.o C^ 1c '^A V ^^"^ C^ ;25il . ill . . A n CATALOGUE 01'' TUK c? o 17" o r i\/r T? ^ ,0i V DERMAPTERA SALTATORIA THE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. PART I 1 . t ..v BY F 11 A N CI S W A L K E R, F. L. S., &c, C 3 ^ ^4, //crji •■ i'laNTIlD hOi\ THE TKUbTlZLS OF TUE BiUTlSll MUSEUM: LONDON, 186U. LONDON : E. NEWMAX, PRINTER, DEVONSHIRE STREET, BISHOPSGATE. PREFACE. The object of tlie present Catalogue is to give a complete List of all the genera and species of Dermaptera Saltatoria known to exist in the collections of European and American Entomologists. The letters a, b. c, &c.. after the species, denote the specimens now contained in the British Museum, followed by the habitat and the mode in which each of them was obtained ; and the absence of these letters indicates the species which are desiderata, aud there- fore desirable to be procured for the collection. J. E. GRAY. British Museum, October, 1869. CATALOGUE OF LOCUSTIDiE (continued). The Locuslidae include several distinct families, but the division of the above group is postpoued, in order to ascertain more satisfactorily the number of families, and to assign to each family every genus that it includes. Of the genera of Locustidae in the preceding Part of the Cata- logue, Deiuacrida, Rhapido])hora, Hadenoecus, Ceuthophyllus, Schoeno- bales, Udeopsylla, Daihiiiia, Tropidischia, Camptoiiotus, Macropaihus, Libanasa, Machamala, Licodia, Lutosa and Lucena, may be included in the llhapidophoridie. The genera Cerberodon, Monocerophora, Anosto- toma, Gnaihoclita, Hemideina, Licola, Gryllacris, Larnaca, Stenopelmatus and Lezina, belong to the Stenopelmaiida), to which Servillea and Cralo- malus are also here referred. Genus 2(5. SERVILLEA. Servillea, Blanch. Gay, Chili, vi. 35. 1. Servillea spinifera. spinifera, Blanch. Gay, Chili, vi, 36. Chili. Genus 27. CRATOMALUS. Cralomalus, Blanch. Gay, Chili, vi. 37. I, Ckatomalus akmatus. armatus, Blanch. Gay, Chili, vi. 39. Chili. 226 CATALOGUE OF The nine following genera form the Bratiyporidsc. Genus 28. HETRODES. Gryllus, Linn. — LocusIr, Fahr. — Hetrodes, Fisch. A. S. E. F. ii. 318. Serv. Hist. Orih. 460. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 679. Fisch. de Wald. Orth. Ross, 367 — Bradyporus, Serv. Rev. 67 — Barbilistes, JSrullS. Group I. 1. HSTEODES PUPA. Grylliis apterus, Linn. Amoen. i. 322 — Gryllus pupus, Linn. St/sl. Nat. 699 — Locusla pupa, Fabr. Ent. Si/st. ii. 43. Deg. Ins. iii. 453, pi. 39, f. 5. Latr. Gen. iii. 101. E71C. Melh. pi. 131, f. 2 -Gryllus (Tetti- gonia) pupa, Sioll, Saut. el Grill, pi. 12 a, f. 45, 46 — Bradyjiorus pupa, Serv. Rev. 67. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 28 — Hetrodes [lUiia, Serv. Hist. Orth. 461. Fisch. de Wald. Orth. Ross. 368, pi. 34, f. 1 — Locusta (Hetrodes) pupa, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. tez. Ins. 183. a, b. Cape. c. Cape. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. d, e. Cape. Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty. /. South Africa. Presented by Pi. Tiimen, Esq. tinguish it from the precediuir species of this group. The shorter legs will distinguish il from //. fortis and from J/, militaris, and the spine on the head is longer than ibat of //. Petersii. a. Interior of South Africa. Presented by the late Karl of Derby. b. Souiii Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 230 CATALOGUE OF Group 3. 13. Hetrodes longipes. loDgipes, Charp. Orlh. pi. 8. Var. Female. Pale testaceous, rather long and slender. Head and pro- thorax very finely punctured. Head with a very short spine between the eyes and with a few small irregular black marks. Antenna; blackish, tes- taceous at the base. Protborax elonjiaie, with a transverse middle furrow ; fore part with three black spines and a black patch on each side, and with an abbreviated black stripe; hind part mostly black, with two black spines on each side and with two on the hind border, which is slightly elevated. Oviduct very short, with a black lip ; sheaths with three black spines above. Legs long, slender, piceiius, with wiiitish keels; femora with from one to three spines beneath ; fore femora above testaceous, mottled with piceous. Length of the body 18 lines. « — d. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 14. Hktrodes Guvoni. Hetrodes (Eugaster) Guvoni, Strv. Hist. Orlli. 464.* Lucas, Exp. Sci. Alt;. Orth. pi. 2. Algiers. 15. Hetrodes. ABORT I vus. Hetrodes (Eugaster) abortiva, Serv. Hist. Orth. 463. Guer. Voff. Abyss. 338. Senegal, Abyssinia. 16. Hetrodes Servillei. Hetrodes (Eugaster) Servillei, Guer. Leftbvre Voy. Abyss. 338. Abyssinia. 17. Hetrodes erinaceus. Hetrodes (Eogasterj erinaceus, Fairm. Arch. Ent. ii, 260, pi. 9, f. 1. Gabon. 18. Hetrodes discoidaijs. Mas. Teslaceus; caput subtUiter pane latum, vertice subscabro ; anleniKB nigra:, basi testacece ,- prothorax anlice sexspiuosus plus miuusve nigricans aut niger, postice sexspiuosus; abdomen nigra bivillalum aut nigrum lesluceo couspersuiii ; pedes lougi, tibiis tarsisque piceis, illis spiuosis. Male. Testaceous. Head finely punctured ; vertex slightly scabrous. Mandibles with blackish tips. Antennte black, testaceous at the base, nearly twice ihe length nf the body. Prothorax with a reflexed border and a transverse middle furrow ; foie part blackish on each side or almost wholly black, with three black spines on each side and with two testaceous spines on the hind border. Abdomen above with two black stripes, or black LOCUSTTD^-. 231 with testaceous speckles. Len^s ]on ; Orlh. pi. 8 ; Germ. Zeitsch. i. 2, 377— Calli- menus dasvpus, Burin. Handb. Enl. ii. 677. Fisc/i. Orlh. Eur. 204, pi. II, f. 4.' Hungary. Genus 31. BRADYPORUS. Bradyporus, Charp. Fisch. Orlh. Eur. 205. 1. Bradypords Onos, Gryllus Onos, Pallas, Spicil. ix. 17, pi. 2, f. 1 — Locusta Onos, Fabr. Ent. Si/st. ii. 44. Lair. Hist. Nat. xii. 131 — Bradyporus Onos, Burm. IJiindb. Enl. ii. 678 — Deracanllia ciucta, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. vi. 375— Ephippiger Onos, Fisch. de W. Orlh. Ross. 190, pi. 25, f. 2, Siberia. 2. Bradyporus granclatus. Ephippiy;er granulalus, Fi^ch. de W. Bull. Muse. xii. 105, pi. 3, f. 1, 2 ; Orlh. Ross. I'JI, pi. 20, f. 1,2. Allai Mis. 3. Bradyporus cinctus. Deracanllia ciiicta, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. vi. 376 — Ephippiger ciuclus, Fisch. de W. Orlh. Ross. 192, pi. 9, f. 1. Siberia. 4. Bbadvporos Camelus. Deracantba Camelus, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. vi. 375— Ephippiger Camelus, Fisch. de W. Orlh. Ross. 193, pi. 9, f. 3. Daouria. 5. Bradyporus Antilope. Deracantba Antilope, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. vi. 376 — Ephippiger Aniilope, Fisch. de IV. Orlh. Ross. 194, pi. 9, f. 4, 5. Siberia. 6. Bradyporus spinosus. Ephippiger spinosus, Fisch. de W. Orlh. Ross. 195, pi. 27, f. 2. Siberia. 7. Bradypords Vacca. Ephippiger Vacca, Fisch. de IV. Orlh. Ross. 197, pi. 25, f. 1. Siberia. 8. Bradyporus verrucosus. Ephippiger verrucosus, i^tic/t. t/e IV. Orlh. Ross. 199, pi. 25, f. 3. Uaouria. 234 CATALOGUE OF 9. Bradvporus Aranea. DeracaiUlKi Aranea, Fisrh. de W. Bull. Mono. vi. 375 — EpLippigev Aranea, Fisch. de fV. Orlk. Ross. 200, pi. 9, f. 6. Daouria. 10. Bradyporus Taurus. Ephippifier Taurus, Eversm. Bull. Mosc. 1859, 128. Kirgis Steppes. Genus 32. ONCONOTUS. Locusla, Fa br. — Gryllus, Pallas — Ephippiaer, Fisch. de Waldh. (olim) — Bradyporus, /I.-Sch., C/iarp , Bunn. Handb. Enl. ii.677 — OiiconotuSj Fisch.de Waldh. Bull. Nat. Mosc. 1839; Orlh. Ross. 201. Fisch. Orlh. Em: 208. I. Onconotus Sekvillei. Bradyporus Laxmanni, //. Sch. Cunt. Punz. Faun. Ins. Germ. Fuse. 156, pi. 18— Onconotus Servijlei, Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 204, pi. 25, f. 4, 5. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 208, pi. 11 , f. 8. South Russia. 2. Onconotus Evkesmanni. Eversmanni, Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 205, pi. 31, f. 8. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 210. South Russia. 3. Onconotus Boschnakii. Boschnakii, Fisch. de Waldh. Orlh. Ross. 208, pi. 31, f. 6. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 2]0. South Russia. 4. Onconotus marginatus. Locusta marginata, Fabr. Ent. Synt. Suppl. 193 — Bradyporus marginatus, Charp. Ilor. Ent. 97. linrm. Ilandb. Enl. ii. 678 — Onconotus marginatus, Fisch. Orlh. Eur. 210. South Russia. 5. Onconotus Laxmanni. Locusta Laxmanni, Fabr. Ent. Si/st. ii. 45 — Gryllus Laxmanni, Pallas, Spicil. Zool. Fuse. ix. 20, pi. 2, f. 2, 3— Bradyporus Laxmanni, Charp. llor. Ent. 97. Ihtrm. Handb. Ent. ii. 677. Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 203, pi. 9, f. 7. Siberia. 6. Onconotus JMoischulskii. Motsehulskii, Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 206, pi. 31, f. 7. Caucasus. LOCUSTIDiE. 235 7. Onconotus cokiaceus. coiiaceus, ^fotsch. Fisch. de IVuldh. Oit/i. Ross. 207, pi. 31, f. 9. Caucasus. Genus 33. PYCNOGASTER. Pycnogaster, Graells, Mem. Real. Acad. Cien. Madrid, i. 2, 155. Fisch. Orth. Eur. -205 — Ephippifier, Burm. Hand. Ent. ii. 677 — Barbitistes, Charp. — Bradyporus, Ramb. 1. Pycnogaster inermis. Bradyporus inermis, Ramh. Faune And. 57, pi. 4, f . 1 , 2 — Pycnogaster jugicola, Graells, Mem. R. Acad. C. Madrid. 1, 2, lo,') — Pycnogaster iuerniis, i^JscA. Orlh. Eur. 20(5, pi. 11, f. 5, 6. Spain. 2. PVCNOGASTER CUCULLUTA. Bradyporus cucnllatus, Charp. Hor. Ent. 98 — Epliippif::era cucullata, Bunn. Handb. Ent. ii. 680— Pycnogaster cucullata, FwcA. Orlh. Eur. 207, pi. 11, C. 7. Hungary. Purtugal. Algeria. Genus .34. BARBITISTES. B.irhitistes, Charp. Hor. Ent. 98. Brulle, /U-anch. Hist. Nat. fns. iii. 28. Ramh. Faune And. 53. Serv. Hist. Orlh. 477. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 211 — Ephippiger, Serv. Rev. 1. Barbitistes B.eticus. Barbitistes Bajlica, Ramb. Faun. ^n. Algeria. 22. Ephippiger brevicoli.is. Ephippigera brevicoUis, Fisch. Orlh. Eur. 219, pi. 10, f. 12. Algeria. '^38 catalogue ok 23. Ephippigeb tbilineatus. Epbippiger trilineala, Haan, Verz. N-dt. Gesch. Ned. hid. Brz. Ins. 185. Tripoli. 24. Ephippiger varicornis. varicornis, Klug, 3ISS. Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bcz. Ins. 185. Syria. Sect. n. Mas. Corpus crassiim. Caput inter antennas biluberculatum, anlice erectuin et aspere punctatum. Oculi jrlobusi. Palporum ariiculus 4 us 3() non brevior; 5us 4o niulto longior. Protborax poslice anguslior, lateri- bus subuudulatis, margine postico subaseendente, carinis lateralibus distinclis. Abdomen prothorace fere duplo longius. Pedes crassi, tibiis quatuor anterioribus femoribusque biseriatini spinosis, tibiis poslicis quadriseriatim spinosis. Alee abdominis dimidio non longiores. Male. Body very stout. Head as broad as the protborax, with two little porrect protuberances between the antenna ; front and face erect, roughly punctured. Eyes prominent. Palpi truncated at tiietips; fourth joint of the maxillary as long as the third; fifih subclavate, much longer than the fourth; third joint of the labial clavale. Protborax narrower hindward ; sides slightly undulating; hind border slightly elevated ; lateral keels determinate. Abdomen nearly twice the length of the protborax. Legs thick ; femora with a few very minute spines on each side beneath; four anterior tibiae with six spines on each side beneath ; hind tibiae with four rows of several spines ; tarsi short. Wings about half the length of the abdomen. Female. — Oviduct straight, a little longer than the body. Wings much shorter than those of the male. 25. Ephippiger australis. Mas. Cinereus ; vertex fascia nigra postice incisa ; frons fulva ; pro- thorax fasciis trihus latis rufescente nigris ; abdomen rvfescente nigrum, ventre pectoreque fulvis. Fcem. — Obscurior ; prothoracis vitta latiores, postica connexee. Var. /?.— Tes^atra; vertex albido tessellatus. Male. Cinereous. Head with a speckled black biind on the vertex, this band irregularly excavated along the hind border; front tawnv. Mandibles blackish. Protborax with three broad undulating reddish blaik bands, the lateral pair nearly interrupted. Pectus tawny. Abdomen reddish black ; ventral segments tawny. Fore wings partly blackish. Female. — Darker. Stripes of the protborax broader, connected hindward. Oviduct and fore wings tawny. Var. ^.—Testaceous al)ove. Vertex tessellated with whitish. Protborax without stripes. Foru wings browu. Length of the body 12 — 14 lines. a. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. b. Swan River. From Dr. Bacon's collection. c. Swan River. P'rom Mr. Turner's collection. LOCUSTIDiE. 239 Genus 36. ANABRUS. Anal)ru'^, IJald. Stansb. Expl. Utah. 372. 1. Anabrl's simplex. simplex, Hald. Slansb. Expl. Utah, 372, pi. 10, f. 4. Uuili. 2. AnaDRIS HALnEMANII. Haldemanii, Girard, Mam/. Expl. Red River, Ed. 1853, 259, pi. 15, f. 5—8; Ed. 1854,248. Red River. 3. Anabrus purpurascens. piirpiir.iscens, Uhler, Pioc. Ent. Soc. Phil. ii. 550. Minnesota. Washington. Texas. a — c. Red River. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. Each of the two following genera will form a section in the family. Genus 37. ACRIPEZA. Acripezii, Guirin, Voy. Coquille, Zool. ii. 2. 153. Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. Serr. Hist. Orth. 546. Blanvh. Hist. Nat. iii. 27 — Acridopeza, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 683. 1. ACRIPEZA RETICULATA. reticulata, Guer. Voy. Coquille, Zool. ii. 2, 153; Alias, Ins. pi. 10, f. 2. Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 153, pi. 14, f. 2, 3. Serv. Hist. Orth. 547. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 27 — Acridopeza reticulata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 683. a, b. Australia. From Mr. Daniel's collecliou. c,d. Australia. From M r. Ar;;enl's collection. e. Australia. From Mr. Sliuckard's collecliou. f,g. Australia. From Mr. Children's collection. h. i. Australia. Presented by R. Bakewell, Esq. j, k. Moreton Bay. Presented by — Gil)bous, Esq. /. Moreton Biiy. Presenied by J. R. Elsey, Esq. m, n. Tasmania. From .\Ir. A. J. Smith's collection. (>. I'asmania. From Dr. Hooker's collection. ;;. Tasmania. Presented by R. Butler, Esq. Genus 38. HYPERO.MALA. Ilvperomala, Serv. Rev. i^6 ; Hist. Orth. 544. Boisd. Voy. Astrolabe, Ent, 1. IIyi-kromala speciosa. I'hvllophora speciosa, I'hunb. Nov. Ins. Sp. v. 2S6, pi. 3. Burm. Handb. Ent. li. (i!(4 — Hv|>eroinala viresceus, Serv. Rev. (i6 ; /fist. Orth. 545. 240 CATALOGUE OF Boisd. Voy. Astrolabe, Ent. pi. 10, f. I. Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix- 142, pi. 13, f. 2. Australia. New Zealand. a. Ceram. From Madame Ida Pfeiffei's collection. The limited family of Locustidse commences with the following genus: — Genus 39. ODOxXTURA. Odonlura, Ramb. Faune And. 44. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 223 — Locusta, Fabr. — Barbitisles, Charp., H.-Sch., Burm, Handb. Ent. ii. 682. Serv., De Borck, Wesm., Kollar. Fisch. de Waldh. {Orth. Ross.) — Leptopliyes, Fieb. — Ephippigera, Steph. — Olynihoscelys, Fisch. dp W. Bull. Nat. Mosc. 1839. Sect. 1. P(ECILEMON, Fisch. 1. Odontuea superba. superba, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 225, pi. 12, f. 4. Naples. 2. Odontura l-evissima. loBvissima, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 225, pi. 12, f. 5. Sicily. 4. Odontura flavescens. Barbitistes flavescens, H.-Sch., Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. 157, pi. 14 — Odontura flavescens, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 226, pi. 12, f. 6. Eussia. 4. Odontura tessellata. tessellata, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 227, pi. 12, f. 7. Switzerland. Sect. 2. 5. Odontura Oeskayi. Barbitistes Oeskayi, Charp. Nov. Act. Ac. Nat, Cur. 1850, xxii. 2, pi. A — Odontura Oeskayi, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 228, pi. 12, f. 8. Illyria. 6. Odontura serricauda. Locusta serricauda, Fabr. Ent. Syst. App . w . 4^55 ; Suppl. 193. Hagenb, Si/mb. Faun. Fasc. i. 23, f. 12, 13 — Epbippiger serricauda, Serv. Rev, 69 — Barbitistes serricauda, Serv. Hist. Orth. 479. Charp. Hor. Ent. 101. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 681. Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 210, 358, pi. 25, f. 6, 7 — Odontura serricauda, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 228, pi. 12, f. 10, 11. a. Germany. From Prof. Westwood's collection. LOCUSTID^. 241 7. OOONTURA PyRENEA. Baibitistes Pyrenea, Ramb. MSS. Serv. Hist. Orth. 481 — Odontura Pyrenaea, i^jsc/i. Orth. Eur. 230, pi. 12, f. 12. Pyrenees. Sardinia. 8. Odontura spinulicadda. spinulicauda, Ramb. Faune And. 45, pi, 5, f. 2, 3 — Fisch. Orth. Eur. 230, pi. 12, f. 13. Spain. Sardinia. a, b. Algeria. From Prof. VVestwood's collection. 9. Odontuka aspericauda. aspericauda, Ramb. Faune And. 47, pi. 5, f. 1. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 231, pi. 12, f. 14. Andalusia. 10. Odontura Fischeri. Fischeri, Yersin, Bull. Soc. Vaud. 1854. Suuth France. II. Odontura punctatissima. Locusta punctatissima. Bone Ann. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, i. 45, pi. 10, f. 5, 5 — Locusta aulumnalis, Hagenbach, Symb. Faun. Ins. Helvet. 27, f. 14 — Barbitisies autumnalis, Charp. Hor. Ent. 102 — Barbitistes punctatissima, Scrv. Hist. Orth. 480. De Bonk, R'dlving Ins. 6(), pi. 3, f. 1 — Ephippij^era virescens, Steph. Ins. Brit. Mand. vi. 11 — Odontura punctatissima, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 232, pi. 12, f. 15 — Barbi- tistes camptoxypha, Fieb. Kelch. Orth. 3. a, b. Euglaud. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. c — h. England. From iMr. Stephens' collection. i,j. Paris. From Prof. Westwood's collection. 12. Odontura axbovittata. Barbitistes albovittalus, Kullar, Beitr, 76 — Barbitistes (Leptophyes) punctatissima (albolineata) Fieb. Kelch. Orth. 3 — Barbitistes autumn- alis, H.-Sch. Nomencl. 14 — Barbitistes glabricauda ? De Borck, R'dlving Ins. 65, pi. 3, f. 1 — Barbitistes foliicauda? Molsch. Fisch. de IValdh. Orth. Ross. Suppl. 359, pi. 33, f. 9, 10— Odontura albo- viltata, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 233, pi. 12, f. 16. Germany. Russia. Sect. — ? 13. Odontura glabricauda. Barbitistes fjlabricauda, Charp. Hor. Ent. 101 — Odontura glabricauda, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 234. Portugal. 242 CATALOGUE OF 14. Odontura sanguinolenta. B:iil)ilistes sanguinolentus, Motsch. Fisch. de Waldh. Orlli. Ross. Suppl. 358, pi. 33, f. 7-Odontiiia sanguinolenta, Fisch. Orlh. Eur. 234, pi. 12, i. 17. Tauria. 15. Odontura vittata. Barbitistes vittatus, Motsch. Fisch. de W. Orlh. Ross. Suppl. 359, pi. 33, f. 8— Odontura vittala, Fisch. Orlh. Eur. 234, pi. 12, f. 18. South Eussia. 16. Odontcra pulchripennis. pulchripennis, Costa, Alti, Accad. Scienze Napoli. i. 25, pi. 1, f. 6, 7. Calabria. Odontura? (larva). Ceiilrophorus spinosus, Fisch de W. Orth. Ross. 361, 362, pi. 33, f. 11. Crimea. 17. Odontura capensis. FcEm. Viridis, brevis ; caput anlice nitens ; oculi parvi, globosi ; pro- thoracis carince laterales jiavescentes, nigricante strigata ; oviductus arcuatus, apice spinosus, abdominis triente brevior ; tibicE posticce quadriseriatim spinosce. Female. Grass-green, stout, short. Head shining in front, as broad as the prothorax, narrow and not prominent between the eyes, where there is a transverse suture between the vertex and the front; the latter is erect and there is a distinct transverse suture between it and the face. Eyes small, prominent. Prothorax with the lateral keels yellowish, well defined, each with three short blackish streaks ; sides rounded; hind border nearly straight. Abdomen fusiform. Oviduct broad, curved, with spines towards the tip, less than one-third of the length of the abdomen. Legs slender; four anterior tibia; minutely setose ; hind tibiae with four rows of numerous minute black-tipped spines. Length of the body Q\ lines. The oviduct is much shorter than that of O. serricauda and of O. spinulicauda. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. Genus 40. CYRTASPIS. Cyrtaspis, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 235 — Barbitistes, Charp. — Odontura, Ramb. 1. Cyrtaspis scutata. Barbitistes scutatus, Charp. Hor. Ent. 102— Cyrtaspis scutata, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 235, pi. 11, f. 11. Portugal. louustidj:. 243 Genus 41. GAMPSOCLEIS. Locusta, Herbst, Philippi. — Declicus, Burm. Fisch. de ^F.— Gampsocleis, Fieb. Kelch. Orlh. Schles. 5 ; Fisch. Orth. Eur. 254. 1. Gampsocleis glabra. Locusta glabra, Herbst, Fusshy. Arch. 8, 193. Philippi, Orth. Ber. 22, pi. 1, f. 1 — niaciilata, Charp. Ilor. Enl. 122, |il. :3, 1.5 — Decticus plaber, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 713 — Declicus maculatus, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. vi. 372; Orth. Ross. 158, pi. 4, f. 4, 5— Decticus Alberli ? Seidl. Weil. Beilr. Nat. Ileilk. i. 215— Gampsocleis maculala, Fieb. KAck. Orth. Schl. 2 — Gampsocleis glabra, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 255, pi. 13, f. 18. Germany. Var. F Female. Testaceous, sraootb, sbining. Head and protborax wilb a blackisb siripe, wbich is intersected by a testaceous line and with two lateral blackish stripes. Head prominent and rounded in front of the antennx"; front oblique, narrow towards the vertex; face broad, short. Eyes rather large, not prominent. Fourth joint of the maxillary palpi a liiile shorter than the third ; fifth sul>ciavate, longer than the third. AntenntE very slender. Protborax with the lateral keels well defined, the dtflexed part on each side much dilated in the middle, occupied except along the border by the blackish stripe; hind part slightly narrower and rounded. Abdomen ferruginous, lanceolate, nearly twice the length of the pnnhorax, testaceous beneath. Cerci lanceolate. Oviduct much curved upward, nearly as long as the abdomen. Legs slender, femora and four anterior tibise striped with brown ; four anterior tibiae with live spines on each side and with two or three above; hind femora and hind tibiaj very long; hind femora incrassated for half the length from the base; bind tibiiE with four rows of numerous very miuute spines and with four long apical spurs. Fore wings as long as the protborax. Hind wings shorter. Length of the body 9 lines. a. Elba. Presented by Sir VV. Trevelyan, Bart. 2. Gampsocleis gratiosa. gratiosa, Walt. Orlh. Voy. Novara, Lucas, A. S. E, F. 1865. Bull. xv. China. Genus 42. PTEROLEPIS. Locusta, Charp. — Decticus, Burm. llandb. Ent. ii. 709. Il.-Sch. — Plerolepis, Ranib. Fuune And. 59. Serv. Hist. Orth. 491. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 256. 1. Pterolepis spoliata. spoliata, Ramb. Faune .And. 60, pi. 5, f. 4, 5. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 257, pi. 13, f. 19. South Spain. 244 CATALOGUE OF 2. Pterolepis spinibarbis. spinibarbis, Fisch. Orlh. Eur. 258, pi. 13, f. 20. Portugal. 3. Pterolepis Germanica. 'DeclicnsGexraa.mcxx?,, H.-Sch. Nomencl. Ent. ii. 13 — Pterolepis germaDica, Fisch. Orlh. Eur. 259. Carinthia. 4. Pterolepis modesta. modesta, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 259, pi . 13, f. 22. Italy. 5. Pterolepis pedestris. Locusta pedestris, Fabr. Ent. Syat. ii. 45. Charp. Hor. Ent. 118. Lair..'* Hisl. Nat. xii. 134.? — Pterolepis armiilala? Serv. Hisl. 0»ido varii ; anlennce fuscee, basi virides ; prolhorax macula anlica trian- giilari fusca luteo ynarginata, lateribus allndis rosea pallida variis, spatio postica ferruyineo niyro-marginalo ; abdomen apicem versus fusrinn segmenlis testaceo uniinaculalis, seg)iienlis ventralibus pallide rtifis ; pedes fiisco fasciali, femorihm anticis fuscis cincrea unifaS' cialis basi viridibus ; alee rufescenle fusccc. Male. Green. Head with some white patches; vertex brown, with a darker longitudinal streak on each side. Eyes lurid. Palpi testaceous, partly whitish. Antennae brown, green towards the base. Prolhorax with a brown triangular spot adjoining the fore border and bordered on each side with luteous; sides whitish, tinged with pale rose-colour ; hind part ferruginous, bordered with black. Abdomen towards the tip brown, with a large testaceous spot on eacii segment; ventral segments pale red. Fore femora brown, green at the base and with an irregular pale cinereous band beyond the middle; middle femora brown at the tips ; hind femora with two brown bands; four anterior tibiie with two brown bands, one basal, the other apical ; hind tibiae with four brown bands; tarsi brown, fourth joint testaceous. Wings dark reddish brown. Length of the body 10 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel's collection. Genus 44. OCICA. F(em, Corpus convexum, subfusiforme. Caput breve, prolhorace paullo angnstins, cornu antico brevi gracili porrecto suluato; frons non obliqua. Oculi rotuiuii, valde globosi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o valde longior; 5us sublincaris, 3o valde longior. Antenna; graciles, corpore mullo longiores. Prolhorax siibtililer rugnlosu';, disco fere piano, Iraiis- verse bisulc;ito, margine antico rolundato, lateribus valde rotundalis, nrar- gine postico subrecto. Sternum stxspinosum. Oviduclus iircualu><, alido- mini ajquilongus. Pedes sal graciles, femoribus (|U.iluor aiiieiiorii)us sexspinosis, femoribus poslicis et tibiis (|uatuor anlerioribns biseriatim spinosis ; tiljiis poslicis quailriscrialiin spinosis. Alae anticaj coriaceae, convexap, deflexir, abdominis apicem aliingentes. Female. Body convex, nearly fusiform. Head smooth, a liitle narrower than the prolhorax, with a short slender porrect furrowed horn on 346 CATALOGUE OF the fore pari of the vertex; front erect. Eyes round, very prominent. Third joint of the maxillary palpi nnicli lony;er than the fourth ; fifth nearly linear, much lontrer than the third. Aiitenna' slender, much longer than the body. Prothorax finely rugulose, nearly flat in the disk, with two transverse furrows, the fore one straight, the hinder one slightly curved ; fore border rounded; sides much rouuded ; hind bender nearly straight. Prosternum with a long spine on each side; mesosieinum and metasternum with a short spine on each side. Oviduct curved upward, as long as the abdomen. Legs rather slender; four anterior femora with a single row of six minute spines; hind femora with two rows of several minute spines and with two apical spurs; four anterior tibia; with two rows of short and slender spines ; hind tibiae with four rows of minute spines. Fore wings coriaceous, deflexed, extending to the tip of the abdomen. 1. OciCA LUTl SCENS. Fcem. Pallide Ititen ; prothorax viridi quadrimaculatus ; alee anlica margine anieriore nigro. Female. Pale luteous. Eyes fawn-colour, with a black stripe. Pro- thorax with two green spots on each side, two near the fore border and two on the hind border. Hind knees and tips of the spines black. Fore Aings with a black inner border. Length of the body 12 lines. a. Ovalou, Fiji Isles. From the Voyage of H. M. S. ' Herald.' Genus 45. THYREONOTUS. Thyreonotus, Serv. Hist. Orth. 495. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 256. 1. Thyreonotus coesicus. Pterolepis Corsica, Rnmb Faune And. 60 — Thyreonotus corsicus, Serv. Hist. Orth. 497— FIm/i. Orth. Eur. 256. Corsica. 2. Thyreonotus? dorsat.is. Ephippigera dorsalis ? BrulU, Exp. Sci. Marie, 89, pi. 29, f. 8. Greece. 3. Thyreonotus pachymerus. Decticus pachymerus, Barm. Handb. Ent. ii. 712 — Thyreonotus pachy- merus, Scud. Jourii. Host. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 453. United States. 4. Thyreonotus dorsalis. dorsalis, Scud. Journ. Bust. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 454. United Stales. 5. Thyreonotus semleneus. semiaeneus, Serv. Hist. Orth. 496. Cape. LOCUSTIDiE. 247 The spines on the hind femora distinguish the following section from the typical species of the genus. Sect. n. Ffcm. Corpus ri>buslun), glahrum, nilens, apterum. Caput protliorace jiaullo aiijiusiius, vertice anticj lalo poirecto rotumlato, fronte subobliqua. Ocuii parvi, noil globosi. Palpovum arliculus 4iis 3o paullo longior; 5us subclavatus, 4o nnilto loni^ior. Pioihurax postice pioduclus, angustus, rotuiulatus, metalhoraceni ohtegeiis, lateiibus valde rotundatis, carinis lateralibiis iiuleterniiuatis. Abdomen prothorace perparuin longius. Oviductiis peiparum arcuatus abdomini a;quilongus. Pedes robusli, femora quatuor auteiiora sublus subsetosa ; temoia poslica suhtus spinn- losa; tibiae quatuor anteriores triseriatim spinosae ; tibiai posticae quadri- serialim spinulosae. Male. Body stdut, smooth. Head narrower than the prolhorax, conical and prominent between the antenna' ; front and face erect, ihe latter rather lon^r. Eyes small, not prominent. Palpi long, setulose; fourth joint of the maxillary as long as the third; fifth subclavate, much longer than the fourth. Autenna; very slender, more than twice the length of the body. Prothorax narrnwer hindward, where it is elongated and much rounded ; sides much rouuded; lateral keels distinct. Prosternum, mesoslernum and melasteriium with a spine on each side. Abdomen tapering from the liase to the tip, not longer than the prothorax. Legs stout, raiher long; four anterior femora with four very minute spines on each side beneath ; hind femora with two rows of several minute spines on each side beneath ; four anterior tibia) with live rather long spines on each side beneath and willi two or three above; hind tibia; with fuur rows of numernus minute spines and with short apical spurs. Wings rudimentary. Female. — Piolhorax narrower iiindward than that of the male. Oviduct hardly curved upward, nearly as long as the body. Wings not apparent. 6. Thyreonotds basalis. Mas, Fulvux, fusco aut nigro conspersus ; caput postice nigricante nota- Inm ; prolhorax lilura discoidali scutiformi, laleribus late luteis ; abdomen basi nigro bialrigalum. Var. /3. — Pallidior ; prothorax tes- taceo marginatus, lateribus 7ion luteis. Var. y. — Caput et prothorax lestacea, hie apicem versus viride, ilium postice fusco binotatum. Male. Tawny, speckled with brown or black. Head with some blackish marks i»u each side near the hind border. Prolhorax broadly luteous on each side; a scutiform mark in the disk. Abdomen with a short black streak on each side at the base. Legs speckled with brown or with black. Var. ji. — Paler. Prothorax not luleous on each side ; border testaceous. Var. y. — Head and prothorax testaceous. Head browu on each side hindward. Prollimax grass-green towards the tip. Foem. Te^taceus ; jirotlimax antice et postice nigropunctntus, apud viarginem poslicum nigricante binotatus et fusco bilineolatus ; oviductus basi viridi bislrigalus. 348 CATALOGUE OF Female. Testaceous. Protborax with black points along tbe fore border and along the bind border. Abdomen with two black stripes which are much interrupted, except towards llie base, and are continued with a blackish hue on the hind part of ihe protborax, where they have between them two indistinct brown lines. Oviduct with a broad green streak on each side near the base. Var. /3. — Darker than the male. Length of the body 8 — 12 lines. a — c. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. d — k. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 7. Thyreonotus viridifer. Mas. Teslaceus ; frnn.i subobliqua ; prothorax postice produclus, disco poslico et nonnunquam margins aniico viridibus. Var. /S. — Fulvus ; prothorax postice viridis. Male. Testaceous, smooth, shining. Head prominent and rounded between the antennae; front slightly oblique. Eyes not prominent. Pro- tborax rounded on each side, contracted at the base of tbe hind part, which is conical and much elongated and has a grass-green disk, which hue also sometimes appears on the fore border of the prothorax. Abdomen shorter than the prothorax, by which it is covered for more than half its length. Legs stout; hind femora with a single row of four minute spines beneath; four anterior tibia? with six spines on each side beneath and with two above ; hind libiaj with four rows of numerous minute spines. Var. j3. — Tawny. Elongated part of the prothorax wholly grass-green. Length of the body 8—9 lines. a — c. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. Genus 46. ORCHESTICUS. Orchesticus, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 201. 1. Orchesticus Amekicanus. Americanus, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 201. Tennessee. Genus 47. CYPHOUERRIS. Cyphoderris, Uhler, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. ii. 551. 1. Cyphoderris monstrosus. inonstrosus, Uhler, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. ii. 552. Oregon Territory. Genus 48. REQUENA. Fcem. Corpus glabrum, nitens, apterum, sat gracile. Caput pro- thorace paullo angustius, cornu aniico porrecto robusto brevi acuto ; frons obliqua ; facies parva. Oculi valde globosi. Palpi maxillares graciles; articuli 3iis et 4us sequales; 5us subclavatus, 4o valde longior; Antennae ' LOCUSTID^. 249 gracillimae. Prothorax postice angusiior producUis et valde rotundaius. uariuis lateralibus indelenninatis, laievibus rotundatis. Oviductus per- pavum arcualus, corpove vix bievior. Pedes sal robusli, tibiis anlicis feinnribusque biseriatiiu spiiiosis, libiis intennediis iriseriatiin spinosis, libiis poslicis quadiiseriaiim spiuosis. Female. Body smooth, shiningf, rather slender. Head a little nar- rower than the prothorax, with a stout ^bolt purrect acute spine between the eyes; front Hat, oblique; face small. Eyes moderately lar^e, very prominent. Maxillary palpi slender; third and fourth joints al)out equal in length; fii'tb subclavatc, much longer than the fourth. Antennae very slender. Prothorax with ibe hind part narrower, elongated and much rounded; two very slender transverse furrows; first near the fore border, very slight, forming a slight hiudward angle in the middle; second nearer the hind border, hardly apparent; lateral keels not dpfined; sides rounded. Abdomen lanceolate, longer than the prothorax. Oviilucl very slightly curved upward, almost as long as the body. Legs rather stout, moderately long; four anterior femora with five minute spines on each side beneath; hind femora beneath with two rows of numerous minute spines; four anterior tibiae with five rather long spines on each side; middle tibiae with two spines above; hind tibix> with four rows of numerous minute spiues; apical spurs short. No wings. The hind part of the prothorax is less elongated than that of Thyreo- notus, and it differs much from that genus in the structure of the head between the antennae. 1. Requena verticalis. Foem. Fulvu ; vertex niger, leslaceo Invittalm ; anleniKB basi nigrce ; prothorax villis duabus nnticis teslacfis nigro marginatin ; femora poilica nigro univiltata. Female. Tawny. Head black above; a pale testaceous stripe on each side between the eye and the hind bonier, continued on the prothorax between the fore border and the first furrow, and there bordered with black on the outer side. Eyes a little Uaiker than the body. Antennae black at the base. Hind femora with a black stripe on the outer side, where there is a row of slight transverse furrows. Length of the body 8 lines. a. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. Genus 49. PALOTTA. Mas. Corpus robnsiuin, ^jhibrnm, niteus. Caput cariuula plana inter antennas instrucium ; frons obliqua. Oculi elliptici, sub^iobosi. Palporum articnlus 3ns 4o paullo brevior; 5u8 snbclavatus, 4o valde loDgior. Antennae graciles, basi ;ip|)roximattE. Prothorax bisulcalus, postice angustior et elongatus, carinis lateral'bus indeterminalis, laterilius deflexis valde rotundatis, niargine |)osiico roiundulo. Pedes validi; lihia; quatuor anteriores biseriatim quiuquespinuscB; tibiae poatica; quadii- seriatiui spinosa;. Ala; breves. Mule. Body stout, smooth, shining. Head as bioad as the pro- thorax, with a flat keel between the antenn;c, winch are approxiniale ; front 250 CATALOGUE OF oblique. Eyes elliptical, slial veins black towards the base. Hind wings with pale veins. Length of the body 17 lines; expansion of the wings 48 lines. Like D. albifrons in structure. a. Amoy, China. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 33. Decticus obscurus. Mas et foem. Ferrugineus ; frons fulva ; clypci lalera nigricantia ; palpi leslaeei ; prol/iorax loiigiusculus, disco poslice laliore, carinis laleralibus bene delerminalis ; abdomen fuscum; oviductus perparum arcualus, apicem versus niger, abdotnine loiigior ; pedes robusli, femoribus nigricanle slrigalis, libiis triserialim spiyiosis ; alee anlictB fuscescente cinerete, abdominis apicem altingentes, nigricanle macu- late el venostc ; alic posticie cinerea, paullo breviores. Var. /3. — Ab- dominis seginenla pallido fasciala. Var. y. — Caput el prothorax teslacea ; prothorax nigricanle bivittatus ; alee abdomen superanles. Male and female. Ferruginous. Head as broad as the prothorax, .slightly prominent and rounded between the atitennaj ; front tawny, erect; clypeus blackish on each side; mandibles blackish. Eyes black. Palpi testaceous; third joint of liic maxillary much longer than the fourth; fiflh suhclavHte, much longer than the third ; third joint of the labial clavale, longer than ilie ^econd. Prothorax elongate; 11, it |iart broader hindwaid; lateral keels will defined; a transverse furrow near the fore border and two 262 CATALOGUE OF oblique furrows which converge hindward in the disk ; vertical part on, each side much dilated ; hind border sli<;htly rounded. Abdomen brown, paler above. Oviduct black towards the tip, very slig^hlly curved down- ward, long-er than the abdomen. Legs stout; femora with a blackish streak on the outer side ; four anterior tibiae with (ive or six spines on each side and with two or three above; hind tibiae with numerous minute black spines in two rows beneath and with a few above. Fore wings brownish cinereous, extending to the lip of the abrlomen, with several blackish spots; veins black. Hind wings cinereous, a little shorter than the fore wings. Var. j3. — Sides of the abdomen with a pale band on the hind border of each segment. Var. y. — Head and prothorax testaceous. Prothorax with an irregular blackish stripe along each keel. Wings extending rather beyond the abdnmen. Length of the body 13 — 16 lines. a — e. Corea. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher. Seel. n. Fccm. Corpus sal gracile. Caput prothoraci aequilatum, inter oculos transverse carinatum ; labrum magnum. Oculi parvi, elliptici, non globosi, Palporum articidus 3us 4i) valde loiigior; 5us 3o valde longior. Prothorax subrugiilosus, margine postico subrotundato subascendente. Oviducius abflomini aeqnilongus. Pedes longiusculi, femoribus anticis el posticis uniseriatim spino.sis, tibiis inlermediis ineruiibus, tibiis quadriserialim spinosis, tarsis longis angustis. Alaj brevissimac. Female. Body rather slender. Head as broad as the prothorax, with a transverse ridge between the eyes; front erect, ratlier small; labrum large. Eyes small, elliptical, not prominent. Third joint of the maxil- lary palpi much longer than the fourth; fifth siibclavale, much longer than the third. Antenna slender, very much longer than the body. Prothorax minutely rugulose, with two slightly curved transverse furrows, with a slight longitudinal furrow (wliicli in the hind part becomes a slight keel), and with two oblique furrows; lateral keels distinct; sides much rounded; hind border slightly rounded and elevated. Oviduct as long as the abdomen. Legs ralher long ; fore femora with a single row of three spines; middle femora unarmed; hind femora with a single row of eight spines ; tibiae with four rows of spines ; tarsi rather long and slender. Wings full half the length of the abdomen. 34. Decticus pallidus. FuBin. Pallide lenlueeus ; caput albidum ; antennte fusco fascialct. Female. Pale testaceous. Head whitish. Mandibles with black teeth. Eyes pale brown. Antennae with several brown bands. Femora towards the base beneath and coxae whitish; spines brown at the base or wholly brown, their tips black. Length of the body 14 lines. u. North Hindustan. From Dr. Hooker's collection. Sfct. n. Fccm. Corpus sal gracile. Ca])ut el prothorax suhtilissiine punctata. Caput inter antennas latum rotuudalum ; froiis glabra, non retracia. Oculi ovales, non globosi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o duplo longior; 5us LOCUSTIDiE. 263 4o liijtlo lon^ior. Prolhorax dorso piano, carinis lateralibus bene deter- iniiwuis, inai: Rfv. '"2: flist. Orth. 505. Brulle, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 707. Fisch. de W. Orlh. Host. 177. De Borck. — Anisoptcra ? ia/r., Wesm. Europe and North Africa. 1. XiPHIDIC.M FCSCLM. Locusta fusca, Fahr. Ent. St/st. ii. 43. Latr. Hist. A'a^. xii. 132 ; Gen. iii. 101. Pam. Faun. 33, 2. Charp. Hor. Ent. 111. Philippi, Orth. Berol. 19, pi. 1, f. 2— Xiphidion fuscum, .Serv. Rev. 62; Hi$t. Orth. 506 — Xiphidium fuscura, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 708. Fisch. Mannh. Jaftr. 15, 49. Steph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 14. Fiich. de W. Orth. Boss. pi. 8, f. 3. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 247. a. Italy. Presented by Dr. Leach. b,c. France. From Prof. Wesiwood's collection. 2. XlPHIDICM DORSALE. Locusta dorsalis, Lair. Hist. Nat. xii. 133. Charp. Hor. Ent. 1 12, pi. 2, f. 4. Philippi, Orlh. Ber. 19, pi. 1, f. 8— Locusta fusca, Zett. Orlh. Suec. 60 — Aiiisi'plera dorsalis? Latr. Fam. Sat. 413. Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. vi. 372 — Xiphidium dorsale, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 708. De Borck, Rdlv. Ins. 60. Steph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 14. Fisch. Orlh. Eur. 248, pi. 14, f. 4. a, b. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. c — h. England. From Mr. Slephens' collection. 1,^'. England. 3. Xiphidium thoraciclm. thoracicum, Fisch. de IV. Orth. Ross. 179, pi. 8, f. 4—Fttch. Orth. Eur. 249. South Russia. 270 CATALOGUE OB' 4. XiPHIDIUM CONCOLOB. — — , Savigny, Descr. Egypt, Orlh. pi. 4, f. 2. 3 — Xipbidium concolor, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 708, thoracicuru? — Locusta hastata ? Charp. Nor. But. 113. Hungary. Egypt. 5. XiPHIDlUM STRAMINEDM. Locusta (Xiphidium) straminea, Klug, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind, Bez. Ins. 189. Egypt. America. 6. Xiphidium fasciatum, Locusta fasciata, Deg. Ins. iii. 458, pi. 40, f. 4 — Pterophylia fasciata, //arr. Cat. Ins. Mass. 56 — Oicheliinum giacile, Harr. Rep. 3rd Ed. 163, f. 78 — Xiphidium fasciatum, Serv. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxii. 159. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 708. Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 451. a. Uuited Slates. Presented by E. Uoubleday, Esq. b — c. North America. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. f^g. Nova Scolia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. h, Mexico. 7. Xiphidium brevipenne. brevipennis, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 451. United Stales. 8. XiPHIDIDM ENSIFERUM. eusifer. Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 451. Illinois. 9. XiPHIDIDM MEXICANUM. mexicanum, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, xi. 207. The specimen recorded is referred with doubt to X. inexicanum. a. Oajaca, Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. 10. Xiphidium saltator. saltator, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, xi. 207. Guyana. 11. Xiphidium grande. Mas. Testaceum, vitta ferruginea nigra antice marginata ; palporum articuli 3vs el 4us subaquales, bus Ao valde longior ; abdomen plaga apicali nigricanle, femora (/ualuor anteriora uniseriatim spinosa ; femora postica biserialim spinosa ; tibia quatuor anteriores biseriatim sexspinoscB ; tibia: posticce quadriseriatim spinosa;. Male. Testaceous, smooth, shining, with a ferruginous dorsal stripe which on the head and prothorax is bordered with black. Head with the LOCUSTID-E. 271 stripe lanceolate, extendinj:^ from the tip of the born between ibe eyes to the hind border. Eves round, prominent. Third and fourth joints of the maxillary palpi about equal in leiifrlii ; fiflb much ionj^er than the fourth. Prolhorax eb)ng:ate, with the stripe wideninjj^ very slij^htly from the fore border to the hind border. AlMh)inen with a linear stripe, which is paler near the ti|), where there is a blackish patch ; apical appendaj^es large. Fore femora with two minute spines beneath, three beneath the middle femora ; hind femora with one row of seven spines and with another of two; four anterior tihite with six spines on each side ; hind tibite with four rows of spines, most of which are in the two upper rows. Fore wings with many tawny points and with a brown streak along the basal pari of llie interior border; tympanum pellucid. Hind wings pellucid, a little shorter than the fore wings; veins pale. Length of the body IO5 Hues; expansion of the fore wings 31 lines. a. Demerara. From Mr. Bowers' collection. 12. XiPHIDIUM PRiECIPUUlI. Pallide testaceum ; caput el prothorax nigra univittata ; frons ohliqua ; antenncE fulvcB, basi lestacecB ; femora qualuor anteriora trhpinosa ; tibice qiiatuor anleriores biseriatiin spinosie; alee anticce villa postica nigricanle ; alee poslicce diuphancB. Pale testaceous, paler beneath. Head with a black lanceolate stripe on the vertex and with a porrect obtuse spine extending from between the eyes; front oblique. Eyes prominent. Antennae tawny, testaceous at the base. Prothorax with a broad black stripe, which is narrower in front. Fonr anterior femora beneath with a single row of three minute black- lipped spines; four anterior tibiai with five spines on each side beneath. Wings much longer than the body. Fore wings with a blackish stripe extending for less than half ihe length along the hind border. Hind wings pellucid. Length of the body 9? lines ; of the fore wings 33 lines. The specimen described is mutilated. The spines on the anterior tibis are much stouter than those oi X.fuscum and of X.fascialum; the spine between the eyes is more porrect ihau that of X.J'uscum and more acuminated than that of X.fasciatwn. a. Demerara. From Mr. Bowers' colleclion. West Africa. 1-3. XiPHIDICM CONTINUUM. Foem. Viride, rufescenle jinivillaltim ; anlennce picece, basi virides; oviductus fulvus, arcuatus, abdomine multo brevior ; alic anticce pallide fuscce, villa subcostuli e gultis obscurivribus, apud coslam diaphana viridi venosce ; alee postica: diaphancc, longiores, fusco venosce, apud custa apicem subfuscescentes. Female. Grass-green, in structure like X. fuscum. Body with a reddish stripe, which widens Irum helween the anlennaj to the hind border of the prolhorax and is continued from ihence to the lip of the abdomen. Eyes livid. Antenn;e piceous, green at the base. Oviduct lawny, curved upward, much shorter ihan the abdomen. Fore wings pale brown, with a subcostal stripe of darker brown dots; costal space pellucid, wilh pale 272 CATALOGUE OF green veins. Hind winps pellucid, a little longer than the fore wings; veins brown ; a sliglu brownish tinge along the tip of the cosla. Length of the body 6 lines; expansion of the fore wings 15 lines. The oviduct is much shorter than that of X. Iris. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. South Africa. 14. XiPHIDIUM PUNCTIPENNE. Foem. Teslaceitm ; caput et prothorax vittis duabus fuscis antice approximalis ; caput albo bilineatum ; anletince nigricunles ; pro- llioracis linece lutescente marginata: ; pectus albidum ; abdomen villa dorsali fusca ; oviduclus subarcuatus, abdomine paullo longior ; alee pallidissime cinereie ; aim antice linea e yutlis parvis nigris ; alcB poslic.k from near the base to rather beyond half the length. Hiud wings somewhat longer than the fore wings. Length of the body 6^ lines; expansion of the fore wings 19 lines. a. South Africa. From Mr. Argent's collection. 15. XiPHIDIUM TENUE. Mas. Viride^ gracillimum ; caput et prothorax vitta ferruginea fiavo marginata ; antennae picece, basi fulvcB ; abdomen vitta pallide lulea; alee pallide cervince, apud costam diaphancB viridi venosa ; alee postica longiores. Male. Grass-green, slender. Head and prothorax with a ferruginous stripe, which is bordered with pale yellow on the outer side. Eyes brown. Antennae piceous, tawny towards the base. Abdomen with a pale luteous stripe. Wings pale fawn-colour, pellucid and wilh green veins along the costa. Hind wings somewhat longer than the fore wings. Length of the body 6^ lines; expansion of the fore wings 19 lines. The body is more slender than that of X.fuscum. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 16. XiPHIDIUM TENELLUM. Fcem. Testaceo-viride ; caput et prothorax e lituris nonnullis rufis sub- vittata ; antennce piceie ; oviductus rectus, abdomini aquilongus ; alee diaphancB, venis pallide viridibus ; alee postico; longiores. Female. Testaceous-green. Head and prothorax with a very incomplete or almost obsolete stripe indicated by some red marks on each LOCUSTIDiB. ,!T3 side. Eyes testaceous. Antenn with numerous very minute spines in four rows. Fore wings pnle green, longer than the body, with a black streak along the basal part "t the costa. Hind wings pellucid, longer than the fore wings. Var. j3. — Testaceous. Pro- lhorax with the stripe only indicated by two interrupted brown lines. Length of the body 7^ lines ; of the wings 22 lines. Male .f* Grass-green, short, smooili, shining. ProthovaX and vertex of the head with a brown stripe which is forked bindward in the former. Head slightly ascending, prominent and rounded between the anieuiiae; fore part oblique; front and face large, separated by a slight transverse suture. Eyes brown, irregularly tessellated with testaceous, rather lar;;e and prominent. Anlennje testaceous, with nuu)erous brown rings. Pio- thorax partly testaceous in the disk, which has an irregular brown mark on each side; lateral keels not defined; sides much dilated, obtusely anuular, partly bordered with brown; hind border rounded. Abdomen whitish, much longer than the protborax, with a broad black stripe which occupies the whole of the lip. Cerci black, rather long. Legs testaceous ; femora niinulely reddish-speckled; hind femora beneath with a line of four minute black spines; four anterior tibiae with two rows of minute spines beneath ; bind tibiae with two rows of numerous minute bbick spines beneath and with a few of the same above, their apical spurs very short. Fore wings pellucid, as long as the abdomen, with a black costal stripe along half the i.ocusriu.K. 277 lenpth from ihe base; veins pale testaceous. Length of the body 6 lines. a, b. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. c. New Zealand. Presenied b) ihe liev. W. Colenso. Oceania. 31. XiPHIDIUM OCEANICUM. ocean icum, Le Guil. Rev. Zool. 1841, 293. Humua. 32. XiPHIDIUM TRIVITTATUM. irivittiitum, Stal, Eug. Resa, 323. Isle T.ihiti. Country unknown. 33. XiPHIDIUM VALIDUM. Fcem. Viride ; caput villa fusca vigricanle inarginata palporum arti- culm 3ms 4o perpantm Icngior ; dus 4o sal longior ; anlennoc: picfa inter antennas instruclum; frons erecta, longius- cula ; laliium sat longuin. Oculi fere roinndi, valde globosi. Palpi maxillares longiusculi; articulus 3us Ao jiaullo brevior; ous 3o paullo longiur. Antenna; longye, graciles. Prothorax longiuscuhis, supra planus, ir.insverse quadrisulcatus, lateribus valde roiundaiis, mavgine postico recto. Abdomen compressum, prothorace ])lus duplo lojigius. Oviductus vix arcuatus, abdomine brevior. Pedes longi, graciles; femora postica biseria- tim spiiniliisa, ba>-i incrassata; tibiae quatuor anteiiores biserialim sox- spinosa;; tibia; postica; quadiiseriatim spinulosfc. Alae aniicie longie, coriacete, sal angustx', conferlissime reliculaliE. Alie posticae ampliB, paullo breviores. Female, Body slender, smooth, shining. Head with a short, stout, porreci, keeled, obtuse spine between the anlennie; front erect, rather long; labrum elongate. Eyes nearly round, very prominent. Palpi pubescent; apical joint clavate, truncated at the tip. Maxillary palpi rather loirg ; fourth joint a little longer than the third ; fifth a little shorter than the fourth. Anteima; long, slender. Prothmax elongate, linear above, with four transverse furrows, of wliich the first and thin! are angular; the flat dorsal part much wider towards the hind border, which is straight; deflexed sidts much rounded. Abdomen compressed, more than twice the length of the proihorax. Oviduct hardly curved, rather shorter than the abdomen. Legs slender, long ; hind femora iucrassated towards the base, with two rows of minute teeth beneath; four anterior til)i;e with six long spines on each side; these spines from the first pair to the last successively I 282 CATALOOUE OF decrease in leiiglh and are loni'er on tlie fnre lil)iaB tlian on the middle tibiae ; bind libiEe wilh four rows of miniile spines. Wiims lonir. J'ore winifs ralber narrow, cinereous, very lbicl — Locusta Gavornieiisis, Serv. Hist. Orlh. 5.50. a, b. Italy. Presented by Dr. Leach. c, rf. ? 4. Locusta thoracica. thoracica, Fisvh. de \V. Orlh. Ross. 150, pi. 28, f. 5, Siberia. 5. Locusta? phyllopteroides. Decticus pbyllopteiuides, Fisvh de W. Orlh. Ross. 173, pi. 28, f. 4. Daouiia. 6. Locusta Savignyi. Savignyi, Lucas, Expl. Alg. Zool. iii. 14. Aigeiia. 7. Locusta viticollis. viticoliis, Blanch. Gay. Chile, vi, 46. Cbili. 8. Locusta Louoensis. Loboensis, Ilaan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Biz. Ins. 2!(). New Guinea. 9. Locusta ? Su.matuana. Sumalrana, Ilaan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bvz. Ins. 2IH, pi. 19, f. 2. Padang. 10. Locusta unicoloij. He.xacentrus unicolor, Serv. Reu. 49. Burm. Handb. Enl. ii. 714 — r.oLiisla uiiicolor, ed piutulieraiice l)etvveeii tiie aiiteinitje ; iVonl sli;;hlly oblique, l■elldi^ll towards the face ; clypeus deep preen. Eyes (awn-colour, very pmMiiiient. Fourth joint of the inaxillaiy palpi shoiier than the ihird ; tilth nuich longer ihau the third. Prolhorax with two transverse fuirows, the hinder one curved towards the fore one on each side; sides much rounded ; hind border slijjhtly rounded. Oviduct black, curved upward, green at the base, reddish at the tip, rather shorter than the abdiinien. Legs ralher short ; hair anterior femora with a single row of four spines; hind femora with two rows of minute spines; fore tibiie with six minute si)ines on each side; middle til)i;e with seven ; hind lihiie with four rows of minuie spines; spines with black tips. Hind wings ample, pellucid; veins green. Length of the body 14 Hues; of the winjjs 56 lines. 17. LoCUSTA DECriCOlDES. Mas et foem. Testacea, fulvo varia ; caput cornu anlico hrevi-eonicn porreclo, nonnunquam ulbido (/uwlri/iitealtim ; prothoriix curinis lateralibus bene ileleriniiialis, laleribu.t vulde rntundatis nonniinquum albi'lis ; pectus u/bo xexstrujatum ; abdominis lutera fusvo slri(/ala ; oviducttts fere rectus, corpore pitullo louf/inr ; femora poslica biseriatiin spimilosa ; tibice quatuor anteiiores supra unispiunscc aul bispinoscc ; aloe anliccB cinena, corpore mullo lonyiores, vittis duabus e muculis subquadrulis fuscis vitluque intermedia cervina. Male and female. Testaceous, here and there more or less tawny. Head with a short porrect conical iirotuherance in front, not extending beyond the first joint of the antennie ; front oblique; two whitish some- times obsolete lines extending from the eyes to the hind border anrl two others in some cases apparent between the eyes and the face. E>es piceous, rcuind, prominent. iMaxillary palpi slender; fourth joint as long as ihe thir — 42 lines. a — c. Australia. Presented by tlie Haslar Ih-spital. d — f. Swan River. Presenleil by Sir J. Rich.irdson. 28G CATAT.OGUE OF Sect. n. Mas. Corpus longuin, sat gracile. Caput piotlioiace vix anguslius, cornu anticd pawo ponecto sulcalo; Irons perparum oblicjua. Oculi fere rdtundi, valde globdsi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o paullo liin<:ior ; ous 4o longior. Anteniice graciles, corpore loiigiores. Protliorax poslice pro- ductus, sukis tribus transversis, lo suharcuato, 2o angulato, margiiie postico rotundalo vix angulato. Sternum sexspinosum. Pedes lon^iusculi, sal robusli ; femora biseriatim spinulosa ; tibis qualuor anieriores biseriatiui spinosaj; tibiaj posticie quadriseriatiin spinulosse. AliE corpore, raulto lougiores. Alae anlicie confertissinie reliculalae, lympano basali magno. Male. Biidy long, rather slender. Head and prolhorax snioolb, not shining. Head rounded above, nearly as broad as the protliorax, with a little slender furrowed horizontal horn between the eyes; front very slightly oblique; clypeus and labruui shining. Eyes very prominent, nearly round. Third joint of the maxillary palpi a little longer than the fourth ; fifth very slightly thicker towards the tip, somewhat longer than the third. Third joint of the labinl palpi clavate, truncated at the tip, longer than the second. Antennae slender, longer than the Ixnly. Prothorax with three slight trans- verse furrows, the first slightly curved, the middle one angular; hind part elongated, narrower ; hind border rounded, hartlly angular in the middle. Sternum with two stout and rather long spines in each division. Legs rather long and stout; four anterior femora with two rows of minute spines beneath, from six to eight si)ines in each row ; hind femora with two rows of more numerous minute spines ; four anterior tibiae with two rows of from eight to ten long stout spines on each side; hind tibiae with four rows of numerous minute spines. Wings much longer than the body. Fore wings very thickly reticulated, with a large tympanum at the base. The structure of the hind part of the prothorax distinguishes this section from the typical form uf Locus/a. 18. LOCUSTA BICOLOU. Mas. Pallide lit lea ; anteniue fuscte, bnsi Ititescenles ; prolhorax postice viridis ; sternum femora basi el eoxce ulbtda ; alee anlictc virides, tympano diuphano ; alee posticce diaphaitce, viridi venosce. Mule. Pale luteous. Eyes piceous. AnteniiiB brown, pale luteous at the base. Hind part of the prothorax green. Siernuiii whitish. Spines of the legs with black tips. Femora towards the base and coxte whitish. Fore wings green ; i\mpaniim pellucid ; veins green. Length of the body 24 lines; expansion of the wings 64 lines. a. ? Genus 67. NICSARA. Farm. Corpus gracile. Cajuit prothorace ]ianllo angnstiu?, cornu antico parvo pcnrecto carinato obtuso ; Irons subol)liqiia, parce punctata. Oculi magni, fere rotundi, valde globo.si. Falpiiruin arliculirs ;3us 4o paullo huigior; ous 3o valde longior. Antennte graciles, cor()ore multo lougiores; ariicuhis lus longus, validus, intns apicem versus di'atatus. Prothorax Iraubverse iri&ulcatus, lateribus fere rectis, raargine postico sabrotundato. I.OCUKTIL.E. 287 Abdomen fiisif.)nnc. Ovidiictus vix arcuiitus. abdoniine lonijior. Pedes (ial ^rauiles; leinoia quaiiioi- aiileriora tiispiiiulosa ; femoia postiua bi- seiiaiiin spinulosa; libi;t; quatiior anteiiores biseiiatim spiiiosap ; lihiie posticae quadriseiialim s|)iiiiilosa'. A1;e antics conferte leiiciilatie. Alaj poslica; paiillo brevioics. Female. Body slender, convex, smooth, sbiiiintaceous, striped with black. Proiliorax with two irregular Idackish stripes, which are speckled with tes- taceous and are forked and united hindward ; an intermediate brown cruci- form uiaik. Femora speckled with black; hind femora with a binck stripe on the outer side and with two black bands, the first beyond the middle, the second apical; tibia; black al the base; four anierior libix' speckled with black above. Wings cinereous. Fore wings speckled and dolled and partly clouded with iirown ; veins whitisli. Hiinl wings with black veins. Var. ji. — Triangular sjioi on the front of ihe head nearly obsolete. Length of the body 14 lines; cxi)ansion of the fore wings 44 lines. a. Port Essinglon. Presenied by the late Earl of Derby. b. Australia. Piescuted by ibc Haslar Hospital. 288 CATALOGUE OF Genus 68. MOSSULA. Mas etfocm. Corpus giacile. Caput loiiginsculum, cornu parvo por- reclo rolundato carinisque duabus anlicis; f'rous obliqua. Oculi fere elliptici, valde globosi. Palporuni articulns 3us 4o fere duplo lougior; 5iis subclavatns, 3o longior. AnlennsE graciles, corjiore quacirui)lu longiores. Prolborax postice angustior, sulcis duobus Iransversis, Sa arcuala, margiue aiilico lotundato, laleiibus siibrotundaiis, margine posliio redo. Oviductus subarcuatus, abdomine paiillo brevior. Pedes graciles ; femora quatuor anleriora uniseriatim spinulosa ; femora poslica el libite quaiuor anteriores biseriatim spinulosa ; tibiie poslicae quadriseriatim spinulosap. AIbb anticse confertissime reliculatas. Male and female. Body slender, smooth, convex. Head elongate, witb a short rounded porrect horn extending from between the eyes to between the antennae, where it is accompanied by a keel on each side; front oblique. Eyes nearly elliptical, very prominent. Maxillary palpi pubescent ; third joint nearly twice the length of the fourth ; fifth subclavale, longer ihan the third. Antennae slender, about four times the leiigth of the body. Proihorax narrower hindward, with two transverse furrows; the hinder one curved, approaching the lore one on each side; fore border rounded in the middle ; sides slightly rounded ; bind border straight, notched on each side. Oviduct slightly curved upward, a little shorter than the abdomen. Legs slender; four anterior femora with a single row of eight minute spines on each ; hind femora with two rows of numerous small spines ; four anterior tibiae with two rows of about twelve minute spines; hind libiiB with four rows of numerous small spines. VVinns extending somewhat beyond the abdomen. Fore wings very thickly and irregularly reticulated. The much longer legs distinguish this genus from Nicsara. 1. MoSSULA VITTICOLLTS. Mas et foem. Fulva ; proihorax et capitis vertex nigra vittatn ; caput leslaceum, liluris duabus punciisqite guatuor niijris ; antenna: picece, busi fulva:; prutliorax muryine niyro, maciilis duabus snlcistjue nigricantibus ; abdominis seymenta fusco mar y in a la ; ala pasticcB cinerecB. Male and female. Tawny. Prothorax and vertex of the head with a black stripe. Head testaceous; front with an angular black mark on each side near the antennae, and with a black point on each side near the f:ice, which also has two black points. Antennae piceuus, tawny towards the base. Proihorax with a black border, with a blackish spot on each side of the disk, and with blackish lurrows. Hind borders of the abdominal segments brown. Wings with testaceous veins. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 21 — 24 lines; expansion of the wings 42 — 52 lines. a, b. ? From Mr. Macgillivray's collection. LOCUSTIDiE. 989 Genus 69. MONCHECA. Ftem. Corpus lineaic, sat gracile. Caput cornu amico brevi-conico, suhascendente; Irons subobliqua. Oculi fere rotundi, valde globosi. Pal- ponitn articuli 3hs et 4as te(|uilongi ; uus subclavauis, 4o inulto longior. Antenna- longac, gracilcs. Prothoiax poslice aiigustior, sulcis duobus iransversis subarcualis, lateribus fere rectis, niargine po.stico subroUmdato vix asuendente. Oviductus rectus, abilomini aequilonfius. Pedes sat graciles; femora uniseriatiin spinosa ; libite quatuor antei lores biseriatim spiuosie ; tibiae poslita; quadriseriatim spinosifi. Alee longae. Female. Body linear, rather slender, smooth, shining. Head as broad as the prolhorax, with a conical slightly ascending protuberance between the antennas ; front slis^htly oblique. Eyes nearly round, very prominent. Fourth joint of the maxillary palpi as long as the third ; fifth subclavale, much longer than the fourth. Antenna? slender, much longer than the hody. Prothorax with two transverse slif;blly curved furrows ; hind part narrower; sides nearly straight ; hind border slightly rounded and elevated. Oviduct straight, as long as the abdomen. Legs rather slender; femora with a singlajrow of spines beneath, five on each of the four anterior femora, nine on each of the hind femora; four anterior tibiae with about eight spines on each side; hind tibiae with numerous spines in four series ; lobes of the third joint of the tarsi much dilated. Wings very much longer than the body. The spines on the fore tibiae are more numerous and much smaller than those u{ Locusta. 1. MoNCHECA PRETIOSA. Foem. Beryllina ; fronsfusca, gutta albida, slrigin dtiabus fulvis ohliquis ■punclisque qualuor pallidiorihiis, ch/peo ochruceo ; palpi fulvi ; antenna; picea, albido quadrifusciatce, bad falfce; prothorax te-itaceus, albido bifasciatun ; oviductus nirum, iborace paullo latins, cornu froniali brevi acuto armatum. Oculi parvi, stibpetiolati. Mandibulae magnse, bidentatae aut tridentattB. Palpi maxiliares longi ; arliculus 4us snbciavatus, 2i> valde longior. Prothorax non transversus, sulcis duobus transversis unoque tenui longitudinali. Cerci breves, lati. Ovidnctus latus, valde arcualus, abdomine panllo brevior. Pedes crassi, spinosi; tarsorum articulus 3us basi bilaminatus. Alae anlicae corpore paullo longiores, inordinatim et densissime reticulatae. Salomona, Blanch. Voy. Pole, Sud. iv. 361. ~ LOCUSTID*. 295 Female. Body thick, convex, nearly cylindrical. Head and prothorax thinly punciured. Head very lart;e, a little broader than the prolliorax ; a short acute horn between the sockets of the antennte ; front and face scabrous. Eyes small, close to the sockets of the antenna-, extremely pro- minent. Mandibles larjje, broad, with two or three teeth ; tips acute. Maxillary palpi about twice the length of the labial palpi; third joint shorter than the second ; fourth sul)clavate, very much lontii)gui^h it from A, viega- cephala. Solomon's Isles. a. New Hebiides. From .Mr. Cuming's collection. b. ? 7. AoRiECIA EUGIFRONS. Mas et fojm. Testucea : caput vnispinosum, prnthorace ladu.t, vertice pnnctalo lateribus sulcads, litieis diiabus lateralibus transver.iis nigri- cunlihus, fronte rwjosa nonmmquam niScud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 449. «. North America. 3. Conocephalus robustus. robustus, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 449. Cape Cod. 4, Conocephalus obtusus. obtusus, Burm. Ilandb. Ent. ii. 705. Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 450 — dissimilis, Serv. Hist. Orth. 518. Harr. Rep. 3r(l Ed. 164. «. United Slates. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. c. Si. Domingo. Erom Mr. Tweedie's collection. d. Brazil. From Mr. Argent's collection. 5. Conocephalus uncinatus. uncinatus, Harr. Rep. 3rd Ed. 164. Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 450. Alabama. 6. Conocephalus crepitans. crepitans, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 450. Texas. Nebraska. 304 catat,ogi;e of Mexico. A. Fastigium aculmn. .-.---. Sallei. B. Fasliifium oblusum. a. Alse anlicae fusco imnctataB. . - - - Mexican as. b. Alae anlicae fusco nun punctalae. * Vaoina corporis diinidio non lonpjior. - - - . Nieti. ** Vagina corporis dimidio longior. . . . . conlingens. 7. COXOCEPHALUS SaLLKI. Sallei, Sauss. Rev. Zool. l!>59, 207. Mexico. 8. CoNOCEPHALUS MkXICANCS. Mexicanus, Sattss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 207. Mexico. 9. CoNOCEPHALUS NlETI. Nieti, Sauns. Rev. Zool. 1859, 207. Mexico. 10. CoNOCEPHALUS CONTINGENS. Foetn. Viridis, sublililer punc talus ; capitis fasligium breve, sub- ascendens, basi siiblus angulation, margine antico latissimo subobtuso transverse nigro-iineato ; oviduclus rectus, corpore brevior ; pedes sat graciles, femoribus posticis libiisque quutuor auterioribus biseriatim spinosis, tibiis posticis lii;itiiii obliismi). a. Al.-K aiuica! lusco guttata'. - - . . . guttatus. b. Ala' aiiticie iion jjullata-. * Pioiliorax biviitaiiis. -....- bilinealiis. ** Protliurax iion villains. . . - - . occifieiitalis. 11. CoNOCEPHALfS GUTTATUS. piiltatus, Serv. Hist. Orlh. 518. Cuba. a,b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. c. Jamaica. ({. We.st Coast of N. America Presented by Capl. Kellett and Lieut. Wood. 12. CONOCEPHALUS OCCinENTALIS. occidentalis, Sau.is. Rev. Zool. 1859, 207. Haiti. 13. CONOCEPHALUS ASCENDENS. Fcem. Viridis ; caput et prothorax subliliter punctata, albido bivillata ; fastigium lanceolalum,subascen(lens, supra sulcatum basi sublus den- tatum ; nviduclus valde arcuatus, abdominis diinidis longior ; pedes sat gracites, coxis anticis unispiunsis,femorihvs uniseriatim spiiiosis, femoribus pnslicis tibiisque (juatiior aulirioribun bisrriatim spinosis ; alee corpore longiores ; alte posticce diaphance, pallida veiwsee. Female. Green. Head and prolborax finely punctured. Cone of ilie bead lanceolate; acute, furrowed above, obliquely ascending, a little longer tlian the breadlli between tlie eyes, testaceous except towards the base, dentate at the base beneatb ; a wbilisii stripe extending from the eye to the bind border of the liead and extending along the keel on each side ol tlie prothorax; front slightly and transversely rugulose ; labrnm and nianlaceous at the base. Prothorax wiih two ■niuch interrupted blackish lines on the keels. Prosternum with two long slender spines. Oviduct piceons, straight, testaceous at the ba^e, nearly as long as the body. Legs short, stout ; spines with black lips ; fore femora with one minute spine near the tip; middle femora with three; hind femora and four anterior tibis with two rows of spines; hind tibis with four rows. AVin^s not exteudint: beyiuid the abdomen. Hind wings pellucid ; veins green. Lengih of the body 18 lines; expansion of the wings 27 lines. This species is much allied to the genus Lncusla and perhaps should be separated from Couocephalus. ■a. Venezuela. From Mr. BirschcU's collection. 30. CONOCEPHALVS E.YALTATUS. Fcem. Viridix ; fastigium le^taceitm, subascenden.i, subsulcatum, antice latum rniuudatiitn, atilpnuarum artictilum lum superana, sublus carinutum basi angiilalum apice niyrn fascialum ; prosteniinn bispiuosum ; oviduclus Icslaceui, reclw!, corpore fxiullo brevior ; pedes lougi, gracilex, femoribus anticis ttnispiuosiii, femoribus inlermtdiis trispinosis ; alie lonyte ; ala: posticce diaphanae, albo venosw. Female. Green. Head and prolhorax niiiiutely punctured. Cone of the head te>taceous, slightly ascuuding, wiih a slight longitudinal furrow, broad and rounded on ihe fore border, extending somewhat beyond the first joint of the antenni, its under side keeled wiih an angle at the base aud with a black band near the fore border; labrum and mandil)les testa- ceous, the latter black along the inner side. Antennae Mack near the base, which is green. Prosternum with two long slender s[iines. Oviduct testa- ceous, straight, a little shorter than the body. Legs long, shnder ; fore femora with one minule spine near the tip; n)iddle femora with tiiree in a row; hind femora and four anterior tibis with two rows of spines ; hind tibiEC with four rows. Fore wings slightly acute, a little longer than the hind wings. Hind wings pellucid, much longer than the body; veins white. Length of the body 18 lines; expansion of the fore wings •Ol lines. a. \ ent'zuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. Canaries. .'31. CoNOCKPJIAl.rs UUtVICAl'DA. Locusta (Conocephalus) brev'cauda, Brvllr, lies Cunarinf, 7ii Canaries. 313 CATALOG UK OF South Africa. A. Faslig;iutn longissinium. a. Fastigium ascendeus. - - . b. Fastigium non aul vix ascendeus. * Fastigium obtusum. - - - ** Fasiigium acutum. - - - B. Fastigium noa longissimum. a. Frons nigra. - . - - b. Frons pallida. * Fastigium apice angusUim. f Proihuracis inargo posticus valde incisus. ff Proihoracis margo posticus subiucisus. ** Fastigium apice latum. •f Alae abdomen paulio superantes. •j-f Alae abdomen loiige superantes. I Frons apud verticem albido guttata. 'II Frons albido non guttata. § Proihoracis dorsum poslice latum. §§ Proihoracis dorsum lateribus subparallelis. -\- Corpus viride. . - - - -\ — \- Corpus obscurura. Fastigium paulio lalius. -+ Proihorax non viltatus. - - - H — )- Proihorax bivittalus. . - _ lanceolatus. hasliCer. puiigens. annulieornis. porrigens. indicator, diversus. obscurus. amplus. consobrinus. vicinus. subvillatus. 32. CONOCEPHALUS LANCEOLATUS. Locusta lanceolata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 39 — Conocephalus lanceolatus, Burin. Ilandb. Enl. ii. 704. a. South Africa. 33. Conocephalus hastifeb. hastifer, Schaum, Monals. Akad. IVisseti. Berl. 1853. Mozambique. 34. Conocephalus pungens. pungens, Schaum, Monats. Akad. Wissen. Berl. 1853. Mozambique. 35. Conocephalus annulicoenis. Mas. Testaceux, subliUler scaber ; fastigium lanceolatum, subtus nigrvm ; frons nigra, fiavo uni guttata ; antcjince pallidce, mgro annulatcB ; sterni discus picem ; pedes robusti ; alee aiiticce nigro sub- conspersa ; alee poslicce diaphana, pallida venosce. Male. Testaceous. Head and proihorax finely scabrous. Head with n lanceolate porrecl horizontal horn in front of the eyes longer than the hind part, black beneath ; iVonl black ; a dot near the horn, clypeus, labrum and palpi yellow. Anlcnnae pale testaceous, with many black rings. LOCUSTID.f".. 313 Prdllioiax with two transverse fuiTows; lateral keels well defined. Sternum willi a piceoiis disk; piostcrniiin with two short spines. Lep;s stout; femora and lour anterior tibia; with two rows of short spines; hind libiaj with four rows. Fore wiui^s lonfjer than the hind wini^s, minutely, irre- gularly and very thinly speckled with hhick, tympanum of the ri};^ht wing pellucid, large. Hind win^^s pellucid; veins testaceous. Length of the body 18| lines; expansion of the fore wings 37^ lines. a. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 3(). COXOCKI'HALUS I'ORUIGENS. Foem. Textaceux, gracilis, viridi varius ; caput el prolhorax subtiliter punctata; fastigium breve, obtusum, basi subtus acutangulatitm ; anlcnme picece, basi picece ; oviductus fere rectus, abdomine paullo longior ; atceanticts corpore longiores, nigra subpunctata ; alie poslicce diiiphancE. Female. Testaceous, slender, partly gieen, probably wholly green when recent. Head and prolhorax punctured. Head with a porrect horizontal horn, which is obtuse at the tip and is shorter than the hinder part of the head and forms an acute angle at its base beneath adjoining the angle of the front, which is almost smooth. jNIandibles black towards the tips. AnleiUKD piceous, testaceous towards the base. Prolhorax deeply notched on each side of the hind border, which is slightly curved. Pro- slernuni with two long spines ; mesoslernum and inelaslernum wiih two acutely dentate lobes. Oviduct almost straight, a little longer than the abdomen. Legs slender; hind femora and four anterior tibiiB with two rows of minute spines; hind libice with four rows. Wings rather lonuer than the body. Fore wings witli a few black j)oints in the disk. Hind win<;s pellucid; veins green. Length of the body It) lines; expansion of the fore wings 42 lines. a. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 37. CONOCEPHALUS INDICATOR. Alas. Teslaceus, gracilis ; caput el prot/wrnx siiblineata, subtiliter punc- lala ; fastigium longiusculum apice rotundatuin, basi subtus nnn ungulatum ; frons tiigro biguttata ; stirnum nigra interruple bivittatum ; oviductus arcuatus, lunceotatus, abdomine breviar ; pedes breriusculi ; alee anticw nigra siibpunctatie, corpore paullo longinres ; aid pasticce diaphancc. Female. Testaceous, slender. Head and prothor.ix minutely punc- tured, Willi some more or less indistinct darker parallel lines. Head wiili a porrect horizontal horn in front of the eyes; this born is rounded at the tip and is a little shorter than tlie hinder space, and is not angular at its base beneath; front with a black ilot on each side adjoining the face. Maiidililes black towards the lips. Antenna; testaceous. Prolhorax with two well- defined lateral keels. Prosieruum with two long spines; lobes of the niesosternum and of the mctasternum rouiifled ; a black interrupted stripe on each side. Oviduct curved, lanceolate, shorter than the abdomen. Legs railier short; him! i'cu.ora and four anterior lil>i;c with a few minuie spines in two rows; hind tibiie with four rows. Fore wings a little longer than N 314 CATALOGUE OF the hind wings and than the body, with very few black points in the disk. Hind wings pellucid; veins testaceous. Length of the body 11 — 12 lines; expansion ol the fore wings 25 — 28 Hues. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. b. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 38. CONOCEPHALUS DIVEESUS. Foem. Pallide testaceuf!, gracilis, suhliliter pimclalus ; fasligium brevissimum, latissimum, unlice rotundatum, basi subtus suhangu- lalum ; mandibulte el anlennte fulvcE ; nviduclus rectus, abdomitie longior; pedes graciles ; alee anlicte corpore paullo breviores ; alee posticce diaphana. Female. Pale testaceous or green, slender. Head and prothorax minutely punctured. Horn of the hoad very broad and short, much rounded, not extending far beyond the first joint of the antennae, forming a rounded angle at the base beneath, where the front is also angular. JNlandililes tawny; tips black. Apical joints of the palpi clavate and tawny at the tips. Antennae tawny. Prothorax with two very indistinct transverse furrows; lateral keels well defined; bind border slightly rounded, with a deep notch on each side. Prosternum with two long slender spines. Ovi- duct straight, somewhat longer than the abdomen. Legs slender; hind femora and four anterior with a few minute spines in two rows. Fore wings a little shorter than the body, a little longer than the hind wings, which are pellucid and have green veins; Length of the body 13 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 2] lines. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 39. CoNOCEPHALUS OBSCDKUS. Ftera. Testaceus, gracilis ; caput et prothorax quadrisubvitlata, subtilifer punctata ; fasdgiutn brevissimum, lutissiinum, apice rolundutum pallide finvum, basi subtus suiangulatum ; frons apice Jlavo uni- guttata ; mandibuUe pallide rufce, apice nigrce ; sternum nigricante interruple vittatum ; oviductus rectus, corpore vix brevior ; pedes graciles, piceo bivittati ; alee anticce nigricante gutlatce, corpore longiores ; alee postica: cincrecc , fuscescente venosa. Female. Testaceous, slender. Head and prothorax thickly and finely punctured, with four irregular slender paler stripes. Horn of the head horizontal, very broad, pale yellow and not uarrower in front, hardly extending beyond the first joint of the anlennte, forming a rounded angle at the base beneath, where it is contiguous to an elongated pale yellow dot on the front, which is smooth. Mandibles pale red, with black tips. Eyes with a black incomplete ringlet. Prolhor.ix with the hind border sligiitly rounded, notched on each side; lateral keels distinct. Sternum with a blackish interrupted stripe; prosternum with two long slender spines. Oviduct straight, nearly as long as the body. Legs slender, with two )iiceous stripes which are most determinate on the tarsi; hind temora and four anterior tibiae with a few minute spines in two rows; hind libiie with LOCUSTIDiE. 315 four rows. Wings l(tn;,fer than the hotly. Fore wings with several blackish dots. Hind win^s cinerenus, with brownish veins. Length of the body 13 lines; expansion of the lore wings 30 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Preseuled by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 40. CONOCEPUALUS AMI'LUS. Mas. 7'estaceus ; caput et prothorax subtililer punctata, fuscescetite bivittata; fastiyium brevissimum, lalissiinum, antice rotundalinn, basi siibtus subangulalum ; aniennte fuivce, basi sublus teslacece ; pro- thnraris dorsum postice latum; sternum niqro vittatum ; pedes graciles, tibiis basi nigro notatis, tarsis nigro bivitlatis ; alee anlicce ciirpore longiores, basi lata; el nigricante notatce ; alee poslicce diaphanee, testaceo venosa. Male. Testaceous. Head and prothorax thickly and minutely punc- tured, wiih two intermediaie brownish stripes. Head with a horizontal horn which extends a little beyond the first joint of the antenna? and is rounded and not narrower in front, and forms a slight angle contiguous to the attenuated part of the smooth front. Aniennte tawny, testaceous at the base. Dorsum of the prothorax widening much from the fore border to the hind border, which is roui^ded and slightly notched on each side ; lateral keels distinct. Sternum with a idack stripe; prosternum with two long slender spines. Legs slender; tibiae with a black mark at the base ; tarsi and tips of the hind tibia? with two black sti-ipes ; hind femora and four anterior libine with some small spines in two rows; hind tibia; with four rows. Fore wings rather longer than the hind wini^s, very much longer than the body, broad at the base, where there is a blackish mark on each and where the tympanum of the right wing is large and pellucid. Hind wings pellucid; veins testaceous. Length of the body 14 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 44 lines. a. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 41. CONOCEPHALUS CONSOBRINUS. Mas el f(LMn. Viridis aut ttstaceus ; corpus gracile; caput rt prothorax subtililer punctata ; fastiginm breve, apice rotuiidatuin, basi subtus anguliituni ; oviductus rectus, abdomine longior ; pedes graciles, tibiis basi nigro-notatis, tarsis subtus nigris ; alic anlicc nigro subpunctatct, corpure longiores ; alee poslicce diaphauce, viridi venoscc. Male and female. Grass-green or pale testaceous, slender. Head and prothorax thickly and miuntely punctured. Front and hinder part of the iiead above smooth ; horn horizontal, extending a little beyond the first joint of the antenna;, rounded and not narrower in front, forming a slitjhtly acute angle at the base beneath. Mandibles with black tips. Prothorax with two very slight transverse furrows ; hind border slightly rounded, notched on each side; lateral keels defined. Prosternum with two long slender spines; mesosternum and melasternnm with two angular lobes. Oviduct strrti>;lit, somewhat longer than the abdomen. Legs slender; tibiie with a black mark at the base; tarsi iilack beneath; hind femora and four anterior tibiae with a few small spines in two rows ; hind tibia' with four rows. Fore wings a little longer than the hind wings, very much longer 316 CATALOGUE OF than the body, wiih a few black points in the disk. Hind wings pellucid ; veins green. Length of the body II — 15 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 32—44 lines. Nearly allied to C. differens. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. b—f. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 42. CONOCEPHALUS VICINUS. Mas at fcem. Testaceus ; caput et protknrax punctata ; fasligium breve, apice rntundatum, subtus basi angulalum ; ovidticlvs rectus, corpore brevior ; pedes Unigi, graciles ; alee anticce longissimce, nigra sub- punctatce ; alee posticce diaphante, testaceo venosm. Male and female. Testaceous. Head and prothorax thickly punc- tured. Head with a horizontal horn which extends a little beyond the first joint of ilie antenni.c and is roumied and not narrower in front, and forms at the bnse beneath a slightly acute angle; front smooth. Mandibles with blaik tips. Prothorax with two indistinct transverse furrows ; hind border slightly rounded, with a deep excavation on each side. Prosternum with two slender spines. Oviduct slraifjht, rather shorter than the body. Legs long, slender; hind femora and four anterior tibiae with a few minute spines in two rows; hind tibife with four rows. Fore wings less than twice the length of the body, a little longer than the hind wings, with a few black points in t!ie disk. Hind wings pellucid ; veins testaceous. Length ol the body 11 — 15 lines; expansion of the fore wings 38—54 lines. a. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. b—e. East Africa. Presented by Earl Russell. /. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 43. CoNOCEPHALUS SUBVITTATUS. Fcem. Testaceus, gracilis ; caput et prothorax punctata, villis nonnuUis pallide fuscis vittisque dun bus obscure fuscis; fastigium breve, apice rotundatum, basi subtus subangulatuin ; antenna; fulva, basi testacece ; sternum nigricante interruple vittatum ; oviductus vix arcuatiis, cor- pore paullo brevior ; pedes graciles, femoribus fusco subviltatis ; aire anticce corpore paullo longiores, villa gullisque paucis nigricantibus ; alee posticce cinerece, testaceo venosw. Female. Testaceous, slender. Head and prothorax thickly and minutely punctured, with several pale brown and two dark brown stripes. Horn of the head horizontal, extending a little beyond the first joint ol the antennae, rounded and not narrower in front, forming a rounded angle at the base beneath; front mostly smooth. Eyes mottled with black. Antennae tawny, testaceous at the base. Prothorax notched on each side of the slightly rounded hind border; lateral keels defined. Sternum with an interrupted blackish stripe; prosternum with two slender spines. Ovi- duct hardly curved, a little shorter than the body. Legs slender; femora slightly striped with brown; hind femora and four anterior tibiae with a few minute spines in two rows ; hind tibiae with four rows. Wings a little longer than the body. Fore wings with a blackish stripe and with a few LOCUSTlDiE. 317 liliickisli (lois. Hind \vinse iielore mentioned and extenditig from the eyes to the hind border; fasliyiinii elongate-conical, acute, shorter than the hinder part of the head, sli;;hlly keeled beneath, where it is angular at the base; front with a slight longi- tudinal furrow and with a bla( k curved interrupted band on its fore border. 820 CATALOGUE OF Mandibles mostly black. Piollnn-ax wiili two transverse furrows, llie fore one slightly untlulating, the hind one very indisiinct; fore l)order very slij-htly excavated; sides almost straight; hind border very slightly rounded. Proslernuin wiili two spines. Legs rather stout ; four anterior femora with a few minute spines ; hind femora and lour anterior tibise with two rows of spines, the former with a reddish stripe ou tlie outer side; hind tibiae quadrilateral and with four series of spines. Wings nearly twice the length of the abdomen. Hind wings pellucid ; veins pale. Length of the body 18 lines; expansion of the fore wings 58 lines. a. North Hindostau. From Dr. Hooker's collection, 53. C0X0CEPH.\LIIS VARIUS. Mas et foem. Viridis, aut pallide leslaceun, aut pallide nrfiracevs, snb- iililer punctatus ; fa.iti(/ium lonf/i-conicum, a/iice rntunduttim, sublus subcarinatum ; prothoracis cariiue tulerales bene delerminat(e ; ovi- ductus abdomine longior ; pedes yraciles,Jh)ioribus qualuor aiileriori- bus subspinosis ; alee pnsticce diaphance, viridi pullido venosa. Male and female. Grass-green, or pale testaceous, or pale ochraceous. Head and prolborax minutely puiiclured, occasionally with a pale ochra- ceous stripe on each side. Fasiiginm elongate-conical, shorter than the hind part of the head, rounded in front, slijihlly keeled beneath, where it is angular at its base ; front attenuated towards the fasligium. Mandibles occasionally rosy; their tips black. Prolborax with well-defined lateral keels and with two very slight transverse sutures; fore border straight; sides nearly straight; hind border slightly rounded. Proslernum with two long slender spines. Oviduct longer than the abdomen. Legs slender; four anterior femora with a few very minute spines; hind femora and four anterior tibiiE with two rows of minute spines; hind tibiae with four rows. Wings extending very much beyond llie body. Fore wings somewhat longer thau the hind wings; the latter pelluciil, with pale green veins. Length of the body 17 — 18 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 40 — 48 lines. a — c. China. Presented by G. T. Lave, Esq. d. China? Presented by Majoi-Gei'. Hardwicke. e. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. /. Silhet. From the Rev. J. Stainforlh's collection. 54. CONOCEPHALUS INCERTDS. Mas. Pallide viridis, testaceo varius, subli/iter punclalus ; fasligium lortgi-comcum, apice subrolun datum ; subltis subcarinatum; pro- thoracis carincB laterales bene deter)ninal(C ; pedes graciles, femoribus quatuor anterioribus inermibus ; alee anlicce nigricanle suhpunctatcB ; alcE posticcB diaphancB ; pallida venosce. Male. Pale green, partly pale testaceous. Head and prolborax minutely punctured. Fasligium elongate-conical, rounded at the tip, shorter than the hind part of the head, with a sligbt keel beneath; front forming an acute angle next the fasligium. Mandibles with black tips. Prolborax with distinct lateral keels and with two very sligbt transverse furrows; fore border hardly excavated ; sides nearly straight; hind border LOCUSTID.E. 321 slii;lilly rniiiided. Pmsteinnm with two long sU-ndcr spines. Le • b. -? 64. CoXOCEl'HALUS ALIENUS. Mas. Pallide viiidis, (/racilis, suhtiliter punctalui, flavescenle pallido bilinealtis ; caput prnthorace bravius^fasliyio lancenlato apice rottin- dato ; pedes sat graciles, femoribns qmiluor anterioribus inerinibux. Male, Pale iireen, slender. Head and prothorax finely punctured, wilh two pale yellowish lines which extend along the slight lateral keds of the proihorax. Head rather shorter than the prolhorax; fastiginm lanceo- hite, as long as the iiinder part of the head, munded at the lip, angular at the base beneaih, where it is cuntignous to the anirular part of the front. Prothorax with the fore horder hardly excavated in the middle; sides straight in the middle; hind border slightly rounded. Prosternum wiili (wo long slender s|)ines. Legs rather slender; four anterior femora unarmed; hind femora and f-ti}i;iui7i lanceolate, obinse at tlie tip, a little ]on>;er tlian the hinder part of the he id, slitaceous, with a black stripe. Proihorax V. iih two very slight transverse I'urrows; fore border and sides almost straight in the middle; hind l)ordcr slightly rounded. Prosternum with two long slender spines. Oviduct straight, rather longer than the abdo- men. Legs slender ; four anlcrior femora with a few very minute spines; the other parts as usual. Pore wings very much longer than the body, a little longer than ihe hind wings, which are pellucid and have white veins. Length of the body 16 lines; expansion of tlie fore wings 50 lines. The fastigium is somewhat broader than that of ('. remotus. 328 CATALOGUE OF 76. CoNOCtPHALUS INTACTUS. FcEtn. Viriilis, dense el subtililer ■punctatun ; caput prollwrnce tiiiillo hri'vius, fasligio conico.upice lata, lubio anlice ftrniginei) ; (icidwtia rectus, abdmnine mullo longior ; pedis (/ruciles, femoribtis quatuor anterioribus inermibus ; atte posticw d'luphance, albo vcnosce. Female. Gvass-uieen. Head and pidtliorax thickly and inimiiely punctured. Head much shorter than the prolliorax ; (asti^iuni conical, broad and rou'idcd at the tip, nearly halt' the lenjjth of the hinder part of tlie head, oluiiscly angular at the base beneatii, where it is contiguous to ihe acute part of the front; labruin ferruginous towards the tip. Mandibles with |)iceous tips. Prolhorax with the usual structure; two indistinct transverse furrows. Prosternuni with two long slender spines. Oviduct straight, much longer than the abdomen. Legs slender; four anterior femora unarmed ; the other parts as usual. Fore wings much longer than the body, a little longer than the hind wings. Hind wings pellucid; veins white, green towards the costa. Length of the body 16 lines; expansion of the fore wings 48 lines. The fasligium is rather longer than that of C. remotus. 77. CONOCEPHALUS LATIPENNIS. Mas. Viridis, sal robustus, dense punclatus ; fasligium conicum, fiavo marginatum, sublits Iriungulare ; labrutu apice piceum ; mandibula pallide ochraceu, apice nigrce ; protliorax fiaresctnte hivittalus, capita plus diipio langior ; pedes sat vaiidi, femoribus quatuor anterioribus inermibus, iibiis anlicis basi nigro vittatis, larsis subtus nigricanti- bus ; alee anticcc nigricante punctatce, basi dilatatce ; alee posticce diaphance, albo venosce. Male. Grass-green, rather stout. Head and prothorax thickly punc- tured. Head less than half the length of the prothorax ; fasligium conical, about half the length of the hinder part of the head, with a yellow stripe on each side, triangular beneath, wiure it is contiguous to the dentate border of the front; labruni piceous towards the tip. Mandibles pale ochra.ceoiis, with black tips. Prolhorax with two yellowish stripes along the lateral keels; fore border nearly strai;;ht; sides angular in the middle; hind border rounded. Prosternum with two long slender spines. Legs rather stout; four anterior femora unarmed ; fore tibia; striped with black above at the base ; tarsi blackish beneath ; the other parts as usual. Fore wings very much longer than the body, somewhat longer than the hind N\ings, dilated near the base, with some blackish points in the disk; tym- panum of the right wing pellucid, that of the left wing with a blackish disk. Hind wings pellucid ; veins white, green towards the costa. Length of l':e body 15 lines; expausion of the fore wings 47 lines. The prothorax of this species is much broader than that of C. remotus, which it resembles in the structure of the fasligium. LOcnsTiD^. 329 78. CONOCEPHALUS RESTHICTUS. Foem. Viridis, (jracilix^ dense et subtiliter punclatus ; caput prothorace midto breviiLi, fluvescehle quadrilinealum, faaligio longi-conico ; maudlbulte pallide carucce, apice nigr<£ ; ovttli niyro univitlati ; ovi- dticlun rectus, abdtnnine multo Inngicr ; pedes graciles, femoribus aniicis inerinibus, femoribus inlermediis bispinosis ; alee posticce diaphance, viridescente venosa. Female. Grass-fiieen, slender. Head and prolhorax thickly and niinultly punctured, with two pale yellowish stripes. Head much shorter than tlie prothurax, with an oblique yellowish line on each side, extending from tiif eye to the hind bonier; fastigiuui elongate-conical, rather shorter than ilie hinder part of the head, angular at the base beneatli, where the front is dentate. Maudildes pale flesh-colour, with black tips. Eyes with a black stripe. Prothorax with two very slight transverse furrows and with well-dtfiiied lateral keels; fore border and sides straight in the middle; liind border curved. Oviduct straight, much longer than the abdomen. Legs slender; fore femora unarmed ; middle femora with three very minute spines on the outer side; the other pans as usual. Fore wings much longer than the body, a little longer than the hind wings, which are pellucid and have pale green veins. Length of the body 14 lines; expansion of the fore wings 38 lines. The fastigium is a little longer and more slender than that of C. intactus and a little shorter than that of C. insularis. 79. COXOCEPHALUS EXTENSOR. Fnem. Viridis, gracilis, subtil iter punclalus ; caput prothorace Irevius, fasligio lanceolato sublililcr rugnloso sublus subcarinato : ovidnctus ri'ctus, abdomine pauUo longior ; pedes gracilis, femoribus qualuor antfrioribus inermibus ; alic poslic(C diapluuue, albo vetiosce. Female. Pale green, slender. Head and prothorax minutely punc- tured. Head rather shorter than the prothorax ; fastigium lanccoiate, finely rugulose, as long as the hinder part of the head, slightly keeled beneath, where it is obtusely angular at the base; front with two slight approximate longitudinal furrows. Mandibles piceons at the tips. Pro- lhorax with two slight transverse furrows; fore border, sides and hind border nearly straight in the middle. Prosternnm with two long slender spines. Oviduct siraighl, a liille longer than the abdoinen. Legs slender; four anierior tVmora without s|)ines. Wings much longer than the body. Fore wiiius a lilllc longir than the hind wings, which are |)Lllucid and have white veins. Length of the body 18 lines; expansion of llie lore wings 42 lines. The lastigium is longer and more acute than that of C. insularis. a. ? Genus 81. BUCRATES. Bucratcs, Burm. Ilundb. Fat. ii. 70S. 330 CATALOGUE OF 1. BUCRATES CAPITATUS. Locusia capitata, Deg. Ins. iii. 455, pi. 40, f. 1 — Buciales capitatus, Burtn. Handb. Enl. ii. 709. Brazil ? Genus 82. PSEUDORHYNCHUS. Conocephaliis, 8erv. Rev. 51 — Pseudorhjnchus, Serv. Hist. Orlh. 609, ]. PsEUDORHYNCHUS SICARMFS. Locusta lanceolata? Fabr. Ent. Sijst. ii. 39— Pseudorhynchus sicarius, Serv. Hist. Ortk. 510. Sierra Leone ? 2. Pseudorhynchus flavescens. Conocephalus flavescens, Serv. Rev. 51 — Pseudorhynchus flavescens, Serv. Hist. Orlk.bW. Java. 3. Pseudokhvnchus Lessonii. Lessonii, Serv. Hist. Orth. 511. Java. 4. Pseudorhynchus? colorificus. Foem. Viridis, robiistus, nigro bivillatus, dense et subtiliter punctntus ; caput prolhorace paullo brevius, fastigio lanreolato apicc obtuso sublus ferrugineo basi dcnlato^fronte flavo unigutlata, mandibulte riifescenles, upice nigrce ; anlemuE nigro annulut(e ; oviductus abdomine pauUn tongior ; pedes validi, nigro spinosi, jemoribtis sex spinosis fusco notalis ; alee anticce fusco nigroque punctata ; alee posticte diaphanee. Female. Giass-green, stout. Head and prolhorax thickly and minutely punctured, with two black stripes which are irregular on the outer side. Head a little shorter than the prolhorax ; fastigium lanceolate, obtuse, rather shorter than the hinder part, ferruginous and much rounded beneath, where it is prominently dentate at its base ; front and clypeus testaceous, the former with a yellow dot on its dentate fore border. Mandibles reddish, with bhuk tips. Antennae with many black rings, Prolhorax with two very slight transverse furrows and with well-defined lateral keels; fore border, hind border and sides slraighl in the middle. Mesoslernum and nielasternum with nearly triangular lobes. Oviduct testaceous, slraighl, a little longer than the abdomen. Legs testaceous, stout ; spines black or with black tips; femora mottled with brown on the outer side ; fore femora with two or three spines ; middle femora with four spines on the outer side; the other parts as usual. Fore wings testaceous, a liiile longer than the body and than the hind wings, with nnmereous brown points and with some black dots aud points. Hind wings pellucid ; veins pale testaceous. Length of the body 26 lines; expansion of the fore wings QO lines. LOCUSTIDiG. 331 This species may belong to the genus Conocephalus, but spines on the prosternum cannol be discovered without injuring the speciiueu. a. Bfcizil. From Mr. Vigors' collection. 5. PSEUDORHYNCHUS? PAUPERCULU3. Fuem. Testaceus, gracilis, dense et subtililer punctatus ; caput prothorace mxitto brevius, fasiigio lanceoialo sublus carinato ; sternum breve, latum; ovidnctus vix arcuatus, abdomine paullo longior ; pedes breves, sat graciles, femoribus (juutuor anterioribus inermibus. Female. Testaceous, slender. Head and prolhorax thickly and minutely punctured. Head much shorter than the prolhorax ; fastigiura lanceolate, acute, as long as the hinder part of the head, keeled beneath ; front not dentate between the eyes. Prothorax with two very slight trans- verse furrows; lateral keels not well defined ; fore border slightly rounded ; sides and hind border straight in the middle. Lobes of the sternum short, broad. Oviduct very slightly curved, a little longer than the abdomen. Legs short, rather slender; spines very minute; four anterior femora un- armed. Wings rudimentary. Length of the body 11^ lines. The specimen described is not fully developed. a. Australia. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. Genus 83. COPIOPHORA. Copiphora, 5'frr. Rev. 50; Hist. O/VA. 512— Copiophora, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 702. 1. COPIOPHORA LOXOICAUDA. Copipbora longicauda, Stall, Saut el Grill, pi. 13, f. 51 ; Serv. Rev. 50; Hist. Orth. 513— Copiophora longicauda, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 703. Cayenne. 2. CoPIOPUOBA CORNCTA. Locusta cornuta, Deg. Ins. iii. 37, f. 7. Stoll, Saut et Grill, pi. 17, f. 65 — Copiphora cornuta, Scrv. Hist. Orth. 514, pi. 10, f. 3. Charp. Orth. Fasc. 8 — Copiophora cornuta, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 703. a. Archidona. From Mr. Stevens' collection. b. Para. From Mr. Wallace's collection. c. d. ? 3. Copiophora Mexicana. Mexicana, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 207. Mexico. 4. Copiophora meoacephai.a. nicgacephala, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 703. Isle St. Johanna, near Mozaml'iiiuc. 332 CATALOGUE OF 5. COPIOPHORA LANCIFERA. laiicifera, Burm. Handh. Ent. ii. 703. Bahia. 6. COPIOPHOBA GRACILIS. {jjracilis, Scud. Niipo or Maraijon. 7. COPIOPHOEA ? FLAVOSCRIPTA. Foem. Viridis, robnslus, dense punctatus ; caput prothorace breviu.i, fasligio lunceolato, oblique a.scendente, fronte Jlavn-marginata ; labro an/ice ferrugineo ; slernuin breve, latum ; oviductus vix urcualtm, aOdornine longior ; pedes breves, validi, spinis crassis armati ; alee atitic(sJlavo lituratcc ; alec postica diaphaiiee, albo venoste. Female. Grass-green, stout. Head and prothorax thickly punctured. Head sliorter than the prolhorax ; fastig-ium lanceolate, acule, obliquely a^cending, longer than the hinder part of the head, forming beneath an oblique plane with the front, which hasja yellow line along eacli side; labruni ferruginous about the fore border. Prothorax with two very slight transverse furrows; fore border and sides nearly straight; hind border slightly rounded in the middle. Sternum short, broad. Oviduct tawny towards the tip, very slightly curved, rather longer than the abdomen. Legs short, stout; femora and tibiae armed with thick spines. Wings longer than the body. Fore wings with several short yellow lines on the veins. Hind wings pellucid, nearly as long as the fore wings; veins white. Length of the body 1 1 lines; expansion of the fore wings 27 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 8. COPIOPBORA ? CnSPIDATA. Locusta (Conocephalus) cuspidata, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 212. Brazil. Genus 84. PANACANTHUS. Mas. Corpus robusium, nilens, aspere punctatum. Caput prothorace paullo angustius, cornu lanceolato spinoso oblique ascendente supra serrato inter oculos armatum ; frons glabra, plana, obliqua. Oculi valde proininuli. Palporum ariiculns I us brevjs; 2us et 3us aeqnales; 4us 3o longior. Antennse longae, graciies; articulus Ins maximus ; 2us sat validus. Prolhorax spinosus. Abdomen apice quadricorniculatum ; cornicula superiora crassa, arcuata ; inferiora lanceolata, biarticulata. Pedes robusti, pilosi ; femoribus tibiisque conferte spinosis. Alae anticae abdomen paullo suj)erantes, aspere punclatse, inordinaiim reticulaite. Male. Body stout, shining. Head and prolhorax roughly punctured. Head a little narrower than the prothorax, armed between the eyes with a lanceolate obliquely ascending horn that is serrated above from the base to LOCUSTIDiE. 338 hiilfllie lerij^'th, where il has four short stout spines; front smooth, flat, oblique. Eyes very proraiuent. First joint of the maxillary palpi short ; seciinti and third about equal in lenjrth ; fourth rather longer than the third. Third joint of the labial palpi oblicjuely truncated. Antennae slender, much more than twice the len^:th of the body; first joint very larfje; second rather stout. Prothorax with some stout erect spiues of various length in the disk and with a broad transverse furrow near the hind border. Sternum with short broad lobes. Abdomen wiih two upper tliick curved and witli two lower lanceolate biarliculate apical appendages. Legs stoul, pilose ; femora and tibue armed with numerous thick spines. Wings of equal length, extending a little beyond the abdomen. Fore wings roughly punctured, irregularly reticulated. 1. Panacanthus varius. Mas. Viridis ; caput nigricanle varium, nigra bivif.tatum, cornu Jlavo basi nigra, facie rufetscente ; anlennce nigra, arliculo 3a viridi ; pro- thorax niger, vittis duabu.i inlerruptis spinisque viridibus, margine postico fulvo ; abdomen nigricans, viridi punctatum ; alec anticcB nigricantes, albidu venosce ; aim posticcc cinerece. Male. Green. Head above partly blackish and with two black stripes which diverge from each other hindward ; horn pale yellow, black above and beneath at the base; face reddish. Eyes pale yellow. Antennae black, selulose towards the base; third joint green. Prothorax black; spines green ; an irregular interrupted green stripe on each side emitting an oblique streak to the disk ; hind border tawny. Abdomen blackish, with numerous green points. Fore wings blackish ; veins whitish. Hiud wings cinereous. Length of the body 15 lines; expansion of the fore wings 27 lines. a. Quito. Presented by W. Hewitson, Esq. Genus 85. STORNIZA. Fcem. Corpus sat gracile, fere cylindricum. Caput et prothorax aspere punctata, subrugulosa. Caput cornu lanceolaio oblique ascendente subtus brevicarinalo; frons obliqua plana. Oculi prominuli. Palpi graciles ; articulus 4us 3o longior. Antenna; graciles, longse. Prothorax sellatus, marginibus antico et postico rectis. Female. Body rather slender, nearly cylindrical. Head and prothorax roughly punctured, slightly rugulose. Head as broad as the prothorax, armed between the eyes with a long lanceolate very acute obliquely ascending horn, which has a deep short keel beneath ; front oblique, flat. Eyes prominent. Palpi slender, truncated obliquely at the tips; fourth joint of the maxillary longer than the second and than the third. Antenna; slender, very much longer than the body; first joint long, very stout; second stoul, about half the length of the first; third long, slender ; the lollowing joints short. Prothorax saddle-shaped, with a much rounded angle on each side ; fore border and hind border straight. This genus is nearly allied to the preceding one. The specimen characterized Las probably not attained its full development, and in that case the description is incomplete. 334 CATALOGUE OF 1. Storniza pallicornis. Fcem. Pallide viridis ; caput spinosum, cornu spinoso apice lutescente, labro mandibulisque pallide luteis ; abdomen prothorace valde gracilius vix longius ; oviductus rectus, abdomine longior. Female. Pale green. Head as broad as the prolhorax, armed with some stout spines on each side; the horn with several stout spines near its base and two pale luteous spines near its tip, which is also pale luteous ; labrum and naandibies pale luteous. Eyes tawny. Abdomen taperingf, much more slender and hardly lonjjer than the prothorax. Oviduct straight, rather longer than the abdomen. Spines of the legs mostly luteous towards the tips, of which a few are biown. Wings rudimentary. Length of the body 10 lines, a. Bogota. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Genus 86. MEGALODON. Megalodon, Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 157, pi. 14, f. 1 — Serv. Hist. Orth. 536. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 724. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 2b. 1. Megalodon ensifer. ensifer, Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 157, pi. 15, f. 4. Serv. Hist. Orth. 537. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 724. Charp. Orth. pi. 9. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 28. Weslw. Orient. Ent. pi. 16, f. 2. a. Hindostan. Presented by the Entomological Club. Genus 87. ACANTHACARA. Acanlbacara, Scud. 1. ACANTHACARA ACUTA. acuta, Sctid. Between Quito and Nape. The PhaneropteridcB commence with the following genus. Genus 88. PHANEROPTERA. Locusta, Fabr. ^c. — Phaneroplera, Serv. Rev. ; Hist. Orth. 413. BrulU, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 688. Charp. Fisch. de W. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 236. Europe. 1. Phaneroptera Dalmatina. Siivigny, Dcscr. Egypt. Orth. pi. 4, f. 8, 10 — Zinnani, Osserv. Giorn. 32, pi. 7, f. 12 — Phaneroptera Dalmatina, Serv. Hist. Orth, 415 — Macropoda, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 689; Germ. Zeitsch. ii. 62. Charp. Orth. pi. 19,20. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 237— Servillea, Brulle, Exp. Sci. Mor. Zool. 86, pi. 30, f. 1. Dalmatia. Sicily. Greece. Egypt. LOCUSTID^. 335 2. Phaneroptera libifolia. Locusta libifolia, Fabr. Ent. Si/st,\\. 36. Lair. Hist. Nat. xii. 131 ; Gen. iii. 101. Char/), llor. Eiil. 10.5 — PhaneropteiH libifolia, Serv. Hist. Orth. 421. Bw-m. Handb. Ent. ii. 689. Fisch. de Waldh. Orlh. Boss. 141, pi. 8, f. 1, 2. BrulU; Hist. Nat. ix. 144, pi. 13, f. 3. Fisvh. Orth. Eur. 237 — Var. Lucusta gracilis, Gnm.Iler. Dalm.2b\. Ahrens, Germ. Faun. Ins. Eur. 8, pi. 15. Charp. Hor. Ent. 105 — Locusta thymifolia, Rossi, Fauna Etr. Mant. ii. 104 — Pbaueroplera marginegutlata, Serv. Hist. Orlh. 422. a. Italy. 3. Phaneroptera falcata. , De Vill. Enl. Linn. i. 441. Sihaff. Icon. pi. 138, f. 1—3— Gryllus falcaius, Scop. Enl. Cam. 108 — Locusta falcata, Schrank, Faun. Boic. ii. 35. Petagna, Inst. Ent. i. 315. Rossi, Faun. Etr. i. 168. Charp. Horcp, Ent. 103 — Locusta lilifolia, Serv. Rev. 61. Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 144, pi. 13, f. 3 — Phaneroptera falcata, 5*^1;. Hist. Orlh. 419. Bnrm. Handb. Ent. ii. 690. Fisch. de W. Orlh. Ross. 140. Fisch. Orlh. Eur. 238, pi. 12, f. 21— 23— Locusta (Phaneroptera) falcata, Haan, Verz. Nat, Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 193. a. France. From Prof. Westwood's collection. b, c. Polish Ukraine. Presented by Dr. Dowler. d—h. Madeira. From Mr. Wollaston's collection, t. Madeira. Presented by Mrs. Hope. North America. 4, Phaneroptera curvicauda. Locusta curvicauda, Deg. Ins. iii. 446, pi. ,38, f. 3 — Gryllus (Locusta) niyrtifolius, Drury, Ins. ii. 78, pi. 41, f. 2 — Gryllus (Pliylloptera) myrtifolius, Drury, Ins. Ed. Westw. ii. 70, pi. 41, f. 2 — Pterophylla curvic:iuda, Harr. Cat. Ins. Mass. 56 — Phaneroptera curvicanda, Serv. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxii. 159. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 691. Send. .Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 448 — Phaneroptera an^ustifojia, Ilarr. Rep. 3rd. Ed. 160, f. 76 — Phaneroptera septentiionalis, Serv. Hist. Orth. 416. a, b. United Slates. Presented by W. Kirby, Esq. c—g. United States. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. h. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. Mexico. 5. Phaneroptera Tolteca. Tolteca, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 201. Mexico. SSd CATALOGUE OK 6. Phaneroptera Mexicana. Mexicana, Satiss. Rev. Zool. 1861, 129. a — c. Oajaca. From M. Salle's collection. South America. 7. Phaneropteha fallens. Locusta pallens, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 39 — Locusla myrtifolia, Drury, Ins. ii. pi. 41, r. 2— Locusta viijj;o? Stoll, Saut. el Grill. 21, pi. 9, f. 35— Phaneroptera palleus, Burm. Handh. Ent. ii. 691. Brazil. 8. Phaneroptera rectangula. reclangula, Barm. Handb. Ent. ii. 691. Bahia. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. 9. Phaneroptera curta. curta, Serv. Hist. Orth. 417. Buenos Ayres. 10. Phaneroptera cruenta. cruenta, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 691. Rio Janeiro. 11. Phaneroptera maculosa. maculosa, Burm. Handb, Ent. ii. 691. Babia. 12. Phaneroptera albidicollis. albiclicollis, Blanch. Gay, Chili, pi. 6. Chili. 13. Phaneroptera submaculata. submaculata, Sial. Eug. Resa, 320. Rio Janeiro. 14. Phaneroptera melanocnemis. melanocnerais. Slat. Eug. Resa, 321. Buenos Ayres. Africa. 15. Phaneroptera faosta. ? Savigny, Descr. Egypte, Orih. pi. 4, f. 5 — Phaneroptera fausta, Mas. Burl. Mus. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 689. Nubia. LOCUSTIDiE. 337 16. Phaneroptera bilineolaxa. bilineolata, Serv. Hist. Orth. 419. a. South Africa. Preseiiled l)y Sir A. Smith. b. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 17. Phaneroptera amplectens. amplectens, Schaum, Monats. Berl. Acad. 1853, 777. Mozaniliique. 18. Phaneroptera grallatoria. grallatoria, Slal, Ofv. K. V. Ak. Fork. 1856, 170. Natal. 19. Phaneropteka sparsa. sparsa, Stal. Ofv. K. V. Ah. Fork. 1856, 170. Natal. 20. Phaneroptera continua. Mas. Viridis aut testacea, gracilis ; vertex fuacus ; oculi fusiformes, noil prominuli ; mandibulcB apice nigra; prolhorax disco fusco, carinis laleralibits bene delerminatis ; abdominis dorsum carinntum ; cerci ci/lindrici, vahle arcvati ; cornicula duo in/era lanceolafa, sub- arcuula ; pedes graciles, femorihus inermibus, tibiis posticis subliis fuscis; alee anlicce angustcB, basi postice ferruginece ; al(B posdcfE diaphanre, apice viridi strigala. Foem. — Oviduclus abdominis dimidio longior, Male. Green or testaceous, slender. Head as broad as the prothorax ; vertex brown ; front long, sliubtly oblir(ue. Eyes fusiform, not prominent. Mandibles with black lips. Third joint of the maxillary palpi much lonj^er than the fourth, much shorter than the fifth, which is sul)clavate. Antennae slender, muul) lonj^er than the body. Prothorax elongfate; disk brown, flat, sliica! appeiKlam's (if the abditmeii lanceolate, curved upward. Cerci very ^loul, less than hall ihe length of the lower appendages, which are more curved. Legs slender, very long; femora aiul tihi;p wiih the n^ual minuie spines ; iiind leniora incrassated for neaily half the length frciui iheliase; tibiiE and larsi tawny; fore libiie slightly dilated at the liase. l'"ore wings shorter by one line than the hind wings, rather narrow, much rounded at the tips, with a few black ])oints in each of the large areolets, which are regular, quadrilateral ami conspicuous; the minute aieolets very indistinct; veins between the scapul.ir vein and the cosla and Itetwcen the interno-niedial vein and the hind border tiansverse, nearly parallel to each other; e.vterno-medial vein with two fi iked branches; space l)etween the anal vein and the hind border with a pellucid tympanuu) in the right wing and with a black paid) in the left wing ; a broad blackish streak beyond the patch, reticulated by pale veins ; hind border with numerous black points in both wings. Hind wings pellucid ; tips with the colour and texture of the fore wings; veins testaceous; transverse veinlets white, licnglh of the body 11 liues ; expansion of the fore wings 3() lines. The fore wings are more rounded at the tips than those of the typical species of the genus ; they are also longer in proportion to the hind wings. a. Silhet. From the Rev. Mr. Staiuforth's collection. 38. Phaneuopiera notabilis. Foem. Textacea, sat rohuata ; caput anlice albidum, nuhtiis nigrum; oriili fiilvi, brevi-elliptici, prominidi ; anleuncc nigra:, basi fu/ice, corpiire fere Iriplo longiarcs ; jiri)lhnrax nigm bilineatus, cariiiis lalfialibiis bene (lilcnninatis ; cerci iunccolali, siibarcuati ; oviduclus a/iicriit v»rsus erccltts, ahdiiininix dimidio multo brovior ; peden giaciles, loni/issiini ; alee anlicce viridcs, nigra punclatce ; alec posticce diaphance, pUiga apicali viridi. Female. Testaceous, smooth, rather stout. Head whitish and shining on each side and in front; black beoeiilh ; vertex with the usual keel, which is whitish. Eyes tawny, short-elliptical, prominent. P.il|)i with the usual structure. AntcnnjE black, lawny towards ihe base, nearlv ihrice the length of the tiody. Pnuliorax with two l)lack lines along the well-defined lateral keels, which slightly approach each other in the middle; fore border hardly excavated; sides and hind border slightly rounded. Sternum notched Cerci lanceolate, slightly curved upward. Oviduct deep, curved, enct towards the tip, much less than half the length of the abdomen. Leg-i sltiider, very long, with the unial structure. Fore wings green, shorter by one line and a half than the hind wings, with a lew black points in each of the large areolets ; cosla with larger points; hind border with more numerous points. Hind win^s pellucid ; a large costal patch at the tip with the colour and lexinre of the fore wings; veins testaceous ; ir.ms- verse veinlets white. Length of the body 1 I lines; expansion (d' the foie wings 34 lines. The fore wings are a liltle narrower and less rounded at the li|is than those of P. in^ignis , ii may be the female of lh.it species. u. Silljct. From -Mr. Sowtrby's collection. u 846 CATALOGUE OF 39. Phaneuoi'tera diversa. FcEno. Ochracen-viridis, gracilix ; caput suhlus nignnn ; ociili fund, elUplici, sitbprominuli ; antenna fuscce, basi pallicla- ; prnthorax rufo uni/inmius, carinis laleraiibus indelermimttis ; protternum antice nigrum; mfsosternum el metasternum incina ; abdomen rosea late villalum ; nviduclus abdaniinis dimidio brevior ; pedes graciles, Jemoribus tibiUqtie subspinulosis ; alee anlicce angustie, areol arum discis margineque poslico nigra punctatis ; alee pusticce diapharicc, apice viridi plagiatce. Female. Ocliraceous-iii, libii^ (jualuor anlerioribus femoribusqne spinulosis, iibiis paslicis spinosis ; alte antica sat angusUr, msen inar(jiniit(E, cns/a basi niyro liueala ; alromi- nttli ; prolhoracis carina: laferales vix dclenninala; ; sternum incisiim ; cerci graciles, arcnali ; pedes graciles, femoribus tibihque spinulosis; al;s narrow, shorter iiy one line and a half than the hind winL;s ; hind border lawny; large areolels well defined, generally regular. Hind wings pellucid, with a green apical patch; veins pale green. Length of the body Hh lines; expansion of the fore wings 28 lines. The large areolels of the fore wings are more clearly defined and generally more regular than those of P. glaucescens ; it differs especially I'rom that species in having no tunpaniim. a. New South Wales. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. 58. PirANKUOPTERA SUBUOSEaTA. Foem. Viridis, gracilis ; ciput carinuta f areata rosea, labro albo ; oculi Ipslaci'i, elliptici, prnminuli ; antenna lestacecr ; prothorax orhraceo bivittalus ; carinis lateralibus bene determinntis ; sternutn inriaum ; oviductus abdominis dimidin brevior ; jied/'s longiusruli, sat graciles, tibiif qiiatuor anterioribus femoribusque spinulosis, libiis poslieis spinosis ; alee anlica sat angusttc, nvirgine postico lestuceo; alte j)')stica: diaphana, pliga apicali viridi. Female. Grass-ijreen, smooth, slender, shining. Head with the usual structure, as broad as the prothorax; keel between the eves rosy; lal)rum white. Eyes teslaeeous, elliptical, prominent I'alpi with the usual structure. Antennae lestaceoiis, long, slender. Prothorax with a fiat di>k which widens hindward and has un ociiraceous stripe aud a well-delined 352 CATALOGUE OF lateral keel on each siJe; fore lioider slightly excavated ; sides and hind border rounded. Stermim noiclied in each part. Abdomen with a rosy stripe which is dilated on the hind border of each segment. Oviduct with tlie usual structure, less than half ihe lengili of the abdomen. Legs rather long and slender; spines of the femora and of the four anterior libite very minute; those of the hind tibice larger. Fore wings ratlier narrow, shorter by half a line than the hind wings ; hind border and a line along the anal vein testaceous; large areolets clearly defineil, mostly regular. Hind wings pellucid ; apical patch green ; veins greenish white. Length of the body 10^ lines; expansion of the fore wings .'30 lines. In the comparative length of the fore wings and of the hind wings it much resembles P. lata, but the areolets of the fore wings are more regular than in that species. (I. Australia. From Mr. D.unel's C(dlection. 59 . PHANEIiOPrEliA VALIDA. Mas. Viridis, gracilis, testaceo vuria ; ociili fiisci, ellipliri, prnniinnli ; vrolhnrax carinis laUralibus bene delenniiialis ; iiiesoslcrtiuni el mela- stfrnuin valde incisa ; cerci subarcuali ; conticula duo infera brevis- sima ; pedes gracites, femoribus libiisque spinulosis; (dee poslicce diaphaiiCE, playa apicali viridi. Mdle. Green, smooth, slender. Body partly testaceous. Head with the usual structure, a little narrower than tlie protliorax ; fore part shining. Eyes brown, elli|itical, prominent. Antenna; long, slender. Prothorax with a flat disk which widens hindward and has on each side a well-defined lateral keel; fore border very slightly excavated; sides and hind border rounded. RIesosternum anil metasterniun deeply notched. Cerci lanceo- late, slightly curved upward; the two lower appendages very short. Legs long, slender ; femora and four anterior tibiie wiih very minute spines, those of the hind libite a little larger; hind femora incras>;aled for more than half the length from the base; fore tibis slightly dilated at the base. Fore wings narrow, shorter by two lines than the hind wings ; large areolets not distinctly marked, mostly irregular; longitudinal veins with the usual structure. Hind wings pellucid ; apical patch green ; veins very pale green. Length of the body » lines; expansion of the fore wings 36 lines. It may be distinguished from P. glaucescens, P. congrua and P. stih' roseata by the fore wings, which are longer in proportion to the hind wings. It is rather more slender than P. pinguis,nud the spines of the hind tibia? are smaller. «. South Australia. Presented by E. Bakewell, Esq. 60. Phanehoptera simplex. Fcem. Viridis, sat gracilis ; caput plagis duubus lubroque albidis ; oculi pallide lividi, ovati, protniuuli ; unlenixc fulvce, basi patlide virides ; prollinrax luteo bivltlatus, carinis laleralibus bene delerminatis ; sternum incisum ; oviduclus abdominis dimidio valde brevior ; pedes LOCUSTIDiE. 