OE R K E t E Y >^ IBRARY | DIVERSITY Of SALIFORNIA^/ EARTH SCIENCES f Maroon buckram Omit cat. QE806 C4 v.l Earth Sciences Library Cephalopod Papers Otto H. Haas Collection Volume 1 Table of Contents Volume Adkins, W. S. 1951 Stratigraphy of the Woodbine and Sagle Ford, Waoo area, Texaa Ager, D. V. 1963 Jurassic stages 2 1963 Marine ecology and paleoecology 3 Agraval, 3* K* 1955 Sur la stratigraphie du Jurassique de Kutch (Inde) 1956 On the so-called "Macrocephalus" beds of Kutch 1956 Stratigraphie et fauna du Dome de Jhura, Kutch (Inde) 1957 Kutch Mosozoic: a study of the Jurassic of Kutch with special reference to the Jhura Dome Althoff , Wilhelm 1940 Die aramonitenzonen dor Oberen Ludvigien- schichton von Bielfeld 8 Arambourg, C. 1959 Contributions a la stratigraphie et a la paleontologie du Cretace at du Nuramulitique de la Marge MV de la Peninsula Arablque 9 Volume 3 Arkell, W. J. 1946 Standard of the European Jurassic 1 1946 A revision of the Upper Qxfordian ammonites of Trept (I sere), figured by do Riaz 2 1948 Oxford Clay and Kellavays Beds, We/mouth 3 1949 Jurassic ammonites in 1949 4 1950 Two early-named valid species of English Upper Jurassic ammonites 5 1951 On the generic names Schlotheinla Bayle, 1878, and Scamnoceraa Lange, 1924t proposed use of the plenary powers to validate the name Arrnon- j.tea ongulatua Schlotheim, 1820 (Class Cepalopoda, Order Ammonoidea) (Jurassic) 6 1951 On the relative status of the names Arieticeraa Seguenza, 1885, and Seguenziceras Levi, 1896 (Class Ceph- alopoda, Order Ammonoidea). 7 1951 Proposed validation of the name Arisphinctea Buckman, 1924f by the suppression under the plenary powers of the name Toxosphinctes Buckman, 1923 (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammon- oidea) (Jurassic). 8 Arkell (continued) 1951 Proponed use of the plenary powers to designate the type species of the genus Arnloceras Hyatt, 1867 (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea) (Jurassic). 9 1951 Proposed use of the plenary powers to designate the type species of Ljparocerns Hyatt, 1867, a genus based upon a raisidentified type species (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea) (Jurassic). 10 1991 Proposed use of the plenary powers to designate the type species of Normanites Munier-Chalmas, 1892, a genus based upon a misidentified ' typo species (Class Cephalopoda, Order Aomonoidea) (Jurassic). 11 1951 Proposed addition to the Official List of. Generic Names la Zoology of the names of twenty-one genera of v Jurassic ammonites (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea) and matters in- cidental thereto. 12 1951 A search for the alleged Sinemurian in the Wadi Araba, Eastern Desert of Egypt. 13 1951 Note on the alleged Purbeckian at Murzuch, Fezzan, Libya L4 1951 The geology of the Corallian Ridge near Wootton Bassett and Lyneham, Wilts 15 1952 Ammonites from the Upper Oxford Clay at Stangate Hill near Huntingdon 16 1952 The Fuller * s Earth of the Cotswolda, and its relation to the Great Oolite 17 Arkell (I) (concluded) 1953 Seven new genera of Jurassic ammonites 18 1953 Bajocian ammonites collected by Sir Henry Hayden near Kampadzong, Tibet 19 1953 Two Jurassic ammonites from South Island, New Zealand, and a note on the Pacific Ocean in the Jurassic 20 1963 Lower Kimeridgian ammonites from the drift of Lincolnshire 21 Volume Arkell, U. J. 1937-1948 A monograph of the anmonit«a of the English Corallian Bedfli Parti III, V, VII-XIV 1-10 Arkell, U. J. Volume 5 1951-1955 Monograph of the English Bathonian ammonite BI Parts I-V. 1951 A Middle Bathonian ammonite fauna from Schwan- dorf ) northern Bavaria. 6 1952 Jurassic ammonites from Jebel Tuvaiq, central Arabia. 7 1953 Decouverte recente du genre Ermoceraa Douville dans I1 Atlas saharien occidental i consequences stratigraphiques et paleogeographiques. 8 1954 The Bajocian ammonites of Western Australia 9 1956 Letter i The ammonite genera Arnioceras and C oro nicer as iiyatt. 10 Volume 6 Arnould-Saget, S. 1953 Las ammonites pyriteuses du Tithonlque Superieur et du Berriasien de Tunlsle Centrale. Arthabor, Gustav von I 1916 Die fossilfuhrung dor anislschen Stufe in der Urogebung von Trient. Avias, Jacques 1953 Contribution a I1 etude stratigraphiqua et paleo- ntologique des formations antocretac^es de la Nouvello-Caledonio Centrale. Avnimelech, M. 1961 Pachydiscid ammonite (Cephalopoda: Ammonoideai Ammonitinai Desmocerataceat Fachydiscida) from Companion chert of Israel. 1961 Placenticeratid aranonito (Aramonoideat Ammonitinai Hoplitaceas Placentioeratidae) from the Caopanian phosphate limestone oi Palestine Volume 7 Bachmayer, Friedrich 1958 Amraoniten-die sonderbarsten Bewohner der vorzeitlichen Meere. Bakolou, P. 1958 Die Trias von Kotol (Oat-Balkan) . I. Die unterkarnische anmonitenfauna Ton Kotel. 2 Ban, J. R. Catalog of the Egan Collection of Silurian invertabrate fossils. Barnes, V. £. 1953 Upper Crdovician of central Texas. 4 Barthel, K. W. 1959 Die cephalopoden des Korallenkalks aus dem oberen Main von Laisacker bei Neu- burg a.d. Donau. I* Gravesia. foitneria* Hybonotlceraa. 5 1961 Zura alter der Riffkalke von Laisacker bei Neuburg a.d. Donau. 6 1962 Zur anmonitenfauna und stratigraphie der Neuburger Bankkalke. 7 Volume 7 (concluded) Basse de Menorval, £. 1959 General! tea sur lea faunes d1 ammonites du C ret ace Superieur Fran9ais. 8 Benavides-Caceres, V. £. 1936 Cretaceous System in Peru, Volume 8 Berckheraor, Fritz 1959 Ammonlten aus den Oberen Weissen Jura Suddaut schland s . BoBairie, H. 1956 Lexique strati graphlque International. Vol. IV Afrique. Faso. 11 Madagascar. I960 Lexique at rat i graph! que international. Vol. IV Afrique. Fasc. 11 Madagascar (Supplement) . I Volume 9 Besairie, H. 1956 I« Sys-Urae Cretuce a Madagascar. Volume 10 Blaison, J, 1961 Presence de Glovlcoraa subguibalianum (Pla) dans le Lotharingien du Jura de Francho-Comte. 1 Breistroffer, M. 1931 Etude de 1'otage Albion dans le Massif de la Chartreuse (I sere et Suvoie). 1936 Revision de la faune Hauterivienne du Neron en Chartreuse (I sere). 3 1936 Sur quelques ammonites rare 3 du Vraconian de Franco. 4 1936 Lea subdivisions du Vraconien dans le Sud-Est de la France. 5 1936 Sur la decouverte de jfoemj.ceras. aff • saadense Thorn et Per. sp. dans le Vraconien de Salazac (Qard). 6 1936 Sur la stratigraphie du Cretace moyen en Chartreuse. 7 1937 Sur les niveaux fossiliferes de 1'Albien dans la fosse vocontienne (Drome, Hautes-Alpos et Basse-Alpes) . 8 1939 Sur le Cenomanien inferieur de la fosse vocontienne (Hautes-Alpes et Drome). 9 1939 Note sur le Cenomanien du Vercors (Isere). 10 1940 Revision des ammonites du Vraconien de salazao (Qard) et considerations generales sur oe sous-stage Albien. 11 Volume 11 Biirgl, Hans 1954 El Cretaceo Inferior en los Alrededores do villa de Leiva, Boyaca. 1 El Cretaceo Superior en la region de Oirardot. 2 1955 £1 anticlinal de Apulo. 3 1955 La Formacion Quadalupe entre Tabio y Chfa en la Sab ana de Bogota* 4 1955 Globorotalia fohsi en la Fornocion do Ucrao. $ 1956 Catalogo de las amonitas de Colombia. Parte 1. Pule belli idae. 6 1956 La variabilidad de la amonita Ihjfrenoyq toxana Burckhardt. 7 1957 Biostratigrafia de la Sabana de Bogota y Alrededores* 8 I960 Qeologia de la peninsula de la Guujira. 9 1960 £1 Jurassico e lufracretaceo del Rio Bata, Boyaca. 10 1961 Sedimontacion en el geosynclinal Cretaeeo de la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia* 11 * 1961 Historia geologioa de Colombia* 12 Burollet, P. F, 1951 Etude geologique des bassins Mio-Pliocenea du Nord- Est de la Tunisia. 13 Volume 12 Callomon, J. H. 1955 The ammonite succession in the Lower Oxford Clay and Kellaways Beds at Kidlington, Oxfordshire, and the zones of the Callovian Stage. 1 1957 Field meeting in the Oxford Clay of Calvert and Wood- ham Brick Pits, Buckinghamshire. 2 1959 The ammonite zones of the Middle Jurassic beds of East Greenland. 3 1960 New sections in the Corallian Beds around Oxford, and the subzonee of the Plicatilla Zone. 4 1961 The Jurassic System in East Greenland. 5 1963 Sexual dimorphism in Jurassic ammonites. 6 1963 The Jurassic ammonite-faunas of East Greenland. 7 Camus, Guy 1963 Qualques ammonites nouvelles ou peu connues du Jurassique Superieur de la Montagne de Crussol (Ardoche). 8 Volume 13 Casey, Raymond 1954 New genera and subgenera of Lower Cretaceous ammonites. 1 1957 The Cretaceous ammonite genus Leymer- ^ella with a systematic account of its British occurrences. 2 I960 flengeatites. a new genus of Oault ammonites. 3 1960 Cenomanian ammonite zones. A 1961 The stratigraphical paleontology of the Lower Green sand. 5 1961' Geological age of the Sandringham Sands. 6 1961 The Cretaceous (Albion) ammonite genus platiknemiceras Dataller. 7 1962 The a-nmonites of the Spilsby Sandstone, and the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary. 8 1963 The dawn of the Cretaceous Period in Britain. 9 Volume Case/, Raymond 1959-1964 A monograph of the Ammonoidea of the Lover Greensand. Parts I-V. 1-5 Volume 15 Chappars, M. S. 1936 Catalog of the type specimens of fossils in the University of Cincinnati Museum. Clark, D. L. 1962 Paedomorphosis, acceleration, and caono- genesis in the evolution of Texas Cretaceous ammonoids. 2 Cobban, W. A* 1951 Lover Cretaceous ammonites in Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana. 3 1951 Colorado Shale of central and northwestern Montana and equivalent rocks of Black Hills. 4. 1951 New species of Baculitea from the Upper Cretaceous of Montana and South Dakota. 5 1952 A new Upper Cretaceous ammonite genus from Wyoming and Utah. 6 1952 Correlations of the Cretaceous formations of the Western Interior of the United States. 7 1952 Frontier Formation, Wyoming and adjacent areas. 8 1953 A new species of grionocyclua from Upper Cretaceous Carlile Shale. 9 1956 Cretaceous rocks along part of southeast boundary of Glacier National Park, Montana. 10 1956 Discovery of the Carlile (Turonian) ammon- ite gpllflgnoniceraa woollgari in north- western Montana. 11 Cobban (I) (concluded) 1958 Two new species of Baculites from the Western Interior region. 12 1959 Revision of the Colorado Group on Sweetgrass Arch, Montana. 13 1961 Ammonites from the Seabee Fromation (Cretaceous) of northern Alaska. 14 1961 The ammonite family Binneyitidae Roe- side in the Western Interior of the United States. 15 1962 New baculites from the Bearpaw Shale and equivalent rocks of the Western Interior. 16 1962 Baculites from the lover part of the Pierre Shale and equivalent rocks in the Western Interior. 17 Volume 16 Cobban, W. A. I 1951 Scaphltoid cephalopoda of the Colorado Group. 1 1953 Cenomanlan ammonite fauna from the Mosby Sandstone of central Montana. 2 1958 Late Cretaceous fossil zones of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana. 3 1962 Recent discoveries of the Cretaceous ammonite Haresiceras and their stratigraphio significance. 4 1962 Late Cretaceous pemoscaphites range zone in the Western Interior region. 5 1963 Occurrence of the Late Cretaceous ammonite floplito- placenticeras in Wyoming. 6 1964 The Late Cretaceous cephalopod flare siceras Reeside and ita possible origin* 7 Volume 17 Collingnon, Maurice 1937 Paleontologie de Madagascar. XXII. Les ammonites pyriteuses de 1'Aptien d'Antnntamunirafy. 1 1938 Ammonites Campanienneo et Maestrichtiennes de I1 Quest et du Sud de Madagascar. 2 1939 Fossiles Cenoraaniens et Turoniens du Menabe de Madagascar. 3 1949 Faune Neocomienne des couches a Criocerea de Bolo- hasifaka (Cercle de Sitarapiky) (Madagascar). 4 Resolutions au sujet des reoommandations du Colloqua du Jurassique tenu a Luxembourg. Coogan, A. H. 1964 Early Pennsylvanian history of Ely Basin, Nevada. Cope, J. C. U. 1964 Zur parallelisierung des englisohen Oberkimmeridgo mit dem frankisohen Uhtertithon (Malm f). Cornelius, H. P. 1952 Dor Tennengebirgs-N-Rand mit seinen Manganerzen und die Berge im Bereioh des Lammertales. Cox, L. R. 1949 Molusoos del Triasioo Superior del Peru (Upper Triassio Mollusoa from Peru)* Volume 24 Dale, Nelson C. 1953 Geology and mineral resources of the Oriakany Quadrangle (Roma Quadrangle). Dalve, E. 1948 The fossil fauna of the Crdo- vlcian In the Cincinnati region. 2 Da Silva, 0. Henriquas 1961 Ammonite nouvelle du Camp an ion de la Barra do Dande (Angola). 1962 Ammonites do Cretacio inferior do rio Maputo (Catuane - bique). David, Louis 1956 Gur une nouvelle fauna d1 ammon- ites du Coniacien de I'Eat- Constantinois (Algeria). 5 David~Henriet, R. 1962 Etude biometriquo de 1'espeee ?ildoceraa bifrona Bruguiere ToarcienT. t ' Dechaseaux, Colette 1959 «Recifs» a rudistaa. Volume 24. (concluded) Dealt o, Ardlto 1929 Studi geologic! sulla regione dell'Albenza (Prealpi Berg- amasche). 8 Dickins, J. M. 1963 Lover Triassic marine fossils from the Beagle Ridge (BMR 10) bore, Perth Basin, Western Australia. 9 Volume 25 i Diener, Carl 1915 Die marinen reicho dor Triasperiode* 1 1915 Obor ammonlten nit adventivloben. 2 1916 Einlgo beraerkungen zur nornenklatur dor Trlas- cephalopoden. 3 1916 Bemerkungen ubar die inzisionon der suturlinie als grundlage einer natxirlichen klassifikation der aranonlten. 4 H |0 1916 Untorsuchungon ubor die wohnkanmerlange als Grund- lage einer naturlichen systeraatik der ammoniten. $ 1926 Die fossillageratatten in den Hallatater Kalken dee Salzkancnergutes. 6 I *. Dodge, Henry 1947 The molluscan genera of Bruguiere. 7 *• 1953 A historical review of the mollusks of Linnaeus. Part 2* The Class Cephalopoda and the genera Cypraea, of the Class Gastropoda. 8 Volume 26 Donovan, Desmond T. 1953 The Jurassic and Cretaceous stratigraphy and palaeontology of Traill j6, East Greenland. 1 1954 Upper Cretaceous fossils from Traill and Geographical Society 0or, East Greenland. 2 1955 The stratigraphy of Jurassic and Creta- ceous rocks of Geographical Society fi, East Greenland* 3 1957 The Jurassic and Cretaceous Systems in East Greenland. 4 1957 Notes on tho species Cymbiteg lagvigatua (J. de C. Sowerby) and on the genus pymbitea Neumayr. 5 1958 Gttmbel's Lower Liassic ammonite species. 6 1958 The ammonite zones of the Toaroian (Aranon- itico Rosso Facies) of southern Switzer- land and Italy. 7 1961 The Liassic ammonite zones and subzones of the forth-west European Province. 8 1961 ATOionites laeyjgatR, Lamarck, 1822 j pro- posed suppression under the plenary powers together with the validation of two nominal species named Ammonites laevigqta by J. de C. Soworby, 1827. Z.N.S. 1203. 9 1962 New information on the Toarcian ammonite genus PsmidoliijJ.1 a Maubeuge, 1949. 10 1964 Cephalopod phylogeny and classification. 11 1964 Stratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the Volgian and Berrlasian rocks of East Greenland. 12 Volume 27 Donovan, Desmond T. 1954 Synoptic supplement to T. Wright's "Monograph on the Lias ammonitoa of the British Islands" (1878-86). 1 1955 Revision des especes decrites dens la «Monographie dea ammonites « (Liaa Inferieur) de P. Reynes. 2 1956 Letter i New name for Lias ammonite. 3 1958 On the existence of heteromorph ammonoids in the Lias. 4 1958 The Lover Liassie ammonite fauna from the Fossil Bed at Langeneckgrat, near Thun (Median Proalps). 5 Volume 28 Dorr, J. A. Jr. 1963 Rippled toroids from the Napoleon Sand- stone Member (Mississippian) of southern Michigan. 1 Dresnoy, Rormud du 1954 Structure geologique du Haut-Atlas Maro- caln Oriental. 2 1956 Contribution a I1 etude de la Serie Detritique Jurc.33ico-Creto.c6o dans le Haut-Atlas Oriental. 3 1958 Le Lias Inferieur du liaut Atlas Maro- cain Oriental. 4 1958 La fin du Lias Inferieur et le Lias raoyen du Haut Atlas Marocaln Oriental. 5 1958 La transgression du Lias Superieur dans le Haut Atlas Marocain Oriental. 6 1963 La stratigraphie du Jbel Bou-Arfa (Haut Atlas Marocain Oriental). 7 1963 Stratigraphie du Jurassique moyen du Jbel Klakh (Haut Atlas Marocain Oriental). 8 1963 Interpretations stratigraphique et paleo- geographique du Jurassique moyen Jbel Klakh (liaut Atlas Marocain Oriental). 9 1963 Decouvurte de rhynchonellines Liaslques associees a des ammonitea dans le Haut Atlas Marocain Oriental* 10 Volume 29 i Eliaa, Maxim K. 1938 Studies of Late Paleozoic ammonoids. 1 1950 The state of paleontology. 2 Enay, Raymond 1959 Note sur quelques Tuli tides (Ammonitina) du Dathcnien. 3 1959 La faune des couches a Periophinctea crusolionsis (Fontannes) dans le Jura meridional. 4 1964 L'etage Tithonique. 5 1964 Les faune s d* ammonites et la zonation de I'Oxfordien superieur du Jura meridional. 6 1964 Precisions sur la stratigraphie de 1'Aalenien dans le Bugey occidental* 7 ELni, S. 1964 La atratigraphie et les variations de facies du Bajocien de I1 He Cromieu (Jura meridional tubulalre). 8 Erbon, H. K. 1954 Nuovos datos sobre el Liasico de Huayacocotla, Veracruz. 9 1954 Cos amonitas nuevos y su inportancia para la estratigrafia del Jurasioo Inferior de Mexico. Volume 29 Erben (concluded) 1956 Estratigrafia y paleontologfa del Meso- zoico da la cuence sodir.onturia de Ciixoca. y Guerrero, ospecialmente del Jurasico Inferior y Medio. 11 1956 Eatratigraffa y paleontologf a del Jura- aico Inferior y Medio marino de la region central de la Sierra Madre Oriental. 12 1956 Zur geologie sudostlioher teile des Staates Puebla (Mexiko). 13 1961 Ergobniaso der 2. arbeitstagung uber die Silur/Devon-Grenze und die strati- graphio von oilur und Devon, Bonn und Bruasel I960. U w n i 1962 Uber bohmische und turkische vertrenter von Anetoceraa (Arnnon., Uhterdevon). 15 N 1962 Uber den prosipho, die prosutur und die ontogenie der Ammonoidea. 16 1962 Uber die "forme elliptique" der prim- itiven Ammonoidea. 17 1964 Die evolution der alteeten Ammonoidea (Ueferung I). 18 Volume 30 Faris, M. I. 1948 Contribution to the stratigraphy of Abu Rouwaah and the history of the Upper Cretaceoua in Egypt. 1 Fischer, Alfred 0. 1947 A belemnoid from the Late Permian of Greenland* 2 1951 A new belemnoid from the Triassic of Nevada. 3 1953 A spiny aptychus from the Cretaceous of Kansas. 4. 1956 Desarrollo geologico del Norooste Peruano durante el Meaozoico. 5 Flower, Rousseau H. 1939 HarrJBQceras. a new structural type of orthochoanitic nautiloid. 6 1939 Structure and taxonomic position of ffroedssonQceras Foerste. 7 1940 The apical end of ActinoceraB. 8 1940 Some Devonian Actinoceroidea. 9 1941 Revision and internal structures of teurQcyclocerea . 10 • . 1941 Development of the Mixochoanites. 11 1941 Cephalopoda from the Seward Peninsula of Alaska. 12 Volume 30 Flower, Rousseau H. (continued) 1942 An Arctic cephalopod faunule from tha Cynthlana of Kentucky. 23 1943 Structure and relationship of Cincin- nati Cyrtocerina. 14 1943 Cephalopoda from the Silurian of Arisaig, Nova Scotia. 1$ 1943 Ajpsidoceras in the Trenton of Montreal. 16 1943 Studies of Paleozoic Nautiloidea I-VII. I. Tissue remnants in tha phragmocone of jRayonnoceras. 17 II. Wornaroceraa in the Devonian of New York. 18 I III. A Gonioceras from Virginia. 19 IV. Investigations of actinosiphonate cephalopoda. 20 V. New Ordovician cephalopoda from eastern North America. 21 VI. Some Silurian cyrtoconic cephalopods from Indiana with notes on strati- graphic problems. 22 VII. Annulated orthoceraconic genera of Paleozoic nautiloids. 23 1945 Classification of Devonian nautiloids. 24 1945 A belemnite from a Mississippian boulder of the Caney Shale. 25 1945 Brevi conic cephalopods from Pont Rouge, Qua. • 26 Volume 31 Flower, Rousseau H. 1946 Ordoviciun cephalopoda of the Cincin- nati region. Part I* 1 Volume 32 Flower, Rousseau H. 1946 Alaskocoras and the Plectoceratidae. 1 1947 payugQcoraflf an Upper Silurian cophalopod. 2 1947 Holoohoanites are endooeroids. 3 1943 Breviconcs from the New York Silurian. 4 1949 New genera of Devonian nautiloids. 5 1950 A olassification og the Nautiloidea. 6 1951 fihantun/iondoceraB and the antiquity of the ondocoroids. 7 1951 A Holder bergi an cyrtoconio cephalopod. 8 1952 New Ordovician cephalopoda from eastern North America. 9 1952 Cephalopoda from the Harding and Manitou Formations of Colorado* 10 1952 The ontogeny of Centroceraa. with remarks on the phylogeny of the Centroceratidae . 11 1954 Cambrian cephalopoda. 12 1955 Status of endoceroid classification. 13 1955 Saltations in nautiloid coiling. U 1955 New Chazyan orthoconea. 15 1955 Trails and tentacular impressions of orthoconic cephalopoda. 16 1956 Cephalopoda from the Canadian of Maryland. 17 Volume 32 Flower, Rousseau H. (continued) 1958 Some C hazy an and Mohawk! an Endoceratida. 18 1959 More Mississippian belemnites. 19 1961 Major divisions of the Cephalopoda. 20 1963 New Ordovician Ascoceratida. 21 1963 Two Permian oyrtocones from New Mexico with discussion of their relationships. 22 Volume 33 Flower, Rousseau H. 1941 Notes on structure and phylogeny of eury siphon ate cephalopoda. 1 1950 Stereotocoraa and the Brevicoceratidae 2 1957 Studies of the Actlnoceratida. I. The Ordovicion development of the Actinoceratida, with notes on aotlnoceroid morphology and Ordovician stratigraphy. 3 II . MacroloxQceras . a Devonian homeomorph of the Actinoceratida. 4 1961 The phragmocone of ffcdyceras. 5 1962 Revision of Buttsoceras. 6 1962 Notes on th« Kichelinoceratida. 7 Volume 34 Flower, Rousseau H. 1964. The nautiloid order Ellesmeroceratida (Cephalopoda). 1 Volume 35 Flower, Rousseau H. 1964 Nautiloid shell morphology. Volume 36 Foldvary, 0. Z. 1963 Prodromus of a determinative scheme for Australian ammonites* 1 Further notes on the ammonites of Australia* 2 Fontes, Jean-Charles 1962 Quelques considerations paleogeographiques et pale*ontologiques sur le Neocomien du D6voluy ( Haute s-Alpes). 3 Frebold, Hans 1959 Marine Jurassic rocks in Nelson and Salmo areas southern British Columbia. 4 1959 The Qxfordlan beds of the Jurassic Fernie Group. Alberta and British Columbia. 5 1960 The Jurassic faunas of the Canadian Arctic. Lowermost Jurassic and Lowermost Middle Jurassic ammonites. 6 1961 The Jurassic faunas of the Canadian Arctic. Middle and Upper Jurassic ammonites. 7 1962 Palaeontology, stratigraphy, and structure of the Jurassic rocks in Salmo map-area. British Columbia. 8 1962 The Devonian-Jurassic contact and the sub- division of the Fernie Group in the Banff area, Alberta. 9 1963 Ammonite faunas of the Upper Middle Juras- sic beds of the Fernie Group in western Canada. 10 Volume 36 Frebold, Hans (concluded) 1964 Lover Jurassic and Bajocian ammonoid faunas of northwestern British Colum- bia and southern Yukon. 11 1964 Illustrations of Canadian fossils* Jurassic of Western and Arctic Canada. 12 1964 The Jurassic faunas of the Canadian Arctic. Cadoceratinae. 13 Volume 38 Geczy, Barnabas 1957 Zusammenhang zwischen dem skelett und den veichteilen boi aramoniten. 1 1958 Quantitative auswertung Jurassischer ceph- alopoden von Csernye. 2 1959 Tragophylloceras vadaszi (.loczy 1915) emend, nov. aus der klippenzone der NW Karpaten. 3 1959 uber das abstorben und die elnbettung der aranoniten. 4 1959 Liparocerag (Hemjparinod ^ceras ) urkutlcum n. sg. n. sp. (Ceph.) from the Middle Liassio of the Balcony Mountains, Trans- danubia, Hungary. 5 1960 Die zeitliche verbretung von Paleotri^: in den Jurassischen schiohten des nordlichen Bakony-Gebirges. 6 1960 On the way of life of the Neoammonoids. 7 1961 Die Jurassische schichtreihe des Tuzkoves- Grabens von Bakonycsernye. 8 1961 Cenoceraa truncatua vad&szi n. asp. from the Middle Liassio of the Bakony Mountains, Transdanubia, Hungary* 9 . 1964. Zone, Biozone, Chronozone. 10 1964 Contribution au probleme de la limits Lias/ Dogger dans la Montagne Bakony. 11 1965 Hammatoceraten und Eryciten (Ceph.) autf dem Oberliaa von Urkut. 12 Geoiogischen Bundesanstalt ' 1951 Wiederaufbau-und Hundertjahrfeier. 13 Volume 39 Gill, Janes R. 1962 Red Bird Silty Member of the Pierre Shale, a new strati- graphlo unit* 1 Oirod, Jean-Pierre 1964 Sur la presence d'Aptien et d« Albion fossiliferes our le versant oriental du synclinal d'Autrana (Veroors). 2 i Glaessner, Martin F. 194.5 Mesozoic fossils from the Central Highlands of New Guinea. 3 1958 New Cretaceous fossils from New Guinea. With a contribu- tion on a new ammonite genus by R. Casey* 4. 1964 An ammonite from the Upper Cretaceous of Victoria. 5 Gleddie, Joseph 1949 Upper Cretaceous in Western Peace River Plains, Alberta. 6 Olenister, Brian F. 1956 Upper Cretaceous and Early Tertiary nautiloida from Western Australia. 7 Goldring, Winifred 1942 Re study of the Sehoharie and Esopus Formations in Nev York State. 8 Greacen, Katharine F. 1946 Silurian invertebrate fossils from Illinois in the Thomas A, Greene Memorial Museum at Milwaukee- Downer College. 9 Guzik, Kazinierz 1949 Bieca Anticline (Middle Carpathians). 10 Volume 40 Hahn, Wolfgang 1963 Die gattung Gravesia Salfeld (Ammonoidea) im Oberjura Mittel-und Nordwestouropaa. Anthony 1961 Cyclothoraa, transgressions and fauna! change in the Lias of North-West Europe. 2 1963 Eustatic control of major changes in Jurassic sedimentation. 3 1963 Observations on the palaeoecology and ammonite sequence of the Prodingham Ironstone (Lover Jurassic)* U 1965 Environmental causes of stunting in living and fossil marine benthonio invertebrates. 5 Hatai, Kotora 1952 Check list of Japanese Tertiary marine Molluaca. 6 Volume 41 Helm, Arnold 19^7 Investigationes geol<5gicas en el Peru. 1 i Holder, Helmut 1955 Die ammonlten-gattung Taramelllceraa 1m Siidvestdeutschen Unter- und Mlttelraalm. Morphologlsche und taxionomlsche studlen an Ammonites flexuosus Buoh (Oppeliidae). 2 1959 Strati graph! ache und f aunistische bezieh- ungen 1m veissen Jura (Kimerldglen) z wise hen Siiddeutschland und Ardeche. 3 1960 Zur frage des vachstumsendes bel ammoniten. 4 I960 Alter meeresboden 1m museum. 5 1963 Eln schaubild der atammesgesehlohte zwischen wasaer, land und luft. 6 Volume 42 Hoepen, Egbert C. N. van Die gekielde amraoniete van die Suid-Afrikaanae Gault. 1941 I. Dipoloceratidae, Cechenooeratidaa en Drepanooeratidae. 1 1942 II. Dropanocoratidae, Pervinquieridae, Arestocoratidae, Cainooeratidae. 2 1944 III* Pervinquieridae en Branoooeratidae. 3 1945 Monofilie of polifilie in verband met ammonitie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Gault. 4 • Die gekielde amr.oniete van die Suid-Afrikaanse Gault. 1946 IV. Cechenoceratidae, Dipolocoratidae, Drepanoceratidae, Are stoceratidae . 5 1946 V. Monophyletism or polyphyletism in connection with ammonites of the South African Gault* 6 i * 1955 New and little known ammonites from the Albian of Zululand. 7 1955 Turonian-Coniacian ammonites from Zululand. 8 1955 A new family of keeled ammonites from the Albian of Zululand. 9 Housa, Vaclav 1965 Sexual dimorphism and the system of Jurassic and Cretaceous Ammonoidea (preliminary note)* 10 House, Michael R. 1956 Devonian goniatites from North Cornwall. 11 1956 The Fuller's Earth outcrop in South Dorset* 12 1957 Discovery of ammonoids of the Upper Devonian Hocklumoria Zone in North Cornwall. 13 Volume 42 House, Michael R. (continued) 1958 On the Portlandian zones of the Vale of Wardour and the use of Titanites gjgantoua as an Upper Jurassic zone fossil* 14 1958 The Dorset coast from Poole to the Che ail Beach. 15 1961 Ac anthoclyrncni a . the supposed earliest Devonian clymenid, is a Manticoceroa. 16 1961 Goniatite zonation of the Frasnian. 17 ! 1961 Geology and structure of the Maltese Islands. 18 i ' 1962 Observations on the anmonoid succession of the North American Devonian. 19 1963 Evolution observed. 20 Volume 43 Hovarth, Michael K. 1955 Donerian of the Yorkshire coast. 1 1956 The Scalpa Sandstone of the Isle of Raasay, Inner Hebrides. 2 1957 The Kiddle Lias of the Dorset coast. 3 1953 A monograph of the ammonites of the Liussic Family Araal- theidue in Britain, ?art II. 4 I960 Generic names for Ammonoidea published during the period 1758-1954. 5 1962 The Yorkshire type ammonites and nautiloids of Young and Bird, Phillips, and Martin Simpson. 6 1962 The Jet Rock Series and the Alum Shale Series of the Yorkshire Coast. 7 1964 Ammonites ofthe Liassic family Juraphyllitidae in Britain. 8 Volume Inlay, Ralph W. 1937 Startigraphy and paleontology of the Upper Cretaceous beds along the eastern side of Laguna de Mayran, Coahuila, Mexico* 1 1939 Ammonites of the Taraises Formation of northern Mexico* 2 1939 Upper Jurassic ammonites from Mexico* 3 1939 Paleogeographic studies in north- eastern Sonora. 4 1939 Possible interoceanio connections across Mexico during the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods* 5 1940 Neocomian faunas of northern Mexico* 6 1940 Upper Jurassic pelecypods from Mexico. 7 1941 Jurassic fossils from Arkansas, Louisiana, and eastern Texas. 8 Volume 45 Inlay, Ralph W. 1942 Late Jurassic fossils from Cuba and their economic significance* 1 1943 Evidence for Upper Jurassic land- mass in eastern Mexico. 2 1943 Upper Jurassic ammonites from the Placer de Guadalupe District, Chihuahua, Mexico* 3 1943 Jurassic formations of Gulf region, 4 1944 Correlation of the Cretaceous for- mations of the Greater Antilles, Central America, and Mexico. 5 1944 Cretaceous formations of Central America and Mexico. 6 1947 Marine Jurassic of Black Hills area. South Dakota and Wyoming. 7 1952 Correlation of the Jurassic for- mations of North America, exclusive of Canada. 8 1954 Correlation of the Cretaceous for- mations of Greenland and Alaska. 9 1954 Barremian ammonites from Trinidad, B. U. I. 10 1956 Stratigraphio and geographic range of the Early Cretaceous ammonite Homol- 11 1957 New genera of Early Cretaceous ammon- ites from California and Oregon. 12 Volume 46 Imlay, Ralph W. 1948 Characteristic marine Jurassic fossils from the Western Interior of the United States* 1953 Callovian (Jurassic) ammonites from the United States and Alaska. Part 1. Western Interior United States* 1953 Callovian (Jurassic) ammonites from the United States and Alaska. Part 2. Alaska Peninsula and Cook Inlet regions. I960 Early Cretaceous (Albion) ammonites from the Chitina Valley and Talkeetna Mountains. Alaska. I960 Ammonites of Early Cretaceous age (Valanginian and Hauterivian) from the Pacific Coast states* . CD 2) Volume 47 International Geological Congress 1957 £1 Mesozoioo del Homisferio Occidental y sua cor- relaciones mundiales. (includes various papers on cephalopod stratigraphy by J. Avias, H. K. Erben, and P. N. Stipancio.) 1 1962 Recommendations of the Colloquium on the Jurassic. 2 1963 Resolutions concemant les recommendations du Colloque International du Jurassique, 1962. 3 Javrorski, Erich 1951 (Reviews of various anmonoid papers by 0. Haas and R* W. Inlay.) Recurrence of morphologic types and evolutionary cycles in Mesozoic ammonites. (Haas, 1942) 4 A recently acquired Albion ammonite from Angola. (Haas, 1945) 5 Intraspeoifio variation in and ontogeny of tropis wooll^ari and Prionocyclua vyomingenaia. (Haas, 1946) 6 Three nomenclature! problems in Liassic Ammonoidea. (Haas, 1947) 7 Madrasites a synonym of Kossnaticeras s. str. (Haas, 1948) 8 Acanthoceratid Ammonoidea from near Qreybull, Wyoming. (Haas, 1949) 9 Ammonite a « Tetrabranchiata or Dibranchiata. (Haas, 1950) 10 Upper Jurassic ammonites from the Placer de Guada- lupe District, Chihuahua, Mexico. (Imlay, 1943) H Jeannet, Alphonse 1951 Stratigraphie und palaeontologie des oolithischen Eisenerzlagera von Hermach und seiner umgebung. 12 Volume Jeletzky, Jurlj A. 1949 Uber den taxonomischen vert elnlger morphologlscher elemente des rostrums der boleranltellenartigen formen (FamlHe Beleranltellidae Pavlov, 1913), sowie uber die gattung Belemnella (Novak, 1913 subg.) Jeletzky, 1941, ihre phylogenle und elnlge vertreter. 1 1949 Some notes on Actinocamax propinguus Moberg 1885, its taxonomic position and phylogenetio relations within the Family Belemnitellidae Pavlov 1913, morphologi- cal characters, and synonymy. 2 1949 £canhites morrovl,. nev name for Scaohites pygmaeus Morrov 1935, non Holzapfel 1888. 3 1950 Some nomenclatorial and taxonomic prob- lems in paleozoology. 4 1950 Actinocamax, from the Upper Cretaceous of Manitoba. 5 1951 The place of the Trimingham and Norwich Chalk in the Campanian-Maestrichtian succession. 6 1955 Evolution of Santonian and Companion Belemnitella and paleontological system- atical exemplified by Belemnitella Stolley. 7 1955 Belemnitella praecureor. probably from the Niobrara of Kansas, and some stratigraphic implications. 8 1958 Uppermost Jurassic and Cretaceous rooks of Aklavik Range, northeastern Richard- son Mountains, Northwest Territories. 9 Volume 4.8 Jeletzky, Jurij A. (continued) 1953 Die Jungere Ofoerkreide (Oberconiac bia Maastricht) Sudvestrus elands und ihr vergleich mit der Nordwest* und West- europaa. 10 1960 Uppermost Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks, east flank of Richardson Mountains between Stony Creek and Lower Donna River, Northwest Territories. 11 1961 Actinocamax from the Upper Cretaceous Benton and Niobrara Formations of Kansas. 12 1962 Cretaceous belemnites of New Jersey. 13 1964 Illustrations of Canadian fossils. Early Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian and Valanginian) of the Canadian Western Cordillera, British Columbia, U 1964 Illustrations of Canadian fossils. .. Lower Cretaceous marine index fossil* of the sedimentary basins of western and Arctic Canada. 15 Volume 49 Jeletzky, JuriJ A. 1951 Die stratigraphie und belemnitenfauna des Obercam^an und Maastricht Westfalens, Nordvestdeutschlands und Danemarks sovrle elnlge allgemeine gliedorungssproblome der jungoron borealen Oberkreide Eurasiens, 1 1960 Youngest marine rooks In Western Anterior of North America and the age of the Tricoratops-beds t with remarks on com- parable dinosaur-bearing beds outside North America* 2 1961 Eastern slope, Richardson Mountains! Cretaceous and Tertiary structural history and regional significance. 3 1963 The allegedly Danian dinosaur-bearing rocks of the globe and the problem of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic boundary* 4 1963 Pro-Grot acoous Richardson Mountains Troughs its place in the tectonic framework of Arctic Canada and its bearing on some goo synclinal concepts* 5 1964 Belemnites nucronatus Link, 1807 (Cephalopoda, Belem- nitida)t proposed designation of a.neotype under the Plenary Powers Z. N. (S.) 1160. 6 1965 Late Upper Jurassic and Early Lover Cretaceous fossil zones of the Canadian Western Cordillera, British Columbia. 7 196$ Thorsteinssonoceras a new oraspeditid ammonite from the Valanginian of Ellesmere Island, Arctic Archipelago. 8 Volume 50 Jillson, Villard R. 1947 A cephalopod from the Uppermost Qrdovioian of northern Kentucky. 1 Johnston, Francis N, 1941 Trias at New Pass, Nevada, (New Lover Karnic ammonoids). 2 Jones, David L. 1961 Muscle attachment impressions in a Cretaceous ammonite* 3 1963 Upper Cretaceous (Companion and Maestri cat! an) ammonites from southern Alaska* 4 Joysey, Kenneth A. 1961 Life and its environment in ancient seas. 5 Volume 51 Kauffraan, Erie 0. I960 An Upper Cretaceous ammonite bitten by a mosasaur. 1 1964 Saudi Arabia's desert of fossils. 2 KaumannSf M. 1962 Zur stratigraphie und tektonik der Gosauschichten. II. Die Gosau- schlchten dea Kainachbeckena. 3 Kellum, Lewis B. 1945 Jurassic stratigraphy of Alaska and petroleum exploration in northwest America. 4 1945 Geology and oil possibilities of the southwestern part of the Wide Bay Anticline, Alaska. 5 1962 Cenomanian ammonites from the Sierra de Tlahualilo, Coahuila, Mexico. 6 1962 Upper Cretaceous Mollusca from Nio- brara County, Wyoming. 7 Kieslinger, Alois 1924 Die nautiloideen der Mittleren und Oberen Trias von Timor. 8 1924 Neotenie, peraistenz, degeneration. 9 Volume 51 Kleslinger , Alois (continued) '• v 1925 Unterauchun^on an triadischon nautiloideen. 10 1928 Das lebenswork Carl Dienera. (in two parts). 11 Kilian, M. V. 1912 Sur quolquos Holcodiscus nouveaux de I'Hauterlvien de la Bogus par La Palud (Basses-Alpes). 12 Volume 52 Kobayashl, Teiiohl 1940 y abates orientolis. a pathologic form of Arraonoceras. 1 1942 The Sakava erogenic cycle in the Amur Geosyncline. 2 1944 The zoopalaeogeographio province in the Upper Cambrian and Lover Ordovician Periods. 3 1947 On the occurrence of Seymourites in Nippon and its bearing on the Jurassic palaeogeo- graphy. 4 1947 A new species of Ataxioceraa in Nippon. 5 1947 On the occurrence of Katroliceroa in the Tetori Series. 6 1947 On the occurrence of Dlacosphinctes in the Kitakami Mountains in Nippon. 7 1949 The Akiyoshi and Sakava orogeneses on the south-vestern side of the Pacific Basin. 8 1954 A nev cymatoceratid from the Palaeogene of northern Kyushu in Japan. 9 1954 A nev Palaeogene paraceno-ceratoid from southern Kyushu in Japan. 10 1954 Izumonauta. a nev genus of the Argonaut inae, with a note on their rare but gregarious fossil occurrence. U 1954 A contribution toward palaeo-flumenology, science of the oceanic current in the past, with a description of a nev Miocene Aturia from central Japan. 12 1955 On the occurrences of Aturia in provinces of Etchu and Ivami and their bearing on the palaeoflumenology in the Miocene of Japan. 13 Volume 52 Kobayashi, Teiichi (continued) 1956 Indigenous Aturiq and some tropical gastro- pods from the Miocene of Wakasa in vest Japan* L4 1956 An interesting new fora of the Aturidae from the Palaeogene of northern Kyushu. 15 1956 A paleo-meteorological interpretation to the occurrence of the Argonautinae in Province Kaga, central Japan. 16 1957 On an Aturia from the Poronal Shale in Hokkaido. 17 I 1959 An Eocene nautiloid from Kyushu, Japan. 18 1959 Bio- thanato- and fossil-history of Eutrephoceras laponicura. 19 1961 Gigantic Aturia from the Karatsu coal- field in north Kyushu. 20 1964 Geology of Thailand. 21 1964 Palaeontology of Thailand (1916-62). 22 p Othmar 1952 Unsere pnlaontologiGche kenntnls vom Osterreichischen Jungtertiar, 23 1954 Cephalopoden dor Trias in Unterkrain. 24 1958 Triasfossilien aus den Julischen Alpen. 25 Volume 53 Kummel, Bernhard Jr. 1943 The Thaynes Formation, Bear Lake Valley, Idaho. 1 1948 Environmental significance of dwarfed cephalopoda. . 2 194S Geological reconnaissance of the Contamana region, Peru. 3 1950 Stratirruphic studies in north- ern Peru. 4 1952 A classification of the Triassio ammonoids. 5 1953 The Triassic of South America. 6 1953 Lover Cretaceous nautiloids from Texas. 7 1953 Lover Triassio Salt Range nautiloids. 8 1953 The ancestry of the Family Nautilidae. 9 1954 Lover Turonian ammonite a from Texas and Mexico* 10 1954 Jurassic nautiloids from western North America. 11 1954 Status of invertebrate paleo- ntology, 1953. V. Molluscai Cephalopoda. 12 1955 Experiments on relative stream- lining of coiled cephalopod shells. 13 Volume 54 Kunmel, Bemhard Jr. 1956 Post-Triassic nautiloid genera. 1 1957 Paleoecology of Lower Triassio For- mations of southeastern Idaho and adjacent areas. 2 1957 Mollusks of the Triassio. 3 1959 Triassic-Jurassic cenoceratids from New Zealand. 4 1959 Lovur Triassic araaonolds from western Southland, New Zealand. 5 1960 Anisian ammonoids from Malaya. 6 I960 Mid-Scythian ammonites from Ivai Formation. Japan. 7 ! 0 I960 Triassio ammonoids from Thailand. 8 Z I960 New Zealand Triassio ammonoids. 9 1960 Middle Triassio nautiloids from Sinai, Egypt , and Israel. 10 V 1961 The Spitsbergen arctooeratids. 11 1962 Ammonites from the Meekocerasi gracilitatu3 Zone at Crittenden Spring, £lko County, Nevada. 12 Volume 55 Kunmel, Bernhard Jr. 1953 Middle Triassic unmonitoa from Pear/ Land. 1 1953 American Tr lassie coiled nautiloids. 2 1960 Trias sic. 3 Volume 56 Leanza, Armando 7. 1945 Ammonites del Jurasioo superior 7 del Cretaceo inferior de la Sierra Azul, en la parte meridional de la provincia de Mendoza. Volume 57 Leanza, Armando F. » • 4 . * . . • . ' ' ' 1947 Upper limit of the Jurassic System. 1 1963 pata/tonicerag gen. nov. (Blnnoyitidae) y otros ammonites del Cretacico Super- ior de Chile Meridional con notas aoerca de su posioion estratigrafioa. 2 1964 Los eatratos con "Baculites" de Elcain (Rio Negro Argentina) 7 sua relaciones con otros terrenes supra* cretacicos Argentines » 3 Leonard!, Piero 1943 Sintesi strStigrafi co-tot tonica • nouva carta geological al 50 000 della Val Gardena e dei gruppi dolomitici circostanti* 4 .. Lieb, Fritz ; 1946 Bie brachiopoden des Mittleren Doggers des schveizerisohen Juras und ihre stratigraphischa Bodeutung. 5 Volume 58 McQovran, B. 1959 Tertiary noutiloids (Eutrephoceraq and Ciroomig) from South Australia. McLearn, F. H. 1928 New Jurassic Aanaonoidea from the Ferule Formation, Alberta. 2 1940 Now Canadian Triasaio ammonoids. 3 1943 Variation and development in Protrachy* per^a from the Triassio of Peace River, B. C. 4 I960 Ammonoid faunas of the Upper Triassio Pardonet Formation, Peace River Foot- hills, British Columbia. $ Volume 59 McLearn, F. H. 1944 Revision of the palaoogeography of the Lover Cretaceous of the Western Interior of Canada. 1 1945 Revision of the Lover Cretaceoys of the Western Interior of Canada (Second Edition). 2 1945 The Upper Cretaceous, Dunvogan Formation of northwestern Alberta and northeastern British Columbia. 3 1945 The Lover Triassio of Liard River, British Columbia. 4 1946 A Middle Triaosic (Anisian) fauna in Halfvay, Sikanni Chief, and Tetsa Valleys, northeastern British Columbia, (includes Appendix I. The Middle Triassio of Liard River, British Columbia). 5 1946 Upper Triasaic faunas in Halfvay, Sikanni Chief, and Prophet River Basins, northeastern British Columbia. 6 1947 Upper Triassic faunas of Pardonet Hill, Peace River Foothills, British Columbia. 7 1947 The Triassio flatfyoratiteg fauna in northeastern British Columbia. 8 1948 A Middle Triassic (Anisian) fauna in Halfvay, Sikanni Chief, and Tetsa Valleys, northeastern British Columbia, (includes Appendix I. The Middle Triassio of Liard River, British Columbia). Second Edition. 9 I 1951 The amraonoid Family Hungaritidae and the species Longobarditoa nevndonua in the Middle Triassio Series of northeastern British Columbia. 10 Volume 60 Makowoki, Henryk 1962 Recherches sur le dimorphisrae sexuel ehez las Ammonoide's. 1962 Problem of sexual dimorphism In ammonites. Maldonado-Koerdell, Manuel 1950 Otro ejemplar de Sfrlonotropis vool^arl (Montell)? var. roexicana Bose y fosiles asoclados del estado de Coohuila, Mexico* 3 MarshoU, Patrick 1924 Two fossil cephalopoda from North Canterbury. 4 1926 The Upper Cretaceous ammonites of New Zealand. 5 1927 A Kaipara ammonite. 6 Marwick, John 1950 The type of the ammonite, Madrasites mckayi (Hector). Volume 61 Katsumoto, Tatsuro 1938 ffelanditeg. a genus of Cretaceous ammonites. 1941 A note on the Japenese Cretaceous ammonites belonging to the subfamily Desmoceratinae. 2 •M i 1942 A note on the Japanese ammonites belonging to the Gaudryceratidae. 3 1942 A note on the Japanese ammonoid species belonging to the Tetragonitidae. 4 i. ' • 1 1942 A short note on the Japanese Cretaceous Phylloceratidae . 5 1942 Fundamentals in the Cretaceous stratigraphy of Japan. Part I* 6 1943 1951 Fundamentals in the Cretaceous stratigraphy of Japan. Parts II & III. A note on the Pachydiseinae, a Cretaceous ammonite-group . 7 8 1953 The ontogeny of Mot aplac ent^ceras pub- tilJBtriatum ( Jimbo) . 9 i) 1953 The Cretaceous System in the Japanese Islands. 10 1 Volume 62 Matauraoto, Tatsuro 1953 A find of Pseudaspidocerqs from Hokkaido, Japan. 1 1954 A nearly smooth pachydiscid from Hokkaido, Japan. 2 1954 Family Puzoaiidae from Hokkaido and Saghalien. (Studies on the Cretaceous Ammonoidea from Hok- kaido and Saghalien-V) . 3 1955 Evolution of Peroniceratidae. 4, 1955 Family Kossraaticeratidae from Hokkaido and Saghalien. 5 1955 Some Upper Cretaceous Desmoceratids from Hokkaido and Saghalien. (Studies on the Cretaceous ammon- ites from Hokkaido and Saghalien-VII). 6 I 1955 The bituberoulate Pachydiscida from Hokkaido and Saghalien. (Studies on the Cretaceous ammonites from Hokkaido and Saghalien- VIII). 7 i 1956 .Yebisjltea. a new Lover Jurassic ammonite from Japan. 8 1 1957 Some Acanthoceratids from Hokkaido. (Studies on the Cretaceous ammonites from Hokkaido and Saghali en-XI ) . 9 > 1957 A Turonian Damesjltes, from Hokkaido, Japan. 10 1959 Upper Cretaceous ammonites of California. Part I. 11 Volume 63 MataumotO| Tatsuro 1959 Cretaceous ammonites from the Upper Chltlna Valley, Alaska. 1 1959 donation of the Upper Cretaceous in Japan* 2 1959 Upper Cretaceous ammonites of California. Part II. 3 1960 Upper Cretaceous ammonites of California. Part III. With notes on stratigraphy of the Redding area and the Santa Ana Mountains. 4 ' Volume 64 Matsumoto, Tatsuro I960 Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Japanese Islands* 1 1962 Baculites fades... 2 1963 A monograph of the Baculitidaa from Japan. 3 1963 Bevahiteg (Cretaceous ammonite) from Shikoku. 4 1964 Notes on a Cretaceous nautlloid from Kyushu* 5 1964 Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Yubari Dome, Hokkaido. 6 1964 Yabeiceraa (Cretaceous ammonites) from Put aba, northeast Japan. 7 1965 A monograph of the Collignoniceratidae from Hokkaido* Part I, (Studies of the Cretaceous ammonites from Hokkaido and Saghalien-XIV) . 8 1966 An Acanthoceratid ammonite from fink HA") |n , 9 Volume 65 Maubeuge, Pieere L. 1947 Sur la stratigraphle du sommet de 1'- Aaldnion forruginuux et de la base du Ba joe ion dans le Bassin de Nancy. 1947 Sur les Ceratites du Muschelkalk lor- rain (Moselle, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Vosges). 1948 Sur un nouvel horizon paldontologiqua du Lias sup'riour et le contact du Lias moyen et sup<5riour dans 1'Est de la France (Note pr&Liminaira). Le contact du Lias moyen et sup^rieur dans le district de Bambuxy (Oxford- shire , Angle terre). Sur la pal^ontologie de 1' horizon des du Larzac. 1949 Sur la nature des "Conenes" (Quenstedt) . 6 1949 Revision des ammonites du genre fhlyseogramnoceras • 7 1949 Sur quolques dchantillona anormaux d* ammonites Juraasiques, un cas possible de mutation chez les ammonites. 8 1949 Sur quelques ammonites Jurassiques rares ou nouvellos de la region frontiere Franco-Luxembourgeoise et de la Lor- raine centrale. 9 1950 Sur le Bathonien et en particulier sur le Bathonien Lorrain (Note pr€liminaire).10 1950 Nouvellea donnles stratigraphiques BUT la Lias de la province de Luxembourg. 11 Volume 65 Maubeuge, Pierre L. (continued) 1950 Documents nouveaux pour aervir a I'e'tude de la denudation priSquaternaire et Qua- ernaire des Plateaux Bajocien et Lias- siquo de Nancy et Lun«5ville. 12 1950 Etudes ge'ologiques BUT la partie occiden- tale de la Feuille de Toul au 50.000 et en particulier sur lea terrains Oxfordiens.13 1951 Quelques precisions sur la base du Toarcien. H * I 1951 Sur quelques a-monites rares ou nou- velles du Lias moyen de Belgique. 15 1951 Observations ge'ologiques sur la Feuille de Longwy au 80.000. 16 1952 Sur le contact du"Calcaire a Entroquea" et des "Calcaires a Ce'ratltes" du Muschelkalk lorrain. 17 S ' 1 1952 Ammonites rares ou nouvelles du Jurassique Lorrain. Sur quelques ammon- ites Bajocien s et Bathoniens. 18 . • 7 1 1952 Sur la presence de la zone a Dactylio- ceraa soTnicolatum dans le Grand-Due he* de Luxembourg. 19 t 1952 Etudes g^ologiques BUT le territoire de la Fouille D'ftain. 20 1952 Notes ge'ologiques. I. Observations sur le niveau stratigraphique des carrieres de Bouxwiller (Bas-Rhin). II. Remarquea bio-stratigraphiques sur le Bajocien suplrieur lorrain et allemand (Souabe septentrionale). III. Sur 1'Aalenien du Wurttemberg meridional. 21 1953 Quelques donndes g^ologiques sur les terrains Jurassiques traverses par les Bondages pe'troliera r^cents du Nord de I1 Alsace. 22 Volume 65 Maubeuge, Pierre L. 1953 Quolques reflexions et observations stratigraphiques et pale'oge'ographiques a propos du Trias lorroin. 23 1953 Sur le Callovo-Oxfordien ("Argitea de la Woflvre") de la Wofivre septentrionale. 24 1953 Quelques reroarques a propos du Dogger de la Haute-Marne et des Vosges. 25 1953 Observations ge'ologiques BUT les Feuillea de Vdzelise et de Toul au 50.000. 26 1954 A propos du Jurassique moyen Lorrain; une defense de la pale'ontologie stratigraphique. 27 1954 Quelques observations ge'ologiques sur la Rive Droite de la Moselle a hauteur de Pont-a-Mousson (Feuille de Pont-a-Mouason a 50.000). 28 1955 Sur 1'age de "1'Oolithe ferrugineuse" du Callovo-Oxfordien de Chaumont (Haute- Marne) a ChAtillon-sur-Seine (C8te-d«0r). 29 1955 Sur le Callovion en Lorraine et plus speciafinent dans le Toulois (Feuille a de Toul et VtSzelise au 50.000). 30 1955 Observations sur quelques failles du Plateau de Haye au passage de 1'auto- strade de contoumement de Nancy (Feuille de Nancy au 50.000). 31 1955 Unprofil geologique dans le Lias inferieur me s sin. 32 1956 Oxfordien sup^rieur et Argovien dans la region de Chaumont-en-Bassigny (Haute-Marne). 33 1956 Le KimeVidgien supdrleur et le Port- landien dans 1'Est du Bassin de Paris* 34 Volume 65 Maubeuge, Pierre L. (continued) 1956 A propos de la limite du Bajocien moyen ot du Bn joe ion supeViour dans le Dassin de Briey. 35 1957 Deux ammonites nouvelles du Lias moyen de 1'Alleraagne soptontrionale. 36 1957 Dogger, Kilianines et questions con- noxes dans la moitie orientale du Bassin de Paris. 37 1957 Les ammonite a de la zone a pactylio- ceraa semicelaturn-tenuicogtatum dans 1'Est de la France et plus spe'cialement dans le Qrand-Duche* de Luxembourg. 33 1957 Observations ge'ologiques sur les Failles d'Avril et de Rombas (Feuille de Briey au 50.000). 39 i 1957 Les donne*es actuelles sur la tectonique pendant le Jurassique dans 1'Est du Bassin de Paris. Relations avec la sed- imentation et consequences pour la recherche dos hydrocarbons. 40 t I960 Quelques remarquos sur le Lotharingien en Lorraine. £1 I960 Quelques observations geologiques sur le Lias de la Rive Droite de la Moselle entre Metz et Thionville. 42 1960 Quelques re marques sur 1'Hettangien en Lorraine. 43 1961 Precisiones stratigraphiques sur 1'Aalenien dans la zone de jonction des Bassins de 1'Orne et d'Ars. 44 1963 Etudes stratigraphiques et pale'ontologi- ques sur la "Marne sableuse de Hondo la- nge" (Lias inflrieur & moyen) dans la province de Luxembourg. Avec une e'tude des Eoderoceratidae Lotharingiena at de deux formes da Lias moyen. 45 Volume 65 Maubeuge, Pierre L. 1964 La coupe type dos "Marnes Irishes moyennea" de Controxdvillo (Vosges) (et 1'cchollo stratigraphlque type du Trias Lorrain). 46 1964 Presence de faltaroites dans le Lias du Grand-Due he" de Luxembourg* 47 I • Volume 66 Mauboujo, Pierre L. 1946 Ilistoire des progres do la stratigraphle dea Terrains Jurassiquoa. 1 1947 Note pre'llminaire sur 1* extension du gisemont ferrifere Lorrain vers le de*troit de Langres (Aale*nien f errugineux) . 2 1948 Le Lotharingien en Lorrain centrale. 3 1949 Pale'ogdographie du Baa sin Ferrifere Lorrain, 4 1949 Le gisement de minerai de fer oolithique supraliasique de la Haute-Sa&ne et de la Haute-Marno. 5 1950 Sur la ehronologie de 1'Aalenien-BaJocien du Jura suisse. 6 1951 Le sondage de Belleville pros de Verdun (Meuse). 7 1951 Lea ammonites du Bajocien de la region front ibre Franco- Beige (Bord septentrional du Bassin de Paris). 8 1952 Le Lias supeYieur du sondage de Belleville pres de Verdun (Meuse). 9 1952 Existence d'une importante lacune atrati graph! que, de vaste extension ge*ographique, dans le Jurassique raoyen haut-raarnala. 10 1953 Lea limites du Slquanien en Lorraine centrals. 11 1955 Le Kimme'ridgien dans 1'Est du Bassin de Paris. 12 1955 Sur 1'Oxfordien supdrieur et 1'Argovien dans 1'Est du Bassin de Paris. 13 1955 Lea ammonites aal«5niennea, bajociennes et bathoniennea du Jura suisse septentrional. Ire partie. 14 1956 Observations nouvellea sur I'Aal^nien de la region au Nord de Langres. 15 Volume 66 Maubeuge, Pierre L. (continued) 1957 Les donne'es rdcentes sir 1'Aaldnion hora de la zone conciSdoo du Baa sin Ferrifere Lorroin. 16 1961 Amaonites caract<$ristiques de I'Aaldnion Lorrain. 17 1963 La position stratigraphique du gisement Ferrifere Lorrain (Le probleme de I'Aale'nien). 18 1964 Cur la valour de I'e'tage Aalenien et la probleme de la coupure Jurassique infirieur et moycn. 19 1964 Existence de mouvement dpirogdniques pendant le Bajocion dans la region du Uauenstein (Jura sulsse septentrional), 20 Volume 67 Mennessier, Guy 1959 Sur la presence de 1'Albien au Sud da Brignoles (Var). Her ten a, P. Joh. 1907 Beitrftge zur Kenntnia der Karbonfauna von Sttdaalma t ien Miller, Arthur K. 1952 A Pennsylvania cephalopod fauna from south- central New Mexico 5 1941 An Aturia from the Tonga Islands of the central Pacific 4 1942 A goniatite from the Mississip- pian Fern Olen formation of Illinois 5 1943 The siphuncle of Late Paleozoic ammonoids 6 1944 Some large straight Ordovician cephalopoda from Minnesota 7 1944 The cephalopod fauna of the Pennsylvania Union Valley form- ation of Oklahoma 8 1945 North American Cymatoceratidae (Mesozoio Nautiloidea) 9 1945 Some exceptional Permian ammonoids from west Texas 10 1945 A Permian ammonoid from Sonora 11 Volume 67 Miller, Arthur K. (continued) 1945 A new genus of Early Paleozoic cephalopoda from Alaska 12 1945 Permian nautiloids from the Glass Mountains and the Sierra Diablo of west Texas 15 1945 Late Paleozoic ammonolds from the Chlnati Mountains of west Texas 14 1945 Permian cephalopods from northern Colombia 15 1946 Early Ordovlcian cephalopods with subteralnal apertures 16 1946 Allegheny fossil Invertebrates from eastern uhio— Amnonoidea 17 1946 A giant ammonite from the Cre- taceous of Montana 18 1947 Ordovldlan fossils from the southwestern part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago 19 1947 A goniatite from the Mlssissip- plan Boons formation of Missouri 20 1947 The cephalopod fauna of the Conemaugh series in western Pennsylvania: Supplement 21 1647 The discovery and significance of a cephalopod fauna in the Mississippian Caballero forma- tion of New Mexico 22 1947 Endolobus from the Greenbrier limestone of Pennsylvania 25 Volume 67 Miller, Arthur K. (continued) 1947 A Koninckioceras from the Lower Permian of north-central Texas 24 1947 Ordovician cephalopoda from the west-central shore of Hudson Bay 25 1948 A Lower Permian ammonoid fauna from New Mexico 26 1948 The cephalopod fauna of the Misa- iasippian Bamett formation of central Texas 27 1948 A cephalopod fauna from the type section of the Pennsylvanian "Winslow formation" of Arkansas 28 1949 Iowa Pennsylvanian goniatites 29 1949 The Maquoketa ooquina of cepnalopods 50 1949 Tne last surge of the nautiloid cephalopoda 51 1949 Some Mississippian cephalopoda from central and western United States 52 1950 Tertiary nautiloids of the Americas i Supplement 55 1950 The role of Paleozoic ammonoida in pure and applied geology 54 1950 Ammonoids of the Pennsylvanian Finis shale of Texas 55 1950 Additional ammonoids from the Mississippian Barnett formation of Texas 56 1950 A unique Mississippian nautiloid from Kentucky 57 Volume 67 Miller, Arthur K. (continued) 1951 A new species of Hercoglossa from Maraciabo 38 1951 Lower Missiasippian ammonoids of Missouri 59 1951 A clyaenoid anunonoid from New Mexico 40 1951 Paleozoic cephalopoda from the Belgian Congo 41 Volume 68 Miner, Arthur K. 1951 Tertiary nautiloids of west-coastal Africa 1 1952 Mississippian cephalopoda from western Utah 2 1952 A trochoceratoid nautiloid from the Henry- house shale (Silurian) of Oklahoma 5 1952 Two cephalopoda from near the Kindcrnook- Osage boundary in Missouri 4 1952 A new Jurassic nautiloid species from Morocco 5 1952 Proposed addition to the "Official list of generic names in zoology" of the name "Mfln- ste roc eras" Hyatt, 1884 (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea), a corrected form of the name "Munsteroceras" 6 1955 An aberrant nautiloid of the Timor Permian 7 1955 Lower Missiasipian cephalopoda of Michigan Part I* Orthooonio nautiloids 8 1955 1955 The Roniatite perms Prole can it es in America 9 10 Upper Carboniferous goniatites from Argentina 1954 The classification of the Paleozoic ammonoids 11 1955 •f The Carboniferous guide fossil, Tylonautilus, in America 12 1955 Aturias from Costa Rica IS 1955 Aturias from southern Chile 14 1955 Lower Mississippian cephalopods of Michigan Part III. Araoonoida and Summary 15 1956 Tertiary nautiloids dredged near Cape of Good Hope 16 Volume 68 Miller, Arthur K. (continued) 1956 Tertiary nautiloid studies 1. An Aturia from eastern Cuba 17 1956 Tertiary nautiloid studies 1957 2. An Aturoidca from Austria 18 19 Permian ammonoids from Tunisia 1957 1958 A Qocond Permian specimen of the nautiloid Aulametacoceras 20 21 Studies of Paleozoic annonoids 1 1958 Middle Pennsylvanian Schistoceratidae (Ammonoidea) 22 1958 Ooniatites of the Burlington Limestone in Missouri 25 1958 Permian ammonoids from the Colorado Plateau 24 1958 The goniatite genus Anthracoceras 25 Volume 69 Morton, Niool 196>4 The stratigraphlcal nomenclature of the Lover and Middle Juras- sic rocks of the Hebrides. 1 1965 The Bearreroig Sandstone Series (Middle Jurassic) of Skye and Raasay. 2 Miiller, Arno Hermann Bemerkungen zur stratigraphle und strat- onomie der obersenonen schreibkreide von Rugen. 1952 Tell I. iinigos liber die quanti- tative verteilung der fossilien und die sich daraus ergebenden schlusse • 3 1953 Tell II. fiber die bildungsgeschvind- igkeit der schreibkreide und die sich ergebenden achlusse. 4 Mailer, Siemon W. 1939 Genotype of the ammonite genus Rhacophvllite s « 5 Standard of the Cretaceous System, (chart) 6 1941 Standard of the Jurassic System. 7 Volume 69 MuUerriod, Frederick K. Q. 1941 The Middle Permian of Chiapas, southernmost Mexico, and its fauna. 8 Murphy, Michael A. 1959 New ammonites from the Albion of northern California. 9 1960 Mollusca of the Cretaceous Bald Hills Formation of California. 10 Nakano, Mitsuo 1965 Upper Cretaceous in Uwajiraa, lyo Prov., Ehine Prof., Shikoku, Japan. 11 Nakazava, Keiji 1955 Discovery of Glyptophicerag from Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. 12 1958 The Triasslc System in the Maizuru Zone, southwest Japan. 13 1958 " Monoohyllito a " arakurensis sp. nov. from the Maizuru Zone. 14 1959 Two cephalopod species from the Nbrian Nariwa Group in Okayama Prefecture, west Japan. 15 1964 Discovery of the Anisian fauna from Shikoku, southwest Japan and its geological meaning. 16 Volume 69 Nathorst, Alfred 0. 1910 Eine vorlouf ige mitteilung yon Prof. J. F. Pompeckj xibar altersfrage der Juraablagerungen Spitzbergens. 17 Volume 70 New York State Geological Association 1949 Geology of the Cayuga Lake region. 1 1959 Geology of the Cayuga Lake Basin (Second, revised, edition) . 2 Novell, Norman D. 1949 Fhyletio size increase, an important trend illus- trated by fossil invertebrates. 3 1956 (Review of) Der grossablauf der stammesge- schichtlichen entvicklung by Arno Hermann Muller. 4 1962 Paleontological gaps and geoohronology. 5 Nickles, John M. 1902 The geology of Cincinnati. 6 Nicol, David 1944 Paleoecology of three faunules in the Permian Kalbab Formation at Flagstaff, Arizona. 7 1959 Paleontologic record of the primary differentiation in some major invertebrate groups. 8 1962 The biotic development of some Niagaran reefs- an example of an ecological succession or sere. 9 Obata, Ikuwo 1959 Croissance relative sur quelques especes des Desmoceratidae. 10 1960 Spirale de quelques ammonites. 11 Packard, Earl L. 1956 An Engonoceraa from central Oregon. 12 Volume 70 Patzelt, Gerald 196i4 Beitrflge zur stratieraphle Sildwostalbanions: eln nachveis ammonltenfuhrender Unterkreide 1m lonischon fazieagebiet. 13 I Peck, Joseph H. Jr. i 1954 Whitf leld Collection types at the University of California. 14 Perrin, Jeanne 1961 Etude biomotrique de 1'espeoe Grammoceras fflllflCilPPWfl Bayle (Toarcien Superieur). 1$ Volume 71 Pia, Juliua von 1912 Geologischo studlen in Hdllengebirge und seinen nordlichon vorlnjen. 1 1913 Ober elna raittelliasische copholopodenfauna aua dem no rd cist lichen Kloinasien. 2 1914 Untersuchungen uber die Liassischen Nautiloidea. 3 1923 Obar die ethologische Bedeutung elniger haupt- zuge In der stanunesgesohlchte der oephalopoden* 4 Volume 72 Plflchinger, Bonno 1955 Zur geologie des Kalkaplenabschnlttea vom Torrenor Jooh zum Ostfuss des Unterberges; die Go'llmasse und die Halleiner Hallstatter Zone. 1 1955 Eine neue subspecies des Barroisiceras haber fe line r^ v. Hauer aus den Oberconiac der Gosau Salzburgs. 2 PompeckJ, Josef F. 1910 Gegen Steinmann's geologische grund- lagen der abstamraungalehre . 3 1910 Zur rassenpersistenz der ammoniten. 4 19H Das meor des kupf era chief era. 5 Powell, J. Dan 1963 Cenonanian-Turonian (Cretaceous) ammon- ites from Trans-Pecos Texas and north* eastern Chihuahua, Mexico* 6 1963 Turonian (Cretaceous) ammonites from northeastern Chihuahua, Mexico. 7 1965 Late Cretaceous platform-basin fades, northern Mexico and adjacent Texas. 8 Rangheard, Ives 1961 Signification biologique de la coquille des ammonites. 9 1961 Etude pallontologique des repre'sentants du genre Hecticoceras du Callovien du Jura Franc-Contois. 10 Volume 72 Raymond, Farcy £. 1941 Invertebrate paleontology 11 Reesido, John B. Jr. 1954 Ammonite accumulations in the Cretaceous Movry and Aspen shales 12 1957 Paleoecology of the Cretaceous soaa of the western interior of the United States 13 Volume 73 Ra aside, John D. Jr. 1927 Cephalopoda from the lower port of the Cody shale of Oregon Basin, Wyoming 1927 The ocaphiteo, an Upper Cretaceous ammonite group 1927 The cephalopoda of the Eagle sandstone and related formations in the western interior of the United States I960 Studies of the Mowry shale (Cretaceous) and contemporary formations in the United States and Canada Volume Reynent, Richard A. 1954 New Turonlan (Cretaceous) ammonite gonera from Nigeria 1 1954 Some new Upper Cretaceous ammonites from Nigeria 2 1954 The stratigraphy of the Southern Cameroons 3 1956 fiber den Bau von Speetoniceras yersicolor (Trautschold) aus dem Neokom Rublands 4 1956 Zur Stammesentwicklung der Ammonitengattungen Gombeoceras Reyment und fseudotissot^la Pe*ron 5 1957 Uber Farbspuren bei einigen Ammoniten 6 1957 On the occurrence of Santonian in northeastern Nigeria 7 1957 X-ray determinations of some cophalopod shells 8 1958 Some factors in the distribution of fossil cephalopoda 9 N I 1958 Uber einige Ammoniten aus dem Coniac Kolurabiens und Venezuela 3, SUdamerika 10 1958 Neubeschreibung der Redtenbacher1- schen Ammonitenoriginale aus den Gosauschichten 11 1958 Ubersichtliche Erganzung von F. Solgers "Die Fossilien der Mungokreide in Kamerun und ihre geologische Bedeutung" (1904) 12 Volume 74 Reyment, Richard A. (continued) 1959 On Liassic ammonites from Skane, oouthorn Sweden 13 1959 Notes on the internal structure of some Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonites 14 ii 1960 Uber das Vorkommen von Apt- Ammoniten ira Untergrund Sttdschvedens 15 1962 Biomotric study of Actinocamax yerus s.l. from the Upper Creta- ceous of the Russian Platform 16 1963 Biometrio study of Barremites subdifficilis (Karakasch) 17 Albion ammonites from Fossil Creek, Oodnadatta, South Australia 18 Coiling and form in South Australian Labeceratidae (Albiun; Cretaceous) 19 Volume 75 Reyment, Richard A* 195$ The Cretaceous Ammonoidea of southern Nigeria and the Southern Cameroons 1 N 1957 Uber einige Wirbellose Foasilien aua Nigerian und Kamerun, Westafrika 2 Volume 76 Riber, Hans 1963 Ammoniten und Stratigraphle dea Braunjura (3 der Schwabischen Alb Robinson, Charles Sherwood 1959 Pierre shale along western and northern flanks of Black Hills, Wyoming and Montana 2 ! Roger, Jean Pallontologie. - Les Cephalopoda s des couches a Poissons du Cre'tace' aupeYieur du Liban 3 Acanthoteuthis (Bclemnoteuthis) syriaca n. sp. Cephalopoda Dibranche du Cre'tace' supeVieur de Syrie 4. 1944. Phyloge'nie des Ce'phalopodes Octopodesi Palaeoctopus newboldi (Sower by 1346) Woodward 5 1944 I« plus ancien C^phalopode Octopode fossile connui Palae» octopus newboldi (Sowerby 1846) Woodward 6 1946 Rlsultats scientifiques de la mission C. Arambourg en Syrie et en Iran (1938-39) I. Les inverte'bre's des couches a poissona du Cre'tace' superieur du Liban. £tude pal^obiologique des gisements 7 1947 Itineraires geologiquea dons le HunsrUck et L'Eifel 8 Volume 77 i Rosenberg, Paul 1909 Die liasische Cephalopodenfauna der Kratzalpe 1m Hagongobirge 1 Roy, Sharat Kumar 1941 The Upper Ordovlcian fauna of Frobishor Bay, Baffin Land 2 Rusconi, Carlos \ Los dpticos del Jurasico do Mondoza (Anrnonitoiciea) 3 Rut ten, Martin Gerard 1953 Sur la genese des dlpSts a Ammonites pyriteuses L, 1955 Les Ammonites pyriteuses $ 1955 Evolution and oscillations of shallow shelf seas 6 » 1956 Depositions! environment of Oxford Clay at Uoodham clay pit 7 Saito, Rinji 1956 A new species of game si teg from the Cenomanian of Hokkaido, Japan (Studies on the Cretaceous Ammonites from Hokkaido and Saghalien-IX) 8 Volume 78 Sato, Tadaahi 1954 Decouverte de Tmetoceras dans le Plateau de Kitakarai au Nord du Japon 1 1954 Hammatoceraa de Kitakami, Japon 2 1955 Les Ammonites recueillics dans le Qroupe de Kururaa, Nord du Japon central 3 1956 Revision chronologique de la SeVie de Karakuwa (Jurassique moyon) 4 1957 Biostratigraphie de la Serie de Shizukawa (Jurassique infdriour) du Japon Septentrional 5 1958 Supplement a la Faune de la Se'rie de Shizukawa (Jurassique Injeriour) du Japon Septentrional 6 1958 Presence du Berriasien dans la stratlgraphie du plateau de Ki akomi (Japon septentrional) 7 1960 A propos des oourants ocuaniquea froids prouvon par I1 existence des ammonites d'origine Arctique dans le Jurassique Japonais 8 1961 Une Ammonite Aallnienne de la Region de Mae Sot, Thailand 9 1961 Les Ammonites Oxfordiennes de 1'Ile de Mindoro, Philippines 10 1961 La Limits Jurassico-Cr^tac^a dans la Strati- graphie Japon aise 111 1961 Faune Berriasienne et Tithonique supdricure nouvelloment de'couverte au Japon 12 1962 ££udes biostratigraphiques des ammonites du Japon 13 I 1963 The Jurassic U Volume 78 Salfeld, Hans 1913 Certain Upper Jurassic strata of England 15 Sampelayo, -P. H. 1946 Las f 'tunas paleozoicas 7 la tecto'nica heroiniana del macizo de Puig d'Alp (La Molina - Qerona) 16 Schonck, Hubert G. 1943 Stratigraphy of northern South America, Trinidad, and Barbados, by H. H. Kenz Schevill, William E. 1950 An Upper Jurassic aepioid from Cuba 18 1950 KUnsterolia. new name for Kelaenp MUnster 1842, non KUnster 1839 19 Volume 79 Schindewolf , Otto Heinrich 1923 iibor die Ausgestaltung der Lobonlinie bei den Neoammonoldea Wdkd 1 1927 Prlnzipienfragen der biologischen Systematik 2 1937 B. Pal'dozoologie I. Evertebrata 1. Fuunen 3 N 1939 Uber den Bau karbonischer Goniatiten 4 1939 Zur Kenntnls von Pericleitea Renz und vervandter pal&ozoischer Aimoneen 5 1941 fiber den Sipho elniger triad! scher Aiiinoneen 6 1941 Einige vergessene deutsche Vertre- ter dos Abstammungsgedankens aus dem Angange des 19* Jahrhunrierts 7 194i Darwinismus Oder Typostrophismus? Darwinizmus vagy Tiposztrofizmus? 8 1947 Fragpn der Abstamroungslebre 9 1949 Zur Nomenklatur der Clymenien (Cophalop., Anmon.) 10 1949 Zur Phylogenle der Clymenien (Cephalop., Aniuon.) 11 Volume 79 Schindewolf, Otto Heinrich (continued) 1951 Zur Gliederung der Pericyclus- Gruppo (Cephal., Goniatit.) 12 1951 Zur Morphogenie und Tenninologie dor Arimonccn-Lobenlinie 13 1953 Uber Strcnoceraa und andere Dogjer-Ammonlten 14 1954 Status of Invertebrate Paleontology, 1953 VIII. On Development, Evolution, and Terminology of Ammonoid Suture Line 15 Uber die m<5glichen Ursachen der gro&en erdgeschichtlichen Faunenscbnitte 16 1954 Ubor did Faunenwondo vom Palazoi- kum zum Mesozolkum 17 • 1954 Ubor einige stratigraphlsche Grundbegriffe 18 1955 Zur Taxionomie und Nomenklatur der Clymenlen* £in Epilog 19 1957 Die Lobenllnle im System der Ammonoidea 20 Volume 80 Schindewolf , Otto Heinrich I960 Studien zur St anno ago schichte der Anunoniten I 1 1962 Studien zur Stonunesgoschichte der Anunoniten II 2 1962 ,,N0ue Systematik" 3 1962 Parasltare Thallophyten In A j.ioniten-Sclialen U 1963 Studien zur Stanmesgeschlchte der Aimnoniten III 5 1963 Acuariceras und andere heteromorphe Ammonlten aus dem Oberen Dogger 6 1963 Zur sovjetrussischen Termlnologie der LobenlinieV 1963 Pilze in oberjurassiechen Ammoniten-Scholen 8 1963 Neokatastrophismus? 9 Volume 81 Schindevolf , Otto Helnrich 1955 Did Entfaltung des Lebens In Rahmen der goologischen Zoit 1 1958 i)ber Aptychen (Amnonoidoa) 2 1961 Die Aramoniten-Gattung pymblteg im Ddutschen Lias 3 Volume 82 Schneider, Carlos Oliver 1940 Los afloramientoB fosiliferos do Tome. 1 Scott, Gayle 1943 Palaeontology of Harrar Province, Ethiopia. Part 4* Jurassic Cephalopoda and a Creta- ceous Nautilus. 2 Scott, Glenn R. 1962 Clioscaphiteg Baxitonianus (McLearn) , a discrete ammonite zone in the Niobrara Formation at Pueblo, Colorado. 3 1963 Apache Creak Sandstone Member of the Pierre Shale of southeastern Colorado. 4 Sempere, P. Antonio M. 1963 Algo sobre paleonyologia Boliviana. 5 Shevyrev, A. A. 1960 Ontogeneticheskoe raevitie nekotorykh verkhneiursklkh ammonitov. (Onto- genetic development in some Upper Jurassic ammonites.). 6 1961 Ontogeneticheskoe razvitie nekotorykh anizilskikh tseratitov kavkaaa. 7 * 1962 Raavitio lopastnol linii i terminologiia ee elementov 7 meBOBoXskikh ammonoidelt. 8 Silberling, Norman John 1959 Pre-Tertiary stratigraphy and Upper Triassio paleontology of the Union District Shoshone Mountains, Nevada. -9 Volume 82 Silberling, N. J. (continued) 1962 Stratigraphlc distribution of Middle Tri- assic ammonites at Fossil Hill, Humboldt Range, Nevada. 10 1962 Stratigraphic distribution of Middle Tri- assic ammonites at Fossil Hill, Humboldt Range, Nevada i Addendum. 11 Volume 83 Smith, James Perrin 1927 Upper Triasaic marine invertebrate faunas of North America Volume Sornay, Jacques 1945 Sur la Cre'tace1 moyen de Viviers-sur-RhSne 1 1946 Le Cre'tace' supe'rieur dans 1'ouest du d&partenent de la Drome et dans lea regions voisines 2 1950 Etude stratigraphique BUT le Cre'tace' supe'rieur de la Valise du Rhdne entre Valence et Avignon et des regions voisines S 1951 Ammonites albiennes et s^non- iennes de 1* Angola et de 1'Afrique e"quatoriale francaise 4 1951 Sur deux especes d1 Ammonites inldites de d'Oribigny et sur une espece nouvelle du tuff eau de Touraine 5 1952 Ge'ologle - Remarques sur le CrltacS suplrieur (C<5nomanien- Slnonien) a 1'Ouest d'Uzes (Card) 6 1965 Ammonites nouvelles de 1'Albien de 1' Angola 7 1955 Nautile fossile a coquille anormale 8 1955 Ammonites nouvelles du Cre'tace' de la region des Honts du Kellegue (Constantint) 9 1957 Ammonites du Coniacien du massif de la haute Medjerda (Con 5 tan tine, 10 Volume 84 Sornay, Jacques (continued) 1959 Observations sur le Tithonique supeVieur de la region du Pouzin et sur le C^nomanien et 1'Aptien dea environs de Viviers-sur- RhSne 11 1959 Revue de quelques travaux de 0. H. Schindowolf sur 1'onto- C^nese suturale (AmmonOid^s) 12 1959 Le flarromien et 1'Aptien au NW de Viviers-sur-RhSne (Ardeche) (Feuille irivaa au 80. GOO3) 15 1961 Ammonites et Inocerames de Vonso (Bas-Congo) 14 1962 Remarques sur le Be'doulien de Viviers-sur-Ithono (Ardeche) (FeuUle de Privas au 80.0008) 15 i 1 1964 Sur un Lewesiceras nouveau du Turonien d'Uchaux (Vaucluse) 16 1964 Stratlgraphie - Sur le nValan- ginienn Jurassien 17 Volume 85 Spath, Leonard Frank 1935 The evolution of the Cephalopoda. 1 1935 On colour-markings in ammonites* 2 1935 Additions to the Eo-Triassic invertebrate fauna of East Greenland. 5 1936 The ammonites of the Green Ammonite Beds of Dorset. 4 1936 The phylogeny of the Cephalopoda. 5 1937 Hesozoic Ammonoidea. 6 1936 Problems of ammonite nomenclature* 1. On the type of the ammonite genus Mortoniceras. Meek. 7 1938 Problems of ammonite nomenclature. 2. Schlotheim's types of Ammonites capricornus. 8 1958 Problems of ammonite nomenclature. 3. On Ammonites varians J. Sowerby. 9 1939 Problems of ammonite nomenclature. The vicissitudes of the genus Rhacophyllitee t Zittel. 10 1947 Additional observations on the invertebrates (chiefly Ammonites) of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of liast Greenland. I. The Hectoroceras fauna of 5.W. Jameson Land. 11 1951 Preliminary notice on seme Upper Cretaceous ammonite faunas from Angola 12 1952 Additional observations on the invertebrates (chiefly Ammonites) of the Jurassic and Cre- taceous of Last Greenland II. Some Infra-Valanginian ammonites from Lindemans Fjord, Wollaston Forland) with a note on the base of the Cretaceous 15 1953 The Upper Cretaceous oephalopod fauna of Graham Land 14 Volume 86 Spath, Leonard Frank 1951 Catalogue of the fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History). Part V. The Ammonoidea of the Trias (II). Volume 87 Steinmann, Qustav 1909 Probleme dor aramoniten-phylogenie (gattung Hoterotissotia) . 1 1909 Rassenpersistenz bei ammonlten. Eine erwiderung. 2 1909 Die abstammung der Ngattung Oppelia" Vaag. 3 1913 Obor tiefonabsatze des Oberjura im Apennin. U Stelck, Charles Richard 1954 Cardium Formation of the foothills of north- eastern British Columbia. 5 Stenzel, Henry k Bronislav 1935 Nautiloids of the genus Aturia from the Eocene of Texas and Alabama. 6 1941 The Eocene dibranchiate cephalopod genus Belem- nosella Naef, 1922.=Advena Palmer, 1937,- Advena Palmer, 1940. 7 Stevens, 0. R. 1963 Fauna! realms in Jurassic and Cretaceous belemnites. 8 1963 The systematic status of Oppel's specimens of Belemniteg gerardi. 9 1965 The belenmite genera Dicoelites Boehm and Prodicoelites StoUey. 10 1965 The Jurassic and Cretaceous belemnites of New Zealand and a review of the Jurassic and Cretaceous belemnites of the Indo-Pcaif ic region. U Volume 88 Stevenson, Robert £. 1963 The fossil population of a limestone concretion. Stock, Chester * 1946 Progress in paleon to logical research on the Pacific coast, 1917-1944. 2 Sturgeon, Ifyron T. 1948 Some additional cephalopoda from the Pennsylvania!! of Ohio. Tamura, Minoru 1961 The Torinosu series and fossils therein* 4 1961 The geologic history of the Torinosu epoch and the Mesozoic reef-limestones in Japan. 5 Tasch, Paul 1953 Causes and pajLeoecological significance of dwarfed fossil marine invertebrates. 6 1953 Nautiloids and ammonoids of the Penn- sylvanian "Dry shale fauna". 7 Teichert, Paul I960 Size of endocerold cephalopoda. 8 Theobald, Nicolas 1957 Rocentos de'couvertes d1 Ammonites dans le Bajocien du Jura franc-comtcis. 9 Volume 88 Theobald, Nicolas (continued) 1959 Les ammonites du Toaroien superieur et de 1'Aalonicn du sentier da l'£hn, pros d'Obernai (Bas-Rhin). 10 1961 Stratigraphie du lias dans la Francho- Comte. 11 Thieuloy, Jean-Pierre 1963 Nouveaux ap'orts a la faune tithonique du col du Lauzon (Haute s-Alpes). 12 1964 L'Aptien et 1'Albien foasiliferes du synclinal d'Autrans (Vorcors septen- trional) . 13 1964 Protanisoceras (Ren cure litos) n. subgen. Nouveau Cephalopoda albien de I1 horizon dos Pres de Rencurel (Vercors). 14 1964 Sur 1 'utilisation eVentuelle do a Ammonites de'roule'es dans la chronologie du Cr£tac£ inferieur. 15 Thompson, Marcus Luther 1949 Permian fusulinids and cephalopoda from the vicinity of the Moraciabo basin in northern South America. 16 Tokuyama, Akira 1958 Late Triassic Palaepnharus in Japan. 17 • 1959 "Bakevollia" and "Edentula" from the Late Triassic Mine series in vest Japan. 18 1959 Late Triassio Pteriacea from the Atsu and Mine series, west Japan. 19 1959 Bemerkungen Uber die Brachiopodenfazies der Oberjurassischen Torinosuserie SUd- uostjapahs, mit Beschreibungen einiger Formen. 20 Volume 88 Toni, Antonio do 1912 La fauna Liasica di Vedana (Belluno). 21 1913 Sulla fauna Triasica di Valdepena (Cadore) . 22 Volume 89 I Tozer, Edward Timothy 1961 Trios sic stratigraphy and faunas, Quoen Elizabeth Islands, Arctic Archipelago. 1 1961 The sequence of marine Triassic faunas in western Canada. 2 1963 Contributions to Canadian paleontology. Part I-Lower Triassic ammonoids from Tuchodi Lakes and Halfway River areas, northeastern British Columbia. 3 Part II-Liarditea and Maclearnoceras . new Triassic ammonoids from the Nath- oraites zone of British Columbia. 4 1965 Latest Lower Triassic ammonoids from Ellesmere Island and northeastern British Columbia. 5 1965 Lower Triassic stages and ammonoid zones of Arctic Canada. 6 1965 Upper Triassic ammonoid zones of the Peace River foothills, British Col- umbia, and their bearing on the classification of the Norian Stage. 7 Volume 90 Trauth, Friedrlch 1906 Das w. M. Prof. V. Uhllg Uberreicht eine vorlSufige Mltteilung Uber die Grestenerschichten der ostorroichi- schen Voralpen. 1 t 1906 Uber den Lias von Valosucca in der Bukovina. 