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HART MERRiAM PAPERS COLLECTION NUMBER: MS3 83/129 C NEGATIVE NUMBER: BNEG Box 1 25" REEL: CONTENTS: SERIES 1: CORRESPONDENCE LETTERPRESS COPY BOOKS i wJLt'flfcnAf'R-^-ttAJLWtfA^ iJfcattJi-^ia^^ It-rwa-^ *:af a-', ^-ai -Ji^ r« iciiginciiHHwnABanii!^ VOLUME NUMBER 27 Harrinan y^/asb hpMion June noi Ap n I no **■■ 'jft iL'-fn^-tfa. »; . ■.AuAtfJ*fc*^mitftih"j:*fc' -aifatf frjctrf^tbtJii^iihfaiiiiMfriiaiSatea* FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY CA 94720 M I I I M n METRIC II I Ml III IMIMl I'l .0 1^ 115 0 2.8 I.I 13.2 36 4.0 12.5 2.2 2.0 UUi. .8 .25 1.4 1.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS- 1963-A <)>l|illl|llll|l|t||i||| llltlll I .^1 JOB NO. i'l'^|'i'[M'|r|'j^[T|'i'|'i'|'r[T|'i'|'i'|'jj|T|'i'|'i'|'i' DAT": REDUCTION RATIO DOCUMENT SOURCE ., _| j ^1 I II i !■ " j' ■'il|niiiii;ij.,hjlllllllll|lm|llll ■*' »*' ' «l ' "71 ' RJ I al I Lii ' ill I lb I lis I ili I T II 5 W " I i> Miil.:d-«ais.«tj«a»....,«f:j 1 ?^* * "^ 's^w^T^'*; wMim^MWUiWI WiillillHUMdM "'}^Bi^f^i&!^k$ML^i&^L "•<— jj-i '"J*.-! ■;?','5r."-'.(^"'''-y-.'*'m(i 4!K&{te»iiSi«?'!fesF5fti PLEASE NOTE: Letterpress copybooks consist of bound volumes of tissue paper onto whicli outgoing letters are copied by transfer of ink through direct contact with the original using moisture and pressure. This process may produce variations in quality or defects including extremely weak or heavy imprints, smearing, and double images. These defects may in turn be reflected in the microfilm. I- -«^ ^J ^ AaAl.A'fla.ili iliiTlf \ lilHliii Page numbering may appear in reverse on some pages of tliis voiume. Some pages may be missing from the original, or the pagination may be inconsistent. Fiim has been reviewed to insure completeness. iuM. fia^. .,;.V(^c c^.f) « s< Wol\^\VV^o^'^ KVo^&V(X v1<3CV)S^- ;! V^W»i, \^o\ - K^^eVl \\\>'b ill vfoi.:^ \ in >ifi M i h1 ii\ ""-^0% ■ifptif^^t f-mt-^^mts^ i ^.-i^jti MAI ¥' B G I K m [I ■'■*< *^3 *'. ..i»j y^. r.r2y/ds Q'a^I^, (pJk /^-^ SI?':;' (7 ^t?^ . ya/ - -y r u-^^c^tis?^-.^^*^..^/ S. O ^-/j"-//^ J/ ~<^v?f/? /; 1% ^ATi// ^Vr,%s^ / / H ■■■'«« -a <^'.lf.. /f3 #1 _^_^ -^f'-yad'-AP^ // ra fr- e-9'e^^ fc/p^:?,-^. uy^^^^K'Xi^a^ Q^^- /^^' /^• * p^ A . c^^^ €l^n^n<^Kj^ ^ Ofifcct^ //vT c<- A .r a.^^j- <^yu/t<^a A A //c? ^ %^M / Ui ;-H i^tfi ^l^. ^lJiao%. 'J?/a. Ih y-XOcrOrr- ^. /^U r i (1 ' „_ _ — — — -— - -,^-^-- ^^.