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II 9 i)ii|nn|iiii 1 I *?u int 9 lilt n iiiimii 9\a JOB NO DATE > REDUCTION RATIO DOCUMENT SOURCE The Banifoft J ihnir} itii{iiii 917 I If It 9iQ III 2. a VOLUME NUMBER A pn I tV? 8 D m V>-<2_'W K\t\l :l^'i.^'^y■L - -Cxi-c- ^. ~^^ ^ X'Wi ,, r^ O IV I (J „ /f; I I LETTiiR COl ^ VlNCx I ^OOTv Containing a fine Japanese Hand Made Paper. Extra Strong Perfect Copier. Carried in stock in various bindings AND thicknesses * ^' 1!i28 p c D E F G H I J fK imJ Mil PI .• «««w-B qI R 1 1 ^.-^AcnwH 1 '■^: H u m Y :• ??. ,//^^' vt/>.A^ ii SP /^ •4. ** V A /A / J^'UUX^ tiMi^Z^l n\,X(pZ^ 3/3, ^^7, 6/g, 1^5/, GS(o,^C^, ' ' ^ZdcuMM, SuJJ. ^Z^, , \/(iOjz^^, G^-2-^ .yu.--''\jtti_^ Cc.^^^^tfsMd, aJ72- ^^^.^IS-rl. ^^M^- -^f 5( -/ / U « ' '^' '. f^^ ^V.A ■•'i« 1 ■ iP l> 4^ ■ fcMAjL^JUKmj /^ / wii^Wl, w/^S. JS^, / /i , - '^tT^ uA.^ "^ lurvr^ /^, ^JMU 4^<:Z^/ - "-^i '^'^/''^ C/ uT- '^. /. I( / /CZp-gL^/.jz^y^ cP^Lv:)^ v^^ 7^ -^^.^..n-.-^os, Su/a^, />C. 329. /fof.^/o^ / .Jf.(l3^3, SuAT^^-^icu, ■^■•uU. U. .>^>5^ "7/ ^9^. W'\i •-*€<._ C>< -?"7 /2«/^, ^nic^ na, v/^c .^>^4: ,v^>^y/2, ^ ^ 'i C ^ •rt-'uuti. Jyt, ^ I If iJf\ Af? BMBPIW*— '''**'''*"WP' '* '" ■'•***''*M»'»tei«» ^ < q .^ i^-f*.* ^c?^ ^^_,/- tei^t< QiXy^/, 3t hio. C^-trUA., F.y /JS, .9 J CSn^^, £l^ /^-^-4' J^f-M ^^lo.^A^^'^- ^./"'^'^''^ ■"t M y J U-^Zx^U^, r/?-.;^x <^ iO' C£^"-i''«y y ^ /^-:2: o.^^'v, ^/re'M-'-Tx ^.-^ X ^/ /C'/^X r^ /; ^ ^Ou^-e-^. Ay • / f«^' ■-' /,- b».''^„,-4«.,''^C' ' ^•'i (?./?^ 5^, <" ^, ^^-^li-^iric^-O , =' ^ ^ /- '^o/'O^ '^FV CX-<4<42V-' ^ /-^y. 6/1 /3./r. -^^z, t 1^^.,,-^j. ^ /A f ■^i v.--' 7e--^.J/^-J/9r^^^, "mmwrnaM y Ti^^. ii«' leXa^j^t^ct^, :;nu^-k. $ . ^f-^7^^ -T^^^-zJ^m^^TA^y.d'. p. UiOj^^ /^ ^.6t^^e^ . / ta t„.^^t?7/ /^. -^ -d-^-<^.^-^47 --:? TrCt^Mfu^ M-<- -^^/^-^ ^6-^ ''■4.JU4 ?, hX.x4jZ-*^ ^ ^/l }&x.-kv^ ^ »H '^■s^ , / • .4^-t^Zy^ /^ /(t> 7< A ftCJIEl (ill J .1 K o t^-^ae-^, V** ^^Z, 3po/ r 0*^2 .-c,^^ I Ay 34 '^/uUA.'^'3oS'.j>2^, (z^-^ ^^o,ssq, ymtmf^^ f^.l&hJ- ^5 o. .4t'. ibtr^ail ?tn. Zl3, a^r'*' Wi U%J^^ Ta. ^// ■« * A fUJIKl (ill J '1 KIM M;^i 'h- //. Ti^ sj r\yv^ % -?xaA^^ ^, v^^. 29/-Zf^,Zf.f: Qry, / ^ 1 /. i-f / i^dn- IhrvL^ r^te^^MiZ^ 7f3 vWa^. ^fotrr. i'KiA' |i WSfm / "') /^, 1/ .J m i' JdiujuUL ^ 7-i .^^/,3»ne. > a /■ p S-. r --'1 \thtJ. V *^y/ .^^.cU^/L^d.2^^7, ^'^.C'% -I (^^<^, joe. <^^^v; 4- I d D ^-^ , ttoAJruAXox 3^'3fo, ^ / c^/-/^, XVt^ /^ ^. iAaM, s^. iS-. 4jtS, ■j'll A fU J)K1 (ill J fl KIM M'NOr t-^a *=\!i E**' ,^,^ ^^ •"'laT-'ii 1^^ I AlVcDKl (illJ J in.\i M.N(nMi ':^i '^. m ■■■■MBS'-fcs-^^^ »*i - 1 ■ ■ "*. . 'i, ■. " 3^^ I - -■■■£ "^ «■« 'H'V ■ c *J ,M P,» « I-: M 0-2Xmu .r7 ,, ^ ^ /H, /^5 ^^ ;e/. /^/, Jia^A.U^f^^. ^O <^ir*.^^/ /vWaV^ ^^'^d n ^y ^z,a%z,^, diUX."^- ^^. /Ccc^i i:^ZoZ:du4yK.J . (eS^f /I ^C.& ur^.£U.cJi , Pa^ . '^. ' ,'<■' « -^i, .J \ • '^t'■ fc"^^-. E< •,* Ifl'-i l«t ^ /• l.-V'* ,. .- sj. * -/ i,A^ (-¥/, /^^ >^'/^K ^f^. ^>Vj S^lil^lffj i-v ..'Jij> '^^ s- .- / c / Sjidi', ^^^. zri 0 I K h /- vJ.T^ ICcL^i-^ ^3^ J^k^, ^^^t:^^:^ f^,27/. ^^^. S^iLu's,^ d^^, ^/^. « t * .-HA fToTcTT^s Oc-^Iyu .:S>^-^ ^ v^^7^. ^iL:^ ^X^,- / V, /^6. TLy^yn^ G¥<^, ^^tJ^~CU.hd<^4^l-i(, O C^^^»^ui>^ -j,, y^5 /^f3. u^v if-;-^- ,//,./?V, >^^, / J^^x^C 5^ /z5, ^_^ M2;Sf^ *^<^-^^^ ^^^ ^^^' ^'^ /^, /^^ TT ^^- /, 4- \^rU^^^, '^'OU*>yi 1/ £M^^- ■T*** .■.'•',■« J.^ •^ •• ^ 1 ?.»^- .t^e;*^: .%."*« '4/^ i^ H-;'- :^/*- r-'je V-J. ■vS * ,M-^? T^* iMiv, ^^f t I A 'S Km ».«^JM«.h .. ft J .^ .i . •> '1 '2'-*' L^^ //^< ^^^ ^? UhmM./'01. n^, 7S/.^f7r So^^n. <^c M Sfy huuQ, Ta^.Jl. '^7'^f/ ^ r^^, ^r; 1 / '^ /^.>^. >^X-^ 1 Ik 143, k"-''*! -/ in^<^( h^'lUi ^ ^ ^ ^^zlU}^% / / (^^ 6 '^ L^^ ^7/ CJiJ &o/. sJI^i:a)^.^(ux^ , Cj /^ -^?^ ^^.jtL^^T, /^ /j"5; / /f. / i77i t' ^1 ■■5%, ' =». jH. m if • * "*■ ■::f' :jy';W^,v>;? ^'ny^ Tr'J. ' f" ^i^'^-T-: I ■•*■■ . '.'*; "^-•'.^'^ .-M^^ AfU 1)J:1 (.HJ ^IKLM M' N 0 P QJISI .--(.■f .-,*^' .i 4 jf-v :i" * ■i. -1:'^ -? -Vt.^g^ -i%.^ ? * 4 f 'f ■ I^S^^I ■9^ i*-^^ 4l < ^ . (iIjjLi^, /^>. ^VA'-f, \h'\ cvS I I .■its? ' '^gigj- r -> il ■Pf^^F^W^'p ":•".' Alt c J) K 1 (i II J ^1 K I. M m:\ () rai^STnl ■PS ^y >! >> 'S; • yj ^k IS J ; m yn'^^i ""' "^W^ " ■^ y^ ^ / / /^/. Z/^. / > ** ■•tf V ■ ^ s ■i'-'V ^;^ •yvit 3/A3-3>^>9^ 3(!>(d, V^f, ^^^, ^>^Z ^^5: s^^y sp, /^4 *;...*, ir-^r* I M' ^•' ;^> •'S*. >' w- r.Kf s,V5;.ns •i»,V,.>', -a^ i?.'\»L „-7 lfc.5 '% fj- r^ I *w Vt'. \,JFtS.'li ^1 ^*"ia: * ST' ij ^'.14 ■ .f f^i -iJ-fJ. f^ ■U^.v N opgns Ti \ vv , i| &^;. ^'lAf >* ^ ^ . , •,' o'ffilV'i ,.»■- *^2 :ri.^:^ m>^&m^ y O- x,^ ^' ^•/U /K , A?/ H^lAA^. M. ^- ^-^^ ^-^'^-r^^ 1^. /Zj- ¥C, M M, >^ ■.>;p| 1 j^H P' "'"^^^^1 ~«al9 rav *' "i^f^ :'*' sSS^K^^^^^ -flnSfl D4L. ' ' 1 .3 ^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^l ~. fH ■H - ^*^' ^'l^^^^^l^^^l hM^ i^' - -dy^^^^^l '^^^iPH 1^^' ' '. 'm^K^^^^^^^^^^m i^^SbJB Er^''- I •' ""'V^S^T^^^^^^^H i '9 K* -■-■■ v'P. -- •■•' '^l^^.p^M r-v- - -"^ . ' ■ '•?.■. ' ' , " '» 1 * -.■>-• . - *<\ ' ".■. i .'w- . , ■■■■" . Ah? -"i^;^^•:^ •■ ' -^-^ vtV' * "■■ ■ 1 la '*>">_* r IStl J V- J -1— -,.Ai& ft &■ •i ' ,1 f ■ if. |>'f I r #. . t >. «, JL ^. C> w t. ». 4 Tr.-, .v'uciu E* IhTlieeier ^;Q Fi^a]iklin Street^ Buffalo, New York. Mv -J ear Sir: III ^ritir^^ you yeeterday I forgot to :e-ly cd your irqujry about a Dog-rib yocabularja Sc-ieral of tJ'CBe Yoca.biiLaries Imve been publishedo Til-' acceptad n^uiie of blia tribe ainorig atlmolot^ists is T;/i--e''^ iJL'/iti, ?4jicli vras firBt published, so far 11 O ^v k m c\j;^u^e, by F:u))kiiT^ in hi a Jovimal to 'Uia f:id^ a..a, r3c;.3 ^^^^t i^^- Yocabraeries of fevertd "Dc^-rib (b-l6ct3 a^^o -I van by Ricii^rd^cii irs iu*r Ven- t.\.I.' vcMSo *^V/k/' * si %■■'■■ ii ' ,- ^*- Sp'J ^.i/ . '. ^^m ,<-v^'- ^ V^X ^>^% ■^Sh ^^oV * '.■kJ ll ^='V JaI 'i^t ' '4:l^'sfl '*^ ' ,#'... Jj '^■M-^f*^ ?;v»'y ;>■ jflf- -4 u. A -w* u* o i ■? " l£r. E. R. Warron, 20 Wsst Carardllo Siireet, Colorado Sprincs» aolortd:. My dear Mr. Warren: 111: 1 X J ness ana remltiHf- u-as.^u. j cf work have delayed me in acknowledgir^ your xCr?-z l^izt^r withi accoDpaiiyirjg photographs. TharJcs fci '..he f..;d:v,-J,. printe. Bailv'jy and I havs sxa.iined your Yoi.l:r.-3^rn.'- Qro^md Squirrel photorrariia from Marrmcth Hot Z\,-\^\^^ co^^^iderabie cars biit do not feel entirely cerUi-a whether thsy ?xq MLHS^IiB or richard^orrj. Ii; -:^ ':;., t^ ha>i a reddis2i brr-nn. ea^-^., i;, vja^ Mm^'^-^ -•' " .A:'-'''-.l: -VaJ a^. rt3\ herei;^rv;G Ii- ..3^s,i ami I ..-v-^ .irv^s.r-^^d jb'hrr. \bv> n:^ r i;nj.]-';i:UK ^;:«ctiar# pubiiiat: oiu -'^---^ '«9'/ <:.^ •c^-^'^Ui^?: U'^^ larger'-' t^liaai- --i .:. ■v' '} ■I . giiiu wC i^.^t . cc^:^^ ci^^iX^ ri:aey. of loa;::.!:;-!- i:.2iialiy have cclc-rod r..i-t.ti7o ^ -^ '-' vr.'i^: i;r^i^(.. a. 7-: .'. -.rt^ -■ i. 4 r-ii 1 T- J, J- -'Mo f »■ — A 'J.' 4-. •■t.4.. V ,' --^ C-. ^ ».' ■» •• •• »- # e. t u Hi f^ 4 I- 1^ W 'i i ,1 I •{ m- %-. ■M. ■ i'- April 25. 1912, Dear Slieldcn: Yours of yesterday received* Of course you m^a loore tlieui welcome to use all the Caribou photographs you may find to your purpose. I had hoped to send you erJarged prints of these, bat the absence of o-or photographer (Kent) in Florida and my inability to find the negatives makes this impossible, so tlmt the best I could do was to s end you the small prints I had in the beginnirg. If there are any chapters in the present book which jpM^ have not read, I wish you wc^d send me the manuscript by return mail and I will run over them at once* Allent D^i^t, and Stone are here this week and W6 are holding one of those terrible A* 0* U. nomenclature. meetings* Hastily yours. i (\ ~* April 25, i912< Dr. Joiin R. Swanton, Editor, American Anthropolocist, Washington, D.C. Dear Dr. Swanton: The receipt of No. 4 of the current volime of the AjTthropoiof^.ist calls vs$ attention to the fact that tiie journal ia still sent to my old address at the Biological Survey which I left two years ago. I shall be greatly Obliged, therefore, if you will kiimly have the address dianged to 1919 - 16th Street, Washington, D.G. Very truly yours. \ • Hi- -H4- X. '■xjDk..-.,. t •* I t""^v V ■ ?-. i^st r,=elv«i. In accoxdanc, HachtriQb Ijy thiB nail, tiaouGii tlBt the ataillB are availa\)le. Very truly yo'ors v™"^ V '^-^^ ^ \j\J^ \>^ 'VvN^ - if f .'X. ^. >t' W: v.- ^»^ April 26, 1912, Professor H. F. Sachtrieb, rroieB»u* i • .. ^ Minnesota, , Universn>y^i^^^^^.g^ Hinnosota. Dear Professor Nachtriet: Some years ago when Professor WincbeU and Dr. George Bird Grir^ell were on Heart River in Kortli Dakota Professor Vindhell secured from ai. Indian a newly killed female &rizzly with two cubs. These specimens are said to be in the muse.:un of the University. Will yon he kird enough to look t:J matter up and h t me know the condition in which they are preserved? If the skulls -j.^ ^„ +>,,» TiflorB I should like exceedir^ly are not mounted m the Bears, x buuuj.^ tt) borrow them for a few days, as I arn now makinEC a final review of the Grizzly Bears prior to publication. Do you happen to know of any person or any ^eum poBsessi^ one or more slcull. of Grizzlies? The particular Grizzly of which we are most in need is the one frco the Great Plains Region. Very trily yours. ' U H I.. April Z6, 1912. Professor Morton J. Blrod, Missoula, Montana. Vbj dear Professor Blrod: Has yo\ir mmseiHi any stalls of Grizzly Bears? Before sending my work on the Bears to the press, I m making a final review of tlie Grizzlies ai:d now have on hand in the Hational Museum most of the skulls from the various American museums. I am particularly in need of skulls from the Great Hains, but any Orizzly skull would be thankfully received and promjitly returned. In case you can loan me one or more specimens, kiixily send same, chains collect, addressed JJ. S^ Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture, Washington, B.C. Bo you happen to know of any other person or museum likely to possess the skull of a Grizzlyt Very truly yours. I p kpril 27, 1912. t > Dr. li^ Babb. ^ ^ . ^ Loi Ai^«l««, California. D««r Dr. Bebb: Tary lamy th«ak» for joor latter of the 12th ioBtMxt, and for your Tauahla present of tha Baiu- ekuU. It I« ^^^ quaation that of » Black Bear, and has nothirg to do with tha QrizAj typa. At the aauw tinia. it is • vary anua»ial akull ite graet breadth baing tha reuarkabla feature. I obli*rad alao for tha addraaa of Hr. Toorhiee vod writing him by thia nail. With renevad t^xauka. Tary truly yoxira. '^.. •^ *., . •— Ai>ra 27, 1S12. ^ I Mr. A. ?. Tooriiiaa. . Uanti, Utolu Dr. Yuu Bobb. of Loe Ai^alea, vritee iM tiiat ha ie infonaed by your aon that a large Bear wma killed in yot^ vicinitiy duriiiec, the paet vintar. I ma juat nov cocoidatine a work on tha Baan of lorth ibarioa aod am anxlo^» to eea a f «r akulla from your regioiu Do you think it would ba poeaibie to obtain Uia akull of thia Be«r, and if ao, oan you tut ;.•» in cciifiimicatioii witli the man who haa it? Ter',' truly yc-xa. - «. April Zi, Ivl2. -." Hr dear Sir: Have 70>A any skulliJ of aria sly or do jm kno» any or» Hho lia.. en-cially frofl «» PlairjB reiiion or the BUdt Hlll*t ' ^ "l am preparing for Vn« y aea a work on *»rth I^rioan %omm, and in this conna«tion am ««1<^ 0 aee as u«iy .Iculla aa poaaiUa. I tf^ould be ^ad to dithar parchwe or borrow apeoiiaena. In the iaitar caee. the alculla will ^ raturned proqpUj. charGea paid both ways . of couree. .^ Hoj-iae taat you may be able to help ae in this t»-ter. Tor}' traly yoorat 11 .r* Profeaecr R, 0. Wclcotv,, Uiuvarait ■", line, Heraaka. Dear Ft-ofeeacr Wolcott: Joat now I aw trvint: -^ tiv.itih say work on the Baara in order to plaee the manuocrlpt in Uie handa of the publiabef before I c^ weat for tlie aumoar. UuforUmateiy, akulla of Qrisidiea are very acarue, partiouiai'ly tboae of the Plaina region, and I am r^aat anxioia tc aee aa aany aa poaaibla. Has yosir :3uaeiu any inaterial of this kijicff If BC, Mid yuu will >.indly loan it ^i■ oie. I will i'el im the bsuja pratapUy, praya:^:- diar^^s both Tfayn., of covu-ee. If yonx ause v.: n :^ not voaaeas aiiy ikulls, co'-ild yCTJ tell tae ol ary one who Ims one or \> • Tary :>ruly ymafl^ « » ii t 4 i^rU 2V, 1312, r IprU 27. 1912 20 W««t OantaiUo Street, -,^_j. ColoriNdc Spring*. Colorado, Deiur Ur. barren! It lu» jQ«t ©coarrad to o* that you may be able to iialp lae in By seMrcb for 0r4*«ly uat^rial. 1 mnnm trying to conqplatd a^ work on thi Beam , fixl at the preeent moment h»T« on ny tables in Uid National Itisetw aaYeral hundred tkalle. Still it liae been lanjoaBible to eeou© aaytiiiog like a serlea from aiiy region aid in ovdy a tm caee. .hiure w -alee aod f aaalee frora the locality. I m particularly •hy of akulla of the ftriaaly f roo ary p«^ of the ftreat c. Plai.ima«l ahould be »ery glad of aa opportanity either to xurcluiae or barrow aa msnj akalla aa poaaibla* iSculU loaaed m f or.thia pur^oae will be returned pra^pUy - trithtn t»o or tlirae weeks. X naTe gathered here. practically all tbe bScuIIb in American laiaeaaa ao far aa I havs Vjon able to learn cf their, exiatenoe. It oe«ra to me that poeaibly one of tne Colorado iMaeiwa lai^t hawe a skull or two, a«d that if ao. you would be likely to tell nie whaa I ahovad adilreae in Vie hope of borroting the aose* 7ex7 trvi^ yOivrs, ^ Or. J« 0« Ifajf^rlaa^ ttuv0r«itv of Call fa *a, Bt24c@i#v, Oalifor *t^ " - Hour tmnj Qrizzij Bei^r €^illa kH^is ya^: l^en able yo round 4i|, tor yoir eollactionf Ja»t .:c^ *.- »»• all w^ tabla rogei in iJtm Hnticfml ]t.s#«r^ ^$ occ>i]:ii>d bj ^ifsly skullSt and still I ha^e not tnoiiek tc 'ararit Fiia to make siirt cf all tlia forna* firot! Oalifcrrda I 1 a^t £1 akulls ->3ore t^ian I auppcaad in airtinoa —and aioaaiog bm it 'my aaem^ find tlmt tbsj rapraaatA^ fi^^^a f, formi, all rathar itroi^y niarfcadl If yc^ Lava any akiilj or 8kulli of OriaaliM froa OalifQmia or any ctlcdr plaea, I ahotild \m nndnr ^^aat cULicjitiDM if you wcRild klMiy iMn tiia sama tc caa for a faa days* At tha praatnt uoa^it '1 am juat f iniahino ths ^nrougp a^id can vrmtiim tc ratom spaoinaiit within a couplt of wtaks* Ix. caaa ycu sand ary^ plMta iliip \^ axpreds^ chax^aa cclltett aMressad U* S« Biological Surray, Daparti^nt of A^Tiaxltiora, Waarinc^cn, 1 I a:s dal i^tad to laani zhxcuix Hies Orcver that jcii h&we rtctntly racdifad a praneticn, PI^^c ..:'C',^ tha hearty corrratulatiora of the WBStir^ z-i, Ixaach of t>:e Iforriadi fs^dlj. With kindest repurds t / mw^i UljL / . \\ '> l^a 27. 191E. » 0 f W i' %B^ ^^**^ l^hir^-'O'"., B.C. tl*nk» for yoiur l«t.t«r of .«t fm- tbo Itetioml lc««»^ 5 dinnflflT* ^ V *?* . ,J i - > Yery truly your». ,^ i*-!^ 1* * -.< V .- / , ' i . . I . - . . ^.»-!f ▼ n •• «ir^" H .f > 1^ • * :^r'-^u<^^ i» ..A."^ .* * P *- f It. f^ Apr a 29. 1912. A^^il 2-'t xvl2o Cf^lonal John "Pitcher, Idkff^mter, Maryland. Dear Colonel Pitcher: Just now I am completing ru^ rev IB ion of the big Beare of Horth Amerfca, and have gathered together in tbe nm National IfciBenm ^08 1 cf the skulls from the various muBeuniB of the United States. To ray surprise,! find very little material from Yellowstone Park and not a single adult mala skull frcxn the region. It occurs to me that possibly you nay know sccie Array officer or othor person who may have an adult skull or two which they would >a wDIinr to loan me for a few days. If so. I ghell be ^greathr obliged if yon will kindly let me know. Yerj truly y-o'.irs^ ^.W V Genaral S. B. ■-I-.^c-^.t Sclriiers' Hoias, Dear Sir: Jutit nm I an comlet^nc w re"iPi:n .a- »' V cf the tig Bears of North Ar.ierica. lu.: rat.hered tof^at^'or h. tae nm National ife;.8a^.a ^:c. 9t t>:e skullB fron the variom i-ir.erjiis of the United States. To rrj S' -rr^-i2«. I -'i-d '^er; li-'- 1 - ^4. -'. ^naterial from Yell or 8 tone P.^-k .u-,d no. a B...-I3 adidt mle 8k.J.l frcni tne reGi'-^i^. I- --'^"^^- "- tliat possiVdy yovi may kncv seme Arry officer cr other person rl^c W hava a., ad.l^ .K^^t o:- r^o ^hich they TOidd be wiiliiiG- ^^o ^'^"^'^ ''^^^ ,^^-^ " fev da:/s. ir ^0, I 3!-,all be er9atly ohliged if vcu will kindly 1st lOO knew. 79 r; tr.-'ly yo^irs. 4 ' ^ ^.) ^V t -^ , ^>A^^ -■»>,"' i I Irril 50, iVL: \\^ Kf* ^« I. Adams, SmitliBonian Iistit-tion, Wa6"un{rtcn, B.C. Dear Mr. Maast Herewith I Inclose re:Tfc bill for May ($50), library Biiraau bill of $5 for foldem. salary vo-achers for Bervir^es fcr -nonth of April (Miss Grover $110, Mise »rde $U©, Misa ft-out ♦25). and my axpenee accotmt for April, sui.ountjm- to $22.01. w^ic>t I shall he obliged if you will kindly pay from tha Harrijcan Find. Kindly sand soaa nore blajik vo^xcLbre and 8ub-vo'xrh9r3. Yeirj trxiLj yo Mrs, ^ .V- — V^ ' >OSJV*Ue.y ' ) e '* t-M r '^j f^ ^ '.S' May 1, 1912. Mr. W. K. Cl-de Todd, Tittsb^rch, Pa. D'>ar Todd; Year le^.var of Axril 23 arrived several days .,.. aM I orJv wish yo. had written a little earlier. Money does act h..n^.: dar.^lin. on the lowest limbs.t. b. .lucked off by the fir^t i-assarby. Hence. \«^v3n you ask for a sub- 3tant"i^l nor.^rilrr-.ion for an orpedition a week before you Bo-^ out for distant laids. you aiust bars great faith in Providence. In tha short interval it has been imp.ossible to hold a m^etinr of either the Ca.inittee on Research or the C-oveminn Board of the National Geographic Society, hat I have diBcvissad the ..atter -rith ttie c-minnan of tho^ssurdi Oonmittee and sar«e ethers with the result that a contribution of $500 is almost certain to be made, as it now lacks merely the f oraal apF oval of the Board. Fortunately for you. Shiras also has interasted himself in your behalf and set -he wheels going. I am very p:lad that you are at last in a position to make this long -hoped -for trip to western Labrador. No one knows better than yourSylf hofr badly in need we are of rtuim'nals and birds from the east side of Hudson Bay. You will, of ccurse, iear- all yo-.i possibly can about the W. E. Clyde Todd #?. ccciiirenceof a bif Beai' related tc the ari?2;ly in the intericr cf Labrador. Dcn*t ipJI ::c catacliise on this 6uT:)J9ct all the Indians or Bsquiinaux you iimy have the good luck to meet. I wculd ray a big: vrice for a skull. I have no doubt t}3.t t'^^e Bi ol c/:?' Survey will be ^:lad to purclmse luost of /our ma/nrnaJB^ Just what reii-im i''Oi:i vjill he a-le to make the Geofxaxhic Societv* I dc }iot know, bin I a;^; f^ure tlie Society will ercect a well written ^'arieral article on the trip, illustrated, by a number cf fii^t-cla£iB photor;raphs. With con9ratr,la.ticrns, lor/ tr.ily yours^ li I r "V Charle? Sheldon #2 If; i Hr I May 1. 1912. I have just vrratten Grirjtell aekine ^-im ■i.^ ^,- fr^^- a-i'hsr dinner or breaJcfast at our to arran.^"a ^itn ycu foi al^iier g.iuioi h...o<». aocordirr to the train en ^hich you arrive aitd the ler^h of timo 7^ ara able to .tay. I have also written hin, ss^ I wrote yoii before, to arrange to give me time enoTj(;h to "o over the Bears ^ith yovi. I will arrariere my time to suit your convenience, of couree. Your latter of yesterday arrived this niorning. About the na'nes: I do not accept F?^^ <}r(^i^cvenBis, as the animl T7as never described and is therefore a flcgisa W^M* a^ l^^st from nr^ ^ocint of vier. I call the northwest coast Mountain Lion Y^Ur ol\THCue. ff^T^JR oficidentalis is a name most of us have used for lack of a better, until pomeona works out properly the riOTn.:wclature of the big Wclvas-PomethinG which has not vot been done. I believe Gerrit Millar is now at woi-k or. th.e job. For seme years I 'mve believed that Townsend's name gigaa wotdd probably come to be adopted for the north- west coast Wolf, which taust be distinct fron the northern plains animal ^f or which I have sd^Jj^ the name FT^seup). ]VccvQn r.Bora racJilcA is the correct name for the Pacific Coas* Coo;% For t .e Coast Mink Lutrdola vis on T^esolestes of Heller ift r;ratty r-,enerally adopted '-^r -"he foim inhabitirK: the iBlaids fran Sitka BO>rth» IT'^'ier it raiie'^B norb^r^^?t of Sitka, I dc not kno^. Eliict :ms na.u6d the Kenai PeninBula Mink -iialanpepliip . '>^it I ' hve not exa; 'ined aTieclmene smd knew not'irn^- ast to its s-^^xt.-is. T\e £5a:iB is ~ri8 of liiR Otter flutra ca/mrxigrsis peficly;^,(4iiaL) , whic}> may or uiay not be a valid form* If I bad to use a naina for a nest coaBt Otter in a hurry, I should adopt pacific^ of Rioade from northwester?! WaPhiiigton* This na»na antedates that of Si 1 lot by seme years. k^ i u i^ - u^^tk^ .-, ,^,. .1^ J^j..^j|^ As to doMbliii^c the Hxecific nar'ie for *::'he z^n:ic^ sTibsT^ocios (as llrsus air]oricanu8 anerlcaiiuB a>id Qdocoiiaus : I can only say.tlnr in t^ie ns^eBt fad in nQniej-^clature and one whidi I deteet. I!e-/erVi^ile^s, there is a tliocretical ree-son for its adcr,tici» aid I a^-^ o^e T B>:all Irave to coiae to it sooner or later. Tvm far I have not heon ^;_n.ulty. If I c^an hell- or hinder voa on any ^Tore iioirites. let nB knoev. ct^\^ai!'^^^ Mr. (Smrlee. Sheldon, 140 West 57th Street, New York Cit <;s ,i ^ '.w.>Ov^.. Dr. Geo. Bird 9rinnell, 238 Bast 15th Street, Hew Tork City. •-/ May 3. 1V12. ,-^ .V ^t^*(S May 3, 1912. '*i '. Mr. Idward G. RusBell, Helena, Montana. M'/ dear Sir: Do ycu knowr of any one wiao liaa a skull of tlie Grizzly Bear? I am just completing a work on the American Bears ard am very short of skulls from known localities, and I should he very glad to purclmse or borrow such specin-ens, should opportunity offer* Any information you may give me on the subject will be thankfully received. Very truly yours, \ 4 Dr. Jamas R. Walker, ., ^ , , Pine Rldf^et South Dakota. M\^ dear Sir: Do you know of any one who haa a skull of the Grizzl:/ Bear? I ara just coKpleting- a work on the ATierican Bears and am van' short of skulls from knomi localities, and I should be ver/ glad to purchase or borrow sudi speciinens, should opportujiity offer. Any infornatioR you may give me on the subject will be thankfully received. Very truly yairs. Sw* ..^ \ j> 1^ I .\ I-- ♦ ' t I I f: if I ?! May 4. 191?-. WilRon Potter. gBq. ^ ^ ^ _, . 217 South Sjdehhflia Streat, Riilad&lphia, Pa. If- dear Sir; Marty thanks for your attractive paiaphlet or Bif: Grme Mo"antir}gt a copy of which has jur* reached ine. I should be obliged if you would kindly send me another copy, marking under each of the American game heads the locality, if Icnc^n to you, frcm which the «peciirien came. Just now I am tryii^ to complete rjy ^oT-or-raph on the American Bears and find myself -;reatly hampered ]:y lack of enou^ii sbills of . Lxrizzlies. Do yo^j liappen to )aim of aiiy one from whom I could purchase or borrow skulls of ilrizzly B3€.rB? If 60, and you will kindly let me knci?/, I eliall bo very much indebted* Very truly yours. ^s»**** ' Dr. Cliarles i\ ToorbieB, Ilriversit}^ of Utali, Salt Lsike Cit", Dta^-u Dear Sir: Mr. Jackson, au aBNir*a;^t in the Biclcf^ical Survav, ":,ell- oie t^ia":- he tihiikr ycu cBy be able to help ^ne to secure a Bk'Ui or '"mo of t>;e (jTizzlv Bear. I mr rivt nm oc^ccie^irr a monograph on the Bears of Ariiarica, and difficulty ill Bocuring enourii claill.^ of Grizzlies to de'"=^r:{ine t,he cliaractere and raoi^-o^- of the Be^^aral f cnrjs. I have never seen a Gn22,ly ^-vul fro?2i tha "^asatc'i Range aiid sliculd be very glad, zo rorrow cr c-arc'iase ekuli:? fr^m this rB-rion or from any other part of the Iftiiuad Sta-:es. I mri ari:£ioi c« B.l{?'j, to neejre a fe?/ skill^^ cf iuivdt> nials Bi^^ck Bears froni Utaii. If you caii help me in this matter, I shall he ^T^atlv oblied. J err "ruly yourr^ J I Ma7 4, 1912. The Hon. Jolin H. Rothennel , Oiaimia}!, Cc^rrlttee on Ex] end ivcras, Dert. of CoLTriorca and Labor, Ho-^se of Representatives. Dear Sir: At the hsarinc hefcra your Go::initt9e bhis mominp; T promised to send vou the dates of iny arrival suid dtaparture at the Prihilcf Islands in 1991. I reached * "I, ^ Kf V/ Islands a" c ain en Jrly 2S aiid left, on Angrast 10. I liave no reights or meaBurements of two-year old ?-.r-Goal8, lait a -.nree-vear old in r:cod condi-ion killed on St Paul Island Aiir.iat 5. 1891, weigliQd before skinring, but after bleedia^-. Bo pounds; the skin -.without bluV^ber 8 pounds. In case my remarks are tc be rrintod I shall le oUiged :f you will kindlY allow me to correct %.\~ stanograpner's rotes before going to press. I shcula also appreciate a copy of t>e Heariifa of --our Corx:ittee on the F'ar-Seal 'natter. 4-' Respectfully, Mav 5, 1912. Dear Professor Hall: Your 1 attar aiinouncing that a cop-^ of \'OuT Flora of Yosamite aural Ib mo at lolo La laiia Avenne is the b^et news I have had for r lor-r time. Is it will ba a good whi^ipt ^^TiLfort.unately, l»efor^ I aJi^Ji be able to start for California, I aza z^^^ ^^ sBk if yo^j Till be kind $:no"ugh to send it to r^^ ^-^.ere at the above addrsGS* It nm locks &b if 1: vaold be lata in Jiine before I shal3 be aile to place the manuscript of W7 Bear book in the liar^ds of the r^r inter and mi set sail for the Golden Oate* Tl^erefore, oi^r lonp:irrcQ toward Lag^nitas will ha?e to be suppressed for the present. With kindest reG:ards to y.. A ?T-of6Sfrar E. M. HaJ.l, 1515 La LoRTa Avenue, Berkeley, Calif or ni a* f ;.i- i %J 'I it May 7 , 1912* Mr. G. Frederic* Hcrton, ?1 Broadway t Not York Citv, Dear Ifr. Nortcn: - The twc boxee of Boar Bklns which you wart kind enough to have »«nt arrived last l^iday, ainct which it has been inqpOBsihle for n» to iirite. There were seyon Black Bears and two laxti» Boars in the lot. The Black Bears I hfltre noi yet had tia« to ezatoine. The larco ores rwinbdred FH-8 and fS-10 I am particularly clad to see at this time, the former being an adnlt male QfcaiUuJaUi) . the latter (ll-lO). if I ara not mistaken, ft rcarly ad^jlt f«nale of l^m nortoni. This I take to b© tho skin belori^-.irv: *o your skull 1-3. Both skin and skiill are undoubted f gmales , althougji maiiced yoang male. The Indian evidently f on-ot the eex. Prom ^io you will see that I have answered joivc question as to A-3, which I take to be the same species and same sex as jofxr 1-6, only a y winger individual. It is unquestionalsly a Srizzly and not a Brown Bear. I ass'sne that the old feoiale (A-6), It it had been in good pela*^,e» Tro^ild not have diffsrad materia! from A-3 (skin FH-IO). Bjr the way, if you will paxtton tk miegefltiont I bqpe that oii your next hunting *rip jrou will ixae mt you raay trim i" over to r,b.« American Museum of Maturai Historv of Now York to go with the skin whi of larr:e Baart* hare 5 i S. Tred«rick Horton #3 I ,1 V ^ r>eoo fttoet h«lFf»a; in fact, withcat fe«. I shOBld hare 5on9 far astray on wYeral Jii9le. With kiMlest riewnds, and herping you may still 1 able to run on here, if only for a day, - r ., . ; - - Very truly yours. :t .4 T- .• r- *:.• " i : V* ^""^ •» \ ^ t^i. . I V. • f"^ I » . » • '* f.-:- .' , fc. • I « \ » Ai » ^. • •* • • J '1/ ^ ,r^'\ r^w ^ -^ .r ^ t , *! • V *7l* t. '- '^i 71 » ■ .*' « 3^i>v^ ' » .^c. '*tJ ^A*< I,- ~ W 'J :».-,• *i 4'- .*<•>,, - .' If \^ . V ^ KJ i i i '4 i 1 1< Hay 8, 1912. Hr. P. S. LltUe., , _^ Poet Office Inapdotpr, WaahingtoE, D.G. ^ Dear Sir: Ycur letter of yesterday hm j««t reached me. You state that the Department hai bean informed that in the month of July 1911 I mailed flrcm thia city, addreased to mjBtlt, at San franciaeo, a coneiderable number of bo«lt« under Govennent fraiik. The facta in the caae are as foUon: Before le* ring this city for California last July. I left wit-i nay clerk a naabar of docuawnta to be fcnrarded to me "by n^^il under > t Governoidnt frarjc a little later. The docoaeata •■ in queotion were two Botanies of California balongini to the Biological Surrey, a wort entitled Handbook of Korth Imerican Indians publiahed by the »irean of Ktlinology of the aaitixeonian fiistitutioa, and a number of publications of the Biological Surrey (DspArtment of igrieultora), the same being included in tha aarlM entitled Morth Inerlcan Vauna axd the series entitled Bulletins, Botany -^ i Fi I. LitU^ *c of the Biclc^^ical S^r^/ey wart intariiad frr niy ♦^h -4. < that of otbsr t^r^loyeas ot tho Biolo^iciil Sirve^- »nrk^ ijRg in California, ar^ [orm a of a sariat of th« publicatiorie cf the bui'^ma pan^a^itiiatiy kajt cm the Waet Coast* p^' . . T^id Haiidbccfc of Horti! Imsriotkn Irdiaiu: va^ sent Tor iiiy oiffn ua© in ronnactiorj with field work on Indian* wfilcH I arc carrying on in California under th© Smiths dniari Iris t i t it i an* -' rt ahadd be stated ii tKis connection that since my reaifT^i^^ti n trrm the p.sittcm of ddef of the Biolc^cal S'-H-Fey Cwhicii I cad held for twenty-five 7^ure). T have been Cdie^ilt ir^ Bio.l'^'iat cf the Department of A^ic ilt tret wMdi poultion I still b< •a« The work wliicb oocapiss tlie ^-eater part cf my tins, hc^evert is carried on inder the Smithsonian tmtit iticr hj mtmM of a fbnd provided by Mru. E^ H. Harri-ian* If there is any iiarropriety in the use of fn^nkr.^ as above described, I 5:mll be glad to be so iafcnued. The sctiroe of joar inforroation is, of ccirse, a discharged milojee cf iiiy office named Jaaies B. Uoriiiar., who i^m senriiv as clerk d irirr; m/ absence at the tiroe mentio! ni^spactfully. --». *.. vV- *^-N^'^., I *,( J I H my 8, 1912< '^i t- -^^ Dr. D. S. L»*, , Dear Dr. Larab: .1 day or two ago a yonmf, man f*^** ,,, Hoir&rd Ifaivsraity brou^t ae the akall of a Qriazly which the Oni varsity had receivad troaj -. you and whidi I m Tery glad to hare ti» opiortunity to examine. The aknll la rwmbered 205. and I ... 8i»U he graaUy obliged if yow wi.liJ^ifldXy aand . rae all the data your catalogoa may hatf for ,iU Appareritly it came frem California » hat I ahould , he very glad to know the preoiae locality and, if poaaihle, the nana of the collector alao. Thaiicing you for yoar courte«^ in the . .. -; • . ■-•• '- oattor, } ■ , '' -■ ■ - . - Tery truly yoiira, .. , ,-, ■. •"• '.~ ^ t-t- 'f »*.^ -.•'i^ '•k ' » O T.J^ >v> ,.*/ ir, ;?!?. ^'^ ''"' I have bean infcnned that ycu ha.« ,^^ on t.e Kanai PeninauU and ^t y^ :=ay >.va a^ of .fe Bears frou that ragxca. juat no. I - coopUtine a monogra^ph «4^ •Raatb and am anxioua to see on *iie American Big Bears . ««« ^. nf +> a on -co M^ ^ariooB parte of tne M Twuiy skulls aa j ^^^n-^via and Prince T^^articularly tlie Kenai peninaoia ana coimtr/, particoiariy ^^^-e.. any sJcolls « -J ^-^^nn Should you possess auj ▼illians Sonnd region, onuu* j ^ . *„,. - ,. >,« billing to loan then to me for a , -* ..«,• kindly send s«ne by express, charges collect, addresaed .. S, B ^ ^^^ ^ of A.3ricalt'ara. Wa^Vmgtcn. B... and icinax. ,J ,..M- - -a t'. locality wn... it .as kill^ A.V X j^ •1 :-? X ' ^ T ^^v5 erraad out in the 36am •■ 1%^ ^,,^ oa-f5rA.l IrUI^ir^i 6r.uA.-i.» ^* w Kation,a'^Tia ea..^rai n^^ ^^ ^^ ,H. a c^ the fl astern ^-i^^^^^' ^^ . * varicm parte c_ t-^e ^oo Bnfficltai r U i« the casa of several species have not suTll Botti '.rales '-^'^ .ar^a.^a *»" acorceot cf ell. .,, -.a-i Dakc^a* Doar S e 1 1 • « Goiigresaaan ^urtin of vc-r ec xtry that yoi: are an eld huntar and ixave icill^jd man;^ Grrf*sly 66%ur8 in the Black Hills* T\m interoetei rse t€rj fsach and. I ehoiiid be '^a* if ^'•e: -rill kindly wriie :ae hm far east fm the PlainQ m have 'ei^r kncJim the drizzly to occ!ir< Dc 70U Imppan to have ar^ skullr of « • * Grizzlies^ or do yo»i knoir air^ person who lias? I a-n anxious eit'ar tc rii;rchai?« or borroF any ar 122:17 skilia frcfi t' e Dakota^ » Hcntana, or Wyominr-o IV ^I ^7 ii/^- 1-. - my 5. 1912 #• V. Mr. Auri. Gotte chalc*: , llontajm Armory, ^^ ^ Boxecwit Montanm* > * ^ Daar Sir: < -, > fi f" J ^-a- Mr HeriShar has ju«t ref errwi t9 !»« yair Utt«r of AprU 23, iu.which you- mantion haying m hand tkulla of the Pine But Baar. .^iftt^At.Ao you moan "by this miae, md vaer» does tho aaimal live? ' : • ,.* .-. ' " .:u Resp«ctfuXly t ' -^ . r ,> • j>- •- ' *» w » fc n .» t A' V-^ ♦'^ /^ "1 lAiy 9, 1912. ic i:i:. 1' S.,.. I Ic m V De&r Sir: I €Uu inclceinG cOT«y order for :-c r bin of April 12* I regret Tery rmd t: laajT thai you had alreadj eold #919 Birton, TDca^alary of Indians of Ha^ bxA Clear Lake, California^ m thia waa the licaticn I was moat aracioiiB tc eecure* "O'l prcaira f or im another copyt or canyt^i tdll ISO the 8^'?roe of piMicatioiit so Vnt T i»7 look it 1^ in the proceedlngi or archirte f:i ^?ch it cH-^irially apjiiarad? Beapectfnllyt i * urr. Oalajloal S ryr , _ ^ fiaB.»i 'C^^^jf ^» '• . Dear Sir: 7im f' ^ for ycir rerdtta^^ce of CA f if» iav recelvsiJ, t'^ c^ onine "beirc ratnHireaeTit fcr t/e pa-i9 anor. -t pair' "by nie f^r your rUte 9^- f'-.e ■''^■tion&l Kca^v-^ di-.ner on A' rll 17. "^ • i\ Ua- 9. 1912 .qiu r ih^ IJay 9, 1912< }l:;dikccM,Ofclahciiia* to ."»ab« ™ *. troof. »lrrf for fr» *• , .^q=l *:!.*. ife,y .re Jit ^«t I ^n*^ 1 Aid not knCB fi«l T . (Stlalicnwu With best wiaha^t Very tnily ycr'^ ,x>w- >• '- Fr.->f5«n-.r Rc'.ert '^- /Ai5£^'^• Li-i^:l^i, :! I>iar Pr"-eBs,i' Wolcott: 'iaar/ t'iCuJcs for ;-'-Jr lat.Ur cf tl* 2nd, in re^ly tc 127 inq'-iry abcr.i the 3ev t'b.aiB. Yea. I »Hc"ld Ilk* very rm.c5i to we the lar:a ek;!! of ^d«' yo^a ai^k, e.e« if it rrovtjf r.o* to 1^ a Qrizzly, Trorlded it %. e a'defiru^-^e locality. Ux^V "«1 i^ ^ AyrireiS^ CJaT^^^^ wQAXi^wifcf a»i*%*fc V BicloeicaX Stu'^-y, Departasu*- of AfcTicjlt re. Wa.C-.L^..::ton. D. ■. and I wiU rk.r%->-. til )H I ' ^^ 4-i 1^ la II r h'r Ma- ?, 1912 'Jr... . ^^ • :t^ of ,^r-^»olat Bear Prc^a»«or Ilae'trisb: A^ia-ik? for ^3'ir Isttar abo-'t t'»3 ^ric^lifi- I ar; Imi to h«r ftroi ]^ •ren If '?^i ^ava nc locut skolla* «^ ♦ T'^ ekijll yoi s^.eak of^l:^loijt;ing to "•je '^EiTtrsIt' of loim, I havt alraady borrtirad^ It la a rtost intar^fttim; cm^ ocml_x ft^oa ^* - '-' f&ckaraiift 1^1 ha^ If 70:1 bif^^i to haar of aj^ c^se riarlr^'; ons or iDora Grif^sly abjlla frc© any j^rt of iLa cnruitry, I ihotild 'he jraatly obligtd f cr tiia Inforuation. Vtrv trolly yy^irm^ Uay 9. 1912^ Dr. W. WSliiflton, UnirarBity of Caicago, CucarOt IllanciS Dear Br* Willi at on: JuBt nisr I tia striviiig hard tc co^ fplatt rrfj monngrsfli of the B% Beara of Horth America, and find r^self anibamuiaad for ladk of skiilla Of (jriz2lle«t particularly th© Plaim Griaxly* Do you impi«i to know of any cme ftraa whoca I cc^ Id borroir or pi:fchaae one or aeTaral skills cf l^aia sx;Ociea? • .^- . ^ Tery trnl^r youra, -jt**.. » \ V fl ^ ~v \ r%\ W ^"^ 47 %r 9, 1912. S©o:*tt«rT Tie Z( Sgdctil Society, SItn Street via Qirard Arnrja l^^ttJ* 'xh© ir:ililio«tiorjB of your Sooiotr seat riw froQ tlae to ttae, aal iriiioh I m rtry rJad tc receive, are still addr«fl8«i to nw «t tlw D«jar^t8nt of 4eri«*"ltiii>«, I ahall b» ' ci.l:,:ad ff ycv. ,n; Undly chw^» a^^ addrwt tc 1919 . 16th Street, iMMngton, D.C, 73X7 ^.rily ycrire. VWAJvSvj^^ laa:.' 10, 191;-: Dr. V. K, Fisher, Palo Alto, California. Dear Walter: _ • Do you know any one who could procure for the Biological 3^^rvey iMc or t'oree epeciaena of the cannon Deer of Santa Cruz Ifta. when the seaaor opens? We do not know i^iether this Deer Is SSi^iSMsms. or fififljsUi2^.or an fntei^ade between the two. Work on the Bears is still keeping me here and I do not know when I shall oe able to ^;et away for Lagunitaa With kind regards to you all. Very truly years. r 4 ■^ \V l^Bcr 10, 1912 I ! I Mr. W. E. Clyde Todd, Carhefde 'Aiseurj,, _ Pitts t'.tr.'-" , i'a. Dear Todd: Yoiir letter of the Sth is before me. Yesterday I attended a meetinc of tlie Kesearch Co'r^aittee at which fie nsce; sary forrial action me taken approi.riat ire ^500 toward tlie eKt.eiiBes of yo-ar trip to the eeist side of Hudson Bay. I am Tnif^htv frlad -^hat ycu are goin?: aiid am particularly glad that A. E. Preble ia goirv: with you, as his experience ad pV.yBical strenrK-h v;ill be of the utmost value in such a -^rip. With best v?:-fhep.. If y\- ' II \,^j'-^i .,'--%„^' Li^' •II flay lit 1912. d^':.r 31 5 Id on: Liany thanks for Case's lettar* T Imva j^oBt vnritten Hasselbor^ to purchase the skulls for na if he is convinced that the loc€tlity Is correctly stated* I do not believe ^ hoirevert that any skull a Ir or 19 inches in lengtli oyqt cmae frOTi Admiralty Island, Since yo^; were here, in fact, only this momingt T ^i:'cceeded in digaq^ up frcm tlie old lausenm collection another authentic akull of the Plains Grizzle. It is an adult finale and is widely different from tlius confirniirr o^-*^r suspicions based on the Pt. Union skull. I am also on the track of a fern other s^ With boft wishes to you and Mrs* Sheldon on >ha fine trip you are about to undertake. As ever vor,rs. s^ ^rrv V *4 -^■vv V"" -"•• %-j" Mr. fTjorles Sheldon, 140 Wast 57th Steest, Haw York City. i Mav 11,1912 Ifr. A* Riimister Proctor, Century Club, ^lls^ Ycrk City. Dear Mr. Proctor: For Borne tine past I have been BearchiifE the country over for skulls of Grizzly Bears to aid in my final revision of the fToup, as I am hopirc "tc place my Bear book in the hands of a publisher before going west for the summer. It occurs to ne t'mt you nay have one or two Crris'/Jy skulls, or tliat you may kno^ of sane other person vmo has ane or more. If so, I should be freatly oblir ed for the information^ and if you 3rourself have a>^y, I am goii^ to ask if you will ixt be kind enough to loan the same to me for a few days. Packa^^es should be sent by eipresst charges collect, addressed to U. S. Biol^-ical Survey, Departeient of A^qricultnre, Washington, E^C. IV^xstlng you will pardon the liberty I m taking in askirj^ this favor, Yer^^ trjly ^roi.irs. Vi \\ iC I - -iay il as the locality is biowr:, not f"iefl8ed at. Tz case Mr. Clark and Ton.rself have riot obtained any Bears from Hinchinbrook I Bland, and in case yoii think you cotild :et a specimen or two there .by going right away, I should lie rjad to erfiploy you for a month or six waoks for this rrrpose. ft bein:-^- ^md.srstood that the axpense woiild be sli^tly 4ir eater than the $150 a month ;7hich I paid you last year for zoTYicoB and Bxx^rmeB. You k}\aN, I thiiJ^, fr^Tf] pravicns letters that I should be flail at aiiy time to have yo>a p^orc^iase reliable Bear skulls for mo at reasonable Trices. We usually pay $1 to $2 each for Black Bears, and $2 to $8, or in exceptional cases even $10, for Big Bear akiilla, accordirvT to sex, a^o. size, and condition. Yerj'' traly voiirs. u o:3 r 1 ,» *lfe** i* ' t •* Aiw^i .»4 #i^ IP » •«.» «r «n wi»»J.« lirf4TMtMl tibo wool* b» Ukdy t6 pay th« oWi pri« for *•. n i '# vork »H ■•• you at Ia J itaa b«for« w« rat am Mst iMKt fa C^iria liit tije ri^Jit note for oar wtmA thara hi* to aaa hoa It haa roi*«d e^« \ 'iirit Jar-anaan, ^^ Yoaaoi^a ^all«'^* ^alif^ii'^* Vo^-^>-^%^^ 'T.- !*i.*-*«s^ *•& Aai .-t' » * 4- ' 5j ^.^tr* liciftuil Xsii*:^^ - .,_ » * r f^. Bt^tr Sin ♦r *-^ '>• -• . .* . * ^S l^^ A . , r H-wikf faar Toor^lott^r of thi 2nd aivi for yt %« n*ty .'■x; ^"'. i . K tt *5s \-«1»» ■§ *^^ s^.iT t" ' '^ ♦ f .A . <*^ 0- » j^ ' -p^ t -^',4.v -, ^H .'t ^ « ' 4 ^|b4«' # 1 1. » * i » > n .^*, n'iJ f ? .* «« .fc* 'H-w iJ#Jb tf • C ^ ^ H *' a 'T- l„ s*^. : * t •r • a^^'-^C:* ^ 11/ ^ '4 * J ■■ ^ Original Defective Cm ^■^^ ^|,>; f ■ r A I * X ^ * if^ ■ r- H-rr i.S 1"12* «« ft -*l ••»-» ^ TlA'kl I— J> . ' »*»»*■, '% *.' ji*^ fc^ # # ■ «. yr. 4 C i»:'-c: -2' I »»v ^^ X^ ^t 3 -*.*J •*.? 7 i^i'is fcx TOiu-t «/ *i* -ttdi. sorry » ■ "» . », fn^r% ii ilta# iii# lis l^^:^riiji wit|i «« ilBfli tNf '. ♦* fta> «» 4- ••▼eraJ forwr. T»ke i. a I io Ul, I.baw b«* pr«tty goodiuolu At tb-9 ^ra^ni aaa«^' th«M mr* tt •aUi«ntl« Wilt it Orisil-** froa Callforiil* on «T.t*ii«, bwi4M ^0 cr thrM twr^ mf^hmi%lnm I ^^ ect irmm that to. >.. Hcif %i"*^tt» Tmi w^r® ^titr -i" ^^^ « ia Umrdtif I bmw ten licplQi fo- it 9»«r ^inot and n Twy aaxlons to »• it b«f«r« ^ lilttly to H:pMarf Tonrs, r\ ^ w • ' iK i| /» r . r - Ii Hi % a- J0f- -• »" » *, •j^ ♦ '**i?^».'* flacnert find a tln^* rl«r* 3 f»ot riSi^i'iAy'?';©*?^' • ' Willi (rj«f»7i#Y«'^^ t^pv >' ? •!»liferiila. ^ill writ* yoa whBff'ft l«4idd''tc^^i#^ -<-. t^iri^ Jf. *, «K i.' . ■^ Ii ■A, ^l; ^'Vt f "^ : t-^^ .♦u: ^t" » ^ ,=, # ■* V ■ «t % Jt.-. '^ . 5- • m A:rs^ h'l^ . » * ^ W' J ♦■I ' ' » s. * ■* ««• »f m -• * -*■ * ♦ * *» A ■'^* t ' hai •4f. :■ • ^H" -^ *4 ;JL c^ "x)ti ffce^" t. * -t % ^ •• ««* ».■' • *>-i<>.. *>v ^%=^ 3 A « 'J^ '■"1 r— -H ,% 1.^ *,,-r •ktvi '%*»♦ '» '-^f <*»•••■►-.* «* c . # 4#ir %•. 4t& o OATS MVT} fu«««r*it.Mr« proiftlj^ •f*^ /«" ^* '•** ^•iiftT^ mU.^ 2M a lot,^ 4j»«rtl«»« iifci<%*r# *f.iio i#0 '^^ n> a: -f ft. rtioii mil tK^ Mfdasi tJwit llmrt , „ Ridlroad Rtpcrtit tc ▼' i«jh i «it^»i« yow hart, ■•oiw in iroor loc^ lUmrii*. Tjivn •n 13 TeluBa* in tat HM S urvttfT tf ^mr, wnd vvrt wmA in Ariiiam^ :If i 5 r /" «^^. {5t?:^r~t *'• 1 .-f '•e. •> rr^^i j^ ■ * - -•#». rf>-^ ^^ .- » m m.^ dl^%bX^ ■Wi^^w «• ccfc tort t:.#ir f^ox^ ^l->-!-v^ I t '":i; '" rt?r..- '5'' i . . .-,-1 .'■■.•'rte*^ tn' i*' : x" - - g i. I #1 li. k. ^ * ,»%••' T tt tc library er.i» «qr library vhar* •** aeq^r«a"M oiok for lOBae tl^aftar ycna- lott«r cmt and einat th« baro boon»id«r ^pTMii j^rw«rart of •ecnmilaliid ^ajt^« ,*^ ^r . ^ -* : It !• ^0Od to knor timt Mary t^4 Ttncrria am doing io vtUU If 3^0^ ¥isit Btfkiltj mgidsk dori^^ t3» •tSMTt «t ahftU lit aMt liifTT tc hMi9% jt/a bring yotir Di&d^y out tt li^iiritas to uto rm. mi our ii9^ Kmsr hoM ^1.1^ ^i^^^!!^ ib# f isdvoodt* •^^ rv "^/"igsf -^:i » . * [ i^odld likt to Boot the yo • •*■■■ tTt J; • ■ ;»V "jr/ 13, l«^ -r-rr: r--4 ■' t 6 _> \j§b ^'-m^. ^ i^^ ^If^^iU, "Irlfer'* '":!^^:il ie-iiit" I WHS acrr- not to^ ^9 \**f7%y~^ :.> ♦ . ■^ # i ;* "^^^ '"^ !♦" » • «f Sf 3^^-: ta • *> rorstctlyt trif ta thf mef r % \Um win K8Xf «f InUr^, 4^^ .fcf }»?• to 'srr^^^ of .^raatett irt«r««t. Toa «ill otrUiolr. - •U ■onwthi«'€ worth. "»^i« it-y»' ««ttl« ooco for •11 iHt qooatioiJ «f tbo northftrn sM •oiith«m lialt* of r«nct af *^8 -'^o^^y *>»4n'ftir «r4 Stooo thm^r With >»«n»t tfie".o«. II ri •i: y Mil I •««f £1 t^! 'V^ 13, Ifl-L, .* ^ '»*• Tii*T *il% £knic« for yoor cs^s^iNv" •■* i i l-M 98 i u ' i ?/iay 16, 1912. Vt, Walter RichardHon, Pasadena, California. Mv dear Sir: In Octobdr 19o7, when Yenaon Bailey and I called at yoiir house, you ahwed mo the skin of a (drizzly killed by you, if I remember rif^tly, at the head of the Telui^a about ten years previously. Just now I aj^n endeavoring to coinplete and publish my inonofTaph en the Jmerican Big Bears, and am verv anxious to s ^e this specimen again. If you will kindly loan it to me, I will return it promptly, paying charges both ways of course. It should be shipped by express, charges collect, addretsed U, S, Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture, Vaahingbon, D.O. Do rm remember the date when you Tcillsd this Bear? Tr^^stit^ yon will pardon the libarby I am takir^^; In asVing this fa^or, Yary trily yairs. V\^ / l&v 16, 1912. Professor S. D. Thachert Nordhof f » Yentiira County, California, My dear Sir: I have been informed that the proprietor of the Foothills Hot>el at Nordiioff has in his possession the skull of a Grizzly Bear killed in that part of Calif 0 mi a. Just new I am completing a monographic study of the Grizzly Bears and shall soon publish a volume on the subject* I am very anxious ^ therefore, to see this specimen in order to determine which of the several farms inhabited your part of California* I trust, therefore t that you will pardon the liberty I am taking in askir^ for your assistance in securing the loan of the skull in question* If the owner is willing to sell at a reasonable price, I should be glad to purchase it* If not, if he will kiMly loan it to me, I will return promptly and shall, of course, pay express charges both ways. It shonicl be snipped, charges collect, addressed IT. S. Biological Purvey, Depcurtaent of Agriculture, Vashin^on, D. '. Do you happen to know just, where this Bear was killed^ and about when? Yo^ir assistance in this mat^6r will be greatly appreciated. ?ery truly yours. \-': 8c^ * * i •% ^ ) ILm 1^» 1^12. Profeesor CO. IJuttiiifr #2 -i ■V •ProrasBor n. n, nutting. Dear Prof ee^or Nuttin^^: 1 ^^Ee Yoiir entartar^.lnr article ^n Science of May 10 att^lat-^^ 'ne to di-p you a lir^ en the Bubiwrt. l^rom ray poim^ of view, ^ -3 t i^, 4 ^+ woii* PC nad a« the recently of the lair of priority is ^ot hall b- ^aa ,,v.lo.e. terxieney to accept anything und.^ L-^aTen a. VI i^f^cm T find to -rr horror that name* ,x'.opinfr th*t 8tn.e -enins wa-.ld rise equal to the enier^enc". Moat of ua W*» arre«i that the exiating aystem is n,i^ty had. This i^ eaay. But so far no one with a hettar Py^ten han rhown np shove t\e horizon. This is a r r'^a^ ^it"^^. By the way^ many tbjar'cP for the Mackenzie shall I firA that T iiee many mors poin+ii of interest in it than I did liher it wae loaned rr>o Bome 3rear8 ago* truly 9 C\.- I J-^ X v/ i » "^ '» i y 16, 1912. Mr« Mart Mortis on, Mayfiald, SiiHpatat Utal:. Dear Sir: Mr. TooAlw writjfi im that na thirkB you hare son© skull b of B^urs ifhiA yoQ nil--ht b^ willing to Id M me haTe* I ain aracioM to secrare a mmber of skulla of Bears ftroci V^h^ for which I will pay frcm $1 to $8 eadi, according to sixst sezv age, and ccmditi(» — the hi^mt prie for fine old }ie-(}riz2lie8. Heaae send the aktilla by express, diaries collect, maziced JJ. S. Biological Shirvey, DapartT^nt of IgriJ^^ltiire, Washington, D.n, Hease attatjh a tag to each ekollt stating whert it was killed, t' e date as near as you can rets^embo^^ aad ymr omn naira, so there will be 2» mistake as to where they cmm from. I inclose a few tags for tMs x^jrt)oae. Y^ry trtily yours ^ i '^ l^av 17. 1912. TVr. ^,. E. Femcw, ' University of Toi :^nto, Tcronto, u>naaa. Dear Dr, Fern or: Just nw I aai t-rying to conqplete m monoerath on the Bi,; Beara of North America. Professor Macoun. ii. a ^ook on Manitoba published some y~rs .go. states that the University of Toronto has the skull of a Grizzly killed iii tne Hand Hills. Saskabdhewaiu U the University still has this, or any other skulls of Bears. I should 1« very thankful if tiiey may be loaned me for a f e«r days. I will take the best of cart of them, and will, of coiarsa. pay charges both ways. They should be shipped by express, charges collect, addressed TJ. S. Biclorical Survey. Departrnant of Igricalture, Washington, D.C, Should your skin of the big Sitka Bear, whidi you purchased froo an Indian at Sitka in 1899, lappen to be in a convanient place. I shoiad appreciate the faTor if you would se7id it also, as we have no skin of a Sitka Bear in the llatioml llaseum. and I would like to u»e it in clieckiT^ up my description of the species. With kiidest regards to Mrs. Femow and yourse -ruly P-\ •n^ hr L\ CI \ ' .6u •f il0^ ■ • •» r ^ May 17. 1912. v; Wolf k Hine, ^ Edmonton, Albertrvj Canada. Dear Sirs: At the prdsent time I am completing for Lublicaticn my monograph on t*he large Bears of Horth liiiarica. Our imiseurE© in the Unitad States are short of material frcm the Cmiadian Rockies, especially . tJI^*-'' J ■■ I • the eastern flaidc of the Rockies and the Plains regiono I ain, therefore", aijious to p'jrohase or borrow all the Griszly skulls I can find. In case vou have one or more frcsa aut^hentic localities « will you kindly ship the same to raa by express, charges collect, 'addressed U. S. Biological Survey, Department of Agricultxire. Washingtoj'*. D.C. If they are for sale, kiwily iiiiicate price; if not for sale, they will be returned proniptly, prei^aid of course. Hespeccrfully, I .X w w :v 7 May IB, 19i2» L^^i May 17 1 1912- Dr. W. J. Holland, Carnegie Musaim, ^ Pittsburght Pfeu •Sir.- r IR .f ,riC ^<>^'' ■^t My dear Sir: ^^^^^ I have just laamod tiiat your 6dar< n- O •'.■ il. w ., t.«« t;-0 * -^ '' \ If the locality from which it came ia knofn^ I ^should be greatly oUiead i^ 7©^ »iil kindly loan it to .^^^^ 3, me for a few daya. Kindly send thV package by rx " express, charges collect,, addressed U, ?5. Biological , Departaent of Af;r-iciO:ture, laahir^gton. 0I" ^IIO'^' •.JC m lograph er- I the Bit Biare, and on anxious to see as much matariai as poBBible before going to press. I ^tris't, therefore. t, '^ r-T • i» ^^ you will pardon the liberty I am taking in askirig for . the loan of your skull. r 7er/ truly :':^uib. irf ^ ' jt. •T 4 % '^^ f lu'^ ^ - ^^^g*"* •-, Mr. William E. Colby, Secretary, Sierra^ Club, ary. Bills Buildir^r San Francisco, California. Dear Mr. Colby: Your latter of tha first instant about the Soda Springs property in Tuolumne Headers reached me yesterday. I a^xee entirely with you and the other directors of the Sierra Club in believing that it is advisable for the Club to purcliase the Soda Springs property, provided enough mambers are able and willing to put up the necessary $100 each, as requested in yoiir joint letter. PersojEmlly, I shall be glad tc do this, and if you will ^-ardad as an Insti tiiite instead of an Listitvition, However, rrry better address is ury heme, 1919 - 16th Street, to which all ma:.i shctild be B«it. Iby 20. 1912. ;ff' •<■ Professor Chae. T, Vorhias, Univeraitj^ Late City. ITtah. Dear Sir: Ifcity thanks for yo^ir latter of the l.^th. I am glad to knoir that you hare a Iwe^ Bear skuU and hope liiat you liava been aUe to learn saiMthiDg of ita history-, Mt even if entirely without data, I shoiad like very rnuch bo see it in oirier to leani ho., it fits in with other sk^olla from the surroundir€ region. If you wUl icindly send it by express, chaises collect, addressed U. S. Biolc^ical Survey, Department of Agricoltura, Waihington. B.C. I shall be very greatly obliged, and will return it proogitly. The prices we pay for Bear skulls van' accordir^ to the species, tl.e a^e, the sex. and -.lie condition of the skull. Our ordinary prices rai^:e frcBi $2 to $8. , Very troly your a, .»J?^ ■'^hJ-'T^- # May 21, 1912. Clifford Littla. Isq, Box 40^1 Tictoria, B^C. Dear Sir; James T. Bell of MiniMapoli« .hiidcs YOU have some akulle o: Bears Just now I am completing a monograjiilc study of the American Bears, on whidi I have been er^aged for a number of years* In this connection, I am anxiooa to see as many Chrixzly skulls as possible. I am wonderii^, therefore, if you will act be willing to loan me your skulls for a short tiiaa^ I paying chariges both ways, of course* If you are willing to do tliis, kindly ship the padca^e by express, clmrges collect, addressed !!• B. Biological S^orvey, Department of A^icultiure, Washingtoa, D.Q. la case you are willing to dispose of Bxry of tbase sballa, ple^ise lat me know, imiimtir^* the price on each* Kindly attacK a ta^ to each skull suatij-^ where the Bear waa killed a:nd apprt^xiimta data. Tlie sea., of cour(i#, shoiild ba stated if positivt^ly knwmi, alt- dx^ili in (uOBt waaes it ?!e oaey tc detanain© V.ia sex froni t: ?. ab 11 Itsalf* Verv truly ' Uii^, I t^'.. l-d' V^i May 21, 1912, 7 Itay 21, 1912. (■■' Mr. Ja ,68 P. Bell Washbim-GroBby Conmsoiy, MinnaapollB, ftinrwBota, Ddiir Sir: Very many tha/iks for yoqr lati>er of tl» 17th, tellinfj ma tliat Clifford little of Tictoria, B.C. is likaly to hwe Grizzly Bear akulle in his private collection. I bavo written him by this laail. I ma obliged, also, for your su^.testion that I ask Mr. UtUe aboiit hia observations on tbe ' breeding of the Alaska Broro Bear. We know so little of the habits of the bif; Bears ihat Infoniation concerning eaxy event in their life histories is sure to be of value. Thanks, also, for tJie address of Max C. Heischman of Cincinnati, to whcm I am writii^ by sane tuail. Very truly yours. f Hr. Max C, neiscliJiian, Cincinnax-i, Ohio. Dear Sir: Mr. Jaznee F. Bell of Mimieapolis writes me that you laay be of assistance in my effort to sea as laany skulls as possible of Grizzly Bears before the cctnpletion of my monograph of the American species. If you know of any one who has skulls of big Bears frow A^-y pHrt of Araerica, I should be greatly obli^so'i i^ Y^^^ ^^^^ kiriily so infom me, as I wish to l-orrcw for a short, ti-ae all the material of this kind w}.ioh it is practicable to bring togatjer in wir National Collection. Respectfully, "a^ A-v ^/v,,sjj^vjrvX I ! n ill > |i » I m ^•9 \ I i }b.Y 21, 1912. May 21, 191 Mr. A. B. Balcsr, , . , ^ . Hati03»l Zoological ParK, IfashinSbon, D.O. Dear Mr. Baker: Very loaiiy thanks for your letter of yesterday, inclosias copies of two of jcuvc recent publicationB. both of urtiich are of interest to me. Yoii have done fjood senrice in securii>g and puUishii^ this remarkable record of the continuous breedinc. of Black Bears over a period of twenty-nne years. The infonoation you have published on this subject is of great interost to me, and I ahaU take the libei-ty to quote Inrgely from it in my forthcaning work on the Bears, I am obliged, also, for the other paper. and vn glad to have the authentic wei^^hts of Uie big ,an li ^ Ifay 22, 1912, ^imij-it^^sS^' of Natural History Hew Tork City ■Vo Bear "Or-. Allen: This will iirtroduoa Kr. yraucis Kermode, head of tha Prc- vincial Basauin at Tictoria, BoG. Mr. Kermoda ia lookiie at our mBeims witli a vim to 8eci>ri}:g information likaly to be of service in the constriction of the new tBaaeian whicJi. the Gcvgrmer t i« abotit to erect at Tictoria-, Any attervtion you inay shew him will be appreciated. Yerv truly yours. ^*- ^ X, * ... ^ ii I, I ri May 24, 1912. prof968or Robert H. Wolcott, University, . Lincoln, Nebraska. Dear Profasaor Wolcott: Tha Beai- skull in ctixeBtion proves to be one of interest, oarryine, the rariee of m^}- Inteolue. northr/ard into IllinoiB - thfi first record we have had for the state. I wish,. to ^± yon for your kind offices Ln letting me see the specimen. I m vrritir^ Professor Barbour by this Tnail. Very -ruly yows. % • ■ ^iC^-~Hr\p^\Js>.^,>»^^ . /--, ^ May 34. 1912, ■J Professor Erwin H. Barbour, State Geologist, Lincoln, Nebraska. Dear Professor Barboiar: very ':any thanks for yoiir letter of the 15th instant, and for your courtesy in sertiing the Bear skull in question. You were entirely rifht in believing it to belorc not tc the Grizzly group bat to the Black Bear groiip. Hfi^rerthelees. it is of unusual interest, sirce instead of bein^;- TTTBItf? fynericanua. it is ITrS^^ft ltt'^99lm?i the Bear of the sou then: states, whose range is thuB ertenied northward to Illinci •. !Tr9U§ I^t^oAw is a Bear of the Austroriparian fauna and therefore, on theoretical gro^rnds, shoi\ld reach southern Illinois, but heretofore we h^ave seen no sxecifoen from that re,^:ion. I will keap it long enongli tc rnnke some photorxaphs aid notes » and will then it to you. It is a pleasure to know that the outlook for your state musenm is so briglit. There is nothing like having a new building to stlrnulate ihe bringing together of material. With many thanks, lery truly j'-ours, .:k I < )M ,1 y i IH h' i »• w Msj 7A . 1912. tfti 9. ■J I May 24, 1912. 8 •v I . • ^h Dr« \ vstnia* ihr dear Dr. Holland: l^la-y thai^s for your latter or . * ^ nr>^ far vair courbesv in loaning me the 20th instant, and l(xc jo^ the arizzlv Bear ela^l ir- q-^estion. It appears %c .e a fine '..ale UcmJ^^ial^- ^^ -^ ^^ ^^^" you in the lea«t. hut it is a great dtli^t to me. since typical jMi^eJlfiiXi^Ua. appe«« to be a very . , • .ii.^+inTiE Profa«wr S. W. WiUiston rare animal m collections. rroio«»v» told me tlmt you had it. Your rermrk that yo^i have other skuUs interests ^ aso. partictaarly if you :nean Qriz.lies. I should he exceedingly ^ to soe a^ am all yo^. Grxz^ly slculla. ■ if tvey are fran kno^ localities. Tbe one you have 3US- sent carries the ra^.e of t.^ical ^^^ ^--^^-^^ the southeast tha. we had previously known it. and it xs .nit. .ossihle that any other skulls ym r-y bave would ^ • 41.V1V useftil. This one I will have photograpbad prove sirailaily useiux. ^"-^ and will return to you shortly. , . ^«v. yrrm-r f^fturtesY in the matter. Thanking you for yoi:ir coaroooy Yery truly yoxirs, ^ tr. Charles B. Cory. !,,•-+ «,^r Field Mosem of Natiiral History. Chicago, Illinois. My dear Mr. ConrJ DouhlQ thanks for your twin arrivals today -a copy of yo-or vrork on the Macmmls of Illinois and Wisconsin, and a big box of Bear skulls. As both have only iufit arrived, I have not had more than a glance at their contents, but I see that both will be very helpful to me in my work. I am surprised at the large amount of labor and brain tissue you have evidently put into your mammal book. It is a good thing to do a job of this sort. Such a book r.iust prove a boon to the amateur naturalists of the region, and it also contains a multitude of recoils and much other matter of interest to the professional maianalogist; besides a n'jraber of the aiustrations are full of life and highly attractive. I will write ycji latter about the Bears, but wish to thank you particularly for sending llliofs types, as they wUl be most helpful. His IlTBIlft llT^OdrgaBg* instead of being a Black Bear as he thought, is a straight &rizzly. It is an adult female of a species or subspecies of which we know very little. We have an adult male skull fran iui t- 11^ Mr. Charlw B. Cory #2 the head of Athabapca Rivar. and a youBg aaie «« fanale fr«i Henry House: It looks as if IlUof- name would hold for tW form. With Muny thanks, T«ry truly yours. 'S- v\V«^ ."^^r- N VV''».K.'^-,> I I. — *- I' Ml »/ .' « • '«v f'l IL 1", t' I \ •1 \ ,'1 .-./ •> 4-i ki' May 25. 1912. lla^y VmnkB f or putting me on X V „f +M«» Gamerie miBffJua Qrizzly. It t,^i9 track of tag i.arneb-'-'' *vn-5« ... ,.. . r.-r.« adult male IIlfiaUlL'?rr4t>Ulft a rare specieB in collactions. Yery truly ycfU's, >pOsj»>-J jw.,"*^- — L!;o^a^ff3hil,„o. May 25. 1912. My deax Griiinell: Unhappily I am forced to aba«ion for the present my conteniplated trip to New York. Kermode, from the Victoria has been hero with his wife fcr a week, wViich lias set me back a good deal, so that I ain not r yet quite ready to return a lot of hor rowed Bear skulls which I feel it obligatory to return before going to Hew York. With kindest regards to Mrs. Gi.-iniiell ani regrets that I shaJI not be aUe to accept your hospitality just now. As ever yours, , ^ ! In I f t h Dr. Oeorge Bird Grinnall, 236 Ea^t 15th Str.;^ou. Hew York City, ri h I % 'ik 1 to A ■ I ifay 2'', 1912. i'l r^ li *,! M t: iir. TorontOt CJH^mda. Dear Mr* FI^* i *^l much revisicn of ^ i« "orv-i- »-«- •^*'—' *- ~ l^^^icappad by *J..e ecarcity cf BkaU of««t partiadarly Tron th. ra^io. ^t of the Rocky Mo«nUin«< -^v*^ ^rta. I B'wald be ^lad to see skulU from ATir' ere. h-'- -■ particularly anxious to see thoBs frctn «-ie east 3 lope of *.u8 RodcT 1 eastward. a2^ -^ruj y^irst Dear Sir: In preparing a aanographic rwrlaion of the north Amarican Bear a. I find «y«*lf un^^* tc secure apeciaena of ^^ Oriariy which formerly rmt:«l fron the Red Riyar of the Iterth westerly to tha Rocky Ma-ntains. It occ»irs to ma that your Society may possibly possess the skull of one of toese Grix^ies. If bo, I should be greatly oUi^ed if you will •.^^ -■ \ \> o 1 Ifey 27, 1912. May 27, 1912 Mr. Bdtwurd C« Buastl, L^^ristc^fHf Montana^ JjBHX 81i^! 'iliavictj fc»r /fiir la^.ar of tlie 20th ins lar/o. Fmt I a;.: aaakinf i& imkad skullB of Orixsdy Beara I «! &t:9cicr4e to p3rt^ aod or 'barron as many sTrxlla at prasiMe wifeho^^^t tlie Mdes, and aho^iid bt gl?^ tc BStf aytn *i siiv la one from ro^ir ra^-don. # / T«ry tnil7 TOftrs^ . * s «• ^^ r»*^ Ifr. Witcier Stono, Acadlec^ of Hatural Sci^noss, Biiladelphia, Pa. Dear Mr. Ston«: Hats you any ld«a idmt baeame of Lavis a Clark's spaelmen of tho Gristly Baar - the typ© of the Bpaclee - i^ic^i nas formerly in ^» IMlndelphla ]tmmm and which VB8 fibred Ij Uudlton Smith undar the rune of ihrmM Q^ndmmamrm in Qriffith*! CoTlar, 7ol. II. 229, 1827? Tery troly your a. -* f *' .'f f? IM I i. :• I \' • (, . I t: : M M hf >lay 27, 1912. ftr. ri ?1 Brcmdim^ !!^ iDrt: Cit7, Dear Mr* NOrtor : Tne t^o aki lis of voiir Yakiitat Glacier Bears , 5rtiofr»d in our racaiit corr©i5Tondaii:a (01 2 :jtJ Jl 3)t i ' rva r^t THpii9r \a^ ; ist rat'iraad frcwi Florida and I euppoaad til at ha ccdd io t- a work at once* It iiappei^, hoirever, t>.ar I'a xaa :i''*?.i loc^ than he coidd attend to, and has only just hm-i alia t: I'rr-iah rrints of those skulls* • • -•• I mi: iicm retiruiijr V 3 "ario*;© borrowed skulls as fmt aa I can sec^Ara £ccc! phot^jrai^hB of thaju Still ire have a l^rr 3 oerias left a id alcc any int^roGtiix^ skiris^ I have a linrjerin^ ; era, tharsiore^ il at yon will still be ahla to maka w a Bhort rieit while the srecijans are (^-ethar* You haTs not Tia^ia any aotment on ay stateo»nt tlmt I rafarded yctir A 3 ai¥^ A 5 fr^i eottth of Yaknt^at Bay as one aixi the 8a. ^3 l; 002*53, only of different a/ a. I cannot waa how thof c^^ po^nlhly ^1^ different. If, harever, you have any notions to t}ia centrary, imm§ lat rm knm. %: Mar 27, 1912. Btr* (Smrles D# Walcott| Secretary, Smthscnian Inst lt-;t ion, Washington, D.C* Dear Dr* Wolcott: Eeferrii^p tc yotir letter of April 23, and subsaq^aent telephone conversation, respecting the deficit remainin^^ frcir t'a dinner of the National Acadeoiy on Ajril 1?: I have received checka fra. ^>^e, LiT^{jren, ttid WoodiranU This leaves me $12 i^ ^' e role, as I paid $4 eacli for plates reserved for iir* Ac G, Bellt Dr* Ed^^ar ?• Smith, afid '^i ^Me^t in^r!t3d by ons cf the aetrcno?^Hrf», If it iB -".rorar for t"^ e treas-irer of the So^daty tc pay for one plate » a? BM{;;;9dtdd in yo\ir letter, I suppose it it proiper to t^ay f ca- all ""'.ree. I am therefore ir^oaiar bill for |l2* l^t^j truly youra. f~\ ^* :%- ^^. (■' fl II' ; r i iiiv 28., 1912. Professcr Willia-i F, Bade, Berkalay, Calif or .ia. Dear PrcTetiSOr Bade: Please p?rdon 'm delay in replying; to yo'ur Idttar of April 11. 11:8 trouble ie,in the matter of t^B loTTt; prcnuised article en the raaamals of the hich Sierra cr of Yoseiuite Ijaticr/il Park^that I sen up ajalnst a ven; eerioiis hum difficralt propoeition. Per several yenrs, a.-:- yo-i nay krtc^, I have hesn imder ^jraat presgnre to finish a work on the North Ainerican Bears. Owin- to la C3rcu'fl3tan.ce8 of my present work, it is really necoaaary for me to ^ri'>- t'lis book out at the earliest lossible rnynnnt. O^' ar^ine, I sh^^ Id be in Oalifomia at the prose r't triis. The Sierra iwi'-wl ^aper i« not 30 simple ea it ^eetiis, a? it 13 not a ^2dt^ w--ich can be cr^mted on.t of one's irna -3 nation. I hav.; already dene about all I wn Ao on it vibhc ;t refaren^e t.. areciwans. It is new 'laoeoear/ to list tba hundreds of s.nall ti»/,MaIa collected in the Sierra by the varions piirties of the Biological Iwr^rer/ dp.rin.r the past tTronty y^axa, e^id to have a lai-r;e •r.v.T'ar of the 3t,ecl-io=..B i.roi.. j-.t to'-gt^.sr so t^at I my ■"„r * ■- '- ^ii Profesaor Wiliia.15 ?. Bade #2 exaraine tbe:n with reference to their specific identity, aa the '^reat bulk of theni have not yet bee- identified. This, as ym can readily see, nean^ tl-ae. and tinie is the most precio^is coinnodity V^mn to ioa^ nowadays. Hov?ever, I am now haviixs a^- assistant [O throuch ovnr vario»i« catalogues for the Sierra records, and if I ain able to rmke the neceasar^'' deterriinat ions befor'^ ,s-ciiT: to Calif cmia. I ^ill take rcy notes with le and finish the article out there. This is all I can proaise. No one regrets the delay half as 'tTucb as I do, as i >ave a very special rea«on for wishing; to work up this Sierr? "iwnnal matter as early as ir».y be. What a dart^tf^ii lit'le book tV^e Hallr have recently published on tha Flcra cf T?e-ii'-2, It- 1'^ ^ne cf -.he handiest aM oo3t attractive pieces of work of the kind I have ever seen, a>Td will ne iniier^fiely helpful to many -people. With kindest rerarde to ycu and ycvr asscciates, Verv trilv voiirs, 1i I * -1] a ! I I i \ u 1! # iiay 29, 191^ Aug. Oottec'rialck, Beq, Montemi Armory, „ . _ ]>os9i3an, MoatARa. T)e«ur Sir: Your let .er of the 31th inatant is at hand, arJ I «ii oUi^ea for tba Infatuation it cor^cemiir. tlia aiiimal yea c»U Pino m Boar. I should like 7&rj aiuch to sas this Bj^^iaon. and will be if you TJill kiiidly ship tlie skin aiH skull by wproas, charges collect, addressod U. S. Biological Survoy, Department of Agricvltv^e, Washington, D.G. Weaae •_• also mention the price you ask for thia apecinttx, as tre Di^t Tint to keep it for th.e «oU action. If not p^orchased. I .rill return tc you BhortJj. ^harsee prepaH. Roe^ectfully, t. 1 0^ .^\o 5: - r* Ifay 29, 19?-^ Harold S. Coltou. Esc. OniverBitv of Panneylvaj^^Wp^ Dear Sir: ' In coi->^^^i'^ *^*^ ^^ ^°^ ^^ ^-"^^ ®^^* t>f la^^rica. 1 aa. intereated in the original type specin.^ of the ^U?^ collected by Leiria and Claric and said to have seen exhibi^^ for sane tfme in Peale'a Museuau I m told that you bio» more iiian any one else about the tfhereabout. of the renains of this collection, inl take the Wherty to aek, therefore, if you can teU mo wr»t became of the Bear in question.. • \a Very tnily yours. ^ \ ■"-,.- -O '•"" ■'' - "l y *3Xw. *.«• ^^roz^r «! i h f ' , » 1. K ^ ' Ifay 29, 1912. t M i« i M: 4 Allan Brooks, EaQg OkanRgui Land Dear Sir: Ir^, B,n, • o 7or sow tiiM past I im.n "btoa naking a spooial afibri to eooiplafte n^ acrograth of tha imarloaa Big Beam before golqg weat this sinmer. I ha^r^ borrovad moat of the material in the arioua imerioiii oo],laetlflDB« indudiDg the Provincial Mosouni at Tietoria* 1 ^Mff ^ not bdon able to finl« hov#Ttrt ttgr iknlls at all trtm^ the ooaat strip ftrom Hoira Sound north to tht Tilo}^ It is quite probablo that this coaat f om wiU be fomd to differ frcm the GriasBlies of the interior of Britlsli CoXtnibiat and I am most aracioos to see speeinens. So yon happen to knot of anir one likely to possess the skull of one of thMe coast Orissdies? Bjr the vay, if yoa hi^tpen to hare on band any draviqgs of mmwals, I should be Tary glad to aee theoa* During the next far yeftra I am likely to need » canaiderahb number of illustnttions of North Amerieah maoBalSt and should be glad to purchase such as may prove suitable for wf irork# ▼erv truly yours. -j*"*^— » V hi' }i J M k' 'H * ii I II K [ M W: •It; ii • !iay 30, 1912< T. Mains, ^ .l~rwith I incloee saljary vouchsrs for work dene In m^; office rirfer the Haxrimaii Fund for the month of ^ 1912, as foUo^a: Helen Srover $110. giizaheth A Fyde ^UC. and Eoroth^ Trout $27. Very tru'^^'^ yours ♦ \:. -o--* -— ^ '»»,^^<»»'H,j^ f » Mi ^ T^ writirp- naxt to annoancd ^lUe-, vcm. 1 had hoped v.^n wri .ing n r. vi^ ,<*T«rtnr8 for Halifornia, out thp date of TTTT prol»bl9 deT.artare i^- , ,,^ ! w-ilv r ^., not able to do this. Tlxa tm;ble as vet, -OThApi-Uj'. - a--^--'^ . ^ ♦ 1 ..r^^n cihoiit the first of July. this is likely to keap ■".. about Fro. ti.e to td.:. I 1-ve re.ioicad at the .oa.ner .eiorte anno^^in, late B.ri.^ raine ir. mriouB parts of ,.^ ' «r.^ *-iist +Tat niattera afc Dos Rios are pro- California, and ,-nisi. -^" -i^- f^raBBlrv: mo« Bati.Iaotor'ily than iMt year. ■ I ™b «ch fcitaroBted in ycjr reiaark. a.>o.A Tosoph Sri^Bll-3 chack list of oaiJorfabird. with ti.e dLtrlbuticn «ri:ed out to dato. If &»" w,re m 1 .'^v 4^ ^n-ild be donet I shofuld he practicaoie way o% w..-^- i ^^ ,^^4^ ^ ^ n.1 -iia use of my Calif omia Mrd note, ooverin: :n^- --ars a.>d ..any parts of the sta.e. . t ' „---ATi -if it is not publisiied . „^,'-,Vr ^a^'-rr snfficient rums, by the vmdeiiW or ccma 50C19-/ .-a. -.. I shall be glai to contribute my mite. Was tha1i matter of th«; d'jrp''ira»ie payment of Laoinitas taxes ever straighttHie.; '.'t? Th3 tax bills for 1910 I liav3 rs'/or seen. Tlie ~av bills for 1911 I paid on Novaaber 4, 1911, aiid :iave tJ & receipts, amount irig to $7.86. Toil or your brother paid both the 1910 and 1911 taxes, for which, on fe'brvjs^y 13 last, I sent your brother $12.23, so that tlie 1911 tax h«« evidently been paid twice. Plercode, head of the Provincial Museum at Victoria, B.G, spent a week with us a short time ago investi^ting rausecm construction, cases, methods, and so on, in view of the biiilding of a great museum at Victoria, for it is said that the Government of tlie Province has decided to put up a ri:." structure on the Parliament buildings grounds in the near future. I hope that, you have entirely recovered frcm your physical troubles of last winter, and also from the mental fatigue rasultiip; frcm th3 several poetical oninatiom of about the same time. Ltrs. Jlerriam has just returned frooi a visit to the girls at Smith College, Northscipton. The girls ^ill be heme by the middle Tune, and o^ar entire family is in sack cloth ai^ ashes because we shall not be aUe to leave inmediateiy ^0^ Lagunitas. However, we may inaks up the loss by staying later in the fall. 77ith kindest regards to you all. Very truly yours, .» . I I I: i\ .y? iv 1 V ■ - > 111 rf , i' %'. Pf May 30, 1912. \^. Bull Calf, „ ^ Browning, Montana. Pear Sir: Yoior letter, incloeing tlia small shsll, waa uaxayed in coming because the shell cut tlirougji the envelope, and the Post Office people call^ n^' attentitm to the fact that it was received in dainaf:;ed condition. It is very difficult to find this kind of shell and I liave not succeedod; still I m. sendirig you sodoo which oatch yours pretty clocely, thou^ not exactly. I bora spent a good deal of time in hantiiig for tliase shells, and have secured seme others which I thought yea aight like, ard tlarefore am soiling them to you in the same package Tihidi goes today by registered mail. Your saraple is in the sroall bar ^ith the others. I dc not know anytldiig abo-at the laiid you aenticn. No one has told me anything about it. I think Dr. Grinnell intends to make you a visit the latter part of the sunsaer. Maybe he will knew abdit it. I am very glad that you and White Antelope are well ar«d are gettii^ along all rif::Jat. Some of these days I hope to be able to go to see you. Yer/ truly yours, , (■ I ' ■ *- *. r 11 J W Jvm» 1, 1912. U T?r, a. ?. !?crt-- :, J , - -^ ** w Or. I'!, 'i ■•'^•^ \Ic-r7 .York. ' > , - f% '-* 1. • ■* ■ , . ■ ^ - ♦ ^^,-,v- ''rv — •■r 1-jtt-r of ^lay *io» OT, a far-t in nortnem 1.©^ to,-. \^ . aa I V'ii'9'!* frora ^^onr l--- /wa wx^j. a... x it, I 8V.a?. be -lal -oc pre ■■'O^t ir: --.5 .a} 3+ .-oe.x.-v,. w • 1. T -^V I rxTirr "in-^ad for to Bbor yw som .:;iv6 m the oppoft'-i-nity l^eo ionfe. -io?9a lor uu jr rf c\u^ Baars, ar>oat.nifln went bacsk on har. It is prartif'!dly certaltJ ti^at VrP'^^ nartoni does TO"; reach the irtirior, TLich io iri abited by the ordinary BritiPh Col-^iiVcta drizzly. Ibat happsne to Tike &(yi1Jfi'^a*::t beyoTKl '-he Tbalic arf. Alaec Rivers, I will show •'joii i?hen von cocie on. I ar-Tee with ywi entirely in the viaw i'lat t'".^ Grroat f^rl'Jy^rd fJlacier ^eparatep fee ranr;eB of nor1;^9Tl^ ard dgiii. Plaase writs or rira Eie when you will Rrrj7e, so t.iat I roay connect v/lth you as oocn ar practice^ble t'^ereaftero ^^irj tnily Tour!?^ Ill I d ^ f . *4 *-4 I It iJ \ ! I June 1, 1912. *• ^(^!ll» P.O. Cllfomi.. Dear Sir: Tour letter reached me some time ago ani I was very glad to hear ftrom you* I expected to see you last fallt but was sick and not able to go to Southern California. I hope to have better luck this year* It interests me to knoir that you have written a story of Indian life and ancient history* Ihis is very goodt and I should be glad to see it* It is hard to answer your question aboai books on Kdian languages* There are a number of books ani small papers on lax^oages of the Plains Indians and of scae of the eastern tribes* There are also publications on the structure of the lai^age of scoie of the Oalifomia tribes t but most of tham are written in such a way that a man cannot inaderstand them tinlesB he has spent most of his life in studyixc the strueture of lar^guages* I do not knew of any publication of this kind which I could get to send you which would be of any use to you* I will send you some papers I have written on California Indians which may contain something of interest to you. Please give ray kind regards to your uncle, the Oiief Le i ■I kill ill f it ' i f'H ' i % ■IP V I June 3, 1912, ^- '^- Dirl^?fioloraxlo liiBei^m of Natiaral Histor/. Denver, Coloraao. Ify dear Sir: Jijst nosF I aw trying to finish :n-y monographic revision of ti^a Big Bears, and am onach hampered by lack of sufficient materia, particularly in tha ^ay of skulls of Ori^zlias. Haa your muse>^ any notarial of this Icir^? I ^hxJd Ixke very rrach to borrow as ;aany Grizzly s'aills as possiUe for'a short ^ime,a!ii ^ill. of co^irsa. pay charses both ways aid return liia saiaa praaptly. Should you have a«y which you are Tilling to loan, kindly ship caius by express, charses collect, addressed U. S. Biological S'orvey. Department of igriculture, WasMn/iicn. D.C. Very t-raiy yom-s. v— JS.4A./V*-- I f l< >: # r :i' •^ •*. •. •. 11 t . \vy Juna 5. 1912* Dr. Ds'jid £• Vi a-jiar, Bjffaio, Ilaw YorK. ►ratit My d ar Sir: Plaase pardo" Jiy lonf, delay in rajlyine t-^ ro-iT Ur-- U' -^r, a-i^d in tharJ^in- ycu for the sorapinr oone you vr-ore no ■.•?nero^as a-^ to send me. B.i-6 TThidi I appr-jciate. Ti:e fteirlBB aar-an V.y tae Barren GrorJid Baar a-d :i;a-v cv^ar nor w -.em i-iaiJ^als wid birds aiid which B^aln T-.^ int,y^t:v.93 a purplish color are without much doubt. t:.v-69 of t'w ncr.-jiion h-mther, eocietimeB called .,:,u:.-j {M^.miLD^£i^ ^ wliloh hy b"i8 way is hy no me;ii-fe 'i'v? sa,iw as unroA hrin- back a twig of the fir tree in question, the mttar cf its idertblty nay oa eaaily settled. ill With c38t wiiihss, M5 o o 0 o o < ^ I o o o c OD 8 OB I CD O M. a CD P CD O CD CO O CD O o -'ti h-* CD >^ - 0 m ajcD ^r^ <-i C«"- •-J OB a> Oi to p \ V 1:5 CT- a- ^r '^ 4 v^ o T^ C r'-- * Vf IT X- o ! • -♦ -- r.Ti ; V >-v 1^ -^ v~. r • * t\ t ^Sj • ■'SI ^ .7^ .1 \.\,' O t -— « '"": •3 ^>4 c*- a" a ^ u:- r ^' rn r ,,^ r- *«i s- 1 ^ GO CD CA 02 ♦-1 ^ «c « »JB CD / f ^ r V T-«. /"v w . i hi •1 = I J^one fc, 1912. Dr. Deal- Dr. Trua: Tii .1 ;: 5 i:r Be^iiiir:^ t'^i e a copy of Prc^fee^or YarriU'c isM-ar of Ma^ 27, aiid your If Verrill ^^ill f'xrdsh his Btarfish ' ^ ^41' c - -D-f •? .--o sv t>>a Slid of tiiiS T; :,ori^h, rr. viii 1-e iirviraiy satisfactory as far as I am cc-ncornod. We do not, of course, rant to receive the mr-nnp..r-r . ., Bos tor, ?iaBa<. My dear Ifr. Cocka^me: It lockt; nx/ as if Profai-rfior Verrill rere -^zmi to turn in his starfish vol-.^ia. nis loads rr.9 to ask what Im hocaae of the plates you .laxie for this v-ii.t,6 3on<^ years a^;o. I do not fi:id t:.eM listed iii the Btock r,.,n.9d over by Donbleday, Pa-e & Co. to the Sinithsonian tistitation. I Bhall be -led to ^e iiiformed a^ to Very tnaly yorxse \^ Jime 5^ 1912. Jiine 5, 1912. iM y- h k m. PrcfaBscr Sharaan B, Tlmcher^ Nordl.orfj CiuLifornia- My dear Prof ass or Tlmaior: li^iy iiiany thaiiks for your lst:.-r of May 23. Mr« William Kent; uelis me that ne saw t.he sIdiII of a ^'i;: (>r:^?:l3^ at the Poothiils EozQl severfil 3/ears b{0 winch 7;ae killaa in your reneral nei^iborhood, buo ha dcas -ot knoir what becan'S of it* I BXii obli._59d for your kind offices in conjiec:/ion ^Itli tlia sk-iill oY/nad by Rafael Reyss of Ozena. I sliOMici lil^a ohe .skull, of co'xtbb^ but it is hard to vuC a price on a i)% i^"^ h hag» I wonld be willing to nay f Dr it scmewhers l)t3tween $4 aiid $10, according to size^ sex, a^e^ and ccndition^ but woulu not be willing to name a price deficit ely until I saw it. Should he be willii]^: to ^oDd it, it e?ha Id be shipped by express, chaxf-dt^ collect, addressed U. S. Biological SurveY. Departiiient of AcJ'i^^lt-m^a, Ifashiivcton, D.O. Please caution him to put \ii& naaie bota on i;ri9 o'otsids of the box and partioiilariy on a tm attached to tha sscail. We ar© receivi"^: sKvdls ndariv every day aiid Eaaetimes tha lack of the (r':-^or*3 ranio cairsae. oTony difficultian of identification. tnb; TDurs f k Mr. John M. Maco^jn. Geological Surv©: . OttffJTa, Oanada. Dear Mr. Macoiua: Yovir father iii liis book antii-i^ Manitoba and the Great Sortb.TO8t, published in lb62, 8ta-088 on paces 336-3SV that a bi- arizziy Bear was killed in the Hand Hills in 1877 and that his skull •is nour in t,ne mseim: of Toronto Uiivsrsity*. I have ^itte-n to the lfaiv3rsi:>y of Toronto aixl ain told tha. uo s^adti skull is in their possession, and that a man ^ho ha^ oeen connected with the ir^ti-y^ticn some forty years knc^/s lotv/hif; abci;t it. Will you kindly ask yo>ar father if he remanbers aPA^^ further abo^jt it. and kindly let me kncfr if either of you have any s^estions as tc hm I nay be more fortunate in following up its trail. With best Trishes to you all. Yer: traly yours. 'V >-_K.„X. ^->J"^'.Jvj^* -' I .•'■ ^1. vVc^Kt^^^^ \/Vvx>^' «fr fil 'li 4' ^ June 5 9 X912* !&•• Carl RoTKi^^t ICr;' Kant Street. - , . BrcckljTi, Not Yonc* My daar Mr* Ruiv;iiisl Pardon my ddlay x^ replyirig to yoar recant letter about the Bear sketches, r^e thrao sketcheB arrived duly ai.d strike rr» as excellQut. The of the 9riz2ly I adanire particalarly* In retumiir:, the sketchea harewith I am inciob-iig two j^otObraphs wliich I to' .rs in a paiatir^;. ^^- V truly yours. \ 5 -'tl i J I' \:i V . til 4 .' $ f Jmie 7, 191:i. June 1912. m ;. < ' I k:- \ \t f The Hon. Jo^m H. Rothemiel, Chairaiei-:, Caiari^-^tas on Ixpsndi uurea . De-Dartn;s:.T. Oi Carmierce aiid Labor, " HouBd of ReproBeiit^iuivefl. Dear Sir: ir you have jrintod my hyarinc V-efore yoar Corrrnittee, which took place on May 4, I siiaii b3 -rsatly obi iced if vou will kindly send me foiar copies. Respectfully, 3 I 1 I ProfaBBor Josu^h^^. §'alh.L>>; ?a ^"^ ^'''* . . vear. T^st I l^ve bean enca^^d . ,.. .r^raration of a vaonocTatnic revieior, of ti.e Horth Ajnericar, Beaxe. IX^ine. ^-le 1 . n ,v.iTr R>ul'i& I coiad laam ol torro^od all of •.« b..u1-.. 1 jr» *a ™rl«» i^erica. If.o,-, ^^ -^^ ""^ i • *»r.v,-.>^p-i't. locaii^J-ieB* i«./>vinr from certain import-s-xTi j-w- ffpacimens ai^e lacking irom ,, ^. _ ^v« Tor inetance. we liavo no. a sin^^ Blue Mountains of Or^^Bon. ax.d only one - and a w! . fro. ^^e Wailo^as. Professor Piper o ...e 'C-... of Asriculture. tells ^. possiUy yo. l^no. Of B0.e one ..0 .a. a arizzly 3^1 or t. ^ a.^n.^ Other paxt of tii9 west, wuich from Oregon, ot from some otnei pa^ iiw V* L, , ,. „,„ fnr a short t.lIDe« K tbev would -be willing; to loan rue foi a saor^ , . . ...,^-1-: -bli^-dd for the infonnatimi. ao, I should :!e ©rea'-l-i .oxit^.-" •7QXJ T^ruly yours, V w VJOO^"* 1 ri June 10, 1912. 4-% ^-^^ Profassor Hsnnan Dcuthi riki Hi I n. •il ill t i !l 506 Hat'.'ral H:Btor7 Biuldint;. Uruaiia, Hiiiiois^ Btar S-.r: ?arv .laiiv thajik^i for yoiir latter of the 3rd m^^tant, ar.a i cr yo^r ki.diiess in seiidiii£^ a batcli of skins ::nd BkuLus 01 Q-aciijya barsarlufi from iiH{)ortent localities. TL-JS3 T Imva tiirn'^d i^' ^.o V^e BiolO(';ical Survey as a present %r , \ 'C-J. it mt Wa BX^ i^articularly gladt as you of course know. ^o 'iava tha ckalis from lu^rsor, Manitoba, thus exterding •t>9 sr-icieB in^o Canadian ~arritcr/. Tliis is a most Wo are :ia.i also t.c Imve Illinois siiecimens in 7^13 liicabiorx pelage. I Irnva not yet examined these cri tJCc>ily Id coiirparison ^ith typical tHiTMriilff ^^* without Jiu caaparison they do not strike mo as peculiar, except that all of tiioci are in t ds pola^^e. Will you kindly tell ma v/ til a ordinary rufous hrOTB paia^re is entirely absent in this re(_;ioj-? If you IV ill look at 2;y iaonograph of the Qacmyidae (Fa'.na Ilo* 3) on pat^es 19 ajid 20, ycu will fim remarks on tLe two color li'msas r Muli :ii*o mora or leas pravalant throu^jh^ crou^ 4 Wa I'XB obli.2-ad r ^ ■%"* 7C ;r !:i k- cffer to ^e.iii .T--::!^ ,-.'•■■ V •■ ^■^. specir-iena, ard shoulci "he y'^rj Z^^ *'''■' '"''^'''^ ^'"^•'- "^ iB not exactly clear to ia= hOTr t," sy may "be befit sent at this season. Perhajs if t".e inooatinde wore raao'/ad uiid tlie c&vity filled with cotton mcistenad vriih canrpboT or fommlin, they micht reach ub in good comiLiimw I f>ni incloBii^ a few return penalty onvalojae under wliich packapsB nay be sent tc tae Biolot-ical Survey, tost fa-:?e. Txienkint:, ycu for yaar courtsey in tin ^naxtor, Very traly yours. >-'^>. -X^^ It ! ^w" • til "W J'.ira lit 1912. ip^3^'-- I inclosQ uiy oelated aiii l:x*"iu-i4b ,,: ii. t,^70 iivu9 ^uccks. $127.06. w'lich I , . , ..-•.,,. ,., -ii kirdJ.'.' Pav ^^^m "one *f KwNJv^. ip 1^*1 I Jur.o J}^ 191% 1 . ■ n Mr- Willia. . ?,. Ccll-^, Sacreiaiy^ Sierra 21''.1), Dear Mi^ GcUiy: Y-Ji' letter of t^^e ist :pita:^:, a^d:-^::rid to m^ a^: the Su^itlironian Inrt? . t^o-, I a'i' "J^a-ci to knc3R^ tliat tlie rasiDonBee to yorxT letter rerardin^ ^he p^in'i^aBe cf Vie Soda Sprli,;^ troierty id Tuoliaiiiiie Hoad:^»8 }\av^ been isurfi::iertiy a^uZiOuB aiKX fa'^ora" Ic- 36 tr juBlifv "^^^ offi^erG of t-:.e Si^irra Club ir. tne jurchai^e oT t.,6 ^rOj^orty, l^^. accordi;:.cni vi'Jli dvj letter of Iki^ lb, I ca^roiore liclote h'^r^i^iti- ..-7^ chack for |1(X) as rny ^lai^a in ^la p ;n la^cu ¥i''.;3 bont '7if5:!,3«, Irdly yearn. elu- -V PS. 7o\ir iriticreuar^' a] i titi^'B lo liave roriCOvt?JK tc corx^c'; nr/ address in accordance with wrj request oi* Ilay l&. m peniBJidnt. addrei-?s m Washingion Ib 1919 • lotii street* < ■ - :-% .-. \ 1 '^^1 1 ' 1! ^1 fc'-tM'; » t M te! -r I I •H Jiuw 11, 1512. University Ifeiseiija, Lanu-iiie, 7/yaflin . Dear Sii': Ver/ man}' iilmnks for yoiu: letter of the 5rd imtart. a^ for the two Grizzly Bear skulls ^rldd^ you were kind enou^i to loan rne, and which arrived this ir.oniug. They oi'Q both faaaleBt on* riuly adult, V-a othar not quite adult. But they are ^ :t accompajiied by iai^els . aiid I h^ve no inf oiiation aa to wh^re they --vara obtained. Can you kirdly give +:- locality aj^, if you know it, the date also? Thaee skulls are particixlarly welccano just now for ccriparison with other borrowed ak'iUs 'ivhid-. I aai just on the point of vQ*r:,ruai^ Ti-i-sti/r t.'iat you may be able to supply the locality. Jiuit lii-t 151*^' Mr. 0. ?. Sloan, „ ^ a«oe-rapher. Bureau of ^.-jneus, Washiri{^ton, ^ i > ' • My dear ).tr. Sloan: Please pardon iti}'' delay in replyiriG to yoiir letter of the Svn itiata-t, and ^-^ retjrriirv: the accacxanyinB caj-da, wnich are herewith inclosed. Tae delay was due to the accident of mislaying t,he big envelope containing your letter and cards. Tie Paiieinieroi Mountain card I have completed, with tbe ori^iiial reference. Tae ether spell iii/^s I kror- othinj--:, abot.'t. Tne caixl on the Lemhi Raii^;e I am not respcnsibie for, as it caiae f ran ?lr. Bond. As I taiderstooa -is movicn, t'le name was to apply to the full lei^th of the range , as described correctly in your leoter of the 6th instant. Re;;rettin,':: i-he delay , I i . M )kl: < 11 . t 1 ■ t h June 12, 1912 ]ir. Allan Brooko. OkaMu a i|^' dear Sir: Very niaiiy i.\ >c% ■o\r? for yo'ir prcaapt reply to ray recent latter* Thilft I an -Twt anxio>\8 tc secure ebills of Gri2.1ia« :rai the coaet strip from Hore Soi«nd north. I am at the «fi.:^a tiiae ani-ns to se^ as -nany Grixzlj sbdl. as poBsible from aiiy s.^d all localities in British ^oinpVia a'Xi in the s^^te of Washlrcton. Don't im&in^ that T do not care for skrdl^ becajise they -are sure to l)e the sane as the WyaniTic E^nd Idaho aniwals". Skulls, rar^lrnlarlv adult, of all the Grizzlies are so scare* in OTi8e>jms tiut it is imposaiHe tc -et tosether enoish to work out correctly th-. rarv:e of the several forniB. T shoild li-htly like to sea thai skull froro Hope, and any others W'lich i- ie possible to cret hold of in time, as I eiroct to leave for California in the nei-Jiborhood of t:29 loth of JAly, I ai. clad to ^nov -'-^ when you hare more tia» ■on will :^end :i^ •>■•? iketchee either in Hade and white or In color, or ''oth, c" m-ffTala. Almost ai^ species wouM baacceitaulQ, b-. t'^a ^ork oii v-i* I a. nor enfa<:ed covers i Ov. ^i Allan Brookci t thd entirt ^ield of North American n»rrtnals* Ain't 'i»¥ yo*i aand xm diiring the ea^nnier or fall snoild be addressed to me at Laf^oiiitas, ?.krin Co^aiity, California- fen' trulT youtb^ ^ 8 1' .1 i -M' ' 'i If •i 13 n ft Jiuia 12, l^'i^. \ Jiuie 12 , 1S12< 4 u 1M 1 i 1 ^' ^"^MraStSr'^ee^^ of CaaparaUva Zoolo:;;. Dear Mr. Hoiie'jw: At last I am rat irninfe- (lay ir'j.a Fort ?xed St.eU. w'.icl. /ou rar« kirii -^n^^^rjc^ ..- lo-: .u .... t.u. ,v,c. It 'rxaB been .loat lielpful arvi I tiimik yw var/ amcii for the 'jsa of it. ir yai bave air/ otliar slculla of Sriazliss frcm any y:xt of Azc^rica. ^iU 70^-^ ^^i^^ly yiva ne a list of V-e localities whence they came' Tsr- '■-.njilv' yo^u-s. fl ^9 Dr. Georr© r. Ba^or:, ■^9 Uuivarsit" fev,89u 1. . D^ar Dr. Eaton: A', la^t I Bii rdtijrui:xv (by exprorfB, trsfaid) th.e t^our ariz/.ly 3^ea- ekolie you so kiiidly loaned ^ae lory-, ac.o. I ain martiri-MJ at ksapi>K tne-^ sc ioiKi;, >-»u^ I thim yea will fcrt^ive uaVUdn I toll you - reasons. In ths firet r,lac«. your f&aale sk^aH fron yell<«r8to«> P.iver (Uo. 13/15) ^rovad to ..e a most iaporr.i^>r. si^dci^ien -on« which I selected a^^ t'e .o-t t^n^ictd I mv^ ae^n of t^a trie iics^J;2iXiUiiS,. «i'^-J-A ^i a -"^ ■ obtained at Crolofnin ^y. Uaaka. JuBt HOT 1 am revieiiv- v,«r rnairascript on -vhe A:.3rican Bears ^ith a vie^ to ths oarly i^iWication of a yolt^ on tMe erbiect. 1)'- ^>.i3 connaction T am J • ,4- ^r.„ w,-ilf^ be -'illin^r to loan m yocj: wonderinfr if yon wcua l>, . .axxi« • * - ^ aV-^-t time If 80. I shcild be slaill af-am for a sLOxt t^iie. J- "u, neatly cblt-ed aixl will retur.; tlia saae, pror^rly tackad. In case you it, il3aBe place a ioldad nevrspaper betreen ".^.e teeth to avoid inlury ^.o .he teeth in treuisit. We find that the jarrir^ of bIcuIIb ^i^'^ :.he ar^amel faces of the teeth in contrjujt ib iiKexy ^^ iw-j-u *i .ha teeth. T^ie packa/^e shcniid be addressed TT, ?. BiolD^ica Survey. Department of Agricnltxre. WaahiiKton, D-% sxd shoild be Bant by exprosi, charges colisct. A label sho^ald be placed inside with your neiie aiid addrsBS. I sliall FToatly appreciate the courteey if yoii will be kind enough to loan me tJns sicill a,:aiii. Ifer^ t-ruly yours, 4- ^ ^ 5' ? %> June X*". X^^' . .^t-cn tJlait iK j^.' i^^P L^ * ^!4 i i |] .; i I ■M'if 5i.' t: 1 ^- KltoB Clark iS i^-^|ji^/Sf.'^ darl tBjny fcr yc^^r let-tear of the U^ Ins-tAT*. alec a> an opport'^-e tune, I w.t U ^ceep aiac a. »^ i-r .^i-on with o^h»rs, and will a litt;i« lan^^t for conpariBon wl.r are ir. p^rfaet condition, fsreat i^m Ha^i^C ^>^ In thair jraparatioii. «o,.>.raent Bot^xit, Hr. novllla. for idantiflcaticn. ^ ,111 let To^^ tao» it* nam. Utar. . am vary o^-a and will 16^ y^ .v^^vtful a* to l)rlng ^^ apectawi indeed that yoa rare ao tho^r^tmi aa ^ indeed w^J ^^ poaititaly i5*t tha sr«»-lik. ^Unt la on whidtx ^-bti Be«r» ara faaoing slidaa in *i^a apri^ii- ^ ^ , ,^ ^„ -^ -^ar ftwroaity We ars very grateful to yci far yonr gro*- in prdstntiir tlit fo^x aJnlls ^o t^;e Biolc^ical S::r ^^y for ctr ::alieral '^ollac^'lo^. T^^e Bur-ay was '^nly ioc riad to pay th^ «pra«i» cl a^ -es f^r nha ^rivil^i^x^ of • aTl!|.- t1i0.iiie of jm^r ipat trial ♦ , *^ ' ^^^ *•?•. ^ . 1 «i:p#ct to b« hert imtil abo^it. l^t twitli of Juljt ^^i^ J^ l^aTo for the irest coast* Should you bt able to Tidit TTaiftiin-iioi: tbjriiv *-^'® ^«^ "^ weeks ^ Tou will see aors y-'im. an* eknlls tbai: Td^; would next fail I or rint?' , as nanr of the f^a«lm#ni .iww ... her# ar^ borrowed •u^ trill be mt^imed to thoir owiHrs. !rhF^iK5t*|- yoii for yoitr Intdn^it in o^irbebalf , Terr truly 7onm, ^ ^^^ ' >- J o % - #^^ J %: ■ ■ *l it -}■'.*■ •'•«: H r %.-. J^ 17. 1912- - r-* f • t V »- * 'V D«ur Dr. BaJtar:,-' r ^ ^ .VvL„«t " .. ., A ^9S yawre at,©., ** part. ".» ■mm urn. ^^ *"■ = JK^^m ^*W ■*- 1^ %F H^^** ^'v^ — «.,-■■ 111,! p. :-■ -«'- "■^^'^ •''^' '1 ■ ISy of tM. «.<^ ^'•t 1 - '"'-•^ ^ ^':r i, th» looalitT frc^ irhicli Iv «-» ^^ ^^^ ^^^ Hsiory. And do 70- ^««^^ ^^«^^ it ~ a .. ,^, or a f6?ial^" . • . '. 7,ry bnily yonrs. SeW Jiini 17. 1912 •:- ^'^^r >• T, Director/ hair York 2odo^,ic!?l Ptuk .1^ ear Dr^ "^CitrmAsmx ♦ i .if *^ " ^ Ha^a yoa an^ reliablt dlpi^a af tc ^>a } let;^^ of ^^»a Kobak Mver ^3ar and th* iiu4^oi| •« I posi~i?«l7 the sex of tV>«6 >*:.^*«? ^ ^ * - - rv F.Ha7# you >:<• c-^ P^^Hograjhi^ot^tliaft or. o^her Betjr€ livlig in tha PariCi ifeicib i^mi^: fuirAwe ^i^J] t^ priidl#i3^ of ulfinp in my oook? K bt^ I^> » fclionld ^^ i^t^J^iy obli^ If' you wlH klnftly imit '^c copies strt ns, with bill for siia^ ^' y^*^ ' r ;j .011 Wo a jfpldWid Ijpi of Bears -^^a collection wlilch raf^ Yo'^kers ^aaj wall l>e proud of* Lt ti-AO d5'jiarce l^t^wsen Waahinpton and I^^eir lork ^ war-? tihorter, I «ilH^ Jd >^ \\bA "Go upend laaeh ticie iTi yo*^ Zoolci4cal Park. Very truly yoiTrnt 0 ■^'■.. ^"*/ >■ w^ .' -^ « ■v H } \ \ r *• il s I I %\ H, I M i • ■ » i . - joM n, 1912. k 1 1 ■I" t! i 111 ' 4 II 1^ ^ !■ I It f* te ,••• -.N 1W •*1- ..^^* V '^ U. •i <• it of Agricul^^^^^^t • e • « f !t % V •f r . ./'. • dark ef Duitiro ' - .IX +* t. . -T' -.1. •■ 'j ^ ^.t :j i-'^ n» :'•• ''Vl '•*'' l^ /^; 1 V t':y ^'1 ->r '^IjT .rtl^l •^'fffvt' »i^ r.. r '' nx F / If I » _-3 JuM 18, 1912* ^^y ';i I HSf k' i I ill t ; (11 ti-ii. i i i !-/• ^> • Bear Dr. Tfalcott: I^exlyir^- to yorir la t tar of the Uth: It 8 a 9ms t-c me that it is worth while to continue the allotrncrPt to provide clerical aasiaUnce to Dr. n, T. Stll«s in order to enable him to cwrry on the work of the International Caanlttee on 7,oolOiical Hoa^nclatui-e. MoBt but not all of the reeantmeirb againet the vort of this Ooanlttee ccsnee from aoologiffts who ara inore cc-iicemed with anatomical and physiological resaarchee tlian with the names of the spocies they handle. For my om part, I am by no means convinced that the Ccomittee's roles and rolings wlU enable ns to attain the millennium in matters ncmenclatorial; at the oama time. I feel that the Coramittee has done a deal of good wort and has also accomplished mere than was ever accon^ilished before in bringinr workers in Europe and America into coanon agreement on some of the more Inmartart ani fijniamontal principles of ncoenclatura. 1 4 V . Dr. Cbarlea B. Walcott ^ It semm that the Gomaittee has no maane axce* that provided by the Smithsonian for carrying on the ^ork, 80 tlmt if the support of the Institution were withjdraim» n»ch of wimt has already he^n aocons5)li8h6d wo^ild ba lost, aiii the anther ity of the Gonsaittee wcmH be likely to wane. For t^teee reai?on9 I hope that the S^nithgonian will be a'rle^ for the present at l^tst, to contirme the (pi'ant. Ver^r truly yours. 1 i • % :. 142 J-m» 24, 1912. .1 Boston, mBEachiisettB* 'ff.'^^rr -'ovf-l' O., 'tjr.. . • t.^ '^-f.. J. r ^ •-t y Bear Hr. Ccciiayiie: i ThaiiKs for joiir l^ftterc of jhs 7th ai.a 13th iriBtaait about the plates* ji'inrjBB' out as yen- -hDi}^^'^^"^' Mr* Hanrfflfty^liai the mjSBiBg .. •• Starfis^: platee- f or' Varrill • s l)obk. ■" : "^t'^^^l ■ ■ ■» • T do not knOTT srt3^ir^ a^ooat the itattis''' - f^i Alcyor^aria book, Wt from Bcmat^An? f^yyili ^' of K'-iz r ^.' r ' 7eri! truly youre^ ^Mtr ro"*' ite-'.V fj."^ f • r - ; ■ f . J'^ufie 31 # 1912* r* - ?.il Traront Str- t. f. H a .- ' -*■ '* f '. ":j'XC C -&i j^o^?^^fn6 as to til© plajtdp of Siarfis^ a^A ,,,;.. Erosditior still in yc-x j.M»ea«iQru A a:a.-.,.r.- . vzli-eb and will ^r:^.e yon gj^^rtb^. ■z;t:' ilr T I 0^''Lbr .ftaXW "5r \ T -U #* •". » • ffflR' I -n \ \ |ij , ..f M Original Defective ♦ r 1 0i M • V ^ J-ns 2.^. 1912. V £.■-*••■• J^:ioe ?4, 1912. i tt I ill '•i r^ I" I l^!J ?rn-v^ecr ^.. ::. Vsrrill, , . , -^ .-- ^^ . Hot HaTan» a5ri^t*c:.iu i-., -t . -'.•,^; * Daar Profd^scr Yarrilll *.'^ • ■ • •^ fc r . n^_ I ~ .*--,,%-• Tiyc ks for* 70^:^"*^^?^ *'^' _ t f - 1?V'> ■'.^stri. I rras '«v»«h pftined iolaam of the trouble -^011 are hmi^f^'^ fC^' #yiw* ^ ijim^ara^^^'i^oiibla* I . ■ ^ • * ■ s'tffarif^ fp the nm^m^m^ ' , "''--■-^- «?■!>«>« toil ^0 Itrfc* "thu^ ywi^^'^liaJPn '"boct ie 80 'nearly ros^y for tha jfdJiBi. lacree to'r .3 toial of rC»^iat;«8, W-yoii req-iest, tince 4? ari already Kin^^f^r^^i^^ ?^o^i'i*8 ^' ■■"'p I ^ n>.. r - r ■ **0 r?-^ ^ ♦* xisaf'il »wi wall a» attr«ictiTii. ' 7>'.e >'Ook ?-ill >3 exa-tly the sand sjVe fts the other Tol'unop in the sarias, so the plates of coitrae Trill trim to whe aa'^ie size. Hsnc© the actual photograpiiB Bhordd v;ot rrasB too cloaely on '".'ae iTiarp-in or Viej' will lo<* bailr. At -he x^vc-aq birne, I think to cc^xM allcw etne of ti-:«^i to ?tretch oat tc 4^x7^, ap yow Ifleh. * ' ?t*r^ cmly Yoursn I Dr« '" '^ Tr*j8 --. ^ ^- • ^ » : ^ ^ ' -' ^* ijsi6ii|i l^crej^an^ Smii|i#opliffi Ins":!^^-.: Wan '"11 'I * - D;' t L • '-- • Doar Drf Tr^e: * 1 1 f^ I « *,,^..-> 'I^ Beferr:iT: a^.ain do Y^rriil*© ■•ft •■P • ^:£. uc rtic be iid[ijenclin'% for , ~ .r . ;tilit san'lMtfVTAiffiKfi- -^ri0s, "wo ouae'tioriB >La-:fi arisa!i: (IFaano taa^SisTJosition cf th^4?5 rlatas already , printed by -he Ilglioirce" Compaq; (2) s^ to '.lie - ^xrocirBS to be used for t^e ^ additioiml ilates* . . ,*";-^ f. .^.;n r*^ -^ ^^^- ' h- ''i''^-^-^ ' '• "^ "^ ^:^ ' '"^^ '*- Jfd bi^^ naysr uaad pIicrfo-w^jpraTi*^ in any Uarrfc)aft Tol^^ea , Mt n r ^<^- r% * -ft^ ,t^chr.icfil photcrraphe and ra«h drawiqfs, excej^t ^'T"3re'ltt^orrfttlT7 has'-> en^loyed. I suppose , .^elA^'fii irtll "he ths beet Toj^ the. re=>air^er of u;ie ^ T^oto--ai^l<^ -dates 'uUess you knoir of ^oma neater ■ ' ■• 1 - t - •■ • . -*' -^%t'i ; 'J , iir'r*^. ^.prcce.8. n y - .. . , ?#,,^»,.-f »'.'»•-' ■••■■-* -A-' ^ I u^« * -■ . '^^^■* r- Dc '^^^^ '^i^^ tjie platee alreadT '^lade tc ■'^B^pt^d'^to the^gcuKiscniaK l!istit..ticn? ■ If so, *• ... - r to be how ^ -^H fi- '■' f^T " T T^ * J I ->• ''„' ,1^ irf 1. ^ t. ' 3P '."^ K ^■ r %«! June 24, 1912. 1 I > » I* • ■<• U ,S1SI .iv*l dnx-I. i^ I r f ! I ll Mr. E. "^.^ Warren, jjmr Jr. '^ai f >.'*ff^ \r • *t 'I. ^*0'iT le^^er .:*a;r.s 3 cine time a/^o and I gbpnM ^^^ r^Vied ^srlijr fjccfpl^ ^*tjQ* were Va^rfiHi?^: a?^. >rard ::ie np addraes, SioG9 ihsn Birds, for w-;io-. T a- oWi-9d.. , ' '. '" ' I t "Is ^fb"'' hi -J3^ /onr laat' latter jcp|,ne?)tioa^ ^ aknll v^i-ic- ir(-> had. 5rafid .^Jj-n^tion and fhich r^8-.arr Colorado a id Utm are 8p8ic{a 4«widftrajft. aiid I ^0 Id -i^ a;^od daa^ to ^aa^ oijft or,^o. iaore before -'oiry: to uresB* - 4. f.^ -,^ gi, ^^^® '^rizKly peajr ^'iwiion Is laoat parplexing. »-u^« »ui,ri9n.acaiiy leum^ tor Ipcaiy^y^ ^m^^ wriim .ne t'lat his rrifl^jrn ha? ao <5ri2zly ob,lle at all. ?ery --r^i] y ^mrB^ ■ Dcfir Sir! » .t Tiiffi^ka Tor^'W -p. ?T. X Ifritar "^irt r3G3:^^sd Odid for '/o-ir prou.i86 wa loau ii^ia a.;aiij U;e #te^ll of via 3holjof nitt Bear* It will H# of Iraat aMBiB^^ri^m to »«e at ^is^tinif* r r <*'- Oi c nrpe I ^ball ra-^iwi to J%tt8i!ipt ia r MaaVa* if tou rill'|e!id ,i^ its descriruion and: Et tHe^saioe irn^ ^^ell "^ t ::'e j<^^j kill-^l it* Hcmsv^^ it ie not al?ra'/B LOBGiol-^ to identity Hanka Bear* o^T ies^^r.* 'tic ^^*^' eic ^i *ii ' ii i^^ 1 li 3mm 24t 191& # . ■# ■!• ,* ill 9 J ,15 wc-L J ne 24, 1912 • s 1 ; 1 t\ %i tl f i i f ■ - ' h P " i • 1" N ^. ,'-'1 .^^' ^^. fee !*• . -'A Aug* Ck)wtachalcfC, Montana JLr lor*. t. # #« •y ; ♦ i Tiii^'^ Sir!, . . , ""■...,' • ■ > Bear ak-ill -^oi' were -oirk: t; seml'ftHI?" 'Thur far ^^^^* io^.l*i£, has paov9 TC' hare not loat it. '^o^: 'lo't f^- m^ ^.. a ..jartL; , ■■• ■ '■T'-I '•"IP --'-'■ si -^ ^ f, 'irrf « -. 1^^ Duar oir: ^!a:T "::Arka for'Mr* Bail's a&lr-?-n. XSH I 'la^re aaked t^ia B;iolD,:ical Sur-^ev to sem * jo'o a t^« iTle trax or t^rc Bucb we use for Mice, S'a'otrs, and u-f^ like, ^?d to i^^a you t'^e addraBs •if t' s rm* ■'fa^^.tursrst If jou d: ^*r^ '^aar frow i.he. iii a fe^ days, Tleano la t -oe knm. Van^ t.raly ^oiu^B. •< f -* T i. A • ."^sae .( "7*^ jj«V rr*S«»« |» f •( iP--^ 4^ 1 F ■■■(] •5.- . . • «.-«^ ^ JL J'Ana 24. 191*^. - »y s .'^n\ t«>Ji -» 'v 1 \ % A H h\ I I! I T»r. ?rarJc Baker, S'Tperintidndent D'sar Dr. "dskair: :, -^f « • ■ I - i f*. f T u V *"' * .^ f • jr^tL 'j'i^ nirv about th* W twrk Z(AB«-*f lab«Ux VajT' t^r^l^ 7Qur»t -.:^.- _.: ,0 . :^ ^ ^'^ I ft ^ i:^ «X> - « t or ^ »- * # ' V k -^ *';]r" * -''X-f -'^''" 4 ^ '-f r.. ic r ^ -^ -t., ik:- ^ ■ ^-**» -« 4 •«>' * -r"j >. i JiSdia^ ^ WJ *^ P-a69 call ett • ,- f ■ . j^t I • '♦v* n . %^ Xf V .. ». C"^ ^^t'-irson:' ar '^: ? -fJ3t sf^'^er '*^'ri^'i^cr|; '- e '-ilia .'« I* ▼ r, r J .' . ••-I • •*% . •■ *- ^ "v" J. ■ iC Jw •«• «•*•> A« i' br • r "i€^ \' •1% Bo Vila Lak^? ?*^ -* -"^ \A -' »».*< «^A V ,1 f •I ^ii ■ %^»^. x> ^ • dl. J. -A »> f >«« * \4^4.--^ -•-'V A. ■*^ • V v^ m/ <\ .>.a^? !••» ¥ -•#>•' ^r^ .v-7 •iM -,11. « t' v' -. X * C I * K^ -« «.* ^ *1 / ^st "X f.:f ,, LIT* ■» v-jk k •■ *ii>- - -^ < 3\.'' j» -"m A V Brokkir , ^'^^ Yor :. i i.ri» « * _ . -- hue' ' r>-f : :a -.lo ^ or ycT rj'^T.x. lo/^jrn. 0 .*3U " .ra aarlv •,i '•Xv- T a '». ' , ^i • ... * - •0 •<•■ S*",' .f) -.,", i i ;r? _ "t»r»«i IQ'v*^ «/r -I i ^ .^ * • ' 1 ,a-t ^^ou ai^^^j^.;^. 'iirw- ^ha .. r. 1.' i:.-.ii.iid.-f.'i0 Tor -'.at -i.u;. .ar, "^u ot.iaru aiac. Paiim^ifi .g:a ^~bv3^..'3r fl.iii :, e Blaci: Boar froii ■,u:..: , cr a Hiac< S^ar,^ p :f-'^-< Votl, color xJi&^Qe 1 fi, ..» ^ • _• •* 14.: ii : .^^ vo- caint tha Ad linuuv 1^13.4 A3^ vo ^--^ local ^..^ ^^^ 1 J ?^^ }e c:i.:-o^:i:iixiJ, r.n.t '.'1^ xarv6 .oi" t^ia Isia-.d I av^ ?3s.: ai*e dyisaly i:ii8-ed. ;'uV.d Snaldon n&s s ;;..:? ,;:.crorraplw. . "^ 'M-i.-"v;^*'' ,*'llt Jkil^.^' >>-- # . 'W^e4i»»^'* -. ■ W ■Iv^-^f?- *»i> 'Su-./i: Ci -".'2 Ad-'-iralVy l,:-ia.-d * # I- vi A ««- • ^ri-- -or:-w:i:a. " ^a ^^-.0 -li -6 a.^ ru:^ ^:3ia: e=' ii (vT-^'n-A. 1 . . ■ t " 3 sa-.s ^1 -t, a^ :;'- tha Uairi: :-'^^r A V *» V^"» #• « .' 1^ -X- -a kik ^•:M rf I'X/?. vli at all imi^kad. 7^ eolor ^»a vary daric ridi orcwa; thd ii^ad broad and. rat^iiar flatj the^ tan of i?iadLipB*si2:a arii falativaly nmr t^a^imr 3^ m^^b nearer t^iwaii, tJiosp of.tlia Bai:x frcct ,v HiKiBon Laka in a nei Voori^ig ca,fre; ^usssla In^oafl. IRe 3aar as a . t whcleiaTCi^ss ad !iie ai* ratl^r short aiiu !.*iick8 9V« "T'lrve IB avill aaou^iar* Bear ri the !'^ Y;:rlr Zoc t7.-:.c: ht er^6>8 ■„!= :Taatlv and of which T should lika a Ts.ntiiiT if ih can 09 mais distinctive, "'ie' is 'i'ls' one labelad Kcbi'tk rjivar. t*^ « a MiiraliY Baar, ita color in March was , biit tr'.a le^0 and ••*t' daar^ dark hrown, palast on top cf t'^e >: ^onearijart ware almoet black, aiti a blackiaK stripa ex jehdad aioTir thV madian line of tha bade from tiJia ahouldars to abi the nictile of tha hsfk^ Ti^ biqp oil ^> z P. ' Vw 0 riiiD, -^.Via 0ho;Idar8 beir/r distinctly, thoarh not Taatly. i-har t}ian v^b nvtp. The faet ara hia^Ot "^^ bif^aat I ^'C »-^: fjf:i ibar to have seen an aiiy ^^aar of this si2a# T lip iisprasaad .;:7 aft ujTjmually loii^: and loosaV prctsctin^" a .^.-^ -L.,.*- couple of inchee ' tiyond "^r a :.aatb« T'Me vCp of t':^ hihd is rav »er : lai>« 3y ^_ia ^a^t ^ 6- ovialikf ver- tJb&i tc *^ifl;fe a fsw • . # ^ X'.. . ■n^r ^ «^ Ik ^-» .v» •• tk^ic.-jB cf ^^he footpads of t » vario»i» Bc-nrp, and tf^Ud >>9 * i I ^ Carl I>vinriuB 3 t ri;'* -i.Jr iXilO ki i 4 ^ III li l-ji. ■ -T«V tril* 3W,ir»* -"■ ce?.s£:'i:ic-: ilo '•/ ^ .- ^ I r *> .^. 'k i> ' n o X a - t-^B^T 1- ^v ft. M^c i !o: ^bfiu. t J50 :i ^:- ■■ «• m- o h 'm a*^ »^ f r * » « «. f« ">, .0 ;rc.' r,0 r^ V ^. faijb . C A' .- t* I ♦'r»^" £i.r;ja ^o^r. t^n:^ ii'^ Lc'ole :eh ri-^r ila V 1 , « 8 cr V. - # *>^ kl> b • > • ^ *, ! f^ , *■ ' t^.- 1. > ^ V ^ J .4^ ^ u e' f»Loi >^ ^^ '.i '.«■ , i.» 1' .^»' » t , -•Y.^ t}cl hi : H T / i^' at' rlOjLlX IC *5XT^'0^ #wBi I 'Xo' JA'i r-;T ^c.ri*^" 10 ^ry^'Coti ^^ v" io au'.oJtpi'i j^? r I i'i r «\ I 1! K * i I III I.IHIW ■wl tl M ID' IIP*' '' i it I I' : A Jiine sit 1512. ^tx -'' Dt^dT Sir: SxiO tixid at:o{ on May lo) I wrote /QU luiki!^ if vou could obtain skullr of Black urJ Qriz::ly Brars "roii r'.e W&satcli Mouir:ai2 he saiiie heretitlu 7»ry traly y '"^T tf I var June 28, 1912. 1L-. "H^'SC.. J. Scniilue, 132 Baat '^^gi^St.^eet^.^^^^,^ Dear Sir: T ^- -• triiiir la',%«r of June li7f lad to ^ ^e ^ae coxy of Quarterly lal in w.;i.iA u' 1 ■*• 1 -' • - * som*:? uauar: * I •• June 26, 1912 • 5fr. Walter L. Riclmi^dsort, _ 120 Arroyo D-^ive. Paaadorat Califcrma* My dear Sir: Yarv nia^iy tna^iks lor your coartosy in samirig to Boar Bkin a^d Bkoii frcrn t-he Big Tsjuhl'* Caiiycn. Ic hat been ver/ ^-^i^efal to me in hQlpirr; fill cut my descri]:t:" -s cf vha C'.ai forma Bears. I an' obli;-9d aleo fn- your rioies a'oout. tlia ha Biolo: ical S^jrvev yo\\r Grizzly o irie spscifioii I '/yiit,ur3 to esk if vcu roulci l-c rilJ.iiv; t-o paro r.-itn it^ If ao. »- »^ \ro slio^Jd >e c^^ad i-o pay ^oo icr i^. m. di^d Mr«3 li:Jl»5y ^^^ r.^ ^kMj^ -^ fijid>r:.rk ia KorC- DaKOua* 1 v:t xla^-^^l^r to laouni to Galircrnia a^. ^^oc-^^ ar i ^^av^ ii;ii^):3d with the *bi£; BdarB* Y^r . .c-iL 70.^-^^ ■\ I WW I ^t: 1* •j » 4 j I H 1' j- I Julv 2, 1912. 10 Pc. t Ot'fica S.^-iai^, Bib on, lfe-3:e» D^tLr Mr* Ci"^^-: T"':i: .'C*? icr '"'Oiii* l3'V::-)rB of Juiiu 3;^ a c %• I u. :iaxi tc kr^ abc^tt the •A ¥« ■• ■ *» ■*' •*\7 s ,.% -"»'•" raaslihe ^la.rc, I '^ve not yet heard fra-^ M^. C" ':lio a^ tc ito stdcies, ai:d siTspsct ti^ct ; c Ic : •*: of tcrr.* Will 13*^ ^^cri knw later* In acccrda^'^cft -.rit-i yo^^r kiiid perT:ti8sion^ I c all :?id on to ycrir Bear ekins a littla longSTt aa tt^er* a? ci imuf^ual intsroct* T^e naasnr giants of yoiir Boar sbills rr'iidh I thiiik ^111 bo oi service to the taxidermist are inclcs^ It fc ^:c^ obv:nn0 ^^>L^f I s-all be here iMbil after the laidfJo :^f tl.B Tionth^ If jo\\ are ahle to cono on "by that tine, I sliall be very r:lad« By t ^ a -^y* Chicaeof Island is a prattj hU" axesu Call you tell m a lit i,le lore definitely to -^7^ ere yr;r Barn trjr > killed? ^lia is iiroortarxt oaimxch as • ar3 a' ":aar -oo o& rmo V w Baors Blton Clarlc 2 lalaiTd, BC x;:at a fciOTledca of t. eir rela^.ive ran/res lacomes a matter of sc^s inipcrtawd. I s-all r.ot, of cc\ixBe,puUi8h ycir axact locality, Vat T^onld like it for mj c^^ infcmation. Tan.' traiy yc-.urs. "■I I .* 1 ) i 1 p. i 1 -1 ' i . ; " 162 * I. y f „ !5r • ! ^ 'in Jaly 2, 1912^ Dear Vlx. H rtc .: ^ .7 ^haiiks for yo:x kind latter ^ r--^ -^-^ iit^l^ >cck of iDoemfl, i^iich wa ,* 4- T^-!-'0 ^*^. shall raad ae s:cn ac^ ^a hairs a ar evenin s at hcoe^ Wa aU e. Joyed Imvi- y:- ^'^ti. us ... a .^ orx t.^. I ^c^a : at .:ax- winter wa ii&y ^aa yon ^laro a^iru Triara \, vj . ,,.>. .. a- T. iv; a T^ icii I -mntod to mm you .. v» tfA/*- --r 'riEid viait tc my ofiica* , ,«....-- ^.5<*a -^.r c",r« YC'.i, but just at ths -+ -,^A+ -n,: ^1b8 ca*iie to f « front asid drovd it oat cf TTiy mi id« Yen; ai-a vary ■.anarous to 1'.ave haJ yair taiWer i.-^t. re.,ov. :/ ., -nJc.l.l of 7=-^ Kl^rPan ^^'^"^^ '^^ 1*^ ,.j-|^1 v^ . -..,f^i v,7i-, to T"'* I kT-oc7, ae ~9 laRV6 ordy 1. sill l3 raal3, ani "-at one very imrerfect, fron that v3t-ion. I wonld ^o- aak Mr. Daviu Lc 'lave his taken outc In rw accov.;iM of ifrppfl nortoiii I have r.otMng; '.-■vit t ■-!•:- •'•3':''' I'xd a:.icvUti^ a^id t^ie localities frm whic'i -our s.^cii le^u:^ i^are cMainad. If yci oddd .--ive ISO a i^'t'lo acco'^it of "O-U* b.mi "I'-ra, ind ^iiit: ^^7 irf cn.-a--.ion a* to -"a ki-.-^d of :■ '■' . it ;r7 '6 Bai»rs use, arid an.j^'thiric as 'o t" f-s. \f- rr ^at (if ;;"'' laamad aix^^hinf: (t. P^'ederick Hor*.cn Z under tlrls haad), or ai.ytViingw^'atever a'bor.t t.'a Beai't it vTO^iM Ve of epaciai in rer^^st. Siiuie yaa ^era h-sra Horr«day has 0^31: kiiKl 0iioi:^3h tc send ma a mii^bar of photof^aths of Baara in the Haf^ Yoric Zoo, se^^eral of wliidi I axpact to usa in ay bocAc* With kindaBt rof-ard^t T317 trolv ycHrst Mr. &• Fr^erick HoHon. Johnson, Hw Tci*. . 'Ill ■ii I « J 4 I.* 4 ti- ^ "^nt w*C D '§ July 2, 1912, Bcetofi, lass. w * Sir: Ti'z Soc2*dtar' of tlie S^nit^isonian re:: le::^?. iid tc nmk 3*r* tc s-:i|: ";-o Starfish vl '39 addrasodd S ^i'^iso'ilan Iiifititntion, Was"'^iri,'.-to!., D.Ct a. id to foark tnd paekago •StarfiBli Plazas*. Ter' traly yckire^ 164 Jidy 2, 1912. Drar Sir: Yo-^x le "er froin Natural Brid£e eema d^ilv. T s-mll te :*laxl t.c ees yo^i 'larj ao any tino ard shoif ^'ow oometMrt: of tha kinds of rork V9 are carr'iiy on. Tlie date of r^^ departure for CaiiCxida ie imcertain, bit if yx\ rill drcr ne a rerniider abciit t'la 12tu or 15t!i of t:.3 ucnth, I will lot yea kn. 5 ^ i 01 111 i;' .j» m 166 n 1 Jvay 2. 1912 ^* fitractor Sw York ZrcI epical Par.v, Dirac^or, Hew Itrk Ci^:, . 0. Dear Dr. Horiftriayt Y^r,' many tharikfi tor ywir letter of Jnna 29. aad for the Kccuiipmiyltig aeries of piio1>ciLrapbs :.r roJ?>iT-: B-aa-f . T^i nert-ainiy have done ir.s proud with tve„a T.oo^ir^e. All are interaBting et^jdiee and several ,f V.Jr^ I 3' all be (dad *-u reproduce. The ot» of Iran r u uiiv: TitL • -> Otl-er Baar in '.h. acksround i« a r^ •H-'-c-vly cc:o9-:':i'! ^^c catdi n-it,h a ca-iera. a«l it is mc8t. in^-ir.«vvr- -.c rx.vs Uie t^O uprljit attit'jdeB of t . ea: e B.^, on. .:.ndi.)c: on hie faat, bLe ot^ier sittin.^ on his ha vac :*. But V.e ones I ai.i Gladdest to have are these of ;;-e Adiralty lflla.«i a<-d H-idaon laka Bears, Tow* I .ero-ialiy prize. L^. I a- GTaady eno'.^^^n to accept yo^.u- kind offer cf a -t". i-* /%"'. A v> ^a •V • .-> of the Kobuk River Bear when in hJB T^in--^r coat, for U 37a-. certain that my big ,,_v o.^ V ,- Bears Till .0". fip to preee before irinter, altl^o^r'^ a t^mrmi on :ra ?-• ja^t ehe Id bo printed diaring i;:e ei^mer^ Sho-ld -^^r photy-rajhar happtn to secro-e \ V*' Dr. W. T. Hcr-aday 2 another ^ict ir's of tU^ ttadsci Lak^ Bsar, s'^^o^ing a frcrt view of t'l^ face, 1 she id like aijlitly tc -mve a print. i a . ^'.ir^rleed at tiie iar ^ t^ize ol ".he -3! «? n shorld^ir hii^ on the Adir'iralt; leiail Brai'S, ai"d ao i^:i air-sricr ^oeillci. —it o*ii;s t, •.« in fmt u^^ With kindest re/'surds a.^ rensTfod t':ai±s ^o vou and the Zcclc-ical 8cci'='tv for -^^ovr .en-^rons cc i:t7s» -IS i. jt.- 1 *' -v. ^ !¥# ■ *.■- ' «'^ . <^ f M^r c* *^ 168 t s July 2. 1912. %r. July 2, 19I2* 11 i mm I •'hi ^^ ^ ^ HK-en, Ccrjiecticut. Dea^ ProfssBcr Yerrlll? Thanks for year ^er.ter about -,. statu, of 7^Ar Starfieh l>oolc. I am delayed 1^ ,,r .ork on the Bear.. ^ s^l not leave for (^if crrla V^afore ^-e 15th instant. Tharofore. U .c-or .^.uscript reachea me liy *• 12th or Mth. it ^iU ce in t:r.a ero-ch. The mmacript aM pUta. .'.c-a-! -e oxidressad to Dr. True, toUhfloniah • ll -f ->n. It ^ill ^e a great l»o* - ii^ortant aV^-efxl .v.c^.l: tc :aake uj for t}ie long dalay to ffk. -^7» ^--^ 4.1, -.-v,«-, uy ,at ro'i my escape hay f ©▼« and pt will \^e cf great benefit to w Yary tridy yowrs. % *» Profeesor OmrleB T. Vorhif^s, SaU* Lake City, Utah* M.J' dear Sir: The G'^izsly skull you were kirri enoiif* to Bend me arrived in rood condition seTeraldayc a^Oa I haTe cleaned it and am ncm having it photorraphed , * and will return It before lonf^* It is of nrich interest^ its teath ress^hling these of tl^ ©riznly froK Olcmpoofl Sprif^s, Colorado. 1 wish it were possible tc find out with certainty the locrJity whoncc it cano. htit fear this is new imp- ssihla* With nianv thanks fcr rcvr VriTrle fn r.en-*np: the st^ecinen, 7erv trilv vor^^^ ""fcaar-.*^ ' m 1 1 fi it r ^.f.' ^ f,4t. /;■ f .1 * t Jol^ 5, 1912. :» »* & HI 4 •J 1 il It !J*1 ^ i * if I." '^^ I* '1 Mr. ¥• I. Ad£.»s, DisbursiiK Age;ivf .... m^, Snitlieoniau LiEtiu u^ioii. Wadkii\3X>c]it D*C* Dear Mr* Adar.B: Herewith I eun iiiciosinc my Juj]y er[--).ir>8 acco.iri'b aiaountiris to $v0*66, ai:d office real, uiil tor JcO-y a.noiin^irv5 to $50, which I sliall be obliged if you w:ll rcimly pay irai. \h% Harriiaaii Traa-u iHmd* Yer^" truly yo-;a's, iii! i 171 11 'I* A 1 "I I*! W '1 li. i li: JmIv 9, 1912. Bojs a. m , Mc '.t a* \a l>3ar Sir J Tnar^^a ^:r yo'^r kindnose In sendfn^: ':Ji6 basx 3!rin artl abill labeled Pina Hut Bear* Botli rt^iin ad aknll art uu .t^a of t^a cOK2K>n Black Bear fUrsna fl^iAi-if^nnnV -^le Bkin In tli8 old r^ui polar-e which tlie jiiOiir''al:i Olime-ion Baar asBiirae» before shedding* The BkvJl, a6 jm st^te, Is Vmt of an exce^^inf'l^' old ''s^mle* Si-'ea t'-e ak.ll ioec not belong to the aamt 8 iciuian bb tt'xs skin, a^id since it is bo Iraperfact mid 1 'div )rokari, we ^o lot care tor it, a^d I will retxm it ho yc«i i^' a da; or two* If :;o'i care to sell the dkin rntvr^i^ t-o r^v.^n for $1?, I Till take it at +T T^r tr d' .' ' - *^ % Julv 9» 1912, ProfaBf^or Krwir K* Barlxiur, State Geolo^det, Lincoln, llearaaka. Dear FrofeBSor Barhour: A fen- da^;3 a^'O I retxrnod by oxxross, prepaid, t^ie Bear skull from Illirois T^iid. yov were kind anoia^> to lean nie, a^id wiiicli I ha^a kept l0!:^;ar t ai. ejctjectad. It is an interesuin.; skull, belon ,ii¥r to t:i8 lutaoltiB group of Black Baare, B^^i^ r«8a!all-38 soiie atscijTtey.s fron Coahi :11a aver. -lOro closely than ^-^-rical In^aaiua ira'. Louigiaiia. I a-s -aci. ivid&'vtDd tc YCJ a7i>_ to Dr. B'/-6r6tt for " a priviTc-, ,t» cf Gtudyii^ it* '^ -Jl^'. "r 1 1' July 9, 1912^ Mr. E. 0. Oocka^aie^ Boetc}:^ Ma?5«achu8ett8* Doar Mr* Cockayre! Poplyin^: to your letter of tlie 3rd, I Tfo^Jd sa? %h^% tl a r3T»inder of the Tarrill places ^ill Tie reprodtjoad nivier the a/iithsonian Instati^tioiit aid t lat perBonally I am not likely to have aiT/t'ii:! to do rrihh the job except to aee tri«t t'ls proofs are satiafactor;* l^Tj tnily yo^irst .Mv- ^--vflL.- J:-Jy ^=, 193?, Cartairi Al'-.ont Barr.efi,. * DeT»rt.-'>.a- 'L., I l^v« Lean Bre-idirif; tho sk-dle, a.d ->i^r9"'cra ja-.'j ;is.-l3ct9*er flat in uo i-m«r. 'o t'b rou2:Kiad heada of the two Kadiaks, a.^ bie faet nei'^c ^nch lar-^r and ^reader than z iOev# of ^ >e Kadiaru I do jut t^aiit aiiv ^.icv.urd of iialf-^^om or faiale Kadiak Bears. T oae ii) u. a He^ York Zoo and also t a Oiity li ^'ir Eoo i^era axe all i^rftlea. l^it I would like a xi<^t ore of tha Kontik B-mr in si'ite of Va^ fact tligt ^jhere in at praeant tic cdrtainty ae to ita apacidfl# I aupe '/cm l.av^ don? tiie Hudson laJca B^ur, aa It^r^^t^' it is T.m 'Ost disti; cc.iva cf all t'jti Brcwn f » Carl Rip^i 'p ? «..arf. i- t'-e Ha^ Yo-^ Zoc. Its c cnlcy -od-/. short head'. lefcre -oinf to Hot York. It is now 80 la^.e -^*t i^ will be irapo»?.il.le tc cttTjlete aiid pjiUieh rrrj lar-^e hook on '.« Baar^ .-afo/* XT inter i'or v' ic^i r^e^-y :on cari havy all ti^e ti'v^e jr^ rwit in^hich to fi-ieh t' e yict-.^ras. liev-ar^hel/^* ^ ahcrild V« -:lad 'c all yo.. 'uiv* f i it^had lv»^^^ "* V^otV leave fa- t: « Tr&et, Ts Black B-^re^'^^' ■'''*' * needed eo soon ho t, .e ui- B fl^f^. • ^- •V; . fl. •J 17/ Jilv c 1912, '■«t r f Dear Sir: yoir U•^^r «>*.* 8i>i^ tk... a^o aiii was follcwraii ^-^ ">e n-scii.iain obtaioaii by glt.v Clark on TOur lao^i/ liuritj all ^^' f:.i ±. I ::a^ /ary jl&d to sae* I TTii.^ d:aavA,ciir.3d ^ at tou did not think i:hd T,rip to Hii.'v.iu.trook Iaj.a;.a woru.- t ki-i:> I fiiul '/e.t it Till be r.iv;c.sni"..lo to pat arj B^rjr bc:k in t'e ■avl.-^ of t: 3 jublir.!idr bafora r^axt rr,!':dr, t" ich naai.fl t uo 1 still .'lavo tiiaa to aecui-a and fttiid-' additiC'Vil fi-oaci-.-.ifi, I ai axtraaol-/ aijcioiis to BQO .s/^ duiiUMri^ ;;a.rticvTiaa^ ly .uJas^ (alwion,^;h fanialaB and ja r^: H D iinir^ aUc), cf aa iiwr/ Bi B-aara as poeoibla frcm ar/ a-d all localities on t'e Britieh Oolaabia Ooaiit 4' a .d :h3 coact r3 -ion of ^^cut'iaaatdr^ Alaska, both south aid crtli v.f L}iu. Ca:iaJL, I la^^^e nav^^r saan a slcall from Litn^ra Baj or frc^a anv •o'srt of t'^ fainraathar tfte. nor from tljd .lairila^l of Priraa Wlllia^ SoitKl, I have only a ^I^^le skull fraa Ccmpar RiTOr* Ihile wl sJcinif? are alway» valuable, ne%^ort'iale8e poor ^< in:^ rrizv, r:laTS *its far batter tnai iicaa at^ all, A. Har,8albcr^^ 2 a^ul 3-x;b .^kiis ar^caT^^anisd by skiilla ^-laka vai^ valuable sracii^in* Aj4 all akulls from kl^cmn localities are iinportant* 1 iiava etroT uotsb, V ere >^ ore. triat 9ceo6ary vc Isi -s k'lo^ i-, wivHi A^e, mz voot-vlTifie oXK. 3;,;-, tc vicn .-o •..•-;..'i yaa' pay c';9ck« sent Addraaa e at La,:iKi^,ap . Marin Co -it^^ 0^ lifer ia. X y> i.1 ^viu. tia datf^ a: x/-}^'. -o^ f^at out n-n - -*. '6f f i 8Tr ! i July 9. 1912, I. I It ! i t I I 11 'I f <1 S Dr. Hiram fr^Td, • Aeeistant State Haalth Officer, Jacicsonville, Florida, Dear Sir: To u: latter of tho 3ird instant is at hwid. The Biolor4>cal Surrey has not publithed any -snaral aap or description of tlie life sonee since tlia publication of Bulletin 10, on the Life Zones and Crop Zones of the United States, I assoue tl:a-. iro') Tidi .'acre detail aid accuracy tlian on our fieneral na]:. We have also horn doli^ field work in Georgia and Ala^iania d -rin': the past yoar or tro from vHdidb. we should "bo a" le to rive the northern boiuidary in these states with -micii raore precision than heretofore possible, ghduld this inforiation be of use to you in your work on the distribution of Vie hookwana, I would sugrreat that you rrrite Mr, H, V. Hensliaw, Chief of the Biological Surve:/. "J trul;'' vours- +» •§ IJ' I"* ill I t li 's 1 July 10. 1912. ]lr» Bdrrard ?. Bell, Do»Ar Sir: Var^f ^iiamr -hha:iki^ for ^^c^ir letter of "ohd ?v inBt^it, and for yoiir kixidnesa in sei^diii^ tlie skull. It arrived t us 'ornii>'» aad is '"artic^.ilarlv acce»ptable iust at t'is t' -a, ae I a;r. now revl6(win£^ t'be Bear^J of the Beririg Sea re{£ion avii Arctic Coast • Would y^ji be williog to p€urt with t:iip ^k'ill? If so, I will offer yon $25 for it. Yctiir B .ors Nos. 1 a* d 2 wero undoubl>^?dly the comaon Black Bbar, Myn'^'^ fy lerlcH^-y y^^ ai? ^-rs^i "beyond I'leBtion by yoir ri'.citeiia6 of t e claT/s* Tli::> Black Bear, as yo^a of courf^e ki'ot7, ;^as a c-irifiBino)^ ' ro^r<- C' Icr ^haee whi(Vh in soma parts I.' A ^^ ro^^nr,rv is lor^ cor':^non thai" t;\e black -liase. In p^'j,i,:3r both Black ajid Gi.iiia:io>' B-^ars t-arn the old buffalo T^rovm color v^iich -^^o" descriha, ar^d 8<:^ne individuals turn •very r3dg ovher^ ;5;elloriB' red before the old 'lairs loosen* A raai BiacK: %emr jsnall*' 'a^ "lack clars, vvhile a Cinnamon Biar -ic^ lally Ims brown clarra. The "•'lire ^hita s^^ecimea vou ^nention I take to iiai'C? been a^. albino* Albinc Blacks seam to be rather coniaon in parte of s out' aa.^ tarn. Alaska, particularly m. 1 E*;ar nave relatively r.^iort aru c-:r--:^'l clawa, bux. -.j-sy art- c.«a.;.ar so s.i^- >- hodcad af< t-^c«3 cf ciio Black Baare, I have .just receivoa fron Mov-.a^-a a Blac..; B:cJ- \7ith a very red oacH a- a K^iacit^^ ^ x :^*^ . . Yei-^- trrlT yoTe-^^; J. T'v^ ►•' >-V ftX : tC .f>e' ■i^itj ^ , f -• *■*. ji \a; '1 «^*^ > H oT rn^ V •!:€ j fjc I J .■ A ^ 1 i a -\ i 1 ■ % 18Z t i I I I '11 'idy 10, 1912. Pr-ofaBSor Shennaii Dav Tor^i^^ Koi^lioff, Calif crnia*' it' dear Profaesnr Tr'aohar: «# "^ ^ ''Z'JB.rks f irfih' vour letter of the 2v)d iiiBuant* I aivreuiate yo^dr cottrtwf 'concemire t:\a G^'isiily skoli, bin tuo seci nan is Jiot o* sufficient in Di^aica to uu to juB afy us in kaepi^S i*^ under- the circu'aBtaaceo. I ♦'»ave ^aeaswrad and photographed it ani Till ret'irn it to von '• ef ore lou*» I ai /ii;_;;}itily int ar ^^^tad iri 7^-at you say about the report tluct tha ran^ era have discovered the trades of a larre Baio* vriV^ th>'e6 cubs, believed to be a (Srizzly# Shorld t lev s-^cceed in securing this st^ecioien, I should be gla^i to re: a rat'^ar higli j^.rice Tor it^ including both skin and skull* I sliould lixa also to obtain the skins aixl skulls or t e cubti* Bit so riian: : e..oi^-' of this kind turn out to be Black Bears timt I T?ill not. coitnt imich on this end until later dev-3lo|iaenta* IriuK'ki/i^ yoii f t era* caitinued interest in helpir^; alon.f. twf Bear studies. Very tralv vours. July 12. 1912. Dear iir. Rungiue: Yea I ^ould vury much lik a painting of the Hudson Lake cear, as I thought I had stated in my letter of the 9th inst. The Kohuk bear i» five yoa^^s old, not three. Either one or both of UB is badly mixed on theso beare and I foar we cannot straighten r/no nu^ttor oat unUl I go to Ne^ York-whiclx I hoi« to do next week. You opeak of one of tho boars in the Kadiak cage as a male Kadiak about five years old. Unless 1 have forgotten, Mr.Homady said that both, tlioae Kadiak* s were fenales . - I shall be mighty giad to see all of the paintings ai^ hope to go to New York the latter part of next week. Very truly yours, T * *„ Carl Rungxus 107 Kent Street Brooklyn, N.i. Iv 20. 191? Ada. IS •f DisHirsing k[:^Qiit fer J- IC Dear vvaf^jiiji. 'to's D oni: • • -■ • J. -^^ •* . ly ion r. Adaiis i } Herawith I enclose ^^o ^ Ul r* V, IC: slial cu vrill ki idlv t J j: a - ^ iroi r^ « ■ » -V :i,_ J M-- xLs . J. i ■> ■J'V'l .^ - 'X id i.v I. r. ^ t -. kj 1 01 1 or/ 0 ;i. Ja;:ne"^' ciiols Jr. f V 0.1^^0 .-^ cervices as clerk \:. C-ottBc-rialck for ons ^ear ek ■n, i';12.00 '! I f» II' Tr erv V>i ,"":^lv •' V 70' -" j> «i- iK^- I • v ^ '4 < »> ti: ^sr 18t; » ! 8: , « il ■ill r f^ l< * k t I jf- JulT "3, 1?1^- Dr. G3-)r3 Vrd ^-i-n-ll, L?j-ie Dear, •Icnr-ana. Dear .'ri linen: T--R-:^f^ f'/r yo-:r I'.'.tor : roia La^e Deer. -r+ ^^ ,,.,.,^ v,(, '^^„p,„ .j;^- .^+, yo-j a-d 'ti-e. G-rinnell are at last co-iirc to G-lif or-ia,, I H?'0 ^ dre»4faiy dele-.-ed -.jre, >>Mt arrect to rsac^.i L'^: -rdtas V^.e ^ire+. ^raek . in Aiv-st, ?.nd s' ?n "e t^.^r- to rslcc-^ "Ou w^^eri you and your TTifa or^o ^iG '*:rrt l-T"" of S-^te-i^or. Crater Lcike sir.;' U^por lOarii-th Lakg ar^ accsssiHe from Be^'-rsi rcintj; alo"'-^? tV:. railroex?,. T\3 -ir-el ray to rcarn Crater Lako is St^^^tBre froin AB^ila'-d on the railroad in -.-'■.^r■-.■';o■^'r Orsrcn. Bi"t Ton ^-.acl >etter ipojiire at tha y<.-'el in Portland to ^;^ s-re f:at '/•at is V-'3 hsBl route thic. year. A^iotlier 7;ay is to .;;o Ly branch railroad from "Weed "taticni^naar Mt, S>ia8-':.a -.-rtaeapterly to y-^ tovm of Kla:'iat>i trails, rluch if en t-.e rivar ^atraen u;:per and hmer laa'iat'i Lai'or. Fro^i KI'v..iat,h Falls you vrill naturally drive to one laKes and imy als- cor.tinue f:.e drive northerly by • ?.'aY of old ?ort Klmratt to Cratar Loire. You iirould enjoy thiti drive frc^ii variolas jioint-s of Yimr. Hie eld -^ort is not only of historic iater^^t and of personal intarest ,?& m Georpe Bird Grinnell 2 beca^^se of the Trork done there by Be^idirs and Merrill, but also becaui^e it is a most beautiful snot in t-e -lidst of a grai^ forest of yellow jimen. T^^ere are f^rr plnn-p TT-iere the Ponderosa Pine ptowb to larrer sise or shows to bo^^ter odvanta^^e tlun at the oln ^ort* There a e alno in the ^ei •■'hcrhood hir^e sxrin*^ 7:^ rivers are horn fnTl rovrn QJ nd full of hu-e trout. Ani ^till etri-T^linn ^ith tho B-iar^^, but hope to be done Tith thai: in a fe^ days, 77hon we s-mll all f:o at once to Lar^/jiitas • L : ilO henr froir you there, ajid if I ca:: help 70U in anv rav lefore yc-.; eve tc up. you will of coiu-se Itjt 'lie kroTT. W i-h 1 eve to "^-^Cj '■" 0'*"'' •^''f lery tnly youi^s , -^^--X' 115 ii 1 1 j 08 r 18/ July 23» 1912. July 23« 1912, J II I* i i I! ill Itl Hi 1 H •) r< .• X ._ Deer Dr. All ^^: Tf -^'^ov ':^ere c.t ^/-our office yesterday or tcKteiS^rou do .btle?£? Liaried "viat I T7as t^ere on Saturday, ^Uid ras ^i>itf^ diBexTcinted no"^- to saa you. I took the liberty to tell your aBBist,a:'it, Mr. Millar, tliat I Tailed particularly to look over your skull?; of hi^i B-ars. He a^id anot^ier youn^: itian kindly took ne to t^ceir sivoral dens, ajid I was ^;;lad of an oT]:ort='aity to sea t^iem, alt^iou-;^! I bad Bome ceiipnnctions ^3ont 'IciiV* thi3 in your a^f^j-ca. I i^reiit to Hew York to see tbe liviii^^ Bears in the Zoo apd t'V3 B:eci>n3nj5 in t-ie M^^savm, and iiad to ret-rro. tha r;a,-ie ni-ht, Po^Bibly I l^e a" 1^ to -o on o^^aln ■;-el"ora l-^avirY-, as I am -.os": aintioiis to «3c your bi;^ Bepr c»K ^ IIB • With kindoBt ra-ard? to Ura.. A]ler> ai-id 3ro-.r8elf, Very tr\0.^.^ yoyrs. . vv ^K I m % I Dr. PVank Baker, S:y er:^rtendeirt. National 2oclo^;'.cal Pe^rk, Was Dsar Dr* Bsu:or: m ?0T ii "/'le ?.-i'M.ira ^ied, ^ae loft tvo 'olay:ia.tes, Fritzy snd Li^^Ie Willie. Are l)ot::i of the^e alive nor? If I Si 1 ;ict :ir'tri!ren, U^^cr:^^ llixt^r told us taat t'-^-e nanoB hecito^ed jL ' ,, ._ . on " "Sts^'? ( ■•^ ••:•■. o ' ^ •:r- : a. llev^ v- indicate the sex. T s^iorld hf^ o' liyed, t-erefcre, if you can tell rne witV certainty t'.s 3ex of Pauliria, Little Willie, and I'ritzy. I^ it also possible to say at this time exactly tIiC io tr'io oT tlu^ ra .a:i_i . • cdb^^? Yery vo^ir-i. I f ;i 4, 'H .1 I « ^^ ^.-f 1 July 23, 1912. J^ilY 23, 1912, "■* I ;! --1 ip.rn' 'laektir^ Ebo, OfC'^p Ueeker, Haliforriia* Dear ^ir: Fi^er T wrote yoii laet I expected to reach Lar^^iitafl "hy ohe first of July, but have been detained and shali not arrive until the first weak of A-^^z'^si. On arriving, I will let you know 80 that you lay ship the tables • Yen/ truly vours. V ^ « # ^ 'l^*- %. Prof 883 cr Harris H. WUrler, >Iortl^,a;'.!pton^ LkBr* My dear Pro:^9MBor ?^ilder: X j.-'^ ' • re*ai.^?!ne^n m !\o<> u-^a please pardon m^ 7CU oarliar f-r your letter about thg ^^a^-l'OP «v.,iu it ^el] hatw^w otbar xaDar? a?id ^^af^ o-^ly jn^- co^^e tn light* T'^e Ii!di;v.5 in r;-estiori 'oelort: to t"-e -^Rlley division of Voe Hewan stock, a •lu.-.Der of trilnao of which .still, axirt i-i t^-.e Sierra foc-'-Vllls to tho e-ist a- :d oC-itlieaft; ar'.r. :-.5' ^'a-'ts of rtill ?f" ^., j-y^ ^'^■i^jt re^-'i^u to t'-ie r:cr trlSPMvi for ^i.^'T ^ ,iij If' r '1 M 1 i*i Qi 1 t ^i H. ^fr 19 5- I'l 5! oer r if V ! I il J'.a-7 23, 1912. Dr. 0, H. Tittrnan, Sir 3rine^id-ent, Coast Surve; Washiri^on, D.C. Dear Dr. Titt'uoii: Can 7 on tall me 77'^: ere Moroski Ba^r iB? I have a Bir' Bear sbill lal^elad ircin V this Iccalitv, bit hav8 b:"^on ujia^'le to find it. It ca-13 vdth otlier skulls fran points on Alaska perinjjMla bo t'mt I asffiiie it is on or north of the • eriini^^ la. Can ycf.-, ^end "le a cory of yo^\r latest ^;e!iaraT 'lap of Alaska'' Very tru"^'' yonra^ 'Ik July £3, 191- • Mr. A:o-,'* C-ottsc^'-ialcr:, _ o ,«.>*»< Dear oii'*^ - r .:^ -^ -: --.;■ • \, 0 ac ^"^ 6T -i f» r. ,1 -r 1 / ^ ._!-'*•* Vr-^r 1'^ ''^^ ''^ "^ ' . ,^ -"^--Vr "' ,. -vxf Rear, arrivoa u.x^. v^ip for t:o s^.m ^^ ^ ^^-^--o^-^ I sent «-= Wn t«- " ^ '-'; - ;: „ ,,.„ ,,„„„ ^ X- »-.-,4.4 <^■^l -for raTi-^'*^» -*'^ r lad 4-.- '-ear "'^'^ ■^vrM'"! ■''On< I 1 Yer^r tr;Iy \ . ^^^^■^ J .z^. -J. '> >_,* •I >,* 1 a^ J I 1 CO f 133 J. A. Allen 2 '•'i L.4 *i Jul-- 25, 1912- Dr. .'. A. Allen, -, n' ^ A»erica^ !.'''Ben:n of :ia':«^"ral Hit^tcry, New York City* P^ar Dr. Allen: Or ret'e result. Tlie hiv^;:e r^vae and the srmll kidderi inliabit the entire lerv:*th of the Peninenla from Cock Inlet ^oBterl^r, ocenjyin^; t>^e ^Rz-^e country. Besides tiiese t-are nre a ^ew skall? of a Bear of intenaediate size b it mnch nearer ^-fae t>avi kidderi; in fact, hardly serarahle fran ^^as by ^ize wl^en the entire series is considered. Tliase Bears "^ave sli^oitly siaaller teeth i>an true SHMt '^^d iii the adults the tost orbital processes .'ire nore r eft-like and stajid out more horizontally. Your Z^rr. a rijiiLi ^^ ^^* iiTmture mle of this form. My ^Teatast trouble ^-a.^ '^^oon tc - ati^fy ^sr/relf af^ to its relationship. I have nor cav: '*:c t'c concl -sion t'^:at it is not a distinct species but a variant c'' rrfas. I have net seen an^/ Bkull.? of it from east of V 9 middle part of the Feninp.uTa. It seo»ns to he nost prevalent in zl\e 1 raited r9{;;ion extandi?\' from Belkofaki aiid Favlcf to Port Holler. If tnnro Tore anv TiaanB hy ?: ich it shaild become iscl-ted, it ro. id easily Je-*^ilcp into a distinct sTOcies. Tie dirfic iltv is t^ a^ -^e ''j^o true c:^^. ^rom V^e Bane IcceJities. F-rt^ -r^^ore, it is r:ot easy to tell TT^iether yo-}v^ f^^jllf^ are ^^?le kidderi. or fe^nala CIM.^ and ^-ile a ^3T ?5i^ulJ^ 0^ a t'^lrd set of feiales (w:-\ich I a-i nor cc^^-vir-cad belong; -^o f a p^iall Pavlof Tora of p-fQS) may ho recognized, ''- txZt&^cn^t to defiri t^-em leads to confusion. In addition tc all t'ese, ^e ha^e one a/i*:lt lale skull of a Tide3v .^i^'^erent Brecias r I received :^ane vears a/^o frooi •:.^-^e Alask^: "^o-nercial npiJrir^:, alon^^ ^hith a batcli of skulls label eci ar -— lin^* from t>3 rsninsula. kKOrr This skull is certainly not ^^jbb or any o.^-^er siDecies, and I susxact t}iat it «^a -a ait/ier fran liniiak Island miere bi.^ Bears are known tc cxi^t, or fro' ■ ^ .me island north of t!>e ^ .,.1 a. At t^6 rrijsent ttio I havs ahcu: 150 skulls of lii.; 1 r» * ^1 i* I R • I kLi- I il;l T * . :. 1 ! ©n s c •• p ▼ ^ 1,- ,'^,.^ T '^q^^a had about 50 mors .'^ r^^r^ ^^, +>at -n all I liave exaained not -.^ ',..11. of - .. V;ir Brovm a:-^ arissly Boarc cf ''\ , • „ Trr-, ' ^ -3- I "avQ Had .Tiada uiore '".■^aji ioOO ^ 4„ ..^.^' »,^B S" -c'^ can sea that it is no ' ,'« .^-r -n^or^'al for tl-e :;r3SR. I a-a new f-"-:.hin-ut V..a laconical clescri^vlor^, and hope to -et .*--,.. '.V. -•.<,-► of I ^ill ret-.-n the ... ^,- ., .-..3 ^' u-h YOx\ '.Tara kind enow-h tc American vBCid c,^ jOx.--..j ..-v.. ,, 1 .«. ■-- - 1'" - a c :.:ii -.7" icli I havo had raar:;,' pame of *>-,v, -~^+ ,.»*>^^-!- • aarlisr. TasY have been of 4.+ 0 .^« ■^'- ---. •■c"--vor. so t'.at I k'/jw -rcu will torsive ':c I or te^jjin;, tux. ^-^ i-^-— • ^^. tc sse vo^ir i. ^-^.Mw v-^v ^'-r p rot or aav D6i.ord T.^ ^ nu^ do ^1 -^s I "all lat ycu know in a^ivarx^a. T**«| www ^, ^^ ll Vx. Ed':7ai^d ?. Ball. 335 Warlnirto': A-emo, , Yoiikarn. ^^?r jcr::. Dear Sir: rna::Ks '-- for vo'^r le':ter cf t]:e "l^t i ■* - '--^ -*- f* - 1 SLatir/- t'lat vor ?rill not accspt less than ^50 frr -'C'-r Bear skull from C-clofnin Ba'% S: far ar. i a:i jCTare, this is more tha>^ dc-'bls tlie i:i/;Ve8t price sver paid for a Rear sbill. I'svertheless, the s- ecl-en is of SO much Importa-ce t'-at i^. cr • -.t tc V-e xems^nently preserved in o^ir ;Tational i.t;{?e-.i".. F-r -his reason I will take it at your price. As neither the Ifmerx^ nor the Biol a ical S-orvey fitnds ^hich can hs spent in this ^ay. I an p-.-jrcliaBli-- it ircr:: a private fimd placed under the S lithsoniaii Iiistit-tion for the furt^^eranco cf nry scisntific woric. To- . will donhtlese received a check rztlin a few days. Verrizaly yon painted^ and sliall ba oblif^ad if -Tc- rrili till ms ^r^em it car is from* The Blacks, I bolioYa, are au-pcssd to be fron Yallowstone Park* I ; a^e iiist arprovod yoiir account of $750 for these X, in.^s a.d a. n turnir/: tho sane over to the Smithsonian Instit.-tioii for pa^/mant from the Harriman Ftond* 1 fael confidant tliat thase paintings are by far toe Vest pict.reH of "^aars that have aver been produced and an sure that t ey i^ill bo universally admired. You have sliorn great i^fr^ in c-iistr-ctiiv: tham. Within tho next fo^-jf or five days I will ret'im -rour '^rnr skulls* Tro of thai —the fsoale from I 1 i" \ 41 h'M a' )' 1 "i f lii ':!ari i-D^n^^a-s 2 are of ccr.Gid^ra is irr. .-,,.:ce ^u^ ;Tn:.-w 8-30: .av.,, a^id I a;^ rronderi^A if "«, ^ili t. ^ini>_ tc part rAV^ S.^^ li* EC, I n'-,c'-ld ^^ ]:a tc fsTals a--d :?25 for - a .« »-• r '%-■ 19y I, fh Jiilv 25, 191? inly 25, 1912. ". ■ t^ li AC"^'. 1^^ Dfh.r !i\ haf:b^n! r-. Ill ««-»«, ';i,u.^Ve for -^nn.r le^'^'^^r of the T'n^'/.Mtlci^ hiu-^ ro'-eired H-vfegaor Verrill'a StarfiBh ifaj.nB'^rirt ad ..lateB. eieoit three of the latter. T „ .^>;e,,^:iin'-l-/ r.-iafl that oftar vraitinr. all these '.-ears th->. -mtarial ie ac^^ ally in cur harde, and tr '^t» t'xit i^ !^^-'* jc to prec^ at a" early dat^. . Bo i:Ot • :-.:ier tv so^v^l the iuaiiuocri]^t t- -vj crrice, I will call at ycnr office to look it Tor- "' -^''C^rs^ Orocker National Baiik, San Francisco, California. Dear Sirs: I^miks f:r statair.srrt and vouchers recently received (foriranied froa LacTaritas) My permanent Oaliforria addrese la laf-unitaa, ifarln County. My WwjhiiTgt-on home is 1919 - 16th Street, Washin^rton, D.-:!. I expect to be in Lag,:nita8 fra^ about the 5th of tmist 'jntil the latter part of Decembsr. Haret^ith i inclose check on t^ie atioral Hstropolihan Baric of tins city for $600, if'iicfc kindly place to my credit. I rill brin?r my pass book w-en I reach San Francisco. TJespect fully. / I! N ftf 1^ tt Ih f f' 1 : I ♦ i t J i I I \\i I l\ QOS July 25, 1912. ^ff^ ^ D. Appletor a Co. Heir York City. Dear Sirs: „^ Replying to yoiir letter t woiild stata that the *4 I sent you on April 22 wee for a copy of QhapiTian'B HandlDook of Birds, in special bindingi For some time past I have been wondering why the book did not arrive* Respectfully, * .« I 201 July 25, 1912. rlr. W. I. AdaEia, Disbursing Aeent, Snitiisoniaii Institution. Dear ' r. Adaras: HsrevTitb I enclose tro Idlls i»hich I sHhII \>q oUieed if you -^rlll jay from the HarrLnan Pund— one of -'.SO to K4ward ?. ^^1 for the skull of a new speci.s of ^oro Bear from Oolofnin Bay, Alaska: the other of $750 to Oarl fnangiufl for 5 paintings of bears, at $150 each, for ^!iy bear book, "^ery truly yours. "^ , ■*^0^:- !l \ i.! 5 I I i 20 h 'lb.' ( i > ■ /■ •f l-'^n If-* S''^. J t •I. .1: tSlv July 26. 1912, ProfesBor -:. F» Evernaim, Tlnitsd States Bureau of Fisheries. WftslTincr+,rtr> ^ '■« ^ • -» • Washington, Dear Professor Everrmnn: In the event of a vacancy •Pioi^ your assistants in Alaska -at the PriLilof Islanda or elsevrhare -I rould like to recaunwd ISr, A, G. Whitney, now an assistant in the Biolop;ical Surver. T hare knoim •^, "Whitney only a few nonthB, but during this time have been to daily contact with him ani he has woriced under my personal direction. He is w«U educated (a ,o;raduate of Dartmouth «rd also, I believe, of the Yale School of Forestry), thorough, painstakli^, enthusiastic, industrious, and a rapid "»t3rt»r. He is an aiiateur naturalist, particularly intarart^ in field studies of birds, macinals, and planta. Peraonally he is a 5;entle. kindly man of delicate sensibilities. I do rot hesitate to recoianend him for atw- position you may have in the line of your Alaska woric among the natives or on fur-bearing animals. I regret exceedingly that we are not able to te ep him on the Biological Survey (owing to lack of appropriation). Tery truly yours. 4: hi 20 Tft-JpT }■ ' ■ ! ' July 27. 1912, t # fi. ♦ * ■i ' 1- t \^ ■'/i :^»< ?^'^f'» " "t'-Cj pi Professor A. E. Yarrill, New Haven, Comiocticut. Dear Professor Yen-ill: Pardon my delay in acknof?7l edging yo^ir recent letters. Dr, True 'ms been anay and I vbjb cut of the city for a ahort time. Mr. Rathbun notified -e a couple of days a^;o that yoiu- manuscript and plates (eicc-ptir,.; tlu-eo) liad been received at the Smithsonian. I have just been over to examine them, with a viar to early public&tic";, I waa iTTj.cji pleased to see tliat the manuscript is in sucli aicollont shape. I suppose yo>.; will supply t:-.e three missiiv-- plates and tlie chapter on :^90f;;raxhic distribution before lor,f:, Tnere app oared to be t^ro separate sets of references to the text fi^^u-es. I did not exKiine tnem critically, but that was the conclusion arrived at by ?i-. Hovmrd Clark, who will have chaise of tlie prinbii^^. In yc'^i- preface you mention Mr. 'laoo-.a-i. Do you rofer to old Professor John ?&coun or to the,:: nmi. Jarces l'. ?,!acotm? 7 er:: truly yciirs. -'^^_-. U t \\l ' I,' V. ,1' ;if( (I ••1 f i i ft: '111 I*' { r>f ,: 1- ! i \i' i m V •HS'iS CI* .... ■■. ,-ii'«. u .,' • P Siiice writ.i.,y . /on tha othai' da; T have Bh.owTi your aar paintiiifts Ov aavuiai ^oo^io ^xorat all ol \7 loii nava cXxraBsed '"Taax daii tit a^ 'hoir ijai:.y ra;:iarr:acla q-jaii.icJb* In tiia fall or aariv van'.ar, 7;han tho "vai^vjuj^ people i'ai.'.aii ircm uiiyxr tsuj^iax* w^w^ajb O X 1. V . --i. lu ihs.- Ic }. laca thoni on ox;nr)iuiur; for a fav; aavs in uio Coai^os Giu^^ wujra o lay tvould inevit^abiy bs a canoar of inuoiobt* 'With host wie .OS, Yar^ Ux X YO'oi-a r. 1*1 ■ I I: A 5^- I! J-AlT 30, 191S* "f*? I U i . , [*• m.i ji! ¥. %f •''•.-, v.* Y*V fb'tl^ r: :':ri2slia8 fro'i ^\ylfind Rivor rfoe* near tha li^ad of ireen Pi^^ar, ^'idt T'Oti ^^re kl^ e?^c\r* to loar *^"e Blelo'-leal S^n^v-jr- B^na tirn^ fifro, end for ^o3 ^•»?'^ ^f m^.'^fv-^ '^s ars ver^f r-raatl^ cHl ad. Ver^^ *r»il*^ "^^r^T^i "r . :;o3i r- — ^ r^ n Lcar V. J X3:*l U , Xo**.-' ^ A - - rf *A \X /• "^ard""^* *^' rial IV in r0"*',l'-'iry' t-'^* "^r-ir ^er^ '^1^^:! e^ •^< It • ^ are . -■ \»" .' "^ « .1. .**«». V- , 9 ra:'~-a ■:.,' trti^^ ^rp.j^ / oitriJaJlf . MCT.iianed in your laat l^ttsr. tha T :i • V In v option ie nt to T\ict of tro t'ryn "v-nta.'a fi:*^ *^ :l"^raiic, ^'«it o^U «»*• 6 d"ffi^' 3^ "^r ^'or*' c"t y^e ^-ia iw^rB a::d rai^-^as of -^Be ^^^•^B '>C- ^e. 9 5 •"] 1 ^TT •* .* ^ nd^J:* :i:-.lda, •^-ic]' 1": .:u^ -^•'^"^■•^^ • ^f»^f"ld tc ■^:^in- '^.rt^*:^'*" >• .o.^*^T*- --^r* a^^k 1 ▼ "• ,*.* *■ '<* i I ^'ii 1 i COS 20 ' I l-i "i •n r l| J'J.v 30, h-12. ^ r. Ta^-'sr T^ ^ r-3'i . rrsraid, a" d r «• r^a-lv o-U ad tc 70-^ for/.^« ■^.ro-.iHa -^o'5 tocV ir^ ''-a '.matter. :Tc-. 'lavi:-^ heard frcri -/en, T ansu id "'iat t,ie eld 5'-.o-':!ri*zly and r w t^o or virae c^^hs !:ave ird 8'^all be at Ta-^i .«« >»va;oretonf.-. c^" tho ?:--3r. I'l V -- fnll I -^7 drop in tc 7crdj-cff "■• ' ■^?-" "T"" i';'*s73ctfl 1". 7 :■!'?""• ♦■ *^ .T-:iv 30. ivl2- Tr* 0 1 .a ^JSU ' 0 • . a. « iwfcf ~ ' • ?r::arin^iKl^nt of Coast J?.rv^^ TJhB' irr^^ W V loar t}r* 1iti:mir^n: '^Tft^-ir t ftiJcF ^"or the -eneral c'^art of Alaska . *^*^rf alffc for yo^ir trouble in 3.idsav?ririr to locate ''oroeki Bay* It cmild ^^urdly b0 on U.iaJanka Ibla:d baca.MBe ti^r;) ara :ic Bears on at ialwid, crat i*- i^'tt V.e on IThixnak Island, Terr tril" vaiirs. • •' % ! f .Tia- 30, 1^12- A f .p ^ '# »* J I » 1 <^ '|1 n • * € 'Ir. '"^a^ias lee, ^^ , * ...«■•. rone vaars a-o, r^o^v you and. I war© bvot^i ^^-rt -ar '^^Tm t^'^' art nosr, ';e ^sre both frlendf ->-■• tbll^'t Fiillire. At o-ra ti"^ I nwdf ,»w» nat«« on three Phdls of Ori-Ksly Baerii he had at ni» a -afle, R. ^»nalo, ar^ a opiK A eliort tlm* ago I wm varr fwiyiot^s to sd© t^ae aVulls again, vrA, wr«t» to his hroviar In t-e here cf Id^minp thsir w>ai'M.'bont8. Hi" hror.! 3r rarlied ohat "le left all of Ids sijectaens to t^e aiit>.8onian. I find nc record of the recaipt of a'^' elrillp or other sr ooinana of Taaamals fraa hlffl, v,,,^ f i^ 4.,,a;<. yoa tiimod into *o It-br.oloHcal Derarbnent '•iff efunolo-ical coU nstion. I ara Tronderirr if you Ytsrx^. tc rfi:-^:; '-ar '."^at ^a<^a.v.e of tha 3aar aktills. Var^ trdT TOiira, •^ *■ It ■***'■*■ ^«- „ I, *M f J I r 111 ♦ t t ; ( ''I %/ 1 f^k* Julv 51. 1912. SflZ Inclosad jiea^^ t--^^ 7oac..8ro ^^. r.i Tu<^ a2 fell we: ' "' " : .V- .,,.,.:-. A. Hyao a:^ Helen Grovor rorUlO aacii, ^Mnr-a lax 0^' California ^14, rm-tl-r Solto: Ccrrec -aons.-iai J-ly .xt-^3 accovvnt. $M.2l; P.,t 0^^ ^.t. 701. Ilortlv^a-Derla.^. ^or J^^y ^^O. . Bent 0. ^i-^' ,^,^3 j,^,ov8 .-o H-'x-iirar: Tract l^'ncl- vary tr^ly y^^^. # «» .^> !.■■ 21 J ■ 1 -*•■•»•» t . lir. iv r* /^ ▼*• /• ' -* /^ > it D J*. '- -« ^• -» r. Ddav Sir: s,;-,e recai-.j c: sa ;, j ira;. ^o-a cx-ne ?.r-o. As I a-u ieavir^,; for Caiif omia in a law aa/B, I iiava aaii^ in ^'ou- Vili ot ll'i ^ar :.tty-.:j:iii and you wiii ciavB# I },cp3 .la^ '^a -^ >iav9 bo^tor n^.ocees nsxv' \^irivd-:'. 1. «* f] h m. \ ' i 21 C- II =* ll 5 Aii^n;rt 1, 1912. id AU: uSt If Irl^ ^ » s K hi 1^ i| I .11 ^ ^< I. ■i" : t ^ I n I :, ^ ! s i • ) _« f k '' i f »|- ^ ^ ; ^ ' - ' •! 1 J > 'i ill I'd i ?ra.:lwliii i". Hiotalif E^H* a AT"; ''Hi 1 >*V f^ ( . > ' h .-: L ^ 806 im% bi^r^oi.^ Sai FiaiU J. »;, ^.^ *« « jk I O iT ^IX* Dear ?ra- k: A^. lac't I e.i rov.\cn .19 aris^ly Boar skoll tra^i '.!endcciao Coiiiity, wliich you bo ki'idly loaned ne a loii--, ^xm. «,■•-. i^- i^cw.^ f^"^ X 1, ,i ^r .;--,;, PrI •fcrria Boor akiilla, aiid if in my traat'.ar^ii^- Oi - i-3 ua-.-.4.^x-^^a. ij<^«M. .,,m'>- f-^ rPLrt ri *>; it, I sliovjd u6 dad i:c ^, t^or. -^ . --•*• -:>i C'^tar -Aat it rmv go pennanonbly into cvir Ilatiuiial M'-.;-^;Ui-;. lU V7 ;rl: :-ias dra^g^^d alo.ig so slcwly "ohat, as vcv, «t^e, "76 aj-c otiVl iu l?as-d:G^on. But I a^i new cl:=ux ^^-^P '«y ^-■^^- '^- "'-'^ Bears, and re hojfs to reach L3Gi:ri:a3 oy taa iOth of A^oast. Shortly aft^r triat n • T , T - von '3-.'^ lliiUAl^ v-^ B^j eor.iO CI 0^ at 808 Turk Street. r ,- 1 • V- ^ O-/. receii;-^ of t-lia Boai- eicail I wrote you. to . '•ficia adrlres:ui, a£^i:i;-; if you knew aay ;;:0ro dafinite locality f tui H3adociric Co-.ity. Hot na^jir^ heard fraa -■oM, I aRs.i '3 •t.Hab yc- do ..ot kaoy aiiy .nora defi-i'.eiy o;-. tv tlie -olaca ~h^'re it ?/aa killed. With ]c5.:^d recai-ds t-c you all, N -- y W <*V..%.i '!»■ I, .. , Mv Thoinas 'icDC'ialdv „ , . „ '" Loc Aiv:9l9S. i;aiifcrn.,.a, Lsai- Sir: Several y;;^rc a,:-: the ne7T-}.aiers re:ccrtad had Killed a very l^^r^o Gnt^^iy in ths Trinity lit. r*;ion, I wrotf. you at ^he tii^is, but uyu liavir^: you.;- ocrrR-:'. au'd. ^oc, -..« xo--s/. -»«. aiid ..wurnod. I -^^ aov: v ,nturir« to addra.a you at Lod JlvcUs. rvA-% for better success. If ytu prsoar^/ea th.o sk^ii --^ ^■'^-•^i-*- '^^ ""^^^^ . ,. ,^, ..r.- I -.■ c-id like ^er.' nach -.: e-ac tlian. I ^-y "^oir^" oc ua.t IT -i • .ia ^-^ - - '•' ^•^^ 1 .^-.-^^ r.r -' c» .vf,,-;. 1.. i^v^s Tail. i :5. wvJ.a ua soui'lierr. part oi .^- ..v.. .. -.-> -•»• . - ~ ■'- "* -V .-' 'i/**" '"van rdad to call on you ^i jC^^ u ^,.. c^-., Ify addrass 77ill ^^ i.b^^-i.'i^-ab, .vcu^.. ,....j.^^, , Ya.n' yo^ ad rvJ^sJ^ N/"> u I {^rs 215 August 1. 1912. Av'-i;.-:'- i, i^lii. -. t ,*/' W* J i .t if .% I I' Mr. Mart Mariana oa, Daar Sir: , Tlia-iiis for ycur reply to my letter about the Bear skidls. I did not know that %he skall?^ were BO far a\Yay ^aat yon \70iiid have to i-aake a special trip ior tiiom. This bei^xs t^lic case, I will offer you $10 yacii for these and any other skulls of adult Griziilies you imy get from trie Wasatch Range or the UintaSt and $6 each for stalls of yo^x^^^; Griz^ilies; aif'O $3 each for skulls of adalt Black Boars. I sent you some tags in a previous letter, and a^a inclosing herevvith a shipping tag* In case you Bend a:uy skulls, ploaya send taera by express, ciiarges collect, addresGyd Biolcvical Survey, u# S. Depart fieat of AK-riculUre, Wasiiiu^torxj, D.C. Be sure to write t-ie locality and also yo^ic uaae on eacn tag so that v;^ }Lia,j know whan t/hey caiiie from. Ver;,^ trui' yorjrs. O^ f ^ I Professor Charier T. Vcrhier>, U>ii 'HrBvtv 01 Uua-, Salt. Lake Gi^^s Uoa M*^ dear Sir: At laat, I ixiv rai'i'TaiiT; the skull of XjO le Grizzly Boar whicli you ^ere ki.!;d enough t^c JLjan me about six y/v^t^Ks aco, atid which bas been 01 3;jrvice m lav worj^ c-ri le Bears. St'0';ld yoi' nv^ccaed in cL"oaini;jg ai'iy sKuiis oi C^r:.zzli■:i^ cr vf adnl"^ Black Bears froii; vhs Wanatc-) Mtb. durinr; un.e t^^oseo season, I c»"l-, r ho^;id te "very ;-lac^ to ^ a^e* 'v.*w>>^'. if 1 21 i 1.1 t^ ?♦ 1S12. A '':^ %SkTt Df ▲»Aa»-« i. I I.I f . u i .- i^e «go 70 a TCii I:iril B^^yr ^ - its for 'net I 7* -' 'w« ;-ifc. Y ^ '■ whbrj I V :iU -.' .1 -■ •- ^^r s^7 .i-al •■.c-..".:^ 'li V » »- ■• » f Daar Dr. Bi^ vir: Mti^* - .4.4- At - *■ * / , "^ - * -* ,-. J. I ■ •• > r»' •« *^- .-V .'^ ^M ' m ■■■*»" r* ' ' •-. ^ •JUL *■/#■ ite** W' '. - «#4«^ Pi,»i<#k. ^ V* Vii**.»»^«>^« . i"». le P^^*.ia's v.Ji3r a*iu friizy^t v-t^ar a4-d i 4 3J^**i rf.J,l£L* V- ^oJiar 01 litwio Willid ifrji;,-# gyaa> '-- "/.o na c ir.:*<;i35« ¥3 ara ieariat- for Oaiif gmia today. Viil. kjuuast ra a*"aB io yc . all, T v: Hi r ' ! «• j1 \ ■J 1 *% 21 & ii I ij i ' • I h \l ■ it Ml-. 1 HiX I! At l«u»t I 'riaT© f iniahod ttoA on «^, wi^h on. of my -siet-n^ to .hij bacic to ^f -^1', '.yvOTT<:^m 1/ ?v T::i» Pxecioan \jiB been of audi aaaiil*i»» 0 ae axtl I «i sr^^^y i.uiec.t,ed to you for your i iLLxeae in letting m examine it at ieiB^jre. I m ^Ud tc knoB umt yoa in^^end iooner or later to ^lace it, ixi a ^ia«um for permaiient pyestrwtion. Iha *^.ll 8 -) I'i ^-« raao-vad, oi ccu-ae, so iaac it my r, ;,xH.a..d H.;d cdq^aTau vdth t"^.. ler axia.inB other sk-llB of -Ua Bidciee. I a-1 l«>a\ i 'f i ati!3 ^v'.^ s -■•^ or Caiifor.ia today i '« io i'fi^ itjJLl« . id liqi^o to -^ A ♦ ■ Jiilftii. wm -t^m. d f W t ^•l.iik t iEx^.a At last I .a; J rdtorndd, br ajarsaa prepaid, t'le fe4c^allii ci lj.^ial« Oris^iaa ^:::ch you wdr# kind 3I1C'*J« Jl vw lC^« J.: t: tliae a^Ot a;jd T^::-.di h^va V* ¥:•'- X »*4. ^^ . ■J(i^i^».0 0 Tar 4 • H I." 1' I UW| 1 1 I I W i! t , tl i'i B \ ; 1 , (I- i Hi II; i,^i*r^a»t 3, 19124 rttrumad C'V »* t^.&id Delta a.-ii;ily. -^altJV'i.v to -/orx .j^e en. wliidi you kirxLl ; l-xiad u3 ;iuid tiue afjo, T is ojpaU reK8»»n^ c..^? H; c Id, of cc raa.v.a preearved in a fireproof .-.ilcMv^. ^ i' ic ani^ud. I nope early in th« ILuTdraity tc oae th« skin a.^ cl«:s of t;iia •^tcir-wn. ira ci«r» esaootn, 3*r&ijit. loijo l-^& tncBd of -b« Griizly. or ar« viisy dilfdrenlt Witli ..ja.iy -;-«k:-iiB fu* yw.u- cour^wy, 7ery a-^ly yaa*8. , f u I* I, 221 A • "'iffu ', 1.-12. Mr. Perc-' C. Ifcdeira. ...... r- Iva: ii. Todx' I a- ?: 1:".- 7C- a rav :-* z.nxl\ ..laj. r' Aias'ia, but i" ir '" ,• 38*- I r^ars h^^r- s. i'j '.c -r . We ai^f* nadiy x:\ r-e-^-i ol a will -^rt ' >l;e x-n enarai ifv of Alii»ka fcr -^^ B^ '^^ vo-' will .arocr ri^ dalay aiid ra;at i'. *' m" • •^ '•'O^- I ■.i h ;i I i I 11 '% \i \h I- ■■•. blI flint cjt^. k>-i *.„ ^0 Ji'-*- i-reafurd of ffcrk in th« fi.vJ. di:^^.csal o! -bft Bdar^ ead iacicing to gat awfcv, I luive ho- liad "iTie t.: ack. '7Tldd,-e tout oo>^ta«7 in 63. Hi » ..■3 uo ix-x5'-ly '-, -3 --j^-ll of t"^.' M9 of , su; •...•3Vic :ar. p- i . ca»d. *«* ■? -alldr sxeciaana of All <; .c A J.- lea 'i.-.e3T;-. B-'ar skJIe vr' *»f Icil I lad :'BtaZ ad - ■!'# ^ 3» ^ Vi:'.3d. "'-iB s''.i**dav al:-^' • f t:*T:et .na^l:; 197':-: ;.\:.:J.j iul. Syieelr; lit. Stiicar-. Orizzlj 21'11 :'jr/J.3 ad. 1 I'TOC ■*ifci.i V ..EUi. al,■»* r <-s ■ all^ « W>^ A will 'kX 10 \%t ,cl: oLli-sd -•IT frca tho H&rriian Fu-id. ^ • - -* ^* ■<» :^ua' «4»^«' «k 1 D i-^^ %V •ar-lasa I uotif7 you to t a «: ■» r ••> ' •^4 <^ A %. w. ^'*4> i| '11 1.1 rcr,s xl *Gja^ oand a'" ciacKS f4ici" axB u: ^Dvr ^rm ■ '4 «* ^A a^a in S3!idin; ^ i Up Ri^^ a!^ 8" a 9f i« '#• D?ar Si 1 • Tl rr(*H"^ I sw H,> rjT nc 8-3 1: IV • 8 dre' for 'f* a a'-^*-;ii Say* •=• fl 1 ■« >^r ii be a a. r f^ f^ •lad bafort H iij ^v • ": aTT act th&y T 8 all 0 V ia.A*- t» yoiir j^a ^.rclinan •OCT E' "<.T:^ \ti 1 a8 :' 0y p^* t?^ Ir. case of rcpible ♦ ! Dt'l r T^:':.cri ^*.iic:r'a 3( Il3 t. C: w .1 a Biol w ^ caj. ^C'V t? '* r*J cr E. A. Prable a 1^ 0 1 n -a R :r* -r- tb§ i\acic fvT ^500 ad'/aacaa 1. 1^ jj.i. axpa/iBdS^'rrhich I it arrived i*. « %• •* W X » k.> «W* J ^- J *> '• 3 lail .*i? o \ ]l H ki In Obk^ 221 ift Anc;p- 6, 1912, Waai.i:-- •--U:. Ga« liit Co, '411 - lOtli Szrajt. ^ Dear Sire: Today I e.:. -rlceiiv; r/ hcise 1^.".? - 16 th Straat for "ho reminder of t'^Te e^saeon, and do not exj.9ct tljit it '7:11 b;; cce^^-iad a,7:ain "^^rcre Icv:r-b;?r. I:is.v$ .oT'itxi off "h" ZHC at t" j met^r- Y-": -ittv "-- r;. i'. err Oii^eidd. R*53] «ctf .ill; t Autuflt *:. 1912. ii Potcaac Eoctric Powor Cc, 213 - 14t- Str;^9t, Door Sir??; ?odR^ J -i.- ri-iirv": mjr hoRise 1919 • Idth Strsat until fail — jrc^acij nor3:.ibar« I have of" :he alactric ai'jrrent at the vA^ witch -iiar •" -? stone stjpe cf tha hcusc* P,C5T3Ctfllllyt 2 n^o .^t^ #i- It »i»l I A=^. ■%*^ -.» 4^/i ' ■»» -v* [rt » •?,?/• f: H *■> --^ /«• V i • -»■ - - *.A< , 1-; 'f^ I .-J f-j «Tt c *« -• <«/ jcro .ar^r f '.>^ tn asi^Hi .-f r> *^ 1 1 T> C> "7.1 cu»ncer cl 1 .1 <■■ v"^ 1 i."> yi ' V ■> c f ■; ■<- • -i * ion i ( J re?/ 1 1:1 X 0 r X" 0 s e c ock fcr ^f^OO. in r^cawi J v-> ^-» V-- X Cv noun' cidvaiiced tc re fcr field ex'^^e^.^ec ec.rlv ir: /."'f-us T T u.. .a H'u a w'- 4, i-t i! *■■• ♦: . * s 23 i: I Di ' 1 '-t 31- 51. 19.13. J. ivio kJ» IL' 1 • AutL iS *! 0 q 1 T' ^.*- »^» ■ '.* ».* Jk V Snu:: ■^ * J. ^ ) J.C4.* O V -t ■•-» -k ^ P. ^ 1. ^ ■> '' D • '->• f!. B. Eli 0^'/ y v.- , ^ £11 , O . 'T I 'jo. 'j ! - i .-ri I '■«i^ DbcO' Mr, Ad H: 1 »jW U. -/J.i o ' 00 a ',•>, r :• "V 1 . ■ ^ c< for Oc^ 31 ■• .«> a. 11 ..• V 'O ♦, a^! icnntiri' to $cSg.30 ;d for D » f * ."j**ii ar. a^'ic ['^•' ■!"'-**■ •! W U.J V : $145 y ' \ al. SJ k 'a-n t cf ^ n' • iu a i. -^^ ^y ^ v^' I i k W i k WV .3 -P -^T t; :a" KI •>-' « J.-.'o vW ^ V. V. _ar" voaCiiaT :r Haieii Grcver for 4.% •J .i.^ 9. ynnri ^..,XT Ui-iUl 1 cf D3C3:..V^, £i:^c r 1 v-\ JL 4 1- V X^i 0, ail cf rr\ic!i vleaca ^a > w 4- < 13 Harri ' •)/•■» v> p- .iitl Daar Mr* EHiioot a ir '"oraa a faw ciavt? cv;c, I f.>Uia Tr*' y V 'a :C^. 11. :ca' ^' I J. -• V n •i w ( "^1 locsta' *6 cV'e on jjaorva ;.as / <^ -7 ^ C 0 i i J S • i O i ai*d: aa "00 M .^ I JC^ .^ "vd^i » •< >' r"« ^j\J 4. <^ •<- v> k^ ■>• > 4 ;tiv T. "• lo <%.' C s^C ii. V $1.10. ^X^ ca OS of \7 _ c.u 16 ^j. 1^ 3r •v. O JCW ('< n^.il sted ) ^ I iiiU •^ C* ft »"" ■". ''1 V' .icxl ■! V nrardad; tba « • rsnia.ini $1 »"< "'^ . > '*' I ^v<.^ 4. ^ ■>.' r-s-.«r^ :x re r 191 at :"■ li"e Yarv " r^- rr. .1 kj •.\V'>^N.^r~~ WooN^ W: ci a» .k ^'.i. " 1 ^ -*. J ;a/XU.i:J a. Ci ;-'r - 0 v'O^ *f '■'•% - , "i 4'- V J •J 3a£ on l,r rii C'lr «.' ♦' d.^'Ki? »w. -x./'«»^\,-''.». »8cv r \/ g"*-' /V ^ ^^ V "> ..'^^ JE>,- -^^^^ . |^yt~ ' •'''sllka *•- X \ — ^. ■-•^■.■^ -J-A^ ,«. ••Oc; *'- I c>^ if Jfcu. ilciT 1. IVI The Fra:icisca "*.•-? .1 Fcv" ^ ir3 S^. MitthHeii^ JL- Vi \ iu Diifix Sir 8 Tria-' ». ^. 6 o vD ^ i '^ d VClUTi iU ur ifevahce TcoHi-]ar-» V7'iic" arrived I incicce c .ack foi^ $iO v ^ai'eiy a . s'w da; •I H i-j . • .:> 1 \^ ,t .L J h »_ -f -,•> :3"v^' • - 1 "V (J JL w* A. • « V < ^ /« K: 1'! ,l» ^'J i C' ^ -> w* • ' i ra~ul£/:a yc ^ .1 Wli I'.^a y cu h'ivj raiKitjrsd m cciJ :;tCvi::i>. a. .a yo-.-Lin xi li f^iis r:a''ari It. '^ill r o "^ o "^ *' .'W ^ 1 i. C 1 laBtin LriVniua to V r\' , * iudviB-'.rv a.ia .^rua "ii,-< - H f-U ^ -- ^- - — '. -■'^'-j- ■•■ j'-= ^.- . — » t~ • , • ■» I i^k^Lt O it, El:.. Svi' w ^ Pi I- i. « 1, ■_i«i 11, dOfU- S"T Wold / ^^•• ba < -t - • J . liip; to lea t. « . < <- s> L v^ , cu c 1.'.3 K.« • 4.» n St ^\r:^^. 1 V • : ^ X w ^t csioe Gr-iTizziy BjarB ':illad in Bri ,* 1 (i ■ Coliiribia or elss^r^era. If 3C A 11 XI 1 'J .v..^ ar*eG 0 01150.1: addrec^Bad U. S. Bi:ic. ical S':rv3^, Jie\ .^4- -^+ . f U ' 1 sj ^ * u Ar-x" i r*-' '9. W • •- r- n -- D.O. I 3 sJm^i. v-jr(» niv 'Ticnc'Tar w * i W B:^ Bear •o Ai. '*-*-'• !..<«•.' t io3 V c*. XI 2 r If (^ o «■? (^•«->^f ,y . 'J^.• ■O '► aL" "COS? 1 A \Ji.Lt. Br -! -r f o Cv » Y:r' tr\*Z"* ^'Ca: ^^ V W-«*^: y OL, ^^, ■s^k^K W^^ J^ u-^ t::^^ jLa^-^ubJ^^ U ■f-T ■V ^»s* '*^ ^ V. 2.1' Ev6 ^ .J G 'inn all ] <5- VJ - i *< ± vx 13 « i..Aj^ -, 1 UW W Jk • 1 Toh J. -•- r, / .•<- £-' w* X 3 ^ w J i V J. '■' V* < * »' i i. U- /., ,»T,'^ •» V •» n .iV 1^^- t.-*-' !>• a nsro lUSv i V* V ai :.•» . - iCk, k:- • loft La^'^'-ritaa a "^D^lt' 1 1 ,-v r\ ■-.v r» 4. ./^ -^ '^f .i. *' o..., icl: '4 /j u ;. iu. laa .d I 'C'CC nir a ^'Ur JlW o C'J. .^ . V .»• Jt •^ * > - — '-l- t visiti' tb - "• r^ V pHr- « I D n- ^ 1 .f:ou3l R9S9rvy.tic crth cf HI nlaiic^ Al ) - '^ - • .a ' . '~'/^• . ««^.> ■• w . er I _ad rrr aat o • ■ r o .V V. , - t 1 ^ r-^. 1 ",'>' O^lMx'i t. - - > •»• six tribas and two •T y lie ^J- H( < I • V T r>^;?rt"C" ::1- ;d coIIjc J i en Tiis 1 • ».^ k o^n.' -ili-tri^JG cf i'.V -rites ^ ii r- I v>» ^x ^ •-» %"^ It V A SidlC Cell ' 1 h: V iV S^'LA \'l G: ■, - ^ ■ -■\ - -^ VT .• --( i. -y • -Vi i d I »f •» pf :-» " t.s "^ << IB'l lad h'xl X 1 r.T U Oj .-. w • >. w O v^ i ■' ) ;-| 1 •« t. ^ A, 0. .-4 /• O •"••■' ,•3 -> o V • - T ■ . i f ■'I - / * -» V'-^ wt "^ -.'s- M V» '"" •V* •< - -N V> C. Ur^I 1 1 ■y I. A. •^ V v*. ^T ^^* 1 i^ of the ST^o^^ >'i6 «-*- ■ ^rhr: A* ^ I |-1- ,'«^. "I -. "S ;.3'"l , ►-> :? ct: .,-* .•^ ".^ ."»•• -' A < , s^ .a lCr'6a.'\ ST.DCK «• ti , ■' v' »^ nersc -.' ri T 1« T «» «,■»>- v» V en .1-. d^Arin^ t:-? ,-., V ' vV '-■ ^^iP',0" <4 W 1 1•^*A /^ .' ■^ J, !• l•^t--^ f^- ■_ ». - %'V 0 Kt»w' ri j-» y 1 •■ ^A'wV - ,.»r*^- - v:is Bva 4, »- • / -^.j y ri7i^^: •'..t.- ?3x ^i-•-* li-T ',» .fV V illc:5 a^io a Igt; .- ^ • . O .t.Ci li /U :^nc - T (' ^ v> w- - I i » ? r.- ax*e fi otvb I < I » -•.»■*•"/ 1 . V* -A , \ -• •■*'. 1> c: «' t ^. .>-- O .1 ^ •s.» • I D r. ■>•»,-.--, --sTr -> J - > i « ,^^A ■f f • '^1 O* ^'^ .i w ic. T'-.a. 'r .-f i\ ♦T;;. ^ • «. . A» f r i ■n cj aiTY cl:Ljd Cvt Li'ia' t»r '-« r« ,3 -t^ ,~J TKT ■^ ij 4>i i • w • ', \^ » . W rf^v . X -^ ^. i^- aad 1 si.-:'l^"^ri .1 X ■_• i fT-i-isitrms • ana s^ '-> -» a. \/ X 'v-» ■^». »■ ■ a^ ;aii Zj lafda -B I cSS »,-•«, 23u O ** "' ^ \ •'^ -%-^ •■ r-.^ 1 ■'"! ': J; \. - * «^*'* ti p.- ;<• "i .*< - ■',<^ O »- w H: A '> "^vx A. K J V, J.k-< cr Byr 0:ll D iar P: .o O i^ >• k.. »-.. T:! or Kciol it! .r. / k'^ 1 :r 1 .i.^. J / V, o V* D t • I Xi J 1. 8t ;"• t ♦ "• r» .' VTi S '^ ! J wk ^^! ^1 1.^ v^ . ^rn Calif or 1 '. ':X t3u ^ ii£i^. A, Br- 'a: Vaiic ^ 1/ V w. B • 'J» Doar Si i'- • 0 ^,^-'- . TV^- ■ *( i- i .,» v» \>v v-'U ,i: lo ind " T f' ■» 1 J V V -A. CI D:c3nibar c / < I a >-•*>"*■:'• ■u^.v^ii 1 "! X -.. a vy\.l • Yr k; -U. V *■«) -■ . I. « .y • v< Griszl'T Bkiiil u.iiv;i ^ _ r» n ^^ •-, V* -, ».'• . ■■'TCi Cf, -^'—..^ w >^».jfc _ '- -'».j.< (.■MA^ • -^ " 'T "^ *,■' 3P '^ ""^ -» /H ^' - v^' .'V fe \t' c: n *o of Owi -.. ^iAU. '- V J= V I \j>i t/18 c U • \'X 1-*. V> ^A . ^ T o C5, J, xr,« ClearvTcv.^r f4 action oi viia ranitteo i.*-o xJL -U oil i '311 Ri ■«' ,-iV« sei ui' n »--»c« ' rT . « ributar"^ nilj. '' n '^ "1^ ""."h ^ ^ • t • 1^ var T ^ ' I I ■-, to s'l-ali 1)3 y-r d^l'viu xl 1 r *^ -» ' ,"^ r^^ i>.^ V \^ . wv- .ti^i.. ... j^t. .. , « f_. . V. ret rsTrf, Or- I 'A fl I ^^; .» 1 f "I " 1 ^^ .A> ! ^ •<»_ . ^ -° J- , '-■ ^ J. -^i ,l3r: T f-s- •.-• .:io» r^ r» '. ■" ^ '/» • W -K. ' e" c?il?c'^-, oddresRed U. S. B'cl 1. \ yCA. — D I M ' I OX A'Tic'-'lture W 'i o D n V % • <> • . -i [■,. ,» * V-' 'rj c\ 'uCi 11 : I T O ^« J :;. .". s-* iiiVrT-'^' u ^ i-T i^ n3 racc:^'n:f!3naa.":ic la^ le the 'HI '■V ) ,* I ;10' A0 • l>. '. oiiid •'"'►'iY»T ^Y»~1 1 1 ■^- *-, T" r Ti f-^r c''' aB aO t,f;e Oia ,"fc - — . — < r:.' :^w I ir » ■ av' D V cu iCno^ 01 a) !T^ adult I -% i> iAt'-V *• art '^•1 T -^ . . »«• r- ;o,r o eir ■'0^.1 IT-. R. •X •• >,■*, 1,-1 - lais, •'>' »J . •>.> j». •><.•,%. V-V. I Z' -v.^ :^ "•J X Kl £IX: L; :r:;:'i si ' ^^ Yar" ■^» to*- -. • •■ •I- r /^ "^ V* t** ^-^ , HJ»k>*^ ' V\.K. r.*V**«*S.^ northwestern Bivltisli 0 ;j cL • V >w — Al O i / 'J u. ..t ' Ci I .4. ix:::l had -• 0 Bi: Btjarn. aM 11 tar.kl Bl^icr; B--a '•w-H't ej +. C V f-k r* n -■'• # v ■-./ . charac'.erB *f 1 n'T a: a:, tent J. on "oo uiie St ! -, :il of t/iO t t'l Q 'Lo V year. [f f-. y*"- -r ■" -I'^i - j » "" » » »N » -^ » ♦ I • W * •.' '-> ^1 rv^ V tff 4 if 1 January 2, 1913. Dr. R. E-^:.LZO'r. Cctra of fratrdocr Lifa, 10S4 CiJirtis Street, Danvar, Colorado^ Djar Sir: In tV'd Ja^iuarv iscue of Outdoor Life is an articla of yours V7^- ich I have road V7ith interest. You iur:ticn killirj^^ three (Jrizslies on Uaciiillan River. Did vo'i sava their skulls? I a^ii just CGiirpletin:' a ncncrraph on the Big Bvmrs of A'erioa, aid have had great difficalty in sec irin- skulls fr:;ia the Yukon. Macmillan, and Pelly Rivers. T!ie only onaBi have seen from the Uacmillan are an eld m.] e and a jrouivy f evial.3 obtained by Charles Sheldon a--d -arty a few years ae::o. If you have, the skulls of your spocimsris and ^vonld loan t'lem to me for a short time, I sbouLl >3 Mnciar ^fla;.y obligations, and will return same ■■ r c.v.i.i- oly. at nrr axtanse of course. If you Imva the sjacimans i~."xJ ara Tillint^: to iat rn'a saa theni, please send them by ' Qx-fresf^, c-ar;:ec collact, addressed U. S. Biological Survey, D3i,art;a3nt of AericMlt-.ire, ¥ashir^-ton, D.C, Respectfully, f I- i w 4 tl' I ^•f Ta^ ^^ I r. .% if I ■ ■.-■.'" 1 ( I.' ur'; Of i. . J-- . ' • " ."5 S:r: O/i .'Qtriri.i.::^ to Wa^'.rv;ur ait or :ay r;;a.w6r ii. Caiij\r ia. I find :roi^ ij V^jr cl Ddce..i-ar 14 a^miti:^ , ■A — w?'' ** 1 » *"-*"■•.'%■> 07 T.^/ "^ **il' tlia neigliborhoou cl* t.}ie Black Hillj^>- Cc IJ ;'cu rei tiasa at once? I a-- .-^c^ co— *lt;' in/^ my '..C""]0 i-a'^:.^ on the Bi^' Byai^s, :i : • :i!i "!08t a;al;.i^ to 866 VieG j ^^j^v>niia6}.c L'tjfors /jay v/orlc Foe^ ::c Tr?3n, I -"\ail -- vc:7 t .ai":.::::! tharafcrs if you u^ir'./i' .»J. ia vOu-.^ lr:'..rr. As tha : r^t": i. ' -;ae :;*.6n. at id cuui o^ sr 3ir 11^ ci Baars a^ ou ax'e a la tc» soci;ra tha addr3:-.;5d U. 3. Bic.Io,,:cal S;r x;. Dor. art; ;e. t of Aricao-ra, <~ ^ i»^ ^ /^. «/«-■'-, I- ■ -- — » • • • ^' reach Li.^r c:i TO g^;c la a^Ar 3c:ata tho favor if you c Po^jil Kleiiivid iiu •aS h '!Ui)'^^i" 0: e ^',^ * ' Ila .f Wi^atrpiJ Du::;i , J^uy ^ •• ^ . .j-v, of oac^b s^^, Per'^a t. T . .1. ; iCt v^ a^ ovt t"i3 VctT i-. Hiu'O and Oa aAia Lviix ir;:,3r:jnti5 ^:?e ver'-':iuch, avd I j:'hc"ic \a la:! to kui:^: if yov havo r?ally G^^n B]-^«^ri3^n cT Ait-ier frc^ri t'.n -rs. Blaek Hllli.* -» "» »■- Caiv about ~j 10 Mi-;iL. I s- J.U X i..-- 3 ., -^ V. .'.1 <. ■ Jjfcli^ c » » ^ • . n^* ,■ V r^ -. ^ — ^ J f »^ -* - f:jar "v r -.rira of $100 Ib -^c^-^ -^ a:i re cj Ic X : la.- J-. V3r/ tx";!*" vcrvpr . f.^' >. V ^r. Vvo-.' •^■v, 241 tV • ( ^J !■ N .:» ! \\: ■ - k» - a. JvJD < >• < D jitr Or -: fill::^:hi^ up the lead yy'- ?c ki::aly /a^ I '^ave written Pa ^1 Kl-^'neldar:!, ad a 0 $100, He aekc la to -all -.^ci iliat cr-rirv; ':l3e last r^) 3 •>■■•, V _ ^ ■cakai; on Radraoer naar the South Dal<:-'^a line, 'v:u Rai:<;oO'>s in rr^^atar in r^^^r? tl'ian V.afoT-e. Yir vV. Itr, E. H. For ■?":♦ S-oa^e Or .^^^ olo^-iEt, Bcfv-rs Mcv. . ar. ■^:iB9t^3. Dear L-Ir. For'rBli: V -S. fX ..„,.>. S» A ^. .:.3 G-aic Bird^. ,i -i wrdch rcu- n-xdt:-^- i;:^-- arrival on re Califor le ^^- days cv,c. I ::on'r^t uate ^ron on having b^- ^^ *3:'>:;r Bc .men in:':rB-T?:i, aiidymviir y:-336j^.:.ed- ir. in a r:r:i tc ve r3ad and ayyi^er^ milled '-y o-.e yeoyls for ?\riia ■ i' iriv." .dtd. lli.1 V- ??■.' '"1^- .36. V I f 4Lae * ^^ I" Pi . 1 h 2 f r Jannsj^'- 0, 1.1^ I 1 f! I i « ^ 1 M I. w \i « :i lif i ■! H ,i4 Mr, X a.:ics fcr of Dene .'-r 2o. Bailey haB H •■ se a:''Cl "^'le r3i:.a on J 3 C r^ii, ^ ^ .JL ■- -^ K» >-•' i^ •I* -^ *J v' '^ee toda-^'. T^e othars pu«2;l3 .6. La :' arti of :":a C^'^adia^^ G-^:Io icai S'-r^^ay, w'.o '?ar -rit Ri n, >^Ph ^a^ ^ lu ': ^e s^rr) a:id skull of a big B iir -'iilad -^ .xn or f :k:^>:-AIap!:a B:'i:'dajr% oO iniles sc-v.:n of the Arctic Goa8t. I .-wiyiar it* :, is is -^o' t-^e stwua ae tb'; V 0 7cn ue>:''4c^^ a^' .avi>i'- -een killad b^^ Gains. La'.Hr-o'f: sreci^a^^ vras v-i'iTisd i^r>c -''^e G-acicy-icai Survey had -0"- '-rPTti that any ' :^ar '^.^ -e-n kill-d >7 ariy of oiir ' f3o]o ists autoohad tc t o Boimdair^ 3 r jy, ou 7fiil inqmra. Befc^ro l:^a":;- 0-1 fornin I -^rc' :^ ^^o^i rr^j-^t- aborvD ;.^ oar? (■o.-'-i tc av-; bsen kiUdd '-y Predsrick K. Rirnhan in ^.^^a CH-'-s-l-ir .■•'• ;^ :..-;; >y.. T^^e narsra-ar cii..:.L'v/, I have a-.atas tira;- B-..i-;;;^M and li^a ':7i:s- : a-.v. Do you itncr a y^'^irv: about uheae, cr a-iyii^'i a; a>c-r: B-— -.-.•■, ;vd is i, H'z^ij tl-ai: ^-3 saved ^ha Scrry go h .ax t-hat Lii-p. S>3.ldo^^ x- siffsrir) • Tro'- a bau ould. _^^ f !>... *• ■ \ ■ -.■■^_A«. .^- Mr. n. E. Aiko-, 12 Ea^-^ Pik5B P^a A^e -le, Gcicrao S:riT*8, O'do miv. M" daar Sir: >■•- W-,^rr't? e^ ae o a^ he laB rcce^cly seen in '^o-r s'^or ^he eh*^ll of a larre Grrizzhr tro'i} the' H:l3 .3; a en. I -*Duld like r^r- ^Tiutf-^ -o tjo t^^i3 BK^ili^a "'Ci s .a»i -e Mnder 'Teat olli aCiuu if -re- --:?] k: xU-' loa:i i: "oc nj for a ^^. crt ":.i::i:-. I :^^li laiur'i it jro ^^"^^^^ff ^^aTiiv all ax^-;-i^3B oi courn^. I' j^houla bo sant. hy a:q;vo£^a, c ar /^c^ collect;, ciaoressad U. S. B.CXU ^cai S r a: , Depart: i«;t ci A iic i^^^ra, ^ Waa i-ii-t 7;. D.O* V^'' ' '■ ■ ^^ /. ■y'ov^' -'■\?\,^\j.}^'' «,^: {^^ 245 tti:.l«jr7 O, ItX t~^ ^^ " .Ir, G. M, B9-n.l -i^ .>■ lacaea It' jU • 0 W - Cnr -• 1 ^ - S'reet Cclcradc S"* rin;' sy -A. W D J- -♦ I- M^' nsar Sir .'V r la. 1 met Tf r- • 1 .» Is • ::ir c^' D^r^e n > v^s.v r 4. J- ^ .^J. .^r 14 rraioiiT* at ^3 .» » « ; « -n--r kim:-a3S ir telliii^- ine "S « w^ Huion, QrcizzlY a^Hill yoi; a; r c» '-^ 1 "O "- , .4. ',. .# .• .1 » ' 1 V» » - * ''/*-, -^ ■- -!-•'■> •< I ' .o 1 ^ •^-- f^r -;^^ Ir-^'i r^ -"/le :v..ii u -,-*■' rtv ur s.'.ai£t el;- c ■rood sr'sad mr-* o^* ai'. > .r^v* t^iie United S a ?, . r ^' • r-f,**' I i^-.'i ^^ \m Ctt life 2 on as las a !.^ ;■ U V 5 t~^t'. > I r- .ll^L eo. Bailor/ and I he v;^ a'. 'ICTf. 0 :*■ -«-»•■% a -a • (1 V X lauv 'vTc^ajTs, cjid • ■ K ll '>- w \> aa/l tor e : 1-866 ''-'Tin: M' J V M.-'. Bl-:i. A .«^ to i i. 9 plictD^;raxI:3 V--»"^^T "1 01 rr-1 - i. ' ^ ■ # Y/i 1 1 ija^^a 3r C' » . ic'i I wo'.iid lika a nrun'har OTDV r 1 /!.,> T' /- C ♦'- .-> -.■* 1\ • w^l caun'* F in"er, Y^ ou cl course nf ^v^ <4^r»n V ..' k. ■ • 'X 1 naps as lav^ »"> een puoiiB.rafi in zn3 rr^jra; lumben* of htr J 1 ilr^drica-. Fan-a, -iid iw jfr il, :.i 10 OL e .SJD-i;?B llrvtc: la 'arya croj ^ O ^ Ti r. F, J TljiomornTS cl'iei'js P T1-. j^, .. «,. ,-1-. -a ' .i-v:^''! H A r» •> !■ >..- ^ • • ^ ^^ Vv as 1: blUu 1 -.T I. uJL a ». ■*.*■■■■-' V A .<»• • •• ) T « B C^it:-. -\- ."v* "S ,•% *.*-.*.■«*>#«>• ^ "^ , ->'»■ •■»: "» » "^M'^^l*^ J*^ ) all ol ^7 ,-»--\ O T'Pk s. ruli to . da \/ ■:*• >><— ■» V^v J»-.-- ,.> 0:1 J os\ :r loohii* c. p. *K--(|» .* ^.V I B ( -D i -) U ". ..1 -ra 'nk B 'jr'.t- or H'^llilO 8\= 0-1 J. «.. .- ^ %^m » Tar .'^ ■ - ■» . J f^ [u ► \\ 247 i! ! January- J, IVlo. Frrdarick K. B*mia^a i I .i ( if i*j Ill' Ifrf d'lar Sir: i:% Oi't^r^ 'S S' ^-^i^H^^i Vvri .ci8 ;:.3 t • ^ «" YOU .'lave Bri^^is"^ Gcl.tiiliB- r^iB in-.araal.e - reatly, ae I jav^ ::ad iK J a c: w^rouila T^i.": the -I-:' Bdoro of Br" i;:^J Grlvv-^ui, owiv.. ^c in-"^ nci ^ncy oi a^Hxlnli^ na' v-iei. I ' H^^^ i:xH:da-a ^^11 of :.Vv^ eVillf^ in u;:e niiie^v.!^ or t: e Ji:ad S>. -^^ a^d Ci-^^da, ^ = 'd in addi^io- to X/-'-^.^, have "v-t- a inim"^ ar lua^^^ -tt^ Vy \rj^'a~a iimtila^rd ^ :ull^ o^ a^" U ^^.^, ^o i-^^^. I a- ntill in dorltt M -!m scu!^ of : :> o ar-ic:-rB of t.^ a several s^iciis. c i ^^ - ;•» .V 'J I -1.3 t;^.cji :^'\.ra uhet v-'i Till he willifi^j- to Icvj^-i :..e -c^T B>-11;^ Tor a F^-rt tris. in cniar ■^••at I :-iay CCIM1H>^6 t, ;3 -'-;jK sxaci j i^ in our Na'-.ional M-B'^'om at Wan'dn 't. ;^% If -^cri are Tillin' to do ^^is, kimly nava t^a ak^-l^^ ^^dj^]-- ra.»''3d cu c s"u'n":-3d bv axxress, c'^anea collact a«l3*^ss(> )d U. S. Biclo icai Svrvsv^ D3rart-:.6nt of AtTic^ilt ra, ! V 4 ■ Vl-j^t>B liaise a "^a.- a*: tac* 3d to aacli ^-l.-;ll , Jv::^'l:4g your *:.4.a'i? ui.c .c-*:"^ xc^i^^i^j •':':, ^^.^^ ~^l:.':? is^-Oci^j^i* ::ac clxivn* I a^i^iviiLt^ w-ijiv all 7/urw 6-t.-t. u^ rir./ t'-a past- ^^liH*:* .iM>' v . „• le Ji'iz^I-? of ti:e coast stri]^ al: L3nin Canal ^nd "t'ls lc:?-r S'-ikine diff ;^r ma^-Brially froii " - 1 -i A f? aid a' •i."'.. ■rf •» ^ a w i.'v Klu.. aj: Mc. a:iti KiaLs^a:: Cru;^^ L«3d South PorK St-.Ki:*e]^ zlie ra vj.^s of vro q'u:3 distinct C> ♦S ' . '"> jeei^ vc-f5V--i^ for me to ^ork o'^t tiieir ra r*' Tff-? ■ CI ^f, ^1 t:^ , .4 oil .>'.l~i dcs^rj •• • ^ • a'.-:e o^ er: ^.% '.icntJ r* acinie;. ia a p:oi:ivo h^l u^.olcgy xjr -..^iiV v'\Q joari gf ,c!ir t5>^;lli^» V zl ■_ '*^t »■ >r iUL .^^ X V'^— ">a" % ^ SI^S 24 y p January ', I'tI.j. Hoiiort Jl^elain 2 • M : « t rt ^11 i t Hi D^^tvi S.r: WO'Hi ' af ^vo r>%cdo "'{6 tiatr "vr; :ave a x^mnar c*^ "^•lli^ :f Sriszlijn fraa t',3 St^ikin^ rj" w. -• r-df^ in'^sr..^^6 ■'r^a^r-. c.e I a ; •'-. co r:ld"Oin^-' a mono Tfirh of t «: Bi B^rrB n Ilcr:.> A i5rii'ia, a. ri 'lavs 'iiud ^-raat diffict-'lty ri^'- the S'i'n o 3;jcles cvrin- to t'.e wo^'- -^rrii ^rof.ra IT ;''0'" '?7c-ld he riHi^- ^c loan ;'vu: «-•">- «. » r ' -..* ^L .. - . -. » .:^« x-i ' V -. .All ,' 0«i -^ i.- 1! 1 ' ' ..HVo v '^'f* ceraf''"Jl;- wra-;rrid p^ : .^ "^^ > I'-r^^- 'A i" a box. and nhippad by axjrc::^^'^, v. ar -^a collect, addrjs^ja J.S. Biolo /ical g,,^,,^,,^ D^^artViiG.A of* A -^'' -J.-^jrti, W b Jty^tv.-, D.O. In <>^^^ you av6 Ti?i'.^ ^0 .:o ^ . s, pior,ae att.ach a ^a^ to each Xiia o ''"J1»s I "if.'e alraad • ixa diiod from t'^e Stikina ravin; a'^— t'at at L-&.6t Vo .^iet.i.'crt avocies occMr -hars, ona littvi'i^; Dxoa£^i:x_i/ 1 ^^:a t^dt/ , olie cth3r,s,.iall "ieath. I'^^ere are alec era* inl dif-^ora-'ceB of i'apcx'uaiice. But t'.e nuim^ar c^ .v ij^^ I \jx^c -aa.^ a' Ij to <^«iu uOe-et'iar is so small t.''at I ' ave :C^ > :.on a 1 cf "bo n:r'' ^r "^^^e chir^'^ters satisfautn-r* Iv. T-^'-'-re -s'^'^V'^ uddiT.i,-] .n ecriien will :"*e " a1*:. -J ir-^f^tirr yon TTiil pamo^ . -?^ li . anv I aji V-^i*y trul7 Toare, Mi |i » i i r M I t » J. ' I Ja I T.. - 'J TO] ''«' k1 '• fl' ^ I It Hi 1 1 'ii i l! IP jJ.iHi i: . n . ,.^ >. c . i. -: Li'-tle S^asva, viii.eo f>i 4 '-'o r -ve iiiiic^a a :YXA^^r oi Black onri Brown Becrc u\U'iIX'-: ^-Q r'^^^ ^ . li B^ai-3 wi i..iurica, ar^a ai a^uclvuo U ctiCire J. X w'w* '*►- i*-»^ -J- •• •»-•—•'**•>' -••" / " 3.;:,.-j at fr'3C $1 to $3 jac.:, aoccrdai>r ■:o sex, :'.iii9, u £. c-:d:o:on. a,id ^7„ Ir; be wiiU ,■ ^-0 IK' ^i*^-^ $10 -V -".•., ^v-ilL ^.'^ a;---i 3--.^;-^- I'.il^d ir. California. In #• t,I !^- YOU lV^^''f I ,^ 8d Oi\ •t 1 .::?c^6 d c ar 'es ceil . S. Blvlv^icai Siir^/e;:, 1, D.G* Please arid t a ivcitiit^r ad ^ - xl 't/A:^ daL- c: r^xlii.^- Y -i r '/ ti i' ' I / / 0 ' u. ■ '-i t <^.VrO^ Vv\>- Vi\-^^'j "W'''^^"' ■J- T ariss So-, i 3, E~-. Li-tl.3 S ^,.- "...i, C.)a".r if D'3ar Sir; 1 1 ■ i ,: ..:a your 1 ■:•;," -:r af Deca -^r ?. c^-cer-i'— Bear s^c;!]:^. I £..1 c^li-ed f-cr the wldrssfi ji Bsrt LicBr-ds cf A-ar, to r'.cni I cl,: •-r.-i-i^- Ii. rti'-ar-j Lc :: -^9 Gristly, ocncann ,; w ich :i;;. car^xi, wouicl i:. ::ot L3 ^^38i<-.l6 wO sao "rs ''-^'^ V : —•^ B'cill at t : ^;: j.s6;t iiue? I asiixane- tJiat i- -vas iic'^ ac:.uaily dos urc-cd. anc :>t;t It rar.-.^-c c.iii r^; r—n^i, ^-r ''Gr ^i'/k. ^-s.- t^..; .Ct^ ifl l*-' -- . ^ ^^i ^A .,,.*- ,^ C» Xi^ M. V .^0 WW* «-^.l' v^ - 0»J ■- V W' ...V i»^» , ni ■» • ■ •! <^ • -v y> Ir wjII v/urth u/'c ^ItOiTw 'w(C Q.' cai"-* 1. •*. 'w' ^ «^i^ -'--4 > < be '-laa :c va:' ir. .. inxO to $lh Icr it. I :;;.r- ■..-,- -:: shculd sro r^r it, oar V* »^ ...^id ba -a-',?n :,o LuHv t'c^* tajt^h w ^vi'* na' -. I Do you Icncw cf any localitiec in Calif. n.iu .viura ttrizslias arj s-.iii .. ,. icrind? It so, I chc* la b^ -.\^a,.iv oblijod Tor z':o ir: zr e.ticn, tx m aJr;- tor w/^ ^u^irsuj c* a.-r^ cnj vr;c vrc^-iu dj lf'-.;Iv to bo al;l3 L; racuiv a cr.^^jcl-aari. IToi ^^-^ tr :iy yours^ vV«sJ<^r VVv**^v>^^^'M>. \h ' 3S 253 U I It ill It n^-v)n- //^^r"". — . i ^ Ik ^r^ 1 "I c. I* * * ,rt acuBe. '-"' T f-'Txl '^1..: 3r^»^ ^-* *^-*-» ^^ -„- - ^ ak-Ua, -"^av are of nwcaa "" " ''' . .,. r^^at -Vs- r.oBt yw, ^^t -oa "^'' ^ - „-.,. 1^ ^'3 Lad to kaafp t^W'O -. ♦- j-^-i «- *,a'"8r on i *, . -.'* *? •♦• o *»• r." ■^C '3 '■■ fS' f , v» •» ■ r"!*^ '*C' ' **C' %» 1 i^i^ellt (^ »• BerV .^. ..,. 1 • # *. * 4 < *', •^., r» * 'v» ,'*» 0-1 I. .„ ■>.j on •6 '^' ". n . n 1 H^' =j 0^1 n -tlBOUOl* Itio': of i' !>'^" 3 4. u^e a ***rfer > *- "• 1^ * '" ■* - I 1 f- ^^w ^4 ,> y b t'lie cc"* * ^c !d " - , •'^cr: o-'t. fS3 iliv 1 v:r:r-3l -' c oruri^^at ^-» %< ■» ;; i-t-v ^Pf - -r-. ~ • r ^■'r:'e" V . v> ror f • • > ^ , »<» f«. c--!^ |, -i ^,:,r i \'.i ^ I^SS 255 'f ' 1 'ilk f i ■.rH ■ ij :M^ m »i rj -t. iO 4 -)': iii0 - ♦i 7, 1-iA 1?^. A. S. H'"." '^ 111 Br-adrcr'. r: Ci D-ai- S--: have ^ ^ •* ^ I -,*«-i. ** ^ "^ r» i-. V • • ,*, . .4 *■''-• fiat'*** of a y - "-^ in ti"' •'cc'tjui'^^ioti of a ^-a^-^^^-. n* '^si'-A^-i^ 8]^ -^O 1-"^ .# -• A 1 3t,a "aun^ vac-^e - -. !--• ^ ■ ' -Tioal V'iriae tv Saar^it li^.a, one : r. i' A** ui^ ^ • : *. \:^ C V '^- ^m ^ . * r^" '.. 0 Bltit^K ^ 8t*w-3 Sae^- V I ■^, fOvf^ j^L^ii,^!^ : «^^J t*^ ^crt^^^r^ I: 1- of the Rodlrr lit. SI eo:. / »^ ^iiL*ji.X'i^^U_C^.v T: «ue '^oiwtttii ., alout L-- .--.. r «, -o/t,v c^ r- 8 i ti O A " J^ WJ :i^d«rir^A / \ ^ "i-*. -■ •- ».» • .-», •* a^ « ' vv ap cbtained^ a. J ■»'•»♦ » margr Bpeci . i= of 1 ., cc. •^ ohtainvO. Of * w .c 3;» '^.^flcri^jv: : S;;- ^irf-firdso*. iii i.^vi^c '^.: c -rit; .a- .-^-t'^»- >^ ^ ^1; Cvi tl^. 3C! i^l v>4lii0^iVl i*o • JtiU,.:, . ■:'^:y'. >ix ^■"Cii-ji: % e-^ s ; ;\.^v^er Ho^-ea". i*"--i Si ■H . * ^<^ u-^y -6 1. , ■ « ,->•« ' Tr^ -1 4}iu a^^^' Pa A w •: r * ~ * - 4 ^ 1* • r V -tJ ?».' H 99S 25/ «^« hi lar-' i, X i; I. f •21 r- , ,*, ^ .^. ^A K. 0 -:- -■■;t' 3 V I v^i:* "«•,•' tn V •^ . V •« • irl I II i| ) •ec'3i *s r* t f "■ . "H l44 . » .ca la i. i^ W K Hi/ V i 1 « ^ 1 d -s t 1.^ -.^ A ^ -. ■*.» v' W '* . ^ W* •' a >ic- --r Vlv i ••t^ v , *r >' ,^ I -» ^.. •. • iCA-' « V4» a ■^J»*- ,-» --« are nucce ^i. li, r^^ J" • _^. 6 , -* t. cl 1 .<4 *».> tj^a liiUCii rrV * crtii- id c'^r t ^: ^ ^'* - 4. X 2! Kttar, f. it a"9 a 'i V' -' » 2'*'*t_ t ( -^ .t4'*-' Oil w ST-^fc^ C*^**? ^ ^mt I mi^-ht f : jLi, •> ».-(•-;? « •« - • 4. , - ^ r> ^-^ y» • ••* *• -J Z^-- * I I "*■ . ir»*« •f »-^ ^ C . \BT ''na-^Ccf I. » H J. -" A TilVjlOftT Df ^HT - .»■•-% a 1 <« ^ Ccr 11 > ? » I -1 rr^ W*i "t T, '.^* r ■^ *: " W . • -* — -■ ^-♦■ .ncetl 3»j ^i u -• 1, n^.f ..."•- J ^^ . ^ Wi » »- C^ . v» ' ^ »^ w W3 ♦■ rf* ■• ^ Ik.' w **' orar- e-.v- ^ V . ■ f' "•f^ ^ a*^. Ww Xw*Xi 0 : al A .: A. r n •k % . J — ^ -\ '-^ ^ ■^ii t"»^ w! tii^ 1 ua 0- * , ^--^ ilth f at OTe o'cloc--. 1 M ;ii ^ « all I wO i'O 'B .: v/« w%^ I -, ♦ ^. of the 1 4. 4 ■% ,-\ m ^' * *•'■'» ^^^ sivv^er ^r :o' » -. , • t -• 4.^- 5 .^ '"*>'*^ ^r . ^ w c ;; i-j J <^\t r-.-r w* r^c ."« '' J -* i. A .'J f;.tlr '7a6 V -i ^ T»:a- ■*.i -^"4- »^y ^ r :nC3 1 <«.« i4 -^ . Cratos l«* ^ *» •»♦ 01 .'^:d ut ci.:. I^: ac" i . „• *. r^ - \ 1, f -V, ii all n^ ♦• *•*♦•»• ^ .^ ^ c : a., t; ;. A •>• ^--•IfcTd. r >J OwlI98 ;i f uXLT t«l» ► #• s V*' -G r«,iO i ^•^r. J w V •^» p* --C^v* « > • k. ■v *■♦•« Tr.1 ^£k*r ♦^ w-^ aa ^U^^i •^ -it ^ p ■• '1 l^ .la ' -^ rott wia-j ^ VA . a ivcarr^ 'Q.:: H6 i 4 V W V «i.i K 3, J ^ •- 1 -^^ v-^^ w d **»■*. i. a :a ji^aa^ira i-: * l-v?i l» ' w -■«-iiIl- m i 0 a c iriaiiie V ^ i« 7 e. . \4 i •■ '-f^ . ■« ♦ I. £% 1 4»« • /* J f* O ^ f' *■» '.id 1- X ^J *• , *» r ■»"* ^.Y»"s f} ifr* Gr^lbt;; -^ ■, ' •% ■» •'O '.^W* ^ >-S4* O • -, J Iff, Jf » -■♦♦ l^ • '^« ? 4 I 8as *j I ^' 1 .s. ■*■■ n h. ?. •JT ^ -^ If « "^ ,* - \*i>. C-- U- do' Si \i <* .«►« /». - • -.• »- ^ f . 0. «. • -.#.«,.* V* l'* :i CI [' ir« .». B^^r ri: II- 'lo T^ ' ■» .^•^ >-» V^:ii^ Ct V w K^ V are l'^o CE ■rr 111 C il ;:.ld T I'-h I • • * ** •* .■« < "^ * -I. • ♦ ^1 i ^ .*» «4». -^ iJ" "W ■»' - - *• '■** »• O - ^^ .y V* 4. 4.1 »' «.i i - V r V'- x^ wr-^ »-> ,j V B^- •f w J ii -^■«j or ^^ ..rf^. ^^ ♦ ifR '»! iirritd ro <« ill c» ^ • A ^v^V • *'4> , :^vj./. or 'fo-u* , ^ A ^ ^' « ^ ^ k*i*. » f^. ^O^'Xt^ t ^. »\ 25u 1/ U. . -'.«j«* ^ ». ^4aX a V • '-• ' c »• ■*" --^ .' / A w r.< Q •t w D^fcjr S' )Mo i« ll:i r- , .ci. .a •J * %' J ■- - V . . <-^ W V A ^i cc.iriec:.x * f k^ -». .-a B.^ I if i4-j.i s\,- A\ I,ii . J~^ Mi.Odk l#- ii. Ilii loaJi i« K/riz^iT akulU xz Aia. I %• rot 3 raai^uraa^ , ~ r» ^ i i« a W V ' ^ ssa »* ^ w w o Kccdi'i, Uiiaioin t^ 1 1 '^i • t' Qi'r 1^ ..dr< i'u«-r .til '^< ' 4 Ob i > CA.1 '^'«ci\J S. M 'tilCLi «^ * '^ » 'k, I «> vj ^.1 "^1-1^ V ! .' »-• l» «, ai iU 4 -^ » I, ^\ -t> *i. CO ^0 A^ !~4: ab^il V J>, ». V < v;^ i, > V ■ y w ^r «, »•* % Jt*.«-A. :.. s v-'A ^ cr Bov^i^ \'t^r^ cat5 3::.ra rrr ai/i Orockat 4^. 1 , "fc ". -J', v^. D.i: i«»t 1 il'v iiL'jir S' r 1 rf "^ * •w tJ V I i or* A r. C . 'J ■^ •* w- ^ QDS 2G1 i Iff,' ^ «*•• ^>^^^^ l?l w*» »»-, f**j * 3 *' ■ ' '**!'" < J 5 n: (y i ap rr'^3 ^'^d a ar: uru>" ai ly Tleaain ►»>. 'Jm ■ %.*» V w 3oe: M* * l(' T%««/^t' >*• n^r 1 »-% w ■»' 11 r« o 1 ■*" ^>> i'tf 3o f r r t> «f» r^'f i-^,- v^' ^A. i-.~^ -^ ?rc\-^ .-1 -» rs"- 4- » •■*D---f ^. •-* v •« I w . »■« i A ♦ -,l« -^/.o B-.-r;r-cr* ac'^i -» -.' ^ * -f -! T*Q /*■ ra- ^,,-1 <•.• :!^ C, »- *■ 1 -»fJ © T- "1 >•• r-f .^y*^ ':tOTl ib». ■^ -i. ■J -^ ^Mf! rT; 'M I-*-* t5»1 ^eciriers ** .-^ a v» '>«!■' fran real lif* It. -fc^ Id b0 *- r'-cve ^/-^ <« t« ; •" ^ c- «r /»%*•♦»t,t'" Tlr.->nr« » "• » »-. -T • >r!'«irrtin''* of *J9 i^- •'jll "'^^t*! ond form 1 i^ »3 lia^ f* ."^ *• «3> ,-» r"' ••V* /> I ^ Y fA , i'^« - .'1 ** a' /v»-; V .^"V • > a" 2^ rtr- .^-» ^r •::-'> t >" ••r rC"3:-'j5r t.r. ^r f\ aij •=*i^* ^Al I t ^ n" ■<-« M t /-.^-^ 1 a *^ ill 1 1 » ; '^^ Ir t-ls 1 r*^^, Q v*^>-i A •s^V .-S.X ti IT; ^^^ -> • » f- i** Tl r^p ^-,^ ar ^^^l^ 'C'.ir f^ »•*•" ->» i 3,' •>« -f' 1 aiil'iulc -/%i- :-8 < ,.■^» o m* * d -x- - . I ^ %J :^ 1 /• ' • <"*y v«* •'. 1 .-i' i-^ ■ r>r arJarcs rv d color ir s 'ira ,-r» i-r ^■^«^ %^' 'rr>--, O y* • f '•'1 • ■"• f-Xf^' - yA- W/v'.- 38 T Lf * * « I -^ ri -:• ma n ^'^-^ r\ •«• » -» i •f v-^ *^ *• /^* ■ ' V«. •« «*>V. 4. W f ^1 r"^* n v.< t' ^1 /-*! *} J ^ u - » - - VJ J. Wf INK' ^v ^n w.i -iijrrsJs . ti^ ecrpec t tc '^ ilV-^ A '-I » ♦•• r^-n C* 1^ 19 >■ »«i< .1-^ 3 ir "\y%f SJ ' *-' S N c; 1 r> all 1- ir fraT^^ * V* A ,^*^^^v,|^ cat^-'38 «»'=■» (^i v*a 1 arilials, except #? O''*'*'^. ««ai - .o 9 - •< :Tf •I f? 4 .^^^ -I ^'^- jk •*' ^ j« k-r . ^ Jk W^» Cf T-' o-*' -•» a ^,-7 % •and c^lcrir :l 1 HI I Ji J; h ^^ -.::.« -^-^.-^ ' s""ore t-9 ^''id o^ ^ 'O i^Cf'tiv And i»v T £-xx,:-aa3 ^ e here V-t' r-! '"ill p-blish ya-ir vai'ial'ls notes or tu^ f^* ^cl^^s at an aarly datat 80 t^iat I raay l-e a -le to q^iot# V e Bsrue in m ^ork? 78r^ trjlv TOf^^rPt i ■■■*-■..-». I .«! ^■■~ ,:•■.! MSt*m: h t 9S r.r, 'airi'as! !a' >'»«"» ". / iiiit 1 ^ 1 c icai r V . V^-^Ww* cau' mrr 1-. 1913 t 264 ■». wV- mrr 10. 1^13, 1 !i I «■», ■-] r.r, v» n T V* Tf or J K r\p, 1 - •y I' 1^^.K ■> rijar;/3'': ne fraai a ^rie::^1 in Tai;? York U V vj 2t f iCt * WW* Im. rp 'r^O 1 »j V.;.-. ♦ ./. a ^riszlT : ^ar "ffikO-"^ • . I ^ ij^ . . f'. W I » "nrf r^: Irt V V 00 •^ .. . w . ^ ,. • f>*v^ •{• - 1 ^ V. ir«Gn "^s 4- l.- #*. »• TVi" IS oorroct A.i - v^- a S:ior- -.*? T EL' rnoft ,xioi:i8 to « jt^ it in W .1 w. -^ ■'"I i . MUX niV ::ioncr:rax ou}: - it '• ■- ^ 8 , » >*,. • -^ » » «*j . , 1, ^ . IB ac^ njarir^: u Xv T* ■> pr ^ I w -». 1 iH- -»riax irci.^ v/.a laa wl i/^. u uc lie ^ * r: ' *."»» '*■ v/ A I JV ccaiciar- ■>■■■'■ ^ >' 31 ax.^-r;x 1 .■» ! •J c^S i4.;iL.^'#i^ic;^ u\)i' r'- { 4i :a n :i 1 « ^ - J. i w ^ iroci Idrr'sr -,'••• 3 *^iau)ta a"^'0 .-^ '\ r .-a >^ -^ n i^' V^ * M» XJ JO - s. '^ z^Tsen a v> V ■ I 1 •J. X n-> \ I,'r. pi: ^ .^-. « .ra-^cr T"k \ r. • V-' 0 :cal C » . - -^ • li'^T*^ Jilul J ear > a i ♦ ,».> :\.i !> ■'>'^T << o »w^.' 1 )fu .>> , j.C.i Tf OVu O ^ - * 'J [^ ^ Xi. « '^ r« -■*-■■> "' <■ Ui iijuc:** -'v* J ' . • ! J T • a i 'AU^ TTr f? <~.- I- « ' 1 ' W-i frar jac ai^r:v7 od. J* A J'dT ^a: * ^ 3u-:o .xi rist aic^a' 1 -.-•-- i^' w u a x^ 2T Z \JJ *% 4 aiii'iCl:nCl-T=: J.^'^ ui-ciri'l waJ- • ■ ■ n ? o; cf y. -# £^ ea.L J rw-3t>x is is a •.•r:at r :^lid: La a' r^ <" Lei- / rj^x^sX 3 ^ jina r T' ' <£■■ * w -J V.-1 J,- w, iQ ..A»t S 3 -uU* a r.^csi X •' ^7.v '/ou a -am '^xjL If Cl h-' j^ . x'c .-, L'. »-. -t... a J ^ .^ c v;in-G\-Lr;^ a.! uv "* •■"..}■•? a< .j.ri» w^ii ai3 uc v*~*C/ r/- of loL prt^i^i^c:; «:u"]0\ i Ir^ u. o^r^.^r I .. •! V V, !.> a? ax;? i: ->. -I' or - •-.»,, >■• f\y-\ i H r^ri^i\ L t^ 4 X 9 *ir»r^p 2jr» r '■ia;r'' c V-.l -.' J-. -4 a r» "> V J ^x ' ^- .' •"5 t» r - ! "f i:idlY sorid r^ V, .v ^xxra »• «,♦ '^C! coll ':.c: n cXdiicesBbci ica] ^ni-'3^r Hevartt v^ . • «•' A V- .-fc X 'w< -J. as ai nr\ , *-• v* */: ^, T .. IJ I t "» O t ■< -J-* v^'^ re -.->^4--. Ten.-' t' I u Iv Tr.-N-^ - v» J *.' ours ^^■^ % ^^ ^ki^ ..\ N V^jVwJv^o^ ..a' ■ \^, ourtcBV 111 io^ I . ■^ '. r « ,t • . !^■ -^ S" a^^-^ :*-^I/Ii sK:iM a •H sk\iii 02*3 in nnae-iallv perfect conai'c>ion» a- T rili wri-^a xi c'Td 0 t •*• ; ^ o •• "^ V .\-' at.: no ri3u« livtle later on a 'am as '^^ 9 animal's sxa^'js^ -f-. TT 1 ^- ♦ iv vo'jra c\ ^ V ^v^>C"H» i^w -v/ . % \ i *} i: %i *i t fi ^, /> 1^ •«c ci:J/'.IfiI*'' X'v'« LVx«j< :iri 'JdH'1'.lS 'x'66" 3rcokl"7.. 'r.v; L wX -\.( .vaar r ..14- J. „i in* 8 ara./i uiV daiti,'- i:i 'Tritrur "ou a "1 16 rJesj' ;r't 1 I - ^'on v/cjr-^ -1 i V. . w 01 li *r ^ . ,^1 fi X w a. <>Ka vC' :» W- V^r /.5 s&c -r- : or ^a rrci t'le rrkfl /= rl. A •«« ^ %^ ' ' s^ ^^ 4.U ::"iu7 W3r3 uisoo'jrad i/i !:;; off ** I k 31: A'f ,-' ' V iJ r; 'J w 3 : -8 ■ '^ "i .> >■• ■■> • TT'" ^^-;.0 ir /-^. T : V- 1 . \_^ cna .;i£irj:"B v^ t ;:;c- ciCi 4 Oil <"• ~ o v» »-y ■♦- C^ 1.3 ri Ci ■^.■ I- r- iilorrJ a* >v u ■ n o -arl Run^ i s takftn V'u^ 1 i' I TT 'JU t^'O ose t./3 r 1X5 I w ^; ,^'-iP-» .A >_-..™_. «. -- ^.<- r^'c ^■%r. '■K-' ^ ■ -v. ^*.' : V ^. IC^' > la » ,»«. :0 mc- for k.. -^^ 11 r*. 'V'* 4 ■', r -i. ::i -! f ■ ,.^.. + U W V V- 1 1 ; ^ii C * ■ ^' V Sf I - * ^ 5f /■:"*»' il aee^i e''ni •^;n' t ^ V ^. t tw^ -'^i' H 1 « -ii . > *o I ■ ■ , < .6 ?^'!i :^C'U-^ i 01 . ^. . * ^ . r^ ^ b"t . '^ s^ . A v^ ir . "^ e ca I :^, ^w.- TJ^ 1 ( i ■■w ». )•- raatiy O' •.! A^ *^ ill --jrits ^-^1^ C J.J .>:uce a.1 "! "> r^ ^-9Ci!:siXl8 1)6 CGJl » "> i «^.,i. V j-^ 1 » :ij i t • ci-i J^ , iJ >• ^=icy:re t I wa ^t '"^ — W w . c reii ax- "7 -'• aJL 'da- cj — '> -r --^Tifirf .r^ u; « ^ i « »» ■^'•.J A v»L. -• Q /' . I. "* ,■ » ! r-t • '->"'» ♦ • 3 ^a '■» ;-^ r. >■ ►-■ rr-a4. 0 -^^oiv:^ u ^f^*r:.:^ri r»' cf r*> 1 < i ."» ur'. ij:j^.erva9"n to )i ». - V. O'vM oharFC'-nru^ ■■.^16 tooth Vaia-^: -irF/cr' Tlia ■>^j . .» .^ '.» y? li.- 1) L H :^ ( -.^ . ^our -I'M ro-i] t^ \^'*H ^ rr c*-v' - i '>.:i^r"j V .< la IS'" -^ th ©y ara liiuch a<^^ ' j-» i^w- ,> '. ^ s^L uC-V - J> V ' 1 a- ▼• c ^ - * ut ,^ .,. ^* V ;_ ^»t- aa' It-B of bo' ■•^ -c. V t -rt i !..•.».♦ *.' 1 -rll^t^ ti f-'^ j»- X <■», ir a «^- 1 /* ~W •! - V ♦ "^ Ul- ^ .4. •» - $ a /' i A. V V rf axjii c %"» •cui. 1. M. -I'' 3P. I • •» n ^JvJ- i».:.«^ ^^s^ c^' t>e s>'ll ^ r. - -K -• jr • vVrm^iCd vf^»- y V i. J*,^ acts irca t^..e al^jia c i.« t3 i . - < > » Ci ■tr*» !•••« T 1h B'MT, jrsus r-ya^ IVi \_' ip ro v ^ -•• „..* i ;?! •"<^'V*»r r-* <- . v^ d » »» •*<»» S. 0^ ,4- 4.- *»; .;.^i I'.; i t uoiisd ^riu'.lrj frc^ Ha^Tv Ho'ei ^oi:2ita, fyy- aV- « i ^wV SOcin -i. -T- v^ v-* vi.i -s -^'.- ' »0 "^ V w' ■^-- ■ i (*0 I -^os in ; •'^ .<. ^ A . --, --C >? i'S^ ork :^^e lafct3r "oart o; I -5 3 :a I -711 1 ■crct^abi' \^i. i\jf • t If a ^a'J I Uw J *.■ vactars .7 r.? ; "• ■A 'J «., iV \7L-.v.'B 1. w . D »^ .-k I i I , • •• VJ-^r B> -prefr'.r?^ -oq 1:!q east 'f:/ ' V «. -u the AthaLai; /(. I j^ •-* oc^ f -,- t r ro?:i » J. •. \jt v\. \ % v»T ••- 1 V '^* • ( o s Fol p,^- .*> '^ -^ f i \ ^Jp'rJ ^ J rour loaii.oi' it-.'ii II' ~ I J-. ■-,«. •-" [' V f [ ill. \ri -r. -r V^ : ,0 ' la , • ; ; . ■; re ^vn a idu Bccorda^ro our 'U'Tes'b: CI- liiet fall? A lit lata: .•^ <^'; T < » ' T " ■ "^ ll*. '"WY t*^- 'k A--^ .-:iY H «■» .^ "^ *"£« •'-■(■; A 4. 1 -i. , .>.«i X a* '.e ■"*■-• 4 % r ,-.■»'* >> c-« t ■ ♦ ' WV A- *i^ .» • • *- .-. -^ '/•."« tr ax7 uruj.T -^oi-rs^ ., \. V-^./vT ^es Pi hi % M ^ iri !l(l Jaiuary 10, 1913. Plsane pardon -n:,- -.ardinees in acloi owl sdeine; •.rorr Vi vv.eaB in jsrdi:.- -is the OhristFAS box of Taa-tif'^ r^iind-ers o^ Tarmlrais. Tcs 'ritirzafdtap Trera a liUle wilted, V«:t the fir rodwood, and otners T:3r9 in perfect condition, ard ^-^vo rivm ua im^ch rl 3a8*ire. X ¥9 ara nor 3QtT>l^d for t ■ 9 xrint-er's work, and are hopeful z'^t Ta sTaII not 'lave mny retnmB of tha 8 icivr •"! id. -ntrie-i -"6 ^.rnrr:,' at ^T:..'i8trja8 tine. A iia.">>ier of int orto." t "issr hV-jIIs have bean 8-ji^t me since I left v^\i'e at rork i = ' ■ 3 ii-.-^y:-! a lar^'O x^i't of the time r*y* c* ",>*^ v^:j V* 'tt '^ if fe A!-n'l9irtv'8 elsou-lc-, 'V ■:.;■• i if I remember rirhtly, is -^c "^e h^ld on t-« 1-t- irifBtant. r ^ H .-■#d .#?j 5^ KiBP Alice Eastwod . I&i5 La-^-na Street, Sail Fra'xiisco, \i B9S 69 Hi t I % M I It I 4 * 1*1 iW » J l« .» 1 > nr .. ,1 1-2 loi;'-.. rr ^ .^ .^-iAVj '•'(6 «•- --^ ■wi'''- "■ ccrr* ^6-:h ^^-^ ,T .--..- ^f the Biol epical -..^ ., aV-r-, !■•- "'•"^■"» cello r.'..0.. ..-X . ,1 - f -p. ^v- .>•••% '0V.1rV^ "' "'' ''V "--,' I. v,.ar '>-^^^, -i"^' ^^^'*' ^^'''^' • , .v. '-oT.^r ora- -o^u^on arxa^rs to Ine and '""H.r^ -/^ai ^ ■ v. < ■ •> * -^^ ^ ^ ^ For -"2 3 1^^^ , - . oa->i nn V«^8 '^^v^a cf t'iie Pad . •- ;i^in'^---- 1 ■1 of t'-eaa st.ecies Fcx a^^^ ''^' ''^^- '*' , X itp i.rrA)6« Concanurc :-^o -exieral sl-^ct Mr- Bailay states: ; ^ r. ■f^ cxc' ■-• - g^ '"i f t. ■A -. <. •at a lar^-a rart cf v i? f:; r .•»HJ''\*:"i" '=^r"^ ** "': -iC5t -r 11-- • «^ Df rri-io f-^r. 7rR--,-e.'~ vail o; -^oct F-r. -1- -.-^ -- y- —t open nsascn, but it Ib really t.c t^^3ir aiM- rill \_«..^ T* It ^ ^-- I -r ^x>*-^^it3. char^ai.-; o^aiJ^^f cmau^-v^ a-i^ ?.ddr3C3* '• ■'*:. X ^ .V^~v3r mi*»7^r\ rVjSwXJ^AT^A*.^ _ i %^« 0 ^ - - - - >- I • t - 4. I re^?tr '^c ar-ticle6 on iTc'-jdcziv^ c:lora':ion pllis-ed in z^iQ Octobc^r and Jatua-r^,^ ui-;l:zir8» ^i3;i t]ie aut.\crs o;' 6".Ct articles are bc l.c/z in t^ie collar oat vioy overstbx ViabovndB 01 urHSor^Cld criticis:!, T -'o .10 .::her fir^ t];3ir articles into t\o^)askst, .r Mms i:;;:c:l obioctionall^ ia:. ua n v* • O '■? c "» " r t Tublicatlon, l:.v.;: .a: ro^: lor your "o^roonal aar^ I 'lavs r-ad -.-i:/-- in;sr.'f^t aud xl*.? t-^s to '-;-e crixicis-ie cf /..•a c..5c>. li.zt «^ ari--nell ai.d Dr. Rip'r^;:, and co: rat,-',la-oa yuu on tV.d i .1 v/ %rf X • Tr ■»» '-•,1 •••%«•€; svs o Jc ii'ijr' 14, 1915« JftnUoTT l'^ K13 A. ^r-^n Wil i- ..-. • "Tri^"- r latctir of :' n 1 nB .nr . ^ E-'Ci 1 V w.- • t •>, .f-> f • or -:) « • sj^e a ■''OPt in':rtr-;s 1 fc|-.- «<• ao3S It tlia^i later %'f a>^ a' n "A •-..' G d c r'if^ ifl inte, d^d ntirel*- as ea acVrio\7le3d«:n" Ji' O V> dir racaiT ^» I •'"Is : Ovlsc tc t^il'k ••cv for vo':x cvirtas*'' in r; i. at ♦T*!! 3 killed i'l ^ac' coas la *-*. 4 in 1^- SAf»U 4 -**^ Tf eV r^.l"' ^-o-^r' \V .IvT 'WaX/njv^^^j^, If i ■^ »; x** 1 ^^ n n- tr/*-' c'i ^ave s -«-■ r.-* are ci i f ^m ."N 'r* ■ i. ^-. J: C3 W V ■-io 1 no" Willi r» -•> a cca ^4. X- ari ^it'io^jt re '>-. .1 irsiiT' '^' for ■^'^'^ tro.:ble a''d ax*.-^ f^a Go,if:?c tad a^* id sM' V*rtl 3r:C ^-^ » •• vo'ic'-3r and c!ieck ^Ol ^ r* 01 t .,. e nc .4-1^ -A." hoir ccllection :rafrre a ^ - *l .^ :lc3 Bj 1 -^a^ l.-:^:r:'nd .at a wv It ^d L-oTifi . :-tcrok'~o^'3r at -ard^^ -'J, ratcrtad -"'mt 1- ,^ ^ u k:; w J "»'*«• i:^-lar recr- -f^ji t (lidian), had a'^iiri^ad the Oarartinant a u .*! ixl r::n I'zir^c* I:'l3' i^» • 'I' aft a .n'^V^ 1 r\ .v^ J t arrived, alt'^cn «• t ^iid '■/ u .ii V icrci-^r or :^ai -—I *r ? T ?-J c--a^ ■\'^ el i:o'\ '■ -t ,»'!^ iiq- 'iT, ir t*-£-: v Vrfi IV. * rsT*? CI f «^ f ^'11 t T-0 i6da a?^ t i'>> X?t7 Sid * . '-U L^ R -Jll I • '"rf * V :i n "^ T r >i p$ J* ' » ^« i ~V Vvvj^ I 4^TS 275 --C r - i;. 1913, r-.- » * r- 14. I'^l^ 4 y>^ 'y*- ni ^r :iadwa ^ ftjf ■r^r C ' .•1 • Rar^rrl^' t — J • /-• • • ^rt - ^c r 1 I L dzz^ ^r i. "f w Pth -f ^^-: 8wG xld jav all 3r-' ^"lad. tc V 1 '^■:ar' vc' rr" T*-^ * • -^ '- ' t I t*. u fl • * "^ f t lldCT On Icckin- u;- "r'e xl ^^.^r of t'^^0 coast \BTn j~ ♦ «/* ,T^ 5 • _^ eT" ^ ' ^ He '^r'* •^"^e ct'.er da^: T 4^ rd ( >, * w fcii aaiad Lyonfl •fxo kssts f '9 e'-.crQ a t 'I-rd-- ''ti\' ^ i- ^ %^ J ' w a: c ::" '.1 r- -i:^ -■ ■» ' TT' t o ri-'-.i^^ (I t *» ;. IC'J ■^ • ^ J JwV w "-* ^ t - .*v* ■» k' -■'U >»». r"-**^ -^ *;- -."v t« «* w ^ - * t a"*: COS .*i^.^w . '^^ V . i *-*- *-^^k \ *S - -'---p n f ■» t 13 W • i. 1 n 4.V *■ » » • vi 4 -'. r\- ^^^ *,. i'4 V ^i* --"•* T -, - -♦ it .ar ,r -^'^a naj\ LyoiUJ ? A ■ X X 1 n: ai C! C»< -sv.;^ ^ vr/i ^"'isn "^c^i ?rere lier**^ -.-A -it'i k ^xi, v* -A r*n'-a. 0 I 1 C^ C3-.A r(i' tC 'Ti ^ ^^\^~«o3k;; v^-^w^ rr. >o c- y* (.. - fc oc > •A" V* ^ sld '>• ■! rtf?!^-, '^ 14^^ "/est 57-^1 /"?'^t ^ . orx t_ r» ; X • i U ;• M^S Ja •■f-r-r 14. Kl *., c />. * v«- CIP !-» •. /" ^^ oe Pre t? i .CI a 1 fi^ -fi t? .*«i #- jfc '^ vr\ ■j^ J • r\ ^(xr ■• ♦ IV ^4^ ,^ ^. ■■ ♦.# t 1^ X *. "* l/^^- ^r*** -.4 «» •-ra %ln^ 3;:ri^":^ to 1 i '■» .^ l! "> r 17 L 13 sj ^^T' r> s ?K :^ J k •(<^^^ W X Tar 3 a rcb' Mc,t; V 3 stcrokaa^ er V'Dri=» told toi} t' at IdB [it ^ ^ v» .- f V » v» ^ -^ • .1 e: w A-!- e ^'-mt. nal p * ^* - ^. •'"T *» II 4V V •> 3 l^:?rrjrtr.i3? A <f ( ! aiT/ i.- * V I. V .» -. V t 1 •^ ^*mf\ f.- -> ■»- ^ ■«- "S ^ -''!.lc! 3t a lire 0 *f^ :Jjl CT 131 »/ A. «^ ce at cr naar :iejrdj tar C V t'^^f:* - -V ,^r ,.^ a T. • * ^ ^ 4- M -w« f l^^d c^^t Trhan ^' at addrep^ ,^ T^- T :a ■*" S'^'-r*-** /%.-*-#-.♦-♦• ^^- a '^^^ so i**^*^^^ 'f^-av^A 1^ «/gk •?- id' ^■1 J-^ v%^' ^ <:» * Vi ;t ■ "C; •Q er -ode 7av^^ A|^.|^ ^'c?i'?ra \ >\j^ji. t 27 Janua.^v IZ • ^ k • l^urrer 90 W -f "«.*%,,,/;'.;- c»^»-.^^v f ' • ; /-^ rm tl. .w «> -/ ♦. V rac v^ T^ > ^-^ yi* ' ' »-•» r-r ''-*n »^ tl y » •' >• 'T' TB C T -^ O \r 1^ »-< 4 o ^w* v-' r« ♦ r* '> >M.«A«>«C%X 1 • •♦ I ^v<^ . ^ » ' . > 1 ^.»^ ,%', J »^- 'tj •«•«>» y•^ *-_ 'f w wi.* 1 ii V S Cii- w^ ^ «X> X* *^ C . V -i. X£%. A. ^^W VV4 » -•« • -■» .^ ^••. J, Y* ft'tf. -• C ►•»n f ■te- * A » *-' '^ "> ,• "^ >" * r. .-^T^ 1 1 b-< iz;:iy /fhi ch i^^ -» r; /" : 4^^- .'^. ■^ .'3 1 ; -•* Vi T t i : I f ' ' J 5 . -r» //J « %-> bjyo!iD i^ui3s Uc f ' « I ^ -i. > V. « W V ry ' »f. iu V r 4 k V-. fc \^J^ •^.v Ov.-^^, /^ n 8V2 2 » ' c ^ i > ■« ^ o r* ^ r 1 n'A li /^ ■« • w • I At* « • w r. '^ r'' - t 'Oi 1 >" ITO^Ji fS "r ' i V» »» f-. y> ^■r> .». r io S/T 'fori rt : *. /^ n As nr <• ' f I a . ^ «- tr ■* I • .^ ^ A^. A < V^. T:r ., 4- /• M i^8 0 f t'Vd 1 Uh TTis .8r>t X •> • I it* U ! UC Ya^ i. .v -. V - I , . » » o< I* T '?^>- *^ W* pn*! C^-OC ^ t • 1 Kv ^rv^ '^V # ^ — ' cc I .^•'i- r. v^rc r -i H \ « r-* -, !-- -• f .ve Tien >. fc cr^- a B'n "J. rtc- *a J J"^ 07 V r'i>* V lit*. •^>^ VI 0 • v.- ^ -. i c ^. L V 4. » r LK^■- 1 1-t^ X I , K» -^^ * k^ 1 i ic iOBe here/n. .ri c A ■*" 1 .'^ Y' *.\ » L ^r ^ f ,> .« c I*:."* J f •".t y» * o ' O: %J i C!f r^a;.' u na cf Sunset Lur'a^: i^j fc y^ .0 c v« -*rkv^ f ifw V, >^ A* V ■ » * . W 1 7. *r\ uU f/1 ! • icrtia i"^. .^ 1.^ - - i ceir: .^ * T .loTiKS I .>r tlia r^alccliv" 1 r' > ^ J \ . t . .. w. ^ V I < Iv O,^ ^J fOll^'f^ .n.^y your ^ -Wooo^ V \ '■(I n -» W6ii the 'lu ^^ ice A >■ .» ^.:j/ ^S u: r. t L J :ct ^:r ^;i.-;rro ■• •> Id^-' B n -"f ' T '■ ' 1 i V t bX*'.} nt.od .71 th reranaea ae .' n ( w •^r «^r )',i o v* Oallf ^ ia. i*: r* .* -. ^ i,^ . 4. ; t. w ^ ;' v.ii a for r:i.-ra .^ > ^ ( -. -^ -^fi k« *^;U a,. xk^ ce 'liU -' : 1 '■' I n ^h^>" f i e Id , and '-v' +-/ I \\L ^ : \:^i ■in ixc-^ooi Oi ft *; ^ u ndini to r . ^ 4 an v*,fi» C; 06 0 la ^"^ ■• r» -^ '.wi W,J Ci, • - 3id9d fn-atlnr i, « V^n- *^ .-« ^J J .1 ■ r*. . ^-V^ •4- t-CK.Jv.-'V i 08S anu •. I ■-■■' I 4^ ) ^ !Z 1 -M — 111 4y t < « m Ul. i;c /■'.*' ■2 rfyv/- -I . ."o A < i^\7 r%. ■1 • *- 1 ['')ar .^ ' r*6 !:* . J. i 0^-aC 3 >% 4 I t i <> 1 r T v« <" ^ -» *■> . V*t *J^ i} ^J ■CI • »ii w W* re V:3inc w)*^ VCU U3p-2 O '-^'^ r.d W'lO 'f M i-kv:)!! "1 '1 rn t. <^ r c ir *■ ♦! ^- -i • s^l w . . » • ' ■-*■ v"i*nr> ••f^'^ .\ nr: ;:;' iJi^y r m nr v -'*.*»/ * ii. * i ■«■ • 1 r"*. ; f ; r* \j'* -^ ^ • U »J> . .. "o - --- r ■'I' »^^ »'%3 ^%<* •>^ '-•' ^_ to ic w- ta ycu 1 f' a-cr. t.ho r::coip -ffc/ i - :. a fcr in Oc*:c.bor di K.'^ - •!^ ^- ! Lv' ^ » i J ■• ff ^ % T.' » iu.a - 1 o •- -i J ^.' ■- u' Cl cr ^ > i. M .*fc«ti' **| V •** .'-< Oc I » K* • 1 r . ' raole an » »"> J. .A. \i»^^ •t <■ W ^ : I t ii -' '^ .-^ r dc • r» .^ .i; f I - : , • ; V t\ W * < ce >••:-> •> ••if.^:* - * ■ .» ,» . ^, KJKi r i„'» n>»»- •» •> 1 . t' .. d ■0 u X c"^1 t- l-'f . mii Ar «>1 I- . S V- r •'■• HT ' In Ui' ,.t S/Ot. ^r^ 1 i^->,T i X v'l /--•,■ ^ y-s <» i ^W' i- i.- ... r»' .•1 '^Ai ■ t •• ■ it ri v*-^ 7 K;, '.f r- f T rr^.KI >rcfi Cataicri^J ).> .- 1 •- ^ K> • » 1 v - ' • '■-' *■ ^ * 1 ,-^ ■» ir V f *- ' ■ *••, t:u> S49 a 10 f<- tn. ^1 -c 21 * ■' _ » V "xi r-^ ican n •<. .. U i u J 1 /-.r- ^ ''. i r ic. vr'! :x^ rs -♦k I c: %» 1. ».y • 00 • ^ If f ■.*• f^ tf"! .^ tJ ier^r. i I. * 'O' -V » ^- i V Vy on r» -. 'V '-T ♦ AT- */i" • R'^JSp ■> . » » » buT n V ^ 1 . ' --, V . v^ 4-, V.4 »^ iMl ^ • C ."^ » »»" Uttawa \riAa it V c*,i r % ¥^ ry tmxv. rf o •> T «^a- hC-y. iC 1*. "*r ^ 4'»- 1 T 4.^ ». : • ^.» ,' 4.4^ . ^. v>: r- -'^ ■ y r r* f* f*' \ ♦ ar -*. f»> /-> A **r ■ ■*• ' ▼" '•■ ■ t c • »r» n»/" tx- ll »•*» •fcO' ifv V >- l^,.:' cCJ -..- 4- 1 . ^ c:,! / #> - » -, » - 4 . < -. C - I ^■•»- zf ^a n£- "* 1 ..«f 'i A. - J slin r I /e :n. Ai' -p^- i-l. » • ^^ *. Vvw%4 . . i .^f -f t 4 rl recrra^j' Ic 6: stribi; tier: » . »"\/ i ii I'. .-. v-cj %• »* "-!' "C'U r -.! 1 • ^ ir> i.*^ •^ ^ 5^ : -.x. "•^ V — ^ *. r- ti .-* ^ im;^ '•f = • •-4 w» j^ ..• i 3t rn . T » i. iS /4 J ■» {' ■•' • »» i : L *« -^- * -. V in'^.e^^-isted ^* wry • ■70 v**'^- "k T » . ^j /'i^KU ■» - can ne vi :'A- -% • *• ,tP /* 1 1 ^ II "! t^\ .y . »•« « . .i » ::*#"»■*•■> ^v, V. ' r- f i r 1 -; V iDeruif^n 1 > C: 1 '!l\t i 1- f-^. .** »^ i ) I r* ^i be-^n alle t- iilV VT^^IZ ■VTl- f^ f. P t. Yorr 's ■ c 't^ -^ r n f- " f^( 1 4. 4. O «^ • ^4^ V ^^-i ^^ eCTSS TT ^ 1 4 ^v-, /-S- 4. 4 • ■*- v^ -■ ziiT^e ao om • ^ < > < ♦. ♦ •% -» ■*■ „ > e nr f r"^ f''-:x' r ■ • ■ f -* *.^ >-^v. 'i ,\ { 1 ^i(^rr: Q4. ; 'n il Ci. c i. i <• r ■ I <■ •AV^i 7Tv:r c V, i. r'»'*-.f 1 ¥* uiiem, i-*^* I f- x"in •• i^ OU if I S8S .' c vl I Ui*:>M *•. 16 . lo 283 V v» i^W (:•_ :j n 0 I n 0' .A.A W '., 1- • r^U uLL*U rlcCivia l^X n. uai.-^ > •>, » 'J ! ■t fl 1 .- (.vt. p i 1 'J i ^ fc- '^, ir M I h r » 1 ~«vkJ > ' v^aX^ - .- V*. V, i ^-' s/ti w ^J* 't'. '.»• i » v*f ■ ir j'» L J) <-jv t ,«> ■ ,♦ "^.l in ,1 4 ^ J.JU / ^r ' r • Am * V<; -« •»' » . i. _-' h / 4 , i^ * • » :♦ ii ^ ri 1-^-1 •/J L v) A a. iu^ :.f •^r-'f* '" •■ t -» 1 -^ IJ « ' C SJaIOiI l3i.>^C*. ivi ' t» » \iu^/: % ■«' ^ V* >-* » o w: Cv >< 1 i^ ItiX A- i^^'< ^'■^ -•*** • .'••. ' ^•-.» \i iff y frci •J .k «.^ iiit i i'U •I .^1? v;ei 'li -. --^--i" 5^ ^ .: ^- \ .' ^ t«^-» t C X., u» - Ub _. t' •.; • ' ■ f • « « k ' U< .« A V> - -' C % * » OOiSSj V' w vy<^-. J A. C- w * » A« «« .k <# '•■'r '— " C-^ ^ Jrf I ; « . .1. I. .c *. < i i , < . r- UU ,«• *r t^^J 1C1I» u,C n 4 >. * ^4 «.A^i.*.^ .«i« nr* <■ Ov * 1 -:■ *. A;.':' « A 5 .» \.** / ^ ^ . ^. B ia li 1' V w w -4, '. '- W «. *. tfk- on. P tr > 3 n ' .r»M ! *'' V*. >.^ -•» - K. '^.Vhj :?c y -^-^. e*33 '\ ■•^^JKN-*«^^ I r 12 >^ -^4>^ -:g; 1 \^ K' w^M* ■«: .-. - ' r 4. i ^ X. U^^ *.,-' * i « f • _ .,•-* *ii C-.OC:<. for ?; L ** >"» ± x.i i"-'"jr < r ^14 A J . w^- ./c^ f 0 ::^i /- f TT^-^r? «•/ w w • J a ar*i Via r ecre.a^icn i «^ 1 i '>^ \.«» ~'-* « «-•. i> 1 ( T^a.r i^ IZ I O'X -^^ V*""^ ■'* 1 * *• K> .1 1 »>**.w^* m b.B L.'> rue bu.^ ••-r%»^ ccrT fcr a 4.2 ;: na 1 n ^^ ii .rtclec m .7..ica i; ojr. i ' , _ . yv,' i ^4. ; vy i5U»J r-! -va\'' 'i^'jL t»««^ •I' ■*► 0 .iliv-SU-l '-• i^ ir;i T*' r;c i:.*:-V'-" ^^^- ^— '!'i « 1.4 U.' ' •*. O T ». -^ rcji'lj -^ »■' V- * /* 1 f> f V *^ . -* • » I. ^.^-^ A ee ^4 civ> - -^ -^ »••• , >.i 1 * -P' 1 > .•<% -. ^ rril ■5 f*<^ f •4.4 \ > '■ r. t^ *j - «» ^M •-> Rf A f refer^i ■* '# f r •> .■^ f>o !~ ,. ^ ^-P iCS -•• "f? r.-» r*^' > ' ^-^Va.w^\. — [ \r^.>^' *i ii' i^ *. H H il 1^8 ■i^Q Ja::Uunr It. I J 1 1. ?Ir. Hopj-v ^.]:a.7 &**icai Surve i n » :.i ^^4- JK,- .« ^ ^ I Ha f^- */ - » ! f VVi r' i.y O *' *' -»-i.<.<. -^ tr ^ n 1 .3 '• *•

. u^ A ^^ t Ai .^ivlvunia 5?ta O" •^ . > »^' f *^ V* !,» I - « •*. V ^r ''» "n o A ~ ••- i j . V * } l-A. V J W 1 . • } cn V^ 4 V t. : V V.'f4i ^.\u3c~ \ /V*o 285 • » 1 « f IC Jan .lar'/- 18 , 1 n .'«'• ••^ '^fj--*^ /^"^ *# i % *, ^ I J." 3 * ^ ^X ."V*-' IT ar ^loiBii wx *.«> • r ^.• Icok --^-r 3rer 3 m-" * "V- ' iar, I >:;.i • • ^ * »-« ^ T C- *, ^v%* T C »^ — ti-jy (to « • ' ' «■< sL 3S. ' 9 a 1 ^T ^ .«. 3% is f n^":! i:T*rclf as [i!!CLi :n*.'*r •■, . J •-, •i'S ^ - --*• 4». V* # •■^.^■^ as n "I T^ ' f%4 •> » ^a7 J^}»K,^ ^^ »-• »3v*Jfc S .. 00^ J 'I* -#*- tU US » *. ** ii— ,' V t r t ^'^ '^Ti JH frl:^rKit aa^i ,.3 •'S- ,A ♦ r :e rizzl' > ?5 t ilJbd: 1 \ ^ UC *% T-»« Wi 1 a:9 :3i ^ i, .an» ::^i ie:-iaa • ♦.' \^ «•» <■• a le •^ '*, *• >>» r3j-?^r ia;^^ sc 11 ^ ^.f^ t^s^'i ^i- i^P^ ^^3 carts o; . 3 ccri *-• s ' 1 ^6 ir.. .0 >. K-"di \i Ji k' •' » «.- * ^■ *-*• --^ % -. ^ ^x ^ ' - A, f rf ^ #% ,n •».•*• %«-»,Bi V* ^ -t^ '^^^s^^ j^% « < r 1" 0')Xf? kpi^S^:1i i- al I Bi'^O' ♦ ♦•-• i , 1 G 8S >^^ ^^^ I tit t * f 1*1 I )\ k^ V Ml U ifi i . &i I "** ■^T Ic , 1 '?"' ^• y-u ; c)W or •^- '« 4 / S^ -!# 'fc -T, I i»aar ^c-i .'•^-1 r- • ^''^' , ^.'^ ^4^ .."ir^ -^-1 V^ --'i^"i in '^ est, and C'sll ^e 1^ ^4--v ,^ ' ->-» \^ ,.-. , «oV ' -r* r»r " icis'^^3 , i T*^! } r all '•: 1 '■ y n^ r. to' i f ^ tci^-ts nctw-d in T?f/^^ 2. i. •, ^v-. *-. K^ • i little 5 - 1 - rd ^'t? .if^ :»ar:^ Y t • '^ - *» - Bi 3<^iali23d braiic^i c»f » - ^ H »•* • ♦ '^n^^r-Ay^r^B Wo 4. •* •» i. * -i--^ I J» -■*.:' -C. : an 33 c • .-1- •iut'i'5-.+' i'-^''^"- i *"•• '"-■ '^^^^ '^ ..i-L'.o\tt 9 . *" ■y'^ ^\ ^-^ei--'" ": »' * ne ^ r 3X *v 1€* »i^ "* a B •> ~< « )i : en >aiEl a v'^ jcW'*^ W * t ■. • A -• ^^ ^ ^"^ **«-' ^ni - !* , « % - ' f» laa:' ^ *.^^-re .w ~i l3br : je *io^ rot: :r'^vrta ^it^'i •^■^' v» 4 . i t 10 ^' -J ds 4< -■««« t i 5 • • * * ^ ^1* -/ fc ^v*"^ ■ iv^ i it* *C i i • U 'i^CfcfV -.A w f y I 1 w 1' . .■• 1. Iffi ,1 /li i -^^vv »: v4. v/ t jw . C^: J»% « - >/44 « » A «• , * ' . . -. ■ - >.5 . I «>^ • 4 WW ^«.4.W ^ VA4«<» j W *.4^4^ . C4r * %2 ti 'W«i^ » - \ • •^Wl.* uiiW^X i. u ! -» ;~^a>A 4.J C^4--U. ics.i> uX^ii w ui"^ CUiViy ^r^»lwi»^i iVUriUAi al:^ MCUa ^«.A. ^' &«il W>..<* *>U W^ wA k.'^ U tA-'M <^«'' I? • 5^jfc.* . .iyJvi 'i4*r-. **44 it-c rc»? T A U»X-*i^W Ai »»-.■«, » ' •* >** «» ;- ( 'A«« w «*' »^ .#1 • tM t \\> •. ^**»^ i %. . «^ ♦ ^«/ ...«•« ii ^ -iii ^U^MA '<» &» ^ g «, «.- « « * ^ V A '^ < f^ ! , * ^ ij ■"i ' ■ 1*? k>ll li * t I n\ t f t ^m f r \ (i *> X k. t 1 WIA^ J^** 1 cics'-i i^y iic.wir .Uj.*-^ '-'^^ -<■,■» ■»• mI •» ^^ * ' 1'- '. -'^ i^'. ^JU v-.4.A^I* J^xb^^w. bwICr^ » > i^.wki-s-1- i^\A •- _'^. «i <•» v>* Ol V .4. » »w »xiki*» ....«c: ^i^ w y W.A xiO rot^xui' S/ -w w. 4.^ ^-^^ •• ^ «»i.i- 6 \ V/Vr **^. '>.._-. «aJ .<>k «A >^v«. « V ^• 4 * f ^ I I ■# ¥^ ^' 289 • -** , ? ^ .L^^' ., r 5) ^ J. X as ^^ ■cade -^ * ' ' at:Tal "c"e:)ces, '•' ^r -I'xlelThia, "a. cr -':-T 1 ^-^.tar of ^' o I'.th t^^ de^.:-'a''^:litv c^^ orilttiiir: rarso^idities in -' '.lie ;^. r: so J. IS f?t'-a^ ^ -'^at nait^vr Ule^ nor article. I have not seer* ;.:ci:evQlt's l3t/:3r to V-icIi . . 7CU ref 3r. - ' ^ '^ !'c. 1 fear l liad be"^r:ar not tr/ tc ra-Uifrr - ^'^ ■-'^•*% •,,«• near Vrc^^er's japar o:-. r'-eo^rajhic ".is^riluticn. so -c.jf,:lly "".ei.icd rit-i rny Vaar bocV t>.rit ": oa-:>rt not ailcr r'sblf to >■« sidetracked until t^*© thin^- roes to prasG. It ■ p little odd tLat i Imd lOt see- /:t:5r' rajar until lent ^^ ' ' -^ , •- jst- i-^ s'-ored up in none !;:,<:•< 'mil ssrt n to '■» r-:.'.^ •^Vg '^lolcrical '^•.rve--. e ^or^^ Vi>r' .m^c ^ It^r^rtad in rcrir lect^ira le o':.'')- nf-^it, >ot'i 1- --^at -ou told na a.d :^'i roir ]-Ict'r..r^ ia^-' cf tT'^ch Tjr:- rr-arkalle* '^^-^^ 4 ■ W U «J • ' O ;•■■•> 4 • »^-^ /»■ T . » w k ^^ A ^r-* ^ . .t «r '.''. ^f • 1 let '2 J kr^fTjT i\.r iva'^0 a u* a :C0 tc 'iite :^c • -^'^"^"'1 as at dir:::jr at If -14^*.. 'J '■^M •■-r 7i.>^ :ae. rar*; truly ^^o^ ra, u y I ^ oes 1 lit HI anuan^ 18, 1913* , -TJjac^u :, "3T7 York* • * Laar Sir: 0Y > --. ^* fa-^Vd V* to 7c-r Is^^elr of tl:a MtTi'inslant, -• /^""^ •" ". r L r^rr.-et to Da:* t':at/v' do x V knorr TrVaro a C'Tp3^ of :i^ lam'^f cf Ve .^irdndac-CEttr- W obtained, ihe • l-cok '-nF '>j :7 c'-b of pr-^^': for iiiarn yeare, and rw^ly hC djalar i ^ ^^ awT-eaVfi:. a^ all ISicB^*- tptTtsr^a a cpSJ is ". r. 17-138, 'Vio - ------ - """' ■- - • ilj^Tirla. R^jrattinf m^ irtiMlity tc Iialj^ ^totI' cut. .1* «~ ... «p. f ' • .♦<■.* i,- \ Toif •^e'l'^^ - i /i • •'1.. r .. ^i0'f»^c II I / . t f? ^+^ m •-' i ei u i «%•' , >T -t _ % i" «^ ^i iVAC*. lc !;> L^ » jkr * .^ • 0*- .i ». « - ^ -k. H > • ■ - •• > » i >i rfi..k---»» JJ Ik -A. « . .iO fi< 1 V •/ w. • ;J ... >. ' • On ;t» ^^«J. Ui ^ ! '. -^i *-» i.'*.^ i n 1 1 >'> ki W <.vX ^ ik S» •4 , . S VXA O JK> iJL0 1 ^ i. X • • < sJ, ^ ^ i t.-^ '.A^ V> C A.t^ O om Viii.Cii i- v/c»4xa xxk> CV/i ■» • ' '" f.. •^l .■^ i.» '-A»*«^WV K .> d ■Ui W-i' •^iC 5^-i i. iw '»* /^. I iCi J. ^ M i ii WJl .v.* i 1 O *. Ji * M B ^: w w , *i»- • I- 'A ^!i* ^ «. . v* O. • ^ »-'' t "^ 11 . i. u-rM^t' b Ul io, I L 'Pc -.-rl jt.KL J t, if .v • Cr^Z *' ♦ v-» ♦ i H. *T _ \/ «• U''€«' J.UIXIB iS. • t^ aI^ • it a .ex.. VC* y^' to .. A. • i^(JL VU.J CLX At -i. : - !>• v/ o "^ v«, » 'Ccb ol wliu jDctXiCJii .uC » V • *. w t .■u - -/.. - i.^ uiULiV: ^*icj I «" i *. .%. v.* JO % \- i^ %,-X. l'3o. Fr.-*. • A ULi'i^ ukj: i.% O U o' L »iiJ.xiiw w ^ rU.bU v/s,^ \JX 4 V ^ u« -L-li L^ i> • X t •>' o i^k) SJ5W.*.U iJ i i. •^■' KcaicJc lala^^. -lOc • i .i • A wiaUv. i * n^lul:\^^ ^ii -D-x^ auiilu J J. ^ V '^. t^ uv A ' c - ^ . ■fV >X • '''•• '-«'.» -' ^ ^-' -^ I. A f-. ft ^ w. •^ J .*>^' - w'll X ^ XUrl Vl »w • j3L^J^* '^Z^^Xsi \Ji.l ^hn A i. ij»rV w. >-'Xi ^li-J \.rI«.;H i J if $ i4 I* KfJL^\t^ i . u ,(e »*^:ij i4 V ♦ X wO « J au . i i • A,iaai :?,* r J.;i^; C}Xi v.- V* u '\, % ^ » -'j [ly*!*. ^Jili^ iV i. ^- * V i t* i rc • ciu • u Xli *< s» • » .» fc iiu.i?. Wi.i. Ojr^i. If .*.u . Ti»u Yuk'wii 17x6 l#r 4.0 i>* -w t^ w ouc A: nrev; '^. 3't;>r:e idwLtjd v'-i' Aiastca and J - ■.>-•» ii>K:on; : ■^.-la r^ i ITo.iVV, V. Szar iiives ana hi. J »■' aiiSBori. .^or.iiex?* AiayK.u i •• X<^ x^«wt) 1 -OC w A A »f * X fc V iuc Ml JlOC. AiiClit;/. 3 -^02 id. An Ex;;lcr uraiiis'^- ill t/id Arc t-xc • "» c hV.i \J ^ • «- • xvi'i-t:; T. . .< s^ Baiiin of iUrCoIl H. V *-, * y ^ ^ adi « '"»»5 n • ouc x»^0, iVi W V, .iTi » ' »^ • f * '^ «.>M • ;U li^e Hua Rx\ VUi -ii.M Ue 'lit; Kicnciik oOc iM V. • v^ ri i* 'v * U* .' ^ ; c? V X %Jk4 « V • kAxi.u i J r , B^ Li i ^j^* -.«* i. v.* liwii il'ib- ti.CvbocfcCi .i i^'O • ''i^ IsJ I \? it;>c B, * i "'f ♦ ^^ 1 • v* .aric u» D^xua cl wAi'j D cxOi aao ana iU^s Pr v> C XUiJii ■« T »:.0c u. hi' .' la -r f i uuiicjru- aiiU ^i^ nuCKT kL»b ►•• Oc M> »^ i , '4 /•> I U 1,'U Ljv. Xj K; n^^ ,..,, ». .J • . ^ i w. v.- i i ^ T 4 s . Cv L' cun A 't n ^. «i jwAi'.> rj^ .. ry ai; '-.a £• ! i r oO c ?.r. -^ . Ti r-y C/ « J. I a ad 1 .. f.v ?i ^^:jt Overlai:a Tri Wv*. 1 i^ or. J a OOc ft I 'ri $ ses !' r Kft! II' 11. k, 0'"y 3 SK^.ix.. G^a.R. B. Uarcy. R^olkcu In the Wo.U 2;^c rT..14^. F. R..ui.^.o- B.a..Ci:u«in5int,h«BockyKU. ^r..£00. A P^op at, Wi^wwd. 30c !Tv.20i. • Washoe Rovlsi-.3a. 7Lc E5c Bo.COi. uv . icO.; . Ti;3 Walit'or River Ooun'-jy- -iOc A Trip -^ Boaie Bluff ana u.ii D-^faii 3 'J a oi u'-i-s Wj a t •Oc TSr. II. Riu-^iiif:. Tlw Whcicr Survay in llovada. 3i:c Viry '^ruly yours, * It 1: f 1 11 •r.- 1:1 .)p\ li J ^es fi I 295 *i St. P '■.1 .1 ■J . *■ «. ' V V • i . . i. '^ O ili fiin V ^ C) Coii ••*»c y t< U saai 0 I"-. o ir tl 1 a^ IC 3 bl' *^i.x j rv '^O. l^Ai cr r'' * o >" 'jV> ^-it.. Cl I •^^ '^ • '• "• ^> 1" w • i «- ^ I .;. r. » „^.* «*■*«■•■. 'l urii ll'' ''..': .i II .'A - D • Fv r rs' ci >-*. !';_'■/ > ^ -i ' I «. i^ •«> i^: "* r7:;lif A-;5S>« ">- "4 >■» V> ^ v^*« v* J -"•i <~ r» *- I ♦ coau^ii e l:>l:i 'a^ :5 W«' ^.A • 4 _• t. t^ 'tf 20 ■f si". !lr« Art i u^. /■ r* W wi»' i ^ •> •' t i::i'l ♦J w ; >1 . t i4 ■V I . r. vj,^ •^ ' » Dc r» 1/ -^ «J ^v.' i«.' uij" - •'' ,%> xi.a^y Kicjuu i^i-i Tro' «v V- i > , - '< ;, v; 'ftJ ^ l» ¥<£iSl \f^t - .^.-< icxb o ^ -» - . »•» I n I K. J I • orniu a r- n K». >a Ui • i-. til! i ! m % cf 1 _ • 1. 1 ^ •* lii;. i !>:. :i^'; c ci u Mountain iCU^ ^< ^ - : r 1. » irj;^^ 1 5 i:,CCOf .;:tu:i-a oy r VI .7 inr:r»»i «t-i t^< '- L V, ♦-^►ik* v/-™ •t) UfTuu vai t ii . ii '_( N^A 1 ». »k" < ^ MO^.r ' •kJ :o for gt i.a.^jrt^ii. ♦ * ua wnt: u .^iij r.* li •■*V • "• H ri »T"» v-' y*.k O 'V ?MK. r^c*"' *\i P- ^ . .• ■< » "-f :i -T J » M ncic v^ %/ iCrr ."> *. r cra^r ior ;.u ^-, - V - J i. ^ :5 d.'l; If t ; r » v> •^ V ' • r t.) >\Vs C'\~- bV I *«tl ^vA 97 I I J Ci. i' t ctry 4:u, 0 . 4 • iO« Vr t January 20, S^ 9^ L. ^J • If*: 1 ' ' « ***■ "*• ^"^ ' ^ i J tV i o r .1 ^> X w \ ^.'' dLw «* * • y-3ry *'aa/iy .riazika for ;'wui- klniriess a^n si r.n. Wiji yt.; kind*? mfcn:! '/id ^ii^ro Lii':^;/ ^'^•'^ '^ »• l;. j» . .' fc » lU i^llJ ;JUii4Ci j ^/ju* I ^y • Wi-Ul :aar.y ..^a^Ak- a. W WW rial w • t : «J 'w/^'-c. I ;3 - .1 ' • V f* . « ... 1 i .-^v.; i^Jijt. v;rS'. Nii: .xirj :-4?.; low ^*d'^'^ ''V ri^N^'i:. vr of Rll'-, L:C -.»:-, "^^.B^i;., U-'^ Oy/jr iiT i ru..] ^^ , C fV?!! -Alth.; at ;a*. i. sV •)1- ^»*-.-' ^ ^ . .4 ^«4> .' WAvwIi** ▲ W '> If t f-y-r. u^u;. :r\r: I?i:^-,iu: v'..:^i : -^j T.-'ir.-:^ c-ijlrl aoip'».»iSii ivivu r^i'/O^-r iukk^ a^yi I «■<'' , ' 1 > liUr Mbi ^■■:' '7 '. !*-"■ } ^ * t i V 299 oa nuary 22, IVU •^nnr-'^ «-.• *rf 19^ !3 r^ • V ja V*t' y f 4^;3 i^latUidJi Avoriu^ T^ck]\Ti %i >**i York ar >>ir i V.' d ecK 1 r k; 1 * %. 0 */>-• la^A *:.iO i'hve vou s: nrt f'le I or vv I -^IS*. B^acVfoot 0( .1 '» ' 0>*i *.j rne 1. f-o tV ^,^ ,'"' ur C^ktalorue u 4- 4.^ :\.l i I 7 ijar" '^2 ^-; ,^ ,f f » ^ »- r< u. 'le ^erra>:i.i r ^ ^-- c? -"u"* r» iC L , i Uwi ■* » • •1 - V w K. '■# ."V* vor V >.^.. .a'atO^Ud \» o, 2i oi WO cud icac> G^u^ ;? ich i should 'le rlad to G •/ • 7-i n' t,rj 'v v'j' Wc>;r^ V .1 • y^ curr.'iarc t»i '56 4. '^ J m % y ^-\ t - or ~ 4 i -■> av ISTTl ri.TT. <» ■•o'tt: Cl fan - •^•^ I iv;n« torov in '3u. "^aJifonn k;; Nc. 75 i. "uttjor' >, • afO/tM;/! . w ^«i, ■ -" ] if or?" T^^ • "^ ". * » • > - •♦ ^ ./ : < #^ X Bhal ^ be rl fid tc so id TO C* i.# \^ ' k • <•- I •♦■I '^ ^. V « • ' « n I '^ =. «' f u 1 1 t.-^ -.- \ «., v>»< v.- C W- ft > t 'J *,' '^\J7 - *\>>=^^^, — - :i ' 1 *' It I in P^l' ! 4 H January 22, lilS. ''u;.:UJi Hon anas, , > „ ■i'?ar :.r. HenBhsw: T.aflt wjrwer when you ^^re gccxi anour^ to lea.", mc t'T0 8kun of a Mf: ^riz2ly from Pert, Stoole, Tc.j ^ild >ao ^hat. you had o*.h:r akulie, frcrr BriUsh Ccl'jr^la. Just new i am /rakir^ a special effort to rcund up the British Col-^ibiu Crrizsliei,c.f v^r.ich tiore .a.->,>9ar to ba aaveral 8;«cieB - coRiin^ into the '^rritor/ from diffornnt diroc^.icnc. i should bo under r.riat oblratione tliflrofcrB if you wo'ild kindly loan u-^o your skull R for a short ti-e. If you are willinf: to do tliiB, plsaao sond tb3n ty axnreas, cli&rrea collect, addressed ■'. ''. . Biolccioal "urvey, ^*,ient of %ric.uiturrt, waui'lngti^n, ^^'i. ^t Very '.raiy yours, ^ >\?e- ^C vVvx a 5 1,- I • 1 M t i i •: ^1 rQ£ I 302 * I I t '♦» 9 I ^ i • 1 * ■ ' I ■> c ,- ■v^ 1 ■» »" V»"»» .WA - • »»•'-• 4 •' *.*- "" ■>1 ^ ^ A o t r vi •- ' A ->N^ ^ iO,iJ W ir Y ^Dear w vlll 1 '-' ', "" 3 v> ] Y-/> ?i" /- V^/" r» 4. 1 4,. »-* ^f v.- X >■> X i. ,*^ ^» - *f ^; i. ^^ -Ul a o Ol Lll > ■» inc ^ 4. - U»- ♦' (~ *« , ., ^ •/• i' ^ -^oco 1 y ^' or s> i- vWO^- •.. Vi^ • ^in^r ^'-'^-^ i J ^ v\V — .^„ N^ ) fc ■* •■• -i C _« ^•V-' .^ ►T-^ v» t .. -> ,.- > 1 - u >. t .J . > -» • --^-t . w *■ 1 c-i." • , ^. /\-rk 4.. . ^-« J. V '•^ 1 T i 4. '■ ♦ ^ ^»r^ ■» - w» 3 *■ "^ ■* iiO sjcu -.'X i w ^ i -^ ■-'«/»-a -*-% ^ •--X lV.»s^ «*- v> <^. « 4* -fc."!. w a. V «.x>.^ \J s^ nc Ua. 4k i. .1 -^t. J -• *y^ u T* "*■ .o jL'j*.: >*-t - P: t Xi V w \T .', f^r^ ,-j v» iv.riuyri 'if.; il Ul i *> .rf . U la C4 ^ v./Aj.^ lO -uMQ tune ex; Ja^ (■^.-i --a i^u.rn=n .rrc ■J ' >- r .-,.1 \.A i. W i-v, .« -j^wra .n t.-.e .-^li.c;--; * • ^^trei'..''cjgon ani A?jd .1 v» .^ •, v» -Un jyJJ&jlI?: n '^.r^ 1. cc ^ V .3 1-1 f*:^.a ct:^' ^y iGuQ accu': ^* <^ :-»r» 1 _ -• •^ A wl J. 1 a "» ».■». ^•-» ^^-^^k^^X. / 1 v^,--» ->« + ^- I ,v -*• -J ^ iit.: yui >.i>i ^ d c P . ?r r> ^ #•■ -■•,-<. b^^d. 1 '-> -,-. t* » i.'.^ 1 1 - V J' • ^ '^« -.i-iS fci K-^tten I « r? >-^ .^ V IV •ilcl t I. ,„ *v --, "1 -«-- - W' •la,] <^ ;^r-{ [ u i ti hixT rQ ') V. Ci t V t «.■» T • "(^ -- ^ •-«V .1. N i . ■> V'^r .<: r 1 (•-> <.• 'f ^-* J5 17*^ %i L 1^ ' tj 4. * » .« fl ^' onaf; li > •_ U-l Vn '^ jLU 'K •-- T^3 comc"^ iiC . ;._, uv a ■? r>-lt ^'0 re.aticnB of the Brit lun 1 » ai^peare t-&[.^rn, totil I now Imit i.iy^ arly or i-is Coi'i ,,icat;ion c ^ r> 4. ^ ^^ V ui L,:ie VV£V •/ r '>X 0^7] 1 rffv £2 v«- ci-iriLi IS c la ar s U/ JL a. i nt^ Mrs. Karri omB /fte in, love t f » ■^tj 'v- I i in "f 1 a ;m,; ."> >• *r ■-' ' -^ 4 J"- V A ^^ ^ \V^-^^^- "VA,. 08 304 ll t* ur.uu * • ^r t^' c* JlO T;. r- l"» 5 •,. w r- t •<• ri\oi* ail/"'"-' sr»ie V * i ! • kut !:uhe »< i-.n .i-ciii^i: rr^aa;:? ♦*■» '^ k, y» tfc.r^r •'" ^ • 1 »' u' , c. . > • I ^•A eoort err t^ae -:iv-5i^8i 1 r tr w ^ ** id net arrive until todu r- .' •.-5 1/ T-' ,» JC :r c^- i £n zjTjz^^n at tb* vcIu'-.q of bui?in*)2ft liLiraied iiy t rt and by *:ie c^::9 of '''jv.r incr.?rie CiHct t-:i6 a^ro'.int.ti a.-^ >i'-J i*nrie -\ .e V an o ^ I'iSii •-■ * V .» I ff;!,. 31. re a 7^n CU-: •' »ia^ 'nankfc t*:r -^'v^r lefv^*" o: th^ £2ni ineti^: u * H ^^ ve ^'nst ao'';rcv0i u -^ ■« .* 1.3 r ic^ ^'iie ^ece^nber rent whidi owinff tc an cvor^ir^it h3rt no: oecrn pa a t?r a/ i ?d If m futar*5 tT! U Wll ? "» IcinJ'v b'e -A . r «^ "^ n If 1 ^ ' t V «/. X . u fcr y*^i r? IT;£1 o«» Tf <*1 o .* « • \^C j ti MIM r ./ ■•n* -j^ ^.U ■* f\ ire Ln trU i^art. of ti Tr» ,- r rtr •n r •? •' -^>- ■< ».• — " '.#»^-. I ^, i » » •f ' t% •.•i^."-^* y* ^ » ^ * 4>» .♦»»'. H '.' f 1 1 V . -/r- C' ■ 4 t * V,' '. ' i cOinc b^-M f;3 iJTCl iOt n »■ ^- , *. » 4* 4- tx: . i- * I uil iC 1 t • •iist, r--*>:.n.ig i,-.'j C'^jsti -si ♦,r.' ■.r } .->>,■ ^ - >'J W^ ii * • • a.* 3 V .i .J. 'V c: ♦' »^ #. #* •»■ .■^ /^ w* r"r. Ut^'-al V y n vtr Ycrrs *^ ^Y^^-o^ 3^ V '-^>^«A-^^ ^•"^i?*. rt* d:^ v ^ -t w; ■f*,-^ >-» ^ '•■» c^ rs r:!x: /nr HL&ence ^ % Y^ ii» west, ci : IE BiiC'-jla z i»" *Ai *i*u i*i.v.n t r»i jiuiua « »J f *■ '?! r^i 00 r'* ck . c-jtj »♦ . rf\ ^ m: V i;if& .w^ o t re' BniCiCl^r' - 5 y w r-.i ^ ia lie If V0-* ir.i 1 i i^aV'w th? bC'Oko, I e.'iLiuiO oe r» ! l1 HLiVO Vj\' i 5 "d f^m I V'ji*^^ '«. Ivgi'.jnf c ^{(X ^ C-t? vior'f iiTici hV I • i . V. * . J eic^ 'A c* nuri *. ^'on SittiJi <>^ « V' M. ^Ai'Ao;Ty iC\f i-T>i;>> -r.u fctf. u iTra ^ ■» U Q V .- • *«■•,» ' r .r r r B ^r- \, ci,Vy^^J,/\; vnaa »f ^v-4i7.iir vi '^V *-•••■ Beck D-i *-ur rs, n'* t-' ^ , T .-,-.., . . » •• \. T 0 2 i I %...i, ^^ala f^ ' . *» * a X. 1. A a^^aire Uia or.ri'ia..-. .» * • I :.c:i3 1 ; • f N-/- I V Ar.ifnai^, v^'hlcfi ai^ wi^-H^ca i^T Snrltnd Ir t li r.n.t4; of T"a.]oburT'r rotk -jh '-^.'orl and r ~\ -r tise w' I* .i 'I. • t 4*10 ani*ai;, i tj .f. bui If r.^u 'V '.J..* ;";iT»rare a .:;CC^VO ■l^.rKi CO ( iuT. ^ • • -; .) ■l , ' , *'■ »■ ./ . ea f • V* I <« ^ « jt..coa^i v.- - i a ' » , » r^ > ^ » v. fc' - X w'CO: J r;/ii YD ^A H^<« J •.f ^ A «' K-.n c^.' -a c ^ Jr .-. . f4 Cw 0«x iU I Wo « e isaj • « -'^ \j im^ Y,u hoo U .ay witit^r, irackk. una Trucklr^ cy .'Ci>':jJ Brunrur: t>! 4 M, .1: 'UC <• % \^« , «. .*. rs >^ v':5^ yVv.^.- res 308 kt. r.' ^1 . ». ii \ t ^« t.- i I r '1 •(• i,i ^lo. '^ar S^L:jii^cr! K> •« ( ^XftlL.^lt bctk ou Tn.!^ ' X^ ;,v put up ;^i'.a :.ii: aw ihu tice cf :iie Biounc and ?TLcke!:t 11 Tier, arwu u. iikt^iv -o go on at leaat a ■'■j i:l V 1 1 - ukl it^i:*-,, c^ZBiOi^v ^<^' or^t. m crder tc c?xa^air,» i^i j? b •^ irr Mu^^ ;aci. ^■^bld .r: ;3: ; i .i i 'k'-Kry. .. ' L'ii #^ ^rican ■^c to u^:3? Zee if the timo % t -• Vt. "iw 1% •^ *. ■ • ^- • , ^^ • • ^ .' * 1 i • ' J ♦ * I ■ >• tt »^ ^^: cii^'.e c 0 ' ' 1. ai'-.-.rJl.jf; -.n, I gj ;•>.,; a fc- .-TirJ :i' v--. c. »1 r %» •r ^ wVrc^^V - V-^^^'^ •-^S^X '■n . n \ fs^l i i I ii hcidi^ ouU ;" i i '_ : K ! M ^ I ^^hiui • • •► -• • i^iO r--^ J t" \ I :%le8t. lb II Iff H '4-S-3i , 1 I 310 1 (i m ^(7 ! 1 ! :ann.,-y ?5, l^i^ ftear .r.arKS -": " yc"«* is t,t 1 4. >>«♦ ' " » . r*' ''^ -rrn-ach of the Tr^^iriar' ♦,0 i • 3 nn rf. r ^A vTunuary 25, 19)0 Ir* Joeaph Grinna il, Ifnivttr^ity of CU^ifc'- . a, Bear 1 sku' ir . UuMV l.ianks tcr attaminr to ths B^^ar a- e-e V!^-. 'file Ifc^rf^Q on*? :^f '^}T^'^z r-crtoni fr^m ycu ofccut tr.sf!: ] titer. •/ ,\ •»■ Ir.r^ year a. \ I ^ % fii ' ii ! '1 [I \ $^ I ri I ■ rr ! 312 f ' \ 'tt f i fi» i' •-' k * >^ . "*" -I' t r^o ,n? ^^*^rsi t"-. zt r:t < * ' t^ . ' r i / -i'^.cia f, . * i-;W ».' 4,* Hf^' 1 . ^«- » > S CO j.'_; A.\ «. i. «> <* * A V^ :. xJ * tj rn VI. > • - ' ■> • • 1. a: „i....4 4 <; •» » r* JP: .c • ■•• A. J'/ a f» v; w •» p sucli C4 ccii'. re.i :rj3i vtj ana t\ I 1C6 '•f V/0 rK -» - • I i ■ , i 1 • r.r: "> Liiv^ % •• ».»» w '. ^i I ^ •^ 1 U >^ O^. i - ' ^- ' t.* * s ^'> r - •>' «^ -- '• ^€ *• I v.. « ^■"v ». i . iJ» . • r-rf, >'«.A.4..r^ t J .' i. «■ «^ iul ' > i-* ,;• ^ yr iw-r^ c:« oreo J r> li ^(\ .1 r'' ; o A OP V*,: o n: r> -J ,-«.^ 4^ •: - f,. t \}. ^ - >^ I uu i^^■! • » -^ •• ^ 'J V**-" t'r V J > I i.Uc«i. /* i 1» J a*;V o< - ^ J t- ' Y I. i. ■» } • • .1-* aiit In.n. S. % '-'1 l"'l 1" ■-^ •* -5 ^•-*i # * . ■«# 4 ■J • » f; f\\ i^r»w'. -^ * Isi-W ■. Ui '^<^ ^-. T t J.: -. •r^i.'' ""• V "» ' >« 'w •.< 1 > V' * i \ re b ^ ^ =.vvi ^ . V. - >ivli\' -^w: S « V + aiV' B».u^i ir.i.-'.aj i. i4 -v* A • , » • V ^: •(: S u » ^ • ^ KLi J. IKO 1 if 1 I ejj f» C4 •> X ' ii •-*w » • ■» « >!. .^ie a. . ?n:uuin£: ii;:i4; /• r >.>» ^ . ;^ /' -- S U 1 V I -1 %« ^ —it «. . 1 CI k ^ '/C t^v" ■*\- y\ t » "^ >,ik »•*«. ^ . l.'Ki J^ r : *: .'-i ^ V >' V^j ur 4 ^ -'.^ w* ». »-/ is^ij^r. t! „ \» '. • vA. i. •-' "^ .» c» '': : • ^^ > i. 4 0 vji. J. . • O A. v^ o«<» *.S O w • cA I .. *.».* w ^» « » . ■ • wU.ulX-*' V^ ^r. 0.1 iic ^1 .A t k^ X. ^ -• i X* i ^ J < i »> 4> i »*■ V- .'- blj 7C .1 ^ . .IL^ V", c i •- i. »^ Aiti *» r \\ a. • ^ >l^ „ < »•*».-« *. X IJ • >• t^ i'^* '' •fl'*'' ^ • \^-«v*3^^ i\N>v>- ! w i'l 1 ii ■\ Wt ^ % h *l •I 3 1 ,1 'ofS . 1 ..V ^ i.ru3^a vs ''"^^ cf ^t'^ral r^'is^c 3Yf rr ' , .,. -lor *• ' - *• ^ Y 1/ - vi fa^^-'fiftrr. : find ':Vt it- '^Pl l^e. ipo^ co^ivc-i3n\ fc- ire ^c --e i^ • :r vr^ c- ^le 4^ or 5t.h of ^'^^-i'^t-^, If "^'^b ^1 ' ' be 1 ~ ^ f^fi r»r>«> ccnveni^r-^ ^c^ y" , ?rr - .. ./ ^ ^ ^-%.% s* %~~.. t- ^ ;a,^,v>v >sJD^. Il ^, f 314 :jiuur-' 2^-, 1V!3. r m: r oin * • • • * 1 •) ►- " ^ ^ «^ :cloradc; r-r-; rc:r7 Van}::- fcr yci-- l^^t^r cf ths w-^K :,^,^..j.^^ vi'-icl. efii.9 i^'-vcral -i^VD ar. ^lo Bear shxU rcu srr.t ii. cf -'xra U:tin ordinary intei-^s*.-, cj>i I to lid t . •'• :v ^1-* i" r:cL^ -T ':i>:"0 frcx t'no JncUcn JO-, r ■^r;. I^ ic ::icT rearl'^ rely*«d to *hc Mr }n?rJT -'-^ t-.c .-.-•'r.tair.r. cf Crlrrrd: t^.sr. V the crnr^nr ;:-rrz '.T of r-.^ -ccky ItB. of 'i ycrcinr: a^T^ t. _ont.iira. r;nf -nf- f* vat ^'' nciT alout tho pcr.tiV^l - » «• ^ m. ■ ■0- ■ • ■ - —* ^ J ^ * ^.re M^-:^ dv.fjnr -j'-J^jV cf the swie ciz'^ '-'O'^ld -iriBwer. I ucEUT-e *,^at ycu are f-rp.lj?- ^' 'h *'^^« pV^:1>>, which ere furriBh.yd witJi V-ore fc9e^.h 'ind ccnpcsi t.i rn >.^»^j.2^ and ".re --.ade oypreeely for nour.tinr in mr-r. rn,,, f.jvurtrr« ?f ♦■,^« r-vr-^c tone t-or^th if. *)rr.* fr-?;* do v^f c■r^^^*■ w^'^reas. 20 vc^j nf crurso Vnc^-, *>;- *,90+h f'i«c»8 ^i*"^^"' .''. • »«*>»- -~\^^'- N I I ■ 'a * Afl are January 2fi, 1^15 1 -I H I m i U rill I * .-^i ''^'^* ^^n;iit t ^ V. i. ritlac'-u'.., i^ is^r * i . * ^.- -e ] .kulla, .hich- you U^.-aawnod tc aoi-C V,,, .,.'.urr;v3d. i .>.: :-'xst anxicus to aea thorn. ^ ..: 4 V,. i r* ',. rE 0 -^ - ' «• *^^ ^^ .1 "r^iz^^j s:cuii£ I sec, and v;ill return yi?ch aB Ee*;za ;r; re ?spoc:^ V --^-m' »1 i -. -' ♦ • 1 rext in ^ushirrton I hope you .^- -■ . . ''>^Y^i -c tW.t I ^*aT .Vx-.T 7cn our ^«^^ I. V ft i *>■ ,♦« i I \ ■ ^ #..' '« •I* I ^ '^ I 0 re 317 A i-i t I I, I Januarj' 30, 1913. )tr. W. I. AdajM, Washing on, i^.'.. Dear Mr. Adams: He-^Hh I traiiamit Touchers «id bills for the .onth of Jamar, .h:ch I s'ru.11 ha obliged if you will pay fras the Harrlmaii F-oiid* as follows: Office eipeni ee for Janxary Miss Heieti Ore /jr. salary MiBB Bose 3. S^.m-Lcory.^3^^arya3 clerk. $46.74 110.00 lose S. Srsntlrory, salary as ciw January 8.31. -it $100 per month ¥is8 Esther Crasiford, 11 days at $110 per month Carl Ran^>u8. 2 efculU Grizzly Bear frcut (rta Bryan Art Metal Conatruction Co: 2 steel 4-drairer vertical letter fiis B. ?. Andrews Paper Co: 40 3 each B. A. O'laary: 16 paniphletB Woodward & Lothrop: Books 77.41 39.03 40.00 25.00 71.00 N.«.Wm,lx fV-lr' ?ir^i.f?l^ M.« 60.60 3.40 4.85 9.00 W. I. Adams Z \. A year ago you sent me a statement of receipte and diBbursementfl on account of thd Harriman Trust from May 1910 to Jamary 1912« I shculd be greatly obliged if yo'i will kindly send me at your laisiire a s imilar statement covering th^ y-Hr i912o Very truly yours ^ •^j-%*.^ h i Rent bill for office at Northumberland Kem> Dixi y^^^g^^inoludiiE Jsn. telephone service 50.70 %^ * ^^^ 310 I (!„ Hart Morrifiin The Northuffi^^eriand. Washington, B,C Co Hart MerrisK The Northumberland, ¥a«hlngton, B.C. ' i I II > W 1913 Jan. 8 6 9 10 10 10 11 13 13 14 17 17 SubBcriition to Bird Lore for 1913 l"^^????ion'trToU2^cf A^lSl Behavior jol^ Clearing o"^ft7no^ doz~ rota booke o25i E.Morriscn ^J^J-J^^j-^i ruby erasers .15; 2 ccmst eraeers, ^u. o ^ eraser .50, i d02o p. pencilB o^-o, ■"■p^V^j^ yqx Rem clips 25 sheets cwrboc paper c-o, a oo* ^ *- •19'** ^kTS^it^^f S^UBh^a'^'^ Vocabulary Franciscan Tathors. i ini6i*«x ^ ^^^^ nv,,«rr-'t^r k Office Sut^ply ^o; 1 ^YlIT^-'^^ ^^v,!;« tnl bottle tyrewr iter oil at« r._^^^«°««S;rpkuilfrom^ Colorado If^C^^wo^SiSfro^OOO record cerds 3x5 Gricbe-femicKe *'C' ,,*;.' inAn ahaets Woronoco bono, R.P.Andraw^ Paper Oo. 1000 wj^^ 1 3 4 18 5 6 T 6 SubL';!??'i1o-^^t.lo<,> fcxld * Recreation 1 1913, i' copit.» Carried for»ard for 11 12 1 00 1 75 3 00 70 1913 E 10 10 00 65 90 1 75 2 90 2 00 50 1 30 4 OC' ^^sAJ22^m.iiSLLmM(iJLmL (2) 3rt. forward Jan.1-3 Z.Iorrieon Paper Go: 31f BoTid cut 3x5 c50; 13 5 sheets cardboard cut 3ix5 .15 Arthur R.Wanrath: 1 vol. Waaho Language 14 1 bottle Figgir«8 carbon ink .10: S lDB.wax.60 H.A.O'Leary: Grirjiell»B Blackfoot lodge Tales 15 E. Morris on Ve^er Cos 200 #7 card envelopeB Senrices of cnarwonan for January 3.00; waxing floors 1.00 Hectric current 18 Postage and envelopes Janitor service for Jannary a 25 28 29 29 2 56 65 50 90 1 50 2 00 4 OO 1 00 2 64 1 00 46 74 ■hr I I-.- Fcrty-fsix - • «B or seventy -four - - 46.74 .:i ^ .W v3t? * - ''• ^J^^-. hi u£8 January 31, i'^i3* i*X January 3it ^^^ Do i w Brookl'.ii, Mew Ycr^ Doar Mr. Rangius: Tlm.k3 for your r^can: latter. I bave no". been t. the Corcoran Art OalUry since my raturn. but shall try to get libera soon as I m anxio-is to see youi- Aiitalope painting. Ta a raw day. you ar3 if^ely to receive Irom . - . ■ .,..p a check ior the two Orizzly Bear skulls ^-K, o 1 -i f^ 1 A iar'-a in order froci Alberta. The Guno'-mt was made a iar^e 3 +v>■^-■,v,^fl in sBcuriiK tl..e specimens x.d bringing them honu. I wovdd not advise sending so • ,uch to the hunter for tua reason tl^t it .;o^;ld give him a iai3e io^raasiorx of ':.he value of 3ach skulls. Had --. f^-v.^ ^Y^. W3i5' 3id3 of ti» movjitains, they t7c. ud not imve bean worth ..ore than $3 apiece, but from a distance on the eaat aide. Vneir valaa is greatly increased; and I ,, -, ^i«^ f^ f.-htars of tbb aec^raphic Society, wiuch you were kiM anoiJigh to sand me. The ona showii:^ your l^onoh party on tl:^ steps of Hubl^ard Mamorial Hall is uncomirionly good as a group photograph, and will always l>e of inter oat because of the largs number of prominent man in geograpliic fields there brought togetharo Ysry truly yours. Ur. Gilbort H. Grosvanor, National GeCc^aphic Society, Washington, D.C *>i ss: CP } !| 323 January 31 » 1513* ,1 h N i |i January 31, 1913. Frofaascr f^mrles E. Munroe. ^ Washington. DcC. Bear Sir: * +w In ccmpliance with your request of the 29th instant. I will serve as a manher of the Board of Experts, aM v.iii meet you in the hall of tm Ur.iver8ity ?ebnxary 10 at 10 a-m. Yary trxly yovrs. .>^«~>N>S, \. x> 1 Dear (Jriimell: Unlass you hear from riia to the contrary, you may expect me for braakfaet Tueaday morning, Pebraary 4o Elisabeth ragrata that she CdJitiot accompany me, ae aha is expectirg canpany for naxt ^eako As ever youra. .If. I Dr. George Bird Grinnell, 238 East 15th Street, New York Ci*- n t^-itw Feb wary 1, 1913. ;} a' J ) i' Preddrlck Loasor & Co. Kim Place h LivingBton Street, Brooklj-n, New York. Dear Sirs; Thanks for t"ie iwo books received, Zit^lo -Histoid of C-9-^logy and Palaeontology $1,00, and Tyacsi -ResotroeB of Oallfornia, $4.00, fcr which I inclose hsr'swirih checlc for $5.00. Kirdhr sand receipt. Yery troly yoiira. c*. .V. ■eO- ^I 325 Pebr -arv 1, 191o* Dr* J. k. Allen, ^ ., ^ •. tt ^ Imaricati MuaQiira of llatura^i HiBuory, New York City* Dear Dr. Allen: If all goes wall, I shall be in Now York on Tuesday and Wednoaday, Pabraary 4 a^>d 5, ani if oonvenient. would be glad to exa^nine the wonderful series of Barren Ground Bears collected by Stefansson and Andarncn. We wera greatly pained to learn of lira* Allan's illneae, and trast that she is well again* With kindest ra.^arla. As ever yours , e, .Vt<^^^\i r- r o r^obr^ary 3, 1913. February 3, 1913. .1 ti Kr. Johi.!l,.Pli*lllp.,^ J aria ot^r^au, Pitteburr^i, Pa. Dear ILr . Phil lips: Vary many thanka for your promptdieBs in responding to ay last Utter. Your tefo ^rrizzly skulls nave arrir^, and I have just unpacked them, and compared them with a number uf other skulls from British Columbie. 4. They prove of exceptional interest, both being adul males. While the very old one has badly worn teeth, the one vitji a broken nose has good teeUi, and the two tof^ethar 'bear out and substantiate the characters of a small Grizxly sent 3b by Runf-ius last, j^ar. Eis st)ecifaen cf^n^i from tiia mountains at the head of the Xthabaeka, and he has since sent two jrooriFer skulls from the North ^Saskatchewan . This giw» a» three skulls of adult laales of the small species, a species which contrasts strikiii^-ly with the true Jrsus horribili_t on the south, and is equally distinct from tiie Stiklne ariz/.ly on the north* You can hanlly imagine what a satisfaction it Is to me to see these skulls, waich prove beyond question the validity of the small Hrixisly of eastern British Columbia and western Alberta. The range of this Bear in relation to the ranges of its ne labors remains to be worked out. With renewed thanks, Very truly yours, <.v-.J Dr. H. Houston. Kaliapell, Hon tana. Hear "Jr. Houston: Very many thanks for your letter of January 27, and for the loaw of the two Bear skulls, which arrived a few minutes a^. i have just opened the box bo look at them, and find that one is a young male Prriszly^ the other a Black Bear, Ursus airierlciuruig.. I am glad to sao both of these, particularly the (jrizzly. I am just- leafing for New York to study the laiige series of Barren Ground Bears brow#it back from the Arctic Otoast by Stefansson and Anderson. I expect to return by the end of the week, and will then compare your skulls with others in our collection. I!ow I haye only time to thank you for your kindness in sanding them. I will write you again later. Very trily yours, .^ 8 CO 329 'I Kebmary 3, 1913 February 3, 1913. ,1 I i! i ' H: I !(■' yr. RdTOTd .-'.Ball, 335 Warturton Atanua, Yonkars, N«w Yorlu Dear 'lir: jJoBB t IMS ago you wrote bb that the big Bear, whoaa •iull you securad at Orolofnin Bay, killed one of the native*. Tould yiw find tiian tc tell ae BOM thing of the circimetancoe' ? should be very p-ltri to know how thi ^aar happened to p-et him. Very tr ily yours, e. / V , -■ V- Mr. ^. ":!. Bryant, .. ' 2132 festlake Avenue, ^aattla, Waaiii Tpton. ^ar ''ir- Thanks for your Istter of January 26, and ^c\- the inclosed photorrachs of a superb '^aribou bsad; but you omitted to laention the part of the world in i^ich this nobla anisal #as killada The 'rri^zly Bear skulls, which you shipped for Ir. Rumham, came all right, and are proving of much assistance in my work. "^rmn my sjTiopsis of the Bears is published by the Biological Purvey. I will s^e that a copy is sent you* Very truly yours, c4> ^ "O*- :l V > ^. N i 1 1 'A t( '^btsr tss^t IP Febniary 3, 1913. ^'sbmary 3, 1915. !f il I* -y H f V I ^ r. •u i. Yarrow, 2116 Bamroft Place, Waehinp-ton, Thar 'r. Yarrar: rom yaara afro Hallett Phillips loaned .one .kulla of OrizUt Bear. fro. the Yello.» which I returrwd before hie death. Recently I hate been anxiot to see them again tc compare them with epecioana in the iatlonal, but havo not been able tc locate theti. PixilUpB' brothar. who has charge of the aaf departaent of the Conereeaional library, referred me to Thoaa. Lee, a«i Thomae Lea in ^i;m refars m to you. T>o you happen to know whero they ara? ■/ery tnily yours, c*. ^^: ■i -Vj r. T n. alr^r, Fiolcgical Purvey, '^aahinf^tcn, 7ery ©any thanks for your kindneas in aendiir^ ae a copy of an article from the T'ethow "alley Journal on the ri^cm of that region. ^? ery truly youre. »•« •.i i. 'f-,« f M 1 I $ 7ebruary 3, 1913. yabruary 3, 1913 (i k i r. r- ^oan, "acuity of forestry, University of Toronto, Toronto, anna*. "oar '^ex-ncw' "any thanke for your latter of 'anuary 31, in reply to aina. You mention tlie Ulaa of ''aniida. "'3 h«»e a copy in the 'iolo^ical ^unrey library, but I should like to |)urchaee o!» for use in my omx office. ^an ycu tall m where it may be obtained" I era eurprisad to learn tiiat neither Thuja nor ilia occur in "ova "cctia. m ^i*h best a Vary truly yours, Forest ^' ^treao Publishing 'To. 127 Franklin Street, Now Yoric eity. ^ear ^irs: . ^ On January 16 I sant you *5.6t for subscripticns for two copies of Forest and ^tres« and one of '^unsot MagaxirjB for the current year 1912 (as per your latter of January 14^ , and asked if you would kindly send a recfiipt* ^^0 receipt having reached m, T beig tc call your attention to the matter, and shall be obliged if you will kinily forward sane. Very t4ruly yours, '^ • V':^ .^--■s^ V * i ^££ ^ebnmrv 3, 1912. Publieher, raatern Vield. Balboa, Hldp",, "azi KranciBco. roar "ir: 1 havs just receiTed fror. yuu, dated January 23. 1912. receipt for tbe ^1 I sent ycu a ahort tinB previcuely in paynont of nnr subscription for Western neld for tixo year 1913; but in filling out the receipt rou have made it r-^ad froa ^camber 1911^ to ^cember 1912. /«.B I have your receipta for both 1911 and 1912, this is an obvious error, and should be corrected to cover the year 1913. T shall be obli^-ed therefore if you ^iU pend me a corrected receipt as indicated. ^ery trulv yours. 5i__r Sa^ -it^ February 3, 1913. » >|4 I r. n V f *' ea 1^ ^Northumberland, Wash iEf- ton. ^aar ^irt «?n Replyir^ to your letter of the lat, I regret to learn that the noise from my typewriters is still annoyir^ your wife in the; adjoining room. In compliance with your request, I have again rer^oved tJit% ^aachinas to ray pers.nui office, and will sec that no typewritinp is done in tiia room adjoininr yours for a week or so longer. I will also see what .hs t^ypewriter people are able to supply in the way of pads and mats for sound deadeners, and will purchase whatever is -aost promising in this direction. ! will also move the machine next your room tc the far side of the room, aithouf^ tMs arrangement Hill no . ba so convenient for us. Fy apartment is so small that ^^.ere is no otiier room excepting my personal office to wliich the machines may be reo^vwi. It would seom as if the tmnagemant of the apartment mipjit well afford to deaden the walls so that sounds would not fee so readily comittunicated from one apartewnt to anoiier. Regretting very much vliat my machines have arjioved ^'rs. eo, and tnistirc '^^^ ^^^^^ difficulty amy be overcume in futurn^ ^^er% *^r*4lv V '^-H>k;na^?^j? d ( <3£S I .1 ecruar^ S •7 l^io. •' I 'I i4 ^i c ■' I . J. ".ns:.x -^ticn, O Ct n i >"; >r - p r; o j T ; - - , , { ' ' . ""j T' ^ear !"• aloctt*' n 00*!^;:'- 1 Ui<-a t^^t-ji j^cur .^.c^^^^v-^; it V:cr-..iUi a brief nie-rardv:. cf i.y ^ork umar^ ^ne bv t.fa'i^aor and /ruor?— ot? - oro:13 ';.ivj ^ ^c this ^tr'i.r Tory ':■.-.; Ly ycnrs, i Kt 337 i i f ax . i^iii: 'cr liis invrititiii' 4. -r :. ..rr^ 1- CU^% for t;i3 creDaration of rasult^. las pnnGiuai wcrf, dari.ix; --li yf:?ar I:tix£ "be^n a Ov^^; :>] . uat: <.?i -J ^ Qtl6 '■' ' u i(J « ir: ■'. i:.t -j way of '-^^e loan ol" i:-:t;c laitj^r-t? ot^B uu:^n rcuaeraa by cili of ^Lc li^rp^er muct^um? of ^murlca, inclixl^nr: clii ^ovemrnunt. muse urns of ''aiiada, at} Ottawa and "^'icoori;^, H^d bj ^ a-Mi^i^t^r of ir-^ortfin^an end hunters, who plaxic^d j\eLr 'pr.\LXs ^a:eria] a.^ iiiz axspOBaJ . IniB han be»:3n atill ^•ir'-h:3r rngienteci "by t/.^ii pi:rcliaoe of ^^^ciBf^r:^^ 14 ^ainlY skull B, of ra^'e ^^id lit^Dl^ kno^n j?re:?iae, boib-^ c" aluc-'. ^.re the only onea in axi?5te.nct*c In vie.v of t^w fact that s^jverai species of our icir^v- Vfars are. ui^^eady txt:,inct, a-id ctherB on ':jhe verge of axtincti :ox, ^1^ f:r-5at vaJ ua of tjiis ma^tijrial ifi ol.viouEo ^ In connection witva z'ce btady of iho ku^ bears.^ a nuw inewiud haa oaen davaioped, namely . an iit..ton6ivt^ s:,udT of va^^^J". fraui pho'o^/raplhfic Owiiv^ r.c obd liu-i^a size of bbar Bki:?!^^ it is Impossit to bjrin^ the teeth of several individuaiB-near sncu^' tofcethar to adniit of diroct ccmpRriEon^o "o obviaua this difficulty, the o^et have bean pao^oP;rap'::iid iiuwurai s.'2-e. orA^g of uiiese ■ohovO^-craijrie arna^gad cloi^ely sidt by ^-io L.oi:i;i,it. diA^ei cri -iCixI cciiipux'lsv^ a nuictar cf spacin^na vvt vn-:^ ^Liiiw, '"c^vcnii^ ^ho r-c^;::ii'.Iur: of ^f £S n < I 3! II • ' I' Tha Harriiuan TruBw Fund 2: rsBe^Uanoe. and dif fan,r»a. not, detected fro« ^^ specimens. Tnie aetHod would seem to be avaxlabla xn tte case of other groups of large wammale. , ^ ,v.« Owing to Uie deairabilit, of completing the .tudy of the ^r^aninla but Uttle field work was undertaken bears as early ae poBSioie, w- i*u^o ^tiU a few tribe, of Indian, ware vi.ited, and half a dozen vocabuJarie. collected, completing the .erie. of TOcabul«ae. .f .h« 25 exi.ting lingui.tic .took, of California and Ifetada. V \ ^m if m ft I ¥ |l ^1 y h I I / £ 340 W " ^ Fenriarv ", r b. 1912 .1 . ,♦-, » K- ■:■ * O ■» f r T. f r^ u r^r-^: Kino. n^.( »r? I •»«* < .- •> '-•V ( f *y ^ 'i 1.4- f ' I * K J » « '■'y)x n, { • i ,a;3 - f' 'f •> -^ >/ » '^ , i. , . .!« *. .. .V \J-4 • >i« -i:-i: y\ 3 1 C f\ ' ; v: i; .-» ' -6 O! -t. '-';u 'lave vv r.-^.tiin rr-'G C ■-' I. » r. • »r *r' '^ nv'')^ '" ■•• i"-' 4 ^, ,.<> in . - w". - •■ ?.v ->carrieo g; 1 aawt? lA^ v:>i' *... , i iV c >-v.-j ' *> ■->". r. 4/ la tefi .- -»nf A. « - 1.1' rTT X > .>i-3 CC^*^^ y ft r'^r:* j i •ai! 8 c ixzious to -» : 4 i^ecv r-3 L UlM.i-. * ' rc- 7 .<: t » T .1 r -earC' ] v> r~iy\; ^ ' f^ '"^i 01 t-riH ,---">'(»' ^..B f^' ;-: 4 •> : V-" r )r. rv '. »" -^ ^■■> V :»e i •-.' >^ ; N ' ■■- vc f *r » -:> f • f.l sJ *«C ;-'l r^O - 'It'.'J » O % t; r V • < -s :"5 ■■'/ •.^•w- canu or: r»r« 1 o "^^tl .. / i. -'^>-» .1 p '-i » nr f IV n ■V. '\ .J ■ cl^ac r r V '■w' v» • * ^* i-l I ^ ?>-. '--,f- •- ':.' ^i in f f. -'■', \ -i ■♦ t* .ftp. -t ' . riMa vrhio ■» f ^ • '--i- 7K.''i^ U r'i-.: t '^ L'<^3 C^ T-^u r t/^fi t matter, of an' rt} liii. . » ■ •» • ! • i^i. } ' • C "» V 'rr-v 1 . -h t .1 - - * t. n; in '■-a re 3 .■3d r«i> » * ' -.-%. .r #5 •jn "^ V Tr rt > ^ i~ lie t- ■> ."^ y» f , '_ -/> 1 . ♦ «^ 1 ; J- r' > 71 ^^5 '^^S: ? ' n '».' »• r( /-. ,-■ N • r^r f V- ' •• 1 » CI. •\v^-x!!a:-^ A^ I r^s I 342 i . ^ ■: i n -1 - - r; 1. ; ,'.. K.. • '■\ l» tl I I ,♦ 11 ' t M •; ll ri^ • -1 ♦ • ' . roov^.r. .ev/ J*^ •\ \ia!^r t' ;r;k:^ Tor tho ph--^r-n; .' .-. M>^^t rorcivod ■" "- r r I *. .0 '.Mr'C Th^ ^07^ zii:.c. I f :; -:c Tev ir.^±, I hope to bo or ^>»-». te \nt^N>Oi- ^ N^* \ V, "I , -t- * ,.* .:> I» A I J reco \t a rO?J ••'CU. a;> ^ ...a r.i'.... r...^ v^ k.Ii^u .. ^. u. 7/11....^,. - m L .1 y- -5i '}. ' (.c on ,-> y • • . . r, ir ■•♦■ -f \ t- *^' 4» X ^> «k « « *v W - r." r r I V (jirM a ;r;:t,h .-bf, ni;;t ;?'} st ic do;: I '-'::■. . for d. !..i.rfc;Icnlar v^^ce- T^ ^.I" :v^ o s"^ 'h-J: ^,'^'.ur ••v.nK':?^ : ^, . ■^'■*".^' rr w .^cme^r^rore D~-\^oon '^1''' arri '":^ U-, ^. am ro^^^miv '*"• "^o t^is aiiarotc^ y::u ^i-ve uu, JOV ^ ,v V. 344 pabr iary 10, 1913. Professor A. R. Verrill 2 II i d' 'It u i ^^^ Nw Haven. Connecticut. Dear Prufesaor Verrill: On returning to the city after a short absence I found your letter and also the 65 galleys of proof, which "ou raturned to the Smithsonian a few days ago. There are one or two points in your treatoent of the names of species and subspecies vdiich I earnestly hope you will be willing -.0 charge. The most important of these is the use of sub- specific names in headings without that of the species to \'.; they belong, as, Variety aiji!BS^£Sa'79rrill, nov. and niin.arou8 others of the sacB kind. In sane cases you hav^ given the name ae usually usad by at least vertebrate loologiats, SIS, ALLASTERIAS RATRBDKI NOKTONENSIS. I notice with sorrow that in some cases where the form was printed in full in the galley, you have stricken it out and substituted the variety style. Inasmuch as the ^^rm variety is used in so many ways nowadays, and is usually arpiied to sports, it seonis to me unfortunate to use it in th3 sense of a geographic subspecies. The other point is in respect to the gubgeneric r.rc.cs.rnich arr» hc-rs inserted in pfxerthesis in the species V 5?^ headings, thus maJking many of the names awkwardly lon^o Iro you not willing to allow the subgeneric name to be prini^ed just above the first species it includes, as Subgenus Leptaaterias (centered) to be folloired in the next line by your species heading ASTERIAS DISPAK Yerrill, nov. Are you willing to accept this change? There is lack of unifonnity in the abbreviation used for new species. In scaae cases it is sp. nov; in otlierB merely nov. If you will state which you prefer, I will :i^h the proof uniform. As to the negatives mentioned in your letter, I have not yet spoken to the museum authorities about therr^, \':t will in a few days, and will let you know. I think it proi al^^ that they will be glad to have them on file when you are dene with them. •v^t ., K I am much pained to laarn of your recant ilinei and that of Mrs. Verrill and Professor S. I. Smitho I hop'^ you all are out of the woods before this. With best wishes. xL. x'"4 V!; J ( '^. Very truly youi-s. fV\^«L>w>>.N.™g\, p ^ N f 1 M- - /f 34 c. ti Ul r \\\ ii.l ■« i,; ' Ui i It February 10, 1913. Hr F. W. True, ^ ^.j. i- Smithsonian Institution, fashingtcn, D.n. Dear Dr. True: Many thanks for the 65 galleys of proof of TerrUl's Starfish yolme, which I found on ray desk on returning fran New York. I have gon« over the whole of It. and have written Professor Yerrill about a few points which if decided before the proof is put in page will save trouble afterward. I am therefore retaining the proof until I hear fran him, whan I will send it to you at once. I should have acknowledged the receipt of the first batch earlier, but have been in daily expectation of receiving the copy with Yerrill' s corrections. Very truly yours. -! Februtu-y 10, 19.1? Frederick loeser & Co, Brooklyn, New York* Dear Sirs: Inclosed please find 24 cents in sta^iips in payment of ezpressage on books whicm you recently sent me. Will ym kindly send me a receipted bill in full, including books and expressaga. Vary truly yours^ \\ *f. % i •I /' f/ 1 * *^.' 348 |s^ ii ij lit! •\ ■'■'A ih February U. l^l^' Mr. G. Fraderick Norton. JohnBon, New loric. Dear Ur. Norton: To^or long and interaating latter of the 9«li instant. ,ivir^, detaila of yo.^ Bucceasfol Bear hunt on the BOv,th side of Yakutat Bay. including the killing of • 2,^^^,^^. arrived this .ornir^. and hae been read with mch intersst. Since the completion of my Bear book haa been delayed far beyond rny expectation, there ia etill tine to make use of this material, and I am greatly obliged to yo^x for it. I m .ouch interested alao in yo^ar accomt of the distribution of the several Bears of the Yakutat Bay region. I hoi,e you will succeed in laaking the final trip you have in view. There is still rxxdh to learn concerning the big Bears of the St. Elias Ra«ge (of which there appear to be two species), «ifl the Bears of the narrow coast strip in front of the Fairweather Range, of which I have never seen a single specimen. It will give lae much pleasure to examine the photographs you so kindly offer to send me, and to mark such as I should like copies of for my collection. Sudi an opportunity as this is not to be neglected. You will be interested to know that when looking f G. Firederick Norton 2 over Miss Annie Alexander's Alaska Bears just before le&Firg California, I was delighted to find the largest and most extremely typical skull of Uraus nortnnj which I have yet so«n. It came from the Setuk River. I borrowed it. and now have it here in the museum, and should be glad to show It to you if you are here during the next month or two. With renewed thanks for this additional contribution to nrf Bear work, fery truly yours. .. \ >0^v^. r»! I fa fi K. :' ' i I. i4 .» i M ik Fabroary 11. 1913. Mr. larburton Wk«j Bear Ifir. Pike: Yary many thanks for yo»ir letter of January 28, wMdi T found on my return from a ihort trip to New York. Yes . Keraode wrote me that the Bear skull in luestion (the big sored skull in the Yictoria Ifcisem) came from the loww lakoot. a fe» miles aboTe its junction with the Stikine. This skull has proved of unusual interest, since it is the only adult male I have yet seen of the big coast Griazly, a fora which appears to be at least subspeoifically distinct from the Stikine Grizzly. I have recently received from several different sportsmen a number of Grizzly s kails from various parts of British Coltrobia - a d38en' or more In all. ftit among th«a all are only one or two fullly adult males • It is surprisir« and most exasperating that we have adult males from so few localities. Bvery skull of whatever sex and size is of assistanoe, as it always halps in working out the constancy of characters. I am glad to know that you are building a little ^ "wi. |5 $ 1 I k Warburton Pika 2 hone for yoiimolf on one of the beautiful islandB in the nai^borhood of Victoria* The comfort I have had at ay •unaar place in the redwood forest near San Franciaco has taught me the joy of 8a^, I. ■?r^ w C- ♦■_'• ' I I ( < i '!'P mil I February lit WIS* i; {4 I Boise, Idaho. Dear Mr»» Smith: Thanks for your letter of th» 3rd Inetant, inclosing photograihs and a copy of the petition yoa «:e circulating in the hope of secorifig » Natt o««l Park In Idaho. It goes without saying that I shall be glad to render any assistance in my power, thoa* I fsar this is not much. The photographs are most interesting, and the one of Elk Lake is particularly haaotiful. I am obliged also for the one showing the young Deer on the lick. With best wishes for the success of your enterprise. Very truly yours. \ ,V/v. « 1 d2£ I ►■- * 1 I # .1 il 11 I \ 5| pi 1 I fabnjaxy l^t rA 19i^- u^^BU W, 4 .A '■ tra&^-'» !:16W Ddfe.'^ ^"'^'^' 'under aa^« of - ^^ ^^^^^^^ s^i^acript^'^' , . ,. -^ inouiry a.- ^^o i-ne ^'-xoa .^ ^ , ,,,,j>aone to ?oret.'- l:;oii..== •-"• -^^^- ^■-' ":, r, . .0 t.a s»n.ot ^'«^^- 1, „e« and one yearly .-s.n,..- ,ovld ^ t.6. 86- • , . ,^ ( j,^, 15) I l«clo.«4 ^ „cailt of »>x» '- - ^ ,^^ .t *.V for -.e --"' -^-'^f;^;,;, ,„, t.o «»a. «» '-^'^^ ^ :^.. on ...-.--:, ^ "o-^- ;^^ ,, ,^ „^. U»UT fo:-a« no receipt- ^a ?ebruary 12, 1913. Lorlng, Ontario. Dear Sir! . Recently I have seen a n«r»pap«- account of an allef,ed attack by Wolves on t^c r^ber«an in «x* «ploy of the G. B. Lunber Co. The names of thaee ^n are «aid to he Rodier a.^ Honore Auger. C«. you til me if there U any truth in the newspaper report. is so unusual for Wolves to attack people in to^rioa that I am anxio«« to obtain evidence of as many authentic cases as possible. Respectfully* u -""TC f I 1 ■( 3 I f Tebruary 12, 1913. Ur. Wilson Potter^ 217 South STdmham Street ^ Philadelphia, Pa* Hv dear Sirt When In Haw Tort a fm days ago, I was told ' t that you had killed some large Bears in Alaska during the past season^ If this is true, I wonier if you would be willing to loan me their skulls for a short time* My monogrqp h on the big Bears is not yet quite coKspletod, and I am most anxious to see as many skulls as possible from all parts of North Amwi<^. except 4fae Alaska Peninsula and Kodiaic Island, frcm which I have had enou^ In case you have ary skulls whidi you are willing to loan me, kindly ship them by express, charges collect, addressed IJ. S. Biological Survey, Department of Agricultore, Washington, B.C. Each skull of course shouL be taflged with your name and with the locality of killii^. Very truly yours. t February 12, 1913. wm, l_* i I i| {♦f I ¥a«hit«ion, D.O, D««r Mr. I* nssdn! ,,„ one. told hi- tt»t your father ^ «»...« . fl^* Lt„» a ari^zij B«r a =. a C««ar or «ount«. M«n.^ « tv.l. U corraet. ..oli 7ou 1 -U"'* ».o - -*• - 7»«- „coll«tion of the aftal' '>» 70» P^t * •»»•• "* siting a work m the Bear, of H'-th to.ri», -id «i intereated In .rerythlng related to 'K. hd>it. of ■. .„iou. epede.. I )»" •"" «» « *'» ^ °^" "°°^ of hattl«. between a Orl.dT an* » «'"="*»i" ^l""' *"*' nothing which app«u^ to be entirely auth«i*ic. Very truly yoore, , p_i »j H. ,1 !( I February 13, 1913* kr. Herbert Brawn, . 'rue B on, Arizoiia. Dear Mr. Brcwn: A question has ariBen aB to the origin and Xropar sxelling, of the naire Bahoquivari^ as applied to a mountain southireBt of Tucson. Do you happen to knoi^ whether or not it is of Pima origin, and whether or not local usage has fixed a definite ^pelling^ On our maqps It appears ir several fcrnis* Tne question has ariser in our Goverment Geo^Tayhic Bo€urd, and the case ^ill cane up at a meeting to be held on Monday, March 3* U t.hert:*iOre you could let me hear fron you by the end of the present month, I shall be very greatly oblip:ed. With best wishes^ Very tmly yours, ti, V r-'^v.v, iV ,As-A_i?w-'' -^^f —£?-/%. fl h ih\ TeVryary 13, I91/j. Mr. 0. S. Sloans, Sec^retarv, U. ?. GaorraThic Board, washinfirto'i, D.C'. Dear Mr. Sloaiie: In reply tc your lattor of "Lhe 7t}i inptnnt, concerning the proper erelling of two nciijiee, reuld sa:-: Boboquivari is^ a i-ountai;- in Ariscna [not New Vaxico]. It apT-«ar8 tc ba of Plna I;uiinn origan. I have rritten Herbert Brown of T-.oson, Irizrra, ^3 to itu proper spollir^, sxid will let you know on heariir- fror. ;ii-a. He hao pa:d aore attention to tlu^ sort of ^ranr f >:in u:v other man in Ari^^ona, so far as I am d'^vai'e. %o ctvnyonu co:u:i.;- dcvr] froir. tv^e raountains into the -0 'tl.3._5tern px.-t of Sar^ Ver.-aado Talletr are known as Taliunga and Lit.tle T^L.;u-a Ha^v-ons (..jsit both Tai-'-nga and Tajun^a). Tlxe nare if, -■ i&t .f ari ;.:a Ton^n^a Indian rancharia, first niantioned, 60 far a. I ^jr TjrsxB, in 1796 by ?...dre Santa Maria, who spelled 5t Tuy:wa >at l.a.t t}u8 i. th. .Talli;:g cited by Bancroft, but tho ori-inal M^mscrix.-^. is ^ il t: '~^' i II *> ''ft f) 3DS V ' h f^CjV ■• <^' J ^ ' t i9l^» « •■' I %j ^' "» " * Nerii" Haven, Conrectieut. Dear Profasaar Ydrrill: ThankB for your latter of the 13th instant H3t ^eoo^^ad, with acca^anying proof corrections- I am ^lad that you agree to let the suhgeneric A -v.. ar Arias to wiiich thoy pertain, thie avoidirK axtremaly long-, naraes. Yo^ir exFl.Hiiation as to the diff arance between «ab..eci3S a..d varieties in Starf ieheB eettlee the case .30 far as thia point is concerned, but would it no^. ^-^ oottsr. undar the circ'.,i.tistances . to print the variety in emaller type than t'« full Bpeciea? As X am still holding your proof. I am acting cr- 7C'^.r 80^9Btion ana returniiX!; the sa^ue to you herewith. with the «li'cs for additional corractions contained in your laat letter, so that you. my be sure that they are properly attended to. thus avoiding serious trouble with t,he page rroof tc follow. Testing you will be able to return this proof (gftllsye 1 to 65) proinptly. Yerv tf'iiy yom's. -«>JV>SJ*»' n ^ I % u n X \^' \ .♦j . - \ *o Zr. T> C i^4 t, arnc?-?'", Deaii^ Facility of Forestrv^ Univ^rEity of Toronto, Torcnto, Canada. Daar ?e^rnor#: Thanks for your letter of th^ l?ih instant, in reply to my imjuirj^ about the Atlas of Carada, mi also for your japer on Forast Reaourcee and Problamc^ of Ceaiada, and the map of tree distrlhutinrig eM of w^cc^i hm^!^ yzt^i arrived* I shall look for yo^ai' nrticl^ m the nerb Forestry Qimrterly, md em oolired to voi) for calli-r rr^v attsnticn tc the facts showir^ that in ea^torn Canada, at l^st, tai^;eratura it Ihe controliip^^, Tactor of irae distribution. I am parti CLiarly cblired i:; 70^:1 C-jr ~-rp..l:n^ the tree aiap, as it is sornethine I ri8«d tc rafe.r >o ^very onue in a tsrhiie, and it i^ rni^rhtv haridv to liava u -^nrv ir rrjv office. lor- tr-ilv yours. , \^..^-. QUO ^% ^ p-^^ Fslraar/ IV' 1913. Febniar/ 17, 1915, I. I o.-vAcr Itt3B36ll H* Chittenden, 63 TrumbuJi ;^tiuat, 'Itr^ Havt^n, Conn* Dear ProfeBsor Chittandan: Yovxr letter of January 15, ir respect to the of fundB lor tha a a. li -centennial celebration 01 the Katiunai Acadeny, has not remained unanswered a month thrcugii neglect, "but in order to £-;ive oiq time tc lAbXt^ H-; fry«a LxB -0 .:\]^tb3r i 7ovJ.a contribute or neb, Ai: ri'.atod at the last luating, I was var;' much opposed tc thie celebration. I do not bal:'Bi?6 it is ri^yit to inctir the expense of : ending a"croad. for scieritific inen to make a rreat 5Tu.?rr;e at buj annivtirsary of any society, parti !-».I^\ly vhyn, in order to do this, the individual rT!9:nbers of said society are to be placed imder a steam roller in order to squeeze out the nacei^Bari' fand* Most of ua have about ail i^e can nana^re in educatir^, our children, ^.ixl aieetirr: oar' iae;^itijn£.ta obligations, without being called upon tc contribute to this kind of fireworks. rlarewith I inclose check for $10, which I trust will at least pay for nry copy of the S ami -cant ennial Tolume. Vex7 truly youirs. Dear Sheldon! Dickey, who operates a ccpp ermine in Landlocked Harbor, Prince William Sounds caJl^ here the other day, and told me that a man named Rex Beach had killed one or more big Bears on Hinciienbr cok Island, ejid Dickey thcu^x he preserved the sk^xLls. Pc you kiicfw anythirig about Rox Beach, and how he can be got at? Very truly yours. '^^ llr. Charlee Sbeldcn, 140 Wast 5'^th Street, Narr TcikCityc ^U-vOs_ Y^'\'\:;*^ '•- J^.>— J«-^. v.. 3.. -. r ^ ,^s>^ \- \. ^ ^ I -Y*.-- x^ X.»,s«j^ .^\__ \ "^ u Q" V 3/1 February 17, 1913. Pebruarj' 17, 1913. I ¥ 1 i Hon» Joim P. Babcock, . r. ^ * Provincial ]?i8hora3B Departmsnt, Victoria, B.C. Dear Mr. Babcock » "iovic letter add'e?sed to m« at Lagmitaa, California, has bean forr/arded to rny heme address here I hox'9 to go to California in Hay, and when I arrive there, ahall be glad to call on your friend, Mr. A. L. Coombs, Colonial Hotel, for the purpose of obtaining: a v5ev of your collaction of Indian baskets. Wifn beet wishes. Very truly yours. ^^ « lorch Press Bookshop. Oedar Hapiaa, loira* Dear Sirs: » m I have received your special book quotation of February 7, and would be glad to have the book referred to. North American Indians of the Plains, by Dr. Clark Wissler. Very truly yours. i I * .k I M i '->^B'v *• ,^- -a. >,^^ J t ■df- I ' 1 1 £ ' ¥. 1 ,$ \ k i r. . . St 2TS 373 •* February 17 , 1913. February 17, 1913. II % A. vmi T>flln ?a«uitv of PoreBtry, Dean, i'J^Jjy^j^^ ^f Toronto. Toronto, Canada^ Dear Fernow: Since writit^ yoa a day or two a^o, I hare read with ntuch interest your excellent and acoeirhat bold addreea on Forest Raacir oes and Problema of Canada, fhe accompanying ma? also inter eetB me much. There appear to be one or two errcre on it to which you doubtless will be dnd to have your attention called. In the explar^ation of your Districts YlII and IX. "obs words l^orthem and Southern appear to be transposed. On ty» north shore of the lower St. Lawrence, District lie is nwcb to reach all the way to the Gul at Pt. Des Jonts. In reality I think It stops at or near ?iurray Bay. aM «iore certainly is no trace of it at Codbout. In District U. are you sure that trees extend so far t« the northeast of Great Bear Lake as shewn on vour map? I ain interested in the northern limit of the prairie region. District XI, between the northwestern corner of Manitoba and the jjocky Mts. I suppose the northern limit which you pive for this prairie region is baaed on the latest data available, sixi tnav be accepted aa marking the southern limit of the -reat forast. I aw S'arprised however to have the line BO «.rai^ht, as Ijl«rposed that it was more convex to the rorth. '^WT truly yours, , ^,__ ,^^ ^o^,^,^ _ i % ' I .1 i I M « Mr* fl. A. O'Leaxy^ 1483 Flat bush Avenue^ Brooklyn, New York. Dear Sir: I have received yoiir f^pecial List No.l4« and if you still have tham^ I shall be glad to have you fiend me the folloiriqg articles: No. 3 Story of James P. Bectarourth. .40 No.138 Roosevalt-T. Still-Hunting t}» Srizzly. .25 No. 146 Stile St A. A. k Bear Hunt in Montana. .25 No. 152 Chapman I A. Last War for the Cattle Range. .20 No. 160 No. 169 No* 172 No. 196 Chapnan^ A. Jim Bridger, Master Trapper and ' maker. .25 (ribbon. (}an. John Rambles in the Rocky Mts. 2 ariicles, 1.00 . Marsh, fm. The Respectable Wolf. .20 Moody, Chas.S. The Canada Lynx at Home. .20 Pur-Hunting in the Far West. .40 Ho. 216 Lannan, Jas.H. The American Fur Trade. .75 No. 250 Sturgis, ^. The Northirest Fur Trade. .60 letj truly yours. ^s-*^ ^ ^•nr-*'^ ■' ^ ' *sJ. ^T8 375 1 -i h » Fetr'iar/ lfi» 1913. Deer Or OB a: The iiat m vo^-r latter of yasterday ia evidently bared en the collef^o professor's point of view, l^r^u +iie viswpoir.t of the BvsteiDatic zoologist ani the at ident of problans of geographic distribution, ahont half o." these nsunas woiild "be dropped, and a far others subBtitnted. I have added Joseph Grinnall, head of tha Vhee^m of Vertebrate ZoolOfTV. of the University cf California, is representing the latter class, and ha/3 also avWad l^avenxort and Ifhealar from their general litand 3 rig . I aesiMe that this list is supplementary to the or.e (1 arc-el Y local, ae I rerriamher it) which you sent me some tijTie mo. If not, a lumber of naraes should be added. Xhe li^t is raturridd herdwith. Very truly yours, ^. ^^ ^ Mr, Whitfijan Cross » 213B Barer oft Place. Washington, jD.C \ 4 I •4 1ft| i Febmarv 13, 1913, Dr. A. Ko Pl^her, Biological Survey^ Washir^cn, D.Co Dear Dr. FisVer: The inclosed Istte^ frs-n Stockton evidently falle uruiar your jurisdiction. You may be inter fasted to know that on December 14 and 15 last (1912) I sasr a number of English Sparrows at Highlands, only a few mil« from San Bernardino, in Soathem Calif omiac It is a grea pity that the birds ai^a thare^ but it occurs to me that they mighit be exterminatad without much difficulty, were an energetic effort node in the early future, before they succeed in increasij^g their nuiibors by breed irv?:o 4. Very trijily yours ^ ^.\r«sKl'^r^ Kv^.X>,..js.^ V ifc-v. ^^iC^^-^^r Vajo^h ^ >\>. »' dT8 ^ February 18, 1913. V s Forest h Stream PabliBhlng '^o» H«r York Olty. Dear Sir: Very many thanks for your latter of ttw 13th instant, and for the accoBspanytng hill. Noi if you will kindly receipt and return thia bill, the episode will he closed. Tery truly yours. . '-^-Ai*- I ! M I •^ i\ -•*'?, t i i 4 *l % ¥■ ■w fi o J I 'n \' '\ ' *' i February 18, 1913. Mr. Ill son i\/f.'>-r. I I— r • \> P^ i i Hii e ]t>i ia . Pa, r u-^ai Mr: Ver^r rariy t^nanJcx; for yo^or courtesy in sanding the four Bear skulls which you killed on Kenai Peninsula. Tnay are of vary fraRt frbersftt, and with your permission r showi.i. J.vke to hav.:« thw" cleared and photographed. The toefh, I rwgret to sos, are hl-^ebdy b-^sin^-iinr, to crack. It is a dreadful thirjr thet no one has as yet devised any meHTis of pi>?3-3rr.i:v5 the ^.^ath of Bears. Per this reason i :;rd:):t:)OK soire year? ago to photofjrapb the teeth, natural si^e, of eve>7 Bear skull that pa.^^^dd through my harida (ard I ncm 1600 photos of eKuIIb and teeth). Tc return? tc voui- skulls: Tho female Bear is ^n±ILksaiBjLSB»iM.-> Of t's thjree mfJes, two are kenai ens ir a-yl c^e (*,* I^anai Grizzly} n£aiia_^2£ZfiMiaa. Ycia CH^y: hrr-dly realize ^'lar a satisfaction and joy ii it t.c ii© to see your ei.londid adult skulls of these iittle iaovm Bi.acies. T\e only ad'olt male we have of Keimia\sia_i8 one killod by v>. r. Norton of New York, and :.l ia so old Cu:i he teeth are too badly worn for their charaor.ftrR :,c he lade out. Your sbjlls agree with his. I- f Wilson Potter 2 and between them have enough good teeth left to show the charactarc. Before they are returned, T wish you coiild come on here to bbq ths^n in comparison with our other hig skull a. Have you the akine of these pau-ticular Bears? If 80, I should like to r^m on to Philadelphia sme time in the near future ♦ in order to see them and examine their clawso Tf you will kindly allcw roe to have your skulk cleaned. I will turn than over to our preparator at once* Very truly yourst 1 1 ,# II 380 Fabniajry 18, 1913- DTo B. Wo gvernar.n 2 i. I 1 ii f \^ Iv «. c '.*». "^ i^^ver'iar^- BirBa-i cf hshernaB, Waenington, B.C. 6 Dear Dr-> E^arnarjv }laxr ths.:J'e. for sandirc ^^ ^"^^ copieft of your irt.«r.0tin.- roicrt o:-. Alaska Fisharies aiid fur Ind'.istriaB -.r. 1911. a 1-ttie odd, in view of tho fact that f.i9 killirf cf Folor Bear? at any time ie ynla^ul» th&t nc iesr. t^>an 313 of them *-o;;ld l^-zs been shipped frcro Alar-Va in 1911? I . tha tqp lire of pae;^ ?-6 you tjvaak of "the &;,c-n.^;/, .istinf^/icr cf tli3 r'ii--ne5arinr, arirpale". 'ilrxE ■•a-'iP. :.;e £-.a--sp. It, ri.' .".e fael e-? if I were readir^ HDri:fai:iy,or Taylor, <:>■ 3r ranatic^ who camiot :i:"^^at.' '/Tic And rioar* t' ^ bottom of the sane pa^,*^ yoii boldly effort what the iUirt cf toiath^aat aiaska is^'approftcbing extinctior* Posi^vajl. I lav too mac^i strasa en the meanlnf?; of the word nTProa to assuraa that the r-rr-bearin^ ani'^aln, and the deer of southeastern Alaska \ I %^. r 1 % A. ^ are likely to become e^ctinct within the next brjidiod tdiousand years strikes me aB pre\ ost or ou$. But thr^ tendency of tlie human mirKi in to yjtaggerate, eepacially inl^atterB of game protection* Apart from tbeee little slips, I find vcir raport moat intsrastin/,: arsd instructive, and acri -^lad to see that you have got tos^ether so siuch gsod ^latsrial. "Very truly yours. N4 ■ V -'■■^-/N.S By the vray, whsn waa thje report actually p.bliihed, in 1912 or 1913? 4 ■fi ii :QZ ^1 February 18 , 1913* u .,1 ■'"I Mr (Jilbert H, ChroBtenor, Mr. «"^«^„atio,^ OeocraBhic Society, ▼•shincion, D.f;. Dear Mto Orost«norf Many thanks for your handBcne bound volutM of th9 Hational Qoographic Magazine for 1912. It is a wonderful book, overfloiring with interesting plcturee and note* from all parte of the worldo By the way, whatever became of the copies of Scenes from Kvery Land, which you threatened to eend me about the time I returned froDi California? Yery traly yoiira. \r-.v \ ^ ■' i0 o 383 i 1 I ,i Febrjary 19, 1913. Dr. Qeorre ^iiixi (irinnall, 233 Sast Iftth Street, Nsnr York City. Dear Grinnell: By t'-ie rail I am sendinp: you f cur of the five nnmberB of tha Auk neoded to corapleta your set for binding, na>aely. Vol* 111, January^ April, airi July; Vol. 71, Oct<*erc I very much regret that I lack Vol. V for Octoter. As I have a complete bound set, the numbers I am eending are of no ure to me. and I am vary glad iiMieed to have the satisfaction of halpij:)^, to fill out your set with tham* Heplyim to your letter of the IVth, I qaite agree with you thAt among the big Bears (Grizzlies and Browne), it is the rule for the females to have young every other vear. not every year* Y&r^r tlT^lv VOliTB^ ♦ 1 February 19, 1913. 267 Rutivolme Road, Toronto, Oanada. Dear Mr. Planing* Vour letter ol the 16th inetaj.t ha., juet arrlred, aM I an, very p^bA u ^^ .^at the Bear BkuU in (lue^tion cana fron, South Vootenav FaaSo I am moat anxio.a« to eeo this skull ju«t n^, Ucm.e I have on my table at th, ^aeum at preBont abo.t all the skulls from Alberta and British Columbia kno^n to ^xist Id the private and public collections of America. The .roblerns presented by the ^^ears of this regies are most co«pli...«i and every additional skull helps toward their solution, ' particularly if it hapjene to be a male. I am wondering therefore if the oimer of this skull would be willir^ to loan it to me for a short time. If so. it should be sent by express, chaitjes collect, address -,. o , Biolo^.ical Survey, Department of Apiculture, Waifoington. r,., and should be tagged with the locality and nane of cimer. or your name. Wright 'e books on the Bears ar« not only interest- ing, but are also important contributions to our knowledge of the habits of tl» animalso Hope you will pet so^nethir^ out of Gapp* in relation t.-; iiis father. ^'ith beet wishes. ''er\r truly yours. 3^1 88 'ebruary 19 » 1913i G# F. /^ortcti 2 'J <; / .V n Frederick ^-icr-ton, Johnson, "aw icrs. Dear Lt, Norton? OrinK to presBura oi other aatt^rs, t hare not yat h.en aUe tc look ^ the c^ib skin, w'nich rou wrote me about a feir days ano. I shall however, shortly. Very ^any thanks for serriitf' the phcto^^pJia. rn.v are a moet inter eetir^, lot, a^d ecane of than are ex- ce:dinr^y beautiful pictures, -^ey will embellith yov^r book w'ler yo-: con^o to pub^-sh four hunts in the Takutat .«i aiaciar Bay regions. ^Jid ri^jht here let me surest that you write the date under eadi one, for the reason that rhotop:rapliB with dates are lirportartt records of the wonder- ful c^B-iipes that have 'oeer t^ak^^- place in the glaciers of this region durinr tl-» taat dozen years. The view of your camp on ink.lir> :iver is full of feelinf% and the one ahowinfc the three canoes at hi^ tide is a f?em. ;^on?: th,^ others wMch iapress me particularly are the ior^? ;'0o 4, showing a canoe lar.dinr and floating ice with tjountains in the back?Tround (no lahal), and three other long ones marked in rip-ht hand ciomor GF!!-8-10, OM of which is mrked on the bacK ■ dr Cllacier, the other»i apparently 4 and 45. '>.e ^ifiw en "enai between 'Ipper i I ■ --^^ '-orsr 'akeD4fe'also -nost attractire. , ' ,,^ ■ .^-h^'^teture which h«. excited the fr^te^t ; interest here i« ^^ashln^on i, y^ 4O8. ehcrin. ^ of t«.iS front of ittibhord aiar*«r w-f+v +->, x^ . , , «^ -lac.arwalh t.'ie thres sncmcus^ raunka «^f J04 and snw on top. i i,.TrA fihr*r, +u * . - -f 4, ., , ^ -cMTj^fhown these to two members • 01 t^ ® logical ''urvev >.«+>. ^-p »- ^-,1^,, .^ ^■•^* ^^*. ^^ »".«» ^ve visited ^Iubb5.rd - -^'^^^ awt ... ., .ilb«rt.- iictb are ver-: j^oaMv P-y.v^4---i x tnare tT . "' * '"" *" ^^^^ ^« ^^^ Sot r; J '°: """ " '"°"' ^* -'^-^'^>- «- -oat like prints of. I h^vt taker +h* wv.«* ..X, ^ , . -'^* liberty to mark a mmber wiin a Tm. dieck ?nark is* +s* v««i, rjit^arally are your Bears, ^ *"' ^^^^" ^'^^^^ y^^^ t^ok the trouble to photof-raph those Indian dogs fr«n the ^tikine above xelegraph Creek, 'ost of the aboriginal Indian dc^. of thia countrv have bean lon«; extinct, and we have only vague dascrirtiona to indicate what they were lika. Authentic pictures of the kinds f omerly possessed by the different tribes would constitute a price- les^ ^-.ditim to knowledgSc /ai of the photographR aro returned to yoa by rejriBtered mall herewith %\ I * A * I li ^ ill: ill si ( :l H II! 'U ti £0S G, ?. Forton 8 Yc .m t» irt*«t* t.*H» that I !«.. J«* or fau- bie B^ kuw *y bi. « k«*i p«i— »• .a-on. p« *f «-«• li ■(l'» K^nal »'*■*»»«' Ih, threo <>th»r. T, atolStisMtSIMift. "» .uj«b old oalM. matcMite your .pl«i4U ' the K«nai% f M _ vr.«ei*u. ^y *5 trtiy you^t -V- '^ v; iC *1 •^ t; .o I.U<' .J '^j *,* .K'l ^i* r iP 6' . j^T ->% r*o ... 10 « ^ ^/!K- ^.^ r "^ A* i o-:p It Xh^' i!i I ♦4 »f' I « I -'#* I H F&Driar/ ZO, ?-913, ■i i f i ilii Var/rr^iy c'lanlcH for tla ccpiea of ^^^csne? fran ^v^tj La^.d. which waro doliv^rad la^t a^ening. I Bhall. ^nd.avor to piaca tbea ^rbera tlidy will ^e appreciated and at the saia ti'ie do good to --.he »,t U -/ AW W \ • Vary traly yours^ Vwj^-X,/'^' A -.. i ll'itional aegpruvhic occifttv. M ^j*^ M^^ ^ ,^ -V •- ., /v*. 1 -X- ^^^ •i-*«*^*o»- S"^/4K* \ -I: <2: 388 Fbbriary 20, 1913. Mr, P'rar'jis J.-a F'-ftftc'rie, f i i WashiiAgton, Do Co iM^ar 'Tio La F'^eacba! Very r.iany thank a for yoi^r latter of the 19th In^t^-xit, GiYiajT; t?^^ the acc^ount T vi^h^ cf the fight between a (xriz^lj tiod a Pima, witnessed "by year iVth^-r ^. lonr tire ago. I Ehall b»? (rary giad to ure this story In my book on the Big Bears, ri.arkinc yon for tlria trouble yci have takeoi ill ^fritii^r. it for .'U*.^, Very traly yc^^rs. i '1 1 i r s • i 8 I 11! ! ess fdbruary 20, 1913. Field i 8tr|«a. -x^.^ E6 EMi 21«V«5'^?S^i City. C9ar Sirs: In respone* to your lettar md bill for gubscription to Pi«ld & Strem fran AprU 1912 to DecoHibar 31, 1913, $2.52, 1 mailed yoix. on February 7, a check for this amotrafc. \xit hare not receitad either t.h9 receipted bill or coplw of tie m^a^ine. 1 shall be o-ciit.«d if you wUl send «• a receipted bill covering this subscription. 7ery truly yoxirs e \. *>».. * I' i \ k . » \ ■4. V. "5* M^ I •r ■i-- i '€ ■^ t % !l |i «■! ' - * 'I I ^- r ^ ■»?^ '*ari 'W February 24, 1913% 1 f! s Salem, orag^*^ ^^^ ^^'^* 4^ +v« first ran you spare me a copy of the first .^ .epcrt of the Pt.te For.ater of Oregon or^titled. ^e Forest, of Ora^cn^ If -o. I -ball greatly obliged. Yery tn'.iy your*. <» ./ r%. - V Vv>A.'^Cv.v,j 39 February 24, 1913. ■V Mi C. C* Laiiey, E8q« Superintendent of Partoa Rochester t Neir York. Dear Sir: Very many tbjuikB for your letters of Febpoary 17 and 19, and for your courtesy in sendiq{ me the excellent photograph of the Black Bear cabso In case I make use of it in my Bear book, I shall of courses credit it to ^Jie Rochester Herald, Albert Re Stone t photograqphero 7ery truly yourSf f-^^--^' ses \ February 24, 1913< V s I* i. Dr. Bo E. Fernw,^ ^ ^ ._ Dean. Paoalty of Foreewy, UniWeity of Toronto, Toronto, Caiiada. Dear Fenoir: Your letter of the 19tli ceme a day or t»o •go, ani I am obliged for wbafc you tell oe about th« uncertainty of the northern li»lt of the prairie region. I had M^ppoeed that the line warn pretty definitely fixed. Very meny thanks also for the eplendid lflng< map you were eo generous aa to send aoo This will be of great aesiatance in locating places, as I hare no decent awp of this part of Canada. Very truly yours. i^ >— • • Hr^^-- ■♦a. -S.-V-'^'J** •> 1 ^ V I ■I I -n \^ 4 / f X •p.' t w^d 394 Fobriary 2f>, u;? 1C1 A • ' c Geolo -ical Survey. Ottawa, Canada. i^ear ?ir: A nawBiaper clipTin?- 'nas bean sent -ne. statirc that you ^^^ve beer, -badly injured "by a Grizzly Baar. yor soT^^e -rears T Imve beerx ar^^aeed in a work on t'-iS Boars of North Aiasrica, w' ich is now nearly coiiFletod. T a,, venr -udi interested in the animl's '^.ajrits. r,articr:lFu-ly in authentic cases of attacks on man. You will -ardor, my presiCTption fiereforo in writ:",- tc ask if you are willir^?: to tell tue how you '/.ar-reriea to /'et caui;^t by Vnis '^sar. A detailed acco'.i:it will r^a e^reatly arprsciatod* ^rer-- '.ruly ycixrs^ \ I . Pebniary 25, 1913* ¥t J. Galla^^er, ^ ^,^ , . « Forest h Stream Publishing Co, New York City. Dear Sir: A few days ago, in response tc my repeated requests for a receipt for the $5.85, which I sent yc^: on Jaruary 15 for two subscriptions to Forest k Stream ard one to S-jinset for the current year, you sent me an imreceipted bill. This I returned on February 18, requesting that you kindly sigQ and ret'om, but up to the present time no receipt has beai received. Owing to this delay the item hai tc be emitted froa ray Januarj' account. I trust tVat you will be willing to send the receipt proniptly so tbAt I may have it in time to use as a voucher in ray Pebiuary account. Very tnxly yours. e. ^>voc>. '\ V 4 li i i 568 February 25, 1913- Vi MTc Samuel Henshaw, ! (NT Director, niseini Conspara r^f>, +n rat irni'T: the Bear sKuiiB i..t received/ I ce you an apology for teeping than so icnf bat the wheels revolve with exceedl^€ slowness in L. of the acvemment departments. Your skulls have only inrt cone back from the cleaner, and are now in the' hands of the photographer. Today is a dark cloudy day, BO he mav not be a^lo to finish t'nem. In the case of the cubs thrae riew« of the teeth, natural size, are made of each one; in the case of the adult skulls. seven vi^wa of each are made. Tour skulls, particularly the oldest male and the fully adult fernle. are of «uch value to scienca that it se^ » dreadf-ol thing to put them bade into the skins. This leads me to ask if you wo-ald peralt me to substitute 1633 73Juahle skulls of the same size (skull for skull) froa onti^eastem Alaska. If you are willing to accept this substitution. T should like to retain for the National Collection (to be labeled and catalof;ued in your nana) your 3( 397 f Frsderick Ka BurrJuun 2 adult female, the oldest laale, and one of the cribs^ and will be ready to express the specimens irrmediately on hearing from youo Trastin^ that voii will not look upon this request as presurnptuouSt 7ery trijly yours^ 8e£ r I 399 * I t \{ F«bm«rjr 27. I'l*- Br. j;. s. Ai*«a l^'"^* !!!rri?1prI*.:' Dear Sir: Pardon my delay in replying to yc^ last letter, and also in availir^ tnyself of your pemisBion to exchar^e skull- T «n eer^i^ you by expreae t«l.y. ^recaid, a slr^l of eeeentially the sarne .ize and pro^crtione as the QvU^lj you sent me from Jackeone Hole. The one I an eendirv' i« fro« southeast em AlaAa. and I ha^e had considerable diff icr.dty in finding one ^rich equalled yours In Isngth and narroimes«. most of the Alaska ^hAU l^eing much broader and nhorter. I trust the exchmv<;a will be satisfactory to you« If net, yoa Will of course let me knm^ Tour fonaula for preventing the teeth from crackii is I fear, me jvimpin.^ fr(» the fryii^ V^ ^^^ ^^® ^i^^* "T.ere is nothin.^ we dread more than daoride of limo in the Irmttnsnt of sk^ills. Ifhile it tnay lessen the «uh»aqu«nt crackintr of the teeth, it is hi^y destmctiTe to the skull itself -akolls 80 treated losing their natur^ ],ardne«8 and beginning a process of degeneration to which 0. E. Aiken 2 there seems to be no end. No, I nerer sew or heard of t on its tdeth. Thankir^gycJu for your courtei of the Baar skullt Very truly youret ^ u^.j^j- r1 'A f QQ^ M I il if ^ V ii 11 I' 11 : I, I Fdbruary 27, 1913. D»«- Sir: Inclosed we salary Touehere for the month of February for Helen Qrorer ($110). Rose 8. Stanebury ($100). and Bather Crawford ($70.71), and t»o bill* for books from H. A. O'Leary ($1.25 ♦ $4.20, amounting to $6.45). which I shall be obliged If you will pay from the Hwriman ^and. ay expeiwe account for February I will send in a little later after sane receipted billa coae in. Tery truly youre. I \ i i i ' I 0 1 h n '■■'' >- -4' 1 i I I 'f \\ ^ - 'hfro W. (-, Bancroft. Edi^or, FcraBt i Stream, ' I *M Not York City. D^ar Sir: So 6:iti aordinary and unbeli9?able a thing has ImFi ensii in -cm^ction with niy Bubscription to Poreflt eji± Strserp t^itt I <»j not bring myself to believe that yov offi ce sterida alone as aii exception to all rules of bu8i-i*s snd courttts^' in tha treatment of ite subscrib aro. Wii>'iinf ^0 rentjw :.y subscription to forest and atreac- ^if-i tnm'^i fcv t'l? cui-rent yeai'. I addressed «. letter t.- --n- ca.rDan«' on Jawaary 11 Isat^ asking the price lor t^^o ',o-pi98 of ?cr93t a-..d Stream and one of Sunset Ma(i»zine f?r the curr(=r;t year. In reply I re<;eived a letter, si.-afec- W. J« Gallagher, BusliiaeE Mana^^er, dated Jsr.uary 14, in- f Tr-ir^: -n?J rhat the price would be $5,85, The nesct day i.;fj-iu.'irv 15) I sent my cnunk for $5.85, and asked if yo'-a ^c^jid kindly *3epd ma a receipt* But no receipt cacie* rnerafure, on l?ebr^Jary 3 I wrote again, calling your att.xruc.^ tc r/re matter, and aaking if you would kindly forward ae the reeded receipt. No notice waa taken of this letter* Again onTebrtiar3r 12 I f^rote 'li- Gallagher a long letter, reciting the circimstances ri -/m case, and statinjr that m Research AsBOciata, Smir^b^^DMan Institution, I rerider a montliiy 402 \ i We a . Be 6cr of t , 3J i t - -• r ^i- ost & 8 1 r ea : 2 acco^mt, inc:,.dinguiil- '-..^ vouchers) for expe))ges incurred. These bills cover subecripticne to practically all of the periodical literatiure on huntin^^ arid popular natural history Issued in the United Btates. On prei'On-ation of these monthly accounts, properiy supported by reoeipoed bills, I am reimbursed for th^ expenses incurreilo This letter brou.-ht r ^rcnrf^t reply frcxr, Mr. Gallar.her, dated Fehr-oary 13, in which letter he acVxavled^^ed the receipt of the money, and stated that he ^&r inclobiiy^ p. receipt. But instead of a receipt, he inclosed an unreceipted bill. This I prornptiy returned, ast^in^rhfe te^ kindly receipt and rotum the bill, and I IncJ ostd an .-iddreffsed stonped envelope for the same, llo notic? ^]r;2r.dv-.r vas taken of try req\.^ct. end r)0 recaipt has as yet r-ax^hed -le. On Pobruar}^ 25 I wrote Mr. Gallsfh&r ac-'A-'--, aS'r.inf^; :'r \q vo-.;ld ct be willing tc send the receipt promptly po -hat 1 ^ni^^l* have it in time to use as a voucher in nr/ Febr-ar.^ aecc^rtc To this no reply was made, and I am still lacking the necessary receipt. This action is so ert-raord inary a::i unparalislod in all of my business dealings that I fQol it my dnty to hrars? it to your persoml attert.'m. Respectfully, r \%^V; >>W f I £0^ 1 1 1 i jQhT-.axj 28, lVio« n 1 >at5a Laurie prufub, . ,^^^„ Port. Ax^ioiea, Washington. T^ry uwiy VnarJca for your prcoiptneaa and .,a tasy in '-eplyin^; tc .or/ letter about tha Bear. I m. rlad to knw7 tv^t it w^ only a joke. During the laat thirty years T hav9 run do^m bujKiredB of ndropap^ir accovints cf alleged a-.tacks by Beare, Tolv«8, arid Mountain Lions, aad in na«rly every iiwtance have f oirtd them to be fakee. Very truly yours. ,1 !«!; m ■ i 404 February 28, 1915. . r %4 SI *l ■ ,*r«. A. O'Laary. 1483 PlatDiish Avsnue, Brooklyn, New York. Dear Sir: The excerpts which ycu sent me on Febn-ary 13 arrived dulyt and your bill for same, amounting to $4o20t together with tVie previous bill dat»d Pebru€ury 1 for |1,25, in all $5*45 , has been tran0Tiitt3d to the S^iithsonian Institution with my F«3briary account for payT.ant, and yon will doubtless receive check in a few dayB* The rof erencas tc aouroes and date of publicatim entar 3d in pencil on these ina^'^azina excerpts are in aiaUiV cases so illegible that I have been obll ed to send thoc to the Library of Congresa in order to get the rsf arenceg ^trairhtened out^ which is a fo-eat nuisance* If in futr^e you wo^old have the raf arances (place of publication and date) written a little mora distinctly, it wovild save a lot of trouble at this end of the line. Very truly yoiu-s. ot> 406 Mar ^ ^, l9io w-< t- ( Mr. ^^\ ■*f Ax X. T\ -Q L^ .^ ■ U *^ .'• i*j' ^f. - 11 \ X f ^ i-^ * .4'i.l.^. L^r-44 3:^ v ^-^><»«* r » i • ■• *'' Hca.-^.:-* • > VI '- J ■^ ^"M *" jr* T tt IbU.^ V . •- ' :j;-ii- icr< CiV«.' DatJ- ■> ^. * <> »'*. 1 -> «T»i. .1*: .Asr^ Oa^ta^OfCja y% -hi i'i ^ o iPC *r <^ \(A \'^:^.. ^^ ^ V* >• * PloaBe #t 1^:'' !•.* -rV ^^^ Tij 770.-: Bcol. •d t''^ f^ rt Sk rt'^e. w I- ^' iie ^ok. $2.50; O 4. 4V Oanro &:«& O-ir^inc f ! » ^- c'.v?r <;a.' - * « •» f r. H: iT" "H-." i '•'- -f ^... "6 r:- , X ■^^ -^ • ■* *• •w* V l«a> «£- C - r- Vo T. t - • «• *»/!.'^ ^-,y Iiirei? o; -r' U :ii v;»5rO^ i.v ■^ ■<> ♦• U OVjT • I ,r .'■ r' »'if>r .,<. * "» ■» la 2j t.^ ^-p* ^. "^ n met •^ '^r. fj*^* ■ :t C"! I \ -»- X ^C 1 : i X iL^ lJ^ ■: CiM • V *»■*. f t ar i *- i i'C ii • i.a i ^' V. . J V .ii.jL t '> ^Vif- r :H s n: ^c vi iaf^ ^ .1 ri^'l g: • ♦-.' /' lA c/'iad-'a /x— t^- «•« J a.}-? ti. ^ -i -• ».^ 1 tf .Ia"? *^» sr fit \lT-» ^ «^n » ?;,4fc V* T,r«,? » 1 ^» ^. 9 o- r I %- VV i % * V • J 1 f* .^a s.ii.^: C ^ V I, »1 •yo;**- i^un^ - ^ . %*'v ; V .'»♦.- •" ., .^ »^ f. ..-., :?:^ IM ir.V •-■-i /—, v •- ^ » 7 i. k %t W >—T -1 Wcrt^blfiKc A '^: .l,v>- ■» » T r. . ' J. *» .a.^ V J- Va rr^.^l'S^ Tfc ii X i^e-'-t t Lj^ «.«- . ^ I *r V » 'O JP. i I'ir^ i:t^uaeritB oi O'xr i ir 0 j:>970 ^;> »»• M 3 1 o.or •j 1 . * /• • »* ^ 4 - •* . . V lavlOx)*! 1 1 i I ■• ir a ' •% i » jr .-J« '■i V- .■\M, :ii^ Is: ,>'j: /curs Trosarvad e dXHJ.ire:? <. .-V- ^ 'UN v* .r "^ - \** Iv •-rf i ^ j^' * T 4- .^ r*4- -» -»i ;.'^ R ■ ^.-A £ . i V X s. rr:i^a:;e 41 •*'* l..-:ilc».i;.fJ:i .-^ .ica J.^ !i rj: 1 4 .»^ rB Vcv.i j T4 V 1 4 If f^ SJ> 1 * 1 ^ i. »< -le; 70'.) H^ ^ .'♦^r- v»'- •^r. ^i • ? .1 • ) ■' .'^.« ' ; I * )*jt ' ♦!■:-; ■ .•■ . • > ' .' \ :tvr 4U #;-> T^ t ■f? r. * ; C ^- V' T c ! : 'X.K \ . O •- .. •--*. 7 V- _• J - f^e drciiK? '^>; >4ji w e -J W ■-- S. :r^u^a' '< r-.trr Ci -r^r Ns, -v fXr^/"^- f l^Y. r>' -V !'!.-. ;4 V.' ■J ' K^ . • ^■f- M' X ' :- *•»• '•-y '< » fUi \.< ^ % ^ X "^-siiS^. h,"^^- «,- '-^v4^ ■■^l!*. V •^f ■ NJt~ , "*,. 20^ Retake of Preceding Frame ": I? \ 406 »• -.1 i-' - -'^^2-74 l££dincB Avarwe. Har icr< Cit^ March ?- ■l^i-''' <- ( l)3&r :UrJ . . .o:.y .^d'.J Th3 7.-. BOO. . ^^^^^ Carap ar-d Oamino ii- Lcw-r Calalorn.a .y ^^ ^' ^ • ^4- 1, :>-r of "'"-e voluee* or Do you sdil f?.r=^'*'**>' ^-^ ^ ■ ■ ^^,r»r-^ ■ L' trs 1905 edition I note iovr aav'^rv.L*'^- xaut't of t::3 'Jnr-f^ r^aL^^., or .. .be a..i . I A March 3, 1913* Mr. Fi Drar Zirt ^t'i Your?: of t'>^ 1.6 '. ii:istH>:^- at h^j^tL v^r/ li^aiiy 3lijp thsii ?,t on-u^ .«^ yci; rtrquaa^ to Dc Oo Bi:r:^Tit,j;i52 Tt it % fT-^ent t Ar^ for fi^i'jira studentB of cror ir th© HatloDul If-isaina Miliar ;> t,>^y mx; be dsra-iined at miy ti:^e, ^ir^^^^ tbe^r, in connection Tith iiio oths^r Bkullc; in ' » * c:^ o'll^.tivr, i=*Jirv€^ to .^nijhiifeisa the iiliiiracti^ra hy ^Mdi ihe SliVin^i iJrlj^^ay d^ffern frcfJi iln 'lei -i^or?^» It 1^ ^ociri to Ynm that yon ar'i T^Xarninc: aijot^ier rrlT. If yc;:; will let m^ kn-x after yea Ij^vs declA^^d. v^he^^ to gci, I iii^e ycu i^ !ne^K;rfijid\^ of the anJniAis^ we particularly neod* f Hh m^r:^ iherikc^ for voiir co irta^v^ v^ij'' or-:«-t.y ;-^'^^ ^^*Wj»i. , f4. ^ • •t P ♦^-', s..'^.--% "■v«*^.-«^ . 4. •?.^^# >-'. ,-■»< ->-^. % • H>. I t TOI^ 408 n II - < 1 , IN' m i fii I M Llardi 3, 1913 )ir. Wc I. AdsuxiB, :. AdaffiB, «^.-, ,.-.,. r,- Ins '.i 'cut ion, o o Dear- Mto Aa«^>««. ^ . • -. *58 69. nnd also tbe SMnios^on j.ju..j»^jv office s-oartin<3i!o f.o. r, '"-'-'t Ccc^e bill fcr rent of my o.iic . lor Afti'-'v -*"-■ ^ . ■ ; T «-h«-il be obl:j-'ed aerv-ice v-0 ct^, li 'vl l-^^^-^' if yo-. -ni ray frcsD the P^rri^ar) Pundo 7»ry trJy 70-atJi. t Msuroh 4, 1913. Mr J.R.Eddy, National Ht'tal, WaBh3np;bor, D.O, Deal Sir: Wlien you aiiu y..ur aeccx-. of Oheyeme Indians caine on from New York, Dr Goc. Bird Grinrell rroto me and asked ma to call. For tha first fexr days ihis was iiq;racti cable, owing to pressure of other natters. After Voat I tried to get you by phone at t?xa Raleigh, wid then called on ycu tnara twice, but ycu were not in. Tne last r,i;'ie T called, you had left. I got your ad- dress from the Indian Office and tried to roach you at the National. Have called twice and telephoned several times, all without success. ThiE jaornir^ I was there for nearly ar; hour but could not find you. If von will let me kncy when you will be in I sxiali be glad to call. Mrs Merria-r and I hone to have the pleasure of having yaa and the six Northarn Cheyennes -vith you fcr an evenir^ before ycu leave tlie City, a^in you all dine with ue ixJonnaily eome aveii- irig at 6 or 6.30? As I understand it froiu Dr Gri'.mell. ycur party consists of ycursdlf , Willis Rowla.-,d, Two-Moons, LitLie Wolf, Wocxian Leg, Benedict Shoulderblade, and Milton Wiits Mmi. *e want you all. Please let me krow when I ca-M vr-o you. My Louse phone number is North 7619; my office North 3260. Yon can get lut; uo one or the other of these most any tisa from 7,30 m -..o 10 PM. Very tnoly yourB, -^\ vvoun>*»oC f li' » Si I ii QOi> March '3. 1913. ThaiJcs for yciir ie.vj. .i ^^ ^ , 11 r^^^ aiojtks. for t'lree of tho six to BUOilulwte Owriar of^-^*^ ^ -• ^ . .r c^t^ rnA for Btndv suiue tuna af-^:o. l^, ^^.rafure retumin/c you by .Trres.. rrepai.. . - .,. -^rae c" -rbicr -^9 V>.e ^hrea f enisle ^^tfl you scr.t n= for St. ^-h»^; '•'■-» ■-■>'='• '-''^-'=' =""" ';*'*'^ -'-'^'' 3K.UL13 tor^ i>> -- - ^^^ — .- , - ^'.^ ^ ^ ^Yc- ji- ed ^ or Mr • &irruh &n • 8 ,, X • , T^ -c ^lLv>iiY loiter^> hiB sKull, but c U Sc. nO:'OV' foaal3 i^ exd^arigod for Mr.Burrhaa S old ...,^. l^ i. a;er Bkall. a. 7^. v;ili se.. with forehead ^ui n^rowar .....^.^ic arches, tu. taa .iu..l. (v^nch is tha only par. t^r, v;ai nhow in ^na uo^mted ^ead) la a cioee oEtch for i^he muzzla of his old f e-mle, Ko. 70£no raala ycoiiG, i^ excr^^ed for l£r. Bumham'a aiale pvb. F. ie ali^^J-iy Icrv^er. and the canino teath are ■:«>> ift- I I 410 La 0, Bryai't 2 ^aiuh ^')3tterj Isii'^ r-ior^ ^rown cut, ctuerwisa the skuila ai^e clo:-39iy alikeo Tr:B^ii:f; viat vheee will reach vou on'Utior a3"n anrr^er your i.urpoae, Tor^; tndy yours ^ in £'ood V. f \^ Ui' 412 I •■ ■ i ^^T± 5, 1913. afr, J 9 •.' i.birix*<:i^ I 1 1. ' 4 'tl (! ^s ! A or onto, rjsLi'iacia. Dear Mr^ Tl eniirr,'. Your Iftter of February ?.l erne auly, follswed by '.le 3:ia ^Ith it wili rs'.-ni i-., in acoordarce ffi+ii ••.H't.ior?-. ■■'■ :'it. •i^:-yu.. at (Vc.i*w&, alor^" wixJi the one '1^ -.O I 3-;l.l .aav6 frca tha Ottara M- b3'i- Profatscr Msicoun, in bia bock on Mar.itcba and the Great Nort-iTrest, i',;olis:T3d in ISeii, 3-.at3P cr. pac^ee 336-337 that a hi£; Grizzly Bear TJaa kiilet in the Haiid Kiile in 1877, ard onau his akuii "la liOff in the iiiuse-am cf Toronto University*. Laat 6^-; I -jrote U". ^hs -Jrdvei-sity oi Toronto about the mafyfcar. as'.d was ooia tnat no sucii ekuli is in their t'CBseseion, sjid th&v thsy kna»r rotldr,-. about- it. Do you Inappan to think of any wav by w dch thio saxjII adf^it be traced? With lija.iy thaiiks for yoiir kindness in tlie matter of the Bear skullf^- Very tiniJy voxvcn elk »4 » .** i 1 ' 1 \% J(r. Hcbart £ Blakf^^ nO OoiigraBG Street, Boerton^ i5la68achiiaH:,trS» My dear Mr. Bla/:.a' Your Jetber of tl.e "ihiri inB".i^:t ie at hand. It '.7ill rpv^ ^le much pleaanra to join i:i the nanina* taon of I>r. Char i as &. Mijctar for momharsi'dp in ^he Bocne and Crockett Clul. A.^ a natter :f fact^ the ^hol3 Mixier fadl/ c.jght to be meiiber^ of thii? club, act only bocaiBa cf tha sheet ii^- ':b.aY ha^e done, but alac a-'Ki mere ^ar^icalu.!':/; on auoorjit oi /a3 ^r^-at additions tc /ne icnoiriedce of oil^ iar.2;9 ^(^ arimd.8. especialij the bi^ Beara, that have res^vlted h'':m their generoeit/ aod co^ater.v^ You may oe int(3r3Btt»d to know that in reviewing rrn." work on the Bsara in the lii-ht cf tuuch additimai aateriai , tha var^cjo prcH«.^r)e. nonneoted with U;r3-,g k^ij ^^i^ HrsL^ ^^B^ v^Ts cleared aTxay aiia taa tact, became eTident^not- only that the two ^v^cim ara ctn^irtily distinct, hut that botii range over the entire iei:^th of the Alaska Peninsula. In '^ i^ linal r^xix^^ the skulls ot tiie Bears you killed arid ??hich you wero so i^s^^narous aa to present to our coll6c':.ion lm?e r.rcved of ver;'' great iralue. With i:i:-iUG:: yK^iyv'\^, ^ zn 414 Marcii 5, 1913. Uarch b, 1913, \i '!l S:rca "•''••it trjo^'ii' ■ . 5:.c;,a<, tluie BCD Wr.^.n .«nt ii« t^ha r .,,8 .of '^0 sia:i:u-. of fst^ala Gri^^^y Bears. Thicii he t)orrow.a frun 70... in crd.r to ma ar. orrort,.ni-.y + 0 Bh-Tdi' *Ve!'.. 'I^-^ra to. J nc ro--dor jaws, and the ^kulia 'and t.^oth r;sre broken. At tLo sa^na tin.e Gri^idy ak.;Il. fro.u yo.;r ra^jv.n .re ^0 s^iarc^ that I shc^dd lik3 t^o aecore --neco fcr the National Musaura, and if you are wiUii^^ to rarl ffith ^uou, ^lil offor you $10 each for vheii^ Yary truly yoxirs. ci- JV.—--- < V Tir% G^org;^ Richardson^ !v lindanes, yTv'?],!:^-, Sc'iie Mrrte %c Mr. iwxXx.'. "- ../"^ -. — 1 ■I f ■1 j t t 1 1 •■ I' i I \ 3t^ Dear 'n^r. "reb^rt iMortuiixteJy iraar.ure cf rca of 7ari-U8 ...v.r -^ H- -r.lo t 0 st^t on tV.i. ^.ork soon. ^ i «> ••■-' X."' ^ and W-.XA 1:-- . ^ ^^^^^^' "^ -,.1. ■»! _.*»-..>»^t-'^"' .-»-«» , , .-. 1?- ■1 J I, 41 G ff*. 'A- M^ch 5, 151 o 101-^ m f letter or Jai^a^'v- 2G. in which yc.i ollur io e.ive i»« ~ ' .- -Mi-'-fi -•-H.i'ifc of ^^a-^e lic'ad« wlricfe v-^r%r»i -i.- fr-sf.rt - '.'^ L'f£? tS.lue "^ii^iO ti£-Oo I 1"*^ T^ere rubi: f^i^^- ^* L^^T^a. ^. ^^^w o.^* -^ ..iliaid .ha i.ia-..r.a, «:u have ovJ, n... oe.r al-le to fiua u>6 rciteraac^--^ ^^^^^^ ^^ i. la. >. ^i ^^ -» ^ e^ Ouidcor "Lxt-^ of J . n^ i;-.^ (vs.?3 ■j^'i)'> ^ • I ac: obliged for -cu- c: 3rt,<;»y in -.yrii^UiS, '^. ^n 418 ■ *3° ■ ■ - ^W^ "-^^'fci i { !I-rch 5, 1913. MemorJi^J Build: tt^^ 1^' d:iar Sir: Your Ir^'^ of'y cb ojnv eoveral days ago. Ho, I d: not personally kno^^ a-'i-hirig. about the fo2t3il re^iaine of Cariboi' found in the Pleistocene of ■•Jm l.d (k^' .ar Forest '5. itii cartal^! non-fjcjnntific >«rrii^x:s .^aoDi io >-jiiav-^ ''a- o^e^^^ are orJy orit> or t^o B; -cieid of C^A^iiot Oil :!>• contrary ^ naturelistfj now in 312 a tad i^ th^ .:^iEe and chai^-i^ of ths antli^r^ ard taiCii, ucs. Lw ijoutiun 3k all cnarao'^erau In the ciiipiriT. miich ycu mcloead etresa aeeinis to be laid on certain ir;a^s or oiiientfl iada frcin the anijr,alB in t'le riQBlio Tww audi coxiXider^cs rrraet net be placed on such .iuaGux'd'ionta, bIdco it is rare for tiro nen to take th&T. in c,b.e sacie way, and since the position in which the STxim&l liah en the /round fliay raake a material difference i:. the maafliiremantso Such Djeauuroiients, unleee made by one eexacially trained auKi axpf^rienced in aeafl-uring large rawrrFoalfi in the flesh, ar^ only to be regai'^ded a3 rou^ 5' ProfeL^sor ?o F. Keiaay li approxirnaiL^ntu Oni''crt,:mateiy I a:: not in a popit.i'>n "oo co2ipiy V I'-h ycur roqu^et for a ntereoptican slide frcm the original palatographs of Vne Q^aeen Giia::-lotte Islsj^d Caribou .^apr ^KiuGeli hi Vbr. Sheldon* s recent book, to wnich yc\< raiaro If you ??iil glance at the plate in c.w-t>t.icujLt you %5.ii sea tv^-w il, is rasde up of prints frcm ir.ik different. pixOuOet;rajhfi made by me frotti apecimens in the Victoria Museuinc tLe ne^atiTes are ticm the property cf iha Uo 5*. Bioli^icai Survey, I do ^o^ knew of any way by wrdch it wciid be practicable to aryaiit.^ then in such Liaiiner ae to obi^ln in a single picture the ocmbination CI views ehwn in the plate published in Ur* Sheldon*s boaic. lery truly ynura^ ft T^ V Uarch 5, 1913. llr^ J. A. Wiiaon, Tbd Horthuiaberland, W«a>iinp;ton, D.r!. Dear Sir: Three of the headers in my office apartmaat (Ho.7«l The ^loryiunberland) are in need of attention. The long on* in my main office slopes too far forward, and should be propped lip by imehers or other amali pieces of aetal under the frcnt legiB. The one in the middle room leaks at the turn- off valve, and h« leaked at thB same point for a long time, disco! oi'lng iiie floor. The radiator in t-ha small room, occupied by ny clerks, is too small for the else ot the rocm. so that in cold weather it- is Uixiioilii to get the twaperature up to above 50°. This can probably be remedied by adding two or toTW sections to tha length of the radiator. I have dene this in ray own house with perfect suocesso I shall be obliged if you will kindly have this attended to. Tery truly yours. 02^ 1^ I t%! •'M March 6, 1913. 'i • ill! aditor. Oat^oor Iji^s., 18k OurtiB Street . D(3i-iT?r, Colorado. Dear Sir: In Outdoor Life for this montli is aii article «. Snorshoe Rabbits antltled. ?ar. with the Short Guna. (p«6« 241-:^43). This articla i. .isned Aiibley 1. Hainee. aid is accompanied by a phofcor;raph of a israat lot of rabbits, but I -fail to find aiiy iriiication of the locallLv, not even the s^ate, where the shooting tock pi'ace." If you will ki«ily infom ..a a. tc this. I shall be oblif'ed. Rosr act fully » y ^ 4. r."s 422 iCardT 8, 1913. Dr. W:;. ■?• ??^!t„, 9+va9t '^'^^ B»ric9le'.. California. Daar Br. Bade: ♦v^nii- of t,b9 piece of yeiiow IThat dc you thinlc oi ox» i^ 1 • «-!th flarim hsadlines a:Td eia^-.erated j o^^ial iSTT with uarins . . .r-« recenily Umed under t>i« title. WeBtem „-,.*. Tior.e a^ the neaoi an W^-ld Life Call, awi bear-.rc; :"-' ^ na.«.e a- . • fi,v..„n^te- 0^ the California President of tne Exu-J--^« • Look at t^^. ^^. u:.e^-^ 0^ ^^=- ...l- x-^G ' . .^n.w^- W-end: 'Sacred to the Ifenory .f ,t the top tr.e i ^lo.-^^ le.^ ^^ ^,^, v^.i^'ed &a::9 in 'Icrth America", -naer t,.i ^f mammals and birds ara, o. wa.c or maamaxs tu. ^ . . ifUft lower half i» -i,r rr^lr two ars axtinct. The lower xaw. . iree, i'J"^'' j ^ -.-f- .v-ii.-r ie extinct. ciftvoted to Caliiornia spcae.., . - . i. evidently interred as a saviDg -, .. , .^a^ft- .nt, "completely or nearly axtertain- clause, naasly tris s.a.a...^n-', ^ if ' ^ , , , , _ « Ti- r AS word cfflTlpletaly had oaen atodby civilizedm^i". H "''' ''''^*' ^^®7~^ '^A v« Bcuie show 01 truth m tne BXAvemanii. oiuittad, .uax^ would be BCMe enow X, the seco«i part iB inter^ded to cover ail tha specie. .entionad. it is utterly untrue ac far aB ^^^ ^'^^ rw L, -*.-, nr^riflflrnad - aiid theee two are 4« +VvA entire list wnicii one is jU»w*a* the only ones in the enT.ire x^ I fi |,, Dr- Wm.F.Bade 2 mantionir^ as extinct. The causec of their extincticai still remain a layBtery. They certainly were not extermin- ated by civilized man* 'Hie sensational headlines and exaggerated statecients in this document are nauseating. Is it not a pity that those interested in the conservation of our faium and flora seem utterly unable to tell the honesi; truth in a dignified manner? This sort of thing is sure to react against the causet for in the long r\m our people will not stand for hnnbuggery, even in the interest of a good cauBe. With host wishes^ Vary Iroly yours. 'A-^^j-w <^' rvj- tA»-%.<'«-'^— ^ 'o'-,. -"A J^- 0 .u -^^;— --• C^ A * f £25^ Uaxcih 8, 1913. t ! \\ i ^ Geologicfid Survey. Ott«ra, Canada. M'f dear Sir: . vary .w.y thanks for your pronptnaBS and . • -^^ nnr inouirv ftbout your unfortunax.© courteay in rallying to my inquiry »o j / ..n tha Grizzly Bear la«t Septonber, and also encounter witJi tne brizzxy no .i„ « on Black Ba« .-.*-.^«- ^^ *°1' ^^^ ** " f . „. ^art.i'niiarl-/ toe detailed account i-r«at interost to me, jartisuJ-ariy ;, ,0^ pereonal affair. There i. iust or,e point n«.ver oonoe™i,«*iou you sa, nooning, a,^ u-t i. A ^Ttant of vour injtxie*. eiid hem long you •.he nature ana ertent oi ji^ "■j »„.,* * ->,. «,«« riie i» of mooh interest, were laid up by reaBon of t,>» Ba.«e. IM^ « „.d I .hould be sl«i if yo" -'!'' "^'"='" "'*' ^ ' With best wisiies. and many thai^e. r i i i i « Tery trxly yours. Hr. Percy C. Madeira, North Aiaericaa Building. Riiladelphia, pL tfy dear Ifr. Madeira: ▼ary :aany t/yuiks for your la-.ter of the 4th instant, in regard to membership in the Wilderness Club. I accept *'ith pleasure honorary meciber«:up in the Wilderness Olub. and snaU be most happy to be present on the occafiion of your first dinner at the ^^uet Club, on March 19, at 7:30 o'clock. Anticipating much pleasure in meetir^ you and othare at that iia.e. a,xa nth beet ■,.iB:ie8 for the success of the Club, Varj- truly yours, \ '^ \{ ,\J^ y^'>^>.x. -r I fi' 1^ M ii' h I! M JSt^ Maroh 3. 1913- \i i ! I ^' ''^^^^s!^h'sL'idi*n«l<^. Ha^e, Thfiu'iks for your O^-aoeuo . . Ttalo^e 1 B vo.dd .a glad to have ycu saxri 9Pn 281. and 262, ai "1^®® ^-^ "^ V . ro^ to tae Biological Survey. addreBB. as abcva, not, t. .- I #1 Mardi 8, 1913. Denr Mr. Gibeons 7 r}' 'lany thanks for sandir^ me a voliiine cf hearinge before Iha Housd Coiimi^iiee on Agricrjiture^ It arrived this fnomi-x"t »*nd I a/' ret^ur .im it tc yoii '^.er6n:;it]::« I arj.reciato ycTir co-jrtesy in 8oT;din(^ itc » r yours <^ .r*.'-«.i'^. 428 Honorable Cliarlo? A. (jibaon, CoLimittae en Agrit'id'^^ure, Hou89 of jReprassntaLcvey, Waehirigtoii, D/1. ■n '^^» C2I^ !lia-ch 11, i'-*!^' Prcf^snor A. E. Verrill. New Haven, C onn. Dear ?rf f'sasor Verrill: What hac bacons of your Starfish proof? I, yonx latter of Tebraar/ 25 you said .hat you Tovld ret\irn it shortly* Very traly yoiirst .1 i. Ill 1 *i " I if ' ■'i^ 4 Jlarch 11, 1913. ^ Ifro Herbert Brc«ni| Dear Mr* Brcwii! Majiy thanlca for your letter of Febriary 26, with indosure fran Professor R. H. Forbes, concemii-^, the naTie Baboquirauri. It is mi^:hty convenient to have some one to call on for inf or. Jiit i on of this kindt and I am greatly oblifced for yoiir letter* Witii best wishes, Tory truly yours, «:*• e, '\- % f i, If re^ t ^ 11 f! Mar oh 11, 1^13 Mr. F. state Forester, Ssdara, Oregon. Dear Sir: Very ifiany tV.aiiJca for your coirteey in .eruiw :ne you.- First Amvaal Report, ar^ also the p^er ly George W. Peary on tbe Foreeta of Oregon, both of which have just come to bund. Very truly your a. .-A \v I ■ i It 1> 1 w \ 432 Xvch 11, 1913. I Mr* T. J. Rodd. 1331 P Straatt Waflliingtoii, D.O. Daar Sir: Your Id t tar of F^br^jary 27 cuiaa duly, but I riave bean too biey to take adrantaga of your offer to let me sea yoiu* (Jlacier Bear akin. I am so busy with the big Bears just now that I am not likely to readi the Glacier Bear until aome time in t.he future* We have a few Glacier Bear skins in the National Museira, Bxid Miss Alexander of California has sevural nore* Wrian I cone to t!:am, T sliould be ?«ry glad of the opportunity to see yo^i skint i-rovided ya: 1 have ita T^ianking you for wri'^int ^ae. Very truly yourst M % r » ( CO \ Ilardi 11. 151i- ( 434 March 11 » 1913. ^i I i (I; t I i ■| i i 1. < s f?!^ i4 i' I Dr. CMorfte Bird Grinnell, Hew Yo^'^ '''•■'^ • c< Lear Qri'-iol^* • _ „o>« ^. ^ ->, interesting evening wiUi Laot weak »d had an in«©r8BT>ii (^ .rmir- eld friends from che .oiib-i'' yoiir cAu .,,!*„« wv,Ub Ifen had gone Benodict Sh^ader Blade a..d ViUon White Man n . ^ old T-o Moons y^ eo bed a cold that xt was home, and old T«o M^ono ^.n+ for him ^0 leave his roon- But Llt.^xe '^ r m'al Wolt ar^ Willis Ro.W. ^^r^ wi.h Wooden Leg, Black won. «-" • J ^-v ,m and snent tba evenir^. *© T R. Iddv. dined with ufl anc 8i<«i , , .,«.i. J. K. HBuy. ^ fealin^that Little wjrd all deopxy *^ir „.^ t rscretted - J T^ ftr« var/ superior men. i reg* '»«'*' Wolf ard Wooden Leg are very «^t are a f ma lot oi sioti, •!»* ,^ «cK fin. SCI* »«»G *- ^^^ •.„,, of ^ trlb«. t«t th, condition, w... for oUaininr naterial. Ae e'-'er years. '■'? Pictoriai Nejws Co. TJgw York Cat--. D^ar Sirs: DuriT^ the recerrt gathering of Indiarts in new York you took a nuni)er of plioto§craphs of refpre- seniaiite dxlafs.. If among these yofu have the fSir/enne chiefs, Little Wolf, Woodan leg. and Tiro Moons, I shcvJd be glad to know at '-hat price yoa sail prints of the sama. Re»iectfullyt <. r* ' \ C* i-^^ c S<^ h March U, 1913. ll I \ Sditor, 8outh«rn Voxkman, Haofton, Tixf^nia. Dear 9ir: I atmll be obli isd if you will Bond m» a copy of the Southern ¥ortman for June 1912, if you still hare one. I incloae ten CMits in staaqpe in payment of Baoia* Tery truly yaur»t CiL \^--- " \ 1 I I «, » ! I'll DS^ 437 March 11, l^l-i March 11, 1913. 4 ! J ^ fy* I. 1 :■ ' Vir, Oharlae S. Sloans, . n^„_. Secretary, Geow^pjc Board, faBhington, D.n, Dear Mr. Sloan©: Siixe writing you I have heard from Herbert Browi. and Profeaaor R. H. Torbes. of Tucson. Arizona, reBpecting the word Baboquivari, which ym wrote me alout seme time ago. Both state that it is 01 Papa^o origin, and tlmt its proper spellirg is Very tnily yours, '■ — » '.V^; J ^ '\ J^-^,*"^, ,'^* I Cci. Henry 0. Rizer, , , , _ Chiai Clerk, Geological Survey, Wasiiington, D.n, Dear Sir: If practicable, I siiould be £;lad to obtain a copy of Schmeckebiar* E Consolidated Index to the publications of the several gcvemment survey's, mm also a coxy of the l&at editioi^ of the Alaska Dicta orary. Veri, troly yours. A ^ .\s^l,^-— iA'^ '-'• -•^^^-*" SSI^ M »^ft •'.4 *^ MlVo3J:i' ' Zocl 0*iiibri3'^^t ^ '- Imoj- ^•^:. £: 1... .. ^..n-^./T.r fro-i Fort '"-'^ ■• • . , . . -5 „, u ja-. He loM;a3 " ., , -.,.v..' n.,3. oil^r .v:3r c^ Qn.z.i63. alx r^rlbcti^^e t;-R -t.r 36311:.. vUB3, f '■ ^■■^■'l-' ^- -- Grizay Bears tror. a-.y par. o !-- - A, ..^ -. frraaUy appiBcint'i an^- irfor.; a . ion yr-. ,-"-. -•" -^- ^ _ Th3 imtorTal on o^^r oi^- '-•• -^^ ,,«;^l« tv«^. ir, 1. oeuallv varv dii^iaU. to gat togatne^' ?l .^ 'f^- '% "Mi ! .^• / y 439 Dutrai Ba^'^s 2 enoi:;^;: akri' Is of it - i. of •^ <■ -atriFirr -ow :-^ aaulL -lal-e v^era ara in colleotion?^ For V:^ar:i I have -"'e'^^' '•-^.•^'^»v- ^f^' '>h r^\ ^,^c^^ m. SF^-^-^s, iud .:^-aj r?3.u-: na? iuavifiad the dsioA^. Cor sir.aic b;u-j kept oonin^ in UJi^;iI tr.! c^-ill h-^ix.^^ ri3 y.>. cau wall r&fciicA;. In iii.iii. --b.-^- t'^a q-iastioii? are. partic--.J?.i-iv fv^,ii:JicavQd. oi^i.^.- >,o ■:■: lar-re iiu u^;r :. f:nr:e and r:jla.t ively tsn^ll ^-.U':Tn^r o/ up fjc i n -:? m? -av e,i i ^: I, e * Y ^; - c- o w .1 every ^■xnia w« /xny i^o-^v i'-^'^^ --^i '*~'^^^ ^^r: ^vill oe 4H ^i mWW ■.**s^.'^****< oi^^ March 14, 1913. '■•1 V ,1 J r* V < "« . fT'-ipinan, Ceola-ical ^i-irvQY. Ottawa, ■.anada. My dear ^ir: You have placed me under ^'^^reat oblif^ation by vov.r ccrteay and prcmptneas in replying to my letter of Inarch R. e«kinr ^'cr additional inforraation respecting, t>» nat/xre of t^ injuries you received fron the Grizzly Bear ii: qvaRtion. Yon have nm rriven me exactly what I want. V.-K1 I appreciate yo^ar covirteey in letting me have this naterial for m Bear book, which. posseBsing the authenticity of coniiK from you direct, is not open to question, and will Va i-«ad «ith keen interest hy sportsnjen. hunters, and -.aturrJiBl-.s in America and other lands, Wit;.i many tharJcs. and hest wishes, Yery truly yoars. lis 441 '.!Rrch ],4. IVVf, I Mr, Jamas B, Richardson, S^ind«nce^ Wyowino Dear Sir: I am p;lAd to taicfir that you are willing: to sell your two skulls for the amount offer ad you in my letter of the 5th instant, Tjamelyt $10 each* K check for this amount ('^20) will be sent you about the end of this month* ^ery truly yo^^urs^ 443 . I li U! :»arcb U, 19)3- Eothen, Wyorauig. Dear 5ir: Some tisM ago wiien you were kind enough to sand me yo^xr 'Jrizzly Bear rug with the e'Kull ineide. yen stated t.v^t you wo-old sell the eane for $100. I >a7« decided to take it at that price, and a check for tM« «mmt will -^e sent you direct fra» the Smitheoniar. Inatit ition abo^it the end of the present month. Trustinc that this will be satisfactory. "^ery t,raly yova'a, % >0 ^ 1. "'arch J4, Irli), 5lr« J". :I, Tl^nin^-, 267 Rtiehoina Koad, Toronto, Canada. Dear \!r. Flaning: Thanls for your letter of the lOth instant T a.1 nor a than delirhted to knor that you have 6iu <*9 'y ( ■« V*- ow another --rij^y 3aar skull, and that T a- lively to rave V-e privilage of exaninin- i*. in -^he near futiire. every little helpe. and I a-n tryir. hard to close up ray Tianuacript. :id you ioply in a previous lottar that there are skulls of Grizzlies in the Ottoim >.i)8eutn' You know I have ^.Wa one killed on the naska-'!^.ikon BounWy near the Arctic last Bunrmer by lambart. If t-^re are any' other lTi::zlv skulls from any part of "anada in existence. I shall certainly make an effort to eeo thorn* Thanks for the slips on books. T09 beck by ^auj Kane I hare alrewiy read with nyeat interest, ar^ hav-^ ::a}rwi out matter frcm it. The book by Boucard T have not seen. Thanks also for the reference to ??now»8 Forbidden nea^**, i will look this up. Tor- truly yours. % 1 2H [I If iii II Retake of Preceding Frame Maroib 14, 1913 Mr. Paul Kleinaidam, Eot,hen» WycmiiJg. Dear Sir: Sane tl-ae ago irhan you were kind enou^ to send me your ariztly Bear rag with the ekuU you etated thtt you would sell the eame for $100. T hAve decided to take it at that price, and a check for this amount will oe sent you direct from the Smitheoni InstitvitioT, about the end of the present month. Trusting that this will be satiafactory. 7ory truly yours. r*% ^ X J ^Jio^^w V..V V*'*-'^"** .♦ ■w. r~ 'i »•» - fV'? ^^-, \^ ^ «^ I.- r » I I I ri ^f. r.*- t^ : 443 l!ardi 14, 1913, ?fr. J. H. Tleniing, 267 Rusholme Road, Toronto, Canada. Dear Mr. Jlemii^: Thanks for your letter of the 10th instant. T am nwre than delighted to know that you hare dug up another Grij^ly Bear skull, and that T am likely to have the priTilage of anwining it in the' near future. How every litUe ^elps. and I am trying hard to dose up ay nianuscript. '■ 'I TM you imply in a prerious letter that there are skulls of ariizli«B in the Ottam Ifosetn? Tou know I hare the one killed on the Alaska-Yukon Bwailary near the Arctic last susmer by Larabart. If there are aWy' other Grizzly skulls from any part of Canada fn «ci8taoee, I shall certainly make an effort to see them. Thanks for the alipa on iMoks. The book by ?«al Kane I hare already read with srcftt Intareat. ani have takev out nattM' trm it. Tha book by Bouoaitl I hare not Men. Thanks also for the refertnee to Snow's Forbidden Seas. I will look this up. Vor,'' truly yours. «*% t.^ •» '%■€ .» .>f^^ Uarare '^itc m , n»iifamia ^- I 1 1 1 '^* % Joedib Jriimall 2 anthii8 laBrr- ?»hould be so closely connect ad with the OnlTsrelty, And T feel s^ire that you are the Iwrt one to bollflre that «aj^eration and Tidsstatemeint are likely in the r^m either to help a worthy eauaa, or redound to the credit of their aui4hor8* With > r^8t wishes 7ery truly yours. i rn Mardi 15, 1913. '^' ^cSth'sSAisfleW. MaBB, C4v* Dear ^^ir- . ^"he three booM oy ^^^'^wnt V ., T 1^-, oUi/red. A chwk for tha anooirt *«6-^=" . «♦ ,«„ bv the RmithBonian Institution about will be s*"^ y*'^ ^ the first of tho tnoTt>i. Ter* tr'.il7 yo^Jirs, 448 Mai^ 15, 1913. » s. Arthur 'i. Womrath. 72 ^^adiBon A venae. M »5 Dear Sir: TnankB lor t"^e three booke received t Bff.oxartin^ i^ $6.2b. You will receive a check for thia amoxmt ft-om the Smitluioriiar Inatitution about the first of the months liy inquiry with reapect to the Oentux^ Dictioiidry, wUaii i asked if you would deliver it at any part of whe United Sta;ee for the price iiamad (§>35jt waa not intended for thia city^ btit for mj aunmer home in California, aa J a3read3'' have a comjr)6t.e set here in WaBhinp^^on o 38peetfull3% 450 I r ii 4 m i I ii- < i III n ^di 15, 1913 ^' ^-^K^iele?; Montana. T)r. Hountciit ^^ ^^^ ^^ B«uiU in acknowladcinr ^^>^'« ' *. ^, ^o. 1 said that you wera ^.^f^ , .„,ad «it. y~ -^^ ^, cW«'-rUUc teeth -;<»r young «ri«'l'' i„«„ th.t „f -hicawe h»»» bo lo" r of UaMUib««»- ^^ ^^ ;i,uoT,»l noUect'on- w. «• -**" ^^^'" tt ^ kUled. but did n* give -• «-" '"•*' ,. ^Z tine., 'h'" •» '^-■^ C.rib« WIW? ,.„„ 4„ia. to »ic. «.otU.r Should yon »rd your ^^^ _^^ ^^ trip in U«k. durinp ,„ v^t. and l «>^i ^« t^ r.6i» to "^* y" *"!^„ ,, tv,, .peci«en. parti«a« Si- - ^- ^~ ' rCe " . corU. ^^ '' ""* neadad for out ffluee^sn. ^. Bpacimen8» ,e are alway S^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^ s ■SP 1 fi( ft'"- Hi liT, 15, 1913^ Dr. A. K. Ficher. Biological Survm^. Washinrrtbr, D,C. A i ' ear Tr. Fisher: Hoirell and Lair of Southern California are planning a trip to t^e CSiirlcahna Mts* for next month, and have writtm me for inforriaation iihich I do not pooMSB* They want to knoir nhethsr the eaat or west slope ia likely to pro?e moet productive, and wnether any particular canyons are to he recoraaanded as more worth ihite than other 8, They alao wish to know if there are any good imps of the re'-ion* You are the only imn here, so far a?. I know, who has actually worked in tliese mountains. If you will jcimily seud Tie a meiaorandtim of infortaation and suggaations, J shall be plad to trai^^wnt the name to them as coming froa you. Ae aver yours. ■ -» **.^ ra^ •'arch lf>. 1913. 452 iirci IE, 1913. i III ■ ill V (1 Tf4«^ PieaBB paHcn my delay in wi'i'nm yori aTriOut ViD :i: horn skiJLl md hoT^n ovar t-e -lartle in my liV-r^nn^ eoncerrdn^* w'^.v h von B.a:---.i for infer ation, '^A "t-or-^p no^ --^flPiireiEt i'oiias arovr;,-". ths baoe» and ■ i tLe one p-.t:!:'.:: lee«t \?.3ar at tip -eac-rea 41e inches ever f'v? c'jTve. This hsad rratf p^-rc'iasc-d 07 Dr, "■ , ':tejr»9£;er in acutHeastern. Kanichatkfu Trie exact data vera not att&cl-iod to the speci'iQ':. Tiie first tits T -rg-^t to th:5 I'vu^eum after you wore hara, T called at Tt. '^^ejuoeer'ts rc>>ii to ask If he hoi any aMitioim: details, b:it leaned. to v^-^ a-jrprise, that he liad just sailod for Turopa. Miller telle me however that he V-r±e tliat yor: saw ^tojr-.3-:er, RJid that he told you where the &"ieep ^ao killed. Wishing vo-; tV>i hest of s-jccesn on your con ten^jlated joiimw, and with kindset rsr>:ards to your father and brot^ierst t Director, lew .ork^^-'Clor. cal T>ar<, 0if orK yi.-^. o Dear Dr, Hor laday: T:i loc^inft ovar ^ny fU?« of t^e p-VIicaticnt^ cf t le 2:oolO'':icaj Nor.iaoV, « . - ^^ . -lu i * ■^ ' 1 ad ?^e lata da of t^- iJS«> CTjn 'M ^>0-?^ i'? ^-t tlilS t,6 I ^0':li ^^e •;:»'e^':ly o^l i;.3d^ a^id P'lall ^^ \er^ fdad Id pay for the ^cu^i-^. !l II \ \ I I i£3» "KToh IS, 1S13. ll I 1 11 w K] ll- a .X \ IITc a, "^c, <;«,.•? 0+1- of A-ia^icai Lidiani^. ' Waal'iin{rtc:', l^^ '-- Dear '^ir: Keferriru-; to ywir co-jonication of ?ebr.arv ?2-, with acccrnca^rylr... circidar.. which I h-av3 only today bad ti^ to raad. weld say that I en in heart.y i^atl^ with .>e .eneral oViectc of the Society, aIthow;h ^.'.era my be roan for dlfferer^cee cf oplMon as to the haat methods for „,^n-«Tii?' Ity' the andB in vi^. Yo^jr platfonu strikes ne aa in ths main Jios adrniralle. and I £un in hsaHy accord with ^sections 1. ^. 6, 7, and 8c I sae no objection tc your preposition for an Irdim Day to he ccnsoiidatad witli Discovery Pay on Octchor 12. although personally I ar. not ranch addicted -• 1 v,.nHa-nw Tne recopiiition of snch a day to these steciel hoiiciayB. x-'« I'jyvpj. •' .,+ >^« ,>f value if ^roperlv isresented hy teachers however •m'':iit be 01 vaxuo, i.i. jj^ r ^ - to c iloren in the schools. Tn -ryrr Sonera] Stataaar.t yo-a are not very d ,a to the aueB for associate :n«noerB, ho^-ever Vat Moe ^2 'a..tiuned for active .-mhers applies also to !l ^1 ^^3^ ft if i' ."% A. C. Par'r'er 2 f :i ^f y t^'le clasR. T '■.'C — aM ^ e^ada, iary of whom T nimlDer among my 'best frianiis^ 1 riava rr>t often >'ear) brn^.t^ht in contact wii/^ 7/38 an'^at ion laaiariB^ ^ T - -V * ^itr bt;et ^^d.^hsB for the s\2cce«8 ci vour cr^:ai)izations ^r".' trrjv vo^irs. I 1,1' I: %, 'cidi^ l'. c r'' ^; •^ r ar If ycu can supply the foliovriii:- vu I ::liaii be obl:;;od if you 'irill kindly a^^nd .iir of iHch. vri ^"i 1:111 for sajne. Respoctf^xlly, . ^N^;?\X.A>y^ 1892 1C9 o C 1906 J\ir-?8al Arb-'^ra'i-ion* Oase cf tha j/U iS92. fi:p. 30'^"39rr i^oror-s of tho L^iiri^ Sea Ca^iin;; ^cn) ]^:r-^aal Arbitration. Hase ox the Uor: tooiidix, "yi**"- (con-^aiidt,^- :catorial on •:..ocl€ of iteid" Ai.:i:on£!ix; Haarirrre bafora I.ouce Ccrt^^iiittee en .Vric':'lrare, in coimection ^ith thr? AproT-riauDon Bill, rab.V,K06* (b9'^h 3ov]^:* l:.t S^^g, ; 190? ]908 . 3. Bi ola:ical Hurrs-^^ ^ Pi>blishBd Oct. 39/10(r J., ' *"• ir r -Ci U, ^'« 3iclo--dcal Survay. Oir<:*i!lar 5^^ Published Mov. M, iQr\e. ; nenol-iaw: Blaeaiifigs tlmt come late 8xq none tY^e Ims welcome, 'fhe two Bear skiills (Moso 3510 aM 7943) arrived tiis momlrr, and will bo of nmch af^si stance, rarticalarly the adult from Telegraph rjraek* Tnis is the second adult male with .^^ood teeth which J have seen fran that r^ion, although I havr had a dozen fraales and younf of various a^eso Tliis skull therefore is a joy. Should the Alberta sbill happen to turn up, I acn i:i08t anxious to see it, as sbolls from the east side of the Rocky ilts. of Canada are almost as scarce as han^s taetl^ and the species appears to be undescribed. i will have seven photographs made of the adult skull aud teeth, and will t^»^en return the speclnianB to you. With -nany thank-^ for ycnir ^rouble in 8t3nding t'l^p, Tary truly yorursji «• Is. -'V '^■' ^^ \ . \ X I, fl i ' sai^ .*! nt%)Ci rs M t I I f 'i i^ ?■ ! o o o Cm ? r--' ^.-» o i-^ ■^CJ Oj 1 ~> • i' a! ^z^ d -♦ ^~ trs. t*^ o *r~4 >^ a 0. r O (--^ O o c O X n ens o r1 *. i o r ■ ■X' Q 'C5 S ^ -1 C -4^ •ri 05 •r- 1 4-^ •»^ o c ^1 'A/ f 1 00 » * o 1 •it -8 I r — o o ac 35 I i^ (D ? ■ p * a f 1: » '^ - -1 •r-J ft) b O H." ' >5 U 1,1 . o < 1 •n 0:1 I'- I c I/: a.: o a'. r " r-' m ^■1 r| r ' o ■J . f-H r- • •—■ -I - b a3 O •r-l T • ^<- ., •> 0 f ' •-r-l c "80 ;.,- *~ a> r U) > -T ^ •r-l 'r-t -4> :r. 1 ; r d 0 CQ 0 4"^ d rU P 0 ^Z kit I ■-'■ I '4 1 i .0 ; C V J.O f X V" X » y • Mr. A. ;A3rr3tt, Pc ptmastert Daar nir: Gp r.:\xa7, the 9tih instant, I car^i M a book ad-'. c;8B3;d to rio.u C-mH* A. Gi'tBo^i, ^ot^^rittae on Agriculture, Hcuss of IltiprosentativeSp to ^--a Graven r:03i office on U 3tr?et, be-^T/aen 14th and lf)th, for mail inr:* Findirfr; the office dosad afxl r^o mail '-^ox near oy, I dapo rutad. th-^ oock in the packagw box in fr^-^-t of t'-e ovT^. 8" ore at tha corner of U and IT-tho A Sattsr from ^^r« CMhson, del/cc y-?s'^irday (^'-f^ 17th i^«'^ar^-) , i-alls rj.3 t'mt t'^s -cok '*af^ .*:ct reec'iad ni^. ¥ill you ki^xll'^ nial'e an effort to ha\/e it traced and delivered tu ^fr. Gibeon'? Fteepectfidlv, « ♦■ i w r •' la 4*'« I I it i « t ft' r ■ !■ ,1 031^ 1 March £1. I'^i^ Jtj dear Mr. ?o*.t«r: It ^ & S*"''**- priTil5,-e to -^ve the opportunity of exKTiiTiirr. yo^ir Kemi Bear ?»ltln8, particvdarly «« I^ had r.ever before eeen akine sf bot^ Brecips. Arxl I irieh tc t^AiJcycu oiost eameetl? ^or year r:«ieroeity In preset*- ir;p ^air ekuUe to ovir natiorid Colloctica. ftit I ^ "«"*• cniie cl^ar ae to ju.t Thicn onee of the f or:r e'^alli in roeBtion -ere so presented. Pei^iays I car defcriba them Jo t'nat 70.1 wUl'be aUe to idettt-ify tnac and let 3.e kn«r. ' i. Old nals Kanai Bear, dartset in .^oui«l color. -. — v,^ «^-'. It"* *.i»^e Tro*?cinp the 'Bilrer-tip* effect.' Clare >:laeki8h -itn exte-isive t^hi^e :3arkia^ on top and sldee. October 1912. 2. T^io 3* ^«' ol-'J ^^^* ^«^*^ *''"'• ^^'^ *^*^ *°*^' xnd ^Ith d^K.r cl^ 0-.A leas of tho 'silrei-tip' m^^^^' Octobirr 1912. 3. Ad U f*^,ld Xaral B'^ar, colored tk*i like He. 1. axcert that */>3 '^•Iwe are darltor. Date m*no»n to -w. 4. K^ Iriz-'ly ^ith t.hd lorr; 7cllfl» clisni.lfcy W12. If -c'! -siil kiixilv let -e kncm wrlcu fSoxlle we can .t-,,v r rUl rave ^ -=»' lar.ijC'lu-dly free frciB ior^mlity and atiffnas:;, • * • And frcci t'« kirJ of nt^ ycit ha^'3 lir:ra;;M Intc tlie club, tha outlook for t^;e ftjttira i^ iic;-! \ - \j:uiiua3 in tnkl^ ' *^a ytj to v'T'X h: isa a^x: lat#fcin^ ne aea yc r kj% -v a^tii^fc^ I^, -fHH H .liii". treat, a'd o-:^ I .'all - r ^.j i.-. » V > -; w 4 * W V ^Iv -.f ?-> V %* » A •i^x> .::^ -c^v V i ■ A» ■ ' ♦,--•■ . . : ,^**-' N^ # V.» ' 3 ^ '1 •'viiC r t v-fc. -* t i# . ••^ sei^ I ''^« 463 . ^ ^1 f i\ il i I it i . I !' ^n t 5 .■^ -* f Uaroh 21. 1913. 1 - %. '. lir. Percy C, Madeira, _.,,,. Hortr. iraarioto Builuinr, P.xil«lelplai». ra Dear Mr. Mad«iT»: . . • 051 r.>V..ri.l;iei ii»^-»9 1«»»- «''iiiirf;, 1 found your ki^ let-er of ...a IBth ir^taint. foixi^-ied fro.. .:» S.nit:h80i;ia.n Ir.ati ...tion, inviti.rv-^ -rie to ^tc-p lit th» Ra^uat Club. Mail to nn. a. ^.e 8::ithsoni«n is alway? a ^1 or tsro lata in T^9XifiT.Ct9, Yt^u will nM^rswa.^ therefore wl^ I ~» «o s'arprlsed when yc^ ^et rr« and »o kindly yUofcid oa to the Ci Hu ' • rna iiinier ^ cartairJy tixe^a*a.t poB*ill« suoaaw. a.^ vo. desTve tue caz^ratuiatio-.m of all tht .^.i^ers on t.a c^i^torly way in irb.ich t-aa affair r^ plamiad a)d carritMl out. *M c« the outlook f cr v^ fut.^e. You have euceaadetl in brinKite t>w.-thir th* j x^:;4' '* >-i*5 to* haadi? a- a horns waa a rsvalatiou PwcT C. Uadiira 2 to Jie, ajid v-our *ill iTi vm^;iv^: •«:-« eicitoa .ly aifciiration. fo iaavo •eon eucli oollaotioiB as ^oura if and filacn Po'wUr»« on t^iO Mku^ trip was a jrreat joy, and cn« io cd lo'v* r«n«CT!"ii» red. Tary tr^ly jrire. * , '. «# •'> i^i i> T ■^ r ^^ 4* " H, iw" to i V % •>. it \ *3li 465 • \ 1 i , r M 1% MfciTf^i 21, i9l3* •' • ^'4 X rr' ^ 'i Bear Mr. Hai^ot\: -on '"Ave beoa ^ood arwu^i to 8c;-:d ae= TaoM of nort'-.crti Wrf«r Oallfarnit I will 'I'^s lo Helsei a-i >v> r^Virr irco Oaha., whicli is likaly to 1)« in ». da/ cr tvo. I U^c-s i:e 7. ill 1.4 ^lad to "uiva t *i. Tv riis iiij^y U-Td cf 70U tc have Vie dc." catdiin-^-6al-r>er ticVirae p-iv^ad, &33d I ticVxr-je of Indiai-^a. I *i' »!«* i>-'^^^ ^c 'mve SJio pi«ior«im illastrati ;•- a typs of nv-/. «* -■o-itain pl.*-a«v r\--^cr.w9 dc r.c: oftar. i^aa* , : I 8l: urich ir.-dr30t3d ir. , ,-.; i.9ti m al:or>t -n :r YaJatat I.silaii?. ^'■■"^ -xofirrad .ijoh cv dried oalnon a-r. S9a3 cU ta whi^9'«n*e feed. Ill ir all, yo'O- r- let .ire* \r- a :X.rt ir.tsroEtin^, lot, a-d an iirxoi-^-fz*. addatj-". tc liry' ocll^Mcn. I f.a»^ vcu i20b^ h.o^tilv for '-r.*::. rish*^, ill wbioli ■<■- f s Mtirca £1, 1V13. s Br. ?rari ^tai- 1 « \ *« r • V Ad I *,ftle;'io jd yc'.j, Mr. filean Potttr, liC Snn:^ 1/^- S^r*,o^, P.i--.a?€h.: .a, bar a cu^ pie ot Tai-^i '^lat he w.:ndJ T)^ rl^iae^d to pr«#:4 to *h^ Kali rami % 1 -v'.iJ&t aiis ^ia^e proved ac dsctr^m^i to d^ickefia &:id oat a la hfft reivi-^^^^ood lui.! ua -^js bie:^ oblii.;ad to c iain ^>*af -0 c^ oisratcti*:^ c'^ndit:ori cf Waa\ln;,wcn B« 1.C eatft, I vx-to surydit -Ja.:- in oaoe you Becmo ^ le < - " - *" . • • r — • ■ . m » • • . < -^ .-* . • a irot*a '"t . anJib if /^i ill s^at^i Tiiig^a In x^,^ qV ]; for a .*• » Im rime ^v% -^»el*. r*- .k ■< i . •'■ Vi""-*'* ^^a^r rieht!!. V .Y :r Jv vc'. » « .^^ \ V 38^ Hart, i*, 1915. I 1J . 'i . '■V N j'l- i Mr- H ^- 5 (?:mirart R^e%«jreh own. , -■#■-♦ ■ . - -' • ■ .-i Dear G*inn0tt: ^ ^ ,- •. '^' • *" ' Ctrndtt^, called f^r T^irBday, Mart?^ SO (latt r/anirc). ''«« •ddret3«d to : ? at 1919" (J Streat, vdr' TTic'i r*^r«t. ab I a'-^o-ald >«t3 bawi rlad to b« '"V /?: A abore hM l)8«r «r t.-r^ !or ?ry naie la the 8oci8ty*8 addrsif book, I ^5 all ba o' ll^td if ^^x ^Al kindly It correc^ad* , . . . r * M t • 0 ; i I 467 # ^ I A. Ifarch 21 » 1913. t * t ^f- '*'il« hr^tcr, »«»? Test ^aolc-ri^^ i**" . ' . • - •- wad aeo vbt -30-04. con -? V^-*" ^^^^^ ^^*^ ^""^^ ': ne«xi?d to ccrxl'^*.'. i-/ fit, for *Ii cC r«loii.^l'i«^« _ acc^i.t j!y «iiic#^© ^ am©. ^ , i /t*- It. ▼»« ri,eftatt.t i-0 Ti*3t :-'3v.:iitt»ii^, eJitl ><> "^ve hcr« tt call Cii i,.u,fci, yp-jf.oXric-s'^^'Ks^ -iaie naat xont.;- a. tf^^ -♦^ ^# *^-i » /f I 4 !1 ,1 lUiif V^ \ u 83^ Mardh a, 1913. r 1720 ipMOt.Strfet .o; fh«n V0 ai»t at\^ WiliSirnMft Olvb DtoMr wo^Ud ••Bdnt^tt •«eoant''of ydiir ^iiipj!|F^««i«fcst«r ,.«„.(lrliUy Bmt in iMitiii 4 f •» yww^^ 1 «B most KOcLooB to 'cMaln'^l^ JMrCvua'fiatr f or tuM in IV irof^'«n ta* % Biiw, wd «h«fl''W under otiu cbli'^tioa if rott will at your oat»»«lti»t gift m an accOia;t of ^# lif fair* "f '• 3 Sv -^i ,i,u«. .'* *• -^ f?:. Tery truly younit * ■ f# t < .1 I li I COl^ r n 470 ill f II I I i * Jaarcn 21, 1915. k '.J 'iT Mr. Nb-^ York Oi-:'. De -t i->^^>r» ici Affsred in But 'cort of ^ha candidal of Br. Walter K. Fi^^or. cf Stanford University. f.. a tra.'.lin.^ faUo..hir t:^ciar tli. Ka-m Fo.uda;t.xon. I Kave 'Knox^n Wal^3r Fisher aver sir.ce he ^aa a ^roaU ::o^r, and '.a.e f cli:>T.e.d iiiB dev.l:p 'en. and varices activities , . X ,,,,,' rn4--pr«rti'->-. On eevaral occaBiona I enployed hirr^. a^ a -xel-i a^i-mv/.t n. „.olu.i>.ai a..a \. ?->. -^^A n 3 B-.w'.^-io^'.'- S^juvev. Rs is an 3XCollor.t 1 -- .' .4^-.ri ' '''F "->' vicla'^u He \7as for ocno P^Kuf^c Coa.t. of other ^crk '^x'cad hini to rosi,:n Va. ^ .di'-^r^ ^.. -.^ich to the rsgret of ti^a crsanizatic,^ urder wi.oao Mora rocartlj n^b ..e(.-. ii--^i .P t^B li.e of .nari.. in.ertehrat... and t-e S.ith.oaian InsUtu. tion ha. pvaiiched fr^n hi. pan a large quarto voLxae en Star- firh83. He has thus a,aply de.ion.tratai oi^ ability tc earn- c... ladapandaat research Tork of a very hi^^i e;rade. Dr. Fishar is r.r, a iiarrow workor iii Bcionce. He I '4' V. >■ I i •#,* ) Tra-i"' D* Fa?.keri''*^al parsoh-ally *^:e 13 a qui'=^t iiiiasi^^ -• l-ei ''^^^ ^""'^ ^ dic.r -^v. coiiiceiiUc^i. He is in s^or^ ^a; o ip,lii:3'h -to rrcfit p\-' >• ^ ^iJ T .T 4<* w' /V •;cT ■^--»..„,**i— *^'-' ^T^ 472 ^ liaxcli 21, 1^'13* -T J i D -.- fal'.sr K. Fi-'^")!*, •PI,.. -iT't. B->: 373. Palo AV.o, C-olifor-aa, D-ar Valuer: ■ +. PrUadelpMa ".RT.^r-ia- afternoon, I. .o'.^r.d ^otJr la^ '",.-• '.^ e.tioa. In with yunr «u,:i,;«8v..oru x hav. .r-, fc. Tra... D. Fa=.o..tia. Secretary. Kar.n ,o-.«..icn. in y.-x behalf, and ...s. ■^■■-;/-;;"J^_ successful m oot^axui.i^ , , , . t - ^ . w^-^ l.ack frcna Sinith College for the s^ri>ig ^4^ , q-oA ras lookiivj; well^ » .Je on the ..enaral sn'-ect of animate t.a,^s. -t „,,,,„ .. ,;to t^-e recently issued and ratter .idely '■■'-"'' . . .„,,„ io-.r.ali.... eaoitled Weetem Wild>i.ea , ^ j., creased by the .aom-snt T^-r« r^ll I hoT:e rou nave ceer a..j, ^ ., t,rs Hall. 1 . heaiaines and or np^.rnVi on t^^e title oa^se. and h -'-^ ^^.:u\ <.+.a^.9'ner^'^3 inside, wliav; a pxT,y ^x«v cause shonlo u9 jeoidXa..« . Vitli ^ 6Bt wishes^ 7arv orixLy yoiirst 4 4 i 1 t i t t fc s ^ I March 21, 1913. CliarloB Scribnar's Sons, ; 153 Fifth Avenue. !Iew York City. Dear Sirej 7 Pleaso accept my sincere thajilcfl for '-oior covirtieey in seiidine; me a set of sheetrs of Ur. Sheldon^ s book, Tlie Wildur- nesB of the llorth Pacithc Coast Islands » with the appendices ccn':ainirg two of my articles. m* Very truly yoiirs. £Tfr V HI llarcb 21, 1913. yi i ^ Editorial Office. Hdv Tori Cit . oAdrdw^^^ ^ <^««i4r^ an axtraet fraa the ..oond l.tUr *.in.«.^ J'*" " » '''"'S* » I oov«- of 'Ihe <.«« l«r.«'«r- for the *.s» of i/iie ;rcn« cover «* October 1910. ^^ f«r Vtim D.. H„ri« lir«,t. ». to ln^l« !«' "^ ..h^hor f.«. m*^. (tpra 1909 . ^^^^^^ a,ri Oetob* mo of •<>,« BroeOor - •*" ^ ir ,0. Vi-dlv .all . ecu of ..oh to W. off ic. « d,si-™t«. Wo». -n'. MU for tHo «». Vary tr^Ay y^^^^^^f Care of Dr. C. Hart. Merria' - ^T'Ol Tlie Korta^bsrland, ^ rt fi i' ^.^ 1; ^j^pp»- ^T|v 475 I. "h \ . 5! 1 » M \r 'K March 2£, 1913* Mr. J» Ho PI anil.. '.<•", .: . Tci ontO| Ha iHiu-** • ^1 Dear Mr. Plendiv -J* Tie ttinatura Qr pkull, T.uca you ha»a ,;:.;fl-.. car.t. in frtsn Ft;. M&elecd, arrivaa -v.da ntorniiK, tad is 01' .each inoeraat. T.-e te^h, go far as Vaay f.Q, &re ir, aJuiCPt par^'ect cordvAon, and I ai.. havir.? Sumi. p'aotofjaiuied i.cda.y. So incite c.f i.3 d6i'tic-tiv3 co::dit,ion, tha sk^H arpeaTB oC .•■-i.-.c). irit&i'nst, arid I i/iajuc you again for ih\ trcuMa yoi; havo rRj< helpir*,; ud OJit, iriiiii laatarialw I arc obl%© 53 a(_:c al'out tJio Bears ii taa collectiou frcn; tha Toitia Hora.^ ree-ion, a:od aaid th&i g,oaje ti.ue Wc**-lJkaJy to alapee lefoi-e 'id "O'Jd l:.a alia' to a^^^i than. I,will writ© him iv.ain for the akr.ils; the skins are of much leae'tiiportwjcd, ¥ian raturrJr^- the Ottawa Museum s-calles, I -^iil put both of yC'.iTs in the 3a-r;s box, With revered cioarika, Viirv- trvily yo-ira, C.- r'- »■■• • 1 ' • -■ ^ 4 March EE, 1913. Mr, J. A* ^- ' f -,.- v-u..ftrlfcLrd ioartnent. f I Boar Sir: - I a.i hcrriii^ to laarn that ti^e apartoldnta in tve Nortixu:nlerla.xd are .asUy ar.terM ^oy removing th9 hir^a holts of ^ha outer duors. a^uithat my apai-traent ba« bosn ao aatared within ^ae past day or two. On learnire of this. I bave exminad fae closet door in ary collection of Xndiar. hasksts i« icept, f ird to ny armament .hat it ^y be entered in the ea^e ^y. r.ot.ithsta.^iin.:i tiie fact tnat I bad an expersive rotary lock pUcsd on tho door when I first came i^re. 8^ liav^ ali^ays f^lt that coir^date aecrarity waB aflcrdsd thdreby. • ...••■ • I sbfill be.sre&Uy cbiitsaa if you will kindly 'n^ve tha bingsa dwi^cad at yo-or ^iiast- pcseibls oou'-'enience. ,~>^l^i:^^ '-h« present ones l)y,hinC-9» ^'^^ich cannot be oponad 1 • , Very trul} yc-iirs. •f ^,r... ^^-^ T>c;. Many vianks for c^.togi«g.^h6 radiator in o-ie oi jr rootas. t:-c new cae, I haliave, is la.'i.t enough to neat -uQ ro^.u satasfactcnlyo i .1 1 , , I-.. ■ Uaroh 25, X915« j! j*j ' Dr. Jonathan DjrlLiit, Jr. ,«.+,»., American Musdum of MatTiral History, Kefv York City. Doar Dr. Dwigjit: Caii you aand me a oopy of thd Xaat Uftfiet Edition of the Chaok List. 1910, in papw cowr or ahe'3ts? If 80, pleaaa aend sw» vitb. bill. 7sry truly youra, '4-, >;-» 4« . ••'■ I 11 \ \ w rvj^ 473 5», Vbsdi 26, 1913. March 26, 1913. Sii I I D i. • -3 Bird Grinnell. 256 East i-tn Str^.-t New Ycric Cit--. Dsar Grinnellt In 7C'ir Yallcvstc :e Repcrt, 1876, you .aanticnad aeairx: Q^izay Bears from tie deck of yo'.ir r.tea-ier on vie MiBror.ri, Can you r.ive me the locality? I iri'or -hat i'. was on the plains, so that the species wo^dd he the Plains Griszly, not the Rocky Mt. Srizsly, Do you happeri to '-enow the address of Rev. V. S. Rainsford? J5'-^l you ccne on to t'le Boone aad Crockett dinner on April 19? I hope 'so. Kb ever yours, )•- -,r>. S 1 ■• i ^i . ? f Dr. J, W'.'lie Aviderson, Denver, Cclorado Dear Sir T-i rijadin'" yo"r interegt-in-: article on Huntim Ursus (r/&e on Unl-^ (Outdoor Life, Deco hnr 1909). it occxirs to ?«e posably vc\^ ni,;:;t have a skull of one of these Uniir^ak Beai's. If so, I sho-li he r-^atly ohli^ed if yon wciild ki-; • . A.r /^4> *-^A A^r.rric^n Bears, which Trork, I aa happy ^c ^a-r, is n^ arpr^^a/A:i C co-iplation. Of ^ha lirr^o^ and Grizzly Boars I ^lave horrcwed ekuUs frmi all .^^e leadinr^ A lerican :msei.n.. a^d frotn nurnero^is ^^ ^.^n^/»^nrR I^ the case of most of STcrts^aen pj i private coliecuorso x... -»^ v-^* the ereclas and s-V^r^cies t-er^ -A.e t- . ^^ ^nc^f^ to .e'tM^ the c-araaherB of t^.: va:'lo^^s fonas, Init thde is '^ct inie of all. Of some of the species th^ material ia inadeq:tate. and I l^ve not yet been able to find adYit skulls. partLcdarly akuUs of males. I ■ been lnfor:i^ Vnt you ha^a a larfte collector, of trop'iie« of M^: -a-e. in eluding skull? of bir- Boare, Will yoM he ki>.a eno.^-h to ri^re ..e a list of t]ie , . • ^ „ ^^,n-,.v, -r,Mi h wcdd H. Tilling to loan sud. ereci-nerj! for a short time. 1 I » I m t I Max C. ?leiR'^hia^ If you are ever in thdr part of the cc^jntr;, I nhc^d he -lad to 9hm you otir splendid collection of Boars, and also anj- other naiar-uls from A; lerica ^hich vou nirht oai'e to sod. Very irvLj yrrs^ '& I Sf' 482 March 26, 1913. 1 „ «* f Mardi 26. 1913. Mr3, Geoo W. Eichardaon, Sundance , wyomi?'vi;. Thanks for yowc letter of the IVth instant. I a^i rlad to know tlnat you accept my offer of $20 for -oior fsKiale Grizzly Bsar skull, A check for the anount will be sent yon from tVia Smithsonian Insiituticai abOUt the first ci April. Most of iny publications on animals are technical^ arii wo-Jd be of little interest to you* Still I will look ever, arid v/ili send you sach a^ rai^it prove of service^ Tory truly yours ^ thei'i •»-?« ^ ■^- • • V % *' ». ■J I ■ I 'M T,^.Jce for joor latter of the 19th instant. I ,„^1 be ,-lad to receive fro. you a^' sk-olU of Ori.zly Beare that you are a.le to proc..,. for which you can ,™l, ..-..tworthy infor,«tlon as to the I'^allty .here .Hey «re Mtlei. Te .articaerly need «iuH mle.. t^o.r,h we ^0 slad to ,et GrU.lie. of all a«ea a,^>C-*^^ \5vJ.^..CV^^^ .^^^ %. j \ >> I ■' PI .^>-f. ,^'',. '^ -.v^-* -•V 4 ■■%-■' '^-^-'•.■' V^^ir-' i \ 111 t r i ^4\ I W'i i\ 1 n t, * I l\ it ^ f £81^ March 27, 1913. iff ( ^"^i i it; IBB ' * *f Ltf^l rjovernnefib Prinwing {iiic®* Washii^on, v».-> Cear Sir: '. ^ ^ Ha.lyL^ to ycu- letter of the 2l8t instant, reepectir^ certain vcl.r.a« of the ^u-Saal Arbitration Pe.-ort8/l shall oe oUiged if you will send me Yols. 2 and 3 of the sa.^, «uovmtins tc $1.70. wbidi «nonnt is inclosed harewith. Refipectf'illy, <5,.\V '*-'■ "^-^ ■"' V '■'''' ^■■'' *"'"'" "*^*^*^' n; M • I I M I' A vi 0 f*^ • i ^^. I >"' I 't 9% i ^8*> 485 ft I ill \ ^^arc}^ 29, 1913- I'aior "\ ^v^stin ^adsTorth ' >, : ,sv. 'V a 1 ^ s t i c "^adswcrth , efw lork. enasao, jear fai:T '^adsworth: obert ?. Blake and Dr. Williar/i T.ord ^aiVa, '^'~■c•zo^, ir^'crr ")< e that several of the '^ixter brot^iers, r.Irc'^cr-t.on, 'lave he3n noninated for -ie:f:or8hir in the Tkvinr. kricvTO the ''ixter f airily for some yaars. and •■avx-.r; r.5V)iv3d fro^n th«n many oourteBiea in the way of .v-ci,-.;- 13 Jird inforriation, parti cjdarly in the big B?ar n iS, f take xlaaswe in writing the Ivxec^tive Coramittse ir th«.vr bahalf. i.epardir/: the kinds cf big game killed, and their ;.,i.:iyi'j hxEitix ^-xjediticnB in Alas^ka c:d ivrAi^a 'lc^.lu.^ia, ■::.!,: doubtls33 have already received 8r.fficient infor-r.atio-i rr-cr/- th-.sir r.roxcsors. Thej' srs sdvicated ^nen -I bellave •aJ.f r.-:.: p-rtd-jat9s cf -larvard -and -nen of nnlt'ire and r..P--r,^r .3nt, 'meir father, T)r. ?. '. Kiytsr, i« one of the — ■-. 1 ..cvn s^^r^aons in the eastern n-.^ited f^tates. and the .-.-in-r "O^'B, Tt. ^"ni. Jaaor a-.d I'-", ^'I'larlee S sre both •.■r..;: : ..jni rhyHicians. aM aurreons in Boston. Thsy ha^a co/i'J to no end of trouble and nc little expense in 06;idinp; ;lf ^1 ihe Biolofical ^uT^/ey spaciri'ens of at least tliree t^reciH^. of tne bl^, ^uars of Alaska, namely, the hure iill^ii . '7^^- cf Ala?>a ?e-^irsnlat t% smaller kidderi of the -.r.-^ reiicn, ai^-d the ^tiklne Grizzly. It was thoir :rf:..'--rlcJ. and that cont.ri>rated hy C. H. Cross, alsc of ^-^''^:y/-^ •7'.:i'"^h emiad r{.e to CQii].late satisfactorily the ritudy of t'^ r:- 3ear8 of AlaBka FenirsMla. I do /;ct suri'^ose that the traditions of 'y\^ '11 would per.nit the election at one time of the er.iiv^ f^r'ily, 'b:)t 1 v/iah to say that in iiiy judpient shev ' •■ar/ truly yourc, ^^^ K 5Vl J I it: I 38^ March 29, 1913. 11 V u »i.. '•■ [ \ : ..> I i la i ^^^- ^* IccSaAt. g-nith8onian,In8tiU.tion. Washington, "" n it 9 J » "Dq!^ "ir. Idama: for March Herewith I incloee salary vouchers^lHelen Grover MIO Esther Crawford $110. Rose S. Stanshury $100), aid i.ha ^ollo^n. vouchers and bills, which I shall be obliged if vca will pay direct from the Harriman Fund: Paul Kleineidam. skin and skull of male Plains J. 3. Fdchardson. 2 skulls of Grizzlies from T^ftcv Hills, at UO each, $20. lira. aeo. W. Richardson, skull of Grizzly from F? indance :'at.ional Jorest, $20. rrajik Walters, books ^^'^^ Arthur Worarath. books ^^^^ VocdTOrd a Lothrop, books 7.89 WashiT^ton Loan k Tpiet Co. for rental of office Hxart«-nent for month of April, $50. A^ «p ense account for March I will send in a llT.il9 later, when all the receipts are in. Very tnily yours. 1^ m ' .»,. <"' * :'.;■■; 1. V* V'-f 1i •; !! irs^ 48b :.a rch 31 1 1^1-3< T i-3nt.. r% HvTV^C'*'.?^ 2 I :le to racall a smie pr.m^w. ^ ". „.„i-i vg i.-^3lv to p..rcna.e material of tMa kind. r^tiUI have haard that f«ra are cno or t^o wealthy vonan in LCs ib^.roles or Pa.^ade:m. ^ho have put a FOod , ^ ,-,, Vo«''af« but T do -ot know their najnaa. ^:a /.-^rorclcrical '^^ta^ of the University of California (in c^ar^e of .Or. A. L. Kroeher) ^^ a ha.'cet coUxtlon, ^-.d ousht to .trlvs to Trak. It a» complet, a. po»=iU.. It i. 3...!;ort«! Ir.y ilr.. rho.3-,e Uaarst. tot ,-o.ortV,lo.. T '-.avo a feolin,: fmt .>,aro is liti, ™n»7 avaiUHe for t>.o p-.rchaao of ^eci,.r,n.. llo«vor it mr*t 1,9 r-irVi r'-il.3 to rrite Br. Xi-o.-tor. T ,i8b I V,ad the -.3a,,3 to purchase yoiff colloction ,^-.oU. hut v^fortunatoly 1 ^-va not. F«t ym say aho-at ? ..,„ T.arkota are hardlod and ajpraolatad In our ™.»o,t,a "^ " , ^^v ^^^^- ^•'-p rosBT^le exception oi ^ae ; ^ ' i t I FaaTody ■' at 'Ir^abrid 3, I '^o .ot kr.ovr a Bin la cclUc^:c:: xhcce c'rator -a^ ar^ r.rixial k.ovrlgdce cr fact tVA- ^-<^^ s^n itiportarit . i^uci i. q^huiu.. little. c.Itivated, Wit^ ki^xiast repardB to yoi^ all, and hoi^iiT to aae :'cn here in the near future, Tf .^-, truly yo^irs. 1 i \\ KS^ 48b ^^BTC^^ 31, l^l-3< 4- r. f J J X vJ -*■ ^ • , Ti lions, Or 031 -1^1^-? ^ Trircaton, • >. • ''••■ ^^'-^ ' ^ ^,^ ^.-..,, i,i acknOTledP-in?- your <•« +'h^YiV of soKQ one , • «^.<> would Ve likalr to purc-.ase your i-n '■'alifornia rfio wouj.a ox . , ^ - collection of old /liTV^lt and o.^.r , , , , . , i«G*«^ collector of baskets "' «,.->l-J vg i.,^3l,r to pnrxjnase naterial of this kind. <.till I ^ave hoard f «ra are one or two wealthy ^onan in Lfts /bvoles or Po^aneim, ^ho have put a ?:ood ,.al cf nonoy in ba.Vete. but T do :^ot know their na-nea. 'r^3 AMthrorclc. ical ^&^e.m cf the Urivsraity of California (in oharre of Or. A. L. Kroeher) haa a hac'.:et collaction. 3,nd ov^ht to strive to ^. it aa cocnplete as posoiUo. It ic sn^vorted hy ■-.. rhooT,6 Uaarat, but .ovort..loss T have a feolin.; t^iat ^.era is little money availaUe for the purOmse of ^ecinv.nB. llo^rever at mi-^:ht he rorth r^ulo to \Trite Dr. Krcehor. T ^ish I >.ad the :^ems to purchase yciur collection ..^.olf, hut .'^fortunatolyl Have not. YHmt you say ahcat • -, 11 A ^-,A o-^'vap-fntad in our muso^nis M, - r-'a" harkcts are handled a.;preciaTiaQ xn w ^'' \, ^. ..0 truo, for, -^ith the posni-le exception of the S, I fl Ii-3-i^t. ^ ,^. .y^4.^ :^ X ,^0 :ot kr.ovr a sin lo ^ ,,,....-, ^vcse curator ha^ ^ly ^pocial kxTrled^-a cr fact t^at- BiTC^' an iiij^'rLa.i^ ^*ij.u x.^ « little cultivated. Wit>> kiMast re^-ardP to yoi) all, a^^d hoT.iiV tc 330 --1 'H-ore in the near future, 76r' ^r;Aly yoiirs. i:^ . • -4?- yVwKx>osj|s^ ^^-.._. -*- l\ 68^ 490 * J arch 31, 1913. rj ^^- "!-. o * H ^ .,.;• ....2\ii} i^ ill I'tt 304 ^ait 5th ? tract. Lob .inf;3:.©8. Califoniia. r;oar Dr. Behb: riaase pardon -rr lorv delay in replying to j^xt two Utters, 9.^d in acknowled-i-ir the receipt of the "Ivirv^ Srnirrel a-.d Pocket Hcise yoi: were so kind as i • TT* „r.o ■w^tnr ■■"lad to have then, and to send acme tzrae at:o. We are Ten' .aan i.u '^^ X »^ +7,»^ •»», +^n« *-«.+alo>e J, ■- ■ «. increaeirif!: abandanco ^of the larre '^imler "'olf in that part of f^B !::^.rra Tro^ild he of i.'^ieriBe interest if trie. ?ron tine to ti^e for v^evaral '^ears Tre h^ve heard of bi/z "Solves in the soiithem ^^^^-^-^ sierra, hut np to the "present date the only sb;13f? -^e have heen able to obtain are those of larje Ooyc^es. At the oa'^e tlT.e It i3 nos'ii'-le cf course that a bir ^clf occnro in the f?.outhem ^iorra* If so, T ahoiild he f:lfeil 'a ray ^?5 ^cr a skir and elo^ll, ■^ery tnoly yonrs^ A. — - \ T^>^-^\ \ '?• -I! i 1 ' I TQ^ .r 492 T. cTcyi 31, 1915. •,olf (as dis.i . -s- ^^^^ ,artic.aarl7 ircreasinr. in ajD.>ndarcu m the ' . -n^ T.ack of -Pnaral Kinp:. Coiad you ' ^-^-vay nv not tVere is ..r-^-^in fro>n 7o;ir raiv-are waathar o. tut. ■^ ,• ,,„v a-'-'U -r ovro? I shcnla l>e £lad bepoo.a.ia. ^>^««h skull f^oo anywhere ^fl+v-r '^tiff price fo":' a fresh sicuxi to Tar a ratnor ai--ii i^ . 4. 4„ +Vft i„ !^ .ior.a. or for t^at .aUar, fro. an:, ,ca,* in «.. F.tate of Calif orr.ia, Vor,' tr^lv yovirs, •>, _ ..... K i I ll I i i'-l March 31, 1913. "x. Dripht ^. Himtir/:to-. ■ 150 lias nan Street. II 0W fork Oity. Dear "^r. H-'-rtitFiton: "'er^.r mny tha^Jcs for yo»ir courtesy In sending mo the t^o hack r.unhers of t}T© ATnateur Sportsm^s receritly asked ^or by nrr eRsistent, -Usp Crawford. T '^flt have heen ahaerit in the field when thefle ramhers were ismied, as T had no coties in w file. ■^ery tnlv yours. i ^ f w **,! 'f * *i Li i m F'B ii t ■l I se^ I z t . i \ \ Mareh Sl» 1913.. ! De«ur Roosevelt: Every time I l«ve been to the Museum since your letter came, I a^v® pone to Heller" 8 room to inquire If the manuscript you wrote me abc\it had "been received, hut up to date it has not come< Herewith I am inclosing the note you asked for concerning the little Spotted Skunk. Very truly yours ^ t § Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, Outlook Office. lleir York City. w /j4.H^?'jroi V -J k jf , flf u^ II te^ kcTil 3, 1 ^io. Mr. G. F— deric:< Ncrtn>% jDni:Bo:i, N,:- . All o\ t-^ii are in%err Call*- crnia. lO tt^ii ^ ni^L. . - rlir^Hv';, I have I'-tien a 1 oa= ^ '^rie ii' colorsfl nv,!; Sie way, none of YO-.r csich of Black Bear skios have labels. Ratner recently, as I ;riay Imve written yon ^:3fcrs, ,.• ,^,j .■,-•,.'• ^ --^ ad:'-":<- -ai .I': Boar jE^tarial froui I hava /sea. ■'30. ^,.i..--- <--- 4 I i. i # \>^ m 1r M 495 0. Pr^dor:^ok Nor > - 2 Ka;!-il Pay.'i'-F'"L".. '^c- -fxl '^y ¥!!';•:■. Pct:ar. -" -.c ".as just tre-'.-3 1^3.1 all cf 'i.^ s'-'-lle. ^c ct ccn •^^•..lo-. H., hs ^ "! 1 •^ V • - J ' w ;> i . ». i t. ladder i:; .^ ^ i or ,- U'ii La^ "^.t^ -•,•-7- y» .-, •-. .--"j-" I -•■r^- ■ •; "TJ -^^*'-r Iv' T'lla ^'ellow ciu.7^ ii'^e the cla;r.:^ of the V'pa « f" ,'» f V. • w,. -••«" -:- t_- fcj i - ^ .• O se.- oi lori(:- •••,41o^^ r-.lars f»!alt:» i.'i'= ;v;'.Il cC '^hicr. is .xxrkod A "^'^ I acsr-io the dar:-' cf -'o^-r oia :ita3 A 4 ika^tasjJ., :<:ile4 le^een a^u Shilak L^^h, lad the -^rdiran- thi';^ dark clmi of the B-:^ Bears '- liii-ri^r f^riki-ly fro- ■.■:? lo>v yellow cla??s nf Mi^£^^- Dc ^-oi; reiJia'ffyer the color of yoco- S'-dlak Lake ^a se-le? Was it a ■;-.i-3*^^fe^w**l BJar lik.j Potter's a-ii Mi?B Aiexaader's 3kius of t::- ^ane sxecies, or '^a^ i'". diffsr-v:? T.o ?ki-s of ai^iitiia.'^----i I '-^- seen are of tho 'iark (j^iz^'A, tyi;e. In the T.m' a -ort lats-i'ali pslage r.ey ai-3 exceedir^-.Iy dark, but in 1 ill '^r<:f^n\ i.-L!VyJ liaYti li;-:it ;-elio-.7ia":i :ii;E, as in rjoev 8 41 *j, - n 3eiv 497 5. Fr:-ijr !5oi Ai-ril ?, IV 1 *. W * b 'JT* — -• -«-*' -- *•' "^^ Y. •■^ ■»• s V, ♦•:/; n!"»-r* "'■^' 1 ^r; ■•^ <> _ A >-*^ k 3ZIT: 'r:> ^ •» ■ r .» u' B -o ■»■ ■-k • ^1 T" A ^ A .*• V. .^.i yr ,>^rti -X-) s >» »-n ,- - ;r ": ! 1 .irlo ':iauorial in nr char .1 .:, ^^ ■ r j> ■» '-_> ^ ^-. . W^ V w. raijris .-, + •- "^*< ri-^. .. > <» r'"/" ^ tk.. irid V. . / »- ■" ^ s>» < ,"* •■^ — »r ^ ->• itc, c;^ t";-a-c othorc may 'iive .-■^i: » » '■■ ' ^ \ V 1 0 A >* : 2' work I car ':3Stl r>" ^ lopa ij.-^ ..4 1 1 vy » • ' J.JLX •-' 1-a. o'jra, v^i^* I ■ ■■1 II bJ ^ ( ^ >.>S.'V>-N.l -f 1% I 1^ I MT*« X • A« aSIVOjIm^^ M 'V ^ • • H: -/ -» 1 f J. V >- - iii' U- »...•» » ^ M R n> 3^1 „ iJ *■ J a e re ic 1 '>* z; ^"^ '* 'm*C'»f J- i\r t » ^^ i* . -^•^ s^ -J jL ■ i^^ '' .:av *ii, r O W' >^'.i. atat -. W'V'^ . j,».. ~ rj if w ^-« W W ^ • . W ' w..a. .^o.^^.. ii H.6U1 ?ri w > -^• ^ K^j. «v - J- -^ >"« rij".-^ "^ «- asiid WA ; «j!U f la^ c . -• »r ■ -1 ,^ V w C'^^ sv*^ : 1 i . . •k. wk .*■ -k. « 1 »*V, c,v t''?' i V J. N, .fc,. V ^X. I. -'iiV-tii ^ «,.^»# . . W ,-. -^ ./^ vj> i. r>jri=? >.. ^ w ■V^ #•.-, «7 V vA y rw »J ^ .in* X -i.. ..) i2 '•f 1' !i .1 *i -1 -^ o .-j^-^n I* J V ■..J> •rf ««r 2X]{ '»» ' X «• •:^j^^.' :/vi V -/ •« ^ A -w . ... Jk <^ W_r V K^ %-. » ■ ^- -,? but :La73 L.ui »:.^ueio<;^ isl, i. w — 1 . L • ^ .4, \ ' - v»« ' ^ ^ •»/ a^ Vi* */ "• kaup caairj^": in prr. , •! .1^ L Icu: U- r V. ' 3 V! inifcx-vir^e for urijcses ci •- 1 *» - i K*' fy>«l-^* J an »^ , _ J.* I. Cti,s.3 ^'T; 33r.d .W- ^.' V» K>> V ^i«>' .i.:' ,lt fccU5 A A 7 ^ I / w. „ Ij O ^ :a.r <--• «■ {^^ - Vr »-> O W X .>^ ' - f a icrx'ttuisa u. U. S iclO:rica. Da u • » «^ ; V K-i-L -V , •I -/^ '-••■7* /■• -t , «». 'I UU T) • -/ • V. A. O^X Y r* ^ .\Wh? ^^^ .A, >t' m I ^1 f -■•pw^iiipte \n » . '• ! :i ♦ e^ V II ^ i^^i^\. "^ c^%-i w » \, 4,. V 'T^; YA^aSHrra P(WER OF .-HJ? i^ix .i.c a,, ax,,-it m o^i^ jirizo-a near the placd , r, ,, o^ tV5 Colorado in nort ^-orn Ari20. a ^ . -n. Ha«ce Trail wao afterward oailt, 1 was ■ . ...ur .. -'i9ad. Sitti'>^ ap, A rw-iJ-^ i.i,..-- . '^ , , . __»,., After rii\ri'v", ai:o^u «u foot i^- .toi.ped. buu I cooia — Ri,v-taUed ' ^^ ^ "-^ . , -I- ic:^rvi\ -w Ulster, MTo* . . rr\^-'-.Ar 1' 1904) ay eister, Mr^* ^^^ V-rr Wa irV Gvil.t^V^ 01 > 11,-1 -.^' ad !• aouGi i^Ui^iA^^ .;;« (T..iJ -^^ • . so^ canned n ^., T-.a Va Hcd no wavier. arA nc -auu >«. i- ^ . .,. -^irst- Uittt wa at.e very li'-i^- . .-i^ or LiVle Si-otted Sku.^8 api;ear^. T^---' ^'^^^^ r .-.. fi.- all of the atnall fira we nad I- 'la iaar of as, &i'J^ i-O^^^ ^- ^^ °^ , ^, vnidl3d. I tried thu sxi-orx^aen- ol .oss^.. - t , . . . -■ ,^. a.izad ..raodily. Tauv ^.re on gx'ayia.; ,v.^ - w^ir black Lodias were aa^ix/ rocks a^'aiiiBo iii.^^n oa^f^t^ ^ BOO.., -^^r v„_ ^ »earcl:in tor iiorsela of tne ,, .,,. f .- shewed .0 lecx .. lo^E - .a stool atxll. out ^ TV^ ' '^„ ^:i y<^' 493 if v.'3 took a quick stap cr ^d^s a:iy acjidan nova the-.- irsLa.itlv vaiia.ed* Av first I i^hcu 'id x' ey had j;one in a'io'i(; wKe recks, but soon laamed .na:. Lha;- riati iio. ac /ad a^/ti;. T is s rucK ma as 80 QXuraordinary tr:au I triad L^ e arr::?ri.nerr!: of iriditsni::^ T::is I rei-eatad a nitibar of tin^c^ arui sac;: tr::o thj aniiiial or animals noardsj;. my faot i.: .aciiatalr .^cwiie invisinla. All t.rac8G of black ana ^rl:^;^ had disai-^ear^a, a.^ 3van the cutline of i.he animal couia i:cu be r^ade cut ai^ainst i^ie ^juiif crm ^ravish back- grourd of rocks and i.ar4. Tue sudden :ra. sior.aaoion waB noc". vus::li%* Tia iaoon ^as full, out rrj not,es are :iot clear as to what'/er it 1^ riean hi.;h oncuc^i to chino dovra into "-he part of the carr-DTi ^barc rs rora. At all s v. .^b, I -as ut.;.0rly unable tc 863 the SrilQ:;al3S wmi::^:^^^^^^ ci s,xrm a!ii cculu no' bo pc3i:iv^ as to how .ue^ a^d it. I yas convi.icad ncriivar fnat ::ho charge iron; consricuousness !:o invisibilitv vras brcuhiit about. uiMior the inlUuenca ox ^citojiant or faar. by "he eroct.1 en of vaf> body aairs m s^ch oianner abac uiia w!-..:^ aiid black :.iaj.'kitt;s uliiTidad to form a neutral ..ra -ish drab, ramarii^ tho anl-aal coi^ildtrjly invisii^le. Trie dace;^'^^^^^ '^"^^ doubuiass aeiQJitened by the solid olack of bhe top of t}ia head a^id ba^sal half of rhe tail, for at rdijctt black eumM T.aBs .01 shadows or hollows — thus tending to iiesk the body fcrij by cutti g out .he dark rarts. In ^i0«t kinds of open ccnn^ry, as i^very field }.a^ura3:ft kno?rs, grays a^jd drabB ara •obiiterax.a ve* both by uar- and bv iiight. In cai;fia If; in various parts of the West I Imve repeatedly observed Vaao at. ni^ht a ^jthtj horse, end even nore striki nlv a burro, cannot ordinarily \^^ eoai.. Mora whai: oixa v^ben staiidirg J 1 002 50 if 3 in 1 < h f 'I .1 -^A-a -r ofr^^: for •.Ta.or, I -icw- ..c ^..cUx^ ..- I'O'.y. «ve -^ .fc-^ll cn t-v^ Be-reral kinds of . ^ -^•■ -..flfi l^cvoreB. mv attentioinyar. called desori'-ed. After ono o. w ese i^^cursB, u. ., X .-•-•.•lar case in the Zobra, recorded by the late ^ ■• - J +^ , ^o-'-ar irc T -fou-d Galtou*s Btaodinent Fra:xas Galt.oA. Oii lookire *- a .-lav^^er \ip i -o-^-^ «a^ cf .i^cl) Hi- t^rast. It aa foliomj: -On a i:.rv;-:. s^arli,^^ ni::ht taa ^roatl-ine of one La zebra] ..a. ^. liaard' close by you. ea-d yet you will be positively .jna^.le do .ee ;:e a:.iml. Ii tl,e blm-.k .tripes were n.ore numerous l,e ., U Bu.v a. a oia..k .ess: if tl.e ^lite. as a white one; but tr.sir KO^crtio^, ie such an exactly to -..latch the pale tint wilich arid irro-a:id poBBessss when seen hy moonlieiro. * It) r.v^ case of vlis Zsora '.be erection of tiie .lairs .x^ear. tc .3 u.^)iaca..ary. ..e^^orthaies. it ib quite cor^ceivabie tLt ^'.a cU.oarativa effect .ifiit be heightened by hair;t d:ie to contraction of t!ie skin arasclaB froia faax'. Since read in- Gaiter., I >av« he.-^ told t)nat Zabras se^. ,,-, ^ i,>..- ,+ ftTnl-'-ht Jo not shew their maikir^s a': i/. .h: L.lfv)--ce even la br^^:.?.- &.ii)i.^^,,io jj iiv 1^. appear of a :mif or. .jay or drab. And in etudyir^ photosraj^is of wild Zebra. .ak3. ir= V;3 dayti.r>a I have be.n greatly in.ere.ted r,, o...e,-.^ hal a i -al. at no ^reat dista^ica sanetiwes lack xiie 'f I li fi -^ ^ I si.riijtib over c un^idci-:*a.Iv^ ai ^as ol 1 .,vxL^ ;.:\.:jbo arcsai^ ax;yt^a^'V'v- » ^. - -• dc*^'".laBB the roavit cf i.osi'ii^'^^ \r- raxaticn t.0 tha dir^^cici' of ■iitAJcr:.-,::-- li T>:^, r.e oa;;uf. of V\i Zu". a ci^-d S,.iic;>ie are. ot r.^ac-.iy Btrikl-'", ccl,.-' ;r-.''vr 0 a,!ci frtrori^:, cctrafl'^s Ci ,:ay -^ **o ^rz-yayid sp ' '' :r-x3"^e b o. '•ral ccxjr ro^. easily dstscted \j e.'. ■3aey. I^ is hiSi^ i.robahle I'.at er. c.7i s.' o'.". t" -&•■•■ ce r-,vi u Sxil: ale -.vo-Id he co;'.Tplately oaffled 'ry the b« aok: a^'A vlir.-$ trai i^ffor^atin*^. A ^ * >^-». .. X^^ i v^v>^>\.->s».' ><*»'-..j^- oa 503 i ~ n > • 1 ^ ^ ^ ^'^criecn 1%^- ill r xt MVf>»t tl A ^ -- »-- 4 : : 1 n i a. « ^ » '17> _ J 'C^-i ^r*. ^r.n>n.^. r Jii .".;• r r% ♦ i 1913 ''<»*"'"V-.-t -'^^*^"'— I Vii-. W. T. M ■•!>.< ixOCv/ ^ ^ u - »l >»/ • • 3. ] Was il >'> T J U ! . « D.' -f • D-ar Mr. Ad::? A r">e 1 ■ . "« J. 'V - « H^ -:» r i^'T /^ i:iclor3e exp'^Jibc?^ lOi -1, wLl Lai'x' cf Mai'cii, V. X •• 11 • i"*" •'■•!'< 'HLr fttl' V v" iVi»^' era ;he and /> r 1-1 ed if - "» "» '. • r N.V4 XS.JL •dl/ jj a V '^ '5^ i-"*- -a Iran .n^ 'ly.. ?..;:d 7er .1/ >..' 1 r' <1 .V A VV^AaAiIw. f>tJS A,; #. mh 7 1Q 2^; 25 ^ '. * arv ;5 roT'^i^^t-r ^- i:'>.\ re:^^a' y -» ..^ w ■>' rv-^i •:0 nd ^rir) '*:ick'3t to T fC c ct • a «j >- « 1 •> :i»iar: iia c; J n*- 't 1 iXbL !cn en tram aJdo.H V-; cX ^^ p 6T ■^.-.' vj 4 ' » car ir?- arlcr ^ar, Fni icir«-JH ^ •> "1 T:r t^'wO OS J_ ;.* .T.nC':: on !1 metric n * ii r ^^^ ' t a »-• ^ ] 11 1 n' f-. >% 1 1". f.-'^q ai .^r cu" >i > cl lU^, ter ton 5o, ? -^n^cldsrp .10 B'j '.Cl^* f » « V-'V ffir 3? J J. I )"•- ]. 1^;0X I ,_ , J y til •^lorer- arid nos^a^ a e.lephbr-^ Bervlca for '^^rch C r.r* tr "^ f"^ -".o r >.-■ K- of '..a^?aIia^x : or arcn a. -f^^ r t>er\ac6 i:r • arc. &:H\]rli^T> '^ry..:->\n"ll:jfl m ^I'-y-i H.^rH" r?» .1 0 -T & » • / 31 li-.i ir OrlOJ. 0.' I o u6 1- ^ * TT- ora i::^n O Vt \>* .•.^. -.y. (T vC^-, -L C V. ji 1 1 10 *-/ p c 10 9^' 6 00 1 25 7^> 1 w;i 1 1 i 1 50 50 20 20 90 00 Of) 70 » » .V ■-i rf k; 30 f.O F: -' 0 O.'O JU» ^ .v^- .% «««««««. d -'If ■ .4 1^02 ^ i 505 kiril 5, 1913. j '1 Wf %■, I ^ . I i H. < \ ■ ,i P' f 3/r:>3'Ji:i of G^-iolo. -ic^vi 8\(rv6v, Paar "r. i(;:-.r of th?:* ^t^i ini^to.^it aud omh I t*/rcto •» • ;:k'Ul? of ;7r:^2;%]iet?, rhicV T Gliail jo o^:ly too hap^y to <:c:;oorT;:,-r; t:i5 idai-t-lty of 7r' yov' sr-a Ir. doi-.ot. Srr.:lis v:'dc\i vou arg cv:.'e are tr^css of tlis Black Baar rlsaee do i.ot ^^dnd at triir^ ^i/^e, 3if. I iviall net coiyttilste my revision 0 1 V ^a Dlacv ^3carn J?itil --^ext v/intar, Ai"' ];!{• on your suH-6 3ti»;n, I a * J • •il ».■ J. '»-•■.. ;. ■■:arv thaiika, '^:;^^/ trul'^' 70111*8. ♦ ♦»; ^. I f Ht- tir Brocr T> Z Eirec^or^ ve:1c^ :cal ^ Ottawa, Cs.' adf,. rvQy^ tii:ie Djar Sir: ^iil ' cu be 00." anow-T^ to loan ^-3 ' oi a e':iort ft- anv skullB of GriEsl- Bsars 7;^.ich yo^or 'i-.;3o-n. is so f:./: -at5 as to ponses^^? i a-i Tfrcic-iarly anxiovu to study a^ :iai.y bkulle r..^ ^o.^iMe from British Cci ..)lua for t 'e reason ^::at sa.^.rH;: :a r^at .:.tly disM^Krt. tor^s of Grrif,;ai.=o occuu- iv uif^-^rx.t parbs of f.i^area. the ,-.x,^_„.,.1,,.'. •;.-.-., of w''in)ia ^^^^ a^l^iit cf ti'-^ati/L- i.s B-arn a8 i^a^dsfac^oriJ;; -b in the ca^^a of oi:-;jr pa;-.^ al re^torn /^:^orica .!C6BsarY for ra ^:o naa r ;8l^^ ii:d3^)tdd for tna loan of X T *« T 1 tiio skint, >i3t i i;:iatj. '■•ci ^^^ e-:Mll.. If yc 'a.:3 TviUi^; to ...i t^a^;. I'l'dly s^nx V' 3Xjres5!, Vvar-'? collect, axif^roesod IL ?!. Biolo,.acal S-:irv-9^r. De-rarV.ivt of Ac:ricvlt-ra. 7as•--ilv;t.o■^. D.Oc Vsr; '•.,r.'-]y yc--.rP, 803 r 'n M w I I 11 i April 9, 1913. IliN Wilson Potter, „^ . 17;5 South l7th Street, ^ Philadelphia, Pa. My dsar Mr. Potter: Please pardon my tardiness in acknowledging vcw latter of '^iarch Z^, and your valuable gift to the atio.ial Collection of the four big Bear skulls fran Xenai Paninsula. 'fliese, I assure you, are greatly ax-.reciated. It goes without saying that we should also he raiphty glad to have the additional skulls which guide has. I should have written earlier, hut have been hopir^ to send you at the aiune time the measurements and photographs of the skulls. Owing to unhappy delays, these are not yet ready. However, I will send them a little later. Hopii-^ to have the opportunity of shewing you our national Collection in the near future. Very truly yours. t V V -, I P II ♦ 1 ^1 ^ m \"02 508 i* n II Ft i ', I i I if ^ > t ■H'i. ' i^-ril 12. Ivi^T. '■^^ '^rorko^r;, ^aiiforriia* 7i^or- >ir. '''■:*■ i" •, ■ ] LiaiiKS lor /o :.r 1 ^^^^r in def^^sa of certain ?.B.:6^.'3n'i>3 in Wild Life fJalL. You ara ordiraiiV; "vc^-. a q-i-jt --:.13-i:iarnerdd r^^i u.a:. I "-ad v,ev3r u ■3-.ectod -cu c. poBsassing ^'.'C:^ a a.: ,i v.Q.-.o. ci r-.. ■.••>7 —^-- i.=.^'0'M •••■--' io the ca:is3 dsvylq.'Xl r^ V-'- r-i^; +.". ■^'■-^'^- OT t/^e British s^iftro^ettoB, 4. ^^11 uV-M 41 p nave: c--^' l''ic Iriquisiticn., tr:i3 a^id every ac^ '^oly^ ►** ...3 an enaray cr :J^^ px ^ .,.,.. ^^ .. 4. 1. ■^ ;. kio^, one cf 5^.8 pioiic axivccjres» I iia-s al'^a^^B stcou f r e,vi I hH.rv. never r.-or^d, a-^ -^v.r ^ ^o favor, unr .• b- ciaiiy nrastic I-w ;iJa.ion. ^'ou acciiso ro of m'itin," oo •proau.sjit ma- upc .i ^:c.'' -e ha^ra l.ev. dapoxidi.^: fcr moral support a^^d advice"., In to. connector Ur, m corracl a t.os3ibla nisa^prel e -r ion. "# -'^ » T p, o pn-h T- ^ T * I ? »-^ .-f" r ti'i-r:. ^':'^j'^fzi^ 0: Vb.8 l*ean to ^^o^r pre •» . - : . in* ^^O'T ior^:ij v^'^t-c ^K'..vI u- c^u '■■.js. a*? 1.C .^id -e o'Jy p^r?onB to r*-cni I -a— e)cp/-e;^3ec ^^ T-'t -oivi5oni:„ol.j^i.^iesdi^^ii^^ -^^^^^ '- '''- ''■"''' ^.,...v.^^ f.^' x;id L-^.fe 'lalX, a-..: oth^jr '■.iat>er con'.H.ii-fjd i.: t>9 ■^aos.are Johr ••. ' sillicvrd a-:d W-it- % rii^:.-, r^ot^ cf wbJ^'cr 'Till >^-t oj-^ c- "o..r 3ide\ Alt--v:'-KI £.y^,p-, v^ally •• ! • . ...... .,! ,--v,,.-. •'•-rq-: " --curr^-?;' •a'.'" '3 s--icc6-3d.Td in -or-^-'-^srvinc: < • . i ^t 3 ^- Mj ,. "• ^ « '^" f I ,^r^,. i'- i« HC^c; -:: iRTi-;': ;; -ut-ibies '^ ill H9.t"h. cai^e* '-uti cf ^^'en p-reo I. ^ Itari '■0 U dpt3r,::--ed >- the cr-id 5v-.r.3 +,e^ :.MWo::tenc9 ir^ -v :udr-^s-^ '« ^^-'-^ seotrir aside of t-e killi-r. of oaiB* ^---dd I'r vroi:il..l-.d.'/ ; ca-ct lend rir a^x:roval to T^--iicabi-is v^::ch savor of :;3xicw iournaii'^r:, >ri»t:.cdB which : trpreas ao a? ;^dl iiif ied. or,orr;6»-tn w-icn t.; <-ay vlie lea^Ji ar^.* ^ix-i.v-ara' .a.-d mlr-leadin -:; fir -t. — . 1 -• « •■ /St •^•^. ai .v. 1 1 C03 t 510 ■I. Hi 'i. ic I 1 •■iW March 21, 1913. Pi-of9B8or n. ?. WilCOtQb. aarator, Oakland Fuolie Ifr.'Becvri, Oakland. California, Mv dear Sir: Rerlyine; to yc^or Ist'oar of the 15th in8:a-nt, I ra-rat to my tliat I nav-i not yc^ puHiehed any^/niiE on Piu!.e Indian mortaary t-aekete or cere-aoniala. I liave no epeciai liet of niy p^-P^rs on • Indians a::d baeketr/, hut tinara are act -nany of ttioa. atid I think tho followii^ list compriaes ahout all the titles. I a-K sendin- you for tha library of yc^or miseura such separates of irese as I ai ahle to f:i I. With eest v/ighes for the succea?" of thj Oaicia.-.d Museum, Vary truly yours. \ * V 1 i i ^ j « ■ -i.'^ J li i m' ! i m 1 April 14, 1913 r. v-\ icaf^o, Illi 019. Dear Oe -ood: Yc'i '•'^ava V^ee^ often ir^ rxy T.ind sinca I saw you in "' icfvTO >^e'^or« 'T:rit^t'np,p , and I a^ ronderirr: how yon are. Tc^^ t'reat.e'-ed t.> Svcr ^ere eq^ne ti'^e i/i Jannar/, bvit saeraed to ' pve 170:^ ue the slip. I "-lo;*; 3 John 'iiilj.iard piicceeded in ceein^t you on hi3 vay 5ack fr^-^- ^'g^ "'>rk. loojds saems to "be keepin.^ xv^ -^\s, a:'~»d roups , T shoi'ld V)e r-reatlv o^'lif^-eo I" rrr: t-aM srare 'ie two or three copies each of w ch of vc r serarates Bf^ ere ^nfficiently plentiful as to jnstivy fHiB r;enerou3 di^tri'^ :u 4on» Tnati r^ the..- t^a \%:re -'rou recently arrliod to an Ochotora does *^'^^t i-n-Jv -^at yo^j h^ve ardened voi^ heart af:air»t •yatrinionial il^s ^icns, • re lai^^ '.^i-..'^ bejt wis-es, r-^ ♦ \ . rra f I r -4 ,1 April 14. 1913 m dear ^tc. Moor ©park: ?ery i»ny thanks for ydor kindness in sendinfr me prints of two of your mexrtnal paintings* Ther are most interestii^ and pleaair^, and the graan tones on the Chipmunk and Squim are entirely new to tneo Hcpir^, to see you in the near future, • Yery truly yours^ hi Xr E I ,*' Carton Moorepark, 63 Wa8hing;ton Sg^iare, !Ie«r York City. ifc'-. ^ 513 H 1^ ^ il< April 15. 1913- Pear 'Trianell'. irjii ycu aiid ?Ar8. Grinnell be V.ere on -^riday^" if so, T;e hope you ^iU l;e r,cod ano^^rh to eat ^ith us o:. Friday avenin^, or if t>ds is, ImpracticaDle . on ?v-nday. T a-a writirr. Sheldor to the . B8/11B eff3Ctft vx3. -erriMn joins me in love to you both, a^d in the hope that you will P-iva U8 as rrrach time as practicable. &s ever yours, .,1 April lb, 1913 o Dear "^ held ox; Glad to laam frcsr. Tela on that vou have net .-Digrated southward, and that vou wil3 >e here at the Boone ard Crockett Dinner Satui-day nirht. "s ■-irs. Sheldon comiii^I 7?ith yoa'^ ?^e hope sc. •I'iil you eat ?rith ue Friday eveniTTg or .v-xda^' 'j-'snir'';fV fri-r^j '.rcu dir"- not coma cii here to look 0-er the Louse possiblHties. Y'e had quits a list Nmitini;: for you. Ae ever yc:ra, ..ii. Dr. George Bird arinnellv 238 East 15th Surest,.. New 'CriC -it-y. «" 4*" #i 1 ' i,1r. '"^'larlse. "^hald;.}!, 14'"; ^'jst 07 th "-.rfiot, Wm crk Ci^.y. III ^ ¥• I 1 j I '' \ 1 i t 1 I 1 ii > 1 ^r3 V Ji ft ft II, \ i J II 1 h A^ril 18, 1913. K-r daar Air. Pokier: . very «>7 V,«ri. fcr y^- o' *'" l^*'" '""'""' ' In „„, .;.« .k«ll. «= aWprad dlreot to u.. no p«™it i.„.c«»rT. Th. pack*... *ould ^ .«*. cl-rgo. W a t* 3ta«.« th. dat.. locality. >« U^ "T ^^.^ ^ ,1 .-, » .hinoitK tag is iMl<>»»* '*"^'" mnd namo of oolloctor. i snippinfe '••6 i^, yo. not coming on to th. Booua «d Orookrtt brfo-o the or on Sx^-laj' you will gi™ «a th. l,le«wr, of »ho,inG you aooio of oar matoria. SaVirday aftamoon would b. a good ti«. it you are her.. 1 o« ^ reached hy telephone at »y hou... Hor*^ 7619. or at „ Off i«, Horth Weo. »«. Will «.* y» «* *^. ^«« if I te..c *an it will U oon«rJent for yc, to h. there. Vary truly yaxrs. i 1 I-: ^ 'I ' i I. Mr. Wilson fo^i'^i-xv, otraat. 135 South ijgiJJSfj^^U. Pa. r* iirs 516 H *T1 :■-« * , T .► 10 (i< h. .H pi «^ 9» ori i..r-| ^.i> ,r! •► T/ J-»-t a> !-rH 1 > r-< C*'~« PH tii:»H • ^ r- CO Cf^ <-«4 'l^ ^: ,— ?^J ;- .-H ci c: v. 5- h u o -4^ in '» m m o o -p o o CD & *• -P « * J.- -4^ ^^ CD -r-l rr (0 O K CQ O ^ .p r-1 tD O o > P xi ^ d 1?. OS a") r ■ O O o r ~ *■ y r.) M "^ •r-l a' •r-» D e o 05 P -P •r-l 0? B o CCi a? >-* a o 0'- a i •rj O •3 93 O > .c1 ^^ rr> C> ;.- o .-^ Id ^- •r-l 6 a> 0 v-> o o U 1 I ■ s\ .,,»v*<« ^"- u rra Aprxl 18, 1913. Mr. P A... Ta^errer* J. r h 'i' 1 I : 'I ! ! 1 »' I. J' /i Mue.^:... leol^|i^^^S-gv^|g^ Dear iJir. Tavernsri Your letter of Vio Hth in3-.&nt crae duly, and -.he tlirsa siculU arrived yesterday. ar.d ar« nm in the }^xdB of the ciaanar. IVo of thsm are arizzlies; the other one 13 a Black Bear, I ar. immensely pleased to have ohose GrlasiieB yxst no^ whil'. I m stiU X 1,-,,-r.r.fV, -^ha T.ayT.'eiiTP- British Colcrobia forms. They will ser^e to ar^sf.or the species to whi<3h they belong in a region provionsly •.vlicliy 'jureproaented in oar cciloctionp. Thanks for your mention of the KadiaJc Auli. The Kadiaic Beai-^ Ir. <■•. nfined to the Island of the ewne na^is. ar,d does not cceur anyrhere on the raainlawU Hene« if the BkA-ai ir question is correctly label ad » it nrast haw come from Kadiak Island, In tMs case I should not care to see it. as we have a number of Kadiak skulls in our collect ioTio With i^eneved thanks, Yerj truly yours, ^l S/y a. Ajril 23, 1915. Dear ProfeeBcr T'lac-er: Your letter fcrvmrded from Lainmltas has just reac'.ed ne at my Was'r'ir.rtK! bene. I airirecia^.e your courtes',- i^: asking me to .-alk bo :;C'.r loYs at Commencement ti-e, Tout as T B"-^all no reac'i Oalifor'iia until after that tPT^e, it will bs l::ii;Osid-le« Last December I exxectad to .-o to Hordlioff on mj way hom©, but the death of an uiicle in Saai Diero and other imtters prevented* I shall hope to have better luck next fall» Meantime should you be in San Franicisco dnning the summer, it would n;ive us much pleasure to sea you at our sunmer home at Lagaiutas With kindest regards , YeiT truly years , Nord^-off, Calif ;r_aa. ^/ o April £3t I^IS* Jolm \T« LiaiiliaM, I&h* . «, ^ aBxi Fraiicxsco, California* Dear Mr. Mailli^^d: ?!ie AcaxicKf/ im*'itar asoBB to ma most dXHiroB^i^ Tlio of feet on the ublic of thic continued friction and tho oontinuod criticisa of tlio Aca.dacy*B officers l3y the Locmia faction cajonot fail to l^a pomiciom. I reslise that tliQ numbar of psraons lisaliinj;^ tho trouble is small. Wpuld it not seOT the p-irt of vdndcra to rmtke the effort to have anoii^i prosont at each mootiix: to proTant t^x passage of obnoxioiffl resolutions? Frcen tha nawapaper clippings it lodcB as if the moflbership of tha Acruianjr wero, at ijach masting, passing resolutions of cenr.ura ajia^d at tliair coimcil or tmstoss. This seams deplorahla, and iz nov apt to prove an inviting prospect for tha new man yxi soak to aecurs ej^ -diractiij. *^ o sra 519 A-pril 29, 1913. Ed iter, 0-.-... Biolo-",ical Survey, is a technical publication. con.istir^ chisflv Cf descriptions of .pacias, ^ith r^narks on .heir .;eo.:raiiuc distrib^tior. It is possible t^mt my successor, ifr. H. W. H^nshsjT. rov; dhief cf the Si-r-vey. conld arrange to lot you loave a duplicate proof, but for this you Till have to address liin. mi-v is it t:.iat yoa never put the fiate on the first pa,ea of Outdoor Life? T^ie volume arid number are si^'n> but ->ct the date, so tlmt if the outside ccrer happens tc»be torn off, it is necessar:. to ^o tc :nuch trouble to aacertaii tha date. Of all the journals to wlrlch I subscribe, I thim autdoor Life is the only one ffhich omits the date. Respectfully* ..Ji ^^- ^ysj^^J^ % ■ N ♦♦ i : -'^ i- »1 i A '■ • . '*■. .' ■ ! - • ■ ^'V '■ " '/' %: ■ ;i {". V V- 'I'''' t ■ I; ■■; * , V ^ « fc^' ■■\ I i i I . f % >'. ' '' m •V''..^l 1-3 ■»■ s* MM Ap rU 29. 1915. Mr. W. H. Osgood, Field ttisfi-oHi of Natural Hi»*o,ty, CViicagCH nil; ci«. Dear Osgood: Many ''':>^anks ''or yo^.ir latter of the 2ist irj?tant, aiid for ycur ki-ridn^s in sondir^ths s^^iarates of your ■. ^ ,'.'•- . ^ ■ articles* Bofn packa^^es arrived^aafelyt and I am exceedinr^lr /clad to bava theru I aia ,n;lad also to see t'le clippii^ about your T7ork in South JUerica. ^orn^ to laam rmi your ear Tmb not yet ertirely recovared, bu^ fdati that it is on -che right road, even though the road be a ^or.^^ onec 7ery truly yoiyrB 9 A- f*. '^ V Wws_ '^ >«..^'^«« >-—"■*»' -i A 5^ ^ ^ t •?r- 4- "t- \ I- 1 0S2 i; April 29, 1913. i t I T Mr. Copley Amory, Jr. Livingston Hall, Colum>)la UhiverBity, Ker York Ciiy. »■'<»*-' Pewr Sir: Haase pardon ngr dalay in replyii^ J>o Y^'^ letter about your Bear aklna. The delay haa not hm through lnadverteno#,Vbu* in the hope of aacartaining; positively whether or' not the skina could be purch«aed for the Biological flnrvey :Qr the-Hational Ifciaetnu Thf Biological Survey fo(P eone tiia past has ^baan practically out of fimda for tlia purchaae of spedaaena. Tho Curator of Uammala of the Nationsl Ifiieeum is not sure at present as to just where he standa in the matter of aarailahle funds, l3ut he expects to know early" in May. I have hopea that an arrar-gement Bay be made by which the ledcina may be added to the collection, and will write you again as soon as the matter is definitely settled. Trusting that you will pardon the long delay. Very truly yours. t IT • . I I' t *■ : ' ' 5V. . ' 1% I lift* >' ' It I . ■xi '.'^)'- i'V^'^^s ♦ J i I M V • I ' " Hi :f I a I ■' 'Hi 1 ( • is ":i If? r fS3 f i' 1 I Arril ?0, 1913. t. Accourta'^t, S:ri.ii;i:3oniarf Ir.awitaoio- , Bear Mr. Ada»na: for April, amo=mtiT)jr^ to $Sft.4l|, rent bill for lay office at tlte Nort/hxmbdrland for month of May, *50, and tihrae Balar» Youchars ae f oHwrs: Eelen Orover $110. fstkier Onwf ord $110. Ross 5 . Stanebju^? $100, all of whiflh I shall be obliged if yoi; will pay froE ins Harriioan Fund. Vet^i' iifjl'; yc'ixr^. \ ^ «>,*v,c-i>;; V'/--x i If h' If; i t I" 4 SS3 r May 1 , 19:15. ■4.-- \ Manijrsr, Univareitv Vreev., •/nl\'9rait7 of Oali^.'ornia. Bark9"ley, Cairaor-ua. Dear Sir: T shall be obji-^od if you 'Till 36vA ms your publication Mo. 1, 7o.l. 3. of Academy of Paci'ac OcRST, Historj,', antitlgd «®arly- RseordB 0: Frarcisca-. Fathers.' I iiiclose monf-7 O'-'le.r for 31 in -nwr-iiant for SBjne. i ! } -■■^ -^ '" V,, .>-. .f \ r : {■ I 1 il £S5 f May S. 1513' \ Prcf3SPor A. E. 7errili. Not Haven, (ioxvu D«ir Prcfaascr Verrill: At la^t revised gallsy of yo'xr corrsc^.ed T,rcof has coaie to han.d. ard goes to y^a ^7 this ,i:^l. Please reniembsr ^Imt you have net yat retv.rnaa tlia termii-Al -alleys baginnirc witli 103« I Kri not clear eji to the proo--.;.. 3-.avus .. the illuBtratione. Have yen received pr > ^f all of yciir tairt fie::ire9 and platee? it iC' . ' .c^kin.:,. The corrected referencoB t ....... j:1c>- - te ineertad in these revU^. r^^s tc ...;^ +rcua. vrith the page proof. Verj;- troly ycnrs. <1 V^- . ts ■J •--~-^ O^i % • ^.i ^S5 r'a/?' 2, 1913. -^^•istron: Dear lt. -iouj Tliaiiits I'or jour lettar of April 17, ard '.hg i,^P,„.r.aTvi8 vc:i -Tars kiiid aiioU'-h to send cf Moose txrd nf.uril.ou '19 ads and freshly killed 7Thi".s Sheep aid '-rizzly Bear. I a;,; rvla^i to Imve t:ie exact locality fov ihe Bear, hut I do not find aiy inf or.nation as to where the other ani'jals 7;ere kill 3d. I feai' ^^ou liave heen raisinfomied as to vxj official TDOBition here. Vmils fonrarly (for ahout twenty-five years) I v/as Chief of tiis Biclo.;-ical Survsv, I resimaed fraa this position ahout t^iree years aeo, and the posit ioiis 1 hold in the Ilatiorsal i.^aeeiin are purely honorary, so thadi I have no authority over expenditures. Since the receipt of yo^jr letter I h^ve /nade inquiries of coth the Eiclc:,ical Survey and :iaticnal liuseiaa, and find that both ar^ ora'i^ed for :noney, and Trill not have any funds ^hich could he expended in the p-oi-chas© of Alaska (ceuTie aiiinala during the current year. Tlus I very much regret. It is poeailie however tiiat the Anerican ^.fusaua '^ .^t-oral Hist or,' in "9\r York or the Field Col^jmh.ian Museim in iT'iicCtjO -dflit be ./lad to avail themselves cf yo^ar i f I I ■I w4 K 52b cooperati-i in c'^-oaii-i:^; auseuai spoci.Aev,3. '?h_arles SheldDn of V.m 'ovV ccllocted and rreserted to the Biological Survey ^or the .'ational nollection iar.-e series or^ 'rizzly B.ars frora the :?b. -<^:rinloy region, ard a fer Iron o:>icr places, ancl a considcra'i le mxaber of Hhesp and -^.aribou from the sa.a re,':ion ai'id o^'-ivers frcr. the .Vilvis, -lacidUa^i. and ot: er ra;:y-e3. Probably you have seen o^isldcii's book '-'^le -ildamoss of tliB rukon' , published ui • ocribnars* 4-^ A i\d^roviiYjf i^ t>At I sua net in a position to help oa in this matter, and ^isliin^ you and ycur brother a aiost Guccessiul tript V ^^-T orv trul-r r'- ours I _A v>.. i*4 'A asa May 2, 1913. > i; LIr. '.. Friadiiian, , Editor, The Rod Man. Carlisle, Pa. Dear Sir: The llarch number of The Red Man contains an interestiir, story entitled »A Legend of Momt Shasta' . which woidd be of real ethnological value if accompanied hy the name of the trihe in which the story is current. The author's name given is Domitilla. Can yoti tell me if this person is a maraber of the Shasta tribe, or of the TTintun, or some more remote tribe? I should like to express the hope that The Red ]/An will make an effert to secure from its more intelligent and truthful students stories of this kind, bo that they may be placed permanently on record. In all cases, allow me to add. both the name of the author and that of the tribe should be given; otherwise, the stories have no vsJLue. Very truly yours. yi\ * -■'^■^^v* ' i -' ._» -. ■ .^A ^sa 528 ,v 'i'j'aodcre ^cccc-viit 2 IK May 0 , 1915. Laar i:oosevolt: ■ioday i a I tixnirv, back to Mollar ycur cnaitsr on '^oncealir- a-d ;:av6alinc ^clorar.icn. ^^uch for bbe pa^t ben days I V^va l^esn roadie.: at irtervolB. •"itho^.t Goinr: into details, there are ^hree s^-.^ral -.ondencias in it rfnich I do not like. 1. _he beilie^ererit attitude which characterizes the whole article. Tt seems to he pitching: into sanebody. ueually unnaaed. the whole ti^o, ar.d also at tlr^s see-^.s to erect a mn of straw for the purpose of destrcyinr-: hiia. 2. ihe continued aoA relenUese deter.iinatio'.) to annihilate poor -oayer. An3r ail you :ia^:e said abont hayer ^.d h-ls th.eorios In previous publicatlcns, it is to 'ns painfull 0 see the haT^nerirv^; repeat 9d ovor aod ovar at:ain, as is the case in t^.e present paper. Tr.en yon have knocked a rian down. atd eviscerated him, and b:Tied hi:T), Vhftt is the use of perpstuaiY traiqlrig his gore into the cod, and serving it up to yo-or readers-^ Besides, -liayer in spite of the absurd degras to vTliich he Ims carried uany of his argunents is entitled to great credit for discoveries aiid explanations of important trjiths in connection with obliberative coloration. 3. Your reiterated disbelief in natural selection. Personally T ao old-fashioned enowh to be a stronr, believer 4- ^ *$«• *2. in the i:c .•enc7 of neitural aeloCs.on as a d^m&aic cause in produciiY( iffljor^ant variatrioris in the ::ia3tii, clesrs, arii colorati-un oi .'if^r/ials, aiid in ulia lillr.^ cla?5rs, arid coloration of birds. ^^ :on ne^-er lose an opi ortn:nity to express your utter / disbelief in "lie value of ccim^er- -hadir^^* At the sa^e tiin9 your rs larcs under thir- head indicate^ at least to my feeble :iii d, :>iat yon raally fail to .-aep iT'iiat coimtar-ahadinf; iis; and one of us is in error ae to the obliterative effect of certain colors and narkiii^cs at ni^hto f Tj several cases you ci^^differently colored narornals or lii'ds inrial'itiiv the sa^ae re^ici\wr:ich have been mentioned by othars as illustrations of prot:3ctively colored STjecies. \ou insist that if cna of these xb protectively colored^ the ct'^ar cordd r^d: poBsibl3r be. 'IIid laic of this arraiment fails utterl'^ tc Dena^-rate my thick skiilla '^' « \- Tts differ 80 radically in our vieirs on the general question that it ia hardly worth e to take up the various sta-e:ianus irx detail* :^iayer, we all admit, hcua carried his - theories ad. arguoents far too far; has it ever occurred to you ■ • tliat you have gone alnost as far in the opposite ^.direction'i* Fe hjive read alosefl your recent Oitlook articles with deep interest and satisfaction, and look fomrard with pleasure to th^ appearance of additional nunbers of the series* J^fi-^nral 83 iat^rettinp; ^m inability to a^rree with you in imtters of lection a^id protective coloration, but with lest wishes^ /^s ever yours. f- i I .% es5 1 ^^ «M r a> 1 •i-l o f^ Ch4 1 9 o jr;ht tc Vs. 1>ds leads 'IS to make the modast re-.Mrk ^ad to receive two or three copies of each of your rmmml papers not published in '\ A. -aima. T :aav9 yonr "aimas. ~9rr tr- ly 7o;u-8, t/iat T ahead 1 e \: i : «■•• -I' ^£2 535 ^ ■lay 9. 1913, 'ay 9, 1913. 1^ ! I h' !5 I I . *r. ,VniQricaP. ^'iRm^m of ,'a+yaral Histor/, Hew ^ork Hity. # * Dear "r. Anthony A f 9w weeks ago you published a paper on "a!J".al8 of viort-iam '^aheur bounty. Oregon. Tf you have separatee to spare. T should he greatly ohliged for two or t-Tee copies. •# ery traly yours, ' f .r i. u it •„l' " * 1 1 % 1 i I i' I € 1 m. '] » ■ • * Dear r* lens- ^ em i Yonr letter of to 7t?. ir^ta^-t ^-ives :na a disti-c": :^' ock. I had net ^revio^isly realized tae very 2''0^''.tlifMl c'-^aracter of tne present parBonnel of the ^icloical ^iirvevo -f vou will ret one of t' e bove to dig into a pile of inj^ pullic^ations w'^lch 'eleor forced n^ to disrcrrs for the Biolc leal Siirvey a few weakfi a^^'O, 3:011 will find ne ^.xiilty of 'mrix publitjhed twerity-t>^ra6 veara a'^o ' ^Ireliniinary '^^^op^^is of tlie /• .i-^rica^: --eare. A^^cient a8 tMe a^lde^ice shows ^-^e to "^^e, I still hope to retain vrj maiital faculties frr a few weeks longer, in which case ^ look for-^ard tc tlaein*;^ in yo^xr ha^ids the rnan^jscrl-ot of k K^moDBin of the ears of ''orth iierica, in J. » J. w'nch t'-e word preliminary 'my he omitted. "^ tsm writing; to yo^ir friend lole of the Barahoo !a bv ti^is '^iaiU ^!.»^ •• ^\ %" '-«*S I ^\r ^MTsrsXv 0^ ret^im penalty envelopes i^ exhausted, a::d t>e an^^eibpe' containing this Ist'er is the last one of its kind reminim in zm office, lease send a few retjm permlties. asa 537 'T'"- ay 9, 1913. I h. ,{' u ear "r. arxi ""re. ^lit •■1.9^ : You have been In our thouehtB frequently during the Ion • interval since you left '^ashin^on for ^erir^ ^ea, and we have waited impatiently for navigation to open so that we mirht aend you a won! of ^eetir^ and best wis^ies. . '^lan -re. '^erria-n and I reached :Blned in California until the middle of Toceiber, «.d are now planning to go back thore. -ou will be interoated to leam that we hava purchased an automobUe. and intend to drlva ouraelvaa acro«o the continent. ^Tais will ^ive ua a ch^ce to make field notes alon^ the way, to collect a tm Oround Squirrels and -hipmunks in Wyoming, "tah, and -evada. and to visit one or two triV^s of Indians whan T have wa^ited to work for a Ions time. Wq hope to reach Lagunitaa about the end of June, a.d in case you visit the states during the summer, snail be venr .rlad to see you both at our little pUce in t'-e redwoods c ^e delay in receiving your bag^e must have been drc^fully ar.noying as well as inconvenient. T was sorry to leam that the collectinr- chest ^ith field supplies '■ t %\ % I % failed to reach you last fall. Tt was to CO up by the -r . ^«-^ -I**- Will y^QBJH*^ VOU first boat t-is sxrirr, so - su-p.oea 1. will .eax. . V- «-e sane ti-ne with this letter. T hOTo you have fcvnd encurh of interest at the . ' «nr^^or,*«d durinr- the lonr, wi;..tero Tne Islands to keep you coiuen.ed aurm v-i».^« R A ^ur-seals will doubUess comin- of the sTruTf- birds a: d .ur se.^ keep you b^oBV for some time to come. rv,^ eldest dau£-hter. lorothy. Praduates from ^ mr^ry^h aod wiU loinus in 'California f" lith 'Tolleg.e next month, a.-o wj.j.x i early in July. ^opim to see ^ou in Oalifornia. a:id with kindest re.^rds'^to you both from ^rs. ■'erria:n, ^e.^ida, and myself '^er\' tr-ly yoiirs. 'r. and -rs. avin C. ^^^VfaV,. ?t. Paul Island, laska. \ £22 539 :.:av 9, 1913. 'av ". 191- ^l'^. %v :» '^cle arboo, 'isccnsir to ""9 '■'ci^ l^^'^9r of t-9 5th instaiit, addressed ;; of At:ric^^, ^^as l:9er. referred to ^ie for reiilY. I^e rapar to Nnich vou reter, ...^OT^Bie of the i'.Mericmi ''-ears, raa puUis^^ad in 169.^ a-ri is 30., Birco ont of x.irt It is however a purely . ^ . -I ^nrAf iiivi --idd -ot be lik3ly to interest you. •teclinical paper am ..-tu.i . an abo;,t to p^xblisb a -^ncpsis of the Sir; Bears of ::crth .^erica, containi.r deecriptions and ra.,-e« of t.e .arioi^ Anerican s-eoies and subspecies, .Ms will be ruHishedby the b^-olazical <^^^v9^s r.erart-^.ent of A^ic^alt'^re, from which bm-aau copies .-nay be obtained probably d.rinr the late su^^er or early fall. hes-oect fully* i I IndiaiTapolis, Indiara, rear ".iv?,'. rp^VH:.- -,-. "Our le--.:»r of t-t 6th irf a-t, i.clo.i.,- circ'aar, -,=.ld s^ete that 1 ."I* 'o rare"-. c^e of -o^.r >J«- *."-*• of •fe'l"»- ""''■■'"^ ""' °°'''"^";" twieh also to knew t^^e price of a riece oi .-i^ -^la^ ^^r.„.-s +- n-e a« a- ant,(?-o>>ila cover, this piece oi 4-4. -{yi lA—Vn vv lO ft, in '^idth. 1 a- -lad. -'on.r te-t i? net Thite, and chcAdd x.-efer the -oods eve^ darker t.han t^a eaiaple sent, b-.t 1 suppose yon liavs only one colcr. ■Respectfully. . 541 r'AY 9, 1913. (.; II' 1. ^M '•. Mv daar '^aiiaaut It 13 always a vlaas^^e be l-oar from yon. particvlai-iy when you -iva .:e S'xh ird^erastirv:, inf ormtion le -mt ir. ycrr laBt Irr.ter atout bhs '\iskrata. T think your eirJar'ation antiraly correct, nanely, that >,he un- precedented scarcity of th.eir rat^oi'al enemies led to the ■rreservet^-c- of tue yovjig, in such n'j;:7il.ors that the species har. Vec:. 2 3T+raordinarily aburiiar:b. uTiis condition should •oavu-^llv he followed hy a-.^.other increase in xh.e enemies, ar,d T Ghould h3 -lad to kno97 if your prediction proves true ^-.^ -esxect to the ah' of 'ynx in tha near future. T a"^, p^i.r-' rised to learn that you found younft Field -fee in th^ nost in ^ahr-a^;. Tt ^ro^ld hg int-rastin,-:, to '-^iive tha skulls of t^ie old Mice in order to determine ■^^3 s^'eci'^a. •^9 >-.ave h.eon l^vi'.; • "'"ct r^eather here lately, the themot-ieter reachir,^ 9'^° for fo-or or five days in succession 1- St week. Tlie trees are in full leaf 'lere now, and I s^TOrose thev will he in your r^don before lor^. liavin,!' rone to laliforria hy rail nearly every season for the past owair^y odd years, T a:n now plaiming a daioart'ire. I have purc^msed a 'T'lrevolet autonobile. t "ap. /-. "^lo-ieau 2 , • -. 1 v.„ ^Voiif f'-n fl-"d of tV>e present month. and expect t.c leave '^are a^ out o.^e e..Q o- - « i>^ for ny ^^alifcrria hx'. at 'a^^i^a8. "re. "erriau aiid my vou- e8+ dauf^ter, "enaida, accanpany ^m. "V eldest dao-hte- roroti-, '.'ill graduate from "riith Cclleee tlie latter part of :-'ne, ai^ will join us in '-aliforpia eai-ly in .'uly. -"e expect to -nake t^:6 ^.rip in R>cut four weeks, h;ut vrill not set a definite date fo:- arrival, so that 7;e >nay he free to dally a li^'la hare and trara on tlie way, in order to collec' a few speci:i:ens and to visit, sane Tndian trihes whom I Imve hejn anxious to see for several years. Vou ar^rass t::.e hope th.ab we may so-.e time meet a.-,air. T certairly h,op3 we shall, aiid wJ fih to say that should you find it practicable to visit t^he rrast coast, you will always find a Trann wj1c.u.uw a.' v.ux x- - ^^ --^-^ redwoods at -a-xdoas, California, he,-- aitas. hy the way, will he -xj adriroGG fron the first of ."uly -til Turistms. ^ ' 'X ^ var; Vind re'-^ards and Vest wiir^hee. .,%..Jt.>w r •5 s^a 5 -;^'i -HTi TJr'^-.ri-^^.Kr r: --ap. a. oo:n^A-; ay 12, 191^. % % yio'JndQT : iopsetta putnarrii "culpine rycxooephalus 8COiT)ioides lintle ^'katas .aia radiata -ig ^kate Haia laevie ^ i^.^,.^— J J.^^ 1— . j-- >— - XSo^-3D^t:, . , V/v--- Cv-«.«*w\ Ai ««^. t Xi" ^A W^ ^ i<^'M^Mi t4<\^ s {U^IO 1/fi;> ^ I n- I* ii I I "i Ifr. ^rthonv , nan can , ^ •^e^'^^ .-^-r 'atoral -.liBt onr . \lew VorV **jt ,fr Dear 'r* r.nV^onv^ *^ 'iany V:mnks for yo';r cc^irtesy a;.d jroi^tness in responding to ^m^ req*)6st for separates of your excellent T;aper on Vae 'jla^^als of ncrtliern 'lallieiir -. JlT :cnntv. Or^on, which arri^-ad thie niomia^. 'J f ^^'ith bast wishes, /orv trul^,^ vonrs, '/V- !.'» m I'av 12, 1915. av 12, 1913. f I' , I '^1 ^^>\-.^re-pd .^^ermn Ooolid.^e, Pr. Indians, l)'?ar ""ir: Actin- on -;-3 s^i;i:£.:3stion in yotir letter of April 15. T take plaasiire in inclosing: her ^ith ona 1 • i,'^^ fA +'".T« rinar''.erl\'' Toiirnal for dollar as subscrirtion to uaar-ox-., the c-orrert vear. While I have not had tiv.e to read the first nunber, I aa rlad to see that it is ao well printed and presented in such attractive fora. You ask for svir/r, est ions and criticisms. I an .-.ndsr too .-raat pre8si;.r3 of work just now to take the matter up in detail. I do hc^ever feel ttmt yov are tendinr too far away irom the real Indian. 3>' this I ,3an that you saem to he too devoted an adlaarent of the Pratt policy of damnirv^ erer^thinf: Indian and -lorifyins evon-'thin.r- from the white :ian. I see much that is good in Indian relirio-te and Indiar. ways, and while of co^u-se Vne fnt.ire of the race in the lonr rm depends upon the adoption of cl^an^ ad conditions, nevertheless T 'lave no Byr:Tathy with those who cry out a-minst the old Indian. iferr truly yours. ni "Si.' V % -Jj-.n -— *w>-...'-..Ji.. *\ t ! ;■ * s • r 1 i I "-eor-"0 iird -rinrell. - — -v. Y'zvjr ' rinnall: rr, ,,u^ p..>, ..^.-r' litters of ^rril 21 and "''ay 1. Fro:n now until t^5 e;xl of the m-;th T s -.all he working as herd as I prrsihly can on ;ay ^^.-nopsis of the Big Bears, to he Tuhlished hy the ^iolo"ical f^urvev probably in the early fall. Until this is issued I arri not at liberty to ,~ive out an^r matter on t'ls srhiect. After that I could -robahl" furnish s-ch a?^ article as yo'i wis- -a brief 8tat,e-::ent of the present status of t^" i epeci38 of '^rizzliss arjd •'rcvr--. •■.sara. •"-.e xaintir/' vc- ss-.t ic cartairly of much interest. It re.iinds ne o: a c^:Ticus lirht colored Black -:ear -e receivsd from lolorado a few :'ears aro, and also of o^e hra^ -western ":^ortana T^iich ■' p/orchased ^:"hese are "'^oars ir- faded ar.ul cha;r:ed snrnier pelar^e, and one or hcth of ■h=a- are ^'an' old. ::o vou not wiph the paint in,'- ret-.mad? Ap evor vciyrs, V -,. |, »-^ , last 7sar. 3^2 5 m^ I i ay 12, 1913. 1 f^. rr. *. Howard ''lark, r ;t^ iJear 'Y '"'* "'lark! 7ne revised Kallej^ of ';erriirfl 'Starfishes (ralleys 1 to 21, 2d revise, a:ri gallsjs 103 bo end, 1st revioaj arrived this mcrnin^% .ind are re-'^vmed to vqu herewith for anothar ryvise. f an ir^cloaing also copy for rr7 'rtfac9. !t looks as if ''errill would continue to add rgvr matter until tha thinf^ ia locked up in pa^-:e proof. Very ■"^r'.ly ■^^ourB, ,>\»t/ ».. Q "^ '■^T'i nn '\ Dear ^r-fesscr ''errill' :-lad 0 have yo^-r let .ar ox . a ti^ i .^^.m. , . ...^ ^-^r-;:^r'*^d -alleys 1 to 21 and I'O oo ^na, receivod t-^rc-m : oward AfXyts, onas or.ix.i,, ^ to hri "Hereri'h for B>icther raviea* I arree ^ith yen fmt V-e new nia'^ar ie well rorth while, a-d ^^131 add yreatly ' c !>^a 'aiii^ C)f **- Ml ■Tork. I v-cpe thi" cold si,5li is not ^ivlag you a rstvm of yc-- dis^reeni-u: nourfclria. a;^d trust t'mt ^'-e troi^hia will ^.:tirely a-saupear a? S't..T:er co^a^ on. T a-.. ila:^u.^: to B.i ci- ^"or •:allfor-a i. u^ - ^,e end cf t-3 -.o^v^h, a:ii -ope ^c eee ra^rs proof -.itii illuFtrati o"P bsfora ■ lo. ■' ith h-^st rishas, T'erj tr.)ly vovts, Hi Ir, : \\ 1'" J,. . *,«..> ,-«f- n ^ZCiuie , ^1 :..- ' ;., c, ^eop--a:ptii- 3 vCashiiigton leax^ -1'^ •4.^ T ^A^--r, the Wo mat) .- it- '^^ r-. ^'ift last !Ddetiv5g, na^^^-^ly ^^' iCOol- ail-?/ c -- n© 1 -Hlia ^s-^ier Djsar^^ b le;^^. jT I-''-» ^ .i"..."! U ^ • • • i. J- Jk. -J 1* me. 4 ^"i 113 ^'''^' ^-^y^Ar• -vf the Tooele Vt- '^^'' ;:' earing t^tiS ^a i- -^-- ?.^-^,ri ir f'f&'r- *» B;-d-.v-'i I 1 550 lav ii, i^l3. Or. '. ''.'vlie Aiiderson, ' "618 ''ack Buildiir-. M\ dear Sir: Denver , Ooloradc Voday T am returni-.-f, to you hy eajresB, ..^emid, t-.e skull of the big Bear you killed on ; .ilaJc IsW. a.nd which you ^ere ki..d eno^v^h to Icar. ^ , a some tine a,,o. i have Imd the skull a..d teeth .^ ^ «v.,i oo,,e a-ede a series of nieasur emends ■)f the sa;i3. 'Eie Bear is a typical old mla mm ^3&. ^rA ices not in ar,- way r.^e.-ble the -oecrliar skull which I rad thought mi^i-t^ '^^'^'^^ '^^^ ^^^'^ 'Jniiiiak. 'iru3ti:.i£ t:i9 axecimen will reach you in good jn^-ir-. . ri -^a">ir" ^^ni. ♦'or Ycur courtesy in loamnr. J.V, V S^'s.. .X/>^- 4* # 1 * ^ :»i I i 1 ¥o;r 13, 1913. 15 "8. Z-ie -'larch nu.^her of' T'-'e i-.ed •1 i- -;r.:et.i''\'", lece^^d of ^ r oui ru Llan cor.'fti'^s a :';;aeta. si-ned lonitilla. "^ishi:-!g to kr-^ T'-'e':h9r the ston,' imd h^en 1 • -J A-^j.M -tVn- ■ ar I'^diar. or "'■'ad been T.aka>\ • '-o'-U one of t'-e i/ulliB-Tt^. rnythe, 1 '^'rov-e t>o srlitor, a^^d a-: ^. J "s. , ■'.-r-^, •'- ^x* '• -rr^i ATh ?-u(3 ^-"'Vv; "Or • 11 '■ ou v/ii:i ^-^s rood ei'ca-^: ^0 iiaHV ^0 y a:'*^'=er itty jvj'^i^r^r^ •, / ' -' •. • »\ ^r fc^(^'. W- %x r22 552 IM f Mr. ?ra-'' Y • c^.n Ri^'l^'r^cod] H'5'7 Jer8o;s ^'ov ^era t.o >ie a*. En,-;l?^"ood tcnnorrow. a:--! knew how t,o ret ^--ro. I -'-'^^ '-s^-a t 5 -'i -"'t ^rai^ to K^??? York to-i:;h^; •^'r.-r T^ie '"• .9T". ^e-' d?»"i3^ T^ f^c, T-at in the Dcst way to ret there fran ^^or York*- Ploae do not ma^^tiOTi t^e ]>oi^Rihility of v.r-r coiiir^^, a.? T ^^-sll. ;prc'^^abl'^ ^^ot ^ee n-- o-^^ 5^ •''=w YorV "hut ret^ATTi "-^0^"^^ -ha ea:^^9 dsr'^. Tirie is ^^n^ rracions to ^e i^' ro^'«^, ?"=• 1 ?;■' t:^Tir;:^ to fi'ri^'h ^j^ith Wi9 Eeare so as to p:et O'T ^or Oalifor-^^a abcrit ^he end of t>e i^o/rth. ^£r'^. LL wc^ild >'« ^laci to re -^it^^. ma, "but ha^ co^.Tjary at T.r^sent, W"* t,^'^ "oocf^, ITTT ol-k :4Q i:-- ' 4 i-a •«rn''^ -»T,j'»-»j\ k. i-"-Ci cA i-'^ -— Ir-'?'^' let'^-^r , V r,.^-^- '0 S3rji r.e the cia?:2 ^--.^., T'^.^o-2 Psni-^r.-la^ Since t-..t-. .- — i--^ t -w* »<^ / V* iTi ,^4. ,.*,.».. o ■-*« ^>fw^ t'^ -^row at ^O^Hw . ^- V --•• 7er - tr:.l" y^a^^ KL , V: Mr G-- Ir,:^:rlclc K:r+o:u ^ -.«fcUi,,,V til; I "3 I I £32 554 Ma- l-l, 1913. T/^.v 'j.'l-, IV LS. r-y lU ^r V % * Dear Sii^; * - Reil'lv' t:^ '^^r lotlor of toa 5th ir^j'.H 'tz-^or i'l^ardad for Tol. 3 o^' Pacifir Ooant History or bhe A^iga lixT.edlciori of Yllb^J^^.. Bi«fX cf Pairc Font, the correct tlT.le cf ??'-ic'o I c^^ not pravioiualy possess, 111 sMi^-'i:^ to ^pi? I n'.all -e Cwli{^:3d if you will Band 113 t'-^j f cIIot:! ^ -: 1^ 1, Hr. 2. i" :- orricial Acccuiit cf olie Pcrtola SxMediti-i of 1769'^l?v'0. .3. Diar^ c: C-astar de Pcrtola durii%^: t'le ndlircriiia Exroditio^i cf 1769-17V0, 'larrati'a cf Uie Pcrtola Exxedition of 176^-1770. by Migut^l Coetanso. A. 1. 7oj- ■^T <. 1. r-e Portola Exredition cf 1769-1770, Diar/ of Yioenie Vila. 3. Sjnodition to Sa^T Francisco Ba\'' in 1770. Diar.- of F idro " 4. Tha Portola Bxcedioicn of 175^-1770, Di?. i^ip^jel noetar'Bo* 10 • 50 50 7P« ■^ f ^^' .25 X o .'iv.* ^ 6e lsxT.3d.ition on "be Sacra^r^snto a-d .^^r, .Tea qui- HIrerB i^ 1617, r.efie B.^vvear tc foot i^p to oS^f^O^ T/'iich ano^int if^ incloBed. horrt^i!".^* iCi (iI^^ Ge*-;d ^^e a rt^calrt i oludia' "iiiB $1 B2nt fjr 1' a Ar"/.a Ex*^ edi I I I^• ll a. I »P' D ~.atr G-ri"' ■■'?-■ ' t • " Ma-- :,.aik8 fc- vo„ c-f z^ l'^'^ i 'P^n;•t, a-id. lor v.- -^ rsJ4i i'. 1>ir . 'P \a^\ I a: vt-r"^ '"* t,o ks^TV., Th":^ ^'x-< b^'^'^ b:\o-- --^x- Bjar vr icH 'rov -Aave c.:.ibtle8s h^^ard of, ".aiely ."3 ^'G•cari.-d ^^i-ji^^ "B^ar of '' ^^ -li— •io:^-.aiis, H -ei-' c mil ^ris'-lv 8aic 00 live in the trnher- li.:8 ror-ion in wasoam Mn; .a-ia a^'X^ '"-o'lirj, I .'.e --ir 'oo:-' -uch s^oo> 2- t^p B>ar --Ml T ^>' - ^ ir our cc':*-c^:o:: vnrea sknll? or fe:-^3.1« -^-r'i-KliBP fron :.^.-;i-' v;eptd:-- Ltorta-^a. .■'^sSam T^'-cf;.i:-v. a- cl ?xrrtJ-i?J eastari Ida-c, w-iic'i ertj :ni:c'i easier and 6'iortar v-^ar aay ot'-^ers I ^'b^vj Hea-u ^-^ -^ dii.or i^i^^ • in '^avi!:^ cc-t3id;=»m* I7 f .lallar tn-th» JuBt mat ^: ra-'-^^ cl then 1 do -os k-nov^, -''or.^e 'mve ^o ad. It -^al^^ ^c; -'- ' 3 :^- ra;. aduU -n;M - \^-iz7^ : tho>?i. It :i^ a drdadt'i! Vn-r^ ^. O ' i -■. ■- J- •• •^..•1. - - --< , - V * Cci'-iAbii'.. f.rd Alee 'a. \ 7 : J 1 ^ .r •> -■ Af 9'^''=3r 7c* r 8, A Dr. George 35 '\1 Srir-nell* N'^w Y:^r r Ci:r-'\ 222 \ 556 1f^ tr 191 >r :z IC /^. 1 -L. » I i... u '^S ■» ■» T » • O • ; XK/ 37 1*if H* T* '*. 'O dMIs Ar.rcoiati r*- ■ ^ t A ■»•• -.i no*. -T *■ --'' n *^ ♦ — . ^ i. • Cai i:^: cr^ f- ■; Ka J. T C* *"J 'T •ixe t3r I '-' » 4« ^ '1 -a nP. c\,o -» -» -ascca, 3 .0 ^.ast route frxi rcv'-a :^^or Califorria ■i^iU Id ;-^ T 1 1 V J. 1 i, w a-T} H.-\d ^'^^ Carson- .L^^' rrv Hi reJs? T .^ -i^ u,- C iwl 0 ,ryr y-- jr\ */«•■ k* ' v^A ;la: i ^' fr ^ IS jB 38 T: V^ .1 v> d ii ^ > . 1 J. C • ^ X J-. -• 0 '.lisgisailll V ■^aile- '— O T* 1 _ j„r ^^rntr s nr)'i l1 T - ,-» ^."v ■ ',« — •> t* ~ l3 of 1: :u. .n*^. --^-' kj sJ .X cr-3J ^. ■'TT vra" of fT -• ca^'O A* *^ ,liare ma^ ra f r. dr ,-" » 1 x35S Si,r6 'I* Jo yv a Tf '^ •« , X J w t ^ '^ or roadf- r^^i or i ad a s X ^ J- Jy .^'UO* 8. 1 1 •,»T ee 0. M: A:ia cur ^ron uv. u ;d V7:. d J. Oi. -> ■J>'^3 a^ 'oi pj •"'y a'^abee lana aiia /irMuxct ^c. < " ,-»» irs e- acial liceiii^as ■-'»- ' K/ V* ^^ '^ sj 5 w J. .^ ll '-,C -- i.: i, ^v Oi) ill a CT- .16V role' ^ 1£, «. ^• I 1. .% ri • I4> .,. ^ ,;^ ^ ^' if X -' v^ -> ^ ju ';ar »^ X - »"' • K T -I 1/ ♦ t inf'P:' '^' a- V •« iia" S/ ! .*. V/ w r^ - »• r^ *^ i> il u:.' uu uGa oA T*" I i.^ iVCUd-n ^i-i *d .. [- WU u;* D-/- c r 1 n t -» B ,C" jLU JL ^'uw _ J - i i"^ V' A O •■J (-> ric V* w tUi aasi Iv CI ^ VI ■» 7 ( ae L3 -' '-s ac '.a . 1 o -«. a lar^e . i>S 1 ■*^ .•» «^» - v.^* /? - ^-- ^ -- • ^ WJ •-/ .'. W v^ %V ■» »^ * ■< u^i -a. Ci. '^-■. VOll M r^ V V ai3i y- I Htititioir •• "^ ■W*'* ) - A Jk t V ^\ rjc y-'v >.- ^ 7 a JLU •J r •\ T-' V*U. 1 v<-« 17 ►-• ' dfi % • ^' 0 U'lv S3 i ) ' ftOi.'^ ct> R i, £» JO J U J, .» L J. V y .3 .,i^ y^* ^ » Z 0 J- J - "» ,-.. -,a 'J-Ai ,(\ for Sai. Fraacic ^ -> ^, .> v • BilO ( lacl of a 1 -' '>^ 1 w ', i -•» •'-*• Lir id^'O cr-l^Cdri'lil: if J <■ z^- Vi/ . -*. •• f^ orf 'a -r,^J- X^ a .^ X wi 1, TT , *., L y^.^1 « >^-«" •J «u •Q-rrs t-i Tse I 4^ n 'Ti '••% _• .V UD •f-» :! o .4 :>> '^ o ^;> O a o i 1 re r-l ^•-x' « < » • ;- -r ?/, o P^ I CO t» -» o ^:• ^ »«"-» I fc' i: O i. ^r> CO TJ § ! 'K CO J-) a? :?r ^' r^-\ / ^ ':3 »-l «tH •^ tv 05 CD 'f-i f^ •4 fiJ 0 ^ «> .f5 O r- <^ iQ 'i T t-t |»"*»4 o •t-» ^*. f-> r " • u .- '4 '-.■> u: W4 • .*^- t-^ d -1^ •^ C- 5 X 33 0 Ci r-! <• ) O dD •t) — « C-^i ^^ o5 •*-l ^ «• ^ D a^..» ri ::?> i> -rl r = faq «!> 1 ■"A . *4 i 893 559 May 15. 191c^ r:\ Gecr-a Bird Grinnell, T;.ctikh for yc^iri: cf t\j 15t:. i r^ZEit^^ I sua faad to 'iHVd \.ie ra<*ord of :* m-. 3-r.:^2ly ku^ilad t^jzivi, aaveii y^^ars ae:o ij^ar -^ho ju:fictiou of Milk River vtxh the liiseioi^ri* You '." ■•6;7 kriu to rril^i? WilliB iiH^i:-^- aj^ oJxcr r^r (jiizzli: r^kullf- fro} :\d Pial:&* I s?ioi:ld be ;lfiwi to it, :'-at is, to xay $5 ai^iscj Tcr ro.-.alas a;.d yciiiu:, a l^ ^v' J-B?t tlO ...ciece Tor au .It .ui^ Gniz'lU^. Wlula t;o .'- t ^. 1 ■ c xar-iy naao cu.aGi.i;e}t6 iroiji v .a Plains, -g alec neod sk':il:. I'ra^i tna 'iion^^cai -e. Sculi^ o ■■^, ' ', •» „ Cj. aar.x'05 .:0w3var fla-am T.o ta a." t%carc8 =^,f ha}>*-5 te^itj.. naiy ^, a.-d ki.^d^at re/ardB to you Iota. PS. Did 1 vaii vju blial a., a^^^is an. lioraria' a: Pi^ugbuTich, T^to v/a8 -ifcri',in.:; ub a ^Idle ayo, told us tlat t^iQ T3ooka ^ncst ^ i in de.iia-a "c.y t-is Pit; boya wara arianeH*B Jack storiae. We :\3.7Q fo-ind taan: sc att/ractr/d to the boy scoute hare -ohat we toowiit we wo-.dd tr/ Oi.y of i,;isxi en tie old folks. So we got ' JaciT A::0:v: t'-e Ixiivw, a -.d Gilboi-t has b=a:T reeuiin-^ ic, aloud o.A-:iiY;8 to 'Jo odlficatio'. of tbo anT,ira fa.iily. You certainly -lid 8 ;oGd jo'.^ -"i'sn yoi; rrote -hoa bucks, ard I conL;ratnlate J.- you >v^fe-: ^-^ ^v ;u-f) already i:' :!«! 9bb .rdbv::o:i. I dc not know of t 11: ! 1 ' • I ' Mi^ itc^' '?. A drafts, Au 1 - Curator of Mu;!:...alB^ Ar^aricai' li' s- • ^ o^ !Ipt--ra3 Hif^tor- M Df^ar !JIr. iL"xir8ri>^ ♦ 4 c. , •» -If tfv --. I a di^^aT-' ":ad /la. vcu ara ^rt a le to fiud tio G-uiL W i^v:.ll in qiy.iFt::.n '■^•eca:i8e Via rar.icn iron which i.. care (Fc/t ^X^.- 1 " "iC' m !> > "^^a.r .i -J J •W- •* " •^^ - - t~. » lid .,-i «> :3 vll is iu "'3 A^3ric8:•^ ?t';ne'r*. He statos chav soiie v^are a':^ irrtje :. Dr. All on vi3i"od ai^Li iu KiO'le T^laiid, 'la 'laii V .-^* -^\-:o iihe fJ:)cr a-^ a nK, c: .d t-mt Dr- All:^ i a..kdd •^:T it on tha w.-xich he Ba^^ the i^ivi-^ ??•• A-.uuns iv'.- "^i;. uave uti^ ski/i, ra^^ 1^ p(»or ^^^^diiiion^ M.=arii? sL,avj3 that i^ie '^v;3c:bea ^as •::;oi:.^i:'::.ed Nc^^e-.r'^u :tl^ 3805, a^id ra^- IT:. flS ir, hi^: ca'aiv. us* or A fi> -I 'w\ - 1 .rmtr.^ Wi Oi^ •v- r to 70U for vc'jr trcuMu i^ L . F.' 092 I May 15, 1913 Mr- Pa'^l Xldinaida i;^ Aladdirj, Wyor'U>if> Daar Sir: Yoir lotoer of Ajril 17 cane duly, and would Imva bean acknowledged oefore except for tha fact that I Imve been 6xcaadin,nly busyc Tie account of ycur drizzly Bear hunt is most inoerasti^^ atjd I a^* f^raatly ohli^ed for the troul^la --C1 took in "CTritine it for me. Did tnasa Grrizzlies live In the nain in forest ccajitry, or ii t;»8 open, hiding in brash Jn the ravinee? Aid hc?7 far froai tiaber have you kno^* them to ran^^a? ▼or}/ truly youre. ^wV^:^ -*_» ^ ^'^-V -v.-v • I f I idZ 562 Mav l'< • ivlc. A-rrrir)€v: A'-O' i'. • I • - Aoi wc .a C 1 C-'i 2 f ^j ^ tc A la \lca Motorist.. Af:6r Jiui*3 1, plesisa address to^ ina-aziiid lo :ao ax, La^:jiitaOf Marin Co, Oalifor-ia. La-^or I T/ill v^ jl ;^ct t' t^ addiciO'^ai {Z':c ^riaxb to whicn /oa ¥.a u ttii nd eC'cowl oei^if^ a^ la tc travel tVie 6pt:?Ciai. 'X -0 particuJariy a6 to Maryla'-^.d, ""cr I •.a^^a ceea told -sre bhat oiit^ CH'inot paaB ^^.ro.H: !laivlaad .'rithoot va;ivi^ a Ar' a'^:r-.o^:n<.*9:ie"Xf! or lioerais^ire Tl:ich you .ijay fra:: li:iiG tc ;:'i£3 l^ave for Ji-^tril^ution ki>idly sand me after aarly Ji^.6, alcirasGad :.o Lor" atad, Calif or-ua, &; "'.e Tf^;:, •'^av vou ":eii ^is rrhtit ki.Ti of a oer A. L. W^nt -ard r;ade ^^o ^.rit; to Loj3 Au"9leB in, in OcTcVaraid llo^/a.ibdr 1910? Xer: tr'jilv ^''O'.itb, \. *N,J^Vy' M r^ . Fin-.i \.3 >rii:lad iiiie C:. tie Vcrton of iba nickel () )t IrK^^^O He HC v^ ^♦.s :. riJ": I'v-iSc '•-i ■ W! A^ T,o the i3£.p8 2 0" nqx 01 Pe:rF:']7a- ia aiid Viivi-.ia, a^^i ^ha: i: io ready. c^'hU 'e ol'li^-ed if ycu ^^7^11 eoud ne tjvo a~ :f Oai^ror- ^a^ r do c^ j?u};x,0Be v'^ax -/c^a ^agn oi' (X.Io, riiiaiA. or II;::oit •"ill -0 rjaJr ^afDra T 6tart vh^.Iv i,. J-. >), Dc you ^r'^Ush t"-:- Bj..a Boc-, or uc y^a p.-bliQu iifc^:® cI l:otai8 a-d "ara ^JS ra> ardad ar- -:r / 0 .'. u o cat-rvTia^-e o: C^^^ 1 £5c 565 '.5sy 1?, 1515. Mt- 17, I'^'iS- « Dear Sir: statm- t- :o cost ci an S.^.f-i'^. cctr.o feet, '.ra-or-proo^'ad like ycrxr .e .ub. 1 i-hid ..At chia size i^ e Ir.-U too loa:; , ...; -ar";- ri •■jric-.-.6 -io have ^hi8 olo^i) iii , *i > il 8 oald liice also ".o he.-f^ ths tent ., ,a,eccJor. Oe., yo. s^^ply ^.h. roode diod dark Ico^ ? r ..ot, ca.. you supply %^3 c:ood« before i^ is ..fAri -c •.va' I •ra- "'^^^ i*^ ^^^ ^'^'■^ T-atrtr-prcoi ad ?;a..3f-proci0ci, so ••- a j- ■"«■.' ^ ».<^ I- IS I, f-l ic Boant, w Dear M'.% Sl:.:-.^* ij'r;r7 i-i'-i^l' yo'ir^ • * I-H ,-^, -I \ '*^ « 1' saa 566 i^i Li.V J. » » ^ T ■1 <» iJ 'l? to ratv;irn u.c ;;c5 :ai:.iiig S9 a.t i i ' t '•- w JL IT K- >) ". r V V t' \J ' .PC- •■> «v» a WiOi a fccuk Liay la i;i;t. in par^a r V n r. 1 1 i I •: I at ' .1 1 I { ■ r<- 5 M Vj4- J. J?^ • -« T O J lat, en ere tr lil hr R •Oftaon-.D o.e ?la tr TT, V J- %a^ . ' ^ f^s • * ^"^ < •-' 1 \s V \ ir~ V vJN. «.-. !. . <- . > •-< w' r A • .'JJ 8 tt -I^V-' J.JLi rr B a T5; •■'"■T .■.--J "^J V:- 'i \j r ijl i3t-t.. *' " — * ct id d:x la a .i - P ria '^•♦B ^c-vaj.'d II a V* »J V -N Ot )n. ii • .- • De^r Lr ^^ J H^r^^ ::th I ora ft er^' la ^ V B •;>! "TN .fc«.-^c;i 10^ T n 0 L^ - -ty* y »/ >_ f 1 t- "I r^l A. J. ■.. A. v*J vb t J, f\ < * i • • vv V ," • ■■ o ' 1 at. 0£? rd -"'tT II' • 6^ TTT '7 • ill ^.1 i X'^; T' .J 'ca-o CI ixpiariHwion I a;:- sarxd 1% Ton^tii •n' ft ^'^ lO- 'J ( *. V,' t liit ractji ed ;rc4'i Prjfes^cr V- ?:?(, 7 111 rr»* -i A ff. f^ xilOii V-- ^ *. ' -v^ rl lO-.t'OXd^S ■ j-i o j ub;^ L '*. liii^yi ':iii- iinA C'. exCviy uv N , ■•>> '.< i K »1 . ,-•)-.- r f^ n x-' i L'v-Vj r^ex ^. A •• N Ho'.'/ard CJj.ars: .0 i.av c - C! fas sa^:e nic IP i> COPV CI vcMr TiHi.yr ;;escr - :'l a. ' ' 4i ;, / %.»^- •»- - ^r:?re:><. I r^rsQ v/ U V w u liave x. ■^Cii'O y* rj.: Y: \^ ' ..^ k f Cr . V rea 568 xic-is 4. ^ o iTi.-n v» ?:»! ,-.. 1 <3^ \ ^1 ■- ! V j J - S X •Pnl lia ^OJk iiod jiJi-Ji'^ i_-_'_-'-.i:J L!L- ; ( t"» r- T> 1:1 1 ■^ • •«*»•.■• I- .•-'^. T-c 3 b&C 1 y--,^ca '7 • ^J. s> ■^■>l %v»( •^vr «s >^ •< rt a. "13 -Dm .1 rl-. iFi'!i a'^ a ri t ■"IT! I"\ rrt aViO. 1 -.■: Vill ori'^'Oion .f * r X * y J y^o n -'.-■^ ar I t?^-an ,f M.' i\ B 1 .^••' I -f .-^■. -.•<. ^ 1 -I "^ .-./^ I - - n.-:> civ I a' »v» •yr» F- 4 W. Av :;^i: >• r » j,">*li V A ••'•I n - - - r J^ \f i -. Di^fr Si Tbfi^i r t}x6 •V-.' . 1 r.- ;; '- yr^. -r.V. i'j tfj' •i. ^ . ,-1- J. • i.*^ • Ofc . . k- ^ a; 3. » ^^ •? ^ ^ r* H. A ' ♦ » v» • - * lid cneo'v ^ V ' .* "■' r^ ?/ » i i '^-.s»^ r--* "^ ^?;:*. ^' ■ ■?•" ^1.. -i^' Y^ \, _J Mladla Went gjid ■r ^ ^,..0 arbfv yrcrn ;:iiBsi.=ioi 6 i t ine >ft .'T'r^fC X *? Old •ed< • tjf ■.*-* l- * t?_ V W-^r^-.v,^ .m^ \ I i 9 • t ' T/ < i^t^ k* Mi^ • J ; I (5 D .Ct t^ - r% t '-» '1 •:?u •) ii>a;i • V . » ':U- M "i >. y.R A ■» 1 -^ '•»*''«^ rr» ^r''— '•■lir^'; on fi^ >. ii"«ii.n^c •'« Vox'v ii .^-Li k' « C-** ^ ^ \>~t 692 Ma^f 22, it^lS* "ProfeeBor A. K* 7erriU, D:-ar Pr-'faoBcr Yerrill: ^ -A^^. fi- -ard* Glad i^o icior t:iat I y ergot to ea^' -^ tr.e iia^aefc of spacidB .Uo.ld alwavB ^e printed at tha bottom of every plate. We are covrpie^^iy in accord as to tiie. *:« it " 30.,etM-.r I r.ave ionr>rv for icr mny years, so I 8)«ai ue ocli,.ed if you win icindly write at the bottora of .ach .a «f ^^iq aracioB covered. The fwJir-s P«eW plate ^^.'le naiaas oi '--la sjeciOT ^^ -riot-AR --ill -^iva* ^'ore det.ailc of courso. 01 exjiaiation of plates ..ii± ^i^" ^' . Very "oruiy youre. if f I' A i .ft ^ t^ _'.'» -I ¥^ 570 Ma^ *1 f; Mil 4, Mr Rr^' C- A draWB, , ,,. Dear M: • U M.t.r\- tlianl:.. fcr ■•cj- I" • : C . ■'..IS 20 :h ..i. i:*k' a "' f^-:d : or C' ^ /roahlj you ha:.^ :.akan ir a -ai^ aiard^inc. foi" ^ ^- V» ->**» -^ -• '.' • * I congra'^J:^ ' % ■» v^iii :e i^acce^iil u in the 11 .e ao :^xl aa i.. 1^":^b cf ^ors 3poc::d^^'t viTHrti:'* W'^ll5 I ^x^'jci Kg vAlle- '^^ S'/-/.^^::^ C; ' a Bi; B-^ars an a Biolo ical .-K c i the irc.-t -ill not _c ".: v.rass »A,«. • »• ♦ » "• c r*aK«r; '"-B0 ;.c-xi. v' inter; *c ta«r With i.oo: -v;... .38 for a ;r-cce3ef\U voya^,«, I I rva . 572 Ma- 22., I:'i3w Louis C avTviau #'^ lire Loii^ Oj'avrole^., ^ M^'' (i^ar S ^ ■** W at i^ t'i3 prase*^' s^atan cl* ;^ car? Tat Bi^fi'^B j-3r3 dc liOw kiiiw xo»i^*i''^ir ^^^"'^^^r or -ot it ^ia3 heer- Brixped, a-d w^.en i% ruay ba oxT)8uted» ie it IB ":OT 'j^ctiie i'iv3 TToe^? Bincs it* was orderad, I ai iiaturallv rat^ar i^atirt io -ava it. Na\6r-^'* -lasn I aT.T.r«oiat6 :" 3 -rc-:Vl& you ari takix ^'O p)t i' In first.- mm ^ cIhh« co-id-.': :vi for -.-i re-..,.;- ■;.ra"scc!-/cir.9:-!tai xrir I ar: aho'tt to u.xl'^r^ I '?^-^i '^y.x gc- .t*c ^c wnart. .::? la«t of thiB :r;c^^V^. l3ut riil ^oeijoiie ^cijie ^-J^ anothar tr-^ek* I ou'--' t 50 mve bo la 3:«T:oriyitce ia rrming the car 'fefort> laaviiv' ^'la city^ I ^^'^vs no^ '^ad Ti^e leeaoaa r* overftt- ing t'^8 car, aad -^saJ ; -fit I iuirters'.a tJ i^'^c ordinary oyyc^iorm vt^n ^it^ll. Should air^hi x ^ajfer. >orevar. I g;A in v.nt 13 liy<d ii.5 i:ai^t8, I s^io^^ld be oblr:ad for a copy of tha i^ama. I 17 iB/^ -^ov V.:: id \frito jua frarMy as tc iiist *f . ■rh3n I :my axp^ct whe car, aid also t^ell :m anyohirig about it ^-ich I ou/ht ^o knor* \i ^ i^ 4 1 t i f i ll:r rouxe will ~.e iraa Vfts:il:-c;*.o- tc Pittsr'.o'c'-i CJ.j'olac. C:.ica,-o. D • r- Lbr^B, Oia-a, Cci-.i.-V:a, Nortn PlR-.-^e. Olir-c^: a, LarKrie, Sidr, LrJre Ol■^.y, Cvsop, avd 1 » * Saerajne^to. If yea will ki^tily se-id ha a Hf- of a:-,y a-eT^ciftp -o'l mv i^avs aic-" V: ia routa, rjcrticixLarly ^Itose r-'-'Q^ :vn-»« r;n.air shotf-, I r':all ca rraaT.iy ''•'- .ed. Vae t';-.e oil dif ir;lt-y overc^n? in Infiati-ng t;-:? ^irss trr»-t . s rorrercod air cylindar? I 8ti^:^;:^:'3st9d. to He'-xJ^rncr a -d Rot. 9 vi? p-^ttiv;- in c-' ;'e oirtlat ril^ 80 a.« ^C' jrc^jct 3 or 4 inchos i^t-- *•..- c interior of ". -^e air <--U>der, a')-'S Cl.gvrolet car aB t::s ha^jdsor.oBt ai-d o"!5 0]' thf5 V3rj "'98- carp ev-^r >ad8, ^-id -eal e: fident t"i;v-; as rco^ ap you -"lave overcome t \g -.rafli-;.^ di fticv.ltids ^-Tch aHa-fp "983* a ^m c^xr, it "^ill taKe i':s rlexsa r.ear thf* "^eed of o:.e iit't of -.i.e world's bast. cars. With haa- wip'^es a:id t^arVs for t-A ^rorbla you ]»ts "^akor ir tp/ vena if, Ver- :>rjl7 vc wT?, ST2 574 I > : 1 '• 1 ^, " ii: East ?etli S^rqo Kaw Yorr. CI "-fV * 3" ^ven:^ A2^ •-, m^ *•■- ^ a^ W fw —' » ■Sl.T nfe » i i ».5» ' ^ : s r^er Sirs? Ii3^.r S: ;*• t • - - ^f r-MT. i -# A A «.'' 0. ing to Wash ix*. on f 1 "01 ir -n- - -./ ~ • •A- n*- ^•' 1 • ..^ -f *» -• . 4 ^. 1 « m ^^"^ < *V» ^ '> V>^ « t-t.- -CSJ l^^^tsr 0 .-) 20ta inC'-'a.^w irr ncas ic i*r»r* al S W- t , - tcv , ♦ -. V -»" --I ,^i T •^'>'»* -:!' I -.0 ?,c ca;:.ora, r ar. tu 0 li' v^ ^ i:c;.^irud abcjl in -J7 '^.ip a» ■*■ ^ ^.,*yi k' •. • J 1. o -t -- i^;<'^{ «L-^,r x: ^ L r^-r V "W *».* "^ il :l,3 insta' i>(.%^ 4- ^% ?Sh •^ '-.v^ *» •J* • Jiw -«^ •4 - Ha'ilix; talked s nat-^.ar cv3 ▼t^*. s/l-». ,'3a:.3rda'- ; orni: i r- i ^ ^ «. not; .1 ^ \rf ^: • V-, •"*»* V -iT^' ^ T »— ^^^^^» •^ cc Liira "'vs crder •■^-rii Re 81 act fu IV \ ,«- ; ■(^ I :^i ^ i. ^t* I »^ le^^iS t .^-* -•■ »^. •>-• e. Origina Defect ive ava 576 •^ r -V f ^k?'^''' '): 5 .*1 <^i. ■* ■n J OAiH f! o/<^r •f»f ■• r ' * i t o r :- b- 'uw tVw* *■'.'. -, V »j' w '>'' i t ».-* » ~. ■* I f # «» ■^ f\< "rr*'--' l^*^''"^. S •' » ^ r% 1 ^ .* ". ^ » *• -r n^! ift^rtttfl .Jk V '. ^ - f"^ % -"^ ^ D:;u;r ".*r.-.?i';r.i * *. -. ,*. D f . jfi; tta v^.K U' ^ t^ n ^ ■• -^ -» - n ,•^- # ,v ^ V ^ ♦ ♦ V* 4 *■> .- -. \^4^. ^. ' =►• .-» ■>•■ .'. ^ *",«• »•- -^ , » .^^ . — *a} ,^t*t ,"* « "> , •«• •• •'«", -»;- - » £.. "^ I. 4* _ * *»•* 4 fr*^ , J ^ ~.*^ * r* " v-» '^ r-^^vJ 1 4* -< , t^*^ '<^~ ^ "^ »••»»"■• Ww^*. «*- • i. »* <- •■« > » ». • Y p .T ft ;.iu , I n ) -U C. ^' ^'-^- •> ^^y *.^ ^^.*fc ^» K^.r*>-- i-^* # Jr' < • r ■- 4.^ -<•.» 4-#r e *» >Y /^ r-* * *■"•♦-• f • •« ' Y t:*. T.^ •^' ^^ pr :fc-^»! ^ .»• ' • •^riOVfc'jA' •^.^ » -f^ i"* :fevirr * ^ac .5 '■i:Ad t.j ociituin':!?^^ - :-^ !* »» <-"t» i\' .V: I- » '• ' Te*-. I 4 •♦^1 •NV". **»■*• f f ' ^ »■ ♦y--» Wi "rrcn * • y - *»*■ i.1 •^V*.'',^ "O-^^,^ '^.'yli «•■ ■'S^ 3 U^i?77 Hi ■jT) i '^^ » . • » ll^ v> 1 ^S- •«'^ Y o»^ 1.- f^ ?-' o »o -.•*• i"' 2 '^ 01 ^ ' ^"^ iel^'iM^r a^r.A-^^^ r- .a.' T-- ( i» .•r^J ri !''( l'^' ^■! ■ • .*;■ * ». ^\ ^ ~ •» •- ra' r-i. A. >* riC ♦ •■ » k-S^'vf t T'J ^Vf.^^^^^06t 01^ tfl V f^ I" r.> a » I • t»-- :>r -J/ JL, Iv .:> -»^. '^ V? .:*«'i * • » *^ ror or^'s :ri^c L* ^ A ' «3 V . C i K.'^* ii ', -» -> r lO > -t - k.- fzC'zr'rs ■r? »ri r?uK »-i --•-4 IT-" - *^ - * • ~ V « " C - A :, T-i-' J ^ ^. A, « . ^••^1 «>. C \t' - f ■«. — *,» r* » M « ^ i - « U . • '* vv_ ^^. - T -J .. , Ci r o r- A t a, ^ *. i' -i T y^ o f i /'► 'V , *"* .%■■ < -< -• ra ^' X' It - 1 «*^ •vn' •' t f.«<^ n'fi o^ '«fc:>>^ ■ 1 -5 ■r'-;> ^^ c*^'^: «;<- T. << <1 ' \ * $ar i n • •> *^, ». ♦ . A*-'? *i '' ■^■»' o: r.J.I - T - — • *5k ''*'V} "ir f^t,< "» Pi •D ^ I • ' ♦-,' V i~ •\>1- *.*-«. * 'J •v ' f •• "V: tf- .» r. -*i|<'^ *» ■?**■' f • rs •-a T Ci e a C"!'" \^ y< <" ."l/^/Vr,* r»*"> ^•»- r c» 1 f ' /< -« j o {•• 1 q 'Hf^ ^4' i^T— i-ri 3u::c« :^ »" :al • ^*»».- :vr C - Jt'J -s-^t r> "♦ • -ctpr> .9 sta' ^/> .-, -i« "»• ^ rtr '[•n'^r. ^ IT r ti-.' Y^'^ »H •-.-^ f-f •> n -C-t. ? r P '^ "% •• H P '- 1 <^''^ *" '■ "^ . c; i^: i^i « ;■ i f JU •^ ■(«. ','.t: t -T. fi •■•J r» ^ r* ' -v" ^ - • H • W: Ar 'y *-J-.A — •* X^'iO' *h; «6C t* ^/^ i'^m ^Z':OV' ir^T'fs :- ^ ,IW.»-. v* *_^ .r^n^ly 'i^P*?^^- .^>x aocopta '^^ • .*» H a rnj^'i :i\> .* U ^» > -^ * ■» 3 0 s. ;3j TT^vld oa4.i -.^ i^j < V i »■ r* JLU 6 ' VkA- ^UC .-*r - «ir-r- .-», .» I I «. DI' 1.1, A> A CO* J J V- r.-f^ k- A I ; » a stunv H"'a a::*- ,--»- f^r ■.^' rr^i >U^'tii <-- -^.^e t < -*♦. V^ t* Ci'':" o«^ ■w V» *- (A as I cfe^iDC^ a^vic^^a;:;^ tcj. } eaJ5 ■'^ -•*, ;. i !© »*! ». # ^r. t'K •^l «.' !»';•- r •JfO VJI' ' f'.t" r ^ -r . irv , . f -f^ r^ii^ AP- VT2 11 *~i * TO -."^ " ^'j% '.I'^'iJZ' .0 V %••<• . Cj#ft» V A .» '. r. *;#^--. i.-^J V' •♦« ,■».» r. - ^ ic?i.>ir c > » ,, -J ';0 — «'»> i > '. I :» ^ cr H ->? 30- r I 4< ^* A . «■ 1 T. i '« /».• v» PV <^ !•»;'« **! JjI''>» 1 r'AV.. AV; JC^n :si •1 ^. •i I 4 --r ,rs »•» -^i. r-5^-% ■r^> »a ^;:Bna"t^}^if y^ « ' ■ < • « ^' • f^ ^ --i "^ U- •» "**' jf* , 1» i -:it f >ir» '^■".f-t ? 1 ir '> p ^u 1 1 A\/ • » .»\ ^ c- »/ k ' jbO v# r* o ■V P ' .-»■> dZ % ao vou w 1 ^ il; ^a. r r r c^ -^ r »* •.i r- >■• - -s-pf'- -I f'-'V ^ "?') " »P .'^ -'^ » i ^d tlj "•■ c"ie 1 v v/ .* r** fi o -J" , -^ • V <.ion '"»••-:»•♦• -j »• ^ax^^i ^r^ c 'tr «^ea*i a .3 runris a.-- UVel*; S.' t «0 ? • ^ .' .4*^ T( ■»- -^-r « • 1 HT : J. » jU -1 1 »"<: a m Vf^-^. t r M -H!** t;5 .'■^T '- tx^ -. 4 • ♦■"•*» 5^ Ar -'li ''. t^ # r -1 •^. 1 -» -r - ' i l^- •4 >«0' r't»-#>.'»-*iJ.- •■V-,. \ ^yt*.' '^. -.♦T -> •-»«» I f 1 8VS 579 l\ i M„- p/Z ]0}-i, rip'ic'i n-vf !.'o1 oradc. inv dear ^'r* D^^^^f^et «> ^ni^-x' p^^^ ^.ro'i*bla 1"^ tr^a '^* -<^ ^"^t, hold of ^'"e ^^ar 3^^011 ^ .. 'r"" !*'rir» ^ron ^i^'^e Tlar.n^ rtavvr^nt fail to no of t;vj«^-r^ « -n •''^airs* I •;' ^i •'->•*•. v ?:njcio)>* -0 ses aa many Grl27.1^^ Tear Bknll? a^ rcBei'da fro^^ that rerion, and could r,e:r rrett^r r.*ood riricen for tha (?a' '=^. "T^o 3"^olO''dcaT S^irTey iR f^ A'Tn^-d to '-OT. f^^^eo^ rorr.i .-^-^lori'T bIc.xIIb of awes, "^rorn "■ * ' 1 * < •• • f,V>A ir^j>v^j3 ^V^r^ y'A r^-r^ ^^« c ■' f*A ac^^r'^'' *=^ «=!"'"'d it 0*^ Yek'itat rjH^% a-^'' paj^ic^-'larl}'^ a>^out Liti^ya Bay *. i| r T*» a o ~p hpni-r ?- i(-«d c^ ■?'^':^''l:' B"Rr«; ^vo ..orp +>A h^^.ter, "r>v s-'=. I ^a^e -ct vet piH^p'ed •■17 i-!-:p,r ■•CO-' BkidJ. '.0 Clean ^^ a ?o^, of ^^rcr^-'n- ^ol---. l"- T'^^t -^r v,p %^e- -•-^- ■>^itf^'l ■i'^ re?-,lt.e, -hit t-^^r-- pre stiLT co-sic'-er?.^^^ ersas fro- ▼^-ich W8 ^a-e no R>ril8, or at. Uast J 4.^1 ^t' *^ a -T-1A •'•^pt -^'^-r^ '^^ i? at preBant I do r»ot K''^o^ '. 1 .• iVr^ ? I ^ 'J. ^ '^O' • 1 • V' ■' S "^ "•"■ 0 •'^ '^• (I' ►. v.^ . "^^ .1 ^ f* ^nr I it1 ^ n"^* ^"^ o "i ^ f^ T ore act to <'^t n^^t p^-?i^ ■f ^-i-»-. ■.V»' r^r 3,.^..r rl?ce at >.— 1^-af? 1- +>^ -^dwcM? •■or-> 0^ Han ^.^,^^^,.« 13, .. -«c,. v<^r^^^^_ p:-^ •- -o^n;e?^ (^s-'v-Her rill P.,;y, ■;cil^-e R'-^" ^''^^ '•■i-^l- 0^ Jp-i«. will c^ertal-'e ns en V'a w% ^^e '--- an rell a-d are ::lad to k-c^ :-iat 7011 a^^ -o^^rs T 4 ''-;h > ir>H^ a c?^. T^e^ ' *•? r^ p 1 0 y o^ "^ all , V .t^\ >, KJ^., bir 'Hil frcn ?a yrni^ciBco, -lad I '■] i OSS l^Y 26, 1913. Broeklire, !.%bs<. I'sex 't. Or!5PSt iiver «ir>ee yon r78ro here I haye hem tryirf to rick r-n: (TO-Tra-re enough to ajik a favor. The ceveral accounte ^ro'] rave nn of i>TcidentB connected with your Tariotw Bear '-; in Alan^ft, not to riention the Cari"boa Incident, r^r9 ns so rmch ionld li>re to pot the story in wy Bear bc?k. I trrwt you are nmkin rr prorT9«« in for your northern trixi. A few da/s ago one of the men on the Geological Survey told mo that a psrty cazroed for a lon^ tirae or. the Matanuska River s"r no signs at all of bi< Bears, rr'iich thsy regwtled as straTE^* IsftH it queer hm exp3rieTK568 cf different mn drffor in the different yeani in the s«ns repnon? With best wisheSf h'eTr'*.' vours- ^*» <■ »^I/V(^'' I 1? i % I f I I V t i I ^ 582 av 27. 1913 1 J-Ji fi'^r 1 ».•> • i ■■r -law . .C."J'- \ A- .. ri 1 •■» i'-'i' I ..i --V '^ > ^ • i ^r l»3 -r • '. ». 'XC^'d 1. .-V or vc 1 u'^I I.? U a .1 V IL • Vt 1. 1- l: 1' V. ^f^ .- V I OBQllTfl i'j" ^ '^-. • ■% .■*r«*' e • ci Tot, :?• 1*^ T^oiir? \ XKKS^, ri"* CcuCH' t* a a ^ . ■» -• .k. ^ I'-. J. V r« >t* «^ - I -/ ,^ »*At"j^ -• t rv? i'la: T < r \s\ ► *^ 1 i ' .- JL o: f o«* ..w *■•-■ /.v*. J. 1 T 1 y^ "' 2 .«-% --^■i- C- ■ CJO'. oiTice •p •* ^1 X -^r::. * V^ - 1 i- .av3 'o3*; rad a cl L^i. I L^:u 1. '.i 1 c. ^•t'l ac 1 ti Qj.JLli j\' • 'i^n ^ « t «. -^ itUI dc 2 A. „ ■ i. V Wi --> >► \ f'^ ceuus r. c*.-' ■« J ' -.' -T '^•' ■ -) A 1 - r5^-d 3 'l£i.l * *. <*. .'- j- ^..1* »• 1- V nf :U'A ■ i. »' ac: .r» u 1 . p. a .'K: <• e LC- I"* !>' ' r- 1 a^'c >. »v - ■^ /■•» 1 «w u [lier -4 -• - .< A w : 1 v> ...T^ -?-! Vl. ^^l il -^r c< "^ 1 •*- •** I- .'^■■-» .4 O C-u :-,l^ 1 -» r« c -■"" *>A ?? 1 T, .iiJs? < ♦ c- ^ ^-a-i ■• 1 rtr^ ,.- ^' I (f 0, v^-», J'^'^^-njrf- ffe' '^X ~ tr -V^Vi \\^- I cr 1 K' ^'Z? 18 a s?v * + -« I' a '^. -A 4-'' -^ "1 I-:* :• J 3 !'-■ X .1-' r> . - :> c vr l.'.o. ! >d; rj 1 - » .'"» f .cc •d ■V* .,<: irs v1 e p ate ■) rr t^: i c* >-'\' »<^ r+. dl' ill t P f »^ ■*• •Vi ^- .. -. v» '*/■% a V.j.1 V •"':; . p ,•»• -V .er 1 - + -!-. ^T- T C ;.his tc ^e aj';^ a c^i-aoK r. la^e-. If net ccrreo.t 'I' :l.'ea^36 s:. ^' 7 >« > lyA >%>vX-_ii £83 >. r *y 28. 1913, r^avid ■ . A^ercromMe 1o. 311 iiToadwEy, i ow York wltv. '««r Sirs: hanks for your oatalonw which cflsne a couple of d« 1 ^.'jro Onion S'=««oniir' 2 i lb. rolls SrbsTvirst , Vo. 800 4 'norr'e ^oiTt TpMats, :;o.830: 3«rlev.1uli9'ind. mocktur^.le, pota^.o «»./,juiag.ine. '. cHrtcV for •'"Sl.'l'i is Inolopad harwith. Please 1.00 .26 1. 00 .60 .80 .10 .34 .40 p.Hna y 3 .roods l.o '.-e Vr arpreps addressed to 1919 « 16th Street. Krt^^ecf. fully, .^ -. . _ « ii 1/ [^ ^, i i .# mz 585 hifc.-; y k' ;.:^ericB-^ Antj^nc>)il3 Ip5S>-* or< •;ii'"'* jear 'ir: X>. -o^ir let'-,t^r of V'a;^^ 21 yoa ^^^ated 5imt tha Ivro 'ih;y "xokB on'ier-ad, "'ola, 4 and 5, would "'^e sent tne rv exTxVjss witVor.t delay. .'? ei:;bt dai^-=? have passed 'vithG-it :}'9ir axpearai'ce, I ^aar tVey Viava uona astray. "ill vCM ki:.cilv 'lave t'^e :r;avU>r Icoksd -at" J jTave r.o'. 1 sar alia 'oc learn of aiiy way "by wMch ai; a'.r-.'jr;ioViie carr.dn- a district of "olu-f.hia lisepcfi ca I xar . tljrourfi a^-: Tjart of :.*ar::laiul Tritaoiit boiiv sv.tiect to liaavr fine. T .. •» 1 ,-, .>--■( ,-- •«. --,"*- 'o jO* J ^ 3 : -. «^«- -T« .Tcocial l)Cok on ■t^^3 Ovsrlanri ^"rail \Till I;) ici^^'^d a>ou! .ddsniraar- Oai: you ':.all ma a^^t^dng nor-e d3fi:":ite as to ^>9 date of its rroha>aa appsaraj-ca'' If it ^iU le puhlishsd in .T-one, I shC'ild like ^. c Tv.-rc"ae3 a copy a:id 'lave it r-ont to sane point cr ^' e roed \^-\ere I can catch it in nassiiic-. 7 or' tr^;!^'' ^ronrc, ■■■"•■i* . ^'^^--J- I f r I !*■ i Vay 29, 1913. oarns f • -ccountanx., Snit;-isonian • ^^i^ :i-Gnr.ion^ I. a6l^in,:^Q':, Jv ^ • ^ *. Jc;ar :ir. .^.'ifct.L^ : t"» ■t' r !'• « ber^T^ith T inclooe salajr'' Touciiars Icr month of "ay, as fclic^.i:: ^lalea trover o.i].:3, I'o^-e •', acco^Li^t ecicmtirio^ to '.^i.Sl, a ,d i'r^ foixQrin;~: liils, ^*uch T sVall -e oUi-'rd if y^^"^ -'II ran frc^: ha '-arriinan .t. r^uid; '."idti speed ^-h^tner "Cj, ^■, •!• ...innix /o^ 1 Sudei ^-^vr' Jcai . tie case 'j30,o»% i '"Ick^ safc^ canir-et ^^5^]' ? ^lectionj? Hf^v^Ci and rs'^t uf cT^c^ r-5:rt*;:6-' i-: "^le ' orthimberlaJid for June '5'.^ ^. ^>^45- A.-K-Ka»*v. S \ ■ f^ li ^ / 385 1 El f>0 r% % Hart, .srriar:! Tr^o i:ciH'i:ianb9riand, Wa8hinG:ton, C.'.' Sub- •■■ voucher ■c aoud-'arr-ick© '.o 2)0 trlSol hacord cards ft-o «.18 .vii:r:;rair.y of Oalitomia, f.cadany ?ac. .oast hist ■•■u'.' o dosu"-ienta,T'oi'tola Kxpdc 5.10; 3 Diarios, .urfi-.v. isr-as, r'ont. 1.50 ^ - ^ i...-;i.,2 ':i\->:> of auada 1 copy Canadian Mjine i.o.i-d trrv' uickei. -ashin^.t on tc •'/>', ax;- r.:-eei car .;'ia-£ l.loj, dHinar 1.00 -•es/. L-r'arlcr 'lar, ■.- ', to ■■ aehii-^ton . ':?^i-. .. • '-^vuT/ritor ■ 0 ad-.r.stinp; macnxne -■ ■,•^rr•^sri^ '-crar ':0: ij;;.:^::r, vafcerrnan ink , ?;-rvj.c'es :^i c^iJu:''^'"'- 'P-- for 'iay 5.^0; Trasiiia^; wiini'^"? -■■"■■.' Tq-.-ii+.r.r 'r.^rvic"^ ■' E7 14 i.iir^-y*cn9 ^•« -j» -■ -» Thirty- one 36 4 60 1 00 10 00 3 2 00 1 25 2 15 4 1 25 6 60 6 65 7 3 70 1 00 8 1 00 1 05 9 70 21 31 (JB C^ M I! rsa ooo a- 29, 1913. *., ■.arl98 ^heldon, "■codstoclc, "-i-'-'.ont,. T;3ar "'.ildor t est av3-i:V- Trhsr. '3l3on and "^ vrare ralkiix^ over to -r. -lexa-oder -.raha.- -oIPb, -.Iflcn told :ne of -ra.^holdon'B Eerier;, accide .t. He Uioud^ he 'lad told -.3 Lefora, but '.id v.9d rot pr^vicsly rasr:: i it. ''ou know how pained we all are to learn cf xb. "beldcn'fc injur/, ai^ how oameatly n ■10J.C f:r '-sr oarly a;;d co-rclato raccvar/. A fOT days a^-o T saw '^rindle, :'addren, '"JarpB, and cevarsl ot^iar Members of t\d :eolo.:;ical Purvey, w'lO ^mva worked axte-sivaly i:i /laxjka. I SiiOR'ed tli*d uy inaj. of the dietri-utio:! of 'iae^a '-rizziifts, cu^.d -ot a iiu^Ver of addition- al local it iea elcn^ or noar the boundariae of the several ax-3e«. T a.. inolosi%- a copy of t'lis .nap ^.arawith in order that you ■nav «93 v.--'.- resi.'lt and lake a^y criticisRie w'nch occur to yo'j. Th9 :;min point of uncertainty soctiis to oe with rafarajice to the StsTart ^"'iver rseion. ^ri-.^la t^dnJcs ->At. t";d ra;i^ of -c-iajo-rx ad toklat -nuat nieet on or possibly a littla wast of fi3 '.laska-lhAon ^oirndar:/, and t^:at f^.a a itira co-.^ntry east of thi» ooii:Tdar>' Is mouiitaiauvia and ■ cod "ear rround. In otlier -r-ords. he leliavsa V'ut nc i itarval shcald ha left aaet of the bc-;.idary letwes'T "ioi'-a -reek a ^i "ccttio Croak, or on lower '•'lai':* "iver a :;d -t^ar'art iver ''alldy. '■''ais view is supported I I "larldfi ^"luldoii "2 ry the fact, W-.ich ' t'iik 1 ..ia;i-.icv:ad to y^n a yaar or so a-o. aa-aely, Vmt c-.e or two of yovj tcklat skulls ware iar -ar tbari -'ie ot'.ars and '^ad rauch s.allar hind iclars lika pha^.^nyx, leadia- :ne to n^li^re -"mt you "lad killsd .wo spsciaa of "oars in the -..jjiaAt region. On ^01:1- ov-r f.e -Rtarial Jv ain r>-9ntly ' have ccas to fa ocncl'-^ion t^mt t'-aa^ a,, arrant s'-ralla aro intargrades rith plBaoTTj-x. '^lay arrae :?uch hattar -ith i^oa^Qj-y;? t'-an '-/ith topical t.^lat, "ince vou ware "lare ' "ia-"9 exa:i-ed :.]0i-a critically tb.3 ad-.l:. ^B.U fran .ha ! -tar .national ^c-^idary, 5^ nilas south of t^-.e arctic ■:caflt, coll acted cv £w3art cf Via "anadian ''■eclo-rical -"urva-. At ^inst I t ■.ou,-ht V-ls hoar co-ld 1:e referr3d t; phaSPr^, '-'^t the .nora ' 5 :-id:; it .^le :xra pcr/:ts 0^ differe.-ce aypaar, so V.Lsit • a. honnd tc r-acognize i'. as a dif fare-.t forn. which a -i riv-nin ; in:G9r.iation^j.jj. -'.^Q r.. .jni-ay men have sea' a ' aai\, doub c a ss of nvacies, .lue-v sou^Ji of ^old 7oot nsar 'o-;. 15 '°; aad ao.dran ^ms aaan hie Bears at t,.c r.mction of ^Id ^rot.' River vaVi tha :^crc;:pine. T ^ ;--:.u'dary *'ur-av ■ i.-Tla aiiu fcurjd. riz^iaB parbic.-larly .- is laava^ an -".c.rtai i-^y as to t^^a norther Irnit of ra : /a of ihasCJ^ ^id tna so>;r:aaa8t9m linit of in t^ jiiiosftUe . T c; ff^ll ' risaly 0 jy .- ■' - ci'jst cc-xit'jr/ jast 0*. -ylO 4 ,. sv»r-i -It m"^ ^r^^ft. nc^'t'-^^.^Btarly to cola ir* i ' I ( esa 590 / 1 r,\-. C^arleF ^ elder: :.Z '^a.701. on -'.lly .■iver t'H-::3 oiit to ba Ve do-aine^t sxacias over a conBidaraVle araa. occ-otb in t^i9 :aor9 aasterly valleys of f-^ mo^^aitalns, w3ro its rarf.e :Tas1> noet that of the much lan-er l-lodrons^/ ^ row have sxecims-^ii from Jack fine Orosk. I.a;' nilsa ..orc.h of t'ls Ora^d ••r^-nTc !-'acific. ^-^ull ''•aek, a;x; ^:outh ■-ootanay t ass in '-r ^^ritieh :ol;iiwia. ' - Ore of tMs year's dinaj^ ointT.8-Toa ie the disccTsry that :asnelhorg^'s last Crizzly. t-.s or,6 T^.idi cheered his ann in "r.rtla^t -a^.' on the oast side of -Iswier ''ay. ai^d vf^ich is ale of h-^rie .doiaiider';: fer.ale froia t^ia sane locality, cannot -onrdhlv '^-^ referred to ar/ ^--ovr-- sr^ecies. thus addlnc; anoViar to f .a list^rr'^ich is already tco lo-r. fu-d no-.' ' a^ v-cia;: bo .Ive yon a rvrjris©. -ilmt xtraordinar;/ skull '■rcrr' .'lappa:! .'reelc, i. noai' t-.e one ritti h;.v,3 molars, killad by "rcss and ■>. HiC ardson, proves tc he a distinct new spaciee of a -roup of r:iant -:3are w-Jcnown to ae fOT^.il recantly. Of all the :rf.:\Y fa.;ale O-rizslise from the Stikine-'.'asGiar region t.eon ^rp to t ie year, not one halongs to thi8 -roup. :^ut stra-^^o £« ii -ay ssa-T. no less than fotrr fenftlaB of f-e hir spacias "lave roachad me tMs season: one frm BuriihaTi, t-c frcra '^n'-an " illia::», and ona froa Harvard u,:^^^^, J-.QBe i-nq-JSsoio:Tahly aro fe-^ialao of the 'Jross- Kic'-.ardscr "bt;: lala fron] •lapi-ar- "reek, im will want to krctr lo^ } '^\^ "^is. ~'9 are as follows- Tast yioT > I, 'j-:ar] 8s ' ' elder, i"-! •79 >ad a^. old b' 9 -rizzly p'r^ll 'rci rello-atc-a ''ark, ^hich I ras utterly 'Jtna^le tc place, it ^as a ^i: trcsd e-rall . ^sry diff3r3rt from a-:r;'iiv: praviovBV ?39:-, a-;(i ^ridaly differ ant aleo fro-n f?:ial3S fra- '.he ^ork ra./ion. ftar rorryirr 07sr i-^ f:r RO'-n? 'i'-ne set it as^ds ap a;'i 'Xisolved puzrvia. '■ an I car.e tcsHvudy V;6 * ll"^ '"read fei^ae sknlls fro;- t'-e :tikine ration ai o-e mentio-^d, I roticed '•&'- V^ey were esse 'tially tine sa « as a old ^e lala rQcaitl-r sont -e hy "r'-ar "illia-is ^roro ^ences "-ridre on .raser ivar in BO-itheim v.Tie of 'ear r-(>i:vr^ ri'ash :clxmoia. It V-?:- ccc-rrsd t-o :ie Vat ; had seen t -ir t^'pe of Bk^ai baf-jre, a::d " soon rey^iai^arad '■.ha trcMeoorae old "'9llov«-, 'ark f a ^ala- Cfti Tlacin.; fds alor;; 3ide T^he others, the "-^ioIj story '-•ae esS'- *o read, ''e 'ad "laro a new fror> ^9llo?fP':o-9 ^ark :.crt^irard to the Stikine hub reTr^pe-ted so "ar hy u'-ly a sirile .nale -the '■'lapiien e\iil so often lentioned. -^ub'. at t'-ie critical tiine the 'ational -oolor,ical ^ark -■■?(?« inquir- as to "'• at' ar a verj' old nala ''riz^l.'^ fron "'-llc-'sto-.i ^arh T/or.ld he of a'V intarost, as t ey had a'-.c ! ' decided ^0 put out of nisar: ^-e old tlind . -iRle t'-a^^had '-aJ "or sc )a-y yoare. '"our da^/P later ' received the skull of thie "aar. "r. 'n.umin i' hottom ^ide trp a?id placin,'^ i- alo-r-^side tto ross-'lc ardson "lappan ^aar, "^ ?ra8 actijally startled, not to say overjoyed, to fir^^ V^at their teeth were essentially t'>o sa/ne, and t^at thea^ ware obviously rev-r-^sen-ativas of the sa'-ie CTO-ip. the roup -fhoBe feiales 'mve ■V i U res 592 Charlos ^Mieldcn ^5 jijBt l)98n diBWiBBed, Tie ^'lole \rrrster7 is r:OT claared up. '"^1383 h'jre ^3ar8 Muat, '-;9 ver/ rare, and T suppcso are likely to b3Cc--o exti^t ir. t^o naar fut-jure. ^t voiild be a i^raat t^i-r- if "'o co-'ld ssc'ire a talo or trro frcn t':3 ^'tikine rarion T)ef ere V-^y are all '^,ore. '^ay ap}:?ar to inlmbit t^e sa'ne -iTO^-'oi Trith t;n8 corn-io/i ''tikine sxi^dos, just as V\q .^allowBtone ^ark riaiit rizzly sej^ne. to i^L-iauit t^ia saia ^TO-jnd Trith t-he ordinary ■Cor'-: i'rizzly, :!ore skulls of ad ilt rnales from the "^ark ration V70-ald T:.9 rorth '."leir 7;el:::it in ^-old. r-mt -ion cna of o-'O" Bxocial dscidarata is aii adult male fron .-3atari 'oiitajia. Ilius far T li&va net hum aMe to firid a-i advdt from fus r»-ion, althou.n t'-ira 'lUst be -.imt i-, ri;-s krcckin ■ arouTAi V\e floors of i.-arious prorxd y<3^MX- nan^ nTGinr soon to Imve better news of "'ro. ^'iisldo.. As ever -^"^ure, TT r 1 , • . ! Vjv: 3\ 1913. •P /ofassor efw Jive: errUl, on \ ear >ofeB8or ''errillt Kepb/i IT to 3^010- 1 ttar of vestardav, with ^iiiclcsed bill, would smte, first t-hat r a^n not an a^ent of t;-9 'arrira-n "sate, a?.d B9co:>d Ki&t J have notaiv}- to do vi^ith fa pay)3nt. of bills csoytnectad with the ^ p-jblication of Ve "arririaii voluiios. Yo;ir bill shoiild be uade out '.o the ^ -ithsonia.! fastiti^tion, a;^d fonmrded -uo ...^e .cr--,ar:% f ai ^"^are yr^ rot';rnlT- f.g saae h-3r-7iV-. ^-5 1 :'0^ '-avs fi-dened with the nagativee, please se-.d -■•-?r. by express, prorerly -ackod, addi^essed • •'ational '.'nsa^in. :.,re 't, '^ '^. ^Millia, ^aa^div^itci, :.■•. "cr^* tr.'l-; vo^-ITb. f ¥i I «*. £62 I i' .J tuid 2. 1913. P: Oder id: . "lasco.. "^pi-y Co. Boar ^'irs*. i ci.ead rirji • :y chock f cr ^:3.75 for wMcn vU&no e-.;->d iie a -^asllna iut online. If vou hava aiiy booklet d68oribin(? ^^e P^ojar I :..,v3 s. single leaf circi^lar, V^e illtt.^.rat-lcnB of ^^ch Boa-. ^.0 contradict one arothar. In oka ease of me niaciiir^ to-.-:n:- anobhar, -'lare i.3 die autcvrllie attec!iad to the car doin;: fne Iiavlinr-, itkI ^hera U it> nttachad to fcha car ha^il^d'- aaspectf'Jillyf V A*nJV>-5X^ i !. t 1 « ,»Ji *«i,Mwr.». .«u»...i ji*». » I tea 595 -■X13 3, 1913 } U' ■ I 9 O i:i w» r L .^^■•3: IS .r ^ t'l c ,-*^ • L ii U 3a. v» -»» ,- y » ^:.a .ris icr u r lot rsr of ay ^ 3T)1 • y •iV -^ ;c!-:irv a '^ -V .t a 32 calibor s' o' f;\xti. j. vraiVC/ea a 0-.'» X ^ -i Tjvjrciase "- v.. I- e c _ » t ' «f '' OT ■^ * 25t t:iiB, liave docided tc ' Shot* allot giiiiB, 19 i" «k ^ .^;-N'Y Jl .3 rrel, 52 call cor. i Icsed is .none-/ order or 3 :< ..-.X v^ .— \l# J a:..c^'nv / r5» - rf^ ' 1 t «jtt «- /\ eat^s 3^ "iJ oY 3XTress to ahova adurosB as 3arlv ar xrac^'icada, as i a.:: Idaviri^- for '^tJifDr via In a 1 rr 'ia:.'B. • .«^ J X : a T'-^a': ^rarid of 32 loii i-> ■T • c artridf-es rriJl fit, -.-ir-a ,r^a <^0 la^ i Lav not 'va a:uicvou uy t. ao .ii* i^.- -C^!'. M \riiC'L x .i; i iiicjdt IBl a ji» a;_,G <•' TT* i'^ "^ r* '^ ♦ ? 11 0. did *\^ .^ • /• ?Tr %r'* ■ iwv^i.- L< .^X .^' ^ X jU vl '^ \ 4 t Ti.^ 5 iioa ar=a -iiii -. -.'OOul- toe' tV JCt' vJ^.' :.^ L fo. 3 4 4^* ?VUwi-. ^rs a-KB 1 '*, >*» ♦ ■^ *") T *^ *> ■*. f^. "^ ^ w 'its CU' -^'1 T»T' 'f'.lT rrf it-fi r.r' raa-.;.38tr i or eunscrr? ^lon t 0 \od and Jco:! 1 c>. lada. -]^3 back nurii! 00 C 'J A rl ii.' s,/-. KJ v^. i * ■-ll ' * .tr «» V-' :r \7^-C T a •^ • -ft « j-i.^a. :Ci V. t.^ Vi^ 3C1 J X 3 a . — iXA. 1 <^ J. A %/ i^-,, •'•"» > - -».•*- ^ *. ^ a" ?J ■'Vi^iP^m Jl ^ V - f. ■ ' rf Vy • Ki-'dr^ sei^ recai" "■ :jd Mil, es L v ^ > • -^ .^ 1^' ^ I fe aea 597 (i M :a 4 ■^ ^ *> -^ ♦ * » n-r fl V»'« ''^ I •^ ^ •> ^^ * ' w*. >Cu . '.i ^ -^ 4. ,-^ i.» f. 4- >- -<>- - ^» • «• ^ t «« «<^j -f . w- r " • J •• i %' aa aa A 'oii . — •> viu t^ 0 ' 0 V* ^■ : 7 o:i i.1. W' i ■ J •..• •„• J <. C'.' -W ,^L (.;.l - f r » /.^3 f. ni-*rT f*^ ■'. ^J 'JLTUvv ^ .A. *- V*. tr Ui« "^^ (• u ■•■::' 1 ^' .-0 1 ^ ^vJt I.O. «i-- i.^. / ■-• V . -». I..M '7'^'^. '^, !• -. y% V J- ..-, , .-X I tv> V r, • »• w •^ S/\U. ■» i ■.•- '<:v ,» -rt «5 ^- •• .{ t ' i *r 'j I 1 r.^ t;.;- »*■ ** ^ „ .-* -*.. '.-/v *. *.- _ V.' -J ■--' •./, .11 ^ V -%■ :- 4. V 'Ui. C.l- ■ ( .* *^ 'if I X • h. \^ .» ) #•• - - - ^» ■%. *1 .i; .- . • ^. « f --3 :± M, ' <.' •* .L' . •-• o :^' ■ - J _ J. > ^; ^ !^ V'-.C >L *■ l< w 1% ^^ <-• A v/ V «»• • '. -w- Oi. « » t . I • * r-. *"» fti -'■ •^i5 . - **v •- •• ■t"!. J- XI,- V- .r/ •-» r. • U do ^■l k-. *^- siiirjle ■V :-> e/^--' Trac^ a^v '5 ^;f in it a i o v*^ '^.V ^ ^ ■t'-'"^ J ...>-a. A J.. .." ^^ ^*^^^ a{^-r •.; ! . 1 ?'<■ r* .' •»•» ~» > ..-;. -'./* A J, 1 x :; <^ C\rf V •^, «"*> '-i e ill X .'A? ^^ra.'icne "s :**' •^ ^j-, , _ -^ - -^ V U un. .'-. WJ. I^f i J ^ 1 ^ I , v I #• ;;»>► ■» ■ I < V Kfi-t- ♦ I ^Vf ,fc.i-» ».^ JL 1. W ». _«. -.<. 'i ^j.a ^'o vv xiu 0 3 -caia icr writ: -». vv ? •^•' •1 • { . r^ r !. '-'v- ;>• i. ^ tr .-? J i 1 Vv J W lU CJli. .'AC-J-'CiU -1 t3Xt I /t »,- - /-( r -^ «-v' -> <-v .-»- li.i J. 'J i 1 ' iSf: 1 •-' -vCi. ]C ^a I; ^i ; ?? 4. -? « ■< • -ix cii i"^ w^vud oxcaod ^-n#> Z(' f\ rrr I Ud ^ J J. j% ,> "r./^ r; O I7ii^ n- W .: lib' « — ' *-^. ^ ^ :;f .-VT ^rs'> ^'-^'Cr i^'a8.-:cn l^ I • I I -• ^ 'I 1,^. ^ ori-ir£Uo nor cro •^. ■.- c ^ ^^ ^- >!-lD C'i. uilU 11 -> OLm ^atiori^ ori^rB evo 721*7 i^^^v^ text 4>^' ^ X ^'^l-j. tis, .: aeauue- ^at X J -..■a]. K. c-r •rf, .4. ^ V irt'^ir -/•-i> J .'lav^* ^;0^P •ladt? "'^ -J I nto "tolates rm i.' -J- liS •ivt.VY rdii fr.r in^::str a J. «i ^. >^ v/ V ard tn.e Ian re 863 7. „^ ^ 7 \C1'\ 599 . Y* ^ A. O V. 'C**^ ' •3"'' ..?. Fdladel'tMa, 0 1 i'^eooi'ct of yCiir l::;u-er of in T r.3t t;-«. v/'-eolf. a;-oivv to cscurs : :3 perails for Tr'^ich vou ask. 3. ^. l!3ixcn of t: a 3iciOr-:icaL S^oi-vey is •0 vV:,e maotur, ai^ will ^s^i^ oj-iat ii iii done vrorr .Iv. "-.3 c :;r.lica.ion I knvs of is in rospect -io the s'- ip:T)3irti of t^ s 3}.eci:;!o:.c ^^.cuo. iv; order to co.rtiv ■rif. ths rea-.-irsnerts of v.--:S lar, t'ls e-.^tire slupnsiTt co-'erod by i/.e pcii^^it v;ill :-.ave to be made dii-oct to V?e Biclosrical ?urvo:'. /J-:^-r . e c, aciiacsr'S rcao'i^ :jjB, i>.6 skine '^ill be foi^arded to ycu, the Biclo^ ical 3-a--va'/ retairint.; the skulls ixi acciordancs \J O V i arn ,::r-..atl-' indobtod to you for yo-^r ccntiniiQd iuterost in cir bo^^alf , ard ashore yen til at \79 shall "a , r^atl-.' ^jloassd with, aiw skulls of air; kind of :^ :ars r^ncn t. Jcniiic^ ard r. rcull ^lay auccaad in obtvainiiV^^ T/on't "be discoura^'sd aLout tria photQgraplis of vovir bir-: s^iLls^ T>3v \Till I'oach ycu yet, '?fith ki: dost re^-arde, i M i II i I w Ho!. oracle barr^' >' ^ oe, Cc.Tiissioner , 508 U.icr b^ar tin i)n or aVcT'tr -t^-^a llx i:u:~aat I exr^ct to .i. i^ 3 8t 01^ u *'ar iiw .0iTi6 a;:/ ijh^ ii:'>iv.a»' ♦ -ariv California, i:-. "v Tiavrclyt car ":. 17S. ihe :r.r'i>.-3r of my '"aifornia licejisft ir. ib76f:i, i also liavc a Diiraricu of ■:cl;i.ibia licGnoc ''c. l.?l. >:% In l^savirv^; Wfes'vi^ J ton I rir> ^-o pass -:wr.^\7a^d throi^^li ■•■i&r/iH\d into bo •^^"Ivar-da, a:\a a all ba o.-li-ad 1-^ Tou ^.ii ki-dly i--^^or . ^le r^-ev^^r any -r 1 . r *» ^ forroalitv ib ocobbbs^-. or w^-^etb.^r ^ny yaiiior- la iico; se 18 i^utficiont. If aytbin/r c^M: iora' i- naodsd, -••ivdly lez iGe kno^ ir bt^a, sc tha J. m T* 0":^ be d6ta,i.'.oo in. evartiin^-.. .00 Lecl^fnll*^-, 009 601 C. C. Tai:ot'iO ;f M-, 0. a. i- .^^*-.„ ^i*** ■,» ~' * /¥»"/ ^•i Kc-: Y:r^ C Djbt ]l: T {^ot Ju:-5 U, 191? L E!":d a^^a ar :^ • T ill ^B ~r fV. 3 «"OB":b \^' ill-istraticn t i hlioia"-.!' r--? MU D . 1: 5 .J.~ • ^ ^ ^ --* .u «. ^1% t .-s,' «> <>> fc r ^.'**-' r^' " *^?- "' -- • '^ ^^*^ 4.1 . V^^i %-1 •i^- -.1- ./ •• e- V Y- r X 1 X . er c 4* t r^ 5X .'4 1 W^tl. l:\C*i06^er 1 -^-i. '- ,^ ^ .J* w \# ^ r , '» t J Dr. W:^lcctt. a.ii accouiXu..:ai/^ -1 P^ ill, i:e iae'^s ^. -ard to .-. !. X 1 a- a-'^ 4.1 ;: P A v»r J^^»lf »»' V.jrill lios 1: en at Tcrlc o i^e S^-ai" I ...■";■ .-I vc1m-3 for a .« J ^4 •V^ liCtv,rai-:is artu ara':?--. VW-^ »v ^ rir a: (I iB^ ii£^ a ^reat mariy •to - >> w W J. -^ iU re r -^ ^■%'»i« iJL^. Hajrri -a . .-^Eirn a';c tv OB a oallad for on 4. "» 19 9:^-1 "bill "5^rc w» ^ J cr , al *,iv ■• ,- * '■■ % Prcfessor V^ > s rv ,?# ^> Jt -• 1-;B r/ian he laiit a.. ' / M'.^'^L ^■s , • _ ' ■»; .^ ' ■' ^ T" c^-,, » • 1 . * .j.r. 13 .%.:iv axi i-> 1 'T - * 3d -ne ^ra'Tiiscrii * ^ c ill i. . ^ ^ J- - .'^ ^Ll\ :''1 L ■» XT 3 'J^O I . ^ T ■\f<^ 'i'rs rT.^.'ll (i • ■4 .€^ f -s- •» il. '** "^ t". • -t^^ -ra ru' ^•r» clon*^ unJH J. LCI ^a ie alraaih- in ''^'Yl I ; ' ■ % '^^ H It u 89a '^K xrii^ »•». ^.x 4. re"* nra r./.a. " ^ .\ ill f^'-cndd ^"^0 Tald, a 1 -' -^ -•.^.. '.■'. f"i f' fST- IP •!• * y*f' '_ -f ar '^^ T^^ I i^a ..,5 ■> ^ • t^ S r^ f t ■^^ t'^tf "V^ r •ene 5:3 -^r Mrs. Harr5 .->-,-> t .% ■ *"• W*.^' .*« -^'^e S rV.:in^yvia ^t/ I'.ii ^^' •* icr C t'f^ t'-VhlinatlO' f* ^ ti 19 ♦ t -. vjf f » cl^j^^B i^ '.-"% \,-..t I. ^1 irn- [•5-. ,n •"•^ I f JL .3 n •^^ » o *•«>-. ..» -V-? !- a''Ji i^. co'i'^lia^^e ^,>s -r-^r -^-sf^M^t. *fr. Potter*? lar^ert Brfv Benr R'r:ll ^rc:-; Ka-ai Ps-^i ^r»«^ /«. i£t ras rettTm^d to ^r^^T a'^.d^!*nn « C'^'^rle o*^ ^^^'^ a ' -0 i»r. -^ "^ oto^iraTj^iB also -h^io'^ ge^^. T^,f tT.Q piclo--ical S-iir^r' '^i -^ -. «•♦ '•ii-^ la^a P-9 1 "^ ATT f^r Oj-J : f 'I* ' '1 ^ T - niu. 10' • If ,.,-.^ rn::-^9t 'or a c'ap^c^r •lad e ija.' o r^< .f>".l^^ •a c Oelifor lia for 70-r ^^*. V* .* "'^CF-nT ic* 4.^.,-,.. -^f t>,e -^tato v' W- biit tns ie 0' VA r.3 i ci r r betdnd .^-■^f **^ f^.^^» ve'^'er *.1 *%4- at lS r'-i ari ,0 1 ■> ar-a c" f ^e U-.-33-i^ 'r I jEii oo'tcy cf tVe U^rerfir ^ ^r p. 1-: ^or-^ia '^-Id 1^3 '"^'^ ^''^ ^ .•» ^ ai ftrtlc lo 3, ^r^ v-.^ fa'.r'n c -i* *"♦ 4.Q-*- - *^ ♦ ^ » '!•,■*• 4- ^-nrr m •.Tf^' •-•-fi. , .1. M» ^..^ -*- r». ♦'■ A ^»y }r * * \^ St i ii V ^T" !l- .•.^- .^"^■•r' 3g' *oa 605 - ■•* ■*■ .-• 10** o J X: '.% 16. i U -» « V '-1 X o c '*■ ■* •O * ^ ' ^ _l k-fc • «» » * * i ,>1- , . •'■ 1 '\c :■« M 1 S >»•»"-- -' ■^ * Or % «.«»y«-^ I .- « -} ,> Cv • w' * > cv y n.* ' f- Jk^'JlaJL -t^'i* f • ^ ' ."^ -» • A U f'tt T r-« * 3 k- c::':.]l3 vo\: ••■♦ ,-. •>■• ^ 1 ^^ >n ^ »■■< T *^ •* ^ -f • ^ VVlf ^ % a C /I 'c aiditi^nal ^^^\lz loa^"^'' >#!» » J- -■ " ~ , ^. ^ ^^ , e«\.^ -V V, c "t:; sona thsn; T***' ^ ♦ ■* -i ■a ^- «- 4- vi» •-• « I »<» «-^ / * »^ •■'^ ■ '^'^ZC ^11 it I. * 1 axrress, i^^'^ar^Bs rrsraid, N - *? IK' /__ /- . }. * / -.'- i i'-'*^ s a £5 'n H C.U >« .1 • ■ J ^ -i - ^ B.O t'^fl W ^-u I t *• ..' > J' 22.: i*i -> .■^ .'"' D 11 D ''^r . iT * 1' t .- -. * -^ •J V"\ . % • JL ' Lw •TO '^r"V "'*l'' ^'Ht'.!!' T'^ 1 bill it hich yon ^ere arc ^ ^ '•«»'* w w loa- *'^'5i ^^'-^ 1, i- • >>■• t*:! Ts J' '1-r ^^ ? rc- e dd 0 /- ^j. ^rr »•' n :er^ii A vn ^vr-r. :*^n T -»• .*\' ■» ■:v ,V- ■•^•\^ r .-rrras^e^ rr^pa la ITn T,H n IT. [V^f L; a v:* n « k* -T.-'i^*- ■ iX* '^ ^ ^ - N ^ ;:: • 1 H .■% • - »^ •vr 1« « ' ■ ,- '*'•- '!^ r> V* "!»• 1 /"•\"i*rTr A ' WA » 7^r J \r V 0' : jrii! the *^o P^ i^'i'^: \ 3 1 lu'ccn isr it **>*?• It. o*r*f » v/* •J-'. ^ .lier. -^it-'iDut raritar, ons trcti F^n^ie CT ,--i.« KccteraT Pan si 4*^ ,^Uvl\ Ti >> '-; ,-• 3 0'.; Of rrmt ssn/ice tc •*'-*^^. w*. •>-•'/• "•^"•^n^^i n*^ n-.l 1 r:r^ "^••r nTTrs?!!^ "y f.T~r3(^Tatr.c-". of <^ ! ' -••»«• I n » « lii n^^ '• « A» i»*. - Ti »• v^ 't i, •• ,.<-;. O ^*Vo. ~v. *-*>. f * \ c ^ IV ^ S09 i 11- 607 Jvne Ic. lylS. iial" ZoclO:^y, u*ld V e -.-^vu Boar erul^ y<^^ ^^'^^ "'^ ^'^-"^'^- . (rnh 'Jo.ooiO, am adul^ No.79.43). 1 am a w'ula a/ c lent) .lo.o^^v^, frcn x3l&-:ra-pn Creak, ^ xU. pv; inttir JsC/« r I n i i|^ J^T.a 15, 1913 ■•-luer'-a Vartoorate ZcoId. "7, Berkeley, California. D 3ar i^^ prevaid) two cf t:'e xlirea B^ar Bfclle 70- T9ra kind H:,':^'5 ^rc-^i Sstu^c Kiver, a-^ Urging arcl^ Nc.4o87^ .urci^aeec ^ "^ro^i 1 'lar ai? a C:l-for^.ia Grizsly* As I told ^roii last, Ncvai'lor, thii^ skoll is nob t'at of an American B^ar, ar-id coop^riaon "^ith sracii'idrs in our ILvs.'oim d:ows i^ -^0 Iti t'^^ JKurasia^ arctcg^ 0>3 0:^ re gV-:11s loaned ir^o (Iic-473?), T^.ich Tras "ci;rc'as^ed "^on a Bailor as a Kadiak Bear, is still a ''::s^le- ard 1 s'^culd like tc rs'oain it imtil next fall in order "".p see 1' I carnot, ic'o^-ti'^ i" poeiMvely* I 'riara -^lerefore laft it in o-^r lal-crator^' l" t'le nsw Katiciial JtaReum ■r.inlriing, tr'iere it id perfectl" eafe, and iiay >e had at a-'-T'- tl'Tie., 'IHmnkinr "ou and Mies Alexander for the loan cf V-, ,^, ^ *v. -■V ■■ -^».e rleas^aro of nbeinr; yen .•i*'^*«a c*- ."Mw -rol 1 31 ore *k,' J ; i»i/ » • „. C. -1. .*► 3 809 7 0 S. ■4^ June 16 » 1913. \ ^ ft X >/^ OaipSij-Taiit Co. Indiaiiapolis, Indiana. Deer Sirs: InaBTWch as you returned 137 letter of Ifay 27 r.'ith acccsnpanyijTg voudiar without a word of oxplar&tion, Rj:d inasr^tlch as the r-oode have not ba^ reoeivod frcm you, 1 hardly knor ??!-ere wo sta^id. As I am now eettir^ out. for Califcr>la, the only way I see Tjy which the article onJered can he received ^^ time to "be of any use is for you to ship fJian to me hj' axpress addreesad: Dr. C. Hart Iferrian Kearney mi, 11 J * Nebraska To Re called for. I will cell for It en route. Please soni one Cc-ripac-tent and one ^j.'ptian cotton sheet, 10. ft.i 16, both in ywir li^lit grade weight, and both in dork broira or khaki color, the tant to cost $11.50, the canp cloth $12.15, ^iiQ two onoijirtirg to $23.66. Ity dieck for thi« ar-oijit ie inclosed in ojiothor envelope. Kindly send receipted Mil to n^e at Keame^/-, H^hraaka. s. 4 0 \ yVKj%. ■^'-'^'^JX X^ , <> - { H \t ri eo3 610 •A 1'/ 1 nl t Dr. HIT. T. H-vniadav #/ <^ E- ^ • D; H'.r-iada i 1 •• • ■5-7 ^' 1 . X icax ?ar£ ■j- Daar Dr. H:r a H t O Yovr lo .lt O cri 1 aiy-^ I t ;C '.• X -J 1 1 It ie also oas^v 01 access, aiid mi a r ;la ■ lay -iS roac^iad V wagon, if wa^ <»Ar» ii:^ crs/ferr*^ to T?ickin. Mono Laka a X J- «* X V ■> e loot/ oi t.'ie o^ . ^ •' jyio^.c PaB3, a i^-:crt da^'*s 'lorea ^ack ride Ik' da..- fi^cire Im^o riddji'i Dvor ^'^i6 -^a^^n i^are^ack, and Mrs. ?rriam b^-A I ^-* V. re " ^'1^1 -■? 4-1 :a X J ^ YLLm'^ River •tu if- 8;:0t-3r del! t ' ; «• ^ £ '-J •^A^ i 'v ^ ir -d ctj?a 0 aBv of « 2 .«.-»- ■< C* C'A/ > V ».' O • K -j ; aj 'j. rtV^^ ' )\ i ^ *} "» <-«rf 11 a "J > . ^.::i I^- a lsci 0-. J, fi- Jl 0 B 3 c<.J V xi> a plaai'& . t rc^jnd to ^;o lali 1 ,iA I .• ^- a; .-•j^-'ao ^ i'.,! jLi 'uiiu ca:aT:i>-v ■.•• z^. - " '». A ■^ -«^ >-< ::c'' .% a id v^ m-T X 1 1:^ \j..}.':i X -.-^Itr . VM. 3a»y Oi access is T"acl;eu.a l:ad "yi-r VI -iJ If! Kc^ai" Sierra, r aac.'.o >. ; ' v. t'tj S:-ucia N/^':ior £J. Fcroj>t i •• 'i r~ r*«ft Wi* J \^ - I*-* Vt N/ » AV:a Mu^ot:- , .Mi oral Kii", a'd F^furerall Gap to Karr. a-.-c .? xr iia--'« w r •■. •• r >-* o c» V-V VI «^. r* - .•»r-< Ue la i ^ # ■ ' '^ 0 1 ,". • .« ^ ^^' w^«.i ^V i a r5 n J M a uux lOrBt:! M .,u ITT -t^ .^ J. -•^ W I >' »' ex ate -. I. V -^ a t n • * ^ *-"* »-. V > (P.O. s?i / ^ ) 7^ ■' i^.a. t. is raac ad iail -- - W I- fro : a "lax: 2 1 1 a.i ou u-.maee 0:1 a rai 1- ::^bA \.-- *i "^ > Ic^r \\=^ -r ar le: (•* r\ lii/ial^a be crai^rrec X u nor *1. ' X-* '■ a- J I r,^ c I • ■•-ti '->, *> r ▼! <■..! L W '^ ' : t-4 0> C 1 H •■" t-r. i * •/ . •». v/ »' 1 .: i. 3.rr C'-Ji I. ^ ^ JtjL< Xlii?/ ...LU M^ tU ?e iro: .—l V rs u S-"; T1.U.I .liiino -r X 1-. ^ :yc'i^id? ri r -ig ^crld. ■J j% .^ ^ '^' litas •!>3+ »^- T > I A ^ K' V- •',•..,/ > C Hotcli H^ocviT'* Tali3YQ LUt a ■* . i. -■ 1 ... (w:.^ ( -r- or ^)as b) i ■f >..nt *• ..i.\f >, _ » Cr, i^'s* It \xs -. -^ ^>» .0 •3 L-'^ll, DBria, GiV-c. C.vri ij r* y^>^ ^•N ? -, •*^ "» "w .^ V r% »•»« d « i*'. • >J . i -• -^ » .^ y% ■*■ ■y^ -\ 1 »»• uu ixCi 'adiati.i^ r I -^ X *.4 ff •^ • r *At- ■ ■ » J «/ V ;» jL iiV i O. VC L- -V V t * VT- err F ">> •ly 0 r-lTT: ' »• >.«wX -.1* ^a ::x ^ «. <-« V / ^ .* 9ac siUit;or Iiorie a^ LB/^;i:i'oa^ Mai '» > t I 1 1 \'e ^ i."* • ' ( Id vo^rr friendi* irde}: fartV'er In fon^iation, I B"iall I'ti p.lad t.o help "t'la:!: as rrocb *%^ JL V/44, • <^ 1 ^ J.. W »/ : •-» i . r MfT 11 aidi ;:• e a t La m L a^ 1 f^- ibr ■i.a'b "•* % ^^^"^ • ' \ rr9 I i u i. I Ji^e 17, 1915.. My dear Mr. Fiahsr: ^a book 70U retrimed to the Musa^i-a reached ne fiafaly laat eve.Tii:i(j, for vrhich I aa ver-v (sjch obli(^ede "As yC','. »hs^ I 'navu l>3en dala;:/^^ ^^- J^'^tiiic: off for Calif oraia, but 9cjq:ect to start tanorrcw* With b'3st wishes for a jleaaait L.r.iiuar, * 1* HoaoraUa Wl'.er L. Pic'^or, Northeast Harbor, Maindo f I i I , 1'. H ra 613 Jn. e is, ivl KJ • i % Ju;^6 Ic, IV Li Was' Gafl Li '-t Co 411 - 10-Jl St J, D • J • D^iXV Sir 6 pc^c.-^v^. Ki Po'aar ^c% 213 14:> S-:v^ Was'^ir t,on, D •r. fi » -^ • JJ ciC' * u L »_■ 'ioda-^ I a cioni ^ nn . "^ V. e, 1V19 - 16t f^- ^n ^4. --1 U 4.K ♦ ^ eascn. aro ■ v; I, ex >.. v^^ u U 0 raturn Tccia' I au clcoiiK m lior,»^a l^iV - i rnucii i;6 6i era C'lrifitnas, I imva tur^^ed off t. ' e electric U A * C 'C.' O ▲ w 6 soaaci av.i. iiO uc'c u of or a t 'ii 4.0 V :iab, I a W Q >J L,«.. D lad oc u u 0 retViri •> J** oil u.l a '.afl »-/>A O 0 tan in Ira 6 a*rcio^ Jut .. u. V 0^-* u I > 3 1 or a ^ I C V isJ J' lai'i srrit^cV) ir. "o a ;/aif*a aeuv uiiaar '^jie » - .^ .6 s-'Sp^. a' i.'i J r ♦ A v^J v^i e 1 1 •|S0- M'-' off ICO A^ar i. - * i Oi To Hcrtli-.i..ljeria.ii «. v^ he acviii:^ J.T 0 i' t L> ^ vi • No --aa sbcr.dci be -Ad -3d in the -^ -• "♦ iOVisa '>j. V. ix ^ k -• wl 4 -i - " •'.* -i^ R3BT>bCof.:;llv J > ^ *.\Vc V, Icnod zzdEJ" ■J f A-iU iC c;irrey^t 6^.C--l V* • P3( 1 t; XX \y • 4 * • « %? ^ I ?•:** fli ^t3 #, ? 615 Jusse 1£, 1913. Jane 18, 1913. ;->-' ?JfaLior Ric'ard Sylv aster , CT'der or Pclica, Dear Sir: Toda^^ I a^n closing fiiy liowse^ 1919 - 16th St/Oot, ior to 03ascn, ai.d do act expoct to revarn ifnicji baroi-a OitrisViiae. I ts'all la c^'iif-ed if jou ^ili ki )dlv 'lave yoiir ratrol-riav. keep an 6yo on the houso froo) tiiae to time as tley pass. Sliould ara^hi^F occur to reauire attention, plea-ss :-!Ct,ify E. W. Nsii'cui, H. W. YLQ.Wsa, or Dr. T.S. Pal i^ji', Bic-li>,ical Survo;;, Ddi:;ai'tiaent cf Acrawlture.. M;; audresG *:dv:;il Doce :l)or Trill be Lajiniitas, Uk^xi' Cou 't;-, C'llifor^i^o RHi?r ecu fully. pi ii f f 1 • {4 . •I 1 1 •SI' Po8?>»i}'3i^wer^ Wasb-i>-'f^toa, DtC# Ba€ir Sir: llntil furtar notice, plaMe forvrard to me at La^- litas, Marin Co, CeJifcri ia. all letter uiail addreseet to me at 1919 - 16tb Straet, or at The Horthumherland Ar>artDent, Plaaee have all ina^^azinet neiropaper, and pHcka;^••e .lail delivered at the Horthumberlaiid, Tiiere it will be cared for ^ontil my retTim. Respectfullyt * Vr«^> w'\ V^-^O^N %* I «;?. If 617 li< w ** i i ■ ^. :*! '4 ^ I, 4 r ['*ff ill V.J . 1^ I -I Jihs 18, 1913* Ace 0^1 it a Wae Dcai^ Mr. Ada «?: As yor 383, I 'lave baui' dta^lajad ir i;^e\'AArjfr off, ' uv. oxpoct to soar'w tliia no on. L? order to avoid C6u:r/ia with me vj[f exxaise acroi/it voucner for oha first half of Jims with acco:nLaj.yi.- »ut-vo-icharB, aj-iOv^iibing to $164«33t I ma inclosing the aajne to yen herewith, and yon /iiay hold beuae 'oo pay alori^. '^ith t'la voucher for te latter part of t-.e rr)Oi^t}i, Jv^id iB-30^ which I will tr6L:is:rdt at t-ia (^pA of t':e ?io>'th* I mn inclosing* ^^^o salar^r voucher for Mies Ro9a S. Sta- piV'^T'^ for services as dark, June 1-16, $53*33. I Bhall be olll,:ed if you will ki))dly pay the r.»CMthly rent hills ae they fall due for lay office apartT^nt at tl 0 Koi'n/!:l^mherla^ld until it; return. May Vmnka for yc^ir prc^ciptness in sandiiT; advance cJiack Tor fi'^id eip'-insas, Itj widi'dst: ur.til D^caialer, iml9Bs I notify yon to Jib cod rary, will l^ Lagiuiitas, Marin Co, Calif onria. « i *^ (1 ■U • Ht T i W f.- 618 0. ^ > VV !. V--., ^^r^ / * * •-» ;. V « '^ r %i • .d. o 'Is'Si 'il-A- V i.A.._:- -, Wx. , ff 4^ N-. V*' "* L'i^k*.«>* •■' • w/^ *^- •W^ ^'m • » .•«., ^V-*. i^iice , ( .^ w . , _ . v'Sw . CiC' ^ V»' O 3 4-1 n WA- .-( ^ f (- I -3.: j.i a^:Cl ;Uli -4''' _ v/ 4, vj< Iroi f "1 -? \ i ) ■'-1 Oir J t?- I n c. t ■1 -» ~ Kv-j i •-; w W^ --• v^On (Oc J -,■ ^ i. .•• •/!. ) j^; :• I >-%•»* "V^ an ^ ■« -•» *• » r-^a ■J. ... *. - V *,' V» ?9, Ivlv - i w. T •■ f^ iU ^ 70:* T-a [lor."^^ T- ^rl ♦ i a^ia Ae I K 'iiE a; i^ •^ "> -. -■> ^»r ill r.a ■^ .;^ .-/ v/ %^« ■ • "» '.•■. V* -^ ^ lA t^'»- ■-^^Bt> :-c -^cix^ -r - • r o> «• » I ill - lO^h STrreaL W^H t^. D.C ' • 5*ir S: »*4 M -^ rft a V (0' ^u ^ C i) *■ w' • « • 1. 1^-^ ^' « ^ ^ J- «a at : r^' M -I 1 - I 1 >--. i' J..II It-* :V^^ •r*-* • -^1 v.- J rf * I A < "i t ^T. ^ "lor r* A »• <^ ■ '% a' w • L-' . 1 *^ • J 'J -^ *^'% i r» ,i ./ ir -> Qw '^'•«C 1 < '">5 <» H . L. MC^ 01 I ^ $1 M Jfav-J "»••» R -,f-ir- " *«-*r. i.-t>- • 1 ■» A W-li •V I f^i Ti i-av J :-X 11- .X-,V.NO^- t r29 622 YA »-'• O V 9 ir J>J «.-. R k^5 t • -• 4 'W ^ ♦♦, ~ .."I, ' .? Si -% •» ■■'- • R t a«"? -► &• D.C M < -^c. • ^ tj^j> 1 wA ,•% '^ t Id I ■• 'J L v^ ra :«. ;. • I f^ ». Vr ili •^ ' -o i:^ a^.o-X I O <• -» ^ s '-1 '>:i, r* L"" i iw . i^ •' • I • • *-*• Dour Di . T- ■^ • 8t # v' 1 - . - 3 jrJri :t 6^ -3 rvi^.'* * -a "A J » O V :^3: H V-/r:il T • s S-- iwC? f Ds .'-jr. B 1a a V « IdS cii^ • •-»• Lx-j8 : d .•: CLU 1 "» *% »-\ - -^ •^ V, -*-»■• W -fc • ■•A^ ^ O ■ • •«.JL A. ar^) 1-1. H ..'^^f - Cf * ' •^ imI «/ 'v u vj WV Very ^r ^ v^.. ^ .14 B. .- 3 « . :«. •".■>■ / * ■da ai. A. -» 1 Bu ««♦-' » a- r 4.' ^ X ^ ^ %s ^i 13' {&•<.'. (^ • X V w jw ^i •^.1,1 JU I -/i *» i t -1 ! *, ii ''«s^ i ^ 1/ 't : "»3 ^ J' t -'•ic'i I r I u a\7a*.i. i^^: ifr T* 7 >i. W. s r^a k, J V4 N.A • h: :i3^ Da&r Er. Ada * .*JL.. Tom Ca 'i J.' c^c im ■'...CJ fT K • fc vou 1 Oi''i C w ^ .' M ? *•" ,% w • iT? raaaoi ^, h iPi cai« a -♦.-• eo > J c ■^ . • "i ' ,*i 'J c ^ ir ur/ ti*xi rajtixos, a. ^►il •31 A - I «!• 1 * - % - *- i- .iV'v- Jt*i * ' wt ^ Ov4 -I'^^'^ao 10 3 ct.ll 0 6?r ^ "• ,-•»- ' » » /> ^c Cot, - 5 I f : rci 0 r 1 J .^^r a^ >T 1 *» a *>??!;'': ^r 0 fVi^f x^.a «J0 ill' rn*4y *• ,• -^ .e :o ••V. * V' jr^y -H^p i ^.ti h^ ^- :.■ Ui A?^bC^.:a^i:r for S'l^'.' a^d Pre- \* .% f I M-r-fciiv- If vytr a eex^a x^a ttomI w & A 3L afi^if'a"^^ "^0 s : :l. ,» « • Id rl H( C ^ >» ^ ^^ Mk -^ a';& *. -J It 5 '*A^ '^ '■» all re-, t :a~ I a:: ei -» ..> r a ^3 "•^***' 1 r '"'^ del S'* ^' "' '^ . r^-i o'*'' /^r of^ *! Ta- I in ^' ..ii ^j& If I'^i"*/ -** ** V « "^ % Tl ic: -la^Tr an a •» ^ %» m York, Bal^iior9, p d W^?» -^i^^ton, ad t*'-3 Tkt* -: • v« ra - 'X . »* •'" IB ^ •-* M . i .ri>' 300 Ft: r 8.r ^9 u r IBCC rat 3r ' jll- Otcx i ac ! •• Dr- Sc« ^:3l 8. Ada *?^ - .^* »> v^.- D l^ixc ^; \ ^ T* ^ w -\ T, ll 2S9 626 Or.-:- ;M), AVI.** I Oc-: u- c 0 I- id. • V» .- 1 -:.F> E^ Ta-xiviei: »i 17 iH Bi-cad^^'-V «' *» D-pr Sir 0 1 1^/*>. ^^ c ' vc ,:.' i-^ ' »> r3f3/Teit ^c nta ^ .^ n - i-)-r,3r - » =1 :.t i - ' ^r-- Sn-^r T-T ari^''li5B or ^ aia r r ,— f> hr « T'n •»'.!' T " ;3f* ^a^^. f « * ..-*.-•> ..^ .t -»• I I - i. C- • O^ V-.*T .' rv^ . •• T V" V. U^- '.■1"C mck A -, ^^'7 %^ H i » Cl ^ V^x-^Ox Vv \N -w^js,. VjOsJ. — p ^-^ r ^•..•>*j\«^ I 0 y --i.\ 7 1 ! }L J- H. Hill 00- s J..- Fr .4. ♦ ^ s- • -. ''^a 1 6 r r% lb.^^jh. w» A^t.* r. > Drar Sir 3-^ -n - i o r - ^ I «• I-- J* •> iv*< 7 .\, -5. I * * - ** d na aL 1' '."^VB Y* ♦ V ^•>t« a' at L'w '.]^i''ss a ^^cio' ra ■»' r r* a iai% ^ 'r.lAr--Ka ^ V : . f a: id "^cv* r^ra -Ttd si'o^::- K - ^ ,. 1 • .» . o i^ X .^0 1 r\ 0 ::-ji8 ad seen ae ^raccica (r. * i 'ft T ~) '.Y I V vat? .'* vid ^n Iv hU I cija-.^ct ••'0 r^zvri in ^he 6iri:{- 0 tC 8 J? a.cvitl ', '^r-".! a re'JB^^B t «* J..«" > HA •^oi l^dt^-ta to ava 3 01 2uei J. w •> Tar • . r- ■ T .\W-- 4 i''mg/ t -. v^* ^sa 628 October 30, 1^1-^ tf rxr^HX IL. Jl^8 'ail: ^ ^ ..... a^tvK.oo s .... ... ., - > ,orr:-:cV.o-.«. ■ .^ t*- n- -."'6 ra-'icii. ao-xiir -^^ It, t..k scaa t:..e tc ccra:a«u ti. . i - ^ i— v;o Sv Saro-KitiO '>'3lcn^ -•# -^ wsi-.^B Arroyo ir ^e i-xacw ^ 1.^1-i.i A>vaai^. T-i ra is ^ c 1^ So. Q^ro^^.i -0 Ort-^< i^fO\.l«t a^^^^aa. '^o•^i ^"e t-^ti utra^t nj .if^ &^ e«l..r8...-.,r) i. UcaUv .- cw, o P^-r Kill Cr«.. . In . . . -^i -r 4^' is Bolir-fw Ride**. ■•''^'^ w . ..,, fr.^k U galled Ba^ol:.!!' o. tba ^.«o. T-..^ wa. L.- iUa (.C-.AV. central part cf -^r) -. .r.o,eo.«l7 .^.iiacl Lo^ Ai- " o.n for the .o,..tain .-4 U.-.e eclvcol. ^rt^'er..ora. Lana Al^a .san. oi.. .c- .-.z^. & in ■if 1 L S-i R. B. MarHVall #? Ir r^e ca:Tir&i :,aro of nia 8^36": ii? a h all canyon yrwi ae Borrjyn f&tt-rcn, net Bjw tin Caia^.. i I otic Taaioy i ^ ::^. R-S^^iF. R-i c^^ i^ l-oat.-Ki -^ ^ f •«.' .1 w: • doo ki.ORT a** S^tita Ifuj^jj^^i loa VniloV. L: --6 ij^t»]ie or Kicacio Ta-Uy l:2twoyn v-o \v:rd^ IM^^^r-io a-^d YhHc^- ;?cnacrr h u^ i*^ .ei^oUtad uhd word Lncas. Tia*. ccaj? t^-ictnoaa? lrrwr.^:s;,iyfi cf its 'rea-r,,! ^' ^^^owyri All c"' t-o ^arBcns to w^'O^: I'^a-e b-ottt V^-^* sae-o^. eav *-aM I', ie tie ^os'; dl/ficMr: .Jap \.o 'xiiddrctaiil TT^ch ui-^av "-^''e a^^3r sdd^', c^irj; to tae occurra'>o6 ar^' ec^^eiiirf^etf t^^^ rJ5:Stit.ion of rs 1.1;^, of ten i>^ lai>2« tyje, :^>\a -aanint 01 ^hitti ift nco axTilained. Sorie of t id^a na;i;?a bjto in jiai<:«^-a/»i^»iB; cVnem ^ot in \hxov ^'\0slBi f^oa^ in largo t^-T.Sj a].l i'%e% 8n'i3 oT t" ja^ ax-^e aab.:a:od ^: ' c e ^s:-o.> of clxi 8;;:a :»^h :j:'a -v« (aft 8c^iiaj\\lr^. Ro-iar de la MiP6r:a,0lO(mali. Pa:alrcTA, Kitr t.y^#), Ol'j^*;-^ io iajva t3^a arti iualos^:^ in ^arar^t a«ia, ay Hai iii^cic, Buokala??; Gtercia. Phc: aco^ a^c sc c^% of mtr\y Sxtt:ue^i ;^a?^t8 are Ir raality j^'6P, ct' 'wv: i/^ 3«U : i cr ^a: 'or t^^' I . } esd I . , Vjl ""f*^ r ^ "9 . • C ^ 1 ' V • «« ^* V I I' I '♦ i \l i \ • 1 i 083 V n.'3.M£rs" ail #S 3ar Gereni:no, aid Ck via d* Hdrrera? And w y ie ^' e first of V-eea :.r:--.3d t;^ice in .iif^c^'^. .• 8i^<* ^^yi-* i" ^-'^^ ^°^ left-naivi corner ol" t,hf© t^iapt r,^3 villae<» or llcvtt--3 :« corroctly indicated in 7alla". ▼"' is V 9 nai.ia Kcva^o rtjj-dated wast of v^a ca/tt-ral •cart, 0' vxa -nap, '.Tv»Bt, uf LitUj Mt? r-.3 • ord Hicasio 'r iteolf (no- inciudir^ Buca. a likd) occiors r.acidis aa Hicasio Hill, V.cvl&.v Tcilj., ana -: on the •;*: at, Isf^t 7'i;ar ti-u-es. and ir at Idaet t.-Tre3 cia*. of tire*,, i key 'itJit erj-lain t-oee eaveral i;8a{.-«»t "b^^ *» it elji'iiB f"! V *"** cortairJy ^.tiri-ldxir^. In sorna parts of fno ;mx). rotaciy vhd L«{;';nita» .dtiion. il. is i-veUy "iard tc cc.:..-.t v-3 -.onCaorB am arrive at viue dau-drosuUs au t -.d iit-!.rd8 t^iva-'. en c-.a ^lat.. Afcide ir..;r "Jioaj cri of a fovr .iinor j'-iiita, ^■-15 rnuj, is a .v:st excell.Jit oiia, arc oa^ o;iab has Uue c6.)r. ufeodjii. I h' con »on rith ■itir.y o.hars swait witii iiitorriBt -w 1. . r.l ::. a:/. 0 ^ d: ^' e bid .o V.a --cfct^Tard. w':icn I «ur- ;; ■■.■'. :7iiJ iur.l.;de Tcriaids Bajo VeiT tr»ily yourp, ■i^l 1 M a f I ■ I Original Defective r£9 O^oooer 31, l^i:^- Mr-, T'. I. A'-^a ^s A/^c:i ' -'i ' -••■;:■! i H . D.G. A i :.--^1ch6 •<^ •' 4f Jt or M.-=a racijb^ ... ^ 4.i T*^ • , ■> » • '^i - i).' * r3 -> • • ,- ^ \ % /'-» 4. J % 632 0- t . •» '4 r w J. 'w' 1 i y Dour Pi 'it ^ • il'''--^i . i iw' »5 v X ^4. .. w. k ■^ O ^ .1 . I. - T ^ - - , - • I ■;• '- -;'4.6:ti;* v. . I C/^ ^-- w i "3 V > ; •:": ■ : y ; ■ i. ^i^irt t-^.l. -> •' Ui tj :-'.» ^ -•- « ^ I <^ J- - 'i i 1 ^B!9 889 634 Octci-sr .51, 191o. 0> l':i 1 :> ^r-« * ^■V» rs -« 38scr A* E. ?3rriil. IIt^- Ha^^a >'\ 1 1/. . , . D;^ar Prr^'sfirr Vsrr ill a * v/ ^ ra'- ^':"0"i Oaiixorria I a'l su-rtriedd i ;.>*"'^ •Mj ^ C»' s^ i. w" • » .) I 3 Euiil -^ : id ^ -n a- a "croof auri of -"ca'j" Siforfish V'^/1;t:"9 ^S'nz vou la^t :r ':Ct X »■ cHii at an oarlv date I *♦ r ^ -'^li*^ '" c to pragft? It was ir^ienddd i ' iriiued ci'rirf t-"f» c^Trotc ^^ i38r. lvl.5 renr, vriP^es '^onr tn^Tv vcrurs Wx 1 I r i ^" 1 cv -r ifk "^ iV v> ••- Whb' i '> U -v^ D A Dear Sir ITn^ •ail ':ox on a la^-ip "coat at 1 13 corner of 16th St ai'd Kalcrfiuria Road needs inmediato atta itio r. hiriffe v.oltp on >'0r 1 n -ds of the lattar-drcp have }k le )'cian t or broken off bg t'^at letter-droT. ib ea.^ilTr . 1 •» • ^ lifted out, allaci'i 1 a-iv one to -out f'«6ii lai'id in aiid '^l .!• ' \r ^ 3 > jc contant;8 of the boxc Rr:8ject fully ^ f* a&8 '"^^"■'^"y^r*'*"* *• * !Ifrj;->ccr 1, 1:13. I* Dam^ Dr* Blliotr! On gcirip, ao oho MiiBeaa since niy recent r9*-/.;rn fraii Calif oriiia. I received fran Mr* a ccjj- cf -Dha c/}rea voiuraas of yaar grea^ work —A Hoviair of the VriMzeB, lor v^ ach I a;: » er^,- iiuci; o'lir;ed. It 12 a rroat thing tc bs a..ia to vieit jract'icaiiy all of the m^jiaenraB cf Vna world in order ^c 'cecnre material for a work of t'-is kind, and t>o lire icr;: eno^^>;li tc fi6e i^ act^}aily ^Iirowh Uia praea. This muet^ )'6 a ^,reao satiefactiuM 'oc you paraomlly, a§ well as zo T>^ liiustrat^icns are uobo gratlfyiv^ am usafuJ* I thirk yci: can claiii^ rithout faar of gainsay tha bc^t 6;.;' lot* of ra^roductic^js of bJcuU photo^-rapxifl tLue far puolis.vcd* ' Aiji troj valuo of eucli pIiotC;:,raphs cI ^yi^ae and ot^^ar i^^rv;.; rti^: sk^olis to workers tLo world over cai:hardly le overostiliiuUd* With coij^;ratulations and thanks. Very tr^Aiy vchr6^ Dr. D.G.Blliot, Anisricaii lilusauia cf Natural HistcrT, [ k ?'c , f' r I I 1 ■ ,1 ' 3S9 637 uo'^9^^ er s^y* '^ v- * Ivl 4V« > r. ■t • ♦ iiirr- \t a eai M' .i •- ^T" "^ !"''( .f >i I't Cl I M- r?- '-r V" IT >«r D' o r* T/-*^, H; J .■T->:^ n > ♦J' «. ,, ^. . y. ■- -" £2 . / rd "! i. t)r.> Jo W. ?c?'kes . «v. . \.^r * -' ^ i..u- .• A. . i -r. * v» — -^ a i'« «!2^ s° «!. .' y\ J A. '"i o 1 f-* Vc^r V%.: > '■.r'^• r.-.-u — — ■ » »j *>-''^.A-^. Dr. Wo He h: s J . ^ ^ -. 1 ¥ »,• J- f/ar i »-• o ' ■» • % Dear (T ly > > 0 : J. _ :t -:1;; -v» ^ t % >.:^ ^ ', I S •^ J ^' 5 0:1101: ir. San Fra::-i.ci3 r> ? ^ v ,n 191;: i I - X 4 <<» r»T* ^O -." 'A"V* 3r:>v'iH 1 TCli •%- r 0 -*»• li V-V ; J O?^ ta* oy <^ n- Uil 4- - ••;' I ij \ V^. 3^/"^' iv canti-3 ct un ^tfjal 6^:.3r ;or.c -./' -. yt aak in^^ rale i. r I f!^ CdS^c ad I ''eel /ei7 1'^ 4.1 ^ '^' v^ « -J w Tv ■ *- i. -V c.r a caue&J L: I'?! 3 al' u an 'J •'dt- IdCt'ftd.. A af 0 v^^ ^f"* art, vid s'^'^il^ '-^ .T I > 3r r".--.-- ♦i.t :B ^.6-. TT JbJi *^~(* k.- 'S s e J.-! r ^•'?/» if •©■ >dk>- v.Sk'*. / 883 X % . I Kove^A-sr 6, 1913. (t- on role*:' Uotor C'. • Deur Sire: '* i.* f * — L . .,•> T fl.v' i-lad '0 uc-'J ^-'•fl"' .---^ "" " , - -•',',•> c- V. a lockout for ir,;f ^4-1- -'-...T raaudst I ir^ci?'" (V^o>^^ 16- I^ a:'aordai:ce T/iul. ,.^..r req^^ ^ ^'" . , .^,. .v< viU. uaznoly $225-o0. nr/ rr-ecK i0*3^--* oNnVr-?--^- bill ^-.4.^- «•— it -;UU -.rill ^ -^^^ ;;h.w..-^ ^ . x^^ Aft.r f« car r«.d<.o» 70. I .iU writ, you »ore Y^v-r ^;r-ily 7o;rc>, .SI i I yp^tr'— S.^i3^ !F>-^ Wk >\ -^^ ,'^'' * * ' i .-M^^etfe esa ^T DY ember 14, 1913. T]-nior Square. ^ ^.^ dear '•t* Po>)er+>son: ^ill vc-j kindly (serid ne a cjpy of uarrmtt^e translation of Cboris, !hL ^T^-^*^*^? ^^? Hundred, fearj Ago. Pleaae ftend cill f/itb poBtage to me at above address* 7 an* tmly yowTB^ K ti - Vtt3:.^>r" ^^VxA- ^-"^-o- i { X l s«-f. .* V \ 'i , J • i ■ o^^ 1 ; M' ^kr&^ 15, 1913 M ? Dear '^eton: Thankp for vmr9 of t^ie I4th insta^t. T had arpectod be sea ynore of yen whan ir- "gw YcrV, bat f«iilirig in this, a^! r^lzd to know that you will ba in WeBhinHtoR chortiy. No, I Tj&re Txot 39 an vour hook on T^oodcraft. ^Ith best, wishes. I XT. Ir» Erndst Thorapson Seton, Greenwich, Conn. rw 642 f : J 9ir- ove 1 r^. 10 "» ■•> .:2 0 0- A. * ^ k'' free cJ. ifOA7 Ic- , oj-^o. rv^c3ir": ra^/ira na' cev-r ^»- .-« r G^I- a-.: O^iJlS ^ n • ^ ^1" - ■ iv^ t-r-, ■\i :y *^ « V* '"I 1 4- ^ .V W V 1 ac <■:, ' k .• :l.u U 1 A - I "» r ■ > .? C '-'*: to 3'7 ^ ' c rr^' .'»-'■ oi;Bire Bt- t will Va V:r:C3;?iVl C/ - Oi rj :i -♦■ *'^i r-'fi tTOt u a ;jr ■ for "'•.esdAy everii:;- r X. deal* Mr ^xr rv;^' y c» J- - Y*1 r ■'^■'^ , '->. -f- ** 1 >- n • »• ■^ -. "^ r^ i ;3, .4. ,•* -' V* ■^::?^ act .^•. -o • ^ J. a.i clli ' v'>i ..■»•» r\ f^ '^ 0 "1 V_» U v7 tr-^e T^;i:inV^er^ of aT.icna.L ..corJa-iY c +' ^' cie :cJA^ a 2 - ■». T*, i ac^ra \j^ -,-. «^ •.' .» y ^^.al^ <1 *Vr;>^ c-(U ^.l^fcfcifcW^^^ %\ i': (. \ ^, '• iT.r; O f-^^ Cw (»■ »-. ! > ■v. If:: *:3f^ C: 1 -> *■.'*. . .^ *_> V. ■ J' ' -J TTA X ;X^ ^r^a^X- at ^jia V o •cW a. 1 ■ ^ ' V* 1 ;t ha a>l TiS?^ '^.t / i t^ja ■_•'. ,' .«. ^ k. ricaoeTCv'' a.:d ■^ m3 .> -Li ^. >«> ?rce':dir^*V •CiC .^"^ J ^ V V- . K'^J ~' i C/1. o: alt u--'.vX* 6 1 ra T \ ;S8: X (.' -t Q-f- ro J ^ v-tr 'li 0*1" r? Ci.. Va • A n ::or a ir "^ar a or l^:edr(5^da ^i-r- -^■-- "» >i/.^ I H lAo'/laud 11 tr:.i] t; (T- ^^'Wk^ Anvcjv^^I. 644 8W D- U - ■> ...r -" •"» - r- lO'a" 1. Cf w. -» . tl- -» ' ^ .~ r xr J -.S^ p.- T-^^ '. <>^-- »-. •- •V* " i 1^ f^. ii'T-k. ^ v> ^•-L_« >r M ■sf X 7 A V v.: v'^' .-,>.. f . T i li .'^ iAT V-- ou « *♦. H J > J. re i-.'V Tt ? - :a o 01 .*• •- 1 -'^^t-^H .k . 9* ' ,<♦«.:' i* ^ 0 v.rLOWitvni -Vi.^-J. t* e ^iftl^^'^ i r- <^ 5 -. DB -j^l ^i'ri^'ri I- »^*- •^■ - -/*; .-i /' -• * * i k . p V ■< • a'l Aft {:■■ v*<- •- •> r* v» T* • O T^ C?T"!^. ■■*•':> ■* •^ . f^' a -nH >it= :^-' > - ■! V !>• r •r- /*) ./. ♦» ^' ♦ - v ■♦-■ '. .^ ■ - 's — •% ^ r»> t^.T'-v' »* • ! ' » <» •« _"• V -^y' >y' rt I -^jrA '::^urxrii^ h ?:'^ mV> -. x:^ t-. >t.i ■♦.n/* '» ■ *f1 »■ ^• > t* ■f I'lcV j;< '.,- -I rr T'^* a J, . -t • i. ♦-•Ct ^ ' r" v' luH f^' tl '•»'./" 'U B* ^i ':i:it^r^ y ti^^e , ;. .:;*" ? , » ^ T* . • »\ a- ..-> •r>"wi •r ^^ -p r> . 'V ►'-» ' •1^ ' 3 fj f ,• r> *> v t \^ •V 1 d i.. ■^v'H'ia a' •' a 1 ^i ^' a. o r*' .r.--.f5 *^" la r^' 'A' • »-, % .fl* ? . ' r«. "vj V, I -*' -'C": i ^5-3: c^ .•• »r, I ^.''s -. •.vjr>v''C ,> .2ip /* "i>j -iv . r^: 1. ^ v.- * •-''■C! :» « *r>'i»« .i> d •- X IT 1 t 1 /■ l'^ ^ -K-a^-'^ IM- 1**^^-' :: X u r o::r'MT i^^o te ^ 5, ! \ " *-i •V -r V^'*' V-^ \ '( ■L\: e^e n ^ • / * ■ •>•' •"nr n ■,c• -/ A -. » J. A U !*> 1 » 3f o -;rA %'•; ,-^.^ 0 ^..•. *■' V^ /• . • '.T^n \'-« ''^ 1 •? 0> 'i _ v4< • *^ ■» •*-' » -w -•' W :; f'^ r I ' •'♦ .:i- > .-.'»frn c? ,'4 ■^l J.1- I i '.^ v" ..» * 1 » i*^) r, 1 > i I \■.r>^ -4-v ■ -• ••?• -, "-t • -^ ^•l "H '. ■ • •IT Dr. r-3-» '-C'v ^t/?, r .. a vrii ■« - ^ j.r- ••rr ■• 1 -v..i : '-i ■^ .^ -^ f i .. k.- *, V ■ a v»-»- •» •o. ^^O'*. 7 r*. V .M ^■ : e :*%' ,<»v»'y '^ »" , 4. ■, O ,,. • - 1 .-I, i-\ ».^ •.u 1 I .'. V rtv*- in xu .V ^.-., ** '-v v-.l," O •i- 1 «i "•- •> _-r. ^, CiO ->'r«>V»»4 1 nf' V 1 fc-xi. .<".-* • •V v-»' ^ y« r ■» f U-iiW r^-.- 1 »• /i^*' .■* ••■ ■ <■ .■-. rv J .' ^ »1 -; ) ;:i*^ 1 t ;ia: :a l-o.^ ►-• .V .4. .' > - /*»>• v— t-^ ."> J . ^ "} .^ .-^rl ,» * W • **- •» rCCfX ^ii!i: Zf^d 646 r^ r ill r I X'^ 1 Hova^a^er 21, lvi;i^ 01' T^rA'-ii ''•''" cr 'Ic. ^1 ^ -lb y* -^ cc:icer i^K -^"^3 ar^^ e dH^^t^ 1 av- "^'de' ac^iii tc ::uar iro\i you ri.^al a*;, "rir fax^icry Dt* ruv T ivrcl^t car N.:.178, I r^r:-". -O': o^; Octc'rar 31* Tie u':-:; 0. liter's rec3: car ^'ar th3 uiu3. Tc? s'-:i>-r,-i,-, (J-a;^,.;; F-.--t^u: ._ C-.) Ulc :i.'3 ■■■-at ths car v^-c- Li /--ac': Fli-ru 'riT.^i ■ 2- da-p cf da'.e of s>.ipiav,t., a. id rear': 3d you al;Ont tT70 i^aalis a'_^:. (>-. !:c' triibar t^ I s;; 1. • c- :r: c!::-ick ■or ve25.c0 in pajrmai^t c^' ^'-3 -^rn '' t, for '•- uch i '^ave r^ot r'=»c<^!ved any t'-ae^MC'^ a? ^rr^ r^:":jr'^f? a"^c.'t '^esio^iB details n^edir ^ a^tr^ition ra\a t-r: ro-^-ci^^ed i^- ^everaJ differe-t letters, it inir-i-L. j^ave trie if ^ recarftvlata -nr$. FA!I-Br/Ap»- HaM rad 4 -^c date, the hraakiac of laciiKS CS'"^ ■? nr-' lb.' A L V ;ric''"\ a".ric-'^-}Co a""'d delay, RAMATOr J^/IC.- 38-d laak a-^ *^ottcn, ^i-^Med at Hcrth Plat-a, '/y ; ij lail laal: a: x'-^^Q't in lotrer left '-.axi c err: or. ■^AJ/' ; F • • ' * e ed : t i rid : • i '% .mv u n ^\' or To j^i ;;;r o i./.d • aT hd.»^o Oi- '. 'Cuh sides at toint of at^ach'iont cf dvuXS. Li.-^ x3od &t Palt Laco Oity. Br .ak ^ I # 'i I i »-'. m T-?vrcl- Mc or C:. 2 rr i ■NT *i •.,•.-—- ". "^^^ "it. ..acOP ,«>i: i..a s. >v Cw^ *- i.1 7r^Iar ^'ra s. f^^rrnrc oih,^ wvv v ;ni »> *• -» ^"V^-Cr'G.* -x^-ramel"^ Vara : aas 1 3r nie "^ant t\at ^ ^are ara o rrr it net. Lo "iiaiic , ■% I ^ . » , w R — . ' r^iffiOilt.v. . "^^^'" n?ar" ne. Tie rirln "• « PI d h^» 3 CXa 1' . 3 ai i ^ 1 t 7'ai^ Irrrkar Ir :ie^^6uia, b u . ^\a.iy^o u. riiiJ-* C:'^j ' ] 3xa: V ne;»d i- ot:a r^ par^£-. ^Y-- ---^cr r^-t ^' y-" 'i:"ie car tal^ar a : :It* n Jt. '^' f^ ^-^^v ^ J.A ■:3ed? ■*-,?> irr- dcsr- av.d clsa.'f'V niT?'-.-r-f'.-n' ^ ^OMO":i.acs r.taakc und \riii,tlde. irc-a.a^ the '..rur' .r a-'id pOBeiny c'>sr partf. rasd 'ill-.-. vr-^ - '" ' ro-p rat*.! 3 rr^'or. troxdir-r cv rcn/-^ rrc-.-nd, DotJl.t.lcc•r^ V-ls n;^r i 3 r^ laciisd. Furf Minora, ar " rrota vou Ic'i;' V^3 648 I d'lrr'let Ho^or ''-::. 3 - . . , . 1 .., .- -■ . : ).. o^.?r. ucl 3r: i • V 3 read fuid .^ -'•1 '- ^ .,-* da'% YJordc it act oe %a^. ^ a i- ^w. . ^. 1 ft f in Nevada "t' -^'.^v ■^ 3tc}^.-j-.cL d:r.o. 3 ^ 3 I ,► V -- «.-• .-* «/ - £» i. •sAa car, t,:.d t; r;ls r- .v^..-. - ^'--.f ::a '--cvrh irr.-.d 'i-et.-Taou *-ie tracks. enou^i to fcrcj t..3 cf oil :::.UB. a.iu * - l£-^- ----^ ..-l'-^ -• - -^^- ::'..; i-raasa cr :-.US.- la nr l.v^-.r cf Z.'t: ■ cr 5 1 celled ycur at^cution tc soi:io cf :" 3 rln tr-^blac, £.-d i- ycvr rorly -c: said 1 • - i. heard frc;- -ov on Tliu.'^ aro tT7C disMr.c-. :~d is toe ^i- '-^*- " ■'' ' ' " ■v. ^^■ ^o'cr '^o. 4 A J .^- If^ ■''cc? 1 : :si the r^8- It cT ^ ich has ' 3jn iCA a c f ;-c:n '-"Oil :.alJ a uoi^^:: C-. ^ .^^ l.,z ».n -^ ^-.s; ^Oj^.o ..i' — fi- oif t^c :\a:^: tho riiJ bIi, ^ jd er/'or 'l- c .r tl:c-:i. a.x V V V' ^D-^all i'c."' .• c.-cize ■t:r3S5 a.:ci ^ a.n lO •ill -.•^ t«o Cti c-;^r-s:^c^. CTOod-^uar ol: c'.er cajsinrs Li^\i tec "read a'. \afe fib I.: ides ri 13, a.d GrODd"^ Jor ara: UU' W i I . -1 -».. ,'-» . 'P or cl:: i-.c^r rl^is. 1 X ' »,» V ' C ,+ £'F »• W wt Ci ax'tJ -I* :i^ arc . -■: ".road 3..CJ.v^ tc carry '.' c auodyear js^i- whan etraieho ::^d t; cob .. s cu^^ ^IficcHl J -' o Q a IbXi er eizti ri ■ of -"-^ vr^i.e t V^t;. or :o rcj^Jiica /.iln ITi.'si^Btone ri:i]3. I "al -e t^a ad';ica c^" yc^r ^-^t^-r..: ^^jfLart. on t-^if^ -a: --X > . t- -k Hx i'OTuljc. rha tee : ib' ca'^ ' 6B early Dr-^^^/^^-t '.^'e ':i;:^ca.-j o" a^r. 7^115 "ro'-ri.., ->.::- J :"ro^!^ the fli^^ "V /» , ■. •V'. .^- -li i-! r ? * X X ^. -^ ^ v-t^, .f;^. 1 «, X v< G Ci ,h.a oiffic:ltv r^arred aid has ca CA i. ^^ ~ , •- i . ttX iw' »J iy J ^ 1 V- ^ . * r 8 X . -C 3 ^ ^6 eir rrrt. 4 oxI^O tiCtS \'ofi6 ^Icrly .wf!.an raili. .c vIct: ^ne car. rue ^ hB rir dr , :'alvi/^ thewhola car when Li v^poraticii. I lor* iu ml ^3 650 CTaQVi-v-iat Uotcr Co. 5 elio- .1 d 0 3 8 el f C-.1.V -y.T,- t'le travianispion, j'iM B3.: -^ - ^ »J L It- i."* "3 ^ilO ^-^tli • v.*' '" ",. , r'- -art-ic-;la:'l-- '•."-3 Ic-v/ c-j cu .. . -' -r' ■^o«r 1 V a car. t'il'farer'v ^- .".^^^ "^.--H it^ tine 0-1/ c-4- -''- -*'^ ^^ "■' -^' " + M ■'^ ■'::>• Id it. o'v btj 7r at- c-o. wiila '..c add in ara; t>e ~;.G can s-dt, a . a.^. ^au a^ ^ \^ "-■ n ^ V- -i"^ na- or txc v/it\ "ond o tilers.' -,. ,.r^ca Va^.T/eoa -a >.3av7 iro^i cross ^ars under t^e dat-,- is i^: -fl'-r"^' -'*^ '^ T.ars- 1 w^ - . a ■ ici trrie. ca... fr ■'■^^ r ii5# with out f.cra.'C i-iH; ot c ....... i-.. — ^ STA}%Ti::u.- 0 - cold xr-i.-vs i':- is i tpcasi-l© tc start ,:asd -x all V 3 air a-cl -:earlv i' a.^ a..o>lex- l^ cra.^ki:v^ 0 rait. uriori I'^.r- .1' ..le da' v-en t>.e reneral a^.ocT.'ure VartT'e rarr^jr. ..„ J. »r '• i*i» • #» "r- -: v-r' ^orinua ".rci' la an c^a tt'Ic'l ^ciad r3*:asr t^i9 car Tr?.c*icallv '';»r:ei9S2 l . . * -i.*' »ii^ -^ ^^ ...-'w v^ I ~ .^. ..^, »;?ii V- cMj -t.c ra'--^"'- 'i'-i- .•i:^". modera* 3 • : H ■• or.a ; <^' " c : . .- . k. , . i i - . . . S?r.:wOiEIS...- -i-ie-. the o r^.U "^^eol .-rrvli v en t'^e >'. I iJ ♦I i ** ^ Cbevr-.l-r- .c:or Cc. 6 T 1 .,y. -,f '- - o ■.•,-:- -.f -^'iA li*l of ^•'"'^ ''^oci lox . . •% . r^.-,^?- <^pp'a 11^ '"^ro ■*^'ru-;, h o-;i one i* .^i^ eT "•?•.-.-» M . . > -• ' '^ , ',.• .JVC 'O A»- s. * . V* •. n/ 3 ' - • * ^ - ^v ■ ,. ' ^-^ -. .--r '-St? > --^n •■^-■- l3sa *----'^ ^-'-" ^'•-i'-""-^. '•'■"-■• ^^ .^0'. a -ar- str i-r raca.rna.idat.iort for •;•.-.-.; vi-.^, o/ laat,':..- .i.^e^. RU:i;:i:!:> ^.iA.^G.- :c-.ur. .var^c^ a^xi .acre or shrvik^ru - —;•" 'r-'ATi - :--roT. vnB 08 '.lado of a kij;d o' ateal ..rxi . V/ a air a n r? f . , . .^ -r,. ^.^. ••.•! • . ., ^ -.,">*•'" 1' '• 'iiii*' to •'^ caiv.rt V.,. t:-u r^ \ ; L Li JL 1 1- J' rafcu<:*x: f" r ■* Z O \* ^ w sad. •;dl CI- Jci^ .J 1 ^. 1 •. 1. £ ■.:..!; xCj.-:>:;^ o^ II -jarlv f-ill and t-he ra-.:-i on ■ ::3 on Qu ^0 .• "» r-^c^^ij-ve u\ c"' 11 oi.i 33-3raI ijXL-ri J^^ced ;ic:.or :ien v;^io hai:v to trav'c?i V1...11 my a. u..-ie*anw .-.i-^ .u... >j^^ v I f 1 , a^-3 ms 'iot ^-etbitur r^a-lr -^^oii;^ ^;1. To ron:^:^ t.::^ :il ir:c che nrsathin;; tuoes Xjho '..,-j'^ le ^^3 I civ :.o • k-io^:. ••^^ I.V -/ ■ 11 w:a^ at IV r r^ v:xi ^- • — • • * * ^ • • - • - " 1 -* dad ' /I iVij ;ia'' . l^:'^ ^'^ ^' 1 .'JJ J \ •^' r^ U L ;)C • -iX t5 tr:}.t "''v rd.j'jd:^ all tha iioisos of all inoB ^ liai the car • :vr la^-t.^, -C V • 1 (1 » -J ^^ *■ r n iS. raa ♦Levrcl y: 'k'cr ■]:- "^ o -,• r, ' j^ I 'ni'/9 told -jaiiy paci^le -^,1 ^ ... H. Tide 01. '''i-- -'^'^ ^-' •"^■''''^ .•'^ .« ^T r^ \ . m.. ci-apx almvs saai^ad cc m9 T r«rtai ilv is an adrdssicn of T ^. ..,]n li>6 t.c carry i^ i^ -'^ ^^^ ^^' t: a^"^- -I'-' -" x^: -c ^'- ' rJ' iv ^^rO';v. 0 ,-ar. as is dene in a wiobar of fears. ,c a.^ac-. your ncnf '-wr 8^>ift.? W'-a-'- TO ia i'- ccc. ' "■ "^ --,,,-•, -ci^x: i^'-oc r:!r^' ^r det-ails I a'. cc-,nU:r. on "* ' "^ ., ; . ■ ,, jrj- ir.'Jtra in Al ccndi'.i^^n -.■irou,-;hoir., Iraridyhaa haan rai^ainuad, a.a ..a .^ ^ u '- ' "1 r-* ;tu-i- a da:t^ &g rvs^i 1^- Verr tral;: yoiirs. f" fe r I I I I' "■» \ J \i U !t ^ 228 ^" - ** 653 Tfn,^ dr^ vr*ii" «-.VUr^ * -i^-" ■^.^^ X'Cr'TV^H ■-^ V «• • ■ ft % .xi ^ . »l « «» fc.. u ^1 k. 4. • T » V •^*. i » - -a* X ,' • ^ W *^ . U- A -^ •A-S a: a Ti'^r T i? 1 • .fj "T' .*• - ^■• CC.< 0 W -.. rj Owucrai w* a a e.'.c-clocQJia en t'^-^a 8111 1 . •» 1 . .-•. t a-is-: la Ca cj ct i^ tf 'J a-* f H I. i :;.*: aii H c-"'a r:*r, ct^rt^a: a ■/ ^*^^ 3 01 1 H ^ 0r c d j^ i»?t-3 -7 ►J^-«» Qi^«^-«^ .- "! e, a*iu 1 ar a » n -?! rai^ i 1 «_ V V'l* uAC il'i ^rr - V- ' ■ . «. w t( .J*-' » ) iB:iii^ "t .' v» / A* -- 'w -N-. ,r x: ?» * rv.» ••■/^ J. ca3 v^ ili . f s*^-- ■J - ,cidr<-'3H a- rra'i'i^c^ 1.. i: 4 . i)-Mr Sir rr*^ J* f -. ^ '. ». J :ra r"' <- - 4^ rj. W Acad a 1^^ iaf« "^^^st, r.vaci.jd % Tor •7-:',c-. I a •" - -«•• AL- i/^*Uiwt# >« ^ 'w^ 'V ^ . .4.1 «.. f^ -m i. ■ «*>^ "^ r t •»* A . '^•^- *■> A • -* ^ t * » ;. . i S r ^^.e ^v-»— • • ot ii'clo^iCEl Sir-r , Drtu *■■ *; /i - i «^-* r^ -V v^ r v»^ * 7 --i. ..' ^.v t/v ■«.X_r-- .1 I *a9 655 .eve "'"er •yC- I • > Frof9S8cr .*• ^ '. .J ■...* -^ w - '* *! sj! . . .Oti .x» ^t J »«. »«' -iM ^ f^^ «f w • »4L rt» • • I'^'^i^'-- ^. ill ^. «^ en". 1 >'?! I «r ;V •" ^* ,ae i .* M,-* '»■ .. ' «w .•»*• rl 1 7 t_ .'i i-f:r '-^r Si ^ K.» #!,•**•■* •/♦ — , -^ . » • — . i i * *■ fc ^ W- V - ^»^^ »- ^ ■ .3 .*ij W va' I: ,■•«. *k y-^ ai: - "-J r .^•. V i %. ^ -'a." ** .^ ^ *. J ti." K) V 1^^ -. n r -JJ ^w.- ~ - '?r. T r - t '9 r- **■ ^-r j:. .■-• ♦ i^n Cl •-*. ►, ^mJ — »» n" H . >7Cr A jUk -^* .. ;\.-C I*?-^ -i ^■ .» 1.4. - w' «•"' .^ ~* -• •*■ »' • V* -.ill • • V- V '-" "W ■ A .'C^ • -t • SUT'' le :. inare ii' V - ^ A,!! -• r~ r'i a > r ;r a ■ « i Ci.r U. m' • • .•HI" k w w w ^■t 1 - ^ u. %i i^ 0. .V* « V. rr r^i 8^ -»■• -Mr c IM ». f' .»•" ■ "S .♦ % - ^ -\ ..< ^ ♦• •» -^ rf* * *• «^i.^^ . • «. v4 ^- a 1 V . _ <-« »« ' ■• »^V ■^ »»,1 . . fc-J V * •» f* .^,^.U "A /-- •! ■ r a ^ r - *«> O ^ Sa <>w # I ■-i-;r5 I 3f .* <^' it- 1 ^ c or: 3, J »^ 'x V. • » C ill l*""*]?^ ^ -o A -A ■--' * -J t I f .U. a. i ^' i„ - • *r U' \ C-00^>^• V. 3X .. rv -e im . ^*i« >'▼' r",>' ni^ ^r> or- 3 ^ar L> ca^^a **v% ■♦> % T.-)1 -r 1- (4 ."* 'T "^ ■ - . . ^fi iV ^ . ..VA 7 «•♦ 4 ir« . X > ■■ ■ -' I ^»- J.... -i ♦ ^T • •a' -J >**. rc.i ¥" f3"yy*'r li ^w • • J4 -tf* -, t a af •JV^- ■:>'»'-» Cf ^f. ?V- ■"* '%i rr' (U; ^"rJtt. .i' I- M. a' f - * • L 3 8I& t» •»,•• •IM* »-• •T>^, ^~ ^ W'^'-i''^ „ \ V'-v .,• »3-^-. 339 657 Her 3 fiOci --- X

V-->>^ V ? I I tr. » 1 JL ^ «ik <■- « ', > . J a.. 'J S. .J»»- Pi 4. w -• *^ > ,-» .-^ • "» .« u.« T^,' F Ui 0. - J -> »■• o fc «# X «■ n? Or : :lo IP'S ■,■> -v ,•- 1^ >J ,-- -^ Vta ** ■^ . r I li^id -» » / T ^~ 4. •w • • 4 C >..■ 5i >•• "^ rf 4, V^ _ - i *• ■ "» ^ ■»-* ^ V ^^ 1 •^ ^- • » • r #> - * ' ■»- *-,/■•'> ' V* ■» » '^ • w v -^ - 4 * s^ - »s.» kI "^ Oil 01 m T « >•.**» .^xw mj w 1 "* ^ n- ■» ,. j^x «fr '-^ . « «. Arf '■' 1 " fS »w* M wi^ . iki4 ,% r ; c' CO ».a t «• u 1 rx >i"% a-^ a*'* on .' • j'j S w C^u B a. J a: ds nocarear ?'0 ^^ "W W i T^a o Sit r. » c ' ■> ' M • With i>.5>* Ut^ •5 t> • »;lCl ?.! A»^ i. . W fot^p^^t / w • Ti'yi ba^^ ria^as. ?r a . ". f t'lr.irr vo^tb^ * % \ « •."91 i I \ eaa 660 or 22, 19U tie r* rr, V « •^ ~m ^ -*■ £il .i jUu. ^i. J»' ;/ » »« • U X 1 ,^ ^£! ■Id wH- -'^« -- -1 J»^V ;^J...-. ^* w. .^ tit.a !i 16 a w V > .H- ralis^d, I 8'iQ. -;- iuCJ. ^ Di r rtc5X/'3i\ a ! I i E. Hi»ij. Dr, S. Wair Mrc'-olJ. Glfiord r: I ^-. - -^ ^ n i3 ■» * ^1» * ^ 1 -*.- «. w ^ > .¥^. ^ -• U^'i.;-'' • ^ *^ *• UltU--^^ V^ • > «.j# ti V." » .1 . o r crx ii3 jjuii u bkil iJ( .rl< i Ca i .• J- 4* . lU. b '^^ ' f^ vj Villi' Wi 3 Bov Scuats ^ f w i rl::^ JLt ** •»*»*- ^Ni w^^^^** "^ »> •• V -t «- o-* U^4 A. Jl f0-", iki;;;^ k# *, • -». — • ^ - ->rf M-vf «» •* . *. » ^ wi. BCi fi J, « »^^ i aoci^ L? f -ii, ^ur ;^-i. •-:i 4; a.' ;a tl •e Jd * •-- ■* i 4 - V i JL.»X< ^T ^ ' .- X ^*% \ ? /. I V« wX'*^ ^ 4iiU.A v^w4>' 'I -». -I ^ fc, j^ X,' i^ • - • Yo- li ^ •^r** ii.u ir <» .i ^« *• •*• » • -^ V .C JL - ^ yr - ? f^** »i '^'^ ,'i%^ I *. ./ V .^ ^ • — • V JL. ^ » ,* » ».: w OG ^^ ^^* •--'^ Q ::i ^4* ■*• «-' K« <»«i ■•'•*» <*■*• C , ^ ! » ^Ot <^* *-^ -•- a. ^a 4 •■n * T. 1 w' i k ^.y- ^* ', ^'T ^ • 'i^ '«r < » ^ ». s. JkJ — ■ * ji i Ci r.oJlv — u ^ J •--» y^ - T^ «•r^ Har*u' T' -.o r- Q 1 r* 1!/; p. -•■ •3 r • T ♦ V . .».'.« >*0 Of, '1 i» *tw. ir^i^ f - . «>4* '. «'r ^ n tu ^ JC . -< V . , t ; -J* • T"^ r rk 4* >" ;!on:.". li. ra •» t-w -. X ^ •"^tl t^ r." Tl W « -r.-^l- k/'n •> » A 31 ». 4. -'.4 If- >'•« t. i4 <- ..^ ^ ' r« ^'* -•■ r ^ O n^ - r ■% ' / ~ %» 1 i'ow v«. * - ij. X - *• ' -1 » ,». .» ^ k. a%» Ux UC-i i-- • -* > .* «:%r> V V ,} '^ »- \^ ,4 I*, * w ,- /» <^ ,«.•>'■* f »». • t ^ V* . • ^ "^ v«.*«A*i. -; I r I ^ ».->••( Xfc4.ll..A. ja^^ dx: .«* 1 -' i' .3 ^ ^ >h.V, . «. .», i ^ V • •-• * X t^i c ■(.• i/« '1 'T* >^'-.<3 ^ V. ^». t^ n^ nv'Orui c. .uv-i -^* i — t 4i ^ iw^a.t.iS' w:*G o' V.' (1 ^ n [^a"! •••- - y» "vv. .■-'** v% w- .» I J. a: p- C^ •- '.'i. i; i I »3^ir- -ji;r.v-*C» Ix 3 / i *. •^ 4 *^ *-' « . < W V M<^ ••• J^ ►• icr -tci.^^-^^i^ V. tO la^ir ; J ^ ^ M I.' <;* ^ i ?n ^i^ d - -i. A ' o r vi..^ .«^ K^ ijv^v J-:. Uti .^^•JUs^^ O K, :«^ v^^i.^ : xL-l v ^» ~*fc 0 5]* 'jri.' 4a» ..«L.» Ov i.. Dr. W.- £• * i.i. • - jxm» « ii' i Vn.-^^' tdd •>*-. c • '^ ' er :U. CI - Kl A v\ «r r^N •. • ry-r .t.V _ • / %. u '^' -^ *• li •%•■-■ ^ ^^ ^ »» - - «^• 1 !L- M • I » f U > ~ ' rP -, , J. J. -A J ♦ t -.- .« V . <^ I ! ♦ ^"^ ^ ^ »*» 4-1. o c*ri "* '^ y« .^■-»» n -,r-C. * IV4/« 'tv *; as W iK ,»i..< 'Oil ^r/>'. ^ lUlU .*. 1- ud :.;:'0 1 •>.* • i. W . i .u is correct-f ^ii. ^ •7 4 L t ra^ drives ?d r>V - ^ -S '.f - i^' ^^ 1 ■r'-^ ^ •<» -^» a^^.i'ucui. as actually If' J^:-Jiw^W. or eat.i.TiaT>;^<3. .-••» > 2C U •■- vA ii ,^ # S99 Vevanber 2H, inz. I Dear Sir: Recently .ome quaBtiona hATe •riaen in th» United States Oecgraphic Bc«rd concerning the names of four mountain peaks in the Sangr. de (3risto Range north of Taos, and apparently in the general neighboAood of Latir Peak. These names, which hare been subadtted by residents of a place called Tirsylvia,are as follow: Latir Peak, Tenado Peak. Cabrasto Pedc. and Tirsylvia Pedc. Of these Latir and Venado are the only one. I have bean able to find on maps. I should be obliged if you wUl kindly lot me know whether or not the names in question are in local uaage. and Just irixere the peaks lie with relation to on. another; also if m of them ha.e earlier names. The Indi«i names would be of interest if you know them. Respectfully, (X-^ t*-J«.^>4-S \^iSk^-A{ -^ 1 ^f^ It t. I ■'. I' r I i! % I i I 1 1 ,1 V ! i £83 664 Novembar -co, 1913. Vr. .' « /' Til' - 1 c» ."^ >■' ¥a3hi))gton, D.'^ '.c. Daar Sir: It [g a lor^ ti:ns since the eiora of last sinner k-ocked down one cf tho Ir:-;-! curtains in my apartment, t iiave repeatedly asked ^.he jtudtor, Jackson, to put it up again, but h9 863m8 'onabie to secirg the smll and place necessary to barv; it on. There ara one or two loose pieces of trie bottom atrip in the corner rocxa whidi need riaillri,?; fast. One or the tiles in the corner cf tiie bath room ie broken (from settiii^, of the building), ar*i needs coaenting in to prevent its log ». The resevcir of tho bath rooa water cloBet needs atteiibio,-;. Tbo r-J' ner ball often fails to drop so that one is obliged to remove tha top and pucL the caJl down in order to i*** ^u^ prevent ccntinaou." ; • •='iu:r:« I i ■■;- to ask the policy ol •:h3 ho-oao vrith ros-oect tc the del., -y cf packofren, A f^? f!^okz &e-. 1 WRf? -»'='Rtl<.' annoyed ly th^? ;;ca-r?-C':;ipr. cf -'^^'/er-i pftck-(s,'/,6«^ v.'hich I had b-^en s:ia)ectir^t ^'^^ t^uc:. I final ly ^ r^^ m bad bsaa in the house for safarai daya bn x ^ t^ ^lo^ c-^I.^^ar^ad, lotvriUistandiiTg the fact t?:at T ^a^ m av^ u,. 'ii^aerrk -a^ri/ tha ^hcia time* I f OH. t f I .!• A. Wil3on #2 Yes-oerday another pac^ i^..-, i, v-,: in a huriy ho receive, failed to arrive. C. .ijlap'^ .i"^' . Lhis aornirv; 1 la^ ;ad that it had been deliver J u.: the hortse ysst-^ddy, a.>ii after fcelauiionirig downstairs it Tas sent nn, Inatfinuch as r.ot one of tha^^ fi^vir packages ^3.8 delivered until after it hal been inquired for, ths inference is ttiat packages arrivirg for tenants su'-e not delivered linlesn asked for. This would amount to confiscation of all packa^^es not definitely expected bj' the ownar^ T can hardly 1. elieva that tha house staiiis for any such policy* RdBpectfully, ^ . "/ ^AJr^^ 693 imm LETTKR Judflon ForwardiiK Co Washington, D.C. Nor* 28,]91>. m GO. *^ t Monadnock HLda;. San FrtaneieeOf Oaiif. Ify Chevrolet car which ycu ahipped to Flint, lUehi^ui, on or about October sixtotm has not arrlTed. You stated i% would reach destination In about twenty days. It is tharefod more than three weeks orerdue. Please trace anl wire result soon as pos Bible, addressed nineteen nineteen Sixvesntli Street, Washington, D.C. C. Bart UarrlaRU ^ :■ •V V I it fit 393 667 r C. Hart Merriairj KovB'flbar 29 » 1913. iv'aariinfct.on, D.';. Daar air. Adains: Tlersf^Ith i incloa-j ay eipacBe account for month of llcv&, amoiftiint- to $41, salary voucher for Hel on arovsr for the sans -^aOuth, $110, aiid also rent bill fcr my cff i«e aparteant at the Ko-rthmiherland for tna month of TdceT^ar, aniO'jnti:\^ to ^50. Kindly pay f^iese rrsrr. '.he Harrlfnari Traat, mi oblige Yery ^ruly yours. I ii > ) 1913 >T. 8 701 The northim^^rlci^, Washij-rrioii, CO ■B Sub- mmm SXPEN3? iiC''0II}I7 voR n rstvjrji 11 12 11-12 13 IS Seat, ^arlor Oar, H&Bh. - M... Dinner on diner Taxi, N.Y. Roan, Hotel £idicott ■ Hotel Oolonia]., & telanshony Meals, ■N.y. Sleexer, M.Y.- Waabir^ton H.P.ijiarerB Paper Ce: 6 not© books .2^; I p^:g. «« „ « %1^ manila envelop ea .20 22 E.Morrison Paper Co: lOD #? manila envalopsB In 1 Letter Copv Book 2.70; 1 sponp;e.05 Globe-Wemicke OofiOOO 3cr5 card* Typeflirriter ?- Office Sucply Co: 1 tytewriter rbn« 29 Heetrie current to Novt 13 ^ Servicef,ch«rwon»ii,cleajiirc; apt.for NoT^.Wa-.iiMr floors lo25 Janitor eervice for No?, Telephone for Nov. finvelopes k Postage 2 3 4 5 6 T I 10 11 2 50 50 10 00 1 i 1 25 00 00 f.0 2 30 3 50 2 00 45 3 75 2 05 50 30 4 25 1 00 1 40 1 75 41 00 I Forty- one - «n 41*00 B9^^mm 839 669 Decanitar i, 1913- I December 2, 1913. Professor A. E. Varrillt No^ Ha van » Conn, Dear Professor Verrill: Thanks for your letter of Novard^ 25. The proof you mention (page proof to 349) amd a canplete set of the plates with legends (Platss l-llO) have been forwarded to me by the Smithsonian^ and I am returning same to them today* In the matter on explanation of plates^ which will ba made up into separate facing pages, I notice very fawf 1 oca I it i 80. This seans a pity inasmuch as there appeara to be no means by which any one may ascertain the locality from which the figured specimen caiiB^ In retumir^ the proof today I am asking the Smithsonian to make the index* It is ccmforting to have this proof , and I am very glad that tha condition of your ayes has permitted tou uO finish it. It was a pleas ?jre to speul t :>; «rvoairig with you and iirs* Terrill and yc^or dangbti/ ^ 'zT.rr. time ago„ and T earnestly trust tliat you nay ^^ pass tr- ^in'oei wxtJic^ illness or drawbacks of any iiind* With kindest re^:ards> 7er\'' ^r^ly yo-a-e. ^.. v'W^ ^- >^ *- JK/\^ ■-^^-. s %i i^ i: I I ) s Llr. H. W. Dorsgi^, Chief Clerk, Smitlisonian Inet-* ' .aion, Washin^on, D,C. tear tt. ucrsr/: Thsrks for tha page proof and aet of plates of ProfesBor Tarrill^s monograph on tha Starfishes, which you sant me on ilov amber 28, and which I 8:a returning harawitxi* I an returning also tha priliminai^- mattar and exi-lanatiotifi of plates baloT^^4nb to Part II o Xnasiouch as this part consists aolaly of tlia plates and tlieir explanations, as stated en tha title pa^e, it- se-ms hardly worth while to introduce an editor* ^^ preface* 1 It seems a pity that in the explanation of plates tha locality from wiiich the f ig.ired specimen came is so rai'dly mentioned. I have written Professor Terrill about this, but fear it will be Impracticable at this late date to make the desired additions. It is noir time to make the index, and I shall be obliged if you .111 have it constructed a^ early aa ^racii able* ^c-'^y traly yours ^ ^•\W>3^ V .\. "^^^^^Xv ^. V. ^ '' 1 \ 1 , I '.4 » 4 V- m / ^ / .■<»'•. 2. 1913. Dr. 0. W. Dabnay- Preflldent, Uniroreii-j of Clnciiriacl, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dear Doctor Dabne7: Since you were here I have had to go to Nev York and Neir Haven, and have been obliged to complete an executor's account. Hence plaaae pardon ny delay in replying to your request for inf onnation about certain work connected with the early stages of the movement for the establishment of a National University. Onhappily I have not been able to fiiri any of this mterial and fear that it was destroyed at the time ny pilars wer» moved fran the Biolotgiaal Survey to mj present office. The only man I think of who is likely to have aiiy of this material is falcott. In case I find anTthlzg I will let you km at one It was a pleasure to meet you «aln, azMl I ms glsd to know that you are interested in the new project. Your long experience here in connection with your w»U« known interests places yea in a unique position in this matter. With klndMt rqgardB to you all. Vary truly yours. In Science, * n li n ? i ) i • \ Deoo:(fcer 3, 1913. I I k ,■ r Harper and Brothers, Franklin Satiare, Vm York Oity. Dear Sire: Inclosed is .try che-^ %\ SV3 December 3f 1913^ 673 H rhavrolet Motor Co. Tsar Sire: ^ , ^r On receipt of your letter of Hov«fc6r 25 (signed 0. E. wagnor/ . ^^-.^-l that .t San rr.™>i«o offle. . ..d In, l«r«d that ., Chavrtlt ^.M not b.«. .Mpp- «tU »«.»b« 6. altto^sh .b» I dll wed It to th» m Ortol,-- 1« th^ ^»rf to *ip It wlttin fo..^ day.. 1 1»« _.l.e J«.t r«5eH«l a Uttw *!* »«* *•«> retarn-d to »«. «Ur».«l to «. at nint. Mlohfean, c«:. Chrrrolrt Motor T,i. l,tt«- I m Inoloair* herwlth a. It raqpa^s tl»t the £r.i«J.t oh-^- (8» fr««l"» *« "^'*> ♦^•'° ,,^ ,, r^ittod to thoir Chicago offlo.. 448 Uanp^f ^^ li you .m kl«lly ttmi to tt.1.. I Aall *. sr«tly coligadc Tnittlng that the car Miy be in your hands to the very near future, verr trtily yours* : C ft % --4^. •V •A»«*^' ^ "•K ,'^. - -..3r~^ ' ■n.. -•i..t^\i!> ^•-^ .*• <>>^.. . ■♦^^Vw "•^^^ H» "■^-- ^- \ '^^>a^ --, i-^^::. •*f! : ^ r>fii-f!^ • ' J. -/Of" V. / 4' H(, ^^ l^^'^^feSMf--- r "1^'^ JU^ - ..^^ V *, -v* ©• ■-^>«- ^ r -4 ^ .^4 "*Sa *,'r#-»- -.jkr •"-.^ •^ 1 • ! 1 1 ^ j 1 1" s- hXd 675 December 3^ 1913» l!r. W. Ic I-e^?7«.., 540B ^- 54th Place, ^ My dear Mro Lembkejs Your letter of HovemlDer 29, tellirg me aDout yo^ir 'saskete, is at hard. "While interdetad in the general BubJQct of basketry, I aa lesa interested in those from Alaska as coiTipared with those frcci the United States, apd for various reasons have not been purdms ing baskets for several years^ I should however be glad to sea your collection as a whole, and if you will coaaunicate with me by phone, we shall doubtless be able to arrange a time when I may meet you to look them over. Yerv truly yours. ;^ 'Wju**^- i I i it Becemler 3, 19 13. G. P. Putnam's ^one, 5 West 45th ^tr? Si., ^ New York City. Dear Sirs: ^ ■ Thanks for your letter of l^ovanber 21. Oring to the incraasi'^, pres^are of ^ork duri:^ the many years ^an I was diief of the Biological Sui'vey, and to the pressure along somewhat different lines since I resigned from this position three and a half years ago. it h.fl bean inrooBsible'for me to ccn^lata my book on the Distribution of Animale ani Plants in Horth America. For the next few years ay tirae is liksly to he almost wholly occupied in the preparation of works on mannials aoi Indians. But later I erpect to ret^om to the work on distribution for which I already have a vaf t mass of ;t£.terial- It is flattering to have a publishing horse of your reputation ask for a book, and T shall be ' ery glad to bear you in mind ^hen I have anything suitable :.n an advmoed' state of readiness. The only popular book I have underway at present which m%ht possibly fall within your field is a book of Indian myths similar in general character to niy Dawn of the World - Myths and Weird Tales t :ld by the Mewan Indians of HaJ-ifornia. published by the Arth.^ H. Clait no. in 1910, but de£.iing »:.t,ii a dif ^er-^ai ^et of tribes. Tery truly yours, , 1 "^ •^x^. ^y^fW<» dKd 677 w / Decmb^r 3, 1913. Mr- W. J. Taylor, ^ ^ Editor. Rod & Gun In n_. Woodstock, Ontario Dear Sir: rjan^da an article by James E* Orr antitlad An QntarJ* Pioneer I^y^s Story, which goes on to narrate something of tiie history of Mrs. Jaznes A, Glenn of the County of Middlesu. If one may rely on the statMiants here published. Bears mA Wolves have chapged their habits mistily since the early days referred to. That an uiqprovoked Black Bear iftiould chase a Scotchman up a tree arid bite a piece out of the calf of bis leg certainly does not accord with what we know of the habits of the Black Bear. And if in those days a b&nd of American Wolvw were so preji^iiced against foreign intrixiers as to pursue a Scotchman and cliase him into a newly erected log c*int the fact is surely worthy of «pecial recognition by naturalists. This sort of thing was not so unoMBODn in tlxe old world, but I am not aware that the annals of early exploration or of frontier life in America furnish any authentic instances of this kind. I am writing therefore to ask just how much authenticity you place on the narrative xmdar consideratifm. The article contains still another * I i ¥, J, Taylor #2 somewhat dieciuietii^ statwnsnt, ^namely, that, a man named John McPhereon discovered a flleepirg Panther, ran away for help and f ire-amfi. and returned and killed the animal "before it awoke\ Hatching a Weasel asleeip is no loiKcr to W looked upon as of any interest after this l^antber-MdPherson episode* Very truly yours t"* r « CT' - 8 67i5 Dsoerober 3t 1913* "* ^r^dn.. Becaritoer 3^ 1913* Mr. J. ^o McGuire, ^^^ Mitor, Outdoor Li'^t , T^anvar. Ooloraao Bear Sir: ../■ The Decmber number of Outdoor Life ju«t at hand containa an article on Griszly' Hunting In BritiBh Columbia by Joe Lasidle^ ^ Doubtless you can tell me ifeo this Joe Lasalle is, where he lives, tod whether or not he is strictly reliable. The article in question contain* two statements a little out of the usual. One of th^ is that the writer f oun4 the "reiBains of a cow moose and calf that had bean killed by a grizzly*. If there is ai^- real evidence that these moose were killed by a Griaaly, I should like mightily to have it. The other rather surprising stataaent is that a Grizzly killed by two rifle shots should have rolled "right on top of another (Jrizzly that was lyii^; in his course". Tt certainly seona strarge that a Grizzly should not have been awakened by two rifle Bhots firad in his iiraediate vicinity. rr&vy truly yotirs. i.r.9 pa.«t T s-ojv.ect thfct my seriec of ^'cir par..r6 for llpdlr,-, and .Uet/ibution by Eubjectc has hoen raiin-, oehi.xU Jn-t -.ct I hsve noticed your review of Hillor'H Outalogua cf 'Jsuamis of Western Eui-cjee If ycM happen tc rjiT«. one or vrro spare copies of Soienee containia^ t::.i3 reTi^ (August i, 1913). T should be very glad to receive T/ne aans« With kindest re.vtarda to :;ou and Mrs. All an^ Yer/ troly yours , i Postflsastar^ Orani.orockj B, n Dear Si.-r A riawaDansr clrorin^r. Btatae that diirirr: the t paet treason a nan naned Du-5 CJia^ahe^i of Oraxibrook and his little son were att^cksd ly tvro Cci:if;ai'B or Mountain Lions* If this ie true, 1 eric^Ad Ve Q;reatly obllp;0d if you will kindly inf c::"^ me of t'lc facte I should "be glad to know a? so at what time cf year the attack occurred* I would incloae etarnped envelope for replyt hut have no Canadian etarcpso Tery traly yoMrB^ 'Vv\^ -^ r r ssa Daos ;t)er 4, 19i3o I I if 683 Dscerabar 4. 1913 Mr. N Nr.a}. Farr.ha'T! "orri6c:>, 314 Wast^y Street, Eiizabst'n , Ts..^ Dear Sir: If not already scld, I alio^ld ba glad tc purchase the follOTrlng: from -rcur CataIo£tie No. 127 (1.^2): Ho. 4578 NataJie OurtiB: Tlie Indiar;»3 Book» 1907. $lo50. Respect fully. ■ -^J' ^' ■^''^^i^. ,..' i Mto Ro Ro Robi':son, 410 River S^raetj Troy, N.Y !- O Deal* Sir: I sViall be oblic^ if yo^j will send me from your recant Catalogua the following publications: No. 357 J.HoBeadlhj BrigFiam's Destroying ingal. 361 John D.Le©! Mormorifim Unveiled ^ 602 0. Burdett; life of Kit Haraon. $ 1.75 2.50 2.25 610 D. 0. Peters: Kit Oarsor;*e Life and Adventures. 3.35 Also from No. 173 H, H. Bancroft: Literary Industries -.75 If ycu will incl\¥ie No. 251 The Indian Races cf North and Sotsth America "by Brownell (price $2.50^ on approval, I shaD be glad to eiariiine sacia, and return prepaid if net wanted. PeapeCvf'.iJ-lys i-Sd 6i Bscsffltoer 4t 191^ December 4^ 1913* I* I r I' I It ii' standard Book Co.. "^^^ 98 Park Place. Kot loric 'j^t/ Dear Sire: 1? tIar'^s send me the follcfwing If not ttiresxly sold. liaa'ie senu r.>iRrs=>8 -oUect, fron your Special Bargain books by exi^rasfl, charges -.oxx« , sale Uet IJo. 83t Oalif omia Mba, # .25 J. g^eaton Chaset Cone Bearing Trees ^^ P a. Schilling,8: With Flashlight and Rifle. ^ ' . n-x v,»« er 5, 19I3* i (> \i t< Dear Ibr. Hego: Please don't thldc I have forgottan your raqaaat ror a statistioal etatemnt of the noaber of spaeiaa In tha variouB groins of Taitebrata animalB. Bur log n^ aoomer in California I was not able to find the infonoation, Init since my return I hare secured the data eollaeted \j Ur. H. ▼. Henshwr on this subject. Aocordii^ to Henahaw's compilation the number of species noir knam in the varioua grou|)8 are a^tproziniately aa f ollova: ViammlB 7,000 Birds Crocodiles and turtlee 20,000 300 Lisards 3,300 Snakea 2,400 Frogs and toada 2,000 Salamandera 200 Fishes 12,000 Total 47,200 As to the number of species of inseeta and other invertebxate animals of various kinds, suoh as moUoaiai, starfishes, worms, and many other a, I have no Inf oxmation. But in case you care for it you may doobtloss seeore the TiiimKAy nf VirAm of insAfsts hv aakinE: Dr.L.O.Hovaitl.diief ol the Bureau of Entomology. Vtt» S. 6. Hege, Washington, B.C. Very truly yours. » i V83 Dac^nber 5. ^^^^' !i 688 Dacamber 6^ 1913. ^* 1483 natbuaii Ave. Bear Sir: Brcokiyr., 11 V *-^rv« t>ie westi coast recently On retuminf; frorn the iresu _, , .. ,. i v« 90 of bcoka and pMOF"-®^" T find your Special Li.t No. EO of bo ^ m^^oHb. from this catalogae. ii on Calif onua and Nevada. It ^ ^apt. Beechey's ^Bold, I shcuU like to purchase lo. 5 >ap . of . Vovase to the Pacific 2 vols, 1831. */• ^larrative of a voyage uo «.,^+ tjikea of >, TV ^n. TVaaant and Brtinct LaKes oa and l?o. 84 I. 0. Ruesell: Presenv «» Nevada. 1«^5» 55 eta. Very truly yours. Aborcraobie 'ti. ?itch Oc. 55 ¥eet 36 th Street, Visrx York City. Dear Sirp Inclcsed find mv check for $ioOO, for which pleaao b&hA me one of your sr-callod Yei^t Pockst Opera Gla«89e« ReflpactfullVe ^- ^• W*-. , - ~ ; VV OL-N^VJkJf^ ui -1 \ I i k\ \:\ l \ i '\ 689 690 Ddcenber 6, 1913< Your lott^r about your taeket collect-on 1 .vK« recently. Ox:f ortui«t«ly ^ « ^* | on r...ra. ^, > ,.^^^ ^^y,,, of your »^1. -0 ari5:yor your q.a88ticn aa ^o a jr ^ , . . . , ooilscuion ci- M^an oa3.o-B. Tie ^^ . .. «av aa« fallen off vary ^terxaUy daring orvi so far as I an\ aware very rer cans. ,en yaare. ar^ so far . ^ ^^ ^ >,ean bou^h^ or acid recently. T ao ..ot ^^ ,• •-,..!. w-o ro-^ad ta likely to purchase a ^ r -^ke^o cat I do know of several persons ^o ccUocVlon of oaakouo. tut -,i^^+io„. ^ . V'^iiK without 8UOC968. to Sell collection. durir^ *o paat three or fo.ur years. Several of the larger A.«rica.. .^oaeu^nB have valuable .1 ,t -ons and it ie poesiUo that some of these ml^ ^.e collect J. oris t »^^^ J.U A» ^ in a poeitio. to purc^. -^^tical ....rial. Ta^^J^^ 3,. the Hatic^l axaom. Wican Ifc.em of Matural H«tory to H» York . *e Paabody »«=« of Harv«^ O^veraxty. . . ., v... tho Weld Ifoeaum of Satoal Hi.tory. Ohieago. ,^ tha ira,e» of th. university of oaifomm. iffiUat«i courses. San F.-a.ciaoo. It i. possible alao tbat t.e Bar^eeie lfa-«. at Pilt.V:^f*. Pa. «7 "o. intaraatad to baakatB. \:'A of thi« 1 >= not, sura. Of the collactioM to which I rofarrad » nm k i \ M ^ ' \l i I li 'SI offered for sale, one is from the Aleutian IslaiidB. one from British Colunbift and Washingbon (includlr^. marry beaut-iful Klickatats). and two are from Califorrda. I still have vxj personal collection, hut have not added to it ^lafcerially for several years. You do not mention the price at which you would sell your collection. Tery truly ycurs. 'sa.. V ICiimie C. Barrows Band 1 » \ I !?.> 692 h tea li Boeodber 6, 3J913. Al Skslton, Esq. ▼airona, Oaliiomia* Dear Sir: Do you knew any one idio hM m ikull of » Calif omia. Griazly Bear, or do you knoif if ary Grizzlies still r«»in alire in ary part of Califori f ery truly yours. ' / ■t' ' \ \ \ \ \ I. •I'i I i \l\ ■'4' I :^ I Doceii^ber 6, 1913a Mr. Bmrt G. PhillipB. T!aoSj, saf# Maxicc* Dear Sir: Tery irmiiy thaiiks for your latter of inquiry about certain peak I am particularly sLed to have your i the poaitioDs of thMie peaks. Tiery truly yours ^ I :» mi \ / 693 I ,-iX- 693 ,n i*\