8 3 OMfl HBi CATALOGUE 0V THE SPECIMENS DERMAPTERA SALTATORIA THE COLLECTION OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. PART II. BY, FRANCIS WALKER, F.L.S., &c. PRINTED FOE THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM: LONDON, 1809. \i- o- BIOLOt, | LIBRARY LONDON : K. NEWMAN, TWISTER, DEVONSHIRE STRKET, BI3HOPSGATE. PREFACE. THE object of the present Catalogue is to give a complete List of all the genera and species of Dermaptera Saltatoria known to exist in the collections of European and American Entomologists. The letters a, b, c, &c., after the species, denote the specimens now contained in the British Museum, followed by the habitat and the mode in which each of them was obtained ; and the absence of these letters indicates the species which are desiderata, and there- fore desirable to be procured for the collection. J. E. GRAY. BRITISH MUSEUM, October, 1869. Ml 1 : CATALOGUE, OF LOCUSTIDvE. (CONTINUED). THE Locustidae include several distinct families, but the division of the above group is postponed, in order to ascertain more satisfactorily the number of families, and to assign to each family every genus that it includes. Of the genera of Locustidae in the preceding Part of the Cata- logue, Deinacrida, Rhapidophora, Hadeno3cus, Ceuthophyllus, Schceno- bates, Udeopsylla, Daihinia, Tropidischia, Camptonotus, Macropathus, Libanasa, Machamala, Licodia, Lutosa and Luceua, may be included in the Rhapidophorida3. The genera Cerberodon, Monocerophora, Anosto- toma, Gnathoclita, Hemideina, Licola, Gryllacris, Larnaca, Stenopelrnatus and Lezina, belong to the Stenopelmatidae, to which Servillea and Crato- inulus are also here referred. Genus 26. SERVILLEA. Servillea, Blanch. Gay, Chili, vi. 35. 1. SERVILLEA SFINIFERA. spinifera, Blanch. Gay, Chili, vi. 36. Chili. Genus 27. CRATOMALUS. Cratomalus, Blanch. Gay, Chili, vi. 37. 1. C.KATOMALUS ARMATUS. armatus, Blanch. Gay, Chili, vi. 39* Chili. 226 CATALOGUE OF The nine following genera form the Bradyporidse. Genus 28. HETRODES. ''jtii.-i-iio'ouita, Fabr.— Hetrodes, Fisch. A. S. E. F. \\. 318. fti*~0ipinosi,femoribusposticis supra quadri- spinosis subtus utrinque bispinusis. Female. Testaceous. Head roughly punctured, with a short oblique spine between the antennae. Prothorax slightly scabrous ; fore part with lour spines on the hind part of the disk, with lour in front and with four on each side; hind part with two spines on the hind border and with six on each side like those of H. marginatus. Abdomen with three rows of tubercles, the middle tubercles larger than those on each side. Oviduct very slightly curved, serrated at the tip, much shorter than the abdomen. Legs stout; femora and tibia3 keeled; four anterior femora with spines beneath; hind feuioia with four spines above and with two on each side beneath; four anterior tibiae like those of the preceding species ; hind -ibiae with four spines on each side. Length of the body 19 lines. 228 CATALOGUE OF The less tuberculate abdomen, the shorter oviduct and the fewer spines on the hind tibiae distinguish it from H. pupa. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 6. HETEODES MACRURUS. Foem. Testaceus ; caput unispinosum, vertice scabro, fronte transverse subtiliter rugulosa; prolhorax scaber, antice octodecim spinosus, poslice duodecim spinosus ; abdomen quinqueseriatim spinulosum ; oviductus corpore cequilongus ; pedes rnbusti, spinosi. Female. Testaceous. Head scabrous above, transversely and finely rugulose in front; a short oblique spine between the eyes. Prothorax scabrous; fore part with four spines on the hind part of the disk, wilh four iu front and with five on each side, the hindmost on each side very small ; hind part wilh two spines on the hind border, and with five on each side, the lateral spines successively increasing in size towards the fore part. Abdomen with five rows of spines, the middle spines and those in the second row on each side larger than the others. Oviduct as long as the body. Legs stout; four anterior femora with one spine on each side near the tip, these spines hardly apparent in the fore femora; hind femora with four spines above, with two ou the outer side beneath and with three on the inner side, the first on the inner side very small; four anterior tibiaB much like those of H. pupa ; hind tibia3 with five spines on the outer side and with six on the inner side. Length of the body 18 lines. The longer oviduct distinguishes it from H. pupa and from H. pro- ductus. Group 2. 7. HETRODES PETERSU. Petersii, Schaum, Monats. Berl. Acad. 1853, 777. Mozambique. a— d. East Africa. Presented by Earl Russell. e. East Africa. Presented by Capl. Speke. 8. HETRODES MILITARIS. militaris, White, Met/men's Wanderings in the Wilderness, Appendix. a, b. South Africa, near the Tropic of Capricorn. From Mr. Pearson's collection. 9. HETRODES CERVINUS. Locusta (Hetrodes) cervina, Klug, Haan^ Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 183. Cape. 10. HETRODES DIADEMATA. diademata, Slal, Ofv. K. V. Ak. Fork. xr. 308. South Africa. LOCUSTID2E. 229 11. HETRODES FOBTIS. Mas. Testaceus, fusco nebulosns ; caput unispinomm, vertice scabro ; prothorax scaber, quadrispinosux cornubusque duobus trispinosis armatum, postice tridccim spinosus, lateribus paliide testaceis ; abdo- men triseriatim spinosum ; tibice bispinosa. Male. Testaceous, partly tinged with brown. Head above and pro- thorax scabrous. Head with a rather long slightly ascending spine between the antenna?. Fore part of the prothorax with a directly diverging spine on each side hindward, with two spines on the fore border, which on each side has a long protuberance armed with three spines; hind part with three spines on the hind border and with six on each side; four of the lateral spines long; sides pale testaceous, slightly reflexed. Abdomen with three dorsal rows of spines. Legs long; femora without spines; tibia3 with two spines beneath. Length of the body 15 lines. It is much allied to H. militaris ; the two typical specimens of the latter appear to be in an early stage of growth. It is distinguished from H. cervinus by the two red stripes on the abdomen, by the fewer spines on the hind part of the prothorax, and by the hind tibia?, which have no spines above. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 12. HETRODES VITTATUS. Mas. Testaceus ; caput scabrum, unispinosum, fronte nigricante ; pro- thorax scaber, anlice decimspinosus nigro quadrivittatus cornubus duobus trispinosis armatus, postice octospinosus ; abdomen sexseriatim spinosum, nigro trim tta turn ; pedes robusti, breviusculi, tibiis quatuor anterioribus trispinosis, tibiis posticis quinquespinosis. Male. Testaceous. Head and prolhorax scabrous. Head with a porrect acute rather long spine between the eyes; front mostly blackish. Prothorax with the usual transverse middle furrow; lore part with six obtuse spines in the disk, with a spine on each side, with two spines on the fore border, where there are also two exterior obliquely diverging horns, each armed with three spines; four black stripes, the inner pair very slender, the outer pair very broad; hind part with eight marginal spines. Abdomen with six rows ol spines and with three black snipes, the outer pair irregular. Legs stout, rather short; femora without spines; tibiae with three spines beneath ; hind tibia? with two spines above. Length of the body 12—14 lines. The striped body will distinguish it from the preceding species of this group. The shorter legs will distinguish it from H. fortis and from 11. militaris, and the spine on the head is longer than that of H. Petersii. a. Interior of South Africa. Presented by the late Earl of Derby. b. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 230 CATALOGUE OF Group 3. 13. HETRODES LONGIPES. longipes, Charp. Orth. pi. 8. Var. Female. Pale testaceous, rather long and slender. Head and pro- tliorax very finely punctured. Head with a very short spine between the eyes and with a few small irregular black marks. Antennas blackish, tes- taceous at the base. Prothorax elongate, with a transverse middle furrow ; fore part with three black spines and a black patch on each side, and with an abbreviated black stripe; hind part mostly black, with two black spines on each side and with two on the hind border, which is slightly elevated. Oviduct very short, with a black tip ; sheaths with three black spines above. Legs lung, slender, piceous, with whitish keels; femora with from one to three spines beneath ; fore femora above testaceous, mottled with piceous. Length of the body 18 lines. a — d. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 14. HETRODES GUYONI. Hetrodes (Eugaster) Gujoni, Serv. Hist. Orth. 464. Lucas, Exp. Sci. Alg. Orth. pi. 2. Algiers. 15. HETRODES ABORTIVUS. Hetrodes (Eugaster) abortiva, Serv. Hist. Orth. 463. Guer. Voy. Abyss. 338. Senegal. Abyssinia. 16. HETRODES SERVILLEI. Hetrodes (Eugaster) Servillei, Guer. Leftbvre Voy. Abyss. 338. Abyssinia. 17. HETRODES ERINACEUS. Hetrodes (Eogaster) erinaceus, Fairm. Arch. Ent. ii, 260, pi. 9, f. 1. Gabon. 18. HETRODES DI^COIDALIS. Mas. Testaceus; caput subtiliter punctatum, verlice subscabro ; antennce niyrts, basi leslacece ; prothorax antice sexspinosus plus minusve nigricans aut niger, postice sexspinosus ; abdomen nigro bivittatum aut nigrum testaceo conspersum ; pedes longi, tibiis tarsisque piceis, illis spinosis. Male. Testaceous. Head finely punctured; vertex slightly scabrous. Mandibles with blackish tips. Antenna? black, testaceous at the base, nearly twice the length of the body. Prothorax with a reflexed border and a transverse middle furrow ; fore part blackish on each side or almost wholly black, with three black spines on each side and with two testaceous spines on the hind border. Abdomen above with two black stripes, or black LOCUSTJD.E. 231 with testaceous speckles. Legs long; femora unarmed; tibiae and tarsi piceous; fore tibiae with six spines on each side; middle tibia? with rather fewer spines; hind tibiae with some spines in three rows. Length of the body 1 1 lines. o, b. South Africa. From Dr. Dohrn's collection. 19. HETRODES CEASSIPES. Mas. Fulvns, crassus ; caput punclatum, unispinosum ; antenna nigrcs^ basi fulvcB ; prolhorax antice bispinosus cornubus duobus trispinosis, postice viginti spinosus, lateribus quadrispinosis ; abdomen piceum ; pedes crassi^ nigro vittati, tibiis anticis trispinosis, tibiis qualuor posterionbus quadrispinosis. Male. Tawny, very stout. Head punctured, with a short obliquely ascending spine beiweeu the eyes. Antennae black, tawny at the base. Prothorax rugose, abruptly declining on each side ; four transverse furrows, of which the hinder one is deeper than the others; fore border with two very short spines and with two lateral very short horns, each armed with three short black-tipped spines; four spines on each side; hind border rounded, slightly reflexed, with twenty black-tipped spines, the spines on each side much longer than those in the middle. Abdomen piceous above. Legs thick ; femora and tibiae striped with black ; femora unarmed; fore tibia? with three small black-tipped spines beneath ; four posterior tibia? with four spines beneath; tarsi black beneath. Length of the body 19 lines. a. South Africa. From Mr. Bartlett's collection. Group 4. 20. HETRODES PALLIDUS. Mas. Pallide luleus, subtilissime punctatus ; palpi apice nigri ; antenna picece, basi pallide lutece ; prothorax antice quadrispinosus, postice sexspinosus ; pedes longi,femoribus transverse sulcalis, tibiis spinosis. Female. Pale luteous. Head and prothorax very finely punctured. Palpi and mandibles with black tips. Eyes reddish. Antennas piceous, pale luteous towards the base, more than twice the length of the body. Proihorax wilh a middle furrow and with black-tipped spines; fore part with two spines on each side ; hind part with two spines on each side and with two on the hind border, which is elevated. Legs long; femora and tibiae keeled ; femora transversely and slightly furrowed ; four anterior tibia? with six spines beneath ; hind tibia? with several spines in three rows. Length of the body 14 lines, a. East Africa. Presented by Earl Russell. Genus 29. LESINA. Mas. Corpus robustum, subtilissime punctatum. Caput spina antica subascendeute armatum ; vertex subreticulalus ; frons erecta. Prothorax transverse bisulcatus, antice subtuberculatus, lateribus extensis alienuatis spiuosis, margiue postico ascendente spinoso. Pedes spinosi, sat robusti. 232 CATALOGUE OF Male. Body stout. Head and prothorax very finely punctured. Head as broad as the prothorax (excepting the dilated disk of the latter), with a slightly ascending spine between the eyes; vertex slightly reticu- lated ; front perpendicular. Eyes very prominent. Prothorax bisellate, or divided into three compartments ; first and second parts thinly tuberculate, dilated, attenuated and armed with slender spines on each side; third part elevated, with spines along the hind border. Abdomen tapering, narrower and much longer than the prothorax. Legs rather stout, moderately long ; four anterior femora with stout, rather long spines, three rows of these on the fore femora, two on the middle femora ; hind femora with two rows of short slender spines ; fore tibiae with a few spines in two rows ; middle tibiae with four rows of more numerous spines. This genus is most allied to the first section of Hetrodes. 1. LESINA LUTESCENS. Mas. Pallide, lutea ; prothorax nigro bivittatus et bimaculatus, lateribus bis dilatatis et quinquespinosis, maryine postico quadrispinoso. Male. Testaceous or pale luteous. Mandibles blackish. Eyes pale. Each of the two anterior compartments of the prothorax armed with five spines on each side ; middle part with two black stripes and two exterior black spots in the disk; hind part much elevated, with four long spines. Length of the body 11 lines. a. Amboina. From M. Parzudaki's collection. Genus 30. CALLIMENUS. Locusta, ///. — Ephippiger, Lefebvre — Bradyporus, Charp. Hor. Ent. Latr. Fisch. de Waldk. Orlh. Ross. 216. Serv. Orth. 497. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 27— Callimenus, Sttven, Fisch. de Waldh. A S. E. F. ii. 318. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 676. Fisch. Orlh. Ear. 203. 1. CALLIMENUS ONISCUS. Gryllus (Tettigonia) nympha, Stall, Saut. et Gryll. pi. 11, f. 44 — Ephippiger macrojjaster, Lefeb. Guer. Mag. Zool. i. pi. 5, f. 1 — Bradyporus onis- cus, Charp. Germ. Zeitsch. i. 2, .377 ; iii. 315, 74 ; Orth. pi. 7. Fisch. de Waldh. Orlh. Ross. 217, pi. 7, f. I, 2— Bradyporus dasypus, Serv. Rev. 67; Hist. Orth. 499. Brulle. Exp. Moree. 88. Orth. pi. 29, f. 7. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 28 — Callimenus obesus, Steven, Fisch. de Waldh. A. S. E. F ii. 318— Callimeuus oniscus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 677. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 202, pi. 11, f. 3. a. Turkey. From Dr. Frivaldsky's collection. b. Athens. Presented by — Merlin, Esq. c. South Europe. Presented by Mrs. Mauger. 2. CALLIMENUS RESTRICTUS. Bradyporus restrictus, Fisch. de Waldh. Ortk. Ross. 219, pi- 7, f. 3— Calli- menus reslriclus, Finch. Orlh. Eur. 203 — oniscus ? South Russia. LOCUST1D,E, 233 3. CALLIMENUS DASYPUS. Locusta armaditto, T/iunb. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. v. 284 — Locusta dasypus, Illig. Wied. Arch. i. 144; ii. 230— Bradyporus dasypus, Charp. Hor. Ent. 96 ; Orth. pi. 8 ; Germ. Zeitsch. i. 2, 377— Calli- menus dasypus, Burin. Handb. Ent. ii. 677. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 204, pi. ll,f. 4. Hungary. Genus 31. BEADYPORUS. Bradyporus, Charp. Fisck. Orth. Eur. 205. 1. BRADYPORDS ONOS. Gryllus Onos, Pallas, Spirit, ix. 17, pi. 2, f. 1— Locusta Onos, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 44. Lair. Hist. Nat. xii. 131 — Bradyporus Onos, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 678 — Deracantha cincta, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. vi. 375— Ephippiger Onos, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 190, pi. 25, f. 2. Siberia. 2. BRADYPORUS GRANULATUS. Ephippiger granulatus, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. xii. 105, pi. 3, f. 1, 2 ; Orth. Ross. 19 1, pi. 20, f. 1,2. Altai Mts. 3. BRADYPORDS CINCTUS. Deracantha cincta, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. vi. 376 — Ephippiger cinctus, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 192, pi. 9, f. 1. Siberia. 4. BRADYPORUS CAMELUS. Deracantha Camelus, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. vi. 375 — Ephippiger Camelus, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 193, pi. 9, f. 3. Daouria. 5. BRADYPORUS ANTILOPE. Deracantha Antilope, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. vi. 376 — Ephippiger Antilope, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 194, pi. 9, f. 4, 5. Siberia. 6. BRADYPORUS SPINOSUS. Ephippiger spinosuS, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 195, pi. 27, f. 2. Siberia. 7. BRADYPORDS VACCA. Ephippiger Vacca, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 197, pi. 25, f. 1. Siberia. 8. BRADYPORUS VERRUCOSUS. Ephippiger verrucosus, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 199, pi. 25, f. 3. Daouria. c 234 CATALOGUE OF 9. BRADYPORUS ARANEA. Deraeantha Aranea, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. vi. 375 — Ephippiger Aranea, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 200, pi. 9, f. 6. Daouria. 10. BRADYPORUS TAURUS. Ephippiger Taurus, Eversm. Bull. Mosc. 1859, 128. Kirgis Steppes. Genus 32. ONCONOTUS. Locusta, Fabr.— Gryllus, Pallas— Ephippiuer, Pitch, de Waldh. (olim)— Bradyporus, H.-Sch., Charp , Burm. Handb. Ent. ii.677 — Ouconotus, Fisck. de Waldh. Bull. Nat. Mosc. 1839; Orlh. Ross. 201. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 208. 1. ONCONOTUS SERVILLEI. Bradyporus Laxraanni, H. Sch. Cnnt. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. Fuse. 156, pi. 18— Onconotus Servillei, Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 204, pi. 25, f. 4, 5. Finch. Orth. Eur. 208, pi. 11, f. 8. South Russia. 2. ONCONOTUS EVERSMANNI. Eversmanni, Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 205, pi. 31, f. 8. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 210. South Russia. 3. ONCONOTUS BOSCHNAKII. Boschnakii, Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 208, pi. 31, f. 6. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 210. South Russia. 4. ONCONOTUS MARGINATUS. Locusta marginata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 193— Bradyporus inarginatus, Charp. Hor. Ent. 97. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 678 — Onconotus marginatus, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 210. South Russia. 5. ONCONOTUS LAXMANNI. Locusta Laxmanni, Fabr. Enl. Syst. ii. 45 — Gryllus Laxmanni, Pallas, Spicil. Zool. Fuse. ix. 20, pi. 2, f. 2, 3 — Bradyporus Laxmanni, Charp. Hor. Ent. 97. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 677. Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 203, pi. 9, f. 7. Siberia. 6. ONCONOTUS MOISCHULSKII. Motschulskii, Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 206, pi. 31, f. 7. Caucasus. LOCUSTIDJK. 235 7. ONCONOTUS CORIACEUS. coriaceus, Motsch. Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 207, pi. 31, f. 9. Caucasus. Genus 33. PYCNOGASTER. Pycnogaster, Graells, Mem. Real. Acad. Cien. Madrid, i. 2, 155. Fisch. . Orth. Eur. 205 — Ephippiger, Burm. Hand. Ent. ii. 677— Barbitistes, Charp. — Bradyporus, Ramb. 1. PYCNOGASTER INERMIS. Bradyporus inermis, Ramb. Faune And. 57, pi. 4, f. 1, 2 — Pycnogaster jugicola, Graells^ Mem. R. Acad. C. Madrid. 1, 2, 155 — Pycnogaster inermis, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 206, pi. 11, f. 5, 6. Spain. 2. PYCNOGASTER CUCULLUTA. Bradyporus cucnllatus, Charp. Hor. Ent. 98 — Ephippigera cucullata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 680— Pycnogaster cucullata, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 207, pi. 11, f. 7. Hungary. Portugal. Algeria. Genus 34. BARBITISTES. Barbitistes, Charp. Hor. Ent. 98. Brullt, Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 28. Ramb. Faune And. 53. Serv. Hist. Orlh. 477. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 211 — Ephippiger, Serv. Rev. 1. BARBITISTES B^ETICUS. Barbitistes Baetica, Ramb. Faun. And. 54, pi. 3, f. 1, 2— Baeticus, fitch' Orth. Eur. 21 1, pi. 12, f. 1. South Spain. Genus 35. EPHIPPIGER. Locusta, Fabr., Rossi, Kollar. — Ephippiger, Latr. Fam. Nat. Ramb. Serv. Hist. Orth. 473. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 188. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 28— Barbitistes, Charp. Hor. Ent. 99. Brultt, Hist. Nat.— Ephippigera, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 679. Fisch. Orlh. Eur. 212. 1. EPHIPPIGER PERFORATUS. Locusta perforata, Rossi, Faun. Elr. i. 267, pi. 8, f. 3, 4 — Ephippigera vespertina ? L. Duf. Rack. 347 — Ephippigera perforata, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 213, pi. 4, f. 7. Italy. 2. EPHIPPIGER VITIUM. Gryllus ephippiger, Fiebig. Schrift. Berl. Gesell. Naturf. Fr. v. 160, pi. 3, f. 6 — 8 — Locusta ephippiger, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 44. Pam. Faun. Germ. 33, f. 3. Latr. Hist. Nat. xii. 135; Gen. iii. 101. Panz. Faun. 33, 3 — Barbitistes ephippiger, Charp. Horae Ent. 99 — 236 CATALOGUE OF Ephippiger vitiura, Serv. Rev. 68 ; Hist. Orth. 474 — Ephippi- gera perforate, Surm. Handb. Ent. ii. 680 (ex parte)— Ephippigera diurna, L.-Duf. Rech. 347 — Ephippigera vitium, Finch. Orlh. Eur. 213, pi. 10, f. 2-4. a. France. From Prof. Westwood's collection. b. Naples. Presented by Sir J. Bowring. c. Italy. Presented by Dr. Leach. 3. EPHIPPIGER LIMBATUS. Ephippigera limbata, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 216, pi. 10, f. 7. Illyria. 4. EPHIPPIGER USTOLATUS. Ephippiger ustulatus, Ramb. Faune And. 525, pi. 4, f. 3, 4 — Ephippigera ustulata, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 216, pi. 10, f. 8. Spain. 5. EPHIPPIGER SELLIGER. Barbitistes selliger, Charp. Hor. Ent. 99 — Ephippiger scabricollis, Ramb. Faune And. 51 — Ephippiger Andalusius? Ramb. Faune And. 49, pi. 3, f. 3, 4— Ephippigera selligera, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 217, pi. 10, f. 11. Portugal. Spain. a — c. Tunis. From Mr. Fraser's collection. 6. EPHIPPIGER ELEGANS. Ephippigera elegans, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 219, pi. 10, f. 13. Italy. 7. EPHIPPIGER RUGOSICOLLIS. Barbilistes autumnalis, Brulie, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 155, pi. 15, f. 3— Ephip- piger rugosicollis, Ramb. MSS., Serv. Hist. Orth. 475 — Ephippigera rugosicollis, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 221. South France. Sardinia. 8. EPHIPPIGER MONTICOLA. monticola, Ramb. MS 8. Serv. Hist. Orth. 476 — Ephippigera monticola, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 221. South France. 9. EPHIPPIGER ZELLERI. Ephippigera Zelleri, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 220, pi. 10, f. 14. Iialy. Sect.—? 10. EPHIPPIGER ORNATUS. Ephippigera ornata, Schmidt, Haidinger Berichte Mostheil. Fr. Naturwiss. Wien. vi. 184. Carniolia. LOCUSTHXE. 037 II. EPHIPPIGEB DORSALIS. dorsalis, Charp., Brullt, Exp. Sci. Moree, pi. 29, f. 8 — Drymadusa specta- bilis, Stein, BerL Ent. Zeit. iv. 257, pi. 5. Greece. 12. EPHIPPIGER MACULATES. maculata, Yersin, A. S. E. F. viii. 517. Sicily. 13. EPHIPPIGER TERBESTRIS. terrestris, Yersin, Bull. Soc. Vaudoise, 1854. South France. 14. EPHIPPIGER PBOVINCIALIS. provincialis, Yersin, Bull. Soc. Vaudoise, 1854. South France. 15. EPHIPPIGER IDOMEN^I. Idomenaei, Lucas, Rev. Zool. 1854, vi. 165. Crete. J6. EPHIPPIGER PACHYGASTEB. pachygaster, Lucas, Expl. Alg. Orth. pi. 2, f. 2. Algeria. 17. EPHIPPIGEB COSTATICOLLIS. costaticollis, Lucas, Expl. Alg. Orth. pi. 2, f. 3. Algeria. 18. EPHIPPIGEB LATICOLHS. laticollis, Lucas, Expl. Alg. Orth. pi. 2, f. 4. Algeria. 19. EPHIPPIGER NIGBOMABGINATUS. nigromarginata, Lucas, Expl. Alg. Orth. pi. 2, f. 5. Algeria. 20. EPHIPPIGER LATIPENNIS. Ephippigera latipennis, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 215, pi. 10, f. 5. Algeria. 21. EPHIPPIGER COMPBESSICOLLIS. Ephippigera corapressicollis, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 215, pi. 10, f. 6. Algeria. 22. EPHIPPIGEB BREVICOLLIS. Ephippigera brevicollis, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 219, pi. 10, f. 12. Algeria. 238 CATALOGUE OF 23. EPHIPPIGEB TBILINEATUS. Ephippiger trilineata, Haan, Verz. Nut. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 185. Tripoli. 24. EPHIPPIGEB VARICORNIS. varieornis, King, MSS. Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 185. Syria. Sect, n. Mas. Corpus crassnm. Caput inter antennas bituberculatura, antice erectum et aspere punctatum. Oculi globosi. Palporum articulus 4us 3o non brevior; 5us 4o umlto longior. Prothorax poslice anguslior, laleri- hus subundulatis, margine postico subascendente, carinis lateralihus distinctis. Abdomen prothorace fere duplo longius. Pedes crassi, tibiis quatuor anterioribus femoribusque biseriatim spinosis, tibiis posticis quadriseriatim spinosis. Alae abdominis dimidio non longiores. Male. Body very stout. Head as broad as the protborax, witb two little porrect protuberances between the antenna? ; front and face erect, roughly punctured. Eyes prominent. Palpi truncated at the tips ; fourth joint o*f the maxillary as long as the third; fifth subclavate, much longer than the fourth ; third joint of the labial clavate. Prothorax narrower hindward ; sides slightly undulating; hind border slightly elevated ; lateral keels determinate. Abdomen nearly twice the length of the prothorax. Legs thick ; femora with a few very minute spines on each side beneath; four anterior tibia? with six spines on each side beneath ; hind tibia? with four rows of several spines ; tarsi short. Wings about half the length of the abdomen. Female.— Oviduct straight, a little longer than the body. Wings much shorter than those of the male. 25. EPHIPPIGER AUSTRALIS. Mas. Cinereus ; vertex fascia nigra postice incisa ; fronsfulva; pro- thorax fasciis tribus latis rufescente nigris ; abdomen rvfescente nigrum, ventre pectoreyue fulvis. Foem. — Obscurior ; prothoracis vitta latiores, posticce connexce. Vur.fi.— Testacea; vertex albido tessellatus. Male. Cinereous. Head with a speckled black band on the rertex, this band irregularly excavated along the hind border; front tawny. Mandibles blackish. Prothorax with three broad undulating reddish black bands, the lateral pair nearly interrupted. Pectus tawny. Abdomen reddish black ; ventral segments tawny. Fore wings partly blackish. Female. — Darker. Stripes of the prothorax broader, connected hindward. Oviduct and fore wings tawny. Var. (3. — Testaceous above. Vertex tessellated with whitish. Prothorax without stripes. Fore wings brown. Length of the body 12—14 lines. a. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. b. Swan River. From Dr. Bacon's collection. c. Swan River. From Mr. Turner's collection. LOCUSTID.E. 239 Genus 36. ANABRUS. Anabrus, Hald. Stansb. Expl. Utah. 372. 1. ANABRUS SIMPLEX. simplex, Hald. Stansb. Expl. Utah, 372, pi. 10, f. 4. Utah. 2. ANABBUS HALDEMANII. Haldemanii, Girard, Marcy. Expl. Red River. Ed. 1853, 259, pi 15 f. 5— 8; Ed. 1854,248. Red River. 3. ANABRUS PUBPURASCENS. purpurascens, Uhler, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. ii. 550. Minnesota. Washington. Texas. a — c. Red River. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. Each of the two following genera will form a section in the family. Genus 37. ACRIPEZA. Acripeza, Guerin, Voy. Coquille, Zool ii. 2, 153. Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. Serv. Hist. Orth. 546. Blanch. Hist. Nat. ill. 27— Acridopeza, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 683. 1. ACRIPEZA RETICULATA. reticulata, Guer. Voy. Coquille, Zool. ii. 2, 153; Atlas, Ins. pi. 10, f. 2. Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 153, pi. 14, f. 2, 3. Serv. Hist. Orth. 547. Blanch. Hint. Nat. Ins. iii. 27 — Acridopeza reticulata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 683. a, b. Australia. From Mr. Darnel's collection, c, d. Australia. From Mr. Argent's collection. e. Australia. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. /, g. Australia. From Mr. Children's collection. h, i. Australia. Presented by R. Bakewell, Esq. j, k. Moreton Bay. Presented by — Gibbons, Esq. /. Moreton Bay. Presented by J. R. Elsey, Esq. m, n. Tasmania. From Mr. A. J. Smith's collection. o. Tasmania. From Dr. Hooker's collection. p. Tasmania. Presented by R. Butler, Esq. Genus 38. HYPEROMALA. Hyperomala, Serv. Rev. 66 ; Hist. Orth. 544. Boisd. Voy. Astrolabe, Ent. 1. HYPEROMALA SPECIOSA. Phyllophora speciosa, Thunb. Nov. Ins. Sp. v. 286, pi. 3. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. fi94 — Hyperomala virescens, Serv. Rev. 66 ; Hist. Orth. 545. 240 CATALOGUE OF Boisd. Voy. Astrolabe, Ent. pi. 10, f. 1. Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix« 142, pi. 13, f. 2. Australia. New Zealand. a. Ceram. From Madame Ida Pfeifler's collection. The limited family of Locustidae commences with the following genus: — Genus 39. ODONTURA. Odontura, Ramb. Faune And. 44. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 223— Locusta, Fabr. — Barbitistes, Charp., H.-Sch., Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 682. Serv., De JBorck, Wesm., Kollar. Fisch. de Waldh. (Orth. Ross.}— Leptophyes, Fieb.— Epbippigera, Steph. — Olynthoscelys, Fisch. de W. Bull. Nat. Mosc. 1839. Sect. 1. PCECILEMON, Fisch. 1. ODONTUBA SUPERBA. superba, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 225, pi. 12, f. 4. Naples. 2. ODONTURA L^VISSIMA. laevissima, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 225, pi. 12, f. 5. Sicily. 4. ODONTURA FLAVESCENS. Barbitistes flavescens, H.-Sch., Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. 157, pi. 14 — Odontura flavescens, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 226, pi. 12, f. 6. Russia. 4. ODONTURA TESSELLATA. tessellata, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 227, pi. 12, f. 7. Switzerland. Sect. 2. 5. ODONTURA OESKAYI. Barbitistes Oeskayi, Charp. Nov. Act. Ac. Nat. Cur. 1850, xxii. 2, pi. A— Odontura Oeskayi, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 228, pi. 12, f. 8. Illyria. 6. ODONTURA SERRICAUDA. Locusta serricauda, Fabr. Ent. Syst. App. iv. 455 ; Suppl. 193. Hagenb. Symb. Faun. Fasc. i. 23, f. 12, 13 — Ephippiger serricauda, Serv. Rev. 69 — Barbitistes serricauda, Serv. Hist. Orth. 479. Charp. Hor. Ent. 101. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 681. Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 210, 358, pi. 25, f. 6, 7 — Odontura serricauda, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 228, pi. 12, f. 10, 11. a. Germany. From Prof. Westwood's collection. LOCUSTIDJE. 241 7. ODONTURA PYRENEA. • Barbitistes Pyrenea, Ramb. MSS. Serv. Hist. Orth. 481— Odontura Pyrenaea, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 230, pi. 12, f. 12. Pyrenees. Sardinia. 8. ODONTURA. SPINULICAUDA. spinulicauda, Ramb. Faune And. 45, pi, 5, f. 2, 3 — Fitch. Orth. Eur. 230, pi. 12, f. 13. Spain. Sardinia. a, b. Algeria. From Prof. Westwood's collection. 9. ODONTURA ASPERICAUDA. aspericauda, Ramb. Faune And. 47, pi. 5, f. 1. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 231, pi. 12, f. 14. Andalusia. 10. ODONTURA FISCHERI. Fischeri, Yersin, Bull. Soc. Vaud. 1854. South France. 11. ODONTURA PUNCTATISSIMA. Locusta punctatissima, Bosc. Ann. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, i. 45, pi. 10, f. 5, 5 — Locusta aulumnalis, Hagenbach, Symb. Faun. Ins. Helvet. 27, f. 14— Barbitistes autumnalis, Charp. Hor. Ent. 102 — Barbitistes punctatissima, Serv. Hist. Orth. 480. De Borck, Ratving Ins. 66, pi. 3, f. 1 — Ephippigera virescens, Steph. Ins. Brit. Mand. vi. 11 — Odontura punctatissiraa, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 232, pi. 12, f. 15 — Barbi- tisles camptoxypha, Fieb. Kelch. Orth. 3. a, b. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. c — h. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. i,j. Paris. From Prof. Westwood's collection. 12. ODONTURA ALBOVITTATA. Barbitistes albovittatus, Kollar, Beitr, 76— Barbitistes (Leptophyes) punctatissima (albolineata) Fieb. Kelch. Orth. 3 — Barbitistes autumn- alis, H.-Sch. Nomencl. 14 — Barbitistes glabricauda? De Borck, Ratving Ins. 65, pi. 3, f. 1— Barbitistes foliicauda? Motsch. Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. Suppl. 359, pi. 33, f. 9, 10— Odontura albo- vittata, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 233, pi. 12, f. 16. Germany. Russia. Sect. — ? % 13. ODONTURA GLABRICAUDA. Barbitistes plabricauda, Charp. Hor. Ent. 101 — Odontura glabricauda, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 234. Portugal. 242 CATALOGUE OF 14. ODONTURA SANGUINOLENTA. Barbitistes sanguinolentus, Motsch. Fisch. de Waldh. Or/A. Ross. Suppl. 358, pi. 33, f. 7— Odontura sanguinolenta, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 234, pi. 12, f. 17. Tauria. 15. ODONTURA VITTATA. Barbitistes vittatus, Motsch. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. Suppl. 359, pi. 33, f. 8— Odontura vittata, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 234, pi. 12, f. 18. South Russia. 16. ODONTURA PULCHBIPENNIS. pulchripennis, Costa, Atti, Accad. Scienze Napoli. i. 25, pi. 1, f. 6, 7. Calabria. ODONTURA? (larva). Centrophorus spinosus, Fisch de W. Orth. Ross. 361, 362, pi. 33, f. 11. Crimea. 17. ODONTURA CAPENSIS. Fcem. ViridiSy brevis ; caput antice nitens ; oculi parw, globosi ; pro- thoracis carints laterales flavescentes, nigricante strigatce ; oviductus arcuatus, apice spinosus, abdominis triente brevior ; tibice posticce quadriseriatim spinosce. Female. Grass-green, stout, short. Head shining in front, as broad as the prothorax, narrow and not prominent between the eyes, where there is a transverse suture between the vertex and the front; the latter is erect and there is a distinct transverse suture between it and the face. Eyes small, prominent. Prothorax with the lateral keels yellowish, well defined, each with three short blackish streaks ; sides rounded ; hind border nearly straight. Abdomen fusiform. Oviduct broad, curved, with spines towards the tip, less than one-third of the length of the abdomen. Legs slender ; four anterior tibia; minutely setose; hind tibiae with four rows of numerous minute black-tipped spines. Length of the body 6£ lines. The oviduct is much shorter than that of O. serricauda and of O. spinulicauda. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. Genus 40. CYRTASPIS. Cyrtaspis, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 235— Barbitistes, Charp.— Odontura, Ramb. 1. CYRTASPIS SCUTATA. Barbitistes scutatus, Charp. Hor. Ent. 102— Cyrtaspis scutata, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 235, pi. ll,f. 11. Portugal. LOCUSTHLE. 248 Genus 41. GAMPSOCLEIS. Locusta, Herbst, Philippi. — Decticus, Burnt. Fisch. de W.— Gampsocleis, Fieb. Kelch. Orth. Schles. 5 ; Fisch. Orth. Eur. 254. 1. GAMPSOCLEIS GLABRA. Locusta glabra, Herbst, Fussby. Arch. 8, 193. Philippi, Orth.Ber.22, pi. 1, f. 1 — maculata, Charp. Hor. Ent. 122, pi. 3, f . 5 — Decticus glaber, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 713— Decticus maculatus, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. vi. 372; Orth. Ross. 158, pi. 4, f. 4, 5— Decticus Alberti ? Seidl. Weit. Beitr. Nat. Heilk. i. 215 — Gampsocleis maculata, Fieb. Kelch. Orth. Schl. 2— Gampsocleis glabra, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 255, pi. 13, f. 18. Germany. Var. ? Female. Testaceous, smooth, shining. Head and prothorax with a blackish stripe, which is intersected by a testaceous line and with two lateral blackish stripes. Head prominent and rounded in front of the antennae; front oblique, narrow towards the vertex; face broad, short. Eyes rather large, not prominent. Fourth joint of the maxillary palpi a little shorter than the third ; fifth subclavate, longer than the third. Antennae very slender. Prothorax with the lateral keels well defined, the deflexed part on each side much dilated in the middle, occupied except along the border by the blackish stripe ; hind part slightly narrower and rounded. Abdomen ferruginous, lanceolate, nearly twice the length of the prothorax, testaceous beneath. Cerci lanceolate. Oviduct much curved upward, nearly as long as the abdomen. Legs slender, femora and four anterior tibiae striped with brown ; four anterior tibia? with five spines on each side and with two or three above; hind femora and hind tibia? very long; hind femora incrassated for half the length from the base; hind tibia? with four rows of numerous very minute spines and with four long apical spurs. Fore wings as long as the prothorax. Hind wings shorter. Length of the body 9 lines. a. Elba. Presented by Sir W. Trevelyan, Bart. 2. GAMPSOCLEIS GRATIOSA. gratiosa, Watt. Orth. Voy. Novara, Lucas, A. S. E. F. 1865. Ball. xv. China. Genus 42. PTEROLEPIS. Locusta, Charp. — Decticus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 709. H.-Sch. — Pterolepis, Ramb. Faune And. 59. Serv. Hist. Orth. 491. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 256. 1. PTEROLEPIS SPOLIATA. spoliata, Ramb. Faune And. 60, pi. 5, f. 4, 5. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 257, pi. 13, f. 19. South Spain. 244 CATALOGUE OF 2. PTEROLEPIS SPINIBARBIS. spinibarbis, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 258, pi. 13, f. 20. Portugal. 3. PTEROLEPIS GERMANICA. Declicus Germanicus, H.-Sch. NomencL Ent. ii. 13 — Pterolepis gerraanica, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 259. Carinthia. 4. PTEROLEPIS MODESTA. modesta, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 259, pi. 13, f. 22. Italy. 5. PTEROLEPIS PEDESTRIS. Locusta pedestris, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 45. Charp. Hor. Ent. 118. Latr.P Hist. Nat. xii. 134 ?— Pterolepis armillata? Serv. Hist. Orth. 494— Pterolepis pedestris, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 260, pi. 24. South Europe. 6. PTEROLEPIS ALPINA. alpina, Yersin, A. S. E. F. 1857. Bull, clxi; 1858, ?i. 1 11, pi. 4. Alps. 7. PTEROLEPIS BRISOUTII. Brisoutii, Yersin, A. S. E. F. viii. 517. Sicily. 8. PTEROLEPIS RAIMONDII. Raimondii, Yersin, A. S. E. F. viii. 517. Hyeres. 9. PTEROLEPIS NEGLECTA. neglecta, Costa, Atti, Accad. Scienze Napoli. i. 27, pi. 1, f. 11, 12. Calabria. Genus 43. OCHRIDA. Mas. Corpus laeve, sat robustum. Caput prothorace perpaullo angustius, carinula antica; frons non obliqua. Oculi elliptici, valde globosi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o longior; 5us subclavatus; 3o longior. Antennae gracillimae, corpore multo longiores. Prothorax subcompressus, postice angustior et carinatus, carinis lateralibus indeterminatis, laieribus valde rotuudatis, margine postico subrotundato. Abdomen compressum. Femora apices versus magis carinata ; femora antica quadrispinosa ; femora intermedia septemspinosa ; femora postica biseriatim spinosa; tibiae quadriseriatim spiuosae. Ala? abdominis dimidio vix longiores. Male. Body smooth, moderately stout, not shining. Head very little narrower than the prothorax, with a slight keel on the fore part of the vertex; front erect. Eyes elliptical, very prominent. Third joint of the maxillary palpi longer than the fourth, shorter than the fifth, which is sub- LOCUST/ID^. 245 clavate. Antennae very slender, much longer tban the body. Prothorax slightly compressed ; fore border straight; lateral keels noi apparent; sides much rounded; hind part narrower, elongated, keeled, with a slightly rounded hind border. Abdomen compressed. Legs moderately stout ; femora with the keels beneath deeper towards the tips; fore femora with a single row of four spines, of which the first and the second are extremely small ; middle femora with a row of seven spines, six minute, the seventh larger; hind femora with two rows of numerous small spines, and with two larger spines near the tips; fore tibiae and middle tibiae with a few small spines on the four keels ; hind tibia? with numerous spines on the two keels above, and with a few very minute spines on the two keels beneath. Wings full half the length of the abdomen. 1. OCHRIDA ANNDLIPES. Mas. Viridis ; caputalboplagiatum,verticefusco; palpi testacei, albido varii ; antenna fuscce, basi virides ; pro thorax macula an lica Irian- gulari fusca luteo marginata, laleribus albidis roseo pallido variis, spatio postico ferrugineo nigro-marginato ; abdomen apicem versus fuscum segmentis testaceo unimaculatis, segmentis ventralibus pallide rufis ; pedes fusco fasciati, femoribus anticis fuscis cinereo unifas^ ciatis basi viridibus ; alee rufescente fuscte. Male. Green. Head with some white patches; vertex brown, with a darker longitudinal streak on each side. Eyes lurid. Palpi testaceous, partly whitish. Antennae brown, green towards the base. Prothorax with a brown triangular spot adjoining the fore border and bordered on each side with luteous; sides whitish, tinged with pale rose-colour ; hind part ferruginous, bordered with black. Abdomen towards the tip brown, with a large testaceous spot on each segment; ventral segments pale red. Fore femora brown, green at the base and with an irregular pale cinereous band beyond the middle ; middle femora brown at the tips ; hind femora with two brown bands; four anterior tibia} with two brown bands, one basal, the other apical ; hind tibiae with four brown bands; tarsi brown, fourth joint testaceous. Wings dark reddish brown. Length of the body 10 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel's collection. Genus 44. OCICA. Fcem. Corpus convexum, subfusiforme. Caput breve, prothorace paullo angustius, cornu antico brevi gracili porrecto sulcato; frons non obliqua. Oculi rotundi, valde globosi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o valde longior; 5us sublinearis, 3o valde longior. Antenna? graciles, corpore multo longiores. Prothorax subtiliter rugulosus, disco fere piano, trans- verse bisulcato, raargine antico rolundato, lateribus valde rotundatis, mar- gine postico subrecto. Sternum sexspinosura. Oviductus arcuatus, abdo- mini aequilongus. Pedes sat graciles, femoribus quatuor anterioribus sexspinosis, femoribus posticis et tibiis quatuor anterioribus biseriatim spinosis ; tibiis posticis quadriseriatim spinosis. Ala? anticae coriaceae, convexae, deflexae, abdominis apicem attingentes. Female. Body convex, nearly fusiform. Head smooth, a little narrower than the prothorax, with a short slender porrect furrowed horn on 246 CATALOGUE OF the fore part of the vertex; front erect. Eyes round, very prominent. Third joint of the maxillary palpi much longer than the fourth ; fifth nearly linear, much longer than the third. Antennae slender, much longer than the body. Prothorax finely rugulose, nearly flat in the disk, wiih two transverse furrows, the fore one straight, the hinder one slightly curved ; fore border rounded ; sides much rounded ; hind border nearly straight. Prosternum with a long spine on each side; mesosternum and metasternum with a short spine on each side. Oviduct curved upward, as long as the abdomen. Legs rather slender; four anterior femora with a single row of six minute spines; hind femora with two rows of several minute spines and with two apical spurs; four anterior tibiae with two rows of short and slender spines ; hind tibiae with four rows of minute spines. Fore wings coriaceous, deflexed, extending to the tip of the abdomen. 1. OCICA LUTESCENS. Foem. Pallide lutea ; prothorax viridi quadrimaculatus ; alee anlicte margine anteriore nigro. Female. Pale luteous. Eyes fawn-colour, with a black stripe. Pro- thorax with two green spots on each side, two near the fore border and two on the hind border. Hind knees and tips of the spines black. Fore wings with a black inner border. Length of the body 12 lines. a. Ovalou, Fiji Isles. From the Voyage of H. M. S. ' Herald.' Genus 45. THYREONOTUS. Thyreonotus, Serv. Hist. Orlh. 495. Fitch. Orth. Eur. 256. 