lyon Univ. Ann., [.Yo. 26]. 1896, 527-689. Sur un type nouveau de Copepode gallicole. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 769-771. Sur un type nouveau d'Isopode parasite (Kbabdo- cheirus incertus). Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898. 198-200. Sur les Peneides du genre Cerataspis. Lille Inst. Zool. Trav., 7, 1899, 27-49. , Contribution il I'etude des Kpicarides; les Bopyrida;. liille Inst. Zool. Trav., 8, 1900. 478. Bonnier, Jules, & Olard, .U/reil. See Oiard A' Bonnier. Bonnier, Pierre. L'lirirntation auditive. [ls8.").J Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-86), 11-29. L'audition chez les Inverlobres. Rev. Sci., 46, 1890, 808-810. Le sens auriculaire de I'espace. Bull. Sci. France Belg.. 23, 1891. 1-54. Piivsiologie du nerf de I'espace. Paris, Ac Sci. C. B., 113, 1891, 566-568. Sur leg fonctiong lul)o-tynipanii|iies. Paris, Si/c), 72. Bonomi da Monte, P., A Zosa, A. Sulla energia di alcuui acidi solfonici . Trombe observi^e k Moorslede (Flandre occi- dcntale) le 21 juillet 1895. [1895.] Ciel et Terre, 16 (189S-96), -Vn. Bontempe, Charles. For biographical notice see .\nn. Telegr.. 11. 1884, 183-184. Les svsti^raes tt'legraphiques. Le nouvel appareil Baudot. ■ Lum. Elect., 12, 1884, 241-245, 285-294. Bontempa, Entest. Note sur I'emploi des sels ammonia- caux pour rii. r,(. Wien. <.w. .Nature. AT, 1888. 273. Bonozxl, I'ieirt). I'eber Vawxlilatatoren in den hint«ren UiK'keiimarkswuriieln. Med. .Ibilch., 1888, 473-479. Bonvalot, ^''ibnV/. (Vuvage dans l.^sie Ceutrale.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. It., 1890, 112-114. Vovage dans I'Asie Centrule et an Pamir. Paris, Soc. G...^'r". Bull., 11. 1890, 469-498. Bonvalot, Hahriel, A Oapns, Guillaume. See Oapna Si Bonvalot. Bonvalot, /.[oum]. De la mort subite par arr/zt da c. 125. Bonwielt, .Janu't. The .Australian natives. [1886.] An- llirnp. Inst. .11., 16, 1887. 201-210. Bonz, .ilhert. Ueher die Bildung von Amid aus Bst<-r und Aiiimoniak uml die Umki-hrunn dieser Keaktion. Ztschr. I'liy.-ikal. Chem., 2, 1888. 865-90". Bonz, Richard. Uebereiiiige Derivatedes .\ethylthiophens. Berlin, ("hem. Ges. B Boodle. Boo>Ue, I.'onard .4., & Hurray, George. Sf- Boodle. Boodle, Leonard A., iV VTorsdell, If. C. On the com- parative anatomy of the Casuariiiea;, with special reference to the Guetaceffi and Cnpulifcrie. Ann. Bot., 8, 1894, 231-2t)4. Book ■Watson, (Rer.) Robert. See 'Wataon, {Rer.) Robert /;. :.,. Booker, William I). A study of some of the bacteria found in the dejecta of infants atflictod with summer diarrhoea. Inl. Mi>l. CouCT. Trans., 1887 (I'../. 3). .598-617. Bookjnan. I ., Hunt, fi'i./. A Tlemey, J/. ./. Se- Hunt, Bookman ,v Tlemey. Bookman, .SfumuW], L'eber ^- und -^-.Aethoxybntylamin. Berlin. Cbem. Ges. Ber., 28. 1895. 3111-3121. Studies in epilepsy : a contribntion to the metabolism in nervous diseases. Amer. .\8S. Proc.. 1898. 229-230. Investigations on the nature of the Nissl granules. Amer. .Ass. Proc.. 1898, i<0-231. Bool, r. <;. ran. .\piieMO)ieTpi> 'lEEUmEBa. [CiBTSEv's arithmometer.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. BulL, 91 (.No. 11. 1894. 12-21. CMeniHC npiifiopu pyivKiixi. ii.i(V>pt.T.iTo.iofi. [Account of apparatus of Russian invcntor& (Kcmmeb's 86 Bool] 682 [Borbas calculating machine. Buniakovskij's abacus.)] Moscow, Soe. Sci. Bull., 92 (A'o. 1), 1896, 33-36. Boole, [Hiss) Lucy Ercrtst, & Dunstan, U'l/ndlinm R[oiclniu}]. See Dunstan & Boole. Boorsma, 11'. G. Plumierid. [IV.] [1894.] Amer. .11. Pharm., 67, 1895, 247-248. De meteoor van 14 juni [18!t.5]. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdscbr., .5.5, 1896, 135. ■ Ueber philipjiinisclie Pfeilgifte. Buitenzorg lust. Bot. Bull., 6, 1900, 14-18. Boos, 11'. !•'., & Jackson, C[harles] Loriny. See Jackson & Boos. Boot, .Jlohn] C. Sur quelques ameliorations apporteea a I'appaieil employ^ par M. Romyn pour le dossage de roxvgene dans I'eau. [1894.] , Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays- Bas", 13, 1894, 88-92; Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 8, 1897, 87-90. Appareil pour jauger d'une maniere rapide les matras, pipettes et burettes. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 13, 1894, 417-420. Pyknometer zum Gebrauche bei huheren Zimmertera- peraturen. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 616. Ueber die Bestimmung des specifisohen Gewichts der Melassen. [TV.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind.. 47, 1897 (Th. 2), 455-456; Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 16, 1897, 415. Boot, ir. G. Korte schets der noord-kust van Ceram. [Posth.] Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 10, 1893, C.50-67H, 88.5-902, 1163-1204. Booth, . Pyorrhoea alveolaris. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 37, 1894, 346-353. Booth, David. The radiant of the August Perseids. Observatory, London, 11, 1888, 379-380. A remarkable meteor. Observatory, London, 12, 1889, 316-317. The Perseid radiant. Observatory, London, 14, 1891, 162. Sec also British Astronomical Association. Booth, Edward. 'Keport of the Chemist. California Min. Bur. Rep., [IJ, 1880, 15-17. Booth, Georye .1. [The hibernating stage of Dianthcecia capsophila'.] [1896.] Eut. Record, 7, 1895-96, 181. Booth, //., lOiniati, T., & Cohen, Julius Beniid. See Miniati, Booth & Cohen. Booth, //. T. Nesting habits of the willow-warbler and chifl'chaff. [1896-97.] Ornithologist, 1, 1897, 187. Booth, {I\ei\] James. For biographical notice sec Eduo. Times, 31, 1878, 126-127. Booth, James C[urtis'\. For biography and works see Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 25, 1888, 204-211. A general method of toughening gold (and silver) in the melting crucible. Amer. Chem. .Soc. Jl., 6, 1884, 182-184. Toughening (purification) of gold (silver, etc.), in the crucible. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 6, 1884, 210-213. Graphite, or black lead crucibles. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 6, 1884, 283-285; 7, 1885, 4-13. The smelting furnace of the U. S. mint. Amer. Cbem, Soc. Jl., 7, 1885, 159-165. Booth, John. Systems of electric lighting. [1885.] Victoria Hoy. Soc. Trans., 22, 1886, 173-177. On some expedients employeil in the testing of large dynamos, with a note on the calibration of am-meters and volt-meters. [1886.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Trans., 23, 1887, 269-273. Booth, W. H. Mexican fibre or istle. Kew Bull., 1890, 220-224. Booth, William. Note on Sylvester's canonical form of binary quantics of the degree 2h - 1. Quart. Jl. Math., 20, 1885, 270-273. ( In H.\milton's singular points and planes on Fkesnel's wave surface. [1896.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 8, 1893- 98. 381-388. On Fbesxel'.'. wave surface and surfaces related thereto. [1896.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 6, 1898, 205-212. Booth, William Henry. On the employment of mathe- matical curves as the intrados of arches. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 30, 1884, 3.53-360. The transformed catenary as a figure for arches in stone or metal. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 31, 1884, 1-10. The hammer-blow in locomotives. F'ranklin Inst. Jl., 123, 1887, 42-47. Stresses in bridges. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 20, 1889, 137-150. Boott, William. For biography and list of works see Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 383 ; Leopoldina, 23, 1887, 160 ; 24, 1888, 52-53; Amer. Jl. Sci., 35, 1888, 262. Notes on Cyperacete. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 85-94. Bopp, U[erniann], & Claus, Adolph [Carl Ludwiy'i. See Claus cV Bopp. Boquet, F[eli.r]. Etoile nouvelle dans la constellation d'Orion, decouverte par M. J. E. Goke, observations faites au grand cercle meridien de I'Observatoire de Paris. Bull. Astr., 3, 1886, 83. Ephem^ride de la plan^te (95) Arethuse. Bull. Astr., 3, 1886, 84-85. Note sur la determination geometrique des positions apparentes des etoiles circompolaires. (Methode de M. A. G.MLLOT.) Bull. Astr., 5, 1888, 137-138. Application de la methode de M. A. Gaillot. Bull. Astr., 5, 1888, 233-237. Recherche sur la valeur des observations de passages. Bull. Astr., 6, 1889, 337-343. Developpement de la fonction perturbatrice, calcul des termes du huitieme ordre. Paris Obs. Ann. {Mem.), 19, 1889, B. 75 pp., vii. Sur une serie de determinations de la latitude, faites au grand cercle meridien de I'Observatoire de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 896-897. Sur les inegalites du huitieme ordre dans les per- turbations de Mars par la Terre. Bull. Astr., 10, 1893, 81-84. La latitude de I'Observatoire de Paris. Bull. Astr., 10, 1893, 147-168. Grand instrument meridien de Secretan-Eichens. Observations de jour en 1897[-1900]. Positions conclues du Soleil, de la lune. des plauetes et des etoiles fouda- mentales. [1899-1904.] Paris Obs. Ann. [Ohsns.), 1897, A. 69 pp. ; 1898, A. 77 pp. ; 1899, A. 84 pp. ; 1900, A. 79 pp. Boquet, F[rli.r], & Hamy, Maurice. See Hamy & Boquet. Bot, .ilbert. Les bienfaits de la chimie moderue. Amiens Ac. Mem., 36, 1889, 296-328. La v^ritd sur la lumifere. Amiens Ac. Mem., 38, 1891, 305-324. Bora, Felice. [Bolide del 14 agosto 1893. Biella.] Monca- lieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 139-140. Boraston, J. Maclair. The aurora of April 25, 1892. Astr. A Astrophys., 11, 1892, 521-522. The Andromedes. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 3-5. On the distribution of stellar types in space. Astr. it Astrophys., 12, 1893, 57-73. Borbds, Vincze. "Athamanta Haynaldi, liorbd^ -,56. Conspectus .\jugarum (e sectione Bugulie, 7'ourn.) novarum dubiarumque. Termr. Fuz., 12 (1889), 108- 112. Hazai szegfiiveink mint kerti vir&gok. (Species Dianthorum HungariEe bortos exomantes.) Termr. Fiiz., 12 (1889), 211-224, 243-247. K nOvenyek liziognomiai voni-sai es a novijnyek os hazHJa. [The physiognomic features of plants and the original home of plants.] Termt. Kozlun., 21, 1889 (Suppl.). 90-92. .\ szerbtons (Xantbium spinosum, L.) toviseinek morfol6giai ert^ke. [Morphological value of the spines of Xantbium spinosum, L.] Termt. Kozlon., 21. 1889 {Suppl.), 191-192. Kahl- nud bchaartfriicbtige ParAllelformen der Veilchen aus der Onippe •' Hvpocarpeie." Oesterr. Bot. Ztsclir.. 40. 1890. 116-118. 166-168. Quercus Budenziana meg a mocsartolgy rokonsaga. (Quercus Budenziana et species Botryobalanorum.) Termr. Fiiz., 13 (1890), -26-33. 86—2 Borbas] 684 [BorbAs Mentha Frivaldszkyana, Borh. ineiL, meg a rokon- fajok. (Mentha Frivaldszkyana, Jlurb., et species affines: series Meutlianim verticillats nudiuipites atque spieato- capitatfE.) Termr. Fiiz., 13 (1890), 78-M3. (iysophila digenea, n.sp. Iii/hr., et G. arenarias, II'. et Kit., vai: leioelados, n. var. Termr. Fiiz., 13 (1890), S4-S5 ; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1891, 42.H. A Lathyrus affinis es L. gramineus biikkonyfajok fiildrajzi elterjedfese. (Area geograpbia Lathyri affinis atque L. gramiuei.) Termr. Fiiz., 13 (1890), 1.56-1()0, l'J2; Bot. Centrbl. Beihelte, 1891, 423. Az ordkzold es kitelelo lomb. [Evergreens and winter foliage.] Termt. Kozlon., 22, 1890, 123-129. Soldanella transsilvanica (S. montanax pusilla). Termt. Kiizlon., 22, 1890 {Suppl.), 142. Berichtigungen fiir die Flora von Ost-Ungarn. Oesterr. Bot. Ztselir., 41, 1891, 320-323. Magyarorszag ^s a Balkinf^lsziget jubarfairol. (Species Acerum Hungariae atque Peninsulffi Balcana;.) Termr. Fiiz., 14 (1891), G8-80, 93. A szerbtovis hazaja es v&ndorlasa. [Heimat und Wanderungen ders.g. serbischen Distel.] Termt. KozliJn., 23, 1891, BOG ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 310- 311. Budapest n^hany lij nov^nye. [Einige neue Pflanzen Budapests.] Termt. Kozlon., 23, 1891, 606 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 311. A novenyek vandorlasa s Budapest flurajAnak vend^gei. [Ueber die Wanderuug der PHauzen und die Giiste der Flora von Budapest.] Termt. Kozlon., 23, 1891 (Suppl.), 1-18 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 9, 1892, 411. Kozip-Eur6pa, kiiliJnosen Magyarorszag kakukfiiveinek ismertetese. (Symbolee ad Thymos Europie mediae, praecipue Hungariie cognosceudos.) [1890.] Math. Termt. Kozlem., 24, 1892, 37-116. A harsfak organologiajabbl. [Aus der Organologie der Linden.] Termt. Kozlon., 24, 1892, 158; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 316-317. Csillags^zor6k a RubuBok sziszt6majaban. [Ueber die Systematik der Gattuug Kubus.] Termt. Kozlon., 24, 1892, 271 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 320-321. Magyar nevek a novenyek latin nomenklaturdjaban. [Hungarian names in the Latin nomenclature of plants.] Termt. Kozlon., 24,1892 (Suppl.), 235-237. Nijvenyikrek, kiilonoseu ikerlevelek. [Symijhysis in plants and especially symphyllia.] [1892.] Termt. Kozlon. , 25, 1893 [Suppl), 121-135. Euphrasia transiens, Borh. Bot. Centrbl., 54, 1893, 129-131. A bolgar fl6ra vonatkozasa hazank tiorajdra. (Flors Hungaricff', SerbieiB et Bulgaricffi addenda.) Termr. Fiiz., 16 (1893), 4U-53. A katonapetrezselyeni i& mas nepies eles^gfiivek. [Glechoma hederacea and other popular herbs.] Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893, 243-248. . Eur6pai araukanak amerikai gazdAja. [Ein ameri- kaniseher Wirt der europiiischen Cuscuta.] Termt. Kiizliin., 25, 1893, 270; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 11, 1894, 415. ■ A Veronica verna k^t fajtai. [Zwei Subspecies der Veronica verna.] Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893, 440; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 11, 1894, 420. A Gentiana Endotricha csoportjiinak njabb irodalma. [Die neuere Literatur iiber die Grupjie der Gentiana Endotricha.] Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893, 496 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 11, 1894, 422-423. A BZerbtiJvi.s hazija es viindorldsa. [De origine atque itineribus Xanthii .spinosi, /,., occultis.| [1893.] Math. Termt. Kozlem., 25, 1894, 485-581 [583]. A fiizfa lev61mirigyenek ellombosodasa. [Ueber die Umwandlung der Blattdriisen der Weide in Bliitter.J [1893.] Termt. Kozlon., 26, 1894, 47; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 12, 189B, 391. A Xanthium teratoWgiajahoz. [Die Teratologie des Xanthium.] [1893.] Termt. Kiizliin., 26, 1894, 47; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 12, 1895, 390-391. Zur Speeifitiit von Chlora und Erythra^a. Bot. Centrbl., 59, 1894, 161-164. A hazai vajfiivekriJl. De Galeopsidibns Hungaria;. Termr. Fiiz., 17 (1894), 61-74, 82-84. John BiuyUET " Monographie du genre Galeopsis." Termt. Kozlon., 26, 1894, 233-234; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 12, 1895, 397-398. N^hany bojtorjanos gyiimolcs terjed^se hazAnkban. [Ueber die Verbreitung einiger Klettenfriichte in Ungarn.] Termt. Kiizlon., 26, 1894, 235 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 12, 1896, 400. A sulyom pusztulo felbeu. [Trapa natans in process of disappearing.] Termt. Kiizliin., 26, 1894, 297-322. Eurdpanak idegen uiivenyekkel Tal6 beruhazkodasa. [Foreign plants in Europe.] Termt. Kozliin., 26, 1894, 449-460. A Hieraciumok Alpestria csoportja. [Ueber die Alpestria-Gruppe der Hieracien.] Termt. Kozlon., 26, 1894, 498 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 12, 1895, 406-407. A hevvizi tiind^rrbzsa keletkezesenek analogonja. [Ueber Analngien zur Entwickelung der Nymphma tlier- raalis.] Termt. Kozlon., 26, 1894 (Suppl.), 146-152; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 12, 1895, 407-408. A holdviola fajair61. (De speciebus generis Lunario;, Tourn.) Termr. Fiiz., 18 (1895), 87-96, 138-140. A venhedii tiszafa. [The venerable yew.] Termt. Kozlon., 27, 1895, 57-77. A Gentiana carpatica. [Gentiana carpatica.] Termt. Kiizlon., 27, 1895 (Suppl), 77-80. Az acsalapu es hazai fajai. [Petasites and Hungarian species.] Termt. Kozliin., 27, 1895 (Suppl), 121-125. K6t ketes ntiv^nyiink bizonyossaga. [Determination of two doubtful Hungarian plants.] Termt. Kiizlon., 27, 1895 (Suppl), 190-192. Florisztikai apr6sAgok. [Floristische Miscellen.] [1895.] Termt. Kozliin., 28, 1896, 43-44 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 351-352. Budapest florajanak lijabb polgirai. [Die neuen Biirger der Flora Budapests.] [1895.] Termt. Kozlon., 28, 1896, 45; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 352-353. Nomenklatura! fejteget^sek. (Explicationes ad no- menclaturam spectantes.) Termr. F^iiz. , 19 (1896), 209- 224, 256-263. A Dictamnus albus systemAja es foldrajza. (De systemate atque geographia Dictamni albi.) Termr. Fiiz., 19 (1896), 348-357, 386-388. A magyar Uoranak ismeretlen kutforriisa. [Unbe- kannte Quellen der ungarischen Flora.] Termt. Kiizliin., 29, 1897,208; Miith. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 376. Liuum dolomitieum. Termt. Kiizliin., 29, 1897, 208- 209 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 376. Novenyek Budapest hatarab61. [Pflanzen aus dem Gebiete Budapests.] Termt. Kozlon., 29, 1897, 378; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 379. Gentiana Wartha?. Termt. Kiizlon., 29, 1897, 433 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 380. HazAnk Mdriljit tisztazo vagy kiegeszitil niiv^nyek. [Pflanzen zur Kliirung und Ergiinzung der heimatlichen Flora.] Termt. Kozlon., 29, 1897, 433 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 380. A nizzai konkoly hazilnkban. (Agrostemma nicseensis, Willd., in Hungaria.) Termt. Kozlon., 29, 1897 {Suppl), 40-41. Uj Verbrtscum a BalkAn-f^lszigetrol. [New Verbascum in tlie Balkan peninsula.] Termt. Kiizlon., 29, 1897 (Suppl), 85. A fogiiromfii hazai fajairol. (De speciebus Odonti- tidum Hungariic.) Termr. Fiiz., 21 (1898), 441-472. A szerpentinszirti bodorka. [The serpentine form of Asplenium.] Termt. Kiizlon., .'iO, 1898 (Suppl). 65-73. Borbdsl 685 (Bordage A zan^)tbiikor vir&i^zi'iHa kiiiiCHoliillmii a/. I'vHZiikkiil. [The llowi'i'iiix of CyliBUH in cuiinvclioii willi llie hiuhoii.J TcMiiit. Kozliiii., :i0", 1898 (,S«;>/<;.), ISH 101. OdoiititeH prntenHiH. Oehtcrr. Hot. ZtKclir., 4!l, 1899, 275-277. Biologiai kozlemi-ny. [PHanzcnbiuloKisclio Mitthi-il- uiiR.] OrvoB-Termt. Krtcg. {Trrml. Sziik), 1899, 24.1-250, (7i.c.) :il-'J(5. A veyitiU6 szerv ivarkuK'mbHc'K'e. (St'xuul ilifTcrc-iue in the veKftative organs.] Tei mt. Kiizliin . , HI , 1899, 2'.MJ-2'.)M. A lit'Vvlzi tumli'iiozsa Kflcllndiiiban. |N\vinpliua Lotos in the E. Indies.] Tvrmt. Kozliin., 31, 1899 \Suppl.), 187-l8y. Az Orobus ochrolcncnH, va^yis a Vicia pilisicnKin niaKyailiildi niivrnv »or«a. [I'ate of Orobim oiOiioleueuH or Viciii pihsii'nsiH in HuuKaiy.] Tuinit. Kozliin., 31, 1899 (Siiiijil.), 1h;i-191. — — Notiz. 1 Uebci- Laniium Orvala und L. Wettsteinii.] Oisttrr. Bot. ZtHchr., 50, 1900, 227. Borbera, G. Rehizione ed analiai cliimica dell' acqua iIkIIii. Korgeutv termale " Aeetosa " presso Miueo.... iMoncalieri Osh. Boll., II, 1891, 124-125. Borchard, . Beitiiige zur piiiuiiren Endarteriitis ol.litiiiins. [1890.] Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 44, 1897, l:il-I78. Borctaerdlng, |./o/i.] f'i[ietlrich]. Verzcichuis dor bis jctzt vou LuMi'biirg und Umgcgend bekannten Molhisken. Lunob. Nat. Ver. Jheft., 9, 1884, 71-100. Helix aspersa, MiiUer, am Fiisso des Tafelbcrges bei Capstadt. Deiilsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 18, 1886, 188-189 ; 19, 1887, 04. Zweitir [iind diitter] Nachtrag zur MoUusken-Fauiiu del' ndidwestdeiitschen Tiefebene. [1885-89.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 141-100; 10, 1889, 335-367. Beitriige zur Molluskenfauna der nordwestdeutsclun Tiefebene nebst einigen allgemeincn fnunistischen und sonstigon aut das llcbiet btzii^^liclion Bimerkungen. Liineb. Nut. Ver. .Uuft., 10, 1887, 43-73. Das Tierleben auf und an dur "I'latu" bei Vegesack. [1889.] Bremen Abh., 11, 1890. 205-279. Vier Wochen in Nassau a. d. Lalin. Deutsch. Malako- zool. {les. Nachrbl., 22, 1890, 05-81. Borchers, [Joliitniien Alherl] U'ilhelm. Eleclrolytische (iewinuung dcs Antimous unter gleichzeitiger Nutz- barmachung des Hchwefels der Krze und der Liisungs- mittel. Cheni. Ztg., 11, 1887, 1021-1022. Die Kollc der organisehen t'lieniie in dtr Elektro- Metallurgie. Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 590-597. Die Verwendung des elektrischen Stronies fiir trockene metallurgisohe I'roben. Ztsclir. .\ugew. Chem., 1892. 133-130. Die directe elektroljtisohe Verarbeituug von Erzeu und Hiittonprodueten. Berg- u. Miittenm. Ztg., 52, 1893, 251-253. 209-271. Kine neue Dj-naniomaschine fiir metallurgiscbe Ver- suelislaboratorien und Horsale. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 434-435. Neue Ajiparate fiir die elektrolytische Darstellnng der Alkali- und Krdalkalinietalle. Ztschr. .\ngcw. Chem., 1893, 480-489. Yersuche zur Nutzbarmachung der chemisclien Energie der Kohle als Elektricitiit. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 039-040. Apparate fiir den Horsaal und das Versachslabora- toriuni. [1894-95.] Ztschr. Elektrotechn. Elektroob., 1894-96, 301-302, 420; 1896-96, 39-42. Zu den Versuchen von Barnf.s und Vf.esesmeyer iiber [sein] Oaselement. Ztschr. Augcw. Clieiu.. 1896, 191-192. Erdalkalicarbide und Acetylen. [1895.] Ztschr. Elektroeh., 1896-96, 7-10. Ueber Calciunicarbid. [H'if/i disctution.] [1895.] Ztschr. Elektroeh., 1896-96, 103-167. Die Verarl>eitung zlnklialtiger Bleiglanze. [189.5. ] Ztschr. Kl.-ktrocl.., 1896 96, 277 27m. 348. Eine UeU-rsicht lilx-r die von der Elektricitiit l>eiietzteu OebietHU-lle der Metallurgic. [1895.] Ztschr. Elcktr,'cstif, tubes de MALruiiii ct glandcs venimcuscs). Ann. Sci. Nat. {Zool.), 19, 1896, 1-302. Anatomie dc I'appareil digestif des Orthoptcrcs de la famille des Forticulido}. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 121, 1896, 65,5-6.57. Glandes salivaires des LibellulidiE. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1,1896, .51-52. Sur les nhindes salivaires des Locustidfe. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1896, 24.5-247. .Vppareil digestif dun Urthoptcre de la famille des GryllidiB, Ic Bracbytrvpes membranaceus. Paris, Ac. Sci.. C. H., 122, 1896," 1.5.53-15.56. Etude de I'armature masticatrice du nosier chez les Blattida- ct les Gryllidn;. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 123, 189§. 271-273. Etude du s.vstOime nerveux sus-intestinal (stomato- gnstriciue) des Ortboptires de la tribu des Mecopodinic (Platyphyllum giganteum). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 562-564. Appareil digestif des Blattidie (Periplaueta americnna et P. orientalis). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2. 1896, 271-274. Considerations generales sur I'appareil digestif des PhasmidsB. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 378- 379. Les glandes salivaires des Pseudoncvropteres et des Ortliopti^rcs. Arch. Zool. Expcr., 5, 1897. 34.5-384. Les tubes de M.ii.riom dcs Ortho|)tercs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 4t>-48. Morphologic des appendices de I'extremite anterienrc de I'intestin moyen des Orthoptires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K.. 124, 1897." 376 378. Classitication dcs Orthoptircs d'aprds les caract^res tires de I'appareil digestif. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. &, 124, 1897, 821-823. Syst6me nerveux svmpathique des Orthopt^res. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897. 321-323. Anatomic de I'appareil digestif des AcridicDS formant la tribu dcs Pampbaginie (Pamphagus clephas, Stnl). Zool. Anz., 20, 1897. 57-5il. L'appareil digestif des Ortliopteres. (Etudes niorpho- logiques, histologiques et pbysiologiques de cet orgsne et son importance poor la claiwitication des Ortbopt^re*.) Ann. Sci. Nat. {/o-,!.), 5, 1898, 1-2<»H. Ktudc Kur ranatomic et I'lnatologie du rectum et des glandes rectales dea Urthopterea. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126,, 1898, 911-912. • Etude dea glandea defensives de quelqnea Col6opt^rea. Paria, Ac. Sci. C. B., I'iC, 1898, 1824-1825. Anatomic ct fonctiuna phyaiolok'iqucs dea organea arborescents ou jKiumona aquatiques de quelqneii Holo- thuriea. Paria, Ac. Sci. C. H., 127. 1898. .56H-.570. Contribution a I'ctude dea organcs reproducteura dcs Cok-opteres. Glandes geuitalea miles des Cleridie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann. , 67, 1898, 622 630. Etude sur les organea urinairea et les organcs repro- ducteura fcmelles du dauphin (Delphinua dclphia, Liniuf). Ann. Sci. Nat. (XihiI.), 10, 1899, 19.5-208. Etude comparce dcs organea reproducteura miles des Cokoptercs. Aaa. I"ran<;. C. B., 1899 (Pt. 2), 537-540. Becherches sur lea organea de la generation de quelques Holothuries. Marseille Fac. Sci. Ann., 9, 18»», (187)- (204,. Les glandes d<^-fensiTea ou glandes anales des Co- leopUres. Marseille Fac. Sci. Ann., 9, 1899, (205H'249). Etude sur I'anatuniie et lea foncti'ms phyaiologiquea des poumons aquatiques dcs Holothuries. (iMft",!.] Mar- seille Mus. Ann., 5, 1897-99. .Mrm. 3, 15 pp. Becherches sor lee glandcs anales des Carabida.'. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 1'28, 1899, 248-249. Considerations gcncralea sur les glandes ddfeasivea des Colcopteres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 1'28. 1899, 1009- 1012. Considerations generales sur lea organes reproduc- teura males des Colcopteres a testicules composes et disposes en grappes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, 1268-1271. Etude des glandes gcni^ratricea m&les des ChrysonK^- lides. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 282-28.5. Becherches sur les organes gcnitanx males de quelques Cerambycida;. Paris, Soc Ent. Ann., 6w. 1899, .508-51-5. Reclicrches anatomiques et hi.itologiques sur les organes reproducteurs males des Chrysomelida;. Robin, Jl. .Vnat., 35, 1899, 385-407. Anatomie des glandcs anales des ColtSoptcres appart«- nant a la tribu des Brachininc. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899. 73-76. — — Becherches sur les organes reprool.). II. 1900. 283-448. Contribution a I'etuilc du syst< iiic iicneux sympalhique sus-intestinal ou stomatogastriquc des Ortboptcrea. Bull. Sci. France Bclg., 33, 1900. 4.58-482. Etude anatomique des organex g^ncrateors milw des Colcopteres k testicules composes ct fa.scicules. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 1.30, 1900. 738-740. Etude sur I'appareil digestif du Bmcbrtrupes acha- tinus, Stoll. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. K.. 131. 1900, 66-69. Sur le revctemcnt epithelial cilic de I'intestin moyen et des caecums intestinaux chez les insectes. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, •2.5-'27. Bordas, I [ronard]. A Vayssltrc, .4[f6rrt). Ste VayBSite« A Bordas. Bordas, O'., I.V scnhleuiajui, . Compte-rcndu d unc excursion cntre Biixv 1 1 SaintGenjjoux. [188-5.] Saone- et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull.. 3. [1890]. 12-14. Bordt, [Paul]. Application dcs pri~mc.« dc Porbo dans les lunettes. Paris. Soc. Ph.vs. .Seances. 1898. 68*. Borde, . Tolerance remarqnable de I'eoCant en has .'tge pour les opiaces. [If'ilh ductiuion.] Bordeanx Soc. Med. Mem., 1899. 316-341. 34-5-347. Grands accidents du scrum antidiphteritique. Emploi dc la morphine a hautes doses. [With dhcuMion.] Bordeaux Soc- Med. M^m., 1900, 2,3.V2.50. 251-357, 258-268. Borde] 688 [Bordier Contribution a I'etude du traitement du carcinome par I'acide arsenieux. [With discussion.] Bordeaux Soc. Mt'd. Mem., 1900, 385-395. Bordeaux, Albert. Les venues trachytiques et les gites metallifcres de la Bosnie. Eev. Univ. Mines, 30, 1895, 254-279. Etndes sur les champs aurif^res de Lydenburg, de Kaap et du Charterland (Afrique du Sud). Ann. Mines, 11, 1897, 273-349; Rev. Univ. Mines, 37, 1897, 1-67. Le Murchisou Range et ses champs aurifferes. Ann. Mines, 14, 1898, 9.5-108. Explorations minieres dans les Alpes. Rev. Univ. Mines, 43, 1898. 1-43. Note sur I'exploitation des mines de diamants a Kimberley. Rev. Univ. Mines, 43, 1898, 221-237. Bordeaux Observatory. Observations meteorologiques faites pendant [les annees 18,80-93 h TOkservatoire de Bordeaux (Floirac)]. Bordeaux Obs. Ann., 1, 1886 (P(. 2), 1-36, 151-186; 2, 1887 {Pt. 2), 237-272; 3, 1889 {Pt. 2), 271-306; 4, 1892 {Pt. 2), 213-248, 409-444; 5, 1894 {Pt. 2), 123-1.58, 331-866; 6, 1896 {Pt. 2), 113-148, 301- .336; 7, 1897 {Pt. 2), 1.3.5-170; 8, 1898 {Pt. 2), 105-140, 291-326; 9, 1900 {Pt. 2), 161-196. Observations magnetiques [de 1880-93]. Bordeaux Obs. Ann., 1, 1885 {Pt. 2), 37-52, 187-218; 2, 1887 {Pt. 2), 273-304; 3, 1889 {Pt. 2), 307-338; 4, 1892 {Pt. 2), 251-282, 445-477; 5, 1894 {Pt. 2), 159-192, ,367- 400; 6, 1896 {Pt. 2), 149-182, 337-370; 7, 1897 {Pt. 2), 170-204; 8, 1898 {Pt. 2), 143-174, 327-360; 9, 1900 {Pt. 2), 199-213. Observations meridiennes faites a I'Observatoire de Bordeaux (Floirac) [pendant les annees 1881-93]. Bor- deaux Obs. Ann., 1, 1885 {Pt. 2), 5.3-1,50; 2, 1887 {Pt. 2), 3-236, 305-306; 3, 1889 {Pt. 2), 3-270, 339-342; 4, 1892 {Pt. 2), 3-206, 285-398; 5, 1894 {Pt. 2), 1-105, 19.5-315; 6, 1896 {Pt. 2), 3-102, 18.5-283; 7, 1897 {Pt. 2), 1-113; 8, 1898 {Pt. 2), 3-91, 177-270; 9, 1900 {Pt. 2), 3-140. Observations de la planete Vesta, faites an cercle meridien de I'Observatoire de Bordeaux. Bull. Astr., 7, 1890, 205-206. Observations ^quatoriales de 1884[-93]. Bordeaux Obs. Ann., 4, 1892 {Pt. 2), 207-210, 399-105; 5, 1894 {Pt. 2), 107-119, 317-328; 6, 1896 {Pt. 2), 103-110, 285- 297; 7, 1897 {Pt. 2), 115-131; 8, 1898 {Pt. 2), 93-102, 271-287; 9, 1900 {Pt. 2), 141-157. Sec '//.so Rayet, G. Borden, .7. L., ct Wood, .Julian. Sec Wood & Borden. Borden, W[illiam] C. An electrical constant-temperature apparatus. Amer. Micr. Jl., 8, 1887, 131-133. Carmine injections. Amer. Micr. .11., 9, 1888, 39-41. Hints on histological and pathological technique. Amer. Micr. Jl., 12, 1891, S.l-Sg. The value of using different makes of dry plates in photomicrography. Amer. Mier. .JL, 12, 1891, 169-172. Stereoscopic photomicrography. Amer. Micr. Jl., 14, 1893, 329-333. The fat cell : its origin, development, and histological position. N. Y. Med. Jl., 59, 1894, 22.5-229. The development of photomicrographic negatives. Amer. Micr. JL, 17, 1896, 113-118. Practical photomicrography. Amer. Micr. JL, 17, 1896, 193-208, 249. Gunshot wounds. A report of gunshot cases in the Spanish-American war, and deductions therefrom. N. Y. .Med. JL, 71, 1900, 449-454, 498-504, 543-549. Bordenave. .Sic I.abraque-Bordenave. Bordes, . Epidemie de tievre typhoide qui a sevi de 1K,S5 a 1888 a Arcizans-Dessus (Hautes-Pyrenees). Ann. Ilyg. PubL, 21, 1889, 118-126. Bordet, Charles, & Massart, .lean. See SSaBsart & Bordet. Bordet, Jules. Recherches anatomiques sur le genre Carex. Rev. Q6n. Bot., 3, 1891, 57-69. Adaptation des virus aux organismes vaccines. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 6, 1892, 328-334. Contribution a I'etude de I'irritabilite des spermato- zoides chez les Fucac^es. Brux., Ac. Bull., 27, 1894, 888-896. Les leucocytes et les propriet^s actives du s^rum chez les vaccin(5s. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 9 (1895), 462-506. Recherches sur la phagocytose. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 10 (1896), 104-118. Sur le mode d'actiou des serums preventifs. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 10 (1896), 193-219. Contribution a I'etude du serum antistreptococcique. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 11 (1897), 177-213. Sur I'agglutination et la dissolution des globules rouges par le serum d'animaux injectes de sang defibrin^. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 12 (1898), 688-695 ; 13 (1899), 273- 297, 464. Le m^canisme de I'agglutination. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 13 (1899), 225-250. Les perums hemolytiques, leurs antitoxines et les theories des serums cytolytiques. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 14 (1900), 257-296. Bordi, Lniiji. Le placente vegetali, loro evoluzione e loro importanza per la tassonomia. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 11, 1891, 117-118; 12, 1892, 8-12, 21-24, 51-,58. Bordier, .1. Influence du milieu social (civilisation et domestication) sur la production de la goutte. Homme, 1, 1884, 107-108. Le.s microbes et le transformisme. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 11, 1888, 743-779. Bordier, [Leonard] Henry. [La solubilite du camphre dans I'eau.] [1889.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, xx-xxii. [Sur la surfusion de I'eau.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, Ixxxix-xc. Recherches sur la nitrification. Etude experimentale du role de la circulation de I'air atmospherique, par thermodiffusion, k travers les corps poreux. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, 185-238. De I'acuite visuelle. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, 1-156. Etude graphique de la contraction musculaire produite par I'etincelle statique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. li.), 801-803; Lyon Soe. Sci. Med. Mem., 35, 1896, 38-50. Recherches sur la temperature locale des regions soumises a Taction du couraut galvanique. Ass. Franc;-. C. R., 1895 {Pt. 2), 826-835. Action des etincelles statiques sur la temperature locale des regions soumises a ce mode de franklinisation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 945-948. Nouvelle methode de mesure des capacites dlectriques basee sur la sensibilite de la peau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 121, 1895, 56-59. Recherches experimentales sur le souffle cleotrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 907-909. Sur un nouveau rheostat a licpiides. [1895.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 35, 1896, .59-65. Variation de la sensibilite farado-cutanee aveo la densito electrique. Influence de la resistance du HI secondaire des bobines d'iuductiou sur les effets seusitifs du courant faradique. Ass. Frani,-. C. R., 1896 {Pt. 2), 20.5-212. Recherches experimentales sur I'adlierence de deux surfaces polies planes ou spli(5riques s(^par(?es par une mince couchc liciuide, et en particulier, sur le maintion des tStes osseuses artioulaires dans leurs cavitcs. Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 1, 1896, 347-3.59. Db la sensibilite electrique de la poan. Recherches experinii'ii tales sur les conditions physiques de son excitation el de son exploration. Bordeaux ,Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1896, 263-440. Variation de la sensibilite galvano-cutanoe aveo la Bordierl 689 (Bordoni-Uffreduzzi denBit<^ lilcctrique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M<5ii)., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 324-3a(). Actions des <>tiit8 variables du courant Kalvanique sur les nerfs sensitifs. Itecherchcs expt^'rimentalex sur les lois doH RCCOUSHC8 sensitives cliez rhommc. Arcb. de I'hysiol., !t, 1897, 543-553. Mesure comparative de la condnctibiliti' calorifiquc des tiHsus de 1 Organisme. Ass. Fram,-. C. U., 1897 (I't. 2), 266-273. Nouvelle ^chelle optometrique d(5ciraale pour la mesure des aciiit/'s visiielles physiologiques. Ass. Fram,'. C. K., 1897 {Pt. 2), 273-27(!. Sur la mesure comparative de la condnctibilit<^ calori- tique des tisnus de Torganisme. Arch, de Phvsiol., 10, 1898, 17-27. — - Sur le pouvoir dioptrique d'un systt^me centri?. [1898.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1897-98, 141-143. Inrtuence des rayons X sur iv phonora^ne de I'osmose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 12G. 1898, ,593-596. llechercbes cliniques de calorim<5trip bumaine. [1898.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Mid. M.'m., 3H, 1899, 119-124 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mom., .")1, 1899 (C. A'.), 38-:«t. Kapport sur le traitement par I'rk'Ctrolyse des retre- cissements en K(5n(5ral et de ceux du canal de I'uretre en pnrticulier. Ass. Franf . C. R., 1899 (Z'(. 1). 401I-438. Rapport snr la production de I'ozone pour les usages niedicaux. Asa. Franr. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 1), 273-274. Reclicrches exp^rimentalessurles effets pbysiologiques di- la fianklinisation hertzienne. Ass. Fran^'. C. R., 1900 {Pt. 1), 275. Rapport sur Taction physiologique, bactiriologique et tlx'Tapeutique de I'ozone. Ass. Franr:. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 1), 278-27!). Confirmation de la th<5orie dn transport des ions iV travers les tissus. Ass. Franr. C. B., 1900 (/'(. I), 280-281. Determination de la clialeur speoifique du sang. .11. Pbysiol. Path. 06n., 2, 1900, 381-387. Clialeur spccifique du sang. Paris, Ac. Sui. C. R., i:tn, 1900, 799-800. Bordier, [Lfonnnl] Henry. A Kolb, P[icrre]. De la con- iluctibilitt' calorifique des ^toffes employi'es pour les uniformes de I'arm^e. Ass. Fram;. C. R.. 1898 (Pt. 2), 183-191; .11. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1, 1899. 94-102. Diterniination du pouvoir cmissif des draps employes pour les uniformes de rarmue. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1. 1899, 320-324. Bordior, [Lromiril] Hfiirij, & Salvador, [lienjamin]. Actions electrolytiques observces dan- le voisinage d'un tube de Cbookes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1511- 1513. De la part qui revicnt aux actions electrolytiques dans la production dc rtrvtlienie radiographique. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899," 1612- 1614. Bordiga, Ctitnautti .4. Corrispondcnza di polaritil negli spazi superior!. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. .\tli, 1884-86, 2097-2105. liA surface du sixiime ordre svec six droites. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102. 1886, 743-745. — Nouveaux gronpes de surfaces k deux dimeusious dans les espaces a n dimensions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1442-1446. Complessi e sistcrai linear! di raggi negli spazi superior! curve normsli che essi generano. Venezia, 1st. Atti. 1886-86. 163-189. Studio generate della ipiartica noruiale. [1886.] Venezia, 1st Atti. 1886-86, .5(i:i-525. Rappresentazione piana dilla superlicie rignta normale. [1886.] Venezia, 1st. Atti. 1886-86. 1085-1092. Pi ali'une superfioic del .5° e del 6" ordine cbe si deducono dallo spazio a sei dimeusioni. [1886. ] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1886-86, 1461-1.501. R. S. A. C. La superficiv del 6" ordine, con dicci rette, nello spazio I{^■, e le sue proiezioiii nello spazio ordinario. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem.. 4, 1887, 182-203. Di una ccrta superficic del 7" ordine. Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1886-87, 1397-1403. Dei complessi in generale nello apazio a quattro dimeusioni ed in particolare di alcuni di primo online. Liin. 1), 8-13. Congruenza del 4" ordine e della 2* clasae nello spazio a quattro dimensioni. [1894.] Vem-zia, Ist. Atti, 1893-94. 160.5-1620. Casi particolari di rigate razionali del 4" ordine. [1897.] Venezia. Nt. Atti, 1896 97, 420-432. L' omogratia nello spazin ad » dimensioni. [1897.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1896-97, 1091-1 109. Sulla classificazione delle congrucnze. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend , 7, 1898 {Sfm. 1), 28-31. Bordlga, Orettr. Dello sgombro c della utilizzazione delle spuzzature della cilta di Napoli. [Osservazioni alia memoria del Prof. BorBKK. ] Napoli Ist. Incorag. Atti, 10, 1897, So. 9 (0«».). 16 pp. Grandine e spari. [1900.] Kapuli Ist. Incorag. Atti, 2, 1901, So. 1, 33 pp. Bordonl, Luigi. Di una anastomosi fra la vena ombeli- ciile e le vene epigastriche nel feto umano. [1884.] I'istt Soc. Tosc. Atti (Pruc. Verb.), 4, 1883-86. 32-37. Suir apnea sperimentale. Sperimentale. CI, 1888, 113-132. Xota clinica sn di un case di cirrosi epatica malarica. Considerazioni sul soQJo venoso epigastrico. S|>eri- mentale, 1891 (Comun. .• Itir.), 433-437. Bordonl, I.uiiji. & Bmnmo, Gaelnno. Sei Rammo li' Bordonl. Bordonl-UfEredazzi, Guido. Salla pioemia dei vitdli ii..iiiaii. Studio sperimentale. .Arch. Sci. Med., 8, 1884, 321-342. Sul decubito. Arch. Sci. Me42- lopcKoft (l).iiopt. c. KaMeuKii HaioMCitaro yfajia XaptKOBCKou ryCepniii. (Iloc.itaniit xpyjlT. H. B. ri'llI'OI'LKBa.) [Contribution to the Jurassic flora of Kamenka, Izum district, Charkov govt. (Last work of N. V. Grioouiev.).] [1899.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 17 (1), 1901, xxxiii (iiti)-xxxix (bis). Boreau, Alexandre. For biography and list of works see Ai)f;ers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1893, 203-208; 1895, 31-84. Borebam, William Wnkelnip. For biographical notice see Astr. Soc. Month. Not.', 47, 1887, 135. Borel, Arnold. Sur la polarisation rotatoire magnetique du quartz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 128, 1899, 1095-1096. Borel, Arunhl, Soret, rhurtes, & Dumont, Eugene. See Soret, Borel c'i' Dumont. Borel, Charles. Quelques observations relatives k des Iihi'-nomfcnes d'hvst^resis dans les dielectriques. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat.,' 29, 1893, 317-319. lU-cherches des constantes dielectriques principales de quclquea substances cristallisees biaxes (ortho- et clinorhombiques). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 131-144, 219-235, 327-342, 422-456. Phenomencs dynamiques dus a Ff^leotrisation resi- ducUe des dielectricjues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 116, 1893, 1192-1194; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 45-70. Recherche des constantes dielectriques de quelques cristaux biaxes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K. , 116, 1893, 1.509-1511. Borel, Charles, & Rllliet, AUierl. See Billiet A Borel. Borel, Kmilc. Snr le cliangenient de I'ordre des termcs d'uue 86rie semi-couvergenti'. Bull. Sci. Math., 14, 1890, 97-102. Note sur un th^or^me de J/. Hombekt et sur un theorfeme de M. Fourei. Nouv. Ann. Math., 9, 1890, 123-129. Sur r^quation adjointe et sur .certains systemes d'equations differentielles. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 9, 1892, 63-90. Sur une application d'un theoreme de M. Hadamard. Bull. Sci. Math., 18, 1894, 22-25. Sur quelques points de la theorie des fonctions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 340-342; Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 12, 1895, 9-55. Bemarques sur I'int^gration des Equations lin^aires aux d(5riv(;es partielles. Bull. Sci. Math., 19, 1895, 122-126. Sur une propriete des fonctions meromorphes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 303-304. Snr les equations liueaires aux derivees partielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 677. Sur les fonctions de deux variables reelles et sur la notion de fonction arbitraire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 811-812. Sur les equations aux derivees partielles a coefficients constants et les fonctions non analytiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 121, 1895, 933-935. Sur la sommation des series divergentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 1125-1127. Sur le theoreme de Descartes. Bull. Sci. Math., 20, 1896, 327-328. Fondements de la theorie des series divergentes sommables. Liouville, Jl. Math., 2, 1896, 103-122. Sur les series de Taylor admettant leur cercle de convergence oomme coupure. Liouville, Jl. Math., 2, 1896, 441-451. Sur la generalisation de la notion de limite et sur I'extension aux series divergentes sommables du theoreme d'ApEL sur les series entieres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 73-74. Applications de la theorie des series divergentes sonuuables. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 805-807. Demonstration elementaire d'un theoreme de M. Picabu sur les fonctions entieres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1045-1048. Sur la r(!'gion de sommabilit^ d'un developpement de T.AYLOR. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, -548-549. Sur I'extension aux fonctions entieres d'une propriete importante des poljnomes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 556-557. Sur les series de Taylor. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 123, 1896, 1051-1052. Sur les fonctions de deux variables reelles. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 13, 1896, 79-94. Sur les zeros des fonctions entieres. Acta Math., 20, 1897, 357-396. Sur les Buries de Taylou. Lettre adressee k [il. Mittao-Leffler]. Acta Math., 21, 1897, 243-247. Sur I'iuterpolatiou. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 673-676. Sur la methocle d'approximation de Laguerbe. Bull. Sci. Math., 22, 1898, 11-10. Sur les types de croissanoe et sur les fonctions entieres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 321-324. Sur les developpements des fonctions uniformea en series de Taylor. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 751. Sur la recherche des singiilarites d'une fonction di^finie par un developpement de Taylor. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 1001-1003. Sur les singularitps des series de Taylor. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 26, 1898, 238-248. Sur le prolongement des fonctions analytiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 283-284. Sur la croissance des fonctions definies par des ei|uations diffc'rentielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 490-492. Borel] 691 [Borgert Sur la nature (iritlmii'-ticiiic du noinbrp c. I'oris, Ac. Sci. c. It., 12W, 1899, r,<.m-:m. Sur lo ciilciil dus wTies do TAVum A rii.von dc cmi- vciKcnoi' mil. l'uri», Ac. Sci. C. R, 12H, 1899, 12H1- V2H3. Mi''!iioire Bur les fl^ries diverKentes. Paris, Kcole Norm. Ann., Hi, 1899, 9-136. Sur les ilivi«curs niinii^rii|neB des polynomes. Bull. Sci. Math., 24, 1900, 7.") HO. . Sur Ics series de Iractinns ratiounellvH. PariH, Ac. Sci. C. li., 1311, 1900. lOlil-lOCl. Sur la geniiraliHatiun dn prolonKcment analytique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, lll.'i-lllH. Lea K(5ricB absoluuicnt soiuniablcH, It-s series (M) et Ic prolonRcment analylii|ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 131, 1900, 830-M32. Sur Ic prolonnemcnt analytiipic> dc la si'Tie de Tatlob. Parip, Soc. Math. Bull., 28, 1900, 2IH). Borel, Frani;oig. Notice descriptive sur deux conipteurs d'cltctricite. Neuchulel Soc. Sci. Bull., 18, 1890, 105-11.5. Borel, (l[eorgt'e]. Allections liystiiriques des muscles oculiiirea et leiir reproduction artiticiellc par la siij;- HCHtioii hypnotii|ue, .Vnn. d'Ocnlist., !IH, 1887. ICiO-l??. Sur I'liystirie eliiz I'honime adulte. Neucliillel Soc. Sci. Bull., 20, 1892, 1G'.I-171. L'extraction do corps utrangers de I'interieur de roeil. NeucliiUcl Sou. Sci. Bull., 21, 1893, lH'J-190. Hvstirotniuuiatisnies oculaires. Neucbatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 23. 189B, 01-197. — — Hystih'olrauniatismes oculaires et pseudohysterotrau- niatisuies oculaires. Mono^raphie clinique et raedico- leRale. Ann. d'Oculist., 123, 1900, .'i-tx, 241-297. Borel, '.'. Atlolplie. Sur la nfraction et la dispersion des radiations ultnv-violi'ttis dans quelques substances cristal- lisees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., IJO, 189B, 1404-1406; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 134-157, 23ii-249. Borel, William, & Blonay, //[ihW] W[ilU(im] th\ Do-saKCs de tanin dans des icorces de rheue du canton de Geneve. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 0, 1898, 100-lO.s. Borellus, ./(iiiendroeeli d'acqua dolce trovati nell' Italia del nord. Torino Mus. Boll.. 8. 1893, .Y». 137, 13 pp. Viaggio nella Kepubblica Argentina e nel Para- guay. Planarie d' acqua ilolce. Torino Mus. Boll., 10. 189B, .Yo. 202, 0 pp. Viat'gio nel Chaco boliviano e nella Bepubldica .■Argentina. Planarie d' acqna dolce. Torino Mus. Boll.. 12, 1897, .Yd. 288, 4 pp. Via^'gio del I'r. Enrico Fksta nell" Ecuador e region! vieine. Planarie d' acqua dolce. Torino Mus. Boll., 13, 1898, So. 322, 6 pp. Vioggio ncllu liepubblioa Argentina e nel Para- guay. Hcorpioni. Torino Mum. Boll., 14, 1899, So. 330, 0 pp. Scorpioni raccuiti nel Uarien dal Dott. E. Fkhta. Torino .Mus. Boll., 11. 1899, .Ym. 338, 3 pp. Viiiggio del Ur. Enrice»crizione di una nuova Forficula del Congo. Torino .Mu... Boll., 15, 1900, .Vo. 381, 3 pp. Borelll, (liiiliu. [Sur I'Kthiopic.] Parin, Soc. Gd-ogr. U. B., 1886, •292-290. Sulla dellueiizii del fiume Omo. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 20, 1889, 387-388; Parix, Soc. G^ogr. C. R., 1889, 3t}-38, 87-88. Borenlns, \Hriiry Gift.]. 'Calcul comparatifdc diflercntes obHorvalioris du |M-Mdule constant. [1841.] .St. Pi;l«rsb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 73-75. Borenlns, deorg. 'Fine allgemeine Form der Wurzein eiiur bcliebigen algebraischen Gleicbung. [1883.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bibaug, 8, 1883-84. .Yo. 20, 11 pp. *Eine Methode Glcicliungcn. deren Gradzabl nic- driger als fiinf ist, aufzulosen. [1883.] Stockh., Ak. Hriridi. Hili;int.-, 9. 1884-8S, Su. 4, 18 pp. Borg, / r., .V Vllliers, [Charla:] A[ntoiue Thiodore]. Set Villlers cV Borg. Borgc, 0[»c./rj t' i\^edrik'\. See Andersoon [afUraardt BorgeJ. Borgeand, .4 . Les analyses d>.- viandedecbeval. Lausanne, Sn,-. Vau.l. Bull., 31, 1898, xix-ix. Sur un parasite peu connu de I'intestin du bti-uf [.Sclerostonmm, sp.]. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, xlviii-xlix. Borgen, Thuniat. Blutdruckbestininiungen bei Bleikolik. [18'.I5.] Oeutsch. Arch. Khu. -Med., 50, 1896, 24*- ■JM'_». Borgensen, F. Symbola; ad floram Brasiiis centralis ccj^nosoendam. Edit. Eug WAauixo. I'articula xxxiv. ■ MisMudiea'. Kjobenh. Vid. M.-.ld., 1890. 24-53. Borgert, Adolf [Heniuttin Conttttnt]. L'etxrr den Bau von Distepbanus (lJictyocha)si)eculuMi, Khrl>r/.tp. (Vorlaufige Mitlheilung.) Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 227-231. Ueber die Dictyocbiden, insbeaoudcre iiber Uiiite. phanus 8|>eculum ; gowie Studien an Pbirodarien. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 51. 1891, G29-<;70. Ueber Doliolum denticulatum un I eine neue die«er Art uahe verwandte Form aus dem .\tlaotischen Ocean. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., .'>0. 1893, 402-408. Ein einfaches Netz zum Fiscben von Plankton bei schncUer Fabrt. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 12. 189S, 307- 311. Zur Fortpflanznng der tripyleen Ra. daiien). Vorliiutige Mittheilnng. Zool. Anz., 19, 1B96. 307-311. Die Doliolum-Ausbeute des I'etlor Piiani. [1896.] Zool. Jbiich. (Sytt.f. 9, 1897, 714-719. Beitriige zur Keuntnis des in Sticholonche zanclea und Acanthonietridenarten vorkommendeu Parosiun (Spiralkcirpir, Fol.. .\wu'bopbrya. Koppen). Ztachr. Wiss. Zool., 03, 1898. 141-180." Cntersuchungen ubcr die Fortpflanzung der tripylt«n Badiolariiii, spetiell von Aularaniha scolvmantha. //. 1. Thcil. [191X).] Zool. Jbuch. (Anat.). 14. 1901. 203-276. Borgert, Adolf [Hermann Constant], er eine zweikopfige Kreozotter. Hamb. N.it. Ver. Verb.. 4, 1897, 50-57. Borgert, //.. A Borgert, Adolf [Hermann ContlanI]. See alKAe. 87—2 Borgesius] 692 [Borgmann Borgesius, A. H. Ein absolutes Elektrometer mit Spie- Kelablesung. (Das Doppelbifilarelektrometer.) Ztschr. Instriimentenk., 14, 1894, 438-444. BeschrijviiiR vau een iiiterferentierefractometer. Mole- culair brekings- en dispersie-vermogen vau eenige zouteu in oplossiug. [1894.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, ;)9-U)4; Ann. Pli.y.s. Cbem., 54, 1895, 221-243. Borggreve, liernurd. Das Zusammenfinden der Ge- scblecbter bei gewissen Schmetterlingsarten. Ent. Naebr., 1-5, 1889, 181-183. Die Verbreitung uud wirtschaftlicbe Bedeutung der wichtigeren Waldbaumarten innerbalb Deutschlands. For.seb. Deutseb. Landesk., 3, 1889, 1-31. Der sogenannte "Wurzeldruek" als hebende Kraft fiir den aufsteigenden Baumsaft. Nassauisch. Ver. Jbiicli., 45, 1892, 129-138. Das sogenannte "Lieben" derPflanzen. Nassauisch. Ver. Jbiicb., 45, 1892, 139-146. Die Wirbeltliiere des Kegierungsbezirks Wiesbaden. Nasfauiseh. Ver. Jbiich., .50, 1897, 145-178. [Ueber die Frage der Zu- oder Abnabme des Kohlen- sauregehaltes der Erde.] Nassauisch. Ver. Jbiich., 51, 1898, xxvi-xxvii. Borgliaus, H[einrich]. & Hantzsch, Arthur [Rudolf^. See Hantzsch & Borghaus. BorglieTini, Alessandro. Degenerazione fascicolata dis- cendente, successiva a lesione a focolaio delle corteccia cerebellare. Kiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 12, 1886, 253-258. Sulle vie di eondueibilit^ nella midoUa spinale. Studio sperimentale. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 12, 1886, 334-358. Le pseudosistematiche degenerazioni del midollo spinale in seguito a eroniea leptomeningite. Studio aiiatomo-patologico e elinico. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 13, 1887. 1-24; Med. Jbiich., 2, 1887, 21-49. Atassia locoraotrice di origine cerebellare. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 13, 1887, 425-435. Contributo alia fisio-patologia del cervelletto. Studio sperimentale. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 14, 1888, 81-110. Contribution k I'^tude des atrophies musculaires. Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, xxxiii-xxxiv. Contribution a I'histologie noimale du cervelet. Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, xxxvii. Delia paralisi agitante. Studio clinieo. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 15, 1889, 1-49; 17, 1891, 2fi-34. . Dell' atrofia niuscolare precoce nelle paralisi di origine cerebrale. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 1.5, 1889, 141-153; Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 45, 1889, 371-382. Due casi di tumore della tela coroidea del iv» ventri- colo. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 15, 1889, 181-189. Di un caso di atrofia muscolare precoce da lesione cerebrale. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 16, 1890, 46.5-478; Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 545-556. Di alcuni effetti prodotti dagli enormi aumenti della presaione endotoracica. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 3, Med.), 406-409. Quelqnes observations sur I'^tiologie et la pathogenic du tabes dorsal, k propos d'une affection tab(5tiforme dans les volailles. [I('i(/i discusxion.] Congr. Int. M^d. C. H., 1897 (Vijl. 4, Ft. 1), 371-383. Ueber das Verlialten des riickliiutigcn Blutstroms bei Insufficieiiz der Semihinarklap|ien dor Aorta. Klinische Beobachtungen. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 60, 1898, 139-187. . Cardiopathies familiales. Congr. Int. Mi'd. C. li., 1900 iVol. 4), 577-585. Borglicrlnl, Alessuiidro, & Oallerani, Oitivanni. Kesultats experimentaux sur le cervelet. Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, xli-xlii. Schlafahnlicher Zustand bei Thieren, dencu das Kleinhirn entfemt wnrde. Neurol. Ccntrlil., 10, 1891, 649-653; 11, 1892, 32. Contribuzione alio studio dell' attiviti funzionale del cervelletto. Lavoro sperimentale. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 17, 1891, 231-262. See also Oallerani d' Borgherini. Borgtiero, (.■iiic.) Fruneesco. Iride lunare. Moncalieri Uss. Boll., 5, 1885, 190. Borgbese, Ferdiiiaiido. Un problema sulle trasformazioni plane nuiltiple. Giorn. Mat., 32, 1894, 58-68. Borgiotti, F[rancesco]. Studio elinico suU' azione tera- peutica dell' Adonis aestivalis. Ann. di Chim., 7, 1888, 3-26. Bergman, A. Een drietal opmerkingen, gemaakt op eene kleine excursie door Noord-Overijsel. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 8, 1891, 163-179. Borgmann, [Hu(fo]. *Ueber eine albiuische Varietat von .\ntli(icliaris Cardamines. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 151. Borgmann, Euqen. For biographical notice see Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 721-722. Borgmann, I{van] I[vanoiic]. 06l. lI.lM'tHeHill npo- aOJHtUTeJLHOCTII IIH;iyKlI.iOHHUX'L TOKOBT) liajlH- Kanifl II pasMUKaHifl npii BBej,eHiii bi. utnt iiHAyKTiipyKiiuaro lOKa B-feiBii ct ApyroKi uh- ,^yKuioHHOio KaTymKOK), napaji.ie.ibnoio jiiftcT- BYKInett. [Sur le changement de la dur^e des courants d'induction d'une bobine, produit par son shuntage i I'aide d'une deuxieme bobine serablable.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Phys.), 1884, 152-167; Jl. Phys., 4, 1885, .593. HarptBanie CTeKia KOHAeHcaTopoBi. npii npepHBHaToii s.ieKTpiiaauin iixi. [The heating of the glass of condensers by intermittent electrifica- tion.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 18 (Phys.), 1886, 1-7; Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 472. TIo uoBojiy BHBGjia BTopoii TeopeMU Kiii'xro())a pa:iB'iiTBJieHifl TOKOBT.. [Note sur la maniere d'exposer le deuxieme th^or^me de Kibchhoff relatif aux courants derives.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 18 (Phys.), 1886, 8-11; Jl. Phys., 7, 1888, 218. HfccKOJibKO onuTOBt HajiT, pacnpocTpaneHieM'b 3jieKTpiiiecKaro TOKa ^epeai) bosjvx'l. [Quelques experiences sur la propagation du couraot electrique dans I'air.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL. 18 (Phys.), 1886, 216-238; 19 (Phys.), 1887, 297-334; Lum. Elect., 22, 1886, 193-200, 246-251; 27, 1888, 70-74, 126-134, 182-187. - — 0 B.iiiflHin CBisTa Ha a.'ieKTpiiHecKin paspflAi"- [On the influence of light upon electric discharge."] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 2ll (Phys.), 1888, 111-113; Phil. Mag., 26, 1888, 272-273. 0 niKOTopiJXT. onuiaxT, naA^ nepcAa-ieio paOoTU IIOcpejlCTBOMl TOKa. [Some experiments on the transmission of work by means of a current.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Phys.), 1888, 215. Sur les phi^nomenes actino-electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1!., 108, 1889, 733-735. Ivi. iinc.Th.TOBauiio aKTiino-;^.iPKTpii'iecKiixi. MB.ioHifi. IlpeABapiiTejitHoe coofnueiiio. [Sur les ph(5iiomfenes actiuo-electriques.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc Jl., 21 (Phys.). 1889, 23-25 ; Jl. Phys., 9, 1890. 61-62. Odi. oiii.iiaxi. 9.1. ToMcoiia naxi> OTTa.iKii- naiiicMi. xopoiiio iipoBo.uiuU'x'i. Macci> ott. ;t.icivri)ojianiiiTa, no icoTopoMy iiyci;aorcji rOK'b iU'l)t'Mi.iliiaio uaiipaB.ieiiijl. [On El. Thomson's experiments on the repulsion of gool conductors from iin electromagnet to which an alternating current is apiilied.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. J I., 21 {I'hys.). 1889, 216-217. Borginanul 693 [Borisjak Sur leg aotionB m^aniquea ie» eouranU variableH. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 110, 1890, 233-'23r>. — — Sur It'H iictionx iiu'Ciinii|iii's liix uiiiirHiilx alternatiffl. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. U., 110, 1890, Hia-all. MexjiiiiiMOCKiii xhfifTiiiH Mci)cMl.iiiiiJxi,roi;oBi.. IKflVTioncfK siir let) actioiiH tin'c-iiMiiiuuH den couraiitu iilttrimlil's.] KuKH. Phys.-Chein. Sue. Jl., 22 (Phyi.), 1890, 130-132; Jl. Pliys., 10, 1891, 427. III. l('(il)il[ PoVNTiNii'a |irtcil|l0CTIiilll('lli)l H.1CK- T])OM;lI'll)mii)fi •.(Hcpiill. [Coiilriliiilion to Povntino'd tlieory of tliu dilTusion i)f elpctrn-inaKiictic energy.] Kuh8. Phyo.-Chem. Hoe. Jl., 22 (I'Iiijh.), 1890, ItiO. ()&h :«cKTi)OMaiiiimi[Jxi. i<|iaiiii'iiiiix'i. Bi. HCIIAKOCTJlX'h. [On eUctri)-n)ttH"<--tic rotation in liquids.] Bu88. Phys.-Cheni. Soc. Jl., 22 (Phys.). 1890, 170-171. OiiijTi., AfMoiicrpiipyhiiuiii Bcci.Ma Mc.i.ioiiiiuji wi'KTiiii'K'CKiii Ko.U'uaiiiH Bb iipoBO,i.iiiii;ax I.. [Experiment demonstrating very slow electric vibrations in conduclnro.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 22 (Phyn.), 1890. 221-222. ;Ja.Ml.iKa 0 uexaiiKqecKiixx aJiftcTBiflxi ajbrep- liai ilinujx I. TOK0B1.. [Sur les actions micaniques des coiiniiits ulternutifs.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 22 (I'ln/s.). 1890, 223-229; Jl. Phys., 10, 1891, .VJl-592. A lecture experiment illustratiMj,' the magnetic screen- ing of comlucting media. Nature, 43, 1891, -Wi. Hhcito.ibKO oiiuTOB^ cb ajieKTpii'iecKiiMii KO.U'fiailiHMII. [Quelques exp OIUIIMT. lIO.lKiCOMl KaTYlllUll I'y.MKOl''l'a. [Luminescence d'un gaz raretie autonr d'un til metallique commnniquant A I'un des poles dune bobine do IttHUKOBFK.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (;Vii/«.), 1900, 7'>-81 ; Pans, Ac. Sci. C. U., 130, 1900, 1179-11H2; 131. 1900. n%-ll98. Borgmann, I[iiiii] i[i(i»ioiii"], A Oersun, A[Ukjiatulr] I.li-ovu-]. .\ction des rayons dc M. Itc'SxnEN sur les charges electrostatiques et la distance explosive. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 378-379. ()6i. 3-ieKTpii>iecKiixi xkttcTBiflxi. .ivHeH I'hillTI'KHa. [On tlie electric actions of Rontoen's rays.] Buss. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Phyt.), 1896, 37-40; Jl. Phys., 6, 1897. 004. Borgmann, /[iiiii] /[idHoi'iVJ. A Fetrovaklj, .i[Uk4fj] A[Uk.iijei-ic]. Sur un cas particulier des oscillations electriques, protluites par nne bobine de Uiumkobff a circuit secondaire ouvert, et sur une methode nouvelle pour mesurer des capacites electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12rt. 1899, 420-422. Sur la capacite electrique des corps maavais cou- ducteurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 128, 1899, 11.53-11.5.5. ('Bli'ieiiii' IViictMopoBUxi ii .lexopoBHxi rpvrioKi. BI. iio.it. Bo;!r)yH;jacMOMi. KaryiUKOio I'vMKOl'-l'a. [Illumination of LSeissleb's and Lt.cUEii's tubes in a field excited by a BcniiKOBrr's coil.] Bow. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Phy,.), 1899, 137-141. ()c(M.iiiii-iiiii ofioiixi. en ■.^.v■K^]>(>xof^■h ci OJIIIIMI. IKUHM-OMl itaTyiiiKii I'vMKorTa. [Be- Kouderer Fall des ijeucliUns ciner GeissU-r'schen Rohre, deren beide ElektrfKltn mit dcm einen Pole de- Inductors vcrbunden sind.) Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 {Phyi.), 1899, 200-221 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1899 {Ablh. 2), 775. IlliiiMl.iieiiic ri'rtic.u'poBort ipyfiKii ki. ii:mt- IKMlilo liel!i0.1blllllX'b ;i.U'KTpOCMKOCTC'ft If lf3Cjt- AOBaiiie a.u'KTiioi'MKocTfrt f.ia6o iipOBo.iHiiiiixi. Tt-ll.. [Verwendung der (jcissler'sclicn Buhre zur Messung kleiner Capacitiiten uud Untemuchung der Capaoitiit4-n scblcchler I.iit<-r.] Buss. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 iPhir ). 1899. 229-240; Fortschr. Phys., 1894 lAhlh. 2|. ii\->-iM. BorgogelU Centocroce, Michelangelo. Studio sopra U curvu forniuta dalle proje/.ioDi di uu punto sulle tangeDti ad un circolo. Boma, N. Lincei Atti, 42, 1889, 203-224. Diseussione di alcune formolc appro-simative pel calcolo delle radici. Boma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1893, 101-112. Formola generalc per le questioni d' interesxi ad impiego continuo. Boma, N. Lincei Atti, 47, 1894, i;s-77. Borgogno, C. Note sur la capture d'ane torlue caouane, Chelunia caouana, sur les cutes de la Vendee. Nantes, Soc. ScL Nat. Bull.. 4, 1894 {Pt. 1), 73-75. Borgono. S. >' BauTOS Borgofio. BoTgstrdm, l:ni--t. Celwr Eciiinorhynchus turbinella, 111 \icoilis and porrigens. [If^yl.] Stockh., Ak. Uaudl. liiluing, 17 (.4/teinsart und die Libsicer FeUwand. Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878, 493-516. Teber den dioritischen (^uarzsyenit von Dolanky, nebst Bemerknngen tiber die Schwierigkeiten, welche sicb der Bestinimung umgewandelter lirunrteine entge- genseUen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2. 1880. 78-85. The elements of a new method of chemico-microscopic analysis of rocks and minerals. [Tr.\ Mmn. Geol. Nat. Hist". Surv. Bep., 19, 1892, i-iv, 1-77. Boziea, . Manifestation exceptionnelle de I'infection blennorrhagique. .\ss. Frany. C. B., 1887 {Pt. 2i. .•<22-824. Borlsl, Ediiardo, & Andarllnl, Franeetco. See Anderllml ,v Boiisi. Borisjak, .i[lektfj]. BBCJCUic Bt liaVHeilie IICKO- iiaoMMxi. nc-iemino.n. (n.iacTiiimaToa;ar)eiiiiuxi). [Einleitung zum Studium der fossilen Pelecvpoden.] St. Petcrsb. Mio. Ges. Verb., .37. 1899. 1-144.' IVo.iorii'iccKiji iiscjtjoBaiiiH bi. sanaiuoA lacTii IlsHijicKaro yta.ia Xa|)bKOBcKun ry6epHiii. (lIpiMBapilTe.lbllufl OTICTl-) (Becherches geolo- giques dans la partie occideutale da district d'lsiuura. Conipterendu prelimiuaire.) [1899.] St. Petereb., Com. Geol. Bull., 18. 1900. 139-149, {lU.. 149-150). recionmecKifl ii.i(Mt..ioBaHiji bi llaioiicKoiii ii naB.iorpa;icKoiii ytuaxi. ( Il)>ejBapiiTe.ibHuft OTien.) (Becherches geologiques dans les districts d'Isioum et de Pavlograd.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull.. 19. 1900, 55-63. («/». 63-64). IIoc.it.jniH ii3Cjt.jOBanifl 15. A. H.uiiBKnua bi HiihijicKojii yt.ij1.. (IlpeiBapiiTi-.ii.iiiJii ctTMeri, Borisjak] 694 [Born cooraBjienHHri Ha ociiOBaiiiii iio.ieBoro Kypiia.ia B. A. H.\.lHBKIIIia.) (hes cU'rnieres explorations de V. A. Nalivkis dans le district d'Isioum. Compte-rendii preliminaire d'aprca les notices de V. A. Nai.ivkin.) St. Petersb., Com. Uiol Bull., 19, 1900, U\:i-iW,, (Res. 406). BoriBov, E[vneiiij] r[tu sur le climat du Senegal. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 30, 1882, 149-154. ".lournal des observatiuns meteorologiques faites k Saint-Louis (Senegal) ii I'Observatoire fonde par[l'auteur|. France Sue. Meteorol. Annu., 30, 1882, 385-421. "Note sur le climat du Tonkin [basee sur des observa- tions faites par M. Hamox]. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 31, 1883, 232-233. "Resume des observations meteorologiques faites k Hanoi (Tonkin). [1883.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 32, 1884, 9-11 ; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, 69-70. Borius, (rtipit.) K[rui'~t .irixliilr]. "Observations faites dans un voyage de I'embouchure du Senegal aux eata- ractes du Felou, par MM. E. BoKins, capitaiue de fregate, et LoDVET. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 25, 1877 {Hull.), 130-141. Bork, lleinrich. Das Brockengespenst im Tieflande. Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 408. Borl6e, J[oseph'\ ,1[h(/»s(/h]. Reflexions sur I'emploi des injections sous-cunjonctivales de sublime dans les affec- tions oculaires. Du traitement des coujonctivites puru- lentes, des inflammations de I'iris et de la choroide. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 7, 1893, 596-006. Appreciation de la bacteriologie, de la doctrine microbienne et de I'autisepsie. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 11, 1897, 238-2.50. Borletti, Fnuicesco. Area delle superficie curve. Giorn. Mat., 22, 1884, 207-210. Sopra il teorema di Feruat relativo all' equazione .,» + y" = z". Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 20, 1887, 222-224. Nuova triangolazione della citta di Milano. Milano Oss. Brera Pubbl., 32, 1887, 15 pp. Bormann, Karl. Die Gotz'sche Phosphorbestimmung. Ztschr. Angew. Chem . 1889, 638-639. Bormann, II'.. A Mislavskij, S[ikolaj] A[lc'l!saudroviS'\. Srr Mislavskij ,^^ Bormann. Bormans, Augusta de. Notes sur quelques Odonates. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, cclxxvi-cclxxix. Note sur les Orthopteres recueillis par 71/. Weykks a Aguilas, province de Murcie (Espagne). Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, clxxix-clxxx. Le croeiere dell" yacht Corsaro, del capitano armatore Eurico o'Ai.itERTis. vi. Ortotteri. Genova Mas. Civ. Ann., 20, 1884, 170-181. Six Forticulaires nouveaux de Sumatra. Leyden Mus. Notes, 6, 1884, 183-196. Description des deux sexes de la Labia gravidula, Gerst. Leyden Mus. Notes, 6, 1884, 197-198. Description de deux varietes nouvelles du Chelisoches Ludekingi, Duliru. Leyden Mus. Notes, 6, 1884, 199. Orthopteres recoltes par .1/. Weyers a Sumatra. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885, xxiv. Liste des Hymenopteres recueillis en 1885, dans un rayon de 500 metres autour de la station d'Uccle-Stalle (environs de Bruxelles). Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885, cxlvii-cxlviii. Materiali per lo studio della fauna tunisina raccolti da G. e L. DoRiA. vii. Orthopteres. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 22, 1885, 97-115. Notes sur les Chrysididcs des environs de Bruxelles. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 31, 1887, xx-xxiii. Le genre Japyx, Ilaliday, appartient-il il Tordre Orthopteres (famille des Dermapteres), ou a I'ordre des Thysanoures? Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 31, 1887, xcv-xcvi. Flacons de chasse au eyanure de potassium. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 32, 1888, xliii-xlv. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e i-egioni vicine. VII [e i.xij. Dermapteres. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 26, 1888, 431-44H; 34, 1894, 371-409. Mission seientihque de .1/. Cb. .\lluacd aux !les Seehelles. DermaiJteres. [1894.] Paris, Soc. Eut. Ann., 61, 1895, 387 3S.S. Quelques Dermapteres du Musee Civique de Genes. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 40, 1899, 441-467. Bom, Fritz. Zur Kritik iiber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Frage vou den Blasenfunctionen. [1886.] Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 25, 1887, 118-192. Born I 695 [Bornemann Bom, G[uiitav Jiicob], Foi- tjioxniphy nnJ lint of works »/'.■ Atiiit. Aiiz., IH, 1900, I.e.) 113; Arch. EntwMuch., 10, 1900, •2r,t>--2(yZ; llr.Hliiii, ScIiI.k. (Jcb. Jbcr., 1900 (A'lA.), 2-,S; Leopoldinii, Mi, 1900, IHO. UiuloRiKohe UiiterHii<:huiiKi;ii. i. Ueber den Einflui'S dur Hfhwtir anf diiH KniHclifi. Arclj. Mikr. Anat., '21, 1884, ■17fl-.5ir>; BreBlau, Schles. Cic«. Jbor., 1884, TS-M.'i. Ueber die innereii VorniiiiKe bui der UuKtardbcfrucht- utiK der Froxcheier. ISrenlnu, SobleH. Geu. Jber., 1884, 121-127. BiologiBche UntersucbunKen. ii. Weitere Beitrage zur BastnrdiruiiK zwiKchcn lUn einhciiuiKchen Anuren. Arch. Mikr. Aniit., 27, 1886, 192-271. U«ber die Fiirchuni,' iles Eiu« bui Doppelbildungcn. Breslaii, Schles. tii-s. .Jber., 1887, 7'.I-'J0. Ueber die UildtinK der Klappen, Ostieii, und Scheide- wjiude im Siiugetierherzen. Anat. Anz., 8. 1888, BUG- 612. Noch einmal die riiittenmodellirmethode. Ztschr. Wiss. iMikr., .">, 1888, lliH-l.".;'). Beitriige zui lOntwicMuiinHueseliichte des .Siingetbicr- hcrzeim. Arch. Mikr. Aimt., :)H, 1889, 2h4-378. Ueber das Sclicitihuige. BreBlau, Schles. Gcs. Jber., 1889, 11-17. Die Beifiing de.s Ampbibieneies und die Befriichtung iinri'irer Kiir bei Triton teniatus. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892, 772-7H1, 803-811. Krsto KntwickehinKsvorgiinge (Fiirchung, Oastrulation und die sicli iliirim anschliessindfii I'rozense). Anat. Hefte {.Iht. 2), 1, 1892, 480-532; 2, 1893, 44G-4G5. Uulier Hiuckversuche an Froscheiern. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 60!l-(;27. Eiii neiior Schnittstreckcr. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 10, 1893, l.'.7-lf;0. Die Etitwickeliing der AhleitungsweRe des Urogenital- apparates und des liiiiniiie.s bei diu Siiugctieren. Anat. Hefte (,tht. 2), 3, 1894, 490-010. Die Struktur des Keimbliiscliens im Ovarialei von Triton troniatus. Arch. Mikr. .Vnat., 43, 1894, 1-79. [Demonstration einerAnzahl in Fornialdehyd(Forniol) gohiirtcter menschlichcr Gehirne.] Brcslau, Schles. Gcs. Jber., 1894 {Ablh. Id), 42-43. Ueber die kiiustliche Vereinigung lebender Theilstiickc von Ampliibienlarveii. Breslau, Scbles. Ges. Jber., 1894 {Ablh. hi), 79-91. Uebir neue Compressionsversuche an Froscbeiern. Vorliiiilige Mittheilung. Breslau, Scbles. Ges. Jber., 1894 {Ablh. 2b), 47-50. Ueber die Ergebnissc der niit Amphiliienlarvcn ange- stellten Verwachsungsversucbc. .\niit. .\nz., 10, 1895 {Anal. Gi-x. I'erli.), 153-159. Die Enlwickelung der GeschlechtsdriiseD. Anat. Hefte (Abl. 2), 4, 1896, 592-010. Ueber Verwachsungsver.suche mit .\mphibienlarven. [1890-97.] Arch. EntwMech., 4, 1897, 349-465, 517- 623. Bom, G[nstav Jacob], A: Feter, A'(ir/. Zur Herstellung von Hicbtebenen und Uichllinieu. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 15, 1898, 31-50. Bom, (f[H.<(i/>(iii' Adolf] Star. Beitriige zur Bestimmung der Liehtbrecbungavcrhaltuisse dupiH'ltbrecbeuder Kry- stalli' ilureb I'riHuienbeobachtungcn. Ncues Jbuch. Min. {llcl.-IUt.i, 5, 1887, 1-51. Bom, I'liiil. /wei neue Coptolabrus. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb.. IM, 1898, 334-337, 717. Zwei neue Caraben-Formcu der ligurischen Alpun. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 533-535. CeroglossuB dynastw, n. tp. Wien Zool. Bot. Verli., 48, 1898. 050-057. Ein neucr Coptolabrus. [1899.) Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 710. [36 CoptolabniB der BniaragdinuH Gruppe] [1899.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898. 717. CoptolabruB liutliBcbilili, ii. «/>. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 49, 1899, 2'.t5-297. CoiptolabruH LafosMM, n. var. gigantcns. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 49, 1899, 297-298. Carabus cancellatus, ». var. balcanicuB. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 49, 1899, 480. I'latvcarabuB cycbroides, liaudi, n. »p. [1899.] Ziiiieh," Soi-. Ent.', 14, [1900], 81-82. Ciirabus ilalicuB, ii. riir. Koncbcttii. Wien Zool. Bot. V( ill.. .".II. 1900. 181-186. Bomand, /.(/. Sur la nature et I'origine de la gaioe de Karculemme ehe/. len iHiinxons. [1887.] Lausanne, 8oc. Vaod. Bull., 23, 1888, 1-fi. Etude histologique des nerfs et de la muqueuse buccale chez les poiBsons. [1887.] LauBanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23. 1888, 0-19. Borne, I'cdericu. See Faga Boma. Borne, G. rnii dem. Der geologische Baa cines Theilcs vun Ostafrika. [1894.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 66, 189S, 412-413. l^ufoksilbenverke von Avalaberg. Ztschr. Katurwiss., 07. 1894. 117-118. Bornemann, Knul. Ueber die Etard'.sche Iteaktion zur Dnrstellung aromatiscber Aldehyde und emige Abkomni- linge des Metatoluvlaldehvds. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884. 1402-1175. Einwirkung von Hydroxylamin auf Zimmtaldehyd- cvaiibydrin. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1512- 1514. Notiz liber die Skraup'schc Cbinolinsynthesc. Berlin, Chem. Ge.s. Ber., 19, 1886, 2377-2378. Ueber die »i-Metlivlzimmtstiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, VAH2. ' Ueber /iToluidindioxalat. Berlin, Chem. Ge«. Ber., ■-'■-'. 1889. 2710. Bornemann, Georg. Ueber einige I>aboratoriumsgerathe aus .Mummium. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2-5, 1892, 3037-3012. Kupferoxalat und seine Verwendung zur Kupfer- Cadmiumtrennung. Clum. Ztg., 23, 1899. o6.>-.i66. (Qualitative Trennung des. \ntimon8 von Zinn. Ztocbr. Augcw. Chem., 1899, 03.'>-636. Bornemann, ./o/i[iiii>i] Georg. For biography and list of works tee [Italia]. Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896. 431; Leopoldina, 32. 1896, 134-135; Deut*ch. Bot. Geo. Ber., 15, 1897, (29/-(34). *Sur la classification des formations stratifitV-s anciennes de Tile de Sardaigne. Resume de com- munications faites pendant le Congris (ieologiquc de Bologne k Tappui de I'exposition d'^hantillons prove- nant de Cnualgrande, Geunamari et Ingurtosn. Congr. (ieol. Int. C. R., 1881. 221-232. •[.Vnemometerjuslirung.] [1883.] Berg- u. Huttenm. Zlg.. 43, 1884. 20.')-207. [Ueber Cambrische Fossilien von der Insel Sardinien.] Deutsoh. (ieol. Ges. Zlsfhr.. 30. 1884. .399-100. (Cambrische Arch»ocy8lbus,Formen und venrandte Organitmen von der Insel Sardinien.] I>eutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 702-707, 910. BornemannJ 696 Cyelopelta Winter!, eine Bryozoe aus dem Eifeler Mitteldevon. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 864-865. , „ , ^ [Ueber fossile KalkalRen.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37. 1885. 552-5.54; 38, 1886, 473. Ueber Aufnahnieii aiif Section Wutha. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch.. [l!], 1886. xxxviii-xxxix; [7], 1887, xxxvii-xxxviii, 23 (his); [8], 1888, xliv-xlv. Beitriige zur Kenntni.i des Musehelkalks, insbeson- dere der Schichtenfol(;e und der Gesteine des Unteren Musehelkalks in Thiirinp;en. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [t>], 1886, 2(i7-321; [8], 1888, 15 (bis). Die VersteincninKen des Carabrischen Schichten- systeins dor Insel Sardinieu nebst vergleichenden Unter- suchungen iiber analoge Vorkommnisse aus andern Landern. Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 51, 1887, 1-148; 56, 1891, 425-528. [Ueber fossile Thierspureii aus dem Buntsaudstein Thiiringens.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 39, 1887, 629-630. Der Quarziiorphyr von Heiligenstein und seine Fluidalstruotur. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 39, 1887, 793-797. Geologische Algeustudieu. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [7], 1887, 116-134, 23 (hh). Ueber Schlackenkegel und Larven. Em Beitrag zur Lebre vom Vulkanismus. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, 230-282, 15 {bk). Ueber den Muschelkalk. Preuss. Geol. Lande.^anst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, 417-439. Bomemann, L. G. Ueber Aufnahme der Section Frott- stedt. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [6], 1886, xl; [7], 1887, xxxviii-xli. Ueber einige neue Vorkommnisse basaltischer Gesteine auf dem Gebiet der Messtischbliitter Gerstungen und Eisenach. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, 291-300. Sopra una specie mediterranea del genere Linguli- nopsis. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 6, [1892], 26-29. Bornet, [Jean Baptiste] Eii, 1900. 'Ji»-9:j, 139-140. Boma, [Ilennj], Ijeleuclituni; mittcU Hikumliirer Genera- toren. Elektroteelin. Ztsclir., 5, 1884. 77-78. Zur Mikrophoii-Tlieorie. KK-ktrutechn. Ztscljr., !>, 1884, 122-120. Elektrische Beleuchtung von EiBenbahnziiKen in Engliinil. Elcktrutc-clin. Ztsclir., S. 1884, 315-3L7. l)iu Inlhieiii'.iiinscliini'n vou Wimhiiuicst. EK'ktroteclin. Ztsclir., ■., 1884, 329-334. Bomiteln, Kml. Ueber dcii EintUiss lieiHRcr Biider iiiif dfii Stollwechsel. Breslau, Scbles. Gcs. Jbcr., 1896 (Abth. la), 80-, 31.5-348. Bomtriiger, [Jean ISirnliard], Die Kuhrepidemie iin l!e>;iti un^'sbezirk Danzig 1895-9G. Ztschr. Hyg., 27, 1898, :)7.')-479. Bomtrager, Arthur. Ueber eine von 0. N. Witt kiirzlich bescbricbeue Filtrirvorrichtung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886. 1090. Kritik der directen Methoden zur Bcstimmung der Weinsiiure in Wcinhefen und Weiiistcinen. Kresenius, Ztscbr., 2.5, 1886, 337-3.';9; 2G, 1887, 136, 699-714. Zur Bestimuiung des Kaliumbitartnits in Weiiihpfon und Weinsteinen. Kepertin. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 550-5.58, .561-568, 579-591. Zur Denaturirung des zu Industrie-, Haushaltungs- u. 8. w. Zwecken dienenden Spiritus. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 137-138. Ueber die Bestimmungen des Zuckera und iiber die polarimetriscben Untersucbungen bei Siissweinen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 477-486, 505-503, 538- 545. Ueber die Inversion der Saccharose dnrch Salzsaure. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 40. 1890, 876-905. Ueber die Entfiirbung von liothweinen fiir die polarimetriscben Untcrsuchungen und fiir die Fohling- Soxhlet'sche Zuckprl)estimmung. Ztscbr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 340-343, 599 600. Saures weinsaures Kalium als Urlitersulistanz fiir die Acidimetrie und Alkaliraetrie. Fresenius. Ztsohr., 31, 1892, 43-57; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 294-2'.l5. Ueber das scheiubare Verhaltniss zwischcn Dextrose und Liivulose in deii duukclbrauiien Malagiiweinen und in anderen iihnlich bereiteten Weinen. [Vorlaulige Mittheilung.] Ztsohr. Angew. Chem.. 1892. 207-208. Sul rapporto npparente fra destrosio c levulosio nei vini Malaga neri ed in altri vini pieparati in un modo simile. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital.. 22, 1892, 138-142. Ueber den Eintluss, welchen die tiegenwart von Bleiessig auf das Ergebniss der Titrirung des Milch- zuckers nacb Fkui.is»-Soxhlkt ausiibt. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892. 293-294. Ueber den Eintluss der Gegenwart der Bleiacetatc auf das Ergebniss der Bestimmung des Invertzuckers nach Fehliso-Soxulet. Ztschr. .\ngew. Chem., 1892, 333- 335; 1896. 103-104, 594-596; Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., •28, 1896, 449-460. Beitriige und Bemerkungen zur gerichtlich-chemischen Weinanalyse. Ztschr. .\ngew. Chem. , 1892, 3.58-3C2. R. S. A. c. Ueber die Bestimmung den Kupfers auf volumetriuhem Wege mit Schwefelnatrium. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893. 517-524. Zur |>oIarimetriHchen Unteruuchung von Mosten und Siissweinen. Ztschr. .\ngew. Cbem., 1893. .'>99. Controlirung der Fehling'scbcn Lo^ung. Ztachr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 60()-«<7l ; 1894. 3.Jl. Ceber das Verhaltniss zwiscben (ilycerin und Alkobol in Naturweincn. Ztscbr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 13-14. N'ochmals iiber die Anwcndiing des Weinsteins fiir die Stelluni; der Nuruiallaugen. Ztschr. Angew. Cbem., 1894, 54-55. Nochmals zur Alkoholbestimmung im Weine durcli Destination und Ermittelung der Dicble dea Destillates. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894. 108-111. Ist es niithig, fiir die Zuckcrtitrirungen nach Feiilino die mit Bleiessig aasgefiilltcn Weine vou Blei zu befreien? Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 236-238. Ueber das Verhalten vim neutralcra und b»8i«chem Bleiacetat gegen kolilensaores, schwefelsaures und pbos- phorsaures Natrium in .\liw.;senheit von Zucker. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 454-461, 521-528. Wiirde sich niehr das koblensaure oder daa scbwefel- .saure Natrium empfehlen, wenn man nach der Ausfitllung von Mosten und Weinen mit Bleiessig das Blei vor den Fehling-Soxblet'schen Titrirungen beseitigen will? Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894. 5.54-5.59. Ueber die BeeinHussung des lieductionsvermogena von Invertzuckerliisnngen durcb Stehenlassen oder Ein- dampfen mit Blcizucker oder Bleiessig. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 579-582. Ueber den Einfluss der Volumina der durch Bi und ctwa spater noch durcb SoJu oder Glaii hervorgerufenen Niederschlage auf die Itesultiii-- ■!• r Zuckertitrirungen in Weinen vor und nach der Iiiver sionsprobe. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 583-.591. Potassium tetraoxalate as a standard in acidimetry. Chem. News. 71, 1895, 307-308. Ueber die Ansfiihrung der Fehling'schen Titrirung in der Weinanalyse. Fresenius, Ztschr., 34, 1896. 19-25. Perche la presenza di sali piombici intlaenza i risaltati delle titulazioni Fehling-Soxhlet? Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital.. 2.8, 1896, 671-692, 693-698. Sulla determinazione colorimetrica di piccole quantitu di ferro per mezzo del solfocianato di putassio. Staz. S|>er. Agrar. Ital., -29, 1896, 366-372; Chem. Zt«., 20, 1898, 398-399. Sopra un vinello verde. Staz. Sper. .\grar. Ital., 29. 1896. 729-735. Zum Nachweise und zur Bestimmung der Saccharose im Weine. Fresenius, Ztschr.. 36. 1897. 767-776. Osservazioui intomo alia determinazione dello zncchero nei mosti e nei vini per mezzo delle titolazioni Fehling-Soxhlet. Staz. Sper. .\grar. Ital., 30, 18»T, 107-120. Sul contenuto in zuccbero e saccarina nella glioerina separata dai vini doici merc<^ il metodo ufficiale germanico. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., .30, 1897, 28;i-293; Chem. Ztg., 21. 1897, 69:i-69o. Sulla determinazione degli zuccheri e sulle ricorche polarimetriche nei vini dolci. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 32.5-357; Fresenius, Ztschr, 37, 1898, 145- 172. Intorno alia cosidetta fermentazione elettiva dello zuccbero iiivertito. Staz. Sper. .\grar. lul.. 30, 1897. .537-544. Delia rieerca e della determinazione del saccarosio nei vini. Staz. Sper. .\grar. Ital.. 30, 1897. .558-568. Beitrige und Bemerkunccn zur gerichtlichchemischen Weinanalyse. Ztschr. .\ngew. Chem. . 1897, 1,55-158. Ueber die Bestimmung der Weinsiwire neben Citronen- saure. Fre.senius, Ztschr., 37. 1898, 477-485 ; Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 117-126. 88 Borntrager] 698 [Borrelly Sn aloune preteee conserve di limone. Staz. Sper. Af,'iar. Ital., 31, 1898, 30-10. Analisi di uve secche. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 564-572. Verifica del titolo dfgU alcali ed acidi normali. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 33, 1900, 4(33-406; Ztschr. Angew. Chcm., 1900, 975-976. Borntrager, Arthur, & Paris, Giulio. Analisi di vini deir Italia iiieridionale. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 469-481; 31, 1898, 5-17; Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 285-286; 22, 1898, 172-174. Analisi delle melegranate. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, .50-01. Di alcuni terreni ricohi di potassa. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 78-80; Landw. VerBUchs-Stat., 50, 1898, 343-345. Borntrager, Hugo. Ueber einen Stickstoffverlust bei der Kuochenfettfabrikation und Analyse des Knochenfetts. Bepertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 694. Ein eiufaehes Mittel, Glasgeriite zu feilen. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 741. Ueber die Anwendmig der Nitrose in der analytischen Chemie. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 741-742. Borntrager, Hupo. Ueber einen neuen Akkumiilator. [1899.] Ztsohr. Elektroch., 1898-99, 324. Ueber die Entfernung des Bleisulfates und Aufar- beitung der Bleiriickstande in Akkumulatoren-Fabriken. [1899.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1898-99, 325. Borodin, Aleksandr [Porfirjevic]. For biography and list of works see Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 273; Kuss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Chem.), 1888, 367-379. Borodin, Aleksandr. For biography and works see Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc., 1898, 528-530; Paris, Ingin. Civ. Mem., 1898 {Pt. 2), 92-111. Experiments on the steam-jacketing and compounding of locomotives in Russia. Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1886, 297-354, 363-409; Paris, Ing^n. Civ. Mem., 1886 {Pt. 2), 261-345. On the working of steam-pumps on the Russian South Western Railways. Inst. Sleehan. Engin. Proc, 1893, 433-450. Borodin, J. Sur la repartition des cristaux d'oxalate de chaux dans les feuilles des Legumineuses et des Rosacfes. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884, 69-77. Sur les depots diffus d'oxalate de chaux dans les feuilles. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 417-420. Die in St. Petersburg beBndlichen Herbarien und botani.schen Museen. Bot. Centrbl., 56, 1893, 363-356. Borodin, N. A. BioJioriiqecitifl craHuiii 3anaji.Hoft EBpoiiM II C'iBepo-AMepiiKaHCKnx'i, CoeiiiHen- HIJX'I. IIlraTOBI). , [Stations biologiques de I'Europe occidentale et des Etats Unis de I'Amerique du Nord.] [1894.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. M(?m., 1, 1895, No. 2, 14 pp. Kt. ciicTeMariiKli KaciiincKiLxi ii Hepiio- MOpCKHXT) cejItAeft. [Note sur les Clupea des mers Caspienne et Noire.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Anuu., 1, 1896, 81-94. O.jepo ^lapxaJiT. (iijih MapxajibCKOe Mopuo). [Lake fiarchal.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 32, 1896, 270-296. BoroBini, .iuyiist vo7i. (ilaskolben zur Herstellung von Nahrbiiden. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 23. Borradalle, A. A. Notes of a journey in northern Mongolia in 1893. Geogr. Jl., 5, 1895, 562-572. Borradaile, Lancelot Alexander. A revision of the I'oiitoniiduj. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 376-391. On some crustaceans from the South Pacific. Part i. Stomatopoda. {Part ii. Macrura anomala. Part in. Macrura. J'art iv. The crabs. Part v. Arthrostracans and barnacles.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 32-38, 457-468, lUOO-1015; 1900, 508-596, 795-799. A note on the hatching stage of the pagurine land- crabs. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 937-938. On a small collection of decapod crustaceans from freshwater in North Borneo. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 93-95. Borrass, E. [Bestimmung der Polhohe und der Intensitat der Schwerkraft auf zwei und zwanzig Stationen von der Ostsee bei Kolberg bis zur Schneekoppe.] iv. Die Intensitiit der Schwerkraft auf den Stationen der Siid- Abteiluug. Preuss. Geod. Inst. Veroff,, 1896, 175-288. Borre. See Freudbonune de Borre. Borrel, Amedee. Sur la signification des figures d^crites coiiime coccidies dans les ^pitheliomes. Arch. M^d. Expir., 2, 1890, 780-797; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 {C. R.), 446-449. Note sur la division multiple du noyau par karyokinSse. Paris, Soc.Biol. Mem. ,42, 1890(6'. i(.), 22-24. De la division du noyau et de la division cellulaire dans les tumeurs epitheliales. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 43, 1891 {C. R.}, 428-430; Robin, Jl. Anat., 28, 1892, 129-142. Sur un mode de formation cellulaire intranucl4aire pouvant ^veiller i tort I'id^e des parasites dans I'^pi- thelioma. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 14-16. Tuberculose pulmonaire experimentale : etude aua- tomo-pathologique de processus obtenu par injection veineuse. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 7 (1893), 593-627. Tuberculose experimentale du rein. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 8 (1894), 65-82. Tubercule et tuberculose. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 2, Patol), 185-192. Theorie parasitaire du cancer. Congr. Int. M^d. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 3, Baet.), 129-142. Sur uue evolution spiiciale de la sphere attractive dans la cellule cancereuse. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 331-333. Action de la tuberculine et de certains poisons bacteriens sur le cobaye sain ou tuberculeux par inocu- lation sous-cutan^e ou intra-cerebrale. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 52, 1900 (C. P.), 358-360. See also under Nocard & Rous, Borrel, Amedee, & Boinet, Edouard. See Bolnet & Borrel. Borrel, .imedee, & Roux, E. See Roux & Borrel. Borrel, U. Appareil s^maphorique a signaux instantan^s dit sicinal horaire pour la transmission de I'heure dans les ports. Syst^me imagiu(5 par ilil. Hanhsse, iug^uieur hydrographe, et G. Borrel, constructeur. Congr. Int. Chronom., 1900, 204-207. BorreUa, G. Sopra alcuni anisati. Gazz. Chim. Ital., l-j, 1885, 303-305. BorreUi, .S'. Sulla benzotribromauilide. [1888.] {Posth.'\ Gazz. Chim. Ital., 17, 1887, 527-528. Borrelly, Alphonse. Entdeckung eines neuen Planeten (240). Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 303-304. Observations de la Comete Pons-Brooks, taites Ji rtJbservatoire de Marseille. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 98, 1884, 49.5-497. Planete (240) decouverte k I'Observatoire de Marseille le 27 aotit 1884. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 417. Entdeckung [eines] neuen Planeten (246). Astr. Nachr., Ill, 1885, 239-240. Etoiles variables nouvelles. Bull. Astr., 2, 1886, 61-63, 161-162. Observations faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille. Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 166-167. Observations iles planites (246) Asporina et (248) (Palisa), faites ix I'Observatoire de Marseille. Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 335-337. Observations de com^tes et de plan^tes, faites k I'Observatoire de Marseille. Bull. Astr., 3, 1886, 166- 168, 533-534 ; 4, 1887, 462-463 ; 6, 1889, 257-259 ; BorrellyJ 699 [Borries 7, 1890, 13-15; 10, 1893, l-i-l.'i: II, 1894, :«7-Hll, 844-347; 12, 1898, -Jfl'-'iO'.t ; 13, 1896, 31.9-371; U, 1897, 382-386; IT., 1898. 231-234 ; III, 1899. 13'.)-143. EntdrckunK fines I'lancten auf ilcr StoriiwarU; in MarHeille. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 103-104. Observations d'line planete reiicontree ii r()bBervatt-372. Observations de la plan^te BH 1894, deeouverte par [I'auteur] k I'Observatoire de Marseille, le 19 novembre 1894. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 119, 1894. 943. Entdeckung eines neuen Planeten 1894 BH. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1896. 15-16. Observations de la plan^te (3'22> Phao, faites k I'Observatoire de Marseille (equatorial de 0"", "26 d'ouver- ture). Palis, Ac. Sci. C. K.. 121, 1896. 371-372. Observations de pinnules et de la Comete Swift, faites k I'Observatoire de Marseille (equatorial de 0", 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 13, 1896, 50-54. Observations de planetos et de la Comete Swift (13 avril 1896|, faites k I'Observatoire de Marseille (equatorial de 0", 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 13, 1896. 440-443. Observations de la plan^te DQ Witt, 1898, faites a I'Obstrvatoire de Marseille (('■quutorial d'EiriiENS de 0'", -26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 15, 1898, 420-421. Obsenations de la planete DP 1898 (Cliiirlois), faites a I'Ubservaloire de Marseille (i-quutorial dc 0™, 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 15, 1898, 469-470. Observations de la plan^te Witt, DQ 1898, et des Comdtes Wolf, Perriue-Chofardet et Brooks, faitea a rObsers-atoirc de Marseille (!' Coggia. Borren, ran den. [hiscours ^ur la question de la navigation aerienne.] [1894.] Ciel et Terre, 15 (1894-98). 379-386. Borrer, WiUiam. For biography see Ibis, 5, 1899, 168 ; Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans.." 6. 1899. 427. Water shrew (Crossopus fodiens) in the isle of Kerrern. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist.. 1893. 111-112. Borri, Ijiremo. Indagini chimiche ed es|.erimentali su di un caso di avvelenamento niisto )icr acido fenico e cloroformio (algontina dello stabilimento Erba). Ann. di Chim., 15, 1892. .345-359. Analisi del process© giudiziario contro Benedetto Caonwcci dal punto di vista ilella psicologia criminale. Sperimentwle, 1893 {Mem.), .56-97. Contributo alio studio d.lla docimasia emato-pnenmo- epatica. Sperimentale. 1896 (Comu/i. e liir.), 121-133. La dimensione delle ossa langhe degli arti del feto nell' ultimo trimestre della viu endnuterina considernta in rap|X)rto con la lunghczza totale del corpo. Sperimen- tale. 1898 {Comiiii. e Jiir.), 302-307. Contributo alio studio del meccanismo d" into».si- cazione per quei veleni che contrsggono una combina2ione chimica con la materia colorante del sangue. Speri- mentale, 1896 {Sei. Biol.), 5-36. Borrlea, Herman. Bidrag til danske insekters biologi. [18.''*.) Eut. Medd. (Kjnbi-nh.). 1, 1887-88, 199-211, 2.-J.5-292. Om hvep'elarver som ektoparaoiter paa frit omstrej- fende edderkopper. [1890.] Ent. Medd. (Kjnbenh.), 2. 1889-90. 151-161. De danske Lophrnis-arter og denes ndbre:»:iBIITill ropiiaro ll.lBecTII«Ka no ioro-:iaiia;iiiOMy iipiioiH'nJi.Hi OiiOHiCKaro o;iopa. [Ueber die Verbreitung des Bergkalkes an dom sudwest- [Borzi lichen Ufer des Onega-Sees.] St. Petersb. Min. Get. Virh., 3, 1868, 80-83. BorzenJtov, .In. .4. IIo cpaBllirro.1l,ll()t) aiiaTOMill. (Oil c.iiMparalivc anatomy.] Mohcow Univ. Mera. [Sat. Ilul.t, 4, 1884, 1-242. Borzi, .liiiiiniiKi. Nouvelles itudet sur la sexaalit^- des AscomyceUf". Arch. lul. Biol.. 6, 1884, 17-20. Protochytrium Spirog>-r«o. Nuovo Giom. Bot. Ilal., 16, 1884, .".-32. Nowakiiwskia, cine ncue Cbytridiee. Bot. Centrbl., 22, 1888, 23-26. Inzengnja, ein iieiii-r A«komycet. Pringsheim, .Ibiich. Wiss. Bot., 16, 1886, 4.50-403. Nuove Floridee mcditerrance. Notarieia, 1, 1886, 70-72. Sporidi sorediali Amphiloma murorum, Kiirb. [1H86.] MalpiKhia, 1, 1887, 20-24. Althenia tiliformis, /•'. I'et. [1886.] Malpighia, 1, 1887, 41. Le coniunicazioni intraoellulari delle Nostochinee. [1886.] Malpighia, 1. 1887, 74-83, 97-108, 145-160, 197-203. Ibridi di Salix pedicellala, /><•-331. Anomalie anatomichc del fusto di Pbaseolas Cracalla, L. [1892.] Malpighia, 5, 1891. 372-.38.5. Intorno alio svilupix) sos.«nftle di alcune Feofioee inferiori. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti. 1893. 454-472. Borzi] 702 [Bosc L'acqiia in rapporto alia vegetazione di alcune xerofile mediterranee. CoiiRr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 473-501. Alghe A' acqua dolce della Papuasia raccolte su cranii umani dissepolti. Nuova Notarisia, 3, 1892, 35-53. Contribuzioni alia biologia dei perioarpi. Malpighia, 7, 1893, 3-14. Cristalloidi nucleari di Convolvulus. Contrib. Biol. Veg., 1, 1894, t)3-71. Contribuzioni alia biologia del frutto. Contrib. Biol. Veg., 1, 1894, 157-175. Note alia biologia delle xerofile della flora insulare mediterranea. Contrib. Biol. Veg., 1, 1894, 177-192. Ueber Dietyosphierium, Naeg. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber.. 12, 1894, 248-255. [8opra aleuni fatti che interessano la disseminazione delle piante per mezzo degli uccelli.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 11)0-161. Probabili accenni di conjugazione presso aleune Nostochiuee. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 208-210. Un tipo anemofilo delle Epacridacee. Nat. Sicil., 1, 1896, 65-66. Apparecchi idrofori di aleune xerofile della flora mediterranea. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. , 3, 1896, 80-88. Contribuzioni alia conoscenza dei feuomeni di sensi- bilita delle piante. [1897.] Nat. Sioil., 1, 1896, 168- 190. Action de la strychnine et de la brucine sur les organes sensibles des plantes. Arch. Ital. Biol., 32, 1899, 143-158. Note di biologia vegetale. Contrib. Biol. Veg., 2, 1897-99, 43-80. Azione degli stricnici sugli organi sensibili delle piante. Contrib. Biol. Veg., 2, 1897-99, 261-279. Borzino, C. La linea di displuvio ; contributo alio studio della geografia fisica. [1893.] Riv. Geogr. Ital., 1, 1894, 33-51. Valli aperte. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 37, 1900, 522-534, 601-619. Borzone, . Sulla presenza del Triton alpestris (Laiir.), in I'iemonte. Torino Mus. Boll., 1, 1886, A'o. 6, 2 pp. Bob, D. Changes of volumes of dielectrics. Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 146-147. Bos, II[emmo]. lets over de nederlandsche mierenfauna. Tijdschr. Ent., 30, 1887, 181-198. . Mieren en bladluizen. Tijdschr. Ent., 31, 1888, 235- 244. Een vijand van het suikerrict, Apogonia destructor, «. sp. Tijdschr. Ent., 33, 1890, 311-348. Een nest van Lasius fuligiuosus, Latr. Tijdschr. Ent., 36, 1893, 230-239. Bos, //. P. M. van der Horn van der. See Horn van der Bob. Bos, .'. Ritzema. See Ritzema Bos. Bob, /*. li. Pliyto-pliaenologische waarnemingen in Neder- land. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 11, 1894, 409-412; 12, 1896, 461-463; 13, 1896, 339- 340; 14, 1897, 411-412; 15, 1898, 695-696; 16, 1899, 636-637 ; 17, 1900, 797-798. De taak der phyto phaenologie voorheen en thans. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 13, 1896, 313-338. Bosanquet, 7v[o6er/] n[olJ'ard\ M[aedowaU]. On a standard tension-galvanometer. Phil. Mag., 17, 1884, 27-30. On a determination of the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetism at Oxford. Phil. Mag., 17, 1884, 438-447. On electromagnets. Phil. Mag., 17, 1884, 531-.53r, ; 19, 1885, 73-94, 333-340 ; 20, 1885, 318-323 ; 22, 1886, 298-309, 53.5-539 ; 23, 1887, 338-350. Permanent magnets. Phil. Mag., 18, 1884, 142-153; 19, 1886, 57-59; 22, 1886, 500-.5()2. On the supposed repulsion between magnetic linos of force. Phil. Mag., 18, 1884, 494-495. The law of the electro-magnet and the law of the dynamo. Electrician, 16, 1886, 247. Silk 1'. wire, or the " ghost " in the galvanometer. Phil. Mag., 22, 1886, 540; 23, 1887, 149-150. The characteristics of dynamos. [1886.] Electrician, 18, 1887, 37-38. On the determination of coefficients of mutual in- duction by means of the ballistic galvanometer and earth-inductor. London Phys. Soc. Proc. , 8, 1887, 220- 228; Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 412-420. Note on magnetization. On sequences of reversals. [1887.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 9, 1888, 19-23 ; Phil. Mag., 24, 1887, 60-63. On the production of sudden changes in the torsion of a wire by change of temperature. [1887.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 9, 1888, 49-56; Phil. Mag., 24, 1887, 160-166. . On the use of the term "resistance " in the descrip- tion of physical phenomena. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 9, 1888, 201-208 ; Phil. Mag., 25, 1888, 419-425. On the calculation of the illuminating power of hydrocarbons and their mixtures. Phil. Mag., 34, 1892, 120-130, 35.5-371. iMountain-sickness ; and power and endurance. Phil. Mag., 35, 1893, 47-52. On a fixed system of star coordinates. Astr. Soc Month. Not., .55, 1895, 480-481. On the relation between precession and proper motion. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 55, 1895, 481-485. Bosanquet, Willinm Cecil. Notes on a gregarine of the earthworm (Lumbricus herculeus). Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 36, 1894, 421-433. On the anatomy of Nyctotherus ovalis. Micr. Soc Jl, 1895, 404-406. Bosc, F. J. Note sur les troubles de la nutrition dans I'hysterie. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 44, 1892 (C. K.), 376-379. Formule urinaire complete de I'attaque d'hysterie. (Formule chimique. Toxicity.) Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 44, 1892 (C. li.), 723-727. Formule urinaire de I'attaque d'hysterie, d'epilepsie et de quelques attaques epileptiformes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 727-730. Des proprietes cholerigeues des humeurs de malades atteints de cholera asiatique. (Contribution a I'etude de I'intoxication chol^rique.) Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 9 (1895), 507-516. Essais de disinfection par les vapeurs de formalde- hyde an moyen des precedes de Jl/. Tbillat. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 10 (1896), 299-308. Pathogenic et histogenese du cancer et des maladies a sporozoaires (clavelee, variole, vaccine, syphilis, trachome, etc.). Congr. Int. Med. C. K., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 3), 194-199, (Vol. 7), xlv. Des bases de la prophylaxis. [With discu-ision.] Congr. Int. Med. C. K., 1897 (Vol. 7, Sect. 14), 160-225. Du degre et des caracteres de la toxicite urinaire dans I'hystero-cpilepsie (urines paroxystiques et urines recueillies dans I'intervalle des attaques). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. li.}. 1.30-132. De la toxicite urinaire comme moyen de diagnostic cntre certains cas do spasmes t(!taniques d'origine hvsterique et le tetauos vrai. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. E.), 132-134. Consid(5rations sur le mecanismc de I'immunite. .\rch. de Physiol., 10, 1898, 72-84. Le cancer, maladie infectieuse a sporozoaires. Arch. de Physiol., 10, 1898, 458-471, 484-494. Les parasites du cancer et du sarconie (morphologic, r(5partition). Paris. Ac. Sci. C. K., 126, 1898, 541-544. Les parasites du cancer et du sarcome (coloration, structure, cycles de reproduction, dimorphisme ^volutif). Paris, Ac Sci. 0. R., 126, 1898, 1161-1163. Bosc] 703 [Bosco Pathog^nie et histogenftse du cancer (inaladie para- sitairt.). PariH, Ac. Sci. C. R., Vil), 1898, l'2y3-1295. I'oiiiieH miciobiciiiirH et (uriinH i\v granulation dc Coceiiliiini uvilcji'iiin «ii pulliilatioii intracclluluiro dann ccilaini'H tiMiiciii.s ilii foiu du lapin. Parix, Soc, Biol. M- 322. Becherches sur Taction toxiquc de I'eau distillce en injections intraveineuses (degre et ctiract^res de sa toxicity immcJdiate et ^loign^e). Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 4H, 1896 (C. li.), 612-*;i5. Bieberclies exix'-rimentales sur Taction de Teau ordinaire eu injections intraveineuses (doses murtelleH, doses non mortelles). Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., ili, 1896 (C. ]<.). 733-735. Becherches sur la toxicit<5 el les elTcta des solutions fortes (7 p. 100) de chlorure de sodium en injection intraveineuse. Paris, Soc. Biol. M<-m., 4«, 1896 (V. H.), 736-738. Hecberelies exp^Timentales sur les eflets et la valeur ))liysiologique des injections massives de la solution sali-e simple (.NaCl a 5 et 7 p. 1000), et de la solution saline composee (chlorure de sodium et sulfate de sonde i 7 p. 1000). Injections wolves et en si-ric. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 48, 1896 (C. li.), 749-752. IJcs injections intraveineuses massives de Is solution saU'e simple (NaCI a 7 p. 10toon]. Rapport over de plaatsing en inrichting der bliksemafleiders op het Rijks- Museum van Schilderijen te Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 4, 1888, 121-125. Rapport over de beproeving der bliksemafleiders op het Rijks-Museura te Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 6-8. Bosscba, J. (jtin.). Remarques sur les inclusions de certains quartz des porphyres. Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 1, 1886, 169-175. XJeber die Geologic von Huelba (Siid-Spanien). Nenes Jbuch. Min., 1885 (Bd. 2), 230-234. Sur la meteorite de Karang-Modjo, ou Magetan. Arch. Neerland., 21, 1887, 177-200; Neues Jbuch. Min. {Beil- B10 IV). Bull. AHtr., 7, 1890, '.i'i-'Ji. Tableau Bynoptique des niouvcmi'ntH proprcK din itoiles. Bull. Astr., 7, 1890, 98-10.';. Elemeiite und Ephemeriile des dritten Tempel'schen Coracteii (1809 III) fiir seine Wiederkehr im Jahre 1891. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 271-272. Kphilmiiido de In Comete Tempcl^-Swift (1891...). Astr. Niiclir., 128, 1891, 291-292, 375-370. Detirminatiou des mouvements propres de quelqucB etoiles. Bull. Astr., 9, 1892, 210-219. Supplement li I'Histoire celeste de Lala.sde. Catalogue de 3950 ^toiles dont les coordonni^-eB moyenncs sent ramen^es il IVqninoxe de 1800.0. Paris Obs. Ann. {iUm.). 21, 1896, A, 170 pp. Orbite de la Comete Tcmpel-Swift (1869 III-1880 IV). Bull. Astr., II, 1897, 9-23. Bossert, .luxijih l'[ran<;oiii], & SchnUiof, Leopold. See SchuUiof A' Bossert. BoBshard, A. Das zurcberiscbe Oberland. Schweiz. Alpencltil) Jbuch., 31, 1896, 207-278. Bossliard, A'[mi7]. Ueber das Verhalten einiger Amido- siiuien zu Kali- und Barvtlauge, sowie zu Magnesia. Fres<-uius, Ztsehr., 23, 1881, 160-165. Ein Nebelbild auf dem Calanda. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 24, 1889, 424-426. Wein-Analysen. Freseuius, Ztsehr., 29, 1890, 551- 556; Uraubundcn Natf. Ges. Jber., 33, 1890, 39-44. Beitriigc zur Kenntniss biindneriscber Trinkwasscr. Graubiindeu Natf. Oes. Jber., 33, 1890, 4.5-52. Neue Aiialjsen der Sauerquelleu des Kurhauses St. Moritz. (Alte Quelle und Paracelsusquelle. I Gniubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 35, 1892, 187-192; 36, 1893, [179]. Ueber die Anwcndung des Thermometers zu Hohen- messungen. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 28, 1893, 373- 380. Ueber Herkunft und Entstehung der Fohnstiirme. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 37, 1894, 88-117. Precede de Hirzel pour extraire le sel de ses solutions au moyen du froid. .Arch. Sci. Pliys. Nut., 2, 1896, 396; Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb.. 1896, 84. Elmsfeuer und Blitzgefuhr im Gcbirge. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 33, 1898, 292-300. Chemiache Analyse der Trinkquelle Chasellas bei der Unter-Alpinn in Campfer (OberEngadin). Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber,, 43. 1900, 10.5-107. Bossbard, £[mi7], & Bcbnlze, E[rHiit]. Sfi- Behnlza tV Bossliard. Bossliard, /'.'[»i(7], Schulze, l;[riixt], & BtelKsr, 7'[<'i«'r<'J. S,,- Schulze, Steiger iV Bossliard, Bosshard, Ileinnih. Zur Kcniitiiis der Verbindungsweise der Skelettstiicke der .\rme und Ranken von Antedon rosacea, Linck (Comatula mediterranca. Lam.). Jena. Ztsehr., 34, 1900, (;->-112. Bosal, .Iriuihio /... ^V Dunstan, Wijndliitni Il[otciaiu{]. Hre Donstan it Bossl. BOBSi, Aimildo L., & Nletzki, R[udolf]. See Nietzki A Bossl. BoBsl, L. M. Sur Taction ecbolique du sucre admiuistre durunt I'accouchemont. Arch. Ital. Biol., 21. 1894, 30(1- 301. Sur la rapidite de reproduction de la muquease de I'uterus chez la femme apr^s le raclage. Arch. Itol. Biol., 24, 189S. .")l-55. Boaai, I'qo. Sulla dimetilfeuilcumalina. [1898.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Ft. 1), 1-12. Bouo, Lliuteppe. Ueber eine neue lufektionskrankheit (leH RindviehM. Centrbl. Bakt. {.ibt. 1), 22, 18»T, .537- 542. Neuer Beitnig zum Studium der Mikrourganismen der .Septiciiinia luemorrhagica l>eini Riude. Centrbl. Bakt. ^.^l>l. 1), 23. 1898. 31K-323. Heptikumie Ufi viiiem .Se«kalbe. Centrbl. Bakt. i.n.t. 1), 25, 1899. yi-r,r,. Bosso, liiwrpijr. ,V Ferronclto, t'.doardo. .SV<- Perroncito heral irritations to disease.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 52, 1890, 21-23. Botanical Club of Canada. Phenological observations, Canada, [189.5-99]. Canada Boy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1896, hv-lxi; 3, 1897, Ixvi-lxix ; 4, 1898, Ixxiv-lxxxiii; 5, 1899, Ixii-lxxiii; 6, 1900, Ajipend. C, Iv-lix. The average dates for the " tirst flowering" of ten }ilants in each county of Nova Scotia in the year 1898. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1899, xlv-xlix. Bot4r, Gijula. Az 6-Autaltarnai Ede-renienyvngat geologiai szerkezete. [(ieologischer Bau des Alt Antoni-Stollner Eduard-Hoffnuugsschlages.] [1890.] Magyar Foldt. Int. K\k., 9, [1890-92], 19-25; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 9, 1890-96, 21-28. Botellio, I'.duardo liodrignes Vieira da Costa. See Vieira da Costa BoteUio, Botelho da Costa, .Jiiaijuim Vieira. See Vieira Botelbo da Costa. Botella y do Homos, Federico de. For biography and list of works see Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899, 351-361. Nota sobre la alimentaei6n y desaparici6n de las grandes lagunaa peninsiilaros. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884 [Act.), 79-90. Nota sobre la alimentacion y desaparici6n de los lagos Terciarios peninsulares. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 14, 1885 (Act.), 27-37. Observations sur les trembleraents de terre de I'Anda- lousie du 25 dteembre 1884 et semaines suivantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 196-197. Les tremblements de terre de Malaga et Grenade, en 1884. [2V.] Rev. Univ. Mines, 18, 1885, 286-313. [Sobre la orografia de la Peninsula.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 25, 1896 (Act.), 121. Botey, R. Possibilite des injections trach^ales chez I'homme, comme voie d'introduction des medicaments. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., Ill, 1890, 197-199. l^xperiences d'evulsion de I'etrier chez les animaux. [1890.] Ztschr. Ohreuheilk., 21, 1891, 332. Botezat, Euifcn. Die Nervenendigungen an den Tast- haaren von Siiugethiereu. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 50, 1897, 142-169. Botfield. See Garnett-Botfield. Both, E. Chemisch-mechanische Untersuchung zweier Bodenarten der Umgegend von Astrachan. Pharm. Ztschr. Bussland, 24, 1885, 17-20. Botb, H. von. Ein Fall von Hernia funiculi umbilicalis besonderer Art. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 38, 1898, 1-7. Bothamley, C[harles] H[erhert]. Ortho-chromatic photo- graphy. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 6, 1887, 423-433. Reduction of potassium dichromate by oxalic acid. Chem. Soc. JL, 53, 1888, 159-164. The sulphur waters of Yorkshire. Chem. News, 62, 1890, 191-192. Commercial alkaline sulphites. [1890.] Pharm. JL, 21, 1891, 214-215. The mineral waters of Askern, in Yorkshire. Chem. Soc. JL, 63, 1893, 685-696; Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 12, 1895, 347-360. Note on the distribution of acids and bases in a solution containing calcium, magnesium, carbonic acid, and sulphuric acid, and on the composition of mineral waters. Chem. Soc. JL, 63, 1893, 696-699. The permanence of the undeveloped or latent image on gelatino-bromide plates. [With discussion.] Photogr. JL, 18, 1894, 226-231. The standard amyl-acetate lamp and some forms of constant light. [With discussion.] Photogr. JL, 18, 1894, 231-236. On the sensitising action of dyes on gelatino-bromide plates. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 661-662. Becqueuel's and Lippisi.\nn's colour photographs. Nature, 54 (1896), 77. The action of certain substances on the undeveloped photographic image. Brit. Ass. Rep. ,1898, 8.50-851. Remarks on some recent papers concerning the latent photographic image and its development. [With dis. cnssion.] Photogr. JL, 23, 1899, 123-136. Bothamley, C[/)«)7t>] H[erhert], tSi Thompson, G[eorge de] R[oos]. Estimation of chlorates by means of the zinc-ecipper couple. Chem. Soc. JL, 53, 1888, 164- 167. The action of phosjjhorus trichloride on organic acids and on water. Chem. News, 62, 1890, 191. Both^n, C O. Nytt fynd af tartariska jagtfalken (Falco sacer) i Sverige. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 1173-1175. Botbezat, I'unl, & Forgue, Emile [Auguste]. See Forgue iV Bothezat. Bothof, Hcinrich, & Nietzki, R[udolf]. See Nietzki A Bothof. Botkin, Fhigcn. Ein kleiner Kniff zur Gram'schen Metliode der isolirten Bakterienfarbung. Centrbl. Bakt., 11, 1892, 231-232. Ueber die Loslichkeit der weissen Blutkiirpcrchen in Peptonlosungen. Virchow, Arch., 137, 1894, 476-485. Leukocytolyse. Yirchow, Arch., 141, 1895, 238-251. Botkin] 709 [Bottazzi Zur Morphologic deH Blutcs und der Lymphe. Vii- chow, Arch., US, 1896, SOil-JOS. Botlcln, .S'. ijmi.). Zur Fragc uber don ZusamnicnhunK iltr pliyHiologiHchfn Wirkuiig uiit den cheminclim Eigcriscbaften dir Alkalimrtulle der erxtcn (iruppe niich Mknuelejkff. Ceiitrhl. Med. WIbh., 23, 1888, 849-«52. Einu I'infiiche Mithode zur Isnlirung unntirobcr Bacterien. Ztsehr. Hyg., 9, 1890, H83-:W8. ticher c'ineii BauilluH butyrieus. Ztsehr. Hyg., 11, 1892, l'21-434. Botkin, ,S'. U""-)' '^ Oleninkov, . Microbes de la gaHtro-eiit(-rite et Icurs rapports avec le cboliira. [1893.] Ann. Miorogr., 0 (1894), 122-r24. Botkin, S\irgej] r[i-troric]. For biography und works «i'c lA-opiiMinii, 25, 1889, 219; St. I'etersb. Med. Wschr., 14, 1889, 452-453. L)e I'an^mie pemiciense. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 139-158. La maladie do Basedow ou de (Ibaveb. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 623-040; 2, 1886. 243-200. Botsford, At' /J. Conversion nf light into heat. N.Brunsw. Nui. Hint. Soc. Bull., 3, 1884, 3-5. Bott, Amandua. Ueber einen durch Knospung sich ver- mehrendcii Cysticercus aus deni Maulwurf. [1897.] Ztsehr. Wiss. Zool. , 03, 1898, 115-140. Bott, Auii[int]. & BSarckwald, if [illy]. See Marckwald iV Bott. Bott, ir. The alleged discovery of mercury in Malacca. Singapore Koy. Asiat. Soc. Jl., 24, 1891, 79-82. Bott, U'illidiii. Hevpfl's methods of gas analysis. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl.. 4, 1886, 100-165. On a new and rapil method of testing beer and other alcoholic liquors. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 600. The constitution of the three isomeric pyrocresols. Chem. Soc. I'roc, 3, 1887, 114. The determinatiiin of vapour-densities at high temperatures and under reduced pressure. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 032-033. A. method of determining vapour-density, applicable at all temperatures and pressures. Chem. Soc. Proc. , 4, 1888, 110. Bott, Williaiii, & Macnalr, D[uiioiin] S[cott]. Ein Apimrat zur Bestimnmn^- von Dampfdichten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 910-922, 1617. Bott, fi'illiam, & BUller, J[ames] Bruce. Further re- searches ou the pyrocresols. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1888, 642- 643. Some derivatives and new colonring matters obtained from a-pyrocresole. Chem. Soc. Jl., 55, 1889, 51-56. Bottard [;iii» Bottarel], [Louis] A[lj)lwn>ir]. L'appareil 4 venin dcs poissons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 534-.537; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (f. A'.), 131- 138. Criine de nigre du S^^al. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 12, 1889, 38-41. Bottarl, Atiierifio. Sulla razionalit^ dei piani multipli {.r, ;/, v'K(.r, ij\\. Ann. Mat., 2, 1899, 277-296. Bottaro-Costa, J*". La preservazione degli niiimali selvatici in Africa. Nuova Antol. Sci., 173, 1900, 468-475. Bottazzi, Filippo. Intoruo alia corteccia cerebrale e i-pccialmente intorno alle fibre nervose intracorticali dei vertebrati. Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric. , 3, 1893, 241- 316. Sulle alterazioni del tubo intestinale uella epatite interstiziale alrotica. Arch. Sci. Med., 18, 1894, 143- 170. II cervello anteriore e le vie olfattorie central) dei pesci cartilaginei. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Pol. 4, Psichiatr.), HU-112. Ricerche ematologiche. [La resistenza dei globuli rossi del sangue di animali operati di tiroidectomia.] Sperimeutale, 1894 (Sfc. Biol.). 192-213. Ricerche ematologiche. |La milzu come organo cmocatatonistico.] Sporimentale, 1894 (.S>j. liiol.), 43.3- 472. Ueber die HemiRection dea Uiickenmarkes bei Handen. [1894.] Centrbl. Physiol., 8, 189S, 530-532. Gli iilliuniinnidi della milza. Ann. di Chim., 21 & 22, (18961, 4M9-498. L'uzote total lies globules rouges et son rappm. 1), 505-513. Action du vague et du sympathique sur lea oreillettes du caMir de r"£mys europtea." Arch. Ital. Biol., S4, 1900. 17-35. Bottazzi, Filippo. A CapjwlU, /. D sodio e il potaisio uegli eritrociti del sangue di vane specie animali e in ^eguito air anemia da ^alasso. Roma. R. Ace. Linoei Rend.. 8, 1899 {.Sem. 2). 65-73. II sodio e il poLassio negli eritrociti del sangue durante il digiuno, nell' avveknamento con fosforu. Roma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 2), 107-114. Bottazzi] 710 [Bottomley Bottazzi, Filippo, & Duccesclii, Virgilio. Les substances proteiques du myocarde. [1897.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 28, 1897, 39.5-402; 31, 1899, 12(i-129. Bottazzi, Filippo, & Bnriques, P. Recherches physio- logiques sur le syst^me nerveux visceral des Aplysies el de quelques Cc^'plialopodes. [1899.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 34, 1900, 111-143. Bottazzi, Filippo, & Fano, Giulio. See Fano & Bottazzi. Bottazzi, Filippo, & Griinbauin, 0. F. F. Ou plain muscle. Jl. Physiol., 24, 1899, 51-71. Bottazzi, Filippo. & Pensuti, Virginia. Sulla tossicita deir orina dei nialarici. Sperimentale, 1894 (Sez. Biol.), 232-2.54. Bottego, ViUorio. For biography see Geneva, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 8, [1897], 1.53-103; Riv. Geogr. Ital., 5, 1898, 1-28. Nella terra dei Danakil. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 403-418, 480-494. Esplorazione del Giuba e suoi affluenti. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894, 234-257. La seeonda spedizione Biittego nella Somalia australe. [Italia], Soc. Geogi-. Mem., C, 1896, 149-170. Bottenfield, P. li., & I.add, E[dioiii] F. See ladd A Bottenfield. Botti, I'Ideriiio. Puglia e Calabria, schizzo geologico. [1885.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 4, 1886, 223-231. Bolide del 17 dicembre [1888, Eeggio Calabria]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 28. La grotta os.sifera di Cardamone in terra d' Otrauto. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 9, 1890, 689-716, 827. Bottiglia, Angela. SuUe velocita di massimo rendimeuto ed a vuoto delle turbine. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 26, 1891, 541-.550. Botting Hemsley. >S'<'i' Hemsley. Bottini, A[ntonio]. Quali siano le condizioni attuali della geografia crittogamica in Italia e quali i mezzi che potrebbero migliorarle. Parte 1". Musolii. Congr. Bot. Crittog. Atti, 1887, 5-12. Appuuti di briologia toscana. Malpighia, 1, 1887, 383-390. Muscinee dell' isola del Giglio. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 19, 1887, 265-275. Ricerche brlologiche nell' isola d' Elba con una nota sul Fissidens serrulatus, Bridel. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Hem.), 8, 1887, 1.59-204. Muscinee raccolte alia Gorgona. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti [Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 235-240. Un musco nuovo per 1' Italia. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 5, 188B-87, 240-241. Appunti di briologia toscana. (Seeonda serie.) Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 297-303. Noterelle brlologiche. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 101- 119. Sulla struttura dell' oliva. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889. 369-381. Appunti di briologia italiana. [1889.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 259-266. Sulla riproduzione della " Hydromvstria stolonifera," Meyer. [1890-91.] Malpighia, 4, 1890, 340-349, 369- 377. Pseudoleskea ticinensis, n. sp. [1891.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91,202-204. r Contributo alia briologia del Cantone Ticino. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 44, 1891, 147-149. Beitrag zur Laubmoosfiora des Montenegros. Hed- wigia, 31, 1892, 134-137. Bibliografia briologica italiana. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 12, 1893, 2.56-292. Note di briologia italiana. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 1, 1894, 249-258. Bottini, .lliiloiiio], & Flclil, P. See Ficbl & Bottini. Bottini, .l[Hfunio], & Venturl, G. See Venturi & Bottini. Bottler, Majr. Ueber die technisclie Verwerthuiig von Kauri- und Manilakopal. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 287, 1893, 88-91. Ueber physikalische Eigenschaften der Kopale. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 288, 1893, 21-22. Ueber das Verhalten afrikanischer Kopale gegen Alkalien und Losungsmittel in techuischer Beziehung. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 306, 1897, 212-215. Botto, A . Progressi fatti negli ultimi tempi dalla carto- grafia nei vari stati di Europa e piii speciahnente in Italia. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 681-740. Botto-niicca, Ltiifli. Fossili degli " strati a Lioceras opalinum. Rein., e Ludwigia Murchisonre, Son\," delle Croce di Valpore (M. Grapa), provincia di Treviso. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 12, 1893, 143-194. Contribuzione alio studio degli Echinidi Terziarii del Piemonte (famiglia Spatangidi). [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 15 (1896), 341-375. Bottomley, B'. Carr. Meningitis of obscure causation. Practitioner, -52, 1894, 401-416. Bottomley, J[(ime.'<] Frank, iSr Ferkin, William Henry (jnn.). The condensation of formaldehyde with ethyl malouate, and synthesis of pentamethylene-l:2:4-tri- carboxylic acid. Chem. Soc. JL, 77, 1900 (Pt. 1), 294- 309. Bottomley, J[ames] T[liomson]. On loss of heat by radia- tion and convection as affected by the dimensions of the cooling body, and on cooling in vacuum. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 623-625. The heating effects of electric currents. Electrician, 12, 1884, 541-542. On a gravity Daniell's cell of very small Internal resistance. Roy. Soc. Proc, 37, 1884, 17.S-177. On the permanent temperature of conductors through which an electric current is passing, and on surface conductivity, or emissivity. With a note by Sir William Thomson, F.R.S. Roy. Soc. Proc, 37, 1884, 177-189. On contact electricity in common air, vacuum, and different gases. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885. 901-903. On a specimen of almost unmagnetisable steel. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 903-904; Electrician, 15, 1885, 378-379. On the cooling of wires in air and in vacuum. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 904. Note on the condensation of gases at the surface of glass. (Preliminary.) Roy. Soc Proc, 88, 1885, 158- 161. On the electric resistance of a new alloy named platinoid. Roy. Soc. Proc, 88, 1885, 340-844. On radiation of heat from the same surface at different temperatures. [1885.] Nature, 33, 1886, 85-86, 101. A mercurial air-pump. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 519- 520. On secular experiments in Glasgow on the elasticity of wires. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 537-538. Sir William Thomson's improved Wheatstone's rheostat. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 547-548. Description of experiments for determining the electric resistance of metals at high temperatures. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 548-549. On an apparatus for connecting and disconnecting a receiver under exhaustion by a mercurial pump. Roy. Soc. Proc, 40, 1886, 249-251." On a nearly perfect simple pendulum. Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 72. On expansion and contraction with rise and fall of temperature in wires under elongating stress. Phil. Mag., 24, 1887, 814-318. On radiation from dull aud bright surfaces. Roy. Soc. Proc, 42, 1887, 483-437. On thermal radiation in absolute measure. [1887-92.] Phil. Trans. (A), 178, 1888, 429-450; 184, 1894, 591-616. On a practical constant-volume air tbermometer. 1 1888.] Edinb. Hoy. Soc. Proc, 15, 1889, 85-93. Bottomley] 1 [Boucard The behaviour of flames in the neiKhboiirliood of iiifltience machincH. [1H89.] Electrician, 24, 1890, 17J. Expansion with rJHe of temperature of wires under puUinR Btress. [lH8i).) Ijomloii Phys. Soc. Proc, 10, 1890, 181-1H8; Phil. MuK., 2H, 1889, ;)4-!)8. On the HiintKnn X rayn, or the new photography. (HasKow, Phil. Soc. Proc, 27, 1896, l.'ifV-lfiO. On Kuntokn's rays. [18'.)G.] Nature. .53 (189S-96), 2fi8-2(;9. Bottomley, J[ameii] T[li(niiso)i], A Seattle, J[ohn] Cm ruth'Tg. Thermal radiation in absolute measure. Key. Sue. Proc, (10, 1900, 2ti!»-282. Bottomley, ./[ihiim] 7'|//ohi«i;i], iV Tanakadati, Aikitu. Note |on combined effects of torsion and longitudinal stress on the magnetization of nickel]. Phil. Mag., 27, 1889, lHH-138. Note on the thermo-electric position of platinoid. 11881).] Koy. Soc. Proc, Kj. 1890, 28t;-292. Bottomley, ./(>/mi'.<] 7[/i»msf))i]. Kelvin, H'illinm Ttaomson {I. dill), A Maclean, Mniiiiiis. Ser Kelvin, Bottomley A' Maclean. Bottomley, .lumes. Note on BonoDEB's optical essay on the griidiition of light. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 23, 1884, 4(i-l7. On the projectrices of a circle. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. I'roc, 2.'., 1886, 233-237. Om the composition of projections in geometry of two dimensions. [1885.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem., 10, 1887, 6-19; 1, 1888, 89. On the possible equations expressing the decomposition of potassic chlorate by heat. [1887-88.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mom. * Proc, 1, 1888, 4-6, 90. On the equation to the instantaneous surface generated by the dissolution of an isotropic solid. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. * Proc, 2, 1889, 154- 182, viii. Note on the rate of dissolution of solids. [1889.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. A Proc, 3, 1890, 113- 115. On the intensity of transmitted light when the coelHcient of transmission of the medium is a function of time. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. * Proc, 4, 1891, 1.V2-176. On a method of integration applicable to certain partial differential equations. [1892-93.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc Mem. A Proc, 7, 1893, 78-88. Bottomley, II'. B. The utilisation of sewago slndge. Hnt. .\ss. Hep., 1900, 709-710. Bottomley, William. The heeling error of the compass in iron ships. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 19, 1888, 160-163. Bottoni, Alessiindro, A Mareacalclil, Arttiro. [Le stelle caiknti del periodo di agosto 1888, 1889, 1890.] Castel Maggiore (Bolngna). Moncalicri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 162-163; 9, 1889, 170; 11, 1891, 34-35. Botwlnnlk, A'. Ueber die Veriinderungen des .\stig- matismus unter einigen physikalischen und phvsio- logischen Einfliissen. Arch. Augenheilk., 39, 1899, 336- 375. Boa-. For Russian names beginning thus see under Bn-. Bouant, Entile. L'inteUigence des animaux. Rev. Soi., .i'l. 1886, 61. Bouasse, II[enri Pierre Maxime]. Methode de mesure de la ditTiTi nee de phase des composantcs rectangulaires d'une refraction lumineuse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 100-102. [Appaieil de M. Mabcabt ponr etudier la doable refraction produitc par compression.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances. 1890, 24.5-246. Sur Ics methodes d'observation de la polarisation elliptique. ,T1. Phys., 10, 1891. 61-68. Reflexion et refraction dans les milieux isotropes transparents et absorbants. .\nn, Chim., 28, 1893, 14.5- 237, 433-498. Ktude des actions photographiques. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 8, 1894, F, 52 pp. Kur la torsion des fils fins. Ann. Cbim., 11. 1897, 433-490. Sur les oscillations k peu pris sinusoidales a longuo p(5riodc. Application i I'itude de la r(5Bistance de I'air et des proprit-tes ehiHtiques des fils fins. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 11. 1897, K. 76 pp. Sur la dc'finitioM de la mollesee des fils md'talliques. Ann. Chim., 14. 1898. 98-106. Sur les [X'rtes d'inergie dans lea ph^Domines de torsion. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 106-144. Sur un mode de comparaison des courbes de torsion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 126, 1898. 466-467. Remarque sur une note de M. Mobkad, intitalee: " Pes cycles de torsion magnetique et de la torsion ri^siduelle da fer doux." Paris, .Kc. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898. 585. Expose ot discussion des principales experiences faitcs sur les phenomt^nes de torsion. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 12, 1898. A, 29 pp. Sur les courbes de di^formation typiques des fils neufs. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 12, 1898, G, 25 pp. Sur une experience de torsion. .11. Phys., 8, 1899, 241-2.52. Sur les courbes de traction. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 291-292. Sur les courbes de deformation des fils. Toulouse Fac Sci. Ann., 1, 1899, 177-219, 331-383; 2, 1900, .5-6.5, I31-I6t). Bouasse, II[enri Pierre ilaxime'], & Beraon, [Frlix] tory department. Hamming Bird. 1. 1891. 5.5. 59-61. 68-69. 82, 84-89, 91-97. The plantain or banana plant. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 59. Description of a supposed new species of humming bird in Bocurd's Museum. Humming Bird, 2, 1893, 1. Notes on the rare pheasant. Rheinardias ocellatus. Verr. Humming Bird, 2, 1893, 9-12. Boucard] 712 [Bouchard Description of a supposed new species of the genus Manticora, "Cicindelidffi," from Damara Land, South Africa. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 45-46. A complete list up to date of tlie humming birds found in Columbia, with descriptions of several supposed new species. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 73-87. America. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 105-119. Genera of humming birds. Being also a complete monograph of tliese birds. Humming Bird, 2, 1892 ; 3, 1893; 4, 1894; 5, 1895, xiv + 412 pp. in all. Descriptions of several supposed new species of humming-birds. Humming Bird, 3, 1893, 6-10. Description of one supposed new .species of Cetonia from Syria. Humming Bird, 3, 1893, 40. . Notes on wasps. Humming Bird, 3, 1893, 49-51. Rectification of name for Semioptera Goulili. Hummmg Bird, 3, 1893, 57. Travels of a naturalist. A record of adventures, discoveries, history and customs of Americans and Indians, habits and descriptions of animals, chiefly made in North America, California, Mexico, Central America, Columbia, Chili, etc., during the last forty-two years. Humming Bird, 3, 1893; 4, 1894, 204 pp. in all. Description of a supposed new species of Plusiotis from Mexico. Humming Bird, 5, 1895, 4-5. List of humming birds collected at Cali and Rio Dagua, Colombia, by W. H. Rosenberg. Humming Bird, 5, 1895. 5-7. Boucard, .idolphe. & Berlepscta, Hans [Hermann Carl Ludwig] {Graf) von. List of birds collected by M. Hardy, at Porto Real, Brazil, with description of one supposed new species. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 41-45. Boucek, Zdenik. Poznamky k mikroskopick^ anatomii delfina (Delphinus delphis). [Quelques remarques k I'anatomie microscopique de Delphinus delphis.] Prag, besU Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. {Tnda 2), 7, 1898, No. 26, 8 pp.; Prag, Fr. Jos. Ac. Sci. Bull. (Med.), 5, 1898, 27-30. Boucbacourt, L. Rapport sur I'endodiascopie, sa technique et ses resultats. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1899 (Ft. 1), 441- 4.50. Bouchal, Leo. Geophagie. Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 29, 1899, [11]; 30, 1900, 180-181. Boucliard, Ch^arles]. For biographical notice and works see Pans, Ac. M(;d. Bull., 41, 1899, 265-266. *Sur la presence d'alcaloides dans les urines au cours de certaines maladies infectieuses. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 34, 1882 (C. /?.), 604-607. Recherches exp^rimentales sur la toxicite des urines normales. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 36, 1884 (C. It.), 665-671. Sur la m^thode des injections intraveineuses et sur I'application de cette m^thode k I'^tude de quelques effets de I'eau, de I'alcool, de la glycerine, de la creosote, de la resorcine et de I'antipyrine. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 86, 1884 [C. B.), 729-733. Observations cliniques et recherches exp^rimeutales sur le cholera. Ass. Franc?. C. R., 1886 (Pi. 2), 555-561. Sur lescerveaux de trois supplicies. [1885.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^m., 2, 1886, xxxiii (6/s)-xxxv {bis). Scrofulo-tuberculose des os. Bordeaux Soc. M^d. M(5m., 1886, 600-620. Sur Ifs poisons qui existent normalement dans I'organiame et on particulier sur la toxicity urinaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 669-671. Sur les variations de la toxicit(S urinaire pendant la veille et pendant le sommeil. Paris, Ao. Sci. 0. R., 102, 1886, 727-729. Influence de I'abstinence, du travail muscnlaire et de I'air comprim^ sur les variations de la toxicity urinaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1127-1129. Un nouveau proci'de do conservation des cadavres. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M<5m., 3, 1887, xxii-xxiii. Sur le naphtol comme medicament antiseptique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 702-707. Sur I'elimination par les urines, dans les maladies infectieuses, de matieres solubles, morbifiques et vacci- nantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1582-1583; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. li.), 513-515. Action des injections intraveineuses d'urine sur la calorification. Arch, de Physiol., 1, "1889, 286-332. Sur Telimination de certains poisons morbides par les reins. [1889.] Arch, de Physiol, 1, 1889, 637-641; Centrbl. Physiol., 3, 1890, 307. Influence qu'exerce sur la maladie charbonneuse I'inoculation du Bacille pyocyanique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 713-714. Role et mecanisme de la lesion locale dans les maladies infectieuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 689-694. Theorie de I'infection. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 1), 49-66. Sur la contagiosity de la grippe. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 23, 1890, 114-119. Sur la nutrition dans I'hysterie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 836-837. Note...accompagnant la presentation d'un ouvrage... sur les "Actions des produits secr^t^s par les microbes pathog^nes." Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1112. Theorie de la maladie infeotieuse, de la guerisou, de la vaccination et de riramuuite naturelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 467-469. Des organismes du rhumatisme chronique ou tendant a la chronicite. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 283. Rapport general a M. le Ministre de I'lnterieur sur les dpidemies qui ont s^vi en France pendant Tann^e 1889. Paris, Ac. Med. M^m., 36, 1891, 64 pp. Essai de vaccination par des doses minimes de matifere vacoinante. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 690-694. • Actions vasomotrices des produits bact^riens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 524-529. Sur les couditions pathogeniques des albuminuries qui ne sont pas d'origine r^nale. Paris, Ac. M^d. Bull., 28, 1892. 447-452. Oiiservations relatives a la fi^vre. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1893 {Pt. 1), 306-307. Observations sur I'albuminurie chor^ique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 45, 1893 {C. R.), 499-500. Du role de la debility nerveuse dans la production de la fi^vre. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 1), 197- 207. Sur la presence de I'argon et de I'heiium dans certaines caux minerales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 392-394. Les theories de I'immunite. Seroth^rapie et vaccina- tion. Rev. Sci., 4, 1895, 225-230. La pleur^sie de rhorame etudi^e A I'aide des rayons de RosToEN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 967-968. Sur la composition des gaz qui se d^gageut des eaux minerales de Bagnoles de I'Orne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 969-970. Les rayons de Rontgen appliques au diagnostic de la tuberculose pulmonaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 123, 1896, 1042-1043. Nouvelle note sur rapplioation de la radioscopie au diagnostic des maladies du thorax. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1234-1235. Determination de la surface, de la corpulence et de la composition chimique du corps de I'homme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 844-851. Quatriomo note sur les applications de la radioscopie au diagnostic des maladies du thorax. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1068-1070. Repartition comparative dans les divers emonotoires de I'azote et du carbone de I'albumine dlaboree. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C\ R.), 940-942. Bouchard] 713 [Bonchardat L'amplifttion He roreillettc (Iroite dii cceur pendant I'inspiration, dc'montiVe par la radioscopie. Pari», Ac. Sei. C. U.. 126. 1898. 310-311; Parig, Soc. Biol. M(!in., 50.1898 (C. R.), •).')-9(;. QiielquuB points de la physinloj^c normale et patho- loRiquo du Cfciir tiv6\ds pur I'DXiinien radioHcopique. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 2;).';-297. AuRmentation dn poida du corps et transformation de la graisse en glycogine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 4C4-469. Observations k propos dc la communication dc M. Berooni£, relative A, la niesurc dc la surface du corps. Paris, Soc. Biol. XKm., 50, 1898 (C. /(.), 633- 634. Carbone urinaircct coefBcientsnrinaires. Jl. Physiol. Path. G^n., 1, 1899, 72-81. Molecule urinaire elabor^e moyenne. Poids. Norabre. Toxicit(!. .71. Physiol. Path. G<5n., 1, 1899, 537-5(;7. Essai de oryoscopic des urines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, (',4-67. A propos il'une reclamation de M. J. Winter relative i. la crvoscopie des urines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 488-490. Immunity et sp<5cificite. Reflexions i propos de la note de MM. Cimhrin, Gcillemo.v.\t et Levaditi. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899. 308-311. D(5termination du poids moleculaire moyen des sub- stances uriiiaires. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 1-3. Variations du poids du corps apr^s les repas, leurs relations avec les modes successifs d'eliiboration des divers aliments. Paris, Soc. Biol. {Vol. .ruliil.), 1899, 714-721. Bouchard, Ch[arli\'i], & Cbarrin, Albert. La cataraete produite par la naphtaline. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. /;.), 61 l-filo. Degenerescence amvloide expirimentale. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 688-690. El(5vations therniiques sous I'infliience des injections des produits solubles microbiens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 122.^-1230. Causes de I'innocuitd de certains parasites. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 2, Pntol.), 262-267. Bouchard, C/i[(ir/f.<], & DesKrez, .4. Sur la composition des P&7. qui se degagent des eaux minerales de Bagnoles de rOrne. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 31-33. Sur la transformation de la graisse en glycogine dans I'organisme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 816-822; .Tl. Pliysiol. Path. Gc'n., 2, 1900. 237-242. Bouchard, Ch[(trl,:t]. A OulUemlnot, //. De I'angle d'in. clinaison des cutrs t'tuiiic ii I'aide de la radioscopie et de la radiographii' il I'ctat sain et A I'etat morbide, en particulier dans 1:1 pUuresie .sans epanchement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 128, 1899. 1429-1431. Boucbard, IK A propos de la stdr^oscopie des rayons X. Rev. .Sci., 11, 1899, 183. Bouchard, K. De I'emploi de la charge permanente sur les lignes ilesservies au moyen d'appareils Morse. Ann. T61^gr., 14, 1887, 166-179. Note sur la tel^graphie optique. Ann. Til^gr., 14, 1887, 342-.345. Tableaux multiples diviseurs pour bureaux centraux ttiltphoniques. Ann. Tel^gr., 17, 1890, 193-203. Bouchau^at, Alpollinairf]. For biography and works fee Amer. Jl. Pharm., 58, 1886, 368; Anvers,' Jl. de Pharm., 42, 1886, 199; LeopoMinn, 22, 1886, 113; Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 508; Termt. Kozliin., 19, 1887, 501-502; France Soc. .\gr. M^m., 132, 1888. 2.i9-306. 'Nouveau memoire sur la maladie de la vigne, causae par le parasitisme dc I'Oidiam Tackeri. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 33, 1861, 14.5-149. L'attt^nuation des virus par la m^thode Jenn^rienne. Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 802-806. B. S. A. C. Bouchardat, 0[mlave]. Sar le wlycol : solidification, pri?- )mniti..n. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. B., 100, 1888, 4.52-453; Jl. Pharm., 11, 1888. 417-118. Sur le glvcol monochlorhvdrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 100, 188B. 453-454; Jl. Pharm.. 11, 1888. 418-419. [Action di's acides sur IVssence de tafont, J[ean Mirie Jwtin\. Sur I'essence de citron. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 188B. 383-385. Action de I'acidc aci'-tique sur I'essence de t^r^benthine frani^aise et sur divers carburcs isomeriques. Synthase de born^ols et de terpikmols. Ann. Chim.. 9, 1886. .507- 534. Sur la transformation de I'essence de t^rebenthine en nn terpilfene actif. Pari>^, .4c. Sci. C. R . 102. 1886, 50- •52 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4.i, 1886. 167-171. Sur une nonvelle svnthi^sed'un borned inactif. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K.. 102, 1886, 171-173; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 164-166. Sur Taction de I'ncidc ac^tiqne snr I'essence de ter2; Jl. Pharm., 15. 1887. 45.5-4.58. Action de I'acide sulfuriqne snr I'essence de t^r#- benthine. [1887.1 Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1177- 1179; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888. '2-3. Transformation du terpil^ne en un menth^ne. [1888.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888. 916-918; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 8-10; Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 145- 147. [Action de IH sur la terpine.] [1888.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1. 1889, 2. Action de la chaleur et de I'acide ac^tiqne sur I'essence de t^r^benthine franc^aise. Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 236- 251. Action de I'acide benzoique sur I'essence de t^r^- benthinc. [1891] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 551- 553 ; Jl. Pharm., 25. 1892. 5-8. Action de I'acide sulfuriquc snr le citrine. [1892.] Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 1U83-1085; Jl. Pharm., 27. 1893. 49-51. Sur les born^ols de svnthise. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B.. 118. 1894, 248-'2.50: Paris S.c. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 269-272; Jl. Pharm., '29, 1894, •22.V2-26. Action de I'acide siilfnriqiie sur le campb^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 119. 1894. 85-87; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 902-904; Jl. Pharm.. 30. 1894. .3,85-388. Action de I'acide sulfuriqne sur le terebf-nthine gauche. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R^ 125, 1897, 111-114; Jl. Pharm., 6, 1897, 193-196. Sur les isoborn^ols de eyntb^; lenr identity avec les alcools fenoHiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 75-5- 757. 90 Bouchardat] 714 [Boucherot Bouchardat, G[xistave'], & Oliviero, . Action de I'licifle ac^tique et de I'acide formique sur le Wr^- benth^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 257-259; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 364-368. Sur I'essence d'Eucalyptus. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 429-432. Boucbardat, G[ustave], & Tardy, K. Sur les alcools d(4riv^s d'un terebenth^ue droit, I'eucalyptfeue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 1417-1420 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 765-769. Sur I'essence d'anis de Eussie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 198-201, 624-626; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 612-617; Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 400-402. Boucbardat, G[ustave], & Volry, K[ay)tiond Paul Kugriie]. Sur le terpinol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 996- 998; 106, 1888, 1359-1361; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 562- 569; Jl. Pharm., 18, 1888, 5-7 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 871-874. Sur le terpinol, reproduction artificielle de I'eucalyptol ou terpane. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 663-66.5. [Sur le terpinol de List.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 657-658, 898. Sur les terpinols et le terpane. Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 251-262. .See n/so Voiry & Boucbardat. Boucbaud, . Fracture de la colonne, paraplegic et hallucinations dn sens musculaire dans les membres priv^a de sensibilit(5. Arch. Gen. Meii, 163, 1889, 213- 226. Boucbemann, . *[Notes met^orologiques. ] Setif (prov. de Constantine). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1875, Pt. 2, 230, 257-258, 322; 9, 1876, Pt. 2, 22-23, .50. Boucber, , & JMignia, Pierre. Affection de peau de formes varices et d'origine parasitaire communiqu^e a pUisieurs iudividus par un veau malade (nouvelle tricho- phytie, distincte de la trichophytie de Bazin). Paris, Soc. Biol. Uim., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 476-481. Boucber, G[elheti] G. Estimation of sulphur in cast-iron or steel. Chem. News, 74, 1896, 76. Volumetric estimation of sulphur in iron, steel, and sulphides of iron. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 121. A possible element, or possible new elements, in cast- iron and blast-furnace boiler-dust. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 99-100. Boucher, H[enri'\. Essai de classification des races gallines. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 40, 1893, 89-100. Boucber, (Rev.) Jonathan. On American family peculiari- ties in the 18th century. [Posth.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 16, 1887, 98-99. Boucbereau, A\u(iui;ti\ Bravij], Note sur I'anthropologie de Madagascar, des lies Comores et de la cote orientale d'Afrique^ Anthrop. (Paris), 8, 1897, 149-164. Recherches sur I'ethnographie du plateau central de la France. Anthrop. (Paris). 11, 1900, 691-706. Boucbereau, A[uguste Brtir;/], & Noir, ■TnHen. Intoxica- tion par viandeK de conserve alterees (accidents survenus au 92' regiment d'infanterie). Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 13, 1889, 97-101. Boucberie, Michel. M^moire sur une nouvelle espece d'llelix. [1886.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 23, 1887, 79-83. Boucberon, A[riel Hippnltjte]. De la pseudo-m^ningite des jeunes sourds-muets, et de la surdimutit^ par otopi^sis (TTifffis, compression, oi5s, liris, oreille) ou par compression de I'oreille interne. [With discussiun.] Congr. Int. Sci. M^d. C. R., 1884 (7". 4, Otnl.), 23-43. De la pBeiulo-mi''ningite des jeunes sourds-muets (otopit'isiB pseudo-niiiningitique). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1400-1403. De I'acide urique dans la salive et dans le mucus nasal, pharyngS, bronnhique, ut^ro-vaginal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1308-1311. Epilepsie d'origine auriculaire. Contribution Ji I'etude de I'otopiesis (compression auriculaire). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 92-94. Du riSgime pen azote dans le diabfete. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 101, 1885, 1300. Du chalazion niicrobien experimental. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 {C. R.), 336-342. Folie m^laneolique et autres troubles mentaux d^- pressifs dans les affections otopifeiques (oijs, uitSs; Trfems, compression) de I'oreille. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 759-762. Epilepsie d'origine auriculaire, dans les affections otopi^siques a r^p^tition. Deuxi^me note. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 944-947. Surdite pour les harmoniques de la parole, dans I'otopiesis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 950-952. Operation de la surdity otopi^sique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1253-12.56. La surdity paradoxale et son operation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 120-123. Des Epitheliums stereteurs des humeurs de Tceil. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 966-967. Sur I'oedeme ex vacuo de la muqueuse tympanique chez le fcetus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1135- 1138. [Sur I'existence des nerfs ciliaires anterieurs et super- ficiels.] Ann. d'Oeulist., 103, 1890, 269-270. Nerfs de I'hemisphEre ant^rieur de I'ceil : nerfs ciliaires superficiels, nerfs ciliaires externes, nerfs tendiuo-sclero- ticaux, nerfs corneens et eonjonctivaux, nerfs de I'espace pectin^. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890, 71-78. Plexus nerveux Episcleral chez I'homme. Ann. d'Ocu- hst., 105, 1891, 237. Nerfs ciliaires superficiels chez I'homme. Paris, Soe. Biol. M(4m., 43, 1891, 59-64. Serotherapie antistreptococcique dans la dacryocystite purulente rebelle, a streptocoques, et dans les autres streptococcies oculaires. Ann. d'Oeulist., 116, 1896, 379- 380; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 932-933. Serum antistreptococcique preventivement a I'opera- tion de la cataracte, chez les diab<5tiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 432-434. Excretion de I'acide urique par la salive chez les uricemiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 454-456. Traitement des suppurations des voies lacrymales par le serum antistreptococcique de Marmokkk. [With dis- cnssion.] Ann. d'Oeulist., 118, 1897, 110-112. Serotherapie dans le phlegmon du sac lacrymal. Ann. d'Oeulist., 118, 1897, 421-426. Serotherapie dans certains rhumatismes a streptocoques et dans certaines iritis rhumatismales. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 347-349. Serotherapie antistreptococcique dans certains rhu- matismes k streptocoques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 {C. R.), 917-919. Contribution k la strepto-syphilis, dans I'iritis syphili- tique. Ann. d'Oeulist., 122, 1899, 359-361. Serotherapie dans les rhumatismes a streptocoques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 270-272. Boucberon, A[riel Hippolyte], & Boucberon, F[ulgence]. serotherapie antistreptococcique dans I'asthme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 479-480. Boucberon, A[riel Hippolyte], & Duclaux, [Pierre'] E[mile]. See Duclaux iV' Boucberon. Boucberon, F[nl!ie)ice], A Boucberon, A[riel Hippolyte]. See above. Boucberot, Paul. Lii theorie des alternateurs accoupies. Lum. Elect., 45, 1892, 201-210, 260-267, 501. Le couplage des alternateurs en tension. Lum. Elect., 45, 1892, 501-508. Sur le role du moment d'inertie dans la synchronisa- tion des alternateurs. Lum. Elect., 46, 1892, 51'2-516. Boucherot] 715 [Boudier Sur les condensftteiirs aRissaiit par tranHformaleiir-< d'induction etdirecteinent. Lum. liluct., 47, 1893, 151- 158. La deformation des Rinasnldcs dans les machines. Lum. Elect., 47. 1893, r,rA-r>C,l. L'inHuence dii ,fort sur les especes dc champignons trouvees pendant I'a.iseniblee 4 Geneve et les excursions faites en Valais, par les Soci^tes de Botanique de France et de Suisse, du 5 aa 15 aout 1894. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 41, 1894, ccxxxvii-ccxlix, ccclvi. Bondier, I'[miU], A Maltn-ancbe, .i[lesatidre Franroij]. ^i'. BKalbranclie A' Bondier. Bondier, /.[»ii/< ]. A FatoniUard, .N'[ar(:isepli], & Bourquelot. Emile. See Bour- quelot & Bougault. Boughner, Lennj J. Notes on the flora of Long Point island. Lake Erie, i)rovinee of Ontario, Canada. Ottawa Natlist., 12, 1898, 105. Bougless, (Rev.) Joint D. Cremation as a safeguard against epidemics. N. Y. Med. Jl., 40, 1884, 531. Bougon, . La Martinique et les erreurs des geographes. Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 255. — — - Le suicide des scorpions. Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 30. Les fausses truffes des environs de Paris. Eev. Sci., 35, 1885, 596-599. [La divisibilite des nombres.] Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 508. L'heredite des grossesses gfemellaires. Eev. Sci., 43, 1889, 699. Transmission hereditaire de I'immunite vaccinale. Eev. Sci., 44, 1889, 412. Des diff^rents modes d'extraction de la racine carr^e. Eev. Sci., 46, 1890, 283-284. De I'emploi du vent comme force motrice. Eev. Sci., 50, 1892, 604-605. Eeptation des serpents centre une surface verticale lisse. Naturaliste, 15, 1893, 188. ■ Les .serpents grimpeurs. Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 764. Eiiet de la cocaine sur la vue. Rev. Soi., 8, 1897, 765. Bougrier, , & Dangeard, P[ierre] A[ii;;ustin Climeiit]. St',' Dangeard iV Bougrier. Bouby, ]'ietor. For biographical notice nee Brux. Soc. Beige G(5ol. Bull., 188S (Proe.-\'erlj.), 7-8. Bouic, . Lettro sur la tompete du 13 fi5vi'ier 1900. |l!)Oll.] Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899, 23.>-237. Boullbac, Raoiil. Influence de I'acide arseuique sur la Bouilhacl 717 [Boulanger v<5K^tation des Algnes. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 119, 1894, 9a'J-'J31. Sur la nuBO en culture (leg terrc» dc brujiTPS dc la DordoKnc. Purls, Ac. Hci. C. H., 121, 1898, (JC'J-(J64 ; Ann. ARron., -Jl, 189B, u09-.')lt;. Sur 111 llxutiuii cl(i I'uzoto atniORp)ilu sac embryonnaire des Liliac^es. Bibliogr. Anat., 6, 1898, 1-10.' Sur la presence de formations ergastoplasmiques dans I'oocyte dWsterina gibbosa (Forb.). Bibliogr. Anat., 6, 1898. 53-62. Sif aho below. Bonln, Pol. Bur les connexions des dcndritt-s des ctllule* giiiii-'liDnnaircs dans la ritine. [1894.) Bibliogr. Anat., 2,1896,110-117. Contribution k lY-tude du ganglion moyen dc la r lat>oratoire de paieonto- logie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Sat. Bull., 1, 1898, 172. Note sur les fossiles rapportes de Madagascar par 3/. E. Gactier. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 181-187. [Observations sur I'association des silex dite Mous- tcrienne, avcc la faune dite Chelltenne a Villefranche.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1898, clxxix-clxxx. [Observations sur I'age de la tcrrasse Quaternaire de Villefranche.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, cxcii- exciii. La topographic glaciaire tn Anvergne. Ann. Oeogr., 5. 1896. 277-296. Le Cadurcotherium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 11.50-1152. Note preliminaire sur les debris de Dinosauriens cnvoves au Musi'nm ))ar .V. Bastard. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 347-351. [Sur les racines granitiques et sur la differenciation des magmas eruptifs.