xe YS Va dr ea ta i fr. ¥ te CATALOGUE OF PLANTS GROWING WITHOUT CULTIVATION WITHIN THIRTY MILES OF meMAHRSLT COLLEGE: BY EDWARD TUCKERMAN, M.A., PROFESSOR OF BOTANY, AND CHARLES C. FROST, M.A. ' Lyerz ary BREW YOuR | ae sic AL AMHERST: EDWIN NELSON, 1875. LIMRARY RW YORE + a a ee ayer Re 3 & as” The FLORA AMHERSTIENSIS, as here understood, embraces the region within thirty miles of the town of Amherst. The districts thus included, while well associable, afford a sufficient diversity of soils, and other natural features, to give good scope to our enumeration, and make it one worthy of an Academic centre. And the extreme points, while they furnish some important plants not yet but hereafter probably to be found nearer, are by no means so distant from us as they were when the earlier catalogue, which embraced all within ‘‘ forty or fifty miles of Amherst College,’ was prepared. The botanical exploration of this region was begun at about the year 1817, and resulted in the ample “Catalogue of the Plants growing without cultivation in the vicinity of Amherst College,” which was published by the late President Hitchcock, then Professor of Chemistry and Natural History, in 1829. Among his early coadjutors the author mentions Prof. Stephen W. Williams of Deerfield, and Dr. Dennis Cooley, formerly of the same town; and the herbarium of the latter, ‘se “collected and arranged with great industry,” is.said to have contained “nearly all the plants hitherto found in this district.” (Hitchcock Catal., pref.) And he indicates his indebtedness to Rev., afterwards Prof. Chester Dewey for his assistance in the determination of Carex, to Prof. Lewis C. Beck, in the Ferns and Mosses, and to Prof. Torrey “in almost every part, . . . especially the Grasses, and the Class Cry ptogamia.” For nearly thirty years scarcely anything was added, in print, to the Amherst Catalogue. But North American Botany had taken a new shape during that period, in the hands especially of Drs. Torrey and Gray; and the Text-book and Manual of the latter author had become 941995 rhnwtl APR car? the hand-books of all students. It was evident then, when the present writer undertook the charge of botanical study here, in 1858, that a new List, and particularly a revision of the larger and more difficult groups, with a view to bringing these into conformity with Gray’s Manual, was first of all needed: and this was at once set about, and these groups arranged mainly as they now stand; but little comparatively having since been added to them. In this work I was constantly indebted to Prof. Gray; as also, in various parts, to Dr. George Engelmann, Dr. J. W. Robbins of Uxbridge, and, in Carex, to the late Dr. Francis Boott of London. The difficulties of the new catalogue were thus at an end, and it might long since have been put into print; but has certainly gained, in not a few interesting additions, by the delay. Due mention is made, in the following pages, of the many friends whose labours of love have augmented our Flora; as it has also been intended to indicate the original finder of every peculiarly interesting plant. And I take pleasure in expressing here my indebtedness to the late President Hitchcock; to Prof. W. S. Clark, my predecessor in the botanical lecture-room, and now President of the Massachusetts Agricultural College; to Prof. G. L. Goodale, now of Harvard University, in whose company, when a student of Amherst College, much of my herborizing was done; to Prof. C. H. Hitchcock, now of Dartmouth College; and, last but not least, to Rev. H. G. Jesup of this town, who has recently gone over the larger part of the ground afresh, with unsurpassed care, and added, as these pages shew, a very considerable number of new things. It is to the same gentleman that the College owes the foundation and the building up of its new North American herbarium. Nor can I forget the younger friend, not long since taken from us, the late H. F. Bishop, of what is now the Senior Class, whose keen eye was as valuable, in every botanical excursion, whether by land or water, as his willing arm ; and who made our long neglected Utricularia entirely his own. The Linnean school of botanists by no means passed over, in their botanizing, the lower cryptogamous plants, which the then imperfect knowledge, and simple arrangements, made comparatively easy. And Muhlenberg, in his Catalogue of North American plants (1818) set the example for us of a similar attempt at an universal view of vegetation ; in which he was followed by Torrey, in his early New York Catalogue (1819) as well as by Dr. Hitchcock, in his Amherst Catalogue (1829) and in his Massachusetts Catalogue (1835). It needed no argument to shew that the new List should cover the same ground; and, most . cs) happily, the work had been already in great part done for us, in the light of present knowledge, by the veteran cryptogamist of the Con- necticut valley, Charles C. Frost, Esq., of Brattleborough; to whom we thus owe at once the Mosses, Liverworts, Characez, and Fungi. The foreign, whether or not naturalized, plants of a Flora, though to a considerable degree fluctuating and uncertain, are by no means of least interest to the botanist ; and some care has been taken to reckon them pretty fully. When this region was first settled much good grass land was found in the Indian clearings; and “‘ we may safely conclude that there were green meadows” and “ grassy upland in scattered, open woods . . . in this Norwottuck valley” (Judd Hist. Hadley, p. 105). But it was not long before English Grass was grown. John Pynchon, Exsq., of Springfield, had already several acres of this in 1658 (Judd, p. 370). And Josselyn, writing in 1672, has an interesting list of “such plants as have sprung up since the English planted and kept cattle in New England” (New England’s Rarities, p. 85) that is, as were brought in, in good part, with the English grass-seed. A considerable number of our introduced plants thus probably came in early; while others, whether in part appearing and disappearing before, are no doubt later additions. It will be interesting to ascertain what we can of the arrival among us of these strangers; and, as further accessions of the same sort are to be expected, to take note of their first appearance. And the history of even long-established denizens appears to be not wholly beyond our reach. Thus the Daisy (Leucanthemum, Tourn.,— Great Daisy of the old botanists) is said to have been introduced, about sixty years ago, by a Rhode Island man, Cundall by name, who brought seed here for the purpose of planting for horse-feed; for which the plant was recommended (Inf. of T. Buffum) a story implying that it was at least not conspicuous before. Ribwort (Plantago lanceolata, L.) now frequent everywhere, appears to have been recognized by Dr. Hitchcock in South Amherst only, in 1829. And Rudbeckia hirta, becoming every year more common, had, it is scarcely doubtful, its first introduction with Western grass-seed, or between twenty and thirty years since; seed before then being got from Vermont and Canada (Inf. of G. Cutler). The plant was unknown to Hitchcock in 1835 (Catal. Mass.) as to Dewey (1840) but was recognized as occurring in New England in 1856, by Gray. Other western species may well be expected to reach us in the same way. The present catalogue will afford the first date, of some introduced plants no doubt which may not hold their ground, as of a9 others henceforth possibly to become established. Introduced species are distinguished by spaced type; and the few which are known as yet only at a single station, though sometimes already abundant there, are also enclosed within brackets. Some corrections and additions will be found at the end. AMHERST, 10 July, 1875. SERIES I. PHAANOGAMOUS or FLOWERING PLANTS. Crass 1 DICOTYLEDONOUS or EXOGE- wo m 09 0D wwe a a oOo — © OMDNAME WWE NOUS, PLANTS. Sus-ctass I. ANGIOSPERM/E. Division I. POLYPETALOUS. ORDER 1. RANUNCULACEZ. 1. CLEMATIS, L. Virern’s Bower. . verticillaris, DC. Mount Holyoke, Hitchcock. Greenfield, F. G. Tuckerman. . Viorna, L. Brattleborough, Frost. . Virginiana, L. 2. ANEMONE, L. WInp-FLOWER. . cylindrica, Gray. Mt. Toby, &c., H. G. Jesup. . Virginiana, L. . Pennsylvanica, L. South Hadley, G. LZ. Goodale. . nemorosa, L. 8. HEPATICA, Dill. Nosre Liverworr. . triloba, Chaix. . acutiloba, DC. Conway, &c., Jesup. 4. THALICTRUM, Tourn. MEApow-Ruz. . anemonoides, Michx. . dioicum, L. . Cornuti, L. 5. RANUNCULUS, L. Crowroor. . aquatilis, L., var. trichophyllus, Chaix. multifidus, Pursh. alismeefolius, Geyer. Flammula, L., var. reptans, Gray. abortivus, L. % . sceleratus, L. . recurvatus, Poir. . Pennsylvanicus, L. . fascicularis, Muhl. . repens, L. . bulbosus, L. » ecris, L. fae — . ( 2 ) 6. CALTEHA, L: palustris, L. MaArsH MAriGoup. 7. COPTIS, Salisb. trifolia, Salisb. GoLDTHREAD. 8. AQUILEGIA, Tourn. CoLuMBINE. Canadensis, L. 9. ACTAKXA, L. BANE-BERRY. . Spicata, L., var. rubra, Michx. . alba, Bigel. 10. CIMICIFUGA, L. racemosa, Hll. BLACK SNAKEROOT. Goshen, HZ. Hitchcock. ORDER 2. MAGNOLIACEZ. LIRIODENDRON, L. tulipifera, L. TuLip-TREE. Deerfield, Hitchcock. ORDER 3. MENISPERMACEZ. MENISPERMUM, L. Canadense, L. MOoNSsEED. ORDER 4. BERBERIDACEZ, 1. BERBERIS, L. vulgaris, L. BaArserry. Northampton, Shutesbury, &c. 2. CAULOPHYLLUM, Michx. thalictroides, Michx. PappoosE-Roor. 3. PODOPHYLLUM, L. peltatum, L. May-AppLe. South Amherst, Hitchcock. OrDER 5. NYMPHAACEZ., 1. BRASENTIA, Schreb. peltata, Pursh. 