1. THYREONOTUS CORSICUS. Pterolepis Corsica, Ramb Faune And. 60 — Thyreonotus corsicus, Serv. Hist. Orth. 497— Finch. Orth. Eur. 256. Corsica. 2. THYREONOTUS? DORSALIS. Ephippigera dorsalis ? Brulle, Exp. Sci. Morte, 89, pi. 29, f. 8. Greece. 3. THYBEONOTDS PACHYMEBUS. Decticus pachymerus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 712— Thyreonotus pachy- merus, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 453. United States. 4. THYREONOTUS DORSALIS. dorsalis, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 454. United States. 5. THYREONOTUS SEMLENEUS. semiaeneus, Serv. Hist. Orth. 496. Cape. LOCTJSTIDJS. 247 The spines on the hind femora distinguish the following section from the typical species of the genus. Sect. n. Foem. Corpus robuslum, glabrum, nitens, aplerum. Caput prothorace paullo angustius, vertice antico lato porreclo rotundato, fronte subobliqua. Oculi parvi, non globosi. Palporum arliculus 4us 3o paullo longior; 5us subclavatus, 4o multo longior. Proihorax postice productus, angustus, rotundatus, metathoracein obtegens, lateribus valde rotundatis, carinis lateralibus indetermiuatis. Abdomen prothorace perparum longius. Oviductus perparum arcuatus abdomini aequilongus. Pedes robusti, femora quatuor anteriora subtus subsetosa ; femora postica subtus spinn- losa; tibiae quatuor anteriores triseriatim spinosae ; tibiae posticae quadri- seriatim spinulosae. Male. Body stout, smooth. Head narrower than the prothorax, conical and prominent between the antennae; front and face erect, the latter rather long. Eyes small, not prominent. Palpi long, setulose; fourth joint of the maxillary as long as the third; fifth subclavate, much longer than the fourth. Antennae very slender, more than twice the length of the body. Prothorax narrower hindward, where it is elongated and much rounded; sides much rounded; lateral keels distinct. Prosternum, mesosternum and melasternum with a spine on each side. Abdomen tapering from the base to the tip, not longer than the prothorax. Legs stout, rather long ; four anterior femora with four very minute spines on each side beneath ; hind femora with two rows of several minute spines on each side beneath; four anterior tibiae with five rather long spiiies on each side beneath and with two or three above ; hind tibiae with four rows of numerous minute spines and with short apical spurs. Wings rudimentary. Female. — Proihorax narrower hindward than that of the male. Oviduct hardly curved upward, nearly as long as the body. Wings not apparent. 6. THYREONOTUS BASALIS. Mas. Fulvus, fusco aut nigro conspersus ; capul postice nigricante nota- tum ; prolhorax litura discoidali scutiformi, lateribus late luteis ; abdomen basi nigro bistrigatum. Var. /3. — Pallidior ; prothorax tes- taceo marginatus, lateribus non luteis. Var. y. — Caput et prothorax testacea, hie apicem versus viride, ilium postice fusco binotatum. Male. Tawny, speckled with brown or black. Head with some blackish marks on each side near the hind border. Prothorax broadly luteous on each side; a scutiform mark in the disk. Abdomen with a short black streak on each side at the base. Legs speckled with brown or with black. Var. /3. — Paler. Prothorax not luteous on each side ; border testaceous. Var. y. — Head and prothorax testaceous. Head brown on each side hindward. Prothorax grass-green towards the tip. Frem. Testaceus ; prothorax antice et postice nigropunctatus, apud marginem posticum nigricante binotatus et fusco bilineolatus ; oviductus basi viridi bistrigatus. 248 CATALOGUE OF Female. Testaceous. Prothorax with black points along the fore border and along the hind border. Abdomen with two black stripes which are much interrupted, except towards the base, and are continued with a blackish hue on the hind part of the prothorax, where they have between them two indistinct brown lines. Oviduct with a broad green streak on each side near the base. Var. /3. — Darker than the male. Length of the body 8—12 lines. a — c. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. d — k. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 7. THYREONOTUS VIRIDIFER. Mas. Testaceus ; frons subobliqua ; prothorax postice productus, disco postico et nonnunquam margine antico viridibus. Var. #. — Fulvus ; prothorax postice viridis. Male. Testaceous, smooth, shining. Head prominent and rounded between the antennae; front slightly oblique. Eyes not prominent. Pro- thorax rounded on each side, contracted at the base of the hind part, which is conical and much elongated and has a grass-green disk, which hue also sometimes appears on the fore border of the prothorax. Abdomen shorter than the prothorax, by which it is covered for more than half its length. Legs stout; hind femora with a single row of four minute spines beneath; four anterior tibiae with six spines on each side beneath and with two above ; hind libiffi with four rows of numerous minute spines. Var. (3. — Tawny. Elongated part of the prothorax wholly grass-green. Length of the body 8 —9 lines, a — e. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. Genus 46. ORCHESTICUS.] Orchesticus, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 201. 1. ORCHESTICUS AMERICANUS. Americanus, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 201. Tennessee. Genus 47. CYPHODERRIS. Cyphoderris, Uhler, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. ii. 551. 1. CYPHODERRIS MONSTROSUS. monstrosus, Uhler, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. ii. 552. Oregon Territory. Genus 48. REQUENA. Fcem. Corpus glabrum, nitens, apterum, sat gracile. Caput pro- thorace paullo angustius, cornu antico porrecto robusto brevi acuto; frons obliqua; facies parva. Oculi valde globosi. Palpi maxillares graciles; ailiculi 3us et 4us aequales; 5us subclavatus, 4o valde longior: Antennas LOCUSTID.E. 249 gracillimae. Prothorax postice anguslior productus et valde rotundalus, cariuis lateralibus indetermiDatis, lateribus rotundatis. Oviductus per- parum arcuatus, corpore vix brevior. Pedes sat robusti, tibiis anticis fern orib usque biseriatim spinosis, tibiis intermediis triseriatim spinosis, tibiis posticis quadriseriatim spiuosis. Female. Body smooth, shining, rather slender. Head a little nar- rower than the prothorax, with a stout short porrect acute spine between the eyes; front flat, oblique; face small. Eyes moderately large, very prominent. Maxillary palpi slender; third and fourth joints about equal in length; fifth subclavate, much longer than the fourth. Antennae very slender. Prothorax with the hind part narrower, elongated and much rounded; two very slender transverse furrows; first near the fore border, very slight, forming a slight hindward angle in the middle ; second nearer the hind border, hardly apparent ; lateral keels not defined; sides rounded. Abdomen lanceolate, longer than the prothorax. Oviduct very slightly curved upward, almost as long as the body. Legs rather stout, moderately long ; four anterior femora with five minute spines on each side beneath ; hind femora beneath with two rows of numerous minute spines ; four anterior tibia with five rather long spines on each side; middle tibia? with two spines above; hind tibiae with four rows of numerous minute spines; apical spurs short. No wings. The hind part of the prothorax is less elongated than that of Thyreo- notus, and it differs much from that genus in the structure of the head between the antenna. 1. REQUENA VERTICALJS. Fcern. Fulva; vertex niger, testaceo bivittutus ; antenna bad nigrcs ; prothorax vittis duabus anticis testaceis niyro marginatis ; femora postica. nigro univiltata. Female. Tawny. Head black above; a pale testaceous stripe on each side between the eye and the hind border, continued on the prothorax between the fore border and the first furrow, and there bordered with black on the outer side. Eyes a little darker than the body. Antennae black at the base. Hind femora with a black stripe on the outer side, where there is a row of slight transverse furrows. Length of the body 8 lines. a. Swan River. Presented bv Sir J. Richardson. Genus 49. PALOTTA. Mas. Corpus robustum, glabrutn, nitens. Caput carinula plana inter antennas instrucium ; frons obliqua. Oculi elliptici, subglobosi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o paullo brevior; 5us subclavatus, 4o valde longior. Antennae graciles, basi approximatae. Prothorax bisulcatus, postice angustior et elongatus, carinis lateralibus indeterminatis, lateribus deflexis valde rotundatis, margiue postico rotundato. Pedes validi; tibiae quatuor anteriores biseriatim quinquespiuosae ; tibiae postica? quadn- seriatirn spinosse. Alae breves. Male. Body stout, smooth, shining. Head as broad as the pro- thorax, with a flat keel between the antennae, which are approximate; front fc 250 CATALOGUE OF oblique. Eyes elliptical, slightly prominent. Third joint of the maxillary palpi a little shorter than the fourth; fifth suhclavale, much longer than the fourth. Antenna) slender. Proihorax with two indistinct transverse furrows, narrower and elongated hindward ; deflexed sides much dilated and rounded in front; hind border rounded. Legs stout; four anterior tibia? with five short spines on each side; hind tibia with four rows of minute spines, most of which are in the two upper rows. Wings shorter than the abdomen. J. PALOTTA INOBNATA. Mas. Testacea, rufo conspersa ; clypeus nigricante plagiatus ; prothorax callis duobus longis non conspersis ; alee ferrugineee. Male. Testaceous. Prothorax and head towards the mouth with red speckles. Clypeus and labrum with a blackish disk. Eyes piceous. Prothorax with a large elongated unspeckled callus on each side. Hind femora with transverse .darker streaks on the outer side. Wings ferruginous. Length of the body 7£ lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. Genus 50. NEDUBA. Mas. Corpus breviusculura. Caput antice nitens, prothorace angus- tius, cornu antico porrecto brevi conico; frons non retracta. Oculi parvi, rotundi, non globosi. Palpi maxillares breviusculi; arliculi 3us et 4us aequales; 5us clavatus, oblique truncatus, 4o longior. Antenna longse, graciles. Prothorax carinatus, antice contractus, postice dilatatns, carinis lateralibus bene determinatis, raargine postico valde rotuiidato. Abdomen breve, angustum. Pedes quatuor anteriores breviusculi; tibiis triseriatim spinosis. Pedes postici longi, femoribus dimidio basali incrassatis et spinosis, tibiis quadriseriatim spinosis. Aloe minima. Male. Body rather short. Head shining in front and on each side, narrower than the prothorax, with a short porrect conical protuberance between the antennae ; front erect. Eyes small, round, slightly prominent. Palpi rather short; third and fourth joints of the maxillary of equal length ; fifth clavate, obliquely truncated, longer than the fourth. Antennae long, slender. Prothorax keeled ; the dorsal part contracted near the fore border and from thence enlarged to the hind border, which is much rounded; deBexed part on each side shining, much rounded in front, attenuated and lanceolated hindward. Abdomen much narrower but not longer than the prothorax. Four anterior legs rather short; hind legs long ; hind femora incrassated for half the length from the base and there beset above with three or four rows of minute incumbent spines; four anterior tibiae with seven small spines on each side; fore tibia? with one spine above; middle tibiae with three spines above; hind tibia? with numerous spines iu two rows and with a few in two other rows. Wings rudimentary. LOCUSTIDJi. 951 1. NEDDBA CARINATA. Mas. Per ruginea ; caput antice cinereum, subtus albidum; antenna picece, testaceo fascia Ice ; prothorax margine tenui testaceo nigro- strigato, lateribus deflexis obscure cinereis ; pedes qvaluor anteriores albidi, nigricante varii ; pedes posticifusci,femoribus basi albidis. Male. Ferruginous. Head dark cinereous in front and on each side, whitish beneath. Antenna piceous, with some testaceous bands, testaceous with some brown rings towards the base. Prothorax with a narrow testaceous border which includes black streaks ; deflexed part on each side dark cinereous. Pectus testaceous. Four anterior legs whitish, with blackish patches and speckles ; hind legs brown, the femora whitish on the inner side towards the base. Length of the body 8 lines. a. California. From M. Hartweg's collection. Genus 51. ORPHANIA. Orphania, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 222— Barbitistes, Charp. Serv. Orth. — Ephip- piger, Serv. Rev. — Ephippigera, Burm. — Odontura, Ramb. 1. ORPHANIA DENTICAUDA. Barbitistes denticauda, Charp. Hor. Ent. 99, pi. 3, f. 3, 6. Serv. Hist. Orth. 478 — Ephippigera denticauda, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 680 — Ephippiger denticauda, Serv. Rev. 69 — Orphania denticauda, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 222, pi. 12, f. 3— Odontura denticauda, Ramb. Faune And. 45. South Europe. Genus 52. THAMNOTRIZON. Locusta, Linn., Fabr., Charp., Zett. — Decticus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 709— Miciopteryx, Steph.— Pterolepis, Serv.— Pholidoptera, Wesm.— Thamnotrizon, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 261. 1. THAMNOTRIZON APTEBUS. Locusta aptera, Fabr. Ent. St/st. ii. 45 — Thamnotrizon apterus, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 262, pi. 13, f. i'2. South Europe. 2. THAMNOTRIZON CHABRIEEI. Locusta Chabrieri, Charp. Hor. Ent. 119. Petagn. Instil. Ent. pi. 20, f. 13— Pterolepis Chabrieri, Serv. Hint. Orth. 493— Decticus Cha- brieri, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 712. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. Corrig. 412 (Olynthoscelis)— Locusta varia, Petayna, Imt. Ent. x. 13— Tham- notrizon Chabrieri, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 263, pi. 13, f. 13. South Europe. Caucasus. 253 CATALOGUE OF 3. THAMNOTRUON TRANSYLVANICUS. transylvanicus, Fisch. Ver. Naturwiss Hermansladl, 1853 ; Ortk. Eur. 264, pi. 13, f. 14. Transylvania. 4. THAMNOTRIZON FALLAX. Locusta Chabrieri, H.-Sch., Panz. Faun. Ins. 175, pi. 15 — Tbamnotrizun fallax, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 265, pi. 13, f. 15. South Europe. 5. THAMNOTBIZON CINEEEUS. Locusta cinerea, Linn. Syst. Nat. Ed. Gmel. \. 5, 2071. Zett. Orth. Suec. 70. Hagenb. Symb. 30, f. 17, 18 — Locusta aptera, Charp. Hor. Ent. 117 — Locusta griseoaptera, Deg. Ins. iii. 436 — Locusta clypeata, Panz. Faun, xxxiii. f. 4. Roes. Ins. ii. 128, pi. 28, f. 8— Decticus apterus, Burnt. Handb. Ent. ii. 711. De Borck. Ratz. Ins. 78 — Pterolepis aptera, Serv. Hist. Orth. 494 — Pholidoptera aptera, Wesm. Orth. Belg. 592— Micropteryx aptera, Steph. III. Brit. Mand. \\. 12 — Tbamnotrizon cinereus, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 265, pi. 13, f. 16. a. England. Presented by F. Smith, Esq. b — e. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. /, g. England. h. Paris. From Prof. Westwood's collection. 6. THAMNOTRIZON RAMBURI. Pterolepis Ramburi, Serv. Hist. Orth. 493 — Thamnotrizon ? Bamburi, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 267. South France. 7. THAMNOTRIZON SPECULARIS. Peltaspes specularis, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. xii. 112 — Pterolepis specu- laris, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 213, pi. 20, f. 5 — Thamnotrizon specularis, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 267. Tauria. 8. THAMNOTBIZON PUSTULIPES. Pterolepis pustulipes, Motsch. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. Suppl. 360, pi. 33, f. 3 — Thamnotrizon pustulipes, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 267. Tauria. 9. THAMNOTRIZO* VENOSUS. Peltastes venosus, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. 1839, xii. 112, pi. 3, f. 2, 3 — Pterolepis venosa, Fisch. d^W. Orth. Ross. 212, pi. 20, f. 3, 4. 10. THAMNOTRIZON RADIATUS. Peltastes hastatus, Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. xii. 112— Pterolepis radiata, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 214, pi. 20, f. 6. Siberia. Locusxnxfi. 253 11. THAMNOTRIZON CAUCASICUS. Pterolepis Caucasica, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 215, pi. 27, f. 3. Caucasus. 12. THAMNOTRIZON STRIOLATUS. striolatus, Fisch. Watt. Disq. Orth. 1861. 13. THAMNOTEIZON AUSTRIACUS. Austriacus, Fisch. Watt. Disq. Orth. 1861. Austria. 14. THAMNOTRIZON SIGNATUS. signatus, Watt. Disq. Orth. 1861. Tauria. 15. THAMNOTBIZON SIMILIS. similis, Watt. Disq. Orth. 1861. Melradia. 16. THAMNOTRIZON DIFFORMIS. difformis, Watt. Disq. Orth. 1861. Ukraine. 17. THAMNOTRIZON "GRACILIS. gracilis, Watt. Disq. Orth. 1861. ^ Hungary. 18. THAMNOTRIZON LEDEREBI. Plerolepis Ledereri, Fieb. Wien. Ent. Mon. v. 196. Beyrout. 19. THAMNOTRIZON FEMORALIS. Pterolepis femoralis, Fieb. Wien. Ent. Mon. v. 193. Daouria. 20. THAMNOTRIZON SCHMIDTI. Pterolepis Schmidti, Fieb. Wien. Ent. Mon. v. 197. Varna. 21. THAMNOTRIZON MAGNIFICUS. magnificus, Costa, Atti, Accad. Scienze Napoli, i. 28, pi. 3, f. 1. Calabria. Genus 53. MARSA. Mas. Corpus crassum, nitens, apterum, valde arcuatum, fere glabrum. Caput breve, prothorace paullo angustius, inter antennas puuc- tatum ; frons non obliqua. Oculi parvi, pyriformes, non globosi. Palpi crassi; articulus 4us 3o brevier ; 5us linearis, subtus excavatus, 3o longior. Antcniue validae, basi approximate, corpore longiures. Prutborax carinis 254 CATALOGUE OF lateralibus obsoletis, lateribus subrotundatis, raargine postico recto. Meso- thurax et ineiaihurax sat magiii. Abdomen parvum, subtuberculatum, tborace angustius non longius. Pedes crassi ; femora intermedia biserialim sexspiiiosa ; femora postica biseriatim spinosa ; tibiae quatuor anteriores triseriatim spinosae ; tibiae postica? biseriatim spinosae, apice calcaratae. Mak. Body thick, shining, much arched, nearly smooth. Head short, a little narrower than the prothorax, with a very narrow and slightly punctured space between the antenna? ; front flat, erect. Eyes small, pear- shaped, not prominent. Palpi thick. Maxillary palpi about twice the length of the labial ; fourth joint shorter than the third ; fifth linear, exca- vated beneath, longer than the third. Third joint of the labial palpi clavate, longer than the second. Antennae stout, approximate at the base, longer than the body. Prothorax convex, without lateral keels; fore border and hind border straight; sides slightly rounded. Mesothorax and metathorax large. Abdomen small, slightly tuberculate, narrower and not longer than the prothorax. Cerci stout. Legs thick, not long; fore femora unarmed ; middle femora with six spines on each side ; hind femora with fifteen minute spines on the outer side ; the inner side with the same number of spines, some of which are very large, others very small; lour anterior tibia with four spines on each side beneath; fore tibiae with one spine above; middle tibiae with four spines above; hind tibiae with three large spines on the outer side and with four on the inner side, and with several minute spines on each side and with an apical circlet of six spurs ; tarsi stout, second and third joints short; ungues long. Wings none. This genus has some affinity to the Raphidophoridce. 1. MABSA \BCUATA. Mas. Fulva ; faciesfusca, basifulva ; antenna picece, basifulvce. Male. Tawny. Face mostly brown. Mandibles black. Eyes piceous. Antennae piceons, tawny towards the base, spines of the legs and ungues with black tips. Length of the body 9 lines. a. Sasketehwan. Genus 54. DECTICUS. Decticus, Serv. Rev. 59. Hint. Orth. 482. BrulU, Burnt. Handb. Ent. ii. 709. Fisch. de W. De Borck Ramb. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 268— Locusta, Fabr., Zett., Philippi^ Charp., Hagenb. — Anisoptera, Latr. Fam. Nat. 413; R. Anim. v. 184. Serv. Rev. — Acrida, Curtis, Kirby, Steph. Cat. — Micropteryx, Slcph. III. — Chelidoptera et Metriophora, Wes- mael — Decticus et Platycleis, Fieber. Europe and N. W. Asia. Sect. 1. Sub-genus PLATYCLEIS, Fieb. 1. DECTICUS GRISEUS. Gryllus griseus, Linn. Faun. Snec. 548 —Locusta grisea, Fair. Ent. Syst. ii. " 41. Latr. Hist. Mif. xii. 131, pi. 95, f.2. Zett.Orlh.Suec.65. Schajf. Icon. pi. 190, f. 1, 2; pi. 263, f. 1,2. Var. pi. 62, f. 1—4 ; pi. 258, f. 1, 2. Roesel, Ins. ii. pi. 20, f. 10. Savigny, Descr. Egypt. Orth. LOCUSTTD.B. 25 5 pi. 3, f. 9. Philippi, Orth. Berol. 22. Hagenb. Symb. Faun. i. 32, f. 19. Charp. Hor. Enl. 120— Locusta denticulata, Panz. Faun. Ins. 335— Locusta falcata, Zett. Orth. Suec. 68 — Decticus griseus, Serv. Rev. 59; Hist. Orth. 488. Brulle. Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 150. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 710. DP Borck, Rdtz. Ins. 72. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 165, pi. 10, f. 4. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 269, pi. 13, f. 3 (Platycleis) — Krynicki, Fisch. de W. a—e. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. f—j. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. k England. /. Paris. From Prof. Westwood's collection. m — o South France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. p. Malta. q — u. Madeira. From Mr. Wollaston's collection. 2. DECTICUS MONTANUS. Locusta montaua, Knllar, Bietr. iii. 79— Locusta tessellata, Philippi, Orth. Ber. 23, pi. 1, f. 4— Decticus tessellatus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 710. Finch, de W. Orth. Ross 167 ?— Decticus Philippinus, Zeller, Ent. Zeit. 1849, 116 — Decticus montanus, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 271, pi. 13, f. 4 (Platycleis). Europe. Siberia. 3. DECTICUS TESSELLATCTS. Locusta tessellata, Charp. Hor. Ent. 121, pi. 3, f. 4— Decticus tessellatns, Scrv. Rev. 59; Hist. Orth. 489. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 710. Zeller, Ent. Zeit. 1849, 116. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 272, pi. 13, f. 6 (Platy- cleis). a. Paris. From Prof. Westwood's collection. 4. DECTICDS STRICTUS. Decticus strictus, Zeller, Ent. Zeit. Slett. x. 116. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 273, pi. 13, f. 5 (Platycleis). Italy. 5. DECTICUS BICOLOR. Locusta bicolor, Philippi, Orth. Ber. 24, pi; 1, f. 5 — Decticus abbreviatus ? Serv. Hist. Orth. 490 — Decticus bicolor, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 711. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 173. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 273, pi. 13, f. 7, 8 (Plaiycleis) — Locusta viennensis, Kollar, Ann. Wien. Mus. Naturg. i. 209, pi. 18, f. 1 — Micropteryx bicolor, Fisch. Jahreb. Mann. Ver. Nat. 1850, 36— Decticus Sieboldii, Fisch. Jahreb. Mann. Ver. Nat. 1849,46; 1850,36. Europe. 6. DECTICUS BREVIPENNIS. , Roes. Ins. ii. 129, pi. 20, f. 9 — Locusta brevipennis, Charp. Hor. Ent. 1 14. Philippi, Orth. Ber. 25, pi. 1, f. 6, 7— Micropteryx brevipennis, Fisch. Jahreb. Mann. Ver. 1850, 36 — Locusta Koeselii, 256 CATALOGUE OP Hagenb. Sym. Faun. i. 39, f. 24— Decticus sinuatus, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 170, pi. 26, f. 6— Decticus brevipennis, Serv. Hist. Orth. 490. Burm. Handb. Ent.\\. 710. De Borck, R'dtv. Ins. 77. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 172. Finch. Orth. Ear. 274, pi. 13, f. 9 (Platvcleis) — Micropteryx Roeselii, Steph. III. B. Ent. Mand. vi. 13 — Acrida Kirbii, Steph. Cat. 300— Var. Locusta diluta, Charp.Hor. Ent. 116 — Decticus dilutus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 710 — Decticus pellucidus, H..Sch. Nomen. ii. 12. a, b. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. c, d. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. e,f. England. g. France. From Prof. Westwood's collection. 7. DECTICUS VITTATUS. Locusla vittata, Charp. Hor. Ent. 115 — Decticus ?ittatus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 71 1. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 171. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 276, pi. 13, f. 14 (Platycleis). South Russia. Hungary. Italy. 8. DECTICUS BRACHYPTERUS. Gryllus brachypterus, Linn. Fnun. Suec. 237 — Locusta brachyptera, Fabr. Ent. Suec. ii. 43. Deg. Ins. iii. 433, pi. 22, f. 2, 3. Latr. Hist. Nat. xii. 133. Charp. Hor. Ent. 113. Hagen. Sym. Faun. 29, pi. 15, 16. Zett. Orth. Suec. 66 — Anisoptera brachyptera, Latr. Fam. Nat. 413 — Metriophora brachyptera, Wesm. Orth. Belg. 592 — Micropteryx brachyptera, Steph. lit. B. Ent. Mand. vi. 13. Fisch. Jahreb. 1850, 36 — Decticus brachypterus, Serv. Hist. Orth. 489. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 711. De Borck, Rdtv. Ins. 74. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 169, pi. 10, f. 5, 6. Finch. Orth. Eur. 277, pi. 13, f. 10 (Plalycleis). a, b. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. c — /. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. g. England. 9. DECTICUS TIBIALIS. tibialis, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 168, pi. 29, f. 5. Siberia. 10. DECTICUS SINUATUS. sinuatus, Motsch. MSS. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. pi. 29, f. 6. Orunburg. Caucasus. 11. DECTICUS PUNCTIFBONS. punctifrons, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 712. Syria. LOCUSTID^E. 257 12. DECTICUS EVERSMANNI. Eversmanni, Kittary, Bull. Mosc. 1849, 456. Kirgis Steppes. 13. DECTICUS TROCKII. Trockii, Kittary, Bull. Mosc. 1849, 456, pi. 8, f. 3. » 14. DECTICUS STRIATUS. Rtriatus, Kittary, Bull. Mosc. 1859, 456, pi. 8, f. 4. 15. DECTICUS SEPIUM. sepium, Yersin, Bull. Soc. Vaudoise, 1854. South France. 16. DECTICUS PANCICI. Platycleis (Psorodonotus) Pancici, Fieb. Watt. Dlsq. Orth. 1861. Servian Alps. 17. DECTICUS AFFINIS. Platycleis (Psorodonotus) affinis, Fieb. Watt. Disq. Orth. 1861. 18. DECTICUS DECORATUS. Platycleis (P»orodonotus) decorata, Fieb. Walt. Disq. Orth. 1861. 19. DECTICUS NIGROSIGNATUS. Decticus (Platycleis) nigrosignatus, Costa, Atti. Accad. Scienze Napoli, i. 30, pi. 3, f. 3, 4. Calabria. Subgenus DECTICUS. Chelidoptera, Wesm. ex parte. 20. DECTICUS ALBIFRONS. , Savigny, Descr. Egypt. Orth. pi. 3, f. 8. Zinnand, Oss. Giorn. 22, pi. 7, f. 7— 9— Locusta albifrons, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 41. Lair. Hist. Nat. xii. 133. Charp. Hor. Ent. 125. Cyrillo, Spec. Ent. Neap. pi. 10, f. 1. Germ. Faun. Ins. Eur. 20, p\. — Decticus albifrons, BrulU, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 150. Serv. Hist. Orth. 486. Burin. Handb. Ent. ii. 709. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 154, pi. 28, f. 6. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 278, pi. 13, f. 1— Far.? Decticus Monspeliensis, Ramb. MSS. Serv. Hist. Orth. 487. a. Tunis. From Mr. Fraser's collection. b. Asia Minor. Presented by H. Poole, Esq. c. Teneriffe. Presented by Capt. Beechey. d. Belgium. Presented by Lady Seymour. e — i. Madeira. From Mr. Wollaston's collection. 258 CATALOGUE OF 21. DECTICUS VERBUCTVOEUS. , Geoffr. Ins. Par. i. 397. Roes. Ins. ii. pi. 8, 9. Sch. Icon. i. pi. 62, f. 5 ; iii. 236, f. 1—4 ; pi. 242, f. 5, 6 ; pi. 249, f. 1, 2 ; pi. 255, I. 1, 2 — Gryllus (Tettijronia) verrucivorus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 698; Faun. Suec. 870. Stall, Saut. et Gryll. pi. 23 b, f. 92. Ratz. Forslins, iii. 276, pi. 14, f. 6 — Locusta verrucivora, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 42. Deg. Ins. iii. 430, pi. 21, f. 1, 2. Enc. Meth. pi. 130, f. 4—7. Lair. Hist. Nat. xii. 130. Panz. Faun. Germ. 87, f. 20, 21. Charp. Hor. Ent. 124. Philippi^ Orth. Berol. 21. Zett. Orth. Suec. 63— Gryllus (Tettigonia) verrucivorus, Stall, Saut. et Grill, pi. 23 b, f. 92 — Decticus verrucivorus, Serv. Hist. Ortk. 484. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 710. Steph. 111. Brit. Ent. Hand. vi. 17. De Borck. R'dlv. Ins. 68. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 156. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 280, pi. 13, f. 2— Acrida Binglei, Curtis, Brit. Ent. ii. pi. 82 — Decticus Binglei, Steph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 17, pi. 4, f. 2, 3. a — c. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. rf, e. England. /. Paris. From Prof. Westwood's collection. g, h. Switzerland. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. i. Polish Ukraine. Presented by Dr. Dowler. 22. DECTICUS STCHUKINI. Stchukini, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 159, pi. 29, f. 4. Siberia. 23. DECTICDS SEDAKOVII. Sedakovii, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 161, pi. 28, f. 3, 4. Siberia. 24. DECTICUS MACROCEPHALUS. macrocephalus, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 162, pi. 29, f. 1. Kirgis Steppes, 25. DECTICUS KRYNICKII. Krynickii, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 164, pi. 10, f. 3. Russia. 26. DECTICUS INTERMEDIUS. intermedius, Ramb. MSS. Serv. Hist. Orth. 488. South France. North America. 27. DECTICUS SPHAGNORLM. Mas. Ferrugineus ; caput prothorace paullo angustius, antice ct postice albido lituratum ,• from aibido bistrigata ; protkorax postice carina- tus, latcribus viridi niarginatis, margine postico subrotundato ; ab- dominis. segmenla viridi marginata ,• venter albido vittatus ; pedes testacei, femoribus posticis nigro strigatis, tibiis viridibus ; ala LocusimE. 259 anticcB fuscce, breves, vitta discoidali viridi. Foem. — Obscurior ; oviductus fulvus, arena tux, ubdomine longior ; al<£ am pice ; alee anticcB nigricantes, apud costam cinerece ; alee posticce diaphance, apice fuscescentes. Locusta sphagnorum, Barnston, MSS. , Male. Ferruginous, smooth, shining. Head a little narrower than the prolhorax, with a conical broad flat protuberance between the antennae ; some whitish marks along the hind border and towards the mouth ; front erect, with two short slender parallel whitish streaks. Eyes small, slightly oval, hardly prominent. Third joint of the maxillary palpi much longer than the fourth; fifth subclavate, truncated and blackish at the tip, much longer than the third. Antennae much longer than the body. Prolhorax bordered with green on each side, much rounded on each side in front, narrower towards the hind border, which is slightly rounded; hind part with a slight keel. Hind borders of the abdominal segments green on each side; ventral segments with a broad whitish stripe; tip whitish beneath. Le^s testaceous; hind femora with a black streak on the outer side; tibiae dull green ; four anterior tibiae with three rows of spines; hind tibiae with four rows of spines. Fore wings brown, with a green stripe in the disk, extending to half the length of the abdomen. Female. — Darker. Oviduct tawny, curved upward, longer than the abdomen. Wings much longer than the body. Fore wings blackish, cinereous along the costa, rather longer than the hind wings. Hind wings pellucid, pale brownish at ihe lips ; transverse veins white. Length of the body 7^ lines; expansion of the fore wings of the female 24 lines. a — e. St. Martin's Falls, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. Sect. n. Foem. Corpus robustum, glabrum, apterum, subtus nitens. Caput proihorace paullo angustius, antice nitens et erectum, tuberculo inter an- tennas puncto rotundato sulcato. Oculi non globosi. Palpi maxillares longi ; articuli 3us et 4us subaequales; 5us clavatus, 4o valde longior. Prothorax longiusculus, sulcis duobus transversis angulatis, carinis late- ral ibus bene deteiminatis, lateribus valde rotundatis, margine postico rotun- dato. Abdomen prothorace multo longius. Oviductus corpore aequilongus* Tibiae quatuor anteriores triseriatim spinosae. Female. Body stout, smooth, wingless, shining beneath. Head a little narrower than the prothorax, shining in front, prominent and rounded, and with a longiludinal furrow between the eyes ; a slight transverse furrow between the front and the face; face with two oblique furrows, which eon- verge towards the clypeus. Palpi with the apical joint clavate and trun- cated. Maxillary palpi long; first and second joints very short; third and fourth nearly equal in length; fifth very much longer than the fourth. Prothorax elongate, with two slight angular transverse furrows, the hinder one much more deeply angular than the other one; lateral keels sharply defined, very slightly 'curved inward; sides very much rounded; hind border rounded. Abdomen lanceolate towards the tip, much longer than the prothorax. Oviduct as long as the body. Fore tibiae with five spines on each side and with two spines above; middle tibiae with five spines on 260 CATALOGUE OF the outer sides, with three on the inner side aud with two above; hiud tibite with four rows of numerous spines. 28. DECTICUS DEROGATES. Foera. Fuscus, subtus lestaceus ; caput antice testaceum. Female, Brown, testaceous beneath. Head testaceous in front. Length of the body 10£ lines. a. Massachusetts. From Prof. Shepard's collection. South America, 29. DECTICUS FUSCESCENS. fuscescens, Blanch. Gay, Chile, vi. 44. Coquimbo. South Asia. 30. DECTICUS BUEGEBI. Burgeri, ffaan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bcz. Ins. 214. Japan. 31. DECTICUS CONCINNUS. Fcein. Pallide luteus ; caput niyro bistriyatum et qua drivilla turn, fronte sparse punctnta ; palpi maxit 'lares nigricante fasciali, bttsi albo cincti ; prolhorax cnrinis laleralibus bt-ne determinates, discis later- alibus nigris ; abdomen fusco late bifasciatum ; oviductus niyricans, basi pallide luteus, abdomine brevior ; femora antica fusco notala ; femora intermedia nigro interrupts vittata; femora postica- niyro vittata et gutlata ; aloe anticce abdominis dimidio non longiores. Female. Pale luteous. Head as broad as the prothorax ; vertex prominent and rounded in front, where there are two short black streaks ; two black stripes on each side, united along the eye; front oblique, thinly punctured, with a slight blackish band on the suture between it and the face. Eyes nearly round, not prominent, with black disks. Maxillary palpi with a blackish band on each joint and with three white rings near the base; fourth joint a little longer than the third; fifth much longer than the fourth. Labial palpi with a white ring at the base; third joint subclavate, blackish at the tip. Prothorax with distinct lateral keels, thinly punctured in the deflexed part on each side, which has a black disk and is much rounded. Abdomen with a broad brown stripe on each side. Oviduct blackish, curved upward, pale luteous at the base, shorter than the abdomen. Fore femora mottled with brown ; middle femora interruptedly striped with black ; hind femora with an entire black stripe on each side and with a row of black dots above; four anterior tibiae with five slender points on each side and with two above; hind tibia? with four rows of very minute spines, which are numerous in the two upper rows. Fore wings about half the length of the abdomen. Length of the body 9 lines. a. Nepaul. Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. LOCUST1DJ3. 261 32. DECTICUS SINENSIS. Fcera. Viridix ; vertex vilta lata testacea interlineata ; antenna picece, basi pallide virides ; prothorax villa lata testacea fusco inlerrupte maryinata, margine postico rotundato ; abdomen cervinum, strigis lateralibusviridibus,ventre testaceo cervino-vittato ; oviduclus fulvus, reclus,abdomini cequilongus ; pedes femoribus uniseriatim spinutosis, tibiis quatuor anterioribus triseriatim spinosis , tibiis posticis quadri- seriatim spinosis ; alee diaphance, corpore multo longiores ; alee anticce vilta discoidali e maculis septem fuscis ; alee posticce pallido venosce. Female. Grass-green, smooth, shining. Vertex of the head with a broad interlined testaceous stripe. Eyes reddish. Palpi pubescent; third joint of the maxillary longer than the fourth ; fifth subclavate, very much longer than the third. Antennae piceous, pale green at the base, much longer than the body. Prothorax with two transverse furrows, testaceous between the lateral keels, except towards the hind border, which is rounded ; sides much rounded ; an irregular and interrupted brown stripe along each keel. Abdomen fawn-colour; hind borders of the segments green on each side, where there are some irregular green streaks ; ventral segments testaceous, with a fawn-coloured stripe. Oviduct tawny, straight, as long as the abdomen. Femora with a few minute spines beneath ; four anterior tibia? with two spines above ; fore tibiae with six spines on each side; middle tibias with six spines on one side and with four on the other; bind tibia3 with numerous spines on two of the keels and with a few on the other two keels; spines with black lips. Wings pellucid, much longer than the body. Fore wings with a row of seveu brown spots along the internomedian vein; veins green or testaceous; some of the principal veins black towards the base. Hind wings with pale veins. Length of the body 17 lines; expansion of the wings 48 lines. Like D. albifrons in structure, o. Amoy, China. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 33. DECTICUS OBSCUKUS. Mas et foem. Ferrugineus ; from fulva ; clypei latera nigricantia; palpi testacn ; prothorax longiusculus, disco postice latiore, carinis lateralibus bene determinatis ; abdomen fuscum ; oviductus perparum arcualus, apicem versus niger, abdomine longior ; pedes robusti, femoribus nigricante strigatis, tibiis triseriatim spinosis ; alee anticce fuscescenle cinerece, abdnminis apicem attingenles, nigricante macu- lalce et venosce ; alee posticce cinerece, paullo breviores. Var. (3. — Ab- dominis seymenta pallido fasciata. Var. y. — Caput et prothorax testacea ; prothorax nigricante bivittatus ; alee abdomen superantes. • Male and female. Ferruginous. Head as broad as the prothorax, slightly prominent and rounded between the antennae ; front tawny, erect; clypeus blackish on each side; mandibles blackish. Eyes black. Palpi testaceous; third joint of the maxillary much longer than the fourth ; fifth subclavate, much longer than the third ; third joint of the labial clavate, longer than the second. Prothorax elongate; flat part broader bindward; lateral keels well defined; a transverse furrow near the fore border and two 262 CATALOGUE OF oblique furrows which converge hindward in the disk ; vertical part on each side much dilated; hind border slightly rounded. Abdomen brown, paler above. Oviduct black towards the tip, very slightly curved down- ward, longer than the abdomen. Legs stout; femora with a blackish streak on the outer side; four anterior tibia with five or six spines on each side and with two or three above: hind tibia3 with numerous minute black spines in two rows beneath and with a few above. Fore wings brownish cinereous, extending to the tip of the abdomen, with several blackish spots; veins black. Hind wings cinereous, a little shorter than the fore wings. Var. ft. — Sides of the abdomen with a pale band on the hind border of each segment. Var. y. — Head and prothorax testaceous. Prothorax with an irregular blackish stripe along each keel. Wings extending rather beyond the abdomen. Length of the body 13—16 lines. a— e. Corea. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher. Sect. n. Fcem. Corpus sat gracile. Caput prothoraci aequilatum, inter oculos transverse carinatum ; labrum magnum. Oculi parvi, elliptici, non globosi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o valde longior; 5us 3o valde longior. Prothorax subrugulosus, marline postico subrotundato subascendente. Oviductus abdomini asquilongus. Pedes lougiusculi, femoribus anticis et posticis uniseriatim spinosis, tibiis interrnediis inermibus, tibiis quadriserialiiu spinosis, tars>is longis angustis. Alae brevissima?. Female. Body rather slender. Head as broad as the prothorax, with a transverse ridge between the eyes; front erect, rather small; labrum large. Eyes small, elliptical, not prominent. Third joint of the maxil- lary palpi much longer than the fourth; fifth subclavate, much longer than the third. Antennae slender, very much longer than the body. Prothorax minutely rugulose, with two slightly curved transverse furrows, with a slight longitudinal furrow (which in the hind part becomes a slight keel), and with two oblique furrows; lateral keels distinct; sides much rounded ; hind border slightly rounded and elevated. Oviduct as long as the abdomen. Legs rather long ; fore femora with a single row of three spines; middle femora unarmed; hind femora with a single row of eight spines; tibiae with four rows of spines; tarsi rather long and slender. Wings full half the length of the abdomen. 34. DECTICUS PALLIDDS. Fcem. Pallide testaceus ; caput albidum ; antenna f us co fascia l&. Female. Pale testaceous. Head whitish. Mandibles with black teeth. Eyes pale brown. Antennae with several brown bands. Femora towards the base beneath and coxa5 whitish; spines brown at the base or wholly brown, their tips black. Length of the body 14 lines. a. North Hindostan. From Dr. Hooker's collection. Sect. n. Fcem. Corpus sat gracile. Caput et prothorax subtilissime punctaia. Caput inter antennas latum rotundatura ; frons glabra, non retracia. Oculi ovules, non globosi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o duplo longior; 5us LOCUSTID.E. 263 4o triplo longior. Prothorax dorso piano, carinis lateralibus bene deter- minaiis, margine postico subrotundato. Oviductus subarcuatus, abdomiue longior. Pedes longi, sat graeiles, femoribus posticis tibiisque quatuor unterioribus biseriatim spinosis, tibiis posticis quadriseriatim spinosis. Alee corpore fere duplo longiores. Female. Body rather slender. Head and prothorax very finely punctured. Head as broad as the prothorax, rounded above and between the antenna?, where there is a broad space ; front erect, smooth. Eyes oval, not prominent. Third joint of the maxillary palpi about twice the length of the fourth ; fifth about thrice itye length of the fourth. Antennae slender, longer than the body. Prothorax flat above, with two transverse furrows, one longitudinal furrow and two oblique furrows; lateral keels well defined; sides much extended and rounded; hind border slightly rounded. Oviduct slightly curved upward, longer than the abdomen. Legs long, rather slender; hind femora with a few spines on each side beneath ; four anterior tibiae with two rows of short and very slender spines ; hind tibiae with four rows of numerous spines. Wings nearly twice the length of the body. 35. DECTICUS TENEBROSUS. Foem. Ferrugineus ; prothorax plagis duabus lateralibus magnis nigris ; femora transverse ruyulosa ; tarsi nigricantes ; alee anlicce villa informi e plagis cinereis maculisque nigris ; alee posticce cinerece. Female. Ferruginous. Prothorax with a large black patch on each side in the deflexed part. Femora transversely rugulose; tarsi blackish. Fore wings with an irregular stripe of cinereous patches and of black spots of various size and shape. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 12—14 lines ; of the wings 56—60 lines. a. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection. b. Corea. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher. New Zealand. 36. DECTICUS SEMIVITTATUS. Foem. Testaceus ; caput cornu parvo antico porrecto rolundato nigricante vitlato, fronte perparum obliqua ; oculi sal globosi ; prothorax breviusculus, postice latior, carinis lateralibus vix determinalis, mar- gine postico recto; abdomen vittis duabus fuscis valde indelerminatis ; oviductus vix arcualus, abdomine paullo longior ; pedes sat longi, femoribus posticis tibiisque quatuor anterioribus biseriatim spinulosis^ tibiis posticis quadriseriatim spinulosis ; alee anticce brevissimce, villa costali nigricante. Female. Testaceous, smooth, shining. Head as broad as the pro- thorax, with a short porrect much rounded protuberance, which has a blackish stripe; front very slightly oblique, with a distinct transverse suture between it and the face, which is very short. Eyes rather large and prominent, mottled with black. Mandibles with black tips. Maxillary palpi slender ; fourth joint a little shorter than the third ; fifth very slightly clavate, a little longer than the third. Antennae very slender. Prothorax rather short, broader towards the hind border, which is straight; lateral 264 CATALOGUE OF keels slightly defined. Abdomen lanceolate, more than twice the length of the proihorax, with two very incomplete brown stripes. Cerci lanceolate, moderately long. Oviduct hardly curved, a little longer than the abdomen. Legs moderately long and slender; hind femora and four anterior til>ia3 with a few very short and slender spines on each side beneath; hind tibia? with four rows of numerous minute spines and with very short apical spurs. Fore wings nearly half the length of the abdomen, with a blackish costal stripe. Length of the body *1\ lines. a. Auckland, New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. Country unknown. 