353 sat valicli, vix longi, femoribus tibmque spinulosis ; ahe anticce sat anguslcc, margine postico fusco-punctato ; aUc posticee diaphamc, plaga apicali viridi. Female. Green, smooth, sliininf;:, rather slender. Head with the usual slrnclure, almost as hroad as the proiliorax ; a whitish patch on each side of the vertex ; lahrum whitish. Eyes pule livid, oval, prominent. Palpi with the usual structure. Anteunee tawny, lony three lines than the hind wings, whitish along the hind border and between the costa and the scapular vein, this space dilated and rounded towards the base; aieolets large and regular in the whitish spaces, very minute and irregular else- where; lyoipanum of the right wing pellucid. Iliml wings pellucid; veins white ; a pale testaceous streak along the apical part of the costa. Length of the body 6 lines; expansion of the fore wings 14 lines. The specimen described is mutilated ; it hardly belongs to the genus Plianeroplera. a. ? Genus 89. EPHIPPITYTHA. Phaneroptera (Div. 2. Ephippitytha), Serv. Hist. Orth. 422 1. Ephippipytha trigintiduogdttata. Phaneroptera (Ephippitytha) trifjintiduogultata, Serv. Hist. Orth. 422. — Ephippitytha niacuiala, Evana, Trans. Ent. Soc. iv. ;J03, pi. 21, f. c. a, b. Australia. From Mr. Suiichbury's collection. c. Australia. From Mr. Darnel's coUecliou. 356 CATALOGUE OF d, e. Sydney. From Mr. Argent's collection. /. Australia. From Mr. Birch's collection. g. Australia. Presented by Sir J. Liddell. h. Australia. From the Rev. Mr. Wenham's collection. i. New South Wales. 2. Ephippitytha ireorata. Phaneroptera (Ephippitytha) irrorata, Serv. Hist. Orlh. 423. Australia. 3. Ephippitytha zebeata. Phaneroptera (Ephippitytha) zebrata, Serv. Hist. Orth. 424, pi. 1 1, f. 1. a. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 4. Ephippitytha acanthocephala. Phaneroptera (Ephippitytha) acanthocephala, Serv. Hist. Orth. 425. Australia. 5. Ephippitytha? pardalis. Mas. Testacea, sal gracilis ; caput albido-testaceum ; oculi fusci, rotundi, valde prominuU ; prolhorax longiuscidns,postice sxibsidcalus, carinis lateralibus indeterminatis ; pedes sat validi,fenioribus tibiis- que spinulosis, femoribus anticis nigricante conspersis; alee anticce virides, sat angustce, apice rotundatce, maculis guttisque nonnullis albidis nigro notatis ; alee posticce diaphance. Male. Testaceous, smooth, shining, rather slender. Head whitish testaceous, a little narrower than the prothorax ; a forked keel between ihe eyes ; a transverse furrow between the front and the face. Eyes brown, round, very prominent. Palpi long, slender; fourth joint much shorter than the third, less than hiilf the length of the fifth. Antennae green, testa- ceous at the base. Prothorax elongate, minutely brown-speckled ; hind part with a slight longitudinal furrow; lateral keels indeterminate; fore border hardly excavated ; sides in the middle and hind border rounded. Mesosternum and nietasternum notched. Legs long, rather stout; femora and tibije with minute spines; hiiid femora incrassaled for full half the length from the base; fore femora blackish-speckled; fore libiee dilated at the base. Fore wings green, rather narrow, rounded at the lips, shorter by full one line than the hind wings ; several whitish black-maiked spots and dots of various size in the disk ; large and small areolets irregular ; space between the costa and the scapular vein broad. Hind wings pellucid ; veins green. Length of the body 12? lines; expansion of the fore wings 38 lines. The minute spines of the hind femora distinguish it from the typical species of this genus. a. Silhet. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. LOCUSTID^. 357 Genus 90. ANCYLECHA. Ancylecha, Serv. Hist. Orlh. 411. I. Ancylecha lundligera. Locusla fenestrata ? Frt6r. Enl. Sysl. ii. 34 — Ancylcclia ltiniilio:era, .Sen;. Hist. Orlfi. 412 — Lociista (Phylloptera) feneslrata, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 197. a. Assam, p'loni Mr. Warwick's collection. b. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. Genus 91. TRICALA. Corpus robustum. Caput cornu brevi valido oblique ascendeute arma- tum. Oculi fere rutundi, valde prominuli. Palporuiu maxillariura articuli 3us et 4us robusti, subaquales ; 5us valde longior et gracilior. Prothorax sellatus, transverse bisulcalus, postice subascendens. Alae anticae vix lalae, apice iruncatae. Body stout, smooth, shining. Head a Hide narrower than the pro- thorax ; a stout, short, obliquely ascending horn on the vertex between the eyes; front erect. Eyes nearly round, very prominent. Third and fourth joints of the maxillary pal|)i stout, nearly equal iu length; fifth longer than the two preceding joints together and much more slender. Prothorax saddle-shaped, with two transverse furrows and with an elevated hind part. Mesosternum and metaslernum notched. Fore wings hardly broad, uun- cated at ihe tips, a little shorter than the hind wings. 1. Tkicola jiystrix. Phaneroptera hystrix, IVestw. Arc. Eiit. pi. 70. Colombia. a. Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Club. Genus 92. VALNA. Mas. Corpus glabrum, breviusculum, sat robustum. Caput parvum, prothorace angustius ; vertex carinalus. Oculi rotuudi, valde prominuli. Palpi breviusculi; articuli 3us et 4us subaequales ; 5us clavatus, 4o valde longior. Prolhorax sellatus, postice planus et rotuudatus. Sternum incisum. Abdomen thomce vix lungius; cornicula apicalia lanceolata, arcuata. Pedes breves robusti ; femoribus tibiisque spiuosis, femoribus dilatato spinosis. Als aniica; anguslte, apice subtruucatx', alis poslicis breviores. Male. Body smooth, shining, rather stout and short. Head small, narrower than the protliorax; vertex keeled; front erect. Eyes round, extremely prominent. Maxillary palpi rather stout ; third and fourth joints nearly equal iu length ; liftli clavate, much longer than the fourlh. Antenn:u long, slender. Protliorax saddle-shaped; hind part flat, elou- galed, rounded ; fore border straight ; sides rounded. Sternum notched in each division. Abdomen hardly longer than the thorax ; apical appendages curved, lanceolate. Legs short, thick ; femora beyond the middle with a dilated membrane which is armed with spines; four anterior tibia; with 358 CATALOGUE OF small slender spines ; fore tibiae dilated at the base ; hind tibiae with two rows of small slender spines and wilh two rows of stout spines. Fore wings narrow, slightly truncated at the tips, somewhat shorter than the hind wings; large areolets regular. Type V. Melaleuca. 1. VaLNA MELALEUCA. Mas. Alba ; caput striga lanceolala, lilura furcata,viltis duabus fascia- que nigris ; palpi nigra gutlati ; anlenncB nigrocincUe ; prothorax postice nigra inlerrupte marginalus ; pectus nigra biannulatum et bi- maculatum; pedes nigra fascia ti ; ales anticce nigra punctatce et maculata ; ala posticce apice nigra notatce. Male. White. Head with a black lanceolate streak and with a black forked mark ou the vertex, with a black stripe on each side between the hind border and the eye, and with a black band between the eyes. Eyes pale livid. Palpi wilh black dots. Antennae black beneath at the base and with black rings. Hind border of the prothorax interruptedly black. Pectus with a black spot and an irregular black ringlet on each side. Sternum with a purplish tinge. Abdominal appendages black at the base and at the tips. Coxae and femora with some black marks ; mem- brane of the hind femora brown ; tibiae black towards the tips ; hind tibiae with three black bands; tarsi black. Fore wings shorter by nearly three lines than the hind wings, with several black points in the disk, and with some irregular black spots along the cosla and along the hind border; costal space pellucid. Hind wings with some black marginal spots towards the tips. Length of the body 7 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 30 lines. a. Rio Janeiro. Presented by — Busk, Esq. 2. Valna alipes. Phaneroptera alipes, Wesiw. Arc. Ent. ii. 87, pi. 70, f. 1. Mexico. Columbia. 3. Valna? phyllacantha. Phaneroptera phyllacantha, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 688. Bahia. 4. Valna? cruenta. Phaneroptera cruenta, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 691. Bio Janeiro. Genus 93. SANABRIA. Mas. Corpus laeve, sat gracile. Caput prothoraci aequilatura ; vertex convexus. Mandibulae magnte. Oculi longi elliptici, prominuli. Palpi sat robusli ; articulus 5us 4o duplo longior. Prothorax sellatus, lateribus margineqne postico subrotundaiis. Abdomen basicouico-gibbosum. Pedes robusti, spiuis paucis membrauaceis annati. -I^CUSTIDiE. 369 Male. Body smooth, rather slender. Head as broad as the prothorax ; vertex convex ; front oval. Mandihles large. Eyes elonfjale-eiliptical, prominent. Maxillary palpi rather stoni; filth joint about twice the length of the fourth. Antenna) Uin<;, slender. Proihor.ix saddle-shaped ; fore border nearly straitrhi ; sides and hind border slightly rounded. Sternum not notched. Ahdomen with an erect cone at the base; apical appendages lanceolate. Legs stonl, moderately long ; femora and tibiae with several spines and with a few large niemhranous spines beneath. This genus is nearly allied to Valna. The specimen described is probably in ihe larva state. 1. Sanabria fuscescens. Mas. Teslacea ; caput vertice vitlisque duabtis talis fuscis ; prothorax macula fusca trigonu ; abdomen fuscuin, bast testaceum, viaculis qualuor dorsatibus luleis maculisque duabus poslicis ieslaceis ,• pedes fusco fasciati. Male. Testaceous. Head with the vertex and a broad stripe on each .side of the frout brown ; fure pari shining. Eyes tawny. Prothorax with a triangular brown spot in front. Abdomen brown, testaceous at the base, with four luteous spots on the dorsum and with two testaceous spots on each side near the tip. Femora with one membranous snbapical spine. Hind femora with two irregular and incomplete brown bands; four anterior femora with brown tips ; hind tibiaj with three brown bands and with four membranous spines; four anterior tibice brown at the base and at the tips and with three membranous spines. Length of the body 6 lines. a. Birmah. From Mrs. Waring's collection. Genus 94. VELLEA. Fcem. Corpus robustum, glabrum. Caput cannula antica sulcata postice dilatata ; frons subpunclata. Ocnli prominuli, fere rotundi. Palpi graciles; articulus 3us 4o duplo longior; 5ns 3o longior. Antennje longa;, gracillimsp. Prothorax disco piano punclato puslice latiore sulcis duobus transversis lo angulato, carinis lateralibiis bene delerminatis, lateribus margineque postico rolundatis. Mesosternum et metasternum incisa. Ovi- ductus arcuatus, a;quilatus. Pedes robusti, pubescentes, femoribus tibiisque posticis longis, illorum spinis subfoliaceis. Ala antica; angustae. Mm poslicae longiores, amplae. Female. Body stout, shining, smooth. Head nearly as broad as the prothorax ; a furrowed keel on the fore part of the vertex, dilated hindward, separated by a transverse suture from the elongation of the front between the antenna; ; front erect, thinly and minutely punctured. Eyes prominent, nearly round. Palpi slender; fourth joint about half the length of the third, which is shorter than the fifth. Antenna; long, very sli nder, stout and approximate at the base. Prothorax with a punctured tlat disk which widens biudward and has two transverse furrows, of which the fore one is angular; lateral keels well deliiied ; fore border straight ; sides and hind border much rounded. Mesosternum and mciaslenuim notched. Oviduct curved, of equal depth along the whole length, rounded at the lip, shorter 360 CATALOGUE OF than the abdomen. Legs stout, pubescent ; four anterior leo^s sliort; four anterior femora unarmed ; four anterior tihiie with a few minute spines in two rows; hind legs lonfr ; hind femora with two rows of spines, those towards the base minute, those towards the tip large, dihited, suiifalcate; hind tibiae with numerous spines on each of the four keels. Fore wings narrow, rather shorter tiian the hind wings ; large areolets mostly regular; externo-medial vein forked, its fore foik joining the iiiterno-medial vein, the latter emitting a branch at a little nearer the tip of the wing. Hind wings ample; a broad apical streak with the texture of the fore wings, 1. Vellea eosea. Fcem. Viridis, subhi.i lestacea ; (mteniia fulvce ; ahdomen leslaceum ; femora postica nii/rn spinosa ; idee auliia maculis paucis diicoidatibus nigricantibus ; alee po^ticce saturate rosece, tinea transversa informi lutea, spalio exteriore diuphano, siriga apicaii viridi. Female. Grass-green. Abdomen, oviduct, sides of the head and of the thorax and fore part of the head testaceous. Antennas tawny. Legs testaceous; hind femora about three-fourths of the length of the fore wings, iheir spines mostly black. Fore wings with a row of indistinct blackish spots between the interiio-medial vein and the fork of the externo-medial vein. Hind wings deep rose-colour for about two-ihirds of the surface from the base, this hue irregularly i)ordered with luteous ; exterior space pellucid, with a broad apical green patch. Length of the body 12 — 13 lines; expan- sion of the fore wings 44 — 46 lines. a — c. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. d. Demerara. From Mr. Bowers' collection. Genus 95. LEPTODERES. Leptoderes, Serv. Hist. Orth. 409. 1. Leptoderes ornatipennis. ornatipennis, Serv. Hist. Orth. 410 — Locusia (Phylloptera) ornatipennis, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 199. a. Java. 2. Leptoderes oknata, Leplodera ornata, Charp. Orth. pi. 12. Genus 96. SICTUNA. Fcem. Corpus fusiforme, sat validum. Caput prothorace paullo angustius, carinula inter antennas brevi subsulcata. Ociili valde prominuli. Prothorax sellatus, transverse sulcatus, carinis laleralibus indeterminatis. Sternum incisum. Abdominis dorsum subcavinaium. Oviductns valde arcuatus, abdominis dimidio brevior. Pedes graciles, femoribus quatuor anterioribus iuermibus, femoribus posticis tibiisque spinulosis. Alae antics angustffi, apice rotnndata?, aiis posticis perpaullo breviores. Female. Body smooth, subfusiform, rather stout. Head a little narrower than the prothorax; with a short slightly furrowed cone between LOCUSTID.E. 361 ihc antenna;; fivuit flat, iipiifrlit. Eyes very prominent. Palpi slender; (iltli ji)int of llie maxillary linear, about twice the lenj^ili ol'tlie fourth ; thiril joint of the labial elonfialc-fusil'orm. AutciiiiiL' lonjj;, sleiuier. Prolliorax selliform, slijj;hlly contracted and transversely furrowed in the middle; fore border slijjhily excavaltd in the middle and slijjhlly convex on each side; fore border hardly rounded; lateral keels indeterminate; sides with a conical outline. Sleriiuin deeply excavated and forminfj two acute lobes in each segment. Abdomen sliirhlly keeled above. Oviduct deep, much curved, furrowed on each side, about one-third of the length of the abdomen. Legs slender ; four anterior femora unarmed ; hind femora and four anterior tibite with two rows of minute spines beneath, the former incrassated towards the base; hind tibiae with four rows of minute spines. Fore wings narrow, very much longer than the body, very little longer than the hind wings, rounded at the tips; marginal vein emitting six veinlets to the costa, which is rounded for much more than half the length from the base ; scapular vein emitting nine oblique veinlets to the costa, of these the three first are forked and the four last are very short; some large areolels between the veinlets which are obliquely retracted from each side of the irregular longitudinal vein which proceeds from the interno-medial vein; some smaller areolets formed by a few oblique veinlets between the exlerno-medial *ein and the irregular longitudinal vein which proceeds from it. Hind wings ample. The structure of the fore wings sulFiciently distinguish this genus from. Phaneroptera. 1. SiCTDNA STItlGATA. Foem. Lcele viridis ; caput JIavcscente trivitlattim ; labrum alCid'o wargitiatum ; prothorax villa, fascia tnaculisque qualuor pallide Jlavescentibus ; sternum albido marginatum ; abdomen gutlis laterali- bus fldvescentibuSfViltis duubus albidis venlralibus ; alte anliva: striyis obtiquis pallide Jlavescentibus ; aUe poslica: diuphana, slriga apicaJ,i viridi. Female. Vivid-green. Head with a pale yellowish stripe on the vertex and with two stripes of the same hue on the front; labrum with a whitish border. Prolliorax with a stripe, an irregular band and four spots p. lie yellowish. Lobes of the sternum witii whitish borders. Abdomen with yellowish dots along each side and with two whitish stripes beneath. Fore wings with pale yellowish oblique subcostal streaks ; hinder veins bordered with pale yellowish. Hind wings pellucid, green along the lip of the cosia. Length of the body 8 lines ; espansiun of the fore wing» 2« lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. Genus 07. VIA DANA. Focm. Corpus sat gracile. Caput prolhoraci .Tquilatum, inter oculos subspinosum; frons plana, erccta. Ocnli valde prominuli. Palpi graciles, sctnlosi; articuius 3us lo valde loiigior; .Ous snbclavatiis, 3o valile loiigior. Protliorax disco plane, carinis lateralibus bene delcrminati<, lalcribus valde roluudalis, marginc postico subrotundalo. Sternum incisum. Cerci breves, laiiceolati. Oviduclus valde arcualus, abdominis diinidio iu([ui- X 3G"2 CATALOGUE OF longiis. PeJcs graciles, femoribus (lualuor anteiioribus irierinibiis, feinori- l>us posticis tibiisque spinulosis. Ake aiilicap, lata?, subfusi formes, alis pos- ticis perpauUo brevioies. Female, Body ratlier slender. Head as broad as the pnitborax, with a lobe on the inner side of each of the antennae and a short intermediate spine; front flat, uprijiht. Eyes vcrj' prominent. Palpi slender, setulose. Maxillary palpi more than twice the length of the labial; first and second joints short; third much longer than the fourth; fifth subclavate, much longer than the third. Tiiird joint of the labial palpi nearly linear. Aiitennre long, slender; first and second joints incrassated. Prothorax (lai above; lateral keels strongly defined ; fore border straight; sides much rounded ; hind border slightly rounded. Sternum excavated in the middle and rounded on each side in each segment. Cerci short, lanceolate. Ovi- duct deep, curved, about half the length of the abdomen. f^egs slender; four anterior femora unarmed ; hind femora with a few very minute spines ; four anterior tibiae with two rows of minute spines; fore tibise dilated near the base; hind tibiae with four rows of minute spines. Fore wings broad, subfusiform, very little shorter than the hind wings; scapular and externo- niedial veins contiguous, emitting on each side veins ; of these three proceed rectangularly to the costa and five to the hind border, the exterior tiiree of the latter veins are slightly oblique; spaces between the veins with veiiilets, which form irregular mostly quadrilateral areolets. Hind wings broad. 1, VlADANA TEANSVEBSA. Fcem. Teslaceo-viridis ; oculi fulvi, riifescente univillali ; alte posticm diaphancE, alio venosa. Female. Green, partly testaceous. Eyes tawny, with a dark reddish stripe. Hind wings pellucid; veins white. Length of the body 8 lines expansion of the fore wings 24 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. 2. VlADANA BINOTATA. Mas. Viridis, sat rohusla ; caput carinula f areata instructum, anlice alhidum ; antennce fnlvce, basi virides ; abdominis cornicula duo iiifera longa, cylindrica, arctiatu ; aire aquilotigce ; ahe anliecE latius- cida, fusifnrmes, macida discoidaii nigra obliqna rnfescenle margi- nata ; alee posliccc diaphanw, plaga apicali viridi, Male. Green, smooth, shining, rather stout. Head with a forked keel on the fore part of the vertex ; front and labrum whitish. Eyes prominent, nearly round. Antennie tawny, green at the base. Prothorax with a flat disk which widens hindward and has a longitudinal furrow and is bordered by well-defined lateral keels ; fore border hardly excavated ; sides rounded ; hind border slightly rounded. Sternum notched. Cerci lanceolate, curved downward ; lower appendages long, cylindrical, curved upward. Legs rather slender, moderately long; femora and four anterior tibia) with a few minute spines; bind femora incrassated for more than half the length from the base ; fore tibise dilated at the base ; bind tibia; with four rows of minute spiues. Wings of equal length. Pore wings rather broad, fusiform, with LOCUSTID^. 303 a l)latk oblique difTusedly reddisli-borderod spot adjoining the hind side of tlie externo-inedial vein at somewhat beyond onc-lhiid of the lenjjtli of liie wing; i,ii'<;e and small areolets iivejfular ; veins proceeding from the sca|)iilar lo the costa oblique, most of them nearly parallel to each other. Hind wiiips pellucid ; apical patch preen ; veins pale green. Length of ihe body 12 lines; expansion of llie fore wings 32 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 3. VlADAXA DIGllAMMA. Mas. Fir/f/?,s', V. binotataj affinis ; pedes breviores, graciliores ; caput aniice nlbidum ; labruin anlice fuscum ; anlennce funccc ; femora jiostica fttsco iiotatit ; uUc unticcc latiiiscultc, fusiformes, lituris jiallidc ftaresceiitibuft, macula nigra, gullis duahus fusvis; alec Jiostica; diapkana, plaga apicili viridi. Male. Green. Head, prothorax and abdomen like those of V. bino- lata in structure. Fore part of the head whitish ; labrum brown in front. Eyes brown, round, very prominent. Antennae brown, green at the base. Legs rather shorter and nmre slender than those of V. binotata ; hind femora blotched with brown on the outer side towards the base. Fore wings rather broad, fusiform, very little shorter than the hind wings, with some irregular pale yellowish marks, and with a black spot which is at siimerthal beyond one-lhird of the length and is intersected by the interno- medial vein ; two exterior brown dots on the interuo-medial vein. Hind wings pellucid ; apical patch green ; veins white or greenish white. Length of the body 13 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 30 lines. This species differs chiefly from the preceding one in the veins of the fore wings; the oblique veins between the costa and the scapular towards the base are less regular ; the transverse veins between the externo-medial vein and its branch are more numerous. u. Santaretn. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus 98. SORIA. Fcem. Corpus sat gracile. Caput prothoraci apquilatum, inter oculos gibbosidum. Oculi elliptici, proniinuli. Antennie gracillima'. I'rothorax sollalus, disco piano, margine lincaque transversa ruguloso elevatis. Mesothorax el nietathoiax subgibi)osi, iile ol)lique carinatus. Al)d(»men com|)res'e the first is forked and its fore fork joins the second, which is undulating; the other veinsand veinletsform an irregular reticulation. Hind wings broad; a large costal subapical triangular patch with the texture of the fore wings. 1. SORIA CONTAMINATA. Foem. Ferruginea ; caput supra el anlice albidum ; antenna alb(C,n'igro cinctcB ; prothoracis discus patlide liileus, nlbido marginalus ; abdo- minis dorsum albidum ; pedes ex parte virides, nigra waculuti el fasciati ; alee anlicce virides, venis ex parte albo punctatim ntargi- natis, plagis tribus ferrvgineis. In fusco marginata,2a 'Saqite guttas diaphunas includentibus ; alee postiae diaphance, plaga apicali viridi, striga custali fusca, macula subcostali trigima punctoque nigris. Female. Ferruginous. Head mostly whitish above and in front. Antennae white, with several black rings. Disk of the prothorax pale luleous, bordered with whitish wrinkles. Mesothorax and metathorax pale yellow, the former pilose in front, the middle tubercle green. Abdomen whitish above. Four anterior femora with black spots beneath ; hind femora pale green, with two black spots on the inner side, one large and near the base, the other small and near the tip; four anterior tibise pale green, with two black bauds, the dilated part ferruginous above and with black spots beneath ; fore tibiae with a whitish callus above; hind tibia pale green, with five irregular blackish bands ; tarsi pale green. Fore wings green ; veins partly bordered with white points; three ferruginous patches; first patch basal, extending along the cosia to beyond one-third of the length, bordered by an undulating brown line; second and third including some pellucid dots ; second extending along the subapical part of the costa ; third irregularly oval, in the exterior part of the disk. Hind wings pellu- cid; veins white; apical patch green, with a brown costal streak, a black subcostal triangular spot and a black point. Length of the body 8 lines; expansion of the fore wings 21 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. Genus 99. TO PAN A. Mas. Corpus sat gracile. Cap\it prothoraci a;qnilalum, inter ocnios subcarinatum. Oculi prominuli. Palporum articulus 3iis 4o n)ulto lon- gior, 5o mnlto brevior. Antennae gracillin)a\ Prothorax disco piano pos- tice lutescente, carinis lateralibus bene determinatis, marginihus antico et postico rectis, lateribus valde rolundatis. Pedes gracilcs, femoribus qualuor anlerioribus spinosis, femoribus posticis tibiisque spinulosis. Alae anticae lalie, subfusiformes, aiis posticis paullo breviores. LOCUSTlDiE. 365 Male. Body rather slender. Head as broad as the prothorax, with a short keel between the eyes. Eyes prominent. Fourth joint of the tnnxil- lary palpi much shorter tiian the third ; filth much longer than ihe third. Antennie long, very slender; first and second joints iiicrassattd. Di.si< of the prothorax flat, widenin;^ hindward ; laleral keels well defined ; foie bolder and hind l)ordor straij^ht ; sides much rounded. Alxlouien rather lou;;er ihau the thorax. Cerci curved. I-iCf^s slender; four anterior femora with five spines iteiieaih ; hind femora iiicrassated towards the base, with a few minute spines beneath on each side towards the tips; tibiie in structure like tliose of Soria. Fore wings broad, sulifusiforni, a lillle .shorter than the hind wings; scapular and extcrno-medial veins contiguous; llie latter in addition to some transverse veinlets eniits two forked longitudinal veins; tlie first undulating, proceeding from the middle, the second near the lip ; interno-medial vein undulating and forked ; areolels irregular, as they are also in the triangular subapical patch of the hind wings. 1. TOPANA MEDIA. Mas. Viridis ; antennce albidce, nigra fascialcE ; prothorticis carince latera/cs femtginca: ; abdomen lestaceum ; pedes ferrugineo nolali ; alee anlicn tknracicum, Serv., but the descrip- tion of the latter does not fully agree with it. a, h. Mexico. P^om Mr. Glennie's collection. c. Oajaca. From M. Salle's collection. d,c. ? 8. MlCROCENTUUM COULONIANUM. Phylloptera Couloniana, .S'aHW. Rev. Zonl. 18GI, 129. Cuba. 9. MiCROCENTIlUM EXCELLENS. FcEm. Viride ; caput anlice carinula lineari sulcata ; prothorax disco piano scile rugn/oso stria hmgitudinali sirigaque transversa inipressa, vitlis duahus luteis, laleribus cntiicii, mnrgine pnstico rotundato ; mesosternum et metasternum vulde iiicisa; nviductus brei^issimus ; femora qualuor auieriora bispinosa ; alic nuticic casta paliide jlava ; afcc poslica diaphanu, slriga apicali lata viridi. Female. Grass-green, smooth, shining, flead a little narrower than the prothorax, with a furrowed keel of equil bre.idtii on the fore part of the vertex and with a conical elongation of the front between the eyes. Fyes brown, mottled with black, prominent, nearly round. Antcnnie lawny, green at the base. Prothorax with a flat finely rugulose di'-k, of which the fore border is one-fourth of the breadth of the hind border and which has an indistinct impressed longitudinal line and in the lore part an acutely angular transverse impressed line; a luleous slripe on each of the well- defined lateral keels; fore border straight; sides with a conical outline; hind border rounded. Mesosternum and metnsteinum deeply notched. 372 CATALOGUE OF Oviduct much curved, not more than one-fuurth of the length of the abdo- men. Four anlerior femora with two minute spines near their tips ; hind femora and four anterior with two rows of minute spines; hind tibiie with four rows, which are mostly on the two upper keels. Fore wings shorter by two lines than the hind wings, broadest at somewhat before half the length ; reticulation exliemely minute; costa pale yellow. Hind wings as usual. Length of the body 16 lines; expansion of the fore wings 56 lines. It may be distinguished from 31. Tollccum by the prolhorax, which is much longer than its breadth near the hind border and is not elevated on the sides of the disk. It differs from 71/. Coulonianum by the fme vvinirs, whose greatest breadth is before the middle, and by the hind femora, which are not more than half the length of the fore wings. a, b. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. 10. MiCROCENTEUM .SUBiEQUALE. Foem. Viride ; caput el prolhorax luteo hiviUala ; caput stria longi- tudinali carinula anteriore sulcata, labro el Jroniis dente albidis ; prolhorax disco piano scile scubro postice sublalesceute, laleribus conicis, margine postico valde rotundato ; mesosternum el metaslernum valde incisa ; abdomen paliide luleum ; oviduclu.i brevissiintis ; alee antica: sat anyuslcB, alls posticis perpaullo breniores, feiiioribus posticis duplo longiores, costa apud yneduim subconvexa upicem versus recta ; alee poslicce diaphance, striga apicali viridi. Female. Grass-green, smooth, shining. Head nearly as broad as the prolhorax, with an impressed longitudinal line on the vertex and wiih a furrowed ketl on the fore part of the Litter; a luteous slripe on each side conlinued on the lateral keels of the prothoiax ; lalMum and elongation of the front between the eyes whitish. Eyes tawny, round, ])roniineiit. Pio- thorax with a flat finely scabrous disk which widens slightly liindvvard; fore border straight; sides with a conical outline; hind border nuicli rounded. Mesothorax, metathorax and abdomen pale luteous. Mesosternum and metasternum deeply notched. Oviduct deep, much curved, not more than one-fourth of the length of the abdomen. Legs with the usual structure; hind femora about half the length of the fore wings. Fore wings rather narrow, shorter by half a line than the hind wings ; the greatest breadth about the middle ; costa slightly rounded in the middle part ; exterior part straight ; reticulation very minute ; large areolets mostly irregular. Hind wings pellucid; veins greenish white; apical patch green. Length of the body 12 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 38 lines. The smaller size, the narrower hind part of the protliorax and the narrower fore wings distinguish it from M. Aztecum, M. Toliecum and M. Coulonianum. a. St. Donaingo. From Mr. Hearne's collection. LocusTiD,?:. !J73 11. MiCROCEXTRUM DF.CORATUM. Mas et foem. Viride,plus niinusre luteo varium ; caput prolhorace vix angmdux, verlicis cariniila anlica longi-conica sulcata ; prothorax dense punctalus, disco liiieis quatuor transversis impresxis, carinis liileralibus sal di'terminalis ; mavis abdomen coccineo univitlatum ; cerci arcuali,frre cylindrici ; oviductiis brevissiuius ; alee anticce sat an(/tisl(e, femoribus posticis duplo longiorcs , costa apicem versus recta ; aUe postivcc diaphance, striga apicali lata viridi. Male and female. Grass-green, smooth, shininp;. Head, protliorax' pectus and abdomen hiteoiis. Head with the fore part partly };rcen, almost as broad as the prothorax; keel in front of the vertex elon<;:ate-C(inical, furrowed; elongation of the front between the antenna conical. Eyes ferruginous, prominent, nearly round. Antennae brown, green at the base. Prothorax thickly punctured, with a flat disk which increases very slightly in breadth hindward, where it is green ; four transverse impressed lines ; first and second lines curved; third deeply bent; fourth nearly straight ; lateral keels moderately defined; fore border slij^htly exeavated in the middle, slightly convex on each side ; sides with a conical outline; hind border rounded. Mesosternnm and metasternum notched. Abdomen of the male with a crimson dorsal stripe; sides mostly green. Cerci curved, nearly cylindrical. Lower appendages of the male straight. Oviduct very short. Legs slender; spines minute; hind femora as loug as the hind tibia?, about half the length of the fore wings. Fore wings rather narrow, sometimes partly luteous, very minutely reticulated, shorter by one line and a half than the hind wings, the greatest breadth at rather before half the length; costa straicht beyond the middle; large areolets few, irregular, not clearly defined. Hind wings pellucid ; veins pale green ; apical patch green. Length of the body IOt^ — 12 lines; expansion of the fore wiugs 30—36 lines. It is distinguished from M. subwquale by the keel of the vertex, which is much contracted in front. fl, b. St. Domingo. From Mr. Twecdie's collection. 12. MiCliOCENTRUM DIVISUM. Mas et ficm. Pallide Inteum (mas.) aul viride (foem.) ; caput ex parte albidum, verlicis carinula anlica longi-conica sulcata ; prothorax sublililer punctatus, disco linea longitudinali Hneolai/ue transversa valde flexa iinpressis, carinis lateral ibus bene dcterminatis ; oviductus brevissinius ; cerci recti, apices versus abrupte urciiali ; al, 202. Akxico. 3. DiPLOPHYLLUS ANGUSTIl'OLIA. Plivlloplera aiigustifolia, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 185!), 202. Baliia. 4. DiPLOPHYLLUS ENSIFOLL\. Phvllopteia ensifulia, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 202. Baliia. 5. DiPLOPIlYLLL'S ERINIFOLIA. Piijlloptera erinifolia, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 202. Haliia. 6. DrPLOPUVLLUS dlkodifolia. Plivlloplcra clerodifolia, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 203. Baliiu. Gioup n. FcEin. Corpus robuslum veiticis carina lanceolata sulcata, antennaiura avticulo lo valde anguslior. Prothorax disco (ilano postice latu.scenle linea longitudiiiali lineis(|ue liibus Iransversis iinpressis, carinis laleralibus bene (lelerminatis, niarr^inc poslico rolundato. Oviductus brevissimus. Tibite jiDslicae spiuis sal validis. Ala; anticiD rusiformes, aiis poslicis longiores, spalio subcoslali ialissimo. Female. Body stout, smooib, sliininp. Head as broad as tbe fore border of llie prolborax ; keel of tbe vertex between llie anlenriir lanceolate, lurrowed, niucb narrower tlian tbe lirst joint of tbe antennai ; front wiib a lanceolate keeled elonfjatinn between tbe antennie. Eyes round, pioniinent, Disk of ibe |)rotliorax (lat, wideniny^ bindward, witb one lon0CUST1U.E. 381 18. Phyllopiera? i'arum punctata. LociisIm (Phaneropiera) puni ni j)iuict;it;i, //aaH. Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned.Iud. Bez. Ins. 192. De Haan suggests tliat ibis species may be tbe ihymifolia of P\ibri- fius. Java. 19. Phylloptera crassifolia. Locusla (Pbvlloptera) crassifolia, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 197. Java. 20. Phylloptera nitidifolia. Locusta (Pbylloplera) nilidifolia, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 198, Java. 21. Phylloptera Forstexii. Locusla (Plivlloptera) Forslenii, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Tns. 198. Celebes. 22. Phylloptera retifolla,. Locusta (Pbvlloplera) leiifolia, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 198. Java. 23. Phylloptera carinata. Locusta (I'byllopteia) carinata, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 199 — Pbaneroptera carinata, Slat, Eug. Res. 321. Java. 24. Phylloptkrai? sanguinolenta. sanguinolenta, Westw. Orient. Enl. pi. 25, f. 3. Sumatra. 25. Phylloptera?.' octomaculata. octomaculala, Wrstw. Orient. Ent. pi. 25, f. 4. Sumatra. Genus 10(). OROPHUS. Phylloptera, p., Serv., ^-c. — Phylloptera (Orophus), Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859,204. North America. 1. OUOPHUS oblongifolia. Locusta oblongifolia. Deg. Ins. iii. 445, pi. 38, f. 2 — Gryllus oblongifolius, Han. Cat. Ins. Mad. 5(5 — Phylloptera oblongifolia, Harris, Rep, '3rd Ed. 159. Scud. .Tourn. Host. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 445. a — c. United Stales. Presented by F. Walker, Ksq. 383 CATALOGUE OF 2. OrOPHDS ROTUNDIFOLIA. Phyllopteni oblonoji folia, Harris, Rep. 3rd Ed. f. 75 — Phylloptera rotundi- folia, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, vii, 445, f. 4. a, b. United States. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 3. Orophus caodatus. Phylloptera caudata, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 445. Texas. 4. Orophus samcifolia. Pliyllopteia (Oropluis) salicifolia, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 204. Carolina. 5. Orophus rhombifolia. Phylloptera (Orophus) rhombifolia, Sauss. Rev, Zool. 1859, 204, Carolina. 6. Orophus laorifolta. Gryllus (Tetti^onia) laurifolius, Linn. Mus. Lud. 126; Syst. Nat. ii. 695 — Gryllus (Tetligonia) laiirifolia, Stall, Saut. et GrylL pi. 60, f. 21 ; pi. 17, f. 62— Li)cusla laiirifolia, Fahr. Ent. Syst. ii. 34 — Phylloptera laurifolia, Serv. Hist. Orth. 404 — Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 693 — Locusta (Phylloptera) laurifolia, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 197. a. United States. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. South America. V. ? Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. d, e. ? Mexico. 7. Orophus Mexicanus. Phylloptera Mexicana, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 204. Mexico. 8. Orophus Otomarius. Phylloptera Otomaria, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 204. Mexico. 9. Orophus Totonacus. Phylloptera (Orophus) Totonaca, Suuss. Rev. Zool, 1859, 204. Mexico. 10. Orophus Hoastecus. Phylloptera (Orophus) Huasteca, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 205. Mexico. 11. Orophus tessellatus. Phylloptera (Orophus) lessellata, Sauss, Rev. Zool. 1861, 129. Mexico. LOCUSTIUiE. 3S3 12. Orophus notatus. Mas. Cerviniis ; caput postice fusco bimaculalaliim, carina suhquadrala disco subconcavu; anienncc ni(jw annulatce ; prolhorax disco piano poslice tutescenic, carinis latiralibus fuscis bene deierminatis ; pedes graciles^ subspiiwsi, feinoribus posticis alarum autirarum dimidio loni/iorilnis ; aUc anticic ni(jro gultaUe el biplayiaUe, coata ^ub- rolundala, maryine iuleriore valde rolundalo ; alee posticce lun(/iores, diaphancB, apice cervincB nigra conspersce. Male. Fawn-colour, slender. Head as broad as llie fore border of the piolhonix, with a brown spot on each side behind the eye ; keel of the vertex shallow, subquadratc, very little loned lines ; lateral keels sharjily defined ; fore border slightly excavated; sides with a conical outline; hind border slightly rounded. Mesoslernmum and melasternum deeply notched. Oviduct deep, curved, as long as the abdomen. Legs slender; spines small ; hind femora ritther less than half the length of the fore wings. Fore wings broad, minutely reticulated, shorter by one line than the bind wings; costa very slightly rounded; interior border very convex. Hind wings pellucid ; apical patch green. Ijength of the body \0\ lines; expansion of the fore wings 3(i lines. a. Gambia. From Mr. Eendall's collection. 20. Orophus compuessds. Mas. Albido-teslaceus : verticis carina fere plana, vix sulcata, antice paullo angustior et subincisa ; frons inter antennas quadra'a disco impresso ; prothorax punctatus, disco piano postice latescente et ferru- gineo, carinis lateralibus bene detcrminatis, lobis lateralibus fusco LOCUSTID.E. 387 imislrigatis ; pedes loniyi, graciles, spinulosi, femnrihus poxticia alartnJi aiiticarum diiitiflio puiillo lotujioribiu ; aUc unlicic Jirru- ginetc, angusUc, plus triplo longiore quam lalcc, casta subrulundata viargine poslico dimidio basalt convexo ; alee poslicce diaphanw, apice ferruginea: el reliciiluUe, Male. Whitish testaceous. Head as broad as the fore border of the prolhorax ; keel of the vertex nearly flat, very sli<,'hlly furrowed, a liitle uavrower in front, wiiere it is slightly notched and is broader than the first joint of the antenna-; front between the sockets of the antenn;u quadrate and with a slightly excavated disk. Eyes tawny, prominent, elliptical. Prolhorax punctured ; disk flat, slightly widening hindward, with two im- pressed lines, one longitudinal, the other transverse, both indistinct, the hind part ferruginous; lateral keels well defined; fore border straight; lateral lobes elongated, rounded, with a brown streak on each by the fore border; hind border rounded. Legs testaceous, long, slender; spurs minute, those on the femora rudimentary; hind femora a little more than half the length of the fore wings. Fore wings ferruginous, narrow, lanceo- late, minutely reticulated, rounded at the lips, more than thrice as long as broad, their greatest breadth at about one-third of ihe length ; cosla slightly rounded; inteiior border rounded from the base to the middle ; transverse veins between the scapular and the cosla ramifying irregularly; sca|)ulav and exlerno-medial diverging slightly from each and ramilying beyond the middle; aretdets rather large, mostly irregular; tympanum of the left with a black spot in the disk. Hind wings pellucid, longer than the fore wings by nearly three lines; veins pale; apical patch ferruginous, minutely reticulated. Length of the body 10^ lines ; expansion of the fore wings 36 lines. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. Genus 107. LOBOPHYLLUS. Pbylloptera (I.obophyllus), Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 205. 1. LonopiiYr.njs lkgumen. Pbylloptera (Lobophyllus) legumen, Snuss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 205. America. Genus IDS. PETALOPTERA. Pbylloptera (Petaloptera), Souss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 205. 1. PlirALOI'TEUA ZeNDALA. Pbylloptera (Petaloptera) Zendala, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 205. Mexico. Genus 109. PYCNOPALPA. Pbylloptera (Pycnopalpa), Serv. lint. Orlli. 408. 1. PVCNOPAT.PV UICOUDATA. Lncusla bicordata, Enc. Meth. x .310— Pliylloptera (Pycnopalpa) bicorilata, Serv. Rev. 46; Hiit. Ortli. 408. Brazil. 388 CATALOGUE OF Genus 110. TOKBIA. Mas et fcem. Corpus lobustum. Capitis carina lanceolata sulcata, anteunarum ariiculo lo aequilata; frons convexa, inter antennas lanceo- lata. Oculi rotundi, valde prominuli. Palporum articulus ous clavatus, 4o duplo longior. Protlioracis discus planus, postice sulilatescens; carinjE laterales bene determinata; ; margo posticus subrotundatus, subelevatus. Mesosteruum et metasternum valde incisa. Pedes longi, sat graciles, spinosuli ; femora postica alarum anticarum dimidio longiora. Alte anticas lanceolatae, sublilissirae reticulalse, veuulis transversis plurimis, vena ex- terno-media ramis qualuor, lo 4oque fnrcatis, costa roiundata, margine interiore recto. Mas. — Lamina supra-analis brevis, triangularis. Cerci subarcuati, fere cylindrici. Stj'li breves, lanceolali. Fcem. — Oviductus arcuatus, brevissimus. Male and female. Body stout. Head hardly narrower than tlie fore border of the pmlhorax; keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed along the whole length, as broad at iis base as the first joint of the antennas ; front convex, lanceohue between the sockets of the antennte. Eyes round, very prominent. Fifth joint of the maxillary palpi ciavale, full twice the length of the fourth. Anlennap long, slender. Prothorax with a flat disk, which widens sli^'htly from the fore border to the hind border; a longi- tudinal impressed line emitting a curved oblique branch on each side for- ward ; lateral keels well defined ; fore border and lateral lobes very slightly concave; hind border slightly convex and elevated. Mesosteruum and metasternum deeply notched or forming two lobes. Legs long, rather slender; femora with rudimentary spines; hind femora iucrassaled for a little more than half the length from the base, rather more than half the length of the fore wings; tibis with minute spines, those on the hind tibias on each of the four keels. Wings of equal length. Fore wings lan- ceolate, minutely reticulated; their greatest breadth at somewhat before the middle and about one-fourth of their length ; costa rounded; interior bolder straight; transverse veins approximate, very numerous, nearly jiarallel, here and there forked, oblique between the scapular vein and the costa; externo-niedial vein diverging very slightly from the scapular at somewhat beyond hall' the length, emitting four branches, of which the first and the fourth are forked; interno-medial aud anal nearly straight ; tympanum pellucid, largest in the rii;ht wings. Hind wings with a minutely reticulated apical patch. Male. — Supra-anal lamina short, tri- angular. Cerci nearly cylindrical, slightly curved. Subgenilal lamina with two short lanceolate styles. Female. — Oviduct curved, very short, about one-eighth of the length of the abdomen. The triangular form of the keel of the vertex and the peculiar structure of the transverse veins of the fore wings sufiicieutly distinguish this genus. 1. TORBIA PEEFICITA. Mas et fcem. Viindis, lutescente varia ; antenna: rufce, basi virides ; ahe posiica diaphana, slriga apicali lata viridi. Male and female. Green, here and there pale lutcous. Eyes tawny. Antenna} red, green at the base. Hind wings pellucid; apical patch aud T.OCUSTID.E. 389 veins green. Length of tlie l)0(ly 18 — 21 lines; expansion of ihe fore wings 50 — oS lines. a, b. Australia. From Mr. Slutchl)urv's colleclion. Genus 111. COSMOPHYLLUM. Cosmophylluiu, Blanch. Gay, Chili, vi. 50. 1. COSMOPHVLLUM PALLIDULUM. palliduluni, Blanch. Gay, Chili, vi. 52. Cbili. 2. CoSMOPHYLLUM OLIVACEDM. olivaceum, Blanch. Gay, Chili, vi. 52. Chili. Genus 112. ITARTSSA. Fam, Corpus robusiuin, fusifonne. Caput prothoracis margine aiitico paullo an^jusiius; verlicis carina conica, .sulcati, obtusa, anten- naruin articulo lo paullo angiistior; frons convexa, breviuscula, inter antennas conica. Oeuli prominuli, fere elliplici. Palpi maxillnres setulosi ; articulus 5us subclavatus. Proiborax disco fere piano, carinis lateralibus nullis. Mesosiernuni et metaslernnni incisa. Oviductus brevissinnis, apice scaber. Pedes robusti, breviusculi. Alie anliciB latissimjE, subovata, cosla basi valde convexa apiceni versus ol)lique punctata, margine posiico Totundato. Als postica; longiores, apices versus transverse angulatim plicata;. Female. Body stout, fusiform, smooth, shining. Head a little nar- rower than the fore border of the proihorax; keel of liie vertex conical, furrowed, obtuse at the tip, a little narrower than the first joint of the antennae; front convex, rather short, its elongation between the eyes conical, remoie from the keel of the vertex. Eyes prominent, nearly elliptical, more rounded on the outer side than on the inner side. Maxil- lary palpi selulose ; fourth juitit rather shorter than the third, a little more than half the length of the fifth, which is subciavate. Antennie long, slender. Prothorax with a nearly Hat disk, which widens liindvvard and has a longitudin;il impressed line; lateral keels obsolete; fore border and sides straight, the latter rounded towards the hind border, which is much rounded. Mesosleriiura more largely notched than the metaslernum. Oviduct deep, curved, scabrous towards the tip, about one-f'oiirlh of the length of the abdomen. Legs stout, rather short; spines on the femora and on the four anterior libiiu very minute, those on the four keels of the hind tibite a little larger. Fore wings very broad, irregularly oval, very minutely and thickly punctured, the space in front of the scapular vein a little narrower than thai behind il; cosla much rounded near the base, siruighl along its outward part, between which and the end of the scapular vein it is obliquely and al)ru|)lly truncated; a few oblique ramose veins proceeding from the scapular vein lo the costa ; areolels small, irregular; a fuw large, regular areulels between the extcrno-medial vein and the inierno-mcdial vein, the laller with little knobs towards the base; a fold 390 CATALOGUE OF along the anal vein; veins most stronply mnvkcd ou the under side; interior border rounded. Hind wings somewhat longer than the tore wings, folded transversely towards tlie tips and having the texture of the fore wings along the fore part of the fold, which is angular. It differs widely from most other genera of Plujllopleridce in the space from the keel of the vertex to the front between the antenna", in the much rounded sides of the disk of the prolliorax, in the structure of the fore wings, and in the transverse fold of the hind wings. 1. ItARISSA LAUrtlXIFOI.IA. Foem. Viridis ; anlemue fuscce, basi virides ; alee posticce diaphame, apud plicam transversam subliliter areolalce. Female. Green. Eyes and antennce brown, the lalter green at the base. Abdomen pale tesiaceous. Hind wings pellucid ; veins pale green ; some minute areolets along the fore part of the transverse fold. Length of the body 14 lines; expansion of the fore wings 40 lines. a. Para. Presented by G. Graham, Esq. Genus 113. STEIRODON. Gryllns, Linn. — Phyllophora, Thunb. — Phaneroptera, Drulle — Locusla, Fa6r.— Sleirodon, Serv. Rev. 44; Hut. Orlh. 399. 1. Steirodon citrifolium. , Drg. Ins. iii. 4-37, pi. 37, f. 3. Roes. Ins. ii. pi. 16, f. I— Gryllns citrifoluis, Linn. Mus. Litd. 125; S>/st. Nat. n. 69n — Locusta citri- folia, Fabr. Ent. Sijst. ii. 33. Thunb. Mem. v. 286— Gryllns (Tetti- gonia) citrifolia, Sloll, Saut. et Gryll. pi. 4 a, f. 12 — Phylloptera citri- folia, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 694 — Steirodon cilrifolium, Serv. Rev. 44; Hist. Orlh. 401. a. British Guiana. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgck. b. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. c. Brazil. 2. STEIROnON SUBPRODUCTUM. Fa3m. Testaceum ; verlicis carina plana, marginata ; labrurn album; prothoracis discus longiusculus, rugulosvs, linea longitudinali lineisque qualuor transversis impressus, carinis lateralibus albidis crenulatis, margine postico valde rolundalo ; alee untiae longi- fusiformes ; alee poslico: diaphame, longiores, striga apicali lata testacea. Female. Testaceous, smooth. Head as broad as the fore border of the prolhorax ; keel of the vertex conical, shallow, flat, with a whitish elevated border, severed rather widely from the conical elongation of the front; front flat ; labrum white. Eyes elliptical, prominent. Prothorax elongate; disk flat, rugulose, wideninj; hindward, with one longitudinal im- pressed line and four transverse impressed lines; third transverse Hue very deeply bent hindward ; fore border very slightly excavated ; sides with an irregularly conical outline; hind border much rouuded; lateral keels LOCUSTIDiE. 391 wliiiisli, crenulated, sharply defined. Arcsosleniiun and mciasternnm •leeply imtclicd. Oviduct deep, curved upward, al)()ut ime-fourth of the Ien, >ed line, which is only apparent where it inter- sects tbe hinder of two strongly impressed transverse lines; fore border slightly rounded ; sides angular, tuberculate on tbe fore side; hind border much nmnded. Legs sioul; four anterior femora with rudimentary spines; hind femora and four anlurior tihiie with two rows of minute spines ; bind til)i;e with a few minute spines on each of the four keels. Fore wings rather broad; cosla and interior border very slightly rounded; space between the costa and tbe scapular vein with nun)erous areolels towards tbe base, its exterior pait with transverse veins, some of which are forked; scapular and externo-medial diverging from each other beyond the middle and including a row of small quadrate areolels; space between the externo-medial unci the anal vein with two and exteriorly with three rows of large regular areolets; smaller areolels numerous, irregular ; areolets between tbe anal vein and tbe interior ixnder numerous near the l)asc, in one row and very narrow abmg tlie exterior [>art. Mind wings pellucid, a little longer than the lore wings; veins and apical patch testaceous. Male. — Sui)ra-anal lamina elongate-conical. Cerci stout, curved, nearly cylindrical. Sub- genital lamina attenuated bindwanl and furnished with two long styles. Hind femora somewhat less than half the length of tbe fore wings. Tyin- pMiHim large. /'Vm«/e. — Oviiluct black towar;s thick; fore femora with one row of very miniite spines; four posterior femora with two rows of spines, those on the middle femora very small ; hind femorii about two-fifths of the length of the fore wings; tibiae with very minute spines; hind tibiie with no spines on the two upper keels. Fore wings lanceolate, rather narrow, a little longer than the hind wings ; three rows of areolets between the costa and the scapular vein; first row not extending far from the base of the wing; second and third not ex- tending to the tip; second of irregular areolets ; a few areolets in the third large, each including some smaller are(dets; exteriio-inedial vein parting from the scapular in the middle and including with it several small exterior areolets ; one row and beyond the middle two rows of areolets l)elweeii the externo-medial vein and the iuterno-raedial, each areolet including some smaller irregular areolets; two hinder rows of areolets, those along the interior border very numerous. Hind wings pellucid; veins pale green; transverse veins white. Length of the body 19 lines; expansion of the fore wings 56 lines. The externo-medial vein emits its chief branch after it parts from the scapular; in P. tieriifolUi, P. fenestratus and P. uninotalus it emits tiie branch much nearer to the base of the wing. The transverse veins are less numerous and more irregular than those of P. venosus. a. Madras. Presented by Sir R. Sale. b. Silhet. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. c. d. Silhet. From the Rev. Mr. Stainforth's collection. 13. PSEUDOPHYLLUS CONCINNCS. Mas. Pallide viridis, gracilis, testaceo varius ; caput artgustum, carina lancfolala sulcata antennaruin articulo Yo valde augustiore, lahro albido; prolhorax vix scaber, margine anlico subrotundaln, laleribus angulatis, margine poslico vix angulalo ; lamina supra-analis brevis ; cerci crassi ; stijli fusiformes ; alee anticte anguslce, aciitcE, femoribits poslicis triplo lonyiores, apiid venam scapnlarem albn gullal(E, costa rolundala, margine anteriore fere recto ; ala poslica diaphance,paullo breviores, striga upicali lata viridi ferrugineo unilineata. Male. Pale green, slender, partly testaceous. Head rather narrower than the fore border of ihe prothorax ; fore part shining, very oblique; labrum whitish; keel of the veitex lanceolate, furrowed, much narrower than the first joint of tiie antennte; front attenuated as usual between the antennae. Eyes brown, small, round, prominent. Antenute much more than twice the length of the body. Prolhorax hardly scabrous"; tiie longi- tudinal impressed line apparent only in the middle; the two transverse im- pressed lines quite distinct; fore border slightly rounded; sides angular; hind border hardly angular. Supra-anal lamina short, curved downward, with reflexed sides. Cerci short, thick. Subgeuital lamina with two thick fusiform styles. Legs stout ; spines as usual ; hind femora about one-third of the length of the fore wings; iiiiid tiliiae with spines on each of the four keels. Fore wings lanceolate, narrow, acute, longer l)y one line than the hind wings; costa rounded, whitish; interior border almost straight; a few I.0GUSTIDJ3. 405 wbiie dots alonh, shining, very ol>li(|ue ; keel of the vertex lanceohite, furrowed, shorter and narrower than the first joint of the antennae ; front lanceolate between the sockets of the antennae. Eyes tawny, prominent, nearly round. Prothorax minutely tuberculate, with two transverse impressed lines, of which the hinder one is curved; fore b(jriier slightly rounded ; sides neatly straight; bind border rounded. Ovi- dtict slightly black towards the lip, a little more than half the length of the abdomen. Supra-anal lamina elongated, obtuse at the tip. t'erci slender. Legs stout; fore femora and fore tibiae with few and very minute spines; spines of the middle femora and middle tibitc a little larger and more numerous; hind femora less than one-third of the length of the fore wings, with two complete rows of rather large spines; hind tibix' with some minute spines on two of the four keels. Fore wings lanceolate, moderately broad; exterior part of the costa rounded ; interior border nearly straight; rows of areolets between the scapular diminishing from four to one as they are more remote from the base; scapular vein and externo-medial receding from each other beyond the midille and including a row of areolets; two ami exteriorly three rows of large areolets between the exlerno-medial and the anal vein, some of these areolets incomjjleie; a row of small ([uadrate areolets along the interior border, which is minutely reticulated ; reticula- tion larger at the base. Hinl wings pellucid, a little shorter than tlie fore wings; veins pale green or white. Length of the body 15 — 17 lines; ex|),tnsiou of the fore wings 48 — 50 lines. The wings are shorter than those of P. siccus, to which this species has great affinity. a. Ceylon. From the Rev. Mr. Wenham's coUcctioii. b, c. Civlon. From Dr. Thwaitcs' collection. 400 CATALOGUK OF 15. PSEUDOPHYLLDS DETERSUS. Mas. Viridis, lestaceo variua ; capitis carina tanceolata sulcata anten- narum arlicnlo \o pavUo angnslior ; prolhorux liiberculalus^margine antico ratiindato, tnargine poslico valde rotundatn ; cerci fere rylin- drici ; pedes robusti, femorihus quatuor posterioribus hiseriatim spi- nosis ; alee cequilonf/ce ; ala anlicee anguslte, femoribus posdcis plus duplo loiigiores, apice rotund- verse veins from thence to the tip; one row and exteiiiMl\ two rows of large areolets beiween the extenio-medial and the interno-medial ; a row of nar- rower areolets between the interno-inedial and the anal vein, and another (d' small ((uadrate areolets between the anal and the inl( rior border. Hind \\iii<;s pellucid, narrower than the fore winsrs and very little more than half their length ; veins pale green. Length of the body 14 lines; expansion of the fore wings .38 lines. The hind wings of the specimen described may not have attained tin ir full development. The arecdeis in the disk of the fore wings aie n iich (ewer than those of P. liluralus. a. Iliiidostan. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. '20. PsEUDOl'HYLLUS OPACUS, Foein, Virul't!;, Ic^lacvo variux, (iracilis ; caput prolhnrace crquilonfjiDu, utilice albidum, carina longi-coiiica non sulcila avli'iinaruui arliculo ]o paullo ungusliore ; prolhornx subliliter tnbercnlalns, ■>nar(/inibiiii aiilico el pnsiirn val'le roliiiidalis, laleribtts subrolundalis ; pcdfs rnbusti, femoribm vnisnialim s/iinulosis, libiis inermibus ; ula anticcB anyusltc, feinuribiis poxlicis (riplo foiigiares, co.sta suh- nitundata, marijinc intcriore redo; alee pontivce diaphauce, paullo breviores. Female. Green, partly testaceous, slender. Head as long in front as the prothorax and as broad as its fore border; keel of the vertex elongate- conical, not furrowed, a little narrower ami shorter than the fust joint of the aiilenn;c; fore pait whitish, shining; front rouiuled between the eyes, not attenuated between the anienniP. Eyes tawny, prominent, nearly round. Proiliorax thinly and minutely tubirculate, willi a slight keel, and with a transverse impressed line which is forkeil on each side; fore border and hind border much rounded; sides slightly rounded. Supra- anal lauiina elongate-conical. Ceici laiiccolale. Subgeiiital lamina with two very long st_\lts. Legs short, stout; femora wiih one row ol very minute spines; hind femora about one-third of the U'lijith of the fore wings; tibia; unaimerl. Foie wings nairow, veiy minutely reticuhiied, lon.'er by half a line than the hind wings; costa slijihtly rounded; interior border straight; three rows, two rows, or more exteriorly one row of 410 CATALOGUE OF irregular areolets between the scapular vein and the costa ; scapular and externo-medial vein united along the whole length ; three rows of areolets between ti)e externo-medial and the inlemo-medial, the.-e areolets regular in the exleiior part, elsewhere irregular; a row of quadrate areolets between the interno-niedial and the anal vein. Hind wings pellucid ; veins very |)ale green. Length of the body 10 lines; expansion of the fore wings 32 lines. The more slender prothorax distinguishes it from P. sublituralus. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Ten)pleton. Australasia. 21. PSEUDOPHYLLUS GKAKIGER. graniger, Serv. Hist. Orth.467 — Locusia (Pseudophyllus) granigera, Ilaan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. hid. Bez. Ins. 204. a. Java. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. 22. PsEUDOPHYLLUS ANGUSTATUS. Locusia angustata, Slull, Saul, et Grill. 14, pi. 5, f. 17. Java. 23. PsEUDOPHYLLUS LEUCONOTUS. Icuconotus, Serv. Hist. Orlh. 469 — Locusta (Pseudophyllus) leuconota, Ilaaji, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 204. Java. 24. PsEUDOPHYLLUS CUETACEUS. crelaceus, Serv. Hist. Orlh. 470. Java. 25. PsEUDOPHYLLUS TENEBROSUS. Foem. Fu^ctis, robuslus ; caput anlice albidum, carina angusta lanceo- lata sulcata ; prothorax sublilissime tuberculatus, margine antico valde rolunddto, margine poslico angulalo ; oviductus nigra viar- ginatus, abdnminis dimidio valde longior ; pedes crassi, femoribus libiixque posiicis forliler spinosis : alee anticce latce, pallide fuscce, Jemuribus posticis triplo longiores, costa valde rolundata, margine interiore fere recto; altt posiicce cinerece, paullo longiores, apice fuscescenles. Female. Brown, stout. Head a little narrower than the fore border of the prothorax ; keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, about half the l)readth of the first joint of the antenn;p, widely separated from the conical part of the front between the antenna; ; a stripe on each side of the front, clyjieus and lal)rum whitish. I'^yes round, prominent. Prothorax very finely luberculate, with two iuipressed lines, one longitudinal, the other LOCUSTID^i. 411 transverse and more strnnp:ly innikcd ; foie horiler much rounded; sides slojiing oiitw.nil lioin the rnvc border to tlie hind border, which Ibniis a iie.uly rij-lit aii-ile. Ahiloiiu'ii din<;v lestaceons. Oviduct very deej', niucli more than liali' tlie leiij;ih nf tiie ahdomen, bor- dered will) l)hak. Le;,'s thick; fore I'cniora unarmed; middle femora and four aiUeiior tibiic witli a few minute spines; liind femora and hind tibia? with hmg ^Iout spines, the former about one-third of the len\eeii the sockets of the aiiienn;c. Eyes tawny, ellij)- tical, prominent. Pruthorax minutely and thinly tuberculate, with a keel whicli is distinct in ihe hind part, but passes in the middlejnto a furrow ; the hitler is hardly apparent in fnmt of the foremost of the two strongly impresstd transverse lines; fore border rounded ; lateral lobes with tuber- cnhited borders; hind liorder angLilar, elevated. Oviduct a little longer than the abdomen. Legs thick, short; spines large on the outer keel, small on the inner one; hind femora with an additional row of minute spines on the upper keel ; hind tibia) with two rows of very broad spines and with two of minule spines. Length of the body i.^ lines. The S|)ecimen described is not fully developed, and its (ore wings are very much shorter than the abdomen. a. Philii)pine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection. Genus 1-23. ZUMALA. Corpus crassum. Verticis carina lanceolata, sulcata, antennarum arti- culo lo angustior. Oculi prominuli. Antenn;e longa;, graciles. Pro- thorax tuberculatus ; plus minusvo carinalus. Oviductus abdomine breviiir. Pedes robusti, spinosi. AIie autictu latic, margine interiore valde nitundato. Body stout. Keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, narrower than tlie first joint of the antennic. Eyes prominent. Antenns long, slender. Proihorax tuberculate, more or less keeled. Oviduct shorter thnn the abdoniiu. Legs stout, spinose. Fore wings broad; interior horder much rounded. The rounded interior border of the hind win<,'S is the most distinctive character of this genus. It is more nearly allied to Aprion than io Pseudo- phyllus. 1. ZlJ.MAr.V HOntSTA. Fa-ni. Viridia aul tr.ilacea, cras.ia ; caput filhiduin, carina lanceolata siibsulcuta antennarum nrliculo \o valde angustiorc, labro ulbo ; unlenixe nigricanli's^ bnsi lestacea ; prothorax fitbercniatus, carinatus, marginihiis anlico et postico rotiindatis, luteribus snbangulatii ; ori- ductus abdomine paullo brevior ; pedes crassi^ spiuulosi ; ahr anticie latiuscuhc, suhtilissinic striata, femoribus posticis plus duplo lougi- ores, casta pre recta, margine pustico rolundato. 414 CATALOGUfi OF Female. Green or testaceous, thick. Head wbitisb, a little narrower than the fore border of the proiliorax ; fore part smooth, shining; labruni white; keel of the vertex laiicedlate, sli, 241 Azteca,369 Aztecus, 369 azurea, 291 azureus, 291 B. Barhitisles. 2.35, 251 ba.alis, 247, 368 bicoloi, 255, 2k6, 396 bicoloripes, 265 bicordala, 387 bilincata, 284 biliiieatum, 275 bilineaUis, 306 bilineolata, 337 Binglei,258 biiiolata, 362 bisulca, 302 blandus, 323 Boetica, 235 Eoelicus, 235 Boschnakii, 234 hracbypteiii, 302 Biadypdius, 233 brevicauda,307, 311 brevicollis, 237 brevifolia, 275 bievipeiiue, 270 bievipennis, 255, 270, 279 brevis, 347 brcviusculus, 405 Brisoutii, 244 Buerates, 329 Burgeri, 260 C. Calliinenus, 2.32 Camel us, 233 tauiploxypha, 241 canlaiis, 2!S3 capeiisis, 242 capitala, 330 capilalus, 330 cavil) at.), 251, 3H1 Cassina't'olia, 377 (Jautasica, 253 Caucasicu^, 253 caudale, 273 caudata, 283, .382 2 c 418 INDEX, caudatus, 382 Celeliica, 348 Cereris, 378 cervina, 2'28 leiviiuis, 228 Clial)rieii, 251, 252 ChehdopUia, 254, 257 chiil^baa, 395 chloris, 380 cincta, 233 cinctus, 233 cineiea, 252 ciiieieus, 252 Cinsraleusis, 415 citiifolia, 390 citri folium, 390 citrifoliiis, 390 claius, 324 Clonin, 302 clypeala, 252 colligatus, 309 colorata, 394 colorificiis,330 compressicoUis, 237 compressus, 386 concava, 397 concavum, 397 concavus, 397 conciiimim, 268 coiicinnus, 260, 404 coucisus, 322 concolor, 270 congrua, 351 Conocepbalidae, 303 Conocephalus, 279, 303 consobrinus, 315 contaminata, 334 contingens, 304 continua, 337 continuum, 271 contracta,378 coiiaceus, 235 cornuta, 331 Corsica, 246 Corsicus, 246 Corycus, 369 Copiopbora, 331 Copiphora, 331 coviacea, 397 coriaceura, 397 coriaceus, 397 Cosmophyllum, 389 costaticollis, 237 Couloiiianuni, 371 crassiceps, 318 crassifolia, 381 crassipes, 231 Ciatomalus, 225 crepitans, 303 cretaceus,410 Cristovallensis, 325 truenta, 336, 358 ciieullata, 235 curta, 336 cuivieauda, 335, 369 cuspidata, 332 ciiticulare, 269 Cyphoderris, 248 Cyrtaspis, 242 Cyrlophyilus, 397 D. Dalmatina, 334 dasypus, 232, 233 decisus, 384 decorata, 257 decoratum, 273 decoratus, 257 decticoides, 285 Decticus, 243,246,251, 254, 283 denlicauda, 251 denticulata, 255, 292 dentiferum, 391 dentifrons, 307 denuda, 396 Deracantha, 233 derodi folia, 375 derogatus, 260 detersus, 406 Dexerra, 265 diademata, 228 differens, 317 difformis, 253 digramma, 363 diluta, 256 dilutiun, 256 Diplophyllus, 374 Disceratus, 301 discoidalis, 230 dissimilis, 303 diurna, 236 diversa, 246 diversus, 314 divisum, 373 dorsale, 269 dorsalis, 237, 246, 269, 319 Drymadusa, 237 E. eliurneata, 368 Edsvardsi, 395 elegans, 236, 291, 396 ensifer, 270, 334 ensiferum, 270 ensifoiia, 375 ensiger, 303 ensis, 341 Epbippiger, 235, 246, 251 Ephippigera, 235, 251 epbippigera, 291 Epbippilytba, 355 eriiiaceus, 230 erinei folia, 375 erytbrosoma, 303 Eugaster, 230 Eversmanni, 234, 257 exaltata, 414 exaltatus, 31 1 excellens, 371 exemplum, 274 Exocephala, 302 exteiisa, 329 extenuata, 353 falcala, 255, 335 falcatus, 335 fallax, 252 fasciata, 270, 336, 378 f isciatum, 270 faiista, 336 femoralis, 253, 321 feniDiala, 401 fcmcratiis, 401 INDEX. 419 fenestrata, 357, 401 fenestratus, 401 ferruf^inea, 395 Fiscberi, 241 flavescens, 240, 330, 386 flavoscripta, 332 foliicauda, 241 Forsteuii, 381 foilis, 229, 413 froiualis, 264 fusua, 269, 302 fuscum, 269 fuscescens, 260, 275, 359 G. Gampsocleis, 243 Gavorniensis, 283 Germaiiica, 244 Germanicus, 244 gigamea, 290 gi;;anteus, 290 glaberrimiiui, 268 glabiicauda, 241 glaucescens. 350 glaucuin, 269 giacile, 270 gracilis, 253, 332, 347 gracillimus, 307 grallalovia, 337 gramineus, 385 graudc, 270 graniger, 410 graiiigera, 410 graniilatus, 233 gialiosa, 243 grisea, 254 griseoaptera,'252 griseus, 254 guttatus, 305 Guyoui, 230 Gymuocera, 396 H. HaMemanii,239 Haipepbora, 302 haslala, 270 hastatus, 252 basiiCer, 312 beibaceum, 269 Heliodis, 226 Hex.iceiUiiis, 283, 302 Horatospba^a, 302 hordeiCoiia, 348 bdirida, 226 horrid us, 226, 302 Huasteca, 382 Huaslecus, 382 Hypericilolia, 397 Hypericifolius, 397 Hypeiomala, 239 hystrix, 357, 416 T. Idomenaji, 237 incertus, 320 Indica, 292 indicator, 313 inennis, 235 inornata, 250 Insaia, 267 insignis, 344 insuiaris, 325, 398 335, iutactus, 328 iiUennedius, 258 inteiruptus, 318 Iiis, 273 iriorata, 356 irroratus, 307 Ilarissa, 389 jugicola, p;i5 Jurioei, 369 K. Kiibii, 256, 395 Kulenatii, 283 Knnickii, 258 L. Ladiiea, 279 lajUbilis, 355 Lanciana, 280 laDceolata,3l2,330,376 lanceolatum, 340 lanceolalus, 312 lancifera, 332 lateralis, 294 lalicops, 295 lalicollis, 237 latifrons, 310 lalipeiinis, 237, 328 laurifolia, 382 laurilolius, 382 lauvinifolia, 390 Laxmauni, 234 Ledereri, 253 Lefebvrei, 396 leguinen, 387 lepida, 275 lepidum, 275 Leptodera, 360 Leptoderes, 360 Leplophyes, 240, 241 Lesina, 231 Lessouii, 330 Letaiia,277 leucouola, 410 leuconotns, 410 limbata, 236 limbatus, 236 linearis, 278 lineosus, 318 liliilolia, 335, 416 litur.itus, 408 Loboensis, 283 Lobopbyllus, 387 Lociista, 282 Locustidie, 240 loevissima, 240 loliitolia, 348 longicauda, 283, 331, 401 longicaudus, 401 longipeiine, 274 longipcnuis, 26^^, 274 1 ongipes, 230 420 liUcevn, 265 lmiiilifi;era, 357 111 nd;^ 3:59 lute;i, 292 lutescens, 232, 246 M. niacra, 355 inaciocepliala, 284, 291 macn)cej)lialus, 258 maciojiaster, 232 macr<>|iotia, 334 macrunis, 228 inaciilala,237, 355 maciilatum, 276 maculatiis, 237 niaculipeniie, 397 maculipennis, 397 maculosa, 294,336 nia^nificus, 253 raagnilolia, 377 maiulibulaiis, 303 Maori emu, 276 inaiginala, 234, 396 inaiginatus, 226, 234 margineiruttata, 335 margin el la, 376 margiiiil'era, 2^4 niarmorata, 296 Marsa, 253 iiiaxillosa, 307 maxillosus, 307 Mecoiiema, 279 media, 365 megaceijhala,295, 331 Megalodoii, 334 melsna, 275 melaleuca, 358 meltBnum, 275 inelanocantlia, 341 melanocnemis, 336 melanoptera, 291 meiaiiopteriis, 291 Metriopliora, 254 Alfxicaiia, 331, 336, 380, 382 Mexicamim, 270 Mexicanus, 304, 381 Microcentruin,369 INlicropieryx, 251, 254 mililaris. 228 mimita, 291 modesta, 244.396 Moncheca, 289 Monspeliensis, 257 monstrosiis, 248 montana, 255 moutanus, 255 Montesa, 300 monticola, 236 Mossula, 288 Motschulskii, 234 mncro, 323 mill) da, 2S2 mutilata, 4 15 mvops, 401 iMyriifolia, 336, 375, 376 IMvrtifolius, 335 N. nana, 279 Nalalensis, 379 Natoliui, 290 Natricia, 266 Neduba, 250 neglecta, 244 ncochlora, 342 Neriifolia,400 Neriifolius, 400 Niesara, 286 Nieii, 304 iiigridens, 300, 307 iiigroinarginata, 237 iiigromarginatiis, 237 iiigrosignatus, 257 nilida, 395 nitidilolia, 381 iiobilis, 326, 348 nodipes, 290 iiolaliilis, 345 notalus, 383 nubiger, 301 nymph a, 232 O. obesiis, 232 oblon-ifolia, 381, 382 oblongifoliiis, 381 obscuriis, 261, 314 obtiisus, 303 occidentalis, 305 Oceanica, 348 Oceanicuin, 277 ochracea,267 Ochrida, 244 Ocica, 245 octomaculata, 381 Odonttira, 240, 241 Oeskavi, 240 Oleilulia, 416 Oleifolius, 416 olivaceiim, 389 Oiynthoscelis, 251 Olynlhoscelys, 240 Onconotiis, 234 Oniscus, 232 Onos, 233, 290 opacus, 409 oplitbalniiciis, 400 Orchelimnm, 268 Orchesticiis, 248 ornala, 236, 291, 360 (irnaii|ieiinis, 360 ovnatiis, 236 Oropbiis, 381 Orphania, 251 Otomaria, 382 Otomariiii-, 382 ovalifolia, 377 P. pacliygaster, 237 pachymerus, 246 palleiis, 336 pajlicornis, 334 p;illiduliim, 389 pall id us, 231,262 Palotla, 249 Pauacaulhns, 332 Panciui, 257 parallelus, 412 pardalis, 356 INDEX. 421 paruinpunctatn, 347, provincialis, 237 Roeselii, 255 381 Ps'.nul>|ili.vllanax, 398 rosaceiis, 321 parvic;iu(la, 3lS, 116 I'sciidopliyllida-, 397 rosea, 360 jiaivula, ■293 Pseiuloplivlliis, 399 roseala, 343 pauiierciilus, 331 PseiKloiliyncliiis, 330 rolundirolia, 3S2 petlotris, 244 Psomiloiilus, 257 riiliescens, 341 Pedo, 290 Pterolepis, 243, 246 rufoiiotata, 340 pelliicida, 392 Pteropliylla, 335, 397 ruRifi-ons,297 pellucidns, 256 piilcliiipeniiis, 242 rugosicuUis, 236 ])eificita,3S8 piiiictala, 294 peilbiata, 235, 236 ])uiictalissi!iia, 241 S. perfuralus, 235 piinctitera, 342 perspicillaia, 397 punctifioiis, 256 Saga, 290 ])eispiciilanni), 397 punciipenne, 272, 416 Sagona, 366 ptispiuillalus, 397 punclipi'iniis, 416 Salicifolia, 382 l*etalui)lera,387 j)iinciipes, 280 Sallei, 30i I'eleisii, 228 jiuncuiin-alhiun, 376 sallator, 270 pl)