„-^, '\ - ^— -- — — - — — — ° — — 1 ! -— — — " — ■ "- — * • • r ^^rt^U^^^/7^^ Jhi t'V / 9^/ 2'^^ S. j^.^^_;rjz;rs-. ^ /r 'J . VJ ^'^ //^^ JJ-/^ /^^ Za S^ 1 ^- y^-/^^- /6-^3 -^^ -J.7 -J \- 3o --^^ ^^^^^^^^ oj- ^^ J)w^^- c:? /- ^ /'S'- //y^- yJ6- r .-f (Zcc-n^cTUZ/Oa. aI/ ^-^f^^ ^^:^ /3 7' V^^^^^^i^ ^ (^, ^7- /^ z:^^ ^e^y^^ oyr. % it T /^,/f T- ^^ ^^yv\M\4^ O.a^- v-\V i f \ -"t I f \ '^vv^ I -•v V V ^ "1 } r\ -t >* IT i j.> i I V J. *- na I J '^ Ai 4 T V \ ■^.f J. ""T* V-v ^ ^ WVIi^-4^ *^. .,\. L \ \ .U \ ys \- ^^ ' \ ■*. 1 V V \ \.^ ^ \v^ nJ \ ^ A \ \vV t V \- Hx 4 _, i4WC % \ vi 1 V I I Def ecfive / -m ^. H \* K i^V,.v^V \ •sM *C J ' A / '} ^ 'y V «.« HbV ^ T* 1-. J «.. -^"> ^v \ t '«*^ V :l 1 / - -A.^- V V > ^ 'A.>V>- ^ -A. ..Hr ' %> > r ^ -A t ,1. lU ...f i. X »" ^ l^jdtw 14 \i I ^ ) \ •*■% \ K %h f \ ) iV 1 \ V ■^ ( / ) s \ w >v ) » V V «. \. (1. i V.(nei) \,.« ^K, o X \ < "^ X. V\ V •> t N . M ^v t. 4>^ I u ^ A M. W^ A \ /C \ ^ "^ "h.^ v>vw >V f 1 lv« \ ~ K [ k ^ {Vv i v^ -') ^- ( « ♦ V V )i \^ r 1 cV: ■x (K ^ -w V 5 . ) V "V ? I- \ \ i ^ '-4 \i 1 i *^K ^ ^^ . — s ^-A f * vl "-" ^K 9 ^^ ^ K h ; V I f^ \ f ^A V ^ f ^^ ^Av^vY&UL X *-^/Nrr*~-«fc_-'-)r X -^ I V 4 W •. f f K Jx<^\ ^i X « \ % 6l.Vs.V**\ 4 \ ^ U Nw^ ^ 3s^ ^ >sX>> i i.< X ^ Hf K -A -o * „<^-«r 0^ nv U v ^ V V . { \ "M^. J 4 i V ^X - A ^ V 1? ^i^ I t: ^ ♦ *-.^,.K\ V, V '■> •. 4 •t^'- ^ y M .v^u V V ^ -v -\ >*N/** I ( i1 X t ^^^ Ai^ Original Defective ^sm S o t^'- I ^1 -X -v.„,^_.__ v5L ^-v. ,*4P "^^*'*^' **..■. X...^^ 1^ H •c^ % - ' \\ % vk.- ( r '^f^'^V-'}') ^ ^.| *^ ^l.hM. ^% vikV^) Y^v^V Os^«»^^JUI| ^i^%^x..i^^ ^x^ 4^ ^ .^>' J ^^ \ x^ >«^ .o^ w s k ,rtws |t-H j^ . xipj ^ kt 1 1^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^- V -V ^ A'x/-* 7^x>.^ A^vVv 1 Vv I 1 ft # n. \ J I ' . 1 ;:>SlS V Wj-V. a^ -i\ /■ ^ Iw - <.'* Original Defective 4 VI o ^•n.^. \ ( JLM^ V \ f*ji \ ▼^.A^X Vk |;v jk^N^ ^^k ^,-1 i, 4^ lAABu4k^^ ^^^^Hfcfc^*!^^ <**., ^ V t \ Wajx> k.^ ••Wit, ^ Original Defecfive Tf:*!.<. t> 6 \ \ w vA. \ X X Orig > ■ * • I nal Defect ive .to " ■ ' ./"'T •¥' '•*>n>ir'' ,5- ■»•&.> i^ "^n^ ^m ■;^S -j"**!* ■if. iff ■ V w ^, -' "< ^^i- i^ ■.'■*tw it'-- .-^ t I p*? *-.,' '»• . »■•/» ' .■ , Aft S -iv, . f«t- , /; r: • ■ ::!:••■,*■•.;■> . •■ . *■ J." ■■ . V ■ '. ■ '>■* '■'.,• •*- '. ,'■ I J«.>l »., f ,f.n , <•? ^^la f#." ■'*%% i;1^l me, I* mm m% C" .t^J * '5 r-^r 6 \ \. I \ i-Xta 4 '"%^^ "» <- "*»4.. - "**! , X " *. t.. ^'•*'^!&t*. '%^ %-j^. S ■'v. .^ ' 1?'- 't^"^ \ ■<.v •^^ ^l*^***** '''■'■« ?S.i,.. \. »< **•!»». V "\*%^:>t_^ . \ \ **'■- -i % V, \ '\>-l. V SO"*.' f < , * - Retake of Preceding Frame \ ^-M • i % i-#i ^¥l bi/| Origi Defective •■41 7 ^ C. V It'^. \ 'V. '-\ -t k *-7 /^ \ 4- \ ' V Aa^. *K- - / ;) -aS^ "^s. '^ i I ^ w ■^.^■-Js. If- L ~'^..^ \ V ^-^ ^^,./%^' y I- a I \ \ 1 V V ^ i 4 A Tv. V ^v ^ \ \ X K \ * * \ \ cV \ t H^ V \ »vv. Vs^ 11 \ r \ V V SJs^^ K ^ K I V \ '1 \ \ H V v-K V V \ "N, •4 ^ N \ t- \ n,v. 9 V V V V i \ ^ *■ V V \ V t \ V ^ ^^ ^ ^ % I ~\ ■^. V v-^^\v.\ ^ ♦*„ *^*^ Original Defective rp, * •■ 8 J i ■''1 v- • 'A V •■k'''n-a!Xl,. I OLNSk \. KaX -v>^ ft^ y ii i i PS? . ■■ .■•' T : ■I ^^^-^ * ' t» r' ^4 r a^^' ??■> .1 ' I i i ' I I If ) V ^\ \ ■\ » *\ V ^ \ \ \V \~ rl-h V^ \ v.. rV «, v •••, t h: \ V- -V -1 v.. I ^ 1 J \k \ \ -^ A x S \- \v ^^ ' V \ I V \ { rt- -\ \ f - V J '. V H 4 'II ■\. V i r K \ >.v^ ..^"^■ \ I i \ f. \ »• V \ I \ "V Jk "-'% \ K .,. ♦, \ \ I • \ \ \ f \ ~\ ( 't ■ iflC'Twfc.^ , ,. ■ '"ij,.^ Retake of Preceding Frame ■*' M;».>'4^"fJ ■Jt V '■ ^1 1 '% \ \k,^ • V 't^. V '-. J^ \ Xv^ V • *^ ^ I X %^ <. ^ V ■H' \ ■\ M< • h \. ■%■ f'- { K V V » \ \ ■\ V \ ^ k IK^' ) X «\ '^. . ( V I I V I -\ \ \ "^^ 1 \ V "^^^-^W ^-.». t I i ^-^V^. •V^. ^ iv.v \ V. y -^ r V i V U • V > \ \ "V 0af»-r- "*"■-■ ^ % \ •4 V ^'^m§m^ V- f 1 ^sV- t-^ ' V( xV U V V *. -y- \ Vvv, i. V ..-V w x V ) \ Iv. ■"4 f V ,:%~t- ' ( \'\ / '* poor imprint JV ■ -'.•'-.'i-a,.ig*-<;L;j t ^ n Jime 29, 190 U Dear Professor Verrill Yesterday I sent yoii by exj^ress the new proofs oi your plates aloni'j; Tvitn ^^11- the- ori.-iiial yhot:.raphs in ?iy possession. Ycu had better keep the photo^^raihs, as thev n^; be useful to ^;o>i l>.tor in some other conrection. The ))lMte niirnle-s mil have to "be chin.pd as the c ';7ere put on "by CockajTie and h.ive nc bairir>- or our runnin; numbers. If you will send ne later a cornplGle set of the pities nun-ered in proper sequence for y ur a tide ^ v/c •.dJJ have t:i8 proper ^lun^^ers put en. It ;;ill save tir.e, T t):ink, and be better in ov^rj^ v/ay if ycu attend to the r^n:eiinin.^ corrections direct ;vith Cockayne, so thet instead of retijrnin,; the proofs with corrections to me, please re- turn thr Rirne to E. 0. Cochi^.^.e, Lhe Heliotype PrintiriC Co., 211 Trernont St., Boston, and as/, hir ^o send ycu direct the corrected proofs. In thiL case it will c : 'y be necessary to send nc one coniplete set of th.e final cerrGcte.'.; \-roof8 with lottcri-/: and -cvr se-ies of nunbers , so tha^ t::e ninbers may boimdeto dror into tiieir proper place r: cur series at the time. Very truly ^-ours. Prof. A. E. Verrill New Haven, Cora;. i ii /s Or iginal Defective :?_-■• ' ■>^' -^ • ' ■ -IB* *'. I "-i ?f M-, \ /i.T< fl- '> ■ - '« iX ?.^> •'i'<* ■ ^' .'•'■'*.l"* '♦■*ll^^' *^ * •' '^'1 f i'-^ r^», ;t; •,.*?.> "5^, ■'C-&J-X «"5. ^ ' 1.. "1 ih4 ,^ f, •^\A\"f n^•.'''^• ■-Ms. tw* V\ ■■H? -k \%*A-'^. '^1 V vVv V \ rV V -X oA" v ^ r*x \ V i< X V V V- ^ V V xi ^ ■"''»>4>» \ \ 1 %u * f X. X V ■\A \. \ \\. V ."•v.^. "V: V V ^ ) V ■***■*&%. \ V f - ^ A V -. K ■^ k. \ ) X_ \ ? n J \ V ^ ( \ \ -^ \- V <;,, \ ~\. A.*;: r~t:l t *» V V \ \ \ { \ K ^ ^^ "be \ J \ •\ i.. {"^, ) V (. ) \ %, V '\ \_ C » t c\ -V \ \ T I V ) + N h >. K A —4- / ii. \Ki:> ? :* *i illli 11^ •ty , IIJH 12 June 29, 1901. Dejir P-ofessor Verrill: YestHrday I sent you by express the new proofs of your plates along Mth all the. ori/jinal r^^otorraphs in ny possession. You had Letter keep the photo^jraihs. as tliey mar be useful to yon I., In 6or:-e ot-er conroction. The plnte nurcters will have to he ciiin.^Td at- thn e were put on hy Cockajiie and have no bearing- on our rrirrin-nuMbers. If you will send ine later a coiripiete set of the pli-tes n^jmbered in proper sequence for y. ur a-ticle, we ■All :mve T/re. proper miiil-jers put on. It ■■ill save time, T tKink, ^md he better in everj' way if ycu ■iV-.rncl to thf psKainin.; corrections direct with Cockayne, so that infcteud of returnir.,- the proofs with corrections to me, please re- t:rn th< fii.rx to E. 0. Cockayne. The Heliotype Printing Co., 211 I-tr^'oiit St., Boston, and ask hir^ to send ycu direct the corrected p-:.cf3. In thii case it will c-i\v be necessary to send rae one ceq^i.te .set of th.e final corrected ],roof8 with lottcring and yoiu- Mries of nunbers , so that the nurnhers may boimdeto droj. irto ^....^t:^r ^ropor place i!- cur iSeries at the tine. Very truly yours. T"--^* A. !!• Verrill Hew Hiiven, Comi. 4 II 1 u.. V«L V V V \ -'^^V \^ .-.r V 4- f V ? r \ \ % ^ \ V Vvvv [^ .\ ^A •V ^ \ \ V { v^ \ -J- f \ X ^ 1 >^.-K V'vV^, i •**^.j«U^M«Bi»« tiri-i r^ f-r „/ hr..''*-«4 • r/ lilt * " t", " y\ t'. ' i ■ ^ ' ;? Retak e Preced jjUMHIMMttMiWI MMMMMtMWtMWM «^(jtJ>*«(ll(Wll»«*WS^W*" ■ISWiSIBUM - l ""^ f I I 5\ June 29, 1901. flMV ProfiiMor TetrlU: r Y«sterday I sflnt you ly express the new proofs of your plates t^mg lith all tte original photographs in ray possession. You hid letter keep the pjiotograjhs, as they m^ be useful to you later to . complete set of the plates naabered in proper sequence for ycur article, we will have ths proper numbers put on. It will saw time, I think, and be better in every way if you attend to tlM wmalnln,^ corrections direct with Cockayne, so that instoid of returning the proofs with corrections to me, please re- t mi the SBm to I. 0. Cockayne, The Heliotype Printii^ Co., 2il Twnont St. , Boston, and ask him to send you direct the corrected proofs. In this case It will on.i.y be necessary to send me one oo^lete set of the final corrected proofs with lettering and your •orios of mabert, so that the numbers may benUoto drop into their proper place in our series at the time. Tory truly yours, Prof. A. 1. ?trrill low HaTon, Conn. •'^tijl^i'l \¥fi "V- u f^ ml / \ h%f. ■ft" f ? * |- f V'i k \\\ ^►-. .iK» ^K* !»•..>' vV v..^i \ \ T i ■•■ ■- X jo; \: \ "^ V. V V V \ii\KV — *s X >v~^;»v'-. '-"-v ■ ■'-•-■-xv.V'N.. V; , %.J ) '^^, ^/ \ A ->*. v^ I ^„i \ 1 i V.K. \^ ■'•^^. . . -"^ 4 '^^, ^'t^^Li '»• I*' 'K ■>«i 4 I ■ rS - ^ 4 ■ ' i ■! ■ . few,' ^-tWf^Sj K ■-'*'■* I. a 'g **, • :/'!: i •"»," '• 'V . .1' *■-. , 14? ' ' . I ■If. p# ^Il»/ ^ Ji«, ) X i^. 4, XN^ tA •^v -1. \ \ V L J^'- \ *'*'**V~ 'Sj^ ■ T" V '''i»j\ / -■'k.^\ vM»^' V *i' /^ i Iv ^^ '^, ^'- -''^ s 4,^ '^-. V "i^ X Iw,^ \ \ ^^ V 'V eX '^X^ »K5U»^ V ^\ ^ V Jv ""^.^ A >^ V»<3, •Hb r \ V. &^4 V -V 'X v'VA^Aw.-, \ X \ ^ijX^ oC^'- 1^ Y' Si. •\ \ A \ \ \ \ X K K i V M >^ } V \ .,-W %"■:>:%., ^M' :-^i*n».. .'fit?'- • ff: *. ;*» f-fA ^ ^ ' ^<', ■•.C> .- Jfi St 4 t>^ ■•'!il'''!V"jHi*' fiym m ;#*■■ e ^ k- A ft. \ V^ \ \Vx>j! iA\ f ..A^^'f.k^- ^VUi ■^, A. (V..N xS. K^ ■■'«'^^-^'^'»»^t_- ) \ \. W V S V^ K^ rXx. ' W '^-% '>^ »^- ... . ^. ^;w~.. \} \ \ ^'6-\ \ ^ 'V- Vx '^' » •■ .Z- ! l\C VV: V \ ':^VCt>s*- --.,.- t-^HN.-- ..,\ d4 ibMI'*I— I" X^O Jw. ^^k^.^r- <;> % *w^^ rt. -\ \ s *»»^ V6 \ k. ' ■■\Jw % K *»i«^» -». ^ li JO- 1 s 1 \ r*.---Su- tlA t X. V '-^ *»"''Si^''»** k. .%4c -^ ^ M.H^^ ^V<^\v ^ ,V .^ ~'^'-\Jk^ t\ Ai V Ji^^^Mnt »,* *«I^THI;^. ■» v^^ ircrii; V L 1-^^^ i: ^^t V5 \ [ n V \ M'i:\^ \\ \ S^ '■•«»*Xj^ r "\'^r . \ IV -• "^.-V \V Ki \.\ \ ^ ' \ 1 %' f : 1 t 1 I i r: % i 9 I •m If flf^ iif lit /, ^ ?v '\., feiA ! v» Xa^ \ MlU "V -^" A %. X I \t V 'V :^~ -V Aj- 'k;x|KJ«a\ J-?