37. DECTICUS FRONTALIS. Fcem. Viridis, luteo wrius ; caput prothorace paullo lalius, cornu antico brew porrecto rotundato sulcato, fronte magna, clypeo luteo, labro flavescente albo ; antenna picece, basi pallidce ; prothorax aspere punctatus, carinis lateralibus bene determinates , lateribus pallide luteis subreflexis, margine postico recto ; abdomen e plagis fuscis luteo submarginatis quadrivittatum ; oviductus fulvus, sub- arcuatus, apice niger, corpore vix brevior ; pedes femoribus anticis trispinosis,femoribusposticis libiisque guatuor anterioribus biseriatim spinosis, illis vittis duabus macularibus albidis, tibiis posticis quadri- seriatim spinosis ; alee anticce cinerece, vitta costali alba fusco plagiata, vitta discoidali viridi ; aUe postica diaphance, fasciis plurimis fuscis. Female. Green, partly luteous, smooth, shining. Head a little broader than the prothorax, with a little porrect, rounded, furrowed pro- tuberance between the an ten n & ; front large, erect; clypeus luteous; labrum large, yellowish white. Eyes round, slightly prominent. Fourth joint of the maxillary palpi longer than the third ; fifth longer than the fourth. Antenna? piceous ; pale towards the base. Prothorax roughly punctured, with distinctly marked lateral keels ; sides much rounded, pale luteous and slightly reflexed ; hind border straight, hardly elevated. Sternum with two spines on each division. Mesothorax and metathorax blackish. Abdomen with four stripes of brown patches, which are partly bordered with pale luteous. Oviduct tawny, slightly curved upward, black at the tip, nearly as long as the body. Fore coxae with the usual spines ; fore femora with three very minute spines; middle femora unarmed; hind femora with twelve minute spines on one side and with two on the other side, and with a whitish stripe on each side composed of spots ; four exterior tibiae with six spines on each side and with two above; hind tibia? with four rows of spines. Fore wings cinereous, with a green stripe in the disk and with a white costal stripe, the latter including a row of brown patches which are intersected by ramose white veins. Hind wings pellucid, with numerous mostly irregular brown bands which include the black transverse veins; costal veins green. Length of the body 14 lines; expansion of the fore wings 30 lines. LOCUSTIDJ5. 265 Genus 55. LUCERA. Mas. Corpus rubustura, subtus nitens. Caput prothorace non angustius, spatio inter oculos lato trans verse arcuatim carinato. Oculi non globosi. Palporum articulus 4us 3o multo brevior; 5us clavatus, 3o multo lougior. Prothorax subtilissime rugulosus, disco piano sulcis duobus transversis, duobus obliquis unoque longitudinali, carinis lateralibus indeterminatis, rnargiue postico subascendente subinciso. Abdomen lanceo- latum, subcarinatum, apice quadrispinosum, prothorace duplo longius, seg men tor urn marginibus posticis subdentatis. Pedes sat validi, femoribus anticis bispinosis aut trispinosis, femoribus tibiisque posticis longissimis, his quadriseriatim spinosis, illis biseriatim spiuosis. Alae erectae, contiguae, abdominis apicein nou attingentes. Male. Body stout, shining beneath. Head as broad as the prothorax ; space between the eyes broad, with a well-defined transverse curved keel ; a slight transverse furrow between the front and the face, which is small. Eyes small, slightly prominent. Palpi moderately long; apical joint clavate, not truncated ; fourth joint of the maxillary much shorter than the third; fifth much longer than the third. Antennce slender. Prothorax very finely rugulose, much narrower towards the hind border, which is slightly elevated and notched ; disk flat, with two transverse, one longi- tudinal and two oblique furrows; lateral keels not defined; sides slightly rounded. Abdomen lanceolate, slightly keeled above, full twice the length of the prothorax, with four apical spines, the two upper spines much shorter than the two lower, hind borders of the segments slightly dentate in the middle. Legs moderately stout ; fore femora with two or three very minute spines beneath near the tips ; hind femora and hind tibia? very long; hind femora incrassated towards the base, with fire minute spines on each side beneath ; tibiae with four rows of numerous minute spines. Wings vertical, contiguous, not extending to the tip of the abdomen. The broader and less rounded space between the eyes and its transverse keel distinguishes this genus from Decticus. 1. LUCERA BICOLORIPES. Mas. Testacea, tibiis quatuor anterioribus fuscis, tarsis quatuor anleriori- bus fulvis. Male. Testaceous. Eyes piceous. Four anterior tibiaB brown ; four anterior tarsi tawny. Wings like the body in colour. Length of the body 11 lines. a. Macao, China. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. Genus 56. DEXERRA. Mas. Corpus glabrum, sat robustum. Caput prothorace vix angus- tius, apud antennas subporrectum et subrotundatum ; frons obliqua, sparse punctata. Oculi raagni, rotundi, globosi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o paullo brevior; 5us subclavatus, 4o multo longior. Prothorax brevis, 266 CATALOGUE OF postice angustior, carinis lateralibus non conspicuis, margine postico valcle rotundato. Abdomen lineare, prothorace multo angustius. Pedes femori- bus posticis diraidio basali incrassatis, tibiis quatuor anterioribus biseriatim spinosis, tibiis posticis quadriseriatim spinosis. Alae minimos. Male. Body smooth, rather stout. Head nearly as broad as the pro- thorax, slightly rounded and prominent between the eyes ; front oblique, thinly punctured. Eyes large, prominent, round. Third joint of the maxillary palpi a little shorter than the fourth ; fifth subclavate, much longer than the fourth. Third joint of the labial palpi subclavate, much longer than the second. Antennae long, slender. Prolhorax short, narrower towards the hind border, which is much rounded and slightly elevated; sides rounded, lateral keels not defined. Abdomen linear, much narrower than the prothorax. Hind femora incrassated for half the length from the base, slender from thence to the tips; four anterior tibiae with five rather long spines on each side; hind tibiae with very numerous spines in two rows above, and with very few in two rows beneath. Wings rudimen- tary. The prominent eyes and the prothorax without lateral keels distinguish this genus from Decticus. 1. DEXERRA TURPIS. Mas. Sordide teslacea, fusco subconspersa ; caput inter oculos fusces- cente uninotatum ; antenna: picete, basi fulvce ; femora transverse striata, olivaceo suffusa. Male. Dingy testaceous, slightly speckled with brown. Head with a brownish mark between the eyes. Antennae piceous, tawny towards the base. Femora with a pale olive-green tinge, transversely striated on each side. Length of the body 7 lines. a. Australia. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. Genus 57. NATRICIA. Mas et fam. Corpus robuslum, breve. Caput prothorace paullo angustius, spiua parva obtusa inter oculos armatum, spatio inter antennas perangusta ; frons perparum obliqua. Oculi globosi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o multo lougior; 5us subclavatus, 3o multo longior. Antennae longis- simae, gracillimae, subpubescentes. Prothorax margine postico rotundato, sulco longitudinali tenuissirno sulcoque transverse angulato, carinis laterali- bus indeterminalis. Abdomen prothorace plus duplo longius. Oviductus brevis, latus, arcuatus. Pedes graciles, femoribus quatuor anterioribus uniseriutim quadrispinosis, femoribus tibiisque posticis biseriatim spinosis. Alae brevissimae. Male and female. Body stout, short. Head a little narrower than the prothorax, with a minute rounded spine between the eyes; space between the antennae very narrow, angular towards the spine before mentioned; front very slightly oblique. Eyes prominent, moderately large. Palpi slender; third joint of the maxillary palpi much longer than the fourth ; fifth subclavale, much longer than the third. Antennae very long and slender, very minutely pubescent. Prothorax with a very slight longi- tudinal furrow and with an angular transverse middle furrow; lateral keels not defined ; sides much rounded ; hind border rounded. Abdomen a little LOCUSTID.E. 267 more than twice the length of the prothorax. Oviduct broad, curved, less than one-fourth of the length of the abdomen. Legs slender; fore femora with four minute spines in a row beneath; middle femora also with four spines, but much more minute; hind femora with two rows of several minute spines : hind tibise with two rows of numerous minute spines ; third joint of the tarsi dilated. Fore wings about one-third of the length of the abdomen. Hind wings shorter. It has a great resemblance to Lucera, but the structure is »ery different. 1. NATBICIA OCHRACEA. Mas et fcem. Ochracens, subtus pallidior; alee concolores. Male and female. Ochraceous, paler beneath. Head toward the mouth and palpi paler. Eyes piceous. Wings like the body in colour. Length of the body t> — 6£ Hues. a, b. China. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. Genus 58. INSARA. Fcem. Corpus gracile. Caput prothorace vix angustius ; carinuta antica plana; frons erecta, margine anticoinciso ; labruui magnum. Oculi elliptici, valde convexi. Palpi maxillares pubescentes; ariiealus 3us 4o valde longior ; 5us 3o valde longior. Antenna gracillimEe, corpore duplo longiores. Prothorax dorso piano postice dilatato, carinis lateralibus bene determinatis, margine postico rotundato,lateribus deflexis valde rotundatis. Abdomen compressum, prothorace duplo longius, segmentomm marginibus posticis unispinosis. Oviductus valde arcuatus, abdominis dimiclio lion longior. Pedes graciles; femora uniseriatim spinosa ; tibiae quatuor anteriores biseriatim spinosae ; tibiae posticas quadriseriatiin spinosse. Ala3 auticae angustze, venis liansversis paucis. Alae posiicae amplae. Female. Body slender. Head shining in front, nearly as broad as the prothorax, wilh a little flat keel between the antennae, which are approxi- mate; front erect, its fore border excavated in the middle; labrum large. Eyes elliptical, very prominent. ' Maxillary palpi pubescent; third joint much longer than the fourth ; fifth subclavate, much longer than the third. Antenna? very slender, about twice the length of the body. Pro- thorax with the flat dorsum contracted near the fore border, dilated hind- ward; lateral keels strongly marked ; deflexed sides much rounded; hind border rounded. Abdomen compressed, twice the length of the prothorax; hind borders of the segments in the middle from the first to the apical one successively more elongated into spines. Oviduct very deep, very much curved upward, about half the length of the abdomen. Legs slender ; four anterior femora with two minute spines beneath near the tips; hind femora incrassated for less than half the length from ihe base, with a single row of three minute spines beneath ; four anterior tibiae with two raws of a few slender spines beneath ; fore tibiae much dilated near the base; hind tibiae with numerous spines in two rows. Wings long. Fore wings narrow, with very few transverse veins. Hind wings broad, a little longer than the fore wings ; transverse veins numerous, especially along the exterior border, where there are intermediate longitudinal veins. 268 CATALOGUE OF 1. INSARA STRIGULATA. Fcein. Testa cea^fusco aut nigro confertissime conspersa, vertici* disco et prothoracis dorso non conspersis ; antenna picea>t leslaceo fasciata; ; prothorax nigro biviltatus ; abdomen fuscum ; pedes nigro conspersi et fasciati ; alee anlica obscure cinerece,fusco compersce, nigro punc- talce et striyulatce ; alee posticce cinerece, nigro venosce. Female. Testaceous, very thickly speckled with brown or with black. Disk of the vertex, keel between the antennae and flat part of the prothorax unspeckled. Eyes livid. Antennae piceous, with some testaceous bands. Prothorax with a black stripe along each keel. Abdomen and oviduct brown. Legs with black speckles and irregular bands. Fore wings dark cinereous, speckled with brown and varied also with several black points near the base and with some exterior little black streaks. Hind wings cinereous ; veins black. Length of the body 8 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 24 lines. a. Oajaca, Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. b. Orizaba. From M. Salle's collection. Genus 59. ORCHELIMUM. Orchelimum, Serv. Hist. Orth. 522. 1. ORCHELIMUM VDLGARE. Pterophylla agilis, Harr. Cat. Ins. Mass. 56 — Orchelimum vulgare, Harr. Rep. 3rd Ed. 162, f. 77. Scud. Journ. Bost. Sue. Nat. Hist. vii. 452. a. United Stales. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 2. ORCHELIMUM CONCINNUM. concinnum, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 452. Cape Cod. 3. ORCHELIMUM GLABERRIMUM. Xiphidium glaberrimum, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 707— Orchelimum glaberrimum, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 453. Connecticut. Georgia. 4. ORCHELIMUM AGILE. Locusta agilis, Deg. Ins. iii. 457, pi. 40, f. 3 — Xiphidium agile, Burnt. Handb. Ent. ii. 707 — Orchelimum agile, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 453. Illinois. Maryland. 5. ORCHELIMUM LONGIPENNIS. lougipennis, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. rii. 453. Texas. LOCUBTID^E. 269 6. ORCHELIMUM GLAUCUM. glaucum, Serv. Hist. Orth. 524. North America. 7. ORCHELIMUM HERBACEUM. berbaceum, Serv. Hist. Orth. 524. a. United States. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 8. ORCHELIMUM CUTICULARE. cuticulare, Serv. Hist. Orth. 523. Genus 60. XIPHIDIUM. Locusta, Fabr., Charp., Panz. — Xipbidium, Serv. Rev. 62; Hist. Orth. 505. Brulle, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 707. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 177. />« Borck.— Anisoptera? Latr., Wesm. Europe and North Africa. 1. XIPHIDIUM FUSCUM. Locusta fusca, Fair. Ent. Syst. ii. 43. Latr. Hist. Nat.-au. 132 ; Gen. iii. 101. Panz. Faun. 33, 2. Charp. Hor. Ent. 111. Philippi, Orth. Berol. 19, pi. 1, f. 2 — Xiphidion fuscum, Serv. Rev. 62; Hist. Orth. 506— Xipbidium fuscum, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 708. Fitch. Mannh. Jaht. 15, 49. Steph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 14. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. pi. 8, f. 3. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 247. a. Italy. Presented by Dr. Leach. b, c. France. From Prof. Westwood's collection. 2. XIPHIDIUM DORSALE. Locusta dorsalis, Latr. Hist. Nat. xii. 133. Charp. Hor. Ent. 112, pi. 2, f. 4. Philippi, Orth. Ber. 19, pi. 1, f. 8— Locusta fusca, Zett. Orth. Suec. 60— Anisoptera dorsalis? Lair. Fam. Nat. 413. Fisch. de W. Bull. Mosc. vi. 372— Xiphidiura dorsale, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 708. De Borck, R'dtv. Ins. 60. Steph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 14. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 248, pi. 14, f. 4. a, b. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. c — h. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. i,j. England. 3. XIPHIDIUM THORACICUM. thoracicum, Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 179, pi. 8, f. 4— Fisch. Orth. Eur. 249. South Russia. 270 CATALOGUE OF 4. XlPHIDIUM CONCOLOR. ', Savigny, Descr. Egypt, Orth. pi. 4, f. 2, 3 — Xiphidiutn concolor, Burnt. Handb. Ent. ii. 708, thoracicurn? — Locusta hastata ? Charp. Hor. Ent. 113. Hungary. Egypt. 5. XlPHIDIUM STRAMINEUM. Locusta (Xipbidium) straminea, Klug, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. 2nd. Bez. Ins. 189. Egypt. America. 6. XlPHIDIUM FASCIATUM. Locusta fasciata, Deg. Ins. iii. 458, pi. 40, f. 4 — Pterophylla fasciata, Harr. Cat. Ins. Mass. 56— Orchelirnum gracile, Harr. Rep. 3rd Ed. 163, f. 78 — Xiphidium fasciaturo, Serv. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxii. 159. Burnt. Handb. Ent. ii. 708. Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 451 . «. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b — c. Nortb America. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. y, g. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. h. Mexico. 7. XlPHIDIDM BEEVIPENNB. brevipennis, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 451. United States. 8. XlPHIDIUM ENS1FERUM. ensifer, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 451. Illinois. 9. XlPHIDIUM MEXICANUM. mexicanum, Sauss. Rev. Zoo/. 1859, xi. 207. The specimen recorded is referred with doubt to X. mexicanum. a. Oajaca, Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. 10. XlPHIDIUM SALTATOB. saltator, Sauss. Rev. Zoo/. 1859, xi. 207. Guyana. 11. XlPHIDIUM GRANDE. Mas. Testaceum, vitta ferruginea nigro antice marginata ; palporum articuli Bus et 4us subccquales, 5us 4o valde longior ; abdomen plaga apicali nigricante, femora (/uatuor anteriora uniseriatim spinosa; femora postica biseriatim spinosa ; tibia quatuor anteriores biseriatim sexspinosce; tibia: posticce quadriseriatim spinosce. Male. Testaceous, smooth, shining, with a ferruginous dorsal stripe which on the head and prothorax is bordered with black. Head with the LOCUSTID^E. 271 stripe lanceolate, extending from the tip of the horn between the eyes to the hind border. Eyes round, prominent. Third and fourth joints of the maxillary palpi about equal in length ; fifth much longer than the fourth. Prothorax elongate, wilh the stripe widening very slightly from the fore border to the hind border. Abdomen with a linear stripe, which is paler near the tip, where there is a blackish patch ; apical appendages large. Fore femora with two minute spines beneath, three beneath the middle femora ; hind femora wilh one row of seven spines and with another of two; four anterior tibia? with six spines on each side ; hind tibia? with four rows of spines, most of which are in the two upper rows. Fore wings with many tawny points and with a brown streak along the basal part of the interior border; tympanum pellucid. Hind wings pellucid, a little shorter than the fore wings; veins pale. Length of the body 10^ lines; expansion of the fore wings 31 lines. a. Demerara. From Mr. Bowers' collection. 12. XlPHIDIUM PR^ECIPUUM. Pallide testaceum; caput el prothorax nigro univittata ; frons obliqua ; antennae fulvce, basi lestacece ; femora guatuor anteriora trispinosa ; tibia quatuor anleriores biseriatirn spinosce ; alee anticce vitla postica nigricante ; alee poslica diaphance. Pale testaceous, paler beneath. Head with a black lanceolate stripe on the vertex and with a porrect obtuse spine extending from between the eyes ; front oblique. Eyes prominent. Antennae tawny, testaceous at the base. Prothorax with a broad black stripe, which is narrower in front. Fonr anterior femora beneath with a single row of .three minute black- lipped spines ; four anterior tibiae with five spines on each side beneath. Wings much longer than the body. Fore wings with a blackish stripe extending for less than half the length along the hind border. Hind wings pellucid. Length of the body 9? lines ; of the fore wings 33 lines. The specimen described is mutilated. The spines on the anterior tibia? are much stouter than those of X.fuscum and of X. fasciatum ; the spine between the eyes is more porrect than that of X.fuscum and more acuminated than that of X. fasciatum. a. Demerara. From Mr. Bowers' collection. West Africa. 13, XlPHIDIUM CONTINUUM. Foem. Viride, rufescente univittatum ; antenna picece, basi viridesj oviductus fulvus^ arcuatus, abdomine multo brevior ; aloe anticce pallide fuscce, villa subcostuli e guttis obscurioribus, apud coslam diaphance viridi venosce ; alee posticce diaphante, longiores, fusco venosa, apud costa- apicem subfuscescentes. Female. Grass-green, in structure like X. fuscum. Body with a reddish stripe, which widens from between the antennae to the hind border of the proihorax and is continued from thence to the lip of the abdomen. Eyes livid. Antennae piceous, green at the base. Oviduct tawny, curved upward, much shorter than the abdomen. Fore wings pale brown, with a subcostal stripe of darker brown dots; costal space pellucid, with pale CATALOGUE OF green veins. Hind wings pellucid, a little longer than the fore wings ; veins brown ; a slight brownish linge along the tip of the costa. Length of the body 6 lines; expansion of the fore wings 15 lines. The oviduct is much shorter than that of X. Iris, •a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. South Africa. 14. XlPHIDIUM PUNCTIPENNE. Fcem. Teslaceum ; caput et prothorax vittis duabus fuscis • anlice approximates; caput albo bilineatum ; antenna nigricantes ; pro- tlioracis linete lutescente maryinatce ; pectus atbidum; abdomen villa dorsali fusca ; oviductus subarcuatus, abdomine paullo longior ; alee pallidissime cinerece ; alee antice Linea e gullis parvis nigris ; alts po&ticce longiores. Female. Testaceous, like X.fuscum ui structure. Head and pro- thorax with two brown lines which diverge from the fore border of the head to the hind border of the prothorax. Head with a white line on each side between the brown line and the eye. Eyes piceous. Autenna3 blackish, testaceous at the base. Prothorax with a luteous tinge along the outer side of each brown line. Peclus whitish. Abdomen with a brown dorsal stripe. Oviduct slightly curved upward, a little longer than the abdomen. Wings very pale corneous, veins pale. Fore wings with a line of small black dots, which extends in the di*k from near the base to rather beyond half the length. Hind wings somewhat longer than the fore wings. Length of the body 6£ lines; expansion of the fore wings 19 lines. •a. South Africa. From Mr. Argent's collection. 15. XlPHIDIUM TENUE. Mas. Viride, gracillimum ; caput et prothorax vitta ferruginea flavo marginata ; antennae picece, basifulvce; abdomen villa paltide luteu; alee pailide cervince, apud costam diaphance viridi venosce ; alee poslicce longiores. Male. Grass-green, slender. Head and prothorax with a ferruginous stripe, which is bordered with pale yellow on the outer side. Eyes brown. Antennae piceous, tawny towards the base. Abdomen with a pale luteous stripe. Wings pale fawn-colour, pellucid and with green veins along the costa. Hind wings somewhat longer than the fore wings. Length of the body 6^ lines; expansion of the fore wings 19 lines. The body is more slender than that of X.fuscum. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 16. XlPHIDJUM TENELLUM. Fo3m. Teslaceo-viride ; caput et prothorax e lituris nonnullis rufis sub- vittala ; antenna picete ; oviductus rectus, abdomini ceguilongus ; alee diaphanee, venis pailide viridibus ; alas postica longiores. Female. Testaceous-green. Head and prothorax with a very incomplete or almost obsolete stripe indicated by some red marks on each LOCUSTID,E. 273 side. Eyes testaceous. Antennae piceous, testaceous towards the base Oviduct straight, as long as the abdomen. Wings pellucid ; veins pale green. Hind whips somewhat longer than the fore wings. Length of the body 8 lines; expansion of the fore wings 20 lines. It may prove to be the female of X. tenue. a, b. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. Sect. n. Fcem. Corpus gracile, apterum. Frons subobliqua. Oculi sat parvi, non globosi. Antennae gracillimae. Prothorax lateribus obtuse angulatis, callis duobus posticis, maigine postico recto. Abdomen lanceolatuin, pro- thorace anguslius et duplo longius. Oviductus rectus, basi arcuatus, eorpore vix duplo longior. Pedes graciles; femora postica dirnidio basal i incrassata; tibiae quatuor anteriores biseriatim quinquespinosae; Iibia3 postica? quadriseriatim spinulosae. Female. Body slender, smooth, shining. Head full as broad as the prothorax, prominent, narrow and rounded between the antennae ; front flat, slightly oblique, narrow towards the vertex, with an indistinct trans- verse furrow between it and the face. Eyes rather small, not prominent. Antenna? very slender. Prothorax not elongated hindward ; hind border straight; lateral keels not defined ; sides obtusely angular; a callus on each side of the hind border. Abdomen lanceolate, narrower than the prothorax and full twice its length. Oviduct straight, curved at the base, almost twice the length of the body. Legs slender; four anterior tibiae with five minute spines on each side; hind femora and hind tibiae long; hind femora incrassated for half the length from the base ; hind tibiae with four rows of very minute spines and with minute apical spurs. Wings none. 17: XlPHIDIUM CAUDALE. Foem. Viridi-leslaceum, vittis duabvs pallidioribvs ferrugineo submar- yinatis ; antennce fulvce, basi viridescentes ; oviductus fulvus. Female. Greenish testaceous, probably grass-green when alive. Vertex, prolhorax and dorsum of the abdomen with two paler stripes, which are incompletely and irregularly bordered with ferruginous on the inner side. Antennae tawny, pale greenisb at the base. Oviduct tawny. Tarsi black towards the tips. Length of the body 8 lines. a. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 18. XIPHIDIUM IRIS. Xiphidion Iris, Serv. Hist. Orth. 506— Xiphidium Iris, Stal, Eng. Reset, 323. a, b. Mauritius. From Dr. Beke's collection. 274 CATALOGUE OK South Asia. 19. XlPHIDIUM EXEMPTUM. Fcem. Testa ceum ; palporum articuli 3us et 4us subaquales, bus multo longior ; antenna apices versus picece ; oviductus perparum arcnatus, corpore vix brevior ; ala diaphana, pallido venosce. Female. Testaceous, smooth, shining. Head with a conical, porrect, slender, rounded protuberance between the antennae. Eyes nearly round, very prominent. Third and fourth joinis of the maxillary palpi about equal in length; fifth much longer than the fourth. Antennae piceous towards the tips. Oviduct very slightly curved, almost as long as the body. Wings pellucid, much longer than the body; longitudinal veins testaceous; transverse veins white. Hind wings raiher longer than the fore wings. Length of the body 8 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 23 lines. a. Corea. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher. 20. XlPHIDIUM POST1CUM. Frern. Viridi-testaceum ; palporum articulus 4us 3o el bo paullo longior ; antenna pieces, basi pallida ; prothorax vitta pallide fusca nigro marginala ; oviductus fere reclus, abdomine vix brevior; femora quatuor anteriora uniseriatim spinulosa ; femora poslica biaeriatim spinulosa ; tibia quatuor anteriores biserialim spinosa ; tibia poslica quadriseriatim spinulosa; ala antica virides, latiuscula, villa postica fusca lanceolata ; ala postica diaphana, pallido venosa. Female. Greenish testaceous, slender, smooth, shining. Head as broad as the prothorax, with a short, porrect, compressed, acute horn between the antenna?; front long, erect; labruin short. Mandibles with black tips. Eyes brown, nearly round, very prominent. Fourth joint of the maxillary palpi a little longer than the third and than the fifth, which is subelaiale. Antennae piceous, pale towards the base, full twice the length of the body. Prothorax with a pale brown stripe which occupies the flat part and is broader hindward, and is bordered by a black line on each keel ; sides ;ind hind border slightly rounded. Oviduct almost straight, full as long as the abdomen. Four anterior femora with a single row of very minute spines; hind femora with two rows of small spines; four anterior tibise with six long spines on each side; hind tibiae with four rows of short slender spines. Fore wings green, rather broad, a little longer than the hind wings, with a brown lanceolate stripe which extends from the base along two-thirds of the length of the interior border. Hind wings pellucid ; veins pale. Length of the body 1 1 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 26 lines. a. Silhet. From Mr. Argent's collection. Australasia. 21. XlPHIDIUM LONG1PENNE. Locusta (Xiphidium) longipennis, Ifaan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 189. Banjermassing. LOCUSTID2E. 275 22. XTPHIDIUM LEPIDUM. Locnsta (Xiphidium) lepida, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 189. Java. 23. XIPHIDIUM MEL^NUM. Locusta (Xipbidium) raeloena, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 189. Java. 24. XIPHIDIUM FUSCESCENS. L )custa (Aprion) fuscescens, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 206. Java. 25. XIPHIDIUM? BREVIFOLIA. Locusta (Aprion) brevifolia, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 207, pi. 19, f. 3. Java. 26. XIPHIDIUM MACULATUM. maculatum, Le Guillou, Rev. Zoo/. 1841, 294. Macassar. 27. XIPHIDIUM AMABILE. amabile, Stal. Eug. Resa, 323. Manilla. Australia. 28. XIPHIDIUM BILINEATUM. bilineatum, Erichs. Archiv. 1842, 249. Tasmania. 29. XIPHIDIUM ALBESCENS. Fcem. Albidum; caput fusco mttalum ; antennas picece, basi albidce ; prothorax villa fusca tineas duas pallidiores includenle ; abdomen seijmenlorum maryinibus poslicis venlreque fulvis ; oviductus fulvus, fere reclus, corpore paulio longior ; alee patlidissime cinerece ; alee anticcB villa coslali brevi nigra ; alee poslicce longiores. Female. Whitish, in structure like X.fuscum. Head and prothorax with a dark brown stripe which is bordered with white on the outer side, and is broadest in the prothorax, where it includes two pale brown lines. Eyes livid. Antennae piceous, whitish at the base. Abdomen with a tawny band on the hind border of each segment; ventral segments tawny. Ovi- duct tawny, almost straight, a little longer than the body. Wings very pale cinereous ; veins pale. Fore wings with a black costal stripe, extend- ing from the base to somewhat beyond half the length. Hind wings 276 CATALOGUE OF somewhat longer than the fore wings. Length of the body 6 lines ; expan- sion of the fore wings 14 lines. a. South Australia. Presenter! by R. Bakewell, E*q. New Zealand. 30. XIPIIIDICM MAORICUM. Fcein. Viride ; vertex et prothorax vitta fusca flavo marginata ; capvt cornu antico brevi rotundato subascendente ; antennas fuscce, basi virides ; prothorax carinis lateralibus non determinates, margine postico subrotundato ; abdomen ferruyineum ; cerci nigri ; oviductus fuscus, abdomine longior ; ped.es graciles, femoribus posticis uni- serialim spinulosis, tibiis quatuor anterioribus biseriatim sjrinosis, tibiis posticis quadriseriatim spinulosis ; alte anlicee pallide virides, corpora longiores, striga costali nigra ; alaz posticce diaphance, longiores. Var. /3. — Testaceum ; prothoracis vitta e tintis duabus interrupts fuscis. Female. Grass-green. Prothorax and vertex of the head with a brown stripe which is narrower towards the fore border of the proihorax and is lanceolate on the vertex, and is bordered wilh pale yellow on the outer side. Head with a slightly ascending rounded protuberance between the antennae. Eyes prominent. Antennas brown, i>reen at the base. Prothorax much dilated and obtusely angular in the middle on each side ; lateral keels not defined ; hind border slightly rounded. Mesoihorax, meiathorax and abdomen mostly ferruginous. Cerci blark. Oviduct brown, paler towards the tip, longer than the abdomen. Legs slender ; hind femora with a single row of rive very minute black spines; four ante- rior tibiae with a few small spines on each side beneath; hind tibia?, wilh numerous very minute spines in four rows. Fore wings pale green, longer than the body, with a black streak along the basal part of the cosia. "Hind wings pellucid, longer than the fore wings. Var. ft. — Testaceous. Pro- thorax with the stripe only indicated by two interrupted brown lines. Length of the body 7% lines ; of the wings 22 lines. Male? Grass-green, short, smooth, shining. Prothorax and vertex of the head with a brown stripe which is forked hindward in the former. Head slightly ascending, prominent and rounded between the antennae; fore part oblique; front and face large, separated by a slight transverse suture. Eyes brown, irregularly tessellated with testaceous, rather large and prominent. Antenna? testaceous, with numerous brown rings. Pio- thorax partly testaceous in the disk, which has an irregular brown mark on each side; lateral keels not defined; sides much dilated, obtusely angular, partly bordered with brown; hind border rounded. Abdomen whitish, much longer than the prothorax, with a broad black stripe which occupies the whole of the tip. Cerci black, rather long. Legs testaceous ; femora minutely reddish-speckled; hind femora beneath with a line of four minute black spines; four anterior tibiae with two rows of minute spines beneath ; hind tibiae with two rows of numerous minute black spines beneath and with a few of the same above, their apical spurs very short. Fore wings pellucid, as long as the abdomen, with a black costal stripe along half the LOCUST1D.E. 277 length from the base; veins pale testaceous. Length of the body 6 lines. o, b. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. c. New Zealand. Presented by the liev. W. Colenso. Oceania. 31. XlPHIDIUM OCEANICUM. ^J^> '<• 7^ *~ /?l oceanicum, Le Guil. Rev. Zool. 1841, 293. Hainoa. 32. XlPHIDICM TEIVITTATUM. trivittatum, Slal, Eug. Resa, 323. Isle Tahiti. Country unknown. 33. XlPHIDIUM VALIDUM. Fcem. Viride ; caput villa fnsca niyricanle marginata palporum arti- culus 3us 4o perparum longior ; bus 4o sat longior ; antennae picea ; prnlhorax villa lala lestucea linens duas nigras includcnle poslice abbreviala ; abdominis dorsum teslaceum ; oviductus fulvuay vulde arcuatus, abdomine longior ; libice supra fuxcescenles ; alee diaf/hana ; alee antica villa postica lurida, alee postica perpaullo longiores. Female. Grass-green, in structure like X. fuscum. Head with a brown stripe widening from between the eyes to the hind border and bordered with blackish. Eyes testaceous, prominent, slightly elliptical. Third joint of the maxillary palpi very little longer than the fourth; fifth rather longer than the third. Antennae piceous, testaceous at the base. Prothorax with a broad testaceous stripe .which is much abbreviated towards the hind border and includes two black stripes. Abdomen testaceous above. Cerci green. Oviduct tawny, much curved, rather longer than the abdo- men. Tibiae brownish above; tips of the four anterior tibia? pale green. Wings pellucid; veins green. Fore wings with a lurid stripe beyond the middle along the interior border. Hind wings very little longer than the fore wings. Length of the body 8 lines; expansion of the fore wings 19 lines. This species is somewhat stouter than X. fuscum, and the oviduct is more curved, a. ? Presented by the Entomological Club. Genus 61. LETANA. Mas. Corpus lineare, gracillimnm. Caput prothorace vix angustius, inter antennas subcarinatum ; frons erecta. Oculi rnagni, brevi-elliptici, valde gloliosi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o multo longior. Antennae gracillimae, corpore duplo longiores. Prothorax dorso piano, sulco longi- tudinali sulcbque duabus transversis, lateribus margineque postico sub- rotundatis. Sexualia maximum. Cerci cylindrici, longissimi, basi incrassati. 278 CATALOGUE OF Pedes longi, gracillimi; femora posiica basi subincrassata ; tibiae anticae trispinosae ; tibiae intermedia? biseriatim spinosae ;| tibiae posticae triseriatim spinosae. Alae anticae longae, angustae. Male. Body linear, very slender. Head convex above, nearly as broad as the proihorax, with a slight keel between the antennae, which are approximate; front shining, erect. Eyes large, short-elliptical, very pro- minent. Palpi slender; apical joint very slightly thicker towards the tip. Third joint of the maxillary palpi much longer than the fourth; tilth much longer than the third. Antennae very slender, about twice the lengih of the body. Proihorax flat above, a little broader hindward, with two slight transverse furrows and with one slight longitudinal furrow ; lateral keels slightly defined ; sides and bind border slightly rounded, the latter notched on each side. Abdominal appendages very large; cerci cylindrical, very long, incrassated at the base ; two long, slender, recurved appendages beneath. Legs long, very slender; hind femora slightly incrassated towards the base ; fore tibia; with a single row of three minute spines ; middle tibiae with two rows of several minute spines; hind tibia? with three rows of spines. Fore wings very narrow, thickly reticulated, rather shorter than the hind wings ; tympanum at the inner base of the right wing rather large. Hind wiugs ample. The different structure of the protuberance between the antennae distinguishes this genus from Xiphidium. 1. LETANA LINEARIS. Mas. Flava ; caput vertice plagisque qualuor nigricantibus aul rufescentibus ; anlennce nigrae ; prothoro.x villa lala nigra aut rufa nigro-marginata vitlisque duabus lateralibus nigris ; abdomen villa nigra lala inlerrupla ; pedes testacei aut virides, nigro varii; alee anlicce fuscce villa coslali diaphana viridi venosa nigro-marginata ; aloe postica cinereo hyalina+nigricante venosce. Male. Yellow. Head with the disk of the vertex blackish or reddish, and with two, patches of the same hue on each side. Eyes livid. Antennas black ; first joint partly yellow. Prothorax with a broad black or red black- bordered stripe in the middle, and with an irregular black stripe on each side. Abdomen with a broad blackish stripe, which is more or less interrupted on the hind border of each segment. Legs testaceous or green ; femora with black lips; four anterior femora more or less speckled with black ; four anterior tibiae black, sometimes green ; hind tibiae dark green or black, sometimes with a whitish band near the base ; tarsi black or dark green. Fore wings brown, with a pellucid costal stripe in which the veins are pale green ; this stripe is bordered with black on its hind side towards the base ; tympanum of the right wing pellucid. Hind wings cinereous, hyaline, iridescent; veins blackish. Length of the body 6 — 7 lines; expansion of the fore wings 20 — 22 lines. a. North Hindostan. From Dr. Hooker's collection. 6, c. North Hindostan. From Capt. Reid's collection. d. Mussoorie. Presented by Sir J. Hearsay. LOCUSTI D^:. 279 Genus 6-2. MECONEMA. Locusta, Fabr. — Gryllus, Sulzer, &c. — Meconema, Scrv. Rev. ; Hist. Orth* 503. BruLI^ Hist. Nat. Inn. ix. Burnt. Handb. Ent. ii. 682. De Borck. Fisch. de W. Orlh. Ross. 174. Fisch. Orth. Ear. 240. ]. MECONEMA VARIA. Locusta varia, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 42. Panz. Faun, xxxiii. f. 1. Charp- H»r. Ent. 110. Latr. Hist. Nat. xii. 131. Zett. Orth. Suec. 62? Rossi. Faun. Etr. i. 267. Philippi, Orth. Berol. 20, pi. 1, f. 3— Gryllus viridissimns minor, Sti/z. Abgek. Orach, pi. 8, f. 9 — Gryllus arboreus, Fuessly, Verz. Sc/iw. Ins. 22 — Locusta thalassima, Deg. Ins. iii. 433 — Locusta nana, Stoll. Saut. et Gryll. pi. 13 a. f. 55 — Conoce- phiilus varius, Thunb. Mem. v. 274 — Gryllus varius, Don. Brit. Ins. \\\. pi. 79, f. 1— Meconema varia, Surv. Rev. 61 ; Hist. Orlh. 594. Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 151, pi. i5, f. 2. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 682. Fisrh. de W. Orth. Ross. 176, pi. 8, f. 6 — Meconema varium, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 240, pi. 12, f. 19, 20. a — c. England. Presented by J. C. Dale. / — p. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. q — /. England. w. France. From Prof. Westvvood's collection. 2. MECONEMA SUBPUNCTATA. subpunctatum, Motsch. Bail. Soc. Nat. Mosc. xxxix. 181. Japan. 3. MECONEMA ALBICORNIS. albicorne, Motsch. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. xxxix. 181. Japan. 4. MECONEMA BREVIPENNIS. brevipennis, Yersin, A. S. E. F. viii. 517. Hyeres. Genus 63. LADNEA. Fcem. Corpus gracile. Captit inter antennas subcarinalum ; frons erecta; labrum fere roluudum. Oculi globosi. Palporurn articulus 3us 4o multo longior; 5us 3o valde loug-ior. Prothorax transverse bisulcatus, sulco postico angnlato, lateribus subrotundatis, marline postico recto utrinque inciso. Vagina valde arcuata, supra subtusque serrata, abdomine paullo brevior. Pedes gracilliini, femoribus posticis tibiisque quatuor ;iBterioTil)us parce spinulosis, illis bHsi incrassatis, tibiis posticis quadri- seriatiin spinulosis. Alae anticae abdomen superautes, coni'erte reticulatae. Atee pastifcae paullo breviures. Female. Body slender. Head as broad as tbe prothorax, with a minule keel between the antennae ; front erect; labrum nearly round. Eyes prominent. Third joint of the maxillary palpi much longer than the S80 CATALOGUE OF fourth ; fifth very much longer than the third. Antennae slender. Pro- thorax with two transverse furrows, the hinder one angular; sides slightly rounded ; hind border straight, slightly notched on each side. Sheaths of the oviduct hroad, much curved, a little shorter than the abdomen, serrated towards the tip beneath and for half the length from the tip above. Legs very slender; hind femora incra^sated towards the base, with a few minute spines beneath like those of the four anterior tibiae; hind tibiae with many minute spines in four rows. Wings extending a little beyond the abdomen. Fore wings thickly and irregularly reticulated, a little longer than the hind wiugs. This genus may be distinguished by the much more prominent rim round the insertion of the antennae and by the wings from Odontura, with which it agrees in the structure of the sheaths of the oviduct. 1. LADNEA. PUNCTIPES. Foem. Pallide ochracea, subtus flavescens ; caput et prothorax ferruginco late univittata ; labrum album ; antenna nigro annnlatee, basi rvfo varies; pedes rufo aut nigro conspersi ; alee postica diaphana, rufes- cente venoste. Female. Pale ochraceous, yellowish beneath. Head and prothorax with a broad ferruginous stripe. Labrum white. Antennae with 'black rings; first and second joints partly red. Femora and four anterior tibiae speckled with red or with black. Hind wings pellucid ; veins reddish. Length of the body 9 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 15 lines. a. North Hindostan. From Dr. Hooker's collection. Genus 64. LANC1ANA. Man. Corpus robustnm, leave. Qaput prothorace paullo latins, inter antennas suhcarinaium; frons perparum obliqua; labrum breve, latum. Oculi parvi, globosi, fere roiundi. Palporum articnlus 3us 4o multo longior; 5us subclavatus, 4o paullo longior. Antennae basi approximate, corpore plus duplo longiores. Prothorax transverse bisulcatus, lateribus fere rectis postice rotundatis, margine postico subrotundato. Abdomen subcotnpressum, prothorace plus duplo lonjuus ; sexualia minima. Pedes sat graciles, femovibus posticis subtus spinulosis, geuubus posticis calcaratis, tibiis quatuor anterioribus biseriatim spinulosis, tibiis posticis qundri- seriatim spinulosis. Ala? antica3 coriaceae, venis transversis plurimis, inordinatis, margine interiore basi dilatato, tympano parvo. Ala? posticae ampla?, paullo breviores. Male. Body stout, smooth. Head a little broader than the pro- thorax ; fore part shining; a short porrect keel between the antennae, rounded in front; front very slightly oblique; labrum short, hroad. Eyes small, prominent, nearly round. Third joint of the maxillary palpi much shorter than the fourth ; fifth subclavate, a little longer than the fourth. Antenna? approximate at the base, more than twice the length of the body. Prothorax with two slight transverse furrows, the fore one slightly curved ; sides nearly straight, rounded hindward ; hind border slightly rounded. Abdomen slightly compressed, more than twice the length of the pro- thorax; apical appendages very small. Cerci moderately long. Legs LOCUSTID^E. 281 rather slender; hind femora with a few minute spines beneath ; hind knees with a spur beneath ; four anterior tibiae with six minute spines on each side beneath ; hind tibiae with numerous minute spines in four rows. Fore winjis coriaceous, rather longer than the hind wings ; transverse veins very numerous and irregular; interior border dilated at the base; tym- panum small. Hind wings ample. This genus may be distinguished from Decticm by the slender keel between the antennae, and by the rounded prothorax without lateral keels. 