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 138-139. Note sur le Cadurcotherium. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 286-287. Sur I'origine geologique des lacs de I'Auvergne et du Velay. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 759-760. Sur le gisement de Mammiferes Quaternaires de Hem- Monacu (Sommc). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 879-S81. [Bassin dn Rhone.] Feuille de Privas. [1896-97.) France Sen-. Carte Geol. Bull., 8, 1897. 109 (6u)- 110 (6i>); 9, 1897, 366-367. Le Cantal Mi.>cene. [1896.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull.. 8, 1897. 2I.S {l,i,)-OiH {hi>). [Plateau Central.] Feuille de Figeac. France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 9, 1897, 331-332; 10, 1899, 497-498; 11, 1900, 124-130. Excursions du Conpres Geologiqoe International en Finlande et sur la Volga. Pari*, Soc. Geol. Bull., 2.5, 1897. 856-860. Sur des fossiles nouveaux de Madagascar. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 128. 1899, 624-626. Note sur de nouveaux fossiles Secondaires de Mada- gascar. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Boll., 5, 1899. 1.30-134. Snr la geologic des terrains sedimentaires de Mada- gascar. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899. 124-125. [Sur la geolorie de Madagascar.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull, 27. 1899, 379, 395, 398. Observ-ations sur quelques Equides fossiles. Paris, Soc.. Geol. Bull., 27. 1899. 531-542. Etude paieontologiqne et arcbeologiqae sur la station paleolithique du lac RarAr (Algeria). Anthrop. (Paris), 11. 1900. 1-21. La geologic et la paieontologie de Madagascar, dans retat actuel de nos connaissances. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R.. 1900. C73-6.88. Compte rendu de Texcursion dans le mAssif central. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1900. 981-985. 720 Boule] Gdologie des environs d'Aurillacet observations nouvelles sur le Cantal. France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., Boief "/a-rlffi-f & CUauvet, Gustave Sur I'existence d'une faune d'animaux arctiques dans la Charente a l'<5poque Quateruaire. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. II., 1-a, isaa, 1 1fl8— 1190 l,ov0.e~mrcellin, & Glangeaud, Phil[ippe]. Sur un nou- veau reptile fossile du Permien d'Autun. Ass. Fran,,-. C R 1893 iPt 1) 218. : Le'Callibrach'ion'nouveau reptile du Permien d'Autun. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 117, 1893, 646-648. noxae'MarcelUn, & Vemiire, .1. L'abn sous roche du Xnd, prfe Saint-Arcons-d'Allier (Haute-Lo.re). Antiirop. (Paris) 10. 1899, 385-396. Boulenger, G[corae] Allbert]. Descriptions of new species ofr^ptiles and battachians in *« British Museum. Part[s II and in]. _Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 396- OQQ . i}(\ 1 Qft7 oO~"03 Synopsis of the families of existing Lacertilia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 117-122 __ Notes on batrachians. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, _^*0n the existence of two species of aquatic frogs in north Germany. Zoologist, 8, 1884, 220-222. On the origin of the edible frog in England. Zoologist, 8 1R84 ''6.5-269 __ [On a'large lizard found in the island of Rodriguez.] Zool Soc. Ptoc, 1884, 1-2. — Diagnoses of new reptiles and b^'f f J'^^f. 'Xt sh Solomon Islands, collected and presented ^ t^« But sh Museum by H. B. Gdppy, Esq., M.B., H.M.S. La, I. Zool Soc. Proc, 1884, 210-213. . — Description of a new variety of Lacerta vmd.s, from south Portugal. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 418-421 Notes on the edible frog in England. Zool. Soc. — TLists?oV^S?s'and batrachians from the province Eii Grailde do'sul, Brazil, sent to the Natural His ory Museum by Dr. H. von Ihering. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15 1885 191-106; 16,1885,8.5-88. _:'Heina:rks on the variations of Elapomorphiis lemms- catus Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1885, 321-322. — Remarks on the geographical ^'^-'"bution of the Lacertilia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist lb, 1886. ";85. Remarks on a paper by Prot. E. D. Cope on the reptiles of the province Rio G™"de do Sul, Biazil. Ann Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 291-298. — A list of reptiles and batrachians from the island of Nias Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 388-389. _ Descriptions of three new species of geckos. Ann. MaK Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 473-475. -—Description d'une espece nouvelle d'Agame. Genova Mus Civ. Ann., 22, 1885, 127-128. — Remarks on' the common viper, ^X'^'^^^'^" its subspecies V. Seoanei. Zoologist, 9 1885, ■573-3/.J. — Description of a new species of frog from Asia Minor. _!?1^^«- i-^-L.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1885, _!!"a description of the German river-frog (Rana escu- lenta, var. ridibunda, Palla,). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1885, -^^DelcHption of a new frog of the genus Megalophrys. Zool Soc. Proc, 1885, 850. — [On the oviposition in the tailless batrachians.] Ann. Mac Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 463-464. — Description of a new gecko of the genus Nephrurus. Ann Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1886, 91. — A synopsis of the reptiles and batrachians of the province Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. — VorlV"riebendtf Exemplare der fiinf deutschen [Boulenger Eana-Formen nebst Bemerkungen iiber deren Haupt- ^ntersIheXngsmerkmaleundgeographischeVerbreitung. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber. 1886, 67-68. Note sur la position de I'onhce anal chez les tetards des Batraciens d'Europe. France Soc. Zool. Ball., n, -^S:iriaX^=nd^^i:nf^a^ ^^riuf ^s 'grenSs^^Sl-d'Asie. France Soc _^tS^' ""^"'Sof the genus Megalophrys. — Description of a new iguanoid lizard living in the SnmPtv's Gardens. Zool. Soc Proc, 1886, ill. . — Re^^rks on specimens of Rana arvalis exhibited in the Society's menagerie. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 242 — ^First [to fourth reports] on additions to the batrachian coUectioii in the Natural History Mu-u'- Z"°l- S^; Proc, 1886, 411-416; 1890, 323-328, 1894, bW 040, -^'on^tw^'European species of Bombinator. Zool. Soc. _Z:-°OnX''Sou;f African tortoises alHed to Testudo geometrica. Zool. Soc Proc, 1886, 540-542. — Remarks on Prof. W. K. Pabkeb's paper on the skull of the chameleons. Zool. Soc Proc, 1886 o43. Description of a new tailed batrachian fiom Corea. _A""onte^w ^sts^i^o'm l^eeer'congo. Ann. Mag. Nat. _^tsiy^'^t^; TT'H^^f ;^'^s^ ^Z^:^ f^w ^^^^^-i^^'^- K. J!!^^i:lpt^s^"f • ^"Lth American characinoid fishes Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 172-174. — On new batrachians from Malacca. Ann. Mag. Nat. _^t ^eSi^dlsh^s from the Arides of Columbia. ^""Re!^:?ks":n D^A: lU^'n-fcluSue of the geckos -- « e Wo°J!cal Museum of the Imperial Aeade,.y of St. Petersburg. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 383 _!!'Notes on the osteology of the genus Platysternum. ^^n^S:ti^tnd^Sif^s|^ North Borneo. ^1iS^-f"^^o; "^^^n South Amen.an "l^ogsot the genera Paludicola and Hyla. Ann. Mag. _^^'Li^S 0? rep^"; anSachians from C^^^^^^ Ma^ Nat. Hist , 20, 1887, 344-345; 2, 1888 o03-506. Ji'on the affinity of the North Amencan '^^ard /a-- Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 345-346; 1, 1888, 107- — ^6n a rare Himalayan toad, Coph°Pbr.>^e_sikkimenBis, Bbith Ann Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 405-407. A list of the reptiles and batrachians obtained near -^utcil Arabia, aifd presented to the Bnt.sh Museiim by Surgeon-Major A. S. G. Jayakab. Ann. Mag. Nat. TlUt '^0 1887. 407-408. . — De'scriptfon of a new snake from Afghanistan. Ann. ^1 S^^tf JS; "Zi^^i^^ AfHea. Zoologist. ^L^f i/Iu'e^reptiles collected by Mr. H. H. Johnston Boulengerl 721 [Boulenger on the Cameroonfl Mountain. Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1887, 127. On a collection of reptiloH and batrachians made by Mr. H. PitvF.u in the Loo Choo Ifllands. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 14r>-150. — - On a new pcekoid li/.ard from British Guiana. Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1887, 1.53-151. An account of the fishes collected b_v Mr. C. Bdcki.ky in eastern Ecuador. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 274-2S3. Second [ — fourth] contribution to t)ie herpctoloKy of the Solomon Islands. [I"or the first contribution »ec below Zool. Soc. Trans.. 12, 1890, .IS-IVi.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, .333-33H; 1888, H8-90; 1890, 30-31. On a new (,'ccko, of the Kcnus Chondrodactylus, from the Kalahari desert. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887. 339-310. On a now snake of the ^enus Lamprophis, now living in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soo. Proc, 1887, 3!(7- 398. Reptiles. [Report on a zoological collection made by the officers of H.M.S. Flying-Fish, at Christmas Island, Indian Ocean.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, ■516-')17. On the systematic position of tlic nenus Miolania, Oircn (Ceratochelys, Iluxlfij). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, .'554-5.55. Notes on Emys Rlandingii. Zool. Soo. Proc, 1887, 555-556. [Xenopus lavis.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 563-564. A list of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Mr. H. H. Johnston on the Rio del Bey, Cameroons di.strict, W. Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, .564-5ti5. . — On a new species of Hyla from Port Hamilton, Corea, based on an example living in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 578-579. Description of a new genus of lizards of the family Teiidio. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 610-642. [First to third accounts) of the fishes obtained by Surgeon-Major A. S. G. .Tat.vkab at Muscat, east coast of Arabia. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 653-667; 1889, 2.36- 246; 1892, 134-136. Les espi^ces du genre Ophioniore. [1888.] France Soc. Zool. BuU., 12, 1887, .519-534. [The zoology of the .Afghan Delimitation Commission.] Reptiles and batrachians. [1887.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Zool.). 5, 1888-94. 94-106. Description of two new chamaeleons from Nossi Be, Madagascar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 1, 1888, 22-23. On a rare American newt. Molge meridioualis, Copt. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 24. Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians from Madagascar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 1, 1888, 101-107; 4, 1889, 244-248. Descriptions of new Brazilian batrachians. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 187-189. Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians obtained by Mr. H. 0. Fobbks in New Guiuea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 343-346. On the characters of the chelonian families Pelo- medusidiB and Chelydidip. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 346-347. A list of batrachians from the province Santa Catharina, Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 415- 417. On some reptiles and batrachians from Iguarasse, Pemambvico. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, 40-43. Description of two new snakes from Hongkong, and note on the dentition of Hydrophis viperina. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888. 43-45.' On new or little known South African reptiles. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 2, 1888. 136-141. Descriptions of two new .\ustralian frogs. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, 142-143. Descriptions of two new Imlian S)iecies of Bana. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, 506-508. B. s. A. C. Description of a new snake from Muscat, Arabia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, .508-500. Note snr Ic Pilobatc brnn, A propos de la r<5cente communication de .V. H^.noN-RoYEii sur Ic Pelobates latifrons. France Soc. Zool. Bull , 13, 1888, 115-116. Encore un mot sur les pretcndus caractires difli'rcn- tiels du Polobatc d'ltalie. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 163. Sur la synonymie et la distribution g(!-ographique des deux sonneurs enropt^eos. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 17;*-176. An account of the batrachians obtained in Burma by M. L. Fe.i, of the Genoa Civic Museum. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 25, 1887-88, 418-J24. An account of the reptiles and batrachians obtained in Tenasserim by M. L. Fea, of the Genoa Civic Museum. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 25, 1887-88, 474- 486. On the ehelydoid chelonians of New Guinea. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann. , 20, 1888, 449-1.52. An account of the Reptilia obtained in Burma, north of Tenasserim, by ^f. L. Fk*, of the Genoa Civic Museum. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 26, 1888, .59.3-fi04. Note on the classification of the Ranidie. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 204-206. Description of a new land tortoise from South Africa, from a specimen living in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 251. On the scaling of the reproduced tail in lizards. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888. .351-3.53. On the reptiles of Christmas Island. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888. 534-536. Remarks in reply to Dr. Back's article on the syste- matic position of Miolania. .\nn. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, 138-141. On the reptiles and batrachians obtained in Morocco bv -V. Henry VAUcnEB. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, 303-307. Description of a new batrachian of the genn« Eapem- phix from Trinidad. Ann. Ma«. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, .307-308. Descriptions of a new snake and two new fishes obtained by Dr. H. von laEBtNo in Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,'4, 1889, 26.5-267. Descriptions of new TN-phlopida; in the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4. 1889. .360-.3«3. On a collection of batrachians made by Prof. Charles Spegazzini at Colonia Resistencia, South Chaco, Argentine Republic Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 27, 1889. 246-249. Description of a new batrachian of the genus Lepto- brachium, obtained by M. L. Fea in the Karens Moun- tains, Burma. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 27, 1889. 748- 7.50. On the species of Rhacophorus confounded under the name of R. maculatus. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1889. 27-32. On some specimens of lizards in the Zoological Museum of Halle (Saale). ZooL Soc. Proc., 1889, 143- 145. Note on Python curtns. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1889. 433- 433. On the reptiles and batrachians of the Solomon Islands. [1884.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 12. 1890. 3.>-«2. [Notes on the zoology of Fernando Noronha.] Reptilia. [1888.] Linn. Soc. Jl. {Zos in Somaliland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 16, 1895. 16.5-169. Descriptions of four new batrachians discovered by Mr. Charles Hose in Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1896, 169-171. Descriptions of two new snakes from Usambara, German East Africa. .\nn. Mag. Kat. Hist., IG, 1895. 171-173. Bemarks on the value of certain cranial characters employed by Prof. Cope for distinguishing lizards from snakes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16. 1895. :i66-367. Descriptions of two new reptiles obtained by Mr. A. S. Meek in the Trobriand Islands, British New Guinea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895. 40H-Jii9. Description of a new characinoid fish of the genus Parodon. .\nn. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 16, 1895. 480. Descriptions of two new snakes of the genus Gala- maria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., If.. 1895. 481. An addition to the ophidian fauna of India (Tarbophis rhinopoma, IHanf.). [1895.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. .11.. 9, 1894-95. 3i5. [Esploi-azione del Giuba e dci suoi afiluenti compiuta dal Cap. V. Bottei.o durante gli anni l8<.r2-93. sotto gli auspicii delta Societa (ieographica Ilaliana. liisullati zoologici.] II. Rettili c batraci. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 35, 1896. 7-18. Note sur des Vi|>em berus captures en Nurmandie. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull.. 1896. 149-151. Viaggio del dottor .Alfredo B<^bei.li nella Repabblica .\rgentina e nel Paraguay. Poissons. Torino Mns. Boll., 10, 1896. .v.). 196. 3 pp.' On the variations of the viper (Vipera berus} in Denmark. Zoologist. 19, 1896, 60-62. 91—2 Boulenger] On the nursing habits of two South American frogs. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 209-210. Eemarks on some cranial characters of the salmouoids. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 299-302. A synopsis of the genera and species of apodal batra- chians, with description of a new genus and species . (Bdellophis vittatus). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 401-414. On a collection of fishes from the Rio Paraguay. [1895.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 523-529; 14, 1898, 25-39. An account of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Dr. A. Donaldson Smith in western Somaliland and the Galla Country. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 530-540. On the type specimen of Boulengerina Stormsi, an elapoid snake from Central Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 865-866. Descriptions of a new snake and a new frog from north Australia. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 867. Note on an adder (Vipera berus) taken in Epping Forest. [1895. J Essex Natlist., 9, 1896, 81. Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians from Colombia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 16-21. Descriptions of two new lizards from the Transvaal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 21-22. Descriptions of new fishes from the upper Congo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 309-311; 20, 1897, 422- 427. Description of a new chameleon from Uganda. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 376. Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians collected in Celebes by Drs. P. and F. Sar.^sin. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 393-395. Descriptions of new batrachians in the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 401-406. Descriptions of new lizards from Madagascar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 444-449. ■ Descriptions of two new batrachians obtained by Mr. A. Everett on Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 449-450. Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians obtained by Mr. Alfred Everett in Celebes and Jampea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 62-64. Description of a new genus of elapine snakes from Woodlark Island, British New Guinea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 152. On freshwater fishes from Smyrna. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 153-154. Description of a new siluroid fish from the Organ Mountains, Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 154. . Descriptions of four new lizards from Roebuck Bay, N. W. Australia, obtained by Dr. Dahi, for the Christiania Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 232-235. Descriptions of new batrachians collected by Mr. C. F. Underwood in Costa Rica. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 340-342. On a little known Australian fish (Threpterius macu- losus, Richardson), with remarks on the family Cirrhi- tidse. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 397-399. On a case of simous malformation in a snake. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 399. A new genus of aglossal batrachians. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 420. Descriptions of two new frogs obtained in Madagascar by Dr. Forsyth Ma,jou. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , 18, 1896, 420-421. Descriptions of two new frogs from Lake Tanganyika, presented to the British Museum by Mr. W. H. Nutt. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 467-468. Description of a new earth-amike from Travancore (llhinophis Fernusonianus). [1896.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 10, 1895-97, 236. A list of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Dr. 724 [Boulenger Ragazzi in Shoa and Eritrea. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 36, 1896, 54-5-5.54. Ueber einige Eeptilien von der Insel Mona (West- indien). [1896.] Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1894-96, 112-114. Liste des poissons recueillis par le E. P. Louis Jalla a Kazungula, liaut Zambese. Torino Mus. Boll., 11, 1896, No. 260, 2 pp. Sur le Bombinator pachypus, Bonaparte, et sa vari^t^ brevipes, Blasius. Torino Mus. BoU., 11, 1896, No. 261, 2 pp. Second report on the reptiles and batrachians col- lected by Dr. A. Donaldson Smith during his expedition to Lake Rudolf. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 212-217. On some little known batrachians from the Caucasus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 548-555. Remarks on the dentition of snakes and on the evolution of the poison- fangs. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 614-616. On the occurrence of Schlegel's gavial (Tomistoma Schlegeli) in tlie Malay Peninsula, witli remarks on the atlas and axis of the crocodilians. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 628-633. On a new gecko from Penang. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 767-768. Descriptions of new fishes from the upper Shire river, British Central Africa, collected by Dr. Percy Rendall, and presented to the British Museum liy Sir Harry H. Johnston, K.C.B. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 915-920. On the lizards of the genus Eremias, section Boulen- geria. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 920-930. Descriptions of new lizards and frogs from Mount Victoria, Owen Stanley Range, New Guinea, collected by Mr. A. S. Anthony. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 6-13. Descriptions of new Malay frogs. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 106-108. Description of a new snake from Sierra Leone. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 1.54. Description of a new fish from Lake Nyassa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 155. A list of reptiles and batrachians from the Congo Free State, with descriptions of two new snakes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 276-281. Description of a new snake from Usambara, German East Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 281. Description of a new lizard from Obok. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 467-468. Description of a new genus and species of tortoises from Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 468-469. A list of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Mr. Alfred Everett in Lombok, Flores, Sumba, and Savu, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 503-509. Description of a new ceratopterine eagle-ray from .Jamaica. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 227-228. On a collection of fishes from the island of Marajo, Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 294-299. Description of a new gymnotine fish of the genus Sternopygus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 305. On the reptiles of Eotuma Island, Polynesia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 306-307. A list of the fishes obtained by Mr. J. Stanley Gahdiner at Rotuma, South Pacific Ocean. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 371-374. On some little known snakes from Natal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 374-376. Descriptions of new fishes from the Mckran coast, Persia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 420-422. Description of a new snake from the Andes of Colombia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 523. A new krait from Sind (Rungarus siudanus). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. .11., 11, 1897-98, 73-74. Boulengerl r25 [Boulenger A liHt of tlu! reptiles uml biitnichianH collfctcd by the late I'rineu Kugenio IUhpoi.i in Soiimlilaiid and Ualla- land in 1893. Genova Muh. Civ. Ann., 37, 1896 97, .5-14. Itcport on Capt. Bottkoo'r second collection of reptiles and batrochians from Somaliland. Genova Muh. Civ. Ann., 37, 1896-97, 15-23. A list of the reptiles and batrachians of Somaliland and Gallaland. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 37, 1896-97, •27.5-280. An acconnt of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Dr. L. Loiiia in British New Guinea. Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 38, 1897, 094-710. Concluding; report on the late Capt. Bi'ittkoo'b col- lection of rcptileB and batrachians from Sonjaliland and British Kaat Africa. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 38, 1897, 715-723, ViatJKio del Dott. Alfredo Borelli nel Cbaco Boliviano e nella Kepnbblica Argentina. PoissoDs. Torino Mus. Boll., 12, 1897, No. 279, 4 pp. A catalogue of the reptiles and batrachians of Celebes, with special reference to the collections made bv Drs. P. and F. Saba-sin in 1893-90. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 193- 237. On a specimen of Acanthocybinm Solandri from the Arabian Sea. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 272-273. An account of the freshwater fishes collected in Celebes by Drs. P. and F. Sarasi.s. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 426- 429. A revision of the lizards of the genus Sceloporus. Zoiil. Soo. Proc, 1897, 474-522. A list of the reptiles and batrachians collected in northern Nyasaland by Mr. Alex. Whvte, F.Z S., and presented to the British Museum by Sir Harry H. Johnston, K.C.B. ; with descriptions of new species. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 800-803. [On the habits of Vandellia cirrhosa.] Zool. Soc. I'roc, 1897, 901, 920-921. On a gigantic sea-perch, Stcreolepis gigas. Zool. Soc Proc, 1897, 917-918. Description of a new tortoise of the genus Stemo- thserus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 919. On a nothosaurian reptile from the Trias of Lombardy, appaiently referable to Lariosaurus. [1893.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 14, 1898, 1-10. A list of reptiles and batrachians from Ombaai, East Indian Archipelago. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 122-124. Descriptions of two new blind snakes. .\nn. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 124. On a new genus of salmonoid fishes from the Altai Mountains. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 329-331. Description of a new genus of cyprinoid fishes from Siam. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898. 4.50-4.51. Description of a new genus of aglyphous colubrine snakes from Sumatra. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 73-74. Description of a new death-adder (.\canthophis) from central Australia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 7o. On a second collection of reptiles made by Mr. E. LoKT-Piiii.i.iPS in Somaliland. .\nn. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 130-133. Descriptions of two new fishes from the coast of Sind. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 133-134. Descriptions of two new snakes from Queensland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 414. Description of a new siluroid fish from West Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 2, 1898, 415. On the species of Polyptcrus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 416-420. Descriptions of two neiy siluroid fishes from Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 2, 1898, 477-478. A list of reptiles, batrachians, and fishes collected by Cav. Guido Boiioias'i in the northern Cbaco. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 39, 1898. 125 127. A list of the reptiles and batrachians collected by the late Prof. L. Bal/.as id Bolivia. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 39, 1898, 128-133. Hibernating reptilian embryos. Nature, 58 (1898), 619. V'iaggio del Dr. Enrico Fksta nell' Ecuador e regioni vicinc. Poissons de rEfjuateur. Torino Mus. Boll., 13, 1898, No. 329, 13 pp.; 14, 1899, No. 33.5, 8 pp. Description of a new sea-snake from Borneo. Zool. Soc Proc, 1898. 10«;-107. An account of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Mr. W. F. H. I!-jsksi!Kbg in western Ecuador. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 107-120. (On a hybrid between Molge vittata and M. mar- morata.] Zool. Hoc. Proc, 1898, 127. .\ revision of the African and Syrian fisbea of the family Cichlidie. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 132-152; 189», 98-143. A revision of the genera and species of fishes of the family .Mormyridie. Zool. Soc Proc. 1898. 775-821. On a collection of fishes from the Kio Jurua, Brazil. Zool. Soc. Trans., 14, 1898, 421-128. On a specimen of Lepidopus atlanticns, Good* in the interior of Hainan. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 9.56-962. Mati^-riaiix pour la faune du Congo. Poissons uou- veaux. [1898-1901).] Brux., Mus. Congo Ann. (Zool.), 1, 1900, 164 pp. Descriptions of two new atherinoid fishes from Mexico. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ,5, 1900, 54-5.5. Descriptions of three new species of siluroid fishes from southern Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 165-166. Descriptions of new reptiles from Perak, Malay Peninsula. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 306-308. Description of a new sea-horse (Hippocampus) from Muscat. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 51-52. A list of the fishes collected by Mr. Rupert Vallentin in the Falkland Islands. [With notes by the collector.] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 52-54. . Descriptions of new batrachiana and reptiles collected by Mr. P. O. Simons in Peru. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 181-1K6. Descriptions of new batraehians and reptiles from the Larut Hills, Perak. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 186- 193. Description of a new lizard from Jamaica. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 193-194. Description of a new lizard from British East Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 6, 1900, 194-195. On a new species of the genus Alepas (A. Lankesteri), from the collection of the ISritish Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 195-199. Description of a new snake of the genus Ablabes from Burma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 409. Diagnoses of new fishes discovered by Mr. .J. E. S. MooKE in Lake Tanganyika, [i. Cyprinidse, Silurid*.] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 478-481. On some little known African silui'id fishes of the subfamily Doradinffi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 520-529. Descriptions of two new lizards from Selangor. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. .II., 13, 1900-01, 333- 334. Description of a new lizard from the Batu caves, Selangor. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JI., 13, 1900-01, 335. Description of a new snake from the Perak Hills. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. .Jl., 13, 1900-01, 336. [Report on a collection made by Messrs. F. V. McCoNNELL and J. .1. Quei.ch at Mount Roraima in British Guiana.] Reptiles. [Batraehians.] [1900.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Zool.), 8, 1900-03, 53.54, 5.5-56. Viaggio del Dr. A. Borelli nel Matto Grosso e nel Paraguay. Liste des poissons recueillis k Urucum et k Carandasinho, pres de Corumba. Torino Mus. Boll., 15, 1900, No. 370, 4 pp. Descriptions of new reptiles and batraehians from Borneo. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 182-187. [Remarks on a specimen of Pulypterus Lapradii with large external gills.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 267. A list of the batraehians and reptiles of the Gaboon (French Congo), with descriptions of new genera and species. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 433-456. List of the fishes collected by Mr. J. S. Bddoett in the river Gambia. (With notes by .1. S. Budoett, F.Z.S.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 511-516. [Synonymy of Brookia Baileyi.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 661. Report on the collection of (Ishes made by Mr. J. E. S. MooiiE in Lake Tanganyika during his expedition, 1895- 96. [With an appendix by J. E. S. Moore.] [1898.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 15, 1901,' 1-30. Second contribution to the ichthyology of Lake Tan- ganyika. On the fishes obtained by the Congo Free State expedition under Lieut. Lemaire in 1898. [1899.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 15, 1901, 87-96; Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 3-4. Boulenger, G[eor(je\ A[lhert'\, & tydekker, Richard. A wooden dinosaur. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 191-192. iS'fc aUo Iiydekker ct Boulenger. Boulenger, /,. Delimitations du rivage de la mer. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 123, 1894, 205-215. Boulengier, 0[ilillon']. Phlegmon chronicjue non suppure du tissu cellulaire de la cuisse, simulant un sarcome. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (lid. 2, .ihth. 3), 192-196. Boulengier, 0[((///ou], Denaeyer, .1., & Devos, C. Pep- toni'Miie et peptonurie exp^rimentales. Jl. Pharm., 22, 1890, 309-312. Boulet, E. F. Note sur un uouveau precede de fabrication de tubes. St. Etienne Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 11, 1897, 459-484. Boulet, Vitiil. Sur quelques ph^nomfenes de la disorgani- sation cellulaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, .506- 507. Sur la membrane de riiydroleucite. Rev. G^n. Bot., 12, 1900, 319-322. Bouley, [Henri Marie\ For biography and works see France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 32, 1885, i-xxvii, 699-701 ; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 215; Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 14, 1886, 1564-1568; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 1084- 1093; Paris, Soc Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 721-723; Arch, Gen. Med., 157, 1886, 123 ; Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierbeilk., 12, 1886, 15.5-157; Deutsche Ztschr. Thier- med., 12, 1886, 431-437; Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87)], 190; France Soc Agr. M^m., 133, 1889, 489-513; Rev. Sci., 44, 1889, 321-328. *Cas de guerison de rage humaine par des injections de curare. [1883.] Trav. Com. Hyg, Publ., 13, 1884, 85-93. *Rapport sur I'importation des viandes de pore salves de provenance americaine. [1883.] Trav. Com. Hyg. Publ., 13, 1884, 390-401. La nature vivante de la contagion. L'inoculation preventive de la rage. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1884 (Ft. 1), 87-108. L'inoculation preventive de la fijivre jaune a Rio de Janeiro. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1276-1277. Boulger, G[«or(7('] S'limonds^ 'Some additional notes on Essex watersheds. [1883.] Essex Field Club Trans., 4, 1886, 131-134. The influence of man upon the flora of Essex. [1884.] Essex Field Club Trans. , 4, 1886, 13-40. The life and work of John Ray, and their relation to the progress of science. [1885.] Essex Field Club Trans., 4, 1886, 171-188. On the connection in time of changes in fossil floras with those of faunas. [1886.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 9, 1887, 482-494. Excursion to the Maidstone district. [1886.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 9, 1887, 551-554. Endosperm. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 37-39. Excursion to Godstone, Tilburstow, and Nuffield. [1888.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 10, 1889, 496-499. Visit to the Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, department of Botany. Demonstration on fossil fungi, lichens, mosses, etc. [1889.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 11, 1891, xxi-xxiii. Note on a new species of Capulus. [1890.] Geol. Ars. Proc, 11, 1891, 445-450. "[Kloni of Box Hill.] [1883.] Essex Field Club Proc, 4, 1892, xxvii-xxix, Ex(^ursion to Wotton aniT Ranmer. Geol. Ass. Proc. 12, 1892, 403-406, x. Boulger] [Bouquet de la Grye ViHit to the Britisli Miiseiim (Natiiial History). Demonstration on KyninoHperms bv W. CMiiiUTriKBK. [lH9:i,| (lol. Ash. I'ruc, 13. 1896. .W .52. (;eolo(,Mcul notcM of a journoy roiinil tlie coaHt of Norway and into northern liuxHia. Geol. Hoc. Quart. Jl., 51, 1898, till. The tirHt Kussian botanist. .11. Hot., 33, 1896, 33-3H. Our forest trees, and how tlicy should be represented in the Forest Museum. Kssex Natlist., 9, 1896, 243-211. Plant companionship (svnil)i(>«is) in tlio Forest. [1897.1 Kasex Natlist., 10, 1898, 170-173. The dispersal of seeds. [ISOy.J Hortic. Soo. ,11., 23 (1899 1900), 10i;-llH. History of Kssex botany. Essex Natlist., 11, 1900, 57-V Kayser, E. See Sayser & Bonllanger. Bonlle, P.iul. De la compression onatce dans le traite- ment de Torchito blennorrliagique. Arch. Gen. Med., 15;i, 1887, 149-166, .56S-.5S4. Boolloclie, Pierre. Contribution a I'etude des paraplegics d'origine svphilitique. Ann. de Dermatol., 2, 1891, 753- 771. Note sur un cas de polyarthrite suppur<5e et do myo- sites detcrminees par le pneuraocoque. Arch. Med. Exp^r., 3, 1891, 2.52-256. BouUu, {V(ihlir) .-l. [Oranges proliferes.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (('. P.), 33. - — Les trois roses de Jericho. Lvon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 {C. P.). 43-45. [Nouvelle maladie de la vigne.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. «.), 61. [Variabilitc des aiguillons de Rosa ecbinoclada. ] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann.. 19, 1894 (C. P.). 76. [Formes diverses de Centaurea scabiosa.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1896 (('. P.). 26. Asperulrt .lordani et A. longitloni. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1896 (C. P.), 29-30. Scolopendrium a fronde munie de sores sur les deux faces. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20. 1896 (C. P.), 57-58. [Anomalie de Narcissus pseudo-narcissus.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 21, 1896 (C. P.), 28. [Viviparisnie des Gramin(^es.] Lvon Soc. Bot. Ann., 21, 1896 (('. P). 44-45. [Les globulaires.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 22, 1897 (C. P.), 2. Les hvbrides de Rosa gallica et de Rosa arvensis. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann.. 22, 1897 {Mem.), 1-4. Hybridcs de Rosa gallica et de diverses espdces autres que B. arvensis. Lyon Soc. Bot. .\nn., 22, 1897 {Mem.), S-7. Herborisations en Cors*. di' M.M. Foccauu et Siuon. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 24, 1899 (.Wm.), 6.3-76. (ClasHification des Menthes.] Lyon Soc. Hot. Ann., 2.5, 1900 ('•. p.), 1-2. (Note sur un Potamogiton.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 25, 1900 '(•. P.), 18-19. BooUu, (t'libM) ,4., & BoQX, Nitiu». See Bonz ic Boullu. BoiUongne, l^iuit de. Note sur la constmction des ponta sus|H'iidus moderncs. Ann. Ponts et Chaass., II (1886), 1.50 181. Note sur b-s |)onts suspendus avec poutres raidissantes artieulees en leurs milieux. Ann. Ponta et Chauss., 4 (1892), 667-7.53. Botaoneli, P. Sur Ic photomitre de Bciisen. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 612-644. Dedoubleraent des franges d'int<'rfi'.r«nce en lumiere naturelle. [1893.] Jl. Pliys., 2, 1893, 316-320; Bor- deaux Sue. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, xlvi-l. Franges secondaires de I'apparcil a anneaui de Nbwton. Jl. Phys., 3, 1894, 28-31. Corrections calorimetriqucs. Methodes de compen- sation. [1898.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1897- 98. 132-136. Boolt, .1. .'.. A' Bldeal, Siimiiel. See Xldaal iV Bonlt. Boult, ir. .S'. The combined resistance of conductors in p;irallel. Electrician, 2M. 1892, 235. Booltbee, ./. H'. .Artesian water in New South Wales. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 32, 1898, 8H-103. Boolton, ■/. G. Are the Great Lakes retaining their ancient level.' [1H92.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 5, 1893, 3H1-.38.5. Boulton, IC. .S'. Notes on the microscopic characters of some rocks occurring as erratics in the Lichfield district. [1H96.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc., 10, 1897, 73-80. Boolnd, , A- I,«plne, R[a]iluirl]. See IiAplna A- Boulud. Bonlvin, -f. L'application du syst^me compound aux machines marines pour les courtes travcrsccs. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 41, 1884, 1-12. Note sur le phare flottant " Wandelaar" et les machines emplovees pour faire Ics signaux de brume. Brux. Aon. Trav. "publ., 41, 1884, 41.5-439. De I'l'puiscment des formes de radoub au moyen de pompes centrifuges. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 44, 1886, 201-287. Bonma, '/ac[o6]. Over de bepaling van de boeveelheid indican in do urine. Utrecht, Ondcrzoek., 1, 1899, 234- 242; Ztschr. Physiol. Cbcm., 27, 1899, 34X-.3.55. Ueber die bei der Behandlung des Hamindicans mit Ferrichloridsalzsiiure auftretenden rothbraimen Farb- stolTc. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 30, 1900. 117-125. Bonman, /C. P. Emissie < n absorptie van glas en kwarls liij versehillende temperaturen. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., .'.. 1897, 438-442. Bonny, F.lise. Mesure du tra^~a■l d^pensd dans I'emploi de la bicyclctte. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122. 1896. 1391- 1395. Controle de la pedale dvnamometriquc de bicvclette. Paris. .\c. Sci. C. 1!.. 122. 1896. ir,->.-<-\.;:v>. Bonny, Klisr, & Comte, ('/i|-ir(] /'. I.a mesure du rendement des d> iKimos. (i. iiie Civil. 23. 1893, 416-118. Bonquetdela Ctrye, [Jenn Jaequei] J[naloU]. Lesprogres de I'bvdrogrophie en France. Ass. Fran?. C. B.. 1884 (/•«. 1), 23-29. Etude sur les deviations du pendale au Mexiqoe. Paris. \c. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884. 170-174. Premiere etude sur Is |5, 486-.502; 44. 1897, 1-6. Sur le dressage d'un jeune elephant d'.\frique au Ferimii-Va/. l-'raiire So.-. Aeclim. Hull.. \\\. 1899, 33-3-<. Boordeille dc ]Montr6sor. See Montr^sor. Bourdelles, [/.ti/»|. For bioRrapliy and works see .Ann. Touts it Chrtuss., 1899 {Trim. 3), vi-.xi, {Trim. 4), xiii- xxxyii; (ii'nie Civil, 3.5, 1899, 413. Etude dn regime de la maree dans le canal dc Suez. Ann. Pouts et Cliauss., 1898 {Trim. 3), 11-30. Fonts en mavonuerie articules aux naissances et k la clef. Ann. Fonts et Chauss.. 1898 {Trim. 3), 31-!)2. Distribution des vitcsses suivant la verticale dans les courants de maree. Ann. Fonts et Chauss., 1898 (Trim. 4), .5-37. Etude du regime de la maree dans La Mauche. Ann. Fonts et Chauss., 1899 {Trim. 3), 1-76. Ktude sur le regime de la maree dans les cstuaires et dans les fleuves. .\nn. Fonts et Chau.ss., 1900 (Trim. 3), .5-120. Bourdette, ./. Sur I'odeur de I'Orchis coriophora, L., et le sue du Meconopsis cambrica, Vig. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 231). Sur la tlore des Hautes-Fvr^nees. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 2.".4-262. .\dditions i\ la tlore du depiirtement de r.^rii^ge. [1887.] Toulou.se Soc. Sei. Bull., 7. 1888. 4:i'.1-418. Bourdler, , & Saint-Blancat, /'. .S'tc Saint-Blancat 1^' Bourdler. Bourdillon, (7i. Cirrhose post-typhoidique, k pr^domi- naiK e viineuse et i\ marchc rapide. Ass. Fran<;'. C. R. , 1891 l/'f. 1). 305. BourdlUon, I'll., \ ICepTen, Gwitare. See ITepven i Bourdillon. BourdlUon, /•'. IC. The natural scenery of Sussex as related to geological formation. Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 1 {Pi. 8, 1886), 27-38. .\n account of recent enquiries into coast-erosion ; with special reference to the neighbourhood of East- bourne. [18811.] Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 1 (/'f, 10, 1886-86), 37-48- Bonrdlllon, T. F. The fertilisation of the coffee plant. Nature, 3t'i, 1887. o80--581. Coffee and tea in Travaneore. [1892.] Kew Bull., 1894. 4(13-404. The rediscovery of Strychnos Rheedii (Clarke). B. S. A. C. 1 1897.) Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. .11., 10, 1890-97, 090- 691. Description"! of some new or rare trees from Travan- eore. [1898] Bombay Nal. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898- 1900. 349-3.53. Bonrdln, Julm. Telegraphe imprimeur dc Bvillkiiacuk • 11 service au Credit Lyonnais, k Paris. Lum. Elect., 15, 1888, 498-.500. Lettre a Monsieur Ct.AUSiDS [sur rexistence r^-elle de IVtli.T]. Lum. Elect., l(i, 1888, 419-423. Siphon intorrupteur de Radiouet. Lum. Elect., 24, 1887. .576. Bourdln, /.OHM. Kssai sur le cliinat du Vivarais. Ass. 1 ran.,. C. R., 1897 {Pi. 2), 816-8.50. Le Vivarais. Essai de ge.igraphie r^'gionale. Lyon Univ. Ann., Pate. 37, 1898, 262 pp. L'Ardi^che. Montpcllier, Soc. Langued. G^ogr. Boll., 21, 1898. 214-254. Bourdon, It. La vision des monuments ^lev^s. Bev. Sci., 43, 1889, 7<).3-7e4. Lu tache aveugle. Rev. Sci., .50, 1892, 28. Ine illusion d'optique. Rev. Sci.. 51. 1893. 668. Bourdon, Eugene. For biographv lee I^es .\Ioudes, 9, 1884, 2511 253; Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, .542-543. Bourdon, (/(.) G. Note sur la deteriuination d'ane droite de hauteur par la metliode de I'amiral Mabcq-Saist- Hii.AiuF.. Rev. .^faritime et Colon.. 88, 1886. 102-111. Botirdon, G. Le c^ifion du Rhone et le lac de Genive. I'lris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 1.5, 1894, 70-13J; 16, 1896, 75 111, 219-266. Bourdon, Hip. For biographical notice tee Paris, Ac. M. i. Bull., 28, 1892. 813. Botireaa, . Essais de serotherapie contre le cancer. Paris. Soc. Biol. Mem., 47. 1896 (f. It.). .599-600. Bouret, . ^1- Onlnard, Louit. See Oninard A Booret. BoureuiUe, lUfjunlt de. For biography see Ann. Mines, :!, 1893. .5'.P.5-i;()l. Bonrgade la Dardye, P.[mmanuel] de. Sur un nouveau sigoe .le la niort reello fourni par la radiographic. Paris, Soc. Hi..l. M.Ti].. 51), 1898 (C. R.), 439-441. Bourgade la Dardye, I:['nmnnnel] de, & Fredet, Pierre. .\pplication de la radiographic i^ I'etude de I'angeiol.jgie. C.mgr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (I'.>;.,1, Au,it.\. lijcien et du Balhonien dans le Jura. Caract^res et dcgriEs de d^veloppement que oe dernier preseute. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 13. 1886, 167- 177. Nouvelles observations sur le Jurassique Superienr des environs de Saint Claude et dc Nantua. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 13, 1885, .587-616. Compte rcu.lu de I'excursion du 24 aout k Syam, les Planches, Sirod et Nozeroy. Pans, Soc. Geol. Bull., 13, 1886, 740-747. Compte reu.lu dc I'excursion du 2.3 aoOl, de Cham- pagnole a SaintLaurint et k Morez. Paris, Soc. Oio\. Bull., 13, 1886, 773-78.5. R«Esumc des chiingements dc facias dn Jurassique Sup^rieur k travers le Jura meridi.A. Bull., 13. 1886, 794-8*5. Compt«- rendu de I'excursion du 27 a.mt, au P.>ntet et a Montepile. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull, 13. 1886. 8)8-819. Compte rendu dc I'excursion du 2d aout, de >aint- C'laude k Molinges, Viry et Oyounax. Pahs, Soc. G^l. Bull , 13. 1885, 819-827. Apen^u sommaire sur les principanx accidents oro- graphiques de la region du Jura compri.se eutre la Faucille et la Brcsse. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann , 10. 1886 (Pt. 2), 21.5-*i50. 92 Bourgeat] 730 [Bourgeois Sur la repiii-tition des renversements de ten'ains dans la region du Jura comprise entre Geneve et Poligny. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 563-565. Bosuu)^ de qnelques olisi-rvations faites aux environs d'Arinthod et de Saint-Julien. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull,, 14, 1886, 4.S7-443. Premiere conti ibution a I'etude de la faune de I'Oolitlje Virgulienne dii .Tiira meridional. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 14, 1886, 560-564. Notice stratigraphique sur le Corallien de Valfin. Schweiz. Paliiont. Ges. Abh., 13, 1886, No. 3, 5-34. Considerations somraaires sur la position des rognons siliceux du Jurassique Superieur dans le Jura meridional et sur Its consequences qui en decoulent. [1886.] Paris, See. Geo). Bull., 15, 1887, 162-170. [Note sur les giscments de I'Ostrea virgula dans le Jura.] Paris, Soc. G(5oI. Bull., 15, 1887, 198-19!t. . Contribution a I'etude du Cretace Superieur dans le Jura meridional. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 15, 1887, 328-331. Keclierches sur les formations eoralligenes du Jura meridional. Kev. Sci., 41, 1888, 115-117. Observations somraaires sur les principales formations geologiques dn Jura meridional. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 17, 1889, 718-721. Premiere contribution k VHnde du calcairecorallig^ne de Belledalle dans le Boulonnais. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 17, 1889, 721-723. — — Observations sur la structure de quelques depots ferrugineux des terrains Secondaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1085-1086. ■ Premieres observations sur le cyclone du 19 aout dans le Jura. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 385-387. Note eomplementaire sur le prolongement en Suisse de la tempete du 19 aout. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 406. Quelques observations nouvelles sur le Jura meridional. [1890.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 166-169. . Ob.servations sommaires sur le Boulonnais et le Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 20, 1892, 262-269. Quelques mots sur I'Oxfordien et le Corallien des bords de la Serre. Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 21, 1893, 267-272. Classification du Carbonifere du Nord. Ass. Fran(,'. C. R., 1894 {Ft. 1), 1.56-157. K( marques sur la faune dn Gault dans le Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 22, 1894, 355-358. Quelques observations nouvelles sur les lapiez, le glaciaire et la MoUasse dans le Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, 414-420. ■ Sur certaines particularites de la Combe des Pres dans le Jura. Paris, Soc. Gf5ol. Bull., 24, 1896, 489- 493. Quelques mots sur le glaciaire du Jura dans la region comprise entre Saint-Claude et Salins. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 (Ft. 2), 82-86. Sur les cliangements de facies que presente le Ju- rassique autour de la Serre. Paris, Soc. Oio\. Bull., 25, 1897, 695-698. Sur quelques phcnomfines de glissement dans le Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 447-452. Le conglomerat de la foret de Cliaux dans le Jura. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 23, 1899 (/'/. 2), 233-240. Quelques points nouveimx di' geologic jurassienne. Paris, Soc. Gc';ol. Bull., 27, 1899, 445-450. Contribution nouvelle a I'etude des formations geo- logi(|ues du d(^-partement du Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Hull., 28, 1900, .597-001. Bourgeois, {I'lihhi') [Louia], *La question de rbomme 'I'liliaire. Rev. Quest. Sci., 2, 1877, 561-575. Bourgeois, . La 16pre du moyen age appri'ci^e avec nos eonnaissances actuelles. (1HH5.] Beauvais, Soc. Ac. M(5m., 12, 1883, 867-872. Bourgeois, A[U'xan(ire Lniiin Fili.r]. Les injections anti- sejitiques dans le traitement de la blennorrhagie. Arch. Med. Pliarm. Militaires, 6, 1885, 375-388. Traitement des ulceres infectieux graves de la cornee. Ann. d'Oculist., 107, 1892, 373; 122, 1899, 55-61. Traitement des etfects des voies lacrymales par les methodes conservatrices et antiseptiques; nouveau pro- cede de lacrymotomie. Ann. d'Oculist., 109, 1893, 45G- 457. Constitution du corps vitre comme point de depart du traitement du decollement de la retine. Ann. d'Oculist., H7, 1897, 375-376. Bourgeois, A[U.Tqualis, ». up.] Paris, Soc. Ent. .\nn., 6, 1886, Ixxxiv. Lyeides nouveaux ou iieii eiuinus recueillis au Bresil. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, Ixxxiv, xc-xci, xcviii-c, cxxxi-exxxii, cxxxix-cxli, cliv-dvi, clxiv-elxv, clxxxviii- elxxxix ; 7, 1887, liii-liv, Ixvi. I Bourgeois] 7. -51 [Bourgeois |Chaiilii)RnathiiH lyciforniin, C. dinparipenniii, iin. ')ip.] Paris, Soc. KnI. Ann.. 7, 1887, cxxxi-cxxxii. Sviioiisis (ill t;OMn' Henisopus, Slepli. [18H7.] PariH, Soc.Ent. Ann., m, 1888, 5-.S4. [Diiix nouvelles t>Hpi''c«H de Lycides.] I'aris, Soc. Ent. Anil., H, 1888, xxv-xxvi. [Di'.sciiptioiis de uouvelleB cnpiccs de Malacodcrmcs de rKqiiateiir et du Bresil. ] Puris, Soc. Ent. Ann., H, 1888, clxv-clxvii, clxxvi-flxxvii, cxc, cci. Lycidcs nouveuux ou pen connus du Miihw Civique de GenoB. Genova .Mus. Civ. Ann., 27, 1889, •2HH-2'J2; 32, 1892, 49.")-51(i ; 40, 1899, 420-4 12. Voyage de M. I'll. .\i.r,iiAi'ri dans le territoirc d'Assinie (Afiiqne oceidentiilt) en juilUt et aoAt 18S(J...Lycide9. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 'J, 1889, 237-246. Sur la distrilmtion geogra|>liiqiie den CoI(5optires Malacodermes iippartenant i\ la tribu des Lycides. [18!l(). I Ass. Franv. C. K., 1890 {I't. 1), 200-201 ; Paris, Soc. Ent. \nn., 60, 1891, 337-H64. [Collection d'in.seotes furniee dans I'lndo-Cljine par M. P.KViK.] Colc'opteres. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., 2, 1890, 1711-188. Contributions ii la fauneindo-chinoise. Rhipidoceridie, Dascillidw, Malacodermidfe. Paris, Soc. Ent. .■Vnn., 10, 1890, 161-176. Dascillides et Malacodermes du Bengalc occidentale. Bnix., Soc. Ent. Ann., a.i, 1891, cxxxvii-cxli ; 36, 1892. 234-238. Ilescriptions de trois esp^ces nouvelles de Lycides de Borneo. Leyden Mus. Notes, 14, 1892, 39-12. [Description d'unc uouvelle esjieee de Malacoderme.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893. cclxxxix-ccxc. [Description d'une nouvelle espcce d'Ainauronin provc- nant d'.Mgerie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, cciv- ccv. [Description d'une nouvelle esp^ce de Malacoderme appartenant au penre Podistrina, Fairm.] Paris, Soc. Ent. .\nn., 63, 1894, ctlxvi-cclxvii. Description dun genre nouveau et d'une espice tiouville de Malacodermes d'Alg^rie. Ee"v. Ent., 13. 1894, 121-123. Note sur ijueliiues especes nouvelles ou int<5rcs8antes de Coleopteies appartenant au Museum de Paris. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1896, cxxxviii-cxl. Note sur quelipies especes nouvelles ou pen connues de Coleoptens de I'lnde et de la Birmanie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 117-121. Note sur Cicindela leucosticta, Fairm., et autres especes du proupe des Neolapliyra. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 40-42. Description de Malacodermes nouveaux recneillis en Oceanic par .V. le Dr. Ph. l''nAXi,'Ois. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 72-74. Sur qiielques Maltliinides algiriens. Kev. Knt., 16, 1897, 3<.(-14. Description de deux espi^ccs nouvelles de Lycides. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull.. 1898. 92-113. [Liste des Colcoptiros recueillis i\ Madagascar par MM. le commandant Dokb, de rinfaiiterie de marine (1896-97), it le lieutenant JoiiiT, du 13' d'artillerie (1895-96).] Malacodermes. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 12, 1899, 9-10. Voyage de .V. E. Simon au Venezuela. Coleoptens (Malacodermata). Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 68, 1899, 90-100. Description de deux larves remarqualdes appartenant probalilement au genre Lycus. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull.. 1899. .58-63. Description de deux Podistrina nouvelles de la faune francaise. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull.. 1899, 338-341. Notes sur quelques Malthinus palearctiques [et descrip- tion d'espOces nouvelles]. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 368-371 ; 1900, 91-96, 301-304. [l>iagno8cs d'insccteii recueillis par l'Kx|M-dilion .\nt- arclii|ue Beige. Coli'-opti-res. | DBScillidic. Brux., Hoc. Ent, Ann., 44, 1900. 111. Etude sur len Lycides dii Must^'e Royal d'Hiatoire Natnrelle de Belk'ique. (EH|>rf;cc8 da Congo et paVK voisins.) Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 44, 1900, 139-146. Dcscrijition de deux Malacodermes nouveaux d"' I'Amerique nieridionale. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull.. 1900. llH-119. Description d'une vari<''t<'' nouvelle du Cantharis dis- coidea et notes sur I'liabitat de quelqui-s antrcs Mala- codermes. I'aris, Soc. Ent. Hull.. 1900, 181-182. Sur I'haliitHt di- trois ColiopU-rcH algericns. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 246-247. Sur uii mode particulier de progression souterraine chez . 1887. Iri72-1074: France, Soc. Min. Bull.. 10. 1887, 323-326; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull.. 49, 1888, 28-29. Sur la presence de la ca.ssiterite dans lis scories dc la fonte du bronze et sur line nouvelle uif Wandel iV i'HKai (Ic iiionu);rniiliif d'un Ue rancicnneti- H7'.i-:inii. Boxirgouenon, .1., A Bourgougnon. Bourguet, l,v l.iiun : cliuiiioii du8 liusseH Ci'Vcniies. Muntjiellier, Soc. Langued. Gt«.|,'r. Bull., Hi, 1893, •ill-'iM). Bovixgaet, . Un nuuvcl appureil indicuteur pour mil lOMope. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mciu., 5(1, 1898 (C. U.), 7-JN-7-J'.l. Bourguet, Albert. Sur I'attaquc de I'orKanisme par le8 niicrubes. Moyenn giinvraux de diftUKe. NSmvs Soc. Sci. Bull., 1894, xlvii-l. [Lesion rtnatiPiuo-|irtthologi«iue rare reiicontrde sur nue jMiiihiKle.] Niuius Soc. Sci. Bull., 1898, Iviii-lix. Bourguet, Eiig'eiit. Li- ebulera dans luriondiaaenieut d .\i.\ en 18B4 et 18«5. Aix Ac. M<-in., 13, 1888, l(il- I'jy. Bonrgulgnat, J [idea] li[en^\ For bio».'rapliy and lint of wiirks si-f Hc'utscli. Mulako/.ool. Cies. Xaclirlil., '24, 1892, •207; Jl. de Conch., 41, 1893, 80-81 ; Jl. Conch., 7, 1892- 94, 74-70. Hihtoire des Melaniens du aysikme europien. [1884.] Ann. Malacol., -2 (1884-86), 1-1(J8. Deseri^'tion du ni^uviau neure Se-steria. France See. Malacol. Bull.. 1, 1884, 13.5-138. Nouvelle Vivipare franvaise et hstc des espices con- stattes en France dans le ^ente Vivipara. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 1, 1884, 183-188. Helice nouvelle des montapnes de I'Aridge. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 1, 1884, 3.57-358. [Note sur les Mullus>|ues leeueilli.s i\ Mirandade-Ebro.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884. r26-127. Monographic d'un nouvcau genre d'Actptmlc du Lac Tanganika. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 2, 1888, 1-12. Des Tiphobies du Lac Tanganika. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 3, 1886. 141-1.50. MoUusques uouveaux de la region du NyanzaOukerewe (Victoria Njanza). France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 4, 1887, 267-272. Histoire des Hiilices canipyleeunes du groupe des dinariques {olim Helix Pouzoizi). France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 5, 1888, 203-24.5. Melttuidces du Lae Njassa, suivies d'un aperfu com- paratif sur la fannu nialacologiquc de ce lac avec celle du grand lac Tanganika. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 6, 1889, 1-66. Histoire malacologique du Lao Tanganika (Afrique cquatoriale). Ann. Sci. Nat. (ZooL). 10, 1890, 1-267. Des formes europt'cnnes trocho-hyalinoides classees jusqu'i present sous le nom generique de Conulus. F'rance Soc. Malacol. Bull., 7, 1890. 32-5-338. [Notes sur la faune nuilacologique du nord de I'Afrique.] [I'osth.] .11. de Conch., 41), 1898, 166-170. Bourlant, V., & Ventre lirij, A.,F. Sur trois tables horaircs coptes. [1898.] Inst. Kgvpt. Mem., 3, 1900, 570-6U4. Bourlez, Albert. Sur une combinaison moleculaire de phenol et d'hvdrate de chloral. Jl. Pharni., 12, 1888, 166-167. Methode areometrique pour la determination de la richessc alcoolique des vius sans distillation. Determi- nation simultaiiee du poids de I'extrait sec des vins franvais naturels et non sucres. Vinodensimetre. Bull. Sci. Nord, 17 (1886), 417-425; JL Pharm., 14, 1886, 54y-555. .\pplication du principe de M. Tabarik k la determina- tion areometrique de I'alcool des bi^res. JL Pharm., 22. 1890. 451-4.54. Ureometre cliuique i\ indications directes. Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, It»-12. Bonrtnot, -/ufiH (fcori/c. Unification of time at sea. United Scrv. Inst. JL, 41,1897, 1414-14iy. Boorjot, [l.uuit]. For biographical notice and works tee liciM . Ac. Ilippone Bull., 22, 1886, 314-315. Bourjot-Salnt-HUaire, [.iltjamlre]. 'Cummunication sur lu .aloaire bleu erujJlif. Congr. Geol. Int. C. H., 1878. 24y 2.'):t. Boorke, (dipt.) Johii lj{re(jurij\. For biographical notice and works lee Science, 4, 1896, 820-822. The urine dance of the Zania. Amer. km. Proc, 1888. 40O-403. The medicine-men of the Apache. Smithsonian luet. Bur. Kthnol. Hep,, 1887-88. 443-»K)3. Bonrland, I'hilip liuyijett. Tubercle germs and giant celU in hniuan tissue. , S. Y. Med. JL, 70, 1899, y45-yJ7. Bonrlet, L\iirlo Einile Krnetl\. Sur la multiplication des series trigonom^'.riques. Ball. Sci. Math., 13, 1889, 5.5-64. Sur les polyedres. Xoav. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 360- 38y. Sur les (Equations aux derivees partielles simul- tanc^'cs ,(|ui contiennent plusieurs fonctions inconnues. I'arirt, Kcole Norm. Ann., 8, 1891 (Supjil.), 63 pp. Condition pour que deux c|uadriques aient une gt-nera- trice commune. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, 434-442. Sur les nombrcs parfaits. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896. 2y7-312. Sur un determinant remarqnable. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 36,1-373. Sur I'equilibre de la vis. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1B97, 426-429. Sur les operations en gioinl. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 348-351. Sur certaines Equations analogues aux -268. 288^291, 309-312, 326-328, 342-346. Etude thi-orique sur les roulements a billes. Genie Civil, 33. 1898, 139-142, 1.53-155. Sur I'ittration. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898. 583-585. Sur le probl^me de Titcration. Toulouse Foe. Sci. Ann., 12, 1898. C..12 pp. Automobiles. Klude sur la direction ii, deux pivots. Genie Civil. 35, 1899, 29.5-297, 311-314. Sur la determination de la surface d'une piste de velodrome. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 13, 1899. 202- 209. Sur certaines ^nations analogues aux ^lutions differentielles. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 16, 1899. 3337375. Ktude theorique sur la biryclette, Paris, Soc. Math. Hull,. 27, 1899, 47-67, 76-96. Bonrller, . Culture;- d'acacias australiens en Algerie. France Soc. Acclim. Bull,, 41, 1894 {Sem. 2i, 118-123. Bonrlot, J[oseph]. *[Sur le tremblement de terre du 17 avril 1862,] France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 10, 1863, n. 2. 11.5-117. Bonmay, ■/.. itr Cadtac, C[eUttin]. See Cad4ae A Bournay. Boumaz, J.inni. .\ Tschimaus-fi-le cocfBcienseknek egr erdekea ti.lajdon-sagaroL [Ceber eine interessanle Eigenscliafl der Tschirnaus'schen Coefficienten. ] [li<99,] Orvos-Trrmt. Ertes. {Termt. S:ak). 1898. 167-171. Bourne, Alfred Giblts. Beport on the occupation of the table [at the Zoological Station at Naples]. Brit. Ass. Bep,, 1884, 254-256. Bourne! 734 [Bourneville On certain abnormalities in the common frog (Rana temporaria). 1. The occurrence of an ovotestis. 'i. Alinormalities of the vertebral column. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 24, 1884, 83-88. Contributions to the anatomy of the Hirudinea. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 24, 1884, 4i9-506. . On a hydriform pha.se of Limnocodium Soyverbii. [1884.] Nature, 31, 1885. 107. On the occurrence of a hydroid phase of Limnocodium Sowerbii, Allvuin d; Lankester. [1884.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 38, 1885, 9-14. On the modification of the trochal disc of the Rotifera. Brit. .\ss. Rep., 1886, 1095-1096. On budding in the Oligochfeta. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 1096-1097. On the supposed communication of the vascular system with the exterior in Pleurobranchus. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 25, 1885, 429-432. On the reputed suicide of scorpions. [1886.] Madras Jl., 1886-87, 2-5-31. On Indian earthworms. Part i. Preliminary notice of earthworms from the Nilgiris and Shevaroys. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 662-672. Scorpion vn-us. Nature, 36, 1887, 53. The reputed suicide of scorpions. Roy. Soc. Proc, 42. 1887, 17-22. The vascular system of the Hirudinea. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 16-18. On certain earthworms from the western Himalayas and Dehra Dun. [1889.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 58 (Pt. 2), 1890, llU-117. On Chajtobranchus, a new genus of oligochffitous Chictopoda. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 31, 1890, 83-89. On Megascolex CEeruleus, Templeton, from Ceylon; together with a theory of the course of the blood in earthworms. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 49-87. Notes on the naidiform Oligochffita; containing a description of new species of the genera Pristina and Pterostylarides, and remarks upon cephalization and gemmation as generic and specific characters in the group. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 335-356. On Pelomysa viridis, n. sjj., and on the vesicular nature of protoplasm. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 357-374. The nephridia of leeches. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 34, 1893, 545-.J65. On certain points in the development and anatomy of some earthworms. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 36, 1894, 11-34. On Monihgaster grandis, A. G. B., from the Nilgiris, south India ; together with descriptions of other species of the genus Moniligaster. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 36, 1894. 307-384. Bourne, Kdicanl G. The recession of the Niagara gorge. Nature, 43, 1891, 515. Bourne, /•'. ,S'. A. [P'u-erh tea.] Kew Bull., 1889, 140- 142. The new rapid on the Yang-tse. Geogr. Jl., 10, 1897, 191-195. Bourne, Gilbert C[harles]. On the anatomy of Sphaero- therium. [1885.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Xno'l.), 19, 1886, 161 (I>is)-1T6. On the island of Diego (iarcia of the Chagos group. Geogr. Soc Proc, 8, 1886, 385-393. General observations on the fauna of Diego Garcia, Chagos group. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 331-334. The anatomy of the madreporarian coral Fungia. Quart. Jl. .Micr. Sci., 27, 1887, 293-324. On the anatomy of Mussa and Euphyllia, and the morphology of the madieporarian skeleton. [1887.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 28, 1888, 21-51. [Coral formations.] Nature, 37, 1888, 114-415; 38, 1888, 5. The atoll of Diego Garcia and the coral formations of the Indiau Ocean. Roy. Soc. Proc, 43, 1888, 440-461. An improved form of deep-sea tow-net. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 624-626. On a Tornaria found in British seas. [1889.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. JL, 1, 1889-90, 63-68. Notes on the pelagic Copepoda collected at Plymouth in 1888-89. [1889.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., i, 1889- 90, 144-1.52. Notes on the genus Monstrilla, Dana. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 30, 1890, 565-578. Report of a trawling cruise in H.M.S. Itesearch off the S.W. coast of Ireland. [1890.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 1, 1889-90, 306-321, 326-327. Report on the surface collections made by Mr. W. T. Grenfell in the North Sea and west of Scotland. [1890.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 1, 1889-90, 376-381. Noti^s on the hydroids of Plymouth. [1890.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl.", 1, 1889-90, 391-398. Ou the post-embryonic development of Fungia. [1893.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 5, 1893-96, 205-238. On two new sjiecies of Copepoda from Zanzibar. Zool. Soc Proc, 1893, 164-166. On the structure and affinities of Heliopora cajrulea. Pall., with some observations on the structure of Xenia and Heteroxenia. [1894.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 56, 1894, 299-303; Phil. Trans. (B), 186, 1896, 4.5-5-483. A criticism of the cell-theory; being an answer to Mr. Sedgwick's article on the inadequacy of the cellular theory of development. [1895.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 38, 1896, 137-174. [Formation and structure of the calcareous skeleton in Anthozoa.] Int. Congr. Zool. Proc, 1898, 124-125. On the genus Lemnalia, Grai/ ; with an account of the branching systems of the order Alcyonacea. [1899.] Linn. Soc Trans. {Zool.), 7, 1896-1900, 521-538. Studies on the structure and formation of the cal- careous skeleton of the Anthozoa. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 41, 1899, 499-547. Bourne, H. B., A- Bourne, IT. Fox. The behaviour of iiisidating materials uuiler the action of high potential differences. Electrician, 2s, 1892, 512-513. Bourne, Stephen. On the use of index numbers in the investigation of trade statistics. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 859-873. Bourne, H'. Fo.r, & Bourne, //. B. See above. Bourne, IT. i''o.r, & Swinburne, James. See Swinburne iV Bourne. Bournct, Albert. Quelques mots sur la criminalite en Italie. [ir/(/i di.^cussion.] [1884.] Lyon Soc Anthrop. Bull., 3, 1884-85, 233-243. Bourneville, [Ih'xirr Maijloirr]. De la temperiiture dans I'etat de nial epileptique. Progr^s Med., 6, 1887, 157-161. Epilepsie idiopathique. Traitement de I'cpilepsie par le bromure de nickel. Progres Med., 9, 1889, 496-499. De I'emploi du bronnue de camphre dans le traitement de I'epilepsie vertigineuse. Progres Med., 17, 1893, 339- 341. Un cas d'hemimelie bi-abdominale. Progres Miid., 18, 1893, 281-282. De I'aetion de la glande thyroide sur la croissance. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 {G. R.), 55-59. De Taction de la glande thyroide sur I'obiSsite. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 4s, 1896 (C. A'.), 59-60. Calcul salivaiie. Progres Med., 6, 1897, 3-4. De ranatoniie pathologic|ue de I'idiotie. Congr. Int. Med. C. li., 1900 (]'ol. 8), 167-207. Bourneville, \l)('.sir<' Maiiloire], & Ctaapotin, . Epi- lii'iiiie de fieyre typhoide il Bicetre. rrogres Med., 10, 1899, 97-102, 132-137, 147-148. De I'eosinate de sodium dans le traitement de I'epi- lepsie et des accidents qii'il proiluit. Progres Med., 10, 1899, 495-501; 11, 1900, 1-2. Bourneville] 735 [Bourquelot Bourneville, [Dfgirf Mnylnire], & Conrbaiian, . Null' t-tiitistiiiue Biir li! role (h: In coiihiiiiKiiiriitt' ilanH I'l tidlo^'li' (Ic IV'pilepBie, du I'liVhUrii', il'' I'ldiotie et . 1. 1894. r,l pp. .SVe aUii Worcester iV Bourns. Bourot, , it Jean, I'lidnunui. Ktiide siir la digcsti- bilite du beiine dc coeo et dii beurre de vaclie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. \\., 12.t, 1896, oH7-.')9ll. Bourquelot, Kmile. Des cnracti''re8 qui peuvcnt Rcrvir ii distiii;;ucr la pepsine de la trypsine. Jl. Pharin., 10, 1884, 177-187. 1,0 microbe du lait bleu. Kev. Sci., 33, 1884, 427-132. Reclierclu'S sur Ics phenom^nes dc la digestion chez les Mollnsques Ceplialopodes. Arcli. Zool. Exp(5r., 3, 188B, 1-73. La digestion des matidres grasses. .Tl. Pliarni., 12, 1886, .')30-.538. Sur la fermentiition alcooliqne I'lcctive. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 100, 1886, llil4-140r., UtJ6-146!». Sur la composition et la fermentation du siicre interverti. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 101, 1886, 68-70, 958-'.)(;0. Sur I'idcntite de la diastase cliez les diflercnts ^tres vivants. Paris, Soc. 15iol. Mem.. 37, 1886 (C. /{.), 73-76. Sur la fermentation alcooliqne elective Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. II.), 191-19.-,, 221-223, 356-359. Recheicliessur la fermentation aleooliqued'un melange de deux sucics. .\nn. Cliini., 9. 1886, 245-275. Sur la preparation du galactose. .11. Pharm. , 13, 1886, 51-.->4. Les microbes de la fermentation alcoolique du lait : le kephir. Jl. Pbarm., 13, 1886, 232-246; Kev. Sci., 37, 1886, 17-2-177. Kecherches sur les propriif'tc'S physiologicpies du maltose. Kobin, .11. Anat.. 22, 1886, 16-2--204. Emploi de la photogrnpliio microscopique pour la distinction et I'etude de (piclques espices de sucre. Ass. Eranv. C. H., 1887 {I't. 1). -203. Itecheiclies sur le galactose et Tarabiuose. .\ss. Frnnv. C. H., 1887 (/'(. 2), 338-354. Sur quelques points relalifs i\ Taction de la sniivc sur le grain d'amidon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 104, 1887. 71-74; Paris, Soc. Piol. Mem., 39. 1887 (f. li.). lH-lli. Sur la composition du grain d'amidon. Paris. .\c. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 177-180; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 39, 1887 (f. ;>'.), 3-2-34. Sur les ciiracteres de I'aflaibUssement ^prouve par la diastase sous Taction de la chaleur. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 576-579; Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1 (1887), 337- 346; .Jl. Pharm., 15. 1887. 403-407. Recherches sur la fermentation alcoolique du galactose. I'aris, Soc. Biol. Mi'm., 39, 1887 {C. Ii.}, 09*-70l; 40, 1888 (C. 11.). 47-51. Kxainen cliiiniqiie et pliysiologique du HUC gaslrique. Jl. Pliarin., 17, 1888. 367-375. Sur lu ririnentatioii alcoolique du galactose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 2M3-286. ReeUerclies sur Icn inatii'reH sucrees de quelques especes de champignons. Piiris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 5118-570; Jl. Pharm.. 19, 1889, 3r.9-.374. Des modifications deterniini-cs |)ar la vegetation dans la nature des sucres chez les champignons. Abs. l-'ram;. C. R., 1890 (/'^ 1), 195. Sur lu nature et les proportions des matieres sucrees conteiiues dans les champignons k difl^-rents ligcs. Jl. Pharm., 22, 1890, 497-502. Sur la pri'senee et la dis|>arition du trre8 snerees chez les champignons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 57»-580; Rev. Mvcol., 12, 1890. 157- ICO. • Riparlition des mati^res sucries dans les difTerentes parties d'nn champignon. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1891 (I't. 1), 231. Sur la pr^-sence dc Tamidon dans un champiBnon appartenant k la famille des Polyporees. le Boletus pachypus, Fr. Jl. Pharm., 24. 1891, I!t7-i:i9. Sur la repartition des matiires 6ucrns. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 121, 1896, ()')H-f)'.l5 ; .11. Pharm., 2, 1896. 435-440. Note concernant ractiou do rLinulsiiiL- dc rAspercillus nii;er sur (|uel(]ucs Kl^cosides. Paris, Soc. Biol. M£m., 47. 1896 (C. U), .57H-579. Arri't lie la fermentation nlcooliqne sous I'influence de substances sicretws par une moisissure. Paris, Soc. liiol. Mirn., 47, 1895 (f. /(.), (;32-r.35. Sur I'hydrolvse du meU'zitose par les ferments solubles. .11. Pharm. , 4, 1896, 3H5-387. Sur la niatiere g(?latineusp (pectine) de la racine de gentiane. Jl. Pbarm., 7, 1898, 473-479. Sur riiydrolysc de la pectine de gentiane. Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 4'.l-.52. Do Paction des ferments solubles sur les produits pecti(|ues de la racine de gentiane. Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898. 145-150. Tyrosine, leucine et asparngine dans la gousse verte de grosse f^ve ; cause du noiroissement de cette gousse i la maturite. Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 385-390; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (('. It.), 893-895. Sur I'evistence, duns I'orge germiie, d'un ferment soluble agissBnt sur la pectine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K. , 127, 1898, 191-194; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., .50, 1898 (C. R.). 777-779. Hecherche et presence d'un ferment soluble proteo- hydrolytiiiue dans les champignons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 1J.,"127, 1898, (iti6-069; Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 448-453; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. .50, 1898 (f. H.), 972-974. Sur la presence d'asparagine dans la gou.osc de grosse f^ve. Pans, Soc. Biol. .Mem., 50, 1898 (C. /;.). 948. • ■ Sur la pectine dc gro-^eille H maqiiereau (Uibes grossu- laria, L.). Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, 281-286. Sur la membrane cellulaire de la racine de gentiane. Jl. Pharm., 9. 1899, 330-331. Sur la pectine du cvnorrhodon. Jl. Pharm., 10, 1899, 5-10. Sur la composition de I'albumen de la graine de caroubier; production de galactose et de mnnnose par hydrolyse. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, 228-231, 391-393; Jl. Pharm.. li>, 1899. 153-lt)0, 249-2.55; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 C. Ii.), 688-t;91. Sur le dosage du nianno.; Jl. Pharm.. 10. 1899. 438-444. Etude chimique des transformations de I'albumen de la graine de caroubier pendant la germination. Paris. Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 783-785. Snr les ferments solublps produits, pendant la germina- tion, par lc'8 graines i. albumen corne. Paris, Ac. Kci. C. U., 130, 1900, 4-2-44 ; Jl. Pharm.. 11. 1900, 104-111. Sur I'indivicltialit*/ de In B<'mina.He. ferment soluble si'cri'te par lew graines de r>*gumineuses a albumen c^trn/* |iaarent, JiiUi. Sur la composition lb'- albumens de la (eve de Snint-Ignace et de la noix vomiciue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130. 1900. 1411-1413; Paris. Soc. Biol. yUm., .52. 1900 (f. It.i. 477-479. Sur la nature des hydrates de carl>one d<- rew-r^e de In fevc de Saint-Ignace et de la noix vomique. Paris. Ac. Sci. ('. R., 131, 1900, 276-278; Jl. Pharm., 12. 1900, 313-320. Boorquelot, Emile, iV Mardln, /,. Sur la preparation da gentiano.se. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12t>, 1898, 280-281 ; Jl. Pharm. ,,7, 1898, 289-292. Bourquelot, Kmilf, fc Troisier, t\milf\ Recherches sur 1 a.imt. Notice sur les gi«e- menis anormaux des traiuhces de la tare de La Chuux- d.'-F.Hid-. Ne\iobat.-l Soc. S.-i. Hull., 28,1900. ->0-H.-,. Boorret, . Sabrazts,'.. ,V Xiiger, . Srr Saln-azte, Bonxret A Isbgex. Boarrltoea, . Pluie de soufre. .Astronumie. 1887. 27'J-273. Evenements meteorologiques importants. surrenus au Quercy depuis I'^re chretienne jiisqu'en IGOO. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 37. 1889, 93-95. Bourrlt, A. Note sur des cas de niditication anormale (111 inartiii-p^cheur (Alcedo ispida). [19i>0.) Ornis, 10, 1899. 190. Bourm, H[enri\. tie Tong-King. Ann. Hjg. Pabl., 11, 1884. 10-29, 220-227, 317-325. Bourru, H[fnri]. & Burot, [/'ro«p*r) F[frdinand]. De I'action des substances nieiicamentens«s et toxiqnes k di.^tance. Ass. Franc. C. R . 1885 (/'/. 1>. li<9. Hemorrhagic de la peau provoquce par la suggestion en somnambulisme. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m.. 37, 1885 (C. «.), 401-462. Les variations dc la personnalite. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1886 l/'f. 2 1. 739-748. Bourru, !!'■ ':ri\ Orimaux, 'I.^'ui^] /'f .n./r.f. ,V LAlxsrde, r "^^ ' Orlxnaux. Laborde A Bourru. Boorru, U^:n::]. I^borde, '. I'.. ,v Orimaux, [/../ui>] }-.,i,.ii'iTd. Sff I.aborde, Orlmaox >V Bourm. Bonraanlt, Urnri. Nouvelles empremtes problematiqaes des couches BolonieDiie.^ du Portel ( Pas-de-Calais). Paris, Soc. Qio\. Bull., 17, 1889. 7J5-7-29. Fossiles nouveaux des couches Boloniennes da Portel (Pas-de-Calais). Naturaliste, 12. 1890, 41-43. 93 Boursault] 138 [Boussinesq Composition de quelques roches du nord de la France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 733-735. Craie magnesieuiie des environs de Guise (Aisne). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 110, 1893, 1467-14(J9. Sur line grotte d'effondrement i CoyoUes (Aisne). Paris, Soc. Gic.\. Bull., 28, 1900, 91-92. Boursier, Andre. Tumeur an(^vrysmale de la carotide. [Willi Jisciisxion.] Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1890, •is-l 3-24. Boursier, Audit', & Slonod, Euf/. Note sur les kystes mucn-dermoides de I'ovaire. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 [t'ol. G, Sect. 13), 201-214, (Vol. 7), Ivi. Boury, Kmie.ne de. Descriptions de Scalariidffi nouveaux. Jl. de Co'ncli., 32, 1884, 134-164. Observations sur ijuelques especes nonvelles du bassin de Paris, decrites )>ar il/. le marquis dk R.uncouiit. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884. (!67-670. Liste de quelques especes rares recueillies a Cuise- Lamotte. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 670-()72. Sur I'extension des sables de Cuise et du calcaire de Saint-Ouen aux environs de Magny. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 673 676. Nouvelles observations sur I'Acirsa subdeeussata, Cantraine, sp. Jl. de Conch., 33, 1885, 96-99. Revision des Scalidas Miocenes et Pliocenes de Tltalie. Bull. Malacol. Ital., 14, 1889, 161-.326. Observations sur quelques ScalidiE du bassin de Paris et description d'une espeoe nouvelle. Jl. de Conch., 38, 1890. 139-143. Etude critique des Sealidie Miocenes et Pliocenes d'ltalie decrits ou cites par les auteurs et description d'esptices nouvelles. [1891.] Bull. Malacol. Ital., 15, 1890, 81-213. Revision des Pleurotomes Eocenes du bassin de Paris. [1899.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 29, 1898-99, 33-46, 62-05, 83-88, 103-107, 115-123, 130-134, 153-160, 172- 174. Boury, Eiiiihie de, it Dautzenberg, Philippe. See Dautzenberg * Boury. Bousfield, Kdniiid C. The Vietorella pavida of Saville Kent. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 401-407. ■ On the annelids of the genus Dero. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 1097-1098. On Slavina and Ophidonais. Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.j, 19, 1886, 264-208. Photomicrographs of Amphipleura pellucida. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1887, 357-358. Du contraste photomicrographique. [1888.] Ann. Microgr., [1] (1888-89), 71-74. The natural historv of the genus Dero. [188(1.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zuol.), 20, 1890, 91-107. Bouska, F. IF., * Weems, J. B. See Weems & Bouska. Bouskell, Frank. Notes on an entomological ramble in the New Forest and neighbourhood. [1893.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 3, 1895, 11.5-116. Urtieation in certain lepidopterous larva;: its cause and effect. [1894.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 3, 1895, 370-374. A day at Lymington salterns after Coleoptera. [1896.] Ent. Record, 7, 1895-96, 253-251. Collecting ('(jleoptera in the New F'orest, Whitsuntide, 1890. Knt. Record, 8, 1896, 297-29H. Parthenogenesis in insects. [1H90.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 136-137, 418-427. The disappearance of certain species of insects, with notes on their slaughter and luotection. [1896.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 267-275. . [Notes on Coleoptera.] [1890.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 281-283. [Some supposed causes of variation from a coleopterisfs point of view.] [1897.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 351-353. [Excursion to Wicken Fen.] [1897.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 494-495. Leicestershire Coleoptera in 1897. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 19-22. Notes on some aberrations of Osphya bipunctata. Fab. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 266-267. [Whitsuntide excursion to the New Forest.] [1898.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901, 201-202. Aberrations, varieties and species. [1899.] Leicester Soc. Trans , 5, 1901, 257-258. Stray notes in and about the New Forest : its origin and natural history. [1900.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, . 1901, 459-469. Coleoptera parasitic on or found with Hymenoptera. [1900.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901, 615. BouBkeU, Frinik, & Headly, C. B. A list of the Macro- Lepidoptera of Leicestershire. [1891.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 311-3.32. A few notes on the distribution and variation of the Leicestershire Macro-Lepidoptera. [1891.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 36.5-370. Bousquet, l-Jeiin Marie Hippolyte]. Tumeur variqueuse . des ganglions et vaisseaux lyraphatiques de I'aine droite. Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et Mem., 10, 1884, 37-5-378. Des pansements antiseptiques en chirurgie d'armee. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 5, 1886, 3511-353. [De la deformation des projectiles sur les pieces du sqnelette. Lidications que Ton pent tirer de ces deforma- tions relativement au diagnostic des fractures.] Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et Mem., 11, 1885. 626-633. Bousquet, F. Sur le jjoint de congelation du serum sanguin dans certains etats pathologiques. Paris. Soc. r.iol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. /(.), 101-103. Bousquet, F.. & Sabrazis, ,A'(i» [Einile\ See Sabrazis A' Bousquet. Bousquet, /•'., it Vaquez, Henri. See Vaquez & Bousquet. Bousquet, [Fu'iene] II[enri]. For biographical notice nee Mauritius Roy. Soc. Trans., 10, 1885, 65-72. Boussemaer, A. Note sur les couches supi5rieures du Mont Aigu. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11, 1884, 243-245, 381-384. La colline de Mons-en-Barceul. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 12, 1885, 302-304. Snr le Paniselien du Mont-des-Chats. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 16, 1889, 118-122. Boussinesq, [\'iileiitiii] J[axepli]. Complement a de prece- dentes noti's sur la poussee des terres. Ann. Ponts et Cliauss., 7 (1884), 443-481. ^ Sur Ja poussee d'une masse de sable, a surface sup^rieure honzontale, contre une parol verticale ou inclinee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 607-670. Sur la poussee d'une masse de sable, a surface superieure horizontale, contre une parol verticale dans le voisinage de laquelle son angle de frottement interieur est suppose croitre legereinent d'apres une certaiue loi. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 720-7'23. Calcul approche de la poussee et de la surface de rupture, dans un terre-plein horizontal homogi^'ne, con- tenu par un mur vertical. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 98, 1884, 790-793. Sur le principe du prisme de plus grande poussee, posi'' par Coiu.oMB dans la theorie de reqnilibre-limite des terres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 901-904, 97.5-978. : Remarque relative a la vitesso de propagation de Tin- tume.scenco jiroduite dans I'ocean Indien par I'eruption de Krahaton. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1251-1252. Application des potentiels A I'etude de i'l'ipiilibre et du mouvement des solides elastiques, principalcmeut au calcul des ileforniations et des pressions (jue proihiiseut, dans ces solides, des efforts quelconques exerces sur une petite partie de leur surface ou de leur inti^rieur; menioire suivi de notes etendues sur divers points de physique Boussinesql 739 [fiouBsinesq iiiiit)ii-iimtirale et que la nappe deversante eat libre en de»Bouu. I'ariB, Ac. Sci. C. R., 10,5, 1887, 17-22. Sur la theorie des diiversoirs en mince parol et ii. niifipe Boit doprlmi'e, soit soulevee, c'est-il-dire 80umi»e inlcrieureuient il uue preBsion constante, plus petite ou plus grande que celle de I'atniosphere exercec au-desBUs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 105, 1887, 58.j-.50O, 006. Sur la tlx^'orie des dcversoirs ei)aiB, avant leur seuil horizontal et eva.se ou non a son entree. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 105, 1887, 632-r)38. Sur une forme de deversoir en mince parol, analogue iv laJTitajje rentrant de BoitnA. pour laquelle le relevement de la face infcrieure de la nappe liquide, a la sortie du ddversoir, peut elre determine thioriquement. Paris, Ac. Sci.,C. K., 105, 1887, 6y7-702. Equilibre d'elasticite d'un Bolide sans pesanteur, homo^jene et isotrope, dont les parties profondes sont raaintenues (ixes, pendant que sa surface eprouve des prcBBions on des deplacements connuB, s'annulaut hors d'une region restreinte ou lis sont arbitraires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 106, 1888. 1013-1048, 1119-1123. Complement ii la theorie des deversoirs en mince parol qui .s'etendent a toute la largeur du lit d'un cours d'eau : iuHuence, sur le debit, des vitesses d'arrivee des filets duides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 513-.519, 538- 542. Formulcs de la dissemination du mouvement trans- versal dans une plaque plane indetinie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 108, 1889, 639-645. Expressions approchees du contour de I'ellipse et de la surface de I'ellipsoide, en fonction dos deux movennes aritlimetique et geometrique des demi-axes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 695-699. Complement a la theorie des deversoirs en mince parol, qui sVtendent a toute la largeur du lit dun cours d'eau; mise en coiupte des variations de la contraction qu'eprouve la nappe deversante, du cote de sa face inferieure. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 515-520. Complement i la th(5orie des deversoirs en mince parol ijui s'etendent i toute la largeur du lit d'un cours d'eau ; calcul approche, pour les nappes deprimi5es ou noyees en dessous, de la non-pression exercee il leur face inferieure, d'apres Telcvation imposee au niveau d'aval dans le canal de fuite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 541-546. Theorie du ret;lme permanent graduellement varic qui se produit prJs de I'entree evasee d'un tube tin, oii les filets d'un liquide qui s y ecoule u'ont pas encore acquis leurs ine;;iilitt« normales de vitesse. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890. 1160-1166. Theorie du mouvement permanent qui se produit pri^s de I'entree evasive dun tube tin : application a la deuii^me serie d'experiences de Poisecille. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1233-1242. Calcul des temperatures successives d'un milieu homog^ne et athermane indetiui, que sillonne une source de chuleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1242- 1211. Theorie du rt'gime jjermanent grnduellement varie qui He proluit pri'H de I'entrci- i^vaM-c dun tuyau de con luitc, ou les flletH tluides n'ont pas encore acquis leurs in<'galit>-s normales de vitesse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1292-1298. Sur I'explicatlon physique de la tluidite. Pari*, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1099-1102. Sur les deformations ct I'extinctiun des ondes oerieonei, isolees ou peilodiques, propagies il I'interieur ile tuyaux de ronduile b»us eau, de longueur indetioie. I'aris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 11-.', 1891, 1,'137 1343; Jl. Phjs., 10, 1891, 301-332. Sur la nianieie dont les vite"*-)! dans un tube cylin- drique de section circulaire, evose a sou entree, se distribuent depuis cette entree jusqu'aiu eodroits ou se trouve etabli un regime uniforuie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891. 9-15. Calcul de la moindre longueur que doit avoir an tube circulaire, evase ii son entren entre les divers elements superticiels de ,.;....-. Jl. Phys., 1, 1892, 26.5-285. Sur le calcul theurique approchf"- du debit d'un orifice en mince paroi. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R , 114. 1892, 704- 710. Debit des oritices circulaires ct sa repartition entre leurs divers elements superficiels. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114,. 1892, 807-812. Kcoulement par les orifices rectangulaires, sans con- traction laterale : calcul theorique de leur debit et de sa repartition. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892. 868-873. Calcul de la diminution qu'eprouve la prcssion moyenne, sur un plan horizonuil fixe, ii I'lntt-riear du liquide |>esant remplissaut un bas-^in et que viennent ogiter des mouvements queleonques de hoale on de clapotis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 114, 1892, 937-9441. Ues perturbations locales (|ue produit au des«ous d'elle une forte charge, repartie uniformemeni le long d'une droite normale aux deux bjrds, a la surface su|ierieure dune poutre reclangulaire et de longueur indefinie posce de champ soit sur un sol horizontal, soit sur deux appuis tronsversaux e quidistants de la charge. Paris. .\c. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892. 151il-I51<;. Des |H'rturbatious locales i|ue produit au dessous d'elle une forte charge, repartie unifonuemeut le long dune droite normale aux deux bord'^. a la sarface BUperieure d'une poutre rectnngulairc : verifications ex- perimentales. Paris, Ac. .Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 5-11. Sur une legere correction additive qu'il peut y avoir lieu de faire subir aux hauteurs d'eau indiqueos par les maregniphes, quand I'agitiition houleusc ou clapjteusc de la mer atteinl une grande inten«iti : cas d une mer houleuse. Pari.s, -\c. Sci. C. K., 115, 1892. 77-'<2, 149-1-52. Theorie de I'ecoulement sur les deversoirs sans con- traction laterale. en tenant compte des variations i|u'eprouve, suivant le niveau d'aval, la contraction inferieure de la napi>e deversante. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R.. 116, 1893, 1327-1333. Verifications expiriiuentales de la tbiorie des dever- soirs sans contraction laterale. a nappe libre en dessous. Paris, Ac. Sci- 0. R., 116, 1893. 1415-1418. Sur une simplification qu'ou intro. Formules des pressions moyennes locales, dans un - fluide anime de mouvements tourbillonnants et tumul- tueux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 1369-1375. Expression du frottement exterieur dans recoulemrnt tumultueux d'un fluide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 144,5-1451. Formules du coefficient des frottements interieurs, dans I'ecoulement tumultueux gradui-llement varie des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 1.517-1523. Lois generales du regime uniforme dans les lits a grande section. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 123, 1896, 7-13. Du regime uniforme dans les canaux rectangulaires larges et dans les tuyaux ou canaux a section circniaire ou demicirculaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 77-83. Lois de deuxieme approximation du regime uniforme, dans les tuyaux ciroulaires et dans les cannux demi- circiilaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 123, 1896, 141-147. Ecoulement graduellement varie des liquides dans les lits k grande section ; equations fondamentales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1196-1202. • Theorie generale des regimes graduellement varies dans I'ecoulement tourhillonnant des liquides ; formules de premiere approximation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 1'24, 1897, 1261-1267. verification experimentale de la theorie de I'ecoule- ment graduellement varie dans les canaux decouverts. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1327-1333. Expression des petites composantes transversales de la Vitesse dans les ecoulements graduellement varies des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897. 1411-1416. Parties tournantes des composantes transversales de la Vitesse, dans un ecoulement permanent graduellement varie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1492-1497. Distribution des vitesses a travers les gr.nides sections, dans les ecoulements graduellement varies, et equation du mouvement aux degres d'approximation superieurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 6-12. Theorie approchee dn passage d'un regime graduelle- ment varie a un regime rapidement varie ou vice versa. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 69-75. Etablissement du regime uniforme, dans un tuyau a section rectangulaire large. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. R., 125, 1897, 14'2-147. Etablipsemeut du regime uniforme dans un tuyau a section circulaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 125, 1897, 203-209. • Belation qui existe, dans la bicyclette roulani sur un sol horizontal, entre le mouvement de progression et le mouvement d'inclinaison. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 843-848. Apercju sur la theorie de la bicvclette : equilibre du cavalier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 895-*^99. Aperi;u sur la theorie de la bicvclette. Liouville, .11. Math., 5, 1899, 117-135, 217-232. " De I'effet produit, sur le mouvement d'inclinaison d'une bicyclette en marclie, par les deplacements lateraux que s'imprime le cavalier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 766-771. Calcul, dans une hypothese simple, du deplacement lateral que doit s'imprimer le cavalier, sur une bicyclette en mnrche, pour porter le centre de gravite du systeme lY une petite distance hor.zontale voulue de la base de la bicyclette. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128. 1899. 859-862. Ce que devient un systeme d'ondes planes lateralement indefinies, dans un milieu transparent isotrope, mais hcterogene, forme de couches planes et paralleles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 794-799. Propagation, duns un milieu transparent heterogine, d'un pinceau lateralement limite de lumi^re paralieie: integration des equations du mouvement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K. , 129, 1899, 859-864. Justification du principe de Feujiat snr I'econoniie du temps, dans la transmission du mouvement lumineux a travers un milieu heierogene, d'ailleurs transparent et isotroi)e. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1-29, 1899, 905-911. Boussinesql 711 [Boutineau lii'ductiun (le certains probl<'ii)e» (I'l'diftufTcincnt ou ilf rcfioidiKHciiU'iit piir rai^'onncMient, mi can pliiK Hiin|ile de I'eciiaiilTi'iiicnt uii du nrioidisHtiiii iit deH iii/^iiit'H corpH par contact : (■chaiilTi'iiifut d'mi iinir 2-105«. Prohli'Miii' du rt'froidiHspiiient d'un niur pur rayonnc- ment, raiiienc' au ca« plus Kinipln oi'i le rofroidisiienient fturait lieu par contact. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., IHO, 1900, 17.; Pliarm. .Jl., 17, 1887, !)HH; Rev. Sci.. 40, 1887, 33-l(); 41, 1888. 372-373; Ai;r. Stud, (ia/.., 3, 1886 88, 124-12.5; Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88. 3M3-3H7 ; Chem. Soe. .11., .'53, 1888, .509~.')13; Geopr. .Ibnch.. 12,1888. 3o7; Termt. Kozli.n., 20, 1888, 400-4<;7 ; Tids-kr. Phvs. Chem., 27, 1888, .287; Ann. Conserv. Arts et Met., 7, 1896, 173- 20G; St. Etienne, Bull. See. Ind. Min., 14, 1900, 46J-4(;k. Sur la temperature de la grele. Ann. Chini., 3, 1884, 425-429. Rapport sur la constitution des vins provenant de I'Exposition Universelle de 1878. France Soc. At;r. Men... 1211, 1884. 149-232. Boussus, M.. .V Hubert, E. tl'. See Hubert & Boussus. Boutan, A. Sur I'eiat actuel des mines de dianiant du Cup. |1S89.] Genie Civil, 14, 1888-89. 19l)-202. Boutan, I.ouin. Sur le sjsteuie nerveux du Parniophorus anstralis (Scutus). Paris, Ae. Sci. C. R., 98, 18B4, 1385- 1387. Reclierches sur I'anatomie et le diveloppemcnt de la Fissurelle. Comparaison de la Fissurelle avec les ty))es voisins. Arch. Zool. Exper., 3 bis, 1886, Mf'ni. 4, 173 pp. Sur le svsleme nerveux d'une Fissurelle (Fissurella alternata). " Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 100, 1886, 4ti7-ll'i9. Sur le tube digestif, le corps de Boj.ksc.-!, les organes p^'nitaux, et la ponte enient de I'Haliotidc et sur I'utilit* du Hcnphandie dans les reiherchcs zoologiques. \»n. Fram,-. C. R.. 1892 {I'l. 2), .522-525 Sur le syst^nie nerveux de la Neritu polita. PariH, .\c. Sci. C. R., 114. 1892. 1133-1135. Voyage dans la nier Rouge. (1H92.] Rev. Biol. N. France. 4, 1892, 17.3-183, 210-223. 2^che [» la- gi'iuf en profondeur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 171-176. Boutelle, C[liarlet] 0[(iVi]. For biographical notice $ee Amer. Ac. Proc. 26. 1891. 351-353; Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 11, 1892, 466-470. Water-waves from Krakatoa. Science, 3, 1884, 777. On a geodetic survev of the I'nited States. Science, 7. 1886, 460-461. Boutet, -J. F. Analyse des eaux mint'rales de Saint- Neetaire (Puy-de-lWme) et travaux d'analyse spectrale. Ann. Chim.,"7, 1886. 536-561. Analyse des eaux potables de Royat (Poy-de-Dome). Ann. Cliim., 7. 1886. .562-570. Ktude experimentale sur les meilleurs moyens de produire des sons purs el constants dans des tuyaax et 8(Ccialenieut sur rintlucuce de la matiere, de la forme, du diani^tre et de I'epaisseur des oritices soni.ire*. Ann. Cliiin.. 9. 1886. 4mi1-|22. BoutliilUer de Beaumont. Se^ Beaumont, Henry liinithtllirr lie. Boutlgny, [•'i-,:■ Rev. Bot., 3. 1884-86. 2-<7. Boutin, A. Developpemeut de ^'x en fraction continue. .Matbesis. 17, 1897, 8-13. Snr une equation de Pelu Mathe«is, 18, 1888, 159- 161. Bontlnaau, 'E. Des eaux de la n^gion de Gabis. Arch. Med. Phanu. MiliUires. 15, 1890, 201-211. Boutineau] 742 [Bouty Boutineau, A'., A Tray, J. L'oasis de Galies au point Je vue ajiricole. I'lauoe Soc. Aur. Mem., 133, 1889, 515-.',77 ; Lvmi Soc. Agr. Ann., 3, 1891, 1-fU. Boiitmy, H., & Nencki, illurcel]. See Nencki & Boutmy. Bouton, Charles L[eottard]. On tlie crushing of short ]insins of homogeneous material. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1891, aii-ai-i. Some examples of differential invariants. [1897.] N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 4, 1898, 313-322. Examples of the construction of Kiemanx's surfaces for tbe inverse of rational functions, by the method of eonformal representation. With an introduction by Prof. Maxime Bocheb. [1898.] Ann. Math., 12 (1898-99), 1-26. Invariants of the general linear differential equation and their relation to the theory of continuous groups. Amer. Jl. Math., 21, 1899, 25-84. Problems in the theory of continuous groups. Ann. Math., 1, 1900, 93-;i6. Bouton, {Miss) Rosa, & Avery, S[iimuel]. See Avery & Bouton. Boutrais, Geoffroy. *Vend6rae (Loir-et-Cher). Observa- tions meteorolo^iques faites pendant les annees 18.56-[76]. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 8, 1860, Pt. 1, 39-48; 10, 1862, Pt. 1,59-81 ; 11, 1863, Pt. 1, 43-71 ; 12, 1864, Pt. 1, 5-19: 14, 1866, Turis, Soc. Phys. Sf'-iinci-B, 1890, iyi-lU3. Etude dps |iro|)ri(5ti'» diclcclrifiucfl du mien. Ann. Cliim., 24, 1891, 3114-432; Ann. Telegr., 18, 1891, 4Hl- S21. ConBtnnte diclectriqne du mica. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, -188. Sm- les residus de polarisation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 222-22.5. Sur Ics cnpacitL'9 de polarisation. Ann. Cliim., 3, 1894, 14r,-20'.l. Sur In capneite t'lectrique du niercure ct les capacitt^s de polarisation en fj^neral. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 918-1119. Sur la cnpacite de relcctronietre cnpillnire et sur la capncito iiiitinle du mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 1196-1198. Capacitc^ ile rilectrometre capillaiie. [1894.] Paris, Soc. Phyg. Seances, 1894, 236-241; Ann. Teligr., 22, 1896, 72-78. Sur les dissolutions etendues et la pressioii osmotique. Jl. Phys., 4. 1895, 1.54-162. Sur dcs llammes sensibles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 120, 189B, 1200-1262; Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1895, 16.5- 175. Sur les Uammes chantantes. .11. Pliys., 5, 1896, 402-403. Sur les flammes sensibles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 372-374. Les rayons de BiiNTOKN et la photographie k travers les corps opaques. Bev. Sci., 5, 1896, 610-617. Les flauimcfi sensibles et les lentilles acoustiques. Toulouse Fnc. Sci. .\nn.. 10, 1896, 11. 18 pp. Nouvelle m^thode pour la nicsure de lintonsitc des champs nin,i;ni>tiques. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. B., 126. 1898, 238-240; Eclairaye Elect., 15 (1898). H9-93, 400-40-5, 441-447; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1898. 14-23. Les Raz rarefies possMcnt-ils In conductivite elcctro- lytique? Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B,, 129, 1899, 1.52-1.5.5. Sur In cohesion dielectrique des gaz rarefies. Paris, Ac. Sci. V. B., 129, 1899. 204-206. Les Raz rarefies sont-ils dcs electrolytes? Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1899, 148-154. Sur la cohesion dielectrique des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 131, 1900, 443-447. Cohesion dielectrique et champs explosifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 131, 1900, 469-471. Sur la cohesion dielectrique des gaz et des vapeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. (". B.. 131, 1900, .503-50.5. Bonty, i:[,linonil .l/.iri. I., 'op,, 1,1], A CalUetat, L[niiM Paul]. Sff CalUetet &' Bonty. Bonty, i\[iliiiond Mitrie Leopold], & Fouaserean, (l[roriief Kmesl Miirie]. Sur Templqi des couniiits alternntifs |H)ur la mesure des resistances liqaides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 101, 1886, 373-375; Paris, Soc. Phvs. Stances, 1886. 157-163. Bonty, E[dmoud Marie Leopold], A Polncar*, Lucirn. Nouvelle mi-thode pour la rar-sure dc la re^iNlanou (^•lectrique des scU (ondus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 107, 1888, fo^ 91; Ann. ('him.. 17, 1889, 52-<;i. Sur la cunductibditf- niques. Paris Soc. Chim. Ball., 4. 1890, 642-647. Action de la phinylhydrazine sur les nitrile* ;S- ci'toniques- Syntheses dans la seric du pyrazol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 647-6.51. [Sur la con.stitution du camphre.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 403-104. Sur In constitution chimique da camphre et de I'essence de terebenthine ninsi que de leurs principaux derivc-i. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892. 527-538. Sur les nitriles ^-acetoniques et leurs derives. Rev. Sci., 49, 1892, 243-244. .Sur un isomO're liquide dc I'liydrocamph^ae. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 10<;7-1070. Sur un procede eomnioile et rapule de saponification des nitriles. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893. 361-373. Sur les preparations du triphinylaci.tonitrilc it du triplu-nvlcarbinol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9. 1893 373-375. Sur la soi-disant hydrazone de la cyanaoelooe. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9. 1893. 37.5-377. Sur la constitution des dicyanures d'acides dimol^a- laires. Pans Soc. Chim. Bull , 9. 1893. 576-.578. Sur le camphre et les derives terix-niques. [With ditfuuion.] [1893.] Lyon Soc. .\gr. Ann., 1, 1894, cxii-cxvi. Stereoisom^ries dans la s^rie da camphre. Paris Soc Chim. Bull.. 11. 1894. 134-144. De I'isonierie optique tians les corps k chalnes ferm^. Paris Soc. Chim. Hull.. 11. 1894, 144-147. Bc'iwuse a .1/. Coiinr.s. [Sur quelques points de stereochimie.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 11, 1894 3.5(J_ 3.59. ouveault] 744 [Bouvet Action lUi ehlonire ifi'tliylDxalyle sm- les hydrocarburea aromatiques en presence dii clilorure d'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 1-22, 1896, 10()-2-1064, 1207-1209. Action de I'hydrazine siir les aeides glyoxyliques de la Eerie aronmtique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1491-1493. Nouvelle metbode pour la preparation d'aldehydes aromatiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 122, 1896, 1.543- 1.54.5. Sur un precede de syntbese d'aldehydes et d'acides aromatiques au moyen du chlorure d'ahnninium. Paris Soe. Cbim, Bull., 15, 1896, 1014-1021. Nomenclature des composes a eUaines ferm(5es. Ass. Franv. C. U., 1897 (Pt. 1), 243-264. Sur la distillation fractiounee dans le vide. Ass. Franc. C. B., 1897 (Pt. 2), 286-289. Ueber die Constitution des Camphors und seiner wichtiKSten Derivate. Cbem. Ztg-, 21, 1897, 761-762. Action du ehlonire d'^tbyloxalyle sur le pseudoeumfeue et le mesityK^ne. Paris, Ac' Sci. C. K., 124, 1897, 156-158. Sur I'a-acetylfurfurane et sa presence dans les goudrons de bois. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 1184-1186. Sur les aeides glyoxyliques de la s^rie aromatique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 363-366. Condensation des chlorures d'etbyloxalyle avec des hydrocarbures aromatiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 366-372. Action du chlorure d'etbyloxalyle sur le.s hydrocarbures aromatiques. Paris Soe. Cliim. Bull., 17, 1897, 940-943. Aeides glyoxyliques et aldehydes derives des ^'tbers de phenols. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 943-947. Aeides glyoxyliques- phenols. Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 947-949. Sur quelques derives du gaiacol. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 17, 1897, 949-950. Sur la constitution de Tacide camphorique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 990-998. Application de la metbode de MM. Fbiedel et Cb.\fts a la preparation des acetones et des aldehydes aromatiques. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 17, 1897, 1020-i022. Preparation des aeides glyoxyliques-phenols par d^- mi5tbylation. Synthase de la vauilline. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 19, 1898, 75-77. Condensation de la semicarbazide avee les /3-diei^tones. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 77. Action du chlorure d'etbyloxalyle sur le malonate d'ethyle sode. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 19, 1898, 78-80. Sur la constitution de I'acide camphorique et du camphre. Pans Soc. Cbim. Bull., 19, 1898. 462-469. Separation des aeides gras bibasiqnes de I'oxydation des graisses. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull,, 19, 1898, 5(52-565. Constitution des aeides campbolenicpies et de leurs derives. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 56.5-573. Syntheses daua la s^rie du cyelopentaue k I'aide de I'acide adipique. Ass. Frani;. C. R., 1899 {Pt. 1), 234. Emploi de la tetrachlorbydroquinone pour la caraote- risation et la separation des aeides gras. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, .53-56. . Sur les aldehydes isora^res de I'essence de lemon-grass. Paris Soc. Cbim'. Bull., 21, 1899, 419-423. Sur la nature de I'isomerie des deux lemonals (citrals). Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 423-427. [Electrolyse de rethylsuccinate de sodium.] Paris Soc. Chim. 'Bull.. 21, 1899, 4.52-4.53. Sur la formule de constitution du camphre. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 21, 1899, 1013-1019. Syntbese de derives du cyclopentane au moyen de I'adi'pate d'ethyle. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 2l', 1899, 1019-1023, Sur I'acide a-dimethylisocrotonique (2 dinu'tbyl- butinoiqae 3). Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 1062-106.5. Synthase totale de la phorone de I'acide camphorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 41,5-417 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 160-163, 323. Procefle de syntbese d'homologues superieurs de Tether acetylacetique et de racetylacetone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E. , 131," 1900, 45-48. [Sur le nitrate de camphene.] Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 23, 1900. 421. Rhodinol et citronnellol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900. 458-463. Sur la transformation du rhodinal en menthone. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 403-466. Sur I'anbvdiide etbyloxalique. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 23, 1900, .509-511. Action de I'acide nitrique I'umant sur le camphfene. Paris Soe. Cbim. Bull., 23, 1900. 53-5-540. [Sur risobutyrylacetate d'ethyle.] Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900,' 611. Bouveault, Louis. & Barbier, [Franrois Antoiiie] Ph[Hip])e]. .Sec Barbier tV Bouveault. Bouveault, I.oui.-i, * Hanriot, Maurice. See Hanriot iV Bouveault. Bouveault, I.niiis, & Rousset, L. Preparation de I'alde- hyde valeriauique. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 11, 1894, 300-302. Bouveault, Louin, & VTalil, Andre R. Sur la nitration directe dans la serie grasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 131, 1900, 687-689. Constitution des derives nitres du dimetbylacrylate d'ethyle; nitroacetate d'ethyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 131, 1900, 748-750. Action des reactifs reduoteurs sur les deux ethers nitrodimethylacrvliques isomeres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R, 131, 1900, 1211-1213. Bouveret, L[('()h]. Aspbyxie locale des extremites chez unc femme atberomateuse. [1884.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 24, 1885, 44-,50. App'ireil pour la transfusion du sang permettant en meme temps I'injection intra-veineuse d'une solution saline. [1884.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 24, 1885, 73-84. Etudes etiologiques sur les foyers ehoieriques de I'Ar.leche. [1884.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 24, 1885, 320-433. Sur le diagnostic de Pestoraac biloculaire par I'in- sufflation. [1896.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 36, 1897, 3-12. Bouveret, L[iUnt]. & Devic, [£.]. Sur la pathogenic de la tetanie d'origine gastrique. [1891,] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 8'23-828; Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 31, 1892 (C. R.). 233-235, Bouverie, //. U. P. [Daylight meteor, .Jan. 9, 1900, Lewes] [1900.] Nature,' 61 (1899-1900), 279-280. Bouvet, ii. '[Notes meteorologiques.] Saint-Servan (Ille- et-Vilaiue). Prance Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 7, 1874. Pt. 2, 18, 30, 40, 52, 62-63, 75, 87-88, 97, 114- 115; 8. 1875, Pi. 2, 7, 29, .5.5-56, 80-81, 110-111, 136, 162, 187-188, 218, 269-270, 276-277, 307; 9, 1876, Pt. 2, 8, 36, 66-67, 97, 132, 163-164, 196-197. *Note sur les isotbermes et les isochimeues de la France. France Soc. Meteorol. .\nnu., 25, 1877 {Hull.), 76-78, 141; 27, 1879 {Pull.), 243-246. '[Observations sur le cliniat de Brest.] France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 25, 1877 (Pull.), 25'2-2.56. "Le climat de la Bretagne. France Soc. Meteorol. Anuu., 28, 1880, 1154-199, 356. Climatologie abregee de .Saiut-Malo et des environs. France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 38, 1890, 163-177. Variations locales de la temperature (le 31 mai 1892). France Soc. Meteorol. Anuu., 40, 1892, 147-149. IiiHueuce reelle des eaux sur la temperature. France Soc. Meteorol. Aunu., 42, 1894, 105-108. Bouvet, Georges. Catalogue raisonne des plantes utiles et Bouvet] 745 "^Bouvier nuieibleii dc la florc do Mnine-ct-Loirc (prOKrammc d'un iDUH^e Hcolaire : botaniquc). AngerH Soc. iSci. Bull., 1884, 137-364. Le MuHije d'HiHtnire Naturelle et le Jsrdin Botanique d'Aiipers. AngerH Soc. Sci. Hull., 1880, H5-184. Lea liubiiH do I'Anjou. Ks«(ii d'une r(''vi»ion ryo- tWtiquc. AngerH Soc. Sci. Hull.. 1888, 10.'>-174. MHHciii(!'Cs du di'parteiiient do Miiinc-et-Iioire (SpliaigneH, Mouskpk, Plrpaliquea). Angers S(x;. Sci. Bull., 189S, 343-486; 1897, 137-154. Un poisson nouveau pour nos rivifercs, le Lepomis mcKiilntis, Raff. [1900.] Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899, •ir,r,--2r,7. BonTeyron, [AU'randrf]. Historiqiie de I'emploi dn sul- pliftte do soudc coiiiiiii' brniostalique. [1898.] Lyon Soc. .Sci. Med. Mi'm., 38, 1899, 125-132. BouTler, |.l/iinii»]. Observatoire du .Mont-Vcntoux. Tra- vaiix, iiiHtrumentB, panitonncrre. Ass. Franv. C. R., 1886 (/v. 2), 276-282. Bouvler, K[ug!-ue] L[ouu]. Sur le systime nervenx des Bucciiiidos ft ile.'i I'urpurid<''S. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, l.>ii;t-l.-)12. Sur le Bvstt-rao nervenx du Buccinum undatum. Paris Soc. Philoiii. Bull., 9, 1886, 71-75. Note sur le syat^me nerveux des Toxiglosses, et con- sidirations g(?nerales sur le systfine ner\-eux des Gastero- podes Prosobranclies. [1885.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 44-56. Contributions iV I'etude des Prosobranches Pt^noglosses. France Soc. Miihicol. Bull., 3, 1886, 77-130. Observations relatives au systime nerveux et i certains traits d'organisation des Ga.steropodes Scutibranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 102, 1886, 1177-1180. La loi des connexions appliciuee ii la morphologie des organes des ^[ollusques et particuli^renicnt de I'Ampnl- laire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. U., 103, 1886, 162-165. Sur le syst^nie nerveux tvpique des MoUusqnes Ct^nobranches. Paris, Ac. Sci." C. R., 103, 1886, 938- 939. Sur le systeme nerveux tvpique des Pro.sobranches dextres on senestres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 103, 1886, 1274-1276. Le systeme nerveux des Turbonidds et des Neritid^s. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 61-67. Le syst^rae nerveux et certains trait.s d'organisation des Neritidie et des Helicinida). Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 1(3-97. [Observations sur I'anatomie du Xenophore et de la Calyptroe.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 121- 123. Observations anatomiques relatives aux Solaridcs ct anx .lanthinides. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 151-1.-.6. Svstenie nerveux et morphologie des Cyclobranches. [1886.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 34-35. Observations sur le genre Ceratoptilus cree dans la famille des Cerithidt's. [1886.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull.. 11, 1887, 3t;-38. B<5sume d'observations faites sur le systeme nerveux des Prosobranches et la formation du systeme uer\"eux typique des Ctenobranches. [18K6.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 42-45. Sur le svst^me nerveux cbiastoneure des Prosobranches senestres." [1886.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 45-48. Sur la morphologie de rAmpullaire. [1886.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 92-93. Systi^nie nerveux. morphologic generale et classifica- tion des Gasteropodes Prosobranches. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Xttot.). 3, 1887, 510 pp. : Paris. Hautes Ktudes Bibl., 35, 1887 {All. 1), 405 pp. ; 36, 1887 {Art. 1), 110 pp. Sur I'organisation des Gastiropodes senestres. Natu- raliste, 9, 1887. 18-20. R. S. A. C. Sur la pr<-tenduc glande 4 venin des Toxigl'<»«:H (MoUusqucH GasUTopodes). Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 16m- 171. ObservationR sur le systeme nerveox des Prosobranches Ti'niogloBBCB. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. K., 104, 1887, 447- 418. L'orgauisation des Volutes comparV Bonvler. Bonvier, ]:[iuihir] /,[oh/<], i DeUcrolz, G[eor(iet]. Un entomophage parasite de vers ii soie europeens. Paris, Ac. .Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 24.5-247; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1893 (C. R., No. 19), 2-4; 6, 1894 (C. Ii., No. 1), 3-5. Bouvier, f:[ugine] I.[ouis], & FUcber, Henri. Sur lorgiinisation et les atlinitts des Plennitomaires. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 695-097, 796. Etude monographique des Pleurotomaires actuels. Arch. Zool. Exper., U, 1898, 115-180; JL de Conch., 47, 1899, 77-1.51. Sur I'organisation des Pleurotomaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 126, 1898. 1361-1363. Bouvier, E[u,i;iie] I.[n,ii,]. A FUcher, Paul [Henri]. See Fisctaer cV Bouvier. Bouvier, I:[ii:r,i„] I.[,mU]. \ BSllne-Edwarda, Alphonse. s. , auine-Edward* lV Bouvier. Bonvler, i:[ugene] L[oiim], & Boclii, Gforget. Sur une iiuiliidie des langouatcs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120. 1895. .509-512. Bouvresse, Henri. [L'occaltation de Jupiter, da 20 fevner.] Astronomie, 1893. 155. Conjonction de Saturne avec I'etoile double gamma de la Vierge. Astronomie. 1893. 233-234. Bouwman, If. Die Pliieker'schen Zahlen der .\bweichangs- curve. [1896.) Math. .\nn., 49, 1897, 24-38. Bouyer, [.ichille]. Les eaux sulfureuses dcg^n^r^ de Caulerets et leurs applications k certaines nevTopathies et aux maladies des organes g^nito-urinaires. Bordeaai Soc. M.d. Mem.. 1892. 220-248. Traitement de reniphysime pulmonaire k Cauterets. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mein., 1894. 220-2.3S. Bonysuea, H. Note sur I'anatomie comparee de U tige ct du petiole des Rubine, hemlock and spruce. Brit. Ass. Itep., 1897, 7.')8-7.j9. Bovey, lUnrij T., & Strickland, T[oin] Plercival]. Some experiments on the resistance to How of water in pipes. Canada Bov. Soc. Proc. * Trans., 4, 1898 (.SVt(. 3), 43-57. Bovie, . Etude sur le regime de la marA> au port d'Ostende. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 44, 1886, 185- 224. Bovie, Albert. Les Coccinelles de Belgiquc. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 41, 1897, 133-162. Liste de Curculionides captures en Belgique. Brai., Sue. Knt. Ann., 44. 1900, 379-380. Bovler-I.aplerre, Emile. Note sur les effets dc I'usage des eaux pliitreuses. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. /{.), 376. Observations sur les Noctiluijucs. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^ni., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 549-5.53. Sur les cellules nerveuses du ganglion spiral du dauphin. Ass. Frani,'. C. R., 1887 (/'f. 1), 264. Note sur des choSnes de Peridiniens appartenant au genre Polvkrikos. Paris. Soo. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. }!.), .53.5-536 : 40, 1888 (C. H.), 579-581. Observations sur la sardine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (f. li.). 79.5-7'.i7. D'un nouveau mode de dissociation et de montage des elements anutomiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 40, 1888 (C. li.\. 797-799. De la vascularite de IVpitheliuni olfactif. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. A'.). 833-834. Bovler-Iiapierre, I'.mih', A Foactaet, [Charlfi Henri] (Ifi'iijfy. Sii- Fouchet iV Bovier-I.apierre. Bovleri, Fruiictfti). 1 nuiti microsisniici ed il veuto. [1889.] Konia, N. Lincei Atti, 43. 1890, 20-23. Sopra un uuovo sismoscopio. Uoma, N. Lincei Atti, 46, 1893. 45-48. Bovis, l![eni] de, & Altemalre, /.[omi« Eugine], See Altemaire A' Bovla. Bovis. A|' II: \ ,1, . \ HugTtet, J. S(, Hngnet >V Bovla. Bowden, I'. H". .\n electromagnetic effect. London Plivs. Soc. Proc, 13, 1896, 549-651; Phil. Mag., 40. 1896. 200-201. Bowden, fy. Yortm.vns's test for hrdrocvanic acid. [1892.] Brit. I'harm. Confer. Trans., 1892. 447-449; Pharm. Jl.. 23, 1893, 232. The purity of lithium salts. [1893.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 189S, 41»-420 ; Pharm. Jl., 24, 1894, 211-215. Bowdiab, fl. S. The turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) in Ontario county, S. Y. Auk, 8, 1891, 391. Thif yelliiw-leg" (Totanus Havipes) breL-ding in Ontario county, N. V. Auk, h, 1891, 3'.i4. Breeding of lh>' mourning warbler in Ontario eountv. N. Y. Auk.M, 1891, 396. Songs of birds. .Scienctr, 22, 1893, 291. Bowdltch, [Jleiirij Inflertutl]. For biography and liiit of woihH «,•<• .\. Y. .Med. .11., 55, 1892, .503.504 ; Ainer. Ac. I'roc., --'H, 1893, 310-331. Bowdltch, / V"/. ('. List of Mt. Washington Coleoptera. Psvclie, 7, 1896, Suppl. 2, 1-11. Collecting notes. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 392- 395. Bowdltch, //. /'. Experiments on the action of the vaso- niot..r nerves of the leg. N. Y. Med. Jl., 40, 1884, 325. .Note on the nature of nerve-force. Jl. Physiol., 6, [1886], 133 13.5. Address [to the liiol. Sect.]. NVliat is nerve-force? Amer. Ass. I'roc., 1886. 237-246. Vaso-motor nerves of the limbs. Amer. Ass. Ppoc., 1886. 270. leber den Nachweis der Unermiidlichkeit des Siiugethiernerven. Arch. Anat. Phvsiol. {Phytiol. Ahlh.\. 1890. 50.5-508. The growth of children studied by the method of percentile grades. Int. Med. Congr. Yerh., 1890 lUJ. 2, Ablh. 2), 8-9; Massachusetts Brd. of Health Rep.. 22. 1891, 479-522. The phy^ique of women in Massachusetts. Massa- chusetts Brd. of Health Rep.. 21, 1890, 287-304. The relation between hei.'ht, weight and age in growing children. [1896.] Science, 5, 1897, 131. The rhvthm of smooth muscles. Brit. .Ass. Rep., 1897, 809-810. Movements of tlie alimentary canal. Science, 5, 1897, 901-902. Bowdltch, //. 7'., it Wazzan, Joirph II'. Plethyemo- grapliic experiments on the vaso-motor nerves of the Innbs. Jl. Ph}>iol., 7, [1886], 4HV-J.50. The knee-jerk and its physiological modifications. Jl. Physiol., 11, 1890, 2.5-<)4. ' Bowdltch, J[oimlhiiii] Iiigernill. For biographical notice «.. Amer. Ac. Proc., 24, 1889, 43.5-437. Bowdltch, Stithaniel. For biography tee Popular Astr., ■1. 1895. 38.5-394. BoweU, Erneit Il^i'Wium] Wahr. Probable partheno- ^'erii ~is in Arctia mendica. [181^.] Ent. Record. 1, 1890-91, 174. The Rhopalocera of Herefordshire. Ent. Record, 2, 1891. 136-138. On the scales of European Zygajnides. Ent. Record, 9. 1897. 271-273. BoweU, Erufst \y[iUunn] Wake. & Boycott, Arthur E[drin]. s . Boycott >V Bowell. Bowen, linij. .^. The Tineina of north-west Kent and tidji'lning portion of Surrey. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898. 142-149. Bowen, ElUii A. A lesson on harvest moon. [1893.] Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 32-31. Jupiter at opposition. K naked-eye stndy. [1893.] Popular .\str., 1, 1894. 133-136. Yisualizing the Karth's annual motion. [1893.] I'.q.iilar Astr., I, 1894. 17f^l79. Bowen, H >' Vii apparatus for determining the relative li'.:' . -i 'U of a semi-liquid bodr. School of M;:,- V"'-'^- S- v., 10, 1888. 297-303. Bowen. U. C. Jc "Wailmr, Elicgn. See 'V^aller A- Bowen. Bowen, .fohn T. The epitrichial layer of liie human epuiermjs. Anat. Auz., 4, 1889, 4l'2-416. 441-450. Bowen] 750 [Bowers Un cas de keratose folliculaire (raaladie de Dabiek) limit^e a la tete et aux mains. Ann. de Dermatol.. 9, 1898, 6-9. Bower, .-1. S. *The Bower-Barff process. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 11, 1883, 329-338. Bower, B. A. Hemarks on Scoparia basistrigalis, Knaggs. Ent. Month. Mag,, 31, 1895, 273-274. Aberration of Boarmia gemmaria (rhomboidaria). Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 269. Lepidoptera in Kent and Devon. Ent. Eecord, 12, 1900, 340. Bower, F[rederick] Oipen. On recent researches into the origin and morphology of chlorophyll corpuscles and allied bodies. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 24, 1884, 237-254. Preliminary note on the apex of the leaf in Osmunda and Todea. Koy. Soc. Proc, 36, 1884, 442-443. On the comparative morphology of the leaf in the vascular cryptogams and gymuosperms. [1884.] Phil. Trans., 175, 1885, 565-615. On the apex of the root in Osmunda and Todea. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 25, 1885, 75-103. Correction of an error as to the morphology of Welwitschia mirabilis. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 25, 1886, 105-106. On apospory in ferns (with special reference to Mr. C. T. Druery's observations). [1884.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 21, 1886, 360-368. On the development and morphology of Phyllo- glossum Drummondii. [1885.] Phil. Trans., 176, 1886, 665-678. On Humboldtia laurifolia as a myrmekophilous plant. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 699. On positively geotropic shoots in Cordyliue australis. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 699-700. ■ On apospory and allied phenomena. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Hot.), 2, 1881-87, 301-326. On the modes of climbing in the genus Calamus. [1887.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 125-131. On the limits of the use of the terms " phyllome " and "caulome." [1887.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 133-146. • Preliminary note on the formation of gemmiE on Trichomanes alatum. [1887.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 183-184. Note on a morphological peculiarity of Cordyline australis. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc. , 18, 1887, 317-319. On Humboldtia laurifolia, Valil, as a myrmekophilous plant. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 18, 1887, 320-326. On Cramer's gemma borne by Trichomanes alata. Nature, 36, 1887, 593. On some normal and abnormal developments of the oophyte in Trichomanes. [1888.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 269-305. On the pitcher of Nepenthes : a study in the mor- phology of the leaf. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, 239-252. The comparative examination of the meristems of ferns as a phylogenetic study. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, 305-392; Nature, 40, 1889, 610-611. On i)r. Macfari.ane's observations on pitchered in- sectivorous plants. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 4, 1889-91,165-168. Note on attempts to induce aposporous developments in ferns. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 4, 1889-91, 168-169. On antithetic as distinct from homologous alternation of generations in plants. [1890.] Ann. Bot., 4, 1889-91, 347-370. On club mosses: past and present. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 21, 1890, 158-172. Which are the oldest ferns? Hortic. Soc. JL, 12, 1890, 496-.505. Is the eusporangiate or the leptosporangiato the more primitive type in the ferns? [1891.] Ann. Bot., 5, 1890-91, 109-134. Studies in the morphology of spore-producing members. Preliminary statement on the Lycopodinie and Ophio- glossaceie. [Preliminary statement on the Equisetacese and Psilotacea?.] [1891-93.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 50, 1892, 265-273; 53, 1893, 19-22. Notes on the morphology of the spore-bearing members in the vascular cryptogams. Nature, 46, 1892, 555. On the structure of the axis of Lepidostrobus Browni, Schpr. Ann. Bot., 7, 1893, 329-354. A criticism, and a reply to criticisms. [See Goebel, : "On the simplest form of moss," 6, 1892, 355-360.] Ann. Bot., 7, 1893, 367-380. A theory of the strobilus in archegoniate plants. Ann. Bot., 8, 1894, 343-365; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 695-696. On apospory and production of gemmse in Tricho- manes Kaulfussii, Ilk. and Gr. Ann. Bot., 8, 1894, 465-468. Studies in the morphology of spore-producing members. [i.] Equisetinea; and Lycopodinese. [ni. Marattiaceie. IV. The leptosporangiate ferns.] [1893-99.] Phil. Trans. (B), 185, 1895, 473-572 ; 189, 1898, 35-81 ; 192, 1900, 29-138. ■ On the arehesporium. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 851. Verwahrung. [Siehe " Die Sporophyllmetamorphose " von Herru Gluck p. 303.] Flora, 80, 1895, 487-488. [Structure of the cell and nucleus. Presidential address, Nov. 8, 1894.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 20, 1896, 275-284. [The scientitic works of Robert Brown. Presidential address, Nov. 14, 1895.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 20, 1896, 459-468. Studiesonthemorphologyof spore-producing members. Part II. Ophioglossacese. [1895.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 59, 1896, 137-141. Preliminary statement on the sorus of Dansea. [1895.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 59, 1896, 141-143. [On the enumeration of spore-mother-cells and spores as a basis of comparison of ferns.] [1896.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 21. Remarks on changes in number of sporangia in vascular plants. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 872. [Presidential address to the Bot. Sect. The morpho- logical study of plants.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 1024- 1043. Bower, Frederic. Schwendener's theory of the nature of lichens. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1887, 37-46. [A curious caterpillar from Rio de Janeiro.] Man- chester Lit. Phil. Soc Mem. & Proc, 41, 1897, xxv. Bower, (Capt.) II. A journey across Tibet. Geogr. Jl. , 1, 1893, 385-404. A trip to Turkistan. Geogr. Jl., 5, 1895, 240-257. Bower, >/., d' Jones, E. H. See Jones & Bower. Bower, I)'. li. Electrical discharge. Brighton Nat. Hist. Sue Rep., 1896, 33-35. Bowers, .4. F. Etude sur la direction verticale des aerostats et la possibility des longs sSjours dans I'atmo- sphere. A^ronaute, 1893, 103-110. Bowers, George M. Publications of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries available for distri- bution on March 1, 1899. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 24, 1899, 313-327. Bowers, Homer. A contribution to the life history of Hydrastis canadensis. Bot. Gaz., 16, 1891, 73-82. Bowers, Mary .1. Peripheral distribution of the cranial nerves of Spelerpes bilineatus. 1 1900.] Amer. Ac. Proc, 36, 1901, 177-193. Bowers, Ste}>heii. Ventura county. California Mining Bur. Rep., 8, 1888, 679-690 ; 10, 1890, 758-762. • — — San Nicolas island. California Mining Bur. Kep., 9, 1890, 57-61. Orange county. California Mining Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 399-409. 1 Bowhiin 751 [Bowman Bowhlll, Thomas. Anthrax and soutliern fever aiuon^ California cattle. U. S. Bur. /Uiim. Ind. Rep., 4 * H, 1889, 443-451. Zur bakteriologischen Technik. Zur Kultur der Hi'fen aiif (iypsfliichen. Kinc neue Platinnadel. Ccntrbl. Hakt. (Aht. 2), 5, 1899, Wl-'Md. Bowhlll, Thoiiuin, iSi Mercer, A. S. See Kercer & BowblU. Bowie, Au!i. J. Measurement and flow of water in ditches. Viiu NoHtrand'a Engin. Mag., 32, 1888, 31-30. Bowie, ir. The medicinal pliintB of the Clydesdale flora. I'harni. .11.. 10, 1900, 119-121. Bowker, .4. /•'. tireat variation of teinpcraturc in seven liourH. Moteorol. Soo. Quart. Jl., 21, 189B, 41. Bowker, (Col.) James Ueiirij. Notice.s on the miRration of birds ill Durban, Natal. Omi.s, 2, 1886, fiLO-dlT. Bowlby, Anthuiiy A[l/re(l]. Four cases of sporadic cretiuisiii, with remarks on some points in the pathology of the disease. London Path. Soc. Trans., 3.5, 1884, 450-458. Congenital dislocation of the hip. London Path. Soc. Trans., 38, 1887, 295-298. Hare forms of loose bodies from the knee-joints. London Path. Soc. Trans., 3'J, 1888. 281-284. Three cases of coccygeal cysts. London Path. Soc. Trans., 41, 1890, 284-288. On the condition of the reflexes in cases of injury to the spinal cord ; with special reference to the indications for operative interference. Med.-Chir. Trans., 73, 1890, 313-325. Papillomatous growth, containing the ova of the Bilharzia beematobia, removed from the rectum. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 136. Specimens of the Distoma ha'matobium (Bilharzia hsmatobia), with the urinan,' organs and lung containing ova. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 194-195. Symmetrical periostitis of femur, with an unusual formation of a new bone. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 243-246. Thirteen cases of P.voet's disease of the nipple, with special reference to the causation of the malady by psorospcrms. Med.-Chir. Trans.. 74, 1891, 341-366. Sixty-six cases of rodent ulcer. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 152-lli3. Bowlby, .tnthoiu/ .i[l/r,'il\. ,v Ctiampneys, Francis Henry. .s'i'i' Champneys lV Bowlby. Bowler, That. Ide. Chinese treatment of cobalt ores. Chem. News, ,58, 1888, 100. Bowles, C. ir. A comparison of the nesting habits of the long-billed and short-billed marsh wren. Ornith. Ool., IS, 1893, 8-11. Bowles, C. IC, * Bowlea, J. II. Nesting of the blue- headed Vireo in Massachusetts. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 102. Nesting habits of Asthont's Vireo. Auk, 15, 1898, 1.S8-140. Bowles, E. Aiigitstus. The variation of the markings of I'apilio machaon. Entomologist, 24, 1891, 130-131. Variation in size brought about by food. Ent. Kecord, 3. 1892, 225. Plusia moneta at .\i!cot, Hastings, Folkestone, and Waltham Cross, with some observations on its pupa and the colour of its cocoon. Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 185. Variation of Nonagria Canna;, with description of three new aberrations. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 286-287. Bowles, £. Auffustiit {et alii). Discussion on the attrac- tiveness of light. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 178-180, 235. Bowles, (^erl] L[isler]. Krystallographische Xotizen liber einige Stilt>euderivate. Ztschr. Kryst., 31. 1899. 386-389 ; 32, 1900. 674. On a methrxl of illustrating the variation of thermal conductivity of crystals in different directions. [1898.] Min. Mag., 12. 1900, :«.3-355. On a rliombic pyroxene from South Africa. [1899.] Min. Mag., 12. 1900. 349-353. A twin crystal of sapphire. [1899.] Min. Mag., 12, 1900. 355-35S. On monazite and associated minerals from Tintagel, Cornwall. Miu. Mag., 12, 1900, 3.58-362. Beitiiiiie zur Kennlniss des Monazit. Ztschr. Kryst., 33. 1900. li;i-126. 673. Bowman, II[enry] .M[oore]. For biographical notice set .Med.-Chir. Trans., 80, 1897, cxx-cxxi. On the association of disease of the spinal cord with ptrnicious anicmia. Brain, 17, 1894, 198-213. Bowman, .T. II'., A acaaon, William I'. See Kaaon >t Bowman. Bowman, W[all!fr]. Ueber die Einwirknng von Cyanka- liiiui auf .Mekonin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 20, 1887, 890-891. Ueber die Eiuwirknng voo Essigsaareanhvdrid auf Cotarnin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 20, 1887. 2431- 2433. Bowman, {.Sir) WiHiaat. For biography and works see Aim. dOculist.. 107, 189S. 398-399; Arch. Augenheilk., Bowman] 752 [Boyd •24, 1892 {Ber. 1891, 178-179); Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 3:i0-331 ; Leopoldina, 28, 1892, 108 ; Nature, 45, 1892, 517-518, 5li4-56G ; Anier. Ac. Proc, 28, 1893, 403-405 ; Med.-Chir. Traus., 76, 1893, 10-12; Boy. Soc. Proc, .52, 1893, i-vii. Bownocker, J[o/ih] A[dams]. A deep pre-glacial channel in western Oliio and eastern Indiana. Amer. Geologist, 2.3, 1899, 178-182. The paleontology and stratigraphy of the corniferous rocks of Ohio. [1898.] Denison Univ. Sci. Lab. Bull., 11, 1902, 11-40. Bowrey, James John. For biographical notice and list of works sei' Jamaica Inst. .11., 2, 1899, 423-425. Fall of peculiar hailstones in Kingston, Jamaica. Nature, 30, 1887, 153-154. Bowring, J[ohn] C[liarle.t]. For biographical notice see Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 169. Bowron, William M. *The practical metallurgy of titaniferous ores. [1882.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 11, 1883, 159-164. The geology and mineral resources of Sequachee valley, Tennessee. [1885.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 14, 1886, 172-181. Bowser, Wilfred Arthur. *0n a table of mortality deduced from the new experience observations, H'"^ [1871-] lust. Act. Jl., 16, 1872, 146-151. 'Observations on the rate of mortality in infancy and childhood. [1871.] Inst. Act. Jl.. 17, 1873, 26-36. *Notes on the observations of the Rev. John Hougson, M.A., on the mortality of the clergy of England and Wales, with remarks on the tables deduced therefrom by Mf. Samuel Bhown. Inst. Act. Jl., 17, 1873, 328- 339. Bowtell, N[orman'\ Eldwiii], & Ferkin, William Henry ijun.). The action of alcoholic potash on monobromo- glutaric ester. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 241-242. Bowyer, R. W. Some methods of moth-collecting. [1888.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 5, 1890, 23-32. Box, N. Rapport sur le bulletin mensuel de I'observatoire magn(5tique et meteorologique de Zi-Ka-Wei, pr^s Chang- Hai (Chine). [1891.] Metz Ac. Mem., 72, 1893, 117-120. Boxall, Robert. Fcetor of the lochial discharges. Practi- tioner, 46, 1891, 330-343. Boxberg, (Frl.) Ida [Wilhelmine] von. For biographical notice see Ztschr. Ethnol., 26, 1894, (140). Ueber ein trepanirtes Schiidelstiick von Zschorna. Ztschr. Ethnol., 16, 1884, (467)-(468). Boy-Teissier, [./»/<'.<]. Du poumon cardiaque. Ass. Fran?. C. 1!., 1891 {Pt. 1), 298-299. De Fauscultation retro-sternale. Ass. Frant;. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 321. Xerose du ca?ur ou coeur senile normal. Ass. Franc,'. C. R., 1896 {Pt. 1), 349-350. De la senilite normale et de sa priucipale caracteristique anatomique, la xerose. Ass. Franc,-. C. R., 1896 {Pt. 1), 351-3.52. Boy-Teissier, [.Tales], »t «V Boy-Teissier. Boyce, Ualnrl W[illiam'\. gilbir pnc uDionomycosis. 1893, 163-167. Note on the degenerations of the roots of the tifth nerve. Jl. I'liysiol., 16, 1894, l.")6-158. A contribution to tiie study of descending degenera- tions in the brain and spinal cord, and of the seat of origin and jiaths of conduction of the (its in absinthe epilepsy. |1894.] I'liil. Trans. (B), 186, 1896, 321-381 ; Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 406-470. A contribution to the study of i., some of the decus- sating tracts of the mid- and inter-brain, and ii., of the pyramidal system ii] the Miesence|iliiil(in nml Imlli. | IHIII.] Phil. Trans.' (B), 18H, 1897, 211-221. Boinet, Kdoiiard. Sec Boinet Remarks upon a case of asper- [1892.] Jl. Path. Bact., 1, Note upon the action of the Dibdin contact beds con- structed by the corjjoration of Liverpool at West Derby. Liverpool, Thompson Yates Lab. Rep., 3 {Pt. 1), 1900, 59-70. Note upon the two species of "fungus" commonly found in sewage contaminated water. Liverpool, Thomp- son Yates Lab. Rep., 3 {Pt. 1), 1900, 71-73. Boyce, Ruhert W[illiam], & Beadles, Cecil Flowler^ En- largement of the hypophysis cerebri in myxcedema ; witli remarks upon hypertrophy of the hypophysis, associated with changes in the thyroid bodj'. [1892.] Jl. Path. Bact., 1, 1893, 223-239.' A further contribution to the study of the pathology of the hypophysis cerebri. Jl. Path. Bact., 1, 1893, 359-383. 'Boyce,. Rubert W[illiam'], & Evans, .4. Ernest. The action of gravity upon Bacterium Zopfii. [1893.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 54, 1894, 300-312. Boyce, Ruhert W[illiam'\, & Giles, Arthur. On cell enclosures in cancer. London Path. Soc Trans., 44, 1893, 216-220. Boyce, Ruhert W[illiam], & Herdman, IVilliam J[bbott]. Ou oysters and typhoid: an experimental inquiry into the effect upon the oyster of various external conditions, including pathogenic organisms. Brit. Ass. Reii., 1895, 723-726. The possible infectivity of the oyster, and upon the green disease in oysters, ...being the first report of the committee appointed to report on the elucidation of the life conditions of the oyster under normal and abnormal environment, including in the latter the effect of sewage matter and pathogenic organisms. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 663-669. On a green leucocytosis in oysters associated with the presence of copper in the leucocytes. Roy. Soc. Proc, 62, 1898, 30-38. See also Herdman & Boyce. Boyce, Ruhert ]V[illiam], & Hill, Charles A. A classi- fication of the microorganisms found in water. [1899.] Jl. Path. Bact., 6, 1900, 32-36. Boyce, Rubert n'[(7//am], & Surveyor, Nusservanji J<\akirji]. Upon the existence of more than one fungus in Madura disease (mycetoma). [1893.] Phil. Trans. (B), 185, 1895, 1-14. Boyce, Rubert W[illiam], & Warrington, W. B. The central nervous system of the bird. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [51]-[53]. [The physiological structure of the brain of the fowl.] Nature, 58 '(1898), 485. Observations on the anatomy, physiology and de- generations of the nervous system of the bird. [1898.] Phil. Trans. (B), 191, 1899, 293-315; Roy. Soc. Proc, 64, 1899, 176-179. Boyce, Hubert Wlilliam], Herdman, ^I'iltiam A[blmtt], A Kohn, Charles A. See Herdman, Boyce A Kohn. Boycott, Arthur K[du-in]. MoUusca. [1896.] Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1896-97, 19li. Ou shell-coloration in British extra-marine MoUusca. Zoologist, 20, 1896, (;2-70. Note on the muscular response to two stimuli of the sciatic nerve (frog). Jl. Physiol., 21, 1899, 144-154. Boycott, Arthur E[dwin], A Bowell, Ernest W[illiam] Wake. Contributions towards a fauna of Herefordshire. MoUusca. Woolliopu Field Club Trans., 1898-99, 1-104, IHO. Boyd, ('. ii. 'The mineral wealth of southwestern Virginia. [1876.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 5 (1876-77), 81-92. *The ores of Cripple Creek, Virginia. [1883.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 12, 1884, 27-40. The utilization of the iron and copper sulphides of Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee. |1885. ] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 14, 1886, 81-84. Boydl 753 [Boyen Boyd, D. A. NoleK on HOmc of the plants of the Clyde district. (lftS4.] OlasKOW Nat. Hiat. Soc. Proc. 4 Trans., 1, 1887, ir)l-I,56. On the (iccMirrence in north Ayrshire of the water shrew ami otter. |1H87] Glasgow Nut. Hist. Soe. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1890, 'i'.IS-'i'JS. Notes on the occurrence of Helotiuin MarchantitB, llfik., in Ayrshire. GlaK^ow Nat. Hist. .Soc. I'roc. it- Trans. , :i, 1892, •272-273. The ll8tilat,'in.«timmung des galizischeu Ozokerits. Ztschr. .\ngew. Chem., 1898, 383. Ein neuer Extractionsapparat. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 1172-1174. 95 Boyer] 754 IBoys Boyer, . Rapport sur I'herborisation faite par la Societe a la Porapiniane, le 21 mai 1893. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, ccxii-ccxiii. Boyer, .-1. L'imporlance relative des affections labyrin- thiques et oculaires dans I'^tiologje dn vertige. [T)-.] Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1895, 348-361. Boyer, Charles S. Accuracy of the dyeing test. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1896, 4G8-472. Interpretation of some results in the analysis of extracts of fustic. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 518- 520. Boyer, Charles S. A fossil marine diatomaeeous deposit at St. AuRustine, Florida. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 22, 1895, 171-174. A diatomaeeous deposit from an artesian well at Wildwood, N. J. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 22, 1895, 260- 266. New species of diatoms. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1898, 468-470. Seven new species of diatoms. Amer. Micr. Jl., 20, 1899, 105-108. The Biddnlphoid forms of North American Diato- maceffi. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1900, 685-748. Boyer, E. Sur la reduction de I'acide azotique en am- moniaque et sur un procede de dosage de cet acide. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 954-956. Sur un nouveau procede de determination des matieres minerales daus les sucres, a I'aide de I'acide benzoique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 190-192. Sur un nouveau procede de dosage de I'azote nitrique et de I'azote total. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 113, 1891, 503-505. Ascbenbestimmung bei Zuckern, unter Zusatz von Benzoesaure. [Tr.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 41, 1891, 181-182. Boyer, E. K. The mesoderm in teleosts; especially its share in the formation of the pectoral fin. Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 23, 1892-93, 91-133. Boyer, F. *[Notes meteorologiques.] Nimes (Gard), Ecole normale. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 5, 1872, 37, 68-69, 96, 134-135, 150, 185, 197, 208, 220 ; 6, 1873, Ft. 2, 8, 20; 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 42, 53-54, 66. [Les phosphates du Gard.] Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, xc-xci. Sur les maladies cryptogamiques de la vigne dans le departement du Gard. Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1887, li- Ivii. Boyer, (It.) E. De I'eniploi d'un projecteur electrique a I'avant des navires rapides en vue d'eviter les abordages. Eev. Maritime et Colon., 120, 1894, 537-538. Note sur les compas du torpilleur de haute nier VOraye. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 123, 1894, 367-375. Boyer, G[eorges\ Eecherches sur les maladies de rolivier, le Cycloconium oleaginum. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 434- 440. Action de quelques acides organiques sur la respiration des plantes. [1898.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1897-98, 274-281. La vie des teuilles apres leur chute. [1900.] Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1899-1900, 68-72. Boyer, ft[('o»v/ps], & Jaczewski, Arllnir L. Materiaux pour la fiore mycologique des environs de Montpellier. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, cclx-ccxcviii, (Rev.), 202. Boyer, (l[eor-127. ^ Quartz fibres. Boy. Inst. Proc. 12, 1889, 547-.>5G. The radio-microme"ter. [1888-89.] Phil. Trans. (A), 180, 1890. 1.59 lH(i. Qnarlz as an insulator. [1889.] London Phys. Soc. Proc. 10, 1890, 128-132; Phil. Mag., 28, 1889, 14-17. Microscope cathetometer. [18i89.] Micr. Soc. .11., 1890, 238-240. -, On the Cavendish experiment. [1889.] Boy. Soc. Proc, 4(!, 1890, 2.53-208. Quartz fibres. Nature. 42, 1890, 604-608. Note on Prof. Thhklk.vi.i.'s paper "On the elastic constants of ([uartz threads." Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 116-118. On the heat of the moon and stars. Boy. Soc Proc, 47, 1890, 480- 199. Notes on the habits of some common English spiders. [1890.] Nature, 43, 1891, 40-41. Cutting a milliniptre thread with an inch leading screw. Nature, 43, 1891, 439-440. [The Hying to pieces of a whirling ring.] Nature, 43, 1891, 4(J3. Notes on photographs of rapidly moving objects, and on the oscillating electric spark. [1890.] London Phvs. Soc. Proc, 11, 1892. 1-15; Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 248- 260. On electric spark photographs ; or, photography of flying bullets, etc, bv the light of the electric spark. [1892.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 41.5-421. 440-446. Photography of Myiiig bullets, etc. [With (f inclusion .] Photogr. .11., It). 1892. 199-209. On the photography of Hying bullets by the light of the electric spark. [iri//i discunnion.] United Serv. Inst. Jl., 37. 1893, 8.5-5-873. Ou the drawing of curves bv their curvature. [1893.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 345-3.53; Phil. Mag., 36, 1893. 75-82. Weighing the earth. [1894.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 3, 1896, 407-408. The attachment of quartz fibres. [1894.] London Phvs. .Soc Proc, 13, 1896, 68-73; Phil. Mag., 37, 1894, 46:^-467. Scale lines on the logarithmic chart. Nature, -52 (1896), 272-274. On the Newtonian constant of gravitation. [1894.] Phil. Trans. (.\), 186. 1896. 1-72. The Newtonian constant of gravitation. [1894.] Boy. Inst. Proc. 11. 1896. 353-377 ; Nature, .50 (1894), 330-334, 36t;-368, 417-419, 571. Quartz fibres. [1896.] Electrician, 38. 1897, 20.5- 207. The visibility of a sound shadow. Nature, 56 (1897), 173-174. [Bicycles and tricycles.] Nature. 56 (1897), 293. Boys, r[/ici)7rthaiiipt'((. 2, lief.), 352-355. Keiseii in den Kordilleren der Argentinischen liepublik. Berlin (ies. Knik. Verb., 18, 1891, 53-79. Zur Kartogriiphie von .\tacauia. I'etermann, Mittb., 37, 1891, 225-230. I'ie Kordillerenpiisse zwischen der Argentinisclien Republik und Chile, vom 22". bis 35°. S.B. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 27, 1892, 249-348. Eine neue Karte der Argentiuiscben Republik im Massstabe von 1 ; 1000 000. Petermann, Mittb., 38, 1892, 177-189. [Uel)er die geologisehc Karte der Argentiuiscben Kepublik.] Deutscb. Geol. Ues. Ztschr., 45, 1893, 519- 520. Ueber die Bodenverbiiltnisse des uordwestlichen Teiles der Argcntiniscben Kepublik mit Bezugnahnie auf die Vegetation. Petermanu, Mittb., 39, 1893, 15:^-166. Die Bergwerksverhiiltnisse der Aigentinischen Ke- publik. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitteu- u. Salinenw., 41, 1893 {Abh.), 15-47. Brackebuscta, Luis, Rammelsberg, C\arl Friedrich], Boring, .i[doIiii\, iV; Webaky, Miiri{in'\. To reference in title (Id/. 9) iidd Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 (lid. 1, Ref.), 204-200. Bracket, {Frhr.) [0»irenzoic snlphinide. Amer. Chem. Jl., 9 (1887). 400-410. Brackett, I'.icUurd .%"[< ir;iiscbeinuDgcn bci Wiederbelebten nach Strangulation. NenroL Centrbl., 15, 1S96, 630- 532. Migriine und Psychose. [1896.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897. .5.54-.561. Braconier, lian. it I.obest, ilaximin. See Xrf>lMSt it Braconlcr. Braconnler, . Note sur I'ean niini^-rale sulfatee magnesienne de Crazy (Hirault). Ann. Mines, 7, 1885, 143-144. [Bulletin des travaax de chttnie execat<:'S...par les ingenieurs des mines dans les laboratoires departe- meniaux.] Laboratoire de Troves. Ann. Mines, 10, 1886. 457-461 ; 13, 1888. .5.39-540. Bradbnm, [Frederick -lamet]. Cleft palat«. Brit. Jl. D.nt.il Sci.. 41. 1898. 38->-398. Bradbnm, .'. A. Die .Ammoniaksodafabrikation and der Sodabandel der Vereinigten Staateu. Ztschr. Angew. Chem.. 1898, 14-15, 55-.59, 78-83. 102-106. 149-151. Bradbnry, Charles M. .Analysis of garnet (ror. spesgaitite), from Amelia Co., Va. Chem. News, 50. 1884. 220. Bradbury] 758 [Brady On the true formula for permanganates. Chem. News, 59, 1889, 115-117, 123-124, 136-138, 149-152. Bradbury, F. The variable star Mira. Popular Astr. , 3, 1896, 262. Bradbury, Robert Hurt. On the reaction between niolybdic acid and potassium ehroniate and bichromate. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 56.5-568; Ztsehr. Auorg. Chem., 7, 1894, 43-46. lieaction -velocity. [1898.] Franklin Inst. Jl., 147, 1899, 463-474; 148, 1899, 65-74. Racemism. Franklin Inst. Jl., 149, 1900, 299-314, 369-386. Bradbury, Robert Hurt, & Smitb, Edgar Flahs]. Sec Smith & Bradbury. Braddon, Julia. Six trombes marines observ^es dans I'espace d'une demi-heure. Astronomie, 1885, 110-111. Bradford, Edward H[ickliiig]. Congenital dislocation of the hip. Boston Soc. Med. Hci. JL, 1, 1897 (No. 14), .5-8. Movement of the front of the foot iu walking. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., 3. 1899, 205-206. Flexion or bent knee marching. N. Y. Med. JL, 71, 1900, 109-114. Bradford, Gershom. Table of depths for channels and harbors, coasts of the United States. U. 8. Coast Geod. Surv. Bull., A'o. 36, 1897, 1-109. Bradford, H[e)iry] 11'. Case of transplantation of the rabbit's eye, with subsequent enucleation. Arch. Oph- thalm., 16, 1887, 182-184. Bradford, Jolm Rose. [On the electrical phenomena accompanying secretion in the submaxillary gland of the dog.] Jl. Physiol., 7, [1886], iv-v. [On the cause of the paralytic secretion in the sub- maxillary gland of the cat.] Jl. Physiol., 8, 1887, xiv-xvi. On the physiological action of ulexin. Jl. Physiol., 8, 1887, 79-85. The electrical phenomena accompanying the excitation of so called secretory and trophic nerve fibres, in the salivary glands of the dog and cat. JL Physiol., 8, 1887, 86-98. Some points in the physiology of gland nerves. Jl. Physiol., 9, 1888, 287-316. The innervation of the renal blood-vessels. Hoy. Soc. Proc, 45, 1889, 362-368; Jl. Physiol., 10, 1889, 358-407. [Preliminary communication concerning the effects of removal of portions of the kidneys in dogs on nitro- genous metabolism.] Jl. Physiol., 12, 1891 (Prof. 1891), xviii-xx, The influence of the kidney on metabolism. Kov. Soc. Proc, 51, 1892, 25-40. A case of aneurysm of the basilar artery. [1894.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 28, 1895, 1-4. Results following the experimental removal of portions of the kidney. London Path. Soc. Trans., 46, 1895, 236-247. The results following partial nephrectomy and the influence of the kidney on metabolism. [1899.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, 415-496. Recent experimental contributions to the pathology of diabetes. Practitioner, 65, 1900, 131-137. Bradford, .Tohn Rose. ,t BayUss, W[iUiam] Maddoeh. .S't'i' Bayliss & Bradford. Bradford, Jo/tii Ro.ie, &I>ea.n, Henry I'ercy. The innerva- tion of the pulmonary vessels. Roy. Soc. Proc, 45, 1889, 369-377; Jl. Physiol., 10, 1889, i-iv. The pulmonary circulation. JL Physiol., 16, 1894, 34-96. Bradford, John Rose, A Phillips, ('[/""'''«] /'[oi(,a/(i.<] Fleriiasson.]. See FhllllpB iV Bradford. Bradford, .folia Rose, \ Flimiuer, U{eary] G[eur!ie]. See Flinuner & Bradford. Bradfute, C S. Some remarks upon temperature reduc- tion in typhoid fever. N. Y. Med. JL, 51, 1890, 262-263. Digitalis and strychnine in a failing circulation. N. Y. Med. JL, 53, 1891, 31-33. Bradlaw, David B. Piscidia erythrina in cases of dental pt-iiostitis. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 37, 1894, 143-144. Bradley, Charles S. Phasing transformers. [1895.] Electrician, 36, 1896, 43-45. Some new chemical compounds discovered by the use of the electric furnace. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 699-700. Bradley, Ernest, Kastle, J{osepli] Hloeiny], & Reiser, B[eHJamin^ C\hrisU>pher]. See Kastle, Keiser il' Bradley. Bradley, J. Calendrier perp^tuel gregorien et julien. Kev. Sci., 48, 1891, 810. Bradley, O. Chanwck. The convolutions of the cerebrum of the horse. JL Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 215-227. On the cerebellum of the horse. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 5S7-595. Bradley, Ralph C. Diptera new to Britain. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 285. An epidemic amongst Melanostoma scalare, F. , caused by a fungus. Ent. Mouth. Mag., 31, 1896, 178. Diptera met with in 1895, cliietly in the Midlands. Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 51-53, xiii. New and i-are British Diptera. Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 87. Bradley, W. I. On liiemorrhagic cysts of the thyroid gland. Jl. Exper. MeJ., 1, 1896, 401-418. Bradley, ]f'[alter] Plarke]. Ueber die Thieuylglyoxylsiiure uiid deren Derivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 19, 1886, 2115-2123. Zur Kenntniss des Disalicylaldehydes. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1134-1137. A serviceable generator for hydrogen sulphide. Amer. Chem. JL, 21 (1899), 370-376. Bradley, n'[alter] I\arke], & Dains, F[rank] B[urnett]. On the action of acetyl chloride on orf/fo-liydroxy- aldehydes. Amer. Chem. JL, 14 (1892), 293-300. Bradley, }V[alter] P[^arke], & KnifTen, F[rederick]. Paraisobutylphenoxy acetic acid. Amer. Chem. JL, 19 (1897), 70-76. Bradsbaw, Benjamin F[rederiek]. For biographical notice see S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 4, 1888, xviii-xix. Bradshaw, (Mrs.) M. F. Haminea virescens. [1895.] Nautilus, 8, 1894-95, lOU-101. Megatebennus bimaculatus. [1895.] Nautilus, 8, 1894-95, 112-113. Orange, California. [1898.] Nautilus, 12, 1898-99, 9. Bradshaw, Tlwmas R^obert]. The behaviour of litmus in amphoteric solutions. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 752-753. A case of albumosuria in which the albumose was spontaneously precipitated. Med.-Chir. Trans., 81, 1898, 2.59-272. Bradshaw, Thomas R[obcrt], & Warrington, ir[iW/a(H] B[urnett]. The morbid anatomy and pathology of Dr. BiiAi>sH.\w's case of myelopathic albumosuria. Med.- Chir. Trans., 82, 1899, 251-268. Bradt, Gustav, & Schenck, Fritz. See Schendi & Bradt. Brady, (Sir) .iiitonio. For biographical notice see Essex Field Club Trans., 3, 1884, 94-101. Brady, A. 7'. (('( v, E8(|., LL.D., F.U.S., in the Si)iitb S.-u Islands. [IHH8.] Edinb. Koy. Soc. Trans., 3."., 1890, 48!)-.')25. A revision of tlie Britisli species of freshwater Cyclopidie and Ciilimidir. [1892.] Northnmb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 11, 1894, 68-120. Parasitism in plants and animals. [1893.] Nortbumb. Nat. Hist. Tran.s., 11, 1894, 280-201. On Fucitronus Uhodvnieniic, a »;all-produciDg copepod. Micr. Soc. .11., 1894, lfi8-170. A supplementary report on the crustaceans of the group Myodocupa obtained during the ChnUfiiijiT expeo. 9. On a new type of AHtrorhizida; from the Bay of Bengal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, 203-296. Note on a new type of Foraminifera of the family Chilostomellidie. Micr. Soc. Jl.. 1890. .567-571. Brady, Henry lioicmnn, Parkar, 11'. Kitrlien, dL Jonea, '/'/ii.m.M Rupert. Un some Foraminifera from the AbroU.os Bank. [1887.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 12, 1890, 211-239. Brady, L/errffi/n .S. Notes on Agrotis Aahworthii. [1892.] Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 11. 1894, 184-186. Brady, (.Sir) Tlwniai. [Observations on the acclimatisation of the true salmon (Salmo salar), in Tasmanian waters.] Tasmania Koy. Soc. Proc.. 1888, ii-vi, ix-xvL Braecke, O. La Guvane Hollandaise et ses placers anri- feres. Kev. Iniv. Slincs, 16, 1891, 1-41. Du developpement du Transvaal et de son industrie miniere. Rev. Univ. Mines, 48. 1899, 105-138. Braem, Curt. Cntersuchungen iiber die Degenerstionser- scheinungen pathogener Hakterien im destillirten Waaser. Bcitr. Path. Anat., 7. 1890, 11-46. Braem, Fritz. Untersuchungen uber die Bryozoen des siissen Wassers. (Vorliiufige Mittheilung.) Zool. Anz., 11. 1888. 503-.509, .533-539. Uebcr die Statoblastenbildung bei Plumatella. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889. 64-65. Die Entwicklung der Bryozoencolonie im keimenden Statoblasten. Zool. .\nz., 12, 1889, 67-5-679. Untersuchungen iiber die Bryozoen des su^sen Wassers. [1890.] Bibl. Zool., 2, 1890-92. Heft 6. 134 pp. Ueber den Schematismus in der Natarbetracbtang. [1890.] Konigsb. Schr., 31, 1891 (.Si«T.), 3;i-35. Die KeimblStter der Bryozoenknospe. Zool. Ant, 15, 1892. 113-115. Das Prinzip der organbildenden Keimbezirke and die entwicklunfsmecbanischen Studien von H. Dbiesch. Biol. Centrbl., 13, 1893. 146-151. Bemerkungen iiber die Gattung Apus. Ztschr. Wigs. Zool., .56, 1893. 165-187. Zur Entwiekelungsge-schichte von Ophryotrocha puerilis, Clprd. Meez. [1803.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 57. 1894, 187-223. Uelwr die Knospung bei mehrschicntigcn Thiercn. insbesonderc bei Hydroiden. Biol. Centrbl., 14, 1894. 140-161, 240. Ueber den Einfluss des Druckes anf die Zellteilung uiid iiber die Bedeutunc dieses Einflusses fiir die normale Eifurchung. Biol. Centrbl., 14. 1894. 340-353. Mittheilung iiber den Einfluss des Gefrierens auf die Entwickelung thierischer Keime. Brealaa. Schles. fJes. Jber.. 1894 i.ibth . 2A), 2-3. Was ist ein Keimblatt ? Biol. Centrbl., 15. 1895. 427-443, 4tM>-476, 401-.5O6. Die geschlechtlicbe Entwicklung von Paludicella Ehrenbergii. Zool. Anz.. 19. 1896. 54-57. Die geschlechtlicbe EntwickiluDg von Plumatella fungoiia. [1897.] Zoologica, 10. 1897-99. //-^.ft 23. 96 pp. Epiphysis und Hvpophysis von Kana. Ztschr. Wi'S. Zool.. 63. 1898. 433-439. Braemer, r,{uttaie]. Station meUKirologique do Mont- l',:.,t Ass. Fran... C. K.. 1897 {Pi. il. 298-300. Briimer, Klnrl Frieitrieh t^tknr]. BemerkuDgen eines .Statistikcrs iiber meteorologische Mittelxahlen. Meteorol. Zt.schr.. 8 (1891). 171-179. Bramerl 760 [Braislin Meteorologjgches aus der " Geschichte der bayrischeu Unterherrschaft Broich sowie der Stadt Miihlheim an der Bubr." Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 239. Braemer, Loui.'i. Bole physiologique des tannins. Tou- louse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull'., 1887, lix-lxii. La formose et I'origine des hydrates de carbone dans les plantes. Toulouse Soc. Hist.' Nat. Bull. , 1887, Ixvii- Ixxi. Un nouveau reactif histochimique des tannins. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1888, iv-viii, viii-x. ■ L'u-'uvre de .J. B. Bocssingault en physiologic veg^tale. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1888, xxii-xxviii. Les methodes employ<5es daus Fetude anatomique et physiologique des tannoides chez les v^g^taux. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1890, 19-54. Les tannoides. Introduction critique a I'histoire physiologique des tannins et des principes imraediats vegetaux qui leur sont chimiquement allies. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1891, xvii-xviii. Les reactions histochimiques de I'hesperidine. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1893 {PL 2), 482-484; Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1893, xxxv-xxxvi. Sur la localisation des principes actifs dans les Cuourbitacees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 753- 754; Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1893, 26-56. Recberches microchimiques sur I'hesperidine. Tou- louse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull, 1894, iv-v. Les poivres de Guinee. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1895. iv-vii. Regions botaniques du continent africain. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1895, xiv-xv. Anatomic des feuilles des Erythroxylums des colonies franraises. Ass. Franc,-. C. K.,'l900 (Pi- 1), 180. Brandle, . Massenerkrankung von Jungvieh durch Strongylus ventricosus. [1898.] St. Gallen, Ber., 1896- 97, 28.3-289. Brass, Mtirlin. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Idinstlichen Scbiidelverbildungen. [1887.] Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1886, 131-180. Honvedleiche von Vizakna. [1890.] Dresden Erdk. .Tber., 23, 1893, 7.5-77. Brauer, C. [1883.1 Pharm. Jl., 14, 1884, 44.5. Two Hpecics of ve.sicatinR beetles from South Africa. [With dUciuitwH.] [1887.] Brit. I'harm. Confer. Trans., 1887, 4G'.l-47ri; I'liarm. .11., IH, 1888. 247-24M. Note on a siimple of green olive oil and a test for copper therein. (1HH7.] Pliarni. .11 , IH, 1888, 12. Sugar of milk. Plmrui. .1!., 24, 1894, x'}-, 1889, 67-.%. Brajcev, I[van] lilomiinorii^. iiiiTCM'pii])ORaiiiii y|iaBiieiii>i tegration dor tHeichung] A„ 21, [1901], 490-498; Ki. Boiipocy ofii [Zur Fnige iibcr die In- (u) = 0. [1900.) Bcc. Fortschr. Math., U. S. Fish Math. (Moscou) 1900. 37i'i. Brakeley, John H. Plants for car]) ponds. Comm. Bull., 4. 1884. l.iO-lOO. Notes on carp and frog culture. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 5, 1886, -209-210. Brakes, Jamex. Determination of titanic acid in iron ore. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl.. 1.1, 1899. 1097. Colorinietric determiuation of titanic acid. [1900.] Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl.. 20. 1901. 23. BramaU, //. [Presidential address. Oct. fith, 1884.) Praetiisl field geology. Liverpool Oeol. .A.ss. Trans., •">. 188B. 18-23. Bramann, >'[ri'(:]. Beitrag zur Lehre von dem Descensus testiculorum und dem Gubernaculum Hunteri des Menschen. .\rch. .\nat. Physiol. {Annt. Abth.), 1884. 31(l-:iU). Brambilla, Mbfrto. Sulla cur\'a gobba del quarto ordine dotnta di punto doppio. Milann, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884. 8.".7-8('>6. K. S. A. C. Sopra alcuni casi particolari della curva goliim razionale del cjuartu ordine. Kapoli, I<«nd.. 2i, 1886. 279-298. Le curve aiwintotiche di ana classc di superficie ttlgebric-he. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 20. 1886, 784-7!tO. Ilicerehe anulitiche intorno alle curve gobbe razioiiali del 4 online. Venez.a, Int. Atti, 1884-86. 1471-1489. Intorno alle cur\'e razionali in uno spazio linean- ad uu numero ijualunquc di dimensioni. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 320-331. Le omogratie che mutano in Hi stciwe una curva gobba razionale del i|Uarto ordine. Hicerche analitiche. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 20. 1887, 7MO-797. . . L'n teorema nella teoria delle [xjlari. [1887.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti. '22, 1886-87, 7M7-790. Sopra una classe di su|R-rticie algebriche rappresen- tabili punto |K-r punto sul piano. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 21, 1888, 334-3.10, .511-.519. Ui una certa su|)erticie algebrica razionale. Palermo Circ. Mat. Itend., 2. 1888, 17G-1K3. La curva doppia di una particerficie razionale del 9' ordine. Uiorn. .Mat.. 32, 1894. 133-1 10. . Di taluni sistemi di r6<'ic cubica. Napoli, Rend., 35, 1896, 171- 176; 30, 1897, 203 206. Sopra una famiglia di superficie dell' ottavo ordine. (iiorn. Mat., 35, 1897. 1-21. Intorno alia suiwrficie di Stkinkb. Napoli, Rend., 37, 1898, 19-22. Gslensione
