IRLF B 3 DMfl H BBHI BIOLOGY LIBRARY CATALOGUE OF THE SPECIMENS OF DERMAPTERA SALTATORIA IN THE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. PART IV BY FRANCIS WALKER, F.L.S., &c PRINTED FOR THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM LONDON, 1870. UBRARY LONDON : NEWMAN, PRINTER, DEVONSHIRE STREET, B1SHOPSGATE. PRE FACE. THE object of the present Catalogue is to give a complete List of all the genera and species of Dermaptera Saltatoria known to exist in the collections of European and American Entomologists. The letters a, 6, c, &c., after the species, denote the specimens now contained in the British Museum, followed by the habitat and the mode in which each of them was obtained ; and the absence of these letters indicates the species wliich are desiderata, and there- fore desirable to be procured for the collection. J. E. GRAY. BKITISH MUSEUM, November list, 1870. M113828 CATALOGUE OF DERM APT ERA. PART IV. Fam. 6. ACR1DID.E. (Continued). THE continuation of the Catalogue of this family is preceded by a few remarks on some of its characters and by a synopsis of the genera. Most of the species may be arranged in three groups, which are repre- sented by Acridium Tataricum, Heteracris plorans and Caloptenus Italicus. Acridium and Heteracris are distinguished from Caloptenus by the longer hind legs and narrower hind femora. The fastigium or tip of the vertex is generally hexagonal in Acridium and in the neighbouring genera, but this character appears also in some of the Caloptenus group. The Acridium group, with some exceptions, is also dis- tinguished by the greater distinctness of the dorsal keel and by the slope of the prothorax on each side, and by the absence of lateral keels. The prosternal spine has very generally greater length in the Acridium group than in the Caloptenus type, where in a few species it is reduced to a slight transverse ridge ; in Cyrtacanthacris it attains its full development and is curved and oblique, but this character appears also in Heteracris. The Heteracris group (which in some of its forms has an affinity to the Tryxalidae) and the Caloptenus group differ generally from the Acridium group in the conical tip of the vertex, in the flat disk of the prothorax, and in the shorter wings. The migratory and especially destructive locusts belong to Acridium 60(j ,'. • CATALOGUE OF tand to Pachytelus, the latter a genus of (Edipodidae ; the great size '. V)f 'tiheur! wikgs is filled 'for long flights when the wind is favourable. * The' affinities 6f'lrue' generk cannot be expressed by a linear arrange- ment, but may be better represented by placing the groups in parallel series as suggested by Brisout de Barneville. In like manner the CEdipodidae and the Acrididae may be arranged in parallel series, and this plan may be applied to the larger divisions of Dermaptera. Brunner von Waltenwyl has observed the like analogies in the Blattidae, and has given to some genera the names of Parahormelica, Para- naupbceta and Parapboraspis, to indicate the resemblance between them and the genera Hormetica, Nauphceta and Phoraspis. A. Fourth and fifth joints of the maxiliary palpi much dilated. 1. TRYBLIOPHORUS. B. Maxillary palpi cylindrical. a. Eyes oval, slightly prominent. * Crest of the prothorax high, much compressed, f Antennae short; apical joint long, furrowed above. 2. TERATODES. •ft Antenna? long; apical joint simple. j Prosternal spine acute, entire. - - 3. MONACHIDIUM. £ Prosternal spine notched. - 4. DERICORYS. ** Crest of the prothorax of moderate height. t Head small. ---_-. 5. TITANACRIS. •ft Head large. J Hind wings long, spotted. - - - - 6. TROPIDACRIS. J£ Hind wings shorter, not spotted. - 7. LOPHACRIS. *** Prothorax not crested. •f Prothorax not three-keeled. | Prosternal spine thick, oblique, generally curved and extending to the mesosternum. - - 8. CYRTACANTHACRIS. +J Prosternal spine straight, generally slender and not oblique. § Prothorax not compressed. X Wings long. o Prothorax not cylindrical. -t- Fore border of the prothorax not notched. •»••»- Hind tibiae not dilated. «?i Eyes not approximate. -f- Keel of the prothorax conspicuous ; transverse impressed lines well defined. — Third transverse line of the prolhorax defined. 9. ACRFDIUM. — = Third transverse line of the prothorax obsolete. 10. DIPONTHUS. -\ — |- Keel of the prothorax hardly defined, scarcely interrupted by the transverse lines. - 11. CANTANTOPS. -j — \— f- Prothorax with no keel ... ]2. EYNISACRIS. Eyes approximate. Prosternal spine slender, acute, not oblique. Antennae much shorter than the body. - - 13. CALACRIS. Antennae nearly as long as the body. 607 Tip of vertex quadrilateral. - 14. APALACRIS. Tip of vertex not quadrilateral. - 15. ABRACRIS. U5I Prosterual spine thick, slightly oblique and compressed. 16. EUPRKPACRIS. -W- Hind tibiae dilated in the middle. - - - 17. QUILTA. --*- Fore border of the prothorax notched. - 18. CHROMACRIS. oo Prothorax cylindrical. -j- Fore border of the prothorax notched. - - 19. AGRIACRIS. - -*• Fore*border of the proihorax not notched. -+• Prosiernal spine conical. •*•-*• Eyes remote. ___... 20. OXYA. -M- Eyes approximate. - - - - -22. SYNTOMACRIS. «*>•» Eyes rather prominent. Eyes not prominent. ----- 23, STENACRIS. H--J- Prosternal spine transverse, slightly forked. -n- Head longr. - 24. GLAPHYRACRIS. •M--M- Head short. - 25. CHARIACRIS. H — J — »- Prosternal spine acute, rather short, slightly compressed, X X Wings short or rudimentary. o Prosternal spine not transverse. H- Prothorax cylindrical in the fore part, dilated hindward. 26. PKOPOEDETES. -+-+• Prothorax dilated hindward. 27. PEDIES. oo Prosternal spine transverse, very broad. - - 28. TINARIA. ooo Prosternal spine very slender. - 29. OXYPHYMA. §§ Prothorax compressed. - - 30. CUCULLIGERA. ft Prothorax generally with three keels. £ Hind femora long. § Head not keeled. - - - *- - 31. HETERACBIS. §§ Head keeled. ------ 32. LEPTACRIS. J{: Hind femora short, thick. § Vertex excavated. X Prothorax with a distinct keel, o Prosternal spine conical. -*• Disk of the prothorax with a keel on each side. 33. CALOPTENUS. -i — h Disk of the proihorax rounded on each side. 34. OMMATOLAMPIS. oo Prosternal spine bituberculate. - - 35. PLATACANTHUS. X X Keel of the prothorax more or less indeterminate. 36. PLATYPHYMA. §§ Vertex not excavated. - 37. PODISMA. b. Eyes globose, very prominent. * Body cylindrical. ----- 21. OPIPTACRIS. ** Body not cylindrical. f Wings complete. - 38. OMMEXECHA. ft No wings. - - - - - - 39. BATBACHOPUS. Genus TRYBLIOPHOHUS, C. D. S. 546. This genns is much more nearly allied to Oxya than to Teratodes, which it precedes in Serville's arrangement. 608 CATALOGUE OF TRYBLIOPHORUS BIVITTATUS. M;is. Fuscus, fere cylindricus ; caput et prothorax viridi univittata ; caput laleribus facieque flavescentibus, fastigio longi-conico ; pnlpi albidi; anlennce rufcB ; prothorax punclutus, margine ponlico conico, lateribus fluvescente notatis ; proslerni spina viridis, transversa, longiuscula, acuta ; pectus viride, fusco notatum; abdomen et pedes fulva ; alee anticae virides, abdomine brevinres, vilta costali ferru* yinea nigro marginala ; ales posticce nigricantes. Male. Brown, nearly cylindrical. Head and prothorax with a very broad grass-green stripe, which widens from the vertex to the hind border of the prothorax. Head smooth, with a transverse furrow behind the lip of the vertex, which is elongate-conical ; front roughly punctured, with lour yellowish dots; inner keels apparent only between the antennae; outer keels* very slight, diverging towards the face; sides and face yellowish. Eyes testaceous, short-elliptical, prominent. Palpi whitish. Antenme purplish red. Prothorax punctured ; hind border elongated, conical ; several yellowish marks on each side. Prosternal spine green, transverse, acute, rather long. Pectus green, with some small brown marks. Abdo- men and legs tawny. Hind femora shorter than the abdomen ; hind tibiae shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black lips. Fore wings green, rather shorter than the abdomen, with a ferruginous black-bordered costal stripe. Hind wings blackish; veins black. Length of the body 17 lines; expansion of the fore wings 22 lines. This species seems to be different from T. octomaculatus, for in the description of the latter no mention is made of the brown stripes of the pro- thorax nor of the costal stripe of the fore wings. a. Brazil. From Mr. Wallace's collection. TRYBLIOPHORUS BIMACULATUS. Mas. Testaceus, gracilis> punctalus, fere cylindricus ; caput prothorace perpaullo lalius, vertice nigro, fascia intraoculari testacea lata, fastigio subelliplico ; palpi albidi ; anlennce nigra, corpore breviores ; proslerni spina gracilis; longiuscula, acuta; femora postica apice nigricanlia ; alee anticte brevissimce, macula discoidali magna nigra. Male. Testaceous, slender, punctured, nearly cylindrical. Head smooth, very little broader than the prothorax, black above, with a broad testaceous band between the eyes ; tip of the vertex depressed, subelliptical ; front largely punctured ; keels apparent only between the eyes. Eyes reddish, short-elliptical, very prominent. Palpi whitish. Antennae black, about three-fourths of the length of the body. Prothorax with the trans- verse impressed lines strongly marked; hind border nearly straight, not elongated. Prosternal spine slender, acute, rather long. Hind femora rather longer than the abdomen, blackish at the tips; hind tibiae very pilose, rather shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings rudimentary, with a large black spot in the disk. Length of the body 12 lines. a. Demerara. From Mr. Bowers' collection. ACR1DID.E. 609 Genus MONACHIDIUM, C. D. S. 546. MONACHIDIUM LUNUS, C. D. S. 540. a. Brazil. Genus CYRTACANTHACRTS, C. D. S. 550. The few following species of this genus and of Acridium were omitted in the preceding pan of this Catalogue. America. A. Wings longer than the abdomen. a. Tip of the vertex hexagonal. * Fore winas with markings. f Spine* of the hind tibiae white. J Prothorax with two concise stripes. § Head short. - Americana. §§ Ht-ad slightly elongated. X Pectus piceous. - - pectoralis. X X Pectus pale. - - viridescens. II Prothorax without two concise stripes. § Hind wings not yellowish. X Hind femora streaked on the inner side. - - inscripta. X X Hind femora not streaked on the inner side. - subspurcata. §§ Hind wings yellowish. - impleta. •f-f Spines of hind tibia yellowish. | Keel of the prothorax distinct. - subvittata. || Keel of the pi othorax indistinct. - - simulatrix. ** Fore winys without markings. f Spines of hind tibiae pale. | Prothorax concisely striped. § Stripe of the prothorax rather broad. - parvula. §§ Stripe of the prothorax narrow. - alutacea. §§§ Stripe of the prothorax very narrow. - unilineata. || Prothorax not concisely striped. ... septentrioualis. |[;| Prothorax not striped. - - concolor. ff Spines of the hind tibiaB black. - - diversifera. b. Tip of the vertex elongate-subquadrate. - munda. c. Tip of the vertex conical. - differentialis. B. Wings not longer than the abdomen. a. Fore wings with black spots. - - cribrata. b. Fore wings not spotted with black. - Milberti. CYRTACANTHACRIS ALUTACEA. Acridium alutaceum, page 577. a, 6. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. United States. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 610 CATALOGUE OF CYRTACANTHACRIS DIFFERENTIALS. Acridium differentiale, U/iler, Trans. III. St. Agric. Soc. v. 450. a. Illinois. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CYRTACANTHACRIS CONCOLOR. Fcem. Fulva, sat yracilis ; fastigiumplanum, subhexagonale ; prothorax subcarinalus, subtiliter scaber, postice rufescens, tnargine postico producto angulato ; prosterni spina crassa, obliqua^ mesosternum attingens ; tibia poslicce ru/#, spinis pallide flavis apice nigris ; alee anticcB cinerece, corpori cequilongce, venis fulvis basi rufis. Female. Tawny, rather slender. Head short, smooth ; tip of the vertex flat, subhexagonal; front thickly punctured; the four keels well defined, diverging towards the face. Eyes elongate-elliptical. Antennae slender, cylindrical. Prothorax finely scabrous, reddish towards the hind border, with a slight keel and with four well-defined transverse lines ; fore border and sides slightly rounded; hind border elongated, angular. Pro- sternal spine thick, oblique, rounded at the lip, extending to the meso- sternum. Hind femora as long as the abdomen; hind tibiae red, rather shorter than the hind femora ; spines pale yellow, with black tips. Wings cinereous, as long as the body; veins of the fore wings tawny, red towards the base. Length of the body 24 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 52 lines. a. Mexico? CYRTACANTHACRIS SIMULATRIX. Mas. Fulva, gracilis ; caput et prothorax nigro interrupts bivittata ; prothorax subtiliter scaber, subcarinatus, vitlis duabus exterioribus nigris valde interruptis ; prosterni spina obliqua, subflexa, sat gracilis, mesosternum fere attingens; tibia posticce rufa, spinis albidis apice nigris ; alee anticae diaphance, corpori cequilonga, guttis subcoslalibus playis discoidalibus maculisque exterioribus nigris. Male. Tawny, slender. Head and prolhorax with two slender interrupted black stripes. Head smooth ; fore part of the vertex depressed, hexagonal ; front largely punctured, with four well-defined keels which diverge slightly towards the face. Eyes ferruginous, elliptical. Prothorax finely scabrous, with a slight keel and with two much abbreviated black stripes in addition to the inner pair before mentioned; keel not rounded, interrupted by the transverse impressed marks which are distinctly marked ; fore border and sides slightly rounded; hind border much rounded. Pro- sternal spine oblique, rather slender, slightly bent, extending nearly to the fore border of the mesosternum. Hind femora as long as the abdomen ; hind tibiae red, a little shorter than the hind femora ; spines whitish, with black tips. Fore wings pellucid, as long as the body ; markings blackish ; a row of dots along the costa; some large patches in the disk and some spots towards the tips ; veins whitish, black in the markings. Hind wings pellucid ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Length of the body 16 lines; expansion of the fore wings 35 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. ACRIDHXE. 611 CYRTACANTHACRIS UNILINEATA. Mas. Viridescens, sat gracilis; caput et prothorax flavo unilineata ; caput vertice piceo, fasligio magno hexagonali ; antennee fulvce, robustce ; prothorax scaber, piceo plagiatus, carina lene determinata ; prosterni spina pallide flava, robusta, obliqua, mesosternum attingens ; pedes fulvi, femoribus poslicis extus albidis, spinis albidis apice nigris ; al, basifulvce; pro- thorax subcarinatus, postice sublatescens ; prosterni spina robusta, of u/rz, breviuscula ; femora postica fulva, apice picea ; tibia postica virides, basi apiceque picea. Female. Piceous, slender, scabrous, apterous. Head with a testa- ceous streak on the vertex along each eye ; tip of the vertex large, flat, pentagonal; front testaceous; keels distinctly marked, hardly diverging towards the face. Antennae black, tawny towards the base. Prothorax slightly widening hindward, with a slight keel; transverse impressed lines distinct; fore border and hind border slightly rounded; sides rounded. Prosternal spine stout, acute, rather short. Hind femora tawny, piceous at the tips, rather longer than the abdomen ; hind tibiae green, piceous at the base and at the tips, a little shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Length of the body 9 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. ACRIDIUM TARSALE. Fo3m. Nigrum,scabra,satgracilum,vix carinatum; caput fulvum, postice nigrum, fastigio conico ; palpi pallide testacei ; antenna fulvce, apices versus nigra ; prolhorax plagis nonnullis spatioque postico fulvis, margine postico fere recto ; prosterni spina fulva, robusta, acuta, longiuscula ; venter obscure viridis ; pedes virides, femoribus pos- ticis supra fulvis, tarsis posticis piceis basi lestaceis. Female. Black, rather slender, scabrous, with a very slight keel. Head lawny, black between the eyes and the hind border; tip of the vertex flat, conical ; front with four distinct keels, which diverge slightly towards the face. Eyes piceous, elliptical, testaceous along the hind side. Palpi pale testaceous. Antennae tawny, black for one-third of the length from the tips. Prothorax tawny along the hind border and with some tawny patches; transverse impressed lines distinct; fore border and sides slightly rounded; hind border nearly straight. Prosternal spine tawny, stout, acute, rather long. Abdomen dark green beneath. Legs green; hind femora a little longer than the abdomen, tawny above ; hind tibise a little shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips ; hind tarsi piceous, testaceous at the base. Wings rudimentary. Length of the body 13 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Australasia, A. Prothorax roughly scabrous. - tenebrosum. B. Prothorax finely scabrous. a. Hind border of the prothorax not angular. * Keel of the prothorax well defined. - -. trausiens. ACRIDIDjE. 633 ** Keel of the prothorax very slight. t Hind tibiae not blackish. ... Ceramicum. tf Hind libiae blackish. - - tenebriferum. b. Hind border of the prothorax angular. - contractual. A. transiens and A. tenebrosum are the most typical of the preceding species. A. contractum is slightly aberrant. ACBIDIUM TENEBRIFERUM. Fcem. Piceum, subtus fulvum; caput el prothorax luteo interruple bivittuta ; caput breve, fas tigio subhexagonali, fronte scabra luteo varia ; prothorax scaber, vix carinatus, margine postico valde rotun- da to ; prosterni spina conica, breviuscula, subacuta; pedes fulvi, tibiis tarsisque quatuor anterioribus piceis, femoribus posticis nigro binotatis, tibiis tarsisqiie posticis nigricantibus ; ala anticce corpore multo breviores. Female. Piceous, moderately stout, tawny benealh. Head and pro- thorax with an interrupted luteous stripe on each side. Head short ; tip of the vertex flat, subhexagonal ; front scabrous, partly luteous ; keels strongly marked ; inner keels nearly parallel; outer keels diverging slightly towards the face. Eyes much rounded on the hind side. Prothorax scabrous, with a very slight keel ; transverse impressed lines strongly marked ; fore border nearly straight ; sides slightly rounded ; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine conical, slightly acute, rather short. Legs tawny ; four anterior tibiae and tarsi piceous ; hind femora with two black marks on the outer side; hind tibiae and hind tarsi blackish, the former a little shorter than the hind femora. Fore wiugs much shorter than the body. Hind wings cinereous, pellucid; veins black. Length of the body 13 lines; expansion of the fore wings 21*lines. a. Celebes. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. Australia. A. Size very large. .... maculosum, B. Size moderate or small. a. Tip of the vertex depressed. * Antennae not flattened. f Prothorax luberculate. - tuberculatum. ft Prothorax not tuberculate. J Prosternal spine slightly forked. - furciferum, $ Prosternal spine not forked. J Prosternal spine long, conical at the tip. - - angustifrons. Prosternal spine very obtuse. - - pynhocnemis. Prosternal spine hardly long, semicircular at the tip. obtusum. Prosternal spine acute. ... virescens. ** Antennas flattened. f Tip of the vertex hexagonal. - exclusum. ft Tip of the vertex subheptagonal. - alienum. b. Tip of the vertex not depressed. - pilipes. A. angustifrons, A. obtusum, and especially A. pilipes and A. exclusum, are aberrant species of the genus. 634 CATALOGUE OF ACEIDIUM OBTUSUM. Foem. Fulvum, gracile, sublus pallide testaceum ; prothorax subcarinatus, subtiliter scaber ; prosterni spina crassa, subobliqua, valde obtusa ; femora poslica nigro vittata et bifasciata ; al corpore fequilongae^ maculis plurimis fasciisque indeterminatis fuscescente venosis ; alee poslica diaphana, nigro venosce. ACRlDIDjE. 687 Female. Testaceous. Head smooth; fore part of the vertex flat, hexagonal ; front thinly punctured, with four well-defined keels, the inner pair nearly parallel, the outer pair slightly diverging towards the face. Eyes fusiform. Prothorax finely scabrous, with a very slight dorsal keel and with transverse impressed lines; fore border slightly rounded ; sides nearly straight; hind border elongated, rounded. Prosternal spine stout, much rounded at the tip. Hiud femora a little longer than the abdomen and than the hind tibiae; spines of the latter with black tips. Fore wings pale cinereous, as long as the body, with several large spots and with a few irregular bands which are formed by brownish veins. Hind wings pellucid ; veins black, pale towards the base and towards the interior border. Length of the body 24 lines; expansion of the fore wings 54 lines. It resembles A. peregrhmin in the markings of the fore wings, but the prothorax is less widened hindward, and the prosternal spine is stouter. ACRIDIUM OBLIQUUM. Mas. Ferrugineo-fulvum, gracile ; capul inter oculos nigricante fascia- turn ; prothorax scaber, postice latest-ens, vitth tribus nigricantibus furcatis ; peclus Jlavo oblique bistrigatum ; prosterni spina acula, sat gracilis ; femora postica extus flavo alrigata ; alee anticcB cinerea, corpore vix breviores. Male. Ferruginous-tawny, slender, paler beneath. Head smooth, with a blackish band between the eyes, somewhat higher than the pro- thorax; lip of the vertex hexagonal; front largely punctured, with well- defined keels; inner keels parallel; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes dark reddish, elliptical. Prolhorax scabrous, widening hindward, with three irregular blackish stripes; middle stripe forked towards the hind border; side stripes forked in front; keel very slight; transverse impressed lines well defined; fore border and sides nearly straight; hind border very much rounded. Prosternal spine acute, rather slender. Pectus with a yellow oblique streak on each side. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, with a yellow streak on the outer side,- hind tibiae a little shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Wings cinereous. Fore wings nearly as long as the body ; veins piceous. Hiud wings with black veins. Length of the body 14 lines; expansion of the fore wings 26 lines. a ? Genus 10. DIPONTHUS. Acridium Diponthus, Stalj Bug. Resa, 328. 1. DIPONTHUS NIGROCONSPERSUS. Acridiurn nigroconspersum, Stal, Eug. Resa, 327. Monte Video. 2. DIPONTHUS ELECTUS, Acridium elect um, Serv. Hist. Orih. 671. Brazil. 688 CATALOGUE OK Genus 11. CATANTOPS. Catantops, Schaum, Bert. Acad. 1853, 779. 1. CATANTOPS SAUCIUS. Auridium sauciura, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 633. Isle St. Johanna. 2. CATANTOPS MELANOSTICTUS. melanostictus, Schaum, Monats. Berl. Acad. 1853, 779. Mozambique. 3. CATANTOPS CAPICOLA. Acridium (Catantops) capicola, Stal, Eug. Resa, 331. Cape. 4. CATANTOPS DISTINGUENDUS. Acridium (Catantops) distinguendum, Stal, Euy. Resj, 331. Cape. 5. CATANTOPS PINGUIS. Acridium (Catantops) pingue, Stal, Eug. Resa, 330. China. 6. CATANTOPS? PRJSMORSUS, Acridium (Catantops?) pra3morsum, Stal, Eug. Resa, 330. Hong Kong. Genus 12. EYNISACRIS. Mas. Corpus graeile. Cuput glabrum ; fastigium punctatum, con- vexuin, lonyi-conicum ; frons punciata, carinis parallelis bene deter- minatis. Oculi elliptici, non obliqui. Antennae sat graciles, prothorace longiores. Proihorax brevis, subtililer scaber, postice latescens et vix carinatus, lineis tribus transversis imprests, la 2aque late interruptis, 2a 3aque utrinque eonnexis, 3a angulala, margin e postico pruducto subangu- lato. Prosterni spina robusta, coinpressa, obliqua, carinata, mesostemum non attingens. Alae auticae corpore paullo longiores. Male. Body slender. Head smooth ; fore part of the vertex punctured, convex, elongate-conical ; front punctured ; keels parallel, distinctly marked. Eyes elliptical, not oblique. Antennae rather slender, longer than the prothorax. Prothorax short, finely scabrous, widening landward, wilh calli on each side; three transverse impressed lines ; fore line widely interrupted; middle line apparent only on each side, where it joins the hind one at each end; hind one more distinct than the others, angular on each side.; a very slight keel between the hind line and the hind ACRIDIDjE. 639 border; fore border straight; sides rounded; hind border elongated, slightly angular. Prosiernal spine stout, compressed, oblique, keeled, not extending to the mesosternuna. Hind femora longer than the abdomen ; hind tibiae shorter than the hind femora. Fore wings a little longer than the body. 1. EYNISACRIS EXTRANEA. Mas. Testacea, viridi pallido varia ; prothorax ferrugineo bivillatus ; femora postica extus nigro quadrimaculata, intus nigro trimaculata ; alee cinerete. Male. Testaceous, partly pale green. Prothorax with two ferru- ginous stripes. Hind femora with four Mack spots on the outer side and with three on the inner side. Wings cinereous; veins testaceous. Length of the body 11 lines; expansion of the fore wings 25 lines. a. Monte Video. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. Genus 13. CALACRIS. Corpus gracile, fere cylindricura. Caput et prothorax subcarinata. Fastigium depressum, antice latescens. Oculi approximati, subprominuli. Antennae filiformes, longae, graciles. Prothorax scaber, postice sublatescens, foveolis transversis bene determinatis, marginibus subrotundalis. Prosterni spina longa, gracilis, acuta. Femora poslica abdomine longiora. Alae antica? corpore paullo breviores. Body slender, nearly cylindrical. Head and prothorax with a slight keel. Head smooth ; tip of the vertex depressed, widening towards the antenna?; space between the eyes narrow; front with four distinct keels, nearly parallel, slightly approximating in the middle; outer keels slightly diverging towards the lace. Eyes elliptical, rather prominent. Antennae filiform, long, slender. Prothorax scabrous, slightly widening hindward ; transverse impressed lines strongly marked; borders slightly rounded. Prosternal spine long, slender, acute. Hind femora longer than the alido- men; hind tibia? rather shorter than the hind femora. Fore wings a little shorter than the body. 1. CALACRIS PERMISTA. Acridium permistum, Serv. Hist. Orth. 669. Buenos Ayres. ^ 2. CALACRIS SANGUINIPES. Acridium aeneo-oculatum, Deg. Ins. iii. 502, pi. 42, f. 11. — Acridium sanguinipes, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 231. Serv. Hist. Orth. 670— Calliptamus sanguinipes, Serv. Rev. 93. Brazil. 640 CATALOGUE OF 3. CALACRIS SURINAMA. Gryllus (Locusta) Surinamus, Linn. Mas. Lud. Ulr. 146. Stoll^Spect. et Grill, pi. 12 b. f. 42— Gryllus Surinamus, Fabr. Syst. Ent. ii. 57— Acridium variegatum, Dey. Ins. iii. 500, pi. 42, f. 8 — Oxya Surinam*, Burnt. Handb. Ent. ii. 636 — Acridium Surinamum, Serv. Hist. Orth. 671. Cayenne. Surinam. a. Para. Presented by R. Graham, Esq. b. Para. Presented by G. Graham, Esq. 4. CALACRIS COXALIS. Acridium coxale, Serv. Hist. Orth. 672. New Grenada. Peru. 5. CALACRIS TARSATA. Acridium tarsalum, Serv. Rerv. 92 ; Hist. Orth. 668. Burnt. Handb. Ent. ii. 634 — Acridium Servillii, Gray, Griff. Anim. Kingd. xv. pi. 113, f. 9. Charp. Orth. pi. 22, ii. «. Brazil. Presented by J. Miers, Esq. b — d. ? 6. CALACRIS FLAVOLINEATA. Acridium flavolineatum, Deg. Ins. iii. 213, pi. 42, f. 6. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 634. Brazil. 7. CALACRIS H^EMATONOTA. Acridium hsematonotum, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 634. Brazil. 8. CALACRIS CCELESTRIS. Acridium coelestre, Burm. Handb. Eut. ii. 634. Brazil. 9. CALACRIS CONSORS. Acridium censors, Stal, Eug. Resa, 327. Rio Janeiro. 10. CALACRIS NIGROCONSPERSA. Acridium nigroconspersum, Stal, Eug. Resa, 327. Monte Video. 11. CALACRIS VIOLACEA. Acridium violaceum, Serv. Hist. Orth. 669. ACRIDID^E. 641 12. CALACRIS PUDTCA. Mas. Nigra ; fastigium viridi univittatum ; from viridi oblique bistrigata, clypeo viridi ; prothorax brevis, dense punctatus, vix carinatus, postice viridis sublatescens rufescenle bislrigatus ; prosterni spina viridis, crassa, apice roiundata ; pedes obscure virides, pilosi, tarsis posticis spinisque rufis ; alee anticte rufescentes, corpore paullo breviores, striga costali picea striyaque postica pallide testacea ; alee posticcB rufie, apice purpurascentes. Male. Black. Head thinly punctured ; tip of the vertex flat, hexa- gonal, with a green stripe ; front with an oblique green streak on each side proceeding from the socket of the antennae; four slight keels; inner keels converging slightly towards the face; outer keels slightly diverging; clypeus green. Eyes tawny, elliptical, oblique, prominent. Antennae black, slender, much longer than the head and the prothorax together, green at the base. Prothorax short, thickly punctured, slightly widening hiudward ; hind part green, with a red longitudinal streak on each side ; keel extremely slight; transverse impressed lines distinct; fore border and sides slightly rounded ; hind border more rounded. Prosternal spine green, thick, rounded at the tip. Abdomen piceous. Legs dark green, pilose ; hind femora shorter than the abdomen ; hind tibiae a little shorter than the hind femora; spines red, with black tips; bind tarsi red. Fore wings reddish, a little shorter than the body, with a piceous costal streak and a pale testaceous streak near the hind border. Hind wings red, purplish towards the tips ; veins black, red towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 14 lines; expansion of the fore wings 23 lines. C. permista may be distinguished from this species by the colour of the body, which is varied with yellow and with orange. a. Mexico. Presented by Mrs. Rouquetle. Genus 14. APALACRIS. Mas. Corpus gracile, fere cylindricum. Caput et prothorax scabra. Fastigium angustum, bicarinatum. Antennae gracillinue, corpore perpaullo breviores. Prothorax subcarinatus; margo posticus, subangulatus. Pro- sterni spina acuta, breviuscula, subcoinpressa. Femora postica abdomine longiora. Ala? anticee corpori seqnilongae. Male. Body slender, nearly cylindrical. Head and prothorax scabrous. Tip of the vertex wilh two parallel keels, which are continuous with the inner keels of the front, the latter slightly converge towards the lace ; outer keels nearly parallel. Eyes elliptical. Antennae very slender, nearly as long as the body. Prothorax with a slight keel; transverse impressed lines distinct; fore border and sides slightly rounded; hind border elongated, slightly angular. Prosternal spine acute, rather short, slightly compressed. Hind femora rather longer than the abdomen ; hind tibiae shorter than the hind femora. Fore wings as long as the body. 642 CATALOGUE OF 1. APALACRIS VARICORNIS. Mas. Fulva ; antenna nigra, basi fulva, apice albida ; femora postica supra nigro bifasciala ; alee anlicce cinerea. Male. Tawny. Eyes lurid. Antennae black, tawny towards the base, whitish at the tips. Hind femora with two irregular black bunds above. Wings cinereous. Fore wings \viih tawny veins. Hind wings with black veins. Length of the body 8 lines; expansion of ihe fore wings 18 lines. a. N. Hindustan. From Dr. Hooker's collection. Genus 15. ABRACBIS. Mas. Corpus sat gracile. Caput breviusculum ; fastigium planum, rhomboideum ; frons subretracta. Oculi prominuli, valde approxitnali. Antennae filiformes, graciles, capite et prolhorace ad unum raulto longiores. Prothorax subcarinatus, subtiliter scaber, postice sublalescens; discus fere planus. Prosterni spina gracilis, obliqua, acuta. Femora postica latius- cula, abdomine paullo longiora. Ala3 antica? corpori aequilongae. Male. Body rather slender. Head smooth, rather short; tips of the vertex flat, quadrilateral, broadest in front; front slightly retracted ; keels distinct; inner keels nearly parallel; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes elliptical, prominent, nearly contiguous on the vertex. Antennas filiform, slender, much longer than the head and the prolhorax together. Prothorax finely scabrous, slightly widening hind ward; disk nearly flat, with a very slight keel and with slight transverse impressed lines; fore border and sides slightly rounded ; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine slender, oblique, acute. Hind femora rather broad, a little longer than the abdomen ; hind tibiae much shorter than the hind femora. Fore wings as long as the body. This genus has some affinity to Heteracris and to Caloptenus. 1. ABRACRIS DILECTA. Mas. Lutescens ; antenna fulva; prolhorax ferntgineo trivittatus ; femora postico nigro bifasciata; tibia postica glauca, basi albida; alee antiva cinerea; alee postica venis basi glaucis. Male. Dull luleous. Eyes ferruginous. Antennas tawny. Pro- thorax with three irregular ferruginous stripes. Hind femora with two irregular black bands above; hind tibiae glaucous-green, whitish towards the base ; spines whitish, their tips black. Fore wings cinereous: veins lawny; costa slightly rounded near the base. Hind wings pellucid; veins black, glaucous-green towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 8 lines; expansion of the fore wings 18 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus 16. EUPROPACRIS. Mas. Corpus sat gracile. Caput subascendens; fastigium sub- excavatum, subhexagonale. Oculi subprominuli. Antennae capite et ACRIDID*:. 643 prothorace ad unum multo longiores. Prothorax dense punctatus, vix caiinatus, postice sublatescens; margo posticus sat productus, vix angulatus. Piosterni spina crassa, subobliqua, subcompressa. Femora postica abdomini aequilonga. Ala? anlica? corpori fere aequilongas. Male. Body rather slender. Head smooth, rather higher than the prothorax; tip of the vertex depressed, subbexagonal; front punctured, with four well-defined nearly parallel keels. Eyes oblique, elliptical, rather prominent. Antennae much longer than the head and the prothorax together. Prothorax thickly punctured, slightly widening hindward ; keel hardly perceptible ; transverse impressed lines distinct ; fore border straight ; sides slightly rounded; hitid border slightly elongated, hardly angular. Prosternal spine thick, slightly oblique and compressed, rounded at the tip. Hind femora as long as the abdomen ; hind tibiae a little shorter than the hind femora. Fore wings nearly as long as the body. 1. EUPROPACRIS SPECTABILIS. Mas. Sordide viridis ; caput et prothorax nig ro late biviltnta; caput apud oculos testaceum, verticis disco fr on teque nigris, carinis frontali- busfulvis; antennce nigrte ; prosterni spina testacea ; abdomen niyrum, subtus testaceum; pedes nigri, femoribus sub tits testaceis, tibiis posticis obscure viridibus ; alee anticee cinerea ; aluc postica ochracea, apices versus cinerece. Male. Dark dingy green. Head and prothorax with a broad black stripe on each side. Head testaceous about the eyes; disk of the vertex black; front black, with four tawny keels. Eyes dark red. Antennae black. Prothorax with the two stripes extending to the fourth line. Pro- sternal spine testaceous. Abdomen black, testaceous beneath. Legs black ; femora testaceous beneath ; hind tibia? dark green, their spines with black tips. Fore wings cinereous; veins tawny. Hind wings orange- red and with red veins, cinereous and with brownish veins about the tips and along the adjoining part of the exterior border. Length of the body 12 lines; expansion of the fore wings 24 lines. a. Cape. Genus 17. QUILTA. Acridium (Quilta), Slal, Bug. Resa, 337. 1. QOILTA MITRATA. Acridium (Quilta) mitratum, Stal, Eug. Resa, 337. Isle Keeling. Genus 18. CHROMACBIS. Corpus sat gracile, fere cylindricum. Fastigiura conicum, depressum, marginatum. Frons asperepunctata, carinis intermediis valde abbreviatis. Oculi subprominuli. Antenna? filiformes, longs, graciles. Prothorax antice sublaevis, postice scaber latescens carinatus, foveolis.transversis valde determinatis, margine antico subinciso, margine postico valde rutunduto. 644 CATALOGUE OF Prosterni spina longa, gracilis, sultacuta, subobliqua. Femora po.^tica ssepissime abdomine luugiora. Alae auticre ssepissime corpore nou breviores. Body rather slender, nearly cylindrical. Head smooth ; tip of the vertex conical, depressed, with two converging keels, which are continued in the abbreviated inner keels of the front ; front roughly punctured ; outer keels slightly diverging towards the face. Eyes elliptical, slightly pro- minent. Antennas filiform, long, slender. Prothorax subsellate ; forepart nearly smooth ; hind part scabrous, wider and with a well-defined keel ; transverse impressed lines very strongly marked; fore border slightly notched in the middle; sides ronnded ; hind border much rounded. Pro- slernal spine long, slender, slightly acute and oblique. Hind femora generally longer than the abdomen ; hind tibia? a little shorter than the hind femora. Fore wings generally as long as the body. 1. CHROMACEIS SPECIOSA. Gryllus speciosus, T/mnb. M6m. ix. 40, pi. 14, f. 1— Gryllus (Locusta) Miles, Stall, Grill, pi. 16b. f. 6— Acridium speciosum, Serv. Hist. Orth. 673. a. Vera Cruz. From M. Salle's collection. b. Guayaquil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. c. Venezuela. From Mr. Birschell's collection. d—f. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection. g. Archidona. From Mr. Stevens' collection. h. Nanta. From M. Degand's collection. i. Brazil. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. k. Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Club. /. Buenos Ay res. 2. CHROMACRIS COLORATA. Acridium coloratura, Serv. Hist. Orth. 674. S. Carolina. Genus 19. AGRIACRIS. Mas. Corpus sat gracile, fere cylindrieum Caput breve, sparse punctatum ; fastigium depressum, longi-conicum ; frons scabra, carinis quatuor benedeterminatis. Oculi elliptici, transversi, prominuli. Antennae filiformes, capite et prothorace ad unum multo longioies. Prothorax carinatus, aspere scaber, margine antico subinciso, margine postico producto dentalo angulato. Prosterni spina gracilis, longiuscula, acuta. Femora postica abdomine paullo longiora. Male. Body rather slender, nearly cylindrical. Head short, thinly punctured ; tip of the vertex excavated, elongate-conical ; front scabrous ; keels distinct, slightly diverging towards the face. Eyes elliptical, trans- verse, prominent. Antenna filiform, 23-jointed, much longer than the head and the prothorax together. Prothorax roughly scabrous, with a distinct keel ; fore border nearly straight, slightly notched in the middle; sides rounded; hrnd border elongated, dentate, angular. Prosternal spine slender, acute, rather long. Hind femora a little longer than the abdomen ; ACRIDIDJE. 046 hind tibiae a little shorter than the hind femora, their spines on the inner side much longer than those on the outer side. The shape of the tip of the Vertex, the prominent eyes, the long and flattened antennae aud the serrated femora of this genus distinguish it from Acridium. 1. AGRIACRIS FEROX. Mas. Fulva ; prothorax vittis duabus ferrugineis latis antice furcatis ; alee anticfB fusiformes, nigricante bistrigatce, abdomine rnulto breviores ; alee posticce cinerece. Male. Tawny. Eyes lurid. Prothorax with two broad ferruginous stripes, which are forked in front. Spines of the hind tibiae with black tips. Fore wings fusiform, much shorter than the abdomen, with two blackish streaks. Hind wings cinereous, a little shorter than the fore wings; veins piceous, testaceous towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 13£ lines; expansion of the fore wings 15 lines. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. Genus 20. OXYA: Oxya, Serv. Rev. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 634 — Acridium (Oxya), Serv. Hist. Orlh. 675. North America. 1. OXVA? CLAVULIGERA. Acridium (Oxya) clavuliger, Serv. Hist. Orth. 676. N. America. South America. 2. OXYA? OBNATISSIMA. ornatissima, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 636. Brazil. East Africa. 3. OXYA PROCEEA. procera, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 638. Tsle St. Johanna. 4. OXYA DORSIGERA. dorsigera, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 635. Isle St. Johanna. CATALOGUE OF 5. OXYA FASCIATA. Foem. Viridis, subpilosa^ sat yracilis, fere cylindrica ; caput et prothorax rufo varia, dense punctata ; caput breve, f as tiyio subconico ; prothorax breviusculus, non carinatus, marline antico vix inciso; prosterni spina crassa, obtusa ; abdomen nigrum, luteo fasciatum ; femora postica extus luteo viltata, intus rufa ; ales anticce abdomine mutlo breviores ; alts posticce nigree. Female. Green, thinly pilose, rather slender, ne.nly cylindrical. Head and protborax partly red, thickly and minutely punctured. Head short ; tip of the vertex somewhat conical ; front with four distinct keels ; inner keels slightly approaching each other in front of the antennae, parallel from thence towards the border of the front, which they do not reach; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes brown, elliptical, oblique, raiher prominent, with several luteous spots. Prothorax rather short, not keeled; transverse impressed lines very distinct; fore border slightly rouuded, hardly notched in the middle; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine thick, moderately long, obtuse at the lip. Abdomen black, with irregular luteous bauds. Hind femora much shorter than the abdomen, bright red on the inner side, bordered with luteous ou the outer side; hind tibiae a little shorter than the hind femora, their spines black towards the tips. Wings much shorter than the abdomen. Hind wings black. Length of the body 19 lines; expansion of the fore wings 21 lines. a, Madagascar. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. South Asia. 6. OXYA FURCIFERA. Acridium (Oxya) furcifer, Serv. Hist. Orth. 677— Gryllus Banian ? Fabr. Ent. Sysi. Suppl. 194. Bombay. a, b. S. Hindostan. Presented by M. J. Walhouse, Esq. c. Amoy, China. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 7. OXYA CONCOLOR. Mas. Textacea, satgracilis (mas) ant sat robusla (fata.), fere cylindrica ; caput longiusculum, fastiyio transverso arcuato ; antennte niyrce, longce, tcstaceo fascia/a ; prothorux subliliter punctatus^ vix carinalu*, maryine postico subproducto vix anyulato ; prosterni spina yracilisy acuta ; tibice postica basi apiceque niyro uotutce; alee anticce albidce, testaceo pallido venosce, abdomine longiores. Male and female. Testaceous, shining, rather slender in the male, rather stout in the female, nearly cylindrical. Head smooth, raiher long; tip o( the vertex transverse, arched, divided from the hind part by a curved furrow; front with lour well-defined keels; innei keels slightly diverging towards the face; outer keels more diverging. Eyes livid, elliptical, slightly convex and oblique. Antennas black, long, slender, testaceous 647 towards ihe base and at the tip of each joint. Prothorax finely punctured ; keel extremely slight; transverse impressed lines very distinct ; fore border and sides slightly rounded ; hind border slightly elongated, hardly angular. Prosternal spine slender, acute, moderately long. Hind femora as long as the abdomen ; hind tibia? a little shorter than the hind femora, marked with black at the base and at the tip, their spines with black tips. Fore wings whitish, somewhat longer than the abdomen; veins pale testaceous. Hind wings pellucid; veins blackish, pale towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 20 — 28 Hues; expansion of the fore wings 33 — 44 lines. a, b. Hindustan. From Dr. Hooker's collection. 8. OxYA? LONGIPENNIS. Acridium longipenne, Deg. Inn. iii. 501, pi. 42. f. 9. Oliv. Erie. Meth. vi. 231. 9. OXYA INTRICATA. Acridium (Oxya) intricatum, Stal, Bug. Resa, 335. China. Malacca. Java. 10. OXYA PUNCTIFRONS. Acridium (Oxya) punctifrons, Slal. Eug. Resa, 336. China. 11. OXYA VELOX. Gryllus velox, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 60 — Oxya velox, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 635— Oxya Hyla, Serv. Rev. 96— Acridium (Oxya) velox, Haan, Verz. Nut. G<'sch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 157 — Acridium (Oxya) Serv. Hist. Orth. 678. Malabar. Japan. Java. Amboina. Australasia. 12. OXYA ABBREVIATA. Acridium (Oxya) abbreviattim, Serv. Hist. Orth. 678. ffaan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 15. Java. Sumatra. 13. OXYA OBTUSA. Acridium (Oxva) obtusum, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Inn. 156. Buitenzorg. 14. OXYA INFUSCATA. Acridium (Oxya) infuscatum, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 156. * Borneo. Celebes, Sec. 648 CATALOGUE OF 15. OXYA LUTEOLA. Acridiuin (Oxya) luteolun), ffaan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Jnd. Bez. Inn. 157. Timor. Amboina. 16. OXYA DIMIDIATA. Acridiuin (Oxya) dimidiatum, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. 2nd. Bez. Ins. 157, pi. 21, f. 4. Amboina. 17. OXYA FLAVO-ANNULATA. Acridium (Oxya) dimidiatum, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 157, pi. 21, f. 5— Acridium flavo-annulatum, Stal, Eug. Resa, 329. Java. Amboina. 18. OXYA SPUKIA. Acridium (Oxya) spurium, Stal, Eug. Resa, 331. Java. 19. OXYA MICROPTERA. Acridium (Oxya) micvopterum, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 158, pi. 21, f. 6. Java. 20. OXYA AFFINIS. Acridium (Oxya) affine, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 158, Sumatra. n (Oxya) affine, Haan, Verz. J, pi. 21, f. 9. 21. OXYA UNISTRIGATA. Acridium (Oxya) unistrigatum, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 158, pi. 21, f. 7, 8. New Guinea. 22. OXYA VITTIGER. Acridium vittigerum, Blanch, Voy. Pole. Sud. Zool. iv. 371, pi. 3, f. 9. Triton Bay, New Guinea. 23. OXYA? HAGENBACHII. Acridium Hagenbachii, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 154, pi. 21, f. 2. Java. ACRIDID.E. 649 24. OXYA ? MACULA LUTEA. Acridium macula lulea, Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Nedflnd. Bez. Ins. 159, pi. 21. f. 3. Sumatra. 25. OXYA GRYLLOIDES. Mas. Nigra, nitens, fere cylindrica ; caput el prothorax aspere punctata ; caput inter antennas bicarinatum, fastigio subletragonali, maculis frontalibus transversis luteis; palpi pallide lutei ; antenna corporis dimidio multo longiores ; prothorax maryinibus antico et postieo vittisque duabus luteis ; prosterni spina robusta, apice rufa ; pedes rufi, femuribus posticis apice tibiisque posticis nigris; alee anticae testacece, truncate, piceo bimttata, abdomine mullo breviores ; alee postica nigricantes. Male. Black, shining, nearly cylindrical. Head and prothorax roughly punctured. Vertex convex; its tip depressed and subtetragonal ; two short keels between the antennae ; front with some transverse luteous spots. Eyes red, elliptical, prominent. Palpi pale luteous. Antennae slender, much more than half the length of the body. Prothorax with two smooth calli on each side ; fore border, hind border and two stripes luteous ; transverse impressed lines strongly marked ; fore border and sides slightly rounded; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine stout, red at the tip. Abdomen piceous, slightly tapering from the base to the tip. Legs red; hind femora a little shorter than the abdomen, black at the tips ; hind tibiae black; hind tarsi black at the base. Fore wings testaceous, truncated at the tips, much shorter than the abdomen, with two broad piceous stripes, one costal, the other along the hind border. Hind wings blackish, a little shorter than the fore wings ; veins black. Length of the body 21 lines; expansion of the fore wings 20 lines. a. Ceram. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. 26. OXYA ANTICA. Fcem. Fulva, fere cylindrica; caput et prothorax punctata; caput prothorace paullo latius, fastigio parvo subtetragonali ; antenna atrce, basi fulva, corporis dimidio multo longiores; prosterni spina robusta, subtransversa ; tibia postica rufa ; alee antica truncates, abdominis dimidio longiores; alee postica nigricantes. Female. Tawny,. shining, nearly cylindrical. Head and prothorax punctured. Head a little broader than the prothorax ; vertex convex; its tip small, depressed, suhtetragonal ; front with four slight keels; inner keels parallel; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes elliptical, slightly prominent. Antennae slender, deep black, tawny at the base, much more than half the length of the body. Prothorax with two smooth caili on each side ; transverse impressed lines strongly marked ; fore border and sides slightly rounded; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine stout, broader than thick. Hind femora a little shorter than the abdomen ; hind tibiae red ; spines black, red at the base ; hind tarsi red. Fore wings 650 CATALOGUE OF tnmcated at the tips, rather more than half the length of the abdomen. Hind winys blackish; veins black. Length of the body 12 lines; expan- sion of the fore wings 13^ lines. a. Philippine Isles. From Mr. C tuning's collection. Genus 21. OPIPTACRIS. Mas. Corpus glabrum, gracile, fere cylindricum. Caput productum, prothorace paullo latius ; fastigium longi-conicum ; frons subrugulosa,sub- nhliqua, carinis intermediis brevissimis. Oculi globosi, valde prominuli. Antennae fill formes, yraciles, corporis dimidio multo longiores. Prothorax cylindricus, mavginibus rotundatis. Prosterni spina crassa, transversa, subexcavata, non attenuata. Femora postica abdomine paullo longiora. Ala? minima). Male. Body smooth, slender, nearly cylindrical. Head elongate, a little broader than the prothorax ; tip of the vertex elongate-conical, prominent; front slightly rugulose and oblique; inner keels only apparent between the antennae; outer keels slight, diverging towards the face. Eyes globose, very prominent. Antenna? filiform, slender, much more than half the length of the body. Prothorax cylindrical ; transverse impressed lines strongly marked; fore border and hind border slightly rounded; hind border more rounded. Prosternal spine thick, transverse, not more slender towards the tip, which is obtuse and slightly excavated. Hind femora a little longer than the abdomen ; hind tibiae much shorter than the hind femora. Wings rudimentary. 1. OPIPTACRIS HILARIS. Mas. F'ava ; caput apud os nigrum ; antenna picece , basi flavce ; pro- thorax, femora quatuor anteriora genuaque postica niyra. Male. Yellow, shining. Head black about the mouth. Eyes aeneous. Antennae piceous, yellow at the base. Prothorax, four anterior femora and hind knees black. Length of the body 10 lines. a. New Hebrides. Genus 22. SYNTOMACRIS. Mas. Corpus gracillimum, fere cylindricum. Caput convexum, pro- thorace paullo latius; fastigium conicum, planum, valde prominulum ; IVons subretracta, carinis quatuor bene delerminalis. Oculi elliptic!, inagni, valde prominuli. Antenna? filiformes, gracillimaB, corpore breviores. Pro- thorax brevis, dense punctaius, lineis quatuor transversis bene determinalis, marginibus rotundatis. Prosterni spina gracilis, acuta, subcompressa. Ala3 anticae angustse, corpore paullo breviores. Male. Body very narrow, nearly cylindrical. Head smooth, a little broader than the prothorax ; vertex convex, very narrow between the eyes, its tip flat, conical, very prominent ; front slightly oblique, with four distinct keels; inner keels diverging slightly towards the face ; outer keels nearly parallel. Eyes elliptical, large, very prominent. Antenna? filiform, very slender, rather shorter than the body. Prothorax short, thickly punctured, ACKIDID^3. 651 wilh two smooth calli on each side and with distinct transverse impressed lines; fore border, sides and hind border rounded. Prosternal spine slender, acute, slightly compressed. Hind femora much longer than the abdomen; hind tibiae much shorter than the hind femora. Fore wings narrow, a little shorter than the body. 1. SYNTOMACKIS VITTIPENNIS. Mas. Testacea ; vertex nigricante bistrigalus ; frons piceo bivillala ; palpi pallide virides ; antenna rufce, bad nigricantes ; prothorax nigro trivittatus ; abdomen piceo univittatum ; pedes nigri, femoribus posticls testaceis apice nigris, tarsis pallide viridibus ; alee anticce nigricantes, testaceo bivittata ; alee poslicce cinerece, fusco mar- ginatcs. Male. Testaceous. Vertex with two blackish streaks, which are united in front; front with two piceous stripes. Palpi pale green. Eyes lurid. Antennae very bright red, blackish at the base. Prothorax wilh three black stripes. Abdomen with a piceous stripe. Legs black; hind femora testaceous, black towards the tips; tarsi pale green. Fore wings blackish, with two pale testaceous lanceolate slripes. Hind wings cine- reous, brown along the border; veins black. Length of the body 7£ lines ; expansion of the fore wings 15 lines. a. Nauta, Amazon Region. From M. Degand's collection. Genus 23. STENACRIS. Mas. Corpus gracillimum, fere cylindricum. Caput longum ; fasti- gium conicum ; frons valde retracin, carinis quatuor bene determinatis. Oculi obliqui, subprominuli. Antennae filiformes, gracilHtnse, prothorace longiores. Prothorax subtiliter punctatus, non carinatus ; margines sub- rotundati. Prosterni spina robusta, ohliqua, apice rotundata, mesosternum non attingens. Abdomen compressum, lanceolatum. Ala? anticse angusta?, corpore vix breviores. Male. Body shining, very slender, nearly cylindrical. Head elon- gate, smooth, with a transverse furrow between the eyes ; tip of the vertex conical; front much retracted, with four distinct keels; inner keels parallel, approximate; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes oblique, elongate-elliptical, slightly prominent. Antennae filiform, very slender, longer than the prothorax. Prothorax finely punctured, not keeled; transverse impressed lines slight; fore border, sides and hind border slightly rounded. Prosternal spine stout, oblique, rounded at the tip, not extending to the mesosternum. Abdomen compressed, lanceolate. Hind femora as long as the abdomen ; hind tibiae much shorter than the hind femora. Fore wings narrow, nearly as long as the body. 1. STENACRIS LANCEOLATA. Mas. Pallide testacea ; antennce picece, basi teslacea ; abdomen villa dorsali nigricante lanceolata; tarsi poalici pallide rufi ; alee antics dimidio apicali diapkance. 652 CATALOGUE OF Male. Pale testaceous. Eyes lurid. Antennae piceous, testaceous at the base. Abdomen with a blackish lanceolate dorsal stripe. Spines of the hind tibiae with black tips ; hind tarsi pale red. Fore wings pellucid for half the length from the tips ; veins pale. Hind wings pellucid ; veins black, blue towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 13 lines; expansion of the fore wings 24 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. 2. STENACRIS CONCOLOR. Mas. Testacea ; caput longiusculum ; antenna picete; prosterni spina crassa, obliqua ; alee anticce apices versus diaphana. Male. Testaceous, shining, very slender, nearly cylindrical. Head smooth, somewhat elongate ; front much retracted, with four distinct keels; inner keels parallel, approximate; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes tawny, elliptical, slightly prominent. Antennae piceous. Pro- thorax in structure like that of S. lanceolata. Prosternal spine thick, oblique. Abdomen compressed. Hind femora as long as the abdomen ; hind tibia3 a little shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings pellucid towards the tips; veins pale. Hind wings pellucid; veins blackish. Length of the body 12 lines; expansion of the fore wings 19 lines. It does not differ from S. lanceolata, except that the head is rather shorter. a. Para. Group 2. Corpus gracillimum, fere cylindricum. Caput productum ; fastigium conicum, planum ; frons quadricarinata, valde retracta. Oculi obliqui, nou prominuli. Antenna3 graciles, subplana?, capite prothoraceque ad unum paullo longiores. Prothorax subtiliter scaber, vix carinatus, postice vix latescens, marginibus rotundatis. Prosterni spina gracilis, subcompressa, subobliqua, apice rotundata. Pedes longi, graciles. Ala? antics peran- gusta?, corpori aequilonga3. Body very slender, nearly cylindrical. Head smooth, elongate; tip of the vertex flat, prominent, conical; front much retracted; keels slight; inner keels converging near the face ; outer keels diverging. Eyes ellip- tical, oblique, not prominent. Antennas slender, slightly flattened, a little longer than the head and the prothorax together. Prothorax finely scabrous, hardly widening hindward ; keel hardly perceptible ; transverse impressed lines very slight; fore border and hind part of each side slightly rounded ; hind border more rounded. Prosternal spine slender, slightly compressed and oblique, rounded at the tip. Legs long, slender; spines of the hind libia3 short. Fore wings very narrow, as long as the body. 3. STENACRIS CHLOHIZANS. Mas. Testaceo-viridis ; caput et prothorax alhido-mridi bivittata ; antenna fulvee ; alee anticce diaphante, viridi venoste. ACRlDHXfi. 