1. LANCIANA ALBIDICORNIS. Mas. Testaceo-cinerea ; antennae albidce ; abdomen fuscum, subtus fulvum ; femora postica nigro univittuta ; tibia posticce basi albidae ; alee anticce linea discoidali e punctis fuscis ; alee postica diaptiance, pallido venosce. Male. Testaceous-cinereous. Eyes lurid. Mandibles with brown tips. Antennae whitish. Mesothorax, metathorax and abdomen brown, the latter tawny beneath. Hind femora with a black stripe on the outer side; hind libia3 whitish at the base. Fore wings with a line of brown points in the disk. Hind wings pellucid ; veins pale. Length of the body 9 lines; expansion of the fore wings 20 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel's collection. Genus 65. PIURA. Fcem. Corpus gracile, glabrum, nitens. Caput spina brevi valida porrecta carinata obtusa inter antennas instructum; frons erecta, longius- cula; labrum sat longum. Oculi fere rotundi, valde globosi. Palpi maxillares longiusculi; articulus 3us 4o paullo brevior; 5us 3o paullo longior. Antennae longae, graciles. Prothorax longiusculus, supra planus, transverse quadrisulcatus, lateribus valde rotundatis, margine postico recto. Abdomen compressum, prothorace plus duplo longius. Oviductus vix arcuatus, abdomine brevior. Pedes longi, graciles; femora postica biseria- tira spinulosa, basi incrassata; tibia? quatuor anteriores biseriatim sex- spinosai; tibiae posticae quadriseriatim spinulosae. Ala? anticae longae, coriaceae, sat angustae, confertissime reticulatae. Alae posticae amplae, paullo breviores. Female. Body slender, smooth, shining. Head with a short, stout, ponect, keeled, obtuse spine between ihe antennae; front erect, rather long; labrum elongate. Eyes nearly round, very prominent. Palpi pubescent; apical joint clavate, truncated at the tip. Maxillary palpi rather long; fourth joint a little longer than the third ; fifth a little shorter than the fourth. Antennae long, slender. Prothorax elongate, linear above, with four transverse furrows, of which the first and third are angular; the flat dorsal part much wider towards the hind border, which is straight; deflexed sides much rounded. Abdomen compressed, more than twice the length of the proihorax. Oviduct hardly curved, rather shorter than the abdomen. Legs slender, long; hind femora iucrassated towards the base, with two rows of minute teeth beneath; four anterior tibiae with six long spines on each side; these spines from the first pair to the last successively 282 CATALOGUE OF decrease iu length and are longer on the fore tibiae than on the middle tibiae ; hind tibiae with four rows of minute spines. Wings long. Fore wings rather narrow, cinereous, very thickly and irregularly reticulated, a little longer than the hind wings, which are ample. It resembles Xiphidium in the structure of the head, and Locusta in the structure of the fore tibiae. 1. PJURA MCNDA. Foem. Testacea ; vertex ferrugineus ; antennas nigro fasciatce ; pro- thoracis discus ferrugineus, nigro marginatus ; oviductus apice fulvus ; femora postica dimidio apicali, tibice tarsique ferruginea ; alee anticcs striga postica fusca ,- alee posticce diaphance, albido venosce» Female. Testaceous. Vertex of the head ferruginous. Mandibles piceous. Antennas with several black bands. Flat part of the prothorax ferruginous, bordered with black. Sheaths of the oviduct tawny towards the tip. Hind femora for half the length from the lips, tibiae and tarsi ferruginous. Fore wings with a brown streak along nearly half the length of the interior border from the base. Hind wings pellucid ; veins whitish, Length of the body 14 lines; expansion of the fore wings 38 lines. a. Ceram. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. Genus 66. LOCUSTA. Locusta, Fair., Sere. Hist. Orth. 529. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 713. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 147. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 250— Gryllus, Linn.— Acrida, Curt. — Phasgonura, Westw., Steph. 1. LOCUSTA VIRIDISSIMA. ' Geoff. Ins. Par. i. 398 — Gryllus (Tettigonia) viridissimus, Linn. Faun. Suec. 869. Stall. Saut. et Gryll. pi. 23 b. f. 91. De Geer,Ins. iii.277 — Conocephalus viridissimus, Thunb.Mem. \. 278 — Locusta viridissima, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 41. Sch. Icon. pi. 91, f. 6 ; pi. 139, f. 3—5; pi. 247, f. 4, 5. Roes. Ins. ii. 65, pi. 10, 11. Latr. Hist. Nat. xii. 130 ; Gen. iii. 100. Panz. Faun. 89, f. 18, 19. Zett. Orlh. Suec. 59. Charp. Hor. Enl. 108. Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 148, pi. 14, f. 4. Philippi, Orth. Berol. 18. Serv. Hist. Orth. 529. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 713. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 148, pi. 4, f. 1. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 251, pi. 14, f. 5. De Borck, R'dtv. Ins. 56, pi. 2, f. 2. — Pliasgonura viridissima, Westw. Classif. Steph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 16. Japan. a — h. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. i — k. England. /. France. in. Louvaiue. Presented by Lady Seymour. LOCU8TID2E. 283 2. LOCUSTA CAUDATA. Locusta caiulata, Charp. Orlh. pi. 33. Finrh. Or/A. Eur. 252, pi. 14, f. 7 — Locusta longicauda, Eversm. Addit. pi. A, f. 2. Kelch. Orth. Schles.P — Locusta prasina, Kollar, Kelch. Orth. Schles.P — Conoce- phalus Koleneiii ? Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 145, pi. 29, f. 1 , 2. Russia. 3. LOCUSTA CANTANS. Locusta cantans, Fussby. Verz. Schw. Ins. 23, f. 5. Charp. Hor. Ent. 109. Burm. Handb. Ent.\\.7\9. Fisch. de W. Orlh. Ross. 151, pi. 4, f. 6, 7 (Decticus cantans) Fisch. Orth. Eur. 253, pi. 14, f. 6— Locusta Gavornieusis, Serv. Hist. Orth. 530. «, b. Italy. Presented by Dr. Leach. c, d. ? 4. LOCUSTA THORACIC A. thoracica, Fisch. de W. Orlh. Ross. 150, pi. 28, f. 5. Siberia. 5. LOCUSTA? PHYLLOPTEROIDES. Decticus phyllopteroides, Fisch de W. Orth. Ross. 173, pi. 28, f. 4. Daouria. 6. LOCUSTA SAVIGNYI. Savignyi, Lucas, Expl. Alg. ZooL. iii. 14. Algeria. 7. LOCUSTA VITICOLLIS. viticollis, Blanch. Gay. Chile, vi. 46. Chili. 8. LOCUSTA LOBOENSIS. Loboensis, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 216. New Guinea. 9. LOCUSTA ? SUMATRANA. Sumatrana, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 216, pi. 19, f. 2. Padang. 10. LOCUSTA UNICOLOR. Hexacentrus unicolor, Serv. Rev. 49. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 714 — Locusta unicolor, Serv. Hist. Orth. 531, pi. 9, f. 4. Hindostan. 11. LOCUSTA VIGENTISSIMA. vigentissima, Serv. Hist. Orth. 530. a. Australia. Presented by the late Earl of Derby. 6. South Australia. Presented by R. Bakewell, Esq. 984 CATALOGUE OF 12. LOCUSTA BILINEATA. bilineata, Mlrz. Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyons, 2me Ser. vii. 87. Woodlark. 13. LOCUSTA? MACROCEPHALA. macrocephala, Mtrz. Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyons, 2me Str. vii. 87. Woodlark. 14. LOCUSTA?? POGONOPODA. pogonopnda, Mtrz. Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyons, 2me Ser. vii. 87. Woodlark. 15. LOCUSTA MABGINIFERA. Fo3m. Testacea ; vertex macula nigricanle bilobata, corniculo inter antennas conico porrecto suLcalo apice nigro, fronte subobliqna, labro albido-testaceo ; prothorax transverse bisulcalus, lateribus fere rectis, margine postico subrotundato ; oviductus viridis, perparum arcuatus, corpore paullo iongior ; femora poslica uniseriatim spinulosa ; tibice quatuor anteriores bueriatim sexspinosa ; tibiae poslicce quadriseriatim spinulos(B ; alee anticce virides linea costali tinea discoidali lineaque postica aibidis ; alae postica viridi venosce. Female. Testaceous, smooth, shining. Head as broad as the pro- thorax, with a large bilobed blackish spot on the vertex, and with a conical porrect, furrowed, black-tipped protuberance between the antennae ; front slightly oblique ; labiura whitish testaceous. Eyes fawn-colour, nearly round, rather prominent. Maxillary palpi green ; third and fourth joints of equal length ; fifth subclavate, much longer than the fourth. Antennae piceous, green at the base, full twice the length of the body. Prothorax with two slightly curved transverse furrows; sides nearly straight ; hind border slightly rounded. Oviduct green, very slightly curved upward, a little longer than the body. Legs partly green ; femora with a single row of some very minute spines ; four anterior tibia; with six long spines on each side; hind tibiae with four rows of short slender spines. Wings rather short. Fore wings grass-green, narrow, a little lunger than the hind wings, with a whitish line in the disk, with a whitish costal line, and with a whitish line along the interior border. Hind wings pellucid ; veins pale green. Length of the body 13 lines; expansion of the fore wings 28 lines. a. Africa. From Mr. Vigors' collection. 16 LOCUSTA REPANDA. Foem. Viridis * teslaceo varia ; caput corniculo inter antennas porrecto trilobato, fronte subobliqua apicem versus rufescente ; prothorax transverse bisvlcatus, lateribus valde rolundatis, margine postico sub- rotundato ; vagina nigra, arcuata, basi viridis, apice rufescens, abdo- mine brevior ; pedes breviusculi, femoribus quatuor anterioribus uniseriatim spinosis, femoribus posticis tibiisque quatuor anterioribus bueriatim spinulosis, tibiis poslicis quadriseriatim spinulosis ; alee posticce diaphance, viridi venosce. LOCUSTID2E. 285 Female. Grass-green, partly testaceous. Head almost as broad as the prothorax, with a purred three-lobed protuberance between the antennae; front slightly oblique, reddish towards the face ; clypeus deep green. Eyes lawn-colour, very prominent. Fourth joint of the maxillary palpi shorter than the third ; fifth much longer than the third. Prothorax with two transverse furrows, the hinder one curved towards the fore one on each side; sides much rounded; hind border slightly rounded. Oviduct black, curved upward, green at the base, reddish at the tip, rather shorter than the abdomen. Legs rather short ; four anterior femora with a single row of four spines; hind femora with two rows of minute spines; fore tibiae with six minute spines on each side; middle tibia? with seven ; hind tibiae with four rows of minute spines ; spines with black tips. Hind wings ample, pellucid; veins green. Length of the body 14 lines; of the wings 56 lines.. a. ? 17. LOCUSTA DEC1ICOIDES. Mas et fcem. Testacea, fulvo varia ,• caput cornu antico brevi-conico porrecto, nonnunguam albido quadrilineatum ; protliorax carinis lateralibus bene determinates, lateribus vfildc rotundatis nonnunquam albidis ; pectus atbo sexstriyatum ; abdominis Lutera fusco striyata ; oviductus fere rectus, corpore jpaullo lonyior ; femora poslica biserialim spinulosa ; tibice quatuor anterior&s supra unispinoscc aul bispinoscB ; alee anticce cinertee, corpore multo longiores^ vitlis duabus e muculis subquadralis fuscis vittaque intermedia cervina. Male and female. Testaceous, here and there more or less tawny. Head with a short porrect conical protuberance in front, not extending beyond the first joint of the antenna?; front oblique; two whitish some- times obsolete lines extending from the eyes to the hind border and two others in some cases apparent between the eyes and the face. E)es piceous, round, prominent. Maxillary palpi slender; fourth joint as long as the third; fifth subclavate, darker at the lip, longer than the fourth. Third joint of the labial palpi clavate, black at the tip. Prothorax with two transverse furrows and with distinct lateral keels; sides much rounded, sometimes whitish in the male ;> hind border straight, slightly elevated. Three oblique white streaks on each side of the pectus. Abdomen with a row of oblique brown streaks on each side. Oviduct almost straight, a little longer than the body; sheath broader at the base. Legs rather long and slender; hind femora with a row of several minute spines on each side; four anterior tibiae wilh five rather long spines on each side and with one or two above : hind tibiae with four rows of minute spines. Fore wings cinereous, much longer than the body, a little longer than the hind wings, wilh a fawn-coloured siripe between the externo-median vein and the interno-median vein; a row of subquadrate brown spots on each side of the siripe; veins fawn-colour or whiten. Hind wings pale cinereous ; veins black ; transverse sectors blackish-bordered. Far. /3. — Prothorax with two more or less distinct whitish testaceous stripes which are bordered with blackish and are undulating on the inner side ; a little brown streak on each side in the deflexed part. Length of the body 12 — 15 lines; expan- sion of the fore wings 36 — 42 lines. a — c. Australia. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. d—f. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 286 CATALOGUE OF Sect. n. Mas. Corpus longum, sat gracile. Caput prothorace vix angustius, cornu antico parvo porrecto sulcato; frons perparum obliqua. Oculi fere rotundi, valde globosi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o paullo longior; 5us 4o longior. Antennae graciles, corpore longiores. Prothorax postice pro- ductus, sulcis tribus transversis, lo subarcuato, 2o angulato, margine postico rotundato vix angulato. Sternum sexspinosum. Pedes longiusculi, sat robusti ; femora biseriatim spinulosa ; tibiae quatuor anteriores biseriatim spiuosae; tibia; posticse quadriseriatim spinulosae. Alae corpore, multo lougiores. Ala? anlicae coufertissirne reticulatae, tympano basali niagno. Male. Body long, rather slender. Head and prothorax smootb, not shining. Head rounded above, nearly as broad as the prothorax, with a little slender furrowed horizontal horn between the eyes; front very slightly oblique; clypeus and labrum shining. Eyes very prominent, nearly round. Third joint of the maxillary palpi a little longer than the fourth ; fifth very slightly thicker towards the tip, somewhat longer than the third. Third joint of the labial palpi clavate, truncated at the tip, longer than the second. Antennae slender, longer than the body. Prothorax with three slight trans- verse furrows, the first slightly curved, the middle one angular; hind part elongated, narrower ; hind border rounded, hardly angular in the middle. Sternum with two stout and rather long spines in each division. Legs rather long and stout; four anterior femora with two rows of minute spines beneath, from six to eight spines in each row ; hind femora with two rows of more numerous minute spines ; four anterior tibiae with two rows of from eight to ten long stout spines on each side; hind tibiae with four rows of numerous minute spines. Wings much longer than the body. Fore wings very thickly reticulated, with a large tympanum at the base. The structure of the hind part of the prothorax distinguishes this section from the typical form of Locusta. 18. LOCDSTA BICOLOR. Mas. Pallide lutea ; antenna fusece, bnsi hitescailes ; prothorax postice viridis ; sternum femora basi et coxa albida ; alee anticae virides, tympana diaphano ; alee posticce diaphance, viridi venosce. Male. Pale luteous. Eyes piceous. Antennae brown, pale luteous at the base. Hind part of the prothorax green. Sternum whitish. Spines of the legs with black tips. Femora towards the base and coxae whitish. Fore wings green ; tympanum pellucid ; veins green. Length of the body 24 lines; expansion of the wings 64 lines. Genus 67. NICSARA. Poem. Corpus gracile. Caput prothorace paullo angustius, cornu antico parvo porrecto cariuato obtuso ; frons subobliqua, parce punctata. Oculi miigui, fere rotundi, valde globosi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o paullo longior; 5us 3o valde longior. Antennae graciles, corpore multo longiores; articulus lus longus, validus, intus apicem versus dilatatus. Prothorax transverse irisulcatus, lateribus fere rectis, raargine postico subrotundato. LOCTJBTIUjE. 287 Abdomen fusiforme. Oviductus vix arcuatus, abdomine longior. Pedes sat graciles; femora qualuor anteriora trispinulosa ; femora postica bi- serialim spinulosa; tibiae quatuor anteriores biseriatim spinosae ; tibiae postica? quadriseriatim spinuloss. Ala? antica? couferte reliculata3. Ala? postica; paullo breviores. Female. Body slender, convex, smooth, shining. Head a little nar- rower than the prothorax, wiih a little porrect obtuse keeled horn between the eyes; front slightly oblique, thinly punctured. Eyes large, nearly round, very prominent. Third joint of the maxillary palpi a little longer than the fourth; fifth snbclavate, very much longer than the third. An- tennae slender, much longer than the body ; first joint long, stout, dilated on the inner side towards the tip. Prolhorax with three slight transverse furrows; sides nearly straight; hind border slightly rounded. Abdomen fusiform. Oviduct hardly curved, longer than the abdomen. Legs rather slender; a spine on each of the fore coxae; four anterior femora with a single row of three minute spines ; hind femora with two rows of several minute spines; four anterior tibiae with from five to six rather small spines on each side; hind tibiae with four rows of numerous minute spines. Wings longer than the body. Fore wings thickly reticulated, a little longer than the hind wings. The short spines of the fore legs distinguish this genus from Locusta. 1. NlCSARA TRIGONALIS. Fcem. Testacea ; caput nigro sexlineatum, fronte nigra maculam stri- gasque duas testaceas includente, labro luteo ; antenna nigrce, articulo 10 testaceo nigro-vittato ; prothorax vittis duabus nigricantibus tes- laceo conspersis pnslice furcatis et connexis, litura intermedia fusca cruciformi ; femora nigro conspersa ; femora postica nigro bifasciata et univittala; tibice basi nigrce ; tibia quatuor anteriores supra nigro conspersts ; alee cinerecs ; aloe antica fusco varies, albido venosce; ala posticce nigro venosce. Female. Testaceous. Head above with six longitudinal black lines, which are united in front; front black, with a triangular testaceous spot in the disk and with a short testaceous streak on each side ; labrum luteous. Eyes piceous. Antennae black ; first joint testaceous, striped with black. Prothorax with two irregular blackish stripes, which are speckled with tes- taceous and are forked and united hindward ; an intermediate brown cruci- form mark. Femora speckled with black; hind femora with a black stripe on the outer side and with two black bands, the first beyond the middle, the second apical; tibia? black at the base; four anterior tibiae speckled with black above. Wings cinereous. Fore wings speckled and dotted and partly clouded wiih brown; veins whitish. Hind wings with black veins. Var. (3. — Triangular spot on the front of the head nearly obsolete. Length of the body 14 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 44 lines. a. Port Essington. Presented by the late Earl of Derby. b. Australia. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. 288 CATALOGUE OF Genus 68. MOSSULA. Mas etfcem. Corpus gracile. Caput longiusculum, cornu parvo por- recto rotundato carinisque duabus anticis: Irons obliqua. Oculi fere elliptici, valde globosi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o fere duplo longior; 5us subclavatus, 3o longior. Antennae graciles, corpore quadruplo longiores. Prothorax postice angustior, sulcis duobus transversis, 2a arcuata, margine antico rotundato, lateribus subrotundatis, margine postieo recto. Oviduetus subarcuatus, abdomine paullo brevior. Pedes graciles; femora quatuor anteriora uniseriatim spinulosa; femora postica et tibia3 quatuor anteriores biseriatim spinulosa ; tibia? poslicse quadriseriatim spinulosa?. Alae anticae confertissime reticulatae. Male and female. Body slender, smooth, convex. Head elongate, with a short rounded porrect horn extending from between the eyes to between the antenna?, where it is accompanied by a keel on each side; front oblique. Eyes nearly elliptical, very prominent. Maxillary palpi pubescent ; third joint nearly twice the length of the fourth; fifth subelavate, longer than the third. Antennae slender, about four times the length of the body. Prolhorax narrower hindward, with two transverse furrows; the hinder one curved, approaching the fore one on each side ; fore border rounded in the middle ; sides slightly rounded ; hind border straight, notched on each side. Oviduct slightly curved upward, a little shorter than the abdomen. Legs slender; four anterior femora with a single row of eight minute spines on each ; hind femora with two rows of numerous small spines ; four anterior tibiae with two rows of about twelve minute spines; hind tibiae with four rows of numerous small spines. Wings extending somewhat beyond the abdomen. Fore wings very thickly and irregularly reticulated. The much longer legs distinguish this genus from Nicsara. 1. MOSSULA VITTICOLLTS. Mas et foam. Fulva ; prothorax et capitis vertex niyro vittata ; caput testaceum, lituris duabus punctisque quatuor niyris ; antenna picece, basi fulvce; protkorax maryine niyro, macnlis duabus sutcisque nigricantibus ; abdominis seymenta fusco maryinata; alee postica cinerecB. Male and female. Tawny. Prothorax and vertex of the head with a black stripe. Head testaceous; front with an angular black mark on each side near the antenna?, and with a black point on each side near the face, which also has two black points. Antennae piceous, tawny towards the base. Prolhorax wilh a black border, with a blackish spot on each side of the disk, and with blackish furrows. Hind borders of the abdominal segments brown. Wings with testaceous veins. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 21 — 24 lines; expansion of the wings 42 — 52 lines. a, b. ? From Mr. Macgillivray's collection. LOCUSTIDJB. 289 Genus 69. MONCHECA. Fcem. Corpus lineare, sat gracile. Caput cornu antico brevi-conieo, subascendente; frons subobliqua. Oculi fere rotundi, valcle globosi. Pal- poruin articuli 3us et 4us aequilongi ; 5us subclavatus, 4o multo longior. Antennae longae, graciles. Prothorax postice angustior, sulcis duobus transversis subarcuatis, lateribus fere rectis, margine postico subrotundato vix ascendente. Oviductus rectus, abdomini aequilongus. Pedes sat graciles; femora uniseriatim spinosa ; tibiae quatuor anteriores biseriatim spinosae ; tibia posticae quadriseriatim spinosa?. Alae longae. Female. Body linear, rather slender, smooth, shining. Head as broad as the prothorax, with a conical slightly ascending protuberance between the antennas ; front slightly oblique. Eyes nearly round, very prominent. Fourth joint ot the maxillary palpi as long as the third ; fifth subclavate, much longer than the fourth. Antennae slender, much longer than the body. Prothorax with two transverse slightly curved furrows ; hind part narrower; sides nearly straight ; bind border slightly rounded and elevated. Oviduct straight, as long as the abdomen. Legs rather slender ; femora with a single row of spines beneath, five on each of the four anterior femora, nine on each of the hind femora ; four anterior tibiae with about eight spines on each side; hind tibiae with numerous spines in. four series ; lobes of the third joint of the tarsi much dilated. Wings very much longer than the body. The spines on the fore tibiae are more numerous and much smaller than those of Locusta. 1. MONCHECA PRETIOSA. Fcem. Beryllina ; frons fusca, gutta albida, strigis dttabus fulvis obliqui? punctisque quatuor pallidioribus, clypeo ochraceo ; palpi fulvi ; antennae picece, albido quadrifasciatce^ ban falvce; prothorax te*taceus, albido bifasciatu/t ; oviduclus niyricans ; pedes fusci, tibiis posticis saturate rufis; alec anticce cinerece, albido venosce^ vitta costali pallide purpurascente marginata, villa postica viridi, vitta costali subtus coccinea ; alee posticce diaphance, viridi venosce. Var. /3. — Abdomen teslaceum,seg mentis viridi maryinatis. Var. y. — Caput supra pallide roseum, albo lineatum ; abdomen albido-testa- ceum ; tibiae posticce rosece ; al<£ anticce vitta postica Jlavo-alba ; alt* posticce flavo-albo venosce. Female. Beryl-green. Front of the head brown, with a whitish conical dot near the antennae, with a tawny oblique streak on each side and with four anterior paler points; face and clypeus oehraceous. Eyes livid. Palpi tawny. Antennae piceous, tawny for nearly one-third of the length from the base ; four whitish bands in the pieeous part. Prothorax testa- ceous, brown about the sutures, with two whitish bands. Oviduct blackish, pale luteous beneath, except towards the tip. Legs brown ; hind tibiae deep red ; tarsi rosy red beneath ; hind tarsi reddish above. Fore wings cinereous, with whitish veins ; a pale yellow costal stripe, which tapers from the base to two-thirds of the length and is bordered on the hind side by a shorter purplish red stripe ; a green stripe tapering from the base along 290 CATALOGUE OF nearly half the length of the interior border; under side with a crimson costal stripe along one-third of the length from the base. Hind wings pellucid ; veins green. Far. /3. — Abdomen testaceous above; hind borders of the segments green. Far. y.— Head pale rosy, with some irregular white lines; front brown, with the usual markings. Pectus testaceous. Abdomen whitish testaceous. Oviduct testaceous towards the tip, whitish beneath towards the base. Hind tibia? rosy. Fore wings with the stripe along the interior border yellowish white. Hind wings with yellowish white veins. Length of the body 14 — 16 lines; expansion of the fore wings 47 — 54 lines. a. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection. i, c. Oajaca, Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Genus 70. SAGA. Locusta, Fabr. Src.— Gryllus, De Villers, ^-c.— Saga, Charp. Hor. Ent. 95. Serv. Rev. Hist. Orth. 538. Brulti, Hist. Nat. Im. ix. 158. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 711. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 241— Tettigopsis, Fisch. de Waldh. 1. SAGA SEREATA. Locusta onos, Stall, Saut. et Grill, pi. 11, f. 42, 43— Gryllus giganteus, De Vill. Linn. Ent. i. 451, pi. 3, f. 7— Locusta serrata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 43. Latr. Hist. Nat. xii. 134— Saga serrata, Charp. Hor. Ent. 95. Brullt, Hist. Nat. ix. 139. pi. 16. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 29. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 711. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 183, pi. 5. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 242, pi. 14, f. 9 — Tettigopsis serrata, Fisch. de W. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. vi. 363 ; A. S. E. F. ii. 31 n— nedipes Fisch. de W. a. South France. Presented by Miss Charlotte Gray. b,c. ? d. Odessa. Presented by Dr. Dowler. e. Athens. /. South Europe. Presented by Mrs. Mauger. 2. SAGA NATOLLE. Natolia?, Serv. Hist. Orth. 541— Gryllus Pedo, Pallas, Voy. Buss. viii. 164 — Saga Synophrys, Charp. Germ. Zeitsch. iii. 319 — Locusta (Saga) Pedo, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 209. Smyrna. 3. SAGA VITTATA. Saga vittata, Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 184, 412, pi. 6. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 243 — Tettigopsis vittata, Fisch. de W. Notice Tettig. 16. South Russia. 4. SAGA SYNOPHRYS. synophrys, Charp. Germ. Zeitsch. Ent. iii. 319. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 244, pi. 14, f. 8— gigantea, Frivaldsky, H.-Sch. Nomencl. 15, 27. Turkey. LOCUSTID^E. 291 5 SAGA EPHIPPIOERA. ephippigera, Fisch. de W. Ortk. Ross. 185, pi. 30. Caucasus Begion. 6. SAGA CRN ATA. , Savigny, Descr. Egypte Orth. pi. 4, f. 11— Saga ornata, Burm. Handb.Ent. ii. 711. Egypt. 7. SAGA SYRIACA. Syriaea, Lucas, A. S. E. F. 1864. Bull. v. Aleppo. 8. SAGA MINUTA. Locusta (Saga) minuta, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 209. Cape. 9. SAGA MACROCEPHALA. macrocephala, Schaum, Mortals. Berl. Acad. 1853, 778. /^ ^ *"~ ^ Mozambique. 10. SAGA ELEGANS. elegans, Blanch. Hist. Nat. Int. Hi. 29. Cape. 11. SAGA AZURE A. Gryllus (Tettigonia) azureus, Stall. Saut. et Gryll. pi. 13, f. 53— Gryllus (Tettigonia) melanopterus ? Linn. Syst. Nat. 430 — Saga azurea, Serv. Hist. Orth. 540. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 711— Locusta (Saga) melanoptera, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 209. Mas. Lud. Ulr. 134. Far. P Male.— Pale yellowish, slender, linear. Head very finely punctured, with an obtuse very short horn between the antennae ; fore part much reiracted. Eyes ferruginous, prominent. Antennae piceous, pale yellow towards the base, about as long as the body. Prothorax much longer than broad, with two angular transverse furrows, and with a short longitudinal furrow; fore border green. Abdomen partly green. Legs long, slender; fore femora with seven spines on the outer side and with six on ihe inner side; middle femora with seven spines on each side; hind femora with twelve or fewer minute spines on each side; fore tibiae with six spines on each side; middle tibiae with six or seven spines on each side; hiud tibiae wilh numerous minute spines in three rows. Wings less than 292 CATALOGUE OF half the length of the body. Fore wings green towards the tips. Hind wings blackish cinereous, purple along the costa. Female. — Oviduct slightly curved, uearly as long as the abdomen. Length of the body 23—27 lines. o. Cape. From Mr. Children's collection. ft, c. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. d — -f. From M. Gueinzius' collection. y. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 12. SAGA INDICA. Locusla indica, Herbst, Arch. Fue.ssly, pi. 53, f. 2— Saga indica, Brultt, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 158. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 711. Hindostan. 13. SAGA DENTICULATA. denticulata, White, Grey's Journ. Exp. ii. 469. a — c. King George's Sound. Presented by Sir G. Grey. Presented by the late Earl of Derby. Far. Male. — Luteous, slender, linear. Head and prothorax partly tinged with green. Head very finely punctured, with a short porrect obtuse spine between the antenna?. Mandibles whh black tips. Third and fourth joints of the maxillary palpi about equal in length ; fifth much longer. Antennae piceous towards the tips, about as long as the body. Prothorax punctured, with a black stripe. Abdomen with a piceous macular stripe. Legs long, slightly tinged with green; spines black, or with black tips; four anterior femora with eight spines on the outer side and with six on the inner side ; hind femora with twelve spines on the outer side and with nine on the inner side; four anterior tibia? with six spines on each side; hind tibiae with numerous spines in four rows. Wings less than half the length of the abdomen. Length of the body 22 lines. /. Australia. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. 14. SAGA LUTEA. Foem. Lutea; caput subtilissime punctatum, cornu antico brew porrecto obtuso ; prothorax longitudinaliter unisulcatus, transverse quadrisul- catus ; abdomen fusiforme ; oviductus perparum arcuatus, corpori aquilongus ; pedes spinosi. Female. Luteous, slender. Head very finely punctured ; with a short porrect obtuse spine between the antennae ; fore part much retracted. Antenna? rather longer than the body. Prothorax with four slight trans- verse furrows and with one short longitudinal furrow; first trans- verse furrow curved near the fore border; second and fourth straight; third angular. Abdomen fusiform. Oviduct very slightly curved upward, as long as the body; tip black. Legs long; spines black or with black tips; four anterior femora with eight spines on the outer side and with fewer on the inner side ; hind femora with fourteen spines on each side successively increasing in size to the apical one; four anterior tibiae with LOCUST1D.E. 293 six spines on each side ; hind tibiae with numerous spines in four rows. Length of the body 18 lines. The oviduct is longer than that of S. denticulata. a. Swan River. From Mr. Cuming's collection. 15. SAGA PARVULA. Mas. Testaceo-viridis, punctata ; caput cornu brevi porrecto lato lineari apice rolundato, lituris quatuor fronteque nigris; prothorax strigis duabus nigris longitudinalibus arcuatis valde inlerruptis, dor so piano, lateribus marqinequepostico subrotundatis ; sternum nig rum, testaceo- viridi marginatum ; femora quatuor posteriora fusco conspersa ; femora intermedia trispinulosa ; femora postica biseriatim spinulosa ; tibia quatuor anteriores biseriatim spinosce ; tibia posticce quadri- seriatim spinulosce ; alee anticce fusco bifasciala, abdomen non super- antes. Male. Testaceous-green. Head and prothorax thickly punctured. Head with two small black marks on each side, one by the eye, the other on the hind border; a broad linear porrect protuberance, much rounded hi front and extending a little beyond the first joint of the antennae ; front black, long, very oblique. Mandibles black. Eyes very prominent. Fourth joint of the maxillary palpi a little shorter than the third; fifth much longer than the third. Antennae about twice the length of the body. Prothorax with a curved much interrupted black streak on each side ; the flat dorsal surface dilated hindward; sides and hind border slightly rounded, the latter slightly notched on each side. Sternum black, bordered with testaceous-green. Abdomen with two bidentate apical hooks; ventral segments piceous. Four posterior femora speckled with brown ; middle femora with three minute spines beneath ; hind femora with two rows of minute spines beneath ; four anterior tibiae with five small black-tipped spines on each side beneath; hind tibiae with four rows of minute spines. Fore wings not extending beyond the abdomen, with two broad brown bands; first band basal, interrupted ; second subapical, entire. Length of the body 9£ lines. a. Oahu, Sandwich Islands. Presented by Capt. Beechey. Sect. n. Fcem. Corpus gracile. Caput conicum, prolhorace paullo latius, cornu antico parvo conico porreeto; frons longa, valde obliqua. Oculi rotundi, valde globosi. Palporum articulus 3us 4o longior, 5o brevior. Antennae graciles, corpore lungiores. Prothorax apud medium coarctatns, margine postico rotundato. Oviductus subarcuatus, abdomine paullo longior. Pedes longi, femoribus tibiisque quatuor anterioribus biseriatim sexspinosis, femoribus posticis biseriatim spinosis, tibiis posticis quadri- seriatim spinosis. Alae anticse angustse. Alae posticae longiores. Female. Body slender. Head conical, a little broader than the pro- thorax, with a little conical porrect protuberance between the antennas ; front long, very oblique. Eyes round, very prominent. Third joint of the maxillary palpi longer than the fourth, shorter than the fifth. Antennae slender, longer than the body. Prothorax saddle-shaped, slightly contracted 294 CATALOGUE OF in the middle; hind border rounded, notched on each side. Oviduct slightly curved upward, a little longer than the abdomen. Legs long ; four anterior femora and tibiae with six spines on each side beneath ; hind femora with two rows of more numerous spines ; hind tibiae wilh four rows of spines. Fore wings narrow, as long as the body. Hind wings broad, rather longer than the fore wings. 16. SAGA MACDLOSA. Foem. Viridis ,- prothorax viltis duabu* fuscis indelerminalis postice nigris et dilatatis ; abdominis discus ex parte ochraceus ; alee anticce vitta e. strigis albis, villa exleriore cinerea rufescente venosa ; al(B posticce purpureo-fuscce, basi diaphance mridi vcnosee, villa costali pallide viridi, fasciis plurimis diaphanis macularibus. Female. Grass-green. Eyes testaceous. Prothorax with two indis- tinct brown stripes, which are dilated and black towards the hind border. Abdomen partly ochraceous in the disk. Oviduct black above towards the lip. Fore wings with a row of elongated white spots along the mediastinal vein ; hind part brown, with green or whitish veins ; a cinereous stripe with reddish veins in the exterior part of the disk. Hind wings purplish brown, pellucid with pale green veins at the base, with a pale green costal stripe and with many bands of irregular pellucid spots ; hind border pellucid. Length of the body 24 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 5$ lines. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. Genus 71. AGR&CIA. Agraecia, Serv. Rev. 56; Hist. Orth. 525. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 707. 1. AGR.ECIA PUNCTATA. Locusta punclata, Enc. Melh. x. 342 — Agraecia punctata, Serv. Rev. 56 ;. Hist. Orth. 526, pi, 11, f. 3. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 707. Brazil. 2. AGR^CIA LATERALIS. lateralis, Erichs. Arch. 1842, 249. Tasmania. The following species form one group which is here described. Group 2. Fcem. Corpus crassum, convexum, fere cylindricum, parce punc- tatum. Caput maximum, anlice scabrum, tborace paullo latius, cornu fronlali brevi acuto avmatum. Oculi parvi, subpetiolati. Mandibulse magnae, bidentatae aut tridentataB. Palpi maxillares longi ; articulus 4us subclavatus, 2o valde longior. Prothorax non transversus, sulcis duobus transversis unoque tenui longitudinals. Cerci breves, lati. Oviductus latus, valde arcuatus, abdomine paullo brevior. Pedes crassi, spinosi; tarsorum articulus 3us basi bilaminatus. Alae anticae corpore paullo longiores, inordinatim et densissime reticulatae. Salomona, Blanch. Voy. Pole, Sud. iv. 361. LOCUSTIDJS. 295 Female. Body thick, convex, nearly cylindrical. Head and prothorax thinly punctured. Head very large, a little broader than the prothorax ; a short acute horn between the sockets of the antennae ; front and face scabrous. Eyes small, close to the sockets of the antennae, extremely pro- minent. Mandibles large, broad, with two or three teeth ; tips acute. Maxillary palpi about twice the length of the labial palpi ; third joint shorter than the second; fourth subclavate, very much longer than the third. Antennae much more than twice the length of the body. Prothorax with parallel sides, somewhat longer than broad, with a slight longitudinal furrow and with two transverse furrows, of which the second is more distinct than the first. Prosternum with two spines. Cerci short, broad, about one-sixth of the length of the oviduct. Oviduct broad, sabre- shaped, much curved upward, a little shorter than the abdomen. Legs thick, moderarely long; femora and tibia? with many rather small spines; tarsi three-jointed; third joint with two foliaceous appendages at the base. Fore wings as long as the body, a little longer than the hind wings, irregularly and very thickly reticulated ; transverse sectors extremely numerous; scapular vein forked beyond half its length, its two branches also forked; the next vein with one fork. Hind wings very broad, wholly reticulated ; transverse sectors numerous, mostly regular. 3. AGR^CIA MEGACEPHALA. Locusta megacephala, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. JBez. Ins. 209, pi. 19, f. 1. New Guinea. Aru. a. Boroo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. 4. AGRffiCTA LATICEPS. Locusta laticeps, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 210 — megacephala, var.? Amboina. 5. AGE^BCIA SOLIDA. Mas et foem. Testacea, crassa, fere cylindrica, parce punctata ; caput unispinosum, prolhorace vix latius, fronte picea scabra, facie nigra apicern versus pallide testacea ; palpi pallide testacei ; prothorax transverse bisulcatus, margine postico subproducto valde rotundato ; pectus nigro trifasciatum, prosterno bispinoso ; abdomen apice bidenta- tum et quadrispinosum ; pedes biserialim spinosi, femoribus posticis uniseriatim spinosis, tibiis posticis quadriseriatim spinosis ; ala anticcB confertissime reticulates, costa valde rotundata ; ala posticce diaphance, venis pallide testaceis. Foam. — Oviductus piceus, arcuatus, abdomine multo brevior. Male. Testaceous, stout, nearly cylindrical. Head and prothorax thinly punctured. Head hardly broader than the prothorax ; an acute spine between the eyes ; front scabrous, piceous ; face and labrum black ; face pale testaceous towards the tip. Eyes very prominent. Palpi pale testaceous ; fourth joint of the maxillary palpi much shorter than the third ; fifth subclavate, truncate, much longer than the third. Antennae about 296 CATALOGUE OF twice the length of the body. Prothorax with two slight curved transverse furrows; hind border slightly elongated, much rounded. Prosteruum, tnesosternum and metasternuin with a black curved band on each. Prosternum with two spines. Apical appendages of the abdomen consisting of two short obtuse teeth above, of two slender obtuse slightly curved spines beneath, and with two intermediate thick obtuse slightly curved spines. Legs stout ; fore coxae with one spine ; femora and tibiae with small black- tipped spines; fore femora with five spines on the outer side and with six on the inner side; middle femora with six spines on the outer side and with two on the inner side ; hind femora with a single row of ten spines; fore tibiae with six spines on each side; middle tibiae with ten spines on the outer side and with fewer on the inner side; hind tibiae with four rows of spines, two with twelve or thirteen spines each, and two with six or seven. Wings not extending beyond the abdomen. Fore wings irregularly and very thickly reticulated ; costa much rounded, except towards the tip. Hind wings pellucid ; veins pale testaceous. Female. — Oviduct piceous, curved, much shorter than the abdomen. Length of the body 27 — 30 lines; of the wings 42 — 51 lines. The unspotted fore wings distinguish it from A. megacephala. a— c. Sunday Island, Australia. From Mr. Macgillivray's collection. d. Sundaw Island, New Zealand. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. 6 AGIUECIA MARMOBATA. Fosrn. \Testacea, longiuscula, dense punctata ; caput longiusculum, apud antennas subcornulum et nigro noiulum, antice obliquum et aspere punctatum, facie nigra ; prolhorax transverse sulcatus, margine antico rotundato, lateribus fere rectis, margine postico sub- producto ; oviductus valde arcuatus, apice niger, abdomine vix brevior ; pedes robusti, femoribus nigro strigalis spinosis : tibiis quatuor anterioribus biseriatim quinqaespinosis^ tibiis posticis quadriseriat.im novemspinosis ; alee anticce coriacece ; alee posticce ciner ea. Acanthodis marmorata, Blanch. Voy. Pole Sud. pi. 2, f. 5, 6— Salomona marmorata, Blanch. Voy. Pole Sud. 362. Female. Testaceous, convex, shining, elongated, thickly punctured. Head hardly broader than the prolhorax, rather long above, flat and abruptly retracted in front, with a very short horn between the antennae ; a small black mark near the base of each of the antenna, which are also marked with black at the base and are more than twice the length of the body; front roughly punctured; face black. Prothorax hardly broader than long, with a furrow across the middle; fore border rounded; sides nearly straight; hind border slightly elongated in the middle. Oviduct much compressed, much curved upward, black towards the tip, almost as long as the abdomen. Legs stout, moderately long; femora with a black streak on the outer side; four anterior femora with a variable number of minute spines on each side ; hind femora with a single row of seven small spines; four anterior tibiae with five spines on each side; hind tibiae with nine minute spines on each of the four rows; spines with black tips; tarsi broad, except the fourth joint, which is much longer than any of the others. Wings of equal length ; veins tawny. Fore wings coriaceous ; transverse LOCUSTlDJi. 297 sectors irregular. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 24 lines ; of the wings 40 lines. The smaller size and slender structure di:4inguish it from A. mega- cephala. Solomon's Isles. a. New Hebrides. From Mr. Cunning's collection. 