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'jo-s; IliPiMB •-A-, ^: v> x^ .V- ./-,' ;t'.C' ■> ■ •h.^i^i :.'^':^ .f'-^ia! ,'v 'v;.^- -.: ii^ •^?^^^^ ,■).". .« , ,,,— „ ,•.:.. ■'■*:■; i^-v-:^" V .y, 7 ' ' >' J M^X Rffil .■■■,i ,V::' ^-:->3 ! ■ ■■■"■ > -I i -.Jil ^•.^- .^- ,JT * 1-^ ^ir,.!2^ •>,-,; ■ - ^? OU^VrOA,'^-. t'f^, '^lJI^3jm4l^^1, 'i'iM^^JX. )6«' T'KJJla«>tTn,,Q.'^. 334- j: '^/AisJt. C,£>. 3 2.1, T .■:■■■' ,y J "o 3T7. Ccodnf^ Z_jryacj lUcuJ lilOj ^ 2. 2- ? 4/ "w^vv-u?,^, W. rr. c 3 7. , i, \; \^,i -?- \; '' '-->:ij-~^C ^;, •^^K^- <1,.^,v:H:,:"^. :.■,>.. ■ 'A. :«? V' . „. rj'fl.iWW Gil I J KJiiVIM5N 0 pi ■■.■<■- ■, C'":;^ i;i:i^^ ^M .aJUc/v ^ r^ .p.^t "?JlAvdlitUi, H-.Ui. ^^3 ^-aJuAAA3rv\, ^ "H-. SiJ. ^^■i^-^'-S^ ^l: ^.^f.' I I ■:!.,\?r«^-r. i^st^w^.' ^ >j it\n ', •> *■•;.■. ■■c, i^: ';.' . « .,(>■ .It '-r-HM M . *>'/■ ,'-' 'I, i^ J - ^1'^:.:^>X .V. 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'j^^iyuX,M,/y-uMvu^, 353, vi/Wv ^,v^^^4i^wz^vv0vv. ^'.w^^ ^15 T(ruL^ Pt^^jula If l-^,5'4-5', T>^^ '>t/>t-^^Ai^ , H". C. 3,< T n^oKj wi/,Tw^, &.'ii.» qib, 1/uux^ '^ ^/t>A ^vovo, ^'^"1^ 5 1 i , S'1 fe), i'^Sffif 4 ■' i .'■ v.'>-. * / J ■ ■ \ H ■ ^ S^l|5^ :^sm X .::. ■'■?.' .' , ' J- ' '.1.1 . ',' ,S ' ', • <' '". ..; ^'';,''''V "t*j:' :T:'r.(^'' 1..^ \: , . .t' ■■; >); \ *W..5. (Wi Stwua_G»-ww.,..13t, G.H I J Kii "U;.-. -1 5feZ-b3, "IWvi/. J cJi'^. ^-\'i, "^^WAv^-^vn/.^A'/iiluvvv^ ni.'^irH, » ^ Ilk*. I'll .1- 0 P GlR S ?W»HitHrjii— Jh*i. ■J-:-'. ■ ■' ''i» '> i. ;■ ,i '^'Z, '■;*■•■ ■■■"■^'- ''^■- ■■■ ■' ■^'■A^>^'':'^'-f^- ''■^-vfe---'----;NVi^ ^^^ >■ ' '■/'!'. ■■■■■-> .V ■■w^''":it ■;,!;*;; ■^■,;;;,;.;: r'-"';'"'...f ^fV.?,i j ^-' :■'- ■ : :■■./ ■■;\''^'"^ir- 'X, '■ '^'^^^^i ')-■.:/■ ,^::/.t;' ^ '' -'? .j-'.A,'..W,.- |^>^ ■<%l.t' 0 4-" ^'<- . ?.:■ i .', -V<. : ' r\ ' ' .- ;. •■'*■ '■ ■ -■ ^vii , J, '.'; '' , '■ ■ ' ''>': \' ■1': ■ -•! J, 1/ ACu44/>rL. 0 aZ ^. i^//, 1,1 i ' fv /tf '■'•; ■>■■■/ ,i J. f A:.^ } ^:'r. :■ :y' ■ 1 I '■- ^'i., i-j ( ■ '. M •/■• ^ \ 'VI-'.; \i .■; . I '\ 1 ■ c^v .1. .„ >y. ' i--;l »■• ■( ■*^ V: ■■'^ :v^ -,Yi.i/,!^- , t •./»- ",. '\ V^l ^•'..', ■^^^'Mf. ^^^(xv .(SI ,XuJuaXc\ |-\. ICli, *! n \y^'i^.V^ja., 3 ■<.-■':■■..; ^•V-.,;Ou, ; V r.: •■ ■. . \ £.H i J Kll IVIMc NOP RR SIt U V -\a , t -1^ i "■ ; ■'.» ■' '• 0 y 'ir*ii ■^' . ■.:''■:■' '>.*.'% ^'y'^ ■j -t .>4 >^l [Mkttm.-srji: is/ /- ^; ,,l ■ 'A' ,fc ■l_>y;„.,>'r;-v'',.,. ■ _■ Ai' • ^ ,. ■*,, > ■ M, .' ■' '^r. . „ .■V- :>;;, t ..;:-., MV -yxi. I ^ V. ■ f , ■ ^- ■ .' ' :;*[-■ ■ / -.V .1-1 "> ,■!«- r l' . .. ' -'-' -,'■'■, •.»,-.. •■■■:/"'-;'.■.( J, i^'^fb v'^ , ■;,■ :■,,'',':•■ ■" *''■ , ■'; ;■- J'.' ••.■'■'■-•■:^:V'-. f. ' »■■■/ '^J^': *• A .H ■;=■■,* ,1. ' f- ■ . .. , i I'i V .-:v '-,■ ; ■■*• ''!i , > \-; .^- ,^ V, ^SJ Tl /> - ^(MtiAA^(>^tiu , V;. a. r>^- / 9 ir^o. IaJ CulvivLoi/t^ S\ «A. J^l. T^' -h Mj.j^^ J -.^-1-4'. J 1 K 9(^4. 1 •w^?i«^i^if?"W' 3 Dip U'-xM^, a.:B. 1^2. UJ>cau .rSr^ixii^M, 3 61, ^xs;3'f9, Sil^ ^'tJ. oa-v*. 0 \i >5'/6, t7f, tf?, T ^•^,^^5: »7-r (V. ■;<,■: ;^:--^f' ■■■nIM '■r .'K ^o.m- *' V . 1' ..; /■ ;■''■;,:, X:' IDjLAt^A/t^LUAX/CrK. icvO^. 3>-\ UiyvU^u- , CUU_ ^??, M ,i-',' .■ ■. ^ * 'v ■ ,v.(. _ I, , , , I, . , ■ / ; . ,.,.', r , - 'ill .*_ » £.H I J K)11VIM?N 0 P GL R S IT U V Wl , ^jd, ^^. 5/^ rb^,(o3^,ift^ w Mpm^i ,' ^:- >: ><-. "■W m :V. i. ■A . ; ,ii. /*, ^■' 1 ' V V . I- J ■ r li^i •'>'V ■v; : '. ■■! ' M- > :•' '^,v ■ v„ V •■>,:'' •f 'L; \txxXrM^ei^/u^ ^CaJU^ 50 J; 67 *f, ^, ■A> :/> 't. ■'5 ■ -: A .V , ;,■■ ;1-'v:;V^. v<;''-.U. :? t'.l X :U.^' '] .■! /.^ I. - k ■t-fc, ■>:"*> y -■• .'.i,.. )'y. I ■^■ >• jli- < » ■U-K w ' ^. ^ ■ < i; •sf; ' \ I ■/ '^^tl?A«f >:'-^'!'H',^^Jl/| ^'h MpO; r 41^ iTTil fi, 1515 » »• . Mr. Hawr B- Ssr-ar*. lakota Hotal, Chicago, Hi' Ify dear Ifir. Sargant: This aomirg I raceiTsd at the Na- tionnd Ifcjwum two skulls of Grizzly Bears sMppad at yoiu- instance froo. White Hcrae on tfarch 9 by Bugam Jac- (juot. With tham was a note from Jacquot stating that he expects to sard three otiars "at tha first OFpcnintity'.tT wMch I arstuae hs laans aftar the haarr ars killed. These - two BkullB have" gone to the claaner and Trill be hack in a few days and I shall examine them vith r.reat interest. T-ie imp rtartt point is: ITiere were thesej l^ars killed? Have ^.^ you any inforrsition on the mih^ect* The material you have f^ent ua fron Alaslm and Yukon haa been of more assistance than I c^ji tell you, in solving the hear prohle:B cf that little-knoirr. region, for which 3^ou have my apxreciative thanks. * ■•-p Hii hr y^ '' f*' ♦5 ^V »* '*fe \ \ -i I H* I. 3. I - I was graatly disarpointed last yaar in not bali^ aUe to gut started for California in ti^ae to maet you out there. This year ;ra eiject to return to California tout the first of May. aft: ♦ / m 4 s. J. z bones. Pleas e attach a tag to each s? '« the teeth are prasarved at least for a long period* . Anything that will keep off the air will tend to prasarva tha taeth and I believe, thcur^.I have not tried it, that the taetji might be in a measure protected by coatl^ them several timas with a saturated solution of paraffin in gasoline or turpentine* There may be other substances batter than paraffin; possibly spar vamiah would do. There is bcur.dless room for exparimant - the need is urgent. Since writing you last I have received a fine * lot of duplicates of your various papers fraa the Ohivarsity. ^: 8 J. a. 3 ^ There are a few however ir'.idi yoa ha^e published aUe- where of wMdi I should prreatly arpreciate additional separate*. For instance, you publidhad a Waw Pockat Soyner in the 'Proceadir^s of the Califcmia Acadaay* arid have published certain ot'-ar notes in the ^oceed- 'hirigt have separates of these I shoild rraatly appreciate a couple of copies of each% ^ Re^TStting that wa have accomplished so littl3 here in tha way of rr^sarviir: V^a taoth of lar^a rnarjoal skulls t and hoping t'lat you or sai© of your rasorcaful assistahts will succaad bettsTt " ?* - . . Vary truly yc^irSt t -^ - i ^ i' ' April 6, 1915 It. D. '7. Btyant- J West- 2132 Vestlake Ave. . Seattle, Waah. Dear Sir: Tour latter of Murch 18 ca:fi9 duly, but as yet the bear skulls have not been rd^^elTad* If you have not already sent them I h^pa youirill be abla to ship them. at once so that Z nay have a chanca to study tham before laavir^ tot California the first of May. As diractlons f^r shipment ware contained in qjr previous lettar« I will not repeat thap here* Tery. truly yourst r n e IprU 6, 1915 Sear Mr. liartinolli: (, To'ur Idttar of Iferdh 31 c«."ie laut week and we v^n all v^ry rlad to bear fran you. Ifr. Gilbert writes ua thtJt -tve vert you ^re done on tba tack lart of the pUce hae changed its appearance en- tirely, and that it looka fine -now. It ia good to know tT»t fiB br-8h has baen bamed so that we will not hare to worry' about that d^juring the a ut that d'jring the atumer. I a-a glad that you and your family find mat- tar of intdrast in the eeografhic Magasind* ▼e ard exxactinr to cloca our hoose hara tha first of May and hopa to raach La^iznitaa on or alout tba 5th* Wa eliall ba mir^ty glad to gat tbara and to eaa you all again. With baat vis'^ast Tary truly yours^ •4l>i^ki^W« Ifr. Pcjmpao ^^artinellit Califs w or 11 R. K. AprU 6, 1915 Mr* Reminffeon Kellof^t University/ of AsnsaB Ttfiiseiun^ L9.wr'j"nc6, Ksneas* Dear Mr* Kellogg: At lr:jngth T a."^ returning to the Dhi- vereity MusQLiin the t^yc reniainin^ skulls ycu were kind encijfii to losji me several months ago, namely » the big old Grizzly froQi Tra^.i^ers l&ke, Ocloradc, and the vary old Black Bear 77ithowt jaw from Las Vegafi, New Mexico. Thjy were sent lyy exi^ress jrej-aidt and I trust will reach you in good condition* It '^-^as heen a f7*eat eat:: sf action to have them here i"or conipariscn with our material, and I hope ycu will return 'jiy appreciative thanks to the Ifc.saum authorities* Some ti^e arc yoi; ar.ked me if I kn^w of any records of Blax^k Bear in Comanche County, Karisas. Not heinp able to find any such record in my notes, I have spent scnie ti-ie in soarchir^ the literature, but thus far withoi^t success* I will kjep the ma* ter in mind :i however, and if I find anything later will lat you know at once* Hunting Bear records is slow work, but is sotneti^^es rewarded most miexpectedly. . With best wishes » • Very truly yours. «-«.>v-^^ i M I t ^ -» I :- - * < ^ 13 A* M. G. April 8. 1915 Deer Arch: Tcur last Bulletin, dated Arril 3, arrived th:-8 noon* Its rarusal causes two sorrows: firet^ that we shall not sc:»a vou^ ^d second, that you ar>d Mrs. Gilbert has overtaxed her strength in the master* On the other hand, Tre ar-^ rrxii^rhty glad that you havt^ located another good job, and hoja it will lead to something still be'.ter^ Our Buspicicns that you and voir wife had be- co^ie reconciled to California are confirrned in the most satisfactory Ttanner by j/oiir conifTents on t'^^ie State in general, and Mprin rfc^.inty in particularo The sooner you are able to locate there, the better it ^ill be for all of ns. If the California construction concerns only knew of your superior excellence in various 3ne;ineerir^ i your wife took so r/n.ich trcv.ble to polish up the house* y We at predate wiiat you done and the feelings that % promoted it, but it was not necessary and we fear that i.\ I lines you woiold not be allowed to escape the State. Mrs. U. and I are greatly obliged to you both for holding down the place and for keeping things in such good order* Our love to Mrs. Gilbert when you write. As ever yours^ Mr. Arch M. Gilbert, c-o D. L. & W. Milford, Utah: Co.^ P. S. Glad the doctors ^lave taken Susie to the hospital for a little while before we arrive, as we are likely to need her services pretty continuously after about the 5th of May. i^r R. B. Arril 10, 191S Mr* R» Bruce. Nh yrur ciamacriTt on the flora ^. .d a-.iiia 01 Ihe irto.-rtai :i>. Tliic I have rr^ad^am in accord- ance ^i^h YQiir request a::i nairing a f'377 sii^^:e'-. lons^ In yvur g^lcrification of t-i^ Aprfilac" ian 7' lla^ -'0.^ ^j n ' ccTC-lv sBc^^i.e crl'icipm :*f you i"^"»"lv that ill fertility this re.'r:. en axc'^eds that • f ' -^e :'al- leys and IcTrer slopes of t'la Rocky M* '-.ntairis vrA Sierra Nevada* I;. nol-rad.o c^jr^ain districts core f&nous f:r their fertility. 9.? ^he ^alley at Oany cr City on t-e 9a55t ?ide of vie RcrtVies^ aid 'he valliy ^ /* Sra'-d River en the west* Arid Califcrnia is fanad t.: ^ "^rcrld over for t:-.a extraordinaiT f^^rtility of her -.ciTitain valle-s. T: nost rai-ts of the W-jf" , fjr^ile soils are zhe rule. I I ?f •m the difficulty is to jut water on them. Where water is to be had they are lajidly bjing converted into the garden srots of the world* On page 12 I have .nada a few pencil changes which I think vrill explain themselves* I have struck cut the word "Boreal* for the Narrows and Wells Mountain, but have left it where it belongs in the Prostburg region. Your use of the words "intemediate" and "transition" differs radically from t>!e use of these terras in zoolo/^ and hotany. With us an "intermediate or transition ape- cies" means an anr^mel or plant ^vhich in its distinctive characters is intjmiediate between two ether species* You use the t^rm in a z co-geographical sense as relatirig to the species inhabiting the transition zone, which is quite a different thing* I have therefore taken the liber- ty on this and the following pa^^e, to make a slight change in order to brir^ out the usual meanirg* You ask about the Mountain Laurel on the ridges east 0-^ Dhiontown. I have never been in this particular locality, but have assumed that the laurel wa.s tbe common species, K^lmia latl folia, wliich abounds tlirowiiout the \u 8r rssfion^ It saeniB hardly likaly that anyone wcjld axply the name "Mountain La-urel" to the rhododendron which also occurs on t-he ridges, and is well kn077n to the in- hab itants. Huriny: the fall and -'intor when the leave b of the deciduous trees have fallen, the rhododendrons and hemlocks, on accovoit of their evergreen mt'ire.8taT^ out as the only green things on the noimtain slopes horder- iiF, Cassellaan River s^nd. Fills Creek, and on .mm of the ridfBS throuAout the -era on. I gill very nrach obliged to you for having sent ne the ^lub Journal' containing your interasting articles on the md National Road*. I hope that this road will be put in Budi ccndition that: I may hava the pleasure of travelii-g over it on oiy nc^xt trip to California. Tlio roanuBcript is enclosed herawith* Very tmly yours. *'■» I April 9, 1915 Mr. J. ^. Hunter, Pish and Oarna Co^ri-niepion. Sail Francisco, C-Jir mr dear Sir: Some thvt^ sir'o yov wt^re kind enci:igh to eerd me the Report cf the Co ndssion for the Years 1912 to 1914^ It cont&ir:s -ch matter cf intarast to me, arid if you hava copies to srare, I should he r:rataful if you wo^Jd kindl^" serd ''e two or three mere* Vary truly yours. 17 sr 19 ii April 12. 1915 Mr. Francie Karmode. Diractcr, Provincial ifcisetm. ▼ictoria, B. 0, At l*et tbd two boxes of bear pkaili i^ich you W8r» kir^ anoii^ to send bo lonf- ago have ar- riTod. They were addresBed to the Hational tti a aum in- stead of the Biolf-oical Sisrvey. But wa were not able to fird aeventeen sktiUa, aiitaen bainp; ths numbar In th* two bcxes. Kumber 7 ia the missirj; one. All the other* fron 1 to 17 axo here. Tou cannot hes'-in to realize the joy I feel at 89eiT« the old skulls w;ain,and the additional onea ycu put ifith them. HI of the adnlt s ulla now fall nat'jrally into their appropriate sjacias without re- quirirg any apacial study. At the ti>aa whan I had tham before, I had not eaan mou'h British Oolurabia iiatarial to enable m to work out the characters of tha saveral species* There are three skulls fran Atlin, nos. 12, 13 and 14. No. 12 is a young Grizzly; noe. 13 and 14 are black bears. %B two naw skulls from Lillooat, nos* 15 and 16 » ara splendid malas of one of ray noir species, ind I am particularly ^1^ to >eetheflU '* Tary t^ijr^Ours^ .-*%^2<^*^.. ' • ^ r « f fm "H<\ > ■ w i\ « • .» . ■«'#, *. • * .. ^ • «•*»,». ,-»t Vs • f *^0 *«.*-■« 1 I i '.•i-^ :k - '^ €^ > ■ ' OS April 12, 1915 O, '^r » V I llr. Frank S. "Dmytt, I>i"?^or, ^^;. , Jiusaani oflfiBtcnr, Science and Art, JLpb Angelas, •JalircmlA. Be&r Ifr. Your la'ter of thd 2nd inst. and the yom^' ^aar sVull from the Homo Pit hava arrivad. f« i^idh I am oWle»d« This skull is of unusual lnt,dr^st. It is that -f a younp bUck \^ar of the l^Lifilai-ACatol S^ou] a ^roop characterized by the 7iry large size cf the last txiper molar, which viat.irally led you to inf^r tlvit it was a grizzly. This too^h is indeed actually Urper than in scroe of the grizzlies. Tne geographic range of the liviiig aatabers of this f^rou}; exterxi from Alabama ard Missisaippi to eastern Arizona, but Pleistocene representatiTea cf ««». fiS»39 have been found both farther north and farther west. I think I sew one anorig %he s'^ulle John C. Mer- riam has at Berkeley. Tour fl' f f. S. D. portarwe and seraral of less con«equanc8% The last jremolara, both above and "Nloir, bit asrecially the ** . ■ , . ^- •••... • • •♦ - . • ■• », Ir^ar onQs^ suggeat the P-rre spoiKiingtaetl) in Uje grizzlies and migb^ alraoat be said to p^sant an in- tennedi&te cop^^^^^^^ between Urging arid j^isiSStSIMj^ 'P^ caiiin^ ^^® «» Tery large at t>id basd^and the middle urr^r mdlars ara narrower tban in t>» living: srecies* iMs skull ip in wonddrfuUy jarfect ccaidi- t ion. and is aig^xty in^^QXlQstir^ from v^rioua roints of viofT^ X am very rrjfch obliged to you for your kindness in Isttinq ^ne s^e it hare where I have «nple ^naterlal for coniparis^. ,1 will return it as' soon as I can have it photographed* Terytnily yo\irs^ If ►. t K ^. U t> • I 1^ 21 •^-T s: i 23 Air 11 12. 1916 ». -^ Acadarrrr of frat'.-ra! '£i^^<»«. t^iladallhia, Penn. . X Daar Mr. Stone: •*M ,.-. •> Yo:Tr-'r^SwJt8 in +JhQ laat •Anfc* on-:€uji- • 'n^ie rsvi^r of Jc^ irirj^aU^.' 'IfamnkV anrBit^ ' #ti&t I can "not haiV '"^"^TKline you a line to tHwik you^ f or vriMve '. ti;^^'«8 pofnt ol-iaw-waeso artr^aly furny that I "WiB te^Aad t,c raply to'-it teyself, 'and wotild hiT« done ac eicapt for t'w sad fact 'that I m coa-^ ■ ' Tl«taly ovaniheWd jr. wW^ ^org^^ly In tiaed >f at- ,tantion- ^ ■ v -,'-1 J That 'CTiriouB- War sliullTfhich you vara good anourh t,p eend -ne aane ti-^w aro. I irlll rstum ahcrtly - as aeon as I aia abla to sacura satisfactory photographs of it. I >iad it xhotographed about twenty vaars ago "but tha jiagatiTaa ai-a not lik« those we ars taking today. Mrs. Iferriam and I are dalightad to know that you ai:ri Mrs. Stone ar^ c ainc to ilalifomia. Wa shall hoia to show you our houw ccsintry at La:;anita8. Tith i38t wiehas, Vary truly ya:jr». 4tt •I Atril 12, 1915 ]|r« Jan»0 Simp ecm^ Banffl ilbdrta. '^^'y^ -*» • Dacrf Sir: ^■•^^.y : • Thd voimr- grizzly cinill you BeiJKi^§-T3ft^tinB ^Oicarae duljtand I was rary clad to get it^ Infttaad , of, Sending t^ ariigunt due yew for it, I ^«*e'^baen waitii^ Iropir^', 1» receiv*» ,.^« otoer fiku^ in order to' raa':e one 'j5fir-^rT& for the hatdu , > suc. : Is 1 ejcp^tvto re to Oalifcrnia can the 'let of May, I ^nl^ ^ c^Pf-tJy obliged, if yon could ^eni .these skulls at. once » so th4.I.n»,y have an opporttnlty to ex- afrdre them and send r«^ for sa?!B hef ore I leave* ry tnily yo^irs. *\.- r • •» * * • i jOriginal Defective ^s Afril 12, 1915 StatA Treasurar, SacraaantOt Calif. J '/■ * 'it 1- ,^ ** '''•-• » ,' ^» » "^«ona Bii of 8» rr«ic;~6 In t^«t of lio«« ^i;- ,.. .^■. . . _i;= ... ^^.^SaVroIrt Six wtomobil.. P.: ■-> ;„, ■ ^, ;,rr.i,t>aar on Sy'S^roIt Six «t<»obll,. ' ' ^^^ ?* t.'-:ii,^^«.t w4ii fliri oh tccoapanying : y »f- > ^"^r: ao ^Y5i^--3'-«i%9;i ;M-li5§haa plataa to ma at •xf 0* -f -'^v <- ^-*;< '• y';^^ truly yc«r«. 'i- ; ^^ ^*:*' )V M-r . •:-*v^ il! 1 » H ^ H \ »*,. Original Defective 2S 26 O T ■ • %J April 14, 1915 Miss ^ut^tm J. Allan^ Moore cto^mt Hew Jsrsoy. My daar ''liss Alln: TlioTiks for ycur int8r3etif'g latter abciit V-^e good intentions of ^trs* Longnecker in be>alf of some of ovx poor Indians. Her idaa to setablish an indnstrial home to cara for the sick, and -ivQ instnic- tion 5r: sanitanr living imdar criide renditions, in most admirable. As vou of cciTsa know, t'BriO ie no end of need for just such help. In O^^difomia t-'.ere are :-vmy remnants of different Inaian tribes who would be .fxeat- ly benefitted were thjy within reach of such kindly as- sistance. This is true of Indians living in the north - em, central, and scuVnem parts of the Stale. But I do not thin-: of any way by which such an undertskirp; could be r.iado self-surportirg. Should ?t[rp. Longneckor cere to look over the field in Oalifcmia, I wo^ild be only too plad to help her in svery way within my power, so far as the tir>^6 at my disposal permits. I could s-^ow her en niaps the loca- ^u tions of a rreat many Indians, and mirht possibly be able to visit some of them with her» Ani it might be worth while for her to talk over the matter with '1. S. Kelsey of San Jos a, who for some years has been sec- retary of the northern California Indian Association. I expect to I'cjave hare for California with my family on the first of May, and to be located at our summer home at Lagunitas, Marin County, aftor Uslj 5 This will be my address until fall. Very tn;ly yours. ««*«»l ^mm» K2 28 April 14. 1515 *» A April 14, 1915 « Dear Mr. nemingi You are v^ry kird to call my attan- h.^--a'h •P.ouf-hing it in the ft^sh'. Ito. j;,ion to Mrs. Mood^e b ,L^u^,iiiiJc. V, ^i.« -hrok ard stiould i^s very glad in- I have net s len Jns booK, ar.u deed of an opportunity to read it. . Mrs. '.^erriain, Zemida and nr/self expect to l.ave here for .laliforr.ia on May 1 in ordar tc reach our at Laf^unitas in time t.o niake ready for such members of the A. 0. U.. yourself a^iong the nv^mher. whan we hope will favor us with a little visit before leaving the State. Othei-wise we should Y^e only too F-lad to avail ourselves of vhe opportunity to f-o with the A. 0. U. party. There is still anot>>er difficulty however, namely, th^t since we expect to stay in Cali- fornia until fall, we a:3 not allowed to go on the epe cial oitc^Trsions. 1 flc vary glad fi^at you have -nade the effort to fo and will he one of t^-e party. ^w With 1)3 etr wishes. V<3rY tnilv yciirs^ Mr-- J. H. Flemii>:;, 267 Rushclma Road, Toronto* J Mr. Samuel Mixter, 160 Marlborourh Street, Boston, Mass* Dear }J!t. Mixter: Than'-cs for yair letter of the 9th inst* , tellir^ HB t^iat your yourfr bear frcm Barter Isla-d was a male* It is a membar of the grizzly series, but I am not yet prepared to assign it specif ically. The other big b;:>ar you mention ar inhabitir^ the coastal region of Arctic Alaska, is^doubtless the one described by me under the na-js UrgV^g Jnt^rTi^ipimlle,. The tjrpe jspecimen cs.-ie from the Alaska-Yukon boundary, fifty miles south of the coast, and was collected by Frederick Lambart of the Ca- nadian BoTindary Survey* The skull of ycijtr specimen is labeled as ob- tained by you on Barter Island, August 12, 2^13, and pre- sented by you to the National Oolleotion* The skin I returned to Frazar yesterday by express* Very triily yours ^ es i\ H 30 Arril 14, 1915 April 14. 1915 Mr. M. Abbott Frasar. 69 SudbiHT Street, Boston, I'&P'a. ^^^ ^^^' .^ ^f TV ''a-mael Mixtsr of Boston. At tbs request ot ^^r. a«ii"ox 4-i.a o'-in of a small f^riz I juBt sent you by er^rass ..e a ^^ ,ly .aar obtained by him at Bart .r Isla.4 on Au^.st U. 1915, and tn^st the se..e will r.ach you safely. Mr* Albert P. Morsa. Curator TTat^:iral History, Peabodv Museum, Salem, ^feB6• Dear Mr. Morse : Yastarday I /aturnad to the Paabody Maseiim by axpresB prepaid the three skulls you so kindly loaned -le soma tine ago - t^a Oalifcrnia grizzly and the two xolar hears- The California grizzly is a specimen of unusual interest* Thanking you and the Viusaum authorities for yo^jr courtesy in this ma-.ter, which I greatly appreciate. Vary tnily yours. rs o^ Arril 15. 191S Dear Fheldon: . • ^ TmnVB for t^-^e .ddreesoB. I ^ava just bitten John ^-..ratroyd, tMnUrg that .a mi^-.t H.vs all tha s-..lle^>^i« possaBBlcn; if not. I ^iU -.te to the •JcAlaenaiis. Too V^d you havB roxad into jury duty a..ain. I^is is hard luck but all in a good cause. Pes- sibly you can run dowr.-t-ftar the 25th.. Thanks for OofWi's addraas. I will try to connect vd'h him soon aft.r I arrive in Oalifcmia. He has san. valuable old waich I have b^an trying to get to see for two or three years. The sl-ulls that ha^e coma in from Yukon Ter- ritory durir^ the pa.t year einF^size mora t-an aver the need of topotype mterial of UEfiiiB-i^^ifiory?- And I am wendarirg if you knoir any reliable hmter in tha middle or upper Yukon region v^m I ca,lc Mre for the sprirg and aurmer to hunt bear* in this region. I would like to have him put in three or four months in the mountains hetwo^n the Yukon and Tanwm. hopirfr t'-rit ha would get hears B^ sevai-a pcints from near Forty Mile 'Ireek « 0 ^ 'v v*^* ' westerly to near Rampart House. 17ould Tom Jeffreys be the right man? If so, Lov. could I connect with him^ Possibly you knour some other man whom you would be will Ing to recommend for the job. As ever yours. Mr. 'Iharles Sheldon, 8 West 9th Street, New York City -^^^m'mmmmm^m^^mmi^ 34 J. M. April 15. 1915 Mr. John 'iir^troyd. 57 West 24 tn ^y**,.. IJew York *ity. Dear Sir: ^ „ ^ ^+ Tne S'jriQS ot articles^ ifw E,.r-. J*Ua'.«d by Mont S. Jonas in "Outdoor lifa" of fs.«ary, « aM April, contains a good deal of ^t- t,r of «oK interest to «. I -- Tartio,>larly glad to .a, tHo aooount, of t'« killing of griz.lio. ^7 yo.^self , „f +v,A rartv and an worderinp if "ths and othor manihers of tn© lan-y.HJiu a. skulls were pre nerved. I am nm completing for publication a eynopBiB of the Bip Bears. of Horth America on which I have been en- gaged for about twenty-four years. Tha reprion in which ym hunted is inhabited by Vnree distinct species of griz. 2lv bears ar.d I ar'i anxious to knw whether those killed by ycur party belong to more than one speciss.and if all were the same, which one. I am taking the liberty therefore to ask, in case the skulls were ireserved, that you will loan them to -e for a short time in order that I y&y compare them with specimenB in our National Museuriu If so, will you kindly ship the saine "by axpress, -larked cVargee collect, and addressed: U* S. Biological Purvey, Dept* of Agricul- ture, Washirgton, D* 0. Plcjase attach a tag to each Bkull stating where and by ^om it was killed* If the skulls have been clean^ it is well to place a pad of newspaper between t>^e Jaws to prevent hre^'-age of the teeth in transit, ap hears* teeth are very hrittle. Kindly put your own vsne on the urper left ha^d corner cf the package, so that t^ie ^'rian who opens the package will know from w^otn it came. Trustirg that you will be able to help me in this matter. Very truly yourSt i1 ♦J I' * 2S 36 April 16, 1915 Dr. 0. "art Mer -iscv! resrats V'^.a- oring tc his early departure fcr Cali- fcrnie ^is will not be aole to accept the kind invitation of Tlis Board of Managers of t'-^ Fer Yoric Zoological ^-ociety to hs jresant at the recsption on Monday evening, ^Ay 3, 1?1S- n xae Oame Breeder, 150 Hassan St. . New York Oity. u )Qar Sirs: Replying tc yc-or inqjairy of the 13th inst* . I regret to say that I do not know of anyone who has acorns for sale. There wculd be no trouble in getting planty of thern in the fall, dither in the East or in Oalifcmia, but at this stjason I do not know where a supply can he obtained. Very truly yours ^ ,1 i.*; ^s April 16. X915 Dear Mr. Elliott: I a-a flad to Uaxxi from your le't»r of the nth inst. received to-day. that, rriy check reached you all right a«3 that you have already bought a good teazn. wagon, ani ^oameaa. It is a ereat thirc to get an early start and I wish you the most proapsrous season. A package from the Secretary of Stat© at Sacramento, containirg my automobile licence plates, is liable to reach La^nitaa at arqr time, probably by mil. Whdn it coies I s>all Ve obliged if you will kindly hold for me until nry arrival. After receipt of this please do not for- ward any more nail of any kird as I expect to reach LaPTjnitas on or aboiat May 5. With best wishes to you all. Vgrj^ tnaly yours Mr. 0. B. Elliott, Lafun: tas . ~ Calif. I 8S A 39 April 17, 1915 April 17, 1915 1ST. Willies R, Green. Forest Service* Greendale via Linwood, Utah. Dear Sirs: Thaiks for yoiir List 33 just received* Yoi5r No. 3 in this catalog^:6 is Englehardt*s Missions and Missiomries of California "Vol* LLT.'*. If this means Vol* 3 of the series, iron may serd it lo me. I already have volumes 1 • and Z. Very tnily yoizrst Hudson Book Co.. 25 West 42nd Street, Hew Ycrk Oity. i Dear Sir: Your letter of tH. 9th inst, has just reached Mr. Anderson's letter of ^ich you spoka never came. I am glad to knoi^ that you \eve t'^.e skull and skin of a younr: male grizzly killed by you in Utah the first of last July, and sViall he pleased to purchase the BBiiie at a f':ood price. It is hard to nyiTie a definite price without seeing the specimen; assuming however that the skull and skin are both complete, the skin with claws att€U5hed, I will pay at least $25, and more if it is worth more. Please send by express^ -marked c^mrp^es collect ^ and cuidressad: U. S. Biolorical J^urvey, Dept. of Agri- culture, Washir^ton, D. •>• Kindly attach a tag to the skull stating when and where it was killed^ and yo^jr own Tiame. Please ship as soon as jossible. Very truly yours. / QV ATDril 17, 1915 PoBt^iaBter. Yakutat , Alas'-ra. Dear ?ir: Can you o^*^^^ ^<^^ "^^ ®^ skullB of brown or grizzly bear^ from tha Yakutat or Mt. St. Eliaa rerdoriB? ^^ ^o I shall be glad to jay ?-ood prices for t^e same, the prices varying accordirg to age, s«^, and condition, from $4 each for young skulls ap to $10 or $15 for adroit f enales and $20 or even $25 for good old aiales* In cape you ha^e any on hand or can pixchfiuse any, please ship the same by express, charges collect^ addressed: U. ?. Biolo^icfil Purvey, Dept. of Agricul- ture, Washington, P. 0. A few taps are enclosed here* with* Please wrap each skull carefully to prevent breakage in transit. VenA truly yoiurs. ill r^ V' 42 Avril 19, 19 15 Poetrraster, Aijdraafsky^ T)Q -r Sir: Caii you c1:tain for ^ne eiiy skulls of "bro?m ';;jart3 or e*.rizzlies froiB- the Ardrsafsky recion? If ^- - •» — • so I p-iall oa rlad to ray ^-ood pri€3s for th? sc.. ^S'^ the price varyir/; accordir^: to 'f;:a, sex^ aaci co:i- dft-'cn^ from ^"4 each for yoiirss sliulls, ut tc ^^0.0 oi^ $15 for adult faia.'-aas and $20 or ^'^^en t25 for c->od ol In ca^e you h' '^3 any o"? "^-and : r cen via-<:'m6« any, r^-^^-^ p^'^^^'P ""^^^^ ^'"'-"^iQ ty cxrraes, '-h£».r53f5 coilact, addre^-sed: 'J. ^. Biclo>:ical Svirvjy, Dert. v-jf ,^^:rixil- t^-r^, '"^ap-r-istcr./ D* \ PlQa^s wrap aach j^-aiU ;vro- fully to rrevcJiit l-reakage in trarjsit* A farr tars are Vory tr.iijr y:urs. April 19. 1915 PoBtHHstsr, Bagle Dear Sir: Alaeka. Con YOU obtain for rje any skixlls of grizzly Isears from the ref^ion around Eagle? If bo I sliall be glad to pay good prices for the 8a.'ne, the price vary- ing according to a^e. sex. and condition, from $4 each for youiTi?, skulls, up to $10 or 015 for adult femles, and $20 or even $25 for good old mples. In case you have any on liand or can p^ychaae any. please ship the smne by QX^rew, ch aires collect, addressed: U. ^\ BioloHcal fSTirvey. Dept. of Agricul- ture. Vrashington. D. 1. Please wrar ead^. skiill care - )reakag eTicloeed herewith* Var/ truly yours. ^ .VH^ -*'^ fe »*'■<-' M £^ 44 On Airil 19, 1?15 ra^-ast. for taar =.kuUe ^.rs „„t to f.e pctmsters of the follo^i"S *1"'- I^*" offices: April 22. 1915 AndreafcTcy APxvik Oandla Ohitina 0 or par 0 enter Fort Yixkon Hawk Inlet IliBinna Kotzetue Latouche Nizina Ra^.tpart Seldovia onettis'iam Sueitna Taku Harbor Teller Unalaklaat "broTm or grizzly grizzly brown or griz>:ly "brown •» or grizzly grizzly brovm or grizzly brorm or griwily ^•rizzly cr brown r Arthur H. Olark Oo. » Olaveland, Ohio. Dear Sirs: Please sand one copy of my book entitled Dawn streot. New York Oity, and two copee :.o me at above ^. drass, with bill for saiiia. Very tniLy youLTs, U./^^^ 2^ / I 4 46 / It - April 23, 1915 Hf ddar Mrs. Kimball: Just now;imfortunately, I arn not able to think of ^ available opportunity for yciir son in the way of vacation fiald ^oric* It is five years since I resigned fron the Biological Siirvey, and I am not well informed as to presant opportunities. Host of t'^iQ field workt howevert requires years of specisd training, so that long ago gave up tiJcing boys into the field until after they had proved their fitness in the way of independent collections and knowledge of natural history* There is just one line of work hcwiraver in which it may be possible t!iat an opening exists* I refer to the work on food habits and the destruction of noxious a-iiiBls carried on under the direction of Dr. A. K. Fisher of the Biolop:lcal Survey. Dr. Fisher is ^cm in the field but mail addressed to him at the Biological Siurvey would be forwarded. He amploys a number of young men In destroy- ing grourd squirrels, prairie dpgSt and wolves in various parts of the West, and ro&y possibly be in need of en addi* I' s timal helper^ Whether or not there are temporary field places in the Forest Service I a*^ unable to say, but you could easily learn by addressing ISr. Henry S. Graves, Chief of Forest Service, Washington, D. 0. Regettirg tlmt I cannot be of more direct assistancetard with kindest remembrances. Vary tn;ly yours^ ^1 Ure. Jeunes P. Kiiaball, 420 West 119 St. , New York City. i P T^ April 23, 1915 Ho^jlton Book Co** 1000 U- Grand. Avanae^ SU Louis ^ Mo* Dear Sirs: Kindly sand !i» with the bill the follo«ring item, offered in your List #1 - Indians of Oalifornia. Nevada and Utah: 3, Deearet Waekly. Not. 25, 1893 4. • • Oct. 14, 1893 • • Aug. 19 1893 .40 .30 .35 5. • 8. Kept. Indian Ocrrn. 1865 '^5 10. Meesace of th9 Presidant Pt. 1,1855 1.00 Yery truly yo^-ru. t*-, .'■» -y 8^ i^AS' 49 AprU ai. 1915 Dear Carloa: It was a treat joy to receiva the Grizzly skull which Franic was good 9nou# to pack and sand me with such prcnptneBS. and also to receive your letter. Tiie skull is of special interest to me just at this tim,vh^n I an tiyir^ to coaplete rwf descriptions of the various species of grizzly hears. A check for the amount will he send you froa ray fund in tlie Smithsonian Institution, about the first of the month. I wish to tharJc hoth you and Frank for your- kindness in the matter. It is ohvicos that you ha->'e 'lad a rather se- rious time with your building and I well realize that it has consumed a very Ibt^q anio\mt of time. On the other hand, as you intimate, tl>e phyoical work has proha- bly been a rood thing for your health. Ilizabeth, Zenaida, aid I hope to pull out for California the first week in May. We had int elided to Start en Saturday » thi first of Ibjt but I have just lost fc^jJT days in connection with the raoent meetings of the national Academy of Sclances and sorae other affairs whidi 1 »i 0. H. 2 * to a head fib out the same time. Elizabeth is most anxious to get the house in shape before the impending meetii« of tha imerican Ornithologists' Union. Later we shall hope to see yo^ and your ^od wife* We all join irt love to you both* . i*:^ ^U- r* a ' ■ • I.. With hast wishes^ Very truly yours. Wo^V-'v>. l.::a;ve.iU »=• » '4 Ifr. Charles J. Hittell^ • > ' 'San Jose,- ' "- * Calif. ^ - « » > ^. if. •; T» ; ©. V ^ t • • I • VV&Vil ."I 1-; i;itr- ' ( «". UTiw •«•♦/ .-, ' .tt; . iC^.T" •: ^ U > #1 * rr i ^0 ir yhiH oa r\l AprU ai. 1915^ •' • ♦• lly dear Dr. Grinnall: Uany thanks for,>e rublicationa you have haen good enou^ to s^^^" Thay are juet what were n.aded to conflate nry fUes in «.tiafactery shape. Dr. f. A. Lucaa, Director of tlie Anaricw M,83um of Hatural History, lWBJ^?8, to he on aere. juat noir.and ie ccoir^ to dine y^^M^ ^^«^«- ^ ^°" teii to tackle ni^ on the subject of »ir-prr. of ing the teeth of higmaninal.. as he has always l^en noted for his ingenuity aiid my have something to 8ugee«*» ¥e expect to siart for California the first ^eek ipMay. a^ ^ ^^^ forward ^o moetins you before loxig. Yary tnily yours. V 1 1 ' 1 1 ( , ■i i 1 1 H I • 51 AprU 24, 1915 Mr. Henry Anderson, Gardiner, Montana. Dear Sir: Fe have just received from ycj a box contain- ir« a splendid old mle grizzly killed laet month,and a faroaie with most of tl. teeth gone, killed some tin« ago. I am very^ad to have Ihese and have credited you with $10 for the tmaU esA $36 for the nmle. making $45 in all. A check for this amount wiU be sent you about the first of the month by the Snithsonian Ir»titution. I shall be glad to take all the s'^Us of bear. you are able to get during the present year. Yery truly yours. It! Dr. Joseph Grirnell, llis^ cf Vertehrate Zoolo^» Berkeley, Calif • M J I * ^ '?• 1^ ipril 2A. 1915 ¥' Prof. J. Stephenson. Grovemment College^ Lahore t Inaia* Dear Sir: Replying to your letter of Uardi 4 only re- cently receired^ I regret to say that it is impossible for "^ne to supply you with a cory of Dr* Gustav Sisen's 'Snchytraaids of the Itarriman Alaska Expedition^ The last copy in my possession I sent to somdone at Dr* Si* sen* 8 request several yeflurs ago* Regretting loy inability to help you in the matter. Very truly yours ^ 1 fi \m « 54 / AprU 25, 1916 Mr. B. T. Lilly, HLua. Arizona. Dear Ur. Lilly: Thd baar skullB you were kind dnoii^ to send ad arrived about a month ago« I bavd delayed writing in hopes of racairing a letter from you, but will not put it off aiy longer* The sack contained ona youqg grizzly b mil and four skulls of black baars* Were all of these killed in the region near Blue, or were sotib of them from a greater distance? And I cannot find that you ever told lae just ▼here you killed the big mLe grizzly you sent last year* I shall be greatly obliged if you will kindly let LDa kncm the 4ata and jalaca of killir^ of this bear, and also whether ail ^f the other bears were killed in the general region in which miue is situated* Have you ar^r other skullb of grizzlies, old or young, or do you know where you can get any? If so w 1 1 1 1 P » it I < 1 ■ R7.L. 2 I should be very glad to purchase them* Before mking out the account for the skulls you sent last month,! would like to know if you would soil the big niale you sent us last sunmer for $100? If so I will pay you that ano uit for the skin and s'oill and will add the others to the b^j^ accoint* I BBST Hollister this morning si^d he wished to be remeifllberad to you* With best wishes* Tery truly yours. Skulls received last 1 young gri^^y 4 blade bears $5*00 .t $2.60 ^ f a -mmmtm 56 AprU 25, 1915 April 25, 1915 ■■■■i Mr. L. S. Croeby, OenU. Itigr., BravstdT Trausvort Co., Ltd., Banff, Alia. Dear Sir: Vary many thanks for your latter of tl» 22nd inBt# racaivad to*day* I am glad to kncm that tha skull in quasticn is safe* and that thare is a fair chance that I can have it later* I aa going to Call* fomia for the sur^mar nart waekt ^^ ^ill "try to hunt it up at the C# P. R# Ix-iMt at San Francisco^ so that I may have a good lodk at it in the near future • Shoixld you obtain any other skulls of gria* zliaa during the springt 8uiiiaar« or fall« I would Ym glad of an orrportunity to pxir chase the sajne* Ujr address until tha end of October will be Lagunltas^ Uarin bounty Oali fomia* < Thanking you for your latter^ Tary truly yours^ \ I 1 \ I *•• ^-CaiifrriaS and Garae Oo^. San Francisco, Oalil. Dear Mr. Hunter: To^3r8 of Vie 20th inat. just received. with -Idltiooal copia. of tb. interaating Raport of tha Tiah a«i ^ ^0^iB«i- ^^ 191^-14. for ^ach 1 am vary tmidi obliged. I exp»ct to so *o Oaiiiornoa *" Lin «™nt,. I .1-11 '«^ '"» ^"^ '» °" ^"'^ '"" ' itoan in San Francisco. Yary truly yours^ - / t 4v \ \^ 58 Apr U 25, 1915. April 25, 1915 llr. John llurgatroyd, 57 Vest 24tb^tr9et, Mew York City. ]fy dear Sir: Tary nauiy thanks for your courtesy and prcmptnass in coroplyiiTg with ny request for the loan of the haar skulls. Sight skulls from you have bean received; f o\ir black haara, three grizzlies, and one polar. Two of the grizzlies are advlt faiaales, the other is an Im- raature mala* The polar "baar skull has been considarably da':Bged by salt or brine, from which circumstance I as- stud that you have the skin* If so, have you noticed anything peculiar about the skin, or is it just like all other polar bears? The skull differs from ttie nor* mal polar i-^ having the forehead more elevated and the molar teeth considerably larger* All three of the grizzlies aro of interest to me in the present state of my workt particularly the two females* If you are willing to dispose of these, I should be very glad to purchase thera. I assume that the three grizzlies and four blacks ware killed a year ago in w.:j8t^3m lyoning between the North and South Forks of Shoshone Biver. ^ . , Tery truly yours Dr. Arthur If. fflLtinct 119 Washington Ave*. Albany. »• Y* Dear Dr. BLtir^: In exominin^ sorae hear skulls in the posses* sion of John Ifii^troyd, 57 West aith Strret, New York City, I have become interested in a most peculiar skull on which yo^ir n£ue is written in pencil* The skull is that of a polar bear :7ith unusiaally hig^ frontal region and pretenmtiorally big teeth* When and where did you kill this bear? Was it an old male? And did it differ in color or general appearance from ordinary J) olars? There is nothing just like this s-oill in our National Miisexm. A prompt reply will oblige, as I expect to start for California next week. By the way, should ycu visit the exposition at any time between ncM and the end of October, please drop me a line at Larunitas, Uarin County, Calif ornia, (twenty-five miles north of the city), and I will try t^ con- nect with you. I have driven ^ car across th^ continent twice but m goir^ by train this year, ^mvi^g left the car out there* yery truly yours^^ 8E^y 'g-e ■■v.-i.tTW- ■•■ GB / 60 { \ April 27. 1915. ma MiriieaTola*'. ilinn. De.-r Sir: If not a^lready sold, will you kindly seid the.followxns bookB offered in your Second List of Books, PaTfhlets, and Maps: 79. East-ian. diaries A. Red Hunters end the Animal People .65 991. Merriam. Florence A. Ify Sunsiier in a Mor- mon ?illace« •o^ 1 ha^a not yet received a rscjipt for the $2.50 Bsnt you in payment for Freniont's 'Itamoirs* on February 16, althowh you did sei-^ a receipt for Bunnell* s 'Ycse- mitd which was paid for at the same tiine. ^^ . Very truly yours. \^. \ April 27, 1915 My dear Mr. Sargent: '"^ Yery many thanks far yoiir latter of the 13th inst* from Pasadena* It is a relief to know that the grizzly skulls sent in by Jean Jacij'aot were from the Klimne Lake region, or the country iiaadiately to the eastward* It is good to knocT that we shAll see you and Mrs. Sargent in June, for we sha'l ta at our hone at Lagunitas at that tinie. Fnethar we connect with you at the Pairmount or at Hotel Oakland will make little dif- ference. Anyhow, we shall lock for you at Lagunltas when you have done with the Pair* With best wishes to you both, Tery truly yourSt P. S. My check for $1*50 is enclosed herewith* Kindly sand r^c^iyt ^dth the books. 0* H. M. f Ur. Hoaar B. Sargent. 125 South Grand Avenue, Pasadena, Calif. ra 62 April 27, WIS 'S April 27, 1915 Dear Mr. King: Many tharks for your kindnees in sending ma the letter about Stalter's mboee. This supplieB ex- actly the information I was seeking, and addB enormously to the interest of the episode. The letter you sent is returned herewith, and I wish to thank you for the trouble you took in se- curir^ this information* Fith best wisheSt Very truly youTB, * • - Dear Mr. Flemirig: - -. -^ The book you wjre so good as to send me, •Rou^i^ it in the Bush*, by Mrs. Moodie, arrived in perfect condit'on and is an attractive addition to any library. Althoufh exceedii^y busy jxist ncm. I have dipped into it in a number of places and find it of much interest^ givir^ as it does a rcJTArkably clear insight Into the conditions under which the pioneers of the re- gion lived* The illustrations are beautiful* Hoping to soe you soon in California, and with mary thanks for this kind remembraiice. Very truly yours. Mr. rJharles S. King^ Sanford Narrow Fabric Oo*, 63 Leonard Street, New York City* Mr. J. H. Jlemirg, 267 RusholiTie Road, Toronto, Oajiada. f 83 64 I 9- April 2o, 1915 April 29, 1915 \ X Mr. Louis Bell, Sdward, Alaska. Dear Sir: Yo'jr lattsr of April 4 reached -na last week, and the batch of skulla arrived yesterd&y, for w^ich I afl crediting you with the aoccmpanying prices: 1 Adult male brown hear 1 Adult fa-'iale hrown near 1 Oub 1 Adult nale black bear 1 Adult femle black bear 1 Oub $1&. 15. 2. 3. 2. 1. 2 Wolverine and 6 Lynx (all da la-ad)* "^^^ I wo'ild allow you $1 each for the wolvarine and lynx if they w«re raascnably perfect, but as you know, they w.>re all broken - of them badly broken - a»i the small bones i.i t le ration of the back part of the mouth cut off. Thsn'-ce for f la claw of the brovm bear. It. is a whopper and I am \rary .elsd to have it. Jon forp-ot to state on what part of the Kenai Penir.Biola t<\a rir, i'>aars wara killed. Please let rae know in yo-jr 'ext letter. I shall ha glad tc take all the bear s'^'^-H^ ^c:^c?.'^<^sVii'^l-a^ga^%n]&^Sm^ XMMinrto $44,'v'il Ve sent you from the Stai'hsonian Institution the first 'teak in May. ^ Very tnly yours. / M )f' Dear Mr* Bird: Confessions are said to be good for the soul. I will therefore tell you ^lat has happened to yotor grizzly skin from Colorado* When I left Washington for California the first of last July^ I turned over to an assistant a nim- ber of skins and soina soills of b^ars to be returned to various persons who 'lad bt^en kind enough to loan them to me. Yo^jr skin was a^nong them. Since my return last fall, the matter has been entirely out of my n?ind until the re- ceipt of yo^ur most polite letter. I irmediataly want to the Musau>ii and inade inquiries as to the whereabouts of the skin* The pjrson who had attended to the various retuma ascror^d me that yours had been returned as he particularly ramembered yoiu: na^ie and Wisconsin address, ha being a resident of that State. He failed hcwrev^r to find the record of ship* ment. We also searched tha Biolor::ical Survey reccrda for date of shipment and accorapanyir^ letter to you, but neither could be found. I then suggested that pcssibly the skin f*l t i 1 ' ad 66 J. P. B. . ■• "T- • f *-. had not \>een re turned, bit was assured t%t this could not be the case* Hov^ever, we dug into some "big chests In which baar skins are stored, but did not find yours* I than requested the assistant to laaice a thorough search of the collection* Aftjr 3;iveral days he discovered in one of the "hold up" cases, your skin alonp* ^'ith that of a big grizsdy from Arizona4 Apart from the delay, no •larm has been done as the skin is in perfect condition* Nevortheless I an greatly mortified at the circumstances aVove related* The skin was - e turned to you by express prepaid today, and I trust will reach you in perfect condition* As I wrote you last year, your skin proved to be of more than ordinary interest; in fact I have never seen a grizzly from the United States like it* I greatly appreciate your courtesy in lo^^ning it to me and regret that owing to an accident it was not returned long ago. It has bean extremely difficult to briiig together enou^^ specimens for a satisfactory study of tha Big Bears* The number of skins is utterly inadequate, but we have had better luck with skulls, of ^lich we now have more than 000 in the National Itisaum collection* By far / 1 J. P. B. the greater number of these are immature, there being B^jrprisirigly few foilly adult males and f eia&Ies. Of the latter, ycur old fe^oale from Colorado holds a place of honor* - ii^jaa.***-'*^. With renewed thanks for your kindness in the matter, and apologies for the delay in retium* ing the skin, Yery tmly yours. Mr. La OroBsa, Wisconsin. ^: I Vi' it' ?' I Kb April 29, 1915 Dear Mr. Grosvenor: Replying to yoiir letter of yester- day just received, I ain in favor of making the proposed grant of $2000 to Professor Griggs to enable hiii to study the revegetation of the large areas buried by the erup- tion of Katraai in June IviS. If the time were not so short I TTCuld rec cm- mend sending a raammal collector also, as thare is much to be learned about the aamaala of the Alaska Peninsula, KodiaJc Island, and adjacent islets; arid our kno«rledge of the bird fauna also is far fran complete. In connection with this expedition I would like to again call attention to the lack of good photo- graphs of the three gr^at volcanoes of Uninak Islarii at the end of Alaska Peninsula - Shishaldin, Isanotski, and Pograoni. It may not be practicable for Professor Griggs personally to travel far enoy^ wast to do this, but it might be possible for him to secure the cooperation of someone on one of the numerous vessels that pass to and fro along this coast. As I have said repeatedly before the Board for marry years, a series of -ood pictures of i 6S G» H# dm I \ these remaricable and strikingly different volcanoes woiild form most interesting illustrations for the Ma^zine. Very truly yours. \ Mr. Gilbert H. Grosvenor, National Geogr-aphic Society, Was ar^ton, D. 0. I f r '• f ».. » i (I \ \ i G3 N I 0 H T LETTER Washiii^jton, April 29, Mrs, £• 3. 0anv3ron, 4S4 Main Street^ Loiie-; Bsacli^ Calif* Matter in hands of Lsj-jd Office. TTiil ist you knXf^ct to ;;o to Oalifomia for the season the latter part of this week* My address until the end of October will b;3 Lafiinitas, liarin County, 'California* You are laboring under a misapprehension as to my position. I retired from the Government service five years ago, since which I have been conductirg sci- entific work as Research Associate. Smithsonian Insti- ll tution under the H. H. Harriman Fund. For the precad- Ing twenty.fiva years I had baen Chief of t^'^ Biologi- cal Starvey, not of the Smithsoni-m Institution* I arpreciate the serious nature of Mr. Came- ron'8 illness, but hope that the doctors will be able to reach the sjat of the trouble. If I c^ he of any as- sistance to you while in Calif ornia, you will of course let -me know. both^ With kindest regards and best wishes to you Very tr ly yours. *<• Mrs.^jS. S. Caieron, '' "^ 434 M?.ine Street, Lone Beach, Calif. ti c\ 77 I Milas Oity 02649.0228&1 "FS" SWII. A TJay 3^ 1915 Hon* 01 av Tallmarit OoTTimssionart ..... General Land Office, WaBhington, D. 0. My dear ^Ir: ■ Very iiiany thajika for yo-or letter of the Ist inst* returning corresrondance cf Mrs* Evelyn J^ Oaineron relating to the serious illness of her husband E«7en S* Carierontand ccnseq^ient inability to coinplete naturaliza- tion in order to perfect title to homestead entries. Miles Oity serial 02649^ and so on* You state that you have directed the local officers at Miles Oitv to advise entryman that the ti^e within which he may f.imish evi- dence as to his citizenship has been extended for a pe- riod of 90 days* I greatly ajpreciate your courtesy in this mattert knowing t-ie Oaraerons to be most worthy people. Thankir^ you for your axjtion in the matter. Respectfully^ • Af TELEGRAM Was^dngt/cn, B. 0. llay 5, *, r. iurs* . Caiaron 424 Maine Straelf Lonq Beach, Oalif* Tims for naturcdizaticn extsnded ninety days* '•aili/ig letter today* 0. Hart Merrifiun s^ '» 8Y May 3t 1915 i m^ The amll biar skull with big teeth (no* 82). ?r^^lch you were ki-xi enoiwh to send me a short time ago. I have just returned hy exfress prepaid and tr^ist that it will reach you in rerfect condition. As I wrote you T*ien it came, it is a most in- teresting animal - in -om^ raspectfl internediate hetween the Blacks and Grizzlier, in other rasi-ectfi diffarant from either* It has charactirs quite different from these of any livinp; bears, either American or JCurasian. With many tha:iks for Viq privilege of suidy- irjg itt Very tx^aly youm^ 1 ^ Ua Mr. Frank S. Daggett, lifcseum of History, Nciance and rjrt. Lob Anreles, Oalif. P. r;. I exi:dct to ro '■ o Oflifcmia this ^--ak and hope to SJ9 vou at so::>3 tv.Li'i diorin;', tha sjasor*. 00 00 36 d « », w' c\ f^O C. Hart Merrlam A I i1 h^ c May 4 , 1915 Mr. W. I. Ada IB, Accoimtajit, ^rnithBonian Inatitutiont Washington^ B. '-!• Dear l^jr. Adams: Ht3rQi»(rith I enclose my April arponse ac- count a^iiounting to $30.26, and the followlrr bills which I shall be obliged if you will kindly pay from the Harriman Trast Fund* I shall be still further obliged if you will kindly advance the usual $500* for field expenses, as I exr^ect to start for California in a few dajrs, to he p-one until about the 1st of ITovember. % Oalifomia address as heretofore will be Lafomitas, l!arin CJounty* During rny absence you are authorized to pay the usual, rental of $50 for -iy office apartment at Vne . Northumberland* Very truly yo^.irs. Accompanying bills: rJhas* J. Hittell • Skull of old male exizzlv from Calif. ^ ^ Henry Anderson - 2 Skulls of Grizzlies from western doming Office rental, T^e ^Torthimiber land for May with telephone i I $50.00 45.00 51.35 1915 Apr. 2 I 13 • 15 • 16 ■ 20 ■ 2S Mar. 20 • 23 ■ 24 30.26 Tha Northumberland, ^aahiiBton. D. >3, SubSe;i?iIJS ^rL'i^'S^™. Oalifornia item maniieapoilB Book Brchajige J^-emonfs Vtemoirs' Potomac filectric Power Po sn^i ^^ Hunters Servicee of /iJJvrS'^ ^°- ^l^^tric current Staniped envdlcpea Janivor -. A. O'Leary Books Houlton Book Co. llevada Journal of the Senate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 thirty- — twenty-six" <*^.\>^- 3 50 1 00 2 50 91 1 05 2 50 65 1 00 3 00 2 10 1 00 7 25 3 30 2 50 $30 26 •«^«ff« ts !l May 4. 1W5 •I ^'^ Biiladelphia, Pa- Daar Sirs 5 -j Haro^ith I an, sending you by express prepaid a ^acka^a containing one skin of a black bear and t^o ekir-s of white f « for tanning. Ihen you have finished th«n pleaae return to the following address: B. W. Nel- Bon (for C. Hart Merriam) Biological Surrey. Washington. D. 0. Please send bill to me at above address. Reetpectfully, £8 S3 \ May 5, 1915 Icuis Ball Seward, Alaska 'J "mitnroYTian InBtibi^non, Dear Mr. Adame: Hera is another voucher for bear skixllB recently received from Louia Bell, Seward, Alaska, amount- ing to $44, which I 77111 be grjaUy obliged if you will kindly pay in connectrion with th^* April account sent you yesterday* Very truly yourst 1915 Skulls: Ajr. 29 1 Adult rmxe Brotm Bear from ICenai Peninsula 1 " female • *" 1 Cub ■ 1 Adult ^nale black 1 • female ■ 1 Cab • Z Wolrerfne (dania^ed) 6 LyrrK: • 15 00 15 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 .75 1 50 .75 4 50 ^ Si ll' $44 00 >forty-four< -----no- — - 44.00 5 t ^^>^r-*s.^' ^8 85 May 5, 1915 May 5, 1915 It Dear IJlr- Olark: • Finally I have picked out and shipped - 4--u««o f^f tvie "bear skulls needed for to you by express those oi te filed bsfore my depart- ure for Califcmia* I am late in getting off, b^^t ex* pect to start tomorroir* Ify check for $2.50 in raym^nt of these is enclosed herewith. If I remember correctly, yoi;. once offered to make lantemi slides. In csise j^ou are still doing this, I should be greatly obliged if you will make slides for me of the following (all from your Yellowstone Park nega- tives): Feb, II Mule Deer 2^1, 1914 Rear view of t-ree deer closely bT:inched, ri'v « n a 22 26 n Feb, 23 II n on left Pour or racre in bunch, some showir^ ramp patches One showinr rump patch, at rifrht of middle; buck on left in shadow Mountain Sheep 1914 Group; ravn facing left " Ram on steep slope s'andinr in snow " Group, with ctirved road in fcreground J U ?eh. 26, 1914 " 25 " Antelope •^LookifT; Backwa.rd" r'our antelope feeding; one st&ndinp* one „ ly inr ^omi '• Fawn and doe. Please address ^o me at La::.mitas, llarin Ocnnty, ^::alifomia, where I s^iall ba in a few days* I a.ii sorry that we ^hall net see you at t^ie A. O.IJ. m^eetinfT. TfT^4-V V.^**4. ?,•-«-'«- AAi Very trul^r yours^ \rosjs->._ i Mr. \i P. ^arren. 20 Feet Caramillo ^t. , Colorado J^rrinrs, Oolo. PWj G8 May 9, 1915 i \i My dear Dr. Biting: You wjre most kind to answer iny letter a-bcrat the bear so pronlptly. There is evidently seme mix-up in regard to the TIareiatroyd bears. The polar skull mentioned in my previous letter is one of uirasual interest and I still hope it may he possible to l3am where and by whcm it was killed* I appreciate your generous offer of your skull. We should of course be glad to have it for the Museum. !jfurgatroyd is a mighty hard man to f-:et a let- ter out of. I am glad to know tlmt you may co^ie to Cali- fornia during the su raer. If so don't fail to drop me a line at Lag^anitafl, tellir^ me hem I can connect with you. With best wishes t Very tmly yours ^ K\ r « Dr. /rthur W. Elting, 119 Washington Ave.. Albany, !!• Y. i' 1 re 92 May 10, 1915 \ V ' j \ \ f May 10. 1915 Jainas L. Olark^ 1160 Southern Boulevard, Bronx » ^Tew York City. Mv dear Mr* Olark: */ Yoiir letter of t^-^e 8t.h inst, reaches me just a.9 I an closir^- -w office t,o start for Oalifcr- nia. As I am going today it is too lata to rick out ; o.<^di-t.icwca 5^ioiiio now. but on r!T}/ return abo^it t"h© lat- ter of October, I i^^hall >>j very f^lad t.o send you i jroang skulls wit^h perfect taath of p^;ch f»recias as you may need* I had sur posed that- vcu w^uited the form ani size of the skulls in aiult^s in addit^ion to the tð, and that t.he teeth mi^u^it be molded frorri s^ach as might remain in the skulls* T re^^et that I cannot attend to this now but shall be to^. glad to do co en .:iy rt^jturru With >>-3t vrighes. Very tnily yurs. P. S. !iy address u>^^il October will be Laf-unitas, ^farin 'Uounty^ Califor^i^* \ i i i if City Postaiaster^ Wasliin^ton, Dear Sir: Today I a-i l3aTinr with -ny faiiiily for Oali- fornia to be gone until -.he latter part, of October. I shall be; obliged tIier^?fore :f all letter mail ad- dressed to Dr, or ^Ir^^. 0. Hart Merriam.or ^liss Zenaida 1919 16th Street, or the IJorthuraberlani Apartments, 'lew Ha^rrp shire Avenue ^l^^e f crwarded to La^u- nitaB, ?:!arin Ooimty, -O-lifomia* I shall '-a further obliged if all package rjail and advertise^riente, iimga- zines, and -o on, he left at the ■ Northumberland Apart- ments, where they Till bo taken care of durir^, xccj ab- sence • Respectfullj/t . ee May 10, 1915 ^i[r. w. T. Ada^iB, Accountant, ?Tnithsonian Institution, Washington, D. 0. Dear Mr. Ada^^Ms: Unless notified to the contrary,, will you kindly send salary checks for Miss Gertrude M. Al- len and :i[yself to Larunitas, Pterin County, California, fran the -^resent time until October, including Septem- tor salary due the Ist of October* Tery yours. i I .\ I' i^e 95 i I* June 17, 1916 Dear Urn. Ow»ron: ««% Thanks for your lattw of the 12th Snat* this day reoelTsd. I am greatly pained, althou^ not unprepared to learn of your husband *8 death. His illiiesB was probably incurable. Ihat a pity it is for stich an ablo man and such a good and useful citizen to bd •tricken in th» prime of lifel His CMitribution* to the ornithology of Montana will roaain a noroiraent to hi« moiaory. Dr. 15.traer Stone and hie wif« were here a week or so ago and are probably still in California, but I do not know their present address. HoweTer I will write ftr. Stone at Philadelphia so that he may put a notice in the next *k3k\ thou^ I fear it will be too late for the Julynunfcer. Ire you goii^ to be able to sec ire title to your properly? In case of any trouble with the Lani Of- fice I woTild suggest that you write to Mr. Frank Bond, Chief Clerk, General Land Office, liahington. D. C., and tell him of your husband's death and of whatever diffi- culties may have developed in the way of completing your title. Mr. Bond is an ornithologist and came fron iyomii«. He is familiar with your husband's bi«i «aHr -»ui ♦.^^v ♦u^ n *. natter up nher I saw him last spring. I know he will be glad to do anything in his rower to help you. Ai the same ti.iK» I realize that the matter of nat.iraliza- tion is OTttside of his province and is something whicb neither of us knew anything about. If I can be of any further assistance to you you will of course let me know. ^9ry tnily yours. Mrs. S, J. CtBosron, Marsii, Dawson Co. , Montana i'. 4 86 1 if? jp B I If I ail • o 3 I s? S o • g 9l o o goo 9 3 % <>c '^ »1 Q 0 g o » ^ ■ • • "1 ** -S^'fio rg:o'»''-&-o I y- J^ «» K I ^•."*^ xiQ CO' ^7 ^ JO/TTrr gojjjj^ 5 - * !^V ^^ S" . ? W E I * '^ ^ S ^8 ^^ --'SV § 0 -^ Q 4 I ►1 o o 3 i Of § H g - 9 g. j / 'fi\ ^e Juns a, 191& \ Dmt Ur. Akeley: Ihon you cone to San Tranoiflce please let me know so thai I nay conneot with you at the Bzpoai* tioi\ and if possible ha¥#^ you out here for a weekenA in the country. Please send lae your San Fran- cisco addreas. Ify address for tha re- audnder of the seasin6 firet don laganitae Creak to Tocaleim, theme to Petaltna« Sasta Roem Ifcu* l§et %)rir«e. and the Petrified Poreet; thence to Call atoga at the liaad of fcpa Yalleg; and dovn the iml- ley to Rape City; thence neeterly into the MoAaina at a place in the Bedvoode called Sequoia Reeort, ahere ve apent the ni£^« Teeterday, flenday, we drove beck to Ifapa, thence ie Sonoma and north throu/^ Sonosa Tall^K *^ ^'^ through the paaa ie Santa Roaa, returning by Petalxva and San Rafael • If the bear work were in ahape to jnetify another aha«Qce in the near future^ I would go north to H:;eboldt Bay and the mouth of the Klaimtb - but thia will have to be postponed a Wia* luck did you have with Thowo^Ts? Hid the ranges of thd two f onw mxrk out as you had expectedt % \ \ / \ ,ti 101 Plorenca seams to be comfortably and pleasantly settled for the suroner* _ > » - How can we keep the deer from eating the tender fronds of the ferns about the' house ni^ts? Is e¥dr yours I Mt. ?emon Balloy, Qardiner^ Hcntana. <(' :? no iiir^ tw at> OP' ^L *": nx - ro^ OS •/Mfl ..w? * >J ^ ■{ sor .1 jm» a, 1916 ^' «^*%SSfklen. Sonoma County, Calir. ^aiuT Sirt 1 ha¥« b«en iirforned that you have in your poM*» the »knll of a gri*ily bew kiUad in So- noim Coun^ »on» years ag*. HU you kindly l«t ■• know if thia iB correct, and if ao, #ien and *»re tha b«ar «aa Ulladt > For aoms yeara paat I have been engagad .in & attdy of -Uie Big Bears of Sorth Irasrica with a Tie« t« tha pift>lieation of a roonoera]dt en the atibject. ?or 1*. thia jraason I am anxious to aea as niufxf skiilla aa poa* aibla, particularly of grf««liea killed in California* Tou may ba intarestad to know that in tha national liaa^ii at Is^ahington we haTa about twenty afculla of ^aaliei frcn thia State. Tory truly youra. H. .\ lU ni I sor ■•c \ /•*» Jim© ;!!« 1915 Dear Mto Gro^venor H IBien are yoa.And ttrsc ^rosveaor c^tuir^g t.o San Franc iaco? Pli^ase lat us know the ilat« as naarl^f aa you can, and al so yoJir hote-l a^ldres^ - Hfhan you have^scldad on. your stopping ,^ We hope you will b» ahia tc 8para us a waakend ^t^Tj^iia on t.hs coast as ^a are anxious tc take yoii !6nfl. Jibr^o>,i - (Jrosvanor ovar of the baautitjil Marin Ccunty hills and vlHay^o With bast wishes to you both, in itiich Mrso Ma^Tiam and Zenaida join^ Tarjr trtily yotirs, ^fi.W 'r..^ Mto Oilhart H. Grosvenor, national Geo/';rapaic Soco, Washington, D. Co ^•>"« Mit^ 1^0 r 103 1 Jvma 25. i''^^^ Dea2 Nolson: . , j^^X. for yc,.^ of the 17th i^t reca. ,aa. No I donH know anytiur^ afc-out a r.v^itain 3-1 on shiri f rL yo-.u- m:. of Utah. I do how.vor kr:ow al^ou- the 'oeai- aki^Ji. fror. Walker and Sor-^rviU*. a.:n an ,,i,-^,ty glad to .u Jeavb, aho t the hear ekrJlB that '^U be co!tdnf; in dvring *'^^ a*a«mer - the in- fomation a«ked for in iqy letter of Jt«e 7? I waa not mirpri sad "^^ "in •|iif»iiui|j._ that 0u like^j' t,o reach t^e cowt in the couree of yoru- •uz«er peraerimtion.? Knowir^ thai it idll be i:r5,^acticabl« for you to tak* yot»r usual ex- ercise ill Golf. we ha.e saved a few lilacs ^ ^ g^^^ ^5 to enable you to wor* up .m appetit.. Further-ore, Susie i a now in excellent health ^nd spirits aid would like you t,n accon5)any her over tfome of tJie Marin hilla and valley.- She }jas just retxjmed from a SOO-wile rm to the nnrthiwird. In conr.ectjon T»ith c^f forthconing lectures ba> fore the SuHner Zatic^ of the Urdvarsity at Calif carma I woidd like to say Boroet}dr.G «^o"<' ^"» bird and G»^-:e resar- vationa, t^ut find thart I h»ve not at hand copies of the publicatior^ in wiich these are diecuased. If you can send fi» ♦iie necessary literature in ti»ne tt» reach sae not later than JiJly 3.1 shall be obliged. If I ranienfcer ri^tly 009 of yoiu- raprints contained a mp showing the location of the various resermtiona. Zenaida joirji in kind refiards, but I prefer to let Blizabe^.h deliver her oim tnessa^s. As evor yours. Mr. He^ary 1. HmiaaKW. Chte^f Biological Sury®yi o % 1 li 9 I I f ! f o C3 rI f . r •t S o 8 f r e o o O 1 PC w if o GOOi 9 OS op ? - 5. 9» 0% 9 4 i I I s 9 O t3r* O C^ O g. ^ a O •-• i n tj c^ v-« i-» O 3- H^ 3. a 9 PB • c ►*• § < < • pr o CD O O 3 9 C ! ^ I - o o o .3 o CO o I 9 I e o C3 o a* P C5 O O 15 *1 « P * 80 r * 103 Jiine 23, 191*^ Juno 23, 1915 Kr. ImsBt P. lalker. Irani^ell ]u.a8ka« Dsar Sir: . Thank, for your leUer of the 2nd inst., jx^st forwarded to oe f ron Washington. I an ^ary eilad to know that you have sent H6 ttw bear skulla with data, as I aa. «oat anxiouB to eacure as m^ ak^dle a. poaaible of griz^y and brown bears during the preaent season* ha Boon as I h^ from the Biological S.^>e sent you from the fcithaonian Institution ai>out the first of July. I shall ha Slad to taka as roany ©rizali«8 **^ roach-backs and old n-ae black bears as you are able to obtain dtulr^ tiie rest of the season. Ifr/ address until October vdll be La(jin:tR8. Marin County. California. h-A skulls should be sent as V.efore, addressed: U. S. Biological Survey, Dept. of igricult'ore, Washington, D. C fery truly jmsrs. W. E. Spaulding. l^sci. Hawk Inlet. Alaska^ Dear Sir: Thanks for your letter^ which has been forwarded to me from Washington. I am glad to know that jrvou can obtain skulls of bears for i», birt I fear you us© ths term •brown bear* for the brown phase of the snail black bear. Brown bears proper are huge aniraals, bigger than grizzlies, from the nei^borhood of Lynn Canal north- westerly to Berirg 3ea» But neither brown bears or grizsdies are known from your island. It is for these largie bears (both brown and grizzly)/ thai I offered the hi^ prices previously mentioned. For i^ skulls of the sisall black bear or its brown phase fron the coast and TslandSyl will pay from $2 to $4 eacli^ according to sex, age, and condition* All specimens sliould be seciarely packed ar»d £ui- di-essad: U, S. Biological Svrvajfj Dept. of Agriculture, Wasliington, D. C. In case t}iey are sent by ejLpross they should be shipped charges collect; in case they are sent by parcel post 1 will re/ait the postage. I expect to remain in California at the above tt srr Mr. V. H. S. address until Oetol^er. whan I return to laahir^on, but I will be infonned as to the shipments of skulls. receiTsd at the Biological Sui4ey during ny absence. ▼ery truly yours. w I sir 117 CT. u o D • • « 1 1 O >% u o -I > 4 J a xj i' s o o o 8 1^ o I o ID I • 3 •r-l o CQ Tj V1 •r-i o o a •r-l 3 C •r-l 4> 10 c > 1^ to o .—I O I o 8 0 C .a p« <^ o a c ^ 02 Qi o t9 Q SI o -0 5 -5 u o 5 1 u c © OQ O o r-i © •f-f G 5 -^ U o a c •a 1? O a O «-» IL^ o o I c Itt u o •s i f-l o > o o g -a o o O O fit .r-l l 3 •ri o o i ■a fa t M CO o •r-4 o o 4> •:3 / / .'» J^na ^5, 1915 Bear VB: Ynnr l«t.t,er of the i7th inst. has arrived. »9 w«r8 fory glaA to hear from you and to know of th» f aterestinB trip ypu hate beon naking in the Saokatche^ wan countiy. «Mn you were in the Carlton Hcwse re^p nn I hope you picicid up one or ttfo topo+ypee of the old Richardson specie.. How aJ.oiit Lariiua efc:nh^tnr,'H^-» Hio LiUia^flitisift wan of course a migrant awl waa not obiaimbio At this season. It ia good tliat you were able to settle thtf Th<5- Q9ffia fitter by perscnal work and observatiorjs. but ^'«-'.i carefully avoidad telling rao whetJier the facts yon cbs- coTared agreed with your previous theory of the distrihu- tion of the allegiMi tvo fonzui. aiad you picked up a few of thoee big Qj tellug richardso2ii. It mist have been vd^ty interestir^ to look oter the ruiiis of the old fort^arvb to tran^ over ground 01X6 transped over by Sir. John Richardion. • . Did you pick up any infonuation about grizzlies while up thdre? It used to be a* great grizzlv country ac- cordirg to early accounts. As ever yours. err / 119 II Kr. D. B. Jtmo 34, 19X6 li Daniel Brown, B»qL*t Kasaan* JULaska* Doar Sir: }fy astaanad friend awi forrar a^iattuit, Mr* !• A* Prabla of the BiciogicHl SirTey, telle i» that if you haj^pen to he frae at the proeent tltse, he tiiinks you wivjild undertake a hear hunt for lae in the interior of British CoiuciSda. He Bays that you are in the hal;it of ttuiki-^ tripe irtth fack dogn and are therefore able to go into remote localities -^thout too great eiqpens^^ I aid anjdLoue to seovu'e ae mmy ekulla as pos* sible of grizftl/ bears, particularly adult bears of both i^ex^e, and I aia always glad to piirchase such 8peci!(>ens at £3ood prices. So if you nm across Indians or others lAio }iappan to ha^e skulls on hand« I shall be (^ad if you will kindly purciiaae the sanio for wem Should you care to Undertake the trip I ha?e in mind, I could pay jou at the rate of $175^00 per month for three r^nths, this enount: to cover every^^hii^ - yon pai/ing all your own expenses. The route I KriU loa?e alnoa^^ wholli^ to you. jjierely stati?^ ^.hat I }ia\'e a n^cier of ^izzly from the St lid Tie reg;leii as far inland as %i»> Dease Lake asdlSassiars» and two or tliree skialls fron th-i upper Skeena region_ int^li^ng Tatlatuey Lake» but •lothing frosa farther east in the interior^ I should be glad of additional skulls from all points alor4(^ ^^lie StikSne or Skeeaat but an especially anxious to obtain theca froa localities farther in the interior to the eastward. Ihether or not it would be practicable for you tn take the Stikine routa and penetrate to ^iie upper waters of the IdanLor to follov the Skeena Riter route and push into *iie interior as far as the Flnlaj or Parsnip and get out before it is too late, I do not know. We have no skulls froa the Babine or Tacla country or Stuart River or anjr^bore so far east. In addition to the skulls froia the interior, 1 an anxious to Qoi hold of skulls from the coast re- gion or lover courses of the rivers from angfifiiere south of Lynn CanaL^in southeastern Alaska or British Colaibia,anl will pay o>od prices for skulls from tiiis coast strip, provided the saiia are labeled for the locality where killed. You may know hunters from whcwn such skulls idAt be pTirchased. p % o?r 7 121 ■|! Mr. Do Bo 3 In cas« ^fou ar« willing to urdertake t.h# trJp nugg^dted. fc3il(wiri6 whatever roi.te sem^ift to you most likely to promiaa the best raaultB, pleaee let na know when you will start, what routa ynii plan to tak«, and where you ms/i yo.JT salary nant. I auppoae it will be iT3i;rauticable to conmct with you after you have left the settlementso I rsalisa that on a trip of this kiril you will have ail you cim do to bring out akiais, without at^u»ipt- ing to carry tne akins* I wish however that y^u would sa?* the front part of the fore paw with tlie long claws of each bear killed, and tie the sarae to the skull. &ch sbiii shorl4 be labeled with the locality wher^ killed* the salt date, and your own naiie* It is rot necesskiry to cl^^an the sk die, but the thick fleeh ard tonh^.'i aho^jad be cut off, and the brain ahr.vild be removea thru v^e hole in the back of the skrJLl^ uare be- irjg tak'^n nt t,o injure tiie bone. If you strike airy post officas along the way, any skulls wliich you raitjit have^if dry^ml^it be carefully wrapp-Kl and shipped by parcel r>o8t. Mwiay spent on poeiaGe will be refunded. Or if you have nppf^rtnmty, speclnene ciigjnt toe sent by express, charges collect. All shipciente / It. Do B. aho.ild be add-esaed: H. S. Biological Survey, Dept. of Agriculture, ¥aeJur,gton, D. C. I ejqpect to reisain in California until October, when I will return to Ifeshiugton. Specimens reacliing the Biological Survey during my absence will be properly cared for, and I will be notified of their arrival. Hoping to hear from you in the ^ery near future, ?eiy truly yours. % post office address until October T^ill be LagJ-uutas ^Mi^rin Covuity, Calif orniao l! -'1 s^r June 25, 1515 HudBon Book Jor^ g^^ Raw York City. Dear Sira: Thanks for your catalogu* No. M recently re- ceived. Fron this catalogue I aho-dd be Qlad to purchase the following: Dodge^ Col.H. Report of the Kipedit5 on of the th-agoon* to the Rocky Mts. dMnr)S 1835. W.OO M7 RubmU. Osborne. Journal of a Trapper or ^^ ,^ 199 Buschaam, J. Die Spur an der Axtekiachen Sprache ira nooralichen Mexiko 80 Haory, A. Travels and '^^^^^^J^ Canada 1 7.50 7.50 Tory truly yours. OtJ\»>JW< Esr 124 I / s 4 ^# 4^ 't. ^* Jan» 26, 1^15 Dear lir. Sloan*: 1^ aro sorry th&t you coiOd not cone today, but yoiar tiait will be appreciated j'ast as ^sell a week hence anrt the f enia will >>« » li**"!* »re ff-vma. So if you ^U '^e the train luen-.ioned, learL^iB S«tsalit* Ferry, aw yrancieco at 3:45 next Satnr > /i»;-o?>ri: •* § a 5. i • •i "^ .* AT I 3 2ll:f 9 8* r 4' »i- 8- •I SI o S7 8 M S? H H- 5 & 3 ft I O c^* • I ^ I & ^ r o II *> ^ Vi » m o ^ •'I I 6 *< IL 5- S f ft % s ? I sit en 4i r! £r 12o / •.V *^' -p - - ^ 0. ■ -» • •— V •""- 1 •*• c ►J* • «^ V ca k: i x, .:i .4, -m* Jmo 2S, 191^ § t; Saar Pwf «9»or and Mrs. Halli .^ . It i« %»• bad ttftt we new not abla to conwwt with you in tin* for the WnnRclo. trip, but we havo b«m buaj »i*'li cflopajnr and •otSar thins* not figprad on in tha ba- ^OTing. Hotwar, aa you aay, "^o «•••* wka a littia trip together somOThora somatiioa, ari I think we can arranea to »tdt your c<»wenionoa, barring certain «e«ltonla idian wo ahaU hATo coitiMuaQr. Uaara^la cannot fou both n:?i ont her a for a few daya wi^h u^ Siai^a U ih ff>pi health and would ba glad td tako'^y 90 •i.i 1< fe' *- I Jnna 26, 1916 Baar Ton ha,e boan in «y ndnd awar , "«oat^,,0.a.««atl^^jj^^ baan contiaoaUy «p,eti^6 to «^ ya, or^ritayou. But wa hara had ,« «ah o^i-panr and «, «i«y thii^. t« do «»t it haa bean iapractlcabla. *an are you and yoiurg gjji^g to your northam pl«ca for tha mn^ y^. tion? la aant you aU f or a weekand ■wan it will h««* -^i* ■ wiix beat amt your coiwanienca. ^^ I want to jaa you aooe day at your Office to talk baara. ■ith best viahos to you all in i*ich Ifrs. M. and Zwaida joij MM eror yoiirs^ .'• '* ►•. A *.i '• I.-:':'. ? c.":* Barkal ■arriaia. if. 1t% 127 ■» ^Jf',m3 tu. •*.* ** -1- ^ id ^Oa i-:,; SlTXi- i-*^ r* >** tr# V ? r*4 ,«^a -?nui evar ^-.M--^ <«••- ;« T »:•?? **>•'! ^ '^^'--^iJ^^i ► "T*""- «*^' *• S /* isr*- r :92 : t.^a V(5, ^«» '- »5^# y^jt 'I'Stfi h «a 50 */ruc> « '. } vjjif a.« - ». -^i-i't Cf'* t r-9^ ?.- * ^ ^:;c ♦irf ' .'**^ ICP^ ■» ^ :4-.*'2U-- 1^ ^• in ^jt;: «:>ro ad OTiT ^ S^^i^ifc; ta yc^r t nx , '^"^^^yji \ K. f » ^ « » _- r T' '-•-3 H'tii^vjr ?aoa- i.'-^Oi.'^ #?* E^l J-. -*, wh ^ a •!?«'5l.>Ed '^' i' rriU b.,5it . • — • 'J t iraut tc. r:.>^ rn >•> •'i'^ 'w •H'T' >\^* :u: ^V^. «. -•^- '» J ^ >«■ \-4.!V ?J^; if ti C^^ » t » * V / 4>- v:tUh Urz . H, i„< 7,-: Km avfo' j'.^-^re r-:^ ♦ 'j :*% ^ !-•> 't..^NS^.»i^ ^4?a4^ !*h /. • Or ig ina I Defective f 82 r A I I 129 if 9 Si 4» s J u o +^ o 9 ^ u I o s fa 1 '" Vi o § 9 k I cl ^8 •3 j; a 1 1 % ^1 r a o wu^* 9 •J ' ^ s * ^ s • «yi ^ / •• ^g* o --• •^^ •^ ^ Vi o O ^ >»^ ^ •s ^ ••• .• % ^ >>:'X V«:z: >> « i^ 3 r-l O 4^ 4^ r: C g^g t - :3 o c ^ 0! -ri ^ - • •>^ - 3 1 3^S § 1 1 V 1 f-4 • V • i!3 >» » « ^ ^ •^ fD a Ot o o -3 1 3 3^ 41 •a o t CO •r-l I •3 S June 26, 1915 J'- Cftlifomia luto. ieeoc., ^^ 1622 Van KesB Ave., -i.^ - San Francisco, Calif. Dear Sirs: ** f « ^ xi. Tour letter of the 25^i^ in»t.. .igned D. Rut^er^ f or^ notified me that a copy of the Blue Book recently purcl^ed had been sent, m hy fell. Fargo &pree». There beir^ no e^rees office at La^taa. the 1»raon to ^<^ I paid the v^r^y afiread to aerd tixe bool. by parcel poet. • -^ ^ + T want to San OeronifflOf th, n«a-«ti «,^. om«, «»i th.r. found it. Bj: th. «y. *« i» r.w««iW. for th. ™j. ^ r«.t,. siwn in t^d. tookt th. <«rf..i«» «» *>• copied b, *J.. do«n. For m.t««. no road i. ^o™ • l^„e .,0 ta.m.M. a point«l by h.n>dr«»» "' J, M.i)1«' - s*i ro«d ahoiB to Troiiron »utM OTor;' wok. Heitlisr .s^» r »" _ ..v, . *^ch luu. !.,«. «o .w^h u.»iJor th. ,-t r«r. S.i*or i. ther, «., i»lo-'-°» »^ *« -"•"•»* "•* *'°t " 1,» to P.ta-^or fr« «**.r Solod- or H'"^'*''^*' ».,i. ^her. «» i.^o»tl«> of«^ro«l fro. Jolon to ^ totonio lli..ion ^ 3^ta I-i» '•»^- «>••»" ^^ »"• -, ...,^ nthm in othar part, of th. rtat.. I 1 osr 4lt4 On pae» ae is a cb.rflctorj' of tha QmkiformtL Garaee and HspainauR's Aesociafcioi, but no infonKtion ia gitan as to Oie 'jiiies in «hich the various street addrassea are Icoajusd. . f ery tnlj jours. 1 t r » ^Zrf rS . -• jt '' y \ It Q JiB)B 28, 1915 Saar Ur. Pearson: 131 p" Tour iotiar of ths ITth inst., the slides, literature, and check have flrrived safaly, for ahich I ara yeiy ncch obliged. The slides are very beautiful and I shalll be glad to retain them permanently, for which I enclose check herewith. (30 slides at 80^' is $24.00.) k letter jurt received froei Professor Bieber, Dean of the Sucmsr School, informs me that my four lec- tures wiU coiae on July 6. 7, 8, and 9. Ihis is entirely aatiafactory to me. ... I sill opan the couraa v5th a atatenent of the objects and ac©on?)li uhments of the Audiibon Society, and will distribute the literature you have siq^plied for that purpose. I an glad of the information given in yotir let- ter, and sill of coutm speak or the splendid educational work you are doii^ in your Junior Auiubon classes. In this connection however, you doii>ti««0 realiza that your leaflets and colored platei^ alao the book« of reference you recoRDsnd^ ralate alHtost azcluai vaLy to eastern apeci es. Nevertheless several or these species have closely related be glad to have the^ mwere Eoch di .appointed that you were not able to vieit where at Lagunitae ' ^ "" The n«xt tiraB yw UB by* J* \ \ Tery truly yours. / I Br. T. Gilbert Pearaon. • t^^. National Aeaoc. Jbdufcoa Societiea, ' 1974 Broadwiy . Hew York City. ,*•»■ • 4 13^ ^• June 29. 1915 Ifr «. T LfioPifi Accountant. • '• ^UnSi'JS In»tituliOiu Bear Mr. Mans. «p<»Be aceoutft .. +« *« 44 and three Toucher. lo. ^ *uu. (B. V. un,. w« ^j^ 1 ,h.m^ *- «14.00; «. A^^^V ft«r. *8.0»n * ^^ •^ ♦>!• lfa.Y account, l5»*t were re- .hould hate accoi*«>i«l **^» "^ "^ v r««ni«w $3.» , * «r«i from the Hudson Book CoBpany. *^^ ceiled too laf - - - ^^ ^^ ,,.^. ^,.oo. ... other .or r^^ ^^ -^^ ^^ ^_ _ . IkiriiK the moofJl oi June ww "• -ii^iii ♦-^^ in Alaska, Tukon Territory and Brxtr all the poatnaater. in Ataai*. ^ ^^^^.■. vear akulla Col«i>ia in the hope of obtaininB additional hear ak needed durinc the preaent «»aon. Tery truly yours. C. Bart Iferriiun I«»»itas, Marin Co., Calif. 1916 June 4 • 11 • 12 • U 19 20 20 2Z North w«) stem Paftific R R » rrsi.e * ^' ' ^^^bb on copy Isaac Upluua Co. - Tainslpais xmo a3n%aracrer-Frey 8tatios«rv Po - iu t^x* Trip ^ouA Sjka Si2^*gaSS; ^5 H^Slrall J?! J^u,,tain. between Mark iJstSd^SiSfJ! ^*^*U^^^S^ ^^ ^3-00 Half ^t^. Sequoia Resort; Napa Toucher 1 2 Janitor - Office apartmenC, Horthusfcerland thirty-eie^t- 4 5 6 7 — -f orty-f our»* - 26.44 9 96 11 49 26 1 50 6 50 1 1 2 2 1 SO 50 50 00 36 44 n IV ^.>Ul2! Esr i\ 136 B. ?. Lilly Blue, ^ A izotni Robert SoiimHrvill« June 25 * 1 Scull of yourg w^izzly fron Arizona 7 Sculls of Blauk^oars^ ^ m fi„, 2 SulU of Black Baar Cube Urai wrfact) f:B8 5 £0 17 2 00 Qardixer, Montana 1915 June 25 1 Covote Skoll ■ Black B«ar Skull Boachback Skxill 1 1 00 SOD 00 i, » ■; #24 50 -twenty-four- •fifty $14 00 24. SO .fourtaan no 14.00 <-. >«J^v^ >*-^ \£,\ / / II. Abbott Frazar idbuiy 1915 Jun* 7 4 SkiiJ" o^ ®1*°^ ^^^^ ^^^ ''^ SnglAnd $2.00 8 00 $8 00 •aighb' 8.00 eer 1 139 June 29, I^JIS \ \ ii 4 Dear Mr. Pearson: » - Ihen writins you yeaterda- I irmd not «^ned the slides carefully. On looking th«a over this mornii« I find '^^- ^^^rs in .he nunibers. ?he ono of a flock of La-oeliinp Gulls standing on shore is num- bered 18. idiile 18 on your list c^ls for the Least Tern. Tlie slide however is a good one and I am j^lad to keep it. The other case is that of the Black aclrrmer, of which there are duplicate slidca from the sane ne(5t aTi lith kindeak regftrds to you all. As ever yours. Alanieda, Calif. r^r 142 June 30, l'^^^^ 1/ June 30, 1915 ®^ Water DepsC"^*» Water Re{P strar. Dear Sir; ^ -^ t^^i^- fH^» for your l.-,er ol the 23rd xnat. :.r warded from xrj WaaUagton axidrwe. • In accordance ^i*h year 8UggaBt,io« I ahaiJL be obiisad if you will ha., the water supply at r.f liouae 1919 - 16tn Street ^discontinued ..t the stop cock ^oox m 'the street ^mtii notxf io.tion: of ^/ return to the c.ty, ^ch will probably be at.out the end of Octnber. l«px S^'^L^^ Agency, 1823 Fourteenth St.* Waahin^on, D. Dear Sir: G Replying to your letter of the 34th inat. wcdd atate that if ,qr car were in WaaJdngton ,*.«r. .«« could yourself install the vaporizer. I should be diapo.ed to purchase one. but as I am apendixje the sunner in the ccmtr./ in Calif onua. and am not a mchiniat. I do not know of ary practicable way to have the thing attached. ^ r e^r Jidy 1, 1915 Prof. G* H. Rieber, Dean &2niiidr Sassion. Univaraity of California, Berkalay, Calif. Dear Profaasor Rialar: Thanks for your latter of the; 26th inst. talline na that ray foxir lactiiras will coiaa on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, July 6 to 9 inelnsiTa. But you omitted 'o state the hour. In cQBQpiianca with your request for the sii)- jacts of each lecture, I am enclosing the saiw herewith. In the past I have >iad so many slides ruined by hot lanterns that you will paoxlon rae for expressing the hope that yours will not be of this kind* I tr^ost also that the operator will have had enou^ expHrience to hajTdie iblidbM without waste of time, as I shall have a rather large nivber* If you wit! kindly notify me of the hour of the first lectiure, I shall be greatly obliged, and will go down in time to call oa you before the lecture* f«ry truly your»^ 144 f1 MAMMALS OF NORTH AMBRIGA a*. C. Hart Iferrilun Ondar tha AuspicsB of tha Natioml Assoc, of Audt*o„ Sociatia. July 6 July 7 July 3 July 9 Birds in their Halations to Ibm Tha Fadoral Bird and Gaoa HesarTations M^^^als: Principal Groups and Bconomc Relation Diatribution and lEgmtions of Birds and Ifarwa; ProtactiYs Coloration and other Adaptations of Birds and Matnuals s^r ii^^^ 1^ CvJ :^ ^^ » 4 .^ i o I 4- I 8 ^ I ^ O a g" 'a o as I 1 i • v^ '3) o o I VI •r-» 9 A* ^ I-* ^ 40 0 tH P'> e> .«4 o ^ P!» t5 ►fH >'^ •S •'-» •3) m -^ -s V4 M ^1 © I I § ^ o #i-« 2 » ^ r:^ r « -Q; •••l a ^ %^ '^ Ht -.-i .?- 8< ►tI 4> I g ^ » -P. .^ ^ £} g $^ t^ >r-| i 146 'i S! CM • • •€ O r-C § «> 1^ ►^ a -w m s fe § •rH od i* 9 fH r-4 0| J3( OS a> v« ;3 ••-4 -a ol ••-* I 8 -S -3 •5> * ^ 1^ « ^ 5 >» «» V| I jca ^ a u ^ ^ -^ €> «£t § tsQ •3 v« ^ ^ gp I -8 O -fH ^ ^ § 1 fc e P« -*9 ^ s g *« s tsD r •« CO ^ 5 .. S rH V4 i-i :d l)D ii .S o' cd •3 o •r^ 4 I * I 1 O » s^r to o 0 m s O 9 4> o 8 > i . t i «2 o o .f-4 -- -a 3 B a u 9 (A o o I in S O u o O X5 f-4 -r-i g, '4 O :3 o 5" 1^ CD l4 o c O rH He o o O o o I r-' c c I gi ^ 9 at > 3 o o •a I t I, 1 o n 35 f 148 Julj 5, 1?I5 Shidf^ Biological Survey, Dept. of Agriculture^ Waehington, D. C. Detvr Henshaw: tsr}'- mariif thanks for your proflrotriaBa in reapO!5dirig to my raauest for litorat.j-a on the bird mA xmimaX re&orvations* The docuni©nt5 oanie last ni/iit and contain ;ust the infonoation I was seeking. With i^BXij thankftp and hoping to see you here iater^ •^ Oft sit 00 o i o o o CO I i> c £ r-l o -43 :s oB ^ -p ?! -IS o Vi > s ■t .1 J ^ o •CO hO o • e o o « Tery truly yours^ ii *l i 1 1 149 r 1 r i I ^ la I it i I 1 « I s I i } A I a 1 I I I I I? ^ I 0 o # I s r li 8 « 4 .9 4 ^ -I •: I 1 1 / ^1 r t M osr g V4 tp O C lO to ^4 I I % 1 4 (H S' i O PQ •b ^ •g 11 -a • rH ;4 o it $ >» » S 9 o 53 ••-• J3 u * ^31 ^ 1 3 I U -r* ^ I t 4 J 8 ^3 p vi >> IH > -P. t5 Ik« I 43 -p rH £5 8 a is m ^ ^ p« >» tf 5 ^ 1 I s s :; -a IP O Tl ^ a s I I i ««4 «^ Pt •S $ §r -S Coo lis uo ©•#-• i\ 152 rar I K I ' 1 Jvay 14, 191^ Ur H£J^ \i !S!?'Siia Ubr^TT. .»"*°l&if. ju.t arriW.' Th. notic. or th, ,xc«„ for »uff.>.W . . ,.,.,^1 -.articidars, arid ai-^ returning it I have charged in several . V. ..w^tv, Tie onl^^ uncertainty so far ae I no. Icnow to you herewith, ^ne oru.^ u» -■ _^ ._. +ui. ^' -u „„iv-^ T will ascertain thi a is as to the distance to he T»al.cM. I «lii aso ■ „n,n,5r.^ frca Miss Alice Ba«twood and phone you, so tomorrow laomiRg iroci Kt»» "-»' that if fi^- ^^^'^ i« ^°^ ^^^* y"" "^^ '^' "''" necessary correction^ Toiu- miggeB+'i^^ to walk lro:n Mill Valle- up * • r.AM.¥ unit an outfit of Calif f^mia hikers but the mo-.iRtain nagjit s\ui. an ou.xiu i, out of the ciuestion for the average eastern .oologist, aul would he i,^racticahle in the time at our disposal. I have added the/ound trip fare ao that those #10 plan t« make tb^ .^iirsion will not expect free irar>»portatioxi# levy truly yoiirs, , m jn*.^^i« at this end of thm liwa >>u% if J^* ^irinn»ll,in charge of the Miiaeiira of Ver- tebrate Zoology, think? proper. I shouid be glad to borrow ^ few as you suG^N*^ I will speak to hia *>nut it and >nll then arrange with Mr. Storer. ) t V / 1 1 ■r A» i i i ^ . » 1 i. i ^ SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 SXe^RSIOK FOR ZOOI^tISTS to m. TB!ALPAIS AND MfJIR lOODS Tnis ejccursion will be in charge of Dr. C. Hart Ifex-rSass, of tha Snithsonian Institution. Mt. Tamlpais is of opeciai interest to biolo^psts becaitse of the close re- lations 3x1 sting between its fauna and flcara, and because of the rsversai of the usiial ssqience of faunal aonas as found on most itountains. Menfcers of the party may provide their own iimch, or lunch at T&maipais Inn. The walking trip will co^ar about 5 sales* Take Sauseilito Ferry, lea^in^ Ferrj'- Buildin^r, San Francisco 9:15 tlL At Sausalito board Mill Valley train, reacMng Mill falley 10:06 Ki. At ?ail Valley take Mt. Tanialpais Bailway tc stiiridt (Taiaalpajs InA)^ whance the party- will walk wejt^rly alor^g crest of ridge to Rock Sprirg aiid thence to Muir Woods. Returrdno, the paaty will leave Muir Woods at 4:40 PIL reacliine: San Francisco at 6:35 PM. from San Fr^cisco ^ Round trip tickets should be purch^sad^to Taioalpais Iizn aid Muir Woods. Cost. $2.90. t^ ear 154 ^ «• a I & ^ ^ I II 1 »«-4 .^ 8> rC *r« Pf 2» i g I -g I I M f>% Nl 1^ o 1 S '3 ri4 O i fm 1 P« I 8P Vi -P a5 u ^ w P4 • c: -a s i3 CO g S o « ^ tt Sf !S 0 '^ "I ^ :s s 1 i «H 4> i I ^ If J •l> tr 0 CT* r^ a I ^ & .-^ f iS^ 3. n •-a tr* 1 1 • f -W- 1-4 fir* <&. <^ o e- •I ^ I 0 S- -^ ifr* '# 1 I I 4> ^ I I S. % 1-1 -P 3 S ^ 1 :i 3 SI ^ -r rc: ^ CQ 0t 4:: I • / ] « 4 I 1 ^ i 1^ 4 »1 <# § Sr "^ ^ •c5 ■^9 t s ? ^ Ik" ^ ^w f**- %»* §» » F al 5 <♦ 4 d^ Mt *i § •<*. a i t rr. n- I ?• s- s s Sr it- £. lot * s •« - ^ ^ a ^ ^ rjy "* ortaiA In order to freeze you out of Oregon. It la goed that you learned thd trutlw about ^pmonya MpoidfiS i" *i™» *'* atraie^ted the natter out in your reviaion. It is good alao that you have bean able to color in the tones on four qiadrangles ^ of the Bl»te Hountain shesU.. And you found the fcest of a Solitaire at 6500 feetl laa thia in Canadian or Hvidaonlan? md you have time to Tisit the lallosasY If so 1 hope you ^thered in that oountain liop who played us such a shabby trick many yeara agp. Keep a shaiT lookoxxt for gri««ly skulls ^ierov»r you are. and inquire of all the old himtere ymx neet. T»ll them 1 am iiaying » 0>od price for grizslies. especially ■ » old Rial as. Of course you can trap all you imnt to in tha fbtrk, but will not be ahlt to do any gun hunting* 1^ On-ib^ist 7, the day before Florence** birth- day, r am to take^ party of A. A. A. »• «oolog: eta to Tamalpais, walking from the Inn to Rock Springy and thsnce down to Muir Iboda. Ush you were going to be along to operate your illuminating cerebral physiology on the life zone coiflplications ^p*iich I am expected to elucidate. Coulter is now giving two courses of botanical lectures before the Sunmer School at Berkeley. Yesterday we went over there by invitation of the Halls to meet the Coulters at lunch#- -*-^*- f^ ^ — *^ '^ '^ ^. ^ Let us hear from you once in a #dl0» As ever yoiu^s. %br. Vernon. Bailey, Gardiner, Uontana. ^sr 158 July 16, 1915 Mr. T# Gilbert Paarnon. 1974 Broadway. Haw York City Daar lfr» Pear boh: Laat weak I daliTorad the lactiiiraa you arrarieed for befora the Sunaar School at the Dnivaraityo I 8p<^a of the aima of the Rational Aaaociation of Audu- bon Sociatiaa, the good work it la doings ertphaaising the adi)cational work, and diatributad a cona?derabla num- ber of the oirci]lara you aanto A few children and a larger ntui>ar of adulta apoke aa if they wotdd undartaka to or- ganisa Junion Audxxbon Claaaaa. Ihether they do or not you will know in the near future* The lactiu-aa ware aat for the atening in- ataad of in the daytiiaa, and the audience waa rather dif- dferant from the one I had ejq;>ected - aa a ^ole they wanted to be entertained rather than inatructed. Wi«h thia in ▼laiw I modified ray talkf rnaterially. A armll percentage the audience caraa to aak queatiaaa after the lecture and ahowed intellige>it intereat in the aubj^ot* 11 th beat wiahaa, Tary truly youra^ 1974Broadway, July 16, 1915 Mr. Ro Inceraoll, (roadway. New York City^ Dear Ur. Ii^raoll: Ihanka for yoiura of the 7th inat, and for the alida has juat arrived in perfect condition. Vith beat wiahea, ?ery truly your a. V '>-A '^ M •i II ! f est 160 July 17, 1915 •r*# John W. Maillard Ksq. , 300 Front St. , San FranciBCO, Calii. D^ar Mr. Mailliard: '^ Thanks for yoiirs of tho 15th inst. I am vary glad to know that the release has been re- corded,and that there is no trouble about the title to the prop©rt3f I purchased here last fall. With best wis}ies, Very truly yours. 1 o JVC o !-•-«• § s 9 Qi o •^^^ o o o o & a OB O 91 S 3S o o 0» 3 o § 3 O »— • 9 OB O s* B. e o o 5- of o • 0 ct- O o ct- ct- p. a s. or- O o o « pa «B 9 «> 3 •^ ft o a o ►1 «-9 9 f3L i 0 5. ct- PL QB 0 § 0) 0 P- »-^ ci- ct- >1 :3- p. OB Qi i OB O 0 PL o pD a QB c*- 9 » '^ o »-< • 1 ^ ^ I— p. o CO Ct- O o o o 9 OB « t-^ Oi (j» 1 i i ct- c»- o o (g o o ct- • • s H O f a OB m & g 2? 8- ct- >-> o ►1 o «? s CO 8 s (i^ P» 9 c^ I 8 o J? SB e o 8 - .a P 01 ►55 a ct- ►1 c* ft §» ct- I c^ 3 o o cr §• t s. C^ O O 0 c- <& 5- O fe "^ g. o C^ 03 o P- o 3- O o to 01 rar 162 »** Julj %9. W« '^^ Alaskft. *am # ^ .5* !)•«• ^''- ,.,.„ of «)• 8th inrt. jM* _^B«*. for y^ ^•"•' ;' ,.^i^ uu«l.r got that th.r. i. a B»K InX.i » thi. 'I"*- •^ 1 .„ «ry sUd to .«ur. for .«r»l * ^- .«Mk and shall \)e plaww* .a« the 8kull» you have already s«*. and ahai ^ «+v-r h«ar BkuUs afc you are abla to to purchase as roany other he^ a.^ ^^ I s«^ you th. get hold of d.a-inG the present year. ttuHl I "J ^ • + „«+ 4 1 rmr r-etum to l^ahingtott «on^ for these now, or wait until r.^ .« about the end of Octoberl ,. ^,« A. to -cull, of other aninala: I would give ,a each for four h«:.e ^ four do-. aM SO^ to 76^ ^ L ^ S.U11S of header.. ^ the sane for lynx. wol,en«a. and fi slier. , ,.* ^.,^ . Ploaw l.b.1 aach AM -ith tb. locality *«r. UUad, ao that th.r. «U ^ n. p..-biUty of c»« ^v it island akulls with mainland skulls. A few additional tags are enclosed herewith, and more will be supplied if you can use them. ▼ery truly yourf. I *l - i ; 1 I , f 1 J i 1 ; • _«4 ' \ ♦ - I 4 £3r I, 164 July 19, 1915 Gtoodrich Rubber Con5>anff San FraxKjisco, Dear Sire: - _ About a week «eP I »«nt you from Thayar (Ka^«. San Rafaal. a gil.ert<«m Cord Tir. (36 X 5) for repair. Bub i. one of the «.t of ^iT. tires on #uch I cro««id the continent from Waahingkon. »• °- ^^'^ ^^' ^* ^ had raore wear than any of the other four, and I shall he oblieed if you will pit it in as good condition as poeai- bl«i and return it to Thayer Garage. San Rafaa. as e«ly ae practicable* Kindly notify r» of date of ahipoenU Jmrf truly yours. M\ o i m g s E i 6 s a* o i o m n I s s s I' 'r* r o o 1 1 % I I* % M Q • O i m p. ^ 3 i :8 ;i b: §" ED M 9 r 8 3- p y^ a ^ gr - P N t O s- o 9 o I <» g* !-•• <♦• I o o I a* •-% o* •c5 ^ g r I-* « a «5 - 8- ^ P* p ^3- O O M» P (» 9 ■ i O s g •3. 3. e o o •-* •-3 I o 3 ^ < I? r p * 9 i (I 'U 53 r »> July 27, 1915 Mr. 1. W. Nisbet. 12 South Broaanay. St. Louie, MO* Daar Sir: Thanks for your catalogue No. 137 Juct received. Fi-om this catalogue I ahould be ^ad to pirchaee the fol 1 owiTig: 2. Condition of Mission Indians 3. • • Reservation " 5., Granting of lands to landless Indians 6. Indian Hostilities in Calif. 7. Indian Service in Calif. ^^^ 8. Indians West of the Rocky Mts. 10. Letter frcMn Secretarj of Treas. 11. Memorial of No. Calir. Indian Aasoc. 12. Mission Indians in Calif. 13. Moapa Indians ^ , 15. Relief of Certain Mission Indians ^ 16. Report of the CorwiBsioner of Indian Affairs 17* Sirvev of Walker River Peservation Vary tnily yoxirs. .25 .50 .40 .20 .20 .40 .20 .75 .30 .50 .40 .75 .50 \4 ri \ 83 r J^»l7 ?9, 1916 > V D»ar Dnc^or St.»pii«i8: %ain th« FaW'ar«» agdnrt as. •re axpaoting for this weekand ail^,,^ H. flrcTenor «d ^t^.snd tm dai^fr. from *^:ailn6t<«. lir. arc V-aor S. editor of tha National. G«^,phie Ifee^^ra and dir9c«»r of the society^ Ihen the whol., of ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ up with the meetim ojt. f^-. i- -x ^ ^ ^ . the Anerican AsBOciation for thm logical « ^ '''*''• •'^^ •^^^«™»<*i'»ir of tJielio- *>city of the Pacific, and on the Tth I • to " ***?' an oxctjraion of aoolociBtii ^An» ti.- . * « ^ . «wogiBT,8 Along the crest of Iac»l- i«i» aikl thence down tn Hjir lbo«i». ' '" ""- ' . land, us at Soiida, the 8U,. irfter which I would be free hu.. for an i'^e«ii^ ^^, ^ ^,^^ date. Urn. S. H. Harrinan has written « that ehe and aL™' TJ^^ ^'' ^" ^^•*- ^«* ^^ -o^' -«tio„ Tl '^..iMe for ^ to ^ «^ ^,,, ^,^^ ^^ lit L" '''"'" '" '*•'" '^ ^'^ '^^' ^y *^^«. -- Will l*i you know ju.t as won aa I learn «,f i,- « A leam aiqrthing woro definiti 167 Bub I Aotad feel yerj badly if you held back on our e^coxaA any of ymur plana or arranemwAa for other f rieiKjl*- W^«^. eo> a^eok*^ *1^' ** ir«re not coming and let. » .^now i*kt days yon will haTO free after, «;:,. tho 9th, l^'^^^l^ I ^^ '^*!» t"" ^'^***'^' on lear-ing more def inite'^y *'*"* ''^ »• ^• Another thing:' .^•^ *.?^ ^ '^•^^^T ^"^ ;relo^m«;,5 on a^carq,ing tHp «^^^, «« - i"-* » li**'^* ii^iit'Xr^ place.' i;«,e laUeF caae « "^^t >,• ahls r • to w>rk In the trip between times. It was a pity yow and your faiSP^y "ff,^" ^"^ fir. r-f ^»•" f-riiii :!>".'--.^- i-'.' r-:T--'-fc'i--i .= -vo-j ■■v^jokinc for- awaj the afternoon you called her^,. , « *r» Ao *> • ^« vi^ :.:,„. > ^f..i-.."""^ vard to Wtter luck for next tine., ^ of a fine adult srt««ly from tae Canadian Pacific Company ' one i had been on the tr^l of for some tiwe^ 1 .../ tw^^;,. ... . .3|^*^,^ ^^-^^ ^^^ y^^ ^j froaall of us. JS. ^^-. • r Is ever yoTirsj, ■• ^ . • ■v^"' l.»- i»'l ear July 29, 1916 • / « '*■*;■'•/ Hr. tearow Braia. Mctim OhaisnaR, Mr. Rraok Bond, leting Sservtarj, Qef^rt^iic Boaitl, _ • ' k^ i • •- r ;-i ^ » D^ar Sirs:, Totir l«tt«r d«t«d the iSth inst., and trans- ■itting a copy of a R#part to the Presidant aaking f or an appropriation for l^a Boards has jast rsaohsd I haTO read the sam with scne oare» ■ ■ • . . ' --■■<• ' . . • _ > I quite agree with you in respect to the aat* ter Mntioned in yenr lettert and ivonld add that in all Blatters inrolTii^ a new appropriation it seews'to no thO' wisest policy is to begin by askix^ for as nail a son as will, suffice to oake i|. beglnniogt ^^ ^^^ ahead slowly. Ihis opinion is based on soos forty years of eiperieoce ;•«■*.'> with Qo¥emsont catterst during twenty«fiTe of #iich I was at the head of a Qoverjusiit Bureau. In cflT judflwant $flOtX), or at laoat $6000, womld be acqply sufficient for the first year» and would-be less apt to incite opposition* A splendid beginning could be made in this way, and by letting it be understood that there was no intention of pushing for rnpidly increasii^ appropriations, the chance of gotting iriiat we warA would, 1 think, be mrich greater. . 1 169 I .. Bef erring to the Report, it occxirs to rae that it fld^it be better to strike oict at the end of the laiddle paragra]^ of paga z the followii^ words: Nhose own de* partiaents or bureaus were willir^ to defote the necessary ti«» to thl« parpoae." . ' ' " ' ' ' ' On jmifffi * th6 Edddle paragrafih tdf^t b«.,Qoitt«d to advantage, I t^iiric. ' f ary truly yours. -.^* .• -f. 1 i»» -^>*^ ~" 1^''^-^ h'^ ,> i\ ,v^?^^^-^ -''? '*:m^ J- /«;»vc f , r*^. T t^ ;i: •^^ « — /%n>- e ]^ sd^f s the par^ of? Oeiiiiher will • '. » r J •C n' i- -^J^ -I . -^ *. ^ 4 tf \ t < .;->;&. , ^ ; ^ - >f^-c.r. f ^ f *-1j'c '^'^/'U h'.-wSJ . ■ IV'' ,-♦ ♦< K » 1 .-%••.! /* ■jc^ »• • l-» • ^ ^* c »«* >r ■» ^♦.; :J:v»,. ". * r J V' V -^;."^ J \ ,: Original Defective \\ 0\\ ti'^r * t *^- % il CV . July 29. 1915 - . . .- . - i • . . 3954 BLlig k^.\ Ghica^, Ill« 1 ar Ifa-s. Butehison: .;H''-X -^u I l«ti0r of the 3(Hh Ixist^ would sa/ that your siatar is corract in r^ard to a book on ALaai(a binia publishad by th« indnbm Socio^. If you will writo Mr. T. Oil- bort P^arten, «TOiwta»7 (tfstHftTWtib^ iesociation of iudiiboVr 8odSo%i«i0j 19^4 '^»''tf'r>.i,r»T -/ Broadway, New Yo-k City, ha will undoubted- ly take pleasure in sendlr^ her a cojij of the book in qxiestiozu Tary truly yours^ ^ . 1^.?S^ ^^^x.^v-^ -3L « % I i»- r^r 174 • i Jxjlj 29, 1915 Hudson Book Go 25 West 42nd m.. New York Citjr Brewster Traamort Co., Banff, ^ Alberta . Dear Sirs: Bef erring to onr Gorrespondence conseming the skiai of a grlsssly hear #lich ym had loane* to the Canadian Pax^ific Railread Cttapany for their exhi)^. at San Franclsco^and subsequent letter addressed to Mr. R. R. Bnice in chwge of +,he exhlMt, asking hira to tiirn th« skull over to n» iTi person, l|w>ld state ijm.%. yesterday I secured ttie skull, i^hich I. m very /dadt %fi have, althou^ the basal part has bean injured. I have prepared a voucher for thi« skull amoimting to $8.00, a check for i^ch will be sent you by the aaithaonian Institution shortly. Shotad you ob- tain ai^y nore grizzly skulls, I would be very glad t« purchiMie tjie same. Respectfully, 1915 July 14 Russeli, 0. Journ«d of a'Tra^mr, or Nine Vears in the Rocky Mts., 1R34-1843 .* BuschiSnn, J. Ke Smrm der Aztekaschen Sprache HenryrAr?rfviS'Snd Sventures in Canada. 1809 10 00 7 50 7 50 ■V $25 00 -twenty-fi 25.00 e » V»^ :*^r-i » avr I 176 Jnly 31, 1915 I C» Hart Merriam LagunitM, Mario Cq,, Calif. lfc*» W. I. Adajf!is« Accoiintant, f^thsonian Infit?tiitioii, Waahintston, D. C* ' ■ • ■. Daar JJr. Adams: • . * ■ . ' Eeravith ia cif expense accoiait for July amoimtinG to $19.93, together with a voucher to the rfcid son Book Coiqajr^y for books amounting to $25.00, ar-d on© to the Brewatar Transport Coapany for tt gri zzly bear skull amounti;^ to $8.00, wluch I shall be obliged i you will kizidly pay from the Harriraan Fund. Very truly yours. n 'h 1915 July 15 • 15 7A ^ • a* • 24 \ " 26 ►;,., Voucher Marsh 4 Co. - 6 rolls f ilm; ''l kutosr^hic back lor oaoera --i *. I»aac Uphara Co.- Typewriter pwer Paia Eiaer: Nature and Science on the Pacific coafiu JicH. fare. Mill Valley to Itt, Tamalpais a?d return • • • R.Ro fare. Mill Valley to leat Point Lunch 5(y; Supper 50*:, Fare Mair looda to lall Valley Expreasage on books from Hudson Book Co,, New York Stands and stajuped envelopes Janitor •Office apartment ^ Northiimnerland 1 50 1 50 1 50 90 1 00 90 1 "22 1 55 1 00 rV-^V $19 93 •nineteen- -ni nety- three- - 33.93 ^K;,H «L.>y»j:^:- \Niosjw>.' I it VYf Brewster Transport Co. 3 * *- Ttehff, «lij»rta, Canada 1915 July 27 1 acull of niale grizdLy from Col«*ia BiTer, Camda in»r*i^^ rV- xx*-''- •w* 'C 8 00 '♦1 . . * 11 : $800 d^it^' •;**.•♦•• * no^" * * "^ • 8.00 s\\ I 179 August 10, 1915 Mr, Allen Sales, Sales^rille. !fcntana. Dear Sir: Vernon Bailey of the U. R. Biological fJurvey inf oms me that jrou have the skin ajift skull of a large grizzly ki].led tin Sage Creek by Alexan* der Johnson, which you offered for sale at ^20. I Dliall be glad to purcliase the speciman at this price if yon will kindly ship the sawe by oxpress, charges collect, addressed: U. S. Biological Survey. Dept. of i^icultUTd, Washington, Do C. Enclosed are k few toge^ Please attach one of these to the skin and anothi^r to tlie skull and enter on each tag the locality and approximte dat^ of kiHSng, and also your own rjarae. Please plsc write your own naj^io on th» upper left hand comer of the package so that #i-ni it reaches the Surveif the nan who unpacks it will iLTt)w ^o it is frcgj. ^ery truly yours. I shall he glad to piirchase additional skulls of grizzlies if you obtain more. Augiast 10, 1915 Dear Jfr. Pearson: Replying to your letter of July 27 would state that as near as I can estimate without having actually counted the audience, the total nunber of persorai preswit at ny four lectures was about seven hundred. ▼ery truly yours. Ifr rp Gilbert Pearson, 1974 Broadway, New Yo2k City, »5H oar *i 181 Augtiat 12, 1915 Dear Mr. Colby: ^In cleaxiXT^ out tlie drawers of ny desk today I have f our>d a circiaar relating to the Paraona Me-- Morial Lodge, evidently sent me last year and mislaid between other papers* I shoixld he sorry ♦io feel that I had not contributed to this Memorial in view of the enthusiastic service ren- dered tile CI lib for i!3an7 years by Mr. Par- sons. % check for $20 is enclosed herewith, wiiich I trust it will not be too late to maJce use of. With best wishes, ▼ery tnxly yours. Mr. t lilliam B. Colby, Sec,. Sierra Club. Mills Bldg^ , SanFranci sco I I** B o 'i I o g ^1 ^ ^ •-1 2? CD o • ft I— ^< -0 Si 5^ o o o a» OB o ^ I-*' 03 op c o »t 5- O 9 O 3- o I o O 3. 3r »- OB OB O tx» o P' »1 *^ »r5 i9 r p a. o o Qi o :5 ^ ^ 8 09 o OOl OB o OB O o o g t3- a* 1 ■3 % 2. c o o »1 o 01 3 M- O p. w S •5 OB O OB OB »-<» E^ 9 I OB P- •1 I o »-»^ e % o o •^^ CD :3 s p Pu o £ o o OB o •^^ O o ►C5 o o 8 O j\3 Of ssr 183 BLACK BKAR, IIRSIJS AMi?RICAWJ8 Groiip showing color phasas The Black Bear is a forest aniraal, ranglns acTMB the continent frow Newfoundland aril the ecustem states to California, and from the nortjiem lindt of tree growth in Alaska and Canada to Florida aiid nor+>hern Mexico* Natiiralists distinguish two or three species^ differing mainly in peciiliarities of the skull and teeth* Black is the doioinant color, hut in some parts of the west the hrotm phase predonirates. Black and brown cubs soraetiines occ'X in the saiae litter, and hronn cubs when molting so;a9ti?nes change to black. A pecul?ar pale color phase known as the Glacier Bear inhabits the ley Boimtains of Southeastern Alasm between Copper River and L^fnn Carial; and an albinistic phase, creanjr white in color like the Polar Bear, occ^irs sparingly in the coast region of British Coliinfcia. T ! 1 o •1 W < GO g c 9^ >r a 3. I O o P ^ ^ S^ ?? Si ?. K-^ < % o t 1-^ c*- o o OB OB O Q O s 9 o o ifi a. I • •< s »-9 O I-* O (» ^3 w 8 1^ O C Oi o a Oi Of ^4 o 5^ P. CO Of CD o 2- 9 o o o o o t5 o 5. !.« 8. o o g o o s- a' (0 s co c5- ^ O PL O 5? ^ a o ^ 3 o (J5 oi o ►1 8 o *5 c^ 5* '9. ft CD >-• 0) o a* CD § o C OB ca c tr m •9 S- 3 OB o o a Ci 3 I 9> CO i CO • CO g •1 tr o o <0 5- S « o 5 "^ p. wi P C OB OB O 2: s O CO •"I (0 o s. CD CO CO CO CO CD I CD 3. - n* CO a o » I »1 CO 3. * •t t I ; I ! ^ ^8r to CM Jl t ••H ^ 1 CO 2 »-> p« CO 3 ►•►I A M U a 00 rH X 3 •g) rH 02 t •i Vl ¥ O ^ Vi I S 5 t ! 1 ^ i •4 :&! «# ^ HP >> 'S go. JC? •#-« 4^ 3 S' ■a O •S) rH > El #—1 I » p« o §- •§ fca ^ ^ CO 4> O o I •-I «> ^ O -I-* •r-l -r^ C •g & O .rH g t- «> 14 P« Vh ^ «> ^ 58 r . , * Ai£?'iflt 1:% 1915 Dear TO: It is a (5>od while eince I have written you^ owing to the continuous nsitatjons of friends from the last. Orosvenor and wife and two little J^irls were here two or three day* «6a^ and Professor ?!• B. Mlsen, sodlogist, of Coliiifcia, came with his wife and little girl westexlia^ and left this joomif^. Forrest Shreve and wife and L« 0« Howard, and also Henshaw and Osgpod wiere here last week. I attended the recent cjaetinc of the A. \# 4. S. in the Bay cities and on Saturday^ Axigiist ?« took an sao^iiroion of about forty soologisis and botanists to the top of Tancdpais by rail and walked thence wAsterljr t<> Yast Peak and down to West Point, ^ere we had lunch* After Ivaoch we walked westerly, along the Bolinas Bay Ridgfe to Boot Jack. Trail and down the raountain to ttiir loods — a great trip* It was fine that you said Shith were perroi**ted to carry guns in the Park, h\t^. it was a pity ynu did not gather in tlie skull of thflCt brown bear. As an offset jon did a gpod job in security 19 topotypes of Hyotis fia£il&ilSb« Biey will tickle Jiiller. Next tirae you find a griz«J.y asleep try lead on him instead of pine cones qsJid sand hf.B skull on to lasliir^on i*iere it beloop^B. Day before yaat9rda7 when dri^rlnfr the Orosvenors 1 OP > ■ t,o Inverness me ran across tso deer rothy of late, as j'ou liitve probably heard# 4' . . . ^ •*■ • ^ . . - Toiing Storer. one of OrinnsUU assistants in the Berkeley ».sow% asked i^ to ask ym about your col- leotiriG pistol - lAat «*e it is. and whether it is worth anything. I toW Wa I *aa pretty sure it is a .32 and shoots the sane cartridges as yt>'ir toe but I did no*' know the brand. 88 r ihlgtiBt 13, 1915 Mr.T. R. PhilXipSt Jack Wade, Alaska V Dear Sir: : Thanks for Yf\\\r letter of J^ily 14. There are ne "big 9rown Baars in the interior ol Alaslsa, but Orizaii«B ard cornon in the morintair^ of your region. We have in the National JiieeiE the akin and skull of a Oriaxly from the iq>per waters of Forty mie Creak, a little north of your locality. Ihese hears irary greatly in color so that it would not be surprising if htmters call sorae of then Brown Bears. The Black Bear also has a brown phase idiich however isnwre convm in Southeastern Alaska than In your region. Tkhe baXd tm^e bear xdiich you niontion us usually an old grizzly In suiawr coat. In rjoy case I trfiall he glad to piirchase as iwny ektills as possible of the IftTGe beaars frora jf^xir regionj, and hope the trapper to n^om you gR^e rny previous letter will succeed in se* curiiig a nui'i'er — the more the better. Bears of the coast are widely diffor^it f roH ' those of the intericnr and are irpich larjjer. Bach skull should be caref^illy labeled with the rmxy^ of the collector, the locality #ierd killed, approxi- piate date» and sex i*ren known. Sone taf^ are enclosed herewith. Skulls oav be sent either by narael i>ost or by express, and should be addressed: U. ". Biological Survey, Dept. of AcricJilture, Waeh? nrf.on, D. C. Very truly yours. 189 Au0iBt l-'., 1915 Dear Doctor McGre??: Your letter of t}ie 5th inst. has just r^acii^i roe, having boon forwarded from lashir^on. In my hock antjtlefd •Kanwaia of the Adirondacks" 1 des- cribe in detail the operation of remoi^ng the 3cent sacs from skiLnks. The operation on the youn^ is very siniple and altsost siu'e ^o prove a friccess. I have liad as *'Hny as ten alive at ore time after r-OTOvirig the sce-nt. T}ie cbnoxions litjiiid is contained in two sriall sacs enclosed in a lar^.^ tSiz^^rd-llKe nriscular nass Wide} I stir rounds the ractora. The sacs votay be dis- sected out ard -eraoved by in»♦- ■"•"*"' "'""* th. coloring «- 1«1 lnt«xl^ *« look at it *.n in B,rt^ 1„ W, in th, m* of ott,.r mtt«. forgot it. Ho«T«r. I ^11 try to B> o,«- m th. n»r f«t«r.. »t th. «« Mm. I f e.1 t)*t yon ha« h«.n o«r a good d«a of th. _xi. ♦Von T tViat vow would *b« not- coTinfcry 8^ mich more recently +.hRn 1 tnaT> . n » ter able to ra^e amy necesBary correctiona. Many thanke for your kind expreaaiona «l>oui our oxcuraion to Ta.'alpaia. 1 an Yeiy dad the thing proved a a^xjceaa. and an pl^«ed to know ti^iit ao mjtj atayad over to aea the redwood, in 5*iir l^oda. I ima Tery .orry to be obligad to n>ah off on the first train, but otherwiea co^dd not have reached hone .^til after dark. Professor and Mrs. Porreat Shrava cane horae with me and the nex+. day we had a f ina driva to Invemaaa and thenca to San Bafaal by way of Nicaaio and Oalllnaa Talleya. 1 ^Bh to thank vou for y^"" kindneaa in sUy- ing over at Mid5-%ood. in or^er to explain things o thos liJio remained. .^-v^- With best wishes, ^^^ ^,,ay yours. 191 AngiiBt 10, 1916 Jfr. .Andrew Berg, Kanai. Alaaka. Daar Sir: Have you any skidla of gri zaly or big brown bears from ^.he Kenai or from other parts tff Alaska? If 80 I shall be Glad to pay good prices for the sam. the price varying accordine to age, sex. and conditio^, froffl $4 each for young skull., up to tm or $15 for adult females, and $30 or even $25 for good old toales. Kach skiai Bhotad be labeled with the locality where killed and your own narae, and also with the sex and approximate date if known. A few tags are enclosed herewith. ^° ^^^ yow ha'« any skulls on hand or can pur- chasa arsy, please ship jthe ^ir^i by express, charce. collect. addraesad: U. S. Biological Siu-vey, J)ept. of Agricultwe, Iftshington, D. fl. Very truly youra. er 193 Aogiist 19, 1916 ^br.K.J.lU Mr. K. J« Heumcher^ Ihite Horse, Yiakon Territory, Alaska. Dear Sir: Tour latter of July 29 has been forwarded to me from the Biological SiirTey. In reply to your inquiries would state that I an glad to purchase skulls of grizzly bears idiether per- fect or not, the price depending on the agif. and condition of the skull. Skulls without lower jaw will be accepted, but of course are not worth so i?wch as those with the jaws and teeth conplete* Bullet holes, if acwil, nake no difference in the price, but badly damaged skulls are of course worth less than prefect skulls. I shall be ^i;lad to purchase all the skidls of grizzly bears which yon are able to sec^ire and will pay the hi^^esl price for sane, acconUng to age^ :, ar4 conditSon. The nn should not be stated on the label unless it is positiTely known. In the case of aAilt skulls I can always tell the sex from the skull, but in the case of young skulls this is sometimes inqpracticable. ill pBckagw of flkiills shrtnld ho addi-wgwrtr U.n, BloloeiaaSiir'/oy, D^pt. of Aerie Kure, Washington, I). C Some ta<3s a'-e enclosed herewith. I expect to to Washington in October, but skiais reachinc the Biological ?5iu^<^ at any time' will he cared for until wy return. Respectfully, L*».X>- •l i i ^er ^ ^ f .«- - .'-»• •» ;?. Augnst 19, 1915 Henry: ^ On retumirg from Clear Lake ni^t before imt we learned that you had be«i here in our ahsenae* Too bad we ndssed you. Joe Grrinnell »ent rae the enclosed telegram for you, #iich he has been holding several days, thinking you ini^t show up at the Jfiiseura* I tried to reach you by pj^one yestentey but failed, ^ lunoKM with Mrs. Harrimm at the Pairaont yesterday ar^ were with her>h;in her son Roland a^riTad with his party from the Sultana. They are now going to their ranch in Idaho. Two of the Waahingfcon hif^ school teachers. Miss Stut« aMmsB lEdlace. bpent last night with us v4 wiU return to the city ^his aftemooo. On our trip to I^e Comty we sa.w a nunfcer of *««• ar4 in one place passed ^wo spotted faWns standing Zll '1 v" ' "^' "''"" •■ ' '^^'" '^^^ ^^^' ^« heat ,n I^e County at this ti« of ^ar is so^thi^ one can do without, * If yo« are in this part of t^, state later on. let us know* .He As ever y^i^jrs, Mr. Henry W. Henshaw, ^^ Fr;utvale, * '** f AlaMieda Co. c-o Mrs. Nellie WeatWhe; r -» I ser 196 19. m& ^'K'-i' "^t '^ITJt^f A:innrt 19, 191B "n » _ *r CheTTolftt Ifctor Co, flint - -* *?^ Btar Si .. ■» . Another Mt of ball h«ariiv?) has qotm to lAaoM OB one of the front #ie«l« »f ay ChoTTolot Big ^Hx fllTB. I ahall >>• obliged therefor* ir you «iil send mf tib eo» pleie Mis of 4mllft^ ^iQWt c^ conea^ one for Mch front jihB9i. Ploaso «end bj ^rbol post with btlt; ^uUrnetad to Lagimitao, liarin County, California. ' "^ lliroo da/6 a^ aonothor r^mr aado brbko on this car. I had it waldod by a coufliry blaokanlth and t^a ca; 064RP to run all ri^ at tho piraaont tii ¥ary truly ytmrs. Ur. ^ H. Twitchall, Bathal, Alaaka. Daar Sir: .i'^f&ff « • ir ■'^ ttl i ^^^ftc&^.I »:-5aIVbe-£^a4.4i0 pcjrcViaiie all tJae beiur . akuil* ^T^fi.fT^em «*?taiTVxjirjiw^/the.,p'r«e«Aiyear «rd the aprii^.^f -.A«.\?- a«i i'8»ir — 'i^e ijp. till and.inBlttdJi3g.4ulj 1916!. ..; .? - V l**»,r«^^ V^ 0BeloMd^'h(Braii4t]if:.pieft>)e .be^care* Xid.jto «*^,e on Aach label whether t])e bear oani^.fToni -the upper, ndddle, ar .lower part.of thef,ri7ef4 T . •: ? ili 4<^ aJl ri^ to ship Xjacka^^e ^r: - •#' .»u?rffr. wjd^rvaoii^rweiHj fra||ii^,. K^.o>" n.^r . f j;*^^ r>. :'*^ • V9^omU W««h4tK5*.Qs», C3!«lio^%r^ <:Tary..trtay, youre,, .y,^y> #. Ter 193 ♦^) a ihcn«t IQ, 1915 %*''au Louis B#llt I M .^-» *. Dacur Sir: *.- ^ :-. ^-jn J,<^^ .-.- I *'f ^H- Ifhanks f or ytwr l0tt*r of Jiaj «-• f ormrdM to m f -on ^tShinj^^oji. I an f^ad to teov lAwrs i riiwj'^^aiif^*'* ia»w that ytm .^."^-fe-'iO ?<:!•»•'• < H 0 X f >( • •>. - *:»'^ ci sicallft' to 86 fend the ricull with t>i« {^Momd ^ -- *. * < • :^ -^ ^ - 1 . -••« •V. -* U tm t« «th«r 0knll«: I ttat %tA» & ni»#M»r of lynx, ii^lterine, fiah«i^» and M& r«d f ooi at $1 e«h for perfect ftihdt tfoiUa (iMs of coxtfBe foi^ iiiperfetft ghd-youhc^Jcnll •Mt'idll pay 1^2 eaoh if or iaktilU of aiult iibi^M. Sorao ^.aej^ aro oiiclooed HtrMritlu *ory truly yoorst . . -• t •' . . T^ di^i /r-^' t^'^ir /tagnst 19, 191fi Qi^ - 1 f i.> • ■ . C' lV"i.-*ir _ ^.^ pt/crod ifi x®f J'o^lffr l-ett«r ^ Brf^^lto^ . ^bj g ^i^onn -li^a^ ^fi^: ^^4* €P^ itteti V^tJ\a- o/4 5c^. *** I 9hall iMfjLad to roo9iv«.all.<1t^ • Biol cal ^unraji^ Dapt»^ *{ 'Xy "- 5 '_ » • ^ ►*hM . aiH^ raparft n^Utk l«f.««^ r ' X^ vV^' " * ^ '^ " - Ur ►, --^ y -V • f r i* f- ir *^« t V * ^ fvj,r.!>ji-.Jj:., 'J.^t Original Defective! COS ^ 201 M«;ist a. 1915 ^^ »■ ,J Umar T3r. Stephniosi f' -r, .^> -. not firotii#r a»nc^# %e mA xufidl mtt^r an^ o*tJ.f?o« I dia^pWMd t}» i^mmi sk a b*«^«i «xl#t %}U0h proTod to ^o corrwU . ^,>, Pbrtuwitaiy wi «%r^ clo#« to ♦^^i ♦>oil-^h«M.«^. in his car nx^a te.^«cl-:» <^iror tho aiIa v^iu B«ii^ a flood bJbcJUHitfe iys- »«iX, h0 «»l(t«d oil « pioc« of 4k MQCKi iai«» pochad k hol« i*ro?K^ *.h» i^ i)ia.t^ +.0 .Tcii th- aq-.w^ ^nd. and ^ cf^r^ Tai arMi JJr« RoTTfClda ^jod the RhIj'bua j av b« ^ r / !• ^ / / i *- _ ^ * '^ •. <■ inVr^raX^ to tonm tlu^t thi at«t« Mf^inqr ^ro« llopUrd eiov«rdal« is tipitbmi. all H*it t^w «dl vvfmir^wm 1 • •«w*«*«UX ftns roM .- bros*. wifA ^w>d (snriss. «^ iranreniiiesii AUraetiTo emini^ IV s«V9J^ isilss L 1^1 tho mrrott rami Ob iho mu*. si do of *h« ri»iw- W,i tA lidt ita da^e^M^QM hrUcm am ti«i»ioi.«iMai aluii ■^ I aast ^ wtUt r^chlic !»• Pi worjt ta s*: N '^ 'H' % .^ mi^hmg^mi. «ith Mr*. RsrriiwB snd ]s»r son ltol«iid Sslaral arriYsd fras ftawm on thoir ■■.;». .- V ........ uMls *» wer* therms. '" .*-. hi^ wcbMi. trndmrm *a thaa >>oth .Oain>i4iy ,ju4 Xmrni^ had 0fin^ ^a aahoal* «» bxm^^. «4\i« Imm vith tia a^d droTa . joi Ifcifaal MKt 4agf« ^^ama tiiMf aat out for Toa^»iita» _ « It vfts oDOjA'tB •«• vmi.all in^o-tf' ledq^w s:rt- ef »T«'. O not. *)d thoaa (^aoA blacdc oaks viil W lo^g It io raally atnr^ that your poinfc ahould an at^ as«ih atdJdns f oaturoa aMeh ara wit no bo found. paria af tixm Ukm. ^ thfaapplly p^ pbotoQra|i^ n^ivSt alaoat fail^vraa, oaiqs ^ nndar aip^auro^ Thia whu diia ♦^ i^ nagloct !n >not aoari?^ v^^ bi focal a, :ib a cnna#(«t>#nca of «^iaii I naod tha 1-fiO and 1-15, inaioad r?f ths 1-15 ard !•&• HowataTp SOS 203 K.>' ..K .V, .- » . •• < '* . < il-'J*— % r-— t prtWt» «r ihi tW t^M arm nfbrtk^flaYiqe^ lb* li«»t Off UlM Oo^7 i •' in strikii^ c ;satrn9t tor th« ^'<««>MiKtjnr« hmrm, ma- h9tM«t tolas' hfine *?;• wA thti' f • i (ii^ of hi(^ f«^ tti fir»«. W !«.▼• h«4 irfnc* ♦*• 4th ift > » ^ ^■** , • • -♦ ill* p^MB ^ V3!6tir& }w8 rwovdniicU It ooeurs^/O f^ ^iiat i- . > if mm 29 Icn^nttMriLtiiM %4i vfit palSon^ - "C 'fc!no<«n ciMM of *^iliis kii^' ■ -..J, » 1 - Htm, iMTiai J«iWi#'ia kii^Mt r^ju^ '' idl.'niilt fot^giX^tiqg Mrfc. isai ai^ «U t2M chiUr«a* '•V M^ •^.* t t V ,'rf J^w. f ^ "t '. W99r ^vM^m^ *-.t.*» .^t-^. ■ ^ ■ ^ .b ^ r ?:• -%»' ■^xTii. / . .\ ^ . *••' - •-' < Auffkat * '• -•■1. ?» . -'Hmt i^m " ' A '• *«. • 9 .?f^ '); -'thaaki tc^r> '^ «r « -^ « ^ * tf n '1 i» M far as jou ccnid at that tiM^^' r c '"^ >/ ^ * la^au^ W tJbirall th# lacation 3r<>t> Siiuit; ae iSk *-o >>« ^bd kttf raiftad taf cnre .^' 'jcit tiiskle our voriu If 7<)u>4ac{4a f>iat jou wuid like to v>rk :Rar * cou|4# Qf\ ^ . ' ^,'^ - VMka or )a mn^^ln the Rrotiitonca Ubi^^^ riM»lat ao kow Iok^ aanx^ in iadnarca' V'"* "-ao^^Wt Imy Mrfta^yha tfiat ia DMiUd in ' w., ui;^ %||3r of t^odk Mifc* In caaa^l^ 40^ tida^ H votdd t;;a ba4tar to Vtsl^' first or tiia (dddlo nf tfia ^vwtSu f -^ .> "«r_»^-j^ -^i-* . ;r h^ Jkiarican .1 •»- « « ' t .n« D. C« lb axaainir^ tha ak^ill* on «» rvtfom ^^ luliingUn I «UL1 «ii« tEat • cb«cv far U» aneont \» »r. ^.^^s^:5r >' •« r* -^ i« ^f ♦1 f : *-.* ' y^'" - •v .1 v*» . • • •. » V t \ Jt ** .-^ 4 - - % V • . A4&«> 36, 19U # • « • *>- • n^ir Arch: * o^ . - iq ^ V r^i^imS^T^ fi^iat g^*^dalLv ^ r^plylic to rw fa^ irt hata ^oaaai'i^ 'iMcaif,ait^^ii acBfiii^^la aiiAition ia cnu* afaanafuUj tidck bat^ of iiaatia9%rad i ^f • *. • »^ ^ tb an iialii^iail to }D6fm ^iisA jmi )wpa a car ao th<( ymi jr:d Kra* ibxh ara i£la to aaa a uttla faonaat aa^ hPriji in iMx^if^rt %^' iha labo^ attanding^ .. jtnxrTmrm loc( la hopa tr^jit' «*e r^a ^ou lyiiFa cor^ad ^imA dam - *» •?* .* r . •* -'.\*;^ v .V; %. '^-^ t ♦<" 1,' lis !»?# rscentlcr r^tumad /jtm a 2?fr-«lla' trip rsp to tha faa«i oT CiakiMaka In laika Co«t^.7* Tha ipra^i 7x>ar ia aiili ondar a•. . "^ Io» VB am not ixAiwMng t^ ofator l^ick to /%i^n|^^ this faUU 'bat AaU leaTs tho cer sf. %ii Iht faal as ^^ did last ^nt#r« . % ^rdcfi arjitjt^r r^r sadtt I&ct V9dc «a Uui ?i«U dradii *cr P*^ of thi;i»orli4^ 1^ flki^i !?• aorf7 Jar tj t* A l':^. i» caTi ?r** • f ^^ But tho n • -<% • a "^ pa^famia, tbrt.i»jflBOd^A«i». «>«»Hi6,.»a «Ui o- '> k .'. iv* \ ▼#. - • '^ .X •» > W<^" • -u r^ •- ** V- 'r " • -a.. V: 1^ a • A>. 4 SOS 209 Z. * •.4 »C' *«*«♦' 24, " ^. .J "i. .<.r ■^^ t ^«*» b- fill. i. Jr.t«-4^ r^ j^ ^ crOl^tiT. a^,^.^ % ar* aw •«a-^* ^ or . .tau or .^i^uu^ ^^ ,,_^ ^ e » r f • ' % akin vitii amlU ii^^j Xroa JL ^U ^mr^mt of 1^»ltM B# r.^ 4i-*crilaa in ynajt ImXtmr of fjMr JLd^ii fr^* • So pl^m^ imrm th^ akim a*.Wnsiiid %a, cltI property an* era* -* - VJh^^it^^ie tine j:^ rr^caiire *.hie tgu idli be pacicir^ yvo^ ^P for the V^et^ I tmet* K^m -^ ihfon'j H^h beat wfahee. -.,^.. .^ fery tndy jyo^iim^ r^ -: ► •> •*, >^ > ' U'^ -•«^\- r- ' -^ r^r^n^ '••••"' .^•.^«^' "-• .-t >, r:- «-• 4*«^ ?i t.. mi > r r ^ - ^ X .** i**.*' vs* • :. t.«; •.. ^^^.., fi **,,» .f^^«•Vfc' V » * -* *ai 5 I* 1 ^/ #ii^ •**Nji J -ii lift / ^ n n^ .^-4 1 iiiaa.. *i: '^^j»%yi'*lA .t^M •,..^.'.' CSfii^ 'wk* ^;t .'» 4 . ov«r W ^iis tdn £p f Aft cj t4i« f «;ulty ticilAr tx» ^^f^ 11 ts oai 4li thp^ ab^ of thv VWul'.y Cl^<^ ^ Si^vurdi^^. J^ie 7th« I to tJiaF TajTBlDftia Tatficnwand vsJUad v^itorlj to the ap%jL of v , ar^ thiO BnHnm-HUoig ^int Ri>a t i«^ ^Jm VAriouft ^^imiU to Huir %Mia i^i^r 9q: *tM b; ^ii^ goqpia^*'' ^ wX Mill laUtgr aoA brour#A i^ooa kfMOor «tid Mrs* Fbrrost S^oto f MHMUtori #o}]n Jl» tfmilter and wifo tptttt. A coti^a of ia^ with tii; lilac PrbjT* X« 1i« V!laofi of C^lrad^iA vita hia vif^ aoi lltUa ^rX^ a/A ft « U 0« Rcskrd» Hjiialiaar aoi OaijpQii than tha OroaTaaora (0il%art B« axjd aifa itnd tM littla s^rla) to^ ^hfWL aa a3^nHid i^otit 100 nilaa of Marin Coiaixly ic^uwry^ in iW^ch thi^tl7 iritarastad* Oroatonor liiyd jtiot rat;inw4 ttrm. t;ba Si^ Siarra. nd^aro }ia had h^an aitii tha DQp^« of Intartor farij Xroei fit'. IBiitnav^ to Ttiolianf* Nvado'*** Kra. Qrosveaor aat hin in Tuolursis Colby told xn -J <«t9ria^ tha* dbout & dosan antonobilaa rsturh Tuflixaoa &^arsB idly, «ijd **aat tlio gfada Qji frtas Karo Lj»le omt 'i^a Tic^ Bcai is b«U«r thm **^ «pn»dft on ♦Jaa voct vido — all af ^{«ii •«•«. jaS^iiot- •bl*. ■ 3 . X«st »Mic KLijEah«tii «iid I aoWod -to Clear T^^v^ *w« «• ^iM* A ooiiilo of ni^U with Br. W.B.8t«iilvM» ct Ma tropical tt*imr }ton» In a for«at of ts^ nuuBudtaa. *i tha «af baak oro of our roar axlw Voko clo«» ta tha aondt of tlia PiotA Qraia across Hm ll^AiftftBiet^^atw-aan BoplaoA .snA Inx«r laks« yortmaCUlj thari» mm a {dtata &t iho mismiL\ toUrtaVisa aa ".^at ,V9 ««r« jaot dBlap«A »ery iontj. ftwio, Ix ^dta of hut wn^iidod cjpdi^ion, wis nhla to coast flUMB thd vea^ alcsfia to Jk;saiaa Rfar -- aJKr?t oi^ ailoa.— froR i^iich point «• w>r9 tovai to BoplanA, ahar* a ca,T«Me biacksoith valdad to otir br<^on mIo a pioca of « nsgin sacU, onshling u^ to 4rifo Lar|b on ciu* own posar. Taatei^a^ «9 drov>9 icto tha city and loft the ear for a nop aila. Thanks for Uto QUa aonat^ oUpping ^oh, if tris^ is Jjata2>Mftij^ .. r.. .r • "?ii Aa 0iikr youra^ ^ -«^? »« jr • ' *N . / JaM;icaoiu . 206 IK. Ifatat Afa» • \ •t^ %- srs l£lt 213 Ik^mt 2Sip 1915 ^^. iBJ^mt 25, 1915 Blairfti^ i>o obtain ana or mr« s^^oiytanmf or ac yoa kasv at -xxatanaa of any aJriaia angmharat ka^ infonmtioo on ■ufcjact aiU ha tharifOly rac<»iTa4, Tary truly youra. «>•<» Oiar Unison: Cl»rie« Il^^^oriml of Bobinaon, Tukni^ Tarri tMTjf^^wites ttvA ha huft on harW fio^na good akulU of goat, tliaamand aooaa all ra^f to ahip* If you aant Mythiag oi tma acrt you hgd better «riU him diracU *^ i Aad C. Lm 9t,^$iijnti^m^r writes from Unalak* l#:it. Uaakat that ha /laa vi m«l a aat of axcaptionall: JUifi^ ^;aribp*i iwma «mich ihi ^11 mlp tJia Biolo^^ical SkiTYdy if aantacL Stould ha glad to knoy if ai^ additionid baar aRiiUa ha7a ba«n rac^f fad; alao ^ihathar CaftttUn Ifci- brlck aant tvo or tiurdo aimlla* Ara ^maa^acuUa labaii for locality ^ * BaaUl^f T^^^sra, ^-•^JS^ Mr* S« W» Kalaon, Biological Sunrsy, h H ^rs: 215 A«;4it 2*), 191ft > -^ % dear Mr. 9tordr: Wtt^ thanks for joiir Irinrtnf In Wllims » nbout th« naaor of aac:sU2« ^siUm ia FLoaaa Cottnty. I an vritix^ to lb-* IUm iA lOairs- d9s by this nail, and >ilU lot /oa Iqmw if I gH hoL ^ angrthii^ tai^ble. ,.r ^r .. , / w. Baricitl#/^ Gallic . « *i€»J«t 25, 1915 Charl rvkon T»rr., "« JP^vMaC.faii. I shall h» irt^A - *ar n«i- * "»u. b« glad ,0 puroha,« all you gar. iioltt of, «ni Mill a«v ^«^ . •<« mxxM. pay gaod pricaa for tha aaiia m« bait,, to ^, ,, ^^^ ,^. ^^^^^^ ^- ^ |h...d oa aadra..,,: tT. s. Bi^.^^ ^ ^ ^^ ▼ary truly youra. Kl u i' . * A9t9{;<^-tfttlly^ .--r. J ^ ' «• .^ «' : .- 1^ - / if * : ■ f ^•*y* * "Eieal-Chasa Mfg. Ce.. 174 Jfest^Rrio ht..^ ChJcttgo^ 111. rasasa 89nd circular ralatixs +,o yoiu- leaip niuch bums Jcsroseno 9ui, -Ih« $3 Firrfly watch t&ich I piin;}»e9d cf you •«■» tiEe aQB i« >-»hntifUlly InmnoiM. but hae noTor run nor* than a t.9a hour» at a Un», ad tha watch tin^cer* tlia trcubla 4 a fuaUuvntal, dua to sciw fla»k in ecu- •trcMoEu RoBpoctfUlly, W srs: H 219 iiJS^t 2£>, 19JL5 ••■»'f.-. ^• Aqeuat 25, 1915 MB!53artj Oaeur Sir: fiiMuiM lor yonr lett«r al^.oat he«r», whicii ha* bean forwaniad to m frim the Bialo©cal Surra:^ »t "*uih- ingtMu r Tou a«id tiiat thare ara ao griiAly btjai* in your ttdifilibojiicod, but »i.r«ii- eriaaila« -r^kit ti» nouatian* on botJi sidas of the Tukon, ««l are aaia ta be fairly coa- aoa in -Jie aiuntaiiM aouUi of Ran^Mi. It ooeurait 1* a* tOAt, there ai^rt oa huntera, lodianb or nau^a, in yoxir aaigUborhcott »«» you co'.dtt jwra ade to hrix^ in auch. axuUa. If ao I abould b« glad ^o pureiiaae than. T«a aention brora bear, ft, y,, ^-..^ v^^ ^,^^ phaaa nt tha oovnn bl^jJc baar .^r »j«, j .,„u^ i^ y^ rafer to th. 1*,®* bown boHr. I «v>ad re gUd :« p^haaa »a aiu^y akidla of iC as you can eao-.ira. Lo caae you obtain «^ s«ai., pi^aaa p«A «H;.^a *«1 ahip either ny parcel j>oai or axprsaa. artdraaaad: TT. S. Surv^. Dopt. of A<^icult.x«, fH^iugton, l>.*c/ I e>p«ct ^.o return ^o ^aiii/^^-.on in October. Reapeo^fully, !'.» . >Uahl k m 3laa% 111 Sear Sira: Tour letter ahoiii tha bear akulls aaa lata in raaeiiints oa, haviic be«i forwarded fron Vn^iiiigton. V I an infomad, M'mt tha *.breo akuUa arrived in good CQwUMoa. For thaae I_ba«e aoat in & touooar aaouiiUag to $54 ($22 each for tija t^o big mle akulla. 1 $10 for ^iia I waala). A cuock for thia aioouDt «: U oa Mat you f ran mff a^coum. ia tha ftii /iBOiiiioi Inati^xiUaa about tha fixat of Saptwft^^er. I ahall be c)m± %o jptirohaaa ai;/ additi onal akulla you smff be able to aac urti diiri/^ tha recaindar of tha preaactt yaar#., ^ . ; Tary truly youra^ I ajq>aot to ratum to laahi.^^e^n in ^^ *i. •.} k OSS 221 teffist 2f^, 1915 Mr. ISrma*. P. IVLkw, i . - •■*. AlMka --..». Duar Sir: The two h«ar atvXlm lAich yoit »«rt the Biolo^J c»l »jnr«y at qr raqtieat in Jww, arrivadi In ©.ad coodiUoo. A »ot«h«r for thM«. Mnantif^ to $23 ($20 for th« bronn •adtZiwVam hlmok) ImmhiMtf tvmA xa, aoi a abmek for th» aarimt «IU .h» fl«ot' ycm fron i^ fjni in tha ftdUwmiaa Ustitu^iia t^^ovt, t,»» fir»+. of 8ai:t«#^r. --r,-* Sbould you obtain any i«>« aknlU of bttara, par- ticularly big bronn or srisxly 43«ar». I .imll ha ^miy glad to piircbait^ t,hA anria. .. T ''*>^*' »tum ta %ahi.'ettt ▼oxy truly youm. «i->'^^ I ™ Aigiiat 2!i, 1916 . ». S. ■''O f 1^ -••^ ' ,* / J>^ar Sir: . -* Toor latWr of July 17 haa boan formntod to isa trcm the Biological ^irt^ ^ H^^^ngton. Umc ^Ui a •tatacaift that ^iiraa aici^ of ;5rit«liaa «th airalla inaida had ncmMy baao raoaivad fra« you*.: X an not ia tha nariwt tor baar akina, b:jt iuM - aueh aa y.>u i^a aant thaaa, I aiU kai^ thaa for tha Mu- •ai4%and bava nada oot a vouchor for $65, tha waount you aanUoo. A ehaak for thia aaoont idU bo asnt yoa f readier fund la tha fttiUMomaa iMrUtuiioa about tha flrat of Sap- taabar* J^ouW you obtain mn^ «ore aicaila I glad to pDrahAM ^iia Mraa. fery tndy youra. ,x> ^-*- » VvA^' 8 "» » , it:: i^ 2s: •s. ft- 5& /-» P i^ c s. ^ i' o ft e e ^ r 1 1 •», o c* A«sj«i 2&, 191& 0) o f S' /-•. ;- $ s. .^^"ifi^fcxi S« W« Hals^JVlf t'« Bialo^oal Sunr#^ ittfanm too that ymi ar^ a bea^^Hitttar and that Ym Udaka yen hava aoa» baar ditdta on hV*^ I im anxioioi to sac ta locality ihan^ kUiod^ tha aas it knmi^ approKli&to data, and yotsr ovfe omm* ' ' . i .,^9 * a TbV black acd cinoapion haara* iioiaiiain liona^ •^^ bi£ aolTaa, I idll pay |2 to $4 aach abcoidii« to mmiL^ age^ and condiUon* Sl^^giLa akulla, if carefully j^htk^ laiy ba j»eo^ by j44rca|j^ i>oat, b l|^ in ca&a a nud^ar are ahippad at ooa I, it ia battar to i^xA by axjfiro^a, char/5«« Mollact* Iscb akull aiiiikld bo aaiW^til^ israppod iA^j)a|.|^ or ©»V-3ackir^ 'N<-.. 'J* <-,- Original Defective 8SS » 224 »i t ku&ht 28, 191f> Denr O^ood: Thanks tor y^xxr gutter of th^ 22nd iri8%#, and for tiha copy you were g«4. enough, to aend nie of your T\xr Seal Repqri, both of which reached ice laat I f;iiJLj^ appreciate your agreeable Benaa- tions when you took your f ire^ dri^^ ia your *Artful Dodger* on returnir^/^o ChicafiO. I have several timea enjoyed the earoe kii^ of a thrill. Yeaterday and the day befora I steered Qwi^ throu^ the congested streets of San Frajwisco •- anotfher kind of a thrill. Last week Urs. Hbrriam and I ioade an autfl^ trip to Clear Lake, and were thaidcful that we live nearer the edle of spotted fawns standing knee-deep in a small stream during the heat of the day. t^vr Seal Beport looks mi(^ty interesting, and I shall go o^ier it at the first opportiirlty. You are to \js congratulated on havii^ it coc» out in such good f ora. Tiis^ the TamalpAis ejccursion was a decided success. We liad «bout forty zoologists antr t>o%tm^kl»^ and most of them exi>ressod ^^iheosilves as deli^ted^ r n It mrdy «» a good thing ttat you woro -.le to ,«,. ,^, „^.^ ,.^^ ^^ ^ J^^^»- ^" -'«• •»<• «V doubt „ to your outlook i. .k. »«.». but ^t you t.U ^ .bout th. pro.p«=t i. th. ^y Of futur, lr.o,„ ,, ^^ainly a .-.^prt... ~«i «1" a or«t joy. You ar. to b. coi^ratuUtad. It «a« good that wo could ha.o you hor, "« tor .0 rtort a ,i.ress, addressed; U. S. Biological Survey. Dapt. of agriculture, lUhir^ton, D. C. s ▼•ry truly yours. / *« ' 1 •^ >v«. K. Ajg'iflt 28, 1915 *-i- ^^^':^^ y-* Otto Brothers, Jasper, ilberta. D«ur Sirs: J^ Can you obtain any skull, of grizsly bears ^^- fro« your region? If so I shall be glad to pay gpod ,\ prices f^ the same, the price varyi/^ acwr^x^ to ' •«e. sex, and condition, from $4 each for you^ stadls, up to $10 for adult f anales and $16 or $29 for ^od ' Old males. ' , • - • ■sch sfcuU should be Isbeled with the locality «bere killed and your own n«rae,'and also wifJi the sex and approximate date if know,. A few tags aJ-e enclosed herewith. ,In case you have any sktills on hand or oon purchase any^^plaasa wrap careifuUj and ship by parcel poet or e:q>ress, addreissed: U. S. Biologioal &rvey, Dapt. of Igric'ilttire, Ikshington, D. C, ?ery truly yours. ,% i PSS ♦^\ A. '^ \. ^ 235 Jfcin Sfc., ^* Dear 8ir: ip0Uit *#^. ■ ..:\ % tv \ Jt. o ^ *> f^ 'V . Can y oii obtain on^ akiilla of gri sxly b(>ars ^Xx*qm your re^on? If so I ehall ba ^^ad to pgy good jtricaB for the aaras, the. prioa vai^ng ae^ording t# f condition, fron $4 ^aoh f or joia^ ifcnH^^ adi4t feiaalaa, and $15 or $20 for Qood fAC .% cold nalaa o i^jml Vi- ahoxild be labolod with the locality #iere killed and your own nana, and alao vith th» aaoL and approxliqate date if known. Jk few taga are eivxloaaA herewitlu In caae you hav.e any akulla on hand or can par* diaae a^y» pl«M^, frap oaref ally and ahi^.i^ 'parcel post or eq^eaa, •Mr*a^: U. S. Biologiqal Surrey, Dept. of %riculture, laahir^.on, D* C. •• ¥ary tnay youra. i| I ' 'i '^ OSS i 231 kv^iat 28, 1915 / iuGiwt 38, 1915 fi. Mr. R. C. W. Latt. ... G>-and Trunk Pacific, IJeax Sir: For. some years past I ha^e been 0R.therin6 mterial for a laonoeraphic work oSjeare of North Anerica. but it has been extremely difficult to se- cure enoiv^ skulls of griazliaa to admit of mR>ir« tne T^^» of the various species. NeTertheless we have succeed** in obtaining abowt 500 skulls of big bear, from various parts of Alaska. British Coliai)ia, and the western United States, all of wdch are now in our National Jiiseura at Waatilng^on. Recently I have bean told that you are likely to be in a position to help in secu'-ing a»iditional skulls. If you happen to know any beer huntere or others who }uive skidls on iiand. I shall be greatly ob- liged if you will kirxUy put rae in corownication with thaD- The price paid for grizzly skiiLls varies ac- cordiiig to aga, sex, and condition from $4 each for young skulls, up to $10 for adult- feraales, and $15 or $20 for t;coa old males. If you can assist me in this rnatter I shall be very {^eatly obliged. Very truly yours. ri 1 s -9 Dear Sioldon: The enclosed latter from Fairbanks reached me last evening. Is the sheep head referred to of Special intarest? -v' ^ - Since coming to California I have written to practically all the postmsters in Alaska and Yukon, and to about one hundrea of those in British Coliasbia, in the hope of securing additional skidls. As a result some thirty-two skulls had t<^en received when I last heard froa ^ishington. anong ^.hem fourteen of grizalies and big brown bears. Besides the above, I have letters stating Mr Charles Sheldon, Woodstock, Vermont • !«• 4"-^. '■i 88S Si 1 u 1 0? I OS s:: •M « .i3 l4 PC ^ & c u c P4 O St ^'^ •I IS 3^ Cm o o •r-J OB .—I CU CQ •r-i ^^ O O c •«-«. s o c O ^ c ^ e ^ I o s ^ >» 1 1 t •5 « ^ O r-l C O h o o 15 I I .-J r' * 0 C c O o C3 O T3 C r- g ^ U a ^ o T5 OS I 2 I c o :3 >% -p. fJeptaidber 1^ 1915 ^ s -p Hudson Book Co. 26 Wast 42Ad St., Ifew Yo-lc Citv. Dear Sirs: Thanks for ynur adva.isa list Ko. 35 just r-^c^ivad. If you are willing to send roe on approval sorae of the publications mntioned. with the p^ivileca of ret;u-mn6 at mv expense tliose not wanted. I shoiad b« glad to have you send the following, all xmder your general heading *Rarly Wesf; Benjardn, J. Reisa im Innern to- Cklif ip/;o GiliTSJ ''*f ^'^''-'^^ ^"^''^'>^orieJtionf^'f891 ^^^'' Hirti^* r H^f^'*^^"'"': ^'^® f^ordilleras iai6 Watson. H. C. Thrillinc Adventures of Hunters. '55 Verjr truly yoiirs. 5SS 236 il V Septsiahiar 2, 1915 Mi-. E. M. Axolson, Yakut, at. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 9th inst. a-rived dvly, and I have JTwt learned from Washirv-ton that t}ia f oTir akidlB yon shirped the Bi oiogicra Survey ( 3 browns and 1 black) liave reached there saf elj, althcxi^h the arched cheek-bone is broken on one side on two of them* v mthoiit haning sean these sKulls ir^raeif it is hard to put a value on then. But if you pref?»r to be paid before wj return, about thA end of October, I vdll take them at the f ellowinG pricee: Blaftk bear $3; 2 xne- diim bro\TO beai-s a.t $12 each; the bi^; male brown $25^ makir^g in all $&2* I hope yoTi nill eucoaed in obtaining additional tkulls, as I an anxieds to aeuiire .\q many as possible from tiie Yak itat region. You vail of course label each one with the locality where idlled. A fey* tti^B are sent herewith. Tery truly yoiurs. *»„«►*#„ !«•!; { • ! Septenber 2, 1915 Dear Nelsoh: Thanks for yours of August 27, telling me a^'Out the receipt of t:wo more batches of bear skulls, one from Lcuis BdLl of Seward, Alaska, the other from B. M. Ai'.lson of Yakutao, .Alaska. You say nothing about the coMlti^n of the skidls from Louis Bell, and state that he sent throe skulls of brown bears and two of blacks* In hie letter he states that he s}iipj)ed three browns and three blacks, Are all of these skulls labeled for locality*^ In trying to make out pay voiicliers for the various batches of skulls received, I find the data fur- nished in yotir letters ins^ifficient in most cases to justify fixi}ig a price. In some cases however the con- dition is mentioned; but hardly ever is anything said about the data on the labels. Many tlianks for the batch of labels which have just arrived and were badly needed. Siric-e you are silent, on the loatter of leav- ing Waaiiington, I am venturij^ to send this to the home base. As ever yo;irs, ^ Mr. K. W. Nelson, U. S. Biological Survey, Wasiiington, D. 0. '^SS Septaniber 4, 1915 4 ii Dear l£r. Barnes: Tftien in the city yestor- day I was told that you had act yet ar- rived but ware expected in the near future. Please let me Itnovr *hen it will be convenient for you to cona up here, and 1 will arrange to moot you either in the city or at San Bafael. This is an attrac- tive country even durirjfi the dry period, and I aia svtre yo\l mil enjoy a little visit here. With bast wishes, ¥ery truly yours. j... Mr. Will C. Barnes, Forest Service, Saji Francisco, Calif. 8SS: ■ / 239 Septen^er 6, 1915 Dear Ifrs. Hall: Ifany thanks for yoiur reply to my inquiry about the curious litUe fern. I am e^ad to know that it is Pallnftft rt^r*^ — ^ ©pocies new to ma* As a reward for faith- ful watering, our PoljrpodyB are now in the hei^t of their glory on the rock walls, and new onea are coming up every day- Come and see them* With best wiahes to you both, Very truly yours. >'»•.- Mrs. H. M. Hall, 1^5 La Loma Ats.. Berkeley, Calif. Sept 61* er 6, 1915 Mra K. W. Dorsey, Actinf^ Accountant, anithsonian Institution, Washington, D. 0. Dear Mr. Dorsey: Tour letter of August 3t) transmitting a new form of laase for trr office aportnent in the Rorthunfcerland from the Washington Loan and Trust Con- pany, has just arrived^ along with the rent bill for Saptenj^^er. I have approved the rent bill and have signed the lease after having made one or two sli^ alterations, as you will observe. The awnings and ciu-- tains have always been furni stied by the house, as usual in stich cases, and aro their prop^rtj. I fall to see any reason ^rtiy I should be called upon to jjay for thera. ?ery truly yours. |i 0^2 241 Soptainber 6, 1915 Dear Dr. Rtephens: Here are a few printB of the wonder- f'til giant /aansanitas arid oaks of yoiir Glea*^ Lake hom^ — the only ones that had enoti^>jh exposiire to ai^oiint to (iny- Uiir^, Tlie 0 19 of the hiigQ manmnita with you standing under, is a i)ri^e, hut the others are not of ttrjch ac- count. I fie'^ier fnllj raalizftd how tall you are until ! saw ''ou aior/ Bide the blue oakl •/ "■ I suppose you are hack at the old grind but hope that you wiH not he so closely confined by serious cases as you wore av/.hile af;o. A we/dc or ten days afro I took tlie car into the city to have the new axles fitted. They wore fiade a little larger them the old ones, and are of chi^ome- nickel steel. The new battery wor?ia to Lagunitas hoing yen'' h^rd on ^he '.rres: a^^l 1\38t now the r^ad in front of the station and ther;c;e easterly is plowed up and seven gangs of teams are pushing on toward Whitens Kill* 1 Z 1 fear this will cut us off from-mfr normal base of supplies at San Rafael. 1 expect to go to the city to thin a few days and will call at your office. With love to you all, As ever yours, ^ f Dr. W. Barclay Stephens, Central Block, Alaneda, Caiif. Sf^S SoptfliAer 7, 1915 Br. W. W. Nisbet^ 12 south Broadway, St. Lotus, NO. ■» . . . D©ar Sir: "'•' ..-.ll' a -^ ^.. .v^---;' ' ' Thanks for your List #48 just racaiTsd. Froa it I should like to order the following! 1. Indians of Calif* 7 printad documents. $1.25 1.26 Z* Modoc War. Massa^ from the President. '^ ' 1874 3. Pay to Settlers for Iraprovensnts Rnd.Val 4. Powers* Stephen. Tribes of Calif • ■*;** f'V s?- 5. Reliof of Cortain Mission Indians in Oed 6. Round Vall«7 Indian Reservation 7. Carson City Indian School .?50 3.25 .30 .40 •2& Very truly ynurs. :r- k 81^2 I r? Saptecibo*- 7^ 1915 fh zine. Dr, CvruB C. AdaraSp fidltor. Anerican Graoij^^achic Broadway h lS6«i St., New York City. Dear Doctor Adarns: Herewith I am ajxlos- '* ' . • inc "the promised reTiW of Dallas blo-^ • ■ graphy of Professor Baird, and by th* ., i ' * /*. • ^.1 a Pa . i -r same raail am returning th^ book insured. Terjr truly yours^ e * m **• 4 ^^s 245 SPKNCJ5R F. BAIflD 1 Professor Baird*8 influanc© on geography »5ui in- direct, but none the less ia?;ortant. fie was primarily a nat'.ralist, and with the necessities and instincts of a naturalist was obliged to take account of geograpluc fea- t'ires and their effect on the distribution of aniiwls and plants. It is not surprisinG therefore to find Ms name ainong those of the early writers on geographic distribu- tion in itnerica. and to discover geographic inf onaati on of ▼alue in his contributions to the natural history of tha Maxican Boundarj^ Siinrey and in the great roluines on mraraals ar^ birds which he contributed to the series of Tran«Jon- tinental Railway Surveys in 18E1 and 1808. His nains- taking c}^pt9r on localities visited by Gcvernnent tions in the early fifUes in wi^at was then the ^ar west has been a blessing r.o subsequent workers. But Baird*8 service to geography is not to bo measured by his own publication., but ^ather by those of the score of mturalisfs. geologists, and e^lcrer. who owed their app.introent to hi« .'-ecor-nar^ti on. and ^o.e rotxtes and obaarvatione largely bawed u.on his advice And it is well known that for a q^,artar of a cantr^. begin- ning an lafO. no mar. was n.,ra influential in detennini^ the l!!'A.^^^»J_5^--'>--±£ acientific exploration in th* ^T Unitad SUttas and Alaska^ Baird was a kindly nan, always extending a holpful hand to youne ^^"^ interested in the natural aciencese Those of MA who had the good fortune to come under hia guidance liien still undecided as to the future, think of him with gratitude and affection. He was a wise counselor, and so modest, sincere, and honest that he held, perhaps longer than any other scientific man, the confidence and esteem of Congress. Ve liTS in a period of such acute personal in* terests and si^h rapid personal successions that the son hardly has time to take account of his father *s achieve** ments, and few of the yom^er naturalists and geographers stop to think of the status of their sciences a generation ago, or of the difficultias and meager resources of those who laid the foundations for the work on ifcich they are engage* ^^^ today realize the extent and coaprehensive*- nastt of Baird*s contributions to the Jtoology of North America and only a few of the younger men are aware of th# prodigous- ness of the task ho set for himself --the preparation of monographic revisions, based on the study of flew material, of the raamals, birds, reptiles, batrachians, and fishes of the Horth Anerican continent. It was Baird*8 lot when entering the prime of to be called to a hi^ administrative position^— the % 1 i K \ e^s 247 Assistant Secretaryship — followed later by the Secre- taryship — of the Steithsonian Institution, in connection with i*iich, and with his later creatiom the National Mu- Bmm and the U. S. Fish Conndssion, he becane so overbnr- dened with public and adndni strati ve duties t?iat little time was left for scientific research, nevertheless Ms monumental works on marimals arnl birds were written at odd moment s during this trjring period. Ihen Conraissioner of Fi eh and Fisheries he planned and was the njeans of carrying out elahorat* inves- tigations not only of the ratiu-ol hiatorjf of aqMatic ani- mals, but of the waters 'henselTes. including the topography of ocean bottoms and the effects of ocean temperatures on the distribution of aquatic aninals. Baird»8 greatest mistake -* •Tldently due to the entreaties of relative. - was in declinine Audubon*, urgent and repeated invitation to accorapany him in 1S43 on his expedition to the then remte Yellowstone RiTer. By Great good fortune the materials for Baird's biography were placed in the hands of Br. wjnian H. IMl for many y^ars an afl«wi«te and intimeta friend. Ifcugr i^t. t*r. are giren. often introdt^ced and tied together by en- " li^teaing renBTk.. indicating the wide «:ope of Baird*. xnteraats and activities, arri tf^owing hi. relation, with Audubon. Henrv. ir-««4«^*» t... . ^ IdBdral Farragat, Kliaha Kent Kane, and other prominent nen of the time. In reading the volune one is impreat with the feeling that Baird's life was in the main a rather HjonotonouB, albeit succesBful, struggle to increase the •cope and output of scientific research in America, and to dignify the portion of science in the councils of the Ooveranent. And one closes the book with a sense of grati tude to the author and of admiration for the great man wh*8e inspiri-^ example, i^ose helpfianess to others, and whose energy and patient perseverance accomplisht so much for jnankind* 4k «*« 4 8^S Soptorafcer 7^ 1915 Dear Ur. GrosTenor: By ttdn tiiM you will have reached hone^ I take it» and nill be ao ovenrtielaed with work of varimia kinda that raonDriea of your recent splendid trip to the Pacific ccaai ilill ha^e little tine In ahich to aeaert thenaelrea* Hoverer, yon hare acconpliihed a Rioflt retoarkable Joomegrt <^^ ha^e seen in a single aeaaon as smch of the coast eonntry as I was able "^o cover in a nunber of years. le were pleaaed to leam that yoiir nif^ on lib • Tanalpais j^nrved so satisfying* Tou as- tonished us by saying that yoa were all ttp at 4:30 in the morning to see the son appear. Is were glad that you saw the fog roll in^ and tliat you were able to look down \ipon it as one does from TansJLpaiSt with the hi^ points ot land er»rging like islands in a sea. ¥e were pleased also that ynti cRrHed away plee^ank rmnori^ss of Marin CJounty, incliiding onr little hoftie on the ridge at Lagunitas* It was a real J^oy to have you aril Mrs. Gh*osvenor arxl yotnr dear child- ren with us even for so short a tine. Tour keen apprecia- tion of the country idiich to tui is so full of charw, was «>st fjratifyir^ /' 249 I i The spirit of California has taken hold of ^mx and you are hound to retunu In fact you will cons a^n an* agM-n a« ♦-h* years jroll on. Al«ay« l«t uB know and aave a liUl» t.lra» for lagpnitas. m^h klni«Mii regards *-o yon all. J* ~ A ^ ? . • fdry tniiy yowra. ^' ."^'< }- ..■ ^^.,,j^^. ft n ;/.^". i .^ ' -^ Ur. Gilbert H*^Grosve|ior, v^^-^^'^ > Rational Oeo«"ai)Jiic Society^ ,^7 \y lariiington, «♦ C^ ,>^ . ^ ^^% a. T»" i r f 1 • - •.. :!a 'f ! - •• • .t 4 . » w r.t I • •• OSS I' f \ 251 «•% *• Soptaefcer 7^ 1915 Itr. Josiah H* Brinker, Sopt. of DoctaoentB, I- . * Dsar Sir: In roply to yoiirs of Sei^Qei>er 3 with respect to Senate Doe. 12L, S6th Coi^prese^ Zod eeaeion: I regret that yoa cannot mipply this separate^ hnt I an anzioi^s to secure a copy and t>ierefcrs will piirchaae tfie whole Tolme Serial Ho* 4589^ the price of iMch jou stated to be $1*2&. I shall Vie ohlie^ if yoa will kindly have this irolune sent to n^ 1lMhi7^.a& address^ IfMurtnent 701, The Northnm- berland, where it will he taken care of until nsy return. I 0hall he dbli(]^ also if you will send ns^ ad- dressed ^o Lagnnitas^ Marin Coun^t California, Bulletins 611» 612 and 614 of the United States Geological nkii^^j. the sasie beijx; ^de-books ef Astern Onited States* at $1* each* The total anmmt, $4«25, is enclosed herewith* Tory truly yours» i - f*'- V • Septecfcer 7, 1915 r CShoTrolet Ifctor Co., flint 9 Iiichi{;an» Bear Sirs: -The front *»«1 hm^iijp& tor ny Big tix Chev- roleti Ko. 178. have arriT«d. U you sont tham by axpraa^ instaad of hy pcuxol po«t as reqtiesiod, thoy went to Saa O^ronirao, ifcero I had to gp for than, there being no ex- press of f iee at Legtmitas. the four thriuit^lbeariT^ waahers (^fi)t ar/^nnt- ii^ to $3.60, tsere not needed, and ar« returned herasdth by parcel post inwa-ed, l^wil^ cr^t pis with tMs ar^mnt liBspsciitdly, «• / ( ?• S3S f 4 Saptan^ar 7, 1915 Sflpt«Bher 7, 1915 Bie Director, , ^ U. S, Gteolog^cal ^nr^yt iBtahington, D. C. Itear Sir: I ahalX be dbliged if yon will •arid ws Profes- sional Paper 9!S-0, An Anoimt folcanlc Kniption in tJie Upper Yukon by S. R. Cappe^ and also the following napa: Conco Beviaed ed« »., Haywards, Calif. • • ^ Sanliatao, Cklif. " * Borir]g Saa Coal 9iald 36 X 44 inchaa TeririKton met net, %9W. ■.•'.. . ^ -^- ' S6^ in paynent o: loapa ia enclosed herewith* Baq?aotf^iIl7« .10 .10 ■-■».•'■ .10 .15 .10 n Dear Mel son: Tours of the let inst* caz*ip yesterday, and I was glad of the infomation it contained, esceptirg that relating to the Cliief, i?5hich ^*s discouraging. It is pleasiiig to know that the second ahip^ raent of bear skulla froia Loiiis Bell has arriTed, but yoxu* estipiate of the brown bear skull does n^t agree with Ms* You call it a female, lehile he says it is tyie biggest and finest niale he ever saw, and thinks it iiiust be a record head* Thanks for the envelopes, idiich doubtless will airlye in a day nr two, and will be very htirdy in ^his ursine correspondence. I hate on hand here at Lagimitas a grizzly skull frMi British Coli:8d3ia, and a big cinnaz&on bear from northwestern California, and an eiqpecting a coiqae of other grisslies in the near future. lith kind regards to you all, and hoping that Henahaw is Mmself a^n. As ever youis, ^ Ur. K • W. Helson, 0. 8. Biological *irTey, Washing^-on, D. C« 'k Hi it h f 255 a »n 4 Saptwibar 8, 1915 Dear Saeldon: C oner atulat ions and V.est ^she3 to you bothl It is a fin*, thing that you and Urs. Sieldon are unsalfiBh enoTi^ to do your part toward infnsing good wholesome blood and braino into the Aaerican Coranonwealth — now so flooded with inferior strains. Since writing you the other dav. the nta*er of bear skoals received Irt the Biologicai Survey from the mid- dle of Itarj to the present time has Rrown to 50, of )i*;ich 21 are grizslies and hig browns o Our love to 2^^'^^ both and to the little ones. As ever youre^ itr. Chiirles Sheldon, Woodstock, Vemont . A] Septeniher 8, 1915 Hon, Tfioraas R. Bard, Los Angeles. CSlifo Dear Sirs In 1Q04 you presented to Congress a Memorial from the North- em California Indian Association wMch was printed as Senjite Doc. l3l, 58th Congress, 2nd Sessiono If you happen to have any copies of this document remaining, I should be greatly obliged if you would send iie one or two« Yery truly yours, o t. 5^ 11 r.' aas Septawber 10, 1915 Cali^r^rnia S^ate Auto Assoc* » ^v^ Van Hess Ave., ^ , .^ San Francisco, Caiii. ^ Dear Sirs: In y»'^ Bulletin dated the 9th inst. (jres- terday) you state •(Ktoiir in Saaaalito still necessary*. I drove ray oar to Sausalv^o Ferry yesterday and found the new road open and in spi-ixxlid condition* It is very orodced and has several sharp ar^es, but is nearly level and is a n^gnifieent road. It is a pity that you had not been infon^ied of tMs before issuing your last Biilletin. Very truly yours^ I-* rf \^^ 258 &^ I ' ^5 * 1 Sapttt^nr 11, 1915 Ibckaj & IHppie; Banff. JULborta. D^ar Si Thanks for yo^ir lattor of tha Ist ixuit.^ forwanlad to n» f 'x»n laahir^on. During the paat few years I have nrltten you eeveral timee in the hope of securing ataille of grizzly bears, biii without ranch sixscess. I am Ter^ glad to know however that you are now in a position to obtain such skulls* I am anxious to secure a3 nany skulls of grizzlies as possible from known localities. Ihile perfect skulls are preferred^ I ara nevertheless glad to take all grizzly skulls, irrespective of seci« age, or condition, the prices of course varying accoi^ngly — * froro $4 to $6 for young skulls, up to $10 or $12 for adult feraales, and $16 to $25 for fully adult laales* Kach edcull should be labeled with the locality where killod and your own nana, and also with the sex and ap* proxirafl'te date if known* Some ta^^ Are sent you herewith* Vashir^^nn, D* 0« I shall be f:)Lad to piu^chase bear skulls from any locality in inerica, provided the locality is known* Iff address tmtil the latter i)art of October will be La0iaitas, Uarin Coimty, Calif omiai after Kovetober Ist, lical Burvey, laahington, D. C. Resi)ectfully^ r, i " \ In case you have any akulls on hand or can purchase any, please wrap carefully and ship by parcel post or express, addressed: U. S. Biological ^w^y% Dept. of AgricultTire, \ eas: M SoptflB^-er U j 191& ¥ ff>' ;-* J"#> ^'^Cl Mrs. lilliftra DjAjr, Qarioalaii . _ TillsGWXiic Co« , Or«eon. • - * D»ar ?fe"8. Darby: Ify Bi star Mrs. Florenca Itorriam Bailey writaa m that your eon hae racantly trapped a hear in vcur neiGhborhood. Did he save t^e slcuUT If b6. and is an adult hlack or cinnanon hear in good condi- , I wmild he glad to pay $5 for it. If your son kindly write we ahout it. I ahall ha greatly oblifi IFery truly yoiira. •,1' .^1 I ir •M >' K i I oas: 261 Septonfcar 1^, 1915 Septonber 18, 1915 California State Auto ABa#c*» 1628 Van Ness Ave», San Francisco, Calif. Bear Sirs: Thwiks for the Bulletin of S^i>ta^^ar 16. In thie Bulletin ymi state that the Saratoga (Jrade is in fine condition to siraait, "then very dusty to the Park-* I drove my car oTstr this road two days ago and found the down eraAm trtm sinnit to Bi^ Basin in beautiful condi- tion, it beinG watered i^Rparenfcly f or its entire length. Th condition, «kI are most dali- ., pres... the pir^ se^-a wiU prove to have the rnoet ^^ .ualStiee.^^ ^^ ^..Uy ciieappointed that Hel.on " - , • ^^« -hnt at ill hope he i>iay reach has been ke?t in laelung+'On, b'l* ^^^^^ " ^ here early in pctoher. - ■ With best wishes and many thanks for vour kindness, Ter"- tmlv yotirs. Ur, a. R. aoldwan, OroBi, Tulare Co., Calif. i; I Mr. ]?. 1. Darbey, 233 Main Srr.^ 1RnniT)eg, Canada^ * 1 '.A • * • • « Dear Sir: YoTir letter of the 7th inst. just received. Yes, I shall be s^Lad to purchase the .grizzly akidl you have on hand frm Britirii Col'i<4)i*».v. ev a& thcp^^ r^ie exact locality is not known., Hease BAd, it ly paiicel post or ejqpress, addressed: Uv S>. Bidlo(fitoal- Surraj','- Dept. of igri culture, Waaiir^.on,D;C.. -,%•'=•' • ■'".^^ I axpect t'l return tfv.Washingtonfabojit; the esnd of October, and will then see t.hrft a check :'b sent fO\i for the skidl, as per rav previoiis letter. Please attach a ttyj to thee" skull beariTgt your own r?ne, so that there will bo no q»ie«*i(m as to who it is frott, as we are recoivinc nun»rmi« hear nkvllB from various parts of the Hort-hwest, and. in sone cases there is difficulty in tailing which is whioH. Ten' tnily yours. <» " r>\ < ( It . % ^8S . f ^ '.'# Septanber 18, 1915 D#ar Doctor Stephens: All ri^tl I*ll be &l^ ^-o weot you on Tuesday roorning at the Fwry flower stand as before* Our train usually arrives about five rainutes after nine* ♦ 1- ALrx VI :|b retxHTied late lairt ni^t from h threa- dy trip to Big Ba«in>i« boBt we ?iave ever taated. I nish ^'^ return the proper Hcknowled^Tent for mr porsonal shai^e. Tiae re ^' "^^ ^'"^ ^^^^Y -all have to I 9 266 B.I.K. \ v-^"^ apeah for tliaaselves. Ihey^arriTod at a nest fortiimte tiroe, ae our etock of fruit had been pit away beforft our d©i>artur« and wa wora just on the point of goins ^o San Ifafaoi for aore when your bountiful box was discovered. Too bad Dhcle Henry had tMs breakdovm. It nwB-- he sAi^tj h«rd for you to stay in laahir^on another month after having h^m at the helm all aur-aer. You have my a^'Ki.athy in yoi^ stru^gri^ vrirji nh9 estimtea. Good liiok to you J Ab ever. «tri Ifc*. E. W. Nelson, XI* S« Biological Sixvey, Washir^.on, D. C» I V3S: 268 SepteB*>er 2D, 1915 \ ! f /. Septewiber 30, 1915 Mr. Mr. Tracy !• Storar, ^ ^. . Asst. ©irator of BardB, ItiBeuw of Vertahrato Zoology, ; Berkeley, Calif. Dear Hr. Storer: * Thanks for yotir latter of the 15th inat., >«hich I firA on returning fron a recant trip. I m greatly ofclige^d for the addreaa of J. M. Murdock of JoiirjatowT^3m., to '%hoia I an writir^g oy this mil. I wiU nlf^o ^ve rayaalf the pleaaure of caiing on Mr. Lett the next time I m in the city. Thanking you for yoTir oontini4ed helpf idi leaa in the laatter of the search for bear skulla, Tery tnily ^rours. :•? J. M. Miirdock, Johnrta^pi^ Dear Sirx Recently I have boen in^omed thtit you killed several grizsly bears in Alberta d^oriiv: tl;e past suirtaer. * * * This interests r^ie (j-oatly, and I tin writijrx^ to ask if you would be trilling to sail or loan ine the skulls cf \he griazlies in q estion. Vnerd did you kill ^.liera? kid are . thara ainy adult niales or f eioalaa in the lot? Foi nearly t,%enty-five years I have bean collect ing skulls of knf^rioni X^^htb^ as a re8;ilt of iv-hich our Na* tianal Mi4satw Collection ccntciins more thnn 500 skulls of -* ■ > . • . grizzlies and big brov;n bears. •• • .1 There are at isast four spacioa of grizzlies in Britiflh Colurfcia and adjacent parts of Albertu, but the miqhar of adult sk^ills avajlabla for examination is insuf- ficient to admit of riappir^; their rruiges correctly. The above will be ray addraaa until the latter part of October, y^en I expect to retujTi to Waehii^^on . tha winter. Hopirig to hiar from you, ?ary trxily yoxzrs. •\v^ %V>J^ I \ f if J I 5 eas '.» . •*•*; Sap^«db^r 20, 1916 Mr. J. H. h. C. Dear Sir: . Tour letter of tha 3rd Inat, has Jnst r<^achad me, havii^ been forwarded f r(»n laahingtom ! I am Gl^ad to know th^t you have on hnnd two 8k\2ll0 of srizzLy hears, and that you nay be aile to Becure others. I ahall Ve t^lad to pirchase all you can Q^t (iTirinG tho renal ndor of ^.h% pr-^gent »eason and next year aleo, tjvd will pay yo;ir price of at l^^ast $30 for the two akullB you Klrea4y liave, proviii^ they reaah th^ Biological Survey in good condition* Pleaee eee that each Bkull is labeled for t?ie locality where killed and approximate date, and alec yoir own naiw. I expect to retiuTi to Waahir^gton nbout the end of Octobor* ScTills received d^irinc ^ absence will be properly cared for. Please be siure to write your narm rm the outside of tlio packaga so there nay be no ni stake aa to idio it is froru A fow ta^ are enclosed herewith* Skulls loay be sent either by parcel post or ex- press, but should always be carefully wrapped '.o prevent breakage in transit. In the case of clean stulls^like yours, it is best to put a pad of folded paper between %} ■ 270 lb*. J. I.e. Vi the jaws to prevent breakage o teeth are exceediwly brittle. Tou nention that you have sor» fine speci- mens of the black tiniber wolf. For adult skulls of wolvee from your region I will be glad to pay $3 ^ach for ten skulls. Ihat is the value of a bllck wolf skin wi^h skiai, the skin being complete with lips, nose, ears, and claws so^ that it worJd i^e a good nuseum sp^fiuenT I '■■' " ■' « .■-... Very truly ycurs^ * #. f 1%. f i I FYS 272 '/ i i it Pi . rv Sept«aii^er aO, 1915 Dear Kelson: J. W. Cochran ym-^f^ qb free BarkerrUle.B.n that ha had on hand Bono vary fina mpacinana of '•vha •vqiland caribou* and aooae. Thought you ni^^t ha ill- tereatad to know this. I an purchaair^ soioa ^isziias from hiia, and parhapa also a black wolf or two* Ikaxy thanka for your lattar of tha 10th inat and for tha infomation about tha baar akiille from Louis Ball. Tary truly yours. .r Kr* K« w« Nalaon, U. S. Biolo^cal Siurvay, ^ ' ' on, D. C\ / I i Septacfcar 20, 1915 Vr. W. I. Wame, Accoxmtant. Sbitnaonian Institution, lashirgton, D. C. Daar Mr* Ada^ns: fi^wik» t^r yo ir lattar of tha 11th inst. ratumii3g t}^ Northuai^erlarid laaaa for sigrKitura. I an glad to know that tha Hashington Loan and Truat Corapany acQ^jta -^ha altaratior^ I mada in tha tarraa of the laasa. Tha aana prOparly signad and witnaasad ia ratumad hera- with* Have just ratiumad frcm an intereating autcciobila trip -^f about thraa hundred ndlaa throu^ tha Santa Cmz Mountains, and thenca to San Juan* * • * lith baat wiahaa, ▼ary trulj*^ yours. is / / A f 8YS 274 ^1 S^ 20, 1915 ft %i# Dear Mr. Stewart: Tour 8 of tha 18th reached rae thia noon. You don*t know ho*^ delichted I ait to know that the long- hoped-for visit from you is about to naterlalize. 1 am go- ing to 3un Franciisco tomorrow aomir^ Tuesday , and will trjr to reach you by phone at Hotel SiattiMdc between 1 and 1:30. Should I fail in this, can you not neat m at the Sausalito Perry, north aide of Ferry Builtiingt San Fran- cisco, a little before 3:45 p. m., ao that ^e raay oane in together on the 3:46 train, which reaches Lag^mitas at 5:16f Should it not be contanient for you to come tomorrow, drop me a line telling iriisn you can cone. There is no telephone or telegraph here at Lagonitas* Wi'h best wishes, and loye to AnSlyt whom we hope • o see here before long^ As aver yours^ Mr. Gtoorf^ W. Stewart, Hotel Shattuck, Califs September 20, 1915 Mr. H. C. Beai^uui, lIoMer. Oregon. Dear Sir: TJiBjis for your letter of the 18th in«»t. «»bmit t}\o bear skull. In case you kill any more b'^ara, I should be glad to piut:hase the sKulls. Ploase state on a tag trtiather the bear was a black o- a cinnanon. By the way, wiiich is more comon in your region, the black or cinnamon bear? Did you ever hear of any grizzly bears in western Oregon? If so do you know of ctny one rfao liaa one of their Bk\illat I expect to rei^riain here until the latter r^* ^f October, after wbdch ray address will be 11. S. Biolo/aca Siu-vey, Dept. of Agricrature, Washir^.on, D. C. In case you aec^ira a skull, kindly ahip the saioe to ray Tas/dr^.on address. Thar^ing you for your pronpt reply, f ery truly yours^ i i I aYS: 4# Septanfcer 23, 1915 )l Daar Dr. Stephens; The present outlook giTes us a clear deck for Saturday, so unless you hear from us to the contrary on Friday, you nay expect Mrs. Ifarriara and myself to accept your kind invita- tion. We ahall probably reach your house in Alaraeda a little after six o^clodc on Saturday. With love to you all. As ever yours, ' Dr. Barclar Steph mtral hlmOi, Alazoeda. Calif. •I ftp* d\^ Soptoci)dr 24^ 1915 Dear Arch: Yours of the 20^h reached rae this morniiig. As to your friend who is going to motor to San FraBcieco and is tMnkiiig of both Yoseraite and Tahoe: These two places as you doubtless know, are not on -he saine routes and cannot be easily reached, one from the other. Both a^^e safe up to the middle of October, pro- vided the weather is good at the east base of the range, but ou^t not to be undertaken if a stom is in s:^t as redn in the foothills means snow in the hit^ mountains. X would advise your friend to take the Lincoln Hltjhway to Reno. The route we took ?ia Truckee is all r?^ for bjtj good car which can make the 32i percent grade between Donner Lake and Sucisit. The snowshed crossii^ has been abolished and a cut under the railroad siibstituted, mi^ch to the joy and safety of motorists. This jxass is nut quite 8000 feet, and therefore nearly 3tX)0 feet lower than the Tioga Road pass which leads to Crookers, a little north of Yos6oiita« If your friend wishes to visit Lake Tahoe it would be easy for hira to do so from Tj-uckea, as the Tahoe roads are said to be in excellent condition. If he does this, it would be better perhaps to take the PlacerTill# 1 1 ; 1 i _ # 277 A.M.6. 2 grade to Sacramento, rather tJian the Donner-eolf ax grade which we took. Both roads are said to be in good condi- tion. In any case, he should go to Reno first, and then decide whether to cat the chance of your coming here is so good« and wish that yojui^ could come earlier and stay later. ■♦. t As to the. wood supply: I dOR*t want you to buy wood, neither do I want^ you to bum up v^ wood-piles which I have in part rebuilt.. and wish to have r^ody f or ne: season. I. had thou^^t of irarkiiig Sr lot of trees for yoa to cut^but perhaps the saf ^r way would be f or ii^ to liave tham cut before I leave so that there would be no chance ol cutting the wrong trees. Then you can do the triinoir^ and paokim; or hire it done^as you i^refer. I. I 8YS: ^ ^^^ r It does not sean naeesiiary to burn so moh wood as you burnt last urintor, and I haw be«i woiid«ring if you covld not radueo tlia a/anmt materiallj by packisig the criiclcs around the neat door with cotton or Juia* and uaiqg a atova for the dining-roooi. la think it a groat joka that you triad to atick a stoYa-pipa up tlie firaplaoa chinnay idian thare ia a special hole for it in the end of the chimney opening into the dinins^rbOBf and plenty of extra atoTe-pipa up- ataira. If you would be content to keep t,he dining- room mrm daytiiaea it could be eaaily ctirtained off by hangii^ any old thii« from the top of the beam between it and the riain linr«*roan« Then you ^uld hare the big fireplace for eveninga. Thia would reduce the firawood t6 a fractirm of 4tu$X waa uaad laat winter. I have done nothiqg about the roof for the reaaon that tiie roof haa not leaked einue we cama. There were two raina after we arriYad^ one rather heavy oti May 24, but no water oane im I am thinkii^ howoTer of getting a chunk of Truacon dope idiich they claim Iwta re- markable Tirtoaa in pl'igging leaka in roofs and about chimneya. I will probably i^ave a batch of it here idiere you can get it if needed. ^ 279 I / ff A.U.G. 4 V I have just had the garage painted with two coats of Truacon Stone-tex* It looks good and I belioTe it will keep out the water. Time will taUU Prof* Por- rest ShreTe told ne that it wan splendid stuff. Ifa^s. M. and Zanaida join ne in love to you . » , . • . ■ . __. ' ■ both* • • - * As aver yours. Kr. Arch U. Oilbert, Milford ntA. *i > /r-i ^ - .. » :^- *-. I ". -A .V i.*- I . 'I )^i ;. , J 08S: I m A V 4\ Saptonbor 24^ 1915 ]fr. Arthur B. Heatoiit 1512 H Sfe., iMhingtoiit D. C. t Dear Mr. Beaton: lh«n I left Washington last spring wa had not arrived at a satisfactory plan for tha garage to t* built in tha yard at tha raar of ny house, 1919 16th straafi. Tha plan provides also for tha building of a bath- rooa to axtanl from tha laundry to tha present senranis* iratarclos^t mdar the kitchen steps* I aspect to return about the ^id of Octo- .* ft ber, cmd would like to build a geurage as soon as possible thereafter* I s}mll be gjLaid therefore if you will taka the raatter up again in view of the enclosed plan* The gEurage i^ould have cai>acity for two cars — a small one measuring 14 feat in lar^;;tlit and a largi one 16 f oet« Tha width of tha cars is 5 feat 9 inches, and it is necessary to have plenty of rocn on both sides* The doors will have to be extra vide. Tha hai^ii of tha doors should not ajDcead 8 feet 6 inches, and the hai^t of the garage ceilii^ inside not over 8 feat 9 iiK^hes* The alao- trio wire and staoci-heatar outlets can be arranged later* Very truly yours. 281 U f Septanber 34, 1915 Hudson Book Co.. 25 West 42riri St.. Raw Yoric City. DoHT Sirs: The books you sent oe under data of Septaidbor 8 and 9 have arrived safely, and I Imve decided to keep tham all* I have tlitjrefore nade out a voucher for tha amount, $23*75, which I am sending to the Shithsonian Institution to be paid fron Mjy special fund. A check will be sent you about the 1st of October* I am returning your original bills. M^ich mention only antho3rs* nanss^ so that you will recogfiiza tha titles when you receive the voucher w5th t>ia Snithsonian check. Rospectfully, 'f% 0 c .w^- \f M r i I 282 A M 88S f 284 S«ptaak>er 24, 1915 ■*•- Doar VB: It iMiB been a veT lerg time that we have lieen liondering liiere you had gone, and why we had not heard; but today* a mail brings your letter of the 18th inat. fro* Oardiner. -^ It is good that you liate had anch an interest- ing trip aad have learned so much that is worth knowing. But it is ny private opinion that you are too old for sooh hard and protracted horseback riding. However, I strongly suspect that you will keep at it until you check in. Thanks fpr the infonnation about the grizslies. It is of the utmost possible importance to aecure evexx adult skull that can be had in.the iiaaediate future, tod I would tharfc n^ lutAy stars for a chance to purchase a couple of thousand dollars* worth during the next six weeks. Ihat w» need is skulls, and we ne«i than ri^ now and all we can possibly get. I will write Bsbert liLller at Jackson by this Bail, and will al»» write yow friwid Rndolph Rosencram of Moran, Renins. Laet weak we all B»de an auto trip to Big Basin, Santa Cms, and San Juan, returning by Hollister, i J . ?.B. 2 » * San Felipa, Oilroy, and the east side of the Bay, cross- ing by the new ferry from Richmond to San Rafael. Since our arrival in May, Suaie has carried us some 2500 wiles, and i s atill in excellent health and spirits. We hope to go to Pinnacles in the course of a couple of weeks, and wish you coidd be of the party. , A few weeks ago aizabeth and I drove over the Pi eta Grade to Clear Lake, where we spent a couple of ni^ts with TV. J?tephens. at hie mjemr hOM in a forest of giant laanzanitas. flcrenc« seatis well and happy, and evidently keeps b:uiy. She has been a CJod-aend to Dorotl^ durii^ the suoner. Arch Gilbert and wife e^ect to occiqy ranch again this winter, but cannot cone until lai With love from us all, Aa eyer. famon Bailey^ Cody, Wyo. it 8S J 286 Sept6i!i)er 24, 1915 Septotiher 24, 1915 Mr. Bohei-i «***^* , Forest Sapt^r visor, Jackson, Dsar Sir: Vernon Bailey writes roe that you have the skin and skiill of a grizsly killed on Buffalo Creek, south of the Park, awl also that you know of another akull which you cached in a tree some yeikra ago* As Bailey probahly told you, I tm laost anxious to obtain as roany dciills of grizzlies as possible, par- ticularly adults, froo anywhere, especially from the general Park region, and tfiall be glad to pay rather hi^ prices for the same. If you will kindly let m know the value of the akin and skull you have on hand, I shall be greaUy obliged. And I shall also appreciate yoin- kindness if you will make a special effort to recover the big skull you left in a tree. If it is a tig old nale in fair condition, I should be glad to pay at least $30 for it, Ify address will be as above until the latter part of October, when I expect to return to Washington, Do C. A few tags are enclosed herewith. fery truly yours, lir. Rudolph Rosencrans, Horan, Ttyo. Dear Sir: A letter just received frora Vernon Bailagr tello rae that you are in a position to obtain grizsly bears. I am anxious to secure as raany skulls as possi- bl., and should be glad *^o I»y ^^^''^^^ ^°^ Prices for the sarae. provided each is labeled with the locality ^ere killed. 1 woixld he glad also to purchase a few co^lete nwiett« specimens - skins accompanied by their proper akulU - in case t^e value of the slcins is not too great. Should like to know idiat you consider a fair price for a gpod Bkin with skull. Skulls of adult and old bears are worth much more than those of young bears, and n«les are .ort^i 3ors than feriales. At the «une tim I shall be ^ad to piarchase all tixe skulls you can get. irrespective of sex aM a^e, the price yaryineac- cordingly. I an anxious to secwe these specimens as eaxly as possible for the reason that my book on the Big Bear's is likely ^o go to press during the winter. )fy address will ha as arove until th« latter part of October, when I expect to return to Was).ircton. Tl. k few tags are anclosed herevath. ?ery truly yoiirs. c- h ^8S 288 SiptoiiMur 27, I'aft i.*«j lirthnr Bain, iHst '»'%f 8*.^; ) ■> . . f^ idU briic baaf aUak. .'\.. "v « •^' --» »• >.^> » ■ 1 .« «i idil hru« aUT'^iia othar food aiili o* i raa o^or aah bads; Cbn ymi fitc£ ymif big ^Std^ooff a eoii|ila of frjips paaa? ' *'^' fary truly ' »»•»•• V ' . r • r •iv ^*l .• /J^.Ti*' C-1 ^- . • rs •j:-:' "• '*^*'' <♦ r^t- ":*•. .» T^- 1 -r ^- ^<^ r-. '*\ • * .-r' w^Sr-- "* — ^ "# *- «•«• « ^ «;?-•%■ * '-i.:^ . - • « («. •*r 2r,' l4lS r /• V ^«-^. > A *»«. V K. M- ^ Ooodrich Tir« Co., -^ ^^^ ^».^-^ »• flta Fraaciaco, C»dif. -v .-r; .^v-c r Sirs: ^ "' '^i . -. . -, . ' »ank4iA& ymi f r<» *h9 Thayer wj^e, rt li^ywor %iT*i*«i«B Cord • Ji "^- :ii;f«*:^ ;i«^T^«ii 5«r -00^ timi^ •&. \)^^^^ '.«% ,-«^j •1 .''•* <"♦ '♦ 1. -V ■*'. *^ aora thott y.OW ^^laii; Vrii:^^^ *^ •«^'^' ^-^ ^°''" tinMi frote »»Mnh>n. it C. to 9» ftr«i»J««»^- "««• <>«» bii^ iwii6«>*^in «»i«« •«•' •*» •**^ br«*o« •^«'»« ^ ^- -- "^ • ^i' ^»t' •<>•" **^t- «•■ t, I WmU bo {r«i*Jy. «*liQS* . _^ ad -noi tt/lxstuA to thii *B*r«r •ly •• poo^iVlo. 00 t^^X. I oas: !»▼• H xw* ItioM tiroo huTO ffjTon no Invpoo .mU «C«0ti on • •o iweh no thxtt J do Twt coro to -tporimnt »ith aiy othar kinl. ?»ry tinl? yo^wo, r\ --It. » • .al *» .» « x.< v>^^- «.:» '*i* ■•.' r> . -^.^>^{': *• " ,iia«itf:<. ?»T»ii.^r .^ff 8iipt€i#^^r 27, 1915 ,Ii^. '*'%;* -I' •». » r r •' • - ,1 • tu^.a ■■ jr^ *%wi4^ Vkjgiut ^ luul boon ^,^'i^,'*oii Sd*^^^ of iri^idl. , ' T, ^-^Imj[ 1>ai^ aro mrVk o^ tr«B $i U$S oiidi. W»ord) -^'diaiC i«B;^1nd oiMm^'. >fl^^ m^ ^o'iiiijijpod'«j by'Mi^ol itat'^oi^ tt^ooajT ^twIdroiMd: ir.-8. Bj4iiw;$pa .-'fc-j* n^iriiti'irfaa^ ••-.:^-."''^ ■» ««>^ * ' • • r I ti •M> ^.^ •?'»:• r; ^ o I cq«act ^o !*atum ^o Vnjtuqg^^on sir oat the of Ototobtr* n«iM b« 0)tr9 ^o lfdl>al mch akuU irlth Uia loDAlity tsher^ migj, the af^roxJinata datti and jt^tr cmn Original Defective res 292 '^ V •• ♦f. <*^ r»C^M ^^f.^.\ • ^- IH.^ 1 ->'.^..? ' V»»VX5r« . H H,w '..r:i^ !■ K^ »rfv 1r • «^ • ;*:!> 4 t^">f '! -• 9 1^ 4.- - •«^ YoMi: t»o l*tt«r» of |Wt 16 ii*'« ^5^ 5«?*i m Wi>«5 y^'>P«»« f?^^ w^^??^>y v^*9 '^^' flkull fron Hooinim lliT«r« and fi|a^ enr^M^tha nuih inMar#gt oo'.rtr ratiini to »uihlnBton in * " '40-' •**•** 4 - risMu ami! I MnA pa -vire^t for tjd s ikoll mt w^i until othors «ro rocalTudf > ¥?ij; truly ^r^'W^ ..>^ ■ 7 1- • .» • * -■» - ♦- .i" •M ^ ■ r ^'^ i'^j^yri ^t .'^ V ^ - ^ ^:J ' ii4Sf^V\ .Al O*^ ^ ^ r -K..^ f» •^» , ^r. • i»^f r^-. .' Riohandaoc^ ••pt«bor 27. 1915 If" »«r tlr: ... ^^""^ tor your Utt«r x»f ihiiri*rf> i*i\iL^< _ '-^>fr^ to tts^^-rr-X^^ '■ Batty Aip tj» .italii by „„o ..^ ' "' _ w«y tndj jopirs^ ^r •« , flbto^^or* wnor^ Idllad. the uparoxintita da*i% ^ or4i of 8GS 294 . •! S»pfUi«)«r 27. 1915 *• Ji - «- i— ..-'X't^- •" ♦ P«iciletpfw - -^ l;Ji:^'^"5' , j^%.v ♦ » ♦if I"* J- r t ft' r* • w » *» \r , .^UiW,^ the a^^V^ i-»« by ir. ...... tr««tiae *i»t, it &oM you^-rf -ly. !■ *^ i ' *i - ' • • •• . • •.-• 1 ;»%: vi*. ^li'^J*^' .^.' .«_•< .f* «>-"*."* ►.-% 1' t^ «♦ *- ^ r T - •▲ fl ,«»»t»i5«t :'i.^«t_: * ''^^^^^ i£^ Ufaj- t/^V-* . r»*. f* ^- t ^rs ftatit tM.t irou A* ^•- ."^l b^ of mzt|iiv)^i;l« tour* lit %ii IfatM t /^ t jT'uld kindly mdA • eopv above addrw*« Anr eh yr. for th« Mras idll be prcfe!|»U; SdqiMctfUUj, • • -A- .^ vru C>-: -. V :----•'' t \* • '- • • • * ' •< .tr «ff*^'* .lb O*-^ ^'&M; 1.1^ •> ' ^ i: V f^ ,h-^itU i^^ SGS / 1 296 fLv^tmft^T 27p 1^16 AMitftant 8«r«tary, ,c. loiter «r Ui« aMk^inst. anoloainK &ri of toi^lak** AUtfca, eoncorn li^ tlia Mda of a bro^ bear akull< I in %rfiliis Mr. Bk^ by thia Mdl, ^\p ♦.-* »r>^ idoa .0 aacura ^iia akull tioA far Uia Htiaateu "■ tLthbtiSt tfitfiaa. ?ary UuLy youra^ 0 ^ 'i \/ 1 ' 1 r ':| .: *•* .' 3iyTi^ig'i^»%f^ ^^7 l9io .r* • > 3. ian Joaa^ quota prica on your finJizy braiKi lihita wttaitDlaaat papar In 8 OS. rQlla« in lota of 2 doMn rolls. Raapactftilly^ Original DefectiveJ VGS : M if I Septararsr 33, 1915 Dear Dae tor Stone: B^r the sar'ie tiail I «« s ending; 3' on, reg: «■ tered, ^lie she^t yon sent lae on ^he 14th inst. for the Siif^e albiFi. Yoiir letter of the Sint with Bnclo«*wl photographB arrived yesterday and gave ub all rnuch pleasure You have had far better luck with your photographB thia year than I have with nine; sorae of tliem are litUe geirie, r wish I knew whera you stood *en you took tne one loc4c- inc across the can3mn herB at Lafninitas. I mil tny to locate the spot and take one from the Brt^ne place. Dririnc the past laonth or so we have taken two interesting automobile trips of approxiinataly 3OO juiles each ~ one up to Clear Lake in the hot country, the oUior to Bir: Basin in the Santa Cruz Mountains, md thence to San Jiian Valley and back on Khe east side of the bav. Susie has carri-ed us about 2600 mles this suiaraer. Next week wo are going B'outh to San Benito Coimty to c.u?)p for a couple of nights in the National Monunant known as the Pinnacles. Wish i^ou and Mrs* Stone could tx» of tha party. Zenai'da is greatly pleased with the pic- tures, sjyA insists on ke^pirig all of the sn».ll ones for f« 11 / 298 Dr.W.S. '*"* ' ^-'-"1-1^ «^-'. ^ hop, , ^, ,„„ ,. ^.„^ luck as ynu hiid. Of the forty odd people ^o have visited us at La^u^itas ao far this seaaon. I think .ou and the (Jros- vanor. (of the National Oeo^aphic Jfe^.ine) appreciated 0'^ co,mtry n^ra th«, did any of the others. Therefor. we exTieot vou both w-ifVi xr^-^t^^. «»-• . . no.n Hith your wives to come again and stav lor^^er. With nc-my thanks and bast wislies to you both. Very truly yours. Dr. Witraer Stone, Academ of Natural Sciences Hhiladelphia, Penn. 9 K i \ U t ees: !• .'500 SeT;teinh'ir 28, 1915 Septwiber 28, I'^lft Hon. San. L. Ro-'jars, Bt rector, Canaua, Washin(it-on, D. C Dear Sir: Many thaiiks for your ooiwtesy in notit^dng na of the publication of k Canens Biireau^i)or+. en Mi ana ofjtha United States and Aiaskti. I el^H >5e e;r^atiy obliged if yoti .^111 wrA a cojiy to the above wldreBB (Lf.^mita8» Marin Ccnnty, C»''i^orma) and another to ry winter address, 1^19 Inth Street, Waahinc^.on, B. C. Bespaoifiilly, C. Hart Ifcrriaa f i? I ^ I Caxjt. J. P. HtTbrick, IfcCarthy, Alaska* Uj'' dear Sir: Yoiir latter of Jiily 4 has reached rae here in California ^lere I ha^e he«n spending the smopaer. The Biological Survey has <'icknowled^sed ^ece5pt of the three heari^ you sent in -- one old browi bear, an adiilt black bear, and a frnonent of a black bear. The^^ Baj*- that the second skill I which yon labeled as a brovm bear is really a black. I an therefore entering it as snch on your voucher. I will examine it carefully on v?j re- turn to Washington next month, and if by any possibility Tl turns out to be a brown or grizzly instead of a black, I will credit you the dif'^^^rence in value. I hope you will succeed in obtaining addi- tional skidls this fall, as I an particularly anxious to ieoiire as nany as possible this year. Sorry to learn that you had such hard liick as to lose a horse by drowning. Thanks for the speci- mens of coppei; which of course I liave not yet seen. With best wis}ies, ?ery truly yoiurs. ^0*^,00 will be sent 3^011 from the Srith- ^tu**^. ros to 9> J> -rt % 1' ^ •a e ^ p« P4 a I •§ a« r-i 'i:^ O •»--» (S) 3 •r-i CO \i ^ ^ P4 C -4 M XJ r-l O P4 - ^ b Q r-H s J a V4 .1 ^ -H ''S .- -. U o a -P -r-l f «) f-"* S ^ C ^ ^ o f-< p« I p% o © V ^ ^ I t ^ ^ g a •s I ^ » 'D V n 0? •g *o § '{2 «^o g r -t( f-ltiD i-a >xcp4 •a ^ J ^ ^ n >■. *f1 >>» V^ rH -3 O ^ -6 .S -g ^ >> •S '3 ^ pL, CO s c g -W—t ^m liD f ^oz fl tohar 1, 1915 Dr. S^,8j«i0!is: ' •. '* /- Have this monent received a reply fr«i « ' • • ' li . * ■" irUiar Rain a0 to tlie Pinntftclee trip. Re aaye that the hotel eit# seene the ooet s dtahle caapir^;; place but adds that th*i e ie no water ymmt at the presdnt tinef ^ie river being dry, eo that ha «ill have to haul water ttr the cans^. He will also aak Mbr. Bacon for pemisaion to ctrnp at the hotel aite. Be etatee also that the road is q^dte aaadj and being very dry ia negotiated with sono d?ff5culty, I BLBsia'm tliat this bad sand ia between the laat hoiuM and the }iotel aite^ but an not aiire^ Bain aaya he }iaa a iqyrir^- wagon which will carry fiv#* peraona and H«u7t» to know if nhat will take all the lad5ea« Thia 1 cannot anawer^ n^t knowir^ how rmny there will be beaidea otit Uuree« * Bain aaya he can f miah everytJiii^ we aaked for except 'iie corm Thia neana he will b-ing 6 roaated chickena, k peck of boiled 2>otutoea not peeled^ 3 dozen Otjca, aoTie freah ripe tonatoea^ Z qtinrtB of rdlk arid 2 qqarta of c rearu I have written Hain by thia imil aakir^ hin f^ore apecifically Hho;it the cb atWicea between hi a house and "? w the hotel ajte, and the bad aandy place, arjd the ■ou^.h of Bear Canyon, and alao whether there ia aiqr anitalle place where it night be well to leave the cam on the nmut aide of the bad annd, and how far thia wot.ld be f ren %nm hotel aite and Bear Canyon* Have aaked hla alao if he can f trmah ar^tlier tean Itt caae of nec^aaityard whether or not I * • .,t ha can be reached promptly by phone* ' Hia anaw^^r ahmild reach ne not later than Toea- -*• ' ' da^m I will thim coriamiicate ^th yf»^i at once« Hra^^ltarriaR and I find omfaelvea a little \wlmj aboii^ the exact hiwfcer of t}ie party. There wrll^be foar of -. - • • • ■ the iKJaaibiiity of a f5ftJi, aa ««a haive invited Ut Bailey Ullia, Hie ^teently appe early arooingfor ♦Jie trip aoii+^ la will talk thistover v*j«fi I sfe .tgu Tioaday or ladneaday. 'VpXvi^iali not aeon forget, piir^ ra(cexrt pleasant visit with you, and the* firia^ rids you f9mi.4te,i^ ^xnday* lith'love to, you all^ *oV As ievar ;«oiurs. V N. '•-I "1^ Ik-. W. BHrclay Stephens, • *^ Central Block, Alameda, Calif* -i ^ WB«is*i. — AiA 1 i J I -4 305 V*. ---r^ Obtober 1. 191S **"k#*' «f *% ^^ f , • i ir^ n? l«»v!«r i^Vrit th-* PlTjn«dle« trip. Bixt X w.ctm »- littU at (vm «^wll appr«ci*t» .th. fa»nr x^u^r^ofnit you wiU kindly 6»*« •« ^^« foll«w- Jng di«tancw: from ymr hon»« io ^h« last b«n»# (itfiarA a 'ii^ ^» bt^WinjS » "^Jii*^ S^«6^ **" '^ *«rti t«ar« la«t y«arH f rfl« '«» l««t ho»ise t^ th« hot«l ait*;.- fipn th« hoUl «it« to ^.h« wnith of B»ar ( '^r Orlx«ly) Cicvoni froa th« hoUl. »it» H* HDnVi «>*• Piiwaclos Cwtyon, ;^- • % V'c-c - ' Hw jl<5J^ i^ ^^ s«ndy st^ftteh b^ora r^nvch* . and hfltai git#?' ■ , •• •♦ > -' iVmIiI it be pmplacabl^ to l^ava the cars kt^thm t^jtir-hmimm, f*r fKt.f» ' KLl6h fhnilj^ Thoj^ a.^ throe in i^ fwily and IT* Storhono ' nay ha^o one or two boaido* his wifo.-of thio I an no^ '^'^^ b«t will try to find out aa .oon as po«Blbla and let you toWi *»'ad My at a quoso that thoro are at least half a do«n. • « > All of our thro« antoHbhileo are rat}ier Inre* t f \ *. and hea^ nnd tharafora apt to aink in tha aand« IBjia wai^ia 4000 potaids mipt^ and oita of tha othara pr*ahly WM^ th#« SOOO. Raaty cara, aa you of co^irsa knofv^ are not a/cu^ta4 to sajid nHvi45i,tiqfw « In caaa it ia bast to laara tha care on y mir aida of tha bad aand, could /qu raiaapna oth«^ t»am i^nd wagon In adUtimi to yo^jr ow in ordar, to, haid all tha wiMan and all tha diiffla to tha hotal aitat^ lia ara rai{^ty glad that yoa can go aith '^ arid that vcm can f mi ah avarything ajusapt tjui com* irfiich ia ?of little cmMnvBXQ. Hr vife thlnka :^ had barter not wit onion in any of the chickana far fear a trytfipoait 5 on airftt result iipplaiaMattly. toiyhoa Oiey aill be ervod rnimvi without* . v^ ^ ' If you will kindly Hhfwor ♦•ii» at oqco, I «ill • wdte you «tg»in by rotwn mil in tJifl^iiopo t»iat eT»rytW.nG ■f7 >»« arrargod in tino to aavo daloy i*«», *«€?•* thoro, M Dr. 9t9^hmm io vary ah«rt of t>« f«* «>*t roocA AI»- Moda Sunday ni^/* - ^ * Could I roKh yo" by phono«ftr in caoo of T-ngBnt noeoMlty ^tdd I tolopTiph or jhow* *» tro« 1»5 ni»ii ard ha^* . th* nooan^ forwr'Hd to jau jprmrAXyf poaoibiU rocwM^i-of ha»i"6 *•« «P?n«:tyiitJ you an »ron aa posaiblo aftor recoipt of your naxt latter. -. LoolciT^ formrd to neotir^ you a^an a ^eek. f ron toBBOrrow^ ' '^ "^ ^ ▼ery tnaylroura. r'i.' rf 307 Odtoher 1, 1915 -•■4 l^ Oalif. St-^itft Auto JU»Qo«9 - ,^- 1628 ?tui Ness Ayo., Sht Frnnitiitco, Calif# BNir Sir: i-.. ' . • . . Tonr citXjTilRr letter trti anendmontft to ^V»;Py-iaw» *"- . of tha leaociati »n %ith commit & thereon^ a^^^ noninatrnnj for ^acjJar ticket for Dir^tor^^received^rfr^r which I an 6bliG^d* lo proxy wae erK;loeod» b»r^. I- ahoiild lik^ to vote for ail of *.bb proponed nrtiendn'^ite. > . ~ Respectfully^ It. }?• r. ffovas, Tniseed" Concrete Steel Co.. IICVS Central Bld^.. Los Aigelee, Calif. Dear S:r: -' Rpplyir^. to yoTTr letter of Septer*er 27, wordd state that the (Ttra^e I am ahottt to build is not in California but at v^ winter hone in Waenington, D. G. It is to occup:*^ By back-^Turd 34 f!^. eqivire^ biit ie cnF^l?cated by baeenent and kitchen steps and other detaiilB ^»hich render an estinate witJioiit seeinc **^* preni ses difficult, if ;aot inpossible. Ifany thiinke for the letter yw irore kind enoui^Ji to send. I irtll sribnit the sane to my architect in Iw^iir^ on. Tory truly yours» ct-W ^>i.X -K V ^ I • -. *r» r . M.^ » « 80S ObtobMT 1, 1915 ;>. lb-, • ISSBntur^&r St., San ^anciaco, Oklif. OftAT *fc ♦he last Pis«tii)g of th« I«gn- nlt«« ligproT«»nt Club I agreed to 3^ay hfclf the cost of cnttii^ off the ar^e at the forks of the iqjp<,r rond. Hartinalli *ho did the wrk tell, m that the total bill anowrt, ^o $14.75. I ^ g^^ding you therefore as ny half |7.38, to »hich I ha^e added $1.50 in payaent of ^ *>•• to the -^'ichBr for Voota fron t>ti. Htid»«m Book Car?wy >J« ^«^*. «« to ?25.75. and three vouchers for h «ir ek**!!* a» foUow«: Capt. J. P. ftibrick, lfcC«rtny, JttnakA, :^2'>.nO; L««is BeU. Seward,, ttaalOL, $8^.00; and n. S»;rwell Stasth, iter. f-MxrJaco, $lft.rt>; and aJmll be obliged if yoti ..iU Jrifldly P«gr. ■"«* ^"* *•*** Riurrimn FuwU 1 aspect to raturn to iMhington the U^.*3r part of tha p esant nont,h^ so kindly Mrsd ealary ▼oxch«« fery truly jo\4rs« C. Hurt Ibrriaa 4k r > lagonita*, Marin Co. ^.Cal j f . 1915 oepteci^er acooont foncher rolls ana 15 16 ••ofood Inn, Storta Crus 17 ■■• San Joan fallqr ^ Janyage of car, Sausalito io 8u frj ciaco. 7S2; of aalf, 15^ "^* 10 gala. (5aBoline € Uj? -1, Start. a Crus lite.*- SwsjDer „ looQiK and ^reakfaat *****^» Map of^Mtvood Park Poreat » XiWch, Boulder Craek 1- gOa. saaoline e 15^ , Sl^rSifSS J«az,-3upp«.. loBTelopu]g rolla sfa printii^ Janitor, Office J^^eurtmnt, Korth: «* «rlanl l.fO •50 .90 1.00 1 2 3 4 .>. 2 50 2 10 6 » 1 44 10 I 2 X 1 45 1 00 $m 47 ^.Al i«TT~-t««nty-a4^^ T-Xortj-acvan— 2e.'« «» |*%^«#«A,^!l^*. 1' H i \ I rrs 312 BiidsonBnok 6o« ^^V^i-. .i^-^ 25 ls«*; 42nd ^.^ »•* Tork City IrfMiia ft^l ■n % » Stwanl^ ttilflk^ 1915 Sapt. 21 t- . '•x. ?Sl. m«tortcal &c. to. CiOiforma 1691 OlUiMi — Tr*v«l»: 1l»ri«« and Calxfonu* IWS Harilgy -> HnntiT^ Alport* of »h« Isat 1«» f A -^ SO 15 75 ; 50 1«15 . 28 ^ .-••x-' s,' m S 4; -I '- Wr fn>i* • V ^-^^ ' » • 16.00 S.00 15 00 12 00 ri « > ^L. 5 . >'• % * ' f V* . -^ ''■:: •Q K <• -4 '->' $S^ < terr oo -••twsnt!''*thr ' ••#T«nty*f iip#'-^ -• ^i^ity-aeif r • ■ji*-; ■ 23.75 i -• w. %M?»^ I 87.00 ^% t:. ^iff £fS 31: •> Oapt* J« P« Aibrick, ■aCarthsTt llaaka* • 15. StoMU abdth. 1915 »• • ^ 1 amll «f old fmmXm hrorsn t:9ar. Co|qpar Ri 1 aoOl of blifcait b«ar, C<>?P«!:jK w ragiogj "on . . n ?n * * j'J u* », rn J t \ 1 00 1915 21 l^flcnll of 6ld radft Oftli forma h^^ from Bail iii,«r. -. t 14 M i^ .u^^ V 10 00 -^ >-^- •- ^ * — * 9 ■ ^ r: ♦j* - X •>' « '^-- ^fe^* iU^'t^X' <»r'T r-n ;»-tfi.>.' ^ **..# • . J » .* .« f ^ *# ■ • i * - JW** •tiwrrty-siX" — •• — — — — — $26 00 •v. 26.00 ■ c c . •»/ •/.' i** • .* . \.** • • $10 00 r .^ » # *• >#4 • -4 ' • V _' • ►•»«*•«•' ■^ »^ *. < ^ ':'*f «<•. 10.00 «■ • .1 4: » »^ ^s"^ I ars <5 1 ^ ll 2, 1915 L -A all7 for adrJLta. I ihall ba ^jmI alao to purehaaa dmlls of couqmt^ tiiri»ar mUt^wmd black baar froB both Tanootnrar laland, and pcinta on the minlaad^ arid will pa^f fnm $:Z ^ M eadt for ^ sicillft x^roporlj labalad for locality* I ^ould ^dac prurchaso a doMn iskdla each of Ijol, volTsrina, f i iwr^ and b at froa T&fr to $1«S0 each» according to aiia^ aax^ and c< dition^ and 9fl|p' for i^aKob and fos* It la not naceaaary ^/C clean an^ akrJUa, iv^re tlian to c^tl aMQT ^^ tliick fledb and rmmwm the hraina throi^ the neftrnd or^eniTv^ in the baok of akidl^ care beir^g tiicm not t«^ injure the banae. ^%nUa rmirfMd oi^. in thie ;»y ahcdd he dried in ^jw %iaile» aft^r ^Mch *i:5y eViculd be car*fnaiy pecked arxi dupped by fjuc'il ;r>rt or ejq^reaa;*- '^ lihiUwTtir ia raon* uowr^yiienU All jMckae^o ahrndd be / ^ I 2 :<^ '»J **i^«ton, D. C. ToTiT nana and addroes whwdd b. on tJui outwd« of th« raci«cr» »« «^k^ii^ on tn« 1; A f«f labala ar« ancloaad haravtf^h. * « — %- "*•*>-•* fec^ to raUini to la^iii^^os far the elnUf t ^•^^•r part <)f the preaoBt faooOu iia %^ ~ wfv • • ..AT - •V 1 »■-. ». • •. -A _». ♦« ^ * » "i". • > .\-S tf ;^ -./« ;. . - »' > . -»< ' ♦ « «» ••• *«^ '•^ 'i? ■ » •. ... ♦ ^ •jMi ^rs 318 ? «. .V s Octobar 2, l^^ld •v-W. \Sj"r'> • V. 'IV ^^^ "*-•, Jirat national Bank fildt>» Dear Sir: ^*- ,*; Onirics for ymjr l«tt4wr of Sepit^pA^ar 25 in r^ply to j^ iniidry abmrt jfwir bsanu .. I r«i£priit t,o i-am tliafc you had t}^ aiaills mpimtmk in tsy^ n^ so t:iHt tjiegr^ Ar<) not avidlahl# tnr siii^sr. Boars* t##th are «xtr«Miy brittla^aml nmmlly pt> to piaeM within ' V.J ^' t>iO r%r ^Jir^9 yiNirfc For this rmnnmi^ mfmr% tram ^Jio soian- tific wmXxim of the oknli^ H io Ritth better ^o ua# artifioisi skrollft w^th c^nr<%d Ijorrs to^rth for ^axidanaic pnrposeo^ the teeth of ^Jie duitr^ bI!!*i11b otxtlasting thoao of th# orir;iiial by WHi^ yo«a*»# The Gristly botirs of SHAtAni Brxtieh Coltiibia and vaafWns Albttrta are aost parplazirig. And tna lotal n^ai^or of their akiJULs Id Ca'juLiart afni Unittid .^Jttaa Musonai is ir.K;l iCiciant t.o MAQlt of x^orkinr; o;ooiaa in a satl8fM;tory nannar* Thankii^ you for ymur lattar, f ary truly yo;^ra^ October 2, 1Q15 ISxecutive Secre^arv. V^s,.. %ff A. - _ «» «( W Radhiood Itear Sir: ifany thanks for yr.ur l«tt«r of t,>ie 29*^ of 8ept«*.er, and accfln^nrirc ♦.hr«e copi«. of ,o,a- Road book of a«n J4.tao County. I -^u . .m.« good ,ui« of th««a, and taking adw^tao* of J^rr ott^ to ,««i nor* cop:e«. noxOA mxssf^i that you m^.d one to each of tho foUotdnc: Ik-, ¥. B* S&opbflm, Central filocl:, Alansda, Caiif. - ftr. St«rlinG BannaU, Sehroth Bldg.. San Fr^itiBco Th^ar Oara^ja, San Rafatti. Calif. ?i»ry tndy jnors. N • t October 4, 1915 Dear Nel»on: Your telorxaEi fonviirded hy phone rac^ived. Am wiring as follows: Wmdd restrict by nurib^or rather thK5i by -lose season. Sugcest two as bap; limit. Would perail export of skins killed in open season, and sale of skins except on Kodiak and Mont.Bgn«. Islands and islands of southep^ntern Alaska • I eaa not fsnilivar v^ith ex3 st5 ng reflations and know notliing about regiJLations on rr^sarvations. I r^al? ze that a ba/^ limi't of two is likel^^- to act as a dajty^er on the lunh^itions nf sor-ie yoniiP^ men, but it would seen to be a fair coi?!q)roTOSft. '^ I would abolish a close saasom on bears in AJ.aska for the dnjihle reason that raost peo])le are there duriT'^c thei^lose season, and a bag liiTiit in ry jud^nent is nore effecr.ivf^ than a cli^se season. 1 f m 320 October 4, 1915 Western Union Teleer^arii Co.. Sajx Fr.incisco^ * Calif Dear Sirs: Please send the enclosed nes- sa^^e to zhe Biological S.»rvey at Washington at Grovemiaent rates and charge to Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ky Western Union mun- ber IS 2818 W. Respectfully ■i i* rss San Francisco, Oct. 4, 1915 E. W. Nolson Biological SiiTvey Ifept. Agriciiltiiro Wasliirv^ton^ D. C. Would restrict by niiraber rather than by close season. SiGS^st two as baK lirnSt. Woidd perraill expert of skins killed in open season, and sale of skins except on Kodiak and Montague Islands and islands of southeastern Alaska. Merriara cc SS^o 323 . i October S, 1915 Dear Iloctor Stephens: Ymim cif yesterday Ims jnst arrivad. I t,hoii^^)it you said there were eleven of your family and tha Aliens, making fifteen with our fanily, but according to your letter there are only ten in all. Sirice ^/nriting ,.^u. Professor Bailey Willis of Stanford jias accepted, xnakinf^ eleved instead of sixteen* which is nuch better. T}is seco.nd letter from Hain which I expected toda3r^ h»a •"-* iw I J-vect, and cannot arrive before toroorrow^*B tiail, so I will have to wait for it before poing to the city to seo you. I -.vill loave here tharefcre nn the 11:06, rftacliirig the city aJr.out 12:40, and shall arrive at your of- fice about or a littJLe before one o'clock. If you have al~ roMLy £^,-e I will wait till eay 2:30 and then plione you at yoiu- Aiai.ieda office, tellin,- you yAmt Hain»B lapt word is. We are all pleased to know that you are willir^ to spend the ni.-^t at Sar, Jose, I wotald s;,Gr>9a1l. the of- ficial A.A.A. Hotel fendom instead of the St.. Jwoee, as the St. J^^ne. 8eer.8 to }iave deteriorated so t}«,t the last tine I stopped there I determined never to go there a^ain. T^^ Latcher Cmraije that you mention i8.clo«e by the Vendo,ie. I fear it -^11 nat be practicable to naice the r-^ to San Jo.e .vir.h you for tne reason that ve t to v »pend the dajr in San Franc^soa and *n h • . DarkH «nH ^ X, ^-«»<*o and to drive about tJie PHTkB and down the peninsula a bit in the aff . Howeve.,.e can a^^^. this to^orro!! ^^"• -^-^ up the ext,ra beds. 8o you see we have the prepa- rations well in hand. Till tonorrow Cfood-hire Dr. W. Barclay Stephens, SJireve Bldg., Cor.^ost St. 4 Grant Ave.. 5a}i FrariCisco, Calif. A' I » t 325 I'.r .1 October 5, 1915 Dear Mr, Hain: No word trrm you yet^ hut I an hopijig it will arrive hy the mominc nail. Today •a ?^il brou^^Jit a latter from Dr. Staphiens, giving the needed infonnation ahout the r^at of the party. Altogether in the three cars there will he BIX men and five woraen, vaMking only eleven in all, inste^.d of fifteen a» I wrote you before. This will cut a littla corner off tiie {pnib pile, but will not chajige the loalf dozen chickens. Tlierefore if j^our wagon will carry five worion there will ha no need of another wagon. I asst^ie that in case ano^}ier camping place is decided on, j'-ou wou].d be able to haiJ. the beds and gnib in yoivr wagon after hauling the woGien. Anj^how I await your reply w?.th interest , We now expect to spend Friday nigjit at San Jose and to start for Cook as early as we c^n get break- fast — Bay between s^x a>'id seven --so we may roll in upon you earlier than exj^ected, possible by or a little before noon. Very truly yours^ Mr. Arthur T. Hain. Cook, Sail Benito Co.. Calif. k I October 5, 1915 Dear Doctor Willis: We wore deli{^t«d to learn tJmt you will be ^th ua on th. Pinnacles trip. Since writing you our plans hav. undergone a slight chaiv^e: We expect to go to San Job. Friday ni^ht instead of Satvj-day aorning. Can you not therefor. meet us at Hotel Vendome, San Jos., Pri> day evering? This shoidd enahU us to hit the road Saturday morning between six and seven o'clock. Hastily yours. Dr. Bailev Willi s, Stanford Universit". Calif. % % 8Sb 3 97 October ^^^ 1^15 October 6, 1915 Dr. Frars Boas, Grcuritwood, New J'drfiay. Dear &^ctor Boas: Yoiir letter of September PJb has just reached lae, havir^^ heen fonmrded from WasIu^Gton. I ara fdad to know thht Homer f>arEen[t is contempIatiTig a stuuiv of Indian hasketry from th© interior of British ColMtdua^ I ha^e very little from that ref:p on hut miall he onl;'- too f^ad to give him the use of the few pieces in rrrf possession. I have a few Fraser and Thompson Kiver baskets and a few Klikatats and one fini) nidJkotin. I expect to he 5n laihin^^t^on next mmth. Tery tnil^ yours. P^m Mr. C. K. Pickett, U. S. District Court, Kew Haven, Honn. Dear Mr. Pickett: Your letter of September 27 has just retiched me at r-i^'' sumr^er home in California, havin/5 been forwarded from Waaliington. nnfortr*nat3:ly I cannot answer votir question about Dr. Fewkes* publications on the cliff dwellers. Dr. Fewkes lias published a Icirge nui*er of papers on the Ho-pe Indians, 80i>ie of wliich I feel sur-e are distributed free by the S^thsonSan Institution. If I wore in Wasiiincton I would find out about them and let you know. But as it is I woiild suggest that 3rou write direct to Dr. J. Walter Fewkes at the Sruithsoninn Insti- %a">i:o?;and thus obtain definite iniornation first hand. Please remember me kindly to Mrs. Town- send. With best wishes and regrets t)\at I cannot answer your question. Verv trnlv yours* f. 8S:£ October 1?,, 1915 Doar Arch: Sioidd have answered ymir letter more proraj-tly bTit have only just returned from a brief campine^ trip to the Nationnl MoniTnent known as V.n Pinnaclea in Son Beni+o County — ft piftce well wor+.h vi si ting, consisting of a superb live oak plain loadir^G into two rocky canyons in the Gabi- lan Raj>ge, Wo are very glad that you can come here early in Koveriber, and only wish that we nicht stay to seo you in- s'^led. But it seeras iraporatlve that we shotdd be in Waah- incton not later than Noveiriher 1. You are ri(Hi+, in assxiainG ♦-hat wo /uive not been here in winter, provided yoiu- winter begins after Chritsms. I have been here two different ya:u-s until about December ?», and have enjoyed the latter part of the stay irr^nsely, and ' had no trouble in keeping the living-roon warm. November and Deceraber are ueually beatitiftd months here - a rain now ajid t)ien,with fine sunshiny weather between. Ap. to the use of the snail stove; Redwood c^artainly is toT^hy about heat, bnt the difficdty from this .oiu-ce na^ be met by tising more pipe, of wJiich there", an abundance up- stairs, and by interposing tin. zinc, sheet-iron. or boards between tJie heater and the finished wood of the rooras. Aljont t}ie wood: We have not yet quite worked out i I /^ n w 329 2 the problem, but have not hy any raeans given +}ie rwtter up. It strikes ne that the question resolves itself into this: whether 5t is cheaper to hiiy and haid, or to hire the wood cut on the place. On inqidrjr 1 an told t>iat Frank Elliott furnishes "pine^, by \tfiich he noans Douglas spruce, in cord wood length at $? per cord delivered* But thus far I have not learned \v}xere oak wood may be purcbAsed thi s si de of Olema. Just )^at it woiild cost to have the wood cut here and backed to the house I don't know. Wiile as you say, there would be room enou/ii for a 8^*ax5k of poles on the roadway leadin^^ to the p;araee, I should not want to have wood sawed there because of the ac- cumulation of sawdust that would inevitably result* Anyhow, there is a moderate -si zed wood pile where the old one was last winter; Klongs?de the woodshed, wJiich you nay use un^il you work out the supply problem in what api>eals to you as t>ie best way. We are all inaensely deli(^ited to know that /ou and Mrs. Arch liave actually arrived at t)ie point where you are seekinc a California hone. In t>iis connection it seens to 130 tliat you must decide first wiiether you are ^.illing to live in a city or suburb — w/dch ^eans good clothes and liberal contributions to lo<;al iraproveraents and so on -- or whether you will be content in the country, and take a little longer to get into town when necessarj?^. Ross and Mill Valley and several other attractive nlaces nearby OSS I have beautiful residence districte, but lard is hi(^ and ' eipenseB liieher. The only other place we thjnk of on the Bay side of Whites Hill is Baltimore Park - a redwood canyon mt^r Larksptu- - a horrible naim for a rather at- tractive place. On this side of Whites Hill you have endless opportT-.nitj es all the wa;^ from Woodacre to Lagu- nitas o.Hjiyon. In V-is ret'i o^f^^penr to be a lar^^ number of attractive places, v^iich I assume could be had at a reasonable price. Right here at Laetmitas several places are posted for sale, both on our side of the canvon. and on top of ^,he hill on t},.e ot' .r side, with houaeB/ s^oV as they a^e. already built. You did not say ^.ather v^u are lookinc for a house which you could alter or add to, Or for an unbnilt site. If land with trees on it is all you want. -lz..«8t anyone wo,dd sell you whatever you fin.1 to .m^^ JiUrv; Tou will have lots of tine to look about in Nov^^lr when tb. weather in the min is boimd to be fine. At yorest Knolls the lots ar« +r,rv -r«.n "'* *-^ ^o<> Boall and some h«v, U«a cut. „p«ni^ „, „ii, ,^„^_ ^^..^ ^,_^^^ ^^ __^,_^ to b. Htt,ra<:ti,. „1«,„, ,„, ,, ,^„ ^,,, j_^_^^ ^_^^___ ^^^_ . Onr lov6 to ^'^ou hoth. As ever, / I V ^ If \ m rss • v- October 13, 1915 Dear JC: , Owing to the circiirastance that the entire Lagti- nitaa brnnch of the Merrian fajoily hae been away on an automobile trip to San Benito County, we >iave only jnat received yoiur kind invitation of the 7th inst. If not too late, we three shall be glad to ajcoept dinner and lodginc for tlie evening of Thursday, October 21. Kindly m * • give ne a tip as to whether or not I an expected tc wash for low neck. I hope you have those bear skulls from Ranchc La Brea, as I sJiould like to go over then you before returnin(5 East. We appreciate your remarks about being occupied by visitors during ^^he jiresent season, with consequent interruption of work. So far we have >iad about fort^ visitors, several of whom hav^ stayed several nip^hts, one a coui^le of weeks, a^d one more than a month, Ifith kindt^st re^^ards from all of us to all of you, 4s ever youro. A ■»/*- •». Dr. John C. Merriara, Berkeley^ Calif. 0 A. OQO October 14, 1915 Doar cat: TJiarJcft for yoiirs of thn Zrd, T'i5ch wa:^ Twik^^d iip in o;ir !iail '^len wf% re^.iimed a day nr two aeo f-''^** «^ ^"^^-^ trip of a little nvar JfK) mlBs to Baar Valley and the Pin- naclee Katior^l Park in San Benito Coimty. He piciced iip Bailsy lIlli«»'^io; as you doiv tlesiS know, is no^ head prof essor of GreolOf^y at Starjford, and toaic him along. There ^?ere tvfO other a-ito!iiobile» in the par^Tv one d-^ven hy Dr. Stephens, the otTier hy Har>^ Allen. Bniley ^llis proved a decided acceadioct l-5irc ^'^^ ^^^7 ^^^ ^^ heljiful, h%t alrio ar active canp cook. Ftlrth?5r^^'re, he told us a lot aliOTit tiie m story of the country » tcid strcir^ost of all rtorkaa a ioiraole on Eii.'aLeth. You -sfoald n^** hnve Re- lieved your iT'i^ iiad you seen her tinder his ^^^ddanoe cljirfcir^ up th^ steep rocky osuiyons, crawling tiirou{jh tiark cates^ and worcurg hor way uj» trrtuo;is pasiv'v;'^-^ a'?on/j; the rotiks. S^^e :M d5- splay*Hl siK.'h a{;ility r^f or-^ for a quarter of a century. le hfC!^ had no rain yet,, and ar^ Ii'^pir^ tl^Kt one nai' cone in tre r^ear T^ure to-irTrrc?e t; e roads. irch and *ifi» ar-* conin,^ h^rfl f"r t}ia winter, as I'ovk doifrtJ.6eB levnr. Ife .i^-q viry f;l«d of tiija, ajxi vsj sh l«t of Novonhgr, ihall in Waahlnc+on 'n» the ca'^ts, nnd that -«« -m ^ ^* '^^" -» »«* **• - "« mix shrnr :m aoon «ft«- « a, ».««i artf»«> our a-rival. 3. K. Gilbfirt. •T'S N ->flt Aye. Jack arm f Kich* ^i » • • 1^88 335 OotoVer 14, 1915 >* * BftHT Sir: >ri«wrd^ to i*» from WKshirv.-^^on. ..osi'J'^P ^'*^ tAi. fall «r-l wint^ -•» ,; ^^„,.«h no^:rf-:a 'sr.d Ai-»^^. !,•.«•• and ^>i6 l^ro«i Venm rron p,o.}d«d «<«^r- t.ha first a.'*l B^ond r^^r^ ^^ ^^ ^ j,^ j,,r. old*. 'I'V ' * <, , ,- ^ ,., c;.xir«e worth l«w feet old ltd*.. Da-^^ «»»^- -i^* ^ I do aon uara wuch. f'>r sK ai. ;ll^; .^ Vl^., and .. to M e«h fc. «ol,.. a^ : 1 don't ^ant '.he sKin of t.},« lx«««i. Tt- r t« c«^ .ff tv. .Mev- fi-.>. -- ^-- ^'^^ :^:rr ' J5 in *, ^, ,,• ,,,„ ^„,^ j^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ i-r P.«,i po.t i.t « too, ..:■„ a,^™,.. of p„,t^ ^ , ^11 Sach iibdl ahm,ld be iKbelad for tho locnlity ;*.3re JciU^d, ar^ ala^ vhT. t:.o f«.ts ar. Icno^, for *«. ^^ approziK*.te date. Y,v.r oyn nar* a.o.dd he ^iU« .« •ach Ubei ^ ,^ ,^^ , ,^.^^ of -„,,.h la^ka^e. g^,, ^^^ »r^ »ncloa«ii harewitJi, -IP 888 337 ^ 11 H 0l:*0<6- 14, 1915 ■' Dear TVjctor Srirjieil: On '•.♦•Trninti -ron »s^ »"^^ ^^^t ^"'''° Sftr. Bflni to frciuity. I 1 in.1 y'->nr let^^e- n. 2l5t irie^.. and «^^1 ♦ak. ri--''^ *» ^^^ ^'^^ '''' "'' ''' jA13'^U"W "... ^, XliA*. you atty about *>e aaqx;'jrc9 of *oiis* m .i:e h^ a ,ai,;at7 fi/:* trip. I -iuOi be i;^ad to h^ar b^^ouI :t. fery truly yoiii-s. fiwrrtirwr, * ifontana. Sir: Octobsr 14. 191* ror tuhd winter. Hii -^k^». i. , ^ai, .^ vou ..caed 5n o^.tai„i^ «^ others. I ehaU be T«ry gi^j to y-jxhaae them. ' Tery tndy yours. i< Dr. Joeepli Srinnali, CTJif. (/ '4 ess OctAer 14, l'?l!> 1 Boar HalBon: •niarfca for yo'irs of tlie Ith in«t. t^dline ne about 1.h« racoipt of a ^««ly al^ ^rnn Darbey of lin- n^pes» ««d hJ*» ir^ondr^ r« that on. fnc* T«ms«nd >»» the «laai. of fl^- >"«^ Mll*^ «« BTi.^ aiaci-r. Ycm ad^^ m to corr«spod on reacMr^ h<«» to firxi Hord that jwx would >>© haro in a few ciayB. Aa iw *xi>«ct to R«t «.»^. for Wanting* on in«5do of tv» wo«Jai, pl-*3« 'l« ^♦^ f«r-'"»ni nny :ior^ ^^l* . 7«r7 tnily yovtra. I i ess / 1 / 1 340 •■> ' V i 4 4 CkitabAT IS, 1915 Sinca you «ere hare we jiav© baei: on an autor^bila trip of a little over ^ mles to the Pin- raclee in San Berito Count- - a fins place and well worth ^5 8itiTv> ^e luul a heantif^a cmp under scr» of the iHTi-na*. live onJcn I ever «hw. ^e ascended both can- yons, the nearer lcno.m an Bear T^dch. tVe o^^er three mi 1^8 farther on kxo>m hs P5nniu;laB Htuiyon. BoV-i pene- trate th» Oabilan RHJT(-e fron base to B'yrct, and bnth aboTind ?n splendid rocky cliffs, b;At>r'»88«» aiid ciwi'ona, irith plenty of (j^od cold ym-tnr in spots. Tag colorir^, of th3 rocKs is 3urpr: finely h'-illiant, and is dxie in the nain to lijhor of '/arions colors — rad, /allow, blua, gmom, and {j'ay, tho r*»d predoiai ratine ov«r lar^^e a^eas. Hiv^jft rocks in trje bottom of the canyon are conpletely cowered with iioss. Both carrj'onB are open-forastod with live oaks, blue oaks, dijjt^r pines, d'svarf ash, and tiie beaiitjfiil holly. leaf cherry. We bh'-. deer, yudl, and wild pjf^^ons in both canyons, arrt watched a conple of deer while eating break- faut nt cvip. The fall rwetinc of the Tanalpai s (Tonaorvation Club ?s to be held on Bootjack Trail, west of Vest Point on 5?tjnrtay, nrul is a picnic I'.inch affair. There will be ad- \ dresses by a n^rr^.r of people, including Alice JiJastwood. 2«naida has vritten ifeily. hoping tliat aha will be able to (rp with us, and we are looking for her today. It was good to have you hern even for so short a tim. Another ya^ I hope you ,nay see mre of the coim- try hereabouts. r Since Susie succeeded with your assistance in gatting bo^h hind feat on the grormd aha has not nat wj th ai^ rdafortuna. Vary nary thanks for the infomation you kindly gave concenung t}>e Visalia B;iilding and Loan Association.' I sJiall take adva-Aage of it at once, mid I «, indebted to you for pitting me on the rj^t trttuk. Mrs. Karrian is going to the city *oday to meet a wonan fron Boston who js coning to spend a week or so with us, aftMr v^rdch we set sail for Wafl}iin^r»,on. It is a pj+.y to l^iave such a place as this at this ti«e of v^ar. but ther9 aeone to ha no holp for it. IBth brt»t wiahea and kind^Bt rft/mrda fron ng all 4ft aver voiirs. !Ira Ci^nr(^ W. Stewart, Vi nali a« Calif. M i ri^ OctoTier 15, 1<»16 342 Octn^*ir 15, 1915 City Pont^'M^ar, • Waahinr^'On, Urn ^»m Dwor Sir: Visr rw <*!!>♦. of this plea-^e do not fnr»mrd ar^ mora of :vf «dl ♦.«> I.«(?TOt«.B, CHlifonda, biit Band »«« to r^r addrsfta at Vm Kor^.hnr^orlaEd ^pwrtrwnts. New Harq?- «hir» Ave. a»m ? f?tr9»t. This ai»i»li«8 to i«il addrenftod to no at th-* ?^^or+;nuri-6rlaJ:d and rIho addr»8«ed to i^ honue at 1919 - I'^th S+root. ?ory truly fmirs. ^ -^V»*^r ■A. Itear Doctor Badfc: It was 0»od to 8«9 yrwi th» othar day, aven for M short a tine, and I was liarticularly t^^ to loam what 70U told OS a>out the outlook ae to Kur** Alaska hook and the Ifanorial Toltut* As I tola you, | wiU try to write a rfiort ap- praciati« As y^vu^. ♦»» Ikr. milian P. BuyA, B^^rkelav. Calif. Obtobor Ift, I9lft -.■•sf'. r Octioher 15, 1918 344 ii w • Union T!ni»t Bld^^* "" Cinoinntitl^ Ohio. Dmt 'Sir; .: • -'^' A letter racsntly raceivad frow Unifmcl Inland l>f Telogra]]}! Creak, B# C^, Snff^nns nr% that ymi killed a lar^ €7^ ^^7 *^^' Klappan Croaainc in Ai^niat laat, and that you Hif^it he wlllinp; to let iia Tia?e the ekiill for thalfct- tional Collection. I mfk aritirv^'to aak thorefore if you are willir^ to let ue ha^e ♦J^ia ainill, ami if ^ if you will kindly aend it by e:q>reaay charge colect, addressed: U. S* Biolof^cal SiirTey, Dept, of Acicultnre, ^rfiinrton^ I shall be rl«i ^ course to pay for t}ia specinen hM to rwit BXij charges fn connection with its tranaporta- tjon. . • - I eoq}ect to return to lashir^on the latter part of t]}» p? esent iion^ii^ Yery tndLy yours^ » f .!-.- I W,\ A r r » V* lf> t C. L« Johnson^ Kao't Secretary, Visalia Building & Loan lasoo., Tisalia, Calif* / Dear Sir: ~ A short tine b^ tt^» Geon^ W« S^f#Mrt of yoiir oity called ny att^^'i<^ to tl.e ?idalia Building ard Lean Aasociation as a ^af 9 place in «}ueh,to ini^est funds at 6% interest* ^ u^v If figreoshle to tia, Assoc i at ion, I should bo glad to purchase 10 riiarea at flQD eai^, sniountinc to ^$1000^ and on h^^arlnc fron you vdll send wy check for tliis arwuit* 'ff^ smnsr addrees is I«^9initaa« Karin Co., Cal5f* Ify ^nter houSr^ addraas is 1919— l^th 8t#^ laAir^^on, D. C^ te I en returning to Vaehlngton in the ru I should i>e obliged if. you wpuld idindly send tiie certifi- cates addressed ^^o ne in tt-^;^ \. -' ,T ^ i''T »•> I htJ i> I I 2^S -■ fr " I'l Oct^bur IS, 1915 t**f' '* Dear Sieldon: , ^ wnm ^ad iio l^nm froh yn?.o the Santa C m Kftiinta! na and ?ten Juan Talley, t:w other to Bear Tall ej and Pinnacles Can- jona in t.he GahilanHanfe of JJanBenitd County. Bettraan tinea we^Av-i had eo ifich cortnany tnat I have not rx-de the h4>ped for progreae in ry n»oric« ' ^ ^ Toiir ra- iarka on the ^i4irent present tendnncy of the Blolofpcal Sio*?^ coincida entirely with i^ o\rci feel- inga in the natter. And I deeply refpret that, it Jvmk seemed necessai^^ to aaddle Kelson with so pbx^ adidni strati ve work that the probability of his fin: sJiir^ his Ornithology of Me^jtico y% fTowirv; leas etery day* ia, so I shall have an interestine job on vt^ return in ^Jie near fnt:ire« We ezpeut to be ill faaiingto/i by t^xa first of Kovewhar* It is nost tryinfj to l^ave h^rn at this tine of year, but I feel that I oii^t to pitch into v^o reriKininc hear naterial at the \ i^ 346 *iv ■i^ aarliest poaslMa tnvtrrt, A» 6l«d to know that 7'*^J^»'^9>i^ wrkinjc on J9wr Alaska not«». by *lch I luiiikia tjfet-ya., r»fHr to the Toklat and Mt. iSxKinl*? racion. I aamaatly bona Wiat ycu will ba.ahle t^ briRG *>«« ^nok oat in the r.«&r ftitiiro. aiall hope to Ma you in Haw Tork or lkahir^:trn In tha f aU or aarly winter. It ; « ^^ood that yoa oan kaap jonr childran in tha country ao euih of the tim. \ther0 thay «i5t ba GMning haalth^and strangth, and .laHirang how to do things out-of^^doors* lbrs._]terrian. Joins ne in love to vo« »ii. ••' \-'. As ever ynum^ ^."V^- •'~^^,. Mr. Charles Sheldon, iDOdstock^ TerEsant, J »? 1 k*i 5'j 1 ^^s .6h«r 1.% 1915 1.V ^ ^a:ir :>•? h^ i'^ r^ ; * ■<■. r • , • ^ •» ai^' " Yoiir Iait«i:^f^3eptdRt^r Id f onmrdad tram Ikah' >'' '*' ' ' iiyrton has rtet^ntly ranched iia hsra in Ralif omia* ^ '^nv " ^" I iw deii(^ted to faK>w tjiat/yrm haire shipped f our niaills of [^%iLj liears td tha Bioln^cal Sorrajr* I •xptet^ to return th9 tatt^i^ t>art of thit month and will eea that H ciLOck is flont ywi prt)nptly. «1a r - 1 'idah to' thai* yoiriilfio .^or yoiur kiivlnaaa in writiric J'le ahont %hB hear killed hy %lter O. F^ana of Oin- cinnati, to viitm I have written hy this radl. ?ery truly yoiurs. »••- i i •H II 8^S 349 I' * 'o *§ ce ^ • p< 5 cc DC bb 9 ^ i Q« a o o 5 CO 8 ts i -a § o -^ ^ 1 -• • • CO ^ 8 •^ ^ 2^ ^ AMI S4 8) «L •« fO O ig^ 8 i: ** ? g' c {B "3 5 - & -R 5 ?S • x: -^ >» >> v« s ? 1 1 1 • o M s: S' I -3 / }"if 1g *-H o 3- 2| II I •^ e J « :S "l! -^ II I m j:: 0) o i ? B f I 5 3 I " I • no 4 SJ & I : tr ts* ? ft h C ft 9 2 9 ^ c. i g 2 I. w & o n r n tf p OD 2 I I •n ^ I - t g= ^ « 2 :? r. in lllll II I" m ^ ^ *-% c^ I S* 8 ? g r »? J? I a s I c s. ? a £ *% H- a OHM- V •*« t^ «» m vc s it •• f ? t ^ 5: I S » 3 t I I 5 sS -^ 2 2 "^ I ? ? I '^ ? 0 SI m }^ ?• ; r r & » ? S S jj* «^4 » *§• I 6 " i s w & 2 ^ t S H' O O' r J^ ^ j rM il I: m I oas 351 T' c >» T» * d 8 1 ° 5 o g c o I o c « e 4» f fi 5 p-4 C I , e. ^ g 0 ■ o o o >' £ ^ fe ^ -g p. o o o R c • it: CO if 1I » I . b « :3 3 %4 ^ C Vi II 1 I c >> 1 3 'Si c s V«ry truly yrtjir*. s* 1 1 5 «) •l-l ■•». >? o I I •a r I c • %j ■ / 1 I ',' h i9 u l! y t ♦! sas ■<3 < s 5 1 I I ^ ►#-4 T« s 3 <« 9e -4 3 -a -a -a €> oa :2 ^ •4-' "^ 3 J I H-l P "^ s* • « r-l ^ 6 P« v-t W g s ^ ^ i i •9 a. I I I I 3 •a ills I »-4 • 1-4 f-4 U r S V, >» T« :: 9 Tj) & V4 -«> S e- t 9 O S H* - fi cn « § CD 5* «^ I i o a 8 a> s. r e- ^ •S OB 3 ^ •I di § C5 I » o I I o & tr 1-^ r^ ^ 5: ►- 2 3 i c*- »-^ (S & I v..^ ^ l-<. ^ 1.^ ^ ^ S (g a^ a JL a o 9 (^ ^ g; ♦-^ P* ■ • o o p §• a ^ ^ o^ i -I ^ •ti ^ss 355 i October 18, I'^lo V / • Barnei^ Hains, Ruq. Snet,ti8}iaia» Alaska. Dear Sir: • •• , Your lettar (iatod Octo'der 3 fiaa haon fc>r^j\rded to ma from Waahirvrton wi^h the inforrjation than a skull of a black bear had been recaived frora you early in I exptKit to return to Washin(>;ton next week and will see that payment for this skiill is aant you about th^ l8t of Koverch-er. "Die skull is that of a black bear, and therefore probacy not worth more than $3, or at ra^at ^ . ^ , ^ and bi/5 bro-^^n bftai"8 JH* For adult skulls of grizzlieB,^^frora your region I rU'i glad to pay frora 'UO to ;^30 each, atJcordir^ to «ex, a^^e, and condition, as I think I nrote yr^.u before. If yrru are able io obtain any bkuIIs of gri^.zlieq oi- bir* brown b^^ars, kirjdly sliip sm^e to U. S. Biologjcal ^yr-^'tiy^ Dept, of vini- culture, Washinf^^on, D. d., and I \*I11 sea tjiat thev are acknowl edp" )d aiid paMl for more promrjtly. Very trrily yoiirs. / iT? '/.» 2 CO CD *— ' c>a fe" o O o o IX o o CD Gi s s I C H-* CD CD % - CD ►a PL CD 3. I O I § o o o 93 9D o Q § !-•• >-4 • P 9- a s- CD 9 O CD CD PC m o CD €D o IS CD CD o ^ n: f-j. o PS- CD »-^ O 3 o o o c o ■ ^ o O o CD O o CD o O o :3 CD it p- ID I-* CD 1 J 1 j 'i o o 3 CD CD :3i :3- !-•• ^ ::5 2 :3 g CD CD 5i f i l-i. *<4 < td CD JV O tJ* '"^ a ^r » £ O § ^ O 1— » -« O CD q CD P* CD 1 ^m O ? ^ g O O o Ms CD ^ ^% >-• o o o P- P« r • c^ r3" O • ^ •-*• CD pi. * wH- !3- C CD ^ •1-4 ►-1 CD 9 ^ :3 ^ b § a CD •-• 3^ CD 13- ^ .» ■* o CD •^- (D 9 % ^ §. ^ »-3 p- P' • • C- (D CD c*- CD a QB »-a ■^ fef f^* P> «• ^ I-' (D :^ 2 ^^ H-« s 1— » •-i E 1— «5 ci- H P' CD CD S %. »-» n a* t5 -• XT 3 c»- CD OB ^ o ^ r^ , ^ ^ *-l >-• P_ »->• ^ ^- i*r • O CD o :^ c;» nj >• . f*r P 1 ^ CD CD t a" I ts 1 < a :3 o CD < 0) 1 — C CD O o or ^ g a p. ?. §- c^ o 0^4 ^ i s. Q 8P^ K" »-•• O *^< 3. C^ CD Q ^. ;». C 2 C«" ■-*> 1 ^ ID CD *r»- I-* 3 o. »-^ fD s 01 IDD CD o :3 ^^ ^ O O 3 i g <» s9 p F •_l. 33 >-- 9 ^^ h CD ID 1 ;js >-^ CD 1 i i Ui J. f ! I' \ Wi. V vi 18 I '^ < A ^41 1: dcB 4 357 4 I V: Oct^oVer 19, 1915 October 19, 1915 Dear l/IisB Nicholson: Ymir latAer of tlie 12th inet. has o^&ly juat co^<» to> ne at Lag^mitaa and I sn replying by return mail in the hopt^ of roachirvr you befors you l-^ave Philadeiphia- V/e are Bettinr; out for Wafih- incton next week R}ir^ expect to arrive at our >ioiie on or abotit the 1st of No- vember« TruBtinf5 that 3''on mil not have left before we arrive, With b.^st wJ8h'38, Very truly yours, ?![ios7 ^ -rrv^Q r!:ciiQl3on. Bel levue- Stratford Hotel. HDl-adelpMa, Penn^ 5 !.!r* W. W. Njshat, 12 South Broadwaj^ St. Louis," Mo. Dear -ir: Thanks for yn;ir List "171 ju8-'> received. Fron it I fiiouid liKe '^n orn*>>* -^4.^ jollowing: 1. Aliased Oonnec^Jon of certain Homona \vith the Piute and Favajo Outbreak 188JJ .f>0 8. Indian Depredations in Htah. Fianorial of the Legislatiy, juat make yourself known* With best wished, Hastily youi'B, liiss Stella R.^Clemence, Aaarican M^iseizm. New York City. / ■■>• I V. II' ,1 • 1% '* eas "loTrambor c* 191i '• ry^.Y T)oar Doctor Kver-ann: * •« -J .» ^ ,-„ ":-- -J ^' ^ll'jn cf "9.n ^ranclsec. on^ of l.cdi^.: mamb^rs of th. Ta.^li-is OonE.rvHtion Aea.- ciation,.iox. .0 .. on .h. .alj-- cf '.■ . K.a.rva- tiie Panama raci^ *c i^^..^-..-."J.-"« j fcdr vf li.r;-2 tc},crrat'nac, rdciof-lr,, and gaof^yajV-ic -nodals. ccnstr;ct3d at gre.t c^o^t, 'rem rarioaa r^'^^ of thy '.rcrld. It cccvirrud to 'Tr. Allan and r^rseif t>^at the diffic'.-'lt.y and coat of rajackirie and rj^hii-i-iiv:; tbasa models, .naity of --^m .f 'm-c* 8i-=>. '^^^'•1'^ ^^« "^ .^rpo- ^^-^ ^'•■'a ---.ntrias ■'^r on-.T.niTacrlQne ^o -.Thic^) they b-lon- niv-^-t ^3 ^^ilii-f, -c vr.;.^orit t^dm to 'lalifcrnia. Mr. Ail:^n i-q^>:rc»d ^.s to v:hethTiy expense account for October aiicunting to $261.78, which I shall be obliged if you will pay from the Harriman Fund. I am enclosing: also October and November bills for office rent at the Northumberland at $50 each, amounting to ?)100, which kindly pay if not already paid. There are outstanding several vouchers for bear skulls, which I shall send you as soon as I am able to check thim up with the skulls received at the Museum during: my absence. Mrs. MerriaiTit ray dau£;hter Zenaida, Miss Allen, and I reached Washington on Sunday, October 31. We ca^ue by ohe Southern Pacific and iil Paso routes, passir^ through the scene of recent Mexican battles at Haco ard Dou^-las^ where for some miles Mexican and American troops wjre busy on both sides of the boundary, a^d the people correspondingly excited. Several soldiers' wives wwre sent East from Douglas on our train. With best wishes. Very tnily yours. j HI ^1 1 I / S3S •n 363 Novdmbar 9, 1915 Ncverobor 9, 1915 Frank T imsendt Ssq% , Oordova. Alaska. Dear Sir: Recently I have learned throiigh Dr. Dearborn that you have several skulls of bears killed on Bering Glacier. I am anxious to purchase as meny skulls as possible of grizzly and big brown bjars, and should be very glad to secure those you norfr have on hand » and any others which ycu can obtain in the coming season. Each skull should bo labeled for the locality where killed, the sex if known, ajid approximate date of killing, a^d should also have your own name written on the label. Pome labels i are enclosed h jrewith* ^ The price for ^ih^ sculls varies accordir^ to a^j;o, sex, and condi t i on . f rem $4 each for young skulls, up to $10 or $15 for adult fe-iiales, and $15 uo $25 for f:ood old •males. The skulls should be carefully, wrapped and shipped by ]-arcel pest or express, addressed: U. S. Biolof-ical Survey, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington^ D. '\ Very truly yours^ i '*>-• ^1 ^1 ^A • ^^H ( ( f ^ \y It ^ 11 Lee & Salisbjry^ 1832 San Antonio Ave., Alameda, Calif. Dear Sirs: Yo^iT letter of October 28 has been forwarded to me from L^^gunitajs. For some time before leaving I had bssn expecting you to conie to see about painting the porch, but as you did not show up, the thing Till have to go OT(!r until next year. Very truly yours. ^ !'l II f ! 1^ ^38 365 i J November 9, 1915 NoT^mbar 9, 1916 Emeet Kirbarger, Keq. ^ Kakdy Alaska. Dear ^ir: On returnir^ to Washington I was vary glad to rir4 the two skulls of big bears from Seymour Oanal^ Admiralty Island, which you sent about the end of Sep- tember* They are in good condition and I shall be glad to pay $20 for the male, and $12 for the female^ raakirg o32 in all* A check for this aiaount will be sent you in a 'few days from the Smithsonian Institution. Should you s^cc^ed in obtainir^ additional >ear skulls either from the l5lan<^ ^j. fj.Q mainland, I would be ^rlad to purchase the ft^rne at gooc^ prices. Very tnily yours. Ur. William li. Bishcp. Superintandant of ths Beading Room. Library of ConsreaB. Waahlnplkai, J). C. Daar Sir: Thim will introdnna Ifi^s Stolla R. Claniance, cna of vy aaaiatanta who is doiqp an extended piece of rawarch for aa at the Cox^presaional Library^. Aa theie are many eztracta and no tea to be made, the iiae of a typewriter would greatly faucilitate the work fli I dioixld appreciate it* if apace eoold be prowided for a BMU^hine for bar uaa. She will be worlcing there for the next three weeka (poeaibly longer) and will want to haw acceaa to her typewriter between the houra of 9 A.l^. aid 4:30 P.M. ThaAii« you in lAvance for th^ cpurteay of your attanti oil In the matter, Youra very truly, ^ I. till 33S '\-> ■'^j^ / 367 m / PB Novambar 9^ 1915 Danial H. Nawhall^ Esq. 154 Nassau St* , New York City* Dear Sir: Prom yc?ir 'latalog^ae No. 87 which you wara kind enourh to send vne^ I should like to order Itara No. 2088. --Oalifcrnia and New Mexico. Messa^-e from President Tayloc-* transmitting informtion^ etc. 1850 Pric3 $7.50. V ^-^ A. VarjT truly yoira. ^ - 4 ■i Noveml'ar 9, 1915 Tlie Oadjtras Book Shop. 150 ^ast 34th ^t., New -York City* Hear Sirs: Thanks for your Catalog No. 37 rocantly ra- caivad. Fran it I should liL^a ^o order Item No. 1379^ the oaing S. A. Mitchell's Acco^animant to New Map*^T"?ei£^, Oregon s^ OalifcnSa^ Philadlaphia. 1046 Prica $9.TO »-f , 9 Vary truly yours. I I i \l J I i 89S L . 369 'K' MA Ncvambur 9, 1915 Reginald Leaka Gals^ Ssc*^ Hubert, Biilkley ^^'alldy. Daa!- ?:r: Yov-r l3t'' rf ci Octo'bar 24 i? tut hard* Not beir^ faaiiliar ^ath ^.'ie linits of yyjoc di strict, I ari unable to say \7hether cr net I ^>ava rrrittan aryone olss in that r6p;5on for ^crizzlj Crriills* I hava qow'- dver v/ritt,dn a iiii;il3r cf ],C3v::r.6t::r» iT3 vaiuous Vtxt^ of Brir-iah Ool-^nbia, hut it is ho-rdlr likal-^ t-mt anoohar of ohase is in ycur neiglibcrhocd. As 8^at8d in r/ yoy^one lac tor, I sliall b^ fclad tc pay goc rices for rrrisaly skulls, tha pi«« v&ryinp- accordi!^^ ^.o a^^a r^id cc^idiMon .f cha eku 1, aTTd will tska all yov csr^. got, whether i^^arfact or otherriaa. I bth aijcior^ tc secure aa mi.ny h." icssible durinp: tha present yaar. Very tj-oly yc:u-B, ^ i\ I7oV-nibor 9, 1915 Mi*. W. H. Sr-auldir^, Ha"k Inljtr, DctfiJi" Sir; On i-e-^urniri.- from ^laifcrnia I hare aiainired t.Hs trro Vear gkuila ycu sart i^iu from Hawk Inl it etirly in tHc B.ason. Tl-.e brcwn Ixjar is a fine male excapt. for t-he bullat-holes and f->3 lose cf porne of the front tjc'tb. I value th3 spacL-s^n at §20. The black baar fr©.! Kake ''illaga is worth t^i, ui^'d-vr ?21 for the tro. A e.^eck for t' a^otint vrilt bo &^-nt ycrj shortly from fie "uithsonian Ineitu:ion. should ycu obtain any other bear skulls I would he flad te purchase f-o sa^te. Yery tr>j.iy yoiurs. *- ■> * 1 1 J* I • > o\z ♦ i !• ^ Nov^nfnor ?• 1915 David ?• Kan 3, iisq* Kaslc, , 1 Dear Sir: On returning to Washington racently I fcund your lett,ar of the 25th inst. , and alao th« griz dy skoll from Oav. Oraak. Kcot^nay Laka. vr.ich you kirn .3now:;h to send. Tha 8k,ai appears to >a a f ^mala - not a -.ala - arid is niarly anult. I ralrs it at $12, a check for ?rhich amount will Va sent you in a few days by the «%iith8onian Institution. I shall be r-lad to pv;rchasa as many sk^xLls of grizzlies a? you are atla to obtain, and will pay con- ciderable raore for adnlt mles than for fenwles. I rap'ret that tar-B ware o-nitted f-an tha last letter. Soiw are 8 an* you harawith. Ydnr tt-uly yours. / « r^s \ J! 372 ', ! li in... Novambar 9» 1915 E. H. Edwards, B«qi» AtrarkOt , . British Colurnbia* -.- 1* Dear Sir: * -* . . ^ Your letter of October 19^ addressed to the Srnithsonian Insitution.hap bean r9f3iT34,to,n» for . reply* z- '' 1 am anxious to obtain in Vae. n jar future ae many plrulla as possible of grizzly fcaars, and am willli>g /• » . ■ » . ^ • to pay rather lon^ prices for the 8a?»t i^® price Taryirjg ' - ^ ilk-' - , -^ according to sex, age. and condition of tihe skull^ from. ^ aach for young s'.rulls, up to^$10 or $15 for adult fa- males » and $15 to $25 lor good old :!!ala8». The skttlls should ha carefully wrapped and shipped by parcel post or ax^rass, addreaied: U, S. Biological Svirvdy, Dejt. of Agriculture, Vashir^on, D. 0. Saoh slnj.1 should be labelad for the locality ▼hers killed, t>« gei if known, and appreximte date of killing, and yc.^r own na^ a^oald ba rritten on the IsJ^el. ^oim labals ara anclosed Upevith. ^1 %. ,! \ ■ i1 \ li b r X- Novambar 9^ 1915 Dr. Walter Faxon, Laxing^out Mass* ^ A . tiJ V Ify dacu: Doctor Faxon: i-^- ♦ts.-^ ,u •": V On returning f rem California a T^tt days^^o I 8irtr'*a'i?iotice of your r a cant publication. en« titlU'^Ralics' 6f ?^ala'iB liisiiam*. . -. : ^i^^\ 4 -^'VS7 w.. ii «Ra'rir^;ijde!i for ^'onu^ yaart Intar^^tad in the hiatorjr tfi, t,Me ffesjum, with f!{,ecial raf trance t^o the type EpeciTiens of oaiTials and birds ^ich it once con- - -Wln0d% I art amcibas to see yoiar J)Ublication on Vne sub- ^ci^/Lia -fehadLlf-b^.pro^ly obliged if ycu will kiMly serii -*^?^''M%(Jty.>^^l^ coniiaction T?ith the sane will ^^t'V^ '^\ v.; - w\rve-jjTery truly yourst > .. • s • f ^ !■( II! D ^\^ /I 374 1? i I!cv3ml-K3r 10, 1915 Mr. Robert lailart FordBt, SuLar¥\8ort Jacicscn, S'yc* 4t ni. Daar Sir: . n ^ Your latter of October 26 is at 'landv* for. d ^.icui am cbii^ad* I shall. be ¥Jry el»d :::>«; .a^ccep t, , yov.r offer to se-nd on approval tbfl" skim ^isd^^aiil of ^•• the grizzly valued at $30^ %iA ehall:^© «Je4 oo ::xur^ chase all sVuIIp of prizzllOT^yqcr w'y tobtaifi in tbe i • "^ ~^Each slroll ahould i)3. labtdL^ Titti f-H^4<».fi^i"7 iifcer^e killed and your own nar.sQ^ am ^\^£i '\i^b '^eha^a and arproximata date if kncTO^.: A- f 6^ Vai e ^e enclosed hera^rith. It is a 'rood plan.uO jilaca it ptno ^.-Jrcided papar l'3twMn t;-^^ jd«re t>er ICX, 1915^0 Mr. Frad finevbldsan^ ^^&uxo i^m) ^x£g ^fceiTH riik on Territory. ..-U .3 1---;^^ •- ' Thar Sir: "'i - — Ur.i;**wT •^ r? fc-. , " • " . '*' *■' c J I *» •A c ».. - • ••, S " Yo'ir Ic^tt^ from Pally, ds^aa^^tVnl:^ itV i ^Irod t>»iB mpyni^'K* I am vary dLad to fcnbr ^!iat tou can 83e;:.i sItiIIb of grizzly btjare from yonr iregiCB*^ I shall ne glaft to purchase all y^vciux gdi durifcg tna ccBurij xha pricespaid for firrtaziy .^kulls vary a^ccordlr^g to eext ^^f- €^nd condition of skrll^ as follcireiYouiiG skills it 3ach; adiilt faiales. uj tc $10 cr $15; ard for £Cod old n«wl3B,«%15 t.o $25% You are m a ;ao6t intarae^ ing ri^^ion, ai:d I shall ba ^lad to jurciiaaa all toa \ xzzirj airulls yju can obtai-i* Would ij.80 ba jrlod ".o purc-B^a & favr other skull at tne accC'^^nylrr prices: '^oll and hlack b-^ar $2 to ^\ aach; 10 akulls aach cf fishir, fox» Vjvx^ aiid b^avar at 50c ^c 75c each; 10 -rolrarire at $1 aach; 10 skulls each of nink^ iiartan and iraasel ac 25c aach« Skulls naad not bc> cliiarod* Tie "or^ia and t^iick riesh fhculd ba c^at off arxl "ha ^rainr shcruld hd removad thr-u;^h the nat'iral hoi a in the back of the sloll. i C ^ 1- carsTbe.tnr feakeh not to cut or braak the bones. A label €h^:i}.d. "^a tied to each skull statinrr tha locality where fcill^d^ sex, da.te (aryroxlaiate -^lll dp) and your own naafc . Such, akulls '^an drisd niay be shiTrp^e -J^ ^hjrv-.rr.ipich doubt*. . ^ , fPnil -^ 'brra a- ^I.'Shali w* greatly .obi leaad if you %.!t* " "^ x.A^ Jiit^^^'^y aa,josB^biet:;f articularly. t^hose (^f ^rrizily bd&rot >\a. BlLr^3 •ue-f r:rT^os 0^' a;jr?Xw^r!Oc lirv/ r/o^: e.pV 1 •Lallr> tie'^T/VcTl ft ^- ilo^t all >^ 01 ; ^osf. 10 :/i ^-iit^;:- oi ;:' - Div *-¥>«» • S/ ►rr5*r •N^^'^ t r, <• •• I ••* £ /- * Jl «p- w ^ - • ef JbJi: V fr-^e'^ ^fj.-'? Iz-^^ er*-^ Ii:;s 'J'^o *-?:; r • 4 ,XXx o^r' £. ; f. t ► if ^ ^Original Defective! ^ ,// \\z 378 -M U I ,^j 4i ' ♦ > { hi hi J o Naramber 10, 1915 i,V J fH-' S*Aei;»:tichacv '-. , ^' Alaflka* ' * «< c >««.VC) II"'''; ffost 0^ herd e-^ bifcr^a Daar Sar: ■ ^anRs fcjr 'your letter 'a^ ^0c^^6^ fl# -JtiBt r 3- caived, and for the damfred skull ef iargt»-*^'T»»Af tear which you-^o'«ffe-at"t,hS -di'?!^ i-f T*."^ This io «udi a fine old mili^'^t^^ri W&ll6irlrtg jrtti «i3':for Hi in'^lte of #i=?iit''l>iat t>i9""bafelt t'ai^'^f^'ti^ ekuH'tt BMly broken. ri3 skull *bf *?i'ir^'blaclr ^3aJ^-%^ch' yo»j-« jnt the iatterN^art'^ofJaly I 'ivj' jaii^isSfr^'aM te'Ulorir^ you $4; for it, makiti- $24 in £tl2-- H'cv-aclc far '«ila a-.uunt irili'ba 8eni°you''8Vor*.i^ froi tha Saiitheonirji Ineitution. I hope you will oortirfia'i^ feectrTs T^tr sVulla for U8, a.>vl ii^i'^t^ Tifii *o l^CnH^^ at ejood prices all you sand. &, :«;ri *h«.t; .^>, ^^i ie laValed correctly for V'>e lochlitf whtre killed. ^3ry trjly yo^ora. -r / >^ 1. I I 4 :l . 5I?X ,01 - ^v.if November 10, 1915 \^ .!A •4^*5 Dear Dcctcr Fmlth: Yoijor letter of d^tg'ber 24 was written v^B.lfcil? -I waif;(B till,, in California, henc§ the d^^lay in ra- erfH^^ fSKfe ^/'>H^rt '- ^.E^caqmllj I know v^iry little abo-jt tc #-ff.03q^^a^.ig^,^, inj^uding Ffrmera' Bulletin #328 .#.•^5? i4**£l rtfn«S«uijaiig t£f£'aP?f-S»^^t'>^^ I^^^l^ff^^**"" "^^^ ^ > « ^8^—^v i^tn -^ --ibV 'u'Z':i&'b -i^"' uvi' Ow i^i:«i t ' lip -^. I 5.;^ ' )! I i ! I •/. 8^S N I itHrf I! '■i& SieX ,01 -locTmevoH : ^r 10, 1915 •xfw^inrH lOitoott xsefl ' . J. W. Ooc^Ai^^i- *^°'?:^, •v^i--' O^^J- ^¥ I-in^|3e5 ^.-^r4p:-1-^ ^WR %r*fir.3 / l^Li, o'-^. *w-^^ ? ^^ wC L.arc.a89 at od trices all .a^ I vifeU you wculTfc^wrtk-fiyr f^^c^ipo with aiiT others t •s 4.1 ! jf,r.^ - u siid cf •'ivi pr^iB^nt months tha acccui:^^ -ill c -c ;;e S^i hconian V>^ Ibjb^ of Mc▼Jm^e^^arri a c\*ick e a^rtou^t ^11 ' -3 6ant yen a f^^ rlare latar# -«u ut ^ Mb A. * tries but a^nM a'^cut $4- If • .u do net ^4 i^tal. a ^ .V* I \ VI i\ ■ I \ / Original Defective GY£ / 'I 4 380 I r„ Kovem^wr 10. 1915 Mr. J. ¥• Oochraiit •^W-4-i*. -■t' ^a n '.a •4- ^- B. '^* Y Dear Sir: Toi:t latter cf the 5th inet. hae juirt p?c*t to hand and clears up the raystBry ^ - ttha .plral l3 you a^nt^ and which I fc^ind here on rriv^^krrival frK«it 354 It OKrd a a few days aro. i^"i»7 re^'"'" rfy- Xn ycijir letter? of Sett^^^'^'ir ^"art? l^^^S cff^3red kuUe of ad^Jtlt Tslofrri^zUktH^-^V^ ^^ffi^ilparie I two skulle agreed to pay en receipt -of >j4h$^$T^ciSax^itja8 rejpfsentad. Instead of thesa I found !bne aELulfe -tiaie. ingi^or^ SP-li cub^ both badly dsiiiaged by Miv/ii:^-;he,?.W-;i^ ^Sc^/.tf '^y^- I -as a of the skull ciit away* / . - In yoiu- ldtt;ir of V/i© otih infit,. yju say that you did not send the ot ;er adult tj^X^ a^rrAoijdd in yci:ir previo letter*. I wisii you would sent it at oiice.with anrr others in ca«d others ^lava cop» WhBiH l^fire ±M«-Td.c>aii "0.1 r-^achd8 roe b^fora th« ^nd cf the pr-j»ant month, t,ha account will go to the Smic-hKonian the la«.t of HoT^l«r.«^H a check for the amount trill • j sent yon a fw daye later. '"• ^ V" - _ _ . . ^_ Duin'fiy simile cf rrizzly bt:ars r itaMa frr- -, in which' tha^/ are listjd I s! all v^ ,iLj'^c f-l / / V % s \ i*?I ,0/ •; Ncv. 10, 1P15 ♦ ^ ^. H. Case, £sq., . Juneau Alaska. Deer Sir: # ^iixv^xt : v ^ 0* ,---..?' ^^*.^^i^^^ f^-°^ 'California a f^ rfavB a^o I OTa the Jxibj^t of a bic bear r^hich yon had killed a «h. . ^ - le-ter, ^nii-s'^ould of 3. our se \^ r-iad ^o jtirchasc the sWvll be ^: . '^^'"^'^ '^^^ '^^''' ''^''^ ''*' '""'"'' ^ °^'""' ' '^^^ratand ^.y you • ^ -'■dUrioi'E^iyi iz ^t once .0 the usual address at the Bio- ,Jvo ii-ic^ical-Surv^. s^.-you kno^, i a-B^^ra^rs -lad to p^orchaee *''' be ar «'/nilI» dt frood xrictJB,. Very traly yours. aj^Oivb-i^ T r nj b&-.o- .. tU jx>^. ' Ck iJiU^OD'>je tpl ^rf.wrr ineati^ l:' bfit t. C : Met V ij h^-B^it^-rrritycK to w-?^: t^ r'jsxnon" x ,n: ^ w -on OD 0:^T II .:•! i 4.. ;v 1 U rss 382 November 10, 1915 Ur. W. H. Spaulding. Hawk Inlet, Alaska* Dear Sir: It 18 aji odd coincidence that I wrote to you yast^day and ^rmve today received your letter of October 26- I ara very ^1^ -^ ^^^^^^ '^^^^ ^^^"^ ''^^^ *'''' "^^^ ^'"""^ skulls of brovm bears, and may secure others, and shall i3a slaU bg purchoe^ thenu I will also take all you get from Baranof Island, provided each skull is dabeled for localiuy where killed* Do not on any account mix skulls from Admiralty Island with those frcxn Baranof or Ohicha- rof Islands. I will tske all you get from anywhgre^ pro- vided aach skull is labeled for locality. You ask about cleaning skulls. I do not know of any simpler way to clean ^Jci-^m than by boiling, but it is not necessary to clean the skulls thor^u-^ily, as we have them cleaned af^er reachir^ the Mi'setna. The best way is to Birnply cut off the tongue and remove the brains throurh the natn.ral opening in the back of the skull, care being taken not to injure the 'ones. Such skulls should he thoroughly dried but should ^ot be dried neav a fire. Aftjr they are dried -'^^^y ^^y ^^ s^nt eithe:,r by parcel post^or express. I^^f^f^i^,^^ the Biological Survrtv as usual. Some ta|s u*^ ^closed herewith. ^' ^ survey ^ Tery truly yours, , November 10, 1915 / Mr, iS. W. Darhev. 233 Main ?t.. Winnipeg^ Manitoba^ Dear Sir: ' f* T '» It # as glad On retumir^ to Washington from Calif orni a I to find the grizzly bear skull which you were ^i.nb^ vf Hftd -ancMi to forward to the Biolortcal Survey on Septam- "bei-^fe5. It 18 a fine old male. aM I regret vexy rmch - - th&t t^ir-fi^ity ^here it wa^ killed ie unknown. Hm- dvQx; I val-:ra the skull at '$li5, for which -dmount a c^.eck sai.?> will be sent you from the Srnii.hsonian Institui^ion shortly, .;>•)*. •:;*;■ ^ - Any other skulls of grizzlies which you may secure I mall be glad to have an opportunity to purcliase. '^'- Very ^ruly yours, _ «.\w The base of this skuli was cut away. tx^^SLm K J* U \f I M ■■ t S8S 384 A Hovdmbar 11^ 1915 ,l^i ^il 1: *rn^ T^'^ w »,i«»J , ,. » ». Ifr. £• JL Ax3lsont Takutat , Alaska. ♦ r Dea^ Sir: 0 f* »-» t^r A fdw days a^o I retiirnad from OaLifcrnia.and have now looked over ths bear skulla that caiii\^&r^ rny abftance -laat;^8uiar»r* Tha Wt^est Acull'^/ou aant js rathar disappQintlj^.not ^^rify-}Siicams'-Vri6 ifer.^.^^ ^q in all, and am ttiraifv; i^ ^^^^^^^ for this anount-it)day. Infl+i-n--!A« ' * '^ **"' smiths oniaji - iH-jf«-:n! ts-:~i'! - . raly yours" -^^ "' »'n*'!i-Oo •-V-'w :^"ioi .*j i « r t Ir: ^^j' ^>I>C^ ;r XSl -tr-- i ♦^> <^I?I ,11 1: ••-■ -yf iX€I .XI ic -.■:ir I?ovatai ar 11, 192 f* --.Vf ,vn. .arn-i..-- r- . m? ^an Prruicisco, Calif.. - . 'ii l'i>r' ■■ *?'-^ latter abau* +v,^ t ■ ' ■'•^'-" ^ ^^ 1^2^ A'>J*° ^J^Wt deliver .^,; 1^ * , 3-t*'x... iW. region. 'Ta-ral* was their, na-^"fr». - - Ind..^ Pronounca it In ,o. .ylUMa. W-.l.,i'.i„ but It is u3uJly eiurrad :o thraa ^lUM,. ^i-v ,. •f rathar long. " ""■ Vary trul}^ youra^ I i] Jl i li.; i £8S 384 { 11 h it i Hovdmbar 11^ 1915 .I^L ,ii :. •'T'^IM ^f Vr. £• }l. Axalson, Yakutat , Alaska* Dear Sir: * JL ^ ■ t^^ i O X T ^SC'^'l'rertriJrnad' from OaUfcrnia.and have now looked over the bear skulls that ca'Sa'^ln Wir^ my ^bftanca .l&atpsuiaaei^* Kia' ikr^^est icull'^ou, aent^ is rathar dis^peintlr^; tv^ '^y'^auea-th* cH^J/^c^'J are brokan off. but also t^cai^sa i^tt;^k^ii .fg -^t-j,^ •?^^lWto,^. ^?^»o ^lwsd_ jtcjitoLf^r it^ W each for tha two youngj^r .mlea, ?l«dlf i:Xi^. t^.iba:^c&- .V.^...Ti)cing ^o in all, and am tTU7ilr^ia.B...a.ouchar for thl*' ano^uiit'%t)day. .''iHjfft-cm t5iri5£.ii!,Tajry^Ttrttly yours--- **■ trrcffiLOo •;:r[Oi ic-V.ii-: 'x • — ^ ^. ^'^'"-V. * . ^ yV . ^JLS^ Hb- r> •""Tx; "^^^-^ "^^^ n^^i»^ i 3-^'*^. p !» / y y ^'i^L ^11 1fc,dti^7oII 51^1 til i^cfrrr^TcTI ^ovdml'^r 11^ 1925 'Boy:h,,l -p • -• * ^ o. ■•■»3 i o'Djib -felBd; ju:t- tfelitter »t-,«' i * » i * ■ ins repiom •Taml* was th«r, na^^for -..rr-'-' Ind.^ pronounce It i„ ,«, =,ii..„,^ T«^a.,i'-i3. '1* rathar lo:^. JTory truly yours. I Retake of Preceding Frame 88S 388 >W d^ • » November 11 » 1915 The Gardinar ^t^idio, .oiid e>'i^^--'^ -^ •'^ Dear Sirs: * T Recantly I 'lava saen a siimll ph9tog:faphtBaid holaiq5Linaic :fe^ Taw*, 't't^oult^^l^^i^ ' ■•—••' -(^ •* r rery trcly yctars, ^ •r ?e-. V *-ft,^^i5;Y xi aeljAC.^ bio -^t .rr^o^jjia^Mf^^ Ar,r mora sJcull. I v^ova ^ * , ,, ^»-inng .0 pay as :T,4ca ae $ld fcr t-r. feet sIcaiB of adult f3r,al3 cri-zlia. „«, w v .^ri..2ia9«,- and ^aa high aa $?o or .n aorrs case^ avec $26 fcr ad>ilt alas. Hopinr to hoar from you eoon, Vary truly ycjrs. M It ' fi J 4 ( i. p , 4 . '0 '>0 • f) Original Defective J Y8S 388 i P Uovem-cor 11, 1915 Mr . Valtjr G. Fraiiz, ,a^i5A^''.-T--rt^g* , ftiion SYueS. Elik.* ^t".? , -r - «ii;,'Sft3* '"'^ Dej'j Sir: .' ■ "-•^i ^^^ •'^-^ iHitZ •-'■f»^JrM!^'^o58*6fi^*re*Ty[iir^"^:^8airigton-I Was dalightod - ! atxi- -^f f i7ia3'iftjCf^^'t««iar'V9f -flbtotfir -203e>4aid -tfiac bkull of jii.rV7.i.-J2ihgh*r* M &t«d-?c'?!ia*c'k8?> ?g'-f ^''4E0;i^Lf" ihie i^ill %Job* Batl8f6.6^,biV-4tt 5i€na;>.i'Wdi?r&<^ skills iiPr iR" aJbifci^lzil" air, ' srsT ig^iid- 'ad'ol^ f afflalas » bu€ "c sif arativa T ^ fi .^lei • aeJir: op. U YtcfiLG .7 .ii 00 .1.:: a:iitfi J. iiji;itfl 00 .Cl fc.^X .1 a.vjaa O0.:io 1t--Yifcci"i.i)i .:at.;-iS 00.? ""no--. . :^- 8 6: cL r>\ • • ---rr rr? .u ,* h H V*. c^^l .n lw crcvcj; ^-'sLilA :Y NcvemLer 11, 1925 H CO Mr, F. I, Jlda^jj 00 . 00 0 u^ 0.^ ,^ ^, ,,, ,^.._^^^ ^_^^^^^^; - .tr I°V" ^""" '"^ '^ "'■ *'^' "'- =' *> 00. •alary ohac. „^ ,„ ,t ,,, K<«,*.rU.4 .„ i„ -L oaae of Kss tlUn. • « — ^^* . ^ - i-Tr:ijore vouchers as I — oief-b.-in Calif omia Xar,,naxt. ^i^hlc a1vu,« ^0 04 Vary truly yours S. M, Aielson ^ill 0. Bariiae *. W, Darbay Buniard Hdina Davad P. Kaiie Brndai Kirbdmdr JHm&B Sirnpson ». H. 3pauldir>r $50.00 15.00 16.00 24.00 12.00 3£.00 6.00 21.00 00. 0 iOriginal Defectivel G8S 390 ( t ^ £« !!• Axjleon e^ri a -0 ^ ^^m. 'rKj'-h 1915 ,aiiuA .1 ^T .-li Nov^.llf 1 Skull of'-*iala- ^rtzzlJC^aUt ^i^m X^Jium^ Kaf^o^ Alasxa 2 Skulls of ■Tounr "liild y."i2:iiic»o li'jaa .I^.A .-*? ttjeCI 1 Skull of black la 3 ar Gi^I i^oS 24 00 3 00 .VcH 1 i-' : •bCwXf .i:xt Yfttd' C'Q-."C s;Vjs:' ixi^ ::•: Y tlf-inoit i:c l: / - .istA^ ^i^X b^-^o-e't I ,i3Ji-;: liH ,-i^ II: .r.jj .x';;.' bti^^ T<* ^ V 8 'I X i 00 -51$ 5. ^ir .3C'- $50 00 •r:;.IIft ':-:W '^ aco ^^e'-o" -•'- "^ br tci --.31.1? a«3vii: 50.00 T' , r f. oo.:;i 00.0e$ ::oaIbx.3. .V •£ OO.c:x abn-ufi .0 Li^^ 00. ai c^ujX /i o.Ysa 00. rfo« ^ :3 Rt ^ or. • • [ ? ,n ;^>? 4* if *■» !■ )> !>♦». I ^^n 0. B^rnao ■«=?::^g . 1915 00 ii- (X) i 00 ^f$ ^0 IJc^ s'u%:tcn, t, 0, *" ' '''^'^ri?:S?fSai,i:#.-^Tfl ** J. j^-. ^'-r': eericir^; •i i ^ lA -^ J3:.R tx^: 16"' 00 " $15 00 • '■■■^'•••c ■•0 '• --i^^ * * "» ^ »• •• lii.00 0<> ■^. r :. ' ^. ri i. u "^ '• • »• • i • ^. *i i. A. . ^'- ^^.r..: • • ./>) * - , . Ov . ',^-j* ♦ ^ff 1 4 res &. W-. Darbay w&f^*ab'j^^'i3§v :• ,a .no-rpx /^lJ'ain,>t««>:.?Ii|»345ig. Mani^oua, Canada 1915 ITov^ 10 > ,0 1 Skull- of tnAls.C^iiily Banr frdfli. »^ *i^ .i. -Ji ^,i^/3ivJ^i:8 fto^'i XiitJ >0i5i/ ii;x8 i 392 •Bernard Haina ebarr^^t* .^■.'ocir-^M • • -i^^Sfte-Uishitfj? AJaM'-^", « 1915 n.B^-ao 1 siaaia^^^,.j^^g. ^^^^^^r ••w* 1 Sk-ali 1; lack b jar f^-oin Sr---i»' CI --W 20 00 4 00 'I » i ■od ?i$ $18 00 -rf-'-'-'^M^^^fi— TrrT...zss:::zsM^sf:S^fffffiT^m:Tt. IB. 00 Ovr»i..x *i^> •|y h 0(f'8i^$ $a-i 00 'iwwWWTVir • • - r - » • « - « 2A.00 odC?r SGS / 394 t "■' in-sa-'i-iiyr :-..r'i2. David P. X^;^^ Ksq. g^^^^H bTA'T\ea n -3.;'.^U ■♦ftTLaX'- ii 1 Skull . of %|-4zal5 b§^ CfPn? Xir«lf***J.^t«i3^ ?.1?I.'^'8 1 ii^«> arof /[J OP Mt / m t ri j - i'rn J St ICirb -rp«r f V a. '^iu^'^lSl ' ■ ^'" '^im^m^h^'- '- M- ^ »• 12(^0- 12 00 J Ii .# * $ii- op. ^'0 Sl% $32 -i ^ it it ^f**-. "♦"•■•••<«••• -s^ . — ••.••^- cwolvtj— ?—•••*— '•^•— i2^00 ^^0 .S5 OO.JvS e.sit^ * \ I 32.00 nr e.^^. ^imwiv' aes H 1 ' t Ja'Ties Sioipson ^ri'ii^Wl'id-li^' ^^ •t' l^o^ ^■■U,^U _ Mi VGS November 11, 1915 Sir: In connection with my \7ork on Via Natioral History of the Northwest I have occasion to write many letters to postoffices in various parts of western Canada, particularly Yukon, British Coluinbia, and Alberta, and am consequently in need of an of- ficial Canadian Festal G Ida* If yc>u will kirxily fiend me a copy of this docu>7ent with the bill for eaine, I will remit at oiiice* If you have a niap showir^: the pcstofficae a;ii postal routes, I shall be glad to purchase a copy alsc^ Very truly yours. Dc^puty Pcstmster General, Ottawa, Canada* ) m ^ i I n » I) * ^ 8G /-.e 399 Hovambar 11^ 1915 Mr. ¥• I. AdaioB. Accoui:tani^ Smithsonian Institution^ Wachington^ D. C. * Dear Sir: Barer ith I anclosa my check on the National Metropolitan Bank for $500t t-ie sauie baii^ repayment to the Smithsonian Institution of amount advanced to me for field expenses early in May. Yary truly yours. ^{,f / ^1 Hcvemhjr 11^ 19X5 ^^^i? I^ynson, «.q 97 SuMerland fi5a^. Forest Hill, lonaon, S. S. Dear Sir: «nclo89d i8 my monay ordar for 28 8d for Which kindly send :3 O'Donnairs Wa^^olv^s .-W. Offered in your Catalogue No. 18. T^Z^ received. The item number is 736. Tary truly yours, i I r ^ ■I -^ I' 'i if 001^ mn 08 .. .^ Hovamber U, 1915 MrSm J. Hyltnd. i- 4077 17th St., San Ptancisco, Calif. % dear Mrs. Jfylani: Tlianks for ycur latter of October 16, whidi iwur r«cdived on ^ return to Washii^icn. Neither of tho two lots of akuUs ycu ware good enou^ to send ::ia have as yet arrived, althou^ the first shipnjant should hare been here before this. Xf ^.u »*vo uriy mroraation as .o the nana of the com- pany by which it m.e shipped, I will be obliged for the ' «»»»». and will write or wire them at once. I„ the case of previous shipments there have been delay, at both Mangel! and Seattle, so that specimen, ware a good while in transit. Payment for there skull, will be ^a Boon after their receipt, Ifr. Walter 0. Pram 'm« sent me the skull ycu .- were kind enow^i to write about. It is a fire old c^a .^. and I am mighty glad to have it. V Thanking you for your assistance in the natter, -nd >^orine: the skulU win arrive in the near fufore. ^9ry truLj yoiirs. b'f M 1 N ro!^ NovoBber 13, 1?15 r i 402 #- t U' ^^r* (• i Hi t fit I'M "' f '■ vi«, 4!i I Mr. W. W. Oanf ialdt 519 California Straet. San Franc iscct Califs Dear Mr. Canfield: When 7ny Washington bos a for tho winter* I reinamber you vary well in connection with our dalightful trip to Fra.nont P^iak. Probably you have not hc^ard of iir/' charge cf base. I resigned from tha Biol 0^5 ical Survey in the spring of 1910, since which I have been anr:ap:>3d mainly in work on North A'nerican mainmals. Just now I am trying to cornrlete a book on the "^"ig bears of North America. Therefore it is more than five yer-rs since I liave eiTr*loyed aryona in the field and I do net see any likelihood of dfling anything of this sort in the futuj-9. From ti^iie to time, however, openings occur in connec-tion with the field wrrk of the Biological Survey, particularly in the line of tha dastriction cf noxious aninals, cMefly wolves and cq^rotes* SlicrJd you come East this winter, I s'oall be very glad to see you and will intrcdutse 'A you to those in char/^a of -h. Survey. ^ ^^® Biological Vith best ^ishaa ^rd kind refzaxds tn fa'nily; ' •^egama to your 1 i 801^ Novambar 13, 1915 404 Mr.Raniington Kellc,gg Musiivm, Univar.rrty cf Kansas, Lawri;inca, Ka-isas Dear Mr. Kallo^-g: Thanks for yoiir latter of ^Me lOoh insw. Yes» the ^hitra bear of Lewis and Clark and iriary other early explorers was the big Plains grizzly, the ■true Urs-jg Tioyri^'^'^gt the statue of vf-dch -a? in doubt for mora t^an throe quarters of a century. I.-, all Frobability it was '.he grizzly of the plains of western Kaiisas, although it is pcssible -.hat one of r.he 6olorado si-ecies. UrmOaicdi . raached Kansas. I fear it is too late to determine this, o-^ing tc the alsence of sk^Uls, " I should be verf glsd of any grizzly rafarences fro-a Ka^isas^and s^.ould also thank ym: for the record you have 8uoo«Hded in digging up for the black bear in Oomnche .7c-,nty. I have not ye. discovered .his record. You ar. probably ri^ht In assvunirig .he form to be -9aMj£^» altho'jgh we Imvo no positive informtioa on ohas i.oint. but since ^M:^b occurs in Ner: Ifexico and parts of Colorado, it would be likely to occr.r in Kansas also. ^^ry truly youra. November 13, 1915 y I Powner's Book Store. 53--37 N. Clark Street, Chicago, 111. • Dear Sirs: Please send me the followir^ books listed from your 1915 Catalog No. 11: 61 Massett, S.C. "Drifting About" ir«* Price $1.00 68 List cf Books on California ani the Pacific '^o^s* Price $2.00 73 Resources of California.toS^ in^. Price $1.00 410 Grinnell, G.B. Story of the Indian Price $0.50 423 Remington 7. Way of an Indian Price $0.60 Yburs very truly. *4^) if m ♦i f * 201^ Novambar 13, 1915 The Oadrms Book ShoTD, 150 West. 34ih Straat. Naw York City Dear Sirs: Plaaso sand >!ia .ha following books list ad from vov«. 1915 catalog No. 36: 956. Barber E. A, Utah r»ii».i^/»f» » • . . Nor thwiifl tarn Colorarffl^ wf ?i!* Anciant Art in Nor^wa«taY?olor^o7%1?A.^l^ Oaiandar of Q^m Indians. ,-. Price $2.50 1022. McKay. Daring Doimld Mofcy. a.i.,Pa..lPai Prioa ♦1.25 1052. Sapir, Bdwani. YaTa T-^v*- ^^ , K-thB coUactad by R^a^f §! ^g^^^^er '^ig Yana •^AAUil. iTiCU SI. la. GO Yours va^' truly. 00 301^ 407 Ncvomtsr 15, 1915 fi * Mr. G. Milt en A-nss, Grardiner, Mont ana Pear Sir: Vsrnon lailay^ox^ the BiclOerical Survey, tails :-id th:rt yc; ar.:3 in a position to 89cur3 skulls cf [Tizzhj Vaars. T a::i arTJcicus to obtain as ■.■Mi.ri/ grisaly skulls as ].0£Sibi-;i, and will lav *-ood iricjs far uu eaiiM. the jrlcas raryir^ acooruinp to age, sax, and co-nditicn of s.-:ull, fron $■; to $20. Bach skull c>c^ild he labeled with the locality if-^ara kiliad, rha sax, a.nd a>Troii'nat3 date, and also T'ith yonr nana- Skills should bcs carefully jacked to jrevant brsak&ra in transit. They marr be sent ditber by Parcel Pest or b^.r iii-rresp, a^d p'-cdd b3 addressed tc the U. ??. Biclcrioal Purvey, Dei-artment cf Af^ri(r^.lt\tra. W^^^Mneton, D. '1. firj^rass jac^-a^^QS -lav bj sant c^'p^-'C^s cc]l3ct» Labois aixl ehippirr tar a-3 ^^.-losod her.5^'ith* Tlo-cinp- .^'^'" ^^^^ ^'^ aMa J^j sacnra epulis, Tan' triJ.7 ^^o^^rs. Hovamber 15, 1915 Ifr. Pharles Ba^sr Landar, ■ ' ^oi-iirv?; Daar Sir: Varnon Bails-, of tv. g. , . , „ tails me t'nat .0. are -. '"^^ ^^^i^cical Surrey. Eriz.Zy sfcai= as r„,Ma a^ *, "" '' ^'^ for th, .a^. tb, ,Hcas 1 '^^ =""' I^*"' ff i^v^ ixicas Vorvinr- a^^o'-v./^,- +he fi«v • locality where killed. 3«UZa .ould t, car».uXIy ,ao.e. tc f.,v,„t ,„al...a ^ -».n. ^,„, ^, ,, ,,,, ,,.„^^ ,^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Biological Survey. D3far.».„t of iferioulture. ta.hl,v'.o„. • - &pr.« paclcagos =jay ba .ant charf^s ccUao" I-aDels and sbirrino- +„ - ^ Biippang ta^rs are e-closad herewith. ffcping yo'j will be abla to sacre sknlls, Very truly "Oi:rs. 80^ 409 November lo» 1915 Nova^nb ^^ lo, 1915 Mr. Th(7nas Alderscn^ Wilson (Via Salesvilla). Montana Dear Sirt Ternon 3ailay, of tlia Biolo£;ical Siirvey, tails iib that you ars in a position to secure skulls of £;rizi:ly bears. I sua anxious to obtain as many grizzly p^jIIs as possible, and ?7iH pay good prices for tna same, tha prices varying according to age. sex, am condition of sicull, froa ^l to $20. jfech slrjll s'-o^ild be labeled ?7ith Zh9 locality wbara killed, the sex, and apircximai.e da:9. and also -ith yo^ar mme. Skulls s'-c^d be carefull-r packed to prevent breaka,/Ta in transit. Tliev mv be sent ei^her by Parcel Post or Vy Exjrasa. and should ^e plainlv ax^drs^sed to the IT. S. Biolcf:acai «?'anr«y Derartment of ^Tica-.urj, TTas'ur^-tcn. P. ulls. 7ery truly yours ^ 4 ^^ €!» or^ y / \ ^1^^ s>- \ bM^-^. ^ • |Tovem^:>3r 15, 1915 v^^rt?s Jfr. Alex JohnBcn, Wilson C^ia Sal3STill6), Montana Dear Sir: Vamon Bailey, of ths Biological Survey, tells as that you are in a position to secure skulls of grizzly bears* I aa anxious to obtain as imny grizzly skulls as possible, arri will pay good prices for the sa^i», the prices var^^ing according to age, sex, and condition of skull, from ^1 to $20. Each skull should be labeled with the locality where killed, the ee^, and approximate date, and also v-^ith your na/ne. Skulls should be carefully packed to prevant braakago in transit. Thay may be Bent either by Parcel Post or by Sxpraas. and should be plainly addrsssed: U. S. Biological S-orvey. Depart-nent of Agriculture, ^Tas^ inrdi on . D. -?. Bxpr.86 paekae.e )-aay b. sent cha:-ges collect. Labels and shipping tag arc enclosed herewith. Hcpinf^ you will be a^-le to .ecure sk-olls, Very trily yours. \ t^ "jr 412 November 16, 1925 Mr. Robert Miller. Jackson, doming Dear Sir: Pardon Tie for bothering you •gain. You my reraernber that on -Vovember 10 I wrote you from California in the hope of obtaining specimans of arizzly Bear, particularly skulls, as Vernon Bailey told -ne that you ware In a position to supply i^iateriai of this kind. Hoping to hear frojn vou. Very truly yours. P I i 8r^ 414 Novdmbar 16, 1915 1 Novombar 16, 1515 J4 r, Ur. Allen Salas t Salasville, Montana Dual' Sir: About throe months arc I wrote you offering, to purchase a spacimen (skin and skull) of a Grizzly Bear which I had bean told you offer ad for sal a at $20* Not having heard frcra you^ it occurs to ma that you may value the Bpeciman at a higher figure* If so. If you will kindly send it by express^ chaiT^^es collect, addressed: U. ?. Biological Purvey, Department of Af^riejlture, Washington, T). n., I will mka an offer'for it and if you do not accept, will return the specimw to you at my own expanse. Very truly yours. Q^ ■4 ^* J^°ip^ Rosdncrane. Wyoming . Dear Sir: i At tha instanctt of Vernon Bailey I wrote you on Sept^aber 24. hoping to sacure one or -- S.U11S of th. Bear. Not havi:^ had any raply. I tak. .he liberty to wrlw araln. a^ s'nall te very ^lad if you will let .a W whether or not ycu e^ect to be able to get any Grizzly skulls for us. I a-n al^ya rlad to pay good prices for euda «*ull8. the prices ranging from ^ to $20, according to age. 89x,and condition of skull. In case you send any stalls, plaase attach label to each/frivimc sex. locality where killed and approximate date, and also writinr your own nam* on the label. Very truly yours. h .1: ^t^ 416 Hoveriber 16 » l^'l^ Mr- Stevd Klkiins, Kalisjallt Montana Dear Sir: Your note in the November -oinber , --n^^,. o riri77l'' in Montana, reminds .e ^hat I ^av. net yat received an:, stalls fro. you. nan you not send the s'roll of thi. (Jritzly „.a ...cmy o^HoraO I ^^ always rlad to pay the highaBt irice for b'.c^Is of arizzly Bears, the price varying according to sex. are wid condition of skull. Spe'cinans sho^^d t^e ax^dressed: IT. P. Biolopical f?urvay. Department of Agriculture, ^as'^ington. C. 0. Tliey niay be sent either >)y Parcel Pos^. or W Bxprcse; if sent -by Bxpress. they eio:.ld be 'oarked chorgss collect. . A ehippinp tag and a few labels are enclosed herewith. Very truly yours. November 15, 1915 Outdoor Forld Pablishing Oo. . Z - 16 West 33rd Straat Nev7 York dity Dear Sire: ~ On n^ return from California I find the numbers of Recreatiori troa June to November incluaive. except the August number which is missing. I shall be greatly obliged if you will kindly snpjly a copy of the August numbsr. Yours ver.' truly. 1 417 / / Ncvombar 17, 1915 Meredith Janvier* a, 14 West Hamilton Street, Baltimore, VId. Dear Sir: Will ycu kindly send ma oh approval Porter 'r Bir Bear of Arkanaafl. Ho. 86 in your 1915 catalog No. 4? If I do not wish to keep the book, I ?rill pay the c'urgee on :he sana both ways. Tory truly your«^ ^ w i \ Hi \4 14 mf % I sr^ 11 419 llovember 17,1915 November 17, 1915 Fdust Prmting^Oc* t Dear Sirs: ^ Please Bend '^e peppsvlvanla ]};j^^jj^ja,ryl Tueir HorrJ3_^ ^y Henry W. Shoemaker, with bill for same, as I dc not know the price. Very tr;xly yoiirs. W. W. Nisbet, 12 South Broadway, St, loiiiB, Mo* Dear Sir: I beg to ackonwledge the recoijt of your typewritten list no. 187, from ^hich I already have nos. 1,3,4, & 5. I slmll hQ obliged if ycu will send rriQ the remaining numbers — na^rely 2 and 6 to EE I'ficluslvd* Very tnly yours. p^ 'e^ \ 0^^ November 16, 1?'15 Dr. Wsilter Faxon, Lexinfrton, li&Q sac lus s tttfl Dear Dr. Faxon: Very many thanks f cr your paper on iiaUfii-fiL-^salalg- JfciaaiHU which came thie uornang. It ie nost interesting and im- portant, and all omithologists will owe you a debt of gratitude for your labor in prepar- ing it for publication. Are there no mainnalB in the collection, which night have been tTTjeo? Do you know what became of those brought back by Lewis and Clark and by the Major Long expedition? Verv truly yours. ¥.-' 1 'O rs^ f/ ' % / 422 Bovambar 19, 1915 Hoveaibor 1?« 1915 Hideon Book Co., . 25 Vast 42"a 5tree«, Hew York City Dear Sirs: Replying to the swnorajTdim at tha bottom of yotxr racelrtad bill which came this .omir^. state tl^. it will b. diffi^lt to obtain tb* pacicage you sant to Laci^^itaa. If you eent it by mail. I c«x probably have it forwarded hy sending the necessar:^ postage, but if by axpr^BS the package is likely to be at Saa Geroni^no. there being no express office a*. Larunitas. as I have written you morj than once. Respectfully, i\ Potonawj filectric Power Oo.. 213 14th Street, Washington, D. 0. Dear Sirs: Referring to the accompanying bill of $6 just received frora you for current at m' office, apartment 701. the Northumberlarxl. would state that I left Washington on May 10 and notified vou of the fact, and did not return until Sunday, October Slst, diiring which period of five and a half raontha no current wa* used in my apartment. That the current was actually turned off is ohvio'js froni the fact tha^ when I tried to turn en the light on my return on Sunday, October 31s ^, there was no response. I then telephoned your office and the man answeriig the phone stated that he would, if possible, send someone up to put on :.he current » but was not sure thsLJ he could do this before Monday* I asked the janitor if he could attend to it and he replied that he coi;ld not, but later he made the connection with a fuse and on Monday the cirrent was on. I am perfectly willii^g, of course, to pay for the month ending in May and for November, but not for the in- tervening period frcm June 1 to October 31, when ary office was closed and no current used^ Resp 3ctfnlly, *"iv E i n -t 8Sf^ 424 Movt»abar 19, 1915 Noah Famhan Morrison^ 314 - 318 West Jarsav Street, Blizabetht Uerr Jersey DMtr Sir: Thanks for Steen's map received -this morning, Mt as yoiar bill does not givd the date»and the slip with the date was returned to jrou i:Tith my order, I am lacking the most important information about the map. I shall ba greatly obliged, therefore, if you will kindly f:;iva mo the date and place of publication^ The item was IIo. 509 of your catalog. Very traly yours , -i V '^ v -^t ^^-x^ ' ;. 'r- I k m. % ^ Fa-. November 19, 1915 Jamas Adair, - 626 Hennipin Street, Min^uiaapolis, Minn. Dear Sir: In your Special List of books, pamphlets, and maps recently received, you .^ advertise (45) ScenaB nf ^r^ryi^r and t^iriop^f^y in ClftliforTUft, pp- 276, 1861^ at. $4. If this copy ccntains 276 pa^os ^instaaxi of 267), and is dated on the title page, 1861, you may send it to IIB. Please send me also (29) John Frost's 1850, $1.50. Rospactfnlly, ^*- / 111 pi Hovamber 20,1915 P. Stanmer, 127 East 23rd Street, New York Ci^ Dear Sir: Your racent catalog containe two Itea. which I shonld be glad to see. if vou Will kindly send thom on aprroval'. (418) ^ithrow. Native Races of ?Iorth America, laQB; (706) Raminla- cencas of Travdl, Middle toim. If not wanted, I will return iminedlately, paying chargea both ways of course* ^ery tr^y yours. 425 8S^ ^ 1 « 427 llovdmber 20, 1515 Mrs. J. rivland. 40i? 17th Straat, SaJi FranciBCu, '-alii. My ddar llrs. Hyland: This is maraly to announce the safa arrival of your two ahip- ments of >aar skulls. I Have just, >^ad a phone messaf:a velllnp mo or their cafe arrival at the vkj^taoyxm^ I will GQe t.lia n In a. doi^r or tvYO, and a check for the araount Till he sent you ahout the first, of Decemher. "^erv tnalv von re. / November 20, 1915 Hudson Book Oo>:ipanv. 25 Wast 42ni§ f^treet. New York Oity Dear F^ir: Thanks for advance list 36 just received. I shil be oblir:ed if you will send me on approval from this list: (74) Dodf:-a: Biorraphical ^ketch of Ja^nes Bridf:arAoof).^Z.7o (7^) Famham: Early Days of California, 1^60 M* (114) McOall: Pick and Pan Trij to oha "Di6e;ing8,1683 ,?:10. (178) J?hortfield: Marraoiva of ^ventures in the Wasuarn Wildarness, 1S49 ,ei>5.50 In case any of jhasa are not wonted, 1 will return sanS i-rrfiediately, prepaid of coMrse. Yoiirs very tr^oly. i '. '1 »-«w j»i^— -»- '■»»»p^plli»«»>"^HfMIW' 8S^ % 429 Nov^fiiher 22, 1915 ^Tovem'her 23, 1915 Mr. H 71 BiTOadvrftv, Na- i ^eaf '"i !_. You ar3 vary kind to send me another baoch of yci.r intar^stirig Tublicatlons, for w-ich I 8.-1 rrsatly cVligad. I an particularly rlad to hava your xittla >ook on Zmr^^zlBlIlla Sia.ixJiOiTiit and S'lall road vjith interest Bm-nJe Qrand;3s^^ 'la^^rri. It is a fins thing that, you ara puttinr, on record so much good matarial which othar- wise would ba lost. In fact, it is hard to sea how at *.his lata date yo;i liaya l>eaii abla to collact so Muc'i of value. ^it-h by St wishus. Tbdiorch Press Book «!>>ot) Iowa Dear Sirs: ,,. , ^^'^'^^ ^°^ ca^.alc^ Nc. 64. From this I Shan b. .lad to hav« you sand ma: 38 Hutchin's California l^^i^., Z nos. 1856 to UO) L^ham's Frdaont, 1856 $1.00 Your notica of (35a) Benja^dn: Drai Jahra in A^arika. Is not detailed an^h to tell .a whether or not it contains material on :2aUfornia India, tribea with mme_s _ ofjribaa, If if does, I shall be rlad to rurc^ms a it. othen^ise not. ''^eJv' tm ly yours. « I f-4: 08^ 431 llovembar 23 ♦1915 Dr. 'Tr^arlas D. Walcott, , '• ^ - Sacratarv, Smithsonian Ins^iou;>ion, Wa3''iinf- good Trices for as r.ary sbdla as ycu ara abloto occain, As directions for celiac- ii^r a.Td shir.ment ^-^ra con< tapiad in that letter, I will not re-eat. Hoping to hoar fro>fl yaj in the e^rlr- 6^y« .rr*^ ^^M 1 i dz^ 437 November 27, 1915 TTovember 27, 1915 U ik*f- r Dear 'loll: - TharJcs for yours of zho 16th. What you t.ell me a"boMtr t.he dainafiJ dona by beavera is interjat- ing, kit aad. You obviously have a valid claim agarist the State. Perhapa you did not notice an article in the B^janvJJJ'j H^rajjl of ?-!ay 27. 1915, aixnouncing that the State Board of Olaime had swarded ^iliia^ G. Barrett and Filliam A. Guinard of the town of Webb, Herkimer County, $1900 damages for trees destroyed by beavers w^-ich had Veen lil^ rated on Eaf:le Oreek. Tm asrard was made by vTudge H coney and two Associate Judfae, Tlxls would seera to establish an excellent precedent for you. Verw truly yours, • .V t. '. Cclline -'erria^, Lyons Palls, ller York Poller's Book ^tore, 33 - 37 North Clark Street. Chicago, 111, Dear Sirs: Enclosed is niy check for $2.43 in payment of accompanying bill. No, T do ':^t want the 1874 edition of Hittell's Resources of Calif omiq.. What I wanted was the first edition. Very truly yours ^ .« of great as- sastanca to rrb- in r.-iy work. .^^^-^^n^/ou for your genaroelty m t.a .natter. ^9ry t.ruly yours^ rM^ Hcveraber 29, 1915 a.. 1^ It tf H- «ai*-y°iffi^':.=^Jir'' Ottawa, Oanada. Dear Sir: ,-o ^.t hand, together ^ ^ lifter of the 20t>i inst. 18 at ^rm, v^ Your letter nanadfl^JaialJS^ !> -v.fl latest icsue of tne lATlWAft ^^l- ■ .itl, a copy of ^^- 1- c^vato^eiran aM U^^rta. arvi mpB for the Provinces of " « ^ ., ^, and I ^ish ., ^v ^ - H Si^l^ 1 443 ^^ovemVir 30, 1915 Mr. Henry W. -Shoaraakar, 71 Broadway t ''sw York Oity* Dear Ktr* :ShoaTaar 30^ 1915 • ,1- Yukon ierr», Canada. Daar ^ir: On ^ return from California I foimd the grizzly tear s^oills w'llch you pent at t^e request of llr. '^.orier Sargant* These alkalis are all ycning. I am anxious to o'btaih as inany sbjlls of ?;ri2'- slias as possilDle froin your region, jaroicularly skulls of old males '.nd old fernalea, and shall be only too r:lad trO pay good prices for the sane* I hope you vill "^ e able to secure sev3ral racr* in the -^SLrly sprinp. If ?o, rle^-sa sand them as promptly as possible, aridrei^se^ as b offerer U, .^. Biolorical Survey^ Dett. of Aprici-ltnrvi^ ^ashi'-w;t'On» ^Cfrns taf^e are inclosed '-^ereTrith. Pljase attach Cn^ "c each skull sc that ther^ -nay le no qjestion ai». to the locality ^her3 it tt^s killed* Tharki:if you for yoir trouble in the master, "^ery truly yours. .W- Wn^. I a'.i 'Tritins: to )fe-* ^ar'-jpt. .r.^Ilir^-- t4^ '^^ Jr^^ ^^^ arrival of tne8>ull«, anfi tlpwi^inr* him Tot tT.e sa «• / i • O a a o m o 5 3 o *t ? o ^ ^ o c>- Q O C c*- 3- 13- a CD ea -» «<5 (S s* »CJ c » o a> '"1 • ;; £S c«- c* M« di -^ j^ a B £f 0 o OOP :3* a* CD 8 O a* m N ^^ '^ M* • •• t5 CO a en • "< a o I " s m *8 ^ O o o O •3 OB o o t-H o 3 rt t-^ t o a* P o 3 a* o 0^ 0^ ■ § o 7 3- 3 I OB O o OB ^ L^ o o 'B !XI --Q a m 3 CD cu o I ^ O .3 CD o o ^-^ a CD ^3* 3- CD CD § * \ I 3M^ f I 447 *--* , t * I .*>> lIovdii>^r 3d, 1915 •* ^it 1^ t Mr. ErTi-:,8'b ?• Walkar, 'i^rarKellt Alaska* c Dear Sir: ■ Your letter of Moven^ar 10 ca"» duly, t'it tha tox containir^. the aix bear s^oilU has net yet arrived. It 77111 probably be aloriF in a sKort tin» Voreyar. ar^ aft^r its receipt I will sea that a check for t^ie arnoun*. is sent you prcntptly. I hope most of them are grizzlies, Pince grizzly f^lcills from the 'Ihilkat "alley ^rill be of considerable interest. , . . I shall Ve.aad also to purc^Taee tdl -ha grizzly bear skulls you can f^et *.irinr Vae conirr- season. 7e-y t.-ulY ycurs. ^* * \ TTovsmVsr 30^ 1915 HbTi T Wlndarmarat Daar Sir: Your latter of NovcJinl >r 9 arrived duly, and iffas ^"olloirdd scyae tinie latar by tha skull of a young fa- TOv^a grizzly from Toby 'Iraak, Kootanay district* I am viry rlad to have this skull, for which a Smithsonian check for $8 vlll be sent vou in a few I hope yoa will succaed in obtaining: a nurahar of skulls in the early spring, as I shall he rlad to pur« chase all you can gat» and Tfill pay ^rood prices for the sa^ia* Sono ^.ars are end reed ^^eratrith. ^ery trily ycrj-St t"' i> J5 8^*^ 449 I NoV;an^ir 30^ 1915 l{r. Jaj^:3s SiTTipson^ Banff, Alb jrta* Daar Sir: Your lettar of the 17tli irxst* came dulyt bit the grizzly "bear skall wMch you said yoi ^ould send at once ha?; not yet arrived* If you have not already sent it, I hope you will do so in the niar future, and tliat pu "^ill 8^-d any others that you aay be able to gat hold of aa promptly as possible* As previously stated, I am glad ^o pay good j:riCoa for grizzly sbj^Hs^ . ^ry uxAXAy yours. ^'ova;nbar 30, 191 5 -'• ^airTian AJ^Tr-j «^ w, asninn-t ^OTjenclature, Cear Doctor Palwr: In connect i en '~t-^Ti +•>. ^^inorlty raporta.wMc. I understand ! "''"''^ ^'^^^ I- inapla le b as ad on tha fact t!^,t no ax-r.« . * nas avar baan arrivad a* in -i, . -^r^Q.nant arrivad at in tha future. 9^ fo -Jn^t - * J 1 . , *". s.r ;,o just wtat naiiee ali-,,,^^ v incli«lad in this catagory. ■ "^'^ ^'^ Respectfully, I 1; V ^1 A f^w ta£;fl a e enclosed herewith. f^ ^ / oa^ I 451 I Dec^mner 1, 1915 Mc'"!?rthY, Xlas'.ra. ^••1y dasr '^ir: Sines nrr retinni from California I "^ave 3t- aminsd t^.s t^-'xea >9ar skixlls vcu sent :;8 i^. July, and find that thoy T^aro corrdctly raportdd V the Biolo -I- cal Survey. T'laro is only ons Brotm Baar (or C-rizzly) in th3 lot, and it is -. fjvasle, for which I allowed you $22*00. 'rhera is also a black b^ex skull in ratlijr poor condition, for ^uc"h I -^llcw^d v3, and ona frarme-t of a sk^all rractically woruhlese, ant^red at i^l.OO, ma'd 43 C26.00 fcr t;^Q >^atcli, 'rr'dch really ^as a •'-cod stiff price if visTT of thi c^jisllty of ^^e ^laterial. T 8h! alrays willrrv^ -0 pay ''op notch prices for s':u11b of f-^izzlv- a'la bi^ hrovn 'ears, a;id ?'iall ^e rlad to p'.rc'ace arr^ yor. ^ay r^jc^^ra d^'ri:>T tr'ri cor:!i'nf^ osaFon v^ia^'-i^ 'f^'^r ^' o r-pacl -ans of ^^I'l-^rals, ^^.ic;^ I T^ill t-m in to Vr.3 .'Irr^ral '^3tart.r']3?:t of t'-a 118911-. ^T'B'nr tn:7.y your a. Dacaabjr 2, 1915 ?-Er. F. I. Ada-js, . Accou-tant, ^Smithsonian Inatitution. ~aa-i;i£'ton, D'. .?« Hear Mr. Jldaos: Hara-ith I 3-closo axpense acco'ont for t^.^ n^onth cf rr6v.3mh3r a-nonn^inr ^o .550.^^3. and also t^-a bills mentioned on tha ^ollo^in., list, .hich I shall U obliged if you -ill kindly pay from ths Harriinan '^ai-xi. Varj^ trolly yovirfi^. For books: ^ladjas Book Shot; Hudson Book 'Jo* Sva/ncidr Torch ?r3S3 For office fiirnit:ur3: , Ya;3r:rian '*. Elrl'9 31o'.a W'r^rniclce For bd^x^ skulls: ^altar C. Franz rja T f . T Roehl Irs. John Hyia'^d Eni9Bt P. ralkgr 'Pitts -■^aaa $9. 00 4.00 13.00 7.25 9.01 53.50 21. 00 20. 00 Bl.OO 52* 00 f^2.00 e.oo 20. 00 Ml I! I r ^¥:.ti m \ S6^ r i 453 I I I t'ti Ivlo •I m fi «f n w fi 11 17 18 10 20 22 34 26 97 «iM f 0. Hart '^orriam Tha '''ort>!nm^'3rla-^d. "^as^ington^ ri T'ovaml'er account R. ^. Ardra^a Parar ^^o. — -oty hocks ^^^urpliee Danial H. ^aTr-.a!!— ':!alif . a'^d. -'aw -axico*^ A.-'3r. OrpithclOv^.ists' Union— Lidex "o tA ^^^/'orrison— '"^p of Wastarn ?3rr " ^. '^. ''islQt--'^a^TTr:hlat8 on Indians \fr,r-h .^7. Oo. No. .l*'"!rown Triyod "T-rs^ L 'o. 6 fiLiiS far 3A ca ura at 70c Recj Sept. 16 Oct/. Zi Mi-jiearclis Book iitchan^e— ?ros"-/fl Oalif. Lamb aiid iildan~Ink pad for rulLer starnj^ R. '^. A.ndrc;v.^8 Papar 'To. —Pancil siarcaner iitorossara on books from Minnaapolis ^ " " " » ^ >^aw York f! :raat car tic>ate for work at library of ^'cn^-rae Sarvicas of charwoman for claani.ig cfiica ajart- Tiient and xaxinr floors (fall housa-claani-:^) Floor YTzix^ polish and rubbar Janitor office apart lont ^^a^m)s and s^.a^rmad envelop as Pins^for of f ica' usa Sr.'oscrip^.ion t.c Hod a-^ CJ^in in Canada for 1915 " t>o Maza'na Ila^asina lor 1915 (2 copi ixbR not ao nana for Ocuobar account: Hudson Book ^o. --Graan's Journal cf Tour en ^ rrt C'JsFantT -i8Mat--Iadiaii Putlica'oions N:>r5ti"?7aa:» ^ Ocast sixty* sirty-t^jrea- — 0. 63 Youc'-ier -■a 1 2 05 2 •7 50 3 Z 00 , 4 1 50 i: c; tj 6 80 1 5 50 4 20 6 1 50 7 95 ■ 8 2 50 30 2S :r 1 00 9 C 00 3 0.'' ! 1 00 2 21 21 1 'SO b) • 1 00 > 10 1 2 50 •: 11 6 Oo ! t r 1 f t 1 'i f 1 ^ I Walter 0. FrajTz i 1 1 'i 1 Union ^rust 31d^., Oi-cinnatl -%- iO «». # -i No^. 2v .'■c^oll of old :nal« sriz/ly iroa }aa-oa>i -rorr^irr British "loltanbln ^ 20 00 *20 oa • -. 1» •• .» "^ " -. m' »>■• r - ill ■a ^ij. 20. 00 li ^s^^ ?red J. Roehl, Iliaftina, Alae'^. 1915 2 ^'rills of old -aale Brovm 'beare from Ilia-nna at 22 2 Stculls of old fe.ala Brown Baara " " "15 1 Skull of f 3:aalQ younr- adult " 41 00 30 00 10 00 r i l»J 455 Mre. John Hyland 4077 17th St.. San Fraricisco, Oalif, 1915 V.ov, 30 S -^Vni^T r:S^^°^^"^i'fl-e 'River, B? \^' 3 f?kull8 of grizzly cubs; sa-ie iocaW-^r 4000 120v') **1 00 ■s^hty-fouT' 84.00 ■• • « « 65200 ■fifty-tiro- <5--Vh- .V-4^- !/ 52. 00 JUx-. kv t,>^-N.^5 t ! 4 % I 8SI^ X 1 457 Erndst P. FalVer Wrancellt 'Alaska T ,1 rittfl» W "ind'3r^era, 3 ]la*.7ada. i II i 1915 lTo'% 30 2 5kulls adult mle eirizzly Tr^oars from 'Ihilkat tfq X 1 9y j^ 1 fits '^^ft 1 '^':rJl 8d\at.*'3-ale f-rizzlj'- — sa-i3 I'^callty 1 1 1 grlzzlv cj'b ad'Jilt >>lack 'dar (irrrpar^act) 30 00 12 00 5 00 4 00 1 00 lii: 1?15 •? f i»ov* 3 -xn v» ^'"^"^"^w ^'^'^^/^ '^'"^^^ frizzly >dar fro^i iOfcy '.V^ak, British -loluSibia. <]aii« iiada. 8 0} iji I If !' ■»" $52. 00 -— no— - f^5.00 ■I •If ^"je 00 • «.•-' -* 4 •' -4- •x^iO" 8*00 3']^ ; 3ar "^•tr. Pemborlono On looki-^,r over ihe Bept^^mVar-Octchar by y- -reel f and r!a.rri.-3»' /.a av9 io-^.3 as %o th3 faunai -jla- tione of that vallgi'' th^t T "-"i^=> -r-.- -n - •— - ^ . ■na the facts on v^ich your action wa? V.-a^ad. ^o'lr article aboundr, in ^nattdrs cf lnV3ri£?t is a ,,rd.^t ..h.1%: -.c isLve pre];: ?rly recorded for r^f- aranc. ai:d your photo^-.raphB of th. on Santa Luc.a Ptfak carry ;ii« »•«/.>-„ ^i tucK .0 tns ,iappy days I sjerr. tih^rj so-na vears a^Tc. ^it,h bia^^ig^^g^ Very tx-aly yours^ r «l ra^ .1- - Dacaitf'^r ^>, 1915 Dear Mr. ^torar: •1+1- Yonr l^-U^ frotn Yossmite ^^lla^^-^i , . ,^, , ..4' n^' 'if ornia Place l'a;'ia8, T..f.r--ce bo a card ca--alo.:::ue ... '.^ i^-'-'^^ reached ma savoral aa^^? a/^o. Do... •-- "-^ tha^ Vie ^I-isi'im of ^erta-rat^^ /.oology .— ^xa casing so .mch vrork don. by ^^ Biological Burv^y a^ by ma rarBonally? But I raali.a that iif^ is 3;.ort. and tha" ror'-ct^rs m xhvi ^'^v^ fit^ld can .dTox;^ i^ - ^ ^ to waic, for one aiicthdr to publish. For t^ia paot wcil7-3 or fifteen y.:ars I have been prBraring a Historical Oazettearc^ O^aifomia s^:d Nevada P^acelVn:^, a';d -ave accirnulatad s^vjral thcu-erd cardB. ^a-npl3S of sev.^rjd of t/heso ar^ ^jrinlop^3d ^-^.arawith, rh-^a of the obi^cts in viaw is "o civa the ori'-iu of ^ha ■lo-l- na-^8 iThan known, and its first ■ se, Tha n-sc-ssar* da^.a mt^raUy corie ^o lif-ht on l-rin*rirf: tof^eViar ths cards oV,t,ai-3d froTi various r-'blica^icns. In t"iia connac^.ion I have cardad, a-^OTi^- St. o"-' er^ ':"-e r.g;:ies officially raccvini^iod in t'^e sarlv vears by Sbj -"lalif ornia L3f:islat'ar8. I r:ix'3 rafjrjnciP to Tays -^f co-;rs3, a^^ -^all as to publishad toxts. H^.^t I h&.ve -.not ';a'.:-3n Vie ti-^a to indicate ''h-z 3xact roai- tion of localities by the Land Offioa syetam of ^action \ V ',!■- 4^1 462 &• and Raj:if:a, axcapt in rara casjs --hare ^his Soems to ba thd only ^my cf locati-Tfr f-^j placa v^itli sufficient ax- e,ctn3E8. ^Or.iv ci-na afco yon apv.od for a batch of tt/- sepa rates. I a:i S3ndi>:g ycu a T.ackai.:d cf thaea bv sxrrass " •'J. today, addressed to the3 IfoEaun- Unfortunately I am un- abl- at this Iat.3 data to supply a. co^lata sat. I as- suire 70^1 hOT3 the numbers of ;Igr J^ ';:i.;riccai Fanr^. con- tainfnfT my pai:3rs. If not, I can sand you most of tham. "^ith bast Tishea, ^^'iPj truly yC'OrB, !ir. ?rac3r I, Btorar, Muyoiiiu of Vartabrata ZoolarT, Barkaley, Oi^lif. i I \ £9^ fl '* / Dec'imbjr 3, 1915 ^ Mr. W. I. Ada^iTS. Accountant^ ^'"^ Smithsonian Institution^ Washinf^Lon, D. '\ Daar Mr. Ad a is: This ^norning tha ^^nclosad rant and t;3la phona bill cf $52.90 arrived. As I sant in nfiy ac(^ount6 yastarday, I an forw€Lrdinp this harjTrith* Vary truly yours. I w ^ I ^d^ / » >'■ N Docomter 4^ 1915 I 'h *n Y. • • Y^R, I am Vir-J f-lad '.o send a coyy of -y •Description p .f Thirty Naw Boars' to rtr. Fr.>djrick T.,a:TiVart,3.nd am coinp f»o by this mail. It ras an c«3r- sif^ht t-at on3 did not go to ' when first jublished. ^a rjt'Xrnad iroin ';?:i±j.i wxii^a -^.i^ 4.^0^ et^xy v-^ Oc*.ob^r^ and aro now busy on ^aa wintv^r's work, trying; ■to finish t^ia Bear Book. Duri^ bhc^ simn^r, as a re- sult ::f an Imainsa a.aourA cf le^.tar writing,, about fif .y siculls ca^^a in, mainly from British -Columbia aid AiatsKa* S^;ill Dar^ rax 8 raiain, and I shall probably 'lave t^o },iiblish without waiti'-:^ for any ^'^ore -latjrial. Ha^.^a you haar'd fi-orn Alla^-i Brcoks*^ Ws >ave ;7orrijd auout him a rood daal, and iarn^stly tniE-li that he 7'ill rav^r^^ With best wishes. V ary truxy ycurs^, h» I Mr« r. (I. Tav.^rnar, Geolorical ^'^vey, Ottawa, Oa.";5ida. I 1 sa^ / V Dacanihar 4, 1915 Dear Mr* Lanbart: Mr. Tavarnar has just callad my a*^^^* tion to an ovarsight for ?rhicb I wish to apoloM'z^ ~ for not sanding you ny containing tha d^^^^^ip^ion of your naw baar from t-ia Alaslca-Yukon Bc^ondary* T a^c sand- ing ycu a copy hara77ioh. You will find tha dascription on "»^«^j5 i77-i?5» Plaasa t)ear in mind that this publi- cation is maraly a jreliminary ona to put on racord tha naw spacias* ^y ^c-ok on tha Big Bears, which I hopa to finish th-^fi wintar, will contain all I hava "baan abla to Ijaxti about tha x'arious spacias, and will be lilustratad* Owinc :;0 the axtreiie scarcity of spacinans of the Subarctic sracias, '^nany psrplexing qiiegcions ramain unsolvad* A young haar colJ-ct^ad by Mixtar on tha main- land naar ^'^rtar Island i? va^/ raculiar in color, as is also ona of two ^kins '^/ithout skulls, sa>it in by Laffir^- wall ?orr?a yaars ar;o. Tha othar of Laff i^r^ell's skins is cclored in t'la uaual grizzly V7ay* To data your skull is the only ona of an adult rririzly thus far axamined from tha .^jrctic or Subarctic wast of tha Mackanzie* Vary tmly yours. kN./9r '^ 1915 Dac^nib^r 5. I915 Mr. Fil^.cn A-:dS, Gardiner, Montana. Dear Sir: Your latt-ar of iIovc3ml.;ar 26 has just arrived. and I am dalighted to knew tliat you can secure skulls of grizzl}/ -rjars. '^an you not sand -ua noy/ the t7;o vcu alraady liava, to n<3 loiioTrud in ^.i'd si.rii-g njr sucti otharB as you can secure? i?.n,ila I aro anxious tc obtain J erf act s1ci.j11s, and pay tha hi. -hast tricfia for such, I a-n at the sano time rla.i to s^ciu-s aU «:aai8 of griazli.s. perfect or i^-np^ ^rfsct, and Trill pay vrhat thay ara worth acc-rdi-r to conditicn, Hopir]g !io hsar frc"n you. '^ary tn^ly yoia-s. ^ »r^*--v. • • >t}r' ^s- CJ^rdiner Studio or. Gfardir^ar. •^ont. Dsar ?ir; tha photc-^arhic rr^-nt« ^ • . - * ^"^ . . ^ ' '"''^^ ^^>« J^«t arrived in ^. ^3ct condition. ]n,a v..,-,., ,,.„ , '" ^*'- --se ar. ooo Ic, h.nca I a. s.ndi.^- yo. ,,.,3. the ' '-"^^^ °''^ ^ ^^^^«^d fcill in scccrdanca ^^x.n thes. prices. -ano sand .. the sa.a racalpt.d. I a-^i v..::/ «lad to hav. t,hase excellent .hoto- ^rayhs of ^ ^i^i3, ,„, ^^^^^^ . ^ _,^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ saM ...a for ^.lection print« of any ani.als of ..y Und which you may take in future. Tr^.. /ery tnily yoiare^ .v."1 rf If. 1 fi 1' 88 ^ 469 ^ V" Decambar ?» 1915 Daar Doct/cr Shreva: In cuttinr up seme l^adt numbers of *Scianca* I ^mve co^na across a rat hjr curious critid cm by you of ^^hat you allacad to be rny views on tbe control of paographic di8l.ribir.ion. You artj quoted as saying that: '•It is illorical to taka t-am- paratiiire as: tbe sole critiricn of the limits of dis- tributional -B^-dcns." In this I af^Taa with you per- fectly. And if y:u can fi^id in any of iiiy writirj^rs anything to tba contrary, aitber stated or implied^ I shall "^3 vary i?uc>i obli^^ad if jou ^Till call mj at- tention to the racard. . . /n-j bast of rny racollaction, v/iab I have alvmyi said is that of V^e numarous lactors in- fiuencirjg ai sLribution, tarar-jrature and huraidity are most i:nporv.w.nt, a-id of those tvvo^ temperature in general is t,he moat pot^r^t. By chis I mean ^ha^ tem« perature is the mcsi important factor in detaminin^ t-hd iarc^r zona Vouudarios, -hild wiAir each zone 1&¥ h'iiiidi\y and fi n.ra^er of of^jr conditions datar- li »■, ; '■^■19 the presdrxCQ or absance of particular specias ^" pai^.iciaar placaa. Ai'a net you and iCrs. Shrava coraim^ to V7ash. l-^^on d-^i^^ .;,, ..i.tar" If so we shall ha most happy -^0 Sua yo,i. ^ith bast wishes to you both, and compli- mants of the s.^aaon. Vary L-jly yours^ Dr. Forraat Shreva, Botanical Laboratory. Tucson, Ariz. " I ', ^ ,r'i y K' l! Ill I ^ ^ i, I 0\^ I 1 471 • ii- a > Decambsr 7, 1915 Dear Mr. Grcsiranor: T&ny tbar...e map of iSuroj-d just. r3c.iv3do It will b. a graa-t convsnianca. The claarnesB of the plac. na.ea wiU be apxr-3Ciat9d by th08. cf uB rhos. eyes are no", so sharp a. th«y used to 08 • With heQt \vis^:as. Van/- truly yours. Mr* Grilb^rt, H. Grrcsv^nor, iiiractor. Na::.i0!ial Oeografhic Sccidt^y, fe* ^i t f V '- i Decamb.^r 7^ 1915 Mr- Willie. H^o-vay I^ln.r. •i-1 u ^i-rdBs Bex Shop, vdoar naiias, Iowa. Daa.- :ylr. JJindr; T'muics fcr your cour&dsy i.n sanding he puMica'nons as'od ^"cr on a^prcal. I ^apt ail " t--aa, and a. the end cf ^.. ,onth e^nt to oh. S.i^. 8oni«i Institut-ion a vouchsr for paymant, ($9.01 is ^^ aicanlj. A check for :hi.s .urn has probacly b..n R^^nz you all isdr. frOB the Mu.e-^n Bcclc S.ora. x-ch you w.r. p-ood eno.rJi to 33nd. From it I d. onld lika to ordar #163 P^rouse. li'58. 358. * Thir^ is ar.othdr book in :his cataiogi53 w^ich I Hin in doubt about, and carr^or. find in our Oon- Sresaional Lirrary. It ie #135 -Gold K^r^ion of Oali- fornial l&io. if i, contains r.a.i.a of Oaiifcrnia Indian tribes I shall l>i ..iad ^.o purchaa^ it; if net, I do not care for it. ^erj tnUy yours. <-«Vr w. ttMl ii .;i f' '!■' •r I t [■■■■ l! i S £^1^ ( i -i 473 r X M . t (i if >t' Dacariiber H, 1915 Daar Mr. Allen: to find ti.a=i t,c vrrita you en .hj Tci.:ial]^ais je.:ter, but nava not yot laun able, to dc ao« I jxT^sct hovrevar to attanci to thie rithin the next f^T da/s, Tne is -n^rt^lv a linv:J to ears nj' cor.scianci; and lot you know t^iat the thirfx '"^d n"'!^' ^^'^n forgot ten^ r Juet ae -^d z'-ra Isavinr Ls^^uriit&g for the Bact, I r-cii^'ed n nets frcni Conrrasent-.r. Kont enclofi-^ a state-nent cf & fav? Tinas r3£:e.rdinp the na-:2 Tarr&lpais, ard aPkinr ^3 to si.-n ar^d r-a*,urn '.he 88-3. Aftar mklng ovie cr t.TO corracticr.e I did this. yoiu-Rulf , With kiiidsst ryt'ards -^o Mi-^;. Ailan and in which Mr?'. Hyrrian and Zd.-aida io-'r Vjry truly yc-jrs. It I i 1^1 Doar Prof ass or Bcas: • harlva*r to vn;r Id't'-^r nf v^^tf ->-. ae.y, ^ould say that thd day previcae lo ite r^c^ij.t I aavl ill -7 votj for Proi;;Fsor -Ts-ttdll ap Ch-dirmn of fch.i Section cr Aiithr-cpoloKv and Psychol oqt for tha com- iiif- t>rr33 vaars. 7d ^•^^•j::?^^^ Vsol^-^ Pr:.f^ Pra>i2 BcaB, Oolw:/:; Ih: varsity. flew York 'Jiiy; I I 1 a I m I 4(1 i Mr. Harry Ai l^n b& T 1 s^ Strdbt San Franc IB CO, V- i. ^ i • J, i /' I I If'* I mi ■■niaifc9 glad to rurchase Reports of the Oonmissionar of Indian Affair* for tha yaars 1850 and 1851. The othara mentioned on your slip I alr-^ady have. Very truly yours. \ ii ^^^ '\ TS^ YY^ I i y 478 Decarnbar 11, 1915 Dear Mr. Harm: Yo'or lattar of Ncvambjr 25 raactiid me profflEtly and I intandad to '^r it a you tha r.axt day, tut owing to a aix-up of pajars incidant to house-claanir^, your lattar was mislaid, and althoi^ eaarc-iod for aaxnaetly.did net come to light until this :Tiorning. I should hava writ^an ycu ^ithO^^t waiting to fi^id ycr let- tar axcapt that I did not ram^mber tha addrase you s;a'a. What vou say ahout yc^jr South A^arican beara (Tra-narct'^os) intalr'asts ma va.7 -nuch, and if you v.av^ net -.^Iraady disposed of the specimens, I should be glad to ^y \ £ccd price for thatn. I would suggest fmt yo i ship the-n Jaz^^B No. 3785. Ife^cri^.. J, " ~ '"'^ '^'00 Yours very tcily. 00 t i V- I r ' •1 ij i 1 !, I' r; 2\^ B=jcd:aL'rjr ii. i^flo Docu- Mi. Tavifnar: 1» -i- 4- /J v» f T vary ::tc.u- .ii<=.i-- — ,' - tha 9th inet. Ycu <^cn't knc^ hc^ rlad I am to g3 '^^ ■ ir^B C-" Brooks, and how oarnc^st-ly I hers his gcod b^oi will follow him to the end. &' th3 ^ay, do you hapjen tc krc? any- ^^ -^ abo';t CorTi^au? T^^ last time I haara ircm o^ -,.1.. /• 4.^-1^ jast coaet of sattinp; ci^.t on a canoa ^xxadi.ion icr ^^ H-^daon Bay. With "bast ^;^'is':as. Y^rx traly yoars^ im ii I ^ f ^ ;}=» ^ 480 Dacamber 13, 1915 ,"V #••■ -- »~ Tour rdc^n^ ca'aiog of Aaari Aavance Lis'. 37, includes ilid follfiwing locks Thich I s'-all Is :iad to eea, if ycu ?rill kindlv tand tha.a ft/ cn ar^proval: 76* ¥• J. Kaolsr. National Ma;^:' of iha Tarritory of tho U. S. fru;ii ohc? Mississirr-i PdvQc to Ihe Pacific Ocean. 1S67. $10.00" 62. 152, 16L .7o. Jcuroca of F. Laroque. ISIO. $2.25 !• Spear. S;ca:chae of Daat-h Vsllay. Ic92. $2.00 W. Allarx. Tie Shaej-Eatars. 1913* $5.00 A. Cratschat:. Aralvtical Rarcrt orcn IixCticai Dialacts. 1676: $1.75 ^ P. aatpchat ? tat 68. India:"^I.fc:'r'nap-'3f: of tha Pacific 1SS2. $2.00 " ¥ ivl^eker. Parson^d Bxreriances or ^.he Ora^-on Trail Sixty Yoai's A^^ot 1512. $x.00 J. Rin 'ardeon, N. Vigors, at. al. T'le Zcclo.y of Oa^v;. Beach ay's 7cyar,e. 1339. $25.00 If net rantad, I will ratnrn rn^iidia'-ely, J'liying charOTS both wavs, of corrsa* YoiJi'S vary tr'.ly, VVOL- ^ ^ li- f 1/ ^ f| 'HI i;. I. *- 'iv I- i ! ! (' It I ts^ w u It Dacambar 13» 1915 Wccdward & Lothrop Co. Wo-shington D. 0. Daar Sirs: Kindly add to my recent order th^ f clloT/^'inf! books jublishad by Scribnar: Grinnall, Georga B, 'The Fighting Ohayennas* Osbcm, Hanry P* 'Man of the Old Stone Age' Vary tnaly yours. I shoiild also lik-a to ordar E. ^.farshall Fcrrll^i •Huntinc: in the Arctic and Alaska, published by J. 0. Winston Co. \ ; )| 'I? i , » S8I^ p, f I* Dacamtar 16, 1915 'I If ii I i R. ?• ArdrsTTs Papar Oo. Thirteenth Street » Washir.gton, D. '1 Dear Sirs: Kiiidly send 'm with the hill IM Sheets of j:ur Woronocc Bend Paper without prirting of the sa-e qui^ity and size as the sheet on which this order is written. 4i 111 n If li if Tery truly yours^ •1»» 'it [I 1 m ill « « . ■5 J ^ » 1 ■I iH' Fi* 88 ^ Decamb;3r 15^ 1915 Woodward & Lothrcr Co. P & 11th St%. Was'oin^^ton, D. ■'. Dear Sirs: - Recently I ordered from you a ccpy of John Muir*s •Travels in Alaska' and have just received in place of it F. Hall Youmr^s* Alaska Days ?7ith John M^iirt r -i^oii v.^ xr^irjr ^ic^ +^ v«^p +.>,^ lAi.f.^r work tut sra still desiroi^ of havim a copy of Miur's book. Kindly sand also a copy of Rq^Qf s Tlieeaurus, latest edition. Very truly yours. M f Ml I' i'i I I: • I m^ 485 4 .f ^i ( December 17, 1915 M •/• m Dacaniber 17^ 1915 Dear Mr* Grosrenor: Actiqg on yoiar kind suggest ion that aadi member of the Board send you the addreaaea of four peraona to ifaom coplea of your new Souvenir 7oluma on Waahlpgton mi^t be aent. I auhmit the folloirii^ for cloth*bound cqpiea: C* Collina Merriam, Lyona Falla, Neir York Mra. S. B. Oardner. San GeronlmD. r^Hf. Hural J N- Biegi] Very truly yours. Mr. Gilbert H. arosrenor Director^ Watl^al Gecgraphlc Sooiaty, si h 'I Hudson Book Co., 26 WoBt 42ni St. . New York City. Dear Sirs: Thanks for yours of the 14th inst., and for the publications sent on approval. The latter arrived loss than an hour ago. Two of tham (Nos. 37-100 and 37-122) I do not care for and am returning herewith prepaid. All of the others I will retain. i check for the amount . ($a.OO)will be sent you about the first of January. Very truly yours. • • i I !? '1 if! t I .if Is' I I 'If I 88?^ / December 22 « 1915 ii Ur. Charles J. Bayer, Lander^ Wyo* t^; , i Dear Sir: Many thanks for your letter of the ^Oth inst* relative to grizzly becur akulla« I am pleased to know that you have located one dcuU, and trust tl»t you wHl be able to secura and ship it to us in the near future. Yes^ I am amrious to obtain as many grizzly bear skulls as possible^ and will always pay good prices for ttie nwnm. ▼ery truly youra. ii -3*^*--^^ *»« , ^!l I r ii 1: r iS ^h M i\ .M i \8^ \ Decenfcer 23, 1915 Dear Seton; Replying to yours of the 2l8t inst. would state that a long account of the incident you mention was published in •Outdoor Life* page 598, Deceaiber 1909. The young wcxnan whom the mountain lion attacked died of hlood pojaonii^ a little later. Tery truly yours. Smsst T. Seton, 11 test 34ih St^.. New York City. t I n III i: r f! (I< 881^ 489 1 • ( ..■ # Iv ^; 5 M Decambar 27^ 1915 Mr. W, B. tHyde Todd^ Camagia IbseuJi^ jPlttebur^S, Paniu Dear Mr. Todd: Tour letter of the 22nd inet* is at hand. It seems that it would hardly be worth while for you to com on here without a definite en- gagmnent with Mr* Grosvenor* The present waek is one of the busiest of the whole year^ and I doubt very much if you CQuld see him mudi before the middle of January* Very truly yours. .* m ', I i ^i * December 27. 1915 Miss Ada Vright , Reference Librarian . Syracuse Library, Syracuse » New York. My dear Miss Vrigjit: Referririg to your letter of the 2l8t inst*, would state that all volumes of the Harri- man Alaska Expedition are now In the hands of the Smithsonian Institutiont and may be heui at prices very much lower than those originally charged by the publisher* I have no copies other than my personal sett and have nothing to do with the distribution of the books* Very truly yours. i. 1^1 i 'H > HI i: J- i I. I n t ^Mftf ^^1*^ I ^^^^ oe+^ 491 Dacambar 28 » 1915 Dear Mr* Thayar: Thanks for your latter of the Elet inBt< just racaiTad* I have baan intendiqg to write you for many weeks back, but ha¥tt kept delaying in the hope of obtaining succees in a series of experiments conducted with the assistaoe of chemists hero, with the object of dissolving the hard scale from the Lagunitas water fihidb. I brought homo for the purpose* But this scale prorea so obdurate that for the present I gire it tqp. Howerer^ I still believe that coomon washii^ soda (carbonate of soda) in hot water will soften and loosen the stuff so that it /♦- ^* may be washed out If you attarfi a strong hoae to ths de- tached radiator. Mj trouble was that I did not uncoi5)le the radiator, and could not of course drire the water out throi^ the smadl hole in the petcock. Before I forget. I nust ask you to please sand m the 1916 license plate number of the car. as I hare to giva It in ray application for a new license. Now for the car: I wish you woiild' glT» - i«Jj * . I. T t I , r* ■" ^t^ "«► j^VC- .<•*• «/• >«. •>.- -1» » tV «' re^ during adddle part of day; scanty feed in afternoon. To my mind this iadioatss two thirds: First, that the oil flofttTalTtt does not close properly, allowing too much oil \r.-«-? -.-■• -*.-.■. '"».::\j.*x , _ . •_., . to come^ into tb» crank-case while the car is standii^ at ni^tj^that the cqpper-pip« leadii« from the oil tank td r tUT* " the crank case is too small, not allowing Sufficient oil to fleas after the excess in the cron^.casa has been used. llf suggestion is that you put a slightly \mrg8r pipe from the oil tank to crank-casOt and regulate the floa%^f»arefully I f *. % ff ' i. I H M i'\> se^ 493 ■h ■I 1 ao tihat It will not strike the pipe in the crai**ea»e (Whldi acts ai an obstruction if the ■djustment is not exac^ ^afldniog id©B0nt will be far l)6ttar iva^fi partly .^€.- dirt. ■n%... \ Pleas© ti^ten the. bolts that hoU the aotor blocka in place* You will ranwiiber that these were loose last 8unnier« Toahai better, fownin?!^ ^ the hub bearii^B, and clean and put fra* oU In the trane- mission and differentifld< The water punq^ pr^r^iahly needs rq^aokiqg. The carburetor strainer doubtless needs dleiuaisig. Tou suggested tdcing the sprix^^ eg[)^^ for a thorou^ cleaning and gr«aafiKr ^ ^^ "naans do this* Pleasa r«0T9 the le»Mor corerlng orer the at«eri% elbows and knjdcler* clean the saoe and pack with y ■_*■■■ * ■ • - . ■ grease* * -- ' The ^eerinB-post baarlnga may need freA grease. fhe brake»«and' brake-rods should be looked after and .^justed ^- that the iriiaels will be free sben the brakes ara no* m use; so that the pressure is the saint on the two If*' I ••' ^-j-K •ides, ebd so that the emt&mi^ifill Kold the ear on a grade *-%«:<* it ^tm do mwl t&e exhaust" and anf fler taaof naad cleanir^. , :^ .-: . ^**^ *^^ remember the absence of a grease cup --f'^- at the front end of one of the hind spriigs. If you think of a^y w^ to attach » graase ciq) here I wish you would do 80, as it seen' to me an laipartant bearii^. The one <» the opjK>site side of the bar has * 09 btt the cup is ,,. . ".°* In working order. Please fix it ant work in plenty of ^■:^- grease.-' "' ■ ^•••;-'"''--.-f '""<•■ V ••:• ■»■ ' .■ • ,«i ,, ^. -v -_ Tl^e- escutcheon over the front of the crank «*»fc«i-.»i* lost; ^Cm- yott put on i nwrpiece whidi will make the th^';lor' ^ -..^ Pl^»ase bawe «^ eellnloid winiows fitted into »--• <^,r ^ _ « the back din'taSililiethit they: ^11 aU be alike. ^ As to repaintipg: Aftar you have strai^tenad out the^ifibod shd fenders as well as you c»ui« I would like to hate them painted with a dtill blcu^k finish , and the same liiould be put on the parts that need it on front of the car .^"4-. * ** » A • irnt .- bleoiish •».-j •, /4 ,♦, ^e wind-shield« ' ^ If the painter can remedy this I would like to have hia repaint top and front of the dash in i^e^ / 495 / b front of tha w^ BhieU* *na .do« the sidss in front of the front door*. I don't raoMbar thu enet. flnlali here, but you can easily teU where tJ^ new paintiig should dncL ^fC^^;7! < »> ^ <«. The most serious trouUw with the car at present 1b heating, duo, I assume, to the deposit of scale in the radiator and yarlous connect i orw. I hope therefore tlwit you will pay special attention to the water eoolii« sys- tem and clean it out as well as you pos sibly-can, Tou understand that I want you to put the whdle car in first class condition, attendli« to ai^hii« whi^- -^ ' Ify new garage is Just finished and will be a gi^at coBfort. The fro«f a ***• Th«-e aleois a rear door laadirw into th* ioaazng into the garage from the house, which is mi^ty conrenient ".nw 1- e feet by 4i and tH, ^"'^^"'•"*- ^he skyli^t IT 4i, and t>Bre are four side windows so that It is well lifted by day.and aftar d«* . r^ 7 J, am artdr dark wa have an abun- dance Of electric light. I ^^ y« ,^ .^ ^^^ ■■ Mrs. Iferriam joins me in kindest raganie and best wishes for a harrr law ▼«... ^ » w «*. ™PI7 «aw fear to Mrs. Thiqrer.yourwelf an brother. Raoambar me also to -«.,- *.*v„ . . . ahopi "»' Tery truly yours. ^m Mr. Wilbur Thayer Inasrer's Garine. Son Rafael. Calif - rf"^' tfi^; A-AS. IV M I ^ •• / t^ ^y / Deoamber 30, 1915 Mr. Oecar T. Landry, Bella Ooola, B. C. Dear Sir: \ ' Thanks for your latter af DoeaiBbdr 17 juit r«« calved* The grizzly bear skull ym Bwntioned sending ijuM> li^^t; y9t» arriv^a^Vut will doubtlese coQie in the near future* It will be paid for soon ifter its uriTal* I shall ba glad to purdiass all the akbile of grizzly bears that you are able to obtain betwean nov ^jpA next Bumnar^ and will pay good pricas for the oe&i9t the price varying according to age« sex. and condition of skull* All packages should be addressed: U. S« Biologi< cal Survey. Dept. of Agriculture. Washin^on. D. 0. One of the enclosed labels should be attaohad to eadi skull. ^ving the locality where killed^ the sex If known, the approximate date, and your own nana. Very truly yours. Decwber 30. 1915 \ ( i 1 1 I ^ ] : 1 1 Alitor, Rod and Gon Jn Camda Wood«t«ok, Qnt/ Dbar Sir: i Tha J«»ry number Of 'Rod and Gtm In Oanad J- J«it TriT*i It contain- an intarssting ph.... gri|i& ^ihoviqg Utt— iriiit« snov-shoe rabbits on the it"iun4, and a ooople of ofchara hangirg nearby, and ii lalMlad as tak«n hf Sel. J. WJgley. Will you kindly «!▼• m Mr. Wjgl«y*8 addran or tall roe irtiera the photqgr^ vas takeoff ▼•ry truly youra. I I f' t I f P V I «!' '^ i. i I ,\'f It ■« J' i! '♦ ■: ^ i / 499 I i I Decembdr 30 1 1915 '^r Ifr« Leonard Frank » Albeml « paar Sir: Canada containa the reproduetlcn of a j^otcBrn^ eraditad to you t of a big buck aaid to haTa befs taken (m Taneourer « Island. This flurprises m rwf fluoh for tbs nMcn that the tall sesoa too long aid the honw too big t 4 e < « !0 Decdmbar a, WIS ^ 502 il II \ I Hope Brewer, Kscj. Athalmert »• <3, «• K. District Dear Sir: Yoiar letter of December 16 has just ^ I am slad to knoir that you hava the skull of a kM* year old Grixzljtaiid am still more pleased to hea]^ that you are in a position to obtain additional skulls from Indian hunters in your region* I am anxitus to purchase as many skulls as possibis of Qriszly BearSt and will pay good prices f CT ub«^ sam^t the price vary- ing according to age^ sex. and <5ondition of skull* Old skulls are worth much mora than yoTxiigtand adult males are worth a good deal more than females* On receipt of your skull I will make you an offer for It at once. Skulls may be sent eithef uj ex- press or by parcel post^ and should be addressed: U* S, Biological Survey^ Dept* of Agriculture^ Washir^ton, D. C. Snclosed are a few labels* One of these should be filled out and attached to each akull. Your own name and address should be written on the outside of each pack- J % )> t I ' '4 1 IF I*. I. not nace»«ary to cl«« ekulU con- Plataly. It u enough t. r.^, ^^ ,^^ ^ ^^ Off tb.. thie. flerfu Tba ^rulna ^o^ ,3 removed threap the natural hole in the tadc of the BkuU. t 1^<5 car. not to cut the bone. Skulls ahcuM then be dried, and aa eoon as dried should be dipped to us. Tery truly yours. V 1,1 r *^ V ^^ ^ Ddcamber 31 1 1915 Hi Daeur Mr.. Henn; Tour letter of Decazobar 17 cama dulyt and tha akin anl f oqr akulla of Tr^^^^^* ^^^ ^^^^"^ dor arrlTad ahortly aftanrard^ But haTipg bean mora or laaa laid tqi with a Imd coldt I have only just aeen tharu For the lot I will offer $150* If this ia satis- factory to you please let me know^and I will see that this amount is sent you% Very truly yours » t V %. Mr* Arthur W. Hennt Hartley Hall, nolimbia University, New York Oity^ I^OS / ^ m r* i Jammry 5^ 1916 Mr- William R. ^^ff^f .^^^ ardaniale via Liofooa, 0tah» Dear Sir: -Tour letter of December 6 baB only just reached n». I am Tery glad tt hear from -you and to learn tiiat you have another gri«ly. Please send this one a. ^ca as you can. addressed as before: U. S. Biological Surrey. Dept. of Agricalture. WasMngton. D. C. Please attaA a tag to the specimen, giving tto locality where killed, sax. approximte date, and your own name. Also please write your name on the outside of the package. In the case of this last specimen, is it a skull alone or is the skin with it? ' On ret'OTRing from w a 1 1915 Dec. 2 3 6 9 11 11 11 13 14 14 15 - il 31 Receipts Nov. 23 • 26 ju»i>u* •^, ^i».-. — - Fremont Subocriptaon'^o'Field''ind Stream* for 1915 • •• Oregon Sportsman* for 191© Gardiner Studio Phctogragphs of game aniaala N. M. Minnix Co. Security Box John D. Sherman Ives* Rept. on Oolorado* R. P. Andrews Paper Co. Clips for paper M. M. Minnix Co. Binder strips Powner's Bode Store Subscription to 'Sunset Magazine* for 1916 TTPewriier Supply Co. 2 Typewriter ribbons Byron 3. Mams PrintliK letterheads Potomac Electric Power Co. Uectrle ourraiit T. 0. Saallwood 'Rules Zoological NomsnclBitura* Subscription to 'Outdoor Life^for 1916 Street car fares for work at Library of Congress Stamics and stamped enrelopes Serrices of charwomtn. Office apartment Janitor, Office apartment Subscription to 'Bird Lore* for 1916 not at hand for NovanJber account: Powner's Book Store, Books on Indians R. Atkinscn O'Donnoll's 'Werwolves' 1 2 « 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 forty-two- twenty*8lx< 42.26 6 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 00 25 88 50 50 98 75 17 55 45 99 50 50 50 50 00 76 00 00 00 2 43 60 ^226 Oao. 31 SkuU of female Grizzly Bear from Beriig Lake, ."•> ' 15 00 $15 00 -flftaan- — — — no— — m '4 i. ■ I- 1-^ > J* \ IM 15«00 XTf^K.---- I ^^, "^-^.v / i V" 1 m 1 8C i& ^^' \ n irtfaor ¥. Hatm / Hartley Ibll, Columbia IfolToraity, Hev Tork City 1915 Dee. 31 4 Skulls ani 1 Skin of the Specteujled Bear f TrAn»irfttQe ornatufl) from the moantalM of Icuador 1915 Bee. 28 J. D. C Barkervill*, B. 0. 150 00 2 Mult n«de .kull. of Grl«ly Bears from Indian Point Creek. B. C. at $15.00 Skull of farMl. fl,.4— , ^ 509 30 00 3 00 » i ft $150 00 ene-hundred and titty- — — no— — — $33 00 •thirty-three- 150.00 33.00 i! C.V--^V *VvA^^.^ ^ • H-'ka^Os] - i, it « 1 ft' f i 1! era . 1 1915 Dee. Books Grinnell, G. B. 'Fitting OhOTenma' Ball, lfa>. •Biogregphy of Bairir Roget 'Thefaurua' . IfcSr. John •Trarole m Alaska* _^ , , Wborn, H. F. 'Men of the Old Stone W Young. S. Hall 'Alaska Days with JohnTftiir' SteSart, E. P. 'LetterB on an Qk Hunf fJhase and Saunders •California Padres and their Missions' , ^, ^ ., u.. Scull 'Huntii^ in the Arctic and Alaska 3 50 5 50 1 2 5 1 1 50 50 00 00 00 2 50 2 50 \ ▼oodvard & Lothrop Washington, D. 0 / twenty^three- — no— — 23.00 f^ t <, V^ W-«<: $23 00 I 41 U'd ^ * 512 I January 6,, 1916 •I |( H t ■ \ i u ,»i I'M Januarj 6« 1916 Dr* Balldj Willi*. . . Stanford Ifeiversityt Oalif* Dear Doctor Willis: A promising young omithologiBt nanied J^ R. Porabarton was with you^ if I am correctly in- f onnadt during part of your South An»rican irorkc Would you dlnd tell* ir^ me how he panned out as to faith- fulness» energy and ability? Any. thing you may ^xth to say ccnfid«n- tially will be so regarded* With best wishes and ooajpli- ments of the season to Mrs* Willis and yourselft Tery truly yours, ■.r t ■ ^.» V-'-.jIV k mi •'■-. Daar Chafoan: Day before yeet^undi^ I tried to connect with you ^ Urn, .hap^, ^ ^ ^^^^^ dieappolnted to leant that you had fled. I was dl..«..i„ted also to le«rn,.fter it wa. all oTer, that you had «iTen a splen- did talk before the Anerican Association. Ibny others ware in the same fix as myself, not bariqg h«u,l of th, thii« at aU 'JntU it was all oyer.' Ify cold, which has continued, has kept me housed so mudi that I missed the Pan-Amsrican show altogether. Regretting that we did not see more of you •nd lire. Chapman while you ware here, ani hoping that yco will stop again on your way South, Tery truly yours* •'i:-*.??. '..s-Vi Sr* Fraidc li. Ohmrnan, kmriean InseuB of Na Km Tozic 01 1^. ' / era / \ fc f;i % t! U II m i Juamxj 6» 1916 Ir. J. D. Cochran, Barkenrilla* B. C. Dear Sir; Thianks , •»'* cam a few days agOtand was soon followed by the grizzly •kiill referred to^ which I am very glad to hare* I hare « now receited three skulls from you — two adult grizzlies and one grizzly cuK For the adults I am allowing $15 each; for the cub $3, making $33 in all* A chadc for this amount will be sent you from my Fund in the Smith* aonlan Institution in a few days* I shall be glad to purchase all the grizzly skulls you can obtain during; tbs present year% The best way to rou^ out bear skulls for ehip* ?nant is to cut off the tongue and thick fleshy and rsmore the brains throii^ the natural opening in the back of the skull ^ care being taken not to cut the bone itself* Skulls thus roufzjbly cleaned should be dried for a couple of wedks, aftar ^Icfa they may be sent to the Biological Surrey either hj express or^arcel post* UA skull Aould be care- fully labeled with the locality where killed, sex if \xmn. approxlaate date^ and your own name* A f w tags are enclosed herewith. Tsry traly yourst \^ I I it ^^: .1 i H\ i i M ^ 1 -P O :$ 5 3 ^ !.. i 1 I • i; 5 3 5 ?^ I g =^ •- ' s s ^ § ^ 15 o m H> •§ "3 3 a I Ol r-l O o u I • * ^ . « ? & ^ o f3 o :^ •CI 8 * I 3 1 i 8 t i 4> I I i I 5 £ 1 O o o I 1 1 ^ =3 I 3 1 I I 3 « I 3 ■3 1 I •3 -s 1 ! I -s I 1 s Pi § I I I I 3 I ■? January 11, 1916 D»ar Yaltor: Tasterday I had hoped to connect with you before yoor train time for leaving, but was unable to do 80* I wwife to t>>e bank in the afternoon and asked them to look tqp the interest accoont of the old fund i^ich was plaead In my banla for your benefit soma years ago. and which I paid oat to you in installments. The entire amount of the prlneipal was paid you, but I did not take account of th« interest, iriiich was still running in the bank. Ihis interest amounts to $2P>03« for idiidi I am enclosiqg a dieek herewith* mis ends the transaetion* and althoc^ the vnouat la small, I trust it will not come amiss at this season. With best wi8hM^ Sr* Walter K« Fisher « 1526 WsTerlT St* ^ Palo UtOt J 1 I i / Ill VI January 11, 1916 / / / I! t lir. ¥. I. Adanfl. Aecottntani SmittBOiian Institution, Washington, D. 0. Dear Mr. AdamB: Tour Idttar of tha 7th inat. is at hand, enclosirg statement of reeeipta ani disbursements by the 5im4t.>iiinni«n on aeeooni of ths Bsrriaan Trust Pond during Hoding exactly eooriesy end promptness in ths matter. For the currant year 1916, 1 wish to mska salary obliged of $120 per aontli, or $1440 for the year. Tary truly yowrs# B bear: I shall b Al* I •11 k i ti i 'i . t 1 1^1 / f n January 13, 1916 4 CadiiBia Book Shqp. 150 West 9lth Stroei, New York City. Dear Sirs: Thaika fear your catalogoe Ho» 38 juat racaivai- ahould folloirii]g: Inmal Ra] Haydan: 0< iDdian n.op .% 2.50 950 DeSmai Lattara and Skatchaa Indiana of Rocky Ifta. 1843 10.00 I shall oa obligad alao if you wUl aanfl on ^proTW 847 Donbar'a Mamacrlpt Catalog* of Indian Tribea $5.00 Very truly youra. ■:-i % (! { T"«» * ^% -^•*l 533 ». » • ■ •■ / ST. W.B.8. u Jamarjr 13. 1916 Dear Doctor Staphen*: < Toa «r9 a rery polite end kind* hearted man to feel that you bare tp aoknowledgf ewry little t-Mrs tlBt finde its way iiito the Stephen* hoM at •Thrietoae-tiaie. SoreTdr. ae yoa kawr, I am alnys glad to hear from you and know how yoo are anA wba* jou are 4bout. You eurely bad a full hoa»a with eo many mambere of the family pr aeeOU * .^, Ye too had a Ohrietmae tree, althajf^ a ermll one, as Zenaida is not yet willing to glTW up the trea idea. -t « > Better tell Stuart that th* next time be has more narhlee than he wante to play with, he mi^ try the experiment of putting than in hie stomach in- stead of the drain-pip« I etwy jSKi your proposed trip to lajjerial yailoy* especially in such company. I donH suppewa you feel that yoa can take the time to drite your car down there* thou^ it would be a wd^ty fine trip. I a Hwry AUen has just sent me a package of bear olippii«|i; '•ome of which have put me on the track of im- portant skolU which I am hopii^ to be able to secure. .,^ »*** ?*•'• *** y**" •^"' l9Krn anythli^ furthar about ' \«»t Lake County gri««ly «kull? I have been hopiiK that ^» Hdc^ still be possible to get hold of it. Did I tell yon thai I finally boi^ht a 1916 -*■» , V r-j ,1 iAt >iA will at least X^ 4 i^^«>«f rf - %. - V<. hara the skull of th^ mle grlssly t far airhile. if not parmanaiitly- fe haw no skulU fim the Blade Hills, and it will be u^ftrrihilia) or the apaclaa iBfaablting M» mij^mA Big Horn Uountalns ( ILJte9CSk9A)f Tne houB8 ihidi I think you hnrn to ■la* (out 16th Streat extended) is tha HUgJftB pUes -- * gOfld-slMd ramblii« houes, rather OTer-ftimi Aad, and surroondad hf a large tract of land. It is unoeeuiiiad at prasmit, hat was rented for the Bunmer at $125 per month f umishad* Thia 8\«n includes the hire of a nagro oara-takar who has been thera for many years, and who looks aftar tha gardans and groimis. An additional hathroom has bean hullt In since we were thera. . k ^r ^ ^' J / ft' 4' i 535 c. «, « f I"! mnaoi loaglne hor^dell^i at tha proqpaoft «f yov hrii^li^ your fa Ihsn do you think of ooadi«? If in the i will Itt^ira aboot a nombar of houses in MhpliM raglon. And should you want a : AWfiyiillllld .1|0UM? I do not thii* Blagd^ i^flnpMt l&if imidi^ as they hare sudi ♦f old fimnitura^ ^ f>-> ^ ^vU- '*• -•-•»• i ' \ Very truly youra^ »^>r w^- •k.^'* Sk _ * . '• • ^^ • fr.^Wloa Sheldon^ ' 8^ wast 9thr Streat, - ii W York Cily, -V . Wo Jr. 4 * H » . XV A- li i' I ' % t'Vli I I 8£S Jwanan- 13« 1916 •A^. ^ .» - 2^ m- *'lf "- Ur. Sdward H« Litchfiald. 2 Montague Terrace. Brooklyn« N. T. «• ^, Ify dear Ifr. Litchfield: 1 * itflT aO«s. ad ilMkt ttai ikxOX is »•• •iuAio< Al«io get hold of the skull of a grlssly froi ^th* Bla^ Jiilla. and do not knoir whether th« "I^ciai la fli» gr^at taffklo- killing aninal of tho Plains (iJcfiiaJiflDCShiUA) or tht smaller movmtaln spooies frqa tha Big Horw (ffnUi M^ sarokua. In either ease the sknll is of graat iaporiaOM and I am wonderlpg if ycu would be willing to let wm hare it for a while to conipare with the epecinene we have in the National Ifcieeusu For the past twenty*f ive jeare I have a special effort to get hold of as taaxj grlasly aknU* poseible, and have broi:^ht together in our Natic^ ^ ii / 63/ I« H. I, s? «*Uj f ^,a l««lr.d. The great-r «-K. UMl ». th. »,^ - ,.""'^°" »■«» would tvo, "■ "i^^fit »o«tu„. wo^^ t, •» % •. i-i ^ vv V *- . ..r ^^ '^v .#:'^ • » jrott are wli|,^ ^ ^ to"^ «;'^ ^^.-^. you ,i«uy i^^, ^^ ^ *»■ K^ ♦.» \» 0? k•^B ▼•ly truly youra^ .#«:^^X ibV V. •\': ^v<. v.. "«>.'•« - - O fe.^ %* i''-. ^* »' I , ^ \M 1 k \ b I'* ■»r. %. s" «. < -•^ rt» Janoary 1&, .— t t .'-. ^ Si^.e-^ p «% 5r s ^6*^ ,^' ; * •*^-. --»> r uXltr>- * r- V'v^O o ^0 •^^v! *^ i '•Torj Mad to t«U ••'•o'^Mi^I wort lii-ooB»«ti<«' wltH tH*^ ' -■'■ « w!0 tkind Alton CmO* JV*^ -i^ >>. »v r -y ^e t O o 01 '3 •g o 0 i o ca I 9 a> CQ o • o o ^ 5 -p -P g o -p -P -8 3 6 5 -p 4» 3 / •s •g o o a o I I 1 o -p I SB 5 JO ^ s o Januaary 15, 1916 Dear Soton: Since the receipt of your letter of December 29 I hare been mak- 4 c!> a> o -p H-l O ^1 o c 00 0 o -p 1^ o a o 0 SB -P CO -3 ^ -p I? -P M M % •g o -a o O o 5 4» o ii J? o 4» ii^ inquiries about your young friend Walter McCoyt but have been utterly unable to locate hinu Very truly ycure^ Kr. Ernest T« Seton, Greemricht Oonn« || '.!. 11 ft Mj. » I' S^3 January 15, 1916 I i / Mrs. Irene Stanley Martin, 264 Oliver St., No*Tonairanaa, «• i< Ify dear Urs. larbin: Tour letter of December 27 addressed to the Smithsonian Institution has been referred to me for reply. , ^.n I have not been able to find any grixily skull in the CoUection bearing Dr. Uartin's naa«. If jou can gi.e me more exact inf on^tion, I might be able to locate the skull. If you knew the date at which the bear wa. kUled. the name of the locality, or the r^ of the ^ ^0 got it, it could be easily fo^iDd if it i. !« ^ Col- lection. If we V»^ tb, -cuU -e would, of course, be glad to hav« tbe skin also. Respectfully, t ( ^^c January 17 • l^l^ / 1 °°" "'■ ft-*, for ,«r lUt «3 iu.t ««!«*. ft.„ it I rtiouW "k, to ordor: ^^^^ 13 S . Calif. 1 \ wm \^d 543 lfc.«.O.L. JttU 17, 1916 c i * • Dmx Mr* Lanes This is omraly a pra],ibBin«7 liita to ac* kncnrlddg* your letter of ih» 13th iiwt. fl^v aomadt ro* eeivad. Ihifortunately I am exactly your i^, sixty, and therefore sot old maof^ to rgmoMiber nodh about ths ancestors on mjr mother's side. FtiM»_» Alvtani reeol« lection of vf aiot bar's motfasr^ and of Huy Hart, bat ths only one of her near rslativoa «!■» I ^a daf inite Im- pressions about was h^ half obrotbif Oadoa Hart, vfao lived to a ripe old age, so that I saar^^oed deal of hia up to 160i, when I quit practleiaft madieiw in Levla County and came to Wasbli^ton. Okrloa Bart atas a giant standing about 6 faet 4 in his stookii^s. Ha imd a oag- oif ie«at head, and we.B one of the finest lookiw mm 1 afar saw* Tery likely you rem«|ter him yourself, flia father, J-evl fl&rt, died before my tima. iunt Colton and itmt *■. both of whom Vara w;4dowa ISTlng in Turin during my boyhpod. I remember very The family Bible yep mention may be thr «» .- J, •J ^ 'ml \ i in n^ safe at home, which ie carefully wra^., ^ ^ , labeled. I -ill look it up at once,a«i if ,t i.\, ^Hart Bma wUl make a cop^ of the family .aeom f.r ^BtUa «*ther than the Hart ona. f -g - r Wholly all the old people whom I think of a. lU»rt7 ^ hare know, much about our Hart ancestors ^r^^hm in their grares. Ify brother. 0. Coiiin3 llerriam irtwiia «ldrea. 1. Lyon. Fklla. Lewi, n^^ty, Waw YoHc'. i. fi^* ysar. older than I. awl has alway. H^^ ,^ ^^^^ • flwmty, so that he is likely to rmaember more thw I 'w^a«t tha old people. It mi^t be worth whUa far you «» vita to him. Ify mother's only otter liying child tw mjr^iatar Its. Florence Herriam Bailey, now livlr« in this 01^. I have just phoned her. but she is consider- ably yonder than I and does not remember about the old people. Very truly yours, ■■'■■■ •S ■g I* § -p o t^ o -p o fi 6* OS 5 3 9 P« I a t i 9 CO 1. •8 ^ P4 %4 O o o -p ^ ft II « ^ o d o January 17, 191ff m Dekr Ir. Martlnelll: ;„ '^^ «*e Tery glad to hear from the Martlwlii fanily, and to know that the little OhrlBt- AM books roa s 9 fci -a s f CD •5^ CD r • 4 § o 9 o § CD o & p« a o 8* S I O O Qi CD I 8 o Q 4 Si 0^ CD g •-4 o CD CD CD CD io"» l*«»t ormiv^ I ^o""* *^*^ ^ hare both the Merrlam arri Hart family Bibles. Pollofing iB the fatnily record so far as entered in the leyi Hart i^V.lm (whidi. as correctly sUted in your letter, was ffjven OB by Aunt Colton); LWTI HART Born Nov. 3, 1773 - Died June 30, 1834 Uarried Isther Bamee Kov. 16, 1796. She wae bom AuguBt 12, 1777, and died July 27, 1826. Married Mre, Mary Collins Dec. 10, 1826. Sh« was bom Oct. 13, 1783,and died June 30, 1836. BIRTHS « ftnily Hart Dec. 2, 1797 Adeline Hart Feb. 27, 1799 Charles A. Hart Jan. 23, 1801 Samuel C Hart AprU 26, 1803 Nancy Hart June 7, 1805 Aurelia Hart July 22, 1807 DEATHS April 13, 1865 Jan. 3, 1813 Ui«'l .jf g ^ 1 I 556 /v v.> ^r/ XlTlra Bart Harlem Hart JuliuB Hart ''wTr C. Hart 7* 4J^ ^ors9 Hart Feb. 22, 1823 Caroline Hart Oct. 6, itfir/ Juno 25, 1815 Jan. 15, 1814 Jtily 30, 1830 Feb. 23, 1825 March 28, 1893 '-.. *7 '<■■: Oarbllne Hart married Clinton L. Ibrrlaa Dec^ 5, 1849 and had four childrdUt nwmlj: m Collins Merriam (bom Nov* 10^ 1850) married Florence _-^ Isabella Lvon June 28« 1876 Clinton Hart Merriam (bom Dec* 5^ 1856) married Virginia Elizabeth Gosnel^ Oct* 15^ 1886 nia Gertrude Merriam (bom Hot* 7^ 1857; died Aug* 7^ 1863) norence Augusta Marram (^^^^* ®* 18^1) married Veraon I donH know that ycu are gunnu^ rear the present -generationt but if -you are, I will state in advaice that I have only two children* both girls* DorotBy was bomlfaiy 21^1690, and ZenalRa^ April 4^ 1892* It 4* a ciurious f€U5t that Levi and Nathaniel were conwon family names among both the Harts and Merriams. Tory truly yours t Hi ^ea January 18 ^ 1916 Treat* 8 Bode Shop, Chattanocga, Teniw Dear Sirs: ThanlcB for yoiir catalogao No* 45 juirb reeeiTadU a From it I should liks to ordar tha folloaing; ^ 3i California HiiWora^a TraToling Map of Uaxioo aol , ^ Calif. 1863. h.ZS ^^ ^ 36 Calif* Sonev of the Siorraa by Joaquin llillar V. --> ^ 1871. $1*25 ^ 42 ^«^if • ^DTOTort* B Hiatory of Calif* 5 rola* XSu6 ^^^ ^" ^ 6ft Indl&M T 1621 204 WMt Th 206 West Tb ^277 Calif. H ^278 Calif. T a to aud8on*8 Bay by Tbos. UoKMTar Hap Coynar labbaj 75 |4.50 12.25 A 272 Calif. T^rani 28ft Calif. MounUlna of Calif, by j^m Mair 189ft .75 Vary truly yours^ j^J\A4j^^ / I, I It;' > I \ \ ri ;i.,' U/V-»'\-# 559 January 19, 1916 Mr. R. Rosanorans, Uoran, Wyo. Dear Sir: Very many thanks for the grizzly skull fran enou^ to present to the Biological Survey. It is a young male, apparently a f our-year-oid . and is of CCncidsrabls intsrost* In your lattar to Mr* Bailay yoi mention several other dcxills which you did not send because thty ifdre not perfect, and the teeth had fallen out* I hope you will still send thanu While of course we prefer perfect skulls^ we are id^ty glad of any ani bH slculls of griz- zly bears, hoirever inqperfact, particularly if they are full grown. The characters afforded by the skulls are just as important as those of the teeth* And we are sufferii^ from the great scarcity of old skulls* The teath« on the other hand, are better in young skulls than in old. ani we always have several times as maiy r 1 '4 ii young as we have Of adults. I disH.. to bother a husy ^. ,,, ^,,,,^ r - Of so ^ch i^ortance that I venture to flope you will send us all ««. ,h«f >- ■ ^' *^" *° 6«* hold of whether perfect or not «nH < not. and irrespective of irtietlar W Of .„, 3kuU3 at a diswe. Which can . Obtained ^. send.^ ^ r^ ,,,,. , ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ pay a man for his time and trouble. ^^^ truly yours. « M i! s m oaa 561 a i *i January 19 t 1916 Mr. William H. Miner. Torch Prees Book Snopt Oedar Rap ids ^ Iowa. Dear Mr* Miner: Thanks for yours oi the 17th insti j"«^- recaiTed* If the book on the GOLD RBGION.of which you speak ^contains no matter on Oalifomia Indianst and nothirg on grizzly bears » I do not care to see itt ^^^ if it has either grizzlies or Oalif ornia IndianSt I shall be glad to purchase it* Very truly yoors^ r ! t ( M 't. h January 19^ 1916 The Cadmus Book Shop, loO West 34th H.. New York City* Dear Sirs: Thanks for your lattar of the Uth inat. , and for your trouble in sanding Dunbar's Wanuecript Catalogue of Indian Tribes- on approval. Unfortunately this catalogue contains only two reference, to California Indiana, both of which are well known, the work relating almost wholly to the Indians of the re^ on east of the Rocky Mountains. I am therefor* returning it herewith, prepaid, and am en- closing ten cents in stamps to cover your expense in send- Ing it. You say that the copy of De Smet which I order- ed (#950 of your catalogue) was sold before my order was received, but that you have another good copy lackir^ the folding plate t but you omitted to state the price* If you will kindly inform me as to the price, I may be glad to purchase the s£uib* Very truly yours^ \ \ 23 3 Si** / % I ■I 563 January 20. 1916 Director'. U.S •Geological Survey. Washingtorit D. <3* Dear Sir: I shall be obliged if you will send me at the 1.' above address as msmy of the uniannentioned publicationa as still remain for distribution. Respectfully. Bulletins: 196 Topographic development of the Klamath Mts. by J* S. Diller 258 Origin of certain place nanries in ths U.S* by (kmnstt 302 Areas of the U. S. by Gannett 300 Geologic Reconnaisssjce in S¥ Nevada fc B Calif* by Ball 361 Oenozoic mammal horizons of W No. Aner. by Osborn 398 Geology & oil resources of Ooalinga dist./Mif» Dy ilrnold and Anderson 435 Raconn. of parts of NW Mew Mexico ^ a Arizona by Darton 467 Geol ' ' 1 536 Geologic Recon^^°?»thi^f^i,^o^-|-Smlth MO B Ui'^^i» ^^^^le.^alif/by D ^" B Mineral Rasom-eefi nf tv. » 54g Shlnui; wr°^4°^ P prison by J.S.Dlller Bi^r;Se?"aS**^i^i? *" ^f^am. Priest. 6r Pack aS'sSliS**"^*"* VaUeys: Oalif.* by Diller & 594 Soma 603 Gaol u? Pack and'&iKlish - • 7 aeology and mineral resDurceB of parts of tto n n * Jf"-"^^ ranm. by W.W.Atwood >.o2 2°°K*9* *<» economic geology by Diller & Hall -ItkJ Geologic raconn. of the Ilianma Reeion.llaalca. Dy Martin & ICatz 497 Recorau of the Jarbridga, Contact h. Slk Mt. dists. by P.O.Schrader 498 Headwater regions of Gulkana and Susitna ^ivar* Alaska^y P. H. Moffit *'"»*''"^ ..iters, 520 A llaaka minim industry in 1911 & RR routes bv A* n. Brooks ^ tin 2 \7V ""P?'"' Ri'sr BMln, Uaaka by F.H.yotfit Rampart i Hot Springs Re^ on, Alaska bv Sakia ^ Alaska by A. G. Maddran Water S ^n.. «, ^'jSaJui/Xllf^'H^^*^ ^««t Border of I2§ S^nw Dlst. AlaaV^ ^ |y„AadaraQn & Pack 60e Broad Pas. Region; SSfa; § f:g:Sjffit iers ^ply Papa. „ 333 Ground wovt, 4- t»«,^,j x« « 4 ^ 5^«^«« te?i^|^ * ^°o®l« 'bounties. Utah 338 ^rlngiof Cal it. w"^*^ w. 4 342 Surface water supply of th?*?,*"^- „, ;rTeys in Snake Rivar Ba«ln t^-u. V 347 pTofiF** ''^HSf-'orth iXl^nlSI" »"' by H.H.BtblSS " 'olMnlo held, txit. \. c^:^ ^6' January 20. 191« iti ^ 4 » m Sears, Roebuck k Ce. Chicagoj^^ Dear Sirs: The set of four aatomobUe Jack, ordered from you a *ort tin« ago .^ J^cWid not arri.e with the rest of .^^SS^^oJ'^in afteraoon by Well. Fargo express with 81 cents charges, whi* 1 padd. I had pre- viooslY raid $1.28- on the three parcel. whiA arriTed a couple^ oi days a«o. Thii may be all right, buy ina««-h as the Jack, were part of the lot shipment, as icdiaated y^ the enclosed shipping t«£, I W supposed that payment cotared ail four packages. All of the ^oods have now been received, and all are entirely satisfactory. Respectfully 't: ■A" lii ^ f 1*' 4 I 1^ ,,. ■—«.»- »t, ., I miiiwisiJWiL* +j —■ S83 566 /-. »- • / January 21, 1916 V • .** • ,- / H2.j * Plaistoeaiw <^mim1 Arctic Ciirele No. 2173 •■' r^**r^T' Ooldaan, B.A. Descr. liM^als fros Panama • vair pvdflmals ^rom eastern Panna No. 2142 « * Pamoa and Usxleo No. 2168 • • Ho.2266 flay, 0,P* 9txHl extinct horse No* 2181 Hedley, ^^hss* P^epa|^h. relations of Antarctica No. 2209 Helli>ter« N. laiBBals, Canada, Alaska, Kamdiatka No. 2072 • SibeH* No. a57 Jluella, llongolia No.2165 Mannas, Siberian Altai No. 2171 ifost ancient sktfletal remalhlb of man No* 2300 Raoains lastdm Asia of raea, America Ho* 2159 /X^vton. ?.Im. Cotton of the Hopi Indiana* No«2146 Millar « 0«S« Hams a wolraa northern h weatem NO.Amer* No. 2093 hi' 1 1 If ' !l , 1 f 1 i \. vaa '- \r .^?*t. 1^; Viue fi,.ii florai^ctlc raglon. Ho.2110 I^n.D«, «lr JoMgi^D^tci. Hooker . NcgUZ ■. . ,,..., Rc»0^,»,fPoj«au«lficdoqgalil^ N6i28» . > . ^ Sapii-VItt*/ History iSitfltl* of >,™.i;w ^.^i, w. U« ScWifor.l.i. Life. No. 2^3 1 ^ ■* • ■• 7: w: *• "^ «^^ „• f V ^*> Smith, a^. Irolotion of am Ho.22l6 . • - -r r v.. . . , . M.S. % '♦; ' -'*;^ . Peesii toothad eotaeaaa No%2l41 •*f '•-'' V ■_■* •%> '-'Jv Beaked nhale No«2l72 '• AbalOfids of Califs Hd*2295 > %. ' ■ H^. * r ••» ■»* * w : ■*•> ^''•'.- i.:.:.: ^ w - t * ^- -r" ^ j» * ' .;-^ u. • 'tiki * «- t r, % • I t)'.- * - j^" -^ >;"*:?*!;" ■•■— • * y / % ill '4' ^ It i I! r 3 • ■ J hi < • I If I t n m 8BB / \ ■■^ Hi January 22, 1916 569 January 22 ^ 1916 "ii itoerican Chauffeur PubllBhlng Co., Butler Bldg«. 15 Weet 6th Street^ Cincinnati^ Ohio. Dear Sirs: gncloBed f ini check for $1.26, for which please send AMERICAN CHADFP80R for 1916t ani one of your keyless padlocks (Pronltm No* 6. >tL 3X%-^ ^^ Re specif ulJTt », Mr* Sel J. Wigley, Victoria. B. C. Dear Sir: Tour letter telling me where your photograph of white rabbits ww taken.has just come to hand, for which I am obliged. I should be glad to a good print of this photograph, and wctild also like to see prints of any other photographs of natire animals, dead or alifSt which you may happen to have* Tery truly ycurs^ A..\Vo^.>^ W It' yi n 1 \, Q^S 4 i ft. 1 M Ok o 00 * ff-4 '^ R4 fM s o 5 § B o i 03 . § 8 S CO I I o g a o M a -^ io » I I s S s i « 43 I GO Ills o •-• s^ 2 p; '^ 10 O P •a ^ r § ■g o 1 5 "^ § A -B 1 ^ S ^ s ••-I O i i i 8l a> 8* O a> i I KO § b ^ 5 d ;s tf C t^ I 8 I S Si 4 3 : ^ m o :3 -3 I ^ >> •«» & '3 @4 s ^ Pt ^" w w kc • • S "^ S e* 5 § s -^ O ^ 5 &> a 94 0 6 fe ? ? ^* fe / I X A r^a I 572 J". January 24 . 1916 llr* Frarxsis Kdrmodet Provincial Musaumt Victor la t B. 0. Dear lCr« Karmode: The job of going throi:^^ my accurmilated panqphlet mail has been slow, owing to pressure of more urgent work* I have t^reforj only just reached the in- terestii^ Report of your MoseMi for the year 1914« This I f ■■'•': ,1 ¥^ contains so much matter worth filing that I am makix^ bold to ask for two more copies « if you have them to spar^« ▼ith best wisheSt Tory truly yours ^^ f i «, January 2A, 1916 Colorado. Dear Sir: Tou have been referred to me by Pred &• Stanley as likely to know something concerning the killing of a big bear in southwoot^jm Oolor«do aomo ya&x-s o^o^ ^H» skin of which belongs to Mrs. Irene Stcuiley Martin. Mrs. Martin believes that the skull belonging to this bear came to the National Iftiseumt but owing to the absence of detailed infcrmation as to ttie locality where it was kill- edt the date, and name of the man who probably collected it ^ I am unable to run it down in the collection* If you can £>i\td me any information bearing on these points, I shall be^A-eatly obliged. Respectfully^ M ! 1 Jaraiary 24. Jfl* \ f^/ 574 Januairy 24, 1915 Mr. W. H. Spwilding. Hawk Inlet, Alaska Dear Sir: In your letter of llovember 27 you stated that you ejected to ship me skulls of two brown bears and.> some other skull* on Decanber 10, This is to notify yCfU that the shipment mentioned has not arriTed. I hope you got it off; and that it will come in due tine. Yeiy truly yours, ^ ll ^* Obci 11a Ooola, * B. •-> ■fQ "*«• sir: Tha grUzlr skull fro. th» h.^ „f Btll, -°»1A Taller *lch ,« «„ti,^ ^ ^„^ ^^^^^ ^ D.c»W 17 as gol,« tor,^ ^ ,^„.. ^ ^^- r«chad u.. ■ M,... .^ „ , _,^__^ ^^.^^ ^^ *.t. or .h,p«^ «d conpany ^, *1* .h,pp«, ., ««» It i«=uld b= «U ,i„ J, y^ „„^j,j^ ^^ _^^_^^ trace lt« ncyiitS that it wUl arrire in the' near future. Very truly yours^ *l y EX a / *l, 576 / January 2*. ^^^^ '^ Mto Brnest P. Walker, Wnuigall., Alaska. Dear Sir: Your letters of December 30 ani January 6 are at har^. The bear skulls arrited about ten days ago - ten blacks and one cab gri««ly. Hone of them are in good conidtion. I « sending the Smithsonian a Toucher for t^n.. putti^ *- ^i-?" -^ ^2.00 eaA. a«i the cub grizUy at $5.00. maki,« $25.00 in aU. a check for which amount will be sent you about the 1st of February. In coBplianoe with your requaat. I am sending you by this mail a copy of my doecriptions of a lot of new bears. The difference between toe brown bears and the griazliea ia not always easy to deteraine. As a rule, the grizaliea have longer, anoother. and less curvld foredawi. often whitish or yellowish in color, or straaked with light color. Th. cUw. of the brown ^aars are as a rul., shorter, darker, more strongly V ^ V V % ♦, '^ si curvad.^ and loes smooth* Therd is also an important diffeirene^ in the big loirar premolar* But in the far north this latter dbaractar fails* I am glad to knoir that you are interested In mamnals* rn your official work you must have an opportunity to .make many observations of value « and now and them secura specimens of more than ordinary ijEiiaaroot. Va know 80 llttlo of the habits of our mam* mravnals that einy reliable information on the subject is wor^n record Inga If you know of any instances where man have been attacked by bears » I shoiild appreciate the favor If you would kindly write me about the same* Tery truly your«t vYa ^ I 578 I January ai. 1916 Doar Mr* Land* Thanks for yours of the 2l8t inst. Sorry to laam that you ars a hidialor, and therefore have done 80 little toirard Implanting good blood in our common- wealth- But I am glad to laam of the honorable posi- tions you have occupied. Since writing you last I have talked with ny sister and she ramambared having received from my uncle Jamas S. Merriam (who wrote tto genealogy of the Merriam family) some memoranda respecting the Hart, Collins, and Bush families. The substmce of this, so far as it relates to the Hart family t I am enclosing herewith. Thara is a gap which perhaps you may be able to fill. I an unable with certainty to say which of dua^t< Very truly yours. Mr- Edwin 0« Lajia, Clarlnda, Iowa. -J ^S> 'r f r i I i.', { tydLLim A^a) HART PAMHIig I-avl Hart p married 1„ fisthar , Bama and had Carl 08 Hart Mrs. Nancy Lane [wife of », Ljnnan LaneJ Mrs. wife of Mrs. Elvira H. Oolton Lwife of Levi rJollinsI •^^••^fv*'^*'^ flL—-.^^ Levi Hart, widower married Mary Buah 'Mllm ^a?l«f B. Oolllna ^erickWiad unmarried^ i^'S^. K.^J< had Ovoline HartTwifa of Cainton L. Merriam] ^" ""J? ^'&^k'^^e^^'iJi:;ir^^'^'^^'^^^r Levi Collins was brothar of Seldon Collins Homer • Wajrne * Jonathan " ^* Iliis'^^^* ^^ Augusta) Aunt Jane Deway aary Bush Collins had brother Oliver Bush, who had son Bush who married Alma Mott and had Julia E. Bush. Alma Mott was daughter of . , Mott and Naomi Lyon Mott^ sister of Caleb Lyon. Sr. (k 2\^ I r:^ ■ydO y JanuarTT 25^ 1916 Dear Ndlson: Raplying io your mamorandum of t>» 17th inst*. concerning the spelling of the geographic name Okanogan^ would state that this spelling is given for the county, fort, and river, in the State of Washing- ton, and also for the lake ard town in British Oolumbiat and is the only fonn used by the !!• S* Geographic Board. (See Third Report, page 117, 1907 and •Correct Orthography of Geographic Nanies*, page 108, 1911.) However, in many cases the spelling of the same naoie differs materially in different localities. Thus Allegany (without the Ji) is the correct spelling for a township in Pennsylvania, while Allegany |> with the ll^, and with the final vowel sl instead of jjt, is the correct spelling for the mountains and river. Similarly, the names of towns eure often spelled in two or more ways, according to the State in which located. As a rule, these differences in spell ir^ adopted by the Geographic Board are in accordance with local usaga, and in con- formity with tlB form made official by act of legisla- ture, articles of incorporation, or other legal action. Very truly yours. llr« £• W. Nelson, U. S, Biological Survey^ Washington, !( '*=! f i f V ^^f January 26, t916 Ajadany of Pacific Coast History. Univeraity of California, Barkeley, Calif. Dear Sirs: Will you kindly send me the folln^j;g publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast Kistotr t^^ether with bill for the san«, as I have not been' ' able to find out thB prices of two of th«: Vol. I. No. 3 -. Diary of Caspar de Portola^:^ Vol. I. No. 4 ^ Cost^nso^s^Na-rative of the^ortola Vol. 3, No. 1 — .r s.. Mi^ex uostanso (Portola Kxpd Yours very truly. ¥ f 283 583 Jar5ia>*y ??6, 1916 A^ad air/ of Pacific Coaet HiBtoTTt Univerfcity of California, Berkeley^ Calif. Dear Sirs: Will vou kindly send me the foUo^fir^r P'jblisationa of the Asodeay of Pacifi? Coast Hif:tory, together with bill for the saire. as I have not been able to finrJ out ths prisee of two of theoi: Vol. I, No. 3 -. Diary of Caspar de Portola " Vol. I, Ko. 4 — CoBr"anfio:6 R-rrative of the Portola Expedition ' * Vol. 2, Ko. 4 - Diary of Mi^jel Costanso f Portola 8xpd. ) "01. 3. No. 1 - fjf jB^Jiar^^gOf the Anza Expedition ' >'ourB yery truly. ^'^1^ U^ t? in' t January 26, 1916 Houghton Mifflin. nA)li8her89 Hew York city. Dear Sire: Pleaee send oe a copy of Cfljifomifl Jmder Spain and Meglao f--^ Jj^^fi tii^iaiZ by Irving Beniine Richwm (1911). I enclose here- with check for fo/ar dollars, the price listed for this book in the U. S. Catalog»je of 1912. '^ours very truly. i- ' -i! k ^83 January 26. 1916 Librarian* John Cartar Bromi Library. Providenoa, Rhode Island Dear Sir: Will you kindly hare aent to ne a copy of San rranainao B^v and Cail ifornia in 1776 ... with an explanation by Irvinia: Berdin Rlshonn, published by the John Carter Brown Library in 1911, with bill for Erm^. and oblifrOt Tours very tnjly. -V- \ rj I 585 ••^ o s -a 1 g . 2 I JH »-• Tl -fi frQ 8 5 ^ I 1 w) •rl O 8 ^ I f # ■I l« -^ t* ia g f t u m m to I § & I § I ? I i\ 8 I ^ B "M ^ I I 4^ M U) ^ -ft I §, £ I ^ -P I s ^ ! I I '3 I 2 1 I i "^ "* " I s , I I 1 Sf t^ ^ 1 o ^ g V. te >» g a ^ 31s J5 « 5 8 I S iJ « » % % I ^ 0 f 886 587 t I m 11 fh^ January 26. 1916 Dear Mr« Allan: naaae pardon ny delay in aending ycu the promlaad note on the Indian name of Mount Tamalpaia^ and namea of other plaoea in the riclnity* A note on thia aubject is enclosed herewith^ But thia ia only a part of iftiat I promiaed* You will remember that one of the wan preaent at the lundi party you ao kindly g^ve before I left the StatOtaalcad for names which mig^t bj^ appropriate in naming gqlctaea^ traila, and Tarioua minor topographic featurea about the mountain* A raober of Indian Worda whidi apggeat themaelTea as a?ail- able in thia connection I am encloaing herewith^ and will dig up more later, tfeanahile please let me know how urgent the matter really ia*. Will the map be eigraTed befora apring? Or will it go over into the aummert I fe«l aura that I could be mach more helpful if on the grounL It waa mi^tgr good of you to aend me that batch of bear clippings* They are exactly in my liae« and several of them put me on important leada* which I in now < r ^^ T.'^ foUowiqg v^ I ahaCl be greatly obliged if you will put me on your acrogp liat aa a regular aubscriber for matter relating to bearat wolves « and mountain lions. Ify memory for namea ia mi^ty poor^ and I should iqppreciate the favor if you would kindly give me the namea of the peraons preaent at your lunch at the Ihii* varsity dub •• whidi« by the way^ waa one of the moat en* joyabla lunchas I have ever taken part ln« I don*t ordl« • i \ ^ ... ^ ■ - ■ < narily mjoy nsetiDg stnigers, but I was rerj glad to neet the mn joa brought together, and hope I may see more of them in future. With best wisbse to yourself and Urs. Allen, Tery truly yourft Mr. H» s. aim . 88 First Stresi ^ . . . San Francisco, Oalif* Vc- V P. 8. The list I am enclosing cooqprises only.J**!. °^» of a few anlmls and trees. I have hundreds of others which could be used if desired; Uso the names of featores» •» oeeu, salt water, fresh water, creek, spring, Jj^JiLjf'P* shalfew, bank or cliff, Talley. trail, f ores^. chajag-l*^*. •and, sid, i-oek. points of ccmpass, fog, wind, r»J^^^- little, lJi«, shOTt, stral^t, tigzag, smooth, rou^ wd t nnmhSr orother*; sons of which mij^t come in handymen ^i'ictialS^ thS^ound seeking a name f «• a particu- U^ iulS nSe. or spot. If this matter can be put off ^ifie^ l5%, I Sail be only too glad to rentier what aasistanee I may* i; 1 ii, !l k\ I i ^ If y it t i 885 589 iKDIiN NAlCfi IN THK TilULPAIS RKIOI » t •* . , ■3J ^ ThQ tribe of Indians formrly iababitiiig tho Tamal* pais region called tlieaealfos Ttoi^cft^tko^ Ihttir terrl« tory extended ^rcm the Golden Gate nortbsrly to Talley 7ord Creaky and frcoi Point Reyes Faninsula easterly to the Peta* luna narshes and flan Pablo Bqr» ttaos coinciding almost ex* actly with the boaniaries of the present bounty of Ibrin* It is of interest historically that of the miseroQS tribes of Cslifomiat this was the first to be discovered '■*■*' «V .^" "-*- -«• _* * " »r,. by SuropeanSv for in the stunidr of 1579 Sir nmcis Brake when orerhauliqg his Tsssals in the broad bay that now '•I . bears his name, on the sooth side of Pt« Rsjres Peninsolat spent seyeral weeks in their country^ and had anoh to say of their friendliness ani singol&T Oiatdas* Motjnt Tamalpais and the series of bdautiftd valleys by which it is surrounded^ from Olema and the Iok^ fiord- like Tomales Bay on Lhe weat to San Rafael on the east« in« eluding Nicasio« Lagunitas, wmA San Qeronllo^ijranes^ aft lie within tiie territory of the Hoc^Jtoo^glko^ and some of the most familiar geqgragphic names in California were taken from the vocabulary of this tribe* Mmor^ these are Tamalpaii frOB Taiw^piip^i the bay countryt and pl-lis a mountain •• TmiI R mal-pi-es or Tam^qal-rrs. being their own neune for the moun- tain; TamBde^ Bay^ whidi they called Tam-mal le-wah «- le- w^^ salt water; Point Reyes « which they called Taianal hoo-yah -« hooyah a point or projection; Tamales Point, called Kal-loo-pe tamnaal in reference to tlsr shape of the point, imlch^suggei the bill of a hummingbird (Kal-loo-T)is)> The people on Tarns Bay they called Tam^nal^o •• ^ mdaniqg people. Olema and Oloopale are place names still in use •« the latter original an Indian village on the west side of Petaluma marshes, how pexpetuated for a district and sdioolbouse^ liar in Coonty as well knosii, was named for luil»« ^ great diief of the Hoo^o while Hovato and Hicasio were names of other « diiefs — tho Nieasio is Spanish, not Indian. QtYmr googr^pbie or plaoa names in the natlTe lan- guage of the Hoo«^coo-rf»ko. but »hich hare not been perpetuated on our mps are: tX^isAs.%m:^aJL, Hicasio Valley; ftcllsft-iSSrSBi ehask. Hicasio Creek; Qteitflflaaisat. vicinity of present toni of Towilei; (fcliaS^f^em Valley; ¥ah-kah-te. Petaluna Creek; l|h— yi«w> San Rafael; ¥>l.le San Francisco Bay; Sah»tah-fco. San Geronimo Valley; Lo-was. Ross Valley; Sho»tuai-ko, v.iiovi Hho.katch-ah. Novato; Le-yan-hel-a-wah. Gal Unas 'C coast kOr near Sausalito* M i CG8 KAioB or inhols Bmt Coco Bob-eat Groiy foot Ooyot« Oray squirrel Wood rat Brudi rabbit Jack rabbit Sparrov hsM/L Great honied oel Cror Blue Jay(wi^w>ct sL^^> f allay qtxdi Rattleezmke Comnon lisard Ko^Vi RrcB Ho< To«l<^nah NdS^aih (Kd-yOi He-l«-l«k Too-lcoo>li« Ai««9bch Hak-ek-ki Oo-koo-lls P»t-t&i*yah Ko*to*leh I f ^v t M Redvood Doi^glae fir live oak Black oak TRKS AND OTHKR PLANTS Chc^lS Tanberk Hoo*tooe^ liadrone Sah-tah Bucksye Ko-tia Poison oak Brake fern or bracken Oo-tuk Kah^tah-iM Kah-kaa Ah-te I-tiiii m .f { i wmm rea January 28 ^ 1916 >-v- Mr* Charles W. Treaty Treat* 8 Book Snop^^ 1017 Market Street, Chattanooga^ Tenn. Dear Sir: The books sent in coaipliance with ny order have arrived in good condition^ for whidi I am obliged* A dhook for tbo amount . (^* 75) will be sent you from my jftmd in the Smithsonian Institution * out the first of Fetaruary* Yery truly yourst V ./' £G f % 4 i ;^. ?8 7n >b s jM mm .> ^•4 N-l o ^ S.I s I 8 ^ o S 1 1« I s i -8 1 •^ o CO QD if u: ^ I ^ 5 3 o - Vt o 1 t m m m 3 I 1 a ' 1 •n ^ 0 & • -^ a» (D •8 § c" ^. \i •3 SP 45 I' U) 2 i 8 r-4 O P4 ^ ] 2 1 H i ^ 9 %H ^ ^ ••-• o &< %-4 s 5 < a 'f sea / 594 January 29, 1916 Mr. W. L. McAtee Biological Surrey Washington D 0 Dear Ifr. IfcAtee: Mr. Holliater tails ms that you are the present custodian of the Biolpgical Society ?C2r ^«a^ I am anxious to secure di^Jlicate copies of several brochures, mainly ^flr^aral Notes, and shall be greatly obliged if you will send me three copies eadi of the following, with bill for same: XIX. 121-126, Sept. 6, 1906 XX, 43-52, Apr. 18, 190?? XX7II, as-218, Oct. a, 19U XXVII, 227-229, D«:. 29, 1914 XXVIII, Ul-Ui, June 29, 1915 h ^ Very truly yours. w. January 29 t 1916 Urs. Maria L« B, Baldwin. Treasurer^ Society of Inwr* Indians 106 Barrictor Bldg* Washington D (J My dear^Mrs. Baldwin: Responding to an appeal from the Society, dated January 28, I am enclosipg herewith my check for $3.00 Ab a memhar of tbB Society I am receiviog the Qi;j<\rtftr^Y Journals The Journal often contains arti- cles which I wish to keep separately* I shall be obliged therefore if ycu will kindly enter me for a second sub- scription, so that I may receive two copies of each numbsr as issued* Tery truly yours ^ *\r< v ... v^'- "^ ^j^ m m . ♦♦ « ■ ^ > i i ^^ \^ Vi**' 'I January 29 « 1916 Mr* William Laon Dairson Birds of California Publishing Oo Santa Barbara Calif. Dear Vbr. Dawson: Your letters of January 19 and 20 are at hand. I am interested to learn of your project for a 16iseum of Comparatiye Oolqgyt but I am not attracted by the display of namea entitled. ^Uembers of the Board of Tisitoxnait ^^ should not care to see my nazoe enroll- ed on this list* This sort of thix^ has always been dis^ tasteful to me 9 but all depends on the point of Tiew* Very truly yours » i ** > ;l '1^ fi I.' '' In ' ! I coa \ 597 < s '■4 i^ January 31. 1916 Mr. jharUm W. Treat Traai^s Book Shop Ohattaaooga Taim. Dear Sir: Soclosed in my chick for $1.25 in payment of Joaquin lUller's •Sor«a of the Sierras* recently re- ceired from you* A check for the ronalnir^ items on your bill will be sent you from my funi in the Smith- sonian-about the let of February* As Miller* s work was purchased for ny personal use^ I prefer to pay it by my personal check* Yery truly yours. Januaiy 31 • WW i' Hudson Bo€k Oo« 25 West 42nd Street Hew York H ^ Sear Sirs: Your Oktalogaa 38 reeeivad this morning, «hidi thanks. From this catalogaa I shall ba glad if JOB w»l sand rm tha following on approval. Thosa not wait ad will ba ratumad fmiiisdlataly, prepaid. 50 Ballon, John Q«ld Saskars 1855 $5.00 51 Ohaiflpagnac, J. La Voyagour an Calif. $2.50 56 Hellimki, A. La Oalif. 1855 $3.00 58 Varlatta, S. Raport on iddj» s Map of Calif. 1856 i 61 Richter, K. Reison naoh Nord Anerika and ^^^^^ 65 SlMur* P. RMtblii«8 in Calif. 185& $?w50 r U9 Lix^, liaj. «• Acootmt of an.fepad* ^ to tne Ro<±7 >br««ds r Snaka Tary truly yours. i [ 1 4 •» i\ ees IT %•>*? C. Surt Horriaa i^ February 1, 1916 Mr* W. I* Man»t Accountant, . * .x x* ^ Smithsonian Inatitution^ WasMr^on, D. «;• J)aar Mr. Adams: Indoaad 1« «7 exp^^'^*^ account for ths month of January, amountiie ta $32-15, and also the following voudiara and hilla. irtiich I ahai be obliged If you will kinily pay from the Harriman Pond. You will obaarve that the bill for of- fice rent at the Northnaberland has increased from $50 to $65 per month* The reason of this is that I have hired an additional rocm adjoining the other rooms , at the rate of $15 per months the owners cuttii^ the doer throt^ and makiif^ the other necessary changes at their own expense* This will lessen the congestion in the other rooms, and provide for map files and other cases* V • Yery truly yourst Accompanying bills: Valker ~ Bear skulls $26*00 (ireen — Grir^^ly btiars 50*00 ZereCida tferrlW-- Services $29. YawtS:^ 8c arbe — Transfer cases n^M Booi: Shop ~ X<*« *^^«> ^ 4,,ft „ Clobe WemlcK;'* — lo^*'*''!-*^^ cards J»0. 11 Johi: Carter Brcwti — ?o<*. !f*2"*« am^ inHrnwR Patjar Oo. ** Stationary $6.46 ^ Off iSJrS? for February and telephone U8.10 •8. 25 1916 Jan. 1 . 5 6 6 7 10 18 19 22 26 29 The Northunbarland, Washizigton, D. 0. Janiiary aooouni 3v^ Youdbsr Subseription to •Trarel* for 1916(Daf9rrad rate) • • •Recreation* for 1916 • • *Jbierioan Foreatrjr* for 1916 • * ' Quart. Joum.Soc.AiDsr. Indians • • •Journal of Heredity' for 1916 Toartea* *Jlbam of New YoA Birda* . ^ Daniel H. Hewhall • Boaeberry^ a* Indian Basketa* UaoMl of Calif. ProoeedlnoB Biol. Soc. Waahn. jdl. 29 Hov^hton Ufflin Co.- Rittfaaa»,I. B. •Calif, under Spain and Mexico* R. ?. Andrewa Paper C'O, 'Vvpar Potomac Qeetric Light fc Power ^O;.^;^^--— *^ Carfare for work avLil»«ri of ^o«W« ^. ., ^reaaage on bear akulla trom Coluabia «aiT. Stanna and atonped enrelopea 'anflor. Office apartment ^^^ 5 iraia^!Jn^^XSSilc°aJ'irth?l?5S^?it* for 1916 8 4 I PAftAi'nt not at hand for Deceiriber account: ^ ^ M S^bJcr^on to 'Journal of Animal BehaTior^ 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 50 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 50 00 75 00 CO 55 85 00 m 3 00 $32 15 .thirty-two-« ——fifteen— 32.15 * 601 ^i i Smsst P. falfcar .» f inrang«ll» Alaska Zenaida Usrriara -*.- The MortbiiribarlaH, WaBhington"^ D, .■» Jan^ Zi iO Black baeu: akidl* treat tftnik RiTer regioiit Alaska at |2«00 skuii 6i yoang grl«4y ^.^t*^ 20 00 5 00 % ^o^ Jrvi^ 31 Sarv leas a» assistant 15 dayr at '^2.?.6 par day 29*2fi I $25 00 »tWiinty*f iTa»— « *••— — '"— no— — 25*00 $•^9 25 . twenty-nirw— - — ---twenty-fiv^* ."W*— ^. ^A iv ^IkAm^ ^ mfi i\ 4 508 Villiam R. Oreoo Qre«ndale Tia linirood, Utah 1916 Jan. 31 l««ly bear skin and akull from J 40 00 10 00 I I ft $50 0» fifty— — no— — 50.00 tL^Vr-.'^K" ' see i February 2, 1*16 N llr. 0han5»lin Barrage ^^^^•^SSn Carter Brown Library Providence » K i «•'.-• ^^^^ 1 ++-^ «f th© 28th ii»t.,ap-d Thanks for your letter of tue ^ ., .e-« •I^•aTBiBco Bay and '^i- the accaapanylns o«py ox ^a.^^* - ,^^^^ ♦ f «^ this will he sent you A check of $8.00 in payment for this wii X * nnr 8T«cial fund in the Smithsonian in a day or two from my speciaA lux Irwtitution. Respectfully, K w t % \v, '* I A / ^08 605 u ; Mr. F.M.S. ^ February 3, 1916 Mr. Fred M. Sickler Shuni^ . Tlask* t Dewr Sir: Tour letter of September 17 has only just ar- riTod. I im veiy glad to know that you can obtain skulls of griwly bear, for us. and shall be glad to pirchase all you can get. Probably the bears yga call half-breed are (,^.iia.. i.« tha fragments of skin enclosad appear to be- long to a grizzly. • I do not care for fishes, plants, or birds, but In addition to the grizzly bears, would be glad to purchase a tvm okuil* of black i»«4urs, and of wolTerine and lynx. The price paid. will depend on the sex, age, and condition of the skull when received. Sach skull should be labalsd with a tag stating the locality, sex, and date irtien known, and your own name. Sone Bix>logical SurT«(y la- bels are enclosed herewith. Tou asked for directions for the preparation of spacSmens. All that is necessary is to cut off the thick fleih and remoTe the tongue, ccura being taken not to in- jtire the delicate bones at the back part of the palate. The brains should bo remoTed throp^ the natural hole in \ the back part of the skull, care being taken not to cut the bone. The skulls itty then be dried, and when fUlly dry may be sent in the way that is most conrenlent for you — either by parcel ^oat or by express. If sent by parcel post I shall be glad to ,^it the amount of postage. Always notify us of the date of 8hlpi«,at, and whether dip- ped by parcel post or express. Specimans for shipnent shoald b« carefully packed each skull baiqg wrapped in paper or clothe and if s^t \jf expresBt should be boxad« addressed: U. S« Biologieal Surrey^ Dept. of Agriculture^ WashlngtoUt D. C,^ and manned ^Aiarges Collect* Toijor own name and address should be written on the outside of each padcage. Tery truly yours^ Prices paid for skulls: Black bear — adults teto^$4; young $1-00 Black bear — adults teto^$4: young #1-00 ^r.^.^^, \ arlsslw — Biale adnlt^l5 to |26; female adult $10 to ^K.yoj .^^ Wolf t2 to^*4 WolTeHns,tt BeaTer, fisher, foi, lynx .60 Marten, mink, weasel .20 V t cOc^ February 3, 1916 9 HudBOn Book ''9« ^ _. . 25 West 42nd Street New York ':Jity ,- Dear Sire: ThankB for senilnB on approval the six booka mentioned In your letter of the lat inct. Of these I am retaining *8 Harlette.iSt Richter. and#119 Long, and am retuniii« ^rf parcel post, Incured. the other three, namely #0 Ball ou, #58 Holeneki, and #55 Shajr. The Report of Surveyor General Ifarlotte, No*58 » lacks the ai^p« Inaamuch as you chaxige the enormous price of $7.50 for itt I assumed that the map would be included* Shuck •s •California Scrap Book* has never reached me* I wrote you en November 19 stating that if sent by mail it could be forwarded « but if by ejqpress it mi^t have gone to San Geronimo, the nBarest express office, there being no express at La^runitas. You never informed me as to whidi way it was shipped, so tiMMk I have not been able to follow it up* 'i« Tery truly yours. i ^08 February 4, 1916 -U Mrs. Ir«i« Stanley Jlarti^ 204 Oliver Stre«i No. Tonaw?vv,ai4 »«* York My d^k^MrB. l^-Artin: Referrit^ apain to the matter of your bear sVin, would ttate that I have juBt received fr« Mr. !.» o. D«,^,i8on of Telluride, Colorado, the deeirod inforiration as to the locality annate of kill- ing of this bi« bear. Thia infonuation enables ine to l03ate the skull in (f)e«tion. liiich I find T?e have in the BiQloffical Survey Collection, We ehall be glad therefore to purchase the skin i? the priae is not too hif*. If you will kindly let me know the lowest cash price at whiA ytJu are willing to sell it, I shall be glad to consider the matter. ^ ^Yery truly yours. a "7 A \ \ , M I 0 'k •t /■■''I I •: i\}, i 60S it* I 1 1 r* 1' ■ I V H'^ '■„ I' 'rt tifiV' f ■■ ,( , 'I f t i 1 H •J IB irite jiil Original Defective lO «ib ^ *.'«• X6 Mr Jli i ,. r? ^ -^*»^». * t .^ ^^5 •i Jt. .r. li : if.X ^' ^^ -: Coi.0 coxo i.'t^a?^ Ei^^ ^9-r by r^siil^^^Ti^v s n « n - ♦ o * r- "^'h'ln-nnr: 3 ^T•^•^ 1 nT •=^ ir rv* ' [.* . \«^ W w I / / February 5, 1916 The John 01"*, ?5*, 5511 Euclid Ave. Cleveland Ohio Dear Sir: Thanks for your list 311 just received* Prom i-t 1 ohould like to order the folloirlng: 38 McWhorter. !• V. Crime against the Yakima* •! 61 Shaw^ George C* Chinook Jargon 1909 $1.25 78 Wetmore, Charles A. Report of Mission Indians of Southern Calif* .75 Very truly yours^ i\ c February 5, I91S / I-. Dear Osgood: Very many thanks for ths batch of separates just recelyed« These I trust will fill the Osgood gaj* In our files ~ with orm or tiro orer, I suq>ect« Wo shall look forward to seeing your new ejdilbltlon work on our way West In the sprlig. We are particularly delisted to know that your salary has been ad- justed to the present cost of gasolene* This Is of course a great satisfaction both to you and Miss Dodge* Congratu- lations! With best wishes^ As ever yours i ? ■1 r I ' rra / February 7, 1916 / \ Yacttom Oil Ooaapany Rochester New York Dear Sirs: What grade of ^your UoMle Oil do you racau- nwnd. fJxjT the 1916 Oakland 3Q? And can you give me the flash and viscosity tests for the oils which you con- aider best for sxmraar and winter use in this car? Respectfully^ m I 1 .y A i t'^. I sro i I Pabruary 7^ X916 / ,/ /.' i«»t m* •■t. kMa a.boTe address three copies eadi of tte Reports of the Superintendent4B of the fl&tional Parks for the year 1915. Respectfully, \ i» u / i I ^ 1 If . ; h. 8r9 614 (i1 I) ' c'AQi ,8 yiiurtds'i Fsbniary 8, 1916 ^i-<^' » •; -MJif-IC/t "^ February 8, 1916 (1 •i M mh I ■I' .', - Mr. fJharles S. JenfeiriS Lanad8:l3 • - - Pann. Dear Sir: . Will you kindly ^tre fte tha price* of tha BSTeraJi sXsaB of Jonkiiw a»p roUarBwhidi you kaep on hand? Any literatiure you niay have on the subject will be gladly received. You may remember that some years ago I pur- chased several of yoioi' large map rollers for the U. S Biological Surrey. Respectf'illy, r\\ 'i v ' "fT Welle PaiKo Biprass Agent San Geronlfflo Calif. D«ar Sir: On November 9 last a book from the Hi^dson Book O^any. 25 West 42nd St^U. Yew Yo^ Oity. was sent to me by idams faprees. addressed to Lagunftas. * As i^had left Lagunitairiie'if^j.Ur'^bW'i>^^^^ date/ the bo'oic tras of coarse noi receivedV and I have' only just ikmed when and how it was shipped. If y6u havrit; r sliairbe obligsd if yeil' Villklhdly address It to me at 1919 l«th Street, Washii^ton, D. ^ Wju. > i<> % ^1 k \4 .< :* i i srD 616 ■•1 BI9I «6 viiiiftd^'^ Fabruary St 1916 *-4 •»> tTV- J February 8^ 1916 Mr. John H. Baksr Box 259, Y. M. 0. ^< Dayton Ohio vDdar Sir: 2 '^•vrt^l mII&W •« rr. C AW ^ r Replying ^o yo'^^^ latter of tha 6th inat. , . would state that the Jenkins reivolring rasgp roller • 4 A». «L« «h«»» 1*-*^ heovdl from,, manufacturad by. ^Chi^l(»%,5-- Jenkins, .LansdaU. Vmru, J\ is by f aa- -«^ the beet means knoim to iie for ke aping a lars» nim- her of maps whera thay ara instantly^ ^c^ssiibla. Vary truly youra^ Hudson Book Co 0 ^ 25 Weet 4^d Street New York City Dear. Sire: ^^ .::W .» :iy{ ;> 'I Tours, Of Ji. 7th i^t. „calT,*. I ^'^ to knar ho» yoa ..i.t.a., i..*_-.H ax mcod ' -' i. ••» ^ ^ ^ longer* I^iJi? '^^-Vr»* Martinelli is certainly doing har part toward the rapl^^nishment of the populatiom But to be up and ab'Jut a week after the last baby was bora is pretty ri«ky. How do yo^i lite the stage road over the moun« tain to Bolinae? It must ba fine in wet weatheri Toiir father appears to be in usual health* He eats well,, sleeps wall, reads well, and plays cards wall, and whan engaged in the latter diversion i- in no hurry to go to bed* ""ith love to you both. Mr. Arch M. Gilbert 734 Bush Street San Francisco, ^alii< As everyo^rs, ^ / m \ "4 i February 8, 1916 Mr* Oe ?. Jones Bureau of Plant Industry Dept. of Agriculture WasHirieton D t^ Dear Sir: J, B# LibeUt^hose address is Los Olives, Sant;a Barbara Ocunty, Osdif omia^ has a snail mnch in the mountains north of Santa Bar'c>ara*. Ha is ;aii- ployed by the Forest S-^rvica, and is anxious to ob- tain seeds of gardan vagatabla?. suitable r<.^ Ki^ ^•^ gion. Oan you send him a batch? If practicable I inall be obliged also if you can sand vegatabl. aaads to B. P.rmasss, Santa Maria, •lalif^ Very traly yours. fc • c 620 m February 10^ 1916 February 10, 1916 Mr. John W* '.'adby aO-.>- Grand St AibanT ^ . Ilevf York DtcJ- Sir: Mr- • Johnson, Sec. Thanks for the lU of bcoke offered by you under date of February 5. Trau this Uat I 8ho-.ild lite t« «rder #39 TIatiTe Races of the Paciiic Statiae by H. ^ Bancroft. 5 vols. $7.50. imft Very truly ycura. rv>.>->— v>*A. 7i^alla Building & Loaai Assoc Tisalia Calif Dear Sir: Yo^ ±Qck of $16*67 in payment of interest on 0^ shares of your Association to February 1 reached me this mornir«. for which I am obliged* Very truly yours. ;» I tSd 622 n February 10. IMO February 9» 1916 Dr. Arthur L. Day Homa Sacrstary National Academy of SciencSS Smithsonian InatitutiOD Waehington D »1 Dear Doctor Day: Your letter of the bin inat. is at hand, inf ormir^ me that I Have Ijc^^ appointed a menfoar of the committee on arrang^^^'^'ts for the April maetiiip: of the Academy. In view of tiio f^^^*^ that I expect to return to California at about the date of the maetli^^ and shall be overwhelmed with work untU that time, I b^ laavd to ask that another person be appointed in my place* Having served on this committee for a number of years in the past, I feel that I may ask this without seeming to shirk a duty* Very truly yours. Ify dear Lieutenant fizmons: Your letter of yesterday !• at haid aM I am glad to hear from you again« We were much grieved to learn of poor Pike's sad and* Ha was a fine true maxit and must have bean crazed by disappointment over his inability to get into the British army* The simple questions you ask about the dif- ferences batwaan several of the big brown bears of Alaska are impossible to answer in the way you wish, without giving technical characters, for the reason that I know very little about the external differences ^ and have based the species on differences in skull and teath. The Kadiak bear (V^B^iff nr^jfidendorffi) does not require comparison with the Sitka hear ('Traue sitkenBJs) bacausa of its Tsry mudi greater size and wide dif f erancas in skull and teeth. Howeyer, it agrees T^ry closely in aize with the Big Bear of Alaska Peninsula (j hut has an exceadingly broad and highly arched skull. whUe cat has a relatively low and narrow skull, be- \ i - -wSirtlB-more. the skull of the Bide* tooth differences. ?urt termors, -M^iv flaring mazzle. the nasal chamber Kadiak bear has a widely f larixig ma X •« -v,*ia in E2M. of Alaska Peninsula •xpanding anteriorly, wh^le in £ifl«. ,*-riorlv as is usual among hears, the muzzle tapers anteriorly, as i , h.,6 a AS to the weight of the Kadialc h^ar: I have .e»orandu« on the suh3ect. hut cannot lay .y hand on it ^ust at the mc^nent. However. FaiUippe-Tolley in his •Big Game Shooting' quotas J. .^ Toimn as stating tnat •a hear killed a few miles from a settlement weired 1656 pounds". But I think Toltnan is wrongly quoted, for. if I am not mistaken, he wrote me that this bear weired about 1700 pounds after bleadir«, so that its live wei^t must have exceeded 2000 pounds. The large Kadiak bear formerly in ths Washington Zoo died some tiri» ago. I have not at hand the record of his wei^ts. but feel sure that he did not ever reach 1200 pouids. Owing to lack of normal food he never was in really good condition. Among all the Big Brown Baars the normal number of cubs seems to be two, athou^ in sane cases three are horn at a time. The cubs often follow the mother for two or three years and it is not uncommon to find cubs of 624 two sizes with the mother. In aav«r..7 a«r. m several such cases where the cubs have been killAH t i, - oeen Killed I have eianined the skulls and found them to be of different agar. With kindest regards to you all. Very truly yours. •\ Lieut. G. T. Bmions 6r e eidiolm Princeton New Jersey »»a» ^*. r". 6^0 d26 Febmarj 1S» 1916 D^ar JC: Toturs of the 4 th ixi8t« has just arriret, whioh oau808 the suepioion that it waj hare been oarrieA i& 8oniebodj*8 pooket for a few days* Begardin^^ glad writing the part ooreriag what yow eall the typioal ur- sine hears fTfrane and goarotoal if 70a really think this is the he St thing to do. But I had supposed all along that yon wonld inolnde these in your general paper on the Foseil Bears of Aflie3flC5: whioh you nearly finished sereral yeare ago* I am most anxious to hsTe you publish the re- sult of your etudies in order that I nay malDe use of it in mfg OotU Hitk. as I hare told you repeatedl/* To oome beoh to La Brea bears: I hare seen the skull of a feoBLle grixsly olosely related to the ¥eJon o^ ^ ^. — ^Toungish skull of a blaok bear, differing froa the existing blaok bears in the posterior lower pre- oolar, Which is somewhat intermediate in its cOBditiou be- tween guarotos and Ursu;. I do not resedoer to hsTs eeen any other bear material from Rancho £a Brea exoept Aroto- therimi^ W« ere glad to learn that «t. Tanalpaia la atlU abore the floo««. and hare r«,eiitly learned that our place has not 4mffere4 In anr -ay ftro. the superahuadant raina. But «« are ggrlered to hear that jour houae hae been ao roa«My handled hjr the eleaent*. and that your household has heea Invaded^hy diptherla.' Smating that you are all wail before thi«, and with lore to you all, In «hleh Sliaabeth iolna, ▼•ry trtd^ yonn, ^ia>- C"- ^'^^^KJ^ ■> <-r •vJ ..-•♦^Mf - t^... l>r» John C« Merrlaa . ' Berkeley Calif. •• . * '.i. A*ji i 628 ^ • » - *■ j0brwKnf 12 1 1916 * Uj:^ ^ %.% Mr. W* L* MoAte^ Corresponding Seore«.«^« Biological Society of Wasfcingtoia Biological Surrey Washingtom D 0 r. -p. «> ■>t^J Dear Sr. KcAtee: Haoy tbaiiks fcr your trouble in picking ont and sending the broohur** of the Proceedings of the Btologloal society Mto* for. anoloeed are a bill and check for the anoimt (Sl.96). I lihall b* obliged If yon will klaUy sign the bill and retnm Baao to aa. _ Very truly yourst .1 I yebmary 12 » 1916 Dear Mr. Libeu: Tour letter asking for garden Tegetable eee&e for yourself aoA Be Permasse of Santa Maria, reached WM duly. It is not so ea^y to obtain seeds nouadays as it was twenty years ago. but throu^ the kindness of Ur^ .. • ., • » ■ • • ■ • 0. ?. Jones tf the Barestt of Plant Indnatry.I a« asaored that special collect iont of seeds sill be sent you both. I was glad to hear f!re« yon and to receiTe the ezsellent i^otograpk of your' ftnliy* as well es the Ter|F nicely written letter by your dan^ter Rose. I aa now spending sy sonsers in California, haring a home at Lagnnitas in Xarln County, and soae of these days I hope to see you and your fmily again at 2aoa lake. f'l ▼ery truly yours. —..^■^^ \|V»*>--'^>-»-' Kr# J. Be Libeu Los OliTOS Santa Barbara Calif. ^o P26 630 X F»l>ruar7 18 • Wl^ ** "% ^. Mr. 0, ?. Jon«» - B*»etttlTe Assistant _^.^„^_, Bnreaa of Plant Industry _ D«pt. of Agricnlturs jrashlngton DC Daar llr» Jonss: Tsry ■any thaato for yowr f aror of ths 9th mat. informing «. that you waald ssnd rsgetaW —ds to ,Oto LOS OllTO.. calif.. -M B. rer»as8S. Santa Maria, Calif. I a^pprspiat. your oonrtssy in the -.tter. T#ry truly yourB, ? > ' .« ...^4^> *> • . February la, ^^g •^ap Sir: rhanks for yours of ths Qth < * -lating to your rarol^ * ""^^ *'"^^^«* ' i^avolring Bap-raoks. Oa« thing le not el.«r to « and t . »-: :r r:: "- --^ -- - -^- ik«4:.^K4 ^. ** ***• •^™ oliarBs tar .«t««n« «... .. «, ,, ,,„ ^ ^^ J.^r printed pploes not n^ ^ ^ ^^'^ ^ * ^viioir a dlsoount? ▼•ly truly yoursy r— '"Wv— 1 rsa 632 ietruary 15 • ^^-^^ Dear i»*~ -^ vori-<^ uf Ui^ 10th mat.: , . ^ ...^.•. Aviclos^^a from H* H. PitmanB is t:--;^ Plains>r?er ?.?ouse „-iii: - ^ ^^^rs; iat«t -oiKi^r -r w-.>^ -ftr" Ino 5- Xxi^^o^ "t^ split v^vry fxii^ j-^u ^e^? ?ellt*W iiviJ-li*^^-^'* ---^ ■ this w^Btern plains lorm as si &v>.ri)^i^\^^s ^*'*^'--^-** ^ nYTjoT%f>myft leuor^gf^&ter rpl g g our 1 en p^b. The phocogv?^r>^9 ar><^ p^tt-ian'y twg lott3-^B T nTii Yotnm^r.g to you hr^*ovritli« v?c^ rr^ra ^^'•f^^t-tl;,^ Jh:*or.:ia Lc 1 am of tnal yoviT IvI-J.Ga-jLU» iia.s bcea gc isniah upuot thereoy^ I -hall l^e Tu„^^ty elad tc .,oe t>Ht Arctic ;>ci-.r t^- all ^hen "jnxL are aole io attend to it. . 1\ is ii'>^^*3i '^^^^ "^^^^-^ y*'^^ heard -froui Brooks recently^ tbo I ^.a sorry h. haB lost the bearing of one ear. I v;ish wo ha a nim D^^e^>^ on our side of tiiO wator* Very truly yours. >» Hr p. A. Tare mar GooXogical Hili-vey Ottawa Ojjaada { r. 1 f i| .1 ) •! 1 .( I 1 ii \ I I y "1 Fal7r«^ry 15. 1916 wauchope SaBicatohewan I>©ar Sir: Rooer* tl v' r I ^-^V iGt*r»""»e '♦■i-r>4- »^^. s , ^ ^^ - ^ ^"ff '^..m.^lf^. r« yoa not v.lll.!,^ uO sell mnrir***! ^-^^^ • ^ ^* .Jinr ^>-!:o..o^raph3? jf g,, j ^. .,, ^^^^ ' -^ '^^ '^^^ rO^^ waul o -fii^ir-^ -t^Bt .1 ti.o?.^ ym have, or still hettnr^ prlnte for,ation. i a. trying to ^at nold of «« -any j,hoto^.,>.. ,« possible of North American ^.^as. Verv trulT vcr^« i f^ ^> February 15 » 1916 \ 1 / nr 0, "'" ''"'Tha^a for 70- of th. 5th Inat. eu- ,,.=1... - ...-.^ " psotosraph.. T.,« I 3" "turning -.^«+ the on« of th-; whit." r<»>»'blt8, for iie-^ewl^n. except the on*? *hicli 2(V is enoloaed herewith. t Bbouid 111^° **»— *" i'"-r«>'fl8& arlnts of the snowshoe rabDit at close i^arters, the coyote haad, and the piottixe showing two young gophers standing up. These I presuffle to be the northern plains gromid squirrel (Oit- telltis rlchardaonil . rr you are willlug to sell toe prints of these I shall •^c T3ry sl^S. i" pnrchaee them. But I do not care for photograph*, of mounted animal.. Tout plioto. of Shrubs ara excellent, and I should ^- .-llgci If you will send tne a list of the«a 70a nave already photographed. I am glad to Irnow That you are cooUicpleting the publication of a nature book for children, and trust that you will make a special effort to have the illustrations properly identified. Tffiy truly yours. ^r-V if I'f m >y,^^»..* 4^ i^ Q 635 Petiruary 15, 19-..0 Dear Mr, Grosvanor: Tour letter of the 4th Inst, trans- mltting an application from Mise Dora Keen for a gr«r»t of $5,000 to enBl)le her to oontlnue her studies of Alaska glaciers oame duly, along with an outline of h plan* Without having read the reports elie ha3 sub- mltted to you on her previous work^ I am not ahle to form a personal opinion of the value of ipshat sha is doing, hut -r have 8o muah faith in th<» judgment of Al- fred Brooks, who «% stronger endorsee her application, that I should not hesitate to vote for the allotme^it. I am opposed however to the additional ainount asked for for a moving-picture outfit. Very truly yoi\xB. Mr. Gilhert H, Grrosvanor* Director National Geographic Society Washington • ••> • I i i 4 . J-ebruary 16, ig^Q I'»ar Mr. Grosvenor: Ahout a year «o.^ «: -iTJ CO you herewith* ^ shall be ohliamA i* "^ know at your earl^ """" ^"-^ ^"^ jrour early conrenien*. whetho,. to publish It in th. n ''"' """^ y'^' °^'* -'. for It, SorlbnerT^iuI^ ^' "" ^°" ''^°°* yoa want from the boav * ^-roa African '^a,^ ^ ^"eatlon.and aleo _-xrioa« a«^^ '"mnn And I shall i,« •, . ' ''* "•^^'^"^ *--* ^- the Illustrations. ■?«ry truly yours. "'^ ''Ei^rSLJV*^^"^^^"^'' director 'i i t # ^ I I (!!■ asa ^5 637 Pebriiary 16» 1916 Vr^. Q» W • Harvey jfillmore California Dear Sir: Thanks for your reoant lettor otiGlosiixg your article on 'A Million Ledgers », wbioh I road r/lth much intereot, and am returjjing h^r^wlthc A niiinber of roMne' roosts in the soutiiern states have bf^en known for laany years, and aevarnl of them have been deeoribed in ornithological literature, but BO far as I remember, your account is the OEly one I have seen for Giilifornia* Did you really mean to say that you know a rlaoe wher# "hundreds of bears hibernate''? Wouldn't you knocV^ Off one or two7 ^oy nust be a. thick as rattlesnakos in a snake den. n,ere i. the plaoa? I think 1 .^auld IV^ to go there ana dl^ a few out the next time I am in Call. fornia. ron »3tod if th. ..overn^^ut haa mude any .!,^.,,1 «»...on or «.a Ml^rnation of .nU aai,nl.. so fa. ..s\ ' ^ the fcno. the aoverz^nt h.3 not dobe tM.. But durin hundred yaara mny articlee «ta the Bub^«,-h >, lishad. ""''* ''^'^ '^^^'^ P«^- ^^ I :g'ebruary 16 , 19I6 My dear Miss Dioker sent Uj review of Hoosevelt and Heller's M^^-Sletorleg^. African e..» ...^.. ^,, „,,^^^ ^^ ^^_ ''^'* '°' *'^ SStioaaX UeoprHphio M.^.^. ^^ is in the handa of Mr. Gilbert E. aro«venore Until he decidoe Whether or not he wante it for the Geographic Magazine I cannot of course send it elsewhere. I saw hi» ti^ia morning and he has promised to let me know eho^tly, m case he does not want it I shall be very glad to send it to you for the Amorioan Mussum Jourzialo • With best wishes. Very truly yours. m Mies Mary Co Dioker son American Museum of Natural History Sew ^ork City k I 888 639 %' February 16 ^ 1916 Mr* E. M. Axeleon Yakiitat Alaelca Dear 31r: Tour last letter disappointed me aa I had hoped you would he ahlc to ship some more grizsly or brown hear ekulle at tho end of the aeasoao. I hope the Indians ;;?ill \)t1uS out the skullB you m.en- tion aa soon as the snow goeB, oren tho they may have lost some of the t^eth and lany he disco lor «do If they are large they ^11 he w ^rth a good price anyhowo In the case of all hears sent us, ba sura Iro mention where they were killed --.'on the northTfest or southeast side of the hay© I sun not particularly interested in the freak hear yo^ deeoriba, especially cinoe ita skull is cruabed. However^ if the pprin is in good condition for a UuQer?n spaoiraen I will give you ^^40 for it^ including of cor^rse w?iat is left of the skull o If it proves better than ex- poo tea I will give ycu S50 for it, but do not car 3 to promise more than ?40 for it until I see; it c ▼ary truly yourap fr } f- It I ■i. i A 1 February 16, 1915 T£r, Charles j. a&yet Lander l'«ar Sir: Yours Of the 12th Inat. is at h.r,A . "Of. iB at hand, i am dis- appointed that you could not »«f +>, winter» but shall be mi/?hty «ria« ♦ v .- ' ^ *° ^^« i* in the spring, If you are to get hold of It as soon aa the » _ wwwa as the snow (romt flaase do not forget It, V«ry truly yours. w f- 4^ / 1 % : A •*■ c>». 0 TTiiU'^ *^ \*ii\ r^d 7i 642 f fo^marjr 17* 1916 the Aaerlaaa dtanffoiiry Botlet Bld^ CiooisBati Ohio Bear Sire: The enoloeed notice f!roB y, B % iwfi '.n February 17 » 1916 ICacXay & Bippie Oalgary Alherta Bear Sire: J* Tour letter of JanaaxT 26 oanw doly, and naa followed later \ij the eight grissly hears sent by Domin- ion Sxpreee« I an Tory glad to hare tiieee* I hare credited yon aa follows; I old nale foft^oo 1 ywwBCMidalt aale 1S«00 t dltfcMles • $U 84.00 • 1 adwlt feasle withcut mnder jaw 10«00 8 cwhe O |4 eaeb 12.00 A check for them, amounting to 786»00« will be sent you the f irBt of the nonth fro9 ay fond in the Smithsonian Institntioiu ^ If you are ahle to aeoure any additional akoUs of griaaly heara* I tihall he rery glad to pur- ehase tbea at good priees, as I a« anxioos to obtain as imnj BlcsllB as possible during the oojslng =-pring and early siwner. They should be addrfessed as before: U. S. Biological Sorrey. Uept. of Agrlo«ltnre, Washington, D.C 9010 addltioiml labels axe enclosed herewith. Very truly yoiirs, ^ i t«l ■% * ft i I 644 / r,5 * i ' it Its S - R I • n^ 5 a. I I t I {: 9$ I • o o o 4 o U 0 O o •a 4» 5 3 4> g I u s Q O JO I o ^ u 3 o 9 &^ 4* 4 t.; *.;, S o |4 # -it V yeliruarj 16, 1916 .•»'>^« Bear Vbr. nilatt: Tour letter about the post office natter oaae duly, slziA I hare aade inquiry here and think there will be no trouble* **^»^^»« ^^^^ y« all are well, and that yon win have^a^ aore floede during the present season. Very truly yours. >. .».. ..^'v, ^■ ^,>MJ2 «o ri H • 13 4 $^ o o V4 ft ^ O JO o 4» ?* fH O O h ^ zi ri 4» m 4> ^ o 5 " ? S o e Pi 4» a ii t 4^ to 0 4» O H « ^ ^ i ^ 4» s i 9 o e ii o r-l O I 4> 4» & I I 9 Mr, 0. B. Ifilliott Lagonitas California "* >»,, i ^^8 -t*:,^ < . ^ e% ^ yebmarj 17 « 1916 if to.. BMtr Doctor ShroT©: It seomB iiapossfblo that kors tliMi a moiitai haa allppoA W^ ainoft tba raeaiiit of yosr latt«r from Baltimora^ I liad intendad to writa 701L at oiiaa» Imt thin^ worlcad oat wrons* lfr8« Marrlatt aazpriaad bar* aalf by daralaping a aarara Vroiia]iitis«aliio]L 9«^. bar to bad* and juat aa aha aas aboot aalX. I doTalopad tha aaflM troabla. How aa aira both OUT faat agaia^ and hopa to aaa you and lira* Shrara in tha iiaar Aitikr«i^ Lat a» knov what day you oaa laiMb with ua, or» battar atill^ if yoa ara going to ba in toan orar nigbt. lat aa hmw yoa tor dlnnar and the eraiiing* 7a would aak jou to put ia a night at our houaa^but for tha tmfortunata fbot that wa hara no apara rooau Rafarrlng again to tha mttar of gao* graphlo diatribution: I did not aat out to argna with you orar tha faota of diatributioa* but Mraly to fila a kick againat being niaqaotad. I quite agraa with you that •tan da» greea at one part of tha taaparature aoala ara not afintl to ten degreea in another part In tjieir phyaiolagiaU af^. teotn and also that invMMU other Retails re«alM ear*, fal study in tha flald* larerthalaM, I foal aoza that 646 r fh ■ w.«^* ^*an yam huTO atudiad the distribution of treaa and fllinfl>a over th^ whole oontiaant* under rarying e I 'I •K ^' i -•«.«. • f If i/ \k^ 4 T ^ K^d -re February 17« 193.6 y Mr* willicNm R. Oreon Greendax% ^ia Linwood Utah Bear Sir: «^.*i • K.:, I * The seoond grlssly akiai yti«»» ,^,1^^ » obeok for the entire aoooim't* amomitittg to fSO* If yon are able to aeenr* additional srisslies during the ooming aeaaoa I ahall be rary glad to pnrobasa the 8a>i9 at good prlaaa. i «. aep^jiaiiy anxious to ob- tain adult or old sknlla of both ^m and' favia grlsallo.. Tory trvly yours. h n I I 8^0 649 r .1 PebrxtaTj 18. 1916 **• *-^ OJJS OP Taj WORLD "• HART ICEJHIAll D*ar Ml SB Dlokereon: Mr, Orosvanor has just retnraed, a« not suitabl. for tha Geographic Uaga^ review of and Heller^s Life H1»toriaB of AfrioaD Oagg. In aooordanoe ^Ith my promise I em enclosing. it to you herewith, and if you find it BuittO,!* for th* unaeum Joxirpsl I Shall be glad to hare you ma^ use of it* Very truly y^rtwrSt I*' lllss Mary C. Dicker son . rr^ x Anarloan Maeeum of Natural History Hew Tork City "i la irorth i,nerloa leea than a o«at:».y ago the western plains supported vast h^r.. «, v^, *^''^®* ftxplorera. huntere. aad ^-traders, followed by stoolnnen and later by ranchn^n. tol. heavily on the ^i. ^^^ until at pro- sent antelope, except in tha.Tellowstone National ^ark. are reduoed to a fe^ g^n ^anJe; ^^.^ y.^^^^^^ as H *iid anl«3 axoapt in tha, Tall .^t one and the Canadian PorthweBt has ceaeed to exiatj the plains h.e been oxlerminatad; the elk and nmle^deur have bsen forcea uaaV tr,*^ *-l. •tt back into the. less aoceasible wrta of distant mountains o, have taken refuge In orr .7Htlonal.P,rlcB. ^ii. .f the ..,^1^1 p,^,,, ^^^^^ th» wolf alone ranmlns in material n«n,>.er8 -. r^d he has altered hv, habits to moot the ohanged conditions, keeping out of ai^t in the daytime, and preying at night on the sattlere'* ^o-f+i^ i^ -^ ^ ^, cattle m place of the buffalo of bygone days. I ■» ' t t t i 1; M p. 033 Gb'i ./ / «lflA aaalstant. H*ii». *#" 1 • » J. other eoTurtrlas. including Sotttt Af- .xft*. the o«wr8e of •r.atB toe been mnaJt ttw «»«•. B«t in Bast imoa. airing partly to the astonlih- in^ tardlBM* of eaqploration and settlemant, and partly, to the foraaight of tha Brlti A SovenBaent m ••ttlng aslAA large areas as game preaerrdat wild baaata ara at ill to be found in aaasing a:bim- daaaa* And the xmaibar of kinda la no laaa aar* prising than tha noaber of indiYidwal a» . Voahare elaa on tha globa ezlata an aaaasblage of gaoa anl- aala in aar i^V ooaparabla; indaad» tha noaber is alaoat bajon^ v^xxaf* IPor Inatanee* not laaa than #nirty spaaies of antelopes, gazellea^ ateinbuclcat hartebeestat elanda« azid their allieSt inhabit the region at tha present tine^ besides giraffaat se* braa» buffaloa# elephants t rhinoaaroaea* hippoat liona, leoparda, oheetahs* jaolcals^ and hjanas* Daring the i^st half oentury thia snr* prising wealt)» af gane anixnals haa attzaatad banters from all quarters of the globa* la the ooaparatiToly diaooreries l^arxef period from the^^ime of ^peke and Orant to the hunting, axpeditiona of Seli^n^ Harrjr Johnaton^ and HooseTslt* a literatan^ an Af r&aan gajM haa aprang ^P snd gram to -. i*stnoua if not formidable proper* tiona« -^vA ^^ ^»** remained for.Rooaarali aM. Mmi % ■1 to writ* th« £j »• a dlraat oii*gr«iftk **«»^«1*. xfirlaa. Bxpaditloa - • l»ook *loh for an tXmm will stand a« . tr«««^h<^ ,, information on the ^ography ^.!!!!!S^!!!!^.if f !f^ jf^ tha ^f^^^ ' »eo4orJ*IS5iifJff^^f/*JJ'»g» Oaip ^i«l» by trationn trinT^^^S^JST^ ^J^* *i*»» illni- milp R. oSdSi*''S'^th"SS SL?'"'*»«» ^ ■ewTork. Charl^slSbS^e^oSr^sS^- ^ ^»1-- rioan oS^ SSf ?K* ^ *J« •xpeditlon, entitled Af- In training, ffid axp.^-.,, knowledge of aaiMOa. and Uf^,, akility. tha author, form a rathar remrkabla oo-binatlon* . Hooaerelt had long hcan recognlaad aa the >«at pleasing writer and hlg^at au«u«it, on the habit, and hunting of tha big-gP« ani-ala of.,orth A»eriaa, Hallar had attain- •4 tka rapatatio,. of on. .<, th. world*. «>at expari- anoat and aaeaae.fnl nauaal ooll.o-kor«. haying pre- Tionrty. work.* m East Africa fon hoth the 2liiet and Akaley Bxpadition.), and in waatern Berth ABK.ri- oa fro» Alaaka to th* daaerta of Southern California and VaT«da. Hence m tn. ^itinfv the life hle^-.iaa , f 1 a i S69 653 X * fc rm and digress far enooi^ to dlaovMi Jeet« as mtvrallY faU to Soooorolt; tuo goograFMo^ nwgott and doaorlptions of apooio* to Hollar* In tho profaao and oarljr part of tlia 1»ook Xb» «atb«»r» tion to natural solaotioii* Whathax or not ona alaays agraaa with thoir oonol«aiQdiia» it onat bo adaittad that tha di^oaaaiona abound in inta^aatin^ obaarrationa and antartaining ooiaattsta and ^fora a oom iaratiyely easy matter to determine the ^ faotors whicj^ are aooountable for the distribution of aigr apeoiea^ amd jet no ta&k in natiiral history ia more difficult«*4.The diatribution of one spe- oiaa may depend upon tha diatribution of its food- plants or an3mfi1a# of another upon ita natural ena<-> miaa« of another upon olimatie oonditions; irtiile \- yet others may be limited in distribution by natural boundariaa aach as l^ir^ bodies of water or hifli mountaina^** . Later t the author a mention the physioal obstaole imposed by the. Tana Riwar. whioh '•aota aa a l^arriar aoroaa. the desert portion of the ooast slope from ttt. Kenia eastward to tha aeat"* sepa^ rating tha ranges of a dosan game animals, inoluding sebraa, giraffes, oryx, hartabe^sta, gaaellea. ante- lopea. and wart hoprs. One's surprise at the effeo- tiganaaa of a river barrier is reliered by the remark that -the aversion whioh most antalopea haVe for the fear of attaok oh^ croaaing riT«a i* ^^« ^^ ibut^W / ^cB t 655 . ^ tlia orooodil^eB whioh batuxt the strmammf" « Chroug^ont tlie work the anifloala ar# die* OQ^sed with reference to their enriroimant •^ the features impoaed tj geograjihy, Tegetetion* and cli* mate hegin Iceirt oonatantly in mind • .We are told that the ir^oamale of equatorial Afrioat unliks those of northern jregiona. "hare no. definite aeaaon for shed- ding their ooata, nor are thej auhjaet to any aea«- sonal climatic change lAieh would necesaitata such a change^** Ind dTurthar* that there aaeaa to be no definite breeding aeaaon in.Sast Afirioa« there being **no climatic naaaaaity for such a habit** Hooaerelt's writings on Horth American game animals have proved him an unusually iceen and aeeu^ rate observer* eager to learn Juat what the animala are doing, and certEln to record what he haa ^esn while still fresh in mind. Hence It ie not surpria. ing that his accounts of hunting strange beaata in a new field, as told in hla Afr^aaf| O^nu. grail i and Life Hiatories of African Oema Ani^oio ^^^ ^^^^ in detailed obaervationa. often enlivened with apirited scenes and thrilling iiidlJLenis. Heller's descriptions of the sninala are clearly stated, easily underetood, and may be ra* garded as models of their kind, the matter relating - v^ ■.* *o geographie ranges hmm been wriltan frM the van* tage ground of fii«tliarity With the apaciea both in Ufa and in literatura^ and the text ia ai^plewntel by a aeriea of mapa lAiowing graphically the areaa U habited* There are no less than 40 of these^iiap^, constituting, it is hardly necessary to add-ons of the moat valuable futures of the "work. Another comsmidable feature ia the public cation of the native naaea of the animala in the langnagaa of several tribes* Theae namea aooner or !»*•»* "•• 9QJt0 to be of aaaiataaee to ethnologlata and are llkirty to be the asana of awoidlng errora in the traaaariptian of animal nytha and tales for. unhappily^ ethnologlata are aald#m oaturaliata* Hallar haa enioyed rare opportunitlaa and haa aaaonpliahad what no- othar naturaliat ever at* ^tempted; for in additiom^ to thedOQ q^acl of acme 70 apaeiaa brou^^ back br the Szpedition^ he haa atudied tha^ W. L*. Abbott and Paul Rniney Afjrican OoUaetiona in our Vat 1 anal Voaeum^ the eclleciicna of the American IfnaeuB cf Hatural History in lew Tork^ the Field IfnseuB in Chicago, the Powell«»Cotton collection in Bngland. and the rich collections in tha.Bational Maaeuma of Oreat Britain. OjrBaayt Bel* m -■ r ••. /• * , ' * Si* Pobmary 18, 1916 ilr« Charles A. Gianlnl ^^ Polalid ^ ITew York ^ear Sir: ■» ■ . ». B^plyine to your letter of the 17th Inst., would aay that yon are entirely xlgbt in the belief that two speoies of Mg Brown Bears (Ifrsns gyaa and Ureus kidderi) inhabit Alaska Penlnsnla*. These spe* oies are entirely distinot from one another* U^ is very Koh larger than U> kidderi > the feaales of fayaa about equaling in sise the males of kidderi > Both epeoies ocextr thron^ont the entire length of Alaska Penineala* and in many places both ooonr together on the same ground. Both were killed by Kidder and Blake at Chinitna» and both by the Uixter Brothers and 0. R. Cross at Port Uollew. 7iehing you a aoaoeaaful hunt. Very truly yonrst § 833 ^ebmrjr 18^ 1916 Dear Mr* (irosrenor: ThaalDB for your proisptness in re- turning mj review of RooseTelt'a book« I quite agree with you in the feoling that the time ie too late« I feel also* and have felt all along, that the matter was hardly suited to the needs of the magasine^ ' Very truly yours. Ifr. Gilbert H, drosrenori Director Iiawional ^eographie Sooiety Washington D 0 «^| ^s Gdd 660 { 1 Fe'br-oary 18, 1016 Dr. Isaiah Bov/man Broadway at 156tli Street New York City Amerieaa tieogrophio bociety S Daar doctor Bowman: laet BTuamer Dro Cyms C. Adams, then editor of the Bulletin of the Am:^ric^j£eogrS£hioal oeiety. asked me to write a review of Dall'e Biography of spencer F. Baird. I >iud given up writing reviews several years previously, hut in this pi-rtioular case felt that Professor Baird had done so nruch toward sirap- ing my early career as a naturalist, that I owed this much to his memory. I therefore wrote the review, and on Seotenher 7. 1915 sent it fro-.ii my snmior homo at Lapa- nitaa, California. io Doctor Adams, at the sane time re- turning the hooi reviewed. They were sent by mail in- sured, in order to take no chanoes. But I nevor had any anknoT/ledgmont of their reoelpt. nor have 1 heard from thorn in any way up to the present time. I am writing tliereforo to inquire whether or not tho maaus'oript of this review is in your poaseesion, and if 30, whether you ;are to puhlish it. Very truly yours. 4 February 18, 1916 it. t- i 1 ^' inc e Kr, CharlejB S. Jenkine Perm* Bear Sir: l^hanks for your letter of the 14th inst. writing I have decided to take one of the 66 inch o^iin- der3 instead of the 50 Inch, in order to mount acme large mapn. I ,i,all be obliged therefore if you will send me a 56 inch revolving map raok. with ..heete of your new paper in place ready for attaching the maps. I am very ;-lad to know that you have a paper which is hotter and stronger than manilla. as the manilla becomes dead aft^r av/hlle, and breaks in places, especially along tha edges* Please notify me of date of shipment and sond bill to abovG addroBS^ Very truly yoiirs. 1- ■i;," hi I f f r38 / 662 fi ?ebrxiary 23» 1916 Pebrnary 33. 1916 fovu' latter of tha Slat from Cunlbrl.5gS C-anae thitj norulag. and vaa both a disappointment and a re- lief. v.e had boen looking for 70U hourly oime tlMi 17th,_ and faared something had happened to you. On the other l...„a. -..e are greatly di^e^ppolntsd that y.u did not «on«. to see U8. Ton mu.* have heex. SC'.red .tiff by that ver- ''•^^-t from the Interior j>epar"tmt:T^» — -.*'-- (A A^* heaten euoh a haaty rstrsat, n-,— -r. we are glad to know tlat you are going south, and thot we shall Boe yoti an jonr rotunio T>3 hope Mrs. Jorf.onr.en ^ill he witli yOUo ^e shoald ask you tc put up '/yith u3, except for the malanoucly fact that we Tmvo not eo much as a spare cot, let iilone a real "bed^ vflth boat v/ishes to you all* Very truly yours » Mr. Charles S, JcnVina Lan^dald Pcnno Doar Bir: Your letter of the 20th insto horrlflafl me. I ^o not want to rait thirty (xuyB for the map-raok. as that tiTxie ^ill he 3o n^ar the dato cf njy r^epartore Tor Cali- fornia that I ciia not likely to he ahle to mount the 3ap8 thlci year* Eavh ^on not in stock a reck a littlo shorter th.-m this? Anything r^-om 50 to 54 incheB will answer. Bvt I r^ai •.:5Xinu8 to ^^t the rack ^t tl.e oarliost possible xaoment* l.ef^pect fully. f* 1^ Ifr. Chris .J^rg^insen 94 Brattl'3 Ctraet iamb ridge Ci ]ulass« Tho letter ^vhich came for you is forxTardod to your Cojh* bridge addresB hy this ?aail« ' % \ I \l S33 Potrxiary ^3, 1916 / Dear Hr# Scull: It is -^ith gen^ln^ re« gret that I am forced to decliaft your inTitation to attend the Annosl Dinner' cf the Mldarrvess Club on 3atiardejj, thi^ - - • 26th inste ?he fact that the lirjiar Is to he given in the btg-^r^.e r^oia of IIio Ksdaira'B cotmtTy h^-^use rrr-fef!8 e;7 r^i^^re^ a31 the laore kaeUe Mth kindest reflrsrdH to Ur. ^tedeiTR *inl yonrself » Very truly ycar^, 0 MXo ^. TJarshall ioull, Cocrc^tery CTildern^se CJluh 300 I^orth Aat^rloon Buil!i-g Philadelphia bdd Pebrtiary 23, 1916 m Mr. Joseph Howell, Dunlap Fresno Co» Calif. Dear Sir: ¥' A clipping from the ^Fresno Hopublioan' states that you have reoantly killed a large grizzly hear near Camp Kanaw- yer« I hope yon preserved hoth skin and skull, and should ha glad to pay you a liberal prioe for the same* Is the skull hadly injured? Or is it in good coxi- dition? And is the skin perfect? •- by which I mean did you leave the claws, lips and ears on the hide so that |"| 9:4Uld be used for a Museum specimen? If the skin is in good con- dition, and the skull is reasonably perfect^ I should be iPrlad to pay you from t?50 to f30 for the skin and skuJli, the exact value being determined after the specimen is sor^t on for ex* amination. If you care to sell it please ship by exproes, charges collect, addressed: U. S. Blologioal Survey, Deptc of Agriculture, Washington » "-. 0'» I assume you either salted the ekln or dried it with- out salt. The best way Is to put salt on the greeu hJae and allow it to stajid for a couple of days, after 77hich th^ hid'a should be dried in the shade. Was the h-ar a male or. e. females? And when and where was it killed? Very truly yours. Cdb see February E5, 1916 Pear Doctor Walcott: Roplying to your letter of the E4th lnst» on the suhject of the mammals collected "bp Heller on Professor Bingham's Tale-Geographic Society's "^Iirpedi- tion to the Peruvian Andes^ would say that the arrange- ment, a3 I iinderetood it, waG that the !Tational '^reographic Society v/ould pay Heller's salary and field expenses, and that on the return of the expedition, the mammal collec* tion way to be worked up Tor publication by Hellor, after whijch the collection was to become the prop rty of the National LIuseum* So far as krxown to rae, there seems to be no reason '^^ this arrangement should not be carried out» Heller made a really remarkable collect ion» com- ^v^*-*' prising fine series of soriie of the rarest of known mam- mals; and as I understand from Professor Bingham, has ■■^-'* full field notes concerning the various species collectod. You aak my opinion as to whether it is feasible to proporly work up the mammals in this country, I believe it is entirely feasible, "liile the types of many South American mammals are in the British and other foreign 3£useuras, there are now, as you know, rich collectione in the Field Museum and the American Museum >n Wev7 York in m ii addition to the material in our national Museum, And in casoB; where it is necessary to compare with types in the British Museiim, Oilfield Thomas, Curator of LTam- mals in that Museiun, has always been very glad to make the comparisons for ^onerican vvorkers in this field. You doubtless realize that the time for mono- fxaT^hlc work on South American mammals is still far away, una that all work for years to come must be more or less preliminary. Very truly youre. Dr, Charles !)• V7alcott Gecretary, Smithsonian Institution Wadhington Professor Bingham's letter whi3h you enclosed is returned herewith. J t t February 26. igie D 1 Standard Book Co ^d Park Plaeo ?^e^^ York -5.t7 ^©^r Sire: ^ee.e . ind ray oheck for -r^i «r ^ ,r. -o.lowin^ books as offered In your Ust l^o.. 9^5: ^^-ered ^9llO'*^Sto»lrf:- ?r.. *,»^^ T ^ t>uoae ..otioml Park by H ^f p>,4^4. . r, ^^ ^^ a. .*!. Chittenden -r^ila and Tramps in Alaska ^y ^7iillam G. T and I^ewfoundland Th onas 1913 .96 I hav. added 16^ for p,3tago to the oost Qf the books. Very truly yours. 76 \i J 669 ■'' i s • t4 ^ '^■1' ^o 4» 'S g r-l O o 0 02 1 r-\ (B cri O p £5 o 4^ 4^ A V o 4> S Ai %4 d 2* ^ O o c3 -H • GO 0 4> PS r4 ^ Ctf) ^ • o s f4 'S c 0 f^ 0 P* 0 r— 1" o 8 s ^ m •> 6t} M ^ 4> 0 ^4 4> «H § € ^ a W ' 4» CD QO H3 .d pi N^ «s 0 • 1: o c3 •H A d U U ^T) CO 3:1 • 52 0 c 4» 15 tf :a •g Cl o ^4 8) •4-> 4-> S M » 0 t— fl} p^ 0 P4 M tt ^ ^ +» 0 k -k^ P 'H O 09 U) o H G r-i 0 >^ X cd 43 0 t>» (t 4-» CO rd ^ »:4 >» • H P^ CO «» r^ s-> -{-^ fe iH O ^ O •g (fj •H (4 c3 4^ E «> ?^ n 0 ^ -t^ M m ^ 4» •h O 4* M tH 1-» 0 a> C« 0 > .4j i o O M nd «) o 'H C C3 43 Q l> 45 43 c 0 ^ f U 4? 09 ^ u 0 rH m «> •H a) 0 r^ fH (A CQ o ^ o M ® +> •H •«i • M 0 «rH ^ * nd PJ «}■^ •H 45 ^ M J> 1-f & ri 0 0 m r4 M ,c! * o .i:] ® Kl h- 0) o 0 J^ pi C:? 4^ J>» ^ J3 60 n:i « CD •H ?^ ri ^H >> -P a 0 23 •H «k o VX O « O •H 0) ^-^ M -< cj 0 tM •H » • I' ^ o >t ccJ •H vcl c5 •H H a:i — ! 'O CD h> ^ H * ^ o ft^ - QQ iH ^ a> «5 o c3 «t) 4-> a U U # ' © o •H •H •H 04 O 4C| O ^ 'C ra 0 M -H 4-3 ^ o fH i-f r-4 4» 4> 'Ti 4^ fH 4^ a^ 4^ <-< #, \ 0) O « •S «o « fCf ^ 0 ^ 43 •r* b« •• i CO •H C3 «5J M a> x^ 60 «r t} ^ 'H 0 « a> to ► « 0 fH (» 43 o ^ 43 {» o ^1 >> I I o o ..o 4» « f CD r-i CO o ^1 o o o o 43 43 o c3 4^ o OQ o •H 44 •H O -P o 9 CO o 0 u o 0) .a ■p bo 43 05 a> Jh «^ 43 c rH O O pi o rH r^ 4^ J=J O CO o pH 4^ 43 05 ,0 t^ CO •H c3 U II>4 4» ^ P« iH "5 S © 43 o 4» O 43 4:* 43 43 I I rTl rC 43 •H CO M u o o o 43 J iH P. a o o c e5 43 •H }4 C^ «H hi 5(5 ca o o o 05 »H c6 .0 •H +3 O O M u '■;=: 05 February 26, 1916 Dec.r ITro T'adeira: Your talegram urging me to come to the -ilderxxes.. Clab dinner, reached nia yaetorday. and is dooply appreclatedo !rhe trouble is Just this: The e^rly part of laat week some fri.nda from California wore here for a oouplo of days^ ITe happened to have a snow-storm followed by the oolde.t snap of the v.inter.Just at that timeo Our friends thought it a great treat to fall in with a snow-storm, and ^^ere not worried by the cold that followed. As a result I spent a consid^.rable part of two cJnys in driving them over the ooun-bry in niy car. and very foolishly frora foroe of habit kept on my spectacles. For the next two or three days the bridge of my nose made a fairly suooassfol attempt to imitate the hump of a camel, and in color resembled a boiled lobster. I put on too much iodine, causing an iodine barn, with attendant swell- ing tiround both eyes. The nose then bogun to peel, and during the laut few days has shed at least half a dozen ekinso However, by keeping it well coated with lanolin. a great change for the better has taken place during the past twenty- four hours, and if I find myself fairly pre- sentable tomorrow (Saturday morning) I v;ill ^0 to Phila- 0^3 aelphia 80 as to reach the Ballevue-Stratford ^y thff mid- die of the afternoon* In case I go, which now seems prohahle, I shall not taow how to reach your county plaoa. hut will go to the Kecquet Cluh to inquire. Prom what 1 have told you. you will understand the reason why I declined the invitation to the dinner. If in tht morning my nose has continued to improve as maoh as during tHe past day. I shall have the pleasure of meet- ing 70M sgain. and the other memhers of the ^ildernesB Cluh. Very truly yours. ^rh'. i Mr* Percy C. S[adeira. President Wilderness Cluh 900 North American Building Philadelphia Penn. s,: l\d February 26, 1916 1 Mr. A. 1. P&arrien ^^'' SSwood creek via Areata Calif* Daar t^ir: on January 11 I vn-ote yoa concerning a grizzly l.ear ^^ich the papers stated you had reoentl, kiHod. and .a^d if yon were willing to .ell the slcin and slcnll rt a good prioe - 550 to $75 according to condition. Ho reply has b.en received. T3id you not get my letter? I an, very anxious to o-otain this specimen for our national Museum, and at all events, should be glad if you would tell me Just when and where you killed it, end whether It was male or female, old or young. Hoping to hear from you. Very truly yours. * *. S 1 .1 li If you are willing to Bell the skin and akoll. please send •by express, charges collect. addresBed: tl. S. Bio- logical survey, ^ept. of Agriculture. Tsshington. D. C 9 I MW ^d V February E6, 1916 Dear Mr. Sloane: Yours of yesterday received, transmitting a letter from (reorge 0. Smith, Director TJ. 3* Geological Survey. The latter I am returning here^Tith. I observe that Mr. ^:mith has renamed the Ohuska Plateau 'Defiance Plateau* -- in defiance of the decision of the U. U, (geographic Board. Very truly yours ^ I Mr, Charles S. Cloane Secretary Geographic Board Washington d\ C. m n. 60 M ^d ^ H» CD U H H O tt o* H ff • o n . Oi m i Phlla • no o o t^ o 3 D N o H 6» o S CD O 9 ^ . • M C5 8» 9 •& U3 5- I s Pi 0 «« 15 • O 9 ID 0 « 6 • at • • t3 • • Q ro a> » hX3 U* ilaiM i^k>rj.i<>u The Northumberland, Washington, D. C. 675 \ I / March 1, 1916 Mr. W. I. Ada^me Acoonn.'tant Smithsonian Institution 7/ashington D. C. Pca'r Mr, Adams: 3nclosed is my account for February amount- ing to 149.96, and also eleven bills and vouchers enumerate^ below, which I shall be obliged if you will kindly pay from the Harriman .H*und« Very truly yours. MacKay & Dippie — Griezly bear skulls Zenaida Merriam — Services Woodward Se Lothrop — Books Jonn »7. -adby — Books « v.harl9s S. Jenkins — Man raok I^ogents. Univ. or Calif^ Sf.Vo Ro'^jc? 9. iT»-in„ ^--^uxii. --. Hooks ^ :.^llL" ^^fhting Pirtures . 2rbe - steel ni±nir casee rent f«„ „ '^5^ Transfer Cases rent for March and telephone Yawnan Offi ce Vv^oo^" 1^86.00 82.50 5.60 71.79 7.50 58,00 5.00 115.50 13.00 66.96 1916 7eb. 7 8 10 14 14 £5 26-87 26 ey 28 ■I 1 2 3 4 «^ ' Sub PSBRUAHT ACCOUHT ^li """^UiuJIte^ PreBs-Huntin^on: 'Ci.iH.ation'' ^^ £?^",5i*^'^ Co.— Indian Pamphlets "'^sj^^^i^rfo o?fiS'^''^^ '^^^^ -^ --^ ?i^i''^^?t^ ??S^?^y of Washington-.Separates ^^f^''^^*^ t^^^""^^ ^^"^® Trails' (cheap edition] Standard Book Go--Chittendexi: 'YellowatoS Ha^ tional Park\ 90^; Thomas: 'Trails and • Tramps in Alaska arid Kewf oundlaaid \ tl.OQ Trip to Philadelphia— Wilderness Club Bteatin^ fietum trip fare^-Waaha. • Phila. Seat, Parlor Gar Washn-Phila^ Lunch on train Taxi, Station at Phila* to hotel Rooa, Hotel i5ellevue-J:5tratford, Phila. Breakfast, Philadelphia Taxi, Hotel to Station Lunch on train Seat, Parlor Gar, Phila. -Washn. ^j_ Telegram to Lansdale, Penn* oonoerniUjB^ laaprack Potcmao Blectrio Li^t & Power Go — Slaotrlc current Bxpressage on mapraok from LaAadal«, Tmmm^ fixpressage on books from Ghieago T^him-AaBaire on books from 5ew York H« P» Andrews Paper Go* Envelopes for pfc^otos Gexfare for work at Library of Gongress Sarvices of charwom£UDL for cleaning of fioe apart- mant during month of February tf 5*60; waadng floors, $2«50 Janitor, office apaxtment Stamps and stasmed -eoxvelopes ^ ^^^ ^ n ^ -. >. Cad^B Book 31i5*-3t«pt. aoreau of Itjmology ^ol.^ 14 ?SSS2 SJto Snpply Oo. Envelopes for photos 6.00 .75 ♦ 80 .50 4.00 .75 .50 • 75 .75 8 9 10 11 IE 13 16 250 242 400 195 98 190 1660 26 100 89 36 50 ICO 600 100 185 118 150 235 h iv / I t-i |4995 fortv-nine nin«^ty-five- — 8Y3 677 1916 ^e^. 17 MacKay & Dlppie Calgary, Alberta, Canada Zenalda Merrlam (The Northumberland, ?7a3hirigtozi, D. C 8 Grizzly bear sfcills from Ytikon and Britiah Colitmbia as follows: 1 old male 1 young-adult mala 2 old feoales q #12,00 1 adult fomale without underJaw 1916 2500 1500 2400 1000 1200 yel>. 29 Serricds as asslateuit 10 days <3^0 •26 per day H 2250 ^ighty-Bix- I #8600 12250 *—*~no~***„. 86.00 •twenty-fctwo- —fifty- 22.50 .VtP^ -,>s^ ? ' 8Y8 679 1916 Woodward & Lothrop Washington P. 0 Feb. 9 Armstrong: Field-book of Western Wild lowers Brown: Alpine i-lora of the Canadian ttocky Mte, " 28 Sastman: Indian Today 8 00 8 00 60 / / Sears Roebuck & Co* ,11 Chicago^ ni^ 1916 7eb« E6 •Handy Vol'oae' iseme of Sncyclopedia l5ritaiinioa m9 ▼Ol8o Bookcase for set 68 54 3 25 #6 60 fire sixty. 6.60 «i-.Wt. .->•., r r (■■■ •4 ^ $71 79 Cfe^i seventy-one- seventy-nine-— n*79 089 681 March 1, 1916 Mr. W. I. Adams. . * - ^. . . ,^ Accountant ^ ^^^ ., _ Smithsonian Institution ♦ Washington Dear !Ir. Adams: '^ • In connection jrith ray January account you enclosed a memorandum calling attention to the absence of certriin suhrouchers. This leads me to remark that you may not be a.mre that I am under no obligation whatever to fur- iiioK «triy aiibvouchers in connection with any of my acconnts. This was a part of' the original agreement between Mrs^ Har- riman, the Smithsonian Institution, and myself* Mr8» Har* riman was rather emphatio on this pointt insisting that she did not wish to put me to the trouble of obtaining sabyouchers. However, as you know, I have always sent ypn a c msiderable number of subvouchers* This I have done for my ov/n satisfaction only — not because there was any other reason ./hy I should do so — and I expect to follow the same course in Tuture in cases where the obtaining of eubvouchers doe^ not involve too much trouble and loss of time* In the case of subscriptions to Journals and magazines I have found it particularly difficult to obtain receipted bills, and in many instances have written the pub- y « M!-(. W.I. A. 2 liBhers as many as three letters asWn,'? for receipts. They usually reply by calling ray attention to the faot that the date of expiration of subscription is stamped on the tapper, ana therefore a receipted bill is not neoeseary (from their standpoint )f Very tmly ><»i,-rs. S8a / March 1, 1©16 Frank Bond, Esq Chief 'Uerk, (reneral Land Office Washington, D C Dear Mr. Bond: la connection v/ith my W^rk ae a meniber of the Executive Committee of the U, S. Geographic Board, I have v/asted so much time in getting at necessary maps that I have recently invested in a Jenkins revolving oap rack, on which 100 or more maps may be made readily ac- cessible. In order to utilize the latest maps of your department for this purpose, I shall be very greatly obliged if you will send ^lo the most recent aditioilB of ha following. 4-V -» ? Very truly yours. Alaska Arkansas Arizona Call r^'»'^^^ v^oXorado Florida Idaho Iowa Kansas Louisiana Minnesota liisdouri Montana Nebrnaka Nevada New Mexico North Dakota Oklahoma Oregon South Dakota Utah Washington Wisconsin Wyoming I 880 / ■w 68 ^t / March 5. 1916 Dear Mr. OvMnT>bell: Tbanlcs Tor your letter of the 17th irist. Just recr-ived, vvith photograph of part of the skuM and norn-oores of un extinct species of "buffalo. I am {?lad to know that the specimen is roing to the Museum oi the Academy of Sciences at ::an Francisco. Sither that insti- tution or the paleontological department of the Univer- sity of California at berkeloy would be the propor tq^ ceptaelG for treasures of this kind. The bird you c^.c&cribe is tlie >¥atr>r '^'^^^^ 'Clnoms mexloanue). a species -.vh^jh Is jommon aloii*r tho n:.^xit;iin strsams of the P.ocXqr Monntflins fror. tfew T'eri-o far a >rth into, r.^r" al^o throughout the Cascade^- ::ierra p.-atonya/irt oeours in nl.-!ces also in the coaBt ->- -aixxoir.^a. r.).7r aescrlption .>i its h^.blts Old appoarrnoft is e-cellent \f-v\n- r,, -«i..eii., xe^vin,:, no poseihlc- :loubt as? :o tae identify o-f f;T.a h'Tfi t* . ii -.3 D_rd. It -onstruotB a large - niose, ..hl.jh It usually placefi In the niche of a rook >>»h}nfi «■» „i --'lia* or alongside of a waterfall. Hiss Dorothy Trout returned to her no., here so.e weeks a^o and lo lookin. particularly .^Xl She ha. ...tirel. recovered fro. the injury to her foot. y % fi ii V7e have had an open v;inter, vrith very little snow. It is snowing today howfi^volr, but we hope it will n')t laBt. Your city of Oppco is a new one to me^ altho I ani sonewhat familiar with the Klamath Hiver from Horn- brook u] to Happy Camp, and down to its junction with Klamath Lake. Hoping ?/e shall see you at Lagunitai^ next sum- mer, and vTith kindest regards, in v/hich Mrs. TvTerriam and ':;enaida Join, Very truly yours. Mr. S* ?• ^aTTtpbell Copoo Via Hornbrook Calif. H , iM » < i f*\l \ f I I 1. ZSd Maroh 3, 1916 Doar JC: The enclosed photograph of part of the skull and horn-cores of an extinot huffalo has Just come to hand* badly damaged in the mail# It was sent me hy Err oil P. Campbell, v?hose present address Is Copoo via Hornbrook, California. Campbell is an engineer in the employ of the Siskiyou Electric Power and Light Com- pany. He tellb me that the skull was exoavaiad about a month ago from the sub-rirer gorge of the Klamath River, and came froiP t>i9 gravel and debris that fills the deep sub-river ^nasm at a point about 90 feet below the pre- p*ut river bottom. He dogs not saywhbthe specimen be- longs to, but it 13 to be sent to the Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Thinking this might be of special interest to you, I am passing it along at onoe. 7:ith best wishes to you all. As ever yours, % J^rof. J. -J. Merriam Berkeley Califs W f » h 688 687 March 7, 1916 r r Dear Fuertes: Glad to hear Trom you again and to know that you are going to fee here in April. all pood to see you. will do U8 A8 to the basket: i'rom your sketoh it looks like a Tonto Apache. But .hen you oo.e to putting a value on .t. one has eighty little to sta.d on. The value of a basket is largely Tiotitioua. .ependin, on what the other ^ano. ie .iinn. to pay .orit. Intrinsioally it has no estahliehed valuation. .o?:^t^,3 o. thi3 sr^e and gen- eral Character I have usually paid ,2 to Sg .... ' I have hourht a r-,mh. ^ * ■'"^"' although • - "" ^^^0T for n to ?1.50. ,»+ olined. • ^"^^ '^°^ always de. ^ith best ;7l8hefi -f-r* ?» *^« and yourself. As ever yours. ^r. Louis Agassiz Jfuortes ^^^^^11 Heights ^^ ithaca ^ev/ Torlc r hi March 7, 1916 Mr, Prank Bond Chief r:ioT'k G3neral Land Office Wac'.hington ^ D. '\ Lear L^Tr* Borxd: Very many thanks for your courtesy and promptness in responding to ray request for Land Office Maps* They arrived three or four days ago, and are al- ready adorning ^j ne^ map-roll, 'Thero they ;^'ill he o J. 4:>w; ho greatest use. Very truly yours. I If IS! f ' )l f 883 !; / 689 March 9 1916 I Xarch 9- 1916 Mackay & Biopie Calgary Alberta Carade Deer Birs: TiiarikB for your letter of the 23rd inat* ao- fcnowledging- mine of the 17tho Before this you have doubtless received from the Smithsonian a check of $86 in payment for the lai^t batch of grizzly boar dvulls. I am ^ ad to learn that you have t7.tx iscre good skulls of grizzlies^ and are expecting others. Please serd the two you have oi^and without waiting for iriore, as I an. anxious to see them as soon as pos- sibJe. The others can follcxv as soon aa they oome in. Address as before: U. 3, Biolofricel i;urvey. Uept. of Affriculture, Washington, D, C. The omitted tags are enclosed herewith. Be sure that your name is on each package. so there may be no doubt as to whom it iafrrom Very truly yours. i iy* m^ \ %' ik W ti i'( i I Seers Hoebuck & Co Chica^) Illinois Dear Sirs: A few days ago s check of $71.79 was sent you from the Smithsenian Institution in f^yment for a eox)y of ycur ^ Bendy Voiiir.e' edition of iincyclopedia Britarjiica purchased through S. Kann & Coiripany of this cityo Your ni;r.ber for this transaction, accordirxg to the en-losed postal card, is MF 3156o As you will see from the receipt sent herewith, I p^id Kann $1 on acccuiit on Pebru;?^rj 14 as required by their contract with you« Said dollar therefore is now due to be re tamed to me. Eespect fully. .>4i «i V m ■I, iv lif' If ») mi'' ^t «fc--,«^^. Pf'9, ■i i 693 March 10, 1916 Mr. H. H. Pittinan Box 28, vfauchope Saskatchewan Canada ^^''^ ^'^'' .V nv. for your kindness in sending Very msny thenRs lor yu-^^ ,e a hat^ o. prints of yo.r ^-al photographs. They ^,e all of inter.^ ,, ^, and I ehall ho glad to pur- ^. , ««tire series U ^ ^ui let me knc»f the price. Cha9« *" ■ • f e xiisre are three 3X4 prists, four apparently larger prints trimmed to 3X4. and five still larger, m^i^ twelve in all. May I keep these prints and pay you for sa»« on receipt of bill? I should like also to ohtain duplicate prints of numbers IISO and 1255 , showing more backgrotmd — not trimmed so close. These two are particularly interest- ing in showing protective coloration of rabbits. In what part of Alberta was the buffalo skull found? I shouMbe greatly obliged if you would send rae from time to tiae such additional photographs of native animals es you succeed in taking-, with privilege of pur- chasing same. I note that you retain copyri^.t in all cases, suppose you mean that you \Till not sell exclusive oopy- I h I f •I I' right, but that you would be willing to sell the right of publication. The r^ja^Jon I ask is that I am making as complete a collection as possible of illustrations of hneric&P mammals in order to have material for a selection to illustrate my forthcoming works on the mam- mals of North America. It may be years before they are lised. but I always like to file the right of publication with each set of photographs to save time and trouble later on. Before closing I wish to congratulate you on the unusual excellence of your photographs of small mal- mals. Very truly yours. I Ai I 'i\ y*^l M !' -f (M J: ^e^ v March 13. 1916 if' Hew Icrk oity Bear Sirs: ^^ _..,^ 39 5,. t received. Prom iphaolcs for ua».ej.og ^^ ^ V 1^ ^« .rlad if you wouia kindly send on ap- this I should l>e giea ix^fuu proval the following hooTrs: \ T- Knim Poter: Travels x5o ^J«eri.aa^ Ncrth /^erica. IJ^^ ,3^^ 216 Calif. Bancroft's Map ot u.lix. E43 Oalif, Tyson J. L Di.ry of pbysican 969 Easseii.^14. 'ir^^-^^- ^^ ^^% Trade of tne |,»r «esv Mor»tre»l 1319 l!aol.e«i.j^Al.x.^ l?!iSrS IE'02 Very truly yours. ?8.00 1.50 6«00 2.50 7„50 2.50 '(I If I 'I aea i G9S ^ X March 13, 1916 Dear Boctor Hou^: Herewith I am presenting to the National Huso« a amoke-dried head of a Brazilian Indian, nl^tained on the hMidMiters of the Tapajos River; about forty years ago, by a yWBig saa named Ernest T. Morris. In the fall of 1877 or the very early spring of 1878 , Morris escaped in a small boat , and by traveling at night and hiding during the dfty, eucoeed^ in descending the Tapajos to the Amazon^ and thencs in reaching Para* He brought with him several of these heads — eight if I remember rightly — and being anxious to dispose of them as quickly as possible, appealed to me for assistance* I purchased this one, the American Mmeum purchased two, and Dr» Sabine one* I have forgotten about the others^ For the past thirty years my head has stood on a high case in my dao^ On taking if down a fegr days ago I was sliocked to find that it had been damaged by insects. Viewed at n little distance however, the vrork of the insects is scarcely noticeable* Trusting that you will be abjs to restore the specimen, and that it will prove of value to tllo colieo tion. Dr. Ifalter Hou^ Curator of Ethnology U, S. Nat. Mus* Very truly yours. <:i^^v^ ,iC W 4U% W % \=^ S3* CD- o COH>51| w ft) d m: P2 *~iP ^ 6 t S < f ^ CO ST 3 ?, s- <§ V4 O rv g- 3 O O CO O O ^ % 4 CD o o 3 § ^ I •M0 o o o a I CO I-* If 'or f-M 1 « c: * to .^ ^ 5*1' a: * • * * >"■ f'\ I 'kil !t r , 11 ^ '^j' i" «a / / V , iT8 t ^ ■a 1^ to © '^ 5 ^ 9 CO ^4 ^ o o r-l CO €0 O •3 § -6) I " I il 8 f 'O . ^ «» ^ a ciX OS •i-l 0 O CD a OS 3 3 -*^ •1-4 O ^ CO % « 4> CO •§ I o CO S3 o n^ CO CD Pi o 1 t ^4 I «f-4 fc. t a o I CO •r4 O 0 O 0 o I' 8 Si I I t I 0 a> ••-1 g: ► *^ o ^ §, -4^ CO 8 m o o to *§ I ! I «> ^ O 00 •H m •3 O 03 CO CO ^1 / O IDfH Q rH CD a>.r-«c:> O tfii ^ i o CO CP *& t-4 0 94 CO • f.-. »^^? n March 13. 1916 -»• *:♦ Dear Bailey: " ^ Was glad to receive jrour letter of the let insto from Livingston, and to know that the prospects for a successful trip looked good to you at that time^ I hope everything has tu«ied out to your satisfaction, and that you will succeed in making some kind of a count lAiich will add to existing knowledge* The skull Svans promised to send has not yet arrived. —neither has the photograph of the 1200 pound griaaly* Hope you will dig up some hear skulls while in the Park region, or at least get the addresses of hunters or others who may have seme on hand or he ahle to get a few in future. I will pay $2 to $4 for skulls of hlacks and $5 to $25 for grizzlies, according to sex, agSp and condition^ - Thus far all is well at lK>th houses. As ever yours, - — n r> fc. Vernon Bailey U " Gardner ^ HMitana •I" ri — »• <4. »,T» o eG8 i March 13, 1916 WcodliftTd & Lothrop Go^ Dear Sirs: Please enter Biy order for 'Blaokfeet Talea of Glacier National Park' by James Willard 3clitilt2, to be published by Houghton, Mifflin & Co* in April* Yery truly yours- • ^ 1 ^ y S "S: >}' '-/ 1 % March 13, 1916 X .N' Rndson Book CompaiiT 25 West 42na Strwt New Yoit City Dear Sirs: The long lost copy of Schnck's »California» Scrap Book* (1869) lAich you lent by express, addressed to oe at lagunitas, I suoceedad in locating a short, time ago, and the book has been retimied to ne here, arriTing this nooB, Tour bill for saae ($6.28) will be paid d)out the first of April, . ■ ' Very truly yours. 700 1*1 f^ 'i '!• m »^ I*'ik -•'^ . t rr i if rov 702 :fi March 13. 1916 / *"■• ^As2istlJt''Ghief . Biolo^cal Surrey- Washington d: c. Dear Nelson: On December 10 W. H. Spaulding shipped the Biological Surrey by express (probably Wells Fargo) from Hawk Inlet. Admiralty Island. Alaska, sknlls of two brown bears, one sea lion, one bearer, and four buck deer* The package was aiarked; U. So Biological Surrey. Depto of Agriculture. Washington. C. Go Up to tie present time this shipment has not been receiredo At least this is liiat I am told by Jackson. Another shipment from the same mem and place, started two and a half months later, arrived e few days ago. Would it not be well to stir up the Collector at Seattle to see if he is not again holding up specimens addressed to the Survey? Very truly yours. A,. -,v^-,... -H^^» r J M "A ■i¥. m t ,< t f^i Dear Colonel Hzer; St urvey The Surrey List 96 of mw t«,vi4 ^. contains titles of twHt:* r ^ T. I~^^i«*tions ^f copxes regain for distribntion. They are Proressional Paper 98-A 'Sraporation of Brine fro. Searles Lake, Cal.» and Bulletin 621-M 'Geology and Oil Prospects ^of (^aoa Valley, Oal. ' 7ery truly yours. H iti '1 4 11 'H rov 702 h March 13. 1916 ""■' \s2l3tlJt°Gliief . Biological Surr.y Washington • - Dear Nelson: On December 10 W. H. Spaulding shipped the Biological Surrey hy express (probably Wells Fargo) from Hawk Inlet, Admiralty Island. Alaska, skulls of two brown bears, one sea lion, one beaTsr, and four * buck deer« Tbe package was narked: U. So Biological Surrey, Depto of Agriculture, Washington, D. Co Up to tiie present time this shipment has not been receiredo 4 At least this is fhat I am told by Jackson. Another shipaent from the same msKk and place, started two and a half months later, arrived a few days ago. Would it not be well to stir up the Collector at Seattle to see if he is not again holding up specimens addressed to the Surrey? Very truly yours. -X -J'^fA-.:^^ .i,. I: 1 i w I ». March 13, isi^ « - U \j Dear Oolonel Ria«r: contains titles of Zi^^^l^ ^ "^ "'"' ^^"«*tions if «««• tw^JR72t I should be rer^ ^..^ ^ ,_ If ^pies re»axn for distribution. They are F«>ressional Paper 98-1 'Iraporation of Brine fro. Saarles Lake Cal.» and Bulletin 621-11 'Geology and Oil Prospeote of 0^ Valley, Oal. ' 7ei7 truly yours. Retake of Preceding Frame I i^ 0 i rv i ) (I 80V 704 ■^ March 13, 1916 i March 13, 1916 Hon. W, 3» Bo\?ser ' . Ccnaflisaionpv of Fisheries Vi..otoria B. 0. Deer Sir: If you have copies tc spare, I sliall Is greatly obliged if ycu r.'ill kindly send me y«ur P^port as CcjmlB- sicner of Fisheries for British Qeiraibia for the yoars 1912 and 1913. Secpectfullyv \P *r« fl. Desoto "^"*(j^fg^G«roniao Deer Sir; Tour letter of the 6th I am obliged, - • ""^^ *° I? Feim* > . 1^ i .1 »*• i I larch 14, 1916 Mr. Hope Brewer 9 ^ thaljML British Colunbia %» ♦ ■i^ ^ Dear Ihe grisalj skull sfaioh yon sent .ein JaanaiT FHwed to he a yoimg ani«l 4j a ttiiee j^ old .aie.- ^ ?■*"'***'« y°" ^ '" ". 'Aiok ai^ imt win %a ^t yon hy the ftuthsonian In8titntr<« riWt the' «kil of tlie P«««n* "onth, and dioald reach yon^fhe^ 'fllriif wA In ' 'V • — - April. -1 ,^T o^Uj good drolls of old nale griazlies I shonU be gi»l to^pay $30 to ^, and fir adnlt fMtoles no to $15 eaolT. " t(^ slcaila as a rule ar« worth froa $4 to $8 eaeh, aooordiiig to ag*, »«», aad oonditidtf.' I will take all jou can get durinig the otmdsg spring at the aboreHneiitioned prioea* Tery truly joura. T*' ;*': **♦: r»^ " f .A.W'**'^ I, ■ «. ^'^ - % •» Xi*' '"♦ A. _ / • /• ' » • • • . , . *T? r««: yi N: ^ Wi! y i !•. / ^ . eo^ 710 .-.-'.4.-3 ftttiw %IH^ »t5 hv -i"^ .^•*f ■r. 1. R. ??»*. British Coli«ibia ■aroh I!>, 1916 ox Daar Sir: ^Icur letter of January 18 addresaadto m «are of the Mologioal SuTT^j. caw didj and I delayed ao»wr* ifl^, hopii each daj that the akalla jw* wnt would ar^ ^Te, but m( toi the prwMut date, they hare act reached M^ Bie aana ia true of aeireral other hatolies of akulla ahipped fw* TariooB points In British Coluaihia. Tftat jH)« tro|*le ia, and wh«?» they are held iqp,I haTO not heen able to ascertain. I an writing by thie Mil to Wells JarEO BxpreM agency at Yanoourer^to ••• « ^-^ ^^* "Or i«foT«iti«n on the subject, ind it. would be a good plan for you to inquire of the agent of tke ateanship coa^peny at CRBpbell "Rirar to tAo* ycu gare the package for ahip- ■ent* ^^ .. r . I shall ^^e glad to parchase the skulls aeDtioaad^ inelsdin^ th« volreris^ witb soaie teeth Bissiqg^ and will also be ^Idd to get such cougar^ black bear, and grisslj skulls as jVU are able to secure dorix^ the ocadxng sprii^* I do not care jvhether the specimens are taken on Tancourer Island or on the joa inland, prorided «ach is oorrectlj 5 h I I X / i *l vM % labeled a« to the locali^ uher. kiUed. ^^^ «» 9»«losed henwitlu ftustii^ that the nissi,^ p,«b^ Scae future, •ill appear aljyoiinij^ V- 1*' • Iw t t % S -^ • ■r*t>- ~ vvov. ••i,»4 • -4, ttrb^'^'"^"^ .* ;, •»^. • •. -^Xif^. -; " i .^o ». #^^ **!/ . rv t r;» •^*^.7 -y^i* i'-^'-* • "^^'^ '«f?.\>.v.;'- • ».. .« 4fc ». , M^ * fcvi/-^'^' ; • ,6r; ««:fi ■ -^1'. i: «u». --- J « '^*i- ' ^r^-e- ••■ :)^^jr;u'*. '■-».. I - A*^ '• •* - Aw^JT" »r »*'. "' ''• -;\' .T't ^'V-' r ••i-» yr t ^r^Tf r-: I ■ ««-?»<. ^:i ^' f »» , rtT 712 *P-^^ ** !" larch 14i.;i9l6 mftxt^ *^-^ -iJ IS ^*^ * N# * 4^*1 • rr [M la SalXt, . « British Colmwia Canada Daar Sir: .1. ^1 ji 1^ ^»*» ' •-. 1.... ,^; ou happen to hare in jour powsessiom, or ho haa, •»• or ■ore skoIU of grisilj ^i^ioH to aoomro as aaiqr gri««lj skoHa as possihla fxt ▼arlow '^tt« of Britiflh Ooli»bla,^ and wiU 1>e glad "t* paj 8**^ P^«^ ***' *^ "^^^ the price ▼arjin^ fro- $4 or $5 for yoang atalla. td $8 or $10 for gocd feiwlaa, and $15 €d $20 for adult mloa in good condition, I an willii|| ^o>*chaao i»- perfect or da«i«ed akulla alao. hut ooaJd not of oou»e paj as KBOh for these as for perfect dEulla. In case yoa hare anj, or can ohtain anj during- the eoBiof spring, please ship the aaae bj eiqnreaa, diavgea ooUeot^- addreeaod: 0* ^» Biological Surrey^ Dept* of igrioultnre, iashiagton, D. C« Of if not coo- reniant to send by ezpreas, you aight send one sknll at B tia« by parool poet, Inaored. 7ery tnxly your*,' / / ■^ ^ ■eirah 15, 1916 #<• J)oar Mr. Claxk: Soae time ago Ihr, Idaari H, LitofafioU wrote jia that he would aand -a the ^kull of a gri«ly kiUed iv hi. in laraid. HiU. ,c^ j^ ^^ ^ ^^ iayour atrty. He nentionad other griaaly iaada alac^ uhich he nig^t aend you for r^ounting. in which caaa' ^ I!?, *^> fnrored ^th the original Aulla. I W^^^ ■oat anrioaa to see thaaa. and if wi Ic^r jaeadad in oennaotioa with your woik, I j-haU be p^atly "oldiged if you will kindly aand thea. -i--i ^""f^ ^ sura that each one ia labeled i« aMh aaanar that it n^y be uDqiwstioiiably referred to the particular head froB whioit i t coea. ' •o- Texy truly youw. ♦lirj-- ^ Hr. Janaa L^ Clark 1160 Southam Boolarard Hew Toil: City < . rirJir; a 'a ^^ 9^ *P W* m^ «< .• r ^' « r : '^ *u.7 « i„ crT i 714 .^ » » Maxch 15, 191^ ci-.: ila.T6h U, 1915 the bear sknU ^icH jou «T« kind ..o^ to .«d. reach-d th. Biological Surrey a few ZT^. «^ pro^ to be the sloOl of a fe«aa polar .Tr - ;ot a g^..!.. iWorif tbiaist^eooe^ . \r WJT^^ .i^mI? i will rotnm it shortly, originallj inteipdod to sand? A wiA^ ^ :: " - Yery truly jour" » .-hI »~ ^ -♦•I • < ^- - #•» • • r jr.-^ \^l ^'- .rr. 5 •♦.-' ^" Geologiei^ SuxT«rf DitttMi . Canedft lottos Bgll Boo86irolt Alaska i.*. "X *. • ♦ DwirSir: ^ ?l«i f kn<^ that ^o. reoeir^ th. ohack .11 right for the Skull. al«ady aant «. I shall be ^ to purshaae sooh additional skoll. of Orlaajy or Ug Brow. li^r. as yott a« able .^ toi^ th, ,^^ spriagr at usiml prioa.. fooM «1«, take tha blaok b«u- ■kulls you mutio. at fw. n to $4 eaA.a^^Tdiiig to ago. sex, and condition. Ship eTorythiqg as before, addraaaad: U. 3. Biological Surrey. Dopt. of Agrii^tura. r%v »• ♦ , . /^ J 1 r \ 716 11 larch 15, 1916 "• .*** I^r Doctor Hoii^: Since writii^ you jestfrdaj aboat tha Indian ^utaA froa tb» Upper Tapejos Bxrer, I hara foxaA tha data «hich ahotad hara acooapaniad it. Iha Anil ma colleoiafi in 1875. on ths Dpper Ttpejoa.hy Bmeat T. Morria, and balongod to tha triba whiA he callad Paraheatta or Parantihtia. He states that tha ha^ were prwerrad hj fmokiDg; orer an araaatie wood oaLled >- i . r- C » ' joura^ J... / / ,^ -^ J>r» Walter HouA -^ Curator oi Bthnology 0. S* Haiional ] iashiofirtoa }tDL0O \' Ibnjh 15 191S "Mr lir. UtchfLM. larwia Honntaina, "tinted tha ' What you teU ma about tha oolor of tii ^i,, ^U that they were black, or aran ro^tj black is of ^chiutaraat. I shall ha .exy greatly ,Migad 'if you win kl^xy orthoria. Mr. Clark to send .a thaae akulla as aeon aa jrm ^^^ finished with the.. Tha fact n»at seVeral different speoiea of gri.- »ly inhabited Wyoidnfi:. ^ntana. and Idaho, instead of •nly a single specie., aa we ^^ to beliare, ^,s it aaeaasary to engine as wny skaile ., poaaibl* in order to detendna tha rangea of the asl^la. Truating that yon wiU let m know when you ^re in Waafaington. •>»♦. Very truly yours. Mr. Sdward H. Litohfield 44 Wall Streat Kew lork City ^»Vc I am vei^ ^mdh interestad in this matter, and shall be ^eatly obliged if you will kindly write me giving the facts in the cese^ I should like to know the pl^ce v/here it happened ^ the date (approximate if not exact), whether the bear was wounded or not^ and ^'hether it \vas a she bear with cnbt4^ Did the boar strike you 77ith its paw or lid it ?6i'^e ajid bite you with its jaws? And how badly did it injure yoa? Any facts you may give me %vill be thankfully received — the more details the better. Very truly yours- i w ^i V^rch 18^ 1916 Mr. Andrew Grosvold Sand Point Alaska Dear Sir: '^ ^°^"-*-° -ith a book which I a. writing oa the B.g Bears of /.erica. I a. anxious to obtain authentic accounts of bears attacking .e„. particnl^l. Of unpriced attacks when the bear was not first wonnded, If you Icnow of any oases of this kind.I sl^U appreciate ^he faror if you .ill kindly write .e gi^i^ ,, f^, .^. forrnation as possible as to the locality, date, name of person attacked, and oii'cumstarices, »ith as much detail as yo'j may know. Very truly yours. 'il > \ n,- I esT s ^i<^ IB J c >^ 0) CO , rH O COO ^ (D 03-^52; CL> CQ OS O » n :^ ii '^ o :»i; § «M o a> I fe ai o <»-« ^ • >> "xJ 10 o c » m o •• ^ «M O od I 05 0) s;5 CD £ 0} ^^ cd 9 «> o CO «M T:^ ^ O C5 QO. 5 O o o cn o 05 cn 05 o (0 CD o cn 05 c3 o >> 05 1 CQ -• Si ^ .-. -^-^ (A m t a> <*-! >i /4 * «M P4 CO 0) CO o CO a o c 0) 05 P4 m ► '^ a> ^ 0 ^. ho H o o^ V3 pn h 4-> •rt a> 0} 05 0} I* cti 4 I I 14 •f fln*. ^2V / 728 iMi March 20, 1916 / r, / 7 'il March 21, 1916 Hr* A. U. Pobertson Union Sqxiare San Francisco Calif. Dear Mr, Pobinson: V/ill you kindly send rne a copy of 2oeth Jlldredge's ^Be/jinrings of Sen Pranciscc from the Expedition of imsa. 1774 to the City 'Charter, 185C,» 3. F, Please send Mil 'Trith postage to me at above address. ■^ery tr»ily yours;' Ills, fr Mr. Charles D. Holliger c/o Dept. of Zoology University of California Dear Sir: A copy of your paper on -Anatoiaical Adap*^^^^^^ in the Thoracic Limb of the Califcmip ^cs:et Gopher and Other Rodents* has jxist yodcned me, end I have looked over it with great interest© You have made snch an im- portant contribution to our knowledge of the musculo adaptations of a hi^ly specialised rodent tha^ ^ ffish to offer my congratulations. It is a pitr that more work is not done in this fields which off^^rs such limitless opportunities Very truly yours X,vJbrfi i\ I'H 1 h I 730 '^ / ii » t t -» 'I '«ir^ March 21. 1916 Dear Mr. Barringer: Please ijardon my delay in replying to your letter of Febnmry 29 . and in thanking you for the enclosures relative to Keteor Crater and the giant turkey, all of which are. of interest. The copy of your lecture on the crater, which you were kind enon^ to enclose, is here- with returned in accordance with your request. Tou cer- tainly seem to have made out a strong case. lou ask whether I thiric the members of the Boone and Crockett Club would be interested in a talk on the Crater, In my iudgment the subject, while one of great interest, is so far outside of the field ocoupiad by the Club that it would not be appropriate. The killing of that big gobbler in west- em MaSland was something to be proud of. P-''^-^;^^^^^^ since.^s you say. it appears to be a dosoendent from bi^s S^u^t from Arizona or Kew Mexico. To. did a fine thing in securing the specimen for the Museum of the Academy of Sciences • With "best mshes. Very truly yours ^ «r. B.-«.^5l|g.r ThiladelpKia Penn. '1 I \ rsT / Mar ell 23, IS 15 / Dear Grinnall: No, I don't happen to irnow anything about the Doctor Pope yen mention. I aai ho-^Yever familiar with the Nosse or Yahna tribe, to the southern division of which Ishi belonged, ishi, you will probably remember, was kept by Eroeber for sevei^l years, and was the show actor of weekly exhibits at Kroeber's mueeujK in the Af- filiated Colleges facing Golden Gate Park. Strong bows were used hf the Yahna end noine other tribes in CaliforrJa. If you &ce inter-33t3d in these I might dig up ?ome references. Yes, Sheldon made a great hit in getting his little ram at Bl Rosario. The skull h^5 f^ono to the cleaner, and I am hoping to see it in & feTz days. As ever yours. %? !• \ ■!^| I ill r' Mr. Georga Bird Grinnell 238 3ast 15th Strftet New York City I CP. 733 y March 24. 1916 "^ '"' "" •^, smal fro. -. Utchfl.ld.B gri..!,. aU^ in th. lara.!. HiU-. ^V"^^' «*™* ^^^^ '== ^^- ril; ,or *ic. I - "-^ -=^ ""'«'■'• '^''' !^' "* ^ taok part of th. *ull are son,, enough ro^axn. . ahow tivt tl>o =P«°'" '» "■' ""^ ^""^ ""^ " " oWlnaiT gri^^ly <" *» ^""^ Mountains. In the aano toi was another hear skull vrhioh has no lahel. ^ere did it oo«e from? It is not a eri.zl, at ell hut holongs to the hlaok bear group and res«.Wea a stall I reoeiTed a few years ago from western Montana. Any «Vi^„f fhiei qknll will be thank- infomation you can give me atout this smxx fully received as it is ^uite out of the ordinary. I .hall be mighty glad if you succeed in cbtai«ii« the sbxUs you nention from the CaBsiar Aistriot. ^ . ^ Thanking you for yonr court/ay in the matter. Very truly /ours , »Hfc »»«^i« I ^^* Kr. James !• Clark 1160-62 Southern Boulevarc Bronx New York City ♦ 4 :i ^ .♦• March 24, 1916 Dear Sheldon: Glad to know that you found all the members of your family well on your arrival. I have looked at Imiholta's map of fhich you spoke, and have located Bl Rosario. Many thanks for the measurements of the ran I have ju«t made a preliminary examination of the skulls of both ram and ewe. and am prepared to agree with yon that the animal is the smallest known in North America. It is •ven smaller than nelaPnlt and therefore reiy much smaller than the members of the larger group. :Prom this hasty ex- amination I hare no doubt that it will prove distinct, and shall be very glad to describe it as soon as it oomeo back from the cleaner* Am ever yours. Mr. Charles Sheldon 8 West 9th Street New York City 736 Heply to Pile A Karch 27, 1916 Harch 24. l^^^ March 28, 1916 |f< ^r *r. Ut*f"l*- ,,3^, for ,o« 1 tter of tto IV* !«>'• ■ »* '" !! ,^ ^„ .o»ted grimly Ci„A to seM « *. S--11 ^-; ^^^„,,, Amo,.* £„M half , i»«l'*"S *• ' l.L. grl."""- 0 .a« .eon on. of th, ,e^ -J,^,,„, ..ff.. in «83. Tou said that '^-J'^ ^^ loc^i^X. ^- ,aa it HU«* i" *>-* "" " .1, HiU.. J0» g»" "1,7*,., .»onnting of this hoad 1 „ hoping that Clark ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^j ,,,, ^„„ 30 "'-'"""^J"!''".^ that later 1 -/ »»« „, ,™r other gri^»l» '"'^' "'" a ohano. at tha staOls. mth host Jrtsiios, "' Toij truly you". Vv.> Ke-jf ^ork City ;t U.S.Ciril Service Coamission Washington D. C. Dear Sirs: r Beplying to jour inquiry of the 27th inst, con- cerning Hartley H. T, Jackson, an applicant for the posi- tion of Assistant Biologist, Biological Surrey, would state: I hare knoim Jackson for sereral yean — since he first came to Washington, the date of which I do not rfittember. When not in the field he has worked on the Bio- l«8ioal Surrey collection in the National ttuseua. where his ieek is in the room adjoining my own. I hare there- fore 9*en a good d'^al of hia« _ » He is a coapettnt. wail-trained naturalist^ es- pecially tell qualified for woit on mamsals and birils* He is Tez7 deliberate and migbt be called alow, but is thorou^ His scientirio work is good* T<% ask as to unfitness: His slowness and slack- ness ~ his Imp of order not bein^ rery hi^ly developed — are his only {milts that hare come under my obserration* I regard hin a* fit for the position* M Paspectfttlly^ I ' ■ St"^. *t 738 ■aroh 28, ISW It was good to see jovr handwriting agaiB when the »ail arriyed this morning, I am glad to know jour snowaho. woA is orar. and that the remainder will he done on horsebacks ^^ Thanks for information ahont hea«: I tBV« 3wt written Sales again, and shall hope to secure the speci- men, A. pmjing that yon will learn of the existence of other grizzly skulls ^hich may he purchased, or that yci: will connect with someone vrho ^iU collect additional speciaena in the spring, > If all the elk herds in the ^rk peter out at the rate yon mention - lOCO instead of 10,000 trevi^^sly re- ported - your census is likely to prore a surp-'iae. And the question will neturelly arise as to whet^r or not you have succeeded in correcting -rith all thf scattered hands* Florence was unahle to use half of /ho hig sack of ground fertilizer you reoomaended , and ro jnre «« J.""^^ e«* can full. I scattered it in the rain las: erenirg. f ftsr which a thunderstom and deluge washed a good deal ^f into the street. Still, a good deal seeus to he left imd f- m\ 14 'it i I tr«t it a,^ tb, graas <,„« ^^ «, ^^ ^^ ,.^ ^^^ «!ce a diffaraa.. ia th. l«,ta, of ,h, ia„. j. ^„ .^ read, had two ,r thra. tto^,„u«. ^ ,^^ ,, ., raia,. bat th. r«il eold »..lh„ u probaW, „„. 'a are all aaiious to sea yoa back. As ever yonrs;;^ -: Ub Mr, Vernon Bailey Sardiner Uontana 9 }^-iU^. .-% X'^ s Aj^ii xil< V ♦ "f o:= ^^ O V- -%^-^ -Wl^ctJw,^ }(^S ). ^jm /? , i'S "f-t-^ r w m is VST / / fr 1} 738 Iferoh 28, 1916 . Dear TB: .*. -r f. It was good to we jotor handwriting ag^B when the -ail arriTed this .oming, I « glad to know your 8B0.A0. woTt is orer. and that the renaindar will U Ik* dene on horseback* ^ fhantai for inforaatioft about bearti' I tB^» 3»»* written Salt, again, and shall hop* to secure the specl- ««u Am pmjiag that you will leam of the existence of other griizlj skulls which aaj be purc*ia«ed. or t^at jcti will connect with someone who wiU collect additional speoivens in the spring* If all the elk herta in the |)ei* peter out at the rate you mention - 1000 instead of 10.000 preTi^sly re- ported - your censuB is likely to prore a surpasa. And the question will naturally arise as to what!#r 6r not you have succeeded in correcting rnth all th« scattered bands* t Florence was unable to use half of /he big saek of ground fertilizer you recomended, and ro ^re me your aah can full. I scattered it in the rain lasTsT'niog./^*®^ which a thunderstoim and deluge washed a good deal bt it into the street. Still, a good deal se«s to be leftUd i i «*• a difference in the looks of the lawn. Wo haw. 1 ready had two or three thunders*^, and today i. ^i^ rau^. but the real cold weather is probably ower. Wa are all anxious to see you back. is ewer yours; r'^.r. ^ •... *r* Temon Sbilwv Qardinor ^ Montiuift .-?» -'■"i .• • ■'^ : 1^.. 1 1 '% i,- ti • iBirai' "^.m Hi *».- f Retake of Preceding Frame n es^ r / 740 March 28. 1916 March 2B« 1916 Hew lot* City Dear Sirs: . J^ on the ca^, and an expecting it to ^r^ m^ Yery truly ycmrs * _-is*^ ' I I* v^ «rl i* # .» ;.^ 'Y^' »'* ^^ Ifar. Robert Som-nrillt Gardiner Mon tana Dear Sir: Toir letter of the 7th inst« caioe duly* I ngret rery muoh the delay in paying you for the grissly stuU you sent in last August* When I returned frott Oalifomii it could not he found, althou^ there was a record that i\ had been receiTed* The trouble seeiis to have been that we wore looking for the slrull of an old male grizzlj, and no such skull had been receiwed* But we find the skull of a four-year-old griazlj labeled »Slou^ Creek, April a&^ 1915 Hilton Ames'* I assume that this anist be the skull j^rm sent, and hare credited you $10 for it# A check for this caount will be sent you the first of tho month* 0«t of more than 100 bear skulls that havo come iB during the fall and winter this is the only one which waa mislaid in the Ifaiseam* In case you are able to secure any «ore skulls of griftzliee durii^ the ccmiiig spricg and suinmar I shall be wexy glad to purchiise tbta, and if you can get good ekuUr of old niale grizzlies will be glad to pay $20 or ewen te5,if reasonably perfect* ^ . , ^ Teiy truly ycmrs. ri^v i 742 Mcrtsh 28. I9"ij6 March 28, 1916 '*^- ^beSitf cSSdIaioner of FlBheria. "■- ^Provincial Fisheries Dept Victoria. 5.0. . .< . Dear Sir; Tery mPJiy thanks for your ooxirteay in sending copies of the Hearts of the Co«i8.ion.r of Fisheries for 1912; 1913 and 1914. They reached »» this morning in exeellent condition*, and contain much matter of in- terest In connection with bj woA. = Thanking you for the sans. truly Jf //; ft '4 'i^ .t \ ; If ". I •: '4- T ^ • 4* i'.ii #•» '< • 15 tr - - .,r. «. t » t '/ / i ■ 1 ■ 1 '* My dear Miss Dickers on: Thanks for your letter of yesterday just receiTei, with pegs-proof of my review of Hooserelt and Heller^s •Life Histories of African Game Aniieals'. The proof is excellent and so far as I observe requires no correction except for one or two siif^iit typographical errors^ which hate been marked* Bat I most admit frmkly that I do not apjrove the illustrations selected* Witti . such 8 ivealOi of attractive illustrations to obooee from. showing the animals and tbe country in which they live^ it seemc^ to me a pity, and somewhat undignified, for a sci- entific Aounial to i?ubstitute cartoons. And I should never have advertised Buffalo Jones by reproducing any of his pictures. In case it is too Icte to change the illus« trationSy I hope you vrill be good enoo^ to put a note at the end staling that the illustrations were selected by the Bditor* Tery truly yours. Miss Maxy C. DicVerson American Museum of Itetural History Hew Yoik City ir*l 2^X March 28, 1916 llr. 639"§eS^Kin Street n, Hont. Daar Sir: Ternon Bailey of the Biological Surrey tells m that ycu ha^ the sHn and skull of a fe»ale gri.«ly. He say, the hair ia co»Biae«*ly worn on the hack and m^p - otherwise the specimen appears to he in- good condition. If you hare the stall of this specLen. and wish to sell the skin a«a skull for ^35. I shall he gla^jto purchase it nt ihat pric«# " If you are wiUing to saU it, please ship liy ex- pre0B, charges collect, addressed: 0. 3. Biological Survey, Dept. of Agriculture. WashingtoD, T). C. A label and shipping tag are enclosed herewith^ Tery truly ycurs . t '*>' / f" ¥'' # d K^ ' » 1 745 March 28, 1916 Mr, J. P. Kvans, LiTingston, Montana . Dear Sir: The hear skull which you sent me at Vernon Bailey's ■ request came duly, and I am glad to give you the $5 yoix ask for it. A check for this amount ^111 he sent you fr«m wy fund in the Smithsonian Institution the first of .April. It was unfortunate that you did not attach a label ' to this skull, as a consequence of which it got mixed with 0 some other boar skulls recoived the ssme day. I am enclosing herevrith a few tags, and shall be glad to purdmse at the sme price any other skulls of this hear litoich you may he able to obtain.. It belongs to the black bear group, hut is not the common black bear. I should he glad to know whether it« color if«a black or cinnaaon. It is widely different from tile grizzlies For skulls of grizzlies, labeled for locality where kill- ed, I should be glad to pay $2 to $5 each for young; $5 to $10 for three and four year olds; $10 to $12 for adult females; and $15 to $25 for fine old males. These price* are for perfect speclmeiiB. Injured and imperfect skulls are worth less, but I iS^ glad to pay a fair price for them jvist the same. Very truly ypwrs," ^ t March 28, 1916 Kr. B, J, Hamacher White Horse Yukon Terr. De«r Sir: The two bear skulls you sent us arrired duly. Both are black bears - not grizj^lies. One is an old male, the other an old female. I will allow you $4 each for these skulls and a check for the amount f ^.po) will be sent you from my fund in the authsonian Institution in three or four days. I shall be glad to purchase all the bear skulls you' ^ !^f^ ^^i°& t^e Conine spring and suamer, but am particu- larly anxious to get skulls of grizzlies. Por grizzly skulls I will pay $2 each for cubs, $4 for young, $10 for adult fe- males, and $15 to $20 for adult males, assuming that they reach «• in ^ood condition. Injured skulls of course are worth less, but I will pay a good price eren for badly damaged grizsly skulls Some tags for labeling skulls are enclosed herewith, and also a shipping tag. Specimens should be shipped as before, chaiiges collect; addressied: D. S. Biologioal Surrey, Dept. of igri culture, Washington, D, C. Very truly youirsv ^- f J VH IN '1 1 1 .' I iP;| 41 3^Y 747 March 28, 1916 / Meroh 28, 1916 • 1* %*■ Mr* C. L. Steiiihauser Uxialakleet /laska Dear Sit: The bear skull you were good enou^ to send us has arrived in good condition, for which I aw obliged< I am allowing you $20 for it , and a goremnient (dieek for this anount will be sent you in three or four days« I shall be glad to purch€U3e at good prices all ihe skulls of bears you may be able to obtain during the MBing spring* - " Very truly ytmrs;^ _ ^ •■• M'', M 'ir# ■m Mr; lir.~H. Spauldiuff Ha^ Inlet Alaska Dear Sir: Tour second shipment as per your letter dated Pebruaiy 26, consisting of two big bear skulls from Chicha- gof Island, arrired before the shijaent of December 10, which latter came only a few days ago* We are having un- precedented delays this year in receiying packages of skulls from British Columbia. and Alaska* We hate not been able to find out Vnere they are held up* For the skulls receired I am crediting you as fol- lows: 'f. Tf $20.00 10.00 20,00 10.00 8.00 1.50 1 Hale adult Brown Bear frf/i^. § •^ V®^ truly yours. "x 4 i I * I i 11 i ^ e^Y 750 liaroh 29. ''^IS Mr. J. P. ^. ^a'-'S Montana "" ''"l„ siting jou ,estaH,y I *or,-ot to ask ,ou ^o killod ..ha bear? Or »as th, 3La.ll t^^i =» *"• woods? Vf.ry truly yours. mt .'ilaroii 25. 1916 '^•o.lorad.o I^ear Sir; B^pljiflg tc yonr letter of the i6th inst. ad^ dressed to the 3up:-riritendent of DocaaientB and referred to me Tor reply, would state tlmt my work on the Big Bears of iimerioa has not yet r^m Ic press, and "ill not be out for Bor.e t:_ne„ ?l.e main 7;ork will not be a govem- aeiit publication but r/ill be illustrated with colored plates, reproductj CUP. of i;iotosTojhs, and piatea cf -kulla and teeth. Bespectfully, t { I; :n 1 it If fBT March 29, 1916 Hvo ,Ho H« Pittman Box 28 Wauchope Saskati^'howaB Caneds Dear Sir: Thanks for your letter of the 18th insto enclos- ing additional photographs of manmBls^ They certainly are most Qzcellent. and I ain rrlad to retain the ^ntiro lot (15 in all, including those from the previotjB sending*)* I am willing to pay the price you name^ $2oC0 each, inasmuch as this includes right of publioption, althou(^i not exclu- sive copyright* I shall be glad to see the photographs you take at your new ranch on the Souris Hivero I assume thst all of the [hotogi'aphs jou have soiit me are from the noi^-Abcr- hood of Wauchope o If this ir? not correct, kindly l^i ine knoAf,as I vrish to label them for localityo The photo of the cheat pouch of a Richardson ground s^juirrel is returned herewith, as I have several similar photosc I hope your prints will be oore permanex* thr.n many in my collection. It is an unfortunate fact that a large percentage of the prints fade out or become blotched with yellow in the course of timee A very tboron^^rh washing scBuis to lessen but not wholly obviate the danger. Solio / ! i 4 ^ 9M'^ 752 ') prints seem to stand the inroads of time better than 7elox. although this is not always the case. The only absolutely pei^o.^ent prints kno^ to me are those made en platinum, ^^per, the cost of which is too great for ordinary ^ovk, especially in the case of largo photos. A check for $30, due you for these 15 prints, will be sent you in a few days froin my fund in the SmUh- scnian Institution. Wishing ycu ovary success, Very truly yours. 4 ♦ 11 sa^ f 754 SbtoIi 90 » 1916 - » « * It. 1J« !• Ad^ ^'^'^^'^Lonian Instituticx Washington. !>• '^^ Dear Ifcr. Adars: HerOTith I » transaittiug »y March acconnt amounting to ^2.50, and the Mil. and roucher. en0.erated below which I rt»U W obliged If y Bear skulls liudson Book Co* — Book Fred S. LincolB <— Book-oases Zenaids ■errioB -> Serrieee B* Morrison Paper Co* — Bnrelopes H* H. Pittmn ~ Fhotogiffitphs Bewingtoa typewriter Co* Badiine Robert Soaerrille -> Beer skull ff* ti. Spesldin^ — Bear skulls C. L. Steinhaoser — Bear Skull Underwood TJrpowriter Co, Machine yBBhington loose Leaf Co. liaps Bounted and poncbed Washington Loose Leaf Co.-Ledger _ - , for Baps - Woodward i Lothrop — Becks Office rent for April and phone $10.00 10.10 42.00 5.00 8.00 6.28 54.00 31.50 10.00 30.00 60.00 10*00 70.25 20*00 67*50 4.00 15*00 9.00 68.05 / I 4 '^9 1916 'teroh 2 n 7 • 13 - ^ " 29 " 30 C. Hurt Merrim r . ^'^^: •* ns Kordnia erla§4, Ifaah it^ca KiBCU A( ^« I Sob ftrroi lawu Globe Wornidko 6o—lio*i 7 /i,ti ^ V v i»^ - ;^*?^^ 5-r-iaa &„^5rS^S&|500 Uttw-head. PotoBac neotric Power S*~i2!25?i S^** * Carfare for woik atlibi^CT^fi S*"* current Services of SSrSaTSj'IliLft?^^ ^ ment, Horthuwbertail 0-»««»iA& office apart- Serrioes of janitor 3tMip« and stam«d enrsloDM 3 4 5 6 T a twtoty.i •>.- *• * **♦.» -^ V •--•*, •*• w * » / 240 4 50 30 2 25 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 3 50 I 00 3 55 $22 50 t - » *». g ««i» fprtMiy ,fc~ WH? ?»^^ • ■tiB ID 00 '^ ^ - • :*s i:i .v*. •' ^«N* •Wu* V- ,'M * -« -» * «^'^. '1:-.^ f •♦ '•'^**'?. r t •» ■• I 1 ♦• Vf* -» •r-k * 1916 U T, '.« ^A •«M Skall tf ad«lt 1 Skall joo^ griiBij 1 SbOl blaok W«r ^.■W ip.^_- «. - tt-i. ^1. f ♦ 29 00 10 00 5 00 2 00 $10 00 142 00 10.00 > • ^ - — -• •«* — . .«. forty-tM X! 42#00 -• J %'^ ^, t..>-^ ii 4 V2V J \ / J, p. T. Stam UTingBton, Hontaw / j^.* 'X»- V^\ 758 Urn J. HfiEiaoh^r OJ >e:r7 ;l ^^:»n ,...? .^ -*. S'i .r. «iit« Kp»#^ iukm t!^rritor7, Canada 1916 Mar. 2B Skull of baar froa Mimtasa k.c^ 5 00 ♦i^ ^;< $800 -«. / ♦•.^* ^' « i "TT?" 1 i 5.00 y 8.00 w%.^ % -•On*'-* -<^,^,-»— « ■ ( ( ■I GST 760 / giidsmi Book Co* p. ; ' 3B5 Wait mA Street, Hew York City Zeaaida Herrii 4k!:^^ ii' 'tii)* ^' -^ « 1916 Shuck's California SL*rBiibooka>i •-!*• ^ - - «iv'i*i '•• % «t^ 1 1916 6 00 2B . 30 SerrioM as assistant 14 da]« C .$S«25^ j»r iag; •?•<;-.. *■« »•*, 3150 1 I 3 tw«at|t-«l^i.M thirt: ►fift: **|f f I V -i— r..- $6 28 $3150 6.28 ,>. 31,50 CL^V^ i ra^ 762 1 ■• ■• FittasB » i-i Box 28. fe*aiop*; ^aBkatcli»WBtt, Oanada H»b«rl SoMTTill* y-':< *» *<• *' terdiner. Montaap 1916 Iter. 90 15 Fhotograilui of « t8«00 «a«lP *42*¥» •*,4^^»,;i* 3000 ^«. 1916 liar, Zr ShOl of «j ^ r ♦. •*# - u t' ii . JiJi-". J, fa f*-^.^- ■^.%.* 1000 /-•'. -^» ■» \ **^ < III ' ^ -thirty. SD.OO I 1000 10.00 %-^ sH^ i "i-.V -^,j9w ► S8T 764 3,: ;l-r^:^rK ^.l,Vf • C. L. SteiabaoBmr Qnalakleot, Alaska 1916 31cnll adnlt 6 1 « 9 • S«8 law • Bearer ^ iSkolls Dwr • Chiobagof 20 00 10 00 10 go 1 50 75 8 00 if- ¥ IL ^16 15 Skall otgritmXj Ihialakleet^^ N*—' 20 00 rW .:jr $7025 -s«Teiil twwtj-fiTi % ' 70.25 $20 00 ■tvou^ 20.00 1^^ r I W^ •i 1 ^>: 68^ ffoodaord & L»f3urop fasbington, D. C. 1916 Mar. 3 Te3»sqves: Spanish Didtiooaxy 15 BDoaarelt: BoAlorwra' BoUdays in t1» Op«a 7 00 2 00 |9 00 9.00 ^• k 83T 767 2 March 31, 1916 Dear Sheldon: Yours of yesterday at hand. So far as my personal feelings go I should he glad to review Grlnneil's JfigQtiine vaargnRfta , as it is a monumental oontrlLution to the history of the Plains region, and corrects a mul- titude of exTors and false impressions, But I caxinct write a review in a day or a ^ek, and if the work is important it is usually several months before I am will- ing to turn my review in to the printer. It is nearly a year and a half since Roosevelt asked me to review fs •life Histories of African Game Animals'. I started U at once and have been digging at it at intervals eve- since, hut did not finish it nntii c r *■'''" '^ i^til a few weeks ago. It is to appear in the next number of thP 'Arnn..,- Journal'. '^ericjan Museum ^^* ^-- J -rote by ro.uest a review -f ^il's Biography of Bai rd for the '^Uetin n^ .. - Geographical Society, ^ese two at J. '^'''' or r would have declined to toucher Z^^'T'' - a marked exception but I fear to ta^cla U ^ ^ ''" wc^Id take a lot of time which I ought! '' "^'^ '' ought not now to spare / \ from the bears, Grinnell is the only man in the world who could have got at the bottom facts on v/hich to base such a book. His infinite patience, his honesty, and his sympathetic marjier which leads Indians to confide in him, are attributes without which no one could secure fron, the Indians the neces- sary information. The book, as anyone can see, is not the work of a year or two, but the outgrowth of researches ex- tended over the greater part of a lifetime, I see no reason why you should not write the review yourself, I am sure you would do it well. And if I can help you I will be gli>d to do so* As ever yours, Mr. Charles Sheldon 6 West 9th Street New York City ii I 89T S March 31, 1916 Dr. T. 1. Jaggar, Jr. Volcano nouse r. _ u. Terr. Hawaii Dear Doctor Jaggar: Many thanks for your courtesy in sending me copies of your papers on the Technology 2xpedition to the Aleutian Islands in 1907, and 'TVie Evolution of Bogoslof Tolcano'o I aa mi^ty glad to add these to my filos as they abound in information of value. Wishing you success. Very truly yours. I If r\ '..- eav •J? *» 770 April 3, 1S16 Dr. I. P. Bargin Delta Colorado Dear Sir: Doctor Walcott, Secretary of the Si^ithsoniau In- stitution, informs me that you are about to set oi:t oe a hunt in northwestern Alaska, and -^ould like to secure a n^rket for natural history specimens. I em interested in .boers. particularly the grizzly and big hro^vn hears of Alaska, and as; glad to purchas* at good prices all the skulls offered, provided the same are labeled for locality where killed. If known, the sex end date of killing are also desired. Seme tegs are enclosed herewith. In case you send me the skulls, the packages shcul^ be shipped by e3:press. chr.rges collect, addressed: U. 3. Biological Surrey, Dept. of Agriculture, .Yashizigton, D. 0. Tou mention Kadiak Island aad the Fenal Peninf^ala as localities where you are likely to secure ^wciinens. I shall be glad to purchase the skulls you kill in both of these places, and also from oth^r parts of Alaslca, whether on the coast or in the interior* Tlie .^arpe 13 true of British Columbia, from all parts of -rhicb grU.zlj ^^rs are much needed. «Ve are anxious also to sec.j^ specimens n U J St V \ Of big bears from the mainland of Prince Ym,- o 6nA fT.«», u- ■^. -t^rince Villiain Sound and from rfmchinbrook Island and qf m- . ranges, * ^^'^^ ^^ ^airweather It is not nec»3sary to oleac iy-, ,i™-n It i= =no^ if th, rouph n«h i, !T t "-Pl«t.l7, ^^f» " «>« »»!' duplicate in my fil«» Very truly yours," • 0 \ m 1 i » •- (ii i . «'l '♦•1 YTV I '! •April 6, 19X6 •^ *• Dear Ur. Martinelli: • My work here drags along- in such a way that I shall not be able to get away for some time to come -- I cannot say just when* I shall be very much obliged therefore if you will put enough water on the ferns to keep thera green until we arriye* I suppose you finished clearing and burning the brush on the back part of the place* We have had a moderate winter without Uiu '^ mow, and spring in just about to begin* We have had two o/ three thunderstorms and the grass is beginning to f^h^ green in places • In a couple of wsoks the early leaves will be out. 7/ith kind regards to you all, Very truly yours. J Mr. Pompeo Martinelli Lagunitas Calif, 8\T Mr. Bdmund J. Sawyer I^«^^ ^^'"- . ^„tter of the 5th insto -oulA Beplying to your xetter .. , T re-i«.ed from the Biological Surrey fxv*. rtate that I resigned therefore to the « ^ I am forwarding your letter there-O years age, i am ^^^^ ^^^^^,^ present Olvief , H. W. Hensbaw. along ^xth x you enclosed for twenty cents. (I'ery tralj yo^i'S, ^' hi i '\ 779 April ^, 1916 Mr. J. P. T. ^Trvus Livini^^ton lontana Dear Sir: Tha/ik;3 for your lettor of March 30 just reoeiYad. I &in ^ary glad to Lava the locality where yen found that hear simile I Dm not intorested in the human skull you mention, and think the Biolo/rical Survey has already ohtained a num- ber of 3kulls of wolves, wild cats, anu lynx frofn the Fnrk region^ Ilo^e^or i will iriquire as to this* Should you obtain any skulls of grizzly boars dur- in;;y the comiDg se^^son ,1 would he glad to purchase the same at f^od prices* "Very truly yours. r HI % }\i\ % 0 781 !» - ( i f A .% April 8, 1916 ^•. Dear Schultz: Tour letter of the 3rd inst. from Greer reached ae this afternoon, ard I am mighty glad to hear " from you once more. A copy of the petition ^hioh you eent we several months ago never showed up at tUs ead of the line, ^ich I greatly regret as I air. deeidy in- terested in the placing of Indian names in the T^est. I am therefore in entire sympathy with the effort (f the Blackfeet Indians to replace so far as practicable e con- sidsrshle number of names on the map of Glacier Haticnal>' Park, As a memher of the Executire Committee of the '■ Government Geographic Bo3rd, 'cases of this sort ofre hefcre me in the regular routine of map hurineas. This matter hot- ever has net yet been brought to our attention. If jcu . could send me a copy of the map of the Park with fne pro- posed Indicn nanes distinctly marked on it, I should bs-very glad to take the matter up. In all cases where the Indians elraedy have a definite name for a mountain, lake, river, or other topogrsphio feftture, it would be •fi/f^\ better to use .such naroe, instead of reneming the feature for sore fonr'^r * » chief* r^ ■ \ '/ ^^ ,<^ ■\ i J ■h 4 \ \ \ I am assuming tWf vnn >.« ' «6nt to the Secretary of the Inu^i.^ 'v • " I wish vou had «ent this f« < .7' "^ *^^ ''•' "^^^ J u aaa ^ent tnis to me in the beei«„< matter »oalr' ^n^« v .. ,_ B»^ning, so that the niatter wouia have been taken up early. .No. I have not received any griziiy skull.. .^ anv ^ord about skulls from any one in the Glacier Pari^ region I v.r.te last summer to the persons ^ose addressee you gave but rsceived no replies, * Thanks for the information about the big grizzly recently killed in Utah. In accordance with your snggestion I am TTTiting the Deser^t 3>m^-ff.,>yi7 V.^t^U by this mail, end hope to get on the traci of the s'oill. < » We are looking forward to 'the appearance of your net book, which I ordered from Hou^iton Mifflin on its an- nouncement several weeks ago, Tes^ we ere going to iL^gunitas again for the summer. Vjt owing tc pressure of T7orfc hero. I cannot yet tell ^en we vLall leave. Shall be glad to see you and Mrs, Schultz thoi9« With best vrifshes. 1 Ur. Jm, Willard Schultz Greer \ Apeche County \^ /rizoua • 7ery truly yours ;^ } ii S8^ -« % I 783 April 8. 1916 ****°D«ser«« SeAi-'rTeeltly Herald Salt Lake Citgr Utah J*** ,• Dear Sir; I hare jwJS ^^^ informed that y.-ar paper contains a notiie of the'tilUng of a large gri.zlj somevrhere in Vtm on March 17 last. If this is correct could you kindly sen^ m a copy of the paper, or 'could you give me the address of the mn who killed the b^ar or who now owns the specimen? Eesijeot fully. V«i»' •• ^P l: t,\ I i ( ) I I * 4: '» April 8, 1916 -Aiaska Dear Sir: St*,. », Tour letter cf the I7fi» < 1 the -Vir, .^ , „ ^ ^"^** ^^-'^ duly, and i-er bare just arri-^d. The .,T)eci^«», ' {„f^ ^. ™ ^^^^^^60 proTes to be an interesting one, and I am winino- f« n -;r,i^ „ ^-Ixng to pay yo^ $50 for "-11 be sent you direct from the Smith- sonisri Institution about the en^ o' f>,- . -r>8 eiic Ox the present month. Don't forget that I a™ anxiouB to secure as nany shells as possible of and big bro.m boar. iuTiv^ the coding season. to be shipped as before ad- dressed: U. 3. Biological 3.r.ey. Dept. cf Agric^ture •Vs' ingtor, D. C. * T^ery truly yours. fc^^^^^t^^t^WBt'. **«rv-** -att l^8V 11 April 8, 1916 !• Q. Batchelder, Esq* ^. ^ , Chairman K.A.A.sxecntire Board^ American AutcMiobile Association Riggs Bld^. Washington, D. 0. My dear Sir: Tour letter of the 4th inst, is at hand, as>- ing at the suggestion of President John A. Wilson of the A. A. A«^ if I will serve as a member of the local adyisory coismittee. Hjr interest in motoring, good roads, and the proper punishment of road hogs and reckless drirers generally^ leads me to accept, provided the demands on my time are not to be severe* > Tery truly yours. i I \ m 5S\ April 10. 1916 I 786 Mr. Albert A. Bieber 226 Clinton Avenue I7est Koboken NeT Jersey Dear Sir: Prom your catalogue jnst received I should be glad to purchase #120 Dodge: 'Our ^/^ild Indians* ^.OC^ and #134 Fhoebe Spalding: 'Tahquitch Maiden* $1.00 Yery truly yours. 'i-Z^^'^y^'-'^ *--' IT^ -^ ^^., •ft ♦ • ■ n *» f- - ■ ^^'X **^i'' '.;*«- CEtr'^ "ttii '•^' e^ n^ ar-c" <;. 3 J* ■: v V t . t ..i i 1 I :iV nii trti^t (r V'Z's cAuS^ J It '.•>/•./- I t I S ;>! > ^ t f \i.. / i « 787 I 1 April 10, 1916 •»i ■ 111 > ?> ■< • Dear Ur. .Thirssj lours of the 8tb came this morning. Todd's paper of which you apealc wan shown me hy Ir. Grosvencr t^.o or thr.e years ago. It w.s a prelimi- nary paper written before the latter expeditions. and was not intended to cover tho whole ground or to simmarise the scientific results. I regret thst you will not he at the ne.'ct EcrH meeting. I shall try to be on hand and see vhat J can do. By the tyay, vhat did Todd ever do to you ir tho way of provocation that you should stick a 'Prof.' in front of his name? /i8 ever ycnrs. m ■ i ■/ Mro Georf^e ohiras,3d Ormond Beech Florida tH 1 I u I 88V I i \ April 10. 1916 Dear Mr. Saa»pson: Thanks for your letter of the 6th inst, just receiTed. It is very kind of you to think of send- ing me your book, which of course I shall he glad to hare. But your question ahout the "big govern- ment publication on the Indians of the Southwest" is a mystery to me, as I never heard of any such publication. The most important works on the ethnology and archaeology of the Southwest are by Bandolier, but these are not pub- lished by the Government, There are also numerous papers by a variety of authors on the Zuni, Acoma, Ta*«, Hc-pe, and other Pueblo Indians, and some on other tribes, but these are widely scattered. If you can get hold of the title of the publication you have in mind, I will find out about it and let you know. Glad that you will probably be present at the Boone and Crockett dinner. Very truly yours; I i < i Mr. Alden Sampson Hotel Bon Air Augusta Georgia i 1 ' i -i ^ k ill! c> ■f 'i ; II M v» h N e8Y April 12. 1916 My dear Professor Bir^hom: Thanks for your letter of the 10th inst* just received* Heller iiad already suggested the matter of donating the Peruvian rnanmal collection to the Biological Survey, and had shown me a copy cf Dr« Walcott's letter to you on the subject. Acting on this letter, I irrmediately brought the matter to the attention of the Biological Survey^ and the Chief Mr. Henshaw, and Assistant Chief Mr. Nelson, agreed that if the collection could be accepted without pre- judice^— without the appearance of taking sides in a i^uar- rel — they would accept it mzst gladly, place it at Heller's disposal, and turn it over to the Museum as scon as Heller had finished his work on it, which was assumed v.oujd be in about six weeks. Mr. Nelson therefore went at once to the Museum and talked the matter over with the Curator of Mammals, Mr. Gerrit S. ?Jiller. After some discussion, ,and after Mr- Miller had talked with Dr. Stejneger, the Museum authori- ties decided that they would consider it an unfriendly act for the Biological Survey to accept the collection and give Heller free access to it, even for the brief period of six weeks. \' .' P J. ••; ^ 1 1 I i> 790 i In "iew of this un.ip<,oted attitude on f^- ^ re«r,t to accept .,,, coHoction. ^, ,JZl . ' "° the c=.3o U .,c=t .fortunate . . - " °^ remedy. * '"' ' "" "-'"'"• "> "-Sest a ^ory truly yours. . Ti»-.» Professor Hiram Bingham Yale Station New Haven Conn. d ''#i tit 1 i reT n M. 792 April 14. 1916 """• Siperiitiint. Carlisle School Carlisle Penn. Dear Sir: Acting on y^ur lettar just receiyed, announcing expiretion of my subscription to the 'Fed Man', I aia en- closing: check for 5ane herewith^ end shall be obliged if you will kindly send receipt* If ^ bill had been *^ent me I would have sent cheek before* Can you tell meiwithout too nuch trouble, whether there are at present in Carlisle any Indians from Cali- fornia and Nevada, and if so can you telj me the locali- ties from which they came? Tery truly youis. f m^ -M^v [ti- J i i April 14, 1916 Naw York Oity Dear Sirs: Acting on the enclosed bill, which I assume was intended fcr me. althouf* the name is entirely ^rong, I em enclosing check of $2.00 for two copies <^f •ZarfiSl.&Bl.StrfiSffl ' for the ensuing year* Kindly send receipt for same. In this connection I wish to call your at- tontion to the fact that only a single copy was sent me of the March and /:pril numbers. Previous to March I received two copies unifonnly as per subscription. 0 Very truly yours. H i- 8GV April 14, 1916 Deer Mr, 3ampson: You surely wore most kind to send me your attractive book on Milton<. I had no idea thr^t you had given so much attention and thought to this great man# I shall keep it handy, where I can dip into it at odd momenta* Unfortunately I cannot answer ycur questions about works on the Indians of the Southwest, for the rea- son that the territory you have in mind (New Mexico and Arizona) is outside of the region f California and Nevada) concerning which I have made personal ethnolofrioal studies. The Reports of the Bureau of Ethnology contain a lar^e amount of mtter.with numerous illustrations, on the Pneblo Indians. Perhaps/the easiest way will be for you when you cce on here to the Boone and Crockett dinner, to visxt my office and run over the set of publications in o'n'L r* .""'^ '"' '^'''' '-'' '' ^^"^ -^ '^^^^'y the ones nf interest to you. With best vaahes and many thanJrs. V«ry truly yours, Mr. /ilden Sampson Hotel Bon Air Augus ta Georgia 1^ ¥ s i ^ 794 April 14, 1916 DesT Doctor Adams: Yours of t-o 10th inst. came this rorninfv. ^^d I am ^^lad you jogged my memory on the mat- ter ot the Adirondack Bird List. On looking the matter up I. find that I have plenty of the addendas. but only "^M copy- of the list itself, and that one had been re- turned from the person to ^^hom I gave it when it first oame out. I em forwarding same to you herewith, and am adding my three papers on 'Birds of Lewis County, ' northern New York, for the reason thot Lewis County lies long the western edge of the Adirondacks. I am not surprised that you find the zoology of the State full of interest. With best wishes. Very truly yours. Dr. Ci:!arles C. Adams New York State College of Forestry Syracuse University New York 4 8ev P4 «0 tD Q TilJ O O CO CD O o 03 -5 » ^ >* 09 • iH O CO o CO (D CO e> I — f CO CO 4^ o CO 2 •r-# V-l o Bs «M P4 -r- C m KTj «> ^ § o ^ O q ^ -4.-"5 to 01 ^ 8 ^ 03 ID ID 9» O ■;■: O ♦ •tH •»-< •■«"♦ O v.>0 a. CO :^ 30 to / rH lO &♦ 5 CQ ID CO OS o ^ CO •r^ CO CO aiJ o 10 CO 10 Qy o Q> a> PI* CO o o :o Cj Q> CO o ^ *M ^ en CQ CO o o 0> O § (D •4-> 03 I iC CO > .f4-> T? P4 ^ «> -M CO o 01^ s n «M «i ci & p*> ^ ^ p» >% 0) CO «» r-f IQ r->. c> «D CO n -3 *--< (0 CO e> «0 0 53 ci tr-^ o no o w CO «IH XJ IX, « a> nJ o q j4 g I 8GT •I I 797 I* I '1 April 17. 1916 Marrel Cerburetor Co. Flint Michigan Dear Sirs: Is there anyone in this tovm who underrtarids your carburetor? I have one in a new Oakland 38. but the agents of the Oakland don't seem able to adnist U properly or keep it in condition, and it is giving ire a greet deal of trouble. If there is anyone here Vho understands it; I shall be ^^nA to my car to hir. to have it put in proper adjustment. Very truly yours. 'H, '« iipril 17, 1916 The Honorable The Secretary of the Interior iVashing'ton D. C. Sir: If aveilEble^or distribution. I should be greatly obliged if you would send me three copies of the^l^^ort of the Goremor of Alaska on Game and Geme Laws. Very truly yours. \ \ <^^\ i 799 April 17. 1916 I*; April 17, 1916 Dr. Wilbur L. Cross The Tals Review Tale Station New Hayen Conn, By dear Dr. Cross: les, I will try to write a review of Grinnell's 'Hating Cheyermee'. elthou#, I air. under such pressure for time thet I really ought not to under- take it. Putting it off 8 few months is only an illusion. I will try to send it to you before I go ?7egt. It need not be a long review, of course, and the 1500 words you Mention should more thnn cover it, I think. yerj truly Tours ^ \ pr 1 i Hon. Hu^ P. Baker New York State College of Pores try Syracuse New York Dear Sir: If you have copies to spare. I should appreciate the courtesy if you would send me two or three copies of the recent publication by Dr. filliein L. Bray on 'The Bevel- opaent of the Vegetation of New York State.' If these are for sale I shall be very glad to purchase the same. Respectfully, i y 'i i\ I I 008 April 17, 19B Dear Doctor Bverinann: Tours of the 10th inat. is a^ hand, asking me to join Joseph Grinnell in representing the Aoadeny at the meeting of the AmericaD Association of Museums in this city May 15-17 next. If I can senre the • Acadengr in this way I shell be glad to do so, although the time at my disposal is fearfully limited. It is gratifying to know that you have made such progress with your habitat groups. I shall bo glad to see them on my return to California, * With best v/ishes. Very truly yours. Dr. Barton 17. Evermann Calif. ! il t'1 I ro8 '"'iim.tiimm^mmitmmmi I i April 17, 1916 HacKay & Dippia OelgBry Alberta Dear Sire: The last batch of five bear skalls w>ich jon shipped by Dominion Express arrived after some delaj, ^d I have just examined theit^ Four are griszlies;. One is a blaok% and is the smaller of the two from Chain- pagne Landing, Txikon* The other skull from the same locality is a fine old male grizzly, althoup^h marked fe- male# It unfortunately has a piece saiired out of the back of the skulls Otherwise it is so fine a spscimen that I am crediting you with $2C for it* The male fi^CTn Colum- bia Valley I have entered at $16; the young male froa^ • Briscoe at $10; the female from Morley, /.iborta s^ $10; the black bear from Champa,^e Landiiig- at $4, Triskir^ '^2. in all, a check for vrhich amcunt -ill he gont you about the first of next monUi. I shall be /-Ind to take all the ^i::.slv akullu you can get held of during tho nprir^^ nnd fu2nmer# Very truly jnursp '1 r I: •^ =^ -a.:- [I r m I I I ^f 3i f"** !>i,. >*t I; 1C3 April 18. 1916 Mr. Ja^e^j L.,' Clark 1160-62 Southorn BcnleTard Bronx, New Ycrk City Doar Mr* Clark: Pardon my delay in replying to your letter ifiquiring about shoep soelps. Raving no ccllecition of rny own, I referred the matter to the Biological Purvey, end supposed they had written you, hut learned last nif^V.t the! thoy had not. Tn^j report that they h rye no !;heep scalps which they could exoheng©, .1 i:m interested to know thr.t ycu have the head of a fsheep from the 3ierra Nevada in California. Owinr^ to the rarenese of -ihese in collections, I am wondor- ing' if you have the data for the specimen. P^^ffrettirg the delay in replying to yoirr letter, Very truly yours. H 808 804 April 13, 1915 Judge Cfirroll Sprigg Deyton Ohio .^ Jltf deer Judgs 3prigg: Plea'^e [nvdov. my dolay ?n rozilyirig to yniir letter of April ^ f/Dout the wclrus scevlpa* It has not been practioable until today for mo to s^e iho Museum authorities on this Buhject* &. GeT^rit P,. Miller, Cure tor of Mainmals, told ine this morring that ha shot^ld be rzxj glaA to have ^-^ -jalps^ ar;sii2jine thrit tho locaJitT they oaxm from ia kno^m* le understand that ths^^f? ai^ soalpa only» net acconp mied hy riLrjllg or ta^Vso /hcut yciir forthcoming trip tc Alaska: T ofp^ee with ycu that this is likely to be rm Gjroellent yeer for bi,;j gsma. As for suggestions concerning good territory for hTinting, this would dcpond largely en t-o things: tho tiTno you will be able to^^ive to the bant, and the kird or kinds of game you are cmxioiis to secure* For hig ber^rs, AdmirFillv Baraliof, and Ohlchagof Islands .ar^d the Alaska Peninfj-jla are the easiest of access, <^nd seem to be vYell stocked ,Tith bears. The Kenai Peninsula rlr.o is gcod berr ^iwaiL. On the other hand, specimens from the mainland from Prince ':7illi/^ ?cund Bouthea=t.rt,. aro ™ch „„r. Udly „„d«i i„ o=n,ctio„s. She,p r.rA moM, a„ .aaily UlUi „„ ,h, k,„^i oou axe commoB over mnch cf the interior and occur Elso on /.leaka Peninsula. If I can be of any help to you. let me know. Very truly ycura. If you have Gunther 3hi P the walrug scalps, please tav. the,. acWr,3aoa to fc. G,„i, S. Wlll„. j. 3. „,„<,^i KusouE, ;7esh!r;g'ton, D. C. I c08 ' 1 . as to ^y I had refuf^ftd th^ shipment of the ^iszly &kii!i and skull, would state that my refusal was to pay a C.O.D* oharge of $35* The &o7enoaent does not do busi- ness in this way. '.Te pay express charges to the axpiviiss company, and r^ay bills for specimens ^o the persone frcK nhwa the specimens are received, a check for the purpose being seni dirsct fr02 the disbursing offiCC I shall be reiy g-lad to aoc^pt the specimen oaa pay for it in the usual wfij, but will not psy C.O^Dc^ charges* If ^i;^ O.O.D* clause is released fco the tjxpre^s company, the specinien ?:ill lie received .-^r.d a -^mthacvr^an oh^^^ ^^^ ♦•^s «w-unt sent. If thif. o^n h^ SLtturided vc so that the notification of release arrives before the end of the inonth. a check for the arount \ill be sent the first of Majo Other?rise it will have to wait r^xtil the first of the following mcatht as my accounts are rendered monthly. Please notify ine in whose r\B'M tlie check should b^ drawn# Very ti-uly yours. I Mro Gerrit S« Miller, Jr. Ourator, Division of Mamiaals Urn 3. National Museum VVashini?ton d: C. Deer Mr, Miller: . Replying to your letter of the 19th inst», as to the authenticity of a certain paragraph from a isttep wt*itten by me to Professor Hiram Bing- ham, I am enclosing a copy of the complete letter so that there may be no misunderstanding on the subject. My interest in the matter from the first has been to secure the collection for the National Museum< 7ery truly yours,' • • ^^^ G08 fC 0 P Y) 810 (C 0 P I) 2 i April 12, 1916 Hy dear Professor Binghan: Thanks for your letter of the 10th inst, just received. Heller had already sug^stod the matter of donating the Pen^Tian nmnnal collection to the Biological Surrey, and had shovm me a copy of Br, Walcotfs l-tter to you on the subject. Acting on this letter, I i^ediately brought the :„atter to the attention of the Biological Surrey and the Chief Mr. Henshaw. and Assistar.t Chief Ur-,„ ' agreed that if the collection could be accepted without p^... jua.ce .. without the appoa«no. .f teHn^ sidea in . quar- rel .^ they .ould accept it most ^ladly, ,lace it at Helper's aispoeal, and turn it over to the, «,.«,, ^"^ ^^'^^^ ^s aeon a« Hellor nad finished his warir nn if -i.- » •a work on it, -/hica *as ass»ed touH be in about six we9ka„ ^ "e ^n Mr. Nelson therefore went at once to -V,* u and talked th. ...... .,. .. ^ ^"^ "^^ ^^^^' t 4 ■r. Iluier bM tslied ,ith TV, St.j„™- t!,» .• ties docid.d that th„ , i^ "^ ^"""l' for .„ B,olo^lV2'°T °°""" " °" "^"■^^•'^ ~' ■ H.lUr .„e r; It '""' "" °°''"="°"' '^ el.. / In view of this imexpeoted attitude on tbo pert of the Musetim» the Biological Surrey declines with genuine regret to accept the collection. The present status of the case is most unfortunate, and I am unable to su^gBst a remedy. Yery truly yours, (Signed) C. Hart Kerriam Professor Hiram Bin^iam Tale Station New Haven Conn. rrs 812 Ur.O.A.Z. April 22. 1916 Mr. Charles A. Zeige Long Lake Alaska Dear Sir: lour letter of the 3rd inst, has just coiae to hand» I am glad to laam that you are in a position to obtain skulls of bears • I am anxious to secure during the coming season as many skulls as possible of griszly and big brown bears, but do not care much for the small black bears. »rf.5> For skulls of grizzlies and big brown bears I will pay the follorin^'j prices, according to sax, age,' and condition of skulls, it being assmiod cf coarse that each skull vrill oe carefully labeled for the locality where killed; U each for ycuxig- skulls, up to $10 or $15 f«r .d,.it fomales and .^20 or even $25 for g-od old mf.les. Skulls need not be completely cleaned. It is enough to cut off the thick flesh and to r.move the tongue and brcins. care being taken not to cut or injure the besa and beck part cf the skull, im.n dried such slazll. should be carefully wrapped, packed in boxes, and shipped by ex- press, transportation charges collect, addressed- n . Biological Surrey, Bept. of Agriculture. .VaBMngtor'^D n lour name should be written on a tag attached to e«cfc to 1 f I .;9 1 f- f , \ ■ii skull, and also on the outside of the box. so that when it arrives it will be properly accredited to you, as numerous skulls are coming in all the tin^e. Single skulj. if well wrapped to protect the bona« ^-^ sewed up in cloth or gunnysacking may b© sent by parcel post. I an anxious to see as many grizaly skulls as pos- sible in the near future, and wculd be greatly obliged if you will send me prooptly any that you may obtain, not waiting to secure a number, as it is just as well to send then from time to time as collected^ « Very truly yours,- ^^ 4 f>' 1 i< i srs April 22, 1916 Hi-. H. H. Pittman Box 28 Wauchope, Sask. Canada Dear Sir: Your letter of th©17th inst. with accompanying photographs, after having heen properly censored, reached me this morning, for which I am very much obliged. Of this lest hatch I am retaining 18 and returning 19, Be- sides these I an taking the liberty to retain two prints (945 of the white Jack rabbit in plowed grmmd and 1202 of grass-hopper mouse) in exchange for the prints of the same animals received previously. These latter are re- turned herewith, making 21 returned prints, whi<* I hope will reach you s*fely and in good condition, A check for these, amounting to $36, will be sent you direct from the Smithsonian Institution about the first of May, Thanking you for your courtesy in the matter and hoping you will continue to send me such photopral, as you may take in future of mammals , Veiy truly yours. I f. i u < ' j i. : ) 1 April ^''^» ^^^^ (/ / ^■r I I Mr. Noah ?amum Morrison 314 liTest Jersey Street Blisabeti New Jersey Dear Sir: H«Te yo-a on hand a copy of 'Out West Mage^ine' for June 1902?- If so kindly send same iritb bill. If you do not have same, do you know where I might bo able to secure a copy? Very truly yours ,- n G 816 April 24, 1915 Mr. G^rrit 3. r^iller Jr ,^ ^ , Curator, Ji-?isicn rx uantir.fcis U.S.lJatlonal Museiim n Dear Mr. Miller; Tour let tar of the Zl'si inat. reached rr.e Saturday. You say that wy statement to Trofaasor Bing^xas:! differs so widely from your statement of the caso "that a mistake is evident." On reading your letter cnrefully in connection with mino to Prof«e«or Bingham, I fnil to obserre any confliot, and carmot irfiagine to ^hat jcu re- fer unless possibly to my use of tho ezj^resaion "v/culd consider it an unfriendly act" instead of ycur words ''would not ref^'ard the suggested action as a fsvor" — which mearja that you «culd look upon it with dirfavor. In telling mo of your clociaioi) it irr hf.rdly to be ex, ected that Nelson oonrrdtted to waiory ?nd repeated the exact words used by you, eni frr jny part I frealy admit that I paid not the Blipihtost attentioi; to the rorde used by him. Prora what he said however T reoavT^id the dirtinot impression tiiat tho Museum ./as tverse to receiving;; the )pxt1' tnammel viaa^collcction throng the Biclc,2'icol Survey cs i^aad teen suggested — and this agrees with the stctoment ill .vour f l^^tter I therefore wrote Professor Hngha. to this effect SMt yon a f»w days ego. I urn sorr, if tt, t,m "mifriendly acr ^sed ly -e •as 3tro„s»r ttan th« word or „ord. u3od by you to Mr. N,l. «n. But sino, th.' «pr..siou on.e to „y .i„4 at th. .o.ent Of wrxtluff. .„d Since it is tho ono =„«o„ly .„pioy.d 1„ diplo- -at,c .ansuag. to ..proas disapprcal. I usad it. The «,tt,r bafre „s ,as not one ofjjodi. tat of^got - -Aethar or not he anseu. desired the Biological Surrey to accept the collec- tion on the te,^s proposed. Uf. is too short, and both of us are too busy, to waste time in .juibbllng o«r words. Very truly yours. (i \{S hi Qlr April M, r^^ Mr* Oscar T.. Le-T^dry Bella Cools Dear Sir: T]\e orizalj skull iron t^e head of Bella Coola Valley, •^^nich you .liiipped in Docamhenlas az last -rriTed. It iv<3 a fine old mals and I m alio7vins: you tE^.OC for U, which anount will bs sent you from r.y fimd in lb.e :ji)nth- sonian about the first of next month. I shall be glad to take all the gri?.al.y 3balls you csn r'-r:t hold of during the 5]p'irig and svmiOTo lerj tnaly yours » i i. srs iipril 27, 1916 Mr. John D. Sheman Jr, 24 Glaremont Avenue Mount Yemen New York Dear Sir: Thanks for your Catalogue No. 2 just received. From it r should like to order the follo-.-ing publications in manimalogy: Bangs, Outram 4 papers on labrsdor & other iriammals Batohelder, Jiiinpinjg' Mice mc5 Cooper. We. 3 excerpts R.' /,.^m^lg"'^'^^ ;fg Oope. £. D. Types of Kolar teeth of maTmnalia edncab. .40 Hahn, fl, L. Review cf Tjets .15 Motes on maimnfils -,« 1/3 Conte, John Excerpt on N./:. nia™als 5: reptiles .30 KcChesney, C.E. and Elliott Ocues Notes on 'Jarmals Manaaals Reprints & excerpts 1852-1914 Packard. A.D.Jr. Origin of Amer. Varieties of Dog Rehn, J.A.G. Excerpts on Eats & other manmials Hhoads. 3.N. >nopsis Polar Hares cf K.A. 189S Amor, Martens tUod N. /.. i^arnmals of Mich. & Iowa '.7oodhous9, S,?.. N.A. Jackal Very truly yours. .15 1.00 .SO .20 .50 .25 .75 H ■ a 4 819 April 27, 191S Dr. IP. Burgln o05 iSast Pike Street Seattle Washington Dear Sir: Thanks for your letter of /pril ->! ., , On April 3 I w^-n. ^ ^''^^ received. the le t '" '' '^"^' '°^^^^^^' ^-^ evidently -Ixe letter was not forwarded to you. T ^, th . inff a corv o-p f^ therefore enclos- A"g a copy of the same. Very truly yours. \r * i«t J», 0£S .Y 321 April 28, 1916 I ^Pril 28, 1916 .»i I Cadmus Book Shop 150 West 34th Street New York City Dear Sirs: Jrom your recent catalosae I should like t-, #5091 Lester, John S. The Io-3emite- 1873. n.OC Very truly ycurs. .-• -^r- 's r' -^Th 4/^A ^^- ^oiel H. Newhall 154 Nassau Street New York City Dear Sir: From yo«r special list No. 95 I should like to order #38 Seyd. Smest Pc^t^^^ • ya. ..mest. California and its Resources. London. 1858 • $4.00 Very truly yours. m A^ ,^, J- 4 I I -^-3*- I S^8 X«.> iiir, M ^s 'U llt^fji^re of ^t J, icmlt^rf univerfu :v u ."' ■ f . i?«ea 1 ri r» f^. vi f-» 1 v% ;.^ ^./j ^/i i-^i Det-r -> ^ir '^rn F-J^iio ^o your ai?d 1 a <.- Q G 1 no - ^1 1 %' r -? r* ■s- V J ifn conc'irniii.e .-3 L . -• * ..'•xy.OM reciter '«^.*^-*-« "* .2 '- U thii^ y^ning'i^an -vx s<^ty tha d w T* .-^ veriii :!. r«'n.rvi- i' r ?".•» . r • ..^ l-«*« logical oi^irey Ev^ '=-•/ ^*A '^ii»? T > e 10 i:l Jl s noy-nQ ;vns 7^* >>» V /^ -w.»iV ^ (Ti^^ irObic^ I or O r; A 1% ^ •i.-. ■» c arenls were pooT)i,ij f -^ be ig T«ry X^Olit thiDk he hs i^pie meaii^ 4rf . companionable ana ^ -; I s as 7b >,:> u ^^t I dj net y »» T^fede a ::r>-o- ^ -- V » 5ncr*.^T' e lii a pj-icition and porju^5:3-ee, but it i lie riifij be l.rckinH- * • *«■ j-ti 1..- na\'s ^-a-l an oppcrtunit out-o:-dcioi 1 J". >. I*-: .j>-"o ■-*•- 1,. vvoris .r-3 9 .^ Al'-J . 'i© x.«3 lorA ac tn experi-noe at :arn"j\> e t f.ii i. ?ii!^ r* <■ .C3 Ut i -m. a ^r ' ,T Jfi'r-^\ "*-* l^'J afir r oh } act oUv 1 1^ oAaii^x ^ ^7 imabip th<3rf^fov^^ f. a«/ ^ jon ono: ye 7ory ni -rr »/ < yofirn f *m 'ip> f. \t ■fi April 29, l91iS Mr. iU I. Adanis Aocountant ^ , . , ^ . SmltliSuiilaii Inst ibjt ion Wes: ingtoD, D. G. Deer IJr. Ada«iS: ^ Herevdth 1 enclose my expense accoiint for i Auril amountirt^ to $20.15, tog^.ther 77ith 0 "batch of voucers and bills as per acccirpanyinf^ list, eiid shall be obliged if you ^7ill kindly pay the aaiue iron th^ Harriman Fund. Very truly yours. : / l) A.lpril 1 " 10 2 15 ! 17 " 18 If 29 C. Hart AJerriaa The Northumberlad. Fashingt on. D. C. 1916 ^^^^ ^^ENSS ilCCT. Charles R ^ ^otmao Electric Power On t7.t . . 2 3 4 7 50 1 90 1 00 1 OC 2 00 25 1 QO 1 00 3 50 1 00 /i^K.nobertson — Book Library Bureau — Cards Andrews Paper Co* — Supplies "* *^ n Paper Albert A. Bieber — Books 0£^Pi o« "Tor. t VToodwurd 61 Lothrop— Bcoks i.ivi./ixelson — Boar skin & okul Maciiay & Dippie — Bear skulls Oscar^T. Landry — Bear skull H.H.Pittman — mamaLl ::hoto3 Zenaida Merriasi — Services $7.00 13.37 1.45 2.45 4.00 66.60 . 6.50 ^0.00 62. CO ^5.00 36.00 22.50 $20 15 20.15 twenty- —fifteen h^ SS8 e 82 o 1916 Woodward i Lothrop P & 10th Streets, Washington, D* C, BOOKS April 1 Pemald: English Synonyms ^ 13 Hammond: Quaint and Historic Ports 150 500 / E« M. Axelson Takutat, Alaska 1915 ipr. 10 Skin and sktdl of glacier bear from foot of St* Elias Eang©^ Alaska 5000 $6 50 -- — f i f ty — V — ^ 6.50 i *- ; (. ^- $5000 f i f ty. 50.00 • f ,:^r^ -=-fc^a- 4 V28 828 1916 April 17 KacBiy & Dipple Calgary, Alberta, Canada BBAR SKDLLS Skxill of old 6 grizzly from Champagne Landing, Yukon Skull of old <5 grizzly from Columbia Valley Skull of young d grizzly from Briscoe Skull of grizzly from Korley Skull of black bear from Champagne landing 20 00 18 00 10 00 10 00 4 00 I 1 Oscar T, landry Bella Coola, B. C, 1916 Apr. S4 Skull of old male grizaly from Bella Coola 2500 »1 ■sixty- two- $62 00 -no-' 62.00 e.. $2500 twen ty-f iye 25,00 ^ I i i i ■ H e£8 ff ■« 830 i H. !!. Pittman Zenaida Merriam Box 28, Wauchop©, Sestatchewan, Canada TJ^e Northumberland . 'fesi i m^on, D. a. 1916 April 24 18 Photographs of mammals from Wauchopa 1916 pril 29 3600 Wm Services as assistant 10 days @ $2.25 per day 22 50 »*) "4 1 4t\ $3600 — thirty-gix •no— 36.00 s $22 50 — • twenty-two. fifty. 22.50 ttl I fl -1 1 t ^ J 1 1 i F: 1 / ^ * f 1 J *J * ^ < 1 ,^ ■ « -^B fc^-^,.,. I ^ J k' miji ■ llfr^ r£8 ^.^..,— -V WoLa,*c->4 I W -y^ -^-^cfcfrjj I i I 1 May 4, 1916 Dear HooseTelt: Tour telegi^am reached me "before your letter, and I wired you in reply that I would he glad to lunch with you Tuesday at Oyster Say. ^^ ., Heller returned this morning from New Tork and says he will go also, as I belieTe he has written you. I am glad you are pleased with the review^ It will be good to see you agaiito Very truly yours. Col. Theodore Roosevelt Oyster Bay Long Island Hew York I- May 4, 1916 ^' -A. H. Sale* -alesville Mercantile Co. balesTilie Montana Itear Sir: Your letter of Anrii 9/: ^- by the Express ComDanT /«<•>. ^.. d^ii.— -a i> oompany.As they did not arrive until after «y April aceoimt had been sent 4- «.« xcr tbo «„ount promised ($35.00) cannot be sent you until the end of the months I understand from Mr, Bailey that this bear was killed on Sage Creek, in^^lhe northwestern corner of Tel- lowstone Park, bud I do not know the date. Do you remember the month when it was kille4? And wa^ ii i« loic -. lox^? Vory tnilj juurs^* i t k t r I, ^ i M ) r 1 I 'I 11 Cougar 3 aales S ^.00; l u^j_, @ ,^^^0 Karten 4 @ ,50 Black Bear 2 l„jur.d .ale, fi 3 i„j„„, ,,^j^^ ^^_ 2 good feaales @ $3.00 $15.00 2.00 10.00 May 5, 1916 Mr. 77. ?., Kent Campbell River B. '' w. Dear Sir: At last your shipment of skulls lias been receirod. Part of the delay was due to the fact that it had been held up by Oustoms people, I am elad to have all of these skulls . but rerret very much to find that five of the black bear skulls hive been badly injured by chopping off the back part where t>^s skull joins the bones of the neck. Thio raakes it impo.^ible to g-et good measurements for the base of the skull. In future shipments I hope this may be avoided. ,, . , "'" ^''' "^'* ^'^ ''' '^^^ ^tulls of wolves, both fron the island and from the rianlan/?? t <,- t ^ . Kaaniand.-' I gnoulri be glad to «ur- ch«s. .„„,,,. ,^ ,, ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^. -^u..a be 3ure to send the., aa I ,rtlH„, to pa/wg p^oo, for t.. 3a„o.t.e prices „.,,„, ,„„ ,, ,„ ^.^J J ^^- each .«,!. of oo.ars, to .e l..eled fo. u^n,,. ^,„, ,. ; ''aoitiouai tags are enclosed hei-cith. The money for thp»qft -v.,i^^, 'ti ^ txie end of the present month. ($33.00) Very truly youra. 5ii i 835 May 5, 1916 Dear Grinnell: It was a disappointment to me that I did not see you yesterday. I wanted to talk with you particularly about the Mountain Crow, and also about the matter of names for points in Glacier Fark. The latter subject how- ever can go over, as the suggested changes have not arrived, and may not come until after I go west. At all events, I should not think of advising action of them until after con- sultation vdth you. Is there any human probability that the Mountain Crows ev«r pushed far enough west to enter the Yellowstone Fark country? My sources of information do not state their exact whereabouts, but merely mention that they lived in the mountains south of the Yellowstone. Schultz claims that they reached the headvmters of the Yellowstone, but I cannot find any evidence to this effect. As ever yours,' Mr. George Bird Grinnell 238 East 15th Street New York City, f *t t i^f f 1' I b f'l T N :i 888 r May 5, 1916 i f t Mr. Gilbert H. Grosvtfecr ^. ^ . ^ Director, Rational Geograiaiic Society TJashington, B. G« Dear Mr. Grcsvenor: Very many thanks for the bound National Gp.ogr&phic Magazine for the year 1915, which ycu hare hetn good enon^ to send me with the compliments of tlie Societyo As in the case of the bound copy of the previons year's magazine, I shall t^e it to laCTnitas where it will afford entertainment during the fall evenings. Yery truly yours. I 837 May 4, 1916 D©ar Mr, Norton: igain I owe you an apology for delay i^ writing, but it was only yesterday that I was able to ex- amine the Glacier Bear skins in the National Museum and biological Survey collections in comparison with the skin you were kind enough to have Rowland send me some weeks ago. This skin is much blacker than any we have, but owing to its composite character and lack of specific data, is not of high value as a Museum specimen. On the other hand, it is a most beautiful rug. I shall therefore return it to you in a few days, care of Thomas Rowland, unless you advise me to ship it to you at Goshen. New York. I greatly appreciate your ccurteay in the matter, and the generosity of your "offer. If I remember correctly Miss Annie Alexander at Berkeley, Calif has a Glacier Bear skin similar to this one of yours. I am obliged also for the data as to your old male Klappan Grizzly. ^ith kindest regards and best wishes. Very truly yours. 1 i i i I VlT. G. Predorick Norton Sunnydale Farm Goshen New York •■'.f 8S8 8:5 if? ! I If 'iay 6, 1S16 r» J- I'V ^y 6, 1916 < Mr. Ncab Parmini korrison 314 viest Jersey otreet !ie^ i r ' r4 «; 845 May 10, 1916 4 Hadson Bock Co« , -, . "^^ '""Fit^«ld.s .California a«tch..' wMch you .e.t • f..fl rf daaor'tiae parti oJ California m. a few days of deaor.Bi, g pa ^ end W hm,tlng as i.pliod by tl. not.ce xn yc^r .oowist. p— '. -""'* «' »^=' "' ^°°""' r°"" of no Talue *.t.,.r from the standpoint of mj wk. I =» taking the llherty therefore to return it l-y this .axl. Il^ ^■ Mrc Hope Brewer Auhalmer British Columbia Canada Dear Sir: Ifcmy thanks for the grizzly bear skull received a few days ago from Sheep Creek, B. C. It is a fine young adult male, but unfortunately the back part of the skull vrhich hinges to the bones of the neck, has been chopped off, thereby injuring it materially for a Museum specimen* How- ever^ I am crediting you with $18 for it, and a check for this amount will be sent you about the end of the present montho If ypu are able to secure any more skulls of grizzly bears, I shall be glad to purchase all yon can get hold of, provided each is labeled for the locality where killed. Yery truly yours. -o ]^ • i. 11 WlfcM^ 8^8 ^ww May 10, 1916 Dear Mr, Ellsworth: Yery many thanks for your kindness in sending me,throTieh James L. Clark of New Iork,a set of eight photographs of motinted heads of moimtain sheep belonging to your collection. They constitute a most attractive series, and with the attached data as to where the ani- mals were killed, are of no little scisntific interest, I congratulate you on having secured such a fine lot of heads from such widely separated regions, and appreciate your courtesy in giving me this splendid lot of photographs. With hest wishes. Very truly yours. I 1 •4 I 847 ^y 10, 1916 Mr, Jairifts L. Clark J.160 Southern Boulevard .•Bronx, New York City Bear Mr. Clnrk: ^ '""^ !•"- °f 'k^ 9th i„3t. c«, thi, .„.„. ..=lo,,„g «.„„ ^U photon Of Idnooln msworth-, she.p- th ^ars, pn„t, accortl^l, aM a.^i^ tha ss,en s^n pri«t,»ia. Sith thla info^ation tha sari,, Uc^, "-» ot sr.,1 intaraat. I a. „itii,g Sr. SUa-orti by this With thanks for your courtesy in the matter. Very truly years - Mr. Lincoln Ellsfoi^*^ 12 East 69th Street New York City I !<** >rifl' 8^8 i. Uajr 10, 1916 Mr, J, D. Cochran Bbrkerville B. C. Dear Sir: Replying to your letter dated April 23 Imt only just recelTed, would state that I shall be glad to purctose the timber wolf skin and skull you mention at your prict of $15. Pleas* ship the same either by exprsss or paroel post addressed: U.S. Bio logical Surrey, Dept, of Agriculture, Wash- ington. D. C. A shipping tag is enclosed herewith. Be sur» to attach a label to the skin bearing your own name and ad- dress, and have the same marked on tie outside of the package. During the past few months we hare experienced un- precedented delays in receiving packages of specimens from British Columbia, probably owing to hold-ups in the QnBtoma department. Very trulj jours. ^ *■ **( , p.* ' t n, %'i « -"Kiift-i 6 i •I 4f 1 M in : f I. I 1 o ^ 3 850 mat-ik- L? i ^J 12. 1916 S Ni- I I'! I.I, . (' f • May 12. 1916 Mr. W._^ ^. Nishet 12 South Broadway St. Louis, Mo, Dear Sir: Thanks for your Book List 204 j;:st reosired. Pxoa this I should be glad to purchase #213 57yomng. Shoshone and Arapaho Indians .75. Replying to your inquiry as to subjects of sr.ecial interest, ^uld state that I am interested in exploration, travel, and hunting in the "'est. especially early ^crks. and in publications on the Indians of Galifon^ia. Nevada, and Utah. Outside of these thr*e States I do rot usually care for Indian matter except on Shoshonean tribes. Very tr»jiy yourr.. I- * *■ » iJt'i I've 1 (]r, vh-» T-c *- .,», n imt Michigan Bear ^" yi rs : aep^ying- to jour letter of /evil IQ f^, ^ ^ P. Mslr,«- <:'«i „ - . - ^ 19 (signed Dan. K-lr...r. ales .tngmeer.) would say tha- thP ««-. * just o^.n i^^s,^.nei f"'"^'^'^^^^-^^^^^ '-^y' ^-^ ^- only . ,:; : "^.^'^'''"^ '^ ^-^- ^^^ ----tor .as surprised -xther Che .achxni3t nor .,self could n«i any difference. -■v-.r. the Old piece was clogged .ith carbon and grease, part 0. .h.oh I have left 5n in order that you n.y see the Ba.o. rnis ..y accour^t for part of the difficulty I have had. And . ..0 not ne. exactly how it is to be remedied in future as the .an^e thi.^ wcruld seem likely to happen again and again. T^s little air hole at the bottom was completely closed, and is so diffiouit of access in the Oakland 38 that I hardly see ho?.' it can be ke^t cpon. The nifin carburetor tx-ouble I have liad is that the oar usually atailg when sto. ning in thick traffic or at any time when stopping rather suddenly. Very truly yours, V I i I. I I >i I ^»*4t i GI^S •5 850 -y 12. 1916 May 12, 1916 Mr. Wj^ ^. Nishet 12 South Broadwav St. Louis, Mo. Bear Sir: TlxankB for your Book list 2G4 just reosired. ProDi thxs I should be glad to purchase #213 STyoming. ^oshone and Arapaho Indians ,75. Replying to your inquiry as to subjects of snecial interest. H)uld state that I am interested in exploration, travel, and hunting in the T/est. especially earlv merits and in publications on the Indians of Galiforaia. Nevada, and Utah. Outside of these three States I do rot usually care for Indian matter except on Shoshonefm tribes. Very tm^y yours. » * h I' if i 4'* 4ii JS.-:aTel ferburetor Ooippany MichigBn r\ • Bear Sirs; Ssplying^ to yo^jT letter of /pril iq f^, ^ ^ V. M^-ir.«-, c^T „ . -P -^ J-y [signed Dan. fr...lf,-,. .ales iing-meeri wou.1d say fh^^ ^>,„ ^*icii yru .ert .'o. . ""^'^ ^'*''"* nonpar > "" "' '^'^ "^^^^' ^'^ '^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ - -thar Che .achiniat nor .yself could fi^ any difference. P-t 0. ...Oh I have left in in oz^er that you ^y see t^ se^. This ^y a,,oar.t for part of the difficulty I have had. And . uo not see exactly how it is to be remedied in future a3 the .a.e thi,^ wcn;id seem likely to happen again and again. ni9 little air hole at the bottom wae coaipletely closed, and is so difficult of access in the Oakland 38 that I hardly see how it zon be kn^i cpon, i-hc ir.orological Service Toronto, Canada Dear Sir: Vei-y many thanks for your crurtssy in sending me A. J. Connor's recent paper on the 'Temx>erat-are and Pre- cipitation of British Oolumbia,' which has just com6 to hand. This document contains much matter of interest to me. and I am very glad to have the opportunity of consult- ing it. '5'ery truly your 3 I % 1 ft i i % Dear Mr* Norton: Yesterday I shipped to Tliomas Rowland, 185 Sixth Avenee, New York City, your Glacier Bear skin rug, for the use of which I am very much obliged* With best wishes,' ?ery truly yours. G* Froderick Korton oiamydale Ibtt^ ijoshen Nep^ York 4 H •i 1 ,1 CS8 I / ■2"W^>i»Wfe 854 ^' ;. ' I *■ ^ i' M f fc ■it i^ m May 20,1916 Mr. Thomas Rowland 185 Sixth /venue New York City Dear Sir: Yesterday I returned to you hy express prepaid the rug skin of a Glacier Bear belonging to Mr* Frederick Norton, which you sent me et his request some time ago© Very yours. "^f » f ■i\i ■ . % May 20, 1916 M^o Robert Jolnson Killisnoo, Alanka , Ji^jar Sir; Tour letter and the bear sloill to T/hich you refer came to hanA £ few days agOo I am very glad to have this big skull of a brovvn bear, on^i am crediting you vdth $20. for th3 Sf.]-m9 Payrrumt will be sftnt you in about 10 days. I shall be glad to take all the skulls of bears you are able to send, provided each skull is labeled with the name of the locality where killod, and the sex and data, v.'hen these are Icnorn to youo I will pay s^Z to $4 each for sirulls of black bears, and $4 to ySO oacb for skulls of grizzlies or big brown bears, according to age, sex, and condition of skull* I should be glad to get skulls from the nirdnland as well as from Admiralty Island if you will be careful to label each one for the lo- cality where killed. In your letter to the Biological Survey you speak of sending 2 skulls in ser^f^rate boxes* Only one has come as yet^ Very truly yours ^ <■*' '^ !! M 1 ', 268 ^ac?::::i|- (■-!£ May 20, 1916 ifi- 4 it' Mr. W. H. Case Juneau Alaska Dear Sir: Tour letter of the 2nd inst» came a few days ago, and was followed by the female skull of a brown bear from Chichagof Island, which you sent at the same time© I am and glad to have this skulls particularly to know that the bear was taken from her den along with two very young cubso Can you tell me on what p«rt of Chichagof Island the bear was killed? I am crediting you with $15 for this skull, a check for which will be sent you on or aJhout the first of nextmonth* The Dase of this skull was badly injured, the bone having been cut away to get at the brain more easily^ This is a serious injury for Museum specimens, as you of course know. Should you succeed in obtaining any more grizzly or brovm bear skulls from the mainland during the present season, I should be glad to purchase thorn as usual* In case of such skulls please make a special effort to ascertain the locality where the bear was killed, as son^e of those you have sent me are not correctly labeled for locality. If there is doubt, better say soo Very truly yours. \^' ^ E^*;- Y* l^ % f n U^ te ess f May 22, 1916 V ■ ■i De Witt & Snelling: 1609 TelegraSh Avenue Ooklancl Calif. Dear Sirs: 9 A week or so ago I recoived from you on approval a set of your California biblio^aphy cards, but up to date do not know the cost of same. I find the cards entirely satisfactory and would wish to retain same if the price is not too hi^. Very truly yours ^ i i" 4 i, J^r ' t L f t vas May 2E. 1916 Dear Henshaw: Replying to your letter of the letli inst. con- cerning a letter from Prank S. Daggett. Director of the Los Angeles Museum of History, Science and Art. relative to mak- ing a park of the Bancho La Brea beds, I take the liherty to enclose herewith a copy of my letter to Daggett in answer to the same circular letter as the one received by you. Very truly yours. Mr. Henry W. Henshaw . , ^ Chief, U.S. Biological Survey Washington, D. 0, Daggett's letter to you is returned herev/ith. H» *l /; 858 Ttey 22, 1916 Mr, Prank 3. Daggett '''''^LSJ'A^'lSS.Ialif?^^' '°''"°^ ^"'^ ''' Uy dear Mr. Daggett: Tour letter of the 6th inst. in rela- tion to the Hancho La Brea fossil beds is at hand* I am delig^ited to know that the oi^ner. Mr. Hancock, has so generously donated thirty-two acres of these beds for park purposes. This is abundant proof of his appreciation of the very high scientific value of the fossil remains dis- covered on his property* The fact that the skulls and other bones of ex- tinct majnmals thus far obtained from the Bancho U ,Prea beds exceed in interest any known deposit from any other part of the world, gives the locality unusual prominence* For this reason the place is likely to be visited n«t only by naturalists, but by the intelligent public for many years to come — probably indefinitely. Tlie plan ycu suggest of enclosing the area v/ith attractive park surroundings within -wMch the beds them- selves may be seen, strikes vye as excellent. I would make the further suggestion that the educational value and popu- lar interest of the proposed park would be enormously en- hanced if a series of restorations of the anirials cast in -^1 » ft' Pc8 m i cement, were placed about the excavations or scattered throuPh the park. The originals of these might also constitute a unique addition to your Museum. It seems to me that the funds necessaiy to carry out this plan would he well spent, and would be appreciated by many thousands of our citizens. Wishing you success in your undertaking, Tery truly yours. «* ■*■■ t§ ■- f n i\ 088 \ r 861 m r- May. 22, 1916 Mr. W. R. Kent T, , Campboll Rivsr ^•f^ar ID' British ColumI) la Dear Sir; Your letter of May 11 cajne duly, and wes fci lowed a'^Af '6i two ago by the box of skulls • It i« ^ood to know thA't^titO shipiScM was not delayed 3i^ the previous one. As yorf-'aitfead^'tfiid^erstand fhoat the reduced velu© of badly injured skulls, j t is hardly nocessa'i^ to srv 8>nj were on that siifcjsct in this letter. You know of course that fie cwo wolverine, 6 of the marten, and the ycungsst fanele black bear were the only perfect ones in the Ijatch. I am crediting you for these as follows: 4 Black bears @ $2 2 Cougars i£ $1 2 .Yolyerino C :il.50 7 Marten & .50 $8.00 2.00 3.00 3.50 I ,«tijr uope you -7111 succeed in aeourinr r.cmo grizzly boar skulls in the course of the .....on. In a provious letter I mentioned -flhat skulls I an most anxious tn ,^t. If I did not mention wolverine I %in remark that I .-ill u ^-ad to purchase at leest 10 more skulls fro^u '.Vmccuyer IhIo^C I m glad to got Hkulls from both mainland and island, so'long as they are correctly labeled for locality. V. ■ *■, 4^ I I -J '! I. I > i 1 T Z. - ntve added the ariiount of these skulls, ;U6.50, to th^ previous voucher of ?33.0O, mking $49.50 in all. which will be sent you on or about tht firet of June. . Hoidng you will secure skulls of timber wolves during tlio s&ason, Veiy truly yours. i i \ S88 May 22, 1916 tMkf m Dear Mr. Chapman: Spring is now so fer adv-anced in British Columbia that I am v^ond^ring if your man -yhc killed the red grizzlies has as yet been able to secure their .^VxUic If they are in repsonably perfect condition i should be glad to pay tSS apiece for them. The two badly broken slculis of gr-izslies, which you were kind encu^ to send the Museum for mj oif,r..i- nation early in the winter, are perfectly typical fftinales of the smallest of all our northern griszlies — a species I named Ilf^^g rmnilPI some years ago. I susj^ect that the red bears belong to this same spcies. but cannot be i^ure without seeing the skulls. Trusting that you will be aucsesaful in ob- taining them, end thanking- you for the privilege of ezcmlning the others. 7ery truly yours,^ Mr. Robert H. Chapman 2029 Q St Washington, D. 0. {♦ '<•• hr ■ I' i ft \ Sps- May 22, 1916 T m Mr. Nelson Doubleday Oyster Bay Long Island * Dear Sir: The Pocket Nature Library, which I ordered from you early in the month, has arrived in good condition but as yet I have not received receipt for check covering same. f7ill you therefore kindly send me a receipted bill so that I .may hav. the same to turn in ^ith nj monthly account to the Smithsonian Institution? ^ Veiry truly yours,' i: » J i 1'! 1 1 ' U ^ ^88 June 1. 1916 Dear Osgood : Will you please loan me afcain the type skull of Elliot's Tfy-^ h^lodroimis v^hich. as you re- member, turned out to "be a fomele grizsly instead of a '«u:^le black? I have a number of additional slnills from Britl^iK loiumbia, and am anxious to Binke a inore critical comparison Lii^n was possible vfhon ve had fewer skulls from tho region. ;7e are hoping to ret away about the middle of June» and I v/ill of coiirso return the skull before leavings Ttith best \fishes. Very trivly yours. Ur. Wilfred H. Osgood Field Museum of Natural Hi Chicago . Til. story t •1 I I 4 / 865 Jurie 1, 1916 n " '^* ''3ll^rd itominion Expreos Go. /ancouver British r^olujnbia Dear 3ir: Replying to your letter of tfey as respecting a ^rpmnt of n.u-^.al .Iculls ^Mch left Campbell Piver. B.C. J£r.uary 13. v.ould say that thio shipment finally arrived' cfter having been lon^ detained in the Custoir^. Hespootfiilly, % u. I i i h h \ fc I) 038 June 1, 1916 Dear Frofe^^sor Thacher: Your letter asking me to deliver an aaaroj^s at your coTimiencement on June 9 har. just reached me, having boon for/zarded from Larrunitas. As you see, I am still in Tfashington, and therefore unahle to accept your kind invitation. i7ith "best wishes, Tery truly jcvltg^ Prof. Sherman D. Tliacher Kordhoff Calif. ^•Vn^^^s^r^w ^W4,i»W ¥■- .'! t I / 867 'June 1, 1916 V_ 1: • ^ • * ..V ciilS i*! Kingston -on t aria. Dear '3ir: The boar slruH r;hich you sent on Uuj 20. and des- cribed as a young silver-tip. is a younr fen^ale black Lear of no spocial v.luo. ?art]i.rmore the sk^ll is badly in- jured by having been sawed in two. If you ^.ill take $3 for it I -.viU nurchaso it. other.rise will return it to rou ^ery tridy yoi;rs. ^ I i li-- ', - i f i : I (i Iti V ^ 888 June 1, 1916 Dear Grinnell: The accompanying petition and list of sug- gested changes of names for points in Glacier National Park sent by "^chultz reached me la^t evening, and I m forwarding to you at once to get your comments. ^ In most cases the proposed names are far too long. Plead e check such changes as you favor, and return at your convenience;, The number cf sifoiers of the petition is surprisingly small • Very truly yours, Mr. George Bird Gririnell 238 Jiast 15th Street New York City -i I *f 4 h I / / *^un8 1, 1915 Dear Mr, i;orton: Heplying to your recent letter would say that it has given me pleasure to comply with your request, and I trast the outccme -dll be. such as you der?i re. 7/ith best v.dshes, Very truly yours. ,,»^> .« Mr. G.^Pred^^rick Norton Goshen New York r 869 m I i \ \ 0^:8 i t I // 871 ii- c?e JJ I : 1 June 1/ 1916 '» ■*-:»■• ^ y-.^ Uv. W. !• Adams Accountant Smithsonian Institution - ^shington, D. 0. - * - • . Dear Mr. Adams: * Herewith I enclose my expense account for May amounting to $36.07, together with a batch of Touchers and bills as per acconipanying list, and shall oe obliged if jou will kindly pay the same from the Harriman Pund^- Very truly yours, J' fc^ ^J .rr ^.^ -*v ^*. 1/ DeWitt & Noah Pamham Morrison — iJooks 4.12 Daniel H. Hewhall— Book John D.. Sherman, Jr» Books Hope Brewer— Boer skull W.H. Case— Bear skull Robert Johnson—Bear skull ^•, '"•^Kent—Mammal skulls Albert Kookeah— Bear skull Zenaida Merriam — Services A.H. Sales— E^er skull & skin ffoodward £: Lothrop—Books sTeaver Bros. Offibe rent & telephone 66.30 4.00 6,.70 18.00 15.00 20.00 49.50 15.00 15.75 35.00 5.35 1 V f ■1 i ( k. ^^ s n Hart Merriam IQWBT' ^jOii B^)'Ml The Korthumberland, Washington, D. C. 1916 iiay 2 8 8 :. 8 9 9 Q ic 10 11 15 MAY EXPIJI3B ACCT. Sub Ui lan h. J. B^rtlett 5: Co.—MooreheftA^s Amer. |xpres3age on above book from Boston -^■er. Geog. Soc^—GeoKrepbical Review (2 copies) in . ashinp-ton-Nmv yJ^t-V ^ ± / Toucher Aj; p . ashington-Nev/ York' KR Return ticket .7as 1 2 3 11.30 2.00 .50 .20 2.00 4 vols. _ ..-ihmgton-Ne^ York Lower berth lash ingt on-New York - - Breakfast Nev/ York Carfares N.Y.>;oolo/dcal Park i rotum Lov/er bnrth Wew Tork-Wanhin^cn Subscription to 'Wassaja' Nelson jfubleday— Pocket Nature Library w. J. Roberts Co.~Doz. sheets carbon paper iu.v.Nisbet — Indian publicationl>v«i.Wev^ /*- - u^ Potomac Electric Power Co.— Electric current Carfare of assistant for work at Libr.of Conpress btenips and staiaj)ed envelopes Services of charwoman for cleaning office apWnt ^jorvices of jr^nitor iisipressage on books from Mt. Yemen April 29 Cadmus Book Sliop— Lester, To-semite 6 7 8 9 10 — ; — thirty^.'Six- •\ f- ■> p 75 ¥ 32 1 00 16 GO 50 4 50 X 75 00 CO 15 50 00 30 1 1 1 3 1 1 00 $36 07 «^ ^^ '*03i;''^ r^'--- ' 4. •-seven — — 36o07 0 • - * i>' n '*^i. .^.1 ■r" > J SY8 1916 May 12 tl Hope Brewer U S-U' an' Athaliaer^ B. C. , Canada 4.x >. .TOO A aSISi^'S Yii Skull of male Grizzly Bear from Sheep Creek^B^C,- - ' 3&)0 • U; X^' •A * « - *-J i>^ •^ '4 1 I 1 / W« H. Case i^iia-s » • Juneau, Alaska* lny 22 Of? Skull of big "brfcwn bear froar "hi chagof Island, io L i Alaska 'anf^r- ,ba.r;Lsl \iiQtisi 873 ciiQl aX Y" - via \^~^ 15 00 \j »rf ( 4 ■ ^ 1 ^ J X a I 05£Or 'to. .r igbteen 18^00 no JljXiTa HHI- .:i~!i; i ' J .4. 2iJ $1800 j>; . >no 15 •GO oo,or> \ I i ^\8 TJobert Johns on eear .3ae)I "]^illisneb, ^laska^In iis^i^q, tisC 1916 Kay 22^' Skull of.ldg broiwai bear from Hood^CanalV'A^bic-cr v ldlt:r£. i..>, miralty Island, Alaska ^^i-lL 00 dl 00 9 Oci •J ^: - S^ ;S: •' 0) -x^ee ^osm alLri V tX}.S- ^ f.3^T Jo^rj aJIi^^rr A Ov* ^. • $20 00 20.00 . IS I cT . c^ tf ;' I W. R. Kent .• ^'i^CO. n-^sL C8ii5)bell Mwr^rB* .O'tj-C^nada 1916 May 6 _ 4 Skulls Coug^ (SLinal^s; © |4^0; X|eii|ale 6 $3) ^ ■-<-• •3^4 okolls Uarten 9 ,50 Fda'^r' ,'iui ;Iai v^ilG-ii 7 Skulls Black Bear (5 6 $2; 2 S $3) "22 4 Skulls Black Bear £■ $2.00 ' 2 Skulls Cougar @ $1 » 2 Wolverine 6 ?1.50 7 Marten S .50 4 ». . 875 , ,« ^iV^ ol a 2 00 "* 16 00 8 00 2 00 3.00 3 50 $49 50 forty-nine' fifty-^- .• — • V. 49.50 f BY8 1916 May 25 00 s Oc S Al^bert Kookesh .r, JCilli^noo, Alaska -I ,.'•► 3kull big Brown Bear from iTLite aater Bay, ^^^"' ^•^"- .'idmiralty Island, Alaska ' ' - • • 3ii •§.^i>irTtr^'-it '-15 ^'C r'p ' :» ii ;:: W .-?> % ^ -. JO. rrei .^^Q" t / 877 Bil ^ 1^ * +"rnrf TA Zensida tierriam juXac. ..: . f • J X J, .\ i^i* Korthumbcrlantl, TJasnington, D. G .9irx ^0 1916 ' y 31 '^^♦X totnl f .- oerv 7 ices as assistant 7 days @ $2.25 per day Vj^^A *». '■( ^» ^ p_| , % tf 15 75 I] I r -rrrr*^ifteen> ■no 15.00 * * ••^ ^» •■—1 -• ^** V ■ $15 00 , -^M^^ 8^8 A. H, Sales SalesvillB Mercantile Gc).,Salesvi]le, Montana 1916 May 5 Skin and skull of grizzly bear from TellowSttone" Park ,t j^ J diG^i 1 r 35 00 •r. f / 879 Woodward 5; Lothrop r 1316 May 3 ■-»i^ .■pi-.i- '•■^ •loth 5;P"Sts., Washington, D. C, BOOKS H. S. Bolton, Spanish Exploration in the" Southwest Schultz, J,W. Blackfeet Tales Harpers Liafjazine for Hay (Death Valley article) 3 00 2 00 35 -thirty- five ;J35 00 —- — — i.T"' .^ -tTBO ~-. 35.00 i 5.35 • *■ I fire. thii-ty-fiye $5 35 I :-. \ June 1, 1916 c^ Dear Schultz: ;*.. '-» Thanka for your letter of Ifey 25 enclosinfr the Blackfoot petition of whioh you had previously spoken, concerning suggested changes of names in Glacier National Park. On looking this over I am disa^j,ointed to find that «ost of the are ver, long. ^ The Geographic Poard is on general principles opposed to %n, Tl. Boani is also xn favor of using the actual Indian word, instead of ^ts English translation where the word. is not too lonr and :s fairly easy to pronounca. ^ ' Glad you are to spend ar.other' sunnner in Park. My .ork here has dragged along so that we Shall not he ahl. to get away hefore the .idTle ^Ij. ^ei7 truly yours, ^s Aii|elJf/c*alif. ti i , I i 'I li ! S88 \ Jxuie 3, 1916 Dr. ?• J. V. Skiff Director, Field Musoiua of Natural History Chicago Illinois Dear Sir: In connectioE with my work on the bears of North Imerioa I am anxious to compare the 8k\xli of the type speci- Men of UraiM hyjLoJrWma IJllijal* which sknll is the property of the Field Musetim* It is a female fTTOTn westsra ilhsrta* I shall be greatly obliged if you will loan it to me for a few daya for comparison with specimens in our National M-i- setuB. Transportation charges will be paid })j me as a matter of course. Pespeet fully. V^W-. m.^ ^ ;11 I t :t i» *! £88 \. I w June 5, 1916 ;| 1 Dear Mr* Thayer: Thanks for ycur letter of May 29. Owing to the qnanity of work at this end of the line> y^e have teen disappointed in getting away, as you see. We now expect however to reach Laganitas about June fiO, exact date still uncertain. With hest wishes to you all. Very truly yours, ^ Uy, .7. I. Thayer Thayer Garage San Baiael Calif, ^ ¥^ L. ~^i- i i' r i 1 1 w [. J o Juiie 5, 1516 Mr. T^. H. Sdw&rds Atnarko British Columbia Dear oir: Tlie bear skulls you beve sent in have been of much assistance, and I am ncvi writing to ask if yon will make a specirl effort to obtain adiliticnal skulls duarin^- the prcf^ent season. I om always willing to pay grod prices for the same, the price varying; according to age, sex, and condition of nkuU, as stated previously. In case j^ou are able tc secure any, -lease ship as before, addressed: TJ. 3. Biolo-ical Survey. Dcpt. of Agriculture, Tarhin/^ton, I\ o. A fe// labels arc enclosed herewith. Yery traly yours. A similar letter was sent to each of the following: Louis Bell Hope Brewer J. s). Cochran 3, A.!, /xelson i7illiaai H. Green Pred J. Roehl fiugene Jacquot Mrs. John Hyland Ernest P. "^Iker t •«:, it I ik ' 'if. •i i I S85 June 5, 1916 Mr. Co L, Steinhouser, Unalakleet Alaska Dear Sir: I was glad to receive the large bear skull you Bent in early in the yoar, and am writing to ask if you will make a special effort to obtain additional skulls during the present season. I am always willing to pay good prices for the srme, tho price varying according to age, sex, and condition of -kull, as stated previously. In case you are able to secure any, please ship as before, addressed: IJo 3. Biolopical Survey. Dept. of Agi'iculture^ -T^.ohington, Z. ^. A few labels are enclosed Tery truly yorrs. A similar letter was sent to each of the following: ;7. H. :^paulding P. ,7. Darbey Joseph L. lliU . , Capt. J. r. Hubrick Cavid ?. Ilane Fimo^t Kirborger Oscar '^. Landry J, C. ntts r f *f' ^•^^ I' 888 June 5, 1916 Mr. Charles J, Bayer lander Wyoming Dear Sir: In your letter of February 12 you stf ted that you would send a grizzly skull Tvhen the snov7 went in the spring. I am -ondering if you could secure it for me now. and send itf carefully capped) by express or .^cel post.addressed; U. 3. Biological Survey. Dept. of Igri- culture. Washington. D. C. I should be glad to take all the grizzly .knolls you can get. and a. always willing to pay good pric„ for enclosed herewith'. '^^''^'"''^ ' ''^ '^'^'^ ^ Very tru> yours. r Wi i^ H X f 1 1 1 t 1 ! I r / 837 June 5, 1916 Mr, Barnard Hems 3ne 1 1 i shaia Alaska Dear Sir: ^A H Will it "be poF.sibla for you lo secure any big brown bear skulls during the .resent season? I rm always willing to pay gf od prices for tho sair.e, the price varying aocordlng to ago, sex. and condition of skull, as stated previously. In case you are iible to secure any, please ship as before^ addressed: U. 3. Eiolof;ic£l Survey. Dept. of 'Agri- culture, 7asliingtcn, L\ 0. A few labels are enclosed here- v/ith. Tory truly yours. ;p 4 I 888 m I' >^ t June 5, 1916 * > ^' III .1 AT ^ to, ^^ Mi <-.'. Ut. a. Stecker QuiDhagak SW Alaska Dear Sir: last fall you wrote that you exx>6Cted to be able - to secure bear skulls for mo in the spring, and I am writing to ast if ycu have met with any sucoess, I an always willing to pay good prices for skulls of grizzlies or big brown bears, the price varying according to age, sex, and condition of skull, as stated previously. In case you obtain any, please ship by express or parcel post, addressed: U. S. Biological Survey. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. A few labels are enclosed ^ * Very truly yours. * ' * 1 -. ^ June 6, 1916 . Dear Mr. Sei^nt: Thanks for your letter of May 20. I am glad to hear from ycu and to Icnow 7/here you are. • I have been delayed by my work on the boEM, but hope to start for California in ebout ten days, end expect to spend the syjjmer at Lagunitaa as usual. I should be glad to eooept ycur invitation to spend Wi» day with you et Pasadena en route, were it not bo late that re v.ill go by one of the northern routes, and very likelj yon will have 3 eft befor« our errival. You were fortunate to make the Mohave Desert trip at the time the flowers were in blossom^ I don't know of anything more glorious than the desert in full blocan. You were fortunate also to secure four Pananitnt baskets » v/hich I am f?ure ycu v/ill always treasure* I should be glad to see them 5=tometi?ne* Dcn't imagire thtit tliose grizzly *^laills you were kind enou^ to have Jac^juot sand us were not of any accounts While none of them were fully adult » they nevertheless have fine teeth, and have been of considerable arisistance* With kindest rogeixia, to you both, and hopir^ vou will give us a day at IfipunitaF during the sujnmer, Very truly youra^ ^' llTaT ?lsSTe5^^. %H^ VA.- I'^liPt Vista l>3i Arroyo I'a ^ r. d e nn , Call f • I- 868 June 6, 1916 ]fr« w» v» A-uCmp50xi oecretery U^runitas Devclojoient Co. 464 California 3treet San fVancisco, Calif. Dear Sir: Pardon my delay in replying to your letter of May 11. forwarded from LBgunitHB. In aiiswer to your inquiry as to T75.9thcr or not the last prop rty you sold me had been assessed to jr.e this year, would say that there is every reason to believe that it has been so assessed, as my tax was increased to $53.96. the highest tax. previously paid hsvinp been $48.55. As the descrip- tion of the property on th^ tax till is not complete us to bouiideries, it ^/ould be difficult to decide except frcm the firiount. Very truly yours. I I 894 June 6, 1916 John H. ^ew^^on, Bsa« Kiilisnoo * De^r ?ir: You have been kind enough to help me in securing bear ^33:ulls from Mrrdrrlty Island by writing letter? for the natives who had the iikullSo I eppreo:; ate your courtesy in the p^.tter, pnd hope you -^111 continue to aid in securing additional skulls* I should be g^lad to obtain es rraigr benr skulls as possible froft Admiralty, Chichcigof, and Baranof Islends, and also frcm points on the mainleud, provided each skull is correctly labeled for the locrlity where killed* Gcvemmont ciiecks have just been sent in payment for the skulls roc ived. Very truly yours, f. aes June 6. 1916 Mr* Albert Kookosh o/o J. H. De^son, Esq. KillitBnoc Alaska Deer Sir: ^ M8J17 thanks for the skull of a female brown beer from White ^ater Bay, Admiralty Island, which ar- rivea safely about a week agOo I hare credited you with $15 for this skull, and a check for this amount will probably reach you about the seme time you receire this letter^ I should be glad to receive other skulls from you from Admiralty Island, Baranof or Chichagof Islands, or from the mainland. In ell cases be sure to put on the lebel the name of the locality where killed* Skulks should be sent as before, addressed: U. S* Biological Survey, Dept. of Agriculture^ Washington, D. C. A few labels and a shipping tag are enclosed herewith. Very truly yours, ; » f I 1 i i- r \ 89fe June 6, 1916 **/,! Mr. John Barrett Director General Pan American Union Washington, D. C. Pear 3ir: If available for distribution, will you Irinaiy send me a Military Map cf Northern Mexico, Entitled 'Map of Sonora, Chihuahua, and Coahuila, Mexico »? If there is any charge for same, I shall be glad to remit promptly. Very truly yours. -^..1^ \i. ::;1 m N « fl res June 7. 1916 ■»•• ,1 ) Editor Forest & Stream 22 Thames Street New York City Dear r)ir: For the third time this year I am obliged to call ycur attention to the fact that I am recei-^ing; only die coijy of Forest and Stream; wm^roas I have paid for two copies. The June ni:anber arrived e few days ago, but only one copy as in the case of preTioue imjiibei'S^ I shall be obliged if you vdll send me aaothar copy of the Jxine number, and hope you v/ill be able to arrange your mailing list so that two copies Riay be sent mft in fu^jre without the necessity of writing mere lettcr?3. Very truly yours. -I 'iijhi 8G8 [i 1, 899 June 7, 1916 I f1' f )■ „ l)ii>> E<) *■■ I t Juns *?» 1916 Dear Grinnell: imanks for your letters of the 1st and 6th insts. »Q former crossed mine to you. I am greatly ob- liA«d for ^^e reference to Le Baye on the killing of sheep ti 4iiitelop» ^y wild-cats, and also for the reference to ll^p .^nake Indians* It was very good of you to take so much trouble in the matter of the proposed changes of names in Glacier National Park, and I thank you for the time you have taken to indicate the few changes that are v7orth con- sidering. And as we appear to be of one mind in the matter, I think we need have no apprehension as to the result. The subject did not come up at the meeting of the Government Geographic Board today, and this is the last meeting until October. I am filing the documents therefore^ with sufficient comment for the present. I really feel greatly indebted for :vhat you have done, and I em sure it will be appreciated by the Board. Tilth best wishes, and love to Mrs. Grinnell, Yery truly yours, yuurs, i Mr, jeorf^e Bird Grinnell 238 East 15th Street New York City ^ a i r I Hr. WiUiajn Ullmnn Sacretary. /. /. ^. Wash ign ton, D. Depr Mr. Cllman: Enclosed is 0 brief memoraDdam along the line you sug^sted. Cut it dom or fix it so that it win best senre your purpose. Very truly yours. \. C!.*^^-».>o!^ t^j^>ow At a meeting of the /../,.i rnr^n.4. ™t.rial a^vantog, 7„LJ / ' "" ^"" "" *« completion Of an additional route for S . "''' ''' Of the availebl. f ' '"'^^- ^'°^* "^aileble from the Capital havp >,« * so many times thpf h, ^"^^ treversed «8i.t i„ off.™ unay you $25 for this skull, and sliall be only too glad to take all the grizzly skulls you can obtain during" the present year at good prices, the price varying of course according to the sex. age, and condition of the specimen. Soiae labels are enclosed herewith, and I shall be obliged if you will fasten a label to each skull, stating t' e lo- cality where killed, and when knov-n, the sex and date also. Payment for the skull just received rail he sent you about the end of the present iponth. i^nd if any others arrive in the interval^ they -/ill be included. Very truly yours. \ Doe 907 I ( » r^. .| r June IC. 1916 Dear ^LeWoa: Work haa oran pressing ^c hnrd cf lata t'mt of vn"n* 1 have net boon able to firnnh u? the coscription ne^ dieep until a day or t^o ..go. I an. r.uc^lcsin,? the b^b herewith for any correctior.s and nome::^^ jou ii=;\Y tt»re to mskB. Do you happen to reiaciabai' vAien David Hanoary died? I sui-'pose your friend "Torman Janes is already hunting big hearts en Bridge 2t9^<. I hare h^en tol-i th^it this is an unuijually fsTorable seaacB for Luntiag big bears bacanse cf tie heary anow in the racuiitai.ns, Hhet shall I f':© ^Uh t.he two littla bcoks by Grizzly Ada-nc. ;vhich you «ere s'o^ oriough to bring Lere leave with me? Thay have been In one of iny snfes ■avar r>ino6 and if you so .vish I will lo&-ro then in the safs iintil you come here next fell. Or if yoQ prefer, I ^.11 sond than by express to any uddress ycy n:iv-fc. These fecccunt? by hlama ■duis-ilf proTed rtih«^r disappointing. I ba^I honied they 7?ould contain detaila and evidenoes cf authentioity not ccr.tcined in Hittell'a book, but find 7ery little aionij t'.ese lines. In fast his o-. v^ ^w June IC' 1916 Dear Mr. Yreeland: lou v.ill be glad to iaiow that th« fejaa}6 grizzly A^hlch you killed last year on the hsed of Nortb Fork Big Salmon proves to be of lonusual interesto It is a fine adult female, and apoears tc be the natural rate of the mala Prsua latifrona, the type, of which from Ji^B]^.ei House was described oj rae a <30iiple of ysars agOa Youra is the first adult female J heve seen of the speci^a, ana is therefore of more th^n usual interest and Taiueo I am not *^ that I am able to locate accurately the place where yen killed it, as the North Fork of Big Salmon is not sho^ra en riy mejBo I assumo however that f^iB place is b6tween the great bend of Praser Fdrer, and ^^riir^ of the upper tributaries of the ?ar8nip« With best j?ishee, and many thanks for securir^ this imoortant bear. Very truly yours ^ Mr. Pa K. Yreeland 31 Nassau Street New York Oitv 4,f ' ;ifer m 909 June 10, 1916 Mr. Milton Ames Sfrdner Montana Dear Sir: oome tiae ago I wrote you in regard to skulls of grizzly l-ears, ajid Yemen Beiley tells me that you ex- pected to obtain several during the present spring. As pre- viously stated, I «m always glad to pay good prices for skulls of grizzlies and should like to have you send tr^e any you have on hand or are. ahle to secure during the pre- sent season. Each skull should he labeled v/ith the locality where killed, sex, and date of killing when known, and ihould be shipped cbargos oolleot, addressed: U. 3. Bio- logicjal lurvey. Dept. of Agriculture, TIashington, D. C. lour name and address should be plainly written on the CTjtside of the box containing the skulls, as \Yell as on s each label. Very truly yours,, \ii ore r- 1 *^ '9 i-% n. f-1 ^* Xi ro •^ h-^ ^ I* T > June 13, 1916 Powner's Book Store « * ^' Methodist Church Black ^' ' Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs: Prom your catalogue IJo. 13 I should li'ke to have you send the followi^^ hooks Tvith the hill: 60 Beale by otephen Bonsai. 1S12 $1.35 66 Diary of Nelson Kingsley 1914 ,75 85 Sixty years in Calif, ty 71, 11. Daris 1889 t£.GO Very truly yours. i.V t M I' rre "II iii M I' ----- '■t-^ r •iij Ju-ne 14, 1916 Dear Mr. Yreeland: 7ei7 aianj thanks for your let tor of the 12t?i inst, and the copy of your iraport£Ki map on which you have been good enough to rr^ark the exact locality where you got the female ?rSyP htjfrnnn. It is most satisfy- ing to be sure of this locality, and I am obliged for yonr courtesy in the matter. I am glad to know ycu aro planning a trip to the mountains farther south for tho .resent year, and hope you -ill have a successful hmt, not furgettJ.n^ the great importance just nc^ of bears from that region^ I^ind- ly bear in mind that I ta),-aii2i ous to pay from UO tc ^35 each for grizzly skulls from all parts of British Cdt^f. and westcn: Alberta, ^is ™ enable yo;. to take advantage of opportunities to Socoi^e skul'?'? from nrf -•-,«« • :. . " ^^v oivuj...t> j.rofi! rifitiVes or residertt hur;ters. r^ t. T 'pf) l\ KH k A 1« IN ft' V ?ith best '^shes,. ery tiiilj yours Y*. ro^3Hck K. Treeland ^1 riassau Street New York City ^ re I 913 ii m I *!:• 'fl I 4^> June 15, 1916 Datr Goldman Nelson tells me tl^at he lias wirod joii to proceed to California at once. I therefor.^ hasten to writo jcu at Bekersfield lest you get into Cuya;^a Talley before hearing from me. But after all there is little to say that will be of any help to you in your ^crk. Tiie nain thin^- is to find out whether or not you can make headquarters at the txi^o Killer and lux ranches, and obtain a saddle horse there to avoid the necessity of a camp outfit* AH cf this yen ^ill of course ascertain at Bakersfield, rThile in ths Cuyaiia njgion pleese make everj ef- fort to obtain from old settlers of the ^noral region (I be- lieve there are no old settlers in CJuyama) the vj^^ueB ly ?ihich the. mountains on both sides are ocwmnorly krown, a] so if :.os?i- ble the point where the name of ^:}uyaiaa River changes tc ?aata Maria. Tour principle work naturally will be the making of a general collection of the mammals and r'^ptlle? of the Cuyama Yalley, and also of such hirds a& heloi?^^ to the Mohave Desert fauna, A numbor of these occur also about and south of Tulare lake, ac you already know. The Aq^ihagp^ :^^ of the aBTfldflngJ S group was common in the grea^.ewood brush tlirou^ci the valley when I was there several years ago. Aiid I shot a Le Conte thrasher, and saw yallow-billed magpies and v/hit«- r N I 8 i I tailed kites. It is important to obtain a few breed^ing . horned-larks in order to positively determine the species. It is important of course to send in specimens of all lizards and horned-toads of the velley. In the mai'imal line you vvill of course maka as complete a collection as possible of the smaller species from the dif- ferent types cf soil and vegotation in the valley bottom, and also, if you h^ve time, from the adjacent basal slopes of the mcuntainfb ^e need coyotes, desert foxes, and badgers from the - ■ — - ' *•» valley, but the coyote and fox are by far the most imocrtant. Kangaroo rats abound and I think three S|.ecies occur, though I ani not sure that we secured ^^^^^ specimens of Piped omvs. The giant r<^rodipus ingenq and a smaller species are common about the upper ranch. o^e want to know how far up the valley straight Lower ooncran extends. I suspect that it goes afl the way to the foothills at the northwest. • - . r On the floor of the valley large areas are covered with ij^rei^oaarpus aiji'3 Trichostema > There ere also patches of Isomer: ^4obosa> and hi ;her up considerable areas of greasewood of three species — A triplex canescens, poljo^rpa and lentifcimis, *eas (.f Plc-uc^:e£L soricea along the bottoms 7/ill roraind you of . ■ ! he Colorado T!iver ccwutry. "^ ■ : " • - • ■■ • • ; I '-. Pl'^^asG r»eke a s ecial affort to obtain good photographs and specijr.ans from the groves of giant redshank fAden^stoma yjr^i foliiiMi^ which may prove to be an undescribed f orm« The I s 1^ n b i^re species is common in snotn in "Juyama Crnyon >)9low the ralley, and occurs ar^ rrn^^-- in wonderful groves at the base of the mountains on the west side of the lower part of the valley* Other characteristic plants are: Eriodictvon parryi and tOBWtggimt Eriogt)niirn fagcicnlatuTn. Bacobarifi ' ' Bamona stachyoidgs and polvatachy^, Isocoma vemonio resinous g^reen composite hush), Rhrvsftth^Tii]^,^ n^^^^^n^^p (a tig whitish £lgal2lifl., common orn some of the hottoms), lepiJogpfir^^, gijTinTnntHin (a conspicuous' green compcsite fcush with yellow flowe on top, Rowing in the river-bottoms end washes), MwlvcRf fraaOBtl. Hflliotronina minr^na.^-^-:^;^,,. and 7acGa whippTt^j end at least two species of cactuses (cylindrical and flat-pad) are common in suitable places along the edges* - ' Please get distances betvyeen important points in the r valley. Also keep an eye en the ro&ds and let ma knor,- whether or not it is practieable to travel up and down the valley by auto At the time Bailey and I were in the valley several years ago there were no permanent wagon roads of any kind and the river arossings were impassible owing to the vertical cut^banks. At that time it was rumored that oil had been discovered, in iphich case I assume that the roads have heen muah improved o It is a great disappointment to me that I have not been able to go west in time to join you in the valley, but as this is now impossible I shall be greatly obliged if you will write me at Legunitas (where I expect to arrive about or before ; 1 1 1. * t 1' . 4 : \i: i w i .-I 915 the end of the month) rather fully concerning the results of your work in the valley, and as to the best practicable means of making a hurried trip there, as I expect to go there later in the season* With best wishes. ^ -»"--. < • • • Tery truly yours. rHBkJ^ % *?.•- -^ * T'^ Mr, 2. /-. Goldman Bakersfield Calif, fi •S •-: ,- ■>.■ f r- I -^ ] I are ■r 917 \ i«: June 17, 1916 Arthur Cooper, Esq. Cordova Alaska Dear oir: Recently I learned through Dr. Ned Dearborn of the Biological Survey that you may he in a position to «ecure for me skulls of grizzlies or hig hro;vn hears from'^^^ I am anxious to obtain as many skulls as possible of big bears from yo^ir F§gi/?fi .during the present season, and should be glad to pay rather large prices for the same, the price varying from $4 to $8 for young bears, $10 to $15 for adult females, and $20 to $30 for fully-grown males, according to age and con- dition^ X will take all you can get at these prices. A label should be attached' to each skull, stating the locality where killed, and if known, the sex and approxi- mate date; also your ovm name. A few labels are enclosed here- with. Specimens should be carefully packed and shipped by ex- press, charges collect, addressed: U.S. Biological Surv^, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Yery truly yours. is % 1. ^^B ( fl jf; } ^m I m ^ . t' fl t' H "''': t> ^B I '^' f' ^m i' I f i i f t i i June 17, 1916 Prank Townsend, Esq. Cordova Alaska Dear Sir: Ia=t Hovembar, at the sucgestion of Dr. Mod Beartom of the Biological Surrey I wrote jou in the hop, of obtain- ine ekuU. of«, „r big hro™ bears fr.. your region Imt never received a reply. ' I m anxious to obtain as many skulls of big bears as possible from your regi on_ during the present season and Should be slad to pay rather larg. prices for the same, the price varying from $4 to $8 for young bears. $10 to $15 for adult females, and $20 to $30 for fully-grown males, accord- ing to age and condition, .udlwill take all you can get at these prices o A label should be attaohvi to each skull, stating the locrlity where killed, and if k>-c^ the sex and approxi- r^ate date; also your o;vn name. A few U^i^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ herewith. Specirrens should be carefully packt«i and shipped *y express, charges collect, addressed: U. 3. Biological Sur- vey. Dept. of Agriculture , TJashington. D. C. Very truly yours. f 11 II 8 re k n ,'; June 17, 1916 Mr. A. H. Twitchall Plat Alaska . ' Dear Sir: At last after many months the bear skulls you wrote about SQ long ago have arrived. They came yesterday ., a fe male and a cub black. Previously we had received another cub black, making three skulls in all to date. For these I am crediting you $2 each for the black cubs, and ^5 for the she-grizzly, making $19 in all. A check for this amount will be sent you from my fund in the Smithsonian the first of the month. Should you be able to secure additional skulls of grizzlies or brown bears duripg the present season. I shall fee very glad to purchase the saiw. and will pay f or ^ood adult males much more than for females and young. I shall te glad to take however all the bear skulls yeu can get. ir- respective of age and sei. A few labels are enclosed here- wi th. Very truly yours. 1 'i- '4 r I I r I 919 June 17, 1916 Mr. D. C. Davies, Au'itor Field Museum of Natural History Chicago 111. Pear Sir: ine skull of the type specimen of Ursus ^1/^^.^^!,,,^^ which your Museu. has been kind enou?^ to loan me for ezami- nation.arried this morning, for which I am veiy much obliged. I am comparing it with specimens in our National Museum, and will return it in a few days. Very truly yours. f OSG 921 •■:»*,1 I I ■ ? 4H! » l' / June 19, Trie rostinact-er. luVon Territory Canada Dear Sir: A nuinl:Gr of ^ri'^sly Lears, 1 am infjiYaeu, ^Pe- fii c fl n ■ ' C * •■ i-.-^ ■viU ..Si? in vour rcrfon each year* T a-m aiixious to oLtalii n^ ^-any griiizlv slfulls as .ios'ifclp dnr1r;g tVxe vr-s*'rit aeascn, ane pay gccd prices for the same. Ti;e pricos rar.g3 frcir, t5 *P "^ for youngish "bears (up to the 3rd year) , $1C to :':12 for adult females, and $15 to *25 each for S'iult males, ajcordinr tc- ar;* and condition of ?Jiull. If you OL>rx ■■nenjre any "'rT^ir. .-,,:tsi-s or natiTsSj ^r place thi^ jetter in the han^f? < i pcraeouc ii^"::;' to obtain nkulla, I Khali Le greatly ohligei. In cutti-jg off the s'-ull end aln^xxnr^ '"■ho sp:.^e, cere should be taken not to cut cr injure tho >.or.3f at the ca?-i »r base of the skull. Tlie brain tSiiOuld be removed th-ou^* the natural hole in the back of the skull. Etch spooiicefi should be labeled vith the locality where kil-sd, r-n^ if knc\.Ti, th' sex and date. Your own name should be -.vritten vn each labfll and also on the outsid* cf the pacl;rig6. 3irrle skulks r^r 3' ^^ sent by ^^aroel rest, others by exoracs. All packages should bo addressed: TU '-. ?Aoio,vio'?.i Survey, Cept. cf Aerioulture, '^askinetcn. Li. C Expxesa pcvksges nay be sent charges collect. A letter should be Wi'ltten nn et tiiile of Bhipnent. ^'^■tifying^n.e^^of^s.y ^^,^^^ ^ i mmmmmtmmmM June 19, 1916 t'tv> ^ • Devi lie Ohairnan, Geographic Board cf Canada Ottawa Canada 0 Very many thanks for your courtesy in sending me a copy of the 14th Report of the Geographic Boai-d of Canada, containing decisions to March 31, 1915. This will be of much assistance to me, and has already proved helpful in locating seTaral places previously in douht. Yery truly ycurs, I \. sse 923 1 I m Is * \U' k 'i V - * t June 23, 1916 Mr* J. P. T* Evans Livingston Montana Dear Sir: Thanks for yrur letter of the 12th inst., and for the pacl^age of skulls which has just arrived. There are four grizzlies and one black, as .70u srid. Two of the grizzlies are cuhs of the second year, one is fully adult, and another not quite adult. All are badly damaged in the back pert of the skull, as ycu doubtless obsorved. The t?/o oldest grizzlies have the back part shattered^ apparently by the balls that killed them. Trie other trro and the black have the back part chop^^ed off, probably done in separating the head from tlic body. It is 8 great pity that skills should be so needlessly dr^maged, as some of the most important parts frr ccm^erison ;Tith otner Species are ^ 'holly gone. T aiii creditiug you for the skulls as foUov/s: for the ctdult grizzly TlO, next oldest CS, the 2 cubs ^5 each, the black t2, amounting in all to ^30, a check for v;hich .'rrnouiit will be sent ycu about the first of the month from mj fund in the niiiithsonirn Institution* rPerfect skulls ire vvcrth at least double as much as these badly damaged ones, hiirl I hope ycu ^'all be able to impress up. grizzly :kuils you «re fcoie oo secure aurmg me preseni; year- Yery truly yours. 1^ ■\ i 1 It) '3 :l a \ June 23, 1916 r*' ^ Postmaster St. Michael Alaska Dee>- Sir: Can you obtain for me any skulls of grizzlies or big brown bears from the St. Michael region?! If so' I shall be glad to pay good prices for the same, the price varying according to age, sex, end condition, from $4 each for you^g skulls^ up to $10 or $15 for adult fe- males and $20 or even $25 for good old males. In case you have any on hand or can purdiase any, please ship the some by express, transportation charges collect, aadressed: U. 3. Biological Survey, Dept. of Ag?-iculture, Washington, 1. C. Please wrap each 3K^^x^ cax^efully to prevent breakage in transit. A fev7 tags are enclosed here77i th. Jk '^ \ Tery truly yours. x^ it w %t. i . li XttL :| i^se 92 o i ':'f 19 hi. # June 23, 1916 Postmaster Shaktolik Alaska ^^ Dear Sir: Can jou ottain for me any skulls of grizzlies or tir; broTTn T)cars from the '^aktolik region? - If so I ©hall le fjlad to pay r^od rrices for the Bime^ the price verying according to a^, sex, and condition, from $4 each for young skulls, up to $10 or $15 for adult females, and $20 or even $25 for good old males. In case you hare any on hand or can xmrchese any, please ship the same by express, transportation charges collect, addressed: U. 3. Biological Survey, Dept« of Agri- v^ulture, Washington, D. 0. rle^:se >7rap each r^kull carefully to prevent breakage in transit. A few tage are enclosed hereivith. o»^>»--^J<'w^^^«-^ ^ t,..-^...j^ v.«^X^ ^^^ 76ry truly yonrs. — V i i Jtme 23, 1516 Postaaster TTnelaklik ■Alt; ska Itear Sir: -^ iXJUx. t^^l^'-*-^^-^ ■ Can you obtain for me any skulls of grizzlies ) or Me bror;n bears from the Unalaklik region? A If so I shell be -lad to pay good prices for the same, the price varying according to age. sex. and condition, from $4 each for young skulls, up to OlO or $15 for adult females, and $20 or even $25 for good old mr.lea. In case you have any on hand or can purdiase any, please ship the same by exr.ress. transportation charges collect, cddresaed; U. 3. Biological aur^fiy. Dept. of Agri- culture, .Vanhington, D. ",. Please wrap each skull ct.x«fully to prevent breakage in transit, A fori tags are enclosed here-jitb. ^-•^*>— «Jca--SX V^-xy.- ^ ^*Ju^xU ^ ' T ^j very truly youra. |i I I I •m^^m|lmmmml^^mmmt!lm^^'mf>9l&^ 8se June 27, 1916 Goodspeed's Book Shop 5A Park Street Boston, Mass* Dear Sirs; Prom your catalogue No. 115 I should like to order the following items: 21 Parnham, T. J. Life, adventures & travels in Calif, $3. 22 Fremont, Col. Notes of travel in Galif, $1.50 Pinggold, Cadwalader. Series of charts, 1851. $1,50 Very truly yours ,- I C. KJc "y/ixr^i t !> '.4 U\. VSG 928 June 28. 1916 Standard Book Co» 98 Park Place New York City Dear Sirs: Prom your List No. 95 I should like to order the follovdng books: Howard, 0. 0. My Life and Experiences rmong our Hostile Indians $1.75 Wallace, H. P. Big Game of Central and T^estem China $1.50 Wister, Owen, The Yirginian $3^00 The last named book I wish to have sent to me at Lagunitas, llarin County, California; the other two you may Washington send to the address given above. My check for the books (;6.25) and postage (^69) amounting in all to $6.94, is enclosed herewith* Kindly send both packages by [^rcel post; there is no express office at Lagunitas. Please send receipted bill for seme. Very truly yours. f I i ^^'V^ < .♦^-X.- h m ■h. \^ June 28, 1916 .f Dear Doctor Wheeler: lour undated letter from Hotel Lenox, Buffalo, reached me this morning. I am very glad to hear from you again, and to know that you are safely hack in the United States. As to the manuscript of your carihou paper which you sent me before your departure: I returned this manu- script and map to your sister on January 4. 1S15. and am enclosing herewith a copy of my letter to her. A list of idintifieations of your Arctic plants was also sent to your sister. Trusting that your sister will be able to put her head on the manuscript promptly, end hoping tV^at you will publish it at an early day. Very truly yours; Dr. David E. >(heeler P. 0. Box No. 7 Concord ,^ New Hampshire l-l t ,1 ese June 29, 1916 R Mr, Franklin Adams Chief Clerk and Mi tor of the BULIJTIN ran /one ri can Union ITashington, D. C, • My dear Mr. Adams: Very many thanks for your courtesy in sending rae the Pan Amarican map of the States of northern i^exico. lUis on so' large a scale end contains so many plane names.that it vall/e of much assistance to m in locating points and.i-outes worked by our field naturalists during the many yefers they v^ere gBthoring material in Llexioo. Very truly youx'S, I- I I 3 J . I ( 'A ' ft-. ) ! J! l!> ( , IM w 1* j R^ > If \ m '«<, 'j i ose June 29, 1916 Mr. 0. B. Elliott Laguni tas California Dear Mr. Elliott: After receiving this please do not fonvard any more of the Merriam family mail as we hope to leave here in a few days, and will reach Lagmiit^s as early as practicable. Trusting that you are well, and are having a good season, Very truly yours. ii 931 June 28, 1916 Postmaster Ca nnack Yukon Territorj Canada Dear Sir About the firnt of the year Fred Enevoldsen sent to yoiir office a grizzly bear skull, expecting it to be forwarded to me by -.arcel post. Sarly in May he learned tiiat the package tras too heavy and had not been sent. He then sent word to have it shipped by express. Tv/c other packages from him have just arrived oj express, but the bear skull in question has not come to hand. It happens to be the most valuable specimen in the lot and I am especially anxious to see it. If it is still in your hand* I shall ^e greatly obliged if you will have it shipped by express, m&rked charges collect, and addressed: U.S. Biological Survey, Dept. of Agriculture, ,7ashington, D. C. rJespectfully, ;» I. I !i : ( I It 4 I sse July 1, 1.916 Mr, II. M, Oreel DovilvS lake North Dakota Deer Sir: Can you tell mc if ^o-i.sly bears vere atill to be found in eastern Dakota et the time "ov Fir-of - • , ^, i-iio i-^nB _vOu xirst arrived f'aere'' If not. did you l3arn anything about their former orcssnce ' in the region? Do you know if any of the h^ontsrs Ir oW in- habitants happen to have the skull of one of thes. The favor of a reply would be appreciated. 7ery truly yrnrs. I J ..: A ft 11 I I € N! ^ 933 July 1, 1916 Mr. Ed. Loimes Indian Reservation Tokio North Dakota Itear Sir Cen you tell lao if grizzly bears were stiU to be fcond in eastern Dakota at the time you fir^t arrived there? If not, did you learn anything about their former presence in the region? Do you know if any of the hunters or old in- habitants happen to have the skull of one of these animals? ?l:.e favor of a reply 7/ould be appreciated, Very truly yours. I. iii. }f i^se S-ir I Nelson H, Kent The Berkshire. 1412 Oh napm St., v7arhi.a^0E. D. 0 • v. 1916 Jmie no For photographing hear skull IC 00 i » t' I ir ^1 III' (h*^ 5;3o 00 — thirty — -no — 20»00 =\ Ki^JL> •^^ sse UJ W' ^ <«.* i "s^ July !• 1316 Mr. "• I. Adains, AccouT.tant ^ ,.^ ... 3aithscnian Institution ?7a3hington» -. t V,', Deer Mr* Adains: ^ Horev/ith I am enclosing !kj expense account for June^ amounting to $2Sl«82, and several bills and vouchers as per accompanying list, rhich I shall be obliged if you will pay from the Harriman Pond^ As I expect to leave for California the latter part of next week, I shall be obliged if jou will Icindlj ad- vance the usual $500*00 for field expenses. Very truly youis. ^OLKNjik*^ KLiziabeth LlacMaster^ — Services Zenaida Uerriam — Services Joseph L. Hill — Bear skull Fred LWsell — ^ skulls It T1 A.H.Twitchell J.P.T.Evans — , ♦♦ * i • Fred E aaevoldsen Llaiimal " fl^kin E* Uorrison Paper Cc.—Copv book Office rent and telephone T July J $11. E5 22.50 25. CO 45. CO 19.00 30.00 25.25 3.70 66.25 I. n it « ^U, 4 \ I -■ I *!■ l» l'.^6 Jt- me c 15 17 23 26 30 C. Hart Herriaa The Korthuniberland, Washington, D. C, June Expense Acct K.EErquis •£ Co. '7?ho's TTho in Amorica' Powner»8 Book Store— Books on Zzploretion P. deartaan- -Earl^ nos. Am, Katuralist 3U7 Voucher 1 2 3 4 rotcwuiec Sxectric Povver Co. — Electric current v^arfare for work cf assistant at Libr.of Compress otaaps find stamped envelopes Sortices of char^/oman for cleaning office ap'tment 5 :>eFvices of janitor twenty-'four — eigjity-two 93 5 00 3 31 2 28 2 72 41 3 55 1 00 1 00 1 05 3 50 $2S 82 ( a i '4 2iJ,82 s^^pipnttL \ t vse 938 r t i ^\ h liil ! ^ Joseph L^Hill Katalla, Alaska Elizabatti HaoMaster 1S34 Zalorama I?oad, Tesluiicton, D^ C 3r- t June 30 Skull of fine old jt ! 940 H ?rod Mansell 372 2nd St. 3ast, North VaxwDuver. B.C., Canada 1916 JUB8 3 " as Skull old d 3ri2zly bear from Jervie Inlet, B. C. ft ** tf ff Tf (Both slcalls are ac:ompanied ty skins of heads) 25 00 20 00 j'L , — .forty-fiTe — — no- 45.«) ^•■fc % ^^1^^ \ V $45 00 r I r f . t ti 1 it' -."S;JM Jj'^t ^ $1900 $3000 I''- i r 1 !lil J H< >ninot««] 18.00 •tbirty- .no-^< 30.00 f \ k '■' ..^S' 8^e Pred 2. Snevoldaen Carmack. Yukon Territory, B* 0.. Canada «.* 1916 Jtme ^ p 2 okulls of Jolres M'<^»00 10 Skulls of i^ynx 5 e 50|{;5 ® 75ji( 2 Skulls Of Kink © 25/5 2 Skulls of teasel , . Q Z5i Skin of Grizzly Bear C 800 625 50 50 1000 $25 25 t - — twentjr-five— — twanty-fire S5.25 ^^Q jgtWifja'itiri'Jr ^k^v^^' I vJHBB Mi»|- Win m«|ti;i*»!i 'f'"^: > ff **w > 945 u -. j'..«r»j Ball r* Landry ^,- coia 3r i t i sh C c limb 1 a lours of June EG i.i : t hhuii. T ani very g lad K. t you are pleaf^od ^nth the na3r"*^nt for j::ur c^issly slfull, and that 7^:^11 are arr^n^nij -d th netivos to obtaiii a xj. urn her of adlitlonal i^kal Is f^ ilurmg t'^e present ;i^easor.# shall he much pleased to rccoiTe these, and will ppy ;joaff prices for the srme, a' cording to ere, sex, end condition* Don't h<^ .fr^id of gc^ttiiv; too mrny, as I shall he glad ic take all ycu can get, young or old, rnale or iGnale, nlthoi:gh as ycu Icnow, the yo luig and foiriales are v?orth le^H than the old males the sa?ne timo, they Tj,re v/orth seridirig Ter/ rul\^ f i^ly 4, 19] 6 I r-o JoBeph L. Hil] i-ftl&Ila i laaka Dei C • :r 01 r 'our latter of J n hj; the skull of '0. was a ^^S:. in front of Be' '^^rirge brown bea: it must have been a riA5 Glacier* In it S r> V^^ X O / a superb anijaal^ J ) prime Ic: ve m I hop e .^if'- pite of the fact tliat it -ycu will be able to oht creaited you with has no 1 ower jaw, ivioml skulls of gri.'^zli am a yojaher of ad- os and b. T\ '-n f^n^vir- u-iiier, and shall be ^"l^d tS orovm Dears duri get, feniales c ]:sj good prices or all as v;ell as males ng the you can ery truly yours ^] I •t I I n I i i i-4 us ! :^' Iff \v\ V' I I K -* I 3^G July 4, Ib^iD iir. W* !• ACiams . Accountant Smithsonian Institution Janhin^ton, D. G» Dear Mr^ Adar-is; The returned June expense account quIj re- ceivedc I re^^-ret the error of a dollar, and have had the same corrected and am returning the account herewith. Am also enclosing a voucher of $30 for Nelson H. Kent for photographing hear skulls, which I shall "be obliged if you will kindly ;;ay ftom t/ie Harriman Fund. 7erj^ truly yours. VvJkJSA^pN^^ Jh'**^^ J 947 July 4, 1916 Lee^'lli^inson i Co. 4^^ .::.xchari^ liaoe Ne'.Y'^ork 3ity Deer Sirs; i Thanks for your July list of securities just re- c^ivedt I shall be obliged if you ./ill kindly send me any circular or additional infom^.ation you inay have concerning the ITussian Gcvernment credit, Tnich do you rega.rd as the best oOGurity — the rubles or the 5t% Gold Bonds? Tary truly yours. i^ I m m^ ,.» m #p 8^G July 5, 1916 Motor^TmPlle Dept, Sacramento Oa lif. Dear irs: Snclosed herewith is ^v ar>rl i --^-^-^-i r>n r^^ ^ ^ lioe„sa for the six months „„.unl„g .f th. p„3c.,t yo.r «p,, a chock of 56 or, the Crocier tfetional ..„i f„, _„,^„,t .^/^^^^ I shall he ohlif^f^rl if rm^, -^rn-n 7 • ^n ': "' " °°" ^' ^"^- «-»i|;Jjn ..faal. Clif. ,in you '^ please se,-,4 .e a co,^ of pr^J^^^^,,^ fcr.^Hfornla. ... dressed to I'-e ft T-.-nr^^f^-. n •" ^ * Tei-y truly yours. .»»w ?}l* 949 July 5, 1916 k Crocker National 3an I^'rancisco C&lif. L'ear Sirs: Herewith I enclose chec. Cn the Rational Metro- poxitaxx Bunk of this city for ll-X. which I if you v-ill iindly credit to r.- shall bo obliged ir '^Rr. W ■£iii i'rancisco •■n a i^ u xevt ■*Zf ny eccount. I expect to arrive Tery truly yours. % as usual .in be Ia,:runitas. Llarin Co.. Calif. ) 'Ill hft / i 05G . ■)' /■■ T I r t.. July 6, 1916 The Tcrch Pres55 Book Shop Cedar Eapids • Iowa Dear Sirs: Snsloeed is 30c in stamps for ^Mch kindlj send me item No. 155 offered ii n your recent catalogue, the sam e being mmri: -last leases of i,eHoa. Hxsto,,' with M,p. Very truly yours, C I jsm- >WWn f) 1 m M * i *4=ar t rae July 7, 1S15 Charles Goldstein '^^i Co. Juneau Alaska 4 Dear Sirs: lour letter of i-ono 16 has heen referred to me by the Smithsonian Institution. I am glad to know that you are in a position to secure skulls of Ijoars, and shall be glad to purchase at good prices all skulls of gjri^zlies and hie- Brov/n Bears which you are able to furnish, provided each skull is tagged with the name of the locality where killed. I want skulls from the mainland and adjacent is- lands, and from all parts of the intcriort ^nd am willing to purchase imir.ature and damaged skulls as well as old and perfect ones, although the prices paid for young and injured skulls are of course less than in the case of perfect adults. The difficulty I have had heretofore in purchasing * from taxidermists is the absencs in many cases of reliable information as to where the bear was killed. I do not care where it was killed so long as. the locality is Gorredtly marked on the label. For ^te skulls of big bears so tagged I will pay from ^ each for young skulls, up to *10 or $15 for adult females and 1'20 or even $25 for good old males, according to condition. ! ^' 4 ? I 952 Skulls should be boxed (each 3e,^,rately wrapped in paper or gunny-sacking) and shipped by express, charges collact. addressed: U.S. Biological Survey. Dept. of A^i. culture. .Tashington. IV C. Tour na.e should be written on each tag and also on the cthiy^t^ * on rne shipping tag on the outside of the tox so that there may be no question as to the origin of the shipment. A letter should be written me on day of shipment, givxr^. the number of slralls,and localities from .hid. they came 7'ery truly yours. ^•1 i 1' 1 1 SSG 'jm July 8, 1916 Goodspeed's Book Shop 57. Park Street Boston, Mass. Dear Sirs; Recently I ordered from your catalogue No, 115 a copy of Pinguid *s Series of Charts, "but as yet have only received the text for same. I have delayed writing in the lu)pe that the Charts ?/ould come at any time. • * * » As there seems to be some mistake in regard to the matter, I am returning the text herewith, and am enclos< ing my check for $4.50 to cover the cost of the other hooks ordered. Xindly send a receipted hill. Tery truly yours. 1 \ \^A |; r 1^ ( i! / '^, II , *;l i SK %:- 'I i (1 iiif- •V •■' J' 'i 'li "'ili' ' ^4 . 4 \ mn\ U i^ae July 11. 1916 Dear Mr. Ullman: The enclosed check, which I have endoreed, and the attached memorandum came in this momirg'e In future notioee it might be well to state that checks should be sent to the A. A. A» headquarters* Very truly yours t Mr. William Ullman . Secretary, A. A. A. '^ Eiggs Blcfc. Washirgton, D. C « i i I 955 July 11 « 1916 Mro J. F. Townaend 4200 16th St. (fi/ashington, !-■• ^o Dear Sir: Many thanks for your $2 contribution to the fund for repairing of Uie Washii^ton-Bichmond Highiray, juet received. Your^heok I am fonrardirg to the Auto Association's head- quarters, BS^s, Bids., .this city, and have written them it would ^,e a good idea to state specifically in future notices. that checks should be Bent bo their office. I had not realized ,.r.til you caied my attention to the matter, that this point had bean left ambisuous. Thanking you-for your interest in the undertaJcing. Very truly yours. ; i-Li i (' . * ■ v: Y 111 I'i' It .) ' ,f ^*v M «. » fi ^^ 82G July 13, 1916 Mr, Herbert Lee TenaJree Alae ica Dear 3ir: ^ lour letter dated J„„, 19 and addressed to the Bio- lotaoal 3ur,e7 arri,v«J about a ,e,J: a^^a.' the three h3„r tt: "T ""''''''• ^"'' "^'^'^'"^' '"' '-■-"». '■- >^i».a a.d the Sitto Brov,„ Bear. 7„e Citta Grl..l. =, t„„ narrowest .Wl. and is a lUtle older t>.a„ the oth^r.. ~„e youLj. of 15T...reDt ages. proV.tly 3rd and 4th ■ lot. al.aouc* tho 3itka ..-l.^ly ^s .early adult. I an crediting you for these sballs as follows- ^^r ^h. .Grizzly $20; the Irreer -,-- ^- * other $6, nrUns i« all -38. .'. cheO ^or ^' • \ ^"'^^ -^.t yon fro. „y .ecoux^t i. the" ^ ' ^'" ^" "'' '" the end of the onth. "'^" "'^'^^^^'^^•^■^^ ^^^^ I am very c^lad to have these shjlla ar^ f. > and vrrr - i f » c , -'^Jx^s, and f:o ^now th£i ycu 7 '^r ,.ife are good hunters, and that you are ii>elv ^ secure additional nIcullB in future. T ^h-.^l J , V ^^ all the Grizcly ard Bi - ^ n ^'^^ *' ^^"^^^^^^^ preaentyear and .ill pay t^ood prices the • ^' '"'"'^ ^^' course according to a^e ' I / '"""' "''''''^ '' ng ^0 age. sex, and condition. Skulls should he ^; / : / f / i / I I \ \ I A ii\ \ \ K 957 sent as before, charges collect, addressed: U, ". Biological Surrey, Dept, of Agricultare. -.-hh:gtoc. -. ^. Tour name •should be written on each label as in the case of t-.e present lot. «nd also on the outside of the piickage so there may be no mistake as to its source. I should be glad to have j^ou notify Di© of each ship- sent. % addrMs fro« the present tiee until the", middle of - Oetobor ->vill be Lii..iinifas, Marin Cc. , Crlifomia; after 03tonf.r. , .hiriglonj V,, C, as heretofore. ''0 you kno-,v -f any Indian or '.*ite hunter -vho has in .xs i^odSfeSSion r( is in a position to secure skiuls of Grizzly hears fror. the coast rngion WU^en Oross Sound and Yakutat T"/- , i-artio-alarly iii the aeichborfiood of Lituya ?«.y? I am ««;-.ecislly enrious f.r obtain c-kuJls f:-om this region and v/ruld poy gTod prices for the saite. I vwrt r.lso kII the skidls I can f"-t from all parts of the mainland and islands, the only point ■^u which I 5r-6isi bplng tht^t each .■^:*e HeleasSj !7hich charge ! regard as most rrasonable^ ^Replying" to ynur inquiry gSout the remaining lot on Perry Street (16&}: ft, Smmm^lront) r;ouia say that I hold the 3eed^ which reads "Jejoea ?. Merriam to Charles B, Gollins"ana is dated May n. i85r. It is recorded m the Erie County Cleek's office Liber 150. page 322, June 30, 1857 at 11 a.m. I em loaving tomorroTv for Crlifomia. tfy address until sometime in Octoher will be as usual. lac^onitas. ferin Co., Calif. "^ery truly yours. ..! t r / i J I f M. f-""*S^ ; '^ 1 1 v' ■ 1 -1 .' ' i ; -'^ .j f . "' 1 ,■ i ■\ ■ ll (. < L«* f^ if in*: I ■ IM P*^ M :a 'J ^Ji' ? liV i^l'^' ^ eae Jiily 14, 1916 Lee, Higginson Sesjwot fully. \W l^V^ *' i» ': (ad«jf of Police i7aahii2i'ton D. 0. B»r Sir; Today I sv olosicg my bou3«, 1519 16th Street, for the season, and do not expect to retui-n before October* I shall be oblig-ed if you ^11 kindly have your patrclmen keejp W eye on the hcuse from time to time as. they pass, 2^hould anything occur to require attention, pleas© notify w :. Selson, K. ^* fienshaw, or Dr. li K. Pisher, Bioicrjical Survey, T)ept* of Agriculture, My rddress until October will be LD^Tinitag, liarin Co., California. Tloepeot fully. «# k'l y ^ '.i i f \ ^36 1 r r\ July 16, 1916 Water I>epeT*°^?°ln :i Uunicipal Blttg. •mshirigton, U. Dear Sirs: G :> 1 • t- ■ I have todiff closed my house ^f or Cie r®iaicder o? the Punmier. and have turned off the water where it enters the house. No water should he used in the house until my re turn the latter part of October. Respectfully, «4. l*> r '> !l r 1 iM ^mgilg^^i^g^ggg^j^ s? i\ '■} I il!i "{ i i ]'' UN i nr'.., 'm Bt ^1 U' k: B3e Jul'" 27, 1916 Dear 7B: Yoiur letter of thi^ l%h inst, in the first news ws have had of you for a long time. And we have not >iaard fvrow Florence at all tar Bev3ral weeks. I em hrpf n^? f r^r a letter each day# ^m arn ved Friday aft^r a hot trip across, oorSr^, ¥ia Brirlington, D, «t R.Gr. and Western Pac?fic. Saw plenty'' of Jack rabbits in northern Nevada b:it ro coyotes. So far as I reiflen*>er, this Is the first trip 3 have ev^r riade wjthciit see- ing a coyote. Tinunkn for the photograph of ^lie ISJail^v^a countrj^. I reoogrdzed the ridge you ciiased ^he ^ootirtnin iior T:r. SoTTjf to hear there are no grizallee left in t:rat r^on. If you afiouid happen to ^et Iiold of a hunt^er or ranch- man wha has an old skull on hand, :'t wo^Jd ha a {reat tiling, as we are clean »tio'ij>sd on tlie %ftifa {jriz^iies. Caad ^.o know you are {:oing to Steen Mountain, ard wish I wore {roing with you. Hope ycu \\ill do scj^ trn^ping on top. »nd if you have ti'ne to Yisit the big snow Uirk in the M^:: notch, take a critical ln«k at i% to si^^e if it does not conceal a B«'iall /Racier. 1/Jien we wen^ tliere we ^#ere not (^ji:irp on siuih t}iin^>;B^ It wifi hot )iert3 at Lap;^initaB when we arrived, Vrt only for the^ first day or two^ Bin^-.e ^len the iir^.est nid-dni^ ff^' \ I J? m H 966 2 a IB 75 or Ub», and th^ night taroi-arature 49Sf;I» Before lanvine Washington I hand^ Nelaon the nnnu - ■■« k,,.^ of th. CrizHy ^ BiG Brown B«r,. tt^.^ ^ ■ """-T *■" ' ^'"'^' ""''• "« '•"" -"- '>^«"'. liiat , rtw ba« ««y^. ,„ r^re^ioualy b- Evan. «nH +^ * .. a »«K^ „. ^ ^ , " ^^*-^» ^^ *'>iat th« other 9 w«»r« no t^xiod. Only ? of tftoae aflnf >,« » *^™ ^y ^'•n* wer« adult and ti.y i^pwir ttt }.ay» V.« ktn^ v ^ .. -"u^^, ana W ^lod.* in .ne occipital r^on, tfaattaring t)« .op aM bac. Of ,>^ ^,ii.. ^ ,, ^^^ ^,^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^dnlt sri.:ay v,^ fro„ tu. Park ragj on. nr^i I we shall not ..e aid. .o ,:et ona:v^» to s^.U. th. Part hear problan. in tiKi^ for the book. As ey^r yoTirs, J»Ir. Vernon Bailey Oir:tari c / s t 1^ i r r I ^36 / / 968 I * K M a m\M •'< 't' tJ.S^Rloli^cal 9«nr«f July 27^ 1916 IK e« Dear Pr^ibl*: Ihankfl for ymirs of the 2f>th innt. Yen, I «aw tha »ix baar sktillft froii Kir^mrpj&r on Satrtrday tdtemoon^ Jiily 15. X n-^arly broka ay noek puttinG aw«gr rictills "baf ors aolr^:, to the il^in. X thiidc 1 fill ad all tha haar ataai casefl ^ia^ejf% the Ofiaa in tha lyirthaaat comar close to the window. You taifjit put the lictoria liisam skulls in thasa if thare is roora. The ot'nars mi^t bs coTarsd op en tha hig cantar caaa a« you aur^atad* Haar tha far door in tha akull roopi ara four cases facing tha east* Mb yon stand facing thaaa casast tha upper one on tha laft contains aona skulls and sr^ma skins* This should % ha hisulphidad thormv^^y sayeral tinfm^ as tha skulla douhtl ara full of pasts* fha Karriam Collactien also, unlass I am ids- takan, naeds hi sulphide* Poola will know about this* At all avants, it needs looking aftar as sona of tha rahMts and sons othar specicMns ha^a haan injurad forlai:k of sufficiant biaulphidi TharAs for tha inforraatloo you sent raspacting tha sknlls fron Oasa and KLrbargar* Fourteen additioml baar ^tdls •re oi]L th^ ymj^rtm Case.unl^is they }mre alraiM^ anriYad. I shall •*)e glad to learn ahoiH thasa as sosn as racaiyad. It will not ha nacasAiry for you to giY# ma tha axaet locality for each sktai; the information I naad baSng tha aga, sax, and condition df tlie skulls* #^11 1 u ^^ ^ * ^-'^^A^'^^oS^^^^ across, but find it baautl- fally cool hara, tha ra^ta ^f. or \) alow* ^i** . ^ «ioiwi.i- Vary truly jrours. I I 1* Daar Mrs. Morrison: Plaaee. aar^ ..a al,cut 200 brown tags for labeling oig 3^-all8 for the Biolofipcal S-irveT Th« * . . _, t-.-w" ^irvBj. The as ta^-a nead not be a.r.r^. .,ey ^e naadad f.r htmf r. of bi^ bears and other .^•i.«U chiefly in .%lasl.:a a^ Britiah Col,«*:a, a,^ ara sinnlar to -:, *^ ,^,1,3^. pj^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ p^na-lty env..2op«8 (>,ot ret>u^) ai^lar to t>w enclo.«l. a. thie is ■'.i.e ingt one I ha?*, le hod a hot trip acrOBs, bT:!t spent a pleasant »7erd:-G w3.--h Olive oiid Mr. laud at tl.eir attractive hone in Oak Park. Tnsy v-r^ ki>ul eno«^: to take nn all for an auto- mobile rid«, crj^-ir;atinf5 at t};eir new home. We were delighted ««3 th their h-njr^e. We we-e c^mI also to see t}ie children, and hope Krneat'e aore hand in a tMng of the past. T3ie coTvitry hem is beaiitifid in spite of the droti^t, and o\ir fems are still tr^-vi and in reciaricably fine condition. Ti^ie nifj^ite are actually cold, the therrnoneter falling to 50^ bofo-e daylil/rht every rnoming. Don't forget that yon ara to make us a visit hov^ and don't pnt it off too long. TRiat is Kelson's address? 7 Vary truly yo^.irs. TJ.S, Vjorri 8«>n B5 ol of^ ual Si u~> pay for sondinp. Some ta^ a^e enoloaed herewith. Your mune should >8 wrjttan on the ta^s of all BkullB rorwHTded by you in order that there raay he no possi- hiUij of error. Tfi- «« and date shoidd he written T^xen posi- ively known, hut a^-e relatively iininrortant. the locality hein^ the raain item of real value. All skiais should he .shipped hy aij^r^is, c^iarnea coil eat, addressed: II.^,MoLqac,d.Survej£^^ , ^ Thanking vou for votit in^ArA^V V>^! f^l' ** hoping you will be a^la to B.^ur7 a.^^^^^^^^^ ^^ Vory tnUy yours, * f ru»r. Dear Qx^tor Ssidworth: Can yr.v 3^,.^ ma at the above address a copy of ynur recent publication o- fh« n,^ . ^ . I— ^tt.ion on the OjTjreBs and Juniner trees of the Rooky J^nvoitains^ I^ bo I shall be greatly obli{^ed« Trust! ne t}iat yon are lUrs. fJ^.idworth are well, and that we shall see you here at La^^unitas sorne of tliese days. Verjr truly yours. Dr. ^reorr^ B. S'id-v<^r*.h Wasliin^jfcon, Da C ^\ \\2 Jiily 27, 1916 972 July 26, me I i\H'l il) Ur. EmeBt Kirh^r?7wr Alaska Dear Sir: Just as I wac leaving la»bfr{ttdo on JtiIv 15 six >>ear bItiiIIb wars raceivad frma 3^11, hwt as ^'•i^t i hair# not raceif ad any lattar. For these sknlla I am cradittrvr yon ac follow*: 1 Black Bear $5*00 1 Parnala (JdltalT 10.00 1 Fina nala Brown Bear 25.00 3 Yonnc Brown Paara ^ $5 IS.OO A check for the total anrunt, $53.00, will be sent you froi-i ray fimd in the SnlthsonJan Inatitiitieti ahoiit the 1st of Aiinist. I ahall he glad to +,ak« al) th» Bk^ills of G'-fzsly and Big Brown B«arB yoTi can obtain for ree diTring the c»7rr»r and fall, and will pay good pn'caa fnr tha 8ar». ]?Rch nkxHl «*o7ild >« lahalad for the locality nhare killed, and if V-now. ♦>♦ tar and ^pproxii^ata data. Your own naraa should ba wHttan on eai-h tac. •o that th«^» "ny >e no quaetion as to iri« shippad tha f^^Ar^rm, ScullB should bs shiFpod ty wgjraas, charces collact. addrasirad; U.S. Bialocical Surrey. Ihpt. cf %riculi«ra, Wachirctcn, D. C. ¥»ry truly youra. *■' i'ti « / \ K Sitka A3 a:?ika Dear Sir: The three henr fiValls yon Rhlpped to the BioloMcal Rjr^ay on Junn 34 *rriir6d a'hout. the 10th of July, and I T»as Tery r^\nA to rrftt tv^. i Vg^e craditadVou flO each for tw of thae* slrrJla, a?i5 $?0. for the Isrfrest one. making $40 in all, A chec> for this arrcurt ttIII T-« sent you frcra ny account J*? the ^T^thionis-r Institution about the fiist of tha month. I shal'J.'^e i^ad to pTiTcJiase all the sfculla of Bi^ »en-% Hidh rrai *tan abtain dtxrin^ the present m^rtmr and fall • i ^r^ s*iTioV'*? to £?et fT-iitls fro-i all of the iclarda en vMdIt harr-* n-cnr, •n! ^lir. fro?5 V^a !minl,ars!. A label ehoiild he tied to escV eV'ill, ij;^ vinp; the locality where it was killed tiZ^A^ i^ ?cnoTO;, the Betx b^k?- data also* Jftu^ Is should '^a sent by express^ char^an collact, ^ir^^^^'^r >\, s^ Biological Sarvey, Dept^ of Agrici^I^ixre^ jdWiiiiaM ■1 tm f>^ill ) I I 1 I ( ' I ■ilitii 8^G Jtay 26, lOlS Mr. W. H. Case iaaeka # Dear Sir: - Yotir letter of the Bth inst. reached we jnet. r« 1 mo leaving IBaBhiTK^on, and the ekull of the nal» hr&fT. hear to ^ich yw rtdw arrived a few daya Jater. 1 an crediting you with $?a for this skiai. a check for #iich ■will he eent yon about the first of the rionth. Your letter of Jvin9 29 arrmwoing; th« ehitaierrt of 14 hear elnillB, reachesd Tue duly, hut the slmllB had not a^- rivad i^h-^n i last heard from WaBhiTif^.on vs^Aar date of JvOj 2D. Mb Booej as they cone J will he notified of the Uft, 9.vd ->f their conditior., and will cradit your account accordingly* HopSng you will he ahle to eec»ye additional sknlle durin^?^ the avmfr and fall, hoth from the rwirOard and 5 elAi^ Yery trul* yours. 1 I j I 974 Jill 7 m^ 1915 fiear 9: ri Thariks fer ymir letter of tha lOth insi. ahmit 'thm ^zzly hear sknlls. I on always glad to jyiimhaM Bbills cf rT?^^sliM, eve^n ^.en hadly damac^^, olthoti^t snch nknlls of co\irz^ are worth ?iuch les?? fcon©?^ th-an raH«ona>^l}r perf^t Skidln of adtilt hears from the Yellowstone Park rfirjion ftr^ >»p.d?-7 needed to settle sone points now ^n donht, erid I very iTc,i:Ji hope that ^r^n will h© aJ^le to obtain sone dur- irf^ the s^irnw*?r %rd fall. As yon kriow, I am glad to pay p;ood -prir^m for such skrOIs* pFunkacee contrdning specinene should ha ssTi* hy exprniee^ chanji^s collect^ addressed: U.Se Biological S'lrv^y, I'iept. cf i^:ricnltnra, WashJcngten, D. C, All BhJpn^nts will h^ pro>>*^^r\y cared for ^mtll zr^^ '^etnrn in October. JSacth skull should he labeled for locality where kill ed, ftT'd if knawn^ for saar and date alsOc ?he ran» of the per- son sh1i>pin^ the spec^r»?en should alwiays he written nn the tat>. Very truly yram^ r'A >• ^ / u \ I ii ' I, , ),' ^^ iiiii '\ M m m a^e July 2^v 5^1*5 Mr. Fr*»A J . JioeM. JCaeka •" ■'. Pea>- S5r: .**» 2. Yotir lettars of June 19 btA ?ti liave jiisi reaehiid i'^ ty tha sa^ne rmil, and I aw clad to kfww t.>»t jou hav# «ent f mir wore s tills of >>«ariic They had not reached WacWn^^cm a week t^, but as aoen as they cowe ! will be notified of the fact, btA w^U see that paywewt in sent von* I shall ^© clad ♦,<> piirchwie tUl th« h«>vr fllttilis you car. eet for me. providad «««h fme is la>>el«« irfth the Icealitv wharokiiw. Ycnw. «m ,«,« Jso Bhotdd alTOvs f-a writtm on '^ tac eo that there .lay he no nd stake ai^o lAo eerrt the .h5>>- rant. * ^.^ u ^ received the two f^.y±U you nention 'Z : """^ -"-'^ «^-"-' •->'• 'a*.*- part,, «„,.*„ ^^ ^.1 """""t! ''"'"'■ "^ "" '-'*' ^'-' '^- '»■"« — .hall b, o^j.^..^ ff you win kindly see that U. 5. deliv.L to him, delivered Vory tnily you m. !| I 'if 1/ 1 976 Jwl? ?.7p 1Q16 % denr Profeeaor Thaaher: If 7->M kjjeT i"e better j-ou 'vwaino.t he so per- »i stent in ^tirjs to have ^ talk t7>->WboyB; ae I an one of the po«*re«t Bpoaker* kr^ni*! in Xorth America. But t +v*^v I can let you oCf easily, a* ?t is ieff^ossihle for ne to sav whether or not I gjiall be in California in earty Jure i'ie±t. I was frilly two nonthis late in arrivir^ this year» and sad eaper^ericeiSr! the past, wa.m rie ar^ainet proraieee for the fu- ture. I cpprecfate your conrteey all the sa.*^, and hope fO!nrd>ioff CJalTfom^R if f^ I m \i ^\ \u «* ^ 978 I -* t 1 * ! 1 1 * ^^^B II w I y . ■ !\ n If •< N h' T '*' !*■"' !*■ ' fcf." m' f } J lli » ■ «;.( I f ■^ 979 ;«» ^Ha Tit ( * f li 1 ' ' f a >■ I j J / : ill I II j ! m ■jm 980 URSUS RICHARD90NI SvainBon Barren-groimd Bear Svainson, Aniiaals in Ifanagerios^ by fRLUlan Sv&inMn^ 54-56, 1838 Troe locality, *> Shore of Arctic Ocean, near or eaet of MOuth of Coppenaine Ri?er. Characterf>>> Size laediiai; color variable, from jQlloiriflh to grisaly brown; claws of rwiiian leogth, raooth; ekull srmll, with broadly spreading zygoraata. GrarJLal characters>*> Scull rather snail; frontal shield r^arrow mA broadly rising at orbits, snlcate medially, Tory shirt posteriorly; teo5>oral irapressione laeetlng far forward, in one speoimsn (no. 6255 )» forraing al- zQOst a riglht angle with axis of skull; rostnsa snail; nasals nearly horizontal; fronto*nasal region strongly dished; post-orbital processes peg-like, widely out-» standing; zygomata broadly spreading posteriorly but angular (very sli^^tly bowed); palate, postpalatal sJielf, and inter-pterygoid fossa raedium — neither notably broad mr notably narrow; nares small, not ▼ery oblique; sagittal enist lor^ and rather low; teeth of medium size* #^ ^\\^\ Z^^y^^^-^^^ ^^*^"^#*IPy^^^-- Basal length 311 inm.; ocoipito-.nas. 1 length 286; palatal lenctT* 153; 2y£;0r.atic br'^^ dth 327; liitGrorbital breadth 72, rse i land of Sunshine, 180 PIONSEBS OP THB PAR WEST „,. ,.«xT«.^uiSTORY 0? CALIPORNIA. NSW MSXICO.ETC l^rom Documents Ileve. Before Published in KngUsh This installment concl^Jes^he translationroe- -^ 'lI.'friS°GSc«her t^^^^^^^^^^ of the Jde- lantadb Hernando df Soto, .hey travexeay marches more t^l^S^i fJf fhfruide was already dead. liSSSe a??o;!'on'herh^"ind\octs of trees, and other^hings. ^^^ the Apaches are one and the same. ft^ hfts already heen ssid ahove. J'.nd with, .his it ttandi pro?eFhow Florida and Mev? Mexico is all ^ain- land with this [Mexico] where we are; smcd the plains bf CihJla Sgin at 20 leagues from the sfttlements of Nflw Mexico end run toward Florida. And it happens ™!L tfni«a in dr? veers that these cows [huffalo] many times in aryye^ra'-'^ ^ i^^ ^g one of the set- tled S?t of NeS Mliicifof'the Sation of the Tompiro lidiaSir And it is S^ by us. by what has ^een seen sinJrin Hew Mexico, that in those pleins of Cibola thSsI iho inhabit tl^lem the Ayache Indians whom we call cowboy Apaches LvaquerosJ because they suD- list bv these^cows [buffalo]. Therefore these sol- dilw fof de Soto] were not far from New Mexico. 98. Prom here these soldiers returned on the back trail, with very ffreat hardships and besetments by the Indians, who killed many noldiers. Out of more tliau 60 Indians brought up as servants, not one was left, and [onlyj lOO^aniards and 80 horses reached the Greet *!iver [Rio Gmnde of course do; oes ^fc^ i adtfUMUhi