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Kfe- ! w 1 1 «... 1 ^b'tii jjfjjfcriSi ( 1 p(^^H M Kuxydm^tv-, " AtJ^>v^/X '^/T' ;Uml, ^/^.^ .yLao ^ B C k^ m^A re 'I '\^«i - -J*..-- — '-' {"Ail |:'^ '■%si^ »» tS m '~'M^- ft ' '^i^^/vvJ:Avu , cyd. i^o, 44, •^'-^^-^''--^'^^ Y '"'^'^-S'^^^ ^1, tl W^, X44, ^Vo\ X67-r ^71 Aa-3 5i>. JHH,35>/,3//. ll^Ji-aujL Jwd^ . 5\. If •"•««■» «« < ' • 't'l ", ■ ' fl. B C D I'bH r ^-^^-^ ^^ yl^iL^w^Aw^ ^' "^^ '5!^-^A-^,t. 3 ^z^.it//^^".^^; 24 .i^^**y y 1,'. ,U !.|i. ^ n 'i fS'« |||,..^8lli|«' f'f — I I I tm J)^U^,eUtX. 3 ^ /lU.. ?1 P*^ c n F L ^^;; *•■ ■ ?'il t li :b mt- I '^■,'^.s. |s-| .^ -V .<«'! :« m M ft' •A: A, lif - • ? ■;: A' 'i . •t''i, « B ^ W4- I 1 "T .,'tJ ;l^3L/v^.^ /karrjUioS^ ^7^4 ^§>JC^ lTti>, U?, , Li;*.. 'M»i ftf, gj . Hajo^ojv k^cUJUt, tL QJB ^JL } >1>j-^«-a^-v., a.li. \q\^ vjL^>rj4^,^/l^ ^ 5^J7 ■■I ■. — L^^U- iJMAnix.^ J ir, 3SS, Ij I'' •''•"' ' 'm , f •I, ■ , "^-^ A B C D f- I- "'■" 1 :4 ■ t It* • , " Vftl ' V '< i J, * V-.'li . '•.'.■'1 :}■ « *> ■h .*;{.' AS 'If r rf •! *'• .1. 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XSfl, 3 u , A 3^ I L(i/vNj»JJo^ ^\nI^ , Xo:3 iJJyAjXAjL-i /;.C*v-^^*«^^ J/-3 3^ .. J^>^AA.'?C^bA/V^-^ vRmX S • Yi ■. . I ■ ■■ I - ■ ■■■■■■■ I ■ -■■ ■ I ■ ■ M — ■ - 1 ■ -■ - , ■ ^- * . M . ■ ■ - ■ ■ - — -■■ ■■ -^ \ ■— -_„■■■-— 1 ■ ■!■■■ ■ - —»■■■■ — .1 II ■ — I- ■ ■ ■ ■-■■ — "■ vvb-, U::^,€Uj^X. \Ht3,/¥z/, t.^JtiJ^JM, ^JJi1 . '.1 %<» OT| »' M -M "I? :'-^ "•'^'1 ^i , t rf 4 1 ? ih •i-d^m^AM }.m:tk 'ti ..;'W ■ . ' / .^-^•'-' f r. *vF wisp ^l/- » ■ • 'I -ill > f ' »■ /VBCDEFTH I JKLM' *>W^'''-j. /)\A^-^'Ct^ 'V*Jl3UeoJ.,5(4w ^i^-il, \H4, TA-c^w^^ ^-"Kto. ^, •^8, Wvyj*. AMJdx^ L, (fcL{^ ^VaavvVj^.K^ (^, ^^j *i*i^ "!■ .'WsM.^i. Ct im:'^^ ^T^'\ '"'f^^-r J^^:^*^ yJ-^vjA^ l3a::_l4o,;i7^. \V Arv-**'^ti^,3y-|«.*vv-^ _ls:i, no, ^Wol^, C^. ^. ^^^ u i?»^*^-i* *wei»»!ff , k% i I ' f ■ i' m "St i • -t. '■■-^sfS I-..1 rf ..*;' *\"i-*<. S jJ • It ' I'.//*! A B C D I- f- r. H I J K I M P ' 4»' I ^ Ji Vwi-CVvAvvouJL^W,^, \0% \;lc? -4 W>-^-3^?Lwoowv^ XMjjo^^r^ , J> X^ Wx^a^L^^,,,.^^ \\\, «:>? i'l Mi v^lj ,ft? f? ^! k#.-*i?. 'l«J ini: JK :%^^*.P^ ,l~ M. ' •^-^ ^d. /LccZtZr-^ ,^A ^^^ ■^^^mjJL . Jf^.aLa<.,>j-^(. - s . • ^ l1 ¥*■■ -il V'!^ ■ '■&. ■ . fg j^ '- •>] ^ -*' »r ">• z:^ B C D F F f; H I J K I mM^n ol r,^. ' t.? ? ■i (^vA^ cU-oo^ , Oi.j \n, i/^X~3 ?>X? (a^^tJoM^Ui*- ll-H- ^srx, '(Sl^W\A^,4Ui>'Kw^Tal«.|Jil S-lx-;-, . tf -: (i^-Ml,\Al,K. Xti" AM ■i.U ' •' f' ^ 4^ ■ * 1 1 '3 K •■ 1 ;* i»|' 'n?'' ^*.,j rtl" .^' its :* <'., ' ' A hf i ljLaj^2'^Qxi^ I L<-%.-^,.jju»3k^ -S 2>3~I J. ,KxB. iX, I ; I. "i i* >** '■^/■^r*. -^Ala- 'li^^Q /\ B C D F F r. H I cl K L M W'^ NOP iU-kft ,T.Aj^ JL ^_._ ^ C- C^, i.AX-VAK- ^t.(k. IK-Ub (fceAcC^ -^/^ • //-Z 5, £«j4oov ,v. d . •S't, II. M ^0-^;..^ ^,'KkJv ^. U^, \^H, f ♦ , .:..i^|t.,:-J;^. *'.'. '€''•"' . ■:i^> 'f W "*;•'; , rri *i.f /-«'«•**'■ *!* ^\>:^' '.i' ''Vi . r t jf • »»j t , * ' ^r k* a B C D F F r H I J K I M IVI^'N 0 P Q fc ^ ^W»^4iir^^\^i^^kV^;^c-^n^*i}^^ ■ ij ^ ■ •!i;'ii lii w t-L' I --A'a. ! iij d[dUxlX£K>^ ^ tH3-:j5, (i-^|..y^) u, t^>y^^^i^. djieM^^Hk^ /f-0 6^ i^Z 5 //v7^^ to '"*. f .f.j I 1 9 i A /\ B C n F F f; H I cJ K I M M^ N 0 P Q R 1 X5. '^^^AJ^^-'-M \iu\;^. -^o, ^£; /^ w, >»^-« i&, x-g, ti^.lf^.k.^-fjtf-^ I /6^.,..eu;«, ^2c^ /A3 T HC 5, tf^i^ V / lit^ks^k:. «as.^%*^Sfc' /» ', '■'*'\*l n \ »"■,. ■-"* ^ B C D F F r. H I J K ! M IVi^ N 0 P Q R S P Sa^, /^. K I. 3-jj O'Kldi^ , /d->h- £^t-3 ^fyr. (^. W^, ^"-M, ^^XA/Vna^/O SS-, li^t, 3-v>^'»Aj)uy^ C ♦ ' * t A My ,' |,;'i€sl 4>, i •■^•^ ft. 1-7-"' * A ^1 Mil," *., *>, I-- », »f'S' <■*& Ml 5" '>/r#^il F * TJkxL.v.^3. ^oUpli I'i^". !» (' ' x^H, 3.1:2., //-z^ Jiy^AT^j^u^, ^-^. ^3^_ /fiO^ jUfo, /■ r* To^-»aAV^ 102^ Tka^,GLUoC^H. ^ "T>>.^^^,Y\M. y{]^ J '' /\ R C D E F r. H I J K L M M^ NO P Q R S T n 'M. *ss. . 4 -« -M *# "P j<; m '•,"' "k •Svft '\m ~'^/i . V4,'? •.•\t •>-3 i 'f -V' 'M • ?■, ,* ,;**■?• -v' . .- .' . '*. A B C D I- F r. H I J K I M Mt N 0 P Q R S T U Iri , ^^ JkS,k:.vJ- ^ - .J&JW. jg.nia6rM7 !^ \ In I-' k" V# ;'.» > • Alt ^, ;-f . AS 'v'.tl 4i:*A'^j \*Mshm |.«;v \L;v^jJU>J^,FX^ ^.tu;/^^, V(avv\^U^.$^v.dUc^'K. 6^]. \i \u^>^-^^i^.a^. 5:z, ^H, 7^, ^ !•' I wm '-■} •Hv.- ABCDFFr. H IcJKLM'M^NOPQRST'UV mm.^.. - k'4 iM i>*.?«=% * lit* r"_ it e| 4- i^fT* *%* ' "n't , ;ir":.Au •^iKS ^ B C D F F G H I J K L M,MSN 0 P Q R S T U V W' '^ \^H^Joo..^VU*^^^^lHC-lH}. ^l^My^jtMui^ -^^^t4u3^/*7 /Ciiiv*-.^ /Z?^/; \K' -A^^V>-<- W 'frntrn. ■ ■■ '^.t^mmmfmrnm ^- /I May 26,1910 -■TslafflS: A. . ' -• . I ...... KJl J,, .'. y I* if , 1 en:^lD?:^a two Mils: Ov:e fr;) f-";. ^e i,ari(-..K v omi^aiiy for two Cick Safes . - 'K. .-;., :si^/.:-0 and • r;o,41, $52.r0); -he uthav' ivm .Hilius La^.^nur,* for office if "01^ -vHI p^y fr&i,' ;,hB Karriffiar Fund. VV-»*-^v,v>., |ls^ 4| y 11 Ml It! I rii-ETj . ^,. ..#- S^^t »; I 6' CM s « 5 !« ^ o s l! •S O 5 J •2r ^ « -f^ •C* s I « a. ^ Si* 5 5 5 o ^ s 1 •s S O (> 1 I e • i t •c* g . s § €0 8 O »-• S- lis i5 a O r-1 -^ O l-i S" ^ 8 s *^ ^ *tJ v. HI I ' f / .'. w. a. S- i I o e» o^ Paper, folde«5* 25 WoodTrard ^ and lackets for vertical files... II.54 ird a Lothrop Office furniture '"^^^y truly yours 140.40 M,^ ^ sa-> A ^.' $ i t\ I * I f' U^ ■ ■* Jiine 3, 1910 Dttar Doctor Walcott: Replying to your letter of the l«t Inet reeeiTed this afternoon, would state that wj rMignation as Chief of the Biological Survey has alreaiy taken effect ai^ that I ae no longsr receiTing a salary fro« the Goy«n«ent My salary fro« ttie Harriasm ^ind wae to bflgin May Ist, as stated by Mrs Uarriasn. Thanks for copies of eorrespondwice between you and the Tamer's Umn and Trust C ihidi you hare been good enough to send ite. Very truly yours, Dr Charles B. laloott. Secretary, Smithsonian Instil K/^.' June 13, 1910 Smut On going to tho lasouB today I found joar lottor of tho 8th Inat., returning T«Dehor AIS4. irtiidi I inadvertently sent ii vlthoot •iffiatnre. I hare just signed and returning it to you herewl'Ui. Regretting the oversight. ▼ery truly youre, Ouurlee D. laleott 8eeretai7, Snithsonisn Ineti *.».^-,''. *^. ^ -.-- — , 10 N^ if '<« I 1 vjk] rt 12 a Jyjtf 18, 1910 Mr W. I. MaM. ^ DiAursii^ Officer, StaithMnian Inat. D«ar Sir: H«r«with I «nclOB«, for payawit froa th« Harriaan Tond. tm bills, as follov: *1 1^2 Pick Sa^«, special equipment $124.23 W. F. Roberts Co. , . .. 1000 ^ lleBatiYe envelopes 2.00 200 5x7 * • .50 2.50 Respectfully, \ V-^.. \ ■- \J>^' ^>-~,s^^,,„ .^. June 18, 1910. Mr C. C. Tegethoff, 475 Fifth Ave. , New York. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 17th inst is at hand, with enclosure of inventory of prop- erty pertaining to ttje Harriman Alaska Ex- pedition volumes and belonging to the Estate of B. H. Harriman, to be turned over to the Estate by the late publiehers, Doubleday, Puge ft Company. • - . . I assume it is Mrs Harriman 's intention to have this material sent to the Staithsonian Institution. If I can be of any service in the natter you will of course let me know. Very truly yours. 'MS i June 20, 1^0. My dear Dr Van HiBe: Many tbanke for your letter of th€ 6th ancloaing a letter from Miaa Uajseltine £ rout Miaa Julia A, Robineon. I have just written Ifise RobinBon and hope to secure her in the fal3. I shall need another of the same kind, only the second one need not neceBsarily be a stenographer but nwat be a good typewrit ar. Gilbert was sorry to iriss you wher you were here a short time ago. Very truly yours, » Dr Caiarles R. Van Hise, Prteident, Tfeiversity of Wiaconsin. u June 20, TjIO. Mi88 M. E. Hazeltine, Preceptor, Library . School , Uadiaon, WiBConem. President Van Hise has forwarded m-- your letter of the 4th inet. , and I have writ-en MiBB Julia A. Robinson at Bisiparck. In the fall I shall need another a^sis- tant with the same qualifications mantioied in m previous letter, except that she n^^ed not necessarily be a stenographer, but wst be a good typewriter. If you have such a person in mind I would be glad to Imow a:>out her. Very truly yours, V NJ J-*,., W June 20, 1910. MisB Julia A. Robineon, North Dakota Library CwnmiBBion BiBBarck, Nortii Dakota. A few weeks ago I wrote President Van Hiee asking if he knew of a good stenographer with library training, competent to search literature and extract loatter, and possessing the qualities of neatness, order, and accuracy He referred my request to Miss Hazeltine, who recQDiBends you, I am writing therefore to ask if you would like to come to Washir^ton next tall as one of my assistants, and if so, what salary you would expect for the first year. My work covers a good deal of ground ii but relates n^nly to the nanMle of North Acerioa and the Indians of California. The work of By assistants will be varied and will include the reading of works on exploraticm and trarel in the West, and extracting nxvi typ^ writing natter on the above subjects. I an going to California in a couple of weeks, to return about the first of Hoveniier. I shall need another assistant, viho need not necessarily be a stenographer but must be a good typewriter and otherwise should possess the qualifications above ntentioned. Have you a friitid of this kind? Very truly yours, ^ V- -V \v 17 »919— 16th Strre^t lir.C.C.T««ethoff 476 Fifth Ayerma June 21,1910. K«w York. Dear Sir: Replying to yours of yeetertcy about the H.A.g. volumeB: lot knowing the tam. or praaant status of tha agraaoant batwaan lira Harris ar.J lir.Walcott. I am ao»aihat in the dark. If ^y datails of ttiia agraaaant atiU r«ain unaattlad it aaeais to laa that th*y ahould ba diaposad of at onoe in ordar that the business end rsay ba cloaad. You, being inijloaa touch with Mrs.Harrinan. could do this I think batter than any ona also; but if Mrs.Harriaan thinks best I will 8«« MT-.Walcott and talk tiie mfcter over -xiih hi«. I have not eean hi. for aaveral waako but sometiioe ago understood him to aa^^ that it had bean agraed that th^ ScithHonian was to take oyer the Doublaiay Page stock of the alayen yoluaias already publiahed and ~a to continue the publication of the aariaa. If this is the caaa I ahould .'idriaa that the stock nanyiT« eanqplee of eugges- taft title ]Mige and back cover, idiich you showed m» at your office* Dr^lULocitt'a lettar, in so far as it relates to ny p> St^ilbaoiuan to do this \ I vvith -»li of its publications, ir order t lat copies mi^ht he available V:H -b-lven 0^ ub-5 v,ri' -ir;:.! ] IV r .r^**.-; i^ ;.';,) -irli J ; , i. c is done free of cost, no cliarge beinf- mace Tor ^he books and tr. nsportation being paid fr^om a special fund calleri the Sicithj^onian Intarnational Bbcchanf^e. Tl'eir proposition is that Mr8.Harria:an penrat t' ar to send =00 monies of tl^e voliir^es ilrnady printed ( frofi the ntock to be tutmad over t:* the^r by Doubleday Page *: Co. ) and t!iat the .^at'^e eourct- he iJ follo-^ed in ;:he cr^^e o^ -uture .ol.i-mH, ^''^ cont 3f traasfcr'^rt A- : ■ I on to be borne by ''ho rmit'^Hcriia-u Tho mcney ra-^ulting f-^om *he ^hI'?! of ^he r6maini)^g copies will be paid to MrB.Harrii.vUi as rai.^^h<.ri;.rp3it ii^^ part for the cost of ptA- lieationo 7o Eave t^ire I. UJi-n * - -l^f^aw lio vi tOrr:: 0 .«s ♦■■ .iOuP^n Ti '/raw up a torr:: qj -i^-'/'-^u -)^: t to Eiibmit to Mrs. Harrinian. ThiB I will try to arrange re- iiiiiiediatel/o If this iseet^ Mrs. Harriman'e approval "^"^xQ stock now at Doholediy Pagers can be shipped to the Smithsonian at once. Very truly yours, V. *Ti. 1919 If' i I C- I. ' f "f Jur.f. 29,1910 A*» > • o v.. Teg«thoff, 'i7ri Fifth Avenue. .^ New York City, Hear Fir: Herev/it;. I enclose a draft of :in a^tcreeirent oonnemine; the Harrit;!fin Uaaka volumea, drawn up by kr.Rathbun after ^oin« over t!» : i^ H- -vv- ,fie, T.:-. Ti'-i^t reached me thie mominfi, before the receipt of your letter of the 28th, ^j^iich cure thie noon. I w ery glad to see from your letter tliat the i^Bnaral tre>i«l of ^' .» p."or:.se;. v-f*''--'"!^' ■'' '■? agraeaia© to i:rs.H.-irrimn. There are certain parts of it however /hich do not quite accord with her wishea. as expressed in your letter, and which therefore she will doubtleoB harv^e. -* v^ For instmce, the number of copies of each voIujm to be dia- tributed to principal libraries free of cost can be reduced at her dlsc^^oolori fr:mi 4C0 :.;. div :•■ . * f* V/ ! 1 ./ : ' !Ur:' ;; ;;t' ...:■ F,. ••.henr.ore, I x-.r.,-.- ^v^ji ^/our I otter '-■-*■ ■)t ehe prefer;, to sar.d part of tlieee unhownd. As the unbound oopiee are now in the form of flat sheets, v/ith the illuptration:- in 8epar;i.te boxeB, they would have to be assembled, folded, gathered, stitched. - r^ rrovi:ied vith paper covors, wluch v/o-a.-i .^ost rrore ^r.' half as niJch as i f-rrrane.-it birdir,-s. Both I-:r.F;..ti:cur, irri I !-,ad af,fuc8d :,};; t in order to p/e- T■■■-^t ''\c recks d:e 'vvoulr: think- it tos;t to bind all Vo copier ftill rcf aining urbound. T.n .-:t of foldinr. ratherin^, and binding is likftly ^0 br in ^-o r elr}:bo-hood of 50 or n.S cts. per copy. i ^ it 1- vn'pt.-le-l i:;,t the .^ithsonijin titlepage, alluded tc in w c.ruvioua letter as a 'durrcy titlepa^te'. be inserted in all corieB ., ■ c ^".i^ ^>a,. uHAan wiL't ojie ';XcertiOTi of tnose sent ^^o Mrs.Harrima.-, fcr her percoa-il i:se. This has the advanta^'-re of al- Ic-in,- - 0 original for- of titlepage, -^ith its "H.A.E." rtr^r.art u' red and black, to continua throu^li the ortiro nerias. It ir alao in aooord with a practice coDf^-on in rex y i-^stitu^-icrs—parti - ■n^lariy in Europe -where the Institution issuing th.c publication has its oTO titlep.a^e, iinr.ediately followed by the distinctive titlep;v<-e jf tlie series. The price to be charf^od for the volumes has not yet baer de- tomiined and will vary with the volme-depending en the original cost of publication, includir^ illust-at-ions. It v/iH 'o-.ever be ■ocn.iderably lower t'l.ui tho pri.s anl e^^ ty Ocubleday.Pa^^e h Co. In the .ocornpanyi^^ draft of .vrroeRent it i.s ^vg^e^tefl th .1 the price .•ihar^ be the actual cost of publioation. If Mv .HrrriRar -.vill kindly jcawe a-.-y :^]^ ^e, ehe decires ir the accoKpanyiiTg draft, and rotnr. the .a-ne to me. I will have du- plicate copien prepared for iio, ..'.r...LurH and that of f}io Actir,^ Seci-etury of the anithsoniar.. Or. it would .ave Mme i' you will have tho copies :r:ade in your office and si^e.3 hy Mrs.Harriim-^ be- fore fn-ivardir^ for I'r.RathbunV. ^i^iature. If t}«re aro points which I-rs.Harrimr or you would liko to dii.cu.E with me, please wire me and I ••dli go to New York at once. Very tr^.ly youj-8. 1919-16th J^treot Wa8hin^ton,D.C. Ifr.W.I.MaiBB ^'^•'' ^'^^lO- Disbureii^ Officer, acithsonian Inetitution. ' Pour Sir: I s.'iali If obliged if vou wil] ^ervi ^ » ♦- . ^ *^ some vouchers nf -v^ ^on. ,ou p .e to .ee in preeenti^ acoounte for ite. „ L^T ~. e»i al«o a fe. return envelopes addressed to yourself' Julius Lansburgh has just sent ice a duT)li'>ifp }.m . *, foi- ¥m^ ^-^ • . aupn^.ite bill for $19.50 for ^ ohuira and a sitall .tand. The original bill r / Mav ?/;«>,» - "'-te-inax oiii I sent vou on May 26 and presuire you paid it ior^ a^o. Very triily yours. o ^4. •I 1919 16tli Street Washington, D.C. July 6, 1910, ttr W. I, Adau, Accountant, anithacmian Inat. Daar Kr Adi llianka for your letter of Uib ?A inst. enclosing voudieri aubrouchera, and return anvf^lopea addreHB«cl to you. The Lanaburi^ natter waa aa I had supposed. Harmrith I ancloaa rouoher coyer ing bills paid by me in It^jr and ^me, amountii« to $34. 30, and shall be obliged if you will kindly raiainiraa me fron the Harriii^n fmd. ▼ery truly yours. r^ 't-.- .". or; 1919 16th Street Washington, D.C. Mr. Richard Rathbun, Acting Secretary, acithsonian Inctitution. Dwur Jfr. Rathbun: On receipt of your letter of J,me 29 transmitting a form of agreement between the Smithsonia:: Irstitntion and Mrs. Mary W. Harri^nao eonceming the Harrimn Alaska Expedition booke. I insediately fo- warded said agreement to Mr.Tegethoff, Mrs. Harriman's a^ent. Mr.Tegethoff '8 reply, returning the agreanent. signed by Mrs. HarriBsn, can-e this znoming. and I ^ handing you the same herewith. Mrs. Harrimn wiehes to retain ownership of the electrotypes. Plata., etc. and Mr. Tegethoff s.^^eets that if this is not con- t«^lated in the agreement signed by her. a new ^ree^ent be prepared. Perhaps this mi^t be accon5>lished by the insertion of a clause in the prenant agrewcent. Very truly yours, V 1 •%■•■ *^ 2ii I 1 ^ '% I 1919 16th Street, *a«hii^on, D.C. C. C. Tagetooff, IB,.. July 9, 1910. 475 Fifth Aronue. !•» York City. Urn h^ . Smthscmian and found tiiat l^r R. had gor^e to 1*e i^eral of Chief Justice mier I susR^ested the insertion of a elaii«» ^.f* * return. " Rithbun on his The duplicate can be joade and e^^^.f^ i, iuouD ana executed here, and I will ..v^a BamB to you for Mre Harriajan a« ,n«« o . anct i wiu send ian. °°" *" ^"""^^«^ f^<>« th- aaithBon. Very truly your a. r* % ■ i 1 !; » vc 1919 Sixte«ith Streii^ w July 12.19:«0 to*. C. C. Tagethoff, 475 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Dwu- i'r.Ta»J5ethoff: I have jufit received from Mr.Rathbim, and am forwa-ding to you .ereirith the duplicate copy of the agre«r.ent concemin,- the Harris.. Alaska volume.. Thla hae been executed by Mr.Rathbur and m^ould .e eigned and retained by Mrs. Harriznan-the copy prev: oualy elgned ry Mrs. Harriman having been signed and retained by Mr. Rathbxm , You will observe in the first sentence of the a^ree:.ent the insertion of the words "without surrendering ownership of .he same-. This has been interlined in Mr. Rathb^'. copy, so th.t the two copies agree. The cases containing the books, sheets, plates and a«y be .hipped at once to the Steithsonian, addressed: Secretary, Smithsonian Institution t Washington, D.C. Th. word Alaska' should be placed on the upper l.ft-tand ' comer of each label so tt.at the var.^oM. ...kn^.. .^ n.U .I.:p.«t i W be readily distinguished from any other, with which th^ n^ co«e ^ in contact. Whether shipped by express or freight «akes no difference at thxs end of the line, but since they are very bulky and heavy I l should think freight would be vastly cheaper. 1 i 7ery truly yours, 20 on t f; KOi J'Jly 12, 1910. Dear Mr.Rathbun: Many thanks for your letter of the 11th inet. traneozitting duplicate copy of tiid Ae;redment between the Eteithsonian In- stitution aiid UrB.Uary W. Harriman concern- ing the Harriman Alaska Expedition books, which docuKent I m now forwarding to Mrs. Karrifljan. I arc obii^:ed also for the laani- fold for ay files. It is satisfactory to knoii' tliat the matter is now settled. I have just wi-itten Mr.Tegetlioff aakir^- hirt to thip o..^ cases to the Snithsonian and to have tlie word Alaska placed on the upper left-hand comer of each label. 1* D- V ^ n IfU *^^y yours. Mr Richard Rathbun SmithsAhian Institution. y 7C' 30 30 I 'I 1919 Sixteenth street Wash i Hi? ton, D.C. Dear M**. Hathbiw; •Tuly l'-.,19.10. Bncloeed U a letter from I. r. KcClurg ft Co. of rhicago in- quiru^ about tha Hur:-^..n AI ..'c. ole^.s. -nU'. :... .,„, ,,,'.,.. wu.:,.l ,. ne by Mr.T<,gethoff. Will you kindly reply direcf. to McClurg. Very truly .yours Mr. Richard Rathbun Acting Secretary acithfeonian Irstitution. 1919 Sixteenth Street Waahington, B.C. July 16,1910. Mr.C. C. Tegethoff 475 Fifth Avenue New York City. Dear Mr. Tegetlioff: Ynurs of ^'irt 14t't i'lBt, i^ if; h-cvl. T f ja1o>- ''m,^ Hu'ri* ir- Al . ki ]^>jlii '•.)iii the A, C. McClurg Co. of CiiiciMro. I have for- warded to Mr. Ruyjiim, Actdi.^- Z^.m^^sr^ jf the Smithsonian, irfio will attend to the matter as aoon as the books are received. Similar requests in future should be forwarded to the Secretar* of the Smithsonian Inntitution. . I shall not know isv California address im'.il I reach San Fran- cisco. Very truly yours * II' ^1 i h '/ I ll^ /L •* i - 0^ .-V '•1 Dlr»ctor, Library School, Drexel Inatitute, Philadelphia, Dtar Sir: 1919 Sixteenth Street > Washi gton, D.C" July 16.1910. ^•. -1 In the fall I ehall need one o>- two Jiaretont jlt.rk«. At lewt one should be a good stenoKrapher and bo',:i ^^^^. bo (^'- oJ cleart typewriters and competent to do high grade clerical and bibliogra- Fhic work. Tliey oust be neat, orderly, accurate, and trained to ««MnA literattjre and extract natter along aeveral lines— particu- larly reldtii^j "o lUamils 'v^^ IkUl-b. I HI 'r-^H f-or. f.'-.ijudi.:. ;» ^o -^Hf: , ^'■•li^ion, and{within liin- its I age, but require willingness to dc things ay way. «»• If you have one or two graduates \»hofE you can r^ooprend, I ■hall OS very glad to hear froo? you. ▼ery truly yours. B ¥ ir J, « _A- I [0 .»; i 1919 16th Street, TaehingtoR. D. C. July 20, 1910. Bear Profeeaor Verrill: Mra MarriiBan has daeided to continue the publication of the aarriani llaaka SqMditian TolTnea, axA hae trade an arrnn«p o I I S I I 6 i» t «i»* ^ "v^ ^ 2 ^ ^ «• * I a 08 ^ 3 i 4* » 4» H 1 - t « 3 eiD 1 1 » 4* & 2 % i; C 4* C "H fH ^ a Si =« ! S £ l^j K ^' '30- 1 f you v;^ili kirdlv rjav 'ho (rorn -he Harriran VvnS V o^*y Mv ^ti M ^ J. L. Raa'BdGll" Ho-^^icec.- r, 11a li .irv»;>c: •» •f <^T r» -.- rt,l -V* *2.2.Sft T» siron H. Xert— p:.o^oF-:!ip '■> c» 37 I € •^ ^ ^ & 4* 10 4> >^ ^ 4» ♦? %4 Ss *H ti « tf i 5 1^ -H Hi •H .P« n V» -H o |r -H CQ •H ^ o (0 i ^ P« 10 I ? s r H 11 QQ a ~ I lO IF5, •H V4 • • SP •e p^ ^ O 4» !} ? ^ t ! 5 o 2» o M 0 I j -^ R S I o 10 M ^ ^ > 4 4* (3D 3 Jtf I « ^ >> 5 S B 5 •H 43 « M 4» X 5 s •* a tf M 4* 4* TS ^ JD d .a OS « OS li -H Of 5 1 O -rl .1^ • i; m 39 ? * ^ o ♦1 if ( 7 it - i^ & y • » •6 ^ • tr 8 M a r i s 7 I 1 9 I o 3 O c* i • % m p B 9 O 1 z •4 I o m m % s t fc* •« 5 » c: a & M- • IT O. O g M •* ►*• ? • •- • • rf J: • o •< C »0. 8, 1910. Mr* 1. 0. Coclceyrw, ^4 Congresa St., Boston, Haas. D»«r Mr, Cockayne: Replying to your letter of tha 6th inatant would atate that I have juat a«»n CoTille and he telle me that neither of the Dotanioal voluuiea are likely to be ready in the near future, which I r^ry much regret. Verrll I have not heard from since my return. I will write hia shortly. Very truly youra. I 40 00 I flj — In 8 3 9> O JO cd 0) 9> 09 J J P4 -M © 05 o 05 O B (0 ® (C rM U) 09 •n © V«rf CJ fi •c-« p^ A •• t*:) CD ^ !0 06 & C rn Z t t m ^ z I n At c6 9> «..• a? 05 m (r> ♦> 3 rt** 03 •H 91 *^ Pi (I) 05 <& 'd 1> o T 4> ;5 a; *» V > 05 3} o '73 s 00 r-l 05 :d a> ^ n) 0 Q^ -f> ^ 4J 0) «> w f-^ 1) r> Cf) n .c r*? 1> 03 9) (!"» 03 ,3^ 4> 4.:' 1> n p. 4-1 4-» f*< 4.'> ^. c; ti) ro a XJ i> ^1 ])*e. 13, ino Kr Y. I. 4di«a, Diflburalag Off ie«r, ikat^onlaa Zutitutloa. Mr Uw Wr Aimm: Bftr«rltli I anelos* bin oC SvmrtscU Vtmrnt ft HMMagr Co, for ront of ^partaont #T01 n« VorthUBborlaad, fior moth of ])•< b«r, mo, «ii4 ghau bo obli«od If you wlU pay tho from tho aurrlaon mad. ▼orjr tnajr youra, Stv 4.-" Tjec. 17, 1910. Hon. Ckarl©^ T). Walcott, 30cy.» Smithaonian Institution. Dear Loctor Walcott: fo^T letter of the 8th injatant concernini^ Ittoe unbc^ix.d :i:ateriRl ^f tb* Harrxman AlaaiOi volxm^^ 'was nt to the kuseum ana therefore aia not reach lue ior aoine days. 1 have gone over the matter at soiae length and have checked up the ovtrsheets and overplates with the corres- ponding signatures and plate numbers in the volumes. As a result I submit the following suggestions. (1). That 4 sets of the oversheets and overplates of volxiflaes I 6c II be sent to me. (2). That the remainder of the oversheets and overplatfs of volumes J ^c IT he retained by the Smithso- nian foi uae in cttae reprint? ar^ needed, ad ucems ^ct iiipxotoable. You will remember that the Smithsonian no.v hai^ a coijLplete aet of electrotype plates. Tt should be explained that the large excess Df col- ored plates of plants, birdt, and i..ammals in volumes ij^ I <5c II Will be available fur insertion in the volume a on these subjects in case tlmy are ever ready for the press. (3)« That in the case of voliime V, a duplicate in- ventory be sent to Professor William Trelease, Idrector Botirtj.ic«.l Garden, "It. Louia, iiu. b%j Adoert^ain j.f the ma- terial on iiuixa would be of value to i^'^m^ m\ gest that it b# destroyed* (4). That in the case of the inri^^ct volumes Cols, VIIT (Sc IX), of which there are 415 copies of volume VTTI. and 486 of volume TX-- or 71 copies more of IX than of VIII — the following course be pursued. That the over- stock of volume TX be destroyed. That t-e ov»3rstocic of volume VITT, or, at least, enough of it to make 70 com- plete volumes, be preserved in order that the number of copies shall agree with tl^at of vblume IX, it oelng ad- svjxied thao tarn de^icind r::r t^e*e bw^ Vulumeii ^111 be tne 3ame. .-^J.! of the plates in this voluise except tne front iapiece are in blaCk and white am* easily repio- duoed — particularly the three lacking C o, 9, ^ iu), which are made up of line figures easily reproduced at ^}> 4:^ C.L.y. 8xaall cost. (5). That in the case of volumes III a IV, the overstock be held oy the Imithsonian until a sufficient time has elapsed after the distribution of the 400 copies to libraries to ascertain >Arhether or not t^^e demand for these voluiues at the reduced price ivill Justify reprint- w J- o aIciL ^ ^«v/^xe^« It ivould oe interesting to know what i^oubleday, Pa^se ^c Co. did with the missing and reducea plates, and the overshe.ts of text, r.-sulting in the extraordinary dis- crepancies brought to light by the present inventory. The letter and inventory fruiu the Lord Baltimore Press, dated Dec. 5, are herewith returned. '^ery truly yours. Vxx.- !>•«• 2J^ 1910, thm mMiemmmmm 11 jtcm Im kind rnm^tffik ti> gtfm or Mrs « ¥• n^mmm AwmrmH. «Mc>itor, MlM tUamli^tli Aver^u^ aoA ^^< <»org» T« Wim gre«tii]is;s of tb« saMoQ. ▼•xy tjruljr yoia^^ ^ «. % ■»^ l^^fW ' t 7 small cost. (5). That in the caae of vGl;xmes III . iv, the overstock be held bv the iL'iithsonian ujita a sufficient time has elapsed after the distribution of the 400 copies to libraries to ascertain whether or not t e deinand for tliese volumas at the reduced yrice will .^uatify ^^eprint- «.. i - J. , J 4 ♦- 1 w J o r.iL^ >» vj \,.- JL e 4^ , ' <. "v/' it ^oula o- interesting to ^no^ ^hat ..ouoleday, Pa^^s :o. did >;ith the iaissing and -educea plates, and the overshe^ts of text resulting i;: the extraoramary dis- crepancies broug/t to Ix^ht by the present inventory. ihe letter and inventory froui the Lord i^ltimore Press, dated L»ec. ii, are herewith returned. '^ery tr-^ly yours. w ^- % 4| r- I>^. 2?^ 1910 476 Wfth Av#*^ Mr. VtgethofT: Wll yon be kln4 eao^igh t<> give •• thm aMrMses or Mre. M* B|«saaA ATorell, her 4M«hter, Miss BUza)ietli AToreli, and Hev. ^•OTge T« Bfle^fc, litii greetlDtgs of the aaaeoti^ r\ '*x>^; I Jan. 13, 1911. Mr. i* I* Adams, DiBb-raing Agent, anithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Dear Lr. Adaraa: Here^srith I enclose bill of Swartzell, Rheem %. Hensey Co for T^^.n\. of Apartment 701, The Horthumkerland, for raonuh of Jan:;ary 1911, and siiall be obliged if you '^^ill pay the sarne from the income of t-.a Harri/nan i^uid. Respectfully, ^. v^ V. ■i 47 Mr. Charles S. Jenkina, Jan. 17, 1911. -ansdale Pa. Ddar Sir*: V>,at or3 7oiTr reg,-.lar a-zas of inar) rcllar aid ti .hat prxco do ycu .oil tha e«vorul si^es of .^ller .ith strong paper siieobs abbached r-aady fv.r .ncimting the .mps? Ver3 fcrjly yours, ' "V* .■!►*». ..^ 8^ 4^^ T 1 ■ . i r.i : : > i / • 1 ►' 1 X • Agbert Bagg, Ssq. , 124 Genes 30 St., ;.y "ear »..r. Ba,;;c;: Tedav for the firct '.Luo i have ooen abl^ oo rvt a^> my eld nob3s aM th3 index3s theroto, and have Icokod -p f^3 species coiiceniing v/iucii ^^c' nuxde inquiry ^..al. i '^o^ still in the field m Culiforaia. I -ave also k ;.Kcd ovor .y oruanal Adir,.ndack list aad anpondioea I' :. do not f^:d ti.)r,.i:i c:■i^ ^.a.S^on uf JsriluniS c£^- C-;ii-.Cul..:s 4'.-SCi.ila cpiscula-- i:; fact ^n t.iose davs ,w :.nc^;. her -iLla co.biaat.c- ?y;as .sad, ..nd I ,ave rx not.s on the Jro.' ; LichMr^s udiitioaai ^o Lliose originaliy linj™fi> Acan^^liis linario.., roi^..raua, or pub i X 3113 d. 1 '^_ h: the 2abe of :'i8t.oi.'ior ib atelJaris, I pr.blished cord of :,WG specimens shot ^y Rc:uer. B. '■'o-f!;li of L.^r/ille a", ew ::r-..v,en, .owis '>.nmty ia October 1^77. 1 do ::ct 630 how these could he ooen ^o o f ?stion b' t vci' could oasil-^ vrite iIo-.;frh in resoect to th: ;,>itt()r as -^e s'.ill lives at Lowville. The i-iccrd of La£:opu3 la:opu8 was fully recorded by : o';^h hiijself and iat^r by ue \:mer the old name. La^opus albi25. .ho bird \7a3 doiintless a Btrci>_:fl ^r. Calcarivis lapporucus I ':ave ;:o definite personal icnvV/l^d'e of. In i/y Journal ndor date of ^'eb. 9, Icou, I aenUoii that Dr. lii:rley of Lcwilic bold ^.a that h^ had s^oi; Ma:iy dor.^o; ..lat //inter. i ^ ^-yl^<^^chla aliciae is a coim^n sprin - and fall mir-rant througkiorrt the Adirondack rapion. I -,hct sp'^cimens at Locust '-rovo, le';Tis ::cun';y, hay 24, 1878 and Sept, 24, 1834; and ^;illia;n Brewster, wlien viaitiiie; ^^o at Locust Grove, shot lo :r L.a/ 30, 1884, a:id cv/o Sept. 2;^, 18^4. At '/vhibehall en Lake ahai-tplain I shot one and sav/ two otliers Oct. 6, IBMf). B\:t one bi-d is such a conrnon migrant that d'^ tailed specimen records ar^ hardly iieceasary. hylociclila oicknGlli is tae ena^ll i: r-eodui/^; bird of the Catskills and Adirondack^;. It was net recognised as a distinct fortn until after I ^.ad done moat of ihy ooUectin,- in northern :;eY/ York. Ly record as publislied in th-. Auk, «;©lJ , oo. {^-59, 18634^ is correct, ilie bird seems to b-:; a coi'iiiion migrant ori Lcnr Island, ^lere a nmaber of specimens have been obtcdned fro;a 3:^pt. 50 to about tne middle of October. Ah-ile 1 did net i>3Gord KedpolUunder the na/.e you use, nevertheless, x4odpolls -.Tore co.rjncn at irregular intorvals. On ■ ov. 14, 1882 1 saw flocks of Aorhothus linarla bor..70Gn Locist Grove and Lyoms oralis, outh in Lewis .cunty. On : om . 15, 1882 i zf.cl 15 :bd- I)olla near nry h^rne at Locust Cz-ove, They were in flecks foedia^ en alder catkins and seeds reraainiu^- in bhe heads of iiiulajio Ionium^ They pre^nted striking variations in size and markings. ihe Lir-t^at iriale measuftti; length 149, -xtent 2:^9, winf: 7o, sail t2, tarsus 14. b. The corrospondin(r nieaeure-ients of ^ feniale -A-ore, 12-, 2j0, 64, b2, and 11. On nee. 2, loo2 I sav/ flocks of hedpclls at Locust ^rrove, and on thtO IQti i saw a fev; feodi^v: on seeds of Inula- i'n Jan. 12, ;3 'I ■, - , r nnrk of a Q-'t lO:) i odoolls fo^dinp; in oxas bop of a lbb4 I saw a i lock oi a. u.. u x^. oirch tree. Lost of tnem .ve liriaria but a re.v I idanbifiad as 1 .olbclli. on .eb. 4 I a.ain sa. flocks of Redpolls.and on .an. U I sa. a flock .hxch I ^as not aoBolutely certaia a^out. .hey ■;xero 3ither Hsdnclls or ^ine ^iBkins. .^o-,n b- .y :eas rema,.U, but I .. not .mr. Uiat I ever published ti,e raconi ■.u.der t.e na^e rogtrala a.,d -onder ".vi.ere you fend .1. I .. also interested to too-. vUere you found ».; -eoord of ';entuni, caroliriuj. Vary tr;;ly yours, '^vV^ ^ \ k ^j 11 I" ■I . 1 Ml • ''lis I ,'1 4 r 1; r^ c Jan- 16, 1911 Mr W • I , Adams-, Disbursing Ageur., Sfliitht^oniun Infitituticn 1.:^' dear L!r AdaiaB Herewith I enclcse Mil of the R. P. Aridrev/s Paper GJo. for typewriter paper and clips, airjoni-^ting to *7.77, and shall be glad if Tpu yon wilJ pay the saire frcni tho HarriiXiari fund. Very tnaiy yours, i I i J;.,.-, lb, ,l9H. Hon ?«_■». n. i'jciwin 'V. ''.iins, U. ^1. Attorney, 826 B^ode'rai Buildiii|.r, Gh.ica;TO, 111. Bear Sir: Plsaae pardon ray delay in replyi:\e '-0 yt'ir lot'v'-r e.bout the Fur Seal matter. I appreciate your courtesy in sending rue a copy of your reply to the nfc.np >lr3 Cl\-.b, juid intended to Am to -ca long a£0. I agreo (isfaentially in your petition as stated in --our reply and am s'jre that it wo-. Id be liost liiiwiss for us, tte Advis- ory Board, to recoramend tiio diBccntinua-ice of the killin^ cf si'per- fluous .nales at the lalanciB, nrJass v.e -re-e reuL.e8ted to do tnia by t;.e Departirient of State in order to facilitate negotiations. In my jrde-nent s'-c'.i a rGCuirnr.ondation -.TOuIq le an acknowledgment on our part of c iTUBtviken policv while, as a -attor of fact, .-ir policy is not a ^^iistaken one, as the kUlinr of snperfluo- s males ,'n.t' 1". reas- onable limits does no iaim. rne action of t-.i Caa-.p Fire Jjub in this .-natt^rr lias flv/ays seemed to m gratuitous. liey have bunted in and have at.jrnpted to give advice in a niattor c.-.cer liu v/hich they Iiad no first hand in- formation whatever. I h^xve, tnerofore, i,?niored Uioir cofanuucat.or s and have not replied to thjir l!t .era. Very truly yours, / Ja-. 15, Ivil. De a: 'Udpryay; In lookin;: cvor t;u e uf uiy Mcrtiiam rsv? York Jour- nal? I .-ind ^uia*-.. Hadpcils v/arj co.iiaon at, tx^/ies in &::« late ;all a..d early winter. Of 13 ehob .u. of t:;e saiue riock, tJ.o Largest ..ale and s.^ll38b ie..:u}o vsre tic a .rila ..^ly diTiarau. i/i si.e t:iat I re- corded wio riest^ ineii3vr^,,^nts at; icilow: .aJe, Isi^.,. Li9, extent :^5^. win- vc. .ail > 2, tars..^ ii.;-, caL^^nn 10, atii..n of Lil J. il, J, and 6. • o • J - cvt as.U uil..; ■•« of ..;o^ .^i;i;aie •■.-ere: 12b, 200, 64, 52, ;cu t^ell i VJl ■" • c > oursus •••/aB • ot -^akan in aiii^3 ■■,ay ao jour 3asv.re..j:. ol wus part. '/ofv ;,n:.iv ours, V **.■ --■■^-- vKV*-u,._^ ■i"^^' C "> r u i vl Q< G'^ 7a V" ''';rator ol BirdB U. S. iJationai k;isaiij:i Jan. 19, l.dlc Dr. T. S. Paliuer, Asaistant Giuef , Biological Survav Dear PaLuer: This ncminr's %snir4>:tor) Pest cor/^ainG an item to tho effect that a Door was killod hy an oagle at Enfield, Mass. in the proshdaco of ci nurub^r of fct.riiiers, and that b-..j ^:a.:l3 warden vic'v^d tho carcass. Would it not b-^ worth //hiio to verify this stateraent-- in te renting if true? 7ery tr> ly yours, t 13 * i 5 Lf / Ji^ii. 19, 1911. ter Lr. Homer S. Sargent, ■ 17 Harvard St., Worcsster, x.:as6* ky Dviar Mr. Sargeno: of the lith iastant con^ctinia: dupUccite ormtB en flossy paper of t.:e Siie GrLczly c^na ':ii;t, ..illa^ nv -v^^ ivi tlie Cassiar district, TTitii poHiiiBfiioa GO se Urs5 sc.:^. Tiic) photo-raph is remarkably clear and bcautifia, a^d i a-: -'lad i:.l. pave it. a= .^^r.' fritr ^rour Ta/atan in- dain, ^'ed Teit. ^ '^ " ?:ie siuxlls ard lucres iiav:? not vet arrived, ••^t ^^-an they come I sliall be oxcoodine;!;/ rMd .S an opportun • '.y ^.c compare thoiu witii our material hero; o\d \rill '-^H? r-i tr-eni, jniasb i-i?tnictad to ^he contrary, to yotr taxioernJst, Alien, of t^anda:), N BUiiie thdt his inii-als rU] :>- at ached to t-:^ paoka^e. Lasb S'lmner a: d ['all I ^.ioktid uz a Ti^v; U^j^ketb, chiefly in nGrth--"e3V3rn Jalifornhi, irciL %riV«3i3 concernlno: ^/lilcli I lackod p:'- sonal data. I ajjpreciate; i,he forcj of your reniarks aooiifc ^he need of writiiir uo t-e Gal 3 for la :i.t-rial, arid tr iSt tixat in my oow pos- ition I slall iiave soi .c ti^se U d3Yobe to this i portant subject, '^'iian you are in tide oart cf •ae. 'crld ajain I shall nopr* to si^ow you i iv -^^ew qr.artcirs, anc i.lso .'-' rnTib^r of oaakota *VfUCii .v-ro not yaeablo wnei. vo^ -^^^ '^-"- last. o>:iie of ^.^ijso days 1 hoo^ yu . \:iil have ^ your collection to-:ot].3r ^'\l'^^r': I 'iiuv .icive ah cpp^r ■/. ii ty ^f r^joing it u'i i'*.i ronowed u:;ai^.k8 for y^^^i" courtesy. 1 '^ C Var«- t>ruly Vourr, .'X ;iv,v-x>- f-'- 1 .• Ja/1. 1^, 1;;11 Mr. Artii:.r G. Parker, Cars of Pepart/iienu of Ed.catiuM, Aloa^ny, h\ Y. I^ear Sir: Tiie last nunibar of hhe /ineri can Anthropologist contains a -otic3 of a recent paper by you entitled, ^rcqi;ois Usss cf iiiaise and Otlier Food Plari;.B. Bullet^m 4j2, J^di:ci.-.iorial Dspartu^ent. I aia anxious to eocv^re a c.;p7 of this B;.lleti;i, and if you ';;il] kindly have one asnt tc ;;ie I Li.ial.1 rla:^ to pay any expenses comiected tharciwith. ■I i^-* o p o o i# I vjj ju J. y , \ 'n:^. ^ ■\^i■ >v.-- vv-\.VJ Xk,' ::0. UIJ. Dear S„;.2ld0i \f. 1 r*!' i.X ^ \r :ar:^'B 1 p r^ our a of 1 ■) t5 .-) 1 ; •> "> 1 ■' , ^-'^ %^ ^j I ■> ' 1 « r .-1 ) < » I /•-•,♦■ T r X Bav* I 4- y '■!■ f ov3r oof or::: '^oard of ■^a.v^: se- f'lf.d '-.0 iaio^fV ci (t. F. ci^red B.jdr ■ .at.)r:.:..l of .roa. vaLia. L^ ii> i^ :,:cr:c.;:.t. rcr mo- Lu B'3S Ivr^. i;orto2^'s 3pecii.i3iis u^ia . -;:-ro.i:~'i 'O' r ^ nod -■rca;^>s, I liliall :iopQ -.0 accc:;:;lisj u:l;i v.'i;.3-. I c ^0 ''.w '^;-',. ' 1 hnr^ i:-.vB.j'-d oo -o on j^ .. u ,i. o • • • 1 I • ■ , •» .!', ^'T.•v i.bu;;i '.^^'' 'Ti^.oijr Biar i .; '^crbreedin •Yith '.1.0 iDJacii Bear iii ir z':o ime of viiat kitst^ An-.iu Alexander Ula .i:e i^c ^:;.ie? t^fiuc:. n^-^t ;:;.>.j :;L';.u,i .^^d Ljack :.^id Ua(>.LC3r Boars on ]fak -^cu Bev I [■i..\lO o:.0:- };3r SriOS t 1 .^ ' ,1 ^- ij vV d^ \^ f (^^lor \/u^r'j.a':>:uri . A 1^ .1.., .* '• • I 1 ■ •■■ *- , N V« a r r ;i L ra ; » >o r u 0 a -I « « ■■'- - -A- s j.^;ve rfo-'cdo , ^^ w t* : . r;^. 1 t* v3, j>t-S uC J w.0;<. ■0/.C r^-"'i'. 'vcru ; ror -o i j;l .v^ i-.;:. -r. li- :^6(l by 1. iss A lo: van dor '« » "m i 1 ! r -»> M t , . : i^: ro-H'L b r- coMvo cf ^v/G c Jior .';a80s in one ar.d '/v^ Y ail »/a w x^ J aOiv ^' -arjj ^ ai- Ci» iV^ w.< ^>- I " ^) * '■^'il ' iz'dCN LiiSi^ Alexander's la J \_/ r "^jioso ci" OU i 1 Zjiiis corn ;C.xon '.n^^ f- i« ^^.-aL owar:,n nays m iii..^ y^ \ yy ) v I •.. tf :.1.3 loOV Al^xa .de • Al .;:i.]n3o /7ilJ ba inl.o rusl^od .o r^^ad 5-i-d O'i '>-•'• y ires and AlaMials :rd of a riov; I 1 V.1 fv.a :*.xi>0Ci i. ^1 >>vn J ii'iiO.oi ••.i\^ ^s 2 subspocieB -f Blacii B^sar from Dall Islcind, '/.incii ^e M^f5cril)3i? ' vricr the o.iii.ia Urgus a/paricar-us py^ysax. He iiVurod :co£, a lot of no:>«;B and ^^pin.vOns au^nc Kl-xhAu o/id Brit.ish Ooli.iiXia Boara of varioiis XmdSe iij s •bal.ani.jLatos your opiii..on, v/i„j.ch I ous ' n'/i xli .f* .-o accopt, olmt Brov/n Boar iio 'Oti occor son la ;^f Ju/i3au. n'lr^ i& v/aat na Bays: "Tiiore can b.: no doubtj I boliovo, onat u'.o bro'/n boar dc not occur ^oobi) of Frederick Sou id and Onrib=lan Sound, on Dl:e islands, .vhil ■SLi one ::.aiiiland coaat -vo :iad no:. •;no siifvn:ost o"/idenco of 'ni;lr o w prosenca any^/no/o soutn. oi Jn-iau. ^^ ^Co r:.':5P' ^boldon in 11 r '7 c '- !I3-^ York Giti Vo ■"- 1"! Jan. 20 h r^ ^ P W.L 1 i c Q <..-. -i J. •.,' i<^ J. isL- .-■ Ij i ■* 1 HI an • >v t^.i. .' \, X J V jne Y ij •T' 1 .1 tw ti.i d C viC« < ■ » '- i- •• w ,J' Cl;ai. a ' - V- ' . U ' J iCi. 'k'ij.X ich I ;^rav 3 vou on ai^ i -i. X 'V--J..i V.J tA. 1 1 i u X7 i, X 1 Q kJ vy <.G ii - ' Xl ' 0 Lt, !._!.:; i:.':3i. . OH:.' ;a,a Doior > -Jj b F > ■ ' . C; -' ilJ w <,' X >^ ,ji.x Jr a *. '. lU- vj ■rrrr, V -i- -J • 1 ■■-' C cl 1. X w/ \ L C. < . 1 ■i. ■>•-' I ..JC V'-Jl.. 'CO a 1 ; o: lif on (X •IQ '^» f o '"»-Ct iv X X i jl Oc X u -3 y^ lb. 1.10 i- "■-/ '...A J. ivJ v^ X X u.ra in L!_i:izaj":i !.£ Ciiajmr -al ) nn 'j'a rt of TA i-'l ■• ^r^r- .:, -t CJC_ Pi 1 t- 1 ) J r* '- W * V A of bj3 PoLderuULt P X. U -^ X U i c rc..Yl A ? • f -» v C10S3 :,u •^. t3 io;v(3r ec-^re ii'i vjry 3io.vly ;.i!d o r a. lUlii tn3 oticK of th. ck- JL K. CO' X) k a] •0,73a 'iiij? u J a m.j*!Oer ;.!' k.:/-;« . o u AT j.'.Vl v^' I .lO C-O 01 ^Cx^;)d ' /I Ills t/iu U^A 18 V-' ^V ' A i .11 O o i. U con- r-ated 11 •o-j^ti. * . V-/ S.LU ;.;<,; a 1'>U lauCil JU 1. 1 kj u ,1 ,. c i. .ceo vi. vi I -.c^ 3 tor ■u8 ^: I V in/T Ji 10 ncv/o r ■■» v* w l> X o "r/ In tha s.'.rl y »-^ C, >' ij i?1 " <" 1^0 a. 10 K.' W .-' i ^ y V^ I « t ("^ ■■ -> >"f. O , i 'K ^rc ■ -1 v» k / 1 '. ;. >"• r ly yc 4.' . / r ij '^ ^\v^ '> v^A^-'vJJc^^ m Ne^ rcr... ■s^^ -^ ' \'i-^iyuz in offeri:>- uc: •-'nrc-.cvS:^ i' lo *J CX • «.* X • J . L k 1 ci 3 > J O' • !" iuiu Tor -CDr X 7t ^ <- IluII if vou V, 1 1 huve f 701, Tli3 Nort^ni-berland, Wc.t. .i--vO- , ^. 0. 1 v-ll ^-:3i.i',. at c-c3 on r G f 0 .^ 1 1 -s 4- ....c- od tc sei- xu /•\ •>'», ^ ■'.'L - - o l»' - ' > fc *, X. ^ Am I ■ V,-V« •...ope thcj £>1 Jas:^i; .^a i:.u.y be rc;pcaLjCL. J- ^'t^ ov "^'"-'ur' , il ^.'is -sj i ./ Vii.^ ino r-; 'aras ar.o ':'s . 7is,.eo oo "'.'". ;ti ! 1 -J C"~->4 • ';a I .• ...u n' V ' iv ■. £> ^v r- f' .? ;-■-■: ^n ■?'*-^i Til T ") 1. ilv3 Sqv;are Read, ■y Jan. 21, iill. uJcir Mr. Dixun: Many tia.ika for bus dru7ria-,B. You havd iiriprcv^il ...e; gr a'.ly a/id ./it'; a sIu^Il; o.icepticn ti.^y ^^ro ad-drable. Tlie coo till. 4:.-; './..iG.i 1 dc- :ict lik3 i;^ a ridnor r-Jatiire-- t;ie iiaadless y/o-.-an xn pi.ct:>ra ^f DaAi^o, Lrid t'-n. "dar L'or^u is :.oo |y6rfeci:.ly lUiiiian o.ad 10 %.:''V/'ji ^var .[Os^ ii-iad S1k:v-V J6 O /"■> vj»_' :Jocapitation in an unpleasaiit v/ay lUiLS -cu oar Ciia ;tr6 ufds boiore it is -lecessary to reproduce the QlQt. :-rM U X -.J • Very ',rrdy yours, c- -.V^^jc.^ V a Jan. 21, 1911. r» J. H. Maiin, 76 Wiliiaia St., Nov/ Ycrk City, Doar Mr. Mann: Nothifig would tGmpt rie to reconsider my dacisi^n aDout tiie dinner. If there is aiiy one thing that I hate more than otiier disagreaable thinf-s, it is big dinners. Very trulv voltb. ^— ■ ^ l^>X>-->-^. ^■^, K. %^- o 4 J a. ' L • :C- ^ , 1 ;/ i i , Dfaar Grinnell: Tne letter yuu .vrobe as y r.orti^ Carolina caiiie duly, b-it knowin .v6i« taka/1^ !:,i].e -^.ram for {: bhat you ^;vcro aAjs-di::: I aid not m iue S' o,;r)Ci:. of v^ur ietiKjr-.Ba^. o and uii>:)i_'' i .S:)cg iocd-- iias .i;.-':,er'.8r„.d ...a lor 8u..a yaara, out I .c.v3 :oo o^en L.bIo to -nak 9 mucu progress in nndi..^ onb sxactly 'vhat r-sects ohe varuous s^^cies of Batis 8at. Tha Biological Survey iias more ohan once ■■'aartaken to iae.Mtify tne insects fornd in ^.ha aliinentary tracr of bats, hvt •.nuiout .Bich success. The aifficvdt;; is, !,he Bats chew taeir food so ana nnat it is al: ust avond idantification. Professor Baala, 7/ho inade a lob ai" t.;e ^xairanations, Icand that he could o Iv rtrel-. de ,orire the rjuus to which a;-- insect, ^.oiot^pd. muabers of Deoflas as wall as ..oths and otnar msect-s, on ..• ;^V3 not l^M enovi^ pcsitive inforri^ation to ..aJce It vcr..: v/ha lish on tna sub.^.ct. Bats are undoubtadiy of .men t.ervioc o -c-.i. culture, and r^c :.e sricies, doubtlesn, do more good tixar: others:. I ava .lot forgot. on ,ny ..ro.icj r.o send yo-, a little art- icla about tae Yosamite Bears out. so Tar. have bean Su pressed .xth other foatters t/iat I nave not /lad tins to attend to it. Witri kindest regards to you and kirj. nnnneil. -1 Dr. George Bmi Grrinnell Forest ard Strea/u Oriice 1^7 >'raiikiin St. iiaw York City 7ory ur^iy --uurs, ;/„. ^ Jail. 2'i, l';,li ?^. W, DoLiin;^; ::)i :: Mac^u.;^al Alley, Hew York Citv T'> Dear y-f. D- ^^■>« vary many biianks for your kindUiisc aiid promptness m getting the paper. Your laii.er ann.>uaci.]g i^ne fact ca.ae in trie iLornini: iv^il and uhq followed oefore noon by tne paper itsolf. Herev/itn I a.r. enclosing my ciieck for $11.42, i^no a^nount of the bill, and I u.i. e^eatly mdebued go you for tlie trouole you have taken in oraar "^o baautify my rooms. Tne iLima^^r of tne Nortnumoerla/iCl i.ells aa he will have uij papar u'^ tak.iii^; /,ne orain for .vorti. Jaroliiia caiiio duly, b t k lowi^- -.hat 3/ou ^cro absent I aid not -lu rry to ''.^iJy. m iue o Q O^tico uf y^ur i::Jl.:.;:r---Ba'.o and ^a^^ir i.sscii I'ocd-- lias li' ter'^jBtycid -..a lor S'-.-Ma yaaru omu I .avf !0' J *_- -isn jiblo to Tiaka muoii progroBS in ri-idi.-,^ o,.:. sxacoly vhafc i-sticts ohe various Siwcies of Bat,8 aat. Tha Biological Survey iias more ohan unce -rdarLaken to identify Uie ins9ct;3 fo-jnd in -±6 alimentary tract of bats, out wi'^iout niuch aiccess. The aifficidtv is, ^he Bats chew tuoir fcod so lino UIL.Z it is al: -.et ivuid idsnuii'icaticn. Professor Beale, ■vio .-nade a lot j.' t..:e 3 xaici nations, fcand that ha covld o Iv a.rel-.- da ,or i-3 tlie -jnns t^ ivhich a;; imeci i^olcu-jd. Suzb 3&I lar^ve niuubers of Deotlas as wall as ..oths and otner insec-.s, d: '. v.- hav not 1,M enouo^ ccsitive i;ircni.ation tc ..ake it vcr'.h -'iul;) ■. pi;t- lish on th3 subje.ct. Bats are undouote^diy of .uiich t^.arvice 'o a.rri- culture^aid .-c .3 species, doubtlesa, do more good tnan othare. I ^V3 .-.ot forgo V.021 .ny ^.rciaj '.0 send yo'. a little art- icl.^ about '.-iti YoBemite Bears ui;.t, so xai', z^va bean s. pressed vith other ruatters tnat I nave not /:ad tine to attend to it. Witxi kindest regards to yo'.t and kr.t. Irijinell. "'3 Dr. George Bird Grmnell P'orest afd Stream Ojiica lidV j-'ranklin St. new York City 7orv or'.'lv -'ours, I E. W. DoLiing, b Mac^Gugal Alley, New York Gitv. Dsar Mr. D-iiirig: Vory i/iariy Oi^jrinks for your kmanasG aiid prom^jtnass in ^>;6tting the fjapar. Your lei,.er ar.ri..uaci.]^- "^i-ie fact ca-ae in trie ri.orning riiail and was lollcwed before noon hy the paper itself. Herewith I lui. enclosing my check for $11.12, :.ho aiuount of the bill, and I aiii c;reatly indebted to you for tlie tr )uole you have taken m order "^o baautify mv rooms. Tiis iuana^^er of tne Nortn-jmoerlana tells h.3 he will have the rmpar p; youra, «-: . »*• Robert Ridgwrsy 2)05o Ibtij St., N. W. Wasriin^ton, D. C. r 1:1 11 "i r . H' f ;M 'y od f ---^ ■l ^ i>-* - ■^, -^ ! .■':>•' < ^ 10 < .,;> '--'.-.^^ , Jan. 2f), ] - !!• Ur. ^rbiny: C- Pelletfc, My Dear Sir: i our le. ^t- r oi ^^-^ i.^. ..'.^ .o daacrii'^ioas; ;^o .: ixisi^d tor* or .•e origiruil ciasur-ipUoua askrfd for, I aia sc^iidiry? .yOu % , . ^ . '. ^ t- 1 /-I J !;• / • V 'I r • ji.cnc :i L.'v.oci;i.pied so oiua i /-'aB oblifr.^ci bO chGJ,re io,anu rana-neci ..ro :u. li. Ai;.. Kauiia, ■'o. 1, ..•i. '._ > P^ rOi'Tjiali ij; 8. ijarodoxue is doscrii-:d in .•;.a;;a-a.i8 cf Iowa. i Lua ;-la.a v,.-a-. yC'V. ar:; a , .''.5-.->01/N«^ ORICrlJAL IJKSORLPTION OF OAiiiS Hi-,Bl{A^nK::SIS L)V C. Hart Merriaiii. ".lA.lS ■?ALx.lDUS O KV u 1. i. «« • «; « « Type locality-— J oi.. .8 Lov/n, Bro-/m GGur.t.y, Neoraska. lyp' 770v5, ^ younn uduit, U.. S. iatiorial iU^paL^in, Dapartriitnt ol A;:Ticuit collacfcion. Colloc':2d karc'. IC, lb9C, cy K. E. Fast, Ciuu-aciars.'-SiaiJ i-ar l,o C. I'lbrans. Jjut .j v .; ry rfiie re pal-sr; ".auks of -ars buff insoead of fulvous; skuLl ana t,o-ylh smaller • Gclo2>-'-i^u2:i:.ld dull oouraceoj.^ ^uff; uOp of head ^•rx;..;l:d sii luiatly tinged witii o: ff ; :ars uuff; .wper pai bn or soiled v/x.it.6 apariw^y ^-ixod vita clacK iiairs, ^Gp3f:uJ ly aU; r> no •lir-ti-ioo collar (l,..;^ Lairs of so:. i3u i/aiud wiuii iai.vu bully Buffusioii on outer side ol lora l^R^ , and titi£;ed v/itii paloub fulvous on ouV.^r isiao of hind lef-s; .ail pale, inid^r 3ide "nii t:^ basal iy, bt^coi in^ b^.ff, aiid narro^vly I. . ! Craruai arid CLc^ntal c.:..:v]'ac ;.- rti - --Sl.uli a.nd . c ; iwxi ^i i..n JLa ^1 Q^. laurai.s> out sliinnnly Suialler, Tne iovrer prsm.ia.rG end car- nai;;.ial .nni tno upper can ;a._i3iai and 11^3:^ jiiolar are aeci-dealy i3.:.cLil^^r .vud ioati cvrollen tliai. in la trans. ^ r Reiuarns . - -C w pal 1 i en 3 U o j^;cJc ctrid-i d /^prescntatlvu of la.ranB- It irmai i ^s tne Great Plams iroi.. easujrn Colorado ' . . ' . I v/ard i:-.o Canada, a/;d ib coj^don '.hruu>;liOut koriua/ia except in tr -d ':!cr,nuciin8. On t.h« sour-hern plaiiitJ, from eastern Cclor.au s^n ...n:'ar:i, : . 13 replaced oy anutiier Bp^jcies^ Spticino-is cf ooth ::rr^ •■•-■ --- 'niincu at ArkiiiB, Colorado-" Proc. hiul. Sec, W.:.a]i. XI, pr. . 2n' "n, kin'n.> 1.:, Ic?. • V ■ ' <^ I i V. k , ,1 \ By VJ • laf: j jrria»ru **ih.ev are aj3 lar^o as, or sli.:::i:iv larger ..aau L/i.eir nearest '-^-y> Sciur^a oarcliiiensis loucot'.i.s, witii wiiica t^l(Jy cigr^e in t^he si^^e aiici buBiuji^BS of one i^ail ana i.; Lli^^s color of tnei appar pariiBo Iney aixl'ar frou ib^ i,^/. AaviVK; oroaaer aare^ tha couvexx^ies of WLiiGii are adorned wibji large ai.d veiy conspxciioiis wxiioa wooly tufuS, tu3 yeiiowisn-Duff o^ii^ei Ouiiiii.yu i.o i*. .larro^.y atrip aion^ oneir aiiberior bordart:>; 2, n\ xiaviag ...u? ^' :. :,e ^f uno under parte vary • iucli rv:.8t:,ricbti3d. ZnQ color of i.. :j ::ack and sidas encroaciiss every- mibv^. Mpoi one belly, leaving a siiiali aad irregularly aelined pauch of TVMi. oe in tiie ceintre of the abdominal r«i;;rion, and even tJiis is usually j.ucii jmied with, r^ray. The •.leaa.. ano triroa^ are grizzled pelage is i.0-»ioeably Bufuv^t r^..d ::3::3- ^. '1:1'-* CC' ''^.O''' .rr-tA\, HI.IU iD'Ol^ * w Science, YII, Moo J 67, c. ^61, Apnl 16, lb86« / Jar:. 2b. 1:^11. Mr. D. Mcaes, -^ an r x a^ j.* • i q C/ o j Calif* Dear Sir: Heplying to your I'lC'vor of tne 16'bh Iriatanb joBb received, I ./ould state that I ::is:\ lutorosoed in Indian babkebs and should be glad to see tne photographs of '."^hich you speak. i^. \ - ry oruiy ;yours, <,-4 OT 71 • <. #s«» • . ■>,-•■': [V I ti •>. i I fi i;^ !- " . t-- i lo b v-- o - u • , 1^:1. YGi:r ij!>.')r oT ^'iiu icC^vi ::^tv;. .- I- . cloaix \.c til- (Uilac':lt,y n .U :i.-J ^ ' 0. '.].oso. '^1 Bta'6j> tl-ab t':- L. r -o cue > X . 1V>- record r/t^*^ tij,/^:fjro fhy ..'ti :)i?i^ ccrr.^C'^* V ■, ■ 1 -• X.- ''.13 » ' er^jo :r lisr^ '7; O ' - i'-'-'W ■:b ccci^rr n y.-a • re; : ci^ c.;V- v> W J. V.' i..r. Arlj,r- r i <.».rit.o r ./V-V -^ » J . \'. O V' • i) ■ ? Y, ■p* Haar ^ir: , .erv man]. ;.iiu:ikii I'cr your covrue^y i;. ^.-mdi--;: i-:e ^. c^iv uT your i„iportc.-ib paper ca Ircc,: ois [^h'ss of Laiso a.id Ot'or ^-Qod =L.nts. ■:cii ;:avo nrou:.!^ tG;;3t}.3r a L;:jr..ri3ii';. ; u:,-;v(, of infcn.)ation u'ld i']'.strut.;o;; of i^.torost tc ti;s otb-olo^-i.st, a:id I ajr) glad t,o add' it 1,0 ny library. I aj, -specially int..:reslyd ir your ru. arks :.,-,d illuBtratic-s ralatir^;- to -.s baskdv.t; of ljo Iroquois. « Very tri.,l.y your^^ 4 I I ■^ i u^,'-"*^'^^ '■-y^'0^^ / - i-/ Jan. V ^ , 1911- .. 1 c^,, ^ lu. uisciU^tion. 1 • J * V•>^U -. ' f-» r "»■ "i* • 1 ' lotter of U-e 17tii ^ . 4- i .1 .. ";:.■.; S >>, f> i^ (C ^^ v« '• 'T^^-^lt o'le to a-'.^3V'^i'. U.wV c c.;-> niv o,cccuntfi ^f U;e ir)xw:iir ^i.v'\e ] ^onp t ' '., I., . J. ' .^ \^ '■ v^ ■' ''- ■'-'■■ n prr^i'c.r ,. tj. .. 1. fc O's. J' 1 -' r'-.tvpinc, ■ori^'.tirif:, il iustra:..c;ri .■^ Ci.l . -i. V . the exac-^ ccGt, cvaiiK to .6 i-.'-^ ^^^<^^ c^. ..-.- 1 1 « n Sl^t :^■ =a ^- -.■ Vl-0- ?K^e C^ Co. -f'^CC r..o V-*... ^ -^ <-A Cl • ^C a J \.. ^ . ,L V, -. w ' / ' -' i *^. VI \J =1 i-.^,,. ,. . f^. vvr^fi- ravn never boo^: oS.r. . .e , ^. .nut I p':i:i^ ^ o ir. iio (i.j-^a -»■ T^o 1 -. /-» ' of L^e cri.::in^ji Cv..b^. ^-o bee>^ ...xd :...c-. I .....>if.»3 hov/ever Uiat the cixuount ' i-. nor. ^. n"S 1^' i-V !.u '■' As a r-3iiit cf ^-Oxnf; ever ulie various a.ci:OL:n-s i- mj e^aicn I Hclv.) cu'riv^d ^.t M:^ cciclufaon that ^1^1.:^^ i vrlr 3 .; ::la ,ropcr orico to r^Bk fcr vjhuwvi; 1 i^riCi i. i bht^ t.clDii^^al volu..3S. The c.st of 'A:q ^ecilni-:l! ..lui:;:^. v.T'v:d gr-atlY but II 3:.Jine .a--ii,; ^.7orth mu.ls be rip?;re o:;t t^i^'M-^-^. oriL s lor t-'Oif., sod i3-C0 -ech -'0:.la, i i-ank, be a fair It ::n-. :■, to ao ^^-C-t at this .-v^u, c/.cl p^ii^Q '^^^- ■ i^'-- ^^ '■ I P rrr a nur.H.-^r dI '.'"020 \; .•L.if. os. 'r. O >-» :3 If: VT avo ;-'.:t u3.:n €Ji invd^it.iry ^jluii:. -0 laa :i> rGu--v« pn^v :' cbo !-• '". '.or. / p i o ■ / ;. . -t L • Ova... O I ■^^ ^ V'.„ « 74 Jan. SI. 1911 • V« !« Adana, Diaburaiqg Agent, ^mithaonian Institution. Daar Ur. Adana: Harewith I encloae Youchara for aervicea of liss 011a R% Ayna ($76) and Kiaa Jaannie L. Raxnadell ($52) for Uie ronth of Janimry, and tidaoellanaoua office expensea for Moveinber and Decer iber (^15.20) and for January (^9.60) and aliall be obliged if you #111 pay fha aame trota tiia Harriman iiml. I shall be oblitrad alao if you will kindly sand me a batch of vouchers* Very br-ly yours, / ^ ^-^ i i 75 Feb- 2, 1911. Mr. Charles S. Sloane, Secretary U. f?. Geographic Board, "^^ BurtaUp Contneroe and Labor. Doar Ur. Sloane: Herewith I am returning tixe card and correepondence you gave bb at our last luaeting, relating to tl« proposed clianpe of naiae from Dry Creek to Linda Creek in Sacraiiiento Comity. I have looked tiie matter up and find that the Dry Creek in question is not the well known one, but a very minor feature aboub nine miles east of Sacramento on the north side of Aiaerican River. I heartily concur in ttie proposed change of nai/ie. Very truly yours, f \i av Feb* i, iVll. 11 . v^.j-L-iCi3, Galif. "D , •?,' r"i ■."C 1 M- • ./ v>* -».^ ■'J- • Li 1cj::j.-u: ovar ti:c iiiuiibori, ui u- ^ 8i.er,.cm Bulletin vvjiC/i s'.on v;-.:o.. .voula jo vrort.: fiLns if t,.:3 iia...e aiui ^l^ce of .'.^ i:.>-ibc; :^ere ^iveia. For inb^aixca, t e iss.fi of Tl.ic:. b^r 2h -t.^ aa arbiclu entitled, A.rL^d..a-A f?t.ry, by K.anot.. Man.cn; L.e isauo of Tan- ary Ic; a::cU-er InaxO:! at.ory L;v JoseriiiiK^ O^odcx^o; a:;d %h3 l;.sue of Jan- uarv 25 Tne R.^d Ccyov3 ^3 Roso Ul tcy^. Xri eacii case .lie srade not, a v/urd is said o.b to ^ :x .ribe or -.-^ l^cal^.tv irji,; li-u:. ui. c.i.ld Oci.ie. ^iixMG IX li ;G or t;^0 J J, J. its- . wxLJ- O lA.i or. vv^ tyx 0/ C-l ..uaea l^' r^ '•''•r'.. iduoricja, L.:id could yc: ;;i ..-oi.. ^o:. ■.:o :i.^. ^d^^ ^:.xs iJature cf S. .jr..ar: B.'liJtii- i- -^ o c.':; 'C' ..a I u. a-:r; ;-:.at -any of voi^r :-:-aers .vji:.ia D3 f,i--:.i.iy pleu33Q if .-x, ,i.u;u;er cc/i .aj ed sume Imia^'i st-ory, legend, or V* ''■■4 1 di tj C'l. B',' ..:-:^ oa/:!:) • ;.ii I a... oendi/^- ycu a:id Mrs. Qi.:'i^er c J. 0- J ,.r,.c.. or oso .viiicii I ouc.c i.:" Calif ori..a las:, signer. V,'y:> C'-.- i v/eli, '.lat t-v; a;;.-cci;.3r is berj.iX'in<', :.u --..joy ii.t, i'u 1^: .lattors in ,aneral ao Sl^mnxi: are in a i^rocv^ ro-s c.nrti y:.o:i. Very truly ycurs, »-». U ' I Vii Fred S. Linccln, 612 12ta Sbr;t3t, Dear Sir: fhe fuiaed oak Macey bcG:.c,.s3 m live sac aoiis ;/uiCii ■•.h.s d-^- liverea last aveniiig is several sliadee ligl- ..er in color tbaa t:ia sec- t.'.Gns oreviouslv delivered, so w'lat tie two make up bL.dly and do rot look vrell in anv -^ay in ^:icn tiiay c^^;] ca couibinad. I diiail be o- bli-^'ed thereioro if you v/il'^ r.and Bomeona ^o darken -i.e aocuions ■iust received* Harawitii I encloso .^y caack for $25 m payi.iQnt of the ac- ccrapanying bill for t/iese five s-ictiona, and I tun also anclosinp; tliu previous bill uatad I\3C. 17 m order to have thaid uogh made out m such uianner as to show exactly wliat 'jaoh purcliase consisted of. 1 Buall oe obliged therefore if you will liend clean rjceip:.ed Jiils vfitiL tna itaus jipacifiad as indicated. Respectfully, -\ • 1 I ^■L'^Jn '■ Ki O K> O U . - V K. ' }. .3d "- - -Ctc^.'.i;- or . '-> *. i i:..L . CICSG -<• .^ .^ V^ s. n a. ■ ^- <- A Vi . 1 — >- - Cv. i.-.Ll i. a; o 1, It- / ; iC i O : ^l 11 n^iG at .;.y d..Si:L'Si w wvi 1217 0 f^ 'J • [ni.zo nr\\ .aa 1 v-'X r». oi /l^: 'a'''r./:el I J - — v> ^^■ ^ :b.;rl Ca a ■d ', 11; .or ■•\ r i?io-"t. if ' -K* • xC r 1 :i6S(; "•-> -; ■) 1, fJSi y» O.^ #^fH. .*4 fro ^ V. r xro V. », — 1 ,^ i3 ]li2 U f ; 0 r 1 ovra H.^ yv.^-. ^ I, '^-i K.' • i «>.> X 4 ^ Tou J, r/iiVis, Esq. s S 'J • iC • X • n il\ J. -- i • ;Ci. < c.« • VI 13 Yoi;r reco^it le iU •- ■. V »r^ c r» • '. •>/ •^3 £..0 -lil d -L 77a£ ecu inod O .> : ^ ■ ^ ;.s; rTT "h. ,■> . V. ^/ 0 ^> •a . -v / \ --i: .ri.a :r. rip. ivoii\ vi^iUCti i aj a :"-.■' U .J x ;6d rr--i'jLV.3 v-^arB bi':c \-» . > -' 1 ^ /-N 1 ! ■v^.t. >y I -^ 1) 1 C 1 0;-". iL'i-. X 1 C - -v. rv lie ri "^ '-r« lab r ■ f ;UX cc: lU -li! o 0'/; 1 o iGSj- ^* i *>• ' >*> i * J. i^ 4 W u I •:: >/ f-> 1 Ci '.; ■ '■ ^ J- 0 Hr tiun aivisi Wi V : on 0, Palmar ■■3 Bi. ] a: i-b v-« /"» St. V/lGIieS* . tic-. d \fsr •aiorr ■.J. /-~. 1 Svr/a V 'V »- -..d •\ r rs ' -V' ■ -s jur «► IS...**- ^s,^^., JW* .1 1-1 'a^u-:s S 11 :iU 301 Oclls.-e Av 4 « • A * Dear Sir; x'u.rdof: .ir; 0,(3 i.e. ca 0 u I , r t Ji • cy 1 iriqi-iri'.^^ a.ocv-.'^ a |;.s j^ -J J. v^ /e iiiv.ljf-,ictvl Si rv Tn3 Si^rvc)'/ 1 C \J..L^' r Ghor ■J . tic 1..S K/n file »•< 11' a: o a. r unive;rsit/i V. ' O . / Id alS' l<»-r > :J - ; '_/ ^ a:d a d oe- »vri V -:. o» \JJ-;o 0^-^ *vovld r.r c- CLU. V -»- ncraKS-^^ j^.oir cliancjb oi* ..nr^adiat- •>! k.. Ic '.> 1 i u u. ;d coi4ld usuall v^ J M .-- KJ J. %J 1 .^-.:.1j .» .. J. G Kll Ll »w> w rv3 o.s an '.^nzjrir^. '..odre for f-; iuro "I ■^ - a^'.rai iiLS^vorv v/urfC p 'J •■■,.'"> i- 1> .J c^.^'.ll V 80 fO T.T J? V l'..'l] iiir. Aboe.tt H. T.^a Lc^uud'ock H inear Mr. T^iayar T"t a t^Lira' o:-t t..e c^su iuai or d day •ki.V^s of B rs t-'t-i 1 J. I u • I v^ ulJ^^C'L^ I'd Liav3 pee a x ..a conf i.'od U -J le ■-0' f. so ior uoiiie oiiua pa lii Ca) b ara ■?f ■ iG.t. :cr:uali' v^ ci o r» 1 o v> •> ■ -J ^' ^,' -J '~f r sv i:ii v^ •< 1 ■ V * 8 7A w-> ->X t roau a i^.C4. 1 i >. ^ a^a • 1 /-> hS< » i jLy v^ >. w . ;a Lr^^as '> ai (Helarct/caj -rrs n -^ r" lo'Vi B ' t.'J-cx^a J -J ■ ■% -^ ^ • V < - - 1 ' A\% i> J •,; (,*, [.J a 1 0 ..; ( biuck Bja-r iyrci::B,j.i.^..lj.c^.iij' In 'x 1 OC / vJ -■> <- /^ v» U C-- J , . - c^ r i ',.' -'. >■ -c)c:.ii -u ^1 < s 1 : u: ,/ c.U"^a .b' ) " > -1 1 K> .»*-■-■-' >■' U L J i. k.' i,,.: A ueb : i:^ i:: id ^ t .»v~-' avc ./ v Cl f 'Vi t- 1 • V C- ^ O K^- ' <■> '-/ -^ ' -' ►-' n r - r i ( 1Gt I ::.av^-- s^ c .oc- -^ ,' 4- 1 ' <-- ;^ 0 4. 4. ' ^ . -^ ..<.•■- V % v-^'^J ..'± 1, 11 r^ iC: |/\K^v-K-?^^ f o.s. z Fab. 23, lyll. Cb-arlss Sheldoi;, 140 Woet 57th St. , < New York City. ii Detir S}a9ldcn: AboT;t o:i3 Northai-n Clrisziy Bears; they are a tougl'. proposition and no oae can say a.b pr^^ont wiiere tiie liries will be drawn bst'.vcian bne Sdveral subspecieB. ^eiiiale skulls are insuf- ficiont and, as you lrnu7, -^e are shy of ..ale skulls. Secides, lar';e araas aro wiiolly unrepresented. Tne t,y|)e of p:iaeo-\oc ca^ne fro.';! '^ i3 Forty-inile Craek cc nbn/ and I supposed was o/.e qv. > u« ^^ic r^riz^ily of tha Ofilvies. Evervtiiing east of tiie O-iiviec f-o i i^^ie mouth of tiie ttaxsk^nzie sontn to Colorado I iiave kept und^r >rribiiis. A male skull frota the Mackenzie delta -ras careful iv ejxainxued by \cb a:id photopraphod several years a^o, and I was ^^cn •j.ble ;• dLstmnush it rcn liorribilis. 'vi ich I called it. Periicips t,lie t:?nii 3cc:^y M.- .:t,air-s, does not convey tne saiue I vse it m the v-sual ^-^jmiral sense a,s applyinr ^0 t-e elevated mo .ritai- reriDn )x:i.er^rii.^- fro:.; just -/rest of tiie ifioufch of t:ie Mackenzie bcut'imrd intu - ?V7 i;.^xico, irrespective of the multitude of minor rngos of winch ib cc^sisi-.s. I -:ave h-^on m doubt as to w :3t:.er or nc^ ona O^ilvies sliculd ba meli'ded in this s^^stem. meafiinr ^o us. i.-Li.":r- As to alasc^nBJs I l.av^ nothin.' to sa^^ at present. I ex- p3ct to rnt at t is sna^^ -'^-xt •/3;:jk 'iJ::d hcj;e to ::avy t:e t. thresned .ut b-^fore you go to proso- Yory trjly 3^curs, ^ ^ v^.. jV Iv »t '< ■^ ,.•'.,,;-. .x.„^,, .-^^..^^ Al^-~X V^ \ ,f' TTN^^ 'W.^-w -^--^ r^ -i^*- V XT"' 1 ^^. \» ^ * ^-■^il^ «.- '■^s^-- 'A 4 J > ■ "^C -t". ■^-C ^4-^.,^ c- I Fee. 2^, l-'ll- Prof. A. S. Verrill, Doar Profesaor VerriU: raa laat ..,« I -....-d fr.„ yo>. I v, aorstood vo., .o s-v ,v Q-i^rf] R'i volui'ie of u"« Harri'ian that ou oxpecsd - .^-V9 „:.,.^r 1 rnr ro^blicc^uon ^arly d^ri vr- r, e prysent. //i .tier, Alaska Berxas ready lor i-'Ubiicc. 10) d. , . :.„t ,.,ia. Ueard fr... vou recenUv I ,.i-.» to a.k .oo.. t.. present 8tat::8 Of t.e v/crk a..d wiien .la voluia is .i-^i^ ^• for piblication. I -.rast ycu -'avs had a keep well. T -'^v^ beon laid grip. With b^3t •;7ish3S r-ood -^/i ber a-d avs doo- al)le t.o p at xiitorYalB ■:y ct^ttacris of th^ V^r tnil' yours. V ^*^ ., »*- -J^^ 38 r,i S}'QO -L J- • ^^r • c LJ U * :.M ^:. illik.r /> 1 1. kx; ^Cj i^CO Oo.±.. D).ir ii.r. i.:.a • Liard ;^ c.r U. v^ - a t ?..\' a-^' Qi^- r aboiAb rT> lal -C - ,,- c» o i iui / 1 I Acad3i.-. 01 ocierc^^s :-C'. V 1. 1 cc f ■^l -J Ac^ c o ■•I'tr b Co..SSu. i O.lO .^ C '» ' K.> J. tw. i ■} 7,ai ^■_i i. bt,oa s' S LlOt^m ! a. C .y; 8 S< L' ^ l( , J , . /■' 1 ob 3d L I - »_' -i- -i- r-* .a^/ r 'ov^: pi i.i.'? coii'i :c ..tor I V :ld L IV W ^ [i.;;-3 G -» <-• 1 rr f • -*! « s vie '— ' -M* ». .■w^ O U- 1 ^> f LS v> J < D a 1 1 .CLiili k'w I'll. ro:.,d a.i( I .:er:: I ^ ( -0 X ^ V o .' 'w. C O J. O • m 'C.^ Iv i/.L .. ( C> w- , I c* "i Ivo^ X. . > C •- u ^ 1 •J. i '.'H, i / ■ .O d. -« o f. ."i c« • -■ ; •Tf :i UJ v^ .a:'ic iav/s. v\Liil f.* *> /^ ir :> n ./.a"Moer:3a GC I'M- ro ) I i:)f Cu .c f >« c.y^ O C ' C. s r; ..f SCIC c c±r:} ri.'. ^ una 1 .0 t.. v< L \.< 1- ^ f V.' J X »o o o c^^i^^i'-al r'/ c Tr ''. ri t^U. 11 r? • V i'^. ./ <> 1 «' I .rf cr^ u V^l J .1. >. •' - I.IC li. <.^ o :ar.yi coll ;C'>±C' S O r » , < A L» i. ^-/ *.. ,: I L f' »..i u D" orHi^-a' iO f IB 1 "L ".r ■y\. I ■i. J tf rs. 0 b. : . U L f^ ' .L . ' i i U 'd O.I iUW.lO of r ! 1 ;a rii nn ( e or in ) Of ,r-^: . w 1. 1.. O T oro. '.V u 6C1 08 -.7ill ' ( t. V- i st> ojai. :y »• vC IJ I c ^ ' O G of car- icr.lar Acado Ol li J ri * ' , I- - id ac' 1 - f U.l. ' v-/ 3 .- r - >■» a >■- ■ JL c :c 10 .- u Acadei. V .id C^ J, 0 r. ;>r 801 iic rk ''1 "k ' Q" P^ «^^ •^ J ilbi i. o , r-^ i:i or X * ' C- r j •%j V. c •U" 4. O i^or .^ oC i!-oa ^ O / vy K. i;„r 1 TV -.a v'/ij,oii .' V. •-> . '^ )'. ' K. 1 0 rY t-^ /■ i-.v;-,- ^ KJ J •!_• 3d K- *■ •' *.» J, UD 01' S i.u . v-. -Cciaer..^' f .^c "-S 'Cc .i'--r;.ci «. \. -K^. ^X W r J. p L JLCI- /". \ Jr. ^; ±' r'n,-' t. c; "10 lu.< L'..»^ L 1 -;. o lU local Aocxdeij;- 1 0 u V> lO l.-Cv u^ -.. Jw. a /iV 1.4 » »'y ■>.. I. C.^ O 0 V '^ Gi. J '^' 1 A a a ?">. J^ ■V >_ .L ; y^ •" / ■ . ■< J- * K.i t> Cv 1 ^r iSC i>ll lC 3 jldA^ \l ^K.j ¥■ } k^A . , _> -i. IC 1 i^orari d fc.ci -L './ X ^ s r , L'l r rc. Ml b J- ! ?♦ - •.-. ...L JO • . _(• t \^ } ""0 <.-( . C.-. Ij- .'■J C'- J 1 'J .1 U.X 1j -urar Jl ^/ I i :d C ■ r • f * • ~ r * ' . 1 I 11 ^ t ' 'i 4 1 >./ \J !^i iTl --s 13 0 f t.^G iLC-j.ae, :lirOcCl 0'- Q t^ ^J ..vtific v» •^ <-. . arc:i V.' v^ :kr» C .. n < J. ■IX ' 1 Sb^ ^j .X.. \»-' •J- : '^.v 1 Or'-^cai i) ^ v/ .1. -^ J. »_, c;. I. ■ 0 c- o 'V O IT\T(-^. >TCi o o y L> O ; \> r XH' rJi .-»: U cX «w r* T ' v./ \jI 1 P !■•£ liiO" t ; -•K.) ■^ . I t (.1 :."!o.0U0.000 1: »..■ ' <-'- . I L J. O 1 : Cl 'It-; Q 1 -. r /^.' * 'JC*.,\k^ j. . i ( 'i,n --> -« kj -/ I >c... *oi: ■; 0 / % rue 11.10 VJ»wt-*.»J J la^ a : -r ■ -i. L i r. J^-^ .11 /'. w 1 '►:> "^ •-■ UMS 1^ .1 0 l:.';Or L'C^ C:i (■) v../ -I J. .'- v> ll '1 Vx81 -> I : c. r • »^ L V/ a ci. ropria ^ V-' C*, ve or L ,vU 1 1 1 c c^- b ... k. T o'j.:i 'fc re. iro field »¥l^ «J V' .>V.y > ^^-^ i ) i I ore; i^ « *• Ji o A< I -- 1<) -■> '"''■('J V K f > v-'j Xl *j. '. >>^ )A • . i ^ U f ' C' ^1 •> v^ V-Liu d — i. >. i L/ ... '..( ' ! v^ ■» ."i -1 ' !».<. •3 into O 1. « ■. C' )^r V 7 10- 1 -^ u ^ O Jii) f > c t. Kx jL-i a c O . i >r» 01 t'U 1 J ^' ^labjrts Iv o i. U^,* //( t' . »w/ I. J 00 3d .0 i:i V 1 J . >.- 'V. . c. i :a .^0 >.;(' ■f T A .Ji t ; re rv t:-' ,o .^ do :> ' -. t^; col- C: r.. '.y' t a IS *■ i. c< o *.' f7 ^J 1 ol J 88 unclv. i' ■ . .. 0 I 'i-.U.- Uj- L- G 1 1 rb^'.r n ■ -f jQ:>a,.,li 1 . IclV f '> r..-^ 1 >^ C.v i> C: <". <" I (. vJj-J. lb »' >^^ X vj •' t JU 1 Cd J c ~ >! r c J. ./ KJ A. t: X c ;-> -.- .C.: Kt ij -i ' *^J C •1 -,■ ^ .1 f •< r*''^ -'' r^ ,=> ; > .■-.v>_) :.r. r "^ ■-«.'. >^ •» r^r- rm C •» ■ , ^ *.' f .-rT -,-» , > r.-i c . -I ^ Oi •■.- ■" ^ 1- r^. i^ \ I '.-I \f\ <■-■ a-- C. ;• :G ■^ r: Co.IiO ^."\ L' VJ c. k. -• * Of* a 1'''. ooiia;: 1 ' r ' 'r';V7 :;0 ■>■ '-• r»-' k/ • -* J- Cv X ,4.. Ll -i... ■ i^ X ■<- \j • . 1 L ' »■- i -^ S G ■5 -i I '. . ,. L : J, , ,1 kj *_i .' / .« Clt-j I it3 ^ i i r-> ;^ ,■(-<-. -> ( « i I t : 1 i L G ' -. ■„ *w ^ •- ^) a. ^ J cl '0. J j- V / . ', sy •-/ » K' Ci -. i. :C:, -;e v.:!b- a; id - . » > ^ -it << v/ i 1 ."i.^i I ! • v> ^ 4- 1 r 1 / ' c« -C ' 3d c:;?: a d •__. / , ■> ai 1 "n- T-' y ,% < f • > u l.!Cv '■• V- --'J i.- ' ^ s -. Y o V» r^ 'C -u.r , t. o \ ; . i -^ > ^ , Uv O - ' X k-i W .. c J. .6 il --,-%• / '^ ■ • 1 ci i uU ^ is^. kj y ! -^ ^> ».. i /'> n 1 o • ^ # V 1 <-/ X .1. i - v^ .1 f,c.' '-,f Jk u. I.y. I; v>y V 11 f ' *^^ J : b 1 ... ^O c X o o r" . ■■> --^ ».v .^' ^ X -< l^ 1 t ' ' ii i - Ci l: 1^ ' 17 \r^ c> -f* 0 '^ ^ i 10' r.'^c;. a.vOf X -. V. visi ^in/r ». U 'V .i - X »;;■ \j t» r i f\ Y* - > « f,)r 1 J O X CP^^ c v» •<■-■.•.; -^ w- J V J C^, dl^' TC I r* r» ■ -i, c^ ;--/ riLol -1 -> . .' ■> v» V \ L K -< '.C 1 t_L. i>o 1 5 - : '^/\> O .1 CiO 11 :c ^ X y y OS Uoi. . u i C 1 . ■ r » /■ X - ■ .J i •.«-/. I w fi •-> r c 'I k^ c n . >" t. iL.C _. ^C ... V.V ■ ii .'^ ^ /* ,y { • C I. . kv ^"icil ccl- IOC > J. w - O cc. o U 0-; ->. ^ i^ I >. -J A ^' V-X. _ . '~f li s^r -CG of Ol iC If*' ' "Vi t . »^ i« w A i c-a; 'wV sy' ^v (. . ^J u' ~rl G:1 or-\^ -ro no ^7 V k-> JtA. I 11 H .cr / C-v i X '. ■J, • , n .-^r> ' ' ( I » ?.. U. '^. ■_' 1 k- ' ' O w* ^^ of v/ i. V ji V V,* -> .•- O G^-:( ^ n ^ ■ ' V / C . "i i^ " ! ■; <• T ■ fi n f -: >i. I L ' ' Hi'l ■;.l G'-IS G> lA T-d v> Ca^ .a. -^ -a. n^ r.M -L O Co croa J V, I s: .■■ L 1 r ' X 1^ ' . V . i n n cc f.v L C ,11 Mrr]3rta '/" ' > y 0 r?. :0. ^■•-| »'•/-> -VC'I in OS 'iciVJ s 1 • ^ r ; -^ i » - «-^ 1 Cv 1 I 11 S. i.VO I'TO- men wi k." ' .^Cl • '* . ■:* .t ./ •r^ . i O ~j vid^ui r..icili M OS lor :'oce.;rc. ;u G y O f f V V m JUGx CUu 0; 1 i l 'J i^ ncr-iciJ v> Uo O t> '"l! \.' 1 1 av: L O >C^ 1 lis!:od on i'i^ t*,* . . JL -L .^^' n ] 'C -/•»n I I r r )^s .-> - . .-» a ,1. .J • il3o: ic;i ran % ^ ♦- . i. v^ kJ s^ ir; vie .^Grld: £.rd at w :.. Ki < ~ V- L.e I i ■ ■ k) '> >" < 1 1 •^'- i.i-> r • .'-:5 xCP'v ir. -o j: • / X. 13 : c 'v/ J I X t-v ri, o Q- ./u. ;. ^ I ^ » i;fo n"'ia been Grdov/od and eoui o a u, i;.rine J.'.CLo ,-> -^-^ *-> T (. '.-' -v 1^^ fror: i . 'M t '^^ r^ J k. 1 o i Cv ' Ci kj • D ic^lo.'icul L; ^j \^ •\ ^\ .. G;. ± ' ^ -L V.'. k> i C-, A, r ^u 1/ ^•"iuid :-.nv . r> ••« ica \j rni ^nci -». ». J 1 / i^ , ' J J ■> u \\ r\ .oi clo i^o*. d L^- -U. 'ds Vt kj v^ l.Cv ^ (•:. y rj , % V* - ■> ,C ■ v^Cl Vj» ,u C 1 cli - c 4. O I? ■ ' r^ r» ■ > - c ^ ' V/ k* /O V . ij.;3n ' aae ^^ v-cgHgc r. 'V-» a'^a »o - ■ >. V U u . I > 1 J G i O ♦ , ^^ lie "i^criiG rt-i Gl O i l^J i.^' ■AX .-» «■ .-i -j^j ■U Gid 'V r G Gl^.J: nnr «. kj -^ B Gl i; i •'c 16 ri'iatrovad lire f)iictjLi 0:: of ...aV;>^ial is >»- VJ / C! ■> C lUG-S G.oati on J. •d ; .d 1 ;: *•. 1 . i d 1 1' » ^-Z- 1 C4. ,1 ' I \ ^ r> G .G.^an P3 n:a 0 C! ti'J : , st difficnlt ;:rG..]eu cGG-frc v^ 1j J- •>»^ 0 /\cauGi.'\' LGaa^' ot^d C X <. lo 1 a» I a »;, • f . '•, * rj , ,i:j -iv .O e^r; aG- e ..Gd -olden ■ •■^GGrt^^Gi Meo It r. *^ kj *,.». iv^ 1 GliC "I r X >> ii ■ C^J f r t u ix<.i J % ^, •.71 'w «J J. s^ii! ». > O c I *- ^ 1 T' o wj / s> v> ij I ,' v.; i u v) :G ■« r f 90 \j. . i. S 1 ■J ctl: .Vi 1 ' k. y. ,11 .laa ./ _ .s^ »^' V-» ^^ * T ■- ^ X 4.C G C -L J o 3 1 : 3 -bu ri a ; :.-tJ r.c.'. -riol of p-r.a 3 t v:.lue ;-:rs to be as- fjvji.ablt)d in corvactici v;i tli tlv. IntarnaM.pal •xoositlcr; fovr V3ars -••a.ice, a-r-d i^-; vigw cf V/j cn/in'- r.-.-da cf the P-cific ':oa?t for a -r, 4. ■•/ay Oi const/r c .i'/9 »^» ..:- i:oo-u.j spi ■: ^ s'^o.Tu cy t\ ; loi^i^der c:* •la, v/i Or.-: !i t;i.) :Vc50u.:: cf 7:;-''2}-ate ^rcic.:", ..;isc A- ie Aloxaidor, r:-d i:v i. Director, /casph :.r':u;oll, . ,-d v;6 .-^^irit of c cope rati, ci s'iul]' priivulcnt in . '^ivoreiti^H, I a. ^o .,,-t3d 'o cccporatic. ..i, \t ..ct ni ;'0:-,;d ;,i', ',c -;'-: re-ion, .void duolicatic :, a-d ', %-,q aa:;o ti.e Ga^iGiy u.:: no.ds cf t.'.3 pocpla, t:.j i'iiivoruiti.ic, t.id ino ' aule v. ' t.-w rv-.t Tj.i;c ;x.i :.it.oM ... a^ , : ajcuid c ; J.ocat,ed in ?a.': .•ra/:uisco ticjr.is t.: ,::a tc c ■.viti^c--: sa-i — . :-■ tc; t 3 scicatific co]Ijc%ic;,e--- •;th:r ^:;o- 3 ;."ld rs.rai- snparats cr b: .^rc!■■}^t to^rither --^Jor- ^ j roof, ;. :d '^c^v taoy s" c, Id :- ad- i. i-istor3d.-;uany ^iestiona .ri^^ ./Mc:. t;> s • ^• iCt '^ V.J- „ : i. " P, - 4. ii.MA:ro i:-iisu ^a^swer. Probably fa^r Jali fc r" ; a-is Iiav; anv oo -option of t}:8 at- trac^ivonoss and odi; ational vch^e of cnch cdo'Ti 're-- ^v^^^-». f .' .J.. . * Q ;-"*P'", ' ; O I ■• 0^0 ^;av : urjuii CU.3 .-iGocu i :,.rj ,s .^irl^^ji '■"''^P^'-/-i -f i- under t .> prcyrasi.ive ...d. ..ais tratJon of a:i^.,ar B: .-.vs t' .ral .i \^'j-^T'^r O.-' Q j' I'^r .•■',[' Chauia/i. if.; f VJCWU X.. O.' .•i.l' IS f ' 1*1 .OG HT J . . . .-1 ,^v>^n pxcndid ui6pla..>'^ .rc/icad r t-:- -.r cdiiicati U .; Ul a^d i-08;.rx:t;on in '^10.16 Ot l-t r-^J ^, }•-• live cisGo ••• T ' C Oj cl • / : ■i'-l •■• ■ '-■ f » I, J. " '->. > r • * o - -> U O V -v oof-irnip,.- or i3^;ch a 1 • c^ .•\ V. t t ; i rcLii- < .• r • J 1 ^1 >:i b-^st -^ishsij t G yov a.:Q yonr us30ciat.;s i : yciir afforts to -aka U:tt Caliromia iicadeiiiy i:.ore useful. 'J^^ry briily yours, T.:.e Ivibran.' ^r-snr unhil at the \An\e of its destruction by t'-'3 fire of 1906 it conr.airied ov far tlie larrost and iriost complete \ collsGtion \7os^ of JLica^o cf scientific books, papers, and the proco'3diiip:s of tiie learned socit^tios of tlio ^orld. 3ince tne fire, cyn\!).: t. t...j offort-t) of tns direcUr aid librarian ar^d the -ener- 031 by of scieriMfic men aiid ir.Btitntit.ni: t:ie -rorld over, a :evy libru.ry of iar-3 size syA iiriiions. vniue lias been asseubled at r3racticail>^ c cost to 'he Acadejiy. It will continu.:, to -^rcw, a';d p^' ca *oful selection its waak places • ay be strengthonod and iti3 serioB co:. pl-j '/^d. I '> . a^' bo .';ade very much r:.ore usoful trian L.eretciore b-^' cnttinn cut or dni-'dxinT the presf^rit i rkso' e \ t stricbions ac to the use of ils cooks. t i'-' I. cl u cb Vie A oauj: Science- It ciu 11 uv; ,:c /or: (o) To :.cquiru (.. d ...^.-y^l-^- .: Lii:r..7-;. •-S o: ■8-' . -> f (d) To cond.ct, ^^ndow, <.r ^..atsist -.so/.rc- m a.r, r'eparbi'ent of Science. (a) To lold iijatir b. (f) To concU^ct Ijct ;:r3B* (-) To a-CL^vire, ..old, cvid convo;; -;al . 8t^^.e una oilier property, and to ;£jta'li8.L onn:--! ..id ii^oecial p- de. i- : (Ii) And in .n-rnl to '.m ^act /-^^ i-Bi:n:^G ^^lu Acude. ^^ of Sci.r o')t5. ■i r^ r i;V;^nt:, .-;0 i.y\ R. B. ?o-.t:3r, Rso,. Tcucidor ist, N acL, : , r. Jftv D)ar f?ir: A i^hort Viii^ cu:o I nicsivjG undsr -.nr lio.^^r )£.d a::d proB- ablv s.nt by .-o. a , ..n Mr..l ,. ,,.o rap': of .x-^. t^ sl^-ox :-QaaB, ac,^r.ntl^- .ix .r^U. .. .d .: r.a ccwb. I 'cn.v/ :otninc of ti(38e opaciLiOrio aa %o ^xi^-o .,i^o- ca.ie fm. or -.on uiuCii clir^'jd ^.0 'ou for yonr CGurte^sv i o'inoin^ :..e wio --^ '^'^• p 'otorrnpli Very brnly -ours, « » -..j^ II. Tnat t .3 iiiiaiFB, n o^, ana o > . * , > - jroperly^ ^^"^' " 0 i h« C'w ill b- in .nn^^j^-nl Ccn' o uf n Bocrd of T- soj-b. 9 ■•*7 >^ ^ % ^r, f. I. Ado^.^s, Disbursing %ent, Sffiitlisonian Instit'.tion. Bear ilr. Ada/.e: Horawita I e.clo.a approved salary vouchors for ,nv tare© assistants for the i— nti, np ;^^' ^'"'^^'^ °^ ■*eor:;an/ £.e follows: J. B '■ tr ™ (to3 33,. ona «. A,.. (*,„, ,, ,3,^,,,^ ^ ^^;^ ^.^, be obli,.,, u v„„ .ai pay ... 3..0 r... .. Har.i ., rxi.iid . 7en,^ truly yours. 94 March 1, 1911. Pcstiiaator, Wasliington, Ti. Q. Dear ??ir: la tn/in/- to find o-at "js cause of tlie loss of certain mblic&tions sent me during my absetoce in Uio Woat last o-...r.er, I >iave just received t!ic :,;c8t aBtoundin^r .oMca (.nclosed harelitli) in response to my irquiries of Forest and Streac;. Forest a.-d Streav. sent me tUs notice frc*n your office, dated Sept 1, stating tliat t;:e publication in question rer^mi-ed undelivered ir your of- fice, and tJiat after tlurty days all copies tlien on hand or oub- saquantly received would be destroyed! In viaw of 'iie fact that for tlie past twenty-five years tw copies (f tlio said publication have come to m regularly a-nd Iiava oe.en delivered ut ay office in the Biological Survey. -.Thet or I was pe-scvially prese.-.t or engaged in field work in t> ) Wast, it seenis fair to assu-oe tliat t.'ds action of your office whb d.e 'o !. . carelessness of aoiia new clerk. I aamestly trust tliat t'lis is the case vb 1 should dislike to Relieve that t:ie Washinr-to^ .os'. office would volu::tarily destroy a mn's personal property hlc. ae the mat) IiapponvJd to cj Ujiaporari ly out of tha cif.r. I mif^ht add tmt for «» past f.tinty-fiva y-a.-s I 'ii.v3 sJJcl i;; "4 neS".^Icry«^^J^J;^^r^^°Vand t:,at durh.- ^.b. ularly delivered at .^^ oSicei. -The^ BiolSJiSaf ^^^y! '^^ ^"- Reapoctfrjlly, ae V rcxi rrosii .1- '^- Oa ^3dar T'aci.dfci. i J w 1 1 Lv • r^ii ■^, r- .< of 1'.'10 u ^u ri(X .-I T' 1 t - ; r L' V c 1 .1.1 I J u 11 "> ,1 jnsoia ; lioy; .f. .:-^. I IC J v-j ' ' J <:L; J:;C. '^v\/ (_^, •> V ' ♦. J :'^J ::iuSfc>om. l^'A. l^'^l «>/ .' o ^v^ fcT' <-•' ^- r'ia,.i ^ J ^1 < repr T c "^ I if- 11 1 T •f'^ . v-/ «_.. ac .'» c D • ^ no c 11 ^vU- R^creati o ^•i: 'F.. J] O 4 \j • ;!e iKT y OX'^K i u Dear Sirs: ***pi6i^^igi^ 96 re c> ■11 :- c. A OOiUOi'J '^ty 1: -. X i -> -• »- -^ -i r» >■■* •. iU 1 O- -^^ r U,. X? 10 Ca. U J a: nua. r^' 1' o (.> i r'/ f t \a i ' - - <-i ^ » to c »-■ J- v> . ■-' >^ -' t..- C. V ist arriv'^i, 1 I o J. V^ -- -n v^ i LCV s no ". o-iTive^a u,: ci I y ) 1 I i( ^ Ci (" > .- 4 I ' '.^ k. 1 'U. r »•« ' T r 1 i" li'-'^d if ■VI ' 1 V- ■r r <~ at once t: + "■. T J • / for p< • 1 ■ '*' A. <.:• J r ow .fioj-aii-f';. .a C, « J \ 0 0 :d i' ••:; P7 / u % rj ci ■0<3 C i J -1 ( t' ^.V ^ n iJ-Cv^ ■C.'l liill T^r y ■• ■ J y JL - \^ Ji^^r^d Gf^^i- 3ll 127 I^'rariklin f? •^ • '^.- ^1 V-'' i. y -r >-■; >'! 11 • on 'c: '.',vL> Tor V ^:rc of t Gt rscelved d ceiv^d alsc si'ce" 1 •T ri bi :5 alj ci issiri^': liu.'ib'jrs v^U Qcl 'G u. vj i ic 1 aiii V J. - CL. .. i ;ivi :iii LTo 1. 1. "^c^ ar:ilc c^ c 0|: in ) ' • I :taai 01 o: -/ . ^ ..u G, ' ;se O-US morr ber^ for Oct. 22 Oc '■J « •w* d "ov. cO. Thoac I ■7i. i 1 n ra 0( > \' ur office s ortl About tai3 Dili: V u i-i O OCJL xo J :;iirely corrbcb r tft r u.iocir '.iV iirsj orclor l ». lO -i. i.7 V / v; uld 00 l. :!S (jO :;.ave h^'o period cGvex-ed V on era vour uiil GCiVfur L' >-tcO covor'aa o A r l.l >1 i>> U '^i. rs I iJX. 'XVG L iZ' u:i6 s^r 0 uirae T/*,- u a^d suall ■^reaol',^ obi ">*r^ 0 iJ i:i JiSi. 1, r^^lO c.r:d J5r-*'0, .J> \f ,% >« a il ],' tif •-■) . ' # » ii ^^ ( OIL'S. r:f u II :C C c> X a 1 «" ■": .-J ' » . V^ K, '3.;r Cc. .cc 1 1 OS ii: GU ,71 L'V 1 1 11 '<.*. V 0 alberea J ■ << r~:i .V • .1. 1. 1 ■ O I lb CO ■ -• O -t J . • OK .1."' oa''/'' id -\ 1. i « \j ''- ■> i.:: -J I 1 -> O v-- i. : .J irc .0 ■L j.isc.uaii rv r:M •W ! > , » % V. V ^- >~_^-^ '^., v>- r" V "> • iiarcli 7, 1911. Prof. A. K. Verriil, New Haven, Ootm. Dear Professor Verrill: TharfKS for your letter of the 4th i'lstant in reply to my inquiry as to vxhan your volume on ^iie West Coast Garfishes would be ready for the print^^r. You do 'Jot p;iya mo m-.ch encour- ageiuent however. When your additional plates ars mado up, they may be sent either to me or to the Secretary of tiae Smithsonian, along with the bill for the additional photographs and drawings. ihe r^mithson- ian, as I think I told you sorce tiais ago, has ar-an-^ed wioh Irs. ilarriiian for the co!:pletion of ons series, provided tiiore is not too great a dilay ii obtaii.in;r the niahierial. I regret to lcf„m that you also have beo:-. sick v/ith grip. sry '-ri ly ycura, L'arch ", 1^11. Hon, ::harl33 ;:• •"alcott, "Secretary, ^i-r;it:'so:uaji I Dear !>• 'Talco*.!^: 4- 1ST.1 DUuiua ^our i^r-te-- of "60. ;:!0 inqiunng as to t:/:: stag's of t'a '.:an^8cri(it of Lue outsoaidi xr volupias of ^;:^e ::arri. an Alaska • 3eri:5s, parti ci.larly t:>os3 on hotan-, caiaa duly. I cielausd reolv J. . in^ in order to obtain down- oo-(v.ne r,,pliBB fron f.-.o tv7o most li- pHr.dinr- arthora, acville and '/em 11. I 1'; ■10 ans.Tor .i8 epneroiallv t.;j aci. 3 old stc-n/.-toc v...i:c'- o ,hor 70 rk aad too little ti/ne lor tris v.'ork. ';oville hopes r.o have the uotanv volurriGs r:-.-ady i- th3 fall iut c;.- not prcmisa. Verrill };r.B beo-i s-.vitched off \y, a .vor/: Ccr t-io /.'^a;-r-is , uB.r.,Ti .»'• tb.^ Al-,yc- naria of nne "'est TuUeB, ili'ia-,rated tv 1 '0 plates. 'Hie "tartlsi^ voli7.M>e is--<'j^id nas Icr^- been- -r-arlv i-inisneo, Irut tiiero is no ab- solute promise as tc -Vnen t5)s jr.-a'.r soript and rer:iaininf plat^-s dll hd turned in. I re,r;r>o t>iat the outlook is not .jora encor,ra/-i -o;. \'ou have never rapliad to my inq,iirv as t,o wiien tna four sets of oversueots of voluiies I cinci II aro likelv to Or; aent me. I a/n arycious vo have a set of tne ajpurati nrticles in convenient slmpe for referance, and an also da.qiroiis of obtaining; a set of my own parts for bindi^ig with my papers before J leave for the '/.'est. Very ornlr vours, '.Hf vtS I 101 ; arch 7, 1911. nor^ias ^•. Jac:3cn, 'isq., ''"f^stcV':s^Gr, Pa* ^,3ar ^ir: Ir .'^^r-st a;'d '^tr-^a: of "om. 12, 1910 yo^. p-blislied a most intoroB'i/i'^^ i J li;sbratiG^i of i'ouse s'r lis and bones in pellets of a r-a>-i Owl. I si ouiri bo -r^atly Opli-:)d if you could send me a print cT t.V/: ori-inal photcrraph fro/: vrhich this reproduction -/as rriaxie. /a^^ jxponse con -^^c tod V7itii the sau.e, I should be ^-lad to n^eot. Y-^ry i,r'ly yoi^rs, V'... Lardi ?, 191] !narl6s ^cribner's ^uns, if>3-l5? .Ifth Ave., bev!^ ""fork 'litv. 'n.)ar P>irs: Thanks for ^c.r letter of tlio 2d L.stfuit, and for tr.e re- print of "TIic Adventvres of Jtuuos Hapan /.dai:.8« r.coiv-sd a sl-or- fmo previoi^sly. I havG had f.m ori..:inal edic.on for cur. v.ars ' and ai. .lad to see yo^'r roprint. los, i..y plans Iiave r-n-i^r-one -n i •-.^^■v.-.,■lnf ^.^ . - r ' ' -^ -^i^>-_unc. eji i-.porvd.nb Ciiaiire since 1 •' -^^li^ ^-- : Looic. I uid nov; at "vorK on a rat}:t:r full .• d so...77xiat .laDcrat. i:istory of " orth American baiiii:ials, .o bo published in a seri-^s ob Ulustratod vohm^s. It is ilv pn.s- ent i'tentior. tiiat tb' ) ^ec^r hmV o' . ii vr^ --v . p- -i ^ - . uc.. ooOK ^..^.ix lorr:. .a^ lirst of L^iie serir^s. It is a iittla oarly yet to tako ^ 1 . w "•p oiiL; ruaL ;jr of publicatioix , r f. I Shall C3 ::lad to tai^ ::h3 ..atter over ^vi[bI v.. boiore taiOiig un. final steps. '/:3rv ';Z''b I'l rs ^^v.^ WvA, >: p.R. Y,-. r8ac:>ed me a dav cr t^vo before yc;.r ] etter of ;.}:o 2d i; st.mr. sn, I r: b, • ^ ' ci J. 1 • Tas returned r-o ■^^or I \J -.^v Kw rcf] ■, .11. ^ear . ary : You -er. a ood little ^irl tu .n'l.-. 13 a Mch ^ '-ice lett.er 1..^ -.•■.-• vr- are doi^i-. it, s^.^^uiL ^.-ra. ,l3vcn .«ar= old a.,a i - =■- „d.s'.rxo.=ly to J Ur-tV nf ■>'0-'-' ■•'US', nwve ■..or^..u ---., ■■ , , . ,,,.. v.,.i„ '0 s:>-e "amiian Islands. ,^o;;oan tx^e y.'- lost o. yov. .-.. -^ ^ , ., ...laci .-o- .ere interested i-^ -- -^^^^ -^^- , „.> T -,,00- -ic- le- iy iio siie can .ffalk en it by wiis^ tiiae. _ --.a'- ■ ', pr i -rote cor las.. ?pri.,- Plea8-3 tell -ou ' • '0 M.er .'a. .'en . ..ru t;.at I would 8:).3 VC-. all dnn- tri. .-> • ^r, . x ., i ^ ^ , , ,, ,. - vrs^ unl.,ckv onou-h ,o c-J sick -'it.r^ cull oil --01. ^.t ..res^'O. -U. . ■- ■■ ■ ^^^^ ^. . •, ..1.-.^ M- '.^^' ;^o*^i*ir t.'d G:iall s '^e Iv iu,.k) an -Jfror^ to s^^e ^^ou. V'i'.i' i,f» -indois^ r3- -^ '^ati rr-n to * 0 p1 ^ ■^J^-^J^/^ : iss ;-^r- Tavlor, ;alif . rc^. 7, 191.1. Diux.rt. arf, of i.lms, Sirs: 1 H 1^ practicable to cl-:.-!- c, copy of a paper publisl'ed ^y ''^'^ ■ -^part-ont -nUti.,d: "A ::'^cen-:dsn;ux:e Across V -r :'acken- i^ie .c-mtai^is cvi ^-^ Pel]y, Rosb n^d ^^ravel :;ivers, Yjkon u-d by ,iosap': ^reelo"!" I arn very anxiui^e ^o t:.is pc'P'/r, ad if ^t^ ca- kindl- ^ead ^.o - cop^- s^-all bo ''laci ^) r^r.i :, any cl;ar'-^es. ortrr-est I'^rrl '^oriss" I , ' W O O ' k> o r'^iST^ectf".;] hr r^ - V\- ..>C^r: I or 105 4 n-','' X • 'jjii --^i: V6 I UpAJ la"^ U ave c^r- .L J c*- J'^i . ^^- » V ; 5 '01" ^; i .' .^ I ■,/ V. , - ? I ' »- ,A ■»-^ •" TT"*'^ ( --i ^^ .> ^ V..- T ^ rt ,Y ICS' c? r ^ ♦ 'If o-i.. ^. ^t '•. -..• <■ o -. t ' « > ~/ «^ ^t ^^ ■M,.t. . L / C, K ' d secure T , •''•■^ m, C o f < -8 •ent u^ '9 *» «- c.-x r, -*^> I' I ■ 1 -''.I h m 30 r .^J !t il rch 10, U'll. iMr. F. W. iiocl'.a, Ciiif^r, B.;reu of Ktlinclor-v. Ddicr Mr. Hcd^^-co: Gllti ^ou send lae 2 uribou :d. ccoias of Part II cf your rccontr isB'JOd Htiiiduook of Araerican Ir;diar-:s! I r/a-i'^ >' ei.i fur cutbiaif.: aad pastifif;, particularly ./it,.: refere'::ce l.o ".re Wost Cuat^u '>rib':JS. I :iav3 alroadv j'»roliat5dd 2 cooios of Part I lor t. e sa...e purposa. V;3 r ji ■ X V or.rs, ^ .. Vc . %— rft i»il I ? h>; ^1 i^ .1 ift il^ if' 1 >f ■ H \' i\ ^ ,, ^ ll » f %m i .H W vor 10^ n i. 1911 I t ■ \ ■J tji . '.^.- L I -> i .' 1. KJ II « 1 do::. c.:.roo . -. « m' 12 rlxtru :i':)c.\y br^-sr^ Vl^ ^j.j. v.;r.a.^.. ■ r * '.'0 ■• - r "^ ■ '^ J .-» r '^^ vy O X ^-^ X V J - * -XL Rucb'^r ])e-' elder '^:cn:3 C' p a>id spoa^-e lor a.33K '1 ' pads u. ^ 5 L:uM'\'-ry puste Posta.:J nijci-^iri ■ oiTic ^ ; i dov/B Electric oi'rr:^)':; .T:.n. L^-r'e'^j. ih T^lor: 'on.^ -»■ • i. ':/a.rw^::-un, ol;o.-iv: cfficj, .-":. of '.^^ 2 copies iu.ndcock An. I idi^is Torcxi Press Hist, iiovad.. Doi;.cinecii, G-tJc..u Poserts of '• A l.bO 7.20 1.00 X ,i<^ii-~t\. "J. X V ' -< n ^i yL A t .1 K (; J W v.. •- 25.;24 Cvi 10 25 20 0 20 25 vO 1 00 1 00 2 f:0 I oO 10 00 '■JK^ *mrit 7 M: rc/i 10, l-II. W- I. Ada-s, DisivurBi.ig j\r-ent, S.:::! v0.so:;ia;i L^s::: o^'tio.^';. n ju.* Lr, A- oi'-'i;:3: -. --V. c.i_;.' ra.c^,.v, l\jr ills p;./-ct fellow, -^^lixc:. .l.,.ee p:„v 1-0,. t:..o HarrJ.,:.. F-.,M. Andr^rrs Paper Co.- ,.- , Fi^M ;.rid Str.a;n icr IvlO ^,-:d Ivil c^^^^q O.tdocr Lif . for IvlO u:;d lyll <^^,^_.Q Rjcr-utic;; for I^^IO u:^u 1911 $|.^00 .. .r.^„ ,.,.r i lu -a l.li, 2 ccpioG>.10.00 1-.- Aro..iir rl. Clark .lo. for L:; via a ;:i;irk't; On 1 w.l Journals, 8 -.ols ;|;,.;o.OO Tc rorci: Pr.)3s, Lc^^_.', Jcv:r::al a :d Liil^r's Lli'c ;..^;0a- ti'S iiOuCCa <<-r, ,- Sv/_..ro:oll Rryxn U ii^osj- Co* --^^.-.^ a f -^ni V.^ ;^ort.a;.i!i,.^rla,:d, [Vr oirico p- rp.sjs I'cr '"ooti; of Aiurc] A, ,^ ..^ 't. Ia 1^" t,«£ I li ' M -^ "-"V ]v:,-.,.n.- Ji, ivii. I/r. W. ?. ilcCcriuack, 1?^'» • 1 tO • ri n ii '• roori^'Od a ~^ •• fcj ■ /> 1 o • , »-% V >. d a jrall ciu Id , alo:^- vat.'i '■ e 3t-.i.3.^nt, Via"'. vet. vcucli ioi y» . -1 -y^ r-- ;ni:.;- ci :-.o iru-ia lu -L. ' r; I t... i}lxrZlCMlLVl\ •;. tell III . , . , * • \ v» '" - . ' yr:': i ''1 0 r> IJ ! ^ '^ ail? L; otiier vords > .- V >» k. C^ c rs, ^ Vv<>->> ''■\ ,\\X;\NXJU.^m^ -. T)o:.r iv- •:; j 1 : • ■ A. ■',. ; ■ ( ..J t; -T 3 ^ 4 Vy •» t V . >v . ^ •/ ^ . ( " ■, i --^i -t • J f.' r^^U 11 t. 1. • u - 1 r' ■' i V.J. -^ ^ ' -/ -- ^r^i^-Ctiil.i^:^^ J;; ^-^^^ or H.,y-'cii. (p. :::.-'^). In :.,; G ■ r- LS reb'X'i.siole i'jr v^.^ s ^..^i.^a/ie t? Tus is a Vr^xed \ I ' >.v *: >j , t-U^x t ! L. X -i- V/„ '-: / '^ rocO'^u.;; :• r' A; i .1 i r > r. -jcd .^:'al oi 1_ t>jr:.. t.: ro , 1 • Tr V.J V ours V ^ L' 'o*^._^'»^fc^ >^J^ .y*k,.<■■. 1♦ > ' / "I c**.. . . -. i .. ^v. rrr u re lb. IJl ( • 7^ i.'r :.. ioi r P U. nT\ j^.- I '\^ '.>•',<. J. VrfO*.- L '< '^■^•i n J C13U Ar fa % -JCvj L'>v c^or h. cD .-'-1 !ir Vy I rrt 1^ -» ;3 -?r'^ f O .J lO V -o ,-i r ■ U r; :ir O ^... k; ludad -V. :d ».^ -4. -< ^ X ):a -U - ./ ^u 1 ' Xt 'J I dJtd ' 0 r ; • ,-n ■■ K, ik wi .1 i3 0; A< . J. . >^rf V ■ .1" j:.t ■ v; i,. T-ls I .r;uc]i re:'ro^'.od . tti I d .^c V O -• vy 1 <-<^ ^1 ■ \ :•> 0 .V_ wC<* i^ aoi o^i r-S- ;,l. • ^ . •>•- ^ T f ^ * .Li. L O vJ /J V J. •V i 0 lear ^ cv 'J ilVi il L -Xj U^L J IS c- OTv". V >j '',"i. ^ • > w V. 1 . « ' i v> l^ -» V. c l' 1 .'^ - {\^A^ iXLi. ^ \ :v \t -L w^i '^ M3 1!/, -.-•i * 'V • 1 <"'» vio. r. k^^s I k-- ' o f J I il «_.. J >_/ .v> '■*i .;a i V ■ J v^ r^'c .^ .-• ' kJKj X ^.' : T I • 1 '- (■■> i: I X .. i J > ' & • 'w V- X CI -> w 0 u. »_) • J..»1. C- a i j-U I I : I ci : r c r.^Q;x v.^ V/ -• v^ O V- pCa, Cil \^ 4 » . t. .^ 1 , I 1 >/ r > C-< A 1 vy I V CA V-' ..'. \ /.;."; i il U- A .XI + v^ v-/ . . .^^ v.) W »-' • i. X OiU . V ' •-> -•' -v-i ^ I J I OcLc; CI \^ ,.» , I. ¥ ^ »Jji "V .:> O J u i CC ^ i w*^ to ^.i->'-v u -.-'C* ,1 - "1,1 1 v^*/'' I. ' \^ -^x. ». ,] I' o >a vy /^' S i O >c' IS . • V lar > ' LA «.>J L'v k cu. U i. >:.«.. iS ici. >0 » J .t. : t .^f ,•• -s -1 t:.:. M . /*^' A ^ V ./ . '.X. .»'»./ via M« /^ "1 .r 'A. i A ■j\^ 1 •> I- .c v ^ o •. * riB - - r ■> 1 i. 'V •>^'.S .>U . 1 - I /*r> U.ncvl r'H ^ ;* S ' .Vit3 -'^s ' "T, J. ^. I < • < \ 1 u.i •ij '-•/ 1 1 ^ u- re 1. A. B:- . V J^ 1 4. «.A,- < , tt/ ] rl .* .^ O .i. O. J. V,.l J Li !• . t.._ i _ jl .; IQ i^ TIf. ■.'iO : L 1 :-^ -^ -I ilu V, K^ ..' W '^ 1 P n \j • r* u ir V» t < 1 ■ O. ve l; i:' 0 C N.' *» i. C- »> ./:.'.l a x J L*. «.> \^ ( / oil ..v> f , (.'■-/ /o () »X y -v -_/ a L V I n vix /» / . 1 It J- i.j /.* 'v^CvX ±1. Br 1 •J '- 1 J . - "^j u 1 -ex ^ -O ■-' lO v^ vv.. ■yji . « w » \ / ILT tv lU UiO i>a1C4. \j V ^ ( Co - " pc<, r* ^ i c II 1. ex i" i, * . ; y 1 L X .^ >, ^ r,, ..a 7 V. E,: Ki vy i .1 KJ ■ 1. Coll k-C^ :.. .u ir Ulster ly > ; /^ -»rv» _» . . .y A il >> Lca '. B^ ;d I :!. t ..' i..A. ^ v> I.'. O - • .CX --' X ^ K, UlJ. V U.I... X I u. d ac C I CL ».>6 LxiD p Cool K^ 1 G . jirf 'J .L.;X*::.!jat: ' t-j ^ U . v,' 1 -, ».' - w lit u _ ^ - 1 w A - o V j.;Xl o 1 M ■^ "■«"■> J> T •k. O •^ cil. • ;rec u cl P f'^V* * »-■' «_A, X 1 ijd i:a;:/-:e t : r ■"• ", • 1 , 'I i dj i:t k» v/ i .xT ^i '. T Uv4 vl.U W J. y X o V. . < V.«. ' , <". ^ U^ L Cu u I,. 1. C'j «»» X n c j^ i. .i. i\ A." Kj J .K XV vy w-w. X V X ri C-^ O I. • -J X .A\^ G-. GU k1. J i^/ *u u ^: • J X O '1 L- - w{ i ..' L r> 1, jv V C* i >'- «. -called I' vJ O r \.' U U X - - <| v-* xQ Ui .O.,- I f V. X 'i 4 1 C^iVOd* ttx\ ti- 'J ■- 1> ci.r) ~ L i i-. V d s /3C - f - c u B vl .C bS CI s .13 «3o. I V '*y / C- t I :U^ u I ^ u u V 1 f L\ -^ V.'^ ■i Q t^' .4. i aro aarci vo i> k. 1 J. • t. J I 4 I k," ./ -L J U (J- iD A-. -ir ..i '^^- vV> kS. %.J I I I li ri. C-iarlea D. Wuicctt, S i'.li8o lan r^U^i-Oio D-J.vT Doctor Waiccl.t: }.'c,ruii 17, IjII Roi'f-jvri'r \c o'.^r iot/^jr j1 ^ o 11^ ■8;/: /. ciosin, a leot:»r froij Mr. Deil3i^ut.V:;j u;3'vlrv for c ;rtc,j'i i^.l^-i.^s of fit Harri::fo,:i Alaska Kj^oed it j ok soricis, I tini:,- a>' ree v/.^t^^t voi^ t^i.aL iii-^se could :ot f)*i si»^) 'liad fn.: :..o lOO ^sa'^jD iJaced c /' I/.::? dieposal of tre Si'.io.isc -ja:- r^r ^luj .ribj'i"o ■ ".o ' .j .A-r'i i^^;orta:fO librarj.^» of L o v/orld. /i:. iicl'*'*Jl.a . ^-d.n^ .; '^ v~, OSOj-Oil OO- c^' d ^ :'b : Har'.i:.a:i. Do ^ij. ^oaup: : 'a^s a ^isniber of tcie aX|X^air/itn aid airs, har lei'/ Air ib rei/^n^u h.i:\iv/i\/. »" •■1 iC ^0';/s .'i . s/ jr\- w-ll. Hj-S •/ ^oar'B, ^.\U -'-1— K_^\j^""'>~>-_> *rr 11^ m Dear Air, Dorojv: M. rch. lb, 1911. t-f ' -^ -I -s fjt. Very i^an^r Uianko 1" s-ests and overplates ct' vi I- .-3 I :.-cI II cf Series. - -k^ - >b Li V. .J 1. V'-.r• ''-.: 'y^o Har-i:ian Alaska V X y*V- V V. ^.v X.V^ 4L31 ** I . I •J n :i J IV. K. A, L-c , Br I>'3a- Doctor L: c;.s: ii^rca lb, Ivll. '■^ A i Yc; r le . .^ V. ■ < ^ - *-•. •^ria- A.lar,;:; ^ ■^■■■' ■^*^-^-- ^ -^y- ' ic ■ '3j ore • e. " -- k' ^0 do \7i b- ^^_ .. ^ *-• ^^ " -I.- > u, U t.) X 'J • '--i-u ....Ob ui ^.!is publiCoTyio^', sc ' ■^-■5 n^- jer of copies of t - s-^'--r- 1 <;ri., ^.^ • •• '^r'-r list. I- crdor io b-c r- ^ . 1 • -^' b..[> 2.^ .^,0 lclCr.1':;- VCl:.l 5 Oil Will aVP ^r -Trv' 1- • : _ . s - ur ^-oi;r tjD a-i* rn- ,. J von; triiv -..V v^. y^ Q V ^;Si|§'S:^;y,■■j^! '-Ij^-y arr 117 >r ^ • ».' ♦ :.od; 13f >* -» cV * 'J^ ^. ^ -T r rch 21 11 ,rc. ;i. r^i U V. '•vl. U. A.V. c or a CC:. pi V/ i '■; rv ' ■-< 'v--. o ;«----' 1 for *-i iS Qj r •iC." '1 V^ J C'i^ <^ 1 L. T^. II >j.:is :uocr -*■ a. ^ vy i'> ; rt -)V- ra v-S' 1. ^y ""^ 1 '. CO/, J cr \ cl> •V '^1 u;;:" '-• 0 : <• oon ci d btc.r i- w^: c Goiiie B o:ne u: * > ct fro; ■f cX.< a -i *.-»- rv. v^ V > !• c-ir ill .^s;"-^ <'-' t}'-.' V Cc. iU ■* T tn W!.k ^O a. • 1 >■■ Cl i^ 01 r ? T, d loDi C^-O VQ^ UJ i»'or / 1 1 » » . i c . J r:a ;d ^j - . V L 'J a-i I 'T- HlV^' 'M /i I '^ "0 fro. ^fc '/-lan a iUock -' re i_ : ■->-i^ -^ oat I on -i. - i C-'- T-CMt CV !!iliiUh'3S /er T » »• «- aX Cj ^v^4^ v\ V t: O • OrK ;jl '••'' ", • n c ^nr f "I- w ^Vii.>v rc.i rv> Uoe' ( rticle u ^COitv of ■ cl.' rt CO tlli^iS cL ^ A ^ J ,> ' ,f 'v-' •y-» +- . :aoei '-:or i<» • o -IS .Yi'.Iir:U I ^C'^ad 1 1 i( r^. ' v^ 1. 3f «^ V 1 ^> «- V»- ■-' Cu J. yj icl ^ c; Cl S;'C G. J ■-:> a .1 •7 ill ^i.7dlv iji r.^ ■/ ■'• r- .3 I » . • V, i\ 0 ^.7:: ". ■-/ ci u .. cl ,0 e a ■ -0 j. Id o o<,: K^ 1 !a -/A VVc->v- \ -• V -KA«/)Crw \ 3 -i. .}-J Id XJ C A. JL • . 'O C 1 a I J. !•' (I V^t ranc-isoo c/. lif TN-, -L X -rc. o ' 1911 lilil 1 v.-^ • i c 1 u s i -1 •- • 11 I or ' i-j I • i J X Vy ■71 1.00 -« T i -la "I* . t; for li;ll IB c:.t '^ lor sa:::e Lari( p 1 .» - » Cv.. ^ '-, e ' w r^f^ r» C! C! »-' O ^ J ^ t^.- 0 r . Hart [ - 1 lU c.A %/ V • ^' • v J, cr > !«.-l O - ^^ ' It- > > '^ ^ .\Vu.._ V Nw ^ ■-■— ''^>w*»>\^ ■" c: ?!• CO h— i a o o J.--,. g^ s^ I — 1 -f- ^5 O CD CD h-' m «■■> CD c+ ^ r P CQ CD e'- er' C.^ \.v c- ^ C' ^-^ H f-H- K-j ^-^ o CL CD 05 CD Cj o Vi- c OD » — I r^ a w o r~~) c■^ CJ f~v. ^ cr- }-.. ^ - >--■ f -.-« r. Cr Vi' CC o. A..2^ c* P ^. c;^ <.J' c »-■> Ci p- o c r- f ^i wU ► — ^ CD o «■■. r, c /■•> t-~> l_-J. •XJ CQ I- .^ d: n '-Q cti o -4^ -45 ''^ -U U.? r*^ ; y •^ I ? ■ ^ "« -L' • a-J c .'.n.ic.c Xk IBS IT t^ r-' .5^- n ri )«r c 'I ,'^ "I'* ' • r i ■ v fro / <". J ■ . ^ ■> o 3 ci -d cc 1 1>*» "^r-jezy in r 3 ;:,1 >o 1 »• ■> V » V^ U >-• ^ , ■«wU '.■] "01 - .^l ./ .ex T r -74 '.r 1 >^ 11 8 ''\A TiCJ NJ > V o : r"03 collec ■J w u O "''M' '^ c* rev 7C Sivi''; i:r T !- A CM c C^*x, ai^a-.iQ 11 offer express T ■• .acires-:,?. :d 1 N : '> I <- '■• iCol ^';rve •? »• r p ^'■- r, L; '«j X /p:ri- r«-» -^ ro L ^ w '• . t d u re i.) Ik) 0 'jl ■~i -^-" 05 -<-' >rH «fM cQ ■••H o '/J CD O O r'> QO J r-1 o ^-"^ t:5 ;j o CJ (D r-' 0'^ o 0? Q) -* <3 eg O (D t- i r — i I — I I — ! t- »-i C6 CQ CO r "T o o «M w^:i -4 C'J 'D »■-« ffN f5 ■^ 5^ n- C. O O « * -^ •/H DQ •c: ■r } +5 Oj- o •- i 't-\ C3 t:! o u 15 72 O e^ o r-f CtH O QQ ('^ ^ 3 I > : J sicl a I'SiCu * K' } :ii j-y C' <■• -r 'i -:.rd r:0 c: \t^ i Vi ■"> .c 3 C •L O - X r\' a a I-/ V I k) U< r i <■ ■ r , r ";'•.'; O I Q c vao jl :j b. lO r cos • - 1 1 >- . 1 . i ft ;'^ V»o ^.Vrv.,,.A- '-^^■• -»3 O. o .-••H U2 Q> 09 a: o ?"> '.J 0(3 •a; O o c l1> -c1 CO I) r-T o ■'-? f.. 1-. '^D -»:? •r-i c 0) r^; 'J2 bj H <) ..1 CQ O -u .i t 1 ^L* rr-> C) -i3 13 r-*-« -^- t- C!) ci o> ^j. v-^ -H K* O O .^:; -u o CO o o %^ 05 02 CC 1) o. ►r-.. CQ »•- I-: .7: r- t >r"{ O o r> C) o 00 o 1 2:r ^n^ Brcnxville f L • 1.1 .oar .-r, i.nirht;: 1 /~' '-^ T" • ah of -.70 r>: oi^ri Iatt3^ urrirsd r;:j.irlv d '^»r:..'- u o. 3 pas': ro-.7 da^s l-.^ d3 J. -'' ^ ' ;- / I c, ,1 1 .J 1 n :, r*f^ o • T v7i li Cj:1 i hav9 .ro^'^-e cuor t:,o.. c..-ervlb. rd -.d, ired t^ien prcpsrly. ■h3 o.ily cno lic'TovGr ---/c;; i cc^lo -sg is ^:.o pencil skstch of t'le bi,- B^ur -rliich ycr ^ave labclod, /L.cka -ri-ay. jf ccu-se it is ::ct a ^ri^;iily .od if -on .vill ;^11 ,3 ;7 cro ■;:3 i-divid-^1 c;.;r,e froni, 1 ou:: :^ut i:p a -;3t:s ae ^0 i tij species. If yo-: cc-Id roduco it, a iibtla a:^d oithsr pai-t it i- , o-oc-.roi •-, cr •:.■ it i . i ■, or ..01;, oo .....0 X. .7...1(i i..„Y..j a •-.•.cu rsproo:.c.v.ca, I cc/. Id ;;!:o it. It cjrta'nly is a fiv; dr;r./in/' of a mot^t i-posiiv- >^;;ot. "liat •.TCuld you c;!:Mr/-e for it, r-ed, o.vi t^-d ri;'oarsr>xiv reorod'-csd .;\-.-'u,r, cor.;ii:g }i-cui on,i:3 a -v.-a picture, bnt yor forrrat b}-'it I alrotidy have a U did for ;r.3 so;..3 y-;a 's a 0. Ploa;^^ don't ;::iv r,,^ aM r,r -.ork -p ;7i til ' cn r s(;b-,:,na for •^all decorations for rioL p.oole. T ad-ir; l,.r,;a Va.dcci,:e pai^^t- ir:rs as -c;: a:, icr-^c, >-t ^;.r^ havr no bG:,.r!-- on •7';at i od '1 "> • -^ . L.' L r.. ■'c cut of b-si ooG. lO.: J. -Ararat pict;.;r'3s ':,c :'eoror]v^ce for e i]o:ri ,-H ,"• <^ 1 /- '■^^" k;OGrCS -f .. t t—: l^.r; ^^"6 oa(>va '0 ^^0^ ' yo-it iiiG last -.vGok, I cja ratur.-i-.^ i:d ref-ards to ycursolf and ars. /; i-l.t. : V on; ^ ^sr f 125 arch ?fj. ]911 •Jf 1 .':ior{ia.t J. Jax:kscn sq ^har * - ■ ^ N,«». OBfc -» -^nosoe f./3 *• Cv • C w /..< i '" r if / ' .'"' . '• ,) f « •; 1 .- ' V*/ J Jl^ .V • "hcuik^ for 'uD'- I J ' / 1 » . r 0 c 2 i^ij ''^: i'stant ar]£. for c< ■jonairv^' ^re - 4. pnoto:-ra,pa of -ics skull s o '] f KCG I or 1 v.cv r » o car lot '•/ ,y o 171 uh I end OS :^ 7f: ta -> 1 ') oa^'^•(3•''•t fc V lor Ji-.Q Bfii-ie nv. in8 obh-ir motor rao. Q r ^1 c; "> v>t »: sjrn aro ret avbiilable for j'^. pr. ej^zaal -uork na i a i a: ...erjiora r^t- n M 71 > .r» 1 vIU S ^ ^- Iv, w. W *v V VJwr :>: ••v^^/ ' - <.'i v.::- '.r ■ ^ • -» 4 1 V. 4. c «^ O V-. J_ .^. a/ ■"-^ '^o?:i Y* C- V*-; -> ^ ^ euro o < ' . r « ■ r ^ J. W l. . vV \ 1 ^ 1 C-4- -* nj a J. I. I •• ■<' •»' 1 »<^ .->„ ^'-w li ^„„ } i-^C- r» <( d e."c j> o 1 i^' J J. '.!-. ere tc >- 1 1. -.4. •> '^ '■-,/' f.' ^ ^ .1 I ircpoiji'd c'rarre of na/ue cf a aoMntuii ^4- JZl.i , J •-/ t. Joe ^11 r rr^e Bird '~ri.:v)ell. who is 'l.t,^0> n--^.^ f. V, 'I f^ ( 1 C l/Cv L- J ^ f . 'T' ^ i ' Kji , ..V .O e ;j, '^o ./ *-• r ' n r^ y-M t> 1 .^(J#iV ».- 4 ■-■.ber of ti es. ^mii aoeii r:c t 1 I y^ ^<'' X u A. o ffi 01 (-- 1 -^ 41 .f i. 1 llj3}ied to L.aba the prcpoaort cr'aro 0*1 ^ctio-iablo J. u^ ":^ ».; >o K> fcj ». >,* ct to >i> ' '':;ci ■ ' 1 fcr t^e rou'-itain '^aj^^'e inrnod 1 "tr i./.:i v^ ^f -."'^l ■'•o -|^ ; '5 If :o ,■3 I' I '\ ri^»d » 1 V ■^ ;■',"» r^, t* »'"/:> ■ J i ■ -J J »i. j.'va co-Ti- 1 ' ^-Boa t' tr ..'tJ ■> , 1 1 L- r> rc'-icr and tha i- f ./ <: » < (", <.-\ -1 r-ni-> c V-' ^' v-/ pe CoJV con--3r c .1 (••<-* v» >-A^ a. . k ^y X.Ca, KC 1 I •■< I vj 'U ' i :> 1.. 'j ~ J '.y V. 4.-' J- -'*J. :u:icins .vOorc.ri ■v »Ci .. / I. 'I ' i ' iv '/C'!' r--* •■■ V, V r> ^ j:> ^ -,.t> Of^ IfC ~> .' > ~> -' X .1 • 1 J \.* I. ti ]. J '^b h f^hrt asK c- • ::inr* < . yTf • f T ♦ - t-i.- i 1; n^ ■ -1. »-> lk>^ r"*'* tT cu ae rt ''n;n Iv^ CA. k ? O^*^ » « 0 <.> wc 1 V3S 1 'A '/-«. • I > <"! r-j lU -* CUi. C^. ■tf . ■> ■. T « rrf^ 1 o .( I ^■Y or • U ■ J - V uuk of in- Ci(i3^tB of t S ki':d ^V3/-i •.iio;f'-M t'l-ov i:;^^nallv -r ova >U i f .**v* e:,a:'r:.':erat'^Q y:ll >*i T > » ■■ I r; ■^ f.'.ci. ^ .:i Y» ,7 .-» I I /v-- r fic-/rr^ IT' coes no ^ 4- 8 li . 3; :. ore Car: ia V Ci. •c'.U c) '/'^••"v ai:n.:-rv A-olvas t i. -i t. i.-a ck i3iac> jjaar :.n vsrinu^^r rj *. %.j> .f ' i. ^ O r»Q v»-»i 3';i «if^ Ji ict \r - -1 1 I i .1 .) T7^,-i ) 1 t^ * tf^ ii\^ pronpurir^-*. ••r-» ♦ 71 'v.n oeet 7 ■", €t f^ .•\ r^ ^r'.'l O V,. JU O \'-. .>^ K V.>s> •,.yv . «■ I'.rci^ ^ j: Jl . 11 i .-'. "^ f'* . 1 ' ^ "i yc, a C: J • i iC-:/]. • J V\. "i C Tir ■a'-; "?'' I I \C' L^'ll 0 fCO li -^ J r lcrr»ru::u >. L '- -^ J. .. <•> -^, ; • •.. u w ' -ex it varx-.n-liBli c.^:d 1 O 1. i ''.; V If • , ' '"> v^ !cab;>lary-* tako ol^jasu-'o ir: I, s'. Oi^^ori(:i--^/7 lor :e ^c;^:e ir> v'oii/jrise a r 4^ T ••^^f.^ •'~^T>/»v-\ ,>,ii.^y » ^> ■><^\.tl. a t' '-^i i '."•1 'V J» V'l ur 1/ II f>i rUint / t-^nolo;^- ic ."^ictionar' •JX ui « . t f' # 1 . ic L cu. , a .<-.o y y.-'O.L • i^oGchfr • 1^^, -i ' ^ V » ^ * X. v^- ><*«,. 8sr rot Clar] 'residen Qiii'^r:ton Acaderrv of Sciences x*.Y .J3ci "n r Pro ft) 3 80 r Glax^ke Inasmuch aa tl:c3 l.card of lana^ers of the c shirr: ton Acader/p'- of Scienceu ride '-taken ths oublico,tion of a Jg\ irnal w-iicn ^ill be in c}iar/''e of a Beard of '^dir^cri^, i hereby tend V nender rrv real ion aa a rr ember of tne oc I rill III I L >J ) -i^ on publicati on If an f >) o T ca- bo of service c tie co^iTiittee in a-n ^udxieorr cara^i \f I Sj c^. ce act to ]ielc tn em « v> rj "^ r 'r.::y ■ootq •>i ^ \ \\A ^'•s,. o av^ % i^LQrch 27. 1911 on k*i erritt ■<- V stf/.aster, ^VaGiii:if"ton ,1 !n oar r:>ir our lBtt3r of J'.arch 18 T r> reply to -ina of iiiarch 1 is at It, and 11 r reply is wliollv unijati8fc.ct o^n% mas'iuch «- V of f e rs >i IV ejtpla nation for u'le :ici>deliv '3>^/ of iriail ^rocorly addros^ad to rae 4-1 n utiis conr:Qcticr I ^*:c-jld like tc^ 38k way your cffi ce. oe- icr9 destrovliY- ^ 'lean's perso.-a) oro^>ert y, ::a>:es r,o affcr X X o uo Cv">»n* ii-nioauci « * •. > 10 i.XlX) pC // ^1 c-ald propo^hy is ndcjr^^si^edt If a lo- Cvt Oi a..y kii'id had Cr^^ja cont .c irj3 i JU'Vi;..a c«f ^ 1 tie puLiisJier of ;» f »■'.-> • > ~* ' ^"^ '-^ a ^a ^j:roar:t, nctafvi: .10 r» r j> I • plated Ly VLur ri: u^ .>:;^ -^A..raoni nary cc;i,'?»e conte^m- )jjartrn '-.'^J; ^iTfMi \''^ uu id :'y oddreas, &x durjnr tl.e parU.ent of i^RricuiturQ. ia/8 btien i)ron ptly infonned tliab -bt 25 ^ars , >;as Bioiorical Survey, y)e. i: ;4y that it is tl le practice of v<.i 1 v» Li /» . '^.•- ,»^ '.^f ' ».i - Ov uirfici^lt.'^' 1 ». c; deiii,':rv of ia^i, *o coa- ii'U 4# -■J ir:3cti0r f t io \'..d boB'-^ dona i.- r y ran ^ w /•>-'> #-, \y C-. i*_i c> 1^. er jlcTii •vGuld hnv-j ijoa no ainioi>l:-,v AX. l:jr .•1' 1 ^ ' >.' . '- TiVi pro; > -•'• • •<.i • 'U- re;3^ r? d^j v ■; ' > I f.r "^ . K C'.f-.f^i'i » Kjr ^?^u ^3p.Cf;it..3r "i.o «V vj ^ ^! .i . "> . ' • -i ^ r ' ^ v.av o:n -+. V ice, c^ner parts of r/ne ■* O . «u. I c 'ria!l « • i: X ei lar! nee Greyed i 1 ": » . ■• T of- 1 ^' c^onres{:od, T^ero cie- V'-.>*3a » » . A ' V ^ X tJ. « 4- 0 i'iolo -irai [T^rve I , » I ; -■ V^ •<'>-/ f »XwV - of :r,rr r.ail clogJcal ^orve\' II y/iti '^ \ • ■fi ' *— . ■• » ' V. vo- rjvurr.ed ■-» ~o 0 V P -V-^ -ry. » ■ VV . , ,,J V^ .O t- -'0 suf*'r?n J u >*«'•/• /*> ff 1C.8 :r iie -'**. 13 iri\>r a,tio-^- ^ii^it fiolivory could not he 130 .rise tod ti:ro I' re an. • 1 -1 /^ ■»' .J ^i'XxH • . . ^ -r ' .. 1:1 ^TVi- nf; 01 lie r:» las wCw '^ % : - ; -X 'J' !. 1 T f- *r » J ^ 1 VI (jv^: :' r "c ■ h » ^ •; of i .; / ''* f > * * »: 0 i -» VM re or t- e nul,lica^ >( »? f • r, '■O'lfr .-I * ■ i ■> " I •>< ' « ■' -t . ^ -^ U c < iO .^ ,C* i H V a. '(1 c*. 11 or-g .1 :,' . 4 . n.; I cJ 7 • 1 1 ^^ i w xt; l:^/*' '0 lO f i >*el r ./-i rtic-al .ic..il i L^ K> •'"■. ■■. -Tk s ! - X r dc > o f ^ '«-' O ^1 C V; •u i. ;] t >» V it<. r-i Ji lice w V • ' -» c ■ ... -^»~-^.. \ \. V.^-v i y- j> -^^'te». rsr iarch 27, 1911. r'rod rowlir, ^'jBO^.^ ;..ojit'3o:T.or3' Orssk, asta Co., Cr;li.f. ^•> rem/ of Srji ^rancisco tolls :s t'/iat -ou ca.n orcbabl;^ tell 3 '^i:^eth3r or not ti.e .'iite xail or Lorir: ^^il D^or r^^:ill ccjvrs ir ;^^o^jr par":* of fo state, Pod if so vmal^lisr it 'a/ouM I'S ro3:>P)Io vO yoci-re z. rpaci.'en. For several v^^ars I -lave heen t.n'iTv_ vlt-hoivt svccass! -^^ :bta.i: c • ::: or "ryo ^r-ci:ei]B cf Su-oo rc,51 leer from northeastBm • ctJiion-iia, A^^ • infonaatio! • r i*r\r^r'.€i h •' /^v *•'. * r*9*n f:rn:£5h or the si'b'act '^ill be :':ar:kfuMv raccivad Verv i^r :lv ^ our^. Mrrch 27, jvll. 1 ^7^^ V , '■.'> -y-o r-trr r> -> -*- ■w'~ ' ".-v i^i . :» -' • ^ % 4. Jiiief Jlerk, ?:r^fir\eeA 'libT ?epartrpf^^)t, "ear '^ir: x'i6 ^iolcrrical 5r,:n^ey is ar.xior.R to obUu.-i - co .y cf -6 .apcrt cfd :.aps of fi.j ...it^i-.c-. ri :;;v3r :-;urv--v -a-" ^■■- '"> -i- p :-.'aps of t;;3 scale cf cno ivile to ^ho -lor^T, tr- -^- ^-.-^ -..^-.^^ • . your '.f ice'':^ ii«soectfullv. sr ! 134 j-c r> A-. . <,Jk. V'i 1- ~^ ^ I 1-ill ■* t.' 1 - ; X D u «-» w o -* _^ •' -^^ i'- 1 VX.X X A* uiciXil^ ...» O '. *> • :>t> i IBS r . T Xt-vi i\. v., • ■ I-* o u I or X*^'-^'.' - i 1 t rv >■ v ij lU b3VvTX"cii a c^Vii wf J. V iil ~t V rj ^ J u v->r ^0 ^!? J.^ X * XI* ■< ili-j: ;t>; iUvy .Vi.O 'JOG Xv U ; lac^ a C '^ i^r ru 3i'-^^ie *WC4, w .; ^X r^ '^<^ 'j^r ^f.ii •■"» ^ « ^• tt, ^'^ 1 < v.y lie C\, J .1 CIS L' 1-' 'c*jd i'or 3S ii UJ > t - "W kJ ■» ■ V •.>- Gucn of :».jd .r rc.jias «-■ • rs -.*-v ::V 0»v v.JSf-— ' i-ist C-. -.^ ^ J tO L I v.. i p: .- f /.. 0 if ;r,c 1 -v ', ■a i, ij J 'Ji t o f > <■» 'iCl/ :;d ^>CAm ij j: < OK-L.: (i t* i. 4 J O lU 111 p;-^M ►3U'< IT -r 1 ) o ' X V ^-*- O c:^-:*G 0 ::c Ob -ui f d '-^ U t 1 ' ia^• w 5r- ^rJ n't O i. « Xv^ .^ C i^ "• ^v.J;it}S i-' *-? o ^ th---C'- -*r- VTv-^ I I f u. re C :^ 1; I > • V oc > W V.' X'. 2 'c^o ar 0'i'Ti;JbS S CS'^u i, ^c-US. -^vCAu'^'ne 1 > 1 X!i '>V^ V ''^'i r Ij i' V or ct o.E 2v6oli ^ '1l •'^ ^' ^ x-'U*: 1 1/ a v#vy Id '>c. ^^> i.j'.iU, av Toiobbor -• 1 X '^ iiixi y.7ic8 8j ic" vou v/ore '»^Lr UC> »> v^ «i »^ .V:J ■» v^ ^- iv- w» .i, ro fviv :l6 ^o ."I 'Oi 110 SJ^- 'U*/.^ -j; ..j , c^ A.. i 1 '■>' >-• C*. 'J >< t) Ox tl '.I 1 e of t. X) Q- , ^ 1 i. sri 1: ■* i. v> V>«,, t v> \^ V • X '1 . -J » V *^r vVw > 3sr *Ci!. •^ V ). isjl D, J..J.X Li-^mrx K' 1 ^1 c« ;.; ./tC. - n p^ iC-uIi 'C*l ^; iiy i ■',i I ' w. '^ '^i'jr or • iVv O i. j_ (• 1 , • i I. ^ ihrarv v>± Jc res » CO I 'jCi a. iS a paper aeycribed i C-l i / i i 0V7S m i> o V C^ (. --^^^ -ijU^TiJs iJaieiinoB aa L. ^>.l • cniia oe c il LO':^ .1 RiriB. Ib^l"? fr. f«r < ■ei J ♦ I .i c> i I'j i' ■J i j.o lea cal Soci:3 ^v of :tris v - 1 V B ^v3.„ ^ vi-. \\ V*s.X. ► >,^^w« '• --^^ - ^ 137 » *. ■»'•<'» J-'tO. i I I .' 1 1 Ails n 1 .-'.- '•^ "> >•», v> v^ vy cr ^>' i^ • _L i>V> ^^-T -x.jor 'tl -1 i. n "^v'-J >* -'ea li v J 1 ■ .■ >'•*>, .> W.1 iU^ c I i- X ..1 ">"' 0 CrT'^l: J v^ < 1. >•' i. tr lU i a . v'C-u i ■ •- o re ^ ^j' J. t^' ii J .^ v^ J'M v^I C' a:.c -»• C. -I. o 0 . ra ^ ' o o "• « >^ -^ \^ rnc n I\S ri '.^.M J .' (•,.-) ■> C V .• CJI/JJO 1 Cf •"> '^ u > .< ^.\ V ^ -i. A '>■ '1 H ^.Sr ^L-,* St-*' r \ I ii-'C. 'cI; JU. 1>11 P-,- i O.J. usi*a .1 ■u vv; i.ui« ; :iverjsi :^A f^'T ■'V ; ;. • T'- C*. r oir rf: apcobe 0 ^"cur la j- 9^ .^ <;- fct.ri ins OcU <. u ^vo s c^ L- !'• v> i cop'' 01 0' 1 1, t cu 'J 3 ( Z:':es of .'or-:;'; A:jori ca. 7/ lie. -t t, ■^ . . > •-'lU. ^ , 1^ r p oi* w I. Life ■Cde to cciurod. C8 il' io &i:. ut r - 1 1 ^ ^ • o ».» v> • t»r / <- • u 1 A rjvisDd ltu.r u r eaj. / , > V X w I .f vi.r^ (:■:' 7. -in'., r.l r..^ e » \' '. '.y i -^ i. -KJ V'll ia n i. -><•■* Cc' > ^ is . ^'•' -* X .> ^ »- • '^ -«~ -i •>: J ci 10.:* 8 0jj > ' J • I 1^-' • ^-- . V:^^.:- w ^sr -or. re.: 0. . Ijil 160 0 s> • nOS n- iiT ..r — ^- -^ -< XCl 'd :.'vcc-e38 i f ^ •. G w. 1 J^'j,L, ci 0. - ' » «. idala of V II a or 1 :c.r ^Oiild ''].z U. V^ CiS '.»•'-,■> oi.'ia '.;-j cj.a -h cs"; Gi c, e: uj/'ce of ret- ar J :i ri S-. s •sr n ■* I « o o a vv lucl- 1/-^. *■ -». -y.' ^v .i. »-! V-'» t dt3d 0 oU i.'h - vLX :;■ a Ici;.l '»> ii »r li'j 1 lU i >:el - U I ' • -J.-. •^ • r^ cer^: 1 a ii ■^ *i ,: 1 ' » -> Isl o. .\X *' Vrf A ■!3Sv3 j.£la:.ds \b-^ I ^1-- (d w a r_ ■-^- purt.v 3r TxVjrc ci^r 1 .X'J r c re / i '-'CLO J 'UOi >r-i r i(" r "^ ' " I -u > C» a' ■•I .' ^^y-LM '* t 8 'r, 1 I l> ^' J.« V- (.1 4 ^ 4. 6i 7 -u .uiive .7"X ^c leuv .V v> ">.' ik : 3r. id » i"* i c- re fed I y 'Or IS tie •J I ^8 ceveru «j o v».-x/i, /« .'(3 <■» - »-i 4 Q ' I 1. c 1 •6 'j^ Id rrjt:_,>ic- -^; 01( H.'.U t'jr - i V. . i. . ; p, -f '/ni v; 'J 'J ' > . •• ♦ J. -.e r» J '^^ ifc^i-.-- locuij f:. « X .J a. U y » .- Ct r « ^. "r ' • ' i over ►VI , ^ >-«• -'t-i.* Ofl •ill i.1 »: '^ *-* :j ■^ r- MC-ri/iMi t/ ". <>.-■> uUi 1- »' (•■ i' <-^ 1 .V .u., ^. > . v^ i^' iCu] I"* la ;^3:.u ■^ - W'^ 1 * ' • \ I . u. V ^ o 1„. J . w. i ^- .u V A A i^-.a u ,; /-. .u. Kj -:.c^ . T I ^,' :^ -T "^ K. .-vj^^iiSiiCr >13 ~---- L.. J. « v> ^ f i vU.^ -0 G N .V U- > ! O ■>-/.« C Q i ■ i ± 11 0 I iLXi u.u i. we c J V, AJ 1 i. O J 1 i 1 n i «j .: * • M .1 L '-1 r* P, 'wL-L^ -«wl\j.i 1 i^' K1 i-ue JL .. J' I [r -I la. i sj 1 ^J iv: { \ i • «/ r- (? \f • kj\- • X i. •J »^. U c o: i v^ .'C4..a. (1 Cg 1: i*^ V A X ±f'.- LX- V* I J o o i,ir£> c« iao y v/ i' <.< .i tw> i*^ J. .-i^-^^ srf' e 4-K •y -^ <-». V • -ai i^a 1 ^ "o-L -/ C I 40 i . ii J8 31 »f •(Va r^r ■ ^^x *>* 0. xvl 1 * I viJ D *^ •«* •>.*rfC«. :\ rc i. *^ -. "! .1 ^ y^f »# • cor i'yf P- ^ > '*'. o - KJ . . J. cas ■) -. « • TV r^ .J rLi •,' M »* • JKJ i\*0'n«.^,;- ?ni f^l-raii c* . i u ) » '■ 1 : 1 ii t » -■<. ■ 1 J- t 10:- ''--A i;o V • • s^- t .OlJ ^ - >- *w .X .i O / oc^. * _a 1 J 1 ri. v*/-" Oi5fc idiv 1. # , .> eke aV la ' w k> «J .ve 1 •«• :j. ^. V L f (">- 1" <--*■•- i. C C <•' 1: -'*. ,1 n. . i ?..•»» ^lu r, ^ <.. \t .* \^ I ^ i. Tr I \. -' V. J. ••• «— » \J of 1. l:?d 0 • • *• X^vi^ « 'w' «w ' 1 'M Y' A A)^. S'-^fc c k ' V. t vy . ■*. J > > - tvi.! P 1 1 nr .r, r; I do > K \. J J J J * ^ v^ i xC* .10. ^' l! I f , ^. . - - >-/ IslX »^-' i :C-. '^X C A. . ^ 1 w;.J W l\.^ „ 1, T - ^. '- v» U r*! >r' u - JC .V. - V .a t f Ut^O u « f-^ «»^ «. ^ r w m^. V Ci 01? V' 0.7.; Cu 3 CU * j' Cv- •ci ir. Li VU 1 J V v-' *¥ U ■jO 1 1- u. . c . ;c - d U- : • i a 0..3'"'? ^ 0. 7crk ot* %* ." o -•!*•' IJ ; . / -itV -< Cfc i ^ J cUi y ;JG •J o * 4 ti ' U • 'i i 1, !.•» r ••' »-t»- (w Ucv b " •^ - i • O: t I Gc. j>».«^ 8 WC3. 'X3. Ci o .;w -UC: S I • on i rem v-? U- . r>. ' t. \^ Cv 11 •» ■ ■- O i > "J 4 • / t j! *. !*:• tz 1 J ± e 3l •^ i •■> ^ ^'- J J. ed or uSf .s:t..ce «. .« y : scr -; V 'Wt. L» v^ Id ^ Vt/^ - .w. ^-k * J. i V rs ^^ . \Vo. Vv./v^* I «J. IvXl dv.n • -»..■ ^-' f '- 1 . . Q ■^ ■' ,>\ V » J -^ X-V -* • *- i -. . JvT' -> >- A. A Jk. V^ ^,* . K,^ ■ ^ 8 tJU Cc^il^G '^/ vW i. T-< « - f^ 1 > .i, # » *. ik.J re, .: xi I C' la 3. '^^ -ia.v cao 15 c. <*. Ov *t.«^ L Ox a V X .k OM A.u.iA'6 c4J 00 dc c- v« Cell ied » I. *j 1 ^j * \J iAl>./- k. ^ til ..i ore i '■' 1 t I » O -jO I «'•;• ^ ^ i^' "^: 1 i , w ^ i. L' i U ' " i C ct i rva ♦'.' o. u ^7ciC i};:rr/ ti. Ivt 1 ' • r • M * ■*.' ^ • f ^ > Yviri -^ J V ^ # • -. w .-• ^ f. V ^ f • (IL ' * O . L< v^ «^ -:d -^ .fc v»- 1 • '8 r-\ >v«^ Ar- ^ KX^. >H I^arcli iil, Ivil. N • » ^» I'* • > illiurd: CVi nki3 «"cr -'Ci-r le :'>. / v^x *- •» . v^ 4" .:l;i J .-Vi."- i SvU'^'- I ;:real.l.- r-ieappoin Aid -/lut- yo-.. vara nut id tu:: deli.'ir.ed .0 kpcv; uh{J> ■.'■irou.ii ./ciir en-.nv.aiasr: a-;d U-s fiivJi- cial i-.terjst of . r. Crcoker, Mie "•-liiorv.c;. /cade-cy is to liavs a ..... ^ c* ■ W.A •-• •" ■• .'1 tj ■ I , -"^ B ' '. ^/:e:: I co o 1 i 3 lineal'- -X' t.i;iay t::G u :t;il ^.-3 c -^i uf Ap:^il. ^u uu .re iikelv to soo i^t^cv: -i; of n.j haforc :.rLat:..ao, -♦ »i « h -^ ■ I .i: Ai xies-: Tv; ctrat; .j txL i. i/V*i,,A->-^^v> ,> -s f - IP p '.:rr.^ ^>vr' \?ar - r. ^^urren ; ruu.: •..' 1 n^ asl aboiv!, "^no BOv.r Li;:i:lls. I ;/c.a 6ic.c f . 1 - • C'Vi/;^ Oi' -ci r le^.ijr ^.: u :: av (^ t {-X • X /^, _ f. T k„ Jk I Vy >.^ - 'V .t •-' 0 11^ r o v.: J r .^\r"ic. X !v..r d •;ii '..' :v-' ».*-■ v^ V. i tit. % nr- -i;.l ..L t-i-X * e> '^. V V I A^Nw^x-N-^, i of^r u i . i » •» P» ...O ft 1 C »v w '^, "O J. I xci. ;.'t> ^, ^ ^ \j I ^l ^ — vJ ;io - i :?i c a,*.. i 1 i i\ li t ;le Uitm t'ici: «x , - r <:.14fl ^ C;3iL i'C.*-».OiU J ! V* I ror/i * • ri ;rco tT.V r fiirn ^> L. -^ i r^' a ci o -> ;a U a nr? 1 M-4r1 «-t nr li3-3a 5:5 0 O- ^ .^ .»^ !.,•• • Ca V^ a •> «-v f*T^ 5!!^ •''►IJ cctjk:) f / v> la uo X -^^ s «. « -1 t y \ ' c c * 1 .,».*• . _ • I •v'\ -J f c 01 U. 'v» <\ -> t ■sV A W » O -> ill 1 ■» -* v^ i\^. lU. w ^y A .- *w w i^-' y -i. J J. J > C ' ! 'J C i. c-.. ..■ ■>- e* ' \-/ / VJ' ..J s.' > : V. I V f ■-' f 4 '.* C:iU ci,> ' - ■ ' » J » V, t. /* fi- -, V- -/ i 10 r ♦•'■-■> y • *». o Y^'N ,1 "^r", ., -^ ».; . >W ■ O ] ' ^ • ■ - 7 ■ •-• (l 1 t A O * -». ^. V a h' ^^L^liv'3 ^od. I ■}- ; !■ ] 1 1 o /oro S' .all "• T • V^ liC: Ol <* ± U.i o^t V 1 » y * i - . I Ci V Ca. rU" a 1 <^>-^ . < ■ - v^ \Jt '-J . I . o„ 1 1- -> ■- e ro 1 i;. r:3 '/^ Ic a V O .' I . ^ r> ■ • K-^ V;>a .1 V. -^ , , .^ I vvr; J iC v." U •^r 1 r ■.c -*. i \J KA 7CMld S?l la ^ L X ij tij V t* ■ ■ V t I ■-/ CO Jl • jV>' i y' J a J )^)cLraict) rni mc Gii^.r >- u jvorrjctlv ./L-r' 1^ -' ».' -^ c kIi U'i ~X i ^y^-K. C, r , > . , . >" be on 74 Iff V* k.» -L. .. ■ \j vj doiocr -;f-^ . L '.V O K' •jvn'c * '1 •"> t' , d s^ '5 *- CC ( 7 jk. ' ' ' .-* CJ (,t t J 1 1 -' u i . 1 'w . .. .J^ ^■ -id Cl' iL i ^' V ' . ( <^ >*. ♦- » . . ,t-t , > i '. UV>ij< J.CV v/C- irO~ ci>.i50f T - ^«^i» u.x i Gl uf so X 0.1 ..*.o 013 ^ ,cXl »X Uv r'uclri <; >'■ 1 «- { 5 :-* :i 'C X 1. U J r. I u* u •.. se aVi 0.6 y r^ 1 -t. •>'.. yor c toa 1 La-ai ^- ' *v • i '-^^ L- ..e -/ - . c V3c.rb a.^d shouH i 1 i\ -0 Civ bO 1. Ik. *v i. C^ t!. V*-- *> »J NJ X <", ' ^•8.1 %tcn 0 ta <■. id ful '^ - U A, l'^-^>-k_\. # t"^ c? ^J in. - «-' X J J. • ' J A • T.t: 'Ji- K - T I >y .»i t T1 ■J :a r,. y ■i. • "^toiiicrd '•_ iVfjrBi ■", Julii* '— ^■' "^" f ' k.j O I. ci. u ' c O'^e cccwr lit .10 i.H/vd . o.> i vOl'. '^ Gpooiaa oi' rish v]Li.G.: fiJt': 0'> i'ly Gdiii- 4- . n::u3 '"'^ .:•...* u ;w :w.V .ii^kA/'j Xj^i^d k3CGC?33 art). 1'' lO .^r^ iifc>u .luiiss i.V'Jii .»e for t^i.u i'lB- cl* L.e L-.ke I j^xloisa ,r a L>ipar,t''a sliojt, i.id I s. cull ■.■^ .':rtcl>arui ^.f vou /lii .:i..dlv ijti ii.u liiov; vtL. ^ ab -..a.:.y of ;:i;e:ij arc cuB \C"' v;a. ide..vi.ly fro., ^ixt) i.^ore oo .oi- ncw:ias» *A fo^// iules cjus^ of ...iuuic^ ^GW!; c^'d a sl^o. l disLcr:ce west of Pvo<4.1i ''roak is w. S:::all \)C\'d ^LxCJi tiio ne^.lvo iiidia'^ji call ''urfok I ' > r-' I': i . ar^ :u£ of iisM criilt3o retjpoo ;.^ v .ly : ian . yiie, 3i-.aa 1 j.i AG,iuid i.innov*. '^-^ \ c • . let 0 -JO .1 ^ c * 'J 1 c './ '■ la ' -# "Ja iGce ar:^ •'^^rv uruly V' — q o -^• T . -. Jaas Pliv;:) ■u:; CC ■'J UAl/cLX i. iuipai. Ilka a Pike.-up to 10 lbs. ^-xaG..isx. (da>-:. g;. . . sk, '.oily -.in'.a-^: f^irOxx Si..ciil K.; ^ '^0 V. ILS. (":-^a.8t> food") and n -i ^.- h'^r.,,,. y, ', -' : f'-^is) vuucn .;j 8|:)av/nin.' -.i.^e — ^ C J ..y 1 J J VlX* M rim 1 . Adc**» tj , • * lso'..ir3i.".;- A;-i,'nt, fia.. :jeur .. r. ,1daii:8: .■:.'-.ira:8C:-aan L^stituoion. HorT.Yitli I -a.iuIoBe sclary vcuciiers for o.ie ;.o'iLli of l^^o. ic,ll iorJ. E. ::onrum (-n3o.i>^), ard Olla R.Ayrea (^75) a2ia B/:.all bo oL'lirad if vr^; -^iM -■• m ' ' ' xiarri.'..aii Fund. -V- 7ery :, -uiy yours. ••!-, t ^ i v^ 5 1 ^'» r /..nrii 1, nil. ^3i^r Sira: PJ££.iiS SJ:-^ i^o 1000 jlai.i .1.^:^. civsU.pes c !-£ fcv W 3-4 liK Ka oiclosed sa:::ol3 I - X .\.'V> Dr. Gliarlea D. .Valcot/o, Ciiair:.^-; Local Jo;...!ittA3 ^pr-l 2, l^^ll. c ' ' _ I ear Doctor Waioott: D^- oi^cwce. .a., ,c^r rosiest for :,i^.ies f - -.- - . comng .ioefcir,: of ...s I.at^'nal A. ,^ ^ ' or a cc'/j.iu;;icji;>ioii on fc« ^Vc •• .• ' " t^-a.Us.xxxct.o:. of ..■osi.o.eaarriLas. most of Uie ,>apQrs u^y -^ ^- ■„-■ . . '-^^ - ^.J be scant or full ■•. r ' ' "'" ^^'■^-"^-'■' •'•^ll 10 rumutas t^. -^-l^ .>^ ^ r -ocp^ from o ^- ^^Ujl a^i .lour. T" ; 11^ a ;u; Der of U-q L>-^'b>ft -^ -^ S'-^-^u-b .v^,,. V_ :^ f^-^ \ mmmm ttmm f ^ "3 f 154 f w - .«.. _ -^ ♦ t 1 1 . Tl i. t Alf i • 4^1 - .^ v.-' .» ' • c-i. . .' A ■ -^ V ^ J I I . '. '^ ' -«-;- - ♦-; ■c. i_» %> V> V^ ^ u .:i O V w ^ :.r T.-f- > -♦•-<'•< ' I ^ "^ .. ^ i ) Nm> J. t. i ■'. i. dx' A \n v. ,' J I r V V Vv . J • ^ >■, t \t '" o 1 S.I •...i. i A -^i ' t/ I ' X •f, ♦^ ri Ci -^ ^•.. V a j JM 1 ■ * ^^V 'V-«'"^ \,v \K ar i 156 iJ: 1. (\ ,-; 1 . -' •- "- • 1 V.I • l»u ■^ •<'» -^ v> w v; ■'■^ (W J> ■i. 'J . r leu * ■* t 1 'C 11 i . \' -c I' Or a. 1. 1. 1 ;:; ' 1 "5 -.- •> J> I. w 1 -> VX- L ^ ._» IZ »A •" . V-, . •« • II .i. KJ 4,- i O v&r i ^ ; J ■:c 0 r rv iVm.)'.^ iJ-k i^ »>) v^ w ^fc.<_/ ■^ • ^.1 J. v/ « . ^ V.'*#l A . .^ -<• -';"- y »" / 1 '- .u -• ) -/ K. >' . . ^ ■ > : i • y'ri ' "^r i U »^ -^ A i^ J.. »M 3 ■VV i .. 1 L V •> V-- «. V ;-Jl'.i' 7:--; v> -^ tiC I "v.; 1 AJ ^ . » i .. c J-V/.'ll .fXi ^ ( 4 V> •*- v/* . ( J, l.> - V .') '■'- . -/ k.J .. ' K . w' ».^ A » 1 * rii <.V \ A>v>^^ ^ .ru /'pOl'^Cl lC v> i ♦ '> '■vl C';c (, > V . ^ O ! i . r « li J" '- /- Jc ■1 r :, ^ ]:, t. / •J.J. ,. ^ 0 :^ »j ^-^ ^ ■^, >•>• V3r A •m' 'W • I vJV/, . -/ »-J a "V C: - r 1 C; • ' 4. • 'UJ. • . . <» C> i'cijii J j.ccr lAl ■11 j^ 1 1.i ' X ' *. • ^» .1 »» • < tvi5 U.'3 J- Q ! J ..o •^'1 O-l 1'^ •"» d ^ *, -y SL rauia -L '_/ •ot,c: /%d 0 ,.e. >o- uW Ji V- -r - M ^1 ' ^ 1 i O * Oi k • t.' i; iu fll'. s^. ';li-3Cl V/i -L L» _ .1. X ( rx ,1 '^v v-.»>r. I-/ . I .> X 'o I c r^ I^:>.Cv r 11 :/. 1 c : *>7^ I I. I '.a CL....3n or • : f -^ U/ 1^ ::^c .X >»ri -< • i. x;3£P')lM ; -• 1 X J "«:--- ^.. - i>. P Sac ■■■■">* ^*4 Sac'' %^' i New Y;;rk City* Dear Dr. D^ipiit: April 6, 191U Would it be poBsibie at this late dav to Becui-e a ccoy of tli3 'Auk" for Jaiy, IbSS'^ IT so, will you please have sa-^e sent to me v^itb. bill, mid ;:reativ obli'iie. Yours /5r/ tuxly, •**>- A}, rii j^ Iv i j * Scieriifio Araericari Ccu^Uiri^ Dapart/iiait, *--o i*..rtu Avja.;e ll3v/ York Ciirv% Dear Sire: I ain desirous of securirix- ^ couv o^ cv Dia jriujtixcn of A?'.;."!i<.l.s in No: J,:i Anarica. " This article up^urb iu 7ci. VI, lo.ru" :}..• ]t.8^, :./. ^^,.^ of si^x^atura 21 and tJ>> n^-flt. j.^:,o cf 3ir..c,uu U t iheee tv^ tiic;-^turd»? If :;.. ■.. -..ould v..u cell vol .me VI sajj.arJ\> -KjU. 0 I 1 16 1 1 n - - C-j >--r. r^ X <. T\ i>. • -./ • 1..11 J ^ n ^K V • X ^U V. . ' o- , n o u.. t J. ; (. i. » - i- jU c< I i> j^ jU uiC D-ifr ^' «-'br;(t ..e -t --U ^-:;. i i'>C ■*» »> 'i v cju: .ovn^l ./u ^ L^.C •> rr 'J ' » ^,; - '^j <> i. OUCUti tor corr^i I 'yx')eni-\ea ii.a.ro. 1 cj; ■v> • •;>«.' *^ • oO a uii ! '^ X '. ■ i^ i .X X - f" t •-''•■' • X ..r 00 !il- ]:, u. X _ t^'',V* )c:. a J- L f je 3 Uij :. \ -'I V r< ^_ \-, \ ,As - ^^ roxi 2 ^^ C4»<.i da 1 v> «J • Vv CXt. t > < 1 : 1^ ,.U -:>'. ^ -;m A u ' ».:« C- _^c^r;";L go ,., i. *j ^t - ■ ». A_ v,/ '-rf ox. i'3 u;. •L X d ''^^ . X Cv 'C.-0 -jC J. JC .1 a V- -i U ^ rs *> Gi:sj.i-on • • *- I o li 1, •> i »-r >«. J( . Vj »,> -C S .'V "Xi -». .« • w a. I T r .y * jiiv. 13 1-i 21 10 00 3x5 Library c olo7r)d aiide carciB C. 18 .uors ras r I . v . * -i i. % O'Lesn i-T. 2cl - i. J t . ■.id • 8 1 T-% rv t ■> ,- . lur ;:i;rv •^ :J ■.■f ■-J • ». vau.ci 1 U X V ^ ■ -1 <~< ■Jl i o::! ■s fr son; 1000 - » . t ,C.C- -4. JkJ -^ : U iL. 'v^/. ,-. ' 'l-5ctric i ^" 1 \i O -t^ .^. JL^b 01. .i. v^ _ 1 ^ w » .t~\.A.i 1 (^ |^> -<-.~c;..i -m L^...iCA.' "> • > CI J o ;\. Xj i. U J>J 1. ij • :T.L ^ V - .; V- t i -■ -^ J •. k.1 J J rj ^^* U, 'J L 's^ JL O >-» .>l^ lu X-v . » » _ ■-•i W; w.rcji ' '3 IT 1 ^ id w ,'. -• 1 1 1 2 4 q 10 i] •i* ^ J J ^^ -J f w* J. ]f: .1 XX J ] 1 -7 /- X v^'V 5 5^0 o f: () I'CO '»0 i. :, 4. . •j.-L'i^w^'""*""*"**'"*" --» \. (' t_' t,^ o.-O *.'''ri t i [ ii i,i r*. a: O— a cui S 1>^^. •j^ n- ^ .< /< R: ' JJ-X les o X. iJ • y /!-» J ? y M I sj icl3 ( ) tr r... .1 J > >j > 'I J * y v/ X «. J'/- f' l-J u ^ la v> . C - / I LZ Tj I i- 0 ui .r. 1^1 '^ V m, 0-- U ' ,»1 B. Aiaricii -;.g T i. • c.rb > ^' , ^ ^» I i ^ u-M.:-;'- . j-0:a .1 c'. V^ L r 'T 4 ?• I L 'J. I 1 ■ > ,- ■^ „ G.L ■)^;cru ■:■ 1.U'' !)) u.io i \:,\ C-l i' S vj . 1^. <> A H ' 1 vj i C ci . I '-.r- y o ■ja i » -y Jo:;r d c u. Xi;- I"j...ii i>i. i». .vQ ^ (J i. - *> 1 » v* ;iC! lii II -» v-> ».• •- ►„ -' >, lb. / urli' \ r» T> W. B M ... i:; •_•» CI T.I w ^ .0 Oi il ^ V Q o C *^' o \J > J » ' _! .:>:. A ^y^ - » V ^IC c I 1 -t iw^ ^ri ! r ■>,.•-/ , J. ci' ^liii^ ill )aic c;,i. y c I V .'. ' .^ If ;n 11 » V • 0. A I il Ic-cl :.0 o / r.;C u ;U - '-' 's^. -.L »je ^, , V i.: L-L > ♦» v.. i IV ^v • V ■> .J' :; «-4/- O -J r , * c^- r I i / c \ t 1 i^r 1 • 1 •* ^^/• • ' i v^ ■_• J . J. J *J< I o;,^S t • » t^ J I. 'W^ H Ui < ^ . W. w V>Ov. '.^ ft,. i lldt Mr. Krad G. Plui^.-jr, iPoreQ-j Service, Waahiiig'^oxi, D. G* TV'cr Ur. Piiu:iiuer: Ayr. 12, 1^11. Laat bUiv •^r• \7:i6< i uii3 R-:jdvmod Creek cc" r^ i: nort:r;76bt-^r;i Calif oriiia, I ;r/as ::.ld b\^ a/; I-dian i-ha'. ul^e ourri- "^orv ';t* a cjrtain triba ijite'ided up fcad Sivor "vc !>h3 ra>ici: ci a .7^1 -^ i.^ <..»>v-» l.'io\»'' i;icUi .v^ioatv ra:ia xi^ ;rc.:ci![;Cfjd Al:Tai?u n . . -1..,-.. ■■vv"*ni - ■— .- I f I ^ar .- 1. • . -» rii.lia '-. :> :. ^ re , ^ 1 ; 1 ;a ', •* • r ■' ■ > < i.-il X •« f i\J X i. ^^o ,r a^iocra: ' ' . > '• } '•/.'■M"'- • oi;; bPujiiks for vur jo^.ac c-f -he ?;oh i.ost£.'-.& and for .•i.rtdR- J -, s.i^xn^im ±e ;rt,.:bor of oh- i'ont};ly We'ithor i.mr> r^ •'. xo' Aoril 1902, J-.cIi raaciu-^a rte proii-ptly. me r^.rune^ i:i- ohzt :. h^;va a con:.id.3rab2e na bsr of oopieo .:f' ^le i^onthly n'a.wier Mevi:)w fc* wL.uI. I h.-.rc. n- further i.ca, end t>ah bacK Ri;..h«rb ura naulad. ^ t/.JI mv . a nack.v=r3 ccnUining *.:».^o addresaed *.o ::}.e Wea'.^-.r B:..rBat; .ir,d left a", .v ...oi,i;3. i^.'Iv 1-^.K ::t,., ,-:;^ec6 U caij.; gc .^len.vor U .. s conve^dsn. f),- your v'..P:on :... ctvn;- lor ,.ad^; ;,Lav i^av v^ a/^a for "^v; aakT-r. ' ' » h- ;--».^] r-^-^^rls. \ \ •^^ ^ I 1 IBf IS'^ u I'l .^ i y n ■! ■ r Lj ' ( ? I'l- m'W^ . r' r lily I '•i •I 1 ii Jl .i'-. > » . • " •I >- * •« r ?-.> 4. r If ^^^v ''#i I -t lI l,'v. M M r Apr* IS, I:Ul Dear G-rimeJl: Many thanks for yours oi ten 11th i^is^tiri - cc'Lai^ir^ the clipping' on Califcniie Wolveo. I'he statement lotAs vor^^ fishy, b)t I shall do all i can to nm it down. For riure ...han :^J.) aure I have been vryincr without eucceets tc sooure a real 'iv'uif frcn the state of California. i slmll not be able to fet airay fee fore tiie Isu of May, -^n^^ do npt vet know rriv California aridroas* I ac icnovv tehci*. it v/ilJ not be California Acatiemv of Sciences* The better -Vcty lintii i '^rivo you a definite address '^ill be to send letiters to ohe Bioloficul Survey to ue forwarded, as 1 always wire -.^^Brri my Scslq Fraixcisco ax3.- dress as soon as I aiii loCv^.ted. The chances are thjit it vnll oe Union Square Hotel* M;^T>y t/ianks for tno bo^id liLto yoM sent ne a i?feok er so a^;c. I secured several of Uie iiew York Cioy tijid Ccx.tral Railroaa of :\e;/ Jersey therein listed, and already had a nuinbor uf Uiu ooiiere* It is comforting'- to kno^y that your iaatoers ar^ abapinp- Gii3i.> selves liiCre favorably than seeiaed possible a f»>w weeks apo* I shall be very glad to learn the outcome « i ■fi « 4 I K 1^. Nil /erv truly yours, jf-.y- V ■..%. ' % i ' I If I C3 ^ \ or. K. Si^Oiiert, Ibl-lob Wast 25t.li St., New York Oity. Dcitr 3ir: Apr. 13, ivil J aiiall (JO rraatly oolifred if you will purchaoe for i.Q t,;io tfepor antitlQd: Les Ifti.fxiea Indiennos da la Calif cmia. at,uae de >uJolo^-io othacrraphiqi.Q. Paris, Ibbl, .-y Lucy-^'oss^trieu, m. P. ue. Tias papdr is fdven m Lorona' Cutaloioje General, voluiiie X, lbb7, as :>ririt,ed [InipriiJi^rie .atiocils] laisc-.r.s-.iva et lie, ]6wa.',v kr. J. D, Alien, Bo.- dan, H. D. Dear Sir: ]] iitu.y thanks for vour leo^er of .he 'it,]- i.)stc..r)t cfferinit to send ma for eiai'dnation- the skins of .rr. Sarr^rt's Orizzliee. 1 -vrote Mr. Sargant a siicrt tins .a.^:o, buo ]u.va received ,]o rapl-..-, --rhich is ax'plained -..y :'our Btu:.o-.int taat he is io Ki'^retcn, Ja- iiiaica. Please send the akira :;:, exprsas, cmrsea cclleci. a(!dr.-;.add, iiological Survey, FwparUeni cf Mriculr.ure. We.shi/v- .o.:, ::•. ■';. I 'viill return tl^ir, in u few days. The eioaiE, 1 md cloanyd ■ nd "uve i;r;ar 'v.Lli- t'etj '-'ith anotiier batch frofii 'J'.e srj c \-e^.ior last everaiv^. I'm reU.rr. '.i:ei;:: la^ar. 0 c v.'iii^jcircJ Ver^^ tr..lv' •■'^u* fc \ ..V,**->v^X-i?.v*v 1 A. j). r^r::3C^:, District (tu .e WaMer:* Apr. 15, IJll. iJeur 3ir: An arxj^cltd (;,i.out W0I733 i" v. ^^i yrea^io l^epubiican of April l^t wlls ^Ms Moment rsaci'ed .-o, ;:.:;d iB of ^rr-.;i.t interest if true* For :.xOre '^aa 20 ^'eare i ^^avs been colleciin,- ;ria..ci:ial in California for U.e U. S. Biolo^Ticcl *?\^rvev% but have nover vet suc' ceea-3d i-^ o'^jair:.r- e. sin- lo^ «';)Oci:i^e>- of Wolf frD. the Statt^. I should oc -rlid ^0 buy at a ^'ood price sevGnxl skins a^'d as '-a'^'^ skullg as possible of iiose a-^hnrls. Oai you "ivo ::.^ ti^e addrL^ss ol 1,-u :.ia>i v7:'o cr^^^'^t them? ^n^^ aecistauca you ma" >^o able t,o rendt^r rne in securino- sxjsciriens -' 11 be r^eatlv aoorbciated* V^r^' tr.^ly ^'"Ours. rA n1 . W- X. "~-^»»»..^. ■ ' 0' \ I 41 r. 4. •1 • t o. in ± lXI uU. - ^ » \ ^ ibC : oriboro ^ ^N *-w ^te #- 'W k^ ;'.'»■«/■ > c /■ .m; r't i ••» Tr -? •-■ »C. sj '1 J>> 3ar « 1 1- T, SJ -c 'w' i. irV. i; ' 3 .»:»tj ; iu;xi .i^B 1 V »^ >- I ,' Ov\j sed Tl:e Ek^:lls aad t.-e ix •n« r ve •^> u c-S. fC' v .r m ra >- >i ^■^ >. -/ J. 1^. o:s or iio rj..t A X c 1 i t-'pSCl.-'i f 1 " V i»x'v* ok^iJls ::rc :r3c Oti 3: c ;9 V» V- .a: 0 : or J r .' •£- Oi ^ >%. c/^j.rosG'i /* n 'o;> f ''* o ic: 11 :^:s nc Ic.":.^! cu U -i cw,:rrG>c] ^^r.:; ':ili«ci ]>'CKli*:;^S d da a-. 3 8 a u »#. iC ^>c .rs 4..' '•1 11 : ;u :crM . ' lo i « f 4 » • I 'O w Cieijv-r iQ 'Vic. V • • - . ^ . 1 I •^ X Jl ].-.. 1 x •■' I'^.i c - i.'ijie b />: ■ 1 « v« J »J -■^ r* «-a r:b' 1 I c - X /JK ,>ry\ M- r^ ,-. r, V*''. r» ,-^ vea - i w . • iv a. •-/ -• V il' rouM -C*J'\ t i ix .X- <■ J V :j ; ; - : ' ■ ■ u ic XiWV., LjV tr ■> ■>' i/.i / > 8 .: 8 -*■ a.«j .-' X ii3 a Zi.^, « • • J. -•. .<: * "r i 1. J. C* ♦ . ! UUX k 1 .rae:-: A ii .1 •^ k«- ^^r on.cr,icall 0 /e n v-7.'- -Oi'- v«^ i 1 T If zc r ^'f 0: e r ' r -. « ' ■ i ., ( •^ -Til'OVi^: V » i'-'-rtr ,{.\ 'r y » • t -. I ia£>i5 0:] n. 3 ;^0' and '.'7 V I i ^ t^i *^ J. l^jj.:0ia-}i - -J vJ..A - '«ji ^' }- I- ^ V\.i:^ ^A ♦.It \' 7 riK.>- — ' '^JC- r> >. -..A-^ J^. x..? "»-»>. -V f< '■'•*w--^ \' H •4 ^-^ -~.j(p '^.' 2. v>,. —.-, ^ .^>s.-,,>^_ ■"-a. V v-^ a, -»J, - V- ;'V '.. \ -.' v\ .?!.- i -A, •^J? a ibfc 1 -^ V.'l V I. '■'b. '-"O^. '-. \, ^. .<~'>^J^, W V. ^-J^. .'-V ' ^f-. X r <.y •V tau t ^ \ Ic. 1.11 w 4* m 1 . • rrt^n 20 ''K}Qf, Ztirvinillo > n,. 1 ■-*u Icrado f^-^^ri s i V. lo r • r. Varrj 1 • V .^ L ■:^a::ks for -J c 1 >-> V ud '.'l i r-^nhls ' n.i -iv ClVU x:j*i a I W. ^ / '^ X »? ,«• ' - i : 8 1 is. ^. d nci for :ire i^c. 0 all (Triz>;li3s -ov; e V 3 r I :..C lis S 1 4 ^-13 ict--'-):^ ors ^15^ £.v^ 31;? i). oro are o ly 2 rizz- -s ]^2k 28c;2. ;il.'.9. urt3 .:22? c.re LLi ex £>3ara ri ■ v^- v.. oa iMO O V • t r % -.c- !• f. csid ~< •^T.y 0' i 11 /orKin - '■J>-^ Ik - V S6 or ^-rlszli » >VO -dIuo iiiver ^ 6iv n 11 fro:: t^llc. J^;l Q Li .0 »C4 ' ":;iiica u 0 Id J:ic l3 f rorr ^UT.it, Gclorado, af« ci i3lp i Sulv I :\11 X . '^ - » y»-*o f- v^* A i»c O .1' ncl 7/1 J 1 lU:* SO;;in oi' t ^^catious ijro::l-ns ru.oi -* w 01' r 3i^^ ts-.TE •* » -v. 1 Ic' He I w j\ 1j r cr-ia. 0 ■v*i f 'f'>1 • .-•( ^^ ^Yr i 7,/» i Apr. KS, lai. P' blisaer, yi-ld i;.nd nr.r^.:^n, 24 East 21 Sv St., » "'ev/ York Hitv, ^e-.r Sirs; I:i i^ebn,arv last I s.bscri^.d ^o Fi.ld ^d -trea.n for t.o cvrr.no ^..ur. ...d cxlered, tha back .n.^.bers co.:,.aet« Tor t;,e ,^e- ^ .1^88 1 .... rdatly .asr.aKen ycur b.UI {:'<,.:^s^ -..^g paid ■^ C'ricic irc:.' tlie Sf.d'^isonii-ui Institution. i':t V,;.. -,o t.-e present date x nu. b-j co;:.e to :,.- f^dress. aithcu-^i tuaa :hs f^ii.itlxonian. rs 01 ;/c'..r . :iVc;:,.ir;y .j^e !;■" crdsrii'.' t -a ,-..,,-.,-, r -^ra from January 1^10 ,o aat«. •-•■a *^G receive ^/■' > > •> A . f* . 1.11 T> ]i :l3 v ..-' *..' I r ."i e .V jr, lJ{.io. "O^^^r ^ir: I- ie.r r^ry last I cucscribod tc Oi^dGor Lif^ i'or olu -^r :^ c- t-j ' ■> : ^ ^ rent y;:^c.r, caici asksd tliat o. cOi.iplGta set for t e your 1-10 ...a .c My iJA'in3ss, T-u^ "orthv^uoerlaad, ;iciw :uur:pBhi:-.3 Ave. '^. V ^^., ^ ^' ^ -» : O ;Vas i :. Scr, D. :j. 0.' racoipt of your bill (:%i.^0), a c' ;h;:^ a:..OT-,- ,;aE so"t yen .-' tbe B%.i thso-iaJT Institvticn. ■JO jC ti. :i pr3tiw ■"> J.,!.3 -ic c&pist? iiave bes-i recnivad at :-.y .oidrsss. :-:t r^o(;c,y I r.uvid :. -a^cb stacked i;p t-, t;;.. f^.d tbso.:ian. J'^^- --b" vc;: i3b.. 1q -ava co^r, tb;). - ou Vie :^ .. Jir. 'ia- .-.bisn I -uvo vcu .„v prop-r jidbresc is baid tc u-dcrst^.-d at t;> s s-d uT -t3 l^ne » ■'^•V -J *:.'i3 . af:;c:i •J !.».> O ^ V^ V : Ciiice u^j ':■ f) ' *orr:-oo:-v;a ,.. -d i '1 r j 1 "^ " -r -. ' .":ao3a . :^ :c;,>-c"r.:.ll ^— - %. i^^V" %,_. \^ \K \ J -V;v,*N^>^w;\ 2Y 176 Af r • • * i, n. 1.3 c - A J A- .H *.; J.t> a 1 « r i. -/ Jl ^ ^> »Jvx t. •Q, : » . - 1 on.c: /: ^< ■)■» ic f . vJl i ' i y 5 ■,'^.. V. - v/ .1 ■n -' i Cl: ! V ^ -^, i 8 O 'w ■•> -LCl-X i^ ^i t; ■T'.-. „je r _;: >vX i- oi J. ■> .iCc. 1 - %^i. I .C! r-r-» .^ I •» -^ v« correct ocitie A --u tCv i.' If.-: lo ••' o / r-j i J r J >j r*! » «^ \f w ., « CI '• (: -i- ■ c; t .^SS .A a c I li «»' ' ' ^ • _ tJ.. ">1 , / .' I a i v> "i v To d. r*r-> T " 'VI u G «- I-' - -'-.;*; tJi X •d I • .t. K- - .*V a f c* -f v«' r^^tj •^ J. i w- 1 ti t - L C:. I •:> -cloL ->- --* ¥< i th > ■1 ^« «^ 1 -k V ^ N-» 'r.:i I V»4. ^ tx .1. v.. , O '» o , *-"-. >a y - r» 1 tj v« X r* < ^ ^ ^ 1 clos c a If .'J ) w / J. T *^ 6 ' . W X Dol 1 JO 01 MS k.7 « J • ; « W f^ 1 U:X- .7.11 1 1 . ■- /^ ^^ ■,/ -' ' V,t. - • -a. . ■• ^ V .,' r .- u - rn8p:c^s 'c, ever •' - -■-' J L P ilii. r- -i- .V -^ V. ' . i v^ -^^- a K? '^ Q, J i > ^j ;5'H ' y* .-»/■' dCl •I (1 f» ^' V ^» U i :■: - wv v / J Oi < •-vO n V'^. LO'i ac V M >*0 -- n r •<' 1 c - - O V.^ ?r t; 1- O » r- i 3C J. J v. 11 V i. t-- O: Cv ^;v. '-' fC . ± ^ C ,• i ,»-i i' 1 \ > .^■' .. X t.» •-- r cc Vj ' - X v^ I i ca -' (w J '. u.c:c. 1 i^ ^:-. >-.v- >•. >.»v. .rl V^^^-^wNj. I r w' C .:! i *^.a ^-- ^ ^^ .l^id '.aer 0 CvO-'k A •■ ■ Xl ,1: i • 1' n t^r X- icG •/ J r •, Al.iLc..:Ci3r Llia:*A3 ivi* •J IT' \ ■*> ■ , > L,^ Ti:»e J ■^ ■' ./a - ^-V^rn 12^ 'ri^'.i » r ».« I «> . cf >rr ^ CI ^ b « %.»'»(( V-** CoS V^ Sk' »/ a.i .-.-B i^ciuvJi.;} Ci 1 ^cJLt i t • * A. , * JL V N' <. - > '^•* dli 4^4..:i vJ ^itvi ■>• oa 0 i-:UQ ^jesJ •JiX » .i.' .4. ' * .^ » -t- 1 W ■> . W^ i •• ». 3:;.iu:) *ajc -cnnoains ir. Ljq GiJO'JU C/1 av a-;^- %• -w V*- I.* > - 4, f t/L* ■-' C • •' CI ira i w. t fV- \»yi « c^frl ...• ' t o •^T".: or' UiOr.' './i-iO rou . f CO ;i c lUi • X- L\n\ ^7u^V r.-iJr ^ '••C^ 5 c^ ' .-•f^ J K* !tA,V» 1 0 o f\ .r:l.i iic.r- rjc,.;' -aisijnce I \j ru io .'i ^^ ..lU re ^i ■J- ^' I r 'Ui .' » v • • "^ Bi:/ 1 c» * ■< •*> >« «> 0:^ Ci. i Ijijlw 1 1 ^. < ' ! > i > W '•«* 1 »>* »■ ^ L* • r. »^j - 1 . c ^\ <.« Co • ^ >.» it :-ul k,i V « 8 J rc, r?. -3 '•-^ ^ ^c. 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O w» <-* f ' V k ^ .^ *a ^ Ji " K. o " - • '' i.t<0 V»t.; .. i ,J .«.«. k> ^ • Xw4 A '" ' " IC . -t i • ^i f »J ■ 'V i ' . ik> .1 V. ■* -*■ ' i '^1 y* ! f , ^ » -, i t ^ 1^ - Vv^ •'' *. il i. A . >«aM -^ ^ re . irJi f rr - n . : 1 . tA-i w »-■ 't^.r. -> i^ f^t-t > > A. • > 4 • . ^ :^ ed «. . ; I .> » ►% - fc > • * » w » ia fr o..d c- C 't ^ i ^ i A. W ' i Mr X ^xd^ JL '^ u- - j_ J > i 4.* > »/^ i i. 1 ■i.u. ',; Lx" iiOi i. W 1f 3C Xi, p:3 •"• * - - .. *^ 'W X « * iii.SX > r? • \ fcH^. ft '- ». « «. V. U O f/- I J- *. — iM ' ir »r ' .i**v/ . ^ 1., ^i^t-j j^; * . - ^ >. . .,».. », ! I jt ic Ji -ta^' ' ■ r • 'ki / ^ X -. I? 1 *"♦»■ '1 f ■ F ^ f * •«• . -^ ir » ' T( "C: IC V w *vi >»^ t J . .U ir ♦ A. 1 4 U Wi :' » rcj V4rl^w> 1^ ^i L*..' ut; Cw da •j> . i X a ir:.; re •»' *j ^ i •?. I ci r rt?r; -a i :3 o £U C» r , ■^fm *-''.' ^ wL - r- ^ • i X. 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M;r. »^ W w ■•^ X. ».. • x.* » -'r 1 •"■.;■» - - <• orci^r f: C- v»»,« •r t X 1 '■*•- — -ii:"3>" 'iii^ ^^^ VA. ^ ■t "^ <-«. V ». w i t * ~ r. J ,» •-'Cl v. ,>•* ^ ■! rvo ^ oar^ ■ '^ *. ,.* ^ V-* V, '*■ r'vlCl ' -.-• •c f a -^■-•>'S L .it -'•U • - *^ ^ , ■» X .-a [ r./. clc W4 .1.4. ■ VJ ]. »/*• J7' 'ill ■-iv- li Ul ^ ^ t » «-^ *\«, it - a o > ' L' » j lu 3d i[ ♦ ■ w '' ■'f £" J "^ ^ <.«. ^ i. *-M-% ^.A <--* 'J -i. '^ { . § •• ^. 1 • ^, ■>^. w~* v V rs ^ -» -» ^ • t«t A 4-1 ^ . ' V^V n. V 1 A# » .^ . aV .a 1 1 > < V 1 I »• 1 CJ <■ vd V^'J.l n:,. -:^r r ■»- t ( ::.r i v-'^ci *a orlLr-d B cc J'n.e «.»'> r» . "^1 1 J. a •'•1 O 'J> •.^ w <^ iUid I' .13 •J ^v; I ■• /■• •- '- KJ<^\ 8 MT' - '^ — '- fc; fl ^ . T c. C i '■i ^' i-'.e r\'' t* X^ Ki <*• - ikvj, V ^ I JC I ^ »•■• r'» Lm> ;-6 ^( i ! » »^ <^ --t 1 "'■ • . I ■ -. - «. ^ -^ alic33 ^ 1 i- •> 4. - I. ' Sr- * ; V3 re ■*<•■ ^\ ",'♦ r r-c;33t 'J. a Jet .1 , t 1 1 'C« \\ V'V — ' 8 *-. >■♦ 1 f X5 ■^r. 'V3 -k \? ':' "c i, , A;;r II .n:H: «.^ 1, ^ 0 ii^X' %-• -> ; ' ■ 7.- > - i I > ". • " r>. o 1 •^ • • fc.< '<» /" >•-> r '<, r v* ■/ , ' ^ , 4. - 4 % !»- »• ~^ A,. ^ f^^.- c,l iy f- C4 fc^- 14. r^-^ Lt ^. i ■Oil r c ■«. lUa '^1 4. V f..iv' 1 C, :G • ■'s -> -^ ,^^ *- u , > /- It r • i-i*, -'^ • . - -11 s^-j ii ■ » >> •* ■ ? » > ff ^ i- ;^ c •jk • wl » . ^-» iv - t .u ■'-. 1 vn •r I •^ ^ i L * r r. 1 r^ UQ i«A . . ir ri: ort:i.r t.> -'.TV •vc; ^: i^ar^ \j -^ ^ i.rVicl . n^ .-s s . "V , 1 ■> v*-. rvo a • dfc. •-- 1/ 7 . r ^'♦— u.^c -^ V- : w' ^ ^ J. ■ »- -L . . JC^. «•"* ■J '.*. ^ ** w A, ^ v*» I w l,. , w.a I >'/<■■ ,« ai ••'T 1 ».. \J f *vC it .e a r:-.d '-•Vir .^; •- w «' *? • -* %^l n 1-J 'J t>^ 'UU <■•. ^ i. -• A. u«^ 1(1 ' •• • 'J J. clc . ]. ^-U V. ->.' . J * -^ w' .- ^»4- u • 3d af ^ u 'C«* ij (.8 i-^.j • • -► J. V i. k 1 . ^(, -i V ' tV-* -V >•,. Va 'v^i. 'W -X ::8 V 4 184 r^ I •* tj • 1, n. »•' - J V - 3 n 1 u .- i. ^ X F-'^(. V.T r; Apr :c' > Si >' • #_ . i » - - 1 V» >w- - V ^ 11^' 1 r- -J. ..4 v' C A ■y* v-» - -^ i V c n <: i- L- ■y ' c • ::» \i •'•(.J ^ t / v- ■< l*^ <'^ , •'I - > C'JJ. •.»:> i: T> I r,] id ■.A >* I ■ o > >• C itw 'U \.- Uv ^r. N #- ^ / ^ i cr ^ • 1 V /< \^ > i t -l Vw* V IJ. «.• O .. f L SI: G I U >»r:i / ■)QT C\ y.n n •> t y i. ' V Ok irv'i » V- 1 ifi W. r> '1 1 .r ^' '. ' i A I. t 1 V iw \c ■j-ivi? a:oii'c m \.>. ^ I '' I ! _•. U n * ^*c. » > J / .^^^u ., f vvL'Oc 1/ J U ' i V 'x -w vV »: X V>.1 KJ J » » < ' ;.* no sV • I ;->. 1 "•• •» R m ^.■» -VO 1 lod ?:-^o .^v^ y- .X t ^ -a* .V. 'y r^ I » t~. c r ., V (U « V. m : -Li 11 ■ <\/ ■>.«./ I f Jt. 5 J ^ L *«' > \ '•^^-^wS^'- < w / O sJ ':^jr , *N ^ • ^ ? J r r i 1 -^ r V :-; » » ^^ \Vv^ - oar i^ay 1, i.'il. Mr. W. !♦ Aciuaa, D3c.r Mr. Adcuas: HravTiDii I ^ixlose 3alc.ry voucherc for t/ie ::.u;:oh of April .or J. B. kon^^n i$iS6.o6), und 011a R. Ayr^s ($7b) , ^:d .null be o.lis.d if yo.; .all pay t^io sa..:e fror. o;.3 H^rri.!, Fund. V(3r\^ onily yours, «^ ' ' *mm^r 38 r 187 1, ' . 11. ±li:':-]k^ icr yc\:r lot':- Gkin cr sirvll. i v» ^'^ r V / V- i •■ i'oc.Uved a rr.:.ch ci -f.iicl, i ;-i3 r-. •- ii l(Vffrer 77C ild ici. "' v'r '■ Mrs, Larr.'ai;: a:id I arj ^r-^^- ^1-- ? • ; ^.^ <- i . ^ . c-c'iple .6 recovery. We ij ,)}] - "ov come. ■—'■.* V .i ^ 'J-.^.. ». 13 With ■:ind9so retranig to yovi both. Dr. v^or-vi Bicxi arinnell 1'^/^ Friin.flin St. New York Cibv r^ly yours, •\ ., - ; \/^ , UvA^^ TVt;. V* Cf - vc. * i-U :, lai. ., 'C »-^ 4 yc\r C^-.:il.or^ve r^o. 2fi, cu^-m Kirch Ivll f ajaa ;,'us au- rec^Mvod, I ^vall Clir- ;C V ■ ' ', i J J. ..-i 1 1 o ->-. -.^1 ■It-' i'cllr"'i:^/T nu;:]-:r's; 1 on :^ o 4. « / 1. -' ■■ -1- »v V ^ • rd -CU; i. i i. n-c 10;, Di ?irRs 105 • Dijrh.r Posc^ul irv:s rj'::r';;.;-".n-ll v-^ ^ W.^.^ '"" v^AXkk.^'-*^ J 18* B ^tiv ii, 1911. J*, 'I Publishar, Field and Stn^m, 26 Rast 21st St.. New York City. Dear Sir: Youriettar of April lb. stati^c- .:.^t y.u I^ cor- rected .y addr^aa aa requested. c.„,e duly. b.. rctvathata^dx.^ -I. t:. liay nx. .ber of Field .^ Stre^ ..a. sunt .o -.e S...],. sonian Inatitution. aa .aa the caaa ..:^ ,.e..oua n..bera. .' ... ing that the correction haa not oeen .^e. I ,:,ai b. otn..d If you '^ill see that future m-.-bers ar-^ sent ^. Nortnuiaberland, as previoualy reqr^esW. Reapectfully, 'J . n ■7 v« n <. C^ 1 t . r^' i- ^ y* • /■ ■. - % » . <^- •w/ -i. J i L ~ s'rjnO *. < i ^:- ^' ' ^/ 1 ^v/ ci uj.(j :^i (H > v^ ir. .-] I t ■ i i '.j » • V- » y^ 0 h*. J *• VV v^. •3 r» . • o/» ■->'3r cci. - I } ■-^■M i / I "'f ,' L S ~«ij c ^ J A'5 V» •-#'-■ ^ ' ^>- ^i; ^ o It^ G V RJ l' JM t •. yy t ' ^ '-/ o Ci «.' .r •; -wi.. '>< 1 r<^ ,. i. p,_ :. . J ■ Q s ♦"^o >'> A t. -^ ^1 f wL. . 0 . -^ C ; Q-> id f t I V •^ T" CT CL l; .A, '■ ; ±C fw ;:r, V • y J 1 ., ■^^ — V> I.' • • r^ /■ •-'•-^ c. 1 »-^ w I rrc-; K >\ > /~ I A- G 1 .Ro- -^ X C* ^. V i» lk> Cu> I ^u r-' ♦- ■- v./ u t> 1.20 roll s < n a -Jl / or I r* J ■'Or- •< I J. ^ o: !; V '-fr M: i< ra J.IJ d v^C v>i lice V i I. C .0 .e f ui r^< -"d bhcJl v».-> ^ii - -.". » i iiOTr.n::-:n h^ J. u. v-r-,- t.r:] : »■ "♦' our« ~ I \vw^'5^:^ v'va-lk /w^. ter n\ « « 1 ^ lU !• » .1^ t r* >. . » e^' JiL rK > - ■7 >• • •lo ri r» v 5 J. du;^ of lis I'^j3 yi .C;, *.' c; i.ave a lis ^ I A"» '\^ .CIS u c 1 . <""^ 1 , ' -"^ ' .f I I V ' •_» O k^«^ r to i.ci •X r. t i ^^- 1. V '^.'^ .ilV 6 .^ /A • ■» lit ;dv nu!v - .c c v> CC *. *-»^ •Y'^T <• <^ L>^ • .. /* .'^' .!*r ».«»j • • I > c»i i • c, a ^ X V o t V. i V. r -. - f^ t . •-' . \* ' / « — « . ,« 1 I * L %J 1 --.^ T ,.^,- > • c y O »# ^> > * «. -. 1 3 t^ if skulls :-al- i. ^ IwT C D ,f\->'\l J .:.# iL» v> V-» .-i A ,1 1 "» r. '.»- .<.- o-:v' J. J. o *^ v> r-:: v» ' «.. J • > ■, ' O 1(1' V^ ' 1 " y-r*: 1. A^» ■. I . s Ki fi.^ v/ * -«. -^ Of T li\ '^l^A CM -c f ' :r\ .^ X ♦v /I ^;r If ^t:; -Till allc.7 r-ivil i. L A I » w ^ . \. ' ly .> >. ^ CJ • > > r *• - * u • -.-* i -I -*I V» -; > » ■ vy <■•.<_. ./ X X ^ ' Ci ITl lt5 Cf. o I--: -C )ri i > 1 ..X X (.. «. (I c- w' -». ^, w» \.i > '» I > -'.5 -> Vi/ d, i'c] of ^-. i. \ r. ? Ci \.a: t ! il (' O X O ST <■"> 1^8 irci.. '.'-^Ec ..roiiB -./IJcIi i Cw * V • 1-. cd r 0 i -.*- , *• ^ 'V A. . • X 1 U r^X'J ^}lt/G ci i vy V- .4 b ^ JT7.' S- U. 'OUld COI Jo id 1 X»v.- 1 \ rvov ctllcctj o t • -^ \j^ i- t .- v^ o • 1 1 • fill ' .- ■• 1 ,,. 'X v/. : o • 1 19 A 1 'w r"* .'.i *-• Wxl- ' . ;.f ' 3 'o i/ .'r.--5 '-.UUI '^.-■:> > ; t^ ' 1 » • -.11 .Ki < ^ :a 1 ^n -f • »f 1 ^W.^ .te . u. ^^ f l*,** '1 •/»< 1 1- .1 X Id • - r •JvJx :>\' a ov ^- J 1. y Cv JL ^ M -^ X' »~* T * ' • /^i' >"» ^' • > >"» .-.*.■> ^ - - ' V. * =■ c.« > i« •-- '-^ •-- .1 L *t\Ju ^ '-? "" , J >^i *- fc^ ■"> c» X J 45 r. : . 1 1 re. J- >^ s» _ V- -i. V -^ r» •ft* . «.> o -f- ^M sjji.ie us t ■./. w* • I ■ \ . . t> « ^ r* w- !_:. _ 1^ ^ -»- J X V . .1 •. C /•••N, a i. C "v!. 1 f^ r T'rr :1 ;; d ■- -i ri »f U n iro V3 .:UVU 9 T /- .^» • r « ' "i '^ ,■ ) c vc +• /^ X *..'\u!. uo. k 4.. 13 *^'^r ^▼V« I /", xTt if »-* - i t^ i A f r\ r \ 1 . '--.-y ^ -• t # ' ill • -/n- .' i-:v J .'^•^ ^ i- :1 f > • f^ <% ^ *.' \ w . *'* C^'^ V^-N 1 — i. •« «w'-L y.i VJ »- i. •* yr f^ -/. ^ : >'i * V !». » ••- VL f» • W! ♦ V'. .-■ v. -■ Ik.' a.3 i o,^X i 1 V c r .i .r» "» • t^\ f ■! •^ ■ - *.• 1 r « .JK . > - v< o. . o la -».o ^ '^-» •i. ^ -i .. X •f"i v-» !<. >' ■> JL. J > .1 c:.sj ' -' v« • i a n >• fcr». :-:d * v^ O f.^ ^.erii^ w- -A X - v.. ^ 0 •«-.!... A O* iA ct Gcurisu ^^ .*. •VI J iC- ». v»o A J- ^ >. il 11 V' vjC-*, ^ ff ^ r* cc <-•*•< • »r • « ^ X ;^, :U r I V X •^ V _^ ( 0 1 r :a 3:.c* id •-*• vl C*. ! S^> i Y* *- f\ L^,.^ .J f I Kt ' ' ♦-• VJ «.i, X < .\, X 1 V^- '• * V"* #• ^■:..u w. if> > f? i V. U^' r. . .^-o . i J -X V^*^. 4 iJ.'X X'^ V. i. ■^. y .A 1 ■^^■3^'1<3 ^;:"i c X . » • * -^ 'a f V» *! , V** ►^. r- K.t V /o IW ' V-- w l. I V» .^' • ^^jTh r iX ».' X ^.' vnm* rt^ »^. •■X.- ( I' i-. C4. 1 J C,1 I k- i. • Pr. ''-^ ■» CI Sw .'c: V> ^( C^ y _ t V- « 'U vo • V- -■ J ' w .1.4, v-» i w w i ^ '^.^, y Q IV ■Kfl lor ^^our Its •^ . i."« ^' ^ • L J.. . O .^,, ^" 1 1 r - r* 1 ► > '- »i v. , follc:?^ -.r, do C\ti A^> ^ VO O •* 'i iv> r^cc O « <-*.>>.« >cv. 1 'l:'lfii^ o ^ *> l w 1- *V<'/^ i ii ■ KA. M-\ >* c: • * 4. t> I i ">■■» V • .' « ") A,- r "jL.l / J> U ■-. > .t. w *. . ^ <.. 6C *^ *. >»'> vet > w J. 1 r *. ] no .<.(J N>i >>';a\ ^ n;>'> >' ••< 1 - » » .■«•-> tr ; - -J • -^ o. »'l.i. I 0 4... 4. clo T) V.^'u ••^ iclcs c ii-od if ^ r< 11 0*:i''d ^' tj -., .0 o ' 'v^v/i ;:,,]. •< . • A. k. f-ll ^ .'W^-i'V- V-O,-- NJ...X 4^6 r i or* luiv 11, 1911. Dr. ISrilliaxn Babb, 276 /aigull St., Providence, R. I. ^ur doctor I;ebl\' Hsremth I take pleaauro in ancloain^ a letter of i troductior. to h.r. Oldfield Too.. as, Curator of l,;m-i. .ila of the British Lussurr. .-.t Soutii Kensi. ^rton. Ur. TI-.oMae vrill undcu^ t- edly .--ivQ you 9vory facility vou rna]^ desire i- tlie Sritisli iiUaeurn. Tour letter of tlie 9th inet-.-t fro.;. P}iiladelo-da has -ast arrived r.nd also the letter asking for a.n olectro or'ori.d .at ^otos of one of the pUtos of H.hbit sbais in : elson's'raco^t i=:visior. of the pronp. There -vill .e no difficult, hrte-er in oht.i.i,c on. or the other, a.d I a. tur-inr the U-,t,. ,ver to -.r. denslu..^. „y Buccessor us Giuef of ihe Biologic..! S.rvev. ^ith 'ri-.dest re»-^rds. Vomr tr.'lv vo-rs. 9 i -■ r 11, i:ii. Tf Ocir -. r. iliis latter '.-ill be handed to -on bv -y friend, .1 u-.Twcci -J i^v^roe of t'^is tectli '^ :-•■ id it) f:.ri of i^Ui^'i.li^ .rticular]- iiterested i tbe occurrence ^ ^ '-''-' -'^ -- su,-;^r3cs.on cf tba :.,r.al num- •er, ^id also in certain ::atbclo^.lf:r ] condiMr s .-. -, , ^^ i ^...i a.wi.iJB ...ic sc .-e ctr.ers ^*d ^'^:ii9 m j^rrope is 021^1.^3 t- see c >--»---^ +^>,-.i • x. ,ou .w.. cJJow .a- tc -xa-i-e t^- sbnlls ha vrisrc.n ^0 S80 m hhR w' ^ loll ' ■•-r.A,^ ' 1 -1 1 0.1. .>r..is!! ..usei, i aval] ap-.rsciata the f;:vcr. n^h >f> v>^n a;.: o- -~^ ^> K> • wvi i« I'> Q clouinr- : V check for the GGi::e ?rd ^er^:'i w. 1 c >. ^ . * CC'IOB 'V-^ ri*.rr !'»' r* ire ^r* \ jraajric i. vy O 1 ■« :a^ ' i ,», ■• r . /vt^ i i^»e fere l3avi— for "f lifor ;ia ciT or 11 rotTim tliOLi t 50 yon 1 a snort ti e If t * A •■:.* ay iiave not alraadv '^cin i":i 1 : > * d Ll3a.';9 do ij »/ k> jrid 7X . >> ra to OUf'^ 83 Lia-' ivi: 1 -t:- ".r. )\1 •J t jdnressed u w U. S, Biolor-ical Inrv ■■■' ' i ■0])art ;'r:t of A-ri-t;l 'Uro Eg ape ct fully J I \ .,«.-. -. >. -., n c'^ar-os ccll-ct V-' w % ■ noi: ^1 ' r, T 1 tA ^"^p-***"" 1 I 1, ^ay 12, Ivii. I Art Metal Cons true ti en Go. j Jai.-eatcwii, Mew York. Dear Sirs: j Unclosed fiM check for ^2.50 in paw^n^ cf ' bill for n. «f.«. P , P^JT'sn. cf acctopi^iyi^^g ^ lor a sfccol Everlast vortical filo cass. j What Las become of the double case (a dra:«,.r«) • .^ , wMoh .r Brock promised for ^. ..^k^ ^ ^ ^"'^ '"'^ , i I Respectfully, I t I it I 1 1 19 3 ■ > j ilay 13, Ivll , 14r G. Proderick Norton 71 Broadway, Hew York . % dear Sir; You have put ma under many obligationa by your kindneas and promptness in sanding your big bear skulls. I have just laado a hasty comparison with our material and find that your skulls hulp where help was most needed. Those from Yakutat Bay are indeed treasures, showiiig both types of teeth, and the old giant from the Kenai comes just in time for comparison v/ith several from other museums which I must soon return. It is the bigf^ost of ohe lot and liaving fair teeth is most useful. No. A 5, She bear froii. YcJcutat, has lost 3 incisors on left side of upper jasr. I searched carefully for them jr. the box, but they were not there. I wonder if A 2 and A 3 are not transposed ' / 2 iiaa a brass tag marked 8, and A 3 one marked 10. Both are he boars from Yakutat Glacier. A 2 is marked "Young- in your list, but t,he skull is that of a very big old male. A 3 is young. When I wrote you before, I expected to be in New York touiorrcv/ but have now put off goiiig for another week. I shall be very glad to meet you, and also to see any skins and claws you may Iiave. Perhaps I liad better hold your skulls until you conio, so tluit you may sea then aloi^ide of our series. With grateful thanks for the opportunity to study your skulls just at this time, 7e'ry truly yours, >M»^r3:r Vvv^ oos 201 A "' *; ' la.r:-;(-'> » T , «. J 1, Oir i-> .'cl i b t. '. ' 1 1 -. ^ o, M -r (■■^ ri' 1 . Lr. A. E. ilusselborg, Junoau, Alaska Dear Sir: Miss Anr:]e Alexa:idar '»T >-• ■' ■>" '-% C« .:y i:, 1^11. i'3 :;., la ^ so iar uS S:]0 ^.'ou are freo duri^'^f^ the ;jresr:it reason. If !^iis is sc, -c- Id yo\) like tc u'-doruake a i:i; ling .rip for niG vitli soocial reforonce oc c^lie "..ir Boars? »3 • X I * O Cv »j ■^^ V 7/ould like to do i.ais I :viGn you v/ould let- nie \: :gw ub '^arly as possible -jaat you --vould cliar-'o por r-ontii i.;r sarvicos ; d i:l£^G rrTinf. ""Tr.i v/aau you ostiiaattj your ':!xpG>iSQS par '.ioutli. The Bears I need : ost are "ae oir coast Boars from and south of ':he L^nin Ga al rs don. I have 2 ekul li;^ :.f crov/^i V H )riu^; run, : ui vjn- : :^c„: I'lore 4- X J. vj — » V VOL S sjl_ _C4. 1 CO* l.'O :U.l Y> , Ct J -r 1 -In' Si: r : "i ' ^ "! ' r I " ;,■> : S thn.t 11" ;^- /^': Bui.rL) •'V'UI w' . v..'v UUcvo -' !->.xiy.rf .v-v i r:> 13'-' C:.v'ic:l, i ■■:.[ ■)XC'-3-ja k- -1 c\>a u jl j 1 Hi V i V »3 • X B') ro fro.. U ;t y.^u.'.B ■^ T^ C« . 1."* <• 1 Cli ■>" ' .J J V,' J. v.. 'J '^ ■\r , -J i- • .. C-v. '.^ \^ t' >w i Li i i i . J s ."TO' ! *. - ^ ■ r» •^al or G-lucior XO o ,/ .y^'ii . Kj >.-.:^/»oc; 1 ;. .71.1 ..:« r'-r'lO:'; aoUVs3 dicated. Wt; olrQ:iay .i/v3 :..t le::^'. 2 a^stkcb 3pec.L'3G cf i- B-^.^^s irc::' Yi).::v^^c.z Bav ^. ^a "-he :..'•. Rt. Elias roTic-; ^i ■: -,-3 hav; -lo ypeci:.:-.iB at -11 fro... Praxe ^::illic^ "^.urd, jxc^^pt frc: : k.a;ia u oad hk.:c:h^: r':L> I^ua:^d£. 7 e one uxh;]t -.ale skull f rc: . Ill xa- rc>ca IS jis . ..ocu iii.r ad .«. O J. S -Li .. I <■ v.'r ^Li. >t to ^'''^r>^-^.> Bears from Yaiikeo Gove aear the Icwor 3 :d of L^n^ia GcOial, ahac}; are iiiost intcirestiiva I ;iavQ also o>^e '^'o\mf: skull frora v^e low- or Stikine, -.hiich has the lower prerrsolar of tiije 'otcwti Boc.rs. On hhe other hand, all tlie Bears irojn .he upoer Soikino,Li„id from tke interior of British Goluinbia .o*onorall'a are OricrJi^s. Tlie evidence is coaflic^^iap: as to tiie hir Be .rs alorr- the coast south of Lyna Ga^ial. Sciie say ..any are ..illou -.ch year on the inlets from Taku south- Others say that n^ 1- Bears are fouiid ininridiately on u:3 coast. it occurs :;o iao hiat olus difference of opi' iofi ."*ay resiulo fr^oa to aif f^ur^u ' > - ~. « U' ',--•' f , ■■CI ' Ki '-/ L^ Kj V . O C.y . w , 4 i . l J .■ L- 1 V- • "«./• . X u r J ' J - X * - . k) V .. i.Ak .y ■.110';oc^ kv -. lett.r ivin^ c>o:iticua] d-to...ls ...s "o vo' r •' ■ '<": f J. 1. able ■ • v.U G .Vill^ J t - V uu .](i c : ,.nu; k ca^lo i.. xl 'ai5u: f^c lu aanv rric^-^^^ ' /, B 50S 202 A . E • H. o a C"? 1 "»"» 1 . ' - t.J '^ -, a ' J- -.•-> fi.ld i. IS 770rK cU la u LU T'f • o« t J iA. jL/ you v; lei ^ v-^ i ) W . -v (^ kj- .d l.:C .f cu < » /- 1 k.^ s> . . J. \J Ju.ie 1 T> »<•>••«.•> I rt icit I vculd B> •V'* o . i , -.-\ y W-. ikj ^ ^ .C> J- J .1 f*- •."' ./ \^ ^ 1 -o I , V.-' <_-' '-» Junocii t».A^ '^.« >.v<^ X ^ « i.<^. > Wij] L U-. i i- Sr:; iwic lO ■.. 1 ]. .1 ' curs •> •' ^ .\V- i. w- '^v.^ \ •v. vKw/, Vv D- .r L.; '. ^ X >-/ • Hs n- Bg: rs fr^ .i.. Isl 5^ ' i r,/ ■-.] (c- ^.' \^i o »^ But I --iV-t- C' 1 ;n o o 1 a 1 s-- V.' ,7 U k^j i 1 1 K) f ■"•' X V.'i. !■ :.: ua la T. >:i v», -v ' f -i- 1 J r'^^ vT V-' -J 0:1 iKJJO'jrr c;,S V-^ '- I"' w cci-rr;;nc3 of ^.ir Bo. r o ^ >c..- -^ 1 ^ -rl of Y; / -1 ve o; y^ V i. «. i:., Ool ljTs tj'. U iC*. ,i v_*. k.' occur i- 1 a"! 1 W .1 ' < .V . <.,y 50.ii.te ( ■V > > 1. , k^ J- b; i •"> f i. ..e Lc iH Ji U <> Jl ri,v* >.>o iCK CC k; ^ : > , > M Aro ^^ri f N' U J. fit- -1 /- •0 C-. o c ort^a.n l]l f^ Bears in- larid, it is lineal Tr 'U i", Vl^ A vj V ^ > '/e ill ■A I 4 Utv*..'^ J. IS But if t'hr^^^ iive \l>j}rc I -J O . J X I'Xi Ky . V I irici i J I > 1: ■r«.n - r, -r y^pi •'r .3 / J.C^ Q .' T T - /■- 1 - - >.cr f B-i:„r s J ro v., , 1 !^ -r \ • i. ' ,' .. 1 L'Tjin (JLJ--; i V ^ Li d V # . ( > V*. Ij ^ \J JU ^ 1 V.i -4. V/ ' iC UG J.' ^O, 'J 'j^ , .*. o 11 r :c.i 1 ,- J . I ^' J ', r .riLC With kind re-*cird o % ,ru 1 V ^■> .-I \jOv>-^«.v..-^ ^ftO 0 '■.^-^ ^\J '1« »C4. i'O. ^ 'J 1 1 1 ± .u :i.-:0;[j » - - V. 1 ours o tl , \Vf- V— v^v^ " » ,Jk 1-;. 1,11 Boar olioL 1 r^ >i XT' -tr i * '// ** 4a> ra rd ;Ca, Lf i.< ral SciencG i 4 c. ■*- .-• 1 :iOC * tj '»-■ Co »w JL a. O . 1 ■\r > -« • X • TV Lvvy c. i ' S -» v» • Br''' u* ill 1 lo •-> > »: Q r.-'iCk ■» tc; t/. :a a CL i .c: tn iUt:..od Gallati:' ]'as a 1 f ' ' ■» / ,' LC. U t of B T skulls -f..ich : J (Willit.-s) ti\in!:s I I ' ■ • I '-' v> 0 a ::d of course I 1' ■U'^ <.. , _.\, v-' 'A O V/ \>/ O v-* •Jl 'v I •w' ifr s^ivlls I "C i^o ^"ou Ano-j .CU i c; "o «■' '^ CA-' O X • ^ * 1 ' •- i w. t.4*. lai .s lor your prc/ziobn J .» o s in isondinr t" ski:; lis 3v/ icrK ^ U li — c '- --/ a 1^ 'C> '0 ^r n J? ur • X' or X i.\ \J ,j ]. '\j rk *. i .. ^ » u. f .'iU C^l Q ."? 1 -'> as i V"»".o / Ct/O 'y'. > i , i Al. « <"fl -LC) ^:rv.ce i. 0: \ r:: C „,i i d I t^ lalJ ■J**. •■' v T V" ■• UlLsJ. o. J-f^ 1,1 Tf V . 'v^ O f -. :0 .Id f,;,,ale a- Kl - i. I, • > xC S 'J -r ^ I.' ^. I ^ <.J KJ L u. ■.\^ a X : -d isors iC' • I lv.c;kod V rv c ' c a. ^ X J a ^- ± f- T' f •^.;i n.A >-• a. ■ J '^y X •ui could U u Has-^j. ly "curi \ .-..^. A oos 207 1 ^"J U^ VAX 15r. E. R. W.rru T' 7 x-.'X :o w O V Cc..rarTii llo o u Goloraiic Srr o * V. 1 Ed |J« Gr oen ^ I'l.^ I>3ar Kr« W, ^v;-"!^ «. .- k X "> J- ' • r t; istv^r tolls J ; -ca. Kj ,t>c^;r iu U. S Ti3:.r Prrf • t cX u i0>-ial A!l;« a I r Gr rnfi O'lG o c c-M^ 8 0 ^ > •1 r 1 M U «i- \J v'J I. .U lailax i.nd tjcr '^ /^ v» \^ V U- -^ -i. 'it-. ■. - U.. Jl W-'.1 ...] ^^ • •-'^ .c v:^:cs lor J v>^ >.. - 1 Pl:^ai?e dc ;- r v.- U J^ •-' i ood O.l'. uO: i. >■■ ?:..:s -i ;-* ..- V ■» r i ir t a fr.vor if A*- GU ill oUi : Jl t-Uij t.j kj .01 L> 1. ,e- O J" :UA a j..-wL -. I Id conijidar ici le 0 n n :y)r .1 iro' j-i <-> ■.J ^- vj iljG 36' a L ^:>r •-/ V.'i . liU i' :,-'-v r Lea,!'! CO ch I J t ':.. CiiSC I i L-ijd ^ 'M CO ■J'" i U J f >^ <1? v^ X 00 XiX)^ ,/ - ; ' ! < .ut 1 V I 1 U •,. U P* r*. f i" ..s 01 L» -• .- »-' *:• issuea o«^- 1. »-; L. I V> -^ t , '^.^~ :. 'i,; v.. ,re 7/iHir X; trO i til JO !".<:; u X • ClI A \' ^ ; J a ) •im C^- JUL/^ •-'-^, J?~ - .-?%*, \ -^!k -. \ r "9^^ y V #-- OS i M--. W. I. A .01 o Di li. u/ ,t i. w t ^ v? "P!. -, 1 IVi -■t. ■ ;■> • H. c:f J. ^ I ii;.. 1 lai for J. B. M v„ .t. ^' O c.' r^ 1 M' Icir r". ' V .ch^rs r . ,^ 4. O ^ ''w- JL. cn- ($i;::3.::=5). Olla R. a^ rtc ($?5) 1;. •t- . o dell ($16): -rd s;-;:ll o .^^>1 -i :a II ^'OU "> r . ! "r .L^ -L Tr I I r,3 ./ i iro Hurr •v-l p ur >or< v.^ * V-^ y^-<{r J. .. \v^ •>->L»^ ^B « eos 210 M f.v 1. 1911 M w^ ^ ^- 1 • T 1 -'^1 KoL* Clwrlis D. Walco^.t, .cr: tarv. Sinit]:3onai:i I: :e:titution D6c.r Doutcr Vclcot '^ J 9 t'^miks for vour kiudi.eas m s H'n dr )n« II 6 a C- oa from t;:e Fores t Sarvice relating t.o the di soever X ^ V^ i. —fc '-* ' I ]:.iA f KC;. w.'w Indians on Deer Greek C Cv ^-TC ;n. GciliforTiia -^. "^ k^' i-*w rd of t^:-is sorae CO t did s^ \J -.^..A,¥ >^ TfO^ f, V"*"^ .s-» \JCc lis id cU.l >'lCv^ -4, V^ Air. TI.eo E. Sci.al >^v U "»r ie?r tT Dear Sir: fni TliQ L ^■J ' "i "( O r; i ^r^ CI .% ^£ ana uiarK arrived Sc^.fe i ; 11 < i-d ■ . J. V A r; d :; !re?d t r t « o y^ t f^ -^^ 'T f* Ri Bof ore lU ^ rece ■ > ''J 1 CK •P^-at 4-" V i. .>. ar d '- 1 -^ P. ss ;ro8d it J 'J V '^.',ro " ^ i .' V' -^ ooii.:^eG. :'j5rifcre if T r ' . 1 1 cu li kw*. i. 3 t ''>'*P rec -r U • - 7 v» t '- 1 :ii; 1 t- u- '-• C ^4 I 1 V f:. y^- yours ^^la " V»*.'> I'-o fne IP. -^ u. cc fy ■»-*» * J. . IlC:.'. yr ''- .'1 '■>, r^c.i v; -■ "> • ^ V W- >^- V >- -\>vA..^, \ -^ • .' : J ^ \ - \ ^ 'T- \- f v'V^*. -„ 'v^ww. 1 rrs Llr. P'rsd-rick K. Vr'jali^-d, ><0t:. St- ?: Kuat K-d Ave., L- D; r Sir: . i. . ir *- I ,' A » -1 y* . < * 1 ■-■•> rt A ' ;i' :o K- J •ra. }:is of t]iD Mar,:cts, Bi."\crr: R^.x, :.;d Mi:le D^er c>:uc^d ,■» ■" ' 'J f v^. AJvw . Xw 0^4«^<.ww J- -V JLw^«'i.l wX S^ ill „.X «' ■/our rare c.;j3r:.u--ce m O «^ W J. . Lf Tri5 trie '-cu are pliiii.Ui: j'cr to co!;.ir>-: seasor. i ^ee/: t,.,e Rcckv ko^^mzuiv: S ^:c|. ..mI ^c S::- .e S:;:ijo is 4 , XV. ... i. : *. XI 1 1. dL, L< 1 U 3 - 4. U. . ,>-> X , i c ■. - V i k. » .. V ■ «. » ; overlap, ':r *X w ijv-- r. ,-^ ,- r U a:^ i-tcrv:il. You ■rill d;, woll if C^tt ., v^ C.»,.. i s v./ iCXi.^^ I.A. ■*• CI C " .: /-* T Prj'jio IS .• ^- kJ ^ c V u'.i^; J X 4 ■.V> I. v5 -> > . r I .i X call oi -.4- ari a:';sv7:r .:- ycur u q^.ry. ix .i3 is ct c^rnin^ '-^-.ck G^xCrtl^', I v;i]l -.vrite ;uu ad lot :-o': 'r^cv.' lu^er. I ..'is:; ti o Biclc uccu.! Su; vey v'oro in a oositxon tc i^ord a pc.rtv i' to norjuorr. Britisji Col- uincia duri :;:^ tlie proi^ent saascn, ^uu I letrr tius is ^ut wf the question* WitVi cest -7: si.oo. - t wX .> i -c'.ira, V 0^ I r\ :rs June o, 1911 Pros Ida 'it, Anorican Mueaa^i cf Nal^ural History, New York City. '^ ^j.r PrciJijiricr 0;3burn: Oju){^ oc ^.iressure of v/ork on mi return fron No'^/ York I Sidetracked the correBpondence you sent aie relati'^^: Lc '.:j.' Auaucon Socie-ov ojid u,utojriatic /riir-a. arid iiav3 iuBt been rar,i:iddd of my negligence oy Liaminr: tliat t:ie mab'^er was to /lavo cc^ le \j^ tor actiO'; yes'^rday. Tula fills rns \7ith riortificatiorx, }'j.> e\f''ir, L'.y vie-.YS would liave cjon of vory litole help. If the first placvi L.3 -roposition to which tncac L) ...r; r^fer 7.aB not se^nt rao, arid 1 can only infer its purport Ivor. :•.: li: il^ars co- .r;t:i:.t] ;-• .; areon. Ii the oror.cait lO • had oo s^ri}:- t * ^ "^ •A * '. ^' it shoiild not be acceoted. Ti;e lot it, I SCO no ro;:30T- vyh^ rfii you sent mo rolat^a alr..ost .violly zo ctUuO:.;atic ^-ams, .uit I aia ■:: :::io-^ •...i.t a^^o:;ciric -ris .7';re Liortioaod in the original ^^ropciji- ticn, PcJfsonally, I fojl tuat t.^aro are sevoral tilings Ji^ h :.e v/orld vhich are \^rorso t.ian a: toi'.atic /ru^.g. It seems to me . l.. t^ tool vv.iich vill accoi.^hxEh ..-e 'u-st vork m Ia,:q shortest ■ IS t^-) tool 7/e v/ciJit, ^vhrv.iier it oo an ax, a savy, or a run. Purt.iJn..cr6, auto.iiatic ^'^.s r-jGult la the securing of nuch iiore //cuided ga;.ie t..a.i do oi^ii lary ^^u/is. 213 h«x« .0. ^ I i^olleve 1 "t ■-••/■- 1 r« -»- vU, C . i ho ^ioason and oag Ihht, not ly i. sisti ;-^ <...^:-: vv a.--^ particular /md :>f ueaoo .. Wi^:! vi c^, • • -J -» .^^ .. •^^, V.'-t It i r» 4" • on 1^1 a raTiicnajL ,7r. «.-». ; . .' ■-/ V/ 1 J •■' k; »J «ii.^i. .' i -"W .-3 - -< ^. ::nc^' ianaticiSTii m t^no present- ^k;V3. lo c:j^ paorle in tc^e loiig rv:. Ro.::rettinf^ :'-Y tardi-nitsi^ j.-' -^riti-.n^ ^. /Ww-i ./ C.::. it.v^'3 i.r ';...s I!u: e iclau .re oi Ma^ials is a. A-' -V -J i. -: j'jii^tL. cy I ..ave aacidsd to accept viLii tne uncieriitci :i.- v Yua -toLV ^..abwi up^:- Gvi^se^ vju."; a*^ oe pre sen 1:1:^0 '-•.;L-ooci u r^t:-i£.r i^e o^ro. e :eons ouooli cf : • ■' '* lar : •? ^ T .r :;^ cxj.iact aaOisfciCtor; .,Wvi rdi*. 1 J- I XC-\_ ^U -...vj 3UCC :ded duel ',7; Dr. PaL .'-rr , V.' ir . *<>- /lii do :_( / » ^v vv I :; J J,- 4. w X ' i I *j U . ^ O I i -» X, X • ^ T;:6 soec. , *w ^ V ... ».> V / U .'wT id'-3"; v., I'i «':.-^ . vii^ ^ ; ':t-:i i?^a ,7ore .ido v^^i'^ja pro;:upt.ly cw'iu re*:ur^ed, ^/.^ z:u:.,.z ■■-.'iv lebbarB 'A^ere inislaid. Hence .I^ase .,c.rd- J .. Ct i - 1 .V JL . i^- Bot:t cf -.:e Pioilcs ':!-j ce AO'-'Oifud '^^ 0 ;r :^::or ;;t; ■W-, . S-- X ^ t^~^ > • - ■* *v » > C^ « .1,., . , •J 1 J. iO'.. iv c; 1^.' Cl ,i X L .d .1.3 '.:':e K.VV a -4 k. y i- , ii " .r-)c-s- iC i. 4. r 1 I T .«., cv_ - Verj^ -n^iy :,^- rs, ^ ^ W i .r - v^vW>N>--^.JOc^^ v^'*-' — - ..^ V ^ - J J k I : r ^ r n, •* > ' ! ) ^ t v:'^ \ ^ \NK>sJk.-^v 217 \ Ju.e L, 1911 Cldnf Biological Survey. Dear Mr. Hoiisiiaiff: A rare cppor-ounity is cff^rau U ^i.i*cLafi6 a copy of tx^ 15 voluii^e edition, including ctlas, ;)f Tli;/aiU' Lo.ib & Clark' 8 Original Jcbrriaib i.r t:i3 rld'c.loL.B Boia of $55, I have juat puiohciBod a CGp^- fr^i. Tj^oo E. Scnulto, 132 East Z6a St-, New Yorii, a.a ^tr^.i^^ly an-o tl^ B.clo.-iual Survey to ^.uroliabe u bot at o ca jcicra tlia fa./ ccpies lie has are sold. V-^ry '^n.li' yours, -V^JX Tiioc E, Sci^ult Le JU:^3 : , i J I J . U2 E...6t 2id St., iltw* »* 1 L i. IK • Doc^r Sir: In your list Nc. 31 juct rocoivcd, -zm advert: ^g a c-.py cf Schoolcraft' a Hi^tor^r cf I::dia;: Tribes, 6 vclur.cs. for tjt, T:.is 6ct ic da.t2d 1652-1:^£7, t..us c:in:; olio rc- -rir.t. U yii. cai-j tj o.lj it Icr $cO c^ci. cio-.m.-.:; . .i.- o..^p It t>c *.;c ^y .xpreos, cliar.os collect. At v;:^t ..rice can ycu furnish Hale's vcluirie en t;:3 Etlinolu-y cf t:ie U. S. Eiplorinr Expedition {mU:e^ Exp^^di- o^on) :b^.c, :M -.t vn.^ pr^ce Cc.r ycv sup^.ly -- Trunsuct'on: of t::e A?v3nicaj- Et:-:cIo-ical Society, voluj.cc I :.A II? RespectfoIJy, ^ V >-\J WV-A^ pre 219 ^■ r: V A • B .Ct (■-w A!l ■4-' 4- ! / >'»!' W citt: r j~* ^ ' >-' . w V^ .. X J. ^ ,v~e 1 '.1 ^U v.* - u .!. I.' 1« ^ .1 r /--f ^ c,'i c: t; <. V. k' 1 (. X < ■.i-\ ':.n ( V 'i ♦ "! - v-' S l(i t> ri- y • * "',1 -' "-U 0 Fr;. kl:i- S^ ■» T Y T) v- r II R; 1 . t •■/• ,4- - C i ' 1 t ' t * I c ; .^* <':; ..' i. IK^ >v> ;/.'«. -^ ! Li.. W A y*p» 1 V .J • C 0.-3 C VJ k.' V d .c vl ;.' :.. '„■ 1 » H t :i CLO -i c * ■> "^ ,-! ■-■i J^ J. O C3 > k B'-. t <^<- » ■ .' 1 :.% ("U -' I * k> »■ ^ ._> w^ i ,' •r- *;■) Ij ..V i.^ ^/ l> ♦.u. ;.' ' ^ V o . c>: \r»^"j (^ X I ) +*. .v.. /•' ' '^ !0b :^":a i-i -fc ' -^ 1 : ' t . ^ ■> V '' > fc. t, ^ 1^ ,: -a. r i-_ ---o -T ^- H -t ,-, '.-. I ^ r r in . L'C. .-» . , w--., w Y '^ ? ^ / » 1 t . X ~ — •_■ "i r; ►.■J - r« ;"! '^ i- -A. -* X ri L. •-^z. O J. •-• i . I -x. 1 - -.•I hi-' 1^^ •jIV. Vn <:.^. ^ A:' ) r\ ,c« 1. » t ^ , k) (^ 4' ♦- n -• < r ".-•v. . < . _ I c u "I r- \r ■I ». y fxy 1 iS f- T - fi '- _i ! :^i.riVj!'3r; , X ^ ^ ^ ' ,n I •^- (.- - >j r;'1 *^: »-<« .•*-'*. ■* : 5 ' ■ ," 1' IC. 00 J •! ^ ^«. - 'J V.' ^ ,4. ^C3 1 Y C - ■ •>.» _' » exciC I 'K. "< i" I ^x ^ c:. • « V, . ^ T^ ^< i.j iw' * ^ A.T* u L. 3 Gc. i U a .- i L,. 1 L-C, 0»^' r - 1 •V ■■ 1 K la n ras o:. c ' \ . • « :] ic. •d ,'i/^ ■£^ > » - ■ 1 - -^ 'a.,'. 1 2 G. •» ■ / » .-1 r.C vr- ^ 1 i T. V >.> r ■ c ^ % xXl V •— p V- \im i . ^' E cr c <• > i .^ -XIC A .W W J V.1 ' v< \] m;.- * \. ir ,t ^MX L U 'w-. 4. .} '■ -'»-«r \ v*. ^ ' X 1 b- i. J-s X'.T t.> I .! I .-^ ■t^ uo ■^ * LJ 1- B » .>-:- I I iC^ 1-.-; Igit cr; u Kll. I <■- i ^v , i. •iK.- 1 •<'> -1 • *- r - r i t. . «/ H ^ . o 1^ H'C^ILI rc^ r -.^^ Cjc o 1 o \J-X -. ^ . v> ^. .' ii 1- I ' c ^ I .- k> k 0 c „f ;3 1 ,'•'■'. • • •-' <- ^ • • 1. >^.i i. ^ - O i) now \x *■ 1. '-C -S :„- ^ V.' J' Ai no 1 r"'^^ X »%.« v-i. A --^ ^ J- X -i. L l' 3 ^ a, •..^ V 03 C:.A ', " 1 J '.'J. ..X J J 1^ i W" •• > A ■ V Wt ■■■> U 0 . 1 1 ji i <.■.'- . ~ W- w ■L' V. J. .4., v»^ r JL A. _, r ;ji:,,e '- O'. ■ •'* . - i"^ 1 .' .itfs. H ' JM» s-'s^ fl« I .a KJ *> i/ iJ ^' w C .J -. 1 /": o J. /.;', I n I ' ' , . V y w L -'. :\ -J . a-> b 1 -. f .J. I o \J^ vj _i. ^' ct >-^ , V v^v; .' (. » fc.> •-' a ».^ r-* iifjC'Ut < ^ ' J «- . « i ( / i. ^ ' ii '^ 'J i, VVn^ u L3U: >^;> •^ » •l )SS f \ 22 f^ r '^ <. i -^ Jl b n n; ^ \^ » r* . I k.» * i- K -. '. .)C '. .w< .< uo 1? iU -'^ '\r 1 X^' i i.'-.i .;rO''> Y. v.' • ^ •-■.*. ^> ^• J ' ■-•• '• li !..; ji, ■ .ca. j iC Vo.. X - '/ ex; L v.. ^' cillce lU. 'eoE pr^> iL-r K- 7 w «> <_ -^ J r o ^.-^ V.'« IX^ r :r r t>~/ i;.-. 1 r-i - (~^ y »>iU. xl- bO '-^r 'L- w I i «_ J. ' 'i.^ M. t' >* ' > / ,'1 - - ^ 1 /- L ..i c n i V.' I ■JGt I i.c: <<' J. - ^' i -.C( ■r.o sj.-i I >/ '^ X J. ^- ^•■'11^ ■•. / V^ .. N -■ t ' i -.U - ' . ^ ».' i I* :.. .f-ooOC^\i ^ 4^ » V / J _ ,' » b '13 vj U . .V . t^- ^^*> Hm»>^. V\\ A^^. >^7s,. ss •JO,* / J;:e 10, 1.11. Lr. Willia/s K* Oregory, L'j^ P3cr Lir, Crrdf^dry: i^cu-.v t/iiTiks for uhe -.r'.ubia you ht;.v3 --nken m •vritin^- f.e so fnliy about 'v-.v you taJca t,:.c cranio -f;u:ial c>-\-:le. I sluill try tlia sjcrUy arai see jiow it -.vorks out on '1\Q Bei.re. But -.^iiit I i;articu]'!rly Tryntad -^as Prcfsitor Oebom's ir;et.:iod cf rneas'.rirs -'-e cra-io -yalatal cinrls. Xhecretically 1 utidorstcad this porfectiy, "ut ,;ractic^lly i fi.-.d r.v.X dif- ficulty in .riakirc ----Q ^ oc.B-:ro:;e-.t, .-.a I ^-.iivj not vof, ^jsc or.-3d ,-.-;iy ::'3tr^..C3nt ,•.; ic:- •.•JU ov- ive i.hc !;,/o plc/ies cit t';9 !:.<.J:e ti ■■"■/■ IS :..v-lo frv.:;i .:■ 3;rr ^'..uli is wht.t i asked Prcfcssor Osfccm, .vd ]:o kindly r-.farred .k.o : matter to ycu. if you c:in ujis'^ror t.".::^ ci-eatio-- i r'-ul^ -•-• -r^-M- ur6, '^- . K. f li Prof* ■^- ^CA 'Jatti^ll, Jun5 10, 1-11 n^sar ?rof6i,8or Cat tell: Ropl^'in^: to ^/our letter of tha Btli in- .-tant, I rat-rot to say f.iat it ic i-ipoBsiele fcr . ic to rs- viow ik-rtrio Ionian's Atlaa of /.cogsoraphy fcr Science. i air. under ;rsat proasure tryi.ig tc close up affairs licre ir. tiiue to roacL Califorr.ia before t-e end of tlie yresent !.,c-.th, and it tlierefore can^not possibly undertake any additional v.'ork. occurs t,c ;.;e ixv/evor t,nab W. H. Osgood, Field l.nse^jni of nat- ural Histo-;, G:iic..<-,o, rr.i.;-::t be a .-ccd person to do it. Very trilv yours, • * ^ ^V,--->^.— ^ V'^ ,1 ass June 10, 191U Dr, Ellia E. W. Given, 2714 ColLiabia Ave*, Pliilaxialphia. Dear Sir: Heplviiii- to your letter of the bth instant, I regret Lc say t;iat I do :ict know -There you can obtain a copy of r.y i:a;iur*al3 of uhe Adirondacks, us the book has been cut of r;rint for 30n:e years. T\Q vfcrk on Nort>i A ^^rican Mcuti :als to v/hich vou refer •.71 11 come :ut in a series of lar^'ie and expensive volurnos, :.nd, v/hilo it v/ill include t: o substance cf the laorgnals of tl© Adircndaciks, it v/ill I years i - Th lishing* .3 u very difforent vrcrk, a;.u ':7ill ho Hca;;ectrullv .' t V\<.->.» |f hVvka -^,^.' • *^ .-V'w'X/s. Q ass Jir-6 12. 'iCai i. • > ^ - r» oio " 1 • At Ic'.st I rj . re^ T? **■. on-^^^ J .».' Jw 0 V ^^^ y ■'- r, ■»• C V ^ ■%_ ok * I 8 vVv^r .-^.. •■> '>• v«:i r- V ,>**•» o: i- ^ ^.' IC ■) r. .i. ^ L O p' . - ve <- V* 4.-.1, .e . .: iiijj^cri 1 1 "r'^ r«? ■:/» ,'! • -/» i V - >£i er X i. :j ■» r -* s. »,• rt •a ^ -- f ■> » .•' A. ■• » I %» c^ 00 r'tr l> ^f^ '^p^. - 't. 16 cv- fia *•»• 1 "f v\ . . ^ - liffedb- B L'':'i^lies i:: w vr-iu rpo:. a rock. Are ^ ou aljuolutel^' ^vro '^' -t "n,- Cti^ A M u o 'o:..i I .> V/ T 1 t5 .O .'■ f - -V- . «. V.' f U .CJ -(}V/ri.r '.»r 4 .. .Ik 0 1 H^' r '\r 2 -^^ A v*i\ 7 ■I r ,'» ',-« ^ ■■' ». f *'! il t! 3^' CO e 0 X. :.s d :B c^ C« <*f^ V*'. •-> 4" ro :.i ord acce;>.o(l i.'O ti^.ii £ f 1 "< r J - '?•*■- 1 ci.. J i.* ct 1 -; *• ^ le re ij *♦ : ^. 1 /^ 1 :... f^ .«.'r; 1 .*. -1 t-w ^ v_/ X W 1 > i i- 1 V» ■ I ^J I. 1 3- 'Vf'^'i IV '^ ■» r. 1 f t . ' ■ ' ' ' 'J* v'Xfv T ^ ' ?- ' '^l t ccrflict I ui cv.r t.y ><. to;; r J ■> -, ■> I ; ni"> -J ^ I i :^0Y/ >»rt a. V Vi C Gt <-*v»«^ "^ :irr a*e v *.» v^ .A i^- ■• 9 C .-•- 4. 1 • - 1 •» , > '-^ — - ' w' i. r* "' * <■*» ->^ #"* P r^ t .';i:i5 ;) .3 r- , i ' ,- % • ., w'k J rr; L r';soec .. '^ -rr n ( ^.fy fc. » V . ". V' . -*. -. % ■■-• *■ *.. ri.es of pr f tective coloration o* I'd "".'ovr ^mv 1-. • r t- »> 8ai,:9, are yovs net ~ii-iir: ::. lif.,! v» o •_> ^- 4- J ■K • < . w* ^ e : t,icr ^' i >• ' .aj- 'on *^culd if ^'oi: 7/ore ririt rok Till ra* j,..^ .i-;i a 'J • :.9^. 1 T - V>- J \ rs ce I- /a ^ - J •^. • rk of .» » ■ lue. -.T'Jle tiie ■*• f 3>- of v^ib ro:;:e c. ■I.' ^ cv ». •^ ^- ** V u. Lri: O "i I '€jr u o c^. 1 .'« 10" '%W'1i. 'BMBi * n f^ r 4- ?B -•r , >.,■ A. * ^ 0\» I T >*- • .5s il 1^; A:. vv»^*» -• ^ < . i .7 ,-.e -• w' V..- 4. Xt'i : A « •.<. •.. ,« i ci v^ J Lo^. vf •l) . *V* K, 1-» ■■»-»c ^ iw* » I X u. • » V^ . . -A. -' V.^ w^'ihi^ C'iA ■#• - :6 ^ .'■i f i i> -•» «.W w A »-^k..' «jk v/ \» t M 4. 4- «.» f ^ , yl- .^ V V «_',.« .L ~< ^ > *,'».-» X -• ■> c f « T 1 (' 'T- >*,-S ' \Jj >•» r» L' l^ u - o • t'f^*. V.::» c- ao' ^ i L.i :.e ■"<--, w'*»*. i ^ .• '; »'^ • » f-^ 1- f 1 OT-i 'Voi !'^. revs le 1.: ^ - J. 3 3 ■i^ '^ Y* ri e- ' O V« f. /- «^N-^- »^ - - -^ *_* V? V^ '^^ e ^ 1 *» - J. r^ f,^. ;. Ic f O -^ T '• -^ f -LI I le T/:rd 'Ot /^., ir -. •-. -■* • *--*»■ 4 »-. <\- C". «• -,-. 'e.\ w >./_.. J O 'f-^ T O J. .» "» I *•-. 1 J V> Y* -^ n> V" T -i . tr*' ■> tr • -, ... i •i^ l ■^ ^r K> 1 ' t^3 o.ictei ^ ^x ■r. -« »-• . .•^ 1 r^ 'C '5 a V -/ 1.) c! r V* ', :ri e g • if* ^ :. ,Ci J '- V- ikj V co:i::o .\ » ^co "1-^ /^ - . ^ "^ ■*• ^ (► ^^- rc":lc a.. V . .V K» '1 •»r V ^ .* *w Li » -», - - ri «. A *^- /\ r» 1 " *^^ 1 3ro xe IB r--«-, y 3 u c :;Ge " f '■ 1 '- v»<-« *►• . i. * ^.-^ • ^ -. cr. - I ~ V .\ v.. ar -f I 1g 1 •■rj '»r ^' '- fhZ a n :c - - V, V '^ C'VOTid the 1^ J .7 O - .-J .. Q v» ,. ,- •1 f - -i ^ -*• o »- i v:, C# ^ ^ r JF (1:; LI 2 r^^ -C' ic .: 'flue-ce cf 13 ^ : V." ' / •o J. (: rn- ja n • .1 k ,3 ^ n * c 1 *ek X 1 c* v* *■■' • ■ V- . i^„ . i."» :e V, t;:e m ~\ 2S w. r*^- . K' Ky >ry ~ O ^' i.. c* J. _ -' ^ 'od x- -i. C . i 1 ^•' C .J _ V' t X. 1' y --^.\ . J .ai :. ."^r rp.i'a. HOC -rf' f »**< V, J.',. . ^ e-v n ■ I #-• 1 '1 i v '" .*. S' .] T^orr. ^ V . <-» -.^ c ♦:> f*^ -^ 1 ri 1 •V» f 1 VZi > - 1 1 )r. '.-f •■ ■v' le 'C f; 6 y*^ (''. T- 1 ^ ^. «^ -• >«• *• .-i o »^ /> I « ', f ; ;a vl /^ ^ .' O v,". - ~ --■» 4 ■«'■ /'l O 1 -, ■« » «.* sj i 11 ".f. J H Ti i ' ■ r •> I les .-pi.rt ' . v\ r* •> :a ro 3 ^ • ^ T* k.» >- r '-.o c: ,♦«-> • C --I r> a -if r 1r C> r* 1.3 /* " •> r- t^. rc '^rr ? r I V /I ! t' 1 "" *"/:^;jd A ~. v» >* **^ ^ ' r« > 1 '. v_ • X ■- J.i,i 1) i. i >• ■ r -.. \- Ui. -J 1 - , f V» i -» o -- ■ '. -N r 1 J -. J J. i J \i -»• .^.^ -, ..^ -» 1 cn u »-~ f^ T" ''j Cl ,o /-* %/ * • I > O »< - V • v^ • »,> < "y^ , "» ■4 ■•r-^> « ' nc W^ V . fc-^^t • r ■»-^' V •t. >« 1 r\ ~ f . t^ r.^ i. ■N, ^ » »A t -. ^^' • , ^ ■ <^ '^ '"^ o */- y^ € X *r» ^ J* \ ^ * -vV >>'>,',,■>>•> > - Cv 2) a ^ W "V^^ ^ "■ >* c ! c; -. lour (. <■> .-^ »^- •«» ^' 1: I-' u , <• V*X^ ^ 1 • f" - -p 1 y»»> v^"S r« ^« / '-•d ^ ■ ] ■ f: 'f ■V* . ■? » » . k. . * ^ - -^ _U »^ Q< 11/ t ^ V. >^ k . 1 k; ^' r;^ v-< e^r- * U "nr-f '\':?- •^ ■ . JL W i Sw " « 0 229 0 Ror 1 G>^ - 1> v.- -4X- ^ Un.* ** V» ■** .•• ^ ■-( y • ^-^ i-. JL V^ * ^ ^ * >\' »»,~j n % >* i» O 0. i J t^ . *'*'>• t^ >*r^ v-* a trc. —f ' /^i +" -^ ,-^ v» •*• -J ^ v/ •> Yonr ri.f lap ^una A ^ c .cca.i I ■ a * •'♦O -■ V ^ v> • T-, ■^ i ^ « . C« W 'k nil a rd '.'" r . T* '.% -J* f rf^r V. , * I 1 ^ ■n << ...■» ir >!>-■• ^/^ srd 07e*- tt'X n .r • »> « « g» r. v«i 1 •? 1^ fcj / * w- «-. •»• y»n C'. V- r<:s. Then I A> 't.T f > • 1 r. • ' r' ri- 0' n X -^ 6 f ' . '" >■*,' ("♦^i '• f ^1 v.. ■» » .-% cw X iA.* ' ^ • 'J '; ?i >.> k,^ ■~' o i-.i •^ 01 .-, • 1 1 ' T r-i Tf O ''• ■) *i o •■• T n.l A. » ^ CM V * ■ •- »•« .• i -•! » »., v^-UA^ v-*."^. « ■n 1 v» »..o v»r» V«'\ r>i' Wi.'-/ ^ r ' »> » • ^r- ■J U •- w C^-Ji •f \ '■ f- >■'>•• '• Jt, rk T.' >*ri )r. vw -. J. t ^ *^U..L "w' ■J n •k-..«J v> 1 . V* c v>_ t .'CV - o r- r f^f» r t /rt ^ > r* ;^ ' ri -. -J i; v' k . ^. W.4 V» t V — » , .- .^ "^ ^ O X ^ 1 ,. .1. jS r» u*. - i , !.> J^ r\ .> » "^ !a ri - • - - v^ r^ r Vice of li *- 1 iC :'• .^ '^^ 0 v> '. *^ », .« \j u .1 r » o . ^ r b >».' % «' O ;JI ;■■ - O -* ^_ I .c ^ -^ '^^■*r '^ '^ 8?rc r? v^ V -V -IV" :ie ^^ *% V- X r-> OSS 1 r» • -' • t 1 V S -:' 1 ^ -% \ - L } •- « vV.l » • V £ ■"Tf ^ f:- t:c, re c • / r- "* ■r»^' ^ %. 41 ice *•% £> ^>'%V*P-'*. » '•»'>/" re: c c t. ,, i.1..„ ^» < V* V •*:"»■■•->•• ^ ■>■»•«,.*, i:r:d of r.> I*- V 1 »>' frj il" c4*. ."»• '.• ? J — ^ iJ' V ■ r-!C' w • <* - -C»i. e^ fc.^i r, - v' 1 r ' '♦ '^ 'r •» 1 o v X . 'v•<•,^ V r. »<*. •'-'»> r» •^ 1 ' '"> cr. .1,- i . rc r "" o 4- .. , . I. a^^PC- K- . •n .'•n ^^ J. ■^ fcj v>. r\ • ^ -I y 6 . i ai;: rf> 4. ^ ^ -,» <.. ,' ^.. * J. "1 T^ f -^ -I A .1. .i-.A '-T-t ^ t' •', /■ 1 >*C« f- f r. ^^ -t' - ' r* 1 i.^ v i. /.I,-, OO u' } Ji^- i-jj. »■* (- »T w i^ : 1 J '^t v»n ' i* t ^ «» -V v.*. WA _ n i '^f : wk. .S«k«i ^,1 _^ ,-^... Ttr -•»•» ' w * • 1 ' ■< lif ^^ t > rA i\ I .- -^ ^1 1- J. > A > .' T O -■ w,.»i v*r% *?/ i 3: :• M r»tr id ;^rir. ell to 0, vC 836 S^a- < V4 >«! OC f » tt ^ 's ••.j 4-' > ^ -"> » ^ 1- y*r. i^y ■> f'r I n r ** -- ^'..^. J. t^« .» J • V V-W ^^H f^ » » 'ou .: ce ij. / ^ . 1 <^ v/ — i- -T". A ^« ^ ..'Hm ^ 1 - 1 ' ■ r > I » (•• 13 ^ \ . 1 ^-v . , . > '^ . J. . 13 r-r ^.^ 1 ^ ' 1 ,- 1 ^ 1 ' £■> • • ^ Tfeojc a" Va ,n. 1 r ,-^ .♦, 8 ac«. ,i -r* -• 7 r le ><• . v*i '' > '.-1 /-■ > * /_ » k.> ^ - wi*; ^ V »/ mv r^i t ^ /:> r» 1 / )0 'f » r* "" •> >^r • 1 '^ • • •^.* ^ i^ ^ ■ f'V ,1 -f .d. \.l. ^ a. r^r '^ . ■% I ' T • ■> r> ' * res ■■^1 ^O^ June iw, Ivll* ^'' - ^- Bradltjy, Etfq*^ .u';o?-:as Roal K&tatc Ofiicor, ^oa.r Sir: Your :.:eincrarid-J;a of t..e U^.. l..^-^^- o-O . .« ^n - i- i^rrec^rs 'uib this o.:ent arrived.- In . v rent appouTB -»o lv. ix. u.xi-c..o ,. . ,. t. . ,., MreaeLit .T.ofaent I have not re -QPI- I would state t:.at uu ..' - ^3 pres^^.b la . n- v,.i ^cr t^a -'Cth's reaL, nor have I received fr.u t.o cu.pa.y..:.W. .:..u I .xecuted a lease con.ract.^y nc.ce ^^ .., eii.cb t,.u.t f.tur. rant ..s .0 co ,.axd to vou- co.pa..y. 0. receipt of U^ao I ^.i^n ao.c:.d to 1.ia -..^^^r .. o.ce. ?: Hi i-Vcrs-Lty ;.f W^it^c. -^.a I.aCiiSC;/!, W..*JC^iiiii.(i. 3t.ur *^ir: Juiie i3, Ivil. Replying CO yonr lottor of L ,.y 50, 1 w;.:ad i.;,i.oe -d I ^^..1 ui..^-,,r .vierriiir, vour reqsi..aLa for ducu'i.enk iucc.:«30x', : r. ■•. W. Ilane/Lii.v, v/.yj jiil dcuotloe te/.a.';-- -•;,, ;,^c], ;,g jj-ji rof.u.i-; for distrihu^un. ^0 -.ave rot yei. ,;U;)ii8hcd h Lur .3 (1* •-^ 3 W.e j^i-jusi.rj -.x: ■ex. p ^^-'lO'Vxii^'; uj'O life -iucis ul ^'or.ii A.;:arlca, ^•IVkurii J'.V'S u. ^^t^ ilJX W' ■; .!:o:.e ..lap ^f ^Ho 'Jii^ed ^: * ^ V- 4 t '• I 1 tJ • "D Hb8p3ctfu'i !y^ ^>--^«-«•' \f VW'--^-v / CSS Ut ^"^ 3 13. Ivil ^-. T ''r^ Price Or/ j\j T'3a~. Di'e Insure of v/urk, I iiava onlv ^ust:- 1 w .CI L^x: .Q !.0 ICOA X . ^ i- „ — ^,1 lai^or ul ^-'U r letter .f u. 'u:. ^. I .-;u£ T jC priVi ->' Biy t. re .a ' . ;i r I .yaa ill arroars for ouee m "O-^ NafcxO^ial Conservation Airsociation, liavm^- received ic :u 11 rc'./ifc T enclose 5,00 in pa^-en t of r:iv dut)s ior the ci*rr^ J : . yj ^r.■^ I ■.r c;. ^. .e :uf*. i Cuur X UJ.J t,r. «w' jr it. /^ : 1 -/ J cr as.ci.i:'* :or a Map a u. .',(.. .■X »^ ■»'•"; '3 a 3 wJAuTcjaiJ 0 :;,'e J-'X ^lo;:'xcal Sui rv > I.J v VA. 'U'i.e jXi-iCj roacUiy 0 ><>v> • ill -lave C0j[^i.u 8 of C r :io^e • k-«.t^ t'i .^e 'uited Scico*3 3, uj id u jb icit^^r one of '':-^r:,:\ A-aiiric Cv -.a lu r . •» w *'vi ci. */ or U V-'i- on y*» ' r:? K*- *^ \J >/i ^ o J 'r ^Tuve ^i r O vAfw A . . '^jT/ a w 1.. c«^nnv3c:,i '7 1 X L W »rt , i.U 3 i!apa 3..c"i/xiX ::.-ie diaoriLUOiOii ui x:Xii^idual bOwCi )t3 of C4- !!« "t. .J- .X Is ::'Xi of .ra OB un :0 u BO >-aS ^ vj ^ L, \f ai - CL GB c^; O'^/* j.;i:; -< 1 • w* r* . c ."'.-^ ■> '"ii 1 h 1 '",1 ' X £ ^1 l.J A'jI Ui, ui on3 ruiic^lc P' a^xo OB I ■^ i \^ 1 J- ..»:. ju n X • J, A, Allao i ii roau »» w rr^ ^.1\J :3 ,'■•% iB^i)8 uf ^- 1' Jui A erica v.U i-'J *- .#. 1 cl '• . -^ t \ .«. \J < <»* GO 1gs8 ^0 fou d i, Mb oi i -.06 •J ^-- i. o Ci C«i^ X la X s V n 5,-'0 1 ■( •% WX. i d X .on' 8 I.f o : xsuurioe ortaon als i L v*.i ulibaod 1 r N "- i crx."idra :a u 1 ^ ! vy X W i. . C ^n your i * 'v-.O ' » <• :i liorary or ..^.e lilrixry of l\^ 0 J S Y^ V> -^ Ca^ a sili . t «■ ^ i :.f c .. .1 J. „ >•> lo i U-il i"^ ''■*, A/ *-^ k,^ vj t 1 e..;d ^.JS uf „. idt L>,/JCi do v^ ^ 1 i a. w* ^ 1 1 a 1/ w ' v> ui:o X D fl- un u ^'i ■_» i^ xrui. ^.^i'^^'O r «-4 . ' Ct If bMC . a icxj.i Jls'.t: '^ i • \. X 'tv^vJwlM X t'L 1 a- '» r wii J r-> Jp ^' rv lco » \ I > l::*ai 1 u O f I 4 I e- ro ^a-t i..V I. c_^. re^i- • ^ • fi «jA y X >w* ^- . w. vv' c £S 236- i^v • p 1 i 11 !■ 1 t ' i c. <^.'cV. > I: > » ^ c' ! T'or- .H Br'-V-^ I- ioricul "" rv ;v, :^.:. 1 ■^ r' -f : G < i - 1 ^ "H uCbur - r' • V^eic hi IV - ^ /^ '.-> ! r ! ' ~' "* LC I v» • /'s i v.. ^t' 1 < 1 la c^.r s •e-^-iv tj f:A' iBtCxl •^ I ^ /I •'I ?h r r\ • U >/i; tlK' .^' ^s to r c , r.-. ■*'- TT '■^ "^ o r» • •1- -rl n ill p.r T- :o r ir }UI -/ » 1 t5, .(J i^ c • 1 1 1 ••3d A £l - net r-ecm i- Alaska, rl aaKu cturi -■• r f T^ >. v> s r.^,.'^C' -•' » J '•.' »' Ci v»' i r* '•J If, n v» " ^or ( ' icpj c -rv3v -*-^ i.<,L £ -e (; "^ ! >'f. ^' * 'J ri a "il)i A] o . / c«.o Q .' • H ) *.• .> y m ^Ctii I 1 '^'' ^ nir^ct ■0 the P.ui u - ^ '>.'". 1 ^ /^ > » ;"^ \ . (v. c^ec rl .V «^ • '■^ , d sen*: • I r. - .o J J 1 (.,,-;- i ■, > r . ^"^ *" >«» J s. «» .y 1 Ij f.-. •<^-i r -f; ' w;. J Fes'^^ctli'lly J » ■0 der ) '.j <>r\ ^ c tn .Hi f >». I ^. ? "? a aij 11 '••?(! »' .<^ < 1 >■».'■ loro If 1 1. ^f!fjr '?;:>-n >-' ».' I -/ • » o '_.», >J t ' i • ■ -» ■-» >•»■ ••, ■-> t. It? >• t lor uolloc <"C *:>•'• — ( . •3 BC I ■ f ' 1 V c s. i^- '-i. ;^ >■*• » v* r\ >*• ^>~- « '■'>»-'• Ia /vA\>JOl..- June 1'4, IvH • f . W. T. Adoins icbursi^'r fif'^n' »*» r^ T 4- 4 4- scnian i'^-Sti ,r.tio n fin ir ' r. Ada. 8 t of 1 ar, ^ . ^-^ ■^jrin^- t;.y latter par ■^;-,i. borl'ird. "v.'art::'?!!. T?^ can e I o.i"_ w i>-t.er3BtB to m. .S ~'i' J w Lr r 'S '^,.1 ^ 'iT* -f-tT e:ia3*% cissi A. '^^. «r r% .'■**"> t/B r v/ • •ill :*cr iT:; i «j. C f Jv 0 2 tf") 11 -ix31 ^r iclcsod 'lo^ev/i ,; • .ji 0 rv r li *ed ♦» « « ! O ^' ^A/ T. f >:^ 4 J * '-' I e-nclor.e ^. t BO c »' / V- J. ci^c for r c .'.C ,ol A .'-' ' Al; ska for iiervicee ^or \j -/. :;f .rtor c-lloctrr cf Ct vJ" -• 1 vt u,JL I- 0.0 J ,on' 15 00C i-^ 8 Y". c n u ... ' I — i(M .f '^'A 1 r -. X'- 1 ■> r» y ^ I > Before le IV n ■ ^?iv I i^O) / •./ i'^ < ^ 'J « f ^ C i. i •vv» H n ^^'] ."^ 1 -C V / rr. M ' ^^ r , * n . p » r L-U^ » '^ ^ -r r • re 1^-*.^-:^: V Vv^yw^^jx^ -. f \J ss o-? ^f''fr "»r'n 1 n vA LJ ^ / X •* \ ,* M' 1 f r> 1 ..1 J J wJ ■-,1 i E k v.. • *• » T s^ '.^ « E, S 1 1- £ so ( I - * o Cj't ■;. J:j o X*-' ^a) o .^jT'-^'C rd Str-M. <-\ K,- i. Y ork I- >i..i - Sir .1 J C^ Ou 0 •-I'^'^v ■ > i. o O ,^W/ >- A i3 U I 1 i 1 ■ i.X «-■•:: i! ''- V" ' n C - '^ ■.i- «w> « ^-< -J -I. i J ricr '' 13 t-j Ec.3 !/'(■; I. ;/ './ k. Jl I sold .^ Cu »> » T'lo fi];:, crc.'-id 1 0-. s^ l t, «■ ' ■i *r* •.: i. » ■ . u — . k ' . '-^ V. < _ .J 0 J •^Ct y t'lU 'O'"' ;r V 1 Vrf' f r» I "^ r L. ^ > _•. 1'-. 1 "■ > / > /' w« V « J w > ^ JG ,^ C. CJ. \y V. 1 .. a.r V ' -». JO o •_ I I c^ _y _; Si T. a :: vclii -Hi L> rrivec i .^,,-, ■Jt. -,'<-' "^ r , •, 1 "^r ^ i ■1 ' r •d v> v^ cc ;d ci e 1 1 V- M f It r^ Ui .0 »e r- r^t, ..Q r- 1 .s v^a v.; T -» f /v .< i^ •?- ;c X) ^'C 1 - ■3 t ' ■> •■»< in f )t.."^ >)J ore u, «-'- --i. kj (, I i Cc / i:- -s r-ai $i P i* Stri^jt J <-.>■ • . V,- • p R Ctf.:! I tL >k -•' ^ ^ t- w^ *» o^s i 04i \ A ^ • X j. t, A. il:i»it30l 0 ar Al< U'll arxi :aQ bj^ oin'r -t^"S. Al fi r» ..' Svr TN -*. iv J- -». Vv »^ -S.' Wi u ctnd s^iit r ^ Xf)r <■'. a c •»C- *. r*' coll -/ v.- ■iV •• s,< --> oir: Yc;..r 1 Vy- i .i v> . >-' X a r.rci i!:staiD c^no tJv s-.-.; w C'- a .:a oela^^ed reol^a^I^ i'^ order %:^ sr^ocu i. O .or;:ii 3.C '. IS 0. cios-"id (lorj'./i T; is 11 V.i f .xl] ■"^ i^ _/ ■jC>m 0 U O w I "\; OU r ;oa -I ri -' Ov-. ' "5 -^, ,''f^)»'> Oc^;}G nuiiiber .■■» f. T -.-^ 11 -f - -u '*^l::t; 1 !.;I'^ Q ^ t U A • 11 Ll^ t "t . ■! cl o 'J . :c-' ^jyj 1 ilC V < *n "\ U-. Al^ii C Bu rt: Trr.'-' ■ -o> and r ■.f» S3 3 i oa^^o :. Tor JuvQ \j C; i-v r- V» CYOd V ^ucrier 1 ' J, 1 ;,.r- r. '^{*/' :; C- C! ^U «. AX oo ,r .1 . I m . - --' X - -' VVfc>! ^ *- J. icn ia. J 1 C ■ 1 C \j 1 >■■« ;a rr Ic'. G < . >» Mbcu y^ -/ i^ ■ t- Al ' \ • -^ y re '- 't*. w» U. If '-.t t-Ci. i V 0.:': a a J.-. X C ',' O I ^ N-'O u Jv^ 1 i. -4. V v,l . ) - iv I »_■ > . r\ ■J ^ «.» A6 I ti ->> »,vvX CU- an^ lifer v 1 ia X O- v ^ J. >- ^« ,**.<• k J r . -» <" . ■' .^ tT II 4 % , . 0- v,t. L.: 11 i^C. »,,> A'Ji..*, X J. > • v> » ^ '7U' c;. r, B vr. V -4. (^ B-: *-■ . • "^O' .->R '1 i\ d K) ; r»i >> o : le u I 1 i L >*• cl I O - X v.- , • C w. J I Al lud »:. -.S.C. . J rc ». ; -/ k^' .. fc 1 .;. I I ■. *w f B '\\ „il J. U b VJ* A Br:.\iB:: G Block B...:r;3. ; id $^.'.00 A- 1 '»l vT 1 UiL - B;- rs cc :ru- n«--i 00 V. X •< ^^ 17 V ,">-. r an. 3 A-. vy i 1 v^ . of $1.00 y, Bv.-..-; I du U- *.! n ^- - X ^ Ui a -•Cl 4 o C> 1 1.1 ■Jf' X countrv .^ ' ILH'IT'O V .' I •k '-I •->-■- t J v^ . irji fr- V.'. H. ci Ad itio^al ./OU c r-f v» Ir iCC. - .,1 (. L J- , r; B P 00 IJ:ul ■L ( » -v r« ••■ ' V* a •<- J. «.!. 1 >■• J d > r r, u ;.rt *> •! >■• < i- 'U u 'h: C— <: 11 ■^ L V/ '-* --A .J O. v-^ kj U V i O >. . V t i .». (; I 'f .i I] k '\. ' >n iX^ >. Vw 11 11 V . V I M '•1 /T»-"» -,1 » u IcM » i.» .e locrli :r ■ •- - ,i c. T- ' r, \\ » > -'w« • c I: tT»l"« »J V ±. .11 f.^- -J, ».■; C, _^ •4 V. WW V 1 'C tfir 'C h «- V • > ■ K> «• > • r ii .K'.CKc;, f ^w. r la'.olinr »^ ' r^J * ' c. ) ^ 1 t: W ->• o l^ ■• - ». . L-/ W< * ■r^i \—m*<^ '•**■-._- I^S ."» \':\ 1 i';r. A. J. G;.--k;,r Y nrtn 8e::ii u; f Th:cT Sir A CGUf^le uf G <1 'ii Q '1 '>• ^^ J O - i"* ■ '■; ■ K.'j J a .i W. c,',ost,.:r <-<■ :■. J w/1 . 'C*. -/ ic nns. 32 >;:J ir'-T . c Id f^ • •> P 1 T"/" "! W l,< - i. Is 1. i/Or Ltrri.\^6s U X o a 1l:.o una Ln.k3t it ,d]l »^ ■^.•'1 v^ ►, I 7 '11 ->- I CU> L i 1 ^ ao ^hon I CO »} I CO IG • > O 1 ** w - O 1 « 'A 7 J^ tv^ v.a \ X i c *■>. <^k:6 I ^tty < ■/< ac: 1 *J i ux vy - 'v iX -£3 I '-•^ ^-v» ' v^ V^ ^ \^ cul .0 0 r::*-"^] CO..i,l( .. 1 .a riL:.:3 dcjr.lur O • t;.-.r!>rja. ■r*i "! O f ; rt f i -1. 1-1 ] /~ ' - rr-t Vw' i L ♦n ^ o ;a I -. i -^ ill > o ' V> O V,' W .»* v> J - ('■^\l r •sj C< r.tti -u- 1 I ii T^rr* ' 1.^ 1 o:) jar vV "4, 30-cO. ;.Nd is )1t -^ i *- * u. . ». •. C-*** ; ^ Tit , ."^ \JC' 1- J- ^ ■-■ « J ^^ «■ cX I r ' . r» .xo ^iiivj lar'^tjr is tD J 1 f » f . ■». Oil I •^r W AN.' «.-<. k. I aciii 1 cr "i; 1 :-. I 1, ,.f >''-, I O .A c- V v^ u r:.vi6r .e dol ..4- • t- ( C! V". -f av 1 isec^'Ti. :r 'O '-^ I .^ ii X ojor v-t. V -. if v.. tw A. X X L >_< > A *A « X ^ C. ,1.! r' C.x ^::ci S.Va W: U... i .O v-» ,■ ■» - ^' -. ' -^ I T .;% S ,-. X ' . ' ^ o o • v:r'' iiri;;] ■» o V V V >•-! ^ ^r i k: y AA-'S>J>*OkH. 243 Jlit w» X ( I :? 1! u.r W Pr r*,:^ - *.' «wt- ./ Tl 1 Hi ■^ZOT TT •<*\^rr: n .« \J*4 J «/ • V i. cL r.cil .( c C> 0 "tr-lll d 1k-\ "> JU XciC -' . v/ a. 'or..at:,iun I v; Cw- < J^-fl T . - .^ T Ui ( >v ^ ^ X •L' - ex I i ..^ l;f^ 1. 2 J • cu C:iy}l r "^ -^ •w t . ^ *., ^ . V 1 .\ .r c: i; ' ■ f V'6 B::.rs r *■ u . u. I ;o / . X . i. ] as ;7:i T 1 ':rc 1 ' .r.> r^ rvice nf ' ■)'" V* T '«^; 1" .L »w- j> V-i ur V J v/- — • Var-. i,r.;,] o 4i ij \i\XA.A-Kwr.^A^ \^ ^^2 Mr. A D; ■a una IV. 19]] i V ^ v» , 1 u(. •da (J ^ViT'^.-r ^ u ■' - 1 ^> i IJoc ^x. A- Dy,>.r Sir - /o Of: ice At cr :; t '^-"^ price ca v of ?' -r t.) ppiy a copy cf i Re uurt, •^ - •' .^- 1 . % fcj^ »-■ - r tV ^r T"-^. ' : . > Vc;a > £■» A ^ IVi 1 V "T I'i '■' .V »"> p - ! ' J I LX .. . i. •- J* C*. 1^ 1 .X « w s B' Al w ^r'? *•'.."' "» r^' 1:" r-ijn f- *- - «• »^ . J. X ^ X ^; w ,J1 ►•^ T >• ■> -■ •» V, k. / ^^. 4. OjV J. d Al • > I" y J . V C. c u - o lat. e fi 'cl » -. '.» w C s:: "^ 1 w > J. V-» 1 0 J. .- k-> .^. V-A^ , • cc C3r ::ea t '-'• ->,>■«/- -V J i ct 11 a p 1 .. a i. r IiLj ( B -^ C- V 1^ C. 1 a c'i.:.f; i r Al ' . < - (•« .«...' r^ci o .»"• ■..< la 1 • •,'-»"»' V > '^ T' O ^ < .J v.* -V.l -.^ Vc^lU v- -'. ■^\-r 4. J. o :>3 v:\iM ".0 ^'OU '^^O! from Alaska P-j :i . iJ ^ 'I J. c«. If > •« o .*.<.j- C3i-:ii) (^ ad I Bkrii i 3 KA d . -IOC .71 all t V ;L)5e sent uo :>;ie 24 U C.K.C d r r- (.J c. - ] f ^ ■^. r p >' ^ . o I r -». - o • ^ '.■■(>># X )0 3\\ :6 21, l.Il V71 o r* ' • • ^■•f V^' ■* kj. W o U^ ^ .\Vo.K_ :V- \ , % V ' V» 4 l'^ i*^ ■»♦» Ji. V' y> .i .-^4. I ]:av .^ i/i. . ..' vJ ^ r» '■ , I <•? r-5 iirj^ a::t pros cr; i. 4 ■^ J ^ . - u o :a. ■^ ,'- ■> t- XJ\J I X J. U -' .a Q -> »».• J V. V,'. rev J or . \f ._' ' u J. :.''c O O C? ■-» »-^i o • *-• » - -r -.J. . >k.^ Dr. R -; X I. CaHlSO iS I •« r I S' .'-i * C^ V- X 1 ' f "* * » 1 - u: '^ -► X .1 I -> '^ 1 1 o O .-'A - bi- i.ii J. O 1 ■> < i y ■^. »■ r- ir^ d I -^ ♦• /v '-■ C- -> V U fo^ c ■»■ X KJ 'v . i ^ . i V L ^ • ir • ♦•' <* i r. 'J, .w ' 1^ iM •# ' iS ■' i J irel -j- -^/ 'JX ^ r J" ! v' O '^ f c >*r«c» > V i O ! ' ■ ■> w I J. ^ c c 1 0' 3 A. J.'X U U Ci ^..xB ^ :a •vr t. .0. LtX • -^ t W„..k. I i ri^s 24 S ■-i> .-, J- n \.t 1 uie- f -n uovor:^-!^ '- D J ^ . : ■' Of ice o i Cl w X I X 1.VC fr r iBJ. E .^^ t*.e fil i'« Vv .4 5 I ■▼ O u_> -Ct- k' '- n: \ • , y^ , >-»•• 20 spools, iiddn -^^3 :a;.h; , .w^;-." ^ : a, (^ .'.'r 3 fro o.. ^a ^.'^ v.y X v^ 11 :- i •« « :.'fi D '-1 .-r rcj 3'.tl tfc ,' ^ i<.- yj ■ i.- L 1 :a '>'vj lc.8t. Tt> w* v.^i. • Y. bur')ri.t! ! '1 w -/^ ,r V »^ :IS 'w' J i t-rfect j-S 17"' V .tia' riYin y-' Cf -kj 1-^t ./ '. > i .0 17 KM . .. V^ r 1 ii.C i V • r V. - 'j; ;U s 20 .J . , _•_ a c^ c c; --.I kivc .» G 'V ^ Ci'v a;iusi'}r V i i-*"; C':e ■f »"» ".■ r 1 UU - ..v-»o <, I- E '0 c?^i...'r;„ a fi 4-'^ .a V ,1 V-* a' : c *-» > < i - ^ -*■ X .^.h f f V JW A. w-c^^v ci i C CO ■ fVl IS k> *^ i. c- 1 :0 a. t* T - > •■ » i-* ScJ'v:! cuiplcd'^t i V'> ^ CI, J <> 'Jj L «.v :^r \* ^ '^ v' . J ' ' E: L-^i. i '^ n^r I ,» ^ » Cc II voli li::.)d if L> t ■ lO lO'^.jd, c » r>^ ^ j~ I <- i. ^ . ^ kC\< v/ ,' .» i r '-^ ..1 < '1 1-^;:^ U..U .L. i^u »o. ■» . • *! : c X aij tie . o € v.. o - :i- :e :.^t2 V'rr rl - '^' .' 5^ ■ill a l-T - S,>* '*,# lie CA. J -U cf V.*- . c Rl. ilr::d C^ 1 a r-» ' f •f 1 W . i VJ *-> u V V. >.i ' • X i . ^■•. i, ^ J ^ R ■*=! . \Uk>.->c R ^. ■»^_, I i ei^s r K i? Kc r/ n! ?• J • w CO tL> J •>■> t /ll 1 iVi »-*/ r Jvir - ij X ^ X *"• ^ '•■'• •' - r "^ V'« (rri.: :{;]"' ski s '8 n I I < ii J. All -c; i/ v- J -> y i Cd 'i'- ^i ^ ^f.l aj. i ViA J.: » 1- -» c-^. v^ 3 I •., », f-» -t - ••^•«■^ _::i ^y ^Twi ti «.'C«. v.>. ^ ' . i»U w v/ W Aljt:?v) :.:, ij. .d » U ) ! ^wL f •» ^ J. ' J . J.^ ** ; W t» •.':x!;uC':« "lpO I 1 r o .» r '>,^ - cr IS J iD I. . i. J ' t- . o O. U -- cr r E i^ L vX- i. .w iu J. i. v> ^ .1 I ^ / •. ^ vi l^i . ■ ::..- J. v) r- '>>(•.-> v^ ■ -L -L J a f -T 1 ' y r )e 01 S'.i a or 1 V .^ J ^ \ -> J . ^ t. i ,e r ^ -;. >. - i 1 >v »^ o<. » ^ i:i \ ^ . .' i-v r^K \ f 1 ^• y» ,^ 1^ "-^ sj ' ' -' <.* -» cac:i »v « v.*. '*V I v i. «_i w • .1 kJ :-e^a I Lxis 1 1 J ^u 'C> '. >^. 0 vo^inf. c V»'. xr ir'^, o •> r^ ►J • ' »» in fres: ..ol a :0 < > o. »J c. I O [yo n;:ii '^. I - jj 1 f"^ « cac^d '•O -k ' ^ . ». \ *\J t':3 <;1 fr,- «•< lO • > "i .e S I yJ ►_■ O r- ■ w J? ' (. / ' v i. V- +• Vi A ( ' >. L 1 vf, V^ , t^ n)d ii 'w' 1 ■1 :»•> p 4 »X - I V * » ^ v/ on-^ "\ " ^ n {V t^ r r 1 aP. ' 1 1 -I u Jir }^0 '( 3 1 - T •, 1 , ■^rr 'w I ' 1 lOT' vV J' •. 0 -V ■ ^ y -'^ V.^ C^ JL .J 1 (J i.]B 11 ' • i. y*^ -1 i o - ' f ,-: -^ j- — • » ^* n"r I VA. '^ r ,*•» V 1. t ^ crij I >C 6t.O Y^k-! 01 rs, a k V; '•*-.. \x. i. ,t,aMti«B 03S 'J • tui >" \ : ■% • *t ':i ' J. ^ ■ » X. ^ •« r ::] jT •/«.-■ » !■ '^O w ..J-ti 1 o i 1 L -'C. d .1 ■; •' « • /'t ;-i .- v. ^^ , 0 ^ell wUcit ycu kncv/ about the .».' . c. «^ ^' s ^ r" " • /■^ C\. CA '-/4 ' • »-> .0 \-r y TV *. ^ ^. V cv l> l"» •• o I ! i V) i'.l A- ^ . I .: V -^ :fi.e roo::) <•> •^, '43 I v.\ -^ ■ •.■/% i '-. .^ ; ^ ,> *IcU3 *^v v«. i i"»">-1 . V- -»» ^ - w _». ^ V^ • V »" 1 ' .*■. d Lc -• I ij • >»--, ^ 1 1 "r> j^r^ L i»t -^' . . k> -- ^ cr r f -» > () 'jil^: - -f*^ >T 'V . w i,'.» « • t T V •jiU ^-* ' ■, •• •- r ' »» CO».» Ul ■• ^ ' . < -,!>.; ..'<■-. - • \ n !C *V.A •OiiS » ■» - i >^ I 1 • -t Y^ H- -U>- X - w' ^ L •I > r» 13 1.:;-; -' Kf - T ^t^ >•->-*♦• <• .»o /-I LCi ."> A kx: UJ, «. : i a , « "i • ■» I 1 I ,'- Cw <.^^ -J ^V ^ D I ^JV 1 "> V VJ v» •• I - ^;1- io:*e 1 o'ippOi C V -. *J. .r ( :i v: *■ ^\ 1 LL.L V J f^", ' v^_ »v. n.c : / ^ O ' T <■* r s^O I jL ^' i I - -i r. v^' u u '» ^ » . ^ .X Jl J K J. a. (■\ • w t V-'.X ,11 v^i^ i^. «. .^ < ■ '-■ J - '.V*-, i v.- «i *» - s. 10 -- u ul- ■fi.3 ^ e.ys cxxx ' \ - 7 / 1 «. 1 -». -». ."^T i> ■^. -I ) r. 1 ^1 c< 73 rv** M 1f» '- ^ ^.; I I -1 '■j'- w : ! i ^O .-,* ^ < >. 1 .- ' :^t-> I .:i A> V ±>.. .i i '"1 • - Ol h r ! -« t (J ■(■i >i ^ -'J.iD J r s >"^' ^ ' (?> ^ v > •. ^ t . 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'^J T;--. d-.l ^c. 11 'u ■-» ^ \J -J V. . .1. .^ ^ / H J. ^ ' » k ^ ' •' • J <^ f 1 . ^7ri i-\ x- a. w *-> . ■» ■• c J. / -J W.« -...xl h # N W * / t . U:J^ ■ ! i C* O - v^ - »i i' t • c . 'CLb "^ .le^ re v-» V i *v . I ri'-i r':. iO-, iore y : o CO OS] k- V ' . il 4 V. k. ^- -i UJ^ r ■-..•, . t •> «_ r: •^. ~* Ik 4^' ^^ w J. "• >> s-vy i - i c- i^r •- vX »/ uiiii I • .. J- ^ he ?- cr^: I \K ■| ^ -> * /■ ». J iir.r w .^ ^'1:^^ S jL 'Vj^"* -• vi C :^ : U. J ' > w-._ ■?•; 1 Li i.. ,q- i^:;.l,-.: ir-i- -» ft I ->;? >» Cl i e »» '• ^ V s>*.-^ :\ V^ -.. '- f Is ^-'ri hr .0' f^.r i T? x -- ♦ V 1 1". II r* •'• r J~"'Cc^» .' u + ^ rtel 0--' / v- a r-% V' .^,. J, I "» 1 t.^ i. <-^. A r v^ i v-> -*- « - -t. ~j oi:r 1- J I ■a lor 1 n f f o r u 1' '^ii'f ,/ J --1 '•''. \<^ f <-v»^ ^a iix ^ ,1 ^-i-a :a3 "c* I dela^'(:;ci rayl ir n 1 *>- * v^iic? l; T # » >, iJl<^ to lo 10:-; 1 V (« ave 11 o \lt f. ,, in::zcn, r.c ■Ovaiblo fc.> w Ca, >^ i ^I oocs a' ro P .-/ ; !v^ ^j.i T T-^r- *- >X ^ f' . v»/- ^ n^ r» 1 1>^ \' T X 1 »- O w<. J. J 10 >ii^ -» ar: so V AC*.: ■^v ?} IS Still i uiuinis.ied 0Q3iMe for -*-v V J >n f- ■ C) f*(t '■•t^ ki't. > • • ?-.--. ■^r^ «>i» ^ C-O O X T -. ' - - "O /" :.' vv --^CU"X -IWvU..^ C w X. L" ^JL. XO lact- U..iC -"-...a 3 ri -':iCci,~o ji!3t in tii^e f. exiict d, ^ Cl v< '•'.■i .- f%. ; ^ J -" ' • .J v,J '-'^ ^..a.i^ ccnriecti nn i ^ e t I -^r ^% '»r ^'- . < > re 1 ». u J . no rl "I? .o r ' <~i w i'c!M are :::c;:; t - -ill •ut V ^nerzup, t ♦-^Wj.^ X 1 s '^o or * •• 'V- V I % t;S^?r t *.v !<^-'isr and cur ^♦^ '^-.-; CI ^ V X ] •^'^ gc11gc::ic]] of ■•- »w< \^ <^ r» u> r ti at I f ^'^o ex ir dob ted frr f ^■-^ i::i?n CTlJrOO ■-' * 1 9" ur: 1 '^ • ' I • «-- X ^ y.. *->1.' ■V .* ^ .^ i-:u ''^ij ^-^-.x::e ^rri '7 *•/ T- r. ^i ^p^ci:;c:-]s v-o / r/n na. » 7 s "^ T i?. \A. Vi.1 % " X X 1 »a eni 1 ^ rn T* ■Jil t'L ■? * •J ^£ yr -J •.^' -u ^ ^ <- -A ^-^d i: •o ^ -• JL- TV, l,--. :e wue '-re; 6::^:,s -so.:v;. ^^ a. ■iG:.^r ^« .,, :d cw ^'i ^'-.-::in • t *j -C -^ iiu.TZ -11 T' -•> • - -, A • Ml :• w '..'' o ^. > -J .J I . •OV-. ^- 't'-^^.V t» ^ c. - X a. ^ 1 r 1. w A. •*- «- A^ - k 25 T - T ■ • -•'♦'-!. t^^ ' ",-» X . »- V -^J o w. »j ~/ w O r' V^ J^ .wv u t- ■- n^ -». J ^r "'-t rj cj ' .', p , , <"^ I- ^ r> t.'i i\ X ; -^ s < ■ re H, ,>•_-, r» "t cX i^* ■* '^ %^A, •..(, U i S- .a 1 J. ^ i^ w/ W X J.. ^ I*. • 0] leaving- i Trill a i-. V k w -> «.. J ■■ Jl - r-i t !-• -1 XV» -^ TT ,- «< J- -.«-'. 4. ^X t.« — . :..c ' r» •'. r 'MJ^ Very 'rui7 'ourc sAw"* 256 June 26, 1911. lir. Theo E. Schulte, 132 Eaat 23d St., lJev7 York. I jxave been detained i--^ r-of + ,-v, ,^. ,r .. ^ '* ^y °^?^ss addressed to '-:e --* tae Northumberland. New Ha^apslziro Ave W-n^ i . »«xuii.e .all bo ta.:on caro of d-urinr mr ,v bill win >.« ^ - -■ ^^8-^ce, and the ^xll Mrall be fonvarded to me and paid. Respectfully J # ts§ f 1 .^u CO i I I 1- I • Ajri^Qt T)o2 . . . J- ' ■ Srr)or: •ura'.in i. ■■a f r. Hill- -a Go 'Vdr''j'r.:ur; Pri ■j^.L , 1 * iOJ T)ei:r fiir JviCi >-^>^, s fcr tl' >' » ', Pr.C'fic R • A I % Hor>c;rts r^co ve^a f Ci lor y:.ur price 1 w> .'C-L i:idi n-n c » ^ cf .1 r- J-IC, 0^'S v.; E: L .• T • len 1 ii:id -— »^ .-* f;l PI cna - -^ - V 1 i r ».r- ,/ — •• • Rei:crt.;3 o f 0 Ofij i3a '^ ' 1 -- v» IS 52 18 n *~ *^ 1660 1861. f I id A V ^.e 15 on 95 ^..;5 .aa Icji i'o- 1 C "^ 671 1£ '7C / 7 i«:;] H6|.ort of Kla'.-atii Bcv inci.ry Goin^'ioBio- (aorial - ■> -»> or Z-'l69} ;a^:;e, Utah. Rer-or /^ >-i ^ v j^ ■ T "! n "•'> W4* :s c 1 • *^ i 1 J -^ r 'Irir;es of uta"!: s ■,Tr C. ii n_ "! 01.1 •j\j i o f^^-; • ■- VI ^ 0 50 40 .'iL' 1.00 90 25 A.t), ' V 'r 1 Le f.r o I X !. t- O i- Ur -J' # !d S'j ^ "^C! 3 k> • Bon, Dec. 54-.^ • v^ ':C\ «^ •- i O 1 ■■','> •'• orl 1 n: "» -i c--.. Fs^l i Ci '■.' X 4- - • J-* • ^^'-acliiui ci M V'J .0 S.I ij ,' \ f A ' ' ^ V- • ' 4. k J 0 n Q- ^G' 1 .. 4. L' o ^ »-■ o icuse Dec* 46 .--... • Ww' ^' -1^ c m u v^ ^ i.l r.\ i'j j-^ p ' J C; 1 1/ 1 :)i: '^u- ijO 1 ■;: e .n- "."> ^ nT'' ^ i? • ^ . 1G-; art *- *» .^ •fc — JL X v> wi-»j o 00 id 2'( IT cei w -vS L-'G fjre <« »^ u .. ,-t- 1 ^^ay use j • X u c vcucier ^*-.-^ 1 o ' -Ti ■"•.'-. •»- -■, ^-i - "- v^I, f i^espectfull ess 260 Y^-,.^,-. -'}'7 i I- • T * ^ • — % ni j^^ - 1- ,j ry r^j i t J. J. ac. V 1 1 '^ c tK*:t *i k> ^ i. - -i o ^ r-, .r* -^ ■Jl i. ^ ij 1 s I -> L iiw/. W w *rf • • * .- X r. , »-• J- - 1.- '^ Iti ' t , <- J 1 ■ Vv ._ ; ■ i. 'i^r.'-* H T'^X -* VJ 1 1 ^^' :iime p./ c i. s <^ K v^ ..'C- iCI 11 •3,;r -•. * V C^./ »-' .- j. «. . ^ C-. .. J. »rr '^- 1. L r^ d 7 «-■• ...r u *■ u. >• -- •'^ »* u. c< V*- X ^ .*. 01 rr j.1. > - 'A CI ' 1 •^ c * ^ • ** ■"^ J» ' -J 3«j..r jo;v\Jls lei . 1 . ■ • ! • 1 0 ^- reattriCr* ^., J. 4.M. k>L.^ V vt l_ >/ J . s./ < ■> ■*<"" • ■» •, ■s '-J *»> ■-■ xor U.-'l ■^ , . , . J ^ .' 'J C''e: -> «• . -w ».- J v,i sy-i, ' "*■ -' '-Z W - ,fc O'- V . ^ '^ K.' ^ ^ *-' % r >»^> 1 - Z U - J L -L io« w' -» '^ 4 < .^' *^. ■rui ^ X u J- ., ■• -.1 i * o -/^ *.i»^ •>. j<. ras 262 1 1 1 i. .' «. i^ a "• f; B i, . J ^ V* "T* ' c; 1 Vf^c^- IT)'-* .» U, ^%t \'.Jl C--- Ci' i- - <■ ■ ' ' . ^ ^ T^' .1 •^0 envelopes I of Ju'ie cu.< Bondir- C-* vU >. » J. :30 i' ex]jer:^.e roc ^uDt for }:ujr^ m •3 foilo^y 'ou uills for Mc 'Ot previoufdv r: G. 8 A •»r-\'"< "■-^ 1-^ ^.- 1 ^ v^ X W t ^ , w» k' wy fc^ ^ . . '_ L -c; /• -• <" „ »•-' J ' < r^ » '' y v» "■. C« ' r\ 4, V^ KJ ' /K. 'I.I 1 ■• '^ T ■» _ f 1 ' 'C V ■ w .'. t 1 i 1 f 4.' 1 KJ I 'f'- Ci t - ,"> — k."*. •J 1 ;'' ..) •0 ,( i! 0^1 '3 8 V 'Trt -7 • ■» ( . C*. «,>_ ». V *. — \^ "-1 - -■• -^^ -^ TV* 5 -JU O-' Jl a •" "> ," i^i .^^ i- • ^ "T ■» - ic.i :.re *:c' 4 v^ .1 <• ■ <> p - - tvC l\ .'"J l,-.v ^ 3 . ^ >•> • , r ► 1 ••o 3i;, ] v-j.Gal ^: rvv 11: ^r 1 CL -.. c •; ^ c^ r- ] r .>"»▼- *. »- . • 11 ^■« !"> -^ *- - •.V.v -^ -•v ' ■ ^ '- Ci ■>' 1- cf '• 4. ■O J ■J •V . 4. «« V. »• S^ >. > 4. 1 I V« r :i "rf^ re 1 -• 'O f •»■ ^ ■ V ^ . » srriain , ^xp'^nces nontli of .C-l- Tr, ICi^ rt '-'erria xoo k> ^s ontJi of Ju: O £ ii^'^ie i. Ransdeil Olla R. Ayre , services ionun of June «^c« 76 40.00 8, ssrvices (♦i onth of J 1.' .y T D r >.> • .. J . j, ■Ho on::a>i, fiervicae -onth of % K-cloaed else IB hill of or ul tiio W'aBiiinfrton "^ 75.00 >r rent of ^.y -ffice on Loitn ^ ?ri;ct yon/^jces for June f.90) parr/nent fi?*.50) ?'d taleoho- G in aJ) J^50.^0 .V'l I* if yo'j '71 J ] pav t> or;» 1.^ Ha.r 'G oDli^^red irnan %pd tx.:^i.j.l iro • • ^ A J- v' i. fc i. C V d > .; 1. r"* '.r - ■ C ' I. <4 • ^ I N- V ry \roly vours ^^ .- - * .4 »' •» <:l rV--A_'' .^yT VV' as 26 ■J i r f I %■* ■ t r 'O Vi^— *. 3*" V\A>J^- I '0. 1-ni ^'^>~^f^ * ■ « .J. •• I x.% • •^• 0 ' ! ^.■> ^ije^fi 1 >" f ■* T ' \--. t- ■• I • - ^ "'' V '-" • • 4. i V • ,"% •■iv-t •-■ f\ n '^ditcr /• iri ■~- , )*.> ''mI ''^\t rk ~> v&: :.G "lo-:,!:'^:-' ;:iv rk" d f mil do?- -*. c <» 1- f I , » • .■> p> r ' •> rt' -^r- •! f* n j.c; :n r r * -f* I ' z- "b , T > I " ■" t" T^v:- of J^-hr r 1 1 :' yr O >: ' ^i /-- ■:o ■: rri \f«? ci v^ c n » ■ r. li 'B tjro r\ 1-t, '/:s ri nrt aitt •^7 tji su Jt;(:r L> kj ^ ^'JTit I'-e -^ T ,,-^ o • .a '-! r>-5 t" cl I 1. av ) receivirxi ;g v> -V r» 1 V» ->/-•■ >!•',< » . i ir» t i v^.' .i;sy s / .(3 T3C^r/^^6. v ' ■ ■(• r- *^ •* 1 11 - vu. s^ ^'-11 -uridl:' »./_ . v^i \ ' ^ ,'- T" ^ T ^ J r"*; *- v», 1 Tr "♦'r • '-re ^s'^ ■>' <* w' • v»^ . r X *) A ) « ' 1 » 1 "1 ■« ^ -' ;-> 1:^ - t- - T-. • -I ^ i J •2 as 11 .-'It all .i:» ^"^ J v/ i- , .f rr,t' ,"»». ^ fj r? • ♦ ■_ . V ^ i ' u r , • f* » "^ .'Tr n ) «. i i. - * --■%rfr V rs ly*' f^. I -•.,v» %V c r 5 '-1 J. ^■ 3 ra; c.i tier cf isB /4ey;j]dor' s i . -* D. iV 1 I c: o, ^ o :i cib/ 1 eo e t^ i. ^ r- ^ rr-r •?r .'• CJ terdav T cc»-^t ^roovi<{ : 11 cf t- 6 R B f ) - c f f rr- ^»fi ("o. ^-0 f: » -i r .'* !^ ;> ^ v-.^ '"> r ' = 1'^R of "rn^:s ^■'•3l('. i re O' 1 :ir-^:e Island-- t'^e c^-ii^'^^ir* nl n 1e '.? i" ' c 1 r^ *(, frt i;xl f> lacier cc ir« 2iJi ale •< . • *■ i: 2.bO -a-. r:-d ct ' « iCv V » r* n 1 icrxri • 1 ">.-<» • • r till ^ • "t r re cc*BiSMS cf fi'jveral a*'' IIb fr rr- 4 ' ■> ' " •* ►- » > » -^ ■» I c; t ev ir-1 >■• ' Tn Al: ska P''r*:i^' 5vl a, U! Ul v i^* k '' *';A )0 ^ V f -^ ™ -. ft c.:: 1 ^=■ ,J] e a rl ^r i- ntin fcr CuJifor 1 }'• iw.^ V- -• r. ^ 1 k 'i V a^^vo '<2 f r > ' ; ^ J V a Al^rr rl O *• r . ,| x^Ha If fc r n V-: r;e ^> >i ii:e OL :• s 1 1. X %> Vu )^. 1."^ t .r» -1«» "• T r ". '^ •• tiSu 8 jU v l\J •♦:> 8 I r> Ct •V V* K_. , < fc/ 7.^ V4. V .. !r -«'~ 'i ' "ocnsiM 3 J ^ correc ocl ' * f . ■! 0*0 /i./ic'-y O'^ li f « C 68 M ii •y»- } » 'r^ 26 1 11 A • u. r t ^j • '0 ->«•.-■ -^ w Oi ''♦ t ; » c* '• .» • TV. 1 •»• > n-: =6 ^a "iC C "^ ] r*'^r •* i S...' rr' d . r i- % . » ' » ■- .- i i. I » .'U ,t. Is -i' :C.-V ;( • n, T HK n • •^ ■■ ^ta. V %^ /•> or f J «-: -:i V • •a I ! > ^^-;=! ■-' J Vi o V i o y ►J 'T -> , n% ou L" . -. Ac •-5» / J • w 8 ,'•,"* r >'f as H^va i.c^ ..c.vi \ ^' v> -, r>' /■ • V- !> 'iK. c i J J U f ,T> 1 i..^ Vi W » '.c o i c*. I . ' I * ' .c . t- ■•r ii) J .> t a ■ ^ i X. ci. ; 1 tVaLs-^ 1. Ivl^ : Y .a ri-rs I v » ■Vi r ■, t o -.•cl.^ as V • T>- r r -^■^ r* 1 'w ir 1'^ I ^ 1 •:>•), 1 . » -". 4 ^ - A ». J . J « * / < •■ 3 <-!. , Ik 1 ., n. Id t c.r i r '::<*(:€ r (or JL ^^ J lO L . V r '.: k.1 v~ ^ * ^, I* . , f ' 1 V - "^ » J : G ■f '" y» y Y Kj' i'a !fj { i i t •' ». .■-^ V G ,::: J I VO-r M WV ric*J. 1 - or •• 'J '1(2 Q y- -rvo^" o c .]] t »-T ■4 ^ t .^ • ^ Oi -J ■ X -J O L. V '% •>•? . lliXl 'av -i/n •/• O . ' ' ] ! 8 c f *< :c ■* "» • I w .^ ocea.fC--v,. r Vv ' r o.:>c {4* 'b*- .^r r- '^tj ^ f vi3 ^v/ 1-3 f ^ ,-^ -, ^ -, -^a ■•(X f: •C' 'I^'n 1 8 "vv 1 ; J. v» f» <- -U.^ v>> ^ rj, le JLC V »-' s^ I ir i - o .*. ' o ' ^. 4 • fiV Jl .uc. -^ i v.» >«>:i . _/ »j '»rf >-^ f- ckiid to '^rivito e cf "■'.i. • f ^: .il .-i Id C'l ti e •v^] t::c: ( — • . • i ■ •:^^er(' ' . v^ C ' u I «S.»v ,« T 1 1 ■1- a ted "T '>"^ ^r . X '.^ .(^. <•* ^ » W I id ; G \'icnt 'Ta':.efvU • b I i ic IG ■^' Ci O <1] 1-. »C! ,-^ . ^ V t » % ICt Y^*» f* s ^ r» •V" g: o * ::r T fill Ob.l ^' -^ 3' Isc fcr > "^ IV<* I. ^ 4. r t' 1.^' •0 wf ciiy:d"!?t li t' 18 ivni * f5 n r> . -r Cf'fi *,< ./i K.. V_- < . V ^ 'r V r»n f »! I ^ "!■ V . • ♦ O / 1 fV^ -r ■'^1 .•?'.-■-> > K^O 26 ri ^ • t y t > t ion cvre / T' -i » w ly > . u i . t3 (; 0 1 V t;a A 'v'" i-U,, O tr > --»- 'wi ! 1 ^ ■>-• T./- O^-' C .-c ^oulc -» ' •■ V.' • * t »-> Gil ,i. . ' *-.^ ^4 nl oO ! *.» I »-/ >-* Vj i-'^ T j% •/ Cs i 1 CO ^7^ ill re 'C^ rc%i:r^ .t V-r ' r u' ri. , ^) J. 0 ^: i- e;.f^ -r-if V, ■! : >' •^Ir od n f 6 ci.. C«-. .. f xl >^(V. ' ^ r, cilOr:: ^>t ^8 «-* »j t'4_» 11 ** :? *; >• fere I 1 i::r i", \-<»'- f 11 ■»* f^ T skidJs -.c.ve .■> ' f ] »M i i.'i 'J J .:. ^A icre jt C f: i xretr. ui if U I/O v^ c .)re8 re »::u -la } lavi '" diistf.r«..Gf 0^.00? 1 ^ 1 S/iXf 11 'CJ I .r»' 'a. tl t r I ■> 1 ♦ ■*• « o or ] ~. :? ~i Lciiii 1 bii^lvi ^ '^ nre nc^ K^-^ .^ V> 5o a V J. 1 • > u 0 or 1 ' ;odcr r-rt Vi ■ •'^ 'Vi ^-i ' ' O J\. Cc »0B •"n-l rr; ^.V -5^' 269 ily 1, I.IJ. Br. Ed .'ard P. Richards or,, 224 Baaco-i St., Boston, Llass. D'jar Doctor Richardson: So.rje tiae a";o you -{fare kind enou--li to acm '.e skvdU of « 2 Sri^zly Baars killed by jrou on the iipper Sti'd le, alo>if' T^it-i other skulls fro:.i trie ssiiie repricn belon-in,r to Br. liitor ^. d Mr. C. R. Cross. Tiiose skulls have been of tlie rreatest assistance r> ^0 .18 in deiinin- the c^iaractsre of tJe Stiki-e Qriz^^ly, v/],ich se ms to he -:ap.ily distii^'msliable froM the Rocky J^oun tain nrii:2ly (in al skulls) by the -breadth, elevation, a^Td ruassiveness of the frontal re,rion ad postorbital processes , and by the - ro.t ei^s of J^e I ar.i vjnr remiss in ^uo v/ritim: you earlier, Vnt i visii you to know how ,mch I appreciate your -enerosity ir: ures3r.ti:v b-'^ese skulls to the 3iolor,ical Si.rvoy collection. I'hc,:. ■; at next -.vintsr you -.7111 cane on '.ere a^d ;;.ive me t;-.e :.hK.sur^ of .- o-,v i'v; you our colloctio ^ of Alaska Boars. I should bo /lad of any infori ^- • i . -..e ^ix.ers of Boston. If j r«.,ien'-r- « Little WTillie. i.. t - ^ -^^^-y, P^^uU,- ,„ ^ A. I aave ,.^ skulls of all three of -,e - -- I -- anxxcuB to l.um ..rich o>^e V^e dead nn> • ■■"""'' place itfl ttVnii ^^ x, ' '-^'^^ -^ ^^^'^^ ^ur.^CoU alo .creidG tl.ut of if-„ --■ '-■d also t:,ri date of deatV r.f - , ■^ ««aLn 01 t.j8 cub. ' -1. X.. Very truljr _yo'.rB, \ » .V-."^ 277 J'-iy !:>, i-:;!!. 8 Gove T^iBT Sir: ni.i3r.t PrI : !,i .^ Office. '° loiJu-axr; documents; 5911. Kx. Dec. 1 3lBt Ccnr- -^ , r> ■• 0 Pri- > X ^^^ f -GG \y^c r Sir -a...:s to ■i. v/' Docu. ^J.lu lo r>i X V, 111 Ic se ■^. rt^.vi -•. *> al aki'icr; y4.-^10 .11 ?9 fo. If- '- «-. 4 ^ :cloG3 also C2-25 idd 1 ":icr 'V . ..I Cll I C? U.l 1 ,-.] ooli.-od -11 }( nerxi j^ripcn s - o. i.Med Al ^( ••^ il ^risr'.c. National liuseur:; ivjpcrt for ICO 'i Basket r (fro i:^ ■i- j^ ■ ikj -/U. ed ^»' "T-ri ^ •» ^M "Inf. Bui Id :.-/^ l^-^t-r -»■ -V V. >-> ^ X « CiO CMj c-) ^5) rahciscc, C^. '0 Dr, J V c il Bro^ii. J-.io:-; ^ L u. c .re PI 0 do ■d ;:iii dl 1-- v» -^ r ■» clccv'id r ^•^"i .> '-'3 ct' :c 1 ■» ' '^KJ $?..] n «.' • .>- ? 3 n- JSe.qpor.tfrll «^s 275 Jul.- 12. 1^11 I * ; J I 11 fj .ij-\x. ton Lc »- nn o 4&»i - U '<*, W, C^*J i-.l. v/l.»J D • U* Der;r S^^^s i4.i>I ^^Ci ':^r vrtil f'-rV :10C ica Dloaoo serd ^ion 1- rorit billB fcr ♦r office -To^-rtre •":». 701 ir^e • u rti 1 1, 1 < u. berlcJvd, to W. I. Adcii-e. Di8trjrT.irir .r*;:« ilt>''BC iai". I :2ti > ^ f ! r »^ » Ul ■- ^d '-e •rill r. J <■*■/• O ♦" r ! oa V t^ s direct dv.ri-" >b^ .Cw 1 0 W:st v« it^ t ,%c> r» . ^ *i 1 1 V J f Dc, r tir. Ad '- <3 S IJ 6 T 1 ^avi. n w i ; S i>i( LJ i\ 8 fcr iinir if riar^d "<-r^ / T r: ; c ^ 1 t-a -I . r T ■-1] a o ^ :':f^:,OM Lct^^ fZ 1 V I » .• v» , - J 01 ■jlC' • y .CL 1: .d olc Fe ^f $10S frc lU f'.-^ 1. V/ '^ W -i CllVi. (IU\ 1 8 a d re t^V >f- ! >» c f f I B ,iA wiiofle s.:i;11g :'H by Di' u » ^^-^ly '^^ii.r 0--I 1 1 .o ». k t I il ij^f i\ R iQ c.nie s^. '.« -». A -^ 1/ (^ v^'UC:}er iVr A ne r ' ■< .4 -•« . :; ^* S.-.I ru ISQU^a' I^'Gtl J 1 \^ 3^S :^ Ml kvoo fr .t4 ex. 0 u « \J X-c 6 U'J. Ui-b v> a I>^,,r Six-a Yoi;r .w w >• <; til lis ^:^ - .^ • - 11. of - e •^^^ 1-8" >i.CJ - -.t cf $10fc Tor -«-»3 i^Vl« ..wt.. "1 **i '^ - ♦ ie 'I r rp Lted ■•r !-i ;i .r^ W-, »*. r^ -y «. - S c;. ♦- ■» t« c < r- *« - tVrr » » _V ' «< v.' V," » (.V i. i^ W A ^ »• » ,- 1- aou i-. ' 1 i' fc.» :c -i iV' 11 «.' f rro u; nv-.-^r- A- -30 uP' ilV *^ V V -*^*- 277 J-1 n. io. i. k > -I Ul V e Vy ' !» i^L-stc i/i iJ 1- V - - V Cta » "T ■%' \ i. J %JX.Jb*^i la. f * >'» ■Jill -^ • o .». -; a I r* -» our A :t. -i s.:i 11 KJ . O II u <'■ t) V m.^ a Vui^ - 1 ,^ wi t' Cl V *. u ? » i X v^ K X .'■■c •J ' y^ J re t. V J, ' r** w »> . I :d ii J 1 ' ^r( 1 T' ^. u* '_ t I4 •r-. W ▲ C Ji>i W IjT \T ' xC .r J • * %.» « d - J vO t> V ^ i> > r ^. - > ii r- 1 • ■> I it - X V "w* .w*. v/ „A"; ^ rix? u wi ' 1 n ■ vvar ^.i;:,!! ,ii 0. vl .. r ... a rrjiGC-i C'i . • Vi V v< r G. J .for ^b, < . O O C '- '^ A -'C C/ I'ti ^■:itO} ">"*•■, >i^V6^"4 , J o Jf ic^r K ' y^^ L ' '..H J. ^J L »...> vA w' U 'I T •■ ' , ^ •» !?■ 4 » — »ij t .1 C V.' J ^l rant. s. X A 1 279 T) &i. A. A '.-C i 1 ^ ^•■•l^ riL> o .LiiL I ^ \j- 0» i'^ Purx aj: i i ./ r , d« 4^, «^, lip ^*^ t lc>, 'd. I i6--v t^ \lic „* till'* T' f • ~»- Wii.' \> # *■ , * Jr" > . y, ^.;id Ho. 14, *■ ^ V- X J ciiriB ..rd iwf K^d ,\t: 1 • iim -/i'uCCt -'vA. 1 '. u.our, v.rj cf •8 • /- ji ■ 0 UK t-^8 ../ :v Oije osu purpUx:i.i7' -.'6 ^c ":.:cp ; oMr skills i:c - -. x o- i-'-- ..^v :.cn^ 'ulpful. Wit'i ':ir:rU.Rt re :r'rr .c ix- -Jl, :^:;a r,r;- r-^ - oi^ /ill "^ Vl. lir* O^cr 'u Mixt or IhO lij-l. ore St. Brcx:, Liaee* t--W* ^Ht, :i^ J ^ 1- M ] . C^l !^ ^r::.,c^.. D ■f., . r w.. .-%/^. ^^i zc. Ci r ;. ^-^ * Lii,^ 1. XL • * will V* • 4^ k.. t» J. >-. ' ■ • 1,. :. ...r i:.i • ' /» * _ V, . J. ^ 4b *> ' * «h 1 1 i^' * V. .^1 CZUllL i. yci: i #^>^ -L. '^' JL i' w ,»L. A-3 ': I •'v ' - :• ' i 1 5^; en • i <- cy ♦ X.ie c tkw- X X (k^ i. '^.i'^ ^ ♦- #*■■■- ■' 1 J a s- A w* -*..._, 1^4.. -• - T. '**0 !jc!1^ < w A . . ; rv ::.i to--? :.:3 1 o, i',^, .a -Q * -^ hava ^' k^n -in lib.: .. >-» V^ v/ X . , - . ,'» •< ^ W- U, ■. u_' .:i\. i:.,: • J- i.,4 -•-41 i-4. ^J _. -^ v.^ «.* ^ «:3 U 1^ .;; rcivi.,B<^. I -•. **• «. w , C-».- • ».,' V _•, X JL 11,1 ^'i ., w i> W ■.* 1 . w A W i /"N'-A .-;3n I •;u.-si i ck 1^ I - «.^ '.^ . ~ •-* » fc v< . » ^ H-» £Q •^:;^iC4 . I ».^- -V ! X C4 ... , i V,' ru i. ' • . ' X C X V . \j iii&^O 1 1 <^ I Jli 1' 'I ' 7' ♦ » X "» ,, .X -^ti; s~:ill ^' \ ( w • . W % w ^ ^ . ' ' i l) 4 ! >/ ma^ Jnly 12. ^911 L • 1 I H, » •••tf f . H ^-n 8 civy Glial U. S. Biulu--ical Surv^ V, W; a] Of i B • >J m l>j..r I r. h':inBiiuyr: i iQ :> :o litLjrs '/cu B3i]h 3 ix s'lort t:,!. ti t^v fru hr rr^^ nraiord era i^rc^iti retnr^ed '^'1 r. / v^ * r*»:i ^T^f^ •-£_> 'J SC. 9 '.'t y of LlH/Cl' t? c*> o d CH'ieeo '1^1 t'Q is! 'A ^'•w* II u'.' rJio frai^-^ on v-e eld 38 ri re ^o >^ve 3rj.::-od xprt.iifi, char-^-'Js col lee 8 r "S'^r- ."» IC H-n* A ^ _' -t) le r fer rocke for "-alltB u* Vcr- ortjl^' ^' ours \^-o^ I Original Defective res 05 0' F? c.T 5U 1 i^k^il •si- <3? ,-n c- C' u o 4 o 4--- «♦-, ^ j:: ."•n WW. »»4 <3J ! . J.> t- t*-. f^ \ ■ ■* '* a 14 «4 . .».,.l rr. <"'•' • -i ■■*.• •■ ca r^ -r-k i?-' h». C^ *r-i o -4* •. 4i % ?,„ •-•"• Z-*" ^"^ .A-^ -., ^.-^4 St^ •-■ ' .,H , '^i " - C' ■*»- c i-"- ; C' 4, •' > ? . a:^ 4k t::^ 4> %. ^Z ' ... ~4 > (jj V; j-t. (' -'* o; Q P -— .r '• "' - ,. .^ ■rr^ t. *■** C' 1. V." ■ «» -io C s. cC r*.-.. I 1 C ^ %. • •* )i^°t '>., 02 . y *'•>"•• J ^ ■ r " * i" * ^ ' *~i s -rt ■■" *•' .'. ,--^ ^■ ;-^ *'-^ >Mi^ ■■ I'-' ^»— V l>^ ' . i- *■ '^' ( "Vi .... ^ ^■^ ■- ;.— C, i^'i .V,-^ ....... ^4 ^ • •""■( r*^ * " ..■' ■"-B* »■-. '' U- ' ,.. ^ ■'■■' . , , . .• ^— •* .• ■ * ' ft i .. • • -* If" c Q ', .,l't4 J^.;- •1 \ >. '{ ^f . *.;! ■ I ] Is.' ^_ 1, 1- ' r-1 O . ^,-,^ •T* f5- 0 — (1 X'^ ,„... « ■< •^v-. ; " ' .; ♦— ^ ' '<{ " a f "" H ■" ■4 C' -• , J ^ 05 '\ . , ..4 . ^- ■(. '' %' *. '•r -> , - .. „ _^ r- Ci r- m-. *.^ -;- * «. /I ■ > :• -• -i:^ .X V 1^. i^- • V ' ) u *.-. -V 1. ' r"-' * * j*--t^ OJ ■»•■, ; *■ .;, ... • 1 _,* "^ ^•^ .J 4- -• ^* ,- -, -« «. ^ V • 4 ' '■•'] 1. .'•7 d' "i--. ( '• ■r*| i-I *>:' ;■ ' ^ f..> -*3 *— « •"-^ * ^.,rf * ■■ -, ™.«-..f c c:-. -% a s T? « -f' 1 C •0 i - : - y; *■ '^.^■ <•) ^ c- 1 't* t. •, ^^■ < - -i • • ".;?■ r» W c» - ■-«•■ '*■ J -■ o ^.-' T. *y r-i CQ r f ,"^; . ..\ 0 'Xi r-t r V ■•-• it "^ »v. 9 e- ■+~ £5 0 0 ■ r^.- c> • ♦- • f'i o ^ -« >- f . •-•1 .. > ^;J. ."•• ^->- •fH i2 .Vv ^'•% •>*• V-' ■ir -' 'C <•) '".' J '.»« .- - i O fe %: '•■. " #-* «? '. rr-' * » ■ ' ' **■ I r-*- •■ a-' r ^-- ■'■ r-i ...-». 4 „• t • ' • • o c . #.^* 0 •13 'T? » #• - r J.. « Ih. > A.* • <4^ r-M ■» r^ rj'; » r. 1 ^ J*-'* 1; • , ; I -» '■■-•i -1 *■ r^ ff v ^ ^ i' if,; *-• -1 r ■ « - * -^ .'; -"I ~t . •■ \ flfJ .. ^^ .r.4 .. • i.<. • ^1 CI w ■ ♦ 4--' si; ' - * 1-^ »\ ^ •» , /... 1 5,1 if ■»^ ?*■ '"a «* V t > ■^*l »»*> S8S r vIMU ^j /eaoirjoe^' 1911, VxQi&i-.^-it ?■, "■. "onklin, Prin^s^etori, ''^u' Jersey, '"^ear 'Vofe^-ijo"^' Conklm: ^imrv: of tJie 19th n^.ating that you have not vet !-eceived xpy norpination in /loology t>;r tiie rational Acaden'y' aurprises ir.e i:/eatly, as I wmte vau ■^'^orr Calircniia on T:.'dfera • .^-^ t ; '•• •avio rtarr ./ordan » r*. ! 1 •• ' » .ery traiy yourB, A I .i-.». tV.' . ..< H \ trf • ■ . ■ ■ < K''"'J ^% |k,'' . 1 E M ^^P 1 1^ 1 K ■'I' I'" '' '.^ . V '. ',V ^' 1^1 V 5= \r- Sf r ', »'-. '^ -i A t;J4.t 'i -4 f V ■ .. , ^ 't / fi V '.I ^.r '.» .^ ,** 4 . "l \ > f> 41 1^ k i /m 1 '4\ .4 I ,• 5, i. 't '->« *v. 'ifa™'.:*^.-. — rrrx -3- ?-- !^ev3cr?:bc ^^6 . 1.911 Dr. A. A. Krdlicka, U. S. :Iational MusetJin. D^ar Doctor Hrdlicka: , Orj-retaniing to Washington yesterday I found your letter inviting we to ^>ake^ part in the cowing meeting of AnthropologistB in this city. kv. the n^eotirig is *o begin at onc0 it will bo iippoi^Biblo Tor iro to do "Ir ~; I have a b^id cold but if the weatli<:-^ iiEproves X shall certainly show i^p a^- fr^n ia?eeting, - , •• . . Very tnilv ^-o^^^^Si 2M 289 ''•w^ O tr yn O rfi a> o 3^ ». P f»™^ w-«-^ t*tof p ;^i .ff. I'll ■■«,- "=5 V'-^ !5 p 155 >^ to 0) i^.^ o 1^ a *• I «vy O) i3u <# ^ - •fl Ki ♦«. vi) ^ -I rt- 0^ 1 ivi f7 l?r*^ "wilttiwoi ■ JiMMK -^ ^ ^ •' ill It i Aiiiiiii I \ i I it 287 a:- Iff I? \^ M January 4, l"i^l2 Ur W. I. Jdaam Disbursing Agent aaifchsonian Institution. 3^ar Itr Adaoa: lorBwitii I onclose wouchers for my expeiujea for Kovember and Bocamtor, amounting to $3Sb.92, and for aervicfls of J. B. MormaM-i, clerk, for toe month of Docombsr, amountine to #135.S3 and aliall bo obli^sd if you will kindly pay -Ais same from the Harriman fund. Vary oruly yours, ^m t m PS.--C!(tn ytu -.fitlicut, too muda troubl-j ssnd me a auinmarized state- laant of rocoipta and diabursafnenU under ths Hi^rrimttn f' v-* • TT J • C U a 152 Kust/ 2b rd h A i .7 York D^ Rt!'.a--i:v "f, r 0 'id ini -iCv r 1 CiG. J G i-oC C o ^ '"cvr 1 -: r * *i • > •■ v» jL U. \v Cl '> fc-i 1 > »-• u ;;L- IvlV lo i t ,rl V. . '-"'-/ ir G.c<. r:.i ■-/-'• i: .c >• C/w. . PI -> -.1 c *:a I Q^1L.X ^■>-£%K.- :'!d. I viil <• .. /A + .1:3 cl^v <*<.^ .L'.>rB ■rnl > » C2.> ./^ I > A w' O r Y; u iu/iiLA 4.^' j:^' t>ii»g — L^iu4i^«y ^>J^^ \,f — "'■■*. .J* ■>i_-' 7 '«^-^-^ Y( n .. i ^.v 1 : ♦ ' i i. 291 JcJiiiary t:, lvl2 Fr:^' rick Lo tj :r ... d Co., • ;7iV. l^ill Tor " 13 3^'.e: ly '"!-». : f.' IL Ll 'V ' ' f , ^ '-^ r».- - . 1 '. T- Mr '^ V> Yc^.rs r/r^ly, Gi :v ^Uiiu, 0.11C-. T)^u.r Sirb: PI .X:> 13 ^ "Q X ^ <.\, J "j.M ic r;'\,i. r- cxiar-3^a iollo'/in- c 0 : . 1 TvA 111 IbO.. Liciia :k?:- Luu^^jvi wT'-X-'-i ■^r~ I Ylui-l; '.r ly, ^ vk-- - Ww>w-/0^ 4" €1 n • f c es 29, H. A. O'L. ■rt t ', N ..V Y. Tii. Doi.r Sir: PI J ^- I A ^ u. o >^w 1 .i.-C .urjBS fell .J 1 •■ir- ,-1 (-,• ■-»v- I k. U L -F: ■?^^h. 6iji n .;- o ''i V Ik. C-i ..■ h f ij J L., v.. .-L i ..' ^t V-, .. ■ ^ firt Qo «'j l.:o 6, Blc^ckf o V- .< L Ci D V' A \ W X ». 1 »*.'■;■' • in t;j< i' 1 1 :c H n-- 'iV^i'.\ 1. i.0>- • V-t^ -0 *. > i . V »J ll G t< c Dr. C. Al , A. ? 1 . ;-o 1.11. s;i.io • k>.' • i* -L 1 / W ■ y .» ^ _^ ^ J »j ') #~ AnR V *.' t • v^ v.< t • Q-O t-t • (.:. 1 m d ^ ■ I J ^< 11 1 * 0. R .; V J 'U r^u Y- ij-i n >T kJ • V • * $.:.oo. Lk 1.0 T: 0. ^.0 $0.bO. \r. r8 V '^vK^ :t^ 4.- "i: ^0 • ' V. « • «.v . • ,'^0.:0. (^ 'Vwa.b) T:i ^.\U^' w. fc^a ^ 1 ^.^o • G ♦ -^ • A ,^1 i R. I.i76-'^ ifeO ' ' i-: ■J VJ C- ■ L - vv* 'R-....1 » H'n ■C L.; •0 . : 0 i 1. Y.y M oCl v-C 1.00. $o..o .:)96. .150. oO. I 1^ 1. J * 0 '57, t -..: rf l\ J C . ■> \ / I,. • I If • , -» b>J ■ ».' • (n .] ■ n Tr.'iOii , V (^.-N4'.). 1 'J ' 1*.' 1 jO' •'^i.IO ^•50 • «.-^' . • I J'.' . '>x 00 ' »-> -< '-' lbJ2. $0 T C; n P:-:LU: 1 1^0^ V. • «-•' « 1.10 i.lO J. T C. 1.^01 . .ti.oo ,> k 0 I •7 0 '-» .rx: J r% 1 - 1 J J, 1 00 "• s [ 294 M M '•ftv % 1!*» ^n*^'- P^^sfi^ Book S' C»dar Rapids, Ic^. 10 p ^i*r Sirs *• v-ar; 1 orrs.T i^ Bu:ic 75 Lao •-^f' (H. H.) aa/'ie wi'i'T addrssa Ui •"»". y» r Cb Cl^. l^'^l. RUf Trud od Tr i'.-* ■^ 4. !^< r. r^o Il ub: ■^^^ lf{ \ i sip •i! k 'K :*■ * M. i; ■I ...s # 5 • I r. ,: . .i j. P f ^, /y _»-' y .f, f- Original Defective Cv«^ mmm ^ ~t^ — <^ i ■V y-V' ^V-^^"! .-^. O '>*-t,'C;- >k. 296 II I; K^' S »*»• I "^ .1- I . T».-;^v J e. > • *v*fc ,-l' . f ^.. -^ •V j iU>» ' '^ 1 O ''' ■♦ v>' ^.\w>%>V.,^^ J| •^- .If » m I ! f i« (I !l .1; J^ ^,1 i /- 1 l> *■■. 1 1 . . i L. .i 297 -^ V i 1^ 'iN' i -»< «>6 / i O'" ! ^ ^ > I / J. ■i < ^ ^ r^ li ^ v«> 1 Z "^ r t/' 1/ -^ \) i ,-• *»• _,# (v/ i > ^- 4 / 4 r Ui/ /i^ 4 u.r \ '4 i -» J » -1^ V ->^ f i \ \ ^ 1 / i > ^ I —i- (J". ^4 HI 1 1 WKj Ml ^ ^\\i li'L^- , i*!'- ■ f > i ■■ ' ;,' ; t i \ i ,1 1 fl \ ^ 1^ ir ^ ■. . » il V !3;f r 'ii» .1 lJ-^1 v^ 298 f A. •'V' V. LUtx H^K-._, d", '^.\M (m^.A.^'vj^' ^ _X J ^ ^S.. A-<»-o»>. — ^%^^ \> *^-»--. 'V. ") t* w .■^K,"), X 4^ f -A .m-'. ,v ■ -^^SF" u ..Vvi- X ^.^JU* «^ ^— V'*' ,,^. -^/ -^: "X s ^ 0 t^ \-^ -■-,- — — ■%. :x A •^ '■h ^ ^ \ i I :4i ees i \ 300 Ja'iuar nr L- . l-^ a ,'-A^ , ! :■». •; Ji i #; Vl- 1 1 lU! i ./I ,1 ^ L (M V\ \ I »v V.« V -» ' ^1 ' ,/.;[! i:,r Hurt -i -^ r P. Gi a "ne^iarttiier^.t. c f ac' v-.^ w u- . i- lorBi '^ ¥ C f Co. Liter .a Berr^ai^:; , a^aifor-iti ' :: y^ < '^r"] i^. ClOB V7.: lC. tjc »aai:iv Call t'c liana ir;t5i O / i;i ID K^.j inj Cai 1 i- w/ w* l r w^^ F » r ..* w J rai J A ^|' a u.. .X V u ' ' L' i A 'w vJ* >»^ iiiai ;nticrii) •\ r 1 ^- ^^ .i •^'^ rrivofi b \-/ M^yrii \ via Q a \o L Ua. Lui ■^ nv .a:nA;3crii ^ • I 1 u ) -ii cu -^- ^ e r 3 3 u a J 1 '-* CLW r.-j. a. Ui ^ O i. n ace .raa ca ; .% '"* ^ /I ^ v>- fc L uU >r ; ^ — *^^ r 1- o il o -' i. v>CV r I J J cr c ao* ;^ in li^^ U wy lia il .in a J J'' ^4. *■> v* 1 \; ra I cac .' J iii-cr. I 5i: :5\; re tri 11 v; 11 :^:iJ .t> • ■"^Ci Y-u an: .1- I VA Ki-J cac iM r* 13 '^\- "1 ibii r/^ru v.o 1 1. - :nB K.\ \^'ii> V, ^. La*:.!!! niu A^ >v' 1 r^ '■ o r-1 c: d ^ava a ic:i ^ \ -< * ♦-'►Mi 1 .» i \^ i i 1 ■. ^" E^ 1 Rf ia-n:;-k If < ^^ ^ .Cv I CL 1 i-vt Ci^^ .; ^ i- i» w vy id V* IB i V; f jvj o a >. ^> ' ' lu ^' i A». *. * J IOC Li. 1-v I'i .0 r >■•(■ .u V t'-l (■ ■ni L. » i. . A \G in artiCi los c ^. r/Zi-BJ « ,7 r T V^ i: n ^ft ^ %i:\\.^ 1 nc a > ;cv 1.3 1 caBt r"J i COX I oa;i i or ^-i >» vu 'J - •^rGi^S-^iS 3.a Cj. rci. 9 po r'S iJl;3af rsc >. i 1 1 caC'.ua:3S 0 ^^ '■' L a .C^ ^ Id 'c-v .- 1 "\ \\ ct. '- c---^ -. f t i>'i-: iw o ^ 1 ,^ (J V/. Kn;:,I iSil K' .;* ^v _* -^ as • r^fl^S .ed cac7a3^>s L V/ m I ai Xii! ,ar J ^ >C' r^', \i i tt'3B! On (.\i lt5^ .— ' II ' i».^^ r :ia':0 a loa^^ci ^'j ^ ys U t ' ! Cv .' J rat c-oii ci 1 1 I .1 • . » a. V/ i i 1 l?"^ n a:xi afoar inuch. ciulib ^a .-C^ 1 T -i CvJie ■^ o u.. c ^tsior ricu ir-9 jli'.i,K.' n ■1,1 c ria r til > J A lO >v> 1 .' • J j^ la J 1 V --^ w-* , a' ci ^1 y.Ti inua f- . -i J U. i' , \ '■. ■*- K^' »J > -* .e laCr: O I- 1 I f 0 r: 1 r r t" ^1 • . !r- r C-i- -L T - 1 -- . adf.ii^ .-4^ *. I u d von cc a< u/viver CCH] C: s^>"i- ne 11] I A 'B . IS -(•'.' ^ ^ /A '^o ■a -nil Tcej *a^ ? c^V ail r.-i vie CV n V^ ^ ' - v» w ^ •» ■ 1 ;:j O J A »^ '^l^- . »^' a •<. I'^V. a.j;;litja O v.-' C b :^ I U »y L- X »^.' on 1 J •Or.i v^ . i. •. ' V . 1 ,uCl C i LI iU!:lil'3 lu tO. -i ^-^^ 'N .'> i^ irxi iviu I cl' L' ■ ■' I J. y o Id iiover Cir ■> »; *^- i X (:/> k ^^ a o^.< en ■> f ^ • LOB M ■> "r-d aT-i cr i' B iri J ■1' i..-i COfii i i iv 3li .0. r, V - K. •.' J. n .icto 0 n B '. r.l .\0 8 i 11^/ ub t- 1. ^ _/ ; » For ^0 3 ocean so "» " • i v^C ■ ex . '^ii * ' • * . V / .^ " >1 Li O >• 1. ciil.ar r W A c^ c*. la i al. I f ij< r ;.C .. i xi 10 n wr JI.1J O-i 1 '.no B ^sa j' \i ! .M -> ^ V- !>.' . J UlT Ij cu j-n i u O L« I • , t f /» L k.> w Vy' t- i. 1 O i y^ y» 0 ^ o lo/ L ' • t i > 1 >^ M * t r« *-~ KJ y^. •_- - ' >>^ ii ' 1 r*- r I IfMOS I 1 I r ih I*- . y-> ■»- r- f . ■a 1 . t ciaubo oi. lVv rr :.-;oi r c^; . O^ i , I I W { U db" J A.U n « '^ (:!i avic ' yj \d X J ij I i il jAj B ^ , a f^'^ auc 1-- ! I'^as^vO^ \j i' 2i3 im B" o li-i.L J .J 0 f* r t i I tO£ 302 it Hu-l". P. d: i(;isv' #.■) Kii.r.l3" P. Giuu.ef^i M .■j;jn ".h^ fe;:u.jj c r" v;-.; -../v^ ^.oac. Yi>i. a-.a-jriuly have l;Jon (Uiin: W:ii lac , V' ( I a ^ccn ved ;ii/:;j;j li ^n ': 0 c ;v ) Pr: c. B. . 1 ... iciil Scci - . - .'• \v. ,~ , I - V I VII • •* A.;^:i ihv2. Tnis t'-cu.^^ vuri-'L-ir lii.ui^icr: cro,;i3 ui;^ m ■-■ne or t^v/o » ' •■*''■ ^'^^ Jj?jV a...)y :.. ^ ■,i':.jp mliabi r. ..(l.;'v o .-e.'.ra":^id . v.cul it; •Jk5''c>i'i acc.un;. uf .. .0 i(!i .jo.ct.>ablo i.UiT^ jtb ;>.- r,./'.)f. N . Ci*.. ;a a- w..!- al 1L\ ,-*t I L'U i ^n^i-' kj -v V> W ' / i M r* r" ^ ! D • C;u L.;U 1:3 k; cvi 0 a i f o 1- 11 i w ♦J /V ^ uJ I *v vAj y\y tj v./ .y 1 1 L - - C C*<. .\.l ^< C\ i- 1 ' J -' r li'v. X CX . ' ■> ^». ./ ''^ ub i^ Gj. c arao a Cs •_• C^ L . 1 ' / 1 ^ v.. ■ . v:^ dir';ca :x''jOy,i6iun ^-f •■un-a;ji3'jr:^ j. jjciog, aixi i^.b if fiura V * I ■ * i * ■■' . ■ I k K) U V X ; >.-' X vy o O 1 Z« — , u > V en X : 1 '- 1 c O v^ _L G' *, L ^ '.. a X i <. I o / .1 'i ! v.. v-t ^ vj'j r^ V' aiu^ C" (. i 1 ■e^ Grr^:i: ci. 1 0 .7 Z 0 i, I J i) L; U t» V-. . - T -.-^ A .' V V i v., I ' 1 • I 4, > . .1 J 3 ;ian/cG; ana in ..: o cai:so cj' ,. J ij'j 1% UvU^aiLv iia.i>o;:B '..ixj a cliaioi"' rela.od i'..n. occurs x'x en Mi3 0 J.- li i Ci :j ^ o . ..-♦7 J. ;"*f ■* *"'.' 1 1. c >.. »-. ) I--' !0 'skmO m i' a»sb >iis O -> a X '-• kk) I.J i ■. L/ iv - ./ VA ''~<»v-l X a ?.:uriir," a ciaa.a. n^ " t . X ^^ ' * rOr_^i..n ci Ijaas and . .J 1 vc/i roiUa/ '.r^ «^r„. ana' ao r > *'" 'it • ^ . - ■> V J .' •" T .'■ "il f ■ <, IJLi K- ^XwO'^il -^ » ^^ ..LV i OtO . .-^ ^ V ..^^ ! . , • jLa, k . t. M t i Cv "•^^■^cial bcntiii^n: aiVit^n.n cT b-.a Lo7^r ».V v^' "• 3 L S30:i'is t.v OC^Vi ^-Jf'; «i- i ! -. « . 1 7aa .n *^rx'i.t. Yo,.r ^arii( ra,.,;. u.; ".a; Pacu'ic Guaut Tra.:^i -.iv.:. a.'^c. ,:.LLi !a^.aii^ca.>.Lon a u ;3.-(.c.i.cuen ^. : ^n order ::-. t,o ..iBload- 1;: ^.'- ririi: ^^lace, y^i. aofu-o i: ab "ivin;: •,.. ._:. ;/oi>t ot ^^^ Gasccxdo Siarra ^^-ivada c;...nr.". D-^^b aiiS in:. ii.ipJ.;" ^--a.^ •. - Gaixicriia yar:» ci ^ r t : J ?>a:ni. ;j^n,G a ""a Han J-.cX-nr: Vv.l'n't;, j. xUi. ^ ID ^i % k ^ ' eain.o ' -^i:n' CU.4 bur:^ ^/v. i v,^.;-ia ..urai'. C'^siae rati '-i: . la n:j bUi.iO |.a.''a(5ra^.i: ^^ ^ OL^iabili:.;' of one Pacific "^k,^: cL.. a ;c pr^v^.c V < o -' wX > '-^ .>j » v< •• \y -fc '-I yj v fcU; :c^ a^ai iicr-:^". I a^ a a i.) |L> -/vy fk • 1 U ■ • J - ^ s-* If Lwi:naaria^ y-n nava in mind f.r .- xt5 ho-cai..^ cixr IL nefi'-,; . ^a y^^-„J-x^^^<^ L x?4ii:.anons, I 7 li ^^- ^ -^ ^ 'c ";n(f-^78 xc a vnia^ y^u .:7c*a ^y ba''x*Y_; '^^ >1 J. u its .< ;11- f- !"--^*"' ^ u 7/1 :ii Vv'iL'jw c:.na brya" f-^'"' '^ '^ '■-^ . V -J J A W- • J ./•f ^iX km- alK^ua LVa^ ^cui Jwa.yun a:a Sixraiu.3:^v Vaj i. -y^ n^r I' ' L,' V,' k', k? ^ J ^ ^ r • ■/ * \i ■' '. I SOS 304 HurL;- r Q^^idlor #;:■ , / « J. ^j r .i ',0 u. i O -'»"'" \... CJ^ iiv i rv^Mi ^•*. J.V-' W';-. U J oci. V Q- 1 iX'iL'.io I i it;iO n ba i -^ 1 rV" caicdi'" in 14 i :iav i Tibro ciii r/Cii in: ,Ui;i/i .L*. '-» — c^ r* «, ID* ai^ner, ciG 'o'- 3 increas^o yo^a tul ». J v^ * I w* vj a- -> ^^ OL v> t> la iv ; ^j i.l^c:^. i 8 ra s*:.r I c .oa ^^c 3 ooriou J '.•■J ^ ora r'i 'ol t- wAjL ,i.ja > Y* Ur.( '»^ ^ ■ '^ Trc i- icai 1 ife rsfi V. 1 1 .vlO Luiiar CoUradc Rivor ci. X*i3a : i^ I T^ ^^.l--" I fi e c*.r. L of u ; --» A.'ii-ral L i J. a. -' V OU . C4.i> vX irvjuav •ii-^-^'^^^- 1 .-» a v7. ri^'" ' C'/K i..^ Y 1 1 .ire ic VVli .< \^' X re..rv,a-■••-? c: .e . iCv J U K^ I a Mir Biological o- rv iv ciuin^- ^. lu li ' rce of ori:jina U'Jx iCciuJ. >^ v^ fc- V.y - S. ;\. Ij^i 1 '« r -, --V .-T O- -J- • • t . J Ir v/Tii ?:; JD or cri old ► 1 v-S' I ar ■d I , '■ ij:-* -.1 rr .•• , r T.'O .> i. -' sM i . V f V J Oi o ;r: :^'itJ '^ l^ CI xce • .1 ' ]!. i-»c; ,r ^ . fc.^ yv- v^' n arb .J . -vy I . «y* J\ It IS v/(i 11 ^ri a i> 1 U iwi^'-' o v^ O -} , (iv;0CiG6, lU i.) Oi U V-' L b :\^ i t f ^^OU «(.«- '* >-' ir r^ ra".i r, ■"» I'! .Cl.^>" I for ex ' ■'*-' Xo s v; J. .v., <^ J ijci. t \. C 1^' v/V-- iJC? •"lies ilci Li .i^vo ac. ,1 :iX.i XX30 i :(>.^i ci' 3 SdUC:: a 01 1^-71 i^C 'V.3 1 liU G(^ i ;c*. N>v>i D ^ • U Our ivsica I a iu w i JCt b t5 u <- o^a I", t V. -^ Y^ 1 : u V (4 I "in or ^ V f'vB '- lie KJ t V^ o r .aa-'Ut^crii X «j / ./ • X - tU *; ' M * 'VV ' > .'.a a i 1 1 ^ ed 1 \. > Oi ( I k» •.> .^ -.i > C(J -V V. ac ^aoi O J i. ' • If 1 cai u ■J w r f 1 .-» Ml .a J -^ J ^ i O J :\ 0 7 V ri; 1 x.„K,frv,y ...C^^Ai^- -i^. f .1' t I J 1 - ,'»-• i I < * . t ' <. u- Prcf esf 1 - ^/% Jv . 11 i*. wLiC ll ur:i ■vrn n u "^r « V i v>a i 1 t L'F Bl3n a Gal :t..r.;l, Dea"*^ Prole ■» *a titiC n Li. I I ; ~ ^'16 m •/ ' » re I Y. lave ceo er f ca 1 a k J V > cu i ' J • •' i. ^- t.a la to V. 1 vv - r WC4» U- Oa la !. i v mf on ^aC«« ■> i >_^.' i '^' w4 ., ^. \J v"C' T-, P 1 -il c ir I ^« c i..* Cte •>A J. t .,-1 *^ KJ ■-' ■■. X. wCj :? • i. o « > :-". ■^ 81 Wn :~ *' I 1 -; -^ f . -^ CLi. UO l^i^ -U -^l . '. * J v^u ^ y^ ■* V < I, O ^:t. V '..V- V V N. .«». 1 ll *' OS 30$ Ja^i .iO.j^ Lvl ^ • k u ' : ■ ! • I ' 1 ' • :u iO -^ ^1^ if • I f ( it "'l i Mr J k.1 -^ „' . ^-*. * ii \j*\j. ra^i^. 01 *.:^ lU. Oi V-jf ^1 ^> ,\' C-L OC4. ^ I UI ra \icl ve Zoo i KJ Bo rKw aaLir..niiu D- CA( r 1* n tIM IL Li ii 1- <■< /ja .iio 1 rofii :/r^ j-i- O A .-i a r ii Ll\ >i..oc>3a '^U V i bl 1 41 >-'^ T l.'T! !<:J l!lv^btyv>J k^ . / i^n ij ^Oua u: io CUiij_ hi 1. i e lvl nr: f^i; ij.^ u^ CO'li i.i J ►- ju:. u f ; U- Xa- t I svcc'3 ;aua .a .; : C>V. J ■^ J '-J . ab ,^ u (0,0 o«^ 1 o-l :p' Cu'j I u i; •^ - Br i uiiD. ,. Gx^luabia wl cl nl ^^ v/ '^. :. 4- « > ■J. »-/l 10 B b evo.^ruion I J vCC r y-a ±r <." cc m ve : i c.; o ail clii -/ UU iV^ iX, ,,A/ J. 1 i iwK.iiC cl-> Suiue ;j1 v^>or S -JuCJ- ti a. :«A (U. I L * ,i « I tj 1 :. 15 c w> »i'^ .^ ■ v,t IC" -J .'» ^- 'J- ?l jUti^ \/t w ' -• » « tv - ■< ' » »^c :id .-» ii ■ 1 u r iw .U .i X 0-U •> iJ ^ U f v^- -<> ;a c>* ^'' c*. i'U l>v. 11 cn i 0 f^r^i riJii -loO •< V • o y U J o V ,7^ UUi i^ V6 ro 1 \^.:^,^' V r iiarcla CB H A t/*. ' J ill B. U: c; i t^.! O^*" C erx^ I 3^ J i »M*-Ci, » it or; ci i iU i X Cw D i.:r B !-*». i -f a^ ^j r.r O v. I ; V' ' V i. V j fj , •r* f v^ cu rr L^ 1 U n kiO 'K ^-c; II w i^"l t^r > K-^Cl iiZci. ni u u I G<'^ i 1 1' u r : .^ -' jj.La "■ ^u '•:r^V'.;,a v; i ! . t:,ii -> <.' r1 < . c ^^ B'^r Eioi .'t- 01 .» Jl.- •ti -^ : ic Or'V it.'. TV* ' iL.t 1 J ^d: uK.'-^cci oc » V i X J 1 ; a I i I < . J^ »■ >■ «»^ o • yv- V o <.. ;o v.; >' ir, V ./ ►i r^ ( J >" t>C<. '■V, ■ •* ; i < t'.fi »! o 1 " _:^ I - C^' 1 i iCi»>X *j J- ' u <. ■^ ? M ,0 O ^i J I. ( • « .«. ; "^ ( C I v> c n .c<^ ^ ' t .0 ^ C-' lu », 1 o 0 0 •Vi ..> » ^^ I ''.J t.^j c «v.' I . • ! i 1. . r !' ,; 1 i -^ O O i.y r o «:'- ^ct i^T .• 1 • c^^ o ixn i. . CA. La. i V I ^ -, » ■" Cl t • > ; ! in li^ 1 .1. i^j U fliT' /. *.-«, ■• I »^ '. « ) ' ' C 1 t -! i O k1 u X < -, i XJt) 1. ■-/ t5 0 4 >■' ^ i ,"» >'• 1 ," •n <-v»- 4..^ '.'"i ' X u-iiri S> ^ . ^ ■ori':^ ' C' in I r: V -d .'•.'■i V'. J J I ••lie r i ' hi} iL.r 'I :i is w v^ ^ ^/Of't;:\ . '.-■r jr a (^ I < u I '■• V. 1 I I i-i. '^ 'ii r- * i<.> rao. I i K< V-, . 1C*.X X c J (Cl u' H! u*.; 1 ( C. V m 1 I ;i"]a ,r I \ 1. ^ Ci ^C til ■Cl ^%i_|;.>-» t -j^^ ■*o^^ 1 i V X ^i' \J v:f; X - • -&. jplfc. ■ vos » k J' .U: I ?r T^ ftr , - -, j>, ^ w ^ i. i- V 'V JL ^.. I V'.i O V* fl.1 .!^ V Y - I , 1 4- ■v* V-.'- A "•S' «^ *.^ •-r ^ ..v. cx i^ I , ■< <•> >^' ■ f t *rr ^ '^ ■ J a J O o ' .J v.. j. V. <.t- u *^-J n , • . i / '.eaio ;*^ ' » ' \; lii lixr. O. - V- -1 • "» r*": ■ r, ri T •- ,'"1 r> f« , 1 iX s F (.V ■> • • I I." I J ^« X I '. lU- tj I ^-• V Oi; •:d '• ■( L <__; K^ ^Z .-^ ■\ - -y-i a, ' Oi X' ^> •>-'? C^- T ^.c ^y - K>* J- w ^ 4.L .11. s *^ yf c^ .' V' > i.ik cuT * 1 i ' i. 16 •"> - 'i V J '—4 ■» I ■J I ir»( \ raM .-ii laC ^> *. - -"^ — •>i. t.i;i>. , c;. ' i.\ 't •. i. ' coi cf jiiiio a. r'^n 1 a/i w? •rr*' "■ ■.vc rK u; I /•> ./ \ • v< >* <; i > r->- I . ; : ,1 ; i -. ^ o ,'. L / I . { ^ 1 i m It ip a re.v 0 i./, •Jv>< "[VjV Ver i^> . vv r-'l n V i. V .' V i " ^ V,' J Cs :K: V les T I t- f * •f^ ^ 80S « 3 ( Ja^iua TT^r n 1912 Ur ?/. I. Ad oU 1 . i.* AC -»/'»'' 1 5 W; - • ' 1 "1 - - -")-.i. (■• j'^j.: ■»•> -At* I 1 1 ■icn Bear r i^ dar/a 4.. '>.>•"': ^Cii i- ^» 1 1-1 }/' r -n •. i. V acc ms 'a; > 'C W . ~ l> rx o I or vorr ^ .rMrrtne^u i T i-T sii' "Ciir !• ^■^ 8'^v:- +* V. )C0 s a!^ri disbnrso!ne:rv:,s /■ •»l'r\ of .' in i.*CV^ A, v*.l Find fro.'ii i^\ orin:Ti L'ciV IviO be V J_ _ ^> c nci »,:»# \ • ■-> -^ C/'O 1 V i i T^.is taiUee // acc oant, diacfcly '::.<.coi; {"o .L (I of Ad. >.. i»>. V ■rr •■,-» "i I!*^V p. GSS c:iar^-.e c ft r^ 'U Ul >^r ^r .U "n 1 Mi.-.r^ f.-n r.']^.' be OK gt but 13 acu X •» i V. O B for J?(:l^^ r L- C' ' 3 > i. I vccabularioE d::i frrrri C'llif a i'i- '.rez'vrie tub voca.. 1 .). ; *. T « :^F 1 '6 t r C:1U r '0 ^•. U: :rt6 f n-f'i Ca a arri aidro d C: ne at S- 1 Dl* Id huve ur;:r:^v.l r 1 a -.-J- J r '^• r\ I V . V-' 1-^. •s « i r < • y-^ *- r 1^ ^r •1 f-N ^/» , "1 rec (i V* "♦"» U' .^ >-■ -•- ■^ uM'^il "^-^^^^ P'»'' Y o v- 11 •. y- ■' 1 ?■ 'Tf .' Vil J .W^ i- »^ » ^fe ■/! i, ' ^ i'H 608 •^ .A "^ ■--^•->- irit: 'u';t^ F-.iitii''.--) !.j;:-.i-a, ra. 4 Diar iir. Sbc-o: Thc^iks tor year Itihnar of :--:5 ;oi,( , , ,. ^ .. ,.,, (.-nc'ra'- ■•■:■: o-f tVe Acaxioiay uad ^ 1 I , > - • '- V ^' / J. --• ♦- > ' * -^ *l ■..•:i8 contanplated ..ofuoriul vgI-a-.c. I 3-ic'dd bo -^^^ tc oc:itrl>:uv.e somo-vhiric if I i.u;. a';.'].) to do bo, bv^ I at ".c . fa-^- ■ -i^- .' ^^.^ ^ - •..:3nti(,n •-::-; i-l'^i'^ i^':^i^- Since my return fro::i California I iiav "« an.a rj! ^.^va '-e'- cr"fi::ed t^ -i^ 1-''S.^ -aost of the ti^ .,. :. A >... ,-,. n.i- Ym ','ill P'^t' -rji-efore, »?» .-. ■^ i - .-. ;„.:a.^ I oj:i ^nrilj b-^''L;0''n;-in ir a i ro ^« <' v*-^,- r- -^^v- \ ■ k "v»_< . 3t0 January 25, 1912. Iha Artiur H, Claric Cenpai^, ei«faUni, Chlo. BearSlnt Iholoaad find ^adc of $5.12 in p^fMBt for kMUvig*a llt«i»turd_of imwrioaa iborlginal I-^flEHSMf *» pwp Moaqpanjring bUl. Tary truly youra,^ Si r i ..'^i f eo£ 310 1 1,1 l> January 25, 1912. t' ,. s - •■ * *■ " A. .. -..5 ■\ t. •1 " 'i f: ::■ I *..> I -~: •• ;".'i"' . , ^-. .-r '..,.1 -J. •J ' > 1 ,♦,.'. G:-L- r ;■ ^-. bi"!e vnx ■..'■:•■ % » . ' I c^ ( ■ ^ ; ,,■>-' t3 - 'v^ r**' a r*"' • . i >'j?. c<- 1 . ^. The irthur H. Clark Caapany, Cleveland, Ohio. Dear Sira: Incloeed find check of $5.12 in paywnt for Ludewlg's Literature of imerican Aboriginal LangiMgee, as jer aoccnipaiying bill. Tery truly yours. tfL <. K ^!>*s;— - • l'' \ i. ', - -x > ^^\ ! » ( m mi i 1^ 311 Janiary 25, 1912« |i V Dr« John Gif f ord^ CoeouMit Qrovfit IloridA* Dear Sir: Pfcrdon my long delay In replying to your laitora^ The f irat ona« writtan in Auguai^ aloqg with tda acconqpanying ^otognuft^ waa not saen by ma until a tm days ago as they were stacked n^ irith a quantity of mail which arrived duriqg my abaence in Qalif omia# Tour seeondf letter came duriz^g a recent illness lYcm which I i am just recoyeripg. ^e ihotograph you /sent is that of the lloiida Bob-cat -Iir^ ui^Ctohin;: hy mo^r^'^ ot TTtiich the Iff' ** ' ■J .. -w './ > > ".r, TO! ■» -ul. ;*ct;;i? w i. . LX l4**0t».il:T 4 -» T . T » ? did not ;;;:;afc ^Ol 'xc .^:cn v. e^q. .;t.:-l; in f^^^*,, r>'^, l:c'^i^-t?r, arid fvho... dcnbt^i^aiss he all i'i.;:jat ".^y thu ':.,:.e jo^ a:^^; aluti tv Ci-no m* Kir.Uy le^ ^r^o l:.io^ a day or Iko Yo'ivB vary truly, dories F^rtoHt Fei^' York Oitv. r"": ^1 I Mr* The 0. !.• Satrilt^s Dear Sir: ©arAiCfir but for ^.h-? ..'act ■^■- it 1 h&ve lu^;:, nx --.tiu 'n::e L..-ite UK). rece:'/^::l ;::'r,:^Aet5 4 ^""v- ;? ^l eii.r>Xtv ''f .> . "I . .". i ^ V 1 . 1 .1.t / ior 'JI -4i v-^ 1 •s ..1 • f V 'r-H 2 .' • • "i Ik-' J.' ^^^.y.'r '4 "» /« ^ L ■ _ -' J„ X ■ ,w"» ., J.. ^ -i! ^ 1 ar; a.- a < 1 k • ♦ t » »•- A ^ :>r..- ^ -?:'ie Ol *o;:^^ nev^'spar'^r?^, Xutr .v.. v-i-s*-;-.. ^<''^! -f^u-'L^a'^'i ^a, OX 4i ftketcheui! -^rd outL:^n-i?!?^ cf Cei i"^ v; , - . f-- :'i,:l>.it, ot :i:: ••rf'r::<^r^^ .» ' rr't- ,';ior^ I a-^T^: ' ■>: ■» -. ,. lat^^ceHf, h50 for them. C^ ^ ?1Q5 •i' 5,. , k Oi- ars Tliao.E. Schulte #2 ' 2 lottera uieitiior Qontainhvi mixlcj^iT on IndianB) aad a dozen sheets or scraps ccn'^J-ainiAA miscellaneor.s maiiicranda and notes mainly on jaliforDia Iryliasia. but several referring to pablictvbicrm by Vo^ort am Bancroft in the 70* B and SO' 8 and t'ldrefor^ not a part of the original Are you sure tliat all these drawiiigs are by Broim? I will offer $30 for ^he Indian sketches; $5 for the odds and ends of Calif oi*nia ©c^uaryi p\ for the 4 maps; $4 for the 4 short vccabnlaories; ^ for the ini seel lane one i!2emoranda, cr $48 for the onfcira batch, excepting the news- paper 8 arji clipping;. which I a/n retiLming to you herewith. Youra very tnily. er£ T. rinuajry 27, 1912. Proderlck Loesdr & ( Joiroto-ix" , Brooklyn, Mw Torlu Dear Sira: The oopy of ¥siJaB' Wandering cf a aoim-acticu^ Yaiikee, •,raich you sent me, cms duly, and t-ho ccpj of Van Dyk5*B Soul-h&jTi Calif crr.ia ain'ivsd previously^ but I have not yet received a bill. TIaj price of the Vaa iJyke was $ .75; of Welles' Wandirij^s $i. as par yoiu- letter #73964 dated January- 11. I &ii tha'-^ufore incioalr^- check for $1.75 end shall be obliged if y.^x will sand recei^it. Hi^spect fully. I f i. TtS 31 S Jutiar; 29, 1912. January 29, 1912. **Alsistant S^cr^tary. SroitbBonian In»tltutiont Pear Dr^ fnjo: Foy iiOiii^ yaara paat thd Smithsonian has been sendir^ rne jjublice^tioBS address ed to the Biological Survey* Depai^'ient of Agriculture* Doriiig the past year ncane of fcose fubilcatiow have heen sent as previoiiBly, to tlae Departr.snt of Agriculture; others to rny pereonal addrees, 1919 - 15th street* I shall be obliged if ycu will kiaily have my addrees chaiip;ed so that hereafter all publications will conie to 1919 • 16th street* Heretofore t I I^^^e received all papers published in the ProceedirgB of the National laseum. I do nob need all of these in my work and shell bt obliged if hereafter you will send me only these relating to maDinalSt birds, reptiles, botany^ and ethnoicgsr —omitting fiahes and invertebrates. Tours very truly t Secretary, • , « . . Hew fork Zoological Society^ 11 Wall street. Bew York Cityc Dear Sir: In sentliiig, J our yublicationa hereafter. please note toy charge of eddress frcm Biological Survey t DeparboBni of Agriculture, to 1919 « 16th street Washington, I) •do Totirs very truly ^ >-J» ^ V*«-'= .ja- •..S-X-. '! 'r^i.^.. ~— fts^-. ^ ^.^- 6r£ \^ ^ J January 29, 1912, American IfciBwrn of Natural History, Nefir York Ciiy* Dear Sir: In sending your publicationc heraaftor, please note my change of addreas frorn Biolog.'lcal Sunrey, Department of Asriculturet to 1919 - 16t>i street, Waahing^oii,D*C. Yours very truly. ♦<» '."v^SLk^-v ...-i^ V. X*~ Jammry 29 ^ 19 12^ Dr» !!&• Bebb. College 01 Dentistry. 301 - iMt 5th street, ^ Los Angeles, Calif omia« l^BX Dr* Bebb: Your kind letter was wriitmi nearly a month befort mj return frcm the west coae^ and folltwed me around for sQfl» tliM. Before returning hc«ne I visited Seattle and Tancoe/er Island, airi since my retnm I have been laid up in bed mCst of the time with a bad throat. Hence pardon my delay in rsf lyia> Durix^ the sunnier and fall I built a hcr.ise at Lagunitas, 26 milea north of San Francisco, where I hope you will pay me a visit some of these days. This prevsiited me from visiting Scmthem California where I had expected to do some work before retumins# I hope your trip abroad did you a lot of good, eviii If you were not al>le to do any collectiig* I am pleased %n note that if the lime ever arrives > > • whan you «•• willing to puH with your spocinenB of BiaaasaSEft. you are likely to present thsm to our Hational collect iom The next time you have time to continue ycur studies of awonalian teeth, please remanber tlmt our collect ionB are at your disposal • With kind regards. Yours very tralj. rV-Nj^-'-'-K^ rs£ January 29. 1912. 111 Broadway, . ^,^_ pMur Sir: Toar leUar of Hovmbor 29 wm. forwardwi to 01. in Calif omi» but waa not racaiTad until a riiort tii» baf ora my ratam. Raplyii« to your auggaation that I ba nada an honorary aamber of tha Aaaociation, I would a^ that I ahould haTe no objaction to thia axcapt for tiia fact tiiat your printed booklet atataa that tha Aaaociation ataad. •fflrlawa^rdhibitinGtheafiOa of wlldn»tiTa^Bia.- lam yary much oppoaad to thia prohibition. I bali^a that tha kUling of &U6 ahould ba raguUtad by cXom J?*»5? «^ bag llMt and that wiwx a mas haa kiUad &m in ob«li«nca to tha laws of tha atata in which ha doaa tha ahooting. ha ahould ba at libarty to diapoaa of it in auch mannar aa ha aaaa fit. In othar raapacta I think I am in aynqpaihy with tha objacta of four Aaaociation. Yary truly your a. \- ,1 ^•oik.' :Nr^ \^^v --V 322 January 29, 1912. Ur, Thao. B. Schulte, 132 Saat 23d atraet. Haw York City. Daar Sirj Tour latter of the 27th, accept iqg raj offer of |46 for the entire batch of aketchea, napa and odda and enda aent xoe on approral, ia received, for which I am obliged. I have approved your bill and am fonmrdicg it to the Smithaonian for payment. You ahould receive the dieck {^) durii^ the firat vaak of February. In writix^ you (m the 26th instant , I Qfgleeted to mention that I ahoold have been willing io paj mora for tha California drawinga except for tha faat that a number of them have been already puhliahad. Bi^^t of tham were publiahed by Bartlett in hia paraonal ourrativa in 1854. Tary truly yours. 4^ ss Jaiimry 29^ 1912. Dear Mr SuBois : VlMMCf pard(m my dolaf in replylz^g to your latter of December 13 tramrnittiog a letter frcn H# Q. Itorrillt Actiqg Supervisor of the Santa Barbara Bational For eat on the aiabject of the mmw used fc^ the seTeral raqgea of mountaine betveen Qixfusm Talley an Santa Ihes falley* I was in British ColijBnbla at the ti&ie your letter was written and did not reach home for seme time aftenrard« Since then I hare bem sick in bed most of t time* Hence t please pardon n^^ delay in replying. Ifr. Merrill speaks of expeaiixis to hear from a Mr. BroQson a couple of weoks later* If any opinion from him has been reoeiTed, I should be Tery glad to see it* I should be glad also to knov the Tiem of people oi tha Cuyama side* Toor rmzger at or near Osena is liabl to be familiar with^ncmenolature oa his side and theraf o ahould hare important testimo^f* Tery truly yours. \^. ^A-'^^'^-K-Ok.AA, « Mr. Oo«ri Du Bois, Difttrlet rorestar, San Francisco, Calif'omii 9 A ..>/ Jaimary 29, 1912. Ir* taaac P. Richardson^ Standard Oil Caiipany^ SacraAiiento t utilifcmia. Doar Sir: Tcvxr latter of Dsceaibor 5 was vrritten while I was still in California aiKi after fcllowipg me about has come back to roe here* I should like to ste tlie Indian material you speak of frcm a guano cave near Humboldt Sink. If you will send this material to me by express ^ charges collect, I shall be glad to examine it, and if wmted, will make you an offer fcr it. If not, X will return it to you, charges prepaid. Tery truly yours. — •«». i:'>^,. - 9 I * ass g Si s. I I i 1 § 8 S 4 v« o a ^\<; !S ^ § VI 1 I •3 5 VI I u 3 V4 rH O O O 11" >» P* VI P4 s -n 5» § I 3 I s o l<^ CTk CM g ^ a t4 in P4 "A % ^ $ 5>> ^ 5^ 3 g Vi ^ ^ g g i -a I 8. 15 fX «> N-l >| -a f 2 U3 CM 4> s (D PL, •r^ § .9 tf 8 ^ o .2 ^5 3 (B (3 1 -2 5 w ^ t I o o M -a •r-i Pi O i-l '^ di o 1^ s- I I « g •S* ass 327 January 30, 1912. January 30, 1912. Mr. W« I. Adamst Accountant t Smithsonian Inatitutiont ¥a8hi%tont D.C* Dear Ifr. Adams: Hdreiritli I urn transmitting sevarad uxipald bills for the month of January, which I shall be obliged if you will pay from the Harriman Trust Tond as folloirs: Remington Typovirriter Co* H* A* 0*Learyt books Tieo* E. Schulte Ja^aes B. Homian Mise Helen Grovor $40. 31.45 48. 55. L^.^o3 Miss Elizabeth A« Hyde My office expense account for January is held up waiting for acme receipts not yet in^but will bo for^frded in a few days. 7ery truly yours. ^ . \v-o > ^^^ U A Mr. H. A. 0'Lear;r, 1483 Flatbush avenue, Brooklyn, New York* Dear Sir: Your letter of ^resterday reached me this morning. I approved your accoimt ($31.45) and took it in person t the Accountant of the Smithsonian Institution and asked him as a particular faTor to send you the check this afternoon or tcmorrow. This he promised to do, so you will receive the money without further delay. Respectfully, ^.\^,i:^ ^ VV*^. J. . X H 322 I Jaiiuary 31 » i912* I- Hontg^\J»wAr^r^^_ 329 Janiary SI, 1912. 228-225iiiiit 4th ttr6«t, Los ingtlas, Ofdifornia. Dear 81nt Ineloied plaaae find $1.50 in pagrmaot of a yoar's solweription for Yatt Coast ■■gMina for 1912. Haaaa addrasa ma at 1919 - 16th atreat, Ykahington, D«C. 7ary truly yours. ^w\v SsJL,' . I OSS January 31 1 1912. ytr. Yernpn^ Bailey t^ waahiqgtont u.Q. Bi ol Qgioal Surrey Dmt Bailey: Marshall BoxkI of Seattle is anxious to obtain copies of oar tiro ciroulars on the preparation of specimens of sMDonals «-> large aid small. If you will send these to hinit I shall he obliged. His address is Uarshall Bond, 505 Colman Building, Seattle » Washington. Very truly yours. K I? 82 CD t5 o "^^ Is I OB > St t3 o ^ o o I •<4 Q Q O h CD 01 o < o c o t2i o ^ o o ^ o -• • ;v 'V .>>.- v,%„. 288 www February 1$ 1912- T i , "I (TV frederick Looser & Oo , , Brooklyn, Ifov York* Dear Sirs: frcm yours of Januazy 30t juat receiTedt it appears that I oire you a balance of 12 ctse for postage. This amount is inclosed he] If you had sent a bill with the books » as other bo(* dealers do, I would have known the exact amount, aai the anno3rance of this correspoa would have been saved. Respectfully, ^ sj Su-perintondent G-over/iii.oiit 1 ^.'ifl ■ • - *• -* • a .. ,IJ -. '/-■-. v." I ^ ',.' ».J A V J. -. - ,V / 1. !, aend :na, with bill fcr ;7a;re, '-.h? follcwinr; dc^juasnto : Vill-c, R, iRapcrt cnJ]iailro.3A frcru Jiesiaaicpi Vallev to Sa:! ri6.-cv, Montarev, 3aii BraiiciBcc. ..;0-Ji (Jciic:. ?;ci ya-ja". Hccae ftept, 145, pp. 62-59. Tjacri, Fiii.".!p T. 1^3"jcrt i;n GvjIc^:/ aiid Topoyraphv of ;^I.jt Gcnf. 7 c ■^' C' BFi. Senate Doc* 47 (13 niaps)- ,^«ft: Ov ijue^H, Recoimoi.u.ancti of Ouif of California mid Colorado Hivor, iSbH. 5iJd aonf> 1st. Sese* Strata Doc. 81 » witli ni^p. ^alrbe lndi.*-ni '-- 2nulTata of Aijpropriacici! f:»r P.eliof of Inriiarjs OTniiv Allotments vrithin TrucP:6tr-r;ar(3ori irrigatioa Fro-^'^ct* 60th Coiv:. 1^1 3esB. Kcuse Doc, 46. If you h8^'3 a copj'- of Horatio Hals'n Et^bnor;ra|hy a-d Piilolc-;y cf th^ ¥ilkcs Ebcpadition, 1345, I jhoiua like fcreatlT tc obtain it. Do you happen to knc^ if Major Heintrneiman's r?iport on Iris v/ork on tlie Lo??or CoiJXTido River in 1<<50 l:5ai was f^ver prbli^had in the CongrsEiicjuil Docu-ionta? I sjspsct it is a War Berc-trk eat doaament. Kespsjtfully^ ^ '■ 'v ■ -.Jv.^.^; 334 n Fehnxary 2, 1912, Bumham* Game PtoUtlve and Propagai in Broadway, »•» York Dear Sir? rouTB of the Irt i™tmt Is at hand. propagation of Kama fop nhnxn. T «» .,,„ X "hooting and oomorclol purpoMf . -0 . not cc^lt » to a atand 1„ opposition to th, •ale of wild 6a«. i ,;„ ^^^araii^ to do amtn whKih alAt lead t» ... . "« ^^ <"> MytMng in tM ./ "^'l-rtenretatlon of n^r poaltlon m this matter, ^ ^ n Very truly yoq^ ^. i^- x> ... v^ ~V>^ ■■*• jr- 1 S£ 33e Febrjary 2, 1912. Febiniary 2, 1912. Ur Theo. E. Schultot, ^. 132 East 23rd straet, N3W York. Dear Sir: Pleaaa accept Tir7 tlr^^-^^s for y„u- «anrt.«y i" Bending the «.Witi=n «latir« to tho Bro™ jiof-== -* «.r,.pond,n...e. Rospeotfullyt 81^ I Mr. Hc^rley P, CJjaiidior, Departoent of Botarqr. UniverBi^Tr of 5 Oalifornia. Berkeley, California. Hear Sir: Your latt-ar of Jwrmsxy 24 is at hand, and I aia glad to know tiiat yon a^ee with ma in the several 3use;sstian3 i i^aie concaminG yovr clmpter on Mstributioiic Yc\ir revis^jd paragraph m tae Infiuonce of Topcgrajiiy t^trikes mo m all ri^t, oicsfpt that it needs a little ii^iil:fim'tion :OTier the head of the ocear?. Ycu state that tlisf CC9.11J1 '^ offers a wellBigjbi insuperable phyaical obstacle to pltrt er rmimel migration^ ins CRiach that .ach continent has a ^ilts di^tin^Ue flora and fauna." fhis ib ..m -: the i^culhem continents bui. not of the northern, for aa you of course knew, the fmms arid fl-^raa of Northern ii imaia and Kcrthem HTorth ^erica are ao closely related ^hcit they are coofirconly grouiied ta^ether aa a :&oo*r;eographlc province iHider the naae Holarctic —scores of Bpecies of plants ar.d animal« being cannon to both* At leaat, the specioc were considered the sanB until the present fiiie splittirig has divided seme of thenu But^ Irrespdctive of tiiis, the fonac inlmbiting the nortbBm parts of the tiro continents are so closely related that for purposes of distribution they rnay be regarded as t]\o sazoa. TliQ differentiation of the floras and faunas of tiie northsra continenta takes place farther soutli — Lhe reralt of a marked change in climate. With best wishes, Vei^y tinily yoiu-s. \ 33 o Fabriary 2, 1912* Mra G^oive E. S^itk #: ^Irs* G^eoree S. Smith, Boise, Idaho* My dear Wn. Smith: Thsink? for year latter ox Ja^iuary 21 with accaiipfiuiylng il.Vi strated ^)emzr^mer article on the natural history and ©thnologr' of Idaho. It is good to knoTT that you aiid other residents of Idaho hav3 6Jr/akened to an interest in thsoe matters. Ai^ asffistance that I im^ render I ahall be only too glad to give. It is hardly worth your* while to try to obtain Guthrie's Geog^jiiy, siiice the only niatter in it relating to Idaho is that quoted by loe in Paona No. 5. I re^^ret that you have not been ahle to obtain a copy of tuis, but will make a search among my separates and if I fiixi a duplicate, shall take pleasure in sending it to you. Conoaming the Red Pish of Idaho t X have just telephoned Professor Bverman and he tell a me that while the life history of the fisa is aot ynt canpletaly known, tht evidence indicates stroi^ly t>^at tho f lah are permanent residents of the lakes; in other ^orda, they aro land-locked and do not go dcKm to tho sea. Ycu will fi>id matter on this subject in the Report of the Bureau of Fisheries for 190^. Replying to your farther inc[uiry, no pictures have ever been published or fjaade, so far ao I aai asrare. q£ either tba IdaJno HaDtit or Idaho Rod-hacked Mais 3. By the way^, ^ere did you obtain tJie serlss of phDtc£/aph8 of latolope. Deer, Caribou, and Bear, illu3tratli}j5 yoiir recent article? The Garibcu is labeled a Giaait llk» but nevertheless the picture is of interust<. Very traly yours. ess V I 340 Fob mar V 2, 1912. February 2. 1912, Gebrader Bomtra^er^ Schonsberger ufer 12a, Berlin W 35, G^xmany* Dear Sir: Jaikel'B Wirbaltiere, ordered frcm you some time ago, has reached me safely, and I am sending you herewith a postal money order for the aaoirnt, 12 inarks« Hespeoifully, v \ ® J I 4 M« iiBrper, Collet's Point, New York Dear Sir: Many thanks for a separate of yo^ir paper on the local distributioa of Qeanys in G-eorgia, Alal:^r»., and Florida. Hie details you give will bi^ of tmxct asaistance in plattiA^ the exact limits of distribi-tion of the se^/eral forms Very tii3ly youi-^s. ■J- *\, r^£ February 5, 1912. ]f7 dear Grinnell: YwT letter of j^esterday received. Your memory about the Reindeer faww is correct to the beet of ngr knairledge and belief* Ihey were sold for Barresi-ground Caribou* The man is a notorious liar^ as haa been well known for many years. Bendire's saddest regret was that he had accepted a lot of this man^s fake records for extra-l&iital birds and had published th^iu All this and laany chapters -are beyond question* JaverthelesSt the man may have reformed and he may iKm be doing worthy things. His brother is, i believe, beyorai reproadi. With best wishes. Very truly yours, ''V M ''^ VS.^-AO'.JO^.-*' Mr. Geo. Bird Grinnell, 238 East 15th street. Her York. §^£ Febniary 6, Mr. f. S. Sloana, , , , , • -r^ -? ' Secretar/, Unlbed Stataa rrsosi-aprixc Foaia, * Dear Vbr, Sloans: Tcur lt3tter of Ji'-nuary 26, transmit t-iiiiK a reap and report iron HcbeH Arder^on rglating to nmnas to 1)0 egtablishad for faatsaras of the aastern part cf Diatlo Ran,;:;e, California, reached na duly. Th© oraa covered i«3 so extensive that to do it justice it woi.dd be nacossery -o speari a ruacber of di=^e in comparic^S it vrith early ooaps aa-id with pUta in tha Land Office, I have spent a day and a Iwlf on ^^hat appeared to be the -nore important poittts, but have not been able to finish the job. A minor diff iciaty ia that many of thtj naiT'OP on tl:.e map are ill fAr', ibis The follow imr corrr^ents are subraitted on certain of the narr.sa: Baaia-:.« Cj t ii. I-Offio Atxsi';j:^yn:'^'' I.oix;^ lAcf-xitS ^-tck; Tof^ia ia .iiii last xe.. u6r ajpps^^r^' t.c need aiiiuv^in^: acoit'.:;:^^,:;* Liy3 jjiiinc; 3i-eak i6 ■y-:'e Arr^/y-o 4ol pie^ir^ of all early r;:ap:^ wh*:i:h T haV3 5xa;iined^ including- the n^y:z of t".-j S^'rvavor i^ensral of 'kdii :.vv)-^ dGvn at U.a^A to IGoO a;id. xro'-uolv htcr^ thou^;^! I lia^e I'l-;/. -ad t::,.e tc Icok. mt- tl-e labor ^apc. Hc^/over, I teiiere th3 old ^lame ha^ b?ec locally diacaxtied in f^vor of ^die IfeJT?^! /Jr uok.3 - T: i^ i^ the Marcor Creei: of Land Office £..lado '^rjok ?^^-"Coai"s t. b^i ':de. Arroyo dol ?:;crtc of ^ir; aari3f r;^^^pa^ but ai3 Ariiaroon staters T-hat Spir^^o is n'::'^' tbe accepted na::..e, it Bb.)Uid jrobabiy stajdo 1H.10 soutdcrn part of AulersonH- u^vp orerlav^ vii& northorn Tart cf R.FJrh Ats^oI^^h ViBX^ ^ c Qnoemi-n': rn'Ac\) I ^-ibiu ■ J t» *3»-. a rather full report tc tlie Beard ae\r3ral ^^aars a>: o T^e niBT/ and renort ai'o hor^^ith re^iur.ed. \ A-^^OOSJSJS.^^L' VA... 4^^£ nuparintandant of Dociri3nt3t T;ur lo-itter of the 5th inetant, in replj to inine of Th> i^t» ^b at hm^.^ for whit*i I am cbiif^ed. He:'^e^rU>i I ineiof^e b2.'/6 for wiiich plaaao ^aid^ me the three doc^.-'int^nts mentioned in your iettar^ naT-aly: lYaon'?' Report cj) r^re^ ol*.v%y and TopOf-rraphy of f!alifcrnia» IGoO^ 33.3^* -otjir. ist ??eG3. Serjp.t^ Iioo. 47 (Serial Ko. 655). $1.55 Derby* s I'eccnnoissance of >ulf of iJaiifomia and Hccrado Fiver, IBaE, 52riri Corig* l^-it Sesa. Senate Dcco 61 (Scrifd :Io. 61-?}. $1,35 E>it:£niatt of Ar^prcpr^ation for neliei of Indiana in Tioickae-f^araon Irrigation F"- ;ect. (\r-_ Respoctf u] ly. v>. V Vv^-v 1 345 ?ebru,s.n.' o, 1912. rXlltox- v7.3St(3m swsid, --•0? .\iY-:3loB, Cjif -rnia. In yo-r Jajiuarv^ nvi-lier, i^u^t r^caived ■Ji C:TVr %?. Oregcai Taite-taila. Ar Tig a ffii.t.-.:sr oi" fact, ia not •.he deer he ie talking abcr.it tria (lohMnn Piac^ic-tail inaoaad of the ^flTito-taii? In the imr. L^sue r >xn ?rticie antitied Uncle raxu to 3a7e jrL<, =xredited. r,o ^ ^^Biolc^dcpJ Sx^rvey P.eport' In the 3a5e of an articie which you desii of sufficient Hill ort^aiic 6 t > '■ ' ^* \' ^* It, ♦• v :» 1 n o -% « n r . A ,, « 4- J- « .^ .,..ve, IX. ..vs^jive va;:.,9^ of your r/i^azina, rcaderfl if tk^ nar,,9 cf zhe a^ruhcr wore meniioneu^ ■^orr truly yours. ^ . Iv \ tV<-A_i .*■ •»•>. .»^ /^ i ' 346 Folaraary 7, 1912, #»•*▼* Mr. W. I, Accouirtari Smil^onlan Institution. waanington, D.C. * HwtUr, Adam: Inclosed herewith is ray bill for •rpemes for the month of January 1912. amounting t» te.61, 4^ I shall be obliged if you will pay from the Harriman ICnist I\jnd. Very truly yours. ^ ^ V— i^-^s-X^ t TI^S Febraary 7^ 1912. Hon. CSiBJ^las I). Welcctt #2 Hon. Charles D. Wolcott, ^.. x. Secretary^ Smitnsoniari XriBtiiutiont Washinf^^on, D.O^ Daex Dr. Wolcott: Toanks for yovir lotter of the 5th instant, inclosing coinraanications frcm Janes B. Monsan, formerly a clerk in rny office* Mr. Morman is not quite accurate in his statei^ient of facts. Tliere never was a contract between us, or anything of the sort. Mr. Morrii€m cane to me a little more than a year ago to solicit wjployiaeni. He said the kind of work I was doing was much to his taste and he would like to resign frcm the Office of Experiment Stations of tlie Dejartrrant of Agriculture, v/'iere he was then eriqployed, if he could seciare a position v/ith me. I aaked what salary he was fretting. He replied $1600 a year. I told him tliat this was more than I had expected to pay and tliat I would take tlie matter under consideration. He then said that he would come for less than $1500. I d5scTissed the matter with Dr. Allen, A^Bietant Chief of the Office of Brperiment StationB, and it was arran^;ed that Mr. Morman, after completiiTg a piece of work upon which he was then engaged, should resigTi aiii come to me* The next time Mr. Morman called, I told him of this arrange non 4 U n a^nd said tiiat as I did not wish to reduze -lia citf^>r«nsation, I would pay hLn at The rate of $1600 a year, the sa^ne m he was then receiyii^-,, Tliere was no agr^enunt other than this, and ncthlx: Baid an to tinia limits On. ret^TnirK from Calif omia on dirist-iias Day last, after an al>Bence of abort six -.^onths, I fcuiid on ni? desk a letter frm }t\ Momian stating; tliat he would ba absent diurin^^ the following weak in order to attend naetir^s of the American Association and affiliated societies, in some of which he was inter a^ted. This surprised me ver^ nnach and I sent Tnord to hiai that I wished to 8ee htfi iHiiiiediately, as I had an accumulation of work needir^ prompt attantioru At first I was unable to connect with liim, Init in a day or tvo h© called at ray house in the gvenirv;, and I toll him very plainly of my oisaaaiaent that he should 360 fit to absent himself for the week foliowir;^; my return whan he nuat of course know that he would be OTz-ently needed. He irade no rejly othar than to express hin in^:.r)ntion of attaidirv;^ certain raadtin,-^. I told hitn that we could arrfui.^e f'-e tine so that he coi;ld work E.t ;r/ office part of tlie day and at the seua© tine he free to attend the meeting;?! in which he was particularly interested. He ca-ae the nenct raomirg; arid ra;,. eicuned for th*? afternoon. I told him that I wanted hira the following morni.x: arid tiiat ha could be excuaod a^^ain $t^£ Hon. Charles D. Volcott #3 in the afternoon. He aGreed to oooie. l)xit did not come a«i did not aeain appear during the weok - in fact not uitil Jaaiary 2. Ueanvrhile, I learned from tiie Department of A(sricultur» that he had from time to time tcritten unfriendly letters about the Office cf Experiment Stations, seme arajonymous, some signed, addressed to persons in ««> Office of Experiment Stations, to one or more inemhars of Congress, and to one or two merobers of the OaDinet. Seme of these letters were shotra me. Some of them I found were 'bitten on my paper and on one of ray typo'^iter raadiines having certain defective type, hy means of which they were easily identified. Therefore, on January 2, the day on which Mr. Moniaii returned to woj'k» I bold him tliat he liad done two thi!:ige which raaie it li^ossilile for n» to continue hira in my enrploy- raent: (1) that he had absented himself for several days when he knew his services were "badly needed and wiien he had, in fact, a^?:*eed to ccaae; (2) that he had used my office and office eq.uipnent in attacking his former employers in the Office of Experiment Stations. This ha at first denied, but later admitted. If at any time you desire additional infonnation xinder this tiead, you can obtain it from Dr. A. C. True, Chief of Office of Expeririant Stations, Dr. Allen, Assistant Chief, or Dr. lillet M. Hays, Assistant Secretary 350 Hon. ClmrleB D. Wolcott #4 of Agriculture. Inasmuch as Mr. Monaeji was discliarged for cause, it seems preposterous tliat he should claim payment of additional salary. In fact, it seems to me that we have 1>e©n most generous with him, as he was paid his December salary in full and was also allowad two daj^s in January, althou^ he worked only one, l.he first beings a legal holiday. T\xQ letters ircm Mr. Moraan which you inclosed are herewith returned. Very truly yours. ^ ^ -Vwj-j>3^ \ ,^cj" rss 352 ]lc. Leor»c-d S. yeniiK^^, D^::ir B • . a Jebma.'Tr v i 191?:» .»■>-*-» « 3rd iuHuari'., ;v>ex-^-^ citing ?-- fi'tild :::-c:":.xCn od i ^ .. '-3 \^. V ^, ^ Ou-^cur life :-;bIU^-iri/: Co^^H-'r, t -. * ♦ • 1'^-Aj- ^t-'t* ■'•UU ■?'..*. t:-*: (Xitdcor Lite fcr -he v-f- jc],-, j ti^,,. ;^,^ ,,^ you will In::«Uy -•:?-:,: rsc-sipt in cru=^i^ i^^^vt I jja^ ^.iC (.• w ^ li ■; 'v» lis o rxry-T' <-\,-,4- ,\ .•» ;:v'^»^ u;^-/. .. -♦ y b fx,; -— V ■, ^..C «<"■•«.. i'"-w.>.-\.>,Aj^C. J^>-<^^»- .'- \ J 353 7ehr«ary 9, 1912. i i I / ttr. Andr«r Barg, Kenai, Alaska. Dmt Sir: Have yoa any Bear skulls on hand? I am dtslroae of obtaining a number of Bear skulls frcra tht Konai Peninsula and the region about Cook Inlet and Prince YUliazc Sound, for eucih skulls, labeled f or eex and locality, I should be glad to pay $1 each fo; Black Beora, and from ^ to $6 eadi for Brown and QtizzXj Bears, according to sex, age, size, aid quality. Please let a» kno» if you can supply ar^ skulls. All packages should be addressed: U.S. Biological Surrey, Department of Agriculture, Washington Ihat other kincUof skulls besides Bears can yoo obtain? Eespectfully, 354 "^ o o« /5i I CO e* s CD c*- I CD O M> CO Mt p. Si •d as 3 M 81 g • • 2J f s r ^ O O Itt CD CD O £3* CD ^ ^ O g CD ^ B s n o B M* ^ (M CD f CD CD a. CD in' a IS ca •• n _,CD M H'3 3 ii. .4 m 05 «-^4 ^ 1 s »- 3 0) OB & ;? o OB !^ a^ a* Kit O m m m ^ Mt H* (D (D »"' GDI f ^-» O CD o ^ ^V -'♦ O • • o •>o t\5 <» • i • CO o ri CO o O CQ ♦-Ml •*l ^ CO fi^ a> ^ ^ « Pi p-> '»»H CQ rc: '►>> d ^ >« o 1 •j; -^ vi a> o t1C w o to r- ♦^> 3 -t^ a> 1 K. 4 3$ O *a 0 » a? tfi ••-^ •r-i (M o yi CD M SEl »••• M' ►«' 0) o M. o CD f-*- Ml *~^ c*- rr tt» o CD O P> CD a» m CC C*" C-- CD 09 i I ^ o a t-** c> fj, ^ H3 o P ►-ij ^-« i1 (» o> o ^ CD « c*- P- ^ UB fj*- \^ $B CD O c*- CD CD i Q ^,^ ^ o CD p. y» C) o CD P' o *-r^ o B o O at 5- CD P* CD SB P 357 f i i i ^9 C* li 4 I t i m • I ^ ? fir I I r i g 8 ! IS S 8 ci- »-* n O H- 2§ ?f 8 fi" I B M o s ►^ •< r ^ n Pb c^ § 3 ^ a i & 5 ^ 8 00 ? s e^ S* ? tJ 8* r I- ^ t a CO •• • 8- e cf I g^ 3 o P* K I s a &* B ? I 4 9 M 0 13* C^ 8 ri 6 W B 3 ^3 I II ^ a r g I ^ ?i. a i 8 * I R S- o a s « »-»• 3 I M» •i ' »l 'k d! > 1 358 9* • & s s^ t; w B *** 0 M ? I ? & I ? a r g & rl 9 I I B- r« s^ h- g: g. « S SI 9 a M • S J5 ;!• ^ O ft tr i^* c«- p. P M> 4 4 s I ^ r 9 0 M M* p* C«- g' & g- ^ §*^ s *< g • O a B* I ^ r CO CD •»J 09 IT s m ^ ^ Mte C+- M. *-| r S" 3 f 2 ^ B. (n pf* i-rf r o* ^ § •^ ^ fill a o o ^ or p. »i:5 s K^ Nrf g? fi •* B^ 8- M* O t->* I II e- ? n 9» h::! g P £ i^ 5 P 8 t S* g* 9 O sr II ^ & 8- I » s 3 S eas /*■"** ,:'^% ^i~ W \*^ ^.v- I Febriiary 13, 1912. Chairman. Camnlttee on Foreisn Af fairs. House of Reprssenbatives, Wasnington, D.C* Dear Sir: Replying to yoiir letter of the 12tli instant, 1 would state that I have twice visited the RrlMlof Islands in Berii« Sea, first In 1891 as one of the ccnittissi oners represent ii« the United States In the fitr-seal controversy; second in 1899 as a member of the Harriman Alaska fapedition. The decrease In the number of fur-seals on the rookeries at the time of the second visit was appalling — the result of continued pelagic sealix]g« In 1891 I visited every rookery on both islands (St* Paul and St. George) for the purpose of loaming as much as possible of the condition ani habits of the fur«» seals. Ihe more itoportant results of this investigation were published by ?rofessor Mendenhall and myself in 1892 in the report of the first Beriiig Sea Comnission. Yfth respect to the recently sug£;ested prohibition of the killiqg of non-breedii^ males (known as ^holluschickie^), three important facts should be borne in mind: (1) That the numbers of male and female seals at birth are approximately equal; Hon. fb.Sulzer #2 (2) That the fiy-seal is pclygaTious, the breading seals arrancing themselves in what are called •harerns\ each male or bull haviiTg from 15 or 20 up to 50 or more f amies; (3) That outside of the breeding rookeries the bachelor seals Chollusdiickie*), comprisir^ those up to the age of five or six years, haul out and herd by themselves, apart frcai the breeding seals. The badielor seals Tfhen they attain the age of six or soven years fight the ol-ier bulls for pooitionB on the breodirg rookeries, but minp; to the polygamouB nature of the animals, it 1b obvious that only a smaXl proportion of them can ever secure positior^ on the breed lr£ grounds. There is, therefore, as everybody knoi^s, an lamenae disproportion of male seals, whidi not only are of no use whatever In the perpetuation and grorth of the herd, but nhich by reason of the large quantity of food they consime nnst^be an actual detriment —making it more diffiaat for the nursing mothers to secure the food necessary to produce milk for their young. Lmsnudi as this great excess of bachelor seals Is of no use to the breeding herd, and, in fact, is a positive detriment to It, i^iat Is the objection to killing annually a large percentage of than, alwavs 1a«v5«o. ™«>.^ fx,„v. r&£ i Hon. Wm. Siilzar i^ enough^ of coiirset to replace frcm year to year the older bulls on the breeding grounds? The sale of skins of sudi seals should in a f eir years afford ravenae sufficient to maintain the govemnent service at the islands* If the namber of bachelor seals killed eadi year did not exceed 75 or 80^ of the number present on the hollusidiickie haulir^ grounds, I firmly believe , not only that there would be no deterioratioB of the breeding herd, but that the virility and growth of the herd would be improved. Reap act fully t February 14, 1512^ Mr, Elton Glark, Framing} la:^ MasB* Dear Sir: Giiarlea Sheldon of llm York writas me tliat ynu are plaiinia-^ a livj! tiii^^ trip to Alacika aid desire HaBBelborg*8 a^ldrass* Tt is sr^iplj^ A. HaBC8ibor{;^ Juneau, Alaska* Should ycu Bucceecl in obtainirjg some bears, I snould be graatly i_ideb':ed if you wadd alloiR' iie to ezariiine the rpecrnens, ?ery truly yourt!. £88 364 •Febraary 14, 1912 Pebrjair 14, 1912. Dr. Cliai-lo!5 JU. Walcott, (riair-^axit Local Comnituaa, . Nat-^onal AcaderiP/ of Sciences ^ Washington^ D.n. In ccanpilar^ca ^ith your requsst « .-, -k-j.1 • -^'-tin-^. "i sia'n be -"lad to Cw'OTierate with Dr. Laii in arim-^iing for the ar.)x.al siibscript-ion limi^r cf f.ho Kational AcMo^Y. -'-^ ^^-^^--^^ ^'^ "^ ^^^'^ en Wedixes-iay evBvur^. April 27. I BheJl consult ■with Dr. Ball at once. Tarv bralv TcriTB, ^^V- 3^" ^'-^^' /■xjs^,!. — J!-.,., Mr* Coart M Bcis, District Pcraster, San Fraiicisco. f^-. - i;aar Mr* Du Bois: Maiiy thaiika i.:r vc;x ccnrtas^ in 3endiiT£^ me a f^ciy cf Mr. Bi'c:isor:»3 la^rter cf Feomar}' 2, concaniinc; ti"ie nanos of mountains between Cfuyasa Valley ai.d Sa^rta Ynez Ytaicj. T^ds i'lfoituation is nich to the point and I ani ver;^ ^lad to havs Itc* T!'ia tastinaony of t> e raix_;-3r at Ozena, unless embodied ir Mr. Bronson's lottar, would be of mtarest in this connection. Varv trjV^ vovrs* « .>--*' ■ ■ - ■• '» ^ K- N-- » 3 as February 14 , 1912 Ic Pe Richard&cn, Esq, Staiida>-d Oil Corucany, BacranientOt Caliicriiia* # Dear Sir? .4. »^ . ' t. ■^ i"* '%\ ^ 1 /, 1 ^- ■ "l '> Tolu- ].?t'-,.3r of Febr.iai::^ r raachsd v.o a dav or tv-c i'i;o, olon; .vitli tlvi tiire-3 agads cf ducks and g68B9* These I ajn reti:Ti:iio "^i^ regiBuered racul her0;^ith* Trie big head is tnafc of tlxe HonJcar or Canada (fOOBe, ufs you thou^^.t. The iieu^a ci tlie apociee is Bi-aiita oaiiadenais. The middla size head is tiiat of tiie Sraj Goos:e, of tan called mil tiO-f rented Goosa (AA^ar albifrong ^aftibelf )o Tlia duck's head is net a Taal "btit the Riiig-neck jD^-k (AHh-m collarJR), All of thid uiateriai ouglit to ^o to '^\io saaie place; hence I .aGBLiine that Dr, Kroober will be glad t;C secura all of the cuidiT.ional niaterial you have or may obtain from the ca\^6)t^c Verv tnuv yours « I Jravarei.-- c G;Uir:'..nv:a. B-^rkrilgy, Caiifornia. A felloT/ by ^;if -*-is of I. p. mcAiordi^m, cf f 'e Standard Oil Co=.iru.y at Sacra^iento. liae /.;ot. hold cf £, let of iBt3r:>3b^- ;^^aterial from a guano cava naar t.:ie 3inli of t.L3 Raahcldt. Buried 16 fest under tJ:e guaiio vr3.:'s "India,:) liodJeti*. utensjlc, fra|^>entB of baskate, siid various ot^^er hrjck, iziclv.din;:; sc-uia liaads ar.d necks of >)irds stiiffad vfith tuJos. Richardaon Ims just eant, me heada of three ^eess aiid dncks, nproly the Canada, aoose (Brant a canadaasi?) , Gray (Jooee (Ancer al oif rons /^-ib-^lf)^ aaui Rin^i-neck I>:ck (Avthm colls.rin'). I ai.. r9t,.'rraa.-; those • tc Richardson witli tixe su-^^^^estioK that Kroshsr, -rLo 1ms already purc-iassd the other pater ial, will xrobablv l-e e;lad to have this ali3c. ti ; i s • I thoiyit you mrjiL he interested to k:i.Tr about WitJi l,?3t wii5Ufci8 a^u Kind ra,:ard3 to all cf ixy fraa o-r fa-ily. 1- I'ory trjly ^'i' 1 , ,v "'"^r u V3S 36? k. Has sqI bore; #2 Februanr 14, 1912. Mr. A. Hasselborg. Jtmeau, Alasica. Dear Sir: Your last letter and the report on jovx season's work, rhich yon were kird enow^^ to .end me, reached me sane time ago, and would have been acknowledged earlier except that T was sick in bed for several weeks and since then have been exceadiaTJLy busy. You certainly worked hard and succeeded in gettin^^ a pood deal of intersstinr material, even if you were not ahle to kill an adult male Big Bear. Tae skulls yot.T sent have now been cleaned and I axa just beRinnirr to work on them. Tlie skins are beinr;: tanned and will be back directly. I think this material will prove sufficient to enable me to determine the status of the Big Bears of the Coast Region south of Lynn Canal. Your notes are of great interest and I am very rlad to have them. I shall publish extracts from them in my bear book You mention, incidentally, that a man naiiied McDonald was killed by a bear in 1895. If yot> could p:ive me any details of this, I should be obi iced. You mention seeir^, a dead deer floating in (Jross Sound on Auj:?ist 17. which you believe to have been drowned in the tide rips. I asstme that this deer must have come frcm OhicWcof Island, as I do not suppose feere are or ev.r were any deer north of fross Somd. If Jon ever have an opportunity to purchase skulls of Big Bears fraa anywhere in southeastern Alaska I ^ish yon would do so and sand me the bills. For skulls of Big Bears we generally pay from $2 to $6 each, according to sex. age. and condition. Of course. I want no bears unless you are certain of the locality where they were killed. Ven' truly yours. vL ^ xv^ V VO..>-)vj^^^,_^ CSS Febmary 14, 191 Mr dear CcsnQau: Your sood lettar written the day after C3iri8taas arrived several days arp and gave me mdi pleasure. It is r.ood to hear from old friends, even at long interval s. miat you say about havinf- seen big migrations of lynx, marten, fisher, squirrels, and hares interests me much and T should he very glad indeed of any additional data you can reraemher under this heaxi. especially as to the time of year when such mif^tions occur; when ard how suddenly they end; how mny years apart, and so on. I should prize, also, any exact information you my have as to the food, time of breeding, number of youi^. and any other matters of natural history interest concerning aa many as possible of the North Shore manmals. It is nratifying, b-.it not at all stran^re, to know that your book has already reached the fourth edition. ^ Toa see people know a good thing when they see Stl I still hope that seme of these days you will give me the pleasure of welccming you either at my Washington home or my summer hone in California. With , kindest regards and best wishes. Very truly yours, T,Ir. ITap. A. Comeau. ^^ ^'^ - - Godbont, ?.Q. Clanada. ^JVc .-K^vw-^-'^-^^ 370 Fabrviar;- 14, 1912. \ V. CoTillej. BotaniBt, U.S. Dsparfeient of Arxi culture. Waahii^on, D.G. D^ar- Coviile: Gar^tain diaries T. Laods, of tlia Bi^rmeer Cordis, War Depeuikiant^ who for two yaars past has b33i: in ciiarge of the govemiviont work at San Pedro Harbor, i.^ now at Fort Bayard, Hew Mexico, 77h6re he erpects to he stationed for some th^ie. He is a};xious to do field work and would like inuch to have any botanical publications wliida you can spare relatir^ to this re£;ion. Among obhgr tbii^s, he is interested in cactuses. Yejrr tnilv yours. rvs 372 FeTDriarv 14, 1912. Pebraary 14, 191 Mr. Ciiarles ?"• Lunmis, , Los Aii^^elos, California. Dear Luiunis: Your letter of JanuaiT" 22 caiiia duly, a>id would Imve been answered before except for the fact that I liave been laid up the larger part of the time since* I Irnve written Ccvillet our head government botanist, to send Captain Leeds, at Port Bayard, such literature as he has relating to the botany of tliat part of the world. During the present year it is expected that an excellent work on the botany of New Mexico will be published by the Govemmont. This he can have, of course, as soon as it is out. With best wishes. Very truly yours. \i Dear Colonel Babcock: Your letter about your basket collection caiue duly, and I an ^ad tc knc^/ that you liave so imny des livable pieces. Your Cliilcotens rnust be particularly attractive. I shall be only too glad of an opportunity to see the collection on my ret^om to California, whicli I hope v/ill be in May. Replying to your inquiry as to what museims would be interested to purc'iase such a collection, I would mention the American Museum of Natural History, Hew York City; the Field Museum of Natural History, Cliicago; and the United States national Mase^om, Washirjgton, D.C. I have enumerated tliese in tlie order of tlie extent and value of their collections in tl:is line, as I understand them. Sxich collections as yours and mine ought to go to large public muse^Jims where the3r will be safe fran fire and properly cared for. Verj' traljr yours. ^ x:::" Wn-K, Colonel John P. Babcock, Hotel Colonial, San Francisco, Calif orriia* eTs Febniary 14, 1912. Mr* E. ¥♦ Lenders, 3809 Poplar street, Philajdelpliia, Pa. Dear Sir: Yoiir letter about your basket collection is before me. I should like imich to see your collection of Indiaa baskets, but do not think I should be able to purchase it as the price is likely to be beyond my means. I am particularly interested in baskets of the California tribes, and, if agreeable to you, should like to go over to Philadelphia to see your collection some time in March or April. Yery truly yours. *^s 375 \ February 15, 1912 • Febrian/ 15, 191?. Mr. Au{:^8t Donath^ ^ ^ ^ . Strperintendenfe of Documents^ Washii^toiit D.G. Dear Sir: Replying to yoiir poet card of the 13th instant, I am r;iad to kno^r that you can now fumlflh Serial Ifo* 620, 32nd Con?;. 1st Soss. Senate Doc* 81, for $1.35, which moxmt is hereirith inclosed^ This document, I assunie, contains the report of Lt, Derby on the Lo«rer Colorado River and Gulf, asked for in my previous letters* Respectfullyt Boar Mr. Graves : If newspaper reports are to ba relied ^1 m, arizzlv Bears were r^ore than ordinarily ccnmcn in c. i=-ain Fart.8 of Ore-on last vobx and ore said to have apr v:red in pUcea on the eaet Bide of the -larcade Bangs, i^ere the:/ >iar: not been known previously for a number of years. Neither the fiiclocrical Svairey coUeotion nor that of the EJktional Uaee^m contain enotrh material from Oregon to adnilt of dstennininr: the species with certainty. The same ajjplies to the State of Washinpton. Tliere U no part of North America frcn, wliich specimens are needed more than from Washington and Oreron. r m WTitir^. therefore, to asic if you co'jIcI ascertain frao ycror forest Buperviecrs In these two states ^het'^er it wo^Jd be possible to obtain specii/iens of Grizzly Bears froai any of their districts. We can pay good prices fcr skulls. Very truly y.,, •.,,. Mr. Hwiry S. Craves , Ohifif Forester. Forest Service. Washington, D.O, lA.^W'>;>>oek^ I I hi ; » I \ ! i J i i( i I ''1 ■(J .' :^76 February 15, 1912. Ur. Martin Solem. 29 R street, N.E. WaBhingtODt D.C* Dear Sir: Tour letter written when I was travel iig on the west coast reached me swie tiim ago« There will be no difficulty about tiie payment for your work on the California map when we have anjrthing to show for it* Bie trouble has always been that the work took very xmxch more of aj time than of yours* You wanted me not only to list the now localities to be added, but, besides inlicatii^ their general locationt to actually mark their positions* This SMoied to ba all that was needed in the first place, and we never got far enoo^ to make the corrections in mountain ranges and valleys* Both the Biological Survey and I, personally, are interested in the conpletion of this map, and W9 shall be very glad to pay for your services ff you are able to complete it* Personallyt however, I am far too pressed with work to give to it the time required by you when we were formerly at woxic on it* If you have the time and inclination to go ahead with it and push it to completion, we shall all be very glad* tt not^ probably the best course under the circumstances will be for you to return the maps with my various notes, corrections, and lists of localities, and we will pay you for the work already » dona vhi<&f as yon 8tato« amounts to $14. Ywy truly yours, CvWjvX -\- x^t 070 I 1 Febnxary 16, 1912 Professor ¥. T. Shw^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ State College of Washingbont PaUinaiit Washii^gton* Dear Sir: Thanks for your letter of the 9th instant, telliaag me about your work on the life history of the Columbilk GrouiMl Squirrel and of the photographs you have succeeded in making* I am greatly interested in both of these lines of work, and should be much pleased to be favored with copies of your photographs • So few studies have been made of the life histories of any of our mBsomals that it is refreshix^ to find that sane CQC]{)ete2it person is engii^ed in a thorough piece of work of this sort. With best wishee. Tory truly yours. \ \A. >v.' o^^ > * ?el:mar}r 16, 1911 • Dear Dr. Walcott: Your letter of the loth instant is at hand, together with iinxLosures from Mr. Tegethoff and A. Hoen k Co, concerning stones for colored plates for the Ilarriman Alaska volumes* Bie whole question, it seems to me» hir^es on whether the Smiths oniarx does or does net contenrplate reprint ii^ volumes I and II (or any other voluisee for that matter) of the Alaska books. If the sales seem to justify a reprint, the nece.^^sary stones should be held* If no reprints are conteniplated, the stones may be- liberated* The correspondence iDclosed in your latter i? her6with returned* ?ery tnxly yours , ^^NwXJ -VK^jflk / I)r. CharleB D. Walcott. Secretary', SmithBonian Institution, Washington, D,G. . 9XZ Febmary 17, 1912. Hon. WiHo Sills dr. Chairman, Coimnittae on Foreif^ Affairs , Hci^e of Ret)r8santati?9s, Washir^'On, JUG. Mv dear Sir: l/iBaiy thanks for informing me so promptly of the passage of the fur seal bill^ and for sending me a copy of tl^e Iiecord cf tho 14th instant t containing xhe proce^ir^^s of that event- f ul day* I em obliged, also for copies of your patriotic cpeeclies ^hich yon were good onou^^ to send me* Very trvlj your 6^ ^~ ^ Y'-. --'-JK.J J~ — ^ » 380 Febriary 1?« 10^2, iVir. witcar Stone, AcadeffiY of Hat^jiral Sciences, Philadelphia t Pa U*9 Dear llr* St one: fiiila ;7crkin,^; on the Bears, I liave been handicapped by the great scarcity of sknlls of QrizzlzeH from the Plains r^io/i, arfl am wonderii:^ if amoiiy; the older specimaiis in the Hiilaielj)hia Acad any there aay ariacce to be a sktill or two frotB any point east of the Rocker Monntainr^- With bant wishes. ^ ^ -i rss 300 7Qhru&rY 17, 1912, February 17. 1912. LibrArlaxit Colldgo of Agricultural h. Mechanic Arts, MasaiUa Pazic, Hsv Mexico. Dear Sir: If you have copies to spa3re , I ehall be greatly obliged if you will kindly send me a recent bulletin on the caetiuses of Hew Mexico by Profeflsor E. 0. Wootten. Reap act fxilly, ^ Dear Frofeasor Dyche: In working on the Grizzlios, 1 have bean tmable to see a single skin from the areat Plains region,where they were formerly so canmon, and I am wonderii^ if you happen to know of anyone who has either a skin or a skull frcm aiiy localities east of the Rocky Mountains. Thare is also another (Question as yet un- answered, namely, where the Rocky Mt. Grizzly of Colorado and the north gives place to or intergrades with the Scnora Grizzly (of which we have specimens from CSilfauahua and South New Mexico) It occurs to me that you may yourself have material bearing on this point. Are your collections still in the State College at Lawrence, Kansas? Very truly yours. '^v V- --'^>v — 'J V. rrofessor L, L, Dvche, Pratt, Kansas. 4 »t 8 [i I / , r I t I II i 383 February 17, 19J.2. I**^'»«*«n» New Jersey, Bear Lt» Simons: A short time ago you were kind enoii^ to send me a copy of your admirable and beautifully Illustrated paper on the Tahltan Indians, I hare read nearly the whole of It with the utmost interest, and feel that you have made a splendid eontribatlon to the knowledge of our lltUe knoim tribes. I congratulate you that the text and pUtea hare bean reproduced In such an attractire way. With best wishes, Very truly yours. *8£ 385 B 'H I February 21, 1912 Febriiarv 21, 1912 • PrMidentt National ^aorraphic Sociatyt Vaahirgton, D.O* Bsar \jftnn6tt: Your letter of tha 16tht aeking for two prints of Birlc^^icai Survey negative 137 -4>N^^- ■a of the Ilorriiaan Alaska Si])editic3a Serioi^^j reached me a day or two ago. I have nrrlttaii the Qiiaf of tlie Biological Survwy, srkix^ that ^o prints be sent to ProfeBSor Martin, a^ raqaested* Very truly yours. <:i. ^V.^vJ^^'^ l\.^- V Mr. Henrv S. Gravcac, Forester, Forest Service^ Wafihir^^on, DoOo Dear Mr. Graves 2 ISbxt; -'jHQXikQ for your io'^ter of thu 17th instant, and toy tht. trouble ycu have taken in ^srritij%; tlie Distric"^, Forester at PortlaTid of our n:j3d of Gri2;/ay Bear iikiJIs frcrti Oregon and Washington. J .^oatly appieciate your courtesy in t.iie matter. 7en.^ trabr yours. fV 38£ 387 t February 21 » 1912. Mr. H©iu7 W. Henahasr, Chief, U.S. Biological Survey, Washington, D.O. Dear Henahaor: Professor Lawrence Harbin, Ifexivej of Visconein, asks for tuo printe of ne^^tive 137 of the Harriman Alaska Sxpedition Series, the same Acmir^ the front o* Barry Gflacier. I shall be obliged if you wiU kiiidly h&xs zneae prints r^Am «nd sont to Profsosor Ifcirtino l9rj truly years. • 1 ' «^-v V; .»;>^-r" ^""" -'••- "•• -'-' ■ .""•ebraar^r 2i, 1912, !r. r-;dior Aid Jones, T: B. 20, Sprii)£fiaLd, Ohio. Baar Sir: Your l6t.o,r of the 17th instant is at harxi, It is trie that tlie flir-eeala oat a^irv fish, but thev do not by a»iy aiaans s.^oeist nainly on fish, their principU diet, so far as vre now know, bein.- squids. The stornacbs of lOi Jtrssaals killed by pel<*,.ic aealers off southeastern Alaska. 60 to BO .-niies cff ahore, ^.•^.- exmhmi by ma. Only 30 of these conUiDad tr«:e* of fi.h; 15 of tziese contained the red-rock f ieh or rock cod; two, pollock; tiro, ling; one, etickXebPCT. ani only two, sal-T-on, Many of the stomachs c;)nt.u .,< perU cf squids; one contained 319 squid beaks; n.'Cv.K^r 4iy beaJ Bcal iB oy no ~,3t.^:s tho ena-ty of food fishes that, some people ha/9 aiipnmad. T/>9r9 ar^ no Walrus in ttie nei^lfoorhood of San ?rancii?co, or, ..r. fact, s;ny7?h8re south of Beri^:^ Sea. Tlie anirral yo- have m mind as living on tiie ^al'pbcks at San Francisco is tha Sea lioi;, a very different aninjal frcM the Walras. The f iahomen of Sail Francisco ana Monterey have always ass^jmed that S-tv Lions food mainly on salmon, but tlie enwninatioo of a n-;i>^er cf stomachs ahofts that they rarely eat salmon and that bneir principal food, as in tha case of the ftir-K.Beal, coiajists of squids. Respectfully, V-^ KJ. 388 li'Q'bruary 22, 1912 ■ . E. SdBilto, Beq. 132 Baet 23d Street, Haw York City. Dear Sir: Thanks for your letter of yesterday, offering a cop3 of the 3d Tolume of Adelung's Mithridaoes for *5. This offer I gladly accept. a«d enclose herewith my check for the amount Raspectfully, ^ A 389 February St, 1912. i ¥itmer Stone, leq. Acadenoj of Hatural Sciences, Thlladel|d[iia, Pa. Bear Mr. Stone: Very many thanks for yoar txteufliTe work on the 1)otttn7 of Heir Jersey. I knev that yoQ had been doing « lot of botanical work of r«o«nt yean, but had no idea that yoa had grae into it so artensirely. Jfeithef had I before realized that the Sand Barrens covered so great an area. I congratii you on hATii^ accomplished so excellent and usefn) a piece of work. Very truly yours. 11 I \ t oes 391 February 26, 1912* Thomas Bradley. Sso, ii lfa8hir^';ton Loan & Trast Oanponyt Waahingtorit D.O.* It Dear Sir: The racoipt of the duplicate bill for /•apt of apartfeant 701 Tlie !«orthumberlan(l , for month of j^ebriary, Burprieea ma, as I aupposed the bill had bean paid by the anithaoiiiar! Trhen first rendered, as they were long ago authorized to pay rtr/ office rent bills as presented. ^e trosible, I thir)k, is duo to ^ihe addition of the telephone calls, aoountii^ to $1.05. I tea nm sanding the bill to the Smithsonian for payment and you will doubtless receive a <^ck In a day or two. In the l.;.ture, if yo« could send bill for telephone calls sepai'ately, tlie bill for renb corJd be paid prcn^jtiy on presentation to the Dlab-irsir^ Officer of the Sraithecaiian, iifr. W. T. Aiiama. Last year the telephone operator gave me a bill at the end of each month. If this ooiild U dene row, I cculd pay her cash on receipt of bill. Re^rettir^ the delay, Respectfully, V I 1 .* -r * TTbr^jorv ''-. 1912. Smi tbfl or ian Inet i tu t i en Washii^.f^n ^ J 1, J ,> Denr UTo Adans: - . H?)raFith I am inclosii^ bill of tba WaabinKtcn Loar ic Trai5t Ocimrariv, amount in^r to 151.05, for rental cf offioe ni^arteeiit. 701 in The Northumbsrlond fcr nont'r: of F^bnarro wiiih telephone calls, I suspect that this addition of the telephone calls orpla.ine. why yon did not f^-j the bill on presentation. I have today written ""■cmas Bradley, T?eai Estates Officer of the ^aoldr^f'-ivori T^oa-.-. ;• Tniut Coi'ipanyi requeiftif •/, hini to lemer ihe t.eia^-'hone bill aeparatalTf bo Viat it isay not in rAe fut.ire interfere with the pracpt payment of rent for off ica qiartars* Tory trily ycnirB^ ,.\ - "■'• ^^i ^ «* \V^-^ *k^,-. V^A.;. se£ 393 Waruaiy 26, 1912- Dear Sir: Thanka for your letter of fne 24th imtant, indoaing bill of $1 for a little book entitled Among tiie VixtBB. which book arrived by the sama neil. I «n inclosing check for the amount ($1) herewith. Chaae'a Cone Bearing Treea haa not yet o J., . 9 ■ -• o o ST c* O D P O t- ... « o o O' M i Q •X ■A ■..ly. ^ QC a-' d' '"-^ m o o o Q CD ::$ a- a> o o h( o 5C' o »-{ O P- M. o c QQ a 0) IB a. o CD »i CD •-» O CI? '. ■■■« OB c>- pi o 05 M Ob Q a H5 0) Q> g hd t3 ^Si^ O CD OBI OSi O o o r; o a • ■•<, CD Oft o M- O CO CD O J—/ o o » CD a. 5 o on 4vr ?0 fD O C? ^^ c U H CD SM.OB O ?C w>>>•->. ,X«^_S^.-"«,»s.^ r I? CD 0) •, T* 5 CD a f a 1 .« I 9 ' Oft o o f. .> »t1 •■r CD 3 i CD ;J* o tD O .3 g *-<; t — t o ':d CD CD O CD A. & o m CD O Ct> Oft 'f h-*' si CD O CD -s "•sJBw^Vv, 396 1 - -J 7 «^' • vV « Dear I'lr^ HaJ.iojK: ^ -••• clijTl'K :^'^:iO';t Itaiiinc-iiij hird^^ Mid go on. It io no ":.erGOijal ob^^rvatluis to cerLtri'b-xt&* ^. \ 397 February 29, 1912. Westtm Field, Inc. American Bank Baildijog. loB Angeles, California* Dear Sirs: In Janoary last I received a receipt frcm you for ny subscription to Western field for 1912, but as yet I have not received the February or liarch copies* I also lack August wod October of the 1911 file* Will you kinUy see that these missing copies are sent to me? Very truly yours. see February 29, 1912. 399 Dr. Charles S. Minot. ^ . ^ Boston Society oi Natural History, Boston, Mass. My dear Dr. Minot: Yovr letter of the 26th insurant reached me late last evening, alor^ with one from Dr. F* T. Lev/ia, requesting ma to represent the Boa:tcn Society of Natural History at a hearing on the Weeks Bill to be held on March 6. Unfortunately, I do not feel tliat I oug!;it to attempt the strain of a hearing before a CongresBional Cocinittee at any time in the near future. Since my return fran California I have l^een ill the greater part of the time and confined to bed a number of weeks. Prcci considerable experience with Congreseicnal committees, I knew what the strain of a hearii^, is likely to mean, and, therefore, hope ycu will pardon me for decliniiig to act as your rtprasentative. I realize that the time is very short, but should you be able to name another representative, I shall be glad to tuni over to him Dr. Lewises letter and accompaiiyir^g copy of tlie Bill. Very truly yours. Dr. Frt^aeric T. L aw I s Harviij:'d Medical Sciiocl, % dear- Sir: Your latter, along witn one frcm Dr. Minot., reached me last evening, and I have just written Dr. Minot axx-laining diy I do not fa^ equal Just now to appearir^ befcre a Gonf:;ressional coLinittea. A copy of riiy letter to Dr. Minot, explaining the ircu.^tai:-ces, is inclosed harevirita. R6jx:rettii^- my inability to nijrvQ tha sto)-] Sccibty in thia matter. /■s.'v- il "arch i, 1SI2. 400 Dr. Darld T. Day, Dov iTia T. Day, 'J. S. Geological. Survey. laeEii^tcjn, D.C* Thanks for your letter of Pebruarj- 28 recoa»«Mi«g N. B. Kiimear of Edinburgh aa a coUeci of mmBlH. Personally. I do not employ collectors, ^ I will foxwd your letter to the Biological Survey, e^ ,iu mention Mr. Kiraiear to Mr. Garrit S. Miller, Curator of Maniaals of the National Jlaseum niere would be difficulty, however, in ou^^Ioyi... a mn who is not a naturalised citizen in this country. Very truly youi-e. *.U^J \ i / 401 Mareb 1, 1912. ) ^ Vt, 8. R, Warren. Oolorado Springs, Colorado. Ify dear Ifr. Warren: Ifany thankB for your kindness in sending •udi a fine batch of nmml photograjtoi. I shall be glad to hare 30 of the... irtiidh at your rate of «2 per dozen amom^ts. I blieve. to $5. Most of theo I wish a. studie.. but sooner or Ut.r .haU doubtless wish to reproduce scoie of them. I believe the purAase price Include, ri^ of reproduction, but not th. «clusiTe right, fa one case, that of fijifiaia^ quadrlTltrtiTnil a, of July is. 1911, I would like exclusive ri^t. making $1, or $6 in all. a check for which amount is inelcMl herewith. Ihe remaining photographs are returned by sace niail. I note what you say about the dense 5x7 negatives, and shall be glad if you can supply better prints from these - of which I have selected GffWP l^rftftcf^nP. Heotc». f.n,^ 2. 3. . PtrggyDCTg BMWtuft 6. 8. 9. I am returning the prints you sent me of these and shall be glad if you can replace then with bettor prints. Very truly yours. % <*., 402 fi March 4, J912. liMhlngton, D.c! 09ar Mr* idams: ««•«. ^^^^'ith I Incloae ny office ocprase account for «i» m««*i. * - , to teS 40 T u , '^ Febraary. amounting *o 126.40 nn4 ahall ba ohli^..^ ** T— ♦v ^^ OMigod if you wai kindly W th. aam. from tho Harrlnuw Ttuat ^nd. Very truly youra. *\ -',♦ 403 4, 1912. ^t H Bs«r SooMTvltf leJdon has vritten yoa that we have timllj eonval«ie«d toff ielantly to b« a>bla to undartaka • • • ' tiM aviaoHi Jcvomaj to Oyatar B^r at your conTaniansa* Ittt X f liiA that I m obllgad to ba hara from Saturday, « • • • tha 9tfa, to Yadnaadiqr* tha 13th, iaeluaiTa. ^art froi ihla aagaewant, I iboold ba glad to go at may %im viiiflii may aait your apara mcmsnta «»if any audi yod bava Boaadaya. ■alaon and I, of oooraa, appraeiata that your tint ia aoa fiOly oooupiad, and wa ahall not faal in tha laaat aggriarad if you ara unabla to aaa ua in tha naar futura. With kindaat rvgarda and baat wiahae, Tary truly yours. Hon. Thaodora Rooaavalt, Outlook Offioa, Saar Tork City. 404 Uunh 5, 1912. 4 *■ i»''L MiCtiaBid AoiaaMjr of 8el«i»os, iMhlngbon, D.C, Bear Br. lorling} Her«rltli I am ratnmios the *- postmnri amwuiiuamapt of tlio oanul Babsoription dlamr of tfao liAiflml Aoadooigr of Soionoos to bo •trvid «i tho OoMOo Qlnb on IMnooday, Ipril 17 , 1912« aid dull bt groatly obligsd if yoa will kindly print •ai oond out tbo aotiooo m otatod in Kr. Waloott*s Itttor of Vobroary 29* Tory traly youro. '- V ^! 406 V. 1 I ^ , 1 '■) • k i t 1 .* 4 V * 3 1 I i . 4 1 «? s? I g » 01 I-- I O a S* ca .S o* a 7^ M a H ct c^ P. Q B* S* (; w s • • o% to !5 f I 30^ 407 ^iferch 8. 1912. Sir. Archibald Rogera. „ ^ y, Hy4e Itark-on-Huidaon, Hew York. 1> d^ar Kr. R06«»s A good mwy years ago you were kind &i,c,o^ to loan me for study your fine series of Srizzly Boar skulls. Jiist no» I am ei«aged In a final revision of the manusoript of ay work on Bears, itoicih I expect to place in tbe hands of the publisher durii« the coming spring. It would be of gre«fc assistanae to me in this connection if I oeold see your skulls again in order to re-examine them in ccn^jarison with a number of other skulls of Grizzlies obtained since I saw yours. I am vtnturing to ask, therefore, if you will be good enou^ to hare your Bear skulls shipped t.o me, addressed U. S. Biological Survey, Daparfenent of IgS'iculture, Washington, D.C, charges colleot. In case you are willli^ to do this, please have a pad of folded xi^wepapor placed between the jaws of each sknll, in cied»r to prevont injury to the teeth by jarring in transit. 7ery truly yours. I, I ,...,^.> .- WJljt:. .? .Kj^-"*" \ Marc h Idirin F. Ball, Esq* Buffalo t Heir York. Dear Sir: Some years ago you were kind encugli '^o Ira i i- for study the 3kiill of a Bear which you obtained at Gol V'jjji Bayt Alaska* Just now I am revisit^ iny manuscript on the American Bears with a view to the early publication of h Toluma on this subject* In this connection I am woraeinij; if you would be willing to loan me your skull ag^^in for a short time* If so, I should be greatly obliged and will return the same properly packed* Jn case you sand it, plor^n place a folded newspaper between the teeth to avoid vncri; to the teeth in transit* We find that the jarring of ^kr..U- with the enamel faces of the teeth in contact is lik^j v :? result in cradciqg the teeth* The package should lo ai- : r' U* 8. Biological Survey, Department of Agricultr.ra, D*(Jt *^ should be sent by express, charges colloc':, should be placed inside with your name and adore? i^o Very truly yours. -"H cu; ■':. 1.' ^i- • \V*-^ > \s i ^ .-'•• ^•, ■v (• r- 801^ 409 iii*Vv«, s.>_^ ..^ j^-- i.^-» Allen* s lor/T. Icofeod Dr oatar or the SlHJerD ca arrived yesterday, and I have jn&t read the main part of it* Befor? roadinr: Xt, I had s-ipposed that he had discovered r-c^i)«5! rff^ 5vid3 nee a« tc- the allege jricrltxr cf tne nam© Q?l8 ,;.>.(X>;^. cv^r Qvjrt '^juadencvip. b;..t on : -a^H:i^ ail h'^ hue i.c say I c:i Ui^ble ^0 iJid a 8in^^,e psu-t-cia of riaf?? evidence. Iii other t^vrds^ it i.r> t* : i^a-e old atory^ the c^jse standirj^^. precisely ~>i3if rlt. ?ras ^hen, HOie years a42:o, Sharhomc and I independently ' -1^10-oe in favor of caiiadenaiB^ Iz f?.ct, Allen makes ' '^:r^."1 »' '-'. > ♦ #' • :.% i-h^t T worriar tha?t h^ thcu-I'^ i> rr^rL]i ^ '• oi rcre yoi,:. wer:? h^r^? I IxKYe :;.ade Bar^^ pro^proBS ?/ith t^^ci ?Iorthari) Grlzi^llea and they d^^m tr- -<- cami-h': cv't battar t" ait 1 *iad leered* Alr^^» I have r{:airj <:i;id loi-,. i;4ic-: ;:ully ^^urta d^i^: ti le f % f'^y u\ "^ » ■• » ,• V/"-' A"** ^ /.^o-nw^^^' ciiaap, 3;n crrXjr to ^^ciu-a a f^i .uOteiB ^sior^ :,ne ^neciiDens rar; :.c..r.;;n^d en the hirri oh-e^lvene ^i^ r^::-!/. if thio e.t a r] Illation 1 ■* ,* , ' "•- i -' .• ._ Hcj,^r;:3 :;-, jr^u.'A-v, cev^Tia c^I-^Jt:.:;^ ^:hii- distinotneeB oT craiiaioliat^a^ foM> tJ.i^o :J^e rather rd:iiuhable c-^aracteru of niejylcarmg, rvhidi set iv '. : d^ 'pB.t frctiir tdl the. ,>:rio. «• in* Thoi^j iKulls of Rar:iu5* aris2.1ie8, ^hic}^ you i^ook the ii' iG ne» are of the utmost inpoi^nce and cr^me a^ tr i . -^^^ til. ^ I Fhall r'^tuni X^imn shortly m:d ttiII write * 1 r^--4Tl3. ar.7 Tl 'i«;i 1 J '''%i jjia ]^!:'i£;3*u.-:. direct. By th-j -.-av, Ti%;t u r-:? .-iii---^? Mrr., Harrinar visited ay office at ta? ''ci-Jv-rJ-.^.-J-icl reataniay, pjid I had tho lore icokgd for oppor^nrdty :: ^h^ bar Tsrhat I a;; doiag hare. I rIbo ir€nt rilh hor tlfo-^h t.-!« nm Kational Iftissarn. "fs uo to dine %:'>*■: har --.h-^'a ^v^n-iy-. orpecbu to come io tho of. rice atmin po-^ie day j-A* f-mV q- i: i£. doubly fortunate tl^at I i^oavponea the trip to !{*)?' Yorfe„ A freab batch of ekuJls from thfe Siilra iBlarda, including Kru2 of , arrivod ^-aaterday. bit I havo tr-. ^g': ?■": >• he trad: of iaiy ncr© QriJSzly skulls fron ths Pi -J ■• -- -; •. W;.-- kindesii regards to Urs 5!heL5rr ■.; - . - v -^ _*/^ . >. . '^^.''v , •• IP** r» «5 i, ■■'H^^ L ■■£, l1 "^ -^ « -^ ^-n a'-;-u il-?."J~. X ». L/ r* c> -J," • ' - J" *■ ^ ^ s.-^ \,- c, •l-H York City. k: ^-i ^'-i t.-"^ ^> ori^ rN» Cr. O 0) S C2 O r^ O it 411 >acl o Kr' 8 P^ t> IB O 3 I 13" tid ^ q» M« *-'• N O m o o 5 M« c*- c: y o ;:3»' f.^^. ^ cv t? c» i-o a> o 9 o B X» so ►Hj ^^' ^....^ o 1,^ £■■' g I-J. o <-j Or P t-* CD C3B It- O a> »•-*- ^ y fc.'^ o t^ hd i^>j. {A ch H4 ^ Q »-* «.r* Q g O r-3 ^ %»* H <5 *-•• :i I- • ; > P £2 »*A <->! r» fit * r» c g- o $;» c « cC .*-4 IS I s - ^ *. - u »-% * "« a e "< f.i . ( i 1 If CD e ^4 ^ ^ <» Ti CO (7> ^r P o ^4 it US CD ■ '-\4 '•* "^^S* sr^ ta g £ M I '*-! r-- -* ^. ^ Q^ O I g -f3 14 o €^ S 8 \3 o 5 ^ OS 05' r— ^ gA J ■•«»— €|_4 lir ' o f > m PC ^^ J- C^2 St KJ* fH H CQ-r-l « o I I o • « CO m 1 3 o IT** I %4 ►r-f > -i^ : >; art it., a..!,. jJiaualLiiaaaHiSiil j-i j'.'aiftdM&iriSatB M* V< z i s & OQ 'I cS (SI ^ (» §• ^ PU o a> ^ (^ 414 I I? •• >!•( o M> O *-*• 'V-» cafr' ^ ^ ^ ;>» in I E 4 M. ? 8. O ^1 §» E o r Vi o m }:5 tr ts* u K § 5 » 19 O s a a M* I tr g ^ Hrf «' 5^ O Q CD o o 03 8 ^v Di ^ c^ =:< ^ O w "< CD ^ U P »^ M »-^5 |.Ji © O a o o M^ •• 416 ^ o. re ^5 •■ t' ::ifc sr^ 419 m 1 I 54 B * s 33 1 III 9 1 M 1 5 X i g 2 V, s •e 1 1 3 S •r% i 1 1 1 3 a M H ^ «n d» 5 ^ 4> VI • 1^ ^ O •Ft s ^ I E •• i I 1 I S I 8 5 5 tr •-% I •a r *<4 v.? M* hrf ^ 19 5-3 R ; I i^s- Ml r ? £ r ^ s* ^ Si • Q & i i s I ca OL tS' g ^ ST •1 ^ «» Q Ci I 9 9 OB I & M I s OB g PI «)« §" 1 »^« 2 « a .g: « BE. <» B & §• I ^^ a « c«- p ST K^ c*- P- P- »-^ M» "n O 3 i e t?. g- ^ a r S M. *& & 3 *»• M & •• If a» fiasco* ?^ Ut c« 9. (FJ i ;! C^ ;:? h oi to •- ^ N ^ >«^ » * C *":• VM. < 422 jM«r* C^ g ^ H»» l-» »t:l rif • c( 2 *^ a » 9- *^ M. ^ r »^ M S* l-l (^ ^ H. t - ? £ 1 CD f C** t5 t g I ^. 5- I ^^ *t5 I 9 ti 8* • • s oo* Pd o ? f u> ^ I 0 I u Iff! !?lftlf -i ^ ^ r s" (8 M 2 sr s a 8 •^ ►< B- • S § tf a- fL Ml I 1 1 C^ (8 M» Cf* i B. i 3 J? g- w ^ ^ t** c^ ^ >- {3- I |1 ^ 2 ^ g* g ^ a ^ & <» ^ « CD {d m« M ej 8? ^ *0 CD M« {3^ !.«* P« t^ if sr § & u* i I 5: 5- B s e> sr B o OB *n I I S 1 423 rVi^*x«A. n.nitk u KA^e^A/s^ ^ ^y. ^^- \fi-? Ww # JL- -^i^ <. 0^ ^ V^^J^, jUMjs. ^^-" '^ * ^ ^uk.v.»jiJk^ i*^ .. .1* «^-Nw jU.x„».,^^ J Jim V. ;w. wijL^^ Xi^ ^%ir -*A. j-,t_ .Mr»^s^., iA-.— «~-^^_ T- H iS^ , v\^»»*a T^ 1f^^-Vv^ a ^ ,\|Ufc,3^' X 11 i March 18, 1912. Br# Thomas Sigg8 9 J^. V. 8. Coast fcOeodatic Survav, Yashlqgtont D»C« Saar Br. Siggs: Ineloaad ara some shipping tags for packages of spacimans intended for the Biological Bunrey. Tkgs for label iqg apeeimens were sent yoa a day or tvo agOt and also a copy of rtouna 19. Ton were anxious to secure a copy of Vaunt 27« I think I ha^e a duplicate which 1 will hunt up and send you. Yery truly yours , , >T r ^ < 424 --7 t s as*^ 426 March 22, 1912» Col. ¥. D. Pickott, Lexington, Kentucky, Vy dear Sir: For some years past I have been ei^aged in a study ^ t^ Worth imerican Bears, and am about to publish « work & the subject. In studying the Grizzlies I haw be<^ i^He to find only a single skull of the Plains species -tha^ a youi^ laale from Fort Itoion. The other specimens in ^jie Itetional Juseum collection, and also In the other mtimmB whose material I haye borrowed, are from the high DK^mtains and differ considerably from our single spe^^imen from Fort Union. Dr. George Bird Or^^^ell auggests that I writ» you in the hope that you ^^e^ jujcf of gome one who has a skull or two frcm ?jione pofwt on the Great Plains, jf so. I shall be •^ii.aft+.lv nMfja^rf ff rrm will 't^i^l^ ^^t*.^ me Tery tridy yours. V .^.'^■' b K \^ I March 22. 1912. ?rof . John laeoun. Geological Survey. Ottesra. Canada. Dear Professor Hacoun: In making a final revision of the Imerican Bears, preparatory to the publication of a monograi* on the subject, I am haixlicapped by the scMPClty of material frcm points on the Great Plains and also frcm the Rocky 1ft. region of British Coluirbic, •Id the Horthwest generally, this leads me tc a3> i: the collection of the Geological Survey is fortunate ^nc e^i to possess aiqr skulls of Grizzly Bears froci any part - f Canada. If so, and if auch sknlls could be loajied r-.d for a short time, I would be under very ^reat obligations. In case you send any. kindly seaxi them by express, charges collect, addressed U. 8. Biological Survey, Departaeiii of igricult-ore, Vashingbon, D.O. Tory truly yours. I VS*' I t%*^'£ K'^j'. ♦--■ V-^ A a*-.- - -Jk _. O 3£arch 23 ♦ 1912< Dear Profeetor Coe: K&ny thankd for your letter of the 22rKl inBtant taking me what Bear sktxlls you have in > . * your fluiaeuBu I ahi^l be iccceodingly glad to see all of these and vlll promise to retrom #1145 imaadiately •» say within two day^ after ito recelpte j^e others I should like to keep a little loiigert but will return them all in a few weeks at Jatest* , * . ''■''• I ara writing Dr. Eaton by this aiail. Tery truly; yours t Prof* ¥• R* Coe. . Sheffield Scientific School, Hew Haven, Connecticut. * 4 ]yr. Gaorre F« S>t-o; . g^eff i-Ia Scientific School, }fY dear 3:r: Pr'jfetidtvr Go% writa^ -.-oe tz-mt you are the proper pei^B on to MX[:i3' tc f-r ^na ioar* of Gri^k-ly Bear BKuIia In' tne fmo^^iM'^•^M^sc^,c . 1 aun so'ratxr^:, uherafore, to aek^if vou wiiLM?^ t-g.^ kiBAnees to send^me me foia- speciiiio IS mentionsd in your mairicraridiim jvst received * - ^ •> • f^-*? PnJfStjsor Cos, na-'iely, #1M5, 1145, lloO, and ilf>l. -'-'Kg- n45,whieh jou^^ave on exhibition, I will a^^ree to return within two 0 keep a little lonprero I ain sare thev TxW all be of service -i-^o rae in iir/ final revision. PleaB'^^ address the box U, ?• Biological Survey, B^Ta/t^nert of Mriciilt "ire. Wash i act on, DoC^ arxi send by express, c larges collaci, pattinft yo^or nama or that of the Ifap.euL* >r both the outside and the inside. Pleaae piece a pad of folded nerspaper between the jaT7E cf eiach of the sloills Imvin^r, a inaudible in order to prevent injury to t'le tooth from jarring. I regret to troible you tc pack these Bpecimens, hilt SiTi really in need of theDi in my work on the Grizzlies. Tery truly youxs. esi^ \ March 23, 1912, .,<. J •. * : :0': .r^':^J^U /ti;f The Torch PresB- Cedar Kap ids « iTctrav Dear Sirs: ' V 1 -%.J-'.r * '\^ • ' ih&nkB tor yeilow eet.AlOgu« 39. just received. Proin this I slaill be obligsdif you wilJL \ -v- 8 Slid me ■- v^.* • I i > i'»; '.:'*-•■• -^•■-.^.o vv^ 196 'i dlb#*8 HIack-Hill« ' ■ : o" $ »m 2051 :?-. .'Lology of British Bi^lre, 4 7oL>5.00 ' • ' ' ' Respectfully , 4^4b; A '• W' V- t ■r^'-< V . ■€ -K^ ^ -V -t i I '■Cf • *. .? «v •» i :7 * 'T e [.■ c-*' ».'^ '-t^' -^ A ' .■■JJ ,J X-.T.'j 7^1 '■ • " ^ '*'^. • * " r-,Trc •. 1 t ^ri*',. *:'*-. t.- -J =-^*'■- • • i' ' ■ f 1 f 1 . • ', ' ' :.;• ^f..^!'' i • . x." . ^ • ^v ''''- '■■J :..\c: • r ■ • ' ••.*>,<.»• ( 430 March 23, 1912. Mr. Bull Calf, Brownir>5, Mcntar-&. Dear Sir: You will think me a long time in getting the shellB for you. I ^,^ „ot ^aite Bure ^hat kind you wa. ted ani bar. given all ^ sheUa -ay so that T hai diffl..ity |„ f.^din^ any„ Hcevar. I have just 3ec.u>-9d tvro which I hoT^o are the kind you ^.a„t, and am sending th«n to you by this mail. I m glac to know that you are (rettins; on all right. I had inte^sd to visit your .eople before thi.. but have been bo busy ar.a have had to go to 30 many place* tl^t It ha. not bean possible for .a to reach western Montana. My wife Joans me in fcl.^est; regards to yot. and the ethers The were here with you. ^Qxy traiy yours. tz^ 432 March 2^» 191;^. f I f I j. I I i Libraria/it : ^^'^^" ^iiirj.'t t^e District of Colu^nbia, March ii-, It^lt. Washingboiit D*G. Boar Sir: • At the request of Mrs E. H. Harrinmn, of 1 Esx-t 69th Street, ^m York, I m sending yorr neremith a copy of a Bnall book by Jolin Muir. Respectfully, u Wajo^^ Librarian, Smithsonian Institution, Washir^ton, D.G. Dear Sir: At the request of Mrs. E. Ko rl'^rriirtv: , of 1 Bast 69th Street, New York, I am sending; ycu herarith a copy of a sraall book by John Ifeiir. Respectfully, £Z^ March 26. 1912, 434 Librarian, Library of GongresB, Waehir^gton, D.C. Bear Sir: At the req uest of Mrs p u u ,^ , „ ""• ^' n. Harrirjian of 1 J'dst 69th Straflf »— v , * street. New York, i am sendinr '^c^i horerrith a copy of a s-mn v i ^ ■^^ * ^"^^ ^ook b7 John Muir. Respoctfully, J vV *-. ^':Uv '■"■ ■'^»,»^ i i P'- March 26, 1912, Mr. Samjel Henshasir, • ' Ifisoira of Comparative Zoola-/ CofflDriage, Mass. "' * . Dear Mr. Henshaar: Many thanks for yoiir kindneaa in loaning me for study the skull of the big old Grizzly from Fort Steele. It is a remarkably large skull and just vrhat I wanted to see. I shall return it before long. The accompanying receipt is inclosed herewith. Thanking you for yoiu- courtesy in the natter, Ver:/ truly yours. as*^ 436 f March 26, 1912 March 26, 1912. Mr. H, a. Burton, Union Trast Buildir^ Waehingfcon; D.C. Dear Mr. Burton: , , . ^^'^^^ °^ *he 25th instant. inclo8i«^ Mil of $10 for services in r. . • oux^ Vices m re motion for a „„ ,,j^_ ^^^j^^^_ ^_ ^__ ^ .atLfacto^. ana , ^ ^^.^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ Tine amount herein th iri-«^i reiritn. Kindly retum receipt that I m^ me it with ny next account. Very truly yours. ^ . w.-.^ % \ n*^' \.-y ■^.\JK..,K, -^•^^jS., JJr. G. H. ToTOsend, Director, Aquarium, New York City. My dear Townsend: Some years ago you loaned me the skull If a big Bear ^ich you purchased at Sitka, and rhich, if I remember correctly, the natives told you wat killed on the main land, periiaps not far from Icy Cape. It was a very peculiar skull, different frin any I hf.ve seen before or since. I m anxioiis to 89 it again in connection with my final reviaion of tie Bears, and would be greatly obliged if you would rindly send it to me by express, charges collect. I wll return it before lor^:. Please place a pad of folded newspaper between the taeth to prevent injury by jaring. Wita best wishes, Verj'- ^rily yours. f:-- \^ 'X*^.-^-v.>V,jiKx 437 March 28. 1912, Ur. Carl Rungius, 107 Konb Streatt Brooklynt New York. yfy dear Ifr. Rungixis; How ahoot the moviiig? Is it orar yot, and if bo, when ahall you be ready to come on here for a fev days? I hare arranged to put you up at the Oosmos Cluh^ comer of H Street and Uadison Plaae« and shall he glad to see you as soon as you 4 find it conTsnient. I enjoyed seeing your paint iz^s rery mxcSi and was also very glad that you were good enou^ to join us at the Zoo* Vith best wishes t Very truly yours,. I 438 March 30. 1912 AuJBBB H»rwrf th I am anclosing vouchers for March salary of my two clerks. Miss Helen Grover and Miss Elisabeth Hyde, amounting to $110 each; and office rent bill for April, amounting to $50 and shall be obliged if you will pay same from the HazTiman Trust fund. Very truly yours. Mr W. I. idans, Smithionian Inst. \ esi' 440 April It 1912. Dr. 0. H. Townsajodt New York City. ytr dear To^iisand: your letter of Marcii 28 on the Piir-asal matter is at hand, together with inclosures yoo- Tare good enoTip^i to send. Tlie letter you wrote to Seiiators Lodge and Root I have read with great interost. It Ib a reciarkably clear aiil compact trtatetrent of the oaaa and oijght to accomplish its purpose. Bat yo^jr suggestion that the Kational Academy take action fn the aiatter cannot be carried out unless the Acartarrry be first asked for advice; in other words, the Acfiuieiry does not proffar advice to Cor^oss except by request. Thers is a tradition t:.ut a contrary cotirse was once tai-:6n, rosidti]-^ unploasaitly Tor the Academy. Persomlly, I m. trying to do what I can in a quiet way. as I wish to woid t)ublicity. Very truly yc\ir8. Xr m\ ' X jk *- .»-'.• «...«*>■ .~ • Dr. ^. H. Townsend, Acquari^im, New York City. , lly dear Townsend: ^Jkriy thanks for your proraptness in sending the Bear skull for v^iich 1 wrote a. few days e^^o. It ceirtainly is a remarkable skull aiid I a-a oi^hty {:iad to hare another chance at it before mr Bear book coea to press. I shall return it before lon:^. With nian.y thanlca. Very truly yoiurs. r r 1 ri^i^ 'M' April 1, 1912, r _j_ ". < ^ -V My dear Carlos: Tlianks for yoiu- let tar wliich ca^rre a waak age- I a)i rlfid yen foiLnd something of interest in those tooks on packiA^-;. Mrs* Merriam and I were greatly pained to laan-i of year trood i^ife's lllrxesa sr.d trjst that shs is fully recovered before tUs. DouUlesa ela will rr. ^7 snjcy nnach "battsr hei^tTt for t^ie rest of hor life, which will Ti6 7/ortli wTiilft. Yon must ^lave had a. very lonoscme and amicus tine until ycu knew she was cut cf tl;o wcods. It is rscr ram a-i.I sprir^:like lirre, but I .fenr we Bliall net La alle tr t:o tc Galifornia utitil s-i-..i3r. si:T:- it is nocessary for -m tc finish ity Bnir book bof ore loaTin:,. In this connect ic-. I rait tc .'sk a fa'/or of -c-^. X wa^-.t ver;. -rach tc ccn^are yo-.-r alc;,jl frcra Sc'r^x acrr.t- rlti- ^h8 othor Gr!2::ly skuJla frcv. C-J :"cr :ia T7hic^ I have 3at'^ored tof-eth^ar hc-re at the National IfuBav-;... is ;-;. ai^ ?rank are willing tc l^t r:i« Imve it for a' short tiLie, I shall appreciate the favor aiid will ratiim tVa speciman to "w- ir tl© r,a,e condition fn which: it reacher. ne. I^ rV-v-lu 'e .,3-+ by express. oharr;es oclfect. a;Uir-.G3?d a. 3. Biolo-ic.al Survey, D6r8jrt-,ei-t of AGrlculfe.;re, Waahincifcon, D.:. Plaaae ah ach a Lubel or \tv-^ to t-o skull b-iat ;r^ hhe locality at 17I Ich it was killed s^io. yji;r own na'ie. 442 --1 V. « *ix » uSx-L #2 ■57/ J. QjL f. U^ X, *,w . 'X Q * ^'\ 1 "W f u t' cu. a Wt .r»*»^- L "':;■! "^lOi* ,t iV-o ai;d ?:a-7 (I.a^iLaii^s ne^ tircpical 'uinx Orizal^a in '^'>3 bacIic,roiuid. Tne -rour is r. nreat sucoe^s^ alt!:c-.vh -^hs bankcprcnnd a^ a pa5i.t::ii:: does r.ot teh-^n to eq -.al your JQaa'iatli Lake, which, by t-is way, I :iad a::ot^ ;n* o-^Tortunitv tc eni-.v, •■ • - . ;..^.' • ,. (Xir ^irle 'la/e just con» "beck for tiioir siriiig Tacaticn and will be Y7it.li as abcr^it a weeii ior;:cr* Tli3^' l-^J V are ':cth. fairlv -7^>li,, «« ■" - * Bailey a id my sie^^er Java ^i^^ 'nvestsd in an a-.i'.- ic'rilc which Bailey is learr.ii^ to rm. It will do V:?-. hoth a 1:>-'. CI gocd this spri-^ aiid will take fc.iaa i.r'.o the ' «'.r..:;try - Mvvirt^ v d ev3i-i;j^3 vliere they caji watch tne hlrdf? withe t :avir^ to -lake the lo^- -vulks heretofore nece'^raai- in order !■: j^t in a^^id c-at. , WiVi ::: dast reirard^ a :(i best •^ie.vB ■•- -du and e. x'sx /::ood ^ife, vii v^ich Mrs. lierria:^ joiii:. I*r* (Tiarlos J. Hit^ell^ Saj. J-:^^^ Califor* i a» f^n SH 444 t' April 1, 1912. 'It. E. h. l.itahtiGid, 44 Wall Street '" Hew tor>: Oit •. M;. daor llr. Litchfield: - f . ■'■■ >■ ■.. >- . •-^«t r.cT/ I m y:\akiur- a f i,-al . rsYiOT of t>0 Grivziv BearH «-^ « . ^ . -, ^ , ■» ®^a-'i'-nc: ali. the ,r, Skulls I can lav in-' nnnrla -, V«<« , . -U ^. -g. «i ^a.. ,.,, ^anda v.i before t,he publication of :.:.' Bear book, which eh^rald -o tc orea- V^^^ -,.,, loaK ns for a short time anv ak-n <; «■? r, • ,, «J an.. 3^.ais of G->u?.-ll3g ^r^ilch you --^■^=1. ^^ ^^ --^ -T, rWe We a pad Of folded n«78pap9r plaoed batrean t^N«>V \ vv.v»^' T 447 April 1. 1912. Qmaber, D«nton. P»rl« tl. Prance. Dear 8 in Thanks for your Catalogue 71 just receiv, Jroa thlB catalogue I shall be obliged ff you will Btnd me ^^' ^lSS^cS^^J? '^ ^^«^ '^ »^ ^rd Clear fl6 Belawr, Sisteoa Sllablcoen 9G7 Sq^aore, Ihe Outlaw Beaver 254. 256, 256 Pfaari. Jlease address these to me at 1919 - 16ih Street, Washington, D.C. ajL«uU.\aiV ^^^oJO^^u^^ I notice that you advertise 339, Transaction iB«rlcan Ithnologlcal Society, 2 volumes, it what pri. c«i you siq^ly Tolume 2, the one containli« Gallatin's rork on Worth imerloui iidlans? ind can you supply a coHr of aale*s Mmography of the Wilkes Sipedition? Bespeotftiily, \ 8H 449 Ct, F. Horto; AiTlI 2. 1912. JITo a. ?• Morton, 71 BroadT7a3% K0W Yorko Dear Mr. llorton: Veiy iiiwiy thankn for yonr letter of yesterday inclosirig data for the Black and Olacior Boar skulls you have boe:.^. kirr enouj^i to daposit in the National collection, M. 1 Suppose I B^n aale in a3r;rnii{; •hat t.-ie ^>ull ^ Ir.baled Yrkuta were killed on the scut Haas's md^ of t'la bay, not the northwest ■\ side* '^e addit-^'onsJ Glacier Bat*:" i.vjli you 'sent ma a fow days ago is a fine nml. avci if ^:I'j back part of the skull is broken sc^ayo and t- are exc6^jdiu:::ly fdacl to add it to those previously receiv-jdc ' i:ar. hardly re-iJ:se ri-^/^t a o> iefaotion it is to iui^ '(jO ar.^ :--vi .' ^: } GLi-ciei Boar sIcuIIh alcr^with the serien cf Pls.ck Bosi'!-; ■■;ii:.^d by y'n in tlie 7aM\ta- rofjior.. So far ap I sun nitra^'c, oa;* "■■fr:'^'? e^-'Ci '■i<^ 3?^ie' ■"^■•■; ■;yr iri the same region by Ui^^ An io Al^xandor are tUe cnl jrof. :n existanci in £u^ naisevari, rsLc.rii)^: v'rif. two o>.ior fcriiis froni the sam: reg-.n. fron ti7< fe should be very ,-laJ of th& leg and foot bones .f the Glacier Beary of -jhich you speak. Tour kind offer of information concerning the habits ,-■» I 1 %:- •* -J 'le sc-callea Glacier Bear I acce-pt >r:tli avidity, as I ha/e nsxt to nothirrj, .isdc-tr thi? 'xaar., A-r/ nctes ?* arry kind on t^teg^j- ^ear^ -Tud b$ -icE^t irolcoma. T d^icald >-;avi^ written yon before but Hbvs horn nB^d up wit^^ ^I'lof^i^r attack of a ore t'u:oat. ¥>:an ara ^'^u eoirdi^- oa he.rt*? tJTC, s ji3 ^i. .-uod trne of v^ar and I ahall be mights? glad to ftea yc\i at am- ti>Tie except d-crinf?' the nieetii-\r jf !.ha Tratirr.nl AcadeE:i7, T^hich takes placfe the ^nxdil^ of Tihi?? -o^:^.h (April 15-18). Tit]'. ki);d rs'~a;:".is. '/ex*"- trMlv vo jr? oai^ 451 April 3. 1912. Mr. W. I. Adams. Accountant. SmithBoniar. InBtitution^ Washington^ D#n« Dear Sflr. Adams : Her with I incites ary- oxpenB^ accoi^nt for ?&jrch, amounting, to ^39. 00, and shall Vx obli.^ed if you will kindly pay tl'.a san© from the Harriman Fund. Ter^' tr^il^ vours. AJL'A .IX wf Xl^JLi-^* Br. 1 Assistant Ghiaf^ Biological 3urvev» it ^..v... *^.*v^^ Washin£::6on^ D.H, Dear Dr« PaLTjer; Very many thanks for yonr pr^Dniptness in sending the parTat I a-sked for. for 11 ton 71ark of Boston, to collect Bears and Deer in Alaska during the present season* 7erv braly YO'irs 0/ •■ . N. « A.' sai^ '\ 453 il •, . \m. Oc .'.wXiC/! .ta iJ~ r fy ■t 1 -ri' ■Ji Dear Mr. Clark: 'roT.-;>vif* '■•-rer^.'it.h is s • nriit allovyinp- you to collect tlir:^^^ SLtiZJx^oTxB cf jaer arid an uiiliniitad niimber of big BeaoriB for 3Ci-T:»lfic xr^rTiOses during your hunting trip in Al^«.ka. B3 «^ie loail I am sending you Bcme labels and shippim ta^^ aixi ain also serxling Hassalborg a fe^ tr/ipso T^ie Biological Survey will be very glad of a?iy Lrjaci^Tians you nay find tvm to collect, thou^i the Bears are of course tha aniaals of greatest interest* I eai^nestly trust that you will succeed in obtaining- the Admiralty Island Bears in time to enable you to go to Hinchinbrook, since there is hardly Bxrf locality more important for bif: Bears than Hinchinbrook Island* And in this connection you might remind Hasselborg that we have never yet seen the skull of an adult male big Bear frooi the cocist region of Lynn Canal or ansifhere from Lynn Canal south to and below the Stikine^ Should it be possible to obtain a skull from the mainland fran an'^ native or hunter, I should be very rdad to pay a cod price for the same* I greatly appreciate your generous of f$r of assistance, ^tnd shall enjoy the privilege of stodyJ - f^ "■ £1 \ ^rs '-' ]r- to ci-t.ain. I here that ■■■aF«Helborr, r ; fith h^f-v 'fril■:}^^■■ i to pay us a visit hare ^ '^^r collections. '"iivo rcT-ie''ibra/i*.es tc > - Q >* r-r -,- y» ♦ •» , ■<-»• *■•■ K V • »- ■\^ : Mr. Elton Clark, Cte.re of A« HaBselbor^, Juneau, Alaska* t^B^ 455 u I'll' 3 Iowa M^, Inre. 1 J - ''^' y*"^ «0 your inu««,m loiiuad no th» tkall of . n^ , . •»aii or , Orlzily Bear oollMt«rt >» »»U In the Ihckansl. Delta, j^ ^ \ !^" "':/'""" *-^ "?«™. It would be a great --r. therefor.. If ^ .^^ » «-»* '•' r'-"«* tojurr to the teeth by .i.^„ " T "" :--" V e,.,... .^„ eoitr::Lr.7 *- -^*-I 3„r„y. j,,.^ ., ^^^^^^^ J;^^^^ Very truly yourg. '"i Coll8r-*3 of Daiitiotry, 3()4 East 5th stre^, Los Angalast Calif orniagi Itear Dr^ Bebb: When in Los kap-elee in October 1907. — ^ you showed me the fine skuH of a Sriszly Bear froK the Vaaatoh Ifts. I. am jtist no» ravisiig ny Bear twok and am making a final examination of all the Grizzly sktille I can lay agr hand? on, including specLoenB loaned from moat of the mxoram of the United States. I have «>t.- harever, seen a single skull from the Wasatch, and should be greatly obliged if you would be willing to loan me yours for a short time. In case you do, plaasa pat a pati. of folded newspaper, or something of the sort, bebvroMi the molar teeth to prevent injury by jarring, and son^ by express, chare:es collect, addressed U. S. BiolOe^iopJ Survey, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. ;= Jf you do this, I shall take excellent care of tas sreco r B:id will return it promptly. Very truly yours ^ e. . \v . -v.^ .— . aai^ April 5g 1912 I Ur. Coert DoBois; District ForeBter, Stn nrancisoo. Dear Mr. BuBoid: Tour letter of Mardi 29, inclosing copy of a letter from Tincent Dsyes on ths subject of the mounbaim adjacent to Coyama Talley, reached me % day or tro ago, for which I am very imich obliged^ fhis seems to clos# trp the information we are likcdy to get from forest rargers in the general r^ion** Very truty yours^ - r^''' f *. >. 1. c .« ' ' ' ^ V ^-ii^^r^ V^ . V. vXfvJk y i^ Bears Cfctch salmon by scoqpir^ than out of the shallow streams, especialjy when paBsii^ riffles. It has been said that the Barren Ground Bear fishes in lakes. Did you secure any inf crmt i en under thD^ head? Anythii^ on the habits of this species will be of interest, as exceedingly little is known about it. Did you preserve the skull of the specimen killed, and was it a male or a female? Very truly yours. Dr. David E. Wheeler. \ \' od^ 461 April 12. 1912 :!i f- have not yet been made ready for the printer. Ho, 6 is I^rt J of the Death Valley Expedition, of which Ho. 7 is Part. 11. Riere never will be any such thing as No. 7. Part II • 0! the other three, 16 will be sent you at once* Nos. 23 ct:\d are out of print* The latter, A Biological Survey of Colorado, is much in demand and we expect a reprint fro )l\ f the ir- the same plates early in July* You may judge o sufficiency of the original issue of this number frcni ^1^^ fact that I have been able to secure only a single cor:y f-^-^ ray own use and cannot procure another until tlie reia^iu; in July! Ko. 23 is Palmer* s Index Generum MsmtTalium, ar.a Trrc printed in so small an edition that there were l9«^^ thaj: r^s.lf enough copies to be distributed to our mailing list, a>:d i c .^i'« print has boon allowed. We are hoping:, however, to cec^ira a j im- print, after a while. As the natter stands, your Berxen iach.s five na?nber8, two of which ha?e n^ji^er bean ]3ublishdd, fUit yne [If: ^ on Mt. Shasta) will ;;c to yr^a today or tarcrrc^/, loavar,-; 2:5 fjiid r-3 whicli I very ^roich r3iirot i h£^-^ ..^ .n--- » if 3^.ci:i"i>>. for -r - at present. Witb ki>id r%:i^rdt>. '^J ^T^' tn^lv ^ ../■.^.A„'^ J 462 .t I ! 'i ■■ April 12, 1912. Vr* Arederldc K. ..«-«««., 31 Nassau Strest. Hw Yoric City. }fy d»9T Ifr. TrMland: Please pardon my delagr In sandiqg joa ^ Deer photograjh^iliich goes to by this oMdl. Ihe nssarclve, as I told you, lielc to the Blologioal Sxinrey, and althcoe^ I asked 1 it imnediately aft«r yoa were here, I did not reeeiTe the print until last evening. Trusting tbtt you will be able to mdca another interettlng trip during the o eating sunn< I reantn. vith beat wishes. Very truly yours. d^ l} 464 April 13, 1912. April 13, 1912. Mr* Vernon Bailey, Blologidu. Stirvey, Washington, D^G* Dear Bailev: I shall be very much obliged if you will pleause ask for the foil our ing books at the Library of Congress for me: Bancroft* 8 Handbook Almanac for the Pacific Stated for 18«t. Edited by Urn. H. Knight, published by n. H. Bancroft & Co* San Prancisco, 1864. Borthirick, J. D. Three Years in California. Edinbuiig & London, 1857. Kneeland, Samuel Wonders of Yosemite Talley. Ziitinerm€Uin, Dr* ¥• F. Calif omien und das Scldfiebar. Wrigjit, Wm* History of the Big Bonanza (Ccxnstock Lode, Nevada), 1877. t Very truly yours. Vv, Profassor W. B. Scott, univarsity, Princeton, !Tew Jersey. Dear Professor Scott: In imking what I hope ia tlie final revision of my Bear book. 1 m re-eiamining all the Grizzly material I can get hold of trm the ^ited States and Alaska. It occurs to me that vour mmmm may have some skulls of Grizzlies. If so. and if you could loan them to me for a short tme, /3i^all ^^ very greatly obliged and will return the ss^e pro^.tlv. " c^e you send any, plaase place a pad of folded newspaper between the molar teeth to prevent injury frcm jarra^, ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^ Biological g^vey. Departoant of igricalt^ore, WashlnBton. I).:, and send ^ expres.. cl^es collect, I am hopiup to see you hare at the meeting of the National Academy next week. With best wishes, Very truly yoiu-s. --' ^>^-'V.-*^- -v/^- ^ 466 April 13, 1^12 Prcfeasor IT. K. Winc>.sll St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir; In revising nr/ forthcomii^- work on the ^eara of North America. I am hmf no- i,- „,«.„• -+ . ^ «*. -I am jxiBt now making a final e,a„u„«tao„ of all the skulls of ariz.liea whl^ i -ve bean able to bri^ together froa the various ' fT" "^^^^- ^-^ ^^^-e. althou^ the n^her 18 lame. I h^^e not b«en able to find a 8ir>^le actult sk-.ai fran the Great Plaim region. Dr. Geo. Bird Grinnell tells me that in 1674 a f OTiale Grizzlv and +»« i «, -. ^ ^^ ^^^ 1^S« cubs were killed by Indians on the head of ]?«»»-+ p-f«^« « x, « xioaa 01 rieart River. North Dakota, He uiinks you obtained these arecinam, fnr^ +i n • "i-^cunans for tlie UiiiversJty. If B=, and 70,, still ha™ either the sMn. or sia,U, a™ -ul. l« .ail„E to lo» th«, to ™ for a aaort ti.e. I Aould he ver, ^„atlv obliged. I„ ca3e you send th«. >^^y s)up by express, d^^es ooUeot. addres.ed U. S Biological Survev. Dejart^nt of V«<.alt,^e, Fashin-.o^, Very traly yours, V ^' va*^ April 13, 1912» Dear CJriiinell: ISsanks for your letter aboat the Grizzly Bears killed by Indians in 1874 on the head of Heart River. This locality, as you say, is just the one from which skulls are most needed* I have written Winchell and shall doubtless know soon whether or not they are still to be seen* Thanking you for the memorandiom , and with kindest regards to you and Mrs* Grinnellt r Very truly yours ^ 1^"%=-' ' WvjLK^ 1 Dr. (xeo. Bird Grinnell, 238 East 15th Street, New York City, ' 83^ AprU 16, .1912. >a Professor l^ton Cqp^and^ Boirdoin Collage, BrunsiriBit I&iine* Dear Sir: Please pardon mjr delay in replyiz^ to your letter asking about fifiOEL lUQCL* Ovlog to illness and emseqtuent pressure of woric, your letter wum oislaid and has only just come to li^t« By all means publish your record for Canton, Hev York 9 sinoe the nomber of published records is so small that STery additi<»ial one is worth while. The suligenus MJerosorsn^^ to which hoyi beloi^s, has been raised to full generic rank, so that the species new stands as Migmvnx hfflcL In June 1910. S« i. Preble, of the Biological Survey, published a description of a new species ibidi he named MJerosorsp^ ^^^^Ttim f^aa Tirginia (Proc* Biological Society of ¥ashii«ton. Vol. 23, ps^^es lOl-lOe. June 24, 1910). Yery truly yoiirst I 469 ' ;%!& Rowland. Esq t 1 Dear sixth JivwilUD. Hew York City. Tour letter of the 12th arrived Saturday, together with the boot of Bear bonea from Ifr. G, ?. lortoQ, for which I am obliged. Respectfully, ^. •» ^- »^ 1* i J ' \s . \ i • * t < • ^' 0\^ I 471 April 15, 1912* Henry ¥• Henshair. Eaq* Chief, Biol^ical Survevt waibii^on, I}«0« Dear Ifr. Henahasr: fldwin !• Hedderly, Editor of Fefitsm Field, whooj I pitched into a while ago for republlahii^ a large part of Rrebla*© Elk report without credit to author, wrltee concemiq^ Biological Survey publications In general: ^'• •These ropoi*t8 I have uaad quite general Iv. they are as a rulOt not only authentic, out readable /arri T am oonrinoed a great many read them in WSSTERN FIELD who either would not have access to than otaexwise, or would not take time to glance over the« in paniphlet form, • Contlii^i]:^, he adds: •Ijrill be glad at all times to receive the publi- cations of the Sturvey, and If possible, would like Ic have advance copies, for publication purposes. Any annormcanente the Survey may have to make from time to time will be given space freely in our coluans, and I mav assure yo^i that this little mMazine goes into the hands oi more real BTjortsiaen here on the Ru5iric Coast than all the others ccxnbirad. • It occurs to me tliat yea may he e'^ad iraa tir.B t time tc taJce advaata^^e of this offer. I am inclosing a letter from Dr. !• Ijir.;ri i^'ci.^ for Bulletin 36. (kfii^, to the uiTosual pressiire on the mnilii^: o in T^aQ aietributicm of ft r^^^u^^ ^ wxi^on 1 fiaire learned r^r ^^r^i r • i ^^^^ eo boiaixi copy of anv -imn',^^ .r n .^ ^o,,^ ^ , iv ^ any mjnuer of Horth Americ^m % *»w V.A, ana nave receivad nni^ ^«^ each of -s^T , ^^ *'!»WAV9a onxy one copy additional ^ ^ "^^ ^^ ^' 1^-^t two ^ditional copies of 33 and 74 and «h.ii t >svi • , » °^^ snail be '-r-wA+l-r obliged if yo-a will ifiwiT V oryatly ■^ ^^^^ "^^"^ly Have thorn sent ms aa «»r7^ "ca-bie. I siioula be r^ad to receive ^1«. <= copies or Par., re* tt^n .. „' receive also several *ar..r8 Bulletin So. 484 by Birdseve ^i «>- ether publications f.«f i. ^irosoye. am any i- ^^tt.xone tiat roay have aDTAav-oH „,-. , ,, Jine 1911. »Px^-ared since tae eai of yer;' truly yciars. su 473 April IS. 1912. Dr* George ?• Baton, Yale Muee^jmt Hew Ilavan, Ocnnociac^;ta Dear Br* Eat latter of the 14to cmie dtilj f for which I am cbligpd. I Imd alrsEuiy dsc jied that uhs fe.ml© (irizzly ca^ae from \^i^ YsllOTstonee e-s i« artraea ob^BantiaJly ?^ith other specimens iroai tlat region^ aiid Is not the Baxae as those from the Uinta Mts. m \fhich He-iirys i»*ork takuD crigiiu The best raterial known to mo for the preservation of friable bones is paraffin* Bor.63 allowed tc ataiid for Bocie time (two or three datB, I think) in melted paraffin are strengthened irimenSely aod their life curjL*t^spon4ir^:ly increased. Persoiially^ I have not used ftll strength paraffin, but ro lias been used in the museum with great success, particularly in the treatia3nt of hicimri bones by Dr* Hirdlicka. I have used a Baturn,ted solution of paraffin in gasoline and in tiurpentine, pouring in the rnelfced pa:i*eJTin until tt began to form a cloud. This ^s great stuff for old Indian baskets >Aiii other fibrous materialB land is helpful in the case of certain skulls, but is noti quite struri^s enough of the paraff:' :: in the case of very old friable bones. Vaseline for bones I do not like at all. I } ■. m 1^ Dr. Greorge F. Eaton fS. The Qrizzly akulle have coon vsrj' haipfui to me. The exiubition Bjacirien from YeTiowst-ono Rivsr I will return by expresa today or touiOrrw. Tna others I would like to keep imtii about the tenvh of May in order to show tlmi to Br. Grxprell a3id others who rill be here about that time. Trastirv-: tlmt your liaalth^ac .■i;r5aT,iy irq;rcved by your recent vacation, Yer:/ truly yours. K*^ Ai;ril 16. 1912< y* Dr. Marcufi So Farr^ Cfurator of Osteology, Princeton University^ Princeton, mw Jerse Dear Sir: Very intoiy tiiankB for your courtesy and promptness in sendiing me, for examination, the three skulls of Grizzly Bears in the Osteological Collection of Princeton University. I am very glad to see these^ particularly the adult nale frcm Yellowstone River, andshall return them before long» Inclosed herewith is reca^ipt* Vary truly yours w ^- Voo»->-^>.jx^ BYI^ 476 April 19, 1912. Dr. Wb. lord Smith, , '^ i «. m„-k Secretary, Harvard Traveleri OIud, SWillCTr Street, Bofltcn, MassachueetrtB. Dear Dr. Smith: Your letter of the 13th instant, announcli^ my election as an honorary member of the Harvajrd Travelers Cluh^ came two or three days ago during the annual meeting of the National Acadeny of Sciences* Pleaae convey to your associates of the council of the Club my appreeiation of this action. Tery truly yours^ V>j^Ov --^ 1 ft I i 1) Mr. W, Lee Chadbers, R.F.D. No. 1. Box ?3D, Los Angelas, Califoniia, Dear Mr. Charnberet c Your latter of tiie 9th instant baa jxut arrived, announcing the publication by the Cooper Club of George Villetfs book on The Birds of the Pacific Slop© of Southern California, aid soliciting ccntributione to cover cost of public^t-ion.^ I am much interested in this work, and liolose herejrith my oheck for~$lO as a amll contribution to the fund, v ;^;-.. j >= • - .■ ^r..-- .-.•> \ -.•.;»'•• *.' '■•■- '^ With best wishes , Very truly yoiirs. • f" • •> ^ r-\ ' \AX->-Vjs>^ V^t' ( April 19, 1912. Heiiry ¥• Henshew, Bsq# Chiefs Biological Survey » Washin^oiit D.O. Dear Mr. Henshaw: •BiarfcB for 701 xr latter of trie 16tii instant and for the baieh of Biological Survey publications received; they are just what I want* I should be greatly obliged if in future five copies of each number of Morth American Floanat and ol . Bucb telletixiB as relate to mannials^ niighb be laid ::• aside for me. As I work on mammals in Oalif ornia, and in several differwit plaices in Washii^ton. it is a - great convenience to have several sets of Faunas* Ihanking you for your promptness in serriing the publications, - , Very truly yours , <-4 ^x i -c^^ V - -' •' 'jmm.'f-mmM B\^ 479 April 22, 1912. Mr. a. frederiok forton, ''*"•*% Tort. •* , - Dear Mr. lortm: Tour letter of the 17th inetant caoe a day or tvo ago, and the leg boneo of the (Uaoier Bear arrived a f ev days prerloiwly, for all of «hioh I m greatly obli^d. Tour aooouBt of the raqge, food habiti, and color itaaaea of the Olaeler Bear is by far ths tisoBt conplete and interestiqg I have seaa, and I am ^eably indebted for your kindnese in letting toe have it. Ihat the Takoctak Indian told you about finding Black and Qlacier cabe io the aane litter is a elinoher, and there would aeaa to be no reason for doubting their eridenoe* Before finishing ooy manuscript I e:q)eet to go to Vev Tox4c and see the skins of iriiidi you speak at the imerioan Kxeeua and the Bronx Zoo. Wo should be only too glad to aocept on deposit the sklne you u^nticsi as having in storagis; and this leads me to oake what I fear you will consider a rather bold request^ namely* that you tiim into the Biological Surrey for the national collectioa your skin of the adult fiuftle Takntak Grizzly No« 5a Tour skin aixl skulls, particularly the old she Hoa 5« with tVa skcdl of her cubt show this to be a very distinct species sf Qritzlj^ which I have taken the liberty I \ I ^^ TA. 3. Frederick lorton #e to nsfte JJdbML H&CJLffill* Hence ywur epecinien No. 5 will beeoae the type of the epeciee. ani the unit of caacaris for all time to cone, ybr this reason it should be preserved in an absolutely fire-proof rmwaivn. I hope ycu will be aole to come on here within the nasi f «r weeks in oxider to J ook over the splendid series of Bear skulls of th« rarioiui epeclee before the borrowed ones are returned to their oimers. Vith kindest regards, Very truly yours. 081^ 481 v. April 22, 191Z. Dr* DaTid M. Ihealer^ 519 ?3raj]klin Straat^ Buf falot Hew York* Vfy dear Sir: s Jery lamy thar^Jce for yoir most juDterestirg letter about your trip to ft* totarpriee, and for your great kindneae in letting me see the roaauacript account of th? trip* Thia I find not only moat eiAartainiiiK twt alao full of natural hiatory facta of pwmanettt ralue* I am very Qlad that yen are about to publiah a full accouixt of yotir dxpedition* I wish to thank you alao for tlia clav of tbo Barren Gbround Bear irtiich you were good enou{^ to sand, and for the eeparatea of ycur Auk paper, whida arrived this momii^* ' '^ You are entirely correct in assumir.G thai skins of big Beam from the Mackenzie River poets ai, tit con» from the Rocky Itts* instead of the Barren Gfr c!iMfl. This is proved by the fact that Ruasell obtained a trua Grizzly near tho ijouth of tlia liackenzie. and the a- eci'es is kuiown to rane» over the northern Rodcy llts* Do you know whicdi of the several ^erries eaten by the Bear wae the one w^iidh colored t e intestine i^adt It is a pity that you cotad rot have caved the skin mid sbill .c * ^ but I realize tl^at tL« ,a-8at ^atiit wa« raore V^ yo,x ccvld Imndie, ' The era.and Squirrel of the Tt, ftit-erprisa ra-ion beloi|,;c t.0 the Pai-ry Mamiot ^c^ aid la ait,har typd^d SiiaXim mxxl or ite eubsjoclea kB^rdmrtj . j^, tii^ abeenoa of definite kno^rledga ae to Juat^Aer. the Wo fon.« ifltergr^to. Prabla hae aasumed the watarahed betiraen t-xa Ccter .. m» and Oreat Baar laka aa fonai,^ tha div.din^ bait. m^M*act to corraotion (uage la), ^j the ^ay. ha^e you oomvJiz^d Preblaf, woric antitlad A Biological InYaatigatiTO of the Athabasca 4lacfc6n2ie Region, Horth African Iton«. Nc. 27, _.X90e? It contain! about all thatis know on tho aat^iral' hirtcrf of thia part of tha world and is a moat Taluabla ..book. If you haya not aaen tliia', I m,y ba abla to saaxra a copy for you. Prebla found that tha balsam fir does not occar •0 far north as tt» Barren Orounda, both of tha conifers being spnu)-. The white apruce (£i2M iaBl«kuiU^ coo^oaly called nw ie the cotraonaat timber tree at the limit of foreat, while the bUdc spr.ce (£isfia mciaia) .« co.^i .^. mainly to the uu^k^tM* . ... », . ^«*^^^ ttdvant««e of yo-ir r^iaeet f c^- .. ^r aetio:^ ^ ae to Bi^ecLaane whach it would bo worti: wMX5 tc bri;v- ^ =t. in case you uaka a..)thar trij t. u« re.:ic., I w . .i.i «av t^,^. 81^ 483 i^*A Dr. Dav.d E. "Wli«olor #o I. t *♦ * * >o ,.,«l^ mli:ir Uhe Barrdu &rc«ird8 Bear are the >ao8'l/ important. ;iia t?'aJ.8 •^-■^i ^--^ i'^ the arov.nd 5?ouirrei, L««aints Mice, and Shr«rB. Bpaoimam cf yiaae a.xl.*lB oe:^ uot 'oe ^3 up ii. T^e fi^W. but Uxe , ^ J <-4. -^r«* ^T.<«ri will b9 8ui'fi«i9iw Bkina, if merely e«lted ar.d aftt^rrord dried, ^^^'■ t^= identify the epacies. They eha.ad 'oe tamed imiM cut and a little ealt 8hta« beew slipped wit little salt into tlM tail ai.-er U)« "«' by usi.^; a .ten. of dead grase t^ i^ ^^ ''^^ ^^ *^* "«• .f the Grovmd STairrel t^o C ^-^^ «^i«» °^' «*^'-» *''''^^ enablo us to iaaK:e mirs cl ^ -^ ^ luo^^^-^^o. Bkuli balongms ^o oat* •^-^ vu^^.u.u u^ ^m -^^ the saae nu^iber a^ ^ "^i*^ i««i^* ^ ^'' "^^^^'^ ' ^^'^ ^'"^'^ the directione p^li»^«^ ^y t'le Bioiosical Surrey for t^ae preparation cf ei-eciaiana, althcic^i. ^ Ju6t stated, it !• understood *«>«t yo« woxxld not be ale tc vrepare thaia accordiBf; to tiie iia^^al method. ft. Sn^^erpriee ie the type locality of one of the I8cini?«8. t}^ one deecrlbed LfidSift t^imSPSiakifi.' ▼• ^^o no Brflolmen from the type ref^icm and ebould be very &kd indeed of sereral* Should any of the trad«r0 you happen to raaat ?q aula to eacura Siacirf.erw of vie Batr^n Orci^im Beai% w© mmid bs frlad to pinr $15 to $20 eadi, accordKit ^^ a/ce ard jtiaiiiy. : 'I Ife". DsTid E. Ihesler #4 f I or eeverai such epeciueti,, T»yxded ^.hey are coiiplete for imnmrn itiruoeee. It, i. irapoiant that each aicull h^ 'vhe aa.;e niraber that U atta«ed to t.-e akin from which it c«ne. and that f.e locality tere it w;^ killed be reconied on the label. Speci^nans of kU kind can alwaji, be eent. chaiTgM collect, addressed U.S. Biological Survey, DepartLient of Agrioulture, ^.hli^on, LC. The n«ne ocf the eender ahoiOe alw^ be aarkrf <« the pack^e ^.d on the ejecin^ens inside. Do yon riA n to »t im yoiir roanjBcrljt aad tha Baer olMrf : . Tery truly yj^ire. ^s^ 485 April 22, 1912. Dear Barovith I inclose tay disok for $172 in pi^EMOfc^ of aoocnqfwyiqg bill for the dixuMT fturddied the Bfkticnal Aottdoqr of Soienoes pa the 17th imtni (43 ylatee at Baspeotfully* 7 s » .- iv't t^-^ ^ < « I ( April 22, 1912, Mr. Cari Him;i-iB. -^ 107 K«it Street, arooklyn.Hew York. Itoar Mr. Aax::iu8 j *, Ihanj T^rouiue in flMing the phot(^aihe of Alaaka Penins^^la 0^ to the very lai^ nuaber of uiecellaneoue Alauka Tietre it wae neceesery to -vmt thro^if-h in order to find thacu By this ma I Kn iendii5G the best I co-old find, includii^ lit. Pavdof and a far others of less irrportai^: Pkvolof Is t}» mat strikiiiB mountain on the peninrtla propar. Unfortunately. «» lack gocd piiotografhi. ohoiring details for the jeninsula. tho'.i^ m hare plenty fcr Ifealaska, Kadlac. aod other edjaceat lalanifl. Iben I caae to Qst at the photorrar^hs of -he Queen Oxarlotte Island Oaribou I found theen so confvsir.^- tha* I am eendane tr.e batch to Sheldon in order that he" "»y make t]£ ealection. Aa ^:laa to know that yo-or photc£;rapbs of tha bi^. Alaska Peninn la Bear came out so satiafactorilr. fery tivlv Tovrs. dS^ 487 -t AprU 22, 1912- The Honcra-jls Cliarlea Ha-el #2 da Omrlde llagol, ^taiTt Bepartiiiant Sir: Fleasa pardcai a^ delay in replyitfc to your comiinication of March 15, tranamittiiTC <5^W ^ roeoamr)dB.tiam frcm Dr. Oatld Starr Jordan concamliig the iaaMig«i»nt of the Fur-odal herd at tlie Pribolcf « lelandfl. tt seems to me that the most iirportant tliii^n to be done at the Isliiids dorii^ the present season are! 1. To detexmine as accurately as possible the nunber of Seals of each class and the nuraber of yoin^ bom* 2* The actual number of breeding harems on eadi rookery. 7i. Tie exact location of tlia liaulirc rxo^onds of the bachelor Seals, irith special reference to proximity to the breediJTg haraeas* •J InasHudx as tbe present aoason is supposed to to the startii^ point of Increase which it is hoped will centime far into the future, it seems iii|)ortant to locate and mark with as n^adb. precision as practicable the ar^is occupied by the breeding Seal, ci; aac; rcokary, so that - a extant of thass areas at their minimum my 1>9 con- '^rat^t&d wit:-: tiieir condition froB year to year in the i-'-(^'-:^rQ, This should be done, it seeas to me, by means of photoeTaphs and landaarks. In each case the outlines cculd U determined while tlie rookeries are at their mximan. aiid the boundaries marked after the Seals have gone by' means of small moramentB and chisel marks on such rocks as -ittpren to lie irs proper position. Since my first visit to the Islands in 1891, I Imve felt tl^t the drives shoidd be shortened and that a refom should be mode in the method of killing. In my judenent, the killing should be done with 22 caliber rifles instead of clubs. A rifle is niich more humane and wa^Id obviate the great excit*:e«t and terror caused by clubbing. I have mde these raca^^endat i one for many years. bt:t am not aware as to whether or not a:-^:dn,. has been done alor^ iiieee lines, although I believe t^e d-^'vBR r^ ^^ ■ * WW J o u.. ^vyg are noir a'lorter tan formerly. Dr. Jordan recaaiwnds -.he :'-tr:-.-.cticu cf rabl i'.s aa food for tlao Blue Foxas. It does not strike v.ould be practicable to introduce x:ou.A rabbits tc be of ^^e for this p,n.ose, and tl^ foxes wo :.ld certainly axterrainat th^ before they had a chance tc breed. T.a :ntr:a-:ctio. 31^ ^X \ii,*j \ 88^ The Honorable Charlaa Nagel #3 of Reindeer I have recoanended sioce Sheldon Jackaon'e first importation of these animals into Alaska, ani I am very glad to learn that the introduction has "oean actually accanplished. The Islands seam to abdjnd in suff iciont food for ReiMleer, and I see no reason why the animals shoixLd not maltiply rapidly enou^ to fomi a dependable scarce of food supply for tl» mtives and incidentally contribote materially to the support of tho foxes. Respectfully, ^^ Ci. \' -^ ^*^ 48^ April 22, 1912 Dr, George F. Eaton, rale IfaiversUy Ifaseum. Hetr Havan, Connecticut. Dear Dr. ftiton: Your latter of the 19th instant c-e Just as I was about to retur. the Yallorstone Bear skull. I have nor retained it. however, to so bade With the otl^.e. as I «. gi^a to avail n^self Of your kind pennission to iceep it until Dr. ^i^ell ani others caae here to a«« +h- n ^""^ ^° 8^9 ^^0 Bear series the first weak m May. After tliat T wm * , ,, ^ "'^^ • -f ^-i-1 return the batch taorether. Wth many thanks, Verj' truly yours. 094^ 491 Chair/nan^ ..r :- 1 Goiiiixitt^e, Hail-.:-- • ^.^:i.leiav cf Sci Hf - / Ti ^ dIH?60^ Dear Dr^ Walcott: 111 cr:;-:;iuciicf] vritii the s:..bacri|jtion dinner f cr the National Ac^uiamv ol Sciencaa on the 17th inetant, which yoti aaked me 1.0 Ic k aftert I ^ould s tate: Tie number of seats eiifcaged arid act cancelled before the hour of the dinner was 43» ii^iich at $4 per plate amounts to $172, which amount I have Dald. Thirty-Boven membars have paid $4 jach, amoionting to $143. I sun s'lort, therefc.a, $24. Of th© (neinbers actually preaant at th© dimwr all paid except R. S, Woodward. The mambers who accepted and did not subeeq uently decline ars Cleveland Abbe, W. Lingren, and Bdgar P. Smith. To tlieae should be added Dr, Alexander araiian Bell whose declination addressed to ilr. Arnold Hsfciie n.t the CoEanos Club was not received until the dinner hour. I shcwald aasu-na. Vnere£or&, tuat he Tor^ld - be willir^ to pay t]ie $4. Cannot Mr. Rirlivv; send bills fur $4 eacxi to Abbe, Bell, Lir^,ren, Saith ar^ Wood'>vai-d? 7ery ti-vxly yoiu-s. ) k April /■■ -' TiiQ HonornUa th6 Secreter? of '~:-^^ t,.-' . D.c; JV - or, Sin I iJhi.ll b.i r-reatly obliged if you can send me two co.ies eacli cf yoxi.r annr.al report for 1911, and the special reports of all the superintendents of the National parks, parU< aarly the Yellowstone and Yose.-nite Parks, Respectfully, •-\ ^£^ f" v^ o \3 fOMET 'm-ttOKS ISLAHD CARIBOO -■ I* Dear Sheldon: riiardfi-i for yc^tr litter cf yj.stirday .md accaapatwing rjanuBcrlpt ▼licli a» rived -^hie corniii?;, . Bdre«fifcli I a^i incloeing: the photopraphe I took 0' th» Queen (Riarlotte Caribou. In the case of the only " , old ijtale there are asrarml views of the antlers taken in differenfc iK>«itiQn«. This will eiable you to oake the ' selection for Rangivn. - • - - .: „ .,_ Jljr deacrlption 91 tiie animal as a whole la . indeed also. I had r.c Idea tl«t your book was ^oti^ to press sc soon. , • . ,' 'j - •V- . ^^^**^'^'^*^' ^»^iTed tell nie that the Grizzly ''' skull from MendoolK) Couny. Ilf (Mifornia, and the skull froa the Mackemle D.1U ore on the way. so that within a d^ or two if» shall >i&V9 var- imj^ortatrt srppleraentiry infonaation. I Btr.>Qtdr m„p«ct -^t the Mack entie Delta skuU TfUl prove to he ^mmiUl the W California skull the 6a..« as t},« one- fn,. Kh,^, Cair^on and Ic^loud River. - Ften you and ©rJ-neU ocna m to the Bocne tmd Crockett dinner on Be.^ 4, r vart vcu -n*^ f~ -;^ . m, 4 w»,», y^^i ...Ovr ti? i^i79 ne time enoi-^ to go over -^.he (k-izzVr snriist, /..^ .,-<,« ^ - ,, w«Aa..t.y curiae a i,,i atso seme of tlie *l**ka Brown Boar lorton is lixei,- ^. eai.e on cefore loi^;. toad or wcild it noi b^ 'jXI » .-ttt I ; I '■ i . I. 4 ^i*7 urrw ^ 'i-u'... , . i,t..% V » i. *. 1 " k ,13 nri'is t r't^f I e -JOS* e-rLVl,Te- dtarticoer. ,1 r^ B^eoUn are «r*Jl « ".e, krjcrfect de^vc-lopnent o.t nr.ti... , a ^i ^j.^^^^^, ^^ indier.:„t- * c gray rwryh^ io baffy whitish: foli* ad ^ «wi.... ^ d«ter drab, bat mithoat trt»» of •cloak- &o,aaer, ;a«k to tail, and outer side of laHgh. drab; flarfes gi^^iah indicaMon of dark horizontal b«d blow (j«^<«tliHe of white of belly); fro«t. and ootar aides of 1^ and thigha paler drab .el.in. gr«i,aally Into srayi-h ^t, oyaHklee; inner Vide, of ^ Whitish, .ith^t line of daa^k^ion; ^er side of tail d^; Bli^.ly i^er than back; taider side of taU wMtl«h ^ .' * i_ i. ^j •*"'» wi vail wnitieh, rxrr patd) - sent, but side, •f rum> poa^., .,^. ^^ *^^°^^y'-^«l«w plane of tail, faintly ::cJar t>inr, •..-c^a; .toss pad U-k rii ■^' l*i.8. i^^r arcncsi eye. aars, cliir. :.fr,at, ar^^ ankles ynti-'h: ro -rm-r.irA^. -1. r.o .^larkinrs on fsct or a:ikles. t'le ■7'.:tin>- of t.>98e parts '-.asp-'virwenfcrm. . ^ . CrV ,-♦• •- > «■ 't^^ '• »j C *j • . » I-* "% V ■; loa Ijanod on '\9 f i-,-'* ' y.^^i'cisi^ltistml fictoriaXorw----^I^'^'i^''«f?t5iFI* if the Uf ^Q^ \' 495 than i}\-2 adults: ia^rk color of \3nd rsarbin/;"- farth^ naek (t^ occiput); back aim raagp daricfr, flar-k naM sl%] ^.Ij more *«» _ Si,.' «.- .* ' ...» * *■ « ti ^1 "•(♦-' '•■-- f " 1 -m "- >i little if a^w flatter:i:¥r o!" thf brow or tcis tinas (dt els^^^xtrn). jk » #. — . G^rr/.ii^ fcr-ai^d (aB ii; t.-^ eld btill with lart:art !iOrps). In tlB ^71^ spacifiaii it (r-l^it^ a'i't.lar) naasiirss 695 rm. ir. rreatssv Lm^-th "r^ in Etral-'it .lii)a* In thQ old bull t'la left ^tOBMir^^ oi. -tfjja cga-v^ •X • J (Laft) fai.iiid Ijy Co.^u^m^dBT Bm% Tiaaftires op tlit curf# 35 in» (390 ^.i SiSSJUU •SF'^., i trirt lif;xit ecii55ar#d :¥-.-ai aei^libor'iiir-srsrlcii ladurynml imi*adly and raihar %Gaz •y • at.3pt ^jVHhdth L^twesn iiolar eorias on cutsida KK^^ 32 •■. 130 67 .Ciu 92 ;a ;. Is ^1. • • icaida 50 r.n. ^ :f siolar aerios cf tcoth, ircra (c- 'o^th) alxnit 86 r:u tliJ tl-e yoiajeer fwnala, in irhich the teel* aro crlj all^i-.tiy wora, th? sa/ae 6 t«oth meaeia^ 93 ma.] <-• ' L«r<>if;th of nandlble to Taack of ccndyla * 250 ESauje in Toungw fteaX*. about 260 -n.] Lcwsr tooth Tvm (6 teeth) on aveolie • 9^ ^ [loagth on tooth row (same 6 teeth) on croma in -^e ycur^er female, 100] . : . . . a-o i:n. - ^ V >>. C**'J V.S. «^ . «• • • ^» de^ f fe ^m # « « i 497 Kir' I J: , .«■ ' .■> / Mr. Dwton St oner, Imiversityt Iowa City, Iowa. Dear Sir: Tour letter of the 17th caitie several days ago, and the Grizzly Bear skull from the Lower Mackenzie arrived yeeterday afternoon, for which I am very greatly obliged. It is of special value to me just at this time when I hwe a large series of northern Qrizzlles for coinp&riBcn. I eayect to retun^ it inside of V.vo Tsry tr.ily yc^B, ~V * ciK Caiii';)rrda Straei, San FranciBcc, Calaforr.ia. B:^ar Fraiik: iQTy many tliaioks for your kirdnass .?:nd j.ro^rrptnass in sending *lie Grizzly Bear skull trzpj Jleinocino County • It arrived thie liorniiig mid pr cvaB l>6 tjis naua as the Orif^zly from the Klaniath aiid S.iskiyaa region, as I ha^i ouapacued, shoiyiri^ th^i - 1^ no/.^t; larn Bijee-l6H ranged frau 3aji Fraiiei^cc Bay noit^Iivsi^i to Vila a)^tr^.iiB Jirrdt of its ra.rr,o ib tb« Ft. Ki&...atL r^ri zvir:. .3^ -s I ax'i glad ^0 kiicr-^ -.io kiiied ii^^ and Br-^C'il J Btiil '"lora ^'iad if yoa CG:.ia t^^^xi uo acovn ^i^;r^ -j^ r^ •■ '^ "Tl kiiliid i%c I i^ac;^ i:. r:i^^ ih ifdii'icc:.::; •:lo-4noy^ \i J^i X"" . n v^jTjj Ik w t ,' c* .\t< V. 8G^ o ^ Mro • u B CIS6 Id cUAG My dear lfc\s* g; ^iit i^. ^. 4.JL r^it^ fC » ^ 'R n M^'Cii IS aiid"f atch of postals naiircs for your 1 etu3.r cf /c...r Kiiidiiass in Bardi. c» n OV/, ^niAVix €: varl oiia IdaJio .1^ .7ia a scan 68 e i :. 1 2S8 I a:: 1 ,-»•«» 4- 1 d ^•^■U'"]'! MA. ^ 16 ^ Kiti cards W'lich I ava taken tiie iibart r»c B r»T J K ■<* ^'-iJ >fw»' O 4-1 iia '■^"' "/*..■* Kuceejis i 4 ;)va •v'Oj . k-tl.:,, . v,y ^B.l *»?» ^% - -* W -ji*'*,. v<* ■ -*. * *p- i^a V * * -1 -y ^ . ■v.*. *•-' ^ / ^ y^ ■ I c^ -Vr^ ^vx/. 'O^, ■Is **aA£|^ mmm 1 .z' / y