7. AGR^ECIA RUGIFRONS. Mas et foem. Testacea ; caput unispinosum^ prothorace latius, vertice punctato lateribus sulcatin^ iineis duabus lateralibus transversis nigri- canlibus, fronte rugosa nonnunquam niyricante; palpi pallide tes- tacei; prnthorax aspere punctatus, transverse bisulcalus. mnrgine subreflexo exparte nigro, margine pnxtico producto rotundato ; abdo- men apice cornubus dnobus crassis truncatis bidentatis spinisque duabus inferioribus ; pedes biseriatim spinosi, femoribus poslicis uniseriatim spinosis, tibiis posticis guadriseriatim spinosis ; aloe anticce densissime reticulata ; alee posticce cinerece. Fcem. — Oviductus fitlvus, arcuatus, abdnmine brevior. Male. Testaceous. Head broader than the prothorax ; vertex punc- tured, obliquely furrowed on each side; an acute spine between the eyes; front wilh live irregular longitudinal ridges and on each side with trans- verse ridges; a blackish line on each side extending from the eye to the mouth between the vertex and the front; labrum black at the base. Eyes very prominent. Mandibles black towards the tips. Palpi pale testaceous ; fourth joint almost as long as the third ; fifth clavate, truncated, nearly twice the length of the fourth. Antennae sometimes nearly thrice the length of the body. Prothorax roughly punctured, with a slightly reflexed and partly black border and with two curved transverse furrows; hind part elongated and rounded. Prosternum with two spines. Abdomen at the tip with two large truncate bidentate appendages and with two inferior spines. Legs stout ; fore coxae with one spine ; spines of the femora and tibiae minute, wilh black tips or wholly black; fore femora wilh seven black spines on each side; middle femora with six spines on the outer side and with two on the inner side; hind femora with a single row of ten spines, which successively increase in size ; fore tibiae wilh six spines on each side; middle tibiae wilh from ten to twelve spines on ihe outer side and with much fewer on the inner side; hind tibiae with one row of four spines and with three rows of spines, each from ten to twelve in number. Wings extending a little beyond the abdomen. Fore wings irregularly and very thickly reticulated. Hind wings cinereous. Far. (3. — Front and face blackish ; labrum reddish except at the base. Middle femora with seven spines on the outer side and with three on the inner side; hind femora with a row of eleven spines. Female. — Oviduct tawny, curved, shorter than the abdomen. Length of the body 26—27 lines ; of the wings 45 — 47 lines. The wrinkled front distinguishes it from A. megacephala, A.solida and A. facia Us. a—c. Fiji Isles. From Mr. Macgillivray's collection. d, e. Fiji Isles. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 298 CATALOGUE OK 8. AGRjECIA. VITTIFRONS. Fcem. Fulva ; caput scabrum, longiusculum, inter antennas spina arma- tum, antice obliquum et nigro bivittalum ; palporum articulus bus 40 duplo longior ; antenna picete, basi fulvae ; prothorax longiusculus, transverse bisulcatus, margine postico vix produclo ; oviductus piceus, arcuatus, abdomini cequilongus ; pedes robusti, femoribus biseriatim spinosis, tibiis quatuor anterioribus biseriatim quinquespinosis, tibiis posticis quadriseriatim novem-spinosis ; alee anticce coriaca, nigro sparse punctatce ; aloe posticce obscure cinerea, paullo breviores. Female. Tawny, stout. Head and prothorax scabrous. Head rather long, with a short porrect spine between the antennas; fore part flat, abruptly retracted, with two short black stripes which extend to the mandibles ; front more roughly scabrous than the upper surface. Palpi testaceous ; fifth joint of the maxillary very slightly clavate, twice the length of the fourth. Antennae piceous, tawny at the base, about twice the length of the body. Prothorax slightly elongate, a little narrower in front, with two curved transverse furrows; sides nearly straight; hind border hardly elongated. Oviduct piceous, broad, curved, much compressed, as long as the abdomen. Legs stout, moderately long; femora with six or fewer spines on each side ; four anterior tibiae with five spines on each side ; hind tibiae with nine spines in each of the four rows; spines minute, with black tips; tarsi broad; fourth joint slender. Fore wings coriaceous, a little longer than the hind wings; transverse sectors irregular; a few black points in the disk. Hind wings dark cinereous; veins brown. Length of the body 15 lines; of the wings 34 lines. The darker hind wings distinguish it from A.facialis. a. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cunning's collection. 9. AGE^ICIA SPARSA. Mas. Fulva, convexa, longiuscula, scabra ; caput spina brevi oblique ascendente armatum, fronte obscuriore, facie nigra, labro luteo ; abdomen testaceum ; alee anticce nigro guttatce ; alcB posticts sordide cinereee. Male. Tawny, nearly cylindrical. Head and prothorax scabrous. Head as broad as the prothorax, with an obliquely ascending spine between the antennae; fore part retracted ; front dark tawny ; face black; labrum luteous. Eyes testaceous, very prominent. Antennas piceous, tawny at the base. Prothorax elongate, with two transverse curved furrows. Abdo- men testaceous. Fore wings a little longer than the hind wings, with several black dots of various size. Hind wings dingy cinereous; veins testaceous. Length of the body 20 lines; of the wings 36 lines. The number of spines on the legs of the specimen described cannot be ascertained. It has most affinity to A. vittifrons, from which it differs in the arrangement of the marks on the fore wings. Sarawak. In Mr. Saunders' collection. LOCUST1D.E. 299 10. AGR^CIA TETRA. Foem. Sordide fulva, robusta, scabra; caput longiusculum, prothorace paullo latins, inter antennas cornutum, antice re/ractum, facie tes- tacea, labro nigricante ; palporum articulus 5us subclavatus, 4o multo longior ; antenna nigra, basi testaceo annutala ; prothorax longius- culus, sulco transverse arcuato, luteribus fere rectis, margine postico subproduclo ; oviductus arcuatus, apice niger, abdomine brevior ; pedes robusti, femoribus quatuor anterioribus biseriatim sexspinosis, femoribus uniseriatim novemspinosis, tibiis anlicis biseriatim sex- spinosis, tibiis intermediis biseriatim octospinosis, tibiis posticis quadriseriatim spinosis ; alee antica coriacea ; alee posticce obscure cinerea. Female. Dingy tawny, stout, scabrous. Head a little broader than the prothorax, rather long above, with a short porrect spine between the antenna?; fore part flat, abruptly retracted ; face testaceous ; labrurn and mandibles blackish. Fifth joint of the maxillary palpi subclavate, much longer than the fourth ; third joint of the labial palpi clavate, piceous towards the tip. Antennas black, much longer than the body, with a few testaceous rings near the base. Prothorax hardly transverse, slightly nar- rower in front, with a curved transverse furrow at one-third of the length from the hind border, which is somewhat elongated in the middle ; sides nearly straight. Oviduct curved, much compressed, black towards the tip, rather shorter than the abdomen. Legs stout, moderately long ; four anterior femora with six teeth on each side; hind femora with a single row of nine spines on the outer side; fore tibise with six spines on each side; middle tibia? with eight spines on each side; hind tibia? testaceous, with twelve spines on each side and with three beneath; spines minute, with black tips; tarsi piceous, broad, except the fourth joint. Wings of equal length. Fore wings coriaceous, irregularly reticulated. Hind wings dark cinereous; veins brown; transverse sectors numerous, regular. Length of the body 24 lines; of the wings 42 lines. a. Philippine Isles. From Mr: Cuming's collection. 11. AGILECIA PH^EOPSIS. Fo3m. TVfteiea, gracilis, punctata ; caput spina inter antennas sub- ascendente, fronte picea scabra ; palporum articulus 5us 3o longior, 4o multo longior; protkorax transverse arcuatim bisulcatus ; ovi- duclus fulvus, arcuatus, brevis; femora quatuor anteriora biseriatim spinosa ; femora postica uniseriatim spinosa ; tibice anticce bi- seriatim spinoscB ; tibice quatuor posteriores basi nigro unimaculatce ; tibia intermedia uniseriatim spinosa ; tibia postica quadriseriatim spinosa. Female. Testaceous, slender, cylindrical. Head and prothorax punctured. Head with a short slightly ascending spine between the antennas ; fore part piceous, scabrous, much retracted ; mandibles blackish. Eyes very prominent. Palpi very pale testaceous; fifth joint of the maxillary palpi subclavate, longer than the third, much longer than the fourth. Prothorax with a curved transverse furrow at a little behind the 300 CATALOGUE OF middle and with another very near the fore border. Oviduct tawny, curved upward, about one-fourth of the length of the abdomen. Le^s stout ; spines minute, with black tips; fore femora with five spines on each side; middle femora with five spines on the outer side and with two on the inner side ; hind femora with a single row of seven spines; fore tibia? with six spines on the outer side and with four on the inner side, these spines larger than those of the femora; four posterior tibiae with a black spot near the base ; middle tibia? with a single row of nine spines; hind tibiae with numerous spines in the four rows. Wings rudimentary. Length of the body 19 lines. The specimen described seems to be not fully developed. «. Australia. From Mr. Macgillivray's collection. Genus 72. MONTESA. Fcem. Corpus sat gracile. Caput prothorace non angustius, cornu antico brevi lato lobato subascendeme ; latera rugulosa; frons subobliqua. Oculi rotundi, valde globosi. Palporum ariiculns 4us 3o paullo brevior; 5us 3o valde longior. Antennae longa?, graciles. Prothorax rugulosus, fere planus, transverse unisulcatus, abdomine multo angustior, laleribus valde rotundatis, margirie postico subrotundato. Oviductus rectus, corpore longior. Pedes sat graciles; femora uniseriatim spinulosa; tibia? quatuor anteriores biseriatim spinosa?; tibia? postica? quadriseriatim spinulosa?. Ala? antica? corpore longiores. Female. Body rather slender. Head as broad as the prothorax, rugulose on each side, with a broad trilobed slightly ascending pro- tuberance between the antenna? ; front slightly oblique, nearly smooth ; labrum short. Mandibles large. Eyes round, very prominent. Fourth joint of the maxillary palpi a little shorter than the third ; fifth subclavate, very much longer than the third. Antennae slender, about twice the length of the body. Prothorax rugulose, nearly flat above, with one transverse, furrow; sides much rounded; hind border slightly rounded. Abdomen much narrower than the prothorax. Oviduct straight, somewhat longer than the body. Legs rather slender; fore femora with a single row of four spines; middle femora with a single row of ei»ht spines; hind femora with a single row of twelve spines; fore tibia? with two rows of six spines; middle tibia? with two rows of eight spines; hind tibia? with four rows of spines. Fore wings narrow, very thickly reticulated, a little longer than the hind wings. 1. MONTESA NIORIDENS. Fcem. Viridis ; caput antice nitens, labro albido, mandibulis nigris ; abdomen et vagina testacea, hcBC apicem versus viridis ; alt£ posticce diaphanee, viridi venosce. Female. — Grass-green. Head shining in front; labrum whitish. Mandibles black.' Eyes red. Abdomen and oviduct testaceous, the latter green towards the tip. Spines of the legs with black tips. Hind wings pellucid ; veins green. Length of the body 16 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 38 lines. a. Tapayos. From Mr. Bales' collection. LOCUSTID.E. 301 Male"? Labrum much longer. Length of the hody 14£ lines; expansion of the fore wings 30 lines. b. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus 73. SECSIVA. Fcem. Corpus gracile, convexutn, glabrum. Caput prothorace angustius, cornu antico parvo porrecto conico subtus carinato antennarum arliculum lum non superante; frons lonjjissima, perobliqua. Oculi globosi, sat magni, fere rotundi. Palporum articuius 4us 3o paullo longior; 5us 4o longior. Antennae Ionga3, graciles, basi approximate. Prothorax longiusculus, subcompressus, subtilissime rugulosus, non cari- natus,lateribus margiueque postico rotundatis. Vagina lanceolata, arcuata, abdomine multo brevior. Pedes breves, robusti; femora uniseriatim spinu- losa; tibia3 quatuor anteriores biseriatim quinquespinosa3 ; tibia3 posticae quadriseriatim spinulosae. Alae corpore longiores. Female. Body slender, convex, smooth, shining. Head narrower than the prothorax, narrowest in front ; a short conical porrect protuberance between the antennae, not extending beyond the first joint of the latter, keeled beneath ; front very long and oblique. Eyes prominent, rather large, nearly round. Fourth joint of the maxillary palpi a little longer than the third ; fifth subclavate, longer than the fourth. Antennae long, slender, approximate. Prothorax elongated, slightly compressed, very finely rugulose, narrowest in front, without lateral keels ; sides and hind border rounded, the latter notched on each side. Sheath of the oviduct lanceolate, curved, much shorter than the abdomen. Legs short, stout; femora with a row of minute spines ; hind femora attenuated towards the tips; four anterior tibiae with five spines on each side, which are longer in the fore tibiae than in the middle tibiae ; hind tibiae with four rows of minute spines, most of which are in the two upper rows. Wings of equal length, longer than the body. Fore wings thickly and irregularly reticu- lated. This genus has much affinity to the Conocephalida. 1. SECSIVA UNIVITTA. Fo3m. Testacea ; caput et prothorax nigro univittata ; mandibulte apice nigrce ; oviductus apicem versus fulvus ; alee posticce diaphance. Female. Testaceous. Head and prothorax with a black stripe. Eyes livid. Mandibles with black tips. Oviduct tawny towards the tip. Hind wings pellucid; veins pale. Length of the body 9 — 11 lines. a, A. Victoria River, North Australia. Presented by J. R. Elsey, Esq. Genus 74. DISCERATUS. Disceratus, Scud. 1. DlSCEBATUS NUBIGER. nubiger, Scud. Salto, 10,000 feet above the sea, on the slope of the volcano of Antisana. 302 CATALOGUE OF Genus 75. CLONIA. Clonia, Stal. Ofv. K. V. Ak. Fork. 1855, 352. 1. CLONIA WAHLBERGI. Wahlbergi, Stal. Ofv. K. V. Ak. Fork. 1855, 352. Natal. Genus 76. HORATOSPHAGA. Horatosphaga, Schaum, Monats. JBerl. Acad. 1853, 778. 1. HORATOSPHAGA SERRIFERA. serrifera, Schaum, Monats. Berl. Acad. 1853, 778. Mozambique. Genus 77. HEXACENTRUS. Hexacentrus, Serv. Rev. 49. Burm. Handb. Enl. ii. 714. 1. HEXACENTRUS PLANTARIS. plantaris, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 714. Java. 2. HEXACENTRUS HORBIDUS. horridus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 714. Australia. Genus 78. EXOCEPHALA. Exocephala, Serv. Rev. 63 ; Hist. Orlh. 507. 1. EXOCEPHALA B i SOLC A. Locusta bisulca, Enc. Meth. x. 342 — Exocephala bisulca, Serv. Rev. 63; Hist. Orth. 508. Cayenne. Genus 79. HARPEPHORA. Harpephora, Fisch. de Waldh. Bull. Mosc. 1846, 479. I. HARPEPHORA FUSCA. fusca, Fisrh. de W. Bull. Mosc. 1846, 479. Brazil. 2. HARPEPHORA BRACHYPTERA. brachyptera, Fisch. de W. Bull Mosc. 1846, 479. Brazil. LOCUSTID^. 803 Genus 80. CONOCEPHALUS. Locusta, Rossi, Latr., Charp. — Conocephalus, Thunb. Mem. Acad. St. Peters, v. Serv. Hist. Orth. 513. Burin. Handb. Ent. ii. 704. Fisch. de W. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 245. The Conocephalidce commence with this genus, which is the typical form of that family. Europe. 1. CONOCEPHALUS MANDIBDLARIS. Locusta tuberculata, Rossi, Faun. Elr. i. 269; Mant. i. 103. Latr. Hist. Nat. xii. 132 — Locusta erythrosoma, Enc. Meth. x. 342 — Locusta mandibularis, Charp. Hor. Ent. 106. Germ. Faun. Ins. Eur. 15, TO — Conocephalus mandibularis, Serv. Rev. 51 ; Hist. Orth. 521. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 705. Fisch. de W. Or/A. Ross. 144, pi. 8, f. 5. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 244, pi. 14, f. 1. South Europe. Algeria. N. America. 2. CONOCEPHALUS ENSIGEE. Locusta acuminate, Stall, Sped, et Grill, pi. 8, f. 27— Conocephalus ensiger, Harr. Cat. Ins. Mass. 56 ; Rep. 3rd. Ed. 163, f. 79. Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 449. a. North America. 3. CONOCEPHALUS ROBUSTUS. robustus, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 449. Cape Cod. 4. CONOCEPHALUS OBTUSUS. obtusus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 705. Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii.450— dissimilis, Serv. Hist. Orth. 518. Harr. Rep. 3rd Ed. 164. a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. c. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. d. Brazil. From Mr. Argent's collection. 5. CONOCEPHALUS UNO IN AT us. uncinatus, Harr. Rep. 3rd Ed. 164. Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 450. Alabama. 6. CONOCEPHALUS CREPITANS. crepitans, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 450. Texas. Nebraska. 304 CATALOGUE OF Mexico. A. Fastigium acutinn. ------- Sallei. B. Fastigium obtusum. a. Alae anticae fusco punctatae, - Mexican us. b. Alae anticae fusco non punctatae. * Vagina corporis dimifiio non longior. - Nieti. ** Vagina corporis dimidio longior. - - - contingens. 7. CONOCEPHALUS Sallei, Sauss. Rev. ZooL 1859, 207. Mexico. 8. CONOCEPHALUS MEXICANCS. Mexican us, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 207. Mexico. 9. CONOCEPHALUS NIETI. Nieti, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 207. Mexico. 10. CONOCEPHALUS CONTINGENS. Fo3m. Viridis, subliliter punctatus ; capitis fastigium breve, sub- ascendens, basi subtus angulatum, margins antico latissimo subobtuso transverse niyro-lineato ; oviductus rectus, corpore brevior ; pedes sat gracileS) fernoribus posticis libiisque quatuor anlerioribus biseriatim spinosis, tibiis posticis qitadriseriatim spinosis ; ala>. corpore valde longiores ; alee posticce diaphance, pallido venoste. Female. Green. Head and prothorax finely punctured. Cone of the head slightly ascending, extending a little beyond the sockets of the antennae, slightly obtuse and very broad on the fore border, where there is a transverse black line ; under side angular towards the front. Mandibles black towards the tips. Eyes pale; their disks livid. Sides of the prothorax less finely punctured than the flat disk. Prosternum armed with two spines. Mesosternum and me las tern urn obtusely bidentate. Oviduct straight, rather shorter than the body; vagina acute. Four anterior femora unarmed ; hind femora and four anterior tibiae with two rows of minute teeth beneath; hind femora a little longer than the oviduct; hind tibiae with four rows of minute teeth. Wings rather less than twice ihe length of the body. Hind wings pellucid; veins pale. Length of the body 14 lines; expansion of the fore wings 45 lines. The fastigium is not furrowed like that of C. dentifrons, and is not bordered with white like that of C. occidentalis, and it is distinguished from C. Mexicanus by the fore wings without brown speckles. a. Mexico. LCJCUSTID^E. 305 West Indies. A. Fasiiirium aculum. ascendens. B. Fasiigium obtusum. a. Alae anticse fusco guttatae. ----- guttatus. b. Alae antic* nun guttata-. * Prothorax bivittaius. - bilinea'tus. ** Prothorax non vitiatus. _ . - - . occideutalis. 11. CONOCEPHALL'S GUTTATUS. guttatus, Serv. Hist. Oith. 518. Cuba. a, b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. c. Jamaica. d. West Coast of N. America Presented by Capt. Kellett and Lieut. Wood. 12. CONOCEPHALUS OCCIDENTALIS. occidentals, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 207. Haiti. 13. CONOCEPHALUS ASCENDENS. Foam. Viridis ; caput et pro thorax subtiliter punctata, albido bivittata ; fastigium lanceolatum,subascendens, supra sulcatum basi subtus den- tatum ; oviductus valde arcuatus, abdominis dimidix longior ; pedes sat graciles, coxis anticis unispinosis,femoribvs uniseriatim spinosis, femoribus posticis tibiisque quatuor anterioribus biseriatim spinosis ; ala corpore longiores ; alee posticae diaphance, pallido venosee. Female. Green. Head and prothorax finely punctured. Cone of the head lanceolate; acute, furrowed above, obliquely ascending, a little longer than the breadth between the eyes, testaceous except towards the base, dentate at the base beneath ; a whitish stripe extending from the eye to the hind border of the head and extending along the keel on each side of the prolhorax; front slightly and transversely rugulose ; labrum and mandibles whitish. Prothorax with the sides of the flat dorsum parallel. Mesosternum and raetasternum with a much rounded lobe on each side of the hind border. Oviduct much curved upward, a little more than half the length of the abdomen; sheath very broad. Femora wiih a single row of minute spines; four anterior tibias with two rows of minute spines ; hind tibiae with four rows ; a spine on each of the fore coxa?. Fore wings longer than the body. Hind wings pellucid, rather shorter than the fore wings ; veins pale. Length of the body 15 lines; expansion of the fore wings 42 lines. It cannot be ascertained from the specimen described whether the prosiernum is armed with spines. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. 306 CATALOGUE OF 14. CONOCEPHALUS BILINEATUS. Mas. ViridiSyjC. obtuso similis ; caput brevius,glabrum,fastigio albido marginato, labro mandibulisque pallidissime rufis ; prothorax sub- tiliter punctatus, vittis duabus flavis rufo maryinatis ; prosternvm bispinosum ,• abdomen fuseum ; femora quatuor posteriora uniseriatim spinosa. * Male. Green. Head smooth. Cone like that of C. obtusus, bordered with whitish on each side above and more broadly on the fore border ; labrum and mandibles very pale red. Prothorax finely punctured, with two yellow almost parallel stripes which are bordered with red on the inner side. Prosternum with two long spines. Mesosternum and metasteruum bilobed. Abdomen brown. Four posterior femora with one row of minute spines beneath; four anterior tibiae with two rows of spines; hind tibiae with four rows. Wings not fully developed. Length of the body Hi lines. The head is much shortef than that of C. obtusus and the eyes are comparatively near the hind border. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Hearse's collection. South America, A. Clypeus nigro fasciatus. a. Antennae basi pallida3 nigridens. b. Autenna3 basi nigras. ----- brevicauda. B. Clypeus non fasciatus. a. Fastigium valde productum. * Prothorax non vittatus. ----- xiphias. ** Prothorax bivittatus. - gracillimus. b. Fastigium non valde productum. * Alee antics notatae. f Femora posiica nigro spinosa. - irroratus. ff Femora postica non nigro spinosa. J Fastigium antennarum articulum lum paullo superans. § Fastigium latiusculum. -}- Fastigium nigro non fasciatum. - alienus. -}- + Fastigium nigro fasciatum. - viridator. J{ Fastigium antennarum articulum lum longe superans. § Fastigium antice angustum. + Prothorax vittatus. -v Caput sat productiim. alligatus. -n- Caput subproductum. colligatus. -J — |- Prothorax non vittatus. ----- purpurascens. §§ Fastigium antice latum. simulator. §§§ Fastigium latissimum. ----- latilrons. ** Alae anticae non notatae. f Fastigium non sulcatum. | Fastigium nigro non fasciatum. - tenuicornis. JJ Fastigium nigro fasciatum. § Fastigium vix ascendens. maxillosus. §§ Fastigium sat ascendens. ... - exaltatus. |-f Fastigium sulcatum. dentifrons. LOCUSTIB.E. 307 15. CONOCEPHALUS NIGBIDENS. nigridens, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 704. Brazil? 16. CONOCEPHALUS BREVICAUDA (Nomen bis leclum). brevicauda, Scud. Napo River. 17. CONOCEPHALUS TENUICAUDA. tenuicauda, Scud. Napo or Maranun. 18. CONOCEPHALUS XIPHIAS. Locusta xiphias, Enc. Meth. x. 342 — Conocepbalus xipbias, Serv. Rev. 52; Hist. Orth. 516. Cayenne. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. 19. CONOCEPHALUS IRROEATUS. irroratus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 705. Brazil. 20. CONOCEPHALUS MAXILLOSUS. Locusta maxillosa, Fabr. Ent. Sysl. ii. 37 — Conocephalus maxillosus, Serv. Rev. 52 ; Hist. Orth. 520. a. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection. 21. CONOCEPHALUS DENTIFRONS. dentifrons, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 207. Bahia. 22. CONOCEPHALUS GRACILLIMUS. Mas. Viridis, tennis ; caput et prothorax punclata, albido bivittata ; fastiyium conicum, perparum ascendens, apice obtusum, basi subtus dentatum ; antenna picece, basi pallidce ; prosternum bispinosum; pedes gracillimi, femoribus posticis tibiisgue spinulosis ; alee longoe, diaphana, viridi venosce. Male. Green, very slender. Head and protborax punctured, witb two whitisb stripes which slightly diverge from each other hindward. Cone of the head very slightly ascending, longer than the distance between the eyes and the hind border, obtuse at the tip, obtusely deniate beneath at its base. Antennae piceous, pale towards the base, full twice the length of the body. Prothorax with the flat dorsum slightly widening hindward. Legs very slender; prosternum armed with two long slender spines; tibia? 308 CATALOGUE OF and hind femora with very minute spines. Wings pellucid, nearly twice the length of the prothorax and the abdomen together; veins green. Length of the body 18 lines; expansion of the fore wings 25 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 23. CONOCEPHALUS ALTENUS. Mas. Viridis ; fastigium brevissimum, albido marginatum, apice et subtus basi rotundatum ; antenna fulvee ; pedes sat longi, tibiis quatuor posterioribus femoribusque spinulosis; alee anticce longce, nigro subpunctatce, tympana recto diaphano ; alee posticce diaphance, viridi venosce. Male. Green. Head smooth ; cone very short, bordered with whitish on each side and on the fore border, where it is rounded, its under side rounded at the base; labrum and mandibles pale reddish. Eyes black. Antennge tawny. Thorax minutely punctured. Abdomen testaceous- green. Femora and tibiae, excepting the fore tibiae, with minute spines. Fore wings a little longer than the hind wings, wilh a few irregularly placed black points; tympanum of the right wing with a round pellucid disk. Hind wings pellucid ; veins green. Length of the body 14 lines; expansion of the fore wings 34 lines. a. Guayaquil. Presented by Dr. Hooker. 24. CONOCEPHALUS VIRIDATOR. Mas. Viridis ; fastigium brevissimum, albido marginatum, antice latum, subtus nigro fas datum et basi angulatum ; antenna picece, basi pallidce ; pedes sat longi, tibiis quatuor posterioribus femoribusque spinulosis ; alee long a ; alee anticce tympano recto diaphano; alee posticce diaphance, viridi venosce. Male. Green. Head smooth ; cone very short, bordered with whitish on each side and on the fore border, where it is broad, its under side with a, black band along the fore border and with an obtuse angle at the base ; labrum arid mandibles testaceous, the latter black towards the tips. Eyes piceous. Antennas piceous, pale towards the base. Femora and tibia?, except the fore femora, with minute spines as usual. Wings of equal length, very much longer than the body. Fore wings with a pellucid tym- panum on the right side. Hind wings pellucid ; veins green. Length of the body 13 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 39 lines. The structure of theprosternum cannot be ascertained in the specimen here described. a. Honduras. From Mr. Miller's collection. 25. CONOCEPHALUS ALLIGATUS. Mas. Testaceus, gracilis ; caput et prothorax fuscescente lineata ; fasti- gium breve, subtus nigricans, apice subtusque basi rotundatum, gutta subtus albida elongata apicali ; prosternum bispinosum ; abdomen villa dorsali tenui fusca, punctis lateralibus nigris ; pedes graciles, tibiis quatuor posterioribus femoribusque spinulosis, femoribus tibiis- que posticis subtus fuscis ; alee anticce longee, nigro punctatce ; alee posticce diaphance, albo venosce. LOCU8T1D.E. 309 Male. Testaceous, slender. Head and protborax punctured, with some slender indistinct brownish stripes. Cone of the head blackish heneath, rounded at the tip and at the base beneath, much shorter than the space between it and the hind border of the head ; front with an elongated whitish dot between the eyes. Mandibles black along the inner side and at the tips. Protborax with the stripes darkest on the hind border, which is very slightly rounded. Prosternum with two slender spines which have brownish lips; inesosternum and tnetasternum rather acutely bilobed. Abdomen with a slender brown dorsal stripe and with a row of black points on each side beneath. Femcfra and tour posterior tibiae with the usual minute spines; hind femora and hind tibiae mostly brown beneath. Wings longer than the body. Fore wings a little longer than the hind wings, with many irregularly placed black points. Hind wings pellucid; veins white. Length of the body 11 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 31 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. 26. CoNOCEPHALtrS COLLIGATUS. Mas et fcem. Testaceus, C. alligato similis, fasligio panllo lonyiore et anguxtiore ; cuput et prolhorax fusco albidoque bivittata ; ocuii nigro aut viridi vittati ; abdominis latera nigro punctata ; oviductus fere recius, corpori ccquilongus ; alee anticce longce, nigro punctalce ; alee posticce diaphance, pallido venosa. Male and female. Testaceous. Head and prothorax punctured, with a brown and a whitish stripe on each side. Head with a whitish oblique streak extending hindward from each eye ; cone like that of the preceding species, but a little longer and narrower, its under side rounded at the base and with a black band near the tip. Eyes with one or two black or green stripes. Abdomen with a row of black points on each side. Oviduct almost straight, about as long as the body. Fore wings a little longer than the hind wings, with several black points. Hind wings pellucid; veins pale. Length of the body t12 — 13 lines; expansion of the fore wings 34—36 lines. This species is extremely like the preceding one, but the cone in front of the antennse is rather shorter. a. Columbia. b. Rio Janeiro. Presented by — Buck, Esq. c. Brazil. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 27. CONOCEPHALUS PURPURASCENS. Fcem. FulmU) purpurascente rufo aut viridescente varius : fastiyium lonyi-conicum, subsulcatum, albido marginatum, subtus subcarinatum apice nigrum basi spina albida rolundata armatum ; frons testaceo varia, apud fastigium anyulatum albido uniguttatum, ; oculi bicolores ; antennae albido annulate; prothorax subliliter scaber; prosternum bispinosum; oviductus rectus, corpore paullo longior ; femora quatuor anteriora uniseriatim spinulosa ; alee long ce ; ala- posticce diaphana, pallido venosce. Female. Tawny, here and there more or less purplish red, or with a greenish tinge. Head smooth, elongate - conical and very slightly 310 CATALOGUE OF furrowed in front of the eyes, where it is bordered with whitish on each side and at the tip; cone beneath slightly keeled, black towards the tip, with a whitish rounded spine at the base; front mottled with testaceous, angular and with a whitish elongated dot near the cone; face short, excavated. Mandibles with black tips. Eyes testaceous on the inner side, green on the outer side. Antennas with numerous slender whitish rings. Prothorax finely scabrous. Sternum with the usual form. Oviduct straight, a little longer than the body. Four anterior femora with one row of spines, which are very few and small beneath the fore femora; hind femora and four anterior tibiae with two rows of black-tipped spines; hind tibiae with four rows of spines. Wings rather less than twice the length of the body. Hind wings pellucid, with pale veins. Length of the body 15 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 42 lines. a. Deinerara. From Mr. Bowers' collection. 28. CONOCEPHALUS SIMULATOR. Foem. Fulvusy subius testaceus ; fastigium breve, albido marginatum, antic a latum et ro tun datum, subtus basi angulatum apice niyricante fasciatum ; frons purpurascente varia, gutta apud fastigium albida longiuscula ; antenna nigricantes, basi fulvce ; prothoracis margo posticus albido nigroque punclatus ; prosternum bispinosum ; ovi- ductus rectus, corpore brevior ; femora subtus nigricantia ; femora antica non spinosa ; alee longce ; alee an tic a diaphance, pallido venosce. Female. Tawny, testaceous beneath. Head and prothorax finely punctured. Cone of the head short, whitish on each side and on the fore border, where it is broad and rounded ; under side with a narrow blackish band near the tip, obtusely angular at the base; front partly purplish, with a whitish elongated dot between the antenna?. Mandibles pale red, with black tips. Antennas blackish, tawny towards the base. Prothorax with three whitish points on the hind border, each with a smaller black point at each end. Sternum of the usual form. Oviduct straight, rather shorter than the body ; femora blackish beneath; middle femora with a single row of a few minute spines; hind femora and four anterior tibiae with two rows of black-tipped spines; hind tibiae with four rows. Wings rather less than twice the length of the body. Hind wings pellucid; veins pale. Length of the body 17 lines; expansion of the fore wings 50 lines. The cone of the head is shorter and much broader in front than that of the preceding species. a. Brazil? From Mr. Argent's collection. 29. CONOCEPHALUS ? LATIFRONS. Fo3m. Testaceus, viridi varius ; fastigium latissimum, antice rotundatum, anlennarum articulum lum vix superans, basi subtus rotunda turn ; antenna picece, basi testacece ; prothorax lineis duabus nigricantibus valde interrupts ; prosternum bispinosum ; oviductits piceus, rectus, basi testaceus, corpore vix brevior ; pedes brevi, robusti, femoribus anticis uniapinosis, femoribus intermediis trispinosis ; alee abdomen non superantes ; alee posticte diaphance, viridi venosa. LOCUSTIDJE. 311 Female. Testaceous, partly green. Head and prothorax thickly punctured. Cone of the head very broad, rounded in front, hardly extend- ing beyond the first joint of the antennae, its under side rounded at the base and very narrowly divided from the front. Mandibles black along the inner side. Antenna? piceous, testaceous at the base. Prothorax with two much interrupted blackish lines on the keels. Prosternum with two long slender spines. Oviduct piceous, straight, testaceous at the base, nearly as long as the body. Legs short, stout \ spines with black tips ; fore femora with one minute spine near the tip; middle femora with three; hind femora and four anterior tibia? with two rows of spines; hind tibiae with four rows. Wings not extending beyond the abdomen. Hind wings pellucid ; veins green. Length of the body 18 lines; expansion of the wings 27 lines. This species is much allied to the genus Locusla and perhaps should be separated from Conocephalus. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Birschell's collection. 30. CONOCEPHALUS EXALTATUS. Fcem. Viridis ; fastigium testaceum, subascendens, subsulcatum, antice latum rotundatum, antennarum articulum \\.um superans, subtus carinatum basi angulatum apice nigro fasciatum ; prosternum bispinosum ; oviductus testaceus, rectus, corpore pantio brevior ; pedes longi, gracileii, femoribus anlicis unispinosis, femoribus inlermediis trispinosis ; ala longce ; alee posticce diaphana, albo venosce. Female. Green. Head and prothorax minutely punctured. Cone of the head testaceous, slightly ascending, with a slight longitudinal furrow, broad and rounded on the fore border, extending somewhat beyond the first joint of the antennas, its under side keeled with an angle at the base aud with a black band near the fore border; labrum and mandibles testa- ceous, the latter black along the inner side. Antenna? black near the base, which is green. Prosternum with two long slender spines. Oviduct testa- ceous, straight, a little shorter than the body. Legs long, slender; fore femora with one minute spine near the tip ; middle femora with three in a row; hind femora and four anterior tibia? with two rows of spines ; hind tibia? with four rows. Fore wings slightly acute, a little longer than the hind wings. Hind wings pellucid, much longer than the body; veins white. Length of the body 18 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 54 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. Canaries. 31. CONOCEPHALUS BREVICAUDA. Locusta (Conocephalus) brevicauda, Brittle, lies Canaries, 76. Canaiies. 313 CATALOGUE OB' -| — J- South Africa. Fastigium longissinmm. Fastigium ascendens. Fastigium non aut vix ascendens. Fastigium obtusum. Fastigium acutum. Fastigium non longissimura. Frons nigva. Frons pallida. Fastigium apice angustum. Prothoracis margo posticus valde incisus. Prolhoracis margo posticus subiucisus. Fastigium apice latum. Alae abdomen paullo superantes. - Ala? abdomen longe superantes. Frons apud verlicem albido guttata. Frons albido non guttata. Prothoracis dorsuin postice latum. Prothoracis dorsuin lateribus subparallelis. Corpus viride. Corpus obscurum. Fastigium paullo latius. Piothorax non vittatus. Prothorax bivittatus. lanceolatus. hastifer. pungens. annulicornis. porngens. indicator. diversus. obscurus. amplus. consobrinus. vicinus. subvittatus. 32. CONOCEPHALUS LANCEOLATUS. Locusta lanceolata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 39— Conocephalus lanceolatus, Burin. Handb. EnL ii. 704. «. South Africa. 33. CONOCEPHALUS HASTIFER. hastifer, Schaum, Monats. Akad. Wissen. Berl. 1853. Mozambique. 34. CONOCEPHALUS PUNGENS. pungens, Schaum, Monats. Akad. Wissen. Berl. 1853. Mozambique. 35. CONOCEPHALUS ANNULICOKNIS. Mas. Testaceus, subtiliter scaber ; fastigium lanceolatum, subtus nigrum ; frons nigra, flavo uniguttala ; antenna: pallidce, myro annulatce ; slerni discus piceus ; pedes robusti ; a/a anticte nigro sub- consperste ; alee poslicce diaphance, pailido venoste. Male. Testaceous. Head and prothorax finely scabrous. Head with a lanceolate porrect horizontal horn in front of the eyes longer than the hind part, black beneath ; front black; a dot near the horn, clypeus, labrum and palpi yellow. Antennae pale testaceous, with many black rings. LOCUSTID.E. 313 Prothorax with two transverse furrows; lateral keels well defined. Sternum wilh a piceous disk; prosternum with two short spines. Legs stout; femora and four anterior tibia? with two rows of short spines; hind tibiae with four rows. Fore wings longer than the hind wings, minutely, irre- gularly and very thinly speckled with black, tympanum of the right wing pellucid, large. Hind wings pellucid ; veins testaceous. Length of the body 18£ lines ; expansion of the fore wings 37 £ lines. a. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 36. CONOCEPHALUS PORRIGENS. Foem. Testaceus, gracilis, viridi varius ; caput et prothorax subtililer punctata ; fasiigium breve, obtusum, basi subtus aculangulatum ; antennce picece, basi picece ; oviductus fere rectus, abdomine paullo longior ; alee antic CB corpore longiores, nigro subpunctatte ; alee posticce diaphante. Female. Testaceous, slender, partly green, probably wholly green when recent. Head and prothorax punctured. Head with a porrect horizontal horn, which is obtuse at the tip and is shorter than the hinder part of the head and forms an acute angle at its base beneath adjoining the angle of the front, which is almost smooth. Mandibles black towards the tips. Antenna? piceous, testaceous towards the base. Prothorax deeply notched on each side of the hind border, which is slightly curved. Pro- siernum with two long spines ; mesosternum. and metasternum with two acutely dentate lobes. Oviduct almost straight, a little longer than the abdomen. Legs slender; hind femora and four anterior tibia? with two rows of minute spines; hind tibia? with four rows. Wings rather longer than the body. Fore wings with a few black points in the disk. Hind wings pellucid; veins green. Length of the body 16 lines; expansion of the fore wings 42 lines. a. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 37. CONOCEPHALDS INDICATOR. Mas. Testaceus, gracilis ; caput et prothorax sublineata, subtililer punc- tata ; fasiigium longiusculum apice rotundatum, basi subtus non angutatum ; frons nigro biguttata ; sternum nigro interrupts bivittalum ; oviductus arcuatus, lanceolatus, abdomine brevior ; pedes breviusculi ; ala anticce nigro subpunctatce, corpore paullo longiores ; alct posticte diaphance. Female. Testaceous, slender. Head and prothorux minutely punc- tured, with some more or less indistinct darker parallel lines. Head with a porrect horizontal horn in front of the eyes; this horn is rounded at the tip and is a little shorter than the hinder space, and is not angular at its base beneath ; front with a black dot. on each side adjoining the face. Mandibles hlack towards the tips. Antennae testaceous. Proihorax with two well- defined lateral keels. Prosternum with two loug spines; lobes of the mesosternum and of the metasternum rounded; a black interrupted stripe on each side. Oviduct curved, lanceolate, shorter than the abdomen. Legs rather short; hind femora and four anterior tibiae with a few minute spines in two rows ; hind tibia? with four rows. Fore wings a little longer than N 314 CATALOGUE OF the hind wings and than the body, with very few black points in the disk. Hind wings pellucid ; veins testaceous. Length of the body 1 1 — 12 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 25 — 28 lioes. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. b. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 38. CONOCEPHALUS DIVEESUS. Fosra. Pallide testaceus, gracilis, subtiliter punctatus ; fastigium brevissimum, latissimum, antice rotundatum, basi subtus subangu- latum ; mandibulce et antenna fulvee ; oviductus rectus, abdomine longior; pedes graciles ; alee anticce corpore paullo breviores ; alee posticee diaphancn. Female. Pale testaceous or green, slender. Head and prothorax minutely punctured. Horn of the hoad very broad and short, much rounded, not extending far beyond the first joint of the antennae, forming a rounded angle at the base beneath, where the front is also angular. M andibles tawny ; tips black. Apical joints of the palpi clavate and tawny at the tips. Antennae tawny. Prothorax with two very indistinct transverse furrows; lateral keels well defined; hind border slightly rounded, with a deep notch on each side. Prosternum with two long slender spines. Ovi- duct straight, somewhat longer than the abdomen. Legs slender; hind femora and four anterior with a few minute spines in two rows. Fore wings a little shorter than the body, a little longer than the hind wings, which are pellucid and have green veins; Length of the body 13 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 21 lines. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 39. CONOCEPHALUS OBSCUKUS. Fosm. Testaceus, gracilis ; caput et prothorax guadrisubvittata, subtiliter pun data ; fastigium brevissimum, latissimum, apice rotundalum pallide Jlavum, basi subtus subangulatum ; frons apice flavo uni- guttala ; mandibulce pallide rufce, apice nigrce ; sternum nigricante interrupte viltatum ; oviductus rectus, corpore vix brevior ; pedes graciles, piceo bivittati ; alee anticce nigricante guttatce, corpore longiores ; alee posticee cinereee^fuscescente venosee. Female. Testaceous, slender. Head and prothorax thickly and finely punctured, with four irregular slender paler stripes. Horn of the head horizontal, very broad, pale yellow and not narrower in front, hardly extending beyond the first joint of the antennae, forming a rounded angle at the base beneath, where it is contiguous to an elongated pale yellow dot on the front, which is smooth. Mandibles pale red, with black tips. Eyes with a black incomplete ringlet. Prothorax with the hind border slightly rounded, notched on each side ; lateral keels distinct. Sternum with a blackish interrupted stripe; prosternum with two long slender spines. Oviduct straight, nearly as long as the body. Legs slender, with two piceous stripes which are most determinate on the tarsi ; hind femora and four anterior tibiae with a few minute spines in two rows; hind tibiae with LOCUSTID^E. 315 four rows. Wings longer than the body. Fore wings with several blackish dots. Hind wings cinereous, with brownish veins. Length of the body 13 lines; expansion of the fore wings 30 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 40. CONOCEPHALUS AM PLUS. Mas. Testaceus; caput et prothorax subtiliter punctata, fuscescente bivillata; fastigium brevissimum, latissimum, anlice rotundatum, basi subtus subanyulatum ; antenna fulvoe, basi sublus testacece ; pro- tkoracis dorsum postice latum ; sternum nigro vittatum ; pedes graciles, libiis basi nigro notalis, larsis nigro bivittatis ; alee anticce corpore longiores, basi latte et nigricante notata ; ala posticce diaphance, testaceo venosa. Male. Testaceous. Head and prothorax thickly and minutely punc- tured, with two intermediate brownish stripes. Head with a horizontal horn which extends a little beyond the first joint of the antennae and is rounded and not narrower in front, and forms a slight angle contiguous to the attenuated part of the smooth front. Antennae tawny, testaceous at the base. Dorsura of the prothorax widening much from the fore border to the hind border, which is rounded and slightly notched on each side ; lateral keels distinct. Sternum with a black stripe; prosternum with two long slender spines. Legs slender; tibiae with a black mark at the base ; tarsi and tips of the hind tibiae with two black stripes ; hind femora and four anterior tibiae with some small spines in two rows; hind tibiae with four rows. Fore wings rather longer than the hind wings, very much longer than the body, broad at the base, where there is a blackish mark on each and where the tympanum of the right wing is large and pellucid. Hind wings pellucid ; veins testaceous. Length of the body 14 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 44 lines. a. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 41. CONOCEPHALUS CONSOBRINUS. Mas et fo3m. Viridis aut testaceus ; corpus gracile; caput et prothorax subtiliter punctata ; fastiyium breve, apice rotundalum, basi subtus angulalum ; oviductus rectus, abdomine longior ; pedes graciles, tibiis basi nigro-notatis, tarsis subtus nigris ; alee anticfe nigro subpunctatce, corpore longiores ; alee posticce diaphance, viridi venoste. Male and female. Grass-green or pale testaceous, slender. Head and prothorax thickly and miuutely punctured. Front and hinder part of the head above smooth ; horn horizontal, extending a little beyond the first joint of the antennae, rounded and not narrower in front, forming a slightly acute angle at the base beneath. Mandibles with black tips. Prothorax with two very slight transverse furrows ; hind border slightly rounded, notched on each side; lateral keels defined. Prosternum with two long slender spines; mesosternum and metasternum with two angular lobes. Oviduct straight, somewhat longer than the abdomen. Legs slender; tibia3 with a black mark at the base ; tarsi black beneath ; hind femora and four anterior tibia? with a few small spines in two rows ; hind tibiae with four rows. Fore wings a little longer than the hind wings, very much longer 316 CATALOGUE OK than the body, with a few black points in the disk. Hind wings pellucid ; veins green. Length of the body 11 — 15 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 32—44 lines. Nearly allied to C. differens. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. b— -f. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 42. CONOCEPHALUS VICINUS. Mas et foem. Testaceus ; caput et prothorax punctata ; fasligium breve, apice rotundatum, subtus basi angulatum ; oviductus rectus, corpore brevior ; pedes longi, graciles ; alee anticce longissimce, nigro sub- punctatce ; alee posticce diaphance, testaceo venosce. Male and female. Testaceous. Head and prothorax thickly punc- tured. Head with a horizontal horn which extends a little beyond the first joint of ihe antennae and is rounded and not narrower in front, and forms at the base beneath a slightly acute angle ; front smooth. Mandibles with black tips. Prothorax with two indistinct transverse furrows ; hind border slightly rounded, with a deep excavation on each side. Prosternum with two slender spines. Oviduct straight, rather shorter than the body. Legs long, slender; hind femora and four anterior tibia with a few minute spines in two rows; hind tibiae with four rows. Fore wings less than twice the length of the body, a little longer than the hind wings, with a few black points in the disk. Hind wings pellucid ; veins testaceous. Length of the body 11 — 15 lines; expansion of the fore wings 38 — 54 lines. a. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. b— e. East Africa. Presented by Earl Russell. /. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 43. CONOCEPHALDS SUBVITTATUS. Fo2m. Testaceus, gracilis ; caput et prothorax punctata, vittis nonnullis pallide fuscis vittisque duabus obscure funds ; fastigium breve, apice rotundatum, basi subtus subangulatum ; antennce fulvce, basi lestacece ; sternum nigricante inlerrupte vittalum ; oviductus vix arcuatus, cor- pore paulLo brevior; pedes graciles, femoribus fusco subvittatix ; alii, Mlrz. Ann. Soc. Ayric. Lyons, 1857, vii. 87. Woodlark. 70. CONOCEPHALUS INSULARIS. Mas. Testaceus, gracilis, dense et subtiliter punctatus, flavesct-nle el fuscesccnte bivittatus ; caput prot/iorace multo brevius, fnstigin lanceoluto subascendenfe apice obtuso sublus subcarinalo ; prathnraci* carince lalerales bene determinate ; jieden graciles, femoribux anticis inermibus intermediis apicem versus bispinosis ; alee anllcce nigricmte subpnnctala ; nits posticee diaphance, ulbo venosce. Var. ? — Pallide viridis ; alee anticce non punctatce. Male and female. Testaceous, slender. Head and prothorax thickly and minutely punctured, with two pale yellowish stripes which are difftisedly bordered on the outer side with pale brown. Head very much shorter than the prothorax ; fastigium lanceolate, obtuse at the tip, a little longer than the hinder part of the head, slightly keeled beneath, where it forms an acute anyle at its base. Prothorax with two very slight transverse furrows and with two well-defined lateral keels; fore border straight in the middle ; sides nearly straight in the middle; hind border slightly rounded. Prosternum with two long slender spines. Oviduct straight, a little longer than the abdomen. Legs slender; fore femora unarmed ; middle femora with two minute spines on the outer side near the tips; the other parts as usual. Wings very much longer than the body. Fore wings with a few blackish points, rather longer than the hind wings, which are pellucid and have white veins. Far./3 — Pale green. Fore wings without points. Length of the body 13 — 15 lines; expansion of the fore wings 40 — 44 lines. a. Navigator's Isle. Presented by the late Duke of Northumberland. b— j. Sandwich Islands. Presented by Capt. Beechey. k. — - ? Presented by Sir J. Liddell. 326 CATALOGUE OF 71. CONOCEPHALUS EEMOTUS. Mas et foam. Viridis^ dense et subtiliter punctatus ; caput prothorucc vaide brevius, fastigio conico; oviductus rectus, abdomine pan do longior ; pedes graciles^ fernoribus anlicis inermibus, femoribus intermediis nonnunquam bispinosis ; alee anticce nigro subpunctalcc ; alts posticce diauhance, albo venosce. Male and female. Grass-green. Head and prothorax thickly and minutely punctured. Head very much shorter than the prothorax; fas- tigium conical, less than half the length of the hinder part of the head, rounded beneath at tue hase, where it approaches the dentate border of the front. Prothorax with two more or less distinct yellowish stripes on the well-defined lateral keels; fore border, hind border and sides nearly straight in the middle. Prosternum with two long slender spines. Oviduct straight, a little longer than the abdomen. Legs slender; four anterior femora un- armed or with two minute spines near the tips of the middle femora ; the other ptvrts as usual. Fore wings much longer than the body, a little longer than the hind wings, occasionally with a few black points. Hind wings pellucid; veins white. Length of the body 12 — 13 lines; expansion of the lore wings 33 — 36 lines. a — c. Sandwich Isles. Presented by Capt. Beechey. Country unknown. 72. CONOCEPHALUS ACANTHOCERUS. acanthocerus, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 212. 73. CoNOCEPHALUS NOBIL1S. Fcem. Viridis, dense punctatus ; caput prothorace brevius,faxtigio lonyi- conico, ft'oute tinea inter oculos transversa Jusca, margine antico nigro; mandibula nigrce ; abdomen fuscescens ; oviductus testaceus, subarcuatuSj abdomine paullo longior; pedes robusti, femoribus anterioribus spinosis ; alee posticce diaph(in(e, albo venosce. Female. Pale green, stout, testaceous beneath. Head and prothorax thickly punctured. Head somewhat shorter than the prothorax ; lastigium elongate-conical, shorter than the hinder part of the head, obtusely angular beneath at its base ; front with a brown transverse line between the eyes and with a black band oil the fore border; labrum mostly piceo'us. Mandibles black. Prothorax with a slight transverse furrow ; lore border, sides and hind border nearly straight in the middle. Prosternum with two long slender spines; mesosternum with two elongate-conical lobes; meta- sternum with two triangular lobes. Abdomen brownish. Oviduct testa- ceous, slightly curved, a little longer than the abdomen. Legs stout ; fore femora with three minute spines on the inner side and with two on the outer side; middle femora with three or four on the outer side; the other pails as usual. Fore wings much longer thou the body, a little longer than the hind wings, which are pellucid and have white veius. Length of the body 22 lines; expansion of the fore wings 64 Hues. a. ? LOCUSTIDJ?. 327 74. CONOCEPHALUS VIITIPKNNIS. Foein. Testaceus, gracilis, dense punctatus, vittis dua'bus pallidis fusco diffuse marginutis ; caput pallido quinquelinealum, prot/torace valde breviux, fastigio bre"vi-conico subfus nigro trianyulari, gutta frontali paliide fiava ; oviductus rectus, abdomine longior ; ptdes gratiles, femoribus subtus piceis; alee antida nigro guttalce el punctatce ; alee posliccB diaphance, albo venosce. Female. Testaceous, slender. Head and prothorax thickly punctured, With two paler stripes which are diffnsedly bordered with brown on the outer side and occupy the well-defined lateral keels of the prothorax. Head with three more pale longitudinal lines, very much shorter than the pro- thorax ; fasligium short-conical, much shorter than the hinder part of the head, broad and much rounded in front, black and triangular beneath, front with an elliptical pale yellow dot which is contiguous to the fasligium. Prothorax with two slight transverse furrows, the hinder one especially indistinct; fore border and sides almost straight in the middle; hind border slightly rounded. Prosternum with two long slender spines. Mesosternum and metasternum with piceous disks. Oviduct straight, rather longer than the abdomen. Legs slender ; femora piceous beneath; four anterior femora unarmed. Fore wings much lou»er than the body, rather longer than the hind wings, with some black dots and points. Hind wings pellucid; veins white. Length of the body 13 lines; expansion of the fore wings 36 lines. Like C. abbreviates in the shape of the fastigium. a. ? 75. CONOCEPHALUS ABBREVIATUS. Foam. Paliide viridis, gracilis, subliiiler punc talus ; fastigium brevi- conicum, apice latnm, subtus triangulare nigro fusciatum ; oculi nigro univittati ; prolhorax capite plus duplo longior; oviduclus rectuSy abdomine longior ; pedes graciles, femoribus quatuor anteriori- bus subspinosis ; alee posticce diaphance, ulbo venosce. Female. Pale green, slender. Head and prothorax minutely punc- tured. Head about half the length of the prothorax ; fasligium short- conical, very broad and much rounded in front, much shorter than the hinder part of the head, triangular beneath, where it has a slender abbreviated black band. Eyes testaceous, with a black stripe. Prothorax with two very slight transverse furrows; fore border and sides almost straight in the middle; hind border slightly rounded. Proslernum with two long slender spines. Oviduct straight, rather longer than the abdo^ men. Legs slender ; four anterior femora with a few very minute spines; the other parts as usual. Fore wings very much longer than the body, a little longer than ihe hind wings, which are pellucid and have white veins-. Length of the body 15 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 50 lines. The fastigium is somewhat broader than that of C. remotus. 328 CATALOGUE OF 76. CONOCEPHALUS 1NTACTUS. Foem. Viridis, dense et subtililer punctalus ; caput prothorace multo brcvius, fastigio conico apice lato, labro anlice ferruqineo ; oviduclus rectus, abdomine multo longior ; prdes yraciles, femoribus quatuor anlerioribus inermibtts ; alee posticce diapkanee, albo venoscc. Female. Grass-green. Head and protborax thickly and minutely punctured. Head much shorter than the prothorax ; fastifjium conical, broad and rounded at the tip, nearly half the length of the hinder part of the head, obtusely angular at the base beneath, where it is contiguous to ihe acute part of the front; labrtim ferruginous towards the tip. Mandibles with piceous tips. Prothorax with the usual structure; two indistinct transverse furrows. Prosternuni with two long slender spines. Oviduct straight, much longer than the abdomen. Legs slender; four anterior femora unarmed ; the other parts as usual. Fore wings much longer than the body, a little longer than the hind wings. Hind wings pellucid; veins white, green towards the costa. Length of the body 16 lines; expansion of the fore wings 48 lines. The fastigium is rather longer than that of C. remains. 77. CONOCEPHALUS LATIPENNIS. Mas. Viridis, sat robuslus, dense punctatus ; fastigium conicum, flaro marginal urn, subtus triangulare ; labrum a pice piceum ; mandibulcc pallide ochracete^ apice nigrce ; prothorax flavescente bivittatus, capite plus ditplo langior ; pedes sat validi, femoribus quatuor unterioribus inermibus, tibiis anlieis basi niyro vittatis, tarsis subtus nigricanti- bus ; alee anticcc niyricante punctatce, basi dilatatee ; alee posticce diaphan ; prothorax ochraceo bivittatus ; carinis lateralibus bcne determinatis ; sternum incisum ; oviductu/i abdominis dimidio brevior ; pedes longiusculi, sat graciles, tibiis quatuor anterioribus femoribusque spimtlosis, tibiis posticis spinosis ; alee antica sat angustce, margine postico testaceo; alee poslica diaphance, pluga apicati viridi. Female. Grass-green, smooth, slender, shining. Head with the usual structure, as broad as the prothorax; keel between the eyes rosy; labrum white. Eyes testaceous, elliptical, prominent Palpi with the usual structure. Antenna? testaceous, long, slender. Prothorax with a flat dbk which widens hindward and has an ochraceous stripe and a well-defined 352 CATALOGUE OF lateral keel on each side; fore border slightly excavated ; sides and hind border rounded. Sternum notched in each part. Abdomen with a rosy stripe which is dilated on the hind border of each segment. Oviduct with the usual structure, less lhan half the length of the abdomen. Legs rather long and slender; spines of the femora and of the four anterior tibiae very minute; those of the hind tibiae larger. Fore wings rather narrow, shorter by half a line than the hind wings; hind border and a line along the anal vein testaceous; large areolets clearly defined, mostly regular. Hind wings pellucid ; apical patch green ; veins greenish white. Length of the body ]0£ lines; expansion of the fore wings 30 lines. In the comparative length of the fore wings and of the hind wings it much resembles P. lata, but the areolets of the fore wings are more regular than in lhat species. a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel's collection. 59 . PHANEROPTERA VALIDA. Mas. Viridis, gracilis^ testaceo varia ; oeuli fusci, elliptici, prominuli ; prothorax carinis latcralibus bene determinalis ; mesosternum et meta- sternum vatde incisa ; cerci subarcuati ; cornicula duo infcra brevis- sima ; pedes graciles, femoribus tibiisque spinulosis ; alee posticce diaphana, playa apicati viridi. Mule. Green, smooth, slender. Body partly testaceous. Head with the usual structure, a little narrower than the prothorax ; fore part shining. Eyes brown, elliptical, prominent. Antennae long, slender. Prothorax with a flat disk which widens hindward and has on each side a well-defined lateral keel ; fore border very slightly excavated; sides and hind border rounded. Mesosternum and metasternum deeply notched. Cerci lanceo- late, slightly curved upward; the two lower appendages very short. Legs long, slender ; femora and four anterior tibia? with very minute spines, those of the hind tibiae a little larger; hind femora incrassated for more, lhan half the length from the base; fore tibiae slightly dilated at the base. Fore wings narrow, shorter by two lines than the hind wings ; large areolets not distinctly marked, mostly irregular ; longitudinal veins with the usual structure. Hind wings pellucid ; apical patch green ; veins very pale green. Length of the body 8 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 36 lines. It may be distinguished from P. glaucescens, P. cnngtua and P. sub- roseata by the fore wings, which are longer in proportion to the hind wings. It is rather more slender than P. pinguis, and the spines of the hind tibiae are smaller. a. South Australia. Presented by R. Bakewell, Esq. 60. PHANEROPTERA SIMPLEX. Foera. Viridis, sat gracilis; caput plagis duabus labrogue albidis ; oculi pallide lividi, ovali, prominuli ; antenna fulva, basi pallide virides ; prothorax luteo bivittatus, carinis lateralibus bene determinatis ; sternum incisum ; oviduct us abdominis dimidio valde brevior ; pedes LOCUSTID^J. {J 5 3 sat validi, vix longi, femoribus tibiisque spinulosix ; alee anticoe sat angusta, mnrgine poslico fusco-punctato ; alts posticce diaphfince, plaga apicali viridi. Female. Green, smooth, shining, rather slender. Head with the usual structure, almost as broad as the prothorax; a whitish patch on each side of the vertex ; labruin whitish. Eyes pule livid, oval, prominent. Palpi with the usual structure. Antennae tawny, long, slender, pale green towards the base. Prothorax with a flat disk which hardly widens hind- ward and with two luteous stripes on the well-defined lateral keels; fore border slightly excavated; sides and hind border rounded. Sternum notched in each division. Oviduct much less than half the length of the abdomen. Legs rather stout, moderately long ; femora and four anterior tibiae with very minute spines; hind femora incrassated for much more than half the length from the base ; fore tibia? slightly dilated at the base; hind tibiae with rather small spines. Fore wings rather narrow, shorter by half a line than the hind wings; hind border with brown points; large areolets mostly regular ; longitudinal veins with the usual structure. Hind wings pellucid ; apical patch green ; veins greenish white. Length of the body 8 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 32 lines. It differs from P. subroseala in the costa being like the rest of the fore wings in colour. The stripes on the prothorax and the rather shorter hind tibiae distinguish it from P. congrua. The colour of the antenna} and the more regular large areolets of the fore wings distinguish it from P.glauces- cens. The hind tibiae are much shorter than those of P. valida. a. Sydney. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. 61. PHANEROPTERA EXTENUATA. Fo3rn. Viridi*, gracillima ; labrum albidum ; oculi fulvi, elliptici, sub- prominuli ; prothorax carinis lateralibus valde determinatis, vittis duabus ochraceis albo submaryinalis ; mesosternum et metaslernum incisa ; cerci subarcuati ; oviductus brevissimus ; pedes graciles, femoribus inermibus, tibiis spinulosis ; ala anticte perangustce ; ales posticfB diaphance, plaga apicali viridi. Female. Green, smooth, very slender. Head of the usual structure, a little narrower than the prothorax; fore part shining; labrum whitish. Eyes lawny, elliptical, slightly prominent. Palpi of the usual structure. Prothorax with a flat disk which widens hindward and has a sharply defined lateral keel and an ochraceous partly white-bordered stripe on each side; fore border hardly excavated ; sides and hind border rounded. Mesosternum and metasternum notched. Cerci lanceolate, slightly curved upward. Oviduct curved, moderately deep, not more than one-fourth of the length of the abdomen. Legs long, slender; femora unarmed; hind femora slightly incrassated for nearly half its length from the base; spines of the four anterior tibiae very minute, those of the hind til>ia3 a little larger; fore tibiae slightly dilated at the base. Fore wings very narrow, shorter by two lines than ihe hind wings; larger areolets indistinct, some of them irregular. Hind wings pellucid; apical patch green; veins white, pale green along the costa. Length of the body 9 lines; expansion of the fore wings 30 lines. 354 CATALOGUE OF It may be distinguished from all the preceding Australian species of this genus by its slender form and by its short oviduct. «. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 62. PHANEROPTERA ALBIDICEPS. Fcem. Testacea, sat gracilis ; caput albidum ; oculifulvi,rotundi,pro- tninuli ; antenna fulvce ; prolhoracis carince laterales bene deter- minate ; sternum incisum ; oviduclus brevissimus, valde arcualus ; pedes graciles, long iusculi^femori bus inermibus, tibiis spinulosis ; alee antica angustce^ punctis nonnullis discoidalibus margineque postico fuscis ; al(£ posticce diaphance, ptaga apicali testacea. Female. Testaceous, smooth, rather slender. Head whitish, with the usual structure, almost as broad as the prothorax; fore part shining. Eyes tawny, round, prominent. Palpi with the usual structure. Antennae tawny, long, slender. Prothorax with a flat disk which widens very slightly hind- ward and is bordered on each side by a sharply-defined keel ; fore border slightly excavated ; sides and hind border rounded. Sternum notched in each division. Oviduct deep, much curved, not more than one-fourth of the length of the abdomen. Legs slender, rather long ; femora without spines; hind femora incrassated for more than half the length from the base; four anterior libiaa with very minute spines ; hind tibiae with minute spines. Fore wings narrow, shorter by nearly one line than the hind wings, with a few brown points in the disk and with brown minute areolets along the hind border; large areolets irregular. Hind wings pellucid, with a testaceous apical patch; longitudinal veins pale testaceous; transverse veinlets white. Length of the body 9 lines; expansion of the fore wings 28 lines. a. Australia. Presented by Sir G. Grey. 63. PHANEROPTERA? TENUIS. Mas. Pallide testacea, gracillima ; oculi elliptici, non prominuli ; pro- thorax longus, subsulcatus, postice subcarinatus, carinis lateralibus bene determinatis ; sternum integrum ; cerci graciles ; pedes gracillimi, femoribus inermibus, tibiis spinulosis; ala anticce per- angustce ; alee posticce albce, plaga apicali pallide testacea. Male. Pale testaceous, smooth, very slender. Head with the usual structure, a little narrower than the prothorax. Eyes elliptical, not pro- minent. Palpi with the usual structure. Antennae long, slender. Pro- thorax elongate ; disk flat, widening hindward, with two well-defined lateral keels, and with a slight longitudinal furrow which towards the hind border is replaced by a slight keel ; fore border hardly excavated ; sides and hind border slightly rounded. Sternum not notched. Cerci and the two lower appendages lanceolate, slender. Legs long, very slender; femora unarmed; hind femora slightly incrassated for a little more than half the length from the base ; four anterior tibia3 with a few very minute spines ; hind tibiae with minute spines. Fore wings very narrow, shorter by three lines than the hind wings; areolets mostly irregular. Hind wings white; apical LOCUSTHXE. 355 patch pale testaceous ; veins very pale testaceous. Length of the body 8£ lines ; expansion of the fore wings 28 lines. a. North Australia. Presented by J. E. Elsey, Esq. Country unknown. 64. PHANEROPTERA L^ETABILIS. laetabilis, Serv. Hist. Orth. 415. 65. PHANEROPTERA MACRA. macra, Serv. Hist. Orth. 417. 66. PHANEROPTERA? VENDSTA. venusta, Serv. Hist. Orth. 419. 67. PHANEROPTERA ALBIDA. Mas. Pallide testacea, gracilis ; capul apud oculos et antice album ; oculi fulvi, prominuli, fere rotundi ; prothorax albo quadrivittatus^ carinis laleralibus bene determinatis ; abdominis cornicula apicalia infera longa, arcuata, apice nigra ; pedes graciles,femoribus inermi- bus, tibiis spinulosis ; alee anticce perangustce, costa margineque postico diaphanis ; alee posticce diaphance, striga apicali pallide teslacea. Male. Pale testaceous, smooth, slender. Head nearly as broad as the prothorax, white about the eyes; fore part shining; front white. Eyes tawny, prominent, nearly round. Palpi with the usual structure. Antenna long, slender, white at the base. Prothorax with a flat disk which widens bind ward; four white stripes, one on each lateral keel and one along each side; lateral keels well defined; fore border hardly excavated ; sides and hind border rounded. Lower abdominal appendages long, curved, with black tips. Legs slender; femora unarmed; tibiae spinulose; fore tibiae dilated at the base. Fore wings very narrow, shorter by three lines than the hind wings, whitish along the hind border and between the costa and the scapular vein, this space dilated and rounded towards the base ; areolets large and regular in the whitish spaces, very minute and irregular else- where; tympanum of the right wing pellucid. Hind wings pellucid; veins white ; a pale testaceous streak along the apical part of the costa. Length of the body 6 lines; expansion of the fore wings 14 lines. The specimen described is mutilated ; it hardly belongs to the genus Phaneroptera. Genus 89. EPHIPPITYTHA. Phaneroptera (Div. 2. Ephippitytha), Serv. Hist. Orth. 422 1. EPHIPPIPYTHA TRIGINTIDUOGUTTATA. Phaneroptera (Ephippitytha) trigintiduoguttata, Serv. Hist. Orth. 422. — Ephippitytha maculata, Evans, Trans. Ent. Soc. iv. 303, pi. 21, f. c. a, b. Australia. From Mr. Slutchbury's collection, c. Australia. From Mr. Darnel's collection. 356 CATALOGUE OF d, e. Sydney. From Mr. Argent's collection. /. Australia. From Mr. Birch's collection. g. Australia. Presented by Sir J. Liddell. h. Australia. From the Rev. Mr. Wenham's collection. «. New South Wales. 2. EPHIPPITYTHA IBBOBATA. Phaneroptera (Ephippitytha) irrorata, Serv. Hist. Orth. 423. Australia. 3. EPHIPPITYTHA ZEBBATA. Phaneroptera (Ephippitytha) zebrata, Serv. Hist. Orth. 424, pi. 11, f. 1. a. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 4. EPHIPPITXTHA ACANTHOCEPHALA. Phaneroptera (Ephippitytha) acanthocepbala, Serv. Hint. Orth. 425. Australia. 5. EPHTPPITTTHA? PARDALIS. Mas. Testacea, sat gracilis ; caput atbido-teslaceum ; oculi fusci, rotundi, valde prominuli ; protkorax longiusculus,postice subsulcatus, carinis lateralibus indeterminalis ; pedes sat validi,femoribus tibiis- que spinulosis, femoribus anticis nigricante conspersis; alee anticce virides, sat angustce, apice rotundatce^ maculis guttisque nonnullis aibidis niyro notatis ; alee, postic<£ diaphance. Male. Testaceous, smooth, shining, rather slender. Head whitish testaceous, a little narrower than the prothorax •, a forked keel between the eyes ; a transverse furrow between the front and the face. Eyes brown, round, very prominent. Palpi long, slender; fourth joint much shorter, than the third, less than half the length of the fifth. Antennae green, testa- ceous at the base. Prothorax elongate, minutely brown-speckled ; hind part with a slight longitudinal furrow ; lateral keels indeterminate ; fore border hardly excavated ; sides in the middle and hind border rounded. Mesosternum and metasternum notched. Legs long, rather stout; femora and liMa3 with minute spines; hind femora incrassated fur full half the length from the base; fore femora blackish-speckled; fore tibiae dilated at the base. Fore wings green, rather narrow, rounded at the tips, shorter by full one line than the hind wings; several whitish black-marked spots and dots of various size in the disk ; large and small areolets irregular ; space between the cosla and the scapular vein broad. Hind wings pellucid ; veins green. Length of the body 12? lines; expansion of the fore wings 38 lines. The minute spines of the hind femora distinguish it from the typical species of this genus. a. Silhet. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. LOCUSTID£3. 357 Genus 90. ANCYLECHA. Ancylecha, Serv. Hist. Orth. 411. 1. ANCYLECHA LUNOLIGEBA. Loeusta fenestrata ? Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 34 — Ancylecha lunuligera, Serv. Hist. Ortk. 412 — Locnsta (Phylloptera) fenestrata, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Eez. Ins. 197. a. Assam. From Mr. Warwick's collection. b. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. Genus 91. TRIG ALA. Corpus rohustum. Caput cornu brevi valido oblique ascendeute arma- tum. Oculi fere rotundi, valde prominuli. Palporum maxillarium articuli 3us et 4us robusti, subaequales ; 5us valde longior et gracilior. Prothorax sellatus, transverse bisulcatus, postice subascendens. Alae anticoB vix lata?, apice truncate. Body stout, smooth, shining. Head a little narrower than the pro- thorax ; a stout, short, obliquely ascending horn on the vertex between the eyes ; front erect. Eyes nearly round, very prominent. Third and fourth joints of the maxillary palpi stout, nearly equal in length; fifth longer than the two preceding joints together and much more slender. Prolhorax saddle-shaped, with two transverse furrows and with an elevated hind part. Mesosternum and metasternum notched. Fore wings hardly broad, trun- cated at ihe tips, a little shorter than the hind wings. 1. TBICOLA HYSTRIX. Phaneroptera hyslrix, Weslw. Arc. Ent. pi. 70. Colombia. a. Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Club. Genus 92. VALNA. Mas. Corpus glabrum,breviusculum, sat robustum. Caput parvum, prothorace angustius ; vertex carinatus. Oculi rotundi, valde prominuli. Palpi breviusculi; articuli 3us et 4us subaquales ; 5us clavatus", 4o valde longior. Protborax sellatus, postice planus et rotundatus. Sternum incisuoa. Abdomen thorace vix longius; cornicula apicalia lanceolata, arcuata. Pedes breves robusti ; femoribus tibiisque spiuosis, femoribus dilatato spinosis. Ala? aniica? angustae, apice subtruucatse, alis posticis breviores. Male. Body smooth, shining, rather stout and short. Head small, narrower than the pi othorax; vertex keeled ; front erect. Eyes round, extremely prominent. Maxillary palpi rather stout; third and fourth joints nearly equal in length ; fifth clavate, much longer than the fourth. Antennae long, slender. Prothorax saddle-shaped; hind part flat, elon- gated, rounded ; fore border straight ; sides rounded. Sternum notched in each division. Abdomen hardly longer than the thorax; apical appendages curved, lanceolate. Legs short, thick ; femora beyond the middle with a dilated membrane which is armed with spines ; four anterior tibia? with 358 CATALOGUE OF small slender spines ; fore tibiae dilated at the base ; hind tibiae with two rows of small slender spines and with two rows of stout spines. Fore wings narrow, slightly truncated at the tips, somewhat shorter than the hind wings; large areolets regular. Type V. melaleuca. 1. VALNA MELALEUCA. Mas. Alba ; caput striga lanceolata, litura furcatayvittis duabus fascia- que nigris ; palpi nigro guttati ; antennce nigrocinctce ; prothorax postice nigro inlerrupte maryinatus ; pectus nigro biannulatum el bi- maculatum; pedes nigro fasciati ; alee anticce nigro punctatte et maculates ; alee poslicce apice nigro nolatce. Male. White. Head with a black lanceolate streak and with a black forked mark on the vertex, with a black stripe on each side between the hind border and the eye, and with a black band between the eyes. Eyes pale livid. Palpi with black dots. Antenna3 black beneath at the base and with black rings. Hind border of the prothorax interruptedly black. Pectus with a black spot and an irregular black ringlet on each side. Sternum with a purplish tinge. Abdominal appendages black at the base and at the tips. Coxa? and femora with some black marks ; mem- brane of the hind femora brown ; tibiae black towards the tips; hind tibiae with three black bands; tarsi black. Fore wings shorter by nearly three lines than the hind wings, with several black points in the disk, and with some irregular black spots along the costa and along the hind border; costal space pellucid. Hind wings with some black marginal spots towards the tips. Length of the body 7 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 30 lines. a. Kio Janeiro. Presented by — Busk, Esq. 2. VALNA ALIPES. Phaneroptera alipes, Weslw. Arc. Ent. ii. 87, pi. 70, f. 1. Mexico. Columbia. 3. VALNA? PHYLLACANTHA. Phaneroptera phyllacantha, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 688. Bahia. 4. VALNA? CBUENTA. Phaneroptera cruenta, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 691. Bio Janeiro. Genus 93. SANABRIA. Mas. Corpus leave, sat gracile. Caput prothoraci aequilatum ; vertex convexus. Mandibula3 magnae. Oculi longi elliptici, prominuli. Palpi sat robusti ; articulus 5us 4o duplo longior. Prothorax sellatus, lateribus margineqne postico subrotundatis. Abdomen basi conico-gibbosum. Pedes robusti, spiuis paucis meinbranaceis armati. LOCUSTID^E. 359 Male. Body smooth, rather slender. Head as broad as the prothorax ; vertex convex ; front oval. Mandibles large. Eyes elongate-elliptical, prominent. Maxillary palpi rather stout ; fifth joint about twice the length of the fourth. Antenna? long, slender. Prothorax saddle-shaped ; fore border nearly straight; sides and hind border slightly rounded. Sternum not notched. Abdomen with an erect cone at the base; apical appendages lanceolate. Legs stout, moderately long ; femora and tibiae with several spines and with a few large membranous spines beneath. This genus is nearly allied to Valna. The specimen described is probably in the larva state. 1. SANABRIA FUSCESCENS. Mas. Teslacea ; caput vertice vittisque duabus latis fuscis ; prothorax macula fusca trigona ; abdomen fuscum, basi testaceum, maculis guatitor dorsalibus luleis maculisque duabus posticis testaceis ; pedes fusco fasciati. Male. Testaceous. Head with the vertex and a broad stripe on each side of the front brown ; fore part shining. Eyes tawny. Piolhorax with a triangular brown spot in front. Abdomen brown, testaceous at the base, with four Inteous spots on the dorsum and with two testaceous spots on each side near the tip. Femora with one membranous subapical spine. Hind femora with two irregular and incomplete brown bands; four anterior femora with brown lips ; hind tibiae with three brown bands and with four membranous spines ; four anterior tibia? brown at the base and at the tips and with three membranous spines. Length of the body 6 lines. a. Birmah. From Mrs. Waring's collection. Genus 94. VELLEA. Fcem. Corpus robustum, glabrum. Caput carinula antica sulcata postice dilatata ; frons subpunclata. Oculi prominuli, fere rotundi. Palpi graciles ; articulus 3us 4o duplo longior ; 5ns 3o longior. Antenna? longae, gracilliniiP. Prothorax disco piano pnnctato postice latiore sulcis duobus transversis lo angulato, carinis lateralibus bene determinatis, lateribus margineque postico rotundatis. Mesosternum et melasternum incisa. Ovi- ductus arcuatus, aequilatus. Pedes robusti, pubescenles, femoribus tibiisque posticis longis, illorum spinis subfoliaceis. Ala? auticae angusta?. Ala? postica? longiores, ampla?. Female. Body stout, shining, smooth. Head nearly as broad as the prothorax ; a furrowed keel on the fore part of the vertex, dilated hindward, separated by a transverse suture from the elongation of the front between the antenna? ; front erect, thinly and minutely punctured. Eyes prominent, nearly round. Palpi slender; fourth joint about half the length of the third, which is shorter than the fifth. Antenna? long, very sL-nder, stout and approximate at the base. Prothorax with a punctured flat disk which widens hindward and has two transverse furrows, of which the fore one is angular; lateral keels well defined ; fore border straight; sides and hind border much rounded. Mesosternum and melasternum notched. Oviduct curved, of equal depth along the whole length, rounded at the tip, shorter 360 CATALOGUE OF than the abdomen. Legs stout, pubescent ; four anterior legs short ; four anterior femora unarmed ; four anterior tilme with a few minute spines in two rows; hind legs long; hind femora with two rows of spines, those towards the base minute, those towards the tip large, dilated, suhfalcate; hind tibiae with numerous spines on each of the four keels. Fore wings narrow, rather shorter than the hind wings ; large areolets mostly regular; externo-medial vein forked, its fore fork joining the interno-medial vein, the latter emitting a brunch at a little nearer the tip of the wing. Hind wings ample; a broad apical streak with the texture of the fore wings. 1. VELLEA EOSEA. Foem. Viridis, subtus teslacea ; antennce fulvce ; abdomen testaeeum ; femora postica niyrospinosa ; alee anticce maculis panels discoidalibus nigricantibus ; a/ce posticte saturate rosea, tinea transversa informi lutea, spatio exteriore dinphano, striga apicali viridi. Female. Grass-green. Abdomen, oviduct, sides of the head and of the thorax and fore part of the head testaceous. Antennae tawny. Legs testaceous; hind femora about three-fourths of the length of the fore winjjs, their spines mostly black. Fore wings with a row of indistinct blackish spots between the inter no-medial vein and the fork of the externo-medial vein. Hind wings deep rose-colour for about two-thirds of the surface from the base, this hue irregularly bordered with luteous ; exterior space pellucid, with a broad apical green patch. Length of the body 12 — 13 lines; expan- sion of the fore wings 44 — 46 lines. a — c. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. d. Demerara. From Mr. Bowers' collection. Genus 95. LEPTODERES. Leptoderes, Serv. Hint. Orth. 409. 1. LEPTODERES ORNATIPENNIS. ornatipennis, Serv. Hist. Orth. 410 — Locusta (Phylloptera) ornatipennis, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 199. a. Java. 2. LEPTODERES OKNATA. Leptodera oruata, Charp. Orth. pi. 12. Genus 96. SICTUNA. Fcem. Corpus fusiforme, sat validum. Caput prothorace paullo angustius, cariuula inter antennas brevisubsulcata. Oculi valde prominuli. Prothorax sellatus, transverse sulcatus, carinis lateralibus indeterminatis. Sternum incisum. Abdominis dorsum subcarinaium. Ovidtictus valde arcuatus, abdomiuis dimidio brevior. Pedes graciles, femoribus quatuor auterioribus inermibus, femoribus posticis tibiisque spinulosis. Alae auticae angusta?, apice rotundata?, alis posticis perpaullo breviores. Female. Body smooth, subfusiform, rather stout. Head a little narrower than the prothorax ; with a short slightly furiuvved cone between LOCUSTHXE. 361 the antennae; front flat, upright. Eyes very prominent. Palpi slender; fifth joint of the maxillary linear, about twice the length of the fourth ; third joint of the labial elongate-fusiform. Antennae long, slender. Prothorax selliform, slightly contracted and transversely furrowed in the middle; fore border slightly excavated in the middle and slightly convex on each side; fore border hardly rounded ; lateral keels indeterminate ; sides with a conical outline. Sternum deeply excavated and forming two acute lobes in each segment. Abdomen slightly keeled above. Oviduct deep, much curved, furrowed on each side, about one-third of the length of the abdomen. Legs slender ; four anterior femora unarmed ; hind femora and four anterior tibia3 with two rows of minute spines beneath, the former incrassated towards the base; hind tibia? with four rows of minute spines. Fore wings narrow, very much longer than the body, very little longer than the hind wings, rounded at the tips; marginal vein emitting six veiulets to the costa, which is rounded for much more than half the length from the base ; scapular vein emitting nine oblique veinlets to the costa, of these the three first are forked and the four last are very short; some large areolets between the veinlets which are obliquely retracted from each side of the irregular longitudinal vein which proceeds from the interno-medial vein ; some smaller areolets formed by a few oblique veinlets between the externo-medial vein and the irregular longitudinal vein which proceeds from it. Hind wings ample. The structure of the fore wings sufficiently distinguish this genus from Phaneroptera. I. SlCTUNA ST RIG ATA. Foein. Leete viridis ; caput Jlavescente trivittatum ; labrum albido marginatum ; prothorax vitta, fascia maculisque qualuor pallide flavescentibus ; sternum albido marginatum ; abdomen gultis laterali- bus flavescentibus, viltis duabus albidis venlralibus ; alee antica striyis obliquis pallide flavescentibus ; alae posticce diaphana, striga apicali viridi. Female. Vivid-green. Head with a pale yellowish stripe on the vertex and with two stripes of the same hue on the front; labrum with a whitish border. Prothorax with a stripe, an irregular band and four spots pale yellowish. Lobes of the sternum with whitish borders. Abdomen with yellowish dots along each side and with two whitish stripes beneath. Fore wings with pale yellowish oblique subcostal streaks ; hinder veins bordered with pale yellowish. Hind wings pellucid, green along the tip of the costa. Length of the body 8 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 28 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. Genus 97. VI A DAN A. Fcem. Corpus sat gracile. Caput prothoraci aequilatum, inter oculos subspinosum ; ftons plana, erecta. Oculi vakle promiuuli. Palpi graciles, setulosi; articulus 3us 4o valde longior; 5us subclavatus, 3o valde longior. Prothorax disco piano, carinis lateralibus bene determinatis, lateribus valde rotuudatis, margiue postico subrotundato. Sternum incisum. Cerci breves, lanceolati. Oviductus valde arcuatus, abdominis dimidio a3qui- T 362 CATALOGUE OF longus. Pedes graciles, femoribus quatuor anterioribus inennibus, feinori- bus posticis tibiisque spinulosis. Alie anlicse lalae, subfusi formes, alls pos- ticis perpaullo breviores. Female. Body rather slender. Head as broad as the prothorax, with a lobe on the inner side of each of the antennae and a short intermediate spine; front flat, upright. Eyes very prominent. Palpi slender, setulose. Maxillary palpi more than twice the length of the labial ; first and second joints short; third much longer than the fourth; fifth subclavate, much longer than the third. Third joint of the labial palpi nearly linear. Antennae long, slender; first and second joints incrassated. Prothorax flat, above ; lateral keels strongly defined ; fore border straight ; sides much rounded ; hind border slightly rounded. Sternum excavated iu the middle and rounded on each side in each segment. Cerci short, lanceolate. Ovi- duct deep, curved, about half the length of the abdomen. Legs slender; four anterior femora unarmed ; hind femora with a few very minute spines ; four anterior tibia3 with two rows of minute spines; fore tibia? dilated near the base; hind tibiae with four rows of minute spines. Fore wings broad, subfusiform, very little shorter than the hind wings; scapular and externo- medial veins contiguous, emitting on each side veins ; of these three proceed rectangularly to the costa and five to the bind border, the exterior three of the latter veins are slightly oblique ; spaces between the veins with veinlets, which form irregular mostly quadrilateral areolets. Hind wings broad. 1. VlADANA TBANSVEESA. Fcem. Testaceo-viridis ; oculi fulvi, rufescente univiltat i ; alee posticte diaphana, albo venosce. Female. Green, partly testaceous. Eyes tawny, with a dark reddish stripe. Hind wings pellucid; veins white. Length of the body 8 lines expansion of the fore wings 24 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. 