2 1909 Die Grestener Schichten der bsterreich- ischen Voralpen und ihre Fauna* 3 1937 Hasamraonlten aus dem Diluvium dee Klagenfurter Bekens. 4 1948 Die fazielle Ausbildung und Gliederung des Oberjura in den nordlichen Ostal- pen* (Hit 3 strutigraphischen Tabellen (Tafel I-III). 5 , i 19-48 Gcologie des Kalkalpenbereiches der Zweiten Wiener Hochquellenleitung (Quellengebiete an und nachst der steirischen Salza und Leitungsstrecke bis Scheibbs). 6 1954- Zur Geologie des Voralpengebietes zwischon Waidhofen an der Ybbs und SteinmUhl bstlich von Waidhofen. 7 Ueda, Yoshiro 1962 The type Himenoura group. 8 Uhlig, Victor 1900 Abhandlungen des deutsohen naturwissen- schaftlich-modicinischen Vereines fUr B'dhmon NLotos"« 9 Volume 90 Vac"ek, Michael 1911 Erlauterungen zur Goologischen Karte der im Reichsrate vertretenen Koni- greiche und Lander der Osterr.-ungar. Monarchle. SW-Gruppe Nr. 96. Rovereto - Riva. 10 Vecchia, Orlando 1949 Su alcuni noml generic! di Aramonitl Hasslci. 11 Volume 91 Venzo, Sergio 1942 Cefalopodi giuraoBici degli Altipiani Hararini. (Con 14 tavole doppie). 1951 Amraonlti e vegetal! albiano-cenoraanlani nel del Bergamasco occidentale. Condlzionl strut igrafic he e tettoniche della eerie Barreraiano-Turonlana. 2 1952 Nuove faune ad amraoniti del Doraeriano-Aleniano dell'Alpo Turati Q dintorni (Alta Brianza) La succassione stratigrafica. 3 1953 "uova forma di Aniscceras (Ammonite avolta) nelle aronaire sononiane di Monte S. Gcnesio (Brianza orientals). 4 1954 Stratigrafla e tettonica del FLvsch (Cretaclco- Eocene) del Dorganasco e della Brianza orient. -ile. 5 1959 Cefalopodi neogiurassioi degli Altipiani Hararini. (Con 14 tavole doppie)* 6 Volume 92 Yokes, Harold Ernest 1937 Nautiloid cephalopoda from the Eocene of California. 1 1937 The gastropod genus Harpa in the Eocene of the western United States. 2 1939 Mollusc, ji faunas of the Domengine and Arroyo Hondo formations of the Califor- nia Eocene. 3 1941 Geological observations in the Lebanon Mountains of western Asia. 4 Waage, Karl M. 1965 The Late Cretaceous coleoid cephalopod Actinosepia canadensis Whiteaves. Wall, J. H. 1963 Klcrofaunas, megafaunas, and rock- stratigraphic units in the Alberta Group (Cretaceous) of the Rocky Mount- ain Foothills. Wanaan, H. R. 1954 A review of the Jurassic of western Sicily based on new ammonite faunas. Warren, Percival Sidney 1930 New species of fossils from Smoky River and Dunvegan formations, Alberta. 8 1930 Three new ammonites from the Cretaceous of Alberta. 9 Volume 92 Warren, Percival Sidney (continued) 1937 An Aptian horizon in the Cretaceous of the lower Mackenzie volley* 10 194.0 Cenomanian and Turonian faunas in the Pouce Coupe District, Alberta and British Columbia. 11 1947 Cretaceous fossil horizons in the Mackenzie River valley. 12 1955 Foraninifera of the Cenomanian Dun- veganoceras zone from Peace River area of western Canada. 13 Welter, Otto A. 1913 Line Tithonf auna aus Kord-Peru. 14 Volume 93 Westermann, Gerd £. G. 1954 Monographic der Otoitidae (Aramonoidea) Qtoitesp Trilobiticeras. Itinaaitos. Epnlxites. G- man it '..-a. Masckoites (Paeudo- toites. Polyr)lectiterg) , Normannites. 1 1956 Phylogenie dor Stephanoceratacooa und Peri- sphinctaccae des Dodger. 2 1956 Monographic dor Daj ocien-Qattungen Sahaero- coras und Chondroceras (j\nraonoidoa) . 3 1958 The significance of septa and sutures in Jurassic ammonite systematlcs* 4 1962 Succession and variation of Monotig and the associated fauna in the Norian Pine River Bridge Section, British Columbia (Triassio, Pelecypoda) . 5 1964 £1 Hammatoceratido Podagrosiceras at hie ti cum Maugeuge y Lambert, del Bayociano inferior (Aaleniano) del Neuqu^n Central, Argentina (Anmonitina, Jurasico). 6 1964 Occurrence and significance of the Arctic Arkellocoras in the Middle Bajocian of the Alberta foothills (Ammonitina, Jurassic). 7 1964 The ammonite fauna of the Kialagvik formation at Wide Bay, Alaska Peflinsula. Part I. Lower Bajocian (Aalenian). 3 1964 The terminology of the ammonoid septal suture* 9 Volume 94 Westormann, Qerd £.0. 1964 Soxual-Dimorphismus bei Ammonoideen und seine bedeutung fUr die Taxionornie dor Otoitidae (Einschliesslich Sphaoroceratinaej Ammonitina, M. Jura). 1 ij Wiedraann, Jost I960 Zur Systomatik Jungmesozoischer Nautiliden unter besonderer BerUcksichtigung der ibcrischen Nautilinae d'Orb. 2 I960 Contribution a la Pale'oge'ographie du Crltaco" Vascogotique et Celtiborique septentrional (£spagne). 3 1962 Anmoniten aus der Yascogotischen Kreide (Nordspanien) I. Phylloceratina, I^toccratina. 4 1964 Le Cre'tace' superieur de I'Espagne et du Portugal et sea Cephalopoda s. 5 Volume 95 Wiedmann, Jost 1959 Lo Cre'tace' supoVieur de 1'Eapagne et du Portugal et sea Cdphalopodes. 1 1962 Habitus, Skulptur und Sutur bei Kroide-Arjaonoidcon (Notizen zur Systematik der Kreide-Ammoniten I.). 2 1962 Die Gabbioceratinae Breistroffer (Notizen zur Systematik der Kreide- ammoniten II * ) . 3 1962 Die systematische Stellung von liypophylloceras Salfeld (Notizen zur Cystematik der Kreidoanaoniten III.). 4 1962 Untorkreide-Amraoniten von Mallorca 1. Lief o rung: Lytocoratina, Aptychi. 5 1963 Unto rkreide-Ammoni ten von Mallorca 2* Lieferungt Phylloceratina. 6 1963 Entwicklungsprinzipion der Kreide- amiooniten (Notizen zur Systeraatik der Kreideammoniten IV. )• 7 Volume 96 Willard, Bradford 1963 Ontogeny of the Jurassic ammonite Ariotitea from Peru. Woods, Jack T. 1962 A new species of flatchoriceras (Ammonoldea) from North Queensland Wright, Claud William 1942 New records of Cretaceous fossils from the Isle of Wight. 3 1946 Notes on the geology of the country round Sevenoaks, Kent. 4 1947 The stratigraphy of the Alblan Beds at Leighton Buzzard. 5 1949 The Cretaceous ammonite genera Disco-. hoplites Spath and Hyphoplites Spath. 6 1951 A survey of the fossil Cephalopoda of the chalk of Great Britain Primarily a nomenclatorial revision of Daniel Sharpe's "Description of the fossil remains of Mollusca found in the chalk of England. Part I, Cephalopoda" (1853-1857). 7 t 1951 Proposed use of the plenary powers to validate the generic name "Hoplitea* Neumayr, 1875 (Class Cephalopoda. Order Araraonoidea) and to designate a type species for this nominal genus in harmony with current nomenclatorial usage. 8 Volume 96 Wright, Claud William (continued) 1952 A classification of the Cretaceous ammonites* 9 1953 Notes on Cretaceous ammonites. I. Scaphitidae. 10 1954 Some doubtful Cretaceous ammonite genera from Japan and Saghalien. 11 1957 Some Cretaceous ammonites from New Zealand. 12 f 1963 Cretaceous ammonites from Bathurst Island, northern Australia. 13 Wright. Jean D. 1963 The Kiddle Devonian Ipperwash limestone of southwestern Ontario and two new brachio- pods therefrom. Yen, Teng-chien 1954 Age of Bear River formation. 15 Volume 97 Young, Keith 1951 Foramlnifera and stratigraphy of the Frontier formation (Upper Cretaceous), southern Montana. 1 1952 Zonation of Upper Cretaceous Austin chalk and Burditt marl, Williamson County, Texas* 2 • 1957 Upper Albian (Cretaceous) Ammonoidea from Texas. 3 1957 Cretaceous ammonites from eastern Apache County, Arizona. 4- 1958 Graysonites. a Cretaceous ammonite in Texas. 5 1958 Ccnoraonian (Cretaceous) ammonites from Trans-Pecos Texas. 6 1959 Techniques of mollusc zonation in Texas Cretaceous. 7 1963 Upper Cretaceous ammonites from the Gulf Coast of the United States. 8 I Volume 98 Youngquist, Walter 1951 A new goniutite locality in the White Pine shale of Nevada. Zapp, Alfred Dexter 1962 Some Late Cretaceous strand lines in southern Wyoming* Zapfe, Helmut h 1958 Die Fauna der Werfener Schichten vom Ulrichaberg Die Klagenfurt in KSrnten. 3 1959 Fazieafragen des no rd alpine n Mesozoikums. 1* 1960 Untorsuchungen im obertriadischen Riff des Gosaukanimes (Dachsteingebeit, Oborbstorroich) 1. Beobachtungen Uber das Vorholtnis der Zlambach-Schichten zu den Rif fkalken im Bereich des GroSen Donnorkogels. 5 Zeisa, Arnold 1955 Zur Stratigraphic des Collovien und Unter- Oxfordien bei Blumberg (SUdbaden). 6 1955 Pholadomya (Procardia) ziergiebeli n. sp., eine neue Lamellibranchiaten-Art aus dem Callovien Kuropas* 7 1956 Hecticoceraa und jReinecheia im Mittel- und , Ober-Callovien von Blumberg (SUdbaden). 8 I960 Bin Ainmonitenfund aus dem obersten Malm der Frankenalb vom Hainberg nordwestlich Neu- burg/Donau. 9 Volume 98 Zeiss, Arnold 1960 Revision von Anmonitenbestimmungen aus dera f rankischen Dogger 6 . 10 1961 Das Prof 11 vom Braunjura y bis Wel£jura 0% in cien Bohrungon Friedricn 15 - 19 und Willenberg 1 vestlich Pegnitz/Ofr. n 1962 Die Airjaonitengattung Paraspldoceras L. F. Spath. 12 1962 Fund eines Meaosimocoras iin Frank! schen Mala 5. 13 1962 Zur Stratigraphie dos Untertithon der sUd- lichcn Frankenalb (Hit einor Tabelle). 14 196^ Zur Verbreitung der Gattunt^ Grave3J.a, im Malm C der SUdlichen Frankenalb. 15 1964 Zur Knlra Gamma/Dalta-Qrenze in Franken. 16 1965 Ubor Ammoniten aus dem Sinlmurien SUdwoat- Frankens. Mit 1 Tafel, 3 Abbildungen und 1 TabeUe. 17 1965 Exkursion in den Malm der sUdvestlichen Frankenalb* 18 Volume 99 Zieglar, Bernhard 1957 Creniceras dontatuiq (Anunonitacea) im MittoL-Malm SUdwestdeutschlands. 1958 Feinstratigraphische Untersuchungen im Oborjura Slidwestdeutchlands - ihre Dedeutung fllr PaTaontologie und Pulaogeographie. 1958 1958 1959 1959 1961 Die Arunonitenfauna des tieferen Malm Delta in WUrttcnborg. Das nordwestouropHische Aquivalent des HSuebiumsn (Oborjura), Idoceras und verwandte Ainmoniten- 3 4 5 6 Gattungen im Oberjura Schvabens. Evolution in Upper Jurassic ammonites. Stratigraphische und zoogeographi- sche Beobachtungen an ftulacosteph- anuB (Aramonoidea-Ober jura) . 7 1961 Puzosia (Ammonoidea) im Kreide- Flysoh der Breggia (SUdtessin). 8 1962 Das untere Kimeridgion in Europa* 9 1963 Some Upper Jurasr ic anunonites of the gonus Rasenia from Scotland, 10 1963 Ammoniten als Faziesfossilien. 11 1%3 Die Fauna der Lemes-Schichtcn (Dalmatian) und ihre Bedeutung fUr den mediterranen Oberjura. 12 Volume 99 Zieglar, Bernhard (continued) 1963 Leitfossilien und Faziesfossillen. 13 Boreale EinflUsse 1m Oberjura Westouropas? 14 Volume 100 Zieglar, Bernhard 1958 Monographie der Amraonitengattung Qlochiceraa im Epikontinentalen Weiss jura Mittelouropas. 1 1962 Die Anmoniton-Qattung Aulaco ate ohanus in Oberjura (Taxionomie, Stratigruphie , Biologie). 2 Volume 101 Ziegler, Martin A, 1962 Beitrage zur Kenntnis do a unteren Malm 1m zontralen Schwelzer Jura. 1 Zoltan, Nag/ Istvan 1958 Cephalopoda-rago'szerv a raacseki kozepsO jura (bath) rltegelbOl. 2 1958 Teudopsis gubacuta n» sp. a raocseki Ii5szb6l. 3 I960 Klcsavarodott u^zd Ammonite s-f^l^k (SpiroceratidaeO a necseki jura IdOszaki rltegekbol. 4 1960 Krlta iddzsaki Nautiloideak Kagyarorszagr^l. 5 1963 Phyllocoras thetys (d'Orbigny) szelekci^s fajfejlfld^si sora a gerecsei als6kr«ta rltegekbtil* 6 1964 Paliohnologiai adatok a gereosei als<5kr<$ta idOszaki r^tegekbOl. 7 8 47 47 . -C PECULATING 0 mam