2 NYMPHZAA, Tourn. odorata, Ait. WATER-LILY. 3. NUPHAR, Smith. Advena, Ait. YELLOW WATER-LILY. luteum, Smith, var. pumilum, Gray. Oxbow, Jesup. Orper 6. SARRACENIACEA. SARRACENTIA, Tourn. purpurea, L. SIDE-SADDLE FLOWER. m 0 OO wo Cy? OrpDER 7. PAPAVERACEZ., 1. CHELIDONIUM, L. majus, L. CELANDINE. Deerfield, &e. 2. SANGUINARIA, Dill. Canadensis, L. BLoop-RooT. ORDER 8. FUMARIACEZ. 1. ADLUMIA, Raf. cirrhosa, Raf. Mt. Toby, &c. 2. DICENTRA, Bork. . Cucullaria, DC. North Amherst. Northampton. . Canadensis, DC. Conway, G. L. Goodale. 3. CORYDALIS, Vent. ‘ glauca, Pursh. 4, FUMARIA, L. officinalis, L. Fumirory. OrvER 9. CRUCIFERZ. 1, NASTURTIUM, R.Br. Cress. . officinale, R. Br. True WATER-CrEss. Deerfield. sylvestre, R.Br. School meadow, Hadley. . palustre, DC. . Armoracia, Fries. Horssz-RADISH. 2. DENTARIA, L. Tooruwort. . diphylla, L. . laciniata, Muhl. Deerfield, Hitchcock. 38. CARDAMINE, L. Lanpy’s-Smock. hirsuta, L., & var. sylvatica, Gray. 4. ARABIS, L. Rock-Cress. hirsuta, Scop. . levigata, DC. . Canadensis, L. 5. BARBAREA, R.Br. WINTER-CREsSS. vulgaris, R. Br. 6. ERYSIMUM, L. TrReEAcLE-MUSTARD. cheiranthoides, L. Mt. Toby, Jesup. Brattleborough, Frost. 7. SISYMBRIUM, L. officinale, Scop. HrpGE-Mustarp. w (( es) 8. BRASSICA, Tourn. alba, Gray. WHITE MusTARD. . nigra, Gray. TRUE MUSTARD. 9. ALYSSUM, Tour. [calycinum, L. Amherst, rare.] 10. CAMELINA, Crantz. sativa, Crantz. Ambherst. 11. CAPSELLA, Vent. Bursa-pastoris, Moench. SHEPHERD’S-PURSE. 12. LEPIDIUM, L. PEprerwort. Virginicum, L. 13. RAPHANUS, L. Raphanistrum, lL. CHARLOCK. ORDER 10. VIOLACEZ. VIOLA, ly Voir rotundifolia, Michx. lanceolata, L. primuleefolia, L. blanda, Willd. cucullata, Ait., & var. palmata, Gray. sagittata, Ait., & var. ovata. pedata, L. canina, L., var. sylvestris, Regel. . rostrata, Pursh. . striata, Ait. Amberst, Hitchcock. . Canadensis, L. pubescens, Ait. tricolor, L. Pansy. About houses. ORDER 11. CISTACEZ. 1 HELIANTHEMUM, Tourn. Canadense, Michx. FrRostTworr. 2. LECHEA, IL. PINWEED. - major, Michx. minor, Lam. ORDER 12. DROSERACEZ. DROSERA, L. SUN-DEWw. rotundifolia, L. longifolia, L. wo mo to _— . NOW Pw oo" :) ORDER 13. HYPERICACEZ. 1. HYPERICUM, L. St. Joun’s-worr. . pyramidatum, Ait. . ellipticum, Hook. perforatum, L. corymbosum, Muhl. mutilum, L. Canadense, L. Also vy. major, Gray; at Conway, Jesup. . Sarothra, Michx. 2. ELODES, Adans. Virginica, Nutt. Orver 14. CARYOPHYLLACER. 1. BILAN THALES. L. Armeria, L. DeEptrorp Pink. Shores of Conn. river. 2 SAPONARIA, L. officinalis, L. Soapwort. 8. SILENE, L. CarTcHrty. inflata, Smith. BLAppER Campion. Ambherst, rare. Pennsylvanica, Michx. antirrhina, L. noctiflora, L. 4. LYCHNIS, Tourn. dioica, L. Rep Campion. Roadsides. 2. Githago, Lam. COocKLE. 5. ARENARIA, IL. Sanpworrt. serpyllifolia, L. 2. stricta, Michx. . lateriflora, L. 6. STELLARIA, L. Srircawort. media, Smith. CHICK-WEED. . longifolia, Muhl. graminea, Il. Anbherst, rare, Tuckerman. ] . borealis, Bigel. 7. CERASTIUM, IL. Movse-car CHIcKWEED. . vulgatum, L. Ambherst, rare, Tuckerman. ] . viscosum, L. 8. SAGINA, L. PEARLWorT. procumbens, L. 9. SPERGULARIA, Pers. rubra, Presl]., var. campestris, Gray. Cee y 10. SPERGULA, L. Spurrey. arvensis, L. 11. ANYCHIA, Michx. dichotoma, Michx. 12. SCLERANTHUS, L. KNAWEL. annuus, L. P 138. MOLLUGO, L. verticillata, L. ORDER 15. PORTULACACEZ. 1. PORTULACA, Tourn: oleracea, L. PURSLANE. °2, CLAYTONIA, L. Sprine BEA0vTY. Virginica, L. ORDER 16. MALVACEZ, 1 MALVA, L. MAttow. . rotundifolia, L. Dwarr-MAtiow. . Sylvestris, L. OFFICINAL, or HiGH MALLOW. . moschata, L. Musk Mattow. Amherst Common, &c. 2, ABUTILON, Tourn. Avicenne, GAERTN. ORDER 17. TILIACEZ., TILIA, L. Lime-trer. Americana, L. BAsswoop. ORDER 18. LINACEZ., LINUM, L. Frax. Virginianum, L. ORDER 19. GERANIACEAE, 1. GERANIUM, L. CRAne’s-BIL1. . maculatum, L. . Carolinianum, L. . Robertianum, L. Hers ROBERT. 2 IMPATIENS, L. Batsam. . pallida, Nutt. 2. fulva, Nutt. — cod ici gar ad oe ora ee . Cm) 3. OX ALIS, L. Woop-Sorret. . Acetosella, L. TruE Woop-Sorret. Conway, and northward. . violacea, L. Amherst, and southward. . stricta, L. ORDER 20. RUTACEZ. XANTHOXYLUM, Colden. Americanum, Mill. Prickiy ASH. Norwottuck, Clark. Sunderland, Hitchcock. ORDER 21. ANACARDIACEZ. hin RHUS, L. Sumac. ina, L. . glabra, L. copallina, L. . venenata, DC. (Poison SUMAC.) Toxicodendron, L. (Porson Ivy.) ORDER 22. VITACEZ. i Vo ETES,.Toum. Vine. Labrusca, L. Fox GRAPE-VINE. eestivalis, Michx. SUMMER GRAPE-VINE. cordifolia, Michx. riparia, Michx. 2, AMPELOPSIS, Michx. quinquefolia, Michx. VIRGINIAN CREEPER. ORDER 23. RHAMNACEZ. 1. RHAMNUS, Tourn. BucKruory. catharticus, L. TRUE BUCKTHORN. alnifolius, L’Her. Deerfield, Hitchcock. 2, CEANOTHUS, Americanus, L. NEw-JERSEY TEA. Roadsides, Leverett. DE: ORDER 24. CELASTRACEZ., CELASTRUS, L. scandens, L. CLIMBING STAFF-TREE. ORDER 25. SAPINDACEZ. 1. STAPHYLEA, L. trifolia, L. BiLApper-Nut. Mt. Holyoke; Deerfield, &c. Om oo tT m ww ov les dle ( 8 } 2. ACER, Tourn. Mapte. . Pennsylvanicum, L. STRIPED MAPLE. . Spicatum, Lam. MounrTain MAPLE. . saccharinum, Wang. SuGAr MAPLE, & var. nigrum, Gray. . Gasycarpum, Hhrh. SILVER MAPLE. rubrum, L. RED MAPLE. ORDER 26. POLYGALACEZ. POLYGALA, Tourn. MILK-worr. . Sanguinea, L. . verticillata, L. . polygama, L. BIrTer PotyeGaLa. Mt. Holyoke. . paucifolia, Willd. ORDER 27. LEGUMINOS2Z. 1. LUPINUS, Tourn. Lupine. perennis, L. 2. CROTALA BRIA, A: sagittalis, L. 38. TRIFOLIUM, L. TReEFrotrt. arvense, L. HARE’s-FOOT TREFOIL. pratense, L. RED CLOVER. repens, L. WHITE CLOVER. agrarium, UL. Hop TREFOIL. procumbens, L. Low Hop-TREFoIm-. 4, MELILOTUS, Tourn. MeEninor. alba, Lam. Roadsides. 5. MEDICAGO, L. MEpIcK. . sativa, L. Lucerne. Rare, G. L. Goodale.) 2. lupulina, L. Nonesucn. Rare. —_ 6. ROBINIA, L. Locust TREE. . Pseudacacia, L. ..viscosa, Vent. 7 TEPHROSIA, Pers. Virginiana, Pers. AMER. GOAT’s RUE. 8. DESMODIUM, DC. Tick-TREFOIL. . nudiflorum, DC. . acuminatum, DC. rotundifolium, DC. canescens, DU. cuspidatum, Torr. & Gray. Dillenii, Darlingt. ce? . paniculatum, DC. . Canadense, DC. . rigidum, DC. . Marilandicum, Boott. 9. LESPEDEZA, Michx. Busu-Criover. . procumbens, Michx. . repens, Torr. & Gray. . violacea, Pers. . hirta, Ell. . capitata, Michx. 10. VICIA, Tourn. VETCcH. oh Se Se 1. sativa, L. 2. Cracca, L. Deerfield. 11. LATHYRUS, L. Vercarina. pratensis, L. West Springfield, A. P. Foster. 12. APIOS, Boerh. tuberosa, Moench. GrounpD-NotT. 13. AMPHICARPAA, Ell. monoica, Nutt. 14, BAPTISIA, Vent. tinctoria, R. Br. Wuitp INpIGo. 15. CASSIA, L. . Marilandica, L. Witp Senna. 2. nictitans, L. Hadley, &c. _ ORDER 28. ROSACEZ. 1. PRUNUS, Tourn. Pium. CuHeErry. Americana, Marsh. WILD PLUM-TREE. pumila, L. . Pennsylvanica, L. Virginiana, L. CHOKE CHERRY. . serotina, Ehrh. WuLp CHERRY. 2. SPIRZA, L. 1. salicifolia, L. MEADOW-SWEET. 2. tomentosa, L. HARDHACK. 38. POTERIUM, L., Gray. Burnet. Canadense, Gray. Hadley, Sunderland, &c. 4, AGRIMONTA, Tourn. Eupatoria, L. AGRIMONY. 2 OUP he =m Wwe oe ea tiie te ope eee pes ai NL ell a date ‘ee 5. GEUM, L. Avens. . album, Gmel. Virginianum, L. . Strictum, Ait. . rivale, L. WATER AVENS. 6. WALDSTEINIA, Willd. fragarioides, Tratt. 7 POTENTILLA, L. CrmnqQueEror. . Norvegica, L. . Canadensis, L. argentea, L. arguta, Pursh. fruticosa, L. tridentata, Ait. Hoosac mtn., Hitchcock. palustris, Scop. Brattleborough, Frost. 8 FRAGARIA, Tourn. STRAWBERRY. Virginiana, Ehrh. . vesca, L. Mt. Holyoke, &e. 9. DALIBARDA, L. repens, L. Greenfield. 10. RUBUS. BRAMBLE. odoratus, L. JFLOWERING RASPBERRY. . triflorus, Richards. . Strigosus, Michx. RED RASPBERRY. . occidentalis, L. Biack RASPBERRY. villosus, Ait. HiGH BLACKBERRY. Canadensis, L. Low BLACKBERRY. hispidus, L. 11. ROSA, Tourn. Ross. Carolina, L. . lucida, Ehbrh. blanda, Ait. Mt. Holyoke. rubiginosa, L. SWEET BRIAR. Gallica, L. GARDEN Rose. Roadsides, and fields. Cinnamomea, UL. Crnnamon ROSE. Roadsides. 12. CRAT AGUS, L. Hawrnorn. . coccinea, L. tomentosa, L., & var. punctata, Gray. . Crus-Galli, L. 13. PYRUS, L. Pear. APPLE. . arbutifolia, L. CHOKE-BERRY. . Americana, DC. MouNTAIN ASH. eer. (>) | — — . diphylla, L. a 14. AMELANCHIER, Medic. June-Berry. Canadensis, Torr. & Gray., var. Botryapium, Gray, & var. oblongifolia, Gray. OrDER 29. SAXIFRAGACEZ. 1. RIBES, L. Currant. GOOsEBERRY. . Cynosbati, L. Conway, &c., Jesup. hirtellum, Michx. rotundifolium, Michx. West river mtu., Hitchcock. prostratum, L’Her. SkuNK’s CurRANT. Chesterfield, N. H., &e., Hitchcock. . floridum, L. BLAck CURRANT. 2, PARNASSIA, Tourn. GRASS oF PARNASSUS. Caroliniana, Michx. 38. SAXIFRAGA, IL. SAXIFRAGE. . Virginiensis, Michx. . Pennsylvanica, L. 4. MITELLA, Tourn. 2. nuda, L. Hast Amherst, Jesup. 5. TIARELLA, L. cordifolia, L. 6. CHRYSOSPLENIUM, Tourn. GOLDEN SAXIFRAGE. Americanum, Schwein. ORDER 30. CRASSULACE.ZE. 1. PENTHORUYM, Gronov. sedoides, L. 2. SEDUM, Tourn. STONE-cRop. . reflexum, UL. Roadside, Leverett, Jesup.] Telephium, L. OrRpPINE, ORDER 31. HAMAMELACEZ, 1 HAMAMELIS, L. Virginica, L. Wuitcn-HAzeE.. 2. LIQUIDAMBAR, L. Styraciflua, L. Sweet Gum. Northampton, Eaton. ORDER 32. HALORAGEZ. 1. MYRIOPHYLLUM, Vaill. Warer-MILroit. . verticillatum, L. ( 1 ) . ambiguum, Nutt. Hadley, Jesup. 3. tenellum, Bigel. 2 PROSERPINACA, L. palustris, L. ORDER 33. ONAGRACEZE. 1. CIRC AA, Toum. ENCHANTER’s NIGHTSHADE. . Lutetiana, L. 2. alpina, L. mw Oe 2, EPILOBIUM, L. Wititiow-ners. . angustifolium, L. . palustre, L., var. lineare, Gray. molle, Torr. . coloratum, Muhl. 3. ENOTHERA, L. Eventnc-Primrose. . biennis, L. TREE-PRIMROSE. . pumila, L. 4. LUDWIGIA, L. . alternifolia, L. Hadley. 2. palustris, Ell. ORDER 34. MELASTOMACEZ. RHEXIA, L. DEeErR-GRAss. Virginica, L. Leverett, and Shutesbury. ORDER 35. LYTHRACEZ. 1 LYTHRUM, L. Purpwe LOosEstRirFe. Salicaria, L. Roadsides, &e. 2. NES AA, Commers. verticillata, H. B. K. Belchertown, and Sunderland. ORDER 36. CUCURBITACEZ, 1. SiC YO87 i: angulatus, L. SINGLE-SEED CUCUMBER. 2. ECHINOCYSTIS, Torr. & Gray. lobata, Torr. & Gray. WILD BALSAM-APPLE. School meadow, Hadley, and Deerfield, Hitchcock. > ORDER 37. UMBELLIFERZ. 1 HYDROCOTYLE, Tourn. MArsH-PENNYwortT. Americana, L. — beet — . — oP we ( 13 ) 2. SANICULA, Tourn. . Canadensis, L. . Marilandica, L. SANICLE. 38. DAUCUS, Tourn. Carota, L. Carror. 4. HERACLEUM, L. lanatum, Michx. Cow-PARSNEP. 5. PASTINACA, Tourn. sativa, L. PARSNEP. 6. ARCHANGELICA, Hoffn. atropurpurea, Hoffm. ANGELICA. i BE ASPIUM., Nuit: aureum, Nutt. 8. CICUTA, L. Cow-Bane. maculata, L. WaATER-HEMLOCK. . bulbifera. L. Me em 0 lineare, Michx. WATER-PARSNEP. . angustifolium, L. 10. CRYPTOT ANIA, DC. Canadensis, DC. Honeworrt. 11. OSMORRHIZA, Raf. Sweer Cicety. . longistylis, DC. . brevistylis, DC. 12. CONIUM, UL. HEeEmtock. maculatum, L. Porson HEMLOCK. ORDER 38. ARALIACEZ. ARALIA, Tourn. racemosa, L. SPIKENARD. hispida, Michx. nudicaulis, L. Witp SARSAPARILLA. quinquefolia, Gray. GinsENG. Deerfield, Conway, &c. . trifolia, Gray. ORDER 39. CORNACEZ. 1. CORNUS, Tourn. CorRNEL. . Canadensis, L. DwaArr CoRNEL. 2. florida, L. DoGwoop. . circinata, L’Her. ps aoe As eee One Wyo WHEN WW ee: ae sericea, L. stolonifera, Michx. paniculata, L’ Her. alternifolia, L. 2, NYSSA, L. TupeELo. multiflora, Wang. Sour Gum. Division II]. MONOPETALOUS. OrpdER 40. CAPRIFOLIACEZ. 1 LINN ZA, Gronoy. borealis, Gronoy. 2. LONICERA, L. HONEYSUCKLE. parviflora, Lam. . ciliata, Muhl. ceerulea, L. Deerfield, Hitchcock. oblongifolia, Muh!. Brattleborough, Frost. 3. DIERVILLA, Tourn. trifida, Moench. 4, TRIOSTEUM, L. perfoliatum, L. FEVER-ROOT. 5. SAMBUCUS, Tourn. . Canadensis, L. ELper. . pubens, Michx. 7%. VIBURNUM, L. Guetper-Ross. . Lentago, L. nudum, L. dentatum, L. ARROW-WouD. acerifolium, L. Opulus, L. HicgH-CRANBERRY. . lantanoides, Michx. HoBBLE-BUSH. ORDER 41. RUBIACEZ. 1.GALIUM, L. Bep-straw. . Aparine, L. CLEAVERS. Hitchcock Catal. . asprellum, Michx. trifidum, L., & var. tinctorium, Gray. Dyer’s CLEAVERS. . triflorum, Michx. . pilosum, Ait. . Circzezans, Michx. WuiLp Liquorice. . lanceolatum, Torr. ( 15 ) 8. boreale, L. 9. gh oo wo— BS ee See verum, L. YELLOW BeEp-strAw. In grass land, Amherst. Tuck- erman. 2. CEPHALANTHUS, L. occidentalis, L. Burron-Busu. 3. MITCHELBEA, L. repens, L. CHECKER-BERRY. 4. HOUSTONTIA, L. ceerulea, L. BLUETs. ORDER 42. DIPSACEZE. DIPSACUS, Tourn. TEASEL. sylvestris, Mill. Brattleborough, Frost. ORDER 43. COMPOSITZE. 1. VERNONIA, Schreb. Noveboracensis, Willd. West Springfield, Hitchcock. 2. LIATRIS, Schreb. scariosa, Willd. Hadley, &c. 3. EUPATORIUM, Tourn. purpureum, L. Joe PYE. hyssopifolium, L. Mt. Toby, Jesup. teucrifolium, Willd. perfoliatum, L. THoOROUGHWORT. . ageratoides, L. 4, MIKANTIA, Willd. scandens, L. ° 5. NARDOSMIA, Cass. palmata, Hook. Sunderland, Hitchcock. 6. TUSSILAGO, Tourn. Farfara, L. Coutsroor. Amherst, Pelham, &c. 7%. SERICOCARPUS, Nees. . solidagineus, Nees. . conyzoides, Nees. 8. ASTER, L. Srarworrt. corymbosus, Ait. . macrophyllus, L. patens, Ait. levis, L., var. levigatus, Gray, and var. cyaneus, Gray. undulatus, L. . cordifolius, L. Cle wo Oe wo — OC MAWAME WY (96>) . ericoides, L. . multiflorus, Ait. . dumosus, L. . Tradescanti, L. . miser, L., Ait. . simplex, Willd. . tenuifolius, L. . carneus, Nees. . longifolius, Lam. . puniceus, L. amethystinus, Nutt. Hadley, Tuckerman. . Nove Anglie, L. . acuminatus, Michx. 9. ERIGERON, IL. FLEABANE. Canadense, L. CANADA FLEABANE. . bellidifolium, Muhl. . Philadelphicum, L. . annuum, Pers. . Strigosum, Muhl., & var. discoideum, Robbins. 10. DIPLOPAPPUS, (Cass. . linariifolius, Hook. . umbellatus, Torr. & Gray. 11. SOLIDAGO, L. GOLDEN-Rop. . Squarrosa, Muhl. Mt. Holyoke, Mt. Toby, &c. . bicolor, L. . latifolia, L. ceesia, L. puberula, Nutt. Pelham, Jesup. Brookfield, &c., Tuckerman. stricta, Ait. Hitchcock Catal. . speciosa, Nutt. . rigida, L. South Hadley. Hitchcock. neglecta, Torr. & Gray. Brookfield, &c., Tuckerman. . patula, Muhl. . arguta, Ait. . Muhlenbergii, Torr & Gray. Mt. Holyoke, &e. . altissima, L. . ulmifolia, Muhl. . odora, Ait. SWEET GOLDEN-ROD. . nemoralis, Ait. . Canadensis, L. . serotina, Ait. . gigantea, Ait. . lanceolata, L. 12. IN UVULSA, of. Helenium, L. ELECAMPANE. — 7 — ( 7") 13. AMBROSIA, Tourn. trifida, L. artemisizefolia, L. 14. XANTHIUM, Tourn. . Strumarium, L. CLOoTBUR. spinosum, L. Plainfield, Porter. 15. RUDBECKIA, L. . laciniata, L. 2. hirta, L. Grass land. Pye RU oe woe pee 16. HELIANTHUS, lL. Sunriower. giganteus, L. strumosus, L. divaricatus, L. decapetalus, L. tuberosus, L. JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE. Northampton meadows. 17. COREOPSIS, L. tinctoria, Nutt. Roadsides, sparingly. 18. BIDENS, L. Bur-Maricop. . frondosa, L. | . connata, Mubl. chrysanthemoides, Michx. 19. MARUTA, Cass. Cotula, DC. May-weep. Roadsides. 20. ACHILLEA, L. millefolium, L. Yarrow. 21. LEUCANTHEMUM, Tourn. vulgare, Lam. Ox-eyE Daisy. 22. TANACETUM, L. vulgare, L. Tansy. 23. PYRETHRUM, DC. Tanacetum, DC. CostmAry. Roadsides, rare. 24. ARTEMISIA, L. Wormwoon. . Canadensis, Michx. SuGAar Loar. . vulgaris, L. Muewort. Roadsides, &c. 25. GNAPHALIUM, L. Cupweep. decurrens, Ives. polycephalum, Michx. SweErtT EVERLASTING. . uliginosum, L. 3 Coa) 26. ANTENNARIA, Gaertn. 1. margaritacea, R. Br. EVERLASTING. 2. plantaginifolia, Hook. 27. ERECHTHITES, Raf. hieracifolia, Raf. FIREWEED. 28. SENECIO, L. . vulgaris, L. GrRounDsEL. Waste places, Amherst, &. 2. aureus, L., & var. Balsamitee, Torr. & Gray. '29. CENTAUREA, L. nigra, L. KNAPWEED. Waste places, Hardwick, Hitchcock. 30. CIRSIUM, Tourn. THISTLE. . lanceolatum, Scop. discolor, Spreng. . altissimum, Spreng. . muticum, Michx. pumilum, Spreng. . arvense, Scop. CANADA THISTLE. 31. LAPPA, Tourn. officinalis, All. Burpock. 382. CICHORIUM, Tourn. Intybus, L. Succory. Amherst, rare. Greenfield. 33. KRIGIA, Schreb. Virginica, Willd. 34. CYNTHIA, Don. Virginica, Don. 35. LEONTODON, L., Juss. [autumnale, L. FALL DANDELION. Grass land, Amherst, seen once. | 36. HIERACIUM, Tourn. HAWKWEED. Canadense, Michx. scabrum, Michx. Gronovii, L. venosum, L. paniculatum, L. 37. NABALUS, Cass. — Qo ww Pio pee 1. albus, Hook. 2. altissimus, Hook. 3.. Fraseri, DC. 38. TARAXACUM, Hall. Dens-leonis, Desf. DANDELION. — . ( “19.-) 39. LACTUCA, Tourn. LETTUCE. Canadensis, L., & var. integrifolia, Torr. & Gray. W1Lp LErruce. 40. MULGEDIUM, (Cass. leucophzeum, DC. 41. SONCHUS, L. Sow-THIstte. oleraceus, L. 2. asper, Vill. Pa ee ee ee — a ee ORDER 44. LOBELIACEZ., LOBELIA, L. cardinalis, L. CARDINAL-FLOWER. inflata, L. Wuitp Tosacco. spicata, Lam. Kalmii, L. South Hadley, Hitchcock. Near Greenfield, F. G. Tuckerman. . Dortmanna, L. ORDER 45. CAMPANULACEZ. 1.§CAMPANULA, Tourn. BELLFLOWER. rotundifolia, L. HAREBELL. aparinoides, Pursh. 2. SPECULARIA, Heist. perfoliata, A. DC. ORDER 46. ERICACEZ, i GAaYLUSESACIA, H. BK. frondosa, Torr. & Gray. BiLuE WHORTLEBERRY. . resinosa, Torr. & Gray. BLACK WHORTLEBERRY. 2. VACCINIUM, L. . Oxycoccus, L. SMALL CRANBERRY. - Macrocarpum, Ait. CRANBERRY. stamineum, L. SQUAW WHORTLEBERRY. Pennsylvanicum, Lam. Dwarr BLUEBERRY. vacillans, Soland. Low BLUEBERRY. corymbosum, L., var. atrococcum, Gray. SWAMP BLUEBERRY. 3. CHIOGENES, Salisb. hispidula, Torr. & Gray. 4. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS, Adans. Uva-Ursi, Spreng. BEARBERRY. o BPIGAGA. 1. repens, L. MAYFLOWER. ed, ( 20 ) 6. GAULTHERIA, Kalm. procumbens, L. PARTRIDGE-BERRY. 7. CASSANDRA, Don. calyculata, Don. 8. ANDROMEDA, L. polifolia, L. Belchertown S. Pond. Hampton Pond. . ligustrina, Muhl. 9. CALLUNA, Salisb. Hearn. vulgaris, Salisb. Northfield, Frost. 10. KALMIA, L. . latifolia, L. Mounrarn LAUREL. . angustifolia, L. Snrep LAUREL. . glauca, Ait. Amherst, rare. Belchertown S. Pond. 11, AZALEA, L. . viscosa, L. 2. nudifiora, L. — 12. RHODORA, Duham. Canadensis, L. 13. LEDUM, L. LaAsrapor TEA. latifolium, Ait. Amherst, Hitchcock Catal. Near Greenfield. Brattleborough, Frost. 14. PYROLA, Tourn. WINTERGREEN, . rotundifolia, L., & var. asarifolia, Gray. . elliptica, Nutt. chlorantha, Swartz. secunda, L. 15. MONESES, Salisb. uniflora, Gray. Williamsburgh, Jesup. Brattleborough, Frost. 16. CHIMAPHILA, Pursh. WINTERGREEN. . umbellata, Nutt. PIpsissEwa. . maculata, Pursh. 17. PTEROSPORA, Nutt. Andromedea, Nutt. Easthampton, £. Hitchcock. Brattleborough, Frost. f 18. MONOTROPA, L. . uniflora, L. Hypopitys, L. ORDER. 47. AQUIFOLIACEA, 1, ILE, -L., Gray. Hour. . verticillata, Gray. WINTERBERRY. . levigata, Gray. At Belchertown Ponds, Jesup. ( 21 ) 2, NEMOPANTHES, Raf. Canadensis, DC. Mountain HOLLy. ORDER 48. PLANTAGINACEZ. PLANTAGO, L. 1. major, L. PULANTAIN. 2. lanceolata, L. Risworr. S. Amherst, 1829, Hitchcock ; now every where. ORDER 49. PRIMULACEZ. 1. TRIENTALIS, L. CHICKWEED WINTER-GREEN. Americana, Pursh. 2 LYSIMACHIA, L. LOosEstRIFE. thyrsiflora, L . Stricta, Ait. . quadrifolia, L . punctata, L. Roadsides, S. Amherst, Jesup. ] ciliata, L. oF ww 38. SAMOLUS, L. Valerandi, L. Brattleborough, Frost. ORDER 50. LENTIBULACEZ. UTRICULARIA, L. BLApperwort. inflata, Walt. Belchertown Ponds. vulgaris, L minor, L. Leverett Pond, EZ. F. Bishop. intermedia, Hayne. Leverett, and Belchertown. gibba, L. Leverett, Bishop. purpurea, Walt. Belchertown, Bishop. resupinata, Greene. Belchertown, Bishop. cornuta, Michx. a dil or ie ad Be Ma ORDER 51. OROBANCHACEZ. 1. EPIPHEGUS, Nutt. Virginiana, Bart. BEECH-DROPS. 2. CONOPHOLIS, Wallr. Americana, Wallr. Mt. Holyoke, Hitchcock. 3. APHYLLON, Mitch. unifiorum, Torr. & Gray. ORDER 52. SCROPHULARIACEZ. 1VERBASCUM, L. MULLErN. 1. Thapsus, L. GREAT MULLEIN. 2. Blattaria, L. Mots MULLEIN. Roadsides, &c., sparingly. eee . ( 22) 2. LINARIA, Tourn. ToApFrax. Canadensis, Spreng. vulgaris, Mill. 3. SCROPHULARIA, Tourn. Ficwort. nodosa, L. 4, CHELONE, Tourn. glabra, L. SNAKE-HEAD. 5. MIMULUS, L. ringens, L. 2. alatus, Ait. Ambherst, Hitchcock. = = ee Oe See — CU me os 6. GRA TIOLA. ac Virginiana, L. . aurea, Muhl. 7. ILYSANTHES, Raf. gratioloides, Benth. 8. VERONICA, L. SPEEDWELL. . Virginica, L. CULVER’s PuHysic. Anagallis, L. Americana, Schwein. scutellata, L. officinalis, L. TRUE SPEEDWELL. serpyllifolia, L. peregrina, L. arvensis; L. 9. GERARDIA, L. purpurea, L. Leverett, Tuckerman. . tenuifolia, Vahl. . flava, L. . quercifolia, Pursh. pedicularia, L. 10. CASTILLETIA, Matis. coccinea, Spreng. PAINTED-CUpP. 11. SCHWALBEA, Gronoy. CHAFF-sEED. Americana, L. Montague, Jesup. 12. PEDICULARIS, Tourn. Lovusewort. Canadensis, L. 2. lanceolata, Michx. Prescott, H. F. Bishop. W. Springfield, Hitcheock. 13. MELAMPYRUM, Tourn. Americanum, Michx. Cow-WHEAT. — Pw — ( 23 ) OrpER 53. VERBENACEZ. 1. VERBENA, L. VERVAIN. . angustifolia, Michx. South Hadley, Hitchcock. Amherst. Clark. . hastata, L. . urticifolia, L. 2 PHRYMA, L. leptostachya, L. Lopsrep. OrvER 54. LABIATZ. 1. TEUCRIUM, L. GERMANDER. Canadense, L. 2. TRICHOSTEMA, L. BLUE CurLs. dichotomum, L. 38. MENTHA, L. Mint. . viridis, L. Spearmint. Leverett, &c. . Piperita, L. Peppermint. Leverett, &. . Canadensis, L. HoOrsE-MINT. 4. LYCOPUS, LL. WATER HOREHOUND. . Virginicus, L. . Europeeus, L., var. sinuatus, Gray. 5. PYCNANTHEMUM, Michx. Movunrarn Mint. incanum, Michx. Mt. Holyoke, &c. . muticum, Pers. . lanceolatum, Pursh. linifolium, Pursh. 6. ORIGANUM, L. MaArsoram. vulgare, L. Roadsides, Amherst. 7. CALAMINTHA, Moench. Clinopodium, Benth. Winp Bast. 8. HEDEOMA, Pers. pulegioides, Pers. PENNYROYAL. 9. COLLINSONTA, L. Canadensis, L. Horsr-BAm. 10. MONARDA, L. . didyma, L. Roadsides, Leverett, &. . fistulosa, L. Shelburne, /. G. Tuckerman. 11. BLEPHILIA, Raf. hirsuta, Benth. Cummington, &c., Hitchcock. wo — hee woe ( 24 ) 12. LOPHANTHUS , Benth. Grant-Hyssop. nepetoides, Benth. Deerfield, Hitchcock. 13. NEPETA, L. . cataria, L. CATNEp. . Glechoma, Benth. Grounp-Ivy. 14. BRUNELLA, Tourn. vulgaris, L. SELF-HEAL. 15. SCUTELLARIA, IL. Sxkvtt-cap. . galericulata, L. . lateriflora, L. 16. MARRUBIUM, L. vulgare, L. WHITE HoREHOUND. Waste places. 17. GALEOPSIS, L. Hemp-Nervte. Tetrahit, L. 18. STACHYS, L. Wovunpwort. palustris, L., var. aspera, Gray.’ | 19. LEONURUS, L. Cardiaca, L. MOoTHERWoORT. 20. LAMIUM, L. DeEap-NETTLE. . amplexicaule, L. Cult. grounds. . purpureum, lL. Waste places. ORDER 55. BORRAGINACEZ. 1. ECHIUM, Tour. vulgare, IL. ViIper’s Buectoss. Roadsides near Greenfield, F. G. Tuckerman. 2. LYCOPSIS, L. Buenoss. arvensis, L. Amherst, and Hatfield, Hitchcock. 3. SYMPHYTUM, Tourn. 2 officinale, L. Comrrey. Waste places; Belchertown, Lev- erett, dc. 4, ONOSMODIUM, Michx. Virginianum, DC. Monson, Hitchcock. 5. MYOSOTIS, L. . palustris, With. Brattleborough, Frost. arvensis, Hoffm. Hitchcock Catal. verna, Nutt. Amberst, &c., Jesup. ( 2 ) 6. ECHINOSPERMUM, Swartz. Lappula, Lehm. Brattleborough, Frost. 7. CYNOGLOSSUM, Tourn. Hovnn’s Toner. 1. officinale, L. 2. Virginicum, L. Brattleborough, Frost. 3. Morisoni, DC. ORDER 56. HYDROPHYLLACEZ, HYDROPHYLLUM, L. 1. Virginicum, L. 2. Canadense, L. Windsor, Hitchcock. ORDER 57. CONVOLVULACEZ, 1. CALYSTEGIA, R.Br. Brnpweep. 1. sepium, R. Br. 2. spithamea, Pursh. 2. CUSCUTA, Tourn. Dopper. Gronovii, Willd. ORDER 58. SOLANACEZ., 1. SOLANUM, Tourn. 1. Dulcamara, L. BITTERSWEET. 2. nigrum, L. NIGHTSHADE. 2. PHYSALIS, L. Grovunp Guerry. viscosa, L. - 8 NICANDRA, Adans. physaloides, Gaertn, AppPLE OF PERU. Waste grounds. 4. HYOSCYAMUS, Tourn. HENBANE. niger, L. Waste places. 5. DATURA, IL. TuHorn-Appte. 1. Stramonium, L. 2. Tatula, L. — ORDER 59. GENTIANACEZ, 1. HALENTIA, Borkh. deflexa, Griseb. Cummington, Jesup. 2. GENTIANA,L. Gentian. 1. quinquefiora, Lam. Leverett, Jesup. Hoosac mtn., Hitchcock. 2. crinita, Froel. 3. Andrewsii, Griseb. 4 : mw we . androszemifolium, L. DoGBANE. . cannabinum, L. INDIAN HEmp. ( 26 ) 38. BARTONIA, Mubl. tenella, Muhl. 4. MENYANTHES, Tourn. trifoliata, L. BUCKBEAN. 5. LIMNANTHEMUM, Gmel. lacunosum, Griseb. Plainfield, and southward. ORDER 60. APOCYNACEZ., APOCYNUM, Tourn. ORDER 61. ASCLEPIADACEZ. 1. ASCLEPIAS, lL. MILKWEeep. . Cornuti, Decaisne. . phytolaccoides, Pursh. purpurascens, L. quadrifolia, Jacq. . incarnata, L. . obtusifolia, Michx. . tuberosa, L. PLEURISY-ROOT. verticillata, L. 2, ACERATES, Ell. viridiflora, Ell. Worcester county, Hitchcock; probably within our limits. 38. VINCETOXICUM, Moench. nigrum, Moench. Brattleborough, Frost. ORDER 62. OLEACEZ. 1, LIGUSTRUM, Tour. vulgare, L. PRIVET. Roadsides. 2. FRAXINUS, Tourn. Asn. . Americana, L. WHITE ASH. . pubescens, Lam. ReEpD ASH. viridis, Michx. f. . sambucifolia, Lam. BLACK ASH. DIvIsIon III. APETALOUS. ORDER 63. ARISTOLOCHIACEZ., 1 ASARUM, Tour. Canadense, L. WILD GINGER. © CONAN WY ( 2 ) 2. ARISTOLOCHIA, Tour. serpentaria, L. VIRGINIA SNAKEROOT. Said to have been found at Turner’s Falls. OrpDER 64. PHYTOLACCACEZ. PHYTOLACCA, Tourn. decandra, L. POKE. ORDER 65. CHENOPODIACEZ. 1CHENOPODIUM, L. Go0oskE-roor. album, L. hybridunm, L. Botrys, L. Oak OF JERUSALEM. 2. BLITUM, Tourn. BITE. capitatum, L. Rare, Hitchcock. ORDER 66. AMARANTACEZ. AMARANTUS, Tourn. AMARANTH. eeetcrotlexus, L. . albus, L. ORDER 67. POLYGONACEZ. 1. POLYGONUM, L. orientale, L. Waste places. Careyi, Olney. East Amherst, &c., C. H. Hitchcock. Pennsylvanicum, L. Shores of Conn. river. incarnatum, Ell. Southwick, &e. Persicafia, L. Hydropiper, L. .. acre, H. B. K. . hydropiperoides, Michx. . amphibium, L. Belchertown and Granby, Z. F. Bishop. field, Jesup. Virginianum, L. . articulatum, L. aviculare, L. KNorTGrass, & var. erectum, Roth. tenue, Michx. . arifolium, L. . Ssagittatum, L. . Convolvulus, L. . Cilinode, Michx. . dumetorum, L., var. scandens, Gray. 2. FAGOPYRUM, Tourn. esculentum, Moench. BucKWHEAT. Ash- Dom w wo = ( 28 ) 3. RUMEX, L. Dock. . Patientia, L. Patience. Amherst, Tuckerman, and com- mon northward, Jesup. . orbiculatus, Gray. GREAT WATER-Dock. Amherst, &c., Jesup, and northward, Frost. . verticillatus, L. Granby, Jesup. crispus, L. CuRLED DOCK. . obtusifolius, L. Brrrer Dock. Acetosella, L. SHEEP'S SORREL. ORDER 68. LAURACEZ. 1. SASSAFRAS, Nees. officinale, Nees. SASSAFRAS. 2. LINDERA, Thunb. Benzoin, Meissn. SPICcE-BUSH. ORDER 69. THYMELEACEZ. DIRCA, L. LEATHERWOOD. palustris, L. ORDER. 70. SANTALACEZ. COMANDBA, Nutt. umbellata, Nutt. ORDER 71. CERATOPHYLLACEZ. CERATOPHYLLUM, L. demersum, L. Ponds. ® ORDER 72. CALLITRICHACEZ. CALLITRICHE, L. verna, L. ORDER 73. PODOSTEMACEZ., PODOSTEMON, Michx. ceratophyllus, Michx. In Conn. river, Hitchcock. ORDER 74. EUPHORBIACE. 1 EUPHORBIA, IL. SpurGe. . maculata, L. . hypericifolia, L. . Cyparissias, L. CyYprREss-SPURGE. 2, ACALYPHA, L. THREE-SEED MERCURY. Virginica, L. wou —S © ( 29 ) ORDER 75. URTICACEZ:. 1. ULMUS, L. Ev. . fulva, Michx. Suippery ELM. Americana, L., Willd. Exum. 2. CELTIS, Tourn. NETrrTLE-TREE. . occidentalis, L. . erassifolia, Lam. Hadley, Tuckerman. 3. MORUS, Tourn. MULBERRY. rubra, L. 4, URTICA, Toun. NETTtie. . gracilis, Ait. TALL NETTLE. . urens, L. SMALL NETTLE. 5. LAPORTEA, Gandich. Canadensis, Gaudich. 6. PILEA, Lindl. pumila, Gray. 7. BOEHMERIA, Jacq. cylindrica, Willd. 8. PARIETARIA, Tourn. PELLITORY. Pennsylvanica, Muhl. Sugar Loaf, &c. 9. CANNABIS, Tourn. sativa, L. Hemp. 10. HUMULUS, L. Lupulus, L. Hop. a ORDER 76. PLATANACEZ. PLATANUS, L. Sycamore. occidentalis, L. Burronwoop. ORDER 77. JUGLANDACEZ. 1. JUGLANS, L. Watnver. cinerea, L. BUTTERNUT. 2. CARYA, Nutt. Hickory. alba, Nutt. SHAG-BARK. porcina, Nutt. P1iG-Nur. amara, Nutt. BITTER-NUT. ORDER 78. CUPULIFERZ. 1. QUERCUS, L. Oak. alba, L.. (WHITE OAK.) 1 Ww ob wwe ( 30 ) . bicolor, Willd. Swamp WHITE OAK. . Prinus, L., var. monticola, Michx., & var. acuminata, Michx. CHESTNUT OAK. . prinoides, Willd. CHINQUAPIN OAK. . ilicifolia, Wang. Scrus OAK. . coccinea, Wang. SCARLET OAK, & var. tinctoria, Gray. BLack OAK. . rubra, L. ReEpD OAK. . palustris, Du Roi. Pin Oak. 2. CASTANEA, Tourn. CuHEsTNoT. vesca, L., var. Americana, Michx. 3. FAGUS, Tourn. BEECH. ferruginea, Ait. 4, CORYLUS, Tourn. Hazen. . Americana, Walt. . rostrata, Ait. BEAKED HAZEL. 5. OSTRYA, Mich. Virginica, Willd. IRon-woop. 6. CARPINUS, L. Americana, Michx. HornBEAM. ORDER 79. MYRICACEZ. 1. MYRICA, L. . Gale, L. Swret GALE. Belchertown, &e. . cerifera, L. BAYBERRY. Conway, &e. 2. COMPTONTA, Soland. asplenifolia, Ait. SWEET-FERN. ORDER 80. BETULACEZ. 1. BETULA, Tourn. BIRcu. . lenta, L. BuLack Bircu. . lutea, Michx. f. YELLOW Brrcu. alba, L., var. populifolia, Spach. WuiTE Bircu. . papyracea, Ait. CANOE BIRCH. . pumila, L. Amberst region, Eaton Man. 2. ALNUS, Tourn. ALDER. . viridis, DC. MountTain ALDER. Conway, Jesup. 2. incana, Willd. HoARY ALDER. . serrulata, Ait. ab) ORDER 81. SALICACEZ. 1, SALIX, Tourn. WILLow. 1. tristis, Ait. 2. humilis, Marsh. 3. discolor, Muhl. 4. sericea, Marsh. 5. purpurea, L. Near Conway, Jesup. 6. cordata, Muhl. 7. livida, Wahl., var. occidentalis, Gray. 8. lucida, Muhl. 9. nigra, Marsh. 10. fragilis, L. BrirTLe WILLow. ll. alba, L. WHITE WILLOW; & var. vitellina, YELLOW WiLLow. 12. longifolia, Muhl. Islands of Conn. river, Jesup. 13. myrtilloides, L. Deerfield, Tuckerman. 2. POPULUS, Tourn. Poprar. 1. tremuloides, Michx. ASPEN. 2. grandidentata, Michx. GREAT ASPEN. 3. monilifera, Ait. CoTTON-woop. 4. balsamifera, L. BALSAM POPLAR. Sus-ctass II. GYMNOSPERM 2A. ORDER 82. CONIFERZ. 1. PINUS, Tourn. PINE. . rigida, Mill. Prrcn PIne. . resinosa, Ait. RED PINE. 3. Strobus, L. WHITE PINE. 2. ABIES, Tourn. Spruce. nigra, Poir. BLACK SPRUCE. . alba, Michx. WHITE SPRUCE. . Canadensis, Michx. HemLock SPRUCE. balsamea, Marsh. BALSAM Fir. rN) =~ ww 3. LARIX, Tourn. Larcu. Americana, Michx. HACKMATACK. 4. JUNIPERUS, L. JUNIPER. 1. communis, L. Com. JUNIPER. . Virginiana, L. Rep CEDAR. 5. TAXUS, Tourn. Yew. . ‘- baccata,, L., var. Canadensis, Gray. ww ( 32 ) Crass ID MONOCOTY LED ON OFferee Pt SF kt cena ENDOGENOUS ELANTS. OrpER 83. ARACEZE. e 1. ARIS AMA, Mart. triphyllum, Torr. InpIAN Turnip. Dracontium, Schott. GREEN Dracon. Deerfield, Belchertown, &. 2. PELTANDRBRA, Raf. Virginica, Raf. Belchertown. 8. CALLA, L. palustris, L. 4,.SYMPLOCARPUS, Salish. foetidus, Salisb. SKUNK’s CABBAGE. 5. ORONTIUM, L. aquaticum, L. GOLDEN CLUB. Hampton Pond, Tuckerman. Southwick, Porter. 6. ACORUS, L. Calamus, L. Sweet FuLaG. OrpDER 84. LEMNACEZ, LEMNA, L. DvucKWEED. trisulca, L. minor, L. polyrrhiza, L. ORDER 8). TYPHACEZ. 1. TY Pe A, * Tourn latifolia, L. CAtT’s-TAIL. 2, SPARGANIUM, Tourn. Bur-REED. simplex, Huds. ORDER 86. NAIADACEZE. 1. NAIAS, L. flexilis, Rostk. 2, POTAMOGETON, Tourn. Ponpweep. natans, L. Oakesianus, Robbins. Claytonii, Tuckerm. Spirillus, Tuckerm. hybridus, Michx. rufescens, Schrad. Se 6 ow Pe Pw hy ( 33) . lonchites, Tuckerm. Conn. river, &. . pulcher, Tuckerm. S. Pond, Belchertown. . amplifolius, Tuckerm. . gramineus, L . lucens, L. Leverett Pond. . prelongus, Wulf. . perfoliatus, L . compressus, L. obtusifolius, Mert. & Koch. Ford’s Pond, Granby. pauciflorus, Pursh. . pusillus, L., v. vulgaris, Fr., & v. pectinatus, L. Conn. river. Robbinsii, Oakes. OrDER 87. ALISMACEZ. 1. SCHEUCHZERTIA, L. palustris, L. Belchertown Ponds. 2. ALISMA, L. Plantago, L., var. Americanum, Gray. 3. SAGITTARIA, L. variabilis, Engelm. heterophylla, Pursh. graminea, Michx. OrpER 88. HYDROCHARIDACEZ. 1ANACHARIS, Rich. Canadensis, Planch. 2 VALLISNERIA, Mich. spiralis, L ORDER 89. ORCHIDACEZ., 1. ORCHIS, L. spectabilis, L. 2. HABENARIA, Willd, R. Br. tridentata, Hook. virescens, Spreng. viridis, var. bracteata, Barkan hyperborea, R. Br. dilatata, Gray. Hookeri, Torr. orbiculata, Torr. ciliaris, R. Br. East Amherst, C. H. Hitchcock. Easthampton, Clark. blephariglottis, Hook. 5 SEL SR bd a) wwe ReNS cB | 18 . lacera, R. Br. 1]. 12. psychodes, Gray. fimbriata, R. Br. 3. GOODYERA, R. Br. . repens, R. Br. pubescens, R. Br. RATTLESNAKE LEAF. 4,.SPIRANTHES, Rich. Lapy’s Tresszs. latifolia, Torr. Amherst, G. L. Goodale. Conway, Jesup. cernua, Rich. gracilis, Bigel. 5. LISTERA, R. Br. TWAYBLADE. cordata, R. Br. Plainfield, Porter. 6. ARETHUSA, Gronov. bulbosa, L. 7. POGONTIA,’ Juss. ophioglossoides, Nutt. pendula, Lindl. Deerfield, Hitchcock. verticillata, Nutt. Amberst and Deerfield. 8. CALOPOGON, R. Br. pulchellus, R. Br. 9. TIPULARIA, Nutt. discolor, Nutt. Deerfield, Hitchcock. 10. MICROSTYLIS, Nutt. ophioglossoides, Nutt. Deerfield, Hitchcock. 11. LIPABIS, “Rich. liliifolia, Rich. Loeselii, Rich. 12. CORALLORRHIZA, Hall. Corat-roort. innata, R. Br. Amherst, Clark, and northward, Frost. 2. odontorrhiza, Nutt. multiflora, Nutt, Hasthampton, H. Hitchcock. Mt. Toby, Jesup. 13. APLECTRUM, Nutt. hyemale, Nutt. Mt. Holyoke, and Conway, Hitchcock. 14, CYPRIPEDIUM, L. Lapy’s Supper. arietinum, R. Br. Mt. Toby, Clark. parviflorum, Salisb. Mt. Holyoke. Shelburne, F. G. Tuckerman. pubescens, Willd. spectabile, Swartz. Deerfield, Hitchcock. Uasthampton, Clark. Mt. Holyoke, Jesup. acaule, Ait. wo = Pon — . ( 35 ) Orver 90. AMARYLLIDACEZ. FPO TS, . tb. erecta, L. STAR-GRASS, ORDER 91. H2EMODORACEZ. ALETRIS, L. farinosa, L. OrDER 92. IRIDACEZ. 1. IRIS, L. FLower bE Luce. versicolor, L. 2. SISYRINCHIUM, I. Bermudiana, L. BLUE-EYE. ORDER 93. SMILACEZ. SMILAX, Toun. rotundifolia, L. GREEN Briar. . herbacea, L. Jacop’s LADDER. ORDER 94. LILIACEZ. 1. TRILLIUM, L. Wake Rosin. grandifiorum, Salisb. Pelham, Hitchcock. erectum, L. cernuum, L. erythrocarpum, Michx. 2. MEDEOLA, Gronoy. Virginica, L. INDIAN CUCUMBER. 3. VERATRUM, Tourn. viride, Ait. Wire HELLEBORE. 4. UVULARIA, L. BeEtiwortr. grandiflora, Sm. Berkshire, Oakes; probably within our limit. 2. perfoliata, L. i sessilifolia, L. 5. STREPTOPUS, Michx. amplexifolius, DC. Pelham, Deerfield, &c. . roseus, Michx. Mt. Toby, &c. 6. CLINTONIA, Raf. borealis, Raf. 7. SMILACINA, Desf. racemosa, Desf. stellata, Desf. Se es Lad po! a ie OS Se rete. ( 36 ) trifolia, Desf. Pelham, and Cummington, Hitchcock. . bifolia, Ker. 8. POLYGONATUM, Tourn. SoLomon’s SEAL. biflorum, El. - giganteum, Dietr. 9. ASPARAGUS, L. officinalis, L. 10. LILIUM, L. Lity. Philadelphicum, L. Canadense, L. . Superbum, L. 11. ERYTHRONIUM, L. Doe’s Toots. Americanum, Smith. 12. ORNITHOGALUM, Tourn. umbellatum, L. SrAr-or-BETHLEHEM. In grass land, Am- herst. 138. ALLIUM, L. Ownton. tricoccum, Ait. WuiLp LEEK. Canadense, Kalm. MEADOW GARLIC. 14. HEMEROCALLIS, L. Day-Liny. fulva, L. Roadsides. ORDER 95. JUNCACEZ. 1. LUZULA, DC. Woop-rusa. pilosa, Willd. campestris, DC. 2. JUNCUS, L. Ross. effusus, L. Sorr Rusu. filiformis, L. Hadley meadows. marginatus, Rostk. Amherst, &. bufonius, L. Toap Rusu. tenuis, Willd. pelocarpus, H. Mey. Shores of Lock’s Pond, &c., Tuckerman. articulatus, L. Mill Hollow, Amherst, &c. acuminatus, Michx., var. legitimus, Engelm. nodosus, L. Hockanum; Whitmore’s Ferry, &c. Canadensis, J. Gay, var. longicaudatus, Eng., & v. coarctatus, Eng. ORDER 96. PONTEDERIACEZ. 1. PONTEDERIA, L. cordata, L., & var. angustifolia, Torr. PICKEREL-WEED. a al pd a cae peel nH — BEng es ee yo Be er deta Sa al dl ( 37 ) 2. SCHOLLERA, Schreb. graminea, Willd. ORDER 97. XYRIDACEZ. XYRIS, L. flexuosa, Muhl., Chapm., & var. pusilla, Gray. At Lock’s Pond, &. OrDER 98. ERIOCAULONACEZ. ERIOCAULON, L. PIPEworrt. septangulare, With. OrDER 99. CYPERACEZ. 1. CYPERUS, L. GaAtLINGALE. diandrus, Torr. inflexus, Muhl. dentatus, Torr. phymatodes, Muhl. strigosus, L. Michauxianus, Schult. Hadley meadows, Jesup. filiculmis, Vahl. 2. DULICHIUM, Rich. spathaceum, Pers. 3. HEMICARPHA, Nees. subsquarrosa, Nees. 4. ELEOCHARIS, R.Br. SPIKE-RUsH. . Robbinsii, Oakes. Ponds. obtusa, Schult. olivacea, Torr. Leverett Pond, Jesup. palustris, R. Br. intermedia, Schult. tenuis, Schult. acicularis, R. Br. 5. SCIRPUS, L. C.Lus-rvusu. planifolius, Muhl. subterminalis, Torr. pungens, Vahl. Torreyi, Olney. Pond in Hadley meadows, &c., Tuckerman. validus, Vahl. BULL-RUSH. debilis, Pursh. atrovirens, Mubl. polyphyllus, Vahl. lineatus, Michx. Plainfield, Porter. Eriophorum, Micbx. oR wo Ce = mw Oo = DNAATR WN ( 38 ) 6. ERIOPHORUM, L. Corron-Grass. alpinum, L. Cranberry Pond, Leverett, &c., Tuckerman. vaginatum, L. Belchertown S. pond, Jesup. . Virginicum, L. polystachyon, L., v. angustifolium, & v. latifolium. gracile, Koch. Leverett, &c., with 1, Tuckerman. 7. FIMBRISTYLIS, Vahl. autumnalis, Roem. & Schult. . capillaris, Gray. 8. RHYNCHOSPORA, Vahl. BEAK-RUSH. fusca, Roem & Schult. Leverett Pond, Tuckerman. . alba, Vahl. . glomerata, Vahl. . macrostachya, Torr. Belchertown, and Leverett, Hiteheock. 9. CLADIUM, P. Browne. mariscoides, Torr. Belchertown, Leverett, &c., Hitchcock. 10. SCLERIA, L. triglomerata, Michx. Wuip-Grass. Ambherst, Jesup. Hadley, &e., Hitchcock. 11. CAREX, L. SEnGE. . paucifiora, Lightf. Ashfield; Porter. . polytrichoides, Muhl. Backii, Boott. Mt. Tom, Prof. W. D. Whitney. bromoides, Schk. siccata, Dew. Westfield, Rev. Dr. Davis. teretiuscula, Good., & var. major, Koch. Deerfield, Hitehcock. vulpinoidea, Michx. . Stipata, Mubhl. . Sparganioides, Muhl. . cephalophora, Muhl. . Muhlenbergii, Schk. Hadley, &c., Tuckerman. . rosea, Schk. . retroflexa, Mubl. . tenella, Schk. . trisperma, Dew. . tenuiflora, Wahl. Southampton, Chapman. . canescens, L., & var. vitilis, Gray. . Deweyana, Schwein. . Sterilis, Willd. . Stellulata, L., var. scirpoides, Boott. . scoparia, Schk. 2. lagopodioides, Schk. . cristata, Schwein., var. mirabilis, Boott. . adusta, Boott. Hadley, &e., Tuckerman. ( 39) . straminea, Schk., & var’s tenera, Boott; aperta, Boott; tucacea, Tuckerm. . torta, Boott. . stricta, Lam. . crinita, Lam. 29. limosa, L. Ashfield; Porter. . Buxbaumii, Wabl. . aurea, Nutt. Conway, Jesup. 2. tetanica, Schk. Amherst, Hitchcock Catal. Mass. . granularis, Muhl. Amherst, Hitchcock, and northward, I’rest. . pallescens, L. . conoidea, Schk. . grisea, Wahl. . glaucodea, Tuckerm. Mt. Holyoke, &c. . Davisii, Schwein. & Torr. N. Hadley. . formosa, Dew. Ambherst, Hitchcock Catal. Mass. . gracillima, Schwein. . virescens, Muhl. . triceps, Michx. . plantaginea, Lam. Mt. Toby, Jesup. . platyphylia, Carey. Mt. Holyoke, &. retrocurva, Dew. Amherst, &c. digitalis, Willd. . laxiflora, Lam., & vy. plantaginea, Boott, & v. blanda, Boott. pedunculata, Muhl. Mt. Holyoke, &e. umbellata, Schk. Nove Angliz, Schwein. . Emmonsii, Dew. 52. Pennsylvanica, Lam. . varia, Mubl. . pubescens, Muhl. . miliacea, Muhl. . scabrata, Schwein. . arctata, Boott. Leyden, Hitchcock. . debilis, Michx. flava, L. . filiformis, L. . lanuginosa, Michx. 2. vestita, Willd. . polymorpha, Muhl. Westfield, Rev. Dr, Davis. . riparia, Curt. . trichocarpa, Muhl. Ambherst, Hitchcock Catal. Mass. . comosa, Boott. . hystricina, Willd. . tentaculata, Muhl., & v. altior, Boott. . intumescens, Rudge. . lupulina, Muhl. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. rice — ° wo — Ci NOE w ye ee, folliculata, L. squarrosa, L. Hadley, Hitchcock. retrorsa, Schwein. Plainfield, Hitchcock. utriculata, Boott. Monile, Tuckerm. Tuckermani, Boott. longirostris, Torr. ORDER 100. GRAMINEZE. Grasses. | 1. LEERSTIA, Soland. Virginica, Willd. oryzoides, Swartz. 2. ZIZANIA, Gronoy. aquatica, L. Wind Rice. Northampton. 3. ALOPECURUS, L. Fox-rTait Grass. pratensis, L. geniculatus, L. aristulatus, Michx. Amherst, &c., Tuckerman. 4. PHLEUM, L. Car’s-Tait GRAss. pratense, L. HErn’s GRASS. 5. VILFA, Adans., Beauv. vagineeflora, Torr. 6. SPOROBOLUS, R. Br. serotinus, Gray. 7. AGROSTIS, L. BeEnr-Grass. . perennans, Tuckerm. . scabra, Willd. vulgaris, With. ReEp-rTop. alba, L. WHITE-Top. 8: CIN NAS i. arundinacea, L. 9. MUHLENBERGIA, Schreb. . sobolifera, Trin. . glomerata, Trin. . Mexicana, Trin. . sylvatica, Torr. & Gr. Willdenovii, Trin. diffusa, Schreb. Amherst, Jesup. capillaris, Kunth. Harr-Grass. Sugar-Loaf, &c., Cooley. 10. BRACHYELYTRUM, Beauv. aristatum, Beauv. — Cg} 11. CALAMAGROSTIS, 77. ARCYRIA, Hill. . punicea, Pers. Rotten stumps, &c. . cinerea, Schum. Rotten wood. nutans, Fr. Rotten wood. . globosa, Schw. Chestnut leaves. 78. TRICHIA, Hall. pyriformis, Hoffm. Rotten stumps. fallax, Pers. Rotten wood. clavata, Pers. Decaying wood. turbinata, With. Rotten wood. serotina, Schrad. Rotten wood. . chrysosperma, DC. Rotten wood. serpula, Pers. Rotten wood and leaves. varia, Pers. Decaying wood. 79. PERICH ANA, Fr. . populina, Fr. Fallen poplars. 2. flavida, Peck. Mosses. woe ANP wwe wo = NAO ww ie2) ( 80 ) 80. LICEA, Schrad. cylindrica, Fr. Rotten wood. . fragiformis, Fr. Rotten wood. 81. CYATHUS, Pers. . Striatus, Hoffm. Sticks, old wood. . vernicosus, DC. Earth, &c. 82. CRUCIBULUM, Tul. vulgare, Tul. Sticks, &e. 83. SPH ZROBOLUS, Tode. stellatus, Tode. Twigs, old planks, &e. Fam. Ill. CONIOMYCETES. 84. LEPTOSTROMA, Fr. litigiosum, Desm. Fern stems. 85. PHOMA, Ir. . scabriusculum, B. & C. Dead stems of herbs. . nebulosum, Berk. Dead branches. pallens, B. & C. Dead branches of Grape vines. Syringe, B. & C. Branches of Lilac. . glandicola, B. & C. Old white Oak, acorns, &c. . ampelinum, B. & C. Dead stems of grape vines. 86. LEPTOTHY RIUM, Kunze. . Fragarie, Lib. Leaves of Strawberry and Potentilla. . Celastri, B. & C. Small branches of Celastrus. 87. SPH ZRONEMA, Tode. spina, B. & C. Branches of White Ash. 88. SPH Z ROPSIS, Lev. . phomatospora, B. & C. Crategus. . Platani, Peck. Fallen branches of Sycamore. insignis, B. & C. Dead acorns. Frostii, Peck. Branches of Rhus glabra. . Viticola, B. & C. Grape vines. Plantagicola, B. & C. Leaves of P. lanceolata. collabens, B. & C. Dead wood. . mamillaris, B. & C. Dead branches. . torulosa, B. & C. Carious wood. . ocellata, B. & C. Leaves. 89. DISCOSTA, Lib. . alnea, Lib. Dead leaves. . grammita, B. & C. Dead sticks. won — ta, 90. DIPLODIA, Fr. . viticola, Desm. Grape vines. . valsoides, Peck. Dead bark, and White Birch trees. . vulgaris, Ley. Twigs. 91. VERMICULARIA, Tode. . Dematium, Fr. Dead herbaceous stems. 2. Liliaceorum, Schw. Dead stems of Lily. mo — SOM UD Om wy PO tet woe PU eee n= 92. HENDERSONTIA, Berk. Sartwelli, B. & C. Leaves of Locust. . ceespitosa, B. & C. Sticks and branches. 93. SEPTORIA, Fr. Ulmi, Kze. Leaves of Elm. Nabali, B. & C. Leaves of Nabalus. Vitis, B. & C. Grape vine leaves. Polygonorum, Desm. Living leaves of Polygonum. . Rhoides, B. & C. Leaves of Rhus. ochroleuca, B. & C. Leaves of Chestnut. Herbarum, B. & C. Leaves of Oak. maculans, B. & C. Leaves of Oak. plantaginicola, B. & C. Leaves of Plantago. Rubi, B. & C. Leaves of Raspberry. . Pyri, Curt. Leaves of Apple trees. Cnothere, B. & C. Leaves of O. biennis. 94, DEPAZEA, Fr. Kalmicola, Schw. Leaves of laurel. Pyrole, Fr. Leaves of Prince’s Pine. cruenta, Kze. Dying leaves of Convallaria. circumscissa, B. & C. Sycamore leaves. castanezecola, Fr. Leaves of Chestnut. 95. ASTEROMA, DC. reticulatum, Berk. Dead leaves of Convallaria. . pomigena, Schw. Apples. 96. RABENHORSTIA, Fr. Tiliz, Fr. Dead branches of T. Americana. 97. MICROPERA, Lev. Drupacearum, Ley. Branches of Cherry. 98. DISCELLA, B. & Br. . obscura, B. & C. Dead twigs. . carbonacea, B. & Br. Dead twigs. 99. MELACONIUM, Link. . magnum, Berk. Wood. 11 wo wo — wo —_ wo = hme ( 8 ) . bicolor, Nees. White Birch branches. . betulinum, Schw. Birch. . varium, B. & C. Wood. 100. STILBOSPORA, Pers. . Ovata, Pers. Dead twigs, &e. . macrosperma, Pers. Oak branches. 101. CONOTHECIUM,-B. &C. torulosum, B. &C. Willow stems. 102. SPILOC AA, Fr. Pomi, Fr. Skin of apples. 103. CORYNEUM, Kunze. . disciforme, B. & C. Oak branches. . Claveesporum, Peck. Dead branches. . pulvinatum, Kze. Dead branches. 104. PESTALOZZIA, DeNot. Guepini, Desm. Leaves. 105. ENDOBOTRYA. elegans, B. & C. Beech bark. 106. MYXOSPORIUM, DeNot. nitidum, B. & C. Branches of Cornus alternifolia. 107. NEMASPORA, Pers. . crocea, Pers. Beech trunks. . pruinosa, B. & C. Rinds of decaying vegetables. 108. GLG@OSPORIUM, Mont. concentricum, B. & Br. Cabbage leaves. . crocosporum, B. & C. Old rinds of Squash. 109. TORULA, Pers. Herbarum, Link. Herbaceous plants. 110. BACTRIDIUM, Kunze. flavum, Kze. Stumps. ' 111. SEPTONEMA, Corda. spilomeum, Berk. Old rails and boards. olivaceum, Peck. Stems of herbs. 112. SPORIDESMIUM, Link. Lepraria, B. & Br. Exposed boards and rails. 118. PHRAGMIDIUYM, Link. mucronatum, Link. Rose leaves. speciosum, I'r. Rose bushes. bk es = © cmech meted fk fed DO — & W CN 09 8D wwe OIA wwe PON AME wwe ( 8 ) 114. TRIPHRAGMIUYM, Link. clavellosum, Berk. Leaves of Aralia nudicaulis. 115. PUCCINIA, Pers. graminis, Pers. Leaves of grasses. . mesomajalis. Leaves of Clintonia borealis. Violarum, Link. Leaves of violets. Compositarum, Schl. Leaves and stems of Canada Thistle. Tiarelle, B. & C. Leaves of Tiarella. Menthe, Pers. Leaves of various Mints. Anemones, Pers. Leaves of Anemone. Circeeae, Pers. Leaves of Circea. . Asteris, Schw. Leaves of Asters. . solida, Schw. Leaves of Anemone. . Pyrolee, Cooke. Leaves, stems, petioles of Polygala. . Polygonorum, Link. Leaves of knot grass. . coronata, Corda. Leaves of Grasses and Oats. . Caricis, DC. Leaves and sheaths of Carices. . Xanthi, Schw. Leaves of Asters. . Umbelliferarum, DC. Leaves of Umbellifere. 116. GYMNOSPORANGIUM, DC. Juniperi, Fr. Living twigs of J. communis. 117. PODISOMA, Link. Juniperi, Fr. Living branches of J. communis. 118. USTILAGO, Link. Carbo, Tul. LHars of Corn and Grasses. . Urceolorum, Tul. Seeds of Carices. . utriculosum, Nees. Seeds of Polygonum. Maydis, Corda. Flowers, fruits, &c. Indian corn. . Junci, Schw. Seeds of Juncus. 119. UROCYSTIS, Rabh. . pompholygodes, Schlecht. Ranunculi. . Cepule, Frost. Bulbs of young onions. . pusilla, C.& P. Leaves of Carex Pennsylvanica. 120. UROMYCES, Link. . appendiculata, Lk. On various plants. . Lespedezee-violacee, Schw. Leaves of L. violacea. . Lespedeze-procumbentis, Schw. Leaves of L. procumbens. . Hyperici, Schw. Leaves of Hypericum. macrospora, B. & C. Leaves of Lespedeza capitata. apiculosa, Ley. Leaves of Euphorbie. . scutellata. Leaves of Euphorbia maculata. . triquetra, Cooke. Leaves of Hypericum and Elodea. wo — . ( 84 ) solida, B. & C. Leaves of Desmodium. . Junci, B. & C. Leaves and stems of Juncus. 121. COLEOSPORINUYM, Ley. Tussilaginis, Ley. Coltsfoot leaves. 122. MELAMSPORA, Cast. salicina, Lev. Leaves of Willows. populina, Lev. Leaves of Populus. 123. CYSTOPUS, DeBary. © candidus, Lev. Crucifera. 124. UREDO, Lev. . Rubigo, DC. Leaves of Grasses, &c. . Solidaginis, Schw. Leaves of Solidago. . Pyrolee, Strauss. Leaves of Sedges. . Caricina, DC. Leaves of Sedges. . Polygonorum, DC. Leaves of Polygonum. Potentille, DC. Leaves of Rosacee. . Cichoraceum, Lev. Leaves of Dandelion. . Filicum, Desm. Leaves of Ferns. . effusa, Strauss. Rose leaves. . Leguminosarum, Lk. Bean leaves. . Ari-Virginici, Schw. Leaves of Arum. . miniata, Strauss. Bramble leaves. . graveolens, B. & C. Leaves of Canada Thistle. . Vacciniorum, Johnst. Leaves of V. corymbosum. luminata, Schw. Leaves of Rubus. 125. TRICHOBASIS, Lev. Pyrole, B. On Pyrola rotundifolia. 2. suaveolens, Lev. Leaves of Canada Thistle. 126. LECYTHEA, Lev. Saliceti, Lev. Under side of Willow leaves. ovata, Strauss. Leaves of Populus. 127. RG@STELIA, Reb. lacerata, Sow. Leaves of twigs of Thorn. cornuta, Tul. Leaves of Crategus, Pyrus, &e. . aurantiaca, Peck. Quince stems. 128. PERIDERMIUM, Chev. . Cerebrum, Peck. Trunks and branches of young Pines. 2. Pini, Chev. Leaves and young branches of Abies. 129. A CIDIUM, Pers. . Euphorbie, Pers. Under side of leaves of Spurge. 2. hydnoideum, B. & C. Leaves of Direa palustris. ( 8 ) Houstonianum, Schw. Leaves of Houstonia. . Sambuci, Schw. Leaves of S. Canadensis. Ranunculacearum, DC. Leaves of Ranunculi. Clematitis, Schw. On Virgin’s Bower. . Grossularie, DC. Leaves of Ribes, &e. Urticz, DC. Leaves and stems of Nettles. . Geranii, DC. Leaves of Geranium. . Compositarum, Mart. Leaves of Composite. . Viole, Schum. Leaves of V. pubescens. . MarizesWilsoni, Peck. Leaves of Viola pubescens. . Menthe, DC. Leaves of Labiate. . Rumicis, Pers. Leaves of Rumex. . Lycopi, Gerard. On L. Europeus. . Aroidatum, Schw. Leaves of Indian Turnip. . Epilobii, DC. Leaves of Evening Primrose. . GEnotheree, Peck. Leaves of Evening Primrose. . Berberidis, Pers. Leaves of Common Berberry. . Asteratum, Schw. Leaves of Asters. . quadrifidum, DC. Leaves of Anemone nemorosa. 130. CRONARTIUM, Fr. Asclepiadeum, Fr. Leaves of Comptonia. Fam. IV. HYPHOMYCETES. 131. ISARIA, Fr. . farinosa, Fr. Buried Chrysalids. 2. brachiata, Schum. Dead Agarics. wn = om ww 132. CERATIUM, A.&S. hydnoides, A. & S. Rotten wood. 133. STILBUM, Tode. . Spraguei, B. & C. Dead wood. . Rhois, B. & C. Bark of Rhus glabra. . Polyporinum, Frost. On decaying Polyporus abietina. 134. STEMPHYLIUM, Wallr. Fuligo, B. & C. Branches of Rhus glabra. 135. TUBERCULARIA, Tode. vulgaris, Tode. Sticks and branches. granulata, Pers. Dead bark. . confluens, Pers. Dead bark of Currant. . dubia, Schw. Branches of Rhus. . nigricans, DC. Dead branches of Apple, Elder, &. 136. FUSARIUM, Link. . lateritium, Nees. Dead twigs. . Berenice, B. & C. Dead limbs. —_ — . m= Wt = ed wo — — m CO 0 (2 137. EPICOCCUM, Link. micropus, Corda. Dead Pumpkin vines. 138. ILLOSPORIUM, Mont. roseum, Fr. On Tree Lichens. coccineum, Fr. On Pertusaria pertusa. 139. ZAGERITA, Pers. candida, Pers. Damp decaying wood. 140. PERICONTIA, Corda. Calicioides, Berk. Dead bark. 141. SPOROCYBE, Fr. Persice, Fr. Bark of Persica and Cerasus. . Rhois, B. & C. Bark of Rhus. . byssoides, Fr. Stems and bark. 142. HELMINTHOSPORIUM, Link. . macrocarpon, Corda. Rotten sticks. . Tiliz, Fr. Rotten sticks. 143. MACROSPORIUM, Fr. . Cheiranthi, Fr. Beet leaves. . Brassicee, Berk. Cabbage leaves. 144. MYSTROSPORIUM, Corda. . Spraguei, B. & C. Dead bark. . ventricosum, B. & C. Dead wood. 145. POLYTHRINCIUM, Kunze. Trifolii, Kze. Leaves of Trifolium. 146. CLADOSPORIUM, Link. . Herbarum, Link. Decaying substances. . Fumago, Link. Decaying substances. . epiphyllum, Nees. Fallen leaves of Sycamore. . cabosporum, B. & C. Decaying substances. 147. ASPERGILLUS, Mich. . glaucus, Link. Lard, Bread, Cheese, &e. . fuliginosus, Peck. Paste, &c. . roseus, Lk. Hen dung, damp Paper, &c. maximus, Lk. Putrid Polyporus and Boletus. 148. BOTRYTIS, Mich. . Viticola, B. & C. Leaves of Grape vine. . lateritia, Fr. Carious wood. 149. PERONOSPORA, DeBy.. infestans, Mont. Leaves, stems, and tubers of Potato. wo — woe — — SC ( a.) 150. VERTICILLIUM, Link. nanum, B. & Br. Dead bark of branches. 151. OIDIUM, Link. . fructigenum, Schrad. Decaying Apples, Pears, &c. . monilioides, Lk. Living grass leaves. . fulvum, Lk. Rotten wood. 152. DACTYLIUM, Nees. . roseum, Berk. Bark, Fungi, &c. . dendroides, Fr. On Clavarie. 153. POL YACTIS, Link. vulgaris, Lk. Rotting Cabbages, &c. 154. PENICILLIUM, Link. . crustaceum, Fr. Decaying bodies. . epigeeum, B.& C. Larth. . candidum, Lk. Fruit, &. 155. LYGODESMUS, Corda. . fuscus, Corda. Decaying wood. olivaceus, B. & C. Decaying wood. 156. STREPTOTHRIX, Corda. atra, B. & C. Oak bark and branches. 157. BOTRYOSPORIUM, Corda. diffusum, Corda. Decayed herbaceous plants. 158. SEPEDONIUYM, Link. . chrysospermum, Lk. Boleti. . cervinum, Fr. On Helvella elastica. 159. PILACRE, Fr. . faginea, B. & Br. Beech sticks. . Petersii, B. & C. Dead bark and decaying wood. Fam. V. PHYSOMYCETES. 160. ASCOPHORA, Tode. Mucedo, Tode. Bread, &e. 161. MUCOR, Mich. . phycomyces, Berk. Greasy walls, fat, &c. . Mucedo, L. Fruit, preserves, &c. caninus, Pers. Excrements of mice. . flavidus, Pers. Decaying Agarics. inzequalis, Peck. Decaying Squashes. capitato-ramosus, Schw. Decaying Boleti and Polypori. — bod Co 9 po Ce Py 162. PILOBOLUS, Tode. . crystallinus, Tode. Horse dung. . roridus, Schum. Dung. Fam. VI. ASCOMYCETES. 163. ON YGENA, Pers. equina, Pers. Old hoofs. 164. SPH ZX ROTHECA, Ley. pruinosa, C. & P. Leaves of Rhus glabra. Castagnei, Lev. Leaves. 165. LASIOBOTRYS, Kunze. Loniceree, Kze. Leaves of Lonicera. 166. PHY LLACTINA, Lev. guttata, Lev. Dead Chestnut leaves. 167. UNCINULA, Lev. adunca, Lev. Leaves of Willows. : macrospora, Peck. Leaves of Elm, both sides. circinata, C. & P. Under side of Maple leaves. flexuosa, Peck. Lower side of Horse Chestnut leaves. . Ampelopsidis, Peck. Both sides of leaves of Woodbine. 168. PODOSPH ZERIA, Kunze. . Kunzei, Lev. On Spirea salicifolia. 2. biuncinata, C. & P. Leaves of Witch Hazel. WAHT wD = Tew ve 169. MICROSPH 2ARIA, Lev. . Friesii, Lev. Leaves of Lilac. . Friesii, var. Castanez, C. & P. Living Chestnut leaves. . extensa, C.&P. Living Oak leaves. . pulchra, C. & P. Leaves of Cornus alternifolia. diffusa, C. & P. Leaves of Lespedeze. Hedwigii, Lev. Leaves of Viburnum Lentago. . Vaccinii, C.& P. Leaves of V. vacillans. 170. ERYSIPHE, Hedw. communis, Schl. Leaves. . lamprocarpa, C. & P. Leaves of Phlox Drummondii. . Martii, Link. Pea stems and leaves. . Ceanothi, Schw. Leaves of Ceanothus. Vaccinii, Schw. Leaves of Epigeea repens. 171. ERYSIPHELLA, Peck. aggregata, Peck. Catkins of Alder. all edt cok a — ( 8 ) 172. CHA TOMIUM, Kunze. chartatum, Ehb. Paper. 173. EURO TIUM, Link. Herbariorum, Lk. Plants in herbarium. 174. MORCHELLA, Dill. esculenta, Pers. Woods, &c. 175. GYROMITRA, Fr. esculenta, Pers. Pine woods. 176. HEL VELLA, L. crispa, Fr. Woods. elastica, Bull. Ground in woods. lacunosa, Afz. Woods. . Ephippium, Ley. Ground in woods. ivf: MiTEUiLA, Fr . paludosa, Fr. Leaves, sticks, &c., in water. . cucullata, Fr. Pine woods. 178. SPATHULARIA, Pers. flavida, Pers. Pine woods. 179. LEOTIA, Hill. lubrica, Pers. Woods. 180. VIBRISSEA, Fr. . Truncorum, Fr. Sticks in water. 2. lutea, Peck. Old Chestnut burrs. m 0 Oe PNANPE WY 181. GEOGLOSSUM, Pers. . difforme, Pers. Stumps, &e. . hirsutum, Pers. Among grass. . simile, Peck. Damp mossy ground in swamps. . luteum, Peck. Damp woods, at base of trees and stumps. 182. RHIZINA, Fr. undulata, Fr. Logs in swamps. 183. PEZIZA, L. . Acetabulum, L. Earth. macropus, Pers. Earth in woods. venosa, Pers: Moist ground. cochleata, Huds. Among grass. aurantia, Fr. Ground in woods. vesiculosa, Bull. Dung hills, &. . violacea, Pers. Burnt ground in woods. micropus, Pers. Swamps. 12 ( 90 ) 9. fascicularis, A. & S. Branches, bursting through the bark. 10. furfuracea, Fr. Branches of Alder. 11. coccinea, Jacq. Sticks, &. 12. hemispheerica, Wigg. Earth in woods. 13. stercorea, Pers. Cow dung. 14. myceticola, B. & C. Old wood. 15. virginea, Batsch. Twigs, sticks, &. 16. nivea, Fr. Stumps, &e. 17. calycina, Schum. Pine bark. 18. cerina, Pers. Branches, and old rails. 19. Pini, Frost. Pine bark and pitch. 20. citrina, Batsch. Dead leaves. — 21. mollisizeoides, Schw. Fallen branches. 22. aurelia, Pers. Carious wood. 23. fusca, Pers. Fallen branches. 24. chlora, Fr. Under bark of old trees. 25. Persoonii, Moug. Stems of Equisetum. 26. cyathoidea, Bull. Herbaceous stems. 27. epispheeria, Mart. Hypoxyla. 28. nigrella, Pers. Harth in Pine woods. 29. sanguinea, Pers. Pine wood. 30. rubella, Pers. Dead Pine bark. 31. echinosperma, Peck. Damp sandy soil. 32. compressa, A. & 8. Hard wood. 33. scutellata, L. Old wet wood. 34. flexella, Fr. Pine wood. 35. Resinee, Fr. Pitch. 36. atrata, Pers. Dead stems of herbs. 37. schizospora, Phillips. arth. 38. Tilize, Peck. Dead branches of T. Americana. 39. firma, Pers. Sticks, &. 40. humosa, Fr. Earth. 41. succosa, Berk. Rich ground. 42. cinerea, Batsch. Decaying wood. 43. vinosa, A. & S. Fallen branches. 44, omphalodes, Bull. Burnt soil. 45. diversicolor, Fr. Dung. 46. vulgaris, Fr. Fallen branches. 47. cupularis, L. Earth in rich places. 184. HELOTIUM, I‘. . Virgultorum, Fr. Acorns, &e. seruginosum, Fr. Fallen Oak branches. . Citrinum, Fr. Old stumps. . Schweinitzii, Fr. Old stumps. . lenticulare, Fr. Old stumps. Herbarum, Fr. Dead leaves, stems, &c. Aanrwve co an oye Se SS eee ee eR Pe fete ee — ee, . aquaticum, Curr. Sticks in water. . epiphyllum, Fr. Dead leaves. . ferrugineum, Schum. Dead wood. 185. PATELLARIA, Fr. atrata, Fr. Dead wood, old rails, &e. . indigotica, Peck. Dead wood. stygia, B.&C. Dead wood. rhabarbarina, Berk. Branches. congregata, Moreau. Chestnut logs. discolor, Mont. Wood, and stems of herbs. fusispora, C.& P. Dead wood. . applanata, B. & C. Dead wood. 186. URNULA, Fr. Craterium, Fr. Rotten wood, &., in woods. 187. CENANGIUM, Fr. triangulare, Fr. Oak limbs. Cerasi, Fr. Wild Cherry branches. Ribis, Fr. Currant stems. Prunastri, Fr. Dead branches of Plum and Cherry. populinum, Schw. Bark of Populus. Pinastri, Fr. Branches of Pine. pithyum, B. & C. Pine chips, &c. seriatum, Fr. Dead bark of White Birch. Rubi, Fr. Raspberry. 188. TYMPANTIS, Tode. . conspersa, Fr. Bark of Pyrus. 2. picastra, B.&C. Bark of Red Maple. _ mw wo es) rw) mw dw . alnea, Pers. Bark of Alnus. 189. ASCOBOLUS, Tode. furfuraceus, Pers. Cow dung. . glomeratus, Fr. Stumps. . Ciliatus, Schw. Cow dung. . Trifolii, Bernh. Leaves of Clover among dung. 190. BULGARIA, Fr. inquinans, Fr. Old trunks, &c. . Sarcoides, Fr. Old stumps and wood. 191. STICTIS, Pers. . versicolor, Fr. Old wood. . radiata, Pers. Wood and twigs. . hystericina, Fr. Old wood. . rufa, B. & C. Branches. Pm 02 0D SP SS SS at Bg TRL A ao ( 92 ) 192. ELAPHOMYCES, Nees. granulatus, Fr. Woods. 193. PHACIDIUM, Fr. . dentatum, Fr. Fallen Oak leaves. Pini, A. &S. Pine bark. . crustaceum, B. & C. Dead branches of Pine. coronatum, Fr. Leaves of Oak and Chestnut. 194. RH YTISMA, Fr. salicinum, Fr. Leaves of Willows. acerinum, Fr. Leaves of Maple. punctatum, Fr. Leaves of Maple and Sycamore. Asteris, Schw. Leaves of Asters. Solidaginis, Schw. Leaves of Solidago. Prini, Fr. Leaves of Prinos. . Vaccinii, Fr. Living leaves of Vaccinium. 195. GLONIUM, Mich. stellatum, Mich. Old wood and rails. 196. HYSTERIUM, Tode. . pulicare, Pers. Trunks. elongatum, Wahl. Decorticated wood. Fraxini, Pers. Ash wood. vulvatum, Schw. Wood, twigs, rails, &e. parvulum, Gerard. Old rails, &. insidens, Schw. Dried wood. lineare, Fr. Wood and rails. . fusiger, B. & C. Dead wood. . hiascens, B. & C. Bark of White Oak. . commune, Fr. Dead stems of herbaceous plants. . llicinum, DeNot. Dry Oak leaves. Pinastri, Schrad. Dead Pine leaves. typhinum, Fr. Dead leaves of Typha. maculare, Fr. Oak leaves. rufescens, Schw. Dead bark of Oak or Chestnut. Rubi, Pers. Stems of Red Raspberry. . 197. COLPOMA, Wallr. quercinum, Wallr. Oak limbs. 198. LABRELLA, Fr. Pomi, Mont. Skin of Apples. 199. TORRUBTA, Lev. . militaris, Fr. Pupe of buried Moths, &e. ophioglossoides, Tul. Ground in woods. . Capitata, Fr. On Elaphomyces. AAP ww ed mW woe SED OT Oo NO KH SODNAME WDE ( 93 ) 200. CLAVICEPS, Tul... purpurea, Tul. On Ergot. 201. HYPOCREA, Fr. gelatinosa, Fr. Wood. . rufa, Fr. Dead wood. citrina, Fr. Leaves and wood. Richardsonii, B. & Mont. Dead sticks. Lactifluorum, Schw. On Lactarius. contorta, Schw. Dead wood. 202. HYPHOMYCES, Tul. lateritius, Tul. On Fungi. 203. NECTRIA, Fr. cinnabarina, Fr. Dead twigs. . coccinea, Fr. Dead twigs. Celastri, Schw. On C. scandens. Cucurbitula, Fr. Dead branches. . sinopica, Fr. Dead bark. Peziza, Fr. Decaying stumps. sanguinea, Fr. Wood, sticks, Hypoxyla, &c. . Ribis, Tode. Dead Currant stems. Purtoni, Curr. On Valsa Abietis. . epispheeria, Fr. On Hypoxyla. . agoeothele, B. & C. On Hypoxyla. 204, XYLARIA, Fr. . polymorpha, Grey. Old stumps. digitata, Grev. Stumps. corniformis, Mont. Fallen branches. . Hypoxylon, Grev. Old stumps. 205. RHIZOMORPHA, Reb. subcorticalis, Pers. Between bark and wood of logs. 206. PORONTIA, Fr. punctata, Fr. Cow dung. 207. USTULINA, Tul. vulgaris, Tul. Rotten trunks, &c. 208. HYPOXYLON, Fr‘. . concentricum, Grey. Old stumps and wood. . coccineum, Bull. Beech. Morseii, B. & C. Willows and Alders. multiforme, Fr. Dead Birch. atro-purpureum, Fr. Decaying wood. coheerens, Fr. Old logs and trees. . fuscum, Fr. Various woods. heel, 2 Se See SS ee a woe — — ee Oe et Or ee (B83 . atropunctatum, Schw. Dead bark and wood. . rubiginosum, Fr. Decorticated trunks. . serpens, Fr. Dead wood. . Clypeus, Schw. Oak bark. . argillaceum, Fr. Trunks of Beech. 209. NUMMULARIA, Tul. Bulliardi, Tul. Wood and bark. 210. EUTYPA, Tul. lata, Tul. Wood and branches. spinosa, Tul. Hard wood. leioplaca, Fr. Wood and dry branches. 211. MELOGRAMMA, Tul. atrofuscum, B. & C. Rhus glabra. Quercuum, Schw. Oak branches. 212. POLYS TIGMA,,’ Pers. rubrum, Pers. Dead leaves. 213. DOTHIDEA, Fr. Ulmi, Fr. Elm leaves. betulina, Fr. Living Birch leaves. . Pteridis, Fr. P. Aquilina. ribesia, Fr. Branches of Red Currant. filicina, Fr. Stems of Pteris aquilina. Trifolii, Fr. Leaves of Clover. culmicola, Schw. Fallen stems of Grass. . Graminis, Fr. Grass leaves. flabella, B. & C. Leaves of Pteris aquilina. Sambuci, Fr. Dead stems of Elder. . fructigenee, Schw. Decaying Apples. Anemones, Fr. Leaves of A. cylindrica. 214. DIATRYPE, Fr. . Stigma, Fr. Wood and bark. Hystrix, Fr. Sycamore branches. platystoma, Schw. Dead branches of Maple. . Strumella, Fr. Dry Currant branches. undulata, Fr. Dead wood and branches. quercina, Tul. Dead Oaks. . verruceeformis, Fr. Dry Oak branches. microplaca, B. & C. Dead limbs of Benzoin. disciformis, Fr. Trunks and dead sticks. . discreta, Schw. Dead wood. 215. MELANCONTIS, Tul. . stilbostoma, Tul. Birches. 2. elliptica, Peck. Dead bark of Birch. OONAMR wy — FP SSDNAMR YY a a a | DAIAKK AYN ( 9% ) 216. VALSA, Fr. . stellulata, Fr. Branches, &c. nivea, Fr. Branches, &c. Abietis, Fr. Branches of Pinus. leucostoma, Fr. Branches of Prunus. . ceratophora, Tul. Branches of Robinia. ambiens, Fr. Dead trunks. . salicina, Fr. Willow twigs. quaternata, Fr. Dead Beeches. . Colliculus, Wormsk. Dead branches of Pinus. hapalocystis, B. & C. Sycamores. . Americana, B. & C. Branches. . Alni, Peck. Alnus. enteroleuca, Fr. Dry branches. Pini, Fr. Dead branches of Pine. constellata, B. &C. Bark. Platani, Schw. Fallen branches of Sycamore. . centripeta, Fr. Dead Alders. 217. CUCURBITARIA, Gray. . elongata, Grev. Robinie. . cupularis, Fr. Dead branches. 218. MASSARIA, DeNot. vomitoria, B. & C. Branches of Ash and Red Maple. 219. LOPHIOSTOMA, DeNot. nucula, Fr. Oak bark. 220. SPH ZRIA, Hall. aquila, Fr. Rotten sticks. Desmazierii, B. & Br. Ground in woods. spermoides, Hoffm. Rotten wood. moriformis, Tode. Rotten wood. pomiformis, Pers. Dead wood. pulvis-pyrius, Pers. Old wood. pulveracea, Ehr. Dry wood. . ulmea, Schw. Leaves of Elm. . Lespedezze, Schw. Leaves of Lespedeza. . Salicella, Fr. Branches of Willows. . morbosa, Schw. Plum and Cherry trees. fusca, Pers. Dead branches, &c. aculeans, Schw. On Rhus glabra. complanata, Tode. Dead stems of herbs. Coryli, Batsch. Leaves of Corylus. . callista, B. & C. Branches. . collabens, Curr. Bark and wood. . enteromela, Schw.\ Bark and wood. WATE wwe bead, ( 96) . Spiculosa, Pers. Stems of herbs. . Saubeneti, Mont. Chestnut bark and branches. . subconica, C. & P. Dead stems of herbs. 2. aculeata, Schw. Stems of herbs. . acuminata, Fr. Stems of Chenopodium. . limeeformis, B. & ©. Bark of Oak, Chestnut, &c. . livida, Fr. Dead wood and branches. . mutila, B. & C. Twigs, &e. . ramulicola, Peck. Dead twigs of Elm. . lilacina, Schw. Dead stems of Phytolacca. . excentrica, C. & P. Dead stems of Polygonum. . Doliolum, Pers. Dead stems of herbs. . coprophila, Fr. Cow dung, in dense patches. . Bombarda, Batsch. Dry wood. . fuscella, B. & Br. Bramble stems. . Brassicee, Klotszch. Dead cabbage stalks. . intercellularis, B. & C. Leaves of Typha. . Spraguei, B. & C. Bark of Pinus Strobus. 221. SPH HZ RELLA, DeNot. . maculeeformis, Fr., var. equalis. Fallen leaves. . punctiformis, Pers. Dead leaves. . Pinastri, Duby. Dead Pine leaves. . Pteridis, Desm. Dead fronds of Pteris. . spleniata, C.& P. Oak leaves. errabunda, Desm. Dead Beech leaves. . myriadea, DC. Dead Oak leaves. 222. MICROTHY RIUM, Desm. . paradoxum, B. & C. Elder. 2. microscopicum, Desm. Leaves. tal . — 223. STIGMATEA, F*. Robertiani, Fr. Leaves of Geranium Robertianum. 224. HYPOSPILA, Fr. quercina, Fr. Dry Oak leaves. populina, Fr. Dry Poplar leaves. 225. DICH AANA, F*. faginea, Fr. Bark of Beech. 226. CAPNODIUM, Mont. elongatum, B. & Desm. Spurs of living Pear trees. 2. Pini, B. & C. Pine trunks and limbs. om gee ee Bee ee a ad a ( 97 ) SPURIOUS GENERA. ERINEUM, Pers. fagineum, Pers. Beech leaves. . luteolum, Kze. Maple leaves. alnigerum, Kze. Alder leaves. aureum, Pers. Birch leaves. Vitis, DC. Vine leaves. roseum, Schutz. Birch leaves. quercinum, Kze. Oak leaves. SCLEROTIUM, Tode. Semen, Tode. Leaves. durum, Pers. Stems of herbs. varium, Pers. Dead vegetables. populinum, Pers. Leaves of Populus. ( 98 ) CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. Page 1. Clematis Viorna, L., occurred in a gorge of the moun- tains of Brattleboro’; but is doubtless an introduced plant. P.2. Read Liriodendron Tulipifera; the iets being here a substautive. P.4. After Lepidium Virginicum add L. campestre, L. Amherst, Clark. P. 5. For Lychnis dioica, L., &e., read L. diurna, Sibth. Rep Campion. Roadsides. The Linnean species is now represented by this and L. vespertina, Sibth., both of which are recognized as North American by Prof. Gray. L. Flos-Cuculi, L., has recently also been observed wild at two stations in Amherst. At same page, after Stellaria graminea, insert S. uliginosa, Murr. S. Deerfield, Jesup. At same page, erase Cerastium vulgatum, L., which has not occur red; and add, after C. viscosum, the wrongly omitted C. arvense, L. At same page, after Sagina procumbens add S. apetala, L. Roadside, Hadley, Jesup. P. 6. After Claytonia Virginica add C. Caroliniana, Michx. This (reputed only a form of C. Virginica by DC., and some other writers) is our common plant. P. 12. After Ginothera biennis, insert C&. fruticosa, L. Hadley, Clark. P.15. Galium verum has appeared also in fields of Mass. Agric. College, Clark. P. 16. Erase Eupatorium hyssopifolium, set down by mistake, and insert, after KE. teucrifolium, E. sessilifolium, L. Mt. Toby, Jesup. P. 23. After Blephilia hirsuta add B. ciliata, Raf. Hadley meadows, int.?, Jesup. P. 24. Read Nepeta Cataria; the species-name being a substan- P. 25. Read Calystegia Sepium. P. 28. Before Rumex Acetosella insert [R. Engelmanni, Ledeb. Roadside (for several years) Amherst, 8. 7. Maynard.) P.76. Read SPARASSIS. P. 87. 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