2. VlADANA BINOTATA. Mas. Viridis, sat robusla ; caput carinula furcata instructum, antice albidum; antenna fulvee, basi virides ; abdominis cornicula duo infera tonga, cylindrica, arena ta ; alte aquilonga ; alee antica latius- culce, fusiformes, macula discoidali nigra obliqua rufescente margi- nata ; alee posticce diaphante, plaga apicali viridi. Male. Green, smooth, shining, rather stout. Head with a forked keel on the fore part of the vertex ; front and labrum whitish. Eyes prominent, nearly round. Antennas tawny, green at the base. Prothorax with a flat disk which widens hiudward and has a longitudinal furrow and is bordered by well-defined lateral keels ; fore border hardly excavated ; sides rounded ; hind border slightly rounded. Sternum notched. Cerci lanceolate, curved downward ; lower appendages long, cylindrical, curved upward. Legs rather slender, moderately long ; femora and four anterior tibiae with a few minute spines; hind femora incrassated for more than half the length from the base ; fore tibia? dilated at the base ; hind tibiae with four rows of minute spines. Wings of equal length. Fore wings rather broad, fusiform, with LOCUSTID2E. 363 a black oblique diffusedly reddish-bordered spot adjoining the hind side of the externo-tnedial vein at somewhat beyond one-third of the length of the wing; large and small areolets irregular; veins proceeding from the scapular to the costa oblique, most of them nearly parallel to each other. Hind wings pellucid ; apical patch green ; veins pale green. Length of the body 12 lines; expansion of the fore wings 32 lines. «. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 3. VlADANA DIGRAMMA. Mas. Viridis, V. binotatae affinis; pedes breviores, graciliores ; caput antice albidum; labrum anlice fuscum ; antenna fuscce ; femora poslica fusco notata ; alee anlicce latiuscul(e,fusifoi'mes, lituris pallide flavescentibus, macula nigra, guttis duabus fuscis; alee postica diapkance, plaga apicali viridi. Male. Green. Head, prothorax and abdomen like those of V. bino- tata in structure. Fore part of the head whitish ; labrum brown in front. Eyes brown, round, very prominent. Antennae brown, green at the base. Legs rather shorter and more slender than those of V. binotata ; hind femora blotched with brown on the outer side towards the base. Fore wings rather broad, fusiform, very little shorter than the hind wings, with some irregular pale yellowish marks, and with a black spot which is at somewhat beyond one-third of the length and is intersected by the interno- medial vein; two exterior brown dots on the interno-medial vein. Hind wings pellucid ; apical patch green ; veins white or greenish white. Length of the body 13 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 30 lines. This species differs chiefly from the preceding one in the veins of the fore wings; the oblique veins between the costa and the scapular towards the base are less regular ; the transverse veins between the externo-medial vein and its branch are more numerous. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus 98. SORIA. Fcem. Corpus sat gracile. Caput prothoraci aequilatum, inter oculos gibbosulum. Oculi elliptic!, prominuli. Antennae gracillimae. Prothorax sellatus, disco piano, margine lineaque transversa ruguloso elevatis. Mesothorax et metathorax subgibbosi, ille oblique carinatus. Abdomen compression. Oviduct us arcuatus, abdominis dimidio sequilongus. Pedes sat graciles, femoribus anticis trispinosis, tibiis spinulosis. Aloe anticae latae, alis posiicis paullo breviores. Female. Body rather slender. Head as broad as the prothorax, with a protuberance above between the eyes, and with a little tubercle by the eye on each side of the protuberance ; front nearly upright. Eyes elliptical, prominent. Antennae long, very slender; first and second joints thick. Prothorax with two flat compartments which are bordered and divided from each other by a rugulose partly double rim ; hind compartment transverse, larger than the fore one ; sides perpendicular. Mesothorax and metathorax somewhat gibbous, the former emitting from its middle four oblique ridges, two in front and two behind. Abdomen compressed. Cerci lanceolate. Oviduct deep, curved, about half the length of the abdomen, its hind part 364 CATALOGUE OF erect. Legs rather slender; fore femora with three spines, the first much smaller lhan the second and than the third ; hind femora incrassated towards the base; four anterior tibia? with one row of minute spines, dilated at the base, the dilatation of the fore tibiaB shorter and broader than that of the middle tibia? ; hind tibiae with minute spines, which are mostly on the two upper rows. Fore wings broad, widening from the base to a little beyond two-thirds of the length, a little shorter than the hind wings; scapular and externo-medial veins contiguous, emitting from the hind side two longitudinal veins ; of the$.e the first is forked and its fore fork joins the second, which is undulating; the other veins and veinletsform an irregular reticulation. Hind wings broad ; a large costal subapical triangular patch with the texture of the fore wings. 1. SORIA CONTAMINATA. Fcem. Ferruginea ; caput supra etantice albidum ; antenna albce, nigro cinctce ; prothoracis discus pa Hide luieus, albido marginatus ; ab do- minis dorsum albidum ; pedes ex parte virides, nigro macula ti et fasciati ; alee anliccB virides, venis ex parte albo punctatim margi- natis,playis tribus ferrugineis, la fusco marginata, 2a 3aque gut las diaphanas includentibus ; alceposticce diaphana, plagaapicali viridiy striga costali fusca, macula subcoatali trigona punctoque nigris. Female. Ferruginous. Head mostly whitish above and in front. Antennae white, with several black rings. Disk of the prothorax pale luteous, bordered with whitish wrinkles. Mesothorax and metathorax pale yellow, the former pilose in front, the middle tubercle green. Abdomen whitish above. Four anterior femora with black spots beneath ; hind femora pale green, with two black spots on the inner side, one large and near the base, the other small and near the tip; four anterior tibiae pale green, with two black bands, the dilated part ferruginous above and with black spots beneath ; fore tibiae with a whitish callus above; hind tibiae pale green, with five irregular blackish bands ; tarsi pale green. Fore wings green ; veins partly bordered with white points ; three ferruginous patches ; first patch basal, extending along the costa to beyond one-third of the length, bordered by an undulating brown line; second and third including some pellucid dots ; second extending along the subapical part of the costa ; third irregularly oval, in the exterior part of the disk. Hind wings pellu- cid; veins white; apical patch green, with a brown costal streak, a black subcostal triangular spot and a black point. Length of the body 8 lines; expansion of the fore wings 21 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. Genus 99. TOPANA. Mas. Corpus sat gracile. Caput prothoraci sequilatum, inter oculos subcarinatum. Oculi prominuli. Palporum articulus 3us 4o multo lon- gior, 5o multo brevior. Antennae gracillimae. Prothorax disco piano pos- tice lutescenle, carinis lateralibus bene determinatis, marginibus antico et postico rectis, lateribus valde rotundatis. Pedes graciles, femoribus quatuor anterioribus spinosis, femoribus posticis tibiisque spinulosis. Ala3 anticse lalae, subfusi formes, alis posticis paullo breviores. LOCUSTIDJE. 365 Male. Body rather slender. Head as broad as the prothorax, with a short keel between the eyes. Eyes prominent. Fourth joint of the maxil- lary palpi much shorter than the third ; fifth much longer than the third. Antennae long, very slender; first and second joints inerassated. Disk of the prothorax flat, widening binclward ; lateral keels well defined; fore border and hind border straight ; sides much rounded. Abdomen rather longer than the thorax. Cerci curved. Legs slender; four anterior femora with five spines beneath ; hind femora incrassated towards the base, with a few minute spines beneath on each side towards the tips; tibiae in structure like those of Soria. Fore wings broad, subfusiform, a liiile shorter than the hind wings; scapular and externo-medial veins contiguous; the latter in addition to some transverse veinlets emits two forked longitudinal veins; the first undulating, proceeding from the middle, the second near the lip ; interno-medial vein undulating and forked ; areolels irregular, as they are also in the triangular subapical patch of the hind wings. 1. To PAN A MEDIA. Mas. Viridis ; antenna albida, nigro fasciatce; prothoracis carina laterales ferruginece ; abdomen testaceum ; pedes ferrugineo nolati ; alee anticcB macula guttisque duabus discoidalibus plagaque postica basali ferrugineis ; alec poslica diaphance, plaga apicali viridi. Male. Green. Eyes testaceous. Antennae whitish, with several black bands. Prothorax with ferruginous lateral keels. Abdomen testa- ceous. Four femora and four anterior tibiae with some ferruginous marks. Fore wings ferruginous between the anal vein and the hind border ; a large ferruginous spot between the forks of the interno-medial vein, accompanied by two ferruginous dots, the one near its inner side, the other near its outer side. Hind wings pellucid ; veins white; apical patch green. Length of the body 1\ lines ; expansion of the fore wings 20 lines. 2. TOPANA POSTICA. Mas. Testaceo-viridis ; oculi ferruginei ; antenna albida, nigro cinctce ; prothorax fusco biviltalus, disco pallide luleo ferrugineo-marginato, lateribus undulatis, margine postico rotundalo ; abdominis dorsum carinatum ; cerci valde arcuati ; femora apice tibiaque bast ferru- ginea ; alee anticce plaga postica plagaque basali ferrugineis ; alee pos- ticaB diaphancB, plaga apicali viridi fusco strigulata. Male. Testaceous-green. Head with a short keel between the eyes, which are ferruginous and prominent. Antenna whitish, with some black bands. Prothorax with a pale luteous flat disk, which has a ferruginous rim; fore border almost straight; sides undulating ; hind border rounded ; a brown stripe on each side. Abdomen keeled above, a little longer than the thorax. Cerci much curved, extending round the lower lanceolate styles. Femora at the tips and tibiae at the base ferruginous. Fore wings ferruginous between the anal vein and the hind border ; a ferruginous patch on the hind border beyond the middle; under side with some minute brown costal marks near the tip. Hind wings pellucid; veins white; apical patch green, with some little transverse brown costal streaks. Length of the body 6 lines; expansion of the fore wings 18 lines. 366 CATALOGUE OF Nearly allied to T. media, from which it differs in the structure of the pro thorax. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. 3. TOPANA VABIA. Foem. Ferruginea, gracilis ; caput vertice laferibusque sordide albidis, fronte subpilosa subpunctata ; oculi nigro lineati ; antenna albidce, nigro annulate; prothorax disco flavo, vittis duabus marginalibus albis, carinis lateralibus valde determinatis ; abdomen Toseum ; ovi- ductus abdomini cequ'dongus ; pedes albidi, femoribus apice tibiisque basi ferrugineis^ femoribus posticis basi ferrugineis ; ala anticce pallide virides, plaga maculis quinque exterioribus punctisque ferru- gineis ; al&posticcB diaphanos, apice virides. Female. Body ferruginous, slender, smooth, shining. Head dingy whitish above and on each side, a slight keel on the fore part of the vertex, divided by a transverse suture from the projection of the front between the antenn® ; front erect, slightly pilose, thinly punctured. Eyes short-ellip- tical, prominent, rather large, with black stripes. Palpi rather stout; third joint much longer than the fourth, much shorter than the fifth, which is clavate. Antennx whitish, very slender, very minutely setulose, more than twice the length of the body, with black rings. Prothorax with a flat yellow disk, which widens slightly hindward and has a slight longitudinal furrow and is bordered by a slight rim ; lateral keels strongly marked ; an irregular white stripe along each side ; fore border nearly straight ; hind border slightly rounded. Abdomen rosy red. Oviduct much curved, as long as the abdomen. Legs whitish, slightly setulose; femora towards the tips and tibiae towards the base ferruginous ; femora with two spines beneath near the tips; hind femora ferruginous and incrassated towards the base, more than half the length of the fore wings. Fore wings pale green, with some ferruginous points, a large ferruginous patch in the disk and a group of five exterior ferruginous spots also in the disk. Hind wings peilucidr somewhat longer than the fore wings, with the usual apical green space. Length of the body 4 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 16 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus 100. SAGONA. Mas. Corpus glabrum, nitens, sat robustum. Caput prothorace vix angustius, carina brevi lata sulcata. Oculi elliptici, prominuli, sat parvi. Palpi graciles; articulus 3us 4o valde longior ; 5us subelavutus, 4o duplo longior. Antenua3 Ionga3, gracillimse. Prothoracis discus planus, lineis duabus transversis lineolisque duabus arcuatis impressis. Mesosternum et metasternum incisa. Cerci lanceolati, arcuati. Cornicula duo infera brevia. Pedes longi, graciles, femoribus tibiisque spinulosis. Ala? anticae httiuscula?, fere fusiformes, alis posticis breviores, spatio subcostali lato. Male. Body smooth, shining, rather stout. Head almost as broad as the prothorax, with a broad short broadly furrowed keel between the Hntennae; front erect. Eyes rather small, elliptical, prominent. Palpi slender ; fourth joint of the maxillary much shorter than the third and about half the length of the fifth, which is subclavate. Antenna? very slender, LOCUSTID.E. 367 much longer than the body; first and second joints stout. Prothorax with aflat disk which widens hind ward and has two transverse impressed lines and on each side an intermediate curved oblique line ; fore border excavated ; sides and hind border slightly rounded. Mesosternura and metaslernuin with a much rounded lobe on each side. Cerci lanceolate, curved towards each other; lower appendages short. Legs long, slender; femora and tibiae with minute spines. Fore wings rather broad, nearly fusiform, shorter than the hind wings ; space between the costa anc> the scapular vein broad, obliquely traversed by veins which become ramose towards the costa ; forks of the branch of the externo- medial vein connected by an oblique vein; interno-medial vein twice forked, the fore branch of the second fork joining the hind fork of the branch of the externo-medial vein ; large and minute areolets irregular. Hind wings ample. 1. SAGONA SUBPUNCTATA. Mas. Testacea ; caput albidum, fusco subconspersum ; palpi subrosei ; antenna nigro alboque cinctce ,• prolhorax fusco conspersus,fuscescente bivittatus ; pedes fusco spinosi, tibiis fusco fascialis ; alec anliccs guttis discoidalibus nigricantibw, lituris posticis fuscis ; alee posticcs diaphance,plaga apicali testacea nigricante conspersa. Male. Testaceous. Head whitish, thinly and minutely speckled with brown. Palpi with a rosy tinge. Antenna? with alternate black and white rings. Prothorax minutely speckled with brown ; a brownish stripe along each lateral keel. Legs with brown spines ; tibia3 with irregular brown bands ; fore tarsi brown above. Fore wings shorter by one line and a half than the hind wings, with a few blackish dots in the disk and with brown marks along the hind border. Hind wings pellucid; apical patch testa- ceous, with blackish speckles; veins white. Length of the body 10£ lines; expansion of the fore wings 38 lines. a. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection. Genus 101. TINZEDA. Mas et fcem. Corpus gracile, glabrum. Caput prothorace paullo angustius, corniculo inter oculos brevi-conico porrecto. Oculi rotundi, prominuli. Palporum articulus 5us subclavatus. 4o plus duplo longior. Antenna3 longer, graciles. Prothoracis discus planus, carinis lateralibus subdetenninatis. Siernura subincisum. Cerci lanceolati, arcuati. Ovi- ductus arcuatus, abdomini aequilongus. Pedes longi, graciles, femoribus inermibus, tibiis spinulosis. AIa3 antica? angusta?, lanceolata?, alis posticis paullo breviores. Male and female. Body slender, smooth, shining. Head a little narrower than the prolhorax, with a short horizontal conical protuberance ; front erect. Eyes round, prominent. Fourth joint of the maxillary palpi more than half the length of the third, less than half the length of the fifth, which is subclavate. Antennae slender, much longer than the body ; first and second joints stout. Prothorax with a flat disk which widens hindward and is bordered by slightly defined lateral keels ; fore border and sides nearly straight; hind border rounded. Sternum very slightly notched. Cerci and lower appendages of the male lanceolate, curved upward. 368 CATALOGUE OF Oviduct curved, as long as the abdomen. Legs long, slender; femora un- armed ; hind femora slightly incrassated for half the length from the base; tibiae with minute spines ; fore tibiae slightly dilated at the base. Fore wings narrow, lanceolate, a little shorter than the hind wings; areolets very minute and irregular; externo-medial vein emitting four oblique branches. Hind wings rather narrow, very much broader than the fore wings. This genus has some affinity to Conocephalus. 1. TINZEDA EBURNEATA: Mas et fcem. Viridis ; caput villa fronteque albis ; antenna pallide flavce, basi virides ; prothorax vitta plagisque duabits albis ; alee anlicce albo trivittatce, vitta la costali nonnunquatn roseo-alba ; alts postica diaphance, plaga apicali viridi. Male and female. Grass-green. Head with a white stripe on the vertex ; fore part mostly or wholly white. Eyes tawny. Antennae pale yellow, green at the base. Prothorax with a white stripe which is some- times abbreviated in front ; a white patch on each side. Fore wings with three white stripes, of which the first and third are abbreviated; first costal, often with a rosy tinge; second along the externo-medial vein; third along the hind border. Hind wings pellucid, shorter by one line and a half than the fore wings ; apical patch green ; veins while. Length of the body 7£ — 10j lines; expansion of the fore wings 30 — 33 lines. a, b. South Australia. Presented by R. Bakewell, Esq. c. Australia. Presented by the Entomological Club. d. Australia. From Mr. Pamplin's collection. e. Adelaide. From Mr. Wilson's collection. /. New South Wales. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 2. TINZEDA BASALIS. Mas et foem. Viridis; prothorax disco subconvexo postice sublatescente, carinis lateralibus valde rotundatis, lateribus subrotundatis, margine postico valde rotundato ; cerci incurvi, maris fere cylindrici, fcem. lanceolali breviores ; femora postica alarum anticarum dimidio longiora ; al Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 192. Java. 17. PHYLLOPTEBA? PO^FOLIA. Locusta (Phaneroptera) poafolia, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 192. Java. LOCUSTID^. 381 18. PHYLLOPTERA? PARUMPUNCTATA. Loc'usta (Phaneroptera) parumpuuctata, //aan, Verz. Nat. Gcsch.Ned.Ind. Bez. Ins. 192. De Haau suggests that this species may be the thymifolia of Fabri- cius. Java. 19. PHYLLOPTERA CRASSIFOLIA. Locusta (Phylloptera) crassifolia, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 197. Java. 20. PHYLLOPTERA NITIDIFOLIA. Locusta (Phylloptera) nitidifolia, //aan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 198. Java. 21. PHYLLOPTERA FORSTENII. Locusta (Phylloptera) Forstenii, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 198. Celebes. 22. PHYLLOPTERA RETIFOLIA. ^ Locusta (Phylloptera) retifolia, //aan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 198. Java. 23. PHYLLOPTERA CARINATA. Locusta (Phylloptera) carinata, //aan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 199 — Phaueroptera carinata, Stal, Eug. Res. 321. Java. 24. PHYLLOPTERA?? SANGUINOLENTA. sanguinolenta, Weslw. Orient. Ent. pi. 25, f. 3. Sumatra. 25. PHYLLOPTERA?? OCTOMACULATA. octomaculata, Westw. Orient. Ent. pi. 25, f. 4. Sumatra. Genus 106. OKOPHUS. Phylloptera, p., Serv., fyc. — Phylloptera (Orophus), Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859,204. North America. 1. OROPHDS OBLONGIFOLIA. Locusta oblongifolia. Deg. Ins. iii. 445, pi. 38, f. 2 — Gryllus oblongifolius, Han. Cat. Ins. Mad. 56 — Phylloptera oblongifolia, Harris, Rep. 3rd Ed. 159. Scud. Journ. Bosl. Soc. Nat. Hist, vii, 445. a—c. United States. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 382 CATALOGUE OF 2. OROPHUS ROTUNDIFOLIA. Phylloptera oblongifolia, Harris, Rep. 3rd Ed. f. 75 — Pbylloptera rotundi- folia, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 445, f. 4. a, b. United States. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 3. OROPHUS CAUDATUS. Phylloptera caudata, Scud. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 445. Texas. 4. OROPHUS SALICIFOLIA. Phylloptera (Orophus) salicifolia, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 204. Carolina. 5. OROPHUS RHOMBIFOLIA. Pbylloptera (Orophus) rhouibifolia, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 204. Carolina. 6. OROPHUS LAURIFOLTA. Gryllus (Tettigonia) laurifolius, Linn. Mm. Lud. 126; Syst. Nat. ii. 695— Gryllus (Tettigonia) laurifolia, Stoll, Saut. et Gr'yll. pi. 60, f. 21; pi. 17, f. 62— Locusta laurifolia, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 34— Phylloptera laurifolia, Serv. Hint. Orth. 404—Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 693— Locusta (Phylloptera) laurifolia, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 197. a. United States. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. South America. c. ? Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. d,e. ? Mexico. 7. OROPHUS MEXICANUS. Phylloptera Mexicana, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 204. Mexico. 8. OROPHUS OTOMARIUS. Phylloptera Otomaria, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 204. Mexico. 9. OROPHUS TOTONACUS. Phylloptera (Orophus) Totonaca, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 204. Mexico. 10. OROPHUS HUASTECUS. Phylloptera (Orophus) Huasteca, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1859, 205. Mexico. 11. OROPHUS TESSELLATUS. Phylloptera (Oropbus) tessellata, /Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1861, 129. Mexico. LOCUSTID^i. 383 12. OROPHUS NOTATUS. Mas. Cervinus ; capul postice fusco bimaculatatum, carina subquadrata disco subconcavo ; antennae nigro cumulates; prothorax disco piano postice latescent.e, carinis lateralibus fuscis bene determinatis ; pcdes graciles, subspinosi, femoribus posticis alarum anticarum dimidio longioribus ; alee anticee nigro gultatce et bipl cylindrici; alee anticce femoribus posticis plus duplo longiores. Fcem. — Oviductus supra serrulatus ; ala antica: femoribus posticis plus triplo longiores. Male and female. Dingy testaceous, stout. Head a little narrower than the fore border of the vertex : fore part shining-, slightly oblique; keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, very much shorter than the first joint of the antenna and about half its length; front lanceolate between the sockets of the antenna?. Eyes prominent, nearly round. Antenna? brown, testaceous towards the base. Prothorax slightly and thinly tuberculate, with a longitudinal impressed line, which is only apparent where it inter- sects the hinder of two strongly impressed transverse lines; fore bonier slightly rounded ; sides angular, tuberculate on the fore side; hind border much rounded. Legs stout; four anterior femora with rudimentary spines; hind femora and four anterior tibia? with two rows of minute spines ; hind tibia? with a few minute spines on each of the four keels. Fore wings rather broad; costa and interior border very slightly rounded; space between the costa and the scapular vein with numerous areolets towards the base, its exterior part with transverse veins, some of which are forked ; scapular and externo-medial diverging from each other beyond the middle and including a row of small quadrate areolets; space between the externo-medial and the anal vein with two and exteriorly with three rows of large regular areolets; smaller areolets numerous, irregular; areolets between the anal vein and the interior border numerous near the base, in one row and very narrow along the exterior part. Hind wings pellucid, a little longer than the lore wings; veins and apical patch testaceous. Male. — Supra-anal lamina elongate-conical. Cerci stout, curved, nearly cylindrical. Sub- genital lamina attenuated hindward and furnished with two long styles. Hind femora somewhat less than half the length of the fore wings. Tym- panum large. Female. — Oviduct black towards the tip, minutely serrated in the middle part above. Hind femora a little less than one-third of the 400 • CATALOGUE OF length of the fore wings. Length of the body 18 lines; expansion of the fore wings 50 — 60 lines. a— c. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 2. PSEUDOPHYLLUS OPHTHALMICUS. Fcem. Robustus, viridis aut lutescens ; caput antice pri/lidum, carina lanceolata sulcata anlennarum articulo \o paullo angusliore ; oculi rufi, niyro vittati ; prothorax subtuberculatus, margine antico rotun- dalo, lobis tateralibus productis, margine postico vix angulato ; ovi- ductu* abdominis dimidio paullo longior ; pedes robusti, spinulosi ; nice anticcB latce, femoribus posticis plus duplo longiorex ; costa rotundata, margine interiore fere recto; alee posticce diuphancc, longiores, striga lain apicali viridi aut lutescente. Female. Green or pale luteous. Head a little narrower than the fore border of the prothorax; fore part paler, shining; keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, a little shorter and narrower than the first joint of the antennae ; front lanceolate between the antennae. Eyes reddish, round, prominent, with several black stripes. Prothorax with a few tubercles and with two strongly impressed transverse lines, which converge on each side and have between them an indistinct longitudinal line; fore border rounded; sides with a conical outline; hind border hardly angular. Oviduct black towards the tips, a little more than half the length of the abdomen. Legs siout; four anterior femora and tibia3 with very minute spines, those on the fore femora merely rudimentary; hind tibia? wilh a few small spines on each of the four keels of equal length. Fore wings broad, subfusiform, shorter by three lines than the hind wings; costa rounded; hind border nearly straight; secondary areolets irregular, very small; space between the scapular vein and the costa as usual ; scapular and externo-medial diverging from each other and including some small quadrate areolets; areolets between the externo- medial and the iuterno- medial in two rows, very large; those between the latter and the anal smaller; those between the anal and the interior border very small. Hind wings pellucid; apical patch green or pale luteous; veins very pale green or straw-colour. Length of the body 19 lines; expansion of the ibre wings 60 lines. a. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 6. East Africa. Presented by Earl Russell. South Asia. 3. PSEUDOPHYLLUS TITAN. Titan, White, Ann. Nat. Hist, xviii. 23. pi. 1, f. 1. a — c. Silhet. From Mr. Argent's collection. d. Tenasserim. Presented by J. C. D. V. Packman, Esq. e. ? 4. PSEUDOPHYLLUS NERIIFOLIA. Gryllus (Tettigonia) neriifolia, Stall, Sant. et Grill. 11, pi. 4 a, f. 11— Pseudophyllus neriifolius, Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 137, pi. 12. LOCUSTID.E. 40 1 Serv. Hist. Orth. 466. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 698— Locusta (Pseudo- phyllus neriifolia, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 203. JilVa. a—c. Silliet. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. 5. PSEUDOPHYLLUS UNINOTATUS. uninotatus, Serv. Hist. Orth. 468. Java. a. Hindustan. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. b — d. Silhet. From the Rev. Mr. Stainforth's collection. e. Himlostan. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. 6. PSEUDOPHYLLUS FENESTRATUS. Gryllus (Tetligonia) fenestrata, Stall, Saut. et Grill. 12, pi. 5 a, f. 13 — Pseudophyllus myops, Serv. Hist. Orlh. 468— Locusta (Pseudopbyllus) fenestrata, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 203. Amboina. o, b. Ceylon. From Dr. Thwaites' collection. c. Ceylun. Presented by Dr. Templeton. d. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Hooker. 7. PSEUDOPHYLLUS LONGICAUDA. longicaudus, Barm. Handb. Ent. ii. 698. Singapore. 8. PSEUDOPHYLLUS FEMORATUS. Locusta femora ta, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 37— Stall, Saut. et Grill. 16, pi. 6, f. 22— Pseudophyllus femoratus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 698. Hindostan. 9. PSEUDOPHYLLUS ASSIMILIS. Foem. Viridis, robustus ; caput antice albidum, carina lanceolata sulcata antennarum articuli Ii dimidio cequilata; prothorax tuberculatus, marqine antico subrotundato, maryine poslico rotundato ; oviductus abdomini crquilongus; pedes crassi,fe>naribus fortiter spinosis; alee anticcB sat angustce, femoribus posticis plus triplo lonyiores, costa rotundata, margine interiore fere recto; alee posticce diaphance, breviores. Female. Green, stout. Head a little narrower than the fore border of the prothorax, wbiiish towards the mouth; keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, about half the breadih of the first joint of the antennae; front conical between the elevated borders of the sockets of the anienns. Eyes brown, prominent, short-elliptical. Antenna3 about twice the length of the body. Prothorax luberculate, with one longitudinal and two transverse impressed lines; fore border slightly rounded ; sides and hind border more rounded. Oviduct black towards the tip, as long as the abdomen. Legs thick ; femora with two rows of spines, those on the outer side larger than the others; hind femora a little less than one-third of the length of the fore 2 A 402 CATALOGUE OF wings ; spines of the tibiae few and very small. Fore wings rather narrow, rounded at the tips, somewhat longer than the hind wings; costa rounded ; interior border almost straight; areolets hetween the costa and ihe scapular vein mostly irregular, forming three rows, hut towards the tip only one; a few large areolets hetweeu the externo-medial vein and the interno-medial, the intermediate transverse veins emitting brunches at right angles; some quadrate areolets between the interno-medial and the anal rein, and numerous small irregular areolels along the interior border. Hind wings pellucid ; veins green ; transverse veins white. Length of the body 18 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 64 lines. The irregular structure of the veins of the fore wings distinguish it from most other species of Pteudophyllus. a. Silhet. From the Rev. Mr. Stainforth's collection. 10. PSEUDOFHYLLUS TENER. Mas. Pallide viridis, lutescente varius ; caput antice albidum, carina lanceolata sulcata antennarum articulo lo vix angustiore; anlennce roseo fasciatce ; prothorax sub tuber culatus, margine antico sub- rotundatO) lateribus fere rectis antice crenutatis, margine postico subanyulato ; cerci subarcuati, obtusi ; styli spatul.ati ; pedes robusti, breviusculi, spinosuli ;femoribus pnsticis uniseriatim fortiler spinosis ; aloe anlicce latiusculct^femoribus posticis plus triplo Inngiores, costa margineque interiore perparum rutundatis ; alee posticce diaphance, longiores. Male. Pale green, partly pale luteous. Head whitish in front, nearly as broad as the fore border of the prothorax; keel lanceolate, furrowed, almost as broad as the first joint of the antennae. Eyes tawny, round, prominent. Antennae wilh rosy bands. Prothorax very slightly tuberculaie, with two transverse impressed lines which converge slightly on each side; fore border slightly rounded ; lateral lol>es nearly straight, slightly crenu- lated in front; hind border forming a slightly obtuse angle. Cerci slightly curved, obtuse. Styles spalulate. Legs stout, rather short; four anterior femora and tibiae with rudimentary spines; hind femora with one row of stout spines, a little less than one-third of the length of the fore wings; hind tibiae with a few very minute spines on three of the four keels. Fore wings rather broad, with several small irregular areolets in each of the large regular areolets; costa and interior border very slightly rounded; space between the costa and the scapular with a row of transverse veins, some ot which are forked; scapular and exlerno-medial united in the middle part, separated towards the base, more widely diverging and including larger areolets towards the tip; transverse veins along the inte- rior border long, straight, approximate, parallel to each other. Hind wings pellucid, longer by thiee lines than the hind wings; veins very pale green. Length of the body 12 lines; expansion of the fore wings 40 lines. Approaches P. assimilis in the structure of the fore wings, but the prothorax is much shorter. a. Ceylon. LOCL'STID.E, 40IJ 11. PSEUDOPHYLLUS VENOSUS. Fcem. Testaceus, sat gracilis ; caput antice albidum, carina tenui lanceo- lata yulcata; prothorax tuber cult lus, margine antico valde rotundato, lobis lateralibtts crenulutis, margine politico angulato ; oviductus ab~ dominis dimidio longinr ; pedes crassi, femoribus libiisque posticis fortiter spinosis, femoribus poslicis alarum anticarum dimidio valde brevioribus ; ales antica angusta, subtuberculatee ; alee poslicce diaphance, apice testacece. Female. Testaceous, shining, rather slender. Head partly whitish in front, rather narrower than the fore border of the prothorax; keel of the vertex lanceolate, deeply furrowed, not more than half the breadth of the first joint of the antennae; front conical between the antenna?. Eyes brown, round, prominent. Antennae more than twice the length of the body. Prothorax tuberculate, with one longitudinal and two transverse impressed lines; fore border much rounded; sides crenulated, nearly straight; hind border angular. Oviduct black towards the tip, more than half the length of the abdomen. Legs thick; femora and four anterior tibiae with two rows of spines, which are very small on the fore femora, long and stout on the hind femora; the latter are much less than half the length of the fore wings; hind tibise with the spines on the two upper keels much longer and stouter than those on the two lower keels. Wings of equal length. Foro win^s narrow, very thinly tuberculate; four rows of areolets between the scapular vein and the costa; first row limited to the dilated part of the costa and composed of small irregular areolets; second terminating at a little before two-thirds of the length, each of its areolets towards the base including some smaller areolets ; fourth commencing at a little nearer the base than where the second ceases; four rows of areolets behind the scapular vein, those of the fourth row narrow and with slightly oblique and undulating veins. Hind wings pellucid; tips testaceous ; veins pale testaceous. Length of the body 20 lines; expansion of the fore wings 66 lines. The narrower space between the scapular vein and the costa and the more numerous transverse veins distinguish this species from P. Titan, P. neriifolia, P. graniger, P. uninotatus and P.fenestratus. a. Silhet. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. 12. PSEUDOPHYLLUS siccus. Foem. Viridis, gracilis, testaceo autfulvo varius ; caput antice albidum, carina lanceolata sulcata; antenna fuscce, bisi testacete ; prothorax tuberculatus, marginibus antico et poslico rotundatis ; oviductus a6- dominis dimidio aquitongus ; pedes crassi, spinosuli, femoribus pos- ticis alarum anticarum dimidio brevioribus ; alts anticee lanceolatcs, sat angustce ; alee posticce diapharue, paullo breviores. Female. Green. Body slender, mostly testaceous or tawny. Head rather narrower than the fore border of the prothorax ; keel of the vertex lanceolate, deeply furrowed, narrower than the first joint of the antenna?; fore part whitish; front conical between the antennae. Eyes brown, round, prominent. Antennse brown, testaceous towards the base. Prothorax 404 CATALOGUE OF tuberculale, with two transverse impressed lines, of which the hinder one is curved ; fore border and hind border rounded; sides nearly straight. Ovi- duct M;ick towards the lip, about half the length of the abdomen. Le^s thick; fore femora with one row of very minute spines; four posterior femora with two rows of spines, those on the middle femora very small ; hind femora about two-fiflhs of the length of the fore wings; tibia3 with very minute spines; hind tibiae with no spines on the two upper keels. Fore wings lanceolate, rather narrow, a little longer than the hind win^s ; three rows of areolets between the costa and the scapular vein; first row not extending far from the base of the wing; second and third not ex- tending to the tip; second of irregular areolets ; a few areolets in the third large, each including some smaller aveolets; externo-medial vein parting from the scapular in the middle and including with it several small exterior areolets ; one row and beyond the middle two rows of areolets between the externo-medial vein and the interno-medial, each areolet including some smaller irregular areolets; two hinder rows of areolets, those along the interior border very numerous. Hind wings pellucid ; veins pale green ; transverse veins white. Length of the body 19 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 56 lines. The externo-medial vein emits its chief branch after it parts from the scapular; in P. neriifolia, P.fenestratus and P. uninotatus it emits the branch much nearer to the base of the wing. The transverse veins are less numerous and more irregular than those of P. venosus. a. Madras. Presented by Sir K. Sale. b. Silhet. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. c>, d. Silhet. From the Rev. Mr. Stainforth's collection. 13. PSEUDOPHYLLUS CONCINNUS. Mas. Pallide viridis, gracilis, testaceo varius ; caput angustum^ carina lanceolala sulcata antennarum articulo 10 valde angustiore, labro albido; prolhorax vix scaber, margine antico subrotundato, lateribus angulatis, margine postico vix angulato ; lamina supra-analis brevis ; cerci crassi ; sty li fusi formes ; alee anticce anguslce, acutcB, femoribus posticis triplo longiores^ apud venam scapularem albo guttata, costa rotundata, margine anteriore fere recto ; alee poatica diaphance,paullo brevioresfytriga apicali lata vii'idiferrugineo^unilineata. Male. Pale green, slender, partly testaceous. Head rather narrower than the fore border of the prothorax ; fore part shining, very oblique ; labrurn whitish ; keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, much narrower than the first joint of the antenna?; front attenuated as usual between the antennas. Eyes brown, small, round, prominent. Antennae much more than twice the length of the body. Prolhorax hardly scabrous ; ,the longi- tudinal impressed line apparent only in the middle; the two transverse im- pressed lines quite distinct; fore border slightly rounded; sides angular; hind border hardly angular. Supra-anal lamina short, curved downward, wilh reflexed sides. Cerci short, thick. Subgenilal lamina with two thick fusiform styles. Legs stout ; spines as usual; hind femora about one-third of the length of the fore wiugs; hind lihice with spines on each of the four keels. Fore wings lanceolate, narrow, acute, longer by one line than the hind wings; costa rounded, whitish; interior border almost straight; a few LOCUSTIE.E. 405 while dots along the scapular vein towards the base; areolets in front of the scapular as in P. paralielus ,• each of the three posterior rows of areolels regularly subdivided into three rows; areolets along the interior border successively shorter outward from the transverse fold; tympanum large. Hind wings pellucid, acute; apical patch green, with a ferruginous line; veins greenish white. Length of the body 15 lines; expansion of the fore wings 54 lines. The fore wings are broader than those of P. paralielus, and are longer than the hind wings. a. Silhet. From Mr. Argent's collection. 14. PSEUDOPHYLLUS BREVlUSCULUS. Fo3m. Viridis aut teslaceus ; caput untice a/bidum, carina lanceolata sulcuta antennarum articulo \o angust lore ; prothorax subtiiiter tvberculatus, margine antico subrotundato, laleribus fere rectis, mar- gine postico rotundalo ; oviductus abdominis dimidio paullo longior ; pedes robust*, spinosuli,femoribus posticis biserialim spirtosis ; alee anticfc femoribus posticis plus triplo longiores, costa exleriore rotun- dalo, margine interiore fere recto; alte posticce diaphuna-, paullo breviores. Female. Green or testaceous, rather stout. Head narrower lhan the fore border of the prothorax ; fore part whitish, shining, very oblique ; keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, shorter and narrower than the first joint of the aritenna3 ; front lanceolate between the sockets of the antennae. Eyes tawny, prominent, nearly round. Prothorax minutely tuberculate, with two transverse impressed lines, of which the hiuder one is curved; fore border slightly rounded; sides nearly straight; hind border rounded. Ovi- duct slightly black towards the tip, a Ihtle more than half the length of the abdomen. Supra-anal lamina elongated, obtuse at the tip. Cerci slender. Legs stout; fore femora and fore tibiae with few and very minute spines; spines of the middle femora and middle tibiae a liitle larger aud more numerous; hind femora less than one-third of the length of the fore wings, with two complete rows of rather large spines; hind tibiae with some minute spines on two of the four keels. Fore wings lanceolate, moderately broad; exterior part of the costa rounded ; interior border nearly straight; rows of areolets between the scapular diminishing from four to one as they are more remote from the base; scapular vein and externo-medial receding from each other beyond the middle and including a row of areolels ; two and exteriorly three rows of large areolets between the externo-medial and the anal vein, some of these areolets incomplete ; a row of small quadrate areolets along the interior border, which is minutely reticulated ; reticula- tion larger at the base. Hind wings pellucid, a little shorter than the fore wings; veins pale green or white. Length of the body 15 — 17 lines; expansion of the fore wings 48 — 50 lines. The wings are shorter than those of P. siccus, to which this species has great affinity. a. Ceylon. From the Rev. Mr. Wenham's collection. b, c. Ce\lon. From Dr. Thwaites' collection. 406 CATALOGUE OF 15. PSEUDOPHYLLUS DETERSUS. Mas. Viridis, testaceo variu* ; capitis carina lanceolate sulcata anten- narum articulo lo paullo artgustior ; profhwax tuberculatu/t,mnrgine anlico rotunda to, margine pnstico valde rotundato ; cerci fere cylin- drici ; pedes robusti, femoribus quatuor poxterioribus biseriatim spi- nosis ; alee cequi lonqte ; alee anlicce angusta, femoribus posticis plus ditplo lonyiores, apice rotundata, costa pcrparum convexa, maryine inleriore fere recto; alee posticce diaphance. Mule. Green, partly testaceous, nearly fusiform. Head a little nar- rower than the fore border of the prothorax ; keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, a little narrower than ihe first joint of the antennae ; front forming a little cone between the sockets of ihe antennae. Eyes brown, prominent, short-elliptical. Antennae more than twice the length of the body. Prothorax luberculate, with one longitudinal and two transverse impressed lines; fore border and sides rounded; hind border much rounded. Cerci stout, nearly cylindrical. Subgenital lamina elongated, wiih two long styles. Legs stout; fore femora with a few very minute spines ; four posterior femora with two rows of spines, those on the outer side much larger than those on the inner side; hind femora a little less than half the length of the lore wings; four anterior tibiae unarmed; hind tibia? with very short blunt spines on the two upper keels. Foie wings narrow; tips rounded ; costa very slightly rounded ; interior border nearly straight; areolets between the scapular and the costa irregular; their three rows passing into one towards the lip of the wing; a single row and exte- riorly a double row of areolets between the externo-medial vein and the interno-medial ; some of these areolets very large, their transveise veins emitting branches ; two rows of quadrate areolets between the interno- medial and the interior border, the smaller areolets in the second row. Hind wings pellucid, as long as the fore wings; veins very pale green. Length of the body 11 lines; expansion of the fore wings 38 lines. It may be the male of P. breviusculus. 16. PSEUDOPHYLLUS SINENSIS. Mas. Teslaceus aut viridis, sat robuslus ; capitis carina lanceolata, sulcata, anlennarum articulo lo valde angustior ; antenna: nigri- cantes, basi lestacece ; prothnrnx subtiliter tuberculatus, marginibus antico et postico valde rolundatis, lateribus subrotundatis ; styli clavati ; pedes breves, crassi, spinulosi ; ala aquilonyce ; alee anticce sat angusta, femoribus posticis plus duplo longiores, costa maryineque interiore fere rectis ; alee posticce diaphance. Male. Testaceous or green, rather stout. Head rather narrower than the fore border of the prothorax; keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, much narrower and shorter than the first joint of the antenna ; front conical between the sockets of the antenna?. Eyes tawny, round, promi- nent. Autennae blackish, testaceous at the base. Prothorax finely tuber- culated, with an indistinct longitudinal impressed line and two strongly marked transverse impressed lines, which slightly converge towards one other on each side, and of which the hind one is more abbreviated than the fore one; fore border and hind border much rounded; sides slightly LOCUSTIDJS. 407 rounded. Suhgenital lamina elongate, with two clavate styles. Legs short, thick; fore femora and four anterior tibiae unarmed; middle femora and hind tibiae wiih two or three rudimentary spines; hind femora about two- h'fihs of the length of the fore wings, with one row of eight small spines. Wings of equal length. Fore wings minutely reticulated, rather narrow ; costa and interior border nearly straight; three irregular rows of areolets between the scapular vein and the costa; scapular and exteruo-medial vein contiguous for about two-thirds of the length, where they part and are lost in ramifications; three irregular rows of areolets between the exierno- medial and the anal vein, and one row of regular quadrate areolets between the latter and the interior border. Hind wings pellucid; veins' green. Length of the body 12 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 33 lines. It much resembles P. breviusculus, but the spines of the hind femora are fewer and smaller, and the areolets in the middle part of the fore wings are more numerous and complete. a. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 17. PSEUDOPHYLLUS SIGNATUS. Fosin. Viridis, sat gracilis ; caput fuscescente viltatum, anlice albidum, carina tanceotala sulcata antennarum articulo ]o angmliore ; antenna fusca, basi virides ; prothorax tuberculatus, maryine antico rotun- dato, margine postico subiotundalo ; oviductus abdominis dimidio longior ; pedes robusli, femoribus poxticis for tiler spinosis ; alee anticce subtilissime reticulatce, costa vatde rotun.data, margine inte- riore fere recto, strigis nonnullis discoidalibus ferrugineis lat.is obliquis, plaga. basali obscuriore ; alee posticae diafj/iance, paulio breviores. Female. Green, rather slender, nearly fusiform. Head narrower than the fore border of the proihorax, wiih some irregular pale brown stripes; fore part whitish; keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, more than half the breadlh of the first joint of the antennae ; front slightly elongated between the elevated borders of the sockets of the antennae. Eyes brown, prominent, slightly elliptical. Antennae brown, green at the base. Prothorax tuberculale, convex, with one longitudinal and two trans- verse impressed lines; fore border rounded; sides nearly straight; hind border slightly rounded. Oviduct ferruginous towards the tip, more than half the length of the abdomen. Legs stout; spines of the fore femora andlJf the four anterior tibiae few and very minute; middle femora and hind tibiae with two rows of small spines; liind femora with raiher large spines. Fore wings lanceolate, very minutely reticulated, a little longer than the hind wings; cosia much rounded; interior border nearly straight ; three rows of areolels between the costa and the scapular vein; first row limited to a few small areolets near the base ; areolets of the other rows mostly irregular, some of them subdivided; some areolets between the scapular vein and the externo-medial ; one row and beyund the middle two rows of areolets between the externo-medial and the interno-medial, some of their veins slightly ramose, a few broad irregular oblique ferruginous streaks in this space ; a darker ferruginous basal patch ; one row of quadrate areolets between the interno-medial and the anal vein, and numerous small irregular areolets along the interior border. Hind wings 408 CATALOGUE OF pellucid; longitudinal veins pale green; transverse veins white. Length of the bod}' 16 lines; expansion of the fore wings 54 lines. Much like P. brtviusculus in structure. a. Hindustan. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. 18. PSEUDOPHYLLUS L1TURATUS. Fceni. Viridis, gracilis, testaceo varius ; capitis carina lanceolata svb- sulcata, antennarum articulo lo cequilata ; antennae fusco annulatce ; prolhorax vix carinatus, marginibus antico et postico rotundatis, luteribus fere rectis; abdomen subcarinatum ; oviductus abdominis dimidio longior ; pedes spinulosi, sat graciles ; alee anticce angustcc, femoribus posticis triplo longiores, nigro punctatce, ferrugineo tri- maculatce, costa margineque interiors fere rectis ; alee posticce diaphante, paullo breviores. Female. Green, slender, partly testaceous. Head and prothorax with a very slight raised longitudinal line. Head nearly as broad as the fore border of the prothorax; fore part shining, very oblique; keel of the vertex lanceolate, very slightly furrowed, as broad as the first joint of the antenna?; elongation of the front between the antennae very short. Eyes tawny, pro- minent, short-elliptical. Antennae with numerous brown bands. Prothorax with one distinct transverse impressed line; fore border and hind border rounded ; sides nearly straight. Abdomen sli»hlly keeled. Oviduct black towards the tip, rather more than half the length of the abdomen. Supra- anal lamina keeled/ Cerci lanceolate, slender, setose. Legs rather slender; femora and middle tibiae with few and very minute spines; hind femora hardly one-third of the length of the fore wings ; fore tibia? and hind tibiae unarmed. Fore wings narrow, minutely reticulated; space between the costa and the scapular vein with one row of areolels, except at the base, where it is dilated and has numerous areolels; externo-medial vein con- nected with the scapular along the whole length ; space between the externo-medial and the anal vein with the rows of areolets varying from two to five in number; one row of small areolets between the anal vein and the interior border; several clusters of black points and three ferru- ginous spots in the disk ; costa and interior border nearly straight. Hind wings pellucid, shorter by one line than the fore wings ; marginal areolets small ; veins pale green ; transverse veins white. Length of the body 12 lines; expansion of the fore wings 39 lines. More slender than P. Sinensis, which it most resembles. o, b. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 19. PSEUDOPHYLLUS SDBLITUKATUS. Fosm. Viridis, gracilis, testaceo varius; capitis carina lanceolata, sulcata, antennarum articulo lo paullo angustior; prothorax tuberculatus, margine antico valde rotundato, lateribus fere rectis^ maryine postico rolundalo ; cerci graciles ; oviductus abdomine brevier ; pedes spinu- losi, sat validi, tibiis guatuor anterioribus inermibus ; alee anticae angustce, nigro parce punctatce, apice truncate, femoribus posticis fere triplo longiores, costa valde rotundala, margine interiore recto; alee posticce diaphance. LOCUSTID^. 409 Female. Green, slender, partly testaceous. Head a litile narrower than the fore border of the prolhorax ; fore part shining, very oblique ; keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, a little narrower than the first joint of the antenna? ; front lanceolate between the antennae. Eyes brown, promi- nent, short-elliptical. Prothorax tuberculate, with two transverse impressed lines; fore border much rounded; sides nearly straight; hind border rounded. Supra-anal lamina and cerci short; the latter slender. Oviduct black towards the tip, rather shorter than the abdomen. Legs rather stout; femora and hind tibiae with very minute spines; hind femora a little more than one-third of the length of the fore wings; four anterior tibiae un- armed. Fore wings narrow, minutely reticulated, truncated at the tips; costa much rounded; interior border straight; some black points at intervals in the disk; two rows of areolets of various shapes between the scapular vein and the costa; scapular and externo-medial parting from each other beyond the middle, slightly undulating and including four trans- verse veins from thence to the tip; one row and exteriorly two rows of large areolets between the externo-medial and the interno-medial; a row of nar- rower areolets between the interno-medial and the anal vein, and another of small quadrate areolets between the anal and the interior border. Hind win ys pellucid, narrower than the fore wings and very little more than half their length ; veins pale green. Length of the body 14 lines; expansion of the fore wings 38 lines. The hind wings of the specimen described may not have attained their full development. The areolets in the disk of the fore wings are much fewer than those of P. lituratus. a. Hindostan. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. 20. PsEUDOPHYLLUS OPACUS. Foern. Viridis, testaceo varius, gracilis ; caput prothorace cpquilongum, antice albidum, carina longi-conica non sulcnta anlennarum articulo lo paullo angusliore ; prothorax subtiliter tuberculatus, marginibus antico el postico valde rotundatis, lateribus subrotundatis ; pedes rnbusti, femoribus ttniseriatim spinulosis, tibiis inermibus ; alee anticce anyuslce, femoribus poslicis triplo fongiores, costa sub- rotuudata, margine interiore recto; alee poslicce diaphance, paullo breviores. Female. Green, partly testaceous, slender. Head as long in front as the prothorax and as broad as its fore border; keel of the vertex elongate- conical, not furrowed, a little narrower and shorter than the first joint of the antennae; fore part whitish, shining; front rounded between the eyes, not attenuated between the antenna?. Eyes tawny, prominent, nearly round. Prothorax thinly and minutely tuberculate, with a slight keel, and with a transverse impressed line which is forked on each side; fore border and hind border much rounded; sides slightly rounded. Supra- anal lamina elongate-conical. Cerci lanceolate. Subgenital lamina with two very long styles. Legs short, stout; femora with one row of very minute spines; hind femora about one-third of the length of the fore wings; tibiae unarmed. Fore wings narrow, very minutely reticulated, longer by half a line than the hind wings; costa slightly rounded; interior border straight; three rows, two rows, or more exteriorly one row of 2 B 410 CATALOGUE OF irregular areolets between the scapular vein and the costa ; scapular and externo-medial vein united along the whole length ; three rows of areolets between the externo-medial and the intemo-medial, these areolets regular in the exterior part, elsewhere irregular; a row of quadrate areolets between the interno-medial and the anal vein. Hind wings pellucid; veins very pale green. Length of the body 10 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 32 lines. The more slender prothorax distinguishes it from P. subliluratus. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Australasia. 21. PSEUDOPHYLLUS GRANIOEB. graniger, Serv. Hist. Or/A. 467 — Locusta (Pseudophyllus) granigera, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 204. a. Java. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. 22. PSEUDOPHYLLUS ANGUSTATUS. Locusta angustata, Stall, Saul, et Grill. 14, pi. 5, f. 17. Java. 23. PSEUDOPHYLLUS LEUCONOTUS. leuconotus, Serv. Hist. Orth. 469 — Locusta (Pseudophyllus) leuconota, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 204. Java. 24. PSEUDOPHYLLUS CRETACEUS. cretaceus, Serv. Hist. Orth. 470. Java. 25. PSEUDOPHYLLUS TENEBROSUS. Fo3m. Fuscus, robttstus; caput antice albidum, carina angusta lanceo- lata sulcata ; prothorax subtilissime tuberculalus, margine antico valde rotundato, margine postico angulato ; oviductus nigro mar- ginatus^ abdominis dimidio valde longior ; pedes crassi, femoribus tibiisque posticis for liter spinosis : alee antica latce, pal tide fusca, jemoribus posticis triplo longiores, costa valde rotundata, margine interiore fere recto; aloe posticce cinerece, paullo longiores, apice fuscescentes. Female. Brown, stout. Head a little narrower than the fore border of the prothorax ; keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, about half the breadth of the first joint of the antennas, widely separated from the conical part of the front between the antennae ; a stripe on each side of the front, clypeus and labrum whitish. Eyes round, prominent. Prothorax very finely tuberculate, with two impressed lines, one longitudinal, the other LOCUSTID2E. 411 transverse and more strongly marked; fore border much rounded; sides sloping outward from the fore border to the hind border, which forms a nearly right angle. Abdomen dingy testaceous. Oviduct very deep, much more than half the length of the abdomen, bor- dered with black. Legs thick; fore femora unarmed; middle femora and four anterior tibiae with a few minute spines; hind femora and hind tibia? with long stont spines, the former about one-third of tlie length of the fore wings. Fore wings broad, pale brown; costa much rounded; interior border nearly straight; principal veins dark brown ; ureolets mostly quadrate and very large, including small irregular areolets; three rows of areolets between the costa and ibe scapular vein; first row composed of small areolets near the base; second exiending to one-third of the length ; thiid with veins mostly forked; a few narrow areolets between the scapular vein and the externo-medial ; three rows of areolets between the externo- medial and the interior border, the largest between the externo-medial and its branch ; some small areolets between the anal vein and the interior border. Hind wings cinereous, a little longer than the fore wings ; tips pale brown ; veins pale testaceous. Length of the body 24 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 84 lines. The fore wings resemble those of P. neriifolia in structure, but are much more ample. a. Borneo. Presented by H. Low, Esq. 26. PSEUDOPHYLLUS TETER. Mas. Cineren-cervinus, robuslus ; capitis carina longi-conica, sulcata, antennurum articulo [o aquilata ; prothorax luberculatus, margine antico subrotundato, lobis lateralibns elongalis, margine poslico anyulato ; lamina subgenilalis altenuala sly Us duobus cylindricis ; pedes craxsi,femoribusfortissime spinosis ; alee anticce latce, truncates, femoribits posticis triplo Longiores ; ala posticce cineretz, adhuc longiores. Male. Cinereous fawn-colour, stout. Head rather narrower than the fore border of the prothorax ; fore part shining ; keel of the vertex elongate- conical, furrowed, as broad as the first joint of the antenna? ; front lanceo- late between the sockets of the antennae. Eyes reddish brown, prominent, nearly round. Prothorax tuberculate, with an indistinct longitudinal line and two strongly marked transverse impressed lines; fore border slightly rounded ; sides with a conical outline of which the fore side is tuberculate; hind border angular. Supra-anal lamina long, curved downward, with reflexed sides. Cerci lanceolate, stout. Subgenital lamina very long, lanceolate in the basal part, slender and cylindrical from thence to the stales, which are also cylindrical. Legs thick; femora and four anterior tibiae with two rows of spines; femora with the spines along the outer side especially long and thick ; hind femora about one-third of the length of the fore wings; hind tibia? with long stout spines on two keels and with a few minute spines on the two other keels. Fore wings broad, truncated at the tips, nearly twice the length of the body; areolets between the scapular vein and 'the costa large, divided by mostly forked veins, each including many small irregular areolets; areolets between the scapular vein and the 412 CATALOGUE OF externo-medial as usual ; three posterior rows of large areolets ; fourth and marginal row composed of transverse furrowed areolets, which are very long and narrow; tympanum larjie. Hind wings cinereous, longer) by three lines than the fore wings ; veins testaceous. Length of the body 18 lines; expansion of the fore wings 64 lines. It is most nearly allied to P. tenebrosus. a, b. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection. 27. PSEUDOPHYLLUS PARALLELLS. Fcem. Pallide viridis, gracilis, testaceu varius ; caput antice albidum, carina lunceolata sulcata antennarum arliculo ]o anguslinre ; pro- thorax subtuberculatus, margine anlico rotundato, latcribus angu- latis antice crenulatis, maryine postico vix rolundato ; lamina supra- analis elongata, apice incisa ; oviductus abdominis dimidio longinr ; pedes robtisli, spinulosi,femoribus posticis biserialim for liter spinosin ; alee cecjuilongcB ; alee anticce anyustae, subacutcs, femoribus posticis triplo longiores, costa rotundata, moraine interiors fere recto, venis longitudinalibus rectis fere parallelis, areolis quadrafis ; alte pos- ticce diaphance, acutce, slriga apicali lata viridi fusco unilineata. Female. Pale green, slender, partly testaceous. Head a little narrower than the fore border of the prothorax ; fore part whitish, shining, very oblique; keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, narrower than the first joint of the antenna? ; front lanceolate between the rims of the sockets of the antennae. Eyes ferruginous, small, round, prominent. Prothorax slightly tuherculate, with a longitudinal impressed line which is only apparent in the middle, and with two well-defined transverse impressed lines; fore border rounded ; sides slightly angular in the middle, tubercu- late in front of the angle ; hind border hardly rounded. Supra-anal lamina long, notched at the tip. Cerci lanceolate. Oviduct black at the tip, rather more than half the length of the abdomen. Legs stout ; spines of the four anterior femora and tibiae very small; hind femora with two rows of stout spines, about one-third of the length of the fore wings ; hind tibia? with spines on three of the four keels. Wings of equal length. Fore wings narrow, lanceolate, slightly acute; costa rounded; interior border almost straight; longitudinal veins straight, nearly parallel to each other ; areolets between the scapular vein and the costa in three rows, two rows or one row, according as they are nearer to the tip; areolets between the scapular vein and the externo-medial small ; three posterior rows of large regular quadrate areolets, subdivided as usual ; two rows of small areolets along the interior border. Hind wings pellucid, acute ; apical patch pale green, with a brown line; veins greenish white. Length of the body 18 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 58 lines. Much like P. venosus as regards the veins of the fore wings; the pro- thorax is narrower and the oviduct is shorter. a. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. LOCUSTID^E. 413 28. PSEUDOPHYLLUS FORTIS. Foem. Testaceus, crassus ; capitis carina longi-conica, subacula, sub- impressa, antennarum arliculo \o paullo angustior ; prothorax subtuberculatus, postice carinatus, margine antico rotundato, lateribus crenulatis, margine postico angulato elevato ; oviductus abdomine paullo Idngior ; pedes crassi, breves, forliter spinosi, femori- bus posticis triseriatim spinosis. Female. Testaceous, thick. Head a little narrower than the fore border of the prothorax ; keel elongate-conical, slightly acute, a little narrower than the first joint of the antennae, its disk slightly concave; front lanceolate between the sockets of the antenna?. Eyes tawny, ellip- tical, prominent. Prothorax minutely and thinly tuberculate, with a keel which is distinct in the hind part, but passes in the middle-into a furrow ; the latter is hardly apparent in front of the foremost of the two strongly impressed transverse lines; fore border rounded ; lateral lobes with tuber- culated borders; hind border angular, elevated. Oviduct a little longer than the abdomen. Legs thick, short; spines large on the outer keel, small on the inner one; hind femora with an additional row of minute spines on the upper keel ; hind tibia3 with two rows of very broad spines and with two of minute spines. Length of the body 15 lines. The specimen described is not fully developed, and its fore wings are very much shorter than the abdomen. a. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection. Genus 123. ZUMALA. Corpus crassum. Verticis carina lanceolata, sulcata, antennarum arti- culo lo angustior. Oculi prominuli. Antenna longae, graciles. Pro- thorax tuberculatus ; plus minusve carinatus. Oviductus abdomine brevior. Pedes robusti, spinosi. Ala antica3 Iata3, margine interiore valde rotundato. x Body stout. Keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, narrower than the first joint of the antennae. Eyes prominent. Antenna? long, slender. Prothorax tuberculate, more or less keeled. Oviduct shorter than the abdomen. Legs stout, spinose. Fore wings broad ; interior border much rounded. The rounded interior border of the hind wings is the most distinctive character of this genus. It is more nearly allied to Aprion than to Pseudo- phyllus. 1. ZUMALA. ROBUSTA. Fcsm. Viridis aut teslacea, crassa; caput albidum, carina lanceolata subsulcata antennarum articulo lo valde angustiore, labro albo ; antenna nigricantes, bad testacea ,• prothorax tuberculatus, carinatus, marginibus antico el postico rotundatis, lateribus subangulatis ; ovi- ductus abdomine paullo brevior ; pedes crassi, spinulosi ; alee anticee latiusculce, snbtilissime striata, femoribus posticis plus duplo longi- ores, costa fere recta, margine postico rotundato. 414 CATALOGUE OF Female. Green or testaceous, thick. Head whitish, a little narrower than the fore border of the prothorax ; fore part smooth, shining ; labrum white; keel of the vertex lanceolate, slightly furrowed, much shorter and narrower than the first joint of the anlennte ; front lanceolate between the sockets of the antenuae. Eyes tawny, elliptical, prominent. Antennae blackish, testaceous towards the base. Prothorax tuberculate, keeled, with two transverse impressed lines which are only apparent in the middle part ; fore border and hind border rounded ; sides slightly angular, their tubercles larger than those elsewhere. Fore border of the mesosternum tuberculate. Oviduct black towards the tip, a little shorter than the abdomen. Legs thick; spines obtuse, black, minute; four anterior femora and tibia) with very few spines ; hind femora about three-sevenths of the length of the fore wings, with two rows of spines; hind tibiae with eight spines, of which six are on the outer side. Fore wings rather broad, longer than the body, longitudinally and very finely striated; fore border nearly straight; hind border rounded; space between the scapular vein and the costa with two or three rows of areolets, and towards the tip with only one row ; scapular and externo-medial vein closely connected and towards the lip wholly united, the latter emitting four oblique branches from its hinder side, between which and the interior border there are numerous irregular veins; space between the anal vein and the interior border irregularly articulated. Length of the body 18 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 47 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 2. ZUMALA EXALTATA. Fcem. Viridis aut lulescens, crassa ; frons plana, aspere punctata ; pal- poritm articulus 5us clavatua* oblique truncatus ; prolhorax vix carinatus ; abdomen carinatum ; oviductus abdominis dimidio panllo longior ; pedes cram, breviusculi ; alee antics laltmma, margine interiors valde rotundato ; ala posticce diaphance, breves. Female. Green or pale luteous, thick, fusiform. Head a little nar- rower than the fore border of the prothorax ; keel of the vertex lanceolate, slightly furrowed, much shorter than the first joint of the antennas and not more than half its breadth; front flat, roughly punctured, lanceolate between the sockets of the antennae. Eyes red, round, prominent. Palpi rather short; apical joint clavate ; fifth joint of the maxillary obliquely truncated, more than twice the length of the fourth. Prothorax luberculate, with an almost obsolete longitudinal keel and with two transverse strongly impressed lines which converge and are abbreviated on each side; fore border and hind border very slightly rounded ; sides slightly angular. Abdomen keeled above. Oviduct black towards the tip, a little more than half the length of the abdomen. Legs thick, rather short; four anterior femora and tibias with two rows of minute spines beneath ; middle femora and middle tibiae with one row of rather large spines above; hind femora less than half the length of the fore wings, with two rows of stout spines beneath and with a row of larger spines above ; hind tibiie with stout spines on three of the four keels. Fore wings very broad, longer than the body, very much longer than the hind wings; costa slightly rounded; interior border very much rounded ; areolets large, mostly irregular ; space between the scapular vein and the costa very broad; scapular audexteruo- LOCUSTIDjE. 415 medial vein contiguous till near the tip, where they both ramify ; a fold along the anal vein, between which and the interior border the space is minutely reticulated. Hind wings pellucid ; veins very pale green. Length of the body 17 lines; expansion of the fore wings 48 lines. The more rounded interior border of the fore wings distinguish it from Z. robusta. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Hooker. 6. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 3. ZUMALA MUTILATA. Mas. Viridis aut lestacea, robusta ; frons punctata ; prothorax sub- tiliter tuberculatns, perparum carinatus ; styli lamina subgenitalis fusiformes; pedes robusti, breviusculi, libiis yuatuor anterioribus inermibus ; alee anticcs breves, latissimce, margine interiors valde rolundato ; alee posticce breves. Male. Green or testaceous, stout, fusiform. Head a little narrower than the prolhorax ; keel of the vertex lanceolate, furrowed, much shorter than the first joint of the antennae and not more than half its breadth ; front punctured, lanceolate between the sockets of the antennae. Eyes brown, small, round, prominent. Prothorax finely tuberculate, very slightly keeled, with two transverse impressed lines, which are abbre- viated on each side; fore border slightly rounded in the middle; sides very slightly angular; hind border very slightly rounded. Abdomen slightly keeled above. Subgenital lamina with two fusiform styles which are curved upward. Legs stout, rather short; four anterior femora with two rows of rudimentary spines beneath; middle femora with one row of small spines above ; hind femora much shorter than the fore wings, with two rows of small spines beneath and with one row of long stout spines above; four anterior tibiae unarmed; hind Unite with a few very minute spines. Fore wings very broad, a little shorter than the body, with irregular and comparatively few areolels; costa slightly rounded; interior border extremely rounded, a deep fold along the anal v^in ; a broad space between the costa and the scapular vein, which is connected with the externo-medial till near the tip. Hind wings pellucid ; veins whitish. Length of the body 9 lines; expansion of the fore wings 18 lines. a. Ceylon. From the Rev. Mr. Wenham's collection. b. Ceylon. From Dr. Thwaites' collection. 4. ZUMALA CINGALENSIS. Mas. Teslaceus, robustus ; caput longiusculum, carina tenni lanceolata acuta subexcavata ; antenna sat validce ; prothorax tuberculatus,sub- carinatus, margine antico rotundato, lateribus rectis crenulatis, margine postico subrotundalo ; lamina supra-analis lata ; lamina sub- genifalis lalissima, apicem versus valde attenuata stylis duobus biarti- culatis ; pedes breves, robusti, spinosuli ; alee anticce fusco notutce. Male. Testaceous, stout, fusiform. Head elongate, a little narrower than the fore border of the prothorax ; keel lanceolate, acute, slightly exca- vated, not more than half the breadth of the first joint of the antennae ; 416 CATALOGUE OF LOCUSTID^. front lanceolate between the sockets of the antennae. Eyes prominent, nearly round. Antennae rather stout; 6rst joint broad, with a small blackish knob on the fore border. Prothorax tuherculate, slightlj keeled, with a slightly impressed longitudinal line, and with two abbreviated strongly marked transverse lines; fore border rounded; sides or lateral lobes straight, crenulaled; hind border slightly rounded. Supra-anal lamina large, conical. Subgenital lamina very broad, cylindrical and abruptly attenuated towards the tip, with two biarticulale styles which are shorter than the attenuated part. Legs short, stout ; spines of the tibiae and of the four anterior femora rudimentary; hind femora with two rows of short stout spines. Fore wings minutely reticulated, with a few brown dots and speckles; areolets irregular. Length of the body 12 lines. The fore wings of the specimen described appear to be not fully developed and extend very little beyond the abdomen; the hind wings are very small. The other specimen here recorded is in a yet earlier state and may be a distinct species; the prolhorax is more keeled, and the hind femora are minutely serrated above. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. b. Ceylon. 5. ZUMALA? OLEIFOLTA. Locusta oleifolia? Fabr. Enl. Syst. ii. 35 — Pseudophyllus oleifolius, Serv. Hist. Orth. 470 — Locusta (Aprion) oleifolia, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 205. Malabar. ERRATA. Page 272. For 14. XIPHIDIUM PUNCTIPENNE read 14. XIPHIDIUM PUNCTIPENNIS. Page 335. For 2. PHANEROPTERA LIBIFOLIA read 2. PHANEROPTERA LILTIFOLIA. Page 348. For porvicauda read parvicauda. Page 357. For 1. TRICOLA. HVSTRIX read 1. TRICALA HYSTRIX. INDEX A. amplus, 315 bilineata, 284 Anabrus, 239 bilineatura, 275 abbreviates, 227, 255, Ancylecha, 257 bilineatus, 306 327 Andalusius, 236 bilineolata, 337 abortiva, 230 angustata, 410 Binglei,258 abortivus, 230 angustatus, 410 biuolata, 362 abruptus, 317 Ac-ami) a cara, 334 angustifolia, 335, 375 Anisoptera, 254, 269 bisulca, 302 blandus, 323 acanthocephala, 356 annulicornis, 312 Boetica, 235 acantbocerus, 326 annulipes, 245 Boeticus, 235 Acrida, 254 Antilope, 233 Boschnakii, 234 Acridopeza, 239 Aprion,275, 416 bracbyptera, 302 Acripeza, 239 aptera, 251,252 Brady porus, 233 acurainata, 303, 318 apterus, 226, 251, 252 brevicauda, 307, 311 acuminatus, 318 Aranea, 234 brevicollis, 237 acuta, 334 arboreus, 279 brevifolia, 275 adusta, 348 arcuata, 254 brevipenne, 270 affiliatum, 369 aridus, 399 brevipennis, 255, 270, affinis, 257 Armadillo, 233 279 agile, 268 armatus, 225 brevis, 347 agilis, 268 armillata, 244 breviusculus, 405 Agracia, 294 ascendens, 305 Brisoutii, 244 albescens, 275 aspericauda, 241 Buerates, 329 x albicorne, 279 assimilis, 401 Burgeri, 260 albicornis, 279 attenuata, 338 albida, 355 australis, 238 albidiceps, 354 Austriacus, 253 C. albidicollis, 336 autumnalis, 236, 241 albidicornis, 281 Azteca, 369 Callimenus, 232 albifrons, 257 Aztecus, 369 Camelus, 233 albolineata, 241 azurea, 291 camptoxypha, 241 albovittata, 241 azureus, 291 cantans, 283 albovittatus, 241 capensis, 242 aliena, 347 capitata, 330 alienus, 308, 324 B. capi talus, 330 alipes, 358 caripata,251,381 alligatus, 308 Barbitistes, 235, 251 Cassinaefolia, 377 alpina, 244 basalis, 247, 368 Caucasica, 253 amabile, 275 bicolor, 255, 286, 396 Caucasicus, 253 Americanus, 248 bicoloripes, 265 caudale, 273 amplectens, 337 bicordata, 387 caudata, 283, 382 2c 418 INDEX. caudatus, 382 Celehica, 348 Cereris, 378 cervina, 228 cervinus, 228 Chabrieri, 251,252 Chelidoptera, 254, 257 cbalybaea, 395 chloris, 380 cincta, 233 cinctus, 233 cinerea, 252 cinereus, 252 Cinjralensis, 415 citii folia, 390 citrifblium, 390 citrifulius, 390 clarus, 324 Clonia, 302 clypeata, 252 colligatus, 309 colorata, 394 colorificus,330 compressicollis, 237 compressus, 386 concava, 397 concavum, 397 concavus, 397 concinnum, 268 cuncinnus, 260, 404 concisus, 322 concolor, 270 congrua, 351 Conocephalidae, 303 Conocephalus, 279, 303 consobrinus, 315 contaminata, 364 contingens, 304 continua, 337 continuum, 271 contracta, 378 coriaceus, 235 cornuUi, 331 Corsica, 246 Corsicus, 246 Corycus, 369 Copiophora, 331 Copiphora, 331 coriacea, 397 coriaceum, 397 coriaceus, 397 Cosmophyllum, 389 costaticollis, 237 Coulonianum, 371 crassiceps, 318 crassifolia, 381 crassipes, 231 Cratomalus, 225 crepitans, 303 cretaceus,410 Cristovalleiisis, 325 cruenta, 336, 358 cucullata, 235 curta, 336 curvicauda, 335, 369 cuspidata,332 cuticulare, 269 Cyphoderris, 248 Cyrtaspis, 242 Cyrlophyllus, 397 D. Dalmatina, 334 dasypus, 232, 233 decisus, 384 decorata, 257 decoratum, 273 decoratus, 257 decticoides, 285 Decticus, 243,246,251, 254, 283 denticauda, 251 denticulala, 255, 292 dentiferum, 391 deutifrons, 307 denuda, 396 Deracantha, 233 derodilblia, 375 derogatus, 260 detersus, 406 Dexerra, 265 diademata, 228 differens, 317 difformis, 253 digramma, 363 diluta, 256 dilutuin, 256 Diplophyllus, 374 Disceratus, 301 discoidalis, 230 dissimilis, 303 diuvna, 236 di versa, 246 diversus, 314 divisum, 373 dorsal e, 269 dorsalis, 237, 246, 269, 319 Drymadusa, 237 E. eburneata, 368 Edwavdsi, 395 elegans, 236, 291, 396 ensifer, 270, 334 ensiferum, 270 ensifolia, 375 ensiger, 303 ensis, 341 Ephippiger, 235, 246, 251 Ephippigera, 235, 251 ephippigera, 291 Ephippitytha, 355 erinaceus, 230 erinei folia, 375 erylhrosoma, 303 Eugaster, 230 Eversmanni, 234, 257 exaltata, 414 exaltatus, 311 excellens, 371 exemptum, 274 Exocephala, 302 extensa, 329 exteuuata, 353 F. falcata, 255, 335 falcatus, 335 fallax, 252 fasciata, 270, 336, 378 fasciatum, 270 fausta, 336 femoralis, 253, 321 femora la, 401 femoratus, 401 INDEX. 419 fenestrata, 357, 401 fenestratus, 401 ferruginea, 395 Fischeri, 241 flavescens, 240, 330, 386 flavoscripta, 332 foliicauda, 241 Forstenii, 381 fortis, 229, 413 frontal is, 264 fusca, 269, 302 fuscurn, 269 fuscescens, 260, 275, 359 G. Gampsocleis, 243 Gavorniensis, 283 Germanica, 244 Germanicus,244 gigantea, 290 gifjanteus, 290 glaberrimum, 268 glabricauda, 241 glaucescens, 350 glaucum, 269 gracile, 270 gracilis, 253, 332, 335, 347 gracillimus, 307 grallalovia, 337 gramineus, 385 grande, 270 graniger, 410 \ranigera, 410 granulatus, 233 gratiosa, 243 grisea, 254 griseoaptera,f252 griseus, 254 guttatus, 305 Guyoni, 230 Gymnocera, 396 H. Haldemanii, 239 Harpephora, 302 hastata, 270 hastatus, 252 hastifer, 312 herbaceum, 269 Hetrodes, 226 Hexacentrus, 283, 302 Horatosphaga, 302 hordeifolia, 348 horrida, 226 horrid us, 226, 302 Huasteca, 382 Huastecus, 382 Hypericifblia, 397 Hypericifolius, 397 Hyperomala, 239 hystrix, 357, 416 I. Idomensei, 237 incertus, 320 Indica, 292 indicator, 313 inermis, 235 inornata, 250 Insara, 267 insignis, 344 insularis, 325, 398 intactus, 328 intermedius, 258 interruptus, 318 Iris, 273 irrorata, 356 irroratus, 307 Itarissa, 389 J. jugicola, 235 Jurinei, 369 K. Kirbii, 256, 395 Kolenatii, 283 Krynickii, 258 Ladnea, 279 Iffitabilis, 355 Lanciana, 280 lanceolata,312,330,376 lanceolatum, 340 lanceolatus, 312 lancifera, 332 lateralis, 294 laticeps, 295 laticollis, 237 latifrons, 310 latipennis, 237, 328 laurifolia, 382 laurifolius, 382 laurinifolia, 390 Laxmauui, 234 Ledereri, 253 Lefebvrei, 396 legumen, 387 lepida, 275 lepidum, 275 Leptodera, 360 Leptoderes, 360 Leptophyes, 240, 241 Lesina,231 Lessonii, 330 Letaua, 277 leuconota, 410 leuconotns, 410 limbata, 236 limbatus, 236 linearis, 278 lineosus, 318 liliifolia, 335, 416 lituratus, 408 Loboensis, 283 Lobophyllus, 387 Locusta, 282 Locustidae, 240 loevissima, 240 loliifolia, 348 longicauda, 283, 331, 401 longiuaudus, 401 longipeone, 274 longipennis, 268, 274 longipes,230 420 INDEX. Lucera, 265 Microcentrutn, 369 0. lunuligera, 357 Micropteryx, 251, 254 lurida, 339 militaris, 228 obesus, 232 lutea, 292 mi mi la, 291 oblongifolia, 381, 382 lutescens, 232, 246 modesta, 244,396 oblongifolius, 381 Moncheca, 289 obscurus, 261,314 Monspelieusis, 257 obtusus, 303 monstrosus, 248 occidentalis, 305 M. montana, 255 Oceanica, 348 montanus, 255 Oceanicum, 277 inacra, 355 Montesa, 300 ochracea, 267 macrocepbala, 284, 291 monticola, 236 Ochrida, 244 macrocephalus, 258 Mossula, 288 Ocica, 245 macrogaster, 232 Motsehulskii, 234 octomaculata, 381 macropoda, 334 mucro, 323 Odontura, 240, 241 naacrurus, 228 munda, 282 Oeskayi, 240 inaculata, 237, 355 mutilata, 415 Oleifulia, 416 maculatum, 275 myops, 401 Oleifolius, 416 maculatus, 237 Myrtifolia, 336, 375, olivaceum, 389 raaculipenne, 397 376 Olyntboscelis, 251 maculipennis, 397 Myrtifolius, 335 Olynthoscelys, 240 maculosa, 294,336 Onconotus, 234 magnificus, 253 Oniseus, 232 magnilolia, 377 Onos, 233, 290 maudibularis, 303 N. opacus, 409 Maoricum, 276 opbthalmieus, 400 marginala, 234, 396 nana,279 Orchelimum, 268 luarginatus, 226, 234 Natalensis, 379 Orchesticus, 248 marginey uttata, 335 Natolia?, 290 ornata, 236,291,360 inargiuella, 376 Natriuia, 266 ornatipennis, 360 maiginifera, 284 Neduba, 250 ovnatus, 236 mannorata, 296 ueglecta, 244 Orophus, 381 Mar*a, 253 ncochlora, 342 Orphania, 251 tnaxillosa, 307 Nerii folia, 400 Otoin aria, 382 maxillosus, 307 Neriitolius, 400 Otomarius, 382 Meconema, 279 Niesara, 286 ovalifolia, 377 media, 365 Nieli, 304 raegacephala,295, 331 iiigridens, 300, 307 Megalodon, 334 nigromar«jinata, 237 P. inelaena, 275 nigroinarginatus, 237 nirlaleuca, 358 ni«;rosignatus, 257 pachygaster, 237 inelaMiiim, 275 nitida, 395 pacbymerus, 246 inelanocantha, 341 nitidifolia, 381 pallens, 336 melauocnemis, 336 nobilis, 326, 348 pallicornis, 334 melanoptera, 29 L nodipes, 290 pallidulum, 389 melanopterus, 291 notabilis, 345 pallidus, 231,262 Metriophora, 254 notatus, 383 Palotta, 249 Mtxicana, 331, 336, nubiger, 301 Panacauthns, 332 380, 382 nympha, 232 Pancici, 257 Mexicanum, 270 parallelus, 412 Mexicanus, 304, 381 pardalis, 356 INDEX. 421 parumpunctata, 347, provincialis, 237 Roeselii, 255 381 Pseudophyllanax, 398 rosaceus, 321 parviciiuda, 348, 416 Pseudophyllidae, 397 rosea, 360 parvula, 293 Pseudopbyllus, 399 roseata, 343 paupereulus, 331 Pseudorhynchus, 330 rotundifolia, 382 pedestris, 244 Pedo, 290 Psorodontus, 257 Pterolepis, 243, 246 rubescens, 341 rufonotata, 340 pellucida, 392 Pterophylla, 335, 397 rugifrons, 297 pellucidus, 256 pulcbripennis, 242 rugosicollis, 236 perficita,388 punctata, 294 perlorata, 235, 236 punctatissima, 241 S. perforatus, 235 punctifera, 342 perspicillaia, 397 punctifrons, 256 Saga, 290 perspicillatutn, 397 punctipenne, 272, 416 Sagona, 366 perspicillatus, 397 punctipennis, 416 Salicifolia, 382 Petaloptera,387 punctipes, 280 Sallei, 304 Petersii, 228 punctum-albmn, 376 saltator, 270 phsopsis, 249 pungens, 312 salvifolia, 384 Phaneroptera, 334, 390 pupa, 226 salvifolius, 384 Phaneropteridse, 334 pupus, 226 sal vi folium, 397 Phasgontira, 282 purpurascens, 239, 309 Sanabria, 358 Philippinus, 255 pustulipes, 252 sanguinolenta, 242, 381 Pholidoptera, 251 Pycnogaster, 235 sansjuinolentus, 242 pbyllacantha, 358 Pycnopalpa, 387 Savijrnyi, 283 Pbyllophora, 239, 390 Pyrenaea, 241 scabricolle, 397 Phylloptera, 376, 390 Pyrcnea, 241 scabricollis, 236, 397 phyllopteroicles, 283 Scapbura, 395 pilipes. 341 Q- Scbmidti, 253 pinguis, 350 scutata, 242 pisi folia, 375 quadrata, 392 scutatits, 242 Piura,28l quinqueiieivis, 341 Secsiva,30l plana, 339 Sedakovii, 258 planiceps, 385 sellata, 393 planispina, 323 R. selliger,236 plantaris, 302 selligera, 236 planum, 374 radiata, 252 semiaeneus, 246 X Platycleis, 254 vadiatus, 252 semivittatns, 263 Platyphyllum, 397 Raimondii, 244 sepium, 257 poaefolia, 380 Jlamhuri, 252 septentrionalis, 335 Pcecilemon, 240 rectangula, 336 serrata, 290 pogonopoda,284 remotus, 326 serricauda, 240 porrigens, 313 repanda, 284 serrifera, 302 postioa, 365 Requena,248 Servillea, 225, 334 posticum, 274 rest rictus, 232, 329 Servillei, 230, 234 pracipuuin,27l reliculata, 239 sexpunctatus, 317 prasiua, 283, 391 retifolia, 381 sicarius, 330 prasinus 391 retinervis, 369 siccus, 403 pretiusa, 289 Rbapidophoridae, 225 Sictuna, 360 pvivata, 344 Roberti, 325 Sieboldii, 255 product us, 227 robusta, 413 signatus, 253, 407^ protei folia, 378 robustus, 303 similis, 253 422 INDEX. simplex, 239, 352 simulator, 310 Sinensis, 261, 406 sinuatus, 256 solida, 295 Soria, 363 sparsa, 298, 337 spatulatus, 322 speciosa, 239 spectabilis, 237, 380 specularis, 252 spbagnorum, 258 spinibarbis, 244 gpinifera, 225 spinosus, 233, 242 spiuulicauda, 241 spinulosa, 226 spinulosus, 226 spoliata, 243 Stehukini,258 Steirodon, 340, 390 Stenopelmatidse, 225 Storniza, 333 stramiuea, 270 stramineum, 270 strangulatus, 385 strenua, 349 stremius, 349 stria tus, 257 strictus, 255 strigata, 361 strigipennis, 376 strigulata, 368 striolatus, 253 subsequale, 373 subcarinata, 340 sublituratus, 408 submaculata, 336 subnoiata, 348 subproductum, 390 subpunctata, 279, 367 subpunctatum, 279 subroseata, 351 subvittatus, 316 Sumatrana, 283 supeiba, 240 supremum, 370 Synophrys, 290 Syriaca/291 T. U. Tarasca, 370 uncinatus, 303 Tarascum, 370 unicolor, 283, 391 Taurus, 234 uninotatus, 401 Ted la, 393 univitta, 301 tenebrosus, 263, 410 ustulata, 236 tenellum. 272 ustulatus, 236 tener 402 tenue, 272 ten ui can da, 307 V. tenuis, 354 tessellata, 240, 255, 382 Vacca, 233 tessellatus, 255, 382 valida, 352 teter, 411 validum, 277 tetra, 299 Valna, 357 Tettigopsis, 290 varia, 251, 279, 366 thalassina, 279 varicornis, 238 Thamnoirizon, 251 varium, 279 tboracica, 283, 369 varius, 279, 320, 333 tboracicum, 269, 270, Vellea,359 369 venosa, 252 Tbunbergii, 325 venusus, 252, 403 thyrnifolia, 335, 348, venusta, 355 381 Veria, 394 Tbyreonotus, 246 verrucivora, 258 Tinzeda, 367 verrucivorus, 258 Titan, 400 verrucosus, 233 Tolteca, 335 verticalis, 349 Toltecum,370 veruger, 323 Topana, 364 vespertina, 235 Torbia, 388 Vetralla, 391 Totonaca, 382 Viadana, 361 Totonacus, 382 vicaiia,338 transversa, 362 vicinus, 316 transylvanicus, 252 Viennensis, 255 Tricala, 357, 416 vigens, 383 trigintiduoguttata, 355 vigentissima, 283 trigonalis, 287 Vigorsii, 395 trilineala, 238 virescens, 239, 24 1 trilineatus, 238 virgo, 336 triticifolia, 348 viridator, 308 trivittatum, 277 vindicate, 376 Trockii, 257 viridifer, 248 Troudeti, 325 viridissima, 282 tuberculata, 303 viridissimus, 282 turbata, 340 viticollis, 283 turpis, 266, 323 vitium, 235 T^mpanophora, 392 vittata, 242, 290 vittatus, 229, 242 INDEX. 423 vitticollis, 288 vitti Irons, 298 X. Z. vittipennis, 327 vulgare, 268 Xiphias, 307 zebrata, 356 Xiphidion, 269 Zelleri, 236 W. Xiphidium, 268, 269, Zendala, 387 416 Zetterstedlii, 377 Wahlbergi, 302 Zumala, 413 E. NEWMAN, PRINTER, 9, DEVONSHIRE STREET, BISHOPSGATE. \ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. BIOLOGY LIBRARY IMTERLIBRARY LOAN AI IP o 7 100? I AUb 6 • UJc' UNIV °c r*! >r: Df:p { • LD 21-10m-7,'39(402s) v/crGcTi O^ U" mens of Deri 01 u no o p oc luptera Sal* * tat or la and 4-n -fche Rla-H supplement -& ri& * j. .1 )V 4 194. - X M113826 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY