THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY-VOL I. c. er JHajestp’s <£5obernment PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE AND SOLD BY LONDON LONGMANS & CO.; JOHN MURRAY; MACMILLAN & CO.; SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & CO. TRUBNER & CO.; E. STANFORD; J. D. POTTER; and KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, & CO. EDINBURGH ADAM & CHARLES BLACK and DOUGLAS & FOULIS. DUBLIN A. THOM & CO. and HODGES, FIGGIS, & CO. 1884 Price Twenty-one Shillings. PRINTED BY NEILL AND COMPANY, EDINBURGH, FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. I. — Report on Researches into the Composition of Ocean-Water, collected by H.M.S. Challenger, during the years 1873-1876. By Prof. William Dittmar, F.R.S. (. Received January 1884.) II. — Report on the Specific Gravity of Samples of Ocean-Water, observed on board H.M.S. Challenger, during the years 1873-1876. By J. Y. Buchanan, Esq., M.A., F.R.S.E. (. Received January 1884.) III. — Report on the Deep-Sea Temperature Observations of Ocean- Water, taken by the Officers of the Expedition, during the years 1873-1876. EDITORIAL NOTES. The physical and chemical investigations conducted by Mr. J. Y. Buchanan, during the three and a half years’ cruise of H.M.S. Challenger, are among the most important and valuable of the Expedition. Mr. Buchanan collected daily, with much care, samples of the surface water, and determined the specific gravity. At all Stations, a slip water bottle was attached to the sounding line, and the specific gravity of the specimen of bottom water thus collected was also ascertained. At every Station, where practicable, waters were collected from intermediate depths at 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 800 fathoms from the surface, with a stop-cock water bottle attached to a separate sounding line, under Mr. Buchanan’s personal super- vision. The specific gravity of these waters was also determined. The routine chemical work of the Laboratory consisted in boiling out the gases from, and in determining the carbonic acid in, as many samples as possible. A very large number of samples of sea-water were collected from the surface, bottom, and intermediate depths, and preserved in glass stoppered bottles. These were either sent home along with other collections from various ports touched at during the Expedition, or brought home by the ship. It is difficult for any one, except those who actually witnessed the daily work at sea, to form an adequate idea of the labour, skill, and continuous effort required to carry on these observations in all sorts of weather, and to form, and bring home successfully, collections and observations like those which have resulted from Mr. Buchanan’s exertions. 3 EDITORIAL NOTES. viii S i tlv after the return to England, Mr. Buchanan analysed a number of t! ... s.unph-s of gas which had been boiled out from the waters on board ship. As Mr. Buchanan was subsequently unable to proceed with the chemical w..;k cl mccted with the Expedition, the remainder of the gas samples (along witi the results of those analysed), the water samples, and Mr. Buchanan’s < .fti. i d journals, were entrusted by the late Sir C. Wyville Thomson to Professor W. Dittmar, F.B.S., with a request that he would undertake certain analyses , t t P. -as samples and the waters. Professor Dittmar forwarded reports on his analvMs at various times to the late Editor during the years 1878-1881. In the vear 1HS*J. Professor Dittmar undertook, at my request, to complete tl -is and water analyses, and to prepare a Iieport on the whole of his investigations into the Composition of Ocean-Water, embracing the work done 4 »u 1 i ! '1 1 >hip by Mr. Buchanan. The result is the valuable memoir which fnniis Part I. of the present volume. It will be found that Professor Dittmar has i : • t contented himself with giving mere analyses, but has discussed their : tieanee with respect to the Problems of Oceanography. Part II. of this volume, which is accompanied by a map and numerous d aii.s. lias I wen prepared by Mr. Buchanan, and gives the results of his drt. : d nations of the specific gravity of surface, intermediate, and bottom waters of the ocean. P rt III. of this volume contains all the observations on the temperature • t . -water taken by the officers of the Expedition, except those of the *■ ’ taken every two hours, which will be found in the Meteorological Of -4 nations published in Volume 11. Narrative. CffAUXIOM Ol met, QlEE!» SrilKET, Koi*M.Kf4ii, 8 /A April 1684. John Murray. THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. REPORT on Researches into the Composition of Ocean- Water collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. By William Dittmar, F.R.SS. L. and E., Professor of Chemistry, Anderson’s College, Glasgow. I. THE PRINCIPAL SALINE COMPONENTS. Sea-water has long been known to consist in the main of a solution of the chlorides and sulphates of sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. A quantitative analysis which correctly reports these few acids and bases, gives almost as close an approximation to the proportion of total solids as it is possible to obtain. And yet, from the fact of the ocean being what it is, it follows almost of necessity that there must be numerous minor components. Perhaps no element is entirely absent from sea- water ; but according to Forchhammer only the following (in addition to the predominating components already named) have been proved to be present : — Bromine : easily detected in the mother-liquor obtained in the preparation of sea-salt by crystallisation. Iodine : this element is present only in very minute traces ; its presence until lately was only inferred, from its relatively abundant occurrence in the ashes of sea-weeds. Fluorine : detected directly ; also found in the boiler crusts of transatlantic steamers. Phosphorus : in phosphate. Nitrogen : in ammonia, and in the organic matter necessarily diffused throughout the ocean. (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. — PART I. — 1884.) A 1 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. , ... i*l i, *n;it * - and free carbonic acid, which, as we shall see, are by no means '•.l'-.pi n.ii<- i . >ihjm iin nts ; also as part ol the organic matter. Silicon : in silicates. /, : , tlv detectable ; found also in the ashes of Zostera maritima and Fucus miculosus. Siltrr: found by Malaguti in the copper bottoms of ocean-going ships. Forch- h ,, m. r f.. ind 1 .1,000, 000th in a coral called Pocillopora alcicornis. I. I,- ii., .r- abundant than silver; the coral just named gave to Forchhammer eight parts of lead to one of silver. found in the ash of Fucus vesiculosus, and of other sea-weeds. The . /' - - contains 1 500,000th, the coral Ileteropora 1-350, 000th, of the metal. / prov, d to be present only indirectly by the analysis of the ashes of sea-plants. • Z i'll maritima contains ‘035 per cent, of ZnO. i Wf >m p : - - of dry Zostera maritima gave, to Forchhammer, 81‘4 of an ash which contained about 4 jmt cent, of manganese. . I : in .duminu, which can be detected by the ordinary methods. / 1 s aiou, i i n I.,- detected directly, and besides have been found in the • i h • - of ni irim plants and in oceanic boiler-crusts. Arsenic: detected by Daubre. I < !*\ I’, zb, in the water of the Adriatic, by spectrum analysis. . uid Hold : discovered by Sonstadt. C. Schmidt succeeded in d' t. miming the rubnlmm even quantitatively. > I "i i ' ii ■ r, who analysed a large number of samples of water from a i : 1 ■ , •• ' "btaiiK-d by * vaporation, with pure water. This value, 0 ‘07 to 0T - i i -i ii,, ., ■ in. tic l! Itic, and coast waters generally. It must be * Kmm iiulrvi of North Atlantic waters only. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 3 remarked that the above numerical results refer to surface waters exclusively; but the proposition concerning the ratios might have been extended a priori, and without fear of going far wrong, to deep sea waters, even if it had not been proved by my own analyses. horchliammer’s results naturally guided me, when I had to arrange my programme for examination of the 77 specimens of water collected by the Challenger, which were handed to me for “ complete analysis.” As the individual samples never amounted to more than about 2 litres (in many cases only to half that quantity), anything like a determination of the minor components was simply out of the question. I at once decided upon confining myself to determining, with high precision, the chlorine, sulphuric acid, soda, potash, lime, and magnesia, and thus furnishing, if nothing better, at least a useful extension of Forchhammer’s great work. My original programme included also the determination of the ammonia and organic nitrogen ; but, after having lost a considerable amount of time over attempts in this direction, I became convinced that these determinations would run away with an undue proportion of my precious material. Perhaps also they would ultimately have proved of little value, because, of what originally was organic nitrogen, it could not be expected that the wdiole, or even the greater part, had survived as such, after the long time which had elapsed between the collecting of the samples and their analysis. The waters came to me in three lots, and the mode of procedure adopted was, passing from component to component, to determine one of these in the whole series of samples ; then similarly the second, &c. Each determination, for a given sample, was made at least twice, often three or four times. The value ultimately adopted, however, was not in all cases the mean of the individual results : when I found, for instance, that two analyses would not agree sufficiently, a third and, as a rule, a fourth were made (which generally led to this, that three agreed while one differed from the rest), and then the one widely deviating number was allowed no influence in the calculation of the mean. I do not consider it necessary in this Report to give my individual determinations. I content myself with recording the finally adopted value, with as good estimates as I am able to make of the presumable errors. It would obviously be absurd, from two to four deter- minations, to calculate the probable error in the usual way. No analytical method is free from inherent (i.e., other than purely observational) errors ; hence, after having once fixed upon a certain modus operandi, I made it a point subsequently to adhere rigorously to it, even at the expense of a little extra precision, which might have been gained by a modification suggested during the progress of the in- vestigation. Only in one case (that of the determination of the potash) did I allow myself to break this rule, having succeeded in improving so essentially upon the original process, that I should have considered it wrong to adhere to it. Hence all my results (on the basis of the methods to be presently described) are susceptible of subsequent experimental rectification. 4 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Determination of the Chlorine. ( Iil..; m. . in this section of the memoir, means total halogen calculated as chlorine.* 1: , it ions might have been made by means of the old-established gravimetric , r ■ - : bv the “ titrimotric ” t process which was founded, many years ago, by Gay- I ii the same reaction. This latter method would naturally suggest itself to Dg thi process for the case in hand, if it were not for that beautiful ■ a n, :i. 1 ..f silver-titration which was introduced, some years ago, by Volhard, and - r< irards elegance and ease of execution, is superior even to Gay-Lussac’s. 1 j.r a- is known, consists essentially in this, that after precipitation of the halogen • ' f standard nitrate of silver, t he silver still dissolved is “ titrated ” by means of a standard snlphocyanate-eolution ill the presence' of iron-alum, the appearance of a perma- • r<*d colour (due to Fe(NCS)3) marking the end of the reaction. Volhard himself v it< ' this titration without removing the precipitate of chloride. I found itimpossible • n jM-rf'-ctly sharp results in this manner, and therefore adopted it only for pre- rv d< t- rminations, the final titrations being executed in the following manner: — • ■ f -■ i- water were measured off into a tared phial of about 200 c.c. and weighed ; and : :■!■’! it ion of some pure water, there was added a slight measured excess of standard •• r 1 it ion, and the Wright of the silver solution ascertained and marked down. Enough • : - th<-n added to bring the total volume up to very nearly twice that of the standard • ■ r u-< d, the ingredients carefully mixed, then violently shaken together, and • put i'ide into a dark cupboard. After the lapse of half a day or a night, the : • h id - tth d so completely that the supernatant liquor could be decanted off ’ • ■ 1>. ih. r without filtration, and so completely that a correction for the part adhering t 1 ■ .rid • w.n necessary only in the few cases where, by mistake, a somewhat large • f -tandard silver-solution had been added. The residual dissolved silver was n 1 ' ■/>imetriodfyt by titration with centesimal solutions of silver and sulpho- • 'dution- containing 1 *08 grms. of silver, and the equivalent weight of sul- • . p--r 1000 c.c. respectively), care being taken in all cases to determine the end- j" '■ dly by what we came into the habit of calling “zig-zag titration,” and to • ‘ it.- in of the last 3-4 end-point determinations (reduced individually to the 1 f » ■ nt» simal silver added = 0) as a basis for the calculation. 1 -v' di *'it i<>n of the Solutions was effected as follows: — J1J0[KC1J = 7,459 grms. • of jiM.ta ium (prepared from purified chlorate by expelling the oxygen by '• ' the residue in water, adding hydrochloric acid, evaporating to dryness ' ' in, and gently igniting until the weight remained constant) were ’ ■■ 1 til'irine " to true chlorine, we the chapter* on “ Bromine” and on “ Alkalinity.” ! ’ ■ f • • ;• t . • word n substitute for the custoinnry “volumetric,” which I could not well have «• I • a : » lotion* hy weight and not by volume. ( Gallic# . — Analyses It notations titrecs.) - . i - . , , ... ,i jn bracket* it means the weight of the respective element, radical or l r th* irtn'. !», when “O'1 is taken ns representing 16 parts of oxygen. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 5 dissolved in water to “ 1 litre,”* and the solution weighed exactly. Supposing it amounted to lOC^Ot grins., this weight was put down as the exact deci- equivalent of the solution, it being of course remembered at the same time that the approximate deci- equivalent volume was= 1000 c.c. The Solution of Nitrate of Silver was generally prepared on a large scale (40 to 50 litres at a time), by dissolving a known weight of pure crystallised nitrate, containing an ascertained proportion of water, in very dilute nitric acid, the proportion being chosen so that every litre of solution contained as exactly as possible 17 grms. of nitrate and 20 c.c. of nitric acid of 1 '4 sp. gr. To ascertain the exact titre, equal volumes (50 c.c.t each at first ; 100 c.c.t for the final tests) of the silver and of the chloride of potassium solutions were measured out, mixed, and weighed at the same time ; the mixture shaken, allowed to settle, and the excess of silver titrated by means of centesi- mal solutions of silver and sulphocyanate of ammonium as above explained. When the chlorine happened to predominate, this was easily set right by neutralising the sulpho- cyanate added by its exact equivalent of silver, pouring the liquor back on the chloride in the precipitation phial, adding a sufficiency of measured silver for the chlorine and beginning de novo. We always took care at first to keep the silver solution a little above its intended standard, so that the correction could be effected by adding the calculated amount of water to the stock in the carboy. When the solution was as nearly as possible volumetrically correct, the exact titre was again determined three or four times, the ice igh £ - e qu i v al e n t calculated, and this number used subsequently for the calculation of the exact proportion of chlorine in the sea-water analysed. To give an example, I may state that for a supply of solution which served for about half of all the chlorine determinations made,| the equivalent was 1024'24 grms. ( = very nearly 1000 c.c.), so that the number (y) § of grms. of chlorine per kilo, of sea- water analysed followed from the computation of — Sx 3-546x1000 X - 1024-24 x W where S means the weight of (corrected) silver-solution found equivalent to W grms. of sea-water. In no case was such a solution actually used before the correctness of its titre was confirmed by the analysis of exactly weighed samples of pure (dry) chloride of potassium or sodium. Tice Deci-normal Solution of Sulphocyanate was prepared from pure ammonium salt, and adjusted by means of the standard silver. After some experience we found it con- * Meaning the capacity of the (fairly correct) litre-flask used. t Measured in the same pipette. J A very large number of samples of water were analysed for chlorine only apart from those “ completely analysed. § I may here state, once for all, that this symbol (x) is used consistently throughout my memoir to signify grnu. of halogen, calculated as chlorine, in 1000 grms. of sea-wTater.” r, THE VOYAGE OF 101.6. CHALLENGER. • - , uj, • j ,*\ 7 iorn\ . ,i r . illy. Supposing we add a slight excess of nitrate of silver to a given solution of id.-, . : ’id then (in the presence of iron alum) exactly neutralise the excess of silver dph" ■ v . i u a t < i of ammonium, another drop of this solution will produce ferric sulplio- \ tn , but the ■ .lour cannot be seen distinctly before the precipitate has to some extent •• .nd hefor- it has done so the ferric sulphocyanate will have been decomposed by in - t « ld<»ride of silver present (Fe(NCS)34- 3AgCl = 3AgNCS + FeCl3) ; in fact part "f the (NCS)NH, adi led will act directly upon the AgCl instead of on the AgN03. \: • will on until an appreciable excess of NCS has been added, so that the . .... -a : vi\ ■ - the settling process. If I am right thus far the remedy would appear to Aid a considerable excess of nitrate of silver from the first, so that, before the ■nit of the reaction comes on, there is enough of (NCS)Ag in the precipitate to • :!■ i 11\ i -mbit the reaction above formulated; in this fashion: 3AgNCS + FeCls = 3AgCl + Fc(NCS)8. This condition (according to a series of incidental observations made) . . • ■ fulfilled wh* n, for about 25 c.c. of decimal silver-solution needed, 4-5 extra c.c. v added to be titrated by the sulphocyanate solution. As the preliminary * i it i* .»i - were effected only for our own guidance, 1 did not find it worth while t; limit, ly into the matter by a series of systematic experiments. Having • ii ; ml-, r of chlorine titrations, both by the original Volhard process and in* life it ion of the -iimc, I, of course, came into possession of extensive ■ • ’ ' * tic < i : •! which the former gave in our hands; but, useful as these • \j- n * - v.* p t.. u , tie ir reproduction in this place could serve no useful purpose. \ • f • .act chlorine determinations had been made and booked for r • r* t._\ i. "*111* im id* ii tal observations made in the laboratory shook my faith in • ”1 * t uncomfortable manner. In endeavouring by its means to EE POET ON THE: COMPOSITION OF OCEAXAVATEK. ;7 determine the. halogen ip certain opganiq. bromine compounds, (by' combustion with lime or tri-sodic phosphate'"), we obtained veryainsatisfgc^or^ re^plt^, showng that in .the presence of large quantities of pyro-phosphoric acid, or even of nitrate of lime, the titration by sulphocyanate solution could not be relied on. About the same time my friend Pro- fessor Crum Brown informed me that the well-known colour of ferric sulphocyanate was destroyed by large quantities of magnesia salts. I therefore instituted a series of experiments in order to see to what extent our determinations of chlorine in sea-water must be assumed to have been vitiated by the presence in the water of magnesia and lime salts. The following two standard solutions were prepared : — 1. 15 '65 grms. of pure chloride of sodium were dissolved in water and diluted to (“ 250 c.c.” =) 26P21 grms. One grm. of solution contained 59‘91 mgrms. of chloride of sodium. 2. 10 ’5 5 grms. of crystallised sulphate of magnesium and potassium (MgK2S2086H20) were dissolved in water, and 0‘58 grm. of pure carbonate of lime dissolved in dilute nitric acid, the two solutions mixed and diluted to 1 litre. One-half c.c. of solution 1 and two c.c. of solution 2 form a fair equivalent, in respect of contents in chlorine, lime, and magnesia, to 1 c.c. of sea- water. 310‘4 mgrms. of sodium chloride (in the shape of solution 1) were titrated by Yolhard’s method. The resulting mixture was now mixed with 40 c.c. of solution 2, i.e., with about twice the quantity of lime and magnesia which, in sea-water, is associated with 310 mgrms. of chloride of sodium, a little extra silver added, and the point of saturation again determined by the method of repetition. Sodium chloride found in solution 1 alone, . 310'0 After addition of solution 2, ... . 309 -88 In the following series of experiments the impurities were added to the original salt- solution before addition of the nitrate of silver. The same salt-solution and the same silver-solution (both approximately deci-normal) were used in the four analyses. Analysis (1) (2) (3) (4) 50 c.c. of Salt, weighing 1ST = . 50-274 grms. 50'260 grms. 50-265 grms. 50"263 grms. = 1ST. Lime as nitrate = . .0 5?. 0 „ 28 mgrms. 28 mgrms. Magnesia as sulphate = . .0 ?? o 100 „ 100 „ Excess of deci-normal silver-solution | found by titration = . . / 5? 0-413 „ 0'442 grms. 0’435 grms. Corrected silver- solution in grms. = S = 5L405 V 51-387 „ 51-399 „ 51-387 „ =S S-N = . . . • 1-131 ?? 1-127 „ 1-134 „ 1-124 „ As a matter of arithmetic these values S — N may be assumed as holding for the * How we came to use the latter reagent is of no consequence here; it will perhaps be explained in a special memoir. . " 8 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. .11 I.f the values of N which is = 50'265 grms. The mean value for S — N is 1T29. For the deviations from the mean we have — (1) (2) (3) (4) + 0002 -0002 +0005 -0005 i - . at mast .., = 0 0001 of the most probable value. T - dews that my apprehensions, as far as my sea-water analyses were concerned, n ' foundation. At a subsequent date I resumed the question from a more general •, and found that there are a number of theoretically unobjectionable salts . it. of m.igm sia, alkaline phosphate (even ortho-phosphate), nitrate of lime, alkaline rat- t, which, when present in large quantities in a chloride solution obscure the final • . - in Vuillard's titration-process to such an extent as to render it useless. But even . :i.. i-. '. if the proportion of the impurities does not exceed certain limits, their • « m 1..- compensated by the addition of a very large proportion of iron alum. The !-, which would be out of place here, will be published in a separate memoir. Determination of the Sulphuric Acid. T . following method was rigorously adhered to : — •. f tie sea-water were weiyhed, mixed with 5 c.c. of a chloride of barium solu- ut lining . Bout ] Ba] mgrms. per c.c., and 2 c.c. of 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid ; n. \tur- w heated on a water bath, and then allowed to stand over night. The pre- • ■ •!:■ t. 1 on a Swedish filter, washed first with very dilute hot hydrochloric . ■ i • : i vi-’i le»t water, ignited in a platinum crucible, and weighed. Each series •••!■!!. In iti*«ns was controlled by a “ blank '’ with 20 c.c. of pure water instead of • r. m l tie- - nin- quantities of reagents as were used for the latter, and the filter- a fin nut- ti :■ •• of Ba.SO, subtracted from each of the precipitates as a correction. I •• !y r- fi lin' d from any purification of the sulphate of baryta, being afraid that . i lb!* lo.--.i-- involved in any such process would be greater than the impurities in the crude precipitate. \ i !’!■ number of determinations had been thus made, when a doubt arose t > tie eonvcl nens of my judgment in regard to the point just touched upon, I : m.i'h tin- following synthetical cxjierimcnts : — A kind of artificial sea- • ' pi- 1 i d l»v dissolving 1 '02 grms. of pure lime (CaO) and 3'3 grms. of '» (M in 20 c.c. of normal hydrochloric acid (1 c:c. = [HCl] = 36'5 mgrms.), d: j i , .' ' j.« "lution of 42 grms. of pure chloride of sodium, and diluting to •- 1 4 • '-V' q i< • for the 75 c.c. of standard sulphuric acid to be added in the trail*. ' ' dphuric acid used had been prepared shortly before (for other * n /irding th«> [.rei«ralibti of f-ure magneiiia, see lelow, p. 1G. REPOET ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 9 purposes), and by a series of very careful titrations had been found to saturate 53 grms. of pure carbonate of soda (Na2C03) per 1028 ’9 grms. 4’6 c.c. of such acid were weighed, diluted to 80 c.c. with water, and precipitated by addition of 20 c.c. of the chloride of barium solution and 5 c.c. of 20 per cent, hydro- chloric acid, the modus operandi being in strict accordance with the one followed in the analysis of the Challenger samples. The results were as follows : — I. II. Weight of acid, ..... 4-7663 4-7465 Weight of barium sulphate corrected for filter-ash, . 05437 05420 Weight of sulphur tri-oxide per 5 grms. of standard acid, 0T9582 0T9600 Mean, . . . 0-19583 By titration with sodium carbonate, 0T9438 The difference, 1'5 mgrms. = 0"0075 of the quantity to be determined, is very small, and, besides, lies in the right direction, because the acid must be presumed to have con- tained at least traces of alkaline sulphates. In the following trials 4 -6 c.c. of standard acid in each case were weighed, diluted to 80 c.c. with artificial sea- water, and the precipitation of the sulphuric acid effected in exactly the same way as before. Three blank experiments with 80 c.c. of “ sea-water,” gave only 1'2, 1 2, and 1"8 mgrms. for the amount of barium sulphate + ash ; I adopted the value 1*2 mgrms. Eleven trials with known weights, each equal to about 5 grms. of acid, diffused throughout 80 c.c. of “ sea-water” gave for the amount of Sulphur tri-oxide per 5 grms. of standard acid ( allowing for blank) 0-19600, 0-19583, 0-19569, 0-19586, 0-19695, 0*19624, 0-19662, 0-19689, 0-19629, 0-19538, 0-19612. Mean, ........ 0-19617 By analysis of the pure acid, ...... 0T9583 Excess, ....... 0-00034 The individual sulphates of baryta in the Challenger analyses amounted to about 135 mgrms. each; the correction, therefore, would amount to about — 0"2 mgrm., i.e., to little, if at all, more than the possible error in the ojDeration of weighing. I accordingly allowed the weights of sulphate of baryta, obtained as above explained, to stand wwcorrected for foreign salts carried down. Determination of the Lime and Magnesia. 40 c.c. of sea- water were measured off and weighed. They were mixed with 0"5 c.c. of 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid, and boiled to expel the carbonic acid. After cooling there were added — first, 5 c.c. of 10 per cent, ammonia, then 15 c.c. of an oxalate of (PIIYS. CHEM. CHALL, EXP. PART I. 1884.) A 2 III. 4 ‘7445 grms. 0-5409 ,, 0-19569 „ 10 the voyage of h.m.s. challenger. iinm-'iii solution, of which 1 c.c. corresponded to 14 mgrms. of lime. The mixture was l! a. .1 i.. -t and -•■/■ d i- lim-. Phis lime was redissolved and reprecipitated as oxalate, the latter converted into lime and weighed. Residts. 1. Crude precipitate taken, . . , 0-4062 grms. 2 Line-, CaO, fiwt precipitation, . . 0-3768 „ = 92'76 per cent, of (1) 3 „ second „ ... 0-3746 ,, = 92-21 per cent, of (1) I t !tnt- from (2) was evaporated to dryness, the ammonia salts burned off, the r . lm r- dissolved, and the magnesia separated out as ammonio-phosphate. The -U u t- determined in an aliquot part of the same filtrate. hound in 100 “parts of Crude Lime , including the Filter-aslies. 1’ure lime, CaO, . . . . .92-21 Magnesia, ..... 2-34 Carbonate of soda, Na,COit .... 5-12 Alumina, silica, dec., and error, .... 0*33 10000 T sk i.j L X- m-aning the weight of “ CaO + filter- ash,” and M as the weight of the ■MgDuna calculated from the !i fi--- pyr->pliospliatc obtained in a given analysis, the REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 11 corrected values I/ = 0*922lL and Mf = M. + 0'0234L should come nearer the truth than L and M. These corrections accordingly were applied to the second series of analyses. When the third series of (26) samples came to hand, I might have applied the same formulae ; but as I had some doubts about the perfect soundness of the work upon which they were based, I preferred to analyse the collected precipitates again, including this time the pyrophosphates of magnesia. As a result I found in The Crude Lime Precipitate, including Filter-ash. I. II. III. lime, CaO, ..... 91-58 91-21 91-23 Silica, Alumina, Ferric oxide, Si09, A1203, Fe203, 1-35 1-72 2-02 Magnesia, MgOs, .... 2-18 2-11 2-34 Potassium carbonate, K2C03, . 0-65 0-53 0-28 Sodium carbonate, Na2C03, 5-26 5-96 5-92 101-02 101-53 101-79 The excess over 100 per cent, is partly due to the fact that the carbonic acid in the alkaline carbonates was only calculated from the potash and soda, as determined by the platinum process. The “ lime ” in each of the three analyses was redissolved in hydrochloric acid, reprecipitated as oxalate, reduced to lime, and weighed in this purified condition. Calculating from this latter weight, the percentages come down to I. II. III. Pure lime, . . 9097 90-92 90-95 With regard to the pyrophosphate of magnesia, I could not see my way towards an actual method of analysis sufficiently simple and precise to promise results worthy of serving as a basis for a correction formula. I therefore satisfied myself with merely dissolving a known weight of (mixed and re-ignited) substance in pure concentrated vitriol, main- taining a temperature somewhat below boiling for three or four hours, diluting, filtering off a minute precipitate, and reprecipitating with ammonia and a little phosphate of ammonia. The ignited precipitate was weighed as presumably purified pyrophosphate. Of crude pyrophosphate 2*5106 grms. (including the filter-ash) were taken, and the sulphuric-acid solution made up to 251*45 grms. with water. Of this mixture aliquot parts were analysed with the following result : — Solution taken, ..... 51-729 51-735 51-734 51 -731 grms Magnesium pyrophosphate obtained, 0-5145 0-5133 0-5143 0-5133 „ Per cent, of “pure” magnesium pyrophosphate, 99-69 99-36 99-56 99-37 Mean, . 99-49 From the above analyses we see that the amounts of crude lime are liable to the correction (Crude lime) x 0*91 =pure lime. 12 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Th. crude pyrophosphate, as it gave only 99*49 (say 99-5) per cent of “pure” sub- • -h- >iiKl l • diminished by 0*5 per cent, and then be increased by the magnesia con- • d t!..' lira. . Now the quantities of lime averaged about 34 mgrms.; those of pyro- 34 x ’022 ►out 3 1 0 mgrms. : hence the correction should be = —-1*55-4 ^gg— = +0*53 ni jnu. I f it v. rv diffident about the validity of this slight correction, and at last decided fitting it. In the tabular statement of analytical results included in this publica- amounts of lime and magnesia are all corrected (or recorrected) according to this • it. no nt : the magnesia only for the filter-ash, the crude lime by multiplication by 0*91. Determination of the Potash. Tli i ~ o iv, me a great deal of trouble. The customary method, as applied to sea-water, : Id 1 .. . aft.-r (or perhaps without) elimination of the sulphuric acid, magnesia, and lime, • . , . j i \ rt alt the bases into chloroplatinates by evaporation with a large excess of chloride ]•! it ilium, and from the residue (which must contain the Na2PtCl6 in the hydrated form) t" 1; \ivi:ite out what is not chloroplatinate of potassium, either by means of aqueous .]■ h 1 (Fresenius), or by means of small instalments of chloride of platinum solution ( dning 5 per cent, of metal), followed by alcohol (Tatlock). I prefer Tatlock’s form • f tb.- process, a.s it is in a high degree independent of the presence of salts of lime and _• and of sulphates, and consequently directly applicable to sea-water. That this pp. - gives good results with anything that fairly falls within the heading of even ip “ potash salts,” is well enough proved, but I felt very diffident as to its giving a -ufti. ;• ntly close approximation in the case of sea-water, where the potash forms such . sin 11 proportion of the whole. My suspicions were confirmed by the following two t- ' vdy •• -, in which known weights of pure chloroplatinate of potassium, after being lv 1 in a solution containing about the same amount of chloride of sodium as the im of the former is associated with in sea-water, were recovered by Tatlock’s method : — (1) (2) Chloroplatinate of potassium taken, . 123 115 mgrms. Chloride of sodiain taken, . . 1350 1270 99 Metallic platinum in the precipitant used, . . 2500 2300 »> ( hloroplatinate of potassium recovered, . 108-2 102 O * 99 Loan, ..... 12 11 per cent. \ * • p It v. i-. obtained on the application of the method to an artificial sea-water • ; ip : * :.■• . dly from pure materials. Ten cubic centimetres of the “ sea-water ” ‘ yi* , 9*40 mgrms. of potash (K20), gave 41*8 mgrms. of chloroplatinate * to S 0G m.'rms. of potidi (K,/l). Loss =14 percent. These three test- REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 13 analyses were made before any analysis of sea-water was attempted. Let me at once add another experiment, made at a far later date, with specially purified chloride of platinum. A known weight of chloride of potassium equivalent to 5 2 -02 mgrms. of metallic platinum wTas dissolved in 50 cubic centimetres of potash -free artificial sea- water, prepared from absolutely potash-free materials, and evaporated down with a quantity of pure chloride of platinum, containing 3 *2 grms. of metal, to the consistence of a paste, from which the foreign chloroplatinates were washed away successively by a little water (forming a strong PtCl4 solution with the excess of reagent), 5 per cent, solution of platinum chloride, and lastly alcohol, — according to Tatlock’s directions. The cliloroplatinate of potassium obtained (dried at 105° C.), amounted to 107'9 mgrms. = 43'62 mgrms. of metal. This chloroplatinate, not presenting a perfectly normal appearance, was purified by redissolv- ing it in hot water, adding 1 cubic centimetre of chloride of platinum solution, containing 10 per cent, of metal, re-evaporating and again applying Tatlock’s washing process. The purified product weighed 101 '7 mgrms. = 41 T 8 mgrms. of metal. The filtrate from the original chloroplatinate was evaporated to dryness, reduced in hydrogen, the salts extracted with water, made into sulphates and worked up by Finkener’s process. ( See below.) Platinum obtained from the PtCl6K2=8'9 mgrms. Calculating the potash in terms of metallic platinum, we have : — (1) In purified precipitate, ..... 4148 mgrms. (2) Lost in purification, an unknown weight x, sure to be less than 244 ,, (3) From PtCl6K2 filtrate from the crude chloroplatinate, . 8-90 ,, Accounted for . 52-52 „ ( + £-244) Due, . . 52-02 „ Even the unpurified precipitate (1) represents only 83'85 per cent, of the potash to be determined. Seeing that the customary process even in its most exact form, would not work, I thought I should give a trial to that ingenious modification of the platinum process which was invented some years ago by Finkener,* the more so as this process, far more readily than the old one, lends itself to the laying down of a hard and fast sequence of operations, which, although it may fail to ensure perfect precision, was certain (I thought) to give at least constant results, susceptible in the worst case of subsequent correction. For this purpose I brought the process into the following form : — Measure off 50 c.c. of sea-water, and after having determined its weight, evaporate with sulphuric acid ( vide infra under “Soda,”) and ignite the residue to convert all the bases into normal sulphates. Dissolve these in 10 to 20 c.c. of water, filter, add excess of chloride of platinum, i.e., more than It? [PtCl*.] per 1 [K2S04], evaporate to a very small volume, allow to cool, and add, first 10 volumes of absolute alcohol, and then 5 volumes of ether. After some hours’ standing wash * Poggendorff, Annalen, vol. cxxi. p. 637, et seq. ; also Handbueh der analytischen Chemie von H. Rose, 6th ed. by R. Finkener, vol. ii. p. 929. 14 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. the precipitate (a mixture of chloroplatixiate of potassium and sulphates) with ether-alcohol < l \ In:. ■ f .ili uln»l+ ! volume of ether), — decanting through a filter, — then dry the pre- . } i;it . .tii.l r lm • it in the porcelain basin in which it has been produced, by placing a funnel over it, passing hydrogen in by the stem, and heating to about 300°C. From . it nu-t what is not metallic platinum (1) by water, and (2) by hydrochloric ollect the metal on a filter, ignite and weigh. The weight multiplied by 0*4747 m ght of the potash (K90) contained in the water. The method, when applied tii. synthetically prepared sea-water above referred t". gave the following results : — Water taken. Grins. (1) 21-28 (2) 53-27 Potnanded by synthesis, Platinum obtained. Mgrms. 38-6 94-7 Potash found per 1000 parts. 0-861 0-844 0-879 I -• r> suits, although not what I could have wished them to be, contrasted favourably ’ h tl ■ - previously obtained by the ordinary method, and encouraged me to enter up '» a systematic series of test analyses, chiefly with the view of obtaining a higher degree 1 pr« < i-ion by a greater familiarity with the modus operandi. Known weights of the pur< sulph it< - "f potash and soda were weighed out, dissolved in water and wrought accord- ii- t<> ti modified form of Finkener’s method. The results are given in the following table, in which the unit of weight is the milligramme : — © © Taken of Obtained. PoUaciam »ulplute. Sodium gulp hate. plathnun. corresponding to Potassium sulphate. <») A’iV. 500 24 2-1 (2) 562-0 Nil. 63G-5 562-2 (3) 406-8 1000 449-2 397-0 (4) 521-0 500 589-6 520-7 <5) 418-5 1000 471-4 416-4 (6) 399-2 1000 450-5 397-9 Att. r tie . \p. rim* nts, 1 felt sure that the method when applied to sea-waters, with die n m o to the method once laid down, would at anyrate give fairly constant r *1n, i < ept ibl<- of .-ubsequent correction, and sure to be closer approximations to the J-1* ’ h m < * add have been obtained by any other known process. The method, accord- : 1 1 i) ple d t<. tie- first series of waters as above explained. The results, however, ' • / • ; . . 1 1 1 thou -quoted niMiveie first trials (with synthetical sea- water), were not : ’ <•' ‘ tie v would necc-sarily have la-en if they had been affected by only accidental :r r I •' r. f .r< wle-n the second ■ riesof waters came to hand, J caused Mr. W. G. Jolm- •f"n- ' ’*e niy i - -it . mts, to try experimentally wlu-t her the substitution, for the adopted i r i r ‘ } . iii< ehloride (I*t('l4), of another proportion, or the use of chloroplatinate • 4 : 'bum or lPiiium, would ensure greater constancy in the results. The results of these "■ ih ar* o,\. n in th« following table, for the interpretation of which it is only necessary to REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OP OCEAN-WATER. 15 say that-, in all cases, the solution analysed included 3-25 grms. of pure Na2S04 and 0-639 grm. of pure MgS04, i.e., the quantities of these salts contained in the sulphates from about 100 c.c. of sea-water. For experiments 1 to 5 the ordinary “ pure ” preparations were used, as kept in stock for analytical work generally ; for the rest of the experiments the sulphates were specially prepared, so as to ensure the absence from them of every trace of potash ; the soda salt from recrystallised bicarbonate and pure sulphuric acid ; the magnesia salt as follows : — The double salt Mg(NH4)2(C03)2 + 4H20 was prepared from “ pure ” sulphate of magnesia by precipitation with a large excess of neutral carbonate of ammonia, the precipitate washed thoroughly with the reagent, until sure to be free from mother-liquor, and then ignited so as to reduce it to magnesia. Weighed quantities of this No. The Precipitant contained 10 per cent, of Metal, as — Obtained Mgrms. of Used Mgrms. of K„0. PtCl4 or PtCl6H2. PtCl6Na2. PtCl6Li2. Pt k2o. 1 ... 2 c.c. 3-8 1-8 o-o 2 2 c.c. 2-45 1-16 0 3 2 c.c. 99D5 47-01 45-37 4 2 c.c. 96-55 45-81 46-08 5 Lo st. 6 2 c.c. 3-6 1-71 o-o 7 2 c.c. 3-2 1-49 o-o 8 IT c.c. Lc st. 9 IT c.c. 96-1 45-5 46-3 10 1-5 c.c. 96-8 45-93 46-77 11 T5 c.c. 97-1 46-08 46-77 12 2D c.c. 96-4 44-75 45-7 13 2D c.c. 94-3 45-75 46-57 14 3‘0 c.c. 96-1 45-6 46-2 15 3D c.c. 97-6 46-33 46-56 16 ... 2 c.c. 3-3 1-56 o-o 17 ... 2 c.c. 4-5 2-13 o-o 18 2 c.c. 99-1 46-94 46-16 It) the voyage of h.m.s. challenger. w , 1 is-. »1 \ ' '1 in the.* calculated volume of standard sulphuric acid. In experi- s to 15 a mixture of chloride of platinum solution with standard hydrochloric acid, . • 1 - ■ to r< present a solution of chloroplatinic acid (PtCl6H2) was used instead of simple platinic chloride (PtCl4). A :i t this table shows that although pure unmixed sulphate of soda always gave . pi. a mum c t r. ipt of the third (and last) instalment of waters, we renewed our attempts to • up n «»ur process of potash determination, and this time succeeded at once in - a source of error which had so far escaped our notice. It consists in this, that • d platinum obtained from the mixture of sulphates and chloroplatinate of ■ i"iain by hydrogen, under circumstances which I did not succeed in defining, is itly Table in dilute hydrochloric acid. The remedy is easy. The hydrochloric acid ■ en u 1 for washing, must be treated with sulphuretted hydrogen, and the pit ite ( i ft • r snrac hours’ standing) be collected and ignited along with the bulk of 1 • num. This modification was, of course, at once adopted. At first I thought it ibly ii"t platinum itself, but some impurity in the reagent which dissolved in • ld'-rie a> id ; but this proved ;i mistake. Absolutely pure chloride of platinum, i fi >m e < ' i n mere i ally pure metal by Schneider’s method (which removes even the . p! ttinum metals), yielded a metal which behaved to hydrochloric acid in the same manner as the metal from the ordinary “pure” reagent had done. The •ion of the acid on the reduced platinum is checked in a marked degree, though pi' vent ■ d, by the addition to the acid of strong sulphuretted hydrogen water, t ulplmrctted acid we often obtained filtrates absolutely free from platinum. !• applying the modified process to the samples of water, it was examined by means of test analyses. I' p tudi-fre. chloride of sodium was made from recrystallised bicarbonate by ' h\ droehloric acid, the solution being evaporated until about one-half of '• ; i ' ry*t illi*. il out of the hot liquor. The crystalline deposit was washed with * ‘ ■ "f hot w iter until it was sure to be free from the mother-liquor, and ignited gently in platinum. 1’ ■ prepared from the double stilt Mg(NH4)2(C03)24H20 (derived dphat- i. _ ;,it' 1 and effectually freed from a trace of sulphuric acid, still REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN -WATER. 17 present in it, by repeated digestion in hot neutral carbonate of ammonia and re-ignition. From these materials and pure carbonate of lime a kind of sea- water free from potash was prepared, and 100 c.c. of it taken for each trial. Two blank experiments gave 0'8 and l'O mgrm. of platinum. In the analyses of mixtures of artificial sea-water with weighed chloride of potassium the following results were obtained : — I. II. III. IV. V. Mgrms. of platinum due, 12-2 26-3 49-6 97-6 103-0 Mgrms. of platinum found, 14-0 28-4 51 T 96-7 102-1 One hundred mgrms. is about the weight of platinum due from 100 c.c. of natural sea-wrater. Hence the platinum obtained, according to IV. and V., should be liable to a positive correction of about 0’9 mgrm. = to about 0'5 mgrm. of potash. But considering the general evidence of these (and preceding) trials, I thought I had better simply accept the results of the analyses as probably correct to within ±1 per cent, of their value. For the reduction of platinum to potash the same atomic weights Pt=198, K = 39, were used as in all the previous analyses, although, according to a research lately pub- lished by Seubert, the atomic weight of platinum is more nearly equal to 195’0, whence K 0 -=J— = 0'48353. Recalculating trials IV. and Y. with this new factor we have — IV. V. Platinum due, 96-1 101-4 Platinum found, . 96-7 102-1 Error, + 0-6 + 0-7 Instead of, -0-9 -0-9 I thought I had better adhere to the old factor, and did so. Determination of the Soda. To this item in my analysis I paid special attention, because I hoped by the exact determination of all the salt radicals in my sea- waters to be able to settle finally the important question whether carbonate of lime really exists as such in sea-water. This question has, I believe, been looked at from an erroneous standpoint by some of the chemists interested in it. There have been attempts, for instance, to separate out car- bonate of lime directly from sea- water by boiling or by evaporation to dryness and re-solu- tion. Neither method could give an absolutely decisive result, because the carbonate of lime, supposing it to be obtained, especially in the latter process, might have been formed in consequence of the decomposition of the chloride of magnesium, and elimination of the (PHYS. CHEV. CHALL. EXP. — PART I. — 1884.) A 3 IS THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. \ : . 1 1 1. >ri . ■ ciil with the steam. The base thus liberated should certainly con- sist partly of lime, and this lime might have combined with the free carbonic acid of r f the atmosphere. The question, I thought, and still think, is answered in the affirmative, as * it is proved that, in sea-water, the number of equivalents - givater than the number of equivalents of sulphuric and muriatic ther. Supposing the existence of an excess of base to be proved, that - mint • • nsi.-t of carhoiiatrs, and these must include carbonate of lime. A more direct solution of the problem is simply impossible in the present state of science. 11 thing 1 felt convinced of from the first, namely, that the routine method adopted in mineral salt anal} .. the elimination of the lime and magnesia, and subsequent joint * I' el -»f soda and potash as sulphates or muriates, would never give sufficiently u Hut I thought 1 might attain my object by an exact determination of the ' ‘ - dt< (in* aniug the sum total of S08, Cl2, Na20, K20, CaO, MgO, minus Oxygen- equi ’• • of the chlorine), and caused Mr. .Johnston to try a number of methods which 1 I worked out for the purpose. Unfortunately the total salts in sea- water cannot be determined by mere evaporation to dryness and weighing of the dried residue, on unit of the instability of tin* chloride of magnesium in the presence of water at high *• mj» r.»tur< -. To prevent this dissociation — or as one might call it “loss of anhydrous muriatic acid " (C1SH2— H20 = C12 — 0) — we tried successively, with synthetically prepared solutions, the addition of weighed quantities of normal chromate of potash, tri-sodic 1’ ; • • * 1 1 • , nd oxide of mercury ; hut we never succeeded in obtaining sufficiently m • nt r Milt-. As a last resource, and for obtaining at least an apology for the we att* mpted a determination of the total bases as sulphates, and, without ■ " "bt lined Mirprisingly constant results. The modus operand! adopted was as follows : — ^ fax mixed with rather less than the calculated volume ’■ - -t nidanl -olution of sulphuric acid, and next evaporated to dryness, first on a water-hat h, then on an air-bath, in a platinum basin pro- vided with a perforated lid; the perforation being more than shielded by a circular platinum plate welded on to the under side of the lid, as shown by the figure (fig. 1). After the last trace of acid had been expelled at a dull red heat, over a naked flame and with the help of an rM. I. — Sactioa of PUUaui flsrfn 1 auxiliary flame playing on a piece of platinum foil laid the r« -idm was weighed. A lit tip more vitriol was then added, and * * ; I the appearance of heavy sulphuric acid vapours, and sub- v of the weight after repeated exposure to dull redness, proved ** '1 f - < 1. .in. ily n ; tint in the lout series increased it to 20 c.c. I do not lW>k UmI ifc* ' Lug* add'-l much to tbe precision. . REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 19 the reaction to be accomplished. During the first dozen or so of determinations, the perfect neutrality of the residue was ascertained by solution in water and application of litmus paper ; but we soon became convinced that the balance alone afforded a sufficient test. Special experiments with pure substances having shown that sulphate of magnesia, when diffused throughout a large mass of sulphate of soda, remains unaltered at tempera- tures at which the salt by itself would lose acid, we began to allow a somewhat higher temperature in the ignitions, and thus saved a good deal of time. Before the process was applied to the Challenger specimens, it was tested by means of synthetically prepared artificial “ sea-water.” In this water (which was far more con- centrated than any natural sea- water) the “ total sulphates,” as calculated from the synthesis, happened to come to exactly 10 per cent, of the weight of the water. (1) (2) (3) * Water taken, in grms, . . 3-276 10'614 3-259 “ Total Sulphates ” found, in grins, . 03271 1 ’0633 0-3256 In the sulphates from (1) and (2) the sulphuric acid was determined by precipitation with chloride of barium. (1) (2) Barium sulphate obtained, 0-5476 1-8058 Sulphur trioxide found, 0-1880 0-6199 Sulphur trioxide demanded by synthesis, 0-1914 0-6200 Supposing the corresponding determination to have been made for an otherwise analysed sea- water, the quantity of sulphur trioxide found divided by 80 should give the number of equivalents of base present, and its excess over the sum of the numbers of molecules of sulphur trioxide and chlorine should furnish in a very direct way a value for the “alkalinity” of the water. Unfortunately the baryta process is accompanied by too many sources of error and uncertainty to be safely available for this purpose. For a time I hoped to be able to give it a higher degree of precision, by precipitating a large weight of specially prepared total sulphates with a small excess of standard chloride of barium, and determining the small weight of baryta in the filtrate gravimetrically ; but a number of test experiments, made with mixtures synthetically prepared from known weights of pure sulphate of soda and pure magnesia, did not exhibit the extra high degree of precision for which I had hoped. I therefore returned to the original idea of basing the calculation of the soda on the weight of the total sulphates themselves. To give an example, I extract from my preliminary investigations the calculation of “Water 924. ”t The quantity of lime was left uncorrected. * Chlorine was sought for in the sulphates but not found. t Laboratory number 45. THK VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 20 Found in 1000 Ginns, of Water. Liiuc, Magnesia, I'otash, . Total sulphates, Sodium sulphate (Xa4S04), Soda, 0 655 = 1-591 of CaS04 = 0-01170 x [CaO] grnis. 2156 = 6-168 MgS04 = 0-05390 x [MgO] „ 0-458 = 0-848 K2S04 = 0-00487 x [K20] „ Total 8-9U7 . 41-634 . 32-728* 14-289= 0-23050 x [Na20] „ Total 0-30097 x [K"0] = b x [R"0] Sulphuric acid, Chlorine, 2-228 0-0279 x [SO./] 19-201 0-2707 x[Cl2] Total 0-2986 x X" = a x [S04 or Cl2] Alkalinity =b — o =0*0024, corresponding to 0‘0024 x [CaC03] grms. = 0*24 grm. of mate of lime, we should say, if we had a right to assume that all the excess of base f.und is carbonate of lime, which, of course, we have not. Tii' oxvgen equivalent of the chlorine found is .[9-L x 19-201 = 4'32G; deducting this tin- sum of acids and bases, we have, for the “ total salts ” 34‘GGl grms. (per kilo, of seawater). Atomic weights used: Cl= 35*46, Na= 23, K = 39,+ Ca=40, Mg=24, S = 32 (standard : 0= 16). My tir-t -■ t of (21) soa-watcr analyses, which were reported in August 1879, all gave : dtivc value for the “alkalinity” b — a. Taking 0'00001 = 1, and excluding one ptionally high result ( = 0 00011), 1 found for b — a, Maximum value, Minimum value, ± 259 — (/; — o)] = 0 to 40, occurred 8, 1,5 \ mean of the 20 values = 259. 103 ) 41 to 80, 81 to 120, 121 to 194, 3, 2, 7 times. 1 t -ok c m at the time not to draw any far-reaching conclusions from these results. I d< • med it quite j»<». oh1 that the positive values found for all the values b — a _• t I-- owing t" some constant error in one or other of my analytical methods; and I • : 'p tried hard to obtain direct evidence of the existence of carbonates ( i.e ., bases, t -n -dpliate- or chlorides) in the waters. These experiments fill a good many m my Laboratory Journal ; but as, subsequently, the problem was solved in an ■■ lly imjT manner by the chemists of the Norwegian North Atlantic i. . :.* >n (v.’ir. method I found perfectly valid), 1 satisfy myself with briefly indirating the prim-iples of my methods. • Tb* rakuUn.n* originally were carried to four decimal-place*. • ' • ' i i» h/t' u»‘ unit'd in the following table (pp. 23 and 24), whose headings require ii" explanation, < ccept the statements that 1 1 1< • numbers in the last column are the • i • i i : i 1 >. r • at;. idl'd to the n-q-ertivc spedmens by me for readier identification, l* in' m- t h» d< j'tli of the s' -a at the place where the sample of water was taken, v. . 8 d* -ignat' - th< depth (in most eases less) from which the sample came. The - o. I’, und r h m-ans that the water was obtained from the bottom. Why the i ’■ * ’ d j »1 1 1 1 ri - add, and only they, besides being given in terras of total - dts = 100, wen alw r • duced to chloriue= 1, is explained on page 29. A = const. + 0 «0(1- 0 0043) 100 /0 . 62 + 91 56 ’ whence 00043 9 nn — lTr- — 24‘38/q > A0— A= -/0x 0*000 075, or, as /0 is about *58 grm. per kilo. A0 = A — 0*000044. or, in terms of /0, S0 — 8 = 0*00593/0 = 0*0034. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER, 23 Table I. Showing the quantities of the Principal Saline Components present in a series of Challenger Samples. Per 100 grs. of total Salts. 6 • Challengei Number. Date. ! § 1 Latitude. Longitude D. 8. Sea Water. Chlo- rine. S03. CaO. MgO. K,0. Na20. £j> •9 £ 'a < * Sulphuric per 1 grin, Chlorim Laboratory Number. 4 1873. Feb. 17 2 25°52'N ] 9°14' W 1945 B 2855-3 55-433 6-465 1-728 6-253 1-340 41-290 172 •11663 203 10 99 21 5 24°20' N 24°28' W 2740 B 2695-7 55-376 6-419 1-701 6-217 1-340 41-438 252 •11592 206 19 99 26 9 23°23' N 35°10' W 3150 B 2798 0 55-437 6-405 1-696 6-251 1-329 41-390 231 •11554 213 21 „ 28 10 23°10' N 38;42' W 2720 B 2707-4 55-514 6-460 1-727 6-197 1-337 41-290 89 •11637 214 22 99 28 10 23°10'N 38°42' W 2720 0 2632-1 55-356 6-415 1-730 6-185 1-338 41-464 290 •11589 215 30 Mar. 3 12 21°57'N 43°29' W 2025 B 2824-2 55-440 6-422 1-717 6-151 1-327 41-452 180 •11584 220 31 99 3 12 21°57'N 43J29' W 2025 0 2698-6 55-191 6-474 1-711 6-115 1-425 41-535 347 •11730 221 32 99 3 12 21°57' N 43°29' W 2025 400 2832-2 55-411 6-395 1-702 6-200 1-334 41-461 270 •11541 222 226 Aug. 23 104 2°25'N 20° 1' W 2500 B 2852-0 55-404 6-434 1-723 6-226 1-309 41-405 226 ■11613 243 240 Sept. 1 113 Off Fernando Noronha. 1010 B 2859-2 55-365 6-428 1-736 6-219 1-327 41-417 266 •11610 245 283 Oct. 6 131 29°35' S 28“ 9' W 2275 1000 287M 55-419 6-434 1-751 6-213 1-335 41-352 207 •11615 251 312 99 23 137 35°59' S 1°34' E 2550 B 2863-4 55-407 6-420 1-744 6-225 1-346 41-362 235 •11587 258 Dec. 19 143 36°48' S 19°24' E 1900 0 2800-3 55-579 6-368 1-585 6-227 1-325 41-457 122 •11457 93 99 19 143 36°48' S 19°24' E 1900 50 2825-5 55-514 6-405 1-639 6-213 1-370 41 -384 134 •11538 94 „ 19 143 36°48' S 19°24' E 1900 100 2840-3 55-518 6-419 1-653 6-209 1-324 41-404 126 ■11562 95 99 19 143 36°48' S 19°24' E 1900 200 2878-2 55-492 6-408 1-661 6-226 1-318 41-417 167 ■11548 96 99 19 143 36°48' S 19°24' E 1900 300 2896-9 55-544 6-411 1-637 6-173 1-289 41-477 102 ■11542 97 99 19 143 36°48' S 19°24' E 1900 400 2892-7 55-510 6-430 1-663 6-207 1-322 41-388 118 ■11583 98 99 19 143 36°48' S 19°24 E 1900 B 2864-6 55-487 6-371 1-613 6-193 1-295 41-559 198 ■11482 99 99 20 0 2806-6 55-496 6-389 1-622 6-203 1-319 41-492 176 •11513 100 „ 24 144 45°57' S 34°39' E 363 99 29 146 46°46' S 45°31' E 1375 B 2866-9 55-506 6-411 1-628 6-187 1-342 41-450 131 •11550 101 359 99 30 147 46°16' S 48°27' E 1600 B 2904-8 55-415 6-378 1-670 6-193 1-380 41-466 242 •11509 102 378 1874. Feb. 11 152 60°52' S 80°20' E 1260 B 2874-6 55-462 6-414 1-685 6-206 1-308 41-440 184 •11565 103 381 9 9 12 0 2955-7 55-445 6-396 1-682 6-165 1-301 41-521 200 •11536 104 384 99 14 153 65°42' S 79°49' E 1675 0 3027-5 55-467 6-364 1-689 6-176 1-356 41-461 201 •11473 105 383 99 14 153 65°42' S 79°49' E 1675 B 2873-2 55-387 6-396 1-690 6-212 1-276 41-536 280 •11548 106 386 99 16 0 3028-9 55-365 6-400 1-648 6-222 1-324 41-532 273 •11560 107 388 9 9 17 0 2968-3 55-302 6-433 1-650 6-202 1-306 41-583 300 •11632 108 390 9 9 19, 154 64°37' S 85°49' E 1800 0 2988-5 55-297 6-399 1-676 6-174 1-354 41-574 320 •11572 109 391 99 19 154 64°37' S 85°49' E 1800 50 2907-4 55-365 6-402 1-683 6-184 1-346 41-509 168 •11563 110 392 99 19 154 64°37' S 85°49' E 1800 140 2903-1 55-455 6-402 1-675 6-222 1-353 41-407 199 •11545 111 393 19 154 64°37' S 85°49' E 1800 300 2885-1 55-385 6-399 1-699 6-157 1-287 41-567 25S ■11554 112 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER •24 1 I l’er 100 grms. of total Salts. O o> O ° AtaUrncer i .N'uabr*. Dale. (.Ititudc. Longitude. D. S. Sea Water. Ohio- line. so3. CaO. MgO. K„0. Na20. i ° .5 m I! o 2.2 "E i . *m } •. i r tli< results with Porch hammer’s, we must adopt Ins mode of stating them, that is with reference to 100 parts of chlorine. We then obtain: — Dittmar. Forchhaminer. Chlorine, ...... 100 100 Oxygen equivalent of the chlorine, (22-561) Sulphuric acid, ..... 11-576 11-88 Lime, ...... 3 053 293 Magnesia, ...... 11-212 11-03 Potash, ...... 2-405 1-93 Soda, ...... 74-760 not determined. “Total salts,”* ..... 180-445 181-1 It is |" rhaps as well to state that both with Forchhammer and myself “chlorine” i in- “ i«>t nl halogen calculated as chlorine ; ” the only difference being that lie weighed ; ii.ilo-j.-u i' haloid of silver, and from the weight calculated the “ chlorine ” as if the pr ■ pit ate had been pure chloride — using, as it seems from his paper, the ordinary i mil • i A_ 108, Cl 35f>, whereas I determined the total halogen by titration with iver olution, using Stas’s values, and multiplied the number of equivalents of halogen thu ' it ctly ascertained by Stas’s Cl = 35'4G. I may also state on this occasion that I ib'i ■' jueiitly found reason to correct my values for the lime and the soda and for the . ■ i ii ‘\ 1 1 d \ ■ a< ' "iding to certain districts of the ocean, and averaging the per- ** • : • hh’riic dplmric acid, &<•., for each group; but I did not arrive at satisfactory t' • r ' ' ' in- •:.» total nnd l>w« li< re r<- j*ort« <1 ; in Forclihaiutner’a the name phut his “Silica, &c.’’ (mm REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 27 results. Whether I took the waters from all depths, or those from considerable depths by themselves, or those from small depths by themselves, I failed to see any distinct relation between any of the percentages and geographical position. In order now to trace the influence of depth, I divided my 77 waters into three categories, irrespective of geographical position, according to the depths (S) from which they had been taken, namely, into I. “ Surface waters ,” from a depth of less than 100 fathoms. II. “ Medium waters” from depths varying from 100 to 1000 fathoms. III. “ Deep-sea waters,” from depths greater than 1000 fathoms. From these divisions I drew up a number of tables (one for each component except the soda, which was omitted as hopeless), which again classified the three categories of waters according to the magnitude of the numerical value found for the respective component. As an example, I give the table drawn up of the quantities of lime, in which the bracketed numbers refer to bottom waters. Columns II., ML, IV., V. state how many waters of the respective classes gave a value for the percentage of lime in the total salts lying within ±0 '00 5, of the number stated in column I. The Quantities of Lime. Approximate percentage of lime in the total salts. Depth, in Fathoms. 0-99. ' 100-1000. 1000 or more. All Depths. I. II. III. IV. V. 1-585 1 1 1-615 (lj 1-625 1 2 (1) 4 1-635 4 4 1-645 2 2 1-655 2 1 3 1-665 1 6 (3) 10 1-675 2 4 6 1-685 2 1 + (1) (3) 7 1-695 1 2 + (1) (2) 6 1-705 2 2 + (2) 6 1-715 i 1 1 + (5) 8 1-725 l 1 l + (7) 10 1-735 1 (2) 3 1-745 (1) (1) 1-755 1 1 1-765 i 1 1-805 l 1 1-815 i 1 1-825 (i) 1 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. N mr t.f tlu- tables showed any marked contrast between deep-sea waters on the one h i! d uid surface-waters or medium-depth waters on the other ; but this did not exclude 5 nihility ..f the data containing some hidden evidence of a relation between richness ■i , or other component and depth, which I thought might perhaps be brought to view d> U"ing each table in the light of the law of frequency of errors. Only, as the . .i d '■ r of surface-waters analysed was too small to accommodate themselves to this law, 1 ■: • d them in common with those from “ medium-depths ” as “ shallow waters, ^ and i r mimed each table into three diagrams, one for the whole set of 77 waters Iv -• 1. another for the 34 deep sea-waters, a third for the “ shallow ” waters. In each of - tie values in the first column of the table were laid down as abscissae, and the : 'Hiding numbers in the other columns as ordinates, in a system of rectangular : it-s, t h« • idea being that each series of points would suggest the probability-curve : i-’tcristic <»f the respective set of cases. I had no special anticipations regarding dt"_rive of definiteness in the expected suggestions, but I hoped that at least maxima of t he curves would be indicated clearly, and certainly more truth- tlian by mere mechanical calculating. Even in this, however, I was disappointed: ;r\ - had to be drawn in too arbitrary a fashion to be relied upon as offering objective h*m •<•. I accordingly omit the more or less indefinite indications which they furnished, ] mss on to give the results which I obtained subsequently by the ordinary arith- metical method. In the fallowing paragraphs x0 always stands for the arithmetical mean of the set of :.:". -ri< d values, .r, considered; n, for the number of the latter ; r, for the probable error of the single x as calculated by the formula r = 0 • 6 7 4 5 is/— ^ - p-- , while r0 signifies the probable error of the mean xQ, as calculated by the formula r0 = The Quantities of Chlorine. \ th« 77 values given in our table, the one for number 871 differs so much r. • ly from the mean than any of the rest, that, after some hesitation, I decided uj»on excluding it. / /• th> remaining 76 values we have x„ = 55-420 ; r= ±0-06 ; r0= iO'OOGO. 1 :>v dual c hlorine determinations as such, 1 feel sure, are not infected by a ! i rror than about ± 0*03 ; but the quantities of chlorine in the 77 reports, M * ! 5 ■ d by all tin- r< -t of tin- analytical determinations conjointly, could not be ’■n* rt ,in by less than ± 0‘0G ; and if it were not for a number of excep- f"r :r, .r registered, I should say the results on the whole are in lf’ tli- a sumption that, as a matter of natural law, the percentage of REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 29 chlorine in their salts is the same throughout the whole set of waters analysed. At any rate the irregularities are of the nature of accidental errors ; none of them can he fairly attributed to the influence of depth or geographical position. This impression is confirmed by the following table, in which the first column enumerates a series of multiples of the “probable error” r of the individual result, while the second column states in how many cases the difference x0 — x wras less than the respective value v x r. The third column states what this number should be, according to the law of the frequency of error : — Error under v x r. v= Number of Cases. Counted. Calculated. ±0-2 9 8-1 0-4 18 16-2 0-6 28 23-9 0-8 35 31-2 1-0 39 38 1*2 42 44 1-4 49 49-8 1-6 57 54-6 1-8 59 58-9 2-0 63 62-6 2-4 70 68-0 3-0 72 72-7 Error > 3 r. 4 3-3 Total, . 76 The Quantities of Sulphuric Acid. Next to those of chlorine, these rest upon the most precise determinations ; but to do justice to their precision, I thought I ought to recalculate them in terms of uh$|-weight of chlorine. I accordingly did so. The results are entered in the last column of the general table, pp. 23-24. In discussing these numbers I did not exclude the suspected case (Number 871), because I had not then made up my mind to reject it. As the SOg-quotient for it has no abnormal value, I did not consider it necessary to recalculate r and r0 for the 7 6 cases, which only, strictly speaking, come into consideration. Found for — a-c. All the 77 cases analysed, .... 0T1576 The 34 deep-sea waters, . . . 0T15 86 The 43 shallow waters, . . . 0T15 69 Value of x0 for the deep-sea minus that for the shallow waters, + O’OOO 17 r. r„. Not calculated. 0-000 44 0-000 08 0-000 34 0000 03 30 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. III. I, ■ >f ih 77 p. ro'iitages of sulphuric acid reported in the general table is based u[ u • 1 t-t two w -11 agreeing determinations, the mean of which was adopted as the in : ■! result. In each case the mean deviation of the individual result from the m m ina\ In taken as a guess at the probable error, and the mean of the 77 mean : v • us >hould be a fair approximation to the probable error of the individual per- . • i : ■ i_. - ..f sulphuric acid reported. I have calculated this general mean, and found it »±0'00026 per .r = O l 158. Adding on O’OOOOG for the influence of the uncertainty- in the chlorine determination, we have for the presumable analytical error the value Ax ±0 00032. which is not much below either of the calculated r’s, and is nearly double the did- pm. between the., of the “shallow” and the x0 of the deep-sea waters. Hence, although 1 find in my list of values for x— oj0 not a few which I could not well admit t-. fill u thin tie probable limits of analytical errors, there is no chance of tracinga relation bet w. . n this ./• and depth. Rut supposing the irregularities to be of the nature of acci- - Mai « Hoi ', they should be amenable to the law of frequency of error, and it should be possible to calculate the prob ability of the actual difference of 0*00017 between the x0 for t ; p o' • nel the ay for the shallow waters, being brought about by mere accident and i; ■' h\ tin .'xistciice of a law prescribing to the one x0 a higher value. Or to formulate t • qu- sti. hi in more definite terms. Supposing out of our 77 values for x we take 34 cases "t ■ / • /. ; we take their mean a^, and compare it with the mean xi3 of the rest. What - ih' probability that the difference x34—x43 amounts to 0‘0001 7 ? The treatises on the m-tlcl "I tin h ast squares, as far as my knowledge goes, do not give a formula that d For all the 77 cases analysed, 62145 not calculated. For the 34 deop-ooa waters, 6-222 0-019 0 0032 For the 43 shallow waters, \ sloe of for de<-p-#ea minus that for 6-209 0022 0-0033 •hallow w stem, + 0013 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 31 But 5 times the sum of the two values of r0 comes to 0*0325 ; even this difference might be accidental. The Quantities of Potash. (Taken in terms of 100 parts of total Salts.) For all the 77 cases analysed, x0 1-333 r r0 not calculated. For the 34 deep-sea waters, 1-336 0-019 0-0034 For the 43 shallow waters, 1-330 0-023 0-0035 Here the sum of the two values of r0 by itself comes to rather more than the difference between the value of x0 for deep-sea and for shallow waters. The Quantities of Lime. (Taken in terms of 100 parts of total Salts.) xo r ro For all the 77 cases analysed, 1-692 0-029 0-0033 For the 34 deep-sea Avaters, 1-710 0-028 0-0048 For' the 43 shallow waters, 1-679 0-027 0-0042 Value of x0 for deep-sea minus that for shallow waters . . . x 0-031 According to my calculation the mean of the mean errors in the analyses which served to fix the 77 values is ±0'0147 (referred to x — 1*7). The two means for the shallow and deep-sea waters respectively should not be wrong by more than this, the probability is that it is less ; and supposing even the errors in the two values of x0 to be=±0'015, we must assume them to have different signs to account for the fact that the value of x0 for the deep-sea waters is greater by 0'031 than that for the shallow. A consideration of the two values of r0 leads to a similar result. The probability is 9993 to 7 that the actual errors of the two means are less than 0'024 and 0'021 respectively. It is true the two values taken together come to 0'045, or more than the difference, 0'031, to be explained. But there is no occasion for putting such a strain on our assumptions According to the law of frequency of error the probability is 957 to 43 that the errors in the two mean values x0 are less than three times the respective values of r0. And adopting 3(r0 + r0) = 0'027 as being the maximum possible difference between the two values of x0, it still takes 0-004 unit to come to the actual difference. It really appears as if the cleep-sea waters did contain more lime than the shallow, on account of their coming from greater depths. And this result need not surprise us, because the lime in the upper strata of the sea is constantly being used up by living organisms, to be replaced by lime dissolved THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. n-2 .it thi' bottom of the sea, from the mass of dead calcareous shells which lie there. I*, it is the result really established by my analyses? I felt very diffident in trying to . :-\v this iju st ion, because, unfortunately, the percentages of lime in my analyses are tie 1 -• • rtain <»f all the several numbers; and I consequently decided upon having the result put to a test. T - aiis\v< r a similar question to the one here discussed with reference to the bromine* v. hid prepared three mixtures of Challenger waters, labelled respectively “I.,” •nesting of G4 waters, from depths ranging from 0 to 50 fathoms ; “ II.,” consisting • f70 waters, from depths ranging from 300 to 1000 fathoms; and “ III,” consisting of 70 waters, from depths greater than 1500 fathoms. It n aturally suggested itself to me to test the result concerning the quantities of 1 1 m- by determining this component in these three mixtures with the highest degree of 1 • i ■ i si- >n, to calculate the results for 100 parts of chlorine and compare the numbers. Appendix on the Lime. Tii- supplementary analyses referred to were all carried out according to the following method, which, after having once been fixed upon, was rigorously adhered to in all rases. Ileapnts used. — A 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid— 50c.c. left 0*8 mgrm. of fixed p sidue. Ammonia of 10 per cent. — 50 c.c. left 0'G mgrm. of a fixed residue, con- -isting of alumina and a trace of lime. Oxalate of ammonia, 1 c.c. corresponded to 11 ‘2 mgrms. of ( 0. 3 grins, of the crystals used for preparing the solution left on ignition 4 mgrms. of fixed alkali-salts. fdtrrs. — The oxalate of lime precipitates were all collected on Swedish filters of • • in. radius, previously purified by exhaustion with hot 10 per cent, hydrochloric acid, nel v. diing with hot water. 10 such filters left G'5 mgrms. of ash ; whence the amount • •f ash per filter = 0*G5 ; the value 07 mgrm was adopted. Met/e*I. Al*out 500 gnus, of the sea-water are weighed exactly, mixed with 15 c.c. of • ! ai- acid, and boiled for fifteen minutes to expel the carbonic acid. The liquid i allowed to »■< *» il, .supersaturated by addition of 1 00 c.c. of ammonia, mixed with 180 c.c. ' of ammonia, and allowed to stand cold over two nights. The precipitated - it- then filtered off, ignited over the gas blowpipe, and weighed as crude lime. I "' id' lime is then transferred to a beaker, slaked, and dissolved in 5 c.c. of id. The -olution is mixed with 7 c.c. of ammonia, the excess of ammonia • ! tin pn • ipitate, which contains the silica, alumina, and ferric oxide of the Itered oil and washed. This precipitate is redissolved in 2 c.c. of hydro- i‘d p produced by adding 4 c.c. of ammonia, and expelling the excess of ■ It i- collected on a filter, ignited, and weighed as “ scsquioxidcs.” • Smi chnptor on Bromine, p. 89; el ntq. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. oo oo From the united filtrates the lime is thrown down by addition of 20 c.c. of ammonia and 40 c.c. of oxalate of ammonia, and the mixture, which amounts in all to about 300 c.c., allowed to stand cold over night. In the morning it is heated over a water-bath, the oxalate of lime collected on a filter, ignited repeatedly (finally over the blowpipe), and the weight determined ; in the final weighings by first putting the approximately correct amount of weights on the balance, then placing the crucible, as it comes out of the desiccator, on the other pan, and lastly, without loss of time, determining the existing small overweight by the method of vibration. This operation of re-igniting and re-weigh- ing was continued until a series of at least six consecutive weighings gave practically the same result. We found it impossible to establish absolute constancy of weight ; but the sum total of the results gives me the conviction that the mean values ultimately adopted are right to within about ± O'l, or at most ± 0*2 mgrm.# The ignitions were effected in platinum crucibles of 20 c.c. capacity. The empty crucible, as it came out of the desiccator, required about one minute’s rest in the balance-case to assume a constant weight, which was then put down as “ the tare.” This tare, according to 10 experiments (5 with each of two crucibles), exceeds the actual weight, as it is when the lime is on the balance, by 0‘4 mgrm. Maximum observed = 0 ' 6 ; minimum = 0 ' 2 mgrm. This method was applied to the three mixtures of Challenger waters referred to, and also to a surface-water which had been collected for me at Port Louis, King’s Cross, Arran, for the bromine investigation. The analyses were executed in four sets, each of which included the four different waters, so that each set, in reference to the question in hand, could be discussed by itself and independently of the other three. The object of this was to eliminate, if necessary, the influence of any involuntary change in the modus operandi that might have taken place in passing from one set of analyses to another. The filtrates from the crude oxalates, and from the pure oxalates, of lime ; also the “ sesquioxides ” and the “pure lime precipitates ” obtained in the several analyses were collected, and, at the end, examined as follows : — The sesquioxides, from 16 analyses, wrere ground up, re-ignited and weighed. Weight found = 16 ’6 mgrms., which yielded on analysis : — Mgrms. Residue left on dissolving in hot hydrochloric acid, . 6-9 Purified sesquioxides, ..... 7-2 Lime, ....... 1-7 Magnesia, ....... 0-4 * The following is the worst specimen of inconstancy observed: — Crucible + CaO = 19'84 + [3 0, 2'4, 2-7, 2‘C, 2-3, 27, 2’8, 2-4, 2-4, 2‘1, 2-6, 27 mgrms.] (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PART I. 1884.) A 5 34 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Hence: lime in the “ sesquioxide ” = 0T mgrm. for each analysis. i fVtr ■ >t< s fr< on the crude oxalates of lime (from 1 G analyses) were mixed and allowed • -• in. l i'«>r about six weeks, when a large crystalline crust was found to have separated <>ut. consisting chiefly of oxalate of magnesia. This crust was freed from the mother- , l . md washed, hy decantation, ignited, dissolved in a little more than the calculated w. _ lit of standardised sulphuric acid, and enough alcohol added to the solution to produce an incipient precipitate. After a day's standing, a magma of sulphate of mag- had formed, which was dissolved by cautious addition of successive instalments of water. Xo sulphate of lime remained umlissolved. Tht united filtrates from the pure lime precipitates (14 analyses), when allowed to : md for about six weeks, deposited a small precipitate, which was analysed and found t" in. lude I I mgrrns. of seSquioxides and 4 -4 mgrms. of lime. This amounts to 0'3 mgrm. of lime for each analysis. The ' precipitates were well mixed in an agate mortar, and in four portions (w. ighed after re-ignition) the time quantity of lime was determined by the same method a- had ■ rv.d to produce the pure lime precipitate from the crude. Results in mgrms. : — Substance taken.* Real lime obtained. Impurity per grm. of substance. (1) 358 4 357-5 2-5 (2) 309-3 308-8 1-6 (3.) 11780 1176-9 0-93 (4.) 1183-9 1182-7 1-17 Mean of (3) and (4), 105 I small value (1*05 mgrms.) may almost be accounted for by the solubility of the "\alat«- of lime ; I thought the corresponding correction had better be neglected. Train the above we see that, in each analysis, the weight of “ pure lime ” as deter- Jiiin. 1 by the balance was liable to the following corrections in mgrms. : — (1.) On account of the filter-ash, . . - 07 lit of tlu CiOid lined by the “ aesquioxide,” . . . +0T f 1 11 in \ -1 vonut< correction was applied to the weight of pure lime obtained in each ■ " uli being thu made somewhat more accurate without appreciable increase of laliour. b ' • t bowing tabular statement of the results, the numbers all mean “grms. per * Corrected for filter-anh. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 35 kilogramme of sea-water analysed.” y stands for the “ chlorine,” meaning total halogen calculated as chlorine ; L for the crude lime, corrected only for the filter-asli ; L0 for the pure lime, fully corrected ; r0 for the probable error of a mean value. Mixed Water I. ; from depths of 50 fathoms or less. Series of Analyses. x = 19-644. L0-^L. (L0^x)loo. L. L0. (1) 0-6676 0-5918 0-8864 3-0126 (2) * 0 6740 0-5930 0-8798 3-0187 (3) 0-6732 0-5928 0-8806 3-0177 (4) . 0-6768 0-5934 0-8768 3-0208 Mean, . . 0-59275 3-0175 A= • ±0-0012 Mixed Water II. ; from depths between 300 and 1000 fathoms. Series of Analyses. x = 19-332. L0-i-L. (Lo-x)lOO. L. L„. (1) 0-6654 0-5850 0-8792 3-0261 (2)* 0-7688 0-5858 0-7620 3-0302 (3) 0-6656 0-5862 0-8808 3-0323 (4) 0-6710 0-5860 0-8733 3-0312 Mean, . . 0-58575 3-02995 yo = • ±0-0014 In the second series the crude oxalates stood for four days before being filtered. 36 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Mixed Water III. ; from depths greater than 1500 fathoms. X- 19 528. Scries of Analyses. L. L,. L0-r-L. (Lo-x)lOO. j (1) 0 6706 0-5912 0-8816 3-0274 (2)* 0-6712 0-5920 0-8820 30315 1 (3) 0-6728 0-5922 0-8802 3-0326 (4) 0-6798 0-5920 0-8708 3 0315 Mean, . . 0-59185 ... 303075 }o = • ... ±0-0011 Surface-Water from Arran. X- 17-247. »vnp* oi Analyses. L. K L„-hL. (L0^X)100. (») 0-5838 0-5210 0-8924 3-0209 (2)* 0-5978 0-5238 0-8762 3 0371 (3) 0-5908 0-5218 0-8832 3-0254 (4) 0-5942 0-5216 0-8778 30243 .Supplementary 0-5892 0-5228 0-887 3 30313 Mean, . . 0-52220 3 0278 r0- . ±0-0029 I . ung t !»< -«• results the Arm n water may shortly be disposed of by saying that .1 m ■ (inn, a.- far a- could have been expected, the general evidence afforded by •' t! ■ t r< Challenger water mixtures. The principal point in this evidence is I \ (of the lime per unit-weight of chlorine) is more highly constant ■1 ' • 1' than appeared in the 77 complete analyses previously discussed. ' • ; : ■ • 1 ) The <• latter gave, a a general mean, for the weight of lime per 100 of • lr t1.< • ' rul « rie* tin* cnnle oxalate stood for /t/ur day* before Wing filtered. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 37 total salts, the value 1'692; and 0*029 as the probable deviation (r) of the individual result from this mean. Referring from chlorine = 55'42 to chlorine =100, we have — Mean, 100- = 3 ‘05 3 % r= ±0-0523. The corresponding values brought out by the 12 analyses of the three mixtures are — Mean, 100- = 3‘0261 % r= ±0-0046. The method used for the 77 previous determinations must have been infected with an in- herent source of inconstancy not observed at the time. Exact analyses of two different mixtures of crude lime precipitates obtained in these had, by accident, given very nearly the same value of about 0"91 for L0-v-L. Our new analyses give us the individual values of L0 and L for 16 cases, and show that the quotient L0-=-L, even under apparently constant conditions, is subject to considerable variation. And this casts a doubt upon the important conclusion which I (somewhat diffidently) drew from those analyses in regard to the relation of L0-^x to the depth from which the water is taken. Let us examine the new analyses with respect to this point. Taking s, m, cl as symbols for lime per hundred of chlorine in water-mixture I., II., and III. respectively, we have — (A) If we take the three mean values as our basis. m — s = 0-0124 = 4-8 x (0-0012 + 0-0014). ^-5 = 0-0132 = 5-8 x (0-0012 + 0-0011). The differences m — s and d — s, as we see, have positive values, and to explain them as accidental we must assume that, supposing even in both cases the two actual errors had opposite signs, their sum was in the case of m, 4-8 times ; in the case of cl, 5 "8 times the probable error r0 of the mean. But the corresponding probabilities are no more than about O'OOOZ — i.e., even disregarding the fact that the original assumption as to the signs of the errors has only the probability ^ on its side, the probability is 9993 to 7 that the lime per unit of chlorine was greater in the deep-sea and medium waters (II. and III.) than in the surface waters (I.), for some definite and ascertainable reason. This is exactly the interpretation we got from the 77 complete analyses ; except that we then considerably over-estimated the difference. 38 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. ( B) If we consider each series of analyses by itself, we have — For m — s. d — 8. I. Series, = 00135 0-0148 II. Series, = 0-0115 0-0128 III. Series, = 00146 0-0149 IV. Series, = 00104 00107 . t he probable error r in the individual value of 100 (L0-^x), as we saw, is =t0’0046, whence 2 x r= 0*0092. Our smallest difference is the m — s in series IV., which amounts t<> 00104 = 113 x 0'0092 ; and the probability that even this difference owes its existence to i' . idental errors is 0'4f), or rather considerably less, because we started with the impro- bability that the two r’s are of opposite signs. I have to thank Mr. John M'Arthur for the scrupulous care with which he executed all the analyses quoted in this appendix. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATER. 39 II.— ON THE SALINITY OF OCEAN-WATER. Although the composition of the material dissolved in ocean- water is substantially the same everywhere, the quantity in a given volume is subject to considerable variation ; and it is one of the great problems of oceanography to define this ratio numerically as a function of longitude and latitude, of depth and time. For the determination of the salinity of a given sample of sea- water, the following methods readily suggest themselves : — 1. The determination of the specific gravity at some chosen standard temperature. This constant, of course, bears a fixed relation to the salinity, which relation can be ascertained, once for all, by standard experiments ; but even as it stands, it obviously “ measures ” the salinity in the sense in which the reading of a thermometer “ measures ” the temperature. The specific gravity of a water can easily be determined, both with promptitude and precision, by means of a delicate hydrometer — a method which is specially adapted for being carried out on board ship. Mr. Buchanan adopted it, and during the voyage applied it to a large number of samples. 2. The determination in a given weight or volume of the water of the weight of chlorine present, which latter, on multiplication by a certain constant factor, yields the total solids. According to my 77 complete analyses, as recalculated in the chapter on Alkalinity, this factor should be = 1 ’8058. According to p. 28 in the dis- cussion of the results of the complete analyses, the probable uncertainty of this factor, as applying to any one sample, taken at random, should be about of its value, or= ±0'002. This method, to a chemist working in a laboratory on terra firma , would naturally suggest itself as the best, and I accordingly applied it to the samples of water collected by the Challenger, 3. The direct determination of the total salts in a known quantity of the water. This at first sight would appear to be the best method of all ; but unfortunately sea- water cannot be evaporated to dryness, and the residue dehydrated by ignition, without sending off some of the chlorine of the chloride of magnesium as hydrochloric acid. On p. 18 of Chapter I., I have already referred to a number of abortive attempts of my own for preventing this decomposition, or rendering it innocuous in the determina- tion of the total salts, which datum I was very much in need of at the time, as enabling me to calculate the percentage of soda in my analyses of the salt of sea-water. The Norwegian chemists,* who required the datum for the reduction of their chlorine determinations and specific gravities, employed the following process, and found it to give good results : — * Den Norske Nordhavs-Expedition, 1876-1878 ; Cliemi, af Torn0e, p. 56. 40 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. “ From 30 to 10 c.e. of sea-water was introduced into a thick porcelain crucible of k;i"wn weight, furnished with a tight-fitting cover, and evaporated in a water-bath. So >«>on as the silt was sufficiently dry, the crucible, with the cover on, was heated for about tiv. minutes over one of Bunsen’s gas burners, then cooled and weighed with its . ■ ■:.*■ nts. The free magnesia liberated was now determined in the manner described,” — ■ a : by titration with very dilute standard solutions of hydrochloric acid and caustic alkali, using aurinc as an indicator. Tie method came to me far too late to help me in my work, but being curious to sec how it answers, 1 tested it by a few trials with analysed waters. Wati S iph 629 B., Oct. 22, 1874 ; lat. 5 44' N., long. 123° 34' E. (Laboratory number 332.) Water used = 4 0 9 84 grins. Ignited residue, 1‘3483 grins. Decinormal hydrochloric acid required for MgO = 31*2 c.c. = 3*12 x ^ [Mg] mgrms.* Hence (CL — 0) = 31*2 x 2*75 mgnns. = 0*0858 grm. and corrected residue = 1 ’4341 or . 4 1*92 grins, per kilo. The full analysis had led to the value 34797 for the total salts, • x lit'ivc *>f carl ionic acid.f The “chlorine,” per kilo, was 19*274. Hence real total '■dts am x 1 ‘8058 = 34‘804 ; deducting 0*152 for the carbonic acid per 100 of total salts, we have 34*751. The N nrwegian factor, 1*809 (which excludes the C02), leads to the number 34*8GG. H 'filer Sainplr 1259, Oct. 25, 1875; lat. 39' 1G' S., long. 124° 7' W. (Laboratory number 347.) Water used, 40*99G. Residue after 5 minutes’ ignition, 1*3970. Do. 10 „ do., 1*3680. Do. 15 ,, do., 1*3530. required, 26*1 c.c. of decinormal hydrochloric acid=71*8 mgrms. of (Cl2 — 0). Hence corrected residue = 34*755 per kilogramme. By full analysis, t = 34*582. From the “chlerini . which was = 19*149, we have (exclusive of C02) — By my factor, . . . 34*52G By the Norwegian factor, . . 34*640 cormUoi) wt. Unecec • he original alkalinity, amounta to only 0*07 c.c., and may, th*r* f'tr*, W neglected. • Cormtad f r the bromine an 4 a ulight over-determination in the aoda. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 41 Summary. (Total amount of Salts per kilogramme of water, carbon dioxide being deducted. Method adopted. No. 332. No. 347. I. By full analysis, ...... II. By determination of chlorine and my factor, x deducting C02, . III. By the Norwegian method, ..... IY. By determination of chlorine and Norwegian factor, Difference between III. and I. „ II. „ I „ IV. „ HI „ „ IY. „ I 34-797 34-751 34-992 34-866 + 0-195 - 0-046 -0-126 + 0-069 34-582 34-526 34-755 34-640 + 0-173 - 0-056 -0-115 + 0-058 Taking the result obtained by the first method as our standard, it appears that the Norwegian method slightly over-estimates the total salts, and that, starting from the chlorine, my factor gives a deficit in'tlie total salts of about (P051, the Norwegian factor an excess of about 0'063, or less than the Norwegian method of determining the solids by about 0T20. But in my opinion method II. is the most exact, and consequently my two full analyses slightly overstate the total salts, while the Norwegian method gives somewhat high results, and their factor, as applied to my chlorine determinations, is too high. But the Norwegians used a method of chlorine-determination of their own — which I think very well adapted for its special purpose — and I have no doubt that their determinations of total solids, as deduced from their own amounts of chlorine, and for the purpose of comparison, are more exact than would appear from the above table. I now proceed to state the results of my chlorine-determinations in the following Table I.: — Column I. gives the number assigned to the sample by Mr. Buchanan. Columns II.-V. are explained in the heading of the table. Column YI.— The depth “ D ” of the ocean at the place, given in Column IV., where the sample was collected. Column VII. — The mean “y” °f3 in general, two determinations of the chlorine, in grammes per kilogramme, by means of my refinement on Volhard’s method, as described in Chap. I., p. 4. Column VIII. — The mean deviation “ Ay” of the mean y from the individual results ; hence, in most cases, half the difference of the two analyses made. A blank in this column indicates that the respective y was transcribed from the report on a complete (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP, — PART I. — 1884.) A 6 42 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. !\ -is. ami that its precision consequently must be presumed to be rather above the average. Column IX. — This column, as is seen, is headed “ B. ; x1 — X- The symbol x* -t u.. 1 - 1'. r tin amount of chlorine per kilogramme, as calculated from Mr. Buchanan’s deter- minat ion of the specific gravity by means of the formula 4S, — 4W,= a + bt + ct2, which is . xpUim d on p. 5S as summing up a series of standard determinations of my own. A print- 1 list of Mr. Buchanan’s specific gravities was placed in my hands b}r the Editor of tin Challenger Reports. This list, in addition to the values 4S, found directly at t° C., gave also the specific gravities at 150-56 C., reduced, as I am informed by Mr. Buchanan, from the former by means of Hubbard’s Tables of the thermic expansion of “ sea-water.” In my original draft for this memoir I gave the values x1 as deduced from these latter values by my formula. But when I subsequently came to criticise Hubbard’s results in the lijht of my own experiments, and of those of Thorpe and Riickcr and of Ekman, I found • II tbbacdfe Table is infected with inaccuracies,* which I saw I had no right to char.:-- against Mr. Buchanan's determinations. I accordingly re-calculated all my values of x from Buchanan’s directly determined specific gravities by means of my formula, and it is these re-calculated values, or rather their excesses over the value x> which are now before the reader. Column X. gives the “ Laboratory Number” by which the sample was known in my laboratory. * Vide infra. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATER. 43 TABLE I. Giving the peemilleages Chlorine (^) found in a series of Challenger Waters. I. The Surface Water of the North Atlantic. 1. Number of Sample. 11. Date. III. Distin- guishing Number of Station. r Posi Lati- tude. 7. don. Longi- tude. V. Depth in Fathoms from which the Sample was obtained. (5 VI. D. VII. X VIII. Ax IX. B. X1— X X. Labora- tory Number. N. W. 1873. O ' O / 2 Feb. 15 1 27 24 16 55 Surface. 1890 20-343 4-5 + •012 201 5 99 17 2 25 52 19 22 1945 20-461 IO - -035 204 6 99 18 3 25 45 20 14 1525 20-401 o - -121 264 9 99 21 24 22 24 11 2740 20-544 °-s - -016 205 14 99 24 23 15 30 56 2750 20-640 o -•042 209 17 99 25 8 23 12 32 56 2800 20-638 15 + •036 211 18 99 26 9 23 23 35 11 3150 20-694 5-5 + •015 212 22 99 28 10 23 10 38 42 2720 20-658 1 1 + •028 215 31 Mar. 3 12 21 57 43 29 2025 20-452 9 + •137 221 100 May 6 46 40 17 66 48 1350 18-202 i7-5 -•170 265 201 Aug. 13 97 10 25 20 30 2575 19-577 3"5 -•075 235 1876. 1687 May 1 21 33 31 15 2575 20-640 1 - -037 489 1700 99 5 30 20 36 6 99 2575 20-571 2 - -118 498 II. The Bottom Water of the North Atlantic. 1873. 1 Feb. 15 1 27 24 16 55 Bottom. 1890 20-267 5-5 + •512 200 4 99 17 2 25 52 19 22 1945 19-413 9 + •027 203 10 21 5 24 20 24 28 2740 20-541 3-5 -•083 206 15 24 7 23 23 31 31 2750 19-458 + •033 210 19 26 9 23 23 35 11 3150 19-814 °-5 -•016 213 21 28 10 23 10 38 42 2720 20-505 o-5 + •025 214 23 Mar. 1 11 22 45 40 37 2575 19-471 i-5 + •111 216 30 3 12 21 57 43 29 2025 19-630 2 + •081 220 38 6 14 20 49 48 45 1950 19-401 22 + -140 223 50 10 18 19 41 55 13 2650 19-359 6 + •182 224 53 Mar. 11 19 19 15 57 47 3000 19-351 20 + -179 225 66 26 25 19 41 65 7 3875 19-614 i-5 + •023 226 April 22 35 a 29 5 65 1 2450 19-682 4 259 25 38 31 24 65 0 2600 19-462 33 260 27 39 31 49 64 55 2850 19-470 9 261 95 30 42 35 58 70 35 2425 19-998 9 -•092 262 122 June 16 60 34 28 58 56 2575 20-243 20 - -073 228 126 99 18 62 35 7 52 32 99 2875 20-177 I + •030 229 44 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. II. The Bottom Water of the North Atlantic — continued. L II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Position. Depth in Number of Sample. Date. Distin- guishing Fathoms from B. Labora- Number of which the Sample I). X AX X1— X tory Number. Station. Luti- Longi- was tude. tude. obtained. 1873. N. O 1 W. o 1 130 .Tune 19 03 35 29 50 53 Rottom. 2750 19-605 4 - -083 233 133 *’l »» - 1 65 36 33 47 58 2700 19-408 °-5 + •001 234 July 26 92 >» 1975 20-430 2-5 263 203 Aug. 1 3 97 10 25 20 30 2575 19-437 I*5 + •021 237 223 21 102 3 8 14 49 2450 19-428 I2-5 -•035 242 226 „ 23 104 2 25 20 1 2500 19-427 1 6- 5 + •011 243 237 „ 30 1876. 111 d 9 30 18 ti 2275 19-468 2-5 -•025 244 1697 3 353 26 21 33 37 2965 20-339 6 - -143 497 1710 „ 6 354 32 41 36 6 »» 1675 19-949 5 - -100 506 III. Water from Intermediate Depths in the North Atlantic. 1873. 24 Mar. 1 }>• OO 40 37 ( 2100 2575 19-429 7-5 + •012 217 27 „ 1 AL 40 I 850 2575 19-471 i-5 + •099 218 29 32 3 3 f 12 21 57 43 29 J 1 980 400 2025 2025 19-506 19-564 i 18 -•002 + •094 219 222 127 Juno 18 500 2875 19-580 7 - -103 230 128 „ 18 l 62 35 7 52 32 250 2875 20091 4 - -044 231 129 18 ) 1 150 2875 20-245 9 -•046 232 202 Aug. 13 97 10 25 20 30 50 2575 19-711 6 - -061 236 218 21 1 f 50 2450 19-876 4-5 -•020 238 219 220 „ 21 „ 21 •102 3 8 14 49 100 200 2450 2450 19-824 19-628 o i*5 -•086 -•059 239 240 221 21 r» * 4 ) [ 300 2450 19-544 9-5 -•048 241 1876. 1649 April 9 f 25 2450 19-645 o - -221 481 1650 1651 „ 9 9 318 3 10 14 51 J 50 100 2450 2450 19-669 19-594 6 18 - -046 + -014 482 483 1C52 J , 200 2450 19-363 i -•013 484 1670 o r» - [ 351 16 41 J 100 19-612 6 - -058 485 1671 12 J J 200 19-477 2 -•003 486 1676 1678 „ 13 „ 13 ^ 352 10 55 17 40 100 300 2500 2500 19-573 19-486 6 5 -•018 - -063 487 488 1690 May 3 f 25 2965 20-627 3 -•097 490 1691 3 50 2965 20-630 o - -228 491 1693 1694 „ 3 r* 3 i 353 26 21 33 37 - 200 300 2965 2965 20105 20158 5 3 -•091 - -084 493 494 1695 „ 3 400 2965 19-702 i - -030 495 1696 n 3 J 500 2965 19-787 6 + •194 495 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 45 III. Water from Intermediate Depths in the North Atlantic^ continued. I. II. III. IY. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Position. Depth in Distin- Fathoms 13. Number of Sample. Date. £ uishing from Labora- Number of which the Sample D. X Ax x1— X tory Number. Station. Lati- Longi- was tucle. tude. obtained. N. W. 1876. O , o / 1702 May 6 ' f 25 1675 20-257 16 - -090 499 1703 >> 6 50 1675 20-245 6 - -152 500 1705 6 200 1675 20-219 I -•068 501 1706 ? 5 6 354 32 41 36 6 5 300 1675 20-023 3 -•110 502 1707 >> 6 400 1675 19-944 3 - T41 503 1708 J5 6 600 1675 19-758 1 1 - -151 504 1709 6 - [ 1200 1675 20-128 o + •201 505 IY. The Surface Water of the South Atlantic. 1873. s. w. 265 Oct. 1 22 15 35 37 Surface. 20-511 n-5 - -022 250 1876. 1462 1473 Feb. 11 11 ■ 318 42 32 56 29 25 2040 ) 2040 J 18-876 7 { -'-015 } 424 1471 12 41 39 54 48 Surface. 2040 18-964 i + •131 423 1573 Mar. 20 23 27 13 51 20-210 O + •007 450 1581 59 22 19 55 13 56 99 20-470 4 + •034 451 Y. The Bottom Water of the South Atlantic. 1873. 240 Sept. 1 112 3 33 32 16 Bottom. 2200 19-363 *•5 + •114 245 294 Oct. 11 133 35 41 20 55 1900 19-382 13 -■056 252 305 59 20 136 36 43 7 13 99 2100 19-300 5 + •056 253 312 Oct. 23 137 s. 35 59 E. 1 34 99 99 2550 19-350 9 -•039 258 1876. s. w. 1443 Jan. 20 313 52 20 67 39 55 55 18-268 0 - -005 420 1472 Feb. 12 319 41 54 54 48 Bottom. 2425 19-043 4 + •030 425 1481 14 320 37 17 53 52 99 600 19-088 4 -•097 426 1494 28 323 35 39 50 47 1900 19-747 17 - -037 429 1496 59 29 324 36 9 48 22 99 2800 19-401 O + -03S 430 1507 Mar. 2 325 36 44 46 16 99 2650 19-244 'y A 4” ‘0oo 434 1518 7 329 37 31 36 7 2675 19-242 6 + •006 436 1520 8 330 37 45 33 0 2440 19-859 10 -•376 437 1529 9 331 37 47 30 20 1715 19-322 2 -•008 439 1533 10 332 37 29 27 31 2200 19-753 6 - -474 442 1557 16 335 32 24 13 5 1425 19-346 6 -•030 443 1589 5 5 23 339 17 26 13 52 99 1415 19-225 5 -•030 456 40 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. V. Tic Bottom Water of the South Atlantic — continued. I. Number of Sample. II. III. Distin- guishing IV. Position. V. Depth in Fathoms from VI. VII. VIII. IX. B. X. Labors- D mte. Number of Station. Lati- tude. Longi- tude. which the Sample was obtained, s D. X Ax x’— X tory Number. 1598 1876. Mar. 24 340 8. e § 14 33 w. o # 13 42 Bottom. 1500 19-367 3 + •048 457 1607 „ 25 341 12 16 13 44 1475 19-410 IO + •028 460 1616 „ 26 342 9 43 13 51 1445 19-439 8 -•007 466 1628 April 4 345 5 45 14 25 2010 19-439 3 -•015 469 1646 » 7 347 0 15 14 25 »» 2250 19-418 4 -•066 480 VI. Water from Intermediate Depths in the South Atlantic. 263 283 308 309 310 311 1463 1464 1465 1467 U1487 I 1488 1489 1501 1506 1517 1525 1531 1532 1563 1564 1566 1569 15/0 1571 1583 1581 1586 1587 1605 1606 Mar. 1873. Sept. 30 Oct. 6 n „ 23 „ 23 23 1876. Feb. 1 1 11 11 11 28 28 28 2 2 7 9 10 10 18 18 18 19 19 19 23 23 23 23 25 25 129 20 13 35 19 300 2150 19-149 2 -•014 249 131 29 35 28 9 1000 2275 19-302 7 - -027 251 a. E. / 100 2550 19-522 12 - -068 254 137 35 59 1 34 J 200 2550 19-422 7 - -040 255 ') 300 2550 19-229 7 -•032 256 ( 400 2550 19-108 °'5 -•004 257 a. w. ( 25 ) 50 ) 100 ( 300 2040 18-949 2 j f - -061 -•151 j -•207 -•231 \ 421 318 42 32 56 29 2040 18-984 O j 422 323 35 39 50 47 j 25 \ 50 1900 20073 13 j -•144 - -046 427 ( 100 1900 19-978 O - -119 428 325 36 44 46 16 J 50 2650 20-109 xo -044 431 | 800 2650 19-044 3 - -092 432 329 37 31 36 7 2000 2675 19-267 8 + -037 435 331 37 47 30 20 200 1715 19-433 6 - -092 438 332 37 29 27 31 / 800 | 1400 2200 2200 19129 19-271 r 0 - 053 + •086 440 441 ( 200 1890 19-412 3 -•014 444 336 27 54 13 13 ■{ 300 1890 19-289 7 + •058 445 | 800 1890 19-298 3 + •017 446 ( 25 1240 20-180 8 + •015 447 337 24 38 13 36 { 50 1240 19 846 4 - -oio 448 ( 100 1240 19-804 0 - -035 449 ( 25 1415 20-381 4 -•127 452 339 17 26 13 52 ) 50 1415 20 150 0 - -029 453 1 200 1415 19-367 2 -•068 454 ( 300 1415 19185 6 -•055 455 341 12 16 13 44 / 400) 1475 / 19041 0 + •093 458 ( 800 / l 19153 8 + -003 459 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATER. 47 VI. Water from Intermediate Depths in the South Atlantic —continued. I. II. hi. .IV. V. - VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Position. Depth in Distin- Fathoms B. Date. guishing from Labora- Sample. Number of which the Sample D. X AX X1— X tory Number. Station. Lati- Longi- was tude. tude. obtained. s S. W. 1876. 1609 Mar. 26 1 f 25 1 \ 20-240 I -•041 461 1610 „ 26 50 20-174 2 - -124 462 1611 „ 26 342 9 43 13 51 - 100 } 1445 ■< 19-543 o -•120 463 1612 „ 26 200 19-680 6 - -162 464 1613 „ 26 300 L 19-567 j - -122 465 1626 1627 April 4 „ 4 ► 345 5 45 14 25 • 400 1525 2010 • 19-176 19-312 4 16 + •011 - -051 467 468 1631 „ 6 ' f 25 f 19-808 5 - -163 470 1632 „ 6 50 19-625 o - -119 471 1634 „ 6 200 19-505 2 - -059 472 1635 „ 6 346 2 42 14 41 - 300 . 2350 < 19-267 8 -•058 473 1636 „ 6 400 19-128 5 -•021 474 1637 „ 6 800 19-422 5 -•035 475 1638 „ 6 [ 1875 J [ 19-430 o - -066 476 1641 „ 7 25 19-960 3 - -082 477 1642 „ 7 >347 0 15 14 25 50 2250 20-035 o + •035 478 1643 „ 7 ] 100 j i ( 19-580 5 -•089 479 VII. Surface Water of the Southern Part of the Indian Ocean. 1873. s. E. 327 Dec. 19 143 36 48 19 24 Surface. 1900 19-848 - -024 93 335 „ 20 1874. 38 37 20 27 33 19-773 ... + •020 100 381 Feb. 12 63 0 80 0 18-759 - -121 104 384 „ 14 153 65 42 79 49 1675 18-321 - -201 105 386 „ 16 66 29 78 18 18-279 -•008 107 388 17 64 57 79 30 18-631 -•522 108 390 „ 19 65 0 86 3 18-503 - -084 109 441 Mar. 1 4 40 53 137 43 33 19-502 - -061 121 VIII. Bottom Water of the Southern Part of the Indian Ocean. 1873. 333 Dec. 19 143 36 48 19 24 Bottom. 1900 19-370 + -103 99 353 „ 29 146 46 46 45 31 1375 19-361 -•266 101 359 „ 30 1874. 147 46 16 48 27 33 1600 19-077 - -021 102 378 Feb. 11 152 60 52 80 20 1260 19-294 -•161 103 383 „ 14 153 65 42 79 49 1675 19-277 -•099 106 423 Mar. 7 158 50 1 123 4 33 1800 19-083 -•000 116 i THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER 48 l\. H'-r/o* at Intermediate Depths in the Southern Part of the Indian Ocean. I. Number of Sample. 328 329 330 331 332 391 392 393 394 397 421 434 435 436 437 II. Date. 1873. Dec. 99 99 99 9» 1S74. Feb. 99 99 99 Mar. 99 99 99 99 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 21 7 13 13 13 13 hi. Distin- guishing Number of Station. IV. Position. V. Depth in Fathoms from which the Sample was obtained. S VI. D. VII. X VIII. Ax IX. B. X1— X X. Labora- tory- Number. Lati- tude. Longi- tude. ,143 i 154 156 158 • 160 j 8. O t 36 48 G4 37 62 26 50 1 42 42 E. o < 19 24 85 49 95 44 123 4 134 10 ' 50 100 200 300 400 iXI 300 ( [ 400 ) 50 200 f 50) 100 ( 200 (' , 300 J 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1800 1800 2600 19-648 19-548 19-280 19-174 19-190 / 19 043 J 19T02 ) 19-197 (19-215 19-078 18-951 ( 19-292 1 19-243 j 19-168 (19-164 -•028 -•008 + -096 + -045 + •078 - -099 - -066 - -086 -•075 + •097 - -050 - -073 + •058 -•031 94 95 96 97 98 110 111 112 113 114 115 117 118 119 120 X. The Surface Water of the South Pacific. 1874. 488 July 10 37 13 179 45 Surface. 19-861 1 - -186 273 I 497 13 31 23 177 48 19-844 5 - -031 277 504 15 28 25 177 39 99 20-008 27 + •024 282 505 16 26 48 175 0 99 19-728 8 - -018 283 1875. 1127 Sept. 8 272 3 48 152 56 99 2600 19-885 2 - -Ill 373 8. ur. 1271 Oct 28 38 56 116 8 9« 19-119 3 - -213 400 XI. The Bottom Water of the South Pacific. 1874. 8. E. 4*5 July 8 168 40 28 177 43 Bottom. 1100 19 057 24 + -245 272 492 99 10 169 37 34 1 79 22 99 700 19-451 5 - -073 276 8. w. 511 99 17 171a 25 5 172 56 99 2900 19-525 + •080 285 8. E. 524 , Aug. 12 175 19 2 177 10 99 1350 19-491 7 + •162 289 516 •f 21 179 15 58 160 48 99 2325 19-470 4 -•085 297 1 99 25 181 13 50 151 49 99 2440 19-360 14 + •001 304 561 27 182 13 6 |148 37 99 2275 19-204 o + •047 305 1 567 99 2* 183 12 42 146 46 99 1700 19-324 IO + -065 310 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 49 XI. The Bottom Water of the South Pacific — continued. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Position. Depth in Distin- Fathoms B. Number ol Sample. Date. guishing from Labora- Number of which the Sample D. X Ax X1— X tory Number. Station. Lati- Longi- was tude. tude. obtained. s 1 S. W. 1 1875. o / o ! 1157 Sept. 17 277 15 51 149 41 Bottom. 2325 19-286 °-5 -•001 387 1165 „ 18 278 17 12 149 43 1525 19-308 7 - -141 388 1221 Oct. 14 285 32 36 137 43 99 2375 19-395 6 - -156 346 1259 „ 25 290 39 16 124 7 2300 19-149 7 - -116 347 1270 „ 27 291 39 13 118 49 99 2250 19-230 3 - -168 399 1274 „ 29 292 38 43 112 31 1600 19-248 4 - -122 401 1286 Nov. 1 293 39 4 105 5 2025 19-315 3 -•090 402 1300 „ 5 295 38 7 94 4 1500 19-288 12 - -140 348 1313 „ 9 296 38 6 88 2 1825 19-216 3 - -199 406 1388 Dec. 28 302 42 43 82 11 1450 19-338 6 - -196 413 1397 „ 30 303 45 31 78 9 99 1325 19-264 I I - -115 414 XII. Water from Intermediate Depths in the South Pacific. 1874. s. E. 467 June 19 ) ( 100 ) 19-637 5 - -172 268 469 „ 19 } 165 a 36 41 158 29 1. 300 V ( 400 I 2600 19-278 19 -•066 269 470 „ 19 j 19-601 8 + •010 270 491 July 10 169 37 34 179 22 200 700 19-309 W - -081 275 500 „ 14 \ s. w. ( 100 1 ( 19-706 1 - -035 278 501 502 „ 11 „ 14 -170a 29 45 178 11 ) 200 f ) 300 ( 630 ) 19-482 ) 19-281 1 22 + ■019 - -042 279 280 503 „ 14 j { 400 J ( 19-195 12 + -034 281 510 „ 17 171a 25 5 172 56 400 2900 19-144 • 25 + -105 284 523 Aug. 1 2 175 s. 19 2 E. 177 10 200 1350 19-758 2 -•004 288 536 „ 19 ) ( 50 ) ( 19-495 19 + -095 291 537 „ 19 >178 16 47 165 20 < 100 > 2650 < 19-808 4 + •136 292 538 „ 19 ) ( 200 ) | 19-580 12 + -091 293 544 21 | 179 15 58 160 48 / 300 { 2325 19-535 8 - -004 295 545 99 w 1 „ 21 ] 400 / | 19-335 13 + •027 296 552 ,. 24 ) ( 100) / 19-785 26 + •182 29S 553 554 24 „ 24 r180 14 7 153 43 ) 200 ( i 300 ( 2450 ) 19-379 ) 19-448 6 19 + •074 + -005 299 300 555 „ 24 ) l 400 j ( 19-524 8 + •098 301 563 „ 28 \ ( 100) / 19-809 2 -•090 306 564 565 „ 28 „ 28 -183 12 42 146 46 ) 200 ( ) 300 ( 1700 ) 19-410 ) 19-152 3 16 - -022 + •127 307 308 566 „ 28 1875. ) s. w. ( 400 J ( 19-365 I + •038 309 1128 Sept. 8 ) ( 25) ( 19-693 6 - -131 374 1129 1130 „ « „ 8 I >272 3 48 1 152 56 1 50 ! 1 100 l 2600 J 19-698 ) 19-655 5 7 - -136 -117 375 376 1132 „ 8 ) 1 { 300 ) ( 19-485 26 -•166 377 (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PAP.T I. 1881.) 50 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. XII. Wrier from Intermediate Depths in the South Pacific — continued. Number of Sample. ; II. Date. 111. Distin- S risking | umber i of Station. IV. Position. Lati- tude. Longi- tude. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Depth in Fathoms 13. from Labora- which the D. X AX x1— X tory Sample Number. was obtained. 8 400 2600 j 19-298 1 1 -•186 378 ■800 | 19-278 3 - -166 379 25 20-136 3 - -220 380 50 20-146 4 - -164 381 100 20-172 i3 -•109 382 . 200 L 2350 - 19-319 -•081 62 300 19-265 4 -•152 383 400 19-243 o -•166 384 800 19-388 6 -•193 385 1850 2325 19-300 4 -•023 386 50 1 f 20-158 6 - -204 389 100 20-111 i -•069 390 200 , 300 1940 19-592 2 - -080 391 1 19-211 I -•126 392 400 19-137 5 - -095 393 1550 19-263 9 -•082 394 100 i f 19 096 i -•136 395 ■ 200 300 ' 2250 . 19-126 19T43 3 4 -•307 -•183 396 397 400 19 073 i -•134 398 1 300 2270 19195 i - 194 403 1 800 j 19-226 3 - -136 404 1000 1500 19-379 o -•226 405 ( 100) ( 19-101 7 -•123 407 200 V 2160 19-240 i4 -■201 408 | 400 1 [ 19T33 1 - -125 409 10 • • • 19-066 2 - -198 410 J 50 ) 1375 18-802 1 - -019 411 11 100 f 18-987 2 -■143 412 1133 1134 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1156 1169 1170 1171 1178 1173 1174 1264 1265 1266 1267 1293 1295 1299 1346 1347 1349 1353 1356 1357 1875. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 4 4 4 4 4 4 27 27 27 27 3 3 5 14 14 14 16 17 17 97 O 8. ; W. 0*0/ 3 84 1152 56 •276 13 28 '149 30 oo: 280 291 294 295 15 51 149 41 18 40 149 52 39 13 118 49 39 22 98 46 38 7 94 4 -299 33 31 74 43 300 32 50 77 6 33 42 78 18 XIII. Surface Water of the North Pacific. 682 817 910 187 Feb. Mar. June 10 31 29 214 !t. I K. 1 88 127 6 21 17 140 40 35 55 171 54 Surface. »> »» 500 19137 19-369 19-217 1 2 16 - -067 + T63 - -043 354 363 59 XIV. Bottom II (tier oj the North Pacific. 187 5. 681 Fcbt 10 214 4 33 127 6 ISottein. 500 19-280 5 - -130 353 691 ft 12 215 4 19 130 15 1# 2500 19-248 6 - -030 340 758 Mar. 16 222 2 15 146 16 ft 2150 19-308 0*5 - -176 358 791 n 23 225 11 24 143 16 »» 4575 19T70 2 + •106 342 865 June 18 238 35 18 144 8 II 3950 19-068 + -053 52 871 •9 19 239 35 18 147 9 t» 3625 18-929 ? 53 907 „ 28 244 35 22 169 53 ft 2900 19-092 + •119 61 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 51 XIV. Bottom Water of the North Pacific — continued. I. Number of Sample. II. III. Distin- guishing IY. Position. V. Depth in Fathoms from VI. VII. VIII. IX. B. X. Labora- Date. Number of Station. Lati- tude. Longi- tude. which the Sample was obtained. 3 D. X AX x1— X tory Number. 912 1875. June 30 245 N. O / 36 23 E. 174 31 Bottom. 2775 19 040 + -037 60 922 July 2 246 36 10 178 0 33 2050 19-135 + •085 44 924 33 3 247 N. 35 49 w. 179 57 2530 19-201 - -007 45 948 33 9 250 37 49 166 47 3050 19-054 + •137 47 953 >3 10 251 37 37 163 26 3 > 2950 19-242 -•024 49 1116 Sept. 4 270 2 34 149 9 33 2925 19-269 I I -•002 372 XV. Intermediate Waters of the North Pacific. 1875. N. E. 753 Mar. 16 754 33 16 755 ) 3 16 * 222 2 15 146 16 756 16 757 33 16 J 806 27 227 17 29 141 21 813 814 33 33 29 29 ' >228 19 24 141 13 821 Apr. 1 822 1 )■ 229 22 1 140 27 824 33 1 . 874 June 21 ' 875 877 33 33 21 21 I- 240 35 20 153 39 878 33 21 / 905 | 906 33 28 28 .244 35 22 169 53 920 921 July 33 2 2 . ■246 36 10 178 0 N. w. 947 9 250 37 49 166 47 952 10 251 37 37 163 26 962 33 12 1 252 37 52 160 17 963 12 1094 Aug. 30 268 7 35 149 49 1100 Sept. 2 269 5 54 147 2 70' 100 200 t 300 | 380 J 300 200 300 [ 100 200 400 25 50 200 300 400 600 f 400 1000 2800 2850 850 2640 300 25 2450 2475 2450 2500 2900 2900 2050 3050 2950 2740 2900 2550 19-603 19-561 19-508 19-289 19-247 19-014 19T81 19-033 19-512 19-283 19-036 18- 953 19- 004 18-873 18-847 18-858 18-957 18-928 18- 929 19- 947 19-040 18-861 19-204 19-360 4 1 1 i 4 14 23 12 6 iS -•155 -•092 -•201 -•159 -T03 - -054 -•001 -•029 -•230 -•184 - -135 + •167 + •014 -■153 -■004 -•013 -•013 -■068 -•010 + -050 + •067 -■010 030 -•114 -•098 + 355 122 341 356 357 360 361 362 364 365 366 54 55 56 57 58 42 43 46 48 50 51 367 343 XVI. Surface Water. — Miscellaneous Observations. 1874. s. E. 584 Sept. 23 191 5 41 134 4| Surface. 800 18-561 13 + •099 313 589 „ 28 5 26 130 22 19-177 7 + •008 315 625 Oct. 22 6 3 123 20 33 19-179 1 -T02 331 645 Nov. 3 N. 13 31 Will 33 18-647 4 + •043 335 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. XVL Surface Water — Miscellaneous Observations — continued. 1. Number of Sample. 11. III. Distin- guishing IV. Position. V. Depth in Fathoms from VI. VII. VIII. IX. B. X. Labora- Date. Number of Station. Lati- tude. Longi- tude. which tlie Sample •'was obtained. 8 D. X AX X1— X tory Number. ' 668 653 651 652 1424 1875. Jan. 26 1874. Nov. 1 4 „ 15 .. 16 1876. Jan. 8 N. > » 9 10 18 15 20 20 21 50 s. 50 L7 B. O 1 124 25 118 0 115 30 114 12 w. 74 46 Surface. »» >* >» >• ... 18-939 18-863 18-856 18-147 1G-7G1 5 5 t °-5 o -•103 + •012 -•082 - -Oil -•087 350 336 337 338 417 XVII. Bottom Water — .1 fiscellaneous Observa tions. 586 1874. Sent 24 191« s 5 26 E. 133 19 580 580 19155 i5 + ■133 314 596 28 193 5 24 130 374 2800 2800 19-108 27 + •024 322 605 Oct 13 196 0 48U26 58A 825 825 19-265 i + •048 323 606 14 197 0 41 C. 126 37 1200 1200 19T97 23 324 621 „ 20 198 2 55 124 53 2150 2150 19-217 9 + ■105 330 675 1875. Feb. 8 213 5 47 124 1 2050 2050 19-270 4 -•084 351 643 1874. Nov. 2 201a 12 43 122 9 100 100 19-225 9 -023 334 665 1875. Jan. 1 6 207 12 21 122 15 700 700 19-180 8 - -065 349 656 8 206 17 54 117 14 2100 2100 19-259 °-5 - -069 339 1405 1876. Jan. 2 306a 8. 48 27 w. 74 30 345 345 18-947 8 - -139 415 1427 .. 8 309a 50 56 74 14 140 140 18-4G1 3 - -135 416 1431 „ 10 310 51 271 74 3 400 400 18-447 7 - -090 418 1438 „ 11 311 52 45* 73 46 245 245 18-470 0 - -091 419 XVIII. Interim >hdte Water. Miscellaneous Observations. Ie74. 590 Sejit 28 591 99 28 592 28 593 9% 28 594 28 595 •• 28 616 | Oct 20 617 ff 20 6|ft 20 619 20 620 20 193 5 24 130 37 J 198 s. 2 55 124 53 50 100 200 300 100 coo 2800 2150 19 039 19-235 19185 1 9*219 19*274 19140 19-269 10*298 19*214 19-169 19-352 4 + 121 316 22 + 065 317 4 + •154 318 3 + •089 319 6 + 032 320 8 + 060 321 3 - 006 325 8 + •029 326 °-5 -•018 327 t - -033 328 26 + •105 329 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATER. 53 The salinity of a sea-water could not possibly be more succinctly defined than by the statement of the percentage or permilleage of chlorine ; hence our chlorine-determinations could well be allowed to stand as they are. But they are not sufficiently numerous to have any value, except as a small addition to, and as affording to some extent a check upon, Mr. Buchanan’s extensive liydrometer-work. Hence it is not so much the values of y as the values y1 — y in Column IX. which give the practically useful result of my analytical determinations. The constants which I needed for calculating the values y1, corresponding to Mr. Buchanan’s specific gravities, were ready to hand in the memoir* published by the chemists of the Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition ; and judging b}^ the general character of their work, I had no doubt in my mind about the substantial correctness of their results. But I thought I had better at least check these numbers by a series of experiments of my own ; and when I had once entered upon this work, I somehow allowed it to expand into a more general research into the matter, which I will now proceed to give in extenso, hoping that it may prove of some utility to physical oceanographers. The Specific Gravity of Ocean-Water, a Function of Salinity, Temperature, and Pressure. The pressure, as an independent variable, of course comes into consideration only in reference to an ocean-water as it is in situ ; and, for oceanographic purposes, it might, perhaps, be assumed to be measured with sufficient exactness by the depth of the super- incumbent layer of water. But this datum, in many of our Challenger samples, assumes rather high values, and its influence on the specific gravity then is greater than one might be inclined at first sight to think. According to Grassi (Ann. d. Chim. et de Phys., ser. 3, vol. xxxi. p. 437), sea-water of 1026*4 sp. gr. at 17°*5 C. when subjected to pressure, contracts by 43*6 millionths of its original volume per atmosphere of over-pressure. Now taking x as designating the number of fathoms (1 fath. = 72 in.), exerting a pressure equal to that of 30 inches of mercury, wc have 30 x 13*596 = 72 x 1*026 x x, whence x— 5*521. Hence a sea- water of 1*026 sp. gr. under the pressure of 8 fathoms of water of the same density undergoes compression to the extent of ^^-- — 7*9 x 8 millionths of its volume ; its density consequently rises from 1*026 to 1*026 + ; when 8=1000 fathoms, for instance, we have an increase AS = 0*007 9 ; i.e., the actual density in situ would be = 1 *034 instead of 1*026 at the ordinary pressure. And a good number of the Challenger samples were procured from depths of 3000 fathoms and more. It is very desirable that Grassi s research should be extended to waters of different strengths, and to different temperatures. * Den Norske Nordhavs-Expedition, 1876-78; Chemi, p. 47, &c. 54 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 1 m ■ ■ ^nrv apparatus in my laboratory to attempt to do this, and besides had been informed that the problem was likely to be taken in hand by Professor Tait. A notice in the Royal Society of Edinburgh’s Proceedings for 1882-83, p. 45, indi. at - that he has done so, and 1 hope that his results may enable him to give it formula for the reduction of Mr. Buchanan’s specific gravities of deep sea-waters t.' their actual pressures in situ* 1 confined myself to determining the influence on the specific gravity of concentration and temperature. For this purpose I carried out the following series of experiments : — L Si • A number of the more saline of ( hallenger waters were mixed together, so i t" pmduee several litres of a sen-water containing about 20'5 grins, of chlorine per kilo, i \ 20*5 h The specific grax ity of this water was determined at 12 different tempera- tun • g ng from —3 l to +29 *45 C., by means of a glass plunger, which, by a vious series of experiments (ranging firom 6e,6 to 30°*6) had been ascertained to displace the volume of 1907144 grins. + 5'8 xt mgrms. of water of 4°, at t° C. In the exp- riments the plunger was suspended from the bottom of one of the pans of an Oertling 1 inch balance, bj means of a line platinum wire, while the water or sea-water operated upon was contained in a large cylinder standing within a large water-bath (of 30 — 40 litres i -i pucity), which served to maintain a constant temperature. At temperatures differing fr<»m tint <»f the room, the temperature of the bath was kept uniform by constant agitation with a perforated horizontal plate fixed to a vertical rod, while the plunger itself served for mixing together tin- water to be tested. A small bulb thermometer, divided into l nth'"t a di-gr- e, wjus constantly kept immersed in the latter. As soon as a constant j w ' -i'hed, this temperature was maintained for a time, and the apparent v. • _iii tli- imim r ■ d plunger determined two or three times in succession so as to make -ur.- in this manner of perfect equilibrium of temperature. Previous to the last weighing, • \ In d* i iii tin piling' i w; lifted out of the hath for an instant, to make sure of the "11 . or to iviin.v any that might show themselves, which, however, happened i ■ tinn - at th liigln-r t- mperatun The ^ of the water had been previously ;i diipli<-ati amdy'i- (by our ivfincmeiit oil Volhard’s method), and was again "i tin p.-.-ifie gravity experiments, when it turned out that, by the unavoid- t "ti at tin login i t- nip ratun -s, it ^ had increased by about 0*05 unit. The •i tl < • 1 • n 1 1 1 i« m wa- ^ 20 523. The specific gravities! 4S0 or rather v * • • -r tin minimum vahn-, w« -re laid down us ordinates, the corresponding - ' i a in a sy-tem of n-ctangular coordinates, and united by the nearest - •• • I-. it* - of which st-rved for the calculation of an interpolation-formula — t.i N<>. I 14) < 1 f tin I’r . Hoy. Soc. Edin., Professor Tuit has given for sea-water aft 1W C. ilk* following value < .<• com pit I per square inch (about 150 atmospheres) ' r H< r. i r* | - ■ nts ili. nnmL rof ton's weight per square inch to which the water was at first • it rvprnwnU (very nearly) the 6 ; > iin Aug the water A to very near its own temperature. The stopper was now inserted, ..wrflowing liquid quickly wiped off, the bottle suspended within the mass of Anal " water, and its weight os soon as it had become constant noted down (as WA). 1 thus obtained the data for solving the equation — W0-WA = V(S0-SA), whence V when V st mde for the capacity of the bottle ingrms. of water at 4° (at the temperature t°). Small variations of temperature, of course, were unavoidable; these, however, were easily allowed for by calculation. The n suits thus corrected were as follows: — X- 4&19T 20-345 1026-29 19-290 1024-83 18-322 1023-50 17-322 1022-125 lg a bottle full of pure water Nome. The Original Water, A, B, . C, . “»•: Anal." The plunger experiment (made at 10°‘3), when corrected to 190,7, gave 102!i tli' 1 * • j of the assumption that for a given temperature t the excess of the ific gravity of a sea-water over that of pure water (W,) is proportional to i.e., that Mi=D, X and that I ) = a + bt + ct*. ' the b< it of my number-, I adopted the method of the least squares; but saved " trouble, without, I am sure, losing in precision, by uniting certain sets of ' ■ : iii' ti made with the same water at nearly the same temperature into one neai t integer temperature, which my provisional interpolation • tie t" do. Thus, for instance, four determinations of scries II. at i z l = were reduced to 8', and gave *8,-1000 = 25-447 •3 25451 7°-7 25-452 7°-8 25-457 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OP OCEAN-WATER. 57 and from the mean of these the specific gravity at 8° C. was taken to be 1025’452. I thus formed 13 groups from series I. and II., which, with the four experiments of series III., gave 17 couples of values. These, after having been duly “weighted,” were used for forming the equations. The results are summarised in the following Table II. Table II. Experiments to determine the dependence of Specific Gravity on Salinity and Temperature ; i.e., the function S —f(t, y). I. Group. II. t. III. * IV. Dr (calculated). V. D (found). VI. D-Dc. VII. Sc (calculated). VIII. S (found). IX. S-Sc. X W /. I. 30 20-489 1-35062 1-3498 - -0008 1023-438 1023-421 -•017 995'765 II. 25 20-522 1-36071 1-3629 + -0022 1025-044 1025-090 + •046 997-120 III. 20 20-554 1-37407 1-3747 + -0006 1026-502 1026-515 + •013 998-259 IV. 15 20-524 1-39065 1-3904 - -0002 1027-702 1027-696 - -006 999-160 V. 7 20-493 1-42396 1-4231 - -0009 1029-115 1029-096 -•019 999-933 VI. 0 20-493 1-45993 1-4593 - -0006 1029-790 1029-777 - -013 999-871 VII. 29 17-984 1-35238 1-3513 -•0011 1020-372 1020-353 -•019 996-051 VIII. 22 18-003 1-36833 1-3701 + •0018 1022-460 1022-493 + •033 997-826 IX. 16 18-013 1-38708 1-3872 + -oooi 1023-988 1023-990 -+■ *0u2 999-002 X. 13 18-023 1-39821 1-3978 - -0004 1024-631 1024-623 -■008 999-430 XI. 8 18-023 1-41935 1-4185 - -0008 1025-467 1025-452 -•015 999-886 XII. 6 18-023 1-42871 1-4287 0 1025-719 1025-719 •000 999-970 XIII. 0 18-023 1-45993 1-4619 + -0020 1026-184 1026-218 + -034 999-871 (34) 19-7 20-345 1-37496 1-3748 - -0002 1026-294 1026-290 -•001 998-320 (35) 19-7 19-290 1-37496 1-3744 - -0006 1024-843 1024-832 -•Oil 998-320 (36) 19-7 18-322 1-37496 1-3745 - -0005 1023-512 1023-503 - -009 998-320 (37) 19-7 17-322 1-37496 1-3743 - -0007 1022-137 1022-125 -•012 998-320 1 r — ± -00070 r = ± -0135 Column I. names the group of experiments, or [under (34), (35), (36), (37)] the one experiment utilised. Column II. gives the temperature. Column III., the value y adopted. Column IV., the value D calculated as Dc. Column V., the value D found as D. (PHYS. CHEM. CHAI.L. EXP. — PART I. 1884.) § 58 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Column VI., D — Dr. Column VII., the sp. gr. 4S, calculated as Sc. Column VIII., the sp. gr. 4S, found, as S (plain). Column IX., S — Sc. Column X., the adopted sp. gr. of pure water at t°, water of 4° = 1000, as W t. The numbers in Column X. are taken from the table appended by Prof. Thorpe to his Manual of Quantitative Analysis, as being “compiled from the experiments by k "]>p, Pierre, Despretz, Hagen, Matthiesen, Weidner, Kremers, and Rosetti.” A com- pirison of these numbers with the corresponding entries in a table given in Naumann’s ■ lit ion of the first volume of Gmelin’s chemistry, shows that up to 30° the values are Rosetti’s. The values r at the foot of the two difference columns were calculated by the well-known “probable error” formula — r= dbO"G745 l~ . sin— 1 The calculation of the values D and S was effected according to the formula : — ft _ w — — --—^=D=a + bt + ct2. X ci= 1-459 93 . . log. a = 0-164 3304 b= -0 005 5922 . . log. 6 = 3-747 5827 c — + "000 0G494 . . log. c = 5-8I2 5190 Tin ■ xo llent work of the Norwegian chemists enabled me to check my results in two directions. '! . determined the relation between \ and . from the data in Columns II. and I. of the following table, from which I calculated the ratios *-*--*■ — given in X Column III. : — I. ii. III. 102670 19-47 1-3713 1017-39 12-71 1-3682 1025-73 18-68 1-3774 1026-76 19-56 1-3681 1024-88 18-09 1-3753 1026-69 19-47 1-3708 1026-55 19-38 1-3699 Mean, . . - . 1-3716 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 59 Now, according to my experiments (by formula) — 4817-5 4W17 5 — X-^i7-5 = 1 '38196y ; whence or The Norwegians’ result is or, writing According to my experiments, 4S17-5 1_1'38196% tW17, 4w17, 17-5817-5- 1Q°0_i.38369 % 1-3716, AS for 17-5817.5 — 1000 . X = (AS)+ 1-3837 . According to the Norwegians’ experiments, y = ( A S) -r- 1 -37 1 6 i.e., taking my result as the standard, the Norwegians overrate their chlorines by about ^ = 0-0087 of their true values. But this is not doing justice to the relative correctness of their results ; they used different methods from mine, both for the determination of the chlorine and of the specific gravity,* and their formula may be more correct than mine for the reduction of their y’s and S’s to one another. The primary and principal object of my investigation was to formulate the mathe- matical relation between y on the one hand and a given coujde of values of t and 4S on the other. And from the values for r given at the foot of Table II., it would appear that my equation 4s,-4w, ^ a + bt + d1 2 with the calculated values substituted for a, b, c, does this with a very fair degree of precision. But part of this precision probably is bought, so to say, at the expense of some of the exactitude which my experiments, Series I. and II., might claim as deter- mining the relative volumes, at different temperatures, of the respective two kinds of sea-water. This we must keep in view when we now proceed to utilise the equation, as formulating, in reference to a sea- water of given salinity (i.e., for y = constant), the relations between volume and temperature. Of the several researches on the thermic expansion of sea-water, I have utilised the following for checking my results in the sense referred to : — (1) Hubbard’s ; or rather a table giving the volumes of “ Ocean- Water ” at O', 1°, 2° . . . 30° Cent., in terms of the volume at 15°"56 C. or 60° F., which Mr. Buchanan has calculated from a table in Hubbard’s original memoir, which gives the volumes * This they determined by means of hydrometers. GO THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. • responding to the series of integer temperatures Fahrenheit. I am indebted to Mr. Buchanan f*>r having placed a manuscript copy of his (and Hubbard’s original) table at my disposal. From Buchanan’s table I calculated the volumes at t°, in terms of the volume at 0° C. as unity. Hubbard’s results are of importance, because, forming as they do part of “Maury’s Sailing Directions,” they are sure to have been hitherto, and to be 1 • rhaps in the future, used largely by seafaring scientific men. Mr. Buchanan, in fact, used them for the reduction of his specific gravities during the cruise, because at that time there were no other tables published which he saw reason to prefer. It is perhaps • ■' well for me here to state at once that Hubbard, as one of the results of his work, a -sells that in ocean-water (not in sea- water generally) the variations in salinity are too small to appreciably affect the law of thermic expansion. {-) Ekman’s. — I never had the original memoir at hand ; what I utilised are his tables on the relative volumes of sea- waters as reprinted in the Norwegians’ memoir,* 1 :|ge 53. Ekman operated on four waters, the specific gravities of which were as follows : — Water A B C 1) isSi6= 1016-03 1019-82 102306 1026-95 Only the water D falls fairly within the area of my experiments. Ekman’s temperatures range from — 5 C. to +25° C. ! IR cker’8. -I very much regret that up to the time when the first proofs this menu -ir passed through the press, I knew this most excellent research only by a some- ■ me ign abstract in the Royal Society’s Proceedings, and, misled by some remarks in the Norwegians memoir, came to form an incorrect estimate of its importance. Since then, bow. ver, I have, through the courtesy of the authors, come into possession of a copy of their full memoir as pn sented to the Royal Society in November 1875, and printed in this Sx-icty’s Transactions, vol. clxvi. part 2, p. 405. I hardly need say that what I give bn'- — ju« 1 on the authority of these two experimenters is taken direct from the : n.'.ir quoted. I horpe and Rucker determined the relative volumes at a series of Matures ranging from about 0" to 30° or 40° C. of four sea-waters, the specific gravities of which were found to be as follows : — Water A BCD 0S0 1033015 1028-66 1024915 1020755 B a :rf t' r from the North Atlantic; from it the other three were prepared — A ij 'ration, ( and D by dilution with certain proportions of distilled water. The Orion of each of the f>>ur waters was determined twice by means of two different * Quoted in footnote, page 53. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 61 dilatometers, the temperature in all cases being defined by means of special thermometers, d haute precision. It is this latter circumstance more especially which induces me to think that whatever may be the degree of precision with which I succeeded in formulating the relation ^=/(S, t ), they came nearer the truth than I did in determining the relation for a given kind of sea- water between temperature and volume. I very much regret that Thorpe and Rucker did not supplement their masterly research by the determination of the salinities (the y’s) of their waters, so that I could have utilised it for checking the constants in my formula, and thereby my reductions of Buchanan’s “ specific gravities at the temperature of observation ” to terms of y. I hope that Messrs. Thorpe and Rucker have preserved samples of their sea-waters, and will one clay carry out the supplementary chemical work which I suggest. Meanwhile their results afford to me an excellent means for criticising what my formula contains of the S —f (t) element. In the following Table III., Columns II., III., and IV. give the relative volumes, at the temperatures named in Column I., of a sea- water whose y=19,39, which I calculate to be the value appertaining to Ekman’s water “ D,” according to the authorities named in the columns’ headings. Column Y. gives the volumes assigned by Thorpe and Rucker to their water “ B.” In Column VI. follow Hubbard’s relative volumes of “average ocean-wrater.” The two last columns refer to the salinity (y=17‘09) of Thorpe and Rucker’s water “ C.” Column VII. gives their values ; Column VIII. the corresponding values demanded by my formula. The numbers under “ Ekman ” are transcribed from his table in the Norwegian memoir ; those under “ Hubbard ” are the entries in Buchanan’s Centigrade edition of Hubbard’s table, divided by the there given relative volume at 0° C. The numbers given as “ Thorpe and Rucker’s ” are extracted from Table XIY. of their memoir. This table gives the relative volumes of their vnters A, B, C, and D at 0°, 2° . . . 12°, 15°, 18° . . . 36°. From this table I deduced what I needed of volume- values for 5°, 20°, and 25° by interpolation by first and second differences. This sufficed for my Columns Y. and VII. The numbers in Column IV. were obtained by what I may call horizontal interpolation between corresponding values for B and C, based on the assumption that taking V as a general symbol for the volumes (of A, B, &c.) at a given temperature, and S0 as designating their result for the specific gravity at 0’ C., — ^ is a constant. I had no difficulty in satisfying myself that this assumption does hold for their results with a sufficient degree of approximation. I may here state, in passing, that according to a series of calculations which I made (but had no time to check, and simply put aside), this proposition, or rather the almost identical assertion that (at t°) is a constant, does not hold for Ekman’s results with ' AW his waters A, B, C, D. This may be owing either to the fact that the relation as a matter of physical law ceases to hold at salinities as low as those of his water A, 02 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. ■ 1 t«. iii-- I'.i. i that his more dilute waters were not prepared synthetically from one strong ■ •.•. .in-water, hut were all natural sea-waters, that is, ocean-water diluted naturally with river-water of variable composition. Table III. Giving the Relative Volumes of Sea- Water according to various Observers. I L* r Cent IL III. X- 1939 oS,- 1028-27 IV. V. Tli. &R.'s “B.” 0S0- 1028-66. Thorpe & Rucker. VI. Hubbard, x- ? VII. VIII. Ekman "D.” Dittoar. Thorpe & Rucker. Tliorpo&R.’s “C.” Ditto ar. 0 1 000 00 1 000 00 1-000 00 1-000 00 1 -000 00 1-000 00 1-000 00 , » 0 42 0 38 0 43 0 44 0 35 0 36 0 33 10 1 10 1 05 1 14 1 15 0 98 1 01 0 95 15 [2 04 200 2 07 2 09 1 92 1 91 1 85 20 3 20 3 20 3 25 3 27 3 17 3 07 3 01 25 4 56 4 57 4 64 4 66 4 62 4 44 4 36 30 S 0* Assuming S, and ©t to be the specific gravities of two different sea-waters at t°, and S0 and 0O to be the cor- responding values for 0\ then where f(t) is a function <'f temperaturr, which, according to my formula is simply /y t\ Hi ft bt -p ct2 JV}~D0 a (compare page 58). Hence, by analog}' for any other temperature r (instead of t) Hence, os wc will call it. According to my equation obviously . — When we wish to reduce our numbers for S to the vacuum, subtract *033, and the result will be right apart from a residual uncertainty of about ±0*013, or • most ±0*03. My numbers for the relative volumes of sea-waters at different tempera- n . as is easily seen, relatively independent of this correction, but no doubt their precision would have been a little higher if they had been deduced directly from the special interpolation formulae for series I. and II. When I planned my experiments, I overlooked a very obvious modification of the I ts op< randi, which would have rendered the vacuum-correction almost insignificant. If. before each series of Bea-water weighings, we determine the loss of the plunger L0 for • ;• of Borne convenient temperature r, we have for the corrected value S0 for TS„ L +S So = (l-t-8)(l+AAO . the second factor in the denominator allows for the expansion of the glass by the : m pc rat ure -change At = t — r. The value /.could easily be determined once for ever. We will therefore keep the factor in mind and say — S„=S— (8-1)8, r- the plain S stands for the uncorrccted sp. gr., and 8, as we see, multiplies a quantity : th- order 0*023 about , hence, instead of determining 8 we may adopt for it some pre- * nnined value, -ueh as 0*0012, which would make 0*0258= —0*000 03, and this value adopted even for all the S’s that practically come into consideration, without /■eng wrong by more than about 0*000 003 at the very outside. 1 will now proceed to give a few tables intended to facilitate reduction of specific . *. - of • a-water from one temperature to another, and for translating specific gravities into salinities (x) and vice I'ersa. T !• VI. gives the correction which we must apply to a specific gravity when we * | from pure water of /' to pure water of T° as our standard. If ,S = 1000 + a;; REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 69 Table VI. To find TS from add the correction ; to find $ from TS do the same after reversing the signs. Given. £ t — Wanted Ts t= Correction to be added. 0° 4° -(0-132*0*000 65) 0° 15° + 0-711 + 0-000 711 * or +0-729 ±0-0036 0° 1 5°*56 + 0-798+0-000 798 x or + 0-818 ± 0-0040 0° 17°*5 + 1-123 + 0-001 123 x or +1-151 ±0-0056 4° 15° + 0-840 + 0-000 840 x or +0-861 ±0-0042 4° 15°-56 + 0-927 + 0-000 927 x or 0-950 ±0-0046 4° 17°*5 + 1-252 + 0-001 252 x or 1-283 ±0-0063 15° 15°-56 + 0-0892 ±0-0004 15° 17°-5 + 0-412 + 0-000 412 x or +0-422 ±0-0021 1 5° *56 1 7°*5 + 0-325 + 0-000 325 x or + 0"333 ± 0"0016 70 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER th. n S will have a different value 1000 + //. To find y, operate as shown in Column IV. of tlx laid . The formulae terminating with ±0*00 . . . are calculated for S = 1025, and the uncertainty is given on the assumption that the formula be applied to S = 1020 to S= 1030 as extreme cases. '1'h. Table VII. which now follows is intended for the reduction of the specific ,S oi a sea-water from 15°‘5G to any temperature t° between 0° and 31°, and kl The table is an extension of Table \ hence there is no need of its being explained in general terms ; but for the convenience of any person who may wish to use it. I will give two examples. The specific gravity 4S of a sea-water is 1027*34 at 15 *56 ; how much is it at 18 *3 ? Answer: At 15°*56 the water is heavier than standard r by 1*84, hence at 18°*3 it is heavier than the latter by 1*34 x <£(18*3) = by; table to 1*34 x0*9937 = 1*332; but standard water, by table, at 180,3 has the specific gravity 1025*34, hence the result is 1025*34 + 1*33 = 1026*67. Second Example. — Given the specific gravity at 18 *3 as 1026*67 ; find the specific gravity at 15°*56. Answer: At 18 *3 the specific gravity of the given water is 1026*67 — 1025*34 = 1 *33 heavier than standard ; hence the corresponding difference at 15°*56 is 1;33 .^3.3^ = by table to 1*33 x 1*0063=1*34 ; hence result sought =1026*0 + 1*34 = 1027.34. This is the result a< • onling to Dittmar ; if Thorpe and Rucker's function be preferred, add (in the sense of nl _r* bra) the correction given in Column V. to the specific gravity of standard ivater at t° winch enters the calculation. This correction of course is nil for £=15°*56. Table VII. To find Specific Gravity 4S, at 1 from given Specific Gravity at 15°*56. .. i I. IL III. IV. V. Specific Gravity of ] Correction for • • Standard Water, *(')■ to find Tli. and R.’s Dittmar. W) result. 0 1028 18 1-0514 •9511 + 069 0 1 •18 1 0509 •9515 •067 *2 •17 1 0505 •9519 •065 •3 17 1 0500 •9524 063 •4 •16 1-0496 •9528 •061 •5 •16 1-0491 •9532 ■059 •6 1ft 10486 •9536 •056 •7 1ft 1 0482 •9540 •054 •ft 14 1 ’0477 •9545 •052 O •14 1 0473 •9549 •050 OOOMGSOl^WLOHO ci^OO^C^Oi^obbOH- * O ^C©^<^Oihf^cbt>i)i-- ‘O COCb^^O^hf^OSLOi 1 O ^CO^CiOTH^C^LO REPORT OUST THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 71 II. III. IV. V. Specific Gravity 4S< of 1 Correction for Standard Water, to find Th. and R.’s Dittmar. w) result. 1028-13 1-0468 •9553 + ■048 13 1-0463 •9557 •046 •12 1-0459 •9561 •045 T1 1-0454 •9566 •043 •11 1-0450 •9570 •042 TO 1-0445 •9574 •040 •09 1 -0440 •9578 •038 •09 1-0436 •9582 •036 •08 1-0431 •9587 •034 •07 1-0427 •9591 •033 •07 1-0422 •9595 •031 •06 1-0418 •9599 •031 •05 1-0414 •9602 •031 •04 1-0410 •9606 •030 •04 1-0406 •9610 •030 •03 1-0402 ■9614 •029 •02 1-0398 •9617 ■029 •01 1-0394 •9621 •029 •00 1-0390 •9625 •028 00 1-0386 •9628 •028. 1027-99 1-0382 •9632 •028 •98 1-0378 •9636 •028 •97 1-0374 •9638 •028 •96 1 0370 •9642 •027 •95 1-0366 •9646 ■027 •94 1-0362 •9651 •027 •93 1-0359 •9654 •027 •92 1-0355 •9658 •027 •92 1-0351 •9662 •026 •91 1-0347 •9665 •026 •90 1-9343 •9669 •026 •89 1-0340 •9672 •026 •88 1 0336 •9675 •026 •87 1 0333 •9678 •027 •85 1-0329 •9681 •027 •84 1-0326 •9685 •027 •83 1 0323 •9688 ■027 •82 1-0329 •9691 •027 •81 1-0316 •9694 •028 •80 1-0312 •9697 028 •79 1-0309 •9700 •028 •78 1 '0305 •9704 ■027 •77 1-0304 •9707 •026 •76 1-0298 •9711 •026 •74 1-0294 •9715 •025 •73 1-0290 •9719 •024 •72 1-0286 •9723 •023 •71 1-0282 •9727 •022 •70 1-0279 •9731 •022 •69 1-0275 •9734 •021 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. L /*. II. _ | Specific Gravity of Standard "Water, Dittmar. III. <*>(<)• IV. 1 W) ' V. Correction for 4©; to find Th. and R.’a result. 6-0 1027-68 1 0271 •9737 + 020 •1 •66 10268 •9740 019 "3 •65 1 0264 •9743 019 •3 •64 10261 •9746 018 •4 •62 1 0258 •9749 018 •5 •61 1 0255 •9753 017 •6 •60 1 0251 •9756 016 *7 ■59 10248 •9759 016 •8 •57 10245 •9762 015 •9 •56 10241 •9765 015 7 0 •55 10238 •9768 014 •1 •53 1 0235 9771 013 *2 •52 10231 •9774 012 •3 •51 10228 9777 012 •4 •49 1 0225 •9780 •Oil •5 •48 10222 •9784 •010 •6 •46 10219 •9787 009 ' t •45 10215 •9790 008 •8 •44 10212 •9793 008 •9 •42 1 0208 •9796 007 80 •41 10205 •9799 006 •1 •39 1 0202 •9802 005 *2 •38 10199 •9805 005 •3 •36 10195 •9808 004 •4 •35 10192 •9811 004 •5 •34 10189 •9815 003 •6 •32 10186 •9818 003 7 •31 10183 •9821 002 •8 •29 10179 •9824 •002 9 •28 10176 •9827 •001 90 •26 10173 •9830 •001 •1 •24 10170 •9833 •ooo •o •23 10167 •9836 •000 •3 •21 10164 •9839 -OOl '4 •20 10161 •9842 •001 •5 •18 10158 •9845 OOl •6 •16 10154 •9848 002 •7 •15 10151 •9851 002 •8 •13 10148 •9854 002 •11 10145 •9857 002 100 1027 10 10142 •9860 002 •1 08 10139 •9862 OOl *2 06 10137 •9865 OOl •3 05 10134 •9867 OOO •4 •03 10132 •9870 + 001 •8 01 10129 ■9872 002 6 1026 99 10126 •9875 002 7 •98 10124 •9877 003 96 10121 •9880 004 9 94 10119 •9882 004 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATER. 73 I. t°. II. Specific Gravity 4©* of Standard Water, Dittmar. III. m- IV. 1 V. Correction for to find Th. and R.’s result. 110 1026-92 1-0116 •9885 •005 •1 •91 1-0113 •9888 •004 •2 •89 1-0110 ■9891 •003 •3 •87 1-0107 •9894 •002 •4 •85 1-0104 •9897 •001 •5 •83 1-0104 •9900 •000 •6 •81 1-0998 •9903 •000 •7 •80 1-0995 •9906 -•001 •8 •78 1-0992 •9909 •002 •9 •76 1-0089 •9912 •003 12-0 •74 1-0086 •9915 •004 •1 •72 1-0083 •9917 003 •2 •70 1-0081 •9920 •002 •3 •68 1-0078 •9922 •001 •4 •66 1-0076 •9925 •ooo •5 •64 1-0073 •9927 •ooo •6 •62 1-0071 •9930 + •001 •7 •60 1-0068 •9932 •002 •8 •58 1-0066 •9935 •003 •9 •56 1-0063 •9937 •004 13-0 •54 1-0061 •9940 •005 ■1 •52 1 0059 •9942 ■005 •2 •50 1-0056 •9945 •005 •3 •48 1-0054 •9947 •005 •4 ■46 1-0051 •9950 •005 •5 •44 1-0049 •9952 •005 •6 •42 1 -0047 •9954 •005 hr •7 •40 1-0044 •9957 •005 •8 •38 1-0042 •9959 •005 •9 •36 1-0039 ■9962 •005 14-0 •34 1-0037 •9964 •005 •1 •32 1-0035 •9966 •004 •2 •30 1-0032 •9969 •004 •3 •27 1-0030 •9971 •003 •4 •25 1-0027 •9974 •003 •5 •23 1-0025 •9976 •002 •6 •21 1-0023 •9978 •001 ■7 •19 1-0020 •9980 •001 •8 T7 1-0018 •9982 •ooo •9 •15 1-0015 •9985 •ooo 15-0 T3 1-0013 •9987 - -001 •1 TO 1-0011 •9989 •001 •2 •08 1-0008 •9992 •001 •3 •06 1-0006 •9994 -•ooo ■4 •04 1-0003 •9997 •ooo •5 •01 1 0001 ■9999 •ooo •6 1025-99 •9999 1-0001 •ooo •7 •97 •9996 1-0004 •ooo •8 •94 •9994 1-0006 + -ooi ■9 •92 •9991 1-0009 •001 (pHYS CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PART T. 1884) A 10 4 THE VOYAGE OF 1I.M.S. CHALLENGER. I. II. Specific Gravity of Standard Water, Dittmar. III. IV. 1 m' V. Correction for to find Th. and R.’s result. 160 1025-90 •9989 10011 •001 •1 •88 •9987 10013 •001 .0 •85 •9984 10016 •001 •3 ■83 •9982 10018 •001 •4 ■81 •9980 10021 •001 •5 •79 •9978 10023 •001 •6 ■76 •9975 10025 •001 < •74 •9973 10027 •001 •8 72 •9971 10029 •001 •9 •69 •9968 10032 •001 170 •67 •9966 10034 •001 •1 •65 •9964 1 0036 •003 *2 •62 •9962 10038 •004 *3 •60 •9959 10041 •006 •4 •57 •9957 10043 •007 •5 •55 •9955 10045 •009 •6 •52 •9953 10047 •010 *7 •50 •9951 10049 •012 •8 •47 •9948 10052 •014 •9 •44 •9946 10054 •015 180 •42 •9944 10056 •017 •1 •39 •9942 10058 •018 •2 •37 •9940 10061 •019 •3 •34 •9937 10063 •020 .4 •32 •9935 10066 •021 •5 •29 •9933 10068 ■021 •6 •27 •9931 10070 •022 *7 •24 •9929 10072 •023 ■8 •21 •9926 10074 •024 *9 19 ■9924 10077 •025 190 •16 •9922 10079 •026 •1 14 •9920 10081 •026 rO •11 ■9919 10082 •026 •3 09 •9917 10084 •027 •4 •06 •9915 1 0086 •027 •5 03 •9914 10088 •027 •6 Ol •9912 1 0089 •027 '7 1024-98 •9910 10091 ■027 •8 •96 •9908 10092 •028 9 •93 •9907 10094 •028 200 •90 •9905 10096 •028 *1 •88 •9903 10098 •028 *2 •85 •9902 10100 •029 3 •82 •9899 10102 •029 4 •80 •9897 10104 029 5 •77 •9894 10107 •030 •6 •74 •9892 10109 + -030 *7 •72 •9890 10112 •030 •8 69 •9888 10113 •031 ■0 66 •9886 10115 •031 EEPOET ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATEE. 75 I. f. II. Specific Gravity of Standard Water, Dittmar. IV. 1 w V. Correction for to find Th. and R’s result. 210 1024-63 •9884 1-0117 ■031 •1 •61 •9882 1-0119 •032 •2 •58 •9881 1-0120 •032 •3 •55 •9879 1-0121 •033 •4 •52 •9878 1-0123 •034 •5 •50 •9876 1-0124 •035 •6 •47 •9875 1-0126 •035 •7 •44 •9874 1-0127 ■036 •8 •41 •9872 1-0129 •037 ■9 •39 •9871 1-0130 ■038 22-0 •36 •9869 1-0132 •038 •1 •32 •9867 1-0134 •037 •2 •29 •9865 1-0136 •036 •3 •27 •9863 1-0138 •035 •4 •25 •9861 1-0140 •034 •5 •22 •9859 1-0143 •034 •6 •19 •9857 1-0145 •033 •7 T6 •9855 1-0147 •032 •8 •14 •9853 1-0149 •031 •9 T1 •9851 1-0151 •030 23-0 •08 •9849 1-0153 •029 T •05 •9847 1-0155 •028 •2 •02 •9846 1-0156 •028 •3 •00 •9844 1-0158 •027 •4 1023-97 •9843 1-0159 •027 •5 •94 •9841 1-0160 •027 •6 •91 •9840 1-0162 •026 •7 •88 •9838 1-0163 •026 •8 •86 •9837 1-0165 •025 •9 •83 •9835 1-0166 •025 24-0 •80 •9834 1-0168 •024 •1 •77 •9832 1-0170 ■023 •2 •74 •9830 1-0172 •021 •3 •71 ■9828 1-0174 •020 •4 •68 •9826 1-0176 ■018 •5 •65 •9825 1-0178 •017 ■6 •62 •9823 1-0180 •016 •7 •59 •9821 1-0182 •014 ■8 •56 •9819 1-0184 •013 •9 •53 •9817 1-0186 •011 25-0 •51 •9815 1-0188 •010 •1 •48 •9814 1-0189 •010 •2 •45 ■9812 1-0191 •010 •3 •42 •9811 1-0192 •010 •4 •39 •9810 1-0194 •010 •5 •36 ■9809 10195 •011 •6 •33 •9807 1-0196 •Oil •7 •30 •9806 1-0198 •Oil •8 •27 ■9805 1-0199 •Oil •9 •24 •9803 1-0201 + -oil 76 TI1E VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. L H. Specific Gravity ,0, of Standard "Water, Dittmar. III. ( 0- IV. 1 m' V. Correction for 40e to find Th. and R.’s result. 260 1023-21 •9802 10202 •Oil •1 fc18 •9800 10204 •010 *2 15 •9798 10206 009 ■3 •12 •9797 1 0208 007 •4 08 •9795 10210 006 •5 05 •9793 10212 005 ■6 02 •9791 10213 004 •7 1022-99 •9789 10215 003 •8 •96 •9788 10217 002 •9 •93 •9786 10219 •000 270 •90 •9784 10221 - OOl •1 •87 •9782 10223 002 •0 •84 •9780 10225 002 •3 •81 •9779 10227 003 •4 •78 •9777 1 0229 003 •5 •75 •9775 10231 004 ■6 •71 •9773 10232 004 *7 •68 •9771 10234 005 •8 •65 •9770 10236 005 •9 •62 •9768 10238 006 280 •59 •9766 10240 006 •1 •56 •9764 10242 007 •2 •53 •9762 10244 008 •3 •50 •9761 10245 009 •4 •46 •9759 10247 •010 •5 •43 •9757 10249 012 •6 •40 •9755 10251 013 '7 •37 •9754 10253 014 •8 •34 •9752 10254 015 •9 •31 •9750 10256 016 290 •27 •9749 1 0258 017 •1 •24 •9746 10260 019 •o •21 •9744 10263 022 3 18 •9742 10265 024 •4 15 •9740 10268 027 5 11 •9737 10270 029 •6 08 •9735 10272 031 *7 05 •9733 10275 034 •8 02 •9731 10277 036 •9 1021 99 •9728 10280 039 300 •95 •9726 * 10282 041 *1 •92 •9724 10284 043 *2 •89 •9722 10286 045 3 •86 •9720 10289 047 •4 •82 •9718 10291 049 •5 •79 •9716 10293 052 •6 •76 •9713 1 0295 054 •7 •73 •9711 1 0297 056 •8 ■70 •9709 1 0300 058 ■9 •66 •9707 1 0302 060 310 •63 •9705 10304 062 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 77 I now proceed to give a table (VIII.) for reducing a given specific gravity to chlorine (grams per kilogramme) ; i.e., to find x from 4S(. In using this table it must be under- stood that the values 4S, are those corresponding to my experimental conditions, and not reduced to the vacuum. Hence, if the given specific gravity is corrected for the displaced air, begin by adding 0*033. Supposing the value 4S( given is 1025-43 and t = 18°-3 ; begin by cancelling the vacuum-correction, i.e.. substituting 1025'463 for the given S; then find that value x under 1025 which corresponds to t = 180,3 (by inter- polation between 18° and 19°); i.e., compute 19*087 + 0*3 x 0*186 = 19-087 -1- 0‘056 = 19-143. This is the x for 4S18.3 = 1025; the x for 1025-463 is greater by 0'463 x k where h means the value A(%) A(S) for t — 18°'3. According to the last column but one, we have Jc = 07245 ; diff. for 1° = 0"0017; hence k for 18°"3 = 07245 -I- 0"3 x 0"0017 = 0725. But 0725 x 0"463 = 0"336 ; hence the x sought is 19"143 + 0"336 = 19 '479 or rather 19*48, because the third decimal is purely accidental. To find the specific gravity 4S at t° for a given x is, of course easy when the t is an integer, and the given x happens to stand somewhere in a line with that t. But as a rule this of course is not the case. Supposing we want the 4S at 20° 7 for x = 18-60. The two x’s, under S = 1023 opposite t = 20° and 21° respectively come near to, and are less than, our number. By interpolation, we find that S20.7 = 1023 for x= 18*006 + 0*7 x 0793 = 18*141. The given x is by 0*459 greater, hence the S sought is greater than 1023 by y x 0*459. Now h, by interpolation is 0*7289, hence AS = 0*459 -f- 0*729 = 0*630, and 4S20.7 (meaning what I may call my specific gravity) is 1023*63. To reduce it to the vacuum deduct 0*03. But this is a troublesome calculation ; I shall therefore append a special table for finding Si5.56 for a given x by mere inspection. From it any S, can be obtained by Table VII. THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Table VIII. To Jind xfrom a given 4S,. r. : 1020. I 1 i 1021. s' 0 P 2 jg 5 1022. Differences. 1023. Differences. 1024. Differences. 1025. Differences. 1026. Differences. 0 I ... 17-212 17-897 1 ... 17-240 28 17-927 3i o 17-274 34 17-965 37 3 17-322 48 18-015 5° 4 17-378 56 18-074 59 5 1 17-445 67 18-143 69 c ... . • • 17-519 74 18-219 76 1 I ... 17-604 85 18-306 87 8 17-694 90 18-398 92 9 , ... 17-794 100 18-501 103 10 ... 17-195 17-904 1 ro 18-613 1 12 11 ... ... ... 17-312 117 18-023 • 19 18-734 121 12 17-438 126 18-151 128 18-864 130 13 17-572 •34 18-288 •37 19-003 •39 14 ... 17-715 •43 18-432 •44 19-149 146 15 j ... ... 17-862 •47 18-581 149 19-300 •5i 16 18-022 160 18-743 162 19-464 164 17 18183 161 18-906 163 19-629 165 18 ... 18-362 179 19-087 181 19-811 182 19 1 ... 18-546 184 19-273 186 19-999 188 20 ... 17-278 18-006 18-734 188 19-461 188 20-189 190 21 17-470 192 18-199 •93 18-928 194 19-657 196 20-387 198 22 ... 17-667 •97 18-398 •99 19129 201 19-859 202 20-590 203 23 17-866 199 18-598 200 19-330 20 I 20-063 204 20-795 205 24 • •• 18071 205 18-805 207 19-539 209 20-272 209 21-006 21 1 23 | ... ••• 18-284 *»3 19019 214 19-754 215 20-489 217 26 ... 18-502 218 19-238 1 219 19-974 220 20-710 221 * 1 I Mt 17-988 18-726 224 19-463 | 225 20-200 226 20-938 228 28 18-216 1 44 44 00 18-954 228 19-693 1 230 20-431 231 21-170 232 29 j 17*709 a3‘ 1 13-448 3S2 I 19188 *34 19-927 234 20-666 235 30 17-944 *35 18-684 236 19-424 236 20165 238 20-905 239 31 1 |8 184 { 240 18 925 241 19-667 243 20-408 243 21*149 244 S-36 15970: ••• 15*790 ... 1 16-510 17-231 17-951 j ... 18-671 19*391 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 79 Table VIII. — continued. To find xft'om a given 4S,. cn m C/2 m C/2 CJ2 n at caeh end, so that it could be suspended from a i ’■ to plunge into the liquid exactly up t" the diamond mark. A REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 83 heavy plunger, suspended from below within the liquid, kept the instrument steady, and ensured to it a vertical position. To determine the double weight of the hillock drawn up by this apparatus from water, I determined (l), the loss V in weight which it suffered when plunged into water up to the mark; (2), the loss l" which it suffered when suspended the other way; and (3), the loss L it suffered when totally immersed. Obviously the water displaced in (1) and (2) is l' + m and l" -f to, and 1' + 1" + 2m=L ; or, L-(l' + l") m — t • Now, m — au where u is the sum of the two peripheries, which in my instrument was = 140 mm., whence m a~14b' Operating in this manner, I found the value of the constant a (the units being the gramme and millimetre) For pure water a0 = 0-00456. For sea- water ax = 0-00402. Whence p,0 = O'O46 and — 0*0406, and for the capillarity correction of Buchanan’s hydrometer (calling it S0 - S) D a 0-0406-1-028 x 0-046 On — 0= T7^r\ ’ or $0-S -0-0067 160 = - 0-000 042, or S0 = S — 0'042 for water equal to 1000. The specific gravities, as found by the hydro- meter, should be too high by 0"042, water= 1000. When I actually used Mr. Buchanan’s hydrometer to determine the specific gravity of a sea-water which had already been ascertained exactly by means of the plunger, I obtained a number which differed from the plunger-result by considerably more than 0"04, and the difference lay in the opposite direction. To settle this matter I carried out the following two series of experiments. ls£ Series. A number of spirals of copper wire of known weights were prepared, and so adjusted that when one of them was attached to the top of the instrument, and the latter floated in water of 16° C. to 18° C., it sank down to somewhere between 40 and 60 mm. of the scale. The hydrometer then was floated in a large mass of pure water, of about the temperature named (the temperature of the surrounding air being about the same), the several over-weights, iv j w2, &c., were attached successively, and in each case the hydrometer and the thermometer were read. This was repeated sixty-five times, the weights being- made to vary from reading to reading, so that each turned up about three to five times at THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 84 l.M'r nt t* mi •« ‘natures. The readings then were all reduced to a medium temperature of 16 7. and classified according to the over- weights iv corresponding to them. As the several temperatures differed from 16°7 by at most 1° C., the coefficient of xpansion of water was taken as having the constant value e = 0'000 169; the coefficient of expansion of glass was taken to be &=0'000 025. Supposing the hydrometer to read h mm. in water of 16 7 + A t, and the temperature to fall to 16 7, then, on account of the contraction of the water, the hydrometer rises l»v h j, and, on account of the contraction of the glass, sinks by h2 mm., the conjoint effect being a rise of . ,_(A0W (e-k) a 0-0081 mm., md as the scale is numbered from above downwards, a positive fall of temperature A t corresponds to a positive A h in the reading, and a negative to a negative. Substi- tuting numerical values, we have A/i = A^ x 2*86 mm. The G5 pairs of values for h and w were subjected to graphic rectilinear interpolation, and the constants wa 0 and a of the equation iv = wGO + a(60 — Ji) taken from the line drawn. 2 ml Srrien. In a second series a certain sea-water of exactly known specific gravity wa.' u-' d, the table belonging to the instrument, and a variable amount of gram-weights >< rving to establish the w'a. The number of readings this time was 62, and the tempera- tures lav within a degree of 17, which latter was adopted as the standard temperature. The co-efficdenf of expansion of the sea-water operated upon was taken from my own tables • is deduced from the formula, page 58. The graphic interpolation led to a formula — w1 = (wc o), + «, x (60 — h) . As the specific gravity of the sea-water at 1 7 was about 1-028, the value ought to have 1-028 x a. Unfortunately I had great latitude in drawing my two lines, and so it • am* that this relation did not hold at all exactly. I therefore took the mean of a and of j 0!,s as applying t<> pure, and the multiple of this mean by T028 as applying to the ■ r, slightly altering the constant terms on both sides, so as to keep the lines fairly within their respective dots on the diagram. I thus obtained for the total weight of t.. !) instrument standing at A mm. ill .'■•a-watt r wliat forms the numerator, a d tor th«- « on-' -p aiding weight for pure water what forms the denominator in the following formula : — 165-077 +(60- A) x Q‘00868 . i« ;^i7 - 160-579 + (60 - A) x 0 00845 * As 166-077 160-579 x Q'00845, 0 008G8 = Sx 0-00845 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OE OCEAN- WATER. 85 only tlie constant terms need be retained in the computation, which leads to the value — 16-7^17 — 1 028 ‘01 , whence, by a series of corrections, 4815-56= 1027‘202 by hydrometer. By analysis y = 20*345, whence by tables (if we deduct 0‘04 from the tabular value for the vacuum correction), 1027-287, or hydrometer result + 0‘085 ; but this latter result is liable to a correction of — 0‘042 for the capillarity (see p. 83), which brings it down to 1027 ‘160, whence error in corrected hydrometer reading = — 0 ‘ 1 2 7. By a specially made plunger experiment (plunger displacement specially determined, weighings reduced to the vacuum from actually observed air-density) I found 4S19-i5= 1026-43. The hydrometer result, when reduced to 19° "15, is 4S19.15= 1026-315 (capillarity not allowed for), hence error in tmcorrected hydrometer reading = — 0*12 ; in corrected = — 0"16. We see the capillarity correction alters the result in the wrong direc- tion, and consequently had better be omitted. The number 0*00845, which in my final equation figures as the water-value of 1 0 of the hydrometer, is the result of a compromise between those two series. The water series by itself gave 0*00805, which coincides with what I obtained before by a more direct determination, in observations stretching over a wider range of the scale. By, so to speak, forcing this value (i.e., 0*00805 x 1*028) on the sea-water curve, slightly altering the constants, and calculating on this basis, I find — 4S19.15= 1026*349, which is only 0*08 less than the plunger result. Adopting this method, the hydrometer value is too low: if we neglect the capillarity correction by 0*08; if we take in the capillarity correction, by 0*12. There is no need of our searching for the cause of this error ; it is fully explained by the inherent uncertainty in the hydrometer’s position of apparent equilibrium. On com- paring the several readings obtained in series I. for identical over -weights and reduced to the same temperature, I often found them to differ from the mean by as much as TIIE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 86 ±2 nun., 2 of tlui hydrometer, and occasionally even by more. On classifying tlie errors of series I., as deduced from the original line — w= (wt0)a + (60 — h) x 0*00805, according to their magnitudes I counted — -t- Error under. 0- 5 10 1- 5 20 2- 5 3- 2 Number of Cases. 11 27 38 53 59 65 The entry 32 ( = nearest integer to 32-5) in Column II. if interpolated would correspond to some value between TO and 1*5 for the error, hence the probable error may be set d<>\vn as ± T3 degrees of the hydrometer scale ; the probability of the error being less than ±20 is seen directly from the table to be about ^| = 0'81. I think it is a fair assumption that the “A” put down by Mr. Buchanan in his volume table for a given ■r at t as a result of his standard experiments, is uncertain by at least ±0‘5 mm. Adding dbl‘5 as the probable uncertainty of the reading for a given sample of sea-water in the - . ment practical applications of the instrument, we arrive at ±2’0 x 0’008-r- 160 as an estimate of the probable relative error in the individual specific gravity reported, which comes to ±0*1 fora specific gravity referred to water =1000. The corresponding uncertainty in \ (number of grams of chlorine per kilogram of sea-water) is ±0'072. This then is about the degree of precision which we may presume Mr. Buchanan to li iv< r ach'd in lib numerous specific gravity determinations. But my determinations of tie chlorine in waters examined by him, enable us, to some extent, to actually measure the precision of his work. Column IX. of Table L gives the differences \ between the chlorines x1 calculated from Mr. Bui hai pecific gravities ,s. and the values x which I found in my analyses. I have arranged their values x' — X according to their magnitude, which, in the first' ■ , led to the detection of the following exceptionally high numbers, which may be Le as bring probably owing to blunders in the specific gravity determination, or to mistake-, in regard to the identity of t lie waters which I analysed — X-X, . . -0-376 -0-474 -0522 -0307 +0-245 +0512 So. of the water, . 1520 1533 388 1265 485 1 In looking down the ninth column of our Table L, we are struck by the predominance values, win- g’-.-t- that ili'-ii' must be a relatively constant element in the ■l.iT : n l"tv.' a x and xi as expressed in the equation x' — x = constant ± observa- tional error. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 87 To find a value for this quasi constant, I took the mean of all my 315 values of X1 — X, which came to — (P037. This I subtracted from (i.e., I added -f 0*03 7 to) all the entries, and arranged the remainders as follows, according to their magnitudes. Table XI. Classification of the Observational Errors in Buchanan’s Values f. Numerical value of Number of errors in interval. Total number of error in units of the third place. A. Positive. Negative. Total. errors less than ± A. Oto 19 20 32 18 50 50 20 to 39 40 32 24 56 106 40 to 59 60 19 28 47 153 60 to 79 80 22 17 39 192 80 to 99 100 12 22 34 226 100 to 119 120 7 12 19 245 120 to 139 140 12 12 24 269 140 to 159 160 9 7 16 285 160 to 179 180 7 7 14 299 180 to 199 200 2 6 8 307 200 to 219 220 5 0 5 312 220 to 239 240 2 1 3 315 161 154 315 315 By direct counting of the individual errors in the original table, which gave them all as an ascending series, the “probable error ” lies between ±0*061 and±0'062, And again, by direct counting, there are 249 cases (out of the 315) where the error is less than ±0*123 ; hence the probability of an error taken at random being less than twice the 249 probable is, by counting, = 2^5 = 0*79. Theory demands 0*82. The numbers y1 were calculated from Buchanan’s results for 4S, by means of Table VIII. ; but in ww-doing the vacuum correction which Buchanan’s specific gravities contain. THE VOYAGE OF II.M.S. CHALLENGER. $3 1 Id .1 mi + 0*04 instead of +0*033, which I now think comes nearer the truth. To ^ S - 0*007 corresponds Ax — — 0*005 ; hence if I had used 0*033, the constant • in x1— \ would have become = — 0*042. The correction is insignificant ; butwewill h «i»t it and formulate the net result of our inquiry by saying (in reference to the 315 cases considered) that X1— x=-0*042±S where S is a variable quantity of which the chances are even that it is less or greater t: m 0*00, and about 8 against 2 that it is loss than 0*12. It would not be fair to charge the whole of cither term against Mr. Buchanan as representing an error in his specific _ ivitv determination. My analytical values x must be charged with a probable error of (my) ± 1 )()th of their value, i.e., of about ±0*01, and part of the constant term may be owing to my having unwittingly changed my unit for x when (a considerable time after the Challenger water analyses had been made) I analysed my standard waters for the specific gravity research. I fed sure in my mind that this latter error could not amount to more than ±0*02 at the outside. Assuming it to be negative, the error in the numbers x' would be reduced to a(x')= — 0*02±0*05 as an estimate of its “probable” value. Only the variable term affects the oceanographic applications; translated into a difference of specilic gravity it amounts to about ±0*07, which is a little less than the value which resulted from my hydrometer experiments. Tb< oceanographic significance of his specific gravities will be discussed by Mr. Buchanan himself. 1 am indebted to Mr. Thomas Barbour for the valuable assistance he has given me in iriying out the specific gravity research, and in the tedious calculations involved in it and in the construction of the tables. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OE OCEAN-WATER. 80 III.— THE BROMINE IN OCEAN WATER. The chlorine in the 77 sea- water analyses, tabulated on pages 23 to 25, includes the bromine and iodine, in the sense that [Br] parts of the former or [I] parts of the latter are put down as [Cl] parts of chlorine. Now the proportion of iodine* in sea-water is so very minute, that its effect on the chlorine determinations may well be neglected ; but with the bromine the case is different, for, according to all author- ities, it forms quite an appreciable fraction of the total halogen. In regard, however, to the numerical ratio of the bromine to the chlorine, the several analysts differ widely from one another. Justus Roth, in his Allgemeine und chemische Geologie, vol. i. pp. 505 et seq., quotes a number of sea- water analyses by the authorities to be named, whose results for the bromine, when reduced to 100 parts of total salts, are as follows : — C. Schmidt, 1877, ..... 0T36 and 0T44 Von Bibra, 1851, ..... P01 „ 089 Thorpe and Morton, 1870, ..... 0*181 J. Hunter, in 13 analyses of waters collected S.S.W. of Ireland (1869), finds values oscillating about 1 ‘0. The results, as we see, vary from 0T36 to about seven times this value. Considering these immense divergences, I thought it would be well to try and determine the bromine in at least a selection of Challenger waters, the more so as, just on account of the smallness of its proportion, I had a chance of proving that this value is different for different ocean waters. A few preliminary determinations sufficed to show that von Bibra’s and Hunter’s results are far too high, while Thorpe and Morton’s or Schmidt’s come at least near the truth. Hence an exact determination of the bromine could not be attempted with less than a whole litre of sea-water, meaning 2 litres for a duplicate analysis, which is very con- siderably more than I could have spared of any one of my samples. I had not, moreover, the time for a very extensive series of analyses, and therefore at once decided upon preparing mixtures of waters representative of certain regions of the ocean (or certain depths in a given region), and analysing these mixtures. For the quantitative determination of the bromine contained in a small quantity of bromide diffused throughout a large mass of chloride only one method is known. We must separate out the bromine by fractional precipitation with nitrate of silver, and in the precipitate — which in the case of sea-water always consists mostly of chloride — determine the bromine by heating the mixed precipitate in chlorine gas, and ascertaining the loss of weight resulting from this operation. In it every [AgBr] parts of bromide of * See the memoir hy J. Kottstorfer, Zeitschrift fur Analytisclie Chemie, 1878, p. 305 ; also J ahresbericht fit r Clxcmu, 1878, p. 1043. He finds one milligram of iodine in fifty litres of the water of the Adriatic. In a few experiments with Challenger samples I found similar values. (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. — PART I. 1884.) A 12 90 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. -ilvt-r become KujC'l i parts of chloride. Hence every [Br — Cl] grms. of loss of weight indicate [Br] grins, of broipine. According to Stas’s determinations, Br = 79*95 ; 01 = 35*46; Ag=107*93. Hence Br— Cl = 44*49 ; and AgBr Br-Cl 4*2230 : Br Br-Cl = 1 *7970 . To he able to work this method to the best advantage, I began by ascertaining the minimum weight of nitrate of silver which is sure to precipitate the maximum weight ■ ■I bromine presumably present in a litre of sea-water. And here, unfortunately, I f. 11 into an error which rendered a whole string of subsequent analyses almost use- lr>s. Two test analyses of synthetically prepared mixtures agreed fairly well, and had apparently brought out the fact that 100 c.c. of deci-normal silver solution, i.e., about ' tli of the volume required for the total halogen, brings down the whole of the bromine from one litre of sea- water. This exact proportion of precipitant accordingly was used in the duplicate analyses of 14 sea- water mixtures, before it was discovered by additional synthetical trials, that the proportion named falls considerably short of what is really irv. Thr r*->ults of the I l bromine-determinations thus became, of course, value- less in an absolute sense; but as all the work had been done in a strictly uniform fashion, the results still remained available to some extent for seeing whether or not the proportion of bromine in sea-water salts is subject to considerable variation ; and it is only on this account that I refer to the aeeident in tlii' memoir. In all the 14 samples of v. iter, tie “chlorine” had been determined by my modification of Volhard’s process, and the numbers for the bromine had been reduced finally to 100 parts of “chlorine.” The 14 resultB when thus reduced, varied from 0*280 to 0*316; mean of them all =0*292; probable error of the individual determination =±0*007. Hence it would appear that th< ratio of bromine to total halogen in sea-water is subject to considerable variation; but even this result I could not accept as final, the Less so as the particular modus operand* which had 1" ipted, when critically looked into, was found to be infected irregular errors which deprived the few exceptionally high results of a considerable j*ortion of their value as evidence. T iifortunately the work, through sheer want of material, could not be repeated, or . •. . i r unu d on -imilar lines ; there were, however, still a sufficient variety and number < l.-nger water -amples in my possession to enable me to prepare mixtures fairly ■ • 'iv. of 'irfricr, medium -depth, and great drpth respectively, and I accordingly i up n preparing -uch mixtures and analysing them. But I had first to make quite sure of my analytical method. II ■ • f und out that it i- not pos-ible to eliminate the whole of the bromine from a • v. • r, without producing an inconveniently large haloid of silver precipitate, to cone the bromim converting it into the silver-salt,- by dis- REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 91 tillation of the water with chlorine, and collecting the liberated bromine (and the excess of re-agent) in pure caustic ^potash. To test this method, a large number of trials were made with synthetically prepared sea-waters, containing known weights of pure bromide of potassium; but the results were unsatisfactory. Even when six equivalents of chlorine were used to expel one equivalent of bromine, the residue still contained a remnant of undecomposed bromide, whose bromine, it is true, was found capable of being eliminated by one or two repetitions of the process ; but the method then becomes rather trouble- some, besides being uncertain as to its exhaustiveness. In addition to this, the determina- tion of the bromine in the distillate proved not so easy as I had expected. The reduction of the bromate is, of course, easily effected by means of sulphurous acid ; but the haloid of silver precipitate obtained from the reduced liquor is often contaminated with a dark-coloured (sulphur?) compound, which has to be removed by hot nitric acid : a risky operation under the circumstances. Several attempts to separate the bromides from the bulk of the other salts by means of alcohol gave still more discouraging results. I therefore at last came back to the original method, which, as the result of a number of trials, assumed ultimately the following form : — A decinormal solution of nitrate of silver is prepared by dissolving 17 grms. of the anhy- drous salt in 20 c.c. of nitric acid of 1 '4 specific gravity, and enough water to produce 1 litre of solution. This solution serves for the precipitation of the bromine, and its titre must be sufficiently exact to enable one to maintain in all the analyses a constant ratio between silver added and silver-equivalent of the total halogen present ; so that, assuming the method to be infected with some latent inherent error, the results retain at least their comparative value. For the same reason an exact determination of the “ chlorine ” always precedes that of the scarcer halogen. The modus operandi is as follows : — One kilogram of the sea-water is weighed out, and mixed with a volume of the silver- solution, equivalent to exactly 1 jnth of the total halogen present, the mixture shaken and put aside in a dark place. What the right value for n is will be explained by and by. After the precipitate has settled down, which generally takes about twelve hours,* the supernatant liquor is syphoned off, the precipitate washed by decantation, and the washings are added to the decantate. The precipitate is then transferred to a basin, and dried over a water-bath, in the absence of light. The dry residue is then collected in a porcelain boat, which has previously been tared within, and along with a piece of combustion-tubing, which is about to 2 inches longer than the boat itself. Within this tube the dehydration of the haloid is effected by fusion in a current of dry air, and the chlorination by repeated heating in a current of dry chlorine until the weight is constant. As the latter operation is generally accompanied by a slight effervescence (which would otherwise lead to a loss of from 1-3 mgrms. of chloride), * In a neutral mixture the precipitate remains suspended for days as an intractable milk. the voyage of h.m.s. challenger. 1*2 • : nts are always weighed along with the tube. No cork-joints are used -•j.. -rations ; the connection of the tube with the air-gasometer or the , is . fleeted by means of a closely (though not hermetically) fitting glass • . int<* the end of the operation-tube, which works perfectly well, as the gas : no pressure. The combustion-tube is never heated directly in the gas ; ar ted from them by an interposed magnesia bath, as recommended by > i -mail i . pa- to the test experiments which were made for determining the valuer t •, i ! . 1 -t ttling certain other questions. Pure bromide of potassium solution was . baking bromine with solution of the commercial pure salt, and then distilling The distilled bromine was converted into zinc salt, the latter decomposed by • . iuivalcnt of pure carbonate of potassium, and the carbonate of zinc filtered Th- lut i* >n aft r having been conveniently diluted, was analysed by the gravi- ne tri : >rm of Volhard s method, with the following result : — Found in one gram of solution I. II. Mean. 1 3*099 1 3‘08 1 13’09 nigrms. of bromiue. • ■ : n ■ rwd for the synthesis of solutions containing known weights of © © 1 : mid. Part of it was utilised for preparing pure bromide of silver, pur- -ilver salt (weighed after fusion) when chlorinated in a boat within t ■ " (■" explained above) gave '1499 grin, of chloride — loss of weight . 1-lG mgrms. of bromine. Calculated from the weight of the bromide ' tie- error +0’G7 mgrm. In order now to see whether chloride of *d r ii t'-d r< t its weight, 100 c.c. of dccinormal silver solution were ■ : ilorie acid, the precipitated chloride, in one case («), filtered off, , J v if ' add e.invcniently be detached from the filter-paper, chlorinated. i ), the precipitate was collected by decantation. Loss of weight in rhlurination (f»f als»ut 1120 mgrms.) — («) (b) 0 3 mgrm. 0 ' ..rr< jj-.n ling to 0-54 ,, 0 of Bromine. 1 i,‘- • • p riments a known weight of bromine (in the shape of our p.Y/) w a- mixed with enough of pure chloride of sodium to produce REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 93 very nearly 10 mgrm. equivalents of haloid, the solution precipitated by 100 c.c. of decinormal silver, plus a few drops extra to be sure of an excess of silver, the precipitate collected, washed, and chlorinated to determine the bromine. The modus ojperandi was exactly that explained in the introduction as being the one finally adopted for the water- samples, except in the case of No. 4, when the haloid-precipitate, instead of being worked by decantation, was all collected on a filter and the chlorination effected in a bulb-tube instead of in a boat within a tube. No. of Experiment. Bromine Taken. Bromine Found. Error. mgr ms. mgr ms. mgrms. 4 63-63 63-68 + 0-05 6 63-54 62-50 -1-04 15 63-92 63 78 -0-14 16 63-88 62-72 -1-16 17 63-86 62-52 -1-34 18 63-86 63-40 -0-46 Mean error, -0-68 The weighing error corresponding to this mean = -f 0'37 mgrm., which I suspect is owing to the fact that chloride of silver, when fused in chlorine, retains a slight excess of halogen, which is not expelled by a current of air of short duration such as we used to apply at the end. The mere inconstancy in the weight of the apparatus, according to my judgment, cannot have been more than ±0‘2 mgrm. at the most, and besides it would not always have affected the result in the same direction. Admitting that the method is subject to an inherent negative error, this error (excluding No. 4) would amount to about ^_ths of the bromine to be determined. But the experiments are too few to admit of such an interpretation. Attempts to Determine the Minimum of Silver required for Precipitating the Bromine from 1 Litre of Sea-Water. (1.) Preliminary Trials with Natural Sea- Water. In each of the following trials 1 litre of some sea- water (or sea-water mixture) was mixed with 100 c.c. of the decinormal silver, the precipitate separated by filtration or decantation and chlorinated. In general the mother-liquor was again worked up with 04 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 50 < .< . <>f silver, and in one case the second mother-liquor was again precipitated with oO<\< of the reagent. The results are given in the following table. Column I. gives ,i r. ; . r. 11. mark ; Column 11. the symbol assigned to the water; Column III. the bromine f,.iind in tli.- first precipitate ; Column IV. that in the second ; Column V. that in the third ; Column VI. the total bromine in milligrams per kilogram of water analysed: — No. Water. Bromine, milligrams, in I. Prec. II. Prec. III. Prec. Total. 7 A 49-34 11-21 60-55 Filtration. g A 54-41 Do. 9 B 53-95 9-62 63-57 Do. 10 B 55-41 Do. 19 A1 55-58 7-66 63-24 Decantation. 20 A1 55-81 Do. 21 B1 56-91 7-71 1-58 66-19 Do. 22 B» 56-63 Do. A 'liming No. 21 to have given the whole of the bromine, it would follow that 100' dded to l litre of sea-water bring down 85*8 per cent, of the total bromine; hence the results of the first (rejected) series of bromine determinations in Challenger waters are liable to correction by multiplication with = 1*165. Applying oO’o thi o the mean weight of bromine found in those fourteen determinations per 100 ■ , inlorim w< have 0*292 x DIGS =0*339, which, as will be seen, comes pretty near the final result. (2.) Synthetical Trials. Ii !! tli. trial 30 grm . of pure chloride of sodium were dissolved in water, mixed Knov. n weight of the standard bromide of potassium solution, made up to ■ >n< lit r > . and t In- mixture subjected to successive precipitation with known volumes of i In' ion. f-laoh precipitate was chlorinated, or, if presumably very poor '•d t'T bromine qualitatively. No filters were used in these or in any of the subsequent analyses. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATEE. 95 (No. 23.) Bromine taken, 63 ‘83 mgrms. The weight of bromine in the successive silver precipitates was bv b2, b3, See., as shown in the following table : — I. Precip., lOOc.c. of silver solution, = 53-96 II. „ 50 c.c. ’> ^2 = 5-98 HI. „ 50 c.c. 2-16 IV. „ 25 c.c. ■■ 64 = 0-36 v. „ 25 c.c. » ^5 = - 0-18 Total bromine, excluding number V., = 62'46 Error = -1-37 (No. 24.) Bromine taken, 64,02 mgrms. I. Precip., 100 c.c. of silver solution, 51 = 53'80 II. „ 50 c.c. 1 J 7-34 III „ 50 c.c. • J 1-80 IV. „ faile 1 ; taking 0-36 (?) We have for total bromine, 63 -3 Error = — 07 (No. 25.) Bromine taken, 63‘85 mgrms. T. Precip., 100 c.c. of silver solution, &1 = 53'81 (Not continued.) Seeing that a complete precipitation could not be effected by less than some 250 c.c. of decinormal silver, which means an inconveniently large silver precipitate, I tried to improve upon the method by effecting a fractional precipitation in a neutral solution, and adding nitric acid only after some standing to render the precipitate amenable to decantation. What I hoped for was that the milkiness of the haloid precipitate produced in the absence of acid would favour the exchange of precipitated chlorine for dissolved bromine, so that the latter could be got down by means of less silver. The result (Nos. 26 and 27) was not as expected. (No. 26.) Bromine taken, 61 ‘2 mgrms. I. Precip., 100 c.c. of silver solution, &1 = 51'57 (No. 27.) Bromine taken, 61‘24 mgrms. I. Precip., 150 c.c. of silver solution, 5j = 53'41 In the second case the result for bv on account of an accident in the chlorination, is not quite safe ; but the decantate was proved, by qualitative testing, to contain abundance of dissolved bromide. In the following experiments acid silver solution was employed as usual : — 96 THE VOYAGE OF II.M.S. CHALLENGER. (No. 2S.) Bromine taken, Gl*21 mgrms. I Precip., 200 c.c. of silver solution, bl = 56-95 Loss = 4-26 (No. 29.) Bromine taken, G 1 *3 1 mgrms. I. Procip., 250c.c. of silver solution, 5, = 56-77 Loss = 4 -54 Th decantate was precipitated with silver (the volume used was forgotten to be noted down) ; the precipitate was decomposed by means of zinc, water, and a few drops of sulj liurie acid ; and the liquid tested with chlorine water and chloroform, and the bromine estimated colorimetrically. The quantity found was about 4 mgrms. TIk-m; last two trials were very disappointing. They seemed to prove that although, as -h"wn by experiments Nos. 23 and 24, about $#ths of the bromine can be brought .1 >wn b\ means of about 2.‘H> of tin- silvi r solution, even this is possible only at the expense of a tedious succession of fractional precipitations, each of which occupies a whole day. The following serii ; of experiments was made with a view of seeing what .•an bo attained by two successive precipitations with large proportions of silver solution. In « aoh rase the bromine to lie determined was diffused throughout a litre of liquid containing 30 grins, of pure chloride of sodium : — (No. 45.) Bromine taken, 61*31 mgrms. I. Precip., 200 c.c. of silver solution, ^ = 56-77 II. „ 300c.c. „ fc2= 1-26 Total bromine found = R = 58-03. T;ic second precipitate in this <-aw was dicomposed by zinc and very dilute sub phurir arid, the solution precipitated with 50 c.c. of silver, and this small precipitate chlorinated. (No. 46.) Bromine taken, 61*22 mgrms. I. Frecip., 200 c.c. of silver solution, 5^59'GG II. „ 300c.c. „ b9 = 108 (2nd precipitate manipulated as in 45.) B- 60-74 (No. 47.) Bromine taken, G 1 *2 1 mgrms. I. I’rccip., 200 c.c. of silver solution, lost II. „ 200 c.c. „ ftj-2-88 (2nd precipitate chlorinated os it was.) REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 97 (No. 48.) Bromine taken, 61 ’32 mgrms. I. Precip., 200 c.c. of Ag., . . . . . . . . b1 lost II. ., 200 c.c. „ ; precipitate reduced and solution reprecipitated by 50 c.c. of Ag., b2= 3'42 (No. 49.) Bromine taken, 61 ‘51 mgrms. I. Precip., 200 c.c. of Ag., . . . .&1 = 56-96 II. „ 200c.c. „ precipitate chlorinated directly, b2 = 3-60 III. „ 100 c.c. „ &3 — ( - 0T8) (No. 50.) Bromine taken, 61'37 mgrms. I. Precip., 200 c.c. of silver, b1= 56-89 II. ,, 200 c.c. „ 52 = 4T4 III. „ 100 c.c. „ &3 = ( - 0T8) (No. 51.) Bromine taken, 61 '47 mgrms. I. Precip., 200 c.c. of Ag., ........ ^ = 56-79 II. „ 300 c.c. „ ; precipitate reduced, and Br reprecipitated by 50 c.c. of silver, bn= 4 ’03 (No. 52.) Bromine taken, 61 '38 mgrms. I. Precip., 200c.c. of Ag., ....... 51 = 56-61 II. „ 300 c.c. ,, ; precipitate reduced, Br reprecipitated by 50 c.c. of silver, b.2= 2 '57 In the following summary the results of experiments Nos. 45 to 52 are referred to 100 mgrms. of bromine taken : — Obtained per 100 Milligrammes of Bromine taken. No. Precipitation with v c.c. of Silver Solution. 6, + bo or b: 100-B. First. Second. vi- K % b.2. 45 200 92-6 300 2-07 94-7 5-3 46 200 97-5 300 1-77 99-2 o-s 47 200 200 4-71 ... 48 200 200 5-58 49 200 92-6 200 5'85 98-5 1-5 50 200 92-7 200 6 *75 99-4 0-6 51 200 92-4 300 6-57 99-0 1-0 52 200 92'2 300 4-19 96-4 3-6 (PHTS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PART I. 1884.) A 13 93 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. In criticising these results we must not forget that in each case the small quantity of bromine I to be determined was diffused throughout about 500 times its weight of a . and that />, and />., are each dependent on the difference of two weighings of a hulk v apparatus which, between each weighing, was heated for hours in chlorine gas. Under th<- ■ in must anccs, the tare could not be expected to be absolutely constant. Supposing the weight of the mixed haloid and the weight of the chloride to be wrong by — 0’5 and + 05 milligram respectively, this would account for an absolute error of — 1-8 mgrms. m the calculated bromine =3 per cent, of the quantity to be determined. But in the of Nob. 52 and 45 the loss »>f bromine amounted to 3‘6 and 5‘3 per cent. ; and even if we rejected these two trials (which we have no l ight to do), the high value 97'5 for dq in No. 46 would confront u- as all anomaly. The method is obviously subject to occa- - i • > 1 1 : d irregularities. These, however, I hoped, could be eliminated by a more rigorous adln renee to a fixed method than had prevailed in the synthetical trials, and by a sufficient multiplication of analyses in each case. Besides, I was unable to see my wav to any essential improvement upon the method adopted, and therefore now proceeded to the actual analyses, according to the following method : — Determine the “chlorine" in the water to be analysed. Then weigh out 1 kilogram and add to it 200 c.c. of the d< cinormal silver solution per 30 grms. of potential chloride of sodium present, 3*90 percent, of what would precipitate the whole of the halogen, collect i h<- precipitate by decantation and chlorinate it. To the mother-liquor add the precipitant as served for the first precipitation, and treat the precipitate like the first, operating otherwise as explained in the instructions given on pp. 91 and 92, This method wa> applied to three mixtures of Challenger waters, namely: — I. A mixture of 04 samples of “Surface Water,” taken from depths varying from 0 to 50 fathoms, inclusive. II. A mixture of 71 samples of “ Medium-Depth Water” taken from depths varying from 300 to 1000 fathoms, both inclusive. III. \ mixture of 70 samples of “ Deep-Sea Water” taken from depths of 1500 fathoms or more. A n tic ries of Challenger eimph s shallow shore-waters do not occur at all, I pro- • ur • i a supply of water from ofl Port Loi is, Isle of Arran, where there is abundance of • d » ( thin’, ii g that these vegetable growths might probably tell appreciably on the i nine pn 'tit in the dissolved salts), and analysed it like the rest. The results are given in the following tables : — REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 90 I. Surface Waters. Analysis. Milligrammes of Bromine per kilogram of Sea-water. I. Precip. II. Precip. Total. No. 1, 6346 4-32 67-48* „ 2, 62-93 4-68 67-611 „ 3, . . • lost. 4-50 „ 4, 62-98 3-42 66-40 „ 5, 62-90 3-78 66-68 Means, 62-99 4-14 67-04 •f '0 ~ ±0-039 ±0-20 Chlorine per kilogram found=19-634 and 19"653 grms. ; mean, 19'644; hence bromine per 100 parts of ehlorine = 0'3394±0,001. II. Medium-Depth Waters. Milligrammes of Bromine per kilogram of Sea-water. Analysis. I. Precip. II. Precip. Total. No. 1, 62-32 444 66-46 „ 2, 62-55 2-88 65-43 „ 3, 62-37 3-24 65-61 „ 4, 62-03 3-24 65-27 Mean, . 62-32 3-38 65-69 r0 = ±0-073 ±0-18 Chlorine per kilogram 19-332 and 19-331 grms. ; hence bromine per 100 of chlorine = 0-3414 ±0-000 93. * Third precipitate gained 0T mgrm. on chlorination. + Third precipitate gained 0-3 mgrm. on chlorination. f \2 + r0 = probable error of mean = 0-6745 * -*o being t]ie deviation of the indiridua! result from the mean. 100 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. III. Deep-Sea Waters. Analysis. Milligrammes of Bromine per kilogram of Sea -water. I. Precip. II. Precip. Total. No. 1, 62-GG 3-60 66-26* 9 6290 2-88 65-78* „ 3, 62-64 4-14 66-78 ,, 4, 62-50 3-96 66-46 Mean, . 62-67 3-645 66-32 r0= . ±0056 ±0-14 ( hlorlne per kilogram 19*518 and 1 9*538 ; mean, 19*528 ; hence bromine per 100 of chlorine 0*3398 ± 0*0007. I\r. The Arran Water. Analysis. Milligrammes of Bromine per kilogram of Sea- water. I. Precip. II. Precip. i Total. No. 1, 55-38 3-24 58-62 9 t» • • • 55-31 3-78 59-09 „ 3, 54-99 3-42 58-41 ,, 4, 55-38 3-24 58-62 Mean, . 55-2G 3-42 58-69 **.- ±006 ±0-10 ' m 17 -!l ;""1 1 7*258 : mean, 17*247; hence bromine per 100 of chlorine =0*3403 ± 0*000 58. Tliinl precipitate on chloiinatir.n gave low of 0 and -01 ingrm. respective! v. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 101 Summary. Bromine per 100 parts of chlorine in water from : — I. II. III. IV. Surface. Medium depth. Deep-Sea. Arran. 0-3394 0-3414 0-3398 0-3403 r0 — 0 ■ 0 0 1 0 ±00009 ±0-0007 ±0-0006 Deviation from the general mean, i.e., from '3402, -0-0008 + 0-0012 -0-0004 + 0-0001 The deviations, as we see, lie within, or do not materially exceed, even the <£ probable ” errors of the means as calculated from the law of frequency of error. This, after the irregularities observed in the test analyses (page 97), is so surprising a result that I find it necessary to state expressly that the above report includes all the analyses that were made. The ratio of bromine to chlorine (or total salt), as far as can be seen from our analyses, is the same at all depths, the weight of bromine per 100 of chlorine being always = 0 '3402 ±0 '0004. I hasten to add that this small fraction 0'0004 does not include a constant method error, which, according to the test analyses tabulated on page 97, would appear to lie somewhere about — 0'0034, so that perhaps we should come nearer the truth by adopting the value ±0'3436, or say ±0'344 a somewhat uncertain probable error.* As the weights of the first precipitates were decidedly more constant than those of the second, it would perhaps be better, for a mere- comparison, to take them as our guide. Taking the four means and referring each to 100 of chlorine, we have, — I. II. III. IV. (1) Original numbers, . 62-99 62-32 62-675 55-265 (2) Per 100 of Chlorine, 0-3207 0-3224 0-3210 0-3205 Mean of (I. II. IIL), . . -3214 Deviation from the mean, -0-0007 + 0-0010 -0-0004 -0-0009 Probable error in value (2), . ±0-000 20 0-000 36 0-000 28 0 000 30 * The results of C. Schmidt for a water “ a ” off the Norwegian coast, and a water “b” W.N.W. from Bergen, and that of Thorpe and Morton for the Irish Channel, when referred to 100 of chlorine, I calculate to be, Schmidt. Schmidt. Thorpe and Morton. a. b. Bromine per 100 of chlorine, 0-2451 0-2600 0-3269 Thorpe and Morton came near my number ; Hunter’s and v. Bibra’s analyses (see p. 89) are worthless. 102 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Although tin deviations are less than for the total quantities of bromine, the net result i~ th. same. The ratio of the bromine to the chlorine iu ocean water is, it appears, inde- j. nd- nt of the depth, unless the ratio is a function of geographical position and depth, and the influence of the former, in my mixtures, has happened to just compensate for that »>f the latter independent variable. But this is not probable, the less so, as the Arran water gives the same result as the mixtures of Challenger samples. i onstaney of the bromine ratio is important as tending to prove that the com- position of ocean-water salts is the same everywhere ; because if" it is not, the percentage of bromine, being so very small and necessarily affected by the plant life on the surface, . d be more liable to fluctuation than that of any of the major components. And yet, according to my 77 complete analyses, the percentage of the lime at all events is greater in deep-sea than it is in shallow water. Is this result safe and sound, and not perhaps after all brought about by analytical errors? This question naturally forced itself upon me, and caused me to utilise what was left of our mixtures of water for those supplementary determinations of the ratio of the lime to the chlorine which, although later in being done, are reported in an earlier part of this Memoir (see pp. 32 et seq.). All the quantitative determinations recorded in this chapter (except the 14 abor- tive analyses referred to in the introduction) were made under my eyes by Mr. John M ‘Arthur, and I feel greatly indebted to him for the zeal and self-denial with which of months, devoted himself to this I . <1 ions and troublesome work. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OE OCEAN-WATER. 103 IV.— ON THE CARBONIC ACID IN OCEAN- WATER. In the composition of sea-water the carbonic acid, on account of its intimate relations to life, forms an item of particular interest. Mr. Buchanan, accordingly, in the course of the expedition, took care to determine this component in a large number of freshly-drawn samples, by means of a method which he had worked out in the Edinburgh University laboratory before starting. Oscar Jacobsen* had found that the operation of boiling in vacuo, which so readily sets free the absorbed oxygen and nitrogen, liberates in general only a small fraction of the carbonic acid present. Buchanan experimented on the absorptiometric relations of the gas to solutions of individual sea-water salts, and came to the conclusion that solutions of all sea-water salts retain carbonic acid in a state of more intimate combination than that of physical absorption, and that sulphate of magnesia (as sea- water sulphates generally) exhibits this property in a particularly high degree. 0. Jacobsen, before Buchanan, had identified the chloride of magnesium as being the salt to which sea-water owes its affinity for carbonic acid, and had also ascertained that the bonds of this carbonic acid union — whatever be its cause — are severed by a distillation of the water to very near dryness. His method for the determination of the carbonic acid accordingly consisted in this : — he distilled a measured volume of the sea-water almost to dryness in a current of air free from carbonic acid, caught the distillate, and whatever carbonic acid passed away from it, in measured standard baryta- water, and titrated the excess of baryta by means of standard acid (Pettenkofer’s method). The general result of his analyses was that un- diluted North Sea water contains some 90 mgrms. of carbonic acid, C02, per litre. Buchanan adopted Jacobsen’s method, with this modification, however, that he added to the water, immediately before distillation, 15c.c. of saturated solution of chloride of barium (per 225 c.c. of sea-water), in order to destroy the sulphates, which, according to him, are the cause of the relative non-volatility of the carbonic acid. This method, when applied to a very large number of samples of ocean-water, gave an average of about 45 mgrms. of carbonic acid per litre of sea-water. The results varied from about 41 to 47. Buchanan was very much struck by this immense discrepancy between his and Jacobsen’s results, and tried to explain it by the difference between the nature of North- Sea water on the one hand, and ocean- water on the other. “ The water in which nearly all my observations were made was the deep, clear, ultramarine-blue water of the ocean. The North Sea water, on which Jacobsen experimented, is comparatively opaque and green. * Oscar Jacobsen, Annalen der Chemie, 1873, vol. clxvii. p. 1. 104 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. In tin* Vntaretie Ocean, where such water was met with occasionally, though very Ugly, the carbonic acid was always present in marked excess. The green colour of shoal-water is generally attributed to the influence of solid matter, which may also tend ;o r> tain carbonic acid, as we know is the case with dissolved saline matter” (Buchanan, ('hem. Soc. Journ. 1878, p. 464). At that time it was generally believed that sea- eontains no carbonates, or that at least the carbonic acid of these forms only an insignificant fraction of the whole carbonic acid. Some years ago, when I first directed my attention to the subject as part of the general problem of sea- water analysis, I perceived this weak point in Buchanan’s position, but 1 had no doubt in my mind about the soundness of the basis on which he had founded his analytical process — the immense gulf between his and Jacobsen’s results had Bomehow escaped my attention. or perhaps slipped from my memory — and I thought the best thing I could do would be, to apply to a selection of Challenger waters the following extension of his method founded (as will readily be perceived) upon the assumption that the total carbonic acid in a given sample of sea-water consists of three parts, namely, — a part “a,” which is simply absorbed ; a part “ b,” which is combined with the sulphates, &c. ; and a part “c” (which I presumed to be very small), which is pn s« nt in general as bicarbonate. To find these quantities, apply Buchanan’s method to a part of the sample as it is; this gives o + b+i-c. Then apply the same method to another part which lias previously been shaken with air to a sufficient extent to expel what i~ present of purely absorbed carbonic acid; this gives b + \c. To determine “c,” dilute the residue obtained in either distillation with gas-free water, add some hydro- chloric acid, and resume the distillation ; this gives the remaining \ c . When we tried this method with a supply of sea-water, specially procured for the, we had no difficulty in working it; but the results were utterly and absolutely u-'-le-s, so inconstant and mutually conflicting in their evidence, as to defy all attempts at rational interpretation. I now know — and shall by and by explain — the cause of these irr* ilarities, but I did not know at the time, and accordingly deferred the consideration of the subject for a time, in order to direct my attention more exclusively to the exact dot* rmination of the saline components in a series of 21 waters, which had been • n’m-t- d to me as a first instalment for complete analysis. These analyses incidentally d t h«- greater part of the carbonic acid question. There is no need of my here r ulating at length what was so fully reported on in a previous part of this memoir (j». 20, compare also ]>p. 23 to 25). All the 21 analyses brought out an of h i- over the sum of muriatic and sulphuric acid equivalents, which excess of < inu-t !.<■ put down a.s so much carbonate. It is true the several values of the • ty. a- d- duced from the individual analyses, did not agree with one another, vd 1 my attempts at finding a more direct method for its precise determination But the -um total of the results left no doubt in my mind that a considerable REPOET ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATER. 105 portion at least of the carbonic acid which Buchanan had liberated, from its combination with sulphates as he thought, was only eliminated from the bicarbonates, thus : — R20.H20.IC02 + BaCl2 = BaOC02 + 2RC1 + H20 + C02 . A subsequent critical examination of Buchanan’s paper in the Royal Society’s Proceedings* gave me the conviction that the alleged affinity between sulphates and carbonic acid is founded upon an incorrect interpretation of what are probably in themselves correct observations. When at a later date I resumed the carbonic acid question, I conceived the idea of determining both this acid and the alkalinity by the following gcisometric method : — Take two portions of the given water, and in one convert all the “free” base into bicar- bonate by passing in carbonic acid, and then removing the excess by shaking with air. Then eliminate the carbonic acid from each by boiling it out in a Jacobsen flask, and determining it gasometrically in the boiled out gas, taking care to use hydrochloric acid instead of water for producing the vacuum in the bulb and gas-collecting tube. In order to try this method a Jacobsen’s flask t of 800 c.c. capacity was charged with gas-free water and a known weight of carbonate of soda, equal to about 10 c.c. of carbonic acid, and the gas eliminated as just explained. This experiment was made five times, and in each case the carbonic acid gas found was short of the calculated volume by about one cubic-centimetre. Just as if, after all the boiling under reduced pressure, so much of the carbonic acid had been retained by the hot acid liquid. An attempt to prove its presence in the residual liquid by addition of baryta water gave no result, because enough of the substance of the glass had dissolved in the liquor to cause the formation of a precipitate not carbonate of baryta ; and, besides, a direct synthetic trial showed that the detection of 2 mgrms. of carbonic acid in 800 c.c. of water is altogether beyond the range of the baryta test. I therefore tried to solve the question synthetically :■ — -Two litres of ordinary (aerated) distilled water were boiled down in a narrow-necked flask to about one-half of the original volume, and a quantity of clear baryta water was then run in from a protected Mohr’s burette, without interrupting the boiling, which was continued until only a few cubic-centimetres remained. The flask was now allowed to cool and suck in air free from carbonic acid. Finally the contents were acidified with hydrochloric acid, boiled in a current of air free from carbonic acid, and the out-going air allowed to bubble through clear baryta-water. There was a slight but distinct precipitate of car- bonate of baryta produced, and a similar result was obtained in two or three repetitions of the experiment. It was not so much in consequence of this result, as on account of the pressure of other work, that the carbonic acid question was again put aside for a * Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxii. pp. 192-196, and pp. 483-495 ; 1874. t A drawing and description of the apparatus will he found in the chapter “ On the Absorbed Air in Ocean V aUr.’ (PHYS. CHEM. OHALL. EXP. PART I. 1884.) H 100 TIIE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. u hi].*. Before I resumed it, T had, through the kindness of the Editor of the Challenger lb ports, wme into possession of a copy of TornOe’s excellent memoir on his and his . ..!l;iln>r;iti>rs’ chemical work in connection with the Norwegian expedition.* In it I found a \ i v simple method for the determination of tin* alkalinity, which so far had always . hal' d my grasp, and also a method for the total carbonic acid, which certainly seemed . a ' i .• r <>f application than the one I had marked out for myself. I at once decided upon t. 'iing these two methods before doing anything else. Neither of the two methods is new. hut this, far from detracting from, rather adds to, TornOe’s merit. Account of tlic Norwegian Methods. The Alkalinity is determined simply by titration with dilute standard acid and alkali in the heat, using an vine as an indicator, which marks an alkaline reaction by a violet, an acid by a yellow, colour. TornOe’s numbers show, and a few experiments of my own confirmed his result, that it is possible by means of this method, even when applied to solutions containing magnesia salts ( e.g ., sea-water), to obtain sufficiently e. m-t nt results. I found, however, that on prolonged boiling of sea-water in glass, . 1 1 " 1 1 g 1 1 of tlm alkali of the glass is dissolved to render the point of saturation somewhat indistinct, and I was thus led to operate in Berlin basins, which proved sufficiently resistant But constant results arc not necessarily correct results. I considered it quite i l.h- that in tin- case of magnesia-salts, at least, the point of aurine- neutrality might 1»- oie thing, and the point of true chemical neutrality another. To settle this doubt I prepared perfectly neutral sulphate of magnesia by dissolving the ordinary pure salt in v iter, adding a little sulphuric acid, and precipitating part of the dissolved salt by > i • ! it i • m <>f -'long alcohol. The precipitate was washed with strong alcohol until the last ; - were ah-olut' 1\ free from acid, and the salt then dried between blotting paper. 250 c.c of an aqueous solution of such -alt . fully equivalent in regard to its percentage of magnesia to the same volume of Bea-water, when tested in the heat (in a porcelain basin) by alternate nt ition (in the presence of aurine) with decinormal hydro- ■ id and d'-einorinal potadi, proved absolutely neutral, showing that the method for tin determination of even small quantities of free magnesia or acid in magnesia salt. To make rare of everything I made similar trials with solutions (equivalent to .1 w .it. r) of pup common salt, and incidentally made a singular observation which I :• i u. rtli |. -cording. Ordinary pure chloride of sodium was further purified by tie- !• -t proportion of water and reprocipitation with hydrochloric acid. * ' K 1 1 - ■ 1 1 1 1 n, 187H, ri,< mi, Chrinliania. Text in Norwegian and in English. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 107 The precipitate was washed with strong hydrochloric acid, and then once or twice with water, and ultimately dried for hours at 200° C. Yet the salt, when tested with aurine, proved decidedly, though slightly, acid. The acid could not he completely washed away with alcohol, so that I almost believed that in the case of chloride of sodium the point of aurine-neutrality corresponded to some point like NaCl + SNaOH where 8 is a very small number, when I found that recrystallisation from a hot solution by evaporation, and a subsequent slight washing with hot water, deprived the salt of its acid reaction. This is an instructive example of the difficulty of preparing perfectly pure specimens of even such a common thing as common salt. After the Torn0e method had thus been tested, I applied it to a large number of Challenger samples. In each case 250 c.c. of water were operated on, and the point of neutrality determined repeatedly by zig-zag titration with acid and alkali. At first we used decinormal liquids ; but we soon found it more convenient to use solutions containing [HC1] grms. and f2 [KOH] grms. respectively per litre, so that 1 c.c. of each corresponded to exactly 1 mgrm. of carbonic acid. The results are tabulated in the chapter on the “ Alkalinity of Ocean Water.” The Method for the Determination of Carbonic Acid. — This method is an adaptation of one proposed years before by Borchert and by Classen. It consists in this : — 250 c.c. of the sea-water are placed in a flask surmounted by an inverted Liebig’s condenser, the upper end of which communicates with a set of absorption-apparatus charged with a known sufficient volume of standard baryta water. After addition of some sulphuric acid, a current of purified air is passed through the liquid in the flask, which is then heated to boiling and kept boiling for about 1 5 minutes, when, according to experience, the whole of the carbonic acid has been conveyed to the baryta. The baryta-liquors are united in a graduated cylinder, allowed to settle, an aliquot part of the liquor is decanted off clear, and titrated with standard oxalic acid. I do not describe the very practical absorption apparatus, because I ultimately discarded it, as will be seen in the sequel. When I made trial of this method — with solutions in 250 c.c. of pure boiled-out water of known weights of pure ignited carbonate of soda, varying from 2 to 50 mgrms. — the result in the majority of (some 20) trials proved 1 to 2 mgrms. too high. I do not mean to insinuate that Tornpe’s results are likely to be vitiated by similar positive errors ; it is quite possible that my experiments may have been infected by some constant error in manipulation which Tornpe avoided. Whether or no I am unable to say, because, while engaged in the necessary blank experiments for elucidating this point, I happened to hit upon a most essential improvement in the apparatus, which I thought would, and when tested was actually found to, eliminate the worst of the errors of the method. My improvement consists in this, that the gas which comes out of the condenser is passed 108 TIIE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. in: i an ( ■•icuatcd flask of about l.l litres capacity, previously charged with the h.irvi . v itfi- in a manner precluding the premature formation of carbonate of baryta. Should a lilm of carbonate show in the flask, it is, of course, easy to empty it out (after 1 i\::.g :ill"\vcd it to suck in pure air), to rinse it with water free from carbonic acid, and i hai-g.' and evacuate it once more. The air carrying with it the carbonic acid enters the flask th rough a glass stop-cock prolonged inside into a tube dipping into the baryta-water, so that the rate at which the gas flows in can be seen and regulated. In the rehearsals i- ' iir times occurred that the boiling liquid, through a momentary increase of pressure in the atmosphere of the flask was driven back through the air-inlet tube. This was easily prevented by the insertion of a mercury-valve between the flask and the air- gasom- tor. The air in the latter must, of course, be absolutely free from carbonic acid, or, if not, lie freed from it on its way to the boiling-flask. According to my experience, it is far easier to fulfil the former than the latter condition, by charging the gasometer with dilute caustic soda, and vigorously shaking the air with the liquid contents. When all the carbonic acid is in the vacuum flask . the latter is allowed to fill itself with pure air, and to stand until all the carbonic acid diffused throughout it may be assumed to 1m- absorbed. The glass stop-cock is then pulled out of its aperture in the india-rubber stoj.jM r, a few drops of turmeric solution are run in, the beak of the standard hydrochloric acid burette rted through the hole, and acid run into the liquid until it is almost but not quite neutralised. Should the point of neutrality be by chance overstepped, this is easily rectified by a few drops out of the baryta-burette. The hole is now closed, the flask moved about so aa to cause any trace of stray carbonic acid to be absorbed by the still decidedly alkaline liquid; the contents are poured out into a graduated cylinder, or, more < \v. nt ly, a t.-in-d phial, and weighed ; they are then allowed to settle in the absence - a diquot part is decanted off clear, and neutrality established by zig-zag titration with .i« id nd b.nyta, the point of incipient acidity being taken as the end-point. The in- ' ■ I :n this form, when applied to known weights of carbonate of soda as before, gave very satisfactory n suits. The apparatus employed is depicted in PI. I. A" : 1 iving thus come into possession of exact methods for the determination both of tv ■ ulM.nie ,-irid und the alkalinity, I next applied these in the following synthetical expert ments ; — I. Kxp< ri merits with Pure Solution of Bicarbonate of Soda. 5 grma. <>f pure carbonate of soda, Ni 111 dissolved in water to 1 litre. 50c.c. item w re diluted with water to about 100 c.c., fully saturated with carbonic gas, and then diluted 2000 c.c. Of this solution successive volumes of 250 c.c. "‘h -ind ■ e h shaken n time with 10 times its volume of air, the air beino- r “ r * h -li iking. In the rc-ulting solution the total carbonic acid was deter- mined l*y the (“vacuum”) method. To check the synthesis the alkalinity of EEPOET ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATEE. 109 the solution was determined analytically by Torn0e’s method. Assuming the soda and the carbonic acid to be associated in the proportion of Na20 : 2C02, the resulting alkalinity corresponded to 1097 mgrms. of carbonic acid per litre of liquid, instead of 110 ’0 mgrms., as demanded by the synthesis. Found, after n shakings with air, for n= 2. 4. 6. 8. Carbonic acid, mgrms. p. litre=107‘6 107'8 108-0 107-8 This shows that a solution of bicarbonate of soda in pure water is hardly, if at all, affected by contact with air at ordinary temperatures. II. Pure Solution of Bicarbonate of Magnesia. Commercial magnesia alba was washed with water to remove adhering alkali-salts, then made into a milk with water, and treated with carbonic acid gas until the most of the precipitate was dissolved. Solution filtered and titrated with aurine. 100 c.c. found to be equivalent to 9 8 '8 x — ~ x [HC1] milligrammes. Zt fi 200 c.c. of this liquor were diluted with Loch Katrine water # to 2000 c.c. Neglecting the alkalinity of the Loch Katrine water, and assuming the existence in the solution of the ratio MgO : 2COa, the solution should contain 197 '6 mgrms. of carbonic acid per litre. A direct determination of the alkalinity of the finished solution gave 211 A mgrms. This latter number was adopted. Successive measured volumes of this solution were shaken n times with 10 volumes of air, and the carbonic acid in the resulting liquor deter- mined— v = 2. 4. 6. 8. x = Carbonic acid, mgrms. p. litre = 207-0 202-3 195-8 193'S 211-4- x = 4-4 9-1 15-6 17-6 That is to say, by eight shakings with air about -}■ th of the loose carbonic acid of the bicarbonate of magnesia was eliminated III. Experiments with Artificial Sea-Water. 56 grms. of pure chloride of sodium and 27 '5 grms. of pure sulphate of magnesia (MgS04, 7H20) were dissolved in distilled water and diluted to 1900 c.c. To this 100 c.c. of the bicarbonate of magnesia solution (the same as used for the above experiments) were added to produce 2 litres of a quasi sea-water of exaggerated alkalinity. As the salts had not been specially purified, their alkalinity was determined analytically. 7 grms. of the chloride of sodium plus 3 ’44 grms. of the sulphate of magnesia were found equivalent to 0-58 mgrms. Hence the alkalinity of the “ sea- water,” by calculation, was thus composed per litre — * We bad run short of distilled water. 110 TIIE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. magnesia liquor = 49-4 x S‘ = 5172x The alkalinity of the finished solution determined ana- lytically, and found = 537 x A»l >pt ing this latter number, and assuming the 1‘ alkali ” to be simply RHC03# free from II ,('( i . we have for the carbonic acid per litre 107‘5 mgrms. The solution was shaken n times with air, as usual, and the carbonic acid in the resulting liquor determined. Found for 107 a — 95*9 = 1 16. Hence about ,l0th of the whole, or £th of the loose, carbonic acid ha«l been eliminated by eight shakings with air at the ordinary temperature. 250 c.c. of distilled water were heated to boiling, coloured by aurine, and exactly neutralised by the requisite few drops of the Standard hydrochloric acid. 7 grms. of a ■ rtain ehlnride of sodium and 3’44 grms. of a certain Epsom salt were now dissolved in the liquid, and the solution again titrated. 038 x^ mgrms. were required for neutralisa- tion. From these two salts — Solution I. was prepared, by dissolving 56 grms. of the chloride of sodium and 27 ’5 gnu-, of the Epsom salt in water, boiling, filtering, and diluting to 1 litre. S -lution II. A freshly made solution of bicarbonate of magnesia was diluted, so that, by intention, 1000 c.c. = 100 x ^ -9V' p mgrms. It was found by actual titration, that 1000 e.r. = 99 0 x mgrms. Equal volumes of these two solutions were mixed tie r, and tie- alkalinity <>f tin- mixture determined by titration. Adopting the latter number, and assuming lioth the magnesia- and the carbonic acid !' nt only a 111 ICO*, we have for the carbonic acid, 100'4 mgrms. per litre. This liquor was shaken three times with air, to eliminate the free carbonic acid, and from ■“ • i ur d volume - of the r< -tilting liquid the carbonic acid eliminated (as far - - it in Cla--eii's apparatus in a current of air, with cither chloride of barium or hydrochloric acid, as shown in the following table: — Carbonic acid mgrms. per litre (lost) n = o 4. 98-9 6. 977 8. 95-9 Elimination of Carbonic Ac'ul from Artificial Sea-Water by Chloride of Barium. mgrms. By analysis, 1 000 c.c. = 50 20 x j ““ Wh> tf “ It “tan da for on equivalent of metal ; i.e., for Nu, % Ca, &c. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATER. Ill Exp. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Water used, Quantity of hydrochlo- ric acid added,* Solution of barium chloride added, 250 0 50 c.c.f 250 0 60 c.c. 200 30 0 200 0 60 c.c. 200 30 0 200 c.c. 0 60 c.c. Milligrammes of Carbonic Acid obtained per litre of Water. Carbonic acid per litre), 657 32'3 99-6 32-6 10P5 367. Mean of (3) and (5) = 100*55, instead of 100*4 as calculated from the alkalinity. In experiments (2), (4), and (6) (where the chloride of barium was in excess of the sulphuric acid), only 65, 65, 73 per cent, respectively, of even the loose carbonic acid was set free, while in experiment (l),t where the sulphates predominated slightly over the baryta-salt, the whole of the loose carbonic acid, and besides about x%ths of the E2C03 acid were eliminated. An explanation of this result is afforded by the experiments of Torn0e, who found that in boiling down plain sea- water to near dryness, the bulk of the carbonic acid (if not the whole of it) is evolved with formation of a precipitate of magnesia free from carbonic acid. In other words, sea- water, on protracted distillation at least, behaves as if its carbonic acid were present, substantially, partly as magnesium carbonate and partly as free carbonic acid (MgC03 + ;rH2C03). In experiment (1) the influence of the baryta was practically eliminated, and the bicarbonate of magnesia suffered a considerable decomposition by the action of the water; in experiments (2), (4), and (6), the part of the bicarbonate present as MgC03 was, by the action of the chloride of barium, converted into barium carbonate, which, as we know, is proof against the action of even hot water ; and only the part which is considered to be free carbonic acid had a chance of being liberated. But why was it not all liberated ? As I could find no satisfactory answer to this question, I thought I had better make sure at least of the facts in the manner to be immediately described. Final Series of Experiments. About four litres of a mixture similar to the one used for the above experiments were prepared, and the alkalinity determined. This was found to be equivalent to, by synthesis, * Expressed in multiples of i— mgrms. t 1 c.c. = mgrms. ; 50 c.c. are short of the calculated minimum (through a slip in the planning of the experi- ment) ; 60 c.c. are an excess. 112 TIIE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. ; by direct analysis to 57‘1G x (expressed in mgrms. per litre) :i. amount of carbonic acid required to produce bicarbonate = 2 x 57*16 = 11 r:S2 mgrm.s. per litre. According to two direct determinations the carbonic acid amounted to only 1 1 0'5 and 111*2 mgrms. A portion of the liquor was therefore taken out. saturated with carbonic acid, and then re incorporated with the rest. The carbonic arid now was found to be 124*1 mgrms. per litre ; showing the presence of free carbonic acid The whole of the mixture, therefore, was Shaken three times, each time with 10 volumes of fresh air. 'I'lio carbonic acid in the resulting liquid was found to be 109'04 and 109’0 mgrms. per litre ; less than before I Three successive volumes of this water were boiled in my modification of Classen’s apparatus with excess of solid chloride of barium, the eliminated carbonic acid collected in standard baryta, and titrated as usual. N umber of Experiment. 1. 2. 3. Amount of water used, .... 250 250 200 c.c. Hydrated barium chloride added, 4 4 3*5 grms. Mgrms. of carbonic acid per litre of water, 44*0 39*0 53*0. In th«- euso of (l ) and (2), the residues were mixed with excess of standard hydrochloric .. id, tie- boiling resumed, and the additional liberated carbonic acid collected in afresh supply of standard baryta. KxjN-riment (1.) (2.) Amount of hydrochloric acid added, 20 50 mi of cart ■ id, per litre of water, 24-0 23 -2 Total carbonic acid extracted, mgrms. per litre, . . 68*0 62*2 Looae carbonic acid in iii.r; , . j>« r 1 i t r. ■ nf waU r, • »l< od, 51*8 51*8 Here* as before, the inconstancy of tie* results is very surprising ; in (1) about 88 5) about 78 per cent, and in (3) a little more than 100 per cent, of the carbonic acid was recovered by chloride of barium. In the case of No. 2 the residue obtain <1 in the second boiling (with acid) was mixed wi*.i it- own volume of 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid, and again treated as before, i boryt water in the vacuum-flask remained perfectly clear, though strongly alkaline. ■ ’• sting with nitrate of silver, only a mere trace of chlorine cuuhl be discovered in it, v* " ' *1|;R the inverted condenser, even under these very unfavourable eon- rv . fli. c ni in condensing tlm volatilis'd hydrochloric acid. The 117 mgrms. • n • acid which must have been pn ent in the liquor operated upon, resisted the ' v' n 10 per cent* hydroc hloric acid. I his, however, is no more than a con- * r.i; ^**(<1 in multiple* «f '' u. • ’ll.- .•.*.:.*;. r-juin-l ar( . : alinity determination was 14 01 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OE OCEAN-WATER. 113 firmation of wliat has been previously found by others. A mixed precipitate of carbonate and sulphate of baryta does not yield the whole — and may not yield any — of its carbonic acid on treatment with hydrochloric acid ; the cause being no doubt that such a precipi- tate contains a double compound of sulphate and carbonate undecomposable by acids. In the following experiment (No. 4) the carbonic acid was eliminated by chloride of barium as far as possible ; the residue, after cooling, was taken out of the flask and dis- tilled in vacuo to as near dryness as practicable, no air from without being admitted. The distillate ran into measured standard baryta, so that the carbonic acid in it was amenable to titrimetric determination. Obtained, mgrms. per litre, of carbonic acid by barium chloride under inverted condenser, current of air as usual, ......... 44-4 By distillation of residue in vacuo, ........ 200 Total, . 64-4 All the loose carbonic acid, and, besides, 12 ‘6 mgrms. of the 57 ’2 mgrms. of the carbonic acid of the normal carbonates were recovered. In the following two experiments the water was distilled with chloride of barium “ in vacuo ” without preliminaries : — Experiments, ...... • (5) (6) Water taken, ....... 200 c.c. 200 c.c. Hydrated barium chloride added, . . . . 3 -5 grms. 3-5 grms. Carbonic acid obtained, reduced to mgrms. per litre, 44-4 38-3 Loose carbonic acid (mgrms. per litre) calculated, 51-8 51-8 The results substantially confirm those of experiments (1) and (2) above. But none of these experiments do full justice to the method of Buchanan, who distils his mixture under ordinary pressure, and consequently at higher temperatures than can have prevailed in either No. 5 or No. 6. I therefore decided upon carrying out a few distilla- tions in the following manner : — A measured volume of the water, after addition of an excess of solid chloride of barium, is distilled in a current of air under ordinary pressure, and the distillate received in a flask connected by air-tight joints, on the one hand with the exit-end of the Liebig’s condenser, on the other with a large flask previously charged with a sufficiency of baryta-water, and evacuated. A glass stop-cock at the entrance of the vacuum flask serves to regulate the flow of gas into the latter. The distillation is carried on to as near dryness as possible. A part of the carbonic acid liberated goes straight into the vacuum flask, and is there absorbed by the baryta ; the rest remains absorbed in the distillate. To recover it, the flask containing it is joined on to the bottom end of the inverted condenser in Classen’s apparatus, the carbonic acid expelled (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PART I. 1884.) A 15 114 Til E VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. >\ 1 ' ' _ in a current of air, ami the air carrying with it the carbonic acid cauglit in the which has meanwhile been re-exliausted. The rest explains itself. T method was applied to a fresh artificial sea-water, the analysis of which had rir pi I _ \ ii (in mgrms. per litre) for the alkalinity 53*37 and 53*72 ; mean, 53*54 x mgrms. The total carbonic acid had been found to be llO’O mgrms. The alkalinity (on the assumption of lid): 2C0S) demands 107*1 mgrms. Hence, the free carbonic acid amounted to 2*9 mgrms. Three distillations, carried out as just explained, gave — (7) (8) (9) 19 0 45 1 48-5 m .M ins. of carbonic acid per litre of water, the loose carbonic acid according to calculation should have been 1 10*0 — 53*5 = 5G*5. The very low result in experiment (7) may have I* rn owing to an unobserved gross error in manipulation, although apparently the experi- ment went -in quite rightly to the end. Of the other two even No. 9 gave only about 7 of the loose carbonic acid ; and it docs not agree with No. 8. The number 110*0 for the total carbonic acid was the result of a single analysis; hence, after experiment (9), I again determined the carbonic acid in the remainder of the water and found these values for it, — 103-G5 and 105 35; mean, 104 5 iiijrnn. of carbonic acid per litre. This is a considerable falling off, even against the ■ 'in, - r l<»71 calculated from t he alkalinity, which is to some extent accounted for by 1 • I t that tin- v at r, ince the execution of the original carbonic acid determination, had 1 ‘tiding in an only partially filled, though corked, vessel. But even supposing ; * t • 1 "*. r one of tin two last carbonic acid determinations, there remains 103*G5 — 1 :,l 5011 fi,r th loo-e carbonic acid, sis against the 48*5 found by Buchanan’s process in No. 9. • < "ii id. ml ilc quantity of the water left, which I utilised for studying the • dh ' ? on it of repeated treatment with air. The liquid (containing 104*5 mgrnis. per i m ic a< id) v accordingly shaken thrice, each time with 5 times its '* ' •md tic remaining carbonic acid determined. The quantities found were 1 ; He m, 99*3 mgrms. of carbonic acid. The residue was subjected again in the ,-;inic manner : the carbonic acid now amounted to 94*8 and • i‘- 94*4. Alter another repetition of the operation, the quantity of tvirlwnic acid was 90*1 and 91*3; mean, 90 7. EEPOET ON THE COMPOSITION OE OCEAN- WATEE. 115 To sum up : after n treatments with 5 volumes of air, the carbonic acid per litre = c was found to be as follows : — Eor 71 — 0 3 6 9 c=104'5 99'3 94-3 90'7 rogrms. The ultimate loss of carbonic acid (which of course does not represent the greatest possible loss) was 104‘5 — 90'6 = 13'9 mgrrns., or about 27 per cent, of the loose carbonic acid originally present. By way of appendix to the critical trials on Buchanan’s method, 1 will insert here an experiment which I made, in order to see to what extent a sea- water can be deprived of its carbonic acid by mere boiling in a current of air and without evaporation. The water which I utilised was part of a supply of a surface-water which Messrs. Burns & Co. had had the kindness to collect for me near the Ailsa Craig, in the Irish Channel, and which I kept in stock for trial of methods. 250 c.c. of this water when treated in my apparatus with hydrochloric acid, as usual, gave 97 ‘72 mgrms. of carbonic acid per litre. The same water, when simply boiled in the same apparatus (in a current of air) without addition of acid, gave 82 T 6 mgrms. The residue left, on addition of acid, gave 18'56 mgrms. The sum of the two instalments of carbonic acid obtained, 82T6 + 18'56, comes up to 100 '72 instead of 97 '7, which is a fair approximation, because the corresponding difference of the absolute weights of carbonic acid determined is only Off 5 mgrm. About 84 per cent, of the total carbonic acid had been eliminated by mere boiling. (Compare Exp. (1) in table on page 111.) The experiments reported on in this chapter, so far, do not exhibit the degree of regularity I should wish them to possess ; but they are sufficient to prove, — 1st, that distillation with chloride of barium extracts from sea-water only a fraction even of the loose carbonic acid (i.e., of what is present over and above that existing in the form of normal carbonates), and this fraction, even under apparently similar conditions, has no constant value ; and 2nd, that, supposing a sea-water which contains its carbonic acid as bicarbonate, associated or not with free carbonic acid, to be exposed to the air even at ordinary temperatures, such a water will soon lose, not only its free, but also part at least of the loose carbonic acid of the bicarbonate. Hence, I did not consider it expedient to determine the carbonic acid in any large number of the samples of sea-water which had been placed at my disposal. 116 TIIE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Influence of Sulphates on the affinity of Water for Carbonic Acid. P> t'. »r< tabulating the results of the few analyses that were made, I will report shortly • >n a few attempts to inquire, quite directly, into the alleged influence of sulphate of magnesia on the affinity of water for carbonic acid. E t L 28 grms. of specially purified Epsom salts were dissolved in water to 1 litre. 23.V2 mgrms. of recently ignited pure carbonate of soda were dissolved in water and dilut' d to 100 c.o., in order to obtain a solution of which 1 c.c. should be equivalent to O’OGS mgrm. of carbonic acid. 250c.c. of the magnesia-salt solution were mixed with 25 x L_o9~ mgrms. of hydro- chloric add and boiled under an inverted condenser in a current of air, until the latter, as it came out above, failed to cause the slightest turbidity in baryta-water. The liquid was then allowed to cool in the ensured absence of carbonic acid, 10 c.c. of the carbonate of -•"ft solution run in, the boiling in a current of air resumed, and the carbonic acid thus lib' rated collected in the vacuum flask charged with baryta-water. Three such experi- ments were made ; the carbonic acid found was 10‘S2 1 0*37 10'18 mgrms. Accordingto calculation, this should be 9*68. Thus it appears that under the circum- st met ' a solution of sulphate of magnesia, containing about as much magnesia as sea-water 1 eon-a-qucntlv twi» ' a- much Bulphuri<- acid), does not retain any carbonic acid. This time the liquid operated upon, in addition to the sulphate of magnesia and chloride of sodium, contained about 15 x mgrms. of free hydrochloric acid, that is, •at 25 mgrm of hydroehloric acid. Hut this minute quantity of acid is not likely to d v influenced the 7000 mgrms. of Epsom salt and the 250,000 mgrms. of water in their action on the carbonic acid. 1 : i 't < .a ider it nccc- iry to specially prove this, or to extend the inquiry to the - e of u!j Late of lime solutions under similar conditions, but preferred to ascertain ■her eithei olution, or perhaps even pure water, at ordinary temperatures, contains mdl fi net ion of it - absorbed carbonic acid in a state of combination more ‘ ■ ■ iii that of mere absorption. 1 took 300 c.c. each, of pure water, solution of !■: lution of gypsum r q»ertiv< ly, and, in each case, after having saturated 5 ; ‘ v. b , ! d v. til carbonic acid, shook it repeatedly with several times its volume REPOET ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 117 of air until, according to the laws of absorptiometric exchange, the gas remnant in the liquid ought to have been reduced to a small fraction of a milligram. The actual carbonic acid was then determined by manipulating the solution in my modification of Classen’s apparatus like an acidified solution of a carbonate. The sulphate of magnesia solution was prepared from a salt purified as explained on page 106, and contained 13 '5 grms. of MgS047 H20 per litre. The sulphate of lime solution was prepared by neutralising a measured volume of normal sulphuric acid (lc.c. = £[H2S04] mgrms.) with the calculated proportion of pure precipitated carbonate of lime, diluting to a convenient volume and filtering. To determine the strength of the solution, a measured volume of it was pre- cipitated by chloride of barium, and the sulphate of baryta weighed. It was found to correspond to 1*973 grms. of (anhydrous) sulphate of lime per litre. The results of the carbonic acid determinations were as follows : — Milligrams of Carbonic Acid per litre of Liquid. I. II. III. Substance in solution, Nil. Magnesium sulpliate Calcium sulphate Carbonic acid, 2‘5 2 ’8 3T From these experiments it would appear that each of the three solutions contained a small quantity of its gas in a state of qmsf-chemical combination, and that this quantity was the same in the three cases. But it is extremely difficult in such experiments to exclude every trace of adventitious carbonic acid, and the carbonic acid actually extracted from the 300 c.c. of licquid operated upon amounted to only 0*76 to 0*94 mgrm. ; no more than the excess of carbonic acid which we obtained in the three experiments with sulphate of magnesia and carbonic acid added as carbonate of soda (page 116). Quantities not much, if at all, below those found in the present case I often obtained in blank trials with absolutely carbonic acid free materials. I suspect that these irrepressible traces of carbonic acid came out of the india-rubber stoppers used for making the gas-tight joints. In any case my conclusion from the present experiment is that the alleged affinity of carbonic acid for sulphate solutions (or pure water) has no existence. The following table gives the total quantity of carbonic acid actually found in a selection of Challenger waters, contrasted with the carbonic acid calculated from the alkalinity on the assumption of the “ alkali ” being all bicarbonate unmixed with free carbonic acid. In each case 250 c.c. of water were taken for analysis, and the carbonic acid titrated with baryta-water and hydrochloric acid, 1 c.c. of each being equivalent to 118 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. : mi. of carbonic ociil. The error in such a titration, according to my estimate, is rath t ± 0“5 c.c., hence each of the numbers given for the actual carbonic acid I ■■ litn must be considered uncertain by at least rfc 1 mgrm. on that account alone. I f. ir w< must add another mgrm., and put down the limit of uncertainty in the carbonic per litre at ± 2 mgrms. Hence, practically, the evidence of the 13 analyses may be 'Uinnud up by saying, that in all cases the “alkali” was substantially bicarbonate, un- iiit' d in any case with free carbonic acid, but very appreciably contaminated with normal carbonates in the 8 eases out of the 13 which are marked with asterisks in the ! ist column. The numbera of course apply only to the samples as analysed; when ti' -■ <■» illceted they must be presumed, in general, to have been richer in carbonic acid. This would be more especially true of the five neutral samples. In conclusion, I append in a tabular form the results of the carbonic acid determinations in freshly drawn sea-water, which Mr. Buchanan made on board H.M.S. Challenger Table XII. > u n ig tlu proportion of total Carbonic Acid found in a selectionof Challenger Waters. Collected. Carbonic Acid inarms, per litre. Laboratory Number. Challenger No. Station. On At Depth oj fathoms. Calculated from Alkalinity. Found. 1876. 439 1529 March 9 Bottom. 331 107-3 105-6 1875. 379 1134 Sept. 8 800 272 107-0 106-1 390 1170 Oct 4 100 280 107-6 98-7 * 400 1271 „ 27 0 291 105-7 102-6 * 406 1313 Nov. 9 Bottom. 296 108-3 101-0* 414 1397 Dec. 30 Bottom. 303 115-4 111-6* 1876. 417 1424 Jun. 8 0 309 91-4 87-8* 416 1427 „ « 140 309 100-2 101-5 423 1471 Feb. 11 0 318 103-8 97-8 ) * 423 1471 „ 11 0 318 104-0 99T / 424 / 1471 l 1 1473 / „ 11 25 & 50 318 105-2 98-1 ) 424 ( 1472 1 1 1473 / » 11 25 & 50 318 105-2 f 102-2 ) 421 1 1463 1 i 1464 / j 1463 1 | 1464 ( „ 11 50 & 100 318 106-9 107-2 ) 421 „ 11 50 Jc 100 318 107-2 106-7 j f 1465 | tt 11 200 k 400 422 i 1467 f 318 106-3 106-4 | 422 f 1465 | ( 1467 f » 11 200 k 100 318 106-8 107-0 j 425 1481 14 Bottom. 320 109 0 t(?) 114-7 ) * 425 1481 „ 14 Bottom. 320 110-2 103-2 j 1481 .Slink'-ii twice with 10 vol. air. 100-6 icrwt bottles. Tb» » c r>- niasln in the summer of 1881. t OUiofli l.lumhr. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OE OCEAN- WATER. 119 during the cruise, by means of his own (the chloride of barium) method. The entries in the table are simply transcribed from his journal. I am inclined to think that his results, being all obtained by a rigorously constant method, as comparative determinations of the loose carbonic acid, are more exact than would appear from the few test experiments made in my laboratory. Table XIII.* Carbonic Acid Determinations executed by Mr. Buchanan on board H.M.S. Challenger during the Cruise. Number of Sample. Date of Collection. Depth 8. M grins, of COo per Litre. 1 Remarks. 21 1873 Feb. 28 2720 B 400 66 March 26 3875 B 57-0 68 27 0 46-0 70 28 2960 B 53-0 72 29 2850 B 52-0 75 31 0 48-0 114 May 26 2650 B 64-0 The water was slightly turbid with 117 27 1 45-0 calcium carbonate. When about half distilled over, the 119 June 14 0 41-5 apparatus was stopped up and the water squirted out behind. The most of the carbonic acid bad passed over, probably all. 120 14 2360 B 47-2 122 ?> 16 2575 B 500 136 23 0 52-9 138 24 2175 B 53-6 146 27 1675 B (!) 59-2 149 )> 30 B (?) 44-6 209 Aug. 16 0 43-2 214 18 0 38-2 215 19 0 45-5 216 55 20 0 43-0 221 21 300 53-6 228 25 0 42-6 231 55 26 50 53-3 256 Sept. 27 0 33 0 261 30 100 36-0 Owing to a fault in the new water 265 Oct. 1 0 59 T bottle, this was probably surface water. Sample well shaken up with air so as 267 2 0 41-8 to saturate it at 22°-8 C. 275 55 3 B 49T * With reference to this table see an explanatory note by Mr. J. Y. Buchanan appended to this Report. *20 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Number of tuple. Rate of Collection. Deptli 8. Mgrms. of COa per Litre. Remarks. 276 1873. Oct 4 0 43-2 This water was shaken, as in No. 265, 283 6 1000 556 with air, so as to establish equi- librium. 333 Dec. 29 B 59-5 354 „ 30 0 54-2 355 „ 30 100 56-9 360 „ 31 0 513 364 1874. Jan. 3 0 47-4 369 27 0 373 371 Feb. 3 0 44-7 372 >i 0 52-3 376 „ 9 0 47-6 378 ,, 11 1260 B 67 9 380 ,, 12 0 64-4 382 „ 13 0 65-6 383 14 1675 B 82-9 The gases were boiled out of water, 386 „ 16 0 56-3 and 225 c.c. of the remaining water barium chloride were treated as usual for carbonic acid ; therefore the carbonic acid in gas tube must be added to this. 387 „ 17 0 51-7 389 „ 18 0 48-5 395 „ 19 B 57-6 396 „ 20 0 48-7 397 21 ii 50 70-6 414 Mur. 3 1950 B 44-3 415 »» 4 0 51-6 417 6 0 54 0 419 ». " 50 68-3 428 „ io 2150 B 52-6 439 „ 13 B 53 7 461 June 17 50 53-3 464 „ 18 5 44 0 466 „ 19 6 61 *1 471 „ 20 0 49-8 477 „ 23 B 53-8 489 July 10 50 511 497 „ 13 0 59-4 This result is probably false, as a sud- 504 „ 15 0 41-2 den frothing over occurred which would introduce magnesia into the distillate, and so increase the apparent amount of carbonic acid. 612 „ 1« 0 36 1 613 23 h «u 0 60-9 629 Aug. 15 B 459 MO „ 17 0 96 0 Very large amount of carbonic acid. 639 „ 20 0 31 -7 The determination was quite satis- factory. 6(3 „ 21 200 4 4-4 556 24 m * * 11 43 4 537 25 II 0 35-6 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 121 Number of Sample. Date of Collection. Depth 5. Mgrms. of CO„ per Litre. Remarks. 567 1874. Aug. 28 B 60-9 569 „ 29 B 361 572 Sept. 1 0 27-3 575 „ 11 B 28-7 581 „ 14 0 39-3 i 594 „ 28 400 40-0 602 Oct. 12 0 41-9 620 „ 20 800 39-7 629 22 2600 B 52’4 661 (a) 1875. Jan. 16 0 37-2 671 „ 28 B 24-3 678 Feb. 8 50 29-8 682 „ 10 0 25 J 691 „ 12 2500 B 52-4 760 Mar. 1 8 0 30-3 771 „ 19 2325 B 61-9 791 „ 23 4475 B 31-2 797 „ 25 200 33-8 ' 817 „ 31 0 24-7 823 April 1 300 34-0 830 „ 5 50 32-8 826 „ 3 0 20-7 836 *7 0 32-0 910 June 29 0 35-3 912 „ 30 2800 B 35-3 921 July 2 1000 50-7 922 „ 2 2050 B 47-5 924 „ 3 2550 B 38-2 926 „ 4 0 26-7 934 „ 5 2475 35-3 933 „ 5 400 39-2 Preserved over night in a bottle with 947 „ 9 2800 37-4 tubulated cork. 949 „ 10 0 29-1 949 (a) „ 10 0 27-4 The portion of 949 from which 949 (b) „ 10 0 27-3 oxygen and nitrogen had been extracted, allowed to cool in closed bask. Portion of 949 (a) exposed to the 964 „ 12 2740 B 42-0 air outside port from 6.30 to 9.30 a.m. 11th July. 974 „ 14 3090 B 30-1 973 „ 14 2990 25-5 Preserved in bottle full up to stopper. 972 „ 14 800 23-8 Determination 15/7/75. Determined 16/7/75. Preserved 971 „ 14 400 39-7 with pressure stopper. Determined 16/7/75. Preserved in 987 984 „ 17 „ 17 B 400 25-4 28-7 bottle full up to stopper. The water was kept in a bottle full 990 „ 20 0 19-3 up to the stopper, and the carbonic acid was determined on the 19th. (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. — PART I. 1884.) A 1(5 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. ] •»•■> Number of Sample. Date of Collection. Depth 5. Mgrms. of CO;, per Litre. Remarks. 1001 187 July 3. 21 2875 29-9 1003 (a) t) 22 0 6-5 Brine from boilers. Steaming at 1096 Aug. 30 2900 (?) B 2700 B 343 17 lbs. pressure. 1087 f» 28 40-5 1097 ft 31 0 28 ’9 1096 Sept. 1 2900 (?) B 42-7 Bottom water of 30 th August distilled 1106 ft 2 2550 B 32-8 to dryness with -2 grm. cryst. potas- sium permanganate (KMn04). The water contains 8 ‘4 mgrms. organic C02 = 2’3 mrgms. carbon. 1181 Oct 6 200 43-2 The almost dry residue was treated 1205 ft 11 200 35-8 with • 2 grm. cryst. KMn04 dis- solved in 100 c.c. water, and this sol. distilled to dryness and the car- bonic acid evolved determined. 2 4 -6 mgrms. C02 = 6-7 mgrms. carbon. The dry residue was treated exactly 1209 91 11 1975 * 51-2 as that of 1 181. 23 *7 mgrms. C02 = 6 "5 mgrms. carbon. The residue treated with KMn04. 1208 ff 11 800 46-2 27'2 mgrms. C02 = 7-4 mgrms. C. The dry residue treated with KMn0.r 1221 ft 14 B 45 6 28T mgrms. C02 = 7’7 mgrms. carbon. 1245 ft 21 2600 B 650 1256 ft 23 2550 B 47-4 1270 ft 27 2250 B 46-4 1269 ft 27 1775 42-3 1272 ft 29 0 36-6 1287 Nov. 2 0 41-8 1289 ft 3 25 33-1 1294 ft 3 400 446 1300 ft 5 1500 B 47-5 1301 ft 6 0 350 1313 9 1825 B 44-7 1314 ft 10 0 37 3 1337 •t 17 B 44-3 1342 Ib-c. 13 0 361 1350 tf 14 B 44-4 1345 ft 14 50 410 1348 ft 14 300 42-9 1 353 ft 16 10 36 T 1 35 2 ft 16 o 37-9 This result is too high. The receiver IM3 17 B 49-3 broke just at the end, and the car- bonic acid in U tubo had to be neglected. 1354 ft 17 50 50 '4 1364 20 0 47-8 1367 tf 21 0 47-3 1374 9# 23 0 51 *2 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATER. 123 Number of Sample. Date of Collection. Deptli 8. Mgrms. of C02 per Litre. Remarks. 1875. 1375 Dec. 24 0 46'3 Residue treated with 50 c.c. KMn04. | Sol. of 17th October. Deducting 2-26 mgrms. CO, leaves 107 mgrms. of C02 = 2-9 mgrms. car- 1378 „ 27 0 47-3 bon. 1388 n 28 B 55 -6 1386 „ 28 800 53-2 1385 „ 28 400 48-8 1383 „ 28 200 47-3 1390 „ 30 0 48-9 1393 „ 30 100 50-4 1876. 1405 Jan. 2 345 B 45-1 1424 „ 8 0 39-5 1430 „ io 200 70-8 1438 „ 11 245 B 51-2 1445 21 ,, L B 42-4 1446 22 ,, 0 42-9 1459 Feb. 8 1035 B 38'5 1462 „ 11 0 38-5 1494 „ 28 1900 B 43-0 1496 „ 29 2800 (1) B 51-7 1498 Mar. 1 20 38-5 1507 9 B 50-2 1508 „ 3 0 340 1533 „ io B 46-6 1527 „ 9 400 43-6 1531 „ io 800 43-6 1544 „ 13 2025 B 44-5 1539 ,, 13 100 37-2 1573 „ 20 0 34-8 1576 „ 21 50 37-3 1577 „ 21 100 36-8 1578 21 ,, -j A. 200 43-1 1581 22 j, 0 38-2 1588 » 23 400 43-6 1590 „ 24 0 35-3 1597 » 24 800 43-6 1614 » 26 400 44-1 1621 April 4 25 34-3 1638 „ 6 1875 39-2 1637 „ 6 800 45-5 1644 „ 7 300 45-5 1662 „ 11 0 33-8 1684 „ 28 0 38-2 1687 May 1 0 37-3 1693 „ 3 200 38-7 1697 V 3 B(?) 36-8 1699 „ 5 0 33-8 1707 „ 6 400 38-7 124 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. V. — ON THE ALKALINITY OF OCEAN- WATER. Th< alkalinity of a sea-water being a measure of its potential carbonate of lime, it is important to have as complete statistics concerning it as possible; and I very much • _ iv t now, that 1 selected only some 130 samples for the determination of this item. The alkalinity of these samples was determined by Torn0e’s method, explained in t -• chapter on the Carbonic Acid (p. 10G). 250 c.c. of sea-water were measured off for !i analysis, mixed with an excess of standard hydrochloric acid and boiled for twenty minutes to expel the carbonic acid. The acid left unsaturated was then determined by titration. The standard acid used was a hydrochloric acid, containing ^ X 36 '5 mgrms. of pure acid = Ay x HC1 ] mgrms. per cubic centimetre. The standard caustic potash was by intention of equivalent strength; the exact volume of alkali equivalent to 1 of arid was, of course, determined with great care and used in the calculations. In ra>-h case the point of neutrality was determined a number of times by zig-zag titra- tion, .ind the mean of the last four to six results taken as correct. From the deviations of t!i- o jarate results from the mean we conclude that each analysis is uncertain by about ±005 c.c. of standard acid. Supposing the standard acid required for neutralising the ba • prornt to have been 58 c.c. per litre, the “ alkalinity ” was put down as ig= 58 mgrms. per litre, which, of course, means that 1 litre of water contains a quantity of base, not muriate or sulphate, which would require 58 mgrms. of carbonic arid for its conversion into normal carbonate, M0C02. As all the waters had before been tested quantitatively for chlorine, we were in a on to refer the alkalinity to 55*43 mgrms. of chlorine, meaning 100 mgrms. of t"t i - It - ;* and we did so. The results are given in the following Table I. fob min I. uivrs the Challenger number assigned to the sample by Mr. Buchanan. Column II. names the Station where the sample was collected. < lumn III., under “ Depth,’’ gives the depth at which the sample was taken ; surface or l*ottom waters, however, are simply named as such. Odumn IV. gives the “ alkalinity ” in mgrms. per litre. ' nun \ . _'iv< - the alkalinity in grins, per 55*43 grins, of chlorine, or per 100 grins. ; or, in other words, the weight of carbonic acid which is present as normal < arbonates (R..CO,) referred to 100 parts by weight of total salts. Column VI. gives the laboratory number. ^ '■ 1 J "l cntri‘ - is enelo-ed in brackets [ ], it means that there is some t!i> r« snlts. and that they are not taken notice of in the subsequent di«-u**ion. **» •*•* *3, W«I adopted nt tho t bg the rentlt of a calculation 1 upon purl of the 77 complete •etaraaaljm. I r a know that 56*410 ia a dowr approximation, lmt thi erroi is too small to be of consequence. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATER. 125 Table I. Giving the Alkalinity of a selection of Challenger Waters. I. Challenger Number. II. Station. III. Depth. IV. Alkalinity per litre in milligrams. V. Alkalinity per 55 ‘43 parts of Chlorine. VI. Laboratory N umber. 1 1 Bottom 58-76 •1566 200 2 1 Surface 62-83 •1667 201 4 2 Bottom 55-76 •1552 203 [•5 2 Surface 28-66 ■0756 204*] 9 5 Surface 57-12 •1501 205 15 7 Bottom 55-68 •1577 210 21 10 Bottom 55-90 •1471 214 23 11 Bottom 53-76 •1492 216 38 14 Bottom 53-80 •1499 223 50 18 Bottom 55-44 •1547 224 66 25 Bottom 55-48 •1528 226 1873 [April 25 38 Bottom 55-26 •1542 260] 120 59 Bottom 55-00 •1500 227 126 62 Bottom 55-16 •1476 229 127 62 500 fathoms 54-28 •1498 230 129 62 150 „ 54-76 •1461 232 133 65 Bottom 53-08 •1478 234 1873 July 26 92 7 5 fathoms 57-12 •1509 263 201 97 Surface 53-00 •1462 235 205 97 Bottom 59-24 •1647 237 218 102 50 fathoms 55-00 •1495 238 223 102 Bottom 57-40 •1596 242 220 102 200 fathoms 55-24 •1520 240 237 110 Bottom 53-20 •1477 244 243 116 Bottom 54 08 •1502 246 250 122 Bottom 55-16 •1496 247 263 129 300 fathoms 54-76 •1545 249 265 130 Surface 57-16 •1504 250 283 131 1000 fathoms 53-20 •1489 251 294 133 Bottom 53-16 •1482 252 305 136 Bottom 57-72 •1616 253 308 137 100 fathoms 52-40 •1450 254 309 137 200 „ 53-60 •1492 255 312 137 Bottom 56-88 •1588 258 1873 Dec. 19 143 Surface 55-68 •1534 93 143 100 fathoms 53-20 •1472 95 143 200 „ 53-12 ■1489 96 143 300 „ 52-64 •1486 97 143 400 „ 53-36 •1505 98 143 Bottom 56-56 •1576 99 353 146 Bottom 58-16 •1623 101 378 152 Bottom 61-56 •1731 103 384 153 Surface 56-16 ■1663 105 383 153 Bottom 53-92 •1511 106 391 154 50 fathoms 53-12 •1500 110 * This bottle contained a large crystalline deposit. 12«> THE VOYAGE OF HALS. CHALLENGER. I. 11. III. IV. V. VI. Challenger Number. Station. Depth. Alkalinity per litre in milligrams. Alkalinity per 55 "43 parts of Chlorine. Laboratory Number. 421 158 400 fathoms 51-88 •1476 115 1873. March 7 158 Bottom 55-64 •1573 116 „ 13 160 50 fathoms 55 -S4 •1563 117 470 165a 400 „ 54-12 •1492 270 [492 169 Bottom 75-88 •2108 276]* 485 168 Bottom 54-76 •1554 272 500 170 100 fathoms 53-00 •1462 278 503 170 400 „ 53-24 •1499 281 511 171a Bottom 56-48 •1562 285 523 175 200 fathoms 52-76 •1442 288 524 175 Bottom 54-48 •1509 289 536 178 50 fathoms 53-28 •1477 291 538 178 200 „ 52-92 •1460 293 544 179 300 „ 53-96 •1492 295 546 179 Bottom 56-20 •1560 297 [556 180 Bottom 57-40 •1601 302] f 586 191a Bottom 60-48 •1707 314 594 193 400 fathoms 53-56 •1502 320 696 193 Bottom 59-88 •1693 322 605 196 Bottom 54-08 •1518 323 616 198 50 fathom? 73-92 •2079 325 635 202 300 „ 51-56 •1500 333 643 204 Bottom 57-84 •1626 334 656 Bottom 60-72 •1704 339 791 225 Bottom 55-08 •1553 342 865 238 Bottom 54-64 •1548 52 874 240 25 fathoms 52-52 •1498 54 878 240 300 „ 65-80 •1888 57 905 and 906 244 400 A 600 fathoms 52-60 ■1508 58 912 245 Bottom 54-56 ■1549 00 1 221 285 Bottom 57-08 •1590 346 1259 290 Bottom 53-84 •1517 347 1300 295 Bottom 54-44 •1526 348 668 Surface 51-44 •1468 350 675 2 i 3 Bottom 55-52 •1557 351 67 8 213 50 fathoms 51-92 •1466 352 753 222 70 „ 53-12 •1464 355 758 222 Bottom 56-64 •1585 358 806 227 300 fathoms 52*20 •1485 360 1094 268 300 „ 53-88 •1517 367 1127 272 Surface 52-76 •1433 373 1134 272 800 fathoms 53-68 •1505 379 1148 276 85 „ 54-60 •1463 380 1154 276 800 „ 54-16 •1509 385 1157 277 I h>t tom 54-88 •1538 387 1165 278 Bottom 54-84 •1534 388 1 169 280 50 fathoms 54-36 •1456 389 1264 291 100 „ 51*48 •1457 395 1270 291 Bottom 54 00 •1518 399 1271 Surface 51-44 •1454 400 * Thu UiU]« contained a large deposit of mud. t “ COj, and gases boiled out. REPORT OR THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 127 1. Challenger Number. XL Station. III. Depth. I\r. Alkalinity per litre in milligrams. V. Alkalinity per 55 "43 parts of Chlorine. VI. Laboratory Number. 1274 292 Bottom 54-60 •1533 401 1293 294 300 fathoms 57-48 •1618 403 1313 296 Bottom 53-84 •1514 406 1353 300 50 fathoms 51-56 •1483 411 1388 302 Bottom 56-40 T576 413 1405 306 Bottom 51-68 •1474 415 1427 * 309 Bottom 50-21 T472 416 1429 f 309 Surface 45-50 T472 417 1438 311 Bottom 51-12 T498 419 1443 313 Bottom 51-36 T522 420 1471 318 Surface 51-72 T475 423 1494 323 Bottom 54-76 T497 429 1481 Bottom 52-80 T496 426 1518 329 Bottom 55-56 -1531 436 1529 331 Bottom 54-40 T521 439 1557 335 Bottom 52-68 T4-71 443 1573 Surface 54-20 T448 450 1581 Surface 55-00 ■1450 451 1583 339 25 fathoms 54-72 •1449 452 1589 339 Bottom 5316 T494 456 1616 342 Bottom 52-40 T457 466 1628 345 Bottom 53-32 T482 469 1641 347 25 fathoms 53-04 •1435 477 1646 347 Bottom 52-92 •1473 480 1670 351 100 fathoms 52-76 T454 485 1687 Surface 54-52 •1425 489 1690 353 25 fathoms 54-84 T435 490 1697 Bottom (?) 55-76 T480 497 1700 Surface 54-64 •1433 498 1702 354 25 fathoms 53-84 •1435 499 1703 354 50 „ 53-92 •1438 500 1705 354 200 „ 53-48 •1428 501 1706 354 300 „ 52-96 •1428 502 1707 354 400 „ 52-88 T465 503 1708 354 600 „ 53-24 T455 504 1709 354 500 „ 53-92 T446 505 1710 354 Bottom 52-76 •1461 506 1424 (?). t 1421 (?) 128 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Notes on the Anomalous Cases. T unbr.i . keletl Nos. are tlio Challenger numbers; those in square brackets the laboratory numbers of the respective waters). No. 5 [204], page 125. A surface water. The alkalinity determination in two titrations led to the low values of 28 ’GO and 28 'GG per litre. The inside of the bottle was coated with a crystalline deposit up to a line corresponding to 1392 cubic icutimctres. Actual contents = 802 c.c. of sea-water, of which 500 c.c. served for the two analyses referred to. 'Flic deposit, after having been rinsed twice with distilled water, . is dissolved in hydrochloric acid (which caused an evolution of carbonic acid), and the lime and magnesia in the solution determined successively by means of oxalate of ammonia and phosphate of ammonia respectively. The lime (CaO) amounted to 0*1173, (MgO) to 0*01964 grin. According to table, page 43, x=20'461. The lime and magnesia in the water wov determined by the method used in the 77 complete analyses (see pp. 9, &c.), and, in 51 '26 grms. of water, found to be as follows: — Crude lime = 33‘l and 337, mean 33'4 ; magnesia, as pyrophosphate = 0 ’33 01 and 0*3308, mean = 0*3304. Now, correcting the lime by multiplication with 0'91, and assuming that the results for it and the magnesia hold for all the 1392 c.c. of water Daily in the bottle, we arrive at the results, given in the following table, and con- t • t • d therein with the mean values deduced from the 77 complete analyses, as stated at the end of this chapter. Present in Grms. 'per 100 Grms. of Chlorine in — Deposit. Water. Total. Mean of 77 Sea-waters. Lime, CaO, 0-401 2-899 3-300 3-026 Magnesia, MgO, . ‘ 1 0-0671 11-352 11-419 11-212 The numbers under “ Water ’’ are probably a little too low, because the part of the '' r wh ch had been taken out of the bottle before the present analyses were made must be presumed to have been richer in lime and magnesia than the remaining 802 c.c. But even with the numbers as they stand, this water would appear to have been ri- li in both components originally. Supposing the deposit were rcdissolved in 1392 C.C. «-f water like the remnant analysed, the alkalinity per 100 of chlorine u • • * 1 1 ‘ f l 1 ■ by 0 389, or by 0*2 1 5G per 100 of salts, which, when taken together REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 129 with the alkalinity of the water as it was when titrated, gives, for the original alkalinity the high value of 0'2911. But part of the deposit may have been sulphate of lime. The water was collected at Station 2 near the Canary Islands. [260]; a bottom water collected on the 25th of April 1873, at Station 38 (see page 123). The bottle contained a considerable quantity of a sandy deposit. The alkalinity, which in the table is given as being 55*26 mgrms. per litre, was determined in only 97 c.c. of the filtered water. The alkalinity of the residue was determined, and found equal to 41 ’66 mgrms. per 250 c.c. of the water still present in the bottle at the time. Unfortunately it was forgotten to note down the volume of the water remaining, and the capacity of the bottle as an approximation to the volume of the original sample. Assuming that volume to have been 2 litres (it certainly was not more), then the residue, supposing its carbonate of lime and magnesia to pass into the water, would have added at least some 21 mgrms. to the alkalinity per litre. The water in the bottle, therefore, we should say, was at the maximum of alkalinity which it could possibly have attained by stagnating in its natural situation. No. 492 [276]; a bottom water from Station 169 ; gave the high alkalinity of 75 *88 mgrms. per litre, or (P2108 per 100 of salts (see page 126). The bottle contained a large deposit of light mud. The mud was not examined, but in the filtered water the lime and magnesia were determined, as in the case of No. 5 [204], by duplicate analyses. Found per 100 of Chlorine. No. 492. Average Deep-Sea Water. Lime, 3-515 3-031 Magnesia, 11-147 11-212 Taking the excess of lime and the deficiency in magnesia as corresponding both to carbonate gained and lost respectively, and starting from the value 0'152 as representing the normal alkalinity of bottom water ( vide infra), the alkalinity of this water should be equal to 0*3229 instead of 0*2108 as found. This shows that our assumption does not hold ; part of the additional lime, probably, is sulphate taken up from the mud after bottling. No. 31 [221]; a surface water collected at Station 12, as stated on table, page 43. [It is not on the Table of Alkalinities.] This water contained a large crystalline deposit, consisting mainly of the carbonates of lime and magnesia. Capacity of the bottle up to upper edge of deposit, i.e., presumable original volume of the sample =1415 c.c. (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL, EXP. — PART I. — 1884.) A U THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 130 Remnant of water left —200 c.c., which would have barely sufficed for one alkalinity rmination. We preferred to utilise it for duplicate determinations of the lime and nil which gave, per 5 1 *3 1 gnus, of sea-water, 34*1 and 33’ 5, mean 33*8 mgrms. . .f < rudi lime, and 0'3332 and 0*3332 grm. of pyrophosphate of magnesia. The deposit •■■•ntained 0T247 grm. of lime, and 9*48 mgrms. of magnesia. The water under con- :■ it i< >n is one of the 77 which were completely analysed. (See table, page 23.) Assuming that all the 1215 c.c., which had been used already when the remnant of 200 c.c. was analysed, had had the composition reported in the table referred to, we have — Per 100 parts of Chlorine. Remnant of 200 c.c. Part completely analysed. Original "Water. Average Surface Water. Lime, 2-931 3103 3-499 3-018 Magnesia, 11-442 11-080 11-163 11-203 The results for the quantities of lime are presumably less exact than those for the magnesia; and yet the former are easily interpreted, while the latter are difficult to understand. The water, it appears, was originally very rich in lime, and readily d'po-itc | j . i rt of this component as carbonate; but it is difficult to believe that the magn< 'i;t, after having been precipitated from part of the water, should have dissolved in the remainder to produce the large quantity of 1 1 *44 per 100 of chlorine. It is p mark il »1«- that in this case, as in that of No. 5, the lime, though a stronger base and I ip i»t in th<- u iter in a less proportion than the, magnesia, is preferably precipitated. l''r«>m our Table I. in this chapter it is seen that the alkalinity in our samples rarely - beyond GO mgrms. per litre; in one of the abnormal samples it comes up to 75*88. What is the maximum value which the alkalinity might attain in the most liable < rcumstances ? This question uggested the following two experiments, which - ' !• w tli part of the supply of surface water which was referred to on page 115 as having been collected for me near Ailsa Craig. / • "t I. \ quantity of Ail- a Craig Water was saturated with carbonic acid at ' 260 i c. then were mea ured off and digested in a stoppered bottle with two deal ••mat. "I lime for forty-eight hours at the ordinary temperature, agitation. Tie- -till turbid mixture was then filtered, and the alkalinity of 250 c.c. of the filtrate determined as usual. REPORT OX THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 131 Found for Alkalinity per litre, ...... 364-4 mgrms. Original alkalinity, . . . . . 50 -2 „ Additional alkalinity due to the added lime, . . . 314-2 „ The experiment was then repeated with the water in its original condition, which for the present purpose is sufficiently defined by stating that the water in its natural state, according to a direct determination of the total carbonic acid, contained — Carbonic acid as R2C03, from alkalinity, . . .50-2 mgrms. Additional carbonic acid, . . . . 47 -5 „ showing that the free base was very nearly in the condition of bicarbonate RHC03. 260 c.c. when digested with two grms. of carbonate of lime for forty-eight hours and filtered, gave a filtrate exhibiting an alkalinity of 46 ’96 mgrms. per litre, which is 3 ’2 mgrms. less than that of the original water. A very irregular result, which I regret it was forgotten to verify by a repetition of the experiment. Experiment II. — Alkali-free carbonate of magnesia was prepared by passing carbonic acid into a mixture of magnesia alba and water, filtering, boiling down the filtrate, and collecting the thus re-precipitated carbonate of magnesia. Two grms. of this preparation were digested for forty-eight hours with 260 c.c. of Ailsa Craig water previously saturated wfith carbonic acid, the mixture then filtered, and the alkalinity of the filtrate determined. The experiment was then repeated with the natural water. The results were as follows : — Additional alkalinity, due to the added carbonate of magnesia, per litre : — In the case of the water saturated with carbonic acid, . . 1234-0 mgrms. In the case of the natural water, .... 10-64 ,, From these experiments we see that carbonate of magnesia is far more freely soluble in sea-water than carbonate of lime is. 132 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Mean Results of Alkalinity Determinations. Per litre. Per 55 -43 grins, of Chlorine. Alkalinity of all* (130) = 54-70 •1520 15 Surface Waters = 54-20 ■1492 6 25 fathoms, = 53-93 •1453 9 50 „ „ 55-77 •1551 1 70 „ „ = 53-12 •1464 1 75 „ „ 57-12 •1509 5 100 „ „ 52-57 •1459 Or O II 54-76 •1461 6 200 „ „ 53-52 •1472 9 300 „ „ 55-03 •1553 7 400 „ „ = 53-09 •1493 2 500 „ „ 54-10 •1472 2 600 „ „ 52-92 •1482 2 800 „ „ 53-92 •1507 1 1000 „ 53-20 •1489 63 Bottom „ 5517 •1540 Watere in 1873 (40) = 53-98 •1498 „ 1874 (24) = 55-03 •1545 „ 1875 (32) - 54-57 •1532 „ 1876 (32) = 5313 •1466 I last four entries in this table of means owe their origin to a suspicion that the ">ty of the samples, during the long time of their preservation in glass bottles, been perceptibly altered by alkali taken up from the glass. Had this been ■ t \ v. it- r- collected during 1873 would have been the most strongly alkaline, which *' ' “ > D"t the ca-e. The fear seems to be groundless; at least I hope it is so. The Excepting tho*c containing depoaiU, &c., enclosed within square brackets. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OE OCEAN-WATER. 133 table of means failed to suggest any conclusions to my mind ; I therefore proceeded to tabulate the waters according to regular intervals in the alkalinities (per 55-43 of chlorine)* in the following Table : — Table II. Classification of Alkalinities. S stands for the number of the Station, 8 the denth in fathoms at which the The Alkalinity ranges. Sample was taken, B stands for “bottom.” I. From 0T400 to 0T439. 8 = 0 0 0 25 25 25 50 200 300 S 272 351 353 353 354 347 354 354 354 II. From 0T440 to 0T479. s= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 s 97 291 295 309 318 335 335 276 339 s= 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 150 s 178 213 280 137 143 170 291 351 62 s= 200 200 400 400 500 600 B. B. B. s 175 178 158 354 354 354 10 62 65 8 = R. B. B. B. B. B. B. s 110 306 309 335 342 347 354 III. iAom 0T480fo0T519. 8 = 0 0 25 50 50 50 75 200 200 S 5 130 240 102 154 300 92 137 143 j 8 = 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 500 s 143 179 202 227 268 143 170 193 62 8 = 500 800 800 1000 B. B. B. B. B. S 244 272 276 131 11 14 59 116 122 8 = B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. S 133 153 175 196 290 291 296 311 323 8 = B. B. B. B. (?) S 0) 339 345 353 IY. From 0T520 to 0T559. 8 = 0 200 300 B. B. B. B. B. B. S 143 102 129 2 18 25 38 168 213 8 = B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. S 225 238 245 277 278 292 295 313 329 8 = B. S 331 From this point onwards the word alkalinity is always used, when mentioned as a quantity, in this sense. 134 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Table II. — continued. The Alkalinity ranges. S stands for the number of the Station, 8 the depth in fathoms at which the Sample was taken, B stands for “ bottom.” V. from 0 1 560 to <>159* 8 50 B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. S 160 1 7 102 137 143 158 171a 179 8= B. B. B. S 222 285 302 VL From 0 1 600 to 0 1 639. 8= 300 B. B. B. S 294 136 146 204 VII. /Yom 0-1640 to 0-1679. 8=0 0 B. S 1 153 97 VIII. From 0-1680 to 0-1719. 8= B. B. B. S 191a 193 204 IX. Over 0 1 720. Alkalinity = 0-1731 0 1888 0-2079 8 B. 300 50 S 152 240 198 The table did not reveal to me any relation between the alkalinity of a sea-water and the r< gem of the ocean from which it comes; but a glance at it very forcibly suggested that, in (jem nd, bottom-waters are more strongly alkaline than those from the surface or from small depths. To make sure of this conclusion, 1 arranged the waters into three classes, namely: — 1. “ Sur filer -waters” meaning waters from depths less than 101 fathoms. II. Waters, not bottom- waters, from greater depths. 1 1 1. Bottom -waters. ? eoll. rt. d tie- ejiscs where we are in a position to compare the alkalinity (b) at the bottom with that (s) at a depth not ex.-mling 100 fathoms at the same Station, . h !• 1 to the following series of numbers for the difference in alkalinity (b — s) b tween the corresponding bottom and “surface” waters. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 135 Table III. Giving the difference between the Alkalinity of Bottom and “Surface” Waters. Station. 153 1 309 335 354 347 339 353 291 213 102 143 222 137 97 b — s. - -015 - -010 0 + ■002 •002 •003 •004 •005 •006 •009 •010 •Oil •013 •014 •019 15 cases. We see that in 12 out of 15 cases the alkalinity was greater at the bottom than at points not deeper than 100 fathoms. But these are only 30 out of 130 determina- tions. To ascertain the bearing of the rest upon this point, I abstracted from Table II. the following Table (IY. ), which, as is seen, for each of four categories of waters, shows the number of cases in which the alkalinity lies within the interval named in the first Column. Table IY. Giving the number of cases in which different values of the Alkalinity occur. The alkalinity is within ±•002 of Depth not greater than 100 fathoms. Bottom. Not B Depth var 150-400 ottom ; les between 500-1000 Of the 36 cases. Per Cent. Of the 63 cases. Per Cent. Cases counted. •142 7 19 0 0 2 0 T46 17 47 10 16 5 2 150 7 19 18 29 11 4 T54 ’ 1 2-7 16 25 2 0 •158 1 2-7 11 17 0 0 T62 0 0 3 5 1 0 •166 2 5 1 1-6 0 0 •170 0 0 3 5 0 0 T72 to -208 1 2-7 1 1-6 1 0 i t *3 p lot) THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. In the accompanying diagram the values of the alkalinity, x, arc laid down as ' 9 issue; the ordinate, y, of the thick curve gives the number of cases per hundred . hich the alkalinity of a “ surface ” water, in the sense of Table IV., has the value expressed by the abscissa; the ordinates of the thin curve do the same in reference to the bottom waters. We sec from the curves that 1. The alkalinity ranges substantially from .r = 0’140 to ,'e = 0,1G4, 2. From 0T40 to 0*148 the surface waters, while from O' 1 48 to 0*160 the bottom waters, are decidedly in the majority. 3. The most probable, ?.e., the most frequently occurring value of the alkalinity is For the. surface-waters, about 0'14G=t0'002. For the bottom-waters, about 0'152±0'003. Assuming the surplus alkalinity in the bottom waters to be owing to additional lime, w. have f< >r such extra lime, per 55'43 gnus, of chlorine, or per 100 grms. of total salts, (i'Cim 7.') • of i Hi'. Tin- difference brought out by the discussion of our < b-t ■■nil i 1 1 tioi, I i Hu' (page 37) a bd ween waters from greater depths i if ■ !: and<-n from h than 1 0 1 fathoms, was 0*0132 per 1 00 of chlorine. •ntly0'0070 per 100 il alt . Theagrecment is very satisfactory, though it# degree of closeness must be deemed accidental. • • ■ n 1 at i «.f tie alkalinity, the bromine, and the supple- b ■ f • ' r 1 ■ ii"'.'. a bl< to corn ed the average composition e d e'd from tie- 77 anal;. . <• tabulated on pages 23 to 25. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 137 The corrections of the numbers for lime, soda, and total salts per 55 '42 of chlorine, which are necessitated by the new lime -determinations, might be effected as shown on page 21 ; but, when we do this, there still results a value for the alkalinity which is by (P00293 too high. This surplus I ascribe to a constant positive error in the “ total sulphates,” which practically means the soda. Hence we had better discard the direct determinations of the soda, and calculate it from the number of equivalents of acid left unsaturated by lime, magnesia, and potash; i.e., from the difference: number of [Cl2’s, S03’s, C02’s] minus number of [CaO’s, MgO’s, K20’s]. To correct the “chlorine” for the bromine included in it, we have (page 101) for the bromine present per 100 of chlorine 0'3402 part ; hence per 55’420 parts of chlorine, we have 0T885 part of bromine =0‘001178 x 160 part. Whence the quantity of chlorine really is 55'336, so that the numbers stand as follows : — Per “ Chlorine ” = Sulphuric Acid, Carbonic Acid, . Lime, Magnesia, Potash, . Soda (by difference), 55'420-h 70-92 = 0-78144 1 6-415-^80 =0-08019 1 0452 -r 44 =0-00345 j Total, . 0-86508 J 1 -677 -f- 56 =0-02995 -j 6'214 - 40 =0-15535 ' 1-333^-94 =0-01418 = 0-19948 - 41-267 -r 62 =0-66560 I I Total, 0-86508 J True Chlorine, . . . 55 -336 Bromine, . . 0-1885 Oxygen-equivalent of the two halogens, . . . -12'503 100-0795 Number of equivalents of acid radicals. Number of equivalents of basic radicals. Referring to 100 parts of total salts we have Chlorine, ..... 55-292 Bromine, ..... 04884 Sulphuric Acid, . . . . 6-410 Carbonic Acid, .... 0452 Lime, . . . . . L676 Magnesia, ..... 6-209 Potash, ..... L332 Soda, ..... 41-234 — [O] per [Clj. or Br2], . . . —12-493 (puts. chem. chall. exp. — part i.— 1884.) 100-0004 A 18 1JS TIIE VOYAGE OF H.M.S CHALLENGER. In deference to an established custom, and the presumable wishes of some of my ivaders, I have translated these numbers into the following hypothesis on the Proximate composition of 100 parts of Sea-water salts. Chloride of sodium, . Chloride of magnesium. Sulphate of magnesium, Sulphate of lime, Sulphate of potash, . Rromide of magnesium, Carbonate of magnesium, 77-758 10-878 4-323 4-070 2-465 0-217 0-290 100-001 But the best mode of representing the results, is to express them with reference to 100 parts of chlorine. To refer them to 100 parts of pure chlorine would be of no use, because it is the total halogen determined ms chlorine which forms the convenient standard. With reference to it we have Chlorine. 99-848 Magnesia. 11-212 Per Halogen = 100 of Chlorine* Bromine. Sulphur tri oxide. Carbon dioxide. Lime. •3402 11-576 -2742 3-026. Potash. Soda. Total Salts. f 2-405 74-462 180-584. I am indebted to Mr. John M'Arthur for the scrupulous care with which he performed the whole of t lie analytical work referred to in this chapter. dly,anduwil ilic atomic \vui;,'liC ( '1 = 35-5 and Ag=108. Hence » 4t h« dl “ !<>o j~ir‘ «f chlorine would 1-e j .;irt > of “ chlorine " with us. The dillerence is insignificant. o have called <• i- tin- mini total of “chlorine,” SO3, CaO, MgO, K20, minna (O j*t Cl,). To obtain the true ( , we should have to add the traces of silica, alumina, &c., which I did not determine in my analyses. Compare page 2. REPOET ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 139 VI.— ON THE ABSORBED AIR IN OCEAN-WATER. Methods of Investigation. The components of the atmosphere, in obedience to the laws of the absorption and diffusion of gases, must necessarily pervade the ocean everywhere and to its greatest depths ; but their quantitative relations to one another and to the solvent are subject to chemical, in addition to purely physical, laws; because the oxygen and carbonic acid at least are no sooner dissolved than they enter into chemical relationships, the former with the dissolved organic matter, and both with the cell-contents of myriads of living organisms which, without them, could have no existence. Yet it is worth while to make a guess at what would be the state of matters if ocean-water were nothing more than a solution in pure water of that complex mixture of salts which, as we have seen, presents such a remarkable constancy in its composition. More highly constant still is that of the atmosphere, for it consists everywhere and always of the same mixture of (very nearly) 0'21 volume of oxygen, and 0'79 volume of nitrogen per unit- volume, contaminated with small variable proportions of vapour of water and carbonic acid. The pressure of the atmosphere is subject to variation, but, at the sea-level, it never deviates much from that of 760 mm. of mercury. Supposing a certain portion of the ocean were separated from the rest, and, after having somehow been deprived of its gaseous contents, exposed to the air at a constant temperature of t°. The three gases would stream into the water at a steadily diminishing rate until absorptiometric equi- librium was established, i.e., a point reached when, for instance, the number of molecules of oxygen dissolved in a given small time would be exactly compensated by the same number of previously absorbed oxygen-molecules returning into the atmosphere. In the case of the carbonic acid, the chemical attraction of the “ free ” base * would make itself felt principally at first ; but it is impossible to say, by theory, when this affinity would be satisfied, because the “ free ” base includes lime and magnesia, whose bicarbonates (we have proved it for the latter, and may assume it for the former), even at ordinary temperatures, are liable to dissociation. Assuming equilibrium of dissociation to have been established, and the carbonic acid to amount to *0003 of the volume of the atmo- sphere, one litre of the water, after complete saturation, would contain — At f. Atl5°C. Of Oxygen, .... 0’209/Ij c.c. 5-83 c.c.t Of Nitrogen, .... 0791 /?2 c.c. 11 '34 c.c.f Of purely absorbed Carbonic Acid, about . 0'0003/?3 c.c. 0'3 c.c. * Meaning the base uncombined with muriatic or sulphuric acid, t According to my own determinations, regarding which vide infra. 140 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. \v].'T< th' symbols /?,, /3:, stand for the coefficients of absorption considered with refer- .‘ii. t-i one litre of sea-water, the gas being assumed to be measured in cubic centimetres r. dm .'d to 0 C., and the dry-gas pressure P = 7G0±.r at which the absorption takes place. lint this theoretical relation could not be supposed to be realised in nature, even if organic matter were entirely absent. Because there are currents of water constantly flowing forwards and backwards, and preventing the attainment anywhere of an absolutely • ■ ‘list mt temperature; and even supposing an area of the surface stratum to be stagnant and at a constant temperature, the current of ocean-water containing gas of different omposition Mowing past underneath, would, by diffusion, constantly either add to or <1 ti i t from the theoretically calculated proportion of any of the three gases, according to laws as yet unformulated. But the most potent of actual causes of disturbance are the continual processes of life and of decay in the ocean, which constantly tend ' diminish the quantity of oxygen, and (on the whole) to add to the quantity of carbonic acid present The quantity of the nitrogen must be presumed to be at least relatively indi jM n»h nt of these influences, and, at any place and any depth, to be approximately equal t" that which that portion of water took up, according to the laws of gas-absorption, when it was in contact with the atmosphere. It does not follow in any given case that this quantity can be calculated from any procurable data, because in general any portion of internal ocean water must be presumed to be a mixture of surface waters from a multiplicity of sources. Supposing that the quantity of nitrogen corresponds to complete saturation by air at the surface, at one certain temperature, t, then the oxyg.-n associated with the nitrogen will in general be less than that calculated fn»m this amount of nitrogen and the temperature, while no calculation will give us, even approximately, the amount of carbonic acid. Strictly speaking, the same remark, within rather wide limits, holds good for the oxyg* n and the nitrogen; but since the ocean, during the thousands of years of its • \;'t<-nce, must be supposed in every respect to have arrived at a state of approximate dyn rnic equilibrium, it should be possible, on the basis of a large number of exact ■ j" rimental determinations, to represent the proportions of the three atmospheric gases p; '<-111 in a given sample a.s functions of the latitude, longitude, depth, and time at which ■amph- wa- taken. At this most important problem of physical oceanography a number of chemists have consciously or unconsciously been working; but there is no need here to twee the history of this subject back any further than the year 1872, when Jacobsen, capacity a- chemist to the German North-Sea Expedition, investigated the q • « f ib -.rbed nitrogen and oxygen in a most masterly manner, and, for the first n • i at really reliable n suit . What his predecessors had done is not worth ’ ■ or-c tli.'ir methods of working fell far short of the necessary degree of ' ' , • 1 ■ ob-cn, instead of endeavouring, as some of them had done, to determine the * Annalen <1. Chemie (for 1873), Bd. clxvii., p. 1 et neq. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 141 proportions of nitrogen and oxygen in the samples of sea-water on board the ship, wisely contented himself there with merely extracting the gases from the recently drawn samples, and then sealing them up in glass tubes for subsequent analysis at his leisure on terra firma , in a properly appointed laboratory. Jacobsen's Method of Extracting Gases from Sea-Water. The method which Jacobsen used for the extraction of the gases, as will be seen by the following description, was a modification of the one invented long ago by Bunsen, and described in his Gasometrische Methoden. A round-bottomed flask of 500 to 1000 c.c. capacity is provided with a well-fitting soft vulcanised india-rubber stopper, pierced with one perforation. This aperture serves for the attachment of the gas-collecting apparatus as shown by the adjoining figure. The tube which forms the lower end of this apparatus is closed at the bottom, but has a small aperture at the side. The upper (exit) end of the apparatus is provided with a well-fitting narrow india- rubber tube and a screw-clip, so that it can be closed hermetically when required. In the execution of the process the first step is to fill the flask to overflowing with the water to be examined by means of a wide and long-necked funnel,* which goes to the bottom of the flask, water being poured in in a continuous stream, unbroken by drawn-in air-bells, until some 100 or 200 c.c. of water have run over the edge of the flask, so as to make sure of the contents being unaffected by absorptiometric exchange with the atmosphere. On the other hand, the lower pear-shaped bulb a of the gas-collector is charged with a small quantity of pure water, the india-rubber stopper inserted in the flask, and the lower (laterally perforated) end of the bulb a pushed down the hole about one-half or two- thirds of the way, so that the flask is hermetically Fig. 3. — Jacobsen’s Apparatus for the Extraction of Water-Gases. shut off from communication with the interior of the gas-bulbs. The air contained in the * In the case of a deep-sea water which has been hauled up by means of a pipette-shaped bottle like the one used in the Challenger Expedition, a wide india-rubber tube is attached to the lower end ol the “ bottle,’' and, by means of it, the water led to the bottom of the boiling-out flask. 142 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 1 1 1 r is now expelled by keeping the water in the pear-shaped bulb in ebullition for a sufficient time. As soon as all the air has been presumably expelled by the steam, the india-rubber tube at the upper end is closed by the clip, the lamp withdrawn, and the (narrow) exit-tube sealed up. The stem carrying the bulbs is now pushed down into the wat' r, sons to establish a communication between the flask and the bulbs through the 1 hole, and the flask heated over a flame or in a water-bath, so as to boil out the di"' dved gases, which, of course, if the bulb apparatus is of sufficient size, can be effected a temperature considerably below 100° C., and without the pressure inside ever coming up to one atmosphere. After one or two hours’ boiling the gases may be assumed to be ■ xp'11'd, and with some practice it is quite possible so to carry out the process that the whole of the gas is in the upper bulb while the lower is filled only with water and i. -*> that one can clip the india-rubber joint and seal off the gas -bulb immediately b '\v the water, and thus secure the whole of the extracted gas in a sealed-up glass vessel. This method, which had worked so well in Jacobsen’s hands, was adopted by Mr. Buchanan, and applied by him during the voyage to a large number of recently-drawn ten. He generally operated upon 855 or 900 c.c.,inafew cases upon 500 c.c. of sea- v. iter. A number of the many gas samples which he brought home he analysed him- - If by m* ans of a Doyere apparatus. The majority, however, were placed in my hands tie- Din etor of the Challenger Expedition Commission, with instructions to “analyse ■ cm. " It was only after I had already made a considerable number of such analyses i it I became aware of the existence in Mr. Buchanan’s journal of the necessary data ’ >r tin* determination of the absolute volume of the gases extracted. Fortunately, • • • * b ■ • u _■ 1 1 my gas apparatus (which will be described presently) was contrived so that ; - v. . 'i king did not involve any absolute determinations of the temperature or pressure the gases analysed, I had always taken these readings and preserved them. And m addition, no bell of the gas had ever been allowed to go to waste, my analytical t< - enabled me to calculate the absolute volume of the gases as contained in Mr. I* eh nan - bulb I liese, however, were all liable to a correction, necessitated by the fart that Mr. I Indianan did not find it convenient to force the whole of the boiled-out : • . the gas bulb, but allowed a small fraction of it to remain on the wrong side ’ ■ point of -f iling. But he took care to measure these portions of lost gas under ■' * '"editions to which they were subjected at the moment of the sealing-up, and to - -r tie * e volumes in his journal. Fortunately the emptied gas-bulbs had been * 1 ■ r ■ ' by me (chiefly on account of their labels), and it was easy to measure their codU nts by me ury, *<» that in the vast majority of cases I was in a position to oHert the calculation of the absolute volume. I ■ ic proceed to d* - ribc the apparatus which I used for making the analyse*. gas REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OE OCEAN-WATER. 143 Method of Gas Analysis. The volume of sea-water gas in each tube, when measured at the ordinary tempera- ture and pressure, generally amounted to some 15 c.c. ; sometimes it was more, but more frequently it was less. With such small samples, and especially considering the impossibility of replacing them, it would have been imprudent to attempt anything beyond the determination of what were presumably their substantial components. It was also clear to me from the first that in such a case substantial correctness and reliability in the numerical results is worth more than high but unguaranteed precision. Therefore, small as the samples were, I decided upon dividing each into two approximately equal parts, and analysing each separately. Of the several kinds of gas-analysis apparatus which have been invented, Doyere’s seemed to me to be the one which would probably best adapt itself to my requirements. But I had not this apparatus in my possession, and to procure one from Paris would have led to considerable loss of time. Besides, a few experiments which, by the kindness of my friend Dr. Bonalds of Bonnington, I had been enabled to make with one in Iris private laboratory, had revealed to me certain difficulties in its manage- ment, which made me shrink from its unqualified adoption, although I felt that they might be purely subjective and conquerable by long practice. At the time I fortunately commanded, in the person of Mr. Robert Lennox, the services of an assistant who, besides being an excellent experimenter generally, is an accomplished glass-blower ; and with his help I thought I might try to construct a modified and improved kind of Doyere’s apparatus on my own premises. Our joint efforts ultimately resulted in the apparatus represented on PI. II., which, I may say at once, was found to work very satisfactorily, and served for all the gasometric work to be here reported on. The apparatus, apart from the two mercurial troughs required, consists of three separate parts, namely — a “ measurer,” an “ exploder,” and a “ pipette ” for the absorp- tions. The measurer, as shown by the figure, is a combination of a wide with a narrow glass tube, after the manner of a Gay-Lussac burette. The narrow tube is soldered into the side of the wide one somewhere near its bottom, and is bent up so as to run on along- side of and lie flat against it. The wide tube by its lower contracted end communicates with a long capillary tube of vulcanised india-rubber, and through it with a mercury- reservoir like a Geissler air-pump. At their upper ends the narrow and the wide tube are both provided with good Geissler stop-cocks ; to the exit end of the one at the wide tube is soldered a capillary JJ-tube, similar to the one characteristic of Ettling’s gas- pipette. The wide tube bears a millimetre-scale to read off the position of the mercury 144 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. menis us inside. The volumes corresponding to the several points of the scale are >1 ■ linin' d by calibration. The short narrow tube which forms an appendage to the ■U"Mi of the burette, serves to insert it, by means of a perforated india-rubber stopper, an aperture in the centre of the bottom of a water-bath, the front and back of which .re made of plate glass. This bath holds a fixed position on a substantial table, and communicates with the service-pipes in such a manner that a continuous current of w ter from these flows through it, while in use, to maintain an approximately constant temperature. The exploder is a wide tube with platinum wires soldered-in, provided with a stop- C"«-k and capillary (J-tube at the upper end, and connected below with a mercury reservoir like the measurer. It is fixed vertically to a wooden stand. Between it and the measurer stands a pn< umatic trough, made out of a block of mahogany, which is provided with two wells of suitable size and shape to accommodate the lj-tubes of the measurer and of the exploder respectively. A special similar trough, with one well, is reserved for the pipette , the construction of which will easily be understood from the figure. It differs from the original Doy&re, or rather, Ettling, pipette (for it was he who invented the instrument) chiefly in this, that the sucking and blowing is effected by means of i small mercury reservoir connected with the gas reservoir by an india-rubber tube, and that the flow of the gas or mercury or liquid reagent is governed by a stop-cock in the capillary part. The vertical side tube and small mercury reservoir soldered on to tie horizontal part of the capillary tube may be dispensed with (in fact it did not exist in the original model), but are convenient additions, as will readily be understood (if not divined at first sight) by the following description of the mode of using the apparatus. Long after all our gas analyses had been finished, Mr. Lennox devised an improved form ofthe pipette, which is represented in Fig. VI. From this figure it will p ui ly be understood that the supplementary mercury reservoir is dispensed with, the metal in the bulb serving to push the gas out of the lj-tube. malyse a sear-water gas il is transferred from t he cylindrical tube containing it to a short wide test-tube made of stout glass, ail operation which is greatly facilitated by the deep wells in the pneumatic trough of the measurer. About one-half of the gas is ’ ■ ; 1. d into the measurer, which is so manipulated that at the end the whole of the U and the capillary part following it are filled with mercury. During this operation the t. mm ride tube (which, like all the rest of the burette, must be understood to have been < ju it«* full of mercury before commencing) remains closed. The mercury reservoir is ‘ ' ' ft* 1 -■> ■ to bring tie* menisci in it and in the burette into nearly the same hori- I' n . tli< "top-cork of the side tube opened, and the reservoir now carefully ad- "tl. it tin men-ury in the side tube is exactly on a level with that in the ome practice this can be effected very accurately by the eye, ' ' ‘ ■ "1 *• (which, of course, i.* required for reading the position of the meniscus REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OE OCEAN-WATER. 145 in tlie graduated tube in reference to the scale) is provided with a “ cross ” in the focus to make sure of the accuracy of the adjustment. The burette is then read by means of the telescope, and the height of the barometer and the temperature of the bath noted down at the same time. In other words, the volume of the gas is determined at the temperature of the bath, and the pressure B + tt, where B stands for the height of the barometer, and it for the small excess of the capillary depression in the side tube over that in the measuring tube. The measured gas is now blown back into a test tube, and in it, by means of an iron ladle fixed horizontally to a thick iron wire, transferred to the well of the pipette trough. The pipette is supposed to have been already charged with a small volume of concentrated caustic potash, aud to be otherwise full of mercury. It is needless to describe how the gas in being sucked into the bulb of the pipette is deprived of its carbonic acid. When the absorption appears to be completed, the gas is blown back into the test tube, which during this time has been standing, full of mercury, in the well, the flow of liquid reagent being arrested when the latter has come to the safe side of the point where the vertical side tube of the small auxiliary reservoir is joined on. Mercury is then run into the capillary tube from this reservoir, or with the improved form (Fig. VI.), from the absorption-bulb itself, to sweep the gas completely into the test-tube, the liquid reagent sucked back into the body of the pipette, the gas in the test-tube transported to the trough of the measurer, and thence sucked back into the measurer to be measured again. The treatment with potash is repeated to make sure that no carbonic acid has escaped absorption. The gas freed from carbonic acid is now mixed with a sufficiency of hydrogen, again measured, transferred (by means of the test-tube) to the exploder, exploded, taken back into the measurer and again measured. All the several quantities of gas are measured moist. The whole sequence of operations, with some practice, takes little over half an hour, so that, as a rule, corrections for variations in the temperature or pressure are unnecessary. Should such variations occur they are small and easily allowed for by calculation. Supposing, for instance, in two measurements, I. and II., the temperatures to have been t and t + ( A t) respectively, then, to reduce the gas-volume II. from t + ( A t) to t we have w 273-K Vi- V((+At)X 273 + ^-h( AO ’ for which expression we may safely substitute v«=v(y one reading. Tt consisted of a kind of very short but v. C v-Lussac burette, provided with a very narrow long side tube. The wide tube : : 1 . \ ing been charged with a little water (and air) was hermetically closed above and . and suspended in the bath of the measurer. Obviously the factor for reduction • ■ - v 15° < and 7G0 mm. is a function of the difference of level in the two tubes, and it i <\ for a given charge of water to standardise the apparatus by preliminary experi- m« nt>. and enter in a table the factors for the several values of the difference of level. Tin' apparatus was tested by plunging it into a water-bath of known temperature, and <■ tin -ting the open end of the narrow tube with an artificial atmosphere, whose excess • a- >1 licit of pressure was measured by a water-manometer. It wras found to give correct indications. It was more delicate than our barometer and thermometer used conjointly; \ t wo hardly ever used it in earnest, because we soon found that it took less trouble to ’ do an occasional calculation than to keep the regulator in order. Perhaps the little nt may be useful to others engaged in gasometric work; hence I have described it here. The calibration of the measurer is effected by means of an exact balance. We used a 1 6 inch Oertling. ” For this purpose the measurer is provided temporarily with a -top-cock below, so that it can be used like a Mohr’s burette. It is then filled with nu n ury. the side tube to overflowing, the graduated tube to a little beyond the stop-cock. I i - * india-ruhbi-r tube below, which established communication with the reservoir, is then r< mov.-d, the stop-cock at the head of the side tube closed, and next mercury run out * t burette until the metal stands just at the inside end of the stop-cock. Everything i ,(W i ]■ idy f"r the calibration. As a necessary first step, mercury is first run out very cautiously, bo far as t<> bring the metal i" the point where the capillary appendage joins "it I d ruptly) to the burette, and weighed, and then successive convenient instalments of 1 ■ run out, and at each step the total mercury discharged so far is weighed, and t’ r, iding of the meniscus in the tube taken by means of the telescope. The telescope nd rt nd I used for all mv gasometric work came from Mr. ( a sella, and I found it in ■ !■ -j" ct i most excellent instrument, both optically and mechanically. I hiring 11 this work the burette stands in the water-bath, and is thus kept at a j ’ !!y constant temperature. This at first sight may appear to be an unnecessary ■ ■ ; but ex jM-riencc -bowed (in confirmation of what mere thermometer-readings ei might have revealed beforehand) that, in an ordinary room of fluctuating 'nr , a degr.-c of precision which does justice to an accurate millimetre scale as r ad by a good telescope, cannot otherwise be attained. I ' ' btcfl to I’rofi -or I ait for having kindly placed at my disposal an excellent i engine, made by Itinnchi of 1'aris, and thus enabled me to provide all my gasom* trie apparatus with faultless millimetre-scales. ‘ ' ,1 of tie calibration table, one grm. of mercury was taken as re- REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 147 presenting “ unit-volume,” and the final calculation based on the mean of the results of two well-agreeing calibrations. The volumes are counted from the lower end of the capillary tube at the head of the measurer, experience proving that the string of mercury suspended in the capillary tube after introducing a gas, never descends by itself. AVith a really good telescope, the degree of precision attainable in the analysis is greater than might have been expected from the shortness of the measurer. The following analyses of a number of samples of atmospheric air, which had been collected by Mr. Buchanan during the voyage, are quoted here to show what the apparatus is capable of under the most favourable conditions. [No. 92.] “Air collected on forebridge, noon, October 29, 1875. Lat. 38° 43' S., long. 112° 31' AV.” Vol. of air taken = 376 '22 vol. After treatment with caustic potash, 37 5 '74. The contraction of 0‘48 vol. = about 0'3 mm. of our scale, could not be assumed, in the circumstances, to measure the carbonic acid with any degree of precision ; it is merely put down to afford an additional datum for criticising the work. The residue free from carbonic acid was divided into two parts, which were separately analysed by explosion with hydrogen. Portion I. — Vol. of air taken = 197'51 ; plus hydrogen = 330'97 ; after explosion, 203'58; contraction = “ c ’’ = 124 -39 ; oxygen = ^ = 41 '463 = 20 '99 per cent. Portion //.—Vol. = 178'06 ; plus hydrogen, 268'91 ; after explosion, 157'32; c = 1 1 1 59 ; oxygen = f = 7497 = 20 '89 per cent. [No. 194.] “Air from atmosphere, 1 p.m., December 21, 1875, No. 1367.’ Lat. 37° 5' S., long. 83° 22' AV Vol. of sample = 326'51 ; minus C02=:=326'99 ; contraction= — 0’48(=— 0'3 mm.). Residue divided as before. Portion /. — Vol. of air = 163'83 ; 'plus hydrogen = 258'84 ; after explosion, 15540; c = 10344; oxygen = f = 3448 = 21 '05 per cent. Portion II.— V ol. of air = 162 '73 ; plus hydrogen, 240'20; after explosion = 137*67 ; c = 102;53 ; oxygen = 34477 = 21 '00 per cent. [No. 192.] “Sample of air, February 18, 1874, 3.30 p.m.” Lat. 64 44' S., long. 83° 26' E. Vol. of sample = 315-06 ; minus C02 = 314‘98 ; contraction = 0 '08. Residue divided. Portion I. — Vol. = 159'08 ; plus hydrogen = 262'26 ; after explosion = 162 '09 ; c= 10047; oxygen = 33'39 = 20'99 per cent. Portion II. — Vol. = 155 '89 ; plus hydrogen = 23841 ; after explosion, 139 86 ; c = 98'25; oxygen = 32 75 = 21 '01 per cent. 148 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. No. 193. ] “ Air collected deck, 2 p.m., November G, 1875.” Lat. 37° 55' S., long. 93° 56' W. \ >1. of sample = 309 '64 ; minus CO., = 309'41 ; contraction = 0 '23. Residue divided. Portion I. — VoL - 162*25 ; plus hydrogen, 286*45 ; after explosion, 148*28; c = 102*17; oxygen = 34-057 m 20 ’99 per cenL /’ Hi II. VoL 147*11 ; /'/'/*• hydrogen = 231 *85 ; after explosion = 139 *40 ; c = 92*45 ; oxygen = 30 8 17 =« 20*93 per cent Summary. Percentage of Oxygen. [No.] I. IT. Mean. 92 20*99 20*89 20*94 194 21*05 21*00 21*02 192 20*99 21*01 21*00 193 20*99 20*95 20*97 By way of comparison, let us state that Rrgnault found for the percentage of oxygen in air freed from carbonic acid in — 5 samples from the Atlantic Ocean, .... from 20*918 to 20*965 1 „ Ecuador, ..... 20*960 „ Switzerland, ..... „ 20*909 to 20*993 lb Bunsen found, in 28 samples collected at Heidelberg, from 20‘84 to 20‘9G3 per cent.; mean of all the 28 results, 20 924. Th< composition of unpolluted air, in short, is the same everywhere; hence, the proper mode of interpreting our 8 analyses is to Bay that they brought out results whose greatest deviation from their mean 20‘984 was 0*066, and this for an apparatus of the mod r#t pretensions of mine is a very high degree of precision. Unfortunately, the same degree of exactitude could not be attained in the analyses of *m]'l< - <*f ;iir from -< a-water ; the deviations from each other of numerous duplicate nslyses were in general considerablj greater. I can explain this only by the unavoid- able aheorptiometi action of the relatively large amount of caustic potash used on the '"ijb ■* introduc <1 into the pipette. In the case of atmospheric air analyses, the r !_,‘*nt, by the action of tin* air of the laboratory, has already come into the j * in- f ri* condition which it tends to assume in the analysis. In the case of M ];. C of ga - from - a-wat< r of variable composition, the elimination of the inavoida : • ly arcompnnied by addition of nitrogen or oxygen from the onj l* above it. If I had to do the work again, I should certainly use m< r- ly mm.*. I, cau tit potash for the absorption of the carbonic arid. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 149 I now give in a tabular form the results of all the sea-water gas measurements carried out by me, or rather (under my constant and direct superintendence, and with my frequent co-operation) by Mr. Robert Lennox, to whom I feel greatly indebted for the conscientiousness and the unflagging zeal and energy with which he devoted himself to his work. These are followed by a statement, also tabular, of the net results of both my own and Mr. Buchanan’s gas analyses. After this will be found a research on the coefficients of absorption, by fresh and by sea water, of nitrogen and oxygen gas, which I carried out, in conjunction with Mr. Lennox, in order to be able to interpret the results of the gas analyses. Finally, I devote a few paragraphs to a discussion of the results. I. Results of my own Gasometric Analyses. In the following table Y0 stands for the total volume of gas (in c.c. reduced to 0° and 760 mm. of dry -gas pressure) in one litre of the respective sea- water, measured at its natural temperature ; v0 designates the conjoint volume of nitrogen and oxygen contained in those V0 volumes, similarly reduced ; so that V0 — v0 represents the carbonic acid. Whence it will be easily understood that Columns VIII. report the percentage compo- sition of the entire gas, while Columns IX. give the percentage composition of the mixture of nitrogen and oxygen which is left after removal of the carbonic acid. i ;>o 'S. -fl ee o uo co rH ip rH O 04 04 24-50 20-01 24-58 20-22 22-12 19-50 Oi 04 CO 'TjK Ol '"''O *Ko CO CO > ^ % % © C o ft o §s Ho t2 VII. The Surface Water of the Southern Ocean. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATER. 151 >< Labora- tory Number. 143 144 x^ co o' o 11 5> e <0 bC O 2 65*15 65*83 x^. I'- ve CO c 2 1 c Oxygen. 34'86 34-17 VO d -Hi CO s < Carbonic Acid. O VO x>- d O CO Cl i— -Hi CO VO r-H o fc£ o 15 x>~ co Cl H CO CO VO VO O I'- ve Mean. OO X'- CO t-H CO o d CO Oceai 29-69 © 0 1 r> Oxygen. Second Result. M OO O t-H 05 o Cl CO Ocean HO 29-70 o VIII. ill terms o a 3 28-73 30-16 Hi 29-68 8 s &s o < 2 Mean. 17-15 11-70 CO s in tl O CO CO »-H HO co < o jp Second Result. 17-06 11-76 ''o* rd > © C/3 HO CO t-H HO CN O First Result. 17-23 11-65 s © CD Cl O HO .§ 13-50 8 HO £ VII. X^ M CO OO o o Cl CM O HO HO HO fe o 20-23 J e Surface I r> > 25-19 23-60 VIII. The Bo 23*34 V. Depth in fathoms from which the Sample was obtained. Surface. ) i IX. Water fr o VO c . o »> +3 Longitude E. O / 78 42 i 87 41 ’ 123 4 o PH Latitude. . OH Q VO M co CO 50 1 2 Station. 158 Date. 1874 Feb. 17 ,, 20 1874. Mar. 7 - Number of Sample. X>- co CO 05 CO CO 419 < « CO X- co 05 o t-H d CO M VO >o d VO 1^. CO T-H CO x^ M M M M VO ve vo ve vO >o vO CO CO CO CO O. O 1 d t— 1 P-H T— 1 rH T-H t-H rH rH 7—1 r-1 05 M M Cl O CO CO VO CO M 1^. M >ONH M CO Cl VO x> oo X^ O d d d rH cp Cl 05 CO Ol o 05 x- cb co CO CO I'- X^ 1-^ x^ l'- X-— X'- vO CO CO CO VO co co co CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ONH< CO d CO d VO M J- CO vo 05 VO M x- — a d t-H CO 05 X— x^ x^ CO CO x^ O CO 1^ O- o Cl CO CO CO CO CM d d Ol d Ol d -H CO CO CO — H CO CO CO 0-0 CO CO CO CO co CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO M I— x>- I '- d M CO X^ VO d T-H CO VO I'- Cl O 05 05 CO CO vo 05 CO CO 05 1- 05 vo d vO 05 NOO d x^ I'- x^ o d CO O o CO CO co CO Ol CO Cl d d d t-H d d d d d d d X- vO CO vo CO CO CO T-H CO d M o O co »o CO M K H CO CO CO CO d CO CO rH 05 x>« M M M M CO Cl t-H i-H M d d vo M d VO o CO rH Ol CO CO CO VO VO VO vo vo vo vo vO vo VO CO VO CO vo VO VO CO OO 05 VO CO CO 05 CO o CO 05 CO CO x^ CO CO ; X -- vo 05 T-H co co o CO VO I'- VO rH l'- I'- M CO * vo vo CO COVON X'- CO vo CO 05 05 O CO r — d d d d d d d d d d d d CO Ol d d ^co o vo CO 05 O CO M CO co 1^- CO d CO C5 o r-H co CO 05 CO M I^» CO CO CO CO M M • VOVON CO vo 1^ CO CO vO CO 05 05 O co I'- X^ d d d d d d d d d d CO d d d T— 1 o CO d d CO vo vo d co d 05 CO OO I-— 05 VO N VO 05 t-H co oo d x^ vO CO vo CO CO CO M CO O vo vo CO CO vo x-^ j '- co VO co 05 CO O CO 1-^ CO d d d d d d d d d d d d CO d d d 4— d co CO 05 05 Ml o CO CO CO x-» M CO co CO t-H O co M Ml 05 CO M CO CO 1^ M CO I - o CO CO co CO t-H t-H Ml 1^. CO d I'- 05 M X^ O 05 CO d d t-H d d rH rH H"1 d d 7-1 1—1 - ' N CO O COON 05 M o o I'- VO CO CO CO CO s 9s VO Mi VO MI CO Hi VO o o T-H X'- 05 CO rH CO _• Cl d co y—l. t-H O x^ CO d 05 x^ 05 M X''« o 05 co !N rH d d rH rH d 05 rH rH d rH Cl CO CO M co co d VO vo 05 M CO VLJ rH X>- d CO co VO Ml M d M d co d rH 1^ CO O x^- CO CO CO co t-H t-H M X^- CO d x^ o M X^ O 00 00 Cl d rH d CM t-h rH T-H d t-H T-h rH d 1 X^ ao 05 M t-H d CO CO CO vo M CO co 00 CO ; oo co co rH O T-1 t-H d 05 VO M GO X^ CO 05 05 • co co CO VO M< CO CO CO M d CO M d M Xs— CO T-H r-H t-H rH r-H 1-1 1—1 rH T-H rH VO 05 VO d M O M d CO o VO rH O d d : 05 co d CO Ml d d d d rH 05 CO CO VO Ol CO • ,_H o 05 VO CO CO 05 d VO M x^» CO CO d CO d Cl d rH rH j — 1 t-H rH T“1 1—1 rH rH d d 05 d M • ^ M VO d > VO d m CO *-• VO ' x^ co co CO d CO 05 O C5 d rH CO lOCOK I- X- X— x>- x^. VO M M M M CO r- u t-H t-H t-H rH rH 1 r"< T-H r-‘ rH ^ CO VO CO 05 05 O CO CO VO O CO 05 vo d T-H d d rH d vo co vo M d m 02 O 00 COCO o OO 00 CO CO CO CO CO d d d 1—1 rH rH d d CO CO CO CO a d • d OO oo • rH 7-1 d d CO vo CO CO vo VO x^- I**- d CO 05 d CO t-H d 1 — I t-H r-r d t-h d d T-H T-H d VO x^ oo g >* fee oo o > >-5 < zn o M d *e 00 1^ d d x^ d d x^ T— • 1 O d d CO r— 1— L'- oc M M M M VO vO vO VO VO VO r-i- x^ d d d Ol * 1 to *o &~a VO - VO c ° c fee - O 4;* !z-= e Surface Water of the South I'ac iftc — eoutinncJ. 1 52 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. | H Jo' J V i ► • < s O W « N N 00 O) f“* XI. 7%e Bottom Water of the South Pacific. < a m 50 50 00 00 OO oo ri ri ih r* XII. UWo»i Intermediate Depths in the South Pacific. « OOCiOr-H -*♦< COrl<5DCiCOCii-HCO J'VO CD CO l-N 00 00 00 OO 04 04 CO CO .Zj CO r-irHi-ir-i r-H rHrHi-Hr— 1 s 1 1 1 p £ $ C I c X ei « o o mo m arps ; m p n iQOOtfi * m 50 m 50 4^ 50 50 50 50 50 o m co co 5p : oo co o * © N00 N O »-H ^ 00 50 i-l050C0500imrHOCO mppp m h©hw(»©^oooo© 1^-50 1^.00 1^- NH(N«0^ 00?O©lON 50 50 50 50 50 50NN50 50 K 50505050 c 'i K 5 o t>- m m •<• m m w © 04 «»• © W CO -J* CO Oft CO CO CO 00 CO oi m *>. c* co : F-< 50 Ci * Oi 04 rH 04 H OONM 50 C10^N^01WOH50 m O p p ^ ®H®HHOlQ(NNO 04 CO 04 H Ol WCONCOIOHMO^IN COCOCOCO CO C0OI04C0C004C0C0C0C0 h :< U 50 CO 50 CO 50 H* -f •7* co oo co : 04 m »h 50 04 -r »h ‘ O 50 «>• •H ^ — _• C4 ri f-H -J* O ih ;N •Cm * r-i CO 04 CO O 50 O Ci to HOHHHINOINH i- O N CO Ci HppHOOHppOM m Ci 04 m O COOOCOC0 5DCO(NHH(N 04 r-i 04 04 04 r-i H H 04 r— 1 04 ri H H r-i 8 • > • c S i < c b • C O 5 •/. **• CO r— 50 rH 00 CO y m © : wo p h ® OIN ft ' -f 50 50 m 5c m m mm m O 1^ o mo ; oi -r m ’ oo mm m ,-HrHmr-l CO HNOOCOOOl® (NO 00 OO 00 »— * OO M^ffilNippMCOp® co vo ^ m aooiooHosoicoo mmmm m mco5omm5om5om5o c V u K M 1 ° c m tt 55 m oj m 50 -*■ co -t« co m m p ft 5D ft O ’ CO ft Cl 04 C4 C4 CO 04 04 04 N co t>. oo co : Ci Ci CO ' CO r-i r* 04 Ol © H 00 04 50 CO © ^ CO 50 to © co ^ © ip 50 CO oo lONOlfl 50 Cl CO CO 50 O 50 Oi 50 0 00 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04COrH0404C004 ll 50 m co o co m ci CO N m 1'- ; 50 *H r-» ft 50 ft O 'OO Ci Ci 04 Ol 04 CO 04 04 04 m oo oo y* ; o ci co * 4t< ri ri OJ t 50 OO CO CO 0100-^0 ci 50 p m p 0 n 9 h ; . n 9 9 9 WNtOlfi 50 OlCOCOt'- * *01 50000 04040404 04 04040401 04 04 CO 04 |J ^ CO 00 "f «h Ol o co -t m i>* ; « 04 ft 50 ft o * or ) ft Ci Ol 04 04 CO 04 04 04 50H ft>- oo oi ; oo Ci CO ' CO r-< r- • 04 O H -f CO 50 COOl C5NO) 50 O OH 9999 p ppMNpHHON ; ION5DID 50 Ci CO CO «b O 50 O l'- O * 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 CO 1— ( CO 04 CO 3 $ I 1 2 C m - 55 «-• oo oo m Ci co P P P —■ : OO r-« fp 00 o 04 o ' 50 H* -»* CO O O CO pHO® ®H®N 04 CO Ci r-i I^O^rH m CO 0 HN© H CO CO 10 to 9P99 Cp 9 p 9 N 9 p N 50 H p O 50 CO O N r-HiOmoO^rHOOOO 04 1— 1 rH 04 r-H r-i r-H r-H r-H r-H 04 r-H i-H r-H r-H •o - II O 04 Ci CO 1— rH Ci ft 90 oo : r- y 50 CO o 04 Ci ' 50 ** *i* O o r* o : r-i m r-i ' OO 04 CO rH ho©© co r-Hcommo n o co h 9) 9 04 « H O >0 CO H 1 — <0000 04 r-H i-H 04 r-H r-H r-i rH r-H rH 04 rH r-H rH rH VII. f* — © *^ rH Ci co ® ^ o p : o oi oo U C t- C * I*- 50 50 CO "*• 50 co o» : p 0 53 ' *n* COO CO © 04 UO CO © JO ■-H -H hJi 99 : : ^9999 © © 9 h m ».*i * * Ol C0lfi'^l''00"^HOk0 5D r-irH rH t— 1 rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH r * ® ft f- ?• m oo oo ppU)9Q : 50 p r-i O «r> ft n ' •— oc Ci. C! — — ~ 04 f-* r-. 50 OO © ri CipOri »- f 04 N 04 04 r-i « H -H 50 50 00 Cl 50 H © N 01 p : : p 99999 n 9 p h Cl 00 * * m UiNtOHH"*“cONNCO rnr-H r-i rH H r, Ol Ol HHHH 1. 4 ft ill,! 0 c Q €= = = :=: * 7; mo o •- m c oi ; -* Ol • r- ommo 0 looomoomooo m m ih oiooo4mmo4mrHm 04 04 CO IV. IVtillMi i m r- oo oo r- ci . * oft c« m : co •* oi ^ ft 90 * ftD 50 * /; co ao m 85 2 A ci co : m 50 m -r co © © Cl H*« 04 !>• 04 Cl 04 04 50 CO 50 CO 04 ih 04 Ol . ID H IN -t UO -Hi rH m'OQOCi ^©OHCOOOCOCOHtNOO m m m -h h id h h oo co n n n n rHrHfHiH ih r-i r-i r— I rH 3 s • a* o a* •— Ci oft •— oi oi m : oo ' . rs ** co cvoft oft 00 00 00 00 CO f gw .CO (J 1 00 04 CO *■* 1-i O Cl r. H CO OHdCOtOtONHC 04 m H* CO CO H Cl 04 r-i CO if •H f 'O »>. 04 00 Cl CO © CO OO t CO Ol CO COCOCOCO rH 04 04 COCOCOCOCOCOCO 111 oo *• L* p. ^ Oft Oft ^ m co • : i% « ^ t! • » V -II s = s 57 ^ a« . Oft Oft 04 • — = c : »- OO O* © |H -ftt T H K © © |>. HUO Ni ( 1-i «H r-H IH IH 04 rHrHrHiH -r m ® ij s-d H H S O “ "ft j i 1 J •• ftl ^ * O t) Oft - •• 53 ft) V) ft ft) . 99 00 -* J* S • s •ft wj : m *— -H* to ci m oo rH »© ci 50 oi ci m co 50 50 *0 '£> 4 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 155 Notes to Section I. 1. When in the above table V0 and are omitted, this means, in the majority of cases, that they were “ not determined because the necessary data were wanting.” In a few cases, it is true, the omission was caused by mishaps in the laboratory. 2. With respect to the samples No. 823 and No. 1696. Having repeatedly observed that the gases from deep-sea waters more especially possessed a peculiar nauseous smell, strong enough to be perceptible even in the minute bell of gas which failed to find its way into the eudiometer, I made an attempt, in the case of gas No. 823, to determine the organic matter, and also the sulphuretted hydrogen presumably present. For this purpose the gas was treated first of all with solution of acetate of lead. This reagent produced a considerable contraction, but no coloration ; hence the contraction was certainly owing to carbonic acid absorbed by the acetate. It was accordingly added on to the amount of carbonic acid found in the residue by means of caustic potash. The gas free from carbonic acid was exploded with very carefully prepared fulmi- nating gas (2H2 + 02), the change of volume noted, and the residue treated with caustic potash, to determine any carbonic acid produced by the combustion. In this manner two analyses were made (except that in the second the acetate of lead treatment was omitted). In both cases the contraction involved and the carbonic acid apparently produced in the combustion had small positive values, which were separately reduced to the equivalent quantity of marsh gas. The mean of the two results served for the cal- culation of what in the following report figures as “per cent, of marsh gas : ” — I. II. Carbonic acid, 18-60 18-97 Marsh gas, . 0-56 0-33 Oxygen, . 20-36 20-43 Nitrogen, . 60-48 60-27 100-00 100-00 Considering that these analyses (like all the rest) had to be carried out on a very small scale, I felt very diffident as to the real existence of the combustible matter reported above as “ marsh gas ” ; and this impression was confirmed by the result of another attempt at determining the organic matter, which was made with gas No. 1696. In this analysis the contraction observed in the explosion of the gas free from carbonic acid with fulminating gas amounted to only OT of a volume in 1 S2 ‘8 volumes, which is within the limits of unavoidable errors. I therefore, in the case of No. 823 also, put down the assumed marsh gas as imaginary, and re-calculated the analyses on this basis, to obtain the results reported on pages 153 and 150. 15G THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. II. — Summary of the Measurements and Analyses of all the Sea -Water Gases. Column I. gives the number assigned by Mr. Buchanan to the respective water ; Column II- the Station at which (or the Stations between which) the water was collected, the sign — indicating that the sample was collected before, the sign + that it was collected after reaching the Station ; Column III. gives the volume (V0) of total gas extracted from the water reduced to 0 and 760 mm. and dryness, in c.c. per litre of water; Column IV. the percentage of carbonic acid in the V. c.c. of total gas; Column V. gives the conjoint reduced volume (vQ) of oxygen and nitrogen in c.c. per litre of water; and Column VI. the percentage of oxygen in the gas after elimination of the carbonic acid. In Column VII. a B means that the gas was measured and analysed by Mr. Buchanan. For waters other than surface waters, supplementary columns give, under 8, the depth at which the water was taken ; under D, the depth of the sea at that place. Table II. (A). — Surface Waters. I. No. of Water. II. No. of Station. III. IV. V. VI. VII. (Total Gas.) (Gas freed from C02.) Vo- Per cent. C02. v0. Per cent. 02. 386 153 28-32 16-75 23-58 35-01 B 387 153 + 2519 1715 20-87 34-86 389 154 25-79 12-64 22-53 34-25 B 396 154 23-60 11-70 20-84 34-17 417 158 24-37 19 02 19-74 34-01 B 817 229- 1701 19-72 13-66 32-64 455* 164o 6-72 32-70 471 165a- 165b 2195 2312 16-87 33-47 486 168-169 21-67 2306 16-68 33-24 497 170 2015 18-66 16-39 33-18 504 171 19-29 21-49 15-14 33-31 512 171a 17-85 21-49 14-01 32-97 515 172-173 15-42 14-94 1312 32-72 528 176 16-24 17-30 1313 32-76 532 177 16-85 16-91 14 00 32-35 B 557 181 16-20 18-46 13-21 32-72 572 185 19-24 22-38 14-93 32-85 581 190 15-83 15-57 13.37 33-34 602 196 16-59 2112 13 09 32-91 612 198 15-26 5-16 14-47 3307 638 202 18-48 27 07 13-48 32-89 645* 204 16-81 ... 33-11 * Bunpccti-d Anulvuca REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 157 I. No. of Water. II. No. of Station. III. IY. Y. YI. VII. (Total Gas.) (Gas freed from C02.) v0. Per cent. C02. v0. Per cent. 02. 682 214-215 13-73 13-68 11-85 33-11 700 216-217 15-82 16-70 13-18 32-78 722 218 15-16 17-33 12-53 32-34 759 222-223 15-54 13-35 13-47 32-20 761 223 15-42 20-16 12-31 32-58 826 229-230 16-07 15-14 13-64 33-40 836 230-231 16-59 12-20 14-57 33-31 910 244-245 17-38 15-79 14-64 33-77 926* 247-248 14-90 16-06 12-51 34-40 949 251 14-94 30-47 976 253-254 14-03 33-57 977 253-254 18-84 19-99 15-09 33-11 989* 255 15-64 11-57 13-83 33-88 990 255-256 15-03 12-87 13-10 33-54 1003 256-257 17-82 21-78 13-84 32-81 1004 257 16-03 15-77 13-50 33-19 1011 258 15-54 16-55 12-97 32-89 1012 258-259 15-70 15-65 13-24 33-24 1097 268 15-20 11-86 13-40 33-13 B 1187 282 14-90 9-71 13-45 32-77 1176 281 15-56 10-61 13-91 32-97 B 1211 284-285 17-35 14-47 14-84 34-06 1212 284-285 13-81 7-84 12-73 33-35 1272 292 18-50 20-78 14-66 33-79 1271 292 20-31 13-48 17-57 34-51 B 1287 293-294 22-22 19-06 17-98 33-95 1301 295-296 23-32 18-68 18-96 34-04 1314 296-297 20-68 13-91 17-81 34-10 1342 299 18-09 10-98 16-10 29-87 1364 300 19-57 12-94 17-04 33-95 1374a 301 17-82 10-18 16-01 34-25 1366 301 22-08 18-59 17-98 34-36 B 1367 301 19-87 11-14 17-66 34-66 B 1375 301-302 21-65 16-85 17-01 34-44 1378 301-302 18-98 14-19 16-29 33-95 1424 309 22-50 14-63 19-21 33-02 1462 318 19-19 14-63 16-33 34-25 1508 326 18-59 18-44 15-16 33-52 B 1510 327 17-30 15-28- 14-66 33-19 B 1514 329 17-33 11-04 15-42 34-07 B 1573 337 17-79 16-00 14-95 32-95 B 1590 340 16-31 12-66 14-25 33-21 B 1629 345 16-88 17-62 13-91 32-93 B 1662 350 10-59 33-82 B 1683 352-353 18-70 18-50 15-24 32-82 B 1687 353 16-67 13-34 14-45 33-33 B 1699 354 18-70 17-87 15-36 33-26 B I* \ Suspected Analyses. 158 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Table II. (B). — Waters from various Depths. I. II. Depth of Depth from III. IV. V. VI. VII. the Sea which the Water. Station. at the Locality. Samples were taken. Per cent. CO., V Per cent. o2. 464 165 1 165a j 2690 ) 2600 / 5 18-94 16-60 15-80 33-08 • . . 466 165a 2600 5 18-54 32-67 725 218 1070 10 15-04 17-35 12-43 32-46 1353 299 1 300 / 2160 1 1375 f 10 17-69 10-45 15-84 34-21 1498 325 2650 20 19-32 19-68 15-52 33-43 B 1168 280 1940 25 15-26 11-63 13-49 32-89 1262 291 2250 25 21-89 1877 17-78 3317 1329 298 2225 25 16-75 10-73 14-95 33-55 1621 345 2010 25 16-60 11-36 1471 32-78 B 1663 350 Not given. 25 16-83 11-94 14-82 31-74 979 254 3025 25 18-69 14-14 16-04 33-46 994 256 2950 25 18-53 18-57 15-09 33-88 ii 397 155 1300 50 25-11 14-27 21-53 30-32 B 419 158 1800 50 23-34 13-30 20-23 34-25 461 165 2600 50 19-23 20-27 15-33 32-51 489 169 700 50 20-51 31-93 678 213 2050 50 19-82 35-91 1270 29-86 752 222 2450 50 14-51 12-50 1270 32-40 830 230 2425 50 18-38 16-26 15-39 31-55 1306 296 1825 50 21-36 14-39 18-29 35-14 1845 299 2160 50 17-84 10-63 15-94 30-20 1356 300 1375 50 18-47 10-96 16-44 32-06 1576 338 1990 50 17-02 12-99 14-81 34-35 B 1539 333 202j) 100 18-59 12-08 16-35 30-31 B 1585 339 in:. 100 16-92 11-90 14-91 30-02 B 1633 346 2350 100 20-36 23-04 15-67 1870 B 1704 354 1675 100 17-49 12-99 15-22 30-29 B 543 179 2325 200 20-96 26-75 15-35 23-40 B 797 226 2300 200 17-60 21-73 1378 23-25 1181 281 2385 200 17-86 15-90 15-02 28-10 1205 284 1985 200 16-88 15-61 14-25 27-84 823 229 2500 300 18-92 18-94 15-34 24-06 1661 349 Not given. 300 22-14 30-49 15-39 1075 B 1672 351 Not given. 300 20-29 31-20 13-96 11-98 B 594 193 2800 400 21-39 31-91 14-56 15-44 B 933 248 2900 400 22-74 29-12 1612 12-03 B 933 248 2900 400 20-50 28-29 1470 14-47 1605 341 1475 400 2118 20-99 1673 18-90 B 620* 198 2150 800 2101 41-63 12-26 25-01 1220 285 2375 800 2119 16-90 17-61 • 22-05 B 1528 331 1715 800 23-03 20-38 18-34 22-95 B 1546 334 1915 800 26-89 23-41 20-60 23-25 B 1655 348 2450 800 21-71 29-98 15-20 22-22 B 1615 342 1445 900 2303 19-21 18-61 27-99 B 1312 296 1825 1350 21-94 21-09 1532 332 2200 1400 22-76 18-55 18-54 27-54 B 1645 347 2250 1500 22-26 30-70 15-42 13-24 B 1296 | 294 2270 1775 25-23 26-07 18-65 2072 B 1269 291 2250 1 775 23-74 22-24 18-44 28-48 B 1241 2*7 2400 1925 2272 2174 1778 2501 B 1209 2*4 1985 1975 22*52 20-84 17-83 21-38 B SifpecU-cl Anahnin. REPOET ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 159 I. II. Depth of Depth from III. IY. V. VI. VII. the Sea which the Water. Station. at the Locality. Samples were taken. Vo- Per cent. C02. v0. Per cent. Or 1231 286 2335 2290 27-93 23-55 21-36 22-90 B 1696 353 2965 2465 18-67 21-97 14-57 28-29 1009 257 2875 2850 30-62 37-91 19-01 28-31 B 1001 256 2950 2875 22-46 30-20 15-68 3-84 B 1244 288 2600 2125 22-45 20-89 17-83 21-19 B Table II. (C). — Bottom Waters. I. Water. II. Station. Depth of the Sea at the Locality. III. v„. IY. Per cent. C02. V. v0. YI. Per cent. VII. 576 189 25 26-15 31-39 643 204 100-115 23-98 12-42 1438 311 245 21-35 13-79 18-41 32-44 B 477 166 275 21-96 25-63 16-33 26-72 1405 306 345 23-47 29-44 16-56 24-20 B 1618 343 425 20-89 27-32 15-18 22-17 B 1388 302 1450 23-94 24-62 18-05 19-26 B 383 153 1675 28-91 22-83 22-32 25-74 B 567 183 1700 26-79 34-84 17-46 20-97 B 569 183 1700 17-11 17-83 14-06 29-17 1494 323 1900 20-03 22-12 15-60 31-51 395 154 1800 29-81 23-60 22-78 29-46 B •414 157 1950 23-45 14-62 20-02 28-42 B 922 246 2050 20-94 21-12 16-52 17-67 428 159 2150 23-65 21-19 18-64 33-69 B 1544 333 2025 24-72 18-56 20-13 26-57 B 138 68 2175 8-9.7 29-31 • . . 1533 332 2200 23T4 19-50 18-59 24-98 671 211 2225 20-23 27-35 14-70 29-63 B 1024 259 2225 25-63 44-87 14-13 17-90 771 223 2325 27-03 49-98 13-52 17-36 B 1125 271 2425 18-11 22-34 14-06 19-53 B 556 180 2450 24-58 31-10 16-94 19-35 924 247 2530 19-90 28-09 14-31 15-98 1106 269 2550 22-80 23-14 17-52 22-11 B 122* 60 2575 4-16 31-02 439 160 2600 23-72 22-27 18-43 31-81 B 629 199 2600 21-95 32-73 14-76 21-78 B 114 53 2650 8-76 30-26 1507 325 2650 31-26 23-52 23-91 24-60 B 964 252 2740 27-84 36-53 17-67 16-95 B 1496 324 2800 25-40 25-23 18-99 25-88 B 72 28 2850 11-51 26-76 1096 268 2900 34-11 46-41 18-28 20-40 B 937 249 3000 21-74 26-22 16-04 23-96 B 987 254 3025 20-92 22-29 16-26 26-98 B 947 250 3050 25-52 27-72 18-45 17-48 B 974 253 3125 31-99 44-61 17-72 18-46 B 791 225 4575 16-11 13-75 13-90 29-11 B . * Is it from “Bottom Water” ? The query is Mr. Buchanan's. 1 GO THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. III. — On the Coefficients of Absorption of Nitrogen and Oxygen. In interpreting the results of the gasometric work summarised in the above tables, it is expedient to begin with the carbonic acid, because it can be dismissed in a few words, It i' proved by the analyses of the Norwegian chemists, and confirmed by my own work (as reported in the chapter on carbonic acid), that the quantity of carbonic acid present in a litre of sea-water rarely exceeds, and often falls short of, what is required to convert the “free” base into bicarbonate. This explains what Jacobsen and Buchanan found so difficult to understand, namely, the fact that in the expulsion of sea-water gases by boiling the proportion of carbonic acid which goes into the bulb d' pends very largely on the circumstances under which the process is conducted. It is of course the greater the longer the boiling is continued, and perhaps, we may add, the less the pressure in the gas bulbs, although a diminution of this pressure necessarily involves a lowering of the temperature of the boiling liquid, and consequently so far a diminution in the dissociation tension of the dissolved bicarbonate. But one thing is clear : the carbonic acid enclosed in Mr. Buchanan’s gas-tubes must include the whole of the carbonic acid which was present in the respective waters in the free state ; and, roii.-wqucntly, it is worth while to take up some of those cases in which the carbonic acid is • xceptionally high, in order to form an idea of the proportion of free carbonic acid that a M-a-water may actually contain. The following is a selection of cases where both the total volume of absorbed gas and the carbonic acid per unit-volume of gas assume high values: — No. of Water. 1009 1024 771 974 1096 We need not go further in order to sec that even in these deep-sea waters the absorbed < arl)onic acid falls far short of what would correspond to, say, 2 per cent, of the greatest qu i ut it y which would Is- absorbed under 760 mm. of pressure from an atmosphere of pure carbonic acid. In onlcr to understand the values obtained for the oxygen and nitrogen, we must know tie value of the coefficients of absorption of these gases for sea-water at the i q • v> t' mperatures. At the time when I made my preliminary investigations these : ’"iiits w* ■ p unknown. We had at our disposal only the corresponding values for pure r. a.- d' t rtninod by Bunsen. I accordingly decided upon investigating this matter, I i rally began with a series of experiments with pure water, so as to have Bunsen’s r ’’heck upon my work. What was meant to form a mere preliminary to the II. 8. Carbonic acid per litre in c.c. at 0° and 760 mm. 2875 I 2850 11 "6 2225 2325 3125 2900 11-5 \ 13 "5 ( Bottom 14- 3 15- 8 Waters. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 1G1 actual work, and not intended for publication, expanded into a ratlier lengthy and troublesome research ; and before going further, I at once acknowledge the very able and zealous manner in which I was supported by Mr. Robert Lennox throughout its unex- pectedly slow progress. Bunsen, in determining the coefficients named, proceeded as follows : — He first determined the coefficient for nitrogen synthetically by means of his absorptiometer ; that is, by reading the contraction suffered by a measured volume of the gas when shaken over mercury with a measured volume of previously boiled water at a definite tempera- ture and pressure. The same method when applied to oxygen gave bad results, because the oxygen was found to act promptly, even on the purest mercury, when shaken up with it and water. To avoid this difficulty, Bunsen, by a series of separate experiments, determined the composition of the gas which is absorbed by water when it is again and again shaken up with fresh air free from carbonic acid under the ordinary pressure and at a certain constant temperature, until absorptiometric equilibrium is sure to be established. Large known volumes of such saturated water were boiled to expel the gases, which were then analysed. The result was that at all temperatures from 0° to 23° C. the absorbed air contained 34'91 volumes of oxygen and 65'09 volumes of nitrogen in 100 volumes.* Hence it was easy to calculate the coefficient of absorption of oxygen from that found for nitrogen at the same temperature. This method, of course, would apply to sea-water as well as to pure, but I had not a Bunsen’s absorptiometer in my possession, and besides I thought that, for my special purpose, I had better use a method which adapts itself more directly to the one which Mr. Buchanan had used for extracting the dissolved gases from his sea-water samples. I accordingly drew up the following general scheme for the determinations. Starting with a sufficiency (say from 1 to 1-| litres) of water which in general should be free from gases, shake up this water repeatedly, at a constant temperature (maintained by means of a water-bath), with pure nitrogen, or pure oxygen, or with air deprived of carbonic acid, — in general with a mixture of m1 volume of oxygen, and m2 = (1 —m^ volume of nitrogen, taking care to renew the gas-atmosphere in the bottle after each shaking, and so go on until absorptiometric equilibrium has certainly been established. Then boil a known volume (from f to 1 litre) of the saturated water in a Jacobsen’s apparatus, collect, measure, and analyse the extracted gas. Taking tQ and B0 as symbols for the temperature and baro- metric pressure at the time of the absorption ; tx and Bx the corresponding values at the time of the analysis (which, of course, was always carried out by means of my apparatus, in which all gas volumes were read moist at the pressure Bj + tt mm., see page 145 ) ; t0 and Tj the tension of vapour of water at t0 and tx respectively ; supposing wq and nu to be the volumes of oxygen and nitrogen in a unit volume of the ctir operated upon (which includes the cases of pure oxygen or nitrogen), n i and n2 to have a similar meaning * Bunsen in his book reports three experiments — one at 1°, one at 13°, one at 23 C. (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP.- — PART 1. 1884.) E t 162 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. in regard to the absorbed gas as extracted from the water and analysed, and X the total of gas (nitrogen + oxygen) absorbed by a unit volume of water at B mm.* dry j *r. i| — 0-3386 0-3380 •3491 0-3330 1000 A- 26-7 18-9 190 19-3 14-3 Curve 26 "7 20-1 19-2 19-2 14-3 Bunion 22*08 • 17-71 17.32 17-32 1000/3,-43-7 30-6 3115 30-57 22-8 Curve 43-6 31-9 30-6 30-6 22-8 linnuen 36*72 29-49 28-84 Not determined. 1000 ft- 22-2 15*8 15-85 16-34 12-1 Curve 22*2 15-8 16-25 12-1 Bufiarn 18*16 14-58 14-26 Not determined. * ¥<>t calculating purpose*, eiy 1 mm., inHtead of B mm. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 163 I was quite dissatisfied with these irregular results, and need not say that I did not by any means feel sure that Bunsen had gone even further wrong than myself. But not being able to discover any flaw in my work serious enough to account, for instance, for the fact that while Bunsen (for the temperature 4°'5) makes 1000 \ = 22,08, I find it to be 26 '7 (i.e., 4 c.c. per litre more), I thought there was no use in simply repeating my determinations, and, instead of doing so, started a series with pure nitrogen gas, prepared by sucking a slow current of dry air free from carbonic acid over a long column of red- hot copper wire-gauze into a Pisani# gas-holder, charged with a very dilute solution of alkaline pyrogallate. As my Jacobsen flask held 800 c.c., I needed for each experiment several litres of gas. We did not always succeed in keeping such large supplies of nitrogen gas absolutely free of adventitious air. The nitrogen, accordingly, was viewed as a mix- ture of pure nitrogen with a little oxygen; and the formulae on page 162 employed for calculating the result. After the saturation of the water with the nitrogen had been effected, a sample of the latter was put aside for determining ml should the analysis of the absorbed gas give more than a practical nil for n-L. As the values nx were always very small, the values of m1 could be calculated from those of n1} because we evidently have — g'1 = m1/31P , q2 = m2/32P , where the symbols ql q2 designate the quantities of oxygen and nitrogen absorbed by the water operated upon from the impure nitrogen with which it was saturated. As an obvious sequence from the two equations, we have — A = A + A 1 and, since approximately, /3y = 2/32, we may say — or since is small, nx — 2toj- 1 + mi nx = 2 m1 . In this manner I generally calculated nx and m1 from each other, and for each adopted the mean of the value calculated and the value found. The greatest value for ml which ever occurred was 0‘0079. When nx was found to be very small, «q was merely calculated from it, and not determined at all. * Two bottles, provided with cork-holes below, and through these united by means of an india rubber tube. One of the bottles is provided with a glass stop-cock, inserted by an india-rubber stopper in the neck. * 1 1G4 TIIE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. In this manner 7 experiments were carried out at the temperatures 1 6° '5, 17°'3, 17°‘4, 1 n '0, 20 0, 21 0, 25c-2 C., and a curve was drawn through points indicating the values ■ ;3r Tin- v suits were less irregular than those of the preceding series, but again they w. iv higher than Bunsen’s. In the last two experiments the saturation of the water was • in the boiling-out flask itself, to avoid transference from one vessel to another, :h. fla-k having been provided for this purpose with a kind of egg-shaped “allonge,” attaehed to its neck by an india-rubber tube. Before quoting the results, I will state that this “ nitrogen series” was followed by a new series of eleven experiments with air from carbonic acid at the temperatures 30,3, 40,5,40,7, 1 6° *7 , 17°'0, 1 7°*8, 18°-5, 20°‘2, 20r-2, 2G°1, 30°-0 C. The results again were not up to my expectations; what they were will be stated presently. I prefer first to report on a lengthy series of at; -mpts to d< t ermine the coefficient fix for oxygen directly by experiments with pure -xyg- n gas. In all these experiments with oxygen the saturation was effected in the b"iling-out flask to avoid absorptiometric exchange with the atmosphere. The oxygen xira ud from the liquid in which it had been absorbed was always tested, after having 1 ■ u measured, with alkaline pyrogallate, when it invariably disappeared, leaving no measurable residue. The first eleven experiments were made at the temperatures 5°’l, 5°-3, 13°‘2, 130,G, 14°6, 15°‘5, 1 5 0 o , 18°'G, 21°-8, 21°’9, 23 '7, 28°'G C. The results again were not as r gular as 1 should have wished, and the values /3l were invariably less than the corre- sj" mding ones calculated from the values of X of the series of experiments upon air. Wh nee I concluded that some of the oxygen had been absorbed by the india-rubber • .pp r "f tie' .laeobsen flask in the boiling-out process. I accordingly caused Mr. Lennox t > oiistruct a boiling-out flask entirely of glass, and after numerous failures he succeeded in producing one which worked not unsatisfactorily. The results which we obtained with tin- apparatus were not any higher than the previous ones, and even less constant. I tier* fore do not describe it here any further than by saying that the india-rubber -topper wa- replaced by a hollow glass stopper, to the upper end of which the pear- -haped bull* was fused on. The stopper had a small perforation about half-way b* tween the top and the bottom end of its working surface, which, when the stopper v. is turned into a certain position, just met the upper end of a groove in the ground exl nd< i downwards to the end of the ground part. It will readily be that tin- arrangement was equivalent to the lateral hole in Jacobsen’s gas- bulb -tern in theory; in practice, it did not work at all satisfactorily, because very often the stopper would Stick so fast that it was impossible to turn it round. On more ! ;■ ' u< h occasion the apparatus broke and had to be renewed. Of the many ii to work it only seven were carried through without accident; and even these I look uj*on with suspicion, because of the numbers for /3l which they gave, five were 1 ‘ 1 ould have been expected from the sum-total of previous corresponding REPORT ON" THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATER. 165 experiments with the ordinary Jacobsen’s apparatus. The apparatus was accordingly given up. Seeing that all our results, especially those of the oxygen experiments, exhibited greater irregularities than could be accounted for by liberal allowance for all the sources of error which I could think of as possible, I concluded that there must be something fundamentally wrong in the method itself independently of our mode of executing it, and I made an attempt to determine the coefficient of absorption of oxygen synthetically in the following manner : — A round-bottomed flask of some 800 c.c. capacity was provided with a quill-sized neck and Geissler stop-cock, and its exact weight and capacity determined by means of a fine balance. This flask was charged with water, which was boiled until the air might be assumed to have been expelled, the stop-cock turned off, the apparatus allowed to cool, and weighed to ascertain the weight of the water, for its own sake and as a necessary datum for the subsequent calculation of the empty space in the flask. The necessary supply of oxygen was contained in a graduated (J -shaped tube, connected with a moveable mercury reservoir so as to render it possible to keep the pressure at exactly one atmosphere, and immersed in a large water-bath maintaining a constant temperature. To make a determination the flask was totally immersed in a large water-bath of the proper temperature, connected with the oxygen reservoir by means of capillary tubing, the stop-cocks turned open, and absorptiometric equilibrium presumably established by shaking the flask constantly, while an assistant kept the pressure inside at exactly that of the atmosphere. After the necessary (obvious) readings, the temperature in the bath was raised or lowered so many degrees, and another set of readings at that temperature taken, and so on. The results were very discouraging, falling far below what by any possibility could be admitted to be the values of yS: sought. My explanation of this was that a given mass of water to be saturated with oxygen must be shaken violently with the gas (which, with the apparatus adopted, was impossible), and that the data for calculating the volume of the residual gas in the empty part of the flask were too uncertain. This latter source of uncertainty might have been removed by a modification in the apparatus, which will readily suggest itself to everybody ; but both Mr. Lennox and myself found it necessary to defer the continuation of the investigation for a time. Before reporting on the manner in which it was subsequently resumed, I propose first to utilise our final formulae for nu (3U and /32, for reducing the numbers derived from the pioneering work to a few integer temperatures, and in this form place them before the reader. The differences of temperature which entered the calculations were, as a rule, less than ±2° C. In the following tabular statements, the first line always gives (as “final”) the value demanded by the respective interpolation formula, while the succeeding lines report the numbers brought out by the experiments named in Column I., each result standing under the assumed temperature to which it is reduced. THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. N s. (1) to (G) denote our very first attempt, as referred to on page 162. Nos. (7) to (14) refer to the experiments with nitrogen-gas. Nos. (15) to (2G) to the second series of experiments made with air. Nos. (27) to (37) to the first series of experiments with oxygen-gas. Nos. (38) to (44) to the (very unsatisfactory) experiments made with the boiling-out flask with a ground-glass stopper. The symbols a, b, c, &c., denote results obtained in a special series of experiments made merely in order to determine the value nx for a series of temperatures. Table III. Giving the Values of 1 00 x nv Temperature. 4° 15° 18° 20° 25° 30° FinaL 34-51 3401 33-87 33-78 33-56 33-33 Exp. 1 (33-78)1 2 34-09 3 33-90 4 32-99 5 33-53 G 34-21 15 33-71 16 • •• • • • 33-65 17 ... 33-74 18 3415 19 ... 34-04 20 33-80 21 33-90 22 ... 33-41 23 Mv 33-63 24 3512 25 34-92 26 34-06 a • • • 32-50 l • • • 33 02 c 33-60 •l • • • 33-70 6 • •• 33-44 / 33 09 9 33-74 • • • h (31-76) ft ... 32 02 k m 34-25 ... 34-31 n ... 3317 o ... 3303 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER 1G7 Table IY. Giving the Values of 1000 x X. Temperature. 4° 15° 18° 20° 25° o co Final. 26-72 21-16 20-03- 19-33 17-80 16-49 Exp. 1 2 19-04 3 19-30 4 19-31 5 15-45 6 27-03 15 19-24 16 20-29 17 20-02 18 20-11 19 19-26 20 20-39 21 19-12 22 16-79 23 17-49 24 26-78 25 26-65 26 26-24 Table V. Giving the Values of 1000 x /32. Temperature. 4° 15° 18° 20° 25° 30° Final. 22-12 17-65 16-74 16-19 14-95 13-90 Exp. 2 15-85 3 16 12 16-34 4 5 . • . 12-99 6 22-47 r 7 15-65 GO 8 (failure) 9 17-46 m 10 17-06 16-51 eliminate the influence of the outer air as much as possible, the perforated india-rubber stopper inserted, and the stem of the “gas-tube” inserted so that the lateral hole was shut up by the mass of the india-rubber. The pump was then worked until the _* is-tube was completely exhausted. The gas-tube stem was then pressed down so as to 'ring the lateral hole within the water, and the water heated to boiling while the pump was b.-ing wrought at short intervals to maintain a sufficient vacuum, which at the end v : rais'd to the highest attainable pitch. The boiling was continued until after the - \li ust-bulb of the pump was emptied for the last time, five minutes’ further boiling failed to extract a visible gas bell. The gas was then measured and analysed. We began with a long series of trials with distilled water, and then passed on to experi- ment with sea-water. The latter was prepared synthetically on a large scale from pure -dts nd distilled water, so as to represent about an average Challenger water. Care was t. li.en to give to the solutuin very nearly the quantitative composition demanded by my "wn hi dv- -, as reported in the first part of this memoir. The “alkalinity” was estab- by addition of the calculated proportion of ignited carbonate of soda to a neutral, but otherwi.-e < orreetlv adjusted, water. The following is a statement of the results. Experiments upon Pure Water. -7 ■ vj„ lament* were made at temperatures varying from 0°’5 to 47° C. The values • 1 g i w< re plotted and united by the nearest curve, which enabled me to ■ p'Midt* which were obviously infected with bad unobserved errors, and to A\ b ' enough valuer for the expression ^ f to reduce any group of values obtained REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 171 at nearly the same temperature to one and the same intermediate temperature. The following eight groups were thus formed : — Group I. — 7 experiments. Adopted standard temperature (t) = 140,5. Mean value of X = 21 '32 ( -r 1000). This divisor must be supposed to be appended to all the Vs down to group VIII. Group II. — 2 experiments; £ = 13o,0; X = 21'68. Group III— -l experiment; £ = 20°'4; X=19'05 (not allowed any influence in the calculation). Group IV. — 2 experiments; i=18o,0; X = 20‘09. Group V. — 2 experiments; t = 29°'5 ; X=16-40. Group VI.— 4 experiments ; t= 1°'0 ; X = 28'94. Group VII. — 3 experiments; t= 5°*5 ; X = 25’72. Group VIII. — 2 experiments; £ = 45o,0; X=13’98. A few preliminary calculations based on convenient ordinates taken from the curve showed that an equation of the form X = X0 — at + bt2 gave no sufficient approximation. A formula of the form worked better ; yet the difference between observed and calculated values in some cases was inconveniently great. When the same function was treated according to the method of least squares, quite satisfactory results were obtained. In this final calculation groups I. and VI. were each allowed two votes ; group VIII., half a vote ; the rest one vote each, except group III., which was not taken into account at all. The resulting formula was whence we have — 1000 x X = 1119-4 37-9 + t’ Group. t. A Calculated. A Found. VI. r-o 28-78 28-94 VII. 5°-5 25-79 25-72 II. 13°-0 21-99 21-68 I. 14°-5 21-36 21-32 IV. 18°-0 20-03 20-09 III. 20°-4 19-20 19-05 V. 29°-5 16-61 16-40 VIII. 45°-0 13-50 13-98 In a similar manner the values for nx (the volumes of oxygen in unit-volume of absorbed gas) were dealt with. The resulting formula, calculated by the method of the least squares, was 100 x?21 = 34-693-0-04545i. 172 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. t. Mean values found. 7Jj calculated. 1° 34-47 34-65 6' 34-55 34-42 14* 33-97 34-06 18° 0 33-89 33-87 3op-a 33-30 33-33 45° -0 32-58 32 65 IL ikv, we have for the coefficient of absorption of oxygen /31} or Ami for the nitrogen : _ 1119-4 XJtj 1000 (S1 - (37.9+ , 178 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. . 1 1 u rat < -il with air at tx degrees. This calculated oxygen is in general greater than the oxygen actually found, as stated in Column VII. The oxygen deficit in the water is registered in Column X. The headings of the several columns in Table XIII. for the bottom waters have the 'nine meaning as the same symbols have in Table XII. When the absolute volume V of the gas remained undetermined, then, in the case of 'Table A’/., I took the “ nitrogen found ” (Column IV.) from the entry, for t0, in Table IX. These numbers and those derived from them are enclosed in brackets, [ ]. In Tables XII. and XIII. (when V is unknown) 1 give in Column VII., in lieu of the “oxygen found, the percentage of oxygen found in the gas freed from carbonic acid, in paren- thesis, ( ), with the symbol % attached. Table XI. Surface- Water Gases. I. No. of Water. II. Station. III. Found. Calculated. IX. Oxygen deficit. VI.-IV. X. Nitrogen deficit. IV. Nitrogen. V. Oxygen. VI. Nitrogen. VII. Oxygen. VIII. IV. x^i n2 3*6 153 o - 0-7 15-32 8-26 15-88 8-33 804 - -22 •56 3X7 153 + + 0-7 13-60 7-27 15-33 803 7-13 - -14 1-73 3X9 154 - 1-7 14-81 7-72 16-30 8-56 7-78 •06 1-49 396 154 + 0-4 13-72 7-12 15-44 8-10 7-19 •07 1-72 417 158 72 13 03 6*71 13-21 G-86 6-76 •05 •18 817 229- 25 -x 9-20 4- 16 9-51 4-80 4-66 •20 •31 *455 164c 17*5 [10-85] [5-27] 10-85 5-56 [5-56] [•29] 471 165- u 15-6 11-22 5-65 11-22 5-76 5-76 •11 o-oo 486 168 + 14 0 1114 5-54 11-56 5-94 5-73 •19 •42 497 170 17-8 10-95 5-44 10-80 5-5:; 5-60 •16 - -15 504 171 19-4 1010 504 10-51 5-37 5-16 •12 •41 512 171a 219 9-39 4-62 1009 5-14 4-78 •16 •70 515 172 + 24-5 8-83 4-29 9-70 4-91 4-47 •18 107 528 176 255 8-83 4-30 9-55 4-83 4-47 •17 •72 532 177 251 9-47 4-53 9-61 4-86 4-80 •27 •14 5f>7 181 26-7 8-89 4 32 9-38 4-74 4-49 •17 •49 572 185 250 10 03 4-90 9-62 4-87 508 •18 - -41 581 190 26-4 8-91 4-46 9-42 4-76 4-51 •05 •51 602 196 27-9 8-78 4-31 9-21 4-65 4-43 •12 43 612 198 28-3 9-69 4-78 916 4-G2 4-88 •10 - -53 638 202 29-4 9 05 4-43 902 4-54 i *56 •13 - 03 646 204 286 [912] [4 52] 912 4-60 [4-60] •08 214 + : 7-93 3-92 9-33 4-70 400 •08 140 7«K> 216 + 27 x 8-87 I -3 1 9-23 4-65 4-47 •16 •36 722 218 6 8-51 i or 9-12 4-60 4-29 •22 •61 759 *»«><| . 286 9 13 4-34 912 1-60 460 •26 - Ol 761 223 28-7 8-30 l 01 911 i -59 1-lx •17 ■81 826 229 + 21-8 908 1010 515 4-62 06 102 * Sujijk-cUmI iinnlv i- ; compare footnote p. 145. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 179 I. No. of W ater. II. Station. III. t0. Found. Calculated. IX. Oxygen deficit. 1 VI. -IV. 1 X. Nitrogen deficit. IV. Nitrogen. V. Oxygen. VI. Nitrogen. VII. Oxygen. VIII. IV. x l n2 836 230 + 20-8 9-72 4-85 10-27 5-24 4-95 •10 •55 910 244 + 21-7 9 '70 4-94 10-12 5-16 4-93 - -oi •42 926 247 + 21-9 8-21 4-30 10-09 5-14 4-18 -•12 1-88 949 251 17-9 10-78' T4-721 10-78 5-52 5-52 •80 976 253 + 20-6 [10-31 [5-21 10-31 5-25 [5-25] •04 977 253 + 21-7 10-09 5-00 10-12 5-16 5-14 •14 •03 *989 255 23-3 9-14 4-69 9-88 5-01 4-64 - -05 •74 990 255 + 23-9 8-71 4-39 9-79 4-95 4-42 •03 1-08 1003 256 + 24-0 9-30 4-54 9-77 4-95 4-72 T8 •47 1004 257 24-4 9-02 4-48 9-77 4-95 4-57 ■07 •75 1011 258 25-0 8-70 4-27 9-62 4-87 4-4l T4 ■92 1012 258 + Notfound. 8-84 4-40 1097 268 26-8 8-96 4-44 9-37 4-72 4-53 •09 ■41 1187 282 22-9 9-04 4-41 9-94 5-04 4-59 T8 •90 1176 281 24'2 9-32 4-59 9-74 4-93 4-78 T9 •42 1211 284 + 19-5 9-79 5-05 10-49 5-37 4-99 -•06 •70 1212 284 + 18-9 8-49 4-24 10-56 5-40 4-35 •11 2-07 1272 292 11-8 9-71 4-95 12-04 6-21 5-Ul •06 2-33 1271 292 11-9 11-51 6-06 12-01 6-21 5-94 - T2 •50 1287 293 + 12-5 12-15 5-83 11-88 5-13 6-12 •29 - -27 1301 295 + 14-7 12-51 6-45 11-41 5-86 6-43 - -02 - 1-10 1314 296 + 13-6 11-74 6-07 11-64 5-99 6-04 -•03 - TO 1342 299 16-9 11-29 4-81 10-93 5-60 5-78 - -03 - -36 1364 300 16-5 11-25 5-79 11-05 5-36 5-77 - -02 - T5 +1374a 301 14-2 10-53 5-48 11-52 5-91 5-41 -•07 •99 1366 301 15-5 11-80 6-18 11-24 5-78 6-06 - T2 - -56 1367 301 15-5 11-54 6-12 11-24 5-78 5-92 - -20 - -30 1375 301 + 13-9 11-15 5-86 11-58 5-95 5-74 -T2 •43 1378 301 + 12-7 10-76 5-53 11-84 6-10 5-54 •01 1-08 1424 309 9-4 12-87 6-34 12-63 6-53 6-66 •32 - -24 1462 318 14-2 10-74 5-59 11-52 5-91 5-52 - -07 •78 1508 326 20-0 10-08 5-08 10-41 5-31 5-14 •06 •33 1510 327 2P0 9-79 4-87 10-24 5-22 4-99 •12 •45 1514 329 18-4 10-17 5-25 10-69 5-47 5-20 -•05 •52 1573 337 25 T 10-02 4-93 9-61 4-86 5-08 T5 - -41 1590 340 25T 9-52 4-73 9-61 4-86 4-82 ■09 •09 1629 345 27-9 9-33 4-58 9-19 4-63 4-71 T3 - -14 1662 350 Notfound. [33-82%; 1683 352 + 22-5 10-24 5-00 10-00 5-08 5-20 •20 - -24 1699 354 20-5 10-25 5-11 10-32 5-27 5-23 T2 •07 1687 353 22-8 9-63 4-82 9-95 5-06 4-89 ■07 •32 * Bad analyses. t 1374 (?) ISO THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Table XII. O'asa s' from I Paters from various Depths, not Bottom Waters. L II. III. * IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. No. Station. D. 8. K Nitrogen. Oxygen. tl9 (O,), Oxygen deficit. 464 165 + 2600 5 18-0 10-57 5-23 19°-1 5-40 0-17 466 165 a 2600 5 170 (32-67%) 725 218 1070 10 28-1 8-40 4-03 34-6 4-20 0-17 13.r>3 299 + 10 167 10-42 3-11 19-95 5-32 2-21 1498 325 2650 20 21-5 10-33 5-19 20-5 5-27 •08 1168 280 1940 25 260 9-05 4-44 29-2 4-56 •12 1262 291 2250 25 11-2 11-88 5-90 12-5 6-12 •22 1329 298 2225 25 13-2 9-93 5-02 22-95 5-05 •03 1621 345 2010 25 27-1 9-89 4-82 23-2 5-02 •20 1663 350 (1) 25 220 1012 4-70 21-7 5-15 •45 979 254 3025 25 16-8 10-68 5-36 18-5 5-46 •10 994 256 2950 25 21-1 9-98 5-11 22-6 5-07 - -04 397 155 1300 50 not found 15-00 6-53 1-6 7-85 1-32 419 158 1800 50 69 13-30 6-93 6-9 6-91 - -02 461 165 2600 50 13-9 10-35 4-98 20-4 5-27 •29 489 169 700 50 13-7 (31-93%) 678 213 2050 50 not found 8-91 3-79 30-3 4-48 •69 752 222 2450 50 27-8 8-59 4-11 33-0 4-30 •19 830 230 2425 50 18-9 10-53 4-86 19-3 5-38 •52 1306 296 1825 50 12-6 11-86 6-43 12-6 6-11 -•32 1345 299 2160 50 11-7 11-13 4-81 16-1 5-71 •90 1356 300 1375 50 12-0 11-17 5-27 15-9 5-73 •46 1576 338 1990 50 21-9 9-72 5-09 24-6 4-93 -•16 1539 333 2025 100 12-s 11-39 4-96 14-8 5-85 •89 1585 339 1415 100 16*4 10-68 4-23 18-5 5-33 1-10 1633 346 2350 100 12 9 12-74 2-93 90 6-60 3-67 1704 354 1675 100 17-3 10-61 4-61 18-9 5-42 ■81 543 179 2325 200 130 11-76 3-59 13 0 6-06 2-47 797 226 2300 200 11-5 10-58 3-20 18-8 5-40 2-20 1181 281 2385 200 13*4 10-80 4-22 17-8 5-53 1-31 1205 284 1985 200 12-5 10-28 3-97 20-8 5-24 1-27 823 229 2500 300 111 11-65 3-69 13-6 5-99 2-30 1661 349 300 6-7 13-74 1-65 5-4 7-15 5-60 1672 351 300 6-9 12-29 1-67 10-7 6-35 4-58 594 193 2800 400 6-4 12-31 2-25 10-7 6-36 4-11 933* 248 2900 400 4-2 1418 1 -94 3-9 7-40 5-46 1605 341 1475 400 4-6 13*67 3-16 6-0 7-06 3-90 620 198 2150 800 3-9 919 307 28-1 4-64 1-57 1220 285 2375 800 3-2 13-73 3-88 5-4 7-14 3-26 1528 331 1715 800 2-8 1413 4-21 4-1 7-37 3-16 1 *>46 334 1915 800 2-9 15-81 4-79 -0-5 8-30 3-51 1655 348 2450 800 4-2 1 1 • 8 2 3-38 12-8 6-09 2-71 1615 342 1445 900 3-5 18*40 6*21 6-5 6-96 1-75 1312 296 1825 1350 24 (21-09%) 1532 332 2300 1400 2-9 18*48 51 1 6-4 6-98 1-87 1645 347 2250 1500 3-3 13-38 2 04 6-6 6-95 491 933 f 248 2900 400 4-2 12*67 213 9-6 6-51 4-38 1296 294 2270 1775 1-7 14*79 3-86 2-2 7-73 3-87 1 269 1241 291 2250 1775 1-7 18*19 6*25 7-3 6-85 1-60 287 2400 1925 1-7 13-33 4-45 6-8 6-93 2-48 1209 1231 2x4 1 985 1975 1-8 14 02 3-81 4-5 7-31 3-50 286 2335 2290 1-8 16-47 4-89 - 2-1 8-66 3-77 * J. Y. Ii. -t W. D. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 181 I. II. III. IY. Y. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. No. Station. D. 8. tQ. Nitrogen. Oxygen. G (^2)1- Oxygen deficit. 1696 353 2965 2465 3T 10-45 4-12 19-8 5-33 1-21 1009 257 2875 2850 1-6 13-63 5-38 5-8 7-09 1-71 1001 256 2950 2875 1-8 15-08 0-60 1-4 8-21 7-61 1244 288 2600 2125 1-7 14-05 3-78 4-4 7-32 3-54 Table XIII. Bottom- Water Gases. I. No. II. Station. III. I) = S. IV. to- V. Ns- VI. Or VII. tv VIII. (*^2)1- IX. 02-def. 576 189 25 ° (31-39%) ° 643 204 110-115 (12-42%) 1438 311 245 7-8 12-44 5-97 10-1 6-43 0-46 477 166 275 10-4 11-97 4-36 12-1 6-17 1-81 1405 306 345 7-8 12-55 4-01 9-7 6-49 2-48 1618 343 425 4-6 11-81 3-37 12-8 6-09 2-72 1388 302 1450 2-0 14-57 3-48 2-8 7-61 4-13 383 153 1675 16-57 5-75 2-3 8-67 2-92 567 183 1700 2-2 13-80 3-66 5-2 7-18 3-52 569 183 1700 2-2 9-96 4-10 22-7 5-06 0-96 1494 323 1900 0-6 10-68 4-92 18-5 5-46 0-54 395 154 1800 16-07 6-71 - 1-2 8-44 1-73 414 157 1950 o-o 14-33 5-69 3-5 7-48 1-79 922 246 2050 1-7 11-95 4-57 12-2 6-17 1-60 428 159 2150 1-2 12-36 6-28 10-5 6-39 0-11 1544 333 2025 1-8 14-78 5-35 2-2 7-73 2-38 138 68 2175 2-3 (29-31%) 671 211 2225 10-3 10-34 4-36 20-4 5-27 0-91 1024 259 2225 1-6 11-60 2-53 13-8 5-97 3-44 771 223 2325 1-9 11-17 2-35 15-9 5-73 3-38 1125 271 2425 1-7 11-31 2-75 15-2 5-81 3-06 556 180 2450 2-2 13-66 3-28 5-7 7-11 3-83 924 247 2530 1-8 12-02 2-29 11-9 6-20 3-91 1533 332 2200 1-1 13-95 4-64 4-7 7-27 2-63 1106 269 2550 1-8 13-65 3-87 5-7 7-10 3-23 122* 60 2575 2-3 ... (31-02%) 439 160 2600 1-1 12-57 5-86 9-6 6-50 0-64 629 199 2600 3-7 11-55 3-21 14-0 5-94 2-73 114 53 2650 2-4 (30-26%) ... 1507 325 2650 0-4 18-03 5-88 - 5-4 9-52 3-64 964 252 2740 1-8 14-67 3-00 2-5 7-67 4-67 1496 324 2800 0-3 14-08 4-91 4-3 7-34 2-43 72 28 2850 2-4 (26-76%) 1096 268 2900 1-5 14-55 3-73 2-9 7-60 3"87 937 249 3000 1-8 12-20 3-84 11-1 6-30 2-46 987 254 3025 1-7 11-87 4-39 12-6 6-12 1*73 947 250 3050 1-7(1) 15-23 3-22 1-0 7-97 4-75 974 253 3125 1-7 1 1-45 3-27 3-2 7-54 4-27 791 225 4575 1-8 9-85 4-05 23-5 5-00 0-95 * Is it a bottom water ? The query is Mr. Buchanan s. IS 2 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. IV. — Interpretation of the Results. 1 ;im '( >rrv to have to confess that I have not been as successful as I should have wish- -1 in drawing general conclusions from my numbers, and if I here reproduce my < i !• ivouis in this direction, I do so chiefly in the hope that some other person, having Hi"!- experience than I in dealing with statistics, may take up the problem after me, and perhaps be able to extract the latent propositions which are therein concealed. In tlu tables which I propose to give, he will find all the data arranged in the most convenient form, so that all he needs is at hand. T" I- jin with the surface-water gases, a glance at Table XI. shows that the volumes "f nitr-gen and oxygen brought out by analysis (Columns IV. and V.) differ more or less fr-un th-' numbers (Columns VI. and VII.) calculated on the assumption that the water, at its natural temperature (0, had been shaken with constantly renewed air to complete - itur.ition under 700 mm. dry pressure. This is no more than one would expect. Even the surface water of the ocean cannot be expected, at any time and any place, to be in a • it-' -if absorptiometric equilibrium : and for a number of causes which I will proceed to - umenit-', beginning with what I conceive to be the less important of disturbing influ- • n s. (1) The pressure of the atmosphere is inconstant, though not in general far i - miiv. -1 from what my calculations suppose to prevail.* (2) The water is in a state of onstant progressive motion ; the sample collected at a certain place was only travelling through that place at the time, coming, in general, from a region of different tempera- t i (3) Supp"~ing even the water at a given place were in a state of stagnation, its t- nip i t u i - * would be subject to periodic variation; it would reach a maximum at a rtain hour during tin* day, and fall to a minimum at a certain hour after midnight. H i!- ■■ the qu antity ( the pr-'vailing ure. the variation of 7 would follow a curve q=f ( T), the m i "f whieh would correspond precisely to the minima, and the minima to the in i, of the temperature curve f = (T). But absorptiometric exchange is a thing • u progress; hence the actual curve 7„ = F (T) will, so to speak, lag behind the tlieo- ■ 'ii-', and th- actual (j„ will never quite rise to the maximum nor quite fall to the in m --t q. At -ome hour in the early morning and at some hour after sunset, the ‘ ■ iv. would I presume intersect each other, so that q0 would become equal to q. But the Challenger samples were probably all collected at hours between these two points; ; nee, on the basis of our assumption, we should presume the actual q0 (and in a lesser ■ ? ’ i - 1 ratio «, :n2 of oxygen to nitrogen) to be somewhat greater than the ■I i 'It! *, ii < - ii nt-lry-v procure of the nitrogen and oxygen, especially at high ’ - ' 1 . fill- at in- ■ - j >ln- r -. und cow-ojuently on an average less than 760 min. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OE OCEAN- WATER. 183 theoretical values calculated from the observed temperature by means of our formulae. (4) The oxygen, we should say, a priori, can never quite come up to the calculated value corresponding to t0, because it is constantly being utilised in processes of oxidation and respiration going on within the water. The nitrogen is not subject to this dis- turbing influence ; hence we should expect it to accommodate itself more closely to the law of gas absorption. And yet, on comparing the volumes of nitrogen found with the volumes calculated for the observed t0, we find the latter to be in general greater than the former. These nitrogen deficits were given in Table XI. Column X. ; in Table XIY. I have enumerated these nitrogen-deficits in the order of their magnitudes. I have vainly endeavoured to find some relation between them on the one hand, and temperature or geographical position on the other. Considering the great frequency of values from 0‘4 to 0'5, I am inclined to assume that, in virtue of some general constant influence,* this deficit tends to assume some value like, say, 0'42, subject to variation in either direction, as seen in the table, which, besides, exhibits numerous cases of negative values, i.e., of nitrogen excesses. These latter, although in accordance with what we said under (3), are explained more plausibly as resulting from an intermixture of surface water with deep-sea water richer in nitrogen. If the variations in the nitrogen deficits were owing to accidental causes, then counting off eight entries (i.e., ^ of 0‘26 x 62) from the neutral point either way, we should arrive at half the value of the probable “error,” and we indeed arrive in either case at the value ±0T, so that the probable “ error” would appear to be= ±0'2 = r. But adopting this value, we have Deviations under ± Number of Cases counted. + Deviations. - Deviations. Total. Calculated. \ r = ■1 8 8 16 ■2 11 9 31 f r = •3 13 11 42-6 2 r = •4 18 14 51 3r = •6 21 21 59-3 4 r = •8 24 26 61-6 5 r = DO 25 30 62 GO 31 31 62 The nitrogen-deficits may be represented by naming the temperature at which a water would have to be completely saturated with air to take up the observed volume of nitrogen per litre. These values h are given in the last column of Table XIV. I have not utilised these values tx, but assuming the actual values of nitrogen to have been brought about by incomplete (or super-) saturation at the observed temperature t0, I have calculated the volumes of oxygen corresponding to the observed quantities of nitrogen '•f In air of 760 mm., fully saturated with water at 22°, the dry -air pressure is only (1 — -026) 760 mm., corresponding to a nitrogen deficit of 0'26 or 10 units. 1*4 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. aeeording to my determinations of ^ for this temperature t0. These calculated oxygens bring in most eases greater than the observed ones, I calculated the “ oxygen deficits,” and entered them in Table XI., Column IX. In Table XV. they are arranged in the order of their magnitude. Table XIV. Surface Water Gases. The Nitrogen Deficits Classified. 1 Loss than No. of Cases. N,-def. 03-def. G No. of Water. Station. tv -110 -02 14-7 1301 295 9-9 - 5 3 - -56 - -12 15-5 1366 301 8-7 - -53 + ■10 28-3 612 198 24-5 - *4 0 - -41 + •15 25-1 1573 337 22-4 - -41 + •18 25-0 572 185 22-4 - -3 1 - -36 -•03 16-9 1342 299 15-3 - -30 -•20 15-5 1367 301 141 - ’2 4 - 27 - -24 + •29 + •32 12-5 9-4 1287 1424 293 + 309 11-3 8-5 - -24 + •20 22-5 1683 352 + 21-0 - -15 + 16 17-8 497 170 17-0 -i 3 - -15 - -02 16-5 1364 300 15-5 - '14 + •13 57-9 1629 345 27-0 - -10 -03 13-6 1314 296 + 13-2 -o 3 - 03 + 13 29-4 638 202 29-2 - 01 + •26 28-6 759 222 + 28-5 00 + •11 15-6 471 165a/b 15-6 X 1 4 + 03 + 14 21-7 977 253 + 21-9 •07 + •12 20-5 1699 354 20-9 •09 + 09 251 1590 340 25-7 •3 9 •14 251 532 177 26-0 •18 + 05 7-2 417 158 21-9 •31 + •20 25-8 817 229 - 280 • 1 4 4 •32 + 07 22-8 1687 353 24-9 * •33 + 06 200 1508 326 220 •36 + 16 27-8 700 216 + 30-6 REPOET ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 185 Less than No. of Cases. N2-def. 02-def. 0 t0- No. of Water. Station. tv •41 + T2 19-4 504 171 21-9 •41 + •09 26-8 1097 268 29-9 •42 + T9 14-0 486 168 + 16-0 •42 - -01 21-7 910 244 + 24-5 •5 10 •42 + T9 24'2 1176 281 27T •43 + T2 27-9 602 196 31-3 •43 - T2 13-9 1375 301 + 16-0 •45 + T2 21-0 1510 327 23-8 •47 + T8 24-0 1003 256 + 27-3 •49 + T7 26-7 557 181 30-4 •50 -T2 11-9 1271 292 14-2 •51 + •05 26-4 581 190 30-3 •6 5 •52 -•05 18-4 1514 329 21-4 •55 + T0 20-8 836 230 + 24-3 •56 - -22 -•7 386 153 + 0-7 •7 1 •61 + •22 28-6 722 218 34-4 •70 + T6 21-9 512 171a 26-6 •70 - -06 19-5 1211 284 + 23-8 .Q £ •72 + T7 25-5 528 176 30-9 O 0 •74 -•05 23-3 989* 255 28-5 ■75 + ■07 24-4 1004 257 29-5 •78 -•07 14-2 1462 318 18T •9 1 •81 + T7 28-7 761 223 35-6 •90 + T8 22-9 1187 282 29-2 1-0 3 •92 + T4 25-0 1011 258 31-2 •99 -•07 14-2 1374a 301 19-3 1-02 + •06 21-8 826 229 + 28-9 IT 3 1-08 + •03 23-9 990 255 + 31-9 1-08 + •01 12-7 1378 301 + 18-0 1-40 + •08 26-9 682 214 + 39 T 1-49 + •06 -1-7 389 154 5-2 2-0 5 1-72 + •07 + •4 396 154 5-5 1-73 -T4 + -7 387 153 + 5-9 1-88 - T2 21-9 926 247 + 36-4 2-33 2 2-07 2-33 + T1 + •06 18-9 11-8 1212 1272 2S4 + 292 33-S 24-4 * Suspected analysis. (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PART I. 1884.) A 24 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. l$ti Table XV. Surface Water Oases, Classification of the Oxygen Deficits. Oxygen N umber I deficit hue of than Caaes. No. 386 - 20 1 St 153 C -0°-7 No. 1367 -16 1 St. 301 V 15’-5 No. 387 -•12 1 St 153+ K 0°*7 No. 1271 1366 1375 -■08 3 St 292 301 301+ c IT-9 15'-5 13°*9 No. 1211 1462 1514 1374 * - 01 4 St 284 318 329 301 '* 1 9**5 14*-2 18°-4 14”-2 No. 910 1301 1314 1342 1364 OO 5 St 244* 295+ 296+ 299 300 'o- 2 1 ®*7 14*-7 13’-6 16°0 16°-5 No. 990 1378 ♦ 04 o St 255+ 301 ** 23*0 12*-7 | 08 No. 389 396 417 826 [976] 1004 1272 1508 1687 581 10 St 154 154 158 229+ 253+ 257 292 326 353 190 | ■■■ n t . - l*-7 0* 4 7*-2 21*-8 20“-6 24"-4 ll°-8 20° 0 220,8 26°-4 No. 471 612 [645] 682 836 1097 1212 1590 *12 8 St 165* 198 204 21 4+ 230+ 268 284+ 340 1 'r 15*-6 28* 3 28*-6 26*0 20* 8 26* 8 18“0 25°1 TW UUI •lUtW to thi* Htuplc vu * 1374a I preauuie it wo* the name ua No. 1374 of Mr. Buchunun’s list. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 187 Oxygen Number deficit less of than Cases. No. 504 602 638 977 1011 1510 1573 1629 1699 ■16 9 St. 171 196 202 253+ 258 327 337 345 354 . V 19+4 27°-9 29°-4 21°-7 25°-0 21+0 25°T 27+9 20+5 No. 486 497 512 515 528 557 572 700 761 1003 1187 1176 •20 12 St. 168+ 170 171a 172+ 176 181 185 216+ 223 256+ 282 281 ‘ u 14o,0 17+8 21°-9 24°-5 25°‘5 26°-7 25+0 27+8 28+7 24+0 22+9 24+2 No. 817 722 1683 •24 3 St. 229 - 218 352+ t0. 25+8 28+6 22+5 No. 759 532 •28 2 St. 222+ 177 to- 28+6 25+1 No. [455] 1287 1424 •32 3 St. 164c 293+ 309 to- 17+5 12+5 9+4 No. [949] •80 1 St. 251 to- 17+9 i Total = 65 Cases. This table, as it stands here before us, looks almost like the area of a probability curve ; but it does not follow that the variations in the oxygen deficit are a matter of accident. In fact, if we search on the Challenger track-map for the Stations registered in our table as corresponding to oxygen deficits from — 0’20 to +0'08 (inclusive), we see that most of the respective waters came from one or other of two areas, namely, either from one in the Indian Ocean, south of lat. 50° S., or from another enclosed very nearly between the parallels lat. 30° S. and 55° S., and the longitudes 120° W. and 30° W. Only the following 7 out of 27 waters did not come from one of these two areas, viz. : — No. of Water, . 581 Station, . . 190 Long., . . 136° 5' E. Lat., . . 8° 56' S. Temperature of water ] when collected (xidati r litre than is demanded by the law of gas-absorption. I tried to account for the apparent anomaly in a variety of ways, and at last was led to suspect that it may be the result of observational errors. Take, for instance, the first three entries in Table XV., that is, the three most striking cases. We have Water No., .... 386 1367 387 Station, ..... 153 301 153 + Tcmjierature of water when collected (tQ), . - 0°7 15°-5 + 0°7 Oxygen per litre found = a, 8-26 6-12 7-27 Oxygen „ calculated = b, . 8-33 578 8-03 Oxygen „ calculated from N2 found = c, 8-04 5-92 7-13 (fc-a)- .... . +0-07 -0-34 + 076 (c-a)- .... . -0-22 -0-20 - 074 We need only assume that the values for oxygen found, and those calculated from quantities of nitrogen found , are wrong, the one by + the other by TOTF °f If8 value, and c — a (i.e., the oxygen deficit as reported in the table) would be wrong by 0-16 0 12 0T4 Supposing these errors to have been committed, the residual oxygen deficits are not worth discussing. It is worth while to note, in passing, that the differences b—a, i.e., the excess of the oxygen calculated from the observed temperature t0, and the assumed (dry) pressure •• f 760 mm., over the oxygen found, in two out of our three cases, has a positive value. I><>. - the law of gan -absorption really hold for the ocean, in the circumstances prevail- ing at its surface ? I do not know whether it does or not. Imagine a mass of ocean- water in a state of incomplete saturation with air. It is in contact with a constantly renewed atmosphere, consisting always of very nearly 21 per cent, of oxygen and 79 per cent, of nitrogen gas. Will the successive instalments of oxygen^ and nitrogen q2 be in the • \ -.i t. ratios of <7j = 0‘21 /?, to 72 = 0'79 ft2 • It is not possible that at any stage short of absolutely complete SBturati n U.« enforced by repeated shaking with air, which is renewed °»>ly «ft«T it has come to a state of absorptiometric equilibrium with the water it is being shaken with, say the oxygen, in virtue of a specifically strong affinity for sea-water, * ? up in a preponderating proportion? It was this consideration chiefly which caused me to re -discuss the results of the water-gas analyses on their own basis, inde- REPOET ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 189 penclently of my laboratory experiments. Thinking that of the several data of the analyses the relative volumes of oxygen and nitrogen (the values and n2) were more exactly deter- mined than the absolute volumes of the two gases, I tabulated all the values nx found along with the corresponding observed temperatures ; and then, for easier comj)arison, reduced the several results to the nearest of the temperatures 0°, 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, 30°, by y\ • o assuming my value for — -To hold good. This led to the following Table XVI., in which At Column I. gives the number of the water analysed. Column II. its natural temperature, t0. Column III. the temperature t to which the value for n j found was reduced by means of Table IX. page 175. Column IV. the value for nx thus corrected. Table XVI. Surface-Water Gases. Values of Ui found for t0 reduced to assumed temperatures t. I. No. of Water. 11. t0. III. t. IV, 100 ? iv at t. I. No. of Water. II. u III. t. IV. 100 at t. 386 - 0°'7 5 34-99 1510 21-0 20 33-22 389 - 1-7 0 34-20 977 21-7 20 33-16 3S6 0-4 0 34-18 512 21-9 20 33-03 [417 7-2 5 34-081 1683 22-5 20 32-90 1271 11-9 10 35 -10" 949 17-9 20 30-40 1287 12-5 10 34-03 990 23-9 25 33-51 [417 7-2 10 33-92] 581 26-4 25 33-38 1272 11-8 10 33-85 1687 22-8 25 33-26 1424 9-4 10 33-00 1590 25-1 25 33-21 1367 15-5 15 34-68 682 26-9 25 33-17 1375 13-9 15 34-41 1004 24-4 25 33-17 1366 15-5 15 34-38 1176 24-2 25 32-95 1374 14-2 15 34-23 1573 25-1 25 32-95 1462 14-2 15 34-23 572 25-0 25 32-85 * 1314 13-6 15 34-06 557 26-7 25 32-77 1301 14-7 15 34-03 528 25-5 25 32-78 1364 16-5 15 34-00 1003 24-0 25 32-77 1378 12-7 15 33-88 1187 22-9 25 32 70 471 15-6 15 33-49 515 24-5 25 32-70 486 14-0 15 33-21 817 25-8 25 32-66 1342 16-9 15 29-93 532 25-1 25 32-35 926 21-9 20 34-46 645 28-6 30 33-07 1211 19-5 20 34-04 612 28-3 30 33-02 1514 18-4 20 34-02 638 29-4 30 32-87 910 2P7 20 33-82 1629 27-9 30 32-S6 976 20-6 20 33-59 602 27-9 30 32-84 1508 20-0 20 33-52 700 27-8 30 32-71 826 21-8 20 33-46 761 28-7 30 32-54 836 20-8 20 33-33 722 28-6 30 32-30 1212 18-9 20 33-32 759 28-6 30 32-16 1699 20-5 20 33-28 * «> J THE VOYAGE OF TT.M.S. CHALLENGER, .HsV following diagram gives the temperatures t as abscissae, and the several values i lveisterod in the table as dots on the respective ordinates. The straight line >resents the relation M.JS34-4-0-0IUK u..' brought ont by my laboratory experiments. Assuming it to be reasonable to ■■■■■■*■■■■■■■■■■■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMB1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a ■■■■■flBaiaaBiBaiiBiiBiiaaaiaaflBiiiiiaHB IBflBBfllBBBBBBBBBBIIBflBBBBBBMBBnHMHBH BflBBBBBBBBBBBflBBBBBBBflBBBBBBnBIBBBBHIHBBI BIBBBBIBBBBBBBflllBBBBIflBIIIMIIBIIIIHM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI BBBBIBIIBlIBBIflllBBBIIIHNIillllHIIllllll REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 191 search for an equation n1=f (t), which would sum up the values n, brought out by the gas analyses, curve B is one approximation, and curve C another to this function. Either curve is given for what it is worth. My interpretation of the diagram is that, while at low temperatures (up to about 15°) the processes of oxidation which go on in the water are too slow to interfere materially with the establishment of absorptiometric equilibrium, they do so more and more markedly at higher temperatures. Assuming the curve BB, in a rough sense at least, to represent the average state of matters, I have selected a number of exceptionally high and low values found for the amount of absorbed oxygen, and traced the samples to their place of collection, as shown in Table XVIL Table XVII. Showing the position whence Samples ivere obtained which gave exceptionally High and Low Values of nx. High Values of nv No. of Water. L n1 for t. Station. | Geographical Position. 1271 11-9 35-10 10 292 40° W. of Valparaiso. 1367 15-5 34-68 15 301 Lat. 37-1° S. About 12° W. of coast of Chili. 926 21-9 34-46 20 247+ Midway between San Francisco and Yeddo. 990 23-9 33-51 25 255+ North Pacific. Long. 155° W., lat. 32° N. Low' Values of n^ 1424 9-4 33-0 10 309 Lat. 60° S. Close to west coast of South America. 471 15-6 33-49 15 165b About 10° E.S.E. of Sydney. 486 14-0 33-21 15 168+ ,, 1° E. of North New Zealand. 1342 16-9 29-93 15 299 ,, 7° Wr. of Valparaiso. 512 21-9 33-03 20 171a ,, 34° E. of Brisbane. 1683 22-5 32-90 20 352+ North Atlantic. Somewhere about the Cape Verde Islands. 977 . 21-7 33-16 20 253+ About 34° W. of San Francisco. 949 17-9 30-40 20 251 >, 42 ,, ,, 1003 24-0 32-77 25 256+ North Pacific. About long. 155° W., lat. 30° N. 528 25-5 32-78 25 176 About 4° W. of Fiji Islands. 1187 22-9 32-70 25 282 South Pacific. Lat. 23° S., long. 150° W. 515 24-5 32-70 25 172 7° S.E. of Fiji Islands. 817 25-8 32-66 25 229- About 15° S. of Yeddo. 532 25T 32-35 25 177 South Pacific. Near New Hebrides. 761 28-7 32-54 30 223 North Pacific. Long. 145° E., lat. 6" N. 722 28-6 32-30 30 218 About 3° N. of Humboldt Island. 759 28-6 32-16 . 30 222+ 33 U 33 33 The four high values for nu as we see, all belong to places in the Pacific, far away from the land. This is all that I am able to see. 192 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. The nitrogen contained in a litre of surface water always tends to assume the value 1000 Xfij, corresponding to the prevailing temperature t0. This suggested to me the calculation of the following Table XVIII., which reads as follows : — Column I. gives the number of the water analysed. Column II. its natural temperature, tQ. Column III. as t the one of the values 0°, 5°, 10°, &c., which is nearest to t0. Column IV. the volume of nitrogen (in c.c. reduced to 0° and 760 mm.) found in 1 litre of the water at t0) corrected up or down to t by means of Table IX., page 175, on the assumption that, for the same interval of temperature, A (the volume of nitrogen per litre) is the same as the A (1000Xn2) of Table IX. Table XVIII. The Quantity of Nitrogen in Surface- Waters reduced to certain fixed Temperatures. I. | No. of i Water. IL III. t. IV. Nitrogen found at t0 degrees re- duced to t degrees. V. Nitrogen calculated for t degrees. I. No. of Water. II. • III. t. IV. Nitrogen found at t0 degrees re- duced to t degrees. V. N itrogen calculated, for t degrees. 396 0*4 o 0 13-88 15-60 1510 2 To o 20 9-96 10-41 389 -1*7 0 1411 15-60 1508 200 20 10-08 10-41 386 -0-7 0 1504 15-60 1699 20-5 20 10-34 10-41 417 7 2 ft 13-68 13-86 977 21-7 20 10-38 10-41 1272 11*8 10 1014 12-47 1683 22-5 20 10-65 10-41 1271 11-9 10 11-97 12-47 682 26-9 25 8-22 9-62 1424 94 10 12-71 12-47 990 23-9 25 8-54 9-62 1987 125 10 12-74 12-47 1187 22-9 25 8-72 9-62 1378 12-7 15 10-26 11-34 1004 24-4 25 8-87 9-62 1374 14-2 1ft 10-35 11-34 528 25-5 25 8-90 9-62 1462 14-2 1ft 1056 11-34 817 25-8 25 9-09 9-62 137ft 13-9 15 10-91 11-34 581 26-4 25 9-11 9-62 486 140 1ft 10-92 11-34 557 26-7 25 913 9-62 471 lft-6 15 11-34 11-34 1003 24-0 25 915 9-62 1314 13-6 1ft 11-44 11-34 1176 24-2 25 9-20 9-62 | 1364 165 1ft 11-54 11-34 1687 22-8 25 9-30 9-62 1367 lft-ft 15 11-64 11-34 532 25 1 25 9-48 9-62 1342 16-9 1ft 11-70 11-34 1590 25-1 25 9-53 9-62 1366 lft-ft 15 11-90 11-34 1573 25-1 25 10-03 9-G2 1301 14-7 1ft 12-44 11-34 572 250 25 1003 9-62 1212 18-9 20 8-34 10-41 761 28-9 30 8-13 8-94 926 219 20 853 10-41 722 28-6 30 8-33 8-94 826 21-8 20 9-39 10-41 602 27-9 30 8-51 8-94 1211 19-5 20 9-71 10-41 700 27-8 30 8-58 8-94 512 21*9 20 9-71 10-41 759 28-6 30 8-95 8-94 836 20-8 20 9-86 10-41 638 29-4 30 8-97 8-94 1514 18-4 20 9 89 10-41 1629 27-9 30 9-08 8-94 910 21-7 20 9-99 10-41 612 28-3 30 9-47 8-94 .REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 193 Column V. gives the value 1000 \n2,i.e., the volume (in c.c. reduced to 0° and 760 mm.) of nitrogen, which 1 litre of sea-water, according to my experiments, absorbs when saturated with a very large volume of air at t degrees and 760 mm. dry-air pressure. For an exact comparison, the values in Column IV. ought to have been corrected for the deviation of the existing dry-air pressure from 760 mm., but I had not the necessary barometric observations, and therefore took the values (Column IV.) as they stand. In each group for a given temperature (t), the values (Column IV.) are arranged according to their magnitude. Diagram p. 194 is to Table XVIII. what diagram p. 190 is to Table XVI. Curve A, A, A, corresponds to the function from which the values \n2 on Table IX. were calcu- lated; curve A, B, B, B, is an approximation to the function which the water gas-analyses tend to establish, the dots registering the individual observations. At 15° the observed values of nitrogen tend to be higher ; at 20°, 25°, 30° they are, on the whole, lower than the values corresponding to complete saturation by air. Gases from Waters not Surface- Waters. I treat the intermediate along with the bottom waters, because I have not been able to discover anything in the results which is characteristic of bottom-waters as such. The mode I adopted for manipulating these is founded upon the obvious proposition that water from any depth must have obtained its oxygen and nitrogen from the surface, and consequently, gasometrically speaking, may be viewed as a sea- water saturated completely with air under 760 mm. dry-air pressure at some temperature tx different in general from its temperature t0 in situ. I accordingly calculated from the quantity of nitrogen (per litre) found (for t0) the temperature tx at which that volume of nitrogen would have been absorbed under 760 mm. from air, and then, by means of my table of values of ~ calculated the volume of oxygen which, in the imaginary surface absorption, would have accompanied the nitrogen found. On Tables XII. and XIII. these calculated volumes of oxygen are entered as (02)1 — in Column IX. and in Column VIII. respectively. The next column in either table gives the “ oxygen deficits ” — (02)1 minus (02) found. In the following Table XIX., the oxygen deficits from both Tables XII. and XIII. are arranged according to their magnitudes in Column V. ; Column I. gives the number of the water (enclosed in brackets when it is a bottom -water) ; Column II. the Station whence it was obtained ; Column III. the depth $ at which the water was collected ; Column IV. its natural temperature t0. A glance at Tables XII. and XIII. shows that the calculated temperatures are in the overwhelming majority of cases higher than the observed temperatures t0. Table XIX. shows that small oxygen deficits occur more frequently in waters from small depths, and that these deficits in waters from great depths sometimes assume very considerable (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. — PART I. — 1884.) A 25 CHALLENGE]' THE VOYAGE OF ■■■ m ■■■■■■■■■■■ I ■BSBSaBBBiBBBBBBflRflBBBflfeBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBRHBBBHRffifflaBBnBBBBRBRnB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrbbbbbwbbbbbbhibbbbbbbbbbbbhbbb JimilBlIBBIBBBBBBBBBBHaMBBBMMMMMBHBMBMHMMHI ^■■■■■■■■BBBNnBBBBBRBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBaiBBBBBBBBBUnBBliT ;:. ■^BEBBBBBIBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBB ■■^BBBBBKIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBnBaBBBBBBHHBBnBBBB ■ ■k'SNBEBBBBBBBEBBBBHBBnBBBBBBninBBBaBI9BBBBESH»KBBiB^iHEaiflHIBBBBB TIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBBBOBBBBBiaBBBSBnBHUBBBnBHKiSBBBBBB ■BBan^RBBBBBBBBBBBBBUBBaiiBBBBBBRBEIBBBBBBBBBHBaHBB^SaBBBBBBBBBI ■ BBBBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBflBBEBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBBBBi! BBBBaB^BflaBBRBIVflBBBBBBBnBBBSSBIEBBBRBSBBBBBBHBEflliiBHflEiBBliiHBBE ■ ■BHBBBanaBBBRBBBBBBBBBflBBBHBBBBBBiSBflnBBBBBBBBBBaiHBflliBBIBHBBI ■ BBBBBB^BBBigBiBiiBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiHBBBBBBBBBBBBl ^^^HHHMH»EBRBBBaBBIBBaBBRBBEBBflBBBBBHQnflaBHBBBnnHBBM -if^cpsriresisnwn jK2f-‘f-aR®ry:.-nr:;n,annnpnESiaEBE30HBBBiaiBl r 1 .Kb^BBnannB I rHBIHBBIl»HEGia| U^RBBBBBBf'RBBBBBRBBBBflBRBBBBBBBflBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBEHIBeii^BBl SBBnBBBBBB'SBBBBBBBBBBBlIBBRBBBRBBBBBBBRflBflBBBBfilSIGSBBBBBEIIBBHBBB {■BBBBBBBBBk'BBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBDKflnBDBBiaBBBHBaBBBBBBBHBaiBiB ■ BBBBBEPCBCB^BBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUBBaBBBBBBBBilllBBB flBRBBBBBBBRlBBRBBBBBBBBBBBEiBBRBB|BBBBBBBBBBflBBBBflBflBflflBflBBB BBBBBBBBIIBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBHHBBBBBBBBBBB I^^^^^^mbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbbbbbbbbbbb ■sBflH*«BflflBBBBRBBBBB9linBBBRH!91BHBBBBBEH!HllEBBBISIHfflBBHflBflB BBBBBEBBBBRBBBK'BBBBBBRflBBBRBBflBBBBBBBEBBflBBBBBBBBBflBBBflflflflBI mBBBBBBnBBBRBBilBBBBBBBBBBanaBBHBBBEllHBBBRBBRSRUaHBnnHBiBBBBBBI W^BBflBnSBBBBBBE^aBBBBflBBHBHBflBBBBERRflflBBBBBS^BBIBaBBBaHEHHBBBBL ■ BBBBBBBBRBIBBBBk BBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiaiBBBBBSEIBSiBBHIBBBBflBBBBB ■ BBBRBEBBIBBBBBBB.'f the “alkalinity. 1 he problem was subsequently solved in a surprisingly simple manner by the chemists of the Norwegian Expedition.* 1 lost no time in testing their method by synthetical trials, and finding it trustworthy, applied it to 154 samples of < h.tlb nger water. I hey all proved to be alkaline, but the mean value corresponded only 54*7 milligrams of carbonic acid (Co, present as RaCO.,) per kilogram of sea- water, which showed that my complete analyses had considerably over-estimated the lus base. I refer to my memoir in regard to the manner in which I utilised my * TU Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition, 1870 to 1878 ; Chemistry by Tornjle, Christiania, page 31. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 203 alkalinity determinations in the final adjustment of my numbers for the average composi- tion of ocean-water salts, as deduced originally from the 7 7 complete analyses ; but I must not omit to state that in this final calculation the values for the lime were taken, not from those analyses, but from the results of a later series of more exact deter- minations made with three mixtures of Challenger waters representative of certain ranges of depth; namely, a mixture (I.) for depths from 0 to 50 fathoms; a mixture (II.) for depths from 300 to 1000 fathoms ; a mixture (III.) for depths from 1500 fathoms and more. As shallow shore waters do not occur in the series of Challenger samples, I also analysed, as No. IV., a water which had been collected for me near Port Louis in Arran, Scot- land, at a shallow place where there is abundance of marine vegetation. The same set of four waters had before served for an elaborate research on the relative quantity of bromine in ocean-water salts. From the 77 complete analyses, as thus corrected and supplemented, I calculated the following numbers for the average composition of ocean-water salts. The numbers under Forchhammer are transcribed from his memoir. Average Composition of Ocean- Water Salts. Per 100 parts of Total Salts. Per 100 of Halogen calculated as Chlorine. Dittmar. Dittmar. Forchhammer. Chlorine, ..... 55-292 ) 99-848 Not determined. Bromine, ..... 0-1884 j 0-3402 Not determined. Sulphuric Acid, S03, 6-410 11-576 11-88 Carbonic Acid, C02, . 0152 0-2742 Not determined. Lime, CaO, ..... 1-676 3-026 2-93 Magnesia, MgO, .... 6-209 11-212 11-03 Potash, KnO, .... 1-332 2-405 1-93 Soda, Na20, ..... 41-234 74-462 Not determined. (Basic Oxygen equivalent to the Halogens), . (- 12-493) Total Salts, 100-000 180-584 181-1 * Equal conjointly to 55 376 parts of chlorine, which accordingly is the percentage ol “halogen reckoned a: chlorine ” in the real total solids. Compare second footnote on page 138. *204 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Combining Acids and Bases in the ( arbitrary ) mode * shown, we have from my Numbers — Chloride of Sodium, 77-758 Chloride of Magnesium, 10-878 Sulphate of Magnesium, 4-737 Sulphate of Lime, 3-600 Sulphate of Potash, 2-465 Bromide of Magnesium, 0-217 Carbonate of Lime, 0-345 Total Salts, 100-000 As a general result of Forchhammer’s and my own analyses, the above numbers mat/ be taken as holding approximately for any sample of ocean-ivater. Of the degree of approximation we can form an idea by comparing my numbers for the percentages of chlorine, sulphuric acid, magnesia, and potash, with the corresponding entries in the 77 reports tabulated on pages 23 to 25, and the numbers for the lime there with one another. The percentages of soda being too largely affected by the cumulative error of the other determinations, had better be left out of consideration. But even if we do so, we often meet with fluctuations which are too great to be taken as arising from analytical errors, and consequently must correspond to differences in the actual composition. I have taken great pains in trying to explain these differences by natural causes, but have not been very successful. The final results of my inquiries may be summed up as follows : — From my analyses (which I do not pretend exhaust the subject), it would appear that the comp<».-it i« m of >.-n-watrr salt is independent of the latitude and longitude whence the sample is taken. Nor can we trace any influence of the depth from which the sample comes, if we confine ourselves to the ratio to one another of chlorine, sulphuric acid, magnesia, potash, and bromine. I emphasise the bromine b. i-ausi*, while present in very small proportion, it is taken up preferably by sea- plants, and consequently must be presumed to be more liable than any of the major • 'om]»oncnts to at least temporary local diminution. And yet my analyses of the three mixtures ..f Challenger waters, and <>f the Arran water referred to, gave identical values f-r tin- bromine present per 100 of chlorine. But the determinations of the lime in the • inie -'-t of waters make it most highly probable that the proportion of this component it ■ r* f - with the depth. Referring to 100 parts of halogen calculated as chlorine, we find for the quantity of lime : — • Tho ro«lr here eho*>n differ* •omcwluit from tin- one I adopted on page 138, which represents the carbonic acid aa f ; .T, > > Neither*. in claim to I *• the tru>- mode ; hut I now thiuk the one chosen here is the more accurate. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 205 In deep-sea waters — Mixture III., In surface waters — Mixture I., Difference, In medium depth waters- Mixture II., In surface waters, Difference, 3-0307 3-0175 0-0132 3-0300 3-0175 0-0125 and either of the two differences is five to six times as great as even the absolute sum of the probable errors of the respective two terms. A discussion of the quantities of lime brought out by the 77 analyses had given a similar result, but exaggerated the difference between deep-sea on the one hand and shallow or medium depth on the other. But there can be no doubt that, if I had applied even as exact a method in the 77 analyses as I did subsequently in the special investigation on the lime, I should have arrived at a greater difference than 0'013 between certain individual samples. The result under discussion received a valuable confirmation from the alkalinity determinations to which I had occasion to refer above. Following the example of the Norwegian chemists, I measured the surplus base (i.e., the base left unsaturated by the sulphuric and hydrochloric acid) by the weight of carbonic acid (C02) which it would need to convert it into normal carbonate, and referred it to 1 litre of water analysed. But it struck me that in discussing any series of such determinations, they must be referred to a constant salinity, and I accordingly reduced all my numbers to 100 parts of total salts or 5 5 '42 of halogen counted as chlorine; so that with me “alkalinity,” as designating a quantity, means “the weight of carbonic acid (C02) present as normal carbonate (i.e., in forms similar to carbonate of lime) in every 100 parts of total salts,” which, on an average of 130 cases, and if the number of parts by weight of carbonic acid be taken in grams, corresponds to 2 "7 8 litres. Omitting a number of abnormally high or low values, and a few suspected analyses, which left 130 cases for discussion, I found the alkalinity in the whole set to range substantially from 0T40 to 0T64, and then, confining myself to “surface” waters (meaning waters from depths not exceeding 100 fathoms) and bottom waters, and referring on both sides to 100 samples, I found that alkalinities from 0T40 to 0T48 occur preferably in surface waters, while from 0T48 to 0T60 the bottom waters were in the majority. From a graphic representation * showing the frequency of occur- rence of certain narrow ranges of alkalinity, I concluded that the most frequently occurring value is 0-146 ± 0-002 0-152 + 0-003 Eor surface waters, . Eor bottom waters, . * See diagram on p. 130. •20G THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER which values may be adopted, 'provisionally, for the two kinds of ocean-water. In ti ft . 11 rases 1 was in a position to compare with one another the alkalinity of a surface water and the bottom water at the same Station. In two cases the balance was in favour ..f the surface water, the numbers being 0*015 and 0*010 respectively; in one case tin- difference was nil; in the remaining twelve cases it was in favour of the bottom w it' r, the differences ranging from 0*002 to 0*019. According to the above two averages tin alkalinity of bottom water exceeds that of surface water by 0*006, meaning of course 0*006 grams of carbonic acid per 100 grams of total salts, or 0*014 grams of lime CaO per 1 00 of chlorine, if we assume the increase in alkalinity to be owing to additional lime. My determinations of the lime, as stated, had shown the presence of 0*013 grams of extra lime in deep-sea as compared with shallow waters. The closeness of the agreement is of course accidental. That the surplus base in a sea- water is not owing entirely to car- bonate of lime is too obvious to be specially pointed out. In sea- water (as in any mixed salt solution) each base is combined with each acid, and as there are four acids and four bases there must be sixteen salts, the individual percentages of which we have no means of determining. But there are reasons for assuming that the carbonic acid being a feeble acid, is combined chiefly with the weakest bases, and consequently chiefly with the magnesia, and in the second instance with the lime. So we should say, if the arrangement of the bases and acids into salts were a mere matter of tendency to form simple salts. But magnesium has a characteristic tendency to form double chlorides with potassium and sodium, and there is superabundance of chloride of sodium in sea- water. Hence, probably, most of the magnesium is not there as carbonate but as double 8odio-chloride, and the lime takes the greater share of the carbonic acid. The alkalinity in any case represents the potential, and may fairly be presumed to measure approximately the actual, carbonate of lime. This is the only answer to that often raised question about the presence of ready-formed carbonate of lime in sea-water, which some chemists, who at the time must have deliberately shut their eyes to the established propositions of chemistry, have endeavoured to solve by direct experiment. Supposing actual carbonate of lime could be extracted from sea- water without the co- ■ p. ration of external matter (I greatly doubt whether this has ever been done), the weight of -iu Ii extracted carbonate of lime could not reasonably be assumed to be equal t<» that which was originally present in the water. Sea-water is alkaline, all the alkalinity must be "wing to carbonates, and of these carbonate of lime must be one. This is, and for a time is likely to be, the sum total of our knowledge on this point. h> n I .-aid that the alkalinities in the samples considered ranged on the whole from 01 40 to 0*164, I meant to hint that these limits do not embrace even all the 130 cases admitted for the general discussion. Less values than 0*140, it is true, do not occur; but th- r< an -ven cases in which the alkalinity was decidedly greater than 0*164, as show'll in tie- following table, in which tie- column gives the Challenger number of REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 207 the respective sample, the fourth names the Station, and the fifth gives further geographical notes. “ B ” in Column II. means that the sample came from the bottom. I. | No. II. Depth if not B. III. Alkalinity per 100 of Solids. IV. Station. V. 586 B. 0T707 191a All these waters came from that archipelago north 596 B. 0-1693 193 of Australia, and the Stations lie within the 616 50 fathoms 0-2079 198 latitudes 5° S. and 18° N., and the longitudes 656 B. 0-1701 206 J 117° E. and 135° E. 205 B. 0-1617 97 < Atlantic, 11° N., 5° west of coast of Africa. Southern Indian Ocean, 378 B. 0-1731 152 < latitude 61° S., longi- ( tude of Madras, j North Pacific, latitude 35° N., 11° east of Yeddo, I J apan. 878 300 fathoms. 0-1888 210 The very alkaline water No. 616 came from a point close to Celebes, in the Molucca Passage. Of the few anomalous alkalinities which were excluded from the general discussion, those in which the abnormal results could be accounted for by an abnormal condition of the samples (generally the presence in the bottle of mud or other kind of ocean-deposit) may well be passed over. If we do so there remain only two cases, which however are very interesting ; I refer to the two following samples : No. 5, a surface water from Station 2, North Atlantic, near the Canary Islands; and No. 31, a surface water from Station 12, about the middle of the ship’s track from the Canaries to the West Indies. The latter is one of the waters which had been completely analysed for chlorine, sulphuric acid, lime, magnesia, potash, and soda, long before the alkalinity was determined. Both samples had deposited in their respective bottles large quantities of crystalline matter, which exhibited the reactions of a mixture of carbonates of lime and magnesia, and may have included sulphate of lime ; but I unfortunately neglected to test for sulphuric acid. In No. 5 the alkalinity per 100 of salts amounted to only Q'0756; but adding in that corresponding to the lime and magnesia in the deposit, on the supposition of its being all carbonate, I calculated that the original alkalinity must have had the high value 0'291, and the original lime must have amounted to 3'300 per 100 of chlorine instead of the 3 ‘026 brought out as a general mean by the 77 analyses which have been so frequently referred to. No. 31. There was not. enough of this water left for a satisfactory determination of the alkalinity by Torn0e’s method, and the calculation of the alkalinity from the complete TIIE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 208 analysis would bo of no value. From the analyses of the deposit and the water-remnant left, and the complete analysis previously made, I calculated that the original water should have contained, per 100 of chlorine, the quantities of lime and magnesia given below and contrasted with those present in average surface water, according to the 43 analyses quoted on pp. 30 and 31 — Lime. Magnesia. Water (No. 31) in its original condition by calculation, . . 3-496 11-163 A vemge surface or small-depth water, .... 3'018 11-203 Hence, taking 0T4G as corresponding to ordinary surface-waters, I calculate for the surplus alkalinity 0T779, which, together with the normal value 0-146, gives 0’324 per 100 of salts for the original water. The calculations which led to these high values for Nos. 5 and 31, do not, it is true, rest upon a perfectly secure basis; but I believe the r* -suit s arc approximately eorrect, and besides the high number 0'2079, which was found quite directly for the normal water, No. 616 is beyond suspicion. I have no doubt that far higher alkalinities than even 0'33 occur locally in many parts of the ocean, wherever there is abundance of carbonic acid and of carbonate of lime or magnesia at the same time. To obtain some insight into the possible extreme limit, I took a sea- water whose alkalinity was 50’2 milligrams per litre, the surplus base being present substantially as bicarbonate, and after having saturated it with carbonic acid, I digested it, in one case with carbonate of lime, in another with carbonate of magnesia. The filtered liquors showed immense alkalinities, the increase being Lime. Magnesia. Increase of alkalinity, . . 314-2 mgrms. per litre, 1234-0 iugrms. per litre. A similar set of trials with the natural water gave, in the case of magnesia, an increase in alkalinity of 106 ; in the case of lime there was a decrease of 3’2 milligrams p'-r litre.* The decrease of alkalinity caused by the addition of carbonate of lime is difficult to explain. Perhaps it is, only the outcome of an observational error; but in any case my experiments show that it would be quite possible for the alkalinity to increase beyond the maxima that occurred in the 130 samples. It is very curious that in my experiments with sea-water saturated with carbonic acid, carbonate <*f magic -ia proved far more abundantly soluble than carbonate of lime. My explana- tion i- that a considerable portion of the magnesia, immediately after having been dissolved by the carl ionic acid, suffered double decomposition by the large mass of chloride •dium present, with formation of carbonate of soda and a double chloride of sodium and magnesium ; so that for this part of the process a very small proportion of free or • ■■ unbilled carbonic acid would have sufficed, as it always comes back in the reaction, whi< h I nup|M,*c to go on, as an equivalent quant ity of bicarbonate of soda. The tendency of magnesium to form such double salt- explains how those Challenger waters deposited Compart- page 131. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 200 tlieir large excess of surplus base, as carbonate of lime and not as carbonate of magnesia, although the latter is the weaker and more abundant base. Reference may here be made to certain observations of Sterry Hunt’s, which he made in the course of his experiments on the formation of dolomites. He found that a litre of water, containing 3 to 4 grams of sulphate of magnesia, can dissolve 1 '2 grams of carbonate of lime, and in addition thereto 1 gram of carbonate of magnesia, forming a strongly alkaline solution, which, on long standing, deposits the whole of its lime as crystals of hydrated carbonate (CaC03 5H20). Our hypothesis, that a small quantity of free carbonic acid in sea-water enables its chloride of sodium to dissolve carbonate of magnesia as a double chloride of magnesium and sodium, would explain the local prevalence in the sea of excessive alkalinity, without the assumption of the presence of any exceptional proportion of carbonic acid. But the presence of excess of carbonic acid, whether the sea be in contact with carbonate of lime or with carbonate of magnesia, strongly adds to its tendency towards an increase in the alkalinity. The question of alkalinity is, in fact, inseparable from that of the carbonic acid in ocean-water, to which we now turn. Carbonic Acid in Ocean- Water. At the time when the Challenger Expedition set out, it had long been known that sea- water does contain carbonic acid (it is obvious that such will be the case, because this gas will necessarily be absorbed along with the other gases of the atmosphere), but chemists generally were of opinion that this carbonic acid was present for the most part in a state of absorption. The presence of carbonates in sea-water would not have been denied by any chemist, the less as Bibra, as early as 1851, and others after him, had proved that it is alkaline to test paper ; but it had somehow come to be assumed that they were present only in minute quantities. This general impression is well illustrated by the attitude taken up in regard to this question by Jacobsen, the chemist to the German North Sea Expedition * (who has done so much towards rendering our knowledge of chemical oceanography more definite), and subsequently by Mr. Buchanan. Jacobsen found that while the dissolved nitrogen and oxygen could easily be expelled from sea-water by boiling in “vacuo,” the carbonic acid most tenaciously clung to the water. On the other hand, he found that the carbonic acid is driven out com- pletely when the sea-water (without any addition of reagents) is distilled nearly to dry- ness. His explanation of these facts was that the carbonic acid was combined chemically, or semi-chemically, with the chloride of magnesium in the sea-water. Mere boiling (without sensible evaporation) has no effect upon this quasi- compound ;j * Annctlen cler Chemie (for 1873), Bd. clxvii. p. 1. + According to an experiment of my own, almost all the carbonic acid of a sea-water is expelled without evapora- tion, if it is being boiled in a current of ail which takes away the gas as quickly as it is liberated. See page 115, third paragraph. (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PART I. 1884.) A 27 210 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. •list illation nearly to dryness decomposes it. Mr. Buchanan adopted the views of this hiudi authority ; hut, as a series of experiments of his own had led him to the conclusion that thr sulphates in the water are amongst the substances to which the carbonic acid adlnTi s, he subsequently, in his numerous carbonic acid determinations during the cruise, always expelled this component by distillation nearly to dryness with chloride of barium* When some years ago my attention was directed to the matter, I adopted Buchanan’s views as probably correct, and continued to hold them until the results of my first instalment of complete sea-water analyses (vide supra) led me to take a different view of the matter. These analyses, as already stated (on page 202), brought out a very appreciable propor- tion of base combined with carbonic acid, and although they did so, as I subsequently found, chiefly through an over-estimation of the soda, the fact, in a qualitative sense, was established beyond doubt by an independent method. But all this does not detract from the great merit of Torndc in having been the first to prove, by a long series of com- bined determinations of alkalinity and carbonic acid in sea- waters, that -the carbonic acid in those irate rs at least was present as bicarbonate, in general more or less incompletely saturated. After this discovery Jacobsen’s and Buchanan’s observations are easily explained. The fact that bicarbonates, being real compounds, are slow in giving up their surplus carbonic acid is evident, and if all their carbonic acid is given off on distillation nearly to dryness, this, I submit, is the effect of a slowly progressing decomposition of the hydrated chloride of magnesium into magnesia and hydrochloric acid, which latter • xpels all the carbonic acid. And if Buchanan found that in the distillation of a sea- water addition of chloride of barium accelerates the liberation of the carbonic acid, this obviously arises from the fact that this reagent decomposes the normal carbonate in the bicarbonate into carbonate of baryta and chlorides of the respective basilous metals. But why did Buchanan always obtain far less carbonic acid per litre than Jacob en had obtained ? Why did not the decomposition of the chloride of magnesium bring about the decomposition of his carbonate of baryta as it had disposed of Jacobsen’s original sea- wute r carbonates ? This would be a difficult question to answer if we did not know from experiments of Rose’s that a mixed precipitate of sulphate and carbonate of baryta is only tv>ry xlmrhj attacked by dilute hydrochloric acid. In the course of one of my critical experiments on Buchanan’s method I once, by mistake, added a quantity of chloride of barium insufficient to bring down all the -ulphuric acid. The carbonic acid eliminated on distillation increased beyond what was obtained in experiments with excess of reagent. The chloride of barium in this case had b* • n -ubstantially decomposed by the sulphates, and thus been prevented to a great extent fr .m acting »>n the carbonates <»f the water, which thus (to this extent) were exposed to the influence of the chloride of magnesium. * Sro note liy Sir Duchnnun at the cnetween 18° and 21° C. 1 am aware that this part of my work lacks the degree of precision which would be desirable for my present train of reasoning. But I had not the time to embark in the far more clal»orate investigation which would have been desirable. 1 have, however, quite lately resumed the matter on a new basis, and hope before long to be able to formulate the exact conditions of stability in sea-water bi carbonates as they exist when dissolved in real .-ea- water, and amongst others t<> decide the question whether in this process they quite directly tend to become normal, and do not perhaps more directly gravitate towards the state of se-qui-carbonate. In the meantime we must reason on what data we have. tonsidering that at a temperature* of 18 to 21° C. the dissociation tension of the bicarbonate- in sea-water is 5 ten-thousandths of an atmosphere, at temperatures not differing by more than one or two degrees from 0° C., such as prevail in the arctic and antarctic circles, it is far more likely than not to fall below 3 ten-thousandths, which i" al*»ut the partial tension of the carbonic acid in the atmosphere. Admitting this, REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OE OCEAN-WATER. 213 and assuming the ocean at a given time everywhere contained its surplus base as sesqui-carbonate, then the water of the tropics would constantly give out carbonic acid to the atmosphere and tend to raise its 0-0003 atmosphere of carbonic acid pressure to the dissociation tension corresponding to the temperature. Passing now from the equator, either way, to colder and colder latitudes, this carbonic acid emis- sion becomes less and less intense, until, in a certain belt of temperature which prescribes to the dissociation tension the value 0‘0003, this emission becomes nil, and proceeding towards the pole to colder and colder latitudes, the water will take in carbonic acid at a greater and greater rate, and tend to convert its surplus base into fully saturated bicarbonate, which stage of saturation is the more likely to be reached the nearer we come to either pole. The number of equivalents of carbonic acid present for every one equivalent of surplus base would, in fact, be a function of the temperature of the water, or approximately of the latitude. But the actual relations are far more complicated : the excess of carbonic acid taken up in the polar regions is constantly being conveyed to warmer latitudes by7 the polar currents, to make up for loss of carbonic acid constantly suffered by the wTater there. It may be pointed out that, assuming (as we have tacitly done so far) there were no other source of carbonic acid than the atmosphere, the sea-water even in the arctic and antarctic circles could not contain more than traces of actually free carbonic acid in addition to fully saturated bicarbonate. According to Bunsen, one volume of even pure water of 0° 0., when shaken with excess of pure carbonic acid of 760 mms. dry gas pressure, absorbs only 1‘8 volumes of the gas (measured dry at 0° C. and 760 mms.). Even in the polar regions, the temperature of liquid sea-water never sinks by more than 2 or 3 degrees beloAv 0° C., hence the maximum proportion of carbonic acid which such polar sea-water could possibly take up from the atmosphere may be roughly estimated at 0‘0003 x 1800, or to '54 cubic centimetres, or about 1 milligram per litre of water. And supposing at a given place a larger proportion were produced by an influx of gas from below7, this excess of carbonic acid, over and above the 0‘5 c.c., would speedily diffuse out into the atmosphere. That there are supplies of carbonic acid in the ocean itself cannot be doubted. One of them is afforded by the decay of marine animals and plants ; but this supply, although very large, doubtless amounts to very little, wdien compared with the immense quantities supplied by the sub-marine volcanic carbonic acid springs which no doubt exist at the bottom of the sea as they do on dry land. It is w;ell known that carbonic acid is one of the most abundant after products of volcanic eruptions, and we have good evidence for supposing that volcanic eruptions frequently7 take place over the floor of the ocean. If wre nowhere see these springs coming up in the ocean as jets ot frothy carbonic- acid wrater, such as issue from the earth on dry land, this proves only that the springs do not happen to exist in any of the shallow7 places. And where they7 do exist at average ocean-depths they have no chance of becoming “ springs ” in the strictest sense of the 214 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. word. Under a pressure of from 1000 to 3000 fathoms of superincumbent sea- water, carbonic acid assumes the form of a very dense liquid, which, far from issuing forth into the water above, must be presumed to be only gradually washed away by the currents, and in this manner distributed throughout the ocean. But be this as it may, it is reason- able to suppose that in the depths of the ocean there must be numerous bodies of richly carbonated water, and it is interesting to search in the Challenger records for evidence of their existence. The analyses of the numerous samples of sea- water air which were extracted by Mr. Buchanan in the course of the cruise, may be referred to here. These gases must contain all the free carbonic acid in addition to part of the loosely combined carbonic acid of the bicarbonate which was present in the original water. I have collected a few cases, in which both the volume of total gas extracted from a litre of water and the percentage of carbonic acid in the gas assumed high values ; and for the convenience of the reader transcribe them from my memoir: — No. of Water. D 8 Carbonic Acid per 1009 2875 | 2850 11 '6 c.c. 1024 2225 11-5 „ 771 2325 13-5 „ 974 3125 14-3 „ 1096 2900 15-8 „ I) stands for the deptli of the sea at which the sample named in Column I. was taken; 8 for tie depth at which the .simple was collected. The last four entries refer to bottom waters. The carbonic acid is given in c.c. measured dry at 0° C. and 760 mms. pressure. These samples, as we see, all come from enormous depths, where the carbonic acid might most readily accumulate and assume an exceptionally high value ; and yet, own granting that the carbonic acid found in the boiled-out gas had all been in the water operated upon as free carbonic acid, its volume is less than 16 c.c. per litre, i.e., less than i J8ot^I = T}3^1 °f that which the water might have taken up under 1 atmo- sphere’s pressure from an atmosphere of the pure gas. Pa-sing now to the samples of sea-water which were analysed for carbonic acid by Mr. Buchanan during the cruise, we meet with only two samples which contain a note- worthy quantity <-f five carbonic acid in addition to bicarbonate ; but even these could !«• designated, “carbonic acid wati i only by unduly stretching the definition of the term. < M.vioudy the Challenger staff in collecting their samples of sea-water never happened to strike on one of the carbonic ar id springs, except perhaps when the samples No. 383 and 532 were collected ; it would have been remarkable if they had done so. I. ■ u- now proceed to a more detailed dcs, riplion of Mr. Buchanans carbonic acid determinations, as transcribed from his journal on pages 119 to 123 of the memoir. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 215 Since the Norwegian method of alkalinity determination was not invented before the setting out of the Challenger Expedition, only those 27 of Mr. Buchanan’s 195 samples which appear in my list of alkalinities are susceptible of a precise interpretation. The following table gives : — The Loose Carbonic Acid in 27 Challenger Waters , as determined by Mr. Buchanan in the freshly drawn samples by his own method , contrasted with the alkalinity according to Dittmar. In Column I. bottom waters are designated by a “ B,” surface waters by an £i S” ; for intermediate waters the depth in fathoms whence the water came is given. Column V. , under “ C02-deficit,” gives the weight of supplementary carbonic acid which the carbonate present in a litre of water requires to become bicarbonate. A negative deficit, of course, means an excess of carbonic acid present over and above that combined in the bicarbonate. C02 present per litre C02 Deficit. s. Chall. No. as R2C0.3. Besides. Dittmar. Buchanan. B. 21 55-9 40-0 15-9 B. 66 55-5 57-0 -1-5 B. 120 55-0 4-7-2 ■ 7-8 S. 265 57'2 59-1 -1-9 1000 283 53-2 55-6 -2-4 B. 353 58-2 5.9-5 - 1-3 B. 378 61-6 67-9 -6-3 B. 383 53-9 95-9 -42-0 ( Corrected by C02 ( in boiled-out air. B. [556] 57-4 43-4 14-0 400 594 53-6 40-0 13-6 B.: 791 55 T 31-2 23-9 B. 912 54'6 35-3 19-3 B. 1221 57T 45-6 11-5 B. 1300 54-4 47-5 6-9 50 678 51-9 29-8 22-1 B. 1270 54-0 46-4 7-6 B. 1313 53-8 44-7 9-1 50 1356 5D6 50-4 1-2 B. 1388 56-4 55-6 0-8 B. 1405 51-7 45-1 6-6 B. 1438 51T 51-2 -o-i B. 1494 54-8 43-0 11-8 S. 1573 54-2 34-8 19-4 S. 1581 55-0 38-2 16-8 s. 1687 54-5 37-3 17-2 B (1) 1697 55-8 36-8 19-0 400 1707 52-9 38-7 14-2 216 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. .Y< — No. 2G5. — "Sample shaken with air, so as to saturate it at 22°-8 C.” (J. Y. B.). This, according to my laboratory experiments, as above referred to, would remove carbonic acid even from :t water of the eomposition given in the table, and as the water even after having been thus manipu- late.1 apparently contained fully saturated bicarbonate, it should originally have contained a very appreciable proportion of free carbonic acid. No. 3SJ. — “ Gases boiled out of water and 225 c.c. of remaining water distilled with BaCl2 as usual. Hence CO., in gas-tube must be added” (J. Y. B.). I have done so; without this correction the loose carbonic acid per litre would be 82‘9 mgrms. ; and the deficit, consequently, —29 0. No. 556. — “C03 and gases boiled out” was on the label of the bottle which came to me. Hence the alkalinity may to a slight extent be owing to dissolved glass, and the recorded value 57'4 be a little too high. Mr. Buchanan’s numbers for the “carbonic acid per litre,” even when taken in a purely empirical sense, i.e., as referring to the carbonic acid which actually was eliminated in the distillation, are, in my opinion, uncertain by about ±2 mgrms. Admitting this, the results are compatible with the following conclusions. Seven out of the 27 waters contained their surplus base substantially as unmixed bicarbonate. Five of these 7 waters came from the bottom or great depths, only 2 being from depths of 50 fathoms or less. Two of the 27 waters contained free carbonic acid in addition to bicarbonate. I n-fer to Nos. 378 and 383, both bottom waters. In No. 383 the actually free carbonic acid would appear to have amounted to 42 mgrms. per litre ! In 18 of the 27 waters the carbonic acid deficit has tangible positive values; they all contain their surplus base as a mixture of normal carbonate and bicarbonate. In regard to their depths they may be arranged as follows : — Surface. 50 Fathoms. 400 Fathoms. Bottom. 3 1 2 12. To pa-- now to the remaining 168 determinations of loose carbonic acid by Bucharian, f-ir which we have not the corresponding alkalini tics : — To be able to interpret them at all, W< must assume my average value of 54*7 for the alkalinity per litre to hold for them all, and we may well permit ourselves to use the approximate value 55. If w. do so it takes in each case 55 mgrms. of loose carbonic acid to produce bicarbonate, of tin- 168 waters under consideration only 15 yielded more than this limit proportion of ‘ o . ror arid, and two of the determinations (Nos. 114 and 497) are probably erroneous.* * v HI. > Mr. !;>i hnrwin w;i» lightly turlii.l with carbonate of lime. Hence the high carbonic acid (04 Mgiw*. jwr litas) which he (bund count* for nothing. It i- «urc to have been produced partly by the action of the ■jdrwhlon •rid liberated from tin- chloride of magnesium during tin- process of distillation. No. 497 gave 59*4 mgrms. ' : I |. r litr> , t ut tl,. ic.»ult, in Mr. Buchanan * opinion is “probably false.” (Compare remarks on U>-lr, jwgv | id •(,,] of memoir.) EEPOET ON THE COMPOSITION OE OCEAN-WATEE. 217 Adding to the remaining 13 cases the 2 corresponding ones out of the set of 27 previously considered, we see that out of all the 195 waters only 15 probably contained free carbonic acid. But Mr. Buchanan’s method, as appears from my critical experiments (see memoir, pages 110, et seq.), is liable to give low results; so we had perhaps better group our 13 together with all the 9 out of the set of 27 which exhibited no carbonic acid deficit, and say that out of Mr. Buchanan’s 195 waters 22 contained their surplus base in the form of at least fully, if not more than fully, saturated bicarbonate. Of these 22 waters— Six came from the surface ; Nine from the bottom, the depth varying from 1260 to 3875 fathoms.* Of the waters not bottom ivaters, Four came from depths varying from 25 to 100 fathoms ; One from a depth of 400 fathoms ; Two from depths greater than 1000 fathoms. The 6 surface waters, and the 4 from depths not exceeding 100 fathoms, are traced to their Stations in the following table, which gives also the dates of collection and the temperature of the water. The Six Surface Waters. No. When Collected. Tempera- ture of W ater. Free Car- bonic Acid. Milligrams. f265 1873. October 1 22°-8 1 "9 1 380 1874. February 12 r-i 10 382 February 13 0°-7 10 386 . February 16 - 0°-7 1 515 July 23 24°-5 6 532 August 17 25°T 41 South Atlantic, 8° east of Eio Janeiro. J* South Indian Ocean at latitudes south of 60° S. South Pacific, lat. 20° S. Do. lat. 17° S. * In 8 out of the 9 cases. One of the waters, collected in Magellans Strait, or one of the passages leading thereto, came from a depth of only 245 fathoms. t Calculated from ascertained alkalinity. (PHYS. CHEJI. CHALL. EXP. — PART I. 1884.) A 28 218 TIIE VOYAGE OF II.M.S. CHALLENGER. The Four Waters from depths not exceeding 100 fathoms. No. When Collected. Tompera- ture of Water. Free Car- bonic Acids. Milligrams. Depth. 1873. 355 December 30 3°0 o 100 fathoms. Indian Ocean, lat. 47° S. 1874. 397 February 21 not found. 16 50 „ Do. lat. 65° S. 419 March 7 6° -9 13 50 „ Do. lat. 50° S. *1356 1875. December 17 12°-0* none. 50 „ / South Pacific, lat. 33° 42' S. ; about } 8° west of Valparaiso. Six of our 10 waters are from a cold region in the Southern Indian Ocean; hence thOr richness in carbonic acid needs not surprise us. It is more difficult to account for the richness in carbonic acid of the other four, and more especially of No. 532. The extraordinary amount of carbonic acid in this water (which, as I am assured by Mr. Buchanan, is not a clerical or observational error) seems to point to the existence of a carbonic acid spring in the neighbourhood, — lat. 17° 25' S., long. 169° 5' W. After having thus completed my review of the samples rich in carbonic acid, I turned my attention to those cases where the proportion of carbonic acid assumes low values, but. in dfing confinrd myself to surface waters. I divided them into four categories as follows : — The Carl>onic Acid in Milligrams per Litre ranges Number of Cases. From less than 55 to 50 exclusivo, .... 8 From 50 to 45 exclusive, ..... 13 From 45 to 40 exclusive, ..... 12 From 40 to 19-3, the least value, .... 36 Of this hist category of waters, twenty-five had temperatures ranging from 20° to -9 ( fourteen came from latitudes of 20° or less ; nineteen from latitudes of 22° to 37°; three from latitudes of 42° ^ S., 51 S., 50 S., respectively. I - ure* less than 20°, and value* of carbonic acid less than 40 milligrams per litre, were found combined in the following cases : — * Calculated from ascertained alkalinity. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OP OCEAN- WATER. 219 No. Temperature C. C02, mgrms. per litre. Latitude. 369 5°-4 37-3 50° S. near Kerguelen Islands. 1272 ll°-8 36-6 38° 43' S. ] 1301 14°-7 35-0 38° S. 1314 1342 13°-fi 16°-9 37-3 36-1 37° to 38° S. 33° S. Stations 292 to 309, South Pacific, from about 44° W. of Chili to channels between Gulf of Pennaz and Magellans Strait. 1352 17°*5 37-9* 33° S. 1424 9° -4 39-5 51°~S. 1462 I4°-2 38-5 j Lat. 42° 30' S., Station 318; 10° east of east coast of ( South America. 949 17°-9 29T Station 251 ; Lat. 37° 37' N. I thought I might collect all those cases of surface waters which gave less than o o o 30 milligrams of carbonic acid per litre and put them down as cases of exceptionally low values of carbonic acid in surface water — No. 572. C02=27-3; Station 185 + ; lat. 11° 35' S., between Australia and Humboldt Island. „ 682. C02 = 25T; Station 214; lat. 4° 33' N., 3° N.E. of Celebes. „ 760. CO2 = 30-3; Station 223 -; lat. 5° 31' N., 10° N. of Admiralty Islands. „ 817. C02 = 24-7; Station 229 -; lat. 22° N., 13° S. of Yeddo. „ 826. CO2 = 20'7; Station 230 - ; lat. 26° 29' N., 10° S. of Yeddo. „ 926. C02 = 26-7; Station 247-248; lat. 35° to 37° N., middle of North Pacific. „ 949. C02 = 29T ; Station 251; lat. 37° 37' N., middle of North Pacific. ,, 990. C02= 19-3; Station 255-256; lat. 32° to 30° N., middle of North Pacific. „ 1097. C02 = 28‘9; Station 368+ ; lat. 7° 35' N., middle of North Pacific. Seeing that these low proportions of carbonic acid all come from the Pacific, I collected all the values of carbonic acid in surface waters — a, from the Atlantic ; b, from the Pacific respectively — and extracted their temperatures from Buchanan’s specific gravity tables. Including only those cases in which the temperature of the sample was not less than 20° C., I found : — Atlantic, 20 cases ; mean loose carbonic acid = 41'0. Pacific, 18 cases; mean loose carbonic acid = 36'1. If we exclude No. 532, on account of its abnormally high carbonic acid, we have 32'53. In the case of the Pacific there are 15 entries in which the temperature ranges from * “ Too higfi ” (Buchanan). THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 220 D'4 to 1 but in most cases it is about 15° C. The mean loose carbonic acid for these is 42*35, i.e., barely more than is found in the Atlantic at high temperatures. The Pacific surface water would appear to be less rich in carbonic acid than that of the Atlantic. From all the evidence afforded by the Challenger research we see : — 1st. Free carbonic acid in sea-waters is the exception. As a rule the carbonic acid is less than the proportion corresponding to bicarbonate. 2nd. In surface waters the proportion of carbonic acid increases when the temperature falls, and vice versa. 3rd. Within equal ranges of temperature it seems to be lower in the surface water of the Pacific than it is in the surface water of the Atlantic Ocean. We explained on page 213 how the atmosphere contributes towards keeping up the balance of the carbonic acid in the ocean. As a consequence the ocean, but in a far higher degree, acts as a regulator of the carbonic acid in the atmosphere. To Schldsing belongs the credit of having been the first to point this out clearly. In speculating on the quantity of carbonic acid in the atmosphere, he comes to the conclusion that its balance is maintained chiefly by the terrestrial volcanic carbonic acid springs and by the ocean, the combined influence of plant and animal life sinking into insignificance in comparison with these two agencies. 1 think he is right ; but if so, then the proportion of carbonic acid in the atmosphere should be more in the tropics than in the temperate zones and polar regions. In reference to this conclusion, the numerous determinations of atmospheric carbonic acid which were made by Th:rpe in the Irish Channel in August 1865, and subsequently during a voyage to Brazil in 1866, may be quoted. 'Flic air over the Irish Channel (lat. 54° 2 17), in 26 analyses, gave a mean value of 3*089 volumes of earbonic acid per 10,000 volumes of air analysed, the extremes being 2*92 to 3*32. In the air collected during his voyage to Brazil he found (in 51 samples) from 2*70 to 3*26 volumes per 10,000 ; mean 2*953. The difference is in favour of the Iri-h Channel, but it is less than the limit fluctuations on either side. Possibly the differ- '*ii'*e would have been less or even have become negative if the Irish Channel analyses bad b«-<-n made in winter instead of in August. In a most suggestive memoir on the •ubjoot by Dumas, I find it quoted that Franz Schulze of Kostock, in a very numerous ly*" -■ made there during 1^69 71, found the proportion of carbonic acid to I* subject to very slight fluctuation, and to have amounted on an average — In 1 H 60 (the whole year) to, ....... 2*8668 .. I*™ ....... 2*9052 „ 1*71 (tint six month*) to, ....... 3*0126 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 221 Similar results were arrived at by Reiset after a most elaborate series of analyses, which comprised 193 samples. Reiset worked in each case on 600 litres of air, and used that admirable (baryta-water) method which had been worked out by Pettenkofer in connection with his great research on respiration. He found the volume of carbonic acid per 10,000 to vary only within the narrow limits of 2*94 to 3 ’1. But his experiments (like Schulzes) were all carried out at pretty much the same latitude, and, as Dumas points out, since each of Reiset’s analyses involved the continued aspirating of air for some twelve hours, when there was a moderate wind, so that he may have started with the air of the place, and wound up practically with air from some place hundreds of miles away.* It is clear that the analyses of air at present at our disposal show only that whatever the role of the ocean may be, its local influence on the air is too quickly obliterated by the constant commotion in the atmosphere to fall within the grasp of our present analytical methods. ’ There is one point in Dumas’s memoir with which I cannot agree. Speaking of the absorption of atmospheric carbonic acid by the sea, he says : — “ Quand la dose d’acide carbonique” (in the water of the sea) “ diminue, le bicarbonate cle chaux marine se dissocie et le carbonate neutre de chaux se precipite .” The evidence seems to me to point the other way. I have had hundreds of bottles of samples of Challenger sea- water standing in my laboratory throughout the last three or four years. Many are more than half or three-fourths empty, and having passed through three summers must have lost a deal of their loose carbonic acid. And yet, apart from the two or three exceptional samples mentioned in the discussion on alkalinity, none of them shows any deposit of carbonate of lime. I have just engaged in experiments to ascertain the proportion of carbonate of lime which sea-water for a given degree of saturation in its carbonates is capable of dissolving. In the meantime, and as a general result of my experience, I presume that the water of the ocean in its present condition, and even where it contains its minimum of carbonic acid, is not yet saturated with carbonate of lime, ‘but is ready to dissolve whatever of this compound the rivers send into it. Mr. Murray tells me that extensive deposits of pelagic Foraminiferal and Molluscan shells are found in the ocean bed only at depths not exceeding a certain limit for each latitude with similar surface temperature conditions. For instance, in the tropics Pteropod shells are abundant at the bottom in depths of 1200 or 1400 fathoms, but in latitudes higher than 45° they are not met with in the deposits. The same remark applies to the more delicate Foraminiferal shells. At the greatest depths of the ocean all these calcareous shells disappear from the deposits in all latitudes. The cause of this, in * This objection possibly applies to Schulze’s analyses as well ; but I have not his memoir at my disposal. Thorpe’s analyses were made by Pettenkofer’s method, in which the air to be analysed is collected within a few minutes. THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. »).».) my opinion, is not that deep sea-water contains any abnormal proportion of loose or free . ib.iuic aeiil (Buchanan’s analyses tend to prove the erroneousness of such a presump- tion), but the fact that even alkaline sea-water, if given sufficient time, will take up carbonate of lime in addition to what it already contains. The Foraminiferal shells disappear at great depths, because it took them so long to reach these depths they had time to pass into solution. 1 had just completed this part of my Summary, when I found in the Chemical Xcw>* an interesting article by Alexander Winchell, who, following up certain researches of Storry Hunt and Ebelmen, arrives at the conclusion that the immense quantity of carbonic acid which must have served for the formation of the deposits of coal and of limestone (amounting as it docs to far more than the quantity of carbonic acid which would be yielded by the whole of the oxygen now present in the atmosphere), cannot be a< counted for otherwise than by assuming that it must have come in from interplanetary space. The atmosphere with Winchell, in fact, is nothing but that part of the general atmosphere of the universe which our planet has, in the course of time, attracted towards itself. I see no necessity for this hypothesis, which I suspect is not in accordance with what we know of the constancy in the rate of rotation of the earth. All the immense mass of carbonic acid sought to be accounted for may have come out of the bowels of the earth, whence this gas is still being emitted in enormous quantities. The difficulty, I apprehend, lies in the other direction. Our atmosphere would long have become unfit for respiration, if the volcanic carbonic acid were not constantly being removed by the bases of disintegrating silicates, chiefly as carbonate of lime, of which a consider- able portion goes down the rivers into the ocean. The latter will “soon” (in the geo- logist’s sense) have arrived at a state of saturation in regard to this component. Absorbed Nitrogen and Oxygen. From the carbonic acid in ocean-water, it is an easy transition to pass to the absorbed nitrogen and oxygen whieh must prevade the whole of the ocean, because its surface is in contact everywhere with the atmosphere. The composition of the latter, in reference to it - two principal components, is substantially the same in all its parts, the two gases eing a ■■ ited in very nearly the ratio of 21 volumes of oxygen to 79 volumes of nitrogen. Jolly, it is true, in a long series of analyses of the air collected at a station Munich, made out that the percentage of oxygen (in the air freed of its carbonic acid and water) varies with the seasons and the direction of the wind, as shown by the mllowiug table which I borrow from Landolt and Bcirnstein’s Physikalisch-chemische I'.iIh 11. n. The original is in Wiedemann’s Annalcn der Physik, ser. 2, vol. vi. p. 520. * Original in &Mtt, December 2S, 1863, vol. ii. p. 820. For Storry lIunt'B papers we are referred by the author to the Amtr. Joum. of Sri. and Art*, May 1880, and other publications. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 223 N. N.E. E. S.E. s. s.w. w. NOV. 1877. June, . . ) July, . . J 20-95 20-71 20-66 20-61 20-56 20-53 October, . \ November, . f 21-01 20-91 20-80 20-56 20-76 20-78 Hence it would appear that this natural “constant” is subject to greater variation than has hitherto been suspected. But the well-known extensive research of Regnault,* who, in 106 samples of air collected in different parts of the world (including 2 from the top of Pichincha (4800 metres), and 19 from the polar regions), found the percentage to vary only from 20*908 to 20*999, is sufficient to prove that lower values than 20*9 are the rare exception, and 21 per cent, may well be adopted for oceanographic purposes as holding universally. As the pressure of the atmosphere at the sea-level does not differ very greatly from 760 millimetres, the two gases may be assumed everywhere to press on the ocean, the oxygen with a force equivalent to 0*21 times (760— p), the nitrogen with a force equivalent to 0*79 times (760— p) millimetres of mercury, where p stands for the tension of the vapour of water, which of course is very little in the polar regions, while in the tropics it may assume greater values up to some 33 millimetres (the tension of steam saturated at 30° C.). According to the law of gas absorption, a given volume of sea-water, when shaken up with a given volume of air at a given temperature, takes up both gases, the dissolved quantity of each being proportional to the product of its coefficient of absorption into its partial pressure in the unclissolved residue, and as the coefficient of absorption of oxygen is greater than that of nitrogen, the percentage of oxygen in the dissolved air is greater, and that in the un dissolved residue is less, than that prevailing in the natural air. The ratio of the two percentages obviously depends on the relative volume of air used, but we need not trouble ourselves with the somewhat complex general formula, because for our purpose it is sufficient to consider the special case which applies to the ocean surface, and which presents itself when the shaking is repeated with constantly renewed air until the last instalment of air remains unchanged. In this case (which for us is the general case) the volume of air dissolved at a given temperature t by one litre of sea-water is a quantity A., which is a function only of t and the pressure of the atmosphere, and every c.c. of dissolved gas contains nx c.c. of oxygen and n2 c.c. of nitrogen, where nx and n2 depend only on t, but change very slowly with the latter. According to my own determinations, as fully reported in the memoir, * Comptes rendus, t. xxxiv. p. 863, 1852 ; also Ann. Chim. Phys., ser. 3, t. xxxvi. p. 335. 224 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. One litre of Sear Water when saturated with {constantly renewed) air at t° and a 'pressure of (7G0 mm. plus the tension of vapour of water at t°) takes up the following volumes {measured dry at 0° and 7G0 mm. pressure) of the two gases : — Temperature. Dissolved Nitrogen and Oxygen in Cubic Centimetres. Percentage of Oxygen in Centigrade. Nitrogen. Oxygen. dissolved Gas. 0° 15-60 8-18 34-40 5° 13-86 7-22 34-24 10° 12-47 6-45 34-09 15° 11-34 5-83 33-93 20° 10-41 5-31 33-78 25° 9-62 4-87 33-62 30° 8-94 4-50 33-47 35° 8-36 417 33-31 The temperature of the surface water of the ocean never falls very far below 0° C., even in the polar regions (the Challenger registered 27° F in the Antarctic ocean), while even in the tropics it rarely rises above 30° C. The corresponding tensions of aqueous vapour are 4'G and 332 millimetres respectively. Now the sea, as far as we know, derives all its absorbed oxygen and nitrogen from the atmosphere, — neither gas can come in from any other source, apart perhaps from a small quantity of nitrogen produced in the putrefaction of the bodies of marine animals and plants, which may, however, be safely neglected. Hence, we should say the ocean can nowhere contain more than 1 5*G c.c. of nitrogen and 8*18 c.c. of oxygen gas per litre, and the quantity of tj Q nitrogen per litre will never fall below — 7^0 x8'94 = 8'55 c.c. We cannot make a -imilar assertion in regard to the oxygen, and for it put down the minimum at 727 n x 4 50 = 4'30 c.c., because it is liable to constant diminution by the processes of life and putrefaction and processes of oxidation generally. At any point in the surface of the ocean the air dissolved in the water constantly t- mb to assume the composition demanded for the prevailing temperature by the a'>«orptiometric equations which served to calculate our table. But it is rarely possible f r it to assume this composition. Because, the water being in a continual state of pr*.-r< ssivc motion constantly flows from one set of conditions into others. And sup- i"m~ < vi n a certain area of the ocean surface were in a state of stagnation, the REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 225 temperature would vary in diurnal cycles, and even the calculated value of the volume of nitrogen per litre would be a periodic function of time, exhibiting its maximum at the hour corresponding to the minimum temperature and its minimum at the time of maximum temperature. The process of absorptiometric exchange, however, even at the constantly oscillating surface of the sea, is a thing of slow progress : it could not keep pace with the change of temperature, and the actual nitrogen curve would never go as high up or as low down as the theoretical one. In addition to this, the lower strata of the water will constantly add to or take away from the surface nitrogen by diffusion and occasional intermixture. All this holds for the oxygen likewise, except that the latter is liable to constant diminution by processes of oxidation. On the whole, however, we may assume that all the disturbing influences will only modify, but not efface, the course of events as prescribed by the law of gas- absorption. In regard to non-surface water, we have to confront a greater complexity of phenomena. The gas contents of a deep-sea water of course have nothing to do with the, in general low, temperature and high pressure prevailing at the respective place ; because the air was not taken up there but at the surface. Any given sample of deep-sea water must be presumed, in general, to be the result of the conflux of a number of surface-waters from a variety of places, but for the purpose of a preliminary survey, we may permit ourselves to view each sample of deep-sea water as having taken up its air at the surface at some one temperature t, and then sunk down unmixed. The volumes of nitrogen and oxygen per litre then should have the values assigned to them by the absorptiometric equations for this temperature. But while the ’ nitrogen (as long as that portion of water remains unmixed with other different water) remains constant, the oxygen will become less and less, through the processes of oxidation which in the deep go on without compensation. Hence, if there were absolute stagnation in the ocean anywhere, the proportion of dissolved oxygen there might be reduced ultimately to nothing. Amongst the many deep-sea waters' which were analysed for their gas contents, we found none that were quite free from absorbed oxygen, which confirms our conviction that absolute stagna- tion nowhere exists in the ocean, not even at its greatest depths. The actual relations can of course be ascertained only by observation and experiment. Mr. Buchanan, accordingly, in the course of the expedition, devoted a considerable portion of his time to the extraction of the gases from a great number of samples recently drawn from a variety of depths and geographical positions. He used for this purpose a method which had been worked out by Jacobsen, and employed by him successfully in the course of the German North Sea Expedition. The method is fully described on pages 141 and 142 of my memoir. It consists, essentially, in this, that the gas from a measured volume of the water is expelled by boiling, and driven into a previously evacuated glass tube, in which it is subsequently sealed up to be measured gasometrically and analysed in the laboratory. Of the many gas samples which Mr. Buchanan thus (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PART I. 1884.) A 29 2*26 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. collected, a good number were analysed by himself, but the majority were analysed by me, and my report contains both his results and mine. The method which I used in the absorptiometric determinations referred to, consisted essentially in this, that I saturated a quantity of sea-water with air at a known temperature, and then from a measured volume extracted the gases by a method similar to Jacobsen’s, but in its final form differing from it in this, that the vacuum in the gas- collccting tube was maintained by a mercurial air-pump, which sucked out and removed the gas as quickly as it was liberated. I was led to adopt this improvement, because I had found it impossible to obtain sufficiently constant results by the Jacobsen method in its original form, and ascribed the fluctuations to the obvious fact that the vacuum originally existing in the gas-collecting tube, is soon destroyed by the gas going into it, so that necessarily a small but variable portion of the gas, corresponding to the coefficient of absorption at the temperature at which the water boils at the end and to the final pressure in the tube, must remain in the water. The results of our analyses, as inter- preted on the basis of my absorptiometric work, agreed on the whole with the inferences which have just been deduced from known physical laws. In the surface waters the volumes of nitrogen and oxygen present in a litre of water were found to be functions of the temperature whose general course was similar to the theoretical functions determined by my laboratory experiments. In the deep-sea waters the volumes of the nitrogen varied within the same limits as those in the surface waters; but the volumes of oxygen were, in general, less than those calculated from the nitrogen-volumes on the hypothesis of surface absorption of air at the temperature corresponding to the nitrogen found. In waters from great depths the actual volume of oxygen was often very small, as illustrated by the following two examples : — C.c. per litre. No. of Water. Na o2 02 calculated. 8 1001 1508 0-6 8-21 2875 1645 13-38 2 04 6-95 1500 The occurrence of such very small values for the dissolved oxygen proves that at many places of the ocean bottom the progressive motion of the water and the rate at which it exchanges gases, or mixes, with the upper strata, must be very slow indeed. It is worth noting, however, that very small quantities of oxygen present themselves o< ca-ionally even at moderate depths, as shown by the following example : — REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATER. 227 No. of Water. C.c. p N, er litre. o2 02 calculated. 8 1661 13-74 1-65 7-15 300 There was no lack of anomalous results, but I did not succeed in tracing these to natural causes. I suspect that some of the anomalies must be referred back to the difficulty of exhaustively extracting the gases from a sample of water by Jacobsen’s method. Sometimes, also, the bottle used on board the Challenger for collecting the deep-sea waters may not have worked correctly, and may have brought up water from a depth different from that intended. Now and again, also, in the working of the Jacobsen process, atmospheric air may have leaked into the tube intended to receive the water gases only. Even on shore it is not always possible to prevent the occurrence of such accidents, and on board ship they are still more likely to occur. There was no need for a special investigation to prove that in the ocean the equilibrium, in regard to the absorbed nitrogen and oxygen, is maintained by the atmosphere ; and it stands to reason, likewise, that the ocean constantly adds to the atmospheric oxygen in the tropics, while it takes away from it in the colder latitudes. But as even the corre- sponding influence on the atmospheric carbonic acid has so far defied the powers of chemical analysis, the fluctuations of the percentage of oxygen in the air, which are caused by the sea, must be immeasurably small. Suggestions for Future Work. In conclusion, I may be permitted to offer a few suggestions in regard to the manner in which these researches on the composition of ocean-water should be continued. That they ought to be continued, and extended, and that it is the special vocation of this country to take the matter in hand, will be admitted. The work involved may be arranged under two heads, one of which would comprise the various kinds of observations and experiments which might easily be carried on by any intelligent seafaring man, even if he were devoid of all professional knowledge of chemistry. I here refer chiefly to, — (1) Salinity determinations by means of the hydrometer and a good thermometer. A set of handy and relatively small hydrometers, graduated so as to give the specific gravity for say 60° F. quite directly and without the aid of attached weights, would easily be supplied by a good mechanician for a few pounds sterling ; and any intelligent man would soon learn to use these. Each of Her Majesty’s ships should be provided with such a set, and a number of good thermometers, both verified by a scientific chemist or physicist. (2) Observations on the behaviour of sea-water on THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGED. ooq st muling in a bottle of clear hard glass and provided with a good glass stopper, to see whether any deposit of carbonate of lime is formed, and in order to identify the places whi le the water has already come up to the state of saturation in regard to this com- ponent. (3) Alkalinity determinations by the method of Tornoe, as described on pages 100 and 124. The standard solution of hydrochloric acid could easily be provided in large quantities and at a low price, and even when used by itself, i.e., without an auxiliary solution of caustic alkali (which probably only a chemist could manipulate corrci tly on board a ship), would give valuable approximations in the hands of any intelligent man who had been taught to use it in a laboratory. (4) Rough determinations of the carbonic acid by means of aurine as an indicator, and the normal hydrochloric acid for the alkalinities. I found by experiments made a short time ago that a sea-water becomes neutral to aurine, when, by addition of hydrochloric acid, the ratio of surplus base to carbonic acid has come down to the value 1 [NaOH] to l-36 or l-46 times [C02]. Hence, supposing 1 litre of a sample of sea-water to contain surplus base equal to 50 mgrms. of carbonic acid as normal carbonate, and 1 litre of the same water, after adding aurine and then hydrochloric acid in the cold, required hydrochloric acid equal to 1 0 mgrms. of carbonic acid before the violet aurine colour gives way to the yellow tint, then the total carbonic acid present would amount to (50 — 10) x 14x2 mgrms. And a sea-water which does not become violet on addition of aurine, but yellow, is sure to contain at least 0'41 x 44 mgrms. of free carbonic acid for every 1 mgrm. equivalent of base (meaning £ Xa,0 or,£ CaO, etc.) present as bicarbonate, i.e., for every one mole- cule of bicarbonate CO;, R'H. Hence, if Tornde and Buchanan assure us that all sea- water becomes violet on addition of aurine, this in itself is quite compatible with the assump- tion that all the samples which they thus examined contained free carbonic acid gas in addition to fully saturated bicarbonate. The free carbonic acid must rise to 0'8 mgrms. f»r every one mgrm. of C02 in the R2C03 part of the bicarbonate (i.e., for every one mgrm. of •‘alkalinity per litre”) before the aurine reaction ceases. Of all the 195 samples of sea-water which Mr. Buchanan analysed for carbonic acid, only two (Nos. 532 and 383) came even approximately up to this limit. Let seafaring men search for waters which assume a yellow colour on addition of aurine. Wherever such water is found a volcanic carbonic acid spring must be close at hand. Under my second heading fall such kinds of work as demand a skilled chemist for their performance, and it will be convenient to take them up in the order in which they appear in my memoir. 1. Further researches on the Composition of Ocean Salt. — By Forchhammer’s and my ""'n analv ■ h it is proved that the percentages of the several components are subject to ..i.'v •di'.dit variations. Apart from the one success with the lime, 1 was not able to trace b.vk th- fluctuations to natural causes. Hence new analyses are absolutely useless REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATER. 229 unless these are executed with the highest attainable precision. All the components must be determined in the style adopted for the lime (in the supplementary work) and for the bromine. I could not possibly have determined all the saline components in my 77 waters by similarly refined methods for sheer want of material, and besides, the large number of analyses required would have rendered the work almost impracticable. What ought to be done is to collect waters at different times throughout the year at two stations, one might be selected somewhere in the middle of the Pacific, and a second at some place in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. In each case two large samples should be taken, one from a little below the surface (to preclude abnormal dilution with rain-water), another at some 50 fathoms above the bottom to avoid ad- mixture of solid bottom matter, which in the bottle would gradually dissolve. Supposing we had, from each of the stations, six surface and six bottom samples, or twenty-four samples in all, we should begin by determining the chlorine in each sample a haute precision, and then do the same with the lime. The six samples from each place should then be mixed together (in equal volumes), so as to produce four samples, each representative of one of the four places. In each of them the chlorine, lime, sulphuric acid, magnesia, potash, and alkalinity should now be determined by at least triplicate analyses executed with the highest precision. Ships which happen to pass the localities might be instructed to collect samples as indicated, and bring them home. This would enable us, before trying to find out the difference between Atlantic water on the one hand and Pacific on the other, to inform ourselves as to the extent to which Pacific or Atlantic water at a given place is liable to vary. But before even this can be done successfully we must have sufficiently exact methods for the execution of the analyses. Hence, first and foremost, a chemist should be appointed to work out (by synthetical experiments in the first instance, and repeated analyses of some one sea- water in the second) a series of methods by means of which the sulphuric acid, magnesia, and potash could be determined with at least that degree of precision which I attained in regard to the lime. Another useful investigation would be the exact determination of the minor components (iodine, silica, fluorine, iron, aluminium, manganese) in a large mass of some one kind of sea-water. If a chemist succeeded in devising easy and yet sufficiently exact routine methods for determining one or other of these components, its comparative determination in different sea-waters might be undertaken. 2. Alkalinity. — Tornpe’s method is sufficiently exact, and if applied to a very large number of judiciously-selected samples would be sure to give valuable results. 3. Carbonic Acid. — In regard to the methods for determining the carbonic acid, there is room for much improvement. For oceanographic purposes, carbonic acid deter- 230 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. mi nations are of little use henceforth, unless carried out with a multitude of freshly- drawn samples, and coupled with alkalinity determinations. The difficulty is to discover ;i nn thod which would combine high precision with sufficient ease and rapidity of execution. My method, described in the memoir as the “ vacuum method,” would work as easily as Buchanan's did on board ship, but either is troublesome, and would become very tedious if duplicate or triplicate analyses were demanded, as they ought to be. The most practical plan, perhaps, would be to combine the determination of the carbonic acid with that of the nitrogen and oxygen, as proposed by me on page 105 ; that is to boil out the gases in Jacobsen’s apparatus in the presence of hydrochloric acid, to seal them up, and subsequently analyse them at home. 4. The Absorbed Oxygen and Nitrogen. — Jacobsen’s method is the only one which would work on board ship, and it certainly is susceptible of a fair degree of exactitude. But in any future expedition it would be desirable to have all gas-extractions done in duplicate or triplicate, in order to supply the one item without which no series of analyses can be properly discussed, namely, the probable error in the single determination. Meanwhile the best thing that could be done in regard to all the analytical problems referred to would be to work many times on samples of the same kind of water, with a view of improving upon the methods and ascertaining the extent to which that one water fluctuates in its composition. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 231 NOTE ON TABLE XIII. BY J. Y. BUCHANAN. I am indebted to Mr. Murray for the opportunity of perusing Prof. Dittmar’s Memoir, and I have read it with the greatest interest. In connection with Table XIII., which gives the results of the determinations of carbonic acid in sea-water, made at sea, and is an extract from my journal, it is right that I should state that the method employed was adopted on my responsibility, as the best available at the time. From the experiments of Himly and Jacobsen, it was known that sea-water, on being boiled, continued to give off carbonic acid until it was reduced almost to dryness. It was evident that this was due to some one or more of the saline ingredients, but much uncertainty prevailed as to the particular salt or salts to which it should be ascribed. In order to be sure of eliminating all the carbonic acid, I proposed to acidify the water, boil it, and collect the carbonic acid evolved by absorption in baryta- water. In whatever way the carbonic acid might be combined in the water, I believed that the compound would certainly be decomposed by boiling with an excess of a mineral acid, and I proposed to use sulphuric acid. This method was objected to on the ground that the carbonic acid so determined would include all that might be present as bicarbonate of lime. The principal object which we had in view in boiling out the gases and in esti- mating the carbonic acid, was to determine the nature of the atmosphere afforded to the animals living in the water. It was thought that only one half of the carbonic acid in the bicarbonate could be looked upon as forming part of the aqueous atmosphere, the other half certainly forming part of the mineral constituents of the water. In the course of some investigations which I carried out before the Expedition sailed, I observed that solutions of sulphate of magnesia and sulphate of lime when saturated with carbonic acid did not give it up completely on boiling, but continued to give it off till evaporated nearly to dryness. I therefore determined at any rate to eliminate the sulphates, which was done by adding a sufficiency of saturated chloride of barium solution. The effect of this was to make the water boil quietly and without bumping, and to make the carbonic acid come off more quickly, though there was still a slight evolution of carbonic acid during the passage of the last half of the distillate. I also expected that increasing the quantity of the other chlorides in the water would make the chloride of magnesium less likely to decompose on concentration, and I believe that it had this effect. After the work of the Norwegian chemists and Prof. Dittmar in this field, future carbonic acid determinations will doubtless be made by one of their simple and elegant THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 232 methods, hv which the double determination of the carbonic acid and the carbonate is made in one operation. I hiring the cruise I frequently tested the freshly collected sea- water, and I always found it to have a slightly alkaline reaction. On a number of occasions I determined the amount of hydrochloric acid required to neutralise it in the cold, as indicated by the usual rosolic acid solution. This is not to be confounded with Tornpe’s alkalinity t -st, which is conducted at a boiling temperature and has a great value as a quantitative method. My object was more to accentuate the fact that the water is alkaline in its natural state than to show how alkaline it is, for I noticed that after neutralisation the water became alkaline again on standing. The few determinations of “ organic carbon ” by means of permanganate of potash (p. 122) were experimental, and were entered in my journal in course. I was, however, .so dissatisfied with the experiments that I soon gave them up, and I attach no value to the results. APPENDIX. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES TO CHAPTER I. The proof sheets of this chapter had long passed through my hands when, through the kindness of Mr. Murray, I came into possession of Number IX. of the Reports on the Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition, which includes one by Schmelck on a series of sea-water analyses executed by him. Schmelck examined some 51 waters, and in most of these determined the quantities of sulphuric acid, lime, and magnesia. In only six samples he determined also the potash. The chlorine he never determined himself, but adopted for it the values which had been ascertained on board ship by Torn0e’s method (titration with neutral nitrate of silver, using chromate of potash as an indicator, and a gravimetrically analysed sea- water as a standard chloride). With 16 of his samples these determinations, it appears, had not been executed, so that only the results of the remaining 35 could be referred to chlorine = 100. The following is an extract from his tabular statements of results : — Found per 100 parts of Chlorine. Sulphuric Acid, S03. Lime, CaO. Magnesia, MgO. Humber of samples analysed, 31 35 31 Minimum, .... 11-136 2-790 10-903 Maximum, .... 11-643 3 088 11-773 Mean, .... 11-46 2-99 11-40 My mean numbers, as quoted on ) page 138, are, . . . j 11-576 3-026 11-212 Forchhammer found, 11-88 2-93 11-03 The quantities of potash in Schmelck’ s memoir are given only in terms of lv20 per 100 parts by weight of sea- water analysed. I have reduced his numbers to 100 of chlorine, and in this form reproduce them in the following statement : — Schmelck found in one sample by two analyses 2’440 and 2‘420, mean = 2‘430, parts of potash, KaO, per 100 of chlorine.* The other six numbers to be given are based on * The chlorine for this sample is not given ; I therefore reduced from the quantities of sulphuric acid given to the 11-46 parts of sulphuric acid, which correspond, according to Schmelck, to 100 of chlorine. (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PART I. — 1884.) A 30 234 TilE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. single analyses. Results, 2*474, 2*338, 2*544, 2*492, 2*362, mean of the six results = •j-4 40; probable error of the single determination = ±0*053. My number is 2*405, and lb. probable error lies at about±0*03G. I very much wondered at the close agreement of S.hmelck’s value for potash with mine, because he used an analytical method of which I should never have thought that it could yield anything better than a rough approxima- tion. What he did was to first precipitate lime and magnesia by Classen’s method,* as oxalates, to filter, evaporate to dryness, expel the ammonia-salts by ignition, and then to convert the sulphates into chlorides by repeated ignition with sal-ammoniac. From the “alkaline chlorides” thus obtained, the potash was separated by Fresenius’s method as chloroplatinate and weighed as such. Schmelck himself says that his alkaline chlorides alwnys contained magnesia and sulphuric acid, so that the chloroplatinate was contaminated correspondingly ; but he states that duplicate determinations agreed with one another. Now the Finkener method, as applied by me to sea- water, as I state in the context (page 16), owes its exactitude to some extent to a compensation of errors. I therefore considered it quite possible that Schmelck’s method might perhaps be more exact than mine, and for the purpose of a preliminary inquiry into the matter, caused Mr. Barbour to apply it to 50 e.c. of a sea-water of known composition. The result was not very encouraging ; the chloroplatinate of potash obtained was obviously impure, and its weight short of what it ought to have been. This in itself, of course, might have been owing to Mr. Barbour’s want of practice, but about one thing the experiment left no doubt in my mind, namely, that the Classen method, when applied to sea- water, fails to effect anything like a satis- factory elimination of the magnesia. I did not consider it necessary to inquire into the sal-ammoniac method for substituting chlorine for the S04 of the sulphates, because I knew it to be tedious and unsatisfactory. But all this I thought might be rectified by a new combination of methods ; and supposing the problem of eliminating the alkalies of a given sea-water in the form of pure chlorides to be solved, Fresenius’s process might possibly be the most exact method for the determination of the potash in these. In order to settle this question, I caused Mr. John M‘Arthur to carry out the following two test experiments. In both the general scheme followed was the same, namely, as follows : — A known weight of chloride of sodium, and a known weight of a standard solution of pure chloride of potassium, equivalent conjointly to the potassium and sodium in about 100 grins, of ocean-water, are dissolved in water, the solution is mixed with a little more chloride of platinum than is needed to convert both metals into chloro- platinates, and the mixture evaporated on a water-bath very nearly to dryness. The r* ndue, aft« r cooling, is digested (cold) in 30 c.c. of pure (non-methylated) alcohol <.f 80 per cent, by volume, the liquid decanted through a small filter, and the residue continued to be exhausted with the same alcohol, until the last runnings, when tested * Kruscniufl, ZciUchr./iir anal. Chcmic, 1879, p. 374. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 235 with nitrate of silver, give only an opalescence of chloride of silver. The precipitate of chloroplatinate is dissolved on the filter in hot water, and the solution allowed to run into a tared porcelain crucible, recovered by evaporation and weighed, first after drying at 100° to 105° C., then after further drying at 130° C. From the weight of the pre- cipitate, the potash is calculated as K,0, in order to see what the exact but unreasoning application of Fresenius’s method would lead to. But the precipitate can neither be presumed to be pure nor to contain the whole of the potassium, hence, — Firstly, the crude precipitate is reduced in hydrogen, the residue treated with water, the platinum metal weighed, and from the solution the potassium present reprecipitated by a renewed application of Fresenius’s method. To check the result the pure chloroplatinate, after having been weighed, is reduced in hydrogen, its platinum thus separated out and weighed. The mother-liquor obtained in the prepara- tion of the pure chloroplatinate of potash is evaporated to dryness, the residue heated in hydrogen, the salt extracted with water, made into normal sulphate, and subjected to Finkener’s method to extract and determine the potassium. Secondly, the same process is applied to the filtrate from the crude chloroplatinate, to determine the potassium, which from the first escaped precipitation. This method was faithfully adhered to, except that we soon discarded the drying of the chloroplatinate at two successive temperatures. Haying found that the additional loss of weight involved in the passing from 105° to 130° amounts to less than the thousandth part of the weight of the jwe- c ip it ate, we subsequently dried at once at 130°, and calculated from the weight thus found. First Experiment. — The preparations used for the synthesis were a perfectly pure chloride of potassium made from recrystallised chlorate, and a chloride of sodium made from recrystallised bicarbonate and pure hydrochloric acid, and purified by crystallisation in the heat, the mother-liquor being rejected. This mode of preparation I thought would ensure complete absence of potash ; and yet, when the results came to be calculated it turned out that the sum of the several instalments of potash found came to more than the potash of the chloride of potassium taken. Hence the chloride of sodium used was suspected to contain potassium ; 5 '042 grms. of it were made into normal sulphate, and the latter subjected to that form of Finkener’s method in which the mixture of sulphate of soda and chloroplatinate of potassium is lixiviated with concentrated sal-ammoniac solution, to eliminate the sodium salt. The residual chloroplatinate was ignited in hydrogen and the potash calculated from the weight of the metallic platinum. We obtained 6'5 mgrms. of platinum, equal to 3'09 mgrms. of K20,':< or 179 mgrrns. of K20 for the 2'91 grms. of chloride of sodium which had been used in the test experiment. The chloride of potassium obtained from the chloroplatinate was not weighed, but identified by re-conversion into chloroplatinate. In the following statement of the results * Or 4-89 mgrms. of chloride of potassium = 0 '097 per cent, of the whole. •236 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. the several quantities of potassium are all expressed in milligrams of K20. For each of these latter quantities, as is seen, two numbers are given : the numbers under “old atomic weights ” were calculated by means of the set of atomic weights which I had used in mv potash determinations in the Challenger waters, viz., — K = 39, Cl = 35-5, Pt = 198, 0 = 1G. The numbers under “new atomic weights ” are calculated from Stas’s values for Iv and Cl, and Seubert’s for Pt, viz., — K = 39'13, Cl = 35‘454, Pt=194*83, 0=16. From the following little table it is seen how the several ratios change when we pass from one set of constants to the other. Numerical Values calculated from New Factor Old New divided by Ratios. Atomic Weights. Atomic Weights. Old Factor ,K-!,) .... 0-63087 0-63193 1-00168 KXL K.,0 .... 0-47474 0-48385 1-0192 Ko° _ 0-19223 0-19405 1-0095 PtClflK2 will now pass to the statement of the results : — Milligrams of K20 present. Old New Synthesis. Atomic Weights. Atomic Weights. In the chloride of potassium, 49-89 49-98 In the chloride of sodium, 1-79 1-82 51-68 51-80 Analysis. I. In the crude chloroplatinate of potassium by calculation on the assumption of its being unmixed PtCl0K2, 49-44 49-91 la. By calculation from the metallic platinum obtained therefrom, ..... 49-08 50-03 II. In the pure chloroplatinate of potassium, 47-78 48-22 II/i. Calculated from the metallic platinum therefrom, 47-56 48-48 III.* In the filtrate from the crude chloroplatinate, 3-78 3-82 IV. In filtrate from the pure chloroplatinate, 0-38 0-38 Sum of II., III., and IV., . 51-94 52-42 Excess over synthetical value, 0-26 0-62 Bum of IIo, III., and IV., 51-72 52-68 Excess over synthetical value, 004 0-88 * Alkali mate into stdphate ; pota- ium extracted by sal-ammoniac form of Finkener’s method, as PtCl8K2. P’.jtin'im ot !.i !>< I therefrom 10-fi m grins. 503 mgrms. of K20 The solution from this metal worked up according to * ' ’ l‘tt ltK, 'lain'd ■» lli'7 rngniis. - 378 mgrms. of K20 Viy old atomic weights. This latter result adopted. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 237 Second Experiment. — Before entering upon a second trial, I thought I should endeavour to prepare an absolutely potash-free chloride of sodium, and succeeded in this (more nearly than I had done before) by decomposing commercially pure crystallised sulphate of soda with fuming hydrochloric acid, washing the precipitated chloride of sodium with hydro- chloric acid, drying, dissolving in water, and reprecipitating with hydrochloric acid. The dried salt contained only a trace of sulphuric acid (which was neglected). To test quantitatively for potash, a portion of the salt was made into normal sulphate, and 23'25 grams of the latter (corresponding to 1 9 '1 grams of chloride) dissolved in water, mixed with 1 c.c. of pure chloride of platinum (converted into PtClfiH2 by addition of a measured volume of standard acid), evaporated to near dryness, and the residue mixed with 10 volumes of absolute alcohol and 5 volumes of ether, allowed to stand, and the deposit of salts washed with ether-alcohol. Saturated sal-ammoniac solution was now applied in successive instalments until about x9yths of the sulphate of soda had dis- solved. The residual salt was then ignited, finally in hydrogen, the platinum removed by dissolving in water and filtering, the salt in the filtrate reconverted into pure normal sulphate, and the Finkener (sal-ammoniac) process again applied. The chloro- platinate ultimately obtained was reduced in hydrogen, and gave 0‘8 mgrms. of Pt = 0-38 mgrms. of K20, and the KC1 filtrate by Fresenius’s method 2‘4 mgrms. of PtCl6K2 = 0-43 mgrms. of K20. This latter chloroplatinate was identified by microscopic inspection. From the mean (0'40 mgrms.) of the two quantities of potash found, it follows that 100 grams of the chloride of sodium contained 0'0021 grams of K20 or 0'061 mgrms. for the 2‘9 grams which were employed in the test analysis to be reported on. The modus operandi was essentially the same as the one used in the first trial, except that a perfectly pure chloride of platinum (made from platinum purified by Schneider’s method) was employed, and that, to make assurance doubly sure, a fresh standard solution of chloride of potassium was used instead of the old one. Milligrams of Potash (K20) present. Old New Synthesis. Atomic Weights. Atomic Weights. In the chloride of potassium, . 50-04 50-12 In the chloride of sodium. 0-06 0-06 Summa, 50-10 50-18 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. •2:3* Analysis. Old Atomic Weights. New Atomic Weights. I. In the crude chloroplatinate, by calculation, . 47-90 48-35 I a. By calculation from the metal obtained therefrom, 47-62 48-53 II. In the pure chloroplatinate, . 47-06 47-50 no. Calculating from the metal obtaiued therefrom, 46-62 47-51 hi* In filtrate from the crude chloroplatinate, 2-64 2-68 IV. In filtrate from the pure chloroplatinate, 0-85 0-87 Sum of II., III., and IV., 5055 51-05 Excess over synthesis, 0-45 0-87 Sum of Her, III., and IV., 50-11 51-06 Excess over synthesis, o-oi 0-88 Both trials, as critiques of Fresenius’s method, led to the same result. Supposing even we had succeeded in obtaining the potash and soda of a sea-water in the shape of pure chlorides and without loss of potash, Fresenius’s method, when applied to such a mixture, would lead to a deficit in the potash found. According to the second trial (which I consider to be the more exact of the two), this deficit, even if we accept the crude chloroplatinate as pure and calculate • a, by the old atomic weights, amounts to 2‘20 mgrms. per 50' 10 of K20 given, or 4*4 per cent. b, by the new atomic weights, amounts to T83 mgrms. per 50*18 of K20 given, or 37 per cent, of the quantity to be determined. The error of the Finkener method, in the form in which I used it, as appears from my memoir, amounts to only about 1 per cent. Hence I was right in preferring the Finkener method ; and if Schmelck’s results come so near to mine, this is owing to an accidental combination of errors in the execution of his method. * The I*tCl#K 2 obtained by Finkener’ s method gave Pt equal to 2-75 mgrms. of K.,0 ; the filtrate by Fresenius’s gave I“t< '1,K . • * [ t<> 2 55 mgrms. of K./) ; the Pt from the latter corresponded to 2‘52 mgrms.; mean of 2535 and 2‘75 adopted (old atomic w eight*). REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 239 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES TO THE CHAPTER ON BROMINE. Pages 89 et seq. Mr. John M‘ Arthur’s determinations of the ratios of bromine to chlorine in the three Challenger water mixtures and the Arran water left nothing to be desired in point of relative precision ; but from the synthetical experiments previously made it appeared that the results are all liable to a small constant positive correction. Unfortunately those synthetical trials are not equal to the analyses themselves in precision, so that it would hardly be allowable to calculate the correction from them. In order, therefore, to finish satisfactorily a piece of very troublesome work, I, some time ago, caused Mr. M ‘Arthur to carry out the following series of critical experiments. I will begin by enumerating the several reagents which were employed, and explaining how they were prepared. 1. Pure Chloride of Silver. — A quantity of pure hydrochloric acid, containing about [HC1]=36,5 grams of acid per litre, was added to its equivalent of an approximately deci-normal solution of nitrate of silver, the precipitate washed by decantation, then dried on a water-bath, and finally in an air-bath at 150° C. All the operations were conducted in dim gaslight, and the preparation preserved in a blackened bottle. 2. Pure Bromide of Silver. — A quantity of pure hydrobromic acid (vide infra under 3), representing very nearly 126’6 milligram equivalents (meaning 126'6 times 80 milligrams) of bromine, was diluted to 1266 cubic centimetres, and mixed with 633 c.c. of deci-normal (acid) nitrate of silver solution, so as to bring down one-half of the bromine as silver-salt, and leave the chlorine, which might be present, in the mother-liquor. This operation was carried out twice in the same way, to produce about 24 grams of pure bromide of silver, which was washed, collected, dried (at 150° C.), and preserved with the same precautions as the chloride. 3. Pure Aqueous Hydrobromic Acid. — Ordinary bromine (proved to be free from iodine) was dissolved in bromide of potassium solution, and then recovered by distilla- tion. The bromine thus purified was placed under a mass of water, and sulphurous acid passed into it to dissolve it as hydrobromic acid. The resulting mixture then was subjected to distillation, and the receiver changed when all the excess of sulphurous acid had been expelled. The distillation was stopped before the sulphuric acid had become strong enough to react on the hydrobromic acid left. The hydrobromic acid was re- distilled, to remove any trace of sulphuric acid from it. Its strength was determined by *240 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. titration with nitrate of silver, and found to correspond to 31‘00 per cent, of HBr. Most of this preparation was diluted so as to produce “normal” acid (containing [HBr] grams per litre); and 106-5 grams of the latter, equal to very nearly 8 grams of bromine, utilised for a quantitative examination for chlorine. For this purpose about -j^ths of the halogen was precipitated by addition of a roughly standardised (acid) deci-normal solution of nitrate of silver, and the precipitate removed and preserved as bromide. The decantate was precipitated with a slight excess of silver solution, and the precipitated haloid chlorinated in the manner described in my memoir, to determine the chlorine in it. The haloid operated upon weighed, after fusion in air, 1‘9714 grams; after chlorination and expulsion of the chlorine by a current of dry air its weight was less by 0'4G61 grams. This loss of weight corresponds to 1’9G83 grams of pure bromide in the 1 '9714 of haloid used, which leaves 3*1 mgrms. of chloride of silver, or about 0'8 mgrms. of chlorine against the 8000 mgrms. of bromine contained in the 106 ‘5 grams of standard acid analysed. This means, practically, that the acid is free from the foreign halogen. 4. Standard Hydrobromic Acid Solution. — The normal hydrobromic acid referred to in the last paragraph served for the preparation of a deci-normal solution for the subse- quent test analyses. According to the data of the synthesis, 100 grams of this solution should have contained 794 ’9 milligrams of bromine as hydrobromic acid. The final “titre”was determined by three gravimetric analyses, carried out each with 50 c.c. (which in each case were weighed out in grams), and one titrimetric analysis carried out in the way of the final chlorine determinations in the Challenger waters. The results were as follows: — 100 grams of Solution contain Milligrams of Bromine. Gravimetric analysis, No. 1, 797-4 » n No. 2, 797-7 ,, ,, No. 3, . . . 796-5 Titrimetric analysis, .... 797-9 Mean, 797-4 5. An Artificial Sea-water free from Bromine. — It was made up on the basis of the numlnrs found by me for the average composition of ocean-water salts, as given on page 13H «»f the Memoir, from the following materials : — best commercial calcined magnesia, r- •• ntly ignited in a muffle before use; pure precipitated carbonate of lime ; pure sulphate '•f pMa-di ; and “ natrium chloratum purissimum ” from Trommsdorff in Erfurt, ignited in a pi itinum basin immediately before use. The calcined magnesia, of course, could not be REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN -WATER. 241 presumed to be chemically pure, nor was I absolutely sure of the purity of the chloride of sodium; but as the sea- water was intended merely for critical trials of my method of bromine determination, the preparations were accepted as sufficiently pure. A quantity of the sulphate of potash, representing the potash present according to my sea- water analyses beside 160 grams of halogen reckoned as chlorine, was weighed out, which at the same time gave part of the sulphuric acid. The rest of the latter was added in the form of normal sulphuric acid as used for alkalimetry. The correct volume of this acid, together with a measured volume of normal hydrochloric acid, served to dissolve the magnesia ; but as an excess of the latter had been employed intentionally to hasten on its action, this excess was subsequently compensated by the addition of the correct volume of a standard solution of pure caustic soda. The carbonate of lime was dissolved in ^ c.c. more than the calculated volume of normal hydrochloric acid, and the excess of acid neutralised by the caustic soda solution. The several instalments of chlorine thus introduced were added up and made up to 160 grams by addition of the calculated weight of the chloride of sodium. The magnesia, potash, and chloride of sodium solutions were mixed and diluted to 4 kilograms. On the other hand, the lime solution was made up to 42 13 '9 grams in a separate flask. The two solutions were then mixed to produce 8213'9 grams, equal to very nearly 8 litres, of “ sea- water.” This water on standing deposited a small gelatinous precipitate which settled firmly. The clear supernatant liquor was drawn off by means of a syphon and preserved in well- stoppered bottles. The chlorine in a known weight of this water was determined by my gravimetric modification of Yolhard’s method, and found equal to 1 9 ‘455, 19’448; mean, 19'452 grams of chlorine per kilogram of sea-water. To test this water for bromine, 1 kilogram of it was precipitated with 50 c.c. of acid cleci-normal silver solution (see page 99), the precipitate collected and washed, by decantation, dried, weighed, and chlorinated. The chlorination involved a loss of 0'20 mgrms., corresponding to 0'36 mgrms. of bromine ; but whether it really does so or is a mere observational error, the water may be accepted as being practically free from bromide. 6. To pass now to the critical experiments, the first question which we sought to answer was whether fused chloride of silver, when heated in dry chlorine, and then allowed to cool in a current of dry air, as had been done in the analyses of the Challenger sea- waters, retains its correct weight. To enable the reader to form his own opinion in regard to the unavoidable uncertainties in the weighings, I give all the weighings which were made in the first experiment. Tube and boat, ...... = 36 '9073 grams. Do. + chloride of silver as it came out of the bottle, = 39 "7358 „ Chloride of silver taken, (PHYS. CHE.M. CHALL, EXP. PART I. 1884.) A 31 2-8285 TIIE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 242 This chloride of silver, then, in order to remove from it every trace of moisture, was heated to 1 50° C. in the current of dry air, when the following weighings were obtained : — Tube and boat and AgCl, Do. do. Do. do. Mean, 1 = 39-7357 grams. 2 = 39-7359 ,, 3 = 39-7361 „ = 39-7359 Chloride of silver dried at 150° C., 2-8286 This chloride of silver was next fused repeatedly in a current of dry air, the operation in each case being continued for about 20 minutes, and again weighed. Tube and boat and AgCl fused in air, Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. N uni ber adopted, Chloride of silver fused in air, 1 = 39"7352 grams. 2 = 39-7354 „ 3 = 39-7354 „ 4 = 39-7354 „ 5 = 39-7354 „ = 39-7354 „ = 2-8281 , d'h is fused chloride of silver was then again fused in a current of dry chlorine, and the exposure to this gas continued for about 20 minutes, the chlorine displaced by a quick ■ urrent of dry air, of just sufficient duration to clear the atmosphere of the apparatus, allowed to cool, and weighed. After chlorination in this way, the chloride of silver was next fused, and kept in that state for about 25 minutes, in a current of dry air, allowed to cool, and weighed. The weighings obtained after heating alternately, first in chlorine followed by a little air, and then in a long lasting current of air, were as follows : — Tube and boat and AgCl fused in chlorine, 1 = 39-7349 grams. Do. do. in air, 1 = 39-7350 „ Do. do. in chlorine, 2 = 39-7354 „ Do. do. in air, 2 = 39-7353 „ Do. do. in chlorine, 3 = 39-7354 „ Do. do. in air, 3 = 39-7356 ,. Mean weight of AgCl after heating in chlorine, . = 2-8279 „ And then in air, ..... = 2-8280 „ Another experiment gave similar results, as seen by the following summary : — Exp. I. Exp. II. Chloride of silver, as taken from bottle (i.e., dried at 150° C.), 2-8285 3-1683 grams After heating in a current of air at 150* C., . 2-8286 3T687 „ After fusion in a current of dry air, . 2-8281 3-1682 „ After fusion in dry chlorine. 2-8279 3-1681 „ After prolonged fusion in current of dry air, 2-8280 3-1680 „ REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 243 Hence we see that although fused chloride of silver may absorb chlorine, such chlorine is readily and exhaustively expelled by a short exposure of the fused product to dry air. This point being settled, the second question was — Does pure bromide of silver, when chlorinated and otherwise manipulated as the mixed haloid precipitates in the sea- water analyses were, yield the exact proportion of chloride demanded by the atomic weights'? In the first experiment 3'4538 grams of dry pure bromide of silver were operated upon, with the following results : — Weight of bromide after renewed drying in dry air at 150° C., . . 3 '4543 grams. After fusion in dry air, ....... 3'4541 „ The boat cracked, but nothing ran out of it hence the experiment was continued. Haloid after treatment with chlorine, — 2-6354 grams. Hence, calculating from the fused bromide of silver, loss in chlorination is CC8187 grams, corresponding, by calculation, to 1‘4712 grams of bromine. The original bromide, by calculation, contained 1/4699 ; error in analysis = -h 1*35 mgrms. of bromine, corresponding to 3'27 mgrms. of bromide of silver. Two other similar experiments were made ; the following is a summary of the results : — Experiment I. II. III. Fused bromide of silver taken, 3-4541 2-4659 2-5814 grams. Containing bromine by theory, . 1-4699 1-0493 1-0985 „ Loss on chlorination, .... 0-8187 0-5838 0-6115 „ Corresponding to bromine, 1-4712 1-0491 1-0989 „ Error in bromine found, + 1-35 -0-24 + 0'39 mgrms. Mean absolute error, .... + 0'66 milligrams. This was very satisfactory, but it remained to be seen what degree of exactitude could be obtained in the chlorination of a mixture of much chloride and little bromide of silver, similar to those which presented themselves in the sea-water analyses. In these analyses, as stated in the memoir, the bromine had been eliminated from 1 kilo of sea-water, in each case, as far as possible, by two successive precipitations each time * The boat, as the reader remembers, always remained within its piece of Bohemian tubing, which would collect the result of any leakage. THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 244 with a quantity of acid deci-normal solution of nitrate of silver, corresponding to 3'9 per cent. ,.f the total halogen present. From the report in the memoir it is easily calculated that a mixture of O' 1473 grm. of bromide and 2-9510 grins, of chloride of silver would be a very close imitation of the “ first precipitates” obtained in the bottom water analyses. In the test analyses, accordingly, quantities of the two haloids nearly equal to these were operated upon. The chloride of silver was first weighed out in the boat, fused, and weighed again within its tube. The proper quantity of bromide of silver (dried at 150° C.) was then added from a preparation-tube and spread over the surface of the chloride. The two haloids were then fused together, and their conjoint weight redetermined ; and the mixture, lastly, was chlorinated repeatedly until the residue was constant in weight. Two experiments were thus carried out with the following results : — Experiment I. Experiment II. Weight of fused chloride of silver taken, 2 ‘95 11 grams. 2-9487 grams. Weight of bromide of silver added — a, By loss of weight of the preparation tube, 0-1465 „ b, By excess of mixed haloid after fusion over chloride, . . 0-1466 „ 0-1497 Bromine in O’ 1 466 grams, by calculation from b, 62-38 mgrms. 63-70 mgrms. Loss on chlorination, ..... 350 „ 35-7 Hence bromine found, ..... 62-90 64-15 3) Error, . . . . . . = + 0-52 + 0-45 33 We see that the absolute error is about the same as in the case of pure bromide ; but just on that account the relative error is necessarily far greater, amounting as it does to about 1;\0th of the bromine to be determined. From the two analyses made it would appear that the method is liable to a constant positive error equal to about 0‘5 mgrms. of bromine. But this would be an unsafe conclusion to draw from so small a number of experiments. It would be well to regard their results as simply confirming what the trials with pure bromide of silver have brought out. After the above experiments, all that remained to be done was to see whether the method which I had adopted for separating out the bromine from a sea-water as a mixed haloid precipitate, does its work exhaustively, and if not, what proportion of the bromine escapes precipitation. For this special purpose the artificial sea-water had been prepared, and the mode in which it was utilised hardly needs description. In each of a series of test analyses one kilogram of the artificial sea-water was mixed with a known weight of the standard ( tppi « -\iniat < ly deci-normal) solution of hydrobromic acid, containing a weight of bromine approximately equal to that in a natural sea-water per 19‘45 grams of chlorine, and the REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN- WATER. 245 water thus supplemented was then analysed for bromine in exact accordance with the method described on page 98 as having served for the Challenger water mixtures. The following is a summary of the results : — Experiment. Bromine due. Mgrms. Bromine found. Error. I. Precip. II. Precip. Total i. 66-09 61-31 5-22 66-53 + 0-44 ii. 66-26 61-57 5-04 66-61 + 0-35 hi. 6610 61-15 4-32 65-47 -0-63 IV. 66-21 62-37 4T4 66-51 + 0-30 The error in three out of the four cases was positive, and amounted to about 0'4-r- 66 or 0*00606 of the quantity to be determined. If we apply the corresponding correction to the value 0*3402 which we found for the bromine present in our Challenger waters, for every 100 of chlorine we arrive at the number 0'3381 ; but I think we had better allow the original number 0*3402 to stand as it is. Strictly speaking, we ought to subtract from each of the quantities of bromine found the 0*36 mgrms. of pwasAbromine which the biank analysis of the original water had brought out (see page 238). If we did so, the errors would be reduced in — Experiment I. II. III. IV. To +0-08 -0*01 -0-99 - R06 In any case the number 0*3402, which I adopted as representing the weight of bromine present in 100 of halogen reckoned as chlorine, may, I think, be adopted as coming very near the truth. Effect of Freezing on the Distribution of the Bromine in Sea-Water Salts. At an early stage of the Bromine Investigation I made an elaborate series of experiments for ascertaining whether a sea-water which has lost water by partial freezing contains more or less bromine per 100 of chlorine than it did before. Unfortunately the bromine determinations involved were made according to the faulty method referred TIIE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 246 to in the memoir on page 90, as Laving served for those fourteen abortive analyses quoted there, and as the method, moreover, was applied to sea-waters of abnormal salinity, it gave what I now know to be insufficiently exact results. While writing this summary I remembered these old experiments, and caused Mr. John M‘ Arthur to repeat them, on a smaller scale, and (in addition to the quantities «»f chlorine) to determine the quantities of bromine by our present exact method. Mr. Robert Anderson was directed at the same time to determine the correspond- ing quantities of sulphuric acid, and to adhere strictly to the method laid down on page 8. The water selected for the experiments was the remainder of that mixture of Challenger water samples, designated as “ II. mixture of seventy-one samples of medium depth waters, from 300 to 1000 fathoms inclusive” on page 98. First Experiment. — 2199’35 grms. of the sea-water, contained in a stoppered bottle, were exposed to a mixture of ice and salt until apparently nine-tenths of the whole were frozen, and ice and mother-liquor were then separated as far as possible by decantation and draining. The ice was then allowed to thaw, and both it and the mother-liquor were weighed after they had assumed the temperature of the laboratory. The mother- liquor, weighing 252'44 grms., was marked “No. I.”; the molten ice, weighing 1946'63 grms., was preserved as “ No. II.” Second Experiment. — 2260‘84 grms. of the same water kept in ice and salt until apparently one-half had become solid, and ice and mother-liquor separated and weighed as in the preceding case. The mother-liquor (1096'12 grms.) was called “No. III.,” the molten ice ( 1 1 G3 *93 grms.) “No. IV.” In each of these four waters the halogen was determined and calculated as chlorine by that modification of Volhard’s method which has been so frequently referred to, and, in order to check the analyses, the absolute weights of chlorine in the two portions of original water operated upon were calculated, firstly, from the weights and analyses of the two fractions, and, secondly, from the weight of the whole and the proportion of chlorine in the original water, as it had been determined in the course of the bromine investigation (page 99). The agreement in both cases was very satisfactory. In each of these waters the bromine was determined by rigorous application of the method laid down on page 98, except that in two cases less than the equivalent of 1 kilogram of original water was used (for obvious reasons), but care was taken in the - .i-e of the two mother-liquors to dilute them, before addition of silver solution, to very near the salinity of the original water. On the same principle, the two kinds of molten • a- water ice ought to have been concentrated by evaporation, but through fear of u ndcntH we preferred to use them as they were. The results are given in the following table : — REPOET ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 247 No. of the water analysed, I. II. III. IY. “ Chlorine ” per kilogram, Weight of water taken for the bromine deter- 53-800 14-880 25-053 13-972 mination, grams, * 138-80 1299-01 771-56 999-46 Bromine found in milligrams, — 1st precipitate, 23-04 60-58 61-40 44-37 2nd precipitate, . 1-98 3-60 4-14 2-88 J Total, 25-02 64-18 65-54 47-25 ' Probable uncertainty, ±0-5 ±0-5 ±0-5 ±0-5 ( Bromine per 100 of “ chlorine,” 0-3351 0-3321 0-3390 0-3384 * Probable uncertainty, . ±0-0067 ±0-0026 ±0-0026 ±0-0036 Deviation from 0-3398, -0-0047 -0-0077 - 0-0008 -0-0014 Sulphuric acid, So3, per 100 of “ chlorine,” 11-64 11-77 11-60 11-90 Deviations from average ll-58, given page 138, + 0-06 + 0-19 + 0-02 + 0-32 The number 0‘3398 is the quantity of bromine per 100 of chlorine which follows from the four analyses reported on page 99. The number CP3414 which is there given is the result of a slip in a calculation, which, however, is of no moment, as the substitution of the correct number would diminish the grand average given on page 101 as 0'3402, by only 0'0004. Considering that half a milligram of absolute error in the total bromine obtained in an analysis corresponds to only 0‘25 milligram of cumulative effect of the errors in the four weighings involved, we may well take our numbers as being com- patible with the assumption that the partial freezing of a sea-water involves no change in the ratio of bromine to chlorine. The quantities of sulphuric acid found (all except No. 1, the result of single analyses) do not agree so well with the general mean of 1 1 ’57 6, which was deduced from the seventy- seven analyses, as I should wish ; but their evidence, like that afforded by the bromine determinations, tends to show that the partial freezing of a sea- water (which constantly occurs as a natural phenomenon in the polar circles) does not involve the formation of any cryohydrate. Sea- water ice, it would appear, is just ice enclosing drops of highly saline mother-liquor. CONTENTS. I. The Principal Saline Components, Determination of tlie Chlorine, .... „ „ Sulphuric acid, ,, „ Lime and Magnesia, „ ,, Potash [Supplementary work, page 233], ,, ,, Soda, .... PAGE 1 4 8 9 12 17 Table T. Showing the quantities of the Principal Saline Components present in a series of Challenger Samples, ...... .23 IL On the Salinity of Ocean-Water, ....... 39 Table I. Giving the permilleages of Chlorine (x) found in a series of Challenger Waters, ........ 43 Table II. Experiments to determine the dependence of Specific Gravity on Salinity and Temperature, . . . . . . .57 Table III. Giving the Relative V olumes of Sea-Water according to various Observers, 62 Table IV. Referring to a Sea-Water of the Salinity of E /arum’s “ D,” . . 63 Table V. Giving the Specific Gravities, 4@t, of 11 Standard Sea-Water" at t°, . 65 Reduction of the Specific Gravities to the Vacuum, ..... 66 Table VI. Giving the correction for finding the Specific Gravity in reference to pure Water of T° from the Specific Gravity given in reference to pure water of t°, . . . . . . . .69 Table VII. To find the Specific Gravity at t° from the Specific Gravity at 15°-56, ....... 70 Table VIII. To find x from a given Specific Gravity, ... 78 Table IX. To find x, from a given Specific Gravity at 15° -56, ... 80 Table X. To find the Specific Gravity at 15°'56 from y, . . . .81 Table Xa. To find the Chlorine per litre [x] from the Chlorine per kilo, x, • 81 The Hydrometer Error, . . . . . . • • .82 Table XI. Classification of the Observational Errors in Buchanan’s Values x\ • 8/ III. The Bromine in Ocean-Water, Attempts to determine the Minimum of Silver required for precipitating the Eromine from 1 Litre of Sea- Water, ....•••• (phys. chem. chall. exp. — part i. — 1S84.) A 32 89 93 -4 «. 4 44 . A 32 50 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. PAGE Summary of principal Test Analyses, ....... 97 Analyses of a number of Challenger Water Mixtures [Supplementary work, page 239], . 99 IV. Ox the Carbonic Acid in Ocean- Water, . . . ... . . 103 Historical and Critical Remarks, ........ 103 The Norwegian Methods, ........ 106 The Author’s Method for the Estimation of Carbonic Acid, .... 108 Synthetical Experiments on Dissociation of Sea- Water Bicarbonates ; and Critical Experi- ments on Buchanan’s Method, ....... 108 Elimination of CO., by mere boiling, . . . . . . .115 Influence of Sulphates on the Affinity of Water for Carbonic Acid, . . .116 Table XII. Showing the proportion of total Carbonic Acid found in a selection of Challenger Waters , . . . . . .118 Table XIII. Carbonic Acid Determinations executed by Mr. Buchanan on board II.M.S. Challenger during the Cruise , . . . . .119 V. On the Alkalinity of Ocean- Water, ....... 124 Table I. Giving the Alkalinity of a selection of Challenger Waters, . . 125 Table II. Classification of Alkalinities, . . . . . .133 Table III. Giving the difference between the Alkalinity of Bottom and 11 Surface" Waters, . . . . . . . .135 Table IV. Giving the number of cases in which different values of the Alkalinity occur, . . . . . . . .135 Notes on Anomalous Cases, . . . . . . . .128 VI. Ox the Absorbed Air in Ocean-Water, ....... 139 •Jacobsen’s Method of Extracting Gases from Sea- Water, ..... 141 Method of Gas Analysis, ......... 143 Table I. Showing the Results of the Analysis of Gases obtained f rom a. Number of Samples of Ocean-Water, . . . . . .150 Table II. A. Surface Waters, . . . . . . .156 B. Waters from Various Depths , . . . . .158 C. Bottom Waters, . . . . . . .159 On the Coefficients of Absorption of Nitrogen and Oxygen, .... 160 Table III. Giving the values of 100 x n„ ...... 1G6 Table IV. Giving the values of 1000 x A, . . . . . .167 Table V. Giving the values of 1000 x /3V ..... 167 Table VI. Giving the values of 1000 x /?,, ..... 168 Final Experiments with Water and Sea- Water, . . . . . .168 Table VII. Showing the Absorption of Air by Pure Water, .... 172 Tabl< VIII Showing the Absorption of Oxygen and Nitrogen by Pure Water, . 173 REPORT ON THE COMPOSITION OF OCEAN-WATER. 251 l’AGE Table IX. Showing the Absorption of Air and Nitrogen by Sea-Water, . . 176 Table X. To find the Temperature ( t° ) from the member of cubic centimetres of Nitrogen (1000h2A.) absorbed from pure air bg 1 litre of Sea-Water, 176 Table XI. Showing Amounts of Gases in Surface Waters, . . . 178 Table XII. Shoiuing Amounts of Gases in Intermediate Waters, . . .180 Table XIII. Slioioing Amounts of Gases in Bottom Waters, . . . 181 Interpretation of the Results, . . . . . . . .182 Table XIV. Surface Water Gases. The Nitrogen Deficits Classified, . . 184 Table XV. Surface Water Gases. Classification of the Oxygen Deficits, . . 186 Table XVI. Surface-Water Gases. Values of nv found for t0, reduced to assumed temperatures, t, . . . . . .189 Table XVII. Showing the position when Samples ivere obtained which gave exceptionally High and Low Values of nv . . . . .191 Table XVIII. The Quantity of Nitrogen in Surface-Waters reduced to certain fixed Temperatures, . . . . . . .192 Table XIX. Oxygen Deficits arranged in the order of their Magnitude, . . 195 Summary of Results, . . . . . . . ■ .199 Average Composition of Ocean-Water Salts, ...... 203 Carbonic Acid in Ocean-Water, ........ 209 Absorbed Nitrogen and Oxygen, ........ 222 Suggestions for Future Work, ........ 227 Note on Table XIII. By J. Y. Buchanan, . . . • .231 Appendix, 233 Supplementary Notes to Chapter I, ...... 233 Supplementary Notes to the Chapter on Bromine, ..... 239 >; « ; PLATE I. (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. — PART I. 1884.) A. PLATE I. Apparatus for Determining the Carbonic Acid in Sea-Water. A. — Decomposition-flask. B, B. — Air-gasometer. C. — Inverted condenser. I). — Evacuated flask, charged with known volume of standard baryta water. D, E, F shows liow standard hydrochloric acid is run into D, out of a burette at the end of the experiment. Voyage of H M- S "Challenger Composition of Ocean Water P! I PLATE II. Apparatus for Gas-Analysis. I. — Side view of pneumatic trough for gas-burette and exploder. In. — Ground plan of same; r, the two wells for the U -tubes of the burette and exploder. I I. — F, graduated tube ; f, narrow side tube communicating therewith ; M, mer- cury reservoir, communicating with F through india-rubber tube m; 0, inlet, P, outlet tube for water of the bath. I In. — Ground plan of same; H, water-bath; N, outlet pipe, other letters as in first figure. III. — D, explosion tube, communicating by india-rubber tube b with mercury reservoir a ; c, capillary U-tube, filled with mercury, to connect terminal of induction coil with one of the platinum wires. IV. — P neumatic trough belonging to the gas-pipette; side view. IVa. — Ground plan of same. V. — Gas-pi) »ette. T, glass ball containing mercury and liquid reagent, connected by india-rubber tube t with mercury reservoir V ; R, lateral supplementary mercury reservoir to enable one to sweep gas from capillary U-tube into the tube standing in B. VI. — Improved form of gas-pipette devised by Mr. Lennox. A corresponds to T and R in fig V.; b serves to connect mercury-reservoir (V, fig. V.) with pipette A projKir. H M S 'ChaU«*n£«r ' Composition of’ Ocean Water. P] II. ''•'ntinieirt-'s Inches Fi£. IV a J J 1111 Min Fig. IV Pil-V >S ANALYSIS. PLATE III. (PHTS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PART I. 1884.) A PLATE III. Apparatus for Extracting Gases from Water. A ' flask containing water from which the gases are to be boiled out ; B, gas-bulb, terminating in a Jacobsen’s connecting tube with lateral orifice a below, and into a condenser-tube c above ; D, jacket of condenser ; E and K, cylindrical gas- bulbs communicating through in. The gas aspired goes into E by d, and is driven out by f into h, standing in the mercurial trough H. K is the mercury-reservoir, its atmosphere can be rarefied by connection with a Bunsen pump through k, or condensed by connecting it through n with the copper-ball M, containing com- pressed air; P, manometer for M. Centime/ rrj THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. REPORT on the Specific Gravity of Samples of Ocean Water, observed on board H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. By J. Y. Buchanan, Esq., M.A., F.R.S.E., Chemist and Physicist of the Expedition. The variation in the specific gravity of the water which forms the ocean is, com- paratively speaking, so slight, that an instrument of considerable delicacy is necessary for determining it. So far as I have hitherto been able to observe, it lies between the extremes 1 '02780 and 1 ‘02400, the specific gravity of pure water at 4° C. being taken as the unit ; the results, therefore, if they are to be of any value, must be correct to at least the fourth place of decimals. In mentioning these extremes, it must be observed that they refer to ocean waters, and not to the mixtures of fresh and salt water to be found in bays and estuaries, where waters of all degrees of saltness may be found, from perfectly fresh to even much salter water than is represented by the above superior extreme, according to the climate of the locality. In deciding on the kind of instrument to be used, the hydrometer was selected as the only reliable one capable of being used at sea. Before starting I was in some doubt about the latter property, but it was evident that, in any case, the water samples had only to be stored till reaching harbour, when their specific gravities could be taken, if necessary, on shore, where the trustworthiness of the results would depend solely on the care with which the instrument had been constructed. It was found, however, that, except in very heavy weather, the observations could be satisfactorily made without storage being necessary. The hydrometer was made of glass. Metal instruments were rejected because they are liable to deformation by violence, and consequently to alteration of volume. (PHY3. CHUM. CHALL. EXP. PART II. 1883.) f B 1 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. A hydrometer of the delicacy required for our work has necessarily a very limited range, otherwise its dimensions would be inconveniently large. In order to avoid the necessity of taking a number of different instruments adapted to different ranges of density, a number of brass weights capable of being attached to the top of the stem of the hydrometer were provided. By this means the weight of the hydrometer could be varied at will within certain limits. One of these weights was in the form of a small brass table, and when more were required they were laid upon it. The instrument which was used during the whole cruise answers perfectly the purpose for which it was designed, and may here be particularly described (fig. 1). Preliminary calculations showed that convenient dimen- sions would be about 3 mm. for the diameter of the stem and about 150 c.c. for the volume of the body, and from 10 to 12 cm. for the length of the stem. The tube for the stem was selected with great care from a large assortment, and no want of uniformity in its outward shape could be detected with the callipers. The tube for the body of the instrument was also selected from a number, in order to secure such a diameter as would give the instrument a suitable length. In order to provide against accidents, I had four instru- ments made from the two lengths of tubing. The glass work of the instru- ment being finished — except that the top of the stem, instead of being sealed up, was slightly widened out into a funnel — the instrument was loaded with mercury, until the lower end of the stem was just immersed in distilled water of 16° C. A millimetre scale on paper was then fixed in the stem, and the calibration carried on by placing decigramme weights on the funnel-shaped top, and noting the consequent depression on the scale. The whole length of the scale was 10 cm., and this portion of the stem proved to be of perfectly uniform calibre. Several series of observations were made in order to determine accurately the volume of any length of the stem. Table I. gives the results of two series of these observations. Pure distilled water of the temperature of the laboratory (1G° C.) was used. The temperature of the water was carefully checked with one of Gicivder's standard thermometers, divided into tenths of a centigrade degree ; it varied from 1G°*0 to 16 '2 C. We may therefore take the mean temperature to be 16 *1 C. In the first series the mean depression per decigramme is 11 ‘525 mm.; in the second it is 1 1 *587 mm. of th' -e i- 11*556 mm. This length of stem is immersed by 0‘1 grm.; the volume therefore of 1 1 *550 mm. of the stem is equal to that of 0*1 grm. water at 16°*1 C., or 0* 100007 c.c. Hence the volume of the graduated portion of the stem (100 mm.) is Fio. 1. — Completed The mean Hydrometer. REPORT ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER, 3 0’865 c.c. Both series of observations show that the stem is uniform, so that we take the volume of 1 mm. to be 0'00865 c.c. When this operation of calibration was finished, the end of the stem was carefully closed before the blow-pipe. Table I. Showing the Values obtained in Two Preliminary Trials of the Hydrometer. First Series. Second Series. Load. Gramme. Stem. Millimetres. Differences. Stem. Millimetres. Differences. o-o 98 12-8 98-9 11-9 o-l 85-2 11-4 87-0 11-9 0-2 73-8 11-5 75-1 11-1 0-3 62-3 . 11-3 64-0 11-0 0-4 51-0 11-5 53-0 12-2 0-5 39-5 11-5 40-8 11-2 0-6 28-0 10-8 29-6 11-7 0-7 17-2 11-4 17-9 11-7 0-8 5-8 6-2 0-85 -0-2 Mean J • • • 11-525 11-587 The hydrometer was now carefully weighed on one of Oertling’s best balances with the following result : — Weight in air, ........ 160-0405 Add for air displaced by hydrometer, .... 0T968 Less buoyancy of weights, ..... 0-0245 0-1723 Weight in vacuo, ....... 160-212S grms. When the hydrometer floats in a liquid, then the true weight of the volume of liquid displaced is equal to the weight in vacuo of the hydrometer, less the weight of the 4 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. volume of air displaced by the part of the instrument which protrudes above the surface of the liquid. In the case of our hydrometer the maximum volume of air displaced would be not more than 1 c.c., weighing about 0'0012 grm. The maximum error therefore due to this cause would be the same as that caused by an error of one-tenth of a scale division on the stem of the hydrometer. As this reading cannot be made with certainty to less than half a division the correction for displaced air may be omitted. The effective weight, therefore, of the hydrometer is constant, and is 160'2128 grms. In order from its reading, when floating in a liquid, to know the volume of the liquid displaced by this weight, we must know to what variations the volume of the instrument is subject. These are due solely to changes of temperature. In determining the volume of the instrument at different temperatures, we confine our attention to the body of the instrument and neglect the stem, because it is immersed to a variable extent, and even if completely immersed, its bulk is so small that the variations of it may be neglected. The coefficient of expansion w^as determined by floating the instrument in distilled water of different temperatures and observing the displacement. For water of tempera- ture below 15° C., the hydrometer was loaded with the small brass table, which weighed 0 836 grm. Table II. Showing the Volumes of the Body of the Instrument at Different Temperatures. With Brass Table. Without Brass Table. Temperature of water (* C.), t 4-5 60 11-4 15-7 20-1 25-9 Weight of hydrometer (grms.), W 161 0488 160-2128 Reading of do., .... r 13-2 13-2 9-2 98-7 85-2 63-6 ' Volume (c.c.) of stem immersed ) (100 -r) 0-00865, . V 0-751 0-751 0-777 0-011 0-128 0-315 Volume of W grms. water at /*, . V 161-049 161-054 161-110 160-361 160-487 160-704 Volume of body of hydrometer at /* (V - v), v, 160-298 160-303 160-333 160-350 160-359 160-389 If these values for the volume of the body at the different temperatures be laid off as ordinates, the corresponding temperatures being abscissae, a straight line ran lx* drawn, passing through the points representing the observations at 40,5, 6°, 15 7 and 25 '9, and giving a higher value by 0 01 c.c. at 20°T C., and a lower REPORT ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER. one by 0'005 c.c. at 11 "4 C. than the observed values. This line may therefore fairly be taken to represent the thermal expansion of the body of the thermometer. According to it the volume at 0° is 160'277 c.c. and at 25° C. it is 160-391 c.c. Taking these figures as correct, the coefficient of expansion of the body of the hydrometer is 0-0000285. The volume of the body of the hydrometer up to the first division on the stem (100) being 160 "277 c.c. at 0° C., and the mean volume of each stem division being 0-00865 c.c., Table III. has been constructed, giving the volume immersed when the hydrometer floats at each division in liquid of 0° C. If the temperature of the liquid is not 0° C., then the volume has to be corrected in terms of the coefficient of expansion. Table IV. gives those corrections for all temperatures between 0° and 30° C. These corrections are to be added to the volumes found from Table III. Table III. Giving the Immersed Volume (V.) of Hydrometer No. 0 at a Temperature OF 0° C. FOR EVERY SCALE DIVISION (R.) ON THE STEM. R. V. R. V. R. V. R. V. 100 160277 74 160-502 49 160-718 24 160-934 99 285 73 511 48 727 23 943 98 294 72 519 47 735 22 951 97 303 71 528 46 744 21 960 96 311 70 537 45 753 20 969 95 320 69 545 44 761 19 977 94 329 68 554 43 770 18 986 93 337 67 562 42 779 17 995 92 346 66 571 41 787 16 161-003 91 355 65 579 40 796 15 012 90 363 64 588 39 805 14 021 89 372 63 597 38 813 13 029 88 381 62 605 37 822 12 038 87 389 61 614 36 831 11 047 86 398 60 623 35 839 10 055 85 407 59 631 34 848 9 064 84 415 58 640 33 857 8 073 83 424 57 649 32 865 7 081 82 433 56 657 31 874 6 090 81 441 55 666 30 882 5 099 80 450 54 675 29 891 4 107 79 459 53 683 28 899 3 116 78 467 52 692 27 908 2 125 77 476 51 701 26 917 1 133 76 485 50 709 25 925 0 142 75 493 6 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Table IV. (Jiving the Correction to be added to the Immersed Volume of the Hydrometer FOUND FROM TABLE III., FOR EVERY DEGREE CENTIGRADE FROM 1° C. TO 30° C. Temp. *C. Volume c,c. Temp. °C. Volume c.c. Temp. °C. Volume c.c. Proportional parts for Tenths of a Degree. I 1 00046 11 0-0502 21 0-0958 o 0-1 0-0005 2 0091 12 0547 22 1003 2 0009 3 0137 13 0593 23 1049 3 0014 4 0182 14 0638 24 1094 4 0018 5 0228 15 0684 25 1140 5 0023 6 0274 16 0730 26 1186 6 0027 7 0319 17 0775 27 1231 7 0032 8 0365 18 0821 28 1277 8 0037 9 0410 19 0866 29 1322 9 0041 10 0456 20 0912 30 1368 ... ... By means of these two tables the volume of water displaced at any temperature can l»e found. It has been observed above that the hydrometer, as it stands and without any added weight, would be useful only through a very limited range of densities. Its weight is IGO'2128 grms., and the total volume of the divided stem is 0 '8 65 c.c., that of the body of the instrument being at ordinary temperatures 160-35 c.c. We have thus an extreme range in volumes of 1G0'350 to 16r206 c.c., and by consequence in density of CU99914 to 0'99384, equal to 0 0053. Were the density of the water dependent solely on its saltness, this range would have sufficed for all the waters met with during the cruise. That is to say, the extreme range of specific gravities at constant temperature was not greater than 0 0053. The range is doubled when the effect of variation of temperature is remembered, and it is still further extended when account is taken of the condensation produced by tin* pressure of the overlying water at the bottom and intermediate depths. In order to make it possible, by means of the hydrometer above described, to observe all densities from that of distilled water up to that of the densest sea- water, a small brass table was made to fit on to the top of the stem of the hydrometer. Its weight was 0'836 grm., so that when the instrument was floating in distilled water of about 16° C. at about 97 mm., it depressed it to about 1 mm. A series of six weights were then made, each as nearly as pofsibh- a simple multiple of the weight of the table. It is not necessary that they should In- exact multiples, they arc brought approximately to the desired weight, and then their a< tual weight is accurately determined on the balance. The following are the weights which were used : — II. III. IV. 1-6010 2-4225 3-2145 No. Weight grm*., I. 0-8560 v. 4-0710 VI. 4-8245 REPORT ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER. 7 The hydrometer which we have described was designated No. 0, and the table was also designated No. 0. In the tabulated results the combination used is indicated in the column headed “ Number of Hydrometer.” Thus OOv means that hydrometer No. 0 table No. 0 and wTeight No. v were used. The combinations almost exclusively used were OOiv and OOv, which weighed 164‘2633 and 165*1198 grms. respectively. Suppose, for example, that when floating in a liquid. of 20° C., the hydrometer, loaded 8 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. with the table and weight No. iv (the combination OOiv) weighing together 164*2633 <;nns., is immersed as far as No. 74 on the stem, we find from Table I. that had the tem- perature been 0° C. the immersed volume would have been 160*502 c.c. From Table II. we find that at 20° C. the volume of the body of the instrument is greater by 0*0912 c.c. than it is at 0° C., neglecting as insignificant the variation in volume of the immersed portion of the stem, and adding the above correction 0*091 to the volume 160*502 at 0° C. found in Table I., we have for the correct immersed volume at 20° C. 160*593. This volume of the liquid is equal in weight to that of the displacing instrument (OOiv), which is, its above, 164*2633 grms. Dividing the weight by the volume we have the density of the liquid = 164*2633-^ 160*593 = 1*02285. The specific gravity of a substance is the ratio of its density to some standard density. If we choose as our standard density that of distilled water at 4° C., at which temperature, by definition, a cubic centimetre weighs a gramme, our densities are identical with specific gravities, “water at 4° C. being unity.” Fig. 2 shows the hydrometer C, loaded with the table D, and weight E, floating in the surface of water contained in the cylinder B, of about one litre capacity. The cylinder stands on the tray A, suspended by a hook from the beams above. As the ship rolls the cylinder preserves a sensibly vertical position, and in all ordinary weather the observations could be made easily and accurately. The volume of the body of the instrument may be taken to vary between 160*27 and 160*42 c.c. If we add the volume of the stem (0*865 c.c.) to the last, we have the extreme variations of the volume of displaced liquid between 160*27 and 161*285 c.c. from these volumes and the weights of the combinations, namely, 00iv= 164*2633 and 00v= 165*1 198 grms., Table V. is constructed, in which under Y. we have the volume of liquid displaced, and under D|y , Dv the corresponding densities, with the combinations OOiv and OOv respectively. By the use of Tables III., IV., and V. we find without calculation the density corresponding to the observed readings of hydrometer and thermometer. lor purposes of future reduction it is necessary that the temperature of the water at the time of the hydrometer observation should be accurately ascertained. For this purpose one of Geissler’s “ normal ” thermometers, divided into tenths of a degree centigrade, was used. Its zero was frequently checked in melting ice, and the correction applied. At low temperatures (below 10 or 12° C.) a tenth of a degree makes no .“•■nsible difference in the resulting density; but at the high temperatures (25° to 30°C.) common in tropical and equatorial waters, a difference of even 0°*1 C. in the temperature a difference of three to four in the fifth place of decimals in the density. In ’ - warm latitudes, and with so delicate a hydrometer, it was absolutely essential that • : • a. iter under observation should have sensibly the temperature of the atmosphere. REPORT OR THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OE OCEAN WATER. 9 n. - r,- 'fm-l It was therefore my unvarying custom when samples of water were collected from the bottom or intermediate depths, to keep them over night in the laboratory, and determine the densities of the series at the same temperature. The results give the relative densities of the waters at the Station, independently of tables of reduction. Table V. Showing the Density (DiT. Dv.) of the Water, the Immersed Volume (V.) of the Hydrometer being given. Volume of Density with Instrument Weighing Volume of Hydrometer Immersed, e.c. Density with Instrument Weighing Volume of Hydrometer Immersed. c.c. Density with Instrument Weighing Hydrometer Immersed. c.c. 164-2633 grammes. OOiv. 165-1198 grammes. OOv. 164-2633 grammes. OOiv. 165-1198 grammes. OOv. 164-2633 grammes. OOiv. 165-1198 grammes. OOv. V. DiV. Dy V. Div. Dt. V. Div Dv. 160-26 1-02499 1-03032 160-61 1-02276 1-02807 160-96 1-02052 1-02584 27 492 026 62 269 801 97 046 578 28 486 019 63 263 795 98 040 572 29 480 013 64 255 788 99 033 565 30 473 007 65 250 782 161-00 027 559 31 467 000 66 243 775 01 020 553 32 459 1-02994 67 237 769 02 014 546 33 453 987 68 231 763 03 007 540 34 447 981 69 224 756 04 001 533 35 440 975 70 218 750 05 1-01995 527 36 434 968 71 212 743 06 988 521 37 428 962 72 205 737 07 982 514 38 421 955 73 199 731 08 976 508 39 415 949 74 193 724 09 969 501 40 409 943 75 186 718 10 963 495 41 402 936 76 180 711 11 957 489 42 396 930 77 174 705 12 950 482 43 390 923 78 167 700 13 944 476 44 383 917 79 160 693 14 938 470 45 377 911 80 154 687 15 932 464 46 371 903 81 147 680 16 925 458 47 364 897 82 141 674 17 919 451 48 358 890 83 135 668 18 912 445 49 352 884 84 128 661 19 906 439 50 345 878 85 122 655 20 901 431 51 339 871 86 117 648 21 894 425 52 333 865 87 109 642 22 888 41S 53 326 859 88 103 636 23 882 412 54 320 852 89 097 629 24 875 406 55 314 846 90 090 623 25 869 399 56 307 839 91 084 616 26 863 393 57 301 833 92 078 610 27 856 387 58 295 827 93 071 604 28 850 380 59 288 820 94 065 597 29 S44 374 60 282 814 95 059 591 30 837 367 (CHEM. PHYS. CHALL. EXP. — PART II. 1883.) E 2 10 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S CHALLENGER. Having obtained the density of the water at the temperature which it had during the observation, we have to reduce it to its value at some standard temperature. It is only aft. r this reduction that we can compare the densities of waters observed at different times and places in their bearing on the saltness of the water. During the cruise the only available tables of the expansion of sea-water for tempera- ture were those of Prof. Hubbard (Tables VI., VII.). In Hubbard’s Table1 the volumes of a mass of sea- water at different temperatures are given referred to that at 150-5G C. (60° Fahr.) as unity. In using it for reducing my ob- servations to their value at a common temperature, I adopted the same standard temperature, as involving the least amount of calculation. It has, however, the advantage over lower temperatures that the amount of the correction to be applied to each observation is much smaller than if such a temperature as 4° or 0° C. were chosen. Table VI. Copy of Hubbard’s Original Table for Fahrenheit’s Degrees. Temp. Dilatation. Temp. Dilatation. Temp. Dilatation. Temp. Dilatation. 2*2 0-99807 o 32 0 99795 50 0-99895 110 1-00950 23 801 33 797 55 943 120 218 24 798 34 800 60 1 -ooooo 130 506 25 795 35 803 65 067 140 1804 26 793 36 806 70 142 150 2118 27 792 37 810 75 221 160 2460 28 791 38 814 80 309 170 2823 29 791 39 819 85 402 180 3192 30 792 40 823 90 503 190 3588 31 793 45 856 100 716 200 3993 Table VII. Giving Hubbard’s Values for the Volume (called in the original “Dilatation”) AT EVERY DEGREE CENTIGRADE, THAT AT 15°'5G C. BEING UNITY. Temp. Volume. Temp. Volume. Temp. Volume. Temp. Volume. Temp. Volume. • 1 _1 0-99792 . 0 795 6 0-99840 12 0-99927 18 1-00059 24 1-00224 1 799 7 853 13 947 19 086 25 256 ! 2 804 8 866 14 967 20 111 26 288 3 812 9 878 15 987 21 137 27 320 4 820 10 893 16 1-00010 22 164 28 352 & 830 11 910 17 034 23 194 29 385 30 420 1 Published in Maury’* Sailing Directions, 1858, I. p. 237. REPOET ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER. 11 Hubbard believed from bis experiments that, for all ordinarily occurring ocean waters the volume ratios were the same. The later observations of Thorpe and Rucker, Ekman, Torn0e, and Dittmar have shown that this is not strictly the case. In the Meteorological Observations published in the second volume of the Narrative,1 the specific gravities are reduced by Hubbard’s Tables, the reductions having been per- formed during the cruise. The specific gravities in the following tables have been reduced by the table compiled by Prof. Dittmar.2 They are therefore free from the error attaching to Hubbard’s experiments. The results of Prof. Dittmar’s Table are shown graphically in PI. I., in which specific gravities at the temperature of observation are ordinates, and those at 15°‘56 C. are abscissae; the diagonal lines are isothermals, showing the variation of observed and reduced specific gravities for every degree of temperature. This chart enables reductions to be carried out rapidly and easily by inspection. For instance, let the density observed at 3° C. be 1 ‘02800. Find the point on the isothermal of 3° C. whose ordinate is 1 ‘02800, its abscissa is 1 ‘02600, and that is the density at 15°‘56 C. For a discussion of the observations by various experimenters on the expansion of sea- water, the reader is referred to Prof. Dittmar’s Report on the Composition of Ocean Water.2 In order practically to test the accuracy of the observations, occasion was taken when the temperature and salinity of the water were such as to immerse nearly the whole stem, when weight No. v was used, to take a reading immediately afterwards with weight No. iv, which immersed very little more than the body of the instrument. The effect of this was to obtain two observations of the density of the same water at the same temperature, one from a reading near the top of the scale, and the other from one near the bottom (Table VIII.). Table VIII. Giving Duplicate Observations op the same Sample of Water with the same Hydrometer differently Weighted. No. of Sample. Density observed with Differ- ence OOiv- OOv. No. of Sample. Density observed with Differ- ence OOiv- OOv. OOiv. OOv. OOiv. OOv. 120 1-02412 1-02411 + 1 274 1-02416 1-02412 + 4 127 1-02414 1-02409 + 5 826 1-02411 1-02411 0 135 1-02406 1-02413 -7 829 1-02411 1-02408 + 3 139 1-02407 1-02414 -7 830 1-02400 1-02405 -5 181 1-02428 1-02427 + 1 831 1-02411 1-02418 + 3 The agreement between these results, dependent only on the hydrometer and the accuracy of observation, gave me much confidence in the correctness of my work. 1 Narrative, Cliall. Exp., vol. ii. pp. 300-744. 2 Phys. Chem. Cliall. Exp., part L THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. In onlor to form some idea of the trustworthiness of the reduced results, I kept a fr\v samples of water, differing considerably in salinity, and determined their densities at different dates and under different states of atmospheric temperature. The observed densities were reduced in terms of Hubbard’s Table. The results are given in Table IX., and show a very satisfactory amount of agreement. It will be observed that in this table there are no observations at temperatures of 25° C. and upwards, compared with those at moderate and low temperatures. Recent experience shows that, had these been so, the deficiencies of Hubbard’s Table would have shown themselves. It shows that for non- t ropical waters Hubbard’s Table is sufficiently accurate. Table IX. Showing the Results of Determinations of the Specific Gravities of the same Samples of Water at different Temperatures. N. T,. 8,. Ta. S5. T*. s3. t4- s4. t5. sB. t6. S„. .» 200 102629 24-1 102629 179 23-9 102717 24T 102713 • • • • • • 181 240 102656 24-7 102655 182 24-0 102630 24-8 102627 ... ... 1' 1 24T 102695 21 0 102698 ; . . 193 261 102618 25*9 102618 • • • ' . . . 270 21-7 102692 17*2 102690 18-6 102691 11-4 102683 271 21-5 102659 16T 102651 17*3 102653 18-8 102652 272 21 *5 102618 16*8 102615 17-8 102611 • • • 273 21*6 102583 16*8 102578 17*9 102584 • • • | 279 18*5 102639 15-6 102634 170 102635 ii-5 102633 ... | 280 18-5 102612 15*4 102609 17-3 102609 11-4 102608 282 18*7 102550 15-4 102547 17*3 102555 11-4 102547 283 18*7 102582 161 102582 1-7 *4 102585 • • • 289 15-6 102581 12*3 102584 294 14*6 102587 12*7 102585 353 8-7 102574 10-3 102564 71 102567 7-9 102564 7 0 102571 5-8 102575 357 80 102532 7-2 102533 • • • A 120 102621 9-9 102627 8-8 102616 7-7 102614 6-8 102615 5-9 102618 B 12*4 102692 9-9 102694 8-9 102686 8-0 102686 6-9 102688 5-8 102680 C 12*4 102608 9-8 102621 90 102610 8-0 102622 6-9 102615 5-8 102620 In thi« table, under column N, are found the sample-numbers of the sea-waters used. Under Ti, T„ Ac., arc found the temperatures (centigrade) at which the specific gravities S,, S», &c., were obtained. I he results of the investigation have been placed on the .accompanying chart and w*tion», from an inspection of which a general idea of the distribution of density in the ocean can be formed. The discussion of the bearing of these results on ocean physics is deferred for the present. REPORT OjST THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER. 13 Tables of the Specific Gravity of Ocean Water. An * signifies that the sp. gr. of the water at the bottom was ascertained, and a t that the sp. gr. of the water at depths intermediate between the surface and the bottom was determined. I. The Surface Water of the North Atlantic. Number of Sample. Date. bp •H o . ^5 - s O o ft Position. Depth in Fathoms from which Sample was obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity ( Distilled Water at 4° C. - 1.) Latitude. Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at t° C. Reduced to its Value at . 15°-56 C. r C. D T t R St S 15-56 St .' N. w. 1873. 0 , O / o o *2 Feb. 15 l 27 24 16 55 Surface. 18-0 18-5 00 Y. 44 1-02658 1-02730 1-02671 3 16 26 40 17 53 9 9 18'3 17-8 47 1-02678 1-02732 1-02666 *5 17 2 25 52 19 22 99 18'9 19-6 42 1-02639 1-02739 1 -02656 6 18 3 25 45 20 14 9 9 18-3 19-6 39 1-02619 1-02719 1-02654 7 19 4 25 28 20 22 18-9 20-3 35 1-02601 1-02720 1-02637 8 20 24 56 21 39 19'4 19-9 38 1-02619 1-02727 1-02633 9 21 24 22 24 11 19-4 20-5 40 1-02629 1-02753 1-02659 11 22 24 15 24 59 19-4 20-5 39 1-02626 1-02750 1-02656 12 23 23 22 27 49 20-0 20-6 41 1 -02633 1-02760 1-02650 14 24 23 15 30 56 20-0 207 41 1 -02633 1-02763 1-02653 *17 25 8 23 12 32 56 19-4 21-3 40 1 -02627 1-02773 1-02677 *18 26 9 23 23 35 11 20-5 21-9 38 1-02615 1-02778 1-02656 20 27 23 28 36 43 21-1 22-0 37 1-02608 1 -02773 1-02635 *22 Mar. 28 10 23 10 38 42 217 22-5 35 1-62595 1-02774 1-02617 t*26 1 11 22 45 40 37 217 22-4 34 1-02591 1-02767 1-02614 28 2 22 30 42 6 217 22-5 35 1-02595 1-02774 1-02617 +*31 3 12 21 57 43 29 22-8 22'6 32 1-02579 1-02761 1-02575 +*35 4 13 21 38 44 39 22-2 22'8 34 1-02589 1-02777 1-02607 37 5 14 21 1 46 29 23-3 23-7 26 1-02543 1-02756 1-02553 +*39 6 15 20 49 48 45 22-5 23-3 30 1-02566 1-02768 1 02589 +*47 7 16 20 39 50 33 23-3 24-4 25 1-02536 1-02770 1-02568 *48 8 17 20 7 52 32 23 '3 24-2 25 1-02538 1-02766 1-02564 *51 10 18 19 41 55 13 23-3 24-4 18 1-02498 1-02732 1-02530 •*52 11 19 19 15 57 47 23-9 24-9 15 1 -02480 1-02728 1-02509 *55 12 20 18 56 59 35 23-9 24-7 14 1-02485 1-02727 1-02508 +*61 13 •21 18 54 61 28 24-4 25 1 6 1 -02431 1-02685 1-02451 63 14 22 18 40 62 56 24-4 25-8 5 1-02423 1-0269S 1-02464 64 99 15 236 18 28 63 35 91 24-4 25-4 9 9 6 1-02430 1-02693 1-02459 65 25 24a 18 43 65 5 24-4 257 6'5 1 -02432 1-02704 1-02470 *67 26 25 19 41 65 7 24-4 25-2 7 1 -02435 1 -02692 1-02458 *68 27 26 21 26 65 16 24-4 25-4 8 1-02441 1-02704 1-02470 *71 28 27 22 49 65 19 24-2 25-2 10 1-02453 1-02710 1 -02484 *73 29 28 24 39 65 25 23'9 25-0 11 1-02459 1-02710 1-02491 74 30 26 38 65 16 23-3 24'2 19 1-02504 1-02732 1 -02530 +*75 31 29 27 49 64 59 22"2 23-4 24 1 -02534 1-02739 1-02571 *82 April 1 30 29 5 65 1 22-2 24 T 20 1-02510 1-02735 1-02568 84 2 29 51 65 8 21-4 22 T 29 1-02564 1-02732 1-025S3 87 9 9 3 32a 32 1 64 51 20-0 21-7 99 30 1-02571 1-02728 1-02619 88 22 356 32 26 65 9 20-0 20-7 32 1-02585 1-02715 1 -02604 89 25 38 33 3 66 32 21 T 217 29 1-02566 1 -02723 1-025S3 90 26 34 11 67 37 18-6 18-4 40 1-02635 1-02704 1 -02632 91 27 39 34 3 67 32 18-3 18-0 41 1 -02642 1-02701 1 -02636 92 28 40 34 51 68 30 20'8 1ST 38 1 -02637 1 -02698 1-02566 93 29 41 36 5 69 54 18-3 19-5 35 1 -02605 1-02703 1-02637 *94 30 42 35 58 70 35 18-3 17 '6 43 1-02647 1 -02695 1-02629 96 May 1 43 36 23 71 46 23-9 22-8 16 1-02486 1-02674 1-02455 97 2 44 37 25 71 40 13-6 14-4 25 1 -02566 1-02541 1-02583 98 ” 3 45 38 34 72 10 ” 97 10'6 9 9 30 1-02603 1 "025*04 1-02618 (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PART II. — 1883.) E 3 Bermuda to Now York. St. Thomas Island to Tenerifl'e to Sombrero Island, West Indies. Bermuda. 14 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. I. The Surface Water of the North Atlantic — continued. Sarabrr of Suof-U . I 2L III III £ Puoitlon. Depth In fathoms from which Sample was obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. (Distilled Water at 4” C. = 1.) Latitude. Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at t- C. Reduced to its Value at 15"-5C C. T" C. I> T t R S( 8l5-50 Sj> N. w. 1878. o O / O 0 99 May 5 39 50 69 14 Surface. 7-2 111 00 V. 38 1 02652 1-02562 1-02712 1 100 6 46 40 17 66 48 4-4 6-1 21 1-02568 1-02403 1 -02586 ; 101 9 I 7 47 41 14 65 45 > 4 5 5 62 I 1 25 1-02582 1-02419 1-02590 *103 20 49 43 3 63 39 47 6 0 16 1-02520 1-02354 1 -02534 *104 21 50 42 8 63 39 7-2 8'6 25 1-02582 1-02451 1 -02602 107 22 51 41 19 63 12 15-0 151 38-5 1-02635 1-02625 1 02636 }f lio 23 52 39 44 63 22 19-5 20-1 34-5 1-02601 1-02714 1-02619 jt*l 16 26 53 36 30 63 40 22-8 23-9 16 1-02489 1 -02708 1-02520 117 27 54 34 51 63 59 21-4 22-8 22-5 1 -02527 1-02715 1 -02537 1 ns • • 28 65 33 20 64 37 II 21-4 22-6 91 23 1-02529 1-02711 1-02562 •119 June 14 59 32 54 63 22 23 3 25-4 10 1-02452 1 02715 1-02513 121 15 33 41 61 28 22-8 23-5 17-5 1-02498 1 -02705 1-06517 *123 16 60 34 28 58 56 21-9 23-0 20-5 1-02516 1-02709 1 02546 124 17 61 34 54 56 38 21 7 22-8 21 1 -02520 1-02708 1-02551 ft* 126 18 62 35 7 52 32 21 1 22-5 24 1-02537 1-02716 1-02577 *131 • * 19 63 35 29 50 53 217 23 1 22 1-02524 1 -02720 1 02563 132 • 9 21 36 22 48 37 22-5 232 21-5 1-02522 1-02721 1 -02543 *134 M 22 66 37 24 44 14 21 1 22-4 24 1 -02536 1 02712 1-02571 | 136 • • 23 37 52 42 1 21-1 217 24-5 1-02542 1-02699 1 -02554 »» 24 68 38 3 39 19 21-1 23 4 15 1-02483 1 -02688 1-02548 143 • • 25 69 38 23 37 21 217 23 2 20 1-02513 1-02712 1 -02555 144 • I 26 70 • 38 25 35 50 21-1 22-1 24-5 1-02540 1-02708 1-02568 ! *145 • 1 27 71 38 18 34 48 ft 21-7 22-4 21 1-02520 1 -02696 1-02537 147 t • 28 72 38 34 32 47 1 1 217 22-6 24 1-02536 1-02718 1-02561 148 00 29 37 47 31 2 21 1 21-8 24 1-02539 1-02699 1 -02559 fl51 July 3 76 38 11 27 9 21 1 21-4 26 1-02550 1-02699 1 -02559 1 •* 1 M 4 37 47 26 9 91 20-8 215 II 23 1 -02534 1 -02686 1 -02555 t*155 f • 12 80 35 3 21 25 217 22 2 24 1 -02535 1-02706 1 -02549 158 M 13 81 34 11 19 52 1 1 21 7 227 22 1 -02525 1-02710 1 02556 *159 • 9 14 62 33 46 19 17 f * 21-5 21-8 27 1-02555 1-02715 1 -02565 *161 99 15 63 33 13 18 13 91 217 21 7 II 32-5 1 -02585 1-02742 1-02585 163 9 9 18 84 30 38 18 5 »» 21 7 22 ’0 29 1-02564 1.02729 1 -02574 164 99 19 85 28 42 18 6 1 1 207 22-0 30 1-02570 1-02735 1 -02608 166 99 20 27 0 19 38 If 22-2 22 8 29 1 02563 1-02751 1-02583 167 99 21 87 25 49 20 12 1 1 22-2 23 2 26-5 1-02548 1-02747 1-02582 ♦*169 99 22 88 23 58 21 18 *» 22 2 23 8 25-5 1 -02539 1 -02755 1 -02592 m 99 23 89 22 18 22 2 It 23 0 24-1 17 1-02494 1 02719 1 02532 t* 172 99 24 90 20 58 22 57 It 23-3 23 9 12-5 1 -02469 1 -02688 1 -02490 179 99 25 ... 19 11 24 7 91 23-6 23 9 16-5 1-02491 1-02710 1 -02500 IMS 99 25 19 0 24 8 11 28 '6 24 2 13 1 -02478 1-02706 1 02503 J 1 196 • 9 26 92 17 54 24 41 It 28-7 24 6 11 1 -02460 1 -02699 1 -02493 190 99 27 ... 17 10 24 55 It 23 9 25 1 91 8 1-02442 1 -02696 1 -02483 191 Auk. 6 15 43 24 15 f I 25 5 261 5 1-02422 1 -02706 1-02444 | 192 99 10 ... 13 58 23 5 99 26 267 00 1 V. 94 1 02377 1 -02680 1 -02394 1 194 90 11 ... 12 30 22 38 II 26 2 26-6 89 1 02351 1 -02651 1 -02366 200 99 12 11 59 21 12 9* 26 1 26-5 84-5 1 -02326 1 -02622 1 02340 ft*201 99 13 97 10 25 20 30 9 I 25 5 26-2 84 -5 1 02326 1-02610 1 -02346 2W 09 14 98 9 21 18 28 If 25 6 26 5 82 1 02312 1 -02605 1 -02339 90 16 8 13 17 30 .. 26 '6 25 9 84 1 02325 1 -02600 1 02333 ‘M 09 16 ... 7 7 16 11 .. 257 26-8 84-5 1 02325 1 02612 1 -02328 SI S 99 17 ... 6 41 16 42 • 9 26 i 20 2 87 1 -02340 1 -02627 102343 Sli 90 18 6 15 16 6 II 25-9 26 3 88-5 102347 1 02637 1 02360 SI& 99 19 101 5 48 14 20 M 26 2 26-5 87 1 -02339 1 -02635 1 -02348 214 09 20 4 31 13 52 26 1 26 4 85 1 02328 1 -02621 1 02337 t Hi 90 21 102 3 8 14 49 : 25 5 25 8 91 82 5 102317 1 02589 1 02324 Verde I. to St. Paul's Rocks. Madeira to C. Verde 1. Azores to Bermuda to the Azores. Halifax to New York Madeira. Bermuda. to Halifax. REPORT ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER. 15 I. The Surface Water of the North Atlantic — continued. Number of Sample. Date. Distinguishing Number of Station. Position. Depth in Fathoms from which Sample was obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity ( Distilled Water at 4“ C. = l ) Latitude. Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Ob-ervu- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at t° C. Reduced to its Value at 15°-5C C. T C. D T t R St ^15-56 ST N. w. 1873. o / o / o Q 224 Aug. 22 2 52 17 4 Surface. 25'8 26'0 00 IV. 87 1-02341 1-02622 1-02347 *225 1 J 23 104 2 25 20 1 1 1 25'5 25'8 85 1 -02330 1 -02602 1-02339 227 i i 24 2 13 22 21 11 25'8 26-1 } J 84 1 -02323 1-02604 1 -02332 228 J i 25 106 1 47 24 26 1 1 26'0 26'1 86 1 -02334 1-02615 1 -02337 +229 1 i 26 107 1 22 26 36 1 1 26'0 26'0 86 1 -02335 1-02613 1 -02335 236 11 27 1 7 28 48 1 1 25'5 25 '7 1 1 92 1 02369 1-02641 1 -02374 *238 1 1 30 110 0 9 30 18 25-3 25'8 96 1 02392 1-02667 1 -02408 1876. 1647 April 8 1 30 14 6 1 1 28'0 ■27'75 76 1-02274 1 -02605 1 -02268 +1648 19 9 348 3 10 14 51 1 1 28'9 29-65 61 1-02186 1-02578 1-02210 1656 11 10 5 20 14 46 1 1 29 '0 28-45 73-5 1-02259 1-02616 1 -02241 1662 1 1 11 7 10 15 10 1 1 28'6 28-3 74 1-02262 1-02615 1-02256 1667 11 12 9 3 16 35 27 '7 27-6 85 1 -02323 1-02653 1-02323 1673 1 1 13 10 48 17 48 1 1 25'8 25-9 95 1 -02384 1-02662 1-02390 1679 1 1 14 11 23 18 42 11 23'6 23-5 00 V. 12-5 1 -02469 1-02676 1-02466 1680 1 1 15 12 28 21 26 1 1 22-8 22-7 16 1 -02490 1-02675 1-02492 1681 1 1 16 13 56 23 11 1 1 22'8 22-7 >> 12 1-02468 1-02653 1-02470 1682 1 1 26 16 48 25 14 22'9 22-8 18-5 1-02504 1-02692 1 -02507 1683 1 1 27 17 14 26 22 22'5 22-6 19 1-02509 1-02691 1-02512 1684 11 28 17 49 28 28 1 1 227 22-8 17-5 1 -02499 1-02687 1-02503 1685 1 1 29 18 20 30 10 11 23'6 23-5 24 1-02533 1-02740 1-02530 1686 1 » 30 20 5 30 44 23'0 23-1 28 1 -02555 1-02751 1 -02557 1687 May 1 21 33 31 15 22 '8 227 32 1-02578 1-02763 1 "02575 1688 2 24 0 32 38 217 21-7 38 1-02613 1-02770 1-02613 +*1689 11 3 353 26 21 33 37 21'5 21-4 39 1 02619 1 -02768 1 -02622 1698 4 28 10 34 55 21'1 21-2 38 1-02612 1-02755 1-02619 1699 5 29 50 35 55 20'5 21-3 33 1-02588 1 -02734 1-02615 1700 5 30 20 36 6 21'9 21-9 32 1-02580 1 -02743 1-02580 +*1701 11 6 354 32 41 36 6 21'1 21-6 31 1-02575 1-02729 1-02593 1711 7 34 22 34 23 19-9 20-2 37 1-02607 1 -02723 1-02616 1712 8 36 1 33 23 . 18'6 18-5 38 1-02621 1-02693 1 -02620 1713 9 38 27 33 28 18'3 18-55 36-5 1-02613 1-02686 1-02620 1714 10 40 20 32 2 16'9 17-05 42 1-02651 1 -02685 1 -02659 1715 1 1 11 42 6 31 4 15'55 157 44-5 1-02668 1-02671 1-02673 1716 16 41 58 20 54 14-7 14-8 50 1-02700 1-02683 1-02701 1717 17 42 6 18 14 14'4 147 48-5 1-02691 1-02672 1-02697 1718 1 1 19 42 48 12 35 11 13 2 13-2 9 1 55 1 -02732 1 -02681 1-02732 II. The Bottom Water of the North Atlantic. 1 *1 1873. Feb. 15 i 27 24 16 55 1890 2'7 17-9 00 V. 34 1-02594 1-02650 1 -02854 *4 17 2 25 52 19 22 1945 27 18-3 22 1-02537 1-02602 1-02801 10 21 5 24 20 24 28 2740 2 '8 20-0 41 1 -02633 1-02744 1-02948 13 23 6 23 14 28 22 2950 2 '8 19-6 43 1-02645 1-02745 1-02949 15 24 7 23 23 31 31 2750 2-7 203 15 1-02492 1-02609 1 -02S08 *16 25 8 23 12 32 56 2700 2'8 19-6 18 1-02514 1 -02613 1-02811 *19 26 9 23 23 35 11 3150 2'7 20 -2 23 1 -02537 1-02653 1-02857 *21 28 10 23 10 38 42 2720 2-5 22-1 33 1 -02585 1 -02753 1-02959 +*23 Mar. 1 11 22 45 40 37 2575 2'5 21-6 11 1-02469 1 -02621 1-02821 +*30 3 12 21 57 43 29 2025 2'7 21-7 14 1-02484 1-02641 1-02845 +*33 4 13 21 38 44 39 1900 27 22-1 22 1 -02527 1 -02695 1-02899 +*38 6 15 20 49 48 45 2325 2'3 21 -0 13 1-02480 1-02616 1-02818 +*42 7 16 20 39 50 33 2435 2'3 22-0 33 1-02586 1 02751 1-02959 *50 1 1 10 18 19 41 55 13 2650 2'2 23 8 1 J 0 1-02402 1-02615 1-02818 o V CO ! J St. Paul's Rk«. tn ( Fernando Xoronha. I to w CO o I A I ^ THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 1<$ II. The Bottom Water of the North Atlantic — continued. 90 Position. Depth In Fathoms Temperature (Centigrade) Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) Kumbrr is! Ill from of &*ms4r. j Date. Latitude. I.ongi- which Sample At the During 'Cumber of the Instru- ment. Reading Reduced to its Value at i* tudo. obtained. Depth D. Observa- tion. <° c. 15°-5G C. T” C. D T t p. s. 815.50 ST N. w. 1873. O / 0 * O o •53 Mnr. 11 19 19 15 67 47 3000 1-9 22'9 00 Y. 4 1 -02426 1-02614 1-02819 ) •51 12 20 18 56 59 35 2975 2 2 22-6 » > 26 1 -02545 1-02727 1-02930 +*62 tt 13 21 IS 54 61 28 3025 1-9 21-5 if 23 1-02536 1-02688 1-02899 *06 j 20 I 25 19 41 65 7 3875 237 3 1-02418 1-02631 •09 27 26 21 26 65 16 2800 24-3 00 IV. 91 1-02366 1-02594 *70 28 27 22 49 65 19 2960 2 3 247 90 1-02361 1-02601 1-02803 *72 2) 28 24 39 65 25 2850 2-4 25-2 » 1 89 1 -02354 1-02608 1-02809 +•76 31 29 27 49 64 59 2700 2 4 22 '6 00 V. 4 1-02427 1 -02607 1-02808 *83 April 1 30 29 5 65 1 2600 25 22-1 26 1-02606 1-02774 1-02980 85 3 31 31 24 65 0 2475 2-5 20-5 21 1-02527 1 -02651 1-02857 80 M Q 32 31 49 04 55 2250 2-6 212 1 » 10 1 -02464 1-02605 1-02805 •95 • 9 30 42 35 58 70 35 2425 2-7 18-0 I > 35 1-02609 1-02668 1-02872 *102 May 20 49 43 3 63 39 85 17 56 »» 21-5 1-02570 1 02400 1-02606 •105 21 50 42 8 63 39 1250 33 10-6 >» 37 5 1-02645 1-02546 1-02740 +*106 1 99 22 51 41 19 63 12 2020 2-2 11-8 | 00 IV. + 0-5g. | 83 1-02672 1-02595 1-02798 1*113 23 62 39 44 63 22 2800 2 3 19'8 00 V. 33-5 1-02596 1-02701 1-02909 | +*H4 99 26 53 36 30 63 40 2650 24 22-3 n 22 1 -02526 1-02700 1-02907 ! *120 June 14 59 32 54 63 22 2360 2-4 24-6 | 00 V. 00IV. 1 3 99 1-02411 1-02412 | 1-02650 1-02857 •122 16 60 34 28 58 56 2575 2 3 24-0 00 V. 15 1 -02482 1-02704 1-02912 +*126 18 62 35 7 62 32 2875 2 4 23-2 19-5 1-02510 1 -02709 1-02916 •130 19 03 35 29 50 53 2750 197 18 1-02512 1-02613 133 21 65 36 33 47 58 2700 2-3 23 7 001V. 92 1 -02387 1-02598 1-02800 1 *135 22 66 37 24 44 14 2750 2-5 23 '6 00 V. 2 1-02413 1-02621 1-02821 137 23 67 37 54 41 44 2700 24 21 0 12-5 1-02478 1-02614 1-02815 +*138 24 63 38 3 39 19 2175 2 3 20-6 15 1-02487 1-02612 1-02814 1 *146 27 71 38 18 34 48 1675 27 20 0 26-5 1-02557 1 -02668 1-02872 149 30 73 38 30 31 14 1000 41 19-2 34 1 -02601 1-02691 1-02883 +•150 July 99 3 76 38 11 27 9 900 4 4 18-4 37 1-02619 1-02688 1-02876 153 4 77 37 52 26 26 750 20-8 ) » 24 1-02543 1-02675 +*157 12 80 35 3 21 25 2660 25 20 5 12 1 -02478 1-02601 1 -02801 1 *160 14 82 33 46 I 19 17 2400 2 5 212 26 1 -02552 1 02695 1-02901 | *162 15 83 33 13 18 13 1650 2 8 20 0 If 19 1-02517 1-02626 1 -02824 166 21 86 25 46 20 34 2300 25 20 1 00 IV. 18-5 1-02513 1-02626 1 -02832 +•169 22 88 23 58 21 18 2300 2 4 24 2 95-5 1 02393 1 -02618 1-02819 +*178 99 24 90 20 58 22 57 2400 2 5 23 6 00 V. 6-5 1 02438 1 02645 1-02851 +184 99 25 91 19 4 24 6 2075 2 5 21 0 1 1 27 1 -02558 1 -02696 1 -02902 193 ! Aug. 99 10 95 13 36 22 49 2300 2 5 26 1 00 IV. 84 1 -02324 1-02605 1 -02805 I +*205 13 97 10 25 20 30 2575 25 25-9 85 1 -02329 1 -02604 1 -02804 *207 M 14 98 9 21 18 28 1750 2 6 26 2 83 5 1 -02321 1 -02605 1 -02805 +*223 21 102 3 8 14 49 2450 24 25 1 87 1 -02344 1 02595 1-02796 1 *» 99 23 104 2 25 | 20 1 2500 2-6 24 9 1 » 89 102356 1-02601 1-02801 1 *237 M 30 110 0 9 30 18 2275 1-6 25 8 If 85 1 -02330 1-02602 1 -02809 1876. +*1697 May 3 353 26 21 33 37 2905 3 1 21 5 00 V. 27 1 -02556 1 -02708 1 02909 **1710 6 j.364 ( 20 2 24 -5 1 02544 1 -02660 1 -02860 | 1710. f •• 6 32 41 36 6 1076 3 2 20 '3 31 1 -02580 1 -02699 1 -02899* 1710 J " " 0 S i 19-96 If 20 1-02521 1 -02630 1 -02830* 1 * Water front Bull lie's Tultc. Tencriffc to Sott- bruro I bland. 2 « 03 |S cc (Bermuda to New t York. -m a .3 3 cd o> SB 3 pa 8 o-3 * a .S -56 £j g J3 Or>« •3 o.« *■“*5 * t.'O 5>* ^ 33, g 84 ■'tf •m'1 ( St. Fanl'i Rim. to (Fernando .Soronl.i- % mSi. *JS ^ g* Mia u REPORT ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER. 17 III. Water from Intermediate Depths in the North Atlantic. Number to zz ««_ IS ° • "So Position. Depth in Fathoms from Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) of L>ate. which Sample. c S3 ■- 3 CO Latitude. Longi- tude. Sample At the Depth D. During Observa- Number Reading Reduced to i:s Value at Instru- e c. tiou. ment. 15°-5G C. T C. D T t R St Sl5-5G Sx X. W. 1873. 0 o , 0 0 24 Mar. 1 ) < 2100 2-5 21-3 00 V. 9 1-02458 1-02602 1-02802 25 ) 1 1 11 22 45- 40 37 ' 500 6-9 21-2 12 1-02474 1-02615 1-02769 27 1 1 1 1 1 850 4-4 223 8 1-02448 1-02620 1-02803 29 1 1 3; 12 21 57 43 29 J 980 37 21-9 1 1 8 1-02450 1-02611 1 -02801 32 11 3 ^ | 400 9 7 21-4 1 1 14 1-02485 1-02634 1-02750 34 1 1 4 } 13 21 38 44 39 \ 300 12'5 20-0 25 1 "Q2550 1-02661 1-02726 36 1 1 M / 200 15-7 21-4 40 1-02626 1-02775 1-02772 40 11 6 ) 15 20 49 48 45 500 6-2 21-2 31 1-02579 1-02722 1-02889 41 1 1 6 300 12-1 21-8 17 1-02488 1-02648 1-02721 43 1 1 n ( 200 16-0 21-6 21 1-02525 1-02679 1-02669 44 1 1 7 16 20 39 50 33 500 6-6 20-5 1 1 40 1-02629 1-02753 1-02915 45 1 1 7 ' 1 400 8-9 20'9 13 1-02482 1-02615 1-02741 46 1 1 7 J l 300 12-3 21-1 20 1-02520 1-02660 1 -02729 49 1 1 8 17 20 7 52 32 1370 3'1 22'6 4 1 -02427 1-02607 1-02803 56 131 f 500 6 55 22'0 8 1-02450 1-02613 1-02772 57 1 1 13 200 15-9 22-5 18 1-02503 1-02682 1-02674 58 11 13 )■ 21 18 54 61 28 * 150 18-0 23 3 27 1-02550 1-02752 1 -02693 59 1 1 13 1 100 20-4 23-7 23 1-02527 1-02740 1-02619 60 1 1 13 J l 50 22-4 25'5 1 1 9 1-02446 1-02712 • 1-02536 77 311 f 100 18-0 23-9 18-5 1-02563 1-02782 1-02723 78 31 200 17'1 23-6 J 18 1-02498 1-02708 1-02672 79 1 1 31 29 27 49 64 59 -j 300 14-4 24-1 8-5 1 -02447 1-02672 1-02697 80 31 400 9-9 23-4 6 1-02435 1-02640 1 -02753 81 11 31 J l 500 7-0 22-6 1 1 5 1 -02432 1-02612 1 -02765 108 109 May 22 „ 22 51 41 19 63 12 250 500 6-9 3-8 12-5 127 1 1 42 40 1-02662 1-02652 1-02598 1-02592 1-02752 1-02781 111 23 / 52 39 44 63 22 100 18-2 19-9 34-5 1-02602 1-02710 1-02646 112 23 j 300 16'3 19 8 32 1-02588 1-02693 1-02676 115 1 1 26 53 36 30 63 40 250 16'6 237 1 1 17-5 1-02497 1-02710 1-02686 127 June 18 ) 500 7-3 23-25 1 1-02409 1-02607 1-02757 128 j j is \ 62 35 7 52 32 250 15-7 23-2 15-5 1-02488 1-02687 1-02684 129 18 | 150 17'2 23-3 ooi’v. 19 1-02506 1-02708 1-02670 139 24 1 500 8-8 23-25 97 1-02407 1-02605 1-02733 140 24 } 68 38 3 39 19 250 15-3 23-3 00 V. 7-5 1 -02443 1-02645 1-02651 141 1 1 July 24 ) 150 17'0 23-2 14-5 1-02482 1-02681 1-02648 152 3 76 38 11 27 9 150 12-8 18-7 31 1-02585 1-02662 1-02721 156 1 1 12 80 35 3 21 25 600 8-8 18-4 1 1 33 1-02598 1-02667 1-02798 170 22 88 23 58 21 18 400 8-2 24-2 00 IV. 96-5 1-02399 1-02627 1-02767 173 245 r 500 6-7 20-7 oov. 12 1-02477 1-02605 1-02762 174 24 400 8-2 23-5 0-5 1-02405 1 -02610 1-02747 175 24 y 90 20 58 22 57 300 10-4 23-5 6-5 1-02438 1-02645 1-02749 176 24 150 15-0 23-5 9-5 1-02454 1-02661 1-02674 177 24 . 100 16-8 23-5 23 1-02528 1-02735 1-02706 180 25b 100 15-5 23-9 3 1-02418 1-02637 1-02633 181 25 91 19 24 200 12-2 24-0 00 IV. 5 1-02427 1-02649 1-02720 182 25 ‘ 4 6 300 9 7 23 9 98 1-02407 1 -02623 1 -02737 183 25 J 400 7'9 23-9 oov. 95 1-02390 1-02606 1-02747 187 26 45 20-3 23-4 25 1 -02540 1 -02745 1-02626 188 26 92 17 54 24 41 75 18'3 23-0 21-5 1-02522 1-02715 1-02649 189 1 1 26 i 100 167 22-8 11 16 1-02492 1-02680 1-02654 195 Aug. in ' 25 157 25-6 00 IV. 95 1-02386 1-02655 1-02652 196 11 50 12-3 25 '55 91 1-02363 1-02630 1 -02699 197 ii y 96 12 15 22 28 100 11-2 25-6 90 1-02358 1 -02627 1-02717 198 ii i 200 9-5 25 -7 S7 1-02341 1-02610 1-02727 199 1 1 ii j . 300 7-7 25 6 >> 87-5 1 -02340 1-02606 1-02750 \ I rt o Eh j 43 ^ W 3 o J- Azores to Madeira. 1 d C O isi 1 S 5 J Ccc THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER III Wat . /• from Intermediate Depths in the North Atlantic — continued. i Number I ol Sample. Pair. at |u C pi 111 5* Position. Depth In Fut horns from which Sample was obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled, Water at 4° C. = 1.) Latitude. Lonjtf- tudu. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at <° C. Reduced to its Value at. 15**56 C. T* C. 1 D T t It St Sl5-5G ST 1873. N. w. O SOS Aug. 13) o * O 1 60 15-2 26-1 00 IV. 88-5 1-02349 1-02633 1-02641 203 „ 13 J 97 10 25 20 30 100 11*8 25-9 88 1-02347 1-02625 1-02703 204 .. 13 300 7'2 26-1 86 1-02335 1-02616 1-02766 210 16 40 17 9 25-2 96-5 1 -02395 1-02652 1-02596 211 16 100 7 1 15 55 100 12-9 25-2 91-5 1-02369 1-02626 1 -02683 212 „ 16 200 97 25-2 87 1-02343 1-02597 1-02711 218 .. 21 3 50 19-9 25-3 97-5 1-02401 1-02661 1-02553 210 .. 21 100 139 25-2 95 1-02388 1-02645 1-02681 220 .. 21 102 3 8 14 49 200 8 2 25-2 91 1-02365 1-02619 1-02756 221 21 300 5-4 25-2 89 1 -02355 1-02609 1-02782 222 .. 21 J . 400 4-8 25-2 93 1-02376 1-02633 1-02817 230 263 r 25 23 9 25-2 87 1-02344 1-02598 1-02382 231 „ 26 50 18-3 25-1 93 1-02377 1-02631 1-02565 232 „ 26 1 rt7 90 13-5 25-0 93 1-02378 1 -02629 1 -02673 233 26 200 7-8 25-0 89-5 1-02358 1-02606 1-02748 234 „ 26 300 6'4 25-0 91-5 1-02369 1-02617 1-02778 235 .. 26 J l 400 5'4 25-0 82-5 1-02319 1-02567 1-02740 1876. 1049 April 93 f 25 247 277 75 1-02269 1-02599 1-02359 1650 9 50 15-3 277 80 1-02296 1-02629 1-02635 1651 >• 9 100 134 277 79-5 1-02294 1-02627 1-02673 1652 .. 9 348 3 10 14 51 200 9 5 277 73 1 -02259 1-02589 1-02706 1653 .. 9 300 6-5 27-6 76-5 1-02275 1-02602 1-02761 1654 .. 9 385 5 4 27-6 72 1 -02253 1-02580 1-02753 1655 .. 9 l 800 4-2 28-1 66-5 1 -02222 1-02565 1 -02751 1657 .. 10 1 f 25 190 27-9 79 1 -02290 1 -02630 1-02546 1658 „ 10 50 151 27-9 78 1 -02284 1-02624 1-02634 1659 .. 10 349 5 28 14 38 - 100 133 27-7 78-5 1-02287 1 -02620 1-02669 1660 .. 10 200 97 277 75 1-02269 1 -02599 1-02713 1661 10 J 1 300 67 27-9 71 1-02247 1-02583 1-02740 1663 .. Ill r 25 22-0 27'6 80 1-02297 1-02627 1-02462 1664 11 350 7 33 15 16 . 50 16*8 27-6 f ) 80 1 -02297 1-02627 1-02598 1665 11 100 137 27-7 78 1-02286 1-02619 1 -02659 1666 .. 11 l 300 7 2 27-5 72-5 1-02256 1-02580 1 -02730 1668 12 r 25 17-8 26 3 88-5 1-02347 1-02637 1 -02583 1660 12 50 15-4 26-4 89 1 -02350 1-02643 1-02647 1670 .. 12 ► 351 9 9 16 41 100 13-2 26 '2 86 1 -02333 1-02620 1-02671 1 1671 .. 12 200 8-9 26 3 83-5 1-02319 1-02606 1 -02732 | 1672 12 J 300 6-9 26-3 79 1 -02295 1-02582 1-02736 1674 13 f 25 191 • 21-6 00 V. 16 1-02493 1-02645 1-02558 i 1675 „ 13 50 14 9 21 -5 12 1-02472 1 -02624 1-02639 1676 m 13 352 10 55 17 46 100 128 21-5 f 1 11-5 1 -02468 1-02618 1-02676 • 1677 13 200 10-4 21-5 j 00 1 V. + 0-lg. | 92-5 1-02446 1 -02596 1-02698 1678 „ 13 J 300 8-3 215 00 V. 8 1 -02450 1 -02600 1-02740 1 1690 May 33 25 20 3 21-2 37 1-02610 1 -02753 1 -02634 { 1691 •t 9 50 19-5 21 -4 9 9 33 1 -02587 1-02736 1-02638 1 1692 99 3 100 1 7 -9 21*6 9 9 28 1 02560 1-02712 1-02656 | ) 99 3 353 26 21 33 37 200 14 9 21 -5 II 22*5 1 -02531 1-02683 1-02698 j 1 44*4 99 3 300 12-2 214 24-5 1 -02542 1-02691 1 -02762 1 1 J0 .. 3 400 97 21 -4 99 14-5 1 -02487 1-02636 1 -02752 j 1696 .. 3 2500 3 1 21-2 | 00 IV. + 0'2g. i97 1 02535 1-02678 1-02879 I 1702 m 63 25 20 1 20 0 00 V. 33-5 1 -02593 1 -02704 1 -02591 1703 99 6 50 190 20 1 31 1 02580 1 02693 1 02609 1701 f " f 351 22 41 6 100 17-3 20-3 ' 00 I V. + 0 3jr j 92 1 02671 1 02698 1 -02657 | 1705 „ 6 1 200 14-4 20 1 00 V. 32 5 1 -02588 1 02701 1 -02726 1 1 04 300 119 20-0 1 9 27 1 02558 1 C2609 1-02746 O 3 <3 CO J I i' <(. i |3 js REPOET ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER. 19 III. Water from Intermediate Depths in the North Atlantic — continued. Number of Sample. Date. Distinguishing Number of Station. Position. Depth in Fathoms from which Sample was obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. (Distilled Water at 4” C. = 1.) Latitude. Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. NT umber of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at t° c. iteduced to iis Value at 15°-5G C. T C. D T t It Si ^15-56 ST 1707 1708 1709 1876. May 6 1 „ 6 .j 354 N. O ! 32 41 W. o t 36 6 f 400 | 600 |l200 O 9-8 6'9 3 5 20°0 20-0 20-9 | oov. oo iV. + 0'3g. 24 19 | 90-5 1 -02543 1-02516 1-02591 1-02654 1 -02627 1-02726 1-02768 1-02785 1 -02923 IV. The Surface Water of the South Atlantic. 1873. s. w. 239 Aug. 31 2 6 31 4 Surface. 25-7 26'2 00 IV. 96 1 -02390 1-02677 1-02405 241 Sept. 1 3 42 32 21 9 9 25'8 261 9 9 95 1-02385 1 02669 1-02396 *242 „ 4 116 5 1 33 50 25-5 25-4 91 1-02365 1 -02628 1-02362 244 „ 5 4 45 33 7 25-8 25-2 98 1-02405 1-02662 1-02389 245 „ £ 5 54 34 39 25-5 25-5 98-5 1-02407 1-02673 1 02407 246 7 6 38 34 33 25-5 25'5 9 , 100 1-02414 1 -02680 1-02414 247 „ 8 • 119 7 39 34 12 25-3 25 '7 OOV. 14 1-02473 1-02745 1-02480 248 .. 9 8 33 34 30 25-5 25-9 12 1-02462 1-02740 1-02476 *249 „ 10 122c 9 10 34 49 25-3 25-8 12'5 1-02464 1 -02739 1 -02480 *252 „ 12 125 10 46 36 2 25-0 25-8 135 1-02471 1-02746 1 -02495 254 „ 13 11 52 37 10 9 9 24'7 25-0 99 18 1-02497 1 02748 1-02506 255 „ 26 13 45 37 59 25 3 25'0 23 1-02524 1-02775 1-02517 256 „ 27 14 51 37 ■ 1 25-3 25'6 18'5 1-02497 1-02766 1-02508 257 ,, 28 17 7 36 50 247 24-9 23-5 1-02527 1-02775 1 -02535 258 „ 29 19 6 35 40 23'6 24'0 25-5 1-02540 1-02762 1-02552 +259 >, 30 129 20 13 35 19 23-3 24'3 23-5 1-02528 1-02659 1-02557 265 Oct. 1 22 15 35 37 22-8 22-9 28 1-02557 1 -02747 1-02560 267 ,, 2 24 43 34 17 21'0 21-5 30 1-02572 1 -02724 1 -02587 +*268 „ 3 130 26 15 32 56 20-5 21'6 27 1 -02556 1-02710 1 -02587 276 4 27 54 31 22 19-4 20-1 34 1-02598 1-02711 1-02619 277 5 29 1 28 59 18-9 19-4 32 1-02583 1-02678 1-02698 +278 „ 6 131 29 35 28 9 18-3 19-1 31 1-02585 1 -02672 1-02607 284 .. 7 29 20 26 20 18-3 18-7 32 1-02586 1-02663 1-02598 285 „ 8 31 22 26 54 167 16'8 36 1-02618 1-02647 1-02620 286 9 33 57 24 33 14-9 15-4 43-5 1 -02662 1-02658 1-02672 +*287 „ 10 132 35 25 23 40 14-4 15'3 36-5 1-02625 1-02619 1-02642 293 „ 11 133 35 41 20 55 14-4 15-2 38 1-02634 1 -02626 1-02650 295 ,, 12 36 10 17 52 12-6 13-2 40 1-02650 1-02600 1-02662 296 „ 13 36 7 14 27 12'0 12'3 42 1-02660 1-02593 1 -02668 *297 ,, 14 134 36 12 12 16 9 9 12-5 13-0 9 9 43-5 1-02670 1-02616 1-02679 299 „ 19 37 5 9 40 12'0 12'5 46 1-02686 1-02622 1-02695 +*300 „ 20 136 36 43 7 13 12-2 13-0 43-5 1-02670 1-02616 1-026S5 306 „ 22 35 57 0 15 99 13-6 13-8 99 42- 1 -02660 1 -02623 1-02664 +*307 ,, 23 137 s. • 35 59 E. 1 34 13-4 13 "6 45-5 1-02679 1 -02637 1 -02681 313 ,, 24 36 2 5 27 12“2 13-0 40 1-02650 1-02596 1-02665 *314 ,, 25 138 36 22 8 12 13-4 15-2 39 1 02639 1-02631 1-02674 316 „ 26 36 1 11 26 15-6 15-6 42-5 1-02663 1-02664 1-02663 317 „ 26 35 54 12 31 14-5 147 46 1-02679 1-02660 1-02682 318 „ 26 35 49 13 19 13-3 12-9 45 1-0267S 1-02622 1-02670 *319 ,, 27 139 35 35 16 9 13-4 137 41 1 -02654 1-02614 1-02660 +321 ,, 28 34 39 18 28 17-2 17-1 30 5 1-025S7 1-02622 1-02585 324 ,, 28 34 18 18 32 9 9 15-0 15-9 9 9 34'5 1-02612 1 -02620 1 -02632 1876. s. w. *1442 Jan. 20 313 52 20 67 39 9-0 10-1 19 1-02544 1 -02437 1 -02562 *1444 „ 21 314 51 35 65 39 8-9 11-9 19-5 1 -02543 1 0-246S 1 -02595 +*1446 „ 22 314a 51 24 61 46 9-4 12-2 22 1 -02555 1-024S6 1 -02605 1450 „ 23 51 23 57 48 ” 8-9 9-9 9 9 j 28 1-02593 1-02182 1-02610 20 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. IV. Th> ■ Surface Water of the South Atlantic — continued. 1 Somber of Simple. tf III III |* Position. Depth In Knt horns from which Sumplo was obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4” C. = 1.) Latitude. Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at t° C. Reduced to its Value at 15°-5C C. T” C. I D T t R St 3 15-56 Sx 8. w. 1876. o / O t O O 1451 Feb. 7 50 41 56 20 Surface. 7'8 9-3 00 V. 36 1-02637 1-02517 1-02658 +•1452 8 317 48 37 55 17 8'2 9 9 36 1-02635 1-02524 1-02660 14tf0 9 47 50 56 9 10-3 107 36 1-02634 1 02537 1-02641 1 461 10 45 1 56 9 111 11-7 31-5 1-02608 1-02529 1-02620 +•1462 11 3is 42 32 56 29 14-2 13-7 24-5 1-02564 1 -02524 1 -02553 1471 12 41 39 54 48 15-3 16-3 21 1-02538 1-02555 1 -02561 1473 13 39 33 54 20 12-2 13-4 25 1 -02568 1-02522 1-02593 1474 13 38 54 54 17 18-6 18-6 8 1-02459 1-02532 1-02459 +*1475 • 1 14 320 37 17 53 52 > > 197 17-8 tt 9-5 1-02470 1-02523 1-02425 1482 15 35 4 65 6 21-1 21-1 001II. 50 1-01655 1-01794 1-01655 1483 15 35 1 55 18 216 21-6 0011. 63-5 101215 1-01367 1-01215 1484 99 26 35 12 53 7 f t 22-0 22-3 00 IV. 44 1-02116 1-02288 1-02125 1485 27 35 25 52 35 23-0 23-6 00 V. 8 1-02444 1-02654 1-02461 +*1486 28 323 35 39 50 47 23 0 23-6 11 1-02460 1-02670 1-02477 •141*5 tt 29 324 36 9 48 22 219 22-0 6-5 1-02440 1-02603 1-02443 +141*7 Mnr. 1 36 0 47 50 217 21 '5 15-5 1-02492 1-02644 1-02488 +*1404* ft 2 325 36 44 46 16 21-5 22-4 17-5 1-02499 1-02675 1-02523 1508 3 36 55 44 50 20 0 21-5 00 IV. 84-5 1-02341 1-02491 1-02382 1510 M 4 36 56 42 50 21-0 21-5 00 V. 14 1-02481 1-02633 1-02495 1512 6 37 34 41 51 20-6 21-1 9 10 1 -02462 1-02601 1-02475 1513 It 6 37 38 39 16 17-5 18-8 14-5 1-02493 1-02571 1-02526 1514 ft 7 37 31 36 27 18-4 187 21 1-02530 1 02606 1-02540 1519 tt 8 37 45 3.3 39 17-9 18-5 24-5 1-02549 1-02620 1-02565 +•1521 1 1 9 331 37 47 30 20 18 0 187 23-5 1-02544 1-02620 1-02568 +*1530 tf 10 332 37 29 27 31 17-8 18-6 21 1-02531 1-02604 1-02551 1534 tt 11 36 30 26 11 17-5 17-5 22 1-02540 1-02585 1 02540 15 5 tt 12 35 52 24 12 20 0 20-3 13 1-02481 1 -02598 1-02490 1536 tt 13 35 36 20 52 197 207 14 1-02484 1-02612 1-02511 +*15l5 tt 14 334 35 45 18 31 20-3 20-8 13 1-02473 1-02604 1-02486 1543 M 15 34 9 15 46 ft 21 7 22 3 tt 10 1-02459 1-02633 1-02476 +•1549 tt 16 335 32 24 13 5 23 0 23 3 11-5 1-02464 1-02666 1-02473 1558 tt 17 ... 30 21 13 13 If 24 4 24-0 12 1 -02462 1-02684 1-02450 1559 tt 18 27 43 13 13 24 4 24 5 11 1-02457 1 -02693 1 -02460 +*1568 tt 19 337 24 38 1.3 36 25 0 25-1 10 1 -02450 1-02704 1 -02453 1573 tt 20 28 27 13 51 t t 25 1 257 11 1-02456 1-02710 1 -02456 +1574 tt 21 838 21 15 14 2 24 7 24 9 19-5 1 -02504 1 -02752 1-02510 1581 1 1 22 19 65 13 56 ft 24 7 25 0 18-5 1-02498 1-02749 1 -02507 +•1582 ft 23 339 17 26 13 52 24 4 24 -e 22 1-02518 1 -02775 1-02524 1590 tf 24 14 59 13 42 251 25 3 17-5 1-02492 1-02752 1-02498 1590 99 25 ... 12 29 13 44 1 1 25 9 26 1 5-5 1 -02422 1-02706 1-02428 1608 tf 26 • •• 10 6 13 44 tt 267 26 7 5 1-02418 1 -02721 1-02418 *1617 99 27 343 8 3 14 27 •• 27 1 26-8 00 IV. 95 1-02382 1-02688 1-02373 1610 April 3 34 4 7 54 14 28 tt 27 8 27 4 87 1 -02334 1-02658 1 -02320 t*MW • 9 4 345 5 45 14 25 ft 28 2 28 0 78 1-02284 1-02627 1-02278 1620 99 5 4 22 14 34 tt 27 9 287 72 1 02251 1 -02594 1 -02257 f+*1630 M 6 346 2 42 14 41 ft 28 2 28-2 76-5 1 -02275 1 -02624 1 -02275 1640 99 7 847 0 15 14 25 99 27 8 27-7 82 1 -02306 1-02639 1 -02303 a $ ■a . £— * CO -•g (-> J2 c3 c/J ss»-* A . S a 2 O ’53 ^ A ^ s fa .2 2 co .3 cu ^ o * CO «-> REPORT ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER, 21 V. The Bottom Water of the South Atlantic. Number of to *2 o . m j- e: •goo Position. Depth in Fathoms from which Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4° 0. = 1.) Sample. 2 3 CO Latitude. Longi- tude. Sample At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Reading Reduced to its Value at 3 obtained. Instru- ment. e c. 15°*56 C. T° C. D T t R St ^15-56 St 1873. 240 Sept. 1 112 3 33 32 16 2200 IT 24-3 00 IV. 93 1-02379 1-02607 1-02817 *243 1 1 4 116 5 1 33 50 2275 1-3 25'4 1 f 88 1 -02349 1-02609 1-02818 *250 11 10 122c 9 10 34 49 400 26-3 94 1-02379 1 -02669 251 1 1 11 124 10 11 35 22 1600 26-3 oo’V. 94'5 1-02381 1-02671 *253 1 1 12 125 10 46 36 2 1200 26"2 9 1-02443 1-02730 +*275 Oct. 3 130 26 15 32 56 2350 1-5 21'5 28 1-02562 1-02714 1 -02928 +*292 1 1 10 132 35 25 23 40 2050 1-7 15-9 29 1-02582 1 -02590 1-02796 *294 1 1 n 133 35 41 20 55 1900 1-9 14-6 33 1-02608 1-02587 1-02792 *298 11 14 134 36 12 12 16 2025 2-2 11-5 >. 42 1-02666 1-02583 1 -02786 +*305 1 1 20 136 36 43 s. 35 59 7 13 E. 1 34 2100 1-8 14-0 ii 35 1-02625 1-02592 1-02798 +*312 11 23 137 2550 1-4 12-8 38-5 1-02643 1-02585 1-02793 *315 ,, 25 138 36 22 8 12 2650 1-7 135 35-5 1-02624 1-02580 1-02786 *320 ,, 27 139 35 35 16 9 2325 1-2 14-0 ii 34 1-02615 1-02582 1-02791 1876. s. w. *1443 Jan. 20 313 52 20 67 39 55 8-8 12-2 13-5 1 -02508 1 -02439 1-02567 *1445 ,, 21 314 51 35 65 39 70 7-8 10-9 24 1-02569 1-02476 1-02618 +*1449 ) 1 22 314a 51 24 61 46 110 5-4 11-3 1 1 28 1-02590 1-02504 1-02677 +*1459 Feb. 8 317 48 37 55 17 1035 2-0 11-5 | 00 IV. + 0.3g. oo”v. 1 95 1-02614 1-02531 1 -02735 +*1470 1 1 11 318 42 32 56 29 2040 0-9 16-3 89 1-02567 1-02584 1-02795 1472 1 1 12 319 41 54 54 48 2425 0-4 15-9 22 1-02544 1-02552 1 -02765 +*1481 1 1 14 320 37 17 53 52 600 2-9 16-9 .. 16-5 1-02510 1-02541 1-02738 +*1494 1 1 28 323 35 39 50 47 1900 0-6 23 1 8 1-02445 1-02641 1-02860 *1496 1 1 29 \ ( 0'3 22-2 5'0 1-02433 1-02602 1-02816 1496a 29 V324 48 22 2800 0-3 22-4 2-0 1-02418 1-02592 1-02806+ 14965 11 29 36 9 i 0'3 22-6 00 IV. 98'5 1-02416 1-02596 1-02810+ 1496c 11 29 ) V 0-3 22-6 00 IV. + 0.1* | 89 1-02427 1-02607 1-02821+ +*1507 Mar. 2 ) ( 23'2 00 IV. 94 1-02386 1-02583 1-02796 1507a 11 2 >325 36 44 46 16 2650 0'4 ) 23-7 00 IV. + 01* 90 1-02363 1-02574 1-02787+ 15075 11 2 ) ( 23 0 | 89 1-02423 1-02614 1-02827+ 1509 3 326 37 3 44 17 2775 0-4 21-6 00 IV. 100 1-02433 1-02585 1 -02798+ 1511 1 1 4 | 327 36 48 42 45 2900 0'4 ( 22-2 00 IV. + Olg. ) 93 1-02447 1-02616 1-02829+ 1511a 4 l 21-8 00 V. ) 9 1-02454 1-02612 1-02825+ +1518 7 329 37 31 36 7 2675 0-2 19'6 12 1-02477 1-02576 1-02790 1520 11 8 330 37 45 33 0 2440 0'4 20-3 ,, 11 1-02491 1-02608 1-02821 +*1529 1529a 1 1 1 1 9 9 | 331 37 47 30 20 1715 1-9 ( 20-7 1 18S J 00IV. + 0'2g. f 9 l 92 1-02457 1-02514 1-02585 1-02592 1 -02790 1-02797+ +*1533 j j 10 332 37 29 27 31 2200 IT 17-9 00 V. 19-5 1-02525 1-02580 1 -02790 +1544 13 333 35 36 21 12 2025 1-8 22-6 00 IV. 97 1-02404 1-02584 1-02790 +*1547 11 14 334 35 45 18 31 1915 2T 21-4 00 V. 9 1-02457 1-02604 1 -02808 +*1557 16 335 32 24 13 5 1425 2-8 241 00IV. 90 1-02363 1-02585 1-027S3 +1567 18 336 27 54 13 13 1890 2'5 24-5 oo’V. 89 1-02356 1 -02590 1-02790 +*1572 19 337 24 38 13 36 1240 2'9 24'3 2 1-02408 1 -02639 1-02842 +*1589 23 339 17 26 13 52 1415 2-9 25 1 00 IV. 82-5 1-02317 1 -02568 1-02765 +1598 24 340 14 33 13 42 1500 31 25'2 88 1-02344 1 -02598 1-02794 +1607 25 341 12 16' 13 44 1475 3 '4 26-4 82 1-02311 1 -02601 1-02794 +1616 26 342 9 43 13 51 1445 3-0 26-7 80-5 1-02301 1-02600 1-02797 *1618 11 27 343 8 3 14 27 425 4-6 251 1 1 88 i 1-02343 1-02612 1-02793 | Water procured from Baillie’s Rod. (PUYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PART II. — 1883.) B I (St. Paul'sRocks < to Fernando ( Noronha. g a J t = o « I s s« J £K° -2 So '1^ O' 'l S Otl I c3 +P r* cn I gi; -p rt ^ r 3 1 ±? c5 'm i S 1 J u 2 ° < 2 _ o w O QQ <1 , oo THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. V. The Bottom Water of the South Atlantic — continued. Kvnbrr et Sample. Date t* C w ||| 111 1* Position. Depth In Fathoms from which Sample was obtained Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) Latitude Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at t° C. Reduced to its Value at lS°-56 C. r C. D T t R S< Sl5-50 St S. w. 187 6. O t*I«29 April 4 345 6 45 14 25 2010 27 27 9 00 IV. 74 1-02263 .1-02599 1-02798 ri63* 6 316 2 42 14 41 2350 1-1 27-8 99 78 1-02285 1-02622 1-02838 ft 7 347 0 15 14 25 2250 2'3 26-9 99 77-5 1-02284 1-02589 1-02791 VI. Water from Intermediate Depths in the South Atlantic. 187 3. 260 Sept. 30 ( 50 20-3 23-9 00 V. 21-5 1-02519 1-02738 1-02619 2*51 30 100 17 3 23 9 21-5 1-02519 1-02738 1-02697 262 30 U29 20 13 35 19 200 108 23 8 21. -5 1-02519 1-02735 1-02832 263 30 300 6 4 24-0 00 IV. 86 1-02341 1-02560 1-02721 261 30 L 400 4-5 23 9 00 V. 20-5 1-02514 1-02733 1-02920 269 Oct. 3 4 f 4 20 5 21 4 28 1-02562 1 02711 1-02587 270 3 50 18T 21-7 24 1-02533 1-02690 1-02629 271 3 100 15-6 21-5 18 1-02506 1-02658 1-02657 272 3 0<£ UU 200 124 21-5 10 1-02464 1-02614 1-02680 273 3 300 9 0 21-6 3 1-02426 1-02578 1 -02703 274 3 l 400 6-0 21-5 0-5 1-02412 1-02562 1-02728 279 6 100 16T 185 27 1-02565 1-02637 1 -02624 2S0 6 200 126 18-5 22 1-02538 1-02609 1-02671 S81 6 ■131 29 35 23 9 • 300 92 18-6 15- 1-02499 1-02572 1 02694 292 M 6 400 57 18-7 10 1-02472 1-02548 1-02717 293 • I 6 U000 2-8 187 16 1-02504 1-02580 1-02778 298 10 ) r loo 129 159 35 1 02615 1-02623 1-02679 299 10 l 1 *19 R 4)* 07 in I 200 100 15 6 28-5 1-02580 1-02581 1-02690 290 10 ] 300 6 6 160 21-5 1-02542 1-02552 1-02710 291 ft 10 J l 400 4 4 15-8 99 22 1-02545 1-02551 1-02734 301 ft 20 100 11-2 13-9 37 1-02633 1 -02598 1-02686 So2 ft 20 . 13- 320 37 17 53 52 4 1479 14 1480 f) 14 J 1487 28 >1 1488 28 1489 28 1490 28 i- 323 35 39 50 47 4 1491 28 1492 28 1493 Mar. 28 j 1498 1 36 0 47 50 1500 2 1501 2 1502 2 1503 2 1325 36 44 46 16 4 1504 2 1505 2 , 1506 2 J 1515 7 ) ( 1516 7 t 329 37 31 36 7 l 1517 7 l 1522 9 1523 9 1524 9 1525 9 J- 331 37 47 30 20 4 1526 9 1527 9 1528 9 1531 >> 10 1 332 37 29 27 31 S 1532 ) f 10 i ( 1537 13 1538 13 1539 13 1540 13 1 333 35 36 21 12 4 1541 13 1542 13 1543 13 1546 JJ 14 334 35 45 18 31 1550 16 1551 16 1552 16 1553 16 [335 32 24 13 5 4 1554 16 1555 16 1556 16 1560 18 1561 18 1562 18 1563 18 1 336 27 54 13 13 J 1564 18 1565 18 1566 } 3 18 1569 19 ) ( 1570 19 i 337 24 38 13 30 4 1571 1) 19 ) ( Depth in Fathoms from which Sample was Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at t° C. Reduced to its Value at 15°'56 C. r c. T t R St ^15-56 St 25 15-5 17-1 00 V. 14-5 1-02499 1-02534 1-02536 50 7'8 16-9 7 1-02458 1-02488 1-02630 100 6 Tt 16-8 20-5 1.-02534 1-02562 1-02727 200 4-4 16-8 15 1-02503 1 -02531 1-02714 400 3'5 17-0 » » 14-5 1 -02500 1-02533 1-02725 25 21'9 23-1 13'5 1-02475 1-02671 1-02508 50 20'8 22-9 17. 1-02494 1-02684 1 "02552 100 18-6 22'9 12-5 1-02471 1-02661 1 -02587 200 14-2 22-9 00IV. 5 1-02428 1-02616 1-02645 300 9 7 23-0 94 1-02388 1-02579 1-02693 400 5-5 23-0 00 V. 8-5 1-02450 1 -02643 1-02819 800 2-8 23 T 11 1-02461 1-02657 1-02861 20 21'5 22-3 18-5 1 -02503 1-02677 1 -02525 25 21-0 23-2 13-5 1-02475 1-02674 1-02536 50 20-2 22-4 20 1-02513 1-02689 1-02573 100 16-8 22-6 15 1-02485 1-02667 1-02638 200 13-4 22-6 9 1 -02452 1 -02634 1-02680 300 7‘2 22'7 00IV. 16 1-02490 1-02675 1-02829 400 47 22'9 95'5 1-02395 1-02583 1-02763 800 2'9 22-8 87 1 -02350 1-02535 1 -02732 200 7-2 19-6 00 V. 10'5 1-02470 1-02569 1-02719 400 3-8 19-4 5-5 1-02441 1-02535 1-02724 2000 1-7 19-4 14 1-02490 1-02584 1-02790 25 167 20 T 15’5 1-02494 1-02606 1-02580 50 14-4 20-0 18 1-02509 1-02618 1-02643 100 127 20-7 }f 14-5 1-02488 1-02616 1-02676 200 10-5 17'8 21-5 1-02536 1-02589 1-02689 300 6-3 19-8 5-5 1-02441 1-02545 1-02707 400 4-2 17-7 ,, 13 1-02490 1-02540 1-02726 800 2'8 18-0 | 00 IV. + 0'2g. | 90'5 1-02508 1-02566 1-02764 800 2 '9 17-7 00 V. 15-5 1-02502 1-02552 1-02749 1400 2-9 17 '9 | 00 IV. + 0'2g. | 95-5 1-02536 1-02591 1-02788 25 16-8 22-9 00 V. 4 1-02424 1-02612 1-02584 50 14-0 22-4 , 8 1-02446 1-02620 1-02653 100 12'8 22-4 00’1’v. 8 1-02446 1-02620 1-02678 200 8-0 22-5 97 1-02404 1-02581 1-02721 300 5-5 23-5 88 1-02353 1-02558 1-02729 400 4.4 22-6 90 1-02366 1-02546 1-02729 800 2-9 22 -4 95-5 1-02397 1-02571 1-02768 800 2-9 22-6 95-5 1-02396 1-02576 1-02773 25 21-0 23’2 01 V. 9 1-02451 1-02650 1-02512 50 17-8 22'8 }t 10 1-02457 1-02645 1-02591 100 15-2 23'0 7 1-02440 1-02633 1-02641 200 11-9 22-9 4 1-02424 1-02612 1-02687 300 8-9 22-8 00 IV. 93 1-02383 1-02568 1-02694 400 6-1 24-0 93-5 1 -02383 1 -02602 1 02767 800 2'8 22-8 00 V. 9 1-02451 1-02639 1-02843 25 21-0 24-2 8 1-02442 1-02670 1 -02532 50 18'3 23-8 7 1-02437 1 -02653 1-02587 100 15'4 23-9 00 IV. 99 1-02413 1 -02632 1-02636 200 11-1 241 92 1-02374 1-02596 1-026S6 300 7-8 24-0 91-5 1 02370 1-025S9 1 02731 400 5-4 94- 9. 85-5 1-02336 1 -02561 1 02734 800 3-3 24-3 89 1 -02357 1 025S5 1 02779 25 22-2 24-9 00 V. 11-5 1-02459 1-02707 1-02636 50 20-1 24-8 3 1-02413 1 -02658 1-02545 100 17-2 24-6 00 IV. 99 1-02410 1-02649 1-02611 Tristan d’Acunha Islands to Monte Video to Tristan d’Acuulia Islands. Falkland Ascension. Islands to Monte Video. 24 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER, VI. I Voter from Intermediate Depths in the South Atlantic — continued. I Somber of 1 Sub [>le. Date. III III 1* Position. )epth In 1 nl horns from which Sum pie was ibtuined. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. (Distilled Water at 4“ C. = 1.) latitude. Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at <° C. Reduced to its Value at 15“-56 C. r C. 1 1 n T t R S< Sl5-56 St r 1876. 1676 Mar. 21 r 25 24 T 24-9 00 V. 14 1-02472 1 -02720 1-02495 1576 21 50 21 -9 237 | 00 IV. + 0-2g. | 90-5 1-02491 1-02704 1-02541 1577 21 338 21 15 14 2 100 17-2 24-9 00 V. 4 1-02418 1-02666 1-02628 1578 21 200 9-9 25-0 00 IV. 88 1-02346 1-02594 1-02705 1579 21 300 6-1 25-0 00 V. 0 1-02396 1-02647 1-02815 1580 21 . 400 3-8 25-0 00IV. 98 1-02403 1-02654 1-02848 1583 23 ( 25 23-8 24-9 00 V. 13 1-02467 1-02715 1-02499 1584 23 50 21 T 25-2 8 1-02440 1 -02697 1-02557 1585 23 100 15-4 25-1 00 IV. 96 1 -02385 1-02639 1-02643 1586 23 oo9 1 / -t> 1 o %)Z | 200 9-4 24-9 86 1 -02337 1-02582 1-02701 1587 23 300 6-1 24-9 82 1-02314 1-02559 1 -02724 1588 23 l 400 4-3 25-1 81 1 -02309 1-02560 1-02744 1591 24 ( 25 24 4 25-3 00 V. 13-5 1-02470. 1 -02730 1-02496 159-2 24 50 22-4 25-1 00 IV. 13-5 1 -02471 1 -02725 1-02549 1593 24 100 14-9 24-8 95-5 1-02390 1 -02635 1-02650 1594 24 •340 14 33 13 42 200 8-3 24-9 00 V. 16 1-02483 1-02731 1-02869 1595 24 300 6-5 24-9 00 IV. 85 1 -02330 1-02575 1-02746 1596 24 400 4 4 24-9 95-5 1-02389 1-02637 1-02825 1597 24 1 800 3-8 25-0 82 1-02314 1 -02562 1-02751 1600 25 f 25 25-2 26-4 00 V. 4 1-02413 1 -02706 1 -02449 1601 ft 25 50 21 -9 26-1 7 1-02431 1-02715 1 -02552 1602 25 115 12-6 26-0 00 IV. 85 1-02328 1-02606 1 -02668 1603 25 • 341 12 16 13 44 200 8-3 25-9 84 1-02323 1-02598 1-02733 1604 25 300 5-9 25-9 87 -5 1 -02342 1-02617 1-02784 1605 25 400 4-6 26-0 76-5 1-02282 1-02560 1-02741 1606 • • 25 800 38 26-0 77 1 -02285 1-02563 1-02752 1609 26 r 25 26-3 26-6 00 V. 3 1-02408 1 -02708 1-02418 1610 26 50 21-9 26 6 00 IV. 96 1 -02388 1-02688 1-02525 1611 99 26 100 124 26-3 82 1-02312 1-02599 1-02665 1612 9 9 26 342 9 43 13 51 200 8-8 26 4 >> 84 1-02322 1-02612 1-02740 1613 99 26 300 6-9 26-4 82 1-02312 1-02602 1-02756 1614 „ 26 400 6-8 26 4 75-5 1 -02274 1 -02564 1 -02732 1615 99 26 l 900 3-5 26-4 n 79-5 1-02299 1-02589 1-02781 1621 April 4 25 27 T 277 85-5 1 -02326 1-02659 1-02344 1622 4 50 22-0 28-0 87 1-02332 1-02675 1-02510 1623 99 4 100 11-5 27-6 75 1 -02269 1-02596 1-02679 1624 99 4 -345 5 45 14 25 • 200 8 3 27-6 71 1-02248 1-02575 1-02710 1625 99 4 300 6-5 27 -e 69 1-02237 1 -02564 1-02723 1626 99 4 400 6-5 277 69 1 -02237 1-02567 1-02738 1627 99 4 11525 3 1 27 -8 70-5 1-02244 1-02577 1 02773 1631 99 6 25 21-9 27-8 80 1 -02296 1 -02633 1-02470 1632 99 6 50 13-6 27 -9 76 1-02274 1 -02614 1-02656 1633 99 6 100 12-9 27-8 77 1-02281 1-02618 1 -02675 | 1634 99 6 346 2 42 14 41 200 9-3 27-8 »» 75 1 -02269 1 -02602 1-02722 I IASS 99 6 300 6 3 277 69-5 1-02240 1-02570 1-02732 I 1636 99 6 400 4-9 27-8 66-5 1-02223 1 -02556 1-02734 1637 99 6 800 4 0 27 9 73 1 -02258 1 -02594 1 02782 1636 99 6 1 1675 25 27-8 73 1 -02258 1 02591 1 02791 164) 99 7 f 25 24 4 27-3 88-5 1-02343 1 -02664 1 -02430 1642 99 7 50 184 27 3 93 1 -02369 1 -02690 1 02621 | 1643 99 7 ,347 0 15 14 25 < 100 14-4 27-0 80-5 1-02300 1 -02609 1 -02634 | 1644 99 7 300 6-7 26-9 73 1 -02260 1 -02565 1 -02722 1645 • 9 7 1 1600 8 3 27 0 99 78 1 -02286 1 -02595 1-02789 Ascension to Cape Verde Islands. Tristan d’Acunha Islands to Ascension. REPORT ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER 25 YII. Surface Water of the Southern Part of the Indian Ocean. Number of Sample. Date. Distinguishing Number of Station. Position. Depth in Fathoms from which Sample was obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity ( Distilled Water at 4° O. = 1.) Latitude. Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at C. Reduced to its Value at 15°-56 C. r c. D T t R St 1 Sl5-56 St s. E. 1873. 325 Dec. 18 35 20 18 40 Surface. 19-3 20-4 00 V. 24-5 1-02544 1-02665 1-02573 +*327 ,, 19 143 36 48 19 24 f 3 22-8 23-4 9 1 -02452 1-02657 1-02470 334 20 38 6 19 53 22'2 23-0 7 1-02442 1-02635 1-02468 335 „ 20 38 37 20 27 19-4 20-8 20 1-02520 1-02652 1-02557 336 „ 21 40 24 22 48 16-0 17'7 29-5 1-02579 1-02630 1-02622 337 „ 21 40 57 24 3 15-6 17-3 31 1-02589 1-02630 1-02632 338 „ 22 42 21 27 58 12-2 14-0 36 1-02626 1-02593 1 -02659 339 „ 23 44 31 31 15 7'8 9'2 39 1-02656 1-02534 1-02677 340 „ 23 45 11 32 24 6'9 9-6 37 1-02644 1-02529 1-02682 +*341 „ 24 144 45 57 34 39 6-1 7-6 39 1-02661 1-02516 1-02680 347 „ 25 46 28 36 43 5-5 8-8 35 1-02635 1-02507 1 -02680 348 „ 25 46 42 37 20 4'3 8 7 35-5 1-02638 1-02509 1-02692 349 „ 27 145a 46 41 38 10 5'3 7-3 39 "5 1-02664 1-02515 1-02690 350 „ 28 46 47 40 13 5-0 io-o 34 1-02627 1-02518 1-02695 351 „ 28 46 47 41 50 6'1 7'3 39 1-02655 1 -02506 1-02671 *352 „ 29 146 46 46 45 31 6-1 io-o 33 1-02621 1-02512 1-02675 +*354 „ 30 147 46 16 48 27 5-0 9’8 35 1-02627 1-02515 1-02692 360 „ 31 46 8 49 40 5'8 7-5 36-5 1-02647 1-02501 1-02669 361 „ 31 46 24 50 27 5-3 10 T 31-5 1 -02613 1-02506 1-02680 1874. 362 Jan. 1 46 40 50 43 3 S 5'5 6-8 38-5 1-02659 1-02503 1-02676 363 „ 2 46 41 51 12 ' 4-5 9T 32 1-02618 1 -02495 1-02702 364 „ 3 148a 46 53 51 52 5-0 9-4 33 1-02623 1-02504 1-02683 365 „ 4 47 8 56 22 6-0 6-3 37 1-02654 1-02492 1-02658 366 „ 5 47 41 61 38 4-7 6-3 40 1-02670 1-02508 1-02690 367 „ 6 48 32 66 50 ft 3'9 6’2 t i 39-5 1-02660 1-02497 1-02687 368 „ 8 48 50 69 48 4'3 5-5 41 1-02671 1-02500 1-02686 369 „ 27 48 46 69 50 f f 5-4 7-0 ft 44 1-02690 1-02537 1-02712 370 Feb. 2 52 22 71 28 3-0 10-6 32 1-02614 1-02515 1-02711 371 „ 3 52 24 72 11 3'2 8-9 37 1-02646 1-02520 1-02717 372 „ 4 52 29 71 34 3 3 4'4 41 1-02679 1-02496 1-02691 373 „ 5 53 11 71 48 t f 2-8 6-0 tf 38-5 1-02661 1-02495 1-02695 374 „ 7 53 17 73 15 2-8 7’9 38-5 1-02656 1-02515 1-02710 375 „ 8 55 28 74 37 1-7 7'9 37 1-02649 1-02508 1-02717 376 „ 9 58 2 75 57 IT 2-9 44'5 1-02703 1-02506 1-02716 377 „ 10 60 12 77 34 IT 3 7 . 39-5 1-02672 1-02482 1-02693 *379 „ 11 152 60 52 80 20 1-4 3T 45'5 1-02708 1-02512 1-02721 380 ,, 12 62 22 80 4 IT 3'1 40-5 1-02681 1-02485 1-02696 381 „ 12 63 0 80 0 IT 8-0 33'5 1-02630 1-02490 1-02703 382 „ 13 64 2 79 55 07 27 40-5 1-02682 1-02483 1-02697 *384 „ 14 153 65 42 79 49 -IT 1-0 29 1-02624 1-02413 1 -02632 385 ,, 15 66 4 78 24 -07 3-0 40 1-02678 1 -02481 1-02701 386 » 16 66 29 78 18 ft -07 5-3 if 28-5 1-02611 1-02437 1-02658 387 „ 17 65 10 78 42 0-7 37 41 1-02684 1-02488 1-02702 388 ,, 17 64 57 79 30 0-5 3-3 42 1-02607 1-02413 1 -02628 389 „ 18 64 52 83 12 -1-7 0’3 29 1-02627 1-02413 1-02634 390 ,, 19 65 0 86 3 0 2-5 36 1-02658 1-02458 1-02672 396 „ 20 64 1 87 41 0-4 2-8 40 1-02678 1-02480 1-02695 398 „ 21 63 30 89 10 0-3 1-4 44 1-02703 1-02495 1 -02720 399 „ 22 63 30 90 47 0-8 27 43-5 1-02699 1-02500 1-02713 400 „ 25 63 49 94 51 -0-3 0-9 43-5 1-02703 1-02492 1-02709 +*401 ,, 26 156 62 26 95 44 0-6 2'5 45 1-02708 1 -02508 1-02721 407 „ 27 61 30 97 56 IT 6'2 41 1-02675 1-02512 1 -02724 408 „ 28 59 20 100 14 1-4 5'8 41 1-02676 1-02508 1-02718 409 Mar. 1 57 39 102 36 1-7 5-9 41 1-02676 1-02509 1-02717 410 „ 2 55 49 105 31 3'2 4-5 41-5 1-02683 1-02501 1-02697 +*411 W 3 157 53 55 108 35 ft 2-9 5-3 ft 42 1-02683 1-02509 1-02703 . J The Antarctic Circle to Heard Island to the Kerguelen At Ker- Cape of Good Hope to Kergueleu Island. Melbourne. Antarctic Circle. Island to guclen. Heard Island. THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER 26 VII. Surface Water of the Southern Part of the Indian Ocean — continued. Number cl ! Sunpk. Dale. W Hi Ml s'6 IVsItlon. Depth In Fathoms from which Sample was obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. (Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) Latitude. Longi- tudo. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Heading Observed at f C. Reduced to its Value at 15°-56 C. T” C. D T t R St $15*56 sx 8. E. 16 74. . O O 415 Mar 4 ... 53 13 109 23 Surface. 4 3 6-6 00 V. 40 1-02669 1-02511 1-02696 416 5 52 14 112 25 4 2 5-6 42 1-02682 1-02512 1-02697 417 6 50 54 118 3 7-2 9-2 36 1-02640 1-02518 1-02668 t*418 7 158 50 1 123 4 7-2 9-1 37 1-02645 1-02522 1-02672 424 8 49 26 126 43 9-2 10-5 37 1-02642 1-02542 1-02664 425 9 48 34 129 58 10-3 10-9 40-5 1 02659 1-02566 1-02670 426 9 48 12 130 7 10-7 11-8 39 1-02649 1-02572 1-02670 *427 10 159 47 25 130 32 10-6 11-4 39 1-02650 1-02566 1-02665 429 11 46 50 129 43 11-2 12-7 34-5 1 -02621 1-02561 1-02648 430 11 ... 46 37 129 56 11-2 12-5 36-5 1-02633 1-02569 1 -02657 431 12 45 1 131 45 11 ‘2 12-6 37-5 1 -02638 1-02580 1 -02663 432 12 44 7 132 34 12-5 13-6 36 1-02627 1-02585 1-02650 +*433 13 160 42 42 134 10 12-8 13-1 35 1-02622 1-02570 1-02627 440 14 41 20 136 38 14'2 14-8 33 1-02608 1-02591 1-02621 441 14 • •• 40 53 137 43 14-7 15-2 34 1-02611 1 -02603 1 -02623 442 15 39 45 140 40 157 163 II 34 1-02608 1-02625 1 -02622 443 *9 16 39 24 142 19 it 15 7 16-6 II 34 1 -02607 1-02631 1-02628 444 Apr. 1 88 15 145 0 ii 17-8 19-2 12 1-02480 1-02568 1-02518 445 If 2 ... 39 8 146 44 if 17-2 18-4 25-5 1 02563 1-02632 1-02593 446 II 3 38 20 148 37 ii 18-9 19-1 24-5 1-02549 1-02636 1 -02556 447 If 3 37 36 150 0 ii 164 18-7 n 23 1-02542 1-02618 1-02601 VIII. Bottom Water of the Southern Part of the Indian Ocean. 1873. 326 Doc. 18 142 35 4 18 37 150 8-3 20-1 00 V. 24 1-02545 1-02658 1 -02796 +*333 ft 19 143 36 48 19 24 1900 20 21-1 II 10-5 1-02468 1 -02607 1-02811 1 +*346 ff 24 144 45 67 34 39 1570 21 9-1 j 00 IV. + 0-5g. \ 77-5 1-02648 1-02525 1 -02729 *353 If 29 | 146 46 46 45 31 1375 2-0 9-0 00 V 47 1-02680 1-02555 1 -02759 | +*359 ft 30 147 46 16 48 27 1600 1*2 87 II 43 1-02679 1-02550 1-02759 1874. *378 Fob. n 152 60 52 80 20 1260 4-8 52 1-02740 1-02561 *383 ff 14 153 65 42 79 to 1675 7 3 II 49 1-02716 1-02567 +395 If 19 154 64 37 85 49 1800 8-0 | 00 IV. + 0'4g. J 92 1-02669 1-02529 +*40« If 26 156 62 26 95 44 1975 3-9 00 V. 45 1-02703 1-02515 +*414 Mar. 3 167 53 65 108 35 1950 0 6-0 | 00 IV. + 0"5g. | 90 1-02727 1-02561 1 -02776 1 +*42 3 f 9 7 158 60 1 123 4 1800 0-6 10-2 00 V. 40 1 -02659 1 -02554 1 -02766 1 *428 91 10 159 47 25 130 32 2150 1-2 13-6 32 1-02606 1-02564 1 -02773 +*439 ft 18 , 160 42 42 134 10 2600 11 13-4 II 34 1-02616 1-02570 1 -02780 IX. Water from Intermediate Depths in the Southern Part of the Indian Ocean. lA 73. 1 *38 Ifcc 19 f 50 16-3 21-0 00 V. 16 1 02491 1 -02629 1 -02635 ?» » 19 100 11-4 21-5 10-6 1 -02466 1-02616 1 -02700 130 19 S 1 43 36 48 19 24 200 7 9 20-9 9 1 -02460 1 -02593 1 -02734 *31 II 19 300 6 1 20-1 II 8-5 1 -02460 1 -02572 1 -02737 ** 19 400 4-9 20-8 ft 7 102448 1 -02579 1-02757 O TJ 144 34 39 ) 200 3-6 8-7 9 9 40 1-02662 1-02533 1-02724 344 „ 24 ) 300 3-3 8 '9 39-5 1-02658 1-02532 1-02726 345 24 ) 400 3-2 9-3 39-5 1-02657 1-02537 1-02732 355 „ 30 \ 100 3-0 8-7 36 1 -02641 1-02512 1-02709 356 „ 30 > 147 46 16 48 27 200 2-8 8-2 99 41-5 1 -02672 1 -02535 1-02733 357 „ 30 300 2-6 8-3 41 1-02669 1 -02534 1-02734 358 „ 30 ) ( 400 2-4 8'5 41 1 -02668 1 -02536 1 -02737 1874. 391 Feb. 19 50 -1-5 3-9 48-5 1-02722 1-02534 1 -02753 392 „ 19 1 KA. f\A Q7 A Q 140 --1-5 2-8 52 1 -02745 1-02547 1-02766 393 „ 19 300 1-0 2-9 54 1-02755 1-02558 1-02769 394 » 19 ) 400 l’O 3-6 54 1-02753 1-02562 1-02773 402 » 26 100 0 3-9 53-5 1-02749 1-02561 1-02776 403 ,, 26 200 1-1 4-0 54 1-02753 1-02565 1-02775 404 „ 26 300 3-9 54 1-02753 1 -02565 405 ,, 26 ) 400 4-4 53-5 1-02738 1-02555 412 Mar. 3 { A K7 i aq qf; 50 2-5 6'8 39 1-02663 1-02507 • 1 -02707 413 ,, 3 -L yjo oo 100 0-3 6-0 46 1-02703 1-02537 1-02761 419 ,, 7 50 6-9 10-3 34 1-02626 1 -02522 1-02676 420 7 100 6-3 10-3 38 1-02648 1-02544 1 02706 421 >, 7 200 5-2 10-6 38 1-02647 1-02548 1-02723 422 7 ) 315 4-0 10-4 38 1-02648 1-02546 1-02734 434 13 -v f 50 11-0 13-8 33-5 1-02613 1-02576 1-02668 435 „ 13 100 9-2 13-7 32 1-02605 1-02565 1-02687 436 „ 13 L 160 42 42 134 10 200 87 13'5 34 1-02617 1-02573 1-02702 437 „ 13 300 8-4 13-5 32-5 1-02604 1-02560 1-02694 438 „ 13 Uoo 7-2 137 9 9 30-5 1 -02597 1-02557 1-02707 X. The Surface Water of the South Pacific Ocean. *448 Apr. 4 163 36 57 150 34 Surface. 22-2 21-0 00 V. 19 1-02514 1 -02652 1-02481 450 „ 5 35 54 150 16 9 9 21-2 21-8 00 IV. 87 1-02352 1-02510 1-02370 451 June 12 163c 33 55 151 35 19 7 19-9 00 Y. 22-5 1-02536 1 -02644 1-02541 452 „ 12 164 34 8 152 0 20-8 20-9 19 1-02515 1-02650 1-02518 453 ,, 13 1646 34 13 151 38 20-5 19-6 22-5 1-02536 1-02636 1-02512 454 „ 15 34 6 155 12 17-1 17-2 33 '5 1-02603 1-02641 1-02605 +455 „ 16 164e 34 27 154 57 17'5 17-9 31 1-02588 1-02644 1-02600 +*460 „ 17 165 34 50 155 28 18-0 18-6 27 1-02564 1-02638 1-02579 463 „ 18 34 53 156 38 18-0 18 '3 J9 28 1-02571 1-02637 1 -02580 465 „ 19 36 39 157 55 17-3 17-4 32 1-02594 1-02637 1-02596 471 „ 20 37 2 160 48 15-6 16-5 37 1-02625 1-02647 1-02646 472 „ 21 37 58 163 35 15-3 16-9 345 1-02586 1-02616 1 -02626 474 „ 22 38 41 166 9 14-5 15-5 35 1-02616 1-02614 1-02638 *476 „ 23 166 38 50 169 20 14-7 16-0 35 1-02615 1 02625 1 -02644 478 „ 24 39 38 171 58 14-6 15-2 36-5 1-02625 1-02617 1-02639 479 „ 25 40 46 173 55 13-0 13-8 37 1 -02633 1-02596 1-02649 480 „ 26 40 41 173 52 12-3 127 43 1-02668 1 -02608 1-02674 481 27 41 12 174 35 99 10-7 12-5 9 9 41 1-02657 1-02593 1-02691 482 July 7 41 29 174 55 11-1 12-3 39 1-02648 1-02581 1-02669 483 „ 7 41 30 175 50 11-4 13 '5 36-5 1-02630 1-02586 1 -02671 *484 „ 8 168 40 28 177 43 14-0 15-2 37-5 1-02630 1 -02622 1-02654 486 „ 9 39 18 178 30 14-0 14-7 40 1-02646 1 -02627 1-02661 487 „ 9 38 23 178 53 14-7 15-3 38 1-02649 1 -02643 1-02662 488 „ io 37 13 179 45 91 15-0 16-1 f 9 36 -5 1-02623 1-02636 1-02649 1 v o 5 ‘ O bo §<< o 4 f3 O © k— I C/5 ce © EH t Melbourne C to Sydney. 4 28 THE VO y AGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. X. The Surface Water of the South Pacific Ocean — continued. «e c 73 O . rosltion. Depth In Fat horns Temperature (Centigrade) Hydrometer. — Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4” C. = 1.) Number Ill s il from a t Sample. Dale. Long!- which Sample At the During Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at t° C. Reduced to its Value at 3 sc tude. obtained. Depth D. Observa- tion. 15°-5G C. r C. n T t R Si Sl5-36 St 8. w. s 187 4. o t o / O o 493 July 11 36 6 178 21 Surface. 14-4 15-4 00 V. 36 1 -02622 1-02618 1-02644 ''I 494 11 35 58 178 48 14-5 15-4 34-5 1-02614 1-02610 1-02635 495 12 34 0 178 8 16'9 17-2 32 1 -02596 1-02634 1 -02603 496 13 31 47 177 34 176 177 29 1-02577 1-02628 1 -02580 497 13 31 23 177 48 17-8 187 29-5 1 -02578 1 -02655 1 -02601 498 13 31 3 178 3 18-0 18-7 26-5 1-02561 1-02638 1 -02579 +499 14 170a 29 45 178 11 18-4 19-3 25 1-02552 1-02644 1-02576 504 »» 15 28 25 177 93 ft 19'4 j 22-8 j 20-5 11 17 27-5 1 -02497 1-02561 1-02685 1 -02685 | 1-02591 605 16 26 48 175 0 21-7 22-2 12 1-02471 1 -02642 1-02485 506 16 26 7 174 0 21-7 227 9 1 -02454 1-02639 1-02482 +•507 17 171a 25 5 172 56 22-2 22-8 9 1-02454 1 -02642 1 -02472 512 18 23 18 173 26 21-9 22-4 13-5 1 -02479 1-02655 1-02492 513 M 18 22 33 173 58 ft 22 3 22-9 ft 9 1 -02453 1 -02643 1-02469 514 22 20 56 175 30 23 6 23 9 4 1-02421 1-02640 1-02439 ' 515 23 20 9 176 47 24 5 23 -4 8 1 -02447 1-02652 1-02416 616 » 23 19 55 178 35 ft 23 9 24-5 ft 2-5 1-02413 1-02649 1-02430 517 24 19 11 179 40 24-7 25-1 00IV. 95 1 -02388 1-02642 1-02400 518 25 19 7 178 18 24 7 25-1 97 1-02398 1-02652 1-02410 619 99 28 18 4 178 56 ft 25 0 25-3 ft 97 1-02399 1 02659 1-02408 . 520 Aug. 11 19 10 177 38 25-8 26-5 90 1-02356 1 -02652 1 -02377 +*521 12 175 19 2 177 10 25-8 26-2 90-5 1 -02360 1 -02647 1-02387 625 13 19 1 175 53 25-4 26-1 88-5 102348 1 -02632 1 -02369 626 14 18 56 174 57 257 26-8 87 1 -02339 1-02645 1-02377 *527 15 176 18 30 173 52 25 3 25-4 92-5 1 02373 1 -02636 1-02376 528 (9 15 18 29 173 49 25 5 26-0 89 1-02351 1 02632 1 -02366 530 16 18 3 171 51 26 T 26-9 80-5 1 -02304 1 -02609 1 -02329 531 9 9 16 17 54 171 24 267 27-0 82-5 1-02313 1-02625 1 -02322 632 99 17 17 25 169 5 25T 25-9 90 1 -02358 1 -02636 1 -02382 633 17 17 20 168 30 25 3 26-0 88-5 1 -02349 1 -02630 1-02370 634 99 18 in 16 50 168 0 25-8 26-5 85 1.02328 1 -02624 1 02350 635 99 19 16 51 165 45 26 1 26-4 85 1 -02328 1 -02621 1 -02339 539 20 16 32 163 12 25 9 26-2 95 1 02385 1 -02672 1 -02394 540 20 16 24 162 34 25 4 26-3 87 1-02340 1 -02630 1 -02367 611 99 21 16 2 161 3 25 -5 26-1 88-5 1 -02348 1 -02632 1 -02366 547 99 21 • oo 15 67 160 42 25 -s 261 89 1 -02352 1 -02636 1 -02361 548 • 9 22 15 28 159 16 26 1 26-0 89-5 1 02355 1 -02636 1-02357 549 99 22 16 9 158 19 25 9 26-4 87-5 1 -02342 1 -02635 1 -02357 650 23 14 44 155 53 26 T 26-4 87-5 1 02342 1.02635 1 -02351 661 99 24 14 4 153 33 26 6 27 3 79 1 -02293 1-02611 1-02314 •557 99 25 181 13 60 151 49 ft 267 26-5 89-5 1 02353 1-02649 1 -02348 659 ft 26 ••• 13 39 150 58 26 1 26-4 86-5 1 02336 1 -02629 1 -02345 *660 u 27 182 13 6 148 37 25-8 261 86 1 -02335 1-02619 1 -02344 | V562 99 28 183 12 42 146 46 25-5 26 0 88-5 1 02349 1 -02630 1 -02364 | *568 29 184 12 8 145 10 25 3 26-1 88 1 -02346 1 -02630 1 -02373 670 30 11 37 144 8 25-3 25-8 89-5 1 -02356 1 -02631 1 -02371 671 31 11 62 143 36 99 25-3 25-3 93 5 1 02379 1 02639 1 -02379 672 Hr|,t. 1 • •• 11 37 142 59 25 0 25 0 98-5 1.02407 1 -02658 1 -02407 J 187 5. +701 Fob. 21 ... 0 4 138 22 II 27 3 27-0 61-5 102198 1-02507 1 -02191 706 u 21 • •• 0 5 138 22 28 0 28-3 57 1-02169 1-02518 1-02179 | +*707 » 217 0 39 138 55 99 -3 28-1 58 102175 1-02518 1-02169 716 M 22 0 45 139 8 99 30-8 29-9 55 1-02164 1 -02554 1-02119 719 M 23 1 33 140 11 99 27-8 272 42 1 02090 1 -02405 1 -02071 7» || 25 2 14 141 20 99 28-3 28-4 65 1 02213 1 -02565 1 -02217 *21 99 26 2 2 142 19 99 28 8 28-8 64 1 02206 1 -02571 1 -02206 722 99 27 ••• 1 68 143 21 99 28 -6 28-5 66 102218 1 -02573 1-02216 *23 *• 2* 2 30 143 66 99 28-8 28 3 99 68 1 02230 1 -02576 1-02213 J Meangis Islands Fiji Islands to Cape York, Australia. Tonga tabu to From Wellington, New Zealand, Admiralty Islands. Fiji Islands. to Tongatabu. REPORT ON TIIE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER. 29 X. Surface Water of the South Pacific — continued. Number of Sample. Date. Distinguishing Number of Station. Position. Depth in Fathoms from which Sample was obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4° C.= 1.) Latitude. Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at t° C. Reduced to its Value at 15°-5G C. r C. D T t R St SlJ-56 s? s. E. 1875. t ( 724 Mar. 1 2 30 144 7 Surface. 28'8 29-2 00 IV. 59-5 1-02186 1-02564 1-02199 733 99 2 1 52 154 24 9 9 28-8 28-2 9 9 67 1 -02224 1-02570 1 -02204 734 99 3 1 53 146 36 9 9 28-4 28-2 99 66 1-02219 1-02565 1-02213 735 9 J 10 219 1 54 146 40 9 9 28'9 287 99 64-5 1-02209 1-02571 1 -02203 +*736 99 11 220 0 42 147 0 9 9 28-8 27-8 99 71 1-02247 1-02580 1-02212 +*1118 Sept. 6 271 0%3 151 34 9 1 25-9 25-9 9 9 94-5 1 -02383 1 -02661 1 -02383 1126 9 9 7 2 23 152 34 9 9 25-5 25-9 99 91 1-02364 1-02642 1-02376 +*1127 99 8 272 3 48 152 56 ,, 26-1 26-0 99 92 1-02369 1-02650 1-02366 1137 9 5 7 152 56 9 9 26-4 26'2 99 89 1-02351 1-02638 1 -02346 1139 9 9 10 6 26 152 26 99 267 26 '6 9 9 90 1-02356 1-02656 1 02352 *1140 11 274 7 25 152 15 99 26-8 26-6 99 90 1 -02356 1-02656 1-02350 1142 12 8 30 151 55 267 26-3 80 1-02300 1-02587 1-02287 +*1143 9 9 14 275 11 20 150 30 9 9 267 26-6 9 9 94 1-02378 1-02678 1-02375 1146 9 9 15 12 30 150 0 99 26-4 26-5 99 94-5 1-02380 1-02676 1-02383 +*1147 16 276 13 28 149 30 9 9 267 261 oo V. 92 1 -02344 1-02628 1 -02326 +*1158 9 9 18 278 17 12 149 43 9 9 26-4 25-8 5 1-02421 1-02696 1 -02403 1166 Oct. 3 17 28 149 41 99 25-5 25-4 9 9 10 1-02451 1-02714 1-02448 +*1167 4 280 18 40 149 52 9 9 257 24-8 9 9 12 1-02462 1-02707 1 -02453 1176 5 21 10 150 11 99 24-2 247 10 1-02453 1-02695 1 -02467 +*1177 9 9 6 281 22 21 150 17 23-6 24 ’0 9 9 9 1-02448 1 -02670 1-02460 +*1187 9 9 7 282 23 46 149 59 9 9 22-9 22‘3 9 9 18 1-02502 1-02676 1-02486 1190 8 24 46 147 58 21'9 21-3 9 9 19 1-02512 1-02658 1 -02495 +*1191 9 283 26 9 145 17 20 '3 20-8 9 9 17 1-02501 1-02633 1-02514 1200 10 27 39 142 47 20'4 20-3 99 18-5 1-02511 1-02630 1-02514 +*1201 11 284 28 22 141 22 9 9 20-0 21-2 15 1 -02488 1 -02631 1 -02520 1211 12 29 25 140 23 19'5 20'6 9 9 21 '5 1-02527 1-02654 1-02556 1212 13 30 50 139 13 18-9 20-3 18 1-02508 1 02627 1-02545 +*1213 14 285 32 36 137 43 18-3 18-4 25 1-02553 1-02621 1-02556 1222 15 33 10 135 6 167 16-9 9 9 26 1-02562 1 -02592 1-02565 +*1223 16 286 33 29 133 22 17'2 18-2 9 9 23-5 1-02545 1-02608 1-02571 1233 17 34 3 131 35 15-5 15-9 9 9 26-5 1 -02567 1-02575 1-02580 1234 18 36 15 132 22 147 15'2 9 9 31 1-02595 1-02587 1-02605 +*1235 19 287 36 32 132 52 14-3 15-5 30 1-02588 1-02586 1-02613 +*1243 21 288 40 3 132 58 12-5 141 30 1-02592 1 -02561 1-02625 1246 22 40 3 131 32 12'8 13-2 31-5 1-02604 1-02554 1-02611 +*1247 23 289 39 41 131 23 12-5 13-5 27 1 -02577 1 -02533 1-02597 +*1257 25 290 39 16 124 7 11-4 12-5 30 1 -02597 1-02533 1-02615 1260 26 39 12 120 40 117 12-2 30-5 1-02601 1-02532 1-02611 +*1261 27 291 39 13 118 49 117 13-2 30-5 1-02598 1-02548 1-02629 1271 28 38 56 116 8 11-9 12-2 30 1-02598 1 -02529 1 -02604 *1272 29 292 38 43 112 31 11-8 121 31 1-02603 1-02532 1-02609 1275 30 38 43 111 5 127 131 30 1-02595 1-02543 1-02614 1276 31 38 48 107 24 12-5 13-0 27 1-02579 1-02525 1-02591 +*1277 Nov. 1 293 39 4 105 5 127 131 25 1-02568 1-02522 1-02595 1287 2 39 19 101 19 12-5 13-8 23-5 1 -02558 1-02521 1-02585 1288 3 39 15 98 26 14-2 157 17 1-02516 1-02519 1-02542 1297 4 38 37 96 27 13-3 15-9 18 1 02522 1-02530 1-02577 +*1298 5 295 38 7 94 4 147 16-2 18 1-02521 1-02536 1-02554 1301 6 37 55 93 56 147 157 18 1 -02522 1-02525 1 -02545 1302 7 37 25 93 36 15-5 16-0 19 1-02528 1-02538 1 -02539 1303 8 37 55 90 33 15-0 15-5 20-5 1-02537 1-02535 1 -02548 +*1304 9 296 38 6 88 2 15*4 15-6 20 1-02535 1-02536 1 -02538 1314 10 38 19 84 25 13-6 14-3 23-5 1 -02556 1 02529 1-02570 +*1315 11 297 37 29 83 7 13'9 147 24-5 1 -02561 1-02542 1 -02577 1325 12 35 56 81 27 15'3 151 22-5 1 -02549 1 -02539 1-02545 1326 16 33 54 76 22 14-8 15-2 20 1 -02536 1 -02528 1-02545 1327 16 33 47 75 32 147 15-2 22-5 1 -02549 1-02541 1-02560 +*1328 99 17 298 34 7 73 56 9 9 15-0 15-5 99 20 1 -02535 1-02533 1-02546 1 ( Meangis Islands to h Admiralty Islands. Admiralty Islands to Japan. B 5 (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PART II. 1883.) THE VOYAGE OF Ii.M.S. CHALLENGER, n • > 0 X. Surface Water of the South Pacific — continued. Number o t Sun pie. Dale. Distinguishing Number of Station. Position. Depth In Fathoms from which Sample was obtained Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) Latitude. Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Heading Observed at e c. Reduced to its Value at 15°*5G C. T° C. 1 D T t R St S15-58 Sy s. W. 187 5. 4 O 4 1S3S Nov. 18 34 9 72 36 Surface. 14-4 14-7 00 V. 23 1-02553 1-02534 1 -02559 1 me .. 18 "i 34 9 72 32 » f 143 14-9 if 25-5 1-02566 1-02551 1-02578 1340 Dec. 11 33 0 71 56 16-1 16-6 18 1-02520 1-02544 1-02532 1341 12 32 33 74 17 17-2 16-7 14 1-02497 1-02523 1-02485 1342 13 33 20 74 24 169 17-4 13 1-02490 1-02533 1-02504 'f*1343 14 299 33 31 74 43 167 17-1 13-5 1 -02494 1-02529 1 -02505 1351 15 33 13 76 44 172 17-8 12 1-02483 1-02536 1 -02502 +1352 16 32 50 77 6 17-5 19-1 7 1-02451 1-02537 1-02494 +*1354 17 300 33 42 78 18 16-9 17-5 11 1-02481 1 -02526 1-02497 1364 18 34 21 79 11 16 -5 16-9 14-5 1-02500 1-02530 1-02511 1365 19 35 18 81 49 16-1 16-4 20 1-02532 1-02551 1-02540 1366 20 36 17 83 50 15-5 157 19-5 1 -02531 1-02534 1-02537 1367 21 36 58 83 40 155 15-8 19-5 1-02531 1-02537 1-02537 +1368 22 301 37 29 84 2 15 3 15-4 21-5 1-02543 1 -02539 1-02545 1374 23 38 59 83 53 14-2 14-4 21 1-02542 1-02517 1 -02546 1375 9t 24 39 41 86 33 139 14-0 23 1-02555 1 -02522 1-02557 1376 25 40 35 89 25 14-2 14-3 23 1 -02554 1-02527 1-02555 1377 26 41 9 87 40 13 9 14-3 23 1 -02554 1-02527 1-02561 1378 27 42 19 84 47 127 13-2 24 1-02563 1-02513 1-02573 +*1379 28 302 42 43 82 11 12-8 13-3 27 1-02579 1-02531 1-02589 1389 9 9 29 43 15 80 0 12-5 12-6 26-5 1-02578 1-02516 1-02580 +*1390 30 303 45 31 78 9 127 13-0 oo’iv. 23 1-02558 1-02504 1-02544 1398 31 304 46 531 75 12 14-0 14-1 78 1 -02326 1-02295 1-02327 1876. 1399 Jan. 1 47 39 74 49 ” 13-0- 13-1 a 73-5 1 -02303 1 -02251 1-02305 XI. The Bottom Water of the South Pacific. 1874. H. K. *449 April 4 163 36 57 160 34 2200 1-4 183 00 V. 21-5 1-02536 1 -02601 1 -02809 +*462 June 17 165 34 50 156 28 2600 1 4 18-0 | 00 IV. + 0-2g 99 1 -02555 1-02613 1 -02821 473 „ 21 1656 37 53 163 18 1975 1-5 167 001V. 95 1 -02599 1 -02625 1-02832 475 99 22 185e 38 36 166 39 1100 2 4 157 00 V. 30-5 1 -02591 1 -02594 1 -02795 1 *«77 99 23 166 38 50 169 20 276 104 19-5 | 00 IV. +0025g j 97 1-02570 1-02668 1 -02772 *485 July 8 168 40 28 177 43 1100 29 151 00 V. 30-5 1-02594 1 -02584 1 -02781 1 tiw •• 10 169 37 34 179 22 700 4 4 16-8 91 26-5 1 -02566 1 -02594 1-02777 I +*511 •• 17 171a 26'*' 6 172 66 2900 1-3 22 0 99 10 1-02461 1 -02626 1-02841 ♦*534 Aag. 12 176 19*" 2 177 10 1350 2 2 23-6 4 1 02423 1 02633 1-02842 529 u 15 176 18 SO 173 62 1 450 2 3 26 0 00 IV. 87 1 -02340 1 02621 1-02829 ♦546 D 21 179 15 68 1 60 48 2325 2-2 26 1 82 102313 1 -02594 1 -02797 | +554 | u 24 180 14 7 153 43 2150 2-2 267 80-5 1 -02302 1 -02601 1-02804 | *558 99 25 181 13 50 151 49 2440 21 24 1 92 1 02369 1 -02591 1 -02795 | *641 9I 27 182 13 6 148 37 2275 2 1 25-9 81 1-02309 1 -02584 1 -02788 ! +*547 9f 28 183 12 42 146 46 1700 2-2 27 1 77 1 -02283 1 -02595 1 -02798 *549 99 29 184 12 8 146 10 1400 2-2 25-6 88 1 02347 1-02613 1-02816 1875. f *+717 F-b, 22 217 0 39 138 65 2000 1-8 28-4 70-5 1 -02243 1 -02595 1 -02801 +732 Mar 1 218 2 33 144 4 1070 2 4 26 9 99 74 I -02267 1 -02572 1 02773 Tahiti to Val- paraiso. 1 CS K. Melbourne to Sydney. 5 § >> £ o H O (Meunffin Wiindi - to Admiralty ( Inlands. REPORT ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER. 31 XI. Bottom Water of the South Pacific — continue J. Number Date. to *5 o . *§ u C •3 2.2 Position. Depth in Fathoms from Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) of which Sample. •- 5 CG Latitude. Longi- tude. Sample At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Reading Reduced to its Value at | « obtained. Instru- ment. c c. 15°-5G C. T C. i 1 D T t R St ST , E. 1875. o / o / 0 0 +*738 Mar. 11 220 0 42 s. 0 33 147 0 w. 151 34 1100 2-3 28-0 00 IV. 66 1-02220 1-02560 1 -02762 +*1125 Sept. 6 271 2425 1-7 26-0 81-5 1-02309 1-02587 1-02793 +*1136 „ 8 272 3 48 152 56 2600 1-7 25-9 90 1-02358 1 -02636 1-02848 +*1145 „ 14 275 11 20 150 30 2610 17 26-4 82 1-02312 1-02602 1-02808 +*1155 „ 16 276 13 28 149 30 2350 1-7 257 87 1-02342 1 -02593 1-02799 +1157 17 277 15 51 149 41 2325 1-7 247 86 '5 1-02341 1-02581 1-02787 +*1165 „ 18 278 17 12 149 43 1525 2-5 24-6 J > 84 1-02328 1 -02565 1-02765 +*1175 Oct. 4 280 18 40 149 52 1940 1-8 24-5 96 1 -02394 1-02630 1-02842 +*1186 „ 6 281 22 21 150 17 2385 1-6 23-9 98-5 1-02409 1-02628 1-02841 +*1189 „ 7 282 23 46 149 59 2450 1-7 22-2 00 V. 98-5 1-02413 1-02582 1-02788 +*1199 .. 9 283 26 9 145 17 2075 1-9 20-8 8 1-02452 1 -02583 1-02788 +*1210 „ 11 284 28 22 141 22 1985 1-7 21 -9 8’5 1-02452 1-02615 1-02827 +*1221 „ 14 285 32 36 137 43 2375 17 17-8 19 1-02522 1-02575 1-02781 +*1232 ,, 16 286 33 29 133 22 2335 1-5 15'9 25'5 1 -02562 1 -02570 1-02777 +*1242 „ 19 287 36 32 132 52 2400 1-5 14-4 29-5 1-02589 1-02564 1 -02771 +*1245 „ 21 288 40 3 132 58 2600 1-5 147 30-5 1-02595 1-02564 1-02771 +*1256 ,, 23 289 39 41 131 23 2550 1 ‘5 12-9 34-5 1-02621 1-02565 1-02772 +*1259 „ 25 290 39 16 124 7 2300 1-6 13-5 29 1-02590 1-02546 1-02753 +*1270 ,, 27 291 39 13 118 49 2250 1-4 13-5 30 1-02594 1-02550 1-02758 +*1274 „ 29 Nov. 1 292 38 43 112 31 1600 1-8 131 33 1-02611 1-02559 1-02765 +*1286 293 39 4 105 5 2025 1-3 156 27 1-02572 1-02573 1-02782 +*1300 ,, 5 295 38 7 94 4 1500 1-8 16-4 22 1-02543 1-02562 1-02768 +*1313 „ 9 296 38 6 88 2 1825 1-8 16-0 20 1-02534 1-02544 1-02750 +*1324 „ 11 297 37 29 83 7 1775 1-9 14-8 5 f 28-5 1-02582 1-02565 1-02770 +*1350 Dec. 14 299 33 31 74 43 2160 1-8 187 | 00 IV. + 0'2g. 00 V. | 88 1-02491 1-02567 1-02773 +*1363 ,, 17 300 33 42 78 18 1375 1-9 17'6 88 1-02495 1-02543 1-02748 +*1388 „ 28 302 42 43 82 11 1450 2'0 13-8 31 1-02599 1-02562 1-02766 +*1397 „ 30 303 45 31 78 9 1325 2'2 13-9 J J 30-5 1-02598 1-02563 1-02766 XII. Water from Intermediate Depths in the South Pacific. 1874. s. E. 456 June 16 ( 50 16-4 17-3 00 V. 32 1-02595 1 -02636 1-02617 457 „ 16 I 164e 34 27 154 57 1 100 11-4 16'6 33 1-02603 1-02627 1-02713 458 „ 16 1 200 9-0 16-0 28-5 1-02580 1-02590 1-02715 459 „ 16 J 1300 7'3 15-5 28 1-02578 1-02576 1-02725 461 17 165 34 50 155 28 50 13-9 17-6 oo’iv. + 0'3g. 29 1-02578 1 -02626 1-02661 464 ,, 18 34 42 156 19 5 18-0 187 | | 95 1-02595 1-02656 1-02597 466 „ 19 | f 5 17-0 16-9 00 V. 33-5 1-02605 1 -02636 1 -02603 467 „ 19 j 100 13'2 157 32-5 1-02603 1 -02606 1-02656 468 „ 19 ]■ 165 a 36 41 158 29 -{ 150 11-8 157 32-5 1-02603 1 -02606 1-02683 469 „ 19 | | 300 8-3 157 26 1-02568 1-02571 1 -02706 470 19 J 1400 6'5 15'8 > ) 36 1-02621 1-02627 1-02786 489 July 10 ) ( 50 137 16-5 30 1-02587 1-02608 1-02648 490 „ 10 '/ 169 37 34 179 22 4 100 12-9 16-2 30 1-02587 1-02602 1-02658 491 .. 10 ( s. w. ( 200 10-0 161 If 25 1 -02561 1-02573 1-02682 500 ,, 14 J rioo 15'8 207 20 1-02522 1-02635 1-02629 501 „ 14 i-170a i 29 45 178 11 J 200 117 20-5 14 1-02488 1-02611 1-02690 502 „ 14 1 300 9-4 20-5 7'5 1-02452 1-02575 1-02694 503 ,, 14 j Uoo 7-6 20-3 1 ) 8 1-02456 1-02573 1-02718 f Admiialty Islands "( to Japan. cs O ~ M C2 > Q XI t. I. 17 17 17 12 12 19 19 19 21 21 21 21 24 24 24 24 28 28 28 28 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 6 6 6 0 6 0 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. rrom Intermediate Depths in the South Pacific — continued. Position. Depth in h'ut horns from which Sample was obtained Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. (.Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) Latitude Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Numbei of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at t° C. Reduced to its Value at 15°*5G C. r c. 1 n T t R St SlS’56 sT 8. w. O 1 o t ( 100 19°8 22°5 00 V. 13 1-02456 1-02635 1 -02530 25 5 172 56 } 200 151 21-8 14-5 1-02486 1-02646 1-02656 ( 400 67 21-0 5‘5 1-02440 1-02576 1-02733 E. l 100 21-5 25-3 00 IV. 98 1 -02404 1-02664 1-02512 iy i 1/ / 1U j 200 16-0 24-8 97-5 1-02402 1-02647 1-02637 ( 50 24-4 257 89 1-02353 1 -02625 1-02391 16 47 165 20 ( 100 21-9 25'6 98 1-02404 1 02673 1-02510 { 200 13 9 257 91 1-02364 1-02636 1-02672 ( 100 217 26-0 95 1-02386 1-02667 1-02510 ) 200 13-0 26 2 85-5 1 -02332 1-02619 1-02674 10U 4o 1 300 7-3 25-9 86-5 1-02339 1-02614 1-02763 ( 400 5-3 25-9 82-5 1-02316 1-02591 1-02765 ( 100 227 26 3 95-5 1-02386 1-02676 1-02491 ) 200 119 26 '6 81 1-02307 1 -02603 1-02678 14 I loo 4 6 ) 300 75 26-6 81 1-02307 1 -02603 1-02749 ( 400 5 3 26-6 85 1-02330 1-02630 1 -02808 ( 100 20-8 26-8 91 1-02337 1-02643 1-02511 ) 200 12-5 27-0 77-5 1-02286 1-02595 1-02659 1 300 7'2 271 73 1-02268 1-02580 1-02730 ( 400 5-1 26'9 99 78-5 1-02291 1-02596 1-02772 ( 10 28-3 271 68-5 1-02235 1-02547 1-02198 ) 20 28 3 277 71 1 -02247 1-02577 1-02228 30 28-3 27-4 72 1-02247 1-02568 1-02219 40 28-3 28-3 70 1-02240 1-02589 1 -02240 10 28-3 27-4 69-5 1-02240 1-02561 1-02212 15 28 3 281 66 1-02219 1-02562 1-U2213 20 28 '3 28-0 67 1-02225 1-02565 1-02216 40 28-3 27-5 72 1-02254 1-02578 1-02229 0 39 138 55 50 28-0 27-8 77 1-02281 1-02618 1-02275 100 23 3 27-4 84 1-02320 1-02644 1-02442 200 9-8 28-4 67-5 1-02281 1-02637 1-02751 300 7-3 28-4 99 65 1-02213 1 -02565 1-02714 L 400 5'8 26-7 | 00 1 1 1. + 0'6g. | 96 1-02265 1-02564 1-02732 f 10 28-4 28-5 00 IV. 63-5 1-02204 1-02559 1-02207 20 28-3 26 5 76 1 -02279 1 -02572 1 -02223 50 27 5 27-2 80 1 -02299 1-02617 1 -02290 2 33 144 4 100 22-7 271 85 1 -02327 1-02642 1-02457 200 10-0 27-2 73 1-02260 1-02575 1 -02684 300 7 3 27-0 71 1-02249 1-02558 1 -02707 L 400 5-8 271 99 69-5 1-02242 1 -02554 1-02722 0 42 147 0 360 7 0 281 9 9 64 1 -02208 1-02551 1 -02704 25 24-5 257 89 1 02353 1 -02625 1-02389 50 24 5 257 91-5 1 -02366 1-02638 1-02402 100 15-2 25-6 89 1 -02353 1 -02622 1 -02630 0 33 151 34 200 10-5 25-6 83-5 1-02322 1 -02588 1 -02688 400 61 26-4 77-5 1 -02287 1 -02577 1-02742 800 3 4 20 5 79-5 1 -02298 1 -02591 1 -02784 1 1975 1-8 26'0 79 1 -02298 1 02594 1 -02800 25 257 26 2 86 1 02334 1 -02621 1 -02349 50 25 6 26 "2 86 1 02334 1-02621 1 -02352 100 17-5 25 9 87 1 -02340 102615 1 -02670 3 49 152 56 200 9-5 25 9 79 5 1 02300 1 -02575 1 -02692 300 7-0 26 2 80 1 02301 1 -02585 1 -02738 400 57 26-3 74 -6 1 02270 1 -02557 1 -02726 800 2-9 26-3 74-5 1 02270 1 -02557 1 -02764 2600 17 25 9 99 77 1 -02286 102561 1 -02767 REPORT ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER. 33 XII. Water from Intermediate Depths in the South Pacific — continued. Number of Sample. Date. Distinguishing Number of Station. Position. Depth in Fathoms from which Sample was obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) Latitude. Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at t° C. Reduced to its Value at 15°-5G C. r C. D T t Pv St S 15-56 Sx 8. W. 1875. 1138 Sept. 9 273 5 11 152 56 1900 1-8 26-5 00 IV. 88 1-02344 1-02640 1 -02852 1141 J > 11 ’ 274 7 25 152 15 2275 1-8 26-4 76 1 -02279 1-02569 1-02775 1144 J J 14 275 11 20 150 30 2125 1-8 26'4 79 1-02295 1-02585 1-02791 1148 »> 16 1 r 25 26'0 25-3 00 V. 2-5 1-02409 1-02669 1-02388 1149 5 J 16 50 25-8 25-2 4-5 1-02421 1-02678 1 02403 1150 J > 16 100 23-2 25-2 00 IV. 6-5 1-02432 1-02689 1 -02490 1151 16 276 13 28 149 30 *1 200 12-4 25-1 83'5 1-02323 1-02574 1-02640 1152 3 > 16 300 7'1 25-2 80 1-02303 1 -02557 1-02709 1153 33 16 400 5'5 25-2 79 1-02298 1-02552 1-02723 1154 33 16 J L 800 3’2 25-1 >5 82-5 1-02317 1-02568 1-02763 1156 3 3 17 277 15 51 149 41 1850 1-8 24-8 >> 86 1-02337 1-02580 1-02786 1159 18 r 25 25-0 24-5 00 V. 11 1-02458 1-02694 1-02443 1160 33 18 50 25-0 24-6 11 1-02458 1-02697 1-02446 1161 18 100 21-8 24-5 oo iv. 8 1-02442 1-02678 1-02518 1162 18 200 15-1 24-6 89 1-02356 1-02593 1-02603 1163 18 400 5-9 24-6 81 1-02311 1-02548 1-02715 1164 33 18 J .1025 2-5 24-5 > > 83 1-02322 1-02556 1-02756 1168 Oct. 4 r 25 25-0 247 | 00 IV. + 0'lg. ( 97 1-02459 1-02701 1 -02450 1169 4 50 24-5 24-6 00 V. 7 1-02435 1-02674 1-02438 1170 4 100 22-8 24-6 9 1-02447 1-02686 1-02498 1171 4 280 18 40 149 52 - 200 14-4 24 '6 00 IV. 92-5 1-02375 1-02612 1-02637 1172 4 300 7-2 24-6 82 1-02317 1 -02554 1-02704 1173 4 400 5-4 24-7 80-5 1-02308 1-02548 1-02721 1174 4 J a 550 2-1 24-6 oo’V. 84-5 1 -02330 1-02567 1-02771 1178 6 f 25 23-5 22-3 16 1-02491 1-02665 1-02458 1179 6 50 23-0 22-4 ,, 16 1-02491 1-02667 1-02474 1180 6 100 20-5 22-6 11 1-02463 1-02645 1-02521 1181 6 200 13-4 22-6 oo iv. 3 1 -02420 1-02600 1-02646 1182 6 ZoL zz z± IOU 1/ 300 7'5 22-6 92 1-02378 1-02558 1-02704 1183 6 400 5-7 22-6 90 1-02367 1-02547 1-02716 1184 6 800 3-0 22-5 93-5 1-02387 1-02564 1-02761 1185 6 J 11900 1-8 241 86 1-02339 1-02561 1-02767 1188 7 282 23 46 149 59 2000 1-8 22-5 91 1-02372 1-02549 1-02755 1192 9 I r 25 207 20-3 00 V. 17 1 -02513 1-02632 1-02502 1193 9 50 20-0 20-4 16 1-02497 1-02617 1-02508 1194 9 65 19-5 20-4 16 1-02497 1-02617 1-02521 1195 9 l 283 26 9 145 17 -j 100 18-1 20-4 17 1-02502 1-02622 1-02562 1196 9 200 12-7 20-5 11-5 1-02472 1-02595 1-02655 1197 9 300 7'4 20-4 oo iv. 6 1-02441 1-02561 1-02709 1198 9 J l 400 57 20-5 98 1-02415 1-02538 1-02707 1202 11 f 25 19-7 21-7 00 V. 11-5 1-02468 1-02625 1-02522 1203 11 50 19-2 21'9 J J 11 1-02465 1 -02628 1-02538 1204 11 100 17-3 21'6 12 1-02471 1 -02623 1-03583 1205 11 ■ 284 200 12-5 21-8 7 1-02443 1-02601 1-02665 1206 11 28 22 141 22 300 77 21-6 00 IV. 95'5 1-02399 1-02551 1-02695 1207 11 400 5-3 21'9 . 93 1-02385 1-02546 1-02720 1208 11 500 4-4 22-3 94 '5 1-02392 1-02564 1-02747 1209 11 L 197 5 1-8 21-9 00 V. 98-5 1-02415 1-02576 1-02782 1214 14 r 25 177 177 24 1-02550 1-02600 1 -02550 1215 14 50 17-4 17-8 25-5 1-02556 1-02609 1-02566 1216 14 100 16-5 17-7 }} 24 1-02550 1-02600 1-02579 1217 14 - 285 32 36 137 43 200 11-3 17-8 . 20 1-02528 1-02581 1-02667 1218 14 300 7-3 17'8 ? , 14'5 1-02497 1-02550 1-02699 1219 33 14 400 6-0 17-8 ff 14 1-02493 1-02546 1-02712 1220 3 3 14 O o 00 3-2 17-3 j 00 IV. + 0-2g. I91 1-02513 1 -02553 1 -02748 1224 16 25 17-0 15-7 00 V. 32 1 -02599 1-02602 1-02569 1225 16 286 32 29 133 22 50 15-2 15-9 31-5 1-02595 1-02603 1-02611 1226 33 16 100 15-2 15-8 > ) 31 1 -02593 1-02599 1-02607 34 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER XII. I Vatcr from Intermediate Depths in the South Pacific — continued. tc a 2 0 • Position. Depth in Fnt horns Temperature (Centl (trade) Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) Number 111 from of Sun pie. Latitude. Lon el- which Sample At the During Number Reading Observed at t" C. Reduced to its Value at tude. \\ US obtained. Depth D. Observa- tion. Instru- ment. 15°-5G C. T’ C. n T t R St Sl5.J8 Sf s. w. 187 5. 1227 Oct. 16 ( 200 9'4 15-8 00 V. 24-5 1-02557 1-02563 1 -02682 1228 16 300 6‘9 15-7 21-5 1-02542 1-02545 1-02699 1229 16 - 286 32 29 133 22 400 5-8 15-8 21-5 1-02542 1 -02548 1-02716 1230 It 16 800 34 15-7 00 IV. + 0"3g. 23-5 1-02533 1-02536 1-02729 1231 91 16 .2290 1-8 16-0 j | 87-5 1-02560 1-02570 1-02776 1236 19 f 25 14-1 14-5 00 V. 28-5 1-02583 1 -02560 1-02591 1237 19 50 13"2 14-5 1 > 28-5 1-02583 1-02560 1-02610 123S 19 287 36 32 132 52 100 12-9 14-6 28 1-02580 1 -02559 1-02615 1239 19 200 7-8 14-5 25-5 1-02567 1-02544 1-02686 1240 »> 19 400 5-6 14-5 > J 25 1-02564 1-02541 1-02711 1241 99 19 j L 1925 17 14-4 | 00 IV. + 0‘3g. | 89 1 -02573 1-02548 1-02754 1244 21 288 40 3 132 58 2125 1-7 14-4 94 1-02598 1-02573 1 -02779 1248 23 f 25 12-2 12-9 00 V. 28-5 1-02594 1-02538 1-02607 1249 23 50 9-5 12-8 28 1-02585 1-02527 1-02644 1250 23 100 9-0 13-0 29 1-02590 1-02536 1-02661 1251 23 • 289 39 41 131 23 200 7-5 12-9 29-5 1-02594 1 -02538 1-02684 1252 23 300 6-2 13-2 29 1-02589 1-02539 1-02702 1253 23 400 5-1 13-1 29-5 1-02593 1-02541 1-02717 1254 23 800 2'8 12-3 31 1-02603 1-02536 1-02734 1 1255 23 j 12075 1-6 12-5 34 1-02618 1-02554 1 02761 1258 99 25 290 39 16 124 7 1850 1-7 13-8 >> 26 1-02571 1-02534 1-02740 1262 99 27 ' 25 11-2 13-0 | 00 IV. + 0-3g. | 89 1-02577 1-02523 1-02611 1263 27 50 10-4 13-0 00 V. 26-5 1-02577 1-02523 1-02625 1264 27 100 87 13-1 28-5 1-02588 1-02536 1-02635 1265 27 291 39 13 118 49 200 6-9 13-5 28 1-02560 1-02516 1-02670 ; 1266 27 300 6T 13-1 28-5 1-02588 1 -02536 1-02701 I 1267 27 400 5-2 131 28 1 -02585 1 -02533 1-02708 1 1268 99 27 800 3-0 13T 00 IV. + 0"3ff. 30-5 1-02598 1-02546 1-02743 | 1269 99 27 .1775 17 13-2 j |91 1-02588 1-02538 1-02744 1273 29 292 38 43 112 31 1G00 1-8 131 00 V. 28 1-02584 1-02532 1-02738 1278 Nov. 1 f 25 11-6 15T 19-5 1-02533 1-02523 1 -02604 , 1279 1 50 109 15-0 19 1 -02530 1-02517 1-02610 1280 99 1 100 9'0 151 21 1 -02541 1-02531 1-02656 1281 1 2S2 99 99 1 1 • 293 39 4 105 5 200 300 67 61 15- 2 16- 2 >1 22 22 1-02546 1 02546 1 -02538 1 -02538 1-02695 1 -02703 j 1283 19 1 400 6-4 15-2 19-5 1 -02533 1 -02525 1-02698 1284 9* 1 800 3 5 15-3 23-5 1-02554 1 -02548 1-02740 I 1285 • 9 1 .1550 21 154 26 1 -02567 1 -02563 1-02767 1289 99 3 25 12-8 16-2 16 1 -02510 1 -02525 1 -02583 1290 99 3 60 114 159 16 1-02511 1-02519 1 -02603 1291 99 3 100 159 19 1 -02528 1 -02536 1 02661 1292 99 3 - 294 39 22 98 46 200 67 16-0 21 1 -02538 1-02548 1-02705 1293 9 9 3 300 5 7 15-9 20 1 -02534 1 -02542 1-02711 1294 99 8 400 4 9 16-5 17-5 1-02517 1 -02538 1-02716 1 1295 99 3 800 3 2 16-4 00 iv. + 0"2g. 20-5 1 -02535 1-02554 1 -02749 1294 99 3 1776 1-7 172 j j 95-5 1 -02539 1 02577 1 -02783 ' 1299 99 5 295 38 7 94 4 1000 27 16-3 00 V. 22-6 1-02546 1 -02563 1-02762 j 1305 99 9 25 13-8 16-7 00 iv. + 0'3g. 00 V. 18 1 02522 1-02525 1-02562 1304 1307 99 99 9 9 50 100 12-5 10 0 16-1 | 167 | 79-5 17 1-02515 1 02517 1-02627 1-02520 1-02591 1 -02629 1308 1309 99 99 9 9 ■ 296 38 6 88 2 200 800 6-6 5-4 16-9 15-8 II 19 19-6 1 02628 1 02531 1 -02536 1 02537 1 -02695 1-02710 | 1310 99 9 400 4-9 16-8 18-6 1 02524 1 02530 1 -02708 1311 « 9 800 3-6 16-2 II 21-5 1 02541 1 02556 1-02747 1312 » 9 1850 2-4 17-4 j 00 1 V. +0-15 g. j 96 1 -02509 1 02552 1 -02763 Tahiti to Valparaiso. REPORT OR THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER. 35 XII. Water from Intermediate Depths in the South Pacific — continued. N umber of Sample. Date. Distinguishing Number of Station. Position. Depth in Fathoms from which Sample was obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity {Distilled Water at 4'J C. = I.) Latitude. Longi- tude. At the Deptli D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at f C. Reduced to its Value at 15°-56 C. r C. D T t R S< ^15-56 St s. w. 1875. _ . 1316 Nov. 11 f 25 13-0 14-3 00 V. 23'5 1-02556 1-02529 1 -02583 1317 11 50 12 '0 14-4 22'5 1-02551 1-02526 1-02599 1318 J i 11 100 10-0 14-4 21 1-02543 1-02518 1-02627 1319 11 j. 297 37 29 83 7 200 6-9 14-9 | 00 IY. + 0'3g. | 85-5 1-02551 1-02536 1-02690 1320 11 1 . 300 5-5 14-5 00 Y. 23'5 1 -02556 1-02533 1-02704 1321 11 400 47 14-6 23 1-02553 1 02532 1-02712 1322 11 800 2-6 147 24 1-02558 1-02539 1-02739 1323 11 ll300 2-3 14-8 26-5 1-02571 1 -02554 1-02756 1329 99 17 f 25 13-2 17-1 | 00 IV. + 0‘2g. I 87 1-02491 1-02526 1-02576 1330 17 50 11-4 16-9 00 V. 13 1-02492 1-02522 1-02606 1331 17 100 9-8 17-1 16'5 1-02511 1-02546 1-02658 1332 17 200 7’3 17-2 15 1 -02502 1-02540 1-02689 1333 17 - 298 o4 / 16 Ob 300 5'5 17"2 13 1-02491 1-02529 1-02700 1334 17 I 400 4'6 17-2 15 1-02502 1-02540 1 -02721 1335 17 800 3-2 17-4 15 1-02501 1-02544 1-02739 1336 ,, 17 ) L 1725 1-9 17'2 J J 15 1-02502 1-02540 1-02745 1344 Dee. 14 r 25 15-0 17-8 12-5 1-02486 1-02539 1-02552 1345 14 50 11-7 17-9 10-5 1 -02475 1-02530 1 -02609 1346 14 100 9-5 17-8 12'5 1-02486 1-02539 1-02656 1347 14 i- 299 33 31 74 43 j 200 6-9 17'9 13'5 1 -02492 1-02547 1-02701 1348 9 9 14 300 5-4 18-4 | 00 IV. + 0‘2g. | 85-5 1-02477 1-02545 1-02718 1349 14 ; l 400 4-8 18-0 00 V. 12-5 1-02485 1-02543 1-02722 1353 16 32 50 77 6 10 167 18-5 7 1-02453 1 -02524 1-02498 1355 17 f 25 14'3 17-3 9 1 -02469 1 -02509 1 -02536 1356 17 50 12-0 17-4 9 1 -02469 1-02512 1 -02585 1357 17 100 9-7 17'3 11 1 -02480 1 -02520 1-02634 1358 17 200 67 17-3 15 1-02501 1-02541 1-02698 1359 17 - 300 33 42 78 18 1 300 5-2 17-3 14 1-02495 1-02535 1-02710 1360 17 400 4-5 17-4 13 1-02489 1 -02532 1-02714 1361 17 800 3-0 17'3 17 1-02512 1-02552 1-02749 1362 17 J 11350 2-0 17'4 18-5 1 -02520 1-02563 1-02767 1369 22 f 25 14-1 14-4 21-5 1-02546 1-02521 1-02552 1370 22 50 12-9 14-5 21 1-02542 1-02519 1-02575 1371 22 1-301 37 29 84 2 \ 100 10-3 14-4 21 1-02542 1-02517 1-02621 1372 22 200 6-8 14-5 23 1-02544 1-02521 1-02677 1373 22 J l 300 5-5 14-5 23 1-02544 1-02521 1-02692 1380 28 f 25 11-4 13-9 20 1-02539 1-02504 1-02588 1381 28 50 9-7 14-5 20 1-02537 1-02514 1-02628 1382 28 100 7-7 13 7 24 1 -02562 1 -02522 1-02666 1383 28 , 200 5-8 14'3 25 1-02565 1-02538 1-02706 1384 ’ 5 28 - 302 42 43 82 11 1 300 5-0 14-1 25 1-02565 1-02534 1-02711 1385 28 400 4-5 14-3 24-5 1-02562 1-02535 1-02717 1386 28 800 27 14-0 29-5 1-02590 1 -02557 1 -02756 1387 28 l 950 2-4 14-2 30 1-02593 1-02564 1 -02765 1391 30 A f 25 10 ’8 14-1 20 1-02540 1 -02509 1 -02604 1392 ” 30 50 9-2 14'2 20-5 1-02542 1-02513 1-02635 1 393 30 , 100 7‘2 14-3 23 1-02544 1-02517 1-02667 1394 ’ ’ 30 1 303 45 31 78 9 300 4 '9 13-5 27 1 -02579 1-02535 1 -02713 1395 30 400 4-3 14-2 24 1 -02562 1-02533 1-02717 1396 J 9 30 l 850 2-6 14 2 ” 28'5 1-02586 1-02557 1-02757 •Vf tf}' r. v)/i T Iff * . *• » no THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGED. XIII. Surface Water of the North Pacific. tc c 5 0 j Position. Depth In Fathoms Temperature (Centigrade) — r Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) Somber "7 u e t|l from of Sample. Date. Latitude Longl- which Sample At the During Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at e c. Reduced to its Value at i'A tude. obtained. Depth D. Observa- tion. 15°‘56 C. r C. D T t R St Sis-se ST N. E. 187 5. O / O O «79 Fob. 9 5 33 125 28 Surface. 26-7 27-1 00 IV. 70 1 -02244 1-02556 1-02256 *«80 10 214 4 33 127 6 26-9 26-9 70-5 1-02246 1 -02551 1-02246 •682 10 214 4 33 127 6 26 9 277 66 1-02221 1-02551 1-02248 683 11 4 33 128 50 99 27-4 27-4 71 1-02251 1-02572 1-02251 694 11 4 28 129 30 27-8 27-6 76-5 1-02278 1-02605 1 -02275 +*685 12 2i5 4 19 130 15 27-8 27-6 75 1-02270 1-02597 1-02264 692 13 4 19 130 47 n 27-2 26-9 73 1-02261 1-02566 1-02251 693 14 3 37 132 37 27-6 277 72 1-02253 1-02583 1-02256 1 694 15 3 17 183 33 27-8 27-8 75 1-02270 1-02603 1-02270 *696 16 216a 2 56 134 11 28-2 28-3 66'5 1 -02221 1-02570 1-02224 698 17 2 46 134 51 28-3 28-1 71 1-02246 1-02589 1-02241 699 18 1 58 135 47 28-2 28-1 74 1-02263 1-02606 1-02260 700 99 19 1 3 137 10 99 27-8 28-0 99 65 1 -02214 1-02554 1-02220 739 Mar. 12 0 4 147 44 28-6 28-5 73 1-02257 1-02616 1-02254 740 19 12 0 22 148 10 28'9 28-5 99 74 1-02263 1 -02622 1-02248 741 13 0 40 148 50 99 28-9 28-8 73 1 -02256 1 -02624 1 -02253 , 749 14 0 49 147 58 28-3 28-5 77 1-02278 1-02637 1 -02284 750 *9 15 1 33 147 6 28-4 28-3 99 78 1-02284 1-02637 1-02281 751 16 2 20 146 16 28-3 28-3 77-5 1 -02281 1-02634 1-02281 759 9 9 17 3 21 145 35 99 28-6 28-4 72 1 -02250 1-02602 1-02244 +760 99 18 4 21 145 18 28-4 28-3 69 1 -02235 1-02584 1 -02232 +761 • 9 18 4 21 145 18 tf 287 28-8 68 1 -02228 1-02593 1-02231 +*763 9 9 19 223 5 31 145 13 27-8 27'9 73 1-02259 1-02595 1 -02263 772 99 20 6 33 145 5 27 3 27-3 71 1-02248 1-02566 1-02248 +•773 9 9 21 224 7 45 144 20 *9 27 3 26-9 76-5 1 -02280 1-02585 1 -02266 782 99 22 9 24 143 55 27-1 27-1 75 1-02272 1 -02584 1 -02272 783 99 22 10 19 143 35 26-9 267 99 73-5 1 -02264 1-02563 1 -02257 +*784 99 23 225 11 24 143 16 99 99 26-8 26-8 74 1-02266 1 -02568 1 -02266 792 • 9 24 12 61 142 49 26 5 26-8 74 1-02266 1-02568 1 -02275 +793 99 25 226 14 44 142 13 26 1 26-1 82 1-02314 1-02595 1-02314 800 99 26 16 21 141 44 26 2 26-5 76 1-02279 1 -02572 1-02289 801 9 9 27 17 34 141 21 9 9 26-2 26-4 76-5 1-02282 1-02572 1 -02289 1 808 9 9 28 18 26 141 11 9 9 •27-1 27 3 73-5 1 -02262 1-02580 1 -02269 +809 99 29 228 19 24 141 13 9 9 26 8 26-9 76 1-02277 1-02582 1 -02281 816 99 30 20 12 140 69 26 1 26 4 82 1-02312 1-02602 1 -02321 817 9* April 31 21 17 140 40 25-8 26 1 84-5 1-02333 1-02614 1 -02342 +818 1 229 22 1 140 27 99 25 8 26-0 85 1-02335 102613 1 02341 825 99 2 22 39 139 24 > 9 25-0 25-4 00 IV. 00 V. 86 1-02336 1-02596 1-02350 826 99 3 24 47 138 34 99 21 8 22-6 | 98 1-6 1-02411) 1-02410) 1-02590 1-02432 827 99 4 ... 25 33 137 57 20-5 21-1 00 V. 8 1-02452 1-02591 1-02471 +829 9 9 5 230 26 29 187 57 99 20-3 21 -5 9 1 -02456 1-02606 1 -02489 835 99 6 27 10 137 69 21 1 21 -5 6 1 -02439 1 -02589 1 02450 836 7 28 23 137 45 9 9 20-8 20-8 8'5 1 -02455 1-02586 1-02455 887 99 8 80 15 137 4 20-8 20-6 6 1 -02441 1-02566 1-02436 +*888 99 9 231 31 8 137 8 9 9 17-8 18-8 9 1 -02463 1-02541 1 -62488 846 91 10 ... 32 55 138 15 99 20 1 20 0 99 11-5 1 -02474 1-02583 1 -02476 847 May 12 232 35 11 139 28 99 17 9 17-4 99 oo’i’v. 14 1 -02496 1 -02639 1-02485 849 99 13 34 29 137 47 99 18-3 187 19 1-02519 1 -02595 1-02531 849 • 9 June 15 34 15 135 0 10 4 167 99 1 -02434 1-02460 1-02441 956 2 ... 34 17 136 0 99 184 19-2 87 1 -02360 1-02448 1 -02380 857 99 2 33 53 136 2 99 20-8 19-4 00 V. 8 1 -02456 1 -02550 1 02434 858 99 3 231 32 31 135 39 99 20-8 20-1 | 00 IV. 00 V. 99-6 4 1 -02426 1 02433 1-02641 1-02410 859 99 4 33 46 I 137 26 99 20-8 21 0 00 IV. 99 1 02421 1 -02557 1-02426 j *861 99 5 236 j 34 58 139 29 99 19-2 19-3 00 v. 10 1 02469 1 02560 1 -02472 1 *963 99 17 237 34 37 140 32 22-8 231 00 IV. 92 1 02376 1 -02570 1 -02385 j ♦*966 M !!_ 239 j 35 18 147 9 99 21-2 21-8 M 99 1-02419 1 -02577 1 -02436 C S3 Japan to Sudvk* Inlandl. REPORT ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER 37 XIII. Surface Water of the North Pacific — continued. Number tf •5 O . B U S •q a o Position. Depth in Fathoms from Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4,J C. = 1.) of .uate. which Sample. - c S ~ Latitude Longi- tude. Sample was obtained. At the Depth D. During Number Reading Observed at t C. Reduced to its Value at 5 Observa- tion. Instru- ment. 15“-5G C. r c. 1 D T t R S{ $15*56 ST N. E. 1875. o / o / 0 Q 872 June 20 35 35 150 50 Surface. 21-0 21-6 00 V. 6 1-02439 1-02591 1-02455 +873 7 7 21 240 35 20 153 39 J J 18-2 191 ,, 10 1-02470 1 -02556 1 -02493 880 7 > 22 35 26 156 29 J J 20-0 21'0 5'5 1-02438 1-02574 1-02465 +*881 ) 7 23 241 35 41 157 42 J 7 20-7 21-0 5‘5 1-02438 1-02574 1-02447 *889 7 7 24 242 35 29 161 52 7 7 20-3 211 7 1-02451 1-02590 1-02473 891 7 7 25 35 22 164 33 7 7 20-3 21-0 00 IV. 5 1-02435 1-02571 1-02454 +892 jj 26 243 35 24 166 35 7 7 21-7 22-4 94 1-02388 1 02562 1-02407 898 >• 27 35 22 168 17 7 7 21 T 21-2 | 00 IV. 00 V. 100 4 1-02426 1-02426 • 1-02567 1-02428 +*899 J 7 28 244 35 22 169 53 7 7 21-4 21'3 | 00 IV. 00 V. 99-5 3-5 1-02421 1-02424 J 1-02566 1-02419 908 7 J 29 35 49 171 46 21-1 21'6 00 IV. 99 1-02419 1-02571 1-02432 910 29 35 55 171 54 217 227 93 1-02383 1-02566 1-02411 *911 30 245 36 23 174 31 20-5 21-6 96 5 1-02404 1-02556 1 -02433 913 July ' JJ 1 36 8 176 17 7 7 23-3 23'2 n 88 1-02353 1-02550 1-02353 +*914 2 246 36 10 178 0 w. 179 57 J 7 22-8 24'3 7) 86 1-02339 1-02567 1 -02382 *923 3 247 35 49 22-8 22-6 95 1-02394 1-02574 1-02389 925 J J 4 36 42 179 50 jj J 22-9 22-9 „ 93 1 -02383 1-02571 1-02383 926 I ” 4 bis \ i - 36 59 178 56 7 J 21-9 21-9 77 96'5 1-02403 1-02564 1-02403 +927 5 248 37 41 177 4 20-7 21-8 98'5 1-02415 1 -02573 1-02445 935 6 38 9 175 0 19-3 20-2 00 V. 6 1-02442 1-02556 1-02465 *936 7 249 37 59 171 48 18-4 21-0 00 IV. 96 1-02404 1-02540 1 -02472 938 8 37 48 169 11 17-2 20-0 00 V. 5-5 1 -02438 1-02547 1-02509 939 9 37 49 166 36 18-0 19-0 9-5 1-02467 1 -02550 1 -02492 949 10 37 35 163 46 17'9 18'9 5 1 -02441 1-02522 1-02467 954 11 37 42 161 28 18-2 19'0 6 1-02446 1-02529 1-02466 +*955 12 252 37 52 160 17 18-3 19'5 5 1-02439 1-02535 1-02470 965 13 37 55 158 23 19-2 19-1 4 1-02436 1-02522 1-02434 +*975 14 253 38 9 156 25 19-8 21-2 00 IV. 94-5 1-02395 1 -02536 1-02434 976 15 37 26 155 22 } 20-6 20-9 93-5 1 -02391 1-02524 1-02400 977 16 37 8 154 52 217 217 87 1-02351 1 -02506 1-02351 +*978 17 254 35 13 154 43 22-2 23-2 91-5 1-02373 1-02570 1-02401 988 18 34 46 154 59 23'3 23-3 88-5 1-02356 1-02555 1-02356 989 19 32 21 154 37 f 23-3 23-0 98-5 1-02411 1-02602 1 -02403 990 20 30 51 154 23 23-9 24-0 97-5 1-02404 1-02626 1-02412 +*993 21 256 30 22 154 56 23-3 25'0 94-5 1-02385 1-02636 1-02434 1003 22 29 5 154 43 j 24'0 24'3 95-5 1-02392 1-02620 1-02402 1004 23 27 40 154 55 24-4 24-4 93'5 1-02380 1-02611 1-02380 1011 24 26 24 155 8 25'0 24'8 88 1-02348 1-02591 1-02342 1014 25 24 31 155 34 24-5 24'9 89 1 -02355 1-02600 1 -02367 +*1015 26 259 23 3 156 6 25-0 25-0 84 1-02326 1-02574 1-02326 1025 J J 27 21 7 157 30 J 7 247 24-8 7 7 83 1-02322 1-02565 1 -02326 1027 Aug. 11 21 12 157 53 25-8 25-8 85'5 1-02332 1-02604 1-02332 +*1028 12 261 20 18 157 14 25-8 25-3 84-5 1-02329 1-02586 1-02314 1036 13 20 18 155 53 25-5 25-7 81-5 1-02311 1-02580 1-02317 +*1037 20 262 19 12 154 14 25 '3 25-2 85 1 -02331 1 -02585 1-02329 +*1046 21 263 17 33 153 36 25'3 25-5 85 1-02330 1-02593 1 -02336 1052 22 16 0 153 3 25-0 24-9 82 1-02315 1-02560 1-02312 1053 22 15 14 152 49 25-3 25-3 80 1 -02307 1-02564 1 -02307 +*1054 23 264 14 19 152 37 25-3 25-6 80-5 1 -02306 1-02572 1-02315 1064 24 13 7 151 50 25-7 25-8 82'5 1-02315 1-02587 1-023 IS +*1065 25 265 12 42 152 1 26-2 26-4 75 1-02274 1-02564 1 -02-2S0 1068 26 11 11 152 2 26’7 26-6 77-5 1-02286 1-02582 1 "02283 1077 27 10 25 152 6 27-2 26-7 73 1-02261 1-02560 1-02244 +*1078 28 267 9 28 150 49 267 27-4 56-5 1-02169 1-02490 1-02191 1088 29 8 15 149 51 26'9 27-1 69 1 -02239 1-02551 1-02245 +*1089 30 268 7 35 149 49 27-2 27-4 71 1-02249 1 -02570 1 -02255 1097 J J 31 7 26 149 22 ” 26-8 25-6 7 7 60 1 -02209 1-02475 1-02171 B 6 (PHTS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PART II. 1883.) Sandwich Islands to Tahiti. Japan to the Sandwich Islands. 38 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER, XIII. Surface Water of the North Pacific — continued. 1 Number of , Sample. Date. tf I I* Position. Dept h In Fathoms from which Sample was obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity ( Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) Latitude. Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at t° C. Reduced to its Value at 15°-5fi C. T” C. D T t R St Sl5-S6 ST N. w. 1875. e / 0 / O O 1098 Sept. 1 7 0 147 20 Surface. 27-5 27-5 00 IV. 78-5 1-02261 1 -02585 1-02261 H-M099 2 269 5 54 147 2 27-3 27-9 i i 72-5 1-02255 1-02591 1 -02273 1107 3 3 55 148 5 26-4 26-5 82 1-02311 1-02604 1-02314 +*1108 4 270 2 34 149 9 26-4 262 86 1-02334 1-02621 1 -02328 1117 II 5 0 54 150 40 11 25-3 25-1 it 95-5 1-02390 1-02644 1-02384 XIV. Bottom Water of the North Pacific. 1875. N. E. •«81 Feb. 10 214 4 33 127 6 500 5'4 277 00 IV. 68 1 -02232 1-02562 1-02735 12 ) 1-9 27 '0 73-5 1 -02263 1-02572 1-02777 +*691 a 12 / 215 4 19 130 15 2550 1-9 266 72 1-02263 1-02559 1-02764 j +*6915 12 19 26-9 72 1-02255 1-02560 1 -02765 696 18 216 2 46 133 58 1675 1-9 27'9 71-5 1 -02249 1-02585 1-02790 1 *697 j II 16 216a 2 56 134 11 2000 1-9 277 if 69 1 -02237 1-02567 1-02772 +758 Mar. 18 222 2 15 146 16 2450 1-8 28-8 62 1-02195 1-02560 1-02766 +*771 19 223 5 31 145 13 2325 1*9 27-5 72 1-02254 1-02578 1 -02783 , +*781 21 224 7 45 144 20 1850 1-9 277 72 102255 1-02567 1-02772 +*791 23 225 11 24 143 16 4475 1-8 26-4 78 1-02289 1-02579 1-02785 +*815 April 9 231 31 8 137 8 2250 1-8 19-0 00 V. 15 1-02496 1-02579 1-02785 860 June 4 235 34 7 138 0 565 3-4 20-5 5 1-02437 1-02560 1 -02753 •662 II 5 236 34 58 139 29 775 3T 19-0 if 9 1-02463 1-02546 1 -02742 i *864 17 237 34 37 140 32 1875 1-8 23-4 00 IV. 88 1 -02353 1-02555 1-02761 665 18 238 35 18 144 8 3950 1-7 23 3 89 1-02359 1-02558 1-02764 +•871 19 239 35 18 147 9 3625 1-7 237 92-5 1-02378 1-02572 1-02778 +*668 23 241 35 41 157 42 2300 17 22-5 92-5 1 -02381 1 -02558 1 02764 •690 24 242 35 29 161 52 2575 17 227 92 1-02377 1-02560 1-02766 +*907 28 244 35 22 169 53 2900 1-8 227 94 1-02388 1-02671 1-02777 •912 30 245 36 23 174 31 2775 16 23-2 88-5 1-02356 1-02553 1 -02760 +*922 July 2 246 36 10 178 0 2050 17 23-0 II 93 1-02381 1-02572 1-02778 •924 3 247 35 49 179 57 2530 1-8 22-4 95 1 02394 1-02568 1-02774 *937 7 249 37 59 171 48 3000 1-8 21 -0 96-5 1-02406 1 -02542 1-02748 +948 9 260 37 49 166 17 3050 17 20-4 00 V. 7 1-02448 1 -02568 1-02774 +953 10 251 37 37 163 26 2950 17 19-4 12 1-02478 1-02572 1-02778 +*964 • 1 12 252 37 52 160 17 2740 1-8 19-5 if 10-5 1-02471 1-02567 1 -02773 +974 II 14 253 38 9 156 25 3125 17 21-6 J 00 IV. + 0-1R. j 87-5 1-02417 1-02569 1 -02775 +•987 17 254 36 18 154 43 3025 17 23 3 00 IV. 84-5 1 02334 1 -02533 1 -02739 +992 19 255 32 28 154 33 2850 17 247 87-5 1-02347 1-02569 1-02775 +*1002 21 256 30 22 154 56 2950 1-8 25-0 82-5 1 02317 1-02565 1-02771 ♦ 1010 23 267 27 33 154 55 2875 1-6 24 3 88-5 1 -02353 1-02581 1 -02788 1012 24 258 26 11 155 12 2775 1-8 25 3 73 1 02266 102523 1013 24 258 26 11 155 12 2776 1-8 25-3 74 1-02271 1 -02528 j l*Uz7ol [♦*1024 • f 26 259 23 3 ' 1 56 6 2225 1-6 25 '2 83 5 1 -02323 1 -02577 1 -02784 *1026 II 27 260 21 11 jl 57 27 310 67 22 9 If 88 1 02354 1 02542 1 -02699 |+*1035 A UR. 12 261 20 18 157 14 2050 1-8 25 3 83 1 02320 1-02577 0-02783 +*1045 • I 20 262 19 12 154 14 2876 1-8 25 2 82 1 02315 1 -02569 1 02775 [+*1061 II 21 263 17 33 153 36 2650 17 25 3 77 1 -02287 1-02544 1 -02750 {+*1063 23 264 14 19 152 37 3000 1-8 261 82 102313 1 -02594 1 02800 ,+*1067 II 25 265 12 42 il52 1 2900 17 26 6 71 5 1 02255 1 02551 1-02757 | +1076 26 266 11 7 .152 3 2760 17 26 8 76 1-02277 1 02579 1 -02785 (+*IO«7 *• 28 267 9 28 1 1 60 49 2700 17 277 If 70 1 02242 1 -02572 1 -02778 Sandwich Ids. Japan to the Sandwich Islands. Off the Ad’ty Ids. |Meangis Id. Sandwich Ids. towards Tahiti. of lajmn to Japan. to Ad’ty Ids. to Tahiti. REPORT ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER. 39 XIV. Bottom Water of the North Pacific — continued. Number of Sample. Date. Distinguishing Number of Station. Position. Depth in Fathoms from which Sample was obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) Latitude. Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at t° C. Reduced to its Value at 15°-5G C. r C. D T t R St Sl5’56 sT N. W. 1875. / 0 / 0 +*1096 Aug. 30 268 7 35 149 49 2900 1-5 25-7 00 IV. 79-5 1-02300 1-02569 1-02776 +*1106 Sept. 2 269 5 54 147 2 2550 1-8 26-7 j j 75 1-02272 1-02571 1-92777 +*1116 J 1 4 270 2 34 149 9 2925 1-4 25-8 j > 80-5 1-02306 1-02578 1 -02786 XY. Intermediate Water s of the North Pacific. 1875. N. E. 686 Feb. 12 1 r 50 23'6 26-9 00 IV. 78 1-02288 1-02593 1-02385 687 12 100 20-0 26-9 83-5 1 -02318 1-02627 1-02516 688 12 [215 4 19 130 15 150 15-6 26'8 77 1 -02282 1-02584 1-02583 689 12 200 12-2 267 76-5 1 -02280 1-02579 1-02648 690 >> 12 Uoo 6-2 26-8 J 1 72-5 1-02258 1-02560 1-02723 742 Mar. 13 f 10 28'3 28-9 68 1 -02228 1-02596 1-02247 743 13 20 28-2 29 T 68 1 -02228 1-02602 1-02256 744 13 50 27-5 28-5 73 1-02257 1-02616 1-02289 745 13 I-221 0 40 148 41 •1 100 21-8 28-4 75 1 -02269 1 -02625 1 -02465 746 13 200 10-0 28-2 67 '5 1 -02228 1-02574 1 -02683 747 13 300 9-0 28-3 65 1-02213 1-02562 1-02687 748 J 1 13 .350 7'9 28'4 i 1 65 1 -02213 1 -02565 1-02706 752 J J 16 r 50 27-8 28-6 j 00 III. + 0'6g. | 97 1 -02266 1 -02628 1-02291 753 16 70 27-6 28-6 00 IV. 71 1 -02244 1-02603 1-02276 754 16 100 26 T 28-5 72 1-02250 1-02605 1-02324 755 16 2 15 146 16 200 9-2 28-5 68 1-02228 1 -02583 1-02705 756 16 300 7-5 28-6 63 1 -02201 1-02560 1-02706 757 16 L 380 6-5 28-5 64 1-02206 1-02561 1 -02720 762 18 4 21 145 18 10 28-7 28'5 69 1-02235 1-02590 1 -02228 764 19 10 27'6 28-0 71 1-02247 1-02587 1-02260 765 19 20 27-6 27-4 72 1 -02254 1-02575 1-02248 766 19 50 27-6 27-5 74 1-02265 1-02589 1 -02262 767 19 1 223 5 31 145 13 J 100 21-6 27-6 70 1-02242 1-02569 1-02417 768 19 200 8-7 27-5 70 1-02242 1-02566 1-02695 769 19 300 7-7 27-5 68 1 -02232 1-02556 1-02700 770 19 . .400 6-8 27-6 69-5 1 -02240 1 -02567 1-02723 774 21 ' 10 27-5 27-4 70 1-02243 1-02564 1-02240 775 21 25 27-2 27-2 69 1-02238 1 -02553 1-02238 776 21 50 26-4 27-5 70-5 1-02245 1-02569 1 -02279 777 21 -224 7 45 144 20 J 100 17-3 27-0 72 1-02255 1-02564 1 -02524 778 21 200 9-0 27 T 70 1-02244 1 -02556 1-02681 779 21 300 7'6 27 T 70 1-02244 1-02556 1-02701 780 21 400 6-3 27 '2 69-5 1-02241 1-02556 1 -02718 785 23 f 20 26-7 26'8 73-5 1 -02263 1-02565 1-02266 786 23 50 26-7 26-5 75 1-02273 1-02566 1-02267 787 23 100 19-4 26-5 78 1-02289 1 -02582 1-02488 788 23 - 225 11 24 143 16 -j 200 9-5 26-5 71 1-02251 1-02544 1 -02661 789 23 300 6-2 26-6 73 1 -02263 1-02559 1-02722 790 23 400 5-1 26 '6 73 1 -02263 1 -02559 1-02735 794 25 A f 25 26-0 27-8 69 1-02237 1-02570 1 -02292 795 25 50 25-8 26'2 79 1-02296 1 -025S0 1 -0230S 796 25 100 21-8 26-1 83 1-02318 1 -02599 1-02441 797 25 - 226 14 44 142 13 1 200 11-5 26-1 75 1-02275 1-02556 1-02639 798 25 300 7-3 26-0 72-5 1-02261 1 02539 1-02638 799 25 400 5-4 26 T 72 1-0225S 1 02539 1-02712 802 27 25 25‘9 26-0 79 1-02296 1-02574 1-02299 803 27 227 17 29 141 21 50 257 26-3 i J 77'5 1 -02288 1-02575 1 -02306 Admiralty Islands to Japan. Meangis Island Sandwich Ids. to Admiralty Ids. towards Tahiti. 40 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. XV. Water from Intermediate Depths in the. North Pacific — continued. to s *= o . Position. leptli In •at horns Temperature (Centigrade) Ilydrometer. Specific Gravity. (. Distilled Water at 4” C. = 1.) Number 111 from • f Sample. Date. Latitude. Lon pi- which Sample At the During Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at r C. Reduced to its Value at tude. obtained. Depth D. Observa- tion. 15°-5G C. r c. 1 1 1 n T t R St Sli-56 St K. E. 1375 O 1 0 t O O 804 27 rlOO 22-9 26-3 00 IV. 83 1-02318 1-02605 1-02417 805 27 227 17 29 141 21 | 200 139 26-2 1 1 81 1 -02307 1-02591 1-02626 800 27 300 7'9 26-4 70 1-02246 1-02536 1-02677 807 99 27 L400 5 5 26-4 ) 1 72-5 1-02260 1-02550 1-02721 810 29 ( 25 26-1 26-2 80 1-02302 1-02586 1-02305 811 29 50 25-2 267 79 1 -02293 1-02592 1 -02338 ; 812 l 813 99 29 29 •228 19 24 141 13 100 200 21-9 14-4 26-5 26-5 11 78-5 75 1-02291 1-02273 1-02584 1-02566 1-02423 1-02591 814 29 300 8'7 26-4 71 1-02252 1-02542 1-02671 815 29 UOO 5'9 26-4 1 1 69 1-02240 1-02530 1-02697 819 April 1 ( 25 24-2 26-8 } ) 78 1-02288 1-02590 1-02365 ] 620 1 50 22-9 25-0 » 1 87-5 1-02346 1-02594 1-02406 821 1 •229 22 1 140 27 100 20-5 25-4 83 1-02320 1-02580 1-02457 | 822 1 200 15-8 25-1 80 1 -02304 1-02555 1-02549 823 1 300 111 24-6 » > 73-5 1-02270 1-02507 1-02597 | 824 1 v 400 6'8 257 00 IV. 00 V. 75 1-02277 1-02528 1-02684 829 1 5 25 19-4 22 3 | 98 1 1-02411 1-02408 1-02582 1-02488 ' 830 99 5 50 18-9 22-5 | 00 IV. 00 V. 96 0 1-02400 1-02405 • 1-02579 1-02583 1-02498 831 .. 5 230 26 29 137 57 100 177 22-2 | 00 IV. 00 V. 98 2-5 1-02411 1-02418 1 -02533 832 5 200 15-4 22-1 00 IV. 95 1-02395 1-02561 1-02565 833 5 300 10-3 22-1 If 93 1-02385 1-02551 1-02655 834 5 400 6 1 22-4 oo’v. 89 1-02362 1-02509 1-02674 839 9 r 25 167 18-9 13 1-02485 1-02566 1-02540 840 9 50 15-5 18-9 12 1-02481 1 -02562 1-02564 i 841 842 99 99 • • 9 9 231 31 8 137 8 100 200 13-2 8-3 19-1 19'2 1 1 10 8 1-02479 1-02458 1 -02565 1-02546 1-02615 1-02681 843 9 300 4-8 19-1 8 1-02458 1-02544 1 02723 844 • 9 9 Uoo 8-4 191 11 9 1-02463 1-02549 1-02742 887 June 19 ( 50 17-8 21-6 00 IV. 5 1-02433 1-02585 1 -02532 688 9 9 19 •239 35 18 147 9 J 100 16-8 23 1 93 1-02381 1-02575 1-02547 869 t 9 19 1 200 12-8 23-1 90 1-02366 1-02560 1-02618 870 19 Uoo 53 23-1 84 1-02332 1-02526 1-02700 874 f 9 21 f 25 140 21-2 98-5 1-02417 1-02558 1 -02591 875 99 21 50 11-3 20-9 1 1 97 1-02411 1-02544 1 -02630 870 | 877 M 99 21 21 240 35 20 153 39 100 ‘ 200 77 4-5 22 1 21-9 n 90 85-5 1-02369 1 02343 1-02535 1-02504 1-02679 1-02686 | 678 21 300 4-2 22-0 88 1-02357 1-02520 1 -02706 679 9 9 21 400 34 22 0 oo”v. 85 1-02341 1-02504 1-02697 662 23 ] 60 16-9 21-0 5-5 1-02438 1-02574 1-02544 | 863 •• 23 100 15-2 20-4 00 IV. oo’v. 7-0 1-02447 1-02567 1-02575 j 664 885 " 23 23 \ 241 35 41 157 42 200 ' 300 10-4 6 8 22 3 22-4 96 96 1-02401 1-02401 1-02573 1 -02575 1-02675 1-02743 860 • 9 23 400 4 3 217 2o 1-02420 1-02575 1-02759 887 9 9 23 j 900 2 5 22 3 00 IV. 94 1-02389 1-02561 1-02761 8M 9 9 26 60 15-8 20-5 00 V. 7 1-02447 1-02570 1-02564 6»4 20 100 14-6 22-8 00 IV. 91-5 1-02374 1 -02559 1 -02580 695 • 9 20 V 243 35 24 160 35 . 200 11-9 22 9 89 5 1 -02364 1 -02552 1-02627 690 99 20 300 7 2 22-8 85-5 1-02340 1 02525 1-02675 697 9 9- 20 ) ,400 47 22 9 88 1-02354 1 -02542 1 -02722 I 900 .. 28 25 161 21 -4 98-5 1-02416 1-02563 1 -02551 901 99 28 60 15 1 22 8 915 1-02374 1 -02559 1 -02569 1 902 99 28 100 13 4 22 5 91-5 1-02375 1 -02552 102593 903 99 28 } 244 i 35 22 109 53 . 200 9 9 22-8 87 1 -02349 1 -02534 1 -02645 904 9 9 28 300 0 2 227 84-5 102336 1-02519 1 -02682 1 905 I 99 28 400 4 7 227 85 1 -02338 1-02521 1-02701 £04 •• 28 ) Uoo 3 3 227 1 1 85 1 02338 1-02521 1-02715 1 PS & o I C eS CO o ■*-» PS a p- REPORT ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER. 41 XV. Water from Intermediate Depths in the North Pacific — continued. Number of Sample. Date. 1875. 915 July 2 916 „ 2 917 2 918 2 919 ” 2 920 2 921 ” 2 928 „ 5 929 5 930 „ 5 931 .. 5 932 „ 5 933 „ 5 934 „ 5 941 „ 9 942 „ 9 943 „ 9 944 9 945 9 946 „ 9 947 » 9 950 „ 10 951 10 952 „ 10 956 „ 12 957 „ 12 958 „ 12 959 „ 12 960 „ 12 961 „ 12 962 „ 12 963 » 12 966 „ 14 967 „ 14 968 14 969 „ 14 970 » 14 971 » 14 972 „ 14 973 „ 14 979 „ 17 980 „ 17 981 „ 17 982 „ 17 983 „ 17 984 „ 17 985 „ 17 986 „ 17 991 „ 19 994 21 995 ,, 21 996 „ 21 997 „ 21 998 „ 21 999 „ 21 1000 „ 21 1001 „ 21 1005 „ 23 1006 „ 23 •— S o §s3 •== SCO p Position. Depth in Fathoms from which Sample was obtained. i emperature (Centigrade) of Water. Xlydrometcr. Specific Gravity ( Distilled Water at 4" C. = 1 ) Latitude. Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at e C. Reduced to its Value at l.V-56 C. T5 C. D T t R St Sl5-5G St N. E. ° ° 25 16-4 22 '8 00 IV. 92 1-02378 1-02563 1-02544 50 14-7 23-1 5 91-5 1-02374 1-02568 1-02587 100 13-9 22-6 93 1-02383 1 -02563 1-02598 246 36 10 178 0 200 11-7 23-0 j , 88 1-02353 1-02544 1-02623 300 8-3 23-0 88 1 -02353 1-02544 1-02679 400 5'4 22-7 86 1-02344 1 -02527 1-02700 j Uooo 2-4 23-1 J J 85 1-02337 1-02531 1-02732 N. w. 25 14-8 22'9 89 1-02360 1-02548 1-02565 50 12-5 22-6 90 1-02367 1-02547 1-02611 100 10-9 22-9 85 1-02349 1 -02537 1-02630 1-248 37 41 177 4 -j 200 8-0 22-9 85 1-02337 1-02525 1-02665 300 5-5 22-9 84 1 -02332 1 -02520 1-02691 400 4'2 22'8 85 1 -02337 1 -02522 1 -02708 J 12475 1-8 22-8 84 1-02332 1-02517 1-02723 ' f 25 14-7 20-1 99-5 1 -02425 1-02537 1 '02556 50 12-8 19-1 87-5 1-02363 1-02449 1-02507 100 11-7 20-7 97 1-02411 1-02539 1-02618 1-250 37 49 166 47 . 200 9*5 20-6 98 1-02417 1 -02542 1-02659 300 7-4 20-6 95' 5 1-02403 1-02528 1-02676 400 5'9 21-5 92 1-02381 1 -02531 1-02693 ,2300 1-8 20-7 97 1-02411 1-02539 1-02745 50 12-9 19-2 00 V. 5 1-02440 1 -02528 1-02584 251 37 37 163 26 100 11-4 19-4 5'5 1-02442 1-02536 1-02620 2350 1-8 19-4 7 1-02450 1-02544 1-02750 > ( 35 12-8 190 2-5 1-02428 1-02511 1-02569 75 11-4 19-0 4-5 1-02439 1 -02522 1-02706 130 9-8 19-1 tx 1-02446 1-02532 1-02644 225 7-2 19'1 5 1-02441 1 -02527 1-02677 ^ 252 37 52 160 17 -j 300 5'7 19-0 3 1-02431 1-02514 1-02683 400 4-3 19-3 2‘5 1-02427 1-02518 1 -02702 850 2'2 19'1 8-5 1-02460 1-02546 1-02749 j 2640 1-8 19-1 00 IV. 5 1-02441 1-02527 1-02733 f 25 14-9 21-3 88-5 1 -02360 1-02504 1-02519 50 11-9 21-3 88 1 -02358 1-02502 1 -02577 100 10-2 21'2 94 1 -02393 1-02534 1-02639 200 8-3 21-2 91 1-02376 1-02517 1-02652 253 38 9 156 25 300 4-9 21-2 91 1-02376 1-02517 1-02695 400 4-0 22-2 90 1-02368 1-02537 1-02725 800 2-4 22-7 85-5 1-02341 1 -02524 1-02725 J ,3000 1-8 21-8 99-5 1 -02420 1-02578 1-02784 r 25 16-8 22-4 90 1-02367 1-02557 1-02486 50 13-9 22-8 84-5 1-02335 1-02520 1-02555 100 11-1 22-5 89 1 -02362 1-02539 1-02629 200 8'2 22 7 87 1-02349 1 -02532 1-02669 254 35 13 154 43 ■< 300 6'3 22-5 86 1-02344 1 -02521 1 -02683 400 4-8 23-5 82 1-02320 1 -02525 1 -02704 800 2-5 23-3 88 1-02353 1 -02552 102752 J 2950 1-8 23-2 87-5 1-02351 1 -02548 1-02754 255 32 28 154 33 2100 1-8 24-2 81 1-02327 1-02552 1-02758 f 25 21-1 24-8 92 1-02371 1-02614 1 '02575 50 18-3 24-9 87 1 -02343 1 -02588 1-02523 100 13-1 24-6 81 1-02310 1-02547 1-02559 200 8'9 24 ’7 77 1-02290 1 -02530 1 '02656 i 256 30 22 154 56 - 300 6-0 24-5 77 1-02291 1-02525 1 -02691 400 4'3 247 75-5 1 -02280 1-02520 1 -02704 800 2'4 24-8 77 1-02290 1 -02533 1 -02734 j 12875 1-8 25-0 77 1 -02289 1 -02537 1-02743 t 25 21'8 24-1 94 1-02385 1 -02607 1-02449 2o7 27 33 154 55 | 50 18-3 24-1 ” 92-5 1-02376 1-02598 1-02533 . Japan to the Sandwich Islands. [2 Sum Ik of Samph 1007 1008 1009 1010 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 103$ 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1047 1048 1049 1050 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 10«0 IfNJl 1002 10M 1009 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 >084 1085 1066 1090 1091 1092 1093 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER, Water from Intermediate Depths in the North Pacific — continued. tc 257 259 201 262 263 264 265 266 267 248 249 I’ualtlon. Latitude. Longi- tude. I I N. 27 33 154 55 23 3 156 6 20 18 157 14 19 12 154 14 17 33 14 19 12 42 11 7 153 36 152 37 152 1 152 3 9 28 150 49 7 36 5 64 149 49 147 2 Depth In I'm horns from which Sumplo WHS obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled. Water at 4° C. = 1.) At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Heading Observed at t° C. Reduced to its Value at 15°-5C C. r c. n T * U s< $15*56 • Sx 100 13°6 24°1 00 IV. 85 1 -02335 1-02557 1-02599 200 9-3 24-1 80-5 1-02310 1-02532 1-02652 1 2850 1-6 24-5 80 1 -02305 1 -02539 1-02746 f 25 24-2 25-0 79 ‘5 1-02302 1-02550 1 -02325 50 22-6 257 83 1 -02320 1-02571 1-02391 100 18-0 247 89 1-02332 1-02572 1-02514 200 9 3 24-4 78 1 -02296 1-02527 1-02647 300 6 0 24-4 78-5 1 -02298 1-02529 1 -02695 400 4 '7 24 '5 78 1-02295 1-02529 1-02709 800 3-0 25 '1 74 1-02272 1-02523 1-02720 12150 1-6 25-3 J J 78 1 -02293 1 -02550 1 -02757 C 25 23-9 25-5 80 1 -02303 1-02566 1 -02350 50 21 '6 25-5 83 1 -02320 1 -02583 1-02431 100 15-0 25-5 80 1 -02303 1-02566 1 -02579 200 8-1 25-5 73 1-02265 1 -02528 1 -02666 300 59 25-5 72-5 1-02262 1-02525 1 -02692 . 800 2-9 25-3 74 1-02271 1-02528 1-02725 r 25 25-0 25-1 80-5 1 -02306 1 -02557 1 -02309 50 23-9 25-1 80 1 -02303 1-02554 1-02338 100 164 25-1 82 1-02315 1-02566 1-02547 200 7-9 257 75-5 1-02279 1 -02530 1-02671 300 6-7 25-1 74 1 -02271 1-02522 1-02679 400 6-0 257 75 1-02276 1-02527 1 -02693 l 800 3-0 25'1 80 1-02303 1-02554 1-02751 400 5-2 257 77 1 -02288 1-02539 1-02714 1000 2'8 25-2 77 1 -02288 1-02542 1 -02740 2000 1-8 25-3 75 1-02276 1-02533 1-02739 2550 1-7 25-3 75-5 1-02279 1-02536 1 -02742 f 25 25-2 267 75 1 -02275 1-02556 1 -02302 50 23-3 257 76 1-02281 1-02550 1-02351 100 12-3 25-5 74-5 1 -02273 1 -02536 1 -02603 200 87 25 5 79 1 -02298 1-02561 1 -02690 300 6 9 25-5 78'5 1 -02295 1-02558 1-02712 400 5-8 25 6 78-5 1 -02295 1-02561 1-02729 800 3 3 25-7 78-5 1 -02295 1-02564 1 -02758 1 2550 1-8 26-0 72 1 -02258 1 -02536 1-02742 2425 1-8 26-5 72 1 -02257 1 -02550 1-02756 25 24-2 27'2 73 1-02260 1-02575 1 -02350 50 18-1 26-7 71 1-02251 1 -02550 1 -02490 100 11-2 26-3 78 1 -02290 1 -02577 1-02665 200 9-0 26 3 * 78 1 '02290 1 -02577 1 -02702 300 7 0 26-3 76 1 -02279 1-02566 1-02719 400 5-6 26-4 76-5 1 -02282 1 -02572 1 -02743 2275 1-8 27-2 69-5 1-02240 1 -02555 1-02761 25 21 -6 26 6 72 1 -02256 1 -02552 1 -02400 50 13-3 26-5 72'5 1 -02259 1 -02552 1 -02600 100 105 26-3 78 1 -02291 1 -02578 1 -02678 200 8'8 26-3 76 1 -02280 1 -02567 1 -02695 800 7 2 26 3 75 1-02275 1-02562 1-02712 400 6-8 26-9 72 1 -02255 1 -02560 1 -02728 800 3-2 26-4 76 1 02280 1 -02570 1-02765 2275 1-8 27-6 69 1 -02237 1 -02564 1 -02770 25 .26-3 25 9 76-5 1 -02284 1 -02559 1 -02272 60 23 3 25 6 81 1 -02309 1 -02575 1 -02376 100 102 25'8 79 1 -02297 1 -02569 1-02671 200 9 0 25-8 78 1 -02291 1-02563 1 -02688 300 77 25 8 76-5 1 -02282 1 -02554 1 -02698 400 6 2 25-8 76 5 1 -02282 1-02554 1-02717 25 25 6 26 7 76 1 -02278 1 -02577 1-02314 60 25-4 26-5 78 1 -02290 1 -02583 1 -02323 REPORT ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN WATER 43 U'i f; l' XV. Wetter from Intermediate Depths in the North Pacific — continued. Number of Sample. Date. Distinguishing Number of Station. Position. Depth in Fathoms from which Sample was obtained. Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) Latitude. Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at f C. Reduced to its Value at 15°-5G C. r c. D T t R St $15*56 St 1102 1103 1104 1105 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1875. Sept. 2 „ 2 2 „ 2 4 .. 4 >> 4 4 4 4 >. 4 269 -270 N. o / 5 54 2 34 W. 147 2 149 9 . 100 200 400 800 f 25 50 100 200 300 400 .2500 15°3 9-2 6'5 3-0 25'2 24'2 17-1 11-1 9-0 7-2 1-8 26°4 26-4 26-5 26-5 26-0 25-6 257 25-7 25-6 25-6 25-8 00 IV. 99 99 9 9 9 9 9 9 99 9 9 9 9 9 9 75-5 74- 5 75- 5 80 82 86 79 80 81 80-5 80 1-02275 1 -02270 1 -02275 1-02300 1-02313 1-02306 1-02298 1-02303 1-02309 1-02306 1 -02303 1-02565 1 -02560 1-02568 1-02593 1-02591 1 -02572 1-02567 1-02572 1 -02575 1-02572 1-02575 1-02571 1 -02682 1-02727 1-02790 1 -02337 1-02347 1-02532 1-02662 1-02700 1-02722 1-02781 XVI . Surface Water- — Miscell aneous Observations. 1874. s. E. 573 Sept. 9 187 10 36 141 55 Surface. 25-4 26"2 00 IV. 98'5 1-02404 1-02691 1 -02428 574 „ io 188 9 59 139 42 25-8 26'7 80 1-02300 1 -02599 1 -02327 *575 „ 11 189 9 36 137 50 26-1 26-8 J 70-5 1 -02248 1-02550 1-02269 577 „ 11 9 27 137 26 26-2 26-9 71 1-02251 1-02556 1-02272 578 „ 12 9 1 136 20 26'2 26-7 70 1-02246 1-02545 1-02261 579 „ 13 8 18 135 7 26-1 27-1 70-5 1-02247 1-02559 1-02278 580 „ 13 8 12 135 2 26 7 27-0 67 1-02228 1-02537 1-02238 581 „ 14 7 13 134 18 26-4 27'9 62-5 1-02202 1-02538 1-02248 582 „ 14 7 3 134 9 26'9 27-1 63 1-02207 1-02519 1-02213 583 „ 15 6 36 133 54 9 9 27-2 27-7 9 9 57 1-02172 1-02505 1-02190 584 „ 23 191 5 41 134 44 27'9 28-1 53 1-02153 1-02496 1-02158 *585 „ 24 191a 5 26 133 19 27-5 28-3 68 1-02230 1-02579 1 -02255 587 „ 26 192 5 49 132 14 27 '8 29-0 65'5 1-02214 1 -02585 1 -02252 588 „ 27 5 46 132 0 27-5 28-4 69 1-02246 1-02598 1-02274 589 „ 28 5 26 130 22 28-6 30-7 53 1-02141 1-02565 1-02207 597 Oct. 1 4 15 129 46 28'9 28-9 63 1-02201 1-02569 1-02201 *598 „ 3 195 4 21 129 7 27'8 28-2 71'5 1-02256 1 -02602 1-02270 600 „ 4 3 55 128 10 27-8 28'2 66-5 1 -02223 1-02569 1-02236 601 „ 11 3 16 127 21 99 27'9 28-7 9 9 70 1-02240 1-02602 1 -02266 602 „ 12 1 42 127 7 27-9 28 7 62 1-02196 1-02558 1-02223 603 „ 12 1 27 127 7 28-2 ‘ 28-7 62 1-02196 1-02558 1-02212 *604 „ 13 196 0 48J 126 584 9 9 28-3 28'7 62 1-02196 1-02558 1 -02209 *606 „ 14 197 N. 0 41 126 37 28-0 29-0 54 1-02152 1-02523 1-02183 608 „ 14 0 44 127 17 28-3 28-2 54-5 1-02157 1 -02503 1-02154 609 „ 17 0 55 127 0 28 7 28-8 48-5 1-02122 1-02487 1-02124 610 ,, 18 0 57 126 24 28-6 29'0 51 1-02136 1-02507 1-02248 611 19 1 544 125 29 9 9 28-3 28-4 99 66 1-02220 1-02572 1 -02223 612 „ 19 2 64 125 15 28-3 28-3 65 1-02214 1-02563 1-02214 613 ,, 19 2 74 125 15 28-4 28-5 62 1-02197 1-02552 1 -02200 614 ,, 19 2 15 125 9 28 '3 28-8 63 1 -02202 1-02567 1-02219 +*615 ,, 20 198 2 55 124 53 29-4 28-6 61 1-02192 1-02551 1-02167 622 „ 21 4 4 124 22 28-9 29'6 56-5 1-02164 1-02554 1-02185 +*623 „ 22 199 5 44 123 34 28'3 29-0 58 1-02174 1-02545 1-02196 624 ,, 22 5 47 123 33 28-3 28-8 51-5 1-02138 1-02503 1-02154 625 ,, 22 6 3 123 20 29-4 29-6 56 1-02162 1-02552 1-02168 630 ,, 23 6 49 122 25 28-9 29-7 52-5 1-02142 1-02536 1-0216S 1875. 672 Feb. 6 6 48 122 42 ” 27'6 27-4 » 55-5 1-02164 1-02485 1-02159 44 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER XVI. Surface Water — Miscellaneous Observations — continued. ] Number of Sun pie. P«tr. tc C w | ° d ail Sll — S3 c/a 2 sc I’usltlon. Depth in Fathoms from which Sample was obtained. Temperature (Centi grade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled. Water at 4° C. = 1.) Latitude. J.ongi- tutlc. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at f C. Reduced to its Value at 15°'5G C. T" C. | r> T t It St Sl5-S0 St N. E. 1875. O 1 O O «73 Felt. 7 6 4 123 35 Surface. 27 -8 27-6 00 IV. 54 1-02155 1-02482 1-02149 674 .. 8 5 45 123 59 1 » 27-8 28-0 1 1 50-5 1-02135 1-02475 1-02141 631 1874. Oct. 26 201 7 3 121 48 28-3 287 J 1 54 1-02153 1-02515 1-02167 t +*632 27 202 8 32 121 55 28-3 29-0 1 1 47 1-02123 1-02494 1-02145 637 27 8 54 122 0 28-6 29-0 > 1 53 1-02146 1-02517 1-02159 633 ,, 28 10 20 122 18 29-4 29-3 I I 38 1-02064 1-02445 1-02061 639 28 10 36 122 31 29-4 29-4 I I 39 1-02070 1-02454 1-02070 1875. 670 Jan. 28 7 53 121 42 27-2 28-2 , , 67 1-02225 1-02571 1-02261 1874. 640 Nov. 1 11 19 123 21 28-9 29-1 39 1-02070 1-02444 1-02076 641 M 1 11 47 123 3 28-9 29-2 49 1-02124 1-02502 1-02132 642 2 204 12 28 122 15 28-9 29-0 53 1-02146 1-02517 1-02148 644 2 2046 12 46 122 10 28-9 29 3 52 1-02140 1-02521 1-02151 645 3 13 31 121 17 2S-6 28-2 54 1-02154 1 -02500 1-02142 646 .. 3 13 36 120 54 28-2 287 48 1-02120 1-02482 1-02136 1875. t*061 Jon. 16 207 12 21 122 15 26-7 26 7 64-5 1-02214 1-02513 1-02214 661a „ 16 207 12 21 122 15 26-7 26-9 64 1-02212 1-02517 1-02219 666 „ 17 11 40 123 17 27-2 27-5 61 1-02193 1-02517 1-02202 667 „ 18 10 21 124 0 27-2 27-6 I 1 59 1-02182 1-02509 1-02194 663 „ 26 9 10 124 25 27-2 27-0 64 1-02211 1 -02520 1-02204 669 .. 27 8 50 123 29 267 26-4 70 1-02245 1-02535 1-02235 1874. 646 15 7 119 49 28-3 28-9 47 1-02113 1-02481 1-02132 *643 „ 13 205 16 42 119 22 27-8 28-4 53-5 1-02150 1-02502 1-02170 650 .. 14 18 15 118 0 25-4 21-9 89 1-02364 1-02525 1 -02265 651 „ 15 20 20 115 30 25 "5 21-8 87 1-02353 1-02511 1-02248 652 „ 16 21 50 114 12 19-2 21-2 72-5 1 -02282 1-02423 1-02335 653 Dec. 8 22 17 114 10 19-1 20-4 72 1 -02284 1-02404 1-02318 1875. 654 Jan. 7 20 16 115 11 22-5 21-8 95 1-02396 1-02554 1-02377 •655 8 206 17 54 117 14 24-0 23 8 83 1-02325 1 -02538 1-02319 657 .. » 16 35 117 47 25-0 25-4 70 1 -02249 1-02509 1-02261 653 „ 10 15 29 119 27 26 4 26-5 61 1-02197 1-02490 1 -02201 659 .. 11 14 32 120 48 264 27-1 41 1-02085 1-02393 1-02102 660 „ 15 13 42 120 40 It 267 26-5 » 1 58 1-02180 1-02470 1-02170 350 May 26 26 134 1 1 1 169 17'4 68 1 -02263 1 -02306 1 -02275 351 26 34 24 133 54 17-2 176 70 1-02272 1 -02320 1-02286 352 26 2336 34 18 133 35 19-0 20-4 66 1-02241 1-02361 1 -02279 353 „ 26 34 23 133 6 I » 20-0 18-2 78 1-02313 1-02376 1 -02269 554 „ 28 34 23 133 6 It 17-8 176 81 1-02333 1-02381 1 -02332 555 m 29 34 24 134 25 ff 176 181 74 1 -02293 1 -02353 1-02310 1876. H. w. f*1401 Jan. 2 306 48 17 74 33 13 '9 14 4 00 111. 26 1-01546 1-01521 1-01557 1406 .. 2 48 37 74 24 H 67 12 7 00 I. 19 1 -00540 1-00480 1-00636 ♦ 1407 .. 4 48 55 74 19 14 ’4 11-6 50 1 -00707 1 -00626 1-00649 ♦*1413 .. 4 807 49 24} 74 23} M 117 11-8 00 III. 32 1-01585 1-01508 1-01585 1413 .. 6 49 39 74 28 10-8 11-2 14 1-01489 1-01401 1-01496 41419 •i 7 ... 50 1 1 74 45 10-5 117 00 IV. 67-5 1-02221 1-02142 1 -02241 1423 M 8 60 10 74 41 10-5 10 5 57 1 -02222 1-02122 1 -02222 1424 „ 8 60 17 74 46 9-4 10-4 745 1-02316 1-02214 1 -02331 *1425 „ 8 309 50 56 74 15 It 10-3 104 16 1-01998 1-01896 1 02000 ♦*1423 .. 10 310 51 27} 74 3 It 10 3 110 oo Vi i. 17-5 1 -02002 1-01910 1-02013 1 1432 .. 11 52 44 73 48 1 1 10-0 10-3 97 1-01944 1-01840 1-01948 [♦*1433 .. 11 3ii 62 46} 73 46 tt 100 10-6 00 IV. 17-5 1 -02003 1-01904 1-02011 | 1439 .. 13 ... 53 80 72 43 tt 9-3 10-1 63-5 1 -02257 1-02150 1 -02271 1 1440 .. 13 3)2 68 37 70 56 tt 8-8 9-9 79-5 1 02344 1 -02233 1 -02357 1441 .. 20 ••• 52 21 69 4 II 106 109 1 1 so 1-02396 1 02303 1 -02397 Strait of Magellan and channels Inland Sea, China Sea. Seas enclosed by the Sulu Sea. Celebes ' leading thereto from the Japan. Philippine Islands. Sea. Gulf of Peilas. REPORT ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OCEAN-WATER. 45 XVII. Bottom Water — Miscellaneous Observations. Number Date. to c «*_ *2 o . m u G •3 © O Position. Depth in Fathoms from Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Hydrometer. Specific Gravity. ( Distilled Water at 4° C. = I.) of wnicn Number Sample. g eg Latitude. Longi- Sample At the Depth D. During Reading Observed at t° C. Reduced to its Value at Q tude. obtained. Observa- tion. Instru- ment. 15°-56 C. T° C. D T t R St Sj5-56 ST s. E. 1874. 9° 36' 137°50' *576 Sept. 11 189 25 277 00 IV. 62 102199 1-02529 *586 .. 24 191a 5 26 133 19 580 4-8 261 oo in. + 0'5 g 79-5 1-02300 1-02581 1 -02760 +596 „ 28 193 5 24 130 37+ 2800 3-3 30-6 | | 86 1-02137 1-02558 1-02752 *599 Oct. 3 195 4 21 129 7 1425 3-3 27-6 00 IV. 69-5 1-02241 1-02568 1-02762 *605 „ 13 196 0 48J 126 584 825 2-7 27-7 ) J 72 1 -02254 1 -02584 1-02783 N. E. *607 .. 14 197 0 41 126 37 1200 2-2 27'8 >> 73 1-02260 1-02593 1-02796 +*621 ,, 20 198 2 55 124 53 2150 3-8 28-6 67-5 1-02227 1-02586 1-02775 +*629 ,, 22 1875. 199 5 44 123 34 2600 3-7 29-6 53 1-02145 1 -02535 1-02725 +675 Feb. 8 213 5 47 124 1 2050 37 27 -5 J, 70 1-02243 1-02567 1-02757 +*636 1874. Oct. 27 202 8 32 121 55 2550 10-3 29-6 \ 00 III. 1 96 1-02165 1-02555 1-02659 1875. +0-45 g. ) 671 Jan. 28 211 8 0 121 42 2225 10-3 287 00 IV. 63 1-02203 1-02546 1 -02650 1874. 643 Nov. 2 204a 12 43 122 9 100 28-15 67 1-02225 1-02569 1875. +*665 Jan. 16 207 12 21 122 15 700 10-9 26-8 72 1-02255 1-02557 1-02650 1874. *649 Nov. 13 205 16 42 119 22 1050 2 '8 28-5 66 1-02219 1-02574 1-02772 1875. *656 Jan. 8 206 17 54 117 14 2100 2-6 24-4 85-5 1-02337 1-02568 1-02768 1876. s. w. 1400 Jan. 1 305 b 47 48 74 6 160 12-8 137 00 V. 23-5 1-02559 1-02519 1-02577 +1405 „ 2 306a 48 27 74 30 345 7-8 14-4 20-5 1-02540 1-02515 1-02657 1*1417 „ 4 307 49 244 74 234 140 7-9 11-6 20 1-02546 I -02465 1-02606 1427 „ 8 309a 50 56 74 14 140 8-1 9-4 22-5 1 -02565 1-02446 1-02584 +*1431 „ 10 310 51 27J 74 3 400 8-1 110 19-5 1-02543 1-02451 1-02589 +*1438 ,, 11 311 52 454 73 46 245 7-8 11-5 J J 18-5 1-02537 1-02454 1-02596 XVIII. Miscellaneous Observations- -Intermediate Results. 1874. S. E. 590 Sept. 28 ' r 50 25-5 28-7 00 IV. 63 1-02202 1-02564 1-02301 591 „ 28 100 18'9 28'6 67 1-02224 1 -02583 1-02502 592 „ 28 200 10-1 31-0 55 1-02152 1-02589 1-02696 593 „ 28 j- 193 5 24 130 37+ •1 300 7'8 30-5 oo in. + 0-5 g 00 IV. 57 1-02164 1 -02582 1-02724 594 ,, 28 400 6-4 30-4 j I91 1-02167 1-02582 1-02743 595 „ 28 N. .600 4-5 28-3 66 1-02220 1-02569 1-02751 616 Oct. 20 E. f 50 251 28-6 66 1-02219 1-02578 1-02327 617 „ 20 100 18-3 28-6 67-5 1 -02227 1-02586 1-02521 618 ,, 20 - 198 2 55 124 53 200 9’5 28-5 65 1-02213 1-02568 1-02685 619 „ 20 400 5-5 28-5 63-5 1-02205 1-02560 1-02731 620 „ 20 800 3-9 28-6 j 00III. + 0'6g 1 93 1-02245 1-02604 1-02792 626 22 50 26'2 287 00 IV“ 68 1-02229 1-02591 1-02307 627 „ 22 199 5 44 123 34 100 177 29-2 65 1-02211 1 -02589 1 02539 628 ,, 22 1 200 9-0 28 7 J 1 64 1-02208 1-02570 1-02695 B 7 S 2 a cs o o 2? o 23 ~ «o o 2 O » a>« tC co ~ ^ “ § 0.^3^ d 02 03 PQ J1; . ♦ ; tiff * JU%4 * ■V 44 (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. — PART II. — 1883.) 40 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. XVIII. Miscellaneous Observations — Intermediate Results — continued. I Somber of I Simple. Dale. «* C 2 o , til fi3 Position. Depth in Fathoms from which Sample was obtained Temperature (Centigrade) of Water. Ilydrometer. Specific Gravity. (Distilled Water at 4° C. = 1.) Latitude Longi- tude. At the Depth D. During Observa- tion. Number of the Instru- ment. Reading Observed at e C. Reduced to Its Value at 15°-5G C. r c. D T t R Si Sl5'50 ST — N. E. 1875. O « o / O o 076 Feb. 8 (200 9-6 27 ’5 00 IV. 70 1-02243 1-02567 1 -02682 077 8 1 100 18-3 27-6 70 1 -02242 1-02569 1 -02504 078 8 •213 5 47 124 1 \ 50 25'4 27 6 67 1 -02226 1-02553 1-02293 678a 8 60 25 ‘4 27-4 62 1-02200 1-02521 1 -02261 6786 8 4 l 50 25-4 27-4 66'5 1 -02224 1-02545 1 -02285 1874. 1 633 Oct. 27 ) ( 50 23-4 28'2 64-5 1-02211 1 -02557 1 -02355 634 27 >202 8 32 121 55 ^ 100 167 29-0 61 1-02191 1-02562 1 -02536 1 035 27 ) ( 300 11-1 29-1 47 1-02113 1-02487 1-02577 1875. 1 002 Jan. 10 ) ( 50 22 5 25-8 73 1-02264 1 -02536 1-02359 063 16 >207 12 21 122 15 { 100 14 -7 26-6 71 1-02250 1-02546 1-02565 i 004 16 f ( 200 11-3 26-8 f f 70-5 1-02247 1-02549 1-02635 1870. 8. w. 1402 Jan. 2 ) ( 100 7-9 13-5 00 V. 18-5 1-02531 1-02487 1 -02628 1403 j o > 30fla 48 27 74 30 { 200 7'8 13-3 23-5 1-02560 1-02512 1-02654 1404 2 1 ( 300 7-8 14-3 18-5 1 -02530 1-02503 1-02645 1408 4 r 2j 135 00 II. 13-5 1-00970 1-00926 ; 1400 4 5 13-8 00I1I. 92 1-01907 1-01870 1410 4 > ... 48 55 74 19 1 7 12-9 00 IV. 14-5 1-01984 1-01928 1411 4 10 12-5 78 1-02330 1-02266 1412 4 J l 16 11-4 00 V. 6 1-02469 1-02385 1414 4 1 ( 25 9-6 11-3 10 1-02491 1-02405 1-02520 1415 4 >307 40 24 4, 74 23J \ 50 8-4 11-2 18'5 1-02538 1-02450 1-02584 1416 4 100 8-0 11-6 21 1-02550 1-02469 1-02609 1420 7 j l 5 11-4 00 IV. 82 1-02356 1-02272 1421 • • 7 > ... 50 11 74 45 1 10 11-0 00 V. 3 1-02455 1-02363 1422 7 ) 22 11-1 17 1-02531 1-02441 1420 8 309 50 GO 74 15 40 8-3 10-2 00 IV. 15 1-02522 1-02417 1-02652 1 1420 »» 10 \ Q1A 071 J 25 9-1 10-8 91-5 1-02410 1-02315 1-02438 1430 II 10 #4 O } 200 8-1 iro 00 V. 20-5 1-02550 1-02458 1 -02596 | 1434 II 11 ( 25 9-0 12-0 00 IV. 80-5 1-02344 1-02271 1-C2396 1 1435 If 11 ( All r.o in i 7Q A a ) 50 8-4 11-7 00 V. 10 1-02491 1-02412 1 -02546 ; • » 11 ) 100 8 0 117 175 1 02531 1-02452 1-02592 1437 11 ) ( 200 7 9 118 II 5 '5 1 -02465 1 -02388 1-02529 Magellan Strait and passages leading thereto Seas en- Sulu Celebes from the Gulf of Penas. Sea. Sea. ippine Specific Gravity of Sea Water INDEX. above 1-0280. between 1-0275 and 1-0280 1 0275 1-0270 1-0270 1-0265 1-0265 1-0260 1 0260 1 0250. 1-0255 1-0250. TRACK H M S CHALLENGER mm The Voyage of H ,M 5. Challenger. DIACRAM for CORRECTING SPE:i / 02300 Specific Gravity of Sea Water Diagram i. i C GRAVITY for TEMPERATURE. ATLANTIC GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SURFACE WATER AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Specific | Gravity | at 15 56 C ATLANTIC Specific Gravity of Sea Water. Diagram.HI. 1500 A/an 1376 1/Ajy 1873 i3 April, 1H76 12 AprU _ il Aprd 10 April GRAPHIC representation of the bathymetrical distribution of specific gravity at different latitudes. ; 4-5 MM 10280 nwio 60 59 lO" too -L- 300 i 400 r^ too 1000““ .Upr 2 V ft* 17 * /87* War. 7 jvtur. z 30° We s t GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE DISTRIBU The Voyage of H M.S.*Challenger“ Specific Gravity of Ocean Water, Diagram YF 20 on£ihi-5 Specific | Gravity at ' ■ 1 ^ IS I V 91r&|| Specific Gravityof Ocean Wafer Diagram^ GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY,AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Specific p Gravity ?> at 1556 • CENTRAL PACIFIC. CRAPH1C REPRESENTATION OF THE BATHYMETRICAL D I STR I B JTICN OF SP ECI FIC CRAVITY AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Speciflo Gravity of Ocean Wator Diab/arn VI.' GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY.AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES Specific NORTH PACIFIC. f 5X S': .-.Sero- specific Gravity of Ocean 'Vteter. Diagram Vlll GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SURFACE WATER IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN 16 O’ West Implode 165* 160' East Longitude 155' — NORTH PACIFIC GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE BATHYMETRICAL DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIFIC CRAVITY AT DIFFERENT LONGITUDES Specific Gravity of Ocean Water The Voyage of H M.S.Thallen^er.' • NottK 15° too aoo rooo . graphic representation of THE BATHYMETRICAL DIS' 300 ^ -♦00 600 1000 Specific Gravity of Ocean Water Diagram X IEJTION OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES G. W&terston Sons, Edin LitE. SOOTH PACIFIC Specific Gravity of Ocean Water. Diagram. 21 no* West 105* Longitude ioo‘ I THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. REPORT on the Deep-Sea Temperature Observations obtained by the Officers of H.M.S. Challenger, during the years 1873-76. It has been deemed advisable to publish, for the convenience of scientific men, the whole of the deep-sea observations of temperature made during the voyage of the Challenger. These are given in detail in the accompanying series of 263 plates, which show the latitude and longitude of the Station ; the depth in fathoms of the bottom ; the date when the serial temperatures were taken ; the depth at which each temperature was taken ; the No. of the thermometer ; the temperature actually observed read to quarter degrees ; the error of the thermometer ; and the temperature corrected for instrumental error only. These temperatures were plotted on the squares, as represented on each Plate, by Staff-Commander Tizarcl, R.N., simply as observed and corrected for instrumental errors, just as has been done in the case of the Challenger Meteorological Observations,1 no attempt being made to correct even the most obvious errors of observation. Thus on PI. XVIII. the temperature of 46°‘2 at the depth of 700 fathoms, is plainly 5D,0 too high ; and on PI. XXII. the temperature 43o,0 at the depth of 450 fathoms is 10°’0 too low. These, however, are printed as recorded in the Observation Books, it being left to the specialist, who may have occasion to discuss the observations, to make for himself all such necessary corrections. A curve is then drawn through the observations as plotted libera manu, and on examining the curves on Pis. XVIII. and XXII., it will be found that allowance has been made for the errors of observation referred to above. From these curves a new set of temperatures have been taken, which are printed on the line in the Plate named “ Temperature from Curves.” It is the last temperatures 1 Nar. Claall. Exp., vol. ii. (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. — PAKT III, — 1884.) ^ THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. which have been used in constructing the diagrammatic sections of the ocean basins to illustrate the distribution of temperature with depth in different parts of the ocean. These diagrammatic sections will be published in Vol. I. of the Narrative of the Cruise. The observations of the temperature of the surface of the sea, taken at least every two hours during the cruise, have been published in extenso, along with the meteorological observations.1 For convenience of reference, series of tables, arranged by Staff-Commander Tizard, R.N., are appended to the plates, in which the serial temperatures for the four different oceans have been grouped and averaged according to latitude. Miscellaneous tempera- tures are given in Table V. ; in Table VI. the observations are summarised in 5° belts of latitude for each of the four oceans ; and Table VII. includes all temperatures obtained between the depth of 1500 fathoms and the bottom. In certain cases it was thought that the form of the curve would be more clearly shown if magnified ten times horizontally, and accordingly, in some diagrams, each larger division of the scale has been taken to represent 10 instead of 100 fathoms. Of this PI. II. is an example ; and in all cases where this has been done a stroke has been drawn through the last cipher of the numbers indicating the fathoms. Where two curves are shown on the same plate, one of them (generally the longer one) represents the whole depth plotted in the usual manner, while the other represents the temperatures of the upper portion of the section plotted in a curve on the larger scale. The curves on PI. X. are examples. A Report on the Composition of Ocean- Water, by Professor W. Dittmar, F.R.S.,2 and a Report on the Specific Gravity of Ocean-Water by Mr. J. Y. Buchanan3 form Parts I. and II. of this volume; and a discussion of the meteorological observations and deep- sea temperatures and specific gravity in their bearings on ocean circulation is in course of preparation by Professor P. G. Tait and Mr. Alexander Buchan. John Murray. 1 Nar. Chall. Exp., vol. ii. 2 Phys. Chem. Cball. Exp., part i. 3 Phys. Chem. Cliall. Exp., part ii. ERRATA. PI. LXXX., for “Tristan d’Acuhna,” read “Tristan da Cunha.” PI. CCXXIV., for “ Magalhasas,” read “Magcllans.” PI. CCL, at end of footnote, for “corrected Thermometer,” read “corrected Temperature.” 16 January 1873. 'S of Soumii/ia 1 6 — . J^atCtiule- 36° 58 50" ■,~V. zlfepth- 525 fathoms. Station II. k. fongitiula 9° U/ 20" W. W 01109 ON o o j- 2000 | 1800 8 1600 l | I iioo ooor $ l 3 vTb O lO o 8- 8 cO R CJ 0 m Cl iO CV] Ol 8 Cl o m ■4- 0 CD o CO M IT) H CO q in m CO in 0 \D M g, ro o ro $• 0 in M M N 0 0 0 H VO CO in LTN o CD 0 oo »o O ro in ON ON 0 \0 0 m VO m o 6 VO O d o 0 0 CO •n ol o 6 vo o vS 0 SURFACE o 6 o 0 o vO N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE ac O * o- E Z CC UJ CC t“! |*i 1 £2 £ O uj Si cc * tr “■ sjf o < uj ac ac iu cc a- o Z K— «o •n »n £ -- - - m n <5 m ■ ■■■ ■" < *• * i cr. 00 s *0 ©3 Si ©} 93 1 | & Vi £ 0 £ N 00 rH »J . jv b § Q> 3 tos U to Si ■5 & © <& •S VJ h wonoe CO q c^ 0 ro 2000I | ;i8oo | 1600 1 | 0 O CO 1200 OOI L OOOT CO 0 6 q d -4- O & VO 6 -4- 00 d -4- 8 03 VO^ CO ■4- VO O O K O ci *4- *? 8 vO iN CO CO O -4- 0 O 10 CO w ■4" q vd 4" O $- ■4* CO q O' q O' •4- 8 cO VO -4" Pi £ «n r^» CJ 0 m ^n CJ oa 0 O Cl N CO q O' q O' 0 03 M O CO H 0 H 0 \0 M g> £ 0 CO 0 00 O 0 0 H VO vo •4- VO c C3 0 QO 0 tv 0 v£> 0 10 0 0 CO 0 Ct 0 H tt 0 VO q r-^ vo N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE ae. °1 o- r z cc Ui CC K ^ uj E oil) < Z Z sli 5 = S 1- 40 jE cc - t! s 1 CC i IX * 2| 0 c uj cr or uj CC 0. 0 25 jE CC cc 0 £ * 5 a TO SOMBUERO X o 7 < -i Z W H z o (/> * V l ft lQ K ft- eo ©i o ©8 ft | ft ft ^ £ M s CO N 00 $ $ I & S It 8- ft i . CO vo^ vd cn 2000 1 1800 8 1600 1 | 8 cn 1200 OOII ooor o a 8 CO 0 . g. o o iO o 3- 8 cO K 04 0 in 04 in CM CM 200 00 in £ vd co m 0 Oft H 0 CO H & m dv N On 0 t"- 0 \0 M vo m VO dv g, 9- H vO 0 o' VO VO 0 $ 0 w M VO CO ft- VO VO o o 0 H rn '*• co K ‘O O' VO o CT) 0 CO w N 0 t>< 0 \0 in o s. o d r^. 0 m 0 VO c>. o d N 0 CO 0 cl cn o n. d 0 H 3 N d N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE o | o. £ Z cr cr CC UJ < * £ sis E *£ ii cr “ s i O < a 5 ° S 2 cc £ * E s l- ^ ill * 38' $ o' z < _J 0) o c UJ c m s o CO o H hJ tr UJ z UJ H o H O bl CO X f — 5 TJT^IY- 7W oooc 0017. OOOo 0061 0091 ooor oott coir ' UoTT 006 009 J _ Temperature of Ocean Water PI. XIII. J/.cf ZV o' < J d) O c Ui K S > O DO w r w z u I- z o o M CO ^ & c> Jo So e* 1 I 5 N Jo Monoa ov a CO rj- n m cd cd co to o 00 CO i i I >- { 1600 a i. i vo « cd CO cd co c 1 t** co in 00^ N 00 CO l vo CO oo cd CO o dv co ooor 00 in dv CO dv co 900 co vo ds CO dv CO 8 vo CO cd co 0 o a co Cl '4' in o CO o CO 0 0 VO Cv ci T}- '<*• « o 9- s o oo ~r Ov cd -'3- 8 cO CO vo i) K CJ 0 in 01 *n ea Ol g 0. Ov CO N VO in VO 0 O CO M 0 1^ 0 \D g, 9- H 0 £> 0 Ol 0 H 0 0 0 CO o • dv vo O dv VO 0 0 oo 0 t> 0 \£> 0 VO 0 0 CO 0 (M 0 H SURFACE o VO o vd N? OF FATHOMS | FROM SURFACE a: u_ UJ °S o. SE z cc = !*i |x£ Si “ 5 s| o < uj cr cc UJ tr a. o E O UJ UJ ce > ? cc a: o £ £ ss t- **• March 1873. > X s < a 3 2 e UJ CO c k GO Z c »- o w 0) 80 March 1873. X X s ai % < o 3 z ar ui 00 o I- CO z o t- o ul CO os »5 Oi 1 S N o> rl" *P So K *!>> $ i *01100 5*5, *? T d ro ro ro NO CO § N & l 1 I & >o NO K n in N to l rs cn 0 % 00 IS CO | 00 »/> ■5, oo CO oosv rt -r 00 ro % s to 0 S ro Is 00 CO I * 0 a C> CO i s m R On CO i 0 0* 8 K m ♦ o o 1 e'- en ro fi 'T CO « & *o co « « in >*• 00 *A oo m 5 m in co « CO 00 m •o r>. 01 0 «r> 01 ti 8 a ro m ♦ f*» m m ro ro O »0 m CO NO ft | | o & r- w NO NO NO vj ft O o 0 g ** r* n R IS NO 0 A 1 2 O *' 2 ft | o 0 •f tSi 0 *- i 01 1 2 ] ? , 3 . 0 * 0 •A K - 3 - * - : :1 «;■ 1 Li J o 4 • 0 ■ m M | Hf 5f: ?*e | - E 1 if: ■ * “ e | e! — « • w or *■ o ■ U •* « * £5 « « 55 r s co N 00 rH a o 3 a k 0 IU CO 85 April 1873. ©3 ®3 to 50 1 I <5 S 6 I I 50 to 50 ©i & to °5> to ®5 & I woiioe s in vo CO vo^ 2000 1 1600 8 1600 8 ? 0 oo co Cv CO l 00 o CO co CO | 0 CO N oo' co o oo co 1200 vO Ov VO CO oo CO OOII ts. co qv co CO CO co^ OOOI VO^ dv CO dv CO o a m dv CO vo dv co 8 rO vo 0 o o o ■vi- 0 R. VO 00 d a sD in qv 0 N ■vj- co 00 co VO CO o in ii~) 0^ (N VO q vc o o in ■vi- co o d o <5 0 iT) 00^ m . m o 8- CO oo^ « 0 m 0 Vi) 0 co CO VO VO VO 0 m 0 «d” co o cd vo q CO VO 0 cO 0 CM vo oo cd 'O o dv vo 0 SURFACE 0 o c-> 0 o f*. N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE °I o 3E 7C cc I*J cc DC UJ « ^ z gig “ ^ o: 5 “5 £C O uj si oc x a; CC 2 i l— H- o c uj CC CC UJ CC o- o z cc > 2 cr a: ° £ * z ° uj 87 April 1873. 4 »i4/u/r/i«/ 97* Z/////W/* 3^' 3# (‘/'rpth 2850 Sa/Aonur. Uitum 39. fongtiiuir 07 * /*' > x X ■ 01 W filer Pi. XXVI X 3* — • ^ * s 5 *5 1 St fe . ■& f* 1 4 I 1 s s ¥ ee o >■ * III z Z £ i 00 rg X < =2 ^ Q a. Ci 3 «! -< 2 O « _ co > * fc- Ul $ CO z o H o III CO | $ >, « s MOUOI rs. ao 4 eo 00 »o co l l 1 § 1 8 £ ■a O' k n vO k PO 8 ao *o o % O' ro & m «o « 00 m § yo % \n % § •n w> % 00 00^ T r» (I * N O' fO & X n 6 ♦ 6 ♦ s ft i s ft ft 01 a 0* *n a 8 o< & 2 O S St i S? 0 M 3 3 O a, S 0 r** 2 St _J ' ,%! t S- o - 0 _iJ 0 I ‘ • • I. 1 O * 0 A «o :|1 * « * k|| r :l • m s * : . 2 HI JC"C « - rr • w I _ s s s a «r " a I e! «g ■ m •> e * U M 9 « « 9 m ° |i ■ ■■ 1 ©3 I k - '*?• a *S Cr*s •S) §. © ®s ■'S* & a "S fr: trm > > > c d p fM ffi p. £ CC O >- § u Z 0 < 0 3 2 CO 00 cS 3 C£ CO HJ CO z 0 o CO > ■p 80 1~-( co ®0 K 5 | I N 8- © NJ> ^S- * ean Watei PI. XXX. < o D 2 tr UJ CQ O < I Z o H o UJ CO IIXXX Irl J»i*M ^”0 Jo Bjnnialuji < Q D 5 »r, r>. Cl £ M */* a 8 N & 1 i-. S $ •A * «A •o $ 0 pa « i 3 *A *o *? 0 £ *> Is. £ •o 2 8, 0 A 0 IV 0 ♦* r % * 0 2 I 9 . 3 • ■ •, ,, * , • » *;■ _ r * a ■ . i i ■ m i • ] •* ■ • . r Hi - .. rl ii • « "* m 1 § f Z S ■ • S £ n i? ‘’Hqiltulr fj. CO N » 'H cS a CO 0? ^ & Ci ®4 ®0 so so C> i I I c> C) s* $■ © $> .% * . 30 M:iy 1H73 /.alOiuia 38' 9' 4/5* .V l'j)epth 1673 fhtJutm.f / oriffi/u /Jr _ (16 ' 10' 60" /(’ > X X X CO ■ •not i l 5 I > l l 1 — | § i 'C 00 l o 00 co rx « i £ N O rn i o 0 6 0 o $ «© 00 S »o CO s> 00 *© l 0 0 tn ft rn */i 0 00 0 00 IO * * 00 00 A ft 01 a § cl ? «o •o i •o •A s jj £ S} co •§ N ^ 00 <£ r-i X 0 1 8 2 1 l'H_ V $ W0JJ.0C -S’ VO co co vo co 2000 1 1800 l M 1600 a m VO 01 VO* a ©6 s £ >5 0 t> Si 0 \D 1 1 ft 5 %> 'J | 0 SH \ . c 0 CO 4 > 0 ©J 0 w I O 4 r^. O 4 N? OF FATHOMS : FROM SURFACE N? OF THERMOMETER TEMPERATURE SHEWN BY THERMOMETER ERROR OF THERMOMETER CORRECTED TEMPERATURE TEMPERATU-RE FROM CURVE 10 Juno 1873. SotuuiiiUj im. Aa/i/utle 3 A’ 28' ^V. __ ( 2575 /buhoms. 6tatu>n bO. 58’ 66' W X LLE TXXf.Z TL iwr BE: 00 Lt M1; WTr? 'Sow oopi OOU (tool 00 it 00*1 oavt doit ~ooTT ~UooT OOP ~ W Ofio "7 7RJS ' " OO* 007. . . . tt±J tit : 4444- tttt H- X. 7^"TTTE rrr . . . ■ X $ S N ■§ f S \ 'O Qf <5 tc MOUOV * « to ro i 1 I 1 1 t i 1 1 0 1^ O g | i ^ •s, o od ro Q to to o 00 ro OO H to t© o 00 o tq od ro 8 t© o* od ro l> CO ro s 1 r* to o d> ft d> ro 8 u o Cl o 0 o 0 3 « ■*■ 3 o* Cl to Cl ft £ rn o to 1? l to o o od »o Cl od «o N 01 & 04 %T\ U 8 01 s> ci ♦ — 1 2. 1 2 | 1 0 I & 1 iJ •si # « ■ 1 t o * . I ■ m * — m 3 ^ ^ i;« r • Z z m * IJ ■ _ ■ « S ** * ?I u « ill i S2 June 1873. of Soiuidinp ISO. -N latitude- 37° 24' JV. „ . ^epth 2750 fathoms. .. Station- 66. Z,ongitud& 44° 14' ~ff- WO1-1O0 yt VO vd^ m vo m 2000 1 1800 a M 1600 a i i 1200 IIOO ooor 006 I l 'o' N -t* 3 'O 0 in O m O o 1 Tf- CO oo in 8 cr> o 6 vo o VO R Cl 0 CM vO CJ CM 200 o m VO vo 0 M 0 CO H 0 r~- O sO 0 iO H £ M 0 3 0 CJ 0 M OOI Cs o o' o vo 0 0 QO 0 t> 0 \0 0 in 0 0 0 CM 0 H SURFACE 0 o rv 0 o N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE o * O. £ Z cc LJ ac P CD tl HI i- 10 jE cc £ h* || si o < LU CE tr uj cc CL ° s ? > P ex <* “ £ £ !E S taJ “ t- “■ 23 J uuo 1873. > a O M < U1 Z I- CQ z O H CO V of' Sounding 133. , — ^ T.ntitude 38° 23' S'. „ ' r Slept ft, 2200 fathom*. Station. 69. dortgitud/i 37° 21' TV. W01108 to W vd ro vd ro 2000 1 1800 a H 1600 a 'j- VO VO c-Q co to IV 1 R Ov tv OO tv ro 1 'O* 0 CO ro OO^ 1200 to5 ro co^ « 1JOO 'i- CO ro tv « ooor T N dv ro dv ro 0 g vO dv tv dv 8 CO vO w o Tt* N o o R vO ■V*- t}- 5 K ■vi- ro ro o o tO ■vt" ro tv £ o 8- VO1 O to o to 8 cO vO vd VO to IQ C3 0 w *0 CVl W 200 VO* dv dv 0 G\ M o CO H 0 H 0 \0 0 lO H $ 0 H5 0 M 0 o 0 to to VO VO o 0 QO 0 i> 0 \0 0 »n 0 0 OO 0 Cl 0 SURFACE 1 o cv o Cv N ? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE °l o. ^ Z t£ uj ac CC y_ UJ E“I HI £ J UJ ac ii si i- i- o < uj ac ac uj c c o» ° S 2 “■ a ° £ * £ ° 07 Juno 1873. ■ •HOC «A ao n ao •8. 1 l l l 1 § 3- jj § QOOI «r> ad r*\ o» N to l ao ad m I ao ■9, 0 dk m i « o» ft Ok o> r n 1 £ w - - i «n ao rf «e 00 w » *• 0 kd ♦ 0 »d ♦ W * o m «r» ei In & 1 " | . 1 8. - 3 ~ i ~ 1 b 0 2 8 _±J ao ■5, #. c i 0 I * Ok dk • aJ 0 I *-J — 0 0 1 ** - [3 1 ♦ 9 • * 2 I 1: 0 * § • . • 2 r :l • • • M • _ ■ • Z 2 r!j > t w jr • p i! _ * :i • « *" n l\ « • • ■ 1? OOOi oooz OOLZ 00 9 Z 009Z OOZZ OOCZ OO ZZ oozz oooz ooez oooz oou oooz ooz 0 CO 0 C'N 0 \Q 0 0 0 CO 0 01 0 H (surface 0 d t'. 0 d N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE 0. £ Z QC Z Ui CE cr ^ uj < _ Z Ell |x| is 0 “ CJ «c lu cr CC UJ cc o- 0 S- i- LkJ tr > ^ tc CC 0 £ = ss I * °^0 ©0 1 1 ►s ©3 ©0 1 I r s 3 b S . *v X 'N W 01108 in O' O' 2000 1 I 8 tr 1600 1 <£ £ N ES l & S 1 ? m a Cv SS 1200 tv m O % .0 % OOIL ? 00 % tv. % lOOO m o VO a VO a 1 & 1 -co t 8 ? N - i m 4 l ? 1 0 ? § a O' uS 0 id Tt* a s O' tv. • O' tv o 5- O' % CO ? 8 cO s in in vo m R ca 8 § 0 t> 0 \0 0 U"> S- 0 CO 0 01 0 H I S. m tv N° OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE N? OF THERMOMETER TEMPERATURE SHEWN BY THERMOMETER ERROR OF THERMOMETER CORRECTEO TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE FROM CURVE OOL£ OQO£ 009Z 0096 OOIZ OOOZ OOLI ooor t>f/t 2660 Ui O < 2 z I- z o »- o UI CO KtllOt o . 0 'C SO fO J 1..— - I ■ ft X ft jL £ 1 ft * « 8 * 1 OOOI (A o 0 fc 0 O' fO § ? T to 0* 1 - ro PO 8 K £ *? to V 5 * 0 CO O' rs 8 s fl o lO o» ft * 0 IA O' 6 in W & r\ *© •A 0 m »>. ei & 0* •n a g M & m p*» m 'O « m *! 0 « Jr » -1 * 0 1 - L*J Ml M 5 l J Ml ✓ i« I £ 1 H a N I i» ' c 1 ♦ I 8. 1 — T * r A 10 \ 1 • * ' * « • 9 a • 1 1 * » • fjj V t v. ■ » 8? ) * 1 • a •» a | • a I a u I =i W01J.08 _ I - ?0 'Jj- ’-t ®0 ©> ej ^ 1 .1 _N ^ S s } ^ : vO vO ro VO vd CO > t- z UJ o z > H CO o H < c UJ O < z o ►- o UJ CO .// ,xi ,li WO 11 09 <3 VO 'O vO CO 00 3 b CO CQ * S? 9* Q» ©$ ©* ®* A 1 1 •s *s <5 v Ob oo .s . 05 2 z o o 05 ■ OHO! : c — ~ -ft o — - * » £ s & a V ft 1 o « T N n o N O to (i K **» •n oo N rn .. = ^ * * (% ad o •s. ■o 00 rO — K J o O ro 00 ■3, 00 d» CO « o 00 o I £ *! ei H 'O m o i o to ♦ N >d & tO A 4 e* 0 K £ * Jj 0 to o «d to & 3 jr a 1 1 £ J 1 ft h 1 o 1 M | s ft o i ■ ■o ( i ! ft j ♦ " “n s i J * | Lf | » * « 0 ■ • 9 • t • g t ft w v r > w 9 o ar tr * ■ • tr CO N 00 t>> 1 >■5 10 DcptJt 1H7& ful/wms. H Z HI O z 2 z o \- o ui 1/3 MliiOt : * g §. 8 j j * m lx ro d N n vO lx rn s «A x> a 00 lx • rt <6 00 lx M O 00 m X oo CD lx m r*> 00 m 5 8 * % 00 00 ro s o 0 i m m a p £ to 4 d d * | m 6 _ ’O 0 *+ . -J X n 0 « «*• fi 4- M X> »o rn « **■ n . « j %/> fj • N d « 0 Cl V) 0 \rt . Jv " 2 , " i i Jjr 0 1 - * 0 (i •O 9. hn f. . 5 j 0 s 1 * j # • ♦ 1 1 • 9 * 1 • • 9 • 9 • w 0 m • I * r • * i • * ■ 1 • r ’ « j 2 • — m m % « u •» or * £ * « 9 m u r * * S W 0110 v©* in so CO in VO CO 2000 1 1800 a H 1600 a On N N CO 1 £ CO n. CO vq d. CO 1 0 <2 CO t>. CO 00 d» 1200 00 n. CO 00 CO con 00 co 00 CO 00 CO 0001 on’ CO co" CO On 00’ CO 006 a 25 0 O' CO ON CO 8 CO c? <2 0 d Cx ON OO 0 0 K Os w 'i* 0 d ■'f 600 CO in 0 Th d O O m '*■ On O* ■»7- O 0 vO « 0 CO CO CO 8 c*5 to VO N VO -'i- vd R OJ 0 in CM ^n CM 01 200 ON 5 CO d On 0 cn O CO H 170 160 0 m S- 0 =0 OSI on 001 e 0- d in So 0 O'} 0 QO 0 60 I 0 10 0 ol <2 N in VO -o’ m Os C q 6s so 0 On q t-% q VO rv m On 00 N tx SURFACEl q On q ON tv N° OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE N? OF THERMOMETER TEMPERATURE SHEWN BY THERMOMETER ERROR OF THERMOMETER CORRECTED TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE FROM CURVE > z o 5 z Ui g < to Q r < * O H a. < O z I- z o UJ co 13 Aaigrust 1873. JV" of' Sounding 168. Solitude. 10° 25' dV~. 'Dept A 2575 faiJionis. .. Station 97. Zongitud&20°80'W. W 01108 vo cn H VO Q CO in vd <5 cn cn VO vd cn ,2000 1 H 8 1600 S in n. ON ~C> 0 00 cn vd cn 0 0 cn 55 N vd «n c^ vo^ 8 cn O' r>. vd cn CO vd cn 1200 55 vo cn d. cn OOIl c? 55 N N cn vo d. cn OOOT O' 55 00 cn o 00 cn 006 VO* CO cn 'j- 00 cn 8 CO vo' o O' cn w O' cn o R O' 55 O' cv O o’ ■'t- % m N 55 6 d o 0 0 m 00 55 m 0 d Th o o O' c^. d M • 8 0 QO in t> vo o q in 0 0 in 55 O' in •M- dv 0 d- 0 X z c (D z UJ a < (0 o bi a. < O UJ Z h z o p o ui CO dl’t’V 7W7 0091 0091 dovt (tool one odd OOO K & '3 S N >>i .e S *s ^3 3 & © S> 05 6* 05 f * 1 -S 41 \ £ t' >•;• Section. The Cape Verde Islands towards Ascension. > X Z ed £ csection. 1 he Cape Verde Islands towards Ascension. Jemperature of Ocean Water. PI. PiX'VII. W 01108 1* 1 ^ i i J * _ £! I S> oi Ob 1 .<1 P'S Section The Cape Veroe Islands towards Ascension W 0110 9 Oo I $ ■s £ 5> 1 C> <2> J? ($ *r >i | 1 s I $ k N 1 1 •■s ^ X > S S CO N CO m p bn 2 . <3» & © ^ 2? 6. Q> V V I a $ woiioe 0 mvo o invo CO CO CO 6 vo CO 2000 H a 16 OO 1 1 1 1200 8 ooor 0 a 8 CO o & o o to ON VO N O w o o 9- o N vO o vo o' ■vt* a tv VO . 00 oi 0 CO ■vJ" R CM 0 m CM ■«n CM CM 0 O CM Ov o N ”5t- tv 0 0 CO H o H o vO M & 0 tv o CO lO § 0 5> 0 CM w 0 0 0 H VO* o vd m vo in O 0 tv On ON tV 0 CO tv VO On m ON in 0 tv tv VO o VO 00 o’ VO 0 \0 ON vO N VO N vo 0 in CO « CO vO oo V? 0 VO O o tv o tv 0 en ON VO 4 tv tv 4 Cv 0 01 - N 5 m vd tv 0 SURFACE o tv tv o tv tv N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE £ o. S. z cc UJ cC o: . uj III £ I u o ui «S Si 2 | o < UJ CC a uj a- a. ° S cc ? cr tt o £ ^ 5 S position in Lat. 3m 8‘ N. to St. Paul's Rocks, x s s i £? •x 3 < , K MiiM t — r> % ■o 'A V B » X a 1 ** * O ro 0 *■ ! £ «l N h 0 N rn • J 8. N n m m 0 N m o N • - (i an °h N fO : n N ft a m 0 0 A pi *>. o i o *r> r*i ■*■ e4 ■v $ s Ml o »n s 01 & oa SI Q M Ok 0 j o dk j 1 | > ; i 1 “ : ' ! c 2 55 0 wS *o », j — £ 1 1 G i . — % j 9 j i Ml & ! •» ao C | or «o ♦ 1 i w. ® 1 9 *1 1 | o >6 rn 1 « * » & lHuoi - a ft 0 ix •x M 0 lx i*> fi J lx «A in lx W fi i •S 1 0 £ o fn T »x lx m od PO & 5- . 00 J0 r*» o 0 lx N O* fi X ;g >n £ «o O' to . 0 d 8 K $ m 6 • £ to 2 « o IX 00 lx 1*1 o • “ 6 in 0 > lx m d N o e 01 3 « •n fi 8 e« o> 0 0 in £ I & It * j T| i 2 o in to 2. 1 1 1 1 0 O) •/» * 0 & J j >2 £ z ' M mS lx « 1 l I •1 » t * 1 • • m 9 9 • # * * •» « * * » v i| w t 2 • r ? • w a •> I • * I| ; • u 1 r « ss j M 01109 r^ i QO C^i o o c> GO | N) & ^ *s co N 00 <5 £ ©l <34 & ^5 *2) Oo "H & 3 $ \ . OiH? 0091 0091 OOf-L OOot oott CO N 00 £ a ® ■p a ■* >0 ®0 ®0 1 §> S> Is sj £ <5 I £ .<3* 'S §> •4 Oj Co >'l >'l .<4 Section. Fernanoo Noronha to Pernambuco. I rn o o •r «r, ea a y ei ri M | * | JL I <£ ~ i 0 1 y * i 1 — £ n 2 ] » | * * n ?. 2 I *' 1 1 1 ] nn LT f £ ’M • • - ' . t • f • 9 { • • V • * - t • 9 « • • v 1 « * « B « “ * • m % m ° r • !• & 05 o so ! 6 X s co 00 rH u © £ a ® ■p a 0 02 o CO <& "S 0 VO w vd vo On vo* 0 \0 0 in 0 0 CO 0 C4 0 H SURFACE o -*■ tx o rt" tv. N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE °i o £■ z cc UJ CC lit gx5 O UJ li o « o < a £ o s £ > 2 a- a CJ £ z £S X X < z z D o < b z < H 00 e I- O K C z < - a> . o o in On CO N Ov CO o 8- 0 o N 7t" N oi 8 cO ON VO vO 00 ■'3- 00 R M O co H O O \0 & * o £J> 0 CO O M 0 O CO o vo o vo O 0 co 0 t'N 0 \0 0 m 0 0 cn 0 Cj 0 H b o in VO o i n vo N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE o £ Z CC uj CC l“§ l*i o £ Si cr * CC “■ o « uj CC CC UJ O 5Z cc > = « «c o: ° £ £ £S Section. Abrolhos Island to Tristan da Cunha. X x ’■H IQ o I & ■§ L« 5 M s I o> 05 05 ■"t $ §• © «l ^ 14 October 1873. X X X < X z D o < z < c K O X o e CD < z o h O u CO 18 October 1873. o s S5 S? 1 I 1 | .« 5 k| ^ I C> c> c> »*H VS # iX I S5 Section Tristan da Cunha to Cape of Good Hope. 1,1 LX XX VI. W 0110 9 vO On vO vO mvo •4* •'J- CO CO in CO 2 COO 1 0091 8. M 1600 1 vo VO vO vd CO vd co | 1 Ov vO VO VO^ in vo CO 1200 § tv CO vq vd CO 000 r 1 Ov 0 tv CO vd CO I l O tv q tv 0 tv CO & 0 tv vq cd tv cd 0 in ■$- tv VO Ov Ov l VO O O* ■vj- d O 10 cO CO pi rf- 8 CO Ov iq ■4- 'O 0 m 0 QO 0 0 VO 0 in Ov tv tJ-vo 0 vo vo ci m m 0 vd in 0 'd- 0 eO 0 ? a: a 0 £ * z: 2 UJ “ - X X X a O X a o o o a < O 0 H < 1 Z D o < o z < o G CO 37 October 1873. U0U08 *0 OS <£> 1 | | | *N .« * M S I I § St <3Ki 8- 05 05 eo 1 s , « . ^ . 128 October 1873. b x a. 0 1 O o o o u. Q U J Cl < o z < K CJ CJ 200 O (?) o CO 0 H o O & £ O CJ 0 M O o o M o cr> tx d\ VO On 0 OO C?\ Jo cn <5 0 t> On NO (N •J- 0 vO ON CO 00 u^) 0 IO "Tt" CO 00 ON 0 cx NO 00 On NO 00 On m 0 On tx o vo ON cn VO o P tr «r Z a: o £ S ss 1U Docombor 1873. ui z r o O 2 5 o o ui a. < O z o ►* o ui CO 34 December 1873. of Sounding 28Jf. lalittide A5° 57' S. . , , '-Depth 1570 fcUhums. .. Station, 11^. longitude 31/° 39' E. W01I09 VO O' vo VO 36. 1 35-5 00 CO 2000 1 H | 1600 % l o> tv co vd co vo CO | 00 VO VO d ■7" vd CO 1200 00 O tv co *4" vd CO IIOO VO VO q W VO vd CO ooor vo' q 00 vd CO 1 -*■ ov CO vo" CO Cv vd^ 8 CO 00 tv tv CO q tv CO 8 K -*b O' tv vd CO CJ tv CO £ O' vo ro tv CO tv CO O O m CO VO 0 CO VO tv CO o vO O' vd CO CO tv 8 cO Ov tv 0 00 CO q 06 CO R CJ 0 m §■ 0 ej O CO M o 0 0 H Ov VO vo ■Vt- o 0 ao 0 t>* 0 \0 0 in 0 0 JO 0 01 0 SURFACE q CO ■vj- q ■vt* N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE CC i— o- £ z CC LU CC oc ^ uj 2 i £ O UJ M 0 | 0 < tu tr a: a- O £ ui _ CC P CC < => £ * E 2 UJ gj 80 Dooombor 1873. > 5 x - : ui Z c 3 - r: -I 111 2 O UJ Q. < o z o o ui CO Cj" fa" CO =c - © C5 K ®0 O' ®i "i & 1 3 * W01109 ON VO VO VO o. f 4 4 ro ro 4 2000 0081 g. M 1600 | | o o CO 1200 OOIL ooor Tt- O On C-'. co CO CO o o o 8 CO CO Ov VO vo cm m vo vd ro ro 0 vd ooZ 1 tx ON VO l'- fo vd ro o o lO o 9- vo t^vo vd vo^ •>+■ vd to 8 cO K CJ 0 0 co H 0 r^. H o \0 g, $. 0 3 0 0 00 0 t> 0 0 in ON 0 6 •Nj- 0 0 ■*4- 0 0 cn 0 cl 0 SURFACE 0 0 N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE °I o. £ Z CC UJ CC cc uj = m£ <_Z 5 ? s 1x5 *“ f- QC o £ IS o | CJ < LU CC CC O- O Z t- CC 2 Q- £ o q! 3E ss x u z c D O o 2 O t- ui a. o X o 0 o o u. o tat a. < O o H o 111 03 2 00 fc 3 as H ,a 0 i 1 <2> So I I cs I WO11O0 2000 1 1800 ft 8 >q | | OOtJ 1200 OOII OOOI I 8 CO o ° 1 o o iO o 9- 8 CO O rj- t>! VO 00 N CO 0 CO oo VO oS co 0 t> Ov ■v#- N CO 0 vO -t- N N CO 0 m VO CO VO vO lO 0 0 N CO CO 0 3 Section. Cape of Qooo Hope to Melbourn i g /- LlllOl | I 0 0 ] T 1 — i 5 — |Q 8* — | * Nr a Ifi — 1 2 1 & 1 — ft- i I fi oo co £» & 1 5 * 1 0 o ri r% to n s LL |tl hi & m «o O 1 c5 i " 1 ** 1 - ^ I M 1 £ r i-s — A 0 9 2 * * * 1 l \ c ® ! 1 0 0 1 % I __J — — ° ] “ 1 I! 1 1 | — « r j « • i * u r v , ;s 1 * § *> * i ^ « h « • 9 9 • 9 • • • • • J • i ■ • * , t .. * • « :? | ■ w « % *> » N 00 t>> g © ' /)<*/> th 1 !/?.’> X O 33 _J ul 5 o a < O z o o u CO M o CO 0 o sD M ft ft o s? 0 CM M O 0 o H ~i- On t^co CO CO o O') CO VO lO cl CO 0 CO on N ci CO 0 I> 0 o CO CO 0 \Q ON VO vo vo CO 0 ID ON vq VO CO 0 -t* c>. vo vd CO 0 co ON vo vd CO 0 OJ OO VO cq vd CO C O CO vd co N N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE °1 o. H z cc UJ CC E CD uj « _ z 5ii lx£ UJ (O x CC o£ si DC * cc “■ D | o «c uj cr oc Q- o £ CJ UJ l- cc ° E * £ ° u £ lO March. 1874. Section. Cape of Qooo Hope to Melbourne. 13 Juno 1874. co 3 O uJ Z < Z o *- o CO W01108 2 oo 4 N *5 ‘Q >1 1 1 I ^ M S I I I § s. £» 00 |> 1 £ q 2000 1 H | 1600 §> ON VO cs CO 0 6 CO CO l CO co 0 d ■vh CO CO l it CO in CO 0 o' 00 co fx in co 1200 00 VO vo co 0 d VfO O vd^ OOII Ov CO vO^ 0 o' CO vd co vd co OOOI Ov VO in vd CO 0 d vd CO vq vd CO 0 g CO VO CO 0 d C'* vo^ ON vd CO 8 CO VO CO 0 o’ co 0) r^» co O a CO 0 CO d 4- ^0 co N co • N CO 0 & CO 0 d q ON ON 00 CO 0 0 10 CO On d CO T On CO d '4- 0 3- CO 00 ci 0 d OO CO w it" 8 cO CO ■? 0 d i in it" R 0 \G to On in T vo rS. in ON 0 in 0 On vt- 0 vS* O d 0 co vo q CO vo 0 cn 0 d N CO N CO VO 0 0* N CO VO w CO vo 0 H SURFACE O -O 0 d q 4 VO q 4 vo N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE CX °I 0. £ z ce uj ce ce ^ Ui P CO tL < _ £ = * CD s£ = ElS si = 5 O * 0 < CX UJ ce 0. O E ° P ex «c 3 CX 0 £ * 5 ce 10 Judo lb74. nOltOC ! so ■ •«* N (*k o 'm 8 (1 n to r>. ro 9 Kk « a6 rn O CO fO - K 1 00 O' CO & - *c * •o § 4- oo 00 00 ro ft r* 0 N o ts K ei a - X 3 0 -l 00 o «o £ "* Z mm i 2* s 1 £ s ft «o 1 ft1 •o o rs to 0 1 * J J I | ♦ 1 L '• js *? 1 2 S3| ^ • • # # • ft • J • 3 la! • { 2 ■ • ■ f * re N 00 ffl Cl cf h> 93 $ J6 ^ s .•$ *W ^ M *s x $ <5 >>j .N *S £ \ N L *VJ Juno 1874. > O z o H o z £ > £0 z o H o uj £0 V, cccc OO0T coy/ imr Ticcf OOhL over out/ ^ 04 04 V. Ci ®0 M S £ 00 $ l-S I Q> <2> K ■s & 0 "H !?> Oi <34 >N .s ■S 3 S W 01109 On O' 00 VO 0 O' 6 O' 'T CO o 6 2000 1 I a M 1600 8 lO 1 8 CO 1200 OOII OOOI 0 a 8 1 1 O' 'O o 04 LO •*j- o o to c-n On 0 vd o -t- o £ On 00 LO 00 -4- 8 cO oo 04 vd On VO R o CO H 0 O'- H 0 sO §> £ 0 s? o M o o 0 M oo 04 04 JO 0 0 to 0 0 cO 0 cl 0 H SURFACE C4 00 LO 04 00 LO N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE cc O E 2 CC uj CC (I O In Si cc * cc jc “ X 2 = C_> < Lkl CC cc uj a: Q- o S CJ UJ cc ^ cc £ E Eg 14 July 1874. i/i./ 29t. _ f.aittiufr 29' 85' .S’ ' ‘Depth 520 fathoms. V * Vi n 6 in i [wol z g V> 4 m 4 « £ » i ♦ j 1 O sS i 2. * f f V •« ! 0 $ % • * * J 1 * « • *1 1 0 ■ • 8 • • 9 — « •I* |i| • • c « j 2 • m m m m sf •* • ■ ” • ■ u •* ■ ° li N 00 <3-| & .r ooct. oooz oofit 0091 0091 IToiT OlHC oovr oo~r OOT r ()(>o r do S' dd l (Top Odr . * 1 I I 3 v •I I & l*> lo c> K ®3 V S$ t-s W 01109 CO os VO VO Os o invd o vd CO 2000 1 jj 8 0091 1 5 £■ 8 cn 1200 CO o Vco 0 vd CO 8 CO N vd co N vd co OOOI m 00 N vd CO ■'i" vd co 8 <7, Os CO vd CO vd co 8 CO OO tv N tv CO 8 K tv 6s CO Os tv CO 1 Os VO o c5s CO Os 00^ O o LO -'J- CO 0 o 0 o -vf- o * CO VO o Vt- o ci 8 cO ©o' vd o tv R Cl 0 m oa os NO N m N ■4* m m 04 - £ Hi Z I u (X **■ h- O UJ si “ i 2 = o c uj cr cr uj cc a. o S “ > 2 01 a ° £ I r g H- 16 August 1874. > o z < _J « < oc z o o CO °3 ^ k O Sj Ki CO 1 & •S S is. I I Q> co ®i ■w s* © °0 <£> ^ I I I 1 1 *N W 01109 000 «0 VO t^OO 10 10 co co 00 fO 2000 1 H g. 1600 1 rC O 00* co 00 CO | 1 N 00 r^ CO 00 1200 § O' q VO CO CO ooor r^. 00 w VO^ CO vd CO 8 0 CO H 0 r-^ H 0 M g, O' CO vo 0 10 VO $■ 0 s 0 w M 0 0 0 w CO t*. r*. m t>. 0 0 00 0 0 \D 0 m N 00 O VO r>. q vo 0 0 cn 0 01 0 H fcj 0 O' n* q d\ N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE CC t— 0. £ z cc LLl CC a: ^ uj 13 m uj < _ £ CE ^ ° s; £ * oc 5 S is K £ O ^ uj CC CE UJ CC 0- O z UJ cc 5; cr cc 0 £ s e ° V21 Augunt 1H74. > X c E < - co z < cr u. z o H O ui CO ooy~ ik>9 OOOo ooy/ 0091 \ ooTi 24 August 1874. df of Sounding 310. datitude- Ilf 7' S „ . YO„ Cj)cptd, 2450 fathoms. Station, loO. dongitude. 153° 1)3' E WO 11 08 CO On VO NO oo 0 invo CO CO o o vo vo" co co 2000 1 a 1600 a tv CO 0 *d CO o vo co 1 m 00 NO in CO o vd 1 N CO o vo CO 0 NO CO 1200 CO NO CO 0 vd § On 00 tv NO CO OOOI tv VO VO CO 00 NO CO a CO tv vo’ CO CO tv CO i On VO tv oo tv CO a tv vq 00 CO oo CO i ON CO CO 00 00 CO 0 o lO OO VO m 0* ■vj- NO On CO 0 £ co « O 0* in d o tv CO o pi fc C^i tv CO On pi -'J' p» CO 8 cn CO o VO* tJ- 0 lO N 5 0 00 •«*- 00 8 M tv OO o s m co in 0 cS o 00 M 0 r-^ H 0 •£> M 0 m - M N CO 00 vo 00 NO $- o $ 0 w 0 0 0 H tv 00 tl pi tv . 0 0 oo 0 t> 0 n£> 0 m ON Os VO tJ- OO o in in tv tv ■’*- in tv 0 0 0 ol 0 H B 0 6 00 0 d 00 N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE UJ O. t z t A /h/Attm.r foiu/t/in/r 1 lf&' 37' / z o ►- o ui CO > «r Oj Ps) ®> sq -4 'O v, vt- VI .<5 <1 Kj ^ 4 N 00 W P Eb fJ Oi 0 \£> 0 IT) '■t’ Ov Oj vd tv N VO tv 0 ■ 4- 0 CO 0 OJ 0 SURFACE o 00 tv q CO tv N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE °1 o. ^ Z cc z uj cC a: ^ llj E CQ tj < _ £ sii sE Si cr i cc * s| C_) «c CC UJ OC O- o s: o t*J it! uj 2; > P OC «r => oc ° £ * 5S H- ^ W.HI iwrUtny tut X X o z < j 09 bJ Z < cr u. o K O u CO M QJ.109 1 .N ►S & ■a N fs> N oo rH U © 1 & a °o a © 02 co & a $ ®S "i Ci ©j ^ •S . ■s £ 3 | v >-i £ .-S ,t;r .nr *pn',tiuo7 uoiioa US so i .I •§ §i N n oo & a © -p & © 02 ® C4 I I Cs SO s* & «0 "i * W. fil J»q«noo VI X o ui a < <0 < a < o z Q K W CO 00O9 o<>y“ TOT? TvW uoy/ 0091 oon OOVL oo~r ooor 20 October 1874. <5 1 S' © On s s & * . W 01108 O' CO VO VO 0 00 dvoo co co o dv 2000 1 H g. 1600 1 i l 1200 ! OOII ooor o a 8 CO w -M- CO O' CO q o o O' O' O' CO CO CO o O' o K CO o dv ro o dv co 1 Ov On dv CO O o lO to' CO o’ ■M- o ■M- o $■ H -*t- 00 O' o o d d ■M- -M- 0 d tJ- 8 eO O' vO o ~r o R OJ 0 m "St* O o CO H _ o o \0 M g> TO VO CO m vq CO $■ 0 5? m CM w O' o TO o 00^ 0 H o o N TO o vo' o vO o 0 QO «n VO TO TO 0 \0 0 in ©o' N ts» Cl 0 0 cn m Oi t"- N q co 0 H SURFACE o C? o to co N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE £ °1 o. 2 Z cc z iu ct q; uj jij os h- O UJ ll si O «C cc uj cc o- o Z o UJ ll >v 14 October 1874. X X O o < «n < Q. < z O co SO October 1874. SV° of Sounding 332. Sadtude, 2° 55' S. „ zDepth, 2150 fathoms. Station, 198. Z.ongitudcl21t 53' E. woiioa O' CO O NO 0 oo O' 00 co co o On 2000 1 H 8 M 1600 | l | 1200 8 ooor 0 & 8 CO M Tj- CO On CO o o. o On O' On CO CO CO o On o R CO o On co o On CO On LO On CO to On co 0 o lO ON CO co o’ co O ■vt" o 3- H •*+• CO O' o o cm CM 'J- t}- 0 oi 8 cO ON VO o •Vf o R CJ 0 in CJ in CJ CO VO r-^ 00 t>. 0 NO 0 m On CO CM r^. c^» t*s 0 0 m (N 'l- CO CO 0 H J3 o •X? o oo N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE o. z; z cc uj CC « _ £ cc ^ ° ||| K O uj CC 2 S| OC 2 2 = cc 2 CC O. o S ““ cc > 2 cc ° a; * s 2 UJ gc W OilOS 00 O' vO 'O N 6 6 m in in 0 2000 % I & 1600 1 | | 1200 8 OOOI 8 G) 8 CO 0 R O' <5 0 O o m Th TO 0 6 c 00 in o in in o’ m a o. rx OJOO pi M Cl m m m o R OJ 0 m w to' TO pi m in M CM 8 CM O' TO TO rn ro O (?> 0 CO H 0 r— H O vXJ M g. C-- M- cR «n in t-R s- 1- 1 0 $ 0 CM 0 o 0 H t'-. O' TO TO TO O' ci W vo vo q pi vo o O') 0 CO 0 t> 0 . vO 0 lO TO '4- -4- 0 0 SO 0 Cl 0 a o rn TO o rn TO N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE °I O. z Z CE UJ QC 2 CD tj HI ST I UJ - £ si “ £ sl o c O' Q. o £ O l*J 1- 1 K > ^ CC a. ° £ s s ° i- i 13 November 1HT*1 X X < id z o ►- o ui CO S N 'i M9UCI 3$ 1 0 9 1 « ^ o | . \oOCt 1 1 0 £ l • - 5- T l 8 fc s I »S. (•) o N m l \ s 00 o ts ro $ S 00 o N m I •> . o 00 fs m K o oo ao fT Si N 0 d T *i £ 0 N g * _ ao . o «A PO »T> a g m s o «n t* ft S 0 j | £ J o »A m i 5 0 2 " 8 I £ 1 « 1 t, 0 <8 i J 0 £ h* i i 1 H ? 1 00 I * & 5 i , \ 00 * ♦ j ^ ] z. M 2. | • 1 1 2 i ■* 1 * £ | I l i "T L«i .§ 1 • • • « * .1 i * £ * • * 2 m 8 4 ] ^ • i. ; . * £ • 0 £ j • * i • •» • ; , * • ** • r | 9 ■ { Is : i i If W 01109 >0 N 00 I ft h> 00 "I ’-I ’'S "S S'- S> 1 I cv Jnminry 1876. X X X < ui CO 3 Z O o w CO Vj- 0 0 vs. 1 1 j 5 52 ft 1 C> § ©4 V) a. (3 S> «0 ®3 64 | 3 I W01J.09 •vh co 0"0 vo -*■ 00 oo ro ro vo oo co 2000 1 1800 g. H 1600 1 00 o co co vo 00 ro 1 1 N CO CO CO vo co" CO 1200 OOII VO fs o dv CO vo CO CO ooor 8 O') N OO 00 co VO 00 ro 8 CO 00 CO oo" CO vq CO CO ool cv tv cvco 00 co O' O' CO CO N CO 1 tv OO 0 o’ ~t- 0 o 't- 0 o m CO N ■vj- o Q n r VO o ■41 N O XT', C<) tv tv ^J* N Tt- 8 cr> VO tv tv tv OO 0 lO O' -I" ■'*- tv 0 in OJ £ o oo" CO xn N 00 «o oi lO £ H 0 3 0 M 0 OOI *$■ *+■ tvoo o o vo ■■*• vo vo o in VO o 0 QO 0 C"> 0 0 lO tv co tv tv CO tv tv 0 0 to 0 01 0 H tt o CO oo o ro oo N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE tc u i o. z: z a UJ g 2 00 uj ill t- 1/5 jE sE “ I S I o ^ C-J c uj a; CC UJ a: Q- O £ t- « > p cr aC ° s * JE ° OOfiT 0097 im' 10 February 1876. > X X X < 5 to O z < 2 z o ►- o u CO W 01109 A .*5 >S f >5 \ N 10 \ N 00 'fS rH N is s u CO & CO c> JO 0 ®i 1=1 s © 8“ © co ®0 ©} .§ X o 6 Section. Meanqis Islands to Admiralty Islands. n; S o N CD b JO o MUOI i 3# — 0 0 0 0 j * d n 0 4 4 CO CO 0 to CO N » £ a > »rt 4 1 " 0 <5 to n 0 CO ft l- t© K 0 •* 0 d q d CO 0 to ro - n *A n 0 d Ji rO 0 to ro c 5 V) fA f 4 ro to ro • Q 0 d 0 r 00 0 d 00 0 'T *>. d 'T l 5- i n 6 4- «♦ to 0 - CO £ d + Yl l r . «a a 3 N CO 0 d CO 0 •0 to 0 d q to q to to » . - £ 0 0 d 0 * to to 00 to c c 3 0 0 d 0 •s ro 0 to 2 r» i + to 3 tO s » <4 to d to £ o «D A d 1 °°. q 4 0 1 *• 5 | 0 <5 £ it H 2 * d * ro ad i A K T - £ O J i * i 0 1 •> f 1 cS & - * J 0 d *0 •t <0 to •» I ♦ £ «n •» «• 0 ] »j 0 0 00 0 d •* *"o " ,3 JJ 4 40 * 0 j 5, * 1 1 I 1 § i • m § 0 1 A I 00 1 i • i • I 9^ > v 9 * 9 9 • 9 f » • * • * v t • ? ^ ■ sf S « f 2 1 • u r * S{ W 01108 11 March 1875. x X X X o o H m o Z < z o < z o o < /, ) ■ IXiQf | 3S ■ft'#. 0.0 0.0 •• r» -S.S, •8, ' 5 fi V ± 1 • . 2 -5“ ■ s n ad cn 0 <5 n 00 oo >6 r*i fi A .S' ® % 0 d ao od «*> N m ~T ao 5 * 0 o in c> n oo rn R 0 0 c J 0 <> * 0 ■ f q rs d» m ao eo 6 + q* 4- o 9 £ o <> ♦ n o + n <> fn ■*■ - S *o 0 o o fi * * n d 4- n ei ft " . 00 eo d -f •o od m od ♦ a 1 3 J a f o m o N m t ~ 1 1 “ I ;r 6 (5 0 0 »© i — 2 | £ - • - I “ 0 d K K ft | i l _ . 1 * I I L," t. 0 1 * i c 1 *> ao 1 * 1 | S 5] "1 • 1 • • • Uit m O 9 • f 1 • * • • - ; l • r!^ 9 • 5 T m 9 • 9 < « • *" • I l\ \ m • • ^ ® * ’ If m o r s ■ 2 * 7W1 M/>r 0091 0091 oof-r ~fio71 ooof Oi>fV I . ! . il rT ITT woiiaa iQ N 00 i I I N C5 c> 1~-l CO "i X ^ ,« <5 I I P $ £ OS T-H Uj ©I ®0 ©l $ n fO Cl in ro 8 M I m. 1 S • 1 1 * > ! ^ ” *A 0 <5 n ci in ro §■ | & 0 1 Cl in w in ro $ * 2 \ 0 d £ ■n CO 8 * « tft n 0 0 0 d m ad ro N ro £ 3 w 0 d «n N ro o ao ro 5 | £ o * 0 o 0 c> n ro <> 1 * i 0 d i 3 x 4- “ 0 £ 0 d o ro ro 0 1 00 o d 00 in *r in in »r. | 5- TT *r I fi 8 1 ? ** «o 00 d i m 00 in od -r g - - " d 0 <5 o 6* Oi ad 0 I C 1 ro d & ! - o * 3 + N d* N d « I 0 l n d + Cl & 3 %n 3* <2 co & 0 d ro * o in J 1 tl » m 0 d o» Cl m r*. »o § * T «* 1 d + <© *o m in to 0 1 — g #*» •*> 0 d * «o a CO •o 0 1 — I 40 * 1 d + ro * 0 t 9 j & ** 0 d 0 * O* od r- T * 3 0 d co £ co J 8 j js 1 0 * 1 0 d q CO ii ao ® | - 5 1 o ^ 4 (O rj co i ; x I d •? ao « & 1 o o CO 0 I 9 + 1 41 A 4 A » «n | & i m j m I •» CD • 3 A T j « ♦ • 0 •» aft - |Tl 11 2 4 •J • • i • • » 99l q • • * * • 9 • * • • * ^ f * • • • (if K - r v V 2 • ** • o ■ « 9 1 9 U I ST * * m March 1875. wouoe CO CO ©i >~l -S I §> .<3 CO g) ®0 ©! w cn N m Section. Admiralty Islands to Japan. Temperaiure of Ocean Water PI. OXLV. K N N't I ■is 10 N CO A o § C4 1 I s -«(■ <34 -s fs) © Jo K to <54 to <34 1 I $ W 01108 On On VO CO h o to to 0.0 + 0.2 in »o ro to in CO 2000 1 1800 8 1600 §, 5 o to 0 o o co N CO l ON « in CO 0 1 to N in co l N CO m CO o o m in CO to 1200 t>. CO in to 0 o CO to On in co 8 CO NO VO* CO o o VO vd CO co vd CO ooor -t- NO NO co 0 o VO vd CO 00 vd co 8 . o d» N o + N d. CO CO d. co I co" o N CO o + d. 00 d. CO 1 m 00 m d» CO m o + o CO co co CO co 1 On CO CO OO CO 0» o + o ON CO o ON CO o o lO 00 ON 6 o 4- o ■vt- CO o o $■ CO o d 0 o o d o d it- 8 cO CO 0» vd it- o o N NO w vd ■nJ- R N CO OO cd o o 00 00 m co OO o CO Nf CO vO o o VO if & 0 r-~ CO o d NO vo o + vq d vo o vS O v0 M § it- NO* 0 o -M- co vo m CO vo 0 lO H -t- On CO »n VO o • in VO « in vo $■ t>. OO NO VO N o + o N VO t". vd vo 0 5> {>. w OO VO o o OO vo CO OO VO 0 CM w IO OO vq ON VO m o 4- o c*. o o Cn o N VO o o vq tv O 0 00 0) CO 0 o N CO C-* o 00 m d. o + vo d. vq d. 0 \0 N OO o o o o OO o CO 0 in ■M" ON o cd ts 0 1 ON d. n OO 0 OO q r-. in o + in CO 0 cn ON 00 d. o + CO d. t-'- vq co 0 01 c^ 00 o CO o + OO C^ CO cd Cv 0 ■vj" OO NO ON o o vq On O ON C^ N On o o N ON OJ ON N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE O. E Z O' uj CC 2 m tj 111 z: x £ UJ yj ^ oc O UJ ll 2 5 2 => UJ Ql a. o- o £ o l 2 a- cd o! s £S Section. Admiralty Islands to Japan. T»mp«r»tur* of Omu Water. PI. OXLVII. W01109 z < a. < ■3 0 I- cO Q Z < J CO > H J < C£ 2 o z : o ' h - 0 it 111 -i CO 2; o ■> 64 64 N K 64 o o >1 *s i 1 I I & .« $ '-5 4^ 50 Ob 64 64 Section. Admiralty Islands to Japan. i imperaturc of Ocean Water PI. OXLIX. ■>» S N c N 00 - "7 V $ 9< 9" MlUOl i Ss. O Hi •A «A 1 IA (A 0.0 0.0 35-5 35-5 in in Hi N * s 1 Q | Q »> 0 J~ Hi 0 o o in Hi Hi Hi c *- 00 Cl tfl lA 0 0 Cl in Hi Hi Hi l s n in 6 1 IA Hi Hi Hi § - M Hi Hi Cl o + r-* in Hi rn c £ II Hi Hi « o + in Hi m in i rn a Hi C Cl Hi Hi •o o + 00 in Hi m i m 00 00 Hi Hi m d + Hi sO^ is id Hi l ♦ e*» 0 is IA 0 o o Is Hi Cl Cx Hi • <> 0 00 d i Os Is 0 °Hi s m oo fl d» IA m d + r>. <> Hi N oi m fi 4» CO 0 Hi «r o o o PA o rn 0 ?*. 00 l o + Hi 3, Hi 6 Hi «r« N 01 Hi Cn & ot <7 •A 0 d m In o y$ %ri a TS Cl >6 Hi « 6 + 00 »o in Cl 00 Hi 8 M S 00 & Hi 0 d oo d> m N Os g %o - CD 4 0 d 00 >8 2 00 « it 00 CO ®0 ©0 v< 1 1 ^ ^ 10 N oo *0 $ <5 1 I I Ob v, Co «0 ®5 ®l | $ V wonoa M os two o cj tv in CO CO o o o o o w tv in co co in 2000 1 § 8 M* 1600 | 00 M ' d CO o o N SO CO N in co | Os oo oo CO N o 4 o CO N to l tv tv SO in CO N o + co in co sj- fO 1200 tv CO N o 4 CO in co sq § CO CO 0 o 'O CO in CO OOOI os m in 0 1 si- cn o so CO 1 s m fO 0 o m tn w so 1 oo so so CO in o* 4 tv CO st" so co a oo CO SO CO 0 o OO SO CO tv SO i tv tv oo so CO q o 4- o tv o tv CO 0 o lO OS 00 o tv CO w o’ 4 w tv co CO tv CO 1 N 00 q CO o o o 00 CO n si- 8 CM oo" CO SO -M- 0 o oo so si- o tv O M o CO H IO I-v H m 00 tv N o 4 o CO si- N ds o \D M 0 m M N 00 in 2s o o m o in 8. iH 0 $ »n CM w 00 SO CO m 0 o so CO m si- CO 0 0 0 H ■*F Os tv so in 0 1 SO so m 00 in m 0 O') 00 OJ SO m 0 o N SO in SO SO* 0 CO tv 00 so tv m o 4 tv tv in in tv 0 tv N co> 0 o Oj 00 co 00 0 v£> OS VO sq Os m 0 o sq o» w> ds 0 in Tt- tv 0 d so o o 0 & qs Os 0 4" si- 0\ in $ 0 1 s}- & oo o SO 0 CD CO « 0 so so o’ 4 so so so so O Cl 5 N SO o o N so *i- N so 0 so oo in CO SO 0 o CO so w SO* SURFACE o 4 so o o o 4 sO o so N? OF FATHOMS , FROM SURFACE ec. O. T. Z C£ l- uj a. a. ui 2 ffl LU < , s sis g = S sE II c r a: o | iai a. a. uj CC CL o 3E ec > a: a: ° £ £ z: ° t- u- 10 N 00 *3 <5* vs »S W01108 CO o\ on to o o‘ ON ON in ON 2000 | H | 1600 8 »o 0 l 8 CO 1200 8 OOOT 8 O) 8 CO c R 8 \D O O to 0 3- 8 cO R CO O to CO to CO 200 O cn M o CO H O H o \0 M 0 to M 9- H 0 $ Cl w s CO1 d. IT) N 6 + CO ON tv ON 0 H CO o vB NO 6 4 NO o NO CO 6 NO &) ■»** CO 6 VO o o’ CO vB ON d NO 00 00 o d NO ' o o o NO to NO t> o to d NO o’ l d NO d NO \0 N 00 tv d NO 0 o tv d NO tv d NO to o. CO o co NO N o + « CO NO N NO5 CO <4 N CO NO NO o + CO co NO co CO NO CO tv ■4* 4 NO o o 4 NO ■Nt- NO CO no to VO o o NO to NO ON 4 VO H o> NO to NO o' i to NO NO* SURFACE CO NO NO o o NO NO CO NO NO N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE ae °1 o- H Z £E UJ CC OS UJ 2 CD uj «t _s > o z: i S »- 4/5 jE a: O UJ |I a: g“ o ^ 1- f- uj a: DC a. o E ? tc a: ° £ 5 UJ ® Section. Admiralty Islands to Japan. TerajcriMr* of Or^n Wtier PI. OLIII. Temperature of Ocean Water. PI. OI/LV. 6 Juno 1870. O X z < a. < O ►- O hi CO oi uoean Water. PI. OLVI. Fro^ Japan to a position in / on// t/mir , ]o s t* c o (if to «0 t- X <-> X 01 miiot ** pr r ~ I lA >A in • • fi £ Q £ K € ft 3 £ 0 0 o £ in n § J *** o «o fA in m 1 0 o 4- to rA in rA 1 2 « 0 *o rA IA IA «A q (i d 4* 00 w lA rA tooo q «A o 4- 0 *5 **o 0 «d rA § Q K, " o d 4- (0 «o O rA 8 ft 0 0 N cn O' »d rA 00 0 d N (*» rA . & o * 0 d o ad rA o ad rA 5 6 OO CO d + r<» ad rA q ad ro Q * r» 0 o 4- O 6 *e O "*■ r w * - »a o o IA rA •r, : f » ei j j o 3 l q cn rA a c* S 0 d q in o ■o «/S I » - o 0 o o ad o OO [ 002 1 0 & m o 4- •n <5 m ao O' SM " | y, ® " •A N •A s ~ 1 0 £ o 6 4- q rA rA IA i 5 ! £ 0 6 o (A q 2 i £ 6 o c «A (>/■[ OUiT ("><)“ f <»>// Mot 7/09 Section From a position in . ... . to a position in . .... f Long. 179 57 IV. \ ( Long. 156 25 •i 1 h \ N > V 5 S S fc Jo < MIUQI nr 1 0 »« o d i n o tfl (A in N 1 1 s, ? 4- CO A K J • 0 6 1? • & 1 m 1 5 * 3 in w Cl in 2 w> <5 4- in in »n m CA • o in m >o M - *■ ri 9 d m rs 00 rn c K 0 ^ . o 6 0 *© 0 d ro K T <5 « d 4- q *d m Cl rO . - 'O d 4- m »d m a ■ 0 CD 0 o 00 m m ” 0 d Cl ao w od m 4- £ 3 «q <>• 'O £ X Cl o 4- 0 Cl o ci «r, N ei * . .. n o o ci o 4> + 00 o SI * jji 0 6 o Cl in g " j o 9 o r>» in id g | " .T K ° * 00 N i 1 r» to 0 4 4. 3 o * i *r 1 ** * T in 8 1 t 51 | M 4 o «q *n e. j c «r 1 1 ■o £ * A m 8 8 * | O d " m 4 in 4* • 1 5 j *2 * 4 I. 3 £ 8 | J j Jl 0 J 2 t 1 d i * « ; 1 j A $ £ 1 * 9# 9 • * t • ■ j « • • * » «* « • _ • • * «r p * r * i m ■ * J =i o « « 1 ~ — .• • li 7 July 1875. JV°of Sounding 391. latitucL 'e 37° 59' .If ' l)eptl 3000 fathoms. .. .. Station ttli-9. longitude 171 ° J+8' W. W 01108 tsoo in o 0 0 o o in o LO LO N 2000 1 1800 8 1600 CO* o LO o + CO N CO | oo 00 co LO o + co N in CO | t>. co o 4- co w 1200 N co 6 o « co CO oou o o O' co VO in ro ooor o> co VO CO N o 4- 00 LO O' LO 006 ts oo VO CO 6 o CO vd vd 8 CO VO vq vo^ 0 1 ■V*- VO^ vd CO 0 R O' vO ro 0 o* Cv. o is CO 6oo -4- fv 4 CO 0 o 4 Cv rv. o o lO CO 00 o O' o lO o CO H in lO CO O' o _i_ t-s O' oo O' rh O sO g, fv CO o in o 4- £ & $. c in w VO <3 oo N 0 1 vq vo 0 OOI n* OO q uo o + f?' co LO o 0 QO m t> co £ 0 o LO CO 0 vfi 0 in O' CO a o 4- q- 4 00 u *, 0 0 en m Cl no N LO 0 o N rR LO « Cv 0 SURFACE N vo' 0 o 01 in vo N vo' N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE o | o. £ Z cc. uj a. < “ Z sll 5 5“ sE il CE CC o | o < ui a: cr ui cr q- o E o uj l- cc > ? “ a SI * ss woiioa I > . I O lo c Ci . o - '-j N. <£> e© ©j ©3 50 "■I >S 3 c <3S ©3 ’-H ®4 I 3 *$ .3 ■s I O m o o _ \ Lat. 38 9 N 1 . . nT wm ion. From a position in < , ... J to Honoruru mp* ru«.,r* oi c«-4n "ater rL ULXXIII. ( Long 156 25 IV \ co c X X X D ec 3 S 0 z 1 o 3r o, CO C*3 e o z z o « O S. < Z o o CO OOi'o i>()£z ooof. OOoT 0091 IJiToT oor-i uovr\ ooti 009 it r From a position in ! , . to Honoruru ontjtijuir 167' 17 //’ AujcumI 1876. X X M z < H O I z o K O w CD inxxxio id z < y- 3 CC D a O z X z 00 80 Augiint 1870. > X x X X < H z o o CO muoi rs *A 0 Jl Jl « « c*o- 0*0 ss in n f— B - fl • l - K u a . > 0 ao 1 0 6 0 ad m in n 7 in <5 4- o o m m in m 5 >■ 1 > « 3 1 m *n «n io »n m 9 ' r* 0 6 n £ o in m S CO IA 0 6 00 in ♦n re »d rn 8 oo «A * d 4- 'O d m m io m $ * <3 Hy a o m ft id m A 5 > . i 0 4- 6 O g *• 1 0 fi a d i 00 q fi - W r*l O' 00 N 0 1 *q **• vo *T> N Ci & “ S' a 2 £ 0 ft d 4- o ec ad *r 5; 0 1 o d 0 io oo n ' * 0 d d> o d* 3 ~ $■ w Ok £ 3 + 0 A d* 0 i *» <5 00 oo d % * 0 0 d o d Cl 6 m o ' A 3 o d •n iO d £ 3 m o m 2 | z 7 4- m cn m 1 ** ** 0 <5 ft iq m 2 i . 3 + «n ci m 0 d o m O 4» m X «n o 0 o o o ao ao oo 4 n N » A « i i Q > fv * o (9 d 4- \sy Ji m 0 4- i *r d i Pv «n « oo to m 1 1^ 1 oo n d 4- ro «d ro n d fn § 'O N d N •d in •o ro • z q n 0 o o IS (9 N m l * o CO (9 d -4- 00 f*> N ro i X $ (9 o 0 d C9 d oo ro £ CD o 0 o 0 o 00 ro l <£ «n d 4- N O' ro ts. r* 0 d d 4- C9 o o o ♦ & 2 2 i i '5 4- - 0 A 3 + n C9 4> ■ o •o o oo OO «0 N 3\ Cl Q 5 00 CO C9 00 J ” 0 »>- 4 o ao ♦ 00 **■ o 0 o 00 NO ad . . _** 1 m O' 0 6 to d* CO od A <9 5 0 6 C9 O c> a 2 z. 0 £ 4 0 ft O' jj 6 4- 2 O' £ “ m d 4> 0 d lO q O' ♦ 2 - I 0 £ £ M d 4- CO d» z £• 5 •* d 4> JJ 0 d £ 0 0 d - m ft %. 1 3 2 2 iS i o o •d to t ft • 0 0 2 * iL \ T| 2. 3 ft il £ « J A 4 1 a s i T1 » a i « a r « r • • • 9 • 9 « « ■ g S • » • • •If Kl i CflS z • P • Q « | - » o * i A *S UD N 00 ffl & © m C4 I "K Q> «5 ©8 §- (£ Ci 'c ©i September 1876. X z < H o z o y- o u CO .temperature .01 uoean Water. PI. 0X0. September 1876. z < - o I z o H o w CO 11 September 1876. i or Uoean Water. PI. CXOIV. lfl September 1876. «s < a. 6 X < H O z o u y CO W7T W 01108 rt O' in O fO tn 0.0 -0.2 m co in > Ti- ro m rn 2000 % H £ 1600 8 m o §■ o 0 eo 1200 8 ooor o g 8 CO 0 K 1 O o m o $- 8 cO R CM 0 in 01 in OJ M CO VO OO^ d 4- <4 O' m 0 CO M tc CO 6 VO pj o 4- o VO pi VO o H tv CJ v£P PJ o 4- VO5 o vo* o vO M CO 00 O «n VO o 4- in vo CO 0 m tv 00 PJ v6 VO o 4- cn vd vo vd vo £ O' tv oo VO o vo CO vo CO VO 0 2 O' CO O' VO o 4- tv O' VO o O' vo 0 CO VO <3 6 N o’ i o o tv o tv 0 VO O' O tv o o’ o tv PI tv 0 o M tv o pj o 4- tv PJ tv o lO 00 tv m o + tv pj tv cn tv 0 00 tv vo tv 6 4- CO co tV o tv 0 PJ tv oo 4- rv PJ o 4- o tv O' tv 0 \0 VO 4 o vo tv Cl o CO tv CO tv 0 m co tv tv o 4- vd^ tJ- VO tv 0 4- (O' oo tv pj o 4- o tv o tv tv 0 cO in tv tv 0 01 o cd tv 0 co tv jg o O' tv 0 o o O' tv o O' tv N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE o. £ X uj a. | m t ifl UJ si £ I o aL UJ 3 u «c uj a. CC UJ cr a. o £j K > a “ £ £ 5 S i 18 Boptoinbor 1870. > O X o CO H H > <1 A ;5 ' 3 October 1875. 5 x o Co o o o po n m *n n P - X • £ — 0 g. i a tft I *A 6 4- « in m 00 *n m 3 4- oo m -S n m 0 4- O «o m O' in m | - ao J% n 6 4* 0 ft 0 ft c ft 4s 0 >6 0 d O 5 d 4- rs. c * W m 00 « N ▼ o 4- 00 00 a n o •5 n <5 + 00 m 00 ci m 8 5 j 5 (I 3 J 0 00 m ft <2 _ . «n X m « Cl 6 4- c^ m •o s ft ** • * d 4* s f J 1 1 d i £ O d £ 8 ; • ■ 6 0 4» o rn »*» t1 1 c k « •* 4v ^ . m 6 0 fs. 0 A L — J Ik • * 0 6 •£ J 1 ^ I “ L___J IsH t d t 1 f o 1 c si 1 • 3 ; «| * I • « f m q ■ • | I • • • *• ■ ; I • til ft* g*e ■ 1 • c 1 : 5 ! £ % ~ e i • 5 : ? • ■ ! u w m * 1 • * 1 m ** 1 c ■ H 7 October 1870. 11 Ootobor 1876. g o °9 5 49 ^ bb ■w- C c © < h- y o z o o w £ C 10 October 1876 co 03 b q «o q m - 3 i o m 00 A rt • r*» d 4> o o |C| 0 d » 00 - Cl d *© * Cl o m • *r» o ir, 2, ■ 0 0 d o <3 ft vd H i i Q r i » 3 CO lA o* e© ©2 $ & 0 t«5 S ®o S -q- ©2 1 a 0-\ Section FnoM a position in . ... towards Mocha Island. ( Long. 132 58 W. \ M S N P- X 2 3 o v ■•nil m rrr *» 1 * "t 0 0 • + 1 ‘IS o-K O S « .*4 Q M. 1 ft 1 s 1 Q i K ’ ' w a l a 1 ■> J\ 1 « 4- * i*i IA PA ft s | • i d 4- |s X IA IA PA l £ m n 6 4- 'O «ft w pH IA IA C I o § I « % N (5 0 *6 n OO IA 2 5 d o wS IA q* IA IA § I C 0 * ft d 4* vd i*i ft id m g « s 4- CD 1*1 ft C> IA 1 n £ o + ph * 6 l * oo .. o ph T - ' ft, ® «A ft d 4- m rn q* c« I CD ft •n d 4- **> i*> IA IA £M £ 2, d 4* ia «*> iq IA «0 1 SL 5 O - IA r*» o 0 * •O d + IA g 0 I 00 tr, I f% 2 4> IA q* z * j g <5 4* o IA *A i • ft i 0 d ■2 8 1 R 1 K Ph |H l j 1 ** 1 £ a £ ift| L* Liu *J 9* 0 & CD I £ l j — 1 * I I « I ^ i 4 " » I » i i d £ | I • • • * W 1 I • • • Q f • * " • i • « 9 » * : 1 1 x » i • * s - f • ; 2 * • » o ■ ■ £ i ■ ■ j ) / -«a° r-n' li/ I towards Mocha Island. temperature- of Ocean Water, PI. COX. ( Long. 732 58 V7. 5 Section. From a position in . . towards Mocha Island Temperitur- of Ocean Water PI. CCXI. ( Long. 132 58 W. \ PM M VO W0110? 6 d 4- ro co 1 4- co cO > to ro o co 4- g * PM o PM ON « CO CO + t>. a 00 CO (X) p^. to o co 00 co^ CO 4- CO 8 to o to GO Pu *co o co^ od CO O o to VO Cv CM 'd- o o CM , 39-5 o o PM CO oo o ON M o o '+* 1 rt- 0 CM PM o PM o CO <£ 43- o -+■ PM -*■ to M P^ 94 ci o PM OJ i 0 lO to co CO o 7, CO 03 + •tO CM co 43-5 03 CO + o 0 ON CO o o CM 4- oi 4- ** o o CO H to CO to PM CO r-. ON CO o H r** i 'd- 4- o \Q M 0 00 CO to iO CO M 4- $. o S' VO CM PM o to CM o vd w i T*‘ o M O O 94 O.I oo PM 00 M i 0 0 QO to 0 to to H t> CO £ 4- « 0 \0 o O' h o to to 00 v?t 4- s CM to 0 4~ 0 CO to O' to + to to 0 H 8 to o « -? i Jo o 5 to UJ Q- UJ CC 1 ■ 1 E CD E - e O * Uf p oc > O o “ . r« Z<2 o- z Z QC < _£ 2*2 EX 5 si MX {* u < UJ OC OC UJ OC Q- O E < => a o £ S E 2 oc * e- 1/1 jE fE u UJ t- **■ 10 Ootobor 1876. > X o o S <4 5: 5 - a. E «6 C> co CO X o o £ p-. £ cu E-* li. o I- co < O O l- to UJ £ LL u. o 2 o W CO £ 00 © a © o © fl Section. Off WE9T Coa9T of South America. j«mper»:ur<' of Oresui '. iter PI. OCX IX. x * c CD h | s - •- - Q Section. Off West Coast of South America. JempefSture of Ocean Water. PI. OOXX. Section. Off West Coast of South America. Temperatur- of Ooean Water. PL OOXXI. w X X o o £-< cu 4-> cd £ Pi cd a) o O P-. o I J 1/5 .A Section. Off Middle Islands to Messier Channel. IVmp*: tur* o! 0. an W ter PI. OOXXIII. (Wf (>(’<■ t' "twt' 7TOT (>th!o Od$t !>oT7r oo.or ooi-r. 0<> Co mi. -mrr oooz ouur ooyi ; 7WTT\ 7 w: oof i. ; ~ooTF'_ -mzr\ nwrr imr\ -mr w i f T ~mr ±± ~oJ7T ~mr ±t ii : 3 #, a. ■? '$ 1 f Tiie 'Voyage of HM. S "Challenger" Section. Magelhasas STRAIT TO FALKLAND ISLANDS. Temperature of Ocean Water. PI. OOXXIV. ner n OOXXV. Section. Falkland Islands to Monte Video. femper lur* of Or |3 '■f •r ; SO *0 1 1 I & CD f- 00 £ •8 K ft vj- ®0 f 1 si „ •$ J ^ '“0 O5 ; HOiiOE Os CO5 W On rv\o 00 co N «0 d 0* ' + . 0 tv tv co co tv 1 C l H l ; * 1600 ooffi § 8 cp 1200 O O ooor 0 a & iO ■M* 6 d* co d 4- NO tv CO NO tv co 0 0 m tv NO tv co N o’ 4- 00 tv CO ON tv co 0 to 4- CO CO 0 CO* .CO 10 d + to CO CO « 00 co 0 8- -M- ON '4* 00 CO d 1 CO 00 CO 4 co 0 to cO tv CO *co d 4- 00 cd CO 00 00 co 8 CO tv rv a cd CO N d + od & co R CJ on 00 N ON co o’ 4- 6s co CO O' CO 0 to CM 00 10 ON CO d 4- O o’ ON co xO CM CM Nj* d ON 10 d + 0 d CO O' CO 8 CM CO CO ON CO to d + CO d q d ■M- 0 (?> H O CO H to 1"- H On 00 O d Tt- N d 4- N o’ 't' CO d ■M* 0 M 0 <0 M tv tv d -t- N d + tv d q ■»*- 8- H 0 cp to 0 00 to i> CO CO ON 4 d 4- 4 i q 0 \D 0 to \n ^ 6 C4 O l6 NO N m o’ 0’ ++ T *0 tO NO •M- q NO 4 0 4- 0 CO to 01 ON w d NO d 1 0 o’ NO 0 d NO 0 H SURFACE tv NO 0 d tv NO tv NO N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE , UJ °I o. z Z cr u Ct (X v U 2 m ui < _£ = *i 1x2 UJ ON z sE II ex « O ^ O < CC UJ a: a- 0 S a > P 0: «r 3 a 0 a! ^ 3E ° Section. Monte Vioeo to Tristan da Cunha. Tempernure of Owun Water PI. OCXXIX. . ^ \ g > * « •M s CD 5 s ^ $ l l s -C < B « 01 MO 1.1 Of m r*v «w > I ci rJ* •A 0 o o 4- 4> A A A PA PA * H d i s CO P*1 n 0 o CO 4» A OO PA PA *> 4P M * 3 4> 00 fA 00 s I 5 1 ®* * o o q PA PA id PA | '& id >> 0 0 o 'g, o PA fi f “ 1 A d 4* *A rA o N PA I K n N M o 4- •e fs A o ci PA | 5 •c ia 0 c <> IA fA q ti PA S 0 0 d 0 NO -A o fi PA jj 5 o N «*> o o PA o ci l *a 0 Cl <5 OO A PA o fi PA 1 £ IA <5 n Cl o + d PA o ci PA l 00 PA qi 00 PA fi * .? o> 0* 0 d o o ft ft i? IA 3. 0 o *A o lA c> ci s a 0 d lA IA lA & 0* -o X 0 d tv %A PA 8 s 0 *5 •A 0 o o *o A IA VO IA 3 M $ fN. IA •A N d 4- q* IA IA lA N & 1 r— m ■C tin 00 •A Cl d i PA OO IA 6- IA 3 A •» «© 0 d n o lA IA >© 0 1 s r* » * 0 d 1 *A •i *c n $> 0 -L. — o d 0 3 •A ♦ ! - -h - * — — J — 1 *• 2 ~ 1 I ‘ a £ i -3 • • • !:! ■ • i • . i ■ • • ;.e fmZ hi g • g ■ 1 r p _ 8 2 ! • « i ** M | e! •» • • * o • w •• Is « 9 1 jU Temperature of Ocean Water. PI. CCXXX. < X z D O < Q Z < H co CD 00 s !h & (D 05 02 I I CO ©2 ■s VJ. Vf. ^ Ot ®3 & 1 £1 3 * woiioa rovO - O'OO tooo el ci ro ro 0 O o o moo cl cl ro ro VO ro a ro O' o 4 vo o o’ o VO o 4 VO O v$ 0 to O' oo cd VO o o’ CO cd 'O OO cd vo 0 4* vO oo O' VO o o ro O' vO O' vo 0 cO VO <2 O' vO 0 o O. m O' vO 0 01 ro O' o O' vo o o o O' vo VO O' vo 0 w VO O' m O' vo N o 4 tv O' VO tv O' VO SURFACE tv o o tv. in N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE ° i o- t z ac z ui CC K ^ UJ Emu] < _£ Sii 1 = 2 “Wx ac St I| 2 £ a f* U1 =3 O < ui at o s: I s| oow XE 1 OOi'i' 1 □I OOo£ i oocc 1 x 000£ ± _i_ 006% ± M — 009Z OOLZ 009Z 009Z oo*z 00£Z OOZZ OOIZ oooz ooer 009Z oou 0091 0 OOiT OOZZ - OOiT - OOZZ OOZZ ooor 006 008 OOl 009 1 9.09 HOZ 8 \OS J i 0.OZ z | | uor 4 1 □ Tp iB j N°0F FATHOMS FROM SURFACE °^v V 0* S o H ■c "R *18 TT++44 : ' ffHT TT I I -II XL jj I XTT m fffi "T I I I I I I I 1 1 n n . . LL \ | >, i I I I I | | | | | II 1 1 n _ I ! 1 I fl .tit MM — 4eH --' — - — ■H-i-i- rs- is. 1 ^ 1 & 1 i 1 i i 1 * 1 1 K ; 5 *! i g 1 ~ i> I i 2, £ i i * | 1 & *! i 1 5 2 % 0 00 N 1 m. <5 m ; i « o O i 0 * 0 1 ^ *4 - w 1 ^ M 2 a 5 * § i | j i «o '£ | i i 0 to 1 • 1 ] I 1 1 - 1 J 1 ^ 1 £ i I • j : * s r • • • • S : • n | r s JL Jemperature of Ocean Waler PI. OOXXXII. i I z 3 J i 3 Z < 0 £ > j 3 J ) ) . CD co o o3 3 CO X X < z z 3 o < o z < H o H Q 111 o > ui t- z o 2 z H U y co Temperature of Ocean Water. PI. CCXXXIV. < X z D o < o < H CD cc I- O ■ I- O UJ Q HI I- z o z o h O UJ CO k 1 & § N CD t- 00 rH rd 9 I I £ Co <3* 3 S' © os os fs. ©,i W 01109 86 93 ro -vt- ci d ro ro O 0 o o CO u- ci Cl ro ro ro ci ro §. 01 ov O' ci ro o o O' ro ro 2200 r>i CO ci ro 0 o CO r^i vq 2000 m CO c*. in o 4- vo^ o vd ro 1 1800 O' m CO o o in ro o rrj ooii 1600 a 1 1 1200 IIOO OOOI vo « o r^. ro o o O N ro o N ro 1 CO fi. ro 0 o ro o ts ro I O' CO o c^. ro o d o ro o rr' m vO Cl rv N 0 1 o rrv o c-1 ro VO O' -O' O CO ro N o 4- Cl CO ro 8 m c% in t>» ro e* o 4- ti. ro o oo ro l m dv ro Cl o ro O' O' 00 ro 8 eO c-. in d N 0 1 ro O 'l- W & R N N o 4- m *5* M o CO H in t^- H ro O' o 00 tJ" o o o 00 o 00 't- 5 w g> vO 3 ro o o ro m ro uo g. 0 S' m d M CO O' -Ci ro ro o o ro ro ro in 0 OOI O' CO N m o o m in 0 2 OZ «x => X « £ £ £ 2 £ “ Monte Video to Tristan da Cun ha. J>mi>«ratur« of Oe*-»n Water PI. OCX XXV. co s SI r F x 8 s S % sr •$ iauei 3US rTT 0*0 oo xi o N 4 hi hi Is ft ~~h N I J 1 Ok 0 <5 Ok A n s i i j O 1 J 0 5 m a HI A HI I 1 * 0 6 I XI ■ft XI 'ft n £ “3" x- - I ® « in i + r* N H| XI H. HI | ' g 1 § § 5 * s 0 d o N HI X| N HI X o> od hi 3 4- od n XI HI - C 1 ^ o 6 od hi XI ts H| & «• s»« o <5 n N n XI Hs H| i s. * N 0 1 hi a 00 fs H| & in «■ <9, n 2 + 00 hi N od HI t & #■ m S3 CD «a « 6 kO N o & A o ** CO * o <5 00 4 1 k el kO m d M d i O kd o »o & •A SI *>» f xi “ •k d i hi ao o od n Ok XI A o d XI & o XI 8 M 0 A xi 3 + (i A XI 0 HI XI g It r* w in xi o d A XI xi XI s > m « x» XI « d + XI XI XI " - «r 5 kO XI 0 d kO Jl X| kO XI XI 2 £ J 0 d M kd XI « kd XI 1 * 1 * 1 * j £ 1 Tl o N o XI 1 A 1 1*1 « '“o | A o d 0 £ XI 0 4 iti 1 J 1 ^ 1 .? s j 0 ] s 0 kO o A ■ •act j ss 1 s o 1 0 9 0 c 0 0 A S 0 4 9 — — * X £ g. I ft J fi J “5- g “ CO 6 «*l N {*1 m c*> * « ft 0 6 m r>« m N £ » ft e N n N **1 £ n 0 n A PI IS ro _ O 00 1*1 0 6 0 ad fi m m 1, z 0 <3 n a o ■j 0 6 »r» V) is w* tl n - o* 3, 8 e* & 0 <5 m 8 00 ci 0 d O ■ o N «T» g - ■a 4P 9 0 0 o m « ■ j- c S 0 0 ~ T| 1 — — • 1 4 1 I 4 2 | "H I | J 34 Is | • * j |I s5i 1 i. • f • 1 9 # _ •» ** • 2 • • III £ • • - r • j i _ ■ • m *" • • 5 r s - «* • m •> • ■ ?w; ooi-i oua 1WF viiSLuengei SECTION. Monte VIDEO TO Tristan DA Cunha Temperature of Ocean Water PI. OOXXXYIII. p p I D I? !r v on. Monte Vioeo to Tristan oa Cunma, i« mi ri!ur« of Or. v.' PI. UOXXXIX. O CO H 91199 SS ao oo e o 1 ® «? 1 “ 0 c I JP £ I JJJ I | fi * » £ r<* £ o' Cl d l//o •n 0 £ o o s w d ft §■ & " o rs. o sb >3 £ T~ T J 0 o «A £ OO d on 0 6 0 o N o m § 00 0 •*» m o •f N n IS 0 i Cl Is 0 d Is m ei M * o « N o d Is m ■*• is W £ o 0 o o OO m tv ts * & a 0 d « cd m m OO r*> X * < Cl n d -f. d £ £ ji. •o c d m rn Cl «r N 01 o d <3 l * M > i • * - j r • j 2 • ** • • • U 4 I ■ •> ; ! ■ m 1 ® m m • It | Tristan da Cunha to Ascension Island Temperature of Ocean Water PL CCXL. Z O H O in CD 18 March 187 19 March 1876. W011Q9 ©O ©3 So ©3 o '■'f- ©3 lSS J 1 .•§ 3 *s s I % 3 B. Sj © $ ®3 ©3 & .N * * ^3 r-* 91 N . -i $ i \ s ^ > 5 s s a z < (O z o o >d r*i , ■ft f— N 1 s • 9 g T" 1 j i w 9 5 I o % 0 d 'O vO rs r> w 4- S *> N 0 6 I g N o <5 iq N (f) ■*■ rs. PO fi J, 1 ** >o R d + fs. o m in Is cn 1 - [ °° rs. 0 <5 OO R* m q Is m l 45 | OD 'd r*> R o %© d m Is Is m - £ «A K m d t « 00 m CO Is CO £ o> rs. " 6 o C> t\ q* N m - W s oo 0 d od n o CO m * * 4T - 00 l») 0 d od -n od m 5- 0 B w d oo od r> oo od m * f*l R d q r‘ o rn E 01 c? 0 0 d o IA £ X ■ N 0 6 R 0 *o a - R - %n 6 4* oo t o oo •*■ g «* * « d + o d* j* O' * 5 § CM m R m & o _ 1 . n tft « 0 6 m in m m •n m i ___ § j & ■ 0 6 » m * £ 1 1 ~ £ 0 * 1 o 6 o 4T o 'ur«- of 0 < .n ’vai«r PI. OOXLV. o^age 01 h.jxl.z onaijenger SECTION. Tristan da CUNHA TO ASCENSION ISLAND Temperature of Ocean Water. PI. OOXL VI. CD t- oo A o lO ca <5 1 (?> N 01100 ON CQ^ o o *00 Pt oo’ CO 2000 | H a H 1 1 | 1 1200 § ooor tv oof Pi o’ 1 CO vo 00 co o o CTi VO o & o o o Ov tv OO^ 8 CO to vO CO CO 01 0 1 ' o tv CO 00^ o K tv oo CO o 4- cd O' cd 5 o\ oo o O' o o o 4 o O' CO 0 o lO lO Oi o^ pj o’ + CO CO O' o 8- tv d ')■ o o co o’ co d 8 cO IV iq pi o d iq pt VO pi R CJ R m co o + tv rd 0 m 5 00 tv o o 00 tv oo tv 0 CO M lO CO CO 't’ 0 o’ OO oo’ 0 t^- tv tv O' ■'T pj 0 1 O' co O' 0 \0 lO «r Pt Si 0 o Pt Si o d 0 lO H O' oo m O o o O' oo o’ m £ H so ON CO o’ + vq «n 0 S? CO* tv S) m O 4- CO in tv Si 0 CO O' m 0 o oo 4 q 4 O H vo' pt in in 0 1 o »n m £ o o H co tv o d tv CO tv 0 tv O' « pt o’ + s> Oj 0 00 O' *vl o VO o o o pi vo VO 0 t> co O' co vO> o o in VO VO 0 v£ oo o oo VO o o’ o 00 vo oo' VO 0 in tv vO tv o it- tv tv 0 4" vO CO 4 tv 0 o’ oo 4 tv Pt tv 0 ^Ol tv o o Pt tv tv VO tv 0 Ol iO O' o oo tv o 4- <'tv p. CO 0 H CO CO m o + O' oo tv o tv fc? q di o o’ o O' tv o O' tv N9 OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACl £ O £ z cc X UJ cc a: >. uj cc ^ o O. UJ q; r x £ w W) x oc u. u O uj If tr « lu X UJ Q « UJ => O < uj q; cr uj cc o. O E O Ut “ > gs ff ° E 2 E ° ui « CO March 1870. X o 6 z < ’*■ oo m o o oo oo m 0 vO NO s PJ NO o o N ci NO o NO 0 LO o> NO NO o o PJ NO NO o N NO 0 4- NO co tp oi 0 o Tp pL pi 0 eO co ON o o o o o N 0 Cl CO o o oo o o cS o o oo 0 NO ON co <§ n o 4- m o oo 1 fcj CO o OO o o 00 o CO oo (S N? OF FATHOMS FROM SURFACE ee U. UJ ° i O. £ Z QC X UJ CC a: ^ nu E CD ui <_£ £*£ zx2 tr O ui “I CC * Ui o a: ui o o < ui CC CC ui o c O- O 3E O UJ CE > P £E «r 3 a <-> £ * 5 a h- Section. Ascension island towards Cape Verde Islands. x x ■•umI 3 > CO O o o 0 o 4 <5 03 O' 'O <5 rft rft 30 G fft * 3 1 3 I r t TL JJ l \ | ' — c I 2 I a fi I « #> - % l 1 s rs eo r-> 0 CO ft d i ao •8, k 2 o d a O' rft ft 1 H I m JJ 1 o * 0 d CO CO rs. d> rft X | s 0 0 d o 6 •O o a ■ I f » eo o •f in ft o c* & 1 $ + «o 00 (ft K £ 5 o 00 J rft * 5 tt 5 0 i 0 •ft ! ■ft « a = £ 0 CO rs O' Ift g - a. < O cd £ C cd w a < O 03 Q CC < £ O H a z < _i CO z o co z tu o 03 < z' O H O UJ CO iu o ■a c 03 c3 3 n d D 03 10 d 13 CD b- 00 I— I •fl ft <1 03 ® o z < 03 a. < O as a E < * o z o 03 z UJ 03 < z o K a w CO r- x u < o Section. Ascension Island towards Cape Verde Islands. ■ •net 1 1 M M ft * | § w a I c J ? § t T 1 J_ S i l • • $ m • § to £ & ■ •a •f <4 g m K 4- i>» o o6 i, £ cd d 4- CO 00 | * m <> d* 0 X 0 d 0 & w d m * O' i, 0 d o* & o lA £ %n 6 m 03 •A i o i 6 d «o « »A q (i IA » 3 X «o 0 d o M (A d •A an to e. 'ft J i 3 r* , • o *A d c ** | ■ f 1 r«. T • 1 - 4 | j - ^ j w — - ” j 5 - * ? • 1 <£ — ; d d 3- j 1 Z | ri 8. | j • i • I & 1 2 | •• 4 I i ! 1 ■ • ^ | I • * * 1 • « « • i 9 • • 6 • • : » s r * * V * ■ • t ■ •m 9 z U » : « » m u 1 if ific Voyage ot H M S ChaJlengei SECTION. ASCENSION ISLAND TOWARDS CAPE VERDE ISLANDS Temperature of Ocean Water. PI. OOLYI. nouoe CD oo ft <1 CO V . fti iM si <33 03 <2> »o ^0 1 s i /. onqitmlf 33 * 37' //’ 5 O as D O bi Z < -I u a> z o H o u CO >■ Temperature of Ocean Water. PI. CCLVIII. CD o o UJ LU o CD 2 O H O UJ CO I o i 'I p v ■4 <£> a o ©4 ©3 I & 5 N co i> 00 f-H £ CO <2> its >0 ®0 J> 1 cS fW V) W 01108 86 93 00 00 IX. Cx. CO co 0 0 o o oo 00 lx ts CO co oo tx CO 2000 l i f 1 V 1 O' 00 N tx CO o o w c^» CO o CO CO i. N £ 0 1 CO O' co 00 CO i IO oo VO OO co o 4- O' CO cd CO 8 CM O' 5 VO Cx o o vq tx oo CO j O' oo CO o o* 00 CO vq oo CO OOOI vO 3 o o 0 o 0 o ■»f O' 1 co O' w o xt- o o 01 o O' O' co § NO oo « -t- o o -t- 2 l 3. o Tt- 0) 6 oi 4 oo N O' oo 4 4 0 o CO 4 rt- 0 o iO rx vq IO o o VO IO tx VO o $• l n co O o IO o 4- lO s> Cx O' 4 SI vo S VO o o VO CO IO to R Cl 0 IT) CJ iO CJ CM C i O' 00 O v8 o o 0 o VO o OO IO o ay hi O co M 0 H $ & M $• H 0 S? 0 CM O OOI CO O' o CO VO 0 o o CO vO N CO VO 0 0 00 m r> to t-x CO vo « o ■4“ CO CO VO CO VO 0 vS 0 in CO xf 4 VO o o 4 VO w vd VO 0 0 cn iA Cl VO O' • x sE Si cc * a “• " i s 1 o < UJ cc. 0C UJ ac o. o £ o ui i > P a: < 3 a u £ * X ° l- **- TABLE I. (PIIYS; CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PAPT S84- ) — : 10 25 00 „ 20 30 00 „ 780 690 59-4 550 53-2 i "■ M 9 21 00 „ 18 28 00 „ 78'2 66-5 59-3 55-5 54-2 53-1 520 ... S51 9 9 00 „ 16 41 00 „ 81 8 79-8 660 62-1 60-7 59-8 59-1 58-2 57-4 56-5 55-8 550 54-2 53-4 520 51-8 510 50 ... I W 7 53 00 . 17 26 00 „ 780 63-2 56-2 ... 550 7 33 00 „ 15 16 00 „ 840 840 750 68-5 64-8 62-2 60-3 59-2 58-3 57 ’5 567 56-3 557 55-2 55-0 54-5 530 52 ... 100 7 100, 15 55 00 „ 790 790 780 73-4 64-2 60-8 56-8 55-2 ... 101 5 48 00 . 14 20 00 „ 79-2 720 62-5 58-8 56-2 54-1 52-2 M 6 28 00 „ 14 38 00 „ 83-5 83-2 700 62-6 60-2 59-2 58-5 57-8 57-1 56-5 55-9 55-2 54-6 540 53-3 52-7 52-1 51 ... U! 3 10 00 * 14 51 00 „ 840 840 82-2 70-8 62-2 59 5 58-2 570 570 56-5 56-1 557 55-3 54-9 54-5 54-1 530 52 ... 103 3 8 00 „ 14 49 00 „ 780 785 76*2 73-5 70-5 67-8 650 610 570 51-3 ... j 10* 2 62 00 „ ' 17 00 00 „ 770 76-5 74-7 70-5 63-8 62-2 60-8 59-4 57-9 56-4 51-5 ... 104 2 25 CO „ 20 1 00 „ 78*0 78#4 778 760 68-8 638 60-5 550 - 106 3 4 00 . | 22 53 W „ 780 560 108 1 47 00 , | 24 26 00 „ 78-8 78*6 78-4 78-2 76-2 62-4 590 580 550 ... 1 110 0 9 00 „ ' 30 18 00 „ 1 770 i 7ii j 77-2 770 71-8 670 627 ... 59-8 56-2 ... OCEAN TEMPERATURES— NORTH ATLANTIC. ) inued). : or tli Atlantic Ocean — second part. E STHEIT, AT THE DEPTH, GIVEN IN FATHOMS. 175 180 190 200 225 250 275 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 59-2 58'6 ... Plate XI. 56-0 50-5 47'0 44-5 43-0 42-0 41-0 40-0 39-0 38-0 374 37'0 36-8 36-7 3 3 LIX. 60-3 54-5 49-5 45-0 42-0 40-5 39-7 39-1 38-7 38 '3 38-0 37-7 37-4 37 '2 „ XII. 56-0 50-7 46-7 44-0 42-2 40-8 39-8 39 T 38-6 38-2 37-8 37-4 37'0 LX. 60-3 53-8 47 '5 43-2 41-6 40-7 40-2 39-8 39-3 38-8 38-3 37'9 37-5 37 T XIII. 62-0 54-5 48-5 44-7 42-5 41-2 40-4 39-9 39-4 39-0 38-5 38-0 37-5 37T 33 XIV. 60-0 56-7 53-5 47-8 43'2 41-2 40-4 40-0 ... 33 XV. 61-5 54-0 47-4 43-8 41-5 40-0 39-0 387 38-5 38-3 38T 37'9 37-7 37-5 XVIII. 54-0 49-5 46-2 43-5 41-9 40-7 39-8 39T 38-6 33 LXI. 59-8 49-7 45-0 42-5 41-2 40-5 39-8 39-3 38-8 38-3 37-8 37'3 36-8 36-3 33 XVI. 61-5 54-3 48-9 45-2 43-0 41-2 40-0 39-5 39-2 39-0 38-7 38-4 ,, XVII. 52-0 47-2 44-2 42-4 41-4 40 '5 39-9 39-3 38-8 38-3 38-0 37-8 37-6 37-5 33 LXII. 49-5 46-4 43-3 41 T 40-5 40-0 39-7 39-3 38-9 38-5 38 T 37-8 37-6 37-4 33 LXIII. 19-8 49 T 47-5 45-9 42-9 39-9 33 LXIV. 51-5 51 T 50-7 46-5 ... „ CCLVI. 48-7 45-0 42-2 40-5 40-2 40-0 39-2 38-4 38-0 37-6 37 '2 36-8 36-7 36-7 33 LXV. 49-7 45-2 42-0 41-2 33 LXVI. 49-4 48-7 48-0 44-5 3» CCLV. 49-8 45-8 42-2 41-4 33 LXVII. 51-6 50-7 50-0 45-0 33 CCLIV. 49-5 45-0 42-0 40-4 39-7 39-4 391 38-8 38-5 38-2 38-0 37-8 37-6 37-4 33 LXVIH. 48-3 43-3 40-8 39-7 39-5 39-4 39-3 33 LXIX. 50-8 501 49-5 33 CCLIII. 50-9 49-7 49 T 47'8 46-4 45 T 43-8 41-2 40-4 40-0 39-8 39-6 39-3 39-0 38-7 38-4 38 T 37 -S 37 '6 33 CCLII. 46-8 41-8 40-6 39-9 39-4 39-0 38-7 38-4 38 T 37'8 37-6 37-4 37-2 37-0 33 LXX. 47-5 43-0 40-6 40-2 33 LXXI. 49-0 45 '0 42-4 40-7 39-7 39-2 38-9 38-6 38-2 37-9 37-6 37-3 37-0 36-7 33 LXXII. 46-0 42-8 41-0 40-4 33 LXXIII. 45-0 407 40-5 40-3 40-2 40 T 40-0 39 -6 39-2 38-8 38-3 37-9 37-5 37-0 33 LXXIV. ... 46-8 42-0 40-0 39-8 39-6 39-4 39-2 38-8 38-4 38 '0 37 '6 37-3 37'0 36-8 33 LXXV. TABLE II. (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. PART III. — 1884.) C. ) T11K VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. TAB! 11 Showing the Temperatures obtaii in tte J* . ill ii* Latitude. Longitude. TEMPERATURE IN DEGREES FAHREN IT, AT Surf. 10 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 125 130 140 150 160 347 • * » 0 15 00 s. O 9 * 14 25 00 w. 82-0 812 780 740 69-8 652 61-8 60-5 597 58-8 580 572 56-3 550 540 53-8 530 i'l 346 2 42 00 „ 14 41 00 „ 827 820 78-1 71-5 622 57 "5 56-5 56-3 56-1 550 55*7 55-3 547 540 53-4 520 520 51-3 M I 112 3 33 00 „ 32 16 00 „ 78-0 780 780 77-5 73-3 632 590 56-5 54-4 116 5 1 00 „ 33 50 00 „ 78-0 54-5 •• 345 5 45 00 „ 14 25 00 „ 82-8 82-8 820 790 76-3 710 650 59 ’8 56-5 54-4 52-8 51-8 510 502 49-7 492 48-8 » 119 7 39 00 „ 34 12 00 „ 775 V ’ 622 ■ 1 343 8 3 00 „ 14 27 00 „ SO-8 80-5 800 770 72-5 670 620 C71 GO 56 '3 550 53 '8 52-8 520 511 502 49-7 491 M j 342 9 43 00 „ 13 51 00 „ 800 802 SOO 78-8 760 71-5 672 623 58-3 55-7 54-4 537 529 521 51 0 500 500 14 341 12 16 00 „ 13 44 00 „ 79-0 790 782 76*7 742 71-4 682 64-8 61-8 592 57-3 55-4 540 52-7 510 50-8 500 14 340 14 33 00 „ 13 42 00 77-2 770 76-4 757 741 72-3 69-8 67-3 64-3 61-5 5S-8 562 54-3 530 522 51-3 501 14 1 339 17 26 00 „ 13 52 00 „ 760 75*8 75-4 74-3 72-3 700 677 65-5 63-5 610 59-8 580 56-4 551 53-8 52-7 51 ’8 to 129 20 13 00 „ 35 19 00 „ 740 650 632 333 21 15 00 „ 14 2 00 „ 760 75-4 71-5 672 630 59-3 55-3 I 337 24 38 00 „ 13 36 00 „ 770 720 682 651 630 610 590 130 26 15 00 „ 32 56 00 „ 690 600 [ 334 27 54 00 „ 13 13 00 „ 760 69-8 65-0 620 59-7 570 550 131 29 35 00 „ 28 9 00 „ 650 610 1 333 32 24 00 „ 13 5 00 „ 73-5 69-8 64 0 61-3 59-3 57-7 562 140 35 00 00 „ 17 57 00 e. 590 58-7 58-4 58-1 56-9 54 6 533 530 530 530 530 1 132 35 25 00 „ 23 40 00 w. 580 552 j 139 35 35 00 „ 16 9 00 e. 562 56-1 560 550 520 52-3 52-1 520 51-8 510 51-5 47-3 i 331 35 45 00 „ 18 31 00 „ 68-5 64-5 60-3 57 -8 560 540 52-3 504 137 35 59 00 „ 1 34 00 k. 561 560 550 54-3 ... J 324 34 9 00 „ 48 22 00 w. 71-5 69-7 69-6 69-5 69-3 68-8 640 600 560 53-8 504 ! J3* 34 12 00 „ 12 16 00 „ 53-5 ... jl» 96 22 00 „ 8 12 00 e. 562 561 560 530 ... | 134 34 43 00 „ 7 13 00 w. 540 522 ... ... m 36 44 00 „ 46 16 00 „ 70-8 69-8 683 65-3 622 59-7 58 '8 574 | 327 96 48 00 „ 42 45 00 „ 702 680 66-8 650 640 620 59-7 57'5 | 326 37 3 00 . 44 17 00 „ 67-8 637 590 65-8 53-3 50-4 461 184 X30 37 17 00 „ 53 62 00 „ 67-5 COO 460 440 430 420 410 <#'3 1 lwC 37 21 00 „ 12 22 30 „ 53-5 48-5 ... « 37 29 00 „ 27 31 00 „ 640 ... 588 670 562 55'5 ... 550 547 544 ro 37 31 00 „ 96 7 00 n 64*5 637 670 55-8 64-5 532 51-3 484 ; 3J0 77 C 00 H 33 0 00 „ 642 630 690 670 562 550 551 554 ! 331 37 47 00 . 30 20 00 „ 64 5 ... 620 580 560 540 54-1 540 537 319 41 54 OO „ 64 45 00 „ 595 622 482 ... ... 44-8 130 416 400 104 | 916 42 33 00 „ 1A 29 00 „ 675 667 482 390 36-5 350 350 U 317 1 43 37 00 „ 51 17 00 „ 46 7 422 400 ... 39 6 39-3 ... ... j 914* 61 24 00 n 61 46 00 „ 490 474 468 41-8 ... OCEAN TEMPERATURES — SOUTH ATLANTIC. II. in the South A.tlantic Ocean. T, AT THE DEPTH, GIVEN IN FATHOMS. '0 175 1 180 j 190 1 | 200 225 250 275 300 400 500 600 O o 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 !T 50-3 49-5 48-7 47-8 46-0 45'0 44-0 42-0 41-4 41-0 40-6 40-3 40-0 397 39-3 39-0 387 38-3 38'0 Plate CCLI. i-6 49-9 49-3 48-7 47-4 45-9 44-5 43-3 40-8 40-0 39 '7 39-5 39-2 38-9 387 38-5 38-2 37-9 377 37-5 99 CCL. 46-8 42'0 40-0 39-7 39-7 39-7 397 38-6 387 37-9 37'8 377 37-6 37-5 „ LXXVI. • ... 45-4 41-9 40-0 39-3 390 387 38-5 38-3 387 37-9 377 37-5 37-2 37'0 99 LXXVII. '•3 47'8 47-3 46-9 45-9 45 '0 44-3 43-8 42-0 40-6 39-7 397 38-8 38-6 38-4 38-2 38-0 37-8 377 37-6 99 G'CXLIX. 47 '5 41-0 39-5 39-0 „ LXXVIII. •4 | 47-8 47 T 46-6 45-6 45-0 44-3 43-8 99 CCXLVIII. •5 49-0 48-4 47-8 46-9 45-9 45T 44-5 42-5 40-8 39-7 397 38-8 38-4 38-2 99 CCXLVII. ■3 48-5 47-8 47-0 45-8 44-7 43-5 42-6 40-3 39-3 39-0 38-9 38-8 387 38-6 n CCXLVI. i'5 48-6 47*7 46-9 457 44-3 43-0 42-0 39-9 39-4 39-2 39-0 38-8 38-6 38-4 37-6 99 G'OXLV. [» 50-2 49-6 49-0 43-0 39-8 39-5 39-2 38-9 38-6 38-3 387 „ CCXLIV. 51-5 43-5 40T 3S-8 38 T 377 37'3 377 36-9 367 36-5 36-3 36 T 36-0 99 I.XXIX. 52-3 49-9 48-0 46-0 44-4 43-0 38-8 38T 38-0 37-9 37'8 377 37-6 37'5 37-4 37 3 37 '2 377 „ CCXL1II. 57-0 55-0 53T 51-2 49-5 48-0 42-0 39-3 38-7 38-4 387 37-9 377 99 CCXLII. 54-3 48-3 42-8 39-0 38-0 37-5 37-3 377 37-0 36-9 36-8 367 36-6 36-5 99 LXXX. 54-8 51-9 50-3 48-7 47-3 46T 41-7 39T 38-2 387 37-9 37-8 377 37'5 37-4 37'2 377 37-0 9 9 CCXLI. 54-7 48-5 42-2 39-2 37-9 37'5 37 3 377 37-0 » LXXXI. 54-8 53-4 52-0 50-8 49-5 48-0 43-0 39-3 37-8 377 37-0 37-0 37-0 >» CCXL. 99 XC. 50-0 43-8 40-0 38-8 ... 99 LXXXII. 45-8 44-0 41-0 38-0 37-5 37'2 37-0 36-8 36-6 36-4 99 LXXXIX. 49-3 46-5 45-0 43-8 42-7 42-0 39-9 38-4 37'6 37-3 37-3 37-3 37-3 ... » CCXXXVIII. 59-5 57-5 55-5 53-5 51-5 49-5 42-0 38-9 37-8 37-0 37-0 37-0 37-0 37-0 37'0 37'0 37-0 37-0 >. CCXXIX 99 LXXXI1I. 50-6 49-3 48-0 46-6 45-4 44-2 40-4 38-3 377 37-4 37-2 377 37-0 36-8 36-6 36-4 99 OCX XXIX 51-8 47-9 44-6 40-4 38-7 37-0 36-8 36-6 36’5 36-4 99 LXXXYII. 50-8 48-0 45-0 42-5 41 o 40-6 39-4 38-6 38T 37'5 37-0 37-0 37-0 37-0 37-0 37-0 37-0 37'0 99 ccxxx. 46-0 37-2 37-0 36-8 36-6 99 LXXXIY. 50-5 47-0 44-0 39-9 38-3 99 LXXXYII I. 49-2 43-2 39-5 38-0 37-2 ... ” LX XXVI. j 57'5 56T 54-3 51-2 48-3 45-0 40-4 38-8 37-8 37-2 37-2 37'2 37-2 37'2 37'2 37-2 37'2 37-2 99 CCXXXI. 57-5 55-0 52-5 50-3 48-2 46-0 40-4 38-4 37-8 37-6 377 37-2 37-0 9 9 CCXXXIII. 43-5 42-0 41-2 40-2 39-7 39 T 37-8 37T 37-0 37-0 37-0 37-0 37-0 » CCXXXII. 40-3 40-0 39-8 39-5 39-3 39T 38-4 37-9 37-2 99 CCXXYIII. 45T 42-3 40-0 38 ’3 37-2 ” LXXXY. ^ “ 54-0 52-0 50-0 47'5 45'5 43-8 38-9 37'5 373 37-3 37-3 37 '3 37-3 » ccxxx vn. 48-0 45-0 43-0 41-5 40-7 40-2 38-9 38'0 37-4 37'0 37-0 37'0 37-0 37 '0 370 37-0 370 37-0 ” CCXXXIY. 55-2 53-0 50-5 48-0 46-0 44-7 40-7 38-7 37-8 37-5 37-5 37-5 37-5 37 '5 37 -5 37*5 37'5 3/ *o CCXXX Y. 53-7 51-0 48-5 46-5 45-0 43-3 39-6 37 '5 37-0 37'0 37-0 37 '0 37-0 37-0 J 37 '0 99 CCXXX VI. 40-0 39-5 39-2 39 '0 38 '8 38-6 381 37-6 37 T 36-8 36-8 36-8 36-8 36-8 36-8 36-8 ; 36 '8 36 "S 99 CCXXYII. 35-4 35-4 35-4 35-4 35-4 35-4 35-4 — 35-4 35-4 35-4 35-4 35-4 35'4 354 35-4 j 357 35‘4 354 CCXXYL 38-6 38-0 37'4 30-8 CCXXX ... ... ■ ... » CCXXIY. TABLE III (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. EXP. — PART HI. 1884.) C. THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER TAB] lift Showing the Temperatures obta id® ~w 1? . PI fii s Latitide. i Losgiti de. TEMPERATURE, IN DEGREES FAHREN IT, AT Surf. 10 20 25 30 40 ! 50 60 70 75 SO 90 100 110 120 125 130 140 150 160 0 1 1 253 ... 38 9 00 s. 156 25 00 w O 67*7 ... 58-8 53-4 51-3 50-4 49-6 49-1 , 1 249 37 59 00 171 48 00 „ 65-2 57-2 54-8 53-3 52-3 510 51-1 , If 252 37 52 00 „ '160 17 00 „ 650 550 540 52-5 51-1 49-9 487 i; 250 37 49 00 „ :1(J6 47 00 „ 650 58-5 550 540 53-0 520 510 ... . s0 243 37 41 00 „ 177 4 00 „ 69-2 62-9 600 57-5 55-5 54-5 53-0 510 50-2 490 u 251 37 37 00 „ 163 26 00 „ 650 58-2 55-2 53-5 52-5 51-5 50-5 19 245 3* 23 00 „ 174 31 00 K. 690 620 60-8 59-3 5S-3 57-5 564 55-6 54-4 52-9 51 243 36 10 00 „ 178 00 00 „ 730 670 630 60-4 590 58-4 57-8 570 56-2 55-3 51 247 35 49 00 „ 179 57 00 w 730 63-8 58-4 560 54-8 54-1 53-5 52 ' 241 35 41 00 „ 157 42 00 e. 69-2 647 62-5 60-8 59-3 57-5 55-5 53' 242 35 29 00 „ 161 52 00 „ 68-5 620 607 58-3 560 541 52-2 50-3 243 35 24 00 „ 166 35 00 „ 710 70-3 650 63-9 60-4 59-3 58-3 57-2 56-2 55' 244 35 22 00 „ 169 53 00 „ 70-5 610 59-2 57-6 56-2 54-9 53-3 ... 51' 240 35 20 00 „ 153 39 00 „ 64-8 61-5 5S5 560 54-2 52-4 510 490 48-3 470 45-8 43-2 42-8 41-4 10' 229 35 18 00 „ 147 9 00 „ 70-2 68-1 64-1 63-4 62-3 60-8 59-1 57' 233 35 18 00 „ 144 8 00 „ 70-5 690 687 67-8 66-9 660 651 64-2 63-3 62-4 61-5 59-3 570 m 254 35 13 00 „ 154 43 00 w. 720 62-2 570 53-9 52-0 50-5 49-3 ... M 232 35 11 00 „ 139 28 00 k. 64-2 62-8 58-8 55-4 53-0 51-4 50-0 187 230a 34 59 00 „ 139 31 00 „ 66-5 57-2 i ... i 237 34 37 00 „ 140 32 00 „ 730 73-4 720 705 690 67-5 66-1 650 64-0 63-2 62-4 59-8 570 *•** 515 235 34 7 00 „ 133 00 00 „ 730 71-2 66-4 63-5 60-5 577 54-7 ... 515 234 32 31 00 „ 135 39 00 „ 69-5 66-8 630 600 570 54-3 52-0 ... 197 255 32 28 00 „ 154 33 00 w. 740 62-5 60-3 570 55-4 53-3 51-4 195 231 31 8 00 „ 137 8 00 k. 640 63-2 62-4 616 60-8 59-9 59-1 58-3 57-5 560 55-8 53-4 51-2 49-2 30 22 00 „ 154 56 00 w. 740 700 650 600 550 53-2 51-2 195 27 33 00 „ 154 55 00 „ 76-5 ... 71-3 650 60-0 56-5 53-8 51-8 502 i 230 28 29 00 „ 137 57 00 e. 68-5 ... 670 660 650 63-9 62-8 61-7 ... f0'7 258 28 11 00 „ 155 12 00 w. 770 726 660 62-5 58-8 553 52-5 ... 49-8 259 23 3 05 „ 156 6 00 „ 770 ... 750 727 69-5 64-5 59-2 550 515 229 22 1 00 „ 140 27 00 e. 78-5 757 73-3 710 690 66-9 64-8 025 2*0 21 11 00 „ 157 27 00 w. 76-8 76-8 76-4 760 75-3 73-9 71-5 68-2 637 60-4 57-8 55-8 54-3 530 51-8 50-5 49-4 Ml 20 18 00 „ 157 14 00 „ 78-5 750 75-3 740 731 70-9 68-3 660 637 61-4 590 56-9 55-0 53-0 51-3 50-0 49T 19 24 00 „ 141 13 00 e. 80-2 790 77-4 750 71-5 68-3 64-8 613 2*2 19 12 00 „ 154 14 00 w. 77 '5 77-4 77-2 770 76-3 750 730 70-5 67-5 64-3 61-5 590 56-5 54-2 52-2 50-3 490 30 17 33 00 „ 153 36 00 „ 77*5 77 '5 77-2 760 760 73-5 69-3 65-5 62-2 59-5 57-2 55-5 53-8 52-5 51 T 49-9 48-9 ' 227 17 29 00 „ 141 21 00 e. 79-2 790 78-8 780 78-4 78-2 780 770 76-5 750 73-3 71-5 700 68-3 66-7 65-2 63-5 1 235 14 44 00 „ 142 13 00 „ 790 780 78-8 787 78-6 78-5 770 770 75-7 73-8 71-3 680 640 62-1 60-2 58-3 56-8 ' 2*4 14 19 00 „ 152 37 00 w. 77*5 77-5 77-4 77-2 76-8 730 677 630 59-1 560 54-1 53-0 520 51-3 50-5 49-8 49-3 1 2*5 12 42 00 „ 152 1 00 „ 79-2 780 77-8 75-8 720 69-2 050 620 ... 58-3 55-2 53-3 52-3 51-7 51 T 500 50-1 49-8 225 , 11 24 00 „ 1 143 16 00 b. 80-2 80-2 800 800 800 800 800 780 ... 74-8 700 670 630 59-4 56-1 53-7 520 51-3 2** 11 7 00 „ j 152 3 00 w. 800 79-5 780 76-3 70-3 647 680 56-2 54-3 630 52-2 516 51-3 510 50-6 50-2 49-8 : Vf7 9 28 00 „ 150 49 00 „ 800 770 73-5 68-4 61-3 560 530 52-3 517 51-4 510 50-7 50-3 500 497 49-4 49-1 1 224 7 45 00 „ 144 20 00 e. 81-2 81-5 81 -1 800 800 79-5 790 78-1 750 68-5 632 590 56-7 54-3 52-5 510 49-9 2*i 7 35 00 „ 149 49 00 w. 810 793 79-3 793 78-2 740 63-4 56-2 520 510 50-3 500 49-8 490 49-4 19-2 490 yti | 5 54 00 „ 147 2 0U H 1 81-2 80-4 780 77-8 77-8 77*8 77*6 77*0 731 660 69-5 55-4 52-5 611 50-3 497 49-4 1 230 1 S 31 00 „ 145 13 00 S.I 820 817 817 817 817 817 817 817 ... 817 790 70-9 635 59-5 56-3 53-8 510 600 211 4 33 00 „ j 127 6 00 „ 80-5 791 730 660 600 54-5 510 50'0 . 4 19 00 * 130 15 00 „ I 810 777 761 76-4 76-1 1 74-6 73-4 720 ... 700 69-3 680 j 21* A 1 5* 00 „ r 134 11 00 J 820 83-2 ... 81 6 78-8 71-8 650 57-8 ... 515 21* 3 46 00 „ | 133 58 OO „ 82-8 ... ... 710 ... | *70 3 34 00 „ [ 149 9 Q0W.1 79 5 787 777 770 76-2 76-5 76-3 76-3 72-8 67-3 62-8 69-1 56-5 550 51-2 53-5 532 323 2 15 00 . | II* 1* 00 1.1 82-8 82-8 820 82-4 82-2 820 81-8 817 81-2 803 780 760 63-2 550 52-7 510 50-2 321 0 40 00 . 148 41 00 „ | 830 | 830 j 82-8 j 82-4 820 | 81-5 810 804 780 750 71-2 67-2 63‘2 59-4 650 531 5P8 OCEAN TEMPERATURES— NORTH PACIFIC. f III. d in the North Pacific Ocean. IT, AT THE DEPTH, GIVEN IN FATHOMS. 175 180 190 200 225 250 275 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 i 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 48-2 469 44-8 43-0 41-5 40-8 39-2 38-3 37-6 36-9 36-4 36-2 36 0 35-8 35-7 35 '5 35-3 351 Plate CLXXII. 49-8 48-0 461 45-0 43-7 42-7 401 38-5 377 37-0 36-5 36-2 35-9 35-6 35-3 35-2 35-2 35-2 CLXVIII. 47 '4 461 45-0 44-0 431 42-3 39-8 38 '3 37-3 36-7 36-2 35-9 35-8 35-6 35-5 35-4 35-3 35-3 CLXXI. 50 T 49.1 481 471 46-2 45-3 42-6 40-0 38-5 37-6 36-9 36-4 36-2 36-0 35-8 35-6 35-4 35-2 CLXIX. 47-8 46-5 45-2 44-0 43-0 42-0 39-6 38-0 37-1 36-5 36-2 36-0 35-8 35-6 35-4 35-2 351 351 77 CLXVII. 49-4 48-2 46-9 45-4 43-7 42-8 40-0 38-5 37-6 37-0 36-8 36-6 36-3 361 35-9 35-6 35-3 351 G'LXX. 51-0 48-8 46-2 44-2 43-0 42-0 40-2 38-8 37-6 36-8 36-4 36-1 35-9 35-7 35-5 35-3 351 34-9 CLXIV. 54-2 53-0 52-0 50-4 48-9 46-9 41-8 39-7 38-3 37-4 37'0 36-7 36-4 361 35-9 35-6 35-3 35-1 CLXV. 52-5 50-5 48-7 46-9 45-0 43-5 40-7 391 38 '2 CO 37'2 36-9 36-6 36-2 35-9 35-6 35-3 35-2 CLXVI. 531 50-7 48-7 46-3 44-0 42-4 39-8 38-4 37-7 37-2 36-9 36-6 36-3 36-0 35-7 35-4 351 351 77 C'LX. 50-3 48-3 46-4 44-4 42-8 41-6 39-6 38-2 37-4 36-9 36-5 36 -3 361 35-9 35-8 35-7 35-5 35-3 7) CLXI. 55T 53-5 52-0 49-6 47-2 45-0 40-5 391 381 37-2 36-6 361 35-9 35-8 35-7 35-5 35-4 35-3 77 CLX1I. 51-7 49-8 48-0 46-0 44-3 431 40-4 38-9 38-0 37-4 36-9 36-4 36-0 35-7 35-5 35-3 35-3 35-3 CLXIII. 40-6 40-2 401 40-0 40-0 396 38-2 371 36-9 36-4 36-3 36-2 36-0 35-9 35-7 35-5 35-3 351 CLIX. 57T 551 53-2 51-3 49-5 47-7 41-6 39-0 38-1 37-7 37-4 371 36-9 36-7 36-4 361 35-9 35-7 77 CLVIII. 54-9 52-7 50-7 48-8 471 45-9 42-2 39-7 38-3 375 37-0 36-6 36-4 36-2 36-0 35-7 35-5 353 77 CLVII. 1 48-0 46-8 45-9 45-0 441 43-3 40-6 38-8 377 37'0 36-5 36-2 36-0 35-8 35-6 35-4 35-2 35-0 7 7 CLXXIII. 487 47-4 461 45-0 77 CLI. 1 50-0 44-9 41-4 7 ■» CLV. J 54-5 52-0 50-0 48-0 46-0 441 40-8 38-8 37-7 37'0 36-6 36'4 36-2 36-0 35'8 35-6 35-4 35-3 7 7 CLVI. i 51-5 48-0 ,, CLIV. 49-7 48-0 46-2 44-9 43-5 42-2 77 CLIII. | 49-8 47'9 46-6 45-0 43-5 42-4 39-2 38-1 37-4 36-8 36-4 361 35-8 35-6 35-4 35-2 35-0 35-0 77 clxxiv. 1 49-2 47-0 45-0 43-0 41-8 40-7 38-2 37-3 37'0 36-7 36-4 36-2 36-0 35-8 35-6 35-4 35-2 35-2 77 CL. 49-5 48-0 46-5 45-2 43-8 42-8 397 38-2 37-3 36-7 36-3 36-1 359 35-8 35-7 35-5 35-4 35-3 » G'LXX V. 50-2 48-8 47;4 46-2 45-2 44-2 41 '3 39-5 38-3 37-3 36-7 36-3 36-0 35-8 35-6 35-4 35-2 . 35-0 „ CLXXVI. 607 597 58-2 56-0 53-3 50-5 43-0 39-7 38-0 37'2 36-7 36-3 35-9 35-5 35-5 35-5 35-5 35-5 77 CXLIX. 49-8 47-6 45-9 44-5 43-4 42-6 40-4 39-0 38-3 37-6 37'0 36-5 361 35-8 35-6 35-4 35-2 35-2 CL XXVII. 51-5 48-8 46-5 45-0 43-8 42-9 40-5 39-3 38-6 37-9 37-4 36-9 36-5 36-2 35-9 35-6 35-3 35-0 ,, C'LX XVII I. 62-5 60-4 58-3 56-2 541 52-0 44-2 40-3 38-5 377 37-2 36-7 36-3 35-8 35-3 35-2 35-2 35-2 77 CXLVIH. 4 47-6 46-9 46-3 77 C'LXXIX. 4 ! 47-4 47-0 46-6 42-6 40-8 39-7 38-8 38-0 37'3 36-9 36-4 361 35-9 35-7 35-4 35-2 77 CLXXX. 61-3 58-0 55-2 52-4 49-8 47-7 42-6 40-1 38-9 38-0 371 36-9 36-4 35-9 35-4 35-3 352 35-2 77 C'XLVII. 4 i 47-2 46-7 46-2 441 42-9 41-3 399 38-5 37-5 36-5 35-9 35-4 35-2 35-2 352 35-2 77 C'LX XXI. 4 47-3 47-0 46-7 43-7 41-3 39-5 38-7 38-2 37-8 37'4 37-0 36-6 36-3 36-0 35-7 35-4 77 CLXXXII. 6 i 60-4 58-8 57-0 46-2 42-0 40-3 39-0 38-3 37-8 37-3 36-8 36-3 35 9 35-5 35-2 35-2 77 CXLVI. 5 54-5 53-5 52-8 451 41-8 39-9 38-7 37-7 36-9 36-3 36-0 35-7 35-5 35-5 35-5 35-5 7 7 CXLV. 4 48-5 48-0 47-6 44'5 42-4 40-6 395 38-7 38-0 37-4 36-9 36-6 36-3 359 35-5 352 7 7 CLXxxm. 4 491 48-8 48-5 45-4 43-3 41-5 40-1 39-0 381 371 37-0 36 6 36-3 36-0 357 354 „ C'LXXXIV. 5 501 49-7 49-2 43-2 41-2 39-9 38-6 37-9 37-3 36-9 36-5 36-1 35-7 35-5 355 35'5 77 CXL1V. 4 49-0 48-6 48-2 44-6 42-0 40-2 38-9 37-9 37-3 36-9 36-5 36-2 35-9 35-6 35-3 35-1 77 CLXXXV. 4 48-4 481 47-8 45-0 42-5 40-8 39-5 38-5 37-8 37-1 36-6 361 35-7 35-4 35-2 350 77 CLXXXVI. 4 48-9 48-6 48-3 45-7 43-4 41-3 39-5 38-2 37-2 36-7 36-3 36-0 35-8 35-6 35-4 35-4 >> CXLIII. 4 48-6 48-4 48-2 45-8 43-2 411 40-0 39-2 387 38-2 37-7 37'2 36-7 36-3 358 35-3 }> clxxxvh. 4 49-0 48-8 48-5 46-0 43-7 41-4 39-9 38-6 37-5 36-7 36-0 355 35-3 35-2 35-2 35-2 77 clxxxviii. 4 48-8 48-2 47-7 45-8 44-3 42-8 41-3 40-0 38-8 377 36-8 361 35‘7 35-5 35-5 35‘5 7 7 CXLII. 50-0 48-7 47-8 46-8 45-9 45-2 43 '0 41-8 77 CXXXIU. 54-0 43-2 41-0 39-8 38-5 37 5 370 360 **] 35-4 35-4 35-4 „ CXXXLV. 51-5 487 ... CXXXVL 49-2 44-3 42-3 41-0 39-9 38-9 38-0 371 37-0 » CXXXV. 5 \ 52-6 52-3 52-0 48-3 45-0 42-7 40-6 39-5 38-7 3S-0 37-7 373 370 36-7 36-3 360 CLXXXIX. 4 ! 49-3 48-9 48-5 45-5 43'2 411 39-3 38-0 371 36 -5 361 35-9 35-7 35-5 35-2 35-2 77 CXLI. f 50-6 50-2 49-9 48 3 44-2 41-3 39 8 38-6 37-8 371 36-7 1 36-3 360 357 354 35 4 77 CXL. TABLE IV. (PHYS. CHEM. CHALR. EXP. PART III. 1884.) — C. THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. TABL1 H Showing the Temperatures obtai^d inti m ls| p! Is Latitude. 1 Longitude. TEMPERATURE, IN DEGREE Surf. 10 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 125 130 140 150 160 70 1! • 9 m • » »* 271 0 33 00 a. 151 34 00 w. 787 770 762 762 762 762 762 740 68-8 632 59-4 570 560 550 547 541 53-4 I 217 0 39 00 „ 138 65 00 F. 83-0 83 0 830 830 82-9 82-5 81 '4 800 78-3 76-4 740 70-5 66-5 620 580 560 542 30 1 220 0 42 00 „ 147 00 00 „ 83-8 81-6 771 640 .. 218 2 33 00 „ 144 4 00 „ 840 832 830 82-5 82-1 81-5 80-9 800 78 '4 75-8 72-8 69-8 66-8 630 600 570 550 272 3 48 00 „ 152 56 00 w. 790 78-8 78-5 782 782 78-1 77-5 75-4 710 67'3 636 60-4 57-5 55-4 540 520 520 «1_ 273 5 11 00 „ 152 56 00 „ 80-7 80-4 800 79-5 79-4 79-3 792 78-5 75-8 710 682 640 59 '8 56-5 540 520 517 01 274 7 25 00 „ 152 15 00 „ 802 SOO 800 800 800 79-8 79-5 78-6 770 73-7 69-3 647 600 570 551 520 510 H 275 11 20 00 „ 150 30 00 „ 800 790 79-8 79-6 79-4 790 780 767 75-3 73-7 720 701 680 66-2 640 61-4 580 H 184 12 8 00 „ 145 10 00 F. 77*5 .t. 76-6 74-3 70-8 660 62-5 .. 5 183 12 42 00 146 46 00 „ 780 762 69-5 61-5 •• 182 ! 13 «00„ 148 37 00 „ 78-5 770 740 710 67 '5 640 60-4 56 278 13 28 00 „ 149 30 00 w. 800 780 73-8 78*7 78-6 78-4 782 777 76-4 75-1 73-7 722 700 680 670 651 631 M » 180 14 7 00 „ 153 43 00 E. 800 75-4 72-8 610 .. » 277 15 51 00 „ 149 41 00 w. 790 770 76-4 75-8 74-9 740 73-1 722 712 702 69-0 680 66-4 640 ID » 179 15 58 00 „ 160 48 00 e. 790 71-1 178 16 47 00 165 20 00 „ 790 760 71-5 650 278 17 12 00 „ 149 43 00 w. 79-6 780 77-3 770 770 770 767 752 73-5 722 712 70-5 700 69-5 68-5 677 667 i'3 .. 279c 17 29 11 „ 149 34 32 „ 790 762 762 74-4 721 690 660 «i 178 18 30 00 „ 173 52 00 e. 77*5 760 75-2 72-9 69-7 670 640 a 280 18 40 00 „ 149 52 00 w. 772 76-9 762 750 730 700 66 '4 ns 175 19 2 00 „ 177 10 00 E. 776 71-5 ... 70-8 660 174c 19 7 60 „ 178 19 35 „ 780 768 710 652 ... 281 22 21 00 „ 150 17 00 w. 74-5 74-3 73-5 721 680 657 62-5 59 2£42 23 46 00 „ 149 59 00 „ 732 720 710 69-8 681 66 "5 640 81 17U 25 6 00 „ 172 56 00 „ 720 670 •• 283 26 9 00 „ 145 17 00 „ 68-5 692 680 66 0 640 620 600 57 284 28 22 00 „ 141 22 00 „ 680 67 4 66-6 650 632 610 590 170 29 55 00 „ 178 14 00 „ 650 62 0 60-5 562 ... 285 32 36 00 „ 137 43 00 „ 650 63-8 63-4 630 61-8 600 57'5 55 1 288 33 29 00 „ 133 22 00 „ 630 62-6 59 4 59-4 59-4 570 540 5F j 299 33 31 00 „ 74 43 00 „ 620 590 63-1 50-9 491 470 460 45 300 33 42 00 „ 78 18 00 „ 62-5 57-8 53-7 512 49-5 470 460 15 298 34 7 00 „ 73 56 00 ,, 590 55-8 52-5 50-5 490 480 472 46 184c 34 19 00 „ 151 31 00 K. 670 680 67-8 67-6 672 66-3 65-3 642 630 61-8 60-7 .. 181c 34 27 00 „ 154 67 00 „ 640 632 630 69-5 560 620 J 287 36 82 00 „ 132 62 00 w. 678 ... - 674 55-8 55-6 55-3 52-8 490 47 ! 185a 38 41 CO „ 158 29 00 C. 62-5 62-8 62-5 62-5 620 60-5 592 58-0 570 56-4 55-8 1 183 34 67 00 n 150 34 00 ,, 720 652 59-3 540 |297 37 29 00 „ 83 7 00 w 670 55-5 537 610 501 ... 48-4 470 451 1 301 *7 MOO, 84 2 00 „ 69 5 57-4 652 62-8 50 §5 481 460 48 I 149 17 M 00 „ 179 22 00 t 582 552 ... 18&S 37 53 00 „ 183 18 00 „ 695 69-8 690 680 572 550 ... | 294 38 6 00 „ 88 2 00 w. 69-8 56-8 54-6 622 501 481 460 454 i 296 38 7 00 „ 94 4 00 „ 68-5 ... 557 530 60-5 47-8 460 440 44 { 186c 38 34 00 „ 168 39 00 E. 582 681 57-8 67 '4 560 550 j 292 38 43 00 M 112 31 00 w. 532 62-8 617 600 48-5 47 '4 462 45 1 184 36 60 00 „ 189 20 00 c. 585 68-5 56-5 547 25*3 39 4 00 „ 106 6 «<0w 537 620 617 501 48-3 46-4 45-4 44 1 39 13 00 „ 118 49 00 „ 530 621 60-8 49-5 477 461 45-4 44< 290 39 16 00 „ 124 7 00 „ 625 620 49-6 480 470 467 460 453 294 39 23 00 „ 98 48 00 „ 67*5 661 62-5 601 482 46-5 450 28* 39 41 00 „ 131 23 no „ 545 540 492 480 480 470 460 482 2W4 40 a 00 . 132 58 00 „ 540 • •• 542 611 500 490 480 471 481 184 40 2* nr. _ 177 43 00 c. 672 66’5 66-6 66-6 55-7 640 530 302 43 43 OO . 82 11 09 w. 660 625 49 6 47-6 46-8 440 430 (38 am 46 31 00 . 7* 9 no „ 548 61 4 486 464 440 430 431 42 OCEAN TEMPERATURES— SOUTH PACIFIC. i IV. oil in the South Pacific Ocean. s ahrenheit, at the depth, given in fathoms. 0 175 180 190 200 225 250 275 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 ■8 52-2 51-6 51-0 46-5 42-9 40-7 39-5 38-7 38-2 377 37 '2 367 363 367 359 357 Plate cxc. ■0 51-9 50-8 49-7 45 T 42-5 40-7 39-2 38 T 37-3 367 36-2 357 353 35-2 35-2 Oi)' 2 „ CXXXVII. 52-0 48-5 46-2 43 T 41-0 39-7 39-0 38-2 37-5 36'8 36-2 CXXXIX. •8 52-1 51-0 50-0 45-2 42-4 40-5 39-2 38-4 37-9 37-4 CXXXVII 1. •2 50-5 49-8 49-2 44-7 42-2 40-4 39-2 38'2 37'3 36-8 36-4 36-0 357 35-5 35-3 357 1) CXCI. 7 49-8 49-3 49-0 44-5 41-8 40 T 38-9 38T 37-5 37-0 36-5 CXC1I. •9 49-2 48-5 48-0 44-6 42-5 41-0 39-5 38-5 37'6 371 367 36-4 367 35-9 35-6 35 3 CXCIII. •4 54-2 52-4 50-8 45-0 42-6 40-9 39-5 38-4 37'5 37-0 367 36-5 36 "2 36-0 35-8 35-6 )) CXCIV. 58 '2 54-2 51-0 48-0 44-3 41-0 39-7 36-0 ) > cxx. 54-5 48-9 45-0 41-2 39-3 38-4 37-9 37-5 371 36-3 36-0 36-0 >> CXIX. 56-0 52-0 47'0 44-0 41-0 39-3 38-3 37-9 37-4 37-0 36-3 35-8 35-8 CXVI1I. •o 58-8 56-6 54-3 44-8 41-9 40-3 39 T 38-3 37-8 37-3 36-9 36-6 363 36-0 357 35-4 yy cxcv. • 53-5 48-5 45-5 41-5 39-6 38 '8 38 '3 37-8 37-3 36-8 36-4 36-0 36-0 36-0 36-0 CXVII. •o 61-2 59-3 57-4 yy CXCVI. 55-5 45-2 41-6 40-0 38-9 38-3 37-7 37'2 36-8 36-4 36-0 36-0 360 36-0 „ CXVI. 57-0 51-5 47'5 42-3 40-0 38-5 38-0 37-4 36-8 36-3 35-8 35-8 35-8 yy cxv. •3 63-8 61-6 59-2 46-2 42-6 40-0 387 CO 37T 36-8 36-5 yy CXCVII. 61-0 55-3 51-6 48-8 46-0 44-3 yy CXCVIII. 61-0 56-8 45-2 41-8 40-3 yy CXIV. 62-5 58-0 52-8 48T 46T 44-9 41-7 40-2 38-8 37-9 37-2 36-8 36-4 36-2 367 36-0 35-9 35-8 yy CXC1X. 60-8 54-2 47-0 42-0 40-0 38-9 37-9 37-2 36-8 36-4 36-2 36-0 yy CXIII. 59-5 53-7 47-8 42-3 39-8 39-0 *y CXII. ■ 59-3 56-2 53 T 50-0 47-4 45-6 42-3 40-5 39-3 38-4 37-5 37-0 36-5 36-2 36-0 35-8 356 35-5 yy cc. 61-5 58-3 54-7 50-8 48-3 46-2 43-2 41-2 39-6 38-3 37 '3 367 36-3 36-0 353 35-6 35-4 35-2 yy CCI. • 59-2 50-4 44-0 41-3 39-2 37-9 37'2 36-9 367 36-4 36-2 36-0 ... | » CXI. 57-5 54-8 52-0 49-2 46-8 45-4 42-2 40-3 39-0 38-0 37-3 367 36-3 36-0 353 35-6 35-4 35-4 y y CC1I. ■ 56-8 54-6 52-5 50-2 48T 45-8 41-6 40-0 39-0 38-2 37-4 36-9 36-4 36-0 35-8 357 35-6 35-4 yy CCHI. 53-0 50-8 49-0 457 43-0 yy cx. 55-0 52-3 49-8 46-8 46-2 45-2 42-8 41-0 39-5 38-4 37'7 37-0 36-6 36-3 367 35-9 35-8 357 „ CCIV. 51-3 49-0 47-5 46-2 45-3 44-5 42-4 41-0 40-0 39-0 38-2 377 377 36-5 36-2 36-0 35-9 35-8 ” ccv. 45-3 44-4 43-5 42-8 42T 417 40-6 39-3 38-5 377 37-0 36-6 36-3 36 ’0 35-8 35-6 35-4 35-2 yy ccxvrn. 45-3 44 T 43-4 42-6 42 ’0 41-3 40 T 39-4 38-7 38-0 37'4 36-9 36-4 35-9 357 yy CCXIX. 46 T 45 T 44T 43-2 42-4 41-9 40-3 39-5 38-7 38 T 377 37 -2 36-9 367 36-5 36-3 36-2 367 yy CCXYI. 55-0 48-5 40-0 „ cn. 48-2 45-1 42-8 40-4 38-9 37-8 37 '2 36-9 36-6 36-3 36-0 357 35-4 357 » cm. • 47-3 46 T 45-4 44-7 441 43-7 42 T 40-9 39-7 38-9 38-0 37-2 36-6 367 353 357 35-6 35 o ,, CCXVII. ■ 50-8 47-0 43-8 41-6 39-8 38-6 37’5 36-9 36-5 36-2 36-0 357 357 357 „ CIV. 51 '4 49-2 47 '6 yy Cl. 45-7 44-5 43-8 43 T 42-5 41-9 40-4 39-2 38-2 37-4 367 36-5 36-4 36-3 36-2 367 36-0 35-9 „ ccxv. 45-2 44-2 42-0 yy ccxx. 50-0 467 44-8 43-0 41-5 40-0 •3 CIX. 51-2 47-8 44-9 42-5 40-4 387 37-5 36 '8 36-4 34-S yy CY. 45-0 43-8 43-2 42-7 42 T 41-7 40-8 40-2 39-6 39-0 38-5 38-0 37'5 37-0 36-6 367 36-2 36-0 ,, CCX1Y. 44-0 43-4 43-0 42-6 42-3 42-0 41-3 40-3 39-5 387 38-0 37 '4 36-8 363 367 35-9 35-6 35-3 „ CCXIII. 52-2 48-5 45-3 42-0 39-8 38-2 37’4 36-9 36-5 36-4 CVL 45-2 44-3 43-9 43-5 43-0 42-5 41 T 40'0 39-0 38 '3 37-6 377 366 36-2 36-0 35-8 35 -5 35*o yy CCX. 52-7 50-8 yy CYII. 44-6 44 T 43-8 43-5 43-2 42-9 41-8 40 '9 40-0 39-2 38-4 377 377 363 36-5 36-3 36-0 35 '8 „ CCXI. 44-9 44-4 44-0 43-6 43-3 42-9 41-4 40! 39-2 38-3 37-5 36-8 36-2 35-9 353 357 35'5 354 CCIX. 45-3 44-9 44-5 44T 43-7 43-4 42-0 40-7 39-4 37-8 36-9 36-4 36 2 36-0 35-8 35-6 35-3 357 ccnn. 44-7 44T 43-5 43T 42-7 42 '2 40-8 39-5 38-8 38-3 37-7 377 367 363 360 35-9 35 '8 35-6 CCXIL 46-2 45-6 45-0 44-4 43-8 43-2 41-2 39-5 38-2 37-5 37-0 367 36-4 362 36-0 35-S 35'6 35'5 » CCYI1. 46 T 45-2 44-7 44-2 43-8 43-3 41-9 41-0 40-0 39-0 38-2 37-5 36-9 36 '5 367 35-9 357 355 CCYI. 51-7 4S-2 45-4 43-7 42 T 37-2 CYIII. 43-0 42-5 42T 41-8 41-5 41T 40 T 391 3S-2 37 '5 36-9 36‘5 36-2 360 35-9 358 CCXXJ. 42-5 42-0 41 '6 413 41-0 40-8 39-8 390 38T 374 36-8 36-4 362 360 36 0 360 ecxxii. TABLE V. ( PH YS, ('HEM. CHALL. EXP. PART III. 1884.) C. VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER TAI.EV Showing the Miscellanefo I® If?, ill I* Latitude. Loscitcdk. TEMPERATURE, IN DEGREES FAHRENHEIT, TH£ Surf. 10 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 125 130 140 150 160 170 5 j I* 141 34 41 00 & 18 34 00 e. 64-5 66-2 65-3 63 9 59-8 54-9 52-8 51-4 50-3 49-6 143 36 48 00 „ 19 24 00 „ 73-0 730 730 68 -5 64 0 59-5 577 56-5 55-0 53-8 52-5 144 45 57 00 „ 34 39 00 „ 430 41-6 < • 144 44 46 00 „ 45 31 00 „ 43 0 41 T 39-2 39-0 147 44 14 00 „ 48 27 00 „ 41-0 40-0 37 4 - 150 52 4 00 „ 71 22 00 „ 37 5 36-3 35-2 35 2 152 40 52 00 „ SO 20 00 „ 34-5 34 0 33-5 32-2 32-2 32-2 32-2 32-2 32 2 32-0 35-0 1 153 45 42 00 „ 79 49 00 „ 29-5 29-0 29 '0 154 44 37 00 „ 85 49 00 „ 32 0 29-2 29-0 V 154 42 24 00 ,, 95 44 00 „ 33t» 31-9 34-0 ... 157 53 55 00 „ 108 35 00 „ 37-2 36-8 36-8 36-6 36 6 36-6 36-6 33 0 32-5 32-5 32 '5 i; 158 50 1 00 „ 123 4 00 „ 45-0 44-5 43-4 ... 42-3 i ■■■ ISO 47 25 00 „ 130 22 00 ,, 51 -5 50-0 49-0 ... 48-1 ... 140 42 42 00 „ 134 10 00 „ 55-0 51-8 48-5 47'9 ... 1 ... 191 5 41 00 „ 134 4 30 „ 82-2 ... 67-5 ... 191a 6 24 00 „ 133 19 00 „ 81 -5 80-0 75-5 71-5 67-5 63-0 59-0 J ... 193 5 24 00 „ 130 37 15 „ 83-5 81-0 78-0 72 0 66 0 60-0 55-3 ... 197 0 41 00 K. 126 37 00 „ 82-5 78-8 74 0 68-5 63-5 58-5 54-0 ... iw 2 55 00 „ 124 53 00 „ 85-0 81-2 77-2 71-8 65 0 58-0 53-6 ... 213 5 47 00 „ 124 1 00 „ 83-0 77-8 65-0 52-5 2 5 44 00 „ 123 34 00 „ 83-0 81-5 79-2 77-7 74-5 72-9 71-2 67-5 63-8 57-6 54-5 ... » 8 32 00 „ 121 55 00 „ 83-0 ... 74-1 62-0 57-5 ... 211 8 00 00 „ 121 42 00 „ 81 0 790 73 0 66-0 61 -0 56-0 ... ’ 306 14 42 00 „ 119 22 00 „ 82-0 81-6 79-5 76 5 73-2 69-8 66-8 64-2 62-0 60 0 58-6 55-0 ... 2M 17 54 00 „ 117 14 00 „ 75-2 751 75 0 74 -2 72-3 68-5 66-0 64-2 62-2 60-6 59-2 51-6 ... 207 12 21 00 „ 122 15 00 „ goo 77-2 725 62 0 58-5 56-0 54 T ... ! 210 9 26 00 „ 123 45 00 „ 80-2 78-5 61 -5 56 6 a*- 34 18 00 „ 133 21 00 „ 66-8 60-3 ' 304* 44 27 00 «. 74 30 00 w. 57-5 49 "3 47*2 46-8 46-2 46-0 46-0 P| MISCELLANEOUS OCEAN TEMPERATURES, V. <\ Temperatures obtained. L THE DEPTH, GIVEN IN FATHOMS. Plate. Where obtained. 180 190 200 225 250 275 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 J 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 XCI. Off Cape of Good Hope. 46-2 43-0 40-8 ... XCII In Agulhas eurrerit. 3S-5 38 '0 37'8 37 6 37-4 37'2 37-0 36-9 36-8 j 36-6 36-4 36-2 36-1 XCIII. \ 38-8 38-3 37-8 37-2 36-6 XCIV. I 371 36-4 36-2 36-0 35-8 XCV. I XCVI. f 35 3 35-3 XCVI.a 1 In the southern part of 30 5 32-0 32-8 XCVI.b V the Indian Ocean be- ) tween the Cape of 33-8 XCVI.c 1 Good Hope and Aus- tralia. 1 34-0 XCVI.d 33-0 32-6 32-8 XCVI I. 41-3 39-5 38-2 37-0 36 '3 36-0 36-0 36-0 36-0 36-0 357 35-3 350 347 XCVIII. 47-4 47-2 46-9 44-8 41-8 39-4 38-3 37-9 377 37-5 37-3 377 36-9 367 XCIX. j 47'7 47-5 47-2 44-9 41-6 38-5 37 '0 368 36-6 36-4 c. ) *] 51-5 46-0 43-2 41-5 40-5 39-8 39-5 CXXI. 1 51-5 ... ... CXXIa. /In Banda Sea. 50-2 46-0 43 6 41-5 40 T 39-2 38-3 38-0 38-0 38-0 38-0 38-0 38-0 38-0 CXXII. J 50-0 45-8 43-0 407 39-2 38-2 377 37 T 36-6 36-0 35-9 CXXIII. In Molucca Passage. 49-2 45-0 42-0 40-3 39-5 39-0 39-0 39-0 39-0 39-0 39-0 390 39-0 39-0 CXXIV. ) 49-3 47-3 457 43-2 41-2 40-0 39-2 38-6 38-6 38-6 38-6 38-6 38-6 38-6 38-6 CXXXII. ) In Celebes Sea. 48-3 48-2 44-8 CXXV. J 54-3 52-8 52-0 50-5 50-5 50'5 50-5 50-5 50-5 50-5 50-5 50-5 50-5 50-5 50 -5 C'XXVI. Vln Sulu Sea. 53-8 52-8 51 '8 50'5 50-5 CXXXI. / 51-2 48-0 45-3 42-0 40-0 38-8 37-8 37-0 37'0 37-0 j CXXVII. > In China Sea. 48-5 46-5 45-0 42-4 40-2 387 37-5 367 36-5 36-5 | CXXVIII. J 52-4 51'9 51-7 51-6 51-6 51-6 51-6 51-6 51 -6 CXXIX. In sea enclosed by the CXXX. Philippine Islands. CLII. Inland Sea, Japan. 46-0 ... | CCXXIII. _ Messier Channel, Ma- gellan Strait. TABLE VI. (PHYS. CHEM. CHALL. F.XP. PART III.— 1884.) C. THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. TABLE VI. .win- Moan Ocean Temperatures (deduced from Observations obtained in H.M.S. Challenger) arranged in . 5° Belts of Latitude. j NORTH ATLANTIC. l m 0* to 5*. 5 ° to 10°. 10° to 15c 15 0 to 20° 20 VO 1 1 ? 25 ° to 30° 30 0 to 35° 35 to 40° ? — Q i a 1 G z. CJ - c c I c ~ */; w Extreme Kin,-', G G. 1 *5 - | ; No. of Obs. Extreme Range. CS - 2) G — OJ No. of Obs. Extreme Range. Mean Temp. No. of Obs. Extreme Range. Mean Temp. No. of Obs. Extreme Range. Mean Temp. No. of Obs. Extreme Range. Mean Temp. No. of Obs. ! Extreme Range. Mean Temp. No. of Obs. Extreme Range. t: Cl - pi • © o O o O O • O O O O o O o O O Surf. 7876 4 7-0 80-53 7 6 0 78 35 4 1-3 74’95 6 2-0 72-22 12 8-5 67-36 8 7-5 70-43 12 9-0 68T8 23 25-5 Surf, UO 55 -W 7 20 55-74 7 2-5 53 22 4 2-8 66-35 6 9-8 65-91 12 11-5 62-05 8 6-0 63-72 12 9-2 60T4 22 16-6 10# 200 4717 » 4 1 49-26 7 20 49 50 4 2-0 58-13 6 9-5 59-25 12 9-3 57-22 8 8-0 61-62 12 10-5 56-79 21 21-8 200 ; 300 42-73 7 4-3 14 SO 6 2-5 45-95 4 1-5 51-37 6 7-1 53-46 11 7-8 53T2 8 6-5 59-47 12 11-2 54-16 19 21-9 300 i 400 40-90 7 2-4 41-75 4 1-4 42-SO 3 11 46-58 6 4-7 48-50 11 5T 49-23 7 2-4 53-62 12 8-8 50-22 18 18-2 «| 500 40-24 7 0-9 40-67 4 1-7 40-50 3 1-2 43-43 6 2-8 44-81 'll 3-1 46-09 7 2 1 47 70 11 5-9 45-88 18 13-6 501 i 600 39-78 5 0-8 39-60 2 0-2 40-35 2 0-3 41-70 6 1-8 42-72 11 3-1 43-88 6 3-2 43-51 10 6-8 42-77 17 9-8 63013 700 39-50 5 11 39-40 2 00 40 00 2 0-0 40-55 6 1-2 41-42 11 2-8 42-38 6 2-7 41-62 9 6-9 41-08 15 7-5 7J0 3 SCO 39-28 5 1-3 39-20 o 0-2 39-45 2 0-5 39-75 6 1-0 40-53 11 2-4 41-28 6 2-2 40-42 9 4-8 40-16 13 51 800 3 too 38-94 5 1-2 38-80 1 38-85 2 0-9 39-18 5 0-8 39-85 11 1-9 40-45 6 1-9 39-63 8 2-7 39-44 13 8-0 900 3 1000 38-58 5 1-1 3S-50 i 38-45 2 0-9 38-78 5 0-7 39-24 11 1-4 39-70 5 1-6 39-00 8 1-8 38-77 11 2-0 1000*3 1100 38*24 5 10 38-20 i 38 05 2 0-9 38-47 4 0-7 38-64 9 1-2 39-10 3 1-3 38-62 5 0-9 38-32 9 1-4 1100 3 1 1200 37-90 5 0-8 3800 i 37-65 2 0-9 38-15 4 0-9 38-23 9 1-3 38-70 3 1-0 38-34 5 0-7 38-06 7 1-3 1200 3 1300 37-60 5 0-8 37-60 i 37-30 2 1-0 37-85 4 1-1 37-84 9 1-2 38-30 3 0-7 38-04 5 0-5 37-79 7 1-2 1300|35 j 1400 37-30 5 0-8 37-60 i 3715 2 0-9 37 37 3 0-9 37-51 9 IT 37-90 3 0 4 37-78 5 0-6 37-53 6 111 Ml 35 1500 37 02 5 0-9 37 40 i 37 05 2 0-7 37-10 3 1-2 37 27 8 0-9 37-50 3 0-2 37-54 5 0-7 37-29 8 1-0 1600 35 SOUTH ATLANTIC. • • ° I ° o o o o o O o O 0 Surf. 801W 3 4-7 79-82 5 5-3 78-10 2 1 8 76-00 1 75-83 3 3-0 70-00 3 11-0 73-50 1 62-79 21 20-0 hr!, 81 100 55-90 » 3 6 55-54 5 9-4 58 05 2 1-5 59-80 1 63-07 3 0-2 60-40 3 1-3 59-30 1 ... 55-38 20 22-5 1 69- I <900 49 07 3 1-9 46-84 5 2-4 46-95 2 01 49 00 1 52-13 3 5-1 53-63 3 2-8 53-40 1 49-15 19 17-5 » 50- 43 10 8 20 43 00 5 3 5 42-30 2 00 43 00 1 44-83 3 5-0 47-63 3 2-4 48-00 1 43-13 18 10-4 » 15; 400 — 3 20 4100 4 30 4010 2 0-4 39-80 1 40 30 3 3-2 42-23 3 IT 43-00 1 3970 18 4-2 1 42-6 500 40 37 1-7 39 92 * 1-8 39-35 o 01 39-50 1 38-73 3 1-2 39-10 3 0-2 39-30 1 38-21 18 1-8 M) 400 j ooo 40 13 3 1-3 39-47 3 0-7 3910 2 0-2 39-20 1 38-27 3 0-7 38 03 3 0-3 37-80 1 37-49 14 IT i 39-3 7(0) 3 M 34-97 3 0-4 38-95 2 01 38-90 1 38 00 3 0-7 37-70 3 0-6 37 10 1 37-23 14 o-fl 11X1 38-43 I wo »73 3 M 39-70 3 0-3 38-80 00 38-60 1 37-73 3 0-8 37-50 3 0-6 37 00 1 37T7 11 0-5 3917 * 14 38-43 3 0-3 38-65 01 38-30 1 37-57 3 0-8 37-33 3 0-7 37-00 1 37-10 14 0-7 800 37-2 1000 34 83 8 • 10 38 23 3 0-3 38-50 0-2 38-10 1 37-40 3 0-8 37-23 3 0-7 37-00 1 37T2 11 0-5 36-6 ||()0 1 is s; a 1-4 38-06 o 2 03 ... ... ... ... 37 10 2 0-8 37-20 2 0-6 36-97 9 0-9 j TO], 1 300 3* JO 3 1-2 37 86 2 0-3 ... ... 36-95 2 0-9 37-10 2 0-6 37T4 6 0-5 » 35-77 | 1300 34 10 j 1© 3765 2 03 36-80 2 10 36-95 2 0-5 ... 36-89 9 TO XWJ35-60 ,W> 37 87 3 0-7 37 45 2 05 ... ... 36-65 2 IT 36-85 2 0-5 37-12 6 0-5 W 35-47 I !>/*< 37 <7 * 1 37 » 2 06 ... ... ... 36-55 2 IT 36 76 2 0-5 36-86 8 1-1 * 35-33 MEAN OCEAN TEMPERATURES. TABLE VI. — continued. Showing Mean Ocean Temperatures (deduced from Observations obtained in II.M.S. Challenger) arranged in 5° Belts of Latitude. NORTH PACIFIC. CD 0° to 5°. 5 ° to 10° 10 ° to 15° 15° to 20°. 20 ° to 25° 25 ° to 30c 30 ° to 35r 35° to 40°. <5*1-5 .3 Mean Temp. No. of Obs. Extreme Range. Mean Temp. No. of Obs. Extreme Range. Mean Temp. No. of Obs. Extreme Range. Mean Temp. No. of Obs. Extreme Range. Mean Temp. No. of Obs. Extreme Range. Mean Temp. No. of Obs. Extreme Range. Mean Temp. No. of Obs. Extreme Range. Mean Temp. O J, ' Extreme Range. Surf. ° 82-00 7 4-3 81 -08 5 2-0 O 7918 5 2-7 78-60 4 2-7 77-70 4 1-7 74-00 3 8-5 70-57 7 10-0 68-50 18 8-8 100 69-23 7 18-9 58-98 5 20-6 59-58 5 191 j 65-87 4 16-1 62-57 4 11-2 59-73 3 7-4 57-70 7 7-0 54-59 18 16-5 200 50-14 7 5-5 48-10 5 0-8 49-26 5 5-2 51-97 4 11-8 50-52 4 141 52-03 3 121 48-70 7 5-0 48-98 18 149 300 46-32 5 4-0 45-66 5 1-0 44 -56 5 2-2 45-42 4 4-0 45-83 3 9-4 45-77 3 7-9 42-85 6 4-2 43-35 17 7-3 400 43-48 6 2-7 43-42 5 1-8 42-14 5 21 42-20 4 1-6 41-83 3 3-4 41-57 3 2-6 39-86 5 3-2 40-41 17 4-4 500 41-48 6 1-7 41-48 5 2-0 40-42 5 1-6 40-30 4 1-8 39-77 3 1-0 39-40 3 0-7 3810 4 1-5 38-75 17 2-6 600 39-88 5 1-3 40-04 5 1-8 39-16 5 1-5 3912 4 1-2 38-63 3 0-3 38-20 3 0-3 37-35 4 0-7 37-77 17 1-6 700 38-70 5 1-5 38-90 5 1-8 38-24 5 1-3 38-25 4 0-5 37-87 3 0-3 37-37 3 0-4 36-80 4 0-3 3711 17 1-3 300 37-82 5 1-6 38-00 5 1-6 37-52 5 1-2 37-62 4 0-4 37-30 3 0-2 36-80 3 0-3 36-42 4 0-3 36-69 17 1-2 900 37-20 5 1-5 37-28 5 1-5 36-98 5 1-1 37-02 4 0-9 36-83 3 0-2 36-37 3 0-2 36-20 4 0-3 36-38 17 1-2 L000 I 36-87 4 1-6 36-68 5 1-7 36-58 5 1-0 36-52 4 11 36-40 3 0-2 36-00 3 0-2 35-98 4 0-4 3615 17 1-1 L100 36-37 4 1-4 3618 5 1-7 36-24 5 0-9 36-05 4 1-2 36-03 3 0-4 35-70 3 0-3 35-80 4 0-4 35-92 17 11 1200 36-23 3 1-3 35-84 5 1-4 35-94 5 0-8 35-70 4 11 35-70 3 0-6 35-57 3 o-i 35-62 4 0-4 35-72 17 1-1 1300 35-82 4 1-3 35-60 5 1-1 35-70 5 0-5 35-50 4 0-8 35-50 3 0-5 35-43 3 0-1 35-42 4 0-4 35-51 17 0-9 .400 35-57 4 11 35-42 5 0-6 35-50 5 0-4 35-32 4 0-5 35-30 3 0-2 35-30 3 0-3 35-25 4 0 4 35-32 17 0-8 1500 35-50 4 0-8 35-28 5 0-5 35-34 5 0-4 35-25 4 0-2 3513 3 0-2 35-23 3 0-5 35-20 4 0-3 3519 17 0-8 SOUTH PACIFIC. urf. 81-70 5 5-3 80-45 2 0-5 79-00 6 2-5 78-41 9 2-3 73-85 2 w 68-37 4 7-0 63-21 7 8-0 57'99 17 19-5 100 69-38 5 17-7 68 -75 2 1-1 71-05 6 6-2 71-43 9 3-3 68-50 2 0-8 63-97 4 71 54-67 7 12-7 51-82 17 11-7 200 50-38 5 2-8 48-50 2 1-0 53-22 6 3-7 57-72 9 5-5 57-25 2 2-1 55-40 4 6-2 48-30 7 10-9 46-92 17 9-3 j 300 45-54 5 1-8 44-55 2 01 44-77 6 1-5 46-01 8 3-5 45-90 2 0-6 47-65 4 5-0 44-03 7 7-2 4413 16 5-9 400 42-62 5 0-9 4215 2 0-7 41-53 6 1-6 42-04 7 0-7 42-75 2 0-9 43-37 4 41 41-29 7 2-8 42-26 14 4-9 1 500 40-66 5 0-6 40-55 2 0-9 39-85 6 1-6 40-04 7 0-5 40-85 2 0-7 41-15 4 3-0 4010 6 1-7 40-74 14 3-8 ' 600 39-36 5 0-5 39-20 2 0-6 38-82 5 1-2 38-80 6 0-5 39-45 2 0-3 39-07 3 0-2 39 05 6 1-5 39-51 14 3-3 700 38-48 5 0-9 38-30 2 0-4 3816 5 0-5 37-96 5 0-6 38-35 2 o-i 38-03 3 0-3 3817 6 1-3 3S-49 14 2-6 | :soo 37-78 5 0-9 37 ’55 2 01 37-60 5 0-4 37-32 5 0-6 37-40 2 0-2 37-30 3 0-2 37 53 6 1-2 37 59 13 1-8 ;900 37 22 5 1-0 37-05 2 01 3714 5 0-3 36-88 5 0-4 36-85 2 0-3 36-83 3 0-2 37 '05 6 11 37-04 13 16 boo 36-65 4 1-0 36-60 2 0-2 36-80 3 0-2 36-48 5 0-5 36-40 2 0-2 36-47 3 0-4 36-65 6 0-8 36-61 13 1-3 too 36-15 4 1-0 36-40 i 36-42 5 0-3 36-15 4 0-6 36-10 2 0-2 3613 3 0-4 36 -2S 6 o-s 36-31 12 i-i 200 35-77 3 1-0 36-10 i 36-17 3 0-3 36-03 3 01 35-90 2 0-2 35-93 3 0-4 36-05 6 o-s 36-07 11 o-s 500 35-60 3 0-9 35-90 i 35-97 6 0-2 36-00 1 35-70 2 0-2 35 '77 3 0-4 35-90 5 0-7 35-90 11 o-s 1 too 35-47 3 0-7 35-60 i 35-75 2 01 35-90 1 35-50 2 0-2 35-50 2 0-2 35- 74 5 o-s 35-69 11 0-9 500 i 35-33 3 0-6 35-30 i 35-50 2 0-2 35-80 1 35-35 2 0-3 35-40 9 00 35-58 5 I1'” 35"44 12 1-2 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. TABLE VII. Showing the Temperatures obtained between the depth of 1500 fathoms and the Bottom. I. South Pacific Ocean. Station 294. Station 296. Station 297. Station 298. „ ... \ Lat. 33° 22' S. Position | Long 98o 46- w Position j Yt' 388S° I'w ( Long. 88 2 W. p ... 1 Lat. 37° 29' S. Position 1 Long. 83o r w p ... i Lat. 34° 7' S. 1 osition | Long 73o 5g, w Depth in Fathoms. Temperature. Depth in Fathoms. Temperature. Depth in Fathoms. Temperature. Depth in Fathoms. Temperature. 1500 3 5° 6 1500 36-0 1500 35-9 1500 36 1 1600 35-5 1600 35-8 1600 35-8 1600 36-0 1700 35-3 1700 35'6 1700 35’6 1700 35-9 1800 35-2 Bottom 1825 35-3 Bottom 1775 35-5 1800 35-9 1900 35-0 1900 35-8 2000 34-9 2000 357 2100 34-8 2100 357 Bottom 2270 34-6 Bottom 2225 35-6 II. South Atlantic Ocean. Station 323. Position Lat. 35° 39' S. Long. 50° 47' W. Depth in Fathoms. 1500 1600 1725 1825 Bottom 1900 Temperature. 37-0 36-3 34-8 33-8 331 Station 324. Position Lat. 36° 9' S. Long. 48“ 22' W. Depth in Fathoms. 1500 1800 2000 2200 2400 2500 2600 2700 Bottom 2800 Temperature. 37-0 37-0 36-0 33'3 32-6 32'6 32-6 32-6 32-6 Station 325. Position Lat. 36“ 44' S. Long. 46° 16' W. Depth in Fathoms. 1500 2200 2300 2400 Bottom 2650 Temperature. 37-2 34-0 33-2 32-8 327 Station 326. Position Lat. 37° 3' S. Long. 44° 17' W. Depth in Fathoms. 1000 2125 2325 2525 Bottom 2775 Temperature. 37-0 37-0 36-2 33 0 32-6 Station 327. Station 329. Station 330. Station 333. Station 334. n ... i Lat. 36° 48' S. Position j Long-42°45'w. p i Lat. 37“ 31' S. Position j Long_36o7, w p .. . \ Lat. 37° 45' S. Position | Long. 33° 0' W. „ ( Lat. 35“ 36' S. Position j LoHg.2l°l2'W. p ... \ Lat. 35° 45' S. Position j Longl8o3nv. Depth in Fathoms. Temp. Depth in Fathoms. Temp. Depth in Fathoms. Temp. Depth in Fathoms. Temp. Depth in Fathoms. Temp. 1000 2225 2425 2625 ! Bottom 2900 37°'0 34-0 33-5 33T 32-8 1000 1800 2000 2200 2400 Bottom 2675 37°'0 37-0 36-0 32-6 32-5 32-3 1500 1580 1780 1980 2180 Bottom 2440 37°5 37-5 36-5 35-3 34-2 32-7 1000 1450 1650 1850 Bottom 2025 37°3 37-3 37-3 37-3 35-4 1330 36°6 1500 36-4 1530 36 "3 1730 36 T Bottom 1915 35 "8 (PHYS. CI1EJI. CHALL. EXP.- PART III. — 1884.) — C 1