653 Male. Testaceous-green. Head and prothorax with a whitish green stripe on each side. Eyes livid. Antennae tawny. Wings pellucid. Fore wings with green veins. Veins of the hind wings black, glaucous towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 10? lines ; expansion of the fore wings 24 lines. a. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. Genus 24. GLAPHYRACRIS. Mas. Corpus gracillimurn, fere cylindricuin. Caput longiusculura; fastigium parvum, subtetragonale ; frons valde retracta, carinis quatuor bene determinatis. Oculi elliptic?, obliqui, prominuli. Antennas tiliformes, gracillimae, corporis dimidio multo longiores. Prothorax subtiliter scaber, non carinatus, inargine antico perparum excavato, margine postico rotun- dato. Prosterni spina transversa, obtusa. Femora postica abdomine breviora. Ala3 anticae angustae, corpore vix breviores. Male. Body very slender, nearly cylindrical. Head smooth, elon- gate; tip of the vertex depressed, small, subtetragonal, prominent; front very much retracted, with four distinct keels; inner keels very near to- gether; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes elliptical, oblique, prominent. Antennae filiform, very slender, much more than half the length of the body. Prothorax finely scabrous, not keeled ; the usual four transverse impressed lines distinct ; two smooth calli on each side ; fore border very slightly rounded, its middle part very slightly excavated; sides straight ; hind border rounded. Prosternal spine transverse, obtuse, its breadth about four times its thickness. Hind femora shorter than the abdomen ; bind tibiae much shorter than the hind femora. Fore wings narrow, nearly as long as the body. 1. GLAPHYEACRIS NIGRICANS. Mas. Picea ; antennae nigrce, apice fulvce ; palpi testacei ; abdomen saturate rufum ; ala posticx fuscce. Male. Piceous. Eyes ferruginous. Antenna? black, tawny at the tips. Palpi testaceous. Abdomen dark red. Hind tibia? with black spines. Hind wings brown ; veins black. Length of the body 15 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 27 lines. a. Nauta, Amazon Region. From M. Degand's collection. Genus 25. CHARIACRIS. Mas. Corpus sat gracile, fere cylindricum. Caput convexum, pro- thorax latius; fastigiuni conicum, planum, punctatum ; frons punctata, carinis intermediis brevissimis. Oculi elliptic!, valde prominuli. Antenna? filifurmes, gracillimae, corpore breviores. Prothorax brevis, non carinatus, lineis quatuor transversis impressis distinctis, margine antico subinciso, margine postico producto subangulato. Prosterni spina longa, sat gracilis, subacuta. Femora postica abdomine breviora. Ala? anticae angustae, corpore paullo breviores. H 654 CATALOGUE OF Male. Body rather slender, nearly cylindrical. Head smooth, rather broader than the prothorax ; vertex convex; its tip flat, punctured, conical; front punctured ; inner keels apparent only between the antennae ; outer keels distinct, diverging towards the face. Eyes elliptical, very prominent. Antennae filiform, very slender, somewhat shorter than the body. Pro- thorax short, not keeled ; the usual four transverse lines distinct ; fore border and sides hardly rounded, the former slightly notched in the middle ; hind border elongated, slightly angular. Prosternal spine long, rather slender, slightly acute. Hind femora rather shorter than the abdomen ; hind tibiae shorter than the hind femora. Fore wings narrow, a little shorter than the body. 1. CHABIACRIS DULCIS. Mas. Viridis ; capitis latera, frons, protheracis latera, pectus, venter et femora sublus lulea ; antenna atres ; ales anticte striga costali basali patlide testacea ; alee posticce purpurea, basi viridescentes. Male. Green. Head dull, luteous in front and on each side. Eyes ferruginous. Antenna? deep black. Pectus and sides of the prothorax dull luteous. Abdomen and femora luteous beneath. Fore wings with a pale testaceous streak along the basal part of the costa. Hind wings purple, greenish at the tips. Length of the body 13£ lines; expansion of the fore wings 24 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus 26. POEPEDETES. Poepedetes, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 158. 1. POEPEDETES CORALLINUS. corallinus, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 158. Mexico. Genus 27. PEDIES. Pedies, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 157. 1. PEDIES VIRESCENS. virescens, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 157. Mexico. Genus 28. TINARIA. Acridium (Tinaria), Stal, Bug. Resa, 338. J. TINARIA CALCAEATA. Acridium (Tinaria) calcarata, Stal, Bug. Resa, 338, pi. 5, f. 8. Isle St. Helena. AOBIDID^. 655 2. TINARIA SANCT.E HELENA. Acridium (Tinaria) Sanctae Helense, Stal, Eug. Resa, 338. Isle St. Helena. Genus 29. OXYPHYMA. Oxypbyma, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 156. 1. OXYPHYMA JURINEI. Jurinei, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 157. S. America ? Genus 30. CUCULLIGERA. Gryllus, Germ., Charp. — Podisma, Costa — CEdipoda, Burm. — Acridium, H.-Sch.— Cuculligera, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 390. 1. CUCULLIGERA HYSTRIX. Gryllus hystrix, Germ. Iter. Dalm. 252, pi. 9, f. 1, 2. Charp. Hor. Ent. 176. Germ. Zeits. iii. 314— CEdipoda hystrix, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 644 — Podisma oppulum, Costa, Faun. R. Nap. 44, pi. 4, f. 3 — Cuculligera hystrix, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 391, pi. 15, f. 13. S. and E. Europe. Genus 31. HETERACRIS. Corpus robustum. Vertex subcarinatus, antice subangulatus ; frons late unicarinata. Prothoracis dorsum planum, subtricarinalum ; margines subrotundati. Prosterni spina robusta, obliqua, subarcuata, mesosternurn fere atlingens. Alae abdomine longiores. Body stout. Head smooth, as broad as the fore border of the pro- thorax ; vertex with a very slight keel ; fore part with two broad shallow ridges converging from the eyes, united and forming a broader ridge on the front ; front thinly punctured. Eyes elongate-elliptical, seated trans- versely. Antenna? filiform, slender. Prothorax punctured on each side, with a flat disk, with a slight dorsal keel, and with a slight keel on each side ; four transverse impressed lines, the first widely interrupted, the second abbreviated on each side ; fore border, sides and hind border slightly rounded. Prosternal spine stout, oblique, slightly curved, nearly leaching the fore border of the mesosternum. Hind femora a little longer than the abdomen. Hind tibia? a little shorter than the hind femora ; spines stout. Wings longer than the abdomen. Europe. ]. HETERACRIS PLORANS. Gryllus plorans, Charp. Hor. Ent. 134. Ramb. Faune And. 78. Orth. pi. 47— Acridium plorans, Serv. Hist. Orlh. 683. Charp. Orlh. pi. 656 CATALOGUE OF 47. Haan, Verz. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 154. Lucas, Expl. Sci. Alg. Atlas, Orth. pi. 3, f. 4 — Caloptenus plorans, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 376. S. Europe. Egypt. Cape. Japan. a. Algeria. Presented by the Rev. H. Clark. b, c. Galilee, Syria. From Mr. Lowe's collection. Teneriffe, 2. HETERACRIS CINEREA. Acridium cinereum, Blanch. Voy. Pole Sud. iv. 372, pi. 3, f. 8 — Heteracris plorans ? Teneriffe. Africa. A. Wings shorter than the abdomen. a. Hind wings blue at the base. - - herbacea. b. Hind wings not blue at the base. * Fore wings with spots. - adjuncta. ** Fore wings with ringlets. - - cognata. B. Wings lunger than the abdomen. a. Hind femora not spotted. * Hind tibia? pale. ------ coniceps. ** Hind tibia? dark. f Hind tibia? not banded. - - punctipennis. ft Hind tibia? banded. J Fore wings spotted. - - annulifera. £}; Fore wings not spotted. ... viridivitta. b. Hind femora spotted. * Hind tibiae tawny. - basalis. ** Hind tibia? mostly pale. - debilitata. 3. HETERACRIS HERBACEA. Acridium herbaceum, Serv. Hist. Orth. 684. Charp. Orth. pi. 48. a — c. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. d— /. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. g. Natal. Presented by R. Tiimen, Esq. 4. HETERACRIS ? CONICEPS. Ftem. Testacea, vertex antice prominulus, convexus, subcarinatus, piceo binotatus ; antenna picece, basifulvce ; prothoracis discus planus, sub- tricarinatus, vitta fulva nigricante maryinata; prosterni spina sub- arcuata,sat gracilis, mesosternum non attingens ; tibiee postice pallide fiavce ; alee anticce pallide cinerece, corpore breviores, maculis plurimis nigro venosis ; alee postica diaphana, nigro venosee. Female. Testaceous. Head smooth ; fore part of the vertex promi- nent, much rounded ; a slight keel between the eyes, with a piccous mark 657 on each side; front rounded, not keeled, very thinly punctured, widening towards the face. Eyes elongate-oval. Antennae piceous, tawny towards the base. Prothorax finely scabrous, with a tawny blackish-bordered stripe, and with the usual four transverse impressed lines ; disk flat, with three very slight keels; fore border, sides and hind border slightly rounded. Prosternal spine oblique, slightly curved, rather slender, not extending to the mesosternum. Hind femora longer than the abdomen, a little longer than the hind tibia?. Hind tibia3 pale yellow ; spines slender, with black tips. Fore wings pale cinereous, shorter than the body, with many spots, which are formed by black veins ; veins elsewhere pale. Hind wings pel- lucid; veins black, pale towards the base. Length of the body 26 lines; expansion of the fore wings 40 lines. a. E. Africa. Presented by Earl Russell. 5. HETEUACRIS ADJUNCTA. Fosm. Fulva ; caput et prothorax vitlis duabus viridibus nigricante marginatis ; vertex antice prominulus, vix carinatus ; antennae pallide luteae ; prothorax subtricarinatus ; prosterni spina crassa, subarcuata, mesosternum fere attingens ; tibiae postica glauco-virides, spinis albis apice nigris ; ala anticce virides, abdomini cequilongce, gutlis plurimis fuscis nigro venosis ; alee anticce diaphance, pallido venosce. Female. Tawny. Head and prothorax with two green blackish-bor- dered stripes. Head thinly punctured ; fore part of the vertex prominent, and with a very slight keel ; front hardly keeled. Eyes piceous, elliptical. Antenna? pale luteous. Prothorax scabrous, with three very slight keels and with the usual four transverse impressed lines ; fore border rounded ; sides slightly undulating ; hind border nearly straight. Prosternal spine thick, oblique, slightly curved, extending nearly to the mesosternum. Hind femora longer than the abdomen and than the hind tibiae ; the latter glaucous-green, their spines white with black tips. Fore wings green, as long as the abdomen, with many brown black-veined dots ; veins elsewhere pale. Hind wings pellucid ; veins more or less pale. Length of the body 25 — 27 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 28—32 lines. a, b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. Var. ? Mas. Testacea, gracilis ; caput et prathorax ferrugineo late uni- vittata, piceo late bivittata ; fastigium longi-conicum ; prothorax subtricarinatus; prosterni spina pallide testacea, crassa, obliqua, mesosternum attingens; femora postica exlus nigro vittata, intus nigro triplagiata ; tibiae posticae rufae ; alee anticce cinereae, corpori aquilongaf, vitta poslica testacea. Male. Testaceous, slender. Head and prothorax with two broad piceous stripes, and with a broad ferruginous stripe which is attenuated in the fore part of the former. Head smooth ; tip of the vertex flat, elongate- conical ; front thinly puctured ; keels strongly marked ; inner keels parallel ; outer keels slightly diverging towards the face. Eyes nearly elliptical. Prothorax with three slight keels, and with well-defined transverse im- pressed lines; fore border straight; sides slightly rounded; hind border 658 CATALOGUE OF more rounded. Prosternal spine pale testaceous, thick, oblique, extending to the mesosternum. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, with a black stripe on the outer side and with three black patches on the inner side; hind tibiae red, a little shorter than the hind femora ; spines black, red at the base. Fore wings cinereous, as long as the body, with a testaceous pale-veined stripe near the interior border; veins elsewhere ferruginous. Hind wings pellucid; veins mostly black. Length of the body 12 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 26 lines. 6. HETERACRIS COG N ATA. Fcem. Viridis ; vertex antice prominulus ; frons vix carinata ; antenna fulva, apice picece ; prolhorax vix carinatus, vitta lata ferruginea nigricante marginata ; prosterni spina robusta, subarcuata, meso- sternum non attingens ; ales anticte abdomini cequilongce, guttis plu- rimis nigricante marginatis nonnunquam cinereis ; alee postica sub- cinerea, nigro venosce. Female. Green, partly and more or less testaceous when dry. Head smooth ; vertex prominent in front; front punctured, hardly keeled. Eyes piceous, elliptical. Antennae tawny, piceous towards the tips. Prothorax scabrous, with a very slight dorsal ridge, with the usual four transverse impressed lines, and with a broad ferruginous blackish-bordered stripe ; fore border rounded ; sides slightly rounded ; hind border nearly straight. Prosternal spine stout, slightly curved and oblique, not extending to the mesosternura. Hind femora longer than the abdomen and than the- hind tibiae, the latter with stout black-tipped spines. Fore wings shorter than the abdomen, with many blackish-bordered and sometimes cinereous dots ; veins mostly pale. Hind wings slightly cinereous; veins black, tawny at the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 23 — 24 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 30—34 lines. a, 6. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 7. HETERACRIS BASALTS. Mas. Rufescens, gracilis ; caput et prolhorax vitta lata ferruginea nigro marginata vittisque quatuor fluvis ; caput striyis duabus lateralibus nigris, fastigio transverse subelliptico ; antenna piceaa ; prothorax subtiliter scaber, vix carinatus ; prosterni spina crassa, pallidissime flava, non attenuata ; abdomen villa lanceolata maculisque transversis lateralibus piceis ; femora postica flava extus nigro vittata, intus nigro trimaculata ; tibia poslicce fulva, spinis apice nigris ; alee, anticce cinerea, corpore paullo breviores, guttis punctisque subcos- talibus nigris. Male. Keddish, slender. Head and prothorax with two yellow stripes, and with a broad intermediate ferruginous black-bordered stripe on each side. Head smooth, with a short black streak on each side behind the eye; tip of the vertex depressed, transversely subelliptical ; front thinly punctured, the four keels disappearing towards the face. Eyes reddish, ACRIDID^E. 659 oval. Antennae piceous. Prothorax finely scabrous; keel extremely slight; lateral keels defined; transverse impressed lines distinct; fore border straight ; sides slightly rounded ; hind border rounded. Prosternal spine thick, very pale yellow, not tapering to its tip, which is rounded. Abdomen with a piceous lanceolate stripe, and on each side with a row of transverse piceous spots. Legs tawny ; hind femora yellow, a little longer than the abdomen, with a black stripe on the outer side and with three black spots on the inner side ; hind tibiae somewhat shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings cinereous, a liitle shorter than the body, with many black dots and points along the costa ; veins tawny. Hind wings pellucid ; veins black, whitish at the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 13 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 24 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 8. HETEBACRIS PUNCTIPENNIS. Foem. Testacea, gracilis ; caput et prothorax carina tenui viltisque duabus latissimis piceis ; fastigium conicum ; frons scabra ; pro- thorax subtiliter scaber ; prosterni spina longa, gracilis, subobliqua, subacuta; femora postica exlus piceo vittata ; tibia posticce nigra ; alee antica pallide cinerea, fusco punctatce, corpore bveviores. Female. Testaceous, slender. Head and prothorax with a slight piceous keel and with two very broad piceous. stripes. Head smooth ; tip of the vertex conical, flat, with a slight middle keel ; front scabrous, with four well-defined keels which diverge towards the face. Eyes ferruginous, elliptical. Prothorax finely scabrous ; lateral keels very slight ; fore border and hind border slightly rounded ; sides straight. Prosternal spine long, slender, slightly oblique and acute. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, with a piceous lanceolate stripe on the outer side ; hind tibiaB and hind tarsi black, the former somewhat shorter than the hind femora. Fore wings pale cinereous, rather shorter than the body, with several brown points on the veins, which are testaceous. Hind wings pellucid ; veins black, pale testaceous at the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 21 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 36 lines. a. Angola. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq. 9. HETEEACEIS ANNULIFERA.. Mas. Testacea, gracilis ; caput et prothorax subcarinata, nigricante trilineata ; vertex cinereus, fastiyio brevi-conico ; prothoracis discus ferrugineus ; prosterni spina pallide testacea, crassa, obliqua, non attenuata ; tibice posticce virides, basi testacece et nigro trifasciata, apice rosece, spinis albis apice nigris ; alee anticce cinerea, corpore breviores, guttis plurimis e venis nigris. Male. Testaceous, slender. Head and prothorax with a slight blackish keel, and with two blackish lines which are united on the tip of the vertex. Head smooth, cinereous between the lines; tip of the vertex thinly punctured, depressed, short-conical ; front thinly punctured ; keels 660 CATALOGUE OF slight, diverging towards the face. Eyes transverse, not oblique, straight on the fore side, rounded on the hind side. Prothorax ferruginous between the blackish lines, with three slight keels, and with the usual four trans- verse impressed lines; some whitish calli on each side; fore border straight; sides and hind border rounded. Prosternal spine pale testaceous, thick, oblique, not tapering towards the tip, which is rounded. Hind femora longer than the abdomen. ; hind tibiae green, testaceous and with three black bands towards the base, bright rose-colour at the tips ; spines while with black tips ; hind tarsi bright rose-colour. Fore wings cine- reous, rather shorter than the body, with many dots which are formed by black veins; veins elsewhere pale testaceous. Hind wings pellucid; veins white, blackish towards the tips. Length of the body 13£ lines ; expansion of the fore wings 24 lines. a. Cape. Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. 10. HETEBACRIS VIRIDIVITTA. Mas. Picea, gracilis, sublus testacea ; caput et prothorax fiavo bivittata, lateribus teslaceis piceo unistrigatis ; fastigium fere rolundum ; an- tenna basi albidce ; prothorax punctatus, tricar in alus ; prosterni spina longiuscula, sat gracilis ; femora postica paliide lutea, apice nigra ; tibiae posticce paliide virides ; alee antic ce paliide cinerea, villa lanceolata paliide viridi, corpore breviores. Male. Piceous, slender, testaceous beneath. Head and prothorax with two yellow stripes which extend to the hind part of the depressed and nearly round tip of the vertex ; sides testaceous, each with a short piceous streak. Head smooth, pale green about the mouth ; front thinly punc- tured, with four strongly marked keels ; inner keels parallel ; outer keels diverging very slightly towards the face. Eyes oval, ferruginous, black- speckled. Antennae whitish at the base. Prothorax punctured, with a slight keel, and with well-defined lateral keels ; transverse impressed lines distinct ; two smooth calli on each side; fore border straight ; sides and hind border rounded. Prosternal spine moderately long and slender. Hind femora pale luteous, with black tips, as long as the abdomen ; hind tibia3 pale green, shorter than the bind femora, their spines with black tips ; hind tarsi pale green. Fore wings pale cinereous, with a lanceolate pale green stripe extending along the hind border from the base, somewhat shorter than the body; veins tawny. Hind wings pellucid ; veins black. Length of the body 10 lines; expansion of the fore wings 17 lines. a. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 11. HETERACRIS PEKFICITA. Fojm. Fulva, gracilis ; caput et prothorax vittis duabus latis nigrisflavo inter lineatis ; caput f err ugineo bivittatum,fastigio conico ; prothorax tricarinatus, sublilissime scaber ; prosterni spina crassa, transversa ; abdomen vittis duabus nigris abbreviatis ; femora postica e gultis nigris extus bivittata, subtus ex parte rufa ; tibia posticce rufce. Female. Tawny, slender, yellow beneath. Head and prothorax with a broad black stripe on each side ; this stripe includes a slender yellow stripe near its outer border. Head elongate, smooth, conical ; vertex with ACRIDIDJ3. 661 two slight ferruginous stripes; tip conical, convex ; front thinly punctured, with four keels which diverge towards the face. Eyes lurid, oval, speckled with black, much rounded on the hind side. Prothorax very finely scabrous, narrower in front ; disk nearly flat, with three very slight keels ; transverse impressed lines slight; fore border and hind border nearly straight; sides rounded. Prosternal spine very stout; its breadth more than twice its thickness. Abdomen with a short black stripe on each side. Hind femora a liitle longer than the abdomen, partly red beneath, with two rows of black dots on the outer side ; hind tibiae red, much shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Wings rudimentary. Fore wings striped like the head and the prothorax. Length of the body 10 lines. o. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 12. HETERACBIS SPECIOSA. Fcem. Testacea, sat gracilis; caput longiusculum, nigro postice bino- tatum et antice bistrigatum^ fasligio convexo subelliptico nigro- bilineato ; antennae apices versus picete ; prothorax viltis duabus plagisque duabus exterioribus Jlavo unimaculatis fuscis, maculis duabus anticis nigricantibus triangular ibus ; prosterni spina pallide flava, transversa bilobata ; femora antica vitta interiors niyricanle interrupla abbreviata. Female. Testaceous, shining, rather slender. Head smooth, elongate ; tip of the vertex convex, subelliptical ; a black line along the inner side of each antenna, and a blackish streak extending from each eye to the face; a small black mark adjoining the hind side of each eye ; front hardly punctured ; outer keels hardly visible; inner keels slight, diverging towards the face. Eyes tawny, subelliptical, very much rounded on the hind side. Antennae piceous towards the tips. Prothorax finely scabrous, with three slight keels, the lateral keels converging towards the fore border ; a brown stripe on each side, bordered by the lateral keel; a blackish tri- angular mark on each side of the fore border ; a large brown patch on each side including a pale yellow callus ; fore border and sides slightly rounded ; hind border more rounded. Prosternal spine pale yellow, transverse, more than twice broader than thick, deeply notched in the middle, and thus forming two rounded lobes. Hind femora much longer than the abdomen, with an interrupted and abbreviated blackish stripe on the inner side; hind tibia? rather shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Wings rudimentary. Length of the body 16 lines. The specimen described is not fully developed, a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 13. HETEBACEIS CALCEATA. Acridium calceatum, Serv. Hist. Orth. 683. The blue hind tibiae wilh two white bands distinguish it from the other species of the genus here described. Cape. 662 CATALOGUE OF 14. HETERACEIS? DEBILITATA. Acridiuin debilitatum, Serv. Hist. Or/A. 684. Senegal. 15. HETERACRIS?? ARTHRITICA. Acridium arthriticura, Serv. Hist. Orth. 685. Cape. Madagascar. 16. HETEBACEIS HUMERALIS. Foem. Viridis, gracilis ; caput et prolhorax fusco late bivittata ; caput vilta lanceolata fusca,fastigio transverso antice rotundato ; antennae, apices versus piceee ; prolhorax subliliter scaber, vix carinatus ; pro- stcrni spina albida, longiuscula, subobliqua, subacuta, sat gracilis; femora poslica lutea, apice picea ; tibice postica basi piceee pallido fasciatee, spinis albidis apice nigris ; alee anlicce pallide cinerece^ corpore breviores, vitta postica lanceolala pallide viridi, costa ba$i dilatata. Female. Green, slender. Head and prothorax with two broad brown stripes, which are interrupted by the eyes and are united on the tip of the vertex. Head smooth, with a lanceolate brown stripe which extends nearly to the tip of the vertex; the tip transverse, depressed, rounded in front ; front punctured ; keels strongly marked ; middle keels parallel ; outer keels diverging slightly towards the face. Eyes testaceous, oblique, elliptical. Antennae piceous towards the tips. Prothorax finely scabrous; keel very slight; transverse impressed lines distinct ; fore border straight ; sides and hind border rounded. Prosternal spine whitish, rather long and slender, slightly oblique and acute. Hind femora luteous, rather longer lhan the abdomen, piceous at the tips ; hind tibiae a little shorter than the hind femora, with a paler band near the base, which is piceous; spines whitish, with black tips. Fore wings pale cinereous, rather shorter than the body, with a pale green lanceolate stripe near the hind border ; costa much dilated and rounded near the base ; veins tawny. Hind wings pellucid ; veins black, pale yellow towards the base, and along the interior border. Length of the body 13 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 26 lines. a. Madagascar. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. S. Asia. Group 1. A. Fore wings with well-defined spots. a. Hiiid tibiae red. - - illustris. b. Hind tibiae green. * Stripe of the prothorax moderately broad. - - elegans. ** Stripe of the prothorax very broad. - - rudis. 603 c. Hind tibiae testaceous. - - iusignis. B. Fore wings hardly spotted. a. Hind tibiae red. - - ducalis. b. Hind tibiae not red. * Sides of the prothorax not pale. - - strangulata. ** Sides of the prothorax pale. t Prosternal spine not transverse. - - apta. ft Prosternal spine transverse - - - straminea. 