  • erficie e di varietA razionali. Napoli, Ace. Atti, 9, 1899, So. 14, 28 pp. Estensione di un teorema di Eckh\rdt. Napoli, Rend., 38, 1899. 144-145. Brame, Ch[arlrf]. Imitation des nebuleuscs W'lesles irreiluctibles on partiellement irrt^uctibles au moyen de I'antimoine iucandescent coule en mince tilet sur du papier noir. Les Mondes, m, 1884, 340-314. Analyse physique du lait. L&i Mondes, M, 1884, 5.54- 5.55. Sar les d^perditions d'azote, pendant la fcnucntatioo des fumiers de ferme. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R.. 99, 1884. 390-392. 4.50. Octaedres & base carree de soufre, dont la base est phvsiquement nn rhombe. Paris, Ac. ScL C. R., 101. 1886. 533-534. Geni-sc des cristaux de soufre. en table* eam^. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R.. 101. 1886. 63'.»-642. [Sur les transformations de couleurs que subit I'image ctdoree du soleil. observee a travers un prisme.] Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R.. 103. 1886. .362. .-,32. Brame. .'. ."<. Stntfurd. ,V Bodsar, Jitmri Wyltie. Sre Rodger .V Brame. Bramlcy-Moore, / .1 A Pearson, Karl. Sf, Pearson .\ Bramlcy-Moore. Bromly. .'^" Jenninss-Bramly. Bramson, A'|eiii] /[le/iro;]. I'ne noarclle aberration de Vamssa C'ardui. / . (.I'.cr. inomata). [1884.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann.. 6, 1886. 2'<4. .\nalvtisclie fiboniicht der Papiiioniden Enropa'a >ind des' CiiioiMi.^. Ent. Nachr.. 15. 1889. 197-201. Bramwell, ((.Vi>r;ir IVilliam Wilihere BramwaU] {I^ord). For l>iok'raphical notice tfe Inst. Cir. Engia. Pmc., 109, 1893. I^.'iO-SgO. (Presidential address to the Econ. Sci. and Stat Sect. Sociology.] Brit. Ass. Bep., 1888, 749-7.54. 96 Bramwell] 762 [Branco Bramwell, Bi/nnii. Kicent views on tbc inucivation of the hfart. Brain, (i, 1884, 50',I-5SO. A case of ataxy with loss of muscular sense. [1887.] Brain, 10, 1888, 218-222. On a ready method of preparing large sections of the hraiu. Brain, 10, 1888, 435-440. Case of caneer of the right lobe of the cerebellum and left lenticular nucleus; marked vertigo; no paralysis. Brain, 10, 1888, -Wi-SOl). A peculiar case of lead-poisoning in which there w-as marked loss of vision, both for white and for colours, without any changes in the fundus oculi ; and in whicli rapid recovery took place under sulphate of magnesia and iodide of potassium. Brain, 10, 1888, •507-.511. A remarkable case of aphasia. Acute and complete destruction by embolic softening of the left motor-vocal speech centre (Broca's convolution), in a right-handed man : transient motor aphasia, marked inability to name objects and especially persons, considerable agraphia and slight word-blindness. Brain, 21, 1898, 343-373. On the localisation of intracranial tumours. Brain, 22, 1899, 1-70. Bramwell, Jli/rom, & Faton, D[iarmid] Noel. On a crystalline globulin occurring in human urine. Edinb. K." Coll. Pbysns. Lab. Kep., 4, 1892, 47-61. Bramwell, Kdiriii, & Campbell, Harnj. See Campbell iV Bramwell. Bramwell, (Sir) Frederick Joseph. [Presidential address to tile Mechanical Sci. Sect. "Section G'' and its relations to the other sections.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 875-884. [Presidential address. The importance of the next-to- nothing and the laudation of the civil engineer.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 3-23. The application of electricity to welding, stamping, and other cognate purposes. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc. , 102, 1890, 1-37. Welding by electricity. [1890.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 13, 1893, 185-196. Bramwell, lluiiii. Notes on the horizon of the low main seam in a portion of the Durham coal-tield. N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 37, 1888, 1-51-1.53. The compound winding-engine at the Great Western Colliery Company's Tymawr pit : with notes on its comparative steam economy. [With discussion.] [1896.] Fed. lust. Min. Engin. Trans., 12, 1897, 282-293; 13, 1898, 1-3. Bramwell, .J[oJni] Mihic. On tire evolution of hypnotic theory. Brain, 19, 1896, 459-568. Hypnotic ana>sthesia.. Practitioner, .57, 1896, 39.3- 397. ■ Hypnotism : a reply to recent criticisms. Brain, 22, 1899, 141-156. Hypnotic and post-hypnotic appreciation of time; secondary and multiplex personalities. Brain, 23, 1900, 1111-238. Bramwell, ,l[oliii\ Milne. Hugtalings-Jackson, ./. . Savage, ',. //.. A Mercier, ('. See Hughlings- Jackson, Savage, Mercier A Bramwell. Bran, J'[ricdricli\, A Haber, Fritz. See Haber A Bran. Branca, .Ithert. Note sur une trilnreation du cartilage de Mkckki,. Robin, .11. Anat., 34, 1898, 757 761. Chromatolyse dans la cicatrisation du tegument uxterne. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 358- 359. La karyokin£:se dans la cicatrisation du tegument externe. Paris, Soc. Biol. Miim., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 3.59- .360. Sur les filaments d'union. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. H.), 440-441. Rechcrches sur la cicatrisation epith^liale (epitheliums pavimenteux stratities). llobin, .11. Anat., 35, 1899, 257- 310. Recherclies sur la cicatrisation epitheliale (epitheliums cylindriques stratifies). La trachee et sa cicatrisation. Eobin, Jl. Anat., 35, 1899, 764-807. Sur les premiers developpements des dents et de r^pithelium buccal. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 {Vol. 1, Histul.), 62-64. Note sur le noyau de rendothelium peritoneal. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.,' 52, 1900 (C. R.), 319-320. Branca, .Albert, & F61izet, G{eorijcs .1/.]. See F61izet * Branca. Branca, . I Ihert, & Iiaunois, l\irrre] F.[milr]. See Iiaunois & Branca. Branca, .ilbert, & Qu^nu, E. See Qu6nu & Branca. Branca, llueluno. '1 viaggiatori italiani del nostro secolo. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 2, 1869, 251-344; 3, 1869, 317-4119. Branch, ( '. Jl'. Foreigu snails in the West Indies. Nature, 54 (1896). 392. Brancher, [Marie Antoiiie]. Embrayage differentiel a cable. Ass. Frani,'. C. R., 1889 {Ft. 1), 244-245. Branco, ]!'[illielm]. *Der Untere Dogger Deutsch- Lotbringens. [1879.] Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abb., 2, 1884, 1-160. Ueber die Anfangskammer von Bactrites. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 1-9. Ueber einige neue Arten von Graphularia und iiber Tertiare Belenmiten. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 422-432. Ueber die Ergebnisse der Aufnahme des llandgebirges nordlicb vom Harze auf Blatt Wernigerode, sowie auf der ostlichen Hiilfte von Blatt Harzburg. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [5], 1885, xlvi-xlviii. Ueber eine neue Lepidotus-Ai't aus dem Wealden. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [5]. 1886, 181-200. Ueber Aufnahme der Section Goslar. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. .Jbuch., [6], 1886, xxxiv-xxxv. Weissia bavarica, Iit einem .Vnliange von Prof. A. Schmidt.] [1H911. 1 Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 53, 1897, 28-55. Neue Beweise fiir die Unabhiingigkeit der V'ulcane von piiiexistiienden Spalten. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 (Hd. 1), 175-186. Die menscheniihnliehen Zahne aus dem Bohnerz der schwiibischen Alb. Wiirttemb. Jhrffc., 54, 1898, 1 144. Das Salzlager bei Kocliendorf am Kuelier und d\v. Frage seiner Bodrohung (lurch Wasser. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 55, 1899, 133-231. Erkliirung gegon die vorstehenden Bemerkunge[i und Erwiderungen betr. die Kochendorfer Frage. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 55, 1899, 471. Brancovicil rw I Brandenburg Brancovlcl, / .. A HaUar, .IWifi/i]. See HaUer A- Brancovlci. Brancallc, Kilriitij. Kiiii)(cH iibor Helix Fuuxtina, /.ijl., nnd iliii M I'oiimii im TrcncBincr ComiUte, Bowiu (ibt-r ilni Ziisutimicntiiing iiiit H. HoKHiniisBlori, l'(r. Deutscli. .Miilakoziiiil. (ics. Jbiioli., 14 (1887), 307-Hi;i. Ditiideliaidiii riifn. Drji., ^czoriti. Deutsch. Malako- zool. (ies. Nuulirl)!., 20. 1888, .".« r,!. Kino iiLMii' Varietiit iler Holix ponintia, /.. Deutscli. Malnkozuol. Ces. Nnclirbl., 21), 1888, 117 llM. Naclitriijje zur Conchylien-Fauiia BosnienH. Dcutiic)i. Malakozool. Cics. Niieliibl.. 20, 1888, l(il-l()i». VitT nt'uo Hvthinelleii ans riiRarn. DfiitKcli. Main- kozoul. (jpH. Nachriil., 21, 1889, :t'.MO. Trencsi'ii viiriiiP«yt'liiTi tulHlhnti'i molluscak rendazeren rixKzcallitilxa. ISyHtcniatiHchf ZuxamnienstellunK dfr MiilluHken lii's Coiiiitatps Tipncsen.] [1890.] Math. 'I'lTiiit. Kiizliiu., 2t, 1892, 1-30. Brand, .1. MdiinKiapliii' der CiattiinR LotiiR. Engler, Bot. .Ibiipli., 2.''>. 1898, l()ri-232. Brand, .(/. Electric «ii.'iial a)i)>arnluK at Atlantic Citv, N. .1. r. S. Montlilv WpHtli. Itev.. 2r, (1898), I0.^.-40u'. Brand, [7.'«(/ii// \Vilhi'tm\ Albniio. Vtifahron zur Analvsp von Stabl. Berc- u. Hiittpuni. ZtK-, 4.S, 1884. 34r.-347. • Rinigp HpitriitiP ziir Kenntniss dpr Vort^iinup bei Stahlschniplzprope.ssen in saiirpn und basiRcben Tipppln. Berg- u. Hiitteniii. Zlg., 44, 1885, 10.5-107, 117-121. — — He.Rtimniiii)); dps gebnndpnen Kohlenstoflps ini Eispn durch Absclipiden niit binmiitpr Salzsiiure und nach- folgpnde Verbrpnnnnp. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 4ti, 1887. 65-(5«. Ueber die Anwendung von fpstem Brom znr Auf- sehliessung von gescliwefelten Minoralien und Hiitten- • produfiten. Frpspnius, Ztschr., 20, 1887. 222-220. I'eber Krystalle ans dpm (ipstiibbe der Bltiofen in Mechernieh. welcln- deni Mineral Breithanptit ent- sprecheu. Ztsohr. Kryst., 12, 1887. 234-239. Ueber die Anvvenduni; von pyrophosphorsaoren Doppelsalzen zur Bestimmung und Trennung von Metallen durch Elcktrolyse. Fresenins, Ztschr., 28, 1889, SHI -60.5. Zusamnionsetznng uml Kryslatlform einiger ProductP aus dem Bleihiittcnbetriebe. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 264-268. Sechs Woclien in Siebenbiirgen. Sicbenb. Karpatli.- Ver. .Tbuch., 11, 1891, 1H-.50. Neucre Verfahnii der (ioldgewinnuug. Berg- n. Hiittenm. Ztg., .53, 1894, 73-71), 3H1-384, 389-391. Ktwas liber Australien, seine Mineralvorkomnien und die Verwertlmng dersclben. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1897, 7(>.5. Neuerungen ini Goldprobirwesen und in der Verar- lipitMU'^' von Golderzen. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., .57, 1898. 174-170, 1,S7-1H9, 204-200, 213-21."), 233-235. Brand, .llfilioiise. Note sur Tenlevage de coulenr.R a I'albumine, snr bistre au manganese. Mulhonse Soc. Ind. Bull., 00, 1896, 79-WO. Brand, /■'. In casse-tete du carre de I'hvpotenuse. Rev. Sci.. 2, 1894, 274-276. (^uel(]ues eassp-tiile du carre de I'hypotenuse. Rev. Sci., 2, 1894, H09-,S11. Brand, Kiiiil. Die Chylusresorption in der Diinndami- schleinilmut. [1884.] Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1888, 1509- 612. Die Nervenendigungpn in der Hornhaut. [188«.| Arch. Augpnlieilk.. 19. 1889. 207-270; Arch. Ophthalm.. I.'*. 1889. 450-4r)ri. Brand, /■'. [Kin neupr Saxifraga-Mischling.] Bot. Centrbl., 54, 1893, 4-5. Ueber tlie drei Blattarten unserer Xvraphipaceen. Bot. Centrbl.. .57. 1894, 108-171. Eine bisher noch nicht besehriebene Cladophorn. [1894.1 Bot. Centrbl., 01. 1895, .50-51. Ueber BatrachoHpermam. Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1895, 280-2H4. I 'elx-r dni nene Cladophoroceen aai bayeriiwhen Seen. Hedwigia, 34, 189S. 222-227. Ueber di** Veg«'tationKverluiltiiiHH4* di*K Wiirtiifle^;* und Hcinc (irundnlgin. Bot. Onlibl., 0.5, 1896. 1 13. Kurtpllaiizuiig uml ICfgenerution von I^-manon lluviatiliH. DeutHoli. Bot. (ii-H. Ber., 14. 1896. lur, i'H. UebiT "Chantranhia" und die ein^liliii.'igen Forimn der bayriHchen Hochebene. Hedwigia, 36, 1897, ;100-319. xxxvL CuiturverBuclip mit zwei Kbizoclonium-Arteu. Bot. Centrbl., 74. 1898, IU3 -202. 2i5-23«. Zur .\lgentlora den WiirmneeH. I)cutfcr einen neuen Tvpii« der Aigcnchlorophoren. 11900.) Deutsch. Bot. Up- Ber., 17.1899,406-409,(293). l>pr I'ormciikreiH von (il'iiK-jjp^ iilpinu. Siiy. Bot- ( pnlrbl.. 83. 1900, 224-236, 280-28[iVi/r/./, |, .V Bllger, lllberl]. See HUcer .V Brande. Brandegee, Katharine. StudioH in I'orlulacaceie. [1894.] Cahtorniu Ac. Proc., 4, 1898, 86-91. Studies in Ceanothua. [1894 ] California .\c. Proc-, 4, 1895, 173-222. Notes on Eriogonen>. Erythea. 5. 1897. 79-»Hl, 100- Notes on Cacteffi. Eryllipa, .5. 1897, 111-123, 133 Brandegee, Toinijilienil S. Flora of tlie .Santa I islands. |1KH8.) California .\c. Proc., 1. 1889.201-2." .\ collection of plants from Uaja California, i ">••'.< [1889.] California Ac. Proc, 2. 1890. 117 210. Pinus latifolia. Garden iV Fore."t. -5, 1892, 111. Floraof the Cape region of Baja California. [1891-92.) California Ac. Proc., 3, 1893, lOH-182, 21H-227. Two new species of Ilex. Garden & Forest, 7, 1894, 414. Mimulus Clevelandi. fiarden * Forest, 8, 1896, 131. Teton forest reserve. (1H99.) U. S. Geol. Sun-. Rep., 1897-98 (/'/. .5). 191-212. New species of western plants. Bol. Oaz., 27, 1899. 444-4-57. New 8|)ecieH of plants from Mexico. Erythea, 7. 1899. 1-9, 71. Island flora notes. Erythea. 7, 1899, 70-71. Brandels, liichanl ('. Boroglyceride in the treatment of ])m iilcnt diseases of the par. Arch. Olol., 13, 1884, 1.1-21. Brandely. Ser Bonchon-Brandely. Branden, ('. ran deu. *t atalngiie dps Coleopt^res car- nassiers a>|uati(|nes (Haliplidic, .\mphizoidip. Pelobiida? et Dvtispida>). [1883.) Brux., .Soc. Ent. Ann-, 39, 1885 [Pi., 1), 5-118. Enumeration dea Coleoptere«) phytophages d^crita postirieurempnt au catalogue de .W.V. Or.uMiNv.FF. ■ • Hmioi.I'. I.iege Soc. Sci. Mini.. II, 188S. .V". 10. 1 Brandenberger, K. liouge paru enleve par vapci.-.^.. sur bleu cuv^. [1897.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Ball., 68, 1898. 50-57. Brandenbnrg, [Oeorg]. Kin Fall von h' ■ seitigpr lliinianopsie mit .\lexieund Tr< Ar.-h. f. ti|.lj|halm.. 33. 1887 ' ' '. i r.' Brandenburg, /-'. //. TIk- i the live >took in.iustrv. [I'.ttX).] U. S. M. :.;... . ....;;,. lUv., 27 (1899), .588-590. The w^ater supply for the season of 1900 as depending on snowfall. Colorado. U. S. Monthlv Weath. Rev., 28 (1900). 493-494. 06—2 I Brandenburg] 764 [Brandes Brandenburg, Heinr. Abnorme elektroinotorische Kriifte des Quecksilbers. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 11, 1893, 5.52-57f). Brandenburg, Kurt [Joh. Gystav]. Ueber die Ernahrung mit Cafeiupiaparaten. [1896.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 5H, 1897, 71-84. Brandenburg, N. E. *0 Hepeiiaxi 1131 CBOlIXt paoKoiioKT, KypranoBi. bi. riiiii.iajiojKbi;. [On tlie skulls from his excavations of tumuli on the shores of L. Ladoga.] [1882.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 {No. 3), 1886, 182-184. Brander, Casimir. Parkano sockens foglar. [1886.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 15, 1888-89, 97- 128. Brander, A'. A. Thermostrorae zwisclieu Zinkamalgam und Zinkvitriol. Ann. Phys. Chem., 37, 1889, 457- 462. Brander-Sunbar, (IJ.) , & Parkinson, F. B. See Parkinson & Brander-Dunbar. Brandes, . Un cas de tuberculose de I'iris. Ann. d'Oculist., 124, 1900, 63. Un cas d'irido-choroidite tuberculeuse chez un enfant de huit mois. [1900.] Ann. d'Oculist., 125, 1901. 213-214. Brandes, Guslnv. Ueber das Genus Holostomum, Nitzsch. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 424-426. Helminthologisches. [1889.] Arch. Naturg., 54, 1888 {Bd. 1), 247-251. Die Familie der Holostomiden. [1890.] Zool.Jbiich. {Syst.), 5, 1891, 549-604. Zur Frage des Begattuugsaktes bei den entopara- sitischen Treniatoden. Kiitische Bemerkungen zu Pintner's Aufsatz. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 264-267. Einige Bemerkungen zu Vorstehendem : [Ueber den Begattungsakt der parasitischen Piathelmiuthen]. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 730-731. Ueber den feineren Bau der Trematoden. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1891, 59-84; Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 53, 1892, 558-577. Eine neue Methode zur Aufstellung von Praparaten und Objecten in Alcohol. [1891.] Zool. Anz„ 14, 1891, 200-203; Ztschr. Naturwiss., 64, 1892, 62-65. Revision der Monostomiden. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 504-511. Ueber die Familie der Zecken. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1892, 8-11. Das Nervensystera von Ascaris megalocephala. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1892, 106-107. Ueber Aufnahme von Methylenblau ira Tierkorper. [1893.] Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 19, 1893-95, [81]-[82]. Die Blattlause und der Honigthau. Ztschr. Natur- wiss., 66, 1893, 118-103. Der Saison-Dimoriihiamus bei einheimischen und exotisclien Scbmetteiliiigeu. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 66, 1893, 277-300, 403-404. Die Brutpflege der Fische. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 66, 1893, 358-369. Spiraldarm von Lamna cornubica. Ztschr. Natur- wiss., 66, 1893, 404. Zur Anatoniie von Ixodes. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 66, 1893, 405-406. Mimicry der Oliveneule. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 66, 1893, 408. Die systematische Stellung der Trilobiten. [1894.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 66, 1893, 406-407. Fridericianella ovicola, ?i. g., n. ap. Ein neuer monogenetischer Trematod. Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 20, 1894, [303]-[310]. Jije lb(-rger Gletschertopfe. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 67, 1894, 118. Anpassung der Pfliirizen an die Niederschlage. Ztschr. Naturwiss., (17, 1894, 375-376. Ueber die Ichthyosaurier. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 68, 1895, 138-140. Die Giftigkeit dor Spitzmause. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 68, 1895, 4.50-451. Zwei Hymenopterenzwitter. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 68, 1896, 452-453. Ueber die Sichtbarkeit der Eontgenstrahlen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1896, 547-550. Ueber den vermeintlichen Einfliissveranderter Ernah- rung auf die Struktur des Vogelmagens. Biol. Centrbl., 16, 1896, 825-838; Leopoldina, 32, 1896, 118-124, 129- 132. Die Entwickhmg von Ascaris lumbricoides. Biol. Centrbl., 16, 1896, 839-841. Ueber parasitische Kiifer. Centrbl. Bakt. (Aht. 1), 20, 1896, 297-305. Der Brutparasitismus des Kuckucks. Ztschr. Natur- wiss., 69, 1896, 86-88. Die Spermatozoen der Dekapoden. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1897, 355-362. Zur Begattung der Dekapoden. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 346-350. Argas reflexus als gelegentlieher Parasit des Menschen. Centrbl. Bakt. (.1^/. 1), 22, 1897, 747-752. Die Einheitiichkeit im Bau der thierischen Sperma- tozoen. [With discussionJ] Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verb., 1897, 148-162. Die Entwickelung der Aale. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 70, 1897, 410-412. Die Brutpflege der schwanzlosen Amphibien. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 70, 1897, 413-415. Germinogonie, eine neue Art der ungeschlechtlicben Fortpflanzung. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 70, 1897, 420-423. Die Ursache der Griinfarbung des Darmes von Uhaato- pterus. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 70, 1897, 423-428. Der Fdhn. Ztschr. .Naturwiss., 70, 1897, 437-439. Die Lorenzinischen Ampulleu. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verb., 1898, 179-182. Zum Bau der Spermieu. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verb., 1898, 183-185. Die Gattung Gastrothvlax. [1898.] Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 21, 1896-98, [193]-i225]. Das Nervensystera der als Nemathelminthen zusam- mengefassten Wurratvpen. [1898.] Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 21, 1896-98, [273]-[299]. . Giebt es im Thierreich CO assimilirende Gewebe? Leopoldina, 34, 1898, 102-106. Der Dimorpliismus der Spermien. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 71, 1898, 237-238. Der Intellect der Ameisen. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 71, 1898, 238-241. Die Leuchtorgane der Tiefseeiische Argyropelecus und Chauliodus. [1899.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 71, 1898, 447-452. Tenitologische Cestoden. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 105-110. Die Begattung von Nephelis. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 122-124. Ueber Duftapparate bei Kafern. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 209-216. Das Vorkommen von Aoentropus niveus in der Proviuz Sachsen. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 223. Das massenhafte Abbroehen der Kiiferzwcigspitzi-n. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 360-361. Die Grosse der Schueckeneier. [1900.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 362-363. Zwei neue Nephelis-Arten ans der Unigebung von HaU.ea.-S. [1900. | Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899,4.50-4.52. Ueber eine Ursache des Aussterbens einiger diluvialer Siiugethiere. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Coiresp.-Bl., 1900, 103-107. Die Begattung von Clep.sine tesselata. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 73, 1900, 126-128. Brandesl 7C,r, [Brandl UiiH Vorkoniinen von I'laniiriu alpina ni'irdlicli vom Har/. Ztsclir. XntmwiHH., 7:^. 1900, 30:i-;W4. Brandos, UiiKtiic, cV: Dom, K. Ui-bcr die Kiulitburkeit dur It.MitHinstiahleii. Ann. I'hya. Clicm., 60, 1897, 47«- IIM). Brandes, I'[cltT Kiirl Adulf], & Btoehr, ('[tirl], SynthcBC vuii TiiinL'thylpjiazin unci 'J'cliuijutlivlijyrazin. .11. Praltt. Cliem., 53, 1896, ijOl-ola. Ueber die JjiMunK von I'yriizin und HomoloKcn aus Traiilicu/uekcr and Amiuonink. .11. I'ritkt. Chem., ,^4, 1896, IM1-49.J. S,r id. Btoehr &. Brandea. Brandes, M . rniliiii^' .It-. KnosotH. Aicli. Pharui., 227, 1889, 111-11.5. DroguenausAfrika. (18!).').] Hannover Jbcr., 1893-97, .^)G-;J7. Neue Beitriige und Vciiinileiungen zur I'liira der Piovinz Hannover. [19011.) Hannover .)bur. , 1897-99, 127 200. Brandborst, ('. H\einrich], A Kraut, A'[rtr/]. Zur Kennt- niss ilir I'hospliorwolfraiusiiure. Licbig's Ann., 249, 1888, :f7:)-3H0. Brandlcourt, Ch. Elements de la plam'te 1893 (AL). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 311-316. Kphem^Tide dc la plimete 1893 (.\I,), Bull. Astr., 12, 189S. lH-19. Brandlcourt, (Vi., Barri, /,., iV' Vlennet, l'.[loi]. See Barr6, Vlennet A Brandlcourt. Brandlcourt, I'. Un.! excursion A Creuse. [1885.] .N. I'laiRc Soc. Linn. Bull., 7, 1884-88, 314-317. Le chevalier a pieds rouges de Californie. [1886.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bnll.,\8, 1886-87, 69-70. Les coconsde Clonus Scropluilaria). [1887.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 8, 1886-87, 313-31.5. Herliorisations do 1887. [1888.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9. 1888-89, 39-43, .57-60. Kelation entre la couleur et les instincts de quelqaes Li pidopti-res. [1888.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888 89, 86-90. La dissemination des graines. [1889.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 228-234. Herborisations Ai- 1888. [1889.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 322-328. Kelatiiins untie Us fourmis et les plantes. [1889.] N. France ,Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 343-351. I'apillons cosmopolites. [1889.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 361-363. - Le moineau en Anuriiiue. [1890.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 10, 1890-91. 132-136. Contribution a la tlori' locale. [1891.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 10, 1890-91. 373-374. Uisscminatioii dus phintis iii|uatiipies. [1896.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull.. 13, 1896-97, 73-78. Plantes hvpocarpogees. [1896.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 13, 1896-97, 99-107. 114-121. Dissemination des plantes. [1898.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 14, 1898-99, r)2-56, 66-70. Brandlcourt, I. , ,V Dequevauvlller, {I'ltbhe) Charles. " l)c llistmia sliipiuni" il.- Frciis. [1900.] N.France Sou. Llun. Bull., 1.3, 1900 01, .5-9. Brandin, . l>e I'intlucnce de I'acide phosphoriiiue sur Ic jeune plant de betterave. France Soc. Agr. Bull., r.l, 1894, 470-477. Brandts, Ailolph ii>ii. Fine vielinonatliche Beobachtung rubiger Luft iiber deni Gipfel dea Vulkans Merapi in Java. Halle Ver. Erdk. .Mittli., 1886, 41-44. Brandls, (Sir) Dutrieli. Die Bezieliungen zwischen Kogcnfall und Wald in Indieu. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Vurh., 41, 1884, 380-417. Ueber die Waldvegetation von jVjnierc und Merwara. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1886, 8.5-86. Der \Vald des iiusseivn nordwesclichen Himalava. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb.. 42, 1886, 153-180. Ucbor Tonninalia chebula, Retziiu. Bonn Nieder- rliein. Ges, Sber.. 1888. l."<8-161. 'flic riiigal of tbe nortli-we^U-ni HiniulavB. [1885.] N. S. Walch Hoy. Sw. Jl., 19, 1886, W.l 112.' [Ueber den TeakbauHi (Tectoiia grundiH).] Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Correhp.-Bl., 1886, 53-54. Ueber cine neue PrunuH-Art. Bonn, Nat. Hint. Ver. Corre»p.-Bl., 1886, 64 6-5. Ueber das ZuHumiiienvorkommeD von Nadelhdlzern und Dipterocarpeen in Indien. Bonn NiedcrrUein. Oes. SlK-r., 1886, .50-53. Ueber die Naincn der Itoecn in Indien. Bonn Niederrhein. (ies. Sber., 1886, 285-288. Ueber die Banibusen von Birnia. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1887, 113-114. Regen und Wald in Indien. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 369-376. I Ueber spcziiisclie Individaalitiit in dem Eintritt and in der Dauer der Bliitliezeit der Pflanzen.] Bonn Niederrhein. Gee. Sber., 1889, 38-43. Der Wald in den Vereiuigteu Staatcn von Nord- amerika. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 17, 1890, 265-306. [Unterscliiede in der Vegetation Vorder- und Hinter- indien.s.] Bonn Niederrhein. Oes. Sber., 1891, 86-89. [Ueber geselligwacbsende Biiums und andere Holz- pflanzen.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sljer. , 1894, 30-37, 44-50. Mixed oak and beech forest-s ol the Spessart. Garden * Forest, 7, 1894, 218-219, 22H-230, 2:W-240, 298-299. 309, 317-318, 329. 338-339. An enumeiation of the Diptcrocarpaceie, based chiefly upon tbe specimens preserved at the Royal Herbarium and Museum, Kew. and the British Museum; with remarks on the geiicra and species. (1h94.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.). 31, 1896-97, 1-148. Remarks upon the natural order Diplcrocarpacett. [1894.] Pharm. Jl., 25, 1896, 497-499. Forestry in NaUl. [/>.] [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894-98), 234-235. l>ie Familie der Dipterocarpaceen and ihre geo^ra- phische Verbreitung. [1895-96.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Slier., 1896, 4-42. The Burma teak forests. Garden A" Forest, 9, 1896, 318-319, 329-330, 338-339, 348-3.50, 3.5H-359, 368-369, 378-379, 389, 399-400, 408-4119. 418-419. 428. Die geograpbiache Verbreitung der Bambusen in Ostindien. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1897, 68- 7r.. Brandls, Erich, d' Freyn, J[ote/Y Beitrag znr F\on von Biisuien und der angrenzenden Hercegovina. Wien Zoul. Bot. Verb.. 38, 1888 {Ahh.), 577-644. Brandls, F.mgl. Ueber Condensalionen uiit dem a-Naph- talinaldehvd. Berlin, Chem. Gea. Ber., 22, 1889, 2148-2158. Brandls, ^'. Untersuchungen iiber das Gehirii der Vijgel. Aicli. Mikr. Auat., 41. 1893, 168-194, 623-649; 43, 1894, 96-116, 787-813; 44, 1896, 534-555. Das Kleinhirn der Viigel in seiner Beziehung zur Systematik. Jl. f. Ornitb.. 44, 1896. 274-;«)4. Brandl, losiph. Ueber Resorption und Secretion im Magen und deren Beeinflussung durch Arznciniiltel. Ztschr. Biol., 29, 1892, 277-307. Cheniisch-pharniakologische Untersuchaug Qber die ManaeaWurzel. Zlscbr. Biol.. 31. 1895. 251-292. Exix?rimentelK' Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung, Aufnahnie und .^ussclieidunc von Kupfer. Berlin, Gesundheilsamt Arb.. 13. 1897. 101-136. ,S'i<' ii{jiii tiuiitr Tappelner, [.tn(nii Jotef Franx} //[.j-mniiii] roll. Brandl, Joteph, A' PfSUIer, l.udirig. Beitrag zar Eennt- niss des Farbstofles melanotiscber Sarkome nebst Bemerkungen iiber einige Eigen.'chaflen der soge- Brandl] nannten melanogenen Substanz im Haru. Ztschr. Biol.. 26, 1890, 348-,37(). , , , . Brandl, Joseplt. lV Scherpe, A'. Ueber zmkhaltige Aepfelschnitte uebst Versuclien fiber die Wirkung des iipfelsauren Zinks. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 15, 1899, 18.5-211. Brandl, Joseph, A Tappeiner, [Anton Josef Fran:] H[ermann] fon. Versiiche fiber Peristaltik nach Abfuhrraitteln. [1889.] Arch. Exper. Path., 26, 1890, 1V7-18.5. , . , Ueber die Ablagerung von Fluorverbindungen im Organismus naeh Futterung mit Fluornatrium. Ztschr. Biol.. 28, 1891, .518-.539. Brandner, G. de. *La grande Coraete de 1882. [1882.] Ciel et Terre, 3, 1883, 385-386. Brandner, G. de {et alii). La pluie d'etoiles tilautes du 27 uovembre 1885. Ciel et Terre, i; (1885-86), 4.51-4-53, 491-501, .592. Trombes. [1888.] Ciel et Terre, 9 (1888-89), 359- 360, 382-3H3. Brandt, [C.]. Ueber einen Sodahaldenbrand. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 258-2.59. Brandt, Alehsiindr [Fedorovi!:]. *Ueber die Entwickelung der Eier von Agrion virgo. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1868, 104. *]V[op(tio.iioni'ieeidH iMCiitjiOBaHia o KopHepori; (Rhizostoma Cuvieri, Lmk.). [Morphological researches on Rhizostoma Cuvieri, Lmk.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Russ.), 17, 1870 (Append. No. 1), 47 pp. *]Il)eABaitiiTC.iii.Hiai1 oruerb o nyTeuiecTBiir, coBepuEeHHOM'fc no iiojjyieHiKi HMnepaTopcKoM AKa;i,eMiii Hayit'b b'i, ItapcKyio o6.;racTb ii JiaiiaB- Ka;!I>e. [Preliminary report on an excursion undertaken by order of the Imperial Academy of Sciences to the province of Kars and Transcaucasia.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Russ.), 36, 1880, 362-383. Die Ernahrung uiid das Wachsthum des Dotters im Insectenei. Zool. Anz., 8, 1885, 188-191. Ein extremer Fall rachitischer Verkrfippelung. Vir- chow. Arch., 104, 1886, 540-548. Ueber Wandtafelu ffir den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 73-78. Ein secundiirer Knochenzapfen als Bestandtheil des Horns der Cavicornier. Zool. Anz , 12. 1889, 195-197. Anatomisches und Allgemeines fiber die sogenannte Hahnenfedrigkeit und fiber anderweitige Geschlechts- anomalien bei Vogeln. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 48, 1889. 101-150, 151-190. Ueber den Zusamnienhang der Glandula suprarenalis mit dem Parovarium resp. der Epididymis bei Huhnern. [1889.] Biol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, .522-526. Procentometer. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891, 682-683. Essai d'une classification dus variations aniraales, selon leurs causes. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. K.], 1892 (Pi. 1), 66-67. Eine Virago, mit Benutzung der von Dr. W. Favk ermittelten gyniikologischen Daten. Virchow, Arch., 146, 1896, 532-540. Ueber die aogenannten Huudemenschen, beziehungs- weise fiber Hypertrichosis universalis. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 161-179 ; Rev. Sci., 7, 1897, .552-5.58. Ueber deu Bart der Mannweiber [Viragines]. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897. 226-239; Rev. Sci., 7, 1897, 618-622. Ueber borstenartige Gebilde bei einem Hai und eini! nuitmaaslichr Homologie der Haare und Zahne. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 257-270. Das Hirngewielit und ditt Zahl der peripherischen Nervenfasern in ihrer Bezielmng zur Korpergrosse. Biol. Centrbl., IH, 1898, 475-488. Zur Phylogenie der Siiugethierhaare. Biol. Centrbl., 20, 1900, .572-592. rfiG [Brandt Brandt, C. F. Moyen d'obvier a la formation de I'oxycellulose dans I'eulevage a I'acide chromique sur bleu indigo. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 61, 1891, 496-497. Enlevage rouge et blanc sur bleu indigo cuve au moyen du brome on de ses derives oxygen^'S. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 62, 1892, 201-206. Un precede d'enlevage sur bleu indigo cuve. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 62, 1892, 210-211. Brandt, Carl. Ueber die Bakterien des Ijidrandes und Bindehautsackes, .sowie fiber deren Beeinflussung durch verschiedenartige Verbande und Augensalben. Wurzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 29, 1896, (189)-(208). Brandt, Kduard Kariovie. For biography and list of works .ve Leopoldina, 27, 1891, 206; Soc. Ent. Ross. Hora-, 27, 1893, i-vi. ('.paBiiine.ni.iio-aHaTOMiiiecKifl ii3CJit..ii,oBaiiiH liepBIIoii ClICTCMIJ paBHOHOniXT, (Isopoda). [Ver- gleichend-anatomische Untersuchungeu fiber das Nerven- System der Isopoda.] [1887.] Soc. Ent. Ross. Hor:e, 20, 1885-87, 245-249. Ha6.i|I(i;tenifl no aHaiOMill nacbKOMMXI,. [Ob- servations on the anatomy of insects.] Soc. Ent. Ross. Hor*, 22, 1888, 133-137. ' Zwei FiiUe von Taenia cueumerina, Rud., beim Menschen. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 481-484. Vergleicheud-anatomische Untersuchungen fiber die Grifi'elbeine (Ossa calamiformia) der Wiederkauer (Rumi- nantia). Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 542-548. Larven der Wohlfart'schen Fliege (Sarcophila Wohl- fartii, Portsch.) im Zahnfleische des Menschen. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 560-56f. AHaTOJiiH CTeK.ianHiiu.'b n'ie.iOBii,ii,uorr (Tro- chilinm apiforme, L.) n KOMapOBltlHOil (Sesia tipuli- formis, L.). [On the anatomy of Sesia tipuliformis and Trochilium apiforme, Linn..'] Soc. Ent. Ross. Hora;, 23, 1889, 41-49 ; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 185-190. Brandt, Fr. Anemone nemorosa, ear. monstrosa, Bi'dcken. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1898, 55. Brandt, Franz H. Endothelioma of bone, with many metastases. N. Y. Med. ,11., 72, 1900, 793-798, 839-843. Brandt, Gustai\ & Claus, .idolph [Carl Ludwifi]. See Claus 1^' Brandt. Brandt, .l\oli(iiiii\ F[riedricli]. *Second rapport relatif aux reclierches microscopiques ult^rieares sur I'anatomie des especes du genre Glomeris. [1840.] St. Pi^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 1-3. *Note supplementaire sur les especes qui composeut le genre Polydesmus, suivie d'une caracteristique de deux especes nouvelles. [^1840.] St. Peter.sb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 9-11. *Note sur trois especes nouvelles d'oiseaux de Russie et de la Perse boreale, rapportees par .1/. K.^helin. [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 11-12. *Note sur une espece de chat (Felis servalina, Jardine), nouvelle pour la faune de Russie. [1841.] St. Pt'tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 34-37. *Observatious sur le manoul (Felis manul, Pallas). [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull, 9, 1842, 37-39. *Note sur deux especes nouvelles de sousliks de Russie. [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 43. "Observations sur le Loxia rubicilla, Giildenst. (Coc- cothraustes caucasicus, I'allas). (1841. | St. Peter.sb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 287-288. "Note sur les especes de Loxia (bee croise) de la faune de Russie. [1841.] St. Pc'tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 288. "Reraarqiies sur le Passer aretous de Pai-las, comme etant vraisemblablement le type de trois differentes especes d'oiseaux. [1841.] St. Pi5tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 10, 1842, 251-253. Brandtl IBranford 'ZoOKeoKrapliiKclic unil paliioiitoluKiHclic Beitruge. St. I'etciHl). Mill. (ipK. Vcrh., 2, 1867, :«-290. -: *[ Ucljc'r HiiclischliiKi- Kcziiliiiitcr HaUHtliiere.J DeutKch. Natf. TaKebl., 1874, 8:i-81. *[Ueber die (liluvianiHclic Siiu^etliierfHuna de» nc'ird- linheu, iiamentlicli lUHfliKclieii A»ienK im Vi-rnleich mit dcr EuiopaB.] Deulscli. Naif. TaKi'bl., 1874, 127. Ueber die Vuuelfauna del Aleuten, Kurilcn uiid ilcr riiHKisuli-aiiiiTikanischcii Colonicn. Nach hinterlasscnen Notizen herausKPgeben von Herman Schauiw. .11. f. Oinith., ;•)'.(, 1891, 2.^.5-271. Brandt, Jiizsef. Die plastlBclitn Oiwiationen. ['i'r.\ I1MMH-H9.] Dentsche Ztsclir. CliirurK., .-lO, 1890, 331- :i4H. A Koch-ft'le oltasokrol. [Ueber die Inipfunijen von Koch.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Orr. Szak), 1891, 1-7, 1(;3-1(J4. Brandt, Julen, Note snr quelques rdactione des d^riv^e nitn'a do I'alizariue ct leur application i I'impression. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., (J7, 1897, 3M2-385. Note sunnit'lquescorp.s poll vant nmplacer le/3-uaphtol dans la production des couleuis azoiciues sur la tibre. Mulhouse Soc-. Ind. Bull., 68, 1898, 43-49. Note »ur le jaune d'alizarine F S. Mulhouse Soc. lud. Bull., 68, 1898, ll.'j-llS. Note sur Taction des reducteurs alcalins sur les conleurs azoiques derivees des nitranilincs. [1898.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 69. 1899, 77-85. Brandt, /v'dri. Die koloiiieliildenden Radiolarien (Sphcero- zoi'cn) des Golfes von Neapel und der angrcnzendeii Mccresahschnitte. Neapel Zool. Stat., Fauna & Flora, 13, 188B, viii + 276 pp. [Ueber den Bau und die Leben8er8clieinnnj;en der koloniebildenden Radiolarien oder Sphiirozocn.] [1886.] KiiniRsb. Schr., 27, 1887 (Sber.). 16-17. Ueber die biolonisclienUntersuchunnen der Plankton- Expedition. Berhn Gcs. Erdk. Verb., 16, 1889, 51.')- 525. Ueber die Plankton-Expedition. [1890.] Sclilesw.- Hoist. Nat. Ver. Schr., 8, 1891. 262. [Die Exi)edition dcr Scktion fiir Kiisten- und Hoch- scelischerei in der listlichen Ostsee. UutcrsuchunK des Planktons sowie der Thiere und Pflanzcn des Meercs- bodens.) Die mit der Kurrc oder der Dredge auf der Expedition gesanimelten Thiere. [1890.] Deutsch. Mecre Ber., 17-21, 1893. 141-147. Ueber neue und alte Funde von Mammuthresten In der Provinz Schleswijj-Holatein. [1893.] Schlesw.- Holst. Nat. Ver. Schr., 10, 1895, 112. Ueber die Ursache des geringen spezifischen Gewiohtes der Vakuolenfliissigkeit bei Meerestieren. Biol.Centrbl., 15, 1896. 8.5.5-8i59. Ueber die Schliessnetzfiinge der Plankton Expedition. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 {Vh. 2, Iliil/le 1), 107-112. [Zoologische Ergebnisse der von der GesoUschaft tiir Erdkunde zu Berlin uuter Leitung Dr. von DnvoALSKi's ausgesandten Gninlandexpedition nach Dr. Vanuokfkn's Sammhingen bearbeitet.] iv. Die Tintinnen. [1896.] Bibl. /ool., 8, 1896-98, Ili/t 20, 4.5-71. Ueber das Stetliner Haff. Wiss. Meeresiintersuch., 1, 1896, Hetl 2, 105-141. Biologischo und faunistische Untei-suchungen an Radiolarien und anderen pelagi.'cbeu Thicren. [1895.] Zool. Jbiiob. (,S;/sM, 9, 1897. 27-74. Das Vordringen mariner Thiere in den Kaiser Wilhelra-Canal. [1896.] Zool. Jbiich. {Sytl.), 9, 1897. 387-408. Die Fauna der Ostsee, insbesondere die der Kieler Bucht. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verb., 1897, 10-34. . Ueber Salzgehalt und Tbierwelt im Kaiser Wilhelm- Kanal. Schlesw. -Hoist. Nat. Ver. Schr.. 11, 1898, 8-9. Ueber den gegeuwiirtigeu Stand der Aalfrage. Sohlesw.- Holst. Nat. Ver. Schr.. 11. 1898, 23,V239. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der cliemlschen Zuitamiiiea- setzung dc8 Planktons. (Chemische Analysen der Herren Dr. Oinii und Dr. Biuskkh.] Wi»». Meeres- unUrsuch., 3 (Kiel), 1898, i'A-'M). La vie dans les luers. Rev. Sri., 12, 1899, 513-526. Ueber den Stoffwei-hKel im Meere. Wiss. Meeres- iintersuch., 4 {Kiel), 1899, 213-230. Brandt, Kazimierz. 'Wytrzymatose cia+. Badania iinulitvcznc dotyczijce civzar6w przypadkowycli uzy- wanych przy obliezaniu mosUSw. (Recherches analy- tiques relatives aux valears des charges accidentelles employees dans !{■ calcul des poutres metalliiiucs.] Paris Tow. Nauk Scisi. Pam., 4, 1874, Arl. 2, 32 pp. 'Badania analityczne ilotyczg<;e sposobu obliczaiiia mostow z+ozonych z tukow metalicznych. [Recherches analytiqiies sur les ponts composes d'arcs metalliques.] Paris Tow. Nauk Scisi. Pam., 7, 1876, An. 2. 81 pp. *SpoB6b praktyczny budowy murow oporowych. [Practical methixl of building retaining walls.] Paris Tow. Nauk Scis*. Pam., 9, 1877, Art. 7, 88 pp.; 10, 1878. Art. 7, 12 pp. Brandt, /,. Ueber eine Felilerquelle bei der StickstofT- Iji'siiiiimung im Chilisalpeter nacb Ui.bch. Chem. Ztg., ■-':(, 1899. 22. Brindzi, /.i[iHii(ri>]. 'Despre vcgetafiunea Romaniel si exploratorii ei. [On the regetation of Roumaoia and its exploration.] [1880.] Bucarest, .\c. Rom. .\n., 2 {Sect. 2), 1881, .303-380. 'Plante none din Romania. [New plants of Rou- niania.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. \n., 2 (Sect. 2), 1881, .537-538. Respunsulu. [Reply to Cobalcescc on the origin, etc. of petroleum.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. -An., 9 litem. ,S>c«. .Sci.), 1887, 51-65. Contribu{iuni none la flora Romaniei. [New contri- butions to the flora of Roumania.) Bucarest, .\c. Rom. An., 11 {Mem. Srct. .Si-i.|, 1890, 295-328. I'lante nour peiitru flora Dobrogel. [Plants new to the flora of Dobrudja.j Bucarest, .\c Rom. An., 11 (.U.»i. Sect. Sei.). 1890, 330-3:16. Brandza, Marcel. Sur Tanatomie et le developpement des teguments de la graine chez les Geraniaeees, LythrariiVs et CEnotherees. France Soc. Bot. Bull.. 36. 1889. 417-420. Sur I'anatomie et le developiwment des teguments de la graine des line. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. U.). 629-632. Recherches sur le developpement des t<^gumenl« seminaux des Angiospermes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 110, 1890. l.>23-1225. Recherches anatomiques sur les hybrides. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 317-318; Rev. Gen. Bot., 2. 1890. 433-145, 471-479. Recherches anatomiques sur la structure de Phybride entre r.Ksculus rubicunda et le Pavia fla\-a. Rev. Gen. Bot., 2, 1890. 301-305. Peveloppeiiient des teguments de la graine. Rev. Gen. Bot., 3, 1891, 1-32. 71-84, 105 126, 1.50-165, 229 210; Rev. Sci., 49. 1892. 46H-169. Braneana, .1/., cV Z. Meiuoriu asuprs constructiei unui vns aorian dirijabil. |Mi'inoir on the construction of h dirigible air-ship.] [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 3,1894], ■.'7-101. Branfill, (Gen.) Bnjdget R. Notes on the physiography of southern India. Gcogr. Soc. Proc. 7, 1885. 719- 735. Ice crystals during fog. Essex Natlist., 2. 1888. 198. Sunburn. [1890. J Symons, Meleorol. Mag.. 2.5, 1891, 139. Viulitv of seeds. [1895.] Essex Natlist.. 9. 1896 229. Branford, /(. It. 1'. The general value of the nth total JilTilite des substances isolantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 90-93. Variations de conductibilite des isolants sous diverses influences electriques. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 13.5-141. [Deperdition de I'electricite positive par la lumiere.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 185-187. Conductibilite electriqne des corps isolants. Jl. Phys., 1, 1892, 459-460. D<5jjerdition des deux electricites par les rayons tr^s refrangibles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 114, 1892, 68-70. Nouvelle conductibilite unipolaire des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 831-834. Sur la conductibilit('' d'un gaz compris entre un m^tal troid et un corps incandescent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 1.531-1534; 115, 1892, 76. Sur la conductibilite des gaz. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1892, 215-230. Deperdition de I'electricite a la lumiere du jour. Jl. Phys., 2, 1893, 300-305. Sur la deperdition de I'electricite a la lumiere diffuse et a I'obscurite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 116, 1893, 741-744. Sur la conductibilite des substances couductrices discontinues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 118, 1894, 348-349. Emploi des tubes a limaille dans I'etude des inter- ferences electriques. Jl. Phys., 4, 1895, 273-275. Deperdition electrique par I'lUumination de corps m^diocrement conducteurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 120, 1895, 829-834. Resistance electriqye au contact de deux m^taux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 869-872, 953. — — Ri^sistance des lames metalliques minces. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 230-232. Sur la propriete de decharger les corps electrises, produite dans les gaz par les corps incandescents et par les i-tincelles electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 643. Sur la conductibilite electrique des substances cou- ductrices discontinues, k propos de la teWgraphie sans fil. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 125, 1897, 9.39-942. Conductibilite des radioconducteurs ou conductibilite (51ectrique discontinue. Assimilation a la conductibilite nerveuse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 116:^-1165. Une enveloppe metallique ne se laisse pas traverser par les oscillations hertziennes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. H., 127. 1898, 43-46; Jl. Phys., 8, 1899, 24-27. Telegraphie sans fil et coIlisit)ns en mer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 127, 1898, 171-172. Besistance dloctrique au contact de deux disques d'un meme metal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 219-223; Jl. Phys., 8, 1899, 21-24. Radioconducteurs a limailles d'or et de platine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 1206-1207. [Note au sujet de la lettre de M. Blondel sur la telegraphie sans fil.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1898, 78»-79'. Conductibilite electrique des radioconducteurs. Eev. Quest. Sci., 43, 1898, 353-369. Radioconducteurs a disques metalliques. Jl. Phys,, 8, 1899, 274-275. Radioconducteurs a billes metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1089-1092. Transmission des ondes hertziennes a travers les liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, (J72-675. Accroissements de resistance des radioconducteurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1068-1071. Absorption des radiations hertziennes par les liquides. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1900, 9-15. Branly, Ktlouard, & te Bon, Guslare. Sur I'absorption des ondes hertziennes par les corps nou metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 879-882. Brannan, John ninter.i. The varying significance of intermittent albuminuria. Report of autopsy of a case. N. Y. Med. Jl., 54, 1891, 7-11. Essential paroxysmal tachycardia. [Witlt ilisciisxion.] N. Y. Med. JL, 54, 1891, 723-725. The treatment of pulmonary hsemorrhage. N. Y. Med. Jl., 64, 1896, 218-220. Sero-diagnosis of typhoid fever. A study of its practical clinical value, with a demonstration of the blood reactions. [frith discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 65, 1897, 413-418, 430-434. Branner, Jolin Casper. *The course and growth of the fibro-vascular bundles in palms. [1883.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 21, 1884, 459-483, 502. Flexible sandstone. Amer. NatUst., 18, 1884, 927. The 'Batrachichthys.' Science, 3, 1884, 376-377. The 'pororoca,' or bore, of the Amazon. Science, 4, 1884, 488-492. Preliminary report of observations upon insects injurious to cotton, orange, and sugar-cane in Brazil. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 4, 1884, 63-69. Glaciation of the Lackawanna valley. Atner. Ass. Proc, 1885, 212-214. The reputation of the lantern fly. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 835-838. The thickness of the ice in north-eastern Pennsylvania during the glacial epoch. Amer. Jl. Sci., 32. 1886, 362- 366. Geographical and geological exploration in Brazil. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 687-690. The glaciation of parts of the Wyoming and Lacka- wanna valleys. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 23, 1886, 337-357. Additional notes on the lantern-fly of Brazil. [1887.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 7, 1887-88, 66-68. The age and correlation of the Mesozoic rocks of the Sergipe-.\lagoas basin of Brazil. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1888, 187-188. The age of the crystalline rocks of .\rkausas. .^mer. Ass. Proc, 1888, 188. Notes on the fauna ol the islands of Fernando de Noronha. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 861-871. The geology of Fernando de Noronha. Part i. .\mer. Jl. Sci , 37, 1889, 145-161. The Cretaceous and Tertiary geology of the Sergipe- Alagoas basin of Brazil. [1888.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans., 16, 1890, 369-434. Address [to the Geol. Sect.]. The relations of the state and national geological surveys to each other and to the geologists of the country. Amer. Ass. Proc. 1890. 219-237. Brannerl 7(i'J fBrasch The j'Eolian KundHtuncs of Fernando dc N'oronlia. Amcr. .11. Sci., 30, 1890, aiT-fl'.?. Solur lialos. Scionco, l.'i, 1890, llt.'i. Bnuxito in ArkiinsuH. Amcr. Ucolo^iHt, 7, 1891, 181-1H3. Tlu5 KiipixiKed ginciation of Ura/.il. Jl. Geol. (Chicugo), 1, 1893, 7.58-772. The ni'ol()(;iciil KuivcjK i>( Arkimsiis. Jl. Gool. (Chicago), 2, 1894, H2t;-83(i. I)cconii)oHition of rocks in lirazll. (IH!).').] Amer. Gcol. Soc. linll., 7, 1896, x, 2.5.5-314. ThicknertH of the I'alpozoio Hcdiments in Arkansas. Amer. .11. Sci., 2, 1896, 22'J-23G. Bihliographv of davH and tlio ceramic arts. U. S. Geol. Surv. Hull., Xr.." 143, 1896, 114 pp. The pliosphate-deposits of Arkansas. [18%.] Amer. Inst. Min. Kngin. Trans., 26, 1897, .580-598. Bacteria and the decomposition of rocks. Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897, 438-442. The former extension of the Appalachians across Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. Amor. Jl. Sci., 4, 1897, 357-371. The bauxite deposits of Arkansas. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 5, 1897, 2r,3-289. The cemcnt-miitcrials of southwest Arkansas, [ffitli dUcuKgiim.] [18'J7. ] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 27, 1898, 42-(i3. 044-940. Geology in its relations to tojjography. | Willi (/i»- cutnion.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 39, 1898, 53-9.5. On the origin of certain siliceous rocks. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), (■), 1898, 3(i(;-371. The manganese-deposits of llahia and Minas, Brazil. [1899. 1 Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 29, 1900, 756-770. Ants as geohigic agents in the tropics. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 8, 1900, 151-1.53. The origin of beach cusps. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 8, 1900, 181-184. liesults of the Branuer-.\ga8»iz Expedition to Brazil. IV. Two characteristic geologic sections on the north east coast of Brazil. Washington Ac. Sci. Proc., 2, 1900, 185-201. The oil-bearing shales of the coast of Brazil. [1900.] Amor. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans.. 30, 1901, 537-554. Branner, Joliii Catpfr, & Brackett, liichard i\'[eicmaii]. The ]uri(Uitites of Pike county, .\rkansas. Amer. Ass. I'roc, 1888. 188-189; Amer. ji. Sci., 3H, 1889. 50-.59. Branner, -loliii Caxpcr, A Oilman, ('. K. The stone reef at the mouth of Uio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Amer. Geologist, 24, 1899, 342-344. Branner, .lolin Cimpcr, & Newsom, John F. See NewBom i^ Branner. Brannon, Mvliin A[mog]. Bacteria in hen's eggs. Science, 22, 1893, 64-65. The structure and development of Grinellia americaua, Ihirr. Ann. Hot., 11, 1897, 1-28. Bransford, John F. Climatic and sanitary notes on tlie Niciuagna Canal route. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 179. Branson, !■'. 11'. Note on a new triple ISunsen burmr. Soc. Chem. Ind Jl., H, 1889. 957. Note on an exact method for estimating the intensity of the X rays. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 15, 1896, 865. BranUi,./[itA'(>6] .S'[cr<'riH] Deichmnim. [Gr.-nlands lichen- rtoni. j Lavvegetationons almindelige karakter. [188?.] Me.ld. Gronland, 3, 1880-94, 4.57-163; Bot. Centrbl.,54, 1893, 1.52-155. Enumeratio Lichenum Granlandio! secundum Th. M. FiiiKs: "Lichenes .\rctoi" dispositorum. [1887- 92.] Medd. Gr .nlan.l. 3. 1880-94, 404-513, 751-762; Bot. Centrbl., 54, 1893, 152-155. Om udvikling og afiendring hos Verrucaria hydrela. Aril. [1892.] Bot. Tidsskr., 18. 1892-93. 104-107; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1893, 441-442. R. S. \. C. LIchoner fra Scoresby .Suud og Hold with llii\jf. [Lichens provensnt du Scoresby .Sund ct de Huld-witii- liope.] [1894.] Mcdd. Grunland, 18, 1896, aS-103, (/?^«. 48-1). IHutoMiwr paa vundingKcngc. [1899.) Bot. Tidnskr., 22, 1898 99, ivi, BranU, .1. Eeii poar haUorganen bij de rups van Noto- d.>ntK zl./.ac. /,. Tijilschr. Ent., 37, 1894. 190-224. Braqnebaye, ./[i//r< I'ie /.kiimJ. De la methode graphiqac ap|jlii|U>''e II IVrtude du tniumatismc cerebral. Arch. Giin. M.d.. 175, 1898. 129-1.53, 30(>-324. — I>.' la nirvanine en chirurgie. Congr. Int. Med. C. B., 1900 {I'nI. lo), 21-31. Braquehaye, J'iilr< I'ir I.miit], A' Cliipaalt, Ifnrony). N' ' Chlpaolt .V Braquehaye. Braquebaye, .'|ii'.. /'i.' /.ohm], iV BemUnger, I'aul. Mamellc surnumi'-rairc audcssous de I'ombilic chez un homme. Paris, Soc. BioL Mem., 51, 1899 (C. li.), 598-.599. Brard, (I'uler) . Der Victoria-NyanHa. Petermano, Mitth., 43, 1897, 77-80. Brard, Filir. Les charbonnai,'es d'Hongay (Tonkin). Paris. Ingin. Civ. Mem., 1897 {Pi. 1), 81-112; St. Etienne. Bull. Soc. Ind. Mm., 11, 1897, 1.5.5-182. Etude dcs pcrtes dc I'Arv'e et de scs aflluents et des .sources en aval des |>ertc8. Paris, logen. Civ. Mem., 1899 U'l. 2), .397-486. Braren, Wilhflm, & Baclmer, Kdwird. Uebcr Pseudo- phenvlessigsJiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bcr., 33, 1900, i;K4i;91. Svnthesc einer gcsiittigten bicvclischin PicarbonBaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3453-34.56. Brasack, [/.'riVifric/i]. Das .\lumiuium und das Magnesium sowie ihre genenwiirtige Bedi-utunk' in der Industrie. Magdeb. Nat. Vcr. Jber. u. Abh., 1886, 161 -176. Die Natur der Flammc. Magdeb. Nat. Vcr. Jber. u. Abh., 1888, 20 34. Die Priifiini.' d.r BlitzabKitcr. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1889, 40-18. Brascassat, Marcel. jSur la capture de quelques Nevro- pteres nouveaux pour la faunedu Sud-Uuest.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. .\ct., 48, 1895, xiii. Description d'une aberration nouvelle de L^-pidoptire. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act.. ,52, 1897, Ixxvii. [Note sur quelques Lepidi .pit-res de la Gironde.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. .\ct., 52, 1897, lixxiz-xci. Compte-rendu entomologique. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. .\ol., 53. 1898, vii-viii. Brascassat, .V.ircc/, tl' Eyqnem, [Gar le mercure dans les fonctions des organes qui serveni a son elimination. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. ;;.), 774-778. Brassel, .'[o/m/iHcs]. Narkotische Nahninga-, reap. Gcnuss- Miittel. I1S85-90.] St. Oallen. Ber.. 1883-84, 308-333; 1884-85, 281-303; 1886-87, 145-1S4 ; 1887-88, 382-419; 1888-89, 281-312. Ueber die Vogelwelt der Sinaihalbinsel. [1893.] St. (iallen, Ber., 1893-94, 76-77. Brassert, II[eiii)ich]. Ueber secundarc Paranoia. [1895.] Allg. Ztschr. Psycbiatr., .52, 1896, 772-795. Ueber ErriHhuugsangst. Neurol. Ceatrbl., 18, 1899, 800-871. Brasseur, ,/., & Blattner, N. G. See Blattner & Brasseiir. Brassinne, [Philippe] E[mi!e]. For biography and list of works see Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 7 (Sem. 2), 1888, 25-47. Bratb, C. Dns Zinimer-Terrarium. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1885, 122 130. Brathuhn, (>. Die Umarbeitung der Oberharzer Gruben- risse. /tschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 34, 1886 (Abh.}. 179-194. Die Orientirungs-Messungen mittelst des Magneteu. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 35, 1887 {Abh.), 105-122; 36, 1888 {Abh.). 187-191. Das selbstschreibende Declinatorium in Claustbal. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 38, 1890 {Abh.), 223-230. Beitriige zur Markscheidekunst. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg.. 57. 1898, 155-157. 103-164. Das Langer'sche Hiingezeug zur Verwendung des Compasses in Gegeuwart von Eisen. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 47, 1899, 537-539. Britianu, (Cifii.) V. I. Notife despre lucriirile cari au uvut de scop descrierea goometrlca a Uomaniei. [Notes on works dealing with the geometrical description of Uounuiniii. ) Fiucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 22 {.Mem. .Seel. •SVi.), 190O. 293-334. Bratosclieck, Knrl. Die Lichtatiirke-Aenderungen nacb ver.^chiedcnen Schwingungsrichtungen in Linaenayatemen von groHsem Oellnungswinkel mit Beziehnng ziir mikro- skopischen .\bbildung. Ztschr. Wis-i. Mikr., 1892, 145- 100. BratuBcbeck, Knrl. A Bernard, Henry J/[fi/nisiim.] [1890.] AUg. Ztschr. Paychiatr., 53, 1897. 970-971; 54, 1898, 208-220. Ammonshornbefunde bei Epileptischen. [1897.] Arch. P.sychiatr.. 31, 1899, 820-836. Alkohol und Epilepsie. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 56, 1899, 334-386. Ueber das .\mraonshorn bei Epileptischen und Paraly- tikern. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 56, 1899, Mll-844. Bran de Baint-Fol Iiias, A'[ari>i-]. [Phenomenea vol- eaniques a Java, 1883-85.] Paris, Soc. Giogr. C. K., 1885, 514. Braubacb, [Gilbert Marin] M[ichfiel]. Ein Fall von Liponibildung der Riickenmarkshiiute. Arch. Psychiatr., 15, 1884, 489-495. Braubach, .1/. Der Schwefelkieabergbau bei Meggen an il' r Lenne. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- n. Salinenw., 36. 1888 (.Ifc/i.), 21-5-222. Brauchbar, Maj-imilian. Ueber die Einwirkung von wiisscriger Kalilauge und gesiittigter Pottaschelosuog auf Isobutyraldehvd. Wien, .\k. Sbcr., 105, 1896 (Abth. 26), 029-039; Mbefte. Chem.. 1896, 037-647. Brancbbar, Muximilian, iV Kohn, Leopold. Ueber Con- densationsproducte der .\ldebydc. (in. Mittheilung.) Oktoglykolisobutvrat aus Isobutyraldehvd. Wien, .\k. Sber., 107, 1898' {Ablh. 2(/), 35-74; Mhefte. Chem., 1898. 10-.55. Brand, . I rf/iur. Meteorology of Gniana. Timehri, 3, 1884. 1.^0-152. Brauer, Augti.. Brault, .i\lhiTl\. l)f rorij;inu non baclrrieiine dii cnr- cinoiMc. KtmlL' sur I'liimtomii- patliolouiquf compan'^e deH ni'oplasmes (tunipiirs propremcnt diti'n) it des m'oplasieB infectipiises. Arch. Gi-ii. Mid., I.'.li, 1885, ioH-im, r.HD- 61)7, (;h9-721. lUudc siir rinHammation. .\ich. (irn. Mi'd., 102, 1888, 74-91, llU-211, H37-:Mr., 47f)-l!t2. Siir la presence et le mode de repartition dii (;lyeoi.'ene dans les tumeiirs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 119, 1894, 817- H19. La Kl}'CORcn^se dans lY-volution des tissns normaux ct patlioloKii|ues. ConRr. Int. JiUd. C. H.. 1897 |lo/. 2, Seel. 3), 20U-211, (Vol. 7), xlv. La production dii t'lycoKine dans les tissus ijni avoi- sinent les tiimeurs. Arcli. (ien. Med., IHH, 1899, 21-32. Brault, .l[llirit]. A- ComU, A[iiilif] I'[/<(or]. See CormU A Brault. Brault, Allliert], A Iioeper, Maurice. GlycoRenise cnibryon- naire. Congr. Int. Mi'd. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 3, Aiinl. Path), 99-102. Brault, J. Presentation d'un cas de bilharziose contractee eii Tunisie et observee a. Lvon en jnin 1S91. [1891.] Lyon Soc. Sei. Med. Mem., "31, 1892, .51-.5(i. Observations de polynevrite paludique. Arcli. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 1894, 407-413. Polynevrite peripberique tres vraisemblableniiMit d'ori^ine palustre ; monoplegie persistantc du membre Bupi^-rieur droit. Progres M^d. , 20, 1894, 153-1.54. Ulceres phaged<^niques des pa.ys chauds conipliques de ganjirenc liuniifle et de poiirriture d'hopital. Ann. dc Dermatol., 1, 1897, lfi.')-171. Les maladies des pays chauds, lenr apln, ■/. Note sur I'etiologie et la patho- gi5nie de la maladie du sommeil. Arch, de Parasit., 1, 1898, 369-37H, fi37. Brault, •/., it Rouget, J. Note cliniqae et bacteriologiqne .sur une " pseudoiiivcose" observee en Algerie, Paris, Soc. Biol. "Mim., 48", 1896 (C. li.). 990-998. Etude clinique et bacteriologique d'une pseudo-mycose observee en Algerie. .\rch. Mid. Expi-r., 9, 1897, 129- 143. Brault, (rnmma)iiliuit)[f.nuis Desire^ /.[('oh]. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 21, 1886. 163; Hev. .Maritime et Colon., 87, 1886. 177-181; Kev. Sci., 36, 1888, 349- 350; Symons, .Meteorol. Mag., 20, 1886, 123; Ciel et Terre, 6 (1886-86>, 388-393. *Nouvellcs cartes de meteorologie nantique. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 24, 1876 (lIuU.), 114-1.32. . *[Les lois du mouvemeut general des vents i la surface du globe] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meti^orol., 9, 1876, Pi. 1, 83-84. '[Courbes des vents de I'Atlantique nord.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 25, 1877 {Hull.), 12:^-124. "[Cartes du vent dans I'Atlantique sud.] France Soc. Mfti^orol. Aunu., 25, 1877 {Bull.). 223-225. . *[Circulation atmosph^rique dans I'Atlantique nord.] France Soc. Mittorol. Annu., 25, 1877 (Pull.), 22.5-227. "Observations sur une note de J/, dk Tastes : Ktude sur les courants aeriens. France Soc. Met<5orol. Anna., 25, 1877 {Hull.), 227-229. 'Lk VKiiniKii niel<'orologiKt<'. [1880.] France Bur. Ccntr, }kU-U:nr<>\. Ann., 1879 (1), B. 105-B. 113. "(Ktude du regime des ventK dans TAtlantique nord. Observations ct cartes de direction et d'intensiti-. ] [1881.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1880 (4), ix + 120 pp. Braun, . A Bchlagdenliauffen, [('linrlri] Fr{i'tl'-rie]. .S. . BchlaBdenliauffen iV Braun. Braiin, |.l//>A>>ii'«- hnmiuiiiiir]. See iimhr Kelscll. Braiin, \ .lljihuii^e liitmiuniue], A Hlelot, \\'incenl\ See Niclot >V Braun. Braun, Ales[iiiiiler Carl llehirich]. "Bcmerkungen fiber einige Lebermoose. Flora, 4, 1821, 754-758. "Uebcr die Celtisfrucht. Deutsch. Natf. Xagebl. , 1868, 190-191. "DrebuDg des Holzes. Dentsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 168. "[Ucber das Verhiiltniss der Zygoniorphie der Bliithen 7.ur Sympodienbildung.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1871. 97-98. "Uebcr die Morphologic der Cacurbitaceen-Ranke. Deutsch. Xatf. Tagebl., 1876 (Peil.), 101. Braun, Carl. Notes on the earlier stages of Lepisesia flavofasciata. Jlartfl. Philad., Ent. News, 2, 1891, 87-89, 109-110. Braun, K, Die Kettenforderung im Von der Heydt-StoUen der kiiniglichen Steinkohlengrul* Von der Heydt bei Saarbriicken. Ztschr. Berg-, Hutten- u. Salinenw., 39, 1891 (Abli.), 1-15. Braun, I'.iluard. Ueber ;3-m-Tolyl-oY-diketohydrinden. Berlin, Chem. Ge.s. Ber., 28, 1896, 1388-1393. Braun, Erich. Zur Keiintiiiss der Sulfurane. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2967-2970, 3105. Zur Kenntniss der Aldinbildung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889. .5.56-561. Braun, Krieh, & VLvftx, Viclnr. Ueber die Aldine und das Eso-.\midoacetophenon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 19-21. Ueber die Aldine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888. 1269-12K2, 1604. Zur Kenntniss der Aldin-Bildung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 21, 1888. 1947-1949. Braun, TvriitX. Electrical vibrations of mercury. [1897.] Nature. 55 (1896-97), .581. Sensitiveness of the retina to X-rays. Nature, .56 (1897). 271. Braun, /■'. Ueber die Lagerungs-Verhiiltni.sse der Kohlen- Hotze in der bayerischen Steinkohlengrube Mittelbexbach und deren Zusammenhang mit jeneii der benachbarten Grulwn links der Blies. Geogn. Jhefte., 1, 1888, •i.i-AS. Braun, Ferdinand. Ueber die Thcrmotlektrieitat ge- schmolzener Metalle. Berlin Ak. Sber.. 1886, 289-298. Untersuehnngen fiber die Ltisliehkeit fester Korper und die den Vorgang der Liisung begleitenden Volum- und Energieiinderungen. [1886-87.] Miiuchen .\k. Sber.. 10, 1887. 192-219; Ann. Phys. Chem., 30. 1887. 2.50-274 ; 36, 1889, 591; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1. 1887, 25«- 269. Ueber die .\bnahme der Compre.ssibilitat von Chlor- ammoniumlosung mit steigender Temperalur. Ann. Phys. Chem.. 31, 1887, .331-335. Ueber das electrische Verhalten des Steinsalzes. Ann. Phys. Chem.. 31. 1887, 8-5.5-872; 32. 1887. 700. Bemerkung iiber den Zusammenhang der Compre.«si- bilitat einer Losung mit derjenigen der Bestandtbeile. Ann. Phys. Chem.. 32. 1887, .504-508. Ueber einen allgemeinen qualitatiren Salz ffir Zustands.anderungen nebst einigen sich anschliessendi n Bemerkungen, insbesondere fiber nicbt eindeunce Systeme. [1887.] Gottingen Nachr.. 1887, 448-102; Ann. Phys. Chem., 33, 1888. 337-353. Bemerkung iiber die Erklarung des Diamagnetismus. (M'ttincen Nachr.. 1887. 462-465; Ann. Phvs. Chem.. 33, 1888, 318-322. Braun] 774 [Braun Ein Versucli iiber Liclitemiission ^liiliender KOrper. Gottiugen Naclir., 1887, lli.5-4()7; Ann. I'liys. Chem., 33, 1888, 413-415. Eiuige Bemerkungen zu tlem vorsitelieuden Aufsatze : '• Untersuchungen iiber die Liisliehkeit fester Kiirper,'' etc. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 2G9-272. — — Berichtigung, die Compressibilitiit des Steinsalzes betreffend. Ann. Pliys. Chem., 33, 1888, 239-240. Ueber die Volumeniinderung von Gasen beim Misehen ; ein Beitrag zur Frage, ob der Druck eines gesiittigten Dampfes ira Vacnuni ein auderer ist, als in einem Ga.se. Ann. Phys. Chem., 34, 1888, 943-9.52. Ueber elektrische Strihne, entstanden durch elastische Deformation. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 895-903. Ueber Defonnationsstrome ; insbesondere die Frage, ob dieselben aus magnetischen Eigenscliaften erklarbar Bind. Berlin Ak. Sber. , 1888, 959-975. Ueber ein elektrisches Pyrometer fiir wissenschaftliclie und teehnische Zweeke. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 9, 1888, 421-426. Ueber Deformation.sstrome. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1889, 507-518; Ann. Phys. Chem., 38, 1889, 53-08. Bemerkuug iiber Deformatiousstrome. Ann. Phj's. Chem., 39, 1890, 1.59-lGO. Ueber Tropfelectroden. Ann. Phys. Chem., 41, 1890, 448-462. Ein Comparator fiir physikalisehe Zweeke. Ann. Phys. Chem., 41, 1890, G27-G30. Beobacbtungen iiber Electrolyse. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1890, 1211-1222. Ueber Electrosteuolyse. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 473-500. Ueber eleetrocapillare Eeactionen. Ann. Phys. Chem , 44, 1891, 501-509. Zur Berechnung der electromotoriselien Kraft inoon- stanter Ketten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 510-512. Ueber elektrostatische Voltmeter. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, G45-G4G. Ueber die Verwandlung ehemischer Energie in elek- trische. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, G73-674. Ueber die Laufi'ener elektrische Kraftiibertragung. [1891.] Wiirttemb. Jliefte., 48, 1892, Ixviii-lxix. Bemerkung zu der Erwiderung des Hrn. Pellat, [das Gesetz iiber die Gleichheit der Potentiale beim Uebergang von einem Metalle zu der Lusung eines seiner Salze betreffend]. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 185-186. Absolute electrometer for lecture purposes. Nature, 4G, 1892, 150. — — Zur physikalischen Deutung der Thermoelectricitiit. Ann. Phys. Chem., 50, 1893, 111-117. Ueber die kontinuierliche Elektrizitiitsleitnng durch Gase. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 13, 1894, 155-162. Ueber die Natur des Fliissigkeitszustandes. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 62. Versuche zum Nachweis eiuer orientirten electrischen Obertiiichenleitung. Gottingen Nachr., 1896, 157-165. Ueber den continuirlichen Uebergang einer electrischen Eigenscliaft in der Grenzschicht von festen und fliissigen Korpern. Giittingen Nachr., 1896, 160-171. Ueber die Leitung . electrisirter Luft. Gottingen Nachr., 1896, 172-176. Ein Versuch iiber magnetischen Strom. Gottingen Nachr., 1896, 177-178; Ann. Phys. Chem., 59, 1896, 693-694. Ueber ein Verl'ahren zur Demonstration und zuni Studium des zeitlichen Vorlaufes variabler Stnime. Ann. Phys. Chem. , 60, 1897, 552-559. Ueber Bewegnngen, liervoigebracht durch den elec- trischen Strom. Ann. I'hys. Chem., 63, 1897, 324-328. Demonstrations on the form of alternating currents. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1897, .570. Notiz iiber Thermophonie. Ann. Phys, Chem., 65. 1898, 358-300. Ueber Lichtemission an einigen Eleetroden in Elec- trolyten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, 361-3G4. Ein Kriterium, ob eine leitenJe Obertiachenschicht zusammenhiingend ist und iiber die Dampfspannung soldier Schichten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, 365-367. Zeigen Kathodenstrahlen unipolare Rotation ? Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, 368-371. Ueber die Entstehung rotirender Magnetfelder durch Foucaultstrome und iiber llethoden zur iibersichtlicheu Priifung von Wechsel- und Drehfeldern. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 19, 1898, 204-206. Braun, Frrdinand, & Myers, John E. See BSyers * Braun. Braun, FL'rdinarid, & Waitz, A'. Beobacbtungen iiber die Zunahme der Erdtemperatur, angestellt im Bohrloch zu Sulz am Neckar. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 48, 1892, 1-12. Braun, /•';■((;. Der Vogelzug. .11. f. Ornith., 46, 1898, 537-545; 47, 1899, 95-103. Ueber die begriffliche Stelluug des Striches zum Zugphiinomen. Ornith. liber., 6, 1898, 193-196. AUerlei Biologisches aus dem jiihrlichen Kreislauf des Vogellebens. [1899.] Danzig Schr., 10, 1899-1902 {Hefte 2 & 3), xxxix. Zur geschlechtlichen Zuchtwahl der Sperlingsvogel. .11. f. Ornith., 47, 1899, 293-306. Zur Entstehung der Vogelarten. .11. f. Ornith., 47, 1899, 434-448. Ueber monstrijse Finkenschniibel. Ornith. Mber., 7, 1899, 4-7. Der Gesaug der Vogel. Ornith. Mber., 7, 1899, 33-37, 58-61. Bewegung und Veriinderlichkeit. Ornith. Mber., 7, 1899, 10.5-110. Zur Ornis des Danziger Hohenkreises. Ornith. Mber., 7, 1899, 126-128. Die Ammern des Weicliseldeltas. Ornith. Mber., 7, 1899, 172-173. Bewerbung und Fortpflanznng. .11. f. Ornith., 48, 1900, 181-185. Noch einmal der Vogelzug. Jl. f. Ornith., 48, 1900, 229-234. Zur Ornis des Danziger Weichbildes. Ornith. Mber., 8, 1900, 6-12. Zur Farbung der deutschen Sperlingsvogel. Ornith. Mber., 8, 1900, 33-37. Aus dem Danziger Gau. Ornith. Mber., 8, 1900, 66-67. . Feindschaft und Freundschaft unter den Sperlings- vogeln. Ornith. Mber., 8, 1900, 82-85. Die deutschen Meisen. Ein Versuch logischer Natur- beschreibnng. Ornith. Mber., 8, 1900, 130-135. Braun, Gottlieb. For biography and works see Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (5), 1887, 146-150. Braun, Giistar. Ueber den Zusannnenhang von Neurosen des iilagens und Uterinleiden. Wieu. Med. Wschr., 36, 1886, 1365-1367, 1401-1404. Braun, lleinrich. Melampyrum moravicum, II. Bniiai, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 34, 1884, 422-423. Rosa Wettsteinii, n. sp., ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss mehrerer Formen aus der Grnppe der Kosa canina, L. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 35, 1885, 303-307. Beitriige zur Kenntniss einiger Arten und l'\>rmen der Gattung Rosa. [1885.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb. , 35, 1886 {Ahli.), 61-136. Rosa petroi>hila. JSoi-hd.'i ct II. Ilraun. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 36, 1886. 145-150. ■ Ueber Mentha fontana, ]\'eilie. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss mehrerer Formen aus der Grupin' dir Jlentlia arvensis, L. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 36, 1886 (.llili.), 217-230. Rosa; a c. d. Drc. Wo£oszcz.\k in agro Leopolitano anno 1885 lecta>. Krak6w Kom. Fizvogr. Spraw. , 21, 1888 {Cz. 2), 27-48. Braunl [Braun Kleiner Beitra^ zur Flora von HttinliiirK ii. li. Donau in Nicdcr-Oeaterrcicli. OuHtcrr. Hot. ZUvhr., 3M, 1888, 151-153. [Uebor S1M0NK.U Lajo8 Dr. : " Ilcvisio Tiliaruin liunKuriciiniiii ntinio orbin tfrrarotii."'} Wit-n Zool. Hot. Vorh., 3H, 1888 (.S/..r.), I!l .50. Urlicr einige in liiiyi in mill deni IIiTZoi^tliumc ShIz- biirK wacliscnilc KoriiKn tier Oattun){ Uoxa. LunilHliut Hot. Vor. Hit., 11, 1889, M.')-l->2. Systcmntisclie Uebcrsiclit nnd VorbreitunK dcr Giitliini; Tbyinim, I,., in Nii'der-OfStcrrrifh. Oentrrr. Hot. Zt»^cbr., :t!l. 1889, 1H6-18H. I'flicr I'iniuo kritiscliu Pllanzen der Flora von Nicdc-r- Hcst.rriieli. ()p»terr. Hot. Ztscbr.. 39, 1889, ■»40-4i:t; 42, 1892. l.«)-i:)H, I(;i-1G.5, 19«-19'.l, 334-:):(M ; 41,1894, 20-23, 204-2(m. liemi'rkunKPn iibor cini^o .\rten der (tattung Mentha. Wicn Zool. Hot. Verb., 39. 1889 (.l/.A.), 41-46. [Beitrat! zur Flora vim I'ersien. Bearbeituni,' der von J. A. Knai'I' ini Jabre 18M4 in der I'rovinz .'Vdserbidselian Kesamnielten Pllanzen. ] 1. Labiatie. Wicn Zool. Bot. Verb., 39, 1889 (.!/-/<.), 214-239. I'eber einijje .\rten nnd Fornien der (iattun); Mentha, niit besoniliier Beriiiksichtigunc der in Oesterreicb- UnHarn waehacnden Formen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 40, 1890 (.l'-;i.), 351-.-)0H. Uebersiebt der in Tirol bishcr beobauhtcten Artcn und Fornien der (tattung Thymus. Oesterr. Bot. Ztscbr., 41, 1891. 29-5-298. Hie in Tirol bcobacbteten Artcn nnd Formen der (iattung Mentha, /.. Innsbruck, Ferdinandeuin Ztscbr., 37, 1893. 273-296. Braun, Ih'iiirirli, iV Bennliolz, ;)-171 ; 14, 1896, 5o-.59, 140-14.'). Braun, Ueinrieh. Ueber cinen eigenthiimlichen Fall von eonibiuirtersystemaliscbcr Erkrankiingdes Riickenniarks und der peripberen Nenen. Deutseb. Arch. Klin. Med., 42, 1888, 4.59-480. Ueber eine besondcre Form der finger- und griffel- formigen Exostosen. Deutsche Ztscbr. Chirurg., 30, 1890. 199-203. Untersncbungen iiberden Ban der Synovialniembranen und Oelenkknorpel, sowie iiber die Resorption tliissigcr nnd fester Kiirper aus den Gelenkhoblen. Deutsche Zt.ichr. Chirurg., 39. 1894, 3.5-86. Eiu Fall von Pseudohermaphroditismns masculinus eitemus. Ztschr. Geburtslilf. Gvniik., 28, 1894. 375- 382. Ueber die Krfolge der operativen Behandlung der trau- matiscben .Tackson'si-ben Epilepsie. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 4S, 1898, 223-306. Ueber ausgedehnte Blutextravasate am Kopfe, Halse, Nacken und linken Arme, infolge von Compression des Unterleibes. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 51, 1899, -599- 604. Stauungsblutungeii naehRumprconipre.''siou. Deut.schc Ztsebr. Chirurg., 5i;. 1900. 183-ls!). Braun, llfrmnun [.lii(. 2025-2028. Braun, l.uiliriii, A Kager, Wilhelm. der l)igitaliske>rper auf das isnlirte Sa' ■ (Langendorff'sches Pnt))arat). Wien, -Vk. - 1899 {.llith. 3). 471-.5o8. Ueber die Wirkung der Galle und der gallensanren Saize auf das Lsolirte Siinpethierbf -■ ' •— • ■ 1 --.t- 1. , Praparat). Wien. Ak. Sboi|«t Sber., 7. 1886. 49-.50. . ' n fiir die .tl Verb., .. 17, 1897. Ueber die WitViini,' Braunl 776 [Braun Aufzahlung von Land- uud SiisswassermoUusken aus dem Gouveinement Pleskau (Pskow). [1881.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 50-51. Temperatur und Salzgehalt des Wassers im Finnischen Meerbusen. [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, Sl-Hi. DieFauna des Finnisolien Meerbusens. [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 140-14.3. [Insectenlarven iiu Wcizen.] [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 149-150. Eiuige helmintholoRiscbe Mittheilungen. [1884.] Dorjmt Sber., 7, 1886, 175-177. Ueber abaorme Ein.schliisse in Huhnereiern. [1884.] Dorpat Sber. , 7, 1886, 190-191. Eiu Blasenwurm aus dem Muskeltieisch eines Hasen. [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 191-193. Verzeichniss der Echinodermen des Hafens von Mabon, Menorca. [1885.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 307-3111. VorlaufiKer Bericht iiber die rlial)docoelen Turlielki' ien der Umgebung von Dorpat. [1885.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 318-320. Ueber alloioeoele Turbellarien des I'eipus. [1885.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 333-.335, 341. Ueber das Genus Castrada und die in Livland vor- kommendcn Arten desselben. [1885.] Dorpat Slier., 7, 1886, 341-342. Ueber die Rliabdocoelidenfauua Livlands. [1885. J Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 3.59-361. Bemerkun^en iiber Lacerta miliselleusis, IJr. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 426-429. Zur Bebandlung der Anthozoen. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 458-459. Einige Bemerkungen zu Prof. R. Blanch.irii's Artikel : "La nomenclature zoolo;;iipie et I'helmintliologie." Centrbl. Bakt., 1, 1887, 585-586. Die Finnen von Bothriocephalus latus, Bnms. Centrbl. Bakt., 1, 1887, 649-650. Die Orthonectiden. Centrbl. Bakt., 2, 1887, 25.5-261. Ueljer Dicyeraiden. Zusanimenfasseuder Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 2, 1887, 386-390. Ueber parasitische Strudelwiirmer. Zusanimenfas- seuder Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 2, 1887, 452-457, 478- 484; 5, 1889, 41-44. Was thut uns Noth ? Ein Mahnwort an AUe, die es angeht. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 19, 1887, 97-102. Notiz iiljer die Zahl der vor der Begattung verhrauehten Liebespfeile. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 19, 1887, 102-103. Zur Landmolhiskenfauna einiger dalmatiuischer In- selu. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 19, 1887, 106-111. Ueber eine Art Stirame bei Helix aperta, Born. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 19, 1887, 125. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber den breiten Bandwurm. Humboldt, 6, 1887, 102-104. ■ Ueber parasitische Schnurwiirmer. Zusammenfas- seuder Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 3, 1888, 16-19, 56-58. Die Myzostomiden. Zusammentasseiider Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 3, 1888, 183-186, 210-213, 248-252. Ueber den Harnleiter bei Helix. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 20, 1888, 109-113. Ueber die Entwicklung des Harnleiters bei Helix jiomatia, L. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 20, 1888, 129-13.3. Zur Fragi! der Selbsthefruchtung bei Zwitterschnecken. Deutsch. Malakozool. (ies. Nachrbl., 20, 1888, 146-148; Humboldt, H, 1889, 18-20. Ueber das Urogenital-Systeni der Saurier. Meckleub. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1888, xvii-xviii. - — Faunistiache Untorsuchungen in der Bucht von Wismar. Meckleub. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1888, 57-Hl. Ueber den Zvvi.schenwii-tlj des breiten Handwurines. [1886.J Dorpat Sber., h, 1889, 86-87. Ueber parasitische Infusorien im Blute verschiedener Krebse. Zusammeufassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 121-126. Ueber parasitische Lamellibrancbier. Zusammen- fassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 241-248, 276-282. Ueber parasitische Schnecken. Zusammeufassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 444-448, 480-484, 506-511, 539-544, 794. Die embryonale Entwickelung der Cestoden. Zu- sammeufassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 667- 671, 697-701, 727-732, 756-760. Gyroeotyle, Amphiptyches imd Verwandte. Zusammeu- fassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 6, 1889, 436-441. Die postembryonale Entwickelung der Najaden. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbk, 21, 1889, 14-19. Harnleiter und Niere der Pulmonaten. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 21, 1889, 31. Die Momentphotographie und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Tierkunde. Humboldt, 8, 1889. 96-98. Der Parasitismus unserer Siisswassermuscheln. Hum- boldt, 8, 1889, 183-189. Fortschritte in den Naturwissenschaften. Helniin- thologie. Humboldt, 8, 1889, 465-469 ; 9, 1890, 275-278. Ueber Anatomie und Entwickelung des Excretions- Apparates der Lungenschnecken. Meckleub. Ver. Nat. Arcli. , 1889, xiv-xv. Notiz iiber Tristomum elongatum, X. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 43.3-434. Die Lage der Excretionspori bei deu ektoparasitischen Trematoden. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 620-622. Ueber Teuiuocephala. Zusammeufassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 7, 1890. 84-90, 125-128. Notiz iiber .iuswanderuug von Distomen. Centrbl. Bakt., 7, 1890, 568. Einige Bemerkungen iiber ilie Korperbedeckung ekto- parasitischer Trematoden. Centrbl. Bakt., 7, 1890. 594-598. [Ueber die beiden brauneu Froscharteu aus der Um- pebung Rostocks.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1890, vii. Die Froscharteu in Mecklenburg. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1890, 41-47. Helminthologische Mittheilungen. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 52-56; 14, 1893, 802-804; 15, 1894, 409-413, 680- 682; {Aht. 1), 20, 1896, 580-588. Ueber Echinorhynchus polymorphus und filicollis. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 375-380. Die sogenannte " freischwimmende " Sporocyste. Centrbl. Bakt., 10, 1891, 215-219; Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 368-369. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte in der thierischen Para- sitenkunde. Centrbl. Bakt., 10, 1891, 389-392, 421-430, 465-471, 493-498, 524-528; 13, 1893, 59-68, 92-101, 176-190, 230-234, 262-272, 328-339. Ueber die Gescbichte der Zoologie und der zoologiseheu Sammlung an [der Universitiit] Rostock. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1891, iii-vii. Nacbtriige uud Berichtigungen zum zoologischen Theil von " Die landeskundliche Litcratur iiber die Grossherzog- thiimer Mecklenburg,'' etc. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1891, 87-95. Verzeichniss von Eingeweidewiirmern aus Mecklen- burg. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1891, 97-117. Ueber das Wachsthum der Fische in ., Monnstumuni hepaticum Suis, n. xp. Zool. An/,., 17, 1894, 128-129. Zur Entwieklung.sgeschichte der Holostomiden. Nacb den Untersuchungen der Herren Alfred und Oscar Ehrhardt. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 165-167. Ueber einige Besonderliciten tierischer Parasiten. [1894.] Konigsb. Schr., 35, 1896, [111H[12]. Ueber kopflose Bandwiirmcr. Konigsb. Schr., 30, 1896, [12]-[13]. Ueber im Blute lebende Wiirmer. Konigsb. Schr., 37, 1896, [20]-[21]. Ueber einen prolifericrenden Cysticercus aus dem Ziesel. Zool. Anz.. 19, 1896, 417-420. Ueber Cysticercus lontticollis, liiiil. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1897" (r/i. 2, IlUl/le 1), lf.2-163. Zur Entwicklunnsgesehichte des Cysticercus longi- collis, fii/rf. Zool. Anz., 20, 1897, 1-2. Ueber Distomum lucipetum, liml. Zool. Anz., 20, 1897, 2-3. Trematodcn der Dahl'schen Sammlung aus Neu-Guinea nebst Bemerkungcn iiber endoparasitische Trematodcn der Cheloniden. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 25, 1899, 714- 725 ; 26, 1899, 627-632. Eiue neue Calicotyle-.\rt des Mittelmecres. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 26, 1899. 80-82. Bomcrkungen iibir den " sporadischcn Fall von Anguilhda intestinalis in Ostpreussien." Centrbl. Bakt. {Ahl. 1), 26, 1899, 612-615. Eine neue ClinostoniuuiArt aus Ardea purpurea. Torino Mus. Boll., 14, 1899, .Vo. 364, 3 pp. Ein neues Pistonuim aus Porphyrio. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 1-4. Ueber Distomum cucunieriuum, liiid. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 46,5-468. 520. Ueber Clinostomum, I.fidy. [1899-1900.] Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 484-4.8.'<, 489-493. 520: Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 27, 1900. 21-32; Zool. Jbiich. {Sysl.), 11. 1901. 1-48. Ueber Campula oblonga, Cobb. Centrbl. Bakt. {.ibt. 1), 28, 1900, 249-254. Trcmatoden der Chiroptera. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 15, 1900, 217-236. - - Bemerkongen iibor die Fascioliden-Gattung Rhopalias. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 27-29. Einige Bemerkungcn zu dem Artikel von W. G. Mac C.U.LCM, '• On the species Clinostomum hetero- stomum." Ziwl. Anz., 23, 1900, 140-141. R. S. A. C. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Fascioliden der Chirop- tera. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 387-.H91. Braon, U[irharil]. Bcitriige zur Kenntnis de» Liebstock^ls. |18'.M1.] Arch. Pharm.. 235, 1897, 1-19. Brann, Hiidnlf. Ueber die I.K»rlaufniliuiig von Induktions- inotor.-n. Elektrotechn. Ztiichr., 20, 1899. 6'S.5-687. Braan, 11'. MesHungen des Potentialgefiillex der Luft- elektrizitiit in Bamberg. Bamb. Natf. Gcb. Ber., 17, 189T (,Vn. 2). 60 pp. Braan, fVilliftm. 'Schwiiigonde Bcwegung ciner kreis- formigen Schcibe ira widerstehendcn Mittel. [1883.] Exner, Repertm., 20, 1884, 771-787. Die Abhiingigkfit der l,u(tdiimpfuiig von Temperatur- Hehwankin)gen. Extjer, Ilepertm., 20, 1884, 821-824. Brann von Femwald, C[-32y. Mineralien und Gesteine aus dem hessischen Hinter- land. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztscbr., 40, 1888, 466-Kri; 41, 1889, 491-544. Eine einfache Methode, Methvlenjodid zu klaren. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1888 (/(./. 1), 21:1-214. Ueber Aetzfiguren an Steinsalz und Sylvin. Zwillings- streifung bei Steinsalz. Neues Jbuch. Min.. 1889 (/<•/. 1), ll:i-129. Ueber die Entstebung der sog. Rutachfliicben im bunten Sand.stein der Uuigebung von Marburg. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1890 {lid. 1). 97-98. (ltd. 2). 190-lyl. Die optischen .\nomalien der Krystalle. Leipzig Jablon. Preisschr. . 29. 1891, 370 pp.; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 tnd. 1), 198-209. Noch einmal iiber die "Spiegel" im Bnntsandstein der Gegend von Marburg. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1891 {Dd. 1), 2IW-271. Krystallograpbisch-optische Beobachtungen an Chlor- nnd Bromzimmtaldchvd. Neues Jbuch. Min.. 1891 {lid. 2), 12-20. Hauyn in den Bimssteinsanden der Umgegend von .Marburg. Deutsch. Gool. Ges. Ztsehr.. 44, 1892, 149-150. 98—2 Brauns] 780 [Bravo Eine Bemerkung zur Abhandlung von E. Mallard: Sur le Ri-enat pyrt^neite. [France Soe. Min. Ball., 14, 1891, 293-302.] Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 {Bd. 1), 217-219. Albit, Analcim, Natiolith, Prehnit und Kalkspath, Verwitterungsprodukte eines Diabases von Friedensdorf bei Marburg. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (Bd. 2), 1-24. Ueber das Verhalten der Titansaure gegen Phosphor- salz vor dem Lothrohr. Neues Jbuch. Miu., 1892 {Bd. 2), 237-238; 1893 {Bd. 1), 89-90. Betrachtuiigen iiber die chemisohe Znsammensetzung der Mineralien der Serpentin-, Chlorit- und Glimmer- gruppe. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1894 {Bd. 1), 205-244. tFeber Naehbildung von Anhydrit. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1894 {Bd. 2), 257-264. . Einige Bemerkungen zu dem von Herrn Ben Sacde gegebenen Beitrag zu einer Theorie der optischen Ano- malien der regularen Krystalle. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1895 {Bd. 2), 133-143. Ueber die Einwirkung von trockenera Chlorwasserstoff auf Serpentin. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 8, 1895, 348-351. Eine mikrochemisehe Reaction auf Salpetersaure. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 13, 1896, 207-208; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 {Bd. 1), 73. Neue verdeekt liegende Kreuzprismenbewegung fiir Mikroskoptische. Zt^clir. Wiss. Mikr., 14, 1897, 11-13. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen dem Schmelzpunkt von Mineralien, ihrer Zonenstnictur und Ausscheidungstolge in Ergussgesteinen. Temperatur der Laven. [1897.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 17, 1898, 485-491. Ueber Polymorphie und die optischen Anoraalien von chlor- und bromsaiirem Natron. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 {Bd. 1), 40-59. Diopsid (Salit) als Verwitterungsproduct in Palaeopi- krit von Medenbach bei Herborn. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 {Bd. 2), 79-88; 1899 {Bd. 1, Ref.), 386. Ueber die Krystallisation des Schwefels aus Schmelz- fluss. [1899.] Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 {Th. 2, Halfte 1), 189-193; Neues Jbuch. Min. {Beil.-Bd.), 13, 1899-1901, 39-89. Die optischen Anomalien der Mischkrystalle von chlor- und bromsaurem Natron. Giessen, Oberhess. Ges. Ber., 32, 1897-99, 1-10. Ein neues Contactgestein aus dem Eaiserstuhl. Giessen, Oberliess. Ges. Ber., 32, 1897-99, 84-95; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1899 {Bd. 1), 79-92. Brauns, Eeinhanl [Antoii], & Bauer, Max [Hermann]. See Bauer & Brauns. Brauns, Reinliard [Aiiton], & Graeff, Franz Fr[iedricli]. Si-f Graeff & Brauns. Brauns, Reinhirrd [Anton], & Betgers, J[an] W[illem]. Si'c Betgers & Brauns. Brauns, S[i[iiiiiiiunil]. Eine neue Xiphydrinengattung. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 3, 1884, 220-222. Neue Ichneumoniden der Schweiz. [1888.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mittb., 8, 1893, 1-9. Descriptiones specierum novarum Ichneumonidarum e fauna hungarica. Termr. Fiiz., 18 (1895), 42-49; 19 (1896), 270-275. Braunschweig, Paul [Heinricli]. Ueber Allgemein- Infection von der unversehrten Augenbindehaut aus. Fortschr. Med., 7 (1889), 921-928. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Pyoktanin. Klinisches. Fortschr. Med., 8 (1890), 405-416. Zur Kenntniss der infantilen Xerosis Conjunctivffi. Fortschr. Med., 8 (1890), 889-900. Eine neue Form des Perimeters. Ztschr. Instru- mentenk., 11, 1891, 58-60. Die prinmren Gesohwiilste des Sehnerven. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 39, 1893 {Ahtli. 4), 1-93. Braunschweig, Ii[ichard]. Untersuchungen iiber asym- nietrirtche Bicarbonsiiuren. i. Ueber die Ester der Methylbtrnsteinsiiiire (Brenzweinsiiure). Jl. Prakt. Chem., 47, 1893, 274-300. Braunstein, Al. Ueber die Harnstoffbestimmung im Harne. [1900.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 31, 1900-01, 381-388. Braus, Hermann. Ueber Zellteilung und Wachstum des Tritoneies, mit einem Anhang iiber Amitose und Poly- spermie. Jena. Ztschr., 29, 1895, 443-511. Riickenriune und Riickeiinrtlit der Tritongastrula. Jena. Ztschr., 29, 1895, 512-514. Ueber Photogramme von Metallinjectionen mittelst Rontgen-Strahlen. Anat. Anz., 11, 1896, 625-029. [Semon's zoologische For.schungsreisen in Australien und dem Malayischen Archipel.] Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Histologic der Leber der Wirbelthieie. [1896.] Jena Denkschr., 5, 1894-97, 301-367. Ueber die Extremitaten der Selachier. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898 {Anat. Ges. Verh.), 166-179. Ueber die Innervation der paarigeu Extremitaten bei Selaehiern, Holocephalen und Dipnoern. Ein Beitrag zur Gliedmassenfrage. Jena. Ztschr., 31, 1898, 239-468. Beitrage zur Eutwicklung der Muskulatur und des peripheren Nervensystems der Selachier. Morphol. Jbuch., 27, 1899, 415-496, 501-629. Ueber den feiueren Bau der Glandula bulbourethralis (Cowper'schen Drtise) des Menschen. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 381-397. Braus, Hermann, & Driiner, L[eo]. Ueber ein neues Prapariermikroskop und iiber eine Methode gi-ossere Tiere in toto histologisch zu konservieren. Jena. Ztschr., 29, 1895, 435-442. See also Driiner & Braus. Brauser, H. Ueber die Haufigkeit des Vorkommens von Uretliralfiiden. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 66, 1899, 618-623. Erfahrungen iiber Heroin. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 08, 1900, 87-94. BrauUecht, Carl Friedrich Jnlins. For biography and works see Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (4), 1887, 207-212. *Ueber Fiiulnissproducte und Siisswasseralgen und deren pathogene Bedeutuug. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 174. *Ueber die Uebertragung der Bakterien aus dem Boden in die Luft. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 323-324. Bravais, .IfiK/Kstc]. For biographical notice see France Soc. Metiiorol. Annu., 11, 1863, Pt. 2, 59-62. Bravais, J'. [Du traitement de la myopie et du choix des verres correcteurs dans cette affection.] Arch. Augen- heilk., 22, 1891 {Ber., 1890, 21-22). Du mouvemeut des yeux dans la lecture. [1891.] Lyon Soc. Sei. M&l. M(5m., 31, 1892, 191-199. Bravard, Ani/nsto. *Monografia de los terrenos marinos Terciarios, de las cercanias del Parana. [1883.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 3, 1883-91. 45-94. Bravin, N[ikolaj] A[lel;sandrovic]. [0 BimilC.ieHill A^a ueAkiii no j.aHHOMy j;nio rojia. On the calculation of the day of the week on a given d.ay of the year.] Kazan Soc. Nat. {Plnjs.-Matli.) Proc, 4, 1886, 236-236. KpaTiiiu OT'ien) o iipoii:iBO;;CTBt, CapoiueTpiiHe- CKaro uiiBeji.)iiipoBaiiiii loiiniori 'lacrii ypa.ibCKaro xpe6Ta 9Kcneji,i[u,ipii Oppii6yprcKaro Ox.t'fejia HMnepaTopcKaio PyccKaro rc'orpa4)iiHeeKaro OSmeCTBa JltTOMl 1899 rojia. [Short report on the execution of a barometric levelling of the southern part of the Ural chain by the expedition of the Orenburg section of the Russian Imperial Geographical Society in the summer of 1899.] St. Petersb., Kuss. Geogr.' Soc. Bull., 35, 1899, 354-302. Bravo, Jose Alberto, & Zegers, I.nis I.. See Zegers A Bravo. Bravo, ^'alenlin. *Del arsenico como antineuriiljico, i sobre todo, en las gastraljias. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 13, 1873, 435-452. Bray] 781 [Brazzola Bray, A. Liquides couftorvatcurx |>our pii-crs anntomiqneii. [18H9.] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 10, [1890], 3-e. Bray, /■,'. Li^-pidoptircB captiiri's aux environs dc Virion. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 44, 1900, 31-37. Bray, ft. .1. A remarkable Hight of birdH. Nature, 52 (1896), 41.5. Bray, Thvma.i J. Photomicrography. Amer. Micr. Soc. Trans , IH, 1896, 107-110. Bray, H'lZ/iVim liayley. For biographical notice and works tee luBt. Civ. Engin. Proc, 84, 1886, 439-441. Bray, William L. The geographical distribution of the FraiikeniacciB considered in connection with their systematic relationships. [1897.] Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 24, 1898, 3!(.5-417. On the relation of the Hora of the lower Sonoran zone in North America to the Hora of the arid zones of Chili and Argentine. Bot. Gaz., 26, 1898, 121-147. The relations of the North American flora to that of Sonth .\merica. Science. 12, 1900. 709-710. Bray, U'illium /...ttElgeninann, Carl H. Se,- Bigenmann .t Bray. Bray, M'llliam I... & mine, Edwin B. See tnine ,t Bray. Brayton, .-1. )!'. 'Report on the Mammalia of Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 4, 1882, 3-185. Brazier, James Smilh. For biography and works tee Chem. News, .59, 1889, 46; Chem. Soc. Jl., 5.5, 1889, 2S9-2'J0. Brazier, John. Critical list of MoUusca from north-west coast of Australia. [1884.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1885, 793-803. Synonymy of some land MoUusca from Papua or New Guinea. [1884.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 9, 1886, 804-806. List of some recent shells found in layers of clay on the Maclay-Coast, New Guinea. [1884.) N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1886, 988-992. Synonymy of and remarks upon the specific names and authorities of four species of Australian marine shells, originallv described by Dr. .lohn Edward (jbay in 1825 and 1827.' [1885.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc. 10, 1886, 85-94. Description of a new species of Onchidium. [1885.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 10, 1886, 729. New species of land aud fresh water MoUusca from Maclay-Coast aud Triton Bav, New Guinea, collected by Baron M.\ci.ay. [1885.] N."S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 10, 1886, 841-844. The Trochida? and other genera of MoUusca from Tasmania, with their synonvms. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1886, 193-207. Notes ou the distribution of Ccratella fusca. Gray. [1886.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 1, 1887, 575- 576. Trochida) and other genera of South Australia, with their synonyms. [1886.] S. Aust. Roy. Soo. Trans., 9, 1887, 110-125. [Report on a small zoological collection from Norfolk Island.] III. MoUnsca. [1887.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 2, 1888, 993-1001. Notes and critical remarks on a donation of shells sent to the Museum of the Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. [1887.] Jl. Conch.", 6, 1889-91, 66-84. MoUusca trawled off Merirabula, New South Wales. [1889.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 4, 1890. 747-7.50. Description of a new cone from Mauritius. [1891.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 6, 1892, 276. On the synonymy of Helix (Hadra) gulosa, Gould. [1891.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 6, 1892, 321-328. Synonymy of and remarks on old-described Austrahan MoUusca, with notes on their distribution. [1893.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 8, 1894. 107-120. On a new Murex from South Australia. [1893. J N. S. Wales Linn. So<-. Proc, H, 1894, 179-180. Distribution of little known MoUusca from Polynesia and Australia, with their synonyms. [1893.] N. B. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 8, 1894. 4:10-135. On a Patella said to have been found on tlie Ki-rmadec Islands. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. I'roc, 9, 1898, 183-184. On the correct habitat of PateUa kermadecensis, I'iltbry. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1895, .566. Trochus Adamsi from Port Jackson, and new varieties of Bulimus miltocheilus from the Solomon Islands. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1896, 507-^;7O. On some Australian and Tasmanian MoUusca, with their synonyms. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1896, 691-700. A British bivalve mollusc (Ctyptodon flexaoBns, Mant.) found in Australia and Tasmania, with its distribution. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 9, 1896. 72-5-727. Bossiterift, a new subgenus of the familvTTrochidiB. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc. 9. 1896", 728. On the new genus Petterdiana. Tasmania Boy. Soc. Proc, 1894-96(1895), 105. New species of cone from the Solomon Islands. [1895.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 10, 1896. 471. A new genus and three new species of MoUusca from New South Wales, New Hebrides, and Western Australia. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc.. 21, 1896, 345-;il7. [vii). New marine shells from the Solomon Islands and Australia. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 22, 1898, 779-782. Four new species of MoUusca from Victoria. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc. 23, 1898. 271-272. Brazil, Emperor oK Hee Pedro d'Alcantara. Brazilian (tovemment, Commistlon. Kclipse total do Sul eui 7 de setembro dc I'vT.p. liio de Janeiro Obs. Rev., 1891, 65-66, 81-86, 97-100, 113-117, 131-134, 148-151. Braziliano de Booza, Jo$f. L'obserration de la lane. .\striinomie, 1890. 73-74. Brazza, (comle) Pierre[Paul Franroin Camille] Bavorgnan de. 'Spedizione al tiume Ogou^. (Italia], Soc. iie..>.t. Boll., 14, 1877, 209-220, 322-325; 15. 1878. 220-227, 40.5-406; 10, 1879, 68-72, 491-.510 ; 17. 1880. 40.3-401; 18, 1881, 48-51. 20.5-210, 519-528, 843-H44. [Expose des demiers travaux de la mission franvaise de rOuest africain.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R.. 1886, 51-84. Brazzjt, Pio ifi. >V Vassale, Giulio. See Vamaale .\ Brazz4. Brazz^-Bavorgnan, (conte) Giacomo di. For biograpbr ,.,, [Italirt]. Soc. Geogr. Boll., 2-5, 1888. 279-281'; Lcopoldina, 24, 1888, 57 ; Moncalieri Oss. BoU., 8, 1888, 78-79. 'Studi alpini fatti nella vaUe di Raccolana. (.Klpi Giulie occidentali.) [Italia], Soc. Geogr. BoU.. 20, 1883, 186-212, 269-283. [Lettere dal Congo.] [lulia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 21, 1884, 361-374 ; 22, 1886, 117-134, 204-207. 406-409. 851-8.54. Tre anni e mezzo nella regione dell' Og6ue e del Congo. [1886.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. BoU., 24. 1887, 224-237, 309-324, 356-380. Brazzola, Floriano. Ricerche sull' istologia Dormale e patologica del testicolo. [1888.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem.. 8, 1887, 681-694 ; 9, 1888, 79-95. SuU' istogenesi del cancro primitivo del fegato. Bologna Kcc. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 445-150. Contributo alia biologia dell' Actinomyces. Fasi evolutive nelle culture. [1888.] Bologna liend., 1887- 88. 91-92. Contributo alio studio della morfologia del micror- Brazzola] 782 [Breaudat t;anismij di-U' oriua tilaute. [1889.] Bologna Ace. Soi. Mem., !l, 1888, 78.5-7!)0. Ulterior! ricerche .sulle localizzazioui anatomo- patologiche e sulla patogenesi della tabe dorsale. [1891.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 1, 1890, 48.5-499. — : — Ricerche batteriologiche ed anatomo-patologiche sulla porpora. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 3, 1892, 107-114. Ulteriori ricerche suU' etiologia e patogenesi della poipora. Biologia del bacillo della porpora. [1893.] Bologna .\cc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1892, (;9.5-701 ; Bologna Bend., 1892-93, 81. Sulle locahzzazioni auatomo-patologiche e sulla patogenesi della tabe. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, 417-433. Sulla preparazione del siero antidifterico. [189.5.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., .5, 1895-96, 4(I9-4'21. Contributo alio studio dei Blastomiceti patogeni. [1896] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1896-97, 303-310. Ricerche sulla natura chimica e suU' azione fisio- patologica delle tossine prodotte dallo Statilocoeco dorato. [1896.] Bologna Rend., 1, 1897, 39-40. L' acquedotto di Bologna studiato in rapporto al- r igiene. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1897, 91-122. Sulla preparazione del siero contro le infezioni da Statilocoeco. [1897.] Bologna Rend., 2, 1898, 19-23. Sul latte di Bologna. Bologna Bend., 2, 1898, 16.3- 190. Sulla fisiopatologia degli itteri. [1899.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1899-1900, 4.57-4(;4. Di una epidemia di ittero. Contributo alio studio deir etiologia degli itteri infettivi. [1899.] Bologna Rend., 4, 1900, 42-44. Brazzola, Floriaiui, & Gotti, Alfredo. See Gotti * Brazzola. Breakell, J. E. Treatment of refractory silver-ores by chlorination and lixiviation. [1898.] Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 16, 1899, 316-330. Breakell, .J[ohn\ J[am('s]. Nitrous oxide. Brit. .71. Dental Sci., 38, 1895, 309-316. Br6al, A'[miic]. Fixation des zoospores du Chlamydo- monas pulviseulus sous I'intluence de la lumiere. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 238-239. Observations sur les algues d'eau douce. Ann. Agron., 12, 1886, 317-331. Nouveau proc^de pour constater la presence des nitrates. Ann. Agron., 13, 1887, 322-327. Beeberches des nitrates dans les terres cultivees, dans les forets et dans quelques eaux courantes. Ann. Agron., 13, 1887, 561-568. Observations sur les tubercules a bact^ries qui se developpent sur les raciues des L^gumineuses. Ann. Agron., 14, 1888, 481-495. Observations sur la fixation de I'azote atmosph^rique par les Legumineuses dout les racines portent des nodosites. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 397-399. Experiences sur la culture des Legumineuses. Ann. Agron., 15, 1889, 529-551. Fixation de I'azote par les Legumineuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 109, 1889, 670-673 ; France Soc. Agr. Mem., 134, 1890, 1.58-160. Fixation de I'azote gazeux pendant la vegetation. Ann. Agron., 18, 1892, 369-379. De la presence, dans la paille, d'un ferment aerobie, r<;dueteur des nitrates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 681-684; Ann. Agron., 18,1892, 181-195. Contribution :'i I'itudi' de ralimciitation azoteo des vigetaux. Ann. Agron., 19, 1893, 274-293. Alimentation des vegetaux par I'humus et les matiires organiques. Ann. Agron., 20, 1894, 353-370. Sur la riiduction des nitrates dans la terro arable. Ann. Agron., 22, 1896, 32-37. Decomposition des matii res vegetales en priiseuce de I'eau et de la terre. Ann. Agron., 22, 1896, 362-375. Production de I'ammouiaque aux depens des matieres vegetales et de I'humus. .Ann. Agron., 23, 1897, 356- 369. Absorption de I'eau et des matieres dissoutes par la tige des vegetaux. Ann. Agron., 25, 1899, 449-458. AccuMiulation de I'asparagine dans les Legumineuses cultivees dans une serre a eclairage iusuflisant. Com- bustion du carbone. .Absorption de matieres carboueea dissoutes. Ann. Agron., 26, 1900, 5-19. Br6al, Michel. Les lois phoniques. Rev. Sci., 8, 1897, 33-38. Brearey, Frederick Il'[i7/(«»i]. For biographical notice and works see Aeronaut. Jl., 1, 1897 (No. 1), 9-11. Conjoint gas and mechanical action as applied to flight. Aeronaut. Soc. Rep., 19, 1884, 96-99. Remarks upon the late experiments of ilr. Horatio Philui's. {With discussion.] Aeronaut. Soc. Rep., 23, [1893], 55-64. Brearley, Ham/. The estimation of nickel in steel, etc. Chem. News," 74, 1896, 16-17. An auto-pneumatic stirrer. Chem. News, 74, 1896, 63. The estimation of manganese in spiegels, etc. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 13-16. Separations with alkaline acetates. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 2.53-254; 76, 1897, 49-51, 16.5-167, 175-177. 210-211, 222-224. ■ A modification of the cyanide titrations of copper. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 189-191. The estimation of copper in presence of other elements. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 291-293, 303-304. Separations from chromic acid. i. The separation of iron. [ii. The separation of mangane.se. in. The sepa- ration of aluminium, iv. The separation of ehiomium, and a reply to Mr. G.\Liiit.\iTH's eritici.sms.] Chem. News, 77, 1898, 49-50, 131-133, 179-180, 216-218. Separations with alkaline ehromates. Chem. News, 78, 1898, 14-16. On the ftualvsis of molybdenum compounds. Chem. New.s, 78, 1898,' '203-205 ; 79, 1899, 2-5, 14-15. Notes on the estimation of tungsten. Chem. News, 79, 1899, 64-66. Iron separations with alkaline salts. First paper. Chem. News, 79, 1899, 193-194. A bibliographv of steel-works analysis. Chem. News, 80, 1899, 233-'234, 245-246, 257-'258,' 271-273 ; 81,1900, 49-50, 64-65, 76-77 ; 82, 1900, 16-17, 18-19, 26-27, 42-43, 180-181, 185-187, 197-199, 245-247, 259-260, 281-2S2, 293-295, 306-307. Note on the direct combustion of metallic alloys. Chem. News, 81, 1900, 91-92. BreEirley, Hurry, & Bagley, Ernest. See Bagley it Brearley. Brearley, Harrij, & Ibbotson, Fred. See Ibbotaon A Brearley. Brearley, Hurry, & Jervis, Huruee. The eyanometric estimation of some metals. Chem. News, 78, 1898, 177- 179, 190-191. Brearley, Hurry, it IiefiBer, liiidnll' L. The estimation of carbon in ferru-cluomr. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 241-'243. Brearley, -Insrjtli Henry Hntpier, A' Threlfall, Rirhttrd. See Threlfall A Brearley. Briau. See Quatrefages de Br^au. Br6audat, L. Contribution a I'etude bacteriologique de la lii'vre bilieuse hematurique an Tonkin. Arch. Med. Navale, 65, 1896, 457-463. Sur le mode de formation de I'indigo dans les pro- cedes d'extraction industrielle. Fonctions diastasiques des plantes indigoferes. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. K., 127, 1898, 769-771; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. A'.), 1031-1033. ■ Nouvelles recherches sur les fonctions diastasiques des plantes indigoferes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1478-1480. Brebnerl 78.-? [Bredichin Brebner, .llaii. For bio^Taphical notice »« Inst. Civ. KiiHiu. I'roc., 101. 1890, 2h7 289. Modern Imrliour nonHtriiction. (1KH7.] Scott. Soc. ArtB TranH., 12, 1891, 1-29. Brebnar, Al,'in of the filamentous thallus of Dumontia filiformis. [1894.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (IM.), 30, 1896, 436-443. On the macilage-canals of the Marattiacetc. [1894.] Linn. Soc. Jl. {[iot.), 30, 1898, 444-l.'.l. On tlie prothalluH and emhr\o of I)ancea. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 8.57 ; Ann. Bot., 10,' 1896, 109-122. Marine Biological Association, the Laboratory, Plymouth. Report of the Committee. ..appointed to investigate the relations between physical conditions and marine fauna and flora. Algological notes for Plymouth district. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 4a5-486. Algological notes. [1896.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 4, 1896-97, 179-181, 286-288. Investigations maile at the Marine Biological Labora- tory, Plymouth. Rej)ort of algological work. Brit. Ass. Rep.. 1898, .W.S-.58.1. On the classification of the Tilopteridaceip. [1897.] Hristol Nat. Soe. Proc. 8, 1899, 176-187. Brebner, Ciconjc, & Bctaonck, Edwiird. Se, Schnnck & Brebner. Brebner, i. .>) A Brebner. Brebner, -/'//f Hot., 23, 1886, 310-311. Siluinus fcrrugineus. Jl. Bot., 38. 1900. 87. Breckenfeld, A. II. .\n infusorian in the water of San Francisco. Amer. Micr. Jl., 5, 1884, 4-.5. A new method of mounting Hydra. Amer. Micr. Jl., 5, 1884, 49-50. The life history of Vaucheria. Amer. Micr. Jl., 6, 1886, 2-6. H.vdra. A sketch of its structure, habits, and life history. Amer. Micr. Jl., 7, 1886, 221-227. Breckenridge, -1. /•"., A Kreider, I)[nrid] Albert. See Kreider cV Breckenridge. Breda, ArhilU-. [Eczema e .sua natura.] [M'ithdi»c\u$ion.'\ Cougr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. .5, I),rm.). 103-112. Contribute alio studio clinico e batteriologico della framboesia del Bra.sile o bouba. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 11, 1896, 229-249. Umorismo e pelle. Rctrocessioni. Ipotesi vecchie. Veriti nuove. Padova Ace. Atti c Mem., 12, 1896. 69-«7. II massaggio nella psoriasi. [1897.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1896-97, lo69-l.i74. Per la profilnssi della lepra in Italia. Padova Ace. Atti c Mem.. 14, 1898, 10.5-116. Intorno ad una nuova varieta (framboesioide) di erilema cssudativo polimorfo. [1898.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1897-98. 789-792. Framboesia brasiliana o bouba, quadro clinico desuuto da quftttordici osservazioni. [1900.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1899-1900 (/'(. 2), 871-918. Breda de Haan, ■/. ran. Die Lebensgeachichte des Tabaksalchcus (Heterodera radicicola) und seine Bc- kampfung iu Deli (Sumatra). Buitouzorg Inst. Bot. Bull.. 4. 1900, 1-10. Vorliiufigc Beschreibung von Pilzen bei tropischeo A Scott, Dukiii/ield H[enry]. See Beott .\8tragalus alpinus in Perthshire. Jl. Kultuqiflanzen beobuhtet. Buit«nzorg Iniit. Bot. Bull., 6. 1900. 11-13. Braddln, iitulitr. Die charaktt-rfiHtjischen Pflanzen der Siil/»ies<.n zwiwhi n Dodendorf und Sulldorf (Halo- phyu-n). Magilrb, Nat. Vcr. Jlx-r. u. Abh., 1888, 90- Material zn limr Hemipterenfauna ThuringenK von Kki.i.nkii. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jb«r. u. Abh., 1892, 2.>'>-271- Javanische ZuckerTohrschifllinge aus der Kaiuilie der RhynchoUn. Deutsche Eiit. Ztschr., 1896, 105-110. — — NachahniungMrHcheinungcn bei Rhynchott-n. Ztscbr. NaturwisH., 69. 1896, 17-46. Studia hemipteroloKica. [i-m.] Ent. Nachr.. 23, 1897, 3:»9 312; 24, 1898, 113-121, 262-26M. Studia heniiptcrologica. iv. [1898.] Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1896-98, 149-163. Hemiptera Insula; Lombok in Mu'^o Hamburgensi asservata adiectis speciebus nonnullis, ijuas continet collectio auctoris. Hamb. Mus. .Mitt., 16, 1899, 1.5.5- 194; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch.. 16, 1899, Ueihtft 2, 1.5.5-194. Hemiptera Ueteroptcrs nova. Bev. Ent., 18, 1099, 80-82. Nova studia hemipterologica. Deutache Ent. Ztachr., 1900, 161-18.5. - Hemiptera nonnuUa regionis australica>. Ent. Nachr., 26, 1900, 17-46. .Materia; ad cognitionem subfamiliie Pacbycephalini (Lvbantini olim), ex Hemipteris-HeteropteriB, h'am. Coreida-. Rev. Ent , 19, 1900. 191 217. Hemiptera sumatrana collecta a dom. Henrico DoBBN, enuuierata et descripta. Pars i. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 61. 1900, 275-336. Hemiptera ge.'ammelt von Profeshor Kikenihai. im Malaviscben Archipel. [1900.] Senckenb. Natf. Oes. Abb." 2.5, 1903. 139-202. Bredel, 1'. Was.sergas in .\merika. Zlschr. Angew. Cli.iii.. 1894, 292-293. Bredichin, t\edor] .i[Uktandrovic]. *[Obfier\-ationa de robher^atoire de Moscou.] Introduction. Mo'con Obs. Ann., 1, 1874, iii-xix; 2 [Livr. 1), 1876, iii-vii. 'Observations sur le Jupiter. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (/./it. 1), 1876, 1-8. (Lirr. 2), 1876. 42-50. '^toiles filantes. appartenant au torrent da mois d'aout. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (/,irr. li, 1875. 8-13. 'Mesures micrometriques de la dechnaison de Janon. Moscou Obs. Ann.. 2 (Lirr. 1), 1876. 26-31 'Table auxiliaire pour Ic calcul de la d et de Tangle parallactique pour I'Obseri . 0 = 55- 45'-3. Moscou Obs. Ann.. 2 (l.irr. ij, loiS. .i-' .i<. 'Observations spoctroscopiques du Soleil faiten en 1874[-«0]. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 {Lirr. 1). 1878, 3«- 68, (Lirr. 2). 1876, 1-26; 3 (Lirr. 2). 1877, 110-120; 4 (tirr. 2), 1878, 89-94 ; 5 (Lirr. 2), 1879, 146-150 : 6 (Lirr. 2). 1880. 86-94 ; 7 (Lirr. 2), 1881. 79-89. 'Observations astronomiques et physiques sar la Comftc de 1874 (III). Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Lirr. 1), 1876. 80-93. 'Observations de la Comete d'EscKK. Moscoa Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 2). 1876. 27-3,3. 'Spectre des nebulenses. MoscoQ Obs. Ann., 2 (Lirr. 2). 1876. 60-t>4. 'Observations de Mars en opposition. Moscoa Obt. Ann., 2 (Lirr. 2). 1876. •i.5-6^ : 4 (Lirr. 21. 1878, 1-4. *Sur I'equation [xrsoiinelle absoluc. Moscoa Obs. ,\nn.. 2 (LiiT. 2). 1876. 69-72. 'Etoiles filantes du mois d'aout 1875. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Lirr. 2). 1876, 73-74. 'In^aliles de la vis micrometriqae da gr&nd re- fracteur. Moscou Obs. .\nn., 2 (Lirr. 2), 1876, 75-79. 'Observations des nebulea.ses. Moscoa Obs. Ann.. 2 (Lirr. 2|. 1876. 114-124. *Sur les formes anomales dans le developpemeni de« cometes. 1. Comete 1862 U. [2. Comi-U- 1861 II.] Bredichin] 784 [Bredichin Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 {Livr. 1), 1877, 1-46 ; 4 (Livr. 1), 1878, S4-H1. *Sur la queue de la Comete de 1874 c. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 {Livr. 2), 1877, 1-22. *Sur la parallaxe de I'etoile nebuleuse, H. iv. 37. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 {Livr. 2), 1877, 91-98. *Spectre des nebuleuses planetaires. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 (Livr. 2), 1877, 120-126. 'Observations de .Jupiter en 1876[-82]. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 {Livr. 2), 1877, 127-134 ; 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 77- 83; 5 {Livr. 2), 1879, 140-145; 6 {Livr. 2), 1880, 9.5- 106; 7 {Livr. 2), 1881, 94-102; 9 {Livr. 2), 1883, 110- 113. *Mesares micrometriquesdequelquesgroupesd'etoiles. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 {Livr. 2), 1877, 14.5-156. *Spectre de la Comete de 1877 b. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 {Livr. 1), 1878, 104-108. 'Mesures micrometriquesdu groupedePers^e. Moscou Obs. .A.nn., 4 {Livr. 2), 1878, 5-11. "Observations de la Comete de 1877 b (Winneeke). Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 71-74. "Observations de la Comete de 1877 c. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 {Livr. 2), 1878, 75-76. *Surreclipse totale de lune du 23 aout 1877. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 {Livr. 2), 1878, 95-98. *Sur la Comete de 1877 b (Winneeke). Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 {Livr. 1), 1878, 72-78. *Sur la queue de la Comete de 1860 III. Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 {Livr. 1), 1878, 79-89. *Sur la Comete de Halley (1835). Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 {Livr. 1), 1878, 90-95. *[Remarques generales sur las com6tes.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 {Livr. 1), 1878, 96-97, {Livr. 2), 1879, 29-45. *0 XBOCTaxt KOMe'n>. [On the tails of comets.] [1878.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Russ.}, 34, 1879, 80-83. *Recherche3 sur les queues des cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 {Livr. 2), 1879, 46-88; 6 {Livr. 1), 1879, 44-58; 7 {Livr. 1), 1880, 1-63, (Livr. 2), 1881, 54-78. *Sur la constitution probable des queues des cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 {Livr. 2), 1879, 137-139. *Mesures micrometriques d' Algol. Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 {Livr. 2), 1879, 151-153. *Sur la constitution des cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 6 {Livr. 1), 1879, .59-61. - — • "Observations de la Comete de Bkorsen (1879). Moscou Obs. Ann., 6 {Livr. 1), 1879, 100-103. 'Positions de la Comete de 1858 V. Moscou Obs. Ann., 6 {Livr. 1), 1879, 104-116. *Sur la resistance de I'ether produite par le mouve- ment de translation du systfeme solaire. [1864.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 6 {Livr. 2), 1880, 20-49. *The tails of comets. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 454-455. "Observations de quelques cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 7 (Livr. 2), 1881, 90-93; 9 (Livr. 2), 1883, 114- 116. 'Observations de la Comfete de 1861 (2). Moscou Obs. Ann., 7 {Livr. 2), 1881, 10.5-109. 'Note. [L'aurore polaire du 12 aout 1880, a Wladimir.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 7 (Livr. 2), 1881, 109. 'Experiences faites avec le pendule k reversion. Moscou Obs. Ann., 8 (Livr. 1), 1882, 31-56. 'Becherches sur les Cometes de 1881 fc et c et de 1825 IV. Moscou Obs. Ann., 8 {Livr. 1), 1882, .57-96. 'Observations spectrosoopiques du Soleil en 1872 [et en 1873J. Moscou Obs. Ann., 8 (Livr. 2), 1882, 1-33, 34-65. 'Sur le milieu resistant. [1864.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 9 (Livr. 1), 1883, 18-23. 'Sur la ComMe de 1H82 I (Wells). Moscou Obs. Ann., 9 (Livr. 1), 1883, 24-38. Note sur le pendule a reversion. Moscou Obs. Ann., 9 (Livr. 1), 1883, 103-106; 10 (Livr. 1), 1884, 111. 'Becherches sur la Comete de 1882 II. Moscou Obs. Ann., 9 (Livr. 2), 1883, 48-77. Calcul des c^phemtrides des queues cometaires. Astr. Nachr., 107, 1884, 293-298; Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Livr. 1), 1884, 1-6. Sur quelques anomalies apparentes dans les queues cometaires. Astr. Nachr., 107, 1884, 379-382. Les ondes cosmiques formant la queue de la graude Comete de 1882. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 1-4. Sur quelques remarques concernant [ses] recherohes sur les cometes. Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 281-288. Note sur la queue du i. type de la Comete 1882 11. Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Livr. 1), 1884, 7-12. Sur rhypothfese des ondes cosmiques, oomposee pour I'explication des formes cometaires. Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Livr. 1), 1884, 13-33. Sur les syndynames et les synchrones dans les cometes et quelques remarques coucernaut [ses] recherches sur les formes cometaires. Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Livr. 1), 1884, 75-99. Les syndynames et les synchrones de la Comete Pons- Brooks '(1883-1884). Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 {Livr. 2), 1884, 97-120, 149-154; Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 13, 1886, 14.5-156. Sur la queue du premier type de la Comjte de 1744. Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Livr. 2), 1884, 142-148. Quelques formules de la th^orie des cometes. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 60, 1884, 3-16. Sur la graude Comete de 1811. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 60, 1884. 58-69. Sur les tetes des cometes. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 60, 1884, 79-86. [Beobachtungen der totaleu Mondfinsteruiss am 4. October 1884 und von Sternbedeckungen wiihrend der- selben.] Auf der Steruwarte in Moskau. Astr. Nachr., HI, 1885, 11-12. Nouvelles recherches sur les cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Livr. 1), 1886, 1-70. • Revision des valeurs numeriques de la force repulsive. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 61, 1886 (Pt. 1), 1-36. Sur les oscillations des jets d'emission dans les cometes. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 61, 1886 {Pt. 1), 93-118. Sur les grandes Comfetes de 1886. (41; 42.) Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 62 (Pt. 2), 1887, 1-8; Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Livr. 2), 1888, 1-6. Sur la grande Comete de 1886 / (Barnard). (43.) Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 1, 1887, 42-18; Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Livr. 2), 1888, 7-12. Beobachtungen der totaleu Mondfinsteruiss 1888 Jan. 28. Auf der Sternwarte in Moskau. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 313-314. Quelques remarques sur I'origine des meteores. Bull. Astr., 5, 1888, 521-523; Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 249- 252. Sur la graude Comete de 1887 I. [1888.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Livr. 2), 1888, 29-36, 125-128; Mo.scou Soc. Nat. Bull., 2, 1889, 261-268, 545-548. Quelques mots sur I'origine des cometes periodiques. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 331-332. Quelques proprict(5s remarquables des courants me- teoriques. Leipzig, Astr. Ge.s. Vrtljschr., 24, 1889, 273- 279. IlaC.'iioji.cnifl najn- Kii'iaHiHMii noBopoTHaro MaflTHiiiia Pkiico.twui. iii)oii3boj;ohhi.ih btj ce.i1; >H?,eJITyxilirli ll B. lllcpOMeTbCEKt. | Observations on the oscillation of a Bepsnld reversing pendulum, made in Zeltuchina and B. Seremetjevka.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 2.5, 1889, 178-185. Sur I'origine des etoiles filantes. [1888.] .Moscou Bredichinl 7S5 [Bredt Sor. Nut. Hull., ;t, 1890, 1 <«f); MoHoou ObH. Ann., 'i, 1890, IH 72. Hur lc« cunijiaKiiDns di' In Cdnirtc IHH') V (HrookH jnillet fi). Astr. Nnclir., 1-2:), 1890, ;V21-H2I; Moncoii ObR. Ann., 2, 1890, l"iK-163. Hnr I'liii^'inc ilcs (•oniMtH p(''i'iudic|UL'K. Mohcom 0I>«. Ann., 2, 1890, 1 17; Mohcou Soc. Nat. Bull., 3, 1890, 181-201. Sur les propriot<^>§ importantoH dca coiirnntH nioteo- riqucs. Mo«cou ObH. Ann., 2, 1890, 1.3.5-157; Moscou Soo. Nat. Bull., li, 1890, «2'J-(i.52. Notv sur lit r|ui'UO iinumalc do In C'om^tc de 1889 I. Moscou 01)8. Ann., 2, 1890, UU-lC>rt. Hur liH i)hi'n(inirncH cvtraordinairoH pr<''sent8 on ItusHio en 1800, [1892 ct 1891]. [18'.ll-!l.^.l St. I'eUersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 231-258; 35, 1894, 457-178; 2, 1896, 139-176. Sur Ics radiants dis .Vndronii'didc.'!. [1H91.] St. Tctersb. Ae. Sci. Bull., 31, 1892. 419 137. Ucber die Biclidin [dir .Iiilno |H72, 1885 und] 1892. Astr. Naclir., 132, 1893, 1.59-1(J0, 191-192. Snr la dispersion dcs points radiants de niiHi^ores. [1892. J St. P.-torsb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 189-210. Sur les orbites des Bielides. [1893.] St. Petcrsb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, .585-(!05. 0 ilin:iii'ii'ci;ii.\i, iicpi'Mi.iiaxi. m. iipficciiiaxi. t1u;ixi,. (On phjsiciil chungus in the heavenly bodies.) [1893.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Rust.), 74, 1894, 112-1.53. Sur les Perseides observers ii Poulkovo en 1893. St. IVtersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1894. 33-.59. Les isodynanies et les synehrones de la Comitc 1893 IV. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1894, 1(15-178. KoMora Miikc. [Enikk's Comet.] [1894.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, 1896, v-vi. Mouvement des substances eniises par les Comittcs 1893 II et 1893 IV. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, 1896, 383-;i95. Variations si^cnlaires de Porbite dc la Coraetc 1862 III et de ses orbites derivees. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, 1896, 251-200; 4, 1896, 31-40. Sur I'oriKine et les orbites du systenie des .\quaride8. St. IVtersb. Ae. Sci. Bull., 4, 1896," 345-300. Sur quelques systi'mes de ni(5teores. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 5, 1896, 337-340. Sur le.s valeurs dc la repulsion sulairc subie par la substance cometairc. St. Petersb. .\c. Sci. Bull., 0, 1897, 4H:i-488. () H|>iXlUeilill lOllllTCpa C1. cro IIHTIiaMII. [Sur la rotation de .lupiter ayec ses taches.] St. Petersb. .\c. Sci. Bull., 7, 1897, 23.5-250. 0 iioiiHTKaxi. :iKciicpiiMCiira.ii.iiaio Bocripoii:-.- BC;i,0lli)l KOMCTIII.IXI. lin.icilifi. [Sur la reproduction experimentule dis pluiiomenes comctaires.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1898, 173-189. O I'o.llie'llioii Kopoiii;. [Sur la couronnc solaire.] St. Petersb. .\c. Sci. Bull.. 9, 1898, 179-207. [Uo Boiipocy o BBcu'iiiii miMaro crii.iii bi. Porcill. An sujet de I'adoption du nouveau style en Russie.] St. Peter.sb. .\c. Sci. Bull., 12. 1900, xxvii-xxx. Sur les radiants composes (dits stationnaires) des etoiles filantes. St. Petersb. \c. Sei. Bull., 12, 1900, 95-120; 13, 1900, 1.89-220; Astr. Naclir., 151. 1900. 379-382; 1.52. 1900, 47-48. .'^<'t' iilso Moscow Observatory. Breillchln, /•■[<•, 1900, 127-128. Ueber die feniicntativen Eigcnachaften des Plntins und anderer Metalle. [1900.] Phys. Ztschr., 2, 1901. 7-11. Bredig, Genri). A Coebn, .llfrrd. Ueber kolloidale l/<- sunken. Bcnierkung zu den Abhandlunijen dcr Herren Stcik.ki,, Vaniso und Stark. Zl.schr. Phvsikal. Cbein., 32, 1900, 129-132. Bredig, ilcurii, A Colisn, Erntt. Ste Cohan >V Brsdig. Bredig, Geonj, & Bmbar, Frit:. ITcbcr ZcrstiiubunR Ton Metiiilkathoden bei dcr Elektrolvsr mit Gleichstrora. Berlin. Cbeiii. Ges. Her., 31. 1898. 2741-27.52. Bredig, Heurn, \ Holler Ton Bcmeck, /.'[iiifo//]. Ueber nnor»n»ni.sche Kermente. i. Uelnr I'latinkatalyse und die cbeniische IHnamik des \Vtt.ss.'rsto(IsuperoxTds. Ztschr. Physikal. ("hem.. 31. 1899, 25N-:r,3. Bredig, [aker] C[annington]. Einwirkung von Salpetersiiure auf Siiuren der Fettreihc, welche die Isopropylgruppe entbalteu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, '3661-3666. Bredt, [Conrad] J[ulius\ it Fostli, W[ilhelni]. Ueber das Alantolacton (Helenin). Liebig's Ann., 285, 1895, 349- 384. Zweckmiissige Absorptionsapparate fiir die Elementar- analyse. Liebig's Ann., 285, 1896, 385-386. Bredt, [Conrad] J[ulias], & Rosenberg, .1/[a.r] von. I'articlle Syntliese des Kami)lu'rs uud iiber die Consti- tution der Karaphersiiure uud des Kampherphorons. Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 1-14; Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 135-142. Bredt, \Comad] ./[«/ii(s], & Riibel, lt\cinhard\. [Unter- suchungen iiber die Constitution des Kamphers und seiner Derivate.] Isoacetopboron und Campborou. Liebig's Ann., 299, 1898, l(i0-192. Bredt, [Conrad] J{ulius], Amtz, E[mil], & Helle, A[lfred]. [Untersuchungen iiber die Constitution des Kamphers und seiner Derivate.] Derivate und Zersetzungsproducte der CamphoronsSiUre. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 8.5-121. Bredt, Titus I'[i7,-(n)], & Auwers, Karl [Friedrich]. See Auwers & Bredt. Bree, Cliarlrs Hubert. For biography and works see Zoologist, 10, 1886, 482-483; Essex Field Club Spec. Mem., 2, 1890, 10-11. Breed, Mar;/ Bidicell. On phenolphtbalein and methyl- orange as indicators. [With discus.tion.] Franklin Inst. Jl.. 135, 1893, 312-316. Breed, Marii Biduell, & Keiser, Edward H[arrison]. See Keiser & Breed. Breed, Robert S. "The Sunset trachyte," from near Sunset, Boulder county, Colorado. [1899.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc, 6 (1897-1900), 216-230. Breedenraedt, . Les bacturies et leurs produits de secretion. Anvers, Jl. de Pharm., 54, 1898, 201-205, 241-247, 294-302, 332-341. Breese, C. M. Statistics on colour-blindness among the students at the State Agricultural College. [1888.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 106-107. Annual precipitation of rain and snow at Manhattan, Kansas, for the past thirty-two years. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 106-167.' Wind velocity at Manhattan, Kansas. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 13, 1890', 167-168. Breese, ('. il/., & Failyer, & Breese. Brefeld, (hear. 'Mycologiscbe Untersuchungen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl, 1876 (/>■<■/(.), 109-111. Polyspbondylium violaceum uud Dictyostelium muco- roides nebst Bemerkungen zur Systematik der Schleim- pilze. Bot. Untersuch. (Brefeld's), 6, 1884, 1-34. Conidiobolus utriculosus und minor. Bot. Untersuch. (Brefeld's), 6, 1884, 35-78. Die Brandpilze und die Brandkrankheiten. Briinu Mitth., 65, 1885, 327-328, 331-332. Recent investigations of smut Fungi and smut diseases. An address delivered before the Society of Agriculturists of Berlin, February 17, 1888. [Tr.] .71. Mycol., 6, 1891, 1-8, 59-71, 15.3-164. Der Eeis-Brand und der Setaria-Brand, die Ent- wicklungsglieder ueuer Mutterkornpilze. Bot. Centrbl., 65, 1896, 97-108. Ueber Brandpilze und Brandkrankheiten. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1899 {Abth. 2^), 17-32. Versuche iiber die Stickstoftaufnabme bei den Pflanzen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1900 (Abth. •2b), 27-38. Ueber die geschlechtlichen uiid ungeschlechtlichen Fruchtformen bei den copulirenden Pilzen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1900 {Abth. 2b), 71-84. Brefeld, Uaear, & Istvdnffi, Gi/iila ( = Jh?/«.<). Die Brand- pilze. II. Die Brandkrankheiten des Getreides. [iii. Hemibasidii.] Bot. Untersuch. (Brefeld's), 11, 1895; 12, 1895, 236 pp. in all. Brefeld, Oscar, Istvdnffi, Gyula, & Johan-Olsen, Olav. Basidiomycetcn. 11. Protobasidiomyccten. [in. ."^uto- basidiomyceten und die Begriindung des natiirlichen Systemes der Pilze.] Bot. Untersuch. (Brefeld's), 7, 1888, 178 pp. ; 8, 1889, 305 pp. Brefeld, O.icar, Tafel, Franz ron, & I^indau, Gustav. Die Hemiasci uud die Ascomyceten. Bot. Untersuch. (Bre- feld's), 9, 1891; 10, 1891, 378 pp. in all. Breglia, Ernesto. Sopra due tcoremi del Prof. Gehhia [suUe (|uadriche omocicliche dell'ellissoide d'inerzia 0 sullc ipiadricbe omofocali deU'ellissoide di girazione, relative al puuto fisso]. Giorn. Mat., 27, 1889, 303-317. — Di una relazione tra i raggi di curvatura in punti corrispoudenti della curva delle grandezze e della curva delle componenti radiali. Giorn. Mat., 30, 1892, 344- 348. Breg-lia] JH7 fBreit II calcolo RraKco spplionto nlln mimira dcUo volto. Nnpoli iHt. Incoriit,'. Atti, 1, 1899, .V». 2, Jl pp. Bregman, /,. K, Zur CuxiiiHtik iI«h I'lirumyoclonuii multi- plix. Aicli. I'H.vcliiiitr., '27, 1895, Sms-SW. Ziii DiatinoHtik dtr Hyriin^oiiiyelif. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 189B, Kl)")-H10. Uebcr IJiplcgiu fiicialis. Nourol. Ccntrbl., 15, 1896, 242-248. Ziir Lebre von den Erkrankungcn den unterHtcn IliickcnmarkabHchuittes. Neorol. Centrbl., 10, 1897, 887-Hy5. Ut'bor den "Aiilomatismc amlmlatuirp" ("Fukuch," "RroiMoniania"). Nourol. tVntrbl., 1m, 1899, 770-781. Ueber dio ulcktrische I■;lltarl^n^!!^rL■actio^ dcH M. leva- tor palpcbni) superioriB, ncbst ciniRen liemerktinKen iiber rine isolirte trauinatiscbcOculomotorius- undTrochlearifl- liiliiiiiin),'. Neurol. Ciiitrhl., lit, 1900, 090-09.'). Bregman, L. K., A Zawadzkl, Juseiih. See Zawadzki A Bregman. Bregowski. s. . Behr-Brogowskl. Bregowsky, I[i;iii] M., A Ford, Atleii I'. See Ford A Bregowsky. Br^guet, Aiiiitine. 'L'unilication de I'heure dans les HruiiJcs villcs par lo movon dc 1 't^deotricitd. [1880.] Gi'^nio Civil, 1, 1880 81, 9-11. Brignet, I,[imis Frmiroix Cli'menl]. For biographj' and works see Tcrmt. KozlOn., 10, 1884, o07; Lum. Elect., 21, 1886, 137-141; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103. 1886, 5-14, 220; Rev. Maritime et Colon., 90. 1886. 521-".31. "[Observations phiviometriquca faites au Buisson, pri^s Corbeil, de 1838 i\ laiS.] France See. M6t<;orol. Annu., 7, 1889. I'l. 2, 7-8. 'Sur uii biiroinetro(.5raphe. France See. Mt^tt^orol. Annu,, 10. 1868 (Hull.), 05-07. Brehm, Aileliiiu di. liolide del 3 ottobre [1889, Sarezzo]. Mi)ncalieri Osh. Boll., 9, 1889, 190. Brehm, Alfred F.ilmund. For biopi-aphy and works $ee Frankf.. Znul. (iarten, 25, 1884, 351; Leo|>oldina, 20, 1884, 223; 21, 1888, 1.5S; .Jl. f. Ornitli., 33, 1886, 100- 107; 'IVnnt. Kozliin., 17, 1886, 498-499; (ieoRr. Jbucb., 12, 1888, 358; Wien Oruith. \Vr. Mittli., 19, 1896, 7-8. Brelim,.lrao/(/. Ueber die Todesfiille und Sectionsbefunde dcr Ziircherischen kantonalen Irrenlieilanstalt BurK'bolzli vmatische Zusauinienstellung der bisher aufgefundcnen .\rten niit Angabo ihrer Verbreitung. Steieriuark .Mitth., 1893, 250-357. Breidler, Johann, & Beck von Blannagetta, Gihither (Ritter). Trochobryuui. novum genus Seligeriaceanim. [1884.] Wien Zool." Bot. Verh.. 34, 1886 (.Ih/i.). 105-100. Brelgnat, t'rfdfrie. [Tortrix T^iabatiana, n. tp.] Parii, Soc. Knt. Ann., 10, 1890, exlii-cxliii. (yueli)uci4 e«|HK:eii nircs ou non encore Hignal<-«a vn Franco et dans les environs de Bordeaux. J Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1893, cxxxiii-cxxxiv. [Observations Kur I'EmpUKa cgena et lEmi-iiodema domestica.) Bordeaux Koc. Linn. Act., 45, 1893, clxxix- clxxx. [Note sDr des I/(!-pidopt4^re8 noD encore sigoales ou rares dans la region.] BordeAuz Soc. Lion. Act., 40, 1893. xxv-xxvii. Olwervations au sujet de Lipidopttrres signales par M. Bitiius ciitnme non montionni-s dans les pncedentii catalogues. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 40, 1893. xliv. lispiccs nouvclles pour la region, Cidaria truncata et Arailonche albovcnosa. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. .Act., 40, 1893, xlviii. Note sur quelques L<^-pidopt^re8 de U region. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act.. 47, 1894, lii-xiii. Conipterendu entomologique de I'excunion trimes- trielle faite a (iaigon. le 22 avril, 1894. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894. Ivii-lviii. Brelgnet, tredrric, \ Brown, Hubert. Contribution k la (aune des Lepidopteres du eud-oucst de la France. Supplement aux catalogues de MM. ItooKU et Thimoiti.et et catalogue provisoire des Pyrales des environs de Bordeaux. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1893, 49-91, [207]. Breijer, //. G. De grondvormen der kronimen van de derd.> klas.se. [1893.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [2], 1894. 00-64, 81. Breinl, h'erdinaud. Ueber Schafwoll^berei. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 0iK>-693. Neuo Reactioiien des Sesamoles. Chem. Ztg. , 23, 1899, 047. Breinl, l-'erdinaud, A Sanofaky, Carl. Verhalten der BuiHuwoUe und SchafwoUe gegen ChlormagneHium- und ChloraluminiumlusuDgen. Chem. Ztg., 21, U9T, 563- 564. Breiaacher, I.eo. Vcrsuche iiber den Nervus larrngeus superior. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 27, 1889. 709-770. L'utcrsuclmngen iiber die Ulandula tbyreoidea. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {I'hytwl. Abth.). 1890, 5(i9-529. Zur Physiologic des Schlafes. Ajch. Anat. Phvsiol. {I'hyslul. Ahlh.), 1891. 321-334. Breiaacher, I.eo, Si Oiitzlaif, Th. Versnche am Kervas laryngeus superior des Pferdts. [1891.] CcntrbL Physiol., 5, 1893, 273-274. Breiaig, /■'. Untersuchungen libir die Induktion in Kabel- Itilmigen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr.. li'., 1895. 161-106, 174-170, 18<;-lHH, 200-202. 241-244. Ueber die Berechnung der cleklrostatischen KapaciLiit oberirdischer Lcitungen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 19, 1898, 772-776. Ueber die Bestimmung der elektriachen Kapacitat von Fernsprechkabeln niit Ilop|>elleitungeo. [1898.] Elek- trolechji. Ztschr., 20. 1899. 127-131. Ueber die .AnwenJung des Vektordiagramms anf den Verlan( von Wecli.seUtromen in langen Lcitungen und iiber die wirthscliaftlichc Urenze hoher Spaunungen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 3^43-386, 4U0-403, 417- 420. Ueber die graphische Darstellnng des Verlaufes von Wechselstn'imen lings langer Leitungeu. [1899. J Elek- trot. chn. Ztschr.. 21. 1900, •<7-92. Brelaky, .iiiiiutl. For biography and works tee lyeopoldina, 25. 1889. 114 ; Wien. Med. W'sdir., 39. 1889, 864-806. Brelt, .lutiiis. Die Eiablage der Tagfalt^r in der Gefangrn- sehaft. [1899.] Zurich, Soc. Ent., 14, [1900], 84 8o, 91-92, 98-99, 107-109. 114-11.5. Ueber die allmiililigc Verdunkelung einiger Lepidopte- renarten ans der Umgegend von Ou.«scldorf. [1900.) Zuricli, Soc. Ent., 16, [1901], 73-74. Mld—i BreitenbachJ 788 [Bremer Brestenbach, Paul. Ueber die inneie Eeibung der Gase mill dficn AendeninR mit dor Temperatur. Aun. Phys. Chein., G7, 1899, 803-827. Breitenbach, U'illielm. Eiu neuer Feiud der Houigbiene. Ent. Nacbr., 10, 1884, 42. Land und Leute in SUd-Brasilien. Humboldt, 4, 1885, 438-440. Breitenlohner,-?(i/fo/<. For biography sec Meteorol. Ztschr., 14 (1897), 177; Wien, Sonnblick-Ver. Jber., 1898 [1897], 3-16. *Ueber Verkieselung des Bodens. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 {Beil.), 95-9fi, 180. Bodeutemperatur uud Eegenfall. Forach. A^r.-Phys., 7, 1884, 408-41.5. Der Winterbrand der Holzgewiichse in den Alpen. Forsch. Agr.-Phys., 8, 1885, 137-159. Die meteorologisehe Gipfelstation Sonnblick in der Goldberggruppe der Hohen Tauern, Seehohe 3103 Meter. [1885.] Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 29, 1886, 65-77. Die Hoehwasserkatastrophe zu Bruneck in Tyrol im September 1882. Forsch. Agr.-Phys., 9, 1886, 320-337. Der Eisregen am 23. Januar 1892 in Wien. Meteorol. Zt.sehr. , 9 (1892), 159-160. Wiirmerefiexion durch Liiubwerk. Meteorol. Ztschr., 10 (1893), 197-198. Breitenstein,yl //<('/■(, Beitriige zur Keuntniss der Wirkung kiihler Ijiider auf den Kreislauf Gesunder und Fieber- kranker. Arch. Exper. Path., 37, 1896, 253-273. Breitenstein, Ilciiuicli. Aus Borneo. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mittli., 28, 1885, 193-208, 242-254. Breitfeld, .1 . Der anatoraische Bau der Bliitter der Rlio- dodendroideffi in Beziebuiig zu ihrer systematischen Gruppirung und zur geograpliiscben Verbreituug. Eugler, Bot. Jbiich., 9, 1888, 319-379. Breltfuss, L. L. Kalkschwiinime der Bremer Expedition nach Ost-Spitzbergen im Jahre 1889 (Prof. W. Kukknthal und Dr. A. Walter). "Vorliiutige Mittheilung. Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 426-432. Kalksclnvannne von Ternate (Molukken), uach den Sammlungen Prof. W. KUkentiiaj/s. (Vorliiufige Mit- theilung.) Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 433-435. . Amplioriscus Semoni, eine neue Art heteroeoeler Kalkscbwiimrae. Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 435-436. Catalog der Calearea der zoologischen Sanimlung des kiiniglicheu Museums t'iir Naturkunde zu Berlin. [1898.] Arch. Naturg., 63, 1897 (lid. 1), 205-226. Ascandra Hermesi, ein neuer homocoeler Kalk- soliwamm aus der Adria. [1897.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 63, 1898, 39-42. Die arktische Kalkschwammfauna. Arch. Naturg., 64, 1898 (/>'<;. 1), 277-316. [Sehon's zoologisehe Forsehungsreisen in Australien und dem Malayischen Archipel.] Amplioriscus Semoni, ein neuer, heteroeoeler Kalkschvvamm. [1898.] .Jena Denkschr., 8, 1894-1903, 381-384. [Ergebniase einer zoologischen Forschungsreise in den Molukken und Borneo, im Auftrage der Seuckenberg- ischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft ausgefiihrt von Dr. Willy KtiKENTnAL.] Kalkschwamme von Ternate. Senekeub. Natf. Ges. Abh., 24, 1898, 169-177. Kalkschwammfauna des Weissen Meeres und der Eismeerkiisten des europaischen Kuaslands. Mit Be- riicksichtigung und Aufstellung der Kalkschwammfauna der arktischen Eegion. St. Petersb. Ac. Sei. Mem., 6, 1898, No. 2, 41 pp. Note sur la fauue dea calcaires de I'Ocean Arctique. St. P(';tersb. Mua. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annii., 3, 1898, 12 .38. [Fauna chilensis.j Die Kalkschwamme der Sannulung Plate. Zool. .Ibiieh. {Siipj)!.), 4, 1898, 45.5-470. Kalkschwammrauiia der Westkiiste Portugals. Zool. Jbiich. (.S'y.s(.), 11, 1898, 89-102. Die Kalkschwammfauna von Spitzborgen. Nach den Sannnlungen der Bremer Expedition nach Ost-Spitz- bergen im Jahre 1889 (Prof. W. KiiKENTifAL und Dr. A. Walter). Zool. Jbiich. (.S';/!.(.), 11, 1898, 103-120. Breitbaupt, [Karl], A: Gattermann, Lvdwig. See Gatter- mann ,V Breitbaupt. Breitbaupt, A. P. The structure of Leptandra. Amer. Jl. Pbarin., 69, 1897, 235-240. Breitbaupt, Geonj [Wilhehn Anton]. For biogi-aphical notice and works see Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 58. Breitbaupt, Georff. Ueber das optische Verhalten einge- brannter Gold- und Platinschichten. Ann. Phys. Chem. , 68, 1899, 46-73. Breitbaupt, Ptiiil Franz. Ueber die Anatomic und die Fnnotionen der Bienenzunge. Arch. Natui-g. , 52, 1886 (]UI. 1), 47-112. Breitbaupt, IT. //., Chanute, thtuc, & Wallace, .John F. Si-e Cbanute, VTallace & Breitbaupt. Breitbaupt, M'ilhelm. Das Orientirungs-Instrumeut des niathematisch-mechanischen Institutes von F. W. Breit- HAUPT & Sohn in Cassel. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 36, 1888, 45-46. Magnettheodolit fiir Orientirungsniessungen. Ztschr. Instruraentenk., 8, 1888, 353-359. Der Grubentheodolit mit excentrischem Fernrohr zu Scbaehtmessungen. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 40, 1892, 251-252. Die Nivellirinstrumente des mathematisch-mechani- schen Instituts von F. W. Breithaupt A Sohn in Cassel. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 14, 1894, 247-252. Notizen fiber Boussolen-Instrumente. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 48, 1900, 451-452. Br^maud, P{aid]. *De I'etat de fascination chez des sujets non malades. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 537-539. *Note sur la production de I'hypnotisme chez des sujets sains de dift'erents figes. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Uim., 35, 1884 (C. li.), 635-636. Sur la contracture dans la catalepsie hypnotique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 311, 1884 (f. 7i.), 23-24. Note sur I'etat de fascination dans la serie hypnotique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. P.), 169. Note sur les conditions favorables a la production de I'hypnotisme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. ii.), 170. Action thi^rapeutique de la suggestion. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. P.), 34.5-351. Note sur cinci observations de fievre jaune k la Guadeloupe. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 39. 1887 {C. P.), 351-352. Le cyclone de I'Eneide. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 16, 1891, 47-94. Les origines de la nationalite fran^aise. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 17, 1892, 425-490. Note sur I'etiologie et I'hygiene preventive du beriberi. Arch. Med. Navale, 71, 1899, 369-376. Breme, (luntar. Casuistisclier Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Anomiilicn der Armarterien. Ztschr. Morphol. u. An- throp., 1, 1899, 4S3-494. Bremer, (_;[hs((((.'] J[acob] ]\'[iilu'Im]. Over de veraude- ringen, die het draaiend vermogen van optisch aotieve stoli'eii in oplossing onder verschillende invloeden onder- gaat. [1884.] Maandbl. Nat., 1882-84, 19-30. Sur le dedoublement de I'acide malique, derive- de I'acide fumarique. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 180-182; Utrecht Prov. Genootsch. Aanteek., 1885, 21-22. Overeen nieuwen damjispanningmeter. Utrecht Prov. Genootsch. Aanteek., 1886, 7-9. Le tonometre diliferentiel. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays- Bas, 6, 1887, 122-136. Sur la cause des changements du pouvoir rotatoire specifique sous I'intluenee de divers dissolvauts. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, (i, 1887, 255-261. Solutions salines. Leur density et dilatation par la chaleur. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 7, 1888, 268-309. Bremer] 789 (Brendel Ajiparril pour IVxtraction 1I014 i^ny, dJKKnufi danH Veau. lice. Tiav. Cliiiii. FiiyH-BaH, 11, 1892, •ZIH-Wi. Boiitiillc (li!Stiiii''i) i puiHcr ile I'fati U'linc manii'rc Hiinple a uik; prnfondciir di'terinini'>e. Hoc. Truv. Cliiiu. I'ays-buH, 11, 1892, •.'H.l-'iH,-,. Der KiitlljLi]iiMiin)/spiiiikt vim I'ctrolfiim. /5t«chr. AiiRcw. Chcni., 1896, I'.M-I'JT. Appaii'il poiir la incsiire ilf la dfiimti' de Huljstanei'x pulvi-ruliiiU'w. Uic. Trav. Cliini. PajsUaK, 17, 1898, •2(J3-2(J!), 104-10'.. Indifp.s dc ri'-fractloii de solutionH de clilornrc de lalciiiiii. Arch. Ni'crland., !>, 1900, SOa-'ilH. Bremer, Il,rmunu. L't'lier Margarine. DetitHch. Natf. Virh.. 1899 (Th. 2, }llHfte 1), ICH-lTl. DiiitotiHclii' NaliriLiD^'siiiittrl ili'r Nuiizeit (nach Kcmcin- Hanii'n UntcrHiicliiiiiKcii init Merrii Gkhkt). DeutHoh. Natf. Vcrh., 1899 {Th. 2, llnlfu 1), 17;i-17t>, xv. Floischextract. l>eiit»cli. Natf. Vorh., 1899 (Th. 2, Uiiljte 1), 17f>-17i). FIciHchextract und FIcisclipcpton. Chcin. ZtK-, 21, 1900. HUH -y II. Bremer, l.udu'iij. Uchcr die Herkunft und BcdeutiinR (ler llhilpliittchon. Cfiitrbl. Med. Wish., 32, 1894, 338- 339. Ueber eine Farlwmcthodc, mit der man Diabetes und GlycoBurie aus dcm Hlutu diaKnostioirori kann. Ccntrljl. Med. Wiss., 32, 1894, 8.50-853; N. Y. Xlcd. Jl., 03, 1896, 301-303. Ueber da« I'aranuelearkorixTchcn der gekernlcn Ery- tbrocyten, nebst BernerkuuKcn iibor den Ban der Erj'thro- cyten im AUgemeinen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., i'l, 189B, 433- 4.50. — — Die Identitiit dcs ParanuclearkiiriHjrcliens der gekernten Erythrocyton mit dem Ccntrosoiu. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 41')." 189B, OlM-620. — — On the chemical beliaviour of eosin and gentian violet toward normal and diabetic urines. N. Y. Med. .11., 05, 1897. 300-3U2. Untersuchung von Blut bei Diabetes. Pharm. Ztschr. Rnssland, 30, 1897, ")e2. [Some tests for glucose by means of anilin dyes.] St. Louis Ac. Trans., 9 (1899). xxv. Bremlker, C. "On the risk attaching to the grant of life assurances. {Tr.\ [1871. J Inst. Act. .11., 10, 1872, 210- 221, 285-303. Brimond, [/•V/i.r], Cnisson de la viandc. Ass. Frani.'. C. 1!.. 1894 (Vt. 1), 3.52-;«3. Brimond, Aloys. Sidon, Damas et Balbeck. [1887.] Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 27, 1888 (Hull.), 30-34. Brimond, [Pnul .llf.ris] I<[rnist]. L'ozone dans le traitc- ment par les bains de vapiurs terebenthinces. Ass. Frani,-. C. K., 1884 (I't. 2), 4.5'.)-40O. Traitement de la syphilis i\ toutes ses periodes par I'absorpticm cutanee des medicaments. Ass. Franf. C. It., 1889 {I'l. 2), 701-702. lutluence du traitement terebenthine sur la richesse du sang en oxyhemoglobine; la duree dc sa reduction et factivite de sa reduction chez les an^miqucs. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. It.. 1889, 03;i-037. Brenan, G. ICmi//>. .\tlantic tides as storm warnings. Symons, Meteorol. Mag.. 2(1, 1886, 54-.')"), 88, 140. Earthquake in Scotland. [1888.] Symons, Meteorol. Mil-.. 23, 1889. 25. Brenan, .S'. .trlhiir. Irish plants. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 278. Irish Rnbi. Jl. Hot., 33, 1898, 26. Plantago media in Antrim. Jl. Bot., 30, 1898, 351. Acanthosoma hnmorrhoidalc in Co. Antrim. Irish Natlist., ;», 1900, 129. Spha. Pbilad., Ent. News, 5, 1894, 191-1'.m;. The compound eye. Philad., Ent. News, C, 189S, 97- 100. PsclaphidiB. Philad.. Ent. News, 0, 1895, 18:1-185. Brendel, ICmil, & VTlckliain, llfiiry Fredrrick. The I'seliiphidie of North America. [1890.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 1, 1888-90, 216-304: 2. 1891 93. 1-84. Brendel, I'rifdrich. 'Flora Peoriana. Die Vegetation ini Clima von MittclilliJiois. Termr. Fuz., 5, 1881, 299- 407. The climate of Peoria. [1886.] .\mer. MeteoroL Jl., 4 (1887-88), 233-239, 280-2815. Brendel, A'dW. Uruguay. [1893.] Miinchen Geogr. Oe«. .Iber., [15], 1894 {ffntt'chr.). 23-18. Brendel, .Murtiii. Ueber einigc in neuerer Zeit angewandte Formen fiir die Diffcrcntialgleichungen im Problemc der drei Korper. Astr. Nachr., 110. 1887. lOl-ltXl. Ueber ein neues von Herrn Dr. \Vki.i.« »ns canstmirie* Doppelbild-Mikrometcr. Leipzig, A.str. Ge«. Vrtljachr., 24, 1889. 26H-272. .Sur les jHirturbations de la d'apres la theorie de M. Gvldkn. 108, 1889, 49-51. Beobachtung des Planeten (246) Asporina a«f der Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr.. 124, 1890, 313-314. Oni anvdndningen af den absoluta »torini.>l»ijrien pi en grup|> af smaplanetcma, med numerisk tiliampning pa planeten (40) Uestia. Stockh. Obs. Astr. laktt.. 1. 1891, 51 pp. Beobachtungen von Planeten und Comoten aaf der Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr.. 130. 1892. 47 -l-*. Ucbcr die Brechung des Licbtes in I'nsmcn aus cinaxigen Kristallen und ubcr deren Anwendung xn mikrometriscbcn Me«sungen. Berlin Stemw. Beob.- Ergcbn., 0, 1892, 37-72. Ueber den Einlluss von Polschwankungen auf die geogniphischo Lagc der Erdorto. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 59-02. Ueber die Aufslellunp von Wctterprognoscn. [1893.] Neu-Vorpommeni Mittb., 2-5, 1894. xiii-xiv. Notiz betr. Nova (T) AnrigiD. Astr. Nachr., 134. 1894, 279-280. Bcnierknngen zu dem Aafsatz des Herrn Wsileb : "Die Sturuugen der Planeten fiir den Fall, dass die plan^te (46) Hestia, Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., Brendell 790 [Brenner On the use o£ tubes of Amer. Chem. Soe. Jl., 6, mittlere Bewegung, etc." Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 35- 40. Ueher die Liicken im Systeme der kleinen Planeten und fiber ein Integrationsverfahren im Probleme der drei Korper. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 14-5-160. Ueber Vergangenheit und Zukuuft unseres Planeten- systems. [1897.] Neu-Vorpommeru Mitth., 29, 1898, ix-xi. Ueber ein 1898 Pebr. 4 in Greifswald beobaehtetes Phanomen. [Nebst Zusatz von Prof. H. Kreotz.] Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 333-330. Ueber stabile und instabile Bewegungeu in unserem Planetensystem. [1897.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. .Jber., C, 1899 (Heft 1), 123. Theorie der kleinen Planeteu. [1898.] Giittingen Abb., 1 (Muth.-Phys.). 1900, Nn. 2, 171 pp. Brendel, ilarthi, & WeUmann, Victor. Beobaohtungen des Cometen 1889. ..(Davidson). Auf der Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 219-222. Brendler, Wolfijanci, & Tafel, Julius. Reactionsfahigkeit organischer Ammoniumsalze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2683-2080. Breneman, Alljram] A[dam]. colored glass for Nesslerizing, 1884, 121-123. On the analysis of a sample of mineral water from Irondale, West Virginia. Amor. Chem. Soc. .Jl., 0, 1884, 123-124. Some contributions to the study of the New York water supply. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 8, 1886, 3-11. On the examination of croton water. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 8, 1886, 157-161. On the necessity of standard conditions in the appli- cation of Wanklyn's method of water analysis. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 8, 1886, 221-227. Note on a sample of old butter. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 9, 1887, 3-4. The fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 11, 1889, 2-27, 31-40. On the alleged sterilization of river water by mine water. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 12, 1890, 12-15. Some lecture experiments. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 12, 1890, 48-49. Notes upon water analyses by the ammonia method with some new apparatus. Amer. Chem. Soe. Jl., 12, 1890, 457-400. An improved burette holder. [1891.] Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 14,1892, 15-16. A remarkable water for public use. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 14, 1892, 34-30. Breneman, A[liriim] A[ilarii], & Blgg8, Hermann M. Siii' Biggs tv Breneman. Brengues, [J'liuliii], & Sabrazis, Jean IKmile]. See Sabrazis A Brengues. Brengue8,[/'ii »//»], Sabrazis, Jciift [Emile^, c&Batz, i?. ile. See Sabraz^s, Batz & Brengues. Brenier, lleuri. Prineipaux resultats g^ographiques de la mission lyonnaise en Chine. Paris, Soc. G^ogr, C. K., 1897, 287-291. Mission lyonnaise d'exploration commerciale en Chine. Paris, Soe. Gtogr. C. E., 1898, 349-351. Bren[P n]ineer, Geonje F. Nest and eggs of the short- eared owl. Ornith. Ool., 11, 1886, 167. Lincoln's sparr\ [Brenner Meroiir-lifoljiicbtuiiKcn an der Miinora-Slcrnwarto 189(i. Astr. Nnchr., 1 12, 1897, 37-11. VuriindeniiiKcii auf Jem Mar8 18!)0. Antr. Nacbr., 143, 1897, 41 14. MossiinKcn dos iSiriusbc(;lciterH. Astr. Nachr. , 143, 1897, '213-214. Ueber cine nouo Tbcilung auf dem SaturnririK. Astr. Nachr., 113, 1897, 311-312; Obgcrvatory, London, 20, 1897, 282-2R3. MikronutpriiKs.siinnin l"tr. .Itipiter iin der Manora- Storiiwarto. Astr. NiuOir., Ill, 1897, 1H3-I!I2. Nuuc TliL'iluiiKcii in den Sulurnriuycn. AHlr. Nacbr., 144, 1897, 2H.">-2HH. Canals on Venus. Observatory, London, 20, 1897, 208-209. A peculiar spot on Jupiter. Observatory, London, 20, 1897, 24K-24!!. On the reduction of observations. Observatory, London, 20, 1897, 4.53-4.54. Jupiter-Beobachtiingon auf der Manora-Stcrnwartc 1895-[!I8!. [1H97-1'.K)0.] Wicn, Ak. Dcnkscbr., (>4, 1897, 541-r)()4; 70, 1901, 73-96. MarsBcobachtungon 1896-97 auf der Manora-Stem- warte in Lussinpiccolo. [1898.] Berlin Ak. Abh., 1897 {Anil.. Math.), 32 pp. Saturn-Beobaclitunpcn nuf der ManoraSternwarte 1897. Astr. Nachr., 14.5, 1898, 73-78. Beobaclitunj' der Sonnenlinsterniss 1898 Jan. 21. Astr. Nachr., 14.5, 1898, 271-272. BedeokuPKen der Venus und von 132 Tauri 1898 Mai 22. Astr. Nadir., 147. 1898, 327-330. MikrometermessunKen nuf dem Planeten Jupiter. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 3M5-3'.)0. Ob.'icrvations de Mars et Saturne a I'Obscrvatoire Manora. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 3, 1898, ()-8. Conspicuous spots on Jupiter. Observatory, London, 21, 1898, 132-133. On the canals of Mars. Observatory, London, 21, 1898, 296-299; Rev. Sci., 10, 1898, 481-485. Black spots in the north zone of Jupiter. Observatory, London, 21, 1898, 378-379. Der ncue Stern im Andromcda-Ncbcl. Astr. Nacbr., 148, 1899, ;)9-C.O. Boobachtung von Jupiterflecken. Astr. Nacbr., 148, 1899, 79-80. Ueber den Begleiter von § Orionis. Astr. Nacbr., 149, 1899, 141-142. Bemerkungen zu den Marsbeobachtuugen in Juvisy in A. N. 3;381. Astr. Nnchr., 150, 1899, 301-304. Ueber Sterne im Kingncbel in der Leier (G. C. 4417). Astr. Nacbr., 151, 1900, 217-220. Observations de Snturne faites a I'Observatoiro Manora on 1898. Bru.\., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 5. 1900, 34-41. La luniiere zodiacale. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 5, 1900, 2.53-257. Brenner, Mnrimts. Bidrag till kiinnedom af finska vikens i>vogetation. lit. 'rilliigg till Hoglands fancrogamllora. [iv. Hoglands lafvur. I |18S4-85. | Helsiugfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Mcdd., 11, 1886, .33-40; 13, 1886, 1-143; Bot. Centrbl., 22, 1885, 296; 26, 1886. 291-293. Carduus crispo-nutans, Koch., en fur den tinska floran ny ruderatviixt, i samniauhang med nagra andra i Finland pii ballast antriillade Carduus-arter. Helsingfurs, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 13, 1886, 115-ll.s. Om variationsformiigan hos Priuiuhi DtVioinalis (I,.), Jacq., i F'inland. [1886.] Hclsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Mcdd., 14. 1888, 33-.52. Om forekomsten af Festuca darinscula, L., i Finland. [1887.] Hclsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 14, 1888, 139-142. Om de i Finland forekommande formema af Lisnks ursprungliga Juncas articulatus, Fl. suec, Sp. plant. fitit. I. I1M8M.] HelHingforH, Fauna Flora Fenn. Mcdd., 16, 1888-91, 47-58; Bot. Centrbl., 40, 1889, 374-.S75. Om nagra Taraxacum-former. |1hk9.) Hclsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Mcdd., 16, 1888 91, 107 114; 1«, 1891 92, 1.59 161; Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1895, 117-148. [lakttagelser angiiende de i Finland f>irekommande formema uf sliiktet Alnus.] |1HH9.] Hclsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., IM, 1891-92. 178-18.5; Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1895. 1.50-151. [linbuH idicus, /,., tar. simplicior, .1/. Ilrenn.] [IH'.X).] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Mcdd., 18, 1891-92, 209-210; Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1895, 21.5. [Om de i Finland furckonnnande furmcrna af Cheno- podium album. ] [ 1«90. ] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora F'enn. Medd., 1«, 1891-92, 211-212; Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1896, 215-216. Spridda bidrag till kiinnedom a( Finlands Hieracium- former, i. [1H92.] Hclsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 18, 1891-92, 7-5-131. Spridda bidrag till kiinnedom af Finlands Hieracium- former. ii[-v]. [1893-97.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Acta, 9, 1893-94, No. 5, 43 pp. ; 12. 1894-96, .Vo. 1, 57 pp.; 13, 1897, No. 1, 68 pp.; 16, 1897-1900, .Vo. 1, 24 PI). Om nagra i Finland f(5rckommande former af Viola tricolor, L. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Mcdd., 19, 1893, 75-81. Oni de tinska formerna af Orchis anguslifolia, Rnchrnb. [1893.] Helsingfors, Fauna F'lora Fenn. Medd., 20, 1894, 39-41. I'icea exceUa, /. oligoclada, n. /. [1894.] Helsing- fors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 21, 1895, 7. Kgemlomliga fall af grenbildning hos gran. [1895.) Helsingfors, Fauna Flura Feun. Medd., 22, 1896, «-9. Mossor, insamlade i Kajana Osterbotlen ocb angran- saude delar af norra Osterbottcu och nornt Karelen. Bot. Noliser, 1896, 183-188. Nagra ord om namnen Euphrasia tenuis ocb micraotha och dernied betecknade viixtformcr. Bot. Notiscr, 1896, 197-201. Euphrasia hclx>calyx, Ilrenn., forut E. micrantha, IWemi. Bot. Notiser. 1898, 181-183; Bot. Centrbl. Beiheftc, 1898-99, 325. Observationcr rOrande den nordfmska floran under adertonde och nitlonde seklen, sarskildt med afscvnde a kiirlvii.\terna i Oster-Norrbotten, Kord-Osterbottcn och Kajanien. [1899.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Acta, 111, 1897-1900. .Vo. 4. 307 Jjp. Om uiigra i Finland funna Eupbrasia-lormer. [1H97.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 24. 1900, 96-*t. Fmlands Odontites- former. [1h9k. ] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Mcdd., 25, 1900. 15-lH, (Ret. I;i9- ll'i). Brenner, iliigmu (et alii). Finska botanistcrg Ksigter nngiiende Kri|>enliamnsRirslaget till nomenklaturrpgler. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 151-1.55; Bot. Centrbl., .56. 1893. 3H(i-3HS. Brenner, Martin. Ueber das primiire Carcinom dea Ductus choledochus. Virchow, Arch., ISx, 1899, 253- 270. Brenner, Oscar. Die achte Karte dcs Glaus Maoncs vom .lahre 1539 nach dem Exemplar der Muncbener Staatsbibliothek. Christiania Forb., 1886, So. 15, 24 pp. Gronland im Mittelalter nach einer aItnorwi..gischcn t^uelle. Miinchcn Geogr. Ges. Jber.. 10, 1886. 71-77. [Ueber eine mittclalterlichc Beschreibung Gnmlands.] [1886.] Mtinchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., 11. 1887, iiii- xxiv. Die spracblichen Bewcise fiir die Herkunft der Ober- pftUzer. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Concsp.-Bl., 1890. 57- 61. Brenner] 792 [Brenske Brenner, Wilhelm. Ueber kunstlieh hervorgerufene Ver- iiuclrninj^pii an Fetlpllanzcn. Ztscbr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, H.5(i-:i57. ■ Untersuchungen an oinigen Fettpflanzen. Flora, 87, 1900, 387-43!). Brenner-Felsach, Jciachiin (Frhr.) voji. Keise durcli Jie unallh;ingi^;t'n Battak-Landc und auf der Insel Nias. Wii-n Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 33, 1890, 276-305. Bre&osa, Rafael. *Las portiritas y microdioritas de San Ildefonso y sus contornos. [1883.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884, 2.59-306. El diinorfismo del bisilioato de oal. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 14, 1885, 11-5-129; Ztschr. Kryst., 13, 1888, 388-389. Una macla de yeso. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 14, 1885 (Act.), .52-58; Ztschr. Kryst., 13, 1888, 389-300. Brenske, KiitM. ^Reiseskizze iiber seinen Aufcnthalt auf Morea und Griechcnlaud. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl. , 1882, 208-212. Ueber Melolonthidcn. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 30, 1886, 195-207. Ueber Melolonthidcn. ii. Soc. Ent. Ross. Horif, 22, 1888, 350-361. Zwei neue Melolonthiden aus Neu-Guinea. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 8, 1889, 273-274. Melolonthiden aus Marocco, Algier, Tunis und Tripolis, gesammelt von Herrn Premier-Lieutenant a. D. M. QnEDENFELDT. [1890. J Berlin. Ent. .Ztschr., 33, 1889, 325-334. Amphimallus assimilis, Hcrbxt, und die Varietiiten desselben. Ent. Nachr., 16, 1890, 13-14. Eine neue Cbrysomela aus Italien. Ent. Nachr., 16, 1890, 14-15. Ueber einige Arten der Gattung Polyphylla. Ent. Nachr., 16, 1890, 123-127. Ueber die Gattung Granida und Bcschrcibung einer neuen Polyphylla. Ent. Nachr., 16, 1890, 197-199. Die Arten der Gattung Triodonta, Miih. (Melolonthi- darum Genus.) Wien. Ent. Ztg., 9, 1890, 81-86. Notizen iiber Melolonthiden. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 9, 1890, 137-138. Diagnosen neuer Melolonthiden aus Ecuador und Madagascar. [1890.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 5, [1891], 34. Die Gattungen Lasiopsis, Asceptonyclia und Laclinota im Lichte des Prioritiitsdogmas. Ent. Naclir., 17, 1891, 4-6. Rhizotrogus limbatipennis, Villii, ein Versuch diese Ai-t zu deuten. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 55-57. Ueber Polyphylla, Anoxia und Cyphonotus. Eine Erwiderung an Herrn Dr. Kr.\atz. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 210-216. Drei neue Hhizotrogus-Arten aus dum Orient. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 216-219. Ueber Rhizotrogu.s ater, fuscus, furvus und limbati- pennis. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 219-220. Rhizotrogus ater und fuscus, eine Erwiderung an Herrn Dr. Kb.utz. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 361-365. Holomelia mirabilis, eine Curiositiit nnter den Cole- opteren. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 313-316. Die Erichson'schen Coleopleren-Gattungen Mono- tropus und Lasiopsis. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 316-319. Ueber die Gattungen Encya und Empecta. [1891.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 6, [1892], 97-98. Ueber einige neue Gattungen und Arten der Melolon- thiden. Ent. Nachr., 18, 1892, 151-159. Ueber die Verbreitung dir Melolonthidcn iiuf der Erde. Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 6, [1892], 185-187; 7, [18931, 1-3, 9-11. Beitrag zur Kenntniss dor Gattungen Lepidiota und Leucopholis. [1892.J Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 37, 1893, 33-62, 412. Die Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung lirahmina. III. [1892.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 37, 1893, 79-124, 412. Neue Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Holotrichia (Lachnosterna). [1892.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 37, 1893, 159-192, 412. Neue Adoretus-Arten von Ost-Bengalen aus der Aus- beute des Herrn L. Cardon, S. J. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 37, 1893, 140-143. Zur Melolonthidcn Gattung Brahniina gehort Crypliteo- bius, Krtz. Ent. Nachr., 19, 1893, 91-96, 109-110. Ein neuer Rhizotrogus Italiens aus der Gruppe des vicinus und Uebersichtstabelle der Arten dieser Gruppe. Ent. Nachr., 19, 1893, 188-191. Melolonthiden vou Borneo und einigen anderen malayischen Inseln aus einer Sendnng der Hen'en Dr. 0. Stauiii.ngeh und A. Baso-Haas. [1894.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 38, 1893, 347-358. Zur Kenntniss der Adoretiden Madagascars. [1893.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 8, [1894], 1-2, 9-10. Die Melolonthiden der palaearctischen und oriental- ischen Region im Kiiniglichen Naturhistorischen Museum zu Briissel. Brux., Soc. Ent. Mem., 2, 1894, 87 pp. Einigcs iiber die Rhizotrogiden und den Berliner Gerichtshof fiir entomologischen Angelegeuheiten. Ent. Nachr., 20, 1894, 177-183. Revi.sion der Gattung Cyphonotus, Duv. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 55, 1894, 264-272, 397. Ein neuer Rhizotrogus aus Spanien. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 55, 1894, 272-274. Zur Kenntniss der Melolonthiden Sumatra's. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 55, 1894, 274-280. Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Lepidio- derma, Wuth. [1894.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 9, [1895], 41-42. [Esplorazione del Giuba e dci suoi atllucnti compiuta dal Cap. V. Botteoo durante gli anni 1892-93 sotto gli auspicii della Societa Geographica Italiaua. Risultati zoologici.] xm. Melolonthini e Rutelini. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 35, 1895, 215-226. Insectes du Bcugale. Melolonthida;. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 40, 1896, 1.50-164. Trigonochilus, n. ij. Vertreter einer neuen Rutelideu- Gruppe aus der Verwandtschaft der Anoplognathiden. Ent. Nachr., 22, 1896, 33-37. Neue Melolontliiden aus Africa und Asien. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 57, 1896, 178-205. Die Coleopteren-Gattung Trigonocnemis, AXz., gehort uiclit zu den Rhizotrogiden, sondern zu den Anonialiden. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 15, 1896, 116. Ueber die Verbreitung des Cyphonotus testaceus (Coleupt.-Melolonth.) und seine Hinter.schieuen. [1897.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 41, 1896, 315-317. Zwei neue Melolonthiden aus Beludschistan. [1897.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 41, 1896, 318-322. Neue Coleoptereu-Gattungen und -Arten aus Mada- gaskar, Afrika und Asien, zur Familie der Melolonthiden gehorend. [1897.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 41, 1896, 339- 363. Die Synonymic zweier Lepidiota-Arten. [1897.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 41, 1896, 36,3-364. Neue Gattungen und Arten der Melolonthidcn aus Afrika und Asien. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 58, 1897, 96-120. Die Serica- Arten der Erde. Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 42, 1898, 34.5-438; 43, 1899, 205-104, 431 ; 44, 1899, 161-272; 45, 1900, 39-96. Meloloutba proboscidea. Fab., ist keine Triodonta. Ent. Naclir., 24, 1898, 83-86. Einige neue Melolonthiden. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., .59, 1898, 236-248. Melolonthiden aus Afrika. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 59, 1898, 3.33-394. ■ Die Colciipteren-Gattung Oxychirus, Qttvilf., gebiirt nicht zu den Melolonthiden, sondern zu den Pliaeno- meriden. Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 12, [1898], 185-187. Melolonthiden der Collection Colmant von Bahr-al- Brenske I 793 [Bresadola (thazal, vnii Obor M'lioinii imil vom uberoD Uell(^. Briix., Soc. Knt. Ann., 4;t, 1899, :I77 ;W7. Sur ([Ui'liini'H ii'iiivillfH exprc-OH Hv Mi'luloiitliiilci' (KLMiru Sericii) ilc Cuiiilnxliiv <'t ilii Siaiii appiirtoMiini iiu Miist'uni (li- I'uris. I'liris, Mim. HiHt. Nut. Hull., .'>, 1899, 114-410. DiagiioseH Melolonlliidnriiiii novariini i;x liuliu orientali. 1 1899.1 ludian Mim. NoU-x, 4, 1900, 17r>-179. fDiiiRnoHt's (VinaoctCB rccuoilliH par rKxixMlitiun Antnrcti;p. I'olroptVrcs.J Sairabiciilic. Jlriix., Soc. Knt. Ann., 44. 1900, 109-110. Contribution ii IVtuiio ilc la fauna de Sumatra. Melo- lontliiiien K''"""""'" ^'"' •'. 1j- Wkykuh. Brnx., Soc. Ent. Mcni.. 7. 1900, 111 1.'..'). [Skmon'b zoolugisolip KorscbunKsreison in Auntralien nnd deni MalaviHcben ArcliiiH-l. Colcoptcrcn. Neube- schreibunRon ilor| Mclolimtbiden. [1900.] Jena Denk- Kcbr., H, 18941903, (Wi (i-J4. Dit' Mclolontbiden CVylou'rt untt-r bi'sondercr Beriick- HichtlKun^ dvT von Herrn Dr. Hokn i;(>samiueltcn Arten. Stettin, Knt. ZtR., lil, 1900. :i4I :ir,3. Diavnosex MololontliiiJaruni iiuvarum ex Bangalore. [1900.1 Indian Mus. Notes, .1, 1903, 38. Brenske, l;rii«t, A Keitter, Kdmuiul. N'euer Beitraw zur K.ifcrrauiiii UriecbenlaiJil.s. [Unter MitwirkuDK der Herren Dr. Ki tki.shk.im und Ij. Ganolu.iukh.] Deutsche Knt. Ztschr., -in, 1884, 17-100. Brenateln, G. Ueber ilie Kinwirkung ciner concentrirtcn Aethenitniospbiire auf das Leben von Pllanzeu. .\rch. riiarm., aSo, 1887, 91H-924. Brent, t'. Notes on the crcodomas. or leaf-cutting ants of Irinidad. Anier. Natlist., 20, 1886, 12:1-131. Brentano, AiUilf. Die Krgebni.sse bacteriologischer Bruch- «iissirnntersnchungen. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 43, 1896, ■.'ss-300. Brentano, Ailulf, A Benda, Carl. Ein Fall von multi- loniliiriTii Echinococcus. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 52, 1899, 2011-212. Brentano, /'Vnii;. Uebereinoptisches I'anidoxon. Ztschr. Psychol., 3, 1892, 349-3.58; ."., 1893, til-82. Zur Lchrc von den optischen Tiiuschungen. Ztschr. I'sycbol., 6. 1894, 1-7. Brenztnger, Knil. Zur Kenntniss des Cvstins und des Cysteins. Ztschr. Physiol. Chera., IC, 1892, .5.52-588. Bestiniiuung der Parasulfanilsiiure. Ztschr. Ange«". Chem., 1896. 131-133. Br6on, [t7i.<) /,',ii.', ,v Kortbals, M'. C. Siir I'etnl actuel du Krakatau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 39.5-397. Rapport sur une mission scientifique dans Ic detroit dp lii Soiul.'. Anil. Mis.s. Sci., 12, 188B, 433-437. Brera Obserratory. Osservazioni meteorolo^'iche fatte noUa R. Specola di Hrera. [18.S4-190O.] Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend.. 17. 1884. 1(H>-102, 220 222, 3.50-3.52, 4IH- 420, 614-016, 610-04K. 731-733. 759 704, 8O4-.>*O0, 903- 908; 18, 1886, 203-205, 314-310, 396-398, 508-.510, 611- 613, 733-735, 852-8-54, 880-8.85. 918-920. 1019-1024; 19, 1886. 184-180. 288-2<.t0, .332-3.34. .3'.H)-392. .5nx-.510, 020-622, 707-709. 780-785, 8»>3-871 : 20. 1887, 103-Uw, 251-2.53. 291-293, 381-3^3, 4.><2-4.>*4. 724-732. 747-7.52. 773-775, 834-830; 21, 1888, 173-17.5, 206-2ft'<, 42l")-428, 478-480. 550-.552, 013-015, 690-S98. 709-712, 714, 739, 741, 772, 774, 790-798, 812-814; 22, 1889. 202-201, 220- 222, 289-291. 384-380. 579-.5.81. 015-617. 729-731. 74.3- 74.5, 779-781, 820-822. 843-845; 23. 1890. l.'<7-l-'<9, 2!>6- 298, 378-380. 402-404. 494-490. 711-710. 7.3(V735, 84,5- 847, 883-888; 24. 1891. 319-321, 41>-420, 604-60*;. 727- 729. 908-910. 10(.H>-UW2. 1088-1090, 1116-1121, 1144- K. s. \. C. 1140, 1182-1184, 1234 123<;; 25,1892.2.54-2.50,491-493. 003 005, 720-728, 931 933. 107h-IOk3, 1124-1129, 1102- 257 25;t. JHK 2!«l, 3.50-3.52. 002 004. <;;)r,-(;;)K, 732-737. 251 250. 315 347, 4.54-4.5<;, 097-099, 723 72M, 810-818, 305-307, OOtl-ilOH, 052-(>54, 1042-1047, 1153-1158; 29, 296-298, 472-474, 574-570. 091-093, 823- 1003 100.5. 112.5 1127, 1159-1101. 1249- 1251; 30. 1897, 279-2H1. 319-351. 534-530, 690-*98, 1101. 1237-1242; 20, 1893, 373-375, .5.5<1 .5.52, 570 572. 701-700; 27, 1894. 172-174, 4M0 INH, 543 545, 024 020, hOk H70; •J8, 1896, 294-290, 713 715, 840-842, 874-879 1896, 270-27-J 825, 922-927 1300 1314, 1352 1354, Ki 1K|. :(:(., :j,)9. 520- 1230-1231, 1320 1323, 32, 1899. 245-240, .i. Ulx-llJl, 1171- ■■^HM; 33, 1900. 189- 847-849. 932-934. 1179-llHl 1395-1397, 1535 1.537; 31, 1898. .521,068-009,900-901, Iihi". Io.m 1395-1390, 1447-1448. 429-430. 010-011, 733 7 1174, 1292-1293, 1322-132.;, 14 190, 262-203, 4.52-453, 041-042. 700-707, 864-86.5, 1001- 1002. 1089 10'.t2. 1201-1261, 1341 1342. Brereton, Thumiu ■/. Hendini; moiat-nls in simple beams •\nt- til wheel loads. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 20. 1899. 168-179. Brero, I'. C. run. Ueber das sottenanntc Latah, cine in Niederliindisch-Ostindien vorkonimende Neurose. Allg. Ztschr. Psyehialr.. 51. 1896. 939 948. Einiges lilK-r die fieisteskrankheiteu dor B' des MalaiiKchiii Archipols. Beitrage zur veri.' Rasscnpsychopntbologju. |1896.) Allg. Zt=c.i. . i-.- chialr., .53, 1897. 25 7s. OOo. Angebonie VerwacliHung von Penis und Scrotum. Vircbow. Arch., 153, 1898, 151-154. Bresadola, {nblMitt) ora Slarilzii, Ilrfi.. ii. »/». Hedwigia, 31, 1892, 133; Rev. Mycol., 14, 1892, 97. Imenomioeti nuovi. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Ball., IMS. 196-197. L. PE BnoNPEAr. " Essai sur le genre Helmisporinm." Concordance avec la svnonymie actuelle. Rev. Mvcol.. 14. 1892. 03-64. Mycetos nwstralienses novi. ct cmendanda ad Floram M.vcolo;jicam Australia'. H.- iwiL-ia, 32. 1893. 118-119. Contribuzioni alia ci i. 11a tlora dell" .\fnca orieutale. in. Fun:: > ioa e della colonia Eritrea, [xi. .\lcuni l''uu,;iii della Somalia e della colonia Eritrea.) [H94-96.] Roma 1st. Bot Anou.. 5, 1894. 174-WO; 0. 1897. 177-180. Sul Lactarius sangutflnus. PnvUl. [Italia]. Soc. Bol. Bull., 1896. 35-38. Fungi brasilien^es lecti a cl. Dr. Alfredo MriLuo. Hedwigia. 3.5. 1896, 276-.302. Di una nuova specie di Uredinea. [Italia], Soe. Bot. Bull., 1897. 74-75. Genus Molleria, Brt'., critioe disquisitum. [Italia], Soc- Bot. Bull.. 1897, 291-292. 100 Bresadola] 794 [Bretfeld zu Kronenburg Hymeuomycetes fuegiani a cell, viiis P. Dusen et O. KoRDENSKjoLi) lecti. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 311-316. Bresadola, {abbate) G[i(iraiini]. & Cavara, Fridimw. Manipolii ili Funghi di Torracina. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital, 7, 1900. 311-315. Bresadola, {ahhatc) G[iovtit!ni], & Roumegu^re, ('[nximir]. Nouvelles contributions a la flore niycologiqiie des ilps Saint Thomi? et des Princes, rceueillies par Mil. Ad. F. JIni.i.EH, F. QuiNTAS, et F. Newton. Rev. Mycol., 12, 1890. 2.3-39. Bresadola, (abbate) G[iovanni], & Saccardo, Pier' Andrea. Pugillus Mvcetum australiensium. Malpigbia, 4, 1890, 289-301. . Enumerazione dei Funghi della Valsesia raccolti dal eh. ab. Antonio Carestia. Malpighia, 11. 1897, 241- 32.5. [Materiaux pour la flore du Congo.] Fungi oongoenses. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull!, 38, 1899 (C. R.). 1.52-168. See also Saccardo & Bresadola. Bresadola, (abbate) (j[i()vnn)ii\. Hennings, l'[(iul], & Magnus, Paul. Die von Herrn P. Sintenis auf der Insel Portorico 1884-87 gesammelten Pilze. Engler, Bot. .Jbiich., 17, 1893, 489-501. Bresgen, Maxiiiiilian. Der chronische Nasen- und Eachen- Katarrh. (Pathologie.) []\'ith discussion.] Congr. Int. Sci. Mfid. C. R., 1884 (T. 4, Lartjngol), 23-32. [Schiess-Gejioseus : Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den angeborenen Linsenanomalien.] Berichtigung. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 32, 1886 (.Vith. 2), 308. BresiUon, Ernest. & Deschamps, Charles. Les cavernes de Hainte-Reiue (canton de Toul). Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 12, 1891, 393-404. Breslau Observatory. Allgeraeiue Uebersiclit dermeteoro- logischen Beobachtungen [in den Jahren 1884-89]. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 384-388; 1885, 290- 294; 1886, 232-236; 1887, 348-352; 1888, 222-226; 1889, 200-205. Breslauer, E[tigen Ferdinand]. Ueber die antibakterielle Wirkung der Salben mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Einfiuaaes der Constituentien auf den Desinfections- werth. Ztschr, Hyg., 20, 1895, 165-197. Breslauer, .l/«.v. Zur Berechnung von Eisenverlusten in Nuthenankern. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 18, 1897, 80-81. Bemerkungen zur P'assuug des Induktionsgesetzes. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 19, 1898, 498-500. Ueber Entwurf und Priifung von Drehstrommotoren rait Hiilfe des Diagramms der Wehrphasenmotoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 21, 1900, 469-474. Bresler, [Johannes]. Zur associirten Deviation der Augeu und des Kopfes. Neurol. Ccntrbl., 15, 1896, 213-215, 335. Beitrag zur Lehre von der Maladie des Tics convulsifs (mimische Krampfneurose). Neui'ol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 965-972. — — Ueber Spinalepilepsie. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 101.5-1025. Analyse eines Fallea von Melancholie mit Verbigera- tion. Neurok Centrbl., 16, 1897, 929-943. Meningitis ventricularia chronica adultonmi. Pliitz- licher Tod bei derselben. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 840-848. Bressant. See^ Fiton-Bressant. Bresse, . Etude sur la statistique des jaugeages effectues dans les principaux bassins franrais. Ann. Ponta et rliauss., 1897 (Trim. 3), 5-90. Bresse, ./[aeqnes] .tliitoitw] Cli\arles]. For biographical notice see Ternit. Kozliin., 16, 1884, .507-508. BrcBsIan, Krnst. Zur Entwickhingsgesehichte der Bhab- docoelen. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 422-429, 464. Bresson, -■! . Bassni du sud-oucst. Feuillo de Carcassonne, I 1894-99. 1 Franci' Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 6, 1895, 67 68; 7, 1896, 72-73; H, 1897, 105 (bis)-\01 (his); 9, 1897, 349-3.52; 10,1899, 137-138,513-515. Sur la presence ,de couches a, Physes et Limnees columnaires dans TEoceue Inferieur des Corbieres sep- tentrionales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 836-839. Observations sur la structure du ma.ssif de Saint- .Julien, pres Marseille. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26,1898, 340-346. Sur I'age et les relations stratigraphiques de quelques Calcaires Paleozoiques des environs de Pierrefitte et d'Argeles (Hautcs-Pyrenees). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 653-659. . Pyrenees. Feuille de Luz. [1898-1900.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 10, 1899, 162-164, 546-548; 11, 1900, 181-183. Sur I'age des massifs granitiques de Cauterets et du Neouvielle (Hautes-Pyrfinees) et d'une partie dea forma- tions anciennes qui les bordent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 131, 1900, 1255-1258. Sur la presence de fossiles, appartenant au niveau de Rognac, aux environs de Vignevieille sur la feuille de Quillan. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 71. Sur I'existence du niveau de Caradoc dans lesHautes- Corbieres (massif de Moutboumet). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 271. Sur quelques affleurements fossiliferea de I'horizon de Rognac aux environs de Mouthoumet (Hautes-Corbieres). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 529. Le Trias dans le synclinal d'Albieres et d'Arques (Corbieres). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 906-907. Observations a propos de I'existence de couches marines nummulitiiiues au-dessus du Calcaire de Venteuec, sur la bordure meridiouale de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 1005-1006. Bresson, .^., & Vasseur, G. See Vasseur lV: Bresson. Bresson, '/. Memoire sur la fabrication et les empiois actuels de I'aoier dephosphori?. Rev. Univ. Mines, 3, 1888, 134-156, 227-248; 4, 1888, 43-68, 155-177. Fabrication de la fonte dans le Luxembourg et les provinces du Rhin d'apres des renseignements recents. Ann. Mines, 2, 1892, 5-20. Bresson, c;., & Oruner, E. Progres recents de I'affinage et de la dcpliosphoration dans la fabrication des fers et aciers. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 3, 1889, 809-838. Brester, .([/?;(■)■(]. Thcoriedu Soleil. [1892.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verb. (Sect. 1), 1, 1893, No. 3, 168 pp. Theory of the Sun. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 914-921; 13, 1894, 218-237; Utrecht Prov. Genootsch. Aanteek., 1894, 7-34. "On Brester's views as to the tranquillity of the solar atmosphere." [Reply to Oppolzeu's paper.] Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 849-85(). 'Variability of red stars. [1896.] Nature. 53 (1895- 96), 248-249. The total solar eclipse of .\uguat 9, 1896, as observed in a cloudless sky at Bodo. Nature, 54 (1896), 390-391, 427. [Report of the total solar eclipse, .\ugust 9, 1896, with special reference to the corona.] [1896.] Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 6, 1898, 33-36. Breteau, Pierre. Sur la valeur de la teinture de gaiac comme reactif des agents d'oxydation. ,11. Pharm., 7, 1898, 569-575. Eaux du Sud-Oranais (Ain-Sefra-Igli). .11. Pharm., 12, 1900, 562-565. Breteau, I'ierre, & Cazeneuve, Paul. See Cazeneuve it Breteau. Bretet, //. Note sur les urines sultocyaniques. Jl. Pharm., 10,1884,3.50:551. Dosage direct de I'acide carbonique libre et de I'acide carbonicjue total dans les eaux min(5rales. .11. Pharm., 23, 1891, 3:{'.i 341. Bretfeld zu Kronenburg, Ileinrich (Frhr.) ron. For biographical notice and list of works see Ann. Bot., 2, 1888-89, 398. i Bretfeld zu Kronenburg] rft- [Brettes Aimluniiv ilcs liuuiiiwulU'- mid KapokHamenn. Untcr- suchuuKL-u /.uiii Zwcckc dvr CuiiHtruction vuii VcrfuUc))' lings-, IdentitiitK- iiiul QiiulitiitKilia^'nuHun. Jl. Lsndw. , 35, 1887, '29- '.t;. IltiliiT line Anzalil von inikroHkopiHchon I'ilzon. I IHM7. 1 Uiutt Corr.-sp.-Bl., 31, 1888, 28. Brettierton, llilfrcil A. The great hlue licron. Ornitli. Ool., 10, 1891,';i0-91. A pair of pugnacious blue javs. Urnith. Ool., l(i, 1891, 101-102. Brdthoa, /■'. J. S,r JnduUen, /■'. BrAtlgnl^re, /,. , -24ti. Caracttre de divisibilite par 13. Kev. Sci., 38, 1886, 444-445. [Etude experimentale sur I'expression des eclats sen- sibles, en (onction des quantites de lumiere.] [188.'}- 87.] IstMe Soc. Bull., 25, 1887, 210, 218-220, 223- 225. Projet d'exercice graphique des courbes diagonales. Is^re Soe. Bull., 25, 1887, 28-4r.. Mesure des sensations lumineuses, en fonction des (luantites de lumiere. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 42C-429. Sur I'aur^ole extatique de Benvenuto Cellini. [1888.] Isf'ie Soc. Bull., 25, 1887. 240-241. Di^veloppement artificial de I'instinct maternel chez les chapons. Rev. Sci.. 42, 1888, 811. Sur une I'pure de geometrie descriptive. Mathesis, 9, 1889, 73-75. [Sur le " perspccteur-calqueur."'] Is^reSoc. Bull., 27, 1892, ti59-662. Bretonnltoe, J. Perforations de roches calcaires par des esciMgot.s. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R.. 107, 1888, .56(>-5(>7. I'.tude sur le vol plane. Aeronaute, 1889, 124-133, 148-155 : 1890. 93-90. 1 15-121 : 1891. .i8-63. Obxcrvationa sur les heliwjs ii axe oblique de J/. Eniile V'kviu.v. Aeronaute, 1898, (Jl-i;2. Discussion (on .Mr. Frank H. Wi.xhkix'b paper on "the secret of soaring." AeronaiiliCH, Oct., 1893]. Amer. Engineer A Railroad Jl., 08, 1894, 528-529. Le Vol plan<^'. La rafale relative. Rev. Sci., 9, 1898, 33-10. Bretacher, A'{»»ra(f]. Die Oligochaeten vrm Zurich in s>st«tnatiBclicr unil biologischcr Hinsieht. [1890.) Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1898-96, 499-5.32. Beitrag zur Keiintnis der UligcH'haclen-Fauna dcr Schweiz. llev. Suisse Zool., C, 1899, 309-420. IJeber die Verbreiluiigsverliiiltnissc der I,unibriciden in iler Schweiz. Biol. Centrbl., 20, 1900, 703-717. Mitteilungen iiber die Oligochaelenfauoa der Schweiz. Rev. Suisse Zool.. 8, 1900, 1-44. Siidschweizerische Oligocbaeten. Rct. Suisse Zool., 8, 1900, 435-458. Bretsctanetder, A., A' Fermi, Ctaiulio. See Fermi A Brotscbnclder. Bretacbneider, A[mi/]. Botanicon sinicum. Notes on Chinese- botany, from native and western sources (with general remarks by Dr. K. Faiikii). [1892-90 ] China Roy. Asiat. Soc. Jl., 25, 1893, 1-468; 29, 1896, 1-028. On some old collections of Chinese plants. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894. 292-298. .{.oriailO'lllUH :!:lMt.TKIl K1. OHepKV lITTPIIieCTBiH r. II. IIoTMiiiiiii Bi. ru-'Iyaiii. II iia boctomiivki OKpailllY Tll^iOTa. [Supplementary notes to the sketch of PoTANi.s's journey to Sechuan and the eastern frontier of Tibet.] St. Petersb., Ross. Geogr. Soc. Bull.. :«, 1899, 419-420. ('iiiicoiiicTOfliiOKi>ai:ciio.iiiuiii 1'. H.noTAiiiiiia BI. Cij-'Iyaiii. II BOTTO'iimiJ Tiifieti. bi. 1893 I'O.iy. [List of stations of Potanin'b expedition to Sechuan and the eastern frontier of Tibet in 1893.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 35. 1899, 427-130. Potanin's letzte Reise in West-China uud im osttibe- tanLschen Grcnzgebiete im Jahre 1893. Petermann. Mitth., 46, 1900, 12-18. Ho iioBoj.y craTbii IIo.iiiojKOBHiiKa HjiiiicKaro o ryain.-.iyii'ciiOMi. iio.iyocTpoBt.. (On Lt.-Col. Ilivsku's article on the Kwan-tung peninsula.] St. Petersb.. Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 36, 1900. 40.5-432. Bretsclinelder, ir[i7/i(iiii]. Ucber die Einwirkung schwe- tlii.'ir S:iiir.- auf aromatische Hydroxylamine. Jl. Prakt. Clitiii., ■■).■,. 1897, 2H5-304, 410." Bretschnelder, ir[i/iiiini], it VTaltlier, [F.nut Uiclmrd lltinrifh] litinhold (Frhr.) von. S,-, Walther ,V Bret- sclinelder. Brett, Alfred Thomai. For biography «•<• Med.-Chir. Trans., 80, 1897, cxix-cxx ; Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 9, 1898, Iv. Section at the sewage farm, Watford Fields. [1886.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans.. 4, 1888, 117. A nectarine growing on a i^ach tree, [1887.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans.. 4. 1888. 222. On tish -fatality in the river Colne at Watford. [1888.] Herts. Nat. Hist.' Soc. Trans.. 5, 1890, aa-W. Report on diseases of plants in II ' ' :>• in 1890. [1891.) Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Tra -: 191-192. Poisonous properties of Priinu... a. [1891.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., G. 1892. 195-190. In.sects building in a lock. [1891.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans.. 6. 1892, 196. Brett, J[ohn] ir[iiri.-iiM]. For biographical Dotioe $tt Telegr. Jl.. 1, 1864, 6. Brett, John. 'The great patch on Japiter. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880. 236-238. Brettes, ( r-icomrf) Joteph de. (Exploration dans rint^rienr 100—2 Brettes] roG [Brewer du Chaco Grande austral.] raris, Sue. Geogr. C. R., 1886, 15-16, 160-107, 276. [Sa] mission au Chaco. Montpellier, Soc. Langued. G^ogr. Bull. , 13, 1890, 64-86. Crane d'Indien attribut- a un siijet ayant appartenu a la tribu des Tairouuas, Sierra Nevada de Santa-Martha, R^publique de Colomliie (Amorique Centrale). Paris Soc. Antbrop. Bull., S, 1892, 431-436. • [Bassin du Rio Houkoumeji ou Palomino.] Paris, Soc. G(;ogr. C. R., 1894. 41-48. Brettes, [Jcnn Baptiste] Martin de. See Martin de Brettes. Breuer, A[n;iiist], & Zincke, [Ernst Carl] Tlt[eoilnr]. See Zincke & Breuer. Breuer, Adalbert. Die Gauss" sche Darstellung complexer Zablen in geometrischer Beleuchtung. Arch. Matli. Phys., 12, 1894, 337-343. Breuer, Josef. Neue Versuche an den Ohrbogengangen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 44, 1889, 13.5-152. XJeber die Function der Otolithen-Apparate. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 48, 1891, lit-5-300. Ueber Bogengiinge und Raumsinn. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 596-648; 72, 1898, 216-220. • Ueber den Einfluss des Makulapigmeuts auf Farben- gleichungen. Ztschr. Psychol., 13, 1897, 464-473. Breuer, Josef, & Freud, Siiiiii[uiid]. Ueber den psychi- schen Mechanismus hysterischer Phiinomene. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 4-10, 43^7. Breuer, Josef, & Kreidl, Alois. Ueber die scheinbarc Drehung des Gesichtsfeldes wiihrend der Einwirkuug einer Centrifugalkraft. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol.,' 70, 1898, 494-510. Breuer, 0. *Notes sur la teinture en deux couleurs de tissu blanc sole et coton. [1883.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 54, 1884, 65-66. Note sur I'impression des fonds bleus unis. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 54, 1884, 532-533. Note sur un moyen pour remplacer la terre de pipe dans I'impression sur tissu. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 55, 1885, 322-323. Breuer, lUeltard. Ueber Pentalnarkose. [1891.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 42, 1892, 18. Breuer, Hohert. Ueber das freie Chitosamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2193-2200. Breuil, (I'ahhe) H[enri~\. Coup-d'ceil sur I'age du bronze dans les departements de I'Aisne, I'Oise et la Somrae. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1899 (Ft. 2), .588-597. Diverses observations sur le dedoublement des feuilles et quelques autres anomalies. [1899.] Feuille .Jeunes Natural., 29, 1898-99, 137-142. • Note sur un terrier de marmottes Quaternaires a Cceuvres (Aisne). Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1899, 521-525. L'age du bronze dans le bassin de Paris. 1. Les epees et dagues du bassin de la Somme. Anthrop. (Paris), 11, 1900, 503-534. Dedoublement des feuilles ehez I'orme, I'ortie et le .sycamore. [1900.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 30, 1899- 1900, 59-64. Breuillard, Ch[arles"\. Un nouveau mode d'excitation cutanee. Le massage pneumatique. Ass. Franf. C. R., 1899 {I't. 2), 70.5-713. BreuiU6, P. Etude sur la prevision des crues de I'Yonne, du Serein et de rArman(,:on. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 12 (1896), 128-159. Breukeleveen, M. van. Sur I'octomfthyl^ne-diamine. [1894.]. Kee. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 13, 1894, 34-35; Delft Kcolc Polyt. Ann., 8, 1897, 85-86. Sur la composition des gaz se d^gageant de I'eau d'un puits pres d'Knkhuizcu (Hollandc septentrionale). Rec. Trav. Chim. PaysBas, 15, 1896. 280-281. Sur la recherche microcliimique du perchlorate dans le nitrate de sodium du Chili. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays- Bas, 17, 1898, 94-95; Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 962. Sur quelques combinaisons cristallisees de la succi- nimide avec les phenols. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 19, 1900, 32-35. Breukeleveen, M. van, & Horst, A. ter. Les composes de I'oxyde de carbone avec le fer et leur importance dans la technique du gaz a I'eau. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 19, 1900, 27-31. Breul, I.iidolf. Ueber die Vertheilung des Hautpigments bei verschiedenen Menschenrassen. Morphol. Arb., 6, 1896, 691-719. Kami der Zuckergehalt des normalen Harnes durch einseitige Erniihrungsweise und andere noch in den Bereioh des Physiologi schen fallende Bedingungen zu hoheren Graden gesteigert werden ? [1897.] Arch. Exper. Path., 40, 1898, 1-28. Breunner-Enkevoirtb, August (Graf). [Vorkommen des Pastor roseus zu Graienegg in Niederosterreich.] Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 9, 1885, 46-47. Breusing, [Friedrich August] A[rtlntr]. For biography and works see Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verh., 19, 1892, 527- .532 ; Geogr. .Jbuch., 16, 1893, 473 ; Bremen Abh., 13, 1896, 91-105. Breusing, Eduard. Untersuchungen iiber BKEiTHAnPT's Manganocalcit (Agnolitb, Breusing). [1900.] Neues .Ibueh. Min. [Beil.-Bd.), 13, 1899-1901, 26-5-330. Breusing, l\[udolf]. Ueber das "Stiirke umwandelnde" Ferment im menschlichen Harn. Virchow, Arch., 107, 1887, 186-191. Breustedt, G. Zum Nachweis von Salicylsaure und Benzoesiiure in der Milch. Arch. Pharm., 237, 1899, 170-172. Ueber die Isolierung von Glykogen aus Pferdefleisch und aus Fleisehpriiparaten. Arch. Pharm., 237, 1899, . 637-659. Brevans, J. de. Nouveau proc(5de de recherche du caramel. Moniteur Sci., 27, 1885, 994-995. Ueber die Verunreinigungen des Aeetylens, seine explosiveu Eigensehaften, seine Einwirkung auf Metalle, seine Giftigkeit und iiber verschiedene Acetylengenera- toren. [1896.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 155-157. Recherche de la saccharine dans les matieres alimen- taires. Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 131-133. Brevans, J. de, A Girard, Cli[arles]. See Girard & Brevans. Brevoort, James Carson. For biography and works see N. Y. Ac. Trans., 7, 1887-88, 78-80; Railroad A- Engin. .71., 02, 1888, 46. Brew, ]\'illiam. Note on the use of the electro-dynamo- meter. Electrician, 28, 1892, 600-601. A peculiar discharge of lightning. Nature, 48 (1893), .370. Brewer, Albert J>. A study of the Copepoda found in the vicinity of Lincoln, Nebraska. [1898.] Cincin. Soo.Nat. Hist. .11., 19, [1901], 119-138. Brewer, C{liarles] F.[dward], & Orndorff, W{iUiam] l;\id(iehj]. See Orndorff & Brewer. Brewer, (Lt.) I. N. Notes on climate in the Philippines. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev.. 28 (1900), 102. Brewer, T[Iiiiiiias] .M[ayo], Baird, Sijencer Fullerton, & Ridgway, Uohert. See Baird, Brewer it Ridgway. Brewer, William II. *Ou the .subsidence of particles in li(iuids. [1883.] Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 2, 1884, 165-175. On the suspension and sedimentation of clays. Amer. Jl. Sci., 29, 1885, 1-5. The Great Basin. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 21 (1889), 197-227. Atmospheric phenomena in the Arctic regions in their relation to dust. [1895.] Amer. Meteorol.Jl., 12 (1895- 96), 271-277. Brewer, William M. The gold-regions of Georgia and Alabama. [1895-96.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 25, 1896, 569-587-; 26, 1897, 464-472. Brewerl 797 [Brewster A pi'cliiniuary ruport on the upper nold bell of Aluliaiim, in tlie counties of Cleburne, liuudolpb, Clay, Tnllmlepi, Elmore, Coona nml Tiillapnona. Alabama 1. Brewln, .1. Note on the elTect of lightning on a dwellinR house at Twickenham. September 2Hrd, IHilO. (1K!I(I. j Miteorol. Soe. i^uiirt. ,J1., 17, 1891, 19-20. BrewiB, E. T., & Allen, W. V. .Sir Allen A' Brewis. Brewster, Kilwiii Teniwij. A measure of variability, and the reliitioM of individual variations to .specitic differences. Auiir. Ac. Proc, 32, 1897, 267-280. Brewster, M'illinm. 'Singular lightning. Science, 2, 1883, 135. Notes on the summer birds of Berkshire county, Massachusetts. Auk, 1, 1884, 5-16. Another example of Helminthophaga leucobronchialis from Connecticut. Auk, 1, 1884. 91. A singular specimen of the black-and-white creeper. Auk, 1, 1884, 190-192. Sw.kinson's warbler. Auk, 2, 1886, 65-80, 105. The heath hen of Massachusetts. Auk, 2, 1885, 80-.S4. Preliminary notes on some birds obtained in Arizona by Mr. F. Stkphkns in 1884. Auk, 2, 1885, 84-85. Peuciea lestivalis and its subspecies illinoensis. Auk, 2, 1886, 105-106. Hawk owls in New England. Auk, 2, 1885, 108-109. The eider ducks of the New England coast. Auk, 2. 1885, lU. The common cormorant in Massachusetts. Auk, 2, 1885. 112. The rook ptarmigan of Newfoundland. Auk, 2, 1885. 193-195. Additional notes on some birds collected in Arizona and the adjoining province of Sonora, Mexico, by Mr. F. Stkphkns in 1884; with a description of a new species of Ortyx. Auk, 2, 1885, 196-200. Nklsox's sharp-tailed tinch (Ammodramuscaudacutus Nelsoni) on the Atlantic coast. Auk. 2, 1885. 216. Additional notes on the nest and epgs of Sw.kinsox's warbler (Helinaia Swainsoni). Auk. 2. 1886. 346-348. The oyster-catcher (Hiematopus palliatus) in Massa- chusetts. Auk, 2, 1885, 384. An ornithological reconnaissance in western North Carolina. Auk, 3, 1886, 94-112, 173-179, 277-278. The bridled tern (Sterna ana?thetus) in South Carolina. Auk, 3, 1886, 131. [The red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra Stricklandi) in Kansas.] Auk, 3, 1886, 260-261. The orange-crowned warbler in eastern Massachusetts. Auk, 3, 1886, 278. .\dditional notes on Pe.ai.f.s petrel (.Estrelatagularis). Auk. 3. 1886. 389-393. .Egialitis meloda circumcincta on the coast of South Carolina. Auk, 3, 1886, 408. ■ \ixeo solitarius alticola at Charleston, South Carolina. Auk, 3, 1886, 410. Animodramus Lecontei near Charleston, South Carolina. Auk, 3, 1886, 410. Occurrence of the prothonotari- warbler (Protonotaria citrea) in Massachusetts. Auk, 3, 1886, 410-411, 487-488. .\n interesting specimen of Helminthophila. Auk, 3, 1886, 411-412. Occurrence of the yellow-billed tropic bird in Florida. Auk, 3. 1886. 481. Breeding of the white-faced glowiy ibis in Florida. Auk, 3, 1886, 481-482. A red-headed black vulture. Auk, 3, 1886. 483-484. Three new forms of North American birds. .\uk. 4, 1887, 145-149. The common murre (Uria troille) and the razor-billed auk (AIca torda) on the New Fjngland coast. Auk, 4, 1887, 158. Further notes on the masked bob-white (Colinus Ridgwayi). Auk, 4, 1887, 1.^9-160. Capture of a third specimen of the ahort-tailed hawk (Buteo brachyurus) in Florida. Auk, 4, 1887, 160. A third New England »|)eciiuen of SwAissfiNs hawk (Buteo Swainsoni). Auk, 4, 1887, 160. Capture of a fish crow (Corvus ossifragns) at Ware- ham, Massachusetts. Auk, 4, 1887, 162. The redpolls of Massachusetts. Auk, 4, 1887. 163- 164. An overlooked specimen of Bachman's warbler. Auk, 4, 1887, 165. Discovery of the nest and eggs of the western warbler (Dendroica occidentalism kwV.. 4, 1887, H)»>-167. Hummingbirds feeding their voung on insects. Auk. 4, 1887, 2.5.5. Scarcity of adult birds in antumn. Auk, J. 1887, 268-269. Descriptions of supposed new birds from Lower California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, Mexico, and the Bahamas. Auk, 5, 1888, 82-95. The prairie horned lark (Utocoris alpestris praticola) on the coast of Massachusetts. Auk, 5, 1888, 111-112; 6, 1889, 71-72. - — On three ajiparently new subspecies of Mexican birds. Auk, 5, 1888, 136-139. Quiscalus quiscula aglfeus at Charleston, South Carolina. Auk, 5. 1888. 208. Breeding of the golden-crested kinglet (Kegulns satrapa) in Worcester county, Massachusetts, with a description of its nest and eggs. Auk, 5, 1888. .337-344. Notes on the birds of Winchendon, Worcester county, Massachusetts. Auk, 5. 1888, 386-393. A second Maine (and fourth New England) siK?cimen of Sw.M.NSox's hawk (Buteo Swainsoni). Auk, 5, 1888. 424. An unusual nest of the Panila warbler. Omitb. Ool., 13, 1888, 46-47. Nest and eggs of the mountain solitary Virco. Oraith. Ool., 13, 1888. 113. The present status of Fobrter's tern as a bird of New England. Auk, 6, 1889. 66-67. Occurrence of the western sandpiper (Ereunetes ooci- dentalis) in numbei-s on the coast of Mas^ichusetts. Auk. 6, 1889, 69. KiiinKii's hawk (Buteo boi-ealis Kriderii) on the coast of Georgia. Auk. 6. 1889. 70. Descriptions of supposed new birds from western North .\merica and >Iexico. Kuk. 6, 1889, 86-98. Dendroica coronata feeding upon oranges. Auk, 6, 1889, 279. The present status of the wild pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) as a bird of the rnilcd Stjites, with some notes on its habits. Auk, 6, 1889, 286-291. Nesting habits of the parrakeet (Conurus carolinensisi. Auk, 6, 1889, 336-337. Melanerpes carolinus eating oranges. Auk, 6. 1889, 337-338. The little brown crane (tirus canadensis) in Rhode Island. Auk. V. 1890. 89. Capture of a Canada jay (Perisoreus canadensis) near Cambridge. Massachusetts. Auk, 7, 1890. 91-92. Bi'luick's oriole in Maiue. Auk. 7, 1890. 92. Recent occurrence of the turkey vulture in eastern Massachusetts. Ank. 7. 1890. 204-205. Brewster] 798 [Brezol Capture of a third specimen of the bam owl in Massachusetts. Auk, 7. 1890. 20.5. Food of young hummingbirds. Auk, 7, 1890, 206- 207. The purple «rackle at Charleston, South Carolina. Auk, 7. 1890, 20S. The ."Vcadian sharp-tailed sparrow and Scott's seaside sparrow on the coast of South Carolina. Auk, 7, 1890, 212. Summer robin roosts. Auk, 7, 1890, 300-373. A new subspecies of the solitary sandpiper. Auk, 7, 1890, 377-379. Breeding of the pileated woodpecker in Worcester county, Massachusetts. Auk, 7, 1890, 400-401, A study of Florida gallinules, with some notes on a nest found at Cambridge, Massachusetts. Auk, S, 1891, 1-7. Descriptions of seven supposed new North American birds. Auk, 8, 1891, 139-149, 237. Notes on Bachman's warbler (Helminthophila Bach- mani). Auk, 8, 1891, 149-157. The whistling swan in Massachusetts. Auk, 8, 1891, 232. Some additional eastern records of Swainson's hawk (Buteo Swainsoni). Auk, 10, 1893, 82-83. Description of a new hummingbird from northern Mexico. Auk, 10, 1893, 214-215. Description of a new marsh wren, with critical notes on Cistothorus Mariana, Scott. Auk, 10, 1893, 21.5-219. A brood of young flickers (Colaptes auratus) and how they were fed. Auk, 10, 1893, 231-230, 305. On the occurrence of certain birds in British Columbia. Auk, 10, 1893, 230-237. Tlie Ipswich sparrow (Ammodramus prineeps) on the coast of Georgia. Auk, 10, 1893, 302, 365. Notes and song-flight of the woodcock (Philohela minor). Auk, 11, 1894, 291-29.S. Breeding of the prairie horned lark (Otocoris alpestris praticola) near Pittstield, Mass. Auk, 11, 1894, 320- 327. Note on the habits of the northern shrike (Lanius borealis). Auk, 11, 1894, 329-330. A remarkable plumage of the prairie hen (Tympanuchns americanus). .\nk, 12, 1895, 99-100. Notes on certain flycatchers of the genus Empidonax. Auk, 12, 1895, 157-103. The white gyrfalcon in New England. Auk, 12, 1895, 180. Second occurrence of Harhis's sparrow (Zonotrichia (iuerula) in British Columbia. Auk, 12, 1895, 182. A ground nest of the black-throated green warbler. Auk, 12, 1896, 184-185. A remarkable flight of pine grosbeaks (Pinicola enucleator). Auk, 12, 1895, 24-5-250. Descriptions of a new warbler and a new song sparrow. Auk, 13, 1896, 44-47. Occurrence of the wood ibis (Tantalus loculator) in Bristol county, Massachusetts. Auk, 13, 1896, 341. On the nomenclature of certain forms of the downy woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens). Auk, 14, 1897, 80-82. The lesser snow goose in New England. Auk, 14, 1897, 207. The Bahaman swallow in Florida. .\uk, 14, 1897, 221-222. • Geotrygon chrysia again at Key West. Auk, 15, 1898, 185. Occurrence of the spotted screech-owl (Megasoops aspersus) in Arizona. Auk, 15, 1898, 180. Lewis's woodpecker storing acorns. Auk, 15, 1898, 188. Revival of the sexual passion in birds in autumn. Auk, 15, 1898, 194-195. The short-eared owls of Muskeget Island. .\uk, 15, 1898, 211-213. Notes on the breeding habits of the American golden- eyed duck or whistler (Clangula clangula americana). .4uk, 17, 1900, 207-210. Brewster, U'illiiuii, A Chapman, Frank M. Notes on the birds of the lower Suwauee river. Auk, 8, 1891, 125-138. Notes on birds observed in Trinidad. Auk, 12, 1895, 201-211, 418. Breyer, H. G. See Breljer. Breyer, Theuilnr. Die Bestimmiing der RafKnose in Roh- zuckern. Chem. Zt;;., 13, 1889, 559-500. Breyer, Theodor, A' Scbweitzer, Iluiin. The determination of potash by the method of LiNiio, as modified by GLAi>niNr,. ,il. Anal. Chem., 0, 1892. 470-477; Chem'. Ztg., 17, 1893, 101-102. Br&zenaud. Se,' Fournat de Brdzenaud. Brezina, Aristides. To reference in No. 40 (To/. 9) adil Wien, Geol. .Jbuch., 34, 1884, 321-334; Centrztg. Optik, 6, 1885, 85-89. Die Meteoritensammlung des k. k. Mineralogischen Hofkabinetes in Wien am 1. Mai 1885. Wien, Geol. .Jbuch., 35, 1885, 151-276. Ueber die Krystallform des Tellurit. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. -Ann., 1, 1886, 135-152. Apatit aus dem Stillupgrunde. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 1, 1886 (A'of.), 12. Neue Meteoriten. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 1, 1886 (Not.), 12-14, 25-20; 2, 1887 [Not.), 114-115. Neue Meteoriten des k. k. Naturhistorischen Hof- museums. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1887, 288-289. Reisebericht aus Italien. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887 (Not.), 72-74, 103-112. Bericht iiber eine Excursion nach Vocklabruck und Kremsmunster. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887 (Not.), 11.3-114. Cliftonit aus dem Meteoreisen von Magura, Arvaer Comitat. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 4, 1889, 102- 100. Aukauf der Hidden'scben Meteoriten- und Mineralien- sammlung fiir die mineralogische Abtheilung. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann.. 4, 1889 (Not.), 85-87. Ueber Meteoreisen, seine Uuterschiede vom kiinst- licben Eisen und iiber das Schneiden des ersteren. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 38, 1890, 3.55-359. Ueber die Krystallform des Uranothallit. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann. , 5, 1890, 495-502. Untersuchungen der Herren Berthelot und Fbiedel in Paris iiber das Jleteoreisen von Magura. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 5, 1890 (Not.), 112-114. Ueber neuere Meteorite. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1893 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 1), 158-107. Ueber Lcisungskanale in Krystallen. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1894 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 187. Ueber neuere Gruppen im System der Meteoriten. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1894 (Tli. 2, Hdl/te 1), 188-189. Die Meteoritensammlung des k. k. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseuras am 1. Mai 1895. Mit zwei .'Vnhiingen : I. Berichte des Directors der Sternwarte Zacatecas, Prof. Jose A. v Boxilla, iiber den Meteoreisenfall von Mazapil. ii. Die Meteoritensammlung der Univei'sitiit Tubingen. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 10, 1895, 231-370. Neue Beobachtungeu an Meteoriten. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1898, 02-03. Brezina, Knist, it Orosser, Otin. See Grosser & Brezina. Brezol, //. I/acdimiitement du pitch pin (Pinus rigida et anstralis). France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 30, 1889, 05-87. Essais d'elevage d'autruches de .V. Nii.i., de Stuttgard. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 30, 1889, 083-088. Melange de sang et croisement chez les poules. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 30, 1889, 818-820. Brezoll r'j'j I Bribosia LvH Ciirniviircs am('ricainH. Fruncc 8oc. Acclim. Bull., ;i7, 1890, iy-5o. Lu clieval et Ic pore en Chine, l-'rance 8oc. Acclim. Bull., 37, 1890, 729-732. Lo bi'tail Hauvu^i! ilo I'lmlo-Cliinf. Krance Soc. Acclim. Bull., HW, 1891 (.SVm. 1), l.'il-l.'i.^. Li'H |>liii<|ui'K di' lAlanka. l-'ianci' Soc. Acclim. Bull., 39, 1892 (.SVm. 1), 6.')-79. Qiielques varii'tiJB du Hcrins. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., -10, 1893 (.SVm. 2), 101-110. Ii'nilire li colon soyeux, Fnuico Soc. Acclim. Bull., 10, 1893 (.SVm. •>), 5'25-.52(i. Brian, H.'smimlrn. L'Eiipimunia Miilluri coinparuu in quuiitita Mtniordiuuriii Del Uolfo di (icnova. Uenova, Soc. LiKUHt. Atti, 7, 1896, 79-80. Cutulogu di Cupvpodi parnssiti dei pesci della Liguria. Ucuova, Soc. LiKUSt. Atti, 9, 1898, 203-229. Di aleuni Crostncei piirassiti dei pcRci dell' isola d'Elba. Gcnova, Soc. LiKUst. Atti, 10, 1899. 3-10, 197-207. UipbylloHiiHler Tliompsoni, ii. 9. Briand, I,. Sur la rechercbe de I'abrnBtol dans les vins. I'aiis, Ac. Sci. C. R., IIH, 1894. 92.5-92ti; .11. Pharm., 29, 1894, ;">U;-517. Ncniviau proctde de dosage de I'acide tartriqiie. Ann. Chim. Anal., 2, 1897, 321-322. Brlant, I.ainfine. On the rapid estimation of magnesia as ammouio-magncsic phosphate. Chem. News, 5'i, 1886, 99. Some practical remarks on mash-tun operations. [1891.1 Loudon, Fed. Inst. Brewing .11., 1, 1896. 70-83. . The inlluence of ai'ration on fermentation. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing .11.. 1, 1895, 472-184. Note on the value of the soluble earbuhydrates of a malt as an indication of forcing. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing .11 , 3, 1897, 222-228. The intluence of nitrates in brewing. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing .11., .">. 1899. :i72-38.i. Brlant, iMirriiice. A Meacham, C[liarleii] S[teiihen]. Hops. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing .11., 2, 1896, 408-433. Hop drying. [1899.] London, Fed. Inst. Brewing .11.. ti, 1900, 2-9. Brlant, 7'[niipr.<] ./[umci]. 'Notes on the iintenno: of the honevbee. [1883.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (/fou/.), 19, 1886. .Sl-.MS. Brlard, [inaj.) [Pierre], Champignons nouveaux dc I'Aube. Kev. Mycol., 7, 1886. 208-212; 8, 1886, 2:^-25; 10, 1888, 125-12t); 11, 1889, Ki. Champignons nouveaux. Rev. Mycol., 12, 1890, 131- 13:!, 142. 177 17f<; 13. 1891, 15-18. Brlard, A.. A Harlot, Paul. Mycetes aliquot novi. Jl. Bot., Paris, .j, 1891, 170-173. Brlard, K. [Notizic sul Lepidium virginicum in Francis.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital.. 22, 1890, 28:1-28.5. Brlart, .W/>/i()ii.%r. For biography and works tee Brux., Ac. Bull., 3,5, 1898, 348-3,il; Brux. Soc. Beige Giol. Bull.. 1898 (Mem.). 2t)S-299; Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., .33 (1898), vi-viii; Iron A Steel Inst. Jl.. 1898 (.Vo. 1), 313 ; Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. .\nn.. 2.'), 1897-98. liii-lviii: St. Ktienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min.. 12, 1898. 177-178; Jl. de Conch., 47, 1899. 71-72; Paris, Soc. Gool. Bull., 27, 1899, 15r)-158. Note BUr la structure di-H dunes. Brux., Soc. Maliuxil. Ann., 21 (1886), 244-27.1. Sur le genre Trigonia ct description de deux Trigonies nouvclles des terrains SupraCrilac'S dc .Mccniricht et de Ciply. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann.. 23 (18881. :i25 :M». Sur la presence dun hydrocarbure liquide dans letage Houiller du Halnaut. Liege Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 1.5, 1888, (xxxii-cxxxv. Note sur la si^parution de I'eau au sein des mstieres sedimentaireg. Liege, Soc. G^ol. Uclg. Ann., 15, 1888. cxxxvi-cxxxix. Notice descriptive des terrains Tertiaires et Cretaces de lEntre-Sambrc et-Meuse. Liege, Soc. (ieol. Belg. Ann., 1.5, 1888 (.Vim.), ;i-58. La formation Uouillere. Brux., Ac. Bull., 18, 1889, 81.5.^9. Ktnde sur les depi'its gypseux et fvpsosalifericns. [1890.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., ir,, 1888-89 (.Wf'm.), U2-138. Note sur les mouvenients paralleles des roches slrali- fiees. [18!H).] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 17, 1889- 90 (.Wm.), 129-13.5. Note sur une faunc marine Landenienne dans I'Kntre- Sainbre-etMeuse. [1890.] Liege, Soc. G^l. Belg. Ann., 17. ;i889-90 (.Mem.). 2.5;)-2t;.5. Etude sur les limons Hesbayens et les temps (^uater- naircs en Belgiijue. 11H91.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 19, 1891-92 (Mem.). 1.5-81. Le elimat du Katanga. [1893.] Ciel ct Terre, 14 (1893-94), 164-lt;.). Note snr la periode Hesbayenne. Brux. Soc. Beige Gi'ol. Bull., 1894 (Trad, el lieprotl.). 3-6. Note sur les divergences de vues dans la distinction des limons (juaternaires. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1894 (7'ruur la note de M. Baykt sot les etages Devon iens de la baiide nord du bassin meridional dang rEntre-Sambre-et-Meuse]. [189.5.] Liege, Soc. Geol. lielg. Ann., 22, 1894-9S i.Mrm.). 126-127. Note sur la li gende du Calcjiire Carbonifere. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 2.3, 1895. 14C,-151. Les couches du I'laonnl (Maricniont) : suite a IVtudc sur la structure du bassin Houiller du Hainaut dans le district du Centre. [1897.) Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 24, 1896-97 (.)/<■»!.), 237-25.5; Rev. Univ. Mines. :i9, 1897, 217-2:ii;. Brlart, .lljihon-'e, S: Comet, /■'rii«.;.) (1K,S7.] Brux. Ao. M. ni.. 47, 1889 (.Vo. 7), 128 pp. ,S'>'>' iil<'i Comet A Briart. Brlart, Alplmnse. A Flrket, .lilolphe. Qnelques observa- tions li I'occasion de la note de M. G. Dkwalqvk sar la declinaison magnetique. Liege, Soc. Guol. Belg. Ann., 14. 188T. cxxi-cxxiv. Brian, [f.'ii.-:«3. Note on tlie proiluction of iionnds by the air-bladder of certain Biluroid liHhes. lioy. 8oc. Proc., 55, 1894, 4H'.t-lU. Bridges, .1. C. Pemphigus. N. Y. Med. Jl., 65, 1897, H,'):i-si;i. Bridge*, Hubert. I''or biography and works $ee Amer. I'liil. Soe. I'roc, 21, 1884. 427-447. Bridges, liobert. Slow lightning. [1895.] Nature, 53 (1896-96), 31-32. Bridges, Thmiiat. For biographical notice $ee Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 33, 1869, 131-134. Bridges, {Rev.) Tlmmnx. The Yahgans of Tierra del Fucgo. Anthrop. Inst. .Jl., 14, 1886, 288-289. El contin sur de la republica. La Tierra del Fuego y SUB habitantes. .Argentina, lust. Geogr. Bol., 7, 1886, 200-212: 14, 1893. 221-241. Datos sobre Tierra del Fuego. [In English.] La Pliitii MuR. Rev., 3, 1892, 313-.320. Brldgford, (.Uee Eut. Month. Mag.. 35, 1899, 293; 36. 1900, 15-16; Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc Trans,, 7, 1904, 101-104. Further ailditions to Mr. Mifisuai.l'.s Catalogue nf British lebneumonida!. Eut. Soc. Trans., 1884, 421- 433; 1886, 33-5-373; 1887, 361-379; 1889, 409-439. Concerning .\noni»l..n teiiuicorne, Gr., etc. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88. 149-1.'>0. The nomenclature of Dr. Brnow's new species of Amblyteles. [1888] Ent. Month. Mag., 2.5, 1888-89, 36. Notes on a nest of the common wasp (Vespa vulgaris). [1885.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, .50-.52. Occurrence of Myrinica lobicornis, \yl, in Norfolk. [1887.) Norf. Norw! Nat. Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, 394. Instinct at fault. [1887.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, 394-395. Fauna and doru of Norfolk. Part xii. Phytophagous Hymenoptera (.sawflics). [Additions to Hymenoptcra. Part xin. Ichneumons.] [18S7-93.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, 523-536, 690-691; 5, 1894, 60.3-632. Microdus calculator, Fab. [1889.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89. 353. Glypta eiciitrieosn, R., G. flavipes, /)., ?, and G. rnbicunda, n. fp., new to Britain. Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 208-209. Notes on Hymenoptera in the neighbourhood of Norwich; and on the genus Glypta, Gr. [1889.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 5. 1894. 61-72. Pezomaclius corrupter bred from Cionus Scrophii- lariip. [1895.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 6, 1899, 111. Brldgman, John B[rooks'], Jt Flteb, Edward .4. Intro- ductory papers on Ichneumonidip. [Ni.. rv. .\griotypi.|iF. No. V." Ophioni.lie.l Entomologist. 17, 1884, 121-128, 176-182, 223-228; 18. 1886, 13-20, 100-108. 20.5-207. Brldgman, L. li. Zoospores in Spirogyra condensata. Krythea, 1, 1893. 128-130. BrldweU, J. C. \ list of Kansas Hymenoptera. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16. 1899. 203-211. Brie, [Paul]. Ueber Trional als Schlafmittel. [1892.) Neurol. Centrbl , 11, 1892. 775-779; Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 49. 1893, tW8-689. Brleger, F.iidirip. Zur Kenntniss der Fanlnissalkaloide. R. s. A. c. Fiinfte [nnd nechntfl) Mittheilnng. Berlin, Chem. Ge«. Her., 17, 1884, 51.5-517, 1137-1139. Ueber ba«ische Produkte (Ptomalnei a'ln iiien«cblicli'*n Leichen. Berlin, Chem. (ie«. Ber., 17. 1884, 2741 2742. Ueber .Spaltum.'>proilukt<.- der Bscterien. Zttchr. Physiol. Chem.. 8, 1883-84. 30t;-311; 9, 1888, 1-7. Zur Darstellung dor .\ether«chwcfelsaure aae dem Urin. [1884.) ZtDchr. Physiol. Chem., 8, 1883-84, 311- 312. NuovH ricerche sulle ptomaine. Ann. di Chim., 2, 1886, 2.50-251. Ueber ein nenes Krampfe verursachendes Ptomain. Berlin, Chem. (ies. Her.. 19, 1886. 311:1-3121. Ueber basische Prodiikte in .ler Miesmuschel. [1885.] Biol. Centrbl., 6, 1887, 406-410. Ueber die CholerufarbstofTe. Virohow, Aroh., 110, 1887, 614-615. I>ie Quelle des Trimethylamins im Matterkoro. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 11, 1887, 184-185. Zur Kenntnis der .A.tiologie des Wundstarrkrampfes nebst Bemerkiingen iiber das Cholerarot. (1887.) Biol. Centrbl., 7, 1888. 298-310. Zur Kenntniss des Tetanin ond des Mytilotoxin. Virehow, Arch., 112, 1888, 54;i-551. Zur Kenntniss der Bililuug von Ptomalnen and Toxinen durch psthogene Bakterien. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1889. .5-11. Bactericn und Krankheitsgifte. Deatscfa. Natf. Tagel.l , 1889, 178-l-<2; Biol. Centrbl.. 10, 1891, 364-373. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Zusammensetzang des Mytilotoxins nebst einer Uebersicht der bisher in ihrer Haupteigenschaften Ix-kannten Ptomaine und Toxine. Virehow, Arch.. 115, 1889, 483-492. Weitere Erluhrniigpn iiber Bakterien^ft«- Ztschr. Hyg., 19, 1898. 101-112. Pie Theorie der Autointoxicationen. Wien. Med. Wsclir., 48, 1898, 1603. Brleger, Liidicin, & Boer, Otkar. Ueber Aotitoxine and Toxine. Ztschr. Hyg.. 21, 1896, 259-268. Brleger, Ludtciri, & Colin, Gi-nry. Untersuchnngen fiber das Tetanu-igift. Zt-.-hr. Hyg.. 15, 1893, 1-10 Bcitrage zur (^oncentrirung der gegen Wundstarr- krainpf schiilzenden Substanz aus der Milch. Ztschr. Hvuv. 15, 1893. 439-453. Brleger, Ludu-iii. (189SI, 208-223. The composite origin of topographic forms. Amer. (ieogr. Soc. Jl., 27 (1896), 161-173. Drift liouldi IS between the Mohawk and Siisqaehanna rivers. Amer. Jl. Sci., 49, 1898, 213-228. Ulaeial Hood deposits in tlie Chenango valley. [18i)6.1 Amer. tleolugist, 18, 1896. 220-230; Amer. Geol. Soe. Hiill, H. 1897, 17-30. Topograjjliy and glacial deposits of Mohawk valley. [1807.1 Am.'V. Geo!. .Soc. Bull., H, 1898, x, 183-210. Note on trellised drainage in the Adirondacks. .\nier. Geologist, 21, 1898, 219-222. The eastern gateway of the United States. Geogr. Jl., 13, 1899, .'513-524. Glacial erosion in the Aar valley. [ H i(/i ditcussioii. ) [189;i,| Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 11, 1900, .588-592. Brlgtxam, ('. I'liui/. On some double halidcs of bisnnith. Amer. ('hem. Jl.", 14 (1892), 164-182. BrlKbam, Kthnird M. Singular development of Opistho- eomns. |1884.] Ibis, 3, 1886, 118. Brlgliain, W'iltiiiiii T. Kilanea in 1880. Amer. Jl. Sci.. :tl, 1887, 19-27. On the summit crater of Mt. Loa in 1880 and 1885. Notes on an ascent in 1880, about three months before the great eruption of that year. Amer. Jl. Sci., 36, 1888, 33-3.''.. Hawaiian volcanoes. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 334-335. On the recent eruption of Kilauea. Amer. Jl. Sci., 41. 1891, ,507-510. Brlghettl, Celso. Ricerche sui prati naturali a.sciutti del I'errarese. Staz. Sper. .-Vgrar. Ital., 31. 1898, 620-651. Bright, (Sir) Charlea /'[i/»(""]. For biography and works gf,- Electrician, 21, 1888, 13-14; (ieogr. Soe. Proc.. 10, 1888, 387; Inst. Civ. Kngin. Proc, 93, 1888, 479-487; Lura. Klect., 28, 1888. 396; Telegr. Jl., 22, 1888, 508-512 ; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 49, 1889, 167-1.59; Geol. Soc. (Juart. Jl., 45, 1889 {Proc). S'.i. *.\vertisseurs d'ineendie et telegraphes de quartier (systeme Bright). Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 285-289. '- [Presidential address. History of the telegraph.] [1887.] Telegr. Engiu. Jl., 16, 1888, 7-10. On the means employed telle alterazioui anatomo- patologiche prodotte dai bromuri negli aniraali inferiori. Firenze R. 1st. Pnbbl. (.S>;. Me,l.). 9 (1, 1881). 1-12. Brigldl, I'incenio, & Plccoll, K. L'eber die Adeuia simplex nnd dercn Beziehungen zur Thvmushyperplasie. Beitr. I'atli. Anat., 16, 1894. 3-H-.|o7." Brigldl, I'iuceiizo, tt Tafiani, .^Uttandro. 'Embriologia del Ciprinus auratus. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl. {.*!<:. Mrd.). '.1(1. 1881). 115-192. Brigldl, Viticeiizo. & Totl, A[ddfo\. Studio anatomo-palo- logico sopra alcnne produzioni morbose trorate Del fegato di un |k)11o e di un piccione. (Tubercolosi e cancro.) Sperimentale. 55, 1886. 577-589. Necro.si grassa in un tumore lipomatoso. Speri- mentale, 56, 1886, 600-605. Brignac, de. Les d^p<)ts diluviens dans la vall>* du Vidourle. [1884.] Pari", Soc. G.-ol. Hull . 13. 1888. .•^3-H8. Brlgnolei. Sir Bonx de Brlgnoles. Bzignone, (iiitninni. .\naiisi di un acqua t^-rmomineniie II. Ii isola di I'antelleria. [1884.] Gazr.. Chim. lul.. 14. 1886, 42-54. Alcune osservazioni sui varii metodi lii dosanient^^ dei cloruri nell' urina. Ann. di Chim.. 7, 1888. 137-1.59. Brill, .l[Ux>indeT]. Ueber rationale Curvcn und !; tliichen. [1885.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 15, 1886. 27' . : Bemerkung iiber pseudo.-! von drei Pimcnsionen. Mir Ueber algebraische Con. , ... :■, 31, 1888. 374-4iS.t: 36. 1890. 321-370. Ueber die Multiplicitat der Schnittpunkte von rwci ebenen Correu. [1888.] Muneben Ak. Sber.. 18. 1889, 81-94. Ueber die Discriminante Ton Kesultantcn- Gottingcn Nachr., 1889, 89-92. Ueber Functionen von zwei Veriinderlichen und einen Satz des Herm Noetbeb. Math. Ann.. 39, 1891, 129- 141. Ueber die reider], & Noether, Max. Die Entwieklung der Theorie der algebraiscben Functionen in alterer uud neuerer Zeit. [1893.] Deutseh. Math. Ver. Jber., 3, 1894, 107-566. Brill, J[o)in]. On the appUcation of the theory of complex quantities to plane geometry. Messenger Math., 16, 1887, 8-20. A new method for the graphical representation of complex quantities. Messenger Math., 17, 1888, 80-93. A new geometrical interpretation of the quaternion aualvsis. [1887.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 156-169. Orthogonal systems of curves and of surfaces. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 230-245. On the geometrical interpretation of the singular points of an equipotential system of curves. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 313-320. A method of transformation with the aid of con- gruences of a particular type. [1888.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 20, 1889, 102-109. — ^ Notes on conjugate functions and equipotential curves. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 187-199. A method of discovering particular solutions of certain differential equations, that satisfy specified boundary conditions. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 344- 358. On a certain minimum theorem. Messenger Math., 18, 1889, 158-167. The solution of a special ease of the problem of the establishment of a correlation between two plane figures. Messenger Math., 19, 1890, 57-62, 151-155. On the application of the method of reciprocal polars to statical theorems. Messenger Math., 20, 1891, 166-171. Note sur I'application de transformations de contact a I'int^gration des Equations aux deriv^es partielles du second ordre. Nouv. Ann. Math., 10, 1891, 362-365. On certain points specially related to families of curves. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 7, 1892, 57-64. Note on the application of quaternions to the dis- cussion of Laplace's equation. [1890-91.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 7, 1892, 120-125, 151-156. A property of the equation of conduction of heat. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 137-139. Note on an extensiim of the theory of functions of a complex variable. Mes.senger Math., 23, 1894, 108-111, 185-194. On the application of the theory of matrices to the discussion of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. [1894.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 8, 1895, 201-210. Note on the steady motion of a viscous incompressible fluid. Cambridge Pliil. Soc Proc, 8, 1895, 313-322. On the form of the energy integral in the varying motion of a viscous incompressible fluid. London Math. Soc. Proc, 26, 1895, 474-481. On certain jioint transformations in a plane. Messenger Math., 24, 1896, 113-123. "Densities in the Earth's crust." I'liil. Mag., 39, 1896, 93-97. On certain general properties of point transforma- tions. Quart. Jl. Math., 27, 1896, 356-362. Note on matrices. [1895-97.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 27, 1896, 35-38; 28, 1897, 368-370. Note on the application of analysis to geometry. Messenger Math,, 25, 1896, 49-59. Note on the form of the energy integral in the motion of an incompressible fluid. Quart. Jl. Math., 28, 1896, 185-190. Note on the principle of duality. Messenger Math.. 26, 1897, 134-140. On certain exact systems of Pfaffian equations of a special type. Messenger Math., 26. 1897, 183-192. On the generalization of certain properties of the tetrahedron. [1896.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 9, 1898, 98-108. Note on the motion of an incompressible viscous fluid. Messenger Math., 27, 1898, 147-152. On certain analogues of aubarmonic ratio. Quart. Jl. Math., 29, 1898, 286-302. Qn the complete system of multilinear differential covariants of a single Pfaffian expression, and of a set of Pfaffian expressions. London Math. Soc. Proc, 30, 1899, 263-271. Suggestions towards the formation of a general theory of systems of Pfaffian equations. Quart. Jl. Math., 30, 1899, 221-242. Note on Clebsch's second method for the integration of a Pfaffian equation. [1899.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 31, 1900, 315-332. Brill, N. E. Note on the ala cinerea. N. Y. Med. Jl., 51, 1890, 294. A study of seventeen cases of a disease clinically resembling typhoid fever, but without the Widal reaction ; together with a short review of the present status of the sero-diagnosis of tvphoid fever. [1897.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 67, 1898, 48-54, 77-82. Brill, iV. £., & Iiibman, £. A contribution to the subjects of chronic interstitial nephritis and arteritis in the young, and family nephritis ; with a note on calcification in the liver. Jl. Exper. Med., 4, 1899, 541-557. Brilli, Lorenzo. Kicerche sulla ventilazione polmonare niir et4 infantile. Sperimentale, 1893 (J/fm.), 218-229. Brilli6, H. Etude th^orique de la vaporisation dans les chaudieres. G^uie Civil, 31, 1897, 260-262, 277-280, 293-296. Etude de la circulation de I'eau dans les chaudidres multitubulaires. Gf^nie Civil, 32, 1897-98, 75-79, 95-98, 114-117, 264-266, 282, 297-299, 313-316; 34, 1898-99, 134-138, 147-149, 165-167, 181-182, 195-197; 35,1899, 342-344, 357-361, 378-380, 388-391, 405-408. Brillouin, [Luvis] Marcel. Duree d'oscillation d'un systeme magn^tique muni de son index. Jl. Phys., 3, 1884, 167-171. Sur la torsion des prismes. Paris, Ac Sci. C. B., 101, 1885, 739-742. ■ Battemeut i51ectrique d'une horloge astronomique. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 2, 1886, C.l-C.7. Sur les tuyaux souores. Jl. Phys., 6, 1887, 205-222. K^sonateiirs. Jl. Phys., 6, 1887, 222-227. Signaux sonores sous-marins. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1821-1822. Essai sur les lois d'61asticit(5 d'un milieu capable de transmettre des actions en raison inverse du carre de la distance. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 4, 1887, 201-240. Questions il'bydrodynamique. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 1, 1887, 80 pp. Cbaleur specifique pour une transformation quelconque et thermodynamique. Jl. Phys., 7, 1888, 148-152. Deformations permanentes et tbermodynamique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 106, 1888, 416-418, 4s2-i85, 537- 540, 589-592; Jl. Phys., 7, 1888, 327-347. D(5formations permanentes et thermod.ynamique : entropie. Jl. Phys., 8, 1889, 169-179. Prinoipes g^n^raux d'une theorie ^lastique de la Brillouinl 805 (Brimley plaHticit(^ ft (lu lu frui{ilit(- deu corps solidcx. Paris, Ecolo Norm. Ann., 7, 1890, 315-3t;0. Sur le dc'Rri de complexity d(M molecules gazeuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, .57.'>-.>77. Tli(Soiie lilastique de In iiliisticiU; et dc U fragilitt- de» corps HolidcH. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. It., 112, 1891, lo.^l- lOflC. Di'^formations homoRines tinies. KnerKie d'un corps isotropo. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 112, 1891, 1.'>(K)-1.502. Ri(;ion8 temptjreea ; conditions locales de persistancc des courants Htniosph^riques; courants di>riv^-s; ori^ine et translation de certains niouvemcnts cycloDiqaes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 114, 1892, 2ii3-205. Sur la propagation des vibrations dans les milieux absorbants isotropes. Poris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 808-HlI. D(;formatiou produite dans un milieu isotrope indeRni par le displacement d'une sphire solidc. Ann. Cliim., 30, 1893, 24r)-2i;4. Sur la loi de compressibility isotlierme des liquides et des Kaz et la definition des ^tats correspondants. Jl. Phys., 2, 1893, 113-118. Vibrations propres d'un miliea indcSfiniraent etendo extiSrieurement it, un corps solide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 117, 1893, 94-9G. Monvement eniis par une sphere en mouvement dans un milieu elastique indetini ; rtiaction du milieu sur la aphdre. Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 117-143. Mouvcments d'une sphere dans une atmosphere gazeuse, vil)nitions propres de I'espace ext4-174. Constante de la gravitation universelle. Sur une causo de dissymtStrie dans I'eroploi de la balance de CAVKNMsn. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 1'293-1296. La constante de lu gravitation universelle et les irr/'gulariles locales de la pesanteur. Paris, Soc. Phys. Sei.nce.., 1900. 67*. Brlmley, C. S. Winter notes from Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 11, 1886. 76; V2. 1887, 36-37. Spring migrutiun at Raleigh, N. C, io 1886. Oruitb. Ool., 11, 1886, '.a-92. Notes from lUlcigli, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887. 2(V21, '201-202. The blue grosbeak (Uuiraca carulea). Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887. 92. Winter food of birda in the south. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 105-106. Amount of food consumed by the barred owl. Ornith. Ool., 12. 1887, 122. Nesting of the brown-headed nuthatch. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 126-127. The two species of kinglet aa obterred at Baleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, l'27-r28. Number of eggs in a sit. Ornith. Ool., 12. 1887 166. The food of some Raleigh birds. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 16. Albino wiutcr wrens. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 32. A list of birds known to breeii at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 42-43. Nesting of the pine warbler in 1888. Omilh. Ool., 13, 1888, 89. Nesting «if the Carolina chickadee in 1888. Omilh. Ool., 13. 1888, 100. On the food of the woodpeckers. Oroith. Ool., 13, 1888, 141-142. Nesting of the tufted tit in 1888. Omitb. Ool., 13, 1888, 142. The nesting of tlie brownheadeil nuthatch at Raleigh, N. C, in 1888. Ornith. Ool., 1.3, 1888. 149-150. Some additions to the avifauna of North CaroUna and also to that of Raleigh, N. C. Omitb. Ool., 13, 1888, 187. Occurrence of the white-throated warbler (so called) at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 189. Nesting of the .\cadian llvcatcher at Raleigh, N. C. Omitb. Ool., 14. 1889, 136-137. Nesting of the vellowthruated warbler, at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool". 14, 1889. 151. The preference of the brown-headed nuthatch for a nesting site near water. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 156. Nesting dates in 18h8 at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 165. Nesting of the Louisiana water thrash in 1889 at Raleigh, N. C. Orailh. Ool., 14. 1889. 169. Nesting of the bluc-grav gnat-calclier at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, lsi-182. The nesting of the yellow-throated warbler at Raleigh, N. C. Auk, 7, 1890. 323-326. Nesting of the raby-throated humming bird atBaleigb, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 18. Nesting of the blue grosbeak io 188M and 1889 at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool.. 15. 1890. '22. .\dditions to the avifauna uf Nortli Carolina and of Raleigh in ia89. Ornith. Ool.. 15. 1890, ->3. Nesting of the summer tanager at Raleigh, S. C. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 164. Nesting of the prairie warbler at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 15. 1890, 165. Influence of the open winter of 1889-'.t0 on the nesting and arrival of some birds at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 166. Eggs of the tufted tit. Omith. Ool., 15. 1890. 182. On the breeding habits of Dendmica Vlgo^^il at lUleigh. North Carolina. Auk, 8. 1891. r.<9--iO0. Brimley] 806 [Brinton Bachman's warbler (Helminthophila Bachmani) at Raleigh, N. C. Auk, 8, 1891, 316-317. Nestin),' of the cedar waxwing at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., Ifi, 1891, 2'>. Nestiug of the black rail at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 16, 1891, 26. . Nesting of the Louisiana water thrush. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 99-100. Brief notes from Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 104. The Maryland yellow-throat at Raleigh, N. C, in winter. Oriiitb. Ool., 17, 1892, 1.S7. Some notes of the winter of 1889-90. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 1.52-1.53. Some additions to the avifauna of North Carolina, with notes on some other species. Auk, 10, 1893, 241- 214, 407. Notes from Raleigh, N. C. Auk, 11, 1894, 332-333. List of snakes observed at Raleigh, N. C. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 56-57. Habits of Heterodon platyrhinus at Raleigh, N. C. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 75. Batrachia found at Raleigh, N. C. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, .500-.501. On the mud minnow (Umbra pygmtea) as an air breather. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 944. An incomplete list of the mammals of Bertie Co., N. C. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897. 237-239. ■ Lists of mammals of Raleigh, N. C. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 446-449. Brimley, C. S., & Brimley, H. H. See below. Brimley, H. H. Pavoncella pugnax in North Carolina. Auk, 9, 1892, 299-300. Notes from Beaufort, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 106. Brimley, H. H., & Brimley, C. S. Winter birds of Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 10, 1885, 128. Summer birds of Raleigh, N. C. Birds observed at Raleigh, N. C, during the months of June, July and August, 1881-85. Ornith. Ool., 10, 1885, 143-144. Fall migrants at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 10, 1885, 183. The habitat of the salamander Lingnelapsus annn- latus, Cope. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 168. [Breeding of the little black rail ( Porz.ana jamaioensis) at Raleigh, N. Carolina.] Auk. 17, 1900, 171-172. Brimont, (baron) de. *Bolide du 3 fevrier 1856. France Soc. Mettorol. Annu., 4, 1866, Pt. 2, 55-56. Brinck, (Frl.) Julia. On the nutrition of .skeletal muscle. Jl. Pliysiol. , 10, 1889, ix-x. Ueber synthetische Wirkung lebender Zellen. Ztschr. Biol., 25, 1889, 453-473. Brinck, (/''//.) Julia, & Kronecker, Hugo. Ueber synthe- tische Wirkung lebender Zellen. Bern Mitth., 1887, xviii-xxii ; Arch. Anat. Physiol. (PJujxinl. Abth.), 1887, 347 349. Brinckertaoff, IC. R. The patliology of azoturia. Boston , Soc. Med. Sci. JL, [4, 1900], 229-233. Brinckmann, //. Hamburger Silberlack. Wien Oruitli. Ver. Mitth.. 14, 1890, 43-44. Brindeau, [Aiifiuste], & Maci, K. Sur les ana(5robies dans I'mfeetion puerpi'rale. Congr. Int. Med. C. K. , 1900 (Io(.,15, l)bsli-tr.). 107-111. Brindel, [Kduiiard Victorieii Aime]. Contribution a I'anatomie pathologique des cavities kystiques ayant leur point de dipart dans la nuiqiieuse des fo.sses nasales. Bordeaux Soc. W'd. Mem., 1898, 107-116. Brindley, H\arold\ II[almc]. On a specimen of the white liream (Abramis l>licca, Uloch) without pelvic fins. Zool. Son. Proc. 1891, 108-109. On the natin-e of the relation between the size of certain animals and the size and number of their sense- organs. [1890.] Cambridge Pliil. Soc. Proc, 7, 1892, 9Ci-97. On a specimen of Hemidactylus Gleadovii, Murray, with a bitid renewed tail. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 9, 1894-95, 30-33. On the regeneration of the legs in the Blattidae. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 903-916. Some cases of caudal abnormality in Mabuia carinata and other lizards. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl. , 11, 1897-98, 680-689. On certain characters of reproduced appendages in Arthropoda, particularly in the Blattidas. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 924-958. Note on some abnormalities of the limbs and tail of dipnoan fishes. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 10, 1900, 32.5-327. Brindley, H[arold] Hlnlme], & Bateson, William. See Bateaon & Brindley. Brindley, IP. Ou the marbles and other ornamental rocks uf tlie Mediterranean. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 809-810. Brink, .-1. J. ten. Het " Sneeuwgebergte" op Nieuw- Guinea. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 52, 1893, 41-75. Brink, H. van den. *[Notes m^teorologiques.] Utrecht (Hollaude). France Soc M(5t6orol. Nouv. M(5t^orol., 4, 1871, 102. Brink, H. van den, & Buys-Ballot, C[hristopher'\ H[endrik] D[irk]. See Buys-BaUot * Brink. Brink, Ma.t. Zur Localisation der Grosshirnfunctiouen und zur Lelire von der secundiiren Degeneration. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 38, 1886, 285-301. Brinkman, Albert. A microscopical demonstration of myelitis. N. Y. Med. Jl., 44, 1886, 694-695. Brinkmann, .-I. Ueber die Ameisengaste (Myrmecophilen). Deutscli. Natf. Verb., 2, 1890 {Th. 2), 1.54-1.59. Brinkmann, H'. Vorarbeiten zu einer Pilzflora West- falens. Westfiil. Ver. Jber., 1896-97, 195-207; 1897-98, 126-133. Brinton, Daniel G^arrison']. For biography and list of works .sec Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 354; .\nthrop. (Paris), 10, 1899, 621-622; Nature, 60 (1899), 374; Science, 10, 1899, 193-196; Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. (Mem. Vol. 1), 1900, 210-272; Anthrop. Inst. JL, 30, 1900, 21; Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 30, 1900, [129]. The lineal measures of the semi civilised nations of Mexico and Central America. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 604. Tunisian flints. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1884, 219-220. Fired stones and prehistoric implements. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1884, 279-280. A glacial pebble. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1884. 299. The phonetic elements in the graphic systems of the Mayas and Mexicans. Amer. .\ss. Proc, 1886, 327- 328. Address [to the Anthrop. Sect.]. A review of the data for the study of the prehistoric chronology of America. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 283-;Wl. Early man in Spain. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1888, 323-324. On the alleged Mongoloid afllnities of the American race. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1888, 325 ; Science, 12, 1888, 121-123, 239. Chalchiuitl : a note on the jadeite discussion. Science, 12, 1888, 168. The ethnologic allinities of the ancient Etruscans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc., 26, 1889, 506-527. Proposed classification and international nomen- clature of the anthropologic sciences. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1892, 257-2.58. Anvil-slutped stones from Pennsylvania. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1892, 286-287. European origin of the white race. Science, 19, 1892, 360-361 ; 20, 1892, 165. Remarks on the Mexican calendar system. .\mer. Ass. Proc, 1893, 312. Brintonl 807 [BrioBchi Variations in the liiiinnii iikeletoD and tbeir causex. Amer. Ann. I'roc, 1894, ifii). [PrcHidential addrcus.] The aims of anthropology. Amer. Ahk. I'loc, 1898, 1-17. The protoliistoric ialinup(niph,vi>f western AbIb. Amer. Phil. Hoc. Prixr,, 31, 1895, 71-102. (Thu factors of ornanic evolution.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc., ;«. 1898, 111-113. On the oldest stone implements in the eastern United States. Anthrop. Inst. .11.. 21;. 1897, 59-(i4. Brioll, Ferdiiitiiui. ICin lieitrat; /.at Kenntniss von Eryops mcKiieophaluH (Cope). [18H9.] I'alaeontographica, 4G, 1899 1900, (;i-«4. Brlon, .llliiri. I'ebcr die Oxydation der stereoisomeren Weinsiiuren im tliicrischen Organisraus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 2.5, 1898, •JH3-29.'5. Kin Full von geschlossenem HerzklappeuAthcrom bei eineni 15 jiihrigen Miidclien. Virchow, ,\rcli., 102, 1900, ."il.">-.51!i. Btlon, /•,'.. A Denya, ./. See Scnys ,V Brlon. Brlon, (jeoni. I'llier den Ueher;^iin(; der Kohle iius dem niclitli'itondcn in den leitonden Ziistand. Ann. Pbys. Chem., 59, 1896, 715-7H4. Brlonea, Sarciso. Sobre la constitucion del I'icido nitro- naftAlieo. [In trench.] Chili Soc. Sci. .\ct., 3, 1893, cxxiii-cxxiv, cxxx-cxxxii. [Sobre las phtnleinas.] Chili Soe. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, xlviii. Paico. Chili Soe. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, Ixxiv. Pulquina. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, Ixxiv, cii-ciii. Maqui. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, Ixxxix-xc. Sur le cochayiiyo. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, oviii-cix. Matiere colorante des fruits du palqui. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, cxxxix-cxl. [Sur la matiere colorante du maqui.] Chili Soc. Sci. Act.. 4, 1894, cxI. Sobre la composicion quiniica de las hojas de avellano. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, exc-cxci. El Margarodes vitium, .1. (Hard. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, ccxi. Contribucion al estudio (piimico del Margarodes vitium. [1894.] Chili Soc. Sci. Act.. 5. 1896, cxxv. [Tanino de los frutos del e.spiuo i del algarrobillo.] Chili Soc. Sci. Act., .5, 189B, Ixxxii. Brloacbl, i''(i»«(ino. Piogge insolite [a Napoli, 13 settembre 1890]. Moncalieri 0.-;s. Boll., 11, 1891, 10. Biassunti decadici e meusuali dellc osservazioni mcteo- riche fatte uel E. Osservatorio di Capodimonte nell' anno 1892 [e neir 1893]. Napoli, Kend., 32, 1893, 163-1G7; 33, 1894, 202-20G. Temperature estremc osservate al K. 088cr%'atorio di Capodimonte (Napoli) nel ventenuio 1873-93. Moncalieri Os.>^. Holl., 14. 1894, 1 12. Brioactil, I'aii.ttinn, & Oasparia, AlnnibaU] de. See aasparis it Brioacbi. Brloschi, Francisc'i. For biography and list of works tee Ann. .Mat., 2ii (1897), 343-347; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1130-1141; ISoma. K. Ace. Lincei Kend., 6, 1897 {S-e7; Wicu, Almanach, 48, 1898, 332-335; Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend.. 32, 1899, 108-125; Miincheu Ak. Sber., 28, 1899, 449- 452; Mathesis. 20. 1900, 112-113; Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 14. 1900, 202-274. Sulla teoria dellc funzioni ellittiche. .\nn. Mat., 12 (1883-84), 49-72. Sullc pruprieta di una forma biquadiatica. Giom. Mat., 22, 1884. 130-132. Sopra un probleraa d' analisi. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Bend., 17, 1884, 401-400. L-22I. SuUe proprieta di una classe di forme binarie. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2. 1886 {Sem. 1), :«)2-3a5. Sopra una formola di Iraxfomiazione di ini«grali multipli. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend.. 2, 1886 iSem. 2), 11I-U7. Le equazioni differenziali pei (xriodi delle funzioni ellittiche. Ann. Mat.. 14 (1886-871. 238--.;iil. Sulla teorica delle funzioni i|>i'rellittiche di primo ordine. Ann. Mat.. 14 il886-87l. 241-;«4. Zur Transformation dritten (irades der b,\'perellip- tischen Functionen erster Ordnuog. Math. Ann.. 28, 1887, 594-59t;. I'eber die Transformation dor algebrai- ' '■' '. h- ungen durch Covarianten. (.\ubzug »u> ' :.' an Hrn. Goarns.) Math. Ann., 29. 1887. ...,- Sulla trasformazlone delle t-<|aaziiiiii algebriche. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 20, 1887, 304-370. Sulle funzioni sigma iperellittiche. Boma. B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 3, 1887 (Son. 1), 24.5-250. 311-315. Studi sulle forme ternarie. Ann. Mat.. 15 (1887-881. 235-252. Osservazioni sulla preeedente ( • •■ ■ •:. H. Masciikk. I^ ri>oluziono ci. ■ > grado]. Boma. R. .\co. Lincei !.■ ■ 1"-; 1), 183-184. La forma normale delle equazioni del aesto grado. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 4, 1888 {Sem. 1), 301-305, 485-488. Le equazioni differenziali pei periodi delle fanzioni iperellittiche a due \ari.ibili. R<'nia. B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 4, 1888 {Sem. 2), 341-347, 429-436. Sur I'equation du sixi^e degre. Acta Math., 12. 1889, 83-101. Sopra una trasformazlone delle equazioni del quinio grado. Ann. Mat.. 10 (1888-89), 181-189. Principii di una teoria sulla trasforroazione delle equazioni algebncbe. Ann. Mat.. 16 |1A88-M), 329- 334. Sur la transformation des equations algebriques. London Matli. Soc. Proc., 20, 1889, 127-131. Sopra un simbolo di operazione nella toorica delle forme. Milano. 1st. L<^>mb. Bend.. 22, 1889. 117-121. Brioschi] 808 [Briquet Les discriminants dee r^solvantes de Galois. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 878-879. Sur la derniere commiiuication d'H.tLPHEN k I'Academie. [Sur la resolvante de Galois dans la division des pi^riodes elliptiques par 7.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 520-522. Sullo svihippo in serie delle funzioni sigma iperellit- tiche. [1890.] Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Mem., 6, 1889, 471-484. Ueber die Eeihenentwickelung der geraden Sigma- functionen zweier Veranderlichen. Gottingen Naohr., 1890, 236-238. Les invariants des equations diff^rentielles lin^aires. Acta Math., 14. 1890-91, 233-248. • Sur une forme nouvelle de I'equation modulaire du huitieme degre. Amer. .11. Math., 13, 1891, 381-386. Sur une classe d'l^quations modulaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 28-32. Sur la rifduction de I'int^grale hyperelliptique a I'elliptique par une transformation du troisifeme degr<;. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 8, 1891, 227-230. Sopra alcune formole ellittiche. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 26, 1891, 586-595. Gli integrali algebrici dell' equazione di Lame. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 {Sem. 2), 327-331. Sulla trasformazione dell' undecimo ordine delle funzioni ellittiche. Ann. Mat., 21 (1893), 309-315. Un teorema nella divisione dei periodi delle funzioni ellittiche. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 26, 1893, 727-731 ; 27, 1894, 186-193. Sulle equazioni modulari. Roma, R. Aee. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 185-192; 5, 1896 {Sem. 2), 333-340. La trasformazione, d' ordine pari, delle funzioni ellittiche. Ann. Mat., 22 (1894), 31.3-322. Sur I'equation diff^rentielle Lam^-Hermite. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 449-455. Nuove formole nella moltiplieazione e nella trasfor- mazione delle funzioni ellittiche. Ann. Mat., 23 (1895), 73-91. Sur les racines multiples des Equations algebriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 582-585. Sur une classe d'^quations du cinquieme degre. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 12, 1895, 337-342. Sur I'equation du sixieme degre. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 12, 1895, 343-350. Sopra una trasformazione delle forme binarie e degli integrali corrispondenti. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 363-369. II lisultante di due forme binarie biquadratiche e la relazione fra gl' invarianti siraultanei di esse. [1896.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 31, 1895, 299-304 or 441-446. La moltiplieazione eomplessa per .y - 23 delle funzioni ellittiche. Ann. Mat., 24 (1896), 335-338. Le equazioni differenziali lineari equivalenti alle rispettive equazioni differenziali aggiunte di Lagkanoe. Ann. Mat., 24 (1896), 339-346. Relations differentielles entre les p^riodes des fonctions hyperelliptiques;) = 2. Crelle, Jl. Math., 116, 1896, 326- 330. Sur les invariants de deux formes binaires k facteur commun. Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 27, 1896, 116-118. Sopra un teorema del Sig'. Hilbebt. Palermo Cire. Mat. Rend., 10, 1896, 1.53-157. - — Sur I'equation jacobienne du sixieme degrd. Quart. .11. Math., 28, 1896, 382-384. II discriminante delle forme binarie del settimo ordine. Ann. Mat., 26 (1897), 255-259. Sur la transformation des Equations alg(5briques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 124, 1897, 661-665. Briosi, . Anii. Ilyi,'. i'ubl., :«, 1896. .")1H-.".'J0. Briquet, ./<)//«. (I'riniiliic llora) CoBtaiicensin.] Labiatee. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., SO, 1891 {Mri,,.), •i36-24-.i. Kceberclio« »ur In llurc du ilixtrk-t Haviiisien vl du district juraBsiciUf fnincoauiHHc avec iipcrvu Bur let Alpes occidentnica en |{t'ni''riil. Englor, Bot. Jbiicli., 13, 1891. 47-10.'-.. Zur uencrisclien Nomeuclatur der Labiatcn. Bot. Centrbl., 49, 1892, lOll-lU. Sur i|Ufl.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1886, eii-civ. [Tentyria fossulata, n. sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887, cxcii. [Un Curculionide nouveau d'Alg^rie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, clvii-clviii. [Description d'un nouveau Col^optfere de France.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, clxxxv. Description d'une Corticaria nouvelle de France. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 68. Brisout de Barneville, Henri. [Description d'une nouvelle espiee de Coleopteres,] Paris, Soc. Ent. Auu., 4, 1884, Ixxxi-lxxxii. Brissaud, E[doHard]. Anatomie pathologique de la maladie kystique des mamelles. Arch, de Phvsiol., 3, 1884, 98-113. Ad^nome et cancer hepatiques. Arch. Gen. M^d., 156, 1886, 129-151. Le spasme saltatoire dans ses rapports avec I'hyst^rie. Arch. Gen. Med., 166, 1890, 38.5-399, 547-560. Sur la pretendue degeneration nerveusedans cei'taines n^vrites p6riph6riques. Paris, Soc. Bioh M(5m,, 42, 1890, 79-84. La fonction visuelle et le cuneus. Etude anatomique sur la terminaisou corticale des radiations optiques. Ann. d'Oculist., 110, 1893, 321-346. Du chlorate de soude dans le traitement des cancers de I'estomac. Ass. Frauf. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 1), 311- 312. Localisation corticale des mouvements de la face. Progres Mi5d., 18, 1893, 493-495, Le rire et le pleurer spasmodiques. Rev. Sci., 1, 1894, 38-46. L'oeuvre scieiitifique de Duchknne (de Boulogne). Rev. Sci.,_12, 1899, 449-460, Brissaud, F,[douiird~\, & Charcot, J[ean] Mlartiii]. See Cheircot S: Brissaud. Brissaud, F.[doutnd], ct Lantzenberg, E. Le syndrome bulbaire d;ERB. Arch. Gen, Med,, 179. 1897, 257-288. Brissaud, E[douurd], & Iiereboullet, F. Etages radi- culairea et m^tamerie spinale. Progres M^d., 12, 1900, 1-4. Brissaud, E[douiird], & Iionde, Albert. Photographie jiar les ravons de RiiNTOKN il'une balle de 7""" dans le Cfiveau. 'Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 136:i-1365. Brissaud, E[doiiard'\, & Meige, Heiirji. Gigantisme et acromegalie. Rev. Sci., 3, 1895, 330-336. Brissaud, E[douiird], & Ricbet, Charles. Essai d'une terniinologie dans les questions d'hypnotisme. Rev. Sci., 44, 1889, 147-149, Brissaud, K[douard], & Sabourin, Ch. Deux cas d'atrophie du lobe gauche du foie d'origine biliaire, pouvant servir a I'histoire des communications ])athologiques entre les veinea portes et les veiues sus-hepatiqucs. .^rch. de Physiol., 3, 1884, 345-366, 444-454. Sur 111 constitution lobulaire du foie et les voies de la circulation sanguine intra-hfiimtiquc. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 757-762. Brisse, . [('onstitutiou des argiles plastiques.] Paris Soc. Cliim. Bull., 1, 1889, 227. BrlBse, Ch[arles Mieltel]. For biography and works see Jl. Phys., 7, 1898, [637]; Nature, 59 (1898-99), 80; N. V., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 5, 1899, 211-212. Demonstration dii th^orc^nie de d'Alehbkht. 2 Paris, 6cole Polyt. Jl., 56, 1886, 163-169. Nouvelle nii''thode de discussion de I'equation en S. Noiiv, Ann. Math,, 9, 1890, 3(;7-372. BrlBse, E. Representation graphique des variables elKcaces Brisse] 811 [British Association den couraptH alterimtifs nn fonction Hen coiirbcB porio- diquea. Kclnirare Kliwt., 2.1 (1900), 48H-J'J2. Brlssemorot, A. Sur In solubiliti'' ilc la t^'obromiDO dunK Ics HnliitioiiM iu|iii'iiHVH lies h«1h i\ rractioD alcaliue. Jl. I'lmnii., 7, 1898, ITI! 17S. Brlssemoret, .1., A Joanln, .l{lli,rl]. Sur If ferment diKiliili.iui'. .11. I'liuriii., K, 1898, 481-484. Propriitt'B pliarinaco(lyi)aini<|ucK de ((aelijucii derives do I'aoidc carl>(>ni(|up ct d'unc carbt-rine. I'arig, Soc. Hiol. M.rri., .V.', 1900 (C li.), ;ipi-3G3. Briiaon de I.eiUiarr6e, 7'. P. Etude lichdnoKraphique nil jii.int lie viR. lies eliinats. Lichens dcH environti ilAniilie (.\iiielip-l'alnl(ltt). Hcv. Mycol., IS, 1891, 3:i-10. Brluonnet, [Jules]. Itrchercbes BUr la quinine, la cincho- nine et la cinchonidine. Jl. Pharm., 24, 1891, 628- 531. Sur l«B prineipaux alcaloVdcs des quinquinas. Ass. Frani?. C. R., 1894 {Pi. 1), 131-132. Briasonnet, I., Thlbavat, , .V Merder, . See Tblbault, BrlBsonnet ,V Mercler. Brlatol, i'h'irley I,tiur,m-i\ On tlu' rustoiation of osmic aciil solutiima. Amur. Natlist. , 27, 1893, 17.1-176. Notes oil ({old impregnation teclinique. Auier. Natliat., 28, 1894, 82.J-82G. The Alumni biological expeditioa of New York Uni- versity to the Bermudas. Science, 6, 1897, 724-72.5. The metamerism of Neplielis. A contribution to the morphology of the nervous system, together with a description of Neplielis lateralis. [lH97-!)8.] Zool. Bull., I, 1898, 35-3'.l; .11. Morphol., 1.1, 1899, 17-72. The homing instinct of a turtle. Science, 12, 1900, 890. Bristol, Omrles I.aineinf, A Carpenter, /■'. 11'. On the occurrence of Aiupliioxus at Birmuila. [1890.] Science, II. 1900, 170. Bristol, If. //. A new pressure indicator or recorder (expi rimeiitfti model). Amer. Ass. Proc, 1888, 89-90. Brlstow, Hitirij }\'illi(im. For biography and list of works sfe Geol. Mag., ('., 1889. 381-384 ; Nature, 40, 1889, 178, 206-207; Oeol. Soe. yuan. Jl., 4(>, 1890 {Pror.), 4+-45. 'Notes [on tlie Tertiary Huvio-marine formation of the Isle of Wight]. Great Britain Geol. Surv. Mem. (Z>is(ri((), 1856, 103-144. The geology of the Isle of Wight. [Second edition, revised and enlarged by Clement Rkii> and Aubrey Stiuhan ] Eng. A- Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. {District), 1889 (2ii.; lulil.), 349 ]']>. See also iiiuler %Kroodward, Horace />'. Bristowe, John S[ijer]. For biographical notice and works see Hoy. Soc. Proc, .19, 1896, x-xii. Cases of tumour of the corpus callosura. [1884.] Brain, 7, 1886, 31.1-333. Cases of recovery from symptoms pointing to the presence of progressive organic cerebral disease. [1885.] Brain, 8, 1886, 1-13. Cases of ophthalmoplegia, complicated with various other affections of the nervous system. [188.5-87.] Brain, 8, 1886, 313-344; 9, 1887, r>44-54.5. Old laminated clots lining the ventricles of the heart; malignant disease of stomach, simulating in its symptoms malignant disease of vertebra>. [1886.] LondoD Path. Soc. Trans., 37, 1886, 193-197. A brief statement of the modern views of the cause, nature, and prevention of pulmonary consumption, and of tuberculo.sis (or scrofula). Inst. Act. Jl., 26, 1887, 220-223. On recurrent palpitation of extreme rapidity in persons otherwise apparently healthy. [1887.] Brain, 10, 1888, 164-198. On speedy recovery from the effects of cerebral embolism. [1888.] Brain, II, 1889, 78-83. On recovery from idiopathic cerebrospinal meningitis. [1888.] BrHin, 11. 1889, 2HV-224. On the nature and relations of mind and brain. Brain, 14, 1891. lH-34. UeccDt tubercle of the pons Varolii (with pot4>ntial double conjugate deviation of the eyes) ; anl old con- gfsti.il tubercular maiui in the cerebellum. Brain, 14, 1891. ■JH'.i-2S.1. Brlatowe, ./../m S[ijfr]. \ Boralay, Victor. A case of paralytic rabies in man, with remarks. [1888.] Clin. Sfic. Trans., 22, 1889, .38-17. Brltctaer, lloruce H'. An occurreno; of albino eggs of the s|pnii. il salamander, AmblvHtoma puuctatnm, L. Amer. Mier. So.-. Trans. 21. 1899, 69-74. British Association. Joint discusxion [of Section A.] with .Sietioii (j. on lightning-condactors. Brit. Ass. Kep.. 1888. .191-61.5. UiKCUKsion on coral reefs. Brit. Ass. B«p., 1868, 718-723. Discussion on the theory of solation. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1890, 311-338. A discussion on symbiotic fermentation. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1899. fi92-7»t3. Britlsb Association, ' ommitleet. Report of the Committee ai»|K,iiit(d l'< c.insiiler and advise on the best means for facilitating the adoption of the metric system of weights and measures in Great Britain. Brit. Ass. Rep., US4. 27-28. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of considering the best methods of recording the direct intensity of solar radi:iti.in. Brit. Ass. Ik-p., ISSt, 28-29: 1885, 111',: 1886. f,n r,4; 1887, 32-33; 1889, 40-41 ; 1891, 11,(1: 1892. Ils-KM; 1893, 141-146; 18M. 106; 1896. 241-213; 1900. 3(>-4.1. [Hcport-] of the Committee appointed f.ir the purpose of constructing and issuing practical standards for use in electrical nua-iiiremcnts. Brit. .\s.i. Rep.. 1884, 29-.32 ; 1885. 31-33; 1886. 14.1-1,10; 1887, 20t>-20H; 1888. .15 09; 1889, 41-44; 1890. 9.1-13«; 1891, 1.12-lt", appointeil for \\ - of co-ojierating with the directors of the i Observatory in making meleornlogical obs-r ;j Ben Nevis. Brit. .\ss. Rep., 1884, ,36-37; 1880, •.IO-92; 1886, .1M-I,3; 1887, .34-39; 1888. 49-54: 1SS9, 31.5-318; 1890, 174-1S3: 1891. 14il-Hi;i 1892. iVs-Ti; 1893. 2*1- 281;; 1894. lOs-lir,; 1895. 1-r, I'M; 1896. lf,'',-172; 1897, 219-220; 1898, 277-2''3; 1899 " "'; 1900. 46^12. P'ourth re|)ort of the Cv i .inted for the purj>ose of investigating the ;. - • . ■. f ,.'.,-~u,,,' and identifying meteoric dust, and of question of undertaking regular observn localities. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884. .38. [Reports] of the Committee reappointed for the purpose of drawing up a statement of the ■ ' ' nical names which have come into u- .■ the causes which hsv.. t.-.i t,, I'n.ir , ■.,„ sidering what can ' of the views on cii. English and foreign chiui^ls. But. A>«. Bep., 18M, 39-74 ; 1886. 262-275 [Reiwrts] of tli. ' ■' <: 1892. 2; 1888, 141 115. [Ueports] of the (-'oinniittco uppointed to orRaniBe a syBteniatic iiiveBtiKation of the depth of tlie pertnanently frozen soil in tlie piplar regions. it« ^jeoRraphical liiuitH and relation to the present jiole of «renteHt cold. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1886. '.'Tl-UTfi; 1887, l.V.'-l.W. [Iteports] of the Committee ap|iointed for the purpose ■ of considering the subject of elcctrol.v»i» in its physical and ehcmiciil benriiitis. Brit. .\ss. I{e|i., 1886, :iOM-413 ; 1887, 33i;-:i.5K ; 1888, .CI'.I-^IJU : 1889, 'i-JH --''i."- ; 1890, 138- 141; 1891, 12-i; 1892, 72. [licpoits) of the Cdnimittee appointed for the purpose of investi^atiiiK' tlie influence of silicon on the properties of [iron and] steel. Hrit. .\.ss. Hep., 1887, 43-47; 1888, 69-72 ; 1889, 2(17-2H2 ; 1890, 2(J2. [Ueports] of the Committee ai)pointcd for the purpose of investidatinK the nature of .solution. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1887, ."..".-.')(; ; 1888, 93-94; 1889, 53; 1890, 310; 1892, 2(il-2(;2. Iteport of the Committee appointed for the purpose of reporting on the bibliography of golution. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1887, 57-59. Report of the Conniiittce appointed for the purpose of investigating the flora and fauna of the CameroouB Mountain. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1887, 73-77. Heport of the Committee appointed for the purpose of considering the ijuestion of accurately defining the term British as applied to the marine fauna and flora of our islands. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1887, '.(S. Report of the Committee ap|>ointed for the purpose of investigating the mechanism of the .secretion of urine. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 131-134. Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of preparing a rejiort on the herds of wild cattle in Chartley I'ark, and other parks in (Jreat Britain. Brit. Ass. ItJp., 1887, 135-145. [Reports] of the Coniniiltee appointed for the purpose of investigating the physiology of the lymphatic system. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 14.5-151; 1888", 3t;3-3r)6: 1889, 128-1. HI. l<'inal report of the Committee apjKiinted for the purpose of taking into consideration the combination of the Ordnance and Admiralty Surveys, and the production of a bathy-hypsographical map of the British Islands. Brit. Ass. 'Hej)., 1887, 11h)-163. [Reports] of the Committee appointel for the purpose of ascertaining and recording the localities in the British Islands in which evidences of the existence of prehistoric inhabitants of the eountrv are found. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 1G8-172; 1888, 289-31i;; 1889, 318-.322; 1890, 548-.549. [Reports] of the Committee for the purpose of reporting upon the manure gravels of Wexford. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 2(19-211; 1888, 13.3-141; 1889, 92-93; 1890, 410-124. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to undertake the microscopical examination of the older rocks of Anglesey. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1887, 230-231; 1888, 3C7- 420. Heport of the Committee for the purpose of in- vestigating the Carboniferous flora of Halifax and its neighbourhood. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 23.5-236. [Reports] of the Committee ap|>ointeorting upon the present methods of teaching cbemistry. Hrit. Ass. Kep., 1888, 73-89; 1889, 228-267; 1890,'26.5-3fJ9. [Reports] of the Committee ap|>oinleointe) of the Committee appointed U) arrange an investigation of the seasonal variations of temperature in lakes, rivers, and estuaries in varioUB parts of the Cnit*-jfi4 : 1889. 93-94 ; 1890, 447-449 : 1891. 354-357 ; 1892. .^5.3-3.5,", ; 1893. .524-525; 1898, 472; 1896, 493-494; 1899, 441- 443. [Reports] of the Committee appoint«l for the purpose of considering the possibility of calculating table* of Certain mathematical functions, and, if necessary, of taking steps to carry out the calculationa and to publish the results in an accessible form. Brit. Ass- Hep., 1889. 28-32; 1893, 227-279; 1896. 98-149; U9B, 145. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to investigate the molecular phenomena connecie.1 with the ma).'n>'tisa- tion of iron. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 33-34; 1890, 145- 160. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to consider the best method of establishing an inlematiooal standard for the analvsifl of iron and st*-el. Brit. .\»». Rep.. 1889. -50- 53 ; 1890, 262-263 ; 1892, 186-19wledi;e in electrolysis and elcctro-chemistrv. ] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896. 230-231; 1897, 227-245; 1898, 158; 1899, 100; 1900, 34-35. The carbiihydrates of cereal straws. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 262-265: 1897, 294; 1898, 293-294. Erratic blocks of the British Isles. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 360-377; 1897, 349-352; 1898, 5.52-550; 1899. 398-402 ; 1900, 343-346. The character of the high-level shell-bearing deposits in Kintyre. Report of the Committee, with special reports on the organic remains. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 378- 399. Report of the Committee appointed to ascertain by excavation at Hoxne the relatii>ns of the Palteolitbic deposits to the Boulder Clay, and to the deposits with Aictic and temperate plants. Brit. .\ss. Rep., 1896, 400-415. [lieports] of the Committee appointed to study the life- zones in the British Carboniferous rocks. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 41.5-410; 1897, 296-297; 1899, 371-375; 1900, 340-342. African lake fauna. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 484 ; 1897, 368-309. The necessity for the immediate investigation of the biology of oceanic islands. Rciwrt. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 487-489. The effect of wind and atmospheric pressure on the tides. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896. .503-526. [Report*] of the Committee appointed to coniiider means by which practical effi-cl can !« given to the introduction o( the screw gnuge proponed by the Asuocia- tion in 1884. Brit. Aks. Hep., 1896, .527-537 ; 1899, 464- 469 ; 1900. 436-448. The ethnographical nurrey of Ireland. [Report*.] Brit. Ass. Hep., 1896, 009-ClO ; 1897, 510-511. Linguistic and ttnthro|xjlogical cliaracterislics of the North Uravidian and Kolarian races. The Uranws. Report. Brit. A^s. R<-p., 1896, 6.".9-0ti3. [Re|X)rtsJ of the Conmiittee appointed to report on the elucidation of the life conditions of the oyster ander normal and abnormal environment, including in the latter the effect of sewage matter and pathogenic organisms. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896. 663-669 ; 1897. 363-367; 1898, 5.59-569. [Reports] by the Committee on the physiological ap- plications of the phouograph, and on the form of the voice-curves made by the instrument. Brit. Au. Rep., 1896, 669-673; 1897, 52r>-r,M). [Reports] of the Committee appointed to report on the best methods of preserving vegetable specimens for exhi- bition in museums. Brit. Ass. Re])., 1896, 0-14-6% ; 1897, 537-538. Report of the Committee appoint<>d to a-cert&in the age and relation of the rocks in which secondary fosaiU have been found near Morescat, .Aberdeenshire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 333-342. [Re|)orts] of the Committee appointed to examine the conditions under which remains of the Irish elk are found in the Isle of Man. Brit. Ass. Rep., U97, 346- 348; 1898, 548-551; 1899, 370; 1900, 31'.t-3.50. An ethnological survey of Cauatla. [Report".] Brit. Ass. Hep., 1897, 440-151; 1899, 497-584; 1900, 468- 568. • [Reports] of the Committee appointed to investigate the changes which are a.ssociated with the functional activity of nerve cells and their peripheral extenxions. Brit. Ass. Ikp., 1897. 512-520; 1898. 714-720. The physiological effects of jn-ptone and its precursors when introduced into the circulation. [Reports.] Bnt. Ass. Rep.. 1897, 531-537; 1898, 720-729; 1899, 605-608; 1900. 457-458. [Hei)orts] of the Committee for the establishment of a uiet<-orological observatorv on the top of M>>uiil Roval. Montreal. Brit. Ass. Rep..'l898, 79; 1900. 33-34. [Reports] of the Committee ap|xjinled to further investigate the flora and fauna of the I'leistocene beds in Canada. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, .522-529; 1899, 411- 414; 1900, 328-339. Photographs of geological interest in Canada. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, .546-547. Report of the Committee ap|>ointed to explore certain caves in the Malay Peninsula, and to collect their living and extinct fauna. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1898, .571- 582. Fertilisation in Phioophyoe«. Report. BriL A»«. Rep., 1898, 729-730. Radiation from a source of light in a magnetic field. Report. Brit. Asa. Rep., 1899, 63-64. Heat of combination of metals in the formation of alloys. Report. Brit. .Kss. Rep., 1899. 246-249. Report of the Committee appointed to establisli a uniform system of recording the results of the chemical and bacterial examination of water and sevage. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 2.55-256. [Reports] of the Comnu- ■ stigate the relation between the at- ^'Inical constitution of organic subsUiaL>_--. i>iii. .\--- i,- p.. 1899, 316-358: 1900. 151-167. Report of a Committee appointed to investigate the Tv Sewvdd caves. Tremeirchion, North Wales. Brit. Ass. Rep.. 1899, 406-411. British Association] 816 [Britten Report of the Committee appointed to make photo- graphic and other records of the disappearing drift section at Moel Tryfaen. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 414- 423. Pedigree stock records. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 424-429. Report of the Committee appointed to make periodic investigations of the plankton and physical conditions of the EngHsh Channel during 1899. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 444-446. Report of the Committee appointed to explore the island of Sokotra. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 460-464. Electrical changes accompanying the discharge of the respiratory centre. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 599- 603. The comparative histology of the cerebral cortex. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, (J03-Ci04 ; 1900, 453-4-54. The influence of drugs upon the vascular nervous system. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 608. The micro-chemistry of cells. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, ()09-610; i900, 449-452. Isomurphous derivatives of benzene. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 167-170. The movements of underground waters of Craven. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 340-349. Report of the Committee appointed to investigate- the structure, formation, and growth of the coral reefs of the Indian region. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 400-402. Electrical changes in mammalian nerve. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep. , 1900, 45-5-457. Report of the Committee on the effect of chorda stimulation on the volume of the submaxillary gland. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 458-161. British Astronomical Association. [Reports of the] Section for tlie observation of the moon. [1892-99.] Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 1, [1893], 1-16; 2, 1895, 29-52; 3, 1895, 151-191; 7, 1899, 47-70. [Reports of the] Section (or the observation of meteors. [1892-1900.] Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 1, [1893], 17-31; 3, 1895, 1-28; 4, 1896, 1-20; 5, 1897, 1-18; 6, 1898, 37-54; 7, 1899, 1-16; 8, 1900, 1-21; 9, 1901, 1-26. [Reports of the] Section for the observation of the colours of stars. [1892-1900.] Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 1, [1893], 33-52; 2, 1895, 109-128; 9, 1901, 27-62. [Reports of the] Section for the observation of variable stars. Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 1, [1893], 5.3-72; 3, 1895, 29-48 ; 5, 1897, 19-50. [Reports of the] Section tor the observation of Jupiter. Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 1, [1893], 73-98; 2, 1895, 129-156; 3, 1895, 121-1-50; 4, 1896, 21-41; -5, 1897, 51-82; 6, 1898, 103-142; 7, 1899, 71-lOH; H, 1900, 67-90. [Reports of the] Section for the observation of the Sun. Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 1, [1893], 99-138; 2, 1895, 53-108; 3, 1895, 49-120; 4, 1896, 43-106; 5, 1897, 83-122; 6, 1898, 14.3-174; 7, 1899, 17-16; 8, 1900, 23-52. [Reports of the] Section for the ob.servation of Saturn. [1893-1901.] Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 2, 1895, 1-28; 9, 1901, 107-113. [Reports of the] Section for the observation of Mars. Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 2, 1895, 157-198; 4, 1896, 107- 137 ; 6, 1898, 55-102 ; 9, 1901, 63-106. [Report of the] expedition for the observation of the total solar eclipse, August 9th, 1896. [1896.] Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 6, 1898, 1-36. [Report of the] Siclion for astronomical photography. Brit. Astr. Ass. Mini., H, 1900, 53-66. See also Brown, (.l/i.s») A'. See also Corder, //. ■See also Denning, 11'. F. See also Oore, ./. A'. See also Maunder, /■.'. IT. Brito, ,1. (le FaiUa. See Paula Brito. Brito, Pliilip S. A method of testing for iodine in the presence of large quantities of bromine. Chem. News, 50, 1884, 210. Brito Capello, Feli.r de. *Descripi;ao de tres especies novas de Crustaeeos d'Africa occidental e observa(,'oes acerca do Penseus Bocagei, Johnson, especie nova dos mares de Portugal. Lisboa Ac. Scl. Mem., 3 (Pt. 2), 1865, No. 7, 11 pp. *Description de quelques especes du genre Galateia du Bengo et du Quanza. Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 5 (Pf. 2), 1878, No. 5, 17 pp. *Catalogo dos peixes de Portugal. Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., (i [I't. 1), 1881, No. 3, 73 pp. Brito Capello, Feli.r de, & Barboza du Bocage, Jnsr ]' ice lite. See Barboza du Bocage iV Brito Capello. Brito Capello, (capit.) Joiio Carlos de. "[Notes meteoro- logiques.J Lisbonne (Portugal). France Soc. Mfeteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1876, Pt. 2, 180, 211. Remarks on magnetic reductions. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 77-78. Letter. [On the best means of comparing and reducing magnetic observations.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 67-69. Transmission of the time of the barometric minimum, and the direction and velocity of cirrus clouds in meteoro- logical telegrams. [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep., 1888, 10-11. Meteorological information to ships passing within sight of semaphores. [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep., 1888, 11-12. ■ Est-ce qu'il conviendra faire les corrections, aujour- d'hui connnes, aux vitesses du vent donnees par les ane- momitres Robinson? [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Conf. Rep., 1891, 72-73. Weather maps and forecasts in Portugal. [1896.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl, 12 (1895-96), 358-.359. Results of magnetic observations at the Observatory Infant D. Luiz (Lisbon), 1890-96. Terrestrial Magn., 2, 1897, 119. Sur le mouvement diurne du pole nord d'nn barreau magnetique suspendu par le centre de gravite. Brit. Ass. Rep.. 1898, 750-751. Brito Capello, {cajiit.) Jouo Carlos de, Denza, (padre) Francesco, & Symons, G[eor(je] Jlanies]. Remarks on the classification of days of snow, and on the height of rain-gauges. [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep., 1885, 47-19. Brito Capello, (capit.) Jot'io Carlos de, Hildebrandsson, IIuijo midehrand, & X-ey, (Rev.) I('[(//(Vi/»] Clement. [Simple instructions for the observation of clouds.] [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep., 1885, 21-25. Brito e Cunha, Fdaardo .i. de. Noticia sobre o Rio Braiico e os Indios ipie o habitam. Lisboa Soc. Geogr. r.ol., 3, 1885, 121-131. Britsch, . "[Notes meteorologiques.] Tougourt (prov. de Constantine). France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. M^t^orol., 8, 1875, PI. 2, 297. Brittain, Charles EJicanl, A Cobea, Julius Hereitd. Sec Cohen A Brittain. Brittain, John, A Cox, Philip. Notes on the summer birds of the Itestigouche valley. New Brunswick. Auk, 6, 1889, 116-119. Britten, James. Masson's drawings of South African plants. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884. 144-148. On the nomenclature of Gagea. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 211-212. — — The Forster herbarium. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 360- 368. Hookera r. Brodiiea : with some remarks on nomen- clature. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 49-53. On the nomenclature of some Proteaceoe. Jl. Hot., 24, 1886, 296-300. Nomenclature of Boea. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 183. Brittenl 817 [Britten linpatienB biflora, 11'.///. (I. (aUii,, Wntt.). JI.Bot., 25, 1887, 34y. The nomenclature of Nymphica, etc. .11. Bot. , 20, 1888, 0-11. Recent temlenciiH in .\merican botanical nomen- clature. .11. Hot., -ii;, 1888, •2r>7--26->, ■it,. 27, 1889, 272. Buda V. TisHa. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, l.')7-1.58, 2i)5-2'J7. Spergula pentandra in Ireland? Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 302-303. I'rof. ITknsi.ow on "Environment." Jl. Bot., 29, 1891. IlS-liy. [Euphorbia Uiburna in Co. Donegal.] Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 358-H.5'J. The plea of convenience. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 53-54. The Dcptford pink. Jl. Bot.. 30, 1892, 177-178. Diantluis ciesius. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 246. Damasonium Alisma in Epping Forest. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 247-248. Rediscovery of Sagina alpina. Jl. Bot. , 30, 1892, 378. Bibliographical notes. Hay's herbarium. ["Flora Corcirese." The dating of periodicals. The indexing of periodicals. William Youno and his work. Jane CoLDKN and the flora of New York. The dating and indexing of periodicals. The misuse of the Index Kewensis. Ghonovius's " Flora Virginica." Note on Cape plants. Fahrichs' "Ennmerutio I'lantanini Horti Helmstadiensis." Francis Baceii's "Delineations of exotick plants." Samuel Cnins's "Beauties of Flora." Fraskhs' Catalogues. .Vn overlooked paper bvRAFiNEsgOK.] Jl. Bot.. 31, 1893, U)7-10;i, 3.>'i-.357; 32. 1894, 180-181, 271-274, .332-337: 33. 1895, 12-1.'); 34, 1896, 168-170, 271-273; 36, 1898. 2(>4-2li7. 274. 3211, 3v Britton. Britton, Salhaniel Lord, A- Holllcli, Arthur. •Leaf- bearing sandstones on Staten Island, Sew York. [IPilA discm»ion.] [\Sm.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 3. 1888. 30-31. Flora of Richmond Co., N. Y'. Torrev Bot. Club Bull., 12. 1886. 3M-40. .See al.'o HoUick A" Brinon. Britton, Siilhaiiiel Lurd, \ Kearney, Thomas H. An enumeration of the plants collected by Dr. Timothy E. WiLLCOX, U. S. A., and others in south-eastern Arizona during the years 1892-94. [1894.] N. Y. Ac Trans., 14, 1895. 21^4. Britton, Sathnniel Lord, A Boalty, Henri/ H. A list of plants collected by Miss .Mary B. Caorr, i884-^_ at San Diego. Texas, near the headwaters of the Rio Dulce. N. Y. Ac. Trans., 7, 1887-88. 7-14 ; 9 il889-90), 181-183. Britton, .Withtiniel Lord. Korong, Thom-it, A Vall, (Jft><) Aniiii Murray. See ISorong, Britton A Vail. Britton, ir[i;(o)i] /-.[rvr.-//]. The Columbine lexf-miner, Plivtomvza .\qnilegis. Garden A Forest. 8 1B96 443-144. Habits of ferns. Garden * Forest. 9, 1896, 18. 103— i Britton] 820 (Brizi La Gallenica dell' olmo (the elm leaf-beetle) (Galeruea xantomeliBua). [1896.] Biv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 253-256. Ulterior! note sopra gVi insetti dannosi. [L' Aleyrodes delle serre (Alevrodes vaporariorum?).] [1896.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 5,' 1897, 250-257; Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 19-1. The San Jose scale in Connecticut. U. S. Div. Eut. Bull., 17, 1898. 81-84. Britton, Wiliy. [Buffalo gnat of Tennessee.] [1884.] Washington Biol. Soc. Proc. , 2, 1886, Ixvi. Britzelmayr, 3In.r. Hvniendmyceten aus Siidbayern. Augsb. Nat. Ver. Ber.,' 1885, 119-160; 1887, 271-306; 1890, 1-34; 1894, 157-222. Das Genus Cortinarius. Bot. Centrbl., 51, 1892, 1-9, 33-42. Materialien zur Besehreibung der Hymenomyceten. Bot. Centrbl., 54, 1893, 33-40, 65-71, 97-105; 02, 1895, 273-281. 305-313; 68, 1896, 108-112, 137-145; 71, 1897, 49-59, 87-90. Die Hymenomyceten in Stkrbeeck's Theatrum Fun- gorum. Bot. Centrbl., 58, 1894, 42-.57; 01, 1895, 209- 211; 62, 1895, 75. Die Lichenen der Flora von Augsburg. Augsb. Nat. Ver. Ber., 1898, 205-240. Revision der Diaguosen zu den [vom Verfasser] anfge- stellten Hymenomyceten-Arten. Bot. Centrbl., 73, 1898, 129-135, 169-175, 203-2] 0; 75, 1898, 163-178; 77, 1899, 356-363, 395-402, 433-441; 8(i, 1899, 57-66, 116-126. Die Lichenen der Algauer .Alpeu. Augsb. Nat. Ver. Ber., 1900, 71-139. Britzke, 0. Ueber den jahrlichen Gang der Verdunstung in Russland. Repertm. f. Meteorol., 17, 1894, No. 10, 54 pp. Briuchanenko, A[leksandr] N[ikolaevic]. 0 BjiflHin ;d.iieMeHTOB'L na onTiniecKyio itflTe.ibHocTb. [In- fiuence des elements sur le pouvoir optique des composes organiques.] Russ. Phys.-Chera. Soc. .11., ,30 {Chan., Ft. 2), 1898, 193; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 433. Bjianie 3jieMeHT0BT. na onTiiqeciiyro xtaTeJii)- HOCTb aMIIJIOBarO paillKaJia. [Ueber den Einfluss der Elemente auf die optische Activitat des Amylradicals.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 13.5-142; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 59, 1899, 4.5-52. Kt. Bonpocy o TOSKjiecTBl; MeTHpexi. cpoiCTBT, otpu BT, cyjIt(i)lIHaxT.. [Zur Prage betreffs der Identitat der vier Affinitaten des Schwefels in den Sulfinen.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 142-148; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898 3176-3182. Briuchanenko, AlUksandr} N[iliolaeric'\, A- Zelinskij, Nikolai I)[mitrievic]. Sre Zelinskij * Briuchanenko. Briuchanov, A. Ciioco6'(. lErKi'a HJiH onpe^'tJieHia i;aiiii.i.iiipuux'i. nocToaHHUxi. u ero biijiohsjiI;- Iionie. [M(Jthode de Jaoer pour determiner la constante capillaire et modification de cette m(5thode.] [1897.] Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Bull., 7, 1898, 203-212. Briuchanov, N. Zur Kenntnis der jjrimaren Neben- nierengeschwiilste. Ztschr. Heilk. , 20, 1899, 39-73. Ueber die Natnr und (ienese der caverno.sen Ilaman- glome der Leber. Ztschr. Heilk., 20, 1899, 131-158. Brtve, A[bel]. Terrains Mioci-nes de la region de Carnot (Alg^rie). Paris, Soc. Oi^ol. Bull,, 22, 1894, 17-29. Note Bur les terrains Pliocenes du Dahra (Algerie). Paris, Soc. Gi^ol, Bull., 23, 1896, .592-600. ■ Compte rendu des excursions dans la valWe du Ch^lif. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 24, 1896, 929-935. Sur la g^ologie de la region p^troliffere des environs de Relizane (Alg6rie). Paris, Soc. G6oI. Bull., 27, 1899, 128. Brive, A[hel], it Ficbeur, K[mile^. Sec Ticheur & Brive. Brivois, [Lnc Albert^. De I'electrolyse medicamenteuse cutanee. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(;m., 44, 1892, 119-125. Brix, Richard. * Ueber den Austausch von Chlor, Brom und Jod zwischen organischen und anorganischen Verbindungen. [1882.] Liebig's Ann., 225, 1884, 146-170. Brix, Walter. Der mathematische Zahlbegriff und seine Entwicklungsformen. Eine logische Untersuchung. Phil. Stud., 5. 1889, 632-677; 6, 1891, 104-166, 261-3.34. Brix, [Pliilip])] Willii'hn. For biography and works see Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verh., 1899, 125-135; Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 268. Brixa, Josef. Ueber Gumma des Ciliarkorpers und luetische Augenhintergrundserkrankungen. Ai'ch. f. 0|)bthalm., 48, 1899, 123-141. Brixhe, Emile. La foudre et les gaz de ratmosphere. [1892.] Ciel et Terre, 12 (1891-92), 500-501. Brizeird, Leopold. Sur quelques sels d'argent du ruthenium nitrose. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 1092-1093. Action des reducteurs sur les composes du ruthenium nitrose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 730-732. Action des reducteurs sur les comjioses nitroses de I'osmium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 182-185. Sur uu azotite double de ruthenium et de potassium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 216-217. Sur la composition des osmiamates. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 170-172. Recherches sur la reduction des composes nitroses du ruthenium et de I'osmium. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 311-383. Brizi,.-!. Su I'impollinazione nel gen. Cucurbita. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 217-222. Brizi, A., & Morroi, U[mherto]. .SVe Morroi & Brizi. Brizi, Uiio. Muschi nuovi per la provincia di Roma. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 88-89, 186. Prima [e secouda] contribuzione all" epatieologia romana. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 176-186, 326-332. Contribuzione all' epatieologia italiana. [1890.] Malpighia, 3, 1889, 414-425. Note di briologia italiana. Malpighia, 4, 1890, 262- 282, 350-363. Cinclidotus falcatus, Kindbfi. [1891.] Malpighia, 4, 1890, 560. Appunti di briologia romana. Malpighia, 3, 1891. 83-88. Su alcune Briolite fossili. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 369-373. Bryophytffi abyssinicffi a cl. Prof. 0. Penzig colleota;. Malpighia,' 7, 1893, 295-297. Sopra alcune particolarita morfologiche, istologiche e biologiche dei Cvathophorum. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 {S'eiii. 1), 102-109. Reliquie Notarisiane. i. Muschi. [1892.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 5, 1894, 5-37. Appunti di teratologia briologica. [1893.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 5, 1894, 53-57. [Contribuzioni alia conoscenza della Hora dell' Africa orieutale.] i. Briolite scioane raccolte dal dott. V. Ragazzi nel 1885. [1893.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 5, 1894, 78-82. Sul Cycloconium oleaginuni. Cast. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 185-188; Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 26, 1894 227-231. Due nuove specie del genere Pestalozzia. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 81-83. Micromiceti nuovi per la flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 93-101. Bicerche sulla brunissiire o annerniientn doUe foglie della vite. Nuovo Giorn. Hot. Ital., 2, 1896. ll.S-129; Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 28, 1896, 112-128. Brizi] 821 I Broca SiVKK'o iiiiiiiOHiiilico del ^enere ULyiicUuHtegiuni. MiilpiKhia, 10, 1896, •227-'257, 437-47M. Una nuova inaluttia (antracnoHi) del niandorUi. Uiv. Patol. Ve«., 1. 1896. -i'JH-HOS. Sul diHHOccaiiii'Mto dfi i;('rm-2H.';. - — — Stiidi Hulla flcira briolo^jica del Lazio. .Mal|ii|,'hia, 11, 1897, ai-'i-HHI); 12, 1898, HoVMt. Cimtiiliiito alio Bludio iiiorfolonico, bioloKico e BiHtc- iiiatii'o dclle Muscinee. liuina Int. Bot. Annu., 0, 1897, 27.')-36'.». La bftcteiio.si del sedano [Apium Hraveolens, /,.). Koiiia, li. Ace. Liiicci Rend., 11, 1897 (.SVm. 1), 229-234; Centrbl. Hakt. {.ibt. 2|, 3, 1897, .57.'5-.57'.l. I'',tiolot;ia della nialsania del Coiylus avellana, L. lioma, K. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 "(.SVm. 2i, 227-231; Centrbl. Rakt. {Ahl. 2), 4, 1898, 147-1.51. Una malaltia del traici della vito causatn dalla Botrytis eineiea. Htaz. Sper. .Vuiar. Ital., 30, 1897, 5-14; Centrbl. Rakt. (.•l^^ 2), 3, 1897, 141-14i;. Kicerclie botanichi- suilc principal! adulterazioni della |)olvere di sonunacco (Rhus coriaria, /,.). Staz. Sper. Afirar. Ital., .30. 1897, 233-2H2. II vaiuolo diir olivo (Cyilneoniiim oleagiuuni. Cunt.). Staz. Sper. A^rar. Ital., .32, 1899, 32!»-3;i8. Bxizlo, Kdourdo. La jirovenienza de^li Etruschi. Nuova Antiii. Sci., 121, 1892. 12t>-148; 122, 1892. 12»-1.50. Brizzi, .v.. .t Ficclnl, Aiiiiiisln. s'.'. Flceini A Brizzl. Broadbent, F[r,in}<\ \'[inii-iil]. .V 'Wiley, II'iivi/ ir[.;.«/i- iii'lUiii |. .S')'i' VTlIey A' Broadt)«nt. Broadbent,//. Cream of tnrtar. [With discuasion.} Brit. Phanii. Confer. Traus., 1890. 423-430. Broadbent, ./a/i II /■'[nimi.i] ll[itrpin], & Broadbent, (Sir) Williiim //[I'/iri/]. On treatment of ehrouic Iroiirt disease by the methods of Dr. Schott, of Nauheim, with some remarks on the mode of action of the treatment and its indications. Practitioner, 54, 1895, 38.5-390. Broadbent, Kendal. On the mi|.'ration of birds at the Cape Ycirk Peninsula. [1884.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc., 1. 1886, 93-96. The birds of the Chinchilla district (S. Queensland). [1885.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 2, 1886, 117-126. The birds of Clmrleville. [1886.] Queensland Hoy. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 23-31. Birds of the central part of Queensland. [1888.] Queensland Hoy. Soc. Proc., 5, 1889. 14-31. Broadbent, (.'^i)) William H{enr>i]. On a form of alcoholic spinal paralysis. Med.-Chir. Trans., 67, 1884, 133-144. On a particular form of amnesia. Loss of nouns. Med.-Chir, Trans., 67, 1884, 249-264. Brain origin. Brain, 18. 1895, 18,5-199. Progress of medicine in the Queen's reipn : nervous diseases. Practitioner, 58. 1897, (ill-til4. Pneumonia. Practitioner, 64, 1900. 11-21, Broadbent, (.Sir) William Il^eury], \ Broadbent, John y[ra}icit'\ H[arpin]. Set! above. BroadfOot, (Lf.) James Sutherland. 'Reports on parts of the Ghiizi country, and on some of the tribes in the nei(;hbourhood of Ghazni; and on the route from Ghazni to Dera Ismail Khan by the Ghwalari Pass. [Edited by Major William Bko.vdfoot, R.E.] [1870.] [Po»f/i.] Geoiir. Soc. Suppl. Pap., 1, 1886. 341-400. Broadhead, Garland C[arr]. 'The south-east Missouri lead district. [1876.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 5 (1876-77), 100-107. Missouri geolopical surveys. Historical memoir. St. Louis Ac. Trans., 4, 1886, 611-624. Mitchell county, Texas. Amer. Geologist, 2, 1888, 483-436. The geological history of the Ozark uplift. .\mer. Geologist, 3, 1889. 6-13. The MigHourl rivur. Amer. Geologist, 4. 1889. 14g-lS.5. The Ozark aerieii. Amer. GeologiBt, 8, 1891. 33-3.5. The correct Buccewiion of the Ozark nerieit. Amer. Geologist, 11, 1893. 2f.<>-2ti8. A critical iiotici- of the atratigraphy of the Mioftouri Pahiozoic, Amer. (ieologi^l, 12. 1893, 74-89. The Cambrian and the Ozark wrien. Amer. JL Sci., 46, 1893, 57-<;0. (ieological hintory of the Missouri Paleozoic. Amer. GeologiHt, 14, 1894, 3KO-.3HH. Coal MeasnreH of MiHsouri. Missouri Oeol. Surv. [Subj. Rep.]. 8, 1896, 35;i-395 The Devonian of north Missouri, with notice of a new fossil. Amer. .11. Sci., 2, 1896, 237-2.39. Geology of Boone county. Missouri. Missouri Geol. Surv. (Subj. Rep.], 12, 1898'(/'f. 3|, 373-388. The Ozark uplift and gr^wtli of tlie Missouri Paleozoic. Missouri Geol. Surv. [Subj. Hep.], 12, 1898 (Pt. 3), 389-409. Broadtaurst, H*. Ilnmer. \ Aiut«n, yettr T^ovoiuend]. .Sf, Austen .V Broadliarat. Broadway, IT. /■,. West Indian plants. Card. Chron., 1-^. 1895. 612. Broadwell, /,. II'. Anton Wkczkua's flying machine. A.iunaut. Jl., 4, 1900, 1.50-151. Broady, /'. O. Are bacteria path>igenic? Some considera- tions in the negative. N. Y. Med. Jl.. 60, 1B94, Ii»-19. Broc, -. Note sur le cyclone du 18 aout l^.ll a la Martiniipie. .\nn. Ilydrogr., 14, 1892. 5-9; Uev. Maritime et Colon., lit), 1893, 31-3l'i. Broca, [/^ii/'iiiiin] .Ifro/iuKiJ. In s<|iielette d'acromi-galie. Arch. Gen. Med., li;-2, 1888, i;.5ti-674. Broca, [/jdii/iimiii] .-([iii/imr^J, & Chaxrln, Albert. Traite- ment des tuberculoses cutanees par le serum de chiens tuberculeui. Paris, Soc. Biol. M.m.. 47, 1896 (f. R.), I'.O.'.-fiOti. Broca, [Uenjamin] A[uijiuite], 4 I,anoir, 0[lirier]. Xote sur un cas de persistance du <■•[■•■' ' \i, .,^. .,.,.,.,, absence de I'oreille externe dn ■■«- tiona sur le d^veloppement du m i>-s osselets de I'ouie. Bobin, Jl. Anat., 32, 1896, .5.59-.5))6. Broca, Andr(. Sur I'aplanetisme [et rachromati«nie]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114. 1892. 168-173, 216-220; Paris. Soc. Phys. Seances, 1892. 42-5H. Snr la courbure de la surface focale dans le« systi-mes centres. Ass. Fran.,-. C. K., 1894 {I'l. 2i. 319-;i-25. Sur le fonctionnement de I'appareil nerveui visuel. Ass. Franf. C. R., 1894 [Pi. 2), 338-343. Essai de th^orie des images accidentelles sur fond obscur. Ass. Franf. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 2), 344-348. Etudes thcoriques et exporimentales sur les sensations visuelles et la photom<>trie. Paris, Soc. Phye. S<'ances, 1894, 81-93. Sur le rendement de I'a-il et les conditions de meilleure distinction de deux plages colorees. Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1894. 119-132; Eclairage Elect., t'i(1896). 23-30. Sur I'elimination des forces tlectromotrices dans la mesure des resistances. Ass. Franc. C. R.. 1898 (Pt. 2). 363-.S68. Sur la polarite de la bobine de RrHMKOKn'. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1895 {Pt. 2). 389-391. Etude experimentally sur I'l linctlle electrique. Paris. Soc. Phvs. Seances, 1896. ^.tS-'iOH; Eclairsge Elect., i (1896), 343-352, 401-411. Les inethodes photomctriqnes an double point de vue de la science et de I'industrie. Edairage Elect.. 6 (1S96|. 148-1.57. Sur un galvanom^tre absolnment astatique et k grande sensibilite. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R.. 12.S. 1896. 101-104; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances. 1896, 249-'i.53. [L'epilation par les rayons X.) Paris, See. Phrs. Seances, 1896, 292. Broca] 822 [Brocard La photographie a travels les corps opaques. A propos des experiences de M. Eontgen. Rev. Sci., 5, 1896, 129- 133. Le spectre solaire et ce qui semble devoir s'y rattacher. Kev. Sci., 6, 1896, 1-8. Sur la protection des instruments contre les vibrations du sol. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1897 [Pt. 2), 260-263. Influence de Tintensite sur la liauteur du son. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1-512-1.514; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 6.52-6.54. Sur le m^canisme de la polarisation rotatoire magne- tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897. 696-699. Sur la transmission d'(5nergie a distance. Application a la polarisation rotatoire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 76.5-767. . Des images subjectives normales et pathologiiiues. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 93-95. Sur un phenom^ne cathodique. Ass. Franc;. C. R. , 1898 [Ft. 1), 119. . Sur les plans normaux a une surface le long d'un element de section plane et passant par un point fixe d'une normale fixe en un point de cet element. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1898 (Pt. 2), 170-172. Aperc;u sur la tbermodvnamique du muscle. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1898 (Pt. 2),' 178-181. Sur le role de I'anteniie dans la telegraphie sans fils. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1898 (Pt. 2), 206-2071 Quelques propri^t^s des cathodes placees dans un champ magnetique puissant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 126, 1898, 736-738. Quelques propri^t^s des d^charges ^leotriques pro- duites dans un champ magnetique. Assimilation au phenomene de Zeemann. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 823-826; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1898, 23-31. Sur les champs de force et le transport de I'euergie. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1899 (Pt. 1), 224-22.5. Sur la correction de I'astigmatisme. Ass. Franc. C. K., 1899 (Pt. 2), 283-286. D^charge disruptive dans le vide. Formation de ravons anodiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, .356-358. Variation de I'acuite visuelle avec I'azimut. Modifica- tion de la section droite des cones par I'accommodation astigmatique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 4-50- 453. Sur le principe de I'egalite de Taction et de la reaction. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 1016-1019. Les principes de la telegraphic sans fils et son utilite. Rfiv. Sci., 11, 1899, 193-199. Champs de vecteur et champs de force. Action rteiproque des masses scalaires et vectorielles. Energie localiscje. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 109-112. Sur les masses vectorielles de discontinuite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 317-319. Theorie thcrmodynamique du refroidissement muscu- laire. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1900, 14*. Broca, Andre, & Feiun, Ph[iUbert]. Spectroscope ii lunettes fixes. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1898 (/•"(. 1), 117. See also PelUn & Broca. Broca, Atidre, & Bicbet, Charles. De la contraction musculaire anai'robie. Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 829- 842. Note sur les effets thermiques de la contraction musculaire, ^tudids par les mesures thermo-^lectriques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 406-408. De rinfluencG de la circulation sur les plienomeues thermiques de la contraction musculaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mdm., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 421-422. Contraction aorobie et contraction aniierobie des muscles. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 843- 846. ' P(!'riode r(;frnctaire dans les centres nerveiix. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 48, 1896 (C. H.}, 1083-1085; Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 864-879; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 96-99. P^riode refractaire dans les centres nerveux, ondula- tion nerveuse, et consequences qui en resultent au point de vue de la dynamique cerebrale. Paris, Ac. Sci. (J. R. , 124, 1897, 573-577. Periode refractaire et synchronisation des oscillations nerveuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 697-700. Effets que I'asphyxie et I'auemie du cerveau exercent sur I'excitabilite corticale. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 141-143. Reflexes provoques par des excitations acoustiques, periode refractaire et synchronisation des oscillations nerveuses. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 333-334. Vitesse des reflexes chez le chien et variation avec la temperature organiaue. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 441-443. De quelques conditions du travail musculaire chez I'homme. Etudes ergometriques. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1898, 225-240. Experiences ergographiques pour mesurer la puissance maximum d'un muscle en regime regulier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 356-359. De I'iufluence de la frequence des mouveraents et du poids souleve sur la puissance maximum du muscle en rc3gime regulier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 48-5-488. De I'influence des intermittences de repos et de travail sur la puissance moyenne du muscle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 656-659. Broca, A}idre. & Sulzer, D. E. Compensation accom- modative de I'astigiijatisme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 ((-'. R.), 267-269. Broca, Piinl. For biogi-aphy see Paris Soc. Anthrop, Bull., 7, 1884, 921-956; Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et Mem., 10, 1884, 122-142. Description elementaire des eirconvolutions cerebrales de riiorame d'apres le cerveau schematique. [Completee par le Docteur S. Pozzi.] Rev. d'Anthrop., 7, 1884, 1-21. Sur la preparatioil des hemispheres cerebraux. Rev. d'Anthrop., 7, 1884, 385-403. Broca, Pliilippc de. Description d'un objectif achroma- tique de microscope, dit a frontale conjuguee et a lentille posterieure bi-achromatique. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1898 (Pt. 2), 208-212. Brocard, [Jean Baptiste Andre]. La glycosurie de la grossesse : sa frequence, sa nature, son m(?canisme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Miim., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 1077-1081. Brocard, Geonjes. Centre de transversales angulaires egales. Matl'iesis, 16, 1896, 217-221. Sur la transformation horaographique des proprietes metriques des figures planes. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 426-432; 16, 1897, 293-297. Brocard, (eommundant) H[enri Pierre Paul Baptiste]. *Sur I'invasion des sauterelles en Algerie [avril-aoiit 1874, mars-juillet 1875, janvier-aout 1877]. France Soo. Mcitc5orol. Annu., 23, 1875 (Bull.), 57-63 ; 24, 1876 {Bull.), 163-176; 26, 1878 (Bull.), 167-191. *Etucle de la periode m^teorologique du 24 mai au 6 juin 1875, en Algerie et en Europe. France Soc. Mcjteorol. Nouv. Met^orol., 8, 1875, Pt. 2, 208-210. *Les bolides du 9 juin 1875 en Algc^rie. France Soc. Met(5prol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1875, Pt. 2, 237-238. *Etude de la periode met^orologique du 5 au 18 octobre 1875, en Algcjrie et en Europe. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 24, 1876 (/>'»//.), 146-153. "Aurore bori^ale du 10 avril 1872. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Mc-teorol., 9, 1876, Pt. 1. 8-9. 'Observations de tremblpineiits de terre a Alger et aux environs pendant le raois dc dt'-cenibre 1875. France Soc. Mc'teorol. Nouv. MtHeorol., 9, 1876, /'(. 1, 44-45. Propriety geonietriijue d'un certain groupe de deux Brocard] 823 [Brochet HvstcmeH de circonf^renoes conceutriqueH. MathexiH, t, 1884, 219--i20. [UenseignementH an sujet dc I'invuKion des BnuU-relles en Alud'rie en 1B88, et dc« nionoKriipliicK d'invaHionH antie rediiile i uno seulf (ormule d'upruK .1. Oz.vNAM. MatliesiH, 9, 1889. 1CI-1G2. Siir unc cliisse particuliere de tiiangleH. MathesiH, 11, 1891, 153-157. Proprii'ti'S d'un Kroupc dc trois parabolcfl. [1885-86.] Montpellicr, Ac. Mem., 11, 1892, .ll-.W. Keniarquea Hur I'ttnalyi^e inileterniinee du premier degre. [1885-86. | Montpellier, Ac. Mem., 11, 1892, 139-234. La spik'ologie de la Mease. Spelunca, Paris, 1896, 14-27. Propri^tds dee eercles de Chasleb. Etude biblio- graphique. Mathesis, 18, 1898, 01-65. Sur une trausformatiou geomitrique (transformation pseudonewtonienne). Li^ge Soc. Soi. M^m., 1, 1899, .V,.. 3. 24 pp. Brocchl, AntM. Sur le sens de la couleur. B«v. Sci., 9, 1898. 270-271. Broch, 0[le] J[ncob]. For biography and works tee Cluistianiu Forli., 1889 (Oivrs.), l.S-35: Nature, 39. 1889, 375; Paris, Poids et Mes. Proc.-Verb., 1889, 3-10; Paris, Soc. Gtkigr. C. H., 1889, 81-83 ; Paris, Soc. Phjs. Seances, 1889, 37-3'.i; Kev. Sci., 43, 1889, 218; Geogr." Jbuch., 14, 1891, 202. 'Poids specitiques et coetlicients de dilatation du platinc et des metaux qui I'accompaguent, aiusi que des alliages de ces metaux. Paris, Poids et Mes. Proc.-Verb., 1877, 207-242. *[Sur certaines di^signations couceriiant les volumes.] Paris, Poids et Mes. Proc.-Verb., 1880. 29-30. "Acceleration de la pesauteur sous diflferentes latitudes et it difl^rcntes altitudes. Paris. Poids et Mes. Trav. Mem.. 1, 1881, A.1-A.15. 'Tension de la vapeur d'cau. Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. Mem., 1, 1881, A.17-A.39. 'Points fixes des thermometres et tempdratures d'ebuUition de I'eau pure. Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. Mem., 1, 1881, A.41-A.48. 'Poids du litre d'air atmospherique. Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. Mem., 1. 1881, A.4y-A.57. 'Volume et poids spdeitique de I'eau pure aux tempe- ratures comprises cutre zero et +30^. Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. Mem., 1, 1881. A.5'.t-A.63. 'Rapport sur les comparaisons faites par la Com- mission mixte entre les etalons du kilogramme, jirepares par la Section franvaise et le prototype des .\rchive8. Paris, Poids et Mes. Proc.-Verb., 1882, 24-27. '[Action de I'linile sur les vagues de la mer.] Paris, Soc. Ueogr. C. B., 1882, 447-448. 'Dilatation du mercure. Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. Mem.. 2, 1883, 1-27. Kapport de la Commission mixte chargi^e de la com- paraison du nouveau prototype du kilogramme avec le kilogramme des .\rcbives de France. .^vant-propos. [Observations.] Paris. Poids et Mes. Trav. Mem.. 4. 1886, i-x, i (ti.<)-xvi (his). [Rapport de la Commission mixte oliargee de la com- paraison du nouveau prototype du kilogramme avec le kilogramme des Archives de France. Pesecs.] Note additionnellc. Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. Mdm., 4, 1886, 23-27. Verifications de quelques dtalons anglais du kilo- gramme, de I'once troy et de la livre avoirdupois. Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. Mim., 4, 188C. 1 (J[!'] J[aciib\, Foermtar, \V[il}irlm .hiliiu], & Btaa, J[eiin] fi\rriait]. 'Kapport sur I'd-tnde comparative des qualites mt-trologiquex des dtitlons proviaoires du mitre en alliagc ile 187-1 et en alliage pur. Paris, Poids et Mes. I'roc.-Verb., 1880, l.'J-23. Brocta, ()[h\ J[aeoli\. Balnta-Clalre DcTllla, Henri, & Btas, ./|ihh] .S(>ti'«i«]. *lt4ipport ib-s irnvaux exi-eutes sur le platine iridie employe a bi confection des rtgles. Paris, Poids et Mes. Proc.-Verb., 1877, 1'2-21. 'Des types en platioe. en iridium et eo pUtine iridic k difTerents litres. Paris, Poids et Mes. Proc.-Terb., 1878, l-2.')-224. 'Ue la rigle type en forme d'X et en platine iridic pur a 10 pour 100 iliridium. Paris, Poids et Mes. Proc.- Verb., 1879, 153-178. Brocli, UUtf. Paa Imiljeldet niellem Serbien og Bolgarien. Kristiania, Geogr. SeUk. .\arb., 11, 1900, 17-33. Brocta, I'hilipp. Babnbestimmung des Kometen 1867 IIL (1S88.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 2a), 1477- l-Wl. Broclie, C[aTl\. Ueber Tribromacetonitril und eioige .\l-12"2; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 117-121; Ann. Cbim., M, 1897, 134-144. Action des halogi'nes sur I'liloool methylique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 130-133; Paris Soc Chim. Bull., 13, 1896. 681-689. .\ction du chlore sur I'alcool propvliqae Dormal. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1898. 648-650; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1898, 10-16. .\ction des halogenrs sur I'sldebvde formique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C- R., 121, 1896. 11.56-1159. [.\ctioD des halogines sur le methanol.] Paris Soe. Chim. Bull.. 13. 1896. 7'22. Sur la production de laldehvde formique ga lease pure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 122. 1896. SOl-AS. Influence de I'acidite sur les oxy.lntions d'alcools. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 15. 1896. ir,-j(i. Action du chlore a chaud sur lalro-'l isobulyliqoe. Paris Soc. Chim. BuU., 15. 1896. 2t»-22. Action du chlore sur les alcools primairea. Ann. Chim., 10, 1897, 289-380. Brochet] 824 [Brock Action du ehlore sur I'alcool amylique tertiaire. Ann. Chim., 10, 1897, 381-387. Action du clilore et du brome sur I'ald^hyde formiiiue. Paris Soc. Cliim. Bull., 17, 1897, '221-224. Considerations relatives a I'action du ehlore sur I'alcool ethylique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 224-228. Th^orie de Taction du ehlore sur I'alcool ethylique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 228-230. Action de I'aldeh.yde formique sur le menthol et le borni^ol. Paris, Ac. 'Soi. C. R., 128, 1899, 612-613. Combinaison de 1' aldehyde formique avec le menthol et le born^ol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 370- 371. Sur I'electrolyse du chlorure de potassium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 134-1.37. Sur la formation ^lectrolytique du chlorate de potas- sium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 718-721. Sur I'impossibilite de la formation primaire du chlorate de potassium obtenu par voie electrolytique. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 130. 1900, 1624-1627; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 611-614. Sur I'electrolyse des solutions concentrees d'hypo- chlorites. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 131, 1900, 340-343; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 726-736. Sur les reactions accessoires de I'electrolyse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 131, 1900, 616-618; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 736-740. Sur I'electrolyse du chlorure de potassium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 196-210. Remarques au sujet de la niethode gazom^trique d'CETTKi,. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 724-726. Die Elektrolyse von Hypochloritlusungen bei Gegen- wart von Alkali. Ztschr. Angew. Chera., 1900, 983. Brochet, Andre [^'ictor\ & Cambier, R. Action de I'alde- hyde formique sur le chlorhydrate d'hydroxylamine et le chlorhydrate de monomethylamine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 449-452. ■ Action de Taldehj'de formique sur les sels ammonia- caux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, .5.57-560. Preparation de la monomethylamine. Paris Soo. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 533-537. See also Cambier ct Brochet, Brochet, Andri [l'/f(0)], it lie Boulenger, P. Sur la condensation des alcools de la serie grasse avec les carbures aromatiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 235-238. Brochon, Elticnne] Henry. For biography and list of works see Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 50, 1896, iv-vi, 277- 292; France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 81; Bordeaux Ac. Act., 61, 1899, -221-255. . [Decouverte, par M. Goua, du Viscum album sur un chene blanc et sur un Salix cinerea. Note detaillee.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 38, 1884, ix-xii. [Sur une nouvelle localite de I'Orchis palustris.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act.. 44, 1890, xv-xvi. [Sur la presence dans la Gironde du Carex digitata.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, xvi-xvii. [Plantes rares et adventives nouvelles pour le departe- ment.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, xvii, Ixxix. [Remarques sur trois plantes recueillies par il. de LuETKENS.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, xlvii- xlviii. [Compte rendu botanique de la 72" Fete Linnfenne.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, Ixxi-lxxv. Rapport sur une note de M. .J. Fodcacd, menil)re correspondant, relative au Muscari Motelayi et renseigne- nients au sujet de cette cspfcce nouvelle. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, 299-305. [Compte-rendu de Texcursion triniestrielle, du 12 avril 1891, il Saint-Medard-en-Jalle, et observations sur plusieura des plantes recueillies, principalement le Viola hirta, var. Icetevirens, Clvd., et le Taraxacum lajvi- gatum, var. erythrospermum, Audrz.'i [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xix-xxvii, ccxvii. Compte-rendu botanique de Texcursion trimestrielle du 31 raai 1891, i Monsegur. [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. liinn. Act., 45, 1892, xxxiii-xxxix, ccxvii. Erreur i, laquelle a donne lieu I'Anchusa italica, Retz, de la Gironde. [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, Ivii-lxviii. Notes sur diverses plantes recueilhes a Saint-Mariens le 27 septembre 1891. [1891-92.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, Ixxx-xc, cxxxiii, ccxvii. Compte-rendu botanique de Texcursion trimestrielle faite k L^ognan le 27 mars 1892, souvenirs, notes retro- spectives et commentaires. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, cxxxvi-cHii. [Observations au sujet de la communication de M. FoucAUD sur quelques (Enanthe de notre region.] Bor- deaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, clxxvi-clxxvii. Compte-rendu de Texcursion trimestrielle du 30 avril 1893, k Cestas, avec un historique, et la description d'une forme remarquable de Cirsium anglicum. Bordeaux Soc. Linu. Act., 46, 1893, Ixi-lxxvi. [Observations au sujet d'une lettre de M. Saint-Lager sur les adjectits latins composes, employes dans la nomenclature botanique.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, cxlvii-clx. Nouvelles remarques sur le Cirsium anglicum, var. diversifolium de Cestas. Bordeaux Soc. Linu. Act., 46, 1893, clxxii-clxxiv. L'Hypericum lioarifolium, J'ahl, et sa variety radicans. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, clxxiv-clxxxii. Forme pseudo-confluens du Pteris aquiliua, L. Bor- deaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, clxxxii-clxxxiv. [Question relative i la fonction des corpuscules foliaires du Barbula papillosa.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894, xiii-xiv. [Rectification au sujet du Dianthus barbatus, signale par il/. BiiUEL comme indigene dans la Gironde.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894, xiv-xv. Deux mousses. Tune nouvelle, Tautre tris rare, dans la Gironde : Pottia cavifolia. Ehrli., et Barbula canescens, Bruch. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894, xv-xvi. A propos du Barbula papillosa et du B. Brebissoni. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894, xx-xxii. Une mousse nouvelle pour la Gironde, Hypnum Sommerfeltii, Mi/r. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894, Ixxviii-lxxx. [Observations relatives k la presence de Phleum arenarium, k Precliac, et au nom specilique de Hypnum Teesdalei.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 48, 1895, xxv. Variet^s et panachure du Phytolacca decandra, L. , dans la Gironde. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 48, 1895, liv-lvi. Brociner, Alphonse L[upu]. Sur quelques reactions d'alcaloides. Jl. Pharm., 18, 1888, 204. Sur quelques reaotifs d'alealo'ides. Jl. Pharm., 20, 1889, 390-392. Le sulfotellurate d'ammonium comme reaotif d'alca- loides. Jl. Pharm., 21, 1890, 468-469. — — La gaucherie acquise. Rev. Sci.. 45, 1890, 157. Sur la toxicity de Tacetylene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 773-774. Brock, G. Eirie Geschwulst der Nierengegend mit querge- slreiften Muskelfasern. Virchow, Arch., 140, 1895, 493- 502. Brock, Geori/e Saiidixon. On the Bilharzia ha'matobia. |18il3.] JL Path. Bact., 2, 1894, 52-74. Brock, Henry 11. The king rail again in Maine. Auk, 13, 1896, 79. Crymophilus fulicarius in Maine. Auk, 13, 1896, 173. Crex crex in Maine. Auk, 13, 1896, 173-174. Recent occurrenei- of the Florida gallinule in southern Maine. Auk, 13, 1896, '255. Brock] 82.1 [Brockmeier Ik'ceiit capture of the Rold'^'^ eagle near I'ortland, .Afuiiie. Auk, VA, 1896, 256. Brock, J [nliainiiD Gnirevensliulme to Fallowfield. [1890-91.] Manchester Lit. riiil, Sric . Mem. & Proc, 4. 1891. 2H2 .SOO, .339.352. Brockerhof, }l[einri,h], .V Btoermer, I\[iehaTd]. See Btoermer .V Brockerboi^ Brockhaasen, //., A Blbert, Jolu. Verzeichnis neuer Sliirii.irt.- seltenerer PHanzen. Westfal. Vcr. Jber., 1899 1900. 96-101. Brocklioles, H'. FiUherbert. A remarkable nest, jointly constructed and inhabited by a blackbird (Mernla menila) and a bedge-aicentor (Tbarrhaleus modularis). Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 10, 1900. eiii-civ. Brockmann, lltnnaiin. Zur Thcorie der dioptrisdi- katnptri.^ehen Systcme und ihrer Anwenduug auf die Hansiin'schen Bilder. Centrzte- Optik. 8, 1887, 4-5. Brockmann, Wilhelm. Beobacbtungen an Orgelpfeifen. Ann. I'livs. Chem.. 31, 1887. 78-89. Brockmeier, Heinr. Ueber das Vorkommen von Hydrobis im ol)ersten Flussgebiete der Sieg bei Bnrgholdinghaasen und im mittleren der Lenne bei Plettenbertf in Westfalen. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 17, 18SS, 59-61. Biologiscbe Mittheiluniien iiber Ancylus fluviatilis. Mail., und Ancylus (.\croloxus) lacustns, L. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 19, 1887, 4.5-19. Einige seltenere Scbnecken von Grevenbriick im siidlichen Westfalen und Helix lapicida, L , ohne Carina. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 19, 1887, 103-105. Eine neue Erklarung fiir das Schwimmen mancher Scbnecken an der Obertla<'be des Wa=sers. Dent«ch. Malakozool. Ges. NHCbrbl.. 19. 1887, 111-118, 150. Zur Fortpdanzung von Helix nemoralis and Hel. hortensis. nacb Beobacbtungen in der (iefangenachaft. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 20. 1888. 113-116, 158. Ueber Bastarde von Helix nemoralis nod H. hortensis. Dentsch. Natf. Tavebl.. 1888. 4*. Helix fruticum, Miid., als BAab^chnecke. Hamboldt, 9, 1890, 66. Einige Mittbeilungen Sber MoUasken. (I. Vor- kommen Ton Lithocl.rphns naticoides bei Dii^M^eldorf am Rbein. 2. Die Kalkgewinnunc bei Land'chnecken. 3. Bastarde von Helix nemorulis und H. hortensis.) Deutsch. Naturf. Verb.. 1898 {Th. 2. Hhl/ie 1), 112-113. Ueber Sus^wa^sermollnsken der Cregeod von Plon. Pliin Biol. Stat. Fonichunirsber.. 3, 1898. 188-204. Beitrage zur Biologie unserer Siisswassermoliasken. Plon Biol. Stat. Forscbungsber., 4. 1896. 248-262. Die Lobenswei^e der Limnica tmncatala. Plon Biol. Stat. Forschuni.'sber., 6. 1898. 1.53-164. Suss»as.«erschiiecken als Planktonfischcr. Plon Biol. Stat. Forschungsbcr., 6. 1898. 165. Die hoheren Pflanzen und die Molln^ken in den sicb selbst iiberlassenen Flachsgiuteo zwiKhen Bhein nod 104 Brockmeier] 826 [Erode :i Maas. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 (Th. 2, Iliilfte 1), 228-232. Brockway, Arthur MlUiiim. Tbe turkey vulture in Con- necticut. Auk, 15, 1898, 53. Cnrolinii wren at Lyme, Conn., in winter. Auk, 15, 1898, 1H2, 274. Till- little blue heron (Ai'dea cffirulea) in Connecticut. Auk. l(j, 1899, 351. Odd nesting of Maryland yellow-throat. Auk, 16, 1899, 300-361. Brocq, [Amie Jean] L[o«i8]. Etude critique et clinique sur le pitvria.sis rubia. Arch. G6n. Med., 153, 1884, 550-567; 154, 1884, 58-73, 167-205. La lepre doit-elle etre consid^rfe comnie une affection contagieuse ? Ann. de Dermatol., 6, 1885, 650-666, 721-730. Sur le lichen ruber. Ann. de Dermatol., 7. 1885, 389-411. Sur le lichen ruber et sur le pityriasis rubra pilaire. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1886, 596-597. Note sur la plaque primitive du pityriasis ros^ de GiEEBT. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1887, 6i5-624. De la dermatite lierp^tiforme de Ddhring. Ann. de Demiatol., 9, 1888, 1-20, 65-83, 133-157, 209-227, 305- 327, 433-454, 493-518. La discussion sur la contagiosite de la lepre a I'Aca- demie de M^decine. Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1888, 536-551, 648-655. [Sur la destruction des polls par I'electrolyse.] Arch. G^n. M^d., 162, 1888, 246. La question du lichen ruber en Am^rique. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1889, 302-319. Notes pour servir a I'histoire de la keratose pilaire. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1890, 25-37, 97-133, 222-238. Vari^t^ fruste de dermatite herpetiforme ; Eruption urticarienne d'aspect, a extension centrifuge, avec pig- mentations consfeutives, ^voluant par pouss^es suc- cessives. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1890, 478-486. Des rapports qui existent entre les alopecies de la keratose pilaire et les alopecies dites s^borrh^iques. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 773-780. Quelques aper<;us sur les dermatoses prurigineuses et sur les anciens lichens. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 1100-1117. Le prurigo simplex et sa serie morbide. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 3-36. Eruption ery themato-pigment^e fixe due k I'antipyrine. IWith dixciission.] Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 308-313. De riivdroa vacciniforme. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 1003-1004, 1133-1147. Note pour servir k I'histoire des eruptions d'origine palustre. Eruption eczematiforme circonscrite persistante du nez, de nature palustre. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 1-8. Nouvelles notes cliniques sur les lich^nifications et les nevrodermites. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 779-801, 924-9.37. . La question du prurigo. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 1002-1000. La s^borrh^e grasse et la pelade. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 611-622. Note sur les dermatites polymorphes douloureuses. Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1898, 84'.l-878, 945-960. La question des eczemas. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 1-61, 140-217, 257-319. De I'influence des associations pathologiques sur la nunmiularisBtion de, recz('ma. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 1041-1054. Brocq, [Aiiiir Jemi] L[niiix], & Bernard, I.roii. Etude sur le lym)>hangionie circonscrit de la peau et des niuqueuses, k propoB d'un cas de lymphangiome circonscrit de la cavity buccale. Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1898, 305- 334. Etude nouvelle des lesions intertrigmeuses de la feiiinie. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 1-19. Brocq, [^Atine Jtun] L[ouis], & Jacquet, L[«i;iV?!]. Notes pour seiTir a I'histoire des nevrodermites. Du lichen cn'cumscriptus des anciens auteurs, on lichen simplex chronique de M. le Dr. E. Vidai,. Arm. de Dermatol., 2, 1891, 97-122, 193-208. Brocq, [Aime Jeu}i'] L[ouis], & Matton, [Re7te]. Cas de mycosis fongoide. Ann. de Dermatol., 2, 1891, 583-597. Brocq, [Anne Jean] Lliiuis], & Veillon, A. Note sur un bouton d'Alep. [Willi discussion.] Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 553-559. L'origine parasitaire des eczemas. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 {Vol. 9), 50-70. Brocq, [Aniie Jean] L[oui.'i] {et alii). Du pemphigus. Des dermatoses buUeuses, complexes ou multiformes. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1889, 891-896. Brocx, P. H. Verslag aangaaude de waarneming van den Overgang van Venus over de Zon op 6 December 1882 te Curasao. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 19, 1884, 372-380. Brode, H. S. Preparation of embedding boxes. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 11 (1889), 146. Brode, Howard S. A contribution to the morphology of Dero vaga. Jl. Morphol., 14, 1898, 141-180. Broden, A. Eecherches sur I'histogen^se du tubercule et Taction curative de la tubercuUne. Arch. M^.d. Exper., 11. 1899, 1-53. Brod6n, Torsten. Anmarkniugar om dnbbelelementen vid projektiviska raka punktsystem och plana strSlknippen. Tidsskr. Math., 6, 1889, '6-13 ; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 585. Ueber die durch Abel'sche Integrale erster Gattung rectificirbaren ebenen Curven. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 (Afd. 1), 1890, No. 5, 26 pp. Ueber die Doppelpunkte bei der projectivischen ebenen Correspondenz. Ein Supplement zur Theorie der projectivischen Verwaudtschaft. Arch. Math. Phys., 9, 1890, 225-249. Ueber Coincidenzen in zweideutigen Correspondenzen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 45-56. Ueber Correspondenzen auf elliptischen Curven. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 213-228. Ueber Zeuthen's Correspqudenzsatz und eine Con- sequenz desselben. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 345-359. Zur Theorie der Transformation elliptischer Func- tionen. Lund. Univ. Acta, 30, 1893-94 {Soc. Phi/siorir., No. 2), 24 pp. Ueber unendlich oft oscillirendeFunktionen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1895, 703-768. Ueber das Weierstrass-Cantor'sche Condensations- verfahren. Stockh., Ofvers., 1896, 5S3-602. Beitrage zur Theorie der stetigen Functionen einer reellen Veriinderlichen. Crelle, Jl. Math., 118, 1897, 1-60. Functionentheoretische Bemerkungen und Satze. Lund. Univ. Acta, 33, 1897 (Soc. Pliysiogr., No. 3), 45 pp. Ueber Grenzwerthe fiu Reihenquotienten. [1897.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 23 (Afd. 1), 1898, No. 2, 49 pp. Ueber Darstellung von reellen Functionen mit un- endlich dicht liegeuden Nullstellcn durch unendliche Producte, deren Factoren ganze analytische Functionen sind. Math. Ann., 51, 1899, 299-320. Ueber das Dirichlet'sclie Integral. Math. Ann., 52, 1899, 177-227. Wahrscheinlichkeitsbestimmungen bei der gewiilin- lichen Kettenbruchentwickelung reeller Zahlen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 239-260. Derivirbaro Funktionen mit iiberall dichten Maxima und Minima. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 423-441, 743- 761. I Brodhead] 827 [Brodie Brodhead, {Mrs. ) Janf Napier. Indian cyolono of Octolwr, iNlit [IHHH.] Aiiicr. Melcorul. Jl., 5 (1888-89), 'iO'J- ■21.). Brodbun, Kugen [Ileinrieh F.duard Ermt]. Ueber das Lciiki.Hkop. " Ann. I'liys. ChiTn., .14, 1888, 8'J7-918. Ut'liur die Knipfmillichkcit deH nnndjliiiden iind dea normiilen Au^ch Kt'K^" Kiirb<>niinderung ini Speklnim. Ztsclir. I'Hycliol., ;), 1892, 97-107. Die (iiilti(,'kcit des Newtonschen FarbvnniliicliungB- Kesct/.dH bei deni ho^. Kriinblinden FarbenBystem. Ztsohr. Psychol., 5, 1893, 323-334. Voiiiclitimj,' ziim Ablescn piner rotirendon Tlioihing. Ztsuhr. InstniniLMitenk., 17, 1897, 10-14. Brodliun, /.'»;;. /i \ ll.inrirli lulunril Kriut], A Konig, Aithiir. sV. Konlg A' Brodhun. Brodbun, l.iitun [llriurich Eiluiird A'rrur], & IiOinzner, Diio. Uebcr I'liifiinKdcs Talbot'sclien Gesetzes. Berlin I'liyK. (ic». Vorli., 1890. !l2-94. .SV>' idsti liominer iV Brodhnn. Brodtiur«t, Hi-ninnl K[ilu(iril\. For biographical notice tee Med.-Cliir. Trans., 83, 1900, cxxxii. *[The reraarkablo sunsets.] |18m3.] Nature, 29, 1884, l.'>3. Brodie, C[hiirle»] Gordon. .\bnorniHlity of the aortic arch. [1888. J Jl. Anat. Physiol., 23, 1889, vii-viii. Some observations on the ligaments about the shoulder. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 23, 1889, xxi. Note on the transverse-humeral, coraco-acromial, and coraco-humeral ligaments, etc. [1889.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 24, 1890. 247-2.52. Mispluci'd kidney, with abnormal arterial supply. .11. Anat. Physiol., 27. 1893. xx.vv-xxxvi. Brodie, ( |/l,/r/(■.^] linnlnn. \ Bland-Sutton, (.Sir) .John. S,'r Bland-Sutton ,V Brodie. Brodie, Frederick. For hiograpliieal notice see Astr. Soc. Montli. Not.. .58, 1898, 131-133. Brodie, Frederick .J. The rainfall of 1884. [1884.] Nature, 31, 1886, .56-58. The recent drought. Nature, .36, 1887, 39.5-396. Keport on the severe partial gales experienced on the coasts of the British Islands, during the 1.5 vears 1871 to 1885. [1888.] [Meteorol. Off.,] Met. Council Rep., [1887-881, 2(i-29. Some remarkable features in the winter of 1890-91. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891. 155-165. The sunshine of London. Nature, 43, 1891, 424-425. The recent epidemic of influenza. Nature, 44, 1891, 283-285. On the prevalence of fog in London during the 20 years 1871 to 1890. [1891.] Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 18, 1892, 40-43. Town fogs. [1892.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 27, 1893, 22-24. The great drought of 1893. Agr. Soc. Jl. , 4, 1893. 849-856. The great drought of 1893, and its attendant meteoro- logical phenomena. [1893.] Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 20, 1894, 1-27. Note on the barometrical changes preceding and Bccompanving the heavy rainfall of November 1894. Meteorol. 'Soc. Quart. Jl'., 21, 1896. 209-213. Agricultural weather forecasts. Agr. Soc. Jl. , 8, 1897, 228-233. The abnormal weather of January 1898. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 24. 1898. 229-236. Lightning and its effect on trees. Agr. Soc. Jl., 10. 1899, 608-617. The prolonged deficiency of rain in 1897 and 1898. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl.. '25. 1899. 181-199. Brodie, (iJir.) Peter BeUiniier. For biography and list of works see Ent. Month. Slag.. 33, 1897. 283-284; Ueol. Mac.. I, 1897. 481-485, .576 ; Cotteswold Club Proc, 12 (1896-981, 201; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 34, 1898, Ixvii- Ixsii; Nature, 57 (1897-98), 31-32; Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1900. 46-53. Fossil birds. Geol. Mag., 2, 1880. 384. On a n.-cent discovery of annuluse animals (Blatta and a scorpion). In Britiith and foreign Upper and Midlle Silurian rock«. Warwick. Field Club Proc., 1888. 18-21. On tlic discovery of fossil tish in the New Ited Sand- stone (L'pp<-r Keupcr) in Warwickshire. Brit. Ash. Kep., 1886, 629. On a remarkable section in Derbysliire. Geol. Ma^., 3, 1886, 432. Kntomostraca in the Rhwtica. Ueol. Blag., 3, 1886, 526. On two Itha'tic sections in WarwiclcKhire. | With disrumiion.] Gi-ol. Si>c. Quart. Jl.. 42. 1886, 272-275. On the discovery of a new siK-cics of fish, Semionotus. with a brief account of the rI2.] Geol. Soc. Quart Jl.. 49. 1893. 171-174. Notes on the Kocene Tertiary insects of the lale of Wight. Geol. Mug., 10. 1893, 538-540; Warwick. Field Club Proc. 1894. 67-70. Notice of a section in the Lower Lias at the cement works near Rugbv. Warwick. Field Club Proc, U93, 17-18. Notice of a section in the Middle Lias at Napton. Warwick. Field Club Proc. 1893, 43-14. On additional remains of cestraciont and other fish in the green marls immediately ourlying the red marls of the Upper Keuper in Warwickshire; with an account of the equivalent beds in Germany and the Tyrol. Warwick. Field Club Proc. 1893. 48-^3. Further remarks on the Tertinry (Eocene) insecU from the Isle of Wight, and on othirs from the Lias and Coal .Measures. Gel. .Mag., 1. 1894. 167-169. On the discovery of molln.so» in the Upper Keuper at Slirewley in Warwickshire. Geol. Scic. Quart. Jl.. .50. 1894. 170; Wanvick. Field Club Proc, 1894. 23-26. Tertiary fossil ants in the Isle of Wight. Nature, 52 (18961. 570. Notes on a section of the Upper Keuper on the r»il- wav line from Uowini;toM to Henley-in-.\rJen. Warwick. Field Club Proc. 1896, .58-59. On the sandstones in the Upper Keuper in Warwick- shire. Geol. .Mag.. 3. 1896. 154-155. A curious bird's nest. Nature. .54 (1896'. 172. On the sandstones in the Upper Kcu)it in a part of 104—2 Brodie] 828 [Broeck Warwickshire, six miles north-west of Warwick. War- wick. Field Club Proc, 1896, 3(3-39. Sketch of the Laliyriiuhodontia and Reptilia in the Trias, chietiy with reference to those in the British New Bed Sandstone and more especially in Warwickshire. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1897, 92-97. [The Wilmcote Lias quarry.] Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1897, 103-106. Brodie, Robert. Professor Kelland's problem on super- position. [1891.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 36, 1892, 307-Hll. Brodie, 'l\hovias] Gregor. [Apparatus for curve of elasticity.] Jl. Physiol., 13, 1892, xv. The extensibility of muscle. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 29, 1896, 367-388. The work of the muscle. Jl. Physiol., 17, 1894-95 {Proc. 189-5), vi-viii. A key for cutting out either the make or break shocks produced in a secondary circuit. [1896.] Jl. Physiol., 19, 1895-96, X. A preliminary report of some experiments upon the chemistry of the diphtheria antitoxin. Jl. Path. Bact., 4, 1897, 460-464. New form of pendulum contact clock. By C. F. P.\i,MER. [19U0.] Jl. Physiol., 26, 1900-01, xi-xii. The immediate action of an intravenous injection of blood-serum. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 26, 1900-01, 48-71. Brodie, T[hoiHas] Greiinr, & Halliburton, ]V[illimii] l)[obinson]. See Halliburton & Brodie. Brodie, T[homus] Gregor, & Richardson, S[idney] lV[illiaiii] F[rankliii]. The changes in length of striated muscle under varying loads brought about by the influence of heat. Jl." Pbysiol., 21, 1897, 3.53-372. A study of the phenomena and causation of heat- contraction of skeletal muscle. [1897.] Phil. Trans. (B), 191, 1899, 127-146. See also Richardson & Brodie. Brodie, T[homas] Gregor, & Russell, A[lfred] E[rnest]. The enumeration of blood-platelets. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, 390-39.5. The determination of the coagulation-time of blood. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, 403^07. On reflex cardiac inhibition. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 26, 1900-01, 92-106. Brodie, ]l'[illiam] Brodie. Note on the action of hydroxyl- amine hydrochlorate. [1898.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 22, 1900, -56-57. Brodie, William. The food plants of Platysamia cecropia. [1886.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 4, 1887, 211-213. Monotropa uniflora. Ottawa Natlist., 1, 1887, 118. Bird notes from Toronto. Auk, 5, 1888, 211. List of Coleoptera collected by Mr. Bruce Bailey, in Kicking Horse Pass, Rocky Mountains, C. P. R., 1884. Canad. Inst. Proc, 5, 1888, 213-215. A cannibal cricket. Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 137-138. — — Canadian galls and their occupants. Aulax Nabali, n. sp. Canad. Ent., 24, 1892, 12-14, 137-139. Brodmann, C. Untersuchungen iiber den Reibungs- eoellieienten von Fliissigkeiteu. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 159-184. Ueber eine zur Untersuchung sehr zaher Fliissig- keiteu geeignete Modification der Transpirationsmethode. Ann. Phys. Chem., 4H, 1893, 188-206. Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Festigkeit von Glas- staben. (iottingen Nachr. , 1894, 44-.58. Brodmann, A'. Ueber den Nachwcis von Astrocytcn mittelst der Weigert'schen Gliafiirbung. [1899.] Jena. Ztschr., 33, 1900, 181-190. Brodmeler, A[niold]. Ueber die Beziehuug des Proteus vulgaris, Ihr., zur amnioniakaiischen Harnstoffzerset- zung. Ccntrbl. Bakt. {.Ibt. 1), 18, 1895, 380-391. Brodnltz, [Siegfried], Die Behandlung tuberculoser Kuocheu- uud Geleukerkrankungen mit Jodoform- Glycerin. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg. , 35, 1893, 585- 603. Brodrick, 7'. N. Etudes sur les glaciers du district de Canterbury (Nouvelle Zelande). Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1894, 203-207. Brodrick, ]l'illium. For biography and works .lee Devon. Ass. Trans., 21, 1889, 65; S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1888-89, 122-123; Zoologist, 13, 1889, 139- 142; Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [13], 1892, 39-5-399, 420. Brodsky, Leon. Ueber die Einwirkung tier Aldehyde auf Kliodanamniouium. Wien. Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 {Abth. 2), 68-81; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 27-40. Brodsky, S[alo7non], & Bischler, Aug[ust]. See Bischler cV Brodsky. Broeck, Ernest van den. *Etade sur les Foraminif^res de la Barbade (Antilles) recueillis par L. Agassiz, pr^c^d^e de quelques considerations sur la classification et la nomenclature des Foraminif^res. Brux., Soc Beige Micr. Ann. , 2, 1876, ,55-152. *[Sur les couches Eocenes des environs de Bruxelles.] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 2, 1876, Ivii-lx. 'Instructions pour la recolte des Foraminiferes vivants. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., .3, 1877, .5-16. *Note sur les Foraminif^ires de I'argile des polders. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 3, 1877, cxiii-cxxii. 'Description d'un nouveau systeme de slide pour le montage des preparations k sec et specialement applicable aux collections de Foraminiferes, d'Entomostracfe, etc. [1877.] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 4, 1878, 111- 118. 'Preparation des Polyeistines. Brux., Soc. Beige Mier. Bull., 4, 1878, ccxxxii-ccxxxvi. *Du role de I'iufiltration des eaux m^teoriques dans I'alteration des depots superficiels. Congr. G^ol. Int. C. R., 1878, 188-199. 'Note sur un module simplifid du nouveau systeme de slide. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 5, 1879, 5-14. Note sur la d^couverte des fossiles Miocenes dans les depots de I'etage Bolderien, a Waenrode (Limbourg). Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 19 (1884), Ivi-lxvi. Note sur la dt^couverte de gisements fossiliferes Pliocenes dans les sables ferrugineux des environs de Diest. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 19 (1884), Ixviii- Ixxi. Sur un facies nouveau ou pen connu de I'argile superieure Rup^lienne et sur les erreurs d'interprt^tation auxquelles il pent donner lieu. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 19 (1884), Ixxi-lxxv. Contribution a I'etude des sables Pliocenes Diestiens. Brux., Soc Malacol. Ann., 19 (1884), 7-27. R^ponse k la note de Mil. van Ehtborn et Cogels sur les consequences de certaines erreurs d'interpretatiou au point de vue geologique. Brux., Soc Malacol. Ann., 20 (1885), X (bis}-xn {bis), xxii-xxviii. De la conslitution geologique du territoire de la feuille d'Aerschot, d'apres la carte au 1 : 20,000 de MM. VAN Ektborn et CooELS, et d'apres les leves du service officiel. Brux., Soc Malacol. Ann., 20 (1886), lix-lxiv. Note sur le Quaternaire Most^en. [M'itli discussion.] Brux. Soc. Authrop. Bull., .5, 1886, 40-43. Note sur uue observation faite a Schriek (feuille d'Heyst-op-den-Berg) montrant, contrairement aux lev^s geologiques de MM. van Ertbohn et Couels, I'absence d'Eocene Wemmelien dans le territoire de la feuille d'Heyst-op-den-Berg. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 21 (1886), X (/yi«)-xii. — — Quelques mots en reponse aux lectures faites par MM. CooELS et VAN Ektborn. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 21 (1886), xxxvii-xl. Sur la constitution geologique des depots Tertiaires, Quaternaires et modernes de la region de Licrre. Lii5ge, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 13, 1886 {Mem.], 376-424. Note sur un nouveau gisement de la Terebratula Broeckl 829 [Broeck granilJK {Ilium), avec une carte de rextenHJon priiuitivi' lies (lepiktH Pliocini'H niariiiR fii B«Ik>>IUu. Urux. Sue. Beige Gtul. Hull., 1887 (J/^wi.), 19-59. [Quelqm'H coquillcn reciieillien danR la r^Rion du Bas- Con>;o el A I'ultitude d'ciiviron 200 metres au-dcK«u« de lamer. I Urux. Hoc. Beige Gi^ol. Bull., 1887 {Proc.-Verb.), 30. Ktude Hur la fuuiie Olicoeene d'Klnlo(), pres Maestricht. Brux. Soc. Bel(?e (U'ol. Bull., 1887 {I'roe.-f'erb.), 106- 108. Note priilimliiaire sur I'origine probable ilu liiiion Hestiaven ou Union non ntratiKi'' homoRinc. Brux. Soc. Bel);.' (leol. Bull., 1887 (/^oc.-IVW/.), 1.51-159. (^uelquert mots au Kujet du rOle des formalionu CorallieniieH duns les etudes stratiKraphique.s. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull.. 1888 (Prac.-Verh.), 14*-151. De I'extensiou des depots Tongrienii dans la haute Belgique entre Verviers, Eupen et Herbestal. Brux. Soc. Beige Oio\. Bull., 188,8 {Proc.-l'erh.), 156-1.58. A propoa de I'origine Eolienne de certains limons Quaternaires. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1888 {Proc.- Vfi-li.), 188-192. Les eaux minerales de Spa. Observations pr(51inii- naires sur la thi^iie d'une origine non interne. Brux. Soc. Beige (iM. Hull., 1888 {Prnc.-Verb.), 23.5-260. A propos du role de la geologic dans les travaux d'inti^ret public. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1888 {PriK.-yfrh.), 30.i-310. Decouverte d'uu fruit de Conifire recueilli par 31. Ckufontaixk dans les Gr^s Bruxelliens des environs de Bruxellis. Brux. Soc. Beige G(^ol. Bull., 1888 (Pror.- IVrt.), 498-199. Ktude geologique et hydrologique du Comlroz et de I'Eutre Sumbre-otMeuse faite au sujet du projet de distribution d'eau de MM. Lebohone et P.kosoDL. Brux. Soo. Beige Gi^ol. Bull., 1889 {Proc.-V-rh.), 77-89. De I'lige des sables Tertiaires des plateaux bordant la Meuse dans la region de Li(-ge. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol Bull., 1889 {Prof-.-Verb.), 110-112. [Observations. i\ propos de la presentation d'un ex- emplnire geant d'lnocerame, sur les relations qui existent entre la structure des organismes fossiles et leur degr«' de priVservation au seiu des depots geologiques.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1889 (Pnu-.-Verb.), llH-119. Conglonierats du Flvscli. Brux. Soc. Beige Q6o\. Bull., 1889 (Proc- 1 VHi."), 176-177. Notes geologiques et pali?ontologiques prises pendant le creusement des nouveaux bassins Africa et America, k Anvers (Austruweel). Brux. Soc. Beige G6ol. Bull., 1889 (Proc.-Verb.), 286-2S7. Note sur les nouveaux baroni^tres bolosteres oro- m^triques et altinietriques du systoinie Goulier speciale- nient construits pour les basses et inovennes regions. Brux. Soo. Beige Giol. Bull., 1889 {Proc.-Verb.), 325- 333. Les cailloux Oolithiques des graviers Tertiaires des hants plateaux de la Meuse. Brux. Soc. Beige G(5ol. Bull., 1889 {Proc.-Verb.). 404-410. Sur les baromitrea du systSme Goulier et snr les principes spi^ciaux de leur mode de construction. Note additionnelle. presentee au nom du Colouel Ooclier. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1889 {Proc.-Verb.), 412- 413. Les sources de Modave et le projet dn Hoyoux con- sideri^s aux points de vue g^ologiqne et hydrologique. [iri(A ilisciiision.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1890 {Prnc.-Vcrb.), 180-191. Affaissement du sol de la France. Preaves geologiques i\ I'appui des observations de .1/. le Colonel Gon.iER. Brux. Soc. Beige Gc^ol. Bull.. 1891 {Proc.-Verb.). 13-19. Sur le Bolderien et sa faune en Belgique. Brnx. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1891 (Proc.-Verb.). .5,?-.54. Sur I'origine purement bydro-chimique des minenus de plomb argentiferes du diatrict de Leadville (Colurudo). Brux. Soc. Beige Gi«l. Bull., 1891 {Proc.-Verb.). 13»- 141. Mat<:riaux pour la connaiiisiuice des d6p6ta Pliocines Superieurs reneontr<58 danit les dernicni travaux de creuhement den ba<-i-inii maritimes d'.\nvtr». Bai-sin Africa (ou Lefebvrc) et ba»»in America. Brux. Soc. Beige (i.5c.l. Bull., 1892 {M(m.). 8C-149. L'emigriition et la tiliatiun des e«p6ce«. Brux. Soc. Beige G<:'ol. Bull., 1892 {Proc.-Verb.). 94-97. fcludc sur le dimorphiKDie de« Foraroiniferes et des NumiMulites en pnrliculier. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Hull., 1893 IPror.-Vrrb.). C-41 ; Brux. Soc. Malacol. Ann.. 28 11893), xv-xx. Recherche leaux souterrainen h Anvera. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull.. 1893 (Pmc-Verb.), 124-128. Le puits art^eien du [wignage de lainea d'Hoboken. Brux. Soo. Beige Gtel. Bull., 1893 {Proc.-Verb.), Ui- 148. Excursion faite par la Soci^ti aux enviroiu de Louvaia et notamment au Pellenberg. Brux. Soc. Beige Otel. Bull.. 1893 {Proc.-\erb.), 166-167. — — • Coup d'ail synthetique sur I'Dligocine beige et observations sur le Tongrien Sup^rieur du Brabant. [1893-94.] Brux. Soc. Beige Gi^ol. Bull., 1893 {Proc.- Verb.). 208-302. Quel(|ues mots au sujet de U difference d'^tendue des ba.ssins bydrographiques souterrain et superficiel alimentunt le.« sources de la valbe du Hoyoux. [With iHtcuKgion.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1894 {Proc.- Verb.). •241-247. Sur le mode de formation des grottes et de« Tall6e8 soutcrraines. K^ponse ik la note critique de il. A. Fi.AMA< HE. Brux. Soc. Beige GM. Bull., 189S (J/^m.), 368-415. Note preiiminaire sur le niveaa stratigraphique et U r(''gion d'origine de certains des bloos de cf - - ■^"•■ux des i>laines de la Mnvenne et de la H ••. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol.' Hull., 1895 {Pn>c. i Kt. Compte rendu sommaire de rexcursiou uu bulderin-rg et au gi.scnient fossilifJre de Wacnrode faite par la Soci<5t2 ; Brux.. Soc. HaUcol. .\nn.! 34 (1899), llii-liv. La meteorite de l,esves. pn>« Fosses. Broi. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 {Pmc.-Verb.). 63-64. (P^couverte de crabcs Oligoofenes dans I'atgile de Boom an S. W. de Duffel.] Brux. Soc. Beige G6ol. Bull.. 1896 (Proc.-r^rf..), 69-70. Broeck] 830 [Broeck Quelques considerations sur la perm^abilite du sol, sur rinfiltration pluviale et sur la condensation souter- raine des vapeurs d'eau, a propos des recherches et exposes de MM. Worre et Duclaux. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1896 {I'rnc- Verb.), 9.")-110. Expose preliniinaire dun projet d'^tude du sous-sol primaire de la Moyenne et de la Basse-Belgique k I'aide des materiaux fournis par les puits artesiens. Brux. See. Beige G(5ol. Bull., 1896 {Proc.-Verb.), 110-117. Compte rendu d'une visite preliminaire a la source thermale de Comblain-la-Tour. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 {Proc.-Vcrb.), 185-195. Les mistpoeffers. Detonations mysterieuses de la mer du Nord et des contr(;es continentales avoisinantes. Eev. Sci., 6, 1896, 464-467. Le dossier hydrologique du regime aquifere en terrains ealcaires et le role de la g^ologie dans les recherches et etudes des travaux d'eaux alimeutaires. Brux. Soc. Beige G(5ol. Bull., 1897 (Mem.), 378-554. [Sur la formation des cavernes.] R^ponse a M. Flashche. Brux. Soc. Beige G6ol. Bull., 1897 {Proc.- Verb.), 90-93. Les provisions grisouteuses. Recherches prOliminaires faites a I'occasion des '* Avertis-seuients" de M. Francis Lach. Analyse des faits et observations complementaires relatives k I'expose des donnees fournies par les elements magnetiques. Brux. Soc. Beige GOol. Bull., 1898 {Mem.}, 13-44. Aperfu historique de la lutte centre le grisou en Belgique pendant la pOriode du xvi" au xix" si^cle et analyse des travaux publies, englobant les questions d'aOrage, d'edairage, d'abatage, etc. [1898-99.] Brux. Soc. Beige GOol. Bull., 1898 {Mem.), 101-208. Presentation d'un fragment de la meteorite de Lesve reste non decrit ni figure. Brux. Soc. Beige Ged. Bull., 1898 (Proc.-FfW;.), 126-133. Note sur une nouvelle methode de reconnaissance de I'origine des eaux captees dans les ealcaires pour I'alimentation en eaux potables. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1898 {Proc.-Verb.), 176-179. Etude geologique, hydrologique et speiOologique des environs de Remouchamps. Nouvelles recherches et constatations dans la grotte de Remouchamps et aux chantoirs de la bande calcaire septentrionale. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1898 (Pruc.-Verb.), 180-181. Les coupes du gisement de Bernisaart. Caracteres et dispositions sedimentaires de I'argile ossifere du Cran aux Iguanodons. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1898 {Proc.-Verb.), 216-243. Le Wealdien du Bas-Boulonnais et le Wealdien de Bernissart consideres conime se rapportant au .Jurassique Superieur (fades Purbeckien du Portlandien Superieur). Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1898 {Pruc.-Verb.), 244-250. Historique de I'etude du grisou dans ses relations avec les microsismes et avec les phenomenea de la meteoro- logie endogfene. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1898 {Proc.-Verb., Serie Spec), 23-30. Les manifestations grisouteuses et leur prevision dans ses rapports avec la meteorologie eudogene et avec la meteorologie atmospherique. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1898 {Pror.-Verb., Serie Spec), 114-126. L'emigration cousideree comme facteur de revolution et de la filiation des esp^ces. Considerations presentees il I'occasion d'une note de M. Locabu sur I'extension de la faune malacologique boreale dans les profondeurs de I'Atlautique du Sud. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 33 (1898), xiv-xxi, cxxii. Petites notes rbi/.opodiques. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 33 (1898), xxvii-xxxviii, xxxix-xlix. La meteorologie endogene et le grisou. Nord Soc. Oeol. Ann., 27, 1898, 150-174. La question des mistpoeffers. [1898.] Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 4, 1899, 75-82. Documents bibliographiques pour I'etude geologique de la Lorraine et des Vosges. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1899 iMe'm.), 193-206. Contribution a I'etude de phenomenes d'alteration dont I'interpretation errouee pourrait faire croire 4 I'existence de stries glaciaires. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1899 (il/e'm.), 32.3-334. Nouvelles observations relatives au gisement des Iguanodons de Beruissart. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1899 {Proc.-Verb.), 6-11, 175-180. L'ori(,'ine des eaux minerales de Spa. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1899 {Proc.-Verb.). 173-175. Ce que doit signifier la spirale de Helicoprion. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1899 {Proc.-Verh.), 215-218. Le discours de M. Ed. Dupont a la seance publique du 16 decembre 1898 de I'Academie des Sciences de Belgique, consacre a revolution et au phenomene de la migration. Etude critique. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 34 (1899), xi-xxiv. [Sur Failure probable de I'argile Rupelienne dans le sous-sol de la Campine limbourgeoise.] Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 34 (1899), xxv-xxvii. Une declaration de principe a propos des syntheses stratigraphiques de .1/. G. Velge, faite a I'occasion de son compte rendu de I'excursion annuelle de la Societe Royale Malacologique de Belgique aux environs de Namur les' 29 et 30 aout 1897. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 34 (1899), Ixviii-lxxiii. Quelques mots encore au sujet de I'incident Dupont- VAN DEN Broeck: revolution et le phenomene de la migration. Les differends portes devant I'Acaderaie Royale des Sciences de Belgique et le rapport de M. le Professeur Ed. van Beneden, sur la "Reclamation de priorite de M. E. van den Broeck." Brux., Soc. Mala- col. Ann., 34 (1899), xcvii-cxxiii. Nouvelles fouilles dans les grottes de la region de Furfooz. Brux. Soc. Authrop. Bull., 19, 1900, oviii- cxii. Les depots a Iguanodons de Bernissart et leur trans- fert dans I'etage Purbeckien ou Aquilonien du Jurassique Superieur, expose comprenant une revue de la faune des Vertebres du Purbeckien et du Wealdien dans le sud-est de I'Angleterre. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1900 {Me'm.), 39-112. L'analyse rationnelle des limons au point de vue agricole, Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1900 {Proc.- Verb.), 161-166. Explorations nouvelles dans le site de Furfooz. i. Le "Puits-des-Veaux" et le "Trou-qui-fume." Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1900 {Proc.-Verb.), 205-212. A propos de la presence du " Melongena cornuta, -•( .l apparoil portutif de sondaKe pour recon- DaiBRance rapidu du torrain. Brux. 8oc. Beige (idol. Bull., 1888 (Mi'm.j, Uiry-l'M. lie I'cxtuiiBioii de8 HL'dimentH TonKriens Bur les pintouiix ilu Condroz <'t de TArdcnne et du role gfco- loHiiiue des valli-i» d'cffoiidrcnient dann lea rC'Riong i zonen calcaiies de la Haute Beljjiquc. Brux. Soe. Belne Oeol. Bull., 1888 |/Viir.. IVW/.). '.1-25. Deuxii"'me note Hur la nconiiaiHwinee geologiquc et liydroloKi(|Uf dus eniiilaccnients des forts du la Meuse. Brux. Hoc. Beige Geol. Hull., 1888 [Prnc-Vrrh.), 81-!lO. Projet d'alimentation de ragnlomeratioii bruxejloise en eau potabli', par M. le capitftinc Vkbbiraete. Etude g(5ologi(iue Bur ce projet. Brux. 8oc. Beige Giiol. Bull., 1889 {rroc-Verb.), •24;i-2.52. Sur un niodt'ic ri'duit de la sonde portative. Brux. See. ISel^'e (i.ol. liull., 1890 (Proc-Verb.), 4(M8. .SVc II Un Kntot .V Broeck. Broeck, l-'.rmft vuii dni. Rutot, .l|/m('], iV Aubry, <'\iimille\. See Butot, Broeck .V Aubry. Broeck, llnient inn tieii (el alii). Comment s'etablit le riKinie hydrologique dans les masses calcaires. Brux. Sue. Bel^-e Geol. Bull., 1892 (Pror.-I Vrt.), 231-2H7. Un pbinouiene uiyslerieux de la physique ration Jes faits constates en B<-li;ique et autre part par divers observateurs.] [189-i-I90<).] Ciel et Terre, 11) (1896-96), 447-n4, 479-501, 516-.5.S0, 53.5- 546, (JOI-OIB; 17 (1896-971, 4-1.5, 37-43, 99-109. MH- 157, 1H3-I'.ll, 20H-219, 348-353, 399-407; 18 (1897-98), .59(;-598; 20 (1899-1900), 585. Broeck, //. niii deii. Note sur la ddcouverte d'une nouvelle babitatioii de I'Utricularia intermedia, Hayne, dans la zone canipinienne. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 23, 1884 (C. R.), 94-95. Catalogue des plantes obser\ees aux environs dWnvers. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 23, 1884 (C. /.'.), 142-158; 27, 1888 (C. li.). 7-14. Notice sur la ddcouverte du Pseudoleskea catenulata, /fr., et coup d'oeil sur la florule bryologique des environs de Han-sur-Lcsse. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 25, 1886 (C. R.), 120-121. Comptc-rendu de la xxiv" herborisation gi-nerale de la Society Boyale de Botanique de Belgique (188(1). Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 25, 1886 (C. 7M. 111-1.50. Broeck, H. II. ten. See Ten Broeck. Brockelmann, A'[>ir/J. [Beitriige zur Chcmie des Erbiums uud Diilvms. ] Verhalten von neutralen Nitratlosungen selttiier Enlen gegen .\lkohol. Liebig's Ann., 2Go, 1891, 24-27. Brockelmann, A'[ar/]. <& Xrdss, Gerhard. [Beitrage zar Cbemie des Erbiums und Didyuis.] Verhalten dcr Erden gegen KaUumoxalat. Liebig's Ann., 265, 1891, 21-24. Brodel, Max. Intrinsic blood vessels of the kidney and their significance in nephrotomy. [1900.] Science, 13, 1901, -.'94. Brogger, (('[iiMcmar] C[hriiitofer\ To reference in No. 17 (Vol. 12) add Ztschr. Kryst,'. 10. 1885, 496, 498. *Ueber Krystalle von Thorium. [1882.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 8, 1883-84. So. 5, 8 pp. Spaltenverwerfuugcn in der tiegend Langesund-Skien. Nyt Mag. Naturvid.. 28, 1884. 2.53-419. Oni en ny konstruktion af et isolations-apparat for petrograliske nndersiigelser. [1884.] Stockh. Geo!. For. Forh., 7, 1884 * 86, 417-427; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 (/W. 1. Rej.), ,395-39r). Oni katapleitens tvilliuplove. [1884.] Stockh. (ieol. For. Forh., 7, 1884 A 86, 427-434; Ztschr. Kryst.. 10. 1886, 504. — — [Kristiauiafjordens bilJningssatt.] [1885.] Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 7, 1884 * 86, 473-476. Forelobig meddelelse om to nye norske mineralcr. I&venit og cappeleuit. (Med kemiske analyser af Prof. P. T. Clkvk.) [1885.] Stockh. Oeol. For. Forh.. 7. 18M & 86. .598-600; NeueH Jbuch. Min., 1887 {Ud. 1. Re/.), 229-230. Ueber die Bildungsgeschiclite dea KristianiafjordB. Ein Beitrug zum VemtaTidniHS der Fjord- und S'-ebddung in Skandinavii-n. Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 30, 1886, 99-231 ; Fortschr. I'hvs., 1886 (.ibth. 3), 848-849. Om de (orskjellige eruptiver paa htriekiiingen Mjosen- Langeaundsfjorden. Skand. Natf. Forh.. 1886. 77. Om alilcren af Olenelluazonen i Nordamerika. Stockh. Oeol. For. Forh.. 8, 1886. 182-213; Xeuea Jbuch. .Min.. 1891 0>d. 2. Ref.), 108-111. Ueber die Ausbildung des HypoHtomes bei einigen Hkaiiilinaviachen Aaaphiden. [1886.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang. 11, 1887. So. 3, 78 pp. Forelobig meddelelse om nimeraleroe |ia de gydnornkc augit- og nefi-linnyeniters grovkornige gange. Stockh. Oeol. For. Forh., 9, 1887. 247-274; Neuea Jbuch. Min., 1889 (flr/. 2, Ref.), 432-440. (^m en norak forekomst af pseudobrookit i atore krystaller. Stockh. Oeol. For. Forh.. 10. 1888, 21-24; Neues Jbuch. Min.. 1890 {lid. 2. Ref.). 54-.55. Geologiak kart over oenic vi-d Kriatiania. [1887.] Nvt Mag. Naturvid., 31. 1890. 162-195; Neuea Jbuch. Min., 1890 {Rd. 1, Ref.). 7-5-76. Om ■■ Eudidymit," et nyt norhk niinenil. Forebibig meddelelse. [1887.] Nyt Xlag. Naturvid.. 31. 1890, 196- 199; Ztschr. Kryst.. 15, 1889, 107-108. Vorliiutige Mittheilung liber den "Hiortdahlit," eiu neues Mineral von .\ro, Norwcgen. Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 31. 1890. 232-239. Die Mineralien dcr Syenitpegmatitgange der aiidnor- wegischen .\ugit- und Nephelinsyenite. Mit zahlreichen chemisch-analytischen Beitriigen von P. T. Cleve u. A. Ztschr. Kryst.. 16. 1890, iviii + 235 -^ 663 pp. Om udsigterne for fund af drivvaerdige apatitfore- komstcr i Norrbottens gabbromaaaiver. Stockh. Geol. For. Fiirh.. 13. 1891. 280-28-5; Neues Jbuch. Min.. 1893 {Rd. 2, Re/.), 64, 65, 270. Ueber die morpbotropischen Beziehungen dea Pina- kiolith und des Trimerit zu verwaudt^n Mineralien. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 377-385. Snndtit, et nyt mineral fra Oruro i Bolivia. Chriati- ania Forh., 1892, So. 18, 11 pp. ; Ztschr. KrjBl., 21, 1893. 193-199. The genetic relations of the basic eruptive rocks of Gran (Kristiania region). Brit. Asa. Rep., 1893. 762- 763. Lagfolgen pa Hardangervidda og den sakaldte " hni- fjeldskvarts." Norges Geol. Unders. [Aarb.], 11. 1893, 142 pp. (/fA-. 129-142). The basic eruptive rocks of Gran. [1893.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., .50, 1894, 15-37. [Om eruptivbergarterue vcd Predazzo.] Chriatiania Forh., 1894 (Orrrs.). 14. Die Eruptivgeateine des Kristianiagebietes. i. Die Gesteine der OroruditTinguaitSerie. [ii. Die Erap- tionsfolge der triadiscben Eruptivgesteinc bei Predazzo in Siidtvrol. iii. Das Ganggefolge dejs Laurdalits.] Cbristiania Skr. (Math.-Sat. Kl.). 1894. .No. 4. 206 pp. ; 1896. So. 7. 183 pp.; 1897. So. 6. 377 pp. Ueber den Mossit und iibcr das Krrstallaygtem des Tantalit (Skot'biiliti aua Finnland. Chnsliania Skr. (.l/-40S. Brogser, ir[af(f(rmi'>br) l/'iiii/] (Z«. 'Dynaiiiisme et ntomintne. Kev. Vuist. .Sci., lit, 1881, 35S-4'l2; 11. 1882, l»i'.t-224. Brogtrop, A. ./. .)/. 'Over de coiiipletatie van het repe- tendum bij de hcrleiilini; van i^i'wune breiiken tot tien- decliRO. Nicuw .\rcli. Wink., 3, 1877, 58-.50. Broicb, ll[i-inrich\ von, & FarUiell, Alfred. See Fartliell A Brolcli. Broichcr, ■l[nsri"], & Aawers, Knrl [FrieJrich]. See Auwera ,v Brolcher. Brolli, /■. Zur Kiiuim dcr I'lichycardicntuffc der Seiser Alp. Centrbl. Min., 1900, 309-373. Broman, Ii'ar. Bcschreibiin); eines inenRchlichen Embrvog von bcinahe 3 mm. Liintie niit spezieller Bemerkun^ iiber die bci dcniselben belindlichen Hirnfalten. [IH'J.5. ] Mon)liol. Arb., 5, 1896, Ui'.l-205. Ueber die Entwickelung dtT tielnirknochelehen beim Meuscheu. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898 {Aiiat. Ges. Verh.). 230- 236. Die EntwickelungSReschichte der Gehurknochelchen beim Menschen. Anat. Hefte {Abt. 1). 11, 1899, o07- 670. Uel)er Riesenspermatiden bei Bombinator igneus. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 20-30. Ueber Ban und Entwickelung der Spermien von Bombinator ignens. Anat. Anz., 17. 1900. 129-145. Ueber die Histogencse der Itiesenspermien bei Bombi- nator ignean. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900 {Anat. Ga. Verh.), 157-164. BromlwrK, Otto. Zur Kenntnisa der Phtalazinderivate. B.rlin. Cheni. lies. Ber., 29, 1896. 1434-1442. Ueber die Verbindungen de.* .\lloxan8 und Dimethyl- alloxans mit dem Semicarbazid. Berlin, Chem. Oe». Ber.. 30. 1897, 131-134. Bromberg, (Hlo. & Fischer, Emil. See Flaelier A Bromberg. Bromllow, F. The early stages of Thestor ballas, Fab. Entomologist, 26, 1893. 23H-240. Bromllow, If. K. Eine Hundfahrt durch die Trobriami-, Woodliiik- und McLaughlin-In.seln. Jena tteogr. ties. Mittli.. 12, 1893, 17-27. Bromley, R. I. Minute aeronauts. Science, 14, 1889, 13M. Bromwell, William. [On the decomposition of diazo- compoimds.] xii. .\ study of the action of methyl alcohol on the sulphate of orfAodiazotoluene. Amer. Chem. .11., 19 (1897). ■.(!l-577. Bromwell, U'illiain. A' Mayer, -loseph L. Heat of bromi- nation as a miutis of identifying fats and oils. Amer. .11. I'liarm.. 69, 1897, 14.")-149.' Bromwlch, T[homas] J[oliii] /'.1[h«oh]. On the influence of t;r;ivity on elastic waves, and, in particular, on the vibrations of an elastic globe. [1898.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 30, 1899, 9^l-120. A note on minimal surfaces. London Math. Soc. Proc, 30. 1899. 276-281. On some solutions of Vr"=0. London Math. Soc. Proc, 30. 1899. 281-290. Note on the characteristic invariants of an asymmetric optical system. [1899.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 31. 1900, 4-15. On the reduction of a linear substitution to a canonical form. [1899.] London Math. Soc. Proc., 31. 1900. 289- 297. The classification of conies and quadrics. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc.. 10, 1900, 3-58-371. R. S. A. C. Example of trigonometrical pori»m>i. Math. Gaz.. I, 1900, .331-3.)3. An algebruii' identity with two ftometrical applica- tions. MesKenger Math., 29, 1900, 184 191. Bron, /V/ij-. .\ propos den corpH •'■irangi-r" d» la reosie. (Ih93.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M^-d. Mem.. 33. 1894, 111-116. Brondean, I.nuii dr. Kor biograpliicul notice and list of «.iik- ».f Kev. Mycol., 14, 1892, .'.9-61. Brongnlart, Adnlphe \Thrf,iii,rf\. *|.Sur I'applioation des i H la dihtinction des e«p6cCB v.-,tiil.i f.is-ii.H.J FniiK-e So<;. Bot. Bull., 21, 1874, l-.T, 1-JH. Brongniart, Charlet [JuU$ F.dnu]. For biography tre Caen, .Sue. Linn. Nurmandie Bull., 3, 1899, Ixi; Nimea Soc. .Sci. Bull.. 1899. xxix: Pans, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., .5, 1899. 142-144: Paris. Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899. 141; Gecl. Mag., 7, 1900, 4:10-431; (ieol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 56. 1900, liii; OtUwa Natlist., 14, 1900, 174. Sur un gigantcsque Neurorthoptere provenant des Terrains Houillers de Commentry (Allier). [1684-85.] Paris. Ac. .Sci. C. B.. 98. 1884, 832-833; Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-8«). 144-146. Sur la decouverte d'nne empreinte d'insecte dans lea gris SiluricuB de Jnrqucs (Calvados|. [l8«4-85.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 1164-1165; BnU. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-86). 146-148. [Corjdaloides Scndderi, n. tp.] Paris, Soc. Ent Ann., 5, 1886, xii-xiii. [Ua-syleptus Lncasi, ii. up.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., .5, 1886. ci-cii. Lcs insectes fossiles des Terrains Primaires. [1885.] Rev. Sci., 36, 1886. 275-278; Bouen Soc. - ■> i< • i . 1886. 50-68, 235; Wien. Geol. Jbuch., 3.'>. 18h : : Manchester Geol. Si*. Trans., 18, 1886, 2t • 331. Sur nne pluie de feuilles observe a Commentrr. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. K., 102, 1886, 1085. [Note sur le d(5velopi>enient du Phyllinm aiecifolium.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887. lixxiv-lxxxvii. Sur an nouveau poisson fossile du Terrain Houiller de Commentrv (Allier). Paris. Ac. Sci. C. K., 106, 1888, 1240-1242; Naturaliste. 10. 1888, 178-180; Paria, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 16, 1888, .546-5.50. Les Entomophthorees et leur application a la destruc- tion des in.sectes nuisibles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107,. 1888, 872-874, 934. [Etudes sur le Terrain Houiller de Commentry. Livre troisieme.] Faune icbthvologiqne. St. Etieoiie. Bull. Soc. Ind. Min.. 2, 1888 {l.irr. 4), ,3-38. Les blattes de I'epoque Uouilliere. Paris, Ae. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889. 252-254. Insectes fossiles du Terrain Houiller poarms de six ailcs. Ass. Krinv. C. R., 1890 (/'«. 2). 497-501. Nonvelle e~|H'ce du genre Rosalia. N«iur«liste, 12, 1890. 1.52-1.53; Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, IBM. cxxi- cxxii. Une espece nonvelle de sauterelle du genre Megalodon. [1890.] Naturaliste. 12. 1890. 286-288: Pari«. Soc. Ent. Ann.. 10. 1890. clxxiii-clxxiv; Paris Soc. Philom. Ball.. 3. 1891 (C. /;., So. 3), '.t. [Description de quelques Ivongicomes noaveaux de rindo-Chine.) Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10. 1890, dxixiii- clxxxv. Note sur quelques insectes fos.sile» dn Terrain Hoailler qui presentent au prothorai des appendices aliforme*. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull.. 2, 1890, 1.54-159. Ijes criquets en .Mgerie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B.. 112, 1891, 1318-1319. Le crrptogame [ct les metamorphoses] des criquets pelerins.' Pans. Ac. Sci. C. R.. 112. 1B91. 1494-1496: 113. 1891, 103-40-5. 482; Naturaliste. 13, 1891. 217-220, 232-2;M. Monographic da genre Palophas (Orthopt^res de la 105 Brongniart] 834 [Brook famine des Phasmiens). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., 3, 1891, 193-204. [Collection d'insectes formiie dans I'lndo-Chine par il/. Pavie.] Coleopteres, Longieomes. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., 3, 1891, 237-254. Monographic du genre Enmegalodon (Orthoptferes de la famille des Locustide.s), tribu dcs Eumegalodonidai. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., 3, 1891, 277-28K. Sur les cryptogames parasites des criquets pfelerins. [1891.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 4, 1892 (C. /?., No. 1), 2-3. Les criquets pfelerins en Algerie; des changements de coloration qu'ils pr^sentent pendant leurs metamor- phoses. [1892.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., .5, 1893, 5-12. lusectes, Myriapodes, Arachnides et Crustaci^s. Rev. Sci.., 51, 1893, 742-753. Etudes sur le Terrain Houiller de Commentry. Livre troisieme. Faune entomologique. Becherches pour serviril I'histoire des insectes fossiles des temps Primaires preced^es d'une etude sur la nervation des ailes des insectes. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 7, 1893 {Livr. 4), 121-615. Les iusectes de I'^poque Carbonif^re. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 1128-1131. Etude de la nervulation des insectes appliqu^e a la description des insectes fossiles Paleozoiques. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, 94-98. Les insectes fossiles des temps Primaires. Bev. Sci. , 2, 1894, 531-533. Note sur quelques Coleopteres, provenant de la cote ouest de Java, donnas au MuscAum par M. .J. D. P.\sTr,uR. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 17-19. Note sur des Hym^nopteres du genre Polistes recueillis par il/. DiGOET en Basse-Californie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 37-38. Note sur les Homopt^res du genre Flatoides, Guerin. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 94-97. Note sur un Nevropt^re de la famille des Nemopterid^ provenant du Haut-Oubanghi. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 30-32. Revision des Salomonitie, Locustidse de la tribu des Conocephalinae. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 8, 1896, 120- 212. Locustides nouveaux de !a tribu des Conoc^phaliues, sous-tribu des Agroeoiini. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 79-87. Brongniart, Charles [Jules Edme], & Amaud, Allheit Leon]. See Arnaud & Brongniart. Brongniart, Cluirh's [Jiilix AWi/ir], A Becquerel, [.ln(oiHt'] Henri. See Becquerel A' Brongniart. Brongniart, Charles [Jnles Eduie\ & Delacroix, G[eorpes]. Sur les champignons parasites des Acridiens. [1891.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 4, 1892 (C. R., No. 5), 1-2. Brongniart, Charles [Jules Edme], & Caubert, Paul. Functions de I'organe pectiniforme des scorpions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 113, 1891, 10(12-1064. Bronnert, Kmil. [Condensation von Aldehyden mit der (jlutarsaure. ] ii. Isovaleraldehyd und Glutarsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 282, 1894, 344-3(12. KrvstallographischeUntersuchungen. Ztschr. Kryst., 24, 1895, 97-99. Kmploi de la cellulose pour la fabrication de tils brillants iniitant la soie. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 70, 1900, 177-197. Bronnert, Kmil, & Oerock, .7. E. See Oerock & Bronnert. Bronnert, Kmil, A Scbneegans, .1 ujinst. See Schneegans A Bronnert. Brons, If. Ueber die Wasserversorgung Emdens. [1890- 92.] Emden Natf. (ies. Jber., 1889-90, 51-86; 1891-92, 67-84. Bronsklj, M., & Btebnickij, A. Les positions des ^toiles de h et x I'ersei et de leurs environs, d^duites des mesures sur deux cliches photographiques. St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. M(5m., 2, 1895, No. 7, 133 pp. Bronson, Edward Bennet. On preventive treatment in primary syphilis. N. Y. Med. Jl., 47, 1888, 309-314. Antin-arobin. N. Y. Med. .11., 48, 1888, 606. On the topical treatment of acne. [ With discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 63, 1896, 401-404, 423-424. Broockmann, K[arl]. Ueber deu Einfluss des Luftdruckes auf die ausstromende Gasmenge eines Blasers. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw.. 34, 1886 (Abh.), 1.55-156. Ueber Benzin und Benzin-Sieherlieitslampen. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 34, 1886 (Abh.), 320-324. Der Einfluss der Koblensaure auf Licht und Leben. Ztschr. Berg", Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 35, 1887 [Abh.), 5.5-59. Ueber harmlose und kritische Tage. Wetter, 6, 1889, 270-280. Ueber Steinkohlenstaub-Explosionen. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verh., 53, 1896, 22-23. Broockmann, K[arl], & Groddeck, A[H>recht Ludwig] ron. See Groddeck & Broockmann. Brook, Charles L. The remarkable season. [1893.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 28, 1894, 69. Warm winter nights. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 32, 1898, 190-191. Earth temperatures at Moltham, Huddersfield. Meteo- rol. Soc. (^uart. Jl., 25, 1899, 339. "Sparking" of lightning. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 25, 1899, 339-340. Lunar halo. [1899.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag. , 34, 1900, 88. Double lunar rainbow. [1900.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 35, 1901, 138. Brook, Franeis Jt'[illiam], & Hopkins, i^rcdericA;] Gowland. See Hopkins A Brook. Brook, G. R. Vision in the lower animals. [1899.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901, 377-380. Brook, George. For biography and works see Amer. Natlist., 27, 1893, 917; Leopo'klina, 29, 1893, 204-205; Micr. Soc. Jl, 1893, 701 ; Nature, 48 (1893), 420-421 ; Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 274-276. On some points in the development of pelagic teleo- stean eggs. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 533-534. On the rate of development of the common shore- crab (Carcinus msenas). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 202-207. Preliminary account of the development of the lesser weever-fish, Traehinus vipera. [1884.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zonl.), 18, 1885. 274-291. On some points in the development of Motella mustela, L. [1884.] Linu. Soc. Jl. [Zool.], 18, 1885, 298-307. On the development of the herring. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Bep., 3, 1885, 32-51; 4, 1886, 31-43. Callionymus lyia, the dragonet. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Eep., 3, 1885, 68-69. On the aeration of marine aquaria. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 8, 1885, 381-389. On the origin of the hypoblast in pelagic teleostean ova. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 25, 1886, 29-36. Eeport on the herring fishery of Loch Fyne and the adjacent districts during 1885. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 4, 1886, 47-61. . Preliminary account of the food of the haddock. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Bcp., 4, 1886, 128-134. I'reliminary report on the food of the cod. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Bep., 4, 1886, 134-147. Ichllivological notes. Edinb., Fisli. Brd. Eep., 4, 1886, 222-227. The spawning period of the British food fishes. Edinb., Fish. I!rd. Rep., 4, 1886, 242-254. Notes on tlie food of young GadidiE. Edinb., Fish Brd. Bep., 5, 1887, 32()-327. Brook] 835 [Brooks Note on the spawnini,' of the pike. Kdhib., Fish. Brd. Rep., 5, 1887, 347-H4'.t. On the relation of yolk to blastoderm in icIcoKtenn lish ova. [IHH6.] Edinb. I'h.VH. Soc. I'roe , 9, 1888, 1«7 I'.ia. Notes on the British species of Zeunopterus. [IWMB. ) Edinb. I'hjs. Soc. I'roc, 9, 1888, H(i2-3(i9. Notes on the reproduction of lost parts in the lobster (Hoiiuinis vulnarisj. [18H().] Edinb. Phys. Soo. Proc, y, 1888, a70-38.5. The formation of the (germinal layers in Teloostci. [lBH(i.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 3:J, 1888, l'.l9-239. Note on the epiblastic ori(,'in of the se^meutal duct in teleosteau fishes and in birds. [1887.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, M, 1888. 808-370. Notes on a Lucifii-like decajjod larva from the west coast of Scotland. [1H88.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 1.5, 1889, f-'O-iaS. Pieliniiiiary remarks on the homologies of the mesen- teries in Antipatharia and other Anthozoa. [1888.) Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, IC, 1890, 3;»-39. A new type of dimorphism found in certain .\iili patharia. [1889.] Edinb. Hoy. Soc. Proc, lU, 1890, 78-83. Notes on the lanal stages of Motella. [1887.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, in, 1891, 1.5G-1G1. Notes on the British species of Lepadoyaster, and on the development of the vertical fins. [1888.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 10, 1891, 161-lti8. Descriptions of new species of Madrepora in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 4.')H-471; 10. 1892, 451-4155. On the allinities of the nenus Madrepora. [1892.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zuol.), 21. 1894, :i53-360. Brook, George, & Calderwood, IT. /,. Report on the food of the heniug. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Hep., 4, 1886. 102-128. Brook, George, & Ewart, J[ames'\ Cmsur. See Ewart iV Brook. Brook, George, & Hoyle, U'illiiim E[vuiis]. The meta- morphosis of British Euphausiido^. [1888.] Edinb. Koy. Soc. Proc, 15, 1889, 414-420. Brook, George, & Bcott, Thotiuu. List of the marine fauna collected at the Tarbcrt laboratory during 1885. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 4, 1886, 231-242. Brook-Fox, i-'. (J. The RissELi.'s viper. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc .11., 8, 1893-94, 505. The metric system. [1896.] Nature, .53 (1896-96), 222. Brooke, Arthur. KrystaUographische UntersachuDgCD. Ztsclir. Kryst., 24, 1896, 94-97. [Ueber Umlagerungen bci den ungesiittigten Sauren.] xiu. Phenylitncousiiure und isomere Saurcu. Liebig's Ann., 305, 1899, 19-41. Brooke, Arthur, & Snape, Hlenry] Lloyd. See Bnape A Brooke, Brooke, {Ll.-Col.) C. K. Note on the probabiUty of weather sequence. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 12, 1886, 172-173. Brooke, Charle.-:. To biographical reference (Vol. 9) add Micr. Soc. .11., 1896, 17-18. Brooke, Eiluurd. \\i examination of Piper ribesioides. Pharm. ,11., 23, 1893, 734-735. Brooke, Ilenrii lames. For biographical notice »ee Assur. Mag., 7, 1868, 280-288. Brooke, .T. V. Natural features of Israelite Bay. Aust. .\ss. R.-p., 1896, 501-.569. Brooke, .S. Ein Ausdag in die westaustralische Wiiste. IVt. rmann, Mitth., 34, 1888, 26-28. Brooke, (Sir) IIX'""""] O'Shaughurssii. For biographical uotiii' see Roy. Sot'. Proc, 40, 1890. x\iii-xix. Brooker, .1., >& Bllnso, H'. See BUngo >V' Brooker. Brookings, K. J. Bright meteor. Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 323. The "red light." Sidereal MuMenger, !). 1890, 149- 1.52. Brooks, .1. ■/. An interesting phase of the recent Bolor .ililisc. Popular Astr., 8, 1900, 464-405. Brooks, .Hired lluUe. Notes on the giology of the Tanaoa ami White river basins, Alaska. Science, 9, 1899, 622. A nconnais'-anec in the Tanana and Whit* river basins, Alaska, in 1H98. [1900.] U. 8. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1898-99 {/'(. 7), 425 494. .\ reconnaissance from Pyranii 1 Harbor to Fortymile liver, Alaska. Science, ll,'l900, 825-820. A reconnaissance from Pyramid Harbor to Ragle City, Alaska, including a description of the copf>«r defiosits of the upper White ami Tanana rivers. | laOO.] U. S. (ie.il. Surv. He],., 1899 1900 (/'(. 2). 331-391. Brooks, .il/red lluUe, A Collier, .Arthur J. Glacial phenomena of the Seward peningula. [1900.] Science, 13, 1901, 18H-189. Brooks, A III-,, I Unite, iV Hayes, CharUt fVilUtrd. See Hayes .v Brooks. Brooks, .Hired IluUe, A Bchrader, F. C. See Bcbrader cV Brooks. Brooks, .it/red Uulte, X VTolfl, -luhii Eliot. See 'Wolfl .V Brooks. Brooks, .it/red Uulte, Bmith, Eugene Allen, Hawes, Gi,n,i,, II'.. .V Clements, .JuHut ilorgan. See Bmltli, Hawes, Clements ,v Brooks. Brooks, Allan. Nesting of lieocichla DOivia in British Columbia. Ibis, 1, 1896. 512-513. Winter birds of the Okanagan district, B. C. Ottawa Natlist., 13. 1899, 143-146. Notes on some of the birds of British Columbia. Auk, 17. 1900, 104-107. Brooks, Cecil .Jlosliu]. On the quantitative estimation of tin. Chem. News, 73, 1896. 218-219. Brooks, David. For biography fee Elektrotechn. Zlscbr., 12. 1891, 377; Franklin Inst.'jl-, 132, 189X, 75-77. 'L'electricite atniospherique. Lam. Elect., 2, 1880, 111-113, 136-137, 192-191. The value of oil as an insulator for high voltage currents. Franklin Inst. .11., 131, 1891, 491-492. Brooks, E. E. On the phosphorescence of lithium com- pounds in vacuo, and the spectra of coated terminals. Chem. News, 62, 1890, 239. On terminal sjiectra observed in vacuo. Chem. News, 64, 1891, 30-31. . kn experimental studv of the stratified discharge. Elect. Rev., 30, 1892. 411-415. The electrochemical relations of carbon at high temperatures. Elect. Rev., 35. 1894, 190-191, 223-224. Cathode rays. Elect. Rev., 3.5, 1894, 64JS-649. 706- 708. Brooks, /•'. 7'., * Oooeta, Frank Austin. .See Oooch * Brooks. Brooks, Fred. Thermometer scales. Amcr. Soc. Civ. Eugin. Trans., 15, 1886. .381-383. Brooks, Frederick C. llusley. Note on a carious lead salt. The double iodide of lead and potassium, Pbl^KI. Chem. News. 77. 1898. 191. Brooks, //. St. .Inhu. 'The osteology and artlirology of the haddock ((iadusieglefinus). [1H83.) Dublin Soc Sci. Proc, 4, 1888, 166-196. Two cases of an abnormal coronary artery of tbe heart arising from the pulmonary artery. With some remarks upon the effect of this anomaly in producing cirsoid dilatation of the ves-scls. Jl. .Vnat. Physiol., 20, 1886. 26-29. Variations in the nerve supply of the flexor brevis pollicis muscle. Jl. Anat. Physiol.. 20. 1886. 641-644. On the morphology of the intrinsic muscle? of the little finger, with some observations on tbe ulnar head of the short tlexor of tbe thumb. JL Anat. PhyaioL, 30, 1886, 645-061. 105—2 Brooks] 836 [Brooks Variations in the nerve-supply of the lumbrical muscles in the hand and foot, with some observations on the innervation of the perforating flexors. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 21, 1887, 575-.585. On the short muscles of the pollex and hallux of the anthropoid apes, with special reference to the opponens hallucis. [1887.] -11. Anat. Physiol., 22, 1888, 78-9.5. On the distribution of the cutaneous nerves on the dorsum of the human hand. Int. Jl. Anat., 5, 1888, 297- 306. Morphology of the muscles on the extensor aspect of the middle and distal segments of the limbs. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 22, 1888, xv-xvii. ■ Centenarian skeleton. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 23, 1889, xiii. On the valvulffi conniventes in man. [1892.] Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 81. Brooks, 11. St. John, & Cunningham, D[aniel] ^[ote]. Sen Cunningbam & Brooks. Brooks, (Miss) Himict. Damping of electrical oscillations. Canada Koy. Soc. Proc. & Trans. , 5, 1899 {Sect. 3), 13-1-5. Brooks, Henry. Preliminary remarks on the structure of the siphon and funnel of Nautilus Pompilius. [1887.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc , 23, 1888, 380-382. Brooks, Morijan, & Steweird, J. E. Some experiments upon the "Otto" gas engine. [With introduction by Prof. E. H. Thurston.] Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag"., 30, 1884, 89-104. Brooks, (ilaj.) T. B. "The method and cost of mining the red specular and magnetic ores of the Marquette iron region of Lake Superior. [1872.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 1 (1871-73), 193-202. Brooks, T7'. Cucullia Artemisia; added to the British fauna. Entomologist, 18, 1885, 290. Callimorpha Hera in South Devon. Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 280-281. Brooks, W[iViam^ Edwin. For biography see Ibis, 5, 1899, 4G8; Auk, 17, 1900, 194. A few ornithological notes and corrections. Ibis, 2, 1884, 234-240; 3, 1885, 380-389. Additional notes on the genus Acanthis. Ibis, 4, 1886, 3,59-364. [Note on W. W. Cokdeadx's paper on the birds of Cashmere, etc., and on Vol. v of the Catalogue of Birds in tlie British Museum.] Ibis, 1, 1889, 575-577. A few remarks on Mr. O.iTEs's "Birds of British India." Ibis, 4, 1892, -59-62. A few observations on some species of PhyUoscopus. Ibis, 6, 1894, 261-268. Eemarks on Richard.son's merlin (Falco Richardsoni, Ridgwaij). Ibis, 2, 1896, 226-228. Brooks, William 7v[c(7/(]. Is Salpa an example of alter- nation of generations? Nature, 30, 1884, 367-370. The recognition, by marine animals, of the hour of the day. Science, 4, 1884, 429. A new law of organic evolution. Science, 4, 1884, 532-534. On the life-history of Entima, and on radial ami bilateral synunetry in hydroids. Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 709-711. On a new law of variation. [1884-85.] JohnsHopkins Univ. Circ, [4], 1885, 14-15; Jena. Ztsohr., 18, 1885, 4.52-462. The life-history of the Hydromedusaa : a discussion of the origin of the Medusa, and the significance of metagenesis. [1885.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Mem., 3, 1878-94, 3.59-430. On the artificial propagation and cultivation of oysters in floats. [188.5.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [51 (1886-86), 10. Notes on the Stomatopoda. [1885.] JohnsHopkins Univ. Circ, [5] (1885-86), 10-11. A note on inheritance. Including a letter from Fritz MiJLLER. [1885.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [5] (1885- 86), 11-12. The anatomy and development of the Salpa chain. [188li.] Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 3, 1884-87, 451-475. The Stomatopoda of the Challenger collection. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [5] (1885-86), 83-85. The origin of metagenesis among Hydroraeduste. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [5] (1885-86), 86-88. The life-history of Epenthesis MoCradyi (». .fp.). [1888.] Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 4, 1887-90, 147-162. On a new method of multiplication in hydroids. [1888.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, 7 (1887-88), 29-30. Note on the ratio between men and women. [1888.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, 7 (1887-88), 30-31. On the Lucayan Indians. [1887.] Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 4 (P't. 2), 1889, 215-222. A preliminary abstract of researches by [the author] and F. H. Herbick on the life-history of Stenopus. [1889.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, 8 (1888-89). 29-30. On the early stages of echinoderras. [1889.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ , [10 (1890-91)], 101. On the relationship between Salpa and Pyrosoraa. [1890.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [9 (1889-90)], 53. Report upon a physical investigation of the waters off the southern coast of New England, made during the summer of 1889 by the U. S. Fish Commission scliooner Grampus. Report upon the zoological collec- tions. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 9, 1891. 411-412. Report of the Marine Laboratory : session of 1891. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [11 (1891-92)], 45. The genus Salpa. [With a supplementary paper by Maynard M. Mktcalf.] Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Mem., 2, 1893, 396 pp. Salpa in its relation to the evolution of life. Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 5, 1893, 129-211. The origin of the organs of Salpa. [1893.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [12 (1892-93)], 93-97. The nutrition of the Salpa embryo. [1893.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [12 (1892-93)], 97-98. The origin of the oldest fossils and the discovei'y of the bottom of the ocean. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 2, 1894, 455-479. The origin of the food of marine animals. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 13, 1894, 87-92. An inherent error in the views of Galton and Weis- MANN on variation. [1894.] Science, 1, 1895, 121-126. The sensory clubs, or cordyli of Laodice. Jl. Mor- phol., 10, 1895, 287-304. LvELL and Lamarck ; a consideration for Lamarckiaus. An examination of Rom-anes' view of "characters as hereditary and acquired." [1896.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [15 (1895-96)], 75-76. Lyell. [1896.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [15 (1895-96)], 78-79. Zoology and the philosophy of evolution. Science, M, 1898, «s 1-893. Brooks, ]i'iUiam K[eith]. & Bruce, A[dam] T[odd]. Abstract of researches on the embryology of Liuiulus Polyphemus. [1885.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [5] (1885-86), 2-4. Brooks, William K[eith], & Conklin, Edwin , 1891, :fil-576. Brooks, WilUnm K[iUli\, ifa newComi-trf 1895. [1895-96.] Popular Astr., 3, 1896, 209, 211, 270; A«tr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 111-112; Astr. Soc. .Month. Not., 56, 1896. .328-.)2U. [AullindungdcsComeU-n 1896IV.] Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 287-288. Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen. [1898.] Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 351-3.52; Popular Astr., 6. 1898, .534-535; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 59, 1899, 92-93. N.'uer Comet 1900 h (Borrelly-Brooks). Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 91-92; Popular Astr., 8, 1900. 400, 403. Broom, li. On the volume of mixed lii|uidB. [Salt siilutions and water.] [1885.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc., l:i, 1886, 172-174. Broom, Hubert. On the monstrosity of the common earth- worm, Lumbricus terrestris, L. [1888.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Traus., 2, 1890, 203-206. On the fate of the quadrate in mammals. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 409-111. On the condiliun "S the auditory ossicles of a synotic cyclopian lamb. [18M9.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. * Trans., 3, 1892, 86-90. On the structure of the root-sheath in hedgehog- spines. [1889.] Gla.sgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. A Trans., 3, 1892. 127-130. On the significance of the proliferated epithelium in the fcetal mammalian jaw. .Xnn. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1896, 420-421. On the organ of Jacoubon in the Monotremata. [1895.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 30, 1896. 70-80. On the homology of the palatine process of the mammalian premaxillarv. [1895.] N. 8. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 10, 1896, 477-485. On some developments of the mammalian prenasal cartilage. [1895.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 10, 1896, 555-562. On a sinull fossil marsupial with large grooved pre- molars. [1895.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 10, 1896, 563-567. On a small fossil marsupial allied to Petaurus. [1895.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 10, 1896, 568-570. On the organ of Jacobson in an Australian bat (Miniopterus). [1895.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 10, 1896. 571-575. Note on the period of gestation in Echidna. [1895.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 10. 1896, 576-577. On two new species of Ablepharas from north Queensland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 342-314. Observations on the relations of the organ of J vcobson in the horse. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 21, 1896. 9-13. Report on a bone bn-ccia deposit near the Wombevan caves, N. S. W.; with descriptions of some new specie« of marsupials. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 21, 1896, 48-fil, [rii]. On the comparative anatomy of the organ of Jacobson in marsupials. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc.. 21, 1896. 591-623. Notes on the anatomy of a form of cyclopcan. with remarks on the significance of cyclopeans. [1894.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc * Trans., 4. HOT. 31-34. Ou the anatomy of a four wingMi chick. [1695.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. A Trans., 4. 18»T, 315-316. Note on the supi>osed nasal valve of Omithortijnehoa. [1S9.5. ] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc Proc. A Tnna., 4, 1897, 317-318. Broom] 838 [Brot Notes on some Australian mammals. [1896.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proe. & Trans., i, 1897, 351-354. A contribution to the comparative anatomy of the mammalian organ of Jacobson. [1897.] Ediub. Roy. Soc. Proc, 21, 1897, 391-392; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 39, 1900, 231-255. Observations on the habits of Echidna (Echidna aculeata, Shaw). Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1897, 321-323. On the occurrence of an apparently distinct prevomer in Gomphognathus. Jl. Auat. Physiol., 31, 1897, 277- 279. On an apparently hitherto undescribed nasal-floor bone in the hairy armadillo. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, 280-282. On the existence of a sterno-coracoidal articulation in a fcbtal marsupial. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, 513-515. On the lizards of the Chillagoe district, N. Queens- land. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 22, 1898, 639-645, [viii]. On the arterial arches and great veins in the foetal marsupial. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 477-483. On the organ of Jacobson in the Hyrax. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 709-713. Is there a critical period in marsupial development? Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 714-720. On the affinities and habits of Thylacoleo. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 23, 1898, 57-74. A contribution to the development of the common phalanger. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 23, 1898, 705-729. On two new species of dicynodonts. S. African Mus. Ann., 1, 1899, 452-456. On the development and morphology of the marsupial shoulder girdle. [1899.] Edinb. Koy. Soc. Proc, 22, 1900, 482-483; Edinb. Hoy. Soc. Trans., 39, 1900, 749-770. On a new theriodont reptile (Ictidosuchus primsevus) from the Karoo beds. South Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 314-316. Note on an Echidna with eight cervical vertebra. [1900.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 25, 1901, 733-734. On the ossification of the vertebrse in the wombat and other marsupials. [1900.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 25, 1901, 735-739. On the structure of the palate in Dicynodon, and its allies. [1900.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 11, 1902, 169-176. On Ictidosuchus prims'vus. [1900.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 11, 1902, 177-184. The leg and toe bones of Ptychosiagum. [1900.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 11, 1902, 233-235. Broomall, C. M. The stress-strain relations of rubber. Science, 8, 1898, 673-674. Broome, C[lirislopher] E[. On some new Hpecies of Mcliinia from I'lilawan und the neiRhboiirliODd. [1891.] London Miilacol. Soc. I'loo., 1, 1896, 17^,-177. Brotliors, .1. I'ln- trciitniont of cronp. [1HH9.] N. Y. Mid. .11., TjI, 1890, 6(1-65. Brothers, . I //;•«(. The i)ink Kun-glow. [1HH4.] Manchester La. I'hil. Soc. Proc, 21, 1886, 1-3. On a variation in the hIzc of an image on the retina according to tliu distance of the background on which it is seen. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 21, 188B. 107-108. On ocular spectra. [IHH.").] Manchester Lit. Pliil. Soc. Proc, 2.1, 1886, 7-«, 76. Note on nppanitiis for pliotO;.'rapliing the moon. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc I'roc, 25, 1886, 205-206. On a comparison of draw ings and photographs of sun- spots, and tlie SunV surface. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 26, 1887, 7-1-78. Brotbera, //[onirc] /■:[dward]. Note on a nickel arsenidf. Manclieater Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. A Proc, 1, 1888. i:i.-i-in6. Brotbers, IJ[ur(icc] /■•'[(/in/iv/]. Bmltb, lf.ir<..«, A Coutts, ./|r;;H,.s| F[raiiciii] II[i-mler.imi\. Si-r Smith, CouttB .V Brothers. Brothers, ./. .1/., ,t French, IVillinm. See French A Brothers. Brothcrston, Anilrew. For biographical notice see Ber- wick. Nat. Club Hist., [13], 1892, 399 102. Brotherston, 7i'. /'. The Kcv. .John LAnuscK, A.M. (lar.l. Clirnn.. 27, 1900, 129-130, 113-111; 2H, 1900, 42. BrotheruB, ]'[ ietar] F[er(li>iiniil]. Botanische Wanderungen auf lier llalbinsel Kola. Bot. Centrbl., 26, 1886, 169-172, 200-203, 233-238, 284-288. Musci novi transcaspici. Bot. Centrbl., 34, 1888, 24-27. Mnsci novi exntici. Bot. Centrbl., 36, 1888, 8.5-87. Musci novi Insularum Guiueensiura. Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol., 8, 1890. 173-190. Some now sppciea of .\ustralian mosses described. Helsingfors. Ofvera., 33, 1891, 89-110; 35, 1893, 34-.56; 37, 1896, 149-172; 40, 1898, 159-193; 42, 1900, 91-129. [BcrgpHanzen ans Kaiser \yilhelras-Land, gcsammelt auf der Ziiller'sohen Kxp' dition im Finisterregebirge von F. Hkllwio.] Musci. Englcr, Hot. Jbiich., 16, 1893, 29-30. Musci novi papuani. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 17, 1893, 476-481. Contributions a la flore bryologique du Br^sil. Helsingfors, Acta, 19, 1893, So. 5, 30 pp. Enunieratio .Muscorum Caucasi. Helsingfors, Acta, 19, 1893, So. 12, 170 pp. Mnsci Schenckiani. Kin lieitrag zur Kenntniss der Moosflora Bras^iliens. Hedwigia. 33. 1894, 127-136. fHfitriige zur Flora von .\frika.] Musci africani. [18')4-97.] Engler, Bot. .Ibiich., 20, 1896, 176-218; 24, 1898, 232-284. Btitriige zur Kenntniss der brasilianischen Moosflora. Hedwigia, 34, 1896. 117-131. Nouvelles contributions i la tloro bryologique du Brt^sil. [1895.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 21 (J/d. 3), 1896, .Vo. 3, 76 pp. Indusiella, eine nene Laubmoos-Gattung ans Central- Asien. Bot. Centrbl., 75, 1898, 321-322. Contributions il la tloro lichooologii]uc de IWsie Contrale. Helsingfors, Ofvors. , 40, 1898, 1-13. None Boitriige zur Moosflora .lapans. Hedwigia, 38, 1899. 204-247. Contributions to the bryological flora of the north- western Himalaya. Helsingfors, Acta, 24, 1899, S". 2. 46 pp. Contributions to the bryological flora o( Bonthem India. lieport on a collection of mosses made by Dr. T. L. Wai.kkh in Coorg during the cold weather of 1m;)7 98. [1899.] India Bot. Surv. Becords. 1, 1893- 1902. 311-329. Brothcrus, I'lielur] I'\frdinanJ], A MiUlor, Karl. See MtUler ^: Brothenu. Brotheros, l'\ieliir] l[iritinaiul], A: Saslan, Th. Musci LapiKiniie kuhaMisis. [1890.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Kenn. Acta, 6, 1889-90, No. 4, 100 pp. Brotzn, Luigi. Dei vini ros-i coiuuiorciali di Csgliari. Staz. Sper. Agrur. Ital., 30, 1897, 576-.J96. Brouardel, Ceorijen. l/cs paralvsies arsenicales. Arch. M.il. Kxpor., 8, 1896, 786-829. !.•« grandes intoxications. Arch. Gin. Mil [CumilU Ilippolyte]. tt'i-pidimie de tricliiiiost; d'Enicrsleben en septembre, octobre, et novembre 1883. [K'i(A ditru$tion.] Ann. Hyg. Publ., II, 1884, 121-142, 283-294, 461-477, 527-544; 12, 1884, 62-69. Itapport de la Commission da cholera prise dans le sciu du Comild consultatif sur les mesures de pn^'serration du cliolorn. [With diiciuiion.] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 13, 1884, 913-949. Kappiirt adressi- & .V. Ic Ministre du Commerce... sur [une] mission en Allemagne pour y itudier une epidemic de trichinose avant d'clat^- dans les environs de Halber- stadt. Trav. Com. Hyg. Publ., 13, 1884, 401-415. Epidemic de trichinose observce a EmerslelK'n ct «ux environs (Saxe) pendant le mois de septembre 18.83. Communication de documents relatifs & cette epidcmie, faite an Comito. [1884.] Trav. Com. Hyg. Publ., 14, 1886, 421-424. Sur I'apparition d'une nouvelle Epidemic cholirique & Marseille, les conditions sanitaires de la ville et les mesures proposees pour y remedier. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 14, 1886, 226-233. .\ccu8ation d'inloxication par la colchicine. Ann. Hyg. Publ.. 15, 1886, 230-2h2. Discussion sur I'alcoolisation des vins. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 16, 1886. 209-224. Des caracteres chimiques des diverses espdoes de digitaline. Paris, Ac. Mid. Bull.. 15, 1886. 528-530. Sur un cas de momihcntiun d'un cadavre. Appli. cations mddico-legales. Paris, Ac. MM. Bull., 15, 1886, 793-toye, Paul. Note sur Faction physiologique de la kairine. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 285-287. Recherches sur I'empoisonnement par I'hydrogene sulfure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 401-404. Recherches sur la destruction de Themoglobine par I'acide carbonique. Paris, Soe. Biol. M^m., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 89-90. Note sur Taction physiologique de la thalline, de Tantipyrine et de la kairine. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 104-106. Recherches experimentales sur la submersion. Ass. Franv. C. E., 1888 {Pi. 1), 227. Recherches sur la respiration pendant la submersion. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 408-422. Recherches sur la circulation pendant Tasphyxie par submersion et sur le sang des noyes. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 449-459. Recherches sur le moment de I'entree de Teau dans les poumons des noyes. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 578-585. Brouardel, Paul [Camille Hippolijte]. & Ogler, Jules. Empoisonnement par le sulfocyanure de mercure. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 29, 1893, 352-364. Brouardel, Paul [Camille Hippoli/te], & Pouchet, .-([KHe] Gabriel. Empoisonnement par Tarsenic. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 14, 1885, 73-86. De la consommation de Talcool dans ses rapports avec l'hygiene. [1888.] Ann. Hyg. Publ., 20, 1888, 241-262; Trav. Com. Hyg. Publ., 18, 1889, 251-268. Sur quelques-uns des symptomes de I'intoxication arsenicale chronique ; sur les mudes et la duree de Teiimination hors du corps humain de Tarsenic et de sea composes. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 22, 1889, 427-429. Note sur quelques-uns des symptomes de I'intoxication arsenicale aigue et chronique, sur les modes et la duree de Teiimination hors du corps humain do Tarsenic et de ses composes. [With discuission.] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 21, 1889, 91.')-929. Brouardel, Paul [Camille Hippolyte], & Rlcheirdl^re, ll[enri]. Du diabete traumatique au point ile vue des expertises medico-iegales. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 20, 1888, 401-429. Brouardel, Paul [Camille Hippolyte], & Thoinot, I,[t'ou] H. Enquete sur les causes des epidemics de lievre typhoide qui ont regne au Havre et dans I'arrondi.sse- Brouardel] 841 [Brousmiche ment du Havre en 1887-88. [1889.] Trav. Com. Hvg. Publ., 19, 1890. 303-434. UiMix (!-piil<5mieH de liivre typhoYde. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 25, 1891, '231-267. Kpidc'-miea do fi6vrc typhoide k Villcrville et k Troii- villi- (CalviKlos) en aoflt, Sfptemljre et oetobre 1890. [1890-91.] Trav. Com. H.v«. Publ., 21, 1892, 14-48. Epidemic dc cliol<5ra k I'ttsile des iilitiii'M de IJouneval (Furc.ft-I.oir). Ann. Hvi;. Publ., 29, 1893, 209-224. Bronardel, I'aul [Ctmiilh' Hipj)ohjie\ & Vlb«rt, VUtirUt. luculpution d'iiitoxiontion par I'buile ile foie de morue phn«p)ior^'e. Affaire du Dr. Makkaut (de HonHcur). (Aeiiuittement en premiere infitanee, cundanniation en apjiel.) Ann. Ilyg. Publ., 42, 1899. 11M-M2. Bronardel, Fnul [VnmilU llippiilijir\. Charrln, Albert, Ai iUbarran, ./[(xii/kih]. Rapport sur Ics essais de vacci- nation cholerii|ue entrepris en Espa^,'ne par .V. le I>r. I'KUUAN. [188.5.] Ann. Hvj.'. Publ., 14, 1886, 122-153; Paris, Ac. Xled. Bull., 14, 1886, 902-9.S2; Trav. Com. Hyt'. Publ.. 1.5, 1886, 167-190. Brouardal, I'liul [Camille llippnlijie], Descoiut, Pmil. it Ogier, Jules. Un c«9 d'empoisnnnenient par I'oxvde de e.irl),>ne. Ann. Hyg. Publ.. 31, 1894, 376-389, ioit-HiH. Brouardel, Pniil [Camille llippnlyte], Oarlel, C[harles] M[oye, Paul. Accidents causes par les sub- stances alimenlaires d'origine auimale conteuant des nlcaloldes toxiques. [II'i'A discussion.] Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R., 1889, 939-956. Bronardel, I'aul [Catuille Hippnlyte], Fonchet, A[uue] Gahriel. & Ogler, Jules. Saccharine: son usage dans I'alimentaticMi publiciuc; -son influence sur la sante. [1888.] Ann. Hvg. Publ., 20, 1888. 300-318; Trav. Com. Hyg. Publ., 18, 1889, 380-397. Bronardel, Paul [Camille Hippolijle] {et alii). Discussion sur le surmenage intellectuel et la sedentarite dans les icoles. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 17, 1887, 673-687. 69.5- 704; 18, 1887, 11-24, 83-117, 143-172, 184-216, 221- 240. Sur I'intoxication arsenicale et en particulier la presence de I'arsenic dans les os. Paris, Ac. Mid. Bull., 22, 1889, 4-5, 53-55. [Sur r^pidimiologie de la peste.] Paris, Ac. Mid. Bull., 37. 1897, 388-102, 428-437. Brough, /i. inirit Hooper. On griqualandite. Chem. News, 56, 1887, 244. Use of the magnetic needle in exploring for iron ore. Iron ct Steel Inst. Jl., 1887 {No. 1), 289-303. Tacheometrv. or rapid surveying. Inst. Civ. Engin. Prw.. 91, 1888." 282-309. Outbursts of gas in metalliferous mines. [With discussion.] [1889.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 38, 1891, 59-72; School of Mines Qnarterlv, N. Y.. 12. 1891, 13-22. Historical sketch of the first Institntion of Mining Engineers. [Willi discussion.] [1899.] lust. Min. Engin. Trans., 17, 1900, 2-13. R. S. A. C. MctallifcrouH deposits. [1900.] Nature, 63 (1900-01), 18-20. Broulia, .1/. Hnr les premieres phases du diveloppcraent du foie ct sur revolution des pancr'-as ventranx, chez les oiseaux. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898. 234-242. Rechercbes sur le divelopix-mint du foie, du pan- creas, de la cloison mitentirique et des cavitis hepato- enU-riqucH chez les ois HI Espont II lipcilMymeCTBCHIIO Bl. Poccill. [D;r "f'":ng der Cyklonen und .Anticyklonen in Europa. i h in Russland.] [1882.]' St. Petersb., &>c. i... ..r. Mem. {Ggoijr.), 12, 1884 {So. 1), 87 pp. ; Fortschr. Phys., 1886 {Ablh. 3), 37a FcxoBoft xo,n. oTK-ioHciiiH TcsiiiepaTypu on IIOpMiUl.llon B1> KBponeiii'Knxi KHIUOIiaXl. [Ueber den jiihrlichen Gang der Temperatnr-Anomalien in den europaischen Cyclonen.) [1884 ] St. Petcrsb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Ruts.), 49, 1886 {Append. So. 3), 27 pp. ; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 9, 1886, So. 2, 19 pp. 0 6apoMi'Tpii>iecKiixi MaKciiiiviiaxi. [Baro- metri>clie Maxima.] Buss. Pbys.-Ch>'ni. Soc. Jl., 18 {Pliijs.). 1886. 76-77. IJpi'jKMiHiJt.' GapojieTpiiiecKie iiaKciiMriiM bt. Espoilt.. [Temporary barometric maxima in Eurupe.] St. Petersb.. Ac. Sci. Mem. {Russ.), 53, 1886 [Append. So. 1). 173 pp. Die .\uticyclonen in Europa. [1886.] Repertm. f. Meteorol., Id," 1887, -Vo. 8. 23 pp. 0 peay.ibTaTaxi cpaBHenia nopii.ubUMxi 6apoMeTpoBi. niaBHtttraiixi neTeopciorniecKHxi. yqpC/KIfllili EBponu. [Vergleichung der Normal- barometer ciniuir der wichti>;sten meteorologischen Institute Europas.] [1888.] Ituss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (PAy*.|, 1888, 61-62: Repertm. f. Meteorol.. 11, 1888, So. 9, 17 pp.; St. Pitersb., Soc. Russe Giogr. M.ui. {Geogr.), 18. 1890 {So. 4), 16 pp. Bronquler. T... A' Oazrlgon, F[fliz]. Sa Oaiilgou <^ Bronqtiier. Bronsmlcbe, Kd'uard de. Considerations generales sur la veL-iiation de la NouvcUe-CalWonie. Arch. Mid. N:iv:ile. 41. 1884. 2-5ti-2GO. 106 Brousmiche] 842 [Brown Le sol de la Nouvelle-Cal^donie. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull. , 11, 1886, 38-64. Contribution 4 la g^ographie m^dicale. Sainte- H^l^ne. Topofjraphie m^dicale. Histoire naturelle. Arch. Med. Navale, 47, 1887, 5-27. BrousBe, [Auijustp], & Gay, [H. f.'] Fr[an<;ois]. Sur le gallate de mercure. Nouvelle preparation antisvphili- tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 284-28,5. BrouBseau, Georges. La d^eouverte des sources du Counaui, du Cachipour et de la Yaou^. Paris, Soc. Gfegr. C. R., 1895, 312-313. Le Contests franco-br^ailien. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. K., 1899, 1.30-140. BrousBOB, G., * Oirardin, .4. Du lymphad^nome. Paris, Ac. M^fl. Mem., 3-5, 1887, 148 pp. Broutin, {capit.) , & Bocand^, Bertrand. See Bocand6 & Broutin. Brower, J. V. The source of the Mississippi river. Amer. Geologist, 8, 1891, 291-306. The utmost waters of the Missouri river. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 28 (1896), 387-391. Browett, Alfred. The Bath oolite and method of quarrying it. [1888.] Midland Natlist., 12, 1889, 187- 190. Browlcz, T[adeu$z\ Weitere Beobachtungen iiber Bewe- gung.'iphanomene an roten Blutkorperchen in patho- logischen Zustanden. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 28, 1890, 62.5-627. 0 kom6rkach tucznych EHELicna. (Sur les cellules granulif^res d'EHELicH.) Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1890, 195-197. Ueber Mastzellen im Herzniuskel. Int. Med. Cougr. Verb., 1890 {Bd. 2, Ahth. 3), 84-86. Beitrag zur Histologie der Gevvebsveranderungen nach Injection der Koch'schen Vaccine. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 29, 1891, 1-4. Ueber die Bedeutung der Veranderungen der Kitt- substaiiz der Muskelzellbalken des Herzmuskels. Virchow, Arch., 134, 1893, 1-10. Ueber anomale Sehnenfaden im Herzen und deren eventuelle Bedeutung. Virchow, Arch., 145, 1896, 649- 6.52. Ueber die Dissociation der Leberlappchen. Virchow, Arch., 148, 1897, 424-427. Obraz mikroskopowy komorki w^trobnej po wstrzy- kni^eiu do zyly szyjnej rozczynu hemoglobiny. (Das mikroskopische Bild der Leberzelle nach intravenoser Hamoplobininjection.) Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 3577861. Sri5dkom6rkowe kanaliki ^dtciowe, ich stosunek do wakuol KtTPFKERa i do pewnej forniy patologiczuej wakuolizacyi komorek watrobnych. [Intracellulare Gallengange, ihr Verhaltnis zu den Kupferschen Secretionsvacuolen und gewissen Formen pathologischer Vacuolisation der Leberzellen.] [1897.] Krakciw, Ak. {Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 14, 1899, 48-52; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1897, 121-127. 0 patologicznym stauie jadra kom6rek watrobnych, przemawiajacym za tern, iz jadro speinia funkcya wydzielniczj,. [Ueber Befunde ini Kerue der Lebi-r- zellen, welche fur die secretorische Function des Kernes sprechen.] [1897.] Krakow, Ak. {Mat.-Przt/rod.) Rozpr., 14, 1899, 53-56; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull'., 1897, 167- 172. 0 budowie kom6rki wj-trobnej. [Ueber den Bau der Leberzelle.] [1897.] Krak6w, Ak. {Mat.-Przt/rod.) Rozpr., 14, 1899, 57-62; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull. ,1897, 18G-193. .Jak i w jakiej postaci otrzymuja komorki w^trobne hemoglobin^? [Wie und in welcher Form wird den Leberzellen HSmoglobin zugefiihrt?] [1897.] Krak6w, Ak. [Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 14, 1899, 63-66; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1897, 216-220. Krystalizowanie si§ hyaliny w komdrce mi^saka. (Krystallisierbarkeit des Hyalins in der Sarcomzelle.) Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1899, 281-283. O zjawiskach krystalizacyo w komorce watrobnej. [Ueber Krystallisatiousphanomene in der Leberzelle.] [1898.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 17, 1900, 46-50; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 162-166. O ;5r6dnaczyniowych komurkach we winskowatyeb, krwionosnych naczyniach zrazik6w wjtroby. [Ueber intravasculare Zellen in den Blutcapillaren der Leber- acirii.] [1898] Krak6w, Ak, (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 17, 1900, 51-53; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 198-200; Arch. Mikr. Anat. , 55, 1900, 420-420. W sprawie pochodzenia melaninu w nowotworach barwikowych. [Zur Frage der Herkunft des Pigmentes in melanotischen Neubildungen.] [1898.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 17, 1900, 54-59; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 225-231. Sztuczna krystalizacya hematoidyny w kom6rce mi^saka barwikowego. [Kiinstliche Krystallisation des Hamatoidins in der Zelle des Melanosarcoras.] [1898.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 17, 1900, 60-62; Craeo\ie Ac. Sci. Bull.,' 1898, 268-270. Ueber die Eiuwirkung des Formalins auf das in den Geweben vorfindbare Hiimoglobin. Virchow, Arch., 162, 1900, 373-374. Fochianianie krwiuek czerwonyeh przez kom6rk§ watrobna i stad powstad mogace obrazy w tej kom6rce. [Intussusception der Erythrocyten durclr die Leberzelle und die daraus miiglichen Bilder der Leberzelle.] [1899.] Krakiw, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 18, 1901, 23.5-239; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.. 1899, 359-365. Drogi odzywcze w komorce watrobnej. [Ernahrungs- wege in der Leberzelle.] [1899.] Krak6w, Ak. {Mat.- Przyrod.) Rozpr., 18, 1901, 240-253; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1899, 365-372. Budowa przewod6w zotciowych mi§dzykom6rkowyeh i ich stosunek do naczyn krwionosnych wtoskowatych. [Bau der intercelluliiren Gallengange und ihr Verhaltuis zu den Blutcapillareu.] [1900.] Krakow, Ak. {Mat.- Przi/rod.) Rozpr., 18, 1901, 346-3.52; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull, 1900, 23-29. 0 budowie uaczyii wloskowatych krwionoSnyeh i ich stosunku do komorek watrobnych. [Bau der intra- acinosen Blutcapillaren und ihr Verhaltniss zu den Leberzellen.] [1900.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 19, 1901, 154-163; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull..' 1900, 201-212. Czy kanaliki zo-fciowe migdzykom6rkowe maja wiasne Scianki? [Haben die intercelluliiren Gallengange eigene Waudungen?] [1900.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 19, 1901, 164-172; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull.,' 1900, 358-367. Browicz, Tladea.sz] {et alii). [Ueber die Stiirungen des Myocardium. Discussion.] Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 2, .ibth. 3), 86-90. Brown, {Mm.) . The wild animals of Palestine. lUiiiifr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 14, 1898, OM-72. Brown, (Col.) .-t. Burton-. See Burton-Brown. Brown, .4. l>. The first record of McCown's longspur lueciling in Minnesota. Ornith. Ool., 16, 1891, 142. Brown, .4. ./. *The formation of fissures and the origin of ibeir mineral contents. [1874.] Amer. Inst. Min. Eugiu. Trans., 2 (1873-74), 215-219. Brown, .-Iddixon. Melanthium latifoliuiu longipedicel- latum. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 152-153. Brown, Adrian J[o)in]. The chemical action of pure cultivations of Bacterium aceti. Chem. Soo. Jl., 49, 1886, 172-187; 51, 1887, 638-642. On an acetic firnient which forms cellulose. Chem. Soc. .Jl., 49, 1886, 432-439. Note on the cellulose formed by Bacterium xylinum. Chem. Soc. Jl., 51, 1887, 643. Brown] 843 [Brown Cyclonns. Burton-on-Trent Nat. Hist. 8oc. Trann., 1, 1889, 139-1.'..';. Some exiicrimenta on tlie numerical increaHe of ycaHt cells. r,ab. Club Trans., H, 1890, (il-TG. Influence of oxyxcn and concentration on alcoholic fermentation. Ghem. Soc. .11., 9-38.5. The specilic character of thi' fermentative functions of yeast colls. Cheni. Soc. .11., (!.'), 1894, '.111-923. Note on Bacillus subtilis. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 1, 189B, 423-426. On fermentation. (A reply to a criticism by Prof. Ddci.adx. ) London, Fed. Inst. Brewing .11., 3, 1897, 99-110. The heat of fermentation. [1900.] London, Fed. Inst. BrewinK .11 , 7, 1901, 93-103. Brown, .-JI'oTf If. Life in the deep sea. [1890.] Holmes- dale Nat. Hist. <'lub I'roc, 1896-98, .^-li. Hecent researches in the life-history of eels. [1H97. ] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club I'roc, 1896-98. ',1-',',. On Tctracotyle Pctroinyzontis, a parasite of the brain of Ammocootes. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 41, 1899, 489- 498. Brown, .lUr. On the structure and aflinitics of the genus Solenopora, together with descriptions of new species. Oeol. Mat;., 1, 1894, 145-151, 195-203, 23G. Frapnientation in Lineus gesserensis. Koy. Soc. Proc, Gl, 1897, 28-29. Do salmon feed in fresh water? The question as viewed from the histological characters of the gut. Zool. Anz.. 21, 1898, .'514-515, 517-523. Brown, .l/cnnn/cr. '[The eclipse of the moon, 1877, Aug. 23. 1 Observatorj', London, 1. 1878. 178. Brown, Alexund'T Crtim. The hypotliesis of Lk Bki, and VAN 'r HoKf. Edinb. Math. Soc I'roc. 2, 1884, 28-32. [Kinetic theory of gases.] Nature, 32, 1886, .533. On the hexat;onal svstem in crvstallo^raphy. [1885.] Edinb. Koy. Soc. Proc", 13, 1886, '118-119. On a case of interlacing; surfaces. [1885.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 3H2-386. On a model of the "half-twist surface." Edinb. Roy. Soc Proc, 13, 1886, 513-514. On ferric ferricyauide as a reagent for detecting traces of reducing gases. [1.S87.] Kdinb. Koy. Soc. Proc. , 14, 1888. 419. On the chemical processes involved in the rusting of iron. [Il'if/i liixciisfion.] Iron * Steel Inst. Jl., 1888 (So. 2), 129-13t;. On a mode of exhibiting the action of the semi- circular canals of the internal ear. [1888.] Edinb. Koy. Soc. Proc, 15, 1889, 149-151. Our sensations of motion. Nature, 40, 1889, 449- 453; Kev. Sci., 44, 1889, 545-551. On the hasicitv of acids. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 21, 1890, t!9-91. \ new synthesis of dibasic carbon acids. [1890.] Eilinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 17, 1891, 53-54. On the relation of optical activity to the character of the radicals united to the asymmetric carbon atom. [1890.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 17, 1891, 181-185. Electrolytic syntliesis. Nature, 46, 1892, 401. On the partition of a parallelepiped into tetrahedra, the corners of which coincide with corners of the parallelepiped. [1894.] Edinb. Koy. Soc. Trans., 87, 1896, 711-719. Note on normal nystagmus. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 20, 1896, 352-351;. The relation between the movements of the eyes and the movements of the head. Nature, 52 (1896). 184-1'>8. Experiment illustrating the modern theory of salt- solution. [1896.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, '21. 1897, 57-58. The practical applications of the coherer. [1897.] Electrician, 40, 1898, 91-93. On Nkiisbt's "osmotic ex|)erimcnt" and a definition of osmotic pressure. [1899.] Edinb. Uoy. Soc. Proc, 22. 1900. 439-440. Brown, AtexaiiiUr Crum, St Bolam, Herbert fyHliam. On the electrolysis of potassium ethvl-aulpbone-acetatc. Edinb. Roy. SfJc. Proc. 21, 1897, 297. On the electrolysis of ethyl potassinm diethovysiicci- nate. (189H.) Edinb. Boy. sVjc. Proc, 22, 1900. 2.55-257. Brown, Ali-xunder Crum, i F&lrbalm, Unbrrt. Nott- on the action of soilium mercaptide on dibromomalonic ethir. Edinb. Koy. Soc. Proc. 20, U98. 383-384. Preliminary note on dietthio and dicthylsulphone derivatives of succinic acid. (1896.] Edinb. Koy. Soc. Proc-.. 21, 1897, 156-1.59. Brown, Alixaiidfr Crum, & (Hbson, John. A role for determining whether a t'iven benzene mono-derivative shall k'ive a ;«.>rt on MoUasca. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 11. 1893, I't. 3. 172-17.5. Char in Loch Lomond. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 192. Brown, .Alfred. Grasses and other forage plants. Perthah. Soc. Sci.' Trans. & Proc, 2, 1898, 217-222. Brown, (Commander) .Allan I). The electrical distribation ..f time. Franklin Inst. Jl.. 125, 1888, 462-474; 126, 1888. 14-24. S,,- ,i!.<„ TTnited States Ifaval Obso-vatory. Brown, .-imuf I'nulrf. Un the voting of liuoulites com- prcBsus, Say. [1891.] Naut'ilos, 5. 1891-92. 19-21; Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1891, 1.59-160. The development of the shell in the coiled stage of Baculites compressus, .Say. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1892, 136-141. .\ comparative study of the chemical behavior of pyrite and marcasite. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 33, 18M. 22.5-243. The cr\-stallization of molybdenite. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc', 1896, 210-211. Section of chalcedony. Amer. Micr. Jl., 18, 1897, 235 236. Brown, .Arthur E. On some effects of lightning. Nature, 4(1, 1889, 543. .Mirat'es. Nature, 41, 1890, 225. [Aurom] Nature, 45. 1892, 60.5. Brown, Arthur Encin. Description of a new species of Etitajnia. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1889. 421-422. On a new genus of Colubridie from Florida. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1890, 199-200. Notes on some snakes from tropi ,' i. lately living in the collection of the Zo ety of Philadelphia. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. I.... is93, 429- 435. On the trae character and relationships of Crsiu cinnamomeus. .4ii>f. and Baeh. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1894, 119-l-2^l. The occurrence of Maca . 'il, in eutem Burmah. Philad. .\c Nat. -• 485. Brown, Harnum. Two new -,-,.,.- •. ,.-...1- from New Mxico. [1897.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly. 6. 1S96. 103. Brown, C. E. L. Non-synchronous motor for ordinary alternate currents. Electrician, 30, 18»S. 35S-360, 636- 637. 106—2 Brown] 844 [Brown & Sawkins, James Guy. descriptive, and economic [Brit. Guiana Geol. Surv. Brown, C. Newton. The Meigs Creek coal seam in Morgan, Muskingum, Guernsey and Noble counties. Ohio Geol. Surv. Eep., 5, 1884, 1059-1086. The Pittsburgh coal seam in Jeilerson, Belmont and Guernsey counties. Ohio Geol. Surv. Kep., 6, 1888, 595-626. Brown, C Newton (el alii).. Table giving elevation above sea level in the seveial counties of Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv. Eep., 6. 1888, 7!l3-820. Brown, Cavipliell. On the occurrence of gasteropods (Platjostomella scotoliurdigalensis) in a Lepidodendron from Craigleith quarry, Edinburgh. [1897.] Ediub. Geol. Soc. Trans., 7, 1899, 244-251. Ueber das Genus Hybodus und seine systematische Stelluug. [1900.] PaliBontographica, 46," 1899-1900, 149-174. Brown, Ch. Influence de divers engrais sur la culture dos turneps. [2V.] Ann. Agron., 12, 1886, 346-349. Brown, Charles Barriii(iton. Kocks and minerals of British (iuiaoa. Timehri, 3, 1889, 3.5-51. See also under Sawkins, James Gay. Brown, Charles Barrimiton, & Judd, John Wesley. The rubies of Burma and associated minerals: their mode of occurrence, origin, and metamorphoses. A contribution to the history of corundum. [1895.] Phil. Trans. (.\), 187, 1897, 151-228. Brown, Charles Barrington, *Eeports on tlie physical, geology of British Guiana. Mem.]^ 1875, 297 pp. Brown, Charles 71'. The etiology and treatment of tetanus. [ll'ith discussion.] Int. Med. Cougr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 2), 246-256. - — Eailway injuries. N. Y. Med, JI., 48, 1888, 683-687. Brown, D. E. Analyses [of minerals]. Victoria Geol. Snrv. Monthly Eep., 6 & 7, 1899, 12. Brown, D. Rainy. Note on commercial litmus. Pharm. Jl., 2, 1896, 181. Brown, D. Rainy, & Brown, David. See below. Brown, D. Rainy, & Ferkin, M'illit.. 1898, 54. Pygajra (Phalera) bucphala (L. ), in Moray. .\nn Scott. Nat. Hist., 1898, 54. Hawk-moths in Moray. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hi»t., 1899 241. Sirex juvencus, /.inn., in Moray. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hivt.. 1900, 55. Brown, Herbert. lonomis martinica in Arizona. .\nk 5. 188«. 109. On the nesting of Palueb's thrasher. Ank, 5 1888 116-118. The scarlet ibis (Ouara rubra) in .\rizona. .Auk, 16 1899, 270. The California vulture in Arizona. Auk, 16, 1899 272. The conditions governing bird life in Arizona. .Ink IT. 1900. 31-34. Brown, Herbert H. On spermatogenesis in the rat. Qaart. .11. Micr. Sci.. 25, 1886, 343-369. Brown, Horace T. UebiT Mallodextrin, EnlgegnuDg an k. HanzFELb. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Her., 19 1886 433- 43.5. A chapter in the physical geography of the past. Presidential address given to the Burton - on - Trent Natural Historj- and .Archieological Society. [1887.] Midland Xatlist.. II, 1888, 198-203, 224-228, 246-2.5i, 281-287, 308-313: Burton-on-Trcnt Nat. Hiat. Soc' Trans., 1. 1889. 37-67. The Rhiitic beds. [1,884] Barton-on -Trent Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 1-7. A grain of barley. [Presidential addreaa, 1888.] Bnrton-on-Trent Nat. Hiat. Soc. Trans., 1, 1889, 86-113. The Permian rocks of the Leicestershire ooal-field. [1888.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 45. 1889, 1-Sa Brown] 846 [Brown Some varieties of huskless barley from Thibet. [1890.] Burton-on-Trent Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 2, [1892], 30-31. Notes on a summer tour in Norway. [1891.] Burton- on-Trent Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 2, [1892], 70-89. On the search for a cellulose-dissolving (cyto-hydro- lytio) enzyme in the digestive tract of certain grain- feeding animals. Chem. See. Jl., 61, 1892, 3.52-364. Ou the starch of the chlorophyll-granule, and the chemical processes involved in its dissolution and trans- location. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1893, 811-813. On a recent boring in the Trias at Stratford-on-Avon. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 5i-.58. On a recent visit to the Dalmatian coast with some remarks on the physical history of the Mediterranean. [1893.] Burton-on-Trent Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 3, [1897], 43-71. On some recent advances in brewing in the United States. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 3, 1897, 467- 478. The passive condition of resting protoplasts. [1897.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 1.50. [Presidential address to the Chem. Sect. The fixation of carbon by plants.] Brit. Ass. Eep., 1899, 664-683. Some recent work on the diffusion of gases and liquids. Chem. News, 82, 1900, 161-162. [Chlorophyll a sensitiser.] Nature, 62 (1900), 103. Brown, Horace T., & Escombe, F[cron.] [l'.*00.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engiu. Trans., 48. 1900 (Append.), 171-266; .50, 1903. 39-44. Brown, .V. llii('on. .V Bedson, P[eter] Phillipt. Iteport of the committee ap|Hiint<:Kl to enquire into the explosion I'f an air receiver ut Ryhope coilieri'. [With duniuion.] N. Kng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 37. 1888. I'.'7-217. Brown, .V. ir, 1893, xlv-xlvii. Compteremiu entomologi(iue de I'excursion de la Societe, it Gradignan et Cestiui, le 3lt avril lH9:i. Bor- deaux Soc. Linn. Act., 40, 1893, Ixxvi-lxxviii. Compte-rendu lepidopterologique de I'excursion faite iV Lamothe le 28 mai 1893. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, cxxxvii-cxxxix. Compte-rendu entomologique de I'excursion de la (He linneenne. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, elxiv- clxv. [Observations ao sujet de la double floraisou de ([uelques plantes en 18U3.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act.. 46, 1893, clxvii. [Sur I'abondauce relative, en 1893, de Vanessa lo et V. Urticre.) Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894, iii-iv. Une <5closiou de Wochia funebrella, Ilfiii, obtenue le 21 juillet 1894. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. .\ct., 47, 1894. li. Compte-rendu li'pidoptirique de I'l-xcursion de la 76"' fete linneenne ii Saucals. le 8 juillet 1894. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. .\ct., 47. 1894, liii-lvi; 48, 1896, xxx. Sur qiiatre varietos de L^pidopt^res. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894, lix-lx. [Une Goometre nouvelle pour la faunedenotre region, .\oidalia incanata.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. .\ct., 48, 1896, xxxviii. [Notes et observations relatives a divers Lopidoptores.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. .\ct., 48, 1896, lix-lxi; 52. 1897, xxxviii ; 55, 1900, clxviii-clxix. Comptes-rendus d'excursions faites au Rigalet, a R. s. A. C. Quinsac, k Caatclnau-de-Medoc, au Ni/.an, a Saint- Maixent, u Verdelais, et a Caiit«ts-en-Uortb«. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 50, 1896, xviii-xxv. [Sur une vari<5t<- remarqualile ,f et 7 de Clostcra reeluHa, .S'. el IJ.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 50, 1896, xxvii-xxviii. [Observations sur Bonrmia cinctaria.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 50. 1896, xliii-xliv. I Sur I'l'dosion de Cuiullia Lychuitis, ll'imbur, et C. Gnaphalii, Hiibnir. C)bservationH sur Cucullia Antlie- midis, Uilf., et Eriopus Latrcillei, Ifup.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 50. 1896, Ivi-lvii. HesultatH lepidopti''ri<|ueg de rexcursion de la fitc linneenne. Bordeaux Soc. Lion. Act., 60, 1896, Ixxz- Ixxxiii. [Une Geomi^tre nouvelle poor la region, Emmelesia allinitata, Stepheiu.] Bordeaoz Soc. Lino. Act., ,53, 1898, xvi-xvii. Note au sujet de Drcpana curvatula, Ukh. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. .Act., 53, 1898, xlv-xlvi. Sur deux (ieonietres interessantes pour la region. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 53, 1898. liv-lv. Compte-rendu entomologique du I'excursion de la fete linnicnne faite le 26 juin 1«9H a .Saint-Mf-dard-eo-Ialles. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. .'Vet., 53, 1898. Ixxx-lxxxiv. Note sur une chenille mineuse, I'rocris (loo) Globobiris. Paris, .Soc. Knt. Bull.. 1898, 1*5-186. [Sur trois Pyrales.] Bordeaux Soc. Lion. Act., 54, 1899, xviii-xix. [Ob.servation sur quatre especes de LK^pidoptercs.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. .Act., 54, 1899, ix. [Sur deux llemipteres.] Bordeaux Soc. Lioo. Act., 54, 1899. xxix-xxx. Botys hyalinalis, HUbn., et Crambos contaminellos, IIUliii., deux additions & la liste de Pyrales des environs de notre ville. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 54. 1899, cxiii-cxiiv. Sur les ma'urs de Trichophaga tapetzella, L. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, '287. [Sur <|uelques Lepidopteres captures i Martillac par M. Gaschkt et determines par .1/. Mauili.e.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, xxxi-xxxii. [Kchantillons u I'elat de uyuphe du Cicadetta argen- tata.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. .Act., 55, 1900, cxiii-cxiv. Sur les antcnnes anormales des Hemipteres. Paris, S.H-. Ent. Bull.. 1900, 3nfi. Brown, lOilirrl [I-.], A' Brelgnet, Frtdfric. Sr- Brclgnet .V Brown. Brown, Robert. Fiintsbire plants not recorded in Ed. 2 of ■ liipographical Botany." Jl. Bot., 23. 1888. 3.57-360. I'apaver bybridum io Denbighshire. JL Bot., 28. 1890. 377. .Alpine (Swiss) gentians. Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. A- Trans., r,. 1900. -292-294. Euphorbia portlaodica in Cheshire. Jl. Hot.. 38, 1900, 319. Brown, liohert. Notes on the New Zealand species of the genus Andresn, together with descriptions of some new species. [1892.] N. Zealand Inst. Traos., 25, 1893. 276-2H5. Notes on a proposed new genua of New Zealand mosses; together with a description of thre" '>• --^ ,i-..i..- [I>i92.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans.. 25, 1893 Ncites on New Zealand mosses: genus 1' N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 26, 1894. im-296. Musri : notes on the geoos Urmnoslomom, with descriptions of new species. [1893.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 26. 1894, 296-301. Notes on .some new species of New Zealand Musci : genus Pbascum. [1893.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 26, 1894, 302-304. Notes on New Zealand mosses : genus Grimmia. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., '27, 189S, 409-421. 107 Brown] 850 [Brown Notes on New Zealand mosses : genus Orthotiiehum. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1895, 422-446. New Zealand Musci : notes on a new genus. [1895.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 2H, 1896. .531-5.3J. New Zealand Musci : notes on the [genera Dicranuin, Campvlopus. Tricliostonnnn], with description of new specie's, including some doubtful species of Blindia. [189.5-96.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 29, 1897, 451-46.5, 465-477, 478-490. New Zealand Musci. [1.S97-99.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., .SO, 1898, 398-399, 399-409, 409-410, 411- 412, 412-414; 31, 1899, 437-442, 442-470; 32, 1900, 137- 148. Notes on the New Zealand Musci : on a proposed new genus. [1899.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 32, 1900, 148- 149. Brown, llobcrl. Observations of Transit of Mercury, 1894 November 10, made at Yale University Observatory, New Haven, Conn., November 26, 1894. [1894.] Astr. JL, 14, 1895, 149. Brown, Bylaiid T. Geological and topographical survey of Hamilton and Madison counties, Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 14, 1884, 20-40. Hancock county. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 1.5, 1886, 187-197. ' Brown, S. B. The Lower Coal Measures of Monongalia and Preston counties, W. Va. Amer. Geologist, 9, 1892, 224-228. Brown, Samuel. *0n a general method of approximation to the values of annuities and assurances, for long terms of years, depending on one or two lives. [1850.] Assur. Mag., [1, 1851], 20-40. . *0n the fires in London during the seventeen years from 1833 to 1849 inclusive, showing the numbers which occurred in different trades, and the principal causes by which they were occasioned. Assur. Mag., [1, 1851], 31 (6is)-62 {Ms). - — "'Sketch of the recent progress of the assurance of life and property on the continent. [1851.] Assur. Mag., [1, 1851], 293-307; 2, 1852, 16-32. "On the uniform action of the human will, as exhibited by its mean results in social statistics. Assur. Mag., 2, 1852, 341-351. *0n the influence of the ages of the parents at the time of marriage on the sex of children, and on the prolificness of marriages. [1852.] Assur. Mag., 3, 1853, 17-28. *0n a simple plan of classifying the policies of a life assurance company, so as to possess, at any time, the means of forming a table of the mortality experiences in the office. Assur. Mag., 4, 1854, 282-291. *0n the rate of sickness and mortality amongst the members of friendly societies in France. Assur. Mag., 5, 1856, 208-220. *0n the origin and progress of the calculus of pro- babilities. [18.56.] Assur. Mag., 6, 1857, 134-147. *0n the proportion of marriages at different ages of the sexes. [1857.] Assur. Mag., 7, 1858, 188-200. *0n the investments of the funds of assurance companies. Assur. Mag., 7, 1868, 241-254. "On the progress of fire insurance in Great Britain, as compared with other countries. Assur. Mag., 7, 1858, 259-272, 341-349; 8, 1860, 27-44. *An account of the plan, objects, and progi-ess of the International Association for obtaining a uniform decimal system of measmes, weights, and coins. [1858.] Assur. Mag., 8, 1860. 156-162, 263-268. "On the mortality amongst American assured lives. [1859.J Assur. Mag.', 8, 1860, 184-204. *0n the rate of mortality and marriage amongst Europeans in India. [1862. J Assur. Mag., 11, 1864, 1-39. "Beporton theFifth International Statistical Congress, held at Berlin, Sept. 6th to 12th, 1863. Assur. Mag., 11, 1864, 195-224. *0n the metric system of weights and measures, and its proposed adoption in [Great Britain]. Assur. Mag. , 11, 1864, 263-279. *0n the present position of friendly societies' in England and Wales. Assur. Mag., 11, 1864, 333-3.56. 'Eighth census of the United States, in 1860. Assur. Mag., 13, 1867, 226-231. *0n the mortality in the United States of America, as deduced from the last census, in 1860. Assur. Mag., 13, 1867, 272-293. *Report on the Sixth International Statistical Congress. [1867. J Inst. Act. JL, 14, 1869, 165-175. *0n the rate of mortality amongst the natives com- pared with that of Europeans in India. [1871.] Inst. Act. .11., 16, 1872, 187-216. "Tables deduced from the new experience table H""" (adjusted). Inst. Act. .11., 16, 1872, 428-4;«. *Bev. John Hodgson's clergy life tables. Inst. Act. Jl., 17, 1873, 339. *0n the application of the binomial law to statistical enquiries, illustrated by the law of the growth of man at different ages. Inst. Act. JL, 17, 1873. 340-351. Brown, .Sdiiiiiel. For biographical notice .ii'c Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 109, 1892, 395-398. On locusts in Cyprus. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 716- 717. Great rainfall at Hong Kong, May 29 and 30, 1889. [1890.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 25, 1891, 49-54. Brown, Hanger. [Effects of removal of certain parts of the brain cortex.] Jl. Physiol., 8, 1887, ix. Acute ascending paralysis (Landey's disease), followed by ataxic paraplegia. Brain, 13, 1890, 375-382. On hereditary ataxy, with a series of twenty-one cases. Brain, 15, 1892, '2.50-268. Brown, Sanger, & Iffleyer, Ailolf. See Meyer ct Brown. Brown, Sanger, & Schafer, E[dward] .l[/?«>r/]. .\n in- vestigation into the functions of the occipital and temporal lobes of the monkey's brain. [1887.] Phil. Trans. (B), 179, 1889, 303-327. Brown, Stimson JYosepk}. [Report of the Eclipse Expedition to Caroline Island, May, 1883.] Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 2, 1884, 136-139. Magnetic observations made at the United States Naval Observatory, during the year 1892. [1893.1 U. S. Naval Obs. Obsns., 1889 (.Append. 1), 73 pp. Declinations of 36 stars from observations with prime- vertical transit of the United States Naval Observatory. Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 177-182, 18.5-191; 12, 1893, 8. Note on the latitude of the Naval Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 303-304. [Comet e 1894 (E. Swift).] Astr. JL, 14, 1895, 166. Observations of Comet e 1894 (E. Swift), nuide with the 26-inch equatorial of the U. S. Naval Observatory. Astr. JL, 15, 1896, 31-32. [Comet (( 1896.] Astr. JL, 16, 1896, 212. Elements and ephemeris of Comet d 1896 (Giacobini). [1896.] Astr. JL, 17, 1897, 14-1.5. Observations of Comet d 1896 (Giacobini), made at the U. S. Naval Observatory. [1896.] Astr. JL, 17, 1897, 15. Observations of (.33) Polyhymnia. [1896.] Astr. JL, 17, 1897, 21. Observations of Comet / 1896 (Perrine), made at the U. S. Naval Observatory with the 26-inch eijuatorial. [1896.) Astr. JL, 17, 1897, 40. Observations of the companion of Sirius, made with the 26-incli telescope of the U. S. Naval Observatory. |189(L] Astr. JL, 17, 1897, 46-47. Observations of Comet 1889 V (Brooks = c 1896), made at the U. S. Naval Obseivatory with 2(i-inch equatorial. [1896.] Astr. JL, 17, 1897, 55.' Brown 1 Snl (Brown-Sequard ObBtTvatioiiK of Conii-ts IHIHI V, 1806 VII and /' 18'J(J, made at the U. S. Naval OljHervalory. Astr. Jl., 17, 1897, ICO. Observations of Comet 1896 VI ( = 1889 V), made at the U. S. Naval Observatory. Antr. .11., 17, 1897, 175- 176. ObRervations of D'Aiiiikrt's Comet (ii 1897), made at tl>o U. S. Naval Observatory (26-inch equatorial). [181)7. J Astr. Jl., 18, 1898, 79. Observations of Titan-Iapetus, and the mass of Saturn. [1898.] Astr. .Jl., 19, 1899. 81-88. Observations of planet DQ, made at the U. S. Naval Observatory with the "ili-iiich equatorial. [1898. J Astr. .11., 19, 1899, 117. ObKervatious of Eros, made at the U. S. Naval Obser- vatory, Washington, D. C. Astr. Jl., 19, 1899, 196; 20, 1900, .56. Orbits of the satellites of Mars from observations made at the U. S. Naval Observatory and the Lick Observatory, 189-1-96. [1899. J Astr. jl., 20, 1900, 81- 90. Orbit of Neptune's satellite. [1899.] Astr. Jl., 2h, 1900, 131-137. Position of the equator and flattening of Neptune, derived from the perturbation of the orbit of its satellite. Astr- Jl., 20, 1900, 181-185. Observations of double stars with the 26-incli equa- torial at the U. S. Naval Observatory. Astr. Nachr. , 1.52, 1900. 329-3.50. Feasibility of obtaininK the solar parallax from simul- taneous micrometer ob.servations of (133) Kros. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 131-134; Popular Astr., 8, 1900, 353- 355. Preliminary results of the United States Naval Obser- vatory Eclipse Expeditions. Astrophys. Jl., 12, 1900, 58-69. [International Astropliotosrraphie Conference of Julv 1900.] Popular Astr., 8, 1900. 3.59-362. Brown, Slimxoii J[osepli], Flint, AViert S[toivel], & Egbert, //. r. llesults of meridian circle observations, 1888-90. [With an introduction by George C. Comstock.] Wash- burn Obs. Publ., 8, [Pt'. 1], 1892, 1-300, (Pi. 2), 326 327. Brown, Stinii'iiii .7fo»,'/i/i], Prlstiy, Eihinr, Kill, Gfunii- .l|»(/ii'ic.-|. .V Anderson, Hionti', .S'.e Prlsby, Brown, Hill A Anderson. Brown, T. A list of the birds of Tynron parish. [1''85,] Diiiufr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 4, 1887, 113-121. Brown, T. Forsler. [Presidential address to the Mech. Sci. Sect. Recent progress in mechanical science.] Brit. Ass. Itep., 1891, 749-756. The mechanical and economic problems of the coal question. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 611-618. Brown, (Rev.) Tliumiis. For bii)grni>liv and works »<•(• Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [14], 1894, 339-346 ; Edinb. Riiy. Soc. Proc, 20. 1896. xxix-xxxv. Brown, Thomiis. On the failure of sulphate of amiuonia in manuring experiments. Chem. News, 53, 1886. 182. Brown, Tliomiii.. The determination of autimonv ni ores. Aimr. Chem. Soc. Jl., 21, 1899, 780-789. Brown, Tlioiiiiix I!. Studies on trichinosis, with especial rolereuce to the increase of the eosinophilic cells in the blood and muscle, the origin of these cells and their diagnostic importance. Jl. Exper. Med., 3, 1898, 315- 347. Brown, W. C. A note on rengas poisoning. Singapore Hoy. Asiat. Soc. Jl., 24, 1891, 83-83. Brown, U'litlium] (:[for97.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 137. 1899. 402-412. Brown, H'. Lanfldou. Note on the chemical constitution of the mesogla'a of .Mcvonium digitatum. Quart. Jl. .Micr. Sci., 37, 1896, 389-393. Brown, 11'. Pijfe. Winter temperatures on mountain summits. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 19. 1893. 149-151. Brown, W. r. McKim Observatorv. Sidereal Me.'BCnger, 4. 1885. 305-307. The Cartesian oval and related curves as sections of the anchor ring. [1892.] Ann. Math., G (1891-93), 161- 162. The collimation of a reversible transit-instrument. Observatory, London. 23, 1900, 97. Brown, H'alter Lee. American method for the testing of tiillow for railroad use. .\nalyst, 11, 1886, 153-1.55. Notes on the analysis of chrome paints. [188C.] School of Mines Quarterly, N. V., 8. 1887, «l-«6. .\mounl of ash in American tallows. .Vnalyst, 12, 1887, 71. Brown, fl'illiam. For biographical notice $ee Leopoldina, 2:1. 1887. 56: Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc.. 9. 1888. 393- Brown, II' illiam. 'Answers to fallacies on the decimal (|uestiuii ; balance of trade, exchanges, and common coins. Assur. Mag., 5. 1856. 301-309. Brown, ll'illiiim. [Instinct lu birds.] Nature, 29, 1884, 42M; 30. 1884. .50-57. Brown, ll'illiam. Preliminary experiments on the effects of percussion in changing the magnetic moments of st^eel magnets. [I806. ] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc., 18. 1887, 41-47. The effects of [lercussion and annealing on the magnetic moments of steel magnets. Phil. Msg., 23, 1887. 420-433. Note on steel magnets. (1888.) Phil. Mag., 27. 1889. 270-276. Brown, ll'illiam, Barrett, llJiUiam] F[letelur]. A Badfield, . Ilnhert .ibhotl. See Barrett, Brown ^t: WiilWelil. Brown, ll'illiam. Canadian expeniu. nts in animal growth nn.l dairv produce. Higlihind Soc. Trans., 12, 1900, 137-Ii;i.' Brown-Mqnard, C[harleii] t^ldoimrd]. For biographv and works see Arch, de Physi,.!.. 6, 1894. .501-516 ; 'BioL Centrbl., 14, 1894. 7h.-.-s<»0: Fortschr. Med.. 12 (1894). 570-571; Leoiwldina, 30, 1894. 10h-1i>9; Nature, 49 (1893-94). ,556-.557: N. Y. M.d. Jl.. .59. 1894, 575; Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 119. 1894. 1040-1042; I'aris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 46. 1894 (C. i:.\. 759-770: Rev. Sci.. 2. 1894. 737- 743; 10, 1898, H01-H12; Riv. Sper. di Frcnistria, 20. 1894. 296: Wien. Mtni. Wscbr.. 44, 1894. 6m4 : Amer. Ac. Prw., 30, 1896. ,5)<9-593 ; Indian Med. Gnz.. 29. 1896, 198 ; Smithsonian Rep., 1898. 677-4;'.t6. 'Nonvelles rccherches sur rapparilion de contracture 107—2 Brown-Sequard] 852 [Brown-Sequard aprfes la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 {C. R.), 25-28. *Recherches ayant pour objet il'etablir que les lesions encepbaliques unilat^rales si elles d^terminent una hemi- pWgie complete ou considerable, produisent aussi de la par^sie dans les autres nierabres, surtout dans I'inferieur. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., .^4, 1882 (C. li.), 28-30. *Ri'gen6ration du nerf sciatique dans une longueur de douze centimetres, dans I'espace de dix semaines chez un petit singe. Paris, Soc. Biol. IKm., 34, 1882 (C. iJ.), 30-31. *Persistance de I'c^tat normal de la nutrition daus un membre de singe paralyse par suite de I'ablation du nerf sciatique dans toute sa longueur. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 34, 1882 (C. Ji.), 31-32. ■ *Faits montrant que les mouvements produits par I'irritation des diverses parties de I'enc^phale sont trfes diii^rents de ceux qui devraient surveuir d'apres les doctrines admises k regard des appareils moteur et sensitif du syst^me Cf^r^bro-spinal. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882'(C. A'.), 246-251. *Recherches relatives a la production de mouvements dans les membres, sous I'influenoe d'irritations de diverses parties de I'enc^phale. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 279-283. ■ *raits montrant combien sont varices ct nombreuses les voies de communication entre les zones motrices de la surface c^r^brale et les membres. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 328-332. *Nouvelles reeberches sur la production d'une anes- thisie complete au larynx. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 649-650. ' ■ 'Production d'anestb^sie genijrale sous I'influence de I'irritation de la muqueuse laryng^e par de I'acide car- bonique ou du ehloroforme. Paris, Soc. Biol. M&m., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 799-804. 'Production d'anesth^sie surtout dans une des moities du corps par une irritation du larynx, apr^s la section d'un des nerfs laryngii'S sup^-rieurs. Paris, Soc. Biol. iUm., 34, 1882 (C.'R.), 816-819. *Sur la possibilite de produire par une irritation p^ri- ph^rique, soit une paralysie ginerale sans anesth^sie, soit de I'anestb^sie sans paralysie, suivant le lieu de I'irritation. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 27-30. *Sur I'inhibition soudaine des activites et des fonc- tions de I'enc^pbale, avec arret des ^changes entre les tissus et le sang, sous I'influence d'une piqure du bulbe racbidien. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 87-91. *Sur I'apparition d'un ^tat cataleptiforme apres la mort. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 191-193. *Sur I'apparition, apres la mort, d'un ^tat catalepti- forme dii i certaines lesions du centre c(5r^bro-spinal, chez les oiseaux. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 206-210. *Sur I'importance de I'emploi simultan(5 de la morpbine et de I'atropine dans la plupart des cas ou Ton doit faire usage de I'une de ces substances. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 35, 1884 (C. R.], 289-290. *Eecberclies exp^rimentales et cliniques pur le mode de production de I'anesth^Bie dans les affections oiganiques de I'cnc^pbale. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 417-421, 454-456. Persistance de la parole, dans le chant, dans les rSves et dans le d^lire, vhcy, des apbftsiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi^m., 36, 1884 (C. R.). 25li-257. Existence de I'excitabilite motrice et de I'excitabiliti^' inhibitoire dans les regions occipitales et spb^noidales do I'teorce ci-r^brule. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 301-303. Faits montrant que toutes ou presque toutes les parties de I'encepbale, cbez I'homme, peuveut determiner certaines inbibitions. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 36, 1884 (C. /;.), 320-324. Inhibition de certaines puissances reflexes du bulbe rachidien et de la moelle ^pinifere, sous I'influence d'irri- tations de diverses parties de I'enc^phale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 30, 1884 (C. 72.), 350-352. Du role de certaines influences dynamogeniques reflexes dans des cas de suture de nerfs r^cemment publies. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mim., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 423-425. De la puissance inhibitrice et de la puissance con- vulsivante de I'acide carbonique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. ft.), 556-559. Sur une espece d'anesth^sie artificielle, sans sommeil ct avec conservation parfaite de I'intelligence, des mouve- ments volontaires, des sens et de la sensibilite tactile. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 100, 1885, 1366-1369. Reeberches exp^rimentales paraissant moutrer que les muscles atteints de rigidite cadaverique restent dou^s de vitalite jusqu'a I'apparition de la putrefaction. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 926-929. Causes des alterations de nutrition qui suivent la section du nerf sciatique et du nerf crural, chez les cobayes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 146- 147. Production d'^pilepsie spinale par une lesion du cervelet. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 149- 151. Inhiliition de la sensibility a la douleur dans le corps tout entier sous I'influence de I'irritation dela muqueuse laryng^e par la cocaine. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 167-170. Du r61e de I'arret des ^changes entre le sang et les tissus, de la contracture et de I'inhibition a I'^gard du degr^ d'^nergie et de la duree des propri^tes des nerfs et des muscles apres la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 185-189. Reeberches .sur I'augmentation de la tonicity muscu- laire et sur I'inhibition de la propri^te esseutielle des tissus contractiles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. ft.), 206-208. Etude des effets produits par les irritations cutan^es pour servir a I'explication des influences tberapeutiques exerc< pur les ix-ntres nervfux. I'liris, Ao. Sci. C. 11., 103, 1886, 790-7!).'), 10J8. Fails relatifs aiix voies de communication entre le cerveau et les muscles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mim., 38, 1886 (C. li.), 75-76. I'rolonKntion cxetptionnelle dp certains actes reflexes de la niocllo i'|iiniire, aprts la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 3H, 1886 (C. /.'.), 101. Nouveaux faits relatifs a I'anesthesie li(-e aux lesions organiques de la inoelle epiniere. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 3H, 1886 (C. It.), 3S6-388. Sur divers eflets d'irritation de la partie ant/'rieure du cou et, en particiilier, la pertc de la sensibilitt- et la mort siibite. Paris. Ac. Sei. C. U., 101, 1887. '.151-9.54. Roclierches sur des niouvements de contraction et de relachemcnt, en apparence spontan^s, qui se produisent dans les muscles, apres la mort, tant que dure la rinidite cadaverique. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. K.. 105, 1887, .55G-.5C5. Dualite du cerveau et de la nioelle epiniere, d'apres des faits montrant que I'anesthesie, I'h.vperesthesie, la paralysie et des ^tats varies d'hypotliermie et d'hyper- thermie, dns i, des lesions organiques du rentre ceri^bro- spinal, peuvent etre transferes d'un cute I'l I'autre du corps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 11.. 105, 1887, 646-f>52. Becherches sur les deux principaux fundements des doctrines revues a I'egard de la dualite cerebrale dans les mouvements volontaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 10.5, 1887. H40-845. Sur I'existence dans cliacun des li('-misplii'-res cere- braux de deux s(!'ries de fibres eapables d'acir sur les deux moitits du corps, soit pour y produire des mouve- ments, soit pour df'terminer des phenomenes inhibitoires. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. li.), 2ril-264. Faits montrant que c'est parce que le bulbe rachidicn est le principal foyer d'inhihition de la respiration qu'il semble etre le principal centre des mouvements respira- toires. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi in., 39, 1887 (('. li.), 293- 296. Influence de la position de la ti'te sur les proprietcs des pr^tendus centres moteurs et sur les manifestations morbidcs de cerveaux leses. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., .39, 1887 (C. /(.), 607-tilO. lieubcrches experimentales montrant que, sous I'influence de la gravitation, les centres appeli^s moteurs et les autres parties d'une moitie de I'encepbale peuvent determiner des mouvements dans cbacune ' I'encepbale et sur la pathoK<-nie des anesthi-sies de cause enc«-phalique. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889. 484-49M. Ex|x'riences montrant conibien i-st itntude la disM-mi- nation iles voies motrici--i dans le bullie rachidien. Arch. de Physiol.. 1, 1889. (jO6-i,0H. Remarques sur I'a-sociation entre I'effort Inspiratuire et I'inhibition du cu/iir. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889. 610. Experience demontraiit la pui«sanc«r dynamuKinique chez I'homme d'un liquideextrait de testicules d'aniniauz. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 651-658. Des contractions et des elongationa en apparence* spont'ini'-es des mustles atteints de la rigidilv csds- Veririue. .\rch. de Physiol., 1. 1889. 675-6M2. Sur des actions inconnnes on a |»ii>e connoeii des muscles aprt^s la mort. Arch, de Pbvsiol., 1, 1889, 7'26- 732. Du role physiologique et therapeutiqne d'un sue extrait de testicules d'animaux d'apres nombre de (ait» obsenes chez I'homme. .\rch. de Physiol.. 1, 1889, 739- 746. De quelques regies generates relatives a I'iohibition. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 751-761. Des eflets produils chez I'homme par des injections sons-cutanees d'un liquide retire des testicules frais de cobaye et de chien. Paris. .Soc. Bi"!. Mi'm., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 415-419, 120-122. 4:10-131.^ Remarques :i I'occasion du travail de U. Vaiiiot, sur les injections de liquide te^ticnlaire chez I'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 iC. R.). 454-455. Preuves de rinsicniliance d'une expi'rience celebre de .V.V. Victor Hobslkv et Bkevoii sur li- cf'Utres appelet moteurs. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890. Ui'.t 2<'l. Nouveaux faits relatifs a I'injection '• chez rhomme. d'un liquide extrait de t- Maramifi-res. Arch. 1 " • ' --"^ Becherches sur les ' du thon\x chez les c , . ; d'autres lesions des centres nerveax. Arcii. ae Pbysiol.. 2, 1890, 371-378, 867. Tbeorie des mouvements involontaires coordonnt-s des membres et du tronc chez I'homme et les aoimauz. .\rch. de Physiol.. 2, 1890, 411-424. F.xpose de faits nouveaux :i I'l-itard de I'influence «ur les centres nerveux iVun liiiuid'- extrait de testicules d'animaux. Arch, de Physiol.. 2. 1890. 443-4.55. Remarques sur les i-fleis produits sur U feinme par des injections sous-cutani-e* d'un liquide retire d'ovaires d'animaux. i^rch. de Physiol.. 2. 1890. 4"i»">-457. lUi ■ I'exist" no " ' " . a Tin ;^ulaire .: Arch. ,i. . 2. 1890. Nouveaux faits relatifs nerveux de I'homme d'un . d'animaux. .\rch. de Physiul., 2, U90, i>41-«>t9. Nomhreux cas de vivisection pratiqu('-« sur le oerteau de I'homme; lear verdict contre U doctrine des centres psycho-moteurs. Arch, de Physiol.. 2. 1890, 762-773. Brown-Sequard] 854 [Brown-Sequard Influence du systinne neiveux pour retaider la putre- faction. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 {C. R.), 2-3. Nouvelles remarques sur le lifjuide testiculaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. IL), 717-718. De la perte de eonnaissance dans I'epilepsie apres Talilation du Kanglion cervical .superieur du nerf grand sympathique, des deux cotes, chez I'homme et eliez le cobaye. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 21(i-218. Expose de faits nouveaux montrant la puissance du liquide testiculaire contre railaiblissement du ;l eertiiines maladies et en particulier la tuberculose pulmonaire. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 224-229. Remarques sur la spermine et le liquide testiculaire. Arch, de Phy.siol., 3, 1891, 401-403. Remarques sur les recherches, sur I'inteusite et sur la persistauce des impressions lumineuses breves, de M. Aug. Charpentier. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 604-605. Recherches sur I'inhibition de la sensibilite aux causes de douleur sous I'iutiuence d'uue irritation de la muqueuse laryngee par de I'acide carbonique. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 64.5-660. Faits montrant combien est grande et vari^e I'influence du systeme nerveux sur la nutrition et les secretions. Influence curative du liquide testiculaire dans un grand norabre d'affections lociiles ou geu^rales, organiques ou fonctionnelles. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 747-761. Recherches siir la production d'une analgesie geuerale par les irritations traumatiques ou mecaniques de la peau du cou, de la trachee ou du larynx, par la faradisation ou par I'application de chloroforme ou de cocaine au larynx. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 773-787. Sur une inhibition dont les chirurgiens pourraient tirer profit si elle se produit chez I'homme comme chez le chien et le singe. Les plaies par incision ou par brulure, apres une irritation du larynx ou de ses nerfs sensitifs, peuvent conserver de I'analgesie pendant plu- sieurs jours et meme deux semaiues ou plus longtemps. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 80o-815. Mort par arret des echanges entre le sang et les tissus sous I'influence d'une irritation de la muqueuse laryngte. Arch, de Physiol.,, 3, 1891, 818-819. Remarques a propos de I'emploi du liquide testiculaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi?m., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 318. Remarques a I'occasion du i'ait de guerison d'ataxie locomotrice, communique par M. Depoux. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 43, 1891 (C. A>.), 404-403. Faits etablissant que la vie locale peut durer bicn plus longtemps qu'ou ne croit dans la moelle epiniere, les nerfs et les muscles, apres la mort generale, chez des Mammiferes. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 119-134. Sur les influences exercees par les mu.scles sur les nerfs sensitifs qui sont a leur interieur ou dans leur voisinage imm^diat. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 174-177. Quelques mots sur des faits nouveaux demontrant la puissance dynamogenique du liquide testiculaire. Arch, de Physiol,, 4, 1892, 181-183. Localisation pr^tendue de fonctions diverses dans les centres nerveux et surtout dans eertaines parties des organes auditifs. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 366-368. Heinorragie d'origine nerveuse apparaissant spontane- ment dans des parties homologues des deux cotes du corps comme I'asphyxie ou gangrene locale de H.\YN.*mi. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 389-390. Faits nouveaux montrant que la spermine n'est pas I'agent actif du liquide testiculaire. Arch, do Physiol., 4, 1892, 406. De la regeneration de la moelle epiniere d'apres I'experinientation et des faits cliniques. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 410-413. Hi5r(5dit(; d'une affection duo it une cause accidentelle. Faits et arguments contre les explications et les critiques de Wkismann. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 686-688. Sur la duree du travail de production des mouvements involontaires, coordonnes. Arch, de Physiol.. 4, 1892, 703-709. Importance de I'analgesie due a une irritation laryngienne dans I'etude experimentale de la puissance motrice des diverses parties de I'encephale. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 72.5-727. Quelques mots sur I'histoire du traitement du myxoedeme par des injections d'un liquide extrait de la thyroide. Arch, de Physiol, 4, 1892, 752-753. Effets physiologiques d'un liquide extrait des glandes sexuelles et surtout des testicules. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1237-1242. Effets produits sur de nombreux etats morbides par des injections sous-cutanees d"uu extrait liquide retire des testicules. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1318- 1321. Note sur le traitement du caucer et du cholera par le liquide testiculaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 375-377. Note sur quelques faits nouveaux relatifs a la physiologie de I'epilepsie. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 115, 1892, 394-397. Influence de I'extrait aqueux de capsules surr^uales sur des cobayes presque mourants a la suite de I'ablation de ces organes. Pari.s, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.). 410-411. Influence dynamogenique du liquide testiculaire chez des animaux que Ton va fiiire mourir par hemorragie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 607-008. Remarques sur le traitement de I'ataxie locomotrice par le liquide testiculaire, a propos du cas de M. Depoux. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mt-m., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 796-797. Sur I'emploi du liquide testiculaire pour augmenter la vigueur du fretus dans le sein maternel, d'aprfis un fait du Dr. Kahn. Paris, Soe. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. U.), 797-798. Faits cliniques et experimentaux contre I'opinion que le centre respiratoire .se trouve uniquemeut ou principale- raent dans le bulbe rachidieu. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 131-141. Remarques sur les recherches de MM. Gad et Marinesco, sur le centre respiratoire. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 194- 195. Des transmissions dans la moelle epiniere d'apres les deg^nerescences secondaires. Arch, de Phy.siol., 5, 1893, 197-198. La dilatation de la pupille est-elle un phenomine d'inhibition ou I'effet d'une contraction musculaire? Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 198-199. Remarques sur la valeur des fondements des doctrines relatives au siege de la puissance motrice volontaire dans les centres nerveux. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 203- 205. Quelques mots sur les progres de nos connaissances i regard des actions physiologiques et therapeutiques du liquide orchitique (testiculaire). Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 205-208. Faits cliniques donuant la solution de questions physiologiques. Questions relatives k la physiologie de I'encephale. Arch, de I'hysiol., 5, 1893, 409-412. [Production de deux effets distincts d'une nu'me irritation.] Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 574-575. Importance de la secretion interne des reins demontree par les phenomenes de I'anurie et de l'ur(5mie. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 778-780. [Production oxperimentale d'ataxie locomotrice.] Arch. de Physiol. , 5, 1893, 792. Quelques faits relatifs a eertaines puissances anti- septiques du licjuide orchitique prepare au College de France. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 797-799. Faits tendant i\. montrer que le retour de la sensibilite et du mouvement apres la suture des nerfs est du lY une Brown-Sequardl 855 (Browne ilynainoKi'iiie leDiplnrant de I'inhibition. I'arm, Ac. Mod. Hull., -iO, 1893. ;')H2-590. Note sur li"« conchmionB |)liyaiolui;i>|U«s ct cliniliori'>ps par dun injnctioiiK df liipiido tcsliculaire. Paris, Hoe. Biol. Mi'ni., •».5, 1893 (C. /.'.). .Mr, .Ml. Intlueiici' luureusc de la trauHfnsioii dc Han^ normal apr^s I'extirpatioii des cap.HnleH surronalcs chez le cobayc. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mt'm., •l.'i, 1893 (C. li.), 44H-449. Note ttddilionnello li propos de la communication de M. Dki'OUx, 8ur un cas de nuerison d'ataxie locomotricc. PariK, Soc. Biol. Mom., 4.->, 1893 (C. /.'.), ry>T-r,2H. Honianiues Hur la durcc dis propriety's des musclcH et des nerfs apri^s la raort. Arcb. de Physiol., 6, 1894, 1H8-1H9. Remanpics a proposdes recherclies du Dr. F. W. Mott sur les eflets dc la section d'unc moitie liitorule de la moelle epiniere. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 195-19H. Kemar(|ucs sur les varietes extremes de mauifestations paralytiques dans des cas de lesion de la base de I'ence- phalo et sur les conclusions qui en ressortent. Arch, de Physiol., (), 1894, 204-20ti. Faits nouveaux montrant que la conductibilitc ner- veuse est absoluuient distincte de rexcitabilite. Arch, de Physiol., 6. 1894, 7.'>2. Brown - 8A'.), 33-37. Nouvelles remarques a. I'cgard du poison pulmonaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (f. li.), .54-56. Toxicite de I'air expire. Nouvelles recherches. Paris, Soc. Biol. .Mem., 40, 1888 (C. It.). 90-91. Itcmarques sur la valeur des faits qui nous ont servi i"i dimontrer la toxicite de lair expire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 {C. li.). 99-104. Ressemblances entre I'actiou toxique de certaines ptomaines et celle du poisou pulmonaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. li.). lOH-110. Description d'uu appareil permettant de faire respirer il plusieurs animaux de lair libre et pur quant a ses proportions d'oxygene et d'acide earbonique, mais conte- nant des quantitis considerables du poison de Pair expire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40. 1888 (C. li.). 110-111. Sur quelques points important^ relatifs i\ la dur(^e de la survie des lapins apres I'injection sous-cutauee du liquide contenant le poison de I'air expire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40. 1888 (C. li.). 151-153. Remarques an sujet de la ventilation des lieux habite.<. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. li.). 172-175. Nouvelles recherches demontrant que la toxicite de I'air expire lie depend pas de I'acidc earbonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 267-272. Recherches montrant que la mort par inhalation du poiiwjn que contient I'air expire n'est pan activrx- par Icb ■ manationK de vapeunt provenant de I'urine et det niatiires fecalex des animaux soumis a cette inhalation. i'ari«, Ac. Sci. C. B., 108, 1889, l-.'94-I296. Recherches sur les extraiti- liquiiles retires dn> glandes ct d'antres parties de rorganisnie et sur leur etnploi, en iiiji-i'tions siiUH'CUtanies, lomme methode thi'rH|>eutiquc. Arch, de I'livsiol,, 3, 1891, 491 -.506. Preparation des extraits liquides provenant des differents organes de I'eeonoinie animale, destines anx injections souscutuntoi th(^rai>«uti(|ues. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, .593-597. — — De I'injection des extraits liquidea provenant des glandes et des tissus de Torganisme commc mt^tbode thrni|>eutique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 ((.'. 1!.), 248-250, 2«.5-'26H. Rejet de I'emploi de lous les antiseptiques autres que la glycerine et I'acide carlwnique pour la preparation des extraits organi(|ues destines aux injections thi'Tapeutiques sous cutam-es. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mini., 43, 1891 (C. It.), 535-536. Innocuite de I'injection dans le sang d'extraits li(|uides du pancreas, du fuie, du cerveau et de quelques autres organes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi^m., 43, 1891 (C A.), 722-7-25. Injection dans le sang d'extraits liquides du pancreas, du foie, du cerveau et de quelques autres organes. Arcb. de Physiol., 4. 1892, 148-157, 799. Nouveaux modes de preparation du liquide te«ti- culaire pour les iiijectious sous.cutanees. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 164-167. Des douleurs et des congestions causees par les injections de liquide testiculaire et d'un moyen treg simple de ne pae les produire. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 599-600. Des injections soas-cutan^es on iotra-veineasea d'extraits licpiides de nombre d'organes, comme methode tlurapeutique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 13!'9- 1405. Remarques sur I'emploi du liquide testiculaire par plus de donze cents medecins et en particulier sur I'influence favorable exercee par ce liquide dans vingt et un cas de cancer et dans quelques autres affections. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mim., 44, 1893 (<.'. «.), 81.5-818. . — — Nouvelles remarques sur les inj«:tion8 sous-cutaoees ou intra-veiueuses d'extraits liquides de uombre d'organes, coinme methode tberapeutique. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, -200-203. Influence physiologique et tberapeutique du liquide orchitique sur I'organisme aniiual. pails montrant que le systeme nerveux peut modifier la nutrition bien plus profondement qu'on nc savait. Arcb. de Physiol., 5, 1893, 539-549. EfTets pliysiologiques et therayHfUtiques dun liquide extrait de la glande sexuelle male. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 856-861. (juelques regies relatives a I'emploi du liquide testi- culaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 45, 1893 (C. «.), 35-36; .\rch. de Physiol.. 5, 1893. Iy2-193. Remarques sur le tniitemeut du diabcte par les liquides pancrcatique et testiculaire. Pahs, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 45, 1893 (f. li.). 371. Nouvelles recherches demontrant que la toxicite de I'air expire depend d'un poison provenant des poumons et non de I'acide earbonique. Arch, de Physiol., 6. 1894, 113-124. Browne, [.4r(Aur llrnjiiniiii]. ,V Ctiaplln, A. firm l>. Blci. . i.pTiiat. [1^95.) /is. l,r. Ki. kir-cli.. 1895-96, 401*. Browne, A. ■'. Jnkea-. .'^'<- Jnlua-Brown*. Browne, .-I. /.. Florida bird life in No\-ember, 1883. (Irmth. Ool., 11. 1886. 17-18. Florida birds [December. 1885-Fcbrtiary, 1886]. Or- nilh. 0»1., II, 1886, 34, 50-51, 74-75. Browne] 856 [Browne Browne, C[harlef] A[llKrt]. A contribution to the cliemistry of butter-flit. Amer. Chem. Soe. Jl., 21, 1899, 612-633, 718, 807-827, 973-994. The estimation of starch. U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., -Vo. r,7, 1899. 92-94. Browne, {Mnj-) C[lement] Alfred] Rliijhy]. A bird killed bv a Mantis. [1899.] Bombay Nat.'Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898-1900, .578-579. Browne, {Capl.) C. Orde. The behaviour of armour of different ltrict. Irish Natlist., 1, 1892, 189-192. Browne, {Maj.-(len. Sir) James. For biographical notice sec Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 125, 1896, 428-430. Browne, (Sir) James Crichton. Tooth culture. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 35, 1892, 658-665, 706-713. Se.x in education. Nature, 46, 1892. 13. La vieillesse. [Tr.] Kev. Sci., 49, 1892, 168-178. Emotional expression. [1892.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 13, 1893, 653-667. [John Tynu.\ll.] [1893.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 14. 1896, 161-165. Browne! 857 [Browning Browne, {Sir) .lame* Criclitoii. A ITrqahart, A[ler.] /((<•»/). I'Hvi-li..loKical medicine (1837-!i7). i'ruclitionvi-, tin, 1897, iwr.-vA'.i. Browne, Lennox. Three xpccimenH illustratinK (lie psi'Uclii-diplitheriu hacillun, othcrwiHc tlic fttleiiimted or non-tiixic ImcilliiH. Lomlon I'ath. Son. TninH., 40, 1895. :tiil-:t(i4, Browne, Mniij. The liurricune of 1830 in St. Vincent; liy iMi I'yewitneHH. Timehri, '), 1886, .'il-78. Browne, Montagu. Notes on the vertebrate animals of Ijeic.stersliire. ZooloKist, 9, 1888, li;i-lfi9, •21J-220, 2l8-2.">3, ;«2 :«8, 414-421, 4.^-41)7; 10, 1886, H)-2I, l.'J!)-lf)7, 196-202, 2.38-238, 326-331, 409-41.-,; 11. 1887. ".7-01. On the occurrence of a mamninl, hitherto unknown as inhabiting LeiceHtershire. [188.5.] Leicester Soo. Trans., 1, 1889 (/'(. 1), 27. Dates of arrival of summer birds of passage in Leicestershire, from 1843-.5.'i and 1877-86. [1886.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 1, 1889 (Pt. 1), 28. Evidences of the antii|nitv of man in Lcioestersliire. [1888.] Leicester Six-. Trans., 1. 1889 (/'«. 9), 7-37. On a fossil tish (Cbondrosti'us) from Barrow-on-Soar, hitherto recorded only from Lyme Regis. [1889.] Leicester Soc. Trans.. 2 (1889-921, 17-3.5. lU'vision of a genus of fo'^sil fishes, Dapedius. [1890.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 196-203. Notes upon Colobodus, a genus of Mesozoic fossil fi.shes. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1891. 641-645. The present and past immigrations of the grey phala- ro|>e. Plialaropus fuliciuius (/..). to the shores of Britain. [1891.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 402-464. ■ — — On some vertebrate remains from the Kinetic beds of Britain. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1893, 748-749; 1894, 657-658. A contribution to the history of the geology of the borough of Leicester. [1893.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 3, 1896. 123-240. Preliminary notice of an exposure of Rhietic beds, near East Leake, Nottinghamshire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895. 688-690. The Khietic bnne-bed of .\ust Cliff, and the rock-bed above it. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1896, 804-805. On some vertebrate remains from the Kha>tic of Britain. Leicester Soc. Trans., 4. 1898. 196-197. Browne, Xewnhum. An abnormal rose. Nature, 52 (189SI, -Ml. Browne, li. 0. Muckleii. As to certain alterations in the surface-level of the sea otT the south coo-st of England. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 824-825. As to certain 'changes of level" along the shores on the western side of Italy. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 46, 1890 [Froc). 122. Browne, Uoidi E. A criticism of Becker's theory of riuiltiiig. Amcr. ,11. Sci., 28, 1884, 348-354. Water meters. Comparative tests of accuracy, delivery, etc. Distinctive features of the Worthington, Kennedy, Siemens and Hesse meters. Van Nostrand's Engin. M.ig., 33, 1888, 1-26. The ancient river beds of the Forest Hill divide. California Min. Bur. Rep.. 10, 1890. 43.5-465. Browne, 7'. .1/. [The sky-glow.s.] Nature, 30, 1884, 537. Browne, WtiUir lifth'itjh. For biography and works iff liisi. Meehan. Engin. Proc. 1884, 472; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 79. 1886, 362-366; London Phys. Soc. Proc., 6, 1886 (.liiii. .)/-•<(., 1885), 9-10. Iron and steel permanent wav. [With ditcussion.] Iron A Steel Inst. .11.. 1884. 88-115. Science and engineering. Nature, 29, 1884, 57-60. Brownell, C. L. Nesting of Cardinalis eardinalis at Nyack, N. V. Auk. 14, 1897, 406. Brownell, (/i'lls neat, p»rmanent and free from •'sweatini.'." Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc., 1884, 214. Brownell, 11'. C. The least bilt!at. Club Hist., 15, 1897, 193. Bruce, {Surg.-Capt. } David. Surface animals collected in Maltese seas during 1886-87- Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. 1, 1887, 67-68. Note on the discovery of a micro-organism in Malta fever. Practitioner, 39," 1887, 161-170. The micrococcus of Malta fever. Practitioner, 40, 1888, 241-249. Benierkung fiber die Virulenzsteigerung des Cholera- vibrio. Crntrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 786-787. Bruce] Ho9 [Bruck Sur une nouvollc forme do Hc''vrc rencmln-i- nur lfn bords d(! In Mf-diterraute. Ann. Innt. I'liHtinir, 7 (1893), 289-304. Dii tlio diKappearance of the leucooyten from the blood nft(>r injectiou of peptone. Key. Snc. I'roc, 55, 1894, 2'.l.") 'J'.M). Bruce, {Siiri/.-Capt.) iJiiviil, it Btevenaon, H'[/(//«»i) J'\liirl;\. S,r Btevenaon iV Bruce. Bruce, Ilariil. ]';i-|iai]llnMii ndiK-lii, Crnle. [1887.] En- toiiioloKica Amci., A, 1887 88, 11-1.0. Food pliiiits uf Geoiiiitiiilio with nthcr notes. [1887.] Eiitoiiioloi^ica Aiuer., .'1, 1887-88. 47-50. A iiMiiarkabk' arctiiui iiucl a history. [1HH7.] Ento- moloniea Aiutr., :j, 1887 88, 110. Notes on the larva' of .\rctia ISrucci. III/. EilwardH. [1888.] EntoiiioloKioa Amur., 3, 1887-88, il'J-'iiO. Description of mature larva of Gnophiela veriniculata, G. d- li. Entoniolocit-a Anier., 4, 1888, 24. Neini'ophila Plantagiuis, Linn. Entomologica Aracr., 5, 1889, 112. .\ rainy day on the mountains (in search of Lepi- doptera]. Canad. Ent., 22, 1890. <)7 118. Lepi-seaia Havo-faaeiata. Canad. Ent., 28, 1891, 42. Arctia arizoneusis. Stretch. Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 114-115. The SphingidtB of Colorado. Philad., Ent. Xews, 2, 1891, 190-192. On the speeie.'i of Oncocncmis in Colorado. Pbilad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, i:i()-137. High mountain moths. Philad., Eat. News, 6, 1896, 73-7t). CollectinR on the "crest of the continent." Philad., Ent. NV'Ws, 7, 1896, l(i2-167. Bruce, Krir Stmn-t. Balloon signalling in war. [H'i(/i discitstion.] Aeronaut. Soc. Rep., 21, 1886. 55— "»9. War and ballooniii},'. [188B.] Nature, 35, 1887, 259- 2()2. An optical fiaturo of the lightning flash. Meteorol. Soc. guart. Jl., 16, 1890, 132-134. The optics of the lightning flash. Nature, 42, 1890, 197-198. Note on "the working of Ciiptive balloons in windy weather." Atjionaut. Soc. Hep., 23, [1893J, 42-45. Note on some effects of the gale iu the Highlands of Scotland on Nov. 17ih and 18tb, 1893. [1894.] Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 21, 1896, 11-13. Probable projection lightning flashes. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 624-625. Ralloou signalling apparatus. [1897.] Aeronaut. JL, 2, 1898, 3. On a new instrument for measuring the duration of persistence of vision on the human retina. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1899, 902-903. The relation of persistence of vision to modern rapid visual signalling. [Il'ilh discussion.] United Serv. Insl. Jl., 43, 1899, 264-284. Portable electric balloon signalliug in war. Aeronaut. Jl., 4, 1900. 148-1.50. Bruce, ( Bruce. Bruce, litme.i Doiiiilns. On argentic hydrate. Chem. News, •■>0, 1884, 208. AnalysiH of caxHiterite from King Co., N. C. Chem. News, .50, 1884, 2(W. AnulysiM of marmalil>- from Himmelfahrt mine, Frei- burg. Chem. News, .5<», 1884, 220. Bruce, l.ewit ("[umiihrll], Xoles uf a caxe of dual brain iirn.in. Brain, 18, 1898, 51-ti5. Bruce, Mani Emily. A month with the goldfinches. Auk, 15. 1898. 239-243. Bruce, /'. It. Klow of nap in a Rvcaraore during frost. |IH'.I9.J Hortie. Sue. Jl.. 23 11899 1900), xxviii. Bruce, (Itri.) IC. S. On the flora of Buuflshire. lirit. As-, lii.p., 1886, 1087. Bruce, Willidin. The improvementu in ventilation, air- curri'jits, and temiMTature. [1889.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 12, 1891, 239-244. How best tu dispose of the refune of large towns. [H'itli disciution.] Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 7), 218-223. Bruce, William ,S. A few notes on seals and whales seen diiriii:; tile voyage to the AnUirctic, 18!ri-93. Brit. Ass. Rip.. 1893, 807. Notes of an Antarctic voyage. Brit. Aas. Rep., 1893, 840-841. Animal life observed during a voyage to Antarctic seas. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc.. 12, i8>4, 350-3.54. Antarctic exploration. The story of the Antarctic. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 10, 1894. 57-62. Effects of a lightning flash in Ben Nevis Obaerratory. Nature, 52(1896), 211. Cruise of the Wii/«n( the Fahrenheit scale for observations on sea temperatures. Nature, 60 (1899). 545. With the yachts lUencnlhra and I'rin-eue Alice to the Barents and Greeuland Seas. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 15, 1899, ll;i-124, 125-126. fjittle auk at Portobello. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900. 123. .Spitsbergen, 1898 and 1899: voyages with H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 16, 1900. 534-550. .Vrctic and .Antiiretic. [1900.] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Pr..c.. 32, 1901, 1-12. The .Mammalia and birds of Franz Josef Land. I. Mammalia. [With notes bv Mr. James Simpsos.] [1898.] Kdinb. Phys. Soc. Proc., 14, 1903. 78-86. A naturalist's notes on the recent voyage of the Itlencnthra to the .Arctic regions. [1899.] Perthsh. Soc. Sci. Trans. & Proo., 3, 1903, •2.5-37. See iiUo under Clarke, Willuim Kngle. Brucb, Knrl. For biographical notice $ee Senckcnb. Natf. (i.s. lier.. 1884. 7. Bructimann, li[ellmuth]. [Ueber Vegelalionsorgane von Sel^iK'incllii spinniosa, A. lir.] Zlschr. Natarwis< , 57, 1884, 356-357. Pas Protlmllium von Lvoopodiam. Bot. Centrbl.. 21, 1886, iA-'M, 309-313. Ueber seine ProthaUienfunde mchrerer Lvoopodien. Deutsch. Natf. Verb.. 1899 (Tli. 2. Hdlfte if. 214-216. Bmcbon, //> nri. La ueuraslb^nie. [1896.] l>oubs Soc. M.iii., 1, 1897. 69-8-1. Bruck, .4(/>r(i. Ueber die Beziebungen drr Taubstummheit /mil sogeoannteii stalischen Sinn. [1894.] Pfliiger, .Vrch. Physiol.. 59. !«"' ' ' " Zur Thyrtoidiuli ir chronisclien Scbwer- horigkeit. [1897.] /.; .::heilk., 32, 1898, 72-78; Arch. Otol., 2s. 1899, 347-352. Purpura rbeumatica nnd Angina. [I'JOO.] Berlin. Ml. I. Ges. Verb., 31. 1901 [Th. 2j, 3.1o-3t6. Bruck, P[aul]. Ueber die Jodaddition der Acetrlendi- caibonsaure und Propurgylsaurv. Berlin, Chem. Oea^ Ber., 24, 1891. 4118-4120; 2.5, 189S, .503. 108—2 Bruckl 860 [Briickner Ueber Tetiolsauredijoiiid unci AcetylKiiiliearbonsaure- dijodid. Bei-liu, Chem. Ges. Ber., '2(i,' 1893, 84S-848. Brucker, Arthur. Croissanc'e et differtnciation. Bull. Sci. Fiance BelR., 26, 1894, 395-401. Sur le rouget de I'lioinme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 125, 1897, 879-880, 989. Sur un nouvel Acarien marin. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 632-633. Sur les jjitices buecales des Aearieus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 126, 1898, 1821-1823. Observations biologiques sur Pediculoides ventrico.sus, Newport. Lille Inst. Zool. Trav., 7, 1899, 07-72 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. M6in., .'51, 1899 (G. R.), 9.53-9r)5. Embryog^nie des Pediouloides. Ass. Frani;. C. R., 1900 {Pt'. 1), 18-5. ■Si'c also under Trouessart, Eldouard] L^ouis]. Brucker, Arthur, & Trouessart, E[doiinrd] fy[uuis]. Secoude note sur un Auarien marin (Halacaride), pa- rasite de I'Acanthochiton porosus. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., .52, 1900 (C. R.). 107-109. Brucker, Joseph. Cjcloues and tornadoes in North America. [1890.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 7 (1890-91), 399-404. Bruckmayer, Frrencz, & Bigler, Guszldv. See Rigler i^- Bruckmayer. Bruckner, Jean. Note sur la structure fine de la cellule synipatliiiine chez I'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (('. R.). 162-1()3. Bruckner, Jeiin, & Jonnesco, Thomas. See Jonnesco & Bruckner. Bruder, Georij. [Resultate seiner Untersuchungen iiber die Jura-.\blagerungen von Hohenstein.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 3(i, 1884, 412-414. Die Fauna der Juraablagerung von Hohnstein in Saobsen. Wien, Ak. Denkscbr., 50, 1885 [Ahth. 2), 233-283. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Juraablagerungen im nordlicben Bohmen. ii. Wien, .\k. Sber., 93, 1886 (Ahth. 1), 193-214. Ueber die Juraablagerungen an der Granit- und Quadersandsteingrenze in Bohmen und Saehsen. Lotos, 3-5, 1887, 7.5-110. Notiz iiber das Vorkommen von Microzamia gibba, Corda, in den Turonen Griinsandsteinen von Woboran bei Laun. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1887, 301. PalaeoDtologi.sche Beitrage ziir Kenntniss der nord- bohmischen Juragebilde. Lotos, 30, 1888, 1-27. Livistona macrophylla, eine neue iossile Palme aus dem Tertiaren Siisswasserkalke von Tucliorschitz. Lotos, 38, 1890, 37-41. Brader, Geurii, ct Laube, Giislav C. See Laube * Bruder. Brudzewski, A', ron. Beitrag zur Dioptrik des Auges. 11899.] Arch. Aujjenheilk., 40, 1900, 296-333, 428. Brudzinski, J. Ueber das Auitreten von Proteus vulgaris in Sauglingsstiihlen nebst einem Versuch der Tberapie niittelst Darreichung von Bacterienculturen. Jbucb. Kinderheilk., 52, 1900, 469-484. Briich, Jo.«'/ Adulf. Des AaisToTEiiEs Heimat oder die Halbin.sel Chalcidice. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 36, 1893, 1-22. Briicbanow. See Briuchanov. Brucbe, II' , * Beekurts, //(■/)ir(t7t[.jH(7»s(]. .S'cf Beckurts iV' Bruclie. Briicher, (.Jiiii. Abliandhnig iiber Vertheilung und Anord- nung der Geschmackspapi lieu auf der Zungcder Hufthierc. Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., HI, 1884, 93-111. Briick, Paul, Docinncnts relutifs a I't'iiuation dt^cimale. Bull. Astr., 7, 1890, 413-418. Kph^mfiride de la planiHe {14.5) Adeoua. Astr. Nachr., 129,, 1892, 181-182. EphijuK^ride de la planfete (150) Nuwa. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 111-112. Perturbations de la planete (1.50) Nuwa par Jupiter, de 1889 dec. 27 4 1893 mars 1. Bull. Astr., 10, 1893, 93-95. Epbemeride de la planete (304) Olga. Astr. Nachr., 134,. 1894, 213-214. Elements de la planete (304) Olga calculus a I'aide des deux premieres oppositions. Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 157-160. Variations s&ulaires des elements elliptiques de Pallas dues a Taction de Jupiter. Bull. Astr., 12, 1895, 289- 296, 563. Observation d'uu bolide. Bull. Astr., 13, 1896, 40, 530. Briicke, Ernst [Wilhelni] (Bitter) von. For biography and works see Anat. Anz., 7, 1892, 60-61 ; Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892, 65-71; Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 47; Fortschr. Med., 10 (1892), 154-15G; Konigsh. Selir., 33, 1892, [58]; Leopoldina, 28, 1892, 54-55; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 405-400; Rev. Sci., 49, 1892, 524-527 ; Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Setn. 1), 320-321 ; Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1892, xxiii-xxiv; Wien, Almanach, 42, 1892, 184-189;- Wien. Med. Wschr., 42, 1892, 49-50; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 203-207; Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893, 032; Upsala Liikarefor. Fiirh., 28, 1893, 19.5- 214. Ueber die Wahrnehmung der Gerausche. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1885 (Ahth. 3), 199-230. Ueber die Reaction, welche Guanin niit Salpetersiiure und Kali gibt. [1880.] Wieu, Ak. Sber., 94, 1887 (Ah(h. 3), 277-280; Mhefte. Chem., 1886, 617-620. Ueber die Wirkung des Musculus pyramidalis ab- dominis. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 40-42. 1st im Ham des Menschen freie Sanre enthalten? Wien, Ak. Sbir., 95, 1887 (Ahth. 3), 102-107; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 9.")-100. Die saure Reaction des Hams. [1887.] Centrbl. Physiol., 1, 1888, 357-359. Bemerkungen iiber das Congoroth als Index, insonder- heit in Kiicksicht auf den Haru. [1887-88.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1888 (Ahth. 3), 130-135; 97, 1889 (Ahth. 3), 5-15; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 632-037; 1888, 31-41. Die Beckenlinie niannlieher antiker Statuen. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 281-283. Ueber die optischen Eigeuschaften des Tabaschir. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Ahth. 1), 09-82. Van Deen's Blutprobe und Vitali's Eiterprobe. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (.-Ihth. 3), 128-142; Mhefte. Chem., 1889, 129-143. Ueber zwei einander ergiinzende Photometer. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 10, 1890, 11-16. Briickel, ^/([//i/i/i]. Zusammenstellung der Formeln des Herin S. Gundelfinger zum Hauptaxenproblem der Flachen zvveiter Ordnuug uiid zweiter Klasse bei Zu- grundelegung von projectiven Coordiuaten. Crelle, Jl. Math., 119, 1898, 210-233, 313-329. Bruckner, [Heinrieh Max] A[rthiir]. Ueber eitrige Meningitis nach Enucleatio bulbi. [Vortrag bearbeitet von Prof. R. Deutschmann.] Arch. f. Ophthalm., 31, 1885 (Ahth. 4), 251-284. Bruckner, .4. Geschichte und Charakter der Arealver- liiiltnisse Russlands. Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 11, 1892, 203-207. Bruckner, C[arl Aug. Ernst U'Uhelm]. Zur Function des Labyrinths. Virchow, Arch., 114, 1888, 291-300. Bruckner, Carl. Ueber die Condi nsation %'on Dichlor- iitber mit den Knsolen. Liebig's Ann., 257, 1890, 322- 330. Bruckner, I'arl, & Conrad, .U[(j.r]. See Conrad & Bruckner. Briickner, Cail, Hectat, Wilhelm, & Conrad, Jl/[a.r]. See Hecbt, Conrad >V Bruckner. Bruckner, Edutird. I'eber die Vergletsoherung Ost- Sibirieus. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 (lid. 1), 230-237, Die Hohen Tauern und ibre hisbedeckung. Eiue Bruckner] 861 Briihl nriiiiii'trisclip Studio. DcutHch. Alpenvcr. ZtRclir., 17, 1886, l(i:i 1H7. Ot'Scliwiiuli^'keitdcrobcrenTiUftstrOmungen. Mctoorol. ZtHclir., .) (18861, 2aO-22H. Hie Scliwiinkuntfen dt-H WiiBBCrntandos im Schwarzpn Meur iind ilirc Umaclien. Motenrol. ZUclir., 3 (1886), 297-309. Die Eiszeit in den Alppii. [18H7.] Hamb. Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 1887-88, l(i-2:i. Die Hiihe der Sclineelinie und ilire BeHtimmung. Meteeirol. Ztflchr., 4 (1887), 31-.32. Ueber Schwankungi.-n den WasseratiindpH im KnHpischen Meer, dim Sdnviirzen Mwr und der Ostsee [in ihrer Ueziehung ziir WitteruuKl. [1«87.] Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (18871, 2:i2-2:!:i; Ann. der Ilydrogr., 16 (1888), .l.'>-r)7. I'elier ilie Melliode der Ziihinng der Hegentago und deren Kinlluss auf die resultirende Periode der Regen- hiiufigkeit. Mcteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 211-252. Notre cliniat snbit il des cbangeuients? Arch. Sci. Phje. Nat., 20, 1888, 219-222. Die Kiazeit im deutschen und iisterreichischen .\lpen- vorbmde und in der Scliweiz. bern Mittli., 1888, xvi. Eiszeit und Gegenwart. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 129-131. Resnltfttc der mctcorologischeu Heobachtungen der deiitseben Polarstatioucn 1S82/S3. Meteorol. Ztaclir., '> (1888), 24.i-2.59. Grundwasser und Tj-phus. Bern Mitth., 1889, vii- viii. Untersuchungen iiber Kliinasebwankangen in hiis- tori.acher Zeit. Bern Mitth., 1889, xiii. In wie weit ist das heutigc Klima konstant? Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verh., 1889, 101-11.5. Entwickehingagescliiihte des Kaspiaclien Meeres und seiner Bewohner. Humboldt. 8, 1889, 209-214. Das Klima der Eiszeit. [1H90.] Schweiz. Natf. Oes. Verh., 1889-90, 141-156. Le eliinat do repnquc glaciaire. [1891.] Ciel et Tcrre, 12 (1891-92), 4tJ!l-473. Ueber Sch\vnnkun;,'en der Seen und Meere. Deutsch. Geogrtag Verh., 1891, 209-223. Klimaschwaukungen seit 1700 nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Klima.schwankungen der Dihivialzeit. Wetter, 8, 1891, 13-47. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der geocrapbischen Meteorologie. (ieogr. .Tbuih., 1.5, 1892, 401-47-); 17, 1894, 309-394; 21, 1899, 255-410. Siikulare Schwaukuugen der Eisvirbiiltniflse des HudaonHusses. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 3.5-31). Materialien znr Verfolgung mehrjiihriger oder siiku- larcr Perioden der Wittcrung. Meteorol. Ztachr.. 9 (1892), 27'.l. Sur I'ablation des terres par les rivieres. .\rch. Sci. Phya. Nat., 30, 1893. 4GO-4()l). Ueber den Eintiuas der Sehneedecke nuf das Klima der Alpen. Deutsch. .\lpenver. Ztschr , 24. 1893. 21-51 Diirren in Ostasien. Meteorol. Ztschr., 11 (1894), 399-400. Uutersuchungen iiber die tiigliche Periode der Wassir- fiihrung und die Hewigung von HocliHuten in der ol)ern Rhone. Petermann, Mitth., 41, 1895, 129-137, 159-169. La frequence iles hrouillards en Suisse. .\rch. Sci. Pbys. Nat, 2, 1896. 31)9-370. Veranderungen der Erdobertliiche im Umkreis des Kantons Ziirich seit der Mitte des 17. .lahrhunderts. Petermann, Mitth., 42, 1896. 233-234; Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh.. 1896. 197. "Die Miiugcl der Methode Ed. Brvckxfr's in seiner .\bbandlunK: Klimaschwankungen s»'it 17t>0. und Ein- tluss dersilben auf die Tbeorie der Klimaschwankungen." Erwiderung [an Herrn Eugeu von Romer]. Wetter, 14, 1897, 134-138, 154-157 : It). 1899. 2.5-32. Sur les limites d'altitudea dans les .\lpes suisscs. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat.. 6, 1898. l>04-607. Bericht der FluftakommiiiBion fiir dan Jabr Xn'jT-'.iH [und fur 1H99-1900]. Schweiz. Natf. Och. Verb.. 1898, 233-230; 1900. 171-172. Ueber den Einllm-B der .Schncedi-ckc auf doa Khma d.r Alpen. W.tt. r. 17, 1900, 19.3- 2<»K, 222-234. s>,' iihn uuil'-r Fenck, Alhrfrht. Bruckner, l-.iiuniii, Fanck, llhrrrlil. A: Dn Fasqnlar, li'i'ii. sv,' Fanck, Briickner iV Dn Fasqnler. Briickner, Ilmio. UeU r hum re lt<-ibijng voii .Sulzloaungen. Ann. Ph.v«. Cbciu., 42, 1891, 2m7-30'(. Briicknar, ■fntef. [Uebi-r Zahmung und Anhanglichkeit eini K liaiibvogela.] Wicn Ornith. Vcr. Mitth., H, 1884, 143-141. Briickner, Mux. Die Elementc der vierdimenKionaleii (ieoniitrie mit iR-aonderer Beriickaichtiguug der Polyto|)C. Zwickau Ver. Nat. .Iber.,1893, 1-61. Bruel, Ludieiij. Anatomic und KntwicklungKgeschichte dir (ieachlechtsauKfubrwege sammt Annexcn von Calli- pbora ervthrocephala. Zool. Jbiich. [Anat.), 10, 1897, 511-618.' Brngelmann, G[(itl(rifd]. Ueber die Krj-fltallisation, iteiibiichtungen imd Folgerunt'in. (Dritte Sfittheihing.) Berlin, Clieni. Gc^. Ber., 17, 1884, 2.359-2372, 2WI7. Schluss-Bemerkungen iiber KrystalliHation and pby- sikaliHche Binduog. Berlin, Chem. Gea. Ber., 22, 1889, 1052-10.53. Ueber eine eigenartige Daratellunga- and Bildungs- weise grosser Kalk- und Stmntiankrystalle und iiber Giisuluhofen. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., In, 1895. 415-433. BrnKgemann, C. Ueber die Verhaltnisxe der Gat^bilduug beim Laden von .AkkumulatoreD. Elektrotechn. Zuchr., 14, 1893, 341-344. Beschreibung einer neuen handlichen Form eioea WasserstofTvoltametcni. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 13, 1893. 417-419. .Messungenan Giilcher'schen Thermosaulen. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 649-651. Brtiggemann, Fr{ilz\ Ueber Derivate dea VeratroU. [1H95.] .11. Prakt. Chem., 53, 1896, 250-254. Briiggeniann, Rudolf. Ueber die Einwirknng tod Natriam auf ilin .icthvliither der Normal- und der i<'i-Butter- siiure. Liebig's Ann., 246. 1888. 129-160. Brtigger, Clir{ittiaii] (i[eraDbiindeD Natf. (ms. Jber., 33, 1890, 35-38. Briihl, [L.). Ueber Verwendnng von RdntgenVben X- Striihlen zu pnlaonlologisch-diagnostiscnen Zw,<-k'T), Arch. Anat. Physiol. [Vhyriol. Ablh.). 1896. 517 .-..VJ. Brnlil, F.nii't, i: Frlel-2520. Neue Beitrage zur Frage nach der Constitution des Benzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1065-1083; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 49, 1894, 201-294, 503. Notiz, betreffend Darstellung von freiem Hydroxyl- amin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27. 1894, 134'?. Studien iiber Tautomeric, [i, Abhandlung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2378-2398 ; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 50, 1894, 119-221. Ueber Esteriticirung und Verseifung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1913-1914, 2868-2869. Ueber das Wasserstofl'hyperoxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895. 2847-2866. Ueber das Benzolproblem. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2981-2986. Spektrochemie des Stickstoffs. Ztschr. Pliysikal. Chem., 16, 1895, 193-241, 497-524; 22, 1897, 373-409; 25, 1898, 577-650 ; 26, 1898, 47-76 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2388-2393, 2393-2399, 2399-2406; 31, 1898, 1350-1370, 1465-1477. Ueber die Konstitution des Wassers und die Ursachen seiner Dissociatiouskraft. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 514-518. . Spectrochemische Untersuchung des a- und /3-mesityl- oxvdoxalsauren Methvls und Aethyls von Claisen. Liebig's Ann., 291, 1896, 137-146. 8pectrocheniische Untersuchung des a- und /J-Formyl- phenylessigesters. Liebig's Ann., 291, 1896, 217-225. Stereochemisch-spektrische Versuche. Ztschr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 21, 1896, 38.5-113. Spectrometrische Bestimmungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 158-162. Hydrazin, Wasserstoff hyperoxyd, Wasser. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897," 162-172. Ueber acylirte Nitrosamine ; ein Beitrag zur Diazo- trage. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 816-821. Ueber die Ursachen dor dissociierenden Kraft iler Losungsmittel. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 27, 1898, 319- .322. Notiz iiber die Constitution des Hydroxylarains. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 507-508. Physikali.sche Eigenschaften uiniger Campherarten und verwandter Korper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bei., 32, 1899, 1222-1236. Ueber Alkyldiazourethane (sogen. Nitrosoalkylure- thane). Bcrhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2177-2178. Brtihn 863 ' Brug^natelli :-2331. Ueljcr (lie ungenattif^n uiiil aroniBtixrhen Verliiii- dunRpn. Liebifi's Ann., HOh, 1899, 203-212. Die Kolle der Mcdiin iin Lusuiigsvorgiinge. Ztsclir. I>li>«ikiil. Clieni., 30, 1899. 1-03. .\ntwort an Hrii. Hastzsch : [Uober Nitrosoalkylure- thane]. Berlin, Cl.em. GeB. Ber., 33, 1900. 122-124. Notiz iiber WasserHtofflivperoxvd. Berlin, Chem. GeB. Ber., 33, 1900, 1709-1710. Ueber tiiiitomcre UniwiindliHi(,'pn in LosunKen. Zt«chr. I'lnyikal. Chem. Brulil, ./f»;/M..] W\ilhvlm] S" Aichan iV Briilil. Briibl, ./[ii;im.«J ll[;;/i,-/m] Ni)li7. iiber Alkoholate. 1891, (149-6.50. Bmehl, I,. Dvewnod-s and extmet«: their uw and nbii-e. S(ie. Chem. I'nd. Jl.. 8, 1889, (U2-61H; !(, 1890, t)0.5-60x. Briilil, l.tiilwiff J[iil.], & Abrabam, Otto. .SV>- Abrabam A Brutal. Brabl, I'[uiit Johnnnex]. Ueber verzweigtc Blitze. Ann. Phj-6. Cliem., 26, 1885, 334-335. On the resin of Cannabis indica. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1887, 22.5-231. De Kanunculaceiii Indicia diaputationes. [1892.] Bon^•al Asiat. Soc. Jl.. 01 (Pt. 2), 1893, 270-324. Briibl, l^aiil Johannef], A: King, |S'ir| our le depart<>ment, Dianthus barbatiis ] [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 4.5, 1892, \l. Briill, J\u>iHs\ & Ftiedlander, Paul. Ueber Flavon- lUrivate. iv. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897,297- :!n-J. ;J447. Bruelle, . Action du camphre sur le b^tol. Jl. I'lmiin., 19. 1889. 473-174. Brummer, ■l[i}liaunes\ Ueber Heranziehung und Be- hiinilhin>; vou Zuchtstuten. Briinn Mitth., 69, 1889. •j.s'.i-292. Briining, .idnlf von. For biography *re Berlin, Chem. ties. Ber., 17. 1884. 949-9.50; Cheni. Ztg.. 8, 1884. 595. Briining, i:ii[ii,ir,l]. & Tachlrcb, [Wilhelm Ofirald] .i;(,.r.iHif,i-]. .5c.. Tsehirch A- Briining. Briining, Giislav ron. Ueber MethTlhvdrazin. Berlin. Chem Ges. Ber.. 21. 1888. I:^0".l-l'8l6; Liebig's Ann., •.'")3. 1889. .5-14. Briining, Gii/tav ran, & Baeyer, [-Tohann Frieiirich ]Vilh.lm] .idol/. See Baeyer d- Brnning. Briinings, IC. Zur Physiologie des Kreislaufes der Fische. Ptlii;;er, Arch. Physiol., 7-5, 1899. .599-641. Briinnow, Flranz Frirdricli Ermt]. For biography and worlca Iff Aatr. Kachr., T-'H, 1891. 20.)-20« ; A»ir. Soc. Pacific Publ . 3, 1891, 367-369; Nature. 44, 1891, 449- 4.50; Observatory, I>ondon. It. 1891, 391; A«tr. Soc. Month. Sot., 52. 18M. 2:«J-233: Tennt. K6zl6n., 24, 1892. 640; 25, 1893. r.32-f>;i3. Schreiln.n heir, den de Vico'achcu Cometen. .Vstr. Xnchr.. 115, 1886, 297-298. Bmtre, {.I/imI .Alirf II. .K comparison of two concave Itowhind gratini.-". Phys. IWv.. 3, 1896, 301-3fJ5. On the ])olariztttion of light reflected from hard rubber. Phys. Hev., 6, 1898, 1 10 1.52. Brutoe, .V[arie] .i\udietr] .irihnian. The direct action of hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen selenide, and hyirogen t.'Uuride on hoimoglobin. [1891.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 2i;, 1892. 62-75. Bmea, ( ] /I'lrfva] 7'[/iomaj]. Peculiar tracheal dilatation! in Hittacomorpha clavipes, Fabr. Wood* HoU Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull.. 1, 1900. 15.5-160. Brues, < i/mr/.x) /[//..hi-k], .t Melaniler, ■4[jff] IJ[eonard]. S' Melander & Bmes. Bruil, I'eler .SchuiiUr. For biographical notice ttf Inst. ( iv. Engin. Proc., 141, 1900. :i39-341. Bmg, . Fahrt des Ballons I'irtoria am 6. Mai 1886. Meteorol. Ztsclir., 3 (18861. 410-411. Brag, C'urf. Ueber nahtlose stahleme Bebaltvr (Flaschen) fiir hochgespannte Gase. Ciyilingenieur, 39, U9S, 189- 204. Bruger, Plaiil], * Keyer, Itiehnrd Jo^ffl See mmrmr ■V Bruger. Bruger, ///. Untersuchnngen iiber die Wirkong von Solenoiden auf vers<-hieden geformte F^isenkeme. Elek- trotcchn. Zischr., 7. 1888, 191t-202. 24.5-249. Ueber neuere Formcn von Spi'iielgalvanometem. Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber.. 1888-89. .55-56. Ueber din.ktzeigendeMe>sinstrumeDte. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894. 331-331. Ueber einen direkt zeiv'enden Phasenmeaaer. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 19, 1898. 47'-477. Bruges, Cliarht Krnftt, * Crimp, William Santo. Stt Cnmp .V Bruges. Brugger, (ifur. Ueber Tubercaloria rermcoea cotis. Virchow. Arch.. 119. 1890. 524-541. Ueber Hyalin- und Amyloiddegeneration mit Ver- kalkunp und Knocheubildang in einem .\ugenmuskel, entstanden nach Trauma. .Vrch. .\uge'iheilk., 28. 1B94, 282-291; Arch. Ophlhalra., 24. 1895. •■>.5-72. Brugger, ' >sca r. A Direias, Lropoid. See IVeias * BrngKer- Bmgb, ./[o^i.] l\\fler} ran der. Tw.«m -t..llineon nit de tneorie van KKimixoics. Xcdcrl. G.. 40, 1899 (Sederl. Oogh'rlk. liijdr., . Ueber eine Methode zur Messun, . Druckes. Pfliiger. Arch. Physi .|.. «2. 190 Bragia, ll'iJFnelr. L' elettrotono in rapix.- duttivitA dei nervi motori dell' uomo. Kit. Freniatria. 16. 1890. 247-264 ; Uutcrsuch. Nat. 5;-. • CappeUi A Brugia. Brugia. li nhulr. A XToTl, Uo. See WoTi .V Bragia. Brugman, ll'm. F. Influonet of copper on the e-timation ..f sulphur. [1886.] School of Mines Qnarterly. S. Y., 8. 1887. 74-75. Brugnatelli, Eunenio. M ' -imo per \.\ ricerca del mercm tutt" nelle urine. Gaz?. i i.ni iia: . 421. Brugnatelli. Kunenio. it aonnuil, Oiiueppe .\ Brugnatelli. BruGuateUi, /.iiipi. To reference in titl« Tonnu .\cc. Sci'. Atti. 19. 188" Sopra alcune nuore c.iu: ;«tallioe della pirite di Brosso (Piemonte). l.nn . .\.-c. Sci. .\tti, 80. 1888. 808-*si6. Versl., •■-lien • >n- sper. di 14. 1893. loss. pra 41*- .See (Vol. 9) add Brug-natelli] 864 [Bruhin ■ Piiene. Studio cristallografieo. Eiv. Min. Crist., 1, 1887, 57-58. Ueber den Datolith von der Serra dei Zanchetti. Ztschr. Kryst., 13, 1888, 1-50-160. Ueber fliichecreiche MaKnetitlirystalle aus den Alpen. Ztschr. Kryst., 14, 1888, 237-249, 656. Studio cristallografieo di alcune sostanze organiche. [1889.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 5, 1888, 624-630. Studio cristallogratico di alcune combinazioiii solfo- iiiche. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 202-211; 2, 1891, 12.5-132; 3, 1892, 1-8. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Epidot. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 529-540. Studio petrografico di due porfiriti dioritiche dei dintorni di Eabbi (Trentino). Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 2, 1891, 215-219. — ^ Delia forina cristallina del j)-toluoltiosolfonato potas- sico CjHjSO.^SKa + aq. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 3, 1892, 54-57. I Delia forma cristallina di alcuni nuovi sulfoni aromiitici degli acidi butirrici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 {Hem. 1), 78-82; Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 3-8. — — Osservazioni cristallogratiehe sull' acido picrico. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 {Sent. 2), 196-202 ; Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 38-46; Ztschr. Kryst., 24, 1895, 274-280. Studio cristallografieo di alcuni nuovi composti solfonici. [1895.] Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 33-36. Studio cristallografieo del Uuoborato potassico. [1895.] Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 58-59. Sulla forma cristallina dell' is-ociauato di potassio. [1895.] Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 60. Sulla forma cristallina del y-dibromsultobenzid (CeHjErjoStto . [1895.] Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 74. Osservazioni sulle serpentine del Rio dei Gavi e di Zebedassi (Appennino pavese). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 121-124. Sopra alcuni nuovi composti sulfonic!, anilidi, metil- anilidi ed etilanilidi degli acidi benzol e p-toluolsulfonici. [1896.] Riv. Min. Crist,, 15, 1895, 53-56. Osservazioni suU' acido adipico e sul suo sale ammo- nico. Riv. Min. Crist., 16, 1896, 7-9; Ztschr. Kryst., 26, 1896, 298-299. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Krystallform optisch activer Substanzeu. Ueber Santonin und einige seiner Derivate. [1896.] Ztschr. Kryst., 27, 1897, 78-90. Sulla linarite della miniera di S. Giovanni (Sardegna). Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 392-399; Riv. Min. Crist., 17, 1897, 56-64 ; Ztschr. Kryst., 28, 1897, 307-310. Prime cuutribuzioni alio studio dei giacimeuti di aniianto della Valle Malenco (1°. Di un carbouato di magnesio probabilmente nuovo. 2". Magnesite, dolo- mite, aragnnite sopra un campioiie d' amianto). Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 1109-1119; Riv. Min. Crist., 18, 1898, 44-54, Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Krystallform und des Einflusses der Temperatur auf die Lage der optischen Axen des Sacharins CbHuiOj. [1897.] Zt.schr. Kryst., 29, 1898, 54-62. Ottaedrite e brookite della Piattagrande presso Soudalo in Valtellina. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 32, 1899, 1405- 1411; Riv. Min. Crist., 23, 1899, 37-13; Ztschr. Kryst., 32, 1900, 355-358. Ueber ein wahrscheinlich neucs Mineral aus den Asl)estgruben im Val Brutta (Veltlin). Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 54-.55. Ueber eine interessante Miueralassociation der Asbest- gruben voni Val Lanterna (Veltlin). Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 55-56. Ueber ein alpines Vorkommen von Chrysoberyll. Ztsclir. Kryst., 32, 1900, 81-82. Brugnion, Ed. Note snr un veau monstrneux. [1887.] Liiusanne, Soc. Vaud. Mull., 23, 1888, 127-128. Brugnola, ,1., & Colasanti, Ginsfppe. Hee Colasanti & Brugnola. Brugnoli, Giovanni. For biographical notice see Bologna Rend. . 1893-94, 79-82. Contributo alio studio clinico della perforazione in- testinale nella febbre tifoide. [1885.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884, 331-340. Notizie ed osservazioni iutorno alle malattie da malaria nella provineia di Bologna. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1886, 7.5-84. Delle epidemic di cholei'a- morbus che hanno dominate nella citti e provineia di Bologna. Brevi cenni e con- fronti. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1887, 233-243. Uso della noce vomica nella epilessia da irritazione del vago. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1887, 589-595. La pertosse epidemica nella provineia di Bologna e di una forma speciale di essa. [1889.] Bologna Aco. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 777-783. Di una forma singolare di nevrosi e dell' uso in essa deir atropina ad altissime dosi. [1890.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 10, 1889, 687-696. Del salicilato di soda nella cura del tetauo. [1891.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem , 1, 1890, 395-400. Osservazioni e ricerche niedico-legali sopra un cranio umano. [1893.] Bologna Aco. Sci. Mem., 3, 1892, 287- 291. Brugnone, (abate) Giuseppe. *Osservazioni critiche sul catalogo delle conchiglie fossili di Monte Pellegrino e Ficarazzi del marchese di Monteros.^to. Bull. Malacol. Ital., 3, 1877, 17-46. Brugscb, Ahwiiuder. For biographical notice see Leo- poldma, 30, 1894, 101-102. Brugscti Pa^hn, Heinricii \^l{arl]. For biography and list of works see Ztschr. Ethnol., 26, 1894, (419)-(420) ; Inst. Egypt. Bull., 5, 1895, 363-366; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 11, 1895, 25. Erne Blitzstudie. [1890.] Wetter, 8, 1891, 126-135. Bruguifere, /f. Statistique des taches solaires. Astronomie, 1884, 101-103. L'eclipse totale de lune [du 28 Janvier]. Astronomie, 1888, 107. Visibility de V^nus a Toeil nu pendant le jour. Asti'o- nomie, 1888, 337-339, Coup de foudre remarquable. Astronomie, 1888, 394-395. Maxima et minima solaires. Fixation du " minimum " solaire en 1889, 3. Astronomie, 1889, 417-418. Visibilite presque constante k I'ceil nu, de la planete Venus. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1891 (Ft. 2), 320-322. Passages de corpuscules devant le Soleil. Ass. Franr. C. R., 1891 (P^ 2), 323-324. Curieuse observation d'aerolithe. Ass. Frani,-. C. R., 1891 [Ft. 2), 339-340. [L'eclipse totale de lune du 15 novembre.] Astronomie, 1891, 465-466. [La grande tache solaire d'aoiit 1893.] Astronomie, 1893, 381-382. Le maximum solaire actuel. Astronomie, 1894, 233. Brubat, -/.. & Backer, Feli.v de. See Backer d- Brvdiat. Bruhin, Th. A. Prodromus florie iidventicia' borouli- amerioance. Vorlaufer einer Flora der in Nordiimerika eingewanderteu freiwachsenden oder im Grossen culti- virten Pflanzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 35, 1886 (Alili.), 387-450. Die linicolen und Luzerne-Unkriiuter und der Schweiz. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 102. Stellung von Carex strigosa, Hudx. { = C. Ehrh.), im System. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., Ueber Acclimatisation der Phytolai;ca decaudra, Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 9, 1891, 76. Botanische Notiz iiber Stenactis bellidiflora. .-J/. Hi Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 9, 1891, 77-78. Deutschlanils 8, 1890, 100- leptostachys, 9, 1891, 43. r,. Bruhinl 865 [Bruijn Ueber BcclitBchrcibiiiiK rinittor Pflanzennamen. Deutsche Hot. Mschr., il, 1891, i:Hi-13H. Ueber Ophioi^losHiiiii vulKatiim, L. Deutsche Dot. MHohr., 9, 1891, \M. SyiioptiHche Fbna iIch Bezirk« Ub'-infolden und dcr anurenzenden Gebiete zwiHcbcn der Siswln und KrRolz, Kaiiton Aitri/nii dor Sohwoiz. Diulschc lir)t. Miebr., 11, 189S, \r,i;~\r,7, 17:M71; 12, 1894. 27-28, l(m-115. Kupburbia iiiaciilatit, L., up. jit. (Kupborbiii polygoni- folin, ./erK, Krn.Tl>pstimmnng. Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind., 49, 1899 iTh. 2|, 370-376. Ein neuer aiehimgKfiibii;er Polarisationsapparat mit der Scala auf dem Quurzkeil selbst. Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind., 49. 1899 (Th. 2(, 4.52-4.5.5. Bmlin*, Oimlar. & Ko*Ml, .l[lhrreht Carl Ludicig Martin l.ei.iihard]. Ueber Adenin und Hy|joxanthin. Ztschr. I'liysiol. Chem., 16. 1892. 1-12. Brubna, Theodore. Notice sur les formations Innaires, coniiues sous le nom de rainures. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 2.59-264. Note sur la queue de la Comdte 1884 I (Pon» 1812). Astr. Nachr, 122, 1889, 12I-13H. Note Kur la queue de la Comete 1886 \. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 113-122. Note sur la queue dc la Com6te 1886 11. Artr. Nachr., 123. 1890. 307-312. Brabns, [Franz Siefil'rird] Willij. Der Porjihyritzug von Wil-ilruflPotschappel. Deutsch. Geol. Gen. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 7.36-761. Ueber secundiire Glascinschliuse. Neoea Jbucb. Min., 1889 {ltd. 1), 268-270. Beitriige zur Mincralaynthcse. Neaea Jbueh. Uin., 1889 (Ber.. 1893, 7-8. [Ueber angeblichen Opalobsidian im Tuff des Slenzel- berges.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893. M. Diabasporphyrit von der Intel St. Martin (Kleine Antillen). Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. .St)er., 1893, 8-9. Einschluss im Plagioklas-Basalt vom Lotzenheck b. Nordhofen Westerwald. lionn Niederrhein. Gea. Sber., 1893. 9-10. [ Ueber einige Westerwalder Gcstcine.] Bonn Nieder- rhein. GesL Sber., 1893, 79-82. Nephelinba.salt vom Podbom bei MaricDbad in Bohnien. Bonn Nie.ierrhein. Ges. Sber., IMS, 82. Petrographische Mittbeilungcn. Bonn, Nat. Hiat. Ver. Verb., .53, 1896. 3y-.5<>. Gestcine vom Vulkan Osomo in Siid-Cbile. Freibnrg Ber., 10. 1898, 201-214. KrystaUograpbische Unlersuchung einiger organincher Substiinzen. Neues Jbucb. Min., 1898 {Bd. 1). ■5.H-.59. BnUins, [fViiiu Sitgfrifd] Willti, A' Boas, A'k Maiuan et relatil aux octa^dres inscrits dans un cube donni.] [1893.] Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. M(5m., 4, 1894, xlv. [Sur le saut du cavalier eur I'echiquier.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, liii. Los configurations regulieres i\ sjm^trie parfaite. [18;i3.] Bonieaux Sue. Sci. -Mt-m., 4, 'l894, Ivii-lviii. Note sur le nombre de points doubles que peut presenter le pt'rimetre d'un polygene. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Ml'UI., 4, 1894, 273-276. liiSseaux renuliers. [1894.] Bordeanx Soc. Sci. Proc- Verb., 1894-96, 3-7. I'olvmcrisation du carbone. [1894.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. I'roc.-Verb., 1894-96, 8-10. [Quelques remarques sur un problenie de combinaisous.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896, xiv-xv. [L« resultat de recherches faites sur uu polyedre par- ticulier, deja etudie par Kirkma.n.] [1894.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896, xxix-xxx. [Sur I'enlacement des courbes.] [1894.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., .5, 1896, xxxi-xxxv. [Uue appliciitiou nouvelle de la m^thode generale pour determiner un trajet pa-s-sant par tous les sommets d'uu reseau douue.] [1894.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896, xxxix. [Quelques remarques sur la representation graphique des earbures satui-cs de formule C*H^"*'-.] [1894.] Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896, xxxix-xl. [Sur la construction et IVnumeration des ii-Mres i\ base (h - l)uonale et a sommets trilat^raux.] [1894.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896. xliv-xlv. Sur les systimes de triadea formees avec 6„ + 1 Aliments. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 2), 145-149. Analysis situs, rechercbes sur les r^eeaux.. Bordeanx Soc. Sci. M^m., .5. 1896, 16.5-215. Sur un probl^me de stereotomie. [1895.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Vcrb., 1894-96, 10-12. Configurations tracees sur une surface fermee quel- conque et ne possedaiit qu'un sommct et qu'une face. [1895.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1894-96, 13-1.5. Sur un probleme de p<\rtitions. [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1894-96, 24-27. Sur le probli>me des alignements. [1895.] Bordeanx Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1894-96, 28-32. Sur leu duadi-H (ormtoi avec un noiabre pair 1 .kmeiiUi. (1895.) Burdeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1894-96, 32- 35. Syst^niea de n-adc« fonnies avec n- i-limenU. [1895.] Bordeaux Soc. Sei. Proc.-Verb., 1894-96, StMW. . Sur les cunfigurulions regulieres recipriMjue« tracees sur uiic surface fermee quelcV Bninal. Bmnel, 'ij-i.i'/l. Lel>er - ' kpfaului. Berlin. t'K.in. (i. -. litr.. 17, 1884. Bninello, -'Irnijli]. De la «: . j.imentaire dans la culique MUuruiue. Arab. Oea. Med., 174, Utl, 688- 7h3. BmnsUa, Jloteph], \ Combcniale, jT.infKiu AuyutU] l\r>,ifrie]. Set Coxnbcmaie .v BmncUa, Bmnelle, -^lofeph]^ X Sormont, ii. >fr Sormont ct Bmnelle. Brunelli] 870 [Brunhes Brunelli, J. Note sur la constructiou des lignes, tiM- Kiaphiques le long d'une route en pente. Lum. Elect., n, 1891, 113-117. Bruner, Henry L. Ein neuer Muskelapparat zum Scbliessen uud Oeffnen der Nasenlocher bei den Salamandriden. Arch. Anat. Phy.siol. (Anat. AblJi.), 1896, 395-412. New nasal muscles in the Beptilia. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 217-218. On the heart of lungless salamanders. [1897-1900.] Anat. Anz., 1.5, 1899, 43.5-436; Jl. Morphol., 16, 1900, 323-336. Bruner, Lmcrence. 'Report of observations in the North- west on the Kocky Mountain locust. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 2, 1883, 7-22. Two new Myrmecophilse from the United States. Canad. Ent., 16, 1884, 41-43. Notes from Nebraska. [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Rep., 1884, 398-403. Observations on the Rocky Mountain locust during the summer of 1883. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 4, 1884, .51-62. Contributions to the North Trans-Continental Survey. Orthoptera. Canad. Ent., 17, 1885, 9-19. Report on the abundance of the Rocky Mountain locust in 1885. [U. S.l Comm. Agr. Rep., 1885, 303- 307. Report on the season's observations in Nebraska. [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Rep., 1887, 164-170. Report on locusts in Texas during the spring of 1886. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 13, 1887, 9-19. Report[s] on Nebraska insects. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 13, 1887, 33-37; 22, 1890, 95-106; 23, 1891, 9-18. Report on Nebraska insects. [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Rep., 1888, 139-141. Cicindela limbata. Say. [1889.] U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 2, 1889-90, 144-145. New North-American Acrididffi, found north of the Mexican boundary. U. S. Mus. Proc, 12, 1890, 47-82. Report on a local outbreak of grasshoppers in Idaho. [1890.] U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 135-141. Ten new species of Orthoptera from Nebraska. Notes on habits, wing variation, etc. Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 36-40, 56-59, 70-73. On some destructive locusts of North America, together with notes on the occurrences in 1891. [1891.] Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 189-196; U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 4, 1892, 18-24. Notes on beet insects. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 229-230. Phosphorescent myriopods. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 319-321. Report upon insect depredations in Nebraska for 1891. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 26, 1892, 9-12. Notes on the wing-color of North American locusts belonging to the subfamily ffidipodina; and its seeming relation to climatic conditions. Science, 21, 1893, 133. The more destructive locusts of America, north of Mexico. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 28, 1893, 40 pp. • Report upon insect injuries in Nebraska during the summer of 1892. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 30, 1893, 34-41. Descriptions of new species of Orthoptera from the Death Valley Expedition. U. S. N. Amer. Fauna, No. 7, 1893, 266-268. Report on injurious insects in Nebraska and adjoining districts. U. S. Div. But. Bull., 32, 1894, 9-21. A new species of Pezotettix. [1894.] U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 7, 1895, 41-42. Nicaraguan Orthoptera. [1895.] Iowa Univ. Lah. Nat. Hist. Bull., 3, 1894-96 (No. 3), 58-69. Vireo flavoviridis in Nebraska. A correction. Auk, 14, 1897, 323. Grasshopper report for 1895 [and 1896]. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 7, 1897, 31-39. On the flora and fauna of Argentina. [1898.] Science, 9, 1899, 30. A new Conocephalus. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 38-39. Bruner, Lawrence, Coquillett, Daniel William, & Osbom, Herbert. Reports on the damage by destructive locusts during the season of 1891. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 27, 1892, 64 pp. Bruner, Ludivik. 0 cieple topliwoSci niekt6ryeh zwig,zk6w organicznych. [Ueber die Schmelzwiirmen einiger orga- nischen Verbindungen.] [1894.] Kosmos (Lwow), 20, 1895, 394-395; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2102- 2107. Sur la chaleur sp^cifique des liquides surfondus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 912-914. Sur la solidification de quelques corps organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 914-915. Sur la solubility des liquides surfondus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 59-60. Sur la chaleur sp^citique des sels surfondus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 60-61. Przechlodzenie i przesycenie. [Ueberschmelzung nnd Uebersattigung.] Kosmos (Lwow), 21, 1896, 95-107. Ueber die Loslichkeit iiberkalteter Fliissigkeiten. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 23, 1897, 542-544. Elektrochemia cia^' organicznych. [Electrochemistry of organic bodies.] Kosmos (Lwow), 22, 1898, 290-296. Ueber die Loslichkeit des Jods in gemischten Losungs- mitteln. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 26, 1898, 145-151. Ueber die Hydrolyse der Salzlcisungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 32, 1900, 133-136. Uwagi dynamiczne nad bromowaniem benzolu. [Dynamische Beobachtungen iiber die Bromierung des Benzols.] [1900.] Krakow, Ak. (il/ar.-Pr^j/roi/.) Rozpr., 19 [20], 1902, 162-170; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1900, 29-37. Bruner, Ludwik, & Tol3:oczko, Stauiaiaw. Ueber die AuHosungsgeschwindigkeit fester Korper. Ztschr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 35, 1900, 283-290. 0 szybkosci tworzenia si^ estr6w z chlorku benzoilo- wego i alkoholow tiuszczowych. [Ueber die Geschwin- digkeit der Esterbildung aus Benzoylchlorid und alipha- tischenAlkoholen.] [1899.] Krakow, Ak. (A/ar.-Prii/iW.) Rozpr., 18, 1901, 216-234; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1899, 475-487. Brunei, [Pierre Augiiste]. Du role des roulottiers, etc., dans la dissemination des contagions animales. Ass. Fran(,-. C. R., 1894 {Ft. 1), 354. Brunei, Felix. Le sue pulmonaire. Effets physiologiques et therapeutiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 {C. /;.), 24-25. De I'accoutumanoe aux medicaments apoth^rapiques. Arch. Med. Navale, 74, 1900, 25-43. Brunet, (Vabhe) Louis Dvide. For biography and list of works see Canad. Rec. Sci., 3, 1889, 495-500. Brunetti, [Lodovico]. Ueber die Taunisationsbehandlung der thierischen Gewebe zura Zwecke der Herstellung anatomischer Priiparate. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 2, Ahth. 1), 1.50-151. Brunetti, E. Collecting Diptera. Entomologist, 21, 1888, 241-246. List of the British Stratiomyidfs, with analytical tables and notes. Entomologist, 22', 1889, 81-86, 130-134. Notes on Diptera, in 1889. Entomologist, 23, 1890, 122-126. Remarks on collecting Diptera, with notes on the Diptera of Epping Forest. With additional remai'ks by (1. H. Vebkall. Essex Natlist., 4, 1890, 85-92. Brunhes, [Antoiiie Joseph] Bernard. Sur la reflexion cristalline interne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 170-172; 115, 1892, 502-505. Experience sur les spectres canuel^s. Jl. Phy.s. , 10, 1891, 508-512. Brunhes] 871 ( Brunlechner Sur lu diflf'Tfnce entre IVlcctrodynamiqno il" Hki.si- iioi.TZ et colic lie Maxwkli.. Lum. Klt-ct., 10, 1891, 15-24. Sur la vtriticiitioii ilu paralloliHrao k I'axo optique den lanii-H oristallincM iiniaxcH. I'urU, Ac. Sci. C. K., 11.^, 1882. ()00-00-J, O'.IC. Ktiidecxpi'^i'imcntiile sur la r-24.^ Sur la V(/rilicatioii dvn quartz paralliles. Paris, Soc. I'lij-B. Sf^aiiccH, 1893. •J0t;-212. Nouvelle expiTicncf sur Ics couches (^lectriques doubles. i;clainiK»' Kluct., H (1896K 19:1-202. Sur le iirincipc'd'Hi'voKssetsurquelquesconsc-quenccs (III tliioniiif di' Kiiu'iiiioKK. [1895.] Lille Trav. Mi^m., 4, 1894-9B. M'ln. lU, 44 pp. Sur I'effet d'unc force elcctromotrice alternative sur IVlectromAtre capillaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 120, 1896, 6l:i-G1.5. Sur la thcSorie ^Icctromagndtique de rabsorption de la lumi^re dans les cristaux. , Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 120, 1896, 1041-1044; Kclairane Klect., 4 (1896), 193-199, 3.52-35H. .529-534, .59t)-600. Absorption du son et conductibilit^ calorifique. .11. Phys.. 6. 1897. 289-295. Sur la reflexion cristalline interne dans un cristal dou(5 du pouvoir rotatoire. Arch. Xi-crland., 5, 1900, 1- 16. Une methode de mesure de la vitesse des rayons Roiitgen. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 127-130. Sur la durce d'emi.ision des ravens Kontgen. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1007-1010. Brunlies, .'., it Dnssy, ,/. Sur les variations de viscosite i[ii( iirisunte lu suufre fondu. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894. 104.5-104(1. Bronhea, Jean. La aitie des ph6nomunes (^'ruptifs de la Uus-^ii' miridioiiale. [1897.] Geneve Soc. G^ogr. Mi.ti>iize i8oiienti con una faite lii|uida. Uoma, It. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 ISem. 2). 19H 2a5; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28(1898, Pt.2), 508-529. Nuove considcrazioni sugli e<|ailibr! fisici ncUe miscele isomorfe. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend.. 7. 1898 (Sem. 2), 347-349; Gazz. Chim. It«l., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 149-151. Suir azione fiiiiologica ilella formaldeide. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., (1899). 324-34.5. Sui fenomeni crioidratici nelle iioluziuni degli isomeri enantiomorti. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 332-33.5. Sulla recipruca solubiliti dei liqaidi. [1899.] Itomo, R. Ace. Lincei Rend.. 8, 1899 {.Sem. 2), 141-149; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 1). 25-3.5. Soluzioni solide e mi^oele iitomorfe. Roma, R. Aoc. Lincei Rend., 8. 1899 (.Sem. 2), 212-219. Sui riconoscimiMito ilei compoHti raoemici. [1899.] Gazz. Chim. Ital.. 30 (1900. Pt. 1). .35-39. SuUe soluzioni solide nelle miscele di tre sostanze. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei liend., 9. 1900 {Sem. 2), 232- 241. Bronl, Giiiieppe, sti a catena aperta, saturi e non saturi. Roma, B. .\cc. Linai Rend.. 8, 1899 {Sem. 1), 454-463, 570-579: 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 151-1.56; Gazz. Cbim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 1), 55-«8. Sui fenomeni di equilibrio fisico nelle miaoele di sostanze isomorfe. Nota ii. Boma. B. Aoc. Linoei Rend., 8. 1899 {Sem. 2), 181-190. SuUe soluzioni solide nelle miscele di tre sostanze. Roma, B. Ace. Linc<-i Rind.. 9. 1900 [Sem. 2i, 326-332. Bmnl, Giuseppe, >' Bronardel A- Bmnlqnel. Bmnla, h'.. WYn'r BiMuni: des Knochencallos bei tuber- rulc.-tr Iiifcclion und IntoxicatiiTi. W:.n Med. Wachr. I-. 1898. 23IV5-2368. •'413-2417. / BrxuUechnar, .iuyutt. Minenlog, n. A. Neae MineralfunJe in Kamten. [B. A^ahM.u von Siderit.] Kiirnten I^iidesmus. Jbuch., 17. 1886.'2"27-231. Beitrage zur Charakteristik der Erzlagematte von Liltai in Krain. Wien, Geol. Jbach.. 35, US5, 387-396. Brunlechner] 872 [Brunner Die Erzlaperstatte Neufinkenstein bei Villach. Karn- ten Landesmus. Jbiich., 18, 1886, 74-80. Die Spharenerze von Miess in Kamten. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 38, 1889, 311-320. Der Barjt iles Hiittenberger Erzberges. Min. Petr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 62-81. Neuere Mineralfunde in Karnten. Kamten Landesmus. Jbncli., 22, 1893, 186-194. Das Ciruntlwasser im Becken von Klagenfurt. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1893, 68-75. Die Form der Eisenerzlagerstatten in Hiittenberg (Karnten). Ztsclir. Prakt. Geol., 1893, 301-307. Die Entsteluiug und Bildimgsfolge der Bleiberger Erze und ibrer Begleiter. Karnten Landesmus. Jbuch., 2.5, 1899, 61-96. Brunlees, (Sir) Jameg. For biography and works see Inst. Median. Engiu. Proc., 1892, 223-224; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 111, 1893, 367-371. Brunn, [Ferdinrinil] A[lhcrt Wilhelm] von. For biography and list of works see Leopoldina, 81, 1895, 223; Anat. Anz., 11, 1896, 481-485. Beitrage zur Kenntuiss der Samenkorper und ihrer Entwicklung bei Saugethieren und Vogeln. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 23, 1884, 108-132. Der Westien'sche Universalloupenhalter. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 24, 1885, 470-471. • Ueber die Ausdehnung des Schmelzorgans und seine Bedeutung fiir die Zahnbilduug. Anat. Anz., 1, 1886, 259 ; Arch. Mikr. Anat. , 20, 1887, 367-383. Ueber die kiinstlichen Deformationen des Schadels. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Ai-ch. , 1886, viii-ix. Ueber Entwickehing der Ziihne, speeiell fiber die Bedeutung des Scbmelzorganes. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1886, x-xi; 1887, xx-xxi. Ueber Epithel und Drusen der Paukenhohle. Meck- lenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1886, xvii. • Ueber Membrana prsformativa und Cuticula dentis. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 506-508. Ueber die Negritos der Philippinen. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch,, 1888, iii-iv. Ueber die Bander am Gaumenfortsatz des Wespen- beins. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1890, v-vi. Das Foramen pterygospinosum (Civinini) und der Porus crotaphiticobuccinatorius (Hyrtl). Anat. Anz., 6, 1891, 96-104. Beitrage zur Kenutniss der Zahnentwicklung. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 38, 1891, 142-156. Ueber die Ausbreitung der menschlichen Riechschleim- haut. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1891, ix-x, xi-xii. Beitrage zur mikroskopischen Anatomie der mensch- lichen Nasenhohle. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 39, 1892, 632- 651. Die Endigung der Olfactoriusfasern im Jacobson'schen Organe des Schafes. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 39, 1892, 651- 652. [Eine seltene Anomalie am Herzen.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1892, x-xi. Ueber driisenahnliche Bildungen in den Harnwegen. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1892, xi-xii. Ueber driisenahnliche Bildungen in der Schleimhaut des Nierenbeckens, des Ureters und der Harnblase beim Menschen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 41, 1893, 294-302. [Ueber die Kesultate der neueren Forschungen iiber die Nervenendigung in den Sinnesorganen.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1893, viii-x. VerdauungKorgane. Anat. Hefte {Abt. 2), 3, 1894, 238-262; 4, 1895, 78-101. Ueber Hyperthelie. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1894, ix-xii. Zur Kenntniss der Ilaarwurzelscheiden. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 44, 1895, 207-216. Ueber Schiclitung und WachsthumderNiigel. Deutseh. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Tli. 2, Wilflc 1), 105-106. [Ueber die Bedeutung der Lieberkiihn'schen Crypten und iiber Epithelwanderung.1 Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1895, i-iv. [Ueber die neueren die Entwickelung des Pankreas lietri'ffenden Arbeiten.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1895, xxix-xxxi. Brunn, Daniel. Arkseologiske undersrtgelser i Julianehaabs distrikt. [Expedition archeologique au district de .Juliane- haab en 1894.] [1895.] Medd. Gronlaud, 16, 1896, 171- 461, {Ri>s. 479-495). Brunn, [Kiirl] Hermann. Topologische Betrachtungen. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 37, 1892, 106-116. Ein Satz iiber orthosymmetrische und verwandte I'eterminanten aus den fundamentalen symmetrischen Functionen. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 37, 1892, 291-297. Ueber Verkettung. [1892.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 77-99. Ueber scheinbare Doppelpunkte von Raumcurven. Ein Beitrag zur Analysis situs. [1893.] Deutseh. Math. Ver. Jber., 3, 1894, 84-85. Referat iiber eiue Albeit: Exacte Grundlagen fiir eine Theorie der Ovale. [1894.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 24, 1895, 93-111. Brunn, M. von. Formaldehyddesiufection durch Ver- danipfung verdiinnten Formalins. (Breslauer Methode. ) Ztschr. Hyg., 30, 1899, 201-230. Brunn, [A'. O.] Max ron. Untersuchungen iiber die dop- pelte Form der Samenkorper von Paludina vivipara. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 23, 1884, 413-499. Weitere Funde von zweierlei Samenkorperformen in demselben Thiere. Zool. Anz,, 7, 1884, 546-547. Ein Beitrag zur Museumstechnik. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abh., 13, 1895, No. 6, 9 pp. Parthenogenese bei Phasmiden, beobachtet durch einen iiberseeischen Kaufmann. Hamb. Mus. Mitt., 15, 1898, 145-161; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 15, 189S, Beiheft 2, 14.5-161. Brunn, il/[iiiiii'/l /(. See under SmlUi, Kdijur /''[|nniV/] IS., it Bmltli, Hdiinr t'[nh>]. 'Some iniijoiiiU from Berks comitv, I'a. [1. Stilbite. 2. Deweylite. 3. Veauvianite. ' 4. Titanite.] [1883.] Aincr. Cliem. Jl., 5 (1883-84), 279-280. Brunner, Verdinund. Zur Frage der praktischen Ver- Hondl)arkcit der Miiusetypliusbacillen, insbesundere des Ijoelller'sclioii liacillu.s typhi murium. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 11. 2.t. 1898, 68-71. Bmnner, h'nedi-ieh. Ueber Harnblasenbriiche. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 47. 1898. 121-186. Bmnner, Genni. StrvchninverRiftunK und Wundstarr- krampf. Fortschr. .Med., 16 11898), 3(1.5-370. Becberchcs sur Taction des poisons bacteriens et veRiHaux. i. Sur la pretendue action zymotique des toxines. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 6, 1898, 1H9-210. Beitrag zur Immunitittslehre. Fortschr. Med., 17 (1899), 1-7. Seitenketten-Theorie und Strychninvergiftung. Fort- schr. Med., 17 (1899), 7-11. Ueber das Idsliche Silber und seinen therapentischen Werth. Fortschr. Med., IK (1900), 381-388. Bmnner, Geortj, & Zawadzkl, A. Ziililplatte zu den I'etiisehen Schaleu. Centrlil. Bnkt., 14, 1893, 616-618. .s,',' ,ih d«^ dichrofnes.) |1H89.| l/au^anne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 26, 1891, vii. [r/a<"tion du nitroprns'lale de iiodium Bur les phi^-nolii de la r/'Hc iii/'ta,] [IH92.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 28, 1893. viii : 29. 1893. ii. [La compofiltion des nitropniiiaiatno-iod- succinique. [1886.] Lausanne. Soc Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888. 20-26. [La synthase de I'acide mono-iod«acciniqae et lea acides des (niits.] Laosanne, Soc Vaud. Bull., 28, 1892, viii-ix. Sur la presence de I'acide glvoxvliqne dan« le« (hiits verts. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895. l'>6-128. Ueber Monojndbern^teinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Cte«. Ber., ,30, 1897, 2IMI-201. 3447. See also Cbnard cV Bmnner. Bmnner, Heinrich, & Cbnlt, Philippe. Ueber Dichroine, I'henoloxvchruin, Tlivniolchroin und ThTmochinon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21. 1888, '249-255. Ueber die durch Einwirkung von Konigsmsaer ond BromKonigswasser auf Phenole entstehenden Dicbroine. B, rlin. Chem. Ge.;. Ber.. 21. 1888. 2479-'2486. Bmnner, Heinrieh. & Blermum, Karl. Ueber die Einwirkung halogensubstituirter aliphatischer Verbin- duiik'en auf Phenvlhvdrarin. BerUn, Chem. 0«8. Ber., 31. 1898. 1406-1416.' Bmnner, lleinrich, iV Kramer, Charlet. Ueber Azo- resorcin und Azoresomfin. Berlin, Chem. Oe«. Ber., 17, 1884, 1847-1866. Ueber Amidophenolsulfonsiuren und ihre Beziehangen zu den Liebermaiin'sohen Farbstoffen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17. 1884, 1867-1872. Ueber die Kmwirkung von BromK6nig»w»«»er auf organische Verbindungen. Berhn, Cbem. Gc». Ber., 17, 1884. 1872-1875. Bmnner, Heinrich. Ji Lelns, lleinrich. [La thdobromiDe et la caf(^ine.] Lausanne, Soc Vaod. Bull., 29. U9S. ixi-xiii. Ueber einige Dcrivate des Theobr •;..;r.- nil die Emwirknug von Chloroform auf Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30. 1897. . Bmnner, lleinrich, A Telat, Louit. L::i -.rk ji.g von Cblorkalklosung auf Phenylbydrazin. (Bildung ron 110 Brunner] 874 [Bruno Azobenzol.) Berlin, Chcm. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 284- 285. Brunner, Heinrich, & Robert, William. Ueber Phenol- farbstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 373-376. Brunner, Heinrich (et alii). [Travaux executes au Labiiratoire de cliimie de FUniversit^ : 1. L'action des persulfates alealins sur les combinaisons organiques. 2. L'action des persulfates sur ror), 625-630; Mhefte. Chem., 1892, 834-839. Ueber das dimoleculare Propionylcyanid und fiber die daraus dargestellte Aethyltartronsaure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 102, 1893 (Abth. 26), 105-115; Mhefte. Chem., 1893, 120-130. Ueber Propyltartronsaure. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1894 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 97. Bildung von Propyltartronsiiuren aus den Dibutyryldi- cyaniden. Wien, Ak. Sber. , 103, 1894 (Abth. 26), 635-662 ; Mhefte. Chem., 1894, 747-774. Eine neue Bildungsweise des Pr 2, 3-DimethylindoIs. Wien, Ak, Sber., 104, 1895 (Abth. 26), 198-204 ;' Mhefte. Cbem., 1895, 183-189. Ueber eine neue aus dem Isobutylidenphenylbydraziu gewonnene Base. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 (Abth. 26), 730-746; Mhefte. Chem.. 1895, 849-865. Eine Indoliiimbase und ihr Indolinon. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 26), 21.5-243; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 253-281. Ueber Indolinone. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 26), 465-476; 106, 1897 (.46(6. 26), 104-131, 526-548; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 479-490; 1897, 95-122, 527-549. Ueber die E. Fischer'sche, aus Methylketol und Jodmethyl darstellbare Base. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 612-615, 1943-1949. Synthese von Indolinbasen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900'(Abth. 26), 24-51; Mhefte. Chem., 1900, 156-183. Brunner, M. Uel)er eine neue Art der Diagraphie mit Hilfe der Rontgenstrablen. [1899.] Fortschr. Rontgenstr., 2, 1898-99, 178-179. Brunner, O[tto], & Elba, Karl. See Elba & Brunner. Brunner, Ph[ili]>i)]. Uoiii-r die Biuudecylensiiure. Berlin, Chcm. Ges. Ber., I'.l, 1886, 2224-2228.' ,S'(t' aluo Brunner, Th. ['! Phlilipp]). Brunner, I'h[ilii>p], & Skravip,^ den ko Hans. See Skraup & Brunner. Brunner, Ph[ilipp], & Witt, Ottu N[ikclmis]. Ueber einigii Derivate des Beuzidins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1023-1030. Ueber einige Derivate des Naphtophenazins. i. Mit- theilung. Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2660- 2663. Brunner, Th. {fPhlilipp]), & Krafft, F[riedrich]. See Krafft A Brunner. Brunner von Dlessenbofen, Frinlrich. For biographical notice see Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1898, 313-317. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Carl. *Ueber hypertelische Nachahmungeu bei den Orthopteren. [1883.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 33, 1884 (.466.), 247-2.50. Monographic der Stenopelmatiden und Gryllacriden. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 38, 1888 (Abh.), 247-394. Ueber einen Fall von Rficksichtslosigkeit der Natur. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 39, 1889 (Sber.), 47-49. Monographie der Proscopiden. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 40, 1890 (J66.), 87-124. Additamenta zur Monographie der Phaneropteriden. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 41, 1891 (Abh.), 1-196. [Ueber die Heuschrecken-Verheerungen in Algerien.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 41, 1891 (Sber.), 82-83. Notizen fiber die Orthopteren-Fauna Ceylon's. Ent. Naclir., 18, 1892, 337-340. Revision du systi^me des Orthopt^res et description des esp^ces rapport^es par 31. Leonardo Fea de Birmanie. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 33, 1893, 5-230. On the Orthoptera of the island of Grenada, West Indies. [With an introduction by D. Shabp, F.R.S., F.Z.S.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 599-611. Tomonotus Theresise, sp. n. Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 40, 1895, 277. On the Orthoptera of the Sandwich Islands. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 891-897. [Ergebnisse einer zoologisehen Forschungsreise in den Molukkeu und Borneo, im Auftrage der Senckb. Natf. Ges. ausgefiihrt von Dr. Willy KoKENTH.iL.] Orthopteren des Malayischen Ai'chipels, gesammelt von Prof. Dr. W. KuKENTH.\L in den Jahren 1893 und 1894. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abb., 24, 1898, 193-288. [Diagnoses d'inseetes recueillis par I'Expedition Ant- arctique Beige.] Orthopt^res. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 44, 1900, 112-113. Tristira, genus novum Tryxalidarum, vicinum Stauro- noto, ex Fuegia. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 235-236. Note on the coloration of insects. [Tr.] Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 2-4. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Carl, & Bedtenbacher, Josef. On the Orthojitera of the island of St. Vincent, West Indies. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 196-221. Brunnbofer, Hermann. Ueber die Herkunft der Sanskrit- Arier aus Armenien und Medien. Ztschr. Ethnol., 31, 1899, (478)-(483). BrunnmajrT, Heinrich. Ueber die Darstellung des Dimethyl-l,2,3,5-Phentetrols. [1899.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Abth. 26), 693-706; Mhefte. Chem., 1900, 1- 14. Brunnschweiler, E[munuil], & Elbs, Karl. See Bibs & Brunnscbweiler. Brunntbaler, Josef. Ueber eine monstrose Wuchsform von I'olyporus squamosus (Huds.). Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 40, 1896, 435-437. Pogonatum nanum x aloides. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 47, 1897, 46-48. Plankton-Studien. i. Das Phytoplankton des Do- naustromes bei Wien. [u. Proscansko jezero (Croatien).] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 50, 1900, 308-311, 382-383. Bruno, Carlo. "Descrizione degli osservatorii che sono in corrispoudenza meteorologica coll' Osservatorio di Moncalieri. in. Ossei'vatorio meteorologico di Mondovi. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 1, 1866, 58. "Neve rossa caduta a Mundovi il 15 gennaio. Mon- calieri Oss. Bull., 2, 1867, 2-3. *Variazione termometrica in ragione di altezza sul versante settentrionale delle Alpi Marittime nel mese di agosto 1867, [e nei mesi di luglio e agosto 1868, e settembre 18(;9]. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 3, 1868, 38; 4, 1869, 59-61, 72. *Intorno alle osservazioni simultanee di temperatura fatte a Mondovi ed alia Valle dell' EUero. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 3, 1868, 108-109. Bruno] 875 fBruns '(Lc Htellc cndimti rlol pcriodi) di novumbri' lS(i8.] Moiicftlieri Ubh. Doll., H, 1868, lill. "Torrcmoto [a Mondovi il 17 loRlio]. Moncalieri Ohk. Ball., r,, 1870, 89. *Le Htclle ciidi'nti del inTiodn di aKofito 1870. Mon- calieri 0»H. Dill!., r,, 1870. llt-liri. "Tcrremoti. Mondovl. Turremoto del 7 gcnnaio. Monciilieri 0«h. Hull., 0, 1871, M. "liuce /.odiiicnio imI auruni lioreale osscrvate a Mondovi nelhi notti' 7-8 aprile 1872. [1872.] Moncalieri Os». Bull., 7, 1873, 81-84. •|.\uroroborealedpnO aprile 1872.] Mondovi. [1872.] Monoftlicri Ob». Bull., 7, 1873, 84-8."i. 'Terremoto [Hi>ntito a Mondovi In wra del 21! aprile 1M72|. [1872.] Moncftlii'ri 0»s. Bull., 7, 1873, MS. 'Mcteoni luminosa osscrvata a Mondovi il Hi luglio 1872. [1872.] Moncalieri Obs. Bull., 7, 1873, l:tl). "OHservazioni sulla luce zodiocale fntte a Mondovi nellc «erc dell'll c- I2fcbl)raio 1874. [1874.] Moncalieri Ohb. Bull. , 9, 1876, 33-34. Bruno, Ciirlo. [Sulle rocce criBtalline della regione Fuipiano.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. lioll., 12, 1893, .WS-SOg. Bruno, / '. Fad. dl. .S'li' Fa& di Bruno. Bruno, '/[.nfc/Ho]. Sulla (U'purazionu dolle acquc lurido- fecali. Napoli Ist. luconiK. Atti, H, 189B, So. 4, 7 pp. Bruno, <}. U. L'excitabilite Bp^ciliqiie de la muqueuso du tube diK'BBtif. Sixiime ni<5raoire. La bile coraiue agent diRiwtif. St. P(5ter8b. Arob. Sci. Biol., 7, 1899, 87-142. Bruno, Gittneppe. Sopra un punto della teoria delle fniziiini continue. [1880.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 21, 1886. 273-277. Bruno, Luiiji. II diluvium alpino dalla Dora Riparia al Ticirid. Cenno d' idro),Tafia Botterranea nella zona pre- alpinu tra la Sesia ut. N:it Bull., 27, 1886, 397.520. Bruno-Spamplnato, Giufipiie. liict-rclie petrografiche e geologicbe buI Capo Tindari e dintorni di Patti. Catania Ace. (iioen. Atti, 10, 1897, Mem. 7, 2(j pp. Brunot, Cli. Les illusions d'optique. Rev. Sci., .52, 1893, 210-212. Brunotte, dimille. Recherches sur la structure de I'ail chez un Branchiomma. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1888, 301-303. Sur quelques fleurs de Monncotjledones liliidores tdtromires. [1892.] Feuille .leunes Natural., 22, 1891-92, 213-215. ProcMi d'inclnaion et d'enrobage "A froid" dans la gelatine. .11. Bot., Paris, 6, 1892, 194-19-5. Quelques cas terntologiques cliez Tulipa, /.., et Fritillaria, L. Malpigbia, 6, 1892, 117-119. Deux stations nouvelles du Phreoryctes Menkeanns [Hofmrister). [1892.] Rev. Biol. N. France, .5, 1893, 120-122. Contribution A IVtude de la flore de la Lorraine. Jl. Bot., Paris, 9, 1896, 376-381; 10, 1896, 41-.52; 11, 1897. 261-263. Sur I'avortement de la raciue principale chez one esp^ce du genre Impatiens (£,.). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 122, 1896, 897-900. Sur I'origine do la double coiffe de la racine chez les Tropreolees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898. 277-279. Sur loH t/'gnmi-ntii ■u'-minaux de quel(|a(rH eMpic«-H du gcnri- Iin|iatii-nB, A. PariM, Ac. Sci. C. It., 130, 1900, HI 184. Bruns, [ I'liiil vim]. Dea bleg«are« par led nouvellea arnji-B li fen. [Il'iih 'nntni^B der Gattung Polynaccam. Flora, 78, 1894, 67-7.5. • I'eber die Inlialtir.iiiiANi> A ScniiAUV in Freiberg i. S. Ztschr. Instrumentenk.. 6, 1886, 198- 201. Ueber eine .Anfgabe der Ausgleichungerechnung. [1886.] Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh., 13. 1887, 515-563. Ueber die lutegrale des Viclkorper-ProbUras. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber.. 39. 1887. 1-39. .5.5-82. Schreiben betr. die Mondlinslorniiw 1888 Jan. 38. Astr. Nachr.. 118, 1888, 207-208. Der Lainberfsche Satz. A«tr. Sachr., 118, 1888. 241-250. Schreiben betr. HeliometermeRBungen bei Hondfin- sternissen. Astr. Nachr.. 118, 1888, 36;i-364. Mittheilung iiber ein Hasert'sches Femrohr. Astr. Nachr.. 122. 1889. 115-116. Ueber das Problem der Saecalarstomngen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1890. 543-545. Note zur Storungslheorie. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 (FffUchr.. Tl. 2), 3-8. Zur totalen Mondfiuatemiss 1891 Nov. 15. Astr. Nacbr., 12H, 1891, 327-32H. Ueber das Er^iebniss einer theoretischen Uotersachung iiber die zweckmii^sigste .Anordr"- ■ "•^~ ^' ■■"liTspro. grammen zur Bestimmunt' der > i>inriH. The progrcBB of medicine. Nature, 44, 1891, 3'27-33S. On cardiac pain and angina pectoriH. Practitioner, 47, 1891, 241-'2i;0. On the use of atropine in cholera. Med.-Chir. TranB,. 76, 1893, 3.';7-)73. The action of drugs on the bladder and genital orgauH. Practitioner, 50, 1893, 81-92. On the use of rest in cardiac affectiona. Practitioner, ni, 1893, 190-203. On modern developments of Habvet's work. Nature, 50 (1894), (J2.'5-li31. ' On a probable glycolytic ferment in muscle of raw meat and the treatment of diabetes. Ztschr. Biol., 34, 1896, 4H7-489. Note on coagulation of the nuclei of blood corpuscles. Ztschr. Biol., 34, 1896, 490-491. Les rapports cntre la physiologie, la pharmacologic, la pathologic et la m(^decinc pratique. Congr. Int. M^d. C. H., 1897 (Co/. 1), 170-176. Treatment of piles and allied affections ineludinj; pruritus ani. [1892.] Indian Med. Gaz., 34, 1899, 184- 185. Experience sur ragglomi^'ration dea bacilles et la formation de rouleaux par les corpuscules du sang. [1900.] Congr. Int. M.d. C. U., 1900(1(1/. 1. I'hysioL), 205; Jl. Path. liact., 7, 1901, 5:^-54. Action physiologique et therapeutique de la digitale et fea principes actifs. Congr. Int. Med. C. K., 1900 {Vol. 6), 263-271. Brunton, (^ii) 7'[/i'h,\de5. Beitrag zum Studium dis 1 >.i .^jcr«. Centrbl. Bukt. (.44/. 1), 26. 1899. 7i.4 Tf-O Bruachettlnl, .lUttandrn. A Pexroncito, Kduardo. See Ferrondto A Bruactaettlnl. Brusta, .irihiir i'onhliu. 1 In neurological caiuea of im- potence. N. Y. Med. Jl., .58, 1893. 145-148. Hintinoton's chorea. [1894.] X. Y. Med. Jl.. 61. 1896, 305-306. Brush, Charlet IS. Some facts in relation to friction. waste and loss of water in mains. [With ditcuuion.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 19. 1888. 89-126. Bmata, Charlet F[rancit]. The tranemi^8ioD of radiant heat by gases at varying pressures. Amer. Ass, Proc., 1897, 94-103; Phil. .Mag., 45. 1898. 31-12. The measurement of small gB,'. 50 Jahre Taubenziichter. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 14, 1890, 8-9, 31-32, 44-46, 56-57, 69. "Befiederte Riiuber. " Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 15, 1891, 88-91. Das "Paduaner''-Huhn. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 16, 1892, 8-10. Bruttan, Alndreas^ Ueber einige im Laufe des Sommers gemachte Beobachtungen. [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 183-184. Das Vorkoumien der Forellen in Livland. [1887.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 237-242. Bericht iiber eine in hepatologisoher Hinsioht auf der Bruttan] 879 (Bryan KuriHchun HalbinHol und an dcr Dtina auB^nfulirtc ExcurBioii im Siimiiicr 18H7. [1887.] Dorpat Sber., H, 1889, 29'.I-30J. NiiclitriiK zu den Lichcnen Liv-, EhI- und Eurlands. [18KH. I Dorpat 8hcr., 8, 1889, lU-4 JU. |Uiber die I,elieriii(i(isllorii dor OsUoeprovinzen.] [1890.] DorpiU Shcr., '.», 1892. dlS-driS. Uebcr die einlieimisclien LaubmuoHe. [1891.] Dorpat Sber., 9, 1892, S.W-.-jSa. liryolciKisohe Er»,'ebni«»e dcs Jahrcs 1892. [1892.] Dorpiit Sljir. , 10, 1895, 1.52-15.5. BrntUnl, Arliim. .\ppunti storici xulla (alconeria. Klv. Itiil. Sci. Nat., Sioiia, 12, 1892 {Hull.). 89-90, 100-102, 107-109, 121-122. Determiniizione cnlorimetrica di piccole quantity di tiranio nei minerali. Oazz. Cbim. Ital., 23, 1893 (/'(. 1), 251-2.57. Azlone di alouni sali sulla germinazionc. Staz. Sper. .'Vfc'rar. Ital., 27, 1894, M-.yi. Brutzer, C. Uober die Secundiirinfeetioiieii der I^epra- kniiikiM. St. IVtersb. Med. Wscbr., 24, 1899, 415-417. Brutzer, ll'ilhi'lm. Ein BeitraK ziir Wocheiibcttsdiiitetik. Zts.lir. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 37, 1897, 391-440. Bruun, Alfr. lauttagclscr over 10v8prinn, bloin»tring, fniKtiiiodninK or b)vfald i Veterinier- og Landbohojskolens have i anrene 1882-86. [1889.] Bot. Tidsskr., 17, 1890, 1.53-11)1. Braun, Daniel. Ornitliologiske iagttagelser fra Sydgrnn- land i Bommeren 1894. Kj»(benh. Vid. Medd., 189B, 175- 187. Bruyant, Cluirles. Kote sur un H^mipttre reoueilli au liic Chauvet (Puy-de-D6me). Ass. Frane. C. R., 1893 (I't. 1), 251. Sur un HcjmiptAre aquatique stridulant, Sigara niinutissima, I.in. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 299-301. Cuiitributiiin il Tctude de la geographic zoologique de I'Auvergne. Fiance Soc. Zool. Bull., 24, 1899, 46-18. Contribution a I'etudc de la geograpliie cntomologique de TAuvergne. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 93-94. Sur les variations du plankton au lac Chauvet. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900. 45-48. Bruyant, ChirUn, <(' Eusibio, A. Sur la fauue halophile de I'Auvergne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li., 130, 1900, 178- 181. Notes pour servir i la fauue entomologiquc de lAuveigne. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 397-400. Bruylants, J. M. (1[ukI. . Bruljaing. Bruzelius, Sils O. Um Anser indicus, Gnul., antralTad i Skane. Gotcborg Handl. , 21, 1887, 8 pp. Bryan, Gleorgt] Il[arlUy]. On the stability of elastic svstems. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 6, 1889. 199-210. On the waves on a viscous rutatiug cylinder, an illustration of the influence of viscosity on the stability of rotating liquid. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., 6, 1889. -'48-264. Application of the energy test to the collapse of a long thin pijie under external pn-ssure. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc. . 6, 1889, '^■'7-292. On the expn'ssion of spherical harmonics of the second kind in a finite form. [188j<.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889. '293-297. The waves on a rotating liquid spheroid of finite ellipticity. [18.88.] Phil. Trans. (A). 180, 1890. 187- 219. The buckling of pUtee. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1890, 742. On the pulsations of a rotating bell. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1890, 713. On the deformation of twisted strips. Phil. Mag., 30. 1890. 476-480. On the stiibilitv of a rotating spheroid of perfect liquid. Boy. Soc. Proc., 47, 1890, 367-376. Ou the stability of a plane plate under thrust* in it« own plane, witli applications to the "buckling" of the sides of a ship. [1890.) London Math. Soc. Proc., 22, 1891, 54-tw. Report of a Committee On the present stale of our Bryan] 880 [Bryant knowledge of tliermodynamics, specially with regard to the second law. Researches relating to the connection of the second law with dynamical principles. [Part ii. The laws of distribution of energy and their limitations.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 8.5-122; 1894, 64-106. An application of the method of images to the con- duction of heat. London Math. Soc. Proc, 22, 1891, 424-430. [The flying to pieces of a whirling ring.] Nature, 43, 1891, 463.' On the beats in the vibrations of a revolving cylinder or bell. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 7, 1892, 101-111. Note on a problem in the linear conduction of heat. [1891.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 7, 1892, 246-248. The moon's atmosphere and the kinetic theory of gases. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 682-685. On electro-magnetic trails of images in plane, spherical and cylindrical current sheets. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 706. The second law of thermodynamics. [1893.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 197-198. The atmospheres of the moon, planets and Sun. Science, 22, 1893, 311-313. A hydrodynamical proof of the equations of motion of a perforated solid, with applications to the motion of a fine rigid framework in circulating liquid. [With a note by C. V. Burton.] [1893.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 186-204 ; Phil. Mag., 35, 1893^ 338-3.54. On the theory of thin plating, and its applicability to calculations of the strength of bulkhead plating and similar structures. [1893.] Naval Architects Trans., 35, 1894, 113-125. On the buckling and wrinkling of plating when sup- ported on parallel ribs or on a rectangular framework. London Math. Soc. Proc, 25, 1894, 141-150. Prof. BoLTZJiANN and the kinetic theory of gases. [1894.] Nature, 51 (1894-95), 31. The kinetic theory of gases. Nature, 51 (1894-95), 1.52, 176, 319-320; 52 (1895), 244. Note on the stability of rotating liquid spheroids. [1893.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 8, 1895, 51-53. A simple test case of Maxwell's law of partition of energy. [1894.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 8, 1895, 250-255. On electromagnetic induction in plane, cylindrical, and spherical current-sheets, and its representation by moving trails of images. [1894-98.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 13, 1895, 14,5-154; 16, 1899, 6.5-83; Phil. Mag., 38, 1894, 198-206 ; 45, 1898, 381-397. Note on a simple graphic illustration of the deter- minantal relation of dynamics. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 13, 1895, 481-484; Phil. Mag., 39, 1895, 531-534. Note on a theorem in dynamics. Messenger Math., 24, 1895, 21-23. The assumptions in Boltzmann's minimum theorem. Nature, 52 (1895), 29-30. On some difficulties connected with the kinetic theory of gases. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 721. On the sailing flight of birds. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 726-728. On certain applications of the theory of probability to ph.ysical phenomena. Amer. Jl. Math. , 19, 1897, 283-288. "[Artificial flight.] [1897.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 135- 136. Stereoscopic projection of lantern shdes. [1898.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 511. The kinetic theory and radiant energy. [1898.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 536. Dendritic patterns caused by evaporation. Nature, 58 (1898), 174. On the permanence of certain gases in the atmospheres of planets. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 634-635. The resistance of the air. Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 107-109, 248. Annuities treated without progressions. [1896.] Math. Gaz., 1, 1900, 8-12. Energy accelerations. A study in energy partition and irreversibility. Arch. Ni^erland., 5, 1900, 279-294 ; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 634-635. The kinetic theory of planetary atmospheres. [Letter.] Nature, 62 (1900), 126. Sources and properties of Becquerel rays. Nature, 62 (1900), 151-1.54. ■ The action of bilge keels. Naval Architects Trans., 42, 1900, 198-219. The kinetic theory of planetary atmospheres. [1900. ] Phil. Trans. (A), 196, 1901, 1-24. Bryan, G[eorge] H[artley], & Boltzmann, Ludnng. Ueber die mechanische Analogic des Wiirmegleichgewichtes zweier sioh beriihrender Korper. Wien, Ak. Sber., 103, 1894 (Abth. 2a). 112,5-1134. Bryan, George B. On the determination of the conduc- tivity of liquids in thin layers. Phil. Mag., 4.5, 1898, 2.'i3-272. Bryan, George B., & Barton, Edwin H[enry]. See Barton il)it of the plaiicl Su|>pho (80), the Hpctilar pertui'liiitioii of tlir minor planelK upon the eleiiientK of that orbit, and the mass of the planet .Jupiter. Astr. .11., 8, 1889, 18.5-189; Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, :Vil-332. Kphemuria of (80) Sappho for the opposition 1889. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 111-112. Schri'Ibcn betr. die Bustimmunt' der Balm dea Planctcn (80) Sappho. ABtr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 15-48. The perturbations of Sappho (8lt). Astr. Soc. Month. Not., .->!. 1891, 390-402. On the determination of the ei|uations for the per- turbations of the inclination and node of an orbit by the method of variation of constants. .\Btr. Soc. Month. Not., .W, 1893, 11()-119. Note on the eonvernencv "f scries. [189.5.] London Math. Soc. I'roc, 27, 1896,"i;9-70. Bryant, {Mm.) Sophie. *Tlic position of mathematics in the school education of Rirls. Educ. Times, 31, 1878, 14.-)-149. On the failure of the attempt to deduce inductive principles from the mathematical theory of probabilities. Phil. Mag., 17, 1884, .510-518. On the ideal geometrical form of natural cell-structure. [18H.5.] London Math. Soe. Proc, 10 (1884-85), 311-31.5. Experiments in testing the character of schoolchildren. [Willi dhcmsion.] [1885.] Anthrop. Inst. .11., 15,1886, 338-351. An example in " correlation of averages " for four variables. Phil. Mag., 36, 1893, 372-377. Bryant, /". Le centenairc do Hunteii (14 f' normal human lympaninn. .\rch. Otol., 19, 1890, 217 231; /.tschr. Ohrenheilk., 22. 1892, 91-104. Bryce, l)-I55. On the .\dinetailic, with description of a new specie.". [1892.] guekett Micr. Club Jl.. 5. |1894), 14ft-151. On two new K|H-cies of niHcrotrachelous ('allidinic. [1893.] yuekett Micr. Club .11., 5, [1894], 190-201. On a new species of Metopidia. [1893.] Quekett Micr. Club .11., 5. [1694]. 2-<4 285. Contributions to the non-marine fauna of Spitsbergen. Part II. Report on the Uolifera. Zool. Soc Proc, 1897. 793-799. Bryce, .r .-Irin'i/i. Burma: the coantry and people. Geogr. So.-. Proc. 8, 1886, 481-499. Bryce, /'. //. •Hvpnotism and its phenomena. [1882.] Canad. Inst. Prtw.. 2, 1884, 02-77. Some factors in the malaria problem. Canad. Inst. Proc, 2, 1884, 21tV-218. Some points in the natural histor>- of ground waters. [1890.] Canad. Inst. Trans., 1. 1891, 149-109. The treatment of tuberculosis in sanatoria. N. Y. Med. .11.. 72, 1900. 1121-1120. Bryce, ihnmuf II. Description of a fa-tui the subject of retroHexion of the trunk, ectopia viwerum and spina bifida: with a discussion as to the cause of these associated abnormalities. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 29, 1895, 553-568. On recent \-iewB as to the part the nucleus plays in development. Glasgow Med. Jl., 45, 1896, 81-95. Note on a case of pectoralis minimus. [1896.] JL Anat. Physiol.. 31, 1897. ii-v. Long muscular branch of the musculo-cutaneous nerre of the leg. [1896.] Jl. Anat. Physiol.. 31, 1897, v-rii. On certain points in the anatomy and mechanism of the wrist-joint reviewed in the liaht of a series of Keroneal nerve of Rt'si: in man. [I'.HIO.] Jl. Anat'. Physiol.. 35. 1901, xlix-l. Bryden, //. .1. On the present distribution of the giraffe. south >'f the Zambc-i. and on the best means of secnring living s)•>. ] East- bourne Nat. Hist. Soc Trans.. 3 (1894-1903), 103-114. Ill Brydone-Jackl 882 [Biibak Brydone-Jack, II'. [The remarkable sunsets, 1883.] Nature, 2'.), 1884. 260. Bryhn, N. Catharinea anomala, n. sp., or Leskea catena- lata {Brid.), Liiidl. c. Jr. Bot. Notiser, 1886, 157- 1.59. Mosliste Ira Tj.imo. Et lidet bidrag til Norges kystflora. [1887.] Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 31, 1890, 102- 116. De Bryinearum in Norvegia distributions observationes nonnuUffi sparsaj. [1891.] Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 32, 1892, 114-140. Seapania crassiretis, s}'- «o''- Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 32, 1892, 339-340; Kev. Bryol., lit, 1892, 7-8. Explorationes bryologica? in valle Norvegise Stjordalen ffistate anui 1892. [1893.] Throndhjem, Skr., 1892, 159- 224. Om Grimmia Byani, Limpr. in htt. [1893.] Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 34, 1895, 73-76. Beobachtuugen iiber das Ausstreuen der Sporen bei den Splachnaceen. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 48-55. — — Mosliste fra Norbyknol. Et lidet bidrag til kundskab om Medelpads flora. Bot. Notiser, 1899, 57-69; Bot. Centrbl., hO, 1899, 15. Descriptio muscorum duorum norvegieorum. Bot. Notiser, 1899, 253-259. Cephalozia Hagenii, n. sp. Rev. Bryol., 26, 1899, 21-22. Enumerantur musci, qvos in valle Norvegise Sa?ters- dalen observavit [auctor]. Throndhjem, Skr., 1899, No. 3, 54 pp. Bryk, Enittt. Ueber die Einwirkung von Jod und Kalilauge auf Harnsiiure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 103, 1894 {Abth. 2i), 459-469; Mhefte. Chem., 1894, 519-529. Brykner. See Brickner, Wticlaw. BryUnaki, [Matliieul. *Eapport sur les phosphates de chaux de la Caroline du Sud et sur I'emploi comme engrais des phosphates en general. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 2, 1875 (Append.), 1-74. Brylinski, [Mathieu], & Lionnet, G. "Phosphates de chaux fossiles, g(5ologie et origine, applications en agri- culture. Normandie Soc. Gtol. Bull., 4, 1877, 3-272, 318. Brylinski, .-I ;fcc)-(. Essai des indigos. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 67, 1897, 331-345. , Dosage des indigos. Etude de la methode de M. J. Bkandt. Methode a I'acide acetique cristallisable. [1897.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 68, 1898, 33-39. Brylinski, .1 /fcerf, & Scheurer, Albeit. See Scheurer & Brylinski., Brylinski, K[mih']. Sur la capacity electrostatique des conducteurs. Ann. Telegr., 15, 1888, 97-122. Note sur la propagation du courant electrique sur une ligne tel(igi-aphique. Ann. Telegr., 16, 1889, 135-147. ^ Sur la force electromotrice nccessaire pour produire un courant d'intensite variable le long d'uu conducteur cylindrique. Ann. Tclegr., 17, 1890, 232-244, 352-358, 42.5-431; 22, 1895, 446-459. Note sur une ligne souterraine en conduite de ciment. Ann. Telegr., 18, 1891, 163-167, 267-272. Note sur Ic tck''metre (ilectrique de M. Fiske. Ann. Telegr., 18, 1891, 235-252. Note sur la capacito electrostatique des lignes tele- graphiques. Ann. Telegr., [19], 1892, 97-124. , Sur relectrification de la gutta-percha. Lum. Elect., 47, 1893, 601-610. Sur la diflieulte de rialiser un cable telephonique sous-niarin. Eclairage Elect., 10 (1897), 14-21, 66-70. Sur la resistance des conducteurs en courant variable. Eclairage Elect., 12 (1897), 5-13, 97-107, 149-156, 200- 204, 384. Sur le changement des unites fondatnentales dans les systdmes absolus de mesure. Eclairage Elect., 12 (1897), 60-62. Sur les unites raagnetiques. Eclairage Elect., 12 (1897), .529-536, .591-596. Bryn, Htilfdaii. Indberetning til det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskali om en botanisk reise i det Thrond- hjcmske sommeren 1886. [1888.] Throndhjem, Skr., 1886-87, 1-20. Bryson, Jolvi. [The so-called marine beaches of Long Island.] Amer. Geologist, 2, 1888, 64-65, 136-137. Artesian well, Woodhaven, L. I., N. Y. Amer. Geo- logist, 3, 1889, 214-215. The terminal moraine near Louisville. Amer. Geo- logist, 4, 1889, 12.5-126. Preglacial channels at the falls of the Ohio. Amer. Geologist, 5, 1890, 186-188. The Wetwoods. Amer. Geologist, 6, 1890, 254-255. Excursion across Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 7, 1891, 332-333. The so-called sand-dunes of East Hampton, L. I. Amer. Geologist, 8, 1891, 188-190. Englacial drift of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 9, 1892, 278-280. Dr. W.iHNSCHAKFE's work on the drift deposits of Germany. Amer. Geologist, 10, 1892, 132-133. The glacial geology of Martha's Vineyard compared with that of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 11, 1893, 210-212. The drift mounds of Olympia and of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 12. 1893, 127-129. Origin of Peconic Bay and of Shinnecock Hills. Amer. Geologist, 12, 1893, 402-403. Lake Ronkonkoma and other glacial features of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 13, 1894, 390-392. The ups and downs of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 15, 1895, 188-192. Kock Hill, Long Island, N. Y. Amer. Geologist, 16, 1896, 228-233. Good Ground, Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 18, 1896, 329-331. The Hempstead plains. Long Island, N. \'. Amer. Geologist, 20, 1897, 61-65. Drift formations of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 22, 1898, 245-247. Bryson, Louise Fislie. Preliminary note on the study of exophthalmic goitre. N. Y. Med. Jl., 50, 1889, 656-658. The present epidemic of influenza. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. .11., 51, 1890, 120-124, 156-158. Bryu-. For Russian names beginning thus see under Briu-. Brzak, IC. Kugelblitz. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), .355. Brzezowski, ( '. ile Korab. See Korab Brzezowaki. Brzezowski, Fran:. Die Bestrebungen zur Verminderung dcr Gefahren der Sprengarbeit in Grubeii mit schlagcmlen Wetteni. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 44, 1896, 1-4. Brzostovicz, (I., Ladenburg, Albert, & Mugdan, .Murtin. See X>adenburg, Mugdan cV Brzostovicz. Buard, . '[Notes meteorologiques.] Geryville (prov. d'Oran). France Soc. Mctf^orol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1876, I't. 2, 329-330; 9, 1876, Pt. 2, 29-.30, 57, 87, 118- 119, 1.52-153, 18.5-186, 217, 269, 272. Buard, 11. Sur la sero- reaction tuberculeusc. Jl. Physiol. Path, (irii., 2, 1900, 797-803. Buard, '.'., A Mongour, Ch. See Mongour & Buard. Bubak, Franz. Ein Beitrag zur Pilz-Flora der Umgegend von Hohenstadt in Miihren. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 47, 1897, 11-15. Eine gelbbliitige Varietat von Galeopsis pubescens, />V.s»., aus Bohmen. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 47, 1897, 143-144. Puccinia Galanthi, Uni/er, in Miihren. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 47, 1897, 436-439'. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der bohmischen Perono- spoieen, Ustilagineen und Urediueen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 47, 1897, 225-233. Bubakl 883 [Bucca Uubcr (lie Uredinecii, welche in Eur(i|iii aiif C'icpiH Arten vorkommen. Briiiin Verb., 'M>, 1898 {.Ihli.), ll'.l- 124. Pucciiiia Scirpi, DC. OcBtorr. Bot. ZUchr., iH, 1898, 14-17. Ueber ein neues Syncbytrium aus dcr Griii)i)<.' Jit Leiicocbvtriun. Oesterr. Bot. /tschr., 4H, 1898, 241- 242. O lezicb, kteic' cizopntii iia iiektfn'cb Kubiaceicli. H'cliiT I'liriiHitfii aiif einiKi'n ltiibiii<-(i'n.| I'rag, Sber., 1898 {Miilli.-.\'(il.), So. 'iH, -iH pp. Zwc'itor BcilraK zur I'ilzHorii von liiibincii und Nord- miihren. Wicn Zuol. Bot. Verli., 4H, 1898, 17-36. Oritter Beitiiin zur I'ilzrtorii vou Miihreii. Briiiin. Verb., .(7, 1899 (Abli.), 115 123. ...Buitrun zur I'ilzHoru von Tirol. Oesterr. Bot. ZtBcbr., 411, 1899, l:!l-13ti; .^o, 1900, 2'.l3-29.5. Kesultutc liir uiykologiseben Durehforscbimg BohmenB ini Jubre lnyn. I'rag, Sber., 1899 {.Malb.-Sat.), No. 19, 2.-, pp. Einigc iieue und bekannte aussereuropiiische I'llze. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 50, 1900, 31H-320. Mykologiscbc Beitriige aus Bosnien und Bulgarien. Prag, Slier., 1900 t.y.illi.-Nnl.), jVd. 7, li pp. Ueber einige Unibelliferen bewohnende Puccinien. Prag, Sber., 1900 (Math. -Nat.), No. 26, 8 pp. Ueber Milben in Riibenwurzelkriipfen. Zt«chr. Zuckerind. Biihru., 24, 1899 1900, 3-5.')-367. Ueber die Ket;eueration cUr Mutterriibe. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. B.ihni., 2."., 1900-01, 1.53-156. Bubani, I'ietro. for bkigrupbical notice and list of works .i/i/i. Teratologisches. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 34, 1884, 425-426. Novitiiten fiir die Flora Miihrens. Oesterr. Bot. Ztsebr., 36, 1886. 364-366. Berichtigungen und Nachtriige zur Flora von Miibren. Oesterr. Bot. Zt.schr.. 38, 1888, 16;)-173, 200-202. Bnb«ndey, Joli. I'riedr. 'Beitriige zur Gescbiclite der miitbiniatiscbeu Gcsellschaft in Hamburg 1690-1790. 11881.] Harab. Math. lies. Mittb., 1, 1889. 8-16. Geschichte der matbeniatischen Gcsellschaft in Ham- burg 1690 bis 1890. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 {Feftfchi., Tl. 1), 8-78. Die Temperatur dcs tlie.ssendeu Wassers zur Zeit der Eisbildung. Ann. der Hydrogr.. 22 (1894), 1-6. Sturmtlut vom 12. Februar 1m94. [1894.] Hamb. Geogr. ties. Mittb., 11, 1896, 140-142. Buber, Oscar. Myokymie an pineni Falle von Bleiliih- mung. Neurol. "Centrbl.. 16, 1897, 684-688. Bubis, . Spermiuum-Poelil in chemischer, pbysio- liigischer und therapeutischer Beziehung. St. Petersb. Med. Wsehr., 19, 1894. 73-76. 83-86, 93-100, 10.5-111. Babna, .1/. F.ntoniolngv at Cleveland, Ohio. Philad. , Eut. News, 8, 1897, 97-99. Bubnov, Sergfj. Ueber das Permeabilitiitsverlmltnis der Kkidungsstoffe zum chemisch wirkenden Sonnenstrahl. Arch. Hyg., 10, 1890, 33.5-36tj. Zur Beleuchtungsfrage. Photometrische Tagcslicht- messungen in Wohnriiumen. Arch. Hyg., 17, 1893, 49- 83. Bncailla, F.rnent [Liici'cn]. For biography and list of works see Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1892. 24.5-261; Nor- mandie Soc. Gt^ol. Bull., 15, 1893, 71-72. "Echinides fossiles du departenient de la Seine- InftTieure. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 1, 1873, 57- 192 ; 8, 1883, 16-39. 'Coupe du bassin des docks du Havre. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 2. 1876 {Append.), 77-79. [Sur la pt'ologie des environs de Pont-Audemer.] Kouen Soc. Soi. Bull.. 1886, 20.5-208. [Les liiuons tjuaternaires de Belgiqne. ] Bouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, 212-213. (Les Iranchec* de la nouvi-lle ligne de cheiniu de ler en construction de (ilu8..Muntfort au Neulx>urg.J [188-5.] Norinundie Sue. Geo!. Bull., 11, 1886. 9-11. Coniptc rendu de rcxcunion de FiL«rnp ('.iO mai 1**8C). I'artie gi^-ologii|ue. liouen .Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, 71-79. Catalugui^ des Hi'niiptereo du departenient Ai: la Seine- luf.-ricure. %uen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, 14.3-181. (Sur (leu Eeliiiiides de la Craie. | Kouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, 222-223. [BrachiopodcH CretaceH de la Craie, dans le departe- nient de la Scinelnferieure.) lioutn Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, 225. Lisle dcs Bryozoaircfl observes dons les kiajg^i Cr^tacea du depurtement de la Seine-Infaf-rienre. Itouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, .506-513. Catalogue raiHonni- des Mollusqucs terrestres et d'eau douce observes dans le di'partement de la Seine-Inferieure. Revu et publii!- par Raoul Fubti.v. Kouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1891, 171-189. Bucca, /'[iirdiruidi]. Sullo svilappo d' ana fnnzione ani- forme di varialiile complessa, dotata di singolarita isolate, in serie colle caratteristiche separate. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 11. 1897, 90 103. Sopra certi iutegrali e oerti »viluppi in serie. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 12, 1898. 260-277. Studii di analisi. i(-v]. Sullo sviluppo degli integrali d'an' equazione diiTerenziale lineare omogenea nell' in- torno d'un punto singolare. [.Sulla riduzione del gruppo di Gauiis d'un' e-276. Contribuzione alio studio geologico dell' AbiMiinia. Catania .\cc. Gioen. .\tti, 4, 1892, .Mem. 3, 22 pp.; Giom. Mill. Crist. Petr.. 3. 1892, 122-140. Studio petrograticii eulle trachiti leacitiehe del la^ di Bolsena. Catania .\cc. (iioen. Atti. .5, 1892. Mm. 18, 14 pp. : Riv. Min. Cri-t.. 12. 1892, 18-30. .\ncora dell' eta del granito di Monte Capanne (iaola d' Elba). Catania Aoc Gioen. .\tti, 5. 1S92. Mrm. 19, 13 pp. Le trachiti con olivina ilaliane ir^tudio petrografico). Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 26-28. 1892, 28-29. Studio cristAllograficu s<^^>prt alcuni derivati della santonina. Riv. Min. Crist., 11. 1892, 8-17. Ill— 2 Bucca] 884 [Buchan Riproduzione artificiale flella piiite magnetica. Catania Aec. Gioeu. Atti, (>, 1893, Mem. 4, 3 pp. ; Riv. Min. Crist., 13, 1893, 10-12. Sopra una nuova locality di ferro oligisto dell' Etna. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 6, 1893, Mem. 5, 3 pp.; Riv. Min. Crist., 13, 1893, 12-14. Sopra una roccia lavica riprodotta artificialmente. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 33, 1893, 9-10. Sopra le linee di accreseimento dell' ematite del- 1' Etna. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 33, 1893, 10-11. Le epidioriti di Ghinda e di Keren nell' altipiano abissino. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 34 & 35, 1893, 10. Nuove discussioni suU" eta del granito di Monte Capanne (Is. d' Elba). Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull,, 36, 1894, 3-8. Osservazioni sugli ultimi terremoti etnei nello scorso agosto. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 38, 1894, 8-12. L' eta del granito di Monte Capanne (Isola d' Elba). Appunti geologiei e petrografici. Palermo, Giorn. Sci. Nat,, 21, 1896, 1.57-181. Bucca, Lorenzo, & Oddo, G[iusep])e]. Contribuzione alio studio micrografico di alcuni ceraenti italiani. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 351-355; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 2), 549-554. Buccelli, Nicol7'. Cocainismo e delirio cocainico. Con- tributo clinico. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 20, 1894, 69-82. Di aleunealterazioni poco note della seusibilita cutanea (sindrome siringomiel[it]iea) nell' amenza stupida. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 22, 1896, 540-565. Buccbia, Gustavo. For biographical notice and list of works see Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1890-91, 99-131. Proposta di una regola precisa per determinare la forma e le dimension! necessarie alia fermezza durabile degli argini di terra, ordinati a contenere alte piene di gran fiumi reali. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-85, 1707-1738. Rieerca sulla reale utilitil dei bacini di ragunata delle acque che portano i condotti di scolo, prima di dar ad esse esito in mare. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1885-86, 17-43. Buccblcb, Gregor. Morgen- und Abendriithe zu Lesina. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 123-124. Erdbeben. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 4,58. Auffallende Diimmerungserseheinungen. Wien, Mete- orol. Ztschr., 20, 1885, 419. Alcune spugne dell' Adriatico sconosciute e nuove. Trieste Boll., 9, [Pt. 2], 1886, 222-225. Gli Ortotteri di Lesina e Curzola, con alcune notizie biologicbe che li risguardano. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 35, 1886 (Abh.), 377-382. L' orientamento negli animali. Boll. Natlista. , Siena, 8, 1888, 123. Interessantes Gewitter auf dem Meere. Meteorol. Ztschr., 6 (1889), 3.52. Einfluss des Bodens auf den Erdmagnetismus. Meteorol. Ztschr., 7 (1890), 157. Blitzschlag in Lesina. Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), 433. Erdbeben und trockener Nebel. Meteorol. Ztschr., 15 (1898), 352-353. Buccola, Gabriele. For biograjjliy and works see Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 11, 1885, i-xiii ; Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 344. La reazione elettrica dell' acustico negli alienati. Ricerche sperimentali di scmeiotica psichiatriea. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 11, 1885, 1-71. BucelU, Moilrxtit, Piatti, Aiujeto, & Cambara, G. Se.e Fiatti, Gambara & BucelU. Bucb, !■:. Hvad er eenliifugalkraft? Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 31, 1892, 33- 40. Bucb, Ejnar. Ueber die " Verschmelzung " von Erapfin- dungen, besonders bei Klangeindriicken. [Tr.] Phil. Stud., 15, 1900, 1-60, 183-278. Bucb, .7. Zur Kenntniss der Schweineseuche. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 13, 1887, 332-337. Bucb, K[arl]. Ueberfiihrung von Fhenoleu in Amine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2634-2641. Bucb, K[9-t)l. The inlluenee of hi^h winds on the barometer at the Ben NeviH Observatory. [18'Jl.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 18, 1892, 88-94. Ueport of tlie Couiniittee..., appointed for the pnrpoRe of co.O|ieratin^; wilh tbe Scoltisli Meteorological Society in making' nieteorolu^tical observations on Ben Nevis. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1892, IJ8-72. Preliminary account of oceanic circulation, based on the Challenjicr observations. Nature, 4(i, 1892,-^83-384. Meteorology of Ben Nevis. [1891.] Scott. .Meteorol. Soc. .11., 9, 1893,3-13. Contribution to the meteoroloRy of Central Africa. [1892.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc Jl., 9, 1893, 111-114. The intluence of bi^h wimls on the bammetcr at the Ben Nevis Observatory. [1892.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc Jl.,9, 1893, 132-137. Certain relations of pressnre and temperature at the Ben Nevis observatories. [1892.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 9, 1893, 137-14(1. Meteorolo>;ieal observations on Ben Nevi^. Reportfs] of the Committee. Brit. .\ss. Kep.. 1893, -'lO 281) ; 1894, 108 lit; ; 1896. lHG-194 ; 1896. ir)(i-172; 1897, 219- 22(1; 1898,277-283; 1899,2,50-25.5; 1900, 40-.J2. Tbe temperature of Ijondon for 1311 years, from 17G3 to 1892. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. .11., 9, 1893. 213-223. The temperature of the north-east of Scotland for 129 vears, from 1764 to 1K92. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 9, 1893. 224-231. [Barometric oscillation at Edinburgh, Feb. 11-12, 1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-941, 369. The monthly ami annual rainfall of Scotland, 1860 to 1890. [1894.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 10. 1896. 3-24. On the Ben Nevis observatories and the work done there, tilasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 27, 1896. I6.5-l.sl. The high temperature of September 1895, and the Ben Nevis observatories. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 10, 1896, 127-134. Notes of the numerical returns of Scottish meteorologv for (April 1893-1 Dee. 1898]). Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl.', 10, 1896, 257-324; 11, 1900, 14.5-24H, 373-476. Specitic gravities and oceanic circulation. [1890.] Edinb. Hoy. Soc. Trans.. 3s, 1897. 317-342. (Discussion of the rainfall of Cape Colony, 1885-94.] [1897.) Nature, .57 (1897-98), 31, 114-115. The menu atmospheric jiressure and temperature of the British Islands. [1898.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl.. 11, 1900, 3-41 B. Tidal currents of the North Sea. [1899.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc, 22, 1900, 478-181. The annual rainfall of Scotlaud from I8t10 to 1898. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 11, 1900. 251-283. Buchan, Al.x.iwhr. A BUtchell, (Sir) Arthur. See BXitchell ,V Buchan. Buchan, lUjcaiiilfr. Estimation of ammonia by BcFFLr.'s metluul. Chem. News, 61, 1890, 231. Buchan, ./. M. 'Complexion, climate and race. [1883.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 2. 1884. -5 26. Flora HamiltonenHix. Canod. Initt Proc, 2, 1884, 14.5-1.56. Buchan, .'. .S'. The rock formation of the Berraudan. I I'.PIMI.I Cunad. B.«. 8«-i.. n, 1902, 219-223. Was M, Hint Hoyal an aclivi- volcano.' [1900.] Canad. It.r. St'i . H. 1902, 321 -328. Buchan, ir[i7Jiiri>ii]. For biographical notice ire Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc. 27, 1896. 1.51-1.55. A problem in Tcntilation bv heat. [1890.] GUsgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 22, 1891. 31-32. On the ventilation of schools. (1891.) Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 13, 1894, 61-72. Buchanan, A[lrj-iiiiilrr] M[iicfJrriiur\. Kidneys, exhibiting well-marked lobulation, from a healthy woman aged 26. [1892.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27. 1893, vii. The use of peroxide of hydrogen for cleaning bouea. [1892.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, ix-x. Abnormal sternum. Jl. .\nat. Physiol., 28, 1894, 313- 311. Buchanan, I). G. The assay of gold ores, interference of CI itiin metals in. Sod. Chem. Ind. Jl., 14, 1898, 1111,1 1065. Buchanan, (.1/im) Florence. On the ancestral development of the res|>iratory organs in the deca|>odoaB Crustacea. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 29, 1889. 451-467. Hekaterobranchus Shrubsolii. A new genus and species of the family Spiunidic. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 31, 1890, 175-2(X). Report on tbe occupation of the table (at the Laboratory of the Maiine Biological Association at Plymouth]. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892. 356-3*J0. Report on polychoitB collected during the Boyal Dublin Society's Survey off the west coast of Ireland. Part i. Deep-water forms. [1893.] Dublin Soc Sci. Proc, 8, 1893-98, UV.I-179. Peculiarities in the segmentation of certain polychctea. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci , 34, 1893, .529 .544. .\ polynoid with branchio; |Eu|>olyodonte8 Comisliii). Quart. Ji. Micr. Sci.. 35. 1894. 433-1.50. On a blood-forming organ in the larra of Magelona. Brit. Ass. Bep.. 1898. 469-470. Note on the worm iu«sociateosed injuries by vaccination in north Germany in 1885. [1886.] Epid'. Soc. Trans.. 5. 1887. Ill lis! Buchanan, George Charles. The instincts of birds. Soieiue. 4. 1896. 728. Buchanan. //. /(. .1/. Evolution. [1893.] Croydon Mier. Club I'rm-. A- Tr-,- t 1900. xxxiii-xxxv. Buchanan, ./(•iiiira). 1 "US of a spheroid in a vi.ic.ius liipiid. Lonii --c Proc, 22. 1891. 181- •Jl I. \>*-l. Buchanan, ./. .V. Insanity in the colored race. N. Y. M..1. Jl.. 44. 1886. 67-70.' Buchanan, .'[.>/iii] ^niiii!;]. Observation* of the tempera- ture of the sea and air. nude daring a voyage from England to tbe River Plate in the S.S. Lrihnitt. Nature., 32. 1886. 126-130. On the distribution of temperature in Loch Lomond during the autumn of 1885. [1885.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc. 13. 1886. 403-428. On oce«nii- shoals discovered in tbe S.S. Daeia io October 1883. [l!S8J.) Edinb. Rov. Soc Pivic, 13, 1886. 42*-443. Buchanan] 886 [Buchanan On similarities in the physical geography of the great oceans. Geogr. See. Proc, 8, 1886, 753-768. On the land slopes separating continents and ocean basins, especially those on the west coast of Africa. Observed and surveyed in the S.S. Buccaiiefr, .... Scott. Geogr. Mag., 8, 1887, 217-238. On ice and brines. [1887.] Edinb. Rny. Soc. Proc, 14, 1888, 129-147. On tlie distribution of temperature in the Antarctic Ocean. [1M87.] Edinb. Key. See. Proc, 14, 1888, 147- 149. On tidal currents in the ocean. Roy. Soc. Proc, 43, 1888, 340-347. The exploration of the Gulf of Guinea. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 4, 1888, 177-200, 233-251. Air-tight subdivisions in ships. Nature, 39, 1889, 608-609. On the occurrence of sulphur in marine muds and nodules, and its bearing on their mode of formation. [1890.] Edinb. Koy. Soc Proc, 18, 1892, 17-39. On the composition of some deep-sea deposits from the Mediterranean. [1891.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 18, 1892, 131-138. On the temperature, density and motion of the waters of the Gulf of Guinea. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 14, 1892, 62.5-626. On the composition of oceanic and littoral manganese nodules. [1891.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc Trans., 36, 1893, 459-483. On some modifications of the water-bottle and ther- mometer for deep-sea research. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 19, 1893, 238-242. Sur la densite et I'alcalinite des eaux de I'Atlantique et de la Mediterranee. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1321-1.324. On rapid variations of atmospheric temperature, especially during Fiilm, and the methods of observing them. Roy. Soc. Proc, 56, 1894, 108-128. On the use of the globe in the study of crystallography. [1894.] Phil. Mag., 40, 1895, 153-172. Nomenclature and notation in calorimetry. Nature, 58 (1898), 30. Notes on the physical and chemical work of an Antarctic expedition. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 804-806; Geogr. Jl., 14, 1899, 552-559. Thermometric scales for meteorological use. Nature, 60 (1899), 364-365. On steam and brines. [1898.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 39, 1900, 529-573. On the determination of the temperature of saturated steam, and the production of higher fixed temperatures by the condensation of steam on salts and in saline solutions. [1898.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc Jl., 11, 1900, 42-57. The meteorology of Ben Nevis in clear and in foggy weather. [1899.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 39, 1900, 779-826. Bucbanan, John. For biographical notice see N. Zealand lust. Trans., 31, 1899, 718-719. . Description of a new species of Erigeron. [1884.] N. Zealand Inst. Traus., 17, 1885, 287-288. On Cyttaria Purdiei, Ilucli. N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 18, 1886, 317. On some new native plants. N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 19, 1887, 213-216 ; 20, 1888, 2.55. ■ On a remarkable branching specimen of Hemitelia Smithii. N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 19, 1887, 217. Bucbanan, ./(j/mi. On the thermoelectric position of carbon. 1 1885.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 7, 1886, 185-193; Phil. Mag., 20, 1885, 117-125. A general theorem in electrostatic induction, with application of it to the origin of electrification by friction. Roy. Soc. Proc, 40, 1886, 416-430. molecular velocities Phil. Mag. , 25, 1888, Phil. Mag., 50, 1900, On hot gases as conductors of electricity. Phil. Mag., 24, 1887, 297-302. On a law of distribution of amongst the molecules of a fluid. 16.5-169. Torsion-structure in the Alps. 261-265. Bucbanan, John. For biographical notice and works see. Geogr. .11., 8, 1896, 79. Notes on the vegetation and vegetable products of Blantyre and Zomba districts of Africa. [1885.] Edinb., Bot. Soc Trans., 16, 1886, 235-242. Journey along the southern frontier of Nyassaland. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 13, 1891, 265-273. Report of a journey taken along the frontier of the British protectorate of Nyassaland. Kew Bull., 1891, 184-190. Buchanan, Jo6'/ti«( . The extraction of nitrate of sodium and iodine in northern Chile. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 12, 1893, 128-130. Note on determination of gold in cyanide solutions. [1894.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc, 1 (1894-97), 27-28. Gold and silver extraction in South America. [1894.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc, 1 (1894-97), 41-49. Buchanan, (Capt.) Kenneth. Nesting of the black eagle. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 776-777. Nesting of the large-billed willow warbler (Acantho- pneuste magnirostris). [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 777. Buchanan, (Lt.-Col.) L. 31. Barometric depression of December 8th-9th. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21,1886, 172. Heat in June. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 22, 1887, 90. Bucbanan, Leslie. The glands of the ciliary body. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, 262-267. Bucbanan, {Miss) M. E. Note on the reaction of hydro- cyanic acid. [1887.] Pharm. Jl., 18, 1888, 512. Buchanan, 7{[oi«r(] jM^acNeil}. A case of puerperal fever illustrating the mode of infection and the infective agent. Glasgow Med. Jl., 38, 1892, 429-434. The Hsematozoa of malaria. Glasgow Med. Jl. , 41, 1894, 41-49. Specimens of the Hsmatozoa of malaria. [With dis- cussion.] [1893.] Glasgow Path. Clin. Soc. Trans., 5, 1895, 19-29. [On the larva? of Anthomyia canicularis.] [1898.] Glasgow Path. Clin. Soc. Trans., 7, 1899, 90-91. Buchanan, Robert J. M[cLean]. Cell granulations under normal and abnormal conditions, with special reference to the leucocytes. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 981-982. Leukiemia : with special reference to the pathological histology of the blood and marrow, with additional note on cells of mixed granulation. [1896.] Jl. Path. Baet., 4, 1897, 242-264. Bucbanan, II'. The tides, currents, and the moon. [1897.] N. Zealand lust. Trans., 30, 1898, 79-87. Bucbanan, (Siirii.-Muj.) ]V[iilter] J[um<;.-]. The new theory of heredity. [1892.] Indian Med. Gaz., 27, 1893, 4-7. ' A note on the nutritive values of the dietaries of Bengal jails. [1896.] Indian Med. Gaz., 31, 1897, 153-158. Case of hydatid cyst in a native of India. [1896.] Indian Med. Gaz., 31, 1897, 410-411. Beriberi and the diseases confused with it. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 104, 1897, 475-479. Cholera diffusion by flies. [1897.] Indian Med. Gaz., 32, 1898, 86-87. Epidemic cerebro-spinal fever in India: with three cases. [1898.] Jl. Trop. Med., 1, 1898-99, 9-13. Dysentery as a factor in liver abscess. The other side of the question. [1899. | Jl. Trop. Med., 1, 1898-99, 173-175. Buchanan I 887 [Buchenau A note on liithjrism. [189!).] .11. Trop. McA, 1, 1898-99, 2til-2ti2. TuliirculoBiH in Imlia. [iHim.] Jl. Trop. Med., 2, 1899 1900, M'M. Bucharov, />. .Y. IIi)i.:i,lUil III) .l:itl.iail,lill. Oi'CllI.Hi Ikh;^ r(),i;i. (Journey to Lapland. Autumn 1883.] [188.5. 1 St. Wtorrtb., Soc. Rusge Gcjogr. M<5m. {G^ogr.), 16, 1888 {So. 1), Mr> pp. Buctaauer, iieurij. Ein geologiHohcs Protil hv\ Nicderndorf (Kulst, ill O.). Wicn, Cieol. Jbueli., 37, 1888, i;3-68. Buehblnder, lltiim. Kxpcriiiii'ntellc Untersucliungcn am Irliciidrii Tliier- und Mi'iiNchcndurm. Kin I3ei(rsg zur I'liVHiolunif, I'athologie und Bakteriologie dcs Durmes. D.iitsolR' Ztsc'lir. Chiriirg., .>), 1900, 4.58-55G. Bucbbock, liiifzliif. A carbonylsultid hjdrolytoB bomlasA- iiak hi'Ik'hsl'Ki 11)1. [Ueber die (lescliwindiKkcit dcr hydro- lytiKchen ZcrBetzuny dcx Karlxmylsultids.] Termt. Kozlon., 29, 1897, 379; Ztschr. Pbysikal. Chcm., 23, 1897, 123-15t;. .\ fcrrocyanathyl inolvkuhisi'ilyar6l. [Ueber daH MolfkularKi-wicbt dcs Ferrocvannahyl8.J Ternit. Kozlon., 2'J, 1897, 379 : '/Anchr. I'hysikul. Cheni., 23, 1897, 1.57-1-58. A kii/.rg liiitiisa a reakc/.iosebis.s<'i,'rc. [Leber den Eintluss de.s MediuniH auf die Heaktionsgcschwindigkeit.) Tcrmt. Kozlon.. 31, 1899, 727; Ztschr. Physikal. Cbem., 31, 1900, 229-217. Bnclienaa, Fruiiz. '[Uebcr die Flora des arktischen Ustgronland auf Gruud der botanischen Sauiiulungen der zweitcii deut.sclKii Noidp. I'lxpedition, 1869-70.] Dcutscli. Naif. Tagebl., 1872. 73-74. . Die Juucaoeen aua Indien, insbesondure die aus dem Himalaya. Knglcr, Hot. Jbiich., 6, 1886, 1H7-232. Kritisclie ZusaranienBtellunj! der curopiiischen •lun- caceen. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 7, 1886, 1.53-17ti. Die .luncaceen aus Mittclamerika. Flora, 69, 1886, 145-155, 161-170. — J— Merkwiirdige Ausscheidung einer krystallinischen organiBchen Siiure im Holzkiirper oiner Eberesche (Sorbus aucuparia). Kassel Ver. Nat. Festscbr., 1886, 37-39. Carex punctata, Ciiudiii, in Deutschland. [1885.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 139-140. Naturwissenschaftlicligeograpbische Literatur iilicr das nordwestliche DeutKchland. [188.5-1900.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 225-243, 300-302, 469-471; 10, 1889, 24r>-2IH, .-.71-574; 11, 1890. 129-432; 12, 1893, 1.5H- 161, 291-294. 5.5.5-561; 13, 1896, 75-80, 342-347, 493- 498; 14, 1898, 335-340, 515-520; 16, 1900, 399-406, 544-547. — • Die Lagc des Thurmes der l!enl.«chule bcira Doventhor. [1885.] Bremen Abh.. 9, 1887, 244. Uobcr die Bnndlianre (Wimpern) von Luzula. [1886.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887. 293-299. 319. Beachtenswurthc Blitz.'tchliige in Baume. [1886.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 312-319. Fiillung de.s Kelche.s bui einer Kose. [1886.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 324. Vergleiehung der nordfriesischen Inseln mit den ost- frie.'iischen in floristischer Beziehnng. Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 361-384. Doppelspreitige Likubblattcr. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, 179-186. Mammut-Stos.szalm bus der Wescr bei Nienbarg. Deutscb. Ges. .\nthrop. Corresp.BI., 1888, 36-37. Kjokkenniiidding oder .\U8terubank ? Ein Beitrag zur Ueognosic dir lusel Svlt. Sohlesw. -Hoist. Nat. Ver. Schr., 7 {lUlt 1), 188s'. 21-22. Der abnorme Regenfall vom 31. JuU 1887. [1888.] Bremen Abh.. 10. 1889, 40. Die Standortskarten von Gewiicbscn der nordwest- dentschen Flora. [188.S-97.J Bremen Abh., 10, 1889. 241-245; 15, 1901, 129-132. Erica tctralix, L,, mit i;etrennl«n Kronbliittern. [1888.] Bremen Abh., 10, 1889, 317-318. BildiingHabweichung einer HuIm von Gleditacbia. [1848.] Bremen Abb.. 10, 1889. 318. Eine I'elorie von Platanthcra bitolia, /,. Bremen Abh , 10, 1889, 334. Uei deo Juncaoeen. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wibb. BoL, 24, 1898. 363-424. Die "springendcn Bohiien" bus Mexiko. [1891-92.] Bremen Abh., 12, 1893, 47-52, 277-290. Eine Verbiiiiderung deB Stengels bei Jasione montAns und ihre Bedeiitung fiir die Entstehung dieser Bildung*- abweichung. [1892.] Bremen Abh.. 12, 1893. 269-276. Ueber den Aufbau dcs I'almiet-Schilfe* (Prioniom serratum, Drrge) aUB dem Caplande. Eine morpho- logisohanatomiscbe Studie. Bibl. Bot., 5. 1893, //<■/( 27, 26 pp. Zur Gescliichte dcr Einwandcrang von (ialinaoga parviliora, I'nranillfi. Bremen .Kbh.. 12. 1893, .551-554. Beitriige zur Kenntnia der Gattung Tropitolum. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 15, 1893, 180-2.59; 22, 1897, 157- 183; 26, 1899, .580-588. Die Yirbreitung von Oryza clandcBlina, .41. Uraan. Bot. Ztg.. .52. 1894 {Ahih. II, 83-96, 201-206. Ueber die ostfrioisehen Inseln und ihre Flora. Deutsch. (ieogrtag. Verb., 1898, 129-141. Ueber Einheitlicbkcit der bolaniwben Kunstaundmckc und Abkiirzungen. [1893.] Bremen Abb.. 13. It96 (Exlrii-Ileilaiie). 36 pp. [Beitriige zur Flora von Afrika. x.] Jnncareie africaua'. [1895.J Engler, Bot. Jbiich.. 21, 1896. 192- 193. Studien iiber die australiBcbcn Formen der Unter- gattung Junci genuini. [1895.] Engler, Bot. Jbuch., 21, 1896. 258-267. Der Bliitenbau von Tropunlom. Bremen Abh., 13, 1896, 383-407. Ein Fall von SaisonDimorphismns in der Gattung Triglocbin. Bremen Abh., 13. 1896. 4«>'*-n2. Zur Flora dcr ostfriesiscben Injcl Borknm. Allg. Bot. Ztscbr., 1897. 92-9f., 147. Ueber die Bliuhenstande. Dealacb. Natf. Verb.. 1897 (Th.-2. Ilol/tf 1). 149-150. Eine gnine K<»»e von 6 mm. Groiae. [1897.] Bremen Abb.. 14. 1898.229-230. Einige Nomtnclalnrfragen von cpeciellem und allge- meinercm luteresse. Engler, Bot. Jbiich.. 34, U9>, <>48- 668. Luzula campestiiB and venrandte Arten. Oesterr. Bot. Ztscbr.. i>*. 1898. lfil-167. 209-220. 243-346. 284-297. Buchenau] 888 [Buchholtz E. Ule's brasilianiscbe .Tuncaceen. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 26, 1899, 573-570. Zwei interessante Beobachtuugen an Topf-Pelargonien. [1899.] Bremen Abb., 16, 1900, 274-277. Tabacks-Doppelblatt. Biemeu Abb., 16, 1900, 45.^- 454. *Die LunePlate im August 1875. [1875.] Bremen Abh., 15, 1901, 17-24. Kritiscbe Studien zuv Flora von Ostfriesland. [1897.] Bremen Abb., 1."), 1901, sl-n2. Buchenau, Fram. & Foeke, Jl'[illwhii] 0[/ifr,s]. Melilotus albus X macronliizus. [1888.] Bremen Abb., 10,1889, 203-204. Bucbenan, Fnniz, Kuhn, [Fricdricli Ailnlhrrt] Mux- [imilidii], Hackel, A'l/c, tt Bockeler, [Johami] Otto. See Kubn, Hackel, Bockeler lV' Bucbenau. Bucher, -Emi/. Oxvdation df la p-tolylbenzylketone. Arch. Sci. Pbys. Nat., 22, 1889, 75-76. Ueber/j-Methylbenzil und iiher Benzil/incaearbonsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2819-2820. Bucber, John E[iiteri/]. Tbe action of etbyl iodide on tartaric ester and sodium ethylate. Amer. Chem. .Jl., 23 (1900), 70-82. Bncher, Jolin F^[meri/], & Michael, Arthur. See Michael & Bucber. Bucber, Robert. Beitriige zur Lehre vom Carcinom. Zur Casuistik und Beurtbeilung der multipeln Carcinome. Beitr. Path. Anat., 14, 1893, 71-131. Bucber, Rmlolf run. Ueber das Chitenin. Wien, Ak. Sber., 102, 1893 (Ahth. 2i), 619-632; Mhefte. Chem., 1893, 598-611. Bucherer, Alfred H[einrich]. Ueber die Bildung von Schwefelalumlnium. Ztsohr. Angew. Cbem., 1892, 483- 484. Zur Kenntniss des Aluminiuraverfahrens der Gegen- wart. Ztschr. Augew. Cbem., 1893, 515-517. Electricity directly from coal. Franklin Inst. .JL, 139, 1895, 378-384. Avaiitages du sulfure d'aluniinium comme mineral d'aluminium. .Jl. Pharm., 1, 1895, 262-263. Die Wirkung des Magnetismus auf die electro- motorische Kraft. Ann. Pbys. Cbem., 58, 1896, 564- 578; 59, 1896, 73.5-741; 61, 1897, 807. Ueber elektromotorische Krafte als Functionen der Loslicbkeit. Cbem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 13-14. Elektromotorische Kraft und Verteilungsgleicbgewicht. Prioritatserklarung. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 20, 1896, 328-330; 22, 1897, 590-597. Ueber osmotischen Druck. Ann. Phys. Chem., 64, 1898, 549-554. Zur Theorie der Tbermoelektricitat der Elektrolyte. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 204-209. Bucherer, Entil. Sur la morpholngie et I'anatomie des Dioscorces. [188M-M9.] Arcb. Sci. Phys. Nat., 20, 1888, 240-242; Bibl. Bot., 3, 1889-90, Hefl 16, 34 pp. Un cas de prolilication et de phyllodie chez le Geum rivale. Arch. Sci. Pbys. Nat., 28,' 1892, 368; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 571-576. Bucherer, Ilanx ['I'lieuiior]. Synthese der Hexahydro- benzoesiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1230- 1232. Bucbet, Gdfton. Sur un tendon faisant partie de I'appareil tenseur de la membrane axillaire. [1885.] Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87)], 35-36. Premiere note sur I'appareil tenseur de la membrane anterieure de I'aile des oiseaux. Paris, See. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 328-332. • Les Lichens attaqucnt le verre et, dans les vitraux, Bemblent proferer certaines couleurs. Paris, Soo. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. /?.), 13. De Taction du venin des Hymenoptferes sur le li5zard gris des murailles. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 42, 1890 (G. R.), 14. [Sur les glaciers de la presqu'ile du nord-ouest de I'Islande.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1892, 468-471. Recherches sur un faisceau musculaire de I'aile des oiseaux. Muscle omo-brachial. Robin, Jl. Anat., 28, 1892, 282-291. Interpretation auatomique d'un croquis de machine volante de Leonard de Vinci. Ass. Fran(;. C. R., 1896 {Pt. 2), 669-672. ■ QuelquoK remarciues sur les animaux dome-stiques d'Islande. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 42, 1895, 241-246. Appareil pour les peches pclagicjues a grande vitesse. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 20, 1895, 14-19. De la rapide elevation de temperature des grands Cetaces apres la mort, de I'altcrabilite de leurs formes et de la forme reelle de la langue des Balcnopteres. France Soc. Zool. Bull, 20, 1895, 22-25. Quelques observations sur les Balenopteres des eaux islandaises. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 20, 1895, 30-31. De la baleine des Basques dans les eaux islandaises et de I'aspect des grands Cetaces a la raer. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 8, 1895, 229-231. Note preliminaire sur certains mouvements auto- matiques de la main des oiseaux. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 7, 1895, 5-8. Ciintribution a Tetude des peches canariennes. Ass. Franv. C. R., 1899 {Pt. 1), 264-265. Plauktonmetre pour peches pelagiques a grande vitesse. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 145, 1900, 436-446. Considerations sur les conditions favorables au dosage de plankton de surface en haute raer. Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, 5-15. Bucbet, Gaston, & Pettit, Anguste. See Pettit & Bucbet. Bucbheim, .irthur. For biographical notice and works see Nature, 38, 1888, 515-516. On the theory of screws in elliptic space. [1884-86.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 15 (1883-84), 83-98; 16 (1884- 85), 1.5-27; 17, 1887, 240-254; 18 (1886-87), 88-96. On the theory of matrices. [1884.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 16 (1884-85), 68-82. On the quaternion treatment of the linear complex. Messenger Math., 13, 1884, 120-124. Proof of Professor Sylvester's "Third law of motion." Phil. Mag., 18, 1884, 459-460. A memoir on biquaternions. Amer. Jl. Math., 7, 1886, 293-326. Au extension of Pascal's theorem to space of three dimenaions. Messenger Math., 14, 1885, '74-75. On a theorem relating to symmetrical determinants. Messenger Math., 14, 1886, 143-144. An extension of a theorem of Professor Sylvester's relating to matrices. Phil. Mag., 22, 1886, 173-174. On Clifford's theory of graphs. [1885.] London, Math. Soc. Proc, 17, 1887, 80-106. Bucbheim, B. Kreuzbefruchtungen zwischen Kakteen. Mschr. Kakteenk., 3, 1893, 94-96. ErfaluHuigen bei der Erzeugung vou Kakteen-Ver- bildung. Mschr. Kakteenk., 5, 1895, 62-63. Eiu neuer Feiud und seine Bekiimpfung. Mschr. Kakteenk., 8, 1898, 117-119, 137-141. Bucbheim, P. Die Bedeutung der Erschiitterungen und das Verhaltniss derselhen zu den iibrigen Handgriffen der Massage. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 34, 1892, 336- 3.56. Bucbheister, .1/. Die Elbe und der Hafen von Hamburg. liamb. (ieogr. Ges. Mitth., 15, 1899, 131-188. Buchholtz, (ilaj.) F. H. [Ueber die bisberigen Versuohe und die dabei gemachten Erfahrungen, die Luftschiffe mit Hiilfo der Elektrizitiit lenkbar zu machen.] Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 5, 1884, 431-433. Fahrt des Militiir-Ballons Barhnra am 10. December 1885. Meteorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), 213-215. Buchholtz, (7w(j>t.) (jlomKiUi von. '(iezeiten in der Inland- Sec. Japan. Ann. der Hydrogr., 11 (1883), 328 329. Buchholtz) 889 [Buchner Bucblioltz, ll.rtiunin. Vuhuv iiienHchenpathoKemi Stri'plo- tlirix. Kin licitraR zur Aetiolo(;i« dcH acuU'H LunRenzcr- fulls. ZlKchr. HyK.. 21, 1897. 470-487. Bnchbolz, [Alberl]. Weitcrc BeitraRe zur KeiintniHH der GlioKe der Hirnrinde. [18«7.) Allg. ZtBclir. PBycliiatr., 44, 1888, rSl-'AYi. BiitraK zur |iiilholn<;iBchen Anatomic der (iliose dor Hirnrinde-. Arcli. I'sycliiatr., lit, 1888. .'.'.ll-(i(K). Zur KcnntniHs dus Delirium acutum. (Zwei Kiillo niit waclisartiKer Defeneration der Skek'tmuskulatur.) Arch. Psychiatr., 20, 1889, 78iMi24. Ucber MuskclveriindcrunKen bci PKVchoHcn. [With di»riw/iion.] [188«.J Allg. Ztschr. P«ycliiatr., 46, 1890, 51-J52. Ueber das Vorkommen von Karyokinesen in Zilleti des Centralnervensyiitcms von neugcborenen und jungen Hunden und Kanincben. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 140- 142. Casuistischer Bcitrag zur Kcontniss der Kntwicki-lungs- anomalien des Kiickenmark.s. Arch. Psvcliiatr., 22, 1891, 230-233. Beitrag zur Kenutniss der Hirngliome. Arch. P«y- chiatr., 22, 1891, 3H.5-4I3. Ueber einen Fall syphilitiBcher Erkrankung des Centralncrvensystems. Arch. Psychiatr., 32, 1899. 1-56. Buchliolz, G. Eine seltene Naturerscheinung. Wetter, ;t, 1892, 48. Bndiliolz, lluffo. Ueber die lapetunverfinsterung dnrch Saturn und .scin Ringsystem vom Jahre 1889. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1896, 241-270. Die Laplace' schc und die Salmon'sche Schattentheorie und das Saturnring-Scbatti-nproblem. Wien, .Vrf. Sber., 104, 1896 {.tbth. 2.i), 863-908. Elcmentc und Ephemeride des Cometen 1896 I. Astr. Nacbr., 140, 1896, 333-33B. Bucblnger, [■leun iJuititl]. For biography see France Soc. Bot. Bull., 3.5, 1888, 118; Ann. Bot., 2. 188»-89, 399. Coronilla scorpioidts. Bot. Ztg., 44, 1886. 1-52-1.53. Bneblui, A'>ir2 [Ileiiirich] von. Beitrag zur Keuntuiss des Hamatoxylins und Brasilins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, (;83-685. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chlorscliwefel auf Natrium- acetessigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 2090- 2093. Ueber die Bildung von Phenylglyoxylsiiure aus Ben- zoylcyanid. Berlin, Chera. Ge.s."Ber., 20, 1887, 39->-398. Ueber die ParatolvlglvoivlBaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2213-2214. Ueber die Darstellung von Metanitrotoluol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 829-833. Ueber die Bedeutung des osmotischen Druckes fiir die chemiflchcu Theorien. Frankf. a. XI. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1894-95. 4.5-46. Bactilca, Korl [Heiurich] von, A Erck, A[ilol/]. Beitrage zur Kiiintniss des Brasilins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., l.-^. 1886. 1138-1143. Buchka, Karl [Heinrich] von, * Irish, P. II. Ueber die Einwirkung von Kaliumferricvanid auf Acetophenon. Berlin, Cbeui. Ges. Ber., 20, i887, 38r>-395. I'obcr die Oxydation von Ketonen mittt-ls Kaliumferri- cyanid. Berlin! Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887. 17t;2-1767. Bnchka, Karl [Heinrich] ron. & Blagalliaia, .i[nionio] J[os^] da Cm:. Ueber das Crtisin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2.53-260, 674-680. Bncbka, A'arf [Heinrich] von, J: Bchachtebeck, F[erdi- nand]. Ueber die Reductionsprodutte de- Metanitro- toluols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 22, 1889. 834-842. Bachka, Karl [Heinrich] von, & Bpragne, Cli[arlr$ T.]. Ueber die angebliche Bilduug von Pyridin aus Ainido- azonaphtalin. Berlin, Chem. Oes. Ber., 22, 1889, 826-829. Ueber den Thiacetesaigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22. 1889, 2541-2556. R. S. A. C. Uclx-r die Einwirkung de« r'henvlbydrazina auf d<-n TliiacelexHigexler. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Hffa Hiif Spalipilzgiihrungen. Bot. Centrbl., 21, 1886, 318- 350, 385-386. Uel>er den Kinflu«-< des Sauer«ttr>- carbonsaure. Ueber Citronensaure. Ui-Imt Bromaoet- amid.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25. 1892. 11-57-1161. Notiz aus der Giihrnngschemie. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 25.1893, U61-1163. [Ueber das Pyrazol.] i. Allgemeine* dber Srntheseo von Pvrazulderivaten mittelst Diazoessigcster. Liebig's Ann. ,'273. 1893. 214-231. — — Notiz libf-r cM-Glutaconsaare. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 881-883. Ueber am KohlenstofT phonvlirte Pvrazole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894. 3247-3250." Diazoessigcster und Pikrinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27. 1894, 3250-3251. Ueber t^uwk-ill»?rdiazoe«sigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896. 215-221. Ueber einige Polycarbonsiiiiren des Trimethylcos. Liebig's Ann., 284, 1896. 197-226. Ueber Pseudoplienvlc-ssii;saure. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896. 106-109; 30. 1897, 632-636; 31. 1898. 2241-2247. Ueber Pseudophenylessigsaure. Dcutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 {Th. 2. //'./(><• li, 85. .-Ukoholiscbe (iiUirung ohne Hefez-llen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 117-124, 33-5, 1110-111.3. Ueber Derivato des Cycloheptans. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 30, 1897. 1949-19-50, 2738. Uelier zellenfreie Giihrung. Berlin, Chem. Gee. Ber.. 31, 1898, 568-574. Ueber A'-Cycloheptencarbonsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 70-5-707. Demonftration der Zvmas»>giihning. l>eut>>ch. Xatt. Verb., 1899 {Th. ■>, Hnlfte ll. 210-211. Ueber Zvuiasegahnini:. (1900.) DeuKich. Bot. GeL Ber., 17, 1899. (243l-(244l. Zvmase aus eetodteter H<-fe. Berlin, Chem. Gea. Ber., 33, 1900. 3307-3310. Benierkungen zur .Arbei- '• •- > M Mnmiis nnd S. RownM>: • i plasma (Bccuskr's Z\ ma<< ; 33. 1900. 3311-3315 Bnchner, Eduard, & AltMXt, Robert. Buchner. Buchner, l.dn.irl. ,v Brareo, Wilhflm. Buchner. Buchner, Kduard, & OnzttQA, Th^odor K- ■ JM^Jl ireathem aus Aldeh.^den und Dia?'->f«?'.g«tber. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885. 2371-2377. Ueber die Einirirkung von Dia/oes^gatber aof aro- ' matische KohlenirasserstoSe. Berlin, Chem. Oca. Ber., 18, 188S, 2377-2379. lis M. Set iUl>ert A See Braren i SvTith»-v von Buchner] 890 [Buchner Ueber Gelatine. [1886.] Berlin, Cheni. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 850-8.57; Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 2, 1887, 89-90. Bucbner, Eduani, & Dessauer, Hutis. Ueber Carbon- sauien i1es Phenvltrimethylens. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1147-1157. Ueber 5-Phenylpvrazol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2.58-261. Einwirkung von Diazoessigester auf ungesattigte Saureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 877-879, 879-881. Buchner, Eduard, & rritsch, M[artin'\. Ueber 4-Pheuyl- pyrazol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 256-258, 1.590. [Ueber das Pyrazol.] v. Synthese der Pyrazol-3,4,5- tricarbonsiiure. [vi. Darstellung und Derivate des freien Pyrazols.] Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 252-256, 256- 266. Buchner, Eduard, & Jacobl, Andreas. Ueber Derivate des Cyclolieptans. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 399- 402, 2004-2009, 3079. Buchner, Edxiard, & Ungg, E^erdinand. Ueber |S-Iso- phenylessiRsaure[^-C.ycloheptatrienmethyl.saure]. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31,'l898. 402-403, 2247-2250. Buchner, Eduard, & Fapendieck, A[ugust^. [Ueber das Pyrazol.] ii. Synthese der Pyrazolin-3,5-diearbonsaure. [iv. Synthese der Pyrazol-3,5-dicarbonsaure.] Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 232-238, 246-251. Einwirkuug von Diazoessigester auf ungesattigte Saureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 221- 224. [Ueber einige Polycarbonsauren des Trimethylens.] I. Ueber (r'i}is-l,2-Trimethyleudicarbonsaure (Cyclo- propan-l,2-dimethyldisaure). Liebig's Ann., 284, 1895, 212-219. Buchner, Eduard, & Bapp, Btidolf. Alkoholische Gah- rung ohne Hefezellen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 2668-2678; 31, 1898, 209-217, 1084-1090, 1090- 1094, 1531-1533; 32, 1899, 127-137, 2086-2094. Buchner, Eduard, & Witter, Huflo. Ueber symmetrische Trimethylentricarbonsaureu. IJerlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890'. 2583-2585. [Ueber das Pyrazol.] iii. Synthese der Pyrazolin- 3,4,5-tricarbonsaure. Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 239- 245. Einwirkung von Diazoessigester auf ungesiittigte Saureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 868- - 876. [Ueber einige Polycarbonsauren des Trimethylens.] II. Ueber (7«)i.s-l,2,3-Trimethylentricarbonsaure (Cy- clopropan-l,2,3-trimethyltrisaure). Liebig's Ann., 284, 1895, 219-226. Buchner, Georg. Ueber den Siliciumgehalt des Alumini- ums. Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 37-38. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Verhalten des kauf- lichen reinen Aethers zu Jodcadmium. Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 38. . Ueber die Analyse von Silberbadern. Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 449-450. Ueber das Erdol von Tegernsee. Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 911. Einige Bemerkungen zur Zuckerbestimmung im Harne mittelst Fehling'scher Losung. Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 945-946. Ueber die Eeaotion des Siliciumwasserstoffes auf concentrirte Silberlosung. Chem. Ztg., 9, 1885, 484. Ueber das Verhalten des Aethers zu Jodsalzeu, und iiber den Ozongehalt desselben. Chem. Ztg., 9, 1886, 691. Ueber Kaliuiiicljlorat und dessen Priifung auf Salpeter. Chem. Ztg., 9, 1886, 1590. Zinngehalt von Spargeloonserven. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 398. Zur Kenntniss des schwefelsauren Quecksilberoxyduls. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 759-760, 790-791. Arsengehalt der Eisenchloridfliissigkeit (Liquor Ferri sesquichlorati Ph. G. II) des Handels, nebst einer Bemerknng, die Ausmittlung kleinster Arsenmengen mittelst des Marsh'schen Verfahrens betreffend. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 417. Ueber Schwefelcadmium und iiber die verschiedenen Cadmiumfarben des Handels. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 1087-1089, 1107-1109. Beitrag zur Waohsuntersuchung. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 1276. Ueber die chemische Metallfarbung. Centrztg. Optik, 10, 1889, 126-128, 140-141, 152-153, 162-164. . Zur Untersuchungdes weissen Bienenwachses. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 1707. Einiges aus der Meohanik der Atome. Centrztg. Optik, 12, 1891, 41-44, 54-56, 78-81, 88-92. . Arseuik in den rohen Sauren. Chem. Ztg., 15, 1891, 13. Zur Kenntniss des Cadmiumsulfides. Chem. Ztg., 15, 1891, 329-331. Demonstration der Entstehung der a- und j3-Modifi- cation des Cadmiumsulfides. Chem. Ztg., 15, 1891, 1447. Zur Wachsuntersuchung nach Hijbl. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 1922. Notiz zur Hiirtebestimmung des Wassers mittelst Seifenlosung. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 1954. Ueber eiue losliche coUoidale Modification desBaryum- sulfats. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 878. Zur Wachsuntersuchung. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 918-919. Notiz zum Queoksilberoxycyanid. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 1361. Ueber das verschiedene Verhalten und die Structur des aus verschiedenen Losungen gefallten metallischeu Zinns und die Herstellung reinen Zinnpulvers. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 1904-1905. Methode zur schuellen quantitativen Bestimmung von Wachscompositioneu mit normalen Zahlen (nach HiJBL) im Bienenwachs. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1896, 1422. Buchner, Hans. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Neapeler Cholerabacillus und einiger demselben nahe stehender Spaltpilze. Arch. Hyg., 3, 1885, 361-442. Ueber die Koeh'schen und Fiukler-Piior'scheu "Kom- mabaoillen." [1885.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 1, [1886], 1-10. Zur neueren Literatur iiber die Frage vom genetisohen Zusammenhaugder Milzbrand- undHeubacterieu. [1885.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 1, [1886], 27-30. . Ueber das Verhalten der Spaltpilzsporen zu den Anilinfarbstoffen. [1885.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 1, [1886], 10,5-108. Zur Nomenclatur der Spaltpilze. [1885.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 1, [1886], 121-128. Ueber die Disposition verschiedener .Menschenrassen gegeniiber den Infektionskrankheiten. [1886.] Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1887, 16-18. Ueber eine unter seiner Leitung bearbeitete Inaugural- dissertation von E. Bittek: Ueber die Fermeutaus- scheidung des Koeh'schen Vibrio der Cholera asiatica. [1886.] Miiuchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 2, 1887, 85-88. Wie verhiilt sich die Disposition verschiedener Volker- racen zu den verschiedenen Infectionsstoffen, und welche praktischen Cousequcnzen ergeben sich daraus fiir den Verkehr der verschiedenen Racen? [ll'itli discussion.] Int. Congr. Hyg. Arb. (1887, 10), 10 pp. Ueber die Vermehrungsgeschwindigkeit einiger Bac- terienarten. [1887.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 65-71. Buchnerl 891 [Buchner UuIkt ilio Wiikuni,' di-r JuilofiiriinliiMipfi' iiuf (1> ii Choli'ravibrio. |1ISH7.J Miinchcii Oea. Mur|ilii>l. ii. Ph.v»iol. Sber., 3, 1888, 7(i-l(W. Neiie VcrHUcho liber clic KiimtlimuiiK von Milzliraiid- Bporen. [1MM7.] Miiiiehcii Obh. Morphol. u. Phjaiol. Sber., H, 1888, Ui-Hr,. UntirHuchiint^in iibcr dun Diircbtritt von InfeetionB- errt-Hcrii durtli die iiitaetu Ijun^fnoberlliicho. i. HiBtori- 8cliu8 und kritixchi'S. [iv. Hpfciilk' iJedingiinKcn dcB DurclitrittoH von InfectionBerregein dureh die intactu LunKenoborlliiche.] Arch. Hyg., 8, 1888, 145-165, 217-'245. Eine neue Methode zur Kaltur anaerober Mikro- organismcn. Centrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 149-1.51. IJebir die vernieiiitliclifn Sporen dcr Typhusbacillen. Centrbl. Biikt., 4, 1888, a.53-3.'J8, 38.5-390. Uobfr den uxperiinentellen NachweiH der Aufnalime von Infektionscrregern auR der Atbumluft. [Il'i(/i discHniiDn.] Wien. Med. Wsclir., 38, 1888, 10-J6-1028. Wtitere Versuche iibcr don Durchtritt von Infcctinns- erregern durch die intocte Lungenobertliiche. (1888.] Miinchfii Ges. Morpliol. u. I'hjHiol. Sber., 4, 1889, 23. Ueber die vermeiutlichen Sporen der TyphuHbacillen. [1888.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. n. Physiol. Sber., 4, 1889, 88-90. Eine neue Methode zur Cultur anaerober ^fikro- organisnien. [1888.] Miinchen Ge.s. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 4, 1889, 90-91. Ueber den Durclitritt von Bacterien durch die Lungen- oberfliiche. [188M.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 4, 1889, 109-110. Notiz betretlund die Frage des Vorkommens von Bacterien im normalen Pflanzengewebe. [1888.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 4, 1889, 127-130. Einfacher Zerstiiubangsapparat zu Inhalationsver- suclun. Centrbl. Bakt., (i, 1889, 274-276. Ueber die iiiihere Natur der bakterientodtenden Substanz im Blutseruoi. Centrbl. Bakt., 6, 1889, 561-565. Ueber die bakterientodtenden Wirkungen des Blut- serums. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl.. 1889, 338-341. Ueber die bakterientodtcnde Wirkung dc.s zellenfreien Blutserums. [18.S9.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Phvsiol. Sber.. !>, 1890. 39-46, 71-72. Untcrsuchungen iiber die bacteriinfeindlichen Wirk- ungen dcB Blutc3 und Blutserums. i. Vorbenierkungen. Arch. Hyg., 10, 1890. 84-101. Ueber den Fiirbungswiderstand lebender Pilzzellen. [1890.] Centrbl. Bakt., 7. 1890, 733-736; Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 6, 1891, 87. Ueber die Ursache der Sporenbildung beim MUzbrand- bacillus. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 1-6. Ueber den EiuHuss hiihcrcr Konzentration des Niihr- mcdiunis auf Bakterien. Kine Antwort an Herru Metschnikoff. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 65-69. Ueber eiterungserregende Slofle in der Bakterienzelle. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 321-325. Beriohtigeude Bemerkungen zur Arbeit von Behrino und F. Nisskn: "Ueber bacterienfeindlicheEigenschaften verschiedener Blutserumarten." Ztschr. Hyg., 9, 1890. 95-96. Ueber Hemmung der Milzbrandinfection. [1890.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 6, 1891. 18-21, 39-^2. Ueber pyogene Wirkung des Bacterieninhalts. [1890.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 6, 1891, 90-91. Die ohemische Reizbarkeit der Lenkocyten nnd deron Beziebnng zur Eutziindung nnd Eiterunt;. [I'^W.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 6, 1891, 148-152. Kurze Uebersiclit iiber die Entvrickelung der Bakterien- forncbung w-it N'aker. Centrbl. Bnkl.. 10, 1891. 699-701. Die For!U'hungiimeiho«.'.5-8.58. Die neuen GeHiclitHpuncte in dcr Immunitiitsfrage. FortscLr. Med., 10 11893). 319-333. 363-.38f.. Ueber die SchutzHtofle des .SerumB. Wien. Med. Wsclir.. 42. 1893, 88.S-884. Zur Physiologie de» Blutseruma und der Blntzellen. [1892.) Centrbl. i'hysiol.. 6, 1893, 97-101. U'eber die niihere Natur der Serumalexiue. [1892.] Miinchen Ues. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 8, 1893, 82-a5. Weitere Untcrsuchungen iibcr die bacterien (eindlicben und globulicidcn Wirkungen des Blutserums. Arch. Hyg., 17.1893, 112-137. Ueber den Einfluss dcr Neutralsalzc auf Serumalexine, Enzyme, Toxalbumine, Blutk'irpercben und Milzhrand- sporen. Arch. Hyg., 17, 1893, 13h-17ii. Ueber den Eiiiflu.-<.s iles Liehl«.-B auf Bacterien und iiber die Selb«trciuigung dcr I'lusse. Arch. Hyg., 17, 1893, 179-204. Ueber Immuuitat und Immunisirung. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R. (1894, 2), 8-22. NeuereFurt^chritteinderIm^lunitaufrage. Fortschr. Med., 12 (1894), 63'.t-6».5, 678-686. Ueber die physiologiBchen Bcdingungen der Sporen- bildung beim Milzbrandbacillus. Eine Berichti^uut;. Centrbl. Bakt. lAbt. 1), 20, 1896. 806-807. Biologic und Gcsundhcitslchre. Deutsch. Xatf. Verb., 1896 ( 77i. 1 ). 39-56. Zerxetzungsstofle und Alexinwirkung. Deatach. Satf. Verh., 1896 {Tli. 2. Hnt/tt -' ' ' " '•. Ueber Chcmotaxia der 1 I>entsch. Kalf. Verh.. 1896 {Th. 2, Hiil/U J,, ... 7. EinHusB des Sauerstoffs auf die Giirthitigkeit der Hefe. [1896.] Miinchen Ge8. MorphoL u. PbysioL Hl)er., 12, 1897. 62-63. Die sichere Diagnose des achleo CholermTibrio. [1896.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 12, 1897, 64-65. Die Bedeutung der activen lonlichen Zellproduete fiir den CheniismuB der Zelle. [1897 ] Muacben Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 13, 1898, 4-16. Weitere Beweise fiir die Exi.«tenz der garuugerregenden Zvmemf. [1897.] Miiuchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber.. 13, 1898. 33-35. Ininiuniliit. Congr. Int. M^ C. Ii., 1900 {Vol. 3. li.i.l.). 4-M. Bncliner, //iiik, >V' Enderlen, Kugtn. [Untcrsuchnngen uber den Durchtritt v,,n Infectionxerrt^eni durch die intacte Lungenolierdache.] nj. Inhalation von oass- zerBtaubten Milzbrand Sporen und -Stabcben nnd von Hiilinercholeral.iicillen. Arch. Hyg.. 8. 1S88. 19 paCoTaxi Tpanciiopra Ca.MOIbdh Iia HoBOn SeM.li. [The hydrographic researches carried out by the transport Saiiwyede at Novaya Zemlva.] [1897.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 33, 1897-98, 360-366. Buchtien, (l[tto]. Kntwicklungsgeschichte des ProthalHum von Equisetum. [1887.] Bibl. Bot., 2, 1887-89, Hc/t 8, 49 pp. Buchwald, [Alfred]. Ueber Kefyr. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 157-160. Syphilis de I'aorte et du coeur. [1889.] Arch. G<5n. Med.', 166, 1890, 97-99. [Ueber] einen typischen Fall von Acroraegalie. Brvslaii, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1893 (Abtli. la), 19. Buchwald, ./o/mhhcs. Die Verbreitungsmittel der Legumi- nosen des tropischen Afrika. [1894.] Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 19, 1896, 494-561. Ingwer. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 15, 1899, 229- 250. Buchwaldt, F[raiitz Iiigstrup]. Om den nojagtigste ende- lige rffikkeudvikliiig efter potenser at den uafhiengige variable mcd positive hele potensexponenter. Tidsskr. Math., 2, 1884, 33-52, 192; Fortschr. Math., 1884, 186. Om potenser af nendelige og endelige rrekker og om raikker for omveudte funktioner. Tidsskr. Math., 3, 1886, 65-101, 192. Interpolation og integration ved raikker. Tidsskr. Buchwaldtl 893 [Buckingham Mftih., fl, 1887, 79-90, 97-121 ; Fortschr. Math., 1887. 28I-'2M2. Omdrc'jniiiKsfliiilorR konforinc fremstiliinR i pliiniii. TidHHkr. Miith., Il, 1889, 73-%; Fortsclir. Math.. 1888, 809 H70. En umtlinmiitisk underHii^jflBe iif, hvorviJt vffidi'kc-r og (leres diinipt! kuiiiic have en fulleii tiliitunilHljgiiin^', buHoret pan en kortfattcl frfniHtilling af varmetheoricnB liovedHn'tningcr. [1896.) KJDlicnli., Dunsk. Vid, SeUk. Skr.. H. 1895 98, lOS-KiU, (AV*. 107 172). BuilnalcU, /Vrr ,\[ikuUuvi(!]. KpaTKiti OHt'pKl ({iayilM JiiMaiioiil. lIoiiopocfificKiil'o Kpail. [Short sketch of till' fauna of tlie limans (laKoonn) of the coasts of New Kussia.] New Kusb. Soc. Nat. Mem., 10 {So. 1), 1885. 1-24. IIpeABapiiTCiiiHoe cooCuu'iiie o puriBiiiiii Parapodopsis cornuta, C'jcrn. [Preliminary coinniuni- cation on the development of Parapodopsis cornuta, Ctnii.] New Rusa. Soc. Nat. Mem., 10 (No. 1), 1886 (Pro*.), 11-15. HcTOpijI pa:iBIITifl Parapodopsis cornuta, Czeni. (Ohservations sur le d^veloppinient de Parapodopsis cornuta, Ciern.) New Kuss. Soc. Nat. Mem., 15 (No. 2), 1890, 79-173. Note sur la faune de la mer Noire. Congr. Int. Zoo!. [C. U.l, 1892 {I'l. 1), 48-51. Zur Embryologie dcr Cumaceen. [1893.] Zool. An?,., 16, 1894, .386-387. Zur EntwickhinRSRpschichte von Oebia littoralis. Zool. ,\nz., 17, 1894. 253-2.i0. IIaf).iio,T,ciii)i iia.ii. iiMripiouajibHUMipaaBHTieMi Malacostraca. (Observations sur le d^veloppcment dea Malacostraccs. ) New lUiss. Soc. Nat. Mem., 19 (So. 2), 1896. 216 PI). llpocriiliiiii' opraiiii.')M[J Xaa./Kii6eiicKaro ii Kyji.ii.iiiiuKaro .iiiManoBi.. (IlpcABapiiTCibHoe fOofilUCllic.) [Protozoa found in the liraans of Haji- bey and Kuyalnik. (Preliminary communication.)] New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mini., 20 \So. I), 1895. 137- 148. 'I'ayiia Oaocckiixi. .lllSianOBX. (Die Fauna der Odessaer-Salzseen (Limane).) New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 21 (So. 2), 1897, 135-219. Die Protozoon-Fauna der Salzsee-Limane bei Odessa, Zool. Anz., 20, 1897, 194-197. Die Furchun^' des Eies und die Blastodermbildung der Nebalia. Zool. Anz., 20, 1897, 219-220. Zur Entwicklungsgesohichte der Nebulia Geoffroyi. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 493-495. Die Mctazoenfiiuna der Salzseelimane bei Odessa. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900. 4il7. Bnck, /'. tie. Sre "De Buck. Bnck, /'[iiHicf] M.. A Mabery, Chariot Flrfderie]. Ste BSabery ><(' Buck. Bnck, /■[./icir./lc [/i.jr/.»]. The spotted-billed duck. [1894.] Pomliay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl.. 9. 1894-96, 97. Bnck, f.'mil [.lii(/».«(]. For biography and list of works tee Krnnkf., Zool. Uarten, 41, 190o! 158-1.59; Senckcnb. Natf. Cles. Bcr., 1900, ix-x, cli-clviii. Ueber die ungestielte Varietat dcr Podophrva lixa, i:hl>. (Pod. libera, Pti/.). Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1884, 298-314. Das gemaucrte Beckenaquarium und seine Bewohner. Frankf.. Zool. Garten, 30. 1889. 289-296, 327-338; 31, 1890, 46-53, 83-91, 143-154, 363-368. Neuer Durcbliiftungsapparat fiir Kelch- und Kasten- aquarien. Frankf.. Zool. Garten, 32, 1891, 289-297; 33, 1892, 229-232. Die UnschSillichkeit des Flusskrebses im Aquarinm. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 36. 1896, 25-27. Htobachtungtn an Schwiimmcn des Bodengees und ihr.- Ziichtung im Aquarium. Offenbach. Ver. Nat. Ber., 33 .36, 1896, 25-70. Die SpitzblaHcniichnecke (Phyna acuta, iJrap.) im Aquarium. Frankf., Zool. Garten. 37, 1896, 2»8-2.'i0. Einiges uber [»eine) grii.'chidchc LandhchildWrOle (Tcstudo griBca). Frankf., Zool. Garten, 3S, 1897, 293- 294. Beobachtungen an einer LandpUnarie (Geodesmua bilineatus .') und deren Ziichtung. Frankf., Zool. GarUii, 38, 1897, 353-361. Bnck, George (J. Analysin of dolomitic marble from r.xus, Md. Amer. Chcni. Jl., 19 (1897), 234. Buck, liordun il., 4 Stona, Ormond. lire Btone V Buck. Buck, ll.nni H. A nest of hen hawks. Oruith. Ool., H. 1893, 133-135. Bnck, .loteph Hayicood U'liltoii. For biographical notice mid works fee lust. Civ. Eiigin. Proc., 134, 1898. 402. Bnck, Ii. S. The Niagara railway arch. [H'tth dttciu$ioii.] Aiii.r. Soc, Civ. Engin. Trans., 40, 1898, 12.'>-177. Bncke, i:. W. On the geysers of the Rotorua district. North Island of New Zealand. Brit. Aiu. Rep., 188«. 644. Bnckell, Kdicard. A list of some of the rarer plaota to l>e foun 1 in the lower part of the Test valley, with special reference to the Mottisfont district. Hampshire Field Club Pap. * Proi-., 1, 1890, So. 4, 52-56. BnckcU, Francit John. [The differentiation of Cidaria russata (truncata) and immanata.] [1891.] Ent. Record, 1, 1890-91, 273. Physiology of expansion. Ent. Record, 2, 1891, 101- 103, Expansion of wings. Ent. Record, 2, 1891, 222. Zonosoiua punctaria pupn dimorphic. Ent. Record, 3, 1892, 253. The ova state of Geometrs. Ent. Record, 3, UM, 2.55. Specific nomenclature : present, past and future. Ent. Record, 4, 1893, 127-140. An exact observation on the duration of the several stages in the life-history of Coremia unidentaria. Ent. Record, 4, 1893. 224. Notes on the earlv stages of certain Geometrioa. Ent. Record, 4, 1893, 24 1-242. The history of butterfly classification. Ent. Record, 4, 1893, 315-325. Danais Archippus, Anosia plexippus, or what? Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 1-5. Erebia epiphron and its named varietiei". .\ study in synonymy. Eut. Record, 5, 1894, 161-165. Have "we two indigenous species of Eochloe? Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 172-173. Two euttimological antiques. Ent Record, 5, UM, 190-191. Notes on the parallelism, in their earliest stages, between Eugonia qaercinaria and B. aatumnaria. Ent. Record, 5. 1894, 231. On the development of pigment in Nemeobios lucina. Ent. Record, 6, 1896. 257-258. On a uniform terminal for super-tamily names. Ent. Record, 6, 1896, 2.W. Cienonvmpha Tiphon and its varieties. [1895.] Ent. Record. 7." 1896-96, 100-107. Ca-iionympha tiphon, rijr. inomata. Ent. Record. '.1. 1897. 99. Bnckliont, iri7<, 1891, 305. A bit of wild nature in Pennsylvania. Oardea A Forest, 5, 1892. 314. Bocklnsham, F.dgir. I'eber einige Flaoreszenzerschei- nungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem.. 14, UM. 129-148. Buckiugham] 894 [Buckman Note on the theorem of Classics. [1896.] Phys. Rev., 4, 1897, 39-49. Buckland, {Miss) Anne If'allbauk. For biographical uotice and works see Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 28, 1899, 32,5-326. Facts suggestive of prehistoric intercourse between East and West. [1884.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 14, 1886, 222-232. Distribution of animals and plants by ocean currents. Nature, 38, 1888, 245. Buckland, F[rancis] U. A ease of rapid heart. [1891.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 2.5, 1892, 92-96. Buckland, William. For biography see Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc., 10, 1889, 14.5-149. Buckle, ( Ca}jt. ) Claude E. Sir William Thomson's sounding machine: its advantages in peace and war. {With discussion.] [1884.] United Serv. Inst. Jl., 28, 1885, 857-877. Buckle, Claude W. Ve.spa austriaca in Derry and Donegal. Irish Natlist., 8, 1899, 163-164. Beetles collected in Lough Foyle district, Cos. Donegal and Derry. Irish Natlist., 9, 1900, 2-11, [x]. Notes on Coleoptera. Irish Natlist., 9, 1900, 130. Buckler, William. For biography and works see Ent. Month. Mag., 20, 1883-84, 229-236; Entomologist, 17, 1884, 47-48. . Description of the larva of Depressaria badiella. [1884.] [Posth.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-86, 3-5. [Notes on Phycis abietella.] [1888.] [Pos(/i.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 269-272. Buckler, William, & Hellins, (Rev.) J[p}in]. Life history of .\glossa cuprealis. [1884.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 75-79. Buckley, Ernest Rubertson. On the building and orna- mental stones of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 4, 1898, 544 pp. The properties of building stones and methods of determining their value. [Results of tests of Wisconsin building stone.] Jl. Geol. (Chicago). 8, 1900, 160-185, 333-358, 526-567. Buckley, Samuel Botsford. For biographical notice see Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 46. Buckley, l'[/io)»«.s] E[dward]. A few notes on the mam- mals and birds of Kousay, one of the Orkney Islands. [1884.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 1, 1887, 44-76. [Columba ccnas breeding in Sutherland.] Ibis, 1, 1889, 401-402. Woodcocks in Sutherland. Scott. Natlist., [11, 1891], 37-38. The blue-throated warbler (Cyanecula suecica, L.) in Orkney. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 70. Contributions to the vertebrate fauna of Sutherland and Caithness. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 156-167. Black rat (Mus rattus, L.) in Orkney. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 267-268. The goshawk (Astur palumbarius) in Mull. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 45. Little gull (Larus minutus) in Inverness-shire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894, 116. Great skua (Stercorarius catarrhactes) in the Outer Hebrides. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894, 116. The pied tiycatcher breeding in Inveruess-shire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 54. Fulmar petrel at Nairn. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, .58. Hybrid between red and black grouse. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 125. Greenland falcon in Shetland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 122. Habits of starlings. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 189. Pochard and tufted duck breeding in Orkney. Ann. Seott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 191-192. , 1897, 1897, Snowy owl in Sutherland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. , 1897, 43. Greenland falcon in Skye. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 43. Osprey in Inverness-shire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist.. 1897, 43. Spotted crake in Moray. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 45. Great tit in Sutherland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 123. Bittern at Invergarry. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 192. Hybrid capercaillie and black cock near Inverness. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1898, 52. ("ireat skua in the Moray Firth. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1898, 118. Solitary snipe near Elgin. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 51. Barnacle goose in the Dornoch Firth. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 49. Smew and white-fronted goose in Shetland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, .50. Albino lapwing in Inverness-shire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, .51. Bittern in Nairn. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 122. Ornithological notes from Orkney. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. , 1900, 245-246. Hybrid capercaillie and blackcock. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 246-247. Buckman, James. For biography and list of works see Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 41, 1885 (Proc), 43; Dorset Field Club Proc, 7, [1886], 1-4. *0n the prevalence of Ustilago segetum in the cereal crops of 1883. [1883.] Dorset Field Club Proc, 5, [1884], 88-90. On itnjemia in oats. Dorset Field Club Proc, 5, [1884], 91-93. On the Trigonia bella, from Eype, near Bridport, Dorset. Dorset Field Club Proc, 5, [1884], 154-166. On the occurrence of the dotterel in Dorset. [1884.] Dorset Field Club Proc, 6, [1886], 29-32. On Sphffirella Taxi. [1884.] Dorset Field Club Proc, 6, [1885], 52-54. Buckman, S{iidney] S[awori/]. Notes on Jurassic Brachio- poda. Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 217-219. On the lobe-line of certain species of Lias ammonites described in the monograph by the late Dr. Wright. Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 442-443. On Ammonites serpentinus, Reinecke, Am. falcifer, Sowb., Am. elegans, Sowb., Am. elegans. Young, etc. Geol. Mag., 4, 1887, 396-400. A monograph of the ammonites of the "Inferior Oolite series" (stages Toarcian, pars; Aalenian ; Bajo- cian ; Bathouian, pars). Palteont. Soc. Monogr., 40, 1887; 41, 1888; 42, 1889; 43, 1890; 44, 1891; 45, 1892; 46, 1892; 47, 1893; 48, 1894; 52, 1898; 53, 1899; 58, 1904; 59, 1905; 61, 1907, 456-FCclxii pp. in alt. Palreontological nomenclature. Geol. Mag., 5, 1888, 117-120, .336. Uniformity in scientific bibliography. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 94. On Jurassic ammonites. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 200-203. On the Cotteswold, Midford, and Yeovil sands, and the division between Lias and Oolite. Geol. Soc Quart. Jl., 45, 1889, 440-473. The descent of Sonninia and Hammatoceras. Geol. Soc Quart. Jl., 45, 1889, 651-663. . Some new species of Brachiopoda, from the Inferior Oolite of the Cotteswolds. [1886.] Cotteswold Club Proc, 9, 1890, 38-13. The Inferior Oolite between Andoversford and Bourton-on-thc-Water. [1886.] Cotteswold Club Proc, 9, 1890, 108-135. Buckman] 895 [Buckton The rclatioiiH of Dumlry with tlic Uorset-Somerw.'t and CotttRwolil arpsn diirinK part of the JiiraxHic period. [1889.] ColU«wold Cliib I'roc, 9, 1890, 374-387. On the HD-culh'd "Upper Ijiim clay" of Down Cliffe. Gcol. Hoc. Quart. Jl., 40, 1890. .518-521. On the JurinHc-zone. [1H90.] Northampton. Nat. Hist. Soe. .11., fi, 1890-91, 70-8". [Lias beds of Nortlmmptuiishire.] NutCB on the aniniunites. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1891, 344-345. On certain ammonite-zones of Uorset sod Somerset. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1891, 65.5-65G. Notes on Nautili and ammonites. [The position of the last septum. Shill-muscles of nautili and am- monites.] Ofol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 47, 1891 (/V«r.), 16.">. The sections e.\|>oscd between .\ndoversford and Ched- worth : a comparison with similar strata upon the Banbury line. [1890.] Cotteswold Club Proc, 10, 1892, 94-100. Slime laws of herelity ; and their application to man. Cottcswold Club Proc, 10, 1892, •2.5S-322. A reply to Pmf. Blake's comments on Inferior Oolite ammonites. Geol. Max.. '.I. 1892, 70-78. The reported occurrence of .\inmonites jurcnsis in the Northamptc.n sands. Gcol. Mn^., 9, 1892, 2-58-260. The morpholoRV of "Stephanoceras' zigzag. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 48, 1892, 447-4.';2. "The top of the Inferior Oolite" and a correlation of "Inferior-Oolite " deposits. [1892.] Dorset Field Club Proc, 14, 1893, 37-43. The Bajocian of the Sherborne district: its relation to subjacent and superjacent strata. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 49, 1893, 470-521. Jurassic ammonites : notes on a pamphlet by Dr. Emile Hado. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 170-172. Jura!7-363. Instinctive attitudes. [1894.] Nature, 51 (1894-96), 31. The Bajocian of the Mid-Cotteswolds. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 51, 1898. 388-462. Notes on Jurassic ammonites. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 420-421. Deposits of the Bajocian age in the northern Cottes- wolds: the Cleeve Hill plateau. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl. , 53, 1897, 607-629. Observations of a cycle tour. [Geological.] [1898.] Cottcswold Club Proc., 12 (1896-98), 217-238. On the grouping of some divisions of so-called "Jurassic" time. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 54, 1898, 442- 462. Excnrsion to Cheltenham and Stroud. Whitsuntide, 1897. [1897.] Geol. Ass. Proc. 15, 1899, 175-182. The valley of the lower Wve. [1898.] Cottesnold Club Proc, 13, 1899-1901, 25-32. Human babies : some of their characters. [1899.] Cotteswold Club Proc, 13, 1899-1901, 89-120. List of types and figured specimens of Brachiopoda. [1899.] Cotteswold Club Proc, 13, 1899-1901, 133-141. Gravel at Moreton-in-the-Marsh (Gloucestershire). Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl,, .55, 1899, 220. Excursion notes: chiefly on river features. [1900.] Cotteswold Club Proc, 13, 1899-1901, 17.5-192. Human babies; what they tench. Nature, 62 (1900). 22C-228. Bnckmaa, S[ijdnfy] S[avory'\, * Batlier, Francis A[rlhur]. The terms of auiologj-. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 420-421, 429-434. Buckman, S[ydney] S[niorj/], A VTalker, John Franeir. Oil the spinose Rhvnehonellie, genns Acanthothvris, irOihiriny. Yoiks. Phil. Soc. Rep.. 1888. 41-57. Buckman, S[ydney] Slaiory], & VTilaon, Edicard. Dundry Hill : its upper portion, or the beds marked us Infi ri>>r Oolite (g5) in the maps of the Geological Survey. [I89«j.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl.. .52. 1896. (Mi9-720; Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc, 8, 1899, 188-231. Buckman, S[iidnrii\ S[arury]. Blaks, (lir'.t .l\ohn\ I-]rr,l,rirk\, Bodleston, Wilirrd II.. d' Bfonckton, ll'ir.t;- ir. Str BlalM, Sndleaton, Bookman ± Monckton. Buckmaater, (/fer.) C. J. Spring I^ipiiuplera at Uyires M] 1-.'.I7 Km. Uecord, 9. 1897. 3'J»-304. Buckmaater, Orunje A Ifrrd. Ueber eine neue Beziehung zwischen Zuckung und Tetanus. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {I'hyiol. Ahlh.). 1886, 459-175. [On " staircase " contractions. ] Jl. Physiol.. 7, [1886], Ix-x. Urspning und Beschaffenheit gewisf«r Bakteriengifte. Biol. Centrbl.. ir>. 1898, 9G-103. Buckmlnster, /'. .s'. Cyclonic winds. [1889.] Califoniia Ac. I'roc. 2, 1890, 97-99. Bncknall, Cednr. The fungi of the Briatol district. [Parts vi-xiii.J [1884-91.] Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc, 4, 1885, r,i-CA), 145-1.".0. 198-2'I3: .5, 1888. 46-54, 126-132; li, 1891, 2H-33. 189-194, 274-277, 42.5-475. List of the fungi found in the forest of Dean. ... (1887-88.) Woolhopc Field Club Trans., 1886-89, 193- 194, 272-273. Stnchys alpina, L. , in Britain. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897. 380-3H1. Bucknall, George J. Albuminate of mercnty (gapodermin) in the treatment of parasitic and fungoid diseases. N. Y. Med. Jl., 71, 1900, 253-2.5fi. Bnckner, Ji/lin A. The leaves of Ceanothos americauus. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 03, 1891. 428-430. Bucknay, Thomat, For biography tte Inst. Elect. Eogin. Jl., 29, 1900, 948; Inst. Mccban. Engin. Proc., 1900. 326. On the superioritv of zinc and steel pendulums. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 4<;, 1886. 402-169. Note on the |>erformance of the Westminster clock. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 47, 1887, 519-520. Bucknlll, John A. Rough notes from North Wale«. [1890.] Omithol.igist, I. 1897, 78-80, 90-92, I.S.5-137. Buckow, II'., ti Pschorr, Uoirrt. .'iet FidioiT d: Buckow. Buckow. II .. Pschorr, lichen, \ 'Wolfes. i \tto\. See Pschorr, vroUes >v Bockow. Buckton, (i[eorii-] ll[i>u-dUr]. Note on the action of potassium cyanide on organic colouring matter. [1884.] Ent. Month! Mag.. 21. 1884-86, 82. [Civilisation and eyei-ight.] Nature, 31, 1S86, 407- 408. Notes on the action of the Wimshorst induction machine. Nature, 32. 1888. 51-52. Notes on the (xcnrreno- in Britain of some iiDdeacribed Aphides. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1886, 323-328. Notes on the recent svsrming of Aphides. [1686.] Nature, 35. 1887, 15. Phylloxera of the oak. Gard. Chron., 2, 1887, 340- 341. [The zoology of the Afghan Delimitation Commiiuioo.] Gall-insects, [l*--?.] Linn. Soc. Trans. {Zool.}, 5, 1888-94. 141-142. Ni'te on the classification of Cicadr. Entomologist, 22. 1889, 269-270. Remarks on the alteration of the aena) habit* of certain gall-forming .\phides. Eot. Month. Mag., 27, 1891. 26S-271. The retiector with the projection microscope. [1892.] Nature, 47 (1892-931. 54-55. A new gall-making aphid. [1893.] Indian Mus. Notes, 3. 1896. .Vo. 1. 71-73. Notes on Indian Aphides. [1893-94.] Indian Mus. Notes, 3, 1896. .Vo. 2. 87-88. .Vo. 3, 108-109. Buckton] 896 [Budde The mango-shoot Psylla. [1893.] Indian Mus. Notes, 3, 1896, No. 2, 91-02. A new Coecid from Ceylon. [1894.] Indian Mus. Notes, 3, 1896, No. 3, 103-104. Notes on a new psyUid. [1894.] Indian Mus. Notes, 3, 1896, No. 5, 18-19.' Notice of a new Indian Homopteron. [1896.] Indian Mus. Notes, 4, 1900, 1. Note on two new species of gall-aphids from the north-western Himalayan region. [1896.] Indian Mus. Notes, 4, 1900, 50-51.' The pear tree Aphis, Lachnus Pyri, Buckton. [With introductory note bv E. E. Gbekn.] [1899.] Indian Mus. Notes, 4, 1900,' 274-276. Notes on two new species of aphids. [1899.] Indian Mus. Notes, 4, 1900, 277-278. Description of a new species of Psylla destructive to forest trees. [1900.] Indian Mus. Notes, 5, 1903, 35-36. Description of a new species of Aleurodes destructive to betel. [1900.] Indian Mus. Notes, 5, 1903, 36. Sec also under French, Chitrles. Bucquet, . Topographic mcdicale de la ville de Laval et de son territoire. Manuscrit inedit de 1808. Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1893, 55-136. Bucquoy, [Jules]. Kelation d'un cas de farcin aigu chez I'homme. Paris, Ac. M<5d. Bull., 13, 1884, 816-827. Eapport gin^ral k M. le Ministre de I'Agriculture et du Commerce sur les ^pidemies qui ont sevi en France pendant I'ann^e 1882. [1884.] Paris, Ac. Med. M(^m., 35, 1887, liii-clvi. Sur le traitement des anevrysmes par la methods de Baccelli. Paris, Ac. M^d. Bull., 20, 1888, 8-18. [Sur les toniques du cceur.] Arch. G^n. M^d., 164, 1889, 493. [Sur la medication stibiee dans le traitement de certaines formes de tuberoulose pulmonaire.] Arch. Gen. Med., 170, 1892, 502-503. Sur IVpidt^mie de fi^vre typhoide a Paris. [With discMsnon.\ Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 31, 1894, 274-282. Sur I'origine de I'^pid^mie de fievre typhoide des villes de Paris et de Sens, en f^vrier 1894. [With dis- cussion.] Paris, Ac. MM. Bull., 31, 1894, 460-474. Bucquoy, [Jules] {et alii). Le strophantus dans les maladies du coeur. [Communication and discussion.] Paris, Ac. MM. Bull., 21, 1889, 12-37, 51-77, 87-107, 113-147, 153-1.55, 182. Bucquoy, [J»/fs] (et alii). Sur r^pid<5mie actuelle de fievre typhoide ^ Pans. Paris, Ac. MM. Bull., 31, 18M, 231-236. Bucquoy, E[ufiene]. Florule du Roussillou. Etude de la famille des Renonculac^es. Plantes trouvees jusqu'.a ce jour dans les Pyr^nees-Orientales, avec description sommaire des especes, indications sur I'habitat et clefs analytiques de la famille et des genres. [1884.] Rev. Bot., 3, 1884-86, 59-96. MoUusques terrestres du Roussillon. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull. ,1890, 56-93. Buda, Adam. Egy ^rdekes li^p az 1892. 6vi madarvonu- lasbol. Ein interessantes Bild aus dem Vogelzuge vom Jahre 1892. Aquila, 1, 1894, 51-54. Budai, Jiizsef. A persanyi hegys^g masodkori eruptiv kfizetei. [Die secundiiren Eruptivgesteine des Persanver Gebirges.] Fuldt. Kozlon., 16, 1886, 211-223, 259-273. Asvanytani kozlem^nyek az erd^lyi Erczhegys^gbol. Mineralogische Mittheilungen.aus dem Siebenbiirgischen Erzgebirge. OrvoB-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1890, 311-314, 364-365. Budapest, Central Institute. Meteorol6giai ^s foldm4g- nessi'gi foljpgyz^sek iv M. Kir. Kozponti Int^zeten, Budapesten. [Meteorological and magnetic records at the Central Institute of Budapest.] Termt. Kozlon., 16, 1884-32, 1900. Buday, Kdlnidn. Ein Beitrag zur Histogenese der nieta- statischen Phlegmouc. Virchow, Aroh. , 122, 1890, 357-373. Ein Fall von Aneurysma Arterim iliacs communis, verursacht durch einen septischen Embolus. Beitr. Path. Anat., 10, 1891, 187-203. Ueber einen ungewohnlichen Fall von Syphilis. Vir- chow. Arch., 141, 1895, 514-525. Beitrage zur Lehre von der Osteogenesis imperfecta. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 (Ahth. 3), 61-102. A v^kony bel velesziiletett elzarodAsa. [Angeborener Verschluss des Diinndarmes.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1896, 81-90, {Rev.) 23-29. Mell^kvesecsirokbol szarmazo vesedaganatokr61. [Ueber die aus den Nebennieren-Keimen herriihrenden Nierengeschwiilste.] [1897.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1898, 115, {Rev.) 37. Malarias komaban elhalt agya. [Gehirn einer in Malaria-Koma Verstorbenen.] [1897.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {On-. Szak), 1898, 115, {Rev.) 37. Beitrage zur Cystenbildung in den suprarenalen Nierengeschwiilsten. Beitr. Path. Anat., 24, 1898, 501- 518. Zur Kenntnis der abnormen postrnortalen Gasbildung. Centrbl. Bakt. {.ibt. 1), 24, 1898, 369-375. A hullabani gazk^pzodes kiilonos eseterol. [Ueber einen eigenthiimlichen Fall postmortaler Gasbildung.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1898, 187-193, {Rev.) 51-54. K^t roszindulatu szolid petef^szek daganatok. [Zwei solide bosartige Ovarial-Gescbwiilste.] Orvos-Terrat. Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1899, 21.3-214, {Rev.) 62-63. Proliferirendes Adenocystora der Mamma mit Flim- merepithelien. Virchow, Arch., 156, 1899, 395-404. Buday, Kdlmdn, & Jancs6, Miklos. A pathologias orias- novds egy esete. [Ein Fall von pathologischen Riesen- wuchs.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1897, 25-88, (Rev.) 9-24; Deutsch. Arch. KUn. Med., 60, 1898, 385- 446. Budd, C[harles] 0[ctavus]. For biographical notice see Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891, 62. [The mist-bow.] Nature, 37, 1888, 273. Budd, ./. L. Drought-enduring trees. Garden & Forest, 3, 1890, 475-476. Shrubs which endure drought. Garden & Forest, 3, 1890, 486-487. ^■adde,E[inil Arnold]. '[The remarkable sunsets.] [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 177. Zur Theorie der thermoelectrischen Krafte. Ann. Phys. Chem., 21, 1884, 277-300; 25, 1885, 564-566. Ueber metakinetische Scheinbewegimgen und iiber die Wahrnehmung der Bewegung. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Ablh.), 1884, 127-152. ' Ueber die Quantitiit electrischer Elementartheilchen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 25, 1885, 562-504. Ueber eiue von Gauss angei'egte Ableitung electro- dynamisoher Punktgesetze. Ann. Phys. Chem., 25, 1885, 567-601. Ueber eine Eigenthiimlichkeit des Seehorizontes. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 20, 1885, 354-361. Ein Mittel zur Entscheidung zwischen den electro- dynamischen Puiiktgesetzen von Weuek, Rif.jians und Clausics. Vorliiufige Mitteilung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 29, 1886, 488-490. Mittel zur praktischen Entscheidung zwischen den electrodynamischen Punktgesetzen von Webeb, Riem.^nn und Cl.\osius. Ann. Phys. Chera., 30, 1887, 100-156. Ueber die Grundgleichung der stationiiren Induction durch rotirende Magnete und iiber eine neue Classe von Inductionserscheinungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 30, 1887, 358-389. Zur Theorie des Zusammenhangs von Wiirme und Electrioitiit ; i. Thermoelectricitiit der Metalle. Ann. Phys. Chem., 30, 1887, 664-699. Ueber .Scliwingungsprobleme. Berlin I'hva. Ges, Verb., 1887, 129 (/;i.<)-135. Budde] 897 [Budgen Ueber (Icn EinfliiHS Avr Ertlrutatioii imf <1eih CliiiiHiu»'' soho GcHctz. Borlin PIi.vh. (ii«. Vi-rli , 1888. 10-13. Uebcr ilie rauiiiliuliL' VertlieilmiH iler DMvlfii v. in ji- zwei Cdiijii^'irtcii Kriirtcn, wilclic eiii'T kuxiOhiu'I) Dvnaiuo iiquivnlcnt Himl. li.ilin I'Iivk. Ge-. Vcrli , 1888, 77-84. UcliiT line ncinri' KiitiliMkiini; ili's Urn. Jas.hhks, welclie »icli ituf dun Siiuci^lolT^pectruni btz elil. Uvrlin Phys. (ics. Verh., 1888, 8!»-9(J Uebi^r taut<>lii);ist'he Coiitactc in ilur Mecliauik dcH aturion Koii>orH. Hi-rlin Phys. Gib. Vi-ili., 1889, .54-.'5G. Uebcr din st'lii- Hchncllc liutation eini'fl Kcliweri'ii Htarrcn KiJrpurs niit I'innni fenten I'unkt, cler drei un- uliiiclii' HaiipttriiKlii itKiiioinonte besitzt. Berlin I'hyn. Ge«. Vurli., 1890, l.'i-ie. Uebcr den tuteu Ununi der Cliloral-SodaKeaktion. Nach Versnclien von E. Bi'i>I)K it F. Nekhks. Ztschr. PhyKiknl. Cliem., 7, 1891, .W6-61K). Ucber intcK'rireiide Divisorcn und Teniperatur. .\nn. PhyR. Cbcni., 4.'), 1892, 7.J1-7.5M; 4r,, 1892, 080. Uebcr Hcr-itellun); todtcr Kiiiune dnrch blosse Ver- dunstun);, iiml iiber die angebliche Capillaritiitsspannunf; von Emulsionsobcrfliichen. Ann. Phys. Cbcin. {Berlin l'Uy». (!fs. Verh.. 1H'.I2), 40, 1893, 173-17ti. Budde, l'[illiihii Chiiftin Beubachtungen von Hirrii Profexiior Dr. Sciienck. Ein Bcilrag zur Bienenfiiuna der untvren Ijkhn. NuHsuuiHch. Ver. Jbuch., 48, 189S, 99-12.5. Beobiu'htungen iiber doH Alter, welches Teoebrio molitor, AttagenilH pellio und DermeHlvs tarditrius ernichen kounen. [1898.] ZUrich, Soc. But., 13, (1899], 97-98. Die Kiifer von Nasi-au un 1 FraiikTurt. Achter Nach- trag zu dem Verz<.Mchnis den Herrn Dr. 1,. von Heyi>ex im .lahrbuch den SaHKauischcn Vcreins fiir Naturkunde von 1876 und 1877. Zugleich ein liiHtrag zur Ka!crfauii» der unteren Lahn. NaoiauiHch. Ver. Jbiich., 53, 1900, 7.5-83. BnddabcrK, .1/['i.r|. Beitriige zur KenntniH* der Subulituir- biirkcit dir Mitliylenwa-scrHtuffutonie im Denoiyb'-nzom und Bi'iizyleyaiiid. Eino neue .Synthe^e Bubsliluirtnd order having the cross ratio property of the circle. [1897.] Math. Gaz., 1. 1900, 8(>-87. .\ conic can be drawn through any five points. [1898.] Math. Gaz., 1. 1900. 145-151. Badden, //. A. On the coals of Canada. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 713-714. Baddeas, Wilhehn. Ueber die Einwirkung Ton Chlnr- lienzovl auf Natrinmcvamid l>ei Gegenwart von Aethyl- iither." Jl. Prakt. Chem., 42, 1890, 82-109. Eine neue Methode zur BtfStiinmung von Gold and Sillier in Pyriten. Chem. Zlg., 21. 1900. 922-923. Baddlcom, ikVidrrf .4 . The evolution of backbonol animals. 1 1900.] Plymouth In-st. Trans.. 13, 1903. 246-2-19. Bodelot, G. [Lx- role des iuatrii'iiiali<|ues dans I'Mucation generale.] Enseign. .Math., 1 (1899). 222. Une premiere levon de g^m^lrie descriptiTe. Enseign. Math., 1 (1899). 286-297. Badenberg, <-'. F.. & Beys, II'. K. On some of the risks attending the use of hi,;h- pressure gases. Soc. Chem. In.l. .11.. 11. 1892, 319-320. Badge, .{llirerht. For biographical notice sf< I^eopoldina, 21, 1888. 161. Beitrage znr Lehre vnm Kreislaufe beim HiihneT- cmbrvo. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. R.. 18S4 (T. 1, .4mi.), 49-56. Untersnchungen iiber die Entwickelong des L.vmph- svstems beim Hiihnervmbryo. [PaHk.] Apcb. Anat. Physiol. (.4mir. .ihtb.\. 1887. 59-^. Badge, E[rnetl] .4. U'allu. On the orientation of the pvramids and temples in the SAdin. Boy. Soc Proc, ti-i. 1900, 333-349. Badge, /.iidirii; Jiiliiu. For biograph.T and vorks tee Anat. A117... 3. 1888, t'>-51-6.52; Humboldt. 7. ISSS. 3-59; Leo. puldini. 21. 1888. 167; Termt. Koxlon.. 21. 1889, 600. Badlii' liUKOiungsvcrhitltniHsc dur iiltercn Schiclitcn in Attikft. liirlin Ak. Slur., 1884, '.l3i5-'.)50. Das Seliiofi'wbime bei Athen. Neuea .Ibuch. Min., 188S (/('(. '2), 107. GubirgHstiirungcn HiidwcHtlich vom Thiiringer Wald. I'reUHH. liuol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [5], 1888, .54C-.'i,5,'j ; [7], 1887, 40-43. [l''ortscliritle in den NatnrwifuicnBclinrton.] Minora- logic, [PelrograpliiH und Kr.v8tallograpliii'|. Humboldt, 5, 1886, 207-303; C, 1887, mi-'im ; 7, 1888. tht-OM, 300- 305 ; H, 1889, Gl-6,3, 304-309; It. 1890, .J3-tHI, 238-'242. l"'ortsehritle in den NaturwiBseuscliafltn. Gcologin [und IVtrotiraphii-]. Humlioldt, 6, 1887, 344-34'J; 7, 1888. 143-147, 343-348; 8. 1889. llli;-112, 34'.l-3.5.'> ; '.I, 1890, 811-94, 312-31(>. Topas von San Luis Potosi und von Durango in Mexico. Ztschr. Kiyst., 12, 1887, 424-434. 4.".l-4.'>2. Ueber die Unigestaltung der petrographischen Syate- matik in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 93-100. Mittheilungen iiber die Eruptivgesteine der Section Sclimulkalden (Thiiringen). Preuss. Ueol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8]. 1888, ll'J-13y. Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Bliittern Gelnliausen, Langenselbold, Bieber und Lolnhnupten. Preuxs. Oeol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, Ixxxi-lxxxvi. Blatt Helniershausen. Preuss. Tliiiring. fieol. Kartc Erliiut., /./(/. 37, Gra.tubth. (JO, .V.i. 30. 1889, 29 pp. Ulaserit, Blodit, Kaiuit und Boracit von Donglashnll bei Westeregeln. Ztachr. Krvst., 1-5, 1889, 561-575; 17, 1890, 646. Blatt Gelnhausen. Preuss. Thiiring. (ieol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 49, Gradahth. 68, .V.i. 48. 1891, 31 pp. Blatt Langenselbold. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., /./ff. 49, liradahth. 68, .Yo. 53, 1891, 42 pp. Blatt Bieber. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karle Erliiut., Lfg. 49, Gradahlli. 68, -Vo. 54, 1891, .55 pp. Blatt Lohrhaupten. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karle Erliiut., Lfg. 49, (iradnbth. r.9. So. 49, 1891, 30 pp. Der nordwestliche Spessurt. Geologisch iiufgenommen und eriiiutert. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abli., 12, 1892. 274 pp. Das Grundgebirge des Spessarts. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [10], 1892, 28-98. Ueber Ergebnisse der .VufnaliniPn in der Rhun. Preuas. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 11, 1892, Ix-lxii. Sulfoborit, ein nenes krjslallisiitos Burnt von Wes- teregeln. Berlin Ak. Sber.", 1893. 967-972. Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Bliittern (iersfeld und Kleinsassen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 12,1893, li-lii. Ueber die Ergebnisse der Aufnahmen im Jahre 1892. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 13. 1893, xxxvi-xxxix. Neue Mineralfunde von Wcsteregeln. Berlin .\k. Sber., 1896, 533-540. Die Logerungsverhiiltnisse im Gnmdgebirge des Spess- arts. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896. 372-381. Bei'icht liber die Ergebnisse der .\ufnHhm( n iui Herbsle 1895 in der Uhiin. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 16, 1896, xciv-xcv. Nenes Vorkonimen von Kalifeldspat, Turmalin, .\patit und Topas iui tiranit des Fichtelgebirges. Senckenb. Naif. Ges. Ber., 1896. 14.5-150. — — Bcricht iilx'r die Exkurtion zum .StJTnK4'<- und Siii weihi-r. ObcrrhiMn. Gcsd. Ver. Her,, 1S97, 12-13. Iti-iirii;.'!- ziir (ii-ului.-iu von Cclebef. Pctcrniaiin, Mittli.. 45. 1899, 249-2(;ii, 273-280. /iir Geologic der Minaha.Mia. Pelermaon, Mitth., 4C, 1900, 46-17. ("rdi.rit von Nord-Celebeii und au8 den sog. verglaalen SundsKinen MitleldeutscbluDdH. .Senckenb. Natf. Ge«. Ber., 1900, 3-20. lA'Ucitbasalt aus der Oegend \'in I'angkadjcne in Siid-Celelws. I'ruibnrg Iter., 11, 1899-1901. 78 84 Biicking, \l'erdhiiiiid Curl lli-rinini] Hugo, A: Emmrlch, //. S'V Emmrlch A BncklnK- Sticking, \l •rdiniind Curl I'.-^rtrmi,] lliri,'. Emmiicb, // cV Frantzen, 11'. .S'r<- Bmmiicb, Bucking '• Frantzcn. Bucklers, \.l::irf rnnellirrl]. '/mv Keiiiiliii>,j> del M:\iUit priniaien hiiiiKirrha^Mkehen Ena>pli>litig. Arch. P»y- chiatr., 24, 1892, 730-7.57. Budingen, Throdnr. Ex|H-riinent'-ll« Untcrsncbungen der niTinalen und palhologisch lieeinfluiii't«n Druckiichwan- kungen im BruBtkastcn. Arch. Exper. Path., 39, 1897, 245-272. Btidlnger, Kimrud. Ein Beilrag zur Lehrc von der til luriicrrebiitterunk'. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg.. 41, 1896. 433-444. BnUer, [.4nr.]. Studien iiber die Baumgrenze im Hoch- gd.jrge. Scbweiz. Bot. ties. Ber., H, 1898, 19-38. Biihler, .i[iilrm]. Beitttigc zur Kenntnis der Eibildang lieiiii Kaninchen nnd der Markstriinge des Eicrtitockes lii'im Fuchs und Menschen. Ztschr. Wisii. Zool., 58, 1894. 314-339. Spernintogene.se bei Bufo vulgaris. Aoat. Anz., 10, 1896 (.In.if. (ie>. Vtrli.), 62-<>0. Strukturelemente in Nerveuzellcn. Scbweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb.. 1896. 170-173. Protoplasran-Structur in Vorderhimzellen der Ei- dcchse. Wiirzb. Phys. Me ■•"xellcu. Wiirzb. Pbys. Med. Verb., 31, 1898. > Das Virlialten der Carpalkiiwh.n ^•-■iten- bcnegunglillalion der Seuzeit. Ztschr. .Aiigew. Chem., 1900. 15')-H"). Beitrag zur Kenntni8.s der Pabrikalicm der Es^ifviure und lbs .^citons. >owie von Brikett« aus Hulzkohli ii. Zt-tlir. Ant- w. Cheni., 1900, 637-t;43. BiiUeT-Itindenmeyer, Tlirwl.ir. For biography and work* fee Scbweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1899, xxix-xxzii; Basel Verb.. 12, 1900. 199-202. Fiiibjahrs-Vowelzug der Um • ' "- ' • •? -i Jaliri-n 1895-9-<. Scbwiiz. Natf. i .- ■ Biihrer, C. Warme Nordwinde ai: '• r Sees. Meteorol. Ztschr.. 8 (1891), 432. Notice sur le climat de .Montreux. Laosaone, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 27, 1892. 28.5--2ti3. Les orages des 3i> et 31 juillet 1892 dans la Snisi« occidentale. Lausanne. Sue. Vaud. BulL , 28, 1M3, 294- 305. Sc)!' .. -I...M, aaf dein Genfersw. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (189C [(,' exceptionoelle.] Lausanne, Soc Vaad. Bull.. 2'd. 1893, li. Caract^re ni<.'t(^orolo, 1899, xxii-xxiii. Biihrer, U'ilhelm. Temperatur unter der Schneedecke. Meteorol. Ztschr., 11 (1894), 240; 12 (1895), 179-180. Starke Regenfalle. Meteorol. Ztschr., 14 (1897), 154. Biihrlng, F. Ueber die Temperatur- Verhiiltnisse der Stadt Wernigerode. Wernigerode Naturw. Ver. Schr., 3, 1888, 1-11. Biihring, Lndwig. Ueber die Fettbestimmung in Futter- mitteln. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 34, 1887, 419-423. Buel, Richard II. The couijiound steam engine, con- sidered in connection with its steam-generating plant. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 30, 1884, 428-435, 441- 461. Evaporation of water from and at 212° Fahrenheit. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 32, 1885, 106-109. BueU, Allen. Hot winds in Texiis. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 10 (1893-94), 305-308. Buell, Ira M. Geology of the Waterloo quartzite area. [1892.] Wisconsin Ac. Trans., 9, 1893, 255-274. Bowlder trains from the outcrops of the Waterloo quartzite area. [1894.] Wisconsin Ac. Trans., 10, 1896, 485-509. Buelna, R. F. Estados de Uurango, Chihuahua, Sonora V Sinaloa. Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol., 4, 5 * 6, 1896, 19-29; Neucs Jbuch. Min., 1899 {Bd. 2, Rcf.), 426-429. Biilow, [Tlieodor] Carl [Heinrich]. Ueber Phtalylacetes- sigester. Liebig's Ann., 236, 1886, 184-194. Ueber einige Vertiindungen des Phenylhydrazins. Liebig's Ann., 236, 1886, 194-197. [Ueber die Constitution der Kohlenhydrate. ] Meck- lenb. Ver. Nat. Arcb., 1892, xxi-xxiii. Ueber die Einwirkung von Siiureamiden auf Ben- zaldehyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 26, 1893. 1972- 1974. Ueber Glyeerinphosphorsaure. Plliiger, Arch. Physiol., 57, 1894, 89-92. Ueber das V'erhalten einiger Benzaldehydderivate im thierischen Organismus. Pdiiger, Arch. Physiol., 57, 1894, 93-96. Ueber aschefreies Eiweiss. Pdiiger, Arch. Physiol., 58, 1894, 207-221. Ueber die dextrinartigen Abbauproducte der Starke. [1895.] Pdiiger, Arch. Physiol., 62, 1896, 131-155, 622. Ueber das Verhalten des o-Nitro-y-pheuylendiamins gegen salpetrige Siiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2284-2287. Zur Kenntniss der Isodiazoverbindungen und ihrer Acetessigestercombinationen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 3122-3131. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des [b. Auilin-azo]-acetes- sigesters (Acetylglyoxylsauree.ster-(i-phenylhydrazons, Benzolazoacetessigesters) und seiner Derivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 197-210, 4080. Ueber das [inact. h. p-Nitraiiolin-azo]-benzoylaceton und seine Abkiimmliiige. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2637-2649, 4084. Ueber Oxalsaurcbestinnnung in sauren liiibenblattern. Jl. Landw., 47, 1899, 359-367. Beitrag zur Kenntniss fett-aromatischer Azo- und Disazo-Combinationen des I'araphenylendiamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 187-199, 41110. Ueber die Basieitiitsdifferenzdor beiden Amidogruppen substituirter Diamine, i. ;?^-Toluylendiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2364-2370. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Phenylmetbylpyrazoldi- carbonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3266- 3270. Beitrag zur Bestimmung der resorbierbaven Eiweiss- stofte in Futtermitteln. Jl. Landw., 48, 1900, 1-38. Biilow, I Tliriidor] Curl ^Heinrich], & Fischer, Emil. See Fischer d' Biilow. Biilow, [Tlieiiilor] Carl [Heinrich], & Knorr, Ludn-iij. See Knorr i^' Biilow. Biilow, [Tlieodor] Curl [Heinrich], & Mann, Euqen. Ueber das o-Nitro-jj-pbenylendiamin. Berlin, Chem. (ies. Ber., 30, 1897, 977-988, 1812, 3448. Biilow, [Thcudor] Carl [Heinrich], & Polstorff, Karl. See FoUtorif & Biilow. Biilow, [Theodor] Carl [Heinrich], & Beden, Ulrich von. Beitrjige zur Kenntniss der 3.8-Diamidodiphenyl-2.9- dicarbonsaure (3. 8-I)iamido-2.9-diphensiiure, n-Diamido- diphensiiure. Benzidin-o-dicarbonsaure). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2574-2582, 3li79. Biilow, [TJieodor] Carl [Heinrich], & Schlesinger, Alfred. Darstellung von Isopyrazolderivateu aus {b. Anilin-azo)- diacetbernsteinsaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2880-2891. Darstellung von Pyrazolderivaten aus Azocombina- tionen des Diacetbernsteinsaureesters. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3362-3369, 4194. Biilow, [Theodor] Carl [Heinrich], & Wolfs, Hanf. Ueber neue Kepriisentauten der primareu Disazofarbstoffe der Benzolreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 488- 494, 2775-2783, 3677. Biilow, jr. von. Die Diirre des Jahres 1896 auf der Insel Havaii, Samoa-Inseln. Petermann, Mitth., 43, 1897, 68-70, Biilow, JValdnnar. Bidrag till Skanes svampflora. [i. Hattsvampar.] Bot. Notiser, 1889, 131-142; Hedwigia, 2S, 1889, 2S8. Biilow-Hansen, [!'.], & Harbitz, Francis. Beitrag zur Lehre iler aenten Poliomyelitis. Beitr. Path. Anat. , 25, 1899, 517-546. Buels, Ed. Observations sur les fils de bronze employes en telegraphic. Jl. Telegr., 16, 1892, 229-235; 18, 1894, 42-46. Biiltzingslowen, Curt con. A Grimm, Ilerniatni. See Crimm i^ Biiltzlngslowen. Buen y del Cos, Cdiiii de. Materiales para la fauna carci- noloyica de Espaiia. [1886.] Madrid, Soe. Hist. Nat. An., 16, 1887, 405-434. [Sobre ballazgo de restos f6siles en La Garriga. ] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 20, 1891 {Act.), 111. Biinau, von. [Vorkonnnen von Orobanclie-Arten in Nordost-Deutschland.] [1893.] Danzig Schr., 8, 1892- 94 {Hcfte 3 & 4), 235. Biinger, E. Die Adventiv-Flora auf dem Bau-Terrain am Stadtbabnhof Bellevue in Berlin. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 26, 1885, 203-210. Beitriige zur Anatomic der Laubmooskapsel. Bot. Centrbl., 42, 1890, 193-199, 225-230, 257-262, 289-296, 321-326. 353-356. Biinger, Hermann. [Ueber das Vorkoramen von Aquila fiilva und A. chrysai-tus in Schlesien.] [1887.] Jl. f. Orniti)., 36, 1888,' 114. Bemerkungen zu dem F. Anzinger'schen Aufsatz iiber die Verseldechterung des Gesanges von Sylvia atricapilla. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 18, 1894, 8-9." Ciuclus merula im Harz. Ornith. Mber., 3, 1895, 142. Neuer Fundort von Muscicapa parva in der Mark. Ornith. Mber., 3, 1895, 142. Singt unser Pirol? Jl. f. Ornith., 45, 1897, 172-173. Ornithologische Erinnerungen aus der Mark, 1S99. Ornith. Mber., 8, 1900, 54-56. Biing-nerl nni IBusgen Biingner, Dtio niii. lluber die DegenorationX' iiiiJ Ha- k'liiiratiiJiiKvorgaiigo am Nciv«ii iiacli VerlclziiiiKoii. Beitr. I'ntli. Aiiut., In, 1891, 321-3U:i Hemi'ikurn; zu cler Arbi'it von Prof. (J. C. Hdiikh "UcbtT (laH Vi'rli/iltcn ilur Ki'nii! dir ScliwnniiVchcn Sclicido bei NiTVondcKeniTalioiicii" in ilirmfiii Aichiv Bd. 10, Hift 3. Arch. Mikr. Aiiut., 41, 1893, 1 l<"i. Uobcr die Kinbi'iluiiK von Freiiidkorperii unt. Bimta, C. L'ebcr die in VomchlnK KPlracbtcn Modifica- tionen dcr Heichert-Mcinsl'Hcben Iiiilter|>iiifiiiiK aiif Mnrpirin7.ii»atz iind eine neue Metbode zur exacten Erinittlung der KeiuhertMeissl'iichcn Zaiil. Cbem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 2()4-206. Buonzod, ./[eutt], A Oraobc, Cliarlcf. See Oraebe .V Buonzod. Biirctaner, L. IkarosNikaria, eine vergessene Insel dis );ii>,]. Biirckel. S.r Btirckel. Biiron von Balls, I:[iif.), 7, 1894, 207-240. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Gattnng Sesarma. [1893. j Zool. Jbiich. {Sijst.). 7. 1894. 613-632. Studien zu ciner Kevisiou dcr Entwickelungsgeschichte der Nemertinen. Freiburg Ber., 8. 1894, 111-141. Ueber den Stiletapparat der Nemertinen. Zool. .\nz.. 17. 1894, 390-392. Neue Beitriige zur Eutwicklungsgeschichte der Hiru- dineen. Zur Riiibryologie von Ilirudo iiieichr. Wi»». Zool.. 61, 1896. 16-37. Meeres- und Laud-Nemertinen. geRammelt von den Herren Dr. F'i.atk und Michoutz. [1896.) Zool. Jbiich. iXijtl.). '.(. 1897. 271-276. Biirger, iiii,,. A Caiiitm,-/utlus. See Caxrltoe & Biirger. Btirgl, /■;. Hiispii an der Togokiiste und iiii Kweget.iet. I'lttriiiann, Miltb.. 34. 1888. 233-237. Biirgl, I'.mil. Uelx/r Atbiniing aiif Bergen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {I'hijiiol. Abtli.), 1898. .534-536; Brit. Am. Itep., 1899. UO(J. Der nspiratorinche (iaswechi'el bei Kuhe und Arbeit auf Bergen. Arch. Anat. Physiul. (I'hyiinl. Ablh.), 1900, .-.0'.l-.',13. Biirgin, //|oiaren NerveuBUWjke. rtliiger. Arch. Physiol . 81. 1900. 76-102. Biirkle, /.'mi7. ,V Ooldschmldt, Heinrieh. See OoUi- ■dunldt .V Biirkle. Biirkner, A[iir-206. Biischen, {Kitpt.) E. Pas Einsclsen Ton Land- and Stehnese in Rio dc Janeiro. Ann. dcr Uydrogr., 14 (1886). 279. Biisdorf. Il[-in<\ Bamberger, Fn^en. A' Band, Henry J. S. s, . Bamberger. Busdorf A Band. Biiadorf, // m- BAmbtrgtr, In ■!■ n. \ atolmymkl, Boffdan. ■~ BamlMrger, Buadorf A Bsolayalci. Buagen. .!/[. rif;]. A-fx-rgiiiu-i Onz.i . DeQt»ch. BoL Gea. Ber.. 3. 1888. Iwi li\i : IVutscb. Natf. Tagebl., 1686, 9.S-100. Biisg-en] 902 fBiittgenbach Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Cladocliytrien. Colin, Beiti-. Biol. Pflanz., 4, 1887, 269-283. Ueber die Art und Bedeutung des Thieifaugs bei Utiioiilaria vulgaris, L. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, Iv-hiii; Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1888, 44. ■ Untersuchungen iiber normale und abnorme Marsilien- friichte. Flora, 73, 1890, 169-182. Beobachtungen iiber das Verhalten des Gerbatoffes in den Pflanzen. Jena. Ztschr., 24, 1890, 11-60. Der Honigtau. Biologische Studien an Ptianzen und Pflanzenlausen. Biol. Centrbl., 11, 1891, 193-200; Jena. Ztschr., 25, 1891, 339-428. Ueber einige Eigenschatten der Keimlinge parasi- tischer Pilze. Bot. Ztg., 51, 1893 {Abth. 1), 53-70. Culturversuche niit Cladothrix dichotoma. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 12, 1894, 147-152. Sur remission d'un liquide sucr^ par les parties vertes de I'oranger. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 957-958. Biissem, Heinriclt. Ueber Geschmacksempfindungen rachitischer und nicht-rachitischer Kinder. Jbuch. Kinderbeill;., 39, 1895, 166-183. SJitBclili, [Johatt Adam] 0[tto]. Bemerkungen zur Gastraea- tbeorie. Morphol. Jbuch., 9, 1884, 415-427. Gedanken liber die morphologische Bedeutung der sogenannten Richtungskorjjerchen. [1884.] Biol. Cen- trbl., 4, 1885, 5-12. Ueber die nervosen Endorgane an den Fiihlern der Chilognathen und ihre Beziehungen zu deuen gewisser Insecten. [1884.] Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 113-116. Nachschrift zu vorstehender Arbeit: [Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Gastropodenauges]. Morpbol. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 372-375. Zur Herleitung des Nervensystems der Nematoden. Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 486-493. Einige Bemerkungen iiber gewisse Organisations- verhaltuisse der sog. Cilioflagellaten und der Noctiluca. [Mit einem Beitrag von E. Askenasy.] Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 529-577. Bemerkungen iiber einen dem Glycogen verwandten Korper in den Gregarinen. Ztschr. Biol., 21, 1885, 603-612. • Notiz zur Morphologic des Auges der Muscheln. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Festschr., B, 1886, 173-180. . Kleine Beitrage zur Kenntnis einiger mariner Rhizo- poden. Morphol, Jbuch., 11, 1886, 78-101. Bemerkungen zu der Schrift des Herrn Arnold Bbass "Die Organisation der thierischen Zelle" (i. und ii. Theil). Morphol. Jbuch., 11, 1886, 229-242. Versuch einer morphologischeu Vergleichung der Vorticellinen mit verwandten Ciliaten. Morphol. Jbuch., 11, 1886, 553-565. Bemerkungen iiber die wahrscheinliche Herleitung der Asymmetric der Gastropoden, spec, der Asymmetrie im Neivensystem der Prosobranehiaten. Morphol. Jbuch., 12, 1887, 202-222. Bemerkungen iiber die Entwicklungsgeschichte von Musca. Morpbol. Jbuch., 14, 1888, 170-174. Miissen wir ein Wachstum des Plasmas durch Intus- susception aunehmen? [1888.] Biol. Centrbl., 8, 1889, 161-164. Ueber zwei interessante Ciliatenformeu. Deutsch. Natr. Tagebl., 1889, 26.5-266. Versuehe zur Naehahmurig von Protoplasmastructuren. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 266-267. Experimental imitation of protoplasmic movement. Quart, Jl. Micr. Sei., 31, 1890, 99-103. Ueber die Structur des Protoplasmas. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verh., 1891, 14-29. Ueber die Struktnr des Protoplasmas. [1889-90.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 423-434, 441, 490-502. Ueber die sog. Centralkiirper der Zelle und ibre Be- deutung. [1891.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verh., 4, 1892, 53.5-538. Mittheilungen iiber die Bewegung der Diatomeeu. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verh., 4, 1892, .580-586. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Augen der Salpen. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 349-353. Versuch der Ableitung des Echinoderms aus einer bilateralen Urform. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 53, 1892 (Siippl.), 136-160. Ueber den Bau quellbarer Korper und die Bedingungen der Quellung. Gottiugen Abb., 40, 1895 (Math.-Fhys.), 68 pp. Betrachtungen iiber Hypothese und Beobachtung. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verh., 1896, 7-16. Ueber die kiinstliche Naehahmung der karyokine- tischen Figur. [1892.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verh., 5, 1897, 28-41. Ueber die Schaumstructur geronnener Substanzen. [1892.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verh., 5, 1897, 42-43. Ueber den feinereu Bau der Starkekorner. [1893.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verh., 5, 1897, N9-102. Vorliiufiger Bericht iiber fortgesetzte Untersuchungeu an Gerinuuugsschiiumen, Spharokrystallen und die Structur von Cellulose- uud Chitinmembranen. [1894.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verh., 5, 1897, 230-292. Ueber die Herstellung von kiinstlichen Starkekornern Oder von Spharokrystallen der Starke. [1896.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verh., 5, 1897, 4.57-472. Bemerkungen iiber die Anwendbarkeit des Experiments in der Entwickelungsmechanik. Arch. EntwMech., 5, 1897, 591-593. Ueber Structuren kiinstliclier und natiirlieher quell- barer Substanzen. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verh., 5, 1897, 360-368. Notiz iiber Teilungszustande des Ceutralkorpers bei einer Nostocacee nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber J. KOnstler's und Busqdet's Auffassung der roten Kornchen der Bakterien, etc. [1898.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verh,, 6, 1898-1901, 63-68. Bemerkungen zur Geschichte der Frage nach der Pla.smastructur. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 14.5-146. Ueber die Loslichkeit des Schwefels in Wasser und Glycerin. Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 277-279. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Astereubildung im Plasma. [1899.] Arch. EntwMech., 9, 1900, 157-159. Bemerkungen iiber Plasmastronunigen bei der Zell- theilung. Arch. EntwMech., 10, 1900, 52-57. Untersuchungen iiber die Mikroslruktur kiinstliclier und natiirlieher Kieselsiiuregallerten (Tabaschir, Hydro- phau. Opal). [1900.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verh., 6, 1898-1901, 287-348. BiitschU, [Jokan Adtiin] O[tto], & Seviakov, Vladimir T, Ueber den feinereu Bau der quergestreiften Muskeln von Artbropoden. Biol. Centrbl.. 11, 1891, 33-39. Biittgenbacli, Franz. Ein neues Gebiet fiir Steinkohlen- gewinuung. Berg- u. Hiittenin. Ztg., 51, 1892, 1-2. Die Steinkoblen der Erde, ihre Verbreitung und Erschopfung. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 52, 1893, 207- 209, 217-219. Ein neues Steinkolilengebiet. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 53, 1894, 361-364. Ueber die Wirkung von Dolomitzuachlagen im Hoch- ofenbetriebe. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 54, 1895, 205- 206. La reduction du manganese au haut-fourneau. Rev. Univ. Mines, 32, 1895, 53-61, 317-319. Ueber Veischiebungen und Spriiuge im Wurmrevier. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1895, 133-137. La foudre dans les hauts-fourneaux. Rev. Univ. Mines, 33, 1896, 232-234. Note sur le traiteiiient des minerals de fer riches et I'emploi des laitiers acides. Rev. Univ. Mines, 35, 1896, 220-225. Les depots salins des plaines du nord de I'Allemague. Kev. Univ. Mines, 39, 1897, 37-58. Buttgenbachl 903 [Buttner Die untciirdiHclic BaUHteinKcwinnung in diT Maas- tricliter TulTlcreideforniation. Ber«- u. HiitU-nm. Zlg., 57, 1898, 32r,-.Ti7, afA-Ui, 3.-)3-3:>,5. Die (luolo(;io df« alUn tiFrzuKtiiiims Liinburg. Bcrg- u. Hiittenm. '/.In., 57, 1898, 3H:^-3t)6. IJibur die verHchiedcncn Zustiindu dfH KolilenBlofIi,« irn KiHin und Stahl. Iterg- u. Htitteiira. Ztg., rM, 1899, 131 l.iT. ButtUcofer, J[o)ianne$]. Zoological rcsearchea in Liberia. A list of birdfl, collected by [the author] and C. F. Sala in western Liberia, with biological obHervationn. [A list of birds, collected by Mr. 1''. X. Stasii'Fi.i near Monrovia, on the Mcssurado river, and on the Junl< river with its tributaries. A list of birds, collected by the author and Mr. V. X. Stami'Kli during their last sojourn in Lilwria. Fourth list of birds. On a series of birds, collected by Mr. A. T. Dkmkiiv, in the district of Grand Cape Mount.] Leyden Mus. Notes 7, 1888, I'ig-'i.olj ; H, 1886, •243-26'<; 10, 1888, .59-lOti ; 11, 1889, 11.5-138; 12, 1890, 197-20fi. On a collection of binls from the Tcniniber Islands. Leyden Mu«. Notes, H, 1886, 58-08. On a new species of Pericrocotus from Sumbawa. Leyden Mus. Notes, 8, 1886. 15.5-1.56. On a collection of birds made by Dr. C. Klaksi in the highlands of I'adang (\V. Sumatra) during the winter 1884-85. Leyden Mus. Notes, 9. 1887, 1-96. On birds from the Congo and south western Africa. Leyden Mus. Notes, 10, 1888, 209-214; 11, 1889, 65-79, 193-200. On a new owl from Liberia. Leyden Mus. Notes, 11, 1889, 34. Additional remark on Francolinas subtorquatus. Leyden Mus. Notes, 11, 1889, 80. On two probably new birds from Liberia. Leyden Mus. Notes, 11, 1889, 97-98. On a new species of gallinnle. Leyden Mus. Notes, 11, 1889, 191-192. On a collection of birds from Flores, Samao and Timor. Leyden Mus. Notes, 13, 1891, 210-216. The specimens of the genus Tatare in the Leyden Museum. Leyden Mus. Notes, 14, 1892, 13-16. On the specific value of Lev.villaxt's "traquet com- mandeur." Leyden Mus. Notes, 14, 1892, 17-18. On the collection of birds, sent by the late A. T. Demehv from the Sulymah river (W. Africa). Leyden Mus. Notes, 14, 1892, 19-30. On a chestnut and black weaver finch from Sumatra. Leyden Mus. Notes, 14, 1892, 132. On a collection of birds from the islands of Flores, Sumba and Rotti. Leyden Mus. Notes, 14, 1892, 193- 206. A review of the genus Rhipidura, with an enumeration of the specimens in the Leyden Museum. [1892-93.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 6.5-98, 113-115. On Merula javanica and its nearest allies. Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 107-110. On two new species of Pachyeephala from south Celebes. Leyden Mus. Notes. 15, 1893, 167-168. On two new species of the genus Stoparola from Celebes. Leyden Mus. Notes, 15. 1893, 169-170. On a new species of the genus Gerygone from Borneo. Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893. 174-176. On two new species of birds from sooth Celebes. Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 179-181. On two new species of the genus Gerygone. Leyden Mus. Notes. 15, 1893, 258-2.59. On two new species of birds from Java and Celebes. Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 260-261. Description of a new genus of crakes. Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 274-275. Zoologische Skizzen aus der niederliindischeD Expedi- tion nach central Borneo. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 189S. 212-227. On two new birds of Paradinc. Leyden Mud. Note*, ir,, 189S, 161-165. On the immature dre«« of Microglouus aterrimua. Leyden .Muh. Notes, 16. 189S, 166-167. Kinige Benierkungen ubcr neu angekommene Paradics- vogel. [1895.] I/cyden Mus. Notes, 17, U96-96, 36-10. A revision of the genus Turdinus and genera allied to it, with an enumeration of the specimens contiiined in the Leyden Museum. [1895.) I>eyden Mus. Notes, 17, 1896-96. 65 106. On Phasianus ignitus and its nearest allies. [1896.] Leyden Mus. Not/.-s, 17, 1898-96, 169-196. On the genus Pycnonolu* and some allied genera, with enumeration of the specimens in the Let den Museum. [1896.] Leyden Mus. Nolea, 17. 1896-96. 22.5-252. On a probably new species of Crypturus. [1896.) Leyden Mils. Notes, 18, 1896-97, 1-2. Rcctitication of tw.. gemrie names. [1896.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 18, 1896-97. 5M. On a new duck from the island of Sumba. [1896.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 1h, 1896-97, .59-62. On a collection of birds from Ni&s. [1896.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 18, 1896-97, 161-198. On a probably new sp<-cies of Newtonia from Mada. gascar. [1896.) ' Leyden Mus. Notes. 18, 1896-97, HtO- 200. On a hermaphroditical specimen of Phasianus rol- chicus. [1896.) Leyden Mns. Note*, 18, 1896-97, 20i. On the identity of Stoparola concreta with Siphia cyanea. [1897.) Leyden Mus. Notes, 18, 1896-97, 221- 222. Zoological resalta of the Dutch acientific expedition to central Borneo. Introduction. Leyden Mas. Notes, 19, 1897, 1-25. Zoological results of the Dutch scientific expedition to central Borneo. The liirds. [1900.) Leyden Mus. Notes. 21, 1899-1900, 145-276. Bnttner, . Ein Fall von Myom der weiblichen Urethra. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 3H, 1894, 136-139, 423. Biittner, [Ilain] Hr\ifw]. .v Claa*, Adolph [Carl Ludteip]. .S, >' Clans er den Stand der geograpbischen KrforKchuiiK' i- - deutschen Schutzgebieles in Siidwestafrika. Dent- i:. Geogrtag. Verh., 1887, Ifti-lU. Erinnerungen an (seine) Reise in Sadwest-Afrika von Bersaba bis Okahandv.i im Jahre 1885. Berlin Oes. Erdk. Verh., 17, 1890, ■371-3;tx. Bilder aus dem Geiste.«leben der Susheli in OstcfrikA, ihrer epischcn und lyrischeu Dichtang eutnommen. Berlin ties. Erdk. Verb'., 20, 1893, 147-160. Bnttner, F. I'ntersuchiingen liljer das Verhalten der Piiitnnealepithelienbei Entziindung. B«itr. Path. .\nal., 25, 1899, 4.5:^-481. Bnttner, Friedrich [Uermnnn AUsander]. Sta<]ien uber die Green'sche Abhandlung: \' ■" "-al investigations concerninn the laws of the • 'f fluids (l>*32i. Leipzi- Jablon. Preisschr. . ' - pp. Biittner, (i['-'^rn]. A Anwers, Aari [Frieibieh]. See Anwers A' Biittner. Bnttner, G. A. Knofi(>i'nv,iriation bei Labumum Adsmi. I'oir. Dresden Isis Sber.. 1896, 26-27. Buttner, .1/[aj'). i!t T,«illniinn, Fu(r[en]. See Ti<1lin«nn & Buttner. Buttner, Ont.ir. Vcl*r Epilepsia procursira und die Btnleutung des Lanfpbaoomens. Eine litcrsnscbe nnd pathologische Studie. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 47, 1891, 54'.t-596. Bnttner, Richard. Regenmexsnniien der katholischra Mission in San Salvador. [1885.] Berlin, Afrik. Ges. Mitth., 4. 188S-86. 395-396. Biittner] 904 [Bugaev -: Die ConKo-Expedition. Bericht. [1886.] Berlin, Afrik. Ges. Mittli., 5, 1886-87, 2-12. Ueber die Uteiflora di-s Congo. [1886.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 28, 1887, ii-iii. Neue Arteu von Guinea, dem Kongo und dem Quango. [l.S89-yO.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 31, 1890, 61-96; 32, 1891, 3.5-.54. Eeisen im Togolande. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 19, 1892, 246-262. Biittner, ]yillielm. Einfacber Extractionsapparat fiir analytisohe Arbeiten. Ztschr. Angew. Cbem., 1893, 634- 635. Butzberger, F. Ueber besondere affine Riiume. Ztscbr. Math. Pli,ys., 38, 1893, 1-6. Bufalini, G[iovanni]. Sulla preparazione della iodoemina. Ann. di Chim., 1, 1885, 291-292. Sul potere curarico dell' ioduro di tetraetilammonio. Ann. di Chim. , 1, 1885, 292-294. Deir azione dei sali ammoniaeali e d' idrossilammina Bulla eccitabilita muscolare. Ann. di Chim., 2, 1885, 39-46. Sopra una reazione del veleno del rospo. Ann. di Chim., 2, 188B, 46-48. Nuove ricerche suU' avvelenamento per jequirity. Ann. di Chim., 3, 1886, 137-151. Suir uso terapeutico della cascara sagrada. Ann. di Chim., 7, 1888, 88-90. Sul valore terapeutico del sozojodolo. Ann. di Chim., 7, 1888, 308-314. Sul valore terapeutico della medicatura terebentiuata. Ann. di Chim., 10, 1889, 193-207. Ricerche suU' asparagina. Ann. di Chim., 10, 1889, 207-219. Deir influenza dei sali ammoniaeali e dell' asparagina sul diabete. Ann. di Chim., 12, 1890, 199-207. Sopra r azione anestesica locale della peronina. Ann. di Farm, e Ciiim., [1899], 421-429. La radice di tang-kui e 1' eumenolo. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1900], 140-143. Bufeilini, Liiiiji. Afasia motrice senza complicazioni e successiva amnesia verbale con monoplegia brachiale. Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 465-485. Un jeiine experimental de trente jours. Eev. Soi., 38, 1886, 413-414. Buff, n{einrich]. *Ueber Warmestrahlung aus dem Him- melsraum. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil.), 69. Buff, H[einrie}i] Lliidicip]. To reference in No. 10 {Vol. 7) ((*( Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1868, 202. Buff, liluclolf]. Kevision der Lehre von der reflectorischen Speichelsecretion. Eokbard, Beitr., 12, 1888, 1-39. Buffa, E. Recherches expirimentales sur la toxicite du sang de la lamproie. [1899.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 33, 1900, 177-185. Buffa, £., & Scofone, L. See Scofone A Buffa. Buffa, I'ielro. Sopra una coccini^;lia nuova (Aclerda Berlesii, n. sp.), vivente suUa canna comune (Arundo donax). [1897.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, 135-160. Contribute alio studio anatomico della Heliothrips hajmorrhoidalis, Fa.br. [1898.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 7, 1899, 94-108, 129-142. Buffa, Tincenzo. *[L' eclisse totale di luna del 27 febbraio 1877.] Annotazioni. [1877.] MoncalieriOss. Bull., 12, 1878, 130-131. Buffard, .1/., A Schneider, G. See Schneider * Buffard. Buffet-Delmas, [.1/(1 /■(■]. Sur une anomalie du nerf grand- hypoglosse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 610-612. Buffham, 2\hom. PiiciipocrpaHeHie o6miixFi qiic.iOBMxi, 3aK0HOBT> Ha (|)yHKU,ilI IipOIISBO.lbHtlH. [Sur quel- ques applications de la theorie des fonctions elliptiqaes a la theorie des fonctions discontinues. Extension des lois generales numeriques aux fonctions arbitraires. ] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 12, 1885, 3-21 ; Bull. Sci. Math., 9, 1885, 103. Oaiiiii. oomiir saKOHi leopiii pasCieHin Miice.ii>. [Sur une loi geu^rale de la theorie de la partition des nombres.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 12, 1885, 283-314. Ooiniii ocHOBaHia iiciiicjieHifl A'0(.r) ci. o,iiiiijn, IiesaBllCIIMUM'b IiepeMtHHhIM'b. [Principesgensiraux du calcul E(p (x) a une seule variable independante.] [1885-87.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 12, 1885, 579-642, ,1886, 1-98, 167-228; Bull. Sci. Math., 11, 72.5-756; 13, 1887, 61-73. CBOHCTBa o,T.noro jlt.iiiTejflM'L It ero Hiic.iOBaro iiHierpa.ia no paa.iiiuHUfl npiiMtnenifl. .lorapiioMii'iecKifl ^iiiciobuh (f'y'ii^ui"- [Die Eigen.schaften eines Zahlenintegrals nach den Divisoren und seine verschiedenen Anwendungen. Die logarith- mischen Zahlenfunctionen ] [1887.] Rec. Math. (Mo.scou), 13, 1886, 757-777 ; Fortschr. .Math., 1888, 186. Sur une integrale numorique suivant les diviseurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 652-653. Sur les fonctions discontinues logarithmiques. Paris, kc. Sci. C. R., lOG, 1888, 1067-1070. 05inie iipioMH BU'iiic.ienia qiic.iOBWXb iime- rpa.ioBii no AtiJurre.iH.MT.. EcTecTBeHnaa K.iac- cii(l)irKaniji ntjiHxi) 'iiice.ib u iipepuBuuxi. (liyilKuifi. [.\llgemeine Methoden der Berechnung der Zahlenintegrale nach den Divisoren. Natiirliohe Klassi- ticatiou der ganzen Zalilen und der discontinuirlicheu Functionen.] [1888.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 1-44; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 186-187. Kl Tpopill CXOJllIJIocr!! pajlOBl.. [Zur Theorie derConvergenzderReihen.] [1888.] Rec. Math. (Mo.scou), 14, [1890], 279-282; Fortschr. Math., 1889, 232. reOMerpiii iipoiiSBO.ibHbixb Be.iii'iiiin.. [Geo- metrie der willkiirliohen Grossen.] [1888.] Reo. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 394-409; Fortschr. Math.. 1891, 725-726. Bugaevl 905 [ Bugaev 06lUij| ll|ii'i)d]i;i:ioii;illi)l 'nir.Uiltl.IX7. IIIIT('I|i6|i:i- lIMcciiilxi. i|iyill!Uirt. [Divcrsos appliciitionii liu prin- cipe dex oxpuHantH iiinxiiiia et minima danx la tli(''oric dcHfonclioimalK'i^hriqiieH.] 11889.] Kec. Math. (Mohcoii), 14, [1890], .■>.'.3-.')90. O.uia DrtiiuDi reo))!!! a.iro6|)aii'iPci;iixi. iipiiRuxi. BIJClliaro iin|iji,XKa. [Th(5"r6m(' c^ut'-ral de la theorie des comlies nl(;ubri(iiip.s d'ordre Bup<5ri«ur. ] [1889.] Kcc. Math. (Moscon), 1.5, 118911, .")8-(iO. II|)i'l)l.llilia)l n'OMcTplH. [t'listetiKe Geometrie.] [1890] li.e. Math. (Mohcuu), 1.5, [1891], 6(lO-f>07; Fort- Bohr. Math., 1891, 72(>. Coiiiploriieiit a nn piohl^rae d'AoKL. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. U., Ii:i, 1891. 102.'.-1028. ^Ipofiiihio 'lacTiiiiic iiiiTorpajiij jii(t)(tiepeimia.ii.- lllilXI. vpaBIIOlliH. [Dif parliculiireii fractioiiiireu liitenrak' iler DilTerentialKleiehmiKi'n.] [1891.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mpm. (/i'h«.<.), 07, 1892 {Siippl), No. 4, 12 pp. ; Kortschr. Math., 1891. 31.i. OCuuiii jciobIh iinToi|)iipyrMn(rii bi. koiiom- HO.Mii Biixi'. ;«.iiiiirii'iei'i;ai'() ,iii(|j(|)('i)ciiuia.ia. [Diu allgemeinen BediimiinKcn der endlicheii Intt'grir- barkeit des elliptischon Difforentials.] .St. IVtersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Himt.), 09. 1892 (Siippl.), So. 8, 16 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1892. 422-423. Haia.io iia 1160.11.111 II XI. 11 iiaiiMeiii.iiiiixi> iioKa- saTP.iefi m. TPopiii ;Tii4'itiopoiiuia.ii.Mi,ixi ypaa- Iieiliil. Ut-IUP "I'lt'TllIJe lIHTCrpa.llJ. [Principdcr hocliston und nieihinsteii Exponi'iiteii in der Tlieoric der UilTerentialvrleiehiinnen. Die ^anzeii particiiliiten Integrale.] [1891.] Kec. Math. (Moscoii), 16, [1893], 89-80; Fortschr. Math , 1891, .S13. Bi.ipa;i;eiiio ;i.i.iiiiitii'U'ckiixi. iiinorpa.ioBi, bi. KOIieillOMl BIl.vl'.. [Per Aiisdnick der elliptischeu Intenrale in endlicher Form.] [1891.1 Rec. Math (Moscou). 16, [1893], 259-281; Fortschr. Math., 1892. 421-422. Siir les intdgrale^ d^finies suivant lea diviKeurg. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 119, 1894. 12.59-1261. .V.ireripaii'U't'Kic 'lacTiiMO iiHTerjiajiM Aii4)(|)e- |uMluia.ll.lliaxi. vpaBlloiliii. |Ali!ebraische particulare Intetrale der IMflereutialnleichiinKen.] [1892-97] Rec. Math. (Mo.^cou). 17. [1898). 3'.i9-438 ; 19, [1897], 662- 663; Fort.^chr. Matli.. 1893-94, .iSS [ftirf 1]. Oiipexlueiiiiije 'iiiciobmc iiiiTerpa.iu iioxk-iii- TC.1J1M1.. [Bestimmte Zahleiiinte^rale nach den Divi- soren.] [1893.] Kec. Miith. (Moscou), 17, [1896], 720- 7.58; Fort.xchr. Math., 1898, 218-219. Sur quelques th^or<>inc.< de Tarithmologie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120. 189B. 432-434. Snr le tht^on'^me de Taylor Iransforrae. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R.. 121. 1896, 1127-112;t. Pt.'u. Ilpo:tii,;onTa JIocKOBcKaro MaiCMarii- "lecKaro OfiiucoTBa. 9 HiiBapfl 1^94 ro.ia. [Presj. dential address, Moscow Math. Soc, 9 .Tanuary 1894.] Kec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, vi-xiii. Oiipexfc-iCHiiMe MiUMOBue iiiiTprpa.iu iiofluii- I'OJIHMT. ('Mt.llianiiaro xapaKIppa. [We hestimmten Zahleninteprale nacl> deu IHvisoren vermischten Cha- rakters.] [1894.] Kec. Math. (Moscou). 18, 1896, 1-54; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 158. R. S. A. C. f'liocoC)!. iifHjIijOBaTOji.iiuxi. Mpii'i.niatcHitl. Kro iipii.ioHiciiif Ki 'iiir.U'iiiioiiy pt;iii('iiiK> ajir- fipall'ICCKllXl VpaBHCIlift BIJCIllllXI. ITPlKHcft. [Die Methode der Hiicccmiiven Anniiheruiigen in ihrer Anwendiing auf die numcriKchc .VufioBung liir algibra- iHchen Ghichiingen.] [1894.] Rw. Math. iMoncou), IH, 1896, 289-336; Kortwhr. Math., 1896, 70-71. .Moiioii'iiiKH/Ti. MiircipiuoBi. jiit)epcHi(iaji.- IIIJX'I, ypaBllCiliii. |.Monugcnitiit der Integrate von DifTerentialgleichiingen.) [189.5.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Coramun., 5, [1896?], 89-100; Fortachr. Math., U»6, 258. CnocfiCn, iioc.rl;.xoBaTe.ibiiuxi iipiid.iiixr'HiB. Kro iiiiii.u)»;ciii(.' ki. pa.i.ioxeiiiK> <(»ynKnirt bi. lU'lipopMBllUf pfl,TU. [Die Methode der hueceiwiven Anniiheningen und ihre Annendung auf die Entwickelung der l-'unctioiien in stetige Reiheii.] [189.5.] Itec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, 471.506; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 70. 71. — - Ciiocorn, iiocrfcjoBaTe.Ti.iiuxi npH''i.iiixf>iiin. Em iipii.ioxeiiie ki. buboiv xpopem. TKrt.iona ir .lAriAiniia bi iipeo6pa:ioBaiiiioft (j)opiit.. [Die Methode der succetsiven .\nna)ienini:en und ihre An- wenduug auf die Ahleitung d. r Theoreme von Tayi^b und LAonANGK in einer iiiodificierten Form.] [1895.] Kec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, 5tJ6-597; Fortschr. M»th., 1896, 70, 71-72. Sur le th<5orcinc de Taylob avec Tapproximation da troisidme degrc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 369- 370. CnocoGi. iiocjtiOBaTejLHUxi npii6jiixeBiH. Kro iipii.ioHCCiiie ki. iiHTcrpiipoBaiiiio .Tiiit><)>epeH- Itia.ll.llhlXI. ypaBlloiliil. [Die Methode der auoceMiven .\iiniiheruni,'en und ilire .\nwendung auf die Integration iler DifTerentialgleichnngen.] [18'.i6.] Rec Math. (Moscou), 19, [1897], 1-44 ; Fortschr. Math.. 1896, 70, 72. Ciioco6t. iioc.it.,xoBaTejbHUXb npii6jiixPBin. IUiioMoraTe.ii.iiue 11 jono.iiiiiTPJbnup cnocoCu lipil6.11l2KPllliaro llC'IIICJeilifl. [Die Methode der succcssiven .Anniiherungen. I>i(. Halfs- und KrganzungH. methoden der angenii^ierten Kechnung.] [1896.] Rcic. Math. (Moscou), 19, [1897], 421 {bi$)-46» (6m); Fortschr. Math.. 1897, 96. npiif>.iiixeuiioo BM4iir.iPHip oniK-itvjPunuxi llllTPrpajOBl. [!>!•■ angcniiherte Bcrechimng der beslimuiten Integrale.] [1897.] Kazan Soc. Phvu.. Math. Bull., 7. 1898. 95-117; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 258-2.59. 06i oiHoil TeopeMt Teopiii qiiceji. [Ein Theore 11 der Zahlentheorie.) [1897.) Rec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 171-172; Fortwjhr. Math., 1W7. 166. Ilpii.ioxpiiie iiciiicjpnifl K(^) Kt. onppjit- .ipiiih) utaaro tacTHaro .iBvxi. no.iniiniinBi.. [.\nwendung der /■ ■■ ' •■ • u'anzeo Teiles des 'j Rec. Math. (Mo...^ .. _ . ^i;..j,. .;: .... .,.,„. Math.. 1898, 70. rpoMPTpiMiecKiii iipieMM npn^jiizpuiioli Ksa- .ipaiypu II KyfiaTVpu. [Gei.mctriscbe Methoden der angenaherten Qnadratur und Kubatur.] [1897.] Bc« Math. (Moscou). 20, [1899], 451-471; Fortachr. M*th. 1898. 252. [•a.i.iiiMHUP cnocoTtu ii.wjtiOBaHia onppjt- .IPIIIIHXI. 'IIIC.IOBHXT. ltIIT0r]VUOB1> HO i-fcjll- TP.IflMl.. [Verschiedene Methoden der bc«timniten 114 Bugaev] 906 [Bugnion Zahlenintegrale nach den Teilern.] [1898.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 549-594; Fortschr. Matb. 1899, 194. Sur la s^rie analogue a la serie de L.\qrange. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 793-794. Cbh.il iiic.iroBHXT. iiHTerpa.ioBT) no A'fe.intre.iaMT) ct MifCTOBUiiii iiHTerpa-iaMii no HaTyi)a,ibHi.iM7. 'llICJiaMT). [Zusammeuhang der Zahlenintegrale nach Divisoren mit deii Zahlenintegralen nach natiirlichen Zahlen.] [1899.] Eec. Matli. (Moscou), 21, [1901], 33.5- 350; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 197-198. CBflSb 'iiicjioBHx'B iiHTC'rpa.iioBT> iio HaTypajb- HHMt 'HICiaMl. CI. OIipejlt.lieHMblMH qnCTOBHMII iiHTerpajiaMii CM'hiiiaiiHaro xapaitTepa. [Zusam- meuhang der Zahlenintegrale nach natiirlichen Zahlen mitdenZahleuintegralengemischteuCharakter.s.] [1900.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 21, [1901], 499-536; Fortschr! Math., 1900, 197, 198. ■ Pt'ib UpesiijieHTa MocuoBCKaro MaTeiiaTii- •leCKaro 06meCTBa. 21 jiapTa 1900 rojia. [Presi- dential address. Moscow Math. Soc, March 21st, 1900.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 21, [1901], 537-541. Bugaev, N[ikoliij] V[asiljevic], & Iiachtln, L[eonid'] K[iumiv]. 06'h vpaBHeHiflx'i) nflTou CTeiienii, paaptlliaCMUXl) BT> pa;i,II KaJiaxt. [Equations du 5-me degre resolubles en radicaux.] [1890.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 15, [1891], 83-98. Bugarszky, Istimn { = Stefan). .\ bazisok sebessegi eo- eflficienseirol. [Ueber die Geschwindigkeitskoeffizienten der Basen.] [1890.] Matb. Termt. Ertes., 9, 1891, 93-117; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 9, 1892, 216-240. Vizsgalatok a chemiai statika korebcil. [Untersuch- ungen im Gebiete der chemisehen Statik.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 10, 1892, 180-197; 11, 1893, 300-320, 349- 357; Matb. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 253-270 [Part 1] ; ,Ztschr. Physikal. Cheni., 12, 1893, 223-229 [Part 3]. Uj modszer a brom es clilor quantitativ elvalasztasara. [Neue Methode zur quantitatiyen Trenuung des Broms und Chlors.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 13, 1895, 276-287; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 10, 1895, 387-397. A cblor es brom meunyiscgi meghatarozasara. [Die quantitative Bestimmung des Chlors und Broms.] Termt. Kozlon., 27, 1895, 496; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn. 14, 1898, 363. Adatok a szabad energia valtozasahoz chemiai re- actioknal. [Beiti-iige zur Veriinderung der freien Energie bei chemisehen Reactionen.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 15, 1897, 38-54; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 356-357. Beitrage zu den molocularen Concentrationsverbalt- nissen physiologiecher Fliissigkeiten. Erste Mittheilung. Ueber die molecularen Concentratiousverbaltnisse des normalen menschlichen Harns. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 389-407. Ueber die Aenderung der freien Energie bei Bildung unliislicber Quecksilbervorbindungen. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem.. 14, 1897, 145-163. Bugarszky, Islrdii, A Iiiebermann, Ia'o. A feberjenemu anyagok sosav-, natriumhydroxyd- es konyhasOlekoto- kepessegerol. [Ueber das Bindungsvermogen der eiweiss- artiger Korper fiir Salzsiiure, Natriumhydroxyd und Kochsalz.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16, 1898, 218-242; Pfliiger, Arch. Pliysiol., 72, 1898. 51-74. Srf also Ziiebermann A Bugarszky. Bugarszky, Istriiii, & TangI, Fcniicz. Eine Methode zur Bestimmung des relativen Volums der Blutkorperchen und des Plasmas. [1897.] Centrbl. Physiol., 11, 1898, 297-300. Untersuchungen iiber die molekularen Concentra- tionsverbiiltnisse des Blutserums. Vorliiuiige Mittliciluug. [1897.] Centrbl. Physiol., 11, 1898, 301-306. A versavo molekularis concentratiojar61. [Ueber die molekulare Concentration des Blutserums.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16, 1898, 253-265; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 323-324. Pbysikaliseb-chemische Untersuchungen iiber die molecularen Conceutrationsverbaltnisse des Blutserums. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898, 531-565. .S(V ahv Tangi & Bugarszky. Bugge, Jens. Beitrag zur Lehre von der angehorenen Tuiierkulose. Beitr. Path. Auat., 19, 1896, 433-442. Buglioni, G[/or«)mi] Battista. Menengite riflessa da ■\scaris lumbricoides. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 2, 1893, 265-268. Buglioni, Glinranni'] Battista, & IHingazzini, Giovanni. S'f'f Mingazzinl & Buglioni. Bugnion, (.'harles [Juste Jean Mariel. For biographical notice and works see Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 66, 1897, 317-318. Bugnion, Kdonard. Eemarques sur le memoire de ^1/. lIuTiATTEL : [Rechercbes sur le developpement du cristalliu chez riiomme et quelques animaux superieurs]. Rec. Zool. Suisse, 2, 1885, 232-235. Les moeurs de rHylesinus oleiperda et les galeries du Phlipotribus Oleas. [1886.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 7, 1887, 218-225. Recherches sur la ponte du Phloeosinus Thuyfe, suivies de quel(]ues observations sur la structure de I'ovaire. Rev. Ent., 6, 1887, 129-138. [Larves anormales d'Eristalis.] [1887.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, xxvii. Rechercbes sur le developpement postembryonnaire, I'anatomie et les mceurs de I'Encyrtus fuscicoUis. [1890-92.] Rec. Zool. Suisse, 5, 1892, 435-534. De Taction des muscles du genou. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, .529-540. Note sur la rf5sistance de la teigne du fusain aux basses temperatures de I'biver. [1891.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 8, 1893, 319-321. Le developpement des muscles chez I'embryon d'axolotl. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 645. [Ueber die Respirationsorgane der Larven von Hsemonia und Donacia.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 8, 1893, 380-381. [Developpement des Selacieus.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 32, 1894, 414-419 ; Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 30, 1894, xxxi-xxxiv. Sur la retraction des muscles aprds la section de leur tendon. [RSsultats des experiences de Mile L. Egon Bessei!.] Arcli. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 469-473. [Les podurelles de la neige rouge.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31. 1895, 33-34. Le sqnelette humain envisage an point de vue trans- formiste. Lausanne. Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1895, 149-184. Quelques ob.servations sur le developpement du cerveau de I'igiiane (Iguana tubereulata). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 624-628. Rechercbes sur le developpement de I'epiphyse et de I'organe parietal chez les Reptiles (Iguana, Lacerta, Coluber). Arch. Sci. Pliys. Nat., 4, 1897. 4H9-490. Une nouvelle cuvette a dissection. Bibliogr. Anat., 5, 1897. 232. Leclairage ^lectrique a la salle de dissection. Bibliogr. Anat., 5, 1897, 233-235. La formation des os chez les Batmciens Urodeles. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 6, 1898, 622-624. La nuuvelle theorie du sommeil. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, xxv-xxvi. L'arliculation de I'epaule chez les auimaux et chez I'homme. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., (?, 1899, .")01-,502. [L'articulation de I'epaule. Etude d'artbrologie compar(5c, par Anna LunKRwiTCH. Introduction et appendici'.l Lau.sanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 35, 1899, 297- .■«)8, 371-382. Bugnion] 907 (Buisine Bugnlon, IjinMiinl. k Tavre, [U chanoine) Kmile. Sre Favre .V Bugnlon. Bogow, //. AufTullviulir NiHtpUtz von Alccdo ispida. Ornilh. Mber., 1, 1893, 82. Baguet, Alirl [Antoiiie]. ActionH dc> deux partieH coiix^-cit- tiviH d'lin mime courniit. I'arJH, Ac. Sci. C. K., 98, 1884, U22-c« dc Bontoks dcrri^re les ^crans opaques aux rayonH X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 12.5, 1897, 376-377. L'absorption des ravons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12.5, 1897, 398 -41 K). Sur la dis.'ieininrttion des rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 12.5, 1897, 702-703. L)e 111 radiu^'rapliie appliqu(!-e k I'^tude de la rigeni- ratiim os.seiiKe eliez les Hatraciens. Ass. Franv. C. R., 1899 {I'l. 1), 394. RcKeneratioDB osseiises, suivies A I'aide de la radio- Rraphie. Paris, Ac. Soi. C. R., 129, 1899, 174-17.5. Bngnet, Abel \Aulniue], & Cliabaad, Victor, .\mpoule radii'^'rnpliique ii anticatbode froide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899. .591-593. Bngnet, Ali,l [AiiUiiiif]. & Oascard, Alhert. Sur Taction des rayons X sur Ic diamaut. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 4-57. Action des rayons X sur les pierres pr^cieuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 726. Determination a I'aide des rayons X de la profondeur oit si^ge un corps I'triuiKer dans les tissus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 786-787. Bnhl, [Ludirig] vnn. 'Ueber Verbreitung der Lymph- balinen in den LunReu. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 268. Bnlii«, F[riedrich Alexander]. For biographical notice tee Riga Corresp.-Bl., 42, 1899, v-ix. Ueber Rliizoponon rubescens, Tnl., in Knrland. Riga Corresp.-BI., 27, 1884, 44-45. Erdteniperatur uni 7 Uhr Morgens in Friedriclishof bei Riga [1HH3-92]. Ris;a Corrcsp.-Bl., 27, 1884 (.ippeud.); 28, 1886 {Apiiend.); 20. 1886 {Append.); 30. 1887 (Append.); 31, 1888 (Append.); 32,1889 (Append.); 33, 1890 (.ippend.); 34, 1891 (.Append.); 35, 1893 (Append.); 36, 1893 (.Append.). [Ueber Pflaunientascben.] [1885.] Riga Corresp.- BI., 29, 1886, 1-2. [Ueber Phallus impudicus, C.) [1885.] Riga Cor- resp.-BI., 29, 1886, 2-3. [Ueber eine erkrankte Rosenpflanze.] [1890.] Riga Corresp.-BI., 34, 1891. 26. Zu der Notiz von W. Rothkrt iiber Elodea canadensis. (S. 300-302.) [1891.] Dorpat Sber., 9, 1893, 491-492. Die Flora des .\lburs und der Kaspischen Siidkiiste. Bisherige Forschungsergebnisse aufdiesem Uebiet. Riga Natf. Ver. Arb , .S, 1899, xiv + 61 pp. Bolck, (iJiT.) George litiphael. The cranuog of Moylarg. Dublin, Rov. Soc. Ant. Ir. Jl., 3, 1893, 27-43; 4,"l894, 31.5-331. Irish Hint arrow-heads. Dablin, Roy. Soc. .\nt. Ir. Jl., 5, 1896, 41-4J3. Boljakea, .4. .4. Sur une errenr qui a ete commise dans la tixiition dit uiument precis de la commotion principale du Krakiitoa. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 899-900. Boislne, .{[Iplionse]. Sur Is graisse du suint. Paris Soc. Chini. Bull., 42, 1884, 201-202. Sur la com|H)silion de la graisse du suint. [188.5-87.] Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-86). 106-109. 133-139. 322- 323; 17 (1886). 227-233, 266-275, 320-333, 377-391; 18 (1887), 1-58-166. Reeherchfs sur la compoiition chimique du suint du luouton. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R. , 103, 1886, 6t»-«W. .Sur les tranxfurmations qui se produinent ilans le« eaux de saiut. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 46, 1886, 497- 499. Itccherche, separation et dosage des aeides gras volatils. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887). 427-440. Les iprinciiMW azot^ de la saear. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), 461-170. Dosage de I'acidc carbonique libre et combine dans les liqnides organiques. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), 497- .503. Les principes volatils de la sueur. Bull. Sci. Kord, 18 (1887), .503-510. Sur les amines contenues dans les eaux de suint. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 1U4. 1887, 1292-1293. Les iicides volatils du suint. Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 48, 1887, 639-642. Bnislne, .mphontr], & Bnialne, I\inil I.ouii]. L'eau de la Lys. Bull. Sci. Norl. 17 (188«i. 183-1H7, 233-235. Changcments qui h ' la qnantite ct la composition de la mai it de suint sous I'inlluence des a^'ents i_ ,.. : 1. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887). 470-496. Sur une nouvelle source d'acide caprique. Parii, Ac. Sci. C. R., ia5. 1887. 614-617. Pre.sence de I'acide malique dans la sueor de* herbivores. Paris, Kc. Sci. C. B., 106, 1888, 1426- 1428. Presence de I'acide glycolique et de I'acide propyline- dicarboniquc normal dans le suint. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 107, 1888, 7'<9-792. Sur un preteudu reactif des seU de cnivre. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. .50, 1888. 517-518. L'ean d'Emmerin. Analyse cbiraiqne et examen bacteriologique. [1888.] Rev. BioL N. France. [1], 1889, 5r,-63. Sur la cire d'abeilles. Moniteor Sci., 4, 1890. 903- 915, 1126-1136; Paris Soc. Chim. Boll., 3, 1890, 867- 874. Blanchiment de la cire d'abeilles et compoaition de la cire blanche. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4. 1890, 46.5-470; Monitcur Sci., 5, 1891, 6M2-693. La cire des abeilles. .\nalwet falsifications. [18'.il.) Lille Trav. Mtiu., 1, 1889 91. .V'm. 4, 149 pp.; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 5, 1891, 654-«kl0. Contributions a I'ttude de la th(k)rie du blanchiment a. I'air. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 112, 1891. 7:i8-741. Sur I'epuration des eaux industrielles et de« eaux d'^gout. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R.. 112, 1891. 87.'.-«77. Utilisation de la pvrite grilloe. i^iur : . ' :i des sels de fer. Paris, .\c. Sci. C. R., 11.' . ;; Jl. Pharm.. 26, 1893, 22.5-227; Paris Soc. v 1., 7, 189?, 760-763. Epuratiou de» eaux d'^ontji par le sulfate ferriqne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R, 115, 1893, 661-664; Pari« Soe. Chim. Bull.. 7, 1893, 76;»-7i>7. Fabrication des extraits de Iwis tinctoriaax. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull.. 9. 1893. 26.'>-277. Concentration de I'acide sulfuriqae. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9. 1893, 277-2.'<8. Fabrication du sulfate d'alumine. Paris Soe. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893. 311-318. Emploi du sulfate ferriqoe comme desinfectant et antiseptique. Paris Soc. Chim. Boll., 9. IBM, 468- 47t'>. Fabrication des sols de fcr an moyen de la pvrite. [18fl6.] Jl. riiarm.. 4. 1896. .539-541; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 261-262. Pro xyflep- ItyJIonOM'b. La tubercuHne, sa preparation, ses effets sur I'organisme des animaux atteints de la tuberculose. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 1, 1892, 212-233. Ueber zwei neue Arten von SpiriUen im Wasser. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 120-121. Zu R. Pkeh-keu's Entdeckung des Intluenzaerregers. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 554-555. Bujwid] 909 (Bulatov Indol als ReaKenB ouf Nitrite. Chcm. Ztg., IH, 1894, Le clioli'ra dans la Poliignc Uiiuhp hi 18y2. llvchcrcheH liactt^'riold^iiliiL'H. CoiiKr. Meil. Int. Atti. 1894 {Vol. 2, Patul.), l'.l-2-l'J3. Siir k'H divers proccdi^'ii de tiltriitioii di'« cttiix putables. [With ilitemiiim.] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 6, Ingeiiu. Sanilur.), .")-6. Uumerkunxen iiber die Filtration liakterienhaltiKer FIusHiRkeiten. Ccntrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), IH, 18BS, 332- 33.1. (ionococciiH ftlH die UrBiic'lie pjiimiRcher AljBCeBse. Centrhl. Uukt. {Ahl. 1), 18, 189B, 43.5. Kin Kiitti'iiinKKiiiilzi>rand he'i deni FuchHC. Ccntrbl. Bakt. (.lif. 1), IH, 1896. 435-48(5. Wjniki badai'i wodv griintowej okolic Krakowa przez Podkonii«yi} Wodociiigowa w r. 1H94-.5 dokonanjcli. [HfiHultH of investigation of the ground water near Cracow by a Hydruulie Commission, 1894-95.] Kosnios (Lwon), 21, 1896, ll-2ti. Diplitheri<'l)acillen in eineni Harosediniente. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 21, 1897, 394. Ueber eino Metliodc der Konzentrierung des Diph- therie- und aiiderer therapeutiscber Sera niittels Aus- fricrnng. Centrbl. Hakt. {Aht. 1), 22, 1897, 2M7-288. Sur les resultats de I'inoculation , 1894, 4.-)8-4G0. BukovBky, .'.. A' Honl, /run. See Honl d' Bnkovaky. Bukowskl, Gejza. Mittheilnng Uber eine neue Jodquelle ill diT Miociinen Uandzune der Karpatheu und iiber Algenfunde in den wasserfiihrenden Schichten. Wien, Geol. Vtrh., 1886. 391-:«.5. Ueber die Jurabildungen von Czenstochau in Polen, Beitr. PalSout. Oesterr.Ung.. 5, 1887, 75-171. Ueber das Batlionien, Callovien und Oxfordien in dera Jurariieken zwischeu Krokau uud Wieluri. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1887, 343-350. Vorliiutiger Bericht iiber die geologische Anfnahnie der Insel lihodus. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 {Abth. 1), 107-173. IJeisebericlit aus der Gegend von Runierstadt in Mahrcn. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1889, 2til-2tl5. (irundziige des geologisclien Baues der Insel Rhodus. [1889.) Wien, Ak, Sbcr., 98, 1890 (.ibth. 1), 20H-272. Der geologische Bau der In>;el Kasos. (1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 {.ibih. 1), 053-069. Geologische Aufnahmen in dem krystallinischen Gebiete von MiihrischSchonberg. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890, 322-334. Reisebericbt[e] aus Klemasien. [1890.] Wien, Anz., 27, 1891, 124-120, 138-141, 161-164, 192 (W«)-195. Kurzer Vorbericht iiber die Ergebnisse der in den Jahren 1890 und 1891 im siidwestlichin Kleinasien durchgefiilirten gcologischen Untersuchuugen. Wien, Ak. Slier., 100, 1891 {.ibth. 1), 378-399. Reiseberieht aus dera Seengebiete des siidwestlichen Kleinasien. Wien, Anz., 28, 1891, 151-134. IJie gcologischen VerhaltnisKe der Umgebung vun Uulia .Maadi'n iuj iionlwi-ittlicheii Kleiniuiien (MvHiin). Wien, Ak. Sber.. HU, 1892 {Ablh. 1|, 214-235. Geologiftchc Forhchuiigen im wentlicheu KleioBHien. Wiin, G.rol. Verb., 1892. 134-141. Eiuige Heini'ikuiigi-n iil«.-r die I'liociiiiin Ablagerungen der In»el Illiodus. Wien, Oenl. Verb., 1892. 196-200. IbfiHcberiibt aus Nordmiihren. Die Umgebung von Miiglitz und Holienstodt und das Gebiet von Schonberg. Wien, liiol. VitIi., 1892. 327-331. Die levantiniKche Molluskoii-Fauna der insel Rbodus. Wien, Ak. Denkselir., tXI, 1893. 26-5-306; 63, 1896, 1-70. Ueber den Bau der siidlicben Sudeteiiauoliiufer ostlicb von der March. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 132-140. Itciseliericht nus dem Biidlicheii Dalmatien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898. 247-2.50. Geologische .Mittbeiluiigen ans den Gebieteu Paatro- vicrliio und Spi/.za in Siiddalniatien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1894, 120-12'.!. Kinige Beobachtungen in dem Triosgebiete von Siid- dalniatien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898. 133-138. Cephalopo.lHX1. TpailCUeil.llMITHUXT. 4>yHKUitl. [Die Ver- teilung der Wurzeln eiiier Klasse der ganzen transcen- (lenten Functionen.] (1893.) Rec. Math. (Mosconl. 17. (1896). 217-222; Fortschr. Math.. 1893-94, 678. Oiil'.KOTopuxi. HacTiihiXT.cjy4;mx-h BT. Bonpoct O maximum il minimum ()>yHKain T|iexi> ne|H>)lt>n- llhlX7>. [Utber einige specielle Fiille der Theorie der Maviina und Minima einer Function dreier Veraoder- lichen.) [1.S97.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 20. (ia99], 92-104; ForLschr. Math.. 1897, 2.tO. Bnlacli, n'[Hhelm]. Condensation von p-Nitrobenzaldehyd mit Cbinaldin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20. 1887, 2046-2m7; 22, 1889. 28.5-290. BniatoT, A. Ki. Bonpocy o RpRTiiHOCKon Tcunepa- TVpii. [Contribution to the question of critical tempera- ture.) Russ. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 {Phyi.), U99, 69-81. Bulatov] 910 [Bull Bulatov, (.1///./) II.. & OustavBon, Gavriil G[arriilovic]. See Oustavson & Bulatov. Buiatovic, A. K. HsT, AfiiicciiHiii lepest, cTpany Ka(il4)a Ha oaepo PvW-IwIja. [DalF Abissinia al Lago Rodolfo })ei- il Caffa.] St. Petersb., Russ. GeoKr. Sod. Bull., 35, 1899, ib^-iH-i; [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 37, 1900, 121-142. Buidakov, . OniicaHie 06yxoBCKHxi. Miinepa.ii.- HHXT. BO;i,l>. Description des eaux niinerales d' Obou- khovo. Iiikaterinenb., Soc. Oural. Bull., 12 (No. 2), 1890-91, 50-52. Bulion, (le rir. p'ere) . L'^l^phant domestique a la mission catholique de Sainte-Anne au Fernan-Vaz (Congo-Frauc,'ais). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 353-354. Bulgakov, A'[iA-o^y'] A[lel BieKipu- lecKOMi. nojii, OKpyjEaioineMt Haa.ieKTpiisoBaH- HOe KOjltU,0. [Surfaces equipotentielles dans le champ Electrique d'un anneau electris^.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 [Phys.), 1898, 103-125; Jl. Phys., 9, 1900, .50-52. HEiTerpiipoBaHie ypaBnenifl yiipynixT. Kcne- 6aHiii IJia KOJIbIl,a. [Integration der Gleichung der elastisehen Schwingungen eines Ringes.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Phi/s.), 1899, 103-118, 143-158; Fortschr. Phys., 1899 (Abtli. 1), 477. Bulgakov, N[ikolaj] A\lek.'<(iiulrovic], & Smixnov, NikohiJ Aleksdiuirovic. 3KciiepiiMeHTaJibHoe oiipeA'I'.JieHin ;j.ieKTpoeMKOCTll IIllOBOAHlIKa K0.1bD,eB0it (|»OpMH. [Determination experimentale de la capacity Electrique d'un conducteur annulaire.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (Phys.), 1898, 126-138; Jl. Phys., 9, 1900, ,50-52. BuUc, .{[leksiindr Kon.ittiutiiiiivic']. Kt anaTOMill Bromeli- aceiE. [Contribution to the anatomy of the Bromeliaceffi.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 24, 1892 (No. 1), 53 pp., (No. 4), 28 pp. rioraiiiiiecKia Ha6jiio;;eHifl bo BpeMa SKCKyiniii no Hojirt BT) 1891 roj;y. Botanische Beobachtungen in der Excursion an der Wolga im Jahrc 1891. Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 24, 1892 {No. 3), 27 pp. Btuic, Petr. AnajiHS'b jiaTOMHaro paacojia ii iia:)- cciLHoR Boji,H ii;iT. osepa fi.mis'b CrojiuiiiiHCKUXb MHHepaJIbHUX'b BOAT). [Die Analyse der Mutterlauge uud des salzhaltigen Wassers eines in der Nahe der Stoliipin'schen Mineralquellen gelegenen See's.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 18 (Chem.), 1886, 324-327; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 35, 1887, 360-363. OSi OKiif.Teiiiu aiiOTiioK) khc.iotoio kiicjotm JI,iaJIJIIIJIin,aBe.jeBOi[. [Ueber die Oxydation der Diallyl- oxalsaure mittelst Salpetersiiure. ] Rusa. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 19 (Chem.), 1887, 73-97; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 39, 1889, 65-88. 0 jt-bricTBiH c'iipnoft kiic.iotm na Kiic.ioTy ;i;iajIJIIIJimaBeJieByiO. [Ueber die Einwirkung von Schwefelsaure auf die Diallyloxalsaure.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 19 (diem.), 1887, 97-106; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 39, 1889, 89-99. Bulius, Gustav. Zur Geuese der uniloculiiren Eierstocks- cysten. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 15, 1888, 36.5-383. Der Eierstock bei Fibromyoma uteri. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 23, 1892, 358-426. Bulkley, Fred. G. The separation of strata in folding. [1884.] Amer. lust. Min. Engin. Trans., 13, 1885, 384-388. Bulkley, H. The crested grebe breeding in India. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl, 6, 1891, 501. Birds observed breeding in Kharaghora. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 7, 1892-93, 544; 8, 1893-94, 325-326. The breeding season of the Sarus crane. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 148. Small game in the Kharaghora district. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 163. Bulkley, L[ucins] Duncan. The relation between diseases of the skin and disorders of other organs. N. Y. Med. Jl., 43, 1886, 387-388. Unusual methods of acquiring syphilis, with illustra- tive cases. N. Y. Med. Jl., 49, 1889, 213-214. Syphilis and associated infections. Congr. Int. MEd. C. R'., 1900 (Vol. 9), 647-661. The aetiology of eczema, with reference to recent views as to its parasitic origin. N. Y. Med. Jl., 72, 1900, 847- 851, 887-890. Bull, . Gold aus Meerwasser. [1894.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1895-96, 358. Bull, P>enjinni>i Samuel. On /3-oxycellulose. Chem. Soc. Jl., 71, 1897 (Pt. 2), 1090-1097. Bull, Benjamin Samuel, & Einbom, Alfred. See Einhom A- BuU. Bull, Benjamin Samnel, & GemBbeiin, Alfred. Acylver- bindnngen der Hexahydroanthranilsiiure und Hires Esters. Liebig's Ann., 295, 1897, 201-203. Bull, Charles Stednutn. The hydroehlorate of cocaine as a local anesthetic in ophthalmic surgery. N. Y. Med. Jl., 40, 1884, 609-611. Analysis of one hundred and three cases of exudative neuro-retinitis, associated with chronic Brioht's disease. [With discussion.] Amer. Ophthalni. Soc. Trans., 1886, 184-194. The value of electro-therapeutics in lesions of the optic nerve. N. Y. Med. Jl., 49, 1889, 457-458. An analysis of ninety cases of simple chronic glau- coma, with special reference to the effects of iridectomy on the acuity of vision and the visual field. N. Y. Med. Jl., 50, 1889, 143-146. Papillitis, or indammation of the intra-ocular end of the optic nerve; its a>tiology and connection with intra- cranial disease. [1890.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 53, 1891, 205-209. Gouty retinitis, chorio-retinitis, and neuro-retinitis. [li'ith discussion.] Amer. Ophthalni. Soc. Trans., 1893, 473-497; N. Y. Med. Jl., 58, 1893. 169-175. Bull] oil [Buller The riuootion of the cflicacy of Hubcnnjunctival in- jections of incrciiric liichloridi' in ophthiihnic therapeuticx. [1894.] N. Y. Med. .11., lil, 1896. 7M-M1. Preliminary report on six liiimheil and twelve casen of convergent H(|uint, with hpeciul reference to the final rosiiltH of opinilion. N. V. Mwl. .11., 02, 1898. 2.iG--2;«t. The course and pr. relicr din lleNlimniunK stnrk unnesiittigter Fett.-iiuren in den Tlininen. Cliiin. Ztg., 23, 1899, 1013-11)44. Ucber die Einwirkuug von Natriunialkoliolat auf Fette. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, H14-«l.i, 84.5-H46. Bnll, llenrij (iritren. For biography and works gee Wool- hoiie Field Club Trans., 1883-86, 373-376; (jrevillea, 14, [1886]. .57; Jl. Bot., 24, 1886. 62-(;4. 'The asarabacca. (.\snrum europieum.) [1881.] Woolhope Field Clnb Trans., 1881-82, 38-39. Bnll, Ole II[oriirmiiitii]. Investigations of the perception of light and jihotoptoinetria. Congr. Int. Sci. Mid. C. 11, 1884 {T. 3, Oph.), 18-2(). [Om de fysiologiske grundfarver.] Skaud. Natf. Forh., 1886, 143-14-5. Pathological alterations of the retinal vessels. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 3), 663-672. Synchronous movements of the upper lid and maxilla. Arch. Ophthalm., 17,1888. 144-141;. Paralysis of the oculomotor nerve on the right and of the abducens on the left side. Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 147-148. Unilateral tonic spasm of the ciliary muscle induced by pressure on the carotis. Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 149-1.50. Fistula.' fissuniruni branchialium, together with peculiar malformation of the membranio tympani. Arch. Otol., 17, 1888, 3t;-.S!l. De la polyopic monoculaire. .\nn. d'Oculist., 105, 1891, 254. Du rapport de la contraction irreguli6re du muscle ciliaire avec I'astigmatisme. .\nn. d'Oculist., 107, 1892. 109-123. On synergetic ocular movements. Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 342-353. Another case of synchronous movements of the upper lid and lower jaw. .Vrch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 354- 355. Sur la perinii'trie au moyen de pigments colores. Ann. d'Oculist., 110, 1893, 1(19-181; 111. 1894. -284-285. Effect produced by the pressure of the lids upon the cornea. .Vrch. Ophthalm., '23, 1894, 462. Mf'thode subjective d'optomctrie. Ann. d'Oculist., 113, 1896, 358. Accidents ocniaires occasionui^s par Ic froid. .Ann. d'Ofulist., 113, 1896, 383-384. Etude sur les images de diffusion. .\nn. d'Oculist., 115, 1896. 462. Do visuelle relationer niellem vore nine. Christiania Forh., 1897, So. 1, 17 pp.; Ann. d Oculist., 120, 1898, 73-74. Von der Anwendung der Chlorwasserstoffsaure bei Knochenaffectionen an den Wiinden des Cavuni tympani und Meatus osseus. [1898.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 34, 1899, -29-40; Arch. Otol., 28, 1899, 13--22. La fatigue produite par les efforts pour maintenir la viaion hinocnlaire aimplc. Ann. d'Oculiat., 122, ISM, •20O-'20l. BestenimeUe af farvwle glasses lysabBorbtion og farvestyrkc. Christiania Forh.. 1899, So. 3, 18 pp.; FortKchr. Phv"., 1899 I.Vith. 2). HI. Boll, olr /([ornrni'inri], .V Oadc, h'. <■■ M<-lanotic tanion of the eye. Arch. Ophthalm., IM, 1889. 163-168. Bull, /(. 7'., iV Fotta, //. H'. Bacteriological research in the milk flora of Australia. Aust. Asa. Hep., 1900, 340-345. Bull, Tlmmiiji .1/. The pre«cription of exercise. N. Y. Med. Jl., .52, 1890, 141-143. Bullar, ./[iiliii] h[ollrii]. Kxpcriments to determine the origin of the respiratory sounds. Hoy. .Soc. I'roc., 37, 1884. 411 4-.J'.'. BuUard, ' . iV Davenport, CIiutUj H[enediet]. Set Davenport A Bullard. Bollard, > . ,v Farkar, U{tor4. Bullock, .'. //., A Ka«Ue, ./[(Mcjj/i] H[ueinn]. See XasUe A BuUock. Bullock, ./fJiii li. I'oiiiiH multiple Htirrine and tilterini; iilipiinitus. .11. .\niil. Chem., U, 1892, 4H.')-4S7. Bullock- Webiter, {lie v.) (!. li. Some new Charareie ii.unls. Jl. Hut., Mi, 1898, 182-184. Bullot, (1. Action ilcH inlmlutioUB dc chlorure et dY-thyli^ne Hur la corni-e du oliion. [inyC] Ann. d'Oculint., 117, 1897, Ul. Sur hi croisBancc et lea courburcn du PhyconiyoeB nitcMH. Hriix., Soc. BcIkl- Micr. Ann., 21, 1897, 6'.(-'Jl. La regeneration de I'^pithelium corneeu sous I'intlaence de la morphine. [1897.] Ann. d'Oculist., 119, 1898, 60-Gl. Presentation d'lin ceil do cyclope. Ann. d'Oculist., 120, 1898, 43-14. l)e la ri^'geni'Tation de IY'pith(''lium corneen apres (^•nuclcation. Ann. d'Oculist.. 120, 1898, 4t;-47. Sur I'impermeabilite de I'epitheliuni corneeu ii. I'oxyK^ne. (IH'.O.] Ann. d'Oculist., 123, 1900, 142-144. Sur In pliysiologie de I'epitheliuni corneen. ImpermiJ- abilitc:- relative a Toxygt-ne. Brux., Ac. Bull., 1900. 887- !t4!). Ballot, l. Bolman, Ihirrisnti F. The Kalgoorlie gold-mines. Western Australia. [With ilineunsinn.] [1899.] Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 17, 1900, 349-372; 18, 1900, 344-347 ; '20, 1902, .5(17 .'lO'.). Bolnlieim, Gotlhard. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Gallen- sHineii. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 296-324. Bolovsklj, Aleksamlr [Irmwvif]. Ueber die schiidlichen Hestaniltheile derjenigen (iummisachen, mit denen Kinder verschiedenen Alters in Bertihrung kommen. Arch. Hyg., 15, 1892, 12.5-140. Bolwer, ir. I). Breeding of tlie otter in November. [1893.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 5. 1894, 420-421. Bom, .4ii(0'i. I'i'ber die Anweudung der Milclisaure bei finigiisen Erkrankungen der Weichtheile. Wien. Med. W.-iuhr., 35, 188«, 1432-143t;. Experimenteller lieitrng zur Kenntniss des Homer- vensprungs beim Kaniuohcn. [1888.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 45, 1889, .568-574. Zur phvsiologischen Wirkung der Massage auf den StolTwwhsel. Wien. Med. Wschr.. 42, 1892. 1976-1977. Experimenlelle Untcrsuchungou iiber da-; Ganglion ciliare der Kiitze. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 {Th. 2. Hiil/te 2), 304-307. Die apinale .\taxie und ihre compensatorisschc Bewe- guugsbehandlung. [1899.] Wien. Med. Wschr.. 50, 1900. 182-183. R. S. A. C. Ueber die Atrophiewirknng der Durchschneidung der Ciliarnerven iiuf du» (ianglion ciliare. Miinchen Ges. Murpliol. u. I'byiol. Sber.. 16, 1900, 46-18. Bomcke, li.. A WolSeiistaln, Iliehanl. Ueber Cellalose. li. rliii, Cheni. Ge*. Bcr., 32, 1899. 24'.I3. 2.507. BomlUer, . (Das LivingsloneGebirge.] Berlin Ge». ICr.lk. Verb., 20,1893, 40.5-400; Petermunn, Mitlh.. 89, 1893, 212-213. Bomm, .ln(i/ii. See Bnin. Bnnun, /•.'(rnilj. Ueber cinen abiiceii»bildcnden Diplo- coceus. [1884.] Wurzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1888, 1-7. Zur Aeliologic und diagnostikchen Bedeutung der Papillonie der weiblichen Genitalien. Wtirzb. Phys. Med. Sber.. 1888, 66-75. I'eber die Genital- und Beckenverhaltniss* der Hot- tentottinnen. [1886.] Wurzb. Phvs. Med. Sber., 1887, 6-7. Die pucrperale Wundinfection. KritUcher Berioht iiber die neueren .\rbeiten auf diesem Gebiete. Centrbl. Bakt., 2, 1887, 343-348. Ueber Parotitis nach Ovariolomie. Wttrzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1887, 20-31. Ueber Darmversctiliessungen nach Ijipftrotomien. Wiirzb. Phys. Mi-d. Sber., 1888. 41-4H. 49-50. Ueber die Einwirkungen pyogener Mikroorganismen auPs Bindegewebe nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Bedeu- tung derselben Mikroben fur die progressive Kitening. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Slwr., 1888. 95-96, 97-108. Die Pbagocytenlebre und der Gonococcuii. [1888.] Wiirzb. Phys. .Med. Sber., 1889, 3-«. Zur Anatomie der Placenta. Wiiizb. Phy». Med. Sber., 1889, 11.5-118. Ueber fotale Herzgeriiusche. Warzb. PhvB. Med. Sber., 1890. 10-5-109. Ueber pucrperale Endometritis. [1890.] Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1891, 9-13. — — Ueber die Entwickehing der menschlichen Placenta. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1891. 78 hO, 8l-i*.5. Ueber die Ueilungsvorgiinge nach dem Bauehschnitt bei bacilltircr Bauchfelltuberkulose. [1892.] Wiirzb. Phys. .Med. Sber., 1893, 7-10. Ueber Diphtheric und Kindbettfieber. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. (iynik.. 33, 1895, 126-1.36. [De la blennorrhagie de residua.] [1896.] Ann. de Dermatol., ••<. 1897, 12()-122. Bompoa, Heniwn Carey. A simple and ioexpensiTe self- registering auianometer. Bot. Gaz., 12, 188T, 149- 1.50. The erabrvology of the American lobster. Jl. Morphol., 5, 1891, 21.5-262. A new metliod of using cellnidin for serial section cutting. Amer. Satlist.. 26. 1892. h<>-81. The median eve of adult Cruiitacea. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 176-177.' Instinct and education in birds. Science, 4. 18M, 213-217. The result of the suspension of natural selection as illustrated bv the introduoeind die Ausgrabung eines angeblich voUstaudigen Mammuth- cadavers. [Aus Briefen an den Akademiker L. von ScHRENCK.] [1885.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 30, 1886, 228-282. Brief.. .fiber den Gang der von der Akademie veran- stalteten Polar-Expedition. [1885.] St. Pi5tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 30, 1886, 342-346. IIpej;BapiiTe.ibHHri OTHeTT> o6i 3Kcne;;iiu,iii Ha H0B0-Cn6lipcKie OCTpOBa. [Preliminary report on an expedition to the New Siberia Islands.] [1887.] St. Petersb., Huss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 23, 1888, 573-591 ; Nature, 37, 1888, 522-523. La faune ^teinte des bouches de la L^na et des iles de la Nouvelle Siberie. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892 (Pt. 2), 281-285. See also under Bergmann, P[ein}whl]. Bunge, .ilexander von (jun.), & Toll, (Baron) Ednard von. Beriehte fiber die von der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften ausgerustete Expedition nach den Neusi- birischen Inseln und dem Jana-Laude. Beitr. Russ. Reich., 3, 1887, 63-412. Bunge, Carlos. Proyecto de un puente de hierro de 25 metros de luz. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 19, 1886, 17.5-218. Bunge, G[ustav] von. Ueber die Assimilation des Eisens. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 9, 1885, 49-59. Analyse der anorganischeu Bestandtheile des Muskels. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 9, 1885, 60-62. Eine Bemerkung zur Theorie der Drusenfunction. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1886, 539-540. Wie ist die Resorption der Luft aus der Pleurahoble zu erkliiren? Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Phijsiol. Ahth.), 1886 (Sappl.), 184-185. Ueber das Sauerstoffbediirf niss der Schlammbewohner. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 12, 1888, 565-567. Ein Wort der Erwiderung an Rudolf Heidenhain : [Beitrage zur Histologic und Physiologic der Dunndarm- schleimhaut]. Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 44, 1889, 270- 271. Ueber die Aufnahme des Eisens in den Organismus des Siiuglings. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 13, 1889, 399- 406 ; 16, 1892, 173-186 ; 17, 1893, 63-66. Ueber Siderosis bulbi. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 4, Abth. 10), 151-154. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Atlunung der Wurmer. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem,, 14, 1890, 31S-324. Ueber den Eisengehalt der Leber. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 17, 1893, 78-82. La ferroterapia. Ann. di Chira., 21 & 22, [1896], 468-475. Die Veriinderungen der Lunge nach Selbstmordvor- such durch Ertriinken. Fortschr. Med., 14 (1896), 81-88. Die Assimilation des Eisens aus den Cerealien. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 36-47. Bnnge] 010 Ueber difi ZuBammcnRetzunR dca Knorpols vom Haifiscl). ZtKchr. Physiol. Chem., 'JH, 1899. :«Xt-302. Per KooliBnlzKclmlt di-s Knorp'i. Bunge, .V[iA(iJrt/l A[ndreevH]. TTpilMt.lIOnio lian.llIIIO- Bijxi. iiiai)iiKoin> II iiiiiioTKii Ca.ie kti aiiiuiiay ra:tom> no Cliocoriy Ryii:iKlia. [Ueber die AnwendunK von KaolinkiiKrlii iind der Salet'schen Pipette bei dcr Oananalvse iiach Busses.] Russ. PhyB.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 {Clie'm.). 1888, i;!l4-70I ; Fresenius, Ztscbr., 28, 1889, 4.57-4(i(i. 06i. M('i;iim.iii:d; kiic.ioti. Htiipiiaro jWAa ii 06l> lllia.llliri. ra:inB'I.. [Ueber die Electrolyse der Fettsiiureii und din Analyse von GaBen.] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nut. Mfin., 10, 1889, Ixxxvii-lxxxviii ; Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 1747. 3.10KTI)0.1II31. HIIipilHXl. KIIC.IOTT.. [Electrolyaig of fatty acids.) Russ. Phy8.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 21 {Chem.), 1889, 52.5-557 ; Chem. Soc. Jl., 58, 1890 {Abt.), 1230- 1237. Ki. n.ioKTpo.Tii:iy MeTa.ienTiiiecKiixi. npoii:t- B0,1,in.lX1. oprailll>ICCKllXli KIIC.IOTT.. [Electrolysis of substituted organic acids.] Buss. Plivs.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 24 (Chnn.), 1892, 690-694; Chem. Soc. Jl., 64, 1893 (.!'«., Pt. 1), (540-641. Bunge, /''/»'. DieBunKc'schenPriicisionswaagen. CentrztR. t)plik, r,, 1884, 220-22.7, 229-231. Neues iibcr [seine] anaU'tischen Waagcn. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, .559-r)li0. Neuerungen an Waageu. Ztscbr. Instrumentenk., M, 1894, 131-132. Bunge, Ti. Ueber Geisselfarbung von Bakterien. Fortschr. M. d., 12 (1894), 462-464, 929-935. Zur Actiologie der Gaspblegmone. Fortschr. Med., 12 (1894), 533-545. Zur Kcnntnis der gcisseltragenden Bakterien. Fort- Bcbr. iNfed.. 12 (1894), 6.53-670. Ueber Sporenbildung bei Bakterien. Fortschr. Med., i:i (1895), .'^13-S2i;. .'*.53-863. Bunge, 7>., iV Trantenrotli, A. Smegma- and Tuberkel- bacillen. Fortschr. Med., 14 (1896), 889-902, 929- 942. Bunge, Richard, & Eberth, C. J. See Ebertli li Bnnge. Bungener, //[>'nn/]. La d^generescence do la levure de liiasserie. Paris" Soc. Cbim. Bull., 42. 1884, .")li7-573. lies principes amers du houblon. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 487-496. La levure de biire. Resultats des recherches les plus Vicentes. Leur application industrielle. Moniteur Sci., I, 1890, i;6.5-675. 780-790. Bungerotb, [Otto]. Ueber Diphteritis und das Heilserum. lls'.M.I Westfiil. Ver. Jber., 1894-96, xixi-xliv. Bungefeann, />[iiHii(rii]. La diffraction des rayons X. l•'.^•luirtt^;o Elect., 7 (1896), 16.5-167. Buniakovski], I'[iA(iir] Ja[kovlevif]. For biography and winks s,i' Leopoldina, 2.5, 1889, 219 ; Fortschr. Math. 1890, 30 ; Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 2, 1891. 149-161. ♦Mi^moire sur I'irreductibilit^ de certaines formules irrationnelles, tant litterales que num^riques. St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1841, 1-2. *HoBUfl coo6paxeniH o Toopiii i)apa.i.ie.ii>iiMxi .lliniii. [Sew considerations on the theory of parallels.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Russ.), 2. 1862, 19-28. [Bnnlakovskij •O llf.KOTOpUXl HaCTIIUXI. f.lV'IMXI. lIllTcrpH- pyeMcKTH B'b KOHCHIIOjn. BlUi- JMi)l4«^pcUlliaja x + Cj dx r + C, s/i* + Ax* + Bz*l-Cx + D II .ipyriixi Bijpaxniiin uoxofiuaro BHia. [On Bomo special case* of integration in the complete form of the difTcrontial x + C, dx ' + Ct Jz* + Ai*+Bi**Cz + D and of other expressions of vimilar form.] St. Pctemb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (/?«»..), 3, 1863 (.'iuppl.). So. 2. 32 pp. *l"i'c)Mi'rpii'ii'ci:iH cooOpa/Ki'iiifl o iiaiiBMroi- lll.Hllli'M I, pa^tutlUi'llill rp(»MOOTBO,lOBl. (Geometric considerations on the most advBnla«eous arrangement of liglitninK-conductorH.] St. Petik. [On two interest- ing questions in Diophantine analysis proiH>s.-d iu the Zeitsclirift fiir Matlieniatik und pLv^ik.] [1«64.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mcni. («««.), 6, 1868. 142-163. *0 cyMMOBaiiiii 'iiicjpiniijxi. Tafijiim no iipil6.lll%0lliKi. [On the approximate summation of numerical tables.] [1867.) St. Petersb., .\o. Sci. Mem. {Iiits>.), 12, 1868 (.Supp/.), So. 4, 41 pp. *QC)i, ojiioMi. 3MIIIIPIIHWK0MI BMpaxeniit saEGUa CMCpTHOCTII. [On an empirical expression of the law of mortalitv.) St. Petersb., Ac Sci. Mem. {Rtisi.), 15, 1869 {.Siip'pl.), No. 4, 20 pp. *06i. ciHoit (jiopjiy-it., BupaH:aK«in<'ft .laBHCii- JiocTi. MPJK.iy cyMMaHii .itjiiTe.iort Bct.xi cjaran- Mijxi. jaiiiiaro MiicMa ii coBOKyiinfKrriK' pa.i.ioa:o- iiiii 3Toro cauaro 'iiicja na uiuuii cjaracjiuii. [On a formula expressing the relation bttwcen the aanu of the divisors of all the parts of a given number and the combination of the decomiKisitions of the same number inteiinaro poxa, Bcrpt- Haioimixca BX BOiipoct. n Xi'fJx'KTaxi. [Sur les combinaisons d'un genre particulitr qui se rencmtrent dans la question sur les li>Tes d'fectueos^s.) [1S71.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (/;i«».l. 20. 187i {Sappl.), So. 2, 71 pp. ; Fortschr. Math.. 1872. 8^. ♦Ofil OJHOMl BOIipOct. 1131. Tcopin COOlllHOnifi. [On a question in the theorv of combinations.) St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Ruxi). 21. 1872, 261-284. *06i. 0.1H01II Bonpoct, oTHocflmeiicH ki. paajo- HtOUiKi 'llice.ll iia "lacril ([wirtitio numeronim). [On a question relating to the partition of numbers.) [1874.] St. Petersb.. Ac. Sci. Mem. (Riut.). 25. 1BT8 {SuppL), No. 1, 29 pp. *0 caMoc'ieTaxT. ii o iiobomi. iixr [On calculating machines an. I a new »| same.) St. I'etcrsb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (V..-. . {.Siippl.), S'o. 4, 28 pp. *0 HOBOMi. cjyial; itdimocrii iiicmt. Bina 2»+l, coor)iiieniioin..\KaioiiiiiOT. nGrBrmiinuiiv [On a new case of divisibility ..( nnmhcrt of ■' • ' ■•"> 2'+l, communicated to the Academy by : St. Petersb., .\c. Sci. Mem. {R oTiioi-aiuiixcfl Ki. iipaBCTBeHHOJiy oxiiAaiiiio. (On maxima in qaestions relating to moral expectation.] 115—2 mil. the 1S76 Buniakovskijl 916 [Buntrock [1879.] St. Petei-sb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (B».w.), 36, 1880 {SuppL), No. 1, 22 pp. *06i. oa,iioMi Bii;ioii:iMt,iiPiiiii ciiocoi5a, ii;jBiiCT- naro iioji,i naiiBaiiicMi. ypATOceEHOBa pfciiieTa. [On a variation in the method known by the name of Eratosthenes' sieve.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 41, 1882 (Siippl.), No. A, 32 pp. ■ Demonstration de quelques propositions relatives a la fonction numerique A'(.r). [1883-84.] St. P(5tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 29, 1884, 2.50-272, 508-520. 06t. OJtHOMI, BIIJlOIISMilieHill (|)yHKlli]I E(f{.r)) II 0 npn.iO/iteniH ii.3M'i;HeHHaro iipiejia Kt iisciiAo- BaldlO Hf.KOTOpHXl CBOilCTBT) KBaApaTItHHtlXI. II HeKBajipaTII'IHHXl. BH'ICTOBT. IipOCTHXTj ^iiiceji'i. Bnj.a ik + 1. [Ueber eine Modification der Function E{f{.r)} und iiber die Anwendung des veranderten Verfahrens zur Untersuchuni; einiger Eigeuschaften der quadratischen und nicht quadratischen Keste der Zahlen von der Form, 4ft + 1.] [1885.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Rvss.), 52, 1886, 124-141 ; Fortschr. Math., 1886, 144-145. 3aMtTKa o6i) oanoii (fopMy.if. oTHocameilca ki, Teopill llice.'l'b. [Bemerliungen iiber eine Fomiel der Zahlentheorie.] [1886.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 55, 1887 (Stippl.), No. 5, 16 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1887, 173. Bunkell, H. B. Notes on the Venterskroom gold-fields, Soutli African Republic. [M'ith discussion.] [1896.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 46, 1898, 58-62. Banker, Frederic S. On the structure of the sensory organs of the lateral line of Ameiurus nebuiosus, Le Sueur. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 256-260. Bunker, Robert. For biograpliy see Philad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, 104; Eochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1895, 150-151. Notes on abnormal types of the larva of Smerinthus myops. Canad. Ent., 18, 1886, 207-208. Some experiences in larv.T rearing. Philad., Ent. News, 1, 1890, 108-110, 117-119. Banning, Charles Z. Coal mining at Warora, Central Provinces, East India. [1889.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 38, 1891, 77-169. Bunning, Theo[phi\ns\ Wood. For biographical notice see Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 3, 1892, 85-87; N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 41, 1893, 3-5. Barometer and thermometer readings for [1883-86]. N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 33, 1884, 239-245 ; 34, 1885, 309-315 ; 35, 1886, 247-253 ; 36, 1887, 22.5-231. Bunsen, Ph. von. Alt-Amerika und die allgemeine Kultur- geschichte. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 300-304. Snneen, R[obert] ]V[ilheliu Kherhard vov]. For biography and works see Amer. Cliem. Jl., 22 (1899), 411-413 ; Amer. Jl. Sci., 8, 1899, 318 ; Analyst, 24, 1899, 226-227 ; Ann. di Farm, e Chin]., [1899], 47';MH0 ; Astrophys. Jl., 10, 1899, 301-305; Berlin, Cheni. Ges. Ber., .32, 1899, 2535-2539; Chem. News, 80, 1899, 94-95; Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 675; Dinglers Polytecbn. JL, 313, 1899, 159- 160 ; Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 626 ; Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1898-99, 43-44; Leopoldina, 35, 1899, 158; Moniteur Sci., 13, 1899, 770; Natvne, 60 (1899), 424-425; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. .R., 129, 1899, 10(51 ; Phys. Rev., 9, 1899, 310-312; Kiv. Sci.-lnd., 31, 1899, 184; Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rund., H, 1899 (Hem. 2), 329-337; S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Jl., 2, 1899, 178-181; S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc, 2 (1897-99), 832- 835; Science, 10, 1899, 447-451; Smithsonian Rep., 1899, 60.5-644; Wien. Med. Wschr., 4'.l, 1899, 1596; Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 36, 1899, 550-551 ; Ztschr. Augew. Chem., 1899, 822, 1241 ; Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 22, 1900 (Proc), 89-107; Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 (Pt. 1), 513-554; Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 431 ; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 56, 1900, li ; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 44, 1900, xxxii-xxxiii ; Termt. Kozlon., 32, 1900, 690- 691; Wien, Almanach, 50, 1900, 286-288; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 884-885; Ztsclir. Anorg, Chem., 23, 1900, 39;^-438; Ztschr. Elektroch., 1899-1900, 20.5- 206; London Phys. Soc. Proc, 17, 1901 (.inn. Meet., 1900), 12-13; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 30, 1901, 359-369; Roy. Inst. Proc, 16, 1902, 437-447; Roy. Soc. Proc, 75, 1905, 46-49. Ueber die langsame Verdichtung der Kohlensaure an blanken Glasflachen und Kayser's Einwiirfe dagegen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 22, 1884, 145-152. Ueber capillare Gasabsorption. Ann. Phys. Chem., 24, 1885, 321-347; 25, 1885, 680. Zersetzung des Glases durch Kohlensiiure enthaltende capillare Wasserschichten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 29, 1886, 161-16.5. Ueber das Dampfcalorimeter. Ann. Phye. Chem., 31, 1887, 1-14. Bunte, 7/[(iH.s Hvgo Christian]. [Bericht iiber die im Auftrage des landwirthschaftlichen Provinzialvereines i'iir die Mark Brandenburg und die Niederlausitz ausge- fiihrte Priifung von Locomobilen.] Chemische Unter- suchung der Feuerungen und des Dampfes. Civil- ingenieur, 30, 1884, 295-316. Palladiumchloriir als Reagens auf kohlenoxydhaltiges Gas. Humboldt, 6, 1887, 19-20. Zur Werthbestimmung der Kohle. Dinglers Poly- techn. Jl., 280, 1891, 63-69, 89-92, 136-141; 283, 1892, 256-257, 309; 285, 1892, 48, 183-184. La valeur du charbon. [Tr.] Moniteur Sci., 5, 1891, 618-620. Lichtmaasse und Lichtmessung. [1889.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 11, 1896 (Sber.), 53-55. Anlauffarben des Stahls. [1889.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 11, 1896 (Sber.), 60-61. Heizwerth der Steinkohle. [1890.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 11, 1896 (Sber.), 108-110. Ueber die neuere Entwickelung der Flammenbe- leuchtung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 5-25, 225. Bemerkungen zur Theorie des Gasgliihlichtes mit Demonstrationen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 844- 845. Ueber das Gasgliihlicht. [1896.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 13, 1900 (Sber.), 59-62. Bunting, Martha. Ueber die Bedeutuug der Otolithen- organe fiir die geotropischen Functionen von Astacus fluviatilis. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 54, 1893, 531-.537. On the origin of the sex-cells in Hydractiuia and Podocoryue ; and the development of Hydractinia. Jl. Morphol., 9, 1894, 203-236. On the formation of cork tissue in the roots of the Rosacea;. [1897.] Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 109-1101 The structure of the cork tissues in roots of some rosaceous genera. [1898.] Pennsylvania Univ. Publ. (Contrib. Bot. Lab.), 2, 1904, 54-65. Buntrock, .Irthur. [Die Thionylamine der aromatischen Reihe.J Thionylnaphtylamine. Liebig's Ann., 274, 1893, 253-259. Die Erzeugung von Seidenglanz auf BaumwoUe. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 479-482. Bericht iiber die Neuerungen auf dem Gebiete der Theerfarbenchemie 1898. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 709-716; 1899, 321-329, 347-352. Bericht iiber die Neuerungen auf dem Gebiete der Veredelung der Gespiniistfasern....l898[-9'.)|. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 981-1001; 1899, 613-(;20, 664- 673, 681-691; 1900, 531-536, 560-565, 609-617. Die Erzeugung von Seidenglanz auf Baumwollo und das Sevfprt'sclie Vorfahren. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 1106-1107. Buntrockl I Burbidge Buntrock, lilhiir, A VTltt, Olio S\ikolaiu]. Sre 'Witt A Buntrock. Buntzon, ./., A BSadien, //. K Sur Taction cnm))aK-« ilis ililTc nut. H acimiiines. Congr. Int. Sci. Mrd. C. K., 1884 (V. 'J. .W.(;. I, 1(12-1(11). Bunyon, ('. ./. 'Concernini? the rcniwiil of IcaKi'lioldn for livt'K or jcnrH that have been the subject of HCttlement. ABHur. MrtK-. 3. 1883, 3W0-28!). *Oii the origin and nature of some of those limited and contiiiKent interests in property which arc commonly Huliniittid to actniiries for valuation. [1H7H.] InHt. Act. .11., IM, 187(S, 1-15. Biinzol, lliuiti. Ueber die Oxydation dos a-1'ipecolinB. i. li( ilin, Cliini. GeH. Ber., 22," 1889, 1(1.53-10.57. Bunzal, Hiulnlf. I'eber die Herzthiitigkeit und Blutbe- wii^iuiK bei Amphibienlarven und dercn Beeinflunaung dureh die Teraperatur. Ztschr. Hcilk., 14, 1893, 4(il- 4H4. Ueber den EiutlusB dcr vasomotorischen und sensiblen Nerven anf die dureh Verbriihung hervorgenifene Ent- zUndung di'« Kaninchenohres, «o»-ie iiber die wiihrend der Verbriihung auftretenden Allttemcinerscheinungcn, in»bcsondere die Tachypnoe. Arch. Exper. I'ath., 37. 1896, U.^-KKl. Bvinzel, I!iiilnli\ \ Bofmann, I'raiiz. See Hofmann ik Bunzel. Bunzl, /,'.. iV Plctet, Avie. See Flctet A BonzL Bunzl-Fedem, Emit. Untersuchungen iiber einige bcu- chenartigc l''.rkrankungeii der Schweine. Arch. Hyg., 12, 1891. 19K-220. Bemerkungen iiber " Wild- und Schweineseuohe." Centrbl. Bivkt., it, 1891, 787-789. Ueber einen neuen fiir Thiere pathogenen Mikro- organismuB aus deni Sputum eines Pncuiuoniekranken. Arch. Hyg., 19, 1893, 326-332. Ueber Immunisirung und Heilung bei der Pneumo- coceenlnfection. Arcli. Hyg., 20, 1894, 1.52-180. Buonarottl, Ktirirn. I>ell' azione della pseudoinsquiamina. Ami. lii Chim., 20, 1894, 81-8(). Buquet, , & Maupetit, . See DSanpetlt & Buquet. Buquet, [Jean liaptiste] Lucien. For biography and list of works sec .\beille, 26, 1889, clxvii ; Ent. Moulli. Mat;.. 211, 1890, .53; Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann.. 10. 1890. I2'.l I.! I. Buraczewskl, ./[<>;('(']. A- Marchlewskl, Leon. See Uarcb- lowBki ,V Buraczewskl. Btirall-Forti, t'li'irc. 8ui sistemi di coniche. Giorn. Mat.. 2i, 1886. 3()'.)-333. Sui sistemi i volte intiniti di quadriche. Giorn. Mat., 24, 1886, 334-345. Sopra un sistema di curve jhe dividono in ;i parti eguali gli archi di eircolo che passano per due punti fisai. Giorn. Mat., 27, 1889, 1.53-163. Le linee isofote delle rigate algebriche. Palermo Circ. Mat. Hond., 4, 1890, 57-62. Sopra il sistema di (|uadriche che hanno I' ;i-pla polare comune. Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 4, 1890, 118-125. Sulle trasformazioni (2, 2) che si poRsono ottenere mediante due trasformazioni doppie. Palermo Circ. Mat. Kend., 5, 1891, 91-99. La risoluzione :\. Atti, W. 189S. 227-243. Sur (|ui'li|uiH propriit*'* den enBembleB d'cnumblei et leum uppliration" a la liinitc d'une ensemble variable. Math. Ann., 47. 1896, 20-32. Sar la dc'Tinition do I'integrale di^-finie. Nodv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 49.'.-.502. II metodo del (iiiAKXHANN nclla geometria proiettiva. I'akrnio Circ. Mat. Rend., 10, 1896, 177-19.5, 254; 11, 1897. 64-82. \a- classi aiiite. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 34-52. Sopra un teorema del hig. G. Cantor. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, .32, 1896, 153-101 or 229-237. Una questionc «ui numeri transfinili. Palermo Cire. Mat. Rend., 11. 1897, 15J-164, 260. Sopra alruiie queiitioni di geometria differenzialc. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 12. 1898, 111-132. Sur les roUtions. Bull. Sci. Math., 23, 1899, 82-92. Sur I'egalit*!-, et sur rintro-2Gl. Les propriit^s formales des operations alg^briques. Rev. .Math., fi. 1896-99. 141-177. The different logical methods for the definition of the real nunilxr. [1900.] N. V. Amer. Math. Soc. BuU., 7, 1901, 158, 170-171. Burat, Aniedee. For biography and works ue G^nie Ciril, 3, 1882-83, 397-398; Termt. K6zl0n., 16. 1884, 508. Bnrbacli, Olllo Carl Heinrieh]. For biography ne Ztschr. NaturwisK., 61, 1888, 200-210. Ueber einige neoere Funde in dem Liasgebiet des Grossen Seebergs bei Gotha. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 57, 1884, 348-349. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Foraminiferen des mit- tleren Lias vom Grossen Seeberg bei Gotha. i. Die Gattung Frondicularia, Itefr. [ii. Die Milioliden.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 59, 1886, 30-5.3, 49.3-502. Bnrl>anlc, ■/. C. B. Photography of the least refrangible portion of the solar spectrum. Amer. Ac. Proc., 23, 1888. 301-304. Bnrbank, John K. X-rays and mineral phosphoresoenoe. Aiiitr. .11. Sci., 5, 1898. •53-.51. Burbank, John E. , A' Tiuwtatdge, John. Set TrowtarldBe >V Burbank. Burt>ank, Luther. Plant-breeding. Garden A Forest, x, 1895. 349. Burbidge, h\Tedfrick] Il'[i7/i>ini]. British epiphytal orchids. Ganl. C'hron., 21, 1884. 144. Rare old gardening books, (a.d. 1612 to a.k. 1641.) Gard. Chron., 24. 1888. 789-790. Nutrition r. sexual variation. Uard. Chron., 26. 1886. 619. Narcissus pseudonarci.ssns, rnr. Johnstoni (7"ail(. Gard. Chron.. 1. 1887, 288. Hybridisation. Gard. Chron., 3, UM. 178-179. The nomenclature of orchids and other plants. Gard. Chron., 6, 1889, 6.5-66. Narcissus jundfolio x muticiu. Gard. Chron., 6, 1889. 161. The narcissus. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 11. 1889. 70-92. A new bamboo. (Bambusa palmala. Hon.) Gard. Chron., 7, 1890. 641. Notes on the lii-iorv of cultiratcd Narcissi. Hortic Soc. Jl., 12. 1890, 2>.>6'3n. Snowdrops. Hortic. Soc. Jl.. 13. 1891. 191-210. Leguminous plant< and bacteria. Gard. Chron., 13. 1893, 742. Botanical exploration in Borneo. [1894.] Hortic. Soc. .11., 17. 1898. 44-56. Travels of Ogier Gbitelin de Brsaaco (1544-62). Gard. Chron., 17. 1898. 451-452. A hybrid groondsel. Irish Natlist.. 6, 1S9T. 300. Burbidge] 918 [Burch Fragrant leaves v. sweet-scented flowers. [1898.] Hoitic. Soc. Jl., 22 (1898-99), 1.S-H74. Burbury, F. E. Tasmauian Diatomaceffl. [1900.] Tas- mania Roy. Snc. Proc, 1900-01, 4-8. Burbury, Slumuel] H[aickedeij\ The foundations of the kiuftic theory of Rases. Note on Professor Tait's paper. Phil. Mag., 21, 1886, 481-48.3. On the diffusion of gases. A simple case of diffusion. Phil. Mag., 24, 1887, 471-479. On the diffusion of gases ; a reply to Professor Tait. Phil. Mag., 2.5, 1888, 129-130. On the induction of electric currents in conducting shells of small thickne.ss. [1888.] Phil. Trans. (A), 179, 1889, 297-324. On the application of Lagranoe's equations to certain physical problems. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 329-331. On some problems in the kinetic theory of gases. Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 298-317. "Modern views of electricity": Volt.a'3 so-called contact force. Nature, 43, 1891, 268, 366-367, 439, 515. [Prof. Burnside's paper on the partition of energy, R. S. E., July, 1887.] Nature, 45, 1892, .533-534. On the collision of elastic bodies. [1891-92.] Phil. Trans. (A), 183, 1893, 407-422. The second law of thermodynamics. Nature, 49 (1893-94), 150-151, 246-247; Phil. Mag., 37, 1894, 574- 578. The north-east wind. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 481. On the law of distribution of energy. Phil. Mag., 37, 1894, 143-158. Boltzmann's minimum function. Nature, 51 (1894-95), 78, 320; 52 (1895), 104-105. The ratio of the specific heats of gases. [1894.] Nature, 51 (1894^95), 127. — — The kinetic theory of gases. Nature, 51 (1894-95), 175-176; 52 (1895), 316-317. On the law of error in the case of correlated variations. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 621-624. An extension of Boltzmann's minimum theorem. London Math. Soc. Proc, 26, 1895, 431-445. [Clausius' virial theorem.] Nature, 52 (1895), 568. On the stationary motion of a system of equal elastic spheres in a field of no forces when their aggregate volume is nut infinitely small compared with the space in which they move. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 716-720. On Boltzmann's law of the equality of mean kinetic energy for each degree of freedom. London Math. Soc. Proc, 27, 1896, 214-224. On the application of the kinetic theory to dense gases. [1895.] Phil. Trans. (A), 187, 1897, 1-14. On the stationary motion of a systenj of equal elastic spheres of finite diameter. [1896.] London Math. Soc Proc, 2H, 1897, 331-357. On the general theory of stationary motion in an infinite system of molecules. London Math. Soc. Proc, 29, 1898, 225-248. Scoring at rifle matches. Nature, 60 (1899), 412. Ueber die Grundhypothesen der kinetisohen Gas- theorie. Ann. Phys. , 3, 1900, 355-365. On the vector potential of electric currents in a field where disturbances are propagated with finite velocity. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 635-637. The law of partition of kinetic energy. Phil. Mag., 49, 1900, 226-228; 50, 1900, 584-595. On certain supposed irreversible processes. Phil. Mag., 49, 1900, 47.5-486. B»irbury, S\(imue}^ ll[awke!s}eij\ & VTatson, [Rev.) Heiirij H'l illiiim]. See VTatson & Burbury. Burch, (Irori/e J[(imes]. Some experiments on flame. [188.5-8G.] Natme, 31, 1886, 27'2-275; 35, 1887, 165. On a supposed new infusorian of the Flagellata eusto- mata. [1885.] Quekett Micr. Club Jl., 2 (1886), 163-164. [Capillary electrometer.] Jl. Physiol., 8, 1887, xxix- XXX. On a perspective microscope. E03'. Soc. Proc, 42, 1887, 49-50. On the motion of the cilia of animalcula as seen by flashing light. [1889.] Midland Natlist., 13, 1890, 114- 1'20. On a method of determining the value of rapid varia- tions of a difference of potential by means of the capillary electrometer. [1890.] lioy. Soc' Proc, 48, 1891, 89-93. ■ On the time- relations of the excursions of the capillary electrometer, with a description of the method of using it for the investigation of electrical changes of .short duration. [1891.] Phil. Trans. (A), 183, 1893, 81-105. [Analysis of vocal sounds by capillary electrometer.] Nature, 50 (1894), 464. On the calibration of the capillary electrometer. [1895.] Roy. Soc Proc, 59, 1896, 18-2'4. The capillary electrometer in theory and practice. Electrician, 37," 1896, 380-382, 401-403, 435-437, 472- 473, 514-517, 532-535. Rontgen illustrations of flowers. Gard. Chron., 20, 1896, 491. Riiutgen photographs of tissues. Jl. Physiol., 20, 1896, i-ii. The retinal circulation. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 558. A remarkable lightning flash. Nature, 54 (1896), 492. The earthquake [of Dec. 17, 1896]. [1896.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 180. On a method of drawing hyperbolas. Phil. Mag., 41, 1896, 72-75. On Professor Hermann's theory of the capillary electrometer. [1896.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 60, 1897, 329- .335. An experiment in colour sensation. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, xxvii-xxviii. • An inductor-alternator for physiological experiments. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, 231-236. An account of certain phenomena of colour vision with intermittent light. Jl. Pliysiol., 21, 1897, 426-434. Experiments on artificial temporary colour blindness. [1897.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, xii-xiii. The tangent lens-gauge. Phil. Mag., 43, 1897, 256- 259. On the relation of flickering to Talbot's law. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, vii-viii. On temporary colour blindness. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [26i-[27] ; Nature, 58 (1898), 486. On artificial temporary colour-blindness, with an ex- amination of the colour sensations of 109 persons. [1898.] Phil. Trans. (B), 191, 1899, 1-34. On the spectroscopical examination of contrast phenomena. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 624. An experiment on simultaneous contrast. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 629-630. On simultaneous contrast. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899-1900, xvii. On the relation of artificial colour-blindness to suc- cessive contrast. Roy. Soc. Proc, 66, 1900, 204-216. On the production of artificial colour-blindness bv moonlight. Roy. Soc. Proc, 66, 1900, 216-219. On the spectroscopic examination of colour produced by simultaneous contrast. [1900.] Eoy. Soc. Proc, 67, 1901, 226-228. Burch, Georpc J[ames], & Dodgson, ./. IP. The action of concentrated acids on certain niotals when in contact with each other. [1894.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 10, 1895, 84-87. Burch, George J[u'\. Oa d'Aukiinvai.'s pliVRJcal thi>orv of the negative variation. Jl. I'liysii.l.. 1(1,' 1894, .U 'J -:',•.' 4. Bnreh, lironji' ,l[amt>\, \ Manh, .famri £[rn«(]. Tlie (liHgociation of amine vapours. Chem. Soc. Jl., 55, 1689, 056-004. Bnreb, (ieunje ■l\amfi>\, .V Sanderson, (Sir) J[ohn] .S'[co«] lUirihm. Sfr Sanderson .\ Barch. Bnreh, (ieonif ./((im<-»J. A- Valey, I'licfor] //[^r/i^rf]. The viiriutionH of elfctr<»in«>live force of cells con'.iHtin^ of certain luetuU. pliktintiiii, and nitric acid. [IHUO.] I'hil. Trims. (A), lM-2. 1892. H19-33y. Bnreh, ./. //. I,, ticocvt.isig. [1899.] N. Y. Med. .11., 71. 1900. 4(iO-4t>H. Borchall, Sidiifii II. A whirlwind in Surrey. [1H94.] Sviii..ns, Xlcti-orol. Milt;.. 29, 1898, 90. Burchord, . Ueber Cholesterine. Mi-cklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1890, x-xii. Bnrchard, Albrecht. Beitriige zur Kcnntnis des Ahlaufs iiiul ili-r Grosse der durch Mikrococcus arete liqucfacieno bewirkten HarnstofTzerBetzung. Arch. Hyg., 30, 1899, 204-284. Borehard, Geurii. Beitriige 7.ur Morphologie und Ent- \viikihingsf;e.>ichichtp der Bact«rit'n. [1H98.] Karlsruhe li;ut. lust. Arb., 2. 1902, 1-04. Burchard, Henry. Gout and the tteth. N. Y. Med. Jl., ■'■'.I, 1894, 090-700. Bnrchard, Omuir. Ueber die Oxydation dcs Jodwasser- stolTe.< durch die Sauerstoffstiuren der Salzbilder. Ztschr. I'hysikal. Cliem., 2, 1888, 790-839. Bryologische Keiseskizzen aus N'ordland. Hot. Centrbl., 37, 1889, 97-100. Moose aus Nordland in Norwegen. Deutsche Bot. Mschr.. 7. 1889, 23-27. Ueber das Aethvlcnphenylhydrazin. Liebig's Ann., 254, 1889. 11.5-128.' Herbststudien eines Biyologen. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 8, 1890, 1-4, .52-.5.5. Beitriige und Bericlitigungen zur Laubmoosflora der Umgegend von Hamburg. Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 8, 1891. 97-121. Zur C'harakteristik und Morphologie einiger Ortho- trichum-Fornien aus Krain. Hedwigia, 31, 1892. 27-33. Ueber das Vorkommen von Isoetes lacustris, L., im Grossen See bei Trittau. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 11, 1893, 14:i-144. Ueber den Bau der Samenschale einiger Brassica- und Sinapis-Arten. Jl. Landw., 42, 1894, 125-136; 44. 1896, 337-341. Mousses r^colt<5cs aux environs de St. -Gingolph (Haute-Savoie) et de Bex (Valais). Rev. Bryol., 22, 1896, 30-40. "Blue grass." Jl. Landw., 4-5, 1897, 1-5. Reis und Reisabfiille. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 48, 1897, 111-129. Moos-Studien in Schottland. Hedwigia, 39, 1900, 149-l.W, XX. Bnrchard, 0»ear, * Miehaells, [Carl Arnold] .4[m.<7u.<(]. Vtliir a..\etlivlen-Pheiivlhvdrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Hir., 21, 1888, 3202-3204. " Bnrchard, T. lltrrinri. Observations on the medical and suru'iciil treatment of acute peritonitis. {With ditcmtion.] N. V. Meruar d. J. Berlin Gen. Krdk. Verb., 20, 1898, :t'.»7-398. BnrelU, DanU, Sc Flnl, Angrln. 'Temporale del 4 giogno a CittA di CoHtello nell' Umbria. [1880.] Moncalieri 08.1. Bull., 15, 1881, 99. Bnrel, Enrico. Contributo clinico alio Htudio dell' eniia inguino interstiziale e cruroproperitoneale. Speri- inentale, 02, 1888. 18H-207. Di un caso d' idrenct'faloeele in rapporto colla foBHetta occipitale media. (1890.] Pisa Soc. Tone. AttI (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 140-149. Contribution u la connaixfiance des CHracteres bio- iogi*|ues et pathogeniijues du Bu' " ' tied fc£tidaa. [1891.] Aon. .Microgr., 3 (1890-91 Ricerche jtperiineiitali sul pruti ... ,., ..razione delle ferite longitudinali delle artcrie. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Hem.), 11, 1891, .'.O-OO. Del processo di riparazione delle ferite arteriose trattate colla sutura. Pisa Soc. To*c. .Atti (item.), 11, 1891, 424-441. — — Di un metodo rapido di coloraziooe delle fibre elastiche. [1891] Piaa Soc. Tooc. Atti (Proe. Verb.), 7, 1889-91. 251-2.53. . Sulla mutability di alcuni coratteri biologici del Bacterium coli commune. [1892.] Pisa Soc. Tosc Atti {Proc. Verb.), 8, 1891-93, 69-72. Sul modo di comportar«i delle arterie per lesioni traumatiche estese della guaina e della tunica av%'entizis. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Mem.\, 12. 1893. 310-352. Ricerche sperirnentali sopra alcuni mezzi che possoDO servire a diminuire i pencoli della sepsi oelle operazioni sul tubo digerente. Sperimentale, IBM {Comun. e Riv.), 485-496. Trattamento di ferite venose ed inneslo di vene mediante la sutura. Espenmenti e ricerche istologiche sui processi ri|iarativi. [1894.] Piiia Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.). 14, 1895, :h2-58. Bnrel, Enrico, A Prs scant, Uirtorio. Contribnto alio studio deir azioue battericida della correnle contiaoa. (Notii preventiva.) Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti ^Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91. 314-317. . Contribute alio studio dell' azione battericida della corrente continua. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (item.). 12, 1893, 99-119. Bnrd, Enrico, Jt VLamplghi, Kmilio. See Bsspishl ^ Bnrci. Bnrdi, H'. Contributions to tlie fem-flora of Borneo. Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 4. 1884. hm-ICNI. Sur les Sapotac«^el^ des Indt^ Ni-erlanitnV ■ ' •■ 'V v aangaande de i u verbaod met U' - . . Naluurk. Tijdschr.. 49, 1890, ,iol-Vt4: boi. C Beibefte, 1891. 263-265; Bol. Jaarb., 3. 1891. 3 J :. Burck] 920 [Burckhardt Ueber Kleistogamie im weiteren Sinne und das Knight- Darwin'sche Gesetz. Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 8, 1890, 122-164. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der rayrmecophilen Pflanzen und der Bedeutung der extranuptialen Nectarien. Buiten- zorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 10, 1891, 75-144. [De miereu als de besehermers der planten tegen andere insecten.] [1891.] Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 51, 1892, 443-445. Ueber die Befruchtung der Ari-stolochia-Bliithe. Bot. Ztg.. 50, 1892, 121-129, 137-144. Contribution.^! ;l la flore de I'Archipel Malais, [i. Lei? especes du genre Mucuna de I'Arcbipel Malais et de la Nouvelle Guiui5e.] Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 11, 1893, 183-194. Over de eigenaardige heterostylie der bloemen van Erytroxylon. [1893.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 6, 1895, 254-263. Voorbehoedmiddelen op den stempel tegen het kiemeu van vreemd stuifmeel. Preservatives on the stigma against the germination of foreign pollen. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 256-267; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 3, 1901, 264-274. Burckel, (Iforcjes. Stations nouvelles de plantes alsa- ciennes. Colmar Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 24-26, 1885, 558-559. Burckel, Georges, & Koeaig, Charles. See Koenig & Burckel. Burcker, K[imle Eugene\ Formation synthetique de I'acide toluylpropionique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 448-450. Action de I'anliydride eamphoriqne sur la benzine en presence du chlorure d'alurainium. Formation d'un compost acide et ac^touique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 112-113. Analyse d'une eau-de-vie de marcs de raisins sees. Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 114-116. Note sur le dosage de I'azote organique par la m^thode de Kjeldabl. Arch. M6d. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 1894, 161-163. Sur la stability des dissolutions aqneuses de bichlorure de mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118. 1894, 134.5-1347; 119, 1894, 340-342; Jl. Pharm., 30, 1894, 57-60; Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 25, 1895, 296-299. Action de I'anliydride camphorique sur le benzene en presence du chlorure d'aluminium. Formation d'un nouvel acide c^tonique. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1895 (Pt. 2), 464-467; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 901-905, 1107. Dosage des acides volatils dans les vins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 1223-1225 ; Arch. Med. Pbarm. Militaires, 26, 1895, 315-317 ; Jl. Pharm., 2, 1895, 49-52; Paris Soc. Chun. Bull., 13, 1895, 644-647. Formation synthetique d'un nouvel acide c^tonique. Paris, Ac,. Sci. 'C. R., 121, 1895, 607-610. Burcker, K[mile Eugene], A: Stabil, C. Action de I'an- liydride camphorique sur le benzene en presence du chlorure d'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 119, 1894, 426-428. , Burcker, E[mile Eugene], aeorges, [Louis Avgiiste], & Gaillard, [Lnuis Clement]. Note relative a I'emulsion d'huile lourde de goudron de houille. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 24, 1894, 516-520. Burckhalter, Charles. Observations at Cloverdale, Cali- fornia. [Solar eclipse Jan. 1.] Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 97-108. Observations of the Transit of Mercury, May 9, 1891, [at Chabot Observatory, Oakland, California]. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 3, 1891, 234-235. How to find celestial objects with an equatorial telescope without the aid of a sidereal time-piece. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 4, 1892, 66-09. The solar eclipse of October 9, 1893 Obaervationa at the Chabot Observatory. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 5, 1893, 201. [Transit of Mercury, Nov. 10, 1894.] Chabot Obser- vatory, Oakland, California. [1894.] Astr. ife Astropbys. , 13, 1894, 868; Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 6, 1894, 271; Popular Astr., 2, 1895, 188. The Chabot Observatory. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 6, 1894, 85-88. On a method of photographing the corona during a total eclipse by which each part may be given any exposure desired on the same photographic plate. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 7, 1895, 157-161. Nee iilso Hw^er Davidson, George. Burckhalter, Charles, & Hill, Charles B. Memorandum of miscellaneous special observations, recorded at the Chabot Observatory, 1886-87. Lat. = -t- 37° 48' 05" ; Long. =8h. 09ra. 06 'Ss. W. Sidereal Messenger, 6, 1887, 290-291. Burckbalter, Charles (et alii). [Solar eclipse of January, 1889.] Reports of the eclipse expedition of the Pacific Coast Amateur Photographic Association. Lick Obs. Contrib., 1, 1889, 123-157. Burckhard, Georg. Zwei Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Fornialinwirkung. Centrbl. Bakt. l,Aht. 1), 18, 1895, 257-264. Ueber Dilatation der Ureteren mit eystOser Vor- wolbuug ihrer Eintrittsstellen in die Harnblase. Centrbl. Path., 7, 1896, 129-134. Zur Geuese der multilocularen Ovarialkystome. Vir- chow. Arch., 144, 1896, 498-511. Ueber embiyonale Hvpermastie und Hyperthelie. Anat. Hefte (Aht. 1), 8, i897, 525-558. Ueber cystische Eierstockstumoren endotlielialer Natur. Wiirzb. Pliys. Med. Sber., 1898, 68-73; Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 40, 1899, 253-266. Zwei Doppelmissbildungen. [1. Diprosopus distomus. 2. Janiceps asymraetros.] Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 40, 1899, 20-33. Little'sche Krankheit als Folge von Geburtsstorungen. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 41, 1899, 463-472. Burckbardt, Carl. Die Koutaktzone von Kreide und Tertiiir am Nordrande der Schweizeralpen vom Bodensee bis zum Thunersee. Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz, 32, 1893, 134 pp. Sur la geologie des chaines Cretaciques entre le Kloenthal et le Waeggithal. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 267-272. Monographic der Kreideketten zwisohen Klonthal, Sihl und Linth. Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz, 35, 1896, xii -I- 205 pp. Zur Systematik und Phylogenie der Pleurotomariiden. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 [iid. 1), 198-210. Rapport preliminaire sur une expedition g^ologique dans la ri^gion andine situ^e entre Las Lajas (Argentine) et Curacautin (Chili). La Plata Mus. Rev., 9, 1899, 197-219. ProHls geologiques transversaux de la Cordill^re argeutino-chilienne. Stratigraphie et tectonique. [With introduction by Dr. Leo Wehrli.] La Plata Mus. An. (Geol. & Min.), 2, 1900, 136 pp. Coupe geologique de la Cordill^re entre Las Lajas et Curacautin. La Plata Mus. An. (Geol. , mifte 2), 220-221. Burckhardt, Ed., & Nietzki, R[udolf]. See Nletzki A Burckhardt. Burckhardt, Er. Vortrag [zur Erinnerung an Daniel Bkrsouij.iI. [1884.] Basel Verb., 7, 1886 (Anhang), 5-18. Burckhardtl 921 ! Burder Kin HlilZHlialil vom IJ .liili iH'.ll. Hascl Verb., 11, 1897, i:)l i:)7. Burckbardt l-Heualer], ^i;|ii(((iV'i|. Wc-itc-rL- MitthciliiMKeD ulicr (ii(ii.sHl)(wiKiiiiM-&11. Ueber Kindfncxci»ioneii, uls Ik-iliag zur 0|>crativen Tlifinpic der I'sychoscu. Allg. ZtHchr. Pfljcliiatr. , 47, 1891, lii:i .)1H. BurdUiariit, (!luttlieb\. Vorliiutigu MittbciluiiK <>'>er I'lanktunatudicn an Schweizer Seen. Zool. Anz. , 'J2, 1899, 185-189. Neue DiannoHon vou 8 limnetischen Clodoceren. Zonl. Anz., 22, 1899, M'.l-.ifil . I''uiuiisti»olii' uiiil ByhU'inatisclie Studicn iiber das Zo»|ilHnktiin der gidssiren Seen der Schweiz und ihrcr (tri'nzm'liii'te. Ikv. Suisse Zool., 7, 1900, 35;i-7Io. Burdiliardt, //. von. Utber acute fortscbreitende I'eri- tiiriLtis unil ibre cbirnrKiscbe lieliandUing. DeutBcbe ZtHil.r. Cbirur^'., 5."), 1900, 338-383. Burckbardt, Kurl Itittlulf. Doppclanlage de8 I'rimitiv- Btreifens bei eineiii Hiibncrei. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Amtt. Abth.), 1888, 431-132. HistoloKiscbe I'ntersucbungen nni Hiickennmrk der Tritonen. Arch. Mikr. Aniit., 34, 1889, 131-1.51;. Ueber ProtopteruB annectL-ns. Berlin Natf. Frcunde Sber., 1890, 1.58. Die Zirbel von Ichthyophis glutinosus und Protopterus annectens. Anat. Anz., (i, 1891, 348-349. Weilere Mittheilungen Ulier ProtoptcruB annectens und iiber cincn in seiner Chordii dorsalis vorkommenden Purusiten (.\nipbistomamcbordale). Berlin Natf. Freunde Sbei., 1891, r)2-i;4. Untersucbunt'en am Him und Geruchsorgan von Triton und Icbtbyopbia. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., .52, 1891, 309-403. Das CentralnervensyBtcm von Protopterus annectens. Berlin Natf. Freuude Sber., 1892, 23-25. Ueber das Centruliiervensystem der Dipnoer. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verb., 1892, 92-".l".5. Uas Ciebirn von Triceratopa tIabellatUB, Mareh. Neues Jbueb. Min., 1892 (lid. 2), 71-72. Ueber .Epyornis. [1«93.] Paliiont. Abh., 6, 1892-96, 125-14.5. Die Homologien des Zwischenhirndaches und ibre BeJeutung fiir die Morphologie des Hirns bei niederen Vertebraten. [1893.] Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 152-155. Die Homologien des Zwiscbendiiches bei Beptilien und Vogeln. Anat. Anz., 9, 1894. 320-324. Zur vergleicbenden Anatomie des Vorderhirns bei Fischen. Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 37.5-382. Bemcrkungen zu K. F. SxciiNif ka's Mitteilung iiber das Fisebgebirn. [1894.] Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 4t;a-469; 10, 1896. 207-208. Uer Baupbin des Wirbelthiergehims. [1894.] Morphol. Arb., 4, 189B, 131-150. lias Gcbiss der Sauropsiden. [1895.] Morphol. Arb., 5, 1896. 341-385. Beitrag zur Morphologie dea Kleinhirns der Fische. Arch. Anat. Physiol, (.inat. .ibtli.), 1897 (Siippl.), 111- 13G. Sur le cerveau des Selaciens et son importance au point de vue de la zoologie svstematique. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 480-483. ' Snr le cerveau des Vertebres et la phylogdnie de ces animau>L. Arch. Sei. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 483-485. Die Riesenviigel der siidlichen Hemispbiire. [1897.] Senckenb. Natf. Gcs. Ber., 1898, cxii-cxiv. Sur la forme exti^rieure du cerveau des Sdlaciens. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 6, 1898, 621-622. Beitriige zur Anatomie und Systematik der Lttmar- giden. Anat. Anz., 18. 1900, 488-492. On the luminous or>;ans of selachian fishes. .\nn. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 558-568. R, S. A. C. — Der NeHtling von RhinochetUB jubatun. Banel Verb., 12. 1900, 412-429. On HyiHTodapedoD Gordoni. Gcol. Mag., 7, 1900, 486-492, '529 535. [On some caiiBCa of brain-oonfiguration in selachians.] Nature, 62 (1900), 589. Ueber die Selachicr. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1900, cxxvi-cxxviii. ■ Der Nehtling von lell unterbuudeuen (iefassstrecken betreflcnd. Vircbow, Arch., KK), 18SS, 217 235. Bnrdakov, V. Ja. [0 ABortuoii fClll PdCljaNH,. Neues Ammoniumpalladiuuiclilorid.j Uusb. Phys.-Chcm. Soc. .71., 29 (Chem.), 1897, 739-740; Chem. Zt«., 22, 1898, 52. Burdakov, I'. Ja., \ HendrlcbOT, /. .V. Olllicailic ii.iairiiiioiipuMiuiii.ii'iiiiaiM .il..ia )I. II. ]'>i'i>j.AKOBa ch cfaiiioBbtiMii H .xt-ia ToBapiiiiifCTBa li. H. Byp;[At:oBa it \i. II. lIlAi'ABbKBa, iiaxojHiiiiixctt B'b ropoGjanuaTrKoin. OKpyrt, ci KpaTKiim. lICTOpll'ICl'KIIMI. OMCpKOMl. n.iaTiiuoBoR IIpOliMin- .ICIIllot'TII BT) I'occill. [Description de I'exploitation de plutine de MM. J. N. BotRDAKoir et tils et de celle de la Comimgnie V. ,1. Boiiiimkoff et V. N. CnAfttviKfr, situees dans Tarrondissement minier de Goroblagudat (Kouchva), avec un court aper(;u bistorique de I'industrie du platine en Hussie.] lekaterinenb., Soc. Oural. Bull., 14 |.V,i. 5). 1896. 1-107. {1U>. 1 (fcUHHo (6ij)l. Bnrdakov, I*. ■/».. it KnmakoT, S[ikolaj] f^emfitoril). [0 iiifCTiiBoaiioin. riiApart OpoiiojiephypHTa jllTlfl. Ueber das Hexahydrat des Litbiumbiommer- curils.] Buss. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (Chem.). 18»S, 324-32-5; Chem. Ztg., 22, U98. 582. Burden, llenru. On cocaSn. [1886.] Dublin Jl. Med. Sci.. 83, 1887. 313-.32.5. Inaugural address on bacteriology. [1888.] DabliD .11. Med. Sci., 87, 1889, 166-179. Burder, (ienrge y[ortieT]. For biography and li(t of work* nee Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 19, 1893. 97-98; Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc., 7, 1894, 61-6.3. [The remarkable sunuU, 1883.] Nature, 39, 1884, 251, .525. [The recent eclipse of the moon.] Nature, 30, 1884, .590-5'.! 1. Remarkable rain. SvmonB, Meteorol . Mag.. 19, 1884, 93. Rainfall at Clifton in 1883{-91). [1884-92.) Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc., 4, 1886, 138-139. 2;iO-231 ; 5. 1888, .5.5-56, 143-145, 266-268; 6, 1891, 37-39, 195-197, 287- 289 : 7. 1894. 13. Note ■ ■'■ • • ' -'rse of the moon, 4 October 1884. [1881.) Proc., 4. 1888. li>'.-170. Bedr.. Nature, .32. 1886. 466. The new time, tjymona, Meteorol. Mag., 20, 1888. 22-23. YadA and sea breexes. Srmons. MelcoroL Mag., 21. 1886, 139. 116 Burder] 922 (Bureau — The cause of the veering of the wiud. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 161-102. — The snow of March 15th. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 22, 1887, 36-37. The potato tercentenary. [1887.] Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc, 5, 1888, 16-5-177. The illumination of the eclipsed moon. Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc, 5, 1888, 3.5.5-371. The effect of snow on the springs. [1888.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 23, 1889, 42-43. Eain in 1888. [1888.] Symons. Meteorol. Mag., 23, 1889, 149. [Alpine haze.] Nature, 311, 1889, 248. Self-luminous clouds. Nature, 41, 1890, 198. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 2.5, [1890.] Symons, Meteorol. Salt in hail. [1890.] 1891, 21. Remarkably dry air. Mag., 25, 1891, 23. What is a depression? [1890.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 25, 1891, 41-42. The frosts of recent years. Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc, 6, 1891, 294-300. Kainfall and floods. [1892.] Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc, 7, 1894, 19-33. Burdet, {])adre) Giiiseiipc. *Osservazioni termometriche fatte alia Sacra di S. Micbele della Chiusa. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 2, 1867, 58. *Terremoto [8 ottobre 1877, Sacra S. Michele]. [1877.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 12, 1878, 181. Burden Sanderson. See Sanderson. Burdy, P. La construction des appareils de compression d'air aux usines du Creusot. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 7, 1893, 419-463. Bureau, — — , & Vaquez, Henri. See Vaquez & Bureau. Btireau, Kdonard. *Recherches sur la structure geologique du bassin primaire de la basse Loire. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 16,5-179. Sur la presence de I'fitage Houiller Moyen en Anjou. Paris, Ac Sci. C. B., 99, 1884, 1036-1038. Sur la presence du genre Equisetum dans I'etage Houiller Inferieur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 73-76. Sur la fructification du genre Callipteris. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 1550-15.52. Premieres traces de la presence du Terrain Permien en Bretagne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 176-179. Description d'un Dorsteuia nouveau de I'Afrique equatoriale. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 70-72. Etudes sur une plante phanerogame (Cymodoceites parisiensis) de I'ordre des Naiadees, qui vivait dans les mers de I'epoque Eocene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 191-193. Sur les premieres collections botauiques arriv^es du Tonkin au Mus(5um d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 102, 1886, 298-301, 592-595. Premier aperi,'U de la \'i;g(5tation du Congo Fran(,'ais. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 359-362. Sur la formation de Bilobites a I'epoque actuelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1164-1167. — Sur le mode de formation des Bilobites stries. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 405-407. — — Sur I'origine des Bilobites stries. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 105, 1887, 73-76. Sur uu figuiur i fruits souterrains. Jl. Bot., Paris, 2, 1888, 213-216. Etudes sur la flore fossile du calcaire grossier parisien. Paris, Soc. Pliilom. Mem. Cent., 1888, 235*- 265*. Sur une nouvelle plante reviviscente. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 110, 1890, 318 320. [Les cartes de gingraphie botanicjue.] Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, .369-372. Sur la presence d'une Araliacce et d'luie Pont6deriacee fossiles dans le calcaire grossier parisien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 115, 1892, 1335-1337. Symbola' ad floram Brasiliffi centralis cognoscendam. Particula xl (ultima). Fam. Bignoniacea;. Kjobenh. Vid. Medd., 1893, 96-118. Excursion botanique du Musenm d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris aux environs de Nantes et sur les bords de I'occan du 5 au 11 aoiit 1892. Compte-rendu. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 (Ft. 1), 1-36. [Voyage du navire La Manche a File .Jan-Maycn et au Spitzberg ( juillet-aoiit 1892).] Liste des plantes phancrogames reeueillies k Jan Mayen et au Spitzberg. [Determinations de M. Fhanchet.] Nouv. Arch. Miss. Sci., 5,1893, 219-220. Sur les pretendues fougeres fossiles du calcaire grossier parisien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 201-204. Les collections de botanique fossile du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Cent., 1893, 349-372. Liste de Lepidopteres de la Loire-Inferieure non .signales jusqu'ici, extraite d'un catalogue manuscrit des Lepidopteres de Bretagne dresse, principalement de 1848 a 185.5, par une reunion d'entomologistes nantais. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 4, 1894 (Ft. 1), 161-184. Revision du genre Catalpa. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., 6, 1894, 169-208. Etat actuel des etudes sur la vegetation des colouies franii'aises et des pays de protectorat francais. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 245-247. Sur uu Dorstenia nouveau de TAfrique ceutrale (Dorsteuia scaphigera). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 60-62. Sur quelques palmiers fossiles d'ltalie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 280-285. La flore de Madagascar. Rev. Sci., 5, 1896, 225-234. L'aucien .Jardin des Apothicaires de Nantes. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1898 [Ft. 1), 151-152. Sur la premiere plante fossile envoyee de Madagascar. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. K., 130, 1900, 344-346. Bureau, Kdmiard, & Bureau, Louis. Notice explicative de la feuille geologique d'Aucenis. Nantes, Soe. Sci. Nat. Bull., 1,,1891 (Ft. 1). .54-67. Bureau, Kdounrd, & Franchet, .i[drie>i Rene]. Premier apervu de la vegetation du Tonkin meridional. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 927-930. Plantes nouvelles du Thibet et de la Chine occidentale reeueillies pendant le voyage de M. Bonvalot et du prince Henri d'Oblkans en 1890. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 17-25, 45-51,69-77, 93-99, 103-109, 128-130, 1.36-142, 149-161. Bureau, Kdouard, & Patouillard, A'[nrcisst']. Additions a la flore Eocene du Bois-Gouet (Loire-Inferieure). Nantes, Soc Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 (Ft. 1), 261-269. Bureau, Kmile, & Camus, Fernand. Quatre Sphagnum nouveaux pour la flore frani^aise et liste des csp6ces franraises du genre Sphagnum. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 518-523. Les Sphaignes de Bretagne. Catalogue des espices et des vari<5t^s trouvees dans cette region avec figures, description et tableaux analytiques ^tendus a toutes les espfeees francaises du genre Sphagnum. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 6, 1896 [Ft. 1), 31-55, 247-305, [Ft. 2), 173J. Bureau, (I., & Hallopeau, [Franeois] H[enn]. See Hallopeau & Bureau. Bureau, Lmiis. Note sur deux nouveaux Dalmanites des schistes ardoisiers d'Angers. Angers Soe. Sci. Bull., 1888, 183-191. Excursions ornithologiqnes en Alg(?rie. Ass. Fran^. C. R., 1888 (Pt. 1), 195. Sur les ]iassages du Syrrhapte paradoxal (Syrrhaptes parailoxus) dans I'ouest de la France. France Soc. Zoo). Mem., 1, 1888, 245-252. Bureau! 023 (Burgerstein Kxuuraion «<'-ol<)gique de ClialonncH ii Monijfuii (Maini-et-Loire). AnKfrn Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, "213- '223. Sur la capture fti Franco Je I'Huubani de MACgUKKS (Houbara Macqueoni, (1. I{. Cruy). France Soc. Zool. Bull., U, 1889, 308-312. Sur une nionHtruoBit<;- dc la Raia estelUe (Kaiu asteriBii, Itoml.). France Soc. Zool. Bull., !■), 1889, 313 316. Ijc sauinon do la Loire dans lies rapports avec la rogleniontation do la pAnlio. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 1, 1891 (/'(. 1), K-19. Le Tichodronie •'•clielottc dans I'ouest de la France. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 1, 1891 (/'«. 1), 11.5-122. Le Putlin condro, Puninus cinereus, Cuv. ex Kuhl, sur los ciitOH do la Loire-Iiiforleure. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 2, 1892 (/'(. 1), 39-43. Note sur in roproduction de In niosanKo liuppoe, Parus cristatus, dans I'onost dc la Franco. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 2, 1892 (/'/. 1), 113-11.-.. Le k-zard vivipare, Lacerta vivipara, Jacquin, dans la Loire-InK'rioure. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 {Pt. 1), ,59-62, Note sur la reproduction du roitelet huppo, Kegulus cristatus, Vluirlet, dans I'ouost do la Franco. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 {I't. 1), 110-114. Note sur la capture d'lino tortue lutli, Spliargis coriacea, dans la baie d'Audierne (Finlstire). Nantes, Soc. Sci. Not. Bull., 3, 1893 (I't. 1). 223-228. Note sur la pri'scncc du Ores Dovonien a Orthis Monnieri, a Avrillo, Maine-ot-Loire. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 4, 1894 (/v. 1), 197-204. Etut d'avanconiont do la feuille g(!-oloRiiiuo d'Angors au 80,000. Kapport «. M. le Direotour du Service dc In Carte Goologiquo dotnilloe de In France. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Not. Bull., r,, 1896 (Pt. 1), 13-10. Note sur la capture d"un espadon ip^e, Xiphias gladius, k I'embouchure de la Loire. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., . '5. 1898 (/'(. 1), 53-.57. [Massif Armi>ricain.] Feuille d'Angers. [1895.] France Sorv. Carlo Gool. Bull., 7, 1896, 4.5-48. [Massif Ariiioricain et Cotentin.] Feuille de Saumur. Frauce Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 9, 1897, 324-326; 10, 1899, 490-493. F'euiUe de Saumur. Rtrpport i\ .1/. le Directenr du Ser\'ice de la Carte Goolociciuo dotoilloe de la France. Nontos, Soc. Soi. Nat. Bull., 7, 1897 (Pt. 1), 11-14; 9, 1899 {I'l. 1), 10.5-109. Sur la reproduction de I'liirondcUe-de-mer de Douoali. (Sterna l>ougnlli), sur les ciitos de Bretagne. Ass. Fran?. C. K., 1898(/'/. 1), 170-171. M«5teorite du chateau do Granimont, commune do Kocheserviore (Vendee). Ass. Fram,-. C. li., 1898 (/'(. 2), 330-332. L'echouemeut d'un caclialot, u la Ti-anche, Vend^. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 10, 1900 (Pt 1). xi-xii. Le Lycte conaliculo (Lyctus canalioulatus. Fnhriciun) et les ravages qu'il foit dans les parquets et outres bois ouvrt's (mo'urs, expertises, jugeuients). Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 10, 1900 (Pt. 1), 169-201. Rapport ik M. le Directeur du Service de la Carte O^ologique dolailloe de la France. Feuille dWngers. Nnntos. Soc. Sci. Nat. B\ill.. 10, 1900 (Pt. 1). 219-223. Bureau, I.oiiis, ,v Bureau, Kiliiiuint. See above. Bureau, /.ohk. ,V (Eblert, l)[itnul] P. Notice explicative de la feuille goologiquo de Chateau-Gontier. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., o, 1896 (/'(. 1), 79-92. Bureau of Animal Industry. The introduction and sprond of lioj; oholorn in tbo L'nited States. U. S. Bur. Aniui. Ind. Hop., I A- ,"., 1889, 187-305. Bureau HydrograpUque. '(Notes m^t^orologiqucs. ] Polo (Illyrie). Finiico Soc. Moteorol. Nouv. Motvorol., 5. 1872. 138. Bureau dela Police Banltalre et Indnstrlelle. I. pi i .' cliiili ri.|in- .lo 1M85 "« 13-.563. Burelle, [/.'nii/cj. De I'infection du suussol de la villc de Lyuii au inoycn des matiores (ecales, par le systeme dos (iisses tixos ct le syst<>me de "tout i, Tegout. " [ll'ith diiriutinn.] [1889.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 2, 1890. Ixx-lxxvii. [Uotuils sur la culture des pommos de torre par la niotliii li' de M. Aimi"- Giiuun.] [1892. J Lyon .Soc. Agr. .\nii.. .5, 1893, Ivii-lviii. Burfbrd, .S. A. Starch. [1892.] Leioceier Soc. Trans., 3, 1896, 10-12. The need for uniformity in certain laboratory pro- coHso^, Hoc. Chom. lud. .11., 19, 1900, 420-422. Burgaaa, Kuh. Anwenduiig dos Nitr»nO';J-naplitol>i in d.T aniiivunischon Analyse. Ztschr. Angew. Cbem., 1896, .5'.m; mi. Burgatti, Piftro. Un teorema di meocanica. [1894.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 9. 1896, 12.5 135. Suir equuzioni Imearl alle dori^oto parzialj del 2' urdine (ti|>o ellittico), e sopra una clasNificazione dei sistemi di linoc ortogonali che si jmsmjuo tracciare sopra unn suportieio. Anu. .Mat., 23 (18961. 22.5-2fJ7. Sulla torsiono goo. 1896 (Srm. 2), 433-139. .Sui mot<>di d'tnt^-^iracione |»er I'equazioni dillerenziali con due voriabili iuilipondenti. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend.. 12, 1898. 210-221. Sulla tnisformazione delle equazioni dilToronziali del secondo ordine con due variabili indipendenti. Roua. R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Srm. Ij, 21-27. Sopra alcune formole fundamentali relative alle con. gruenze di rette. Roma. R. Aoc. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sfiu. 1), 51.5-520. Teorio dei sistemi articolati piCi seroplici. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend.. 14. 1900. 192--2U1. Sul nioto di un pendi>ln verticale, il piinto di aospen- ,sione del i|ualo o soggotto a movimenti oscillatori e sulla determinozione di questi movimenti, Koma, R. Aoc. Lincei Rend., 9. 1900 (.sv»i. 2), 295-301. Sopra alcune supirticie a linee di curratura isoterme. n. im;i. R. Ace. Line, i Hend., ",•, 1900 (Srm. 2), 352-357. Burgdorf, ('[liri^tuiu], ,V Bamberger, Kugen. See'B*m- berger iV Bnrgdorf. Burge, CluirU' Ominhy. Itecont progress in sinking d<*p foundations for engineering works. Aast. Ass. Itep., 1888, 564-569. The Hawkesburv bridge. New South Wales. In«t. Civ. Engin, Proc,."l01. 1890. 2-12. BurgemeUter, . Vetxr .^ufsU'llung der Inilrameote. [188.5.1 Wetter. 2, 1886. 227-229. BrunnenwosiiertemperBtareD in den Jahren 1884-86. Wetter, 4. 1887. 89-91. Burgemelater, .<. (Tasapi>anii fur Laboratorien. Ztachr. ,\n-ow, Cliom.. 1892. 23i;-238. Burger, //. Over de outwikkeling van de Muller'sche gang bij vogcls, [1891.) Nfdorl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdachr.. 3, 1890-93. xciii-xciv. De ontwikkoling van de Mullrrscbe gang bij de e^nd en do borgeenJ. vergeUkm met de waamemingon van andere ouderzoekers bij vorschillendo .\mni"tcn. [1894.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdsclir., 4, 1893 94, l-5-'260. Dif ■ ■■ lie R«:urrousp»ralyBe und die experi- ment. \us»chaltang. Ctrwht. Ondcrxoek., 1, 1899, - -. Bnrgarstaln, [l.fo]. Ceber die Arbeitakonre einer Schnl- 116—2 Burg-erstein] 924 [Burghardt stunde. [1891.] Wien. Med. Wschr.. 42, 1892, .391- 392. SvLTBerstein, Alfred. Das Pflanzenphysiologische Institut der k. k. Wiener Universitat von 1873-8i. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 34, 1884, 418-422; 35, 1885, 18-23. Ueber einige phTsiologisehe uud pathologische Wir- kungen des Kampfeis auf die Pflanzeu, insbesondere auf Laubsprosse. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 34, 1885 {Abh.), .543-562. JIaterialien zu einer Monograpbie betreflfend die Erscbeinungen der Transpiration der Pflanzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 37, 1887 {Abh.), 691-782; 39, 1889 (Abh.), 399-464. Ueber den Einfluss des Kampfers (Kampferwassers) auf die Keimkraft der Samen. Landw. Versuchs-Stat. , 35, 1888, 1-18. Einige Beobachtungen an den Bliithen der Convol- Tulaceen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 370-375. Vergleieliend - anatomische Untersuehungen des Fichten- nnd Larchenholzes. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 60, 1893, 395-432. Anatomie des Holzes von Albizzia moluecana. Deutseb. Bot. Ges. Ber., 12, 1894, 170-172, 267-268. Zur vergleicbenden Histologie des Holzes. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1894 (T/). 2, Hcilfte 1), 182-183. Vergleieheud-histologische Untersuehungen des Holzes der Pomaceen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 (Abth. 1), 723-772. Weitere Untersuehungen iiber den bistologischen Bau des Holzes der Pomaceen, nebst Bemerkungen iiber das Holz der Amvgdaleen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 {Abth. 1), 5.52-582. Beobachtungen iiber die Keimkraftdauer von ein- bis zehnjabrigen Getreidesamen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 45, 1896, 414-421. Ueber die Transpiratiousgrosse von Pflanzen feuchter Tropengebiete. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, 154- 165. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Holzstructur der Pomaceen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 107, 1898 {Abth. 1), 8-22. Beitrage zur Xylotomie der Pruneen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 49, 1899, 28-.32. Ueber das Verhalten der Gymnospermenkeimlinge im Liehte und im Dunkeln. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 18, 1900, 168-184. Burgess, A. F. An abnormal coceinellid. [With note by Dr. John B. Smith and discussion.] U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 17, 1898, 59-61. A destructive tan-bark beetle. U. S. Div. Ent. BuU., 20, 1899, 107-108. Burgess, C. F. Capillary electrometer. Elect. Eev., 43, 1898, 336. Burgess, i?. H'. Foraminifera of Oban, Scotland. [1888.] Midland Natlist, 12, 1889, 77-81, 116-120, 130-133. The pocket dredge. Midland Natlist. , 12, 1889, 212- 218. Notes on some Foraminifera from the Eiver Mersey. [1890.] Liverpool Biol. See. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1891, 7.3-80. Foraminifera of Hammerfest. Midland Natlist., 14, 1891, 153-158. Burgess, Edward. For biography and list of works see Amer. Natlist., 25, 1891, 854; Philad., Ent. News, 2, 1891, 168 ; U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 490 ; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc, 25, 1892, 358-364; Amer. Ac. Proc, 27, 1893, 357-360; Psyche, 6, 1893, 131. Burgess, Edward .S'. Our fresh-water Algie. Amer. Nat- list., 22, 1888, 669-679. Some steps in the life-history of asters. Amer. Ass. Proc. , 1898, 432-434. Burgess, George K. M^thode pour determiner la con- stante newtonienne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 407-409. Bvirgess, Georiie A'., & Soodwin, Harry M[anley]. See Goodwin A Burgess. Burgess, Heiin/ T. A test for divisibility. [1897.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 8-9. The law of divisibihty. [1897.] Nature, 57 (1897- 98), 30, 55. Burgess, Herbert E[dward'\. The dyeing of leather for shoes. Soc Dyers Col. Jl., 12, 1896, 207-208. A new colour reaction for citral and certain other aromatic compounds. Analyst, 25, 1900, 265-266. Burgess, Herbert Eldward}, & Cbapman, Alfred C[hastoii]. See Chapman & Burgess. Burgess, .Jus. Mapping and place-names of India. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 7, 1891, 357-370. The orthography of foreign place-names. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 8, 1892, 23-39. Scottish place-names. Eeport of the Committee. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 554-556. The new map of Persia. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 9, 1893, 454-460, 589-590. On the definite integral 2 [' ., with extended tables of values. [1895.] Edinb. Koy. Soc. Trans., 39, 1900, 257-321. Note on finding the logarithmic sines and tangents of small arcs. [1898.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 22, 1900, 265-269. Burgess, Johti J. Notes on cases of a severe type of mtiuenza. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 98, 1894, 1-9." Burgess, T. J. W. A botanical holiday in Nova Scotia. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 1-6, 19-23, 40-45, 56-59. Aspidinm oreopteris, Swz. Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 63. Eecent additions to Canadian Filicineff', with new stations for some of the species recently recorded. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1887 {Sect. 4), 9-18. Note on the study of botany. [1896.] Ottawa Natlist., 9, 1895, 241-262. Burgess, T. .J. 71'., & Macoun, .John. See Macoun & Burgess. Burgess, William T. Apparatus for collecting samples of water some distance beneath the surface. Chem. Nhws, 70, 1894, 54. Burgess, William T., & Frankland, (.Sir) Edward. See Frankland iV; Burgess. Burgess-Sopp, E. .1. Collecting in east Dorset in 1897. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 88. Beetles taken in east Dorset, Oct., 1897. [1898.] Naturalists' Jl., 7, 1899, 27-28. Xylopertba mutilata. Walk., at Hoylake. Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 95. Coleoptera of North Wales. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 22-23. Coleoptera from east Dorset. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 47-48. Burghard, [Rudolph'], & Beutnagel, [Herrnunui]. Para- bromnie(((brombenzoesaure, Cc H3 . p Br. m Br . 1 COoH (Scbmelzpimkt 229 bis 230° C). Liebig's Ann., 222, 1884, 184-187. Burgliardt, Arlhiir. Note sur la coloration des m^taux. Jhilhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 61, 1891, 67-69. Burghardt, Charles A[nthony]. Preliminary note on a new method of rapidly determining the total organic carbon in waters. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 25, 1886, 18.5-188. The pollution of the river Irwell and its tributaries. [1886.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem., 10, 1887, 245-254. ■ The determination of the total organic carbon and nitrogen in w'aters by means of standard solutions. [1886.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 26, 1887, 67-74. BurghardtJ 9L>5 ^Burkhardt Chromic acid cunibuBtion o( glycerin. Chem. Nc-wb, 65, 1887, 34. On Home a|>plicationH of cauHtic soda or potash and carbon in thu qualitative and quantitative analvKiH nf minerals. MancheBter Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. A: Proc., 3, 1890. 171-177. On a rapid method for the accurate reconnition of Bulphides, arsenides, antimonides, and double compounds of thi'se bodies with metuls. [1891.] Min. MaK.. 9. 1892, •-'•-'7-234. Bargktaardt, ■luhniinfi. Das PJrzgebirge. Eine oro- in(tnsch-antliropoKeo(,'nipbischeStadie. [1888.] Forsch. Uiulscli. I,andcsk., 3, 1889. 81-l.W. Bargnbam, /'. Zur liactoriiplogie des Vaginalsecrets S, l■w,M^;eIer. Arch. Exper. Path., 30, 1892, ■»tJ3-4t;N. Borhenne, //. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fauna der Tentuculitenschiefer im Lahngebiet mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Schiefer von Leun unweit Braunfels. I'reuss. Ueol. Landesanst. Abh., 29, 1899, .50 pp. Burl, Uuil. O. Zur Anatomie des Fliigels von Micropus melba und einigen an leren Coracomithes, ziigleich Beitrag zur Kenntnis der systematischen Stellung der Cypselidae. Jena. Ztschr.. 33. 1900, 361-610. Bnrlin, Ricluird. Ceber Sitosterin. (Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Phytosterine.) Wien. Ak. Sber., 100, 1897 {Abtlt. 26), 549-.i72; .Mhcfte. Chera., 1897, 5.51-574. Bnrlin, liichanl, X Bchnr, Htinrich. Ueber Nuclein- bilduug im Siiugetbierorganismus. Zt.schr. Physiol. Chem., 23. 1897. .55-73. Ueber die Stellung der PurinkOrper im menschlichen Stoffwechsel. Pfliiger, Arch. Phvsiol., 80, 1900, 241- 343. Bnrlat, . '[Notes m^t^orologiques.] La Charite-f ur- Loire (Nievre). France Soc. Meteorol. NoDV. Met^orol., 1, 1868. 239, 259, -287: 2. 1869. 42. 236, '286, 288; 3, 1870, 37, 67-t)8, IkO, -.'Ot;; 4. 1871. .56-57. 72. 94, 106, 116, 142, 1.58, 169: 5. 1872. •_'.5. 61-02. 90, 130, 147, 171, 182, 195, 216-217; 0, 1873. Pf. 2. 6, 17, 30, •5.5-.50. Bnrlleann, {It.) St. S. Le mouvement des projectiles spli.ri.iues. lincarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 9, 1900, 301-313. Burlnaklj, i'Jn/cny. iJailllCKa o6l ycOBe]HlieilCTBOBa- llijixi.. AOCTIiriiyruxi BI 4'0T0ri)il4iill. [Memoire sur le.s perfectionnements obtenus dans les procedes de photographie. ) St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 4, 1896. 315- 340. Bnrk, Frederic. Growth of children in height and weight. fls9M.l .\mpr. .11. Psychol., 9, 1897-98, 253-326. Barkard, l\rw^t]. A: Bchmltt, I![ii[ttu \ Barkert. Borkliard, *i. HeHtiniiiiuiig 09 , 4 Bto«nner, iJ[ia8 Observatorium auf der Zug- -pit/'-. Diutsch. .\lpenver. Ztschr.. 31, 1900, 1-7. Borkliardt, Adolf. Uydrazide und Azide org&nischer Siiuren ; von Th. CcBTits. ivi. .\bhaDdlung. L'eber NHCcHi / Phenylsemicarbazid, CO . Jl. Prakl. Chem., NHNH. .'|H. 1898. -20.5-233. Borkliardt, Heinrieh. Beitri»ge zur Theorie der h.\per- elliptischcu Sigmafuuclionen. Math. Ann., 32, 1888, 381-442. Ueber eine hyperelliptiscbe Multipliotorgleichgng. Gottingen Nachr., 1889. 55i^-i>57. Zur Theorie der Jacobi'schen (ileichaogen 40. Grmdes, welche bei der Transformation 3. Ordnung der Tbeto- fuuctionen von zwei Veranderlichen auftrelen. Guttiogen Nachr.. 1890, 376-382. Grundziige ciner allgemeinen Systematik der hyper- elliptischen Functionen I. Ordnung. Nach Vorlesangen von F. Klein. Math. Ann., 35. 1890, 19^-•296. Untersuchungen aus dem Uebiete d»r hypereUiptiscfaen ModuKunctiunen. Math. Ann.. 3i.. 1890. 371-l»4 ; 38, 1891. 161--224; 41, 1893, 313 343, Zur BeductiuM d> - (■■ 1 . •..- .i. r ■'- I..,-, ion der allgemeinen Flaclie dn 'orma- tionsproblem der h> \ p = 2. Gottingen Nachr., 189S, l-j- Die .\nrange der Gnippentbeorie und Paolo Bcrrtsi. Ztschr. Math. Phys.. 37. 189J tSuppLi. 119-159. Ueber Functionen vun VectortK'Ssen. welche selbst wieder Vectorgr - '■ • >- ~ r lung inrar.a-' •> thcurelisclier M "iSe der : matischen Pbysn. ' ■ 1893, 1 ■ Math. Ann.. 43. 1893. i.<7-21o. Ueber einen fnndamentalen SaU der Lehre von den endlichen Grupivn linearer Sobvtitationen. Math. Ann.. 41, 1893. 3l><.< 312. Ueber die Darsti Hung einiger FiUe der aatomorphen Primformen durch sjx-cielle Thetareihen. Math. Ann., 4'2. 1893, 185-2U. Sur les fonctiuns de Greex relatives a nn domaine d'ane dimension. Paris, Soc Math. BulL. 22, 1S94. 71-7.5. Beitrage zn den Untersnchangeo nher die Grnndlagen der Geometrie. Gottingen Nachr.. 1898. 114-118. Zur Theorie der linearen Sehaien von Punktaggregaten Burkhardt] 926 [Burmeister auf algebraischen Curveu. Giittingeu Nachr., 1896, 207- 274. Sur le principe de correspomlance. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. R, 126. 1898, 1854-1856. Ueber Vectoranalysis. [1896.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 5, 1901 {Heft'l), 43-52. Barlttaardt, L . Die klinisclie und pathologisch-anatomische Stellung der maliguen Nebeunierenadeuorae der Niere. Deutsche Ztschr. Chinng., 55, 1900, 91-120. BurkUl, Cltiford], & MarsbaU, J. T. The marine shells of Scilly. ' [1888-90.] Jl. Conch., 6, 1889-91, 53-58, 345-348. Burkill, Harold J. Narthecium ossifragum in E. Gloucestershire. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 147. Burkill, I[s«(ic] Henry. Gloucestershire Eubi. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 376-377. Cambridgeshire aliens. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 308-309. Erucastrum PoUichii, in Cambridgeshire. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 21-22. Notes on the plants distributed by the Cambridge dust-carts. [1893.] Cambridge Phil. Sbc. Proc, 8, 1895, 92-95. On the fertilization of some species of Medicago, L., in England. [1894.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 8, 1896, 142-153. On some variations in the number of stamens and carpels. [1895.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 31, 1895-97, 216-245. Teratological observations on Parnassia palustris, L. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 12-15. FertiUzation of spring flowers on the Yorkshire coast. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 92-99, 138-145, 184-189. On a collection of plants from New Britain (Neu Pommern). [1896.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 9, 1898, 90-97. Changes in the sex of willows. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 1065-1066. On Pelargonium rapaceum, Jacq. Ann. Bot., 13, 1899, 181-183. .St'c <(/si) Kew, Royal Gardens. Burkill, /[.s-(i(if] Hfunj, & VTillis, John C[liristoplier]. Botanical notes from north Cardiganshire. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 4-10, 51. ,S't'f uho •WilUs * Burkill. Burkill, /[suae] Henrij, A VTright, Clharles] Hlenry]. On some African Labiatnj with iilternate leaves. [1899.] Linn. Soc Jl. (Bot), 34, 1898 1900, 268-270. Burkitt, Robert J. For biographical notice see Irish Nat- Ust., 2, 1893, 224. Abundance of wild swans in Mayo, 1892-93. Irish Natlist., 2, 1893, 150. Burlando, G. Rapporto di due venti opposti che si urtano direttamente alia superficie del mare nell' emisfere sud. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 194-195. Burls, F[i-anli] B., & Meldola, Riiphaei. See MCeldola cV' Burls. Burls, F[rank] B., Evans, R[eitinnl(l] K., i& Descb, CleciV^ Hlenrij^. The formation of hydrocyanic acid by the action of nitric acid upon sugar, etc. Chem. News, 08, 1893, 75. Burlureaux, Ch. Hygiene nosocomiale militaire. Diffi- cultes de I'isoleraent et avantages de I'antisepsie dans lea salles de mf^decine des hopitaux militaires. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 21, 1889, 481-519. Generalities sur les maladies oontagieuses les plus fr^quemment rencontrees chez le soldat, sur leur thera- peutique et leur prophylaxie rationnelles. Arch. M^d. Pharm. Militaires, 15, 1890, 329-359, 446-461. Kpuration de I'eau de boisson. Arch. M6d. Exper., 4, 1892, 581-606. Burlureaux, Ch. , & Ouerder, . Note sur les injections sous-cutaiiees copieuses et lentes faites au moyen d'ap- pareils spteiaux. Arch, de Physiol., 0, 1894, 135-141. Burman, [Ber.) \V. .i. Rare Manitoban plants. Ottawa Natlist., 9, 1895, 171. Burmeister, Carlos V. Relacion de un viaje i, la gober- nacion del Chubut. [1888.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 3, 1883-91, 175-252. Expedicion a Patagonia. [1890.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 3, 1883-91, 253-326. Breves datos sobre una escursi6n .a Patagonia. La Plata Mus. Rev., 2, 1891, 273-287. Nuevos datos sobre el territorio patag6nico de Santa Cruz. La Plata Mus. Rev., 4, 1892, 22.5-256, 337-352. Burmeister, H. [Beitrage zar Fauna der Niederelbe. xxxx.] Ueber das Vorkommen von Panthea coenobita in hiesiger Gegend. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 7, 1891, 25. Burmeister, Hermann [Carl Conrail]. For biography and list of works see Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 33, 1892, 14.5- 150; 41, 1896, 97-107; Auk, 9, 1892, 399-400; Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1892, 13-14; Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 221-222; Ent. Naclir., 18, 1892, 220-222; Ent. Soc. Trans., 1892, xlvi-xlvii; Geogr. Soc Proc, 14, 1892, 477-478; Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 134; Ibis, 4, 1892, 581-582; Nature, 40, 1892, 176; Philad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, 191-192; Ztschr. Ethnol., 24, 1892, (273); Argen- tina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 13, 1893, 229-231 ; Geogr. Jbuch., 10, 1893, 474; Leopoldiua, 29. 1893, 43-40, 62-64, 78-82, 94-97; Termt. K.izlon., 25,1893, 633; U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 5, 1893, 211 ; Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, 705-712; Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1895, 315-357. *La ortiga de mar, Fi.^alia. [1883.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 3, 1883-91, 1-18. 'Revision del genero Ecpantheria. [1883.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 3, 1883-91, 19-44. Neue Beobachtungen an Macrauclienia patachonica. Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 47, 1885, 237-267. Bericlitigung zu Coelodon. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1885, 567-573. [Ueber den Schiidel von Canis jubatus.] Berlin Natf. Freunde Sljer., 1885, 97-103. Exaiuen critico de los Mamiferos y Reptiles fosiles denominados por D. Augusto Bravard y mencionados en su obra precedente. [1885-91.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac, An., 3, 1883-91, 95-173, 375-461. Revision der Gattung Eurysoma. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 46, 1885, 321-333, Noticias Kobre las Hydromedussr argentina;. Argen- tina Soc. Ci. An., 21, 1886, 5-6. Weitero Benierkungen iiber Cielodon. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 357-358. Nochmalige Bericlitigung zu Cailodon. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 1127-1132. [Ueber Galictis vittata.] Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1886, 29-31. Neue Beobachtungen an Ccelodon. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1887, 857-802. [On a new species of humming-bird, ChiKtocereus Burmeisteri.] Zool. Soc Proc, 1887, 038-639. Bericht iiber Mastodon antium. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 717-729, Ein voUstiindiger Schadel des Megatherium. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 1291-1295. [Note on Zapornia spiloptera.] Ibis. 6, 1888, 285. [On Furnarins tricolor.] Ibis, 6, 1888, 495. Studien zur Beurtheiluug der Descendenzlehre. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phi/siol. Ahth.), 1891, 1-18. Suplementos it la mouografia de los Glyptodontes contenida en el tonio ii d. 1. Anales. [1891.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 3, 1883-91, 402-468. Suplementos a la mouografia de los caballos fosiles de la Pampa Argentina. [1891.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 3, 1883-91, 468-471. Critica de algunas otras nuevas espccies. [1891.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 3, 1883-91, 477-481. Burmeisterl !)27 [Burnett l)o8 CHiiuuletDH (MiloroK. [18'Jl.J UuuuoH Aires Mus. Nac. All., ;), 1883-91, IH1-JB4. Bnrmelater, Jurjr. Mvinoria Kobrc ol cultivo de la ri'iiiiiliK'hii, o iic'lnrruMa i la fabricaci6n del azi'icar iiit'diaiitir liiH Hi'iiL'illuK iiU-n8ilioH iine en todii ImcU'iidii Biielen lialliirHe. Haiitiano de Chile, Univ. An., es, 1884, 802 3.')l. Burmelster, /i| iiilulf]. .V; BXlchaelis, \fiirl .lrwild\A\ u)iu»t\. I'iImt (lii> Kinwirkunn vim riirn\lliy(lra/,in aiif Chlor- iiiiilonsiiureeHter. llorlin, Cliriii. Gen. Ucr., 21, 1891, lHOO-1802. See II ! nil BXicbaellB A Burmelster. BunneUter, I'liiniliir. Uiitnij-'o ziir IIJKtuKeneKe der aciitiri NieieiientziindunKun. Vircliow, Arch., 137, 1894, Id', U.S. Burmester, Krnst. Bcitraf; zur expcrinientollen Bestim- iiiunK Ke. UebiT fin iieiiis eiiifuclics Iiia^'raiiini fiir die Con- struelioii der Stiifenachoiben. Dresden Isis Sbcr., 1885, 51. Kincniatioche Fliichener/.euKunK vermitteUl cyliii- driscbcr Itollunt;. Ztsohr. Math. Phys., 33, 1888, 337- 34H. KinematiRche Untersuehiint; der Mechanismen mil Bandtrk'b. Civilint;eMieur, Hr>. 1889, 131-154. Die Bienniuinktmechanismen. Ztscbr. Math. Phys., 38, 1893, 193-223. Honiocenirische Brcchung des Lichtes durch das Prisma. Zt.xehr. Math, I'hys., 40, 189S, »>,')-90. Homoceiitrische BrechunK des Lichtes durch dicLinse. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 40, 189B. 321-336. Bum, A[lexa»dcr]. 'Note on two Indian species of blister- Hies. Ent. Soe. Proc, 1840, 11-12. Bum, ■Imeph. Some considerations in reference to the fall in the rate of interest experienced in the past, and the probability of its continnance. Inst. Act. .Jl., 34, 1899, 474-501. Bum Murdoch. S,'e Kurdocb, Burnap, ' liarli:-: Fiiwurtl. Notes on the genus Calostoma. li..l. I.,iz., 23, 1897. 1S0-1'.I2. Bumard, liiihrrt. Koccnt dredniiiK in Cattewater. Ply- mouth Inst. Trans., 9, 1887, 39()-410. Antiquitv of mining on Dartmoor. [1891.] Plymouth Inst. Trans., 11, 1894, 8,5-112. Dart Hoods. Devon. Ass. Trans., 28. 1896, fiO-fil. Animal bones found at Cattcdown, near I'lymouth. Devon. .Vss. Trans., 31, 1899, 91-92. Bumat, Kmile. [Lettre sur I'Ophrvs paeudoBpecnlum, DC] France Soe. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, 2iil-2t>2. Note sur une nouvelle locnlite liRuriennp du Carex Oarioletii, TJni-m., et sur quelques Carex nouveaux pour les Alpes-Maritimes. France Soe. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, 28(j-289. [Notes siir les jardins botaniques alpins.] Bull. Murith., 2t), 1898 (.)p/,.Hrine sternum. Zool. Soe. Proc., 1891, I.'i9-U>4. On the presence of a branchial basket in Myxine glutiuo.sa. Zool. Soe. Proc., 1892, 70&-7O8. On the aortic arch system of Saccobi-anchus fossilis. [1894.] Linn. Soe. Jl. (Ziii)(. ), 2r>, 1896. ix-'t't. Notes on the anatomy of Hanleva abvssoruni. .W. Sum. [1895.] London Malawi. Soe. I'rJic., 2', 1897. 4-13. The "poms genitalis" in the MvxinidiE. Linn. Hoc. Jl. (Xwl.). 2«, 1898, 487-495. A reno-ixricardiac |Kire in AmpuUaria iirc<-u», iluU. [1898.) London .Malacol. Sue. Prtx;., 3. 1899. 49-.')2. On Hoiuc points in the anaUjiny of Sepia oHicinaliK, /,. [1m9h.] Londr.n .Malacol. Sw. I'roo., 3, 1899, 53-.W. The bile ducts of the common otter (l.utra vulgarih). Jl. Aniit. Physiol., 33, 1899, xx-xxi. Note on tlie nervous system of AmpuUaria, •//. London Mahicol. Htx. Proc., 3, 1899, 317-319. Bumens, Alf. Hur leg leueocytea el leur influence dans la iiii'tamorphose. Lausanne, See. Vaud. Bull., 35, 1899, xxxiv-xxxv. Burnet, Jt[ohert] ir|i7/iiini]. On a case of hydatida of liver, o|icning into right lung ; excavation of whole of lower lobe. Clin. Soe. Trans., 19, 1886, 2>4-258. Burnett, Chnrlm 11. 'The sup|sised connection between car ilisease and kidney disease. [1883.] N. Y. Med. Jl., :)'.p. 1884, i3.">-i;t(;. Burnett, V. /.., A' Farkar, G. II. See Farker \ Burnett. Burnett, .Iw. !■'. A note on aome inikilubli' phosphates. [lH8.-).j Brit. Phann. Confer. Trans.. 188», 526-528; I'harni. Jl., V>. 1886, 516-517. Burnett, Katharine Cletrland. Note* on the influence of light on certain dorsiventral organs. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 2J, 1897, 116-122. Burnett, /(|»/> examiniHl with the ophthalmometer of Javal and SruuVrz. [With ditcyusion.] Ainer. Ophthalm. Soe. Trans.. 1888, 48-59. Models coiistructeii by Mr. C. F. Pbextick for demon- .stralii ■_- •■ •■ ■ ' " i V .-T., ] rvlinders. ( With diteiution,] .Vmer ' , 1888. 112-116. Tin inctiva. Arch. Ophthalm.. 19. 1890. ll.i-12;; Arch. Augenbeilk.. 23, 1891. 336- 350. Skiascopy ; with a description of an apparatus for ila ready employment. Arch. Ophtlialm.. 19, 1890. 260-263. Burnett] 928 [Bviruham Eacial influence in the etiologv of trachoma. Int. Med. Consr. Veih., 1890 (Bil. 4, Ahth. 10), 21-23. A metric system for numbering prisms, with a de- scription of an instrument for measuring their deviating power. [With iliscussion.] Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 {Bd. 4, Abth. 10), .52-57. Contribution a la k^ratometrie. Ann. d'Oculist., 106, 1891, 345. The general form of the human cornea and its relations to the refraction of the eye and visual acute- ness. Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1892, 316-320. Contributions to clinical ophthalmology.... Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 248-262; 22, 1893, 1-15. L'influence de pays et de la race dans I'etiologie du trachome. Ann. d'Oculist., 115, 1896, 184-192. Burnett, Sioan Mioses], Jackson, Edward, & Noyes, Henry D. See Jackson, Burnett & Noyes, Burnett, W. B. Tlie action of sun's rays on bacteria and fungi. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 285. Burney, W. B. Report on phosphoric acid. [If'ith dis- cussion.] V. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 28, 1890, 153-161, 172-181. Burntaam, A. J. Rainfall at Mount Hamilton in the years 1880-91. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 3, 1891, 371. Burnbam, G. Herbert. Treatment of sypliilitic affections of the eye by mercury, potassium iodide, and pilocarpine combined. Arch. Ophthalm., 24, 1895, 407-409; Arch. Augenheilk. , 32, 1896, 138. Le traitement par I'eserine des ecchymoses sous-con- jonctivales. Ann. d'Oculist., 115, 1896, 346-347. The necessity of a fixed routine of procedure in the hypodermic u.se of pilocarpin. [1897.] Arch. Ophthalm., 27, 1898, 175-178; Arch. Augenheilk., 38, 1899, 199. Burnbam, Sherburne W[esley\ 'The companion to 5 Cancri. [1878.] Observatory, London, 2, 1879, 60-61. *Variable and double star. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 92. ''Notes on double stars. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 408-409. *a AurigsB. Observatory, Loudon, 3, 1880, 451. *The multiple star P XXIII. 100 {OZ 496). Ob- servatory, London, 3, 1880, 568-569. *5 Persei. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 582. *f Lyrae. Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 18-19. 'Note on the double star H 3557. Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 53. 'Quadruple stars. Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 174-178. *A list of 88 new double stars discovered and micro- metrically measured at the Washburn Observatory from April 23 to September 30, 1881. Washburn Obs. Publ., 1, 1882, 91-111. 'Measures of double stars selected from his MS. general catalogue of double stars, as specially needing observation. Washburn Obs. Publ., 1, 1882, 113-159. 'Hints on double star observing. [1882.] Sidereal Messenger, 1, 1883, 1 (bis)-\l (bis), 48, 73-87. *A new method of bright-wire illumination for position micrometers. [1882.] Sidereal Messenger, 1, 1883, 110- 114. '[Observations of the companion of Sirius. Dearborn Observatory, Chicago.] [1883.] Sidereal Messenger, 2, 1883-84, 127. 'The period of the double star S Equulei (OS 535). [1883.] Sidereal Messenger, 2, 1883-84, 244-248. The double star 85 Pegasi. Sidereal Messenger, 3, 1884, 213-214. Small vs. large telescopes. Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1885, 193-200. The double star H 2904. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 56. Report on Mt. Hamilton (1879, August, September, October). Lick Obs. I'ubl., 1, 1887, 13-23. Catalogue of forty-two new double stars, discovered at Mt. Hamilton in 1879. Lick Obs. Publ., 1, 1887, 24-28. Micrometrical measures of double stars at Mount Hamilton in 1879. Lick Obs. Publ., 1, 1887, 29-33. Double stars discovered and measured in 1881. Lick Obs. Publ., 1, 1887, 45-47. Measures of double stars in 1881. Lick Obs. Publ., 1, 1887, 48-49. New double stars, discovered at the Lick Observatory. [1888.] Astr. Jl., 8, 1889, 141-142, 160. Double star discoveiies and measures made at the Lick Observatory, August 1, 1888, to August 1, 1889. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1889, 81-110. Double star observations made at the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 289-300; 124, 1890, 49-84; 131, 1893, 329-368. Companion to Sirius. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 63-64. New double star a UrsEe majoris. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 175-176. New doable stars. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 159-160. The trapezium of Orion. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 49, 1889, 352-358. Notes on double stars. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 1, 1889, 78-80. 2 2400. Observatory, London, 12, 1889, 342-344. The double star e Hydrse. Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 207-208. The double star, 26 Draconis (j3 962). Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 356-357. • Double star observations made with the 36 inch refractor of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 1-30. Companion of t; Pegasi. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 75-76. Measures of double stars. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 41-42. Notes on some of the double stars discovered at Washburn Observatory. Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 299-300. An examination of the place of Tycho Bbaue's star. Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 449-450. Note on Hinh's variable nebula in Taurus. [1890.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 94-95, 575. Note on the double star 02 15. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 275-278. Note on the double star 02 487. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 277-278. Measures of the stars noted as double in Kruegeb's Catalogue of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Zone 55° to 65°. [With a note by A. Kruegeb.] Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 289-294. Double star observations made in 1890 with the 36 inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 369-426. Measures with the 36 inch refractor of the Lick Observatory of the binary stars 48 Cassiopeia;, 99 Her- culis, T Cygni and n Herculis. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 383-384. The proper motion of H 1968. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 108-110. The companions of Aldebaran. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 311-313. The orbit of k Pegasi (/3 989). Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 313-316. Sirius. Astr. Soc. Jlonth. Not., 51, 1891, 378-388. Invisible double stars. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 388-395; .52, 1892, 47. The motion of 20 Draconis. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 4-59-460. The companions to Regulus. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 460-461. The proper motion of 2 547. Observatory, Loudon, 14, 1891, 56-57. Burnham] 929 [Burnham The orbit of OS 269. Observatory, London, H, 1891, 283-204. Thf! new binary star, p 6480. ObBcrvatory, London, 14. 1891, lU-112. Tlic proper motion of the components of 61 Cygni. Si'leroal MeHnenRer, 10, 1891, 1-5. Note on the double star 2 186. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 72-73. 7 Androiiiedip. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 118-119. The proiwr motion of 2 1321. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 168-171. The orbit of fi Delphini (/3 151). Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 21.'>-217. The orbit of OS 285. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, The motion of the double star (9 612. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 323-324. The camera for celestial photography. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891. 32.^-328. New binary stars, fi 416, Scorpii 185. Sidereal Messenger, 10,' 1891, 489-491. Notes on the donble stars of the Uranometria Argentina. [1891.] Astr. .11., 11, 1892. 21-22. Measures of the binary stars, ;3 Delphiui and 8.5 Pegasi. [1891.] Astr. .11., 11, 1892, 47. Measures of planetary nebula; with the 36-inch eqnatoreal of the Lick Observatory. [1891] .Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892. 31-46. The motion of 2 2-525. [1891.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 97-100. Measures of the faint double star (H 2948) between ^' and /?■ Capricorni. .Astr. & .Astrophys., 11, 1892, 173-174. Note on the new binary, p 612. Astr. -atory. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1893, 440-461. R. S. A. C. T)ie double star near ^ Cygni. [1R92.] Astr. Jl., 12, 1893. 30-31. The now binary./? 639. [1892.) Astr. .11., 12, 1898. •".. The motion of f Cancri. [1892.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53. 1893, 40-44. The new star in Auriga. [1892.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53. 1893. 58-fiO. The binary star 2 1785. [1892.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53, 1893. 60-64. [Notes on T. E. Espre's: Micrometrical measure* of some double stars with new companions, and of five new pairs.) Astr. 4 Astrophys., 12, 1893. 282-28.1. The period of 2 1785. Astr. * Astrophys., 12. 1893. 397-400. The period of 20 Persci (jS .524). A«tr. * Astrophys., 12, 1893. 401-407. The orbit of 9 Ariius (fl 101). Astr. 4 Astrophys., 12, 1893, 494-499; 13, 1894. 290-291. The orbit of 70 Ophiuchi. Astr. ik Astrophys., 12, 1893, 58.5-586. The orbit of 02 285. Astr. 4 Astrophys.. 12. 1893. .586-587. The motion of 6 Eridani. Astr. * Astrophys., 12, 1893, 587-588. Astronomy in Russia. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, UM, .595-596. The orbit of 37 Pegasi. Astr. A Astrophys., 12, U9I, 678-681. The double star, 95 Ceti (A. C. 2). Astr. 4 Astrophys., 12. 1893, 681-683. The orbit of /S 416. Astr. 4 Astrophys., 12. 18*3, 792- 793. The system of f Cancri. Astr. 4 Astrophya., 12, 1893, 872-874. The orbit of t Cygni. Astr. Soc. Month. Not, 68, 1893 439-443. The motion of 2 1819. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53. 1893, 474-478. The orbit of Sirius. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53, 189S, 482-483; 57, 1897. 4.53-4.56. The orbit of > .\ndromed« BC. Month. Not., .54, 1894. 119-122. Proper motions of doable stars. 13, 1894. 14-19. The variable pro[>er motion of Procyon. Astrophys.. 13, 1894, 4.14-137. The orbit of 40 Eridani, 2 518. Not., 53, 1894. 478-482. Double star observations made with the 36-inch and 12-inch refractors of the Lick Obserratorr from Aoirast. 1888, to June. 1892. Lick Obs. Pnbl.. 2. 1894, .3-2.53. How to find the orbit of a douhU- «!«r bv a (rraphical method. Popular Astr., 1. 1894. 24.3-248. 349-358. The binary systems. [1896.] PopnUr Astr.. 4, 18»T. 169-177. New ellipsoKraph and protractor. [1896.] Popular Astr., 4, 1897, 181-184, 3.36. The orbit of Castor. [1896] Popular Astr., 4. 1*»T, 286-289. Orbit of 44 Bo<»tis (HI. 1 • Soc. Month. Nut., 57, 189T The orbit of i Cygni. [1893.] Astr. Boe. Astr. 4 Astrophys., Astr. 4 Astr. Soe. Month. ''^ = 2 1909). Astr. Month. Not., 57, Astr. Soe. Month. Not., 57. Popular Astr., 4, 1S»T, S47- OZ 413. PopoUr Astr.. 4, 1897, 449-452. The orbit of m Dracoois. 1897, 547-550. The orbit of t Ophinchi. 351. The orbit of \ Cygni. 1897, 397-400. Itesearches on the evolution of stellar sy>t«ms. Popular Astr., 4, 1897, 471-474. The orbit of f Aqnarii, 2 2909. PopuUr Aitr., 4, VHH, 474-475. 117 Burnham] 930 [Burnside The orbit of (1i; 215. I'opnlar Astr., 4, 1897, 543- 544. The orbit of 35 Coma; Berenices (2 1687), and 02 4. [1897.] Popular Astr., 5, 1898, 125-126. The double star j- Bootis. 2 1865. Astr. Soo. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 83-86. ■ The orbit of 02 400. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 87-89. The relative motion of the components of 7 Leonis. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, .387-392. The orbit of 2 2107. Popular Astr., 5, 1898, 449-460. • The orbit of 2 1216. Popular Astr., 5, 1898, 450- 451. The double star, fi 107. Popular Astr., 7, 1899, 1-3; 8, 1900, 528-530. A general catalogue of 1290 double stars discovered from 1871 to 1899 by [the author]. Arranged in order of right ascension with all the micrometrical measures of each pair. Chicago Univ. Yerkes Obs. Publ., 1, 1900, 296 pp. The proper motion of j3 182. Popular Astr., 8, 1900, 530-531. Note on the companion to /3 Cassiopeiffi. Popular Astr., 8, 1900, 540-541. Bumbain, ShfiiiKriie IVledeij], & Hough, G. W. Sec Hough d' Burnham. Burnham, Slurhunie W[esh'tj], & Schaeberle, ./[o/m] 3I[artiii]. [Solar eclipse of December, 1889.] Report. Lick Obs. Contrib., 2, 1891, 22-46. Burnham, Sherburne W[esle!i], Floyd, , & Holden, Edinn-d Singleton. See rioyd, Holden & Burnham. Burnham, IT. H. Memory, historically and experimentally considered. [1888-89.] ' Amer. Jl. Psychol., 2, 1889, 39- 90, 225-270, 431-464, 568-622. Bumie, William Beckit. Phenomenon observed with broken magnets. [1894.] Electrician, 34, 1895, 165- 166. Iron losses in transformers and the higher harmonic^ in the potential-difference wave. Electrician, 39, 1897, 581-583. The factors which determine the efficiency of the alternating current arc. Electrician, 39. 1897, 849-855. ■ The thermo-electric properties of some liquid metals. London Phvs. Soc. Proc, 15, 1897, 76-91; Phil. Mag., 43, 1897, 397-410. Bumie, William Beckit, & lee, Charles A. The con- ductivity analogy between the electric arc and certain metallic oxides. Electrician, 43, 1899, 75-79. Bumie, William Bcclnt, Barr, Jnnien Mark, & Rodgers, Charles. See Beut, Bumie * Rodgers. B\irnip, ,7. R., Fammel, L{oiris] H[enii(i)m], & Thomas, Hatinah. See Fammel, Bumip & Thomas. Bums, David. On the bending of beds near veins. [H'/Z/i discussioii.il [1890.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 40, 1892, 18-22. Bums, K. Z. Incandescent lamps. [1889.] School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 11, 1890, 1-14. Bums, Frank. Viviparous Miocene Turritellidse. [1899.] Nautilus, 13, 1899-1900, 68-69. Bums, Frank />. Nesting of the broad-winged hawk in Chester county, Penn. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 184-185. Notes from southern New Jersey. Auk, 12, 1895, 189. Bums, Georqe P. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Stylidiaceen. Flora, 87,'l900. 313-3.54. Bums, John Francis. A clinical contribution to the study of the tt'tiology of endemic cerebro-spinal meningitis. N. Y. Med. Jl., 60, 1894, 332-337. Bums, r[eter\ S. Zur Kenntniss des dimolekularen Cyaniithyla. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 43, 1891, 406-408. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der polymeren Nitrile. vii. Abhandlung. Chemisches Verhalten einiger dimoleku- laren Nitrile. Jl. Prakt. Clicm., 47, 1893, 105-134. Burns, Walter. Notes on the Heads of Ayr. Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 8, 1888, 287-291. Burnside, William. On certain spherical harmonics. Messenger Math., 14, 1885, 122-126. On the trisection of the periods for Weiebstk.\ss's elliptic functions. Messenger Math., 16, 1887, 177-180. On tlie partition of energy between the translatory and rotational motions of a set of non-homogeneous elastic spheres. [1887.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Trans., .33, 1888, 501-507. On a simplified proof of Maxwell's theorem. [1888.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Proc, 15, 1889, 106-108. On deep-water waves resulting from a limited original disturbance. [1888.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 20, 1889, 22-38. On the small wave-motions of a heterogeneous fluid under gravity. London Math. Soc. Proc, 20, 1889, 392- 397. Note on the potential of an elliptic cylinder. Messenger Math., 18, 1889, 84-88. The lines of zero length on a surface as curvilinear coordinates. Messenger Math., 19, 1890, 99-104. On the resultant of two finite displacements of a rigid body. Messenger Math., 19, 1890, 104-108. On functions determined from their discontinuities and a certain form of boundary condition. London Math. Soc. Proc, 22, 1891, 346-3.58. On a certain Riesiann's surface. London Math. Soc. Proc, 22, 1891, 410-416. On the surfaces whose lines of curvature are all plane. Messenger Math., 20, 1891, 49-54, 148. On the differential equation of confocal sphero-conics. Messenger Math., 20, 1891, 60-63. On a property of plane isothermal curves. Messenger Math., 20, 1891,' 64-68. On a case of streaming motion. Messenger Math., 20, 1891, 144-145. On a property of linear substitutions. Messenger Math., 20, 1891, 163-166. Note on a paper relating to the theory of functions. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc. 7, 1892, 126-128. On a class of automorphic functions. [1891.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 23, 1892, 49-88. On the form of hyperelliptic integrals of the first order, which are expressible as the sum of two elliptic integrals. London Math. Soc. Proc, 23, 1892, 173- 185. Further note on automorphic functions. London Math. Soc. Proc, 23, 1892, 281-295. Two notes on Weierstbass's P(«). Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 84-87. On the application of Abel's theorem to elliptic integrals of the first kind. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 164-170. On the linear transformation of the eUiptic differential. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 170-176. [The author's] paper on the partition of energy, R. S. E., July 1887. Nature, 45, 1892, 533. Note on the equation J/- = .r(j:-'- 1). [1892.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 24, 1893, 17-20. On a problem of conformnl representation. London Math. Soc Proc, 24, 1893, 187-206. Note on pseudo-elliptic integrals. Messenger Math., 22, 1893, 83-89. On a division of the periods of elliptic functions by 9. Messenger Math., 22, 1893, 89-96. Note on linear substitutions. Messenger Math., 22, 1893, 190-192. Notes on the theory of groups of finite order. [1893-95.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 25, 1894, 9-18; 26, 1895, 325- 338. On Green's function for a system of non intersecting spheres. London Math. Soo. Proc, 25, 1894, 94-101. Burnside] 931 [Burr On n clasH of KroupH deline, 1896, 147-153. On doubly transitive groups of degree 2"' ami order .>i'>c2"' - 1). "Me.'^scnger Math., 2"), 1896, 187-189. Note on the symmetric group. [1890.] London Math. Soc. Proc, '28, 1897, 119-129. The construction of the straight line joining two given points. [1897.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 29, 1898. 125-132. On the continuous group that is defined by any given group of finite order. Loudon Math. Soc. Proc, 29, 1898, 207-224, .'ilO-SOS. On linear homogeneous continuous groups whose operations are permutable. London Math. Soc Proc, 29, 1898, 32r.-3.52. On plane ciiiiipotential surfaces. Messenger Math., 27, 1898, 138-140. On the reduction of a linear substitution to its canonical form. London Math. Soc. Proc, 30, 1899, 180-198. Note on the simple group of order 504. Math. Ann., 52, 1899, 174-176. The trigonometry of a rectangular gauche hexagon. Messenger Math., 28, 1899. 92-90. On the canonical form of a linear substitution of finite order. Messenger Math., 28, 1899. 111-114. On a class of groups of finite order. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 18, 1900, 209-270. Buron, (^[sciir Gahriel]. Transmission de force par I'electricit*. Paris, Ingin. Civ. Mim., 1891 {Pi. 1), 033-642. Bnrot, [Prosper] F[erdinand]. Un cas de maladie pyo- cvanique A forme cutan^. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 {(-'. II.). 609-013. Burot, [I'riifpcr] F[er(linand], & Boiirru, //[cnn]. Set Bourru \- Bnrot. Burot, [Prosper] F[erflinnnd]. cV Iiegrand, [Maximilien .Vliert Henri] .i[mlrf]. Maladies des marins et epidMiies nautiijues. Moyens de les i>revenir et de les combattre. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 120. 1890. 109-13-5. 29.5-;<27; 127. 1890, .542-573; 128. 1896, 291-318. 515-.532; 129, 1896. 241-28.5. 409-462; 130, 1896. 17-81. Buret, [ Prosper] /■"(cri/iHt. 31. IMS, 12.5-127. Aquatic Orthoptera. Ent. Recrd, 10. 1898. 266-267. Orthoptera oil"- ;• i in -oalb-eastem Europe. Ent, Record. 10, 1898 ■5-297. Orthopter»(c. 1;. E. N. Bk-vsett inSocotra). Zool. Soc Prx.. 1898. .J~ I .t*5. Notes on the Kcrticubina. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 4. 1899. 2.52-2t»; 6. 1900. ''.<-«•*. 8.S-101. I,i>t of the Urihoi'iera of Boumania, with localities. Ent. .Month. Mag.. 3.5. 1899. 88-91. Three new species of Platycleis (rom Henegorioa. Eul. Record. 11, 1899, 18-20. Mimicry in Orthoptera. Eot Record. 11. 1899. 48-50. 117—2 Burr] 932 [Burrill On the abbreviation of organs of flight in Orthoptera. Ent. Kecord, 11, 1899, 73-75, 10-2-103, 162-163. Exotic Conocephalidae in England. Ent. Eecord, 11, 1899, 131-132. Parasites of Orthoptera. Ent. Eecord, 11, 1899, 186-187. Swimming of Tettrix subulatus. Ent. Eecord, 11, 1899, 215. Stenobothrus longieornis, Latr., and Stenobothrus parallelus, Zett. Ent. Eecord, 11, 1899, 244-245. The Orthoptera of the Channel Islands. Ent. Kecord, 11, 1899, 247-246 [248]. — — Orthoptera at the Warren, Folkestone. Ent. Eecord, 11, 1899, 267-268. Notes on the Dectieidse with descriptions of new species. Ent. Eecord, 11, 1899, 295-298, 832-333. [Contributions to the natural history of Lake TJrmi, N. W. Persia, and its neighbourhood.] Orthoptera. [1899.] Linn, Soc. Jl. {Zool.}, 27, 1899-1900, 416-418. Essai sur les Eumastaciiles, tribu des Acridiodea. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899, 75-112, 253-304, 345-350. Orthoptera : with special reference to British species. S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1899, 31-43. [Note on the orthopterous family Eumastacids.] S. Loudon Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1899, 96. Forficules exotiques du Musee Eo>al d'Histoire Naturelle de Bruxelles. Brux., Soc. Eut. Ann., 44, 1900, 47-54. On the geographical distribution of European Ortho- ptera. Ent. Kecord, 12, 1900, 47-48. On the British Orthoptera in the Hope Museum, Oxford. Ent. Eecord, 12, 1900, 97-99. Xiphidium dorsale. Latr., var.? Ent. Eecord, 12, 1900, 129-130. Note on the geographical distribution of the Eumasta- cida). Ent. Eecord, 12, 1900, 161-162. The distribution of Orthoptera found in Great Britain. Ent. Kecord, 12, 1900, 209-212. On a few Orthoptera from Suffolk. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 212-213. Stauropus Fagi at Dormans Park. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 219. A few Orthoptera from northern Persia. Ent. Eecord, 12, 1900, 240-241. Orthoptera collected near Innsbruck. Ent. Eecord, 12, 1900, 292-293. [On a collection of insects and arachnids made in 1895 and 1897, by Mr. C. V. A. Peel, F.Z.S., in Somali- land, with descriptions of new species.] 7. Orthoptera. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 35-46. Burr, Malcolm, Dixey, Frederick Augustus, & Fickard- Cambrldge, (Rev.) Frederick Octavius. See Dixey, Burr cV Fickard-Cambridge. Burr, William II. A note on the long column question. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 31, 1884, 103-105. The river spans of the Cincinnati and Covington Elevated Eailway, Transfer and Bridge Company. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 23, 1890, 47-93. The theory of the circular masonry dome of uniformly varying thickness. [1897.] School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 19, 1898, 1-9. Tests of full-sized cast-iron columns. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 19, 1898, 283-288. The theory and design of the masonry arch. [1898.] School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 20, 1899, 1-40. Burrage, J. II. The adhesive discs of Ercilla volubilis, .1. ./«.w. [1897.] Linn. Soc. Jl. {Bot.), 33, 1897-98, 95-102. • On Nuytsia floribunda, li. Br. Ann. Bot., 14, 1900, 312-315. Burrau, Carl. Eeoherches num6riques concernant des solutions p^riodiquea d'un cas special du probl^me des trois corps. Astr. Naohr., 135, 1894, 233-240 ; 136, 1894, 161-174. Burrell, Benjamin Arthur. Analysis of the water from the dropping well at Knaresborough, in Yorkshire. Chem. Soc. Jl., 69, 1896, 536-539. The composition of the spar occurring in Mother Shipton's cave, Knaresborough. [1897.] Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 13, 1899, 284-285. Burrell, Benjamin Arthur, & Fairley, Thomas. See Fairley l^- Burrell. Burrell, H'. H. Myeetozoa. Synonyms, Myxomycetes, Myxogastres, slime fungi. [1898.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Si'ic. Trans., 6, 1899, 449-452. Burri, liobert. Mittheilungen tiber einige Lebensbedin- giingen der Cholerabakterieu im Wasser der Fliisse und der Kacalwasser. [1892.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 127-130. Ueber einige zum Zwecke der Artcharakterisirung anzuwendende bacteriologische Untersucliungsmethoden nebst Beschreibung von zwei neuen aus Eheinwasser isolirten Bacterien. Arch. Hyg., 19, 1893, 1-37. Ueber Untersuchung des Trinkwassers auf Fiikal- bakttrien. [1894.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1895, 34-35. . Ueber einen neuen Sterilisator. Centibl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 18, 1896, 783-784. Ueber Nitritikation. Sammel-Eeferat. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 1, 1895, 22-26, 80-84. Die Verwendung eines luft- und bakteriendichten neuen Verschlusses bei bakteriologischen Arbeiten. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 1, 1896, 627-629. Aromabildende Bakterien im Emmenthaler Kiise. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 3, 1897, 609-615. Ueber das Vorkommeu relativ grosser Bakterien- kolonieen in fehlerhaftem Emmenthalerkase. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 4, 1898, 608-615. Burri, Robert, & Stutzer, A[tbert]. Ueber einen interes- santen Fall einer Mischkultur. Centrbl. Bakt., 16, 1894, 814-817. Ueber Nitrat zerstorende Bakterien und den durch dieselben bedingten Stickstoffverlust. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 1, 1895, 257-265, 350-364, 392-3118, 422-432. Ueber einen auf Nahrgelatine gedeihenden nitrat- bildenden Bacillus. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 1, 1896, 721-740. Zur Frage der Nitri6kation im Erdboden. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 2, 1896, 105-116, 196-204, 276. See k/.'.o Stutzer & Burri. Burri, Robert. Herfeldt, K[berhardt], & Stutzer, A[lbert]. Bakteriologisch-ehemisoheForsehungeniiberdie Ursachen der Stickstoff-Verluste in faulendeu organischen Stoffeu, insbesondere im Stallmist und in der Jauche. Jl. Landw., 42, 1894, 329-384; 43, 1895, 1-11. See «?-«) Stutzer, Burri & Herfeldt. Burri, Hubert. Stutzer, A[lbert], & Maul, R. See Stutzer, Burri & Maul. Burridge, Arthur Francis. *0n the rates of mortality in Victoria, and on the construction of mortality tables from census returns by the graphical method of gradua- tion. Inst. Act. Jl., 23, 1882, 309-327. On the rates of mortality in Australia. Inst. Act. Jl., 24, 1884, 333-353. Some account of the census, from 1801-1881. [1885.] Inst. Act. Jl., 25, 1886, 83-113. Buniil, Thomas, lonathan. * Upon parasitic Fungi. [1876.] 111. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 1, 1884 (No. 1), 52-59, 72-73. New species of Urediueee. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884 85, 187-191. The niicbanical injuries to trees by cold. Amer. Ass. Proc , 1885, 298-300. Photo-micrography with high powers. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1885, 355. An expi^rimeut in silk-culture. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1886, 19-24. Burrilll 9.33 [Burt The Uridinott' of Illinoin. A HhI of the Hpecies. Amer. Soc. Micr. I'roc, 1888, 'XA-UVi. Two iiii'L'haniciil elTeotH of cold upon trues. [1HH;V| Hot. Giiz., '.I A 1(1, 1884 88, ■.iM-.i.i.'i. Section cutting. [1885.] Hot. Gaz., '.I & 10, 1884-88, 421-r21. [rre»idontiril addroiu, Aug. 188G.] Ilact«ria and disease. Auier. 4S0C. Micr. Proc, 1886, 5-29. A dixeaHo of broom-corn and sorKhuni. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. I'roc, 1887, 30-»(J. Uitu'use KerniH. Another illuHtration of the fact thiit bacteria cause disease. Aiuer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 1887, 19;j--20(). The Krvnipheio of Illinois. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 1887, ;i01-310. Tile UKtihiKineaD, or smuts; with a list of Illinois species. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 10 (1888), -1.5-57. A bacterial diseuHe of Indian corn. Amer. Aks. Proc, 1889, 280; (Amer.) Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1889, I'J-27. A microscope stand. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 11 (1889), o3-(i3. Parasitic Fungi of Illinois. Part i. [Uredineio. ] [1885.] III. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 2, 1890, HI-2.55. Preliminary notes upon the rotting of potatoe.". [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1890, 21-22; 1891-92, 2'.l. Microsciipe objectives. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 12 (1890), 35-42. Khus poisoning. Garden A Forest, 8, 1896, 308-369. Bnrrlll, Tluwuis Jimulhan. & Earla, F. S. Parasitic Fungi i.r Illinois. Part 11. (Erj>i|.hcfe, Uv.] [1887.] Hi. I. all. Nut. Hist. Hull., 2. 1890. :)H7-»32. Bunill, I'liomim Jumithaii.A Stratton, ,S'. 11'. .Sec Stratton .V BtirrlU. BoiTowa, .1/(1/1 7'. Hot waves: conditions which produce till ui, and their effect on agriculture. U. S. Dept. Agr. Ycarl... 1900, 32.5-330. Bvirrows, {Itet.) C. It. X. A rare form of the larva of Aehvrtintia Atropi>s. Ent. Record. 5, 1894, 220. Entomology at Kainham, Essex, in 18!U. Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 281-289. [Notes on termites from Natal.] Ent. Record, 6, 1896, 292. Notes on Hlnps niucronattt. [1896.] Ent. Record, 7, 1896-96, 2110-201. Calamia lutosa, its variation, habits, etc. [1896.] Ent. Record, 7, 1896-96. 270-275. The Lepidoptcra of Muckmg. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 93-95. Variation of Epunda lutulenta, Itkh. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 1.5.->-1.58. I'liiirodesmn smnrngdaria, Fiibricim. Ent. Record, 1'-'. 1900, 113-115, 1.52-1.54, 109-172. Burrows, {Ctipl.) Guy. On tlic natives of the Upper Welle district of the Uelgian Congo. [1898.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 28, 1899, 3.5-47. Barrows, Illnn/], ,t Anwers, A'fiiiriu«iii;i.] Brit. Architects Jl., 2. 1896, 353-375, 423-427. Burrows, Ilennj ir(i7/i(im]. On the stratigraphy of the (rat;, with especial reference to the distribution of the Foraminifera. Brit. Ass. Rep., 05, 1896, 677-678; Geol. Mag., 2, 1896, 500-511. [.\ monograph of the Foraminifera of the Crag by T. Rupert JoNKs and others.] 11. Stratigraphy of the Crag; with notes on the distribution of its Foraminifera. Palaont. Soc. Monogr., 49, 1896, 77-88. Barrows, Ilriirii \l'[iltiiim], A Harris, George F[rederick]. S,-,- Harris A' Barrows. Burrows, ILnrij l)'[iHi,rm], A Holland, Rithard. The Foraminifera of the Thanet beds of Pegwell Bay, with notes on other microscopic organisms; a description of the section at Fegwell Bay; and remarks on the correU tii.ii of the Thanet U.-d«. [1890.] (ie<.l. Awi. Proc, 15. 1899. 19 .52, viii. Barrows, Hi-nnj \l'[illiam], Bbsrbom, Chiirlri Dariet, A B&Usy, [lirv.) George. The Foraminifera of the Bed Chalk. Micr. S..c. Jl., 1B88, 38;i-38.5. The Foraminifera of the Red Clialk of Yorkuhire, Norfolk, and Lincolnshire. Micr. Soc. Jl., U90, 549- .500. Barrows, ./I'/iH S. AccidentH in mines and their prevention. \\\'iili ditruttiiin.] [188.5.] MiinclitKler (ieol. Sit«r Cieol. .Soc Trans., 20, 1890, 71- 71. Barrows, M[errick] H'[iUii-)'(((m]. A rapid method for the estimation of sulphur in organic compounds. Amer. Chem. JL, 11 (1889), 472-474. A method for the detection and estimation of petroleum in oil of turpentine. Amer. Chem. JL, 12 (1890), 102-104. Burton, William M[erriam], & Morse, II[arinon] N[ortlu-uj)]. See Morse ct Biirton. Burton, Willium M[erriam], & Remsen, Ira. See Remsen & Burton. Burton, William M[erriam], & Vorce, L. D. The atomic, weight of magnesium as determined by the composition of its oxide. Amer. Chem. Jl. , 12 (1890), 219-226 ; Chem. News, 62, 1890, 267-269. Burton, B'illiam M[erriaiii], A' WiUiams, George H. See 'Uruiiams ct Burton. Burton, Williaiii M[erriiiiii\, Morse, II[armon] N[orthrup], & Piggot, C See MIorse, Figgot A' Burton. Burton-Brown, (Col.) A. Notes on suitable stations in Norway for viewing the total eclipse of the Sun on 1896 August 8. Astr. Soc Month. Not., 55, 1895, 93- 101. Burton-Opitz, Russell. Ueber die Veranderung der Viscositiit des Blutes unter dem Einfiuss verschiedener Ernahrung und experimenteller Eingriffe. Pfiiiger, Arch. Physiol, 82, 1900, 447-463. Vergleich der Viscositiit dcs normalen Blutes mit der des Oxalatblutes, des defibrinirten Blutes und des Blut- serums bei verschiedener Temperatur. Ptiiiger, Arch. Physiol, 82, 1900, 464-473. BHrton-on-Trent Natural History Society] 935 [Buscalioni Borton-on-Trent Natural Hlatory Society. The Ij«pi- (lri|)triK of lliMtnti on I'li'iit iiijil ni'lt'lilioiirliood. Kn- tdinolofiHl. Is. 1888, 177 1m:(, •.'(IS--.'1-_'. •JHl-237. Bnrton-on-Trent Natural Klatory Society, IManical Serlimi. Tln' llfini of liurtoiirni-Tn'iit imd niMKliliour- hood. (IH'.IC.-r.lOl.] l!iirU)ii-oii-Tr.iit Nut. Hist. Soc. TrnnH., ;t. 1897, 177-190, •iti'J 282; 4 (/'/. 1), 1899, 75-88, [I'l. 2). 1901, U7-UH. Bnrwell, .Ii7/iiir ir. KryHtallograpfaihche Notizen. Ztschr. Kryst.. 19. 1891, 442-444. [Uclwr I'rnlBKirunKcn bei den un^enattigtcn Hauren.] VII. iKopropylitiiconHiitiro iind iHomere Siiuren. LiebiR's .\nn., M)t. 1899. 2.V.t-2nO. BnrweU, Arthur IC. A iroretaU, Jt. A. See Woretall A Bnrwcll. Bury, llnini. On the early HtageB in the development of Antedon rosncea. Brit. Ass. Kcp., 1887, 7.'}.5-7SG. On the early staRcs in the development of Antedon rosBcca. (1887-88.) Rov. Soc. Prw.. 43, 1388, 297- 299; Phil. TranB. (B), 179, 1889, 2-57-301. Studies in the embryolonv of the ecliinoderms. Quart. Jl. .Micr. Sci., 29, 1889, 409-449. The inetaniorphosiK of ecliinoderms. [189.5.] Qaart. .11. Micr. Sci., 38, 1896, 4.>-1.3.5. Bnry, Jiidum S. A contribution to the BymptomatoloRy of I'liiKniiKicn's disease. [1881;.] Brain. 9. 1887, 14.5-177. Burzlnaklj, /'. U. The action of nitro-Rlycerine on n.-pliiitis. [Y'r.J Practitioner, 3.5, 188B, 1117-170. Bnsacctal, AuiiimUi. Molluschi I'liocenici del Baizo del Miisico (coninne di Monte San Pietro) ncl Bulognese. Hiv. Ital. Paleont., 2, 1896. 320-323. Bosacbl, Tommano. Ueber die liegeneration der glatten Muskeln. Centrbl. Med. Wisa., 2.5, 1887, 113-114. Sulla neoproduzione del tcssuto muscolarc liscio. EBpcrimenti e ricerche. [1888.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 23, 1887-88, r;37-641 ; Bcitr. Path. Anat., 4, 1889, 99- 124. Busattl, I.uiiii. For biography and list of works see (Jiorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 4, 1893, i-iv; Hiv. Miu. Crist., 14. 1894. 101-102. Sehisti a glaucofane della Corsica. [188.5.1 Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Vrrh.), 4, 1883-88, 246-251. Cenni geologici sopra Mapliano in Toscana (provincia di GrosReto). [188.5. ) Pi.sa Soc. Tosc. Atti il'roe. Verb.), 6,1885 87. 12-17. Nota su ili alcuni minerali toscani. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Mem). 7, 1886, 191-199. Sulla trachite della Tolfa. [18,S6.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proe. Verb.). .5, 1888-87. 96-99. Studi petrogratici. [1sm7.] Piga Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.). .5, 1885-87. 24(1. Tormalinolite di Cucigliana e Rujie Cava (Monte Pisano) e di .Jano presso Volterra. [1K87.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (/'roc. Verb.), .5, 1885-87. 247-249. Sulla Iherzolite di Uocca di Sillano (.Monte Castelli) e Rosignano (Monti Livornesi). Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {.Mem.). 10, 1889. 110-121. Sulla sabbia silicea di Tripalle presso Faucrlia iu provincia di Pisa. [1889.] I'isa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.). C. 1887-89. 220-223. Studio chiniico e niineraloRico di una roccia calcarea deir isola di (iiannutri (Arcipelago toscano). [1891.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.). 7. 1889-91. 294-298; Gioni. Mm. Crist. Petr.. 2. 1891, 2*1.^2.^8. Sopra un aspetto nuovo del berillo elbano. [1891.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. IVrt.), 7. 1889-91. 299-302; Giorn. .Min. Crist. Petr., 2, 1891, 278-282. Fluoritc deir isola del Giglio e minerali che 1' accom- paguano nel suo giacimento. Fluoritc di Carrara. [1884.] Pisa Soc. To.sc. Atti {Mem.). 6. [1898], 12-2.5. Appunti stratigrafici e paleontologici sopra Vallebbiaia. comune di Fnuglia in provincia di Pisa. [1891.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Mem.), 12, 1893, 75-82. I iMirfidi della roinicra di Tuvioin nel Karrabui (Sardeiina). I)ei>criziun« petrogratica. Pisa Boc. Tom. Atti {.Mem), 12, 1893, 162-180; Biv. Min. Crist., 13, 1893. 3:t-51. .\lcune rucce delle pendici nord-occidentali della SiU (Calabria). |IH93.] I'lKa .Soc. Tobc. Atti iPrnc. I'erlj.). M. 1891 93, 2ir2-208; Uiv. Min. Criiit., 13, 1893. 17-24. Contribuzioni chimiro.niincralow'iche >■ (M-trogratiche. Hiv. Min. Crist., 13, 1893. 51-64; Pisa S'x-. Toi^o. Atti (!/.»,.). 13. 1894, 3-19. BnacagUa, /.|ii/'/i{, d' Onelfl, ''[up/iVfmo]. ,S, , Oaelfi ,V BuicagUa. BuscaKlla, l.[iiigi]. A MartlKnonl, [Giovanni]. See Martlenonl A Bnacaglla. Bnacalionl, I.ni'ji. Sulla struttura dei granuli d' amid'> d.l nmi-. .Nuovo Giorn. Bfjt. Ital.. 23, 1891, 4,>-«7. Contribu/.ione alio studio della mcmbrana o-llulare. .Mftlpighia, i',, 1893, 3-40, 217-228; 7, U93, 1U5-162; 8, 1894, 3-13. Sulla struttura e Hallo BTiluppo del seme della " Veroniitt hederiefolia, /-." Torino Aoc. Sci. Mem., 43, 1893. 177-.522. Sulli- niiiffe c Buir Mapalosiphon lanunoHUs (Hamgirj), delle tcrnie di Valdieri. Malpik'hia. 9, 1895. 1.5H-184. Studi sui cristalli di ossalato di calcio. Malpighia, 9, 1896. 4«'.l 5.33 ; 10, 1896, 3 67, 12.5-167. 11 Siictliaromyci-s guttulatus, Hob. Malpighia, 10, 1896. 2H1-327. Sopra un caso rarissinio di incapsulamentodei gnuiuli d' amido. Malpighia, 10. 1896, 479^89. Sulla presenza dj hostanze amilacee (amilodes- trtna?) nel Coccidium oviforme, Leuck., e tall' af&nita di quest' organismo con altri parassiti dell' uomo e degli animali. Malpighia, 10, 1896, 5:V>-.5.50. Sopra uu caso rarissiino di eranali d'amido in- oapsuluti nel teguniento seminale della Vuia di Narbona. Hisposta al prof. Luigi M.tcciii.tTi. [Italia], Soc. Dot. Bull., 1897, 30;i-310. Una nuova vaschetta pel tratt&mento delle aezioni in pai^flina. Malpighia, 11. 1897, 458-460. Sulla formazione dell' albume del Leuooiam vemum, /.. Homa, H. Ace. Lincei Rend.. 6. 1897 {.Sem. 1|, 187- 188. Osservazioni sal Phyllosiphon Ariaari. Xot« pre- ventiva. Roma, H. Ace. Linoei Rend., 6, 1897 {Sewi. 2), 46-52. Suir albume e buI sospensore dei Lupiniu. Romm, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6. 1897 {Sem. 2). 269-276. Sopra UD ca.so rarissimo di incapsalamento dei grantUi d' amido. Hispo.sia al prof. Luisi Macchijiti. [1898.] Malpighia, II, 1897, 4i;9-»90. Der Sudan iii und seine Verwendung in der botani-cheu Mikrotechnik. Bot. Centrbl., 76, IMS, 398-399. I granuli d' amido incapsalati della Vieia nkrbonenai*. Risposta at prof. L. MACCiiitri. [Modena Soc. Nat. .\tti, 14. 1895, 113-121.] ModeuB Soc. Nat. Atti. 16, 1896. 1-3. Osservazioni sul Phyllosiphon .Krisari. KUMn. Boma 1st. Bot. .Vnnu., 7. 1898, 19.5-21.5. Osservazioni e ricerche sulla oellala regetale. Bonu 1st. Bot. Annu., 7, 1898. 2-5,5-346. II nuovo niicrotomo "Buscalioni-Becker." Malpighia. 12. 1898. 385-104. I'n nuovo reaitivo jwr 1' istologia vogetale. Malpighia, 12, 1898. 421-410 Sopra un > •■• amido. Mi Heise zv. 31. 1899. .'■■".o Buscalioni. J.ui Saccharonivces Malpighia. 12. [1899.] [1899.] ^ulamento dei granuli di Ztacbr. Ethool., . men. ;:. .V Casagrandl, Oddo G truttuiatns [IbrlnIc, /'.°[>/mun>/|. liliiT Hydnizonr von Dithiokolileni-iiiincsiirn. Ik'rliii, Cli.iM. lies. Her., 62, 1899. 2(W()~2(i-22 ; Jl. I'rttkt. Clieni., 111. 1900. :i.I(;-:mi. BuBCh, l/.ir \iliifl,ir Iteinliold], A- Faal, ff"'' '-"''"''tfl. >' '- Faal .V Boacb. Busch, Mii.r \ix [diutiiv lUinhuld], & RoegBlen, Hugo. Ueber iiin/vl »-iMiiidobenzjlanilin. Berlin, Clieni. Oes. Ber., •-'7. 1894, 32:W 3217. Busch, .1/ii.r [<;i(.iii.n. Kl. (I'loiii; iiim'Koli lyfippiliu. Materialien zur Flora des Goiivernenients Wjatka. Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 21, 1889 (.Vi>. 2), 148 pp. ; 2H (.V„. 1), 1894. 103 pp. (';l.MO;ta|>IJnai('luie('ji ii.i04,IJ. [SoK-buryinB .seeds.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1891 {Pi. 3), 4.5-8H, (Ft. 4), 1-67. I)()T;uiiiK()-rt'oi|)a(j)iiM(rKiii ii:ic.i laoBailin m, iiaropiinfi 'lacrii I\o:iMo.n'Mi.)iiit'Kaio yr.:i,ia Kaiiaii- I'Kort 1 yfiepMlll. Botanisch-Keographische Untersu- chunKen iui Kreise Kosniodonijansk des Gouverneinent's Kasan. [1891.] Kazan Soe. Nat.' Trans., 23, 1892, (So. 2), 38 pp. lI])p,lBa|)MnMi,iiijfi OT'ioTi. o iiyreiiiccTBiii no ei;B<']«)-;taria,;iio.My KaKi;a.iy Bi. 18915 ro,iy ci nlui.Ki ii.tc.rb.xoBaiiia .10,1.11 hkobi. ir ijuojiu. [Vor- liinliRer Bericht iiber eine Keise in den nordwestlicben Kanka.sus im .Table 1896 zur Unt«rsucbung der Gletsohcr nnd der Venelatioii.) [1897.] St. I'etersb., Kuss. Geogr. Soc. Bnll., 33, 1897-98, 1-33; Petermann, Xlitth.. 44, 1898. 2.51-2.5S, 271-27.5. lIpe,T,BapiiTi\ii,iiun oT'ieTT. o BropoMi> iiyie- iiiocTBiii no ct.Bepo-^taiia.inoiiy KaBuaay bi 1897 rn,iy. [Preliniinarj- report on a second expedition to the north-western Caucasus in 1.S97.] St. Petersb.. Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 34, 1898. ■>19-.58y. Oiiiicaiiie ii r.iaBiit>Jliiiie pe.iy.ibTaru TpeTbnro iiyTeniecTBifl no chBeito-sanajHOMy KaBi;a.iy bt. 1899 ro.xy. [Description and chief results of the third exjiedition to the north-western Cauc.isus in 1899.] St. I'etersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 30, 1900. 227-298. Busch, .V|iAi)/ii)l A[dolpluiiic], & Sorokin, .V. U. Set Sorokin A Busch. Buschan, Crovj. Ueber einen Riesen von Freiwaldaa (Oesterr. Scblesien). Ztschr. Etlinol., 19, 1887, (562)- (.liat. Pic Heimath und das Alter der europiiischen Kultiir- pfianzen. Deutsch. Ges. .\nthrop. Corresp.-BI.. 1890, 128-134. Zur Vorgeschichte der Obstarten der alten Welt. Ztschr. Ethuol., 23, 1891. (97)-a09). R. S. A. C. Bntaniqiie pr('-bi8torii|ue. Pariii Soc. Antlirop. Bull., 4, 1893, SOfi-.VW. Uelier die kunstlichen Angen )>eniani!ichcr Muniien. Ztschr. Kthnol., 25, 1898, (»W,)-(2(;0). Kritik der nioilerneii Thiniricn iil»er die Pathogenew* di-r BaKcdiiw'iichen Krsnkheit. [1894.] Wien. .Meil. Wsehr.. 44. 1894, 2180-21H2, 2217-2220; 4.'.. 1895, 1113. Bertilloimt'e. Deutsob. (ieH. Anthnip. Corretp.-lil.. 1898. 20-22. Buschbaum, ('. BeobachtungcD des Comcten 1893... (Horduiiie.Qui'niKset) angcHtcllt auf der Stemwarle der ineteorologiscben Central-Anslalt zu Budapest. Astr. Nachr., 133. 1893, 377-378. Buschbaum, '.. A Btelner, /.'iy«<. Definitive Bahnbci^tiin- iimiig des Coiii.ten H.",| IV. Antr. Naclir., 119,1899, 321 311. BuschlMck, F.. Jacob HCiivkr's Schraetterlingiiwerke. Kilt. Nadir., 10. 1884, 197-201. Bnache, [Cuiirad llriurirh] K[dmuiid Friedrieh]. Arith- iiietisi'ber Beweis deii lieciprociliitagetietzeii fur die bi- 'luadrati.schen KeHtc. Crellc, M. Math., 99, 1886. 261- 274. Uel)er eine Formel des Herrn Hkkmite. Crelle, JK Math., lUO, 1887, 4.'i9-4U4 ; 10.3, 1888, 125. Ueber grosBtc Ganze. Crelle, Jl. Math., 103, 1888. 118-l2.i. Ueber die Euler'sche ^-FuDction. Math. Ann., 31, 1888. 70-74. Zur Anwendung der Gcometrie auf die Zahlentheorie. Crelle, Jl. Math., 104, 1889, 32-37. — Ueber die Function 100, 1890, G5-80. .?: ra- Crelle, Jl. Math. Beweis de.s (luadralischen Rcciprocitiil«gesotzeR in der Theorie der aus den vierten Wurzeln der Einheit gebilJe- ten komplexen Znhlen. Hanib. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2. 1890 (/•VKfJc/ir., 77. 2|. HQ-'.ri. Ueber die Function K (J-) niit complexem Arpninent. Crelle, Jl. Math., 110, 1892. 338-348. Ueber divs Doppelvirhiiltni^s von vior Pankten einer Geraden. Math. Ann.. 41, 1893, .".91-VJC. Ueber den Dreiecksinhalt und nein doales .AnalogoD. Crelle, Jl. Math , 114, 1898, 1-24. Ueber die Schubert" sche Losiing eines Bachet'schen Problems. Math. Ann.. 47. 1896. ia>-112. Generalisation d'li: ' ' de G.irs.<. Paris, .Vc. Sci. C. B.. 129. 1899 Ueber Kronecker.-c:. . , iLnzcn. [1891.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3. 1900. 3-7. Ueber eine rationale iiicht-Euklidisebc Massbcstim- mun^- in der Ebene. [1892.] Hamb. Matb. Ges. Mittb., 3. 1900, 37-. Bemerkung iiber die Funktion K iz) mit komplexem Argument. [1893.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mittb., 3. 1900, 103-107. Ueber die Aiizahl aller Teiler der Zahlen von 1 bis n. [1894.] Hamb. Matb. Gts. .Milth.. 3. UOO. 167-172. Beweis des [zahlentheorvliscben] Salzen von Horrn SciiiBKBT. [189.5.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth, 3 1900, 22.5-226. Beweis des qaadmtUchen Becipro 1189G.) H '■ V ■■■ '- ■^'■"•' ' "»^. .......... Ueber ;lie. [1896] Hamb. Ma' Ueber eine aiigeiiieiae .\DKJt: .'e .Anwendungen davon nif di» '7.] Hamb. Math. <■ I'i. Eine Bemerr 'en. [1899.] Hamb. Math. (. Ueber eine : •nn Gebilde 1 iiii r tiflleii 1 _ ._ ingen daron US Busche] 938 [Busin auf die Zahlentheoric. Cielle, Jl. Math., 122, 1900, 227- 262. Ein Beitrag zur Differenzenrechnung und zur Zahlen- theorie. Math. Aon., 53, 1900, 243-271. Buschke, [Ahmlinm]. Die Tonsillen als Eiugangspforte fill- eitererregende Mikroorganismen. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 38," 1894, 441-461. Ueber die Lebeusdauer der Typhiisbacillen in ostiti- sehen Herden. Foitschr. Med., 12 (1894), 573-583, 613- 021. Buschkiel, C E. Fiscbinger's neues Dynamometer. Elektiotechn. Ztschr., 8, 1887, 386-387. Busck, A. Om tordenveirsiagttagelser. Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 26. 1887. 161-167. Busck, Autiust. New American Tineina. N. V. Ent. Soc. Jl., 8, 1900, 234-248. Notes on a brief trip to Puerto Rico in January and February 1899. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 22, 1900, 88-93. Buse, L. H. For biographical notice see Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 376-377. Buser, O. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Flora der Hoch- moore im Kanton St. Gallen. [1894.] St. Gallen, Ber., 1893-94, 85-86. Buser, 7^. Zur Kenntnis der schweizerischen Alchimillen. Schweiz. Hot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1894, 41-80. Ueber Alchimilla pubescens, Koch, A. truncata, Rclib., und eine neue verwandte Art aus den Tiroler Allien (A. acutata). Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1900, 25-26, 41-43, 57-59. Bush, B. F. Notes on a list of plants collected in south- eastern Missouri in 1893. St. Louis, Bot. Gard. Eep., 1894, 139-153. A new Ilvsanthes. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 494-495. Hybrid oaks in western Missoui'i. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 32-33. A new hybrid oak in the Indian Territory. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 463. Notes on the mound flora of Atchison county, Missouri. St. Louis, Bot. Gard. Kep., 1895, 121-134. Notes on the botany of some southern swamps. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 514-516. Busb, Clitirles S. Degras. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 535-.537. Bush, (Jl/iss) Katharine Jeaiinette. List of the shallow-water Mollusca dredged off Cape Hatteras by the Albatross in 1883. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 11, 1885, 579-590. Additions to the shallow-water Mollusca of Cape Hatteras, N.C., dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross in 1883 and 1884. [1885.] Con- necticut Ac. Trans., 0, 1882-85, 453-480. List of deep-water Mollusca dredged by the United States Fish Commission steamer Fish Hatch, in 1880, 1881, and 1882, with their range in depth. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 11, 1885, 701-727. Eeijorts on the results of dredging, by the U. S. Coast Survey steamer Blake, xxxiv. Report on the Mollusca dredged by the Blulie in 1880, including descrip- tions of several new species. Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 23, 1892-93, 199-244. Revision of the marine gastropods referred to Cyclo- strema, Adeorbis, Vitrinella, and related genera; with descriptions of some new genera and species belonging to the Atlantic fauna of America. [1897.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 10, 1899-1900, 97-144, 672. Descriptions of new species of Turbonilla of the western Atlantic fauna, with notes on those previously known. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1899, 145-177. Bush, {Miss) Katharine Jeannclte, & Verrill, Addison K. See VerriU & Busb. Bush, S. B., Herr, E. M., Lewis, IT. II., A Quereau, ('. //. See Herr, Lewis, Quereau A' Bush. Bushe, C. K. Human hibernation. Nature, 31, 1885,482. Bushell, Rejiinald. [Barometric depression of December 8th to 9th.l Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 159-160. Bushong, ii". ir. On benzimidoethyl and benzimidomethyl ethers. Amer. Chem. JL, 18 (1896), 490-491. On the alkyl hypobromites. R-O-Br. [1896.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 15, 1898, 81-82. The deep well at Madison, Kan. [1898.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 67-70. Busin, Buolo. Ueber die Isobarentypen in Italien und die VVetterprognosen. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 235-238, 303. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die jetzige analytische Theorie der Cyklonen. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 4.54-455. Wie man aus der Richtung und Drehuug der Winde die Aenderungen der Isobarentypen bestimmen kann. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 20, 1885, 401-406. De quelques perfectionnements a introduire dans les cartes mi^teorologiques. Angle des isobares et de la direction des vents. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1886 (Ft. 1), 123. Quelques considerations g^n^rales sur les cartes du temps et specialement sur les types isobariques en Italie. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1886 (Ft. 2),' 321-328. Die Mittelwerthe der wichtigsten meteorologischen Eleraente von Palermo. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 101-103. Le temperature nell' Emilia, nella Lombardia e nel Veneto. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 431-444. I tipi isobarici e loro apijlieazione alia previsione del tempo. [Itaha], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 3, 1888, 229-260. Ueber die Hiiutigkeit und Bewegung der Gebiete hoheu und uiederen Luftdruckes auf der nordlichen Hemisphare. Meteorol. Ztschr., 5 (1888), 448-449. Le temperature nel versante mediterraueo d' Italia. Moucalieri 0.ss. Boll., 8, 1888, 51-53, 69-70. Temperature medio annuali delle provincie italiane. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 4, 1889, 105-110. Le temperature in Italia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, .56-60, 137-143, 153-158. Osservazione suUe nubi notturue risplendenti. Frosinone, 20 luglio 1889. Moucalieri 0.ss. Boll., 9, 1889, 129. Sulla variazione della temperatura. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 21, 1889, 1-4. Sui tipi isobarici che portano una maggior frequenza delle brine. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 5, 1890, 209- 212. Sulla frequenza delle alte e basse pressioni nel- r emisfero boreale. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 73-75, 104. Sulla probabilita diurna della pioggia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 137-139. Su di una nuova specie di rose del venti. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1891, 186-189. Alcune osservazioni suU' aerodinamica. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 35-36. Relazione tra le perturbazioni magnetiche ed i diversi orieutamenti delle masse aeree. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 132-133. Suir angolo che la direzione del vento fa colle isobare. [Itaha], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 7, 1892, 221-223. Bczichungen zwischen magnetischen Perturbationen und der Vertheilung des Luftdruckes. Meteorol. Ztschr., 10 (1893), 148-150, 200. Alcuni criteri suUa coincidenza e sul rischio ma- tematico dell' avvenimento di determiuati fenomeni meteorici. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 52-53 ; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 25, 1893, 121-122. • Rose isobariche per alcune principal! citta italiane. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 17, 18-22, 53-56, 69-72, 8(;-89. See also Roma, Uf&cio Centrale Meteorologico Italiano. BuskJ 939 [Busse Busk, VliarleH J. To find tlic< fncturH of utiy proponiil iimnbcr. Nature, ;W, 1889, 413 415. Bnak, lleorge. For biography ami list of workB «<■<• Arcti. AiilKipolo^ia, 16, 1886, rjti'J-'.llO ; Foldt. Kdzli.n., 1(5, 1886, .iHH; Nature, 31, 1886, 3k7-Sh9; Kev. il'Aiithrop., 1, 1886, 7i:i ; ZooloKisl, 10, 1886, 363; Antlirop. Inst. .11., 11',, 1887, 403-107; (i.ol. Sew. Quart. .11.. 43, 1887 {I'T'ir.), 40 11 ; Iloiniiie, 4, 1887, 376-377; Mutir. Ili-I. Hoininc, 21, 1887, 40.-.-406 ; Med.-Cliir. Trano., 70, 1887, 23-27. *A monograph of the fossil Polyzoa of the Crag. I'liheoMt. Sue. Monogr., 11. 1859. xiii + 136 pp. Busmaklna, .S'. I'., & VTaener, Eijor E[ijurovic'\. See Wagner >V Busmakina. Busmann, . I . i„ r .lie Kiint-LaplacCKche HypothcBe. Westtiil. Ver. .ll.er., 1884. 129-131. Ucber dau tieoid. Westtiil. Ver. .Iber., 1888, 132 137. Uebcr therniische W'iderstands-Cocllicienteii verHeliie- dener Gliiser in ilirer .\bhiingigkeit von der cliemisclieii Zusanimensctzung. [18'J4.] Westful. Ver. .J ber., 1894-96, 23.5-237. Ueber den Absehlussder Bienenzelle. [189.5.] Westfiil. Ver. Jber., 1896-96, 194-195. I'eber Tlieniioraetrie. [1897.] Westfiil. Ver. Jber., 1897 98, 143 144. TelM-r Kathoden.strahlen. [1899.] Westfiil. Ver. Jber., 1899 1900, 132-138. Bnsquet, . Note sur les pheiionienes de sedimenta- tion observes dans le delta Houiller de Dccize. Paris, Soc. tieol. Bull., 16,, 1888, 100-5-1011. BUBquet, ';. I\ttul]. Etudo niorphologique d'une forme d'Achorion : I'.Vehorion Arloini, cliuuipiguon du favus de la souris. [1890.] Ann. Microgr., 3 (1890-91), 9-21, 62-75, 136-149. Ue I'origine muridienne du favus. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 916-923. De I'aetion des essences sur le diH'eloppement des champignons des teij;nes dans les cultures. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem , 45, 1893 (f. li.), 454-45.5. De la dipbterie dans Tarmee. .\rch. Jled. Pharm. Militaires, 26, 1895, 257-290, 382-419. Cellules secretantesetglandesunicellulaires. Bibliogr. Anat., 5, 1897, 194-205. Contribution i\ I'etude de la structure fine des corps appelcs "les sporozoaires du cancer." Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49. 1897 [C. It.). 1023-1025. Busqaet, (;. I\(iul], & Boudeand, . Contribution a I'etude des oreillons du ebien. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., .52, 1900 {C. li.}, 675-677. Boaqnet, G. Ildiil], & Crespim, J[oteph]. Fiivte typhoide et sero-reaction chez les Arabes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 {C. 11.), 998-1000. Busquet, (!. 11<98.] Lyon Soc. Agr. .\nn., 6, 1899. !txxix-xl. Busqnet, I!. . >V- Rodet, J. Ste Bodat iS; Bnsqnet. Buss, Die Sinneswerkzcuge. [1884] Kmden Natf. Ges. .Ib.n,. 1884-85. 2(5-28. Boss, ynt:.A: Ooldsclunldt, lleiiirich, .sVi' Ooldsclunldt it Buss. Bun, ll[iiiu I, * Werner, All'reJ. See 'Werner A Boss. Buss, Olto. Bin Fall von acuter, diKM-mmirttr M\cliliii buibi Debst Encephalitis liei eiiier Sypbilitischen. D.utKch. Arch. Klin. Med., 41, 1887, 241-2(50. Beitmg zur Aetinlogie und Pathulogic der multiplen SkleroKC lies Ilirnn imd Uiiekennuirks. Deut-cb. .\rch. Klin. Med., 45, 1889, 5.).5-.58:). Buss, illtii. Etwas uber Farbenfilter. Wicn, Pbotogr. Cnrrespond.. 33. 1896, 36S-373. Untcrsuchungcn iibcr das Lippmann'sehe Farhenver- fahren. Wicn, Pliotogr. Correspond., 37, 1900, 677-(i85, 7C,1. Bussord, /.. IgroBcopiciti dvllQ senicnti. Staz. Sper. A . .r. Hal.. 16, 1889, 357-359. Bussard, /,.. >V Condon, //. Srr Condon A Bnssard. Busse, /■'. L'el>er diejinige punktweise eindeutige Uezie- hung zweier Fliichenstiiekc auf cinander, bci welcher jeder geodiitischen Linie des ciiien einc Linic ooostanter geodiitii^cher Kriimmung des anderen entspricht. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1896, (wl-664. Busse, Georiie ./[u-vdi^J. A Harries, Qiir/] />[i*(ri<-/i]. See Barries A Busse. Basse, .1/., & Karckwald, II [illy]. See Kmrekwatd dr Busse. Busse, Olio. Untersuchung der feineren Vorgiingc bei der Heilung von Schnenwunden, Ixjsonders nach der Tenotomie der Achillessehne. [1891.] Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg.. 33. 1892. 30-51. Ueber die Heilung ascptischcr Schnittwunden der menschlicben Haut. Virchow, Arch., 134, 1893, 401- 437. Uebcr parasitiirc Zelleinschliigsc und ihrc Ziichtung. Centrbl. Bakt.. Ki. 1894. 175-180. Ueber SaccharoniTcosis hominis. Dcutsch. Nslf. Verb., 1895 {Th. 2, Hiilfl'e 2), 88-89; Virchow, Arch.. UO, 1895, 23-46. Experimentellc Untersuchungen iibcr Saccharomy- cosis. Virchow. Arch., 144, 1896, 3»;0-372. Ueber einc ungew(5hnlic!ie Form der Meningitis tuber- culosa. Virchow, Arch., 145. 1896, 107-112. Ueber das Forllcben losgetrennler Gewebstbeile. Virchow, Arch.. 149. 1897, 1-11. Ueber Dnppelmissgeburtcn. [1897.) Xeu-Vorpom- niern Mitth., 29. 1898, xv. Eiu grosses Neuroma gangliocellulare des Nervus svmpathicus. Virchow, Arch., 151, 1898 (Suppl.), 6(>-77. Ueber Ban, Entwickelung und Eintheilang der Niereo- Gcschwiilstc. Virchow. Arch., 157. 1899, 346-372, 377- 415. Uebcr pathogene Hefen und Hcfekrankhciteo. [1899.) Neu-Vorpommern Mitth.. 31. 1900. xviii. Busse, Waller. Die Anweudung der L'clloidin-EinliotlUDg in der Pflftn7.en-.\natomie. Zlscbr. Wiss. Mikr., 8, 1891. 462-475 ; 9. 1892. 49-50. Photoxylin als Einbettungsmittel fur pflsnzliche Objccte. "Ztschr. Wi.-wi. Mikr . 9. 1892. 47-4«. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Morjihologie und jBhrw- periode der Weisstaune (.\bie« alba. Mill.). Flora. 77. 1893. 113-17-5. rfeflter. Berlin, Gesundhcitsaml Arb., 9. 1894, 509- 536. Muskatuussc. Berlin. Gcsundbeitsamt Arb.. 11, 1895. 390-410. Macis. Berlin, Gesundheitssmt Arb., 12, 1896. 628- 660. Ucber cine ' ' ' ' rt aus Ksmcmn. Berlin. Gesundi - l.'<9-114. Vanille. In: - Arb.. 1.5. 1899. 1-U.S. Ueber gerbstofThaltige Msngroverinden ana Deutech- Ostafrika. Berlin, Gesundbeit-saml Arb., 15. 1899. 177- 184. 118—2 Busse] 940 [Buszczyiiski Znr Kenntnifs ties Leitgewebes ira Fruchtknolen der Orchideen. Bot. Centrbl., 84, 1900, 209-222. Busse, Wiilter, & Folenske, Eduard. See Folenske r. BopxHcyji.iiHCK'i; (3a6ai1iia.iii>cKort oOjiacTIl). [On observations of the total eclipse of the Sun in Verchneudinsk (Transbaikal district).] Russ. Pliys.-Cbem. Soc. Jl., 20 (I'lnjs.), 1888 {Append.), 15.3-158. Busz, J[ntins], & Kekuli, Ajipust [Friedrichl. Ueber Orthoamide des Piperidins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 3246-3248. Busz, Karl [HeivricJi Emil Geortj]. Mikroskopische Untersucliungeu an Laven der Vorder-Eifel. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verli., 42, 1885, 418-448. ■ I'eber den Baryt von Mittelagger. Ztschr. Kryst., 10, 1885, 32-40. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Titanits. Neues .Jbucli Min. (Beii.-Bd.), 5, 1887, 330-380. Ueber das Verhaltniss einiger Tuffe des Laacber- See-Gebietes zu den in Verbindung mit denselben auftre- tenden Gesteinen. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1889, 44-47. Bimstein von Bell. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1889, 47-48. [Ueber den Melilith der Hannebacher Ley.] Bonn Niederrliein. Ges. Sber., 1889, 48. Bleiglanz mit gediegen Sehwefel von Bassick, Nord- Amerika. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1889, 48-49. Mittheilnngen aus dem mineralogisehen Museum der Universitiit Bonn. Ztschr. Kryst., 15, 1889, 616-627. • [Palagonittiiffe vom Laacher See.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 50-51. [Untersuehungen an Gesteinen des Laacher Sees.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 51-52. [Ein interessantes Gestein vom Laacher See.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 112-113; 1894, 33. Schwefel von Bassick, Ver. Staaten, Nord-Amerika. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 549-552. Beryll von St. Piero, Elba. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 552. Flussspath von Cornwall. Zt-schr. Kryst., 17, 1890 553. (iothit v(]n St. .lust, Cornwall. Ztschr. Kryst. 17 1890, 553-.').')4. Hypersthen vom Kocher du Cai)ucin, Mont Dore. Ztschr. Krjst., 17, 1890, 5.54. Die Leucit-Plionolithe und deren Tutife in dem Geliiete des Laacher Sees. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 48, 1891, 209-281. Datolith von Andreasberg. Ztschr. Kryst., 19, 1891, 21-24. Sublimirte Mineralien vom Krufter Ofen am Laacher See. Ztschr. Kryst., 19, 1891, 24-27. Krystallformen organischer Verbindungen. Ztschr. Kryst., 19, 1891, 27-34. Skorodit von Lolling. Ztschr. Kryst. , 20, 1892, 555- 557. Pyrargyrit von Mexico. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 5.57. Anatas von Bourg d'Oisans, Dauphine. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 557-558. Diopsid von Achmatowsk. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 558. Schwefel von Mile. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 558-560. Schwefel von Roisdorf bei Bonn. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 560-563. Schwefel von Bassick, Vereinigte Staaten N.-A. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 563-564. Schwefel von Conil bei Cadiz, Spanien. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 564-565. [" Kamarezit," ein neues Mineral.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 83-84. Vorliiufige Notizen iiber einige Gesteine aus Devon- shire in England. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 84-90. 1. Apophyllit vom Oelberg im Siebengebirge. 2. Breit- hauptit von Andreasberg. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1894, 32-33. Krvstallformen einiger organischer Verbindungen. [1894!] Neues .Jbueh. Min. {Beil.-Bd.), 9, 1894-95, 460-465. Mittheilungen iiber Caledonit, Kamarezit, Breithauptit und Magnetkies. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1895 {Bd. 1), 111- 127. On the production of corundum by contact meta- morphism on Dartmoor. Brit. .\ss. Rep., 1896, 807; Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 492-494. Ueber einige Eruptivgesteine aus Devonshire in England. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1896 (Bd. 1), 57-78. Krystallographische Untersucbung einiger organischer Substanzen. Neues .Jbuch. Min., 1897 [Bd. 1), 27-40. Calcit, Hornblende, Andesin aus dem Siebengebirge. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 (Bd. 1), 3.5-39. Mittheilungen iiber den Granit des Dartmoor Forest in Devonshire, England, und einige seiner Contact- gesteine. [1H99.1 Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.}, 13, 1899-1901, 90-139. On a granophyvc-dyke intrusive in the gabbro of .\rdnamurchiin, Scotland. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 751- 752; Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 436-441. Busz, Karl [Heinricli Emil Oeorp], A Brubns, [Franz Sieflfried] Willij. See Brubns & Busz. Buszczyiislu, BDledaw, Eine walirschiinliche Periodicitat von hellen Meteoren und ihr wahrscheinlicher Zusam- menhang mit dem periodischen Cometen Tempel, . Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 26.3-264, 309-310. Ueber die Lichterscbeinungen bei Sonnenuntergang und Mondaufgang am 19. und 20. Mai d. J. Jleteorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), 549-551. 0 niektorych zjawiskach jasnyoh meteorow czyli kul ognistych lub bolidow. [On some plienomenaof luminous meteors whether fire-balls or bolides.] Kosmos (Lwow), 12, 1887, 85-87, 103-106. Beobachtungen der oberen Wolken zu Breslau, 1882-85. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 104-105. Der Wolkenbruch am 2.-3. .\ugust 1888.... Meteorol. Ztschr., 6 (1889), 21-22, 310. Ein beachtensweither Blitzschlag in den Rathhaus- thurm zu Krakau. Meteorol. Ztschr., 6 (1889), 308-309. Erfahrungen mit dem Kreil'schen Barographen. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 10, 1890, 440-442. Buszczyiiski] 041 I Butler Najwii/.niejs/.i' wyniki coKodzinnycli hposlrzoicn eiS- nieiiin powiptrzii w Krakowio, wvkormiivcli w latacli 1858-H8. (IHc wic-lili«stcn Itisiiltatc (.lunillichcr liio bavlituni^on den r,uft]-l217J; Cracovic Ac. Sci. Bull., 1892, 17~l'.t ; Meteorol. Zt«^lir., 8 (1891), 128-13G. Bntakov, .1. ll)iiiMopcK;ui (•Tiliiliijl liyxra lIoci.KCl.. [I'riniorHk Kliition. I'osct lia.v. Total oclipse of tlic Sun, 1HS7 Aiii;. r.l.) KuKH. I'bys.-Chcm. Soc. Jl., 21) (/Vii/o.), 1888 (.t/tpenil.). 127-131. Bataya, I!., .V Baas, K. ■/. M. df. Lijsl dc-r planten te OuiUiilic'sih in onistroken. [1889.] Nederl. Kruldk. Ari-li , .-., 1891. 512-551. Butcher, .1. .\urora borcnlia. Nature, 4G, 1892, 3(j8. Batciuchdn, Gfuni. TaschcnNiv«llirin»trumcnte. Ztschr. lnstruniontcnk.,'lH, 1893. 350 353. Mitllii'ilunRen aus dur Werkstiitte fiir wissenschaft- lii-ho Instrumentc. Centrztj;. Optik. 18. 1897. 61. Bnti, (liiiseppe. Progress! dellc applicazioni dilla eltttri- ciU'i alia Ksiwzionc Intormizionale di Vienna. Koma, N. Lincci Atti, 37, 1884, li;9-17'.t. Sopra un actlnomctro elettrocliimico di KiiioLix)T. Koma, N. Lincii Atti, 11, 1891. 17(1-172. Sulla misiira Jella forza furnita da una corrente t'lcttrica qualsiasi in un circuito qualunque. Boma, N. Lincei Atti, 44, 1891, 252-2.58. Alcune osservazioni siilla i)iopgia a diverse nitezzc. Roma, Specola Yaticana I'ubbl., 1. 1891, 99-100; 2, 1891, 115-118. - — - Studio dellc variazioni della teniperatura a diverse altezze. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 2, 1891, 113- 114; 3, 1893, 22.5-227; 4, 1894, 279-281. Confronto della uniidita relativa e tensione del vapore uelle stagioni di inverno e di estate 1890-91. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 2, 1891. 119. Ria.ssunto di una nota del sig. Bkzhi.h "Sulla teoria dei cicloni." Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1892, 7H-S7. Condizioni atmosfericbe e 1" influenza. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1892, 88-90. . Le I'cbbie nelle citta e i loro efletti. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 31, 44-45, .59-61. La fotoKratia nella meteorologia. Osservazioni sopra una nota del sig. Spiiuno. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 129-133. Bolide dell' 8 agosto, [1893. Porto Recanati]. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll.. 13, 1893, 139. Suir umiditu relativa e tensione del va])ore. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 3, 1893, 229-231; 4, 1894, 283-284. Rinssuntu dell' osservazioni mctcorologiclie cseguite nelP anno raeteorico 1890-91 alia Specola Vaticuna. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 3, 1893, 235-307. 11 princijiio dell" inverno 1893-94. Moncalieri Os.s. Boll.. 14. 1894. 40-41. Sulla termodiuamica dell' atmosfcra, del Dr. vox Bkzoi.i.. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 6.5-67, 81-83, 102-104. Anemografo c anemo-cincmograro della Specola Vati- cana. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 4, 1894, 179- 187. Confronto dcU" acqua caduta a diverse altczzc. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 4, 1894. 2.8.5-289. Riassunto doUe osservazioni meteorologiche eseguite neir anno nieteorico 1891-92. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl.. 4, 1894. 293-173. Notizie sul Pic du Midi. [1895.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti. 49, 1896. 11-21. . Risultati della Spedizione Polarc Intemazionale Svede.se fatta nel 1882-83 alio Spitzberg, Capt) Hordsen. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 49, 1896. 46-56. Conferenz^ sitll^ radiazioni Rontgen data nell' Istitoto Tocnico F. S. do Merode il 18 aprilc 1896. IVjina. X. Linci Atti. 49, 1896. 97-llx;. OrtHervazioni meteorologiche [fattc neffli anni 1893 u 1894 1. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 5, ISM, 228 395. .397-.5ri5. Bntln, Mlirrl. Kniploi den turbincH a axe horizontal |Mjur la comtijunde den dynamos. [1897.) Genie Civil, 3ii, 1896 97. 291. 29M. BatUcTlc, Vt[uilimiT Steixinoric\ Ueber das Vorkommen priiti'iilvtiselier Enzyme in gekeimten Sameo und iiber ihre Wirkung. Doutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 18, 1900, 1*5- 189, 358-364. Bntler, .{[rthur] I.[tniwj\ Ornithological notes from the CoC'iawatte estate, Lunugala, in the province of I'va. Cevlon. [1896.] Bombay Nat. Hint. Soc. Jl., 10.1896 97. 28'4-31.5. A leporine monstrositv. (1896.] Bombay Sat. Hi..i. Soc. .11., 10 (1895-971. 328-329. On the occurrence of the lexiier coacal (Centropus bengalensis) in Cevlon. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hiist. Soc. Jl., 11. 1897-98, 162. On the occurrence of Anio accipitrinus, I'alliu, in Ceylon. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 163. The scaly ant-eater (Manis iM-ntiiiactyla). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. .11., 11, 1897 98. 16.5. On Ketapa cevlonensis {(imtl.), breeding in ca|>tivitv. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 105- 166. The oceanic teal (Mareca gibberifronn). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11. 1897-98. 3.32-333. The nidification of Indian lorikeets. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11. 1897-98. 730. Pled variety of Hirun.li. jiivauica. [1898.) Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897 98. 7:16-737. The birds of the .Anilainan and Nicobar Islands. [1899-1900.) Bombav Nat. Hist. Srw. Jl.. 12. 1898 1900, 386-403, 5.55-571, r,84"-690; 13, 1900-01. 141-154. The niilitication of some MalMvan birds. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12. 1898-1900, 421-423. 772-773. Occurrence of the black-winged kite (ElanuH cciu- leus), Iifif., and the «hort-tocd eagle (Circaetus gallicus), Gmi'l.. in' the Malay Peninsula. [1899.] Bombav Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl.. 12, 1898-1900, 42:1-424. Note on the white snake (Coluber ttcniunisl. Cu/x. [1899.] Bombav Nat. Hist. Sue Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 424-425. Further notes on the varieties of C'oIub«'r tH ninrus. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist Soc. JL, 12, 1898 1900. 425^26. The coloration of the wing-lining and axillaries in the fantail and pintail pni|>es. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 427-4-28. Ou an immature spfcimen of the black-capped purple kingfisher (Halcyon pilmta. l:,xl,l.). |Ih99.] BomtMv Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12. 1898 1900. 428-l.x.i. Birds collected and obsened on the Larut Hills. Perak. in March and April 1898. Singapore, Boy. Asiat. Soc. Jl., 32, 1899. 9-:«). Geographical races of the banting: the "sapi" of the Malay Peninsula. [1900.) Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 13, 1900-01, l'.>2-19.3. On a new serow from the Malay Peninsula. Zool. Soc. Proc.. 1900, 67.5-fi76. BaUcr, l[r(/iMr] L[irnnox], & Bartaxt, Knut. See Baxtart .V Butler. Butler, Jllonl .(. Ferns near Colorado Springs, Colorado. Aim r. Nathst.. .30. 1896. 7.50-751. Bntlar, Anioi ir. Ilil>emation of tbe lower vertebrates. .\mer. Ass. Prix:.. 1884. .54.3-545. Lociil weatiier lore. .\mer. .\»s. Proc. 1884. 009- 613. Butler] 942 [Butler The CiEiuleau warbler (Dendrceca CKrulea). Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 27-28. Barn-owls iu southern Ohio. Science, 3, 1884, 31. Observations on the musk rat. Amer. Ass. Proc., 1885, 324-328; Amer. Natlist., IS), 1885, 1044-105.5. The periodical cicada in southeastern Indiana. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1885, 328-329; U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 12, 1886, 24-31. The remains at San Juan Teotihuacan. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1885, 418-420. Herpetology. Cincin. Soc Nat. Hist. .Tl., 9, 1887, 263-265. Fishes. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 9, 1887, 265-266. Some notes on Indiana amphibians and reptiles. No. 2. [1887.] Cincin. Soe. Nat. Hist. Jl., 10, [1888], 147-148. On a new subspecies of Ammodramus sandwichensis from Mexico. Auli, 5, 1888, 264-266. Condylura cristata (Ijinii.), Destitaresl. Star-nosed mole. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 10, [1888], 214. Notes concernin;,' albinism among birds. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 10, [1888], 214-216. Notes on the range of the prothonotary warbler in Indiana. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 33-34. Notes on the range and habits of the Carolina parra- keet. Auk, 9, 1892, 49-56. Some notes concerning the evening grosbeak. Auk, 9, 1892, 238-247; 10, 1893, 155-157. Contributions to Indiana herpetology. [1892.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 14, 1891-92, 169-179. The range of crossbills in the Oiiio valley with notes on their unusual occurrence in summer. Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 136-146. The unusual occurrence of Brijnnich's murre (Uria lomvia) far inland, with notes on other rare birds. Auk, 14, 1897, 197-200. The birds of Indiana. A descriptive catalogue of the birds that have been observed within the state, with an account of their habits. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Bep., 22, 1898, .51.5-1187. Butler, Amos I)'., & Quick, Edgar R. See Quick & Butler. Butler, Arthur Gardiner. *Descriptions of new African Lepidoptera. [1873.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 209-218. 'Descriptions of new Lepidoptera. [1873.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 243-244. 'Description of a new species of Blattaria. [1873.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 294. 'Monographic list of the homojiterous insects of the genus Platypleura. [1874.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 183-198. 'Descriptions of four new Asiatic butterflies. [1874.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 23.5-236. 'Revision of the homopterous genera Cosmoscarta and Phymatostetha, with descriptions of new species. [1874.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 24.5-270. 'Descriptions of some new heterocerous Lepidoptera from Australia. [1874.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 291- 293. 'Descriptions of two new species of scorpions. [1874.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 323-.324. 'On a small collection of Arachuida from Queensland, with descriptions of three apparently new species. [1875.] Cistula Ent, ], 1869-76, 349-354. 'Contributions to tlie Diptera of New Zealand. [1875.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 355-356. 'Revision of the genus Spilosoma and the allied groups of the family Arctiidee. [1875.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 21-44. 'On the Lepidoptera referred by W.\lkeu to the genus Dioptis of HiJBNt:u. [1876.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876-82, 107-121. 'On some Ijcliconoiil Danainie and Heliconidit in the [1877.] Cistula Ent., [1877.] collection of the British Museum. 2, 1875-82, 149-151. 'Description of a new species of Attaeus. Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 161. 'Descriptions of new species of Cryptolechia from the Amazons. [1877.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 163-164, 187-19.3. 'Notes on the lepidopterous genera Carama and Trichetra, with descriptions of new species. [1877.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 203-204. 'On various genera of the homopterous family Membracidse, with descriptions of new species. [1877.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 205-222. *0n new species of Catooahi and Sypna from Japan. [1877.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 241-246. 'On some butterHies recently sent home from Japan by Mr. Montague Fenton. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 281-286. 'Descriptions of a new genus and three new species of Lepidoptera from Madagascar. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 297-298. 'On various genera of the homopterous family Mem- bracidffi, with descriptions of new species, and a new genus in the collection of the British Museum. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 337-361. *0n a collection of Lepidoptera from Madagascar. [1879.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 389-394. 'Descriptions of new butterflies of the Indian region. [1879.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 431-432. 'On a small collection of heterocerous Lepidoptera, from New Zealand. [1879.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 487-511. 'On a collection of Lepidoptera Heterocera from Marlborough province, New Zealand. [1880.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 541-562. 'Descriptions of new species of heterocerous Lepi- doptera from Madagascar. [1882.] Cistula Ent., 3, 1882-85, 1-27. • Lepidoptera from the island of Nias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 58-60. On a new genus of butterfly from New Zealand. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 171-173. The Lepidoptera collected during the recent expedition of H.M.S. Challeiicjer. Part II. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 183-203. Descriptions of live new species of heterocerous Lepi- doptera from Yesso. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 273-276. A collection of butterflies from the Fiji Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 343-348. • Descriptions of three new species of moths from the island of Nias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 34-35. Description of a new species of Pseudacra>a from Natal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 123. On a new species of the theclid genus Theritas from Colombia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 267. On new species of Lepidoptera recently added to the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 403-407. Descriptions of two new moths from Madagascar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 407-409. Concerning E. Meyhick's views of certain New Zealand and Australian forms of Lepidoptera. [1884.] Cistula Ent., 3, 1882-85, 65-75. On an undescribed butterfly of the geuus Teracohis from Arabia. [1884.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 81. On the Scopelodes unicolor of Westwooo and Walkeh. [1884.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 155-156. The lepidopterous genus Cocytia. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1884, 351-353. [Report of the Eclipse Expedition to Caroline Island May, 1883.] Tlie Lepidoptera collected by Herr P.vLis.v Butler 1 043 (Butler at Caroline I>H. Lepidoptera collected by Mr. C. M. WooDfoiiu in the Ellice and Oilbert Islandn. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 113, 1885, -238-242. l)e»tription of a new genus of Chalcosiidic allied to Hiinantopterus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., lo, 1886, 310-342. On three new species of Gonepteryx from India, Japan, and Syria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., l.'i, 1886, 400-408. On Doratopteryx of Roof.siioff.r, a genus of moths allied to Hiniantopterus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1886, .51-52. On the blue-belted species of the butterfly-genas Prothoi-. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1886, ,52-.'54. On a collection of Lepidoptera made at Manipur and on the borders of Assam bv Dr. George Watt. Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., 10, 1885, 298-310, 334-347. Descriptions of moths new to Japan collected by Messrs. Lkwis and Pryer. [1885.] Cistula Ent., 3, 1882-86, 113-130. Description of a new species of Fodinoidea (a genus of moths) from the Bctsileo Country. Madagascar. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-86, 197-198. Description of a new buttertlv from Madagascar. [1W85.] Knt. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-86, 19H, xx. Description of a new species of the giometrid genns Ophthttlmophora. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 199. On the distinctness of Aulocera Scylla from A. brahminus. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-86, 245-247. On the true type of the lvca?nid genus Pentila. [Iis85.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, .".9-60. The question respecting the genns Aulocera. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1886-86, 127-128. A word resjwcting Callereliia hybrida. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86. 1.56. On the identity of Cyaniris ladoD of Cramkr with C. pseudargiolns of BmsprvM. and Leconte. [1885.) Entomologica Amer.. 1, 1885-86, .53. An account of two collections of Lepidoptera recently received from Somali-Land. Zool. See. Proc., 1886, 750^ 776. Notes on the genus Terias, with descriptions of new species in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886. 212-22.5. Description of a hitherto unnamed butterfly from Madeira. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 430." A few words in answer to Jfr. Distant's " remarks " on the genus Terias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 408-409. Description of a moth of the genns Milionia from Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. IS, 1886, 7. On a collection of Lepidoptera made by Commander Alfred C.vRFKNTFR. R.N., in Upper Burma, in the winter of 1885-80. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1886. 182-191. On the inconstancy of a generic character in Nephe- ronia arabica. [1886.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1886-86, 259-200. Description of two new species of Teracolus. [1886.] Ent. Month. Mag., 23, 1886-87, 29-32. Descriptions and remarks upon five new noctaid moths from Japan. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1886. 131-1.S6. Descriptions of 21 new genera and 103 new species of Lepidoptera- Heterocora from the Australian region. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1886. 381-441. Note on Aporis hippia. Zool. Soc. I'roc., UM, 80-81. On Lepidoptera collected by Major Ykiiucby in weotem India. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888, 3.5.5-395. Description of a new butterfly allii-d to Vanetas Antiopa. Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., 19, 1887, 103-104. Descriptions of new species of bombyeid Lepidoptera from the Solomon Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 214-225. Des<-riptions of new species of moths (Soctuites) from the Solomon Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 432-439. Descriptions of new species of heterooerous licpi- doptera (PyralitCH) from the Solomon Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 20, 1887, 114-124. Description of a new genus of chalcosiid moths allied to I'edoptila. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 180-181. Descriptions of new sp<-cie« of I>epidoptera from the Solomon Islands, collected bv C. M. \VoouroBi>, Esq. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2ii, 18)87. 240-247. Descriptions of two new species of Hyponomeutida' from the Solomon Islands. .\nu. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887. 414-415. .\ new genus of Pierinie allied to Appias. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 23. 1886 87, 248-249. On the Mycalesis asoehis of Hkwithos, a butterfly of the sub-family Satyrinie. [1H>I7.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 29. On the true distinction between Litbosia complana and L. lurideola. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 100-107. Notes on certain North American species of the group called by M. Gckskk "Acronycta." [1887.] Entomo- logica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 35-36. Lepidoptera. [Iie|>ort on a zoological collection made by the otlicers of H.M.S. Flying Fith, at Christmas Island, Indian Ocean.] Zi>ol. Soc. Pr<«., 1887. 522-.523. On two small collections of Afriean Lepidoptera recently received from Mr. K. H. Juunston. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887. 507-574. Notes on the species of the lepidopterous genoa Enchromia, with descriptions of new species in the collection of the British Museum. [1887.] Ent. Soc Trans.. 1888. 109-115. On three extremely interesting new motba of the family Chalcosiidie from Kilimanjaro and Natal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1. 1888. 47-50. An account of tliiee series of Lepidoptera collected in North-NYest India by Major Yebbi'bt. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1. 1888, 132-151. 196-209. On butterflies of the genus Teracolus obtained by Mr. H. G. P.M.i.isF.B at Khandesli in the winter of 1885-87. .\^nn. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 417-419. On the Lepidoptera received from Dr. Emin Paaba. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1888, 56-S5. Descriptions of sfune new Lepidoptera from Kilima- njaro. Zool. Soc. Proc.. 1888. 91-98. On the Lepidoptera of Christmas Island. ZooL Soc. Proc, 1888. 542-546. Description of a new s|>ecies of the singular lepi- dopterous genus Mastigophorus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889. 3.58-360. On a new chalcosiid moth obtained in Formosa bv Mr. H. E. HoBsox. Ann. Mag. Sat. Hi»t.. 4. 1889. 53.' A few remarks re-spectrng insects snpposed to be distasteful to birds. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, US9, 171-173. Notes made dnnng the summer of 1887 on the effect of offering various insects, larvir. and papc to birds. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4. 1889. 463-473. Synonymic notes on the moths of the earlier genera of Noctuites. Ent Soc. Trans.. 1889. 375-387. Descriptions of some new Lepidoptera-Ueterooeia in Butler] 944 [Butler the collection of the Hou. Walter de Rotuschild. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1889, 389-392. Description of a new genus of fossil moths belonging to the geometric! family Eusehemidae. Zool. Soc. Proc. , 1889, 292-297. Notes on the genus Dyschorista, Led., a small group of moths allied to Orthosia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 96-97. Notes made during the present year on the acceptance or rejection of insects by birds. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 324-327. Further notes on the synonymy of the genera of Noctuites. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1890, (J53-C91. List of Lepidoptera in a collection made by Emin Pasha in Central Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 40-.51. Description of a new genus for the reception of the North-American moths hitherto referred to Telesilla of Hrrrich-Schaffer. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 401-462. Revision of the noctuid moths in the Natural History Museum hitherto referred to Kriopus and Callopistria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 70-78. Concerning Dr. Chapman's divisions of the genus Acronycta (auct.). Entomologist, 24, 1891, 111-112. On the so-called "Erastria" venustula of Europe. Entomologist, 24, 1891, 113-114. Notes on the synonymy of noctuid moths. Entomo- logist, 24, 1891, 237-242, 263-266, 292-295 ; 2.5, 1892, 10-14, 62-6.5, 90-93, 140-141, 188-191, 211-214, 283- 286; 26, 1893, 45-48, 121-125, 193-195, 244-246, 292-293, 352-355; 27, 1894, 47-49, 192-193, 213-217, 240-241, 265-267; 28, 1895, 120-125, 222-227, 275-276; 29, 1896, 252-257, 279-284 ; 30, 1897, 170-172. The house martin as a cage bird. Zoologi.st, 15, 1891, 397-398. On the genus Hypocala, a group of noctuid moths. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hi'st., 10, 1892, 17-22. Description of a new genus and species of African moths. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 295-297. On the noctuid genera allied to Hypietra of Guenee. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 297-300. Revision of the noctuid genus Melipotis, Hiibn., with descriptions of two new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 31-5-327. Description of a new moth of the genus Anaphe from Madagascar, with a note on the natural position of the genus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 398-399. On a collection of Lepidoptera from Sandakan, N. E. Borneo. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 120-133. Notes on the genus Acronycta of authors and its position in the classification of liuterocerous Lepidoptera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 11, 1893, 396-402. Notes on the genus Entoniogramma as represented by the noctuid moths of that group in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 43-46. On a small collection of Lepidoptera from Darwin Harbour, Falkland Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 207-210. Description of a new species of the butterfly genus Cbaraxes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893. 266. On a small collection of Lepidoptera from Chili. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 457-467. On certain species of North American Hypenida;. Entomologist, 26, 1893, 311-312. On two collections of Lepidoptera sent by H. H. .loHNSTON, Esq., C.B., from British Central Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 643-684. Abnormal variability in the antennal characters of Cosmophila erosa, lUihn. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 14, 1894, 298-300. ■ On the lepidopterous genus Hexeris of Gkote. Ento- mologist, 27. 1894, 267. The North American Noctuidffi of the genus Ingura. Entomologist, 27, 1894, 282-284. Note on Eumestleta, Biitl., etc. ; a group of Noctuae of the eublemmine type. Entomologist, 27, 1894, 314- 315. Ou a collection of Lepidoptera from British East Africa, made by Dr. J. W. Geeoory between the months of March and August 1893. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 557-593. Adris sikhimensis, a new form of the ophiderid group of noctuid moths. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1896. 126. On Charaxes azota of Hewitson', a rare butterfly of which the type specimen is not in Hewitson's collection. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1895, 248-249. Description of a new species of butterfly of the genus Amauris, obtained by Mr. Scott Elliot in East Central Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 122-123. Descriptions of new species of Plauema in the collec- tion of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 415-417. Notes on .seasonal dimorphism in certain African butterflies. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1895, 519-522. On collections of Lepidoptera from British Central Africa and Lake Tanganyika. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 250-270. On a small collection of butterflies sent by Mr. Richard Crawshay from the country west of Lake Nyasa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895,027-634. On a small collection of butterflies made by Consul Alfred Shari-e at Zomba, British Central Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 720-721. ■ On Lepidoptera recently collected in British East Africa by Mr. (i. F. Scott Elliot. Zool. Soc Proc, 1895, 722-742. An account of the butterflies of the genus Charaxes in the collection of the British Museum. [1895.] Linn. Soc Jl. [Zool.), 25, 1896, 348-404, viii. Descriptions of new species of butterflies of the genus Catasticta in the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 53-55. Note 011 the synonymy of Huphina lanassa, a common Australian butterfly of the subfamily Pierina;. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 231-233. Notes on the pierine butterflies of the genus Daptonura, with descriptions of new species. .\nn. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 347-350. On some new pierine butterflies from Colombia. .\nn. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 42-44. On a small collection of Lepidoptera sent from Nyasa in 1895 by Mr. R. Crawshay. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 67-75. Descriptions of some new Lepidoptera from Nyasa- Land. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 1.59-163. A new butterfly of the genus Acrffia from Tugela, S. Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 467. Descriptions of previously undescribed species of Dismorphina in the Natural History Museum. Ento- mologist, 29, 1896, 26-27. ■ On a collection of butterflies obtained by Mr. Richard Crawshay in Nyasa-Land, between the months of .January and April 1895". Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 108-130. On the butterflies obtained in Arabia and Sonialiland by Capt. Chas. G. Nurse and Col. .J. W. Yerbury in 1894 and 1895. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 242-257. On two collections of Lepidoptera made by iSIr. R, Cr.vwshay in Nyasa-Land. Zool. Soc Proc, 1896, 817- 8.50. On a collection of Lepidoptera from Nyasa-Land pre- sented to the Museum by Sir Harry Johnston, K.C.B., and collected by Mr. J. B. Yule. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 851-855. On a new nymphalid butterfly from N. E. Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat! Hist., 19, 1897,' 409-470. Butler !)•); [Butler On a new African pii'rinc buttcrdy of ttie RonuN MjlothiiH. Ann. Mii(;- Nftt. Hist., I'.l, 1897, O'JT. UcviHion of the iiiciinc butteilliuH of the genuH Delias. Ann. Miig. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 143-1(>7. DuKcriptionK of ni\ pierine hutterllics of the Kenus CntHHticta in tlie i-ollt'ction nf the Uritish MuHeuni. Ann. Mbk. Nut. Hist.. 20, 1897. MUO-HOi). A ri'vision of tlii' species of liiitttTllicH belonging to the genus Teiac(jhis, Swnhin. Ann. .Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, aK.'i-sys, 4.".i-»73, •iy.')-r.o7. Seasonal dinioiiihi.sm in African butterfliefl. lOnt. Soo. Trans., 1897, 105-111. On changes of plumage in 8ome of the typical weaver- birds. Ibis, H, 1897, 3.19-361. Foreign finches in confinement, with hints as to the (lifliculties arising from the association nf various species in the same aviary. Zoologist, 1, 1897, 2'>l-2r>'i. On a collection of Lepiiloptera obtained in the Arnsa (iallii Country in 1H>.I4 by Mr. F. Giu.kit. ZooI. Soc. Proc, 1897, ()92-t;!l.'). On three consignments ot butterflies collected in Natal in 189C and lHi)7 by Mr. Guy A. K. Maiishai.i,, F.Z.S. Zool. Soc. I'roc. 1897, 83."i-8'.7. On a snmll collection of Lepidoptera made by Mr. F. Gii.i.KTT in Somali- Land. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 923-'.)25. A revision of the pierine butterflies of the genus Terias from the Old World. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, r)G-82, 181. A revision of the butterflies of the genus Ixias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 133-143. A review of the species of the genus Hebomoia, a group of pierine butterflies. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 289-293. Descriptions of some new species of butterflies of the subfamily Picrina\ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 294- •i'.to. On the butterflies of the genera Leptopliobia and Pieris. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 13-24. On the pierine butterflies of the genus Catophaga. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 392-401, 458-467. On some new species of African Pierinie in the collec- tion ot the British Museum, with notes on seasonal forms of Belcnois. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1898, 431-444. On sexual ditlerences in the feathering of the wing of the skylark (Alauda arvensis). Zoologist, 2, 1898. 104- 105. On a collection of Lepidoptera made by Mr. F. V. Kiiiiiv, chiefly in Portuguese East Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 49-58. On the lepidopterous insects collected by Mr. G. A. K. Mausham. in Natal and Mashonaland in 1895 and 1897. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1898, 18ri-201. On a collection of Lepidoptera made in British East Africa by Mr. C. S. Bktto.n. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 395-444. A list of butterflies obtained in the Harar highlands by Capt. H. O. C. Swavne, R.E. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898. 821-822. On a small collection of butterflies made in the Chikala district. British Central .\frica. by Mr. George HoABK. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1898. 823-824." On a small collection of butterflies from British East Africa, obtained at the end of 1897 and beginning of 1898 by Mr. R. Cbawsuav. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898. 82.5-827. On a collection of butterflies almost entirely made at Salisbury, Mashunaland, by Mr. Guy A. K. Marshall in 1898. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898. 902-912. A revision of the pierine genus Huphina, with notes on the seasonal phases and descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hi.st.. 3. 1899. 201-214. A revision of the Dismorphina of the New World. with descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 373-393. U. s. A. C. Descriptions of new species of the genuB Lycicnesthoii, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 341-344. On buttt'rflies collected between Chinde and MaodaU, British Central Africa, l>v Edward M. ke Jkiihey, Esq., in March and April, 1899. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 372-378. Notes on the American forms of Euchlol-, llUl/n. Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 19. ChrysophanuH thoe of (jkav, why is it not C. Iiyllus, Criimer! Canad. Ent., 31. 1899, 122. Notes on the genus Kuchloe, llUbnrr, a genus of the Pierintt'. Entomologist, 32, 1899, 1-3. The genus Cigaritis and its application. Entomologist, 32, 1899, 77-7«. The genus Leuceronia of Aubivillios. Entomologist, 32, 1899, 159-lGO. The type of the genns Hypolycsna. Entomologiit, 32. 1899, 221. The lycanid genus Azanus of Moobe. Entomologist, 32, 1899. 291-293. [Contributions to the natural history of Lake Urmi, N. W. Persia, and its neighbourhood. j Insecta (Lepi- doptera Rbopalocera). (1899. J Linn. Soc. .11. {Xool.). 27, 1899-1900, 408-411. On two small collections of butterflies made by Mr. Richard CaAwsnAV during 1898 in British East Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 417-427. On a small collection of butterflies sent by Lieut. -Col. A. S. G. .Iavakak. A. M.S., from Muscat. Zf>ol. Soc. Proc, 1899. 810-812. On a collection of butlcrflies made by Mr. Richard CiiAWSHAV in British East Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 962-975. On a small collection of butterflies from the Nandi district, Uganda Protectorate, eastern side of Lake Victoria; made by Captain HoimiT, of the Grenadier Guards. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 976-978. On a second collection of butterflies obtained by Mr. Edward M. hk .Jkusf.v in Nvasaland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 59-63. A list of the species of Cyaniris, a well-known group of the family Lycienidie. Aan. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 441-451. List of the butterflies collected by Capt. Wixoate at Hunan. .Vnn. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 6, 1900. 382. Note on Cvaniris pseudargiolus of Boisduval and Le CoNTK. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900. 91. A new genus of Lycanidir hitherto confounded with Catochrysops. Entomologist, 33, 1900. 1-2. The genera Cupido and Lycana. Entomologist, 33. 1900, 124-12.5. The t\-pe of Thecia, Fabr. Entomologist, 33, 1900. 168. On a small collection of insects, chiefly Lepidoptera, from Nicaragua. Entomologist, 33, 1900. 189-191. On sexual differences in the wing of the house- sparrow (Passer domesticus). Zoologist, 4, 1900. 74-15. .\ revision of the butterflies of the genus Zizera represented in the collection of the British Mus«nm. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 104-111. On two consignments of butterflies collected by Mr. Richard Cbaukhav in the Kiknyu Country of British East Africa in 1899 and 1900. "Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 911-946. Bntlar, Arthur Haniiner, \ Batlsr, Arthur Grortie. On the first primary in certain pa-.«erine birds. Zoologist. 2. 1898, 241-244'. Bntlar, Arthur Cuiniiner, >V Kirtty, William Fortell. List of insects collected by Miss Elizabeth Taylor in western North .\merica in the summer of 1892. Ann. Mag. Nst. Hist., 12, 1893. 11-21. Bntlar, Arthur tlaniinfr, k BotbacUld, (Hon.) Waltrr. On a new and also on a little known species of Pseudacnea 119 Butler 946 [Butte in the collection of the Hon. Walter Rothschild. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1892, 201-203. Butler, Arthur George, & Butler, Arthur Gardiner. See above. Butler, C. E. Effects of a lightning stroke; also iu- fiequency of thunderstorms in Idaho. [188.3.] Amer. Meteorol. .11., 2 (1885-86), 147. Butler, Cecil. New stations of Irish plants. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 361-362. Butler, Charles P. A brilliant meteor. Nature, 52 (1895), 269. Saturn's ninth satellite. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898- 99), 489. The Michelson echelon spectroscope. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 607-609. Echelon film gratings. [1900.] Nature, 61 (1899- 1900), 275. A night with the great Paris telescope. Nature, 62 (1900), 574-576. Butler, Charles P., & Edeer, Edwin. See Edser & Butler. Butler, 7). B. Portland cement: some points in its testing, uses and abuses. Engineers Soc. Trans., 1895, 61-72. Butler, [Lt.-Col.) E[dward] A[rthiir]. [Description of the adult female of Falco severus.] Stray Feathers, 10, 1887, 524-525. [Note on identity of species of Falco shot at Sind.] Ibis, 1, 1889, 135-136. [Occurrence of J5gialitis asiatica on the Denes, Great Tarniouth.] Ibis, 2, 1890, 463-464. [Note on Tringa maeulata at Great Yarmouth.] Ibis, 3, 1891, 149. [On Diomedea melanophrys in Cambridgeshire.] Ibis, 3, 1897, 625-627. Albatros in Cambridgeshire. [1898.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 6, 1899, 414-415. Honey buzzard in Suffolk. [1898.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 6, 1899, 416. BuUer, (Lt.-Col.) E[dward] A[rthurl Feildcn, (Col.) Henry ir., it Reid, [Capt.) S. G. [Saxicola monticola, variations in plumage.] Ibis, 5, 1887, 472-474. Butler, E. J. A mixed infection in Abutilon roots. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1899, 925. BuUer, E. J., & Poirault, Georges. See Foirault & Butler. Butler, Edward A[lhert]. On the habits of Mesovelia furcata, Muls. d: Rey. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 232-236. Butler, F[raneis'\ H[enry'\. Note on schorlaceous rocks near St. Austell. [1886.] Min. Mag., 7, 1887, 79-80. Note on fraucolite. Min. Mag.. 7, 1887, 164. Butler, F[rancis] H[enry], & Kincb, Edward. .S'cc Kinch 1^' Butler. Butler, George F. The physiological action and thera- peutics of guaiamar, a derivative of guaiacol. N. Y. Med. Jl, 70, 1899, 438-442. Ifutler, George G. [Notes on the glacial geology of Canada.] [1900.] Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 247-249. Note on the sleep of birds. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 298. Butler, Gerard W. On the subdivision of the body-cavity in lizards, crocodiles, and birds. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 452-474. On the relations of the fat-bodies of the Sauropsida. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 602-613. Beport on the occupation of the table [at the Zoo- logical Station of Naples]. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 451-464. The October eruption north-west of Pantelleria. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 154. On the matter thrown up during the submarine eruption north-west of Pantelleria, October 1891. Nature, 45, 1892, 251-252. On the subdivision of the body-cavity in snakes. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 477-498. Eeport on the spawning of the common sole (Solea vulgaris) in the aquarium of the Marine Biological Association's Laboratory at Plymouth, during April and May, 1895. Witli preliminary remarks on some of the morphological conclusions that may be drawn from the study of the early embryological history of this form. [1895.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 4, 1895-97, 3-9. On the complete or partial suppression of the right lung in the Amphisba?nidfe and of the left lung in snakes and snake-like lizards and amphibians. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 691-712. Butler, Glentworth R[eeve]. Note on antipyrine. N. Y'. Med. Jl., 41, 1885, 488-490. The relationship between cardio-vascular and renal disease. [1886.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 45, 1887, 341-346. The methods and value of supervised exercise in the prophylaxis of pulmonary phthisis. N. Y. Med. Jl., 60, 1894. 481-485. Membranous enteritis ; its pathological character and treatment. N. Y. Med. Jl., 62, 1896, 824-831. Butler, (Vet.-Lt.) R. Observations on sarcoptic mange in the horse. Jl. Comp. Patli. Therap., 5, 1892, 128-131. Butler, William B. Great terrestrial radiation. [1891.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag.. 1892, 48. Butlerov, .■i[leksandr~\ M[iehajlovi<:]. For biography and works see Ann. di Chim., 4, 1886, 271; Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 1145, 1188; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 220; Chem. Soc. Jl., 51, 1887, 472-473; Kazan Soc. Nat. Proc, 1886-87, A'ppend. No. 89, 4 pp. ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, v-x; Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc Jl, 19 {Chem.), 1887, 96 pp., 700; Termt. Kozlon., 19, 1887, 502. XiiMiriecKoe CTpoenie ir "xeopifl saMimeHia." [Chemical structure and the "Theory of substitution."] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl, 17 [Chem.), 1886 (Append.), 34 pp. ; St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 50, 1885 (Append. No. 2), 34 pp. Butlerov, .i[li'ksa)idr] M[iehajlovi6], & Bizza, Benvenuto. See Rizza & Butlerov. Butlin, Henry Trentham. On two cases of glandular tumour of the tongue. Clin. Soc. Trans., 28, 1890, 118- 123. On the removal of a " pressure-pouch " of the oesophagus. Med.-Chu-. Trans., 76, 1893, 269-278. An address on the jubilee of the [London Pathological] Society. [1896.] Loudon Path. Soc. Trans., 48, 1897, xlv-lix. See also Beevor, Charles E[dward] (et alii). Butorka, Szdva. A szabad magness^g elosztisar61 lapszeru mAgnesekben, ha a mdguesezo ero elobb egy iranyban, azut4n erre mercilegesen hat. [On the distribution of free magnetism in flat magnets when the magnetising force acts first in one dh'ection and then at right angles to it.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak). 1885, 161- 181. ButschinBky. See Bucinskij. Buttar, Charles, & Hayward, J[nlin] A. See Hajrward it Buttar. Butte, Lucien. Recherches exp^rimentales sur les Msions iutcstinales produites par les poisons dits drastiques (colchicine, v^ratrine, huile de croton et coloquinte). Ann. Hyg, Pnbl, 15, 1886, 347-364. De rintiixication par le sublime corrosif employ^ comme antiseptique. [1886.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 491-493; Ann. Hyg. Publ, 17, 1887, 167-168. — ;- De la glycosuria par injection intra- veineuse de glycose. Elimination de la glycose par I'urine. Paris, Soc Biol. M(5m., 40, 1888 (C. li.), 131-134. Action sur I'organisme de la glycose en injection intra- veincuse. Paris, Soc. Biol. Miva., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 410- 413. Buttel 947 [Buttgenbacb Sur I'i'tat ile la fonction Kly<. Buttenberg, I'nul. A Abel, liiidolf [Valentin Ludwiii]. Sif Abel kV Buttenberg. Buttenberg, If. P. Condensation des Dichloracetals niit I'h.iKil iind Toluol. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894. 324-337. Butter, f'[ii(i]. Ueber das Oxy-a-stilbazol and einige Derivate. Berlin, Cbem. Ges! Ber., 23, 1890, 2697- 2700. Butterfield, J. A. Variation of Phigalia pedaria. Ent. Hecord, 9, 1897, 117-llS. Protective resting liabit of Lithonia Solidaginis, with some incidental remarks on other species. Ent. Becord, 9, 1897, 326-327. Influence of temperature on the hatching of eggs. Ent. Kocord. 9, 1897, 327-32^^. Butterfield, U'. ('. ,/. Ituskin. Breeding habits of the sparrow. hawk. [1896.] Ornithologist. 1, 1897, 61-64. [On the life and work of William Ti'bneb.] Ibis, 5, 1899, 153-155. [Hypolais polyglotta in Su«»ex.] Ibis, 6, 1900, .569- 570. Butters, Charle: By-products in the gold induiitry. [H'lt/i ilitciution.] [1897.) S. Africa Chem. Mctall. .Soc. Proc., 2 (1897-99), 127-136, 164-166. (Tlic economic treatment of slimes.] [With dincuMiion.] [1898.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc., 2 (1897-99), 238-2.-,7. Bnttera, VhurUt, ii Clenaell, John Edward. Etude chimique du procedc au cyanurc ile potasttium pour I'extraction do Tor. [Tr.] [1892.] Monit<-ur Sci., 7, 1893, 47-53. I'tuii'tM d'extraction de I'or par le cyanaro de potas- sium. [Tr.] Moniteur Sci., 8, 1894, .5.5-tX). Butters, CharU-g, , 4 pp. (a) Further researches on the structure of Pasronins, a tree fern of the Coal Measures. (M On the leaf-sheath surrounding the nodes of some of the Cslamiles of the Lancashire Coal Measures. [1>9!*.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. 4 Proc, 43, 1900, .Vo. 2. 8 pp. Buttgenbach, //. Sur un groii|>euieut de cnsiaux de stii.ine. [1895.] Licge, Soc Geol. Belg. Ann.. 23. 189S- 96 (J/udUy H'ilmot, ,V Klnger, Sydnry. Srr Ringer •V Buxton. Buxton, K[iticard] S[orlh]. Note* on the wild sheep and irioiintain-antelope of Algeria. Zool. Soc. Proc., 1890, 3(11 363. Buxtorf, .1. Ueber Vor- oder Alt-Miocane Venverfungen im Basler TafelJura. [1900.] Eclogas Geol. Helvet., 6, 1899-1900, 176-177. Buys, Kdmond. Becherches erperimcntales sur la sensi- bilitc de I'ovaire. Arch. Ital. Biol.. 16, 1891, 87-96. Un caso notevole di regime azutato scarso abituale. [1893.) .Ann. di Chim., H, 1893, 217-224; Arch. Ital. Biol., 20, 1894, 153-1-59, Contrihnto alio studio dell' azione distrattiva eserci- tata dal fegato su cerii jilcaloidi. Ann. di Chim., 21 & 22, [1896], l',i3-20r,. Buys, l-.dmiiud. & Vandervelde, , Bechercbes ei- perimentales sur les lesions uterines consecutive* k I'ovariotomie double. .\rch. Ital. Biol., 21. 1894, 20- 30. Buys-Ballot, C[hristopUer] H[endrik] 0[irk]. For bio- graphy and list of works tee Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 6 (1889-90), 583; .\^msterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 7, 1890, 36:1-36.5; Berlin Phvs. Ges. Verh., 1890. 19-26: Brux., Ac. Bull., 19, 1890, lSO-111: Hum- l)uMt, II, 1890, 104; Lcopoldina. 26, 1890. .58; .Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc, .Mem, A Proc, 3, 1890, 167-169; Monca- lieri Oss. Boll., 10. 1890. 34: Nature. 41. 1890, 371; Ciel et Terre, 11 (1890-91). 21 ; Geogr. Jbuch., 14, 1891, 201; Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891, 61-62; Meleorol. Ztschr., 8 (1891), 1-6; Stoiohs, Met«-Tii.i- II aTii.i-MeTii.i- ilHTapiIUXt KlICJIoraxT). [On symmetrical diethyl- and ethylmethyl-succinic acids.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 21 (67icm,.j, 1889, 376-389; Chem. Soc. JL, 58, 1890 (Abs.), 740-741. See also Zelinskij & Byclcliin. Byel . For Russian names beginning thus see under Bel- See Byerley, J[nsiah] IL, & Mabery, Charles F[rederic]. Mabery £ Byerley. Byers, H[orare] Glreeley], & Morse, H[armon] N[nrthrup]. See Morse & Byers. Byers, John W. Puerperal fever: its nature, prevention, and treatment. Dublin JL Med. Sci., 91, 1891, 410- 420, 473-486. Byford, Henry T. The relation of the membranes to the process of parturition. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 2), 496-498. Bylert. See Bljlert. Byne, L[oflus'] St. G[eor(je]. A contribution towards a list of the marine MoUusca of Teignraouth. [1892-95.] Jl. Conch., 7, 1892-94, 175-188; 8, 1895-97, 162-167. On the forms of the Lacuna puteolus (Turton). [1900.] JL Conch., 9, 1898-1900, 341-342. Byng, G. Binswanger. On the manufacture of lamps and other apparatus for 200-volt circuits. [U'ith disenssion.] [1898.] Inst. Elect. Engiu. JL, 27, 1899, 118-146, 149- 208. Byng, L. Cranmer. See Cranmer-Byng. Byram, IV. J. The beginnings of life. [1899.] Queens- land Roy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1900, -5-26. Byrd, Mary K. First observations of the Sun and moon. Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 216-221, 252-257. Observations of Encke's Comet, made at Smith College Observatory, Northampton, Mass., with the 11-inch re- fractor and filar micrometer. Astr. JL, 15, 1895, 103. Byrd, Mary E., & Whitney, Mary \V. Longitude of Smith College Observatory. Harvard .4.str. Obs. Ann., 29, 1893, 3.5-63. Byrne, L. JV., & Garstang, Walter. See Oarstang & Byrne. Byrne, /.. Ji'., & Holt, Ernest IV. L. See Holt & Byrne. Byrnes, Esther Fnssell. The maturation and fertilization of the eggs of Limax. [1896.] Science, .5, 1897, 391. Experimental studies on the development of limb- rauscles in Amphibia. Jl. MorphoL, 14, 1898, 10.5-140. Byrnes I 951 fBzowski On the re;!eiicratioii of limbH iii fro^H aftt-r tin- extirpii- tion of limbrudimoiitH. [IHUH.J Anat. Aiiz., 1.0, 1899, 101-107. The iimttiratioD and fertilization of the egg of Limax agrestis {Liiini'). [1«'J9.] Jl. Murphol., 10, 1900, 201- 236. Byron, .7. .U. A case of nctinomycoHia in man. N.Y.Med. .11.. -.0, 1889. 710. Bysack, duurihis. On the Barinal gunx. Bengal Asiat. Soc'. I'loc. 1888, 97-101. BystrickU, /'. Ii" i, BOii])ncy o n'MiicpaTyivh pf.Ki. ii H.iijuiiii 1)1 iia Mt.CTiii.H' i.MiiMaTia. Te.Miioi)iiTyiia Ho.iril y r. Ho.lIiCKa. Zur Kragc iiber die Tempera- tnr der Fliisse. Die Teni|ieratur der W'olga bei Wolsk. [1897.] Kazan See. Nat. Proe., 1897-98, Appmd. So. 109, 10 pp. Bystrom, //. Sverige i utliindi^ka kartvcrk. Stockh.. Ymer, 12, 1893, 81-98. Bystrovunov, N. A. 0 pa.'JBIITill :iy6oBIIJlliarO OT- |K)iili.l y M.IOKonilTaKMUllXl.. [I-'eber die Ent- wiekflung deB Zahnfort«iilZ'« bei Situgetieren.] (1H90.] Varfiovi.. Soc. Nat. Truv., 1889-90 (C. H., limt.). So. 8, 10 IH; liiol. C.i.trbl.. 10, 1891, .507. Byvaack. .s>< Bljvanck. Bywater, .1/. J. [A cannibal 8nake.] Nature, 31, 1888, Byzbee, Edith Sumner. Thi? development of the karyo- kinetic spindle in the polleuinotlier-U'llM of Lavatera. [1(100.] California Ac. I'roe. (/<.,/.), 2, 1904. 03-82. Bzowskl, .lihef. OpiK gtologiczno-rolniczy majatkii Lipnik w Krolestwie FoUkieni guhernii Ilad'iraHkiej. |xjwiecie sandomierHkini pctozonego /.e 8zczeg6Inem un-zi;l^-dnie- niem glin pochodzenia Sylurekicgo. [Description p«klo- logique de la fcrme Lipnik, et en particulier dc kck koU argileux d'origine Silurienne.] Krakow Kom. Kizyogr. Spraw.. 33, 1898 [Cz. 3i, {15)-(26); C'racovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1899, 22.5-220. END OF VOL. XIII. CAMUKIDGK: PRINTED BV JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRKSS. r> Z Royal Society of London 1U03 Catalogue of scientific R88 papers, 1800- CI9OO3 V.13 Reterence PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY lift ',4. C - E*",!