*'. i "««.JiV, r ...V- 1 i\ k "-^ \ \ } k\ V t ^1^^ '^fci-* 'v. ■ ^ V V>^ V /^ V t V V \ ■■XI .y /. i-.| i^ \ --V •d: V 1_ \ -d. ^^*>«|. -— ^V I C V. ^-X^ \tl c^ V V ""^^ y y V rv \ 'vK\r'-% ^ Hc' ■V --jxy \ ^ 1 ^W ...JV" ..-"'^^-'-'-.XW, t •» . f -««.,*»««#»<; «»«%**(?«»• : « '«*M»ii*»««t»!t*»«**"' »'«.,t»(,«fc'" L-5*W«fi*.t .#-»>•: ,,-.,■■ -!•'-*'«■■ sWaWHB^^. poor imprint Iff L Ctv ]-S\,i\H, .V c V \, -V (-K^ '■--^^^ XNJ-% J- Iv -. \x) V "VV .,,^. , -I-- V \ ^ 0 W^ Ask VX-v.. ■ML, V V <, { ^^^W^ axj. As. \5^ \ \jV^».3v N^ -^ ^ ^ "^*- VA^-, ^^~ V--'U)^' \ -'^^ . ^. Vx . \ ^ \ ^^^Vi^^t •..->. ^ -^^ss^ V, ^ V '-^-Vv\^Kw )cvj\-t\j^ \.^\ vvc^ eAV^i" ^^ l^^ i V-L-. ,.i„ -1 --.4,, ^ v4^ V V •»».- ( ^.v^-VAv^-t.., \-^i ■\ X- •^)\vv^V'^. •I *• "i 4 i ■ 1 i J ' 1 . ■ - : djnHHUs I I^H .1 ^* ^ m ^IHHi^B u £ ^i3^B *■« '/-Im t ■ ■« 3 ^ ^1 ' \ ' ^ 'i , 1 1^ » I . p 1 ' c & s| July 1, 1901 • lbr« !• 0* Cockayne Tl^e Reliotype Printing Co. 211 Tremont St.t Boston, Mass, Boar Sir: YourB of June 29 received this norninc. I wrote you yet^ter- day respecting plates tmd rnMibers, but in apeoific reply to your letter of the 29th, requesting plate numbers for Folscra and Ash- laead, will state that it Is iripossible to supply these numbers un- til I have the numbers of the remainder of the plates in your hands^ of which I have not yet received a:iy proofs. I rofrr to the plates tent you June 19 oxmnir *ich aro several of Folsom's to be reproduced by heliotyi>e process* It is impossible lor Bi ke * to tell where aqy of these plates will /^o until the entire scries of each author is completed i so that the j^aper and plates nay be asai^ed a definite position ir the series. We mrt now runningt as you know, a lar^ nixnber of papers, each accorijmnied by nimcr- of CUB plates, 80 that the numbering the ee pLtes becomes a very se- rious matter. I supposed you had copies of brochuros containing plates with our usual headings, but as you lii^ve not, I will try to send you one this evening. Respectfully, 1'^^ i « r ^1 1 I I % Retake of Preceding Frame MamtiMMl ^v c v.. hsy'v'^- \ ^JOVJ5. ^^^vXjsjOi *^ :::?c v.- V Vv I V V ^ t\.-v\/ (^ v\^^ V^^\ \v \^ '^— . Vr^x^Avl-^v r \V '\ ^v^ WV V M A. V ,^ V -V >» « \ wVv SV.V MvV . \ V •^ fbj} -\. v X y \ \^\ ' < \ t "i .S^ ") — V V-^t"^ ,■-> 1 \» %i. .K \ V^VNw 1 \ N \i f :3 17 Mr. E* 0. Cockayne The Heliotype Printing Ce. 211 Trenont St. , Boston, Mass, Dear Sir: Yours of June 29 received this mornini> I ^rrove ?-:: Vi. :-t/er- \«„/ 4.,.- ^ day respecting plates uiid rumbers, but in apeciiic retdy tc r. ir letter of the 29th, reqiiestin{; plate niimbers for Fclscn und Aeh- TTcad, will state that it is inpcssible to supply thene nu^.berL ir- til I have the numbers of the remainder of the lates ir your hands, of which I have not yet received ar,y proofs. /-, the ];lute8 sent you J.ine 19 amcn-^^ \4i: ch src sevemi 01 Folsc:n*s to be reproduced by helioty]>e process. It it irni^ussicle ■ cr B k-- tc tell where uiqy of these plates \Ti:l rp urtii thr or.tirc scries of each author is completedi so that the ]'aper tinu ALteti :;ay be aesi/yied a definite position ir the stries, We art: ruw ru!.'^;:n/% as yoxi know, a larrup number of p^fjers, e.ich acccr^r^unieu b>' nu^ntr- of one })lates, so that the numbering the ue pi; tee beco^nes a ver; se- rious matter. I 8U]»po8ed you had copies if brochures cor.tainir^:; ] lutcu I'^ith our usual heading, but ae you ■■..ivc T-et, 1 v/ill t'-;' tc send yeu one this evening. Respectfully, il H A R R I M A N A L A : i- A EXPBNSBS OF VOLUMR ! E K p K : f T r 0 N If Bills tratisnitted througli E.'^i.>, '■^ Office. Expenses of Editor's Office Oct. 1899- Juno 30,1901 . . . . . ll-or postage and special d9lir--y.tal-:*^^niir:3 & exproaa cnu?v; furnished by except i -st trip) ...,./... . TYPEWRITING 1900 and 1901 . . OS) $92.61 • o • • • • ^ # % « Itr STENOGRAPGY prior to Oct. 1900. Oct. 1900 Nov Jan. 1901. . . . , Pab. way *•.••• e PROOF READING • • « • • • • . f * ' 12 . 00 • 22 ••••0 32 - "lO . 18.30 . 24.00 45.00 4.80 C.H.Verrill ( Oct. 1900- A -.-i 1901)193.85 T.h. Bean(Maroh-Mfty 19;. ' . . . •;;■.. 15 H. Judd . . •...•■«« 0 • t C ^ * ♦ #4 PHOTOGRAPHS DRAWINGS n : '%'»*■ Mrs.Ke Mw- Minaeleff . A. H. Baldwin. , Wisor & Nichols. Hudson . • . . • . • . • . . • • ..♦♦• c»oo 00 1 > i .JO Total of hills transmitted throuidi B^^^ -'s Oli u-f> for volumes I h U. . . .^ .... ! . f 33 . 00 37 . 75 . t • • ^iK.20 . . . . 227.20 44.25 • • 673.50 WOODCUTS ( 2 by Williams) 55.00 TEXT CUTS Electros (Joyce. Gat .ol h Jiannir^Jiu^n) . ..... 131.65 ■$1,529 16 4 ^ # 1 H A R R I M A N ALASKA EXPEDITION Expenses of tocJiriioal volumes , jncluuing pIbIqs publisheu in Proceed in(',s Washin^^ton Acaaomy o.V Scienoos to July 1,1901. Mi^Q... ILLUSTRATIONS t ;'or Coe.Verrill & Bu8h(n]iot.Of^raphs & drawin,;s)$330.46 lydroicis.Apterygota h plain cuts Insects, . . ,14c. 00 NEW BRA CO, i^onposii ion ana Klectrot'T i^v 18 papers to enu of 1900 . . ."'/.,. . . April 1901— Coe, Neraerteans ....... June 1901--!'uttin(<. Hyaroids. • 1901- Ritter, As'iuian.'B .. = .., 1901- Ritter, A.soiuians 1901--Currie, Insects • . « « .$477.93 152.18 88. IF. 71.90 10.45 . * 800 . 64 RBPR0i;UCTI0i;S Hoen 32 photolilhograpi. i late;; . . . . . Misel 13 pis. 6 col.f" sr.artPtxn.s • . . . . Pub . h Vri nters Siy'. . '^o , ( tox^ e h": trus ^ . .$-168.46 -. 567.90 > -12-24 1, Dear Mr. I,ar!ier: July 2, ,1901. On receipt of your tel3,;rir; several di^'s ajjo I for . rdcL the ytae at once tc the Vevi Era people caid received word fron thera in reply that t!»y hitd shipped all of the remaining- plates. So I trust Ghere vdll be no furth-r hitch. On receipt cf Hoen'e bir bill lor approval sometime ago. I nade u strong kick or. Uro pointaj (1) that he had printed the Unitea States nap vathout Bubmittini^ colored proof, and as u conse- quence had made several unfortunate blurxlers; (2) that tte price for the map work was ciit cf all propo.-tion to the \7ork. Foon atu.nttec both prints, knocked $100.00 off the bill and is reprint- ie the United State- s ard Alaskn ru'ip which he mil send you at once . In case ycu h vc ar^' further Idlle tliat will neeci r^' approval, they hu(i better be for'/.-aroea so ah to me not later tlmn tlie momir^j of July 5. After July 5 'ay add:-e8s will be Acaucny of Sci. or cos, San Francisco, Calif. I ain serdiTt; you todi^ by express the; Smiths oiiar, ."iailing list and a part of the Dopurim^rt of A,:?'iculture mail:-/- accordance with previous c.iTebponaonce. Hoping ycu will survive the , reber-:t liot spell, and v/ishir^,- that you could joinJMr ;.nd me in the hi.^ Sierm, I remain, v;ith best v/ishcs, Very t-.:ly yours. H. lY. JAnier \ Doubleday, Pu.jd t Oc, 34 ''' t-nior t;quu!'6, ','0./ York. July 2. vol. Vt. W. E. Spader 120 Twelfth St. BrookljTi, N. y. Dear Spader: Panio:-: .- delay in ach:.wleoJr,.^ y.ur h .t dravnr:^-, wMcn cme in good oonoition several d:^. a/jo anc i. enu rely ..tisf.ctory. In fact, it i. a veny boc-.tin,! -exactly -'liat -.e neeH for :fc place oi lionor. t- I an ju;-t off fcr ^fith kindebt fGcitrOv, iiiiforria ard ideh ycu mre to be w:ih ::ie- Very t ♦iil''' v vr?^ > ^, ^. • v~ - ^ ^»- VvoC ». ' ^NN*. —i Jul- 3. vol. Ivir# I^ W.J^anier Cam Doubleday Page c\ Co. 34 Union Sqaxare, Fev; York, "ear ^^r. JHinier: As I lecive for California at