17. HETERACRIS ILLUSTRIS. Foem. Sordide testacea ; vertex et prothorax villa lala fusca vittisgue duabus pallide luteis ; caput glauco listrigatum ; frons utrinque sub- carinatus ; prothoracis latera fusco subnebulosa ; prosterni spina pallide testacea, arcuaia, obliqua, mesosternum fere atlingens ; tibice posticce purpurece, spinis albis a pice nigris ; alee anticce pallide teslaceoe, nigro gullalce ; alee posticce diaphance, venis nigris basi cieruleis. Female. Dingy testaceous. Head and prothorax with a broad brown middle stripe and with a bright pale luteous stripe on each side. Head thinly punctured ; vertex with a slight keel ; fore part depressed, with two broad shallow oblique ridges, which are connected and form a broader ridge on the front; the latter has a slight keel on each side ; a deep glaucous streak proceeding from each eye to the mouth. Eyes ferruginous, elongate- elliptical. Prothorax scabrous, slightly clouded with brown on each side; the usual four transverse impressed lines; disk flat, with three slight keels; fore border and hind border slightly rounded ; sides hardly undulating. Prosternal spine pale testaceous, stout, curved, oblique, extending nearly to the fore border of the mesosternum. Hind femora longer than the abdo- men. Hind tibise purple, a little shorter than the hind femora ; spines white, with black tips. Fore wings pale testaceous, shorter than the body, with several black dots in the disk. Hind wings pellucid ; veins black, pale blue towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 30 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 58 lines. a. S. Hindostan. Presented by M. J. Walhouse, Esq. 18. HETERACRIS ELEGANS. Fcem. Flava ; vertex ferrugineo univittatus, antice promimdus ; frons ferrvgineo trivittata ; antenna apice picece ; prothorax sublricarinalus, villa lala ferrnginea, lateribus pallide ferrugineis Jlavo marginatis et quadrimacvlatis ; prosterni spina robusta, recta, mesosternum non attingens ; femora postica nigro bistrigala ; tibice posticce glaucce, spinis albis apice nigris ; alee anticce pallide cinerece,flavo bistrigatce, guttis plurimis fuscis nigro venosis ; alee posticce diaphanct, venis pallidissime viridibus. Female. Yellow. Head thinly punctured, with a broad pale ferru- ginous stripe that has a darker border, front with three similar stripes; fore part of the vertex prominent. Eyes ferruginous, elliptical. Antennae piceous towards the tips. Prothorax scabrous, with three very slight keels, with the usual four transverse impressed lines, and with a broad ferru- ginous stripe ; sides pale ferruginous, yellow-bordered, each with four 664 CATALOGUE OF yellow spots; fore border and sides slightly rounded; hind border nearly straight. Prosternal spine stout, straight, oblique, not extending to the fore border of the mesosternum. Hind femora longer than the abdomen, as long as the hind tibia?, with a black streak on each side. Hind tibiae sea-green ; spines white, with black tips. Fore wings pale cinereous, with two yellow streaks proceeding from the base, and with many brown black-veined dots. Hind wings pellucid ; veins very pale green, a few of them blackish. Length of the body 18 lines; expansion of the fore wings 40 lines. a. N. Hindostan. From Capt. Boyes' collection. 19. HETERACRIS RUDIS. Mas. Testacea, gracilis; caput vitta olivacea lanceolata nigricante marginata, lateribus cinereis nigricante unistrigatis, fastigio conico ; prothorax sub tricar inatus, subtiliter scaber, vittis duabus lateralibus testaceo unistrigatis vittaque media latis nigricantibus ; prosterni spina longa, crassa, subobliqua, non attenuata ; femora postica extns nigro vitlala ; tibia posticce supra virides, testaceo bifasciatce, apice rufescentes, spinis albis apice nigris; alee anticee cinerece, corpore vix breviores, plagis antemediis maculisque postmediis nigricanli- bus. Male. Testaceous, slender. Head smooth, with a lanceolate olive- green blackish-bordered stripe which extends to the tip of the front ; sides cinereous, with a blackish oblique streak; tip of the vertex conical, depressed; front thinly punctured; keels diverging and especially slightly marked towards the face. Eyes transverse, ferruginous, striped with black, straight on the fore side, rounded on the hind side. Prothorax finely scabrous, widening slightly hindward, with three broad blackish stripes, the stripe on each side including in front a testaceous oblique streak ; three slight keels ; fore border straight ; sides and hind border rounded. Prosternal spine long, thick, slightly oblique, not tapering towards the tip, which is rounded. Hind femora a little longer than the abdomen, with a black stripe on the outer side ; hind tibiae a little shorter than the hind femora, green above, reddish towards the tips, with two pale testaceous bands near the base ; spines white, with black lips. Fore wings cinereous, nearly as long as the body, with several blackish black-veined antemedial patches and postmedial spots. Hind wings pellucid ; veins black. Length of the body 15 lines; expansion of the fore wings 30 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 20. HETERACRIS INSIGNIS. Fcem. Cervina ; caput et prolhorax fiavescente bivittata ; prosterni spina sat gracilis, obliqua, subarcuata, mesosternum fere attingens ; alee anticee cinerece, corpore paullo breviores, maculis plurimis fuscis nigro venosis ; alee postica diaphana;^ venis nigris basi albidis. Female. Fawn-colour. Head and prothorax with two yellowish stripes. Head with a slight keel, in structure like that of H. ducalis. Prothorax with a flat disk, with three slight keels, and with the usual four transverse impressed lines; fore border and hind border slightly rounded; ACR1DIDJE. 665 sides hardly undulating. Prosternal spine rather slender, oblique, slightly curved, extending nearly to the fore border of the mesosternum. Hind femora longer than the abdomen and than the hind tibiee ; spines of the latter with black tips. Fore wings cinereous, a little shorter than the body, with numerous small brown black-veined spots, which vary in size and number; veins fawn-colour. Hind wings pellucid; veins black, whitish towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 27 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 48 lines. a. Buidwan. Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. 21. HETERACKIS DUCALIS. Mas. Nigra ; vertex et prothorax Jlavo bivittati ; facies^palpi etprosterni spina sordide lutea ; antennae lutece, apice rufescentes ; abdomen et pedes lurida aut viridia ; tibia posticce rufce, spinis albis apice nigris ; alee anticce luridce, striga basali Jtava ; alee posticce diaphance, apices versus pallide fuscesceutes, venis nigris basi pallide glaucis. Male. Black. Vertex and prothorax with two yellow stripes, which are continued on each side of the front. Face, clypeus, palpi and pro- sternal spine dingy luteous. Eyes piceous. Antenna luteous, reddish towards the tips. Abdomen, hind femora and four anterior legs lurid or green. Hind tibiae and hind tarsi bright red; spines of the hind tibia3 white, with black tips. Fore wings lurid, with a yellow streak proceeding from the base ; veins tawny; longitudinal veins piceous towards the base. Hind wings pellucid, pale brownish towards the tips; veins black, pale glaucous towards the base. Length of the body 27 — 33 lines; expansion of the fore wings 56 — 60 lines, a, b. Silhet. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. c. ? Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. 22. HETERACETS STRANGULATA. Foem. Testacea ; caput nigricante quadrilineolatum, anlice angulalim bicarinalum, fronle guadricarinata ; antennae fulvce; prothorax carinulis tribus ferrugineis ; prosterni spina arcuata, subcompressa, subobliqua, mesosternum attingens ; ata anticce cinerece, guttis dis- coidalibus obscurioribus indistinctis ; alee posticce diaphance, apice luridce. Female. Testaceous. Head smooth, elongate, with four slight interrupted blackish lines ; fore part of the vertex depressed, triangular, bordered by two broad oblique, punctured, connected ridges ; front roughly punctured, with four well-defined ridges, the inner pair diverging slightly, the outer pair diverging much. Eyes ferruginous, elliptical, oblique, with brown lines. Antennae tawny. Prothorax finely scabrous, with the usual four transverse impressed lines and with three slight ferruginous keels; fore border and sides nearly straight; hind border hardly angular, not elongated. Prosternal spine curved, slightly compressed and oblique, extending to the fore border of the mesosternum. Hind femora as long as the abdomen. Hind tibias shorter than the hind femora; spines minute, with black tips. Fore wings cinereous, as long as the body, with some 066 CATALOGUE OF indistinct darker dols in the disk; veins tawny or testaceous. Hind wings pellucid, lurid at the lips; veins black, pale along the interior border. Length of the body 21 lines; expansion of the fore wings 42 lines. a. China. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. b. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 23. HETERACBIS APTA. Fo3m. Testacea, gracilis ; caput et prothorax fulva, piceo late bivittata ; fasligium conicum; prothorax subtricarinatus, subtiliter scaber ; proslerni spina gracilis, acuta, subcompressa, subobliqua; alee antic extus nigro bistrigata ; alee anticee pallide cinerea, corpori cequilonga, nigro maculates. Female. Pale yellow, rather slender, sometimes tinged with red. Head and prolhorax with two broad irregular black stripes, which extend from the eyes to the fourth transverse line of the prothorax. Head smooth; tip of the vertex depressed, subfusiform; front with four distinct keels; inner keels parallel ; outer keels diverging towards the lace. Eyes ferru- ginous, straight in front, much rounded on the hind side. Palpi with black tips. Prothorax short, subsellate, finely punctured, widening hindward ; disk flat, wilh three slight keels; transverse impressed lines distinct; fore border nearly straight; sides slightly rounded ; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine stout, conical, hardly broader than thick. Hind femora a little longer than the abdomen, with two oblique interrupted black streaks on the outer side ; hind tibiae a little shorter than the hind femora ; spines black. Wings pale cinereous, as long as the body. Fore wings wilh several irregular black spots in the disk; veins mostly whitish. Length of the body 10 lines; expansion of the fore wings 22 lines. «, b. Vancouver's Island. Presented by Dr. LyalL 680 CATALOGUE OF 11. CALOPTENUS FASCIATUS. Mas et foem. Piceus, sat validus, subtus fulvus; capul ct prothorax nigricante bivittata, laleribus futvis; fasligium fusiforme ; frons fulva ; antenna fulva, capite et prothorax ad unum longiores, apices versus picea ; prothorax subtilissime scaber, subtricarinatus, margine postico valde rotundato ; prosterni spina conica, crassa ; femora postica piceo trifusciata, subtus rw/cf, abdomini cequilonga ; tibia postica rufa, nigro spinosa ; alee antica futva, piceo maculata, corpore breviores. Acridium fascia turn, Barnston* MSS. Male and female. Piceous, moderately stout, tawny beneath. Head and prothorax with two broad blackish stripes; exterior part tawny. Head short, smooth ; tip of the vertex depressed, fusiform ; front tawny, thinly punctured, with four well-defined keels ; inner keels parallel ; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes livid, much rounded on the hind side. Antennae tawny, piceous towards the tips, longer than the head and the prothorax together. Prothorax very finely scabrous, slightly widening hindward ; disk nearly flat, with three slight keels ; transverse impressed lines distinct; fore border straight ; sides slightly rounded ; hind border more rounded. Prosternal spine conical, thick, broader and more obtuse in the female than in the male. Legs tawny ; hind femora as long as the abdomen, with three irregular piceous bands, red beneath ; hind tibiae red, shorter than the hind femora; spines black ; hind tarsi red. Fore wings tawny, shorter than the abdomen, with some small indistinct piceous spots; veins piceous. Hind wings pellucid-cinereous ; veins whitish, black along the costa and towards the tips. Male. — Prothorax with a testaceous oblique streak on each side in front. Length of the body 9—11 lines; expansion of the fore wings 10 — 14 lines. «, b. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 12. CALOPTENUS SCRIPTUS. Fcem. Pall idejiavus, sat gracilis ; capul et prothorax nigro late bhittata; caput breviusculum, rufo varium, fastigio elliptico ; antenna fulva ; prothorax subtilissime scaber, disco piano subtricarinato, margine postico subproducto vix angulato ; prosterni spina robusta, longi- conica, sublransversa ; femora postica supra nigricante triplagiata, extus rufescentia nigricante triplagiata ; tibia postica rufa ; ala antica maculis guttisque plurimis nigris. Female. Pale yellow, rather slender. Head and prothorax with two broad black stripes, which in the prothorax are much excavated and do not extend bevond the fourth transverse line. Head smooth, rather short, partly tinged with red ; tip of the vertex flat, elliptical ; front with four slight keels which diverge slightly towards the face. Eyes ferruginous, subelliptical, straight on the fore side, much rounded on the hind side. Antennas tawny, slender. Prothorax very finely scabious; disk flat, with three very slight keels ; transverse impressed lines well defined ; fore border nearly straight; sides slightly rounded; hind border slightly elon- ACRJD1D.E. 681 gated, hardly angular. Prosternal spine stout, elongate-conical, a litlle broader than thick. Four anterior legs tawny above. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, with three blackish patches above, and with three ou the outer side, which is mostly tinged with red ; hind tibiae red, a little shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Wings pellucid, extending to the tip of the abdomen. Fore wings with many black spots and dots, most of the spots forming a discoidal stripe ; veins tawny. Hind wings with black veins. Length of the body 12 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 20 lines, a, b. Vancouver's Island. Presented by Dr. Lyall. 13. CALOPTENUS EXTREMUS. Fcem. Fulvus, subtus leslaceus ; caput et prolhorax nigricante late bivittata ; fastigium ellipticunt ; antennae apice picece ; prothorax tricarinatus, subtilissime scaber, margine postico rotundato ; pro- sterni spina albida, robusta, conica, subtransversa ; femora poslica piceo bifasciata, abdomini aquilonga ; tibia posticce testacece ; alee anticce cinerece, ferrugineo venosce, abdomine paullo breviores. Female. Tawny, moderately stout, testaceous beneath. Head and prothorax with a broad blackish stripe on each side. Head short, smooth ; tip of the vertex depressed, elliptical ; front thinly punctured, with four well-defined keels ; inner keels parallel ; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes very much rounded on the hind side. Antennae piceous at the tips. Prothorax very finely scabrous, slightly widening hindward ; disk nearly flat, with three slight keels; transverse impressed lines well defined ; fore border nearly straight ; sides slightly rounded ; hind border more rounded. Prostemai spine whitish, stout, conical, slightly transverse. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, with two irregular piceous bands; hind tibiae testaceous, shorter than the hind femora, their spines black towards the tips. Fore wings cinereous, a little shorter than the abdomen ; veins ferruginous. Hind wings pale cinereous; veins black, white towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 10 lines; ex- pansion of the fore wings 15 lines. a, b. Arctic America. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 14. CALOPTENUS ARCTICUS. Fcetn. Fulvus, gracilis, subtus testaceus ; caput et prothorax nigro late bivittata, fastigio subeliiplico ; prolhorax brevis, subtilissime scaber, disco piano subtricarinato, margine postico valde rotundato ; prosterni spina conica, transversat longiuscula ; alee cinerece, corpore perpaullo breviores. Female. Tawny, slender, testaceous beneath. Head and prothorax with a broad black stripe on each side. Head short, smooth ; tip of the vertex depressed, subelliptical; front punctured, with four distinct keels; inner keels parallel; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes sub- elliptical, much rounded on the hind side. Prothorax short, very finely scabrous, the stripe on each side extending to the fourth transverse line ; disk flat, with three slight keels ; transverse impressed lines well defined ; fore border nearly straight ; sides slightly rounded ; hind border much 682 CATALOGUE OF rounded. Prosternal spine conical, rather long, much broader than thick. Hind femora as long as the abdomen ; hind tibiae rather shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Wings cinereous, nearly as long as the body. Fore wings with tawny veins. Hind wings with black veins. Length of the body 10^ lines ; expansion of the fore wings 20 lines. a. Arctic America. Presented by Dr. Rae. Mexico. A. Prosternal spine not transverse. - - - selectus. B. Prosternal spine transverse. - - Mexicanus. C. selectus has the typical structure of the genus. C. Mexicanus has some affinity to Heteracris. 15. CALOPTENUS SELECTUS. Foem. Fulvus, gracilis ; caput et prothorax nigricante bivittata ; caput longiusculum, vitla media nigricante, fastiyio elliptico ; antenna apices versus picece ; prothorax subtilissime scaber, tricarinatus, margine postico subproducto vix angulato ; prosterni spina robusta, longi-conica ; femora postica abdomine paullo longiora, supra nigri- cante triplagiata, subtus rufa, exlus viridi suffusa; tibiae posticte glauca ; alee anticte pallide cinerece, corpore paullo breviores, vitta costali lata interrupta picea, vitta discoidali e guttis nigris. Female. Tawny, slender. Head and prothorax with a blackish stripe on each side. Head smooth, slightly elongate ; vertex with a broad blackish stripe ; tip depressed, elliptical ; front with four keels which are less distinct towards the face; inner keels nearly parallel; outer keels diverging slightly. Eyes subelliptical, much rounded ou the hind side. Antennae slender, piceous towards the tips. Prothorax very finely scabrous ; disk flat, with three distinct keels; transverse impressed lines well defined; stripe on each side limited by the fourth line ; fore border nearly straight; sides slightly rounded; hind border slightly elongated, hardly angular. Prosternal spine stout, elongate-conical, rather long. Hind femora a little longer than the abdomen, partly tinged with green on the outer side, with three blackish patches above, bright red beneath; hind tibiae glaucous- green, a little shorter than the hind femora, their spines black towards the tips. Fore wings pale cinereous, a little shorter than the body, with a row of black dots in the disk, and with a broad interrupted piceous stripe along the costa. Hind wings with black veins. Length of the body 10 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 20 lines. «, b. Oajaca. From M. Salle's collection. 16. CALOPTENUS MEXICANUS. Mas. Viridescens, gracilis, subtus flavus ; caput longiusculum, fusco bistrigatum el bilineatum, vertice fusiformi ; antenna picece ; pro- thorax subtilissime scaber, fusco varius, disco piano tricarinato, margine postico subrotundato ; prosterni spina robusta, conica, transversa ; pedes ferruginei, subtus Jlavescentes, femoribus posticis abdomini aquilongis, tibiis posticis rufis. ACRIDID^E. 683 Male. Greenish, slender, yellow beneath. Head smooth, slightly elongated ; vertex with two curved brown lines which are approximate in front ; lip flat, fusiform ; front slightly oblique, with four slight keels ; inner keels nearly parallel ; outer keels diverging towards the face ; an oblique brown streak between each eye and the face. Eyes testaceous, straight in front, very much rounded on the hind side. Antenna3 piceous, tawny at the base. Prothorax very finely scabrous, partly brown ; disk flat, with three distinct keels ; transverse impressed lines very slight ; fore border, sides and hind border slightly rounded. Prosternal spine stout, conical, moderately long, about twice as broad as thick. Legs ferruginous, yellowish beneath ; hind femora as long as the abdomen ; hind tibiae red, much shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Length of the body 9 lines. The wings are rudimentary in the specimen described, which is not fully developed. a. Orizaba, Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. South America. A. Prothorax with two yellow stripes. - - vorax. B. Prothorax with no yellow stripes. a. Hind tibiae red. - - - dominator. b. Hind tibiae green. - alienus. In C. dominator the genus Caloptenus attains its largest dimensions. C. alienus is described from an immature specimen ; it differs from the typical form, and has some affinity to Acridium. 17. CALOPTENUS VORAX. vorax, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 162. Brazil. 18. CALOPTENUS DOMINATOR. Mas. Ferrugineus, sat validus ; fastigium fere rotundum ; prothorax scaber, disco subtricarinato fere piano, margine postico rotundato; prosterni spina robusta, conica, subtransversa ; femora postica abdo- mine paullo longiora, intus nigro uniplagiata, subtus nigra, fascia subapicali picea ; tibia postica rufa, spinis pallide flavis apice nigris ; al pallide testacece; prothorax subtilissime scaber,vix carinatus, margine postico valde rotundato; prosterni spina crassa,brevis, trans- versa ; femora postica abdomini aquilonga, cxlus nigro binotata, 696 CATALOGUE OF intus et subtus nigro univittata ; tibia posticee sordide viridescentes, basi pallide ftavescentes ; alte antica cinerece, corpore breviores, venulis transversis fusco nebulosis, villa postica diaphana lanceolata ; alee posticee lutece, apice fuscescentes. Male. Tawny, moderately stout. Head and prothorax with two black lines on each side, the outer pair irregular. Head rather short ; vertex with two oblique brownish streaks ; tip flat, nearly triangular; front thickly punctured ; keels distinct; inner keels nearly parallel ; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes reddish, elliptical. Antenna pale testa- ceous. Prothorax very finely scabrous ; disk nearly flat, with an extremely slight middle keel, and with no lateral keels ; transverse impressed lines very slight; fore border nearly straight; sides slightly rounded; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine short, transverse, thick, much broader than thick. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, with two black marks on the outer side, with a black stripe beneath, and wilh an irregular black stripe on the inner side; hind tibiae shorter than the hind femora, dingy greenish, darker beneath, pale yellowish towards the base ; spines pale yellowish, their tips black. Fore wings cinereous, shorter than the body ; veins tawny ; many of the transverse sectors clouded with brown ; a pellucid lanceolate stripe with very pale veins along the hind border. Hind wings luteous, transparent, brownish and with black veins towards the tips. Length of the body 12 lines; expansion of the fore wings 22 lines. a. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 43. CALOPTENUS PLENIPENNIS. Fceun. Testaceus, sat gracilis ; caput longiusculum, nigricante bistri- gatunij fastigio elliplico, fronle nigricante-varia, slrigis quatuor lateralibus albis ; prothorax subtilissime scaber, tricarinatus, nigri- cante latissime univittatus ; prosterni spina robusta, lransversa, ro- tundata ; femora postica abdomine iongiora, supra nigro triplagiata, subtus nigro biseriatim guttata ; tibice posticce rufce, spinis pallide Jtavis apice nigris; alee anticce diaphana, albido venosce abdomine paullo longiores, plagis quatuor exterioribus maculis punctisque nigricante cinereis nigro venosis. Female. Testaceous, rather slender. Head smooth, slightly elongate ; vertex with two blackish slreaks which are united in front; tip depressed, elliptical ; front partly blackish, wilh four slight keels ; inner keels nearly parallel ; outer keels slightly diverging towards the face ; two white slreaks on each side below the eye. Eyes subelliptical, much rounded on the hind side. Antennae slender. Prothorax very finely scabrous, with* a very broad blackish stripe; disk nearly flat, wilh three distinct keels ; transverse impressed lines well defined ; fore border hardly rounded ; sides and hind border rounded. Prosternal spine slout, transverse, rounded, more than twice as broad as thick. Hind femora rather longer than the abdomen, with three black patches above, and with two rows of black dots beneath ; hind libicE red, somewhat shorter than the hind femora; spines pale yellow, with black tips. Wings pellucid, a little longer than the abdomen. Fore wings with whitish veins ; four large blackish-cinereous black-veined ACRIDID.E. 697 patches, and near the base some spots, dots and points of the same hue. Hind wings with black veins. Length of the body 8 lines; expansion of the fore wings 14 lines. a. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 44. CALOPTENUS SORDIDUS. Piceus, gracilis, subtus fulvus; caput brevissimum, fastigio subhexa- yonali ; antenna subplance ; prothorax subtricarinatus, subtiliter scaber, margine postico valde rotundato ; prosterni spina subtrans- versa, valde incrassata, apice plana ; femora postica lutea, supra nigricantia, extus nigro interruple univiltata ; inlus nigro trima- culata ; tibiae posticce lutece ; alee anticce cinerece, corpore breviores, guttis punctisque plurimis e venis piceis. Piceous, slender, tawny beneath. Head very short; tip of the vertex flat, subhexagonal ; front largely punctured ; keels strongly marked ; inner keels parallel ; outer keels diverging slightly towards the face. Eyes sub- elliptical. Antenna? slightly flattened, pale testaceous at the base. Pro- thorax finely scabrous, slightly widening hindward, with three very slight keels and with slight transverse impressed lines; fore border and sides very slightly rounded; hind border much rounded. Proslernal spine very thick, slightly transverse, very flat at the tip. Hind femora luteous, blackish above, with a black interrupted stripe on the outer side, and with three black spots on the inner side ; hind tibia3 luteous, a little shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings cinereous, rather shorter than the body, with many dots and points formed by piceous veins. Length of the body 8 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 15 lines. a. Natal. From Ur. Krauss' collection. 45. CALOPTENUS STRAMINEUS. Foem. Testaceus, sat gracilis ; caput breve, postice nigro sexmacutalum, fastigio excavato pentagonali ; antenna apices versus picece, subtus niyrce ; prothorax subcarinatus, maculis duabus fuscescentibus magnis quadratis nigro marginatis ; prosterni spina brevis, transversa, valde obtusa ; femora postica abdomini cequilonya, fasciis duabus nigris excavatis ex parte fuse-is ; alee anticce corpore perpaullo breviores, venulis transversis nigricantibus ; alee posticce cinereo marginatce. Female. Testaceous, rather slender. Head short, smooth, with three black spots between each eye and the hind border; tip of the vertex de- pressed, pentagonal ; front thinly punctured, with four slight nearly parallel keels. Eyes very pale, elongate-oval. Antenna? piceous towards the tips, black beneath. Prothorax with a slight dorsal keel ; no lateral keels ; four slight transverse impressed lines ; a large brownish black-bordered quadrate spot on each side; fore border nearly straight; sides slightly rounded; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine short, transverse, very obtuse. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, with two black irregular excavated partly brown bands above ; hind tibia? shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings nearly as long as the body, with many black transverse sectors. Hind wings pellucid, cinereous towards the tips 098 , CATALOGUE OF and along the exterior border; veins black, pale yellow towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 11 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 22 lines. a. Whydah. From Mr. Eraser's collection. 46. CALOPTENUS FERRIFER. Mas. Fuscus, robustus, subtus pallide viridescens ; caput apud oculos viridescens,fasligiosubfusiformi; antenna fulvce ; prothorax subti- liter scaber, tricarinatus, fulvo bivittatus, plagis quatuor lateralibus viridescentibus ; prosterni spina crassa, sublransversa ; femora postica latissima, pallide viridescentia, subtus rufescentia ; tibice posticcK purpurascentes ; alee antiece cinerece,fasciis plurimis indelerminatis e venisfuscis, villa postica testacea. Male. Brown, stout, pale greenish beneath. Head smooth, dingy green about the eyes; tip of the vertex and front thinly punctured, the former subfusiform ; keels very slight; inner keels disappearing towards the face. Eyes ferruginous, subelliptical, much rounded on the hind side. Antenna? tawny. Prothorax finely scabrous; disk flat, with three distinct keels ; lateral keels slightly curved outward, each accom- panied by a tawny stripe; two greenish patches on each side; fore border nearly straight; sides and hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine thick, slightly transverse, rounded at the tip. Hind femora pale dingy green, very broad, longer than the abdomen, with a reddish tinge beneath. Hind tibia3 purplish, shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings pale cinereous, nearly as long as the body, with many irregular or interrupted bands which are formed by brown veins ; a testa- ceous stripe near the hind border. Hind wings pellucid ; veins whitish, black towards the tips. Length of the body 11 lines; expansion of the fore wings 21 lines. a. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 47. CALOPTENUS QDADBA.TUS. Mas. Testaceus, gracilis ; caput nigro sex-vittatum ; antennae picece, basi pallide testacea ; prolhorax sublililer punctalus, vix carinatus, postice latescens, maculis duabus lateralibus viridibus magnis quadralis nigro marginatis ; prosterni spina crassa, elongala, apice rotundata ; femora postica utrinque nigro late strigata ; alee antiece cinerece, corpori cequilongce, striga discoidali nigricante interrupta, venulis plurimis transverais nigricante marginatis. Male. Testaceous, slender. Head short, smooth, with three black stripes on each side between the eye and the hind border; tip of the vertex convex, subhexagonal ; front punctured, with four slight keels ; inner keels parallel ; outer keels diverging slightly towards the face. Eyes tawny, oblique, elongate-elliptical. Antenna piceous, pale testaceous for a little more than one-third of the length from the base. Prothorax widening hindward, thickly and minutely punctured, with a large quadrate greenish black-bordered spot on each side, with two smooth calli on each side, with an extremely slight keel, and with slight transverse impressed lines; fore border nearly straight ; sides rounded in the middle, oblique in front ; hind ACRIDIDjE. 699 border tawny, slightly elongated, much rounded. Prosternal spine long, thick, rounded at the tip. Hind femora rather longer than the abdomen, with two broad black streaks on each side ; hind tibiae shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings cinereous, as long as the body, with an interrupted blackish discoidal streak ; many of the transverse sectors blackish-bordered. Hind wings pale cinereous; veins tawny. Length of the body 11 lines;' expansion of the fore wings 24 lines. a. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 48. CALOPTENUS MINOP. Mas. Fulvus, sat gracilis, subtus lutescens ; caput breve, fasti gio longi- conico vix hexagonali ; antennae testacece ; prothorax subtiliter scaber, disco tricarinato fere piano, margine postico rotundalo ; prosterni spina albida, robusta, transversa, apice piano. ; femora poslica lutea, abdomini cequilonga, extus fulva ; tibia posticce rufce; alee anticee cinerece, corpore breviores, venis discoidalibus fuse-is, maculis quinque spatioque costali e venis albidis. Male. Tawny, rather slender, pale luteous beneath. Head smooth, short; tip of the vertex elongate-conical, slightly hexagonal; front thinly punctured ; keels distinct ; inner keels parallel ; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes lurid, subelliptical, much rounded on the hind side. Antennae testaceous, slightly flattened. Prothorax finely scabrous ; disk nearly flat, with three distinct keels; transverse impressed lines slight; fore border nearly straight; sides and hind border rounded. Prosternal spine whitish, stout, about twice as broad as thick, not decreasing towards its tip, which is flat. Abdomen luleous. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, luteous except on the outer side; hind tibiae red, somewhat shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings cinereous, rather shorter than the body; veins in the disk mostly brown ; five spots in the disk and space along the costa with whitish veins. Hind wings pellucid ; veins white, black towards the tips. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 13 lines, a. S. Africa. From Dr. Krauss' collection. 49. CALOPTENUS STRENUUS. Fcem. Testaceus, robustus ; caput et prothorax scabra ; caput breve, vertice postico lcevi,fastigio subhexagonali ; prothorax breviusculus, margine postico valde rotundalo ; prosterni spina robusta, cornea, longiuscula, subcompressa ; femora postica abdomini cequilonga ; alee anticts corpori cequilongce, apices versus pallide cinereae, costa basi rotundata. Female. Testaceous, stout. Head smooth, short ; tip of the vertex scabrous, subhexagonal, slightly transverse; front scabrous; keels well defined ; inner keels parallel ; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes ferruginous, elliptical. Prothorax scabrous, rather short, with a slight dorsal keel and with no lateral keels; transverse impressed lines distinct; fore border and sides very slightly rounded ; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine stout, conical, rather long, slightly compressed. Hind femora as long as the abdomen ; hind tibia3 rather shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black lips. Fore wings as long as the body, 700 CATALOGUE OF pale cinereous towards the tips ; veins testaceous ; costa rounded near the base. Hind wings pellucid; veins black, pale along the interior border. Length of the body 17 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 36 lines. a. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's collection. 50. CALOPTENOS CONSCITUS. Mas. Ferrugineus aut fulvus, sal gracitis, subtus luteus ; caput et pro- thorax niyro latissime bivitlata ; caput brevissimum, fastigio sub- pentagonali ; antennas picece ; prothorax sublilissime scaber, vix tricarinatus, maryine poslico subproducto subangulato nigro-strigato ; prosterni spina erassa, longiuscula ; femora postica abdomini cequi- longa, nigro bivitlata^ supra fulva, subtus flava viridi univitlata ; tibicB posticce glaucce ; alee an tic a: cinerece, corpore paullo breviores, striga subcostali nigricante. Male. Ferruginous or tawny, rather slender, luteous beneath. Head and prothorax with two very broad black stripes, which are interrupted near the fore border of the prothorax, and do not extend beyond the fourth transverse line. Head smooth, very short ; tip of the vertex flat, subpenta- gonal ; front thinly punctured, with four slight keels ; inner keels parallel ; outer keels slightly diverging towards the face. Eyes testaceous, elongate- elliptical, straight in front, much rounded on the hind side. Antennae piceous. Prothorax very finely scabrous, with a very slight middle keel and with hardly perceptible lateral keels ; transverse impressed lines slight; fore border straight ; sides slightly rounded ; hind border with some little black streaks, slightly elongated and angular. Metathorax black, and with a luteous border on each side. Prosternal spine very stout, rather long, not broader than thick, nor tapering towards the tip, which is rounded. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, tawny above, yellow and with a green stripe beneath, a broad black stripe on each side; hind tibia3 glaucous, rather shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Wings cinereous, a little shorter than the body. Fore wings with a blackish streak near the costa and extending from the base ; veins tawny ; many of the transverse veinlets blackish clouded. Hind wings with black veins. Length of the body 10£ lines; expansion of the fore wings 18 lines. a— d. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. e—f. Cape Town. Presented by R. Trimen, Esq. Madagascar. 51. CALOPTENUS DECISUS. Mas. Ferrugineus, gracilis, subtus testaceus ; caput testaceum, longi- usculum, lineolis duabus posticis nigris, strigis duabus anticis nigri- cantibus, fastigio excavato fusiformi ; antenna pallidce testacece, apices versus picece ; prothorax subtilissime scaber, carinis tribus bene determinatis, strigis quatuor albidis quatuorgue nigricanlibus obliquis lateralibus, margine postico vix angulato ; prosterni spina transversa albida ; femora postica intus nigro univittata, extus viridescentia albido strigata ; tibife posticce virides ; alee, antica pallide cinereee, vitta maculisque exlerioribus gutlisque anterioribus fusciSj striga subcostali albida. ACRIDIDjE. 701 Male. Ferruginous, slender, testaceous beneath. Head testaceous, smooth, rather long, with a black line proceeding from each eye to the hind border, and with a blackish streak proceeding from each eye to the mouth ; tip of the vertex depressed, fusiform ; front very thinly punctured ; four keels slight, slightly diverging towards the face. Eyes tawny, elongate- elliptical. Antennae pale testaceous above, piceous towards the tips. Pro- thorax very finely scabrous : disk nearly flat, with three well-defined keels ; two whitish and two blackish oblique streaks on each side ; fore border hardly rounded ; sides rounded; hind border hardly angular. Prosternal spine whitish, transverse, twice broader than thick, rounded at the tip. Abdomen testaceous. Hind femora a little longer than the abdomen, with a broad irregular black stripe on the inner side, with whitish angular streaks and with a green tinge on the outer side ; hind tibiae green, shorter than the hind femora; spines whitish, with black tips. Fore wings pale cinereous, rather shorter than the body, with a brown discoidal stripe, and with some exterior brown dots ; a whitish basal streak and some brown dots between the costa and the stripe, which includes four white dots. Hind wings pellucid; veins mostly whitish. Length of the body 10 lines; ex- pansion of the fore wings 18 lines. a. Madagascar. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. S. Asia. A. Hind wings red. a. Head white on each side. * Fore wings with dark spots. - - insignis. ** Fore wings with pale spots. f Hind femora with a black stripe on the inside. glaucopsis. •f-f- Hind femora with no black stripe. - liturifer. b. Sides of the head not white. - erubescens. B. Hind wings not red. * Hind border of the prothorax much elongated. - - scutifer. ** Hind border of the prothorax slightly elongated. - Sinensis. *** Hind border of the prothorax not elongated. t Prothorax with two stripes. - - dorainans. ft Prothorax not striped. £ Hind tibiae red. - ferrugineus. $ Hind tibia? pale yellow. ----- signatipes. 52. CALOPTENUS INSIGNIS. Fo3in. Fulvus, robustus ; caput breve, poslice albidum, fastigio conico depresso, plagis duabus frontalibus albidis; antennce testa cea ; pro- thorax scaber, tricarinatus ; prosterni spina robusta, longi-conica ; abdomen rufo-luteum ; pedes testacei ; femoribus posticis latissimis abdomine paullo longioribus extus albidis nigro punctatis, tibiix posticis luteis ; alee antic ce. diaphance, corpore paullo breviores, plagis maculis guttisque plurimis cinereis fusco venosis ; ala poslicce basi rosece, spatio costali albo venoso. Female. Tawny, stout. Head smooth, short, whitish on each side of the hind part; vertex with a short slight keel near its tip, which is 702 CATALOGUE OF depressed and conical; front thinly punctured, with a whitish patch on each side of the fore part; keels slight; inner keels testaceous, nearly parallel; outer keels whitish, diverging. Eyes testaceous, oval, most rounded on the hind side. Antennas testaceous. Prolhorax scabrous, with three well-defined keels; lateral keels slightly converging towards the fore border; transverse impressed lines slight; fore border nearly straight; sides rounded ; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine stout, elon- gate-conical. Abdomen reddish luteous. Legs testaceous ; hind femora very broad, a little longer than the abdomen, whitish and with black points on the outer side ; hind tibiae luteous, shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings colourless, a little shorter than the bodv, with numerous cinereous brown-veined patches, spots and dots; veins elsewhere white. Hind wings pellucid, rosy and with rosy veins towards the interior border; veins black in the exterior front; space along the costa irregularly reticulated with white veins. Length of the body 15 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 32 lines. a. Hindostan ? From Mr. Foxcroft's collection. 53. CALOPTENUS GLA.TJCOPSIS. Fcem. Ferrvgineus, robuslus ; caput breve, f as tigio longi-conico depresso, fronte strigisque duabus cyaneo-albis, villa fronlali nigro-cyanea ; antenna: picece, basifulvce ; prolhorax sublililer scaber,liluris duabus teslaceis, strigis quatuor exlerioribus cyaneo-albis, disco piano carinis tribus nigris ; proslerni spina pallide testacea, crasser, transversa ; pectus albido slrigalum ; femora postica lalissima, abdomine paullo breviora, extus albo nigricante notala, intus nigro late vittata ; alee anlicece cinerece, villa maculari slrigaque posleriore e vents pallide teslaceis ; alee poslicce basi roseee. Female. Ferruginous, stout. Head smooth, short ; tip of the vertex depressed, elongate-conical; a bluish while streak extending from behind each eye to the mouth ; front bluish white, thinly punctured, with a blackish blue stripe ; keels well defined, diverging towards the face ; clypeus bluish white. Eyes subelliptical, much rounded on the hind side. Antennae piceous, tawny towards the base. Prothorax finely scabrous; disk flat, with three well-defined black keels, and with distinct transverse impressed lines; each side with a testaceous mark and two exterior bluish white streaks ; fore border straight; sides rounded ; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine pale testaceous, thick, transverse, rounded, much broader than thick. Pectus with some whitish streaks on each side. Abdomen testaceous. Legs testaceous; hind femora very broad, a little shorter than the abdomen, while, and marked with blackish on the outer side, with a broad black stripe on the inner sidet hind libias rather shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black lips. Fore wings cinereous, a little longer than the abdomen ; veins piceous, here and there pale testaceous, and thus forming a discoidal row of spots and a posterior streak. Hind wings pellucid, rosy towards the base and towards the interior border ; veins elsewhere black. Length of the body 16 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 26 lines. a. North Hindostan. From Capt. Reid's collection. ACRIDID^. 703 54. CALOPTENUS LITURIFER. Fcetn. Lnleus, robustus ; caput breve, nigro quadristrigatum, fastigio fere liueari,fronte plaga punctisque plurimis nigris ; prothorax tri- carinatns, subtilissime scaber, nigro sex-maculatus, plagis duabus lateralibus subquadratis nigricantibus flavo unisignatis plagisque duabus exterioribus flavis, margine postico producto vix angulato ; prosterni spina crassa, transversa, apice rotundata ; femora postica latissima, abdomine breviora, nigro supra trifasciata, intus univittata extus strigulata ; alee antica cinerece, abdomine breviores, vitta dis- coidali fusca maculas pallidas albo-venosas includente ; posticce apud marginem interiorem rosea. Female. Luteous, stout, paler beneath. Head smooth, short; vertex convex, with two lanceolate nearly connected black streaks; tip depressed, nearly linear, with a keel on each "side ; front thinly punctured, with a black patch, with many black points, and with four slight keels which diverge towards the face ; a short black streak on each side between the eye and the face. Eyes ferruginous, subelliptical, with numerous black lines, much rounded on the hind side. Antennae slender, darker towards the tips. Prothorax very finely scabrous ; disk flat, with three distinct keels ; three triangular black spots on each side of the middle keel ; a large blackish subquadrate patch including a slender oblique pale yellow callus, and a more exterior pale yellow patch on each side ; fore border and sides very slightly curved; hind border elongated, hardly angular. Prosternal spine thick, transverse, twice broader than thick, rounded at the tip. Hind femora very broad, shorter than the abdomen, with three black bands above, with a broad black stripe on the inner side, and with many small black streaks on the outer side ; bind tibiae rather shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings cinereous, shorter than the abdomen; veins tawny; a brown discoidal stripe, including some pale white-veined spots, and merely indicated in the exterior part by brown veins. Hind wings red, pellucid, and with black veins along the costa and towards the tips. Length of the body 14 lines; expansion of the fore wings 17 lines. a, b. S. Hindostan. Presented by M. J. Walhouse, Esq. 55. CALOPTENUS EEUBESCENS. Fcem. Fulvus, sat gracilis ; caput et prothorax vittis duabus latis indelerminatis nigricantibus; fasligium punctatum, transverse sub- ellipticum ; antenna supra patlide testacea ; prothorax subtiliter punctatus, carina dorsali tenuissima, carinis lateralibus vix con- spicuis ; prosterni spina subtruncata, valde incrassata ; femora postica nigro trivittata, abdomine perpaullo breviora ; tibice posticce pa Hide rufce ; alee anticce cinerece,fusco conspersa, basi fulvce ; alee posticce basi purpurascente rosea. Female. Tawny, rather slender. Head and prothorax with a broad indeterminate blackish stripe on each side. Head smooth, moderately 704 CATALOGUE OF long ; tip of the vertex punctured, transversely subelliptical, extremely slightly keeled ; front testaceous, minutely punctured ; keels distinct ; inner keels parallel ; outer keels diverging slightly towards the face. Eyes ferruginous, elliptical. Antennas slender, pale testaceous above. Prothorax finely punctured, with an extremely slight middle keel and with hardly perceptible lateral keels; transverse impressed lines slight; fore border and sides slightly rounded ; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine very thick, not attenuated towards the tip, which is slightly truncated. Hind femora nearly as long as the abdomen, with a black stripe on each side and with another beneath ; hind tibiae pale red, rather shorter than the hind femora ; spines whitish, with black tips. Fore wings cinereous, tawny towards the base, shorter than the body, with very numerous brown speckles. Hind wings pellucid, purplish rosy towards the base; veins black. Length of the body 12 — 15 lines; expansion of the fore wings 22—29 lines. a, b. N. Bengal. From Lieut.-Campbell's collection. 56. CALOPTENUS SCUTIFER. Fccm. Testaceiis, crassus ; caput convexum, breve, fastigio piano longi- conico ; prothorax tuberculatus, subcarinatus, maryine postico valde producto ; prosterni spina transversa, pallide testacea ; femora postica latissima, abdomine breviora ; tibice postica pallide flava. Female. Testaceous, very thick. Head convex, smooth, short; tip of the vertex flat, elongate-conical ; front thinly and largely punctured ; the lour keels very slight, diverging towards the face. Eyes oval, not oblique. Antennae short, slender. Prothorax tuberculate, with a very slight keel, and with the usual four transverse impressed lines ; fore border very slightly rounded; sides much rounded; hind border much elongated, forming a cone. Prosternal spine pale testaceous, transverse, thin, not tapering towards the tip, which is rounded. Hind femora very broad and thick, shorter than the abdomen ; hind tibia? pale yellow, much shorter than the abdomen ; spines black, short, pale yellow at the base. Wings a little shorter than the abdomen. Length of the body 14 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 18 lines. It is uncertain whether the hind wings of this species are wholly cine- reous or are rosy at the base. a. S. Hindostan. Presented by M. J. Walhouse, Esq. 57. CALOPTENUS SINENSIS. Mas. Fulvus, gracilis ; caput breve, fastigio subpentagonali ; antenna pallide lestaceee, apice nigricantes ; prothorax carinatus, subtiliter scaber, margine postico producto angulato ; prosterni spina, conica, brevis, crassa, sublransversa ; femora postica albida, abdomine longiora, extus rufescente strigata nigro punctata, intus rufa nolata ; tibicB postica rvfce ; alee anticce cinereee, corpore breviores, maculis nonnullis indeterminatis e venis fulvo marginatis ; alee postica dia- phana, apice fusccscentes. ACRIDID^. 705 Male. Tawny, slender. Head short, smooth ; tip of the vertex flat, punctured, subpentagonal, broadest in front ; front thickly punctured, with four distinct keels; inner keels converging towards the face; outer keels nearly parallel. Eyes ferruginous, elliptical. Antennae pale testaceous, slender, blackish at the tips. Prothorax finely scabrous, widening hind- ward, with a distinct middle keel, and with no lateral keels; fore border nearly straight; sides rounded; hind border elongated, angular. Prosternal spine short, thick, conical, slightly transverse. Hind femora whitish, longer than the abdomen, with red on the inner side, with a row of black points and with reddish oblique streaks on the outer side; hind tibiae red, shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings cinereous, shorter than the body ; veins pale ; some indistinct spots formed by tawny- bordered veins. Hind wings pellucid, brownish at the tips; veins black, greenish white at the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 8 — 11 lines; expansion of the fore wings 17 — 24 lines. a. China. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. 58. CALOPTENUS DOMINANS. Fo3m. Fuscus, sat gracilis, subtus fulvus ; caput breviusculum, fastigio transverso antice rotundato,fronte aspere et dense punctata ; antennae fulvce, apices versus picece ; prothorax subscaber, subcarinatus ; pro- sterni spina robusta, longa ; femora fasciis duabus apiceque nigri- cantibus, subtus rttfa ; tibia posticce rufce; alee anticce ferruginece, apice cinerece, corpore paullo breviores ; alee posticce cinereo-diaphance, apice fuscescentes. Female. Brown, rather slender, tawny beneath. Head rather short ; vertex thinly punctured, with two slight keels between the eyes ; tip trans- verse, rounded in front; front roughly and thickly punctured; the four keels well defined, diverging towards the face. Eyes ferruginous, sub- elliptical, straight on the fore side, rounded on the hind side. Antennae tawny, piceous towards the tips, a little longer than the head and the pro- thorax together. Prothorax finely scabrous, widening hindward, slightly slanting on each side of the middle keel, which is very slight ; transverse impressed lines slight; fore border nearly straight; sides slightly rounded ; hind border rounded, slightly elongated. Prosternal spine stout, long, rounded at the tip. Legs tawny; hind femora thick, as long as the abdomen, with two blackish bands and with blackish tips, red beneath; hind tibiae red, a little shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings ferruginous, cinereous towards the tips, a little shorter than the body. Hind wings cinereous, pellucid, brownish at the tips; veins black, pale yellowish at the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 15 lines; expansion of the fore wings 30 lines. a. Silhet. From Mr. Argent's collection. 59. CALOPTENUS FERRUGINEUS. Mas. Ferrugineus, sat gracilis, subtus flams ; caput inter oculot bicari- natuvn,fasligio depresso subtriangulari ; antenna picece, basi testacece ; prothorax subliliter scaber,fere planus, carina dorsdli tenuissima ; 706 CATALOGUE OF prosterni spina longa, crassa ; femora postica rufescentia, nigro tri- maculala, sublus flavescentia ; tibia posticce rufescentes ; alee anticce corpori tequilongte, apices versus cinerece. Male. Ferruginous, rather slender, yellow beneath. Head short, smooth, with two slight keels between the eyes ; lip of the vertex depressed, subtriangular ; front largely punctured, with four distinct keels; inner keels parallel; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes elongate- elliptical. Antennae piceous, testaceous at the base. Prothorax finely scabrous, widening hindward ; disk nearly flat, with a very slight dorsal keel ; lateral keels nearly obsolete ; fore border nearly straight ; sides slightly rounded; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine thick, long, rounded at the tip, not transverse. Hind femora reddish, as long as the abdomen, with ihree black spots above, yellowish beneath; hind tibiae reddish, a little shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black lips. Fore wings as long as the body, cinereous towards the tips. Hind wings pellucid; veins black, whitish towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 10£ lines ; expansion of the fore wings 24 lines. o. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's collection. 60. CALOPTENUS SIGNATIPES. Fcem. Testaceus, gracilis ; caput breve, fastigio porrecto subhexagonali ; prothorax subtilissime scaber, vix carinatus, margine postico valde rotundato ; prosterni spina crassa, obliqua, fere cylindrica, meso- sternum attingens ; femora postica abdomini cequilonga, intus et extus nigro bimaculuta ; alee anticce cinerete, corpore breviores, lituris plurimis e venisfuscescenlibus. Female. Testaceous, slender. Head short, smooth ; tip of the vertex flat, prominent, subhexagonal ; front largely punctured, slightly oblique, with four strongly -marked keels; inner keels parallel ; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes ferruginous, elliptical. Antennae slightly flattened. Prothorax very finely scabrous, widening hindward ; disk nearly flat, with an extremely slight dorsal keel and with no lateral keels; transverse im- pressed lines slight ; fore border and sides slightly rounded ; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine thick, oblique, nearly cylindrical, rounded at the tip, extending to the fore border of the mesosternum. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, with two black spots on the inner side and with one on the outer side ; hind tibiae rather shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings cinereous, rather shorter than the body, testaceous near the base, with many small marks formed by brownish veins. Hind wings pellucid; veins black, pale testaceous at the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 12— 14^ lines; expansion of the fore wings 22 — 26 lines. a, b. China. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. The specimens from which the two following species are described appear to be immature. ACRIDIDJB 707 61. CALOPTENUS SCABEB. Foem. Fulvus, robustus, scaber, subtus testaceus; caput et prothorax nigro late bivittala ; caput breve, fastigiofusiformi ; antennae nigricantes ; prothorax subcarinatus, nigricante bivittatus, margine postico fere recto ; prosterni spina robusta, longiuscula, traniversa ; femora postica crassa, longiuscula, abdomini tequilonga, nigro quadri- plagiata ; tibice posticce testacece. Female. Tawny, stout, scabrous, testaceous beneath. Head and pro- thorax with a broad black stripe on each side. Hind short; tip of the vertex depressed, fusiform ; front with four well-defined keels, which diverge towards the face. Eyes elliptical. Antennae blackish, slender, tawny towards the base. Prothorax with a very slight keel, and with well- defined transverse impressed lines; two exterior blackish stripes; fore border and sides slightly rounded ; hind border nearly straight. Prosternal spine stout, rather long, much broader than thick. Hind femora thick, as long as the abdomen, with two black patches on each side ; hind tibiae tes- taceous, a little shorter than the hind femora ; spines with black tips. Wings rudimentary. Length of the body 10 lines. a. Burdwan. Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. 62. CALOPTENUS NEPALENSIS. Fcem. Testaceus, robustus; caput breve, fastigio longi-conico ; prothorax subtricarinatus, subtiliter scaber, lituris duabus strigisque duabus latis obliquis exterioribus nigris, margine postico perparum rotundato ; prosterni spina robusta, transversa ; abdomen nigro bivittatwn ; femora postica crassa. Female. Testaceous, stout. Head short, smooth ; tip of the vertex depressed, elongate-conical; front with four well-defined keels which diverge slightly towards the face. Eyes tawny, elliptical, much rounded on the hind side. Prothorax finely scabrous, with a black mark extending from the first transverse line to the eye, and with a more lateral broad oblique black streak on each side ; disk nearly flat, with three slight keels ; transverse impressed lines distinct; fore border, sides and hind border very slightly rounded. Prosternal spine stout, moderately long, twice as broad as thick. Abdomen with a black stripe on each side. Hind femora thick ; hind tibiae a little shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Wings rudimentary. Length of the body 8 lines. a. Nepaul. Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. Australasia. 63. CALOPTENUS STRICTUS. Mas. Testaceus, gracilis ; caput breve, nigro unistrigatum, fastigio hexagonali ; antennae ferruginece ; prothorax sublilissime scaber, vix carinatus, margine postico valde rotundato ; prosterni spina conica, acula, longiuscula ; femora postica abdomini aquilonga, nigro bifas- ciata, intus rufa; tibice posticce rufce; alee anticce abdomine paullo breviores. 708 CATALOGUE OF Male. Testaceous, slender. Head smooth, short ; vertex with a lan- ceolate black streak ; tip flat, hexagonal; front wilh four well-defined keels; inner keels parallel ; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes piceous, elliptical, approximate on the vertex. Antenna ferruginous, testaceous towards the base. Prothorax very finely scabrous, slightly widening hind- ward, with an extremely slight keel; transverse impressed lines slight; two calli on each side, one between the first and second lines, the second between the third and fourth lines; fore border very slightly rounded; sides more rounded ; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine conical, acute, rather long. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, with two black bands, red on the inner side; hind tibiae red, much shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings a little shorter than the abdomen. Hind wings pellucid ; veins black, pale green or whitish towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 10£ lines; expansion of the fore wings 20 lines. o. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. Australia. A. Middle keel of prothorax well defined. a. Hind wings cinereous. - - brunneus. b. Hind wings rosy. - carbonarius. B. Middle keel of prothorax slight. a. Hind wings luleous. - coloratus. b. Hind wings rosy. - - lepidus. c. Hind wings pale. * Head rather long. ..... lutescens. ** Head short. - - includens. 64. CALOPTEN us BRUNNEUS. Calliptamus brunnus, While, Append. Grey's Voy. a — c. Australia. d — g. King George's Sound. Presented by Sir G. Grey. h. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 65. CALOPTENUS CARBONARIUS. Calliptamus carbonarius, Serv. Hist. Orth. 691. a — e. King George's Bay, Australia. Presented by Sir G. Grey. /. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 66. CALOPTENUS COLORATUS. Mas et foem. Piceus, sat gracilis ; caput et prothorax subrugulosat sub- tuberculata ; caput breve, subcarinatum, fastigio longiusculo tetra- gonali ; antenna longte ; prothorax vix tricarinatus, postice non latescens, marginibus rotundatis ; prosterni spina albida, robusta, longi-conica ; abdomen ritfescens, subtus testaceum ; femora poslica abdomine longiora, intus subtusque rufa ; tibia poslica: rufce ; al tip of the vertex flat, conical ; front with four slight keels, which diverge slightly towards the face. Eyes testaceous, nearly straight in front, much rounded on the hind side. Prothorax very finely scabrous, widening much hindward; disk flat, with three very slight keels; transverse impressed lines slight ; fore border nearly straight ; sides slightly rounded ; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine conical, rather long, more than twice as broad as thick. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, with a blackish ACKIDTDjE. 713 patch above and with a row of black dots on the lower border of the outer side ; hind tibia? red, a little shorter khan the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Length of the body 8£ lines. The wings are rudimentary in the specimen described. 73. CALOPTENUS BASIFER. Foem. Testaceus, sat gracilis ; caput et prolhorax nigro bivittata ; caput breviusculum, fastigio conico ; antenna apices versus picea ; pro- thorax subtilissime scaber, vix tricarinalus, margine postico valde rotundato ; prosterni spina cornea, robusta, longiuscula, subtrans- versa; abdominis segmenta anteriora nigro fasciata ; femora postica abdomine perparum breviora, supra nigro bimaculata ; tibice posticce ruf(S ; alee anticce pallide cinerecs, corpore multo breviores, striga dis- coidali e guttis obscurioribus fusco-venosis. Female. Testaceous, rather slender. Head and prothorax with two black stripes which are much excavated in the prothorax and do not extend beyond the fourth transverse line. Head smooth, rather short; tip of the vertex flat, conical ; front with four well-defined keels ; inner keels parallel ; outer keels diverging towards the face. Eyes subelliptical, much rounded on the hind side. Antennae piceous towards the tips. Prothorax very finely scabrous; disk nearly flat, with an extremely slight dorsal keel and with hardly perceptible lateral keels; transverse impressed lines well defined; fore border straight ; sides rounded ; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine conical, stout, rather long, rather broader than thick. Abdomen with a broad black band on each segment for half the length from the base. Hind femora nearly as long as the abdomen, with two black spots above; hind tibia? red, rather shorter than the hind femora, their spines black except at the base. Fore wings pale cinereous, much shorter than the body; veins tawny; a streak in the disk formed by darker cinereous brown- veined dots. Hind wings pellucid ; veins black, testaceous at the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 11 lines; expansion of the fore wings 19 lines. 74. CALOPTENUS REDUCTUS. Mas. Viridis, gracilis ; caput et prothorax vix carinata, vittis duabus latis obscurioribus ; caput longiusculum, fastigio conico, fvonte subretracta; prothorax subtilissime scaber, vix carinalus, disco piano; prosterni spina testacea, crassa, transversa ; femora postica abdomine pdullo longiora ; alee anticce pallide cinerete, corpore vix breviores, villa, pallide viridi, striga anteriore fusca, guttis duabus albidis. Male. Green, slender, shining. Head and prothorax with a broad darker stripe on each side and with an extremely slight keel. Head elongate, smooth; tip of the vertex flat, conical ; front slightly retracted ; keels slight, slightly diverging towards the face. Eyes lurid, oblique, elongate-oval. Prothorax very finely scabrous ; disk flat, with a very slight keel on each side; transverse impressed lines extremely slight; fore border 714 CATALOGUE OF nearly straight; sides and bind border slightly rounded. Prosternal spiue testaceous, thick, transverse. Hind femora a little longer than tbe abdo- men ; hind tibiae rather shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings pale cinereous, nearly as long as the body, with a pale green stripe, and with an anterior brown streak which is accompanied by two whitish dots. Hind wings pellucid; veins black, whitish towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 8 lines ; expan- sion of the fore wings 14 lines. Allied to the genus Heteracris. a. ? From Mr. Children's collection. Genus 34. OMMATOLAMPIS. Ommatolarapis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 636. Sauss. Rev. Zool. xi. 393. 1. OMMATOLAMPIS VARIEGATA. Acridium variegatum, Deg. Ins. iii. pi. 42, f. 8 — Ommatolampis variegata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 637. Brazil. Surinam. 2. OMMATOLAMPIS NODICOLLIS. nodicollis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 637. Brazil. 3. OMMATOLAMPIS PERSPICILLATA. Gryllus (Locusta) perspicillata, Linn. Syst. Nat. \. 2, 703. Stall, Saut. et Grill, pi. 8 b. f. 28— Gryllus perspicillatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. i\. 62— Ommatolampis perspicillata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 637. Brazil. Genus 35. PLATACANTHUS. P. morosus may be considered as the type of this genus, which is characterized by a bilobed or forked prosternal spine. A. Body stout. a. Hind tibiae luteous. .... morosus. b. Hind tibiae red. - - cervinus. B. Body slender. - includens. 1. PLATACANTHUS MOROSUS. Fcem. Sordide fulvus, robustus ; caput et prothorax nigricante quadri- vittata ; caput breve, strigis duabus lanceolatis piceis^lateribus albido notatis, fasligio truncato-conico ; prothorax subtiliter scaber, disco subtricarinato fere piano ; prosterni spina pallide testacea, transversa, incisa ; pedes piceo notali^femoribus posticis latis abdomini cequi- longis intus luteis nigro late vittatis, tibiis posticis luleis nigro strigatis ; alee anticce cinerece, abdomine breviores, plagis maculisque e venis nigricantibus. ACRIDID,E. 715 Female. Dingy tawny, stout. Head and prothorax with four blackish irregular stripes. Head smooth, short, with some whitish marks on each side; tip of the vertex truncate-conical ; front very thinly punc- tured ; keels slight, slightly diverging towards the face, which they do not reach ; a piceous lanceolate streak on each side between the eye and the mouth. Eyes subelliptical, rounded oil the hind side. Prothorax finely scabrous, with a nearly flat disk and with three slight keels ; transverse impressed lines slight; fore border almost straight; sides and hind border rounded. Prosternal spine pale testaceous, transverse, broadly notched, its breadth more than twice its thickness. Legs with some piceous marks; hind femora broad, as long as the abdomen, luleous beneath and on the inner side, where there is a broad black stripe ; hind tibiae luteous, shorter than the hind femora, irregularly streaked with black; spines black, luteous at the base. Fore wings cinereous, shorter than the abdomen, with several patches and spots formed by blackish veins; veins elsewhere ferruginous. Hind wings pellucid. Length of the body 13^ lines ; expansion oi the fore wings 18 lines. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 2. PLATACANTHUS CERVINUS. Foem. Cervinus, robustus ; caput longiusculum,fastigio piano transverse subpentagonali subcarinato ; antennae piceae, gracillimce, basi pallidae ; prothorax brevis, subtuberculatus, subcarinatus ; prosternum jugo transverse latissimo ; femora postica lalissima, intus rufa, fascia subapicali apiceque rufis ; tibiae postica rufae ; alee anticte cinereae, basi cervinae, abdomine paullo longiores; alee poslicce diaphance. Female. Fawn-colour, stout. Head rather long; tip of the vertex flat, transverse, subpentagonal, slightly keeled ; front thinly punctured, with four very slight keels, which diverge towards the face. Eyes ferru- ginous, subelliptical, much rounded on the hind side. Antennae piceous, very slender, pale towards the base. Prothorax short, thinly and minutely tuberculate, with a slight keel and with four slight transverse impressed lines ; lateral keels indeterminate ; fore border nearly straight ; sides slightly angular; hind border much rounded. Prosterual spine forming a very broad transverse ridge, which occupies nearly all the space between the fore COXEB. Abdomen reddish above at the base. Hind femora very broad, as long as the abdomen, piceous at the tips, red on the inner side, with a piceous subapical band on the upper side; hind tibiae red, a little shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings cinereous, fawn-colour towards the base, a little longer than the abdomen. Hind wings pellucid; veins black, pale towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 14 lines; expansion of the fore wings 20 lines. a. Australia. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. 3. PLATACANTHUS INCLUDENS. Fo3m. Fulvus, gracilis, sublus testaceus ; caput et prothorax niqro bilineata ; caput nigrum, vitta guttulari nigra, fastigio hexagonali; antennae testacece; prothorax brevis, subcarinatus, margine postico 716 CATALOGUE OF wide rotundato ,- prosterni spina robusta, latissima ; femora postica abdomini aquilonga, supra niyro biplagiata, subtus intusque rufa; tibice posticce rufce, basi albida niyro unistriyatcs; alte antica cinerecB, corpore breviores, villa discoidali fusca pallido septem macuiata ,- alee postictc diaphance, apice fuscescenles. Female. Tawny, slender, testaceous beneath. Head and prothorax with a black line on each side. Head smooth, slightly elongate; vertex convex, with a guttular black stripe ; lip flat, hexagonal ; front with four slight keels, which diverge towards the face. Eyes elliptical, much rounded on the hind side. Antenna testaceous. Prothorax short, widening hind- ward, with a very slight keel; disk nearly flat; transverse impressed lines strongly marked; fore border nearly straight ; sides slightly rounded; hind border much rounded. Prosternal spine stout, about four times as broad as thick, flat along the tip. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, red beneath and on the inner side, with two black patches above ; hind tibiae bright red, rather shorter than the hind femora, whitish and with a short black streak near the base on the outer side; spines with black tips. Fore wings cinereous, rather shorter than the body, with a brown discoidal stripe which includes seven pellucid spots and in the exterior part is merely represented by brownish veins at intervals. Hind wings pellucid, brownish at the tips; veins black, whitish at the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 9 lines; expansion of the fore wings 17 lines. a. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. b. Australia. Presented by the Haslar Hospital, e. Australia. Genus 36. PLATYPHYMA. Gryllus, Rossi, Charp. — Podisma, Costa — Acridium (Podisma), Serv. — Platyphyma, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 373. Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 161. 1. PLATYPHYMA GIORN.E. Gryllus Giornae, Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. 104. Charp. Hor. Ent. 175— Acri- dium (Podisma) Giornae, Serv. Hist. Orth. 6bO — Podisma commune, Costa. Faun. R. Nap. 48, pi. 4, f. 6, 7. a, b. South France. From Prof. Westwood-'s collection. 2. PLATYPHYMA CALOPTENOIDES. Caloptenoides, Brun. Zool. Bot. Gesch. Wien. xi. 307, pi. 16, f. 24. Servia. 3. PLATYPHYMA AZTECA. Aztecum, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 162. Mexico. ACRTDID^. 717 Genus 37. POD1SMA. Gryllus, Linn., Fabr., Charp, Zett., Rossi, Boheman — Acridium, Deg., H.-Sch.— Podismn, Latr. Faun. Nat. Serv. Costa, Fieb. De Borck. Steph. Fisch. de W.— Acridinm (Podisraa), Serv. Hist. Orth. 679— Pezotettix, Burm. Germ. Zeits. Ent. ii. 51 Fisch. Orth. Eur. 365. Europe. 1. PODISMA FRIGIDA. Gryllus frigidus, Boh. Overs. Vet. Acad. Fork. 1846— Podisma frigidum, De Borck, R'dtv. Ins. 90, pi. 3, f. 2— Pezotettix alpicola, Fisch. Ent. Zeit. Stett. 1852, 21— Podisma rufipes? Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 249 —Pezotettix frigida, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 366, pi. 15, f. 21. North Europe. 2. PODISMA ALPINA. Gryllus alpinus, Kollar,Beitr.Landesk.S3 — Acridium pulchellum, H.-Sch. Nom. 8, 19— Podisma frigidum, Fisch. 15. Mannh. Jahresb. 1849, 38 — Podisma subalpinnm, Fisch. 16. Mannh. Jahresb. 1850, 27 — Pezotettix alpina, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 368, pi. 15, f. 19, 20. Switzerland. Russia. Siberia? 3. PODISMA PEDESTRIS. Gryllus pedestris, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, 703. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 62. Zett. Orth. 102. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. 33, pi. 8. Charp. Hor. Ent. 174. Thunb. Mem. Acad. Pet. v. 251 — Acridium apterum, Deg. Ins. iii. 308, pi. 23, f. 8, 9— Acridium pedestre, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 232. Latr. Hist. Nat. xii. 370— Acridium (Podisma) pedestre, Serv. Hist. Orth. 679 — Podisma pedestris, De Borck, R'dtv. Ins. 87. Fisch. de W. Orth. Ross. 247, pi. 30, f. 4— Pezotettix pedestris, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 369, pi. 15, f. 17, 18. North Europe. 4. PODISMA MENDAX. Pezoteltix mendax, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 371, pi. 15, f. 23. Carniolia. 5. PODISMA SCHMIDTII. Podisma Schmidtii, Fieber, Syn. Lotos, iii. 119 — Pezotettix Schmidti!, Brun. Zool. Bot. Gesch, Wien. xi. 306, pi. 16, f. 23. Carniolia. 6. PODISMA SALAMANDRA. Pezotettix Salamandra, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 372, pi. 15, f. 22. Carniolia. 718 CATALOGUE OF N. America. 7. PODISMA SCUDDEBI. Pezotettix Scudderi, Uhler, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. ii. 555. Baltimore. Illinois. 8. PODISMA SEPTENTBIONALIS. Pezotettix septentrionalis, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 160. Labrador 9. PODISMA. EDAX. Pezotettix edax, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 161. Carolina. 10. PODISMA LONGICORNIS. Pezotettix longicornis, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 159. Carolina. 11. PODISMA ZIMMEBMANNI. Pezotettix Zimmermanni, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 159. Carolina. 12. PODISMA? BOBCKII. Acridium (Podisma) Borckii, Stal, Eug. Resa, 332. California. Mexico. 13. PODISMA SDMICHBASTI. Pezotettix Sumichrasti, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 161. Mexico. 14. PODISMA MEXICANA. Pezotettix Mexicana, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 160. Mexico. S. America. 15. PODISMA? FRATEBNA. Acridium (Podisma) fraternum, Stal, Eug. Resat 333. New Grenada. Rio Janeiro. Monte Video. 719 16. PODISMA? ABROGANS. Acridium (Podisma) arrogans, Stal, Eug. Resa, 333. Buenos Ayres. Monte Video. 17. PODISMA? PATBUELIS. Acridium (Podisma) patruele, Stal, Eug. Resa, 334. Buenos Ayres. 18. PODISMA? CLIENS. Acridium (Podisma) cliens, Stal, Eug. Resa, 335. Monte Video. 19. PODISMA? VIBIDIS. viridis, Blanch. Gay, Chile, vi. 75. Chili. Country unknown. 20. PODISMA LEMNISCATA. Acridium (Podisma) leraniscatum, Stal, Eug. Resa, 334. Genus 38. OMMEXECHA. Ommexecha, Serv. Rev. Zool. Hist. Nat. Orth. 696. Blanch. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. v. 1. OMMEXECHA CTANOPTERA. cjanopterum, Blanch. A. S. E. F. v. 68, pi. 21, f. 1, 2. Serv. Hist. Orth. 699. Chiquitos, Brazil. 2. OMMEXECHA MACBOPTERA. macropterum, Blanch. A. S. E. F. v, 610, pi. 21, f. 3, 4. Serv. Hist. Orth. 699. Chiquitos, Brazil. 3. OMMEXECHA AUDOUINII. Audouinii, Blanch, A. S. E. F. v. 611, pi. 21, f. 5, 6. Maldonado, Brazil. 730 CATALOGUE OF 4. OMMEXECHA VIBENS. virens, Serv. Rev. Zool. 95; Hist. Orlh. 701, pi. 13, f. 2. Blanch. A. S. E. F. v. 612, pi. 22, f. 1. Buenos Ayres. 5. OMMEXECHA SERVILLEI. Servillei, Blanch. A. S. E. F. v. 613, pi. 22, f. 2, 3. Serv. Hist. Orth. 701. Buenos Ayres. Genus 39. BATRACHOPUS. Batrachopus, Blanch. Gay, Chile, vi. 82. 1. BATRACHOPUS TIBIALIS. tibialis, Blanch. Gay, Chile, vi. pi. 3, f. 9. Coquimbo. Genus PEGASIDION. Pegasidion, Sauss. Rev. Zool. Sir. 2, xiii. 319. This genus and the following one were accidentally omitted in the Synopsis, page 606. Pegasidion is distinguished by the prominent eyes, by the broad lanceolate antennae, and by the cylindrical prosternal spine. 1. PEGASIDION VOLITANS. volitans, Sauss. Rev. Zool. Ser. 2, xiii. 320. Mexico. Genus POLYSARCUS. Polysarcus, Sauss. Rev. Zool. Ser. 2, xi. 392. The lamelliform, compressed and porrect tip of the vertex and the pro- thorax inflated in the middle distinguish it from other genera. 1. POLYSARCUS ATAVUS. atavus, Sauss. Rev. Zool. Ser. 2, xi. 393. Bahia. ACRIDIDjE. Fam. 7. CEDIPODID.E. A. Hind legs formed for leaping, a. Body not much compressed. * Head not very prominent. f Hind border of the prothorax not truncated. J Prothorax not keeled. - 21. PKRISACRIS. JJ Prothorax keeled. § Prosternum with a transverse ridge. 22. HEMIACBIS. §§ Prosternum with no transverse ridge. X Keel of the prothorax much notched. - 23. MORPHACRIS. X X Keel of the prothorax not much notched. o Hind femora long. -+• Eyes prominent. - 24. PROSACRIS. -J-H- Eyes not prominent. •n- Antennae long, very slender. - - 25. CERACRIS. ++++ Antennae moderately long, not very slender. <&* Antennae not dilated at the tips. -{- Prosternum smooth. — Costa of the fore wings not dilated. = Vertex much acuminated in front of the eyes. v Antennae depressed. A Eyes not oval. - - 16. TRAGOCEPHALA. AA Eyes oval. 17. OXYCORYPHUS. vv Antennae rather long, not depressed. - 12. PERACINEMA. = = Vertex not much accuminated in front of the eyes. v Vertex with no lateral furrows. - 1. PACHYTYLUS. vv Vertex with conspicuous lateral furrows. A Head narrow. k Prothorax with three distinct keels. - 7. STENOBOTHRUS. > > Prothorax with the middle keel only distinct. - 8. EPACRONIA. AA Head rather thick, more globose. > Keel of the front disappearing near the middle ocellus. . 5. STAURONOTUS. k > Keel of the front extending almost to the clypeus. > Fore part of the prosternum not elevated. - 2. (EDIPODA. > > Fore part of the prosternum much derated transversely. 4. URNISA. Costa of the fore wings dilated. - 9. ARCYPTERA. -\ — \- Prosternum slightly tuberculate. — Prothorax with three distinct keels. - 10. STETHEOPHYMA. Prothorax with no lateral keels. 11. PARAPLEURUS. Antennae dilated at the tips. - 13. GOMPHOCERUS. Antennae short, fusiform. - - 15. PHLOCERUS. oo Hind femora short, broad. -J- Antennae approximate. - - 27. CHROTOGONUS. --»- Antennae remote. +•* Prothorax not much elongated. « 2, 701. Stoll, Saut. et. Grill, pi. 18 b. f. 68— Gryllus Carolinus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 58— Acrydium Carolinum, Deg. Ins. iii. 491, pi. 41, f. 2, 3. Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 125 — Acridium Carolinianum, Pal. de Beauv. Ins. 147, pi. 4, f. 6— Locusta Carolina, Harris, Cat. Ins. Mass. 56. Rep. 3rd Edit. ] 76, pi. 3, f. 3— (Edipoda Carolina, Serv. Hist. Orth. 722. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 643. a. W. Coast of N. America. Presented by Capt. Kellett and Lieut. Wood. b. Vancouver's Island. Presented by Lieut. -Col. Hawkins. c. N. America. Presented by the Entomological Club. d. W. Canada. From Mr. Bush's collection. e. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. f. Georgia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. g. Indiana. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 11. (EDIPODA TBIFASCIATA. Gryllus trifasciatus, Say, Amer. Ent. iii. pi. 34 ; Ent. N. Amer. ed. Le Conte, i. 78, pi. 34. a. Arkansas River. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 12. (EDIPODA SULPHUREA. Gryllus sulphureus, Fabr. Syst. Ent. ii. 59 — Acridium sulphureum, Oliv. Enc. Meth. iv. 227. Pal. de Beauv. Ins. 145, pi. 4, f. 2— Locusta sulphurea, Hurris, Cat. Ins. Mass. 56; Rep. 3rd Edit. 177, pi. 1, f. 6 — (Edipoda sulphurea, Burm. Handb. Ent. 716 — Tomonotus sulphureus, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 2 Ser. xiii. 321. 730 CATALOGUE OF In this species there are several variations in the convergence of the inner keels of the front, in the angle of the hind border of the prothorax, in the form of the hand of the hind wings, and in their breadth. The speci- mens from the Rocky Mountains are distinguished by their small size, by their whitish hind tibiae, by their paler fore wings, and by the narrower band of the hind wings. a. Arctic Region. Presented by Capt. Back. b. Arctic America. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. c. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. d. W. Coast of N. America. Presented by Capt. Kellett and Lieut. Wood. e. Rocky Mountains. Presented by the Earl of Derby in 1845. /. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. g. United States. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. h. Vancouver's Island. Presented by Dr. Lyall. 13. (EDIPODA XANTHOPTEBA. xanthoptera, Burnt. Handb. Ent. ii. 643 — sulphurea, var. ? Carolina. a. N. America ? 14. (EDIPODA PHCENICOPTERA. phcenicoptera, Germ. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 643 — obliterata, Germ. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 643. This species is variable in colour and in markings, and in the acute- ness of the hind angle of the prothorax. a, b. Arctic America. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. c. Trenton Falls, New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. d. Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. e. E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. /, g. New Jersey. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. h. Massachusetts. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. i. United States. From Mr. Dyson's collection. j. Rocky Mountains. Presented by the Earl of Derby in 1845 and in 1847. k. W. Coast of N. America. Presented by Capt. Kellett and Lieut. Wood. /. Oajaca, Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. 15. (EDIPODA DISCOIDEA. Acridium tuberculatum, Pal. de Beauv. Ins. 145, pi. 4, f. 1 — CEdipoda discoidea, Serv. Hist. Orlh. 724— phcenicoptera, var.? N. and S. America. 16. (EDIPODA VENUSTA. venusta, Stal, Eug. Resa, 344 — phoenicoptera, var. P California. ACRIDID^. 731 17. (EDIPODA EUCERATA. eucerata,* Uhler, Harris, Treat. Ed. 1862, 180. Scudder, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. vii. 472. a. Connecticut. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 18. (EDIPODA FENESTRALIS. fenestralis, Serv. Hist. Orth. 726— eucerata, var. ? a, b. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Florida. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 19. (EDIPODA RUGOSA. rugosa, Scudder, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. vii. 469. a, b. Vancouver's Island. Presented by Lieut. Col. Hawkins. c. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. d. New Jersey. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 20. (EDIPODA MARITIMA. Locusta tnaritiina, Harris, Report, 3rd Edit. 178 — (Edipoda maritime, Uhler, Harris, Rep. 3rd Edit. 178. a. Connecticut. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b, c. Massachusetts. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 21. (EDIPODA CORALLIPES. corallipes, Hald. Stansb. Expl. Utah, 371, pi. 10, f. 2. a, b. Arctic America. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. c. Utah. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. d, e. Indiana. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. /. Massachusetts. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 22. (EDIPODA aequalis, Say, Journ. Acad, Nat. Sci. Phil. iv. 307; Ent. N. Am. Ed. Leconte, ii. 237. Uhler, Harris, Treat. Ins. 178. Scudd. Car. Nat. vii. 287; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. vii. 470. a. Illinois. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b— d. St. John's River, Florida. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. e. E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. /, g. N. ^America? From Mr. Vigors' collection. 23. (EDIPODA VERRUCULATA. Locusta verruculata, Kir by, Faun. Bor. Am. Ins. 250 — Locusta latipennis, Harris, Rep. 3rd Edit. 179 — (Edipoda verruculata, Scudder, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. vii. 471. a, b. Massachusetts. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c, d. United States. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 732 CATALOGUE OF 24. CEDIPODA SORDIDE. Locusta periscelidis, Say, MSS. Harris, Cat. Ins. Mass. 56 — CEdipoda nebulosa, Uhler, Harris, Rep. '3rd Edit. 181— CEdipoda sordida, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 643. a — c. Pennsylvania. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. d. Massachusetts. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. e. Connecticut. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 25. (EDIPODA MARMORATA. Locusta cerineipennis, Harris, Cat. Ins. Mass. 56 — Locusta marmorata, Harris, Report, 3rd Edit. 179 — CEdipoda marmorata, Uhler, Harris, Rep. 3rd Edit. 179. Massachusetts. 26. (EDIPODA PELLUCID A. pellucida, Scudder, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. vii. 472. United States. 27. (EDIPODA COSTALIS. costalis, Scudder, Bo&t. Journ. Nat. Hist. vii. 473. Texas. 28. (EDIPODA? VIRGINIANA. Gryllus Virginianus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 57 — CEdipoda Virginiana, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 645. N. America. 29. (EDIPODA PARVICEPS. Mas. Testacea; caput parvum, subascendens, antice albidum et aspere punctatum, carinis frontalibus exterioribus sat obliquis ; prothorax brevis, planus, antice arctatus et transverse sutcatus, carina humillima antice nulla, margine postico convexo subproducto ; femora postica nigricante bifasciata, abdomine paullo breviora ; tibice posticce albidce, femoribus breviores ; alee anticce cinerece, fulvo venosce, maculis variis nigricantibus ; alee posticce diaphance, venis nigris basi cyaneis. Male. Testaceous. Head small, slightly ascending; fore part whitish, roughly punctured; the two keels between the eyes connected at the tip and joining the inner keels of the front; outer keels of the latter diverging much towards the face. Prothorax short, flat, contracted and transversely furrowed in front ; dorsal keel very slight, obsolete in tbe fore part; hind border rounded, slightly elongated. Abdomen a little longer than the hind femora. Hind femora slightly pilose and with two blackish bands above. Hind tibia? whitish, much shorter than the hind femora, their spines broadly black towards the tips. Fore wings cinereous, some- what shorter than the body, with several blackish spots, which are of various ACBIDlDjE. 733 size and irregularly placed ; veins tawny. Hind wings pellucid; veins black, blue towards tbe base. Length of the body 10£ lines; expansion of the fore wings 20 lines. a. W. Coast of N. America. Presented by Capt. Kellett and Lieut. Wood. Mexico. 30. QEOIPODA PALLIDIPENNIS. pullidipennis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 641. « — c. Oajaca, Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. 31. (EDTPODA TOLTECA. Tolteca, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 397. Mexico. 32. (EDIPODA AZTECA. Azteca, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 397. Mexico. 33. (EDIPODA SUMICHRASTI. Sumicbrasli, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 324. a — c. Oajaca, Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. 34. CEoiroDA PARDALINA. pardalina, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 324. Mexico. 35. CEDIPODA MEXICANA. Mexicana, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 397. Mexico. 36. (EDIPODA TRANSTRIGATA. Mas. Fusca, subtus testacea ; fastigium conicum, concavum, sub- carinatum ; carince frontales indeterminate; antenna nigricantes, basi lulecB ; prothorax subrugulosus, carina bene determinata maculisque qualuor laleralibus testaceis, maryine postico subangulalo ; femora poslica extus nigro strigata, inlus nigra testaceo bifasciata; alee anticce testaceo unistrigatce, dimidio basali fusco-plagiato^ dimidio apicali cinereo fusco-fascia to ; alee posticce nigricante cinerecB^ slriga coslali spatioque basali rufis. Male. Brown, shining, testaceous beneath. Head smooth; forepart thinly punctured; tip of the vertex conical, excavated on each side, with a very slight keel which disappears in front; the four keels of the front very slightly defined, diverging towards the face. Autenna3 blackish, luteous towards the base. Prothorax finely rugulose, with two testaceous spots on each side, and with a well-defined testaceous keel, which is slightly 734 CATALOGUE OF interrupted in the middle by a transverse furrow; hind border with a vein forming a rounded and slightly obtuse angle. Abdomen and legs testa- ceous. Hind femora a little longer than the abdomen ; outer side with four or five black streaks; inner side black, with two testaceous bands beyond the middle. Hind tibia? much shorter than the hind femora, with a faint brownish streak on each side before the middle, their spines with black tips. Four anterior legs partly clouded with brown. Fore wings testaceous ; basal half mostly occupied (with the exception of a testaceous stripe) with brown spots and large patches; apical half cinereous, with some irregular and interrupted brown bands. Hind wings blackish, with a large cinereous patch and with some posterior cinereous streaks ; basal part bright red, except along the costa, where there is a red streak. Length of the body 10£ lines; expansion of the fore wings 22 lines. The keel of the prothorax is much more defined than that of (E. Sumi- chrasti, and the markings of the fore wings are very different. From (E. Mexicana it may be distinguished by the hind tibiae without bands and by the markings of the fore wings. a, b. Oajaca, Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. W. Indies. 37. (EDIPODA HAITENSIS. Haitensis, Sauss. Rev. Zool. xiii. 323. a — d. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. 38. (EDIPODA FUSCO-IRRORATA. fusco-irrorata, Stal, Eug. Resa, 345. Gallapagos. Puna. 39. (EOIPODA PLACIDA. placida, Stal, Eug. Resa, 344. Valparaiso. 40. (EDIPODA THUNDERO!. Thunbergi, Stal, Eug. Resa, 345. Rio Janeiro. 41. (EDIPODA? HUMILIS. humilis, Blanch. Gay, Chile, vi. 79. Coquimbo. 42. (EDIPODA? SIGNATIPENNIS. signatipennis, Blanch. Gay, Chile, vi. 79. Coquirabo. ACR1DID.E. 735 43. (EDIPODA CINEEASCENS. cinerascens, Blanch. Gay, Chile, vi. 78. Chili. 44. (EDIPODA OCHRACEIPENNIS. ochraceipennis, Blanch. Gay, Chile, vi. 77. Chili. 45. (EDIPODA AUKIFERA. Mas. Fulva, sublus testacea ; caput et prothorax nigro quadrivittata ; fastigium conicum, excavatum, nigro unifasciatum ; carinee frontales quatuor bene determinates ; oculi subglobosi ; prothorax brevis, sub- carinatus, transverse striatus, margine postico rotundato; femora postico extus nigro uniseriatim punctata ; tibia posticee albidee ; alee anticee pellucidee, basi fulvee, guttis punctisque nonnullis nigricanti- bus, striga albida plagisque duabus nigricantibus costalibus ; alee posticee pellucidee, basijlavee. Male. Tawny. Head and prothorax with four irregular black stripes, which do not extend to the face nor to the hind border of the pro- thorax. Tip of the vertex conical, depressed, with a keel on each side; front with four well-defined keels which diverge towards the face, the inner pair continuous with the keels of the vertex ; a black baud between the eyes on the vertex. Eyes rather prominent, nearly round. Prothorax short, with a slight keel and with slight transverse furrows; hind border rounded. Abdomen and legs testaceous. Hind femora a little longer than the abdomen, with a row of black points on the outer side. Hind knees black on the inner side. Hind tibiae whitish, much shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings tawny towards the base, pellucid beyond the middle, adorned with several blackish dots and points ; two blackish costal patches, the first near the base, the second a little before the middle; a whitish costal streak with white veins beginning at the end of the first patch and interrupted by the second ; costa rounded near the base. Hind wings pellucid, bright yellow and with yellow veins towards the base and along the interior border ; veins elsewhere black ; four blackish subapical points. Length of the body 9 lines; expansion of the fure wings 21 lines. This species has some affinity to the genus Epacronia. a. St. Jago. 46. (EDIPODA SPECIOSA. Mas. Pallide testacea ; caput supra fulvum, antice albidum, vitlis duabus carinis fastigii subangulatis fasciaque intermedia nigris, carinis frontalibus antice obsoletis ; vittis duabus nigris dilatatis furcatis ; antennce fulvce, apice nigricantes ; prothorax brevis, sub- carinatus, margine postico obtuse angulato ; femora postica nigro bifasciata ; tibice posticce rufce, basi nigrce albo unifasciatce ; alee 736 CATALOGUE OF diaphance ; alee antica plagis tin aim magnis anlemediis, maculis duabus exlerioribus guttisque nonnullis fuscis ; alee posticce venis antemediis roaeo marginatis, vitla maryinuLi poalica brevi lata pallide fuscescente. Foem. — Caput el prolhorax innotata ; pro thorax fulvus ; alee anlicic vitla informi inlerrupta fulva, lituris nonnullis villaque postica pallide flavis ; alee postica basi rosecc, villa nulla fuscescente. Male. Pale testaceous, with white hairs. Head and prothorax with two irregular black stripes, which in the prothorux are dilated and emit a fork. Head tawny above ; fore part whitish ; a band of four black points between the eyes; the two keels of the tip black, slightly angular; front with four slight keels which disappear towards the face. Eyes short- elliptical. Antenna? tawny, blackish towards the tips. Prothorax short, with a very slight keel and with four slight transverse furrows ; first furrow widely interrupted in the middle; second and third undulating; fourth straight; hind border obtusely angular. Hind femora a little longer than the abdomen, with two black bauds which are indeterminate on the outer side. Hind tibia? bright red, much shorter than the hind femora, black with the exception of a broad white band for nearly half the length from the base. Four anterior legs with irregular blackish bands. Wings pellucid. Fore wings with two large brown patches, which are accompanied by brown dots and are partly cinereous; first patch near the base; second slightly antemedial ; two exterior brown spots and a few more exterior brown dots; costa rounded near the base. Hind wings with black veins; veins towards the base and along the inner border rosy and rosy-bordered ; a pale brownish space along the hinder part of the outer border. Length of the body 8|- lines; expansion of the fore wings 20 lines. Female. Body tawny, except the fore part of the head. Head and prothorax without markings. Abdomen much longer than the hind femora. Fore wings pellucid, with the exception of an abbreviated irregular and interrupted tawny stripe, which is broadest near the base; a hinder stripe formed by pale yellow veins, as are also some marks in the tawny stripe. Hind wings with the basal part more completely rosy than in the male, and without a brown tinge along the exterior border. Length of the body 13£ lines; expansion of the fore wings 27 lines. a, b. Honduras. From Mr. Miller's collection. Madeira and Teneriffe. 47. CEDIPODA MADEIM3. Madera, Serv. Hist. Orth. 730. Madeira. N. Africa and Arabia. 48. (EDI POD A BALTEATA. balteata, Serv. Hist. Orth. 734— arenaria, Lucas, Expl. Set. Alg. 35, pi. 4, f. 1. a. Algeria. From Prof. Westwood's collection. b. Interior of South Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby iu 1843. c. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. ACR1DIDJS. 737 d, e. Silbet. From tbe Rev. Mr. Stainforth's collection. /. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's collection. g. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. h. Sandwich Islands. Presented by Capt. Beecbey. 49. CEDIPODA OCTOFASCIATA. octofasciata, Serv. Hist. Orth. 728. Egypt- 50. (EDIPODA MAURITANICA. Mauritanica, Lucas, Expl. Sci. Alg. 32, pi. 4, f. 2. a. Algeria. From Prof. Westwood's collection. 51. OEOIPODA VIEESCENS. virescens, Lucas, Expl. Sci. Alg. 37, pi. 4, f. 4. Algeria. 52. (EDIPODA ALGERIANA. Algeriana, Lucas, Expl. Sci. Alg. 34, pi. 4, f. 5. a. Algeria. From Prof. Westwood's collection. 53. (EDIPODA ALBOLINEATA. albolineata, Lucas, Expl. Sci. Alg. 38, pi. 4, f. 6. Algeria. 54. (EDIPODA INSIGNIS. insignis, Lucas, A. S. E. F. 2me Ser. ix. 370. Algeria. 55. (EDIPODA FUSCOCINCTA. fuscocincta, Lucas, A. S. E. F. 2me Ser. ix. 373. Algeria. 56. (EDIPODA LATIFASCIATA. latifasciata, Walk. Zool. Sept. 1870, 2299. Africa, near tbe Bed Sea. 57. (EDIPODA TRICINCTA. tricincta, Walk. Zool. Sept. 1870, 2300. Arabia. 58. (EDIPODA TERMINALIS. terminalis, Walk. Zool. Sept. 1870, 2300. Arabia. 738 CATALOGUE OF 59. (EDTPODA OBSCURATA. ohscurata, Walk. Zool. Sept. 1870, 2300. Arabia. 60. (EDIPODA RUBESCENS. rubescens, Walk. Zool. Sept. 1870, 2301. Arabia. 61. CEOIPODA TINCTA. tincta, Walk. Zool. Sept. 1870, 2301. Africa, near the Ked Sea. 62. (EDIPODA VARIEGATA. variegata, Walk. Zool. Sept.. 1870, 2301. Egypt. Coast of the Ked Sea. S. Africa. 63. (EDIPODA NIGRIPENNIS. nigripennis, Serv. Hist. Orth. 723. a. S. Africa. Presented by the Entomological Club. 6, c. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. d. Cape. 64. (EDIPODA OBSCUBA. Gryllus (Locusta) obscurus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, 701 ; Mm. Lud. 147. Drury, Ins. ii. pi. 41, f. 1. Stoll, Saut. et Grill, pi. 9 b. f. 31— Gryllus obscurus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 58 — Acrydium obscurum, Deg. Ins, iii. 492, pi. 41, f. 4. Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 226— (Edipoda obscura, Serv. Hist. Orth. 729. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 642. a, b. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. c, d. ? 65. (EDIPODA STEIGATA. strigala, Serv. Hist. Orth. 726. a— h. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. i — /. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. m. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. n. Sierra Leone. From Mr. Foxcroft's collection. 66. (EDIPODA CONCINNA. concinna, Serv. Hist. Orth. 730. a, b. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. S. Africa. Presented by R. Trimen, Esq. ACRIDID,E. 739 67. (EDIPODA ROSACEA. rosacea, Serv. Hist. Orth. 728. a. S. Africa. Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. 6. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. c. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 68. (EDIPODA PUDICA. pudica, Serv. Hist. Orth. 733. Cape. 69. (EDIPODA? QUADRIMACULATA. Acridiura (CEdipoda) 4-maculatum, Haan, Verz. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 162, pi. 21, f. 10. Cape. 70. (EDIPODA CALIGINOSA. Acridium (CEdipoda) caliginosum, f/aa», Verz. Gesch. Ned. Ind, Bez. Ins. 161, pi. 21, f. 11. Cape. Java. Two species ? 71. (El)IPODA ABBUPTA. Mas. Ferrugineo-fusca ; caput et prothorax rugulosa, lateribus ex parte fulvis; vertex inter oculos latissimus ; carina fronlales qualuor bene determinate; antennce futvo fasciatce ; prothorax carina bene determinala bis incisa ; margine postico vix angulato ; segmenta ventralia luteo fasciata ; femora postica intus nigra, albo unifasciata ; tibiae posticce nigrce, albo bifasciata. ; alee anticce cinerece, plagis tribus magnis gultisque plurimis fuscis ; alee posticce rosea, apice late vittaque costali nigricantibus. Male. Ferruginous-brown, stout. Head and prothorax rugulose, their sides partly tawny. Head short; vertex very broad between the eyes; four keels of the front well defined ; inner pair parallel ; outer pair diverging much towards the face. Eyes elliptical. Antennae with some tawny bands. Prothorax with a well-defined keel, which is twice and deeply notched by the transverse furrows; hind border elongated, hardly angular. Abdomen a little shorter than the hind femora ; a luteous band on each ventral segment. Legs stout. Hind femora broad; inner side black, excepting a white subapical band. Hind tibiae black, much shorter than the hind femora, with two white bands; spines white, with black tips.* Wings rather short. Fore wings cinereous, with tawny veins, with three large brown patches and with numerous dots, the patches joining the costa. Hind wings rosy; a narrow costal space and a broad apical space blackish. Length of the body 9 lines; expansion of the fore wings 18 lines. a. Natal. From Dr. Krauss' collection. 740 CATALOGUE OF S. Asia. 72. (EDTPODA SAIURATA. Mas. Fusca, subtus fulva ,• caput lineolis duabus angulosis niyri*, fastigio hexagonali, carinis quatuor frontatibus bene determinalis ; prothorax tuberculatus, carina bene determinata, margine postico rotundato ; abdomen vitta interrupla nigra fulvo maculata ; femora postica fascia subapictili strigaque snbtus niyris ; tibiae posticae cyanetf, basi nigrae albido unifasciatce; tarsi postici albidi ; alee anticce nigricantes, plagis duabus punctisque plnrimis exlerioribus cinereis ; al<& posticce obscure cinerece, nigricante marginatce, basi rosece. Acridiuip cinctiferaur, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 3rd Set: iv. 223. Male and female. Brown, tawny beneath. Head with two black zigzag lines, which converge from tbe hind border to the middle of the vertex; tip of tbe vertex broad, hexagonal; front slightly rugulose, with four strongly-marked keels which diverge towards the face. Eyes elliptical. Prothorax luberculate, with a well-defined keel and with the usual trans- verse furrows; hind border rounded. Abdomen tawny, with an interrupted black stripe which contains two rows of tawny spots. Hind femora as long as the abdomen in the female, with an irregular black band near the tip and with a short broad black stripe beneath. Hind tibia3 blue, much shorter than the hind femora, black and with a whitish band near the base, their spines with black tips. Hind tarsi whitish. Fore wings blackish, with two cinereous patches and with many exlerior cinereous points ; veins in the patches testaceous. Hind wings dark cinereous, black-veined, diffusedly blackish bordered, slightly rosy and with bright rose-coloured veins towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 10 — 12 lines; expansion of the fore wings 24 — 26 lines. a — d. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. e. Ceylon. From the Rev. J. Wenham's collection. 73. (EDIPODA VENUSTA. Mas. Fulva, subtus Jlava ; caput et protkorax fuscescenle biplagiata ; caput lineolis duabus pallide jlavis, vertice luberculafa, fronts sub- rugulosa subquadricarinata ; antenna apices versus nigricantes ; pro- thorax sub tuber culatus, cnrina bene determinata, margine postico elongato rotundato ; abdomen Jlavum, villa nigra flavo guttala ; femora postica nigro bifasciata ; tibia posticce cyanece, basi alba ; tarsi postici albidi; aloe antica subdiaphana , basi fulva, plaga costali guttisque nonnullis e venis pallide testaceis, venis exterioribus marginalibus fusco nebulosis ; alee posticce diaphana, basiflavcs, villa lala abbreviata nigricante. Male. Tawny, yellow beneath. Head and prothorax with a brownish patch on each side. Head on each side with two pale yellow lines which diverge from the hind border of the eye to the hind border; vertex with two lines which are each composed of four tubercles and converge in front; tip of the vertex broad, hexagonal ; front slightly rugulose, with four slight diverging keels. Eyes elliptical. Antenna? blackish towards the ACRIDID.E. 741 tips. Prolhorax slightly tuberculate, with a well-defined keel and with the usual transverse furrow's; hind border elongated, rounded. Abdomen yellow, with a black dorsal stripe which does not extend to the tip and includes two rows of yellow dots. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, with two black bands'which are most conspicuous on the inner side. Hind tibia? blue, much shorter than the hind femora, white towards the base, where there is a black mark on the inner side, their spines with black tips. Hind tarsi whitish, blue above towards the base. Fore wings nearly pellucid, tawny towards the base, with a costal patch and with some dots which are formed by pale testaceous veins ; exterior part with brown-clouded veins along the cosla and along the hind border; costa rounded near the base. Hind wings pellucid, black-veined, bright yellow and with yellow veins towards the base, this hue, except towards the costa, broadly and diffusedly bordered with blackish. Length of the body 12 lines; expansion of the fore wings 26 lines. It may be a variety of CE. saturata ; the hind border of the prothorax is more elongated and less rounded. a. S. Hindustan. Presented by M. J. Walhouse, Esq. 74. CEOIPODA CBASSA. Fuscescens, crassa, subtus albido-testacea ; caput magnum, postice albido- testaceum, antice scabrum, carinis frontalibus quatuor determinate ; antennce pallide testacea ; prothorax fulvus, scaber, carina bene determinata, plagis quatuor lateralibus nigris, margine postico elongato rotundato ; femora postica latissima, intus nigra pallido bifasciata ; tibiae poslicce pallide lutece ; alee anticce cinerea, basi fulvce, guttis plurimis e venis fusco nebulosis ; alee postica diaphance, basi rosete. Var. /3. Mas. — Vertex nigro bivittatus ; prothorax nigro notatus ; al(B anticce cinerece, plagis nonnu/lis guttis punctisque plurimis funds, guttis exterioribus e venis fusco nebulosis ; alee posticce fusco sub- fasciatce. Brownish, very stout, whitish testaceous beneath. Head large; hind part whitish testaceous; fore part slightly scabrous; vertex convex; tip scabrous ; front with four distinct keels, which diverge towards the face. Eyes elliptical, not prominent. Antenna? pule testaceous, slender. Pro- thorax tawny, finely scabrous, with a strongly-marked continuous keel, and with two large black patches on each side and with the usual transverse furrows ; hind border rounded, somewhat elongated. Abdomen pale testa- ceous. Hind femora broad ; inner side black, with the exception of two pale bands beyond the middle. Hind tibia? pale luteous, much shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings cinereous, tawny towards the base, with many dots which are formed by brown-clouded veins. Hind wings pellucid, black-veined, diffusedly rosy, and with rosy veins towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 18? lines ; expansion of the fore wings 35 lines. This species differs somewhat from the typical form of the genus. The abdomen of the specimen described is mutilated. a. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's collection. 742 CATALOGUE OF Var. /3. Male. Vertex with two black stripes. Prothorax with several black marks. Abdomen almost as long as the hind femora. Hind tibiae luteous. Fore wings cinereous; basal half with some brown patches and with numereous brown dots and points ; apical with several dots which are formed by brown-clouded veins. Hind wings with the rosy part slightly and irregularly bordered with brown. Length of the body 10^ lines ; expansion of the fore wings 22 lines; b. Hindostan. From Mr. Foxcroft's collection. 75. CEOIPODA INFICITA. Mas. Fulva; caput subascendens ; fastigium conicum, bicarinatum ; carina quatuor frontales bene determinates ; antenna apices versus nigricantes ; prothorax carinatus, plagis duabus nigris subquadratis testaceo notatis et maryinatis, margine postico rutundato ; femora postica intus testacea nigro biplagiata; tibia postic fuscce, villa postica lanceolata viridit costa dilalata ; alee postica diaphana, apice fuscce, striga costali niyro-fusca. \ Male. Grass-green. Head and prothorax on each side with a whitish stripe and with a broader exterior black stripe. Head with the whitish stripes lanceolate, bordering the inner side of each eye; tip of the T60 CATALOGUE OF vertex conical, depressed ; front oblique, with four slight diverging keels ; the inner keels connected aud forming a ridge in front of the eyes ; furrow on each side of the vertex hardly apparent. Antennae testaceous, brownish towards the tips, as long as the head and the prothorax together. Prothorax with three very slight keels; the outer keels diverging slightly between the first transverse furrow and the hind border, which is rounded. Abdomen testaceous, slightly pilose; basal part with two broad blackish stripes. Hind femora much longer than the abdomen. Hind tibia? a little shorter than the abdomen. Fore wings brown ; a pale green lanceolate stripe along the hind border, not extending to the tip; costa dilated near the base. Hind wings pellucid, with a blackish brown costal streak and with brown tips; veins black, testaceous at the base. Length of the body 6 lines; expansion of the fore wings 12 lines. This species differs from the typical species of Stenobothrus in the indistinctness of the furrows of the vertex. It has some resemblance to Cbrysochraou filatus, but the head is much shorter and the antenna; are not flattened. a.' Para. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 54. STENOBOTHRUS RUGULOSUS. Mas. Testaceus ; caput et thorax fusco late bifasciata ; fastigium depressum, longi-conicum, svlcis lateralibus sublinearibus ; antennce longiusculce, apice fuscce ; prothorax subrugulosus, carinis lateralibus postice sub/lexis, margine poslico rotundato, sulcis transversis sub- undulatis ; tibice postica basi nigricanles pallido unifasciata ; alee anticce fusees, vitla postica lanceolata fusca ; alee postiae subcinerece, apice fuscescentes, striga costali nigra. Male. Testaceous. Head and thorax on each side with a broad dark brown stripe extending from the eye to the metalhorax. Head with the tip of the vertex depressed, elongate-conical ; furrow on each side nearly linear; front oblique, with four slight diverging keels; inner keels forming a ridge between the sockets of the antennae. Antennae slender, filiform, brown towards the tips, a little longer than the head and the pro- thorax together. Prothorax transversely and very slightly rugulose, with three very slight keels ; inner keel diverging slightly towards the hind border, which is rounded; transverse furrows slightly undulating. Abdo- men slightly pilose, somewhat shorter than the hind femora. Hind tibiae nearly as lonjf as the abdomen, blackish at the base, near which there is a pale band. Fore wings brown, with a testaceous lanceolate stripe along the hind boider. Hind wings slightly cinereous, brownish at the tips, with a black costal streak; veins black, testaceous at the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 6 lines; expansion of the fore wings 13 lines. The head is larger than that of S. coutiunulus, which it much resembles. o. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. 761 55. STENOBOTHRUS ARCTATUS. Viridis ; capul et prothorax vittis duabus latis nigricantibus ; fastigium longi-conicum, sitlcis lateratibus fere lineuribus, fronts perobliqua ; antenncegraciles,Jiliformes ; prothorax carinis lateratibus albisjlexis, margine postico rotundato ; femora pontica fascia sulapicali pullida ; libice posticce basi nigricantes et flaw unifascialce ; alee anlicce fuscngate- conical ; furrow on each side nearly linear; front very oblique, with four slight diverging keels; inner keels connected and forming a ridge between the sockets of the antennae. Antennae slender, filiform. Prothorax with three very slight keels ; lateral keels white, slightly converging from the fore border to the first transverse furrow, diverging from thence to the hind border, which is rounded. Legs testaceous. Hind femora with a paler baud near the tips, which are blackish. Hind tibiae blackish towards the base, near which there is a pale yellow band. Fore wings brown, with a grass-green lanceolate stripe along the hind border; exlerior part of the latter cinereous. Hind wings cinereous, brownish about the tips, with a black costal streak; veins black, testaceous at the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 8 ? lines ; expansion of the fore wings 15 lines. The abdomen of the specimen described is mutilated. The converging lateral keels of the prothorax distinguish it from S. conciunulus and from S. rugulosus. o. Honduras. From Mr. Miller's collection. 56. STENOBOTHRUS VIRIDISSIMUS. Foem. Prasinus ; caput et prothorax lineis duabus albidis fusco sub- marginatis ; prothorax carinis lateralibus subarcualis, margine postico rotundato; abdomen pallide testaceum ; al<£ anticce pallide rosece, vitta costali viridi ianceolata ; alee posticce diaphance. Female. Vivid grass-green. Head and prothorax on each side with a whitish slightly brown-bordered line. Head with a linear and very narrow furrow on each side of the tip of the vertex; front with four slight diverging keels, the inner pair nearly contiguous where they join the tip of the vertex. Prothorax with three very slight keels; the lateral pair very slightly curved inward, bearing the lines before mentioned; hind border rounded. Abdomen pale testaceous, a little shorter than the hind femora. Hind tibiae shorter than the abdomen, their spines with black tips. Fore wings pale rose-colour, this hue diminishing towards the tip ; a green lanceolate costal stripe which does not extend to the tip ; costa rounded near the base. Hind wings pellucid ; veins black. Length of the body 9 lines; expansion of the fore wings 14 lines. a. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection. CATALOGUE OF Africa and Arabia. 57. STENOBOTHRUS L^ETUS. laetus, Walk. Zoul. 2302, Sept. 1870. Cairo. 58. STENOBOTHRUS LIMOSUS. limosus, Walk. Zool. 2302. Hor Tamanib. 59. STEXOBOTHRUS COMPTUS. Mas. Fulvus ; caput et thorax vittls duabus nigricanlibus postice dilatatis et flaw oblique bistrigatis ; fastigium sulcis lateralibus nullis ; frons perobliqua ; antennae longa, apices versus fuscce; pro- thorax carinis lateralibus pallide testaceis postice deflexis, mnrgine postico rolundalo ; ahdorninis latera niyro bimaculata ; femora postica nigro biplagiata ; tibia posticce niyricantes, basi testaceu fasciatcB ; aloe anticce nigricantes, vilta postica testacea; alee posticte obscure cinerece. Var. (3. — Caput luteo bivittatum, thorax slrigis lateralibus nullis ; alee antica vitta nulla postica. V"ar. y. — Vertex et prothorax fusca,flavo bivittata. Male. Tawny. Head and thorax on each side with a broad blackish stripe, which in the mesothorax and metaih'orax is dilated and interrupted by a yellow oblique streak. Tip of the vertex concave, conical ; lateral furrows obsolete ; front very oblique, with four distinct keels which diverge towards the face; inner keels parallel to the outer pair, connected and forming the usual ridge between the sockets of the antennae. Antennae filiform, brown towards the tips, much longer than the head and the pro- thorax together. Prothorax with three slight keels; the lateral pair pale testaceous, diverging from the first transverse furrow to the hind border, which is rounded. Pectus and abdomen yellow, the latter with two black spots on each side near the base. Four anterior femora with black dots. Hind femora mnch longer than the abdomen, with black tips and with two blackish patches. Hind tibiae blackish, with a testaceous band near the base; spines testaceous, with black tips. Fore wings blackish, with a testa- ceous stripe along the hind border. Hind wings dark cinereous. Var. (3. — Head and prothorax tawny, luteous on each side and beneath. Head with a luteous stripe on each side. Hind part of the thorax without oblique streaks. Fore wings without a pale stripe on the hind border. Var. y. — Head and prolhorax brown above, with two yellow stripes. Length of the body 7 — 1\ lines ; expansion of the fore wings 14 — 15 lines. a, b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. c. Sierra Leone. From Mr. Foxcrofi's collection. d. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 703 60. STENOBOTHRUS PEODUCTUS. Mas. Testaceus ; caput et prothorax fusco bilineata ; vertex fusco bilineatus, fastigii sulcis lateralibus vix conspicuis ; frons sub- obliqua; antennce plance, apices versus fuscte ; prothorax albido tri- carinatus, strigis duabus fuscis poslicis lalis, carinis lateralibus subflexis, margine postico rolundato ; alee cinertce ; alee anticce fusco guttatce et apud costam strigatte, slriga discali e guttis pallide leslaceis. Var. j3. — Ferruginea ; caput et prothorax innotata ; alee anticce non strigatce. Male. Testaceous. Head and prothorax on each side with a brown line which extends from the hind border of the eye along the lateral keel of the prothorax. Head with two brown lines on the vertex; lip of the latter conical, depressed; lateral furrows hardly defined; front slightly oblique, with four well-defined diverging keels ; inner keels connected and forming a ridge between the sockets of the antenna. Antenna flattened, brown towards the tips, longer than the prothovax. Prothorax with three well-defined whitish keels; the lateral keels slightly diverging along the hinder half; a broad brown streak between the second transverse furrow and the hind border, which is rounded. Hind femora a little longer than the abdomen. Wings cinereous. Fore wings with many brown dots; a discal streak composed of pale testaceous dots; a broad brown costal streak in front of the latter. Var. /3. — Ferruginous. Head and prothorax without markings. Fore wings wholly cinereous, except the brown dots. Length of the body 9 lines; expansion of the fore wings 16 lines. a, b. Gaboon, W. Africa. Presented by F. Moore, Esq. 61. STENOBOTHRDS MINUSCULUS. Mas. Fulvus; fastigium acutum, sulcis lateralibus lanceolatis ; frons subobliqua ; antenna fuscce, longa, basi fulva ; prothorax nigricante bivittatus, carina media bene determinata, carinis lateralibus angu- latis strigisque duabus exterioribus testaceis ; femora postica nigricante bifasciatar; tibia posticce basi testaceo unifasciatce ; ales anticte fuscescente cinereat guttis duabus albidis ; alec postica cinerece, apice fusca. Male. Tawny. Vertex with two very slight keels; tip acutely conical ; furrow on each side lanceolate ; front slightly oblique, with four well-defined slightly diverging keels; inner keels connected where they join the tip of the vertex. Antennae brown, filiform, longer than the head and the prothorax together, tawny towards the base. Prothorax with a well-defined middle keel, and with two slight distinctly angular testaceous lateral keels which intersect two blackish stripes; a testaceous streak on each side; hind border elongated, angular. Abdomen testaceous, keeled. Hind femora much longer than the abdomen, with two irregular blackish bands and with blackish tips. Hind tibiae with a testaceous band near the base. Fore wings brownish cinereous, darkest near the costa, with two whitish dots ; first dot subcostal, antemedial ; second smaller than the first, discal, postmedial. Hiiid wings cinereous, brown about their tips, with a 764 CATALOGUE OF blackish costal streak. Var. (3. — Paler. Hind femora without markings, except two blackish patches on the inner side. Length of the body 6 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 12 lines. The more elongated hind border of the prothorax distinguish it from other Stenobolhri. o, b. Cape. Presented by R. Trimen, Esq. 62. STENOBOTHRUS CAPENSTS. Mas. Ferrugineus ; vertex fulvo univittatus, fastigii sulcis lateralibus vix conspicuis, fronte obliqua ; prothorax carinis tribus parallelis, margins pnstico subangulato ; pedes postici rufescentes, femoribus extus nigricantibus ; alee anticce fuscce ; alee posticce cinerece. Male. Ferruginous. Head tawny beneath and with a tawny stripe on the vertex; tip of the latter convex, conical ; lateral furrows hardly apparent; front punctured, oblique, with four slight diverging keels. AntennaB blackish, tawny at the base, hardly longer than the prothorax. Prothorax with three slight parallel keels; hind border elongated, forming a rounded angle. Abdomen tawny. Hind legs reddish. Hind femora somewhat longer than the abdomen ; disk on the outer side blackish. Hind tibiae much shorter than the hind femora, their spines with black tips. Fore wings brown. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 7 lines; expansion of the fore wings 14 lines. The convex and broad tip of the vertex and some other characters of this species differ much from the typical structure of Stenobothrus. a. S. Africa. Presented by R. Trimen, Esq. Madagascar. 63. STENOBOTHRUS ORNATUS. Mas. Viridis ; caput et prothorax testaceo bivillata ; caput longiusculum, fastigii carinis lateralibus lanceolatis, fronte subobliqua; prothorax earinis lateralibus sat obliquis strigisque duabus exterioribus albidis^ margine postico angulato ; tibice posticce rufescentes ; al vix tuberculatce, apice cinerece ; alte posticce diaphano cinerece. Female. Tawny. Head and dorsum of the prothorax mostly blackish. Head especially tuberculate on the front; tip of the vertex excavated, forming a conical protuberance between the antennae. Antennae ferru- ginous, filiform, very slender, much longer than the head and the prothorax together. Prothorax in structure somewhat like that of O. vireiis and of German, but more slender and less luberculate. Abdomen black above. Hind femora with a red patch on the inner side at the base. Spines of the hind tibiae rather long, with black tips. Fore wings dark brown, hardly tuberculate, cinereous- towards the tips. Hind wings pellucid-cinereous; ACRIDIDJ3. 799 veins black, whitish towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 9 lines; expansion of the fore wings 18 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus 34. PNEUMORA. Pneumora, Thunb., Latr. Serv. Rev. Zool. Hist. Orth. 710. Brultt. Burnt. Handb. Ent. ii. 661— Gryllus, Linn., Fabr.— Acrydium, Oliv. 1. PNEUMORA MARMORATA. marmorata, Thunb. Nya Handl. 63, pi. 2, f. 7. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 663— spinulosa? Thunb. Nya Handl. 64, pi. 2, f. 9. Stall, Saut. et Grill, pi. 20 b, f. 78— Gryllus variolosus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 50— ? Stall, pi. 21 b, f. 83. a. Cape. Presented by K. W. Townseud, Esq. b. Cape. 2. PNEUMORA OBLIQUA. Pueumova obliqua, Thunb. Nya Handl. 164, pi. 2, f. 10. a. Zoolu, South Africa. Presented by G. F. Angas, Esq. b. Cape. Presented by Sir A. Smith. e. Cape. Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty. 3. PNEUMORA VARIOLOSA. Gryllus (Locusta) variolosa, Linn. Mus. Lud. 128 ; Syst. Nat. 2, 693. Stall, Saut. et Grill, pi. 20 b, f. 78 ; pi. 21 b, f. 83— Pneumora maculata, Thunb. Mem. v. 256. Nya //anfZ/.62,pl.2,f.6. Burm. Handb. Ent.\\. 663 — Gryllus variolosus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 250 — Acrydiura vario- losum, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 218— Pneumora variolosa, Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 221, pi. 21, f. 1, 2. Serv. Hist. Orth. 717. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. b. Cape. From Mr. Walker's collection. c. Cape. From Mr. Trimen's collection. d. Cape. From Mr. Children's collection. ej. Cape. 4. PNEUMORA SCUTELLARIS. Pneumora scutellaris, Latr. Rdgne Anim.2eedit. ii. pi. 4, f. 1. Burnt. Handb. Ent. ii. 664 — Pneumora (Cjstoccelia) sculellaris, Serv. Hist. Orlh. 713. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 5. PNEUMORA SEXGUTTATA. Pneumora sexguttata, Thunb. Act. Suec. 1775, 258. Nya Handl. 61. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 664, pi. 7, f. 3. Latr. Hist. Ins. xii. 146 — Gryllus inanis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii.49 — Acrydium inane, Oliv. Enc. Mtth. vi. 217— Pneumora (Cystocoelia) sexguttata, Serv. Hist. Orth. 715. Cape. 800 CATALOGUE OF 6. PNEUMORA PUPILLATA. Pneumora pupillata, Thunb. Nya Handl. 60, pi. 2, f. 4. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 663. Cape. 7. PNEUMORA DISCOLOR, Pneumora discolor, Thunb. Nya Handl. 58, pi. 2, f. 1. Burm* Handb. Ent. ii. 663, Cape. 8. PNEUMORA MEMBKACIOIDES. Fcem. Viridis ; prothorax valde arcuatus, abdominis apicem fere attingensy carina Integra antice vix cristata, postice tuberculata. Female. Grass-green. Head very short ; front erect, tuberculate, without keels. Prothorax highly arched, extending nearly to the tip of the abdomen ; fore part thinly and minutely tuberculate, with four transverse impressed lines and with eight minute crests; hind part with a continuous keel, which has tubercles or very minute crests along the whole length. Fore femora tuberculate. Hind tibiae with extremely minute spines. Wings none. Length of the body 13 lines. «. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. Genus 35. CYSTOCCELIA. Pneumora (Cystocoslia), Serv. Hist. Orth. 713. 1. CVSTOCOSLIA IMMACULATA. Pneumora himmaculata, Thunb. Act. Suec. 1775, 256, pi. 7, f. 1 ; Nya Handl. 59. Gm?L ed Syst. Nat. ii. 3, 2047. Latr. N. Diet. Hist. Nat. Ire edit.; Hist. Ins. xii. 146. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 663 — Mantis paradoxa, Stoll, Spect. et Mant. pi. 25, f. 99— Gryllus (Locusta) viuaceus, Stoll, Saut. et Grill, pi. 20 b, f. 76— Gryllus (Locusta) pulicarius, Stoll, Saut. et Grill, pi. 20 b, f. 77— Gryllus papillosus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 49— Acrydium papillosum, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 217 — Pueumora (Cystocoelia) immaculata, Serv. Hist. Orth. 716. ?. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. /. South Africa. From Col. Whitelrill's collection. g. Cape. From Mr. Walker's collection. h. Cape. From Mr. Trimen's collection. i. Natal. Presented by J. Sanderson, Esq. .;. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. A. Cape. Presented by R. W. Townsend, Esq. ACRIDID^E. 801 2. CYSTOCCELIA RUBENS. Pneumora rubens, Tkunb. Nya Handl. 58, pi. 2, f. 1. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 663. Stoll, Saut. et Grill, pi. 20 b, f. 77. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. b. Zoolu. Presented by G. F. Angas, Esq. c. Cape. Presented by R. W. Townsend, Esq. 3. CYSTOCCELIA OCELLATA. Pneumora ocellata, Thunb. Nya Handl. 60, pi. 2, f. 3. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 662. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 4. CYSTOCCELIA PAPILLOSA. Pneumora papillosa, Thunb. Nya Handl. 61, pi. 2, f. 5. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 663. .a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith, ERRATA. Page 716. PLATYPHYMA GIORNJE. a, b. Hyeres. From Prof. Westwood's collection. Page 723. For North Caledonia read New Caledonia. Page 751. Transfer " a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection " from Steno- bothrus hiemorrhoidalis to S. apricarius. Page 755, 756. STENOBOTHRUS OCCIDENTALIS. This species is recorded twice. INDEX. aprica, 750 A. apricaria, 751 apricarius, 751 abbreviata, 647 apta, 666 abbreviatum, 647, 784 apterum, 717 abdominale, 751 arctatus, 761 Abracris, 642 arcticus, 681 abrupta, 739 Arcyptera, 781 abruptipeunis, 752 arenaria, 736 Acrid id ae, 605 arraata, 724 Acridium, 619 armatus, 724 adjuncta, 657 arrogans, 719 admirabilis, 753 artbritica, 662 adustum, 624 arthiiticum, 662 adusta, 790 arvalis, 753 a3neo-oculatum, 639 aspera, 775 aequalis, 736, 754 atanis, 720 affine, 648, 727 Audouinii, 719, 798 affinis, 648, 727 aureolus, 753 Agriacvis, 644 aurifera, 735 agrionoides, 792 Australis, 670, 788 alacre, 668 Azteca, 716, 733 alacris, 668 Aztecum, 716 albicornis, 753 Aztecus, 787 albidiferuin, 627 azurescens, 726 albolineata, 737 alboinarginatum, 750 Algeriaria, 737 alienum, 634 B. alienus, 684 alliaceus, 782 balteata, 736 alpicola, 717 Banian, 646 alpina, 717 barbarum, 677 alpinus, 717 basalis, 658 alutacea, 609 basifer, 713 alutaceum, 609 Batrachopus, 720 annulifera, 659 Batracbotettix, 796 annulosa, 674 bicolor, 753, 795 antica, 649, 668 biguttatum, 783 Apalacris, 641 biguttatus, 783 apicale, 751 biguttula, 753 apicalis, 751, 792 biguttulum, 753 biguitulus, 749, 753, 783 bilineatus, 754 bilituratus, 679 biraaculatus, 608 binotata, 752 binotatus, 752 bisignata, 782 bisignatum, 782 bisignatus, 782 bivittatus, 608, 678 Borckii, 718 borealis, 678 Brachypeplus, 795 brachypterus, 784 Brasiliensis, 724 brevicolle, 747 brevipenne, 783 brevipennis, 783 brunneus, 708 Bufo, 795, 796 Burkhartianus, 786 C. Calacris, 639 calcaratn, 654 calceata, 661 calceatum, 661 Calidoniensis, 783 Calliptamus, 639, 676 caliginosa, 739, 771 caliginosura, 739, 771 Calopienoides, 716 Caloptenus, 656, 676 campestris, 757 capensis, 764 capicola, 638 carbonari us, 708, 752 carinata, 795 carinatum, 795 804 INDEX- carinatus, 795 coniceps, 656 Carolina, 729 conscitus, 700 Carolinum, 729 consobrina, 674 Carolinus, 729 consobrinum,636 Carolinian urn, 729 consobrinus, 755 Catantops, 638 eonsors, 640 Ceracris, 791 conspersa, 755 cerineipennis, 732 conspersus, 755 cervinus, 715 coutinuata, 795 Cbariacris, 653 continuatus, 79£ Chilensis, 757 conturbata, 772 Chloealtis, 755 coralliuus, 654 chlorizans, 652 corallipes, 731 Choroetypus, 797 Coreanum, 629 Chorotypus, 797 costalis, 732, 759 Chorthippus, 750, 784 costistriga, 767 Chortippus, 748 coihnrnata, 781 Cbristii, 723 cothurnatus, 781 Cbromacris, 643 coxale, 640 Chrotogonus, 793 coxalis, 640 Chrysochraon, 784 crassa, 741 cincticollis, 689 crassipes, 750 cinerascens, 723,735 crassus, 694 cinerea, 656 crenala, 792 cinereum, 656 crenatum, 792 Cisti, 794 cristatum, 724 citiina, 728 cristella, 743 clarns, 71 1 cristulifer,69i clavicorne, 783 cruciata, 747 clavimanus, 783 cruciatum, 747 clavuliger, 645 cruciatus, 747 elavuligera, 645 crucigerus, 747 cliens, 719 cruentata, 751 C03lestre, 640 Ctypohippus, 723, 727 coelestris, 640 cuculligera, 655 coerulans, 726 curtipennis, 754 coerulescens, 726, 727 cyaneum, 613 cognata, 658 cyaneus, 613 colorata, 644 cyanoptera, 719, 726, coloratura, 644 727 eoloratus, 708 cyanopterum, 719 commune, 716 cyanopterus, 726 compressicornis, 786 cycloptera, 792 eompta, 613 cyclopterum, 792 com plus, 762 Cyrlacantbacris, 609 concolor, 646 Cystocoelia, 800 eoncinna, 738 concinnulus, 759 D. concisus, 687 concolor, 610, 652 Dactylotum, 795 conglobata, 671 Dalmani,789 damnificum, 623 Danicus, 723 dorsalis, 749 dorsata, 749 dorsattira, 749 dorsatus, 749 debilitata, 602 debilitatum, 662 decisus, 700, 757 declivum, 748 declivus, 748 decoripes, 621 decurtatum, 784 delineolatum, 631 differentialis, 610 dilecta, 642 dimidiata, 648,749 dimidiatum, 648 Diponthus, 637 discoidalis, 686 discolor, 800 dispar, 784 disiinguendum, 638 distinguendus, 638 diversifera, 611 dominans, 705 dominator, 683 dorsale, 630 dorsigera, 645 dubium, 632 dubius, 786 ducalis, 665 dulcis, 654 E. edax,718 electum, 637 electtis, 637 elegans, 663, 748, 749', 752, 783 elephas, 795 eloiigatum, 636 Epacromia, 766 Eremobia, 798 ericetarius, 783 erisanus, 677 erubescens, 703 erythroenernis, 747 eucerata,73.1 INDEX. 805 Eupropacris, 642 evanescens, 765 exclusum, 634 exemptum, 626 expandens, 758 exlranea, 639 extremus, 681 Eynisacris, 638 F. Fabricii, 727 falso-elegans, 748 fascia ta, 646, 727 fasciatum,677 fasciatus, 680, 725 femorale, 620 femoratus, 678 femur-rubrum, 678 fenestralis, 731 fenestrata, 797 feneslratum, 797 fenestratus, 797 ferox, 645 ferrifera, 618 ferrugineus, 705 fervens, 790 filatus, 785 filiformis, 676 finale, 625 Fischeri, 750 flava, 728 flavicosta, 747 flavipes, 723 flavo-annulata, 648 flavo-annulatum, 648 flavolineata, 640 flavolineatum, 640 flavovirens, 767 flavovittatum, 678 flavus, 728 flexuosa, 794 flexuosus, 794 fraterna, 718 frateruum, 718 frigida, 717 frigidum, 717 frigidus, 717 furaidum, 626 furcifer, 646 furcifera, 646 l'usco-cincta,737 fusco-irrorata, 724 G. gallinacea, 797 gallinaceum, 797 gallinaceus, 797 gavisa, 669 Genei, 747 geniculata, 749, 751 geniculatus, 749 genuale, 625 Germanica, 727 Germauicum, 727 Germanicus, 676, 727, 781 Germari, 798 Giornse, 716 Glapbyracris, 653 glaucopsis, 702 Glypbanus, 795 Gomphocerus, 747, 748, 782 gracilis, 767, 793, 798 granulata, 797 granulatmn, 797 grata, 778 gratiosa, 727 gratiosus, 758 gregarius, 757 grossa, 781 grossum, 767, 781 grossus, 781 Grylloides, 649 Guineensis, 765 guttata, 792 guttulosa, 745 H. haematonota, 640 hsematonotum, 640 haBmatopum, 693 hoematopus, 693 haemorrhoidalis, 751 Hagenbachii, 648 Haitensis, 734 Hemiacris, 789 hemiplerus, 793 herbacea, 656 herbaceum, 656 Heieracris, 655 hilaris, 650 Hippiscus, 797 Hippopedon, 748 Hispanica, 748 Hispanicus, 748 histrio, 748 homalodena, 793 bomalodenas, 793 bomoplera, 784 Hottentotus, 692 humeralis, 662 bumilis, 734 Hyalopteryx, 788 Hyla, 647 hystrix, 655 I. ictericus, 677 illepida, 615 illepidus, 694 illustris, 663 imitatrix, 616 iminaculata, 800 inane, 799 inanis, 799 includens, 715 inclyta, 773 inficita, 742 infuscata, 647 infuscatum, 647 innotabile, 629 inscitus, 712 insignis, 664, 701, 737 Insubrica, 725, 726 Insubricus, 725 internexa, 613 intricata, 647 intricatum, 647 irisus, 691 Italicum, 677 Italicus, 676 J. Japonicus, 743 2D 806 INDEX. jucundus, 748 moderata, 785 Jurinei, 655 M. moderatus, 785 modestum, 753 macroptera, 719, 797 mollis, 753 macropteruin, 719 Monachidium, 609 K. maculalutea, 649 montana, 749 maculata, 744, 799 montanus, 749 Klugii, 798 maculatum, 725 Montezuma, 787 maculatus, 783 morio, 752, 781 maculiferum, 622 morosus, 714 maculipennis, 754 Morphacris, 790 L. Maderse, 736 munda, 612 immtispoides, 792 mundata, 672 labiata, 747 raarginale, 622 muricata, 794 labiatus, 747 marginalis, 710 muricatum, 794 laetus, 762 marginellus, 677 muricalus, 794 laiiceolata, 651 nniritima, 731 musicum, 728 latifasciata, 737 marmorata, 732, 799 musicus, 728 latipennis, 731 Maroccanus, 747 mutabilis, 753 lativittatus, 766 Mastax, 791 mutator, 689 lemniseata, 719 Mauritanica, 737 mutilata, 791 leimiiscutuin, 719 Mecostethus, 782 mystecus, 756 lepidus, 709 megacephalum, 750 Leprus, 795 melanopleurus, 754 Leptacris, 676 melanopterus, 752 N. leucoptera, 784 melanopus, 693 leucostoma, 678 melanostictus, 638 nanula, 616 liaspis, 793 membracioides, 800 nebulosa, 732 limbata, 794 mendax, 717 Nepalensis, 707 Hmbatus, 794 Menetriesii, 786 Nietanus, 746 limosus, 762 Mexicana, 682, 718, nigricans, 653, 727, lineata, 750 733 776 lineatura, 750 Mexicanum, 789 nigricornis, 791 lineatus, 750 Mexicanus, 746, 756, nigripennis, 738 lineosa, 673 786 nigroconspersa, 640 literosum, 620 microptera, 648 nigroconspersum, 637, liturata, 744 micropterum, 648 640 liturifer, 703 migratoria, 722, 723 nigroconspersus, 637 Locusta, 722, 725, 748 migratorium, 722 nigrofasciata, 728 longicorne, 751 migratorius, 722, 723 nigrofasciatum, 728 longicornis, 718, 749 migratorioides, 722, nigrofasciatus, 728 longicrus, 784 724 nigromaculati>m, 750 longipermis, 647, 754 miles, 644 nigroterminatum, 750 longipes, 726 miniata, 751 nilidulum, 631 lugubris, 793, 794 miuiatum, 727 nodicollis, 714 Lunus, 609 miniatus, 727, 752 notabilis, 745 luteicornis, 752 minor, 699 luteola, 648 minusculus, 763 lutecium, 648 minuta, 751 O. lutescens, 710, 795 mitrata, 643 mitratum, 643 obliqua, 799 INDEX. 807 obliquum, 637 parallela, 749 obliterans, 712 parallelus, 749 obliterata, 730 parapleura, 782 obscura, 738 Parapleurus, 782 obscurata, 738 parapleurus, 782 obscurella, 765 pardalina, 733 obscurellus, 765 pardalinus, 725 obscurum, 738 partita, 780 obscurus, 727, 738 parvieeps, 732 obtusa, 647 parvula, 615 obtusum, 634, 647 parvulum,750 obtusus, 795 patruele, 719 ocellata, 891 patruelis, 719, 725 occidentulis, 755 pedestre, 717 Oceanica, 779 pedestris, 717 Ocelote, 797 Pedies, 654 ochraceipennis, 735 octofasciata, 737 Pegasidion, 720 pelidnus, 784 CEdipoda, 655, 722, Pellarini, 744 725 pellucida, 732 (Edipodidae, 721 pera grans, 767 Omraatolampis, 714 perficita, 660 Ommexecba, 719, 793, Perisacris, 789 797 periscelidis, 732 Opiptacris, 650 permista, 639 oppulum, 655 permistus, 639 ornatissima, 645 perspicillata, 714 ornatus, 764 perspicillatus, 714 Otomitus, 746 petraeutn, 753 Oxya, 640, 645 petraeus, 753 Oxycoryphus, 786 Pezotettix, 717 Oxypbyma, 655 pbsenicoptera, 730 oxyptera, 793 Pblocerus, 786 oxypterus, 793 Pblceoba, 789 Pbyllochoreia, 797 pictum, 728 P. pilipes, 635 pingue, 638 Pacbytylus, 722, 728, pinguis, 638, 695 729 placida, 724 paganus, 788 plagiata, 617 Pallasii, 704 Platacautbus, 714 pallida, 772, 793 Platyphyma,7l6 pallidipennis, 733 platypterus, 784 pallid us, 793 plebeia, 673 pantberinum, 623 plebeius, 788 papillosa, 801 plena, 769 papillosum, 800 plenipennis, 696 papillosus, 800 plorans, 655, 723 Paracinema, 782 Pneuraora, 799 paradoxa, 800 Pnorisa, 789 Podisma, 655,716,717 749, 784 Poepedetes, 654 Polysarcus, 720 praemorsura, 638 praemorsus, 638 prasina, 770 pratensis, 750 pratorum, 749 procera, 645 productus, 763 propiuquus, 754, 766 proprium, 621 Prosacris, 789 Psopha, 722 pudica, 641, 739 pulchellura, 717 pulchripennis, 794 pulchripes, 693 pulicarius, 800 pulla, 751,752, 783 pullus, 752 pulverulenta, 767 pulvinatus, 748 punctarium, 630 punctifrons, 647 punctipennis, 659 punctulata, 755 punctulatus, 678, 755 pupillala, 800 pusilla, 778 Pyrgodera, 722 Q. quadratus, 698 quadrimaculata, 739, 768 quadrimaculatum, 739, 768 Quilta, 643 R. Bamburi, 750 ranacea, 613 red net us, 713 rejecta, 675 repleta, 770 808 INDEX. repletus, 678 scutellaris, 796, 799 respondens, 728 scutifer, 704 Khammatocerus, 756 scutigera, 796 rbomboidea, 753 sebetium, 727 rhodoptilus, 727 selectus, 682 robusta, 668 semicolor, 784 robustum,668 semiroseus, 691 robustus, 668 septentrionalis, 718 rosacea, 739 Serapis, 685 rotun data, 743 Servillei, 720, 798 rubella, 613 Servillii, 640 rnbens, 801 sexguttata, 799 rubescens, 738 Sibiricum, 783 rubicunda, 751 Sibiricus, 783 rubicundus, 752 Siculus, 677 rubiginosa, 615 signata, 748 rubripes, 693, 781 signatipennis, 734 rubripenne, 729 signatipes, 706 rudis, 664 signatus, 687 ruficornis, 613 similis, 685 rufipennis, 788 simplex, 669 rufipes, 717,751 simulatrix, 610, 773 rufomarginatum, 750 Sinense, 628 rufum, 783 Sinensis, 704 rufus, 783 Sinipta, 789 rugosak 731 smaragdulum, 784 rugulosus, 760 smilacea, 784 rustica, 789 smilaeeum, 784 rusticus, 789 sobria, 744 socia, 769 socius, 769 S. Sommeri, 798 sordida, 732 Salamamlra, 717 sordidus, 697 salina, 727 sparsa, 670 salinum, 727 sparsum, 670 saltator, 748 speciosa, 644, 661, 735 Sanctae-Helenae, 655 speciosum, 644 sanguinipes, 639, 678 speciosus, 644, 754 sapbiripes, 693 spectabilis, 643 saturata, 740 Sphenarium, 789 saturatum, 628 Spbingonotus, 725 saturatus, 692 spinulosa, 799 saucium, 638 spissa, 618 saucius, 638 spretum, 678 scaber, 797 spretus, 678 scalaris, 752 spuria, 648 Scbmidtii, 717 spurium, 648 scriptipennis, 686 squalus, 789 scriptus, 680 Stauronotus, 747 Scudderi, 718 Stenacris, 651 Stenobothrus, 748, 782 stenopterus, 785 Stetbeopbyma, 781 stigmaticum, 750 stigmaticus, 750 stipatum, 624 straminea, 666 straraineus, 697 strangulata, 665 siren u us, 699 strepens, 767 strictus, 707 stridula, 729 striduluin,729 stridulus, 729 strigata, 738 subalpinum, 717 subca3ruleipennis, 727 subconspersus, 755 subfasciata, 744 subfaseiatum, 744 subsinuatus, 750 sulphurea, 729, 730 sulphureum, 729 sulphureus, 695, 729 Sumichrasti, 718, 733 Surinama, 640 Surinamura, 640 Suvinainus, 640 Syntomacris, 650 T. tamulus, 784 tarsale, 632 tarsata, 640 tenella, 618 tenellus, 750 tenuicornis, 724 tenuis, 668,749, 791 Tapanecus, 756 tergestinus, 767 terminal is, 737 termini fera, 777 terminiferum, 633 testaceus, 685 tbalassina, 766 tbalassinum, 723, 766 tbalassinus, 766 thoracica, 768 INDEX. 809 Thrinchus, 794 unistrigatum, 648 Virginianus, 732 Thunbergi, 724 Urnisa, 746 viridifasciata, 786 tibialis, 720, 787 • viridifasciatus, 786 Tinaria, 654 viridis, 719, 755 tincta, 738 V. viridissimus, 761 Tolteca, 733 viridivitta, 660 Toltecus, 786 vagans, 750 viridula, 751 Tomonotus, 729, 746 varia, 774 viridulum, 751 Totonacus, 787 variabilis, 726, 753 viridulus, 750 Trachypetra, 796 varicornis, 642, 667 vitrea, 792 trachyptera, 793 variegata, 714, 738, vittata, 753 tracbypterus, 793 781 vitticolle, 670 Tragocephala, 786 variegatnm, 640, 714, vitticollis, 670 transtrigata, 733 781 vitiifrons, 765 tricarinata, 749 variegatus, 781 vittiger, 648 tricincta, 737 variolosa, 799 vittigera, 670 tricoloripes, 776 variolosum, 799 vittigerum, 648, 670 trifasciata, 729 variolosus, 799 vittipennis, 651 trifasciatus, 729 varipes, 753 vittipes, 675 tuberculata, 726, 730 vastator, 747 volitans, 720 tuberculatus, 726 velox, 647 vorax, 683 tuberculatum ? 693, 730 vendulum, 782 vulnerata, 743 turbata, 776 venosa, 753 vulneratum, 743 turbida, 779 ventrale, 751 turbid us, 688 ventralis, 751 turritus, 794 venusta, 730, 740 X. tnrpis, 775 venustus, 787 Trybliophorus, 607 verruculata, 731 xanihoptera, 730 typus, 782 viatorius, 756 vinaceus, 800 violacea, 640 Z. U, violaceum, 640 virens, 720, 798 Zapotecus, 787 unicolor, 797 virescens,635,654,737, Zetterstedtii, 751 unilineata, 611 795 Zimmermanni, 718, unistrigata, 648 Virginian a, 732 746 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. BIOLOGY LIBRARY INTERLiBRARY LO N n 1 1 o ii *7 inn I AUG ] 7 199 • INIV nc r*' ?r P ?W LD 21-10m-7,'39(402s) specimens o " Derma pt era Saltetoria < m^rrfc to ~bhe >nd supple- Rlafchariae • • • 40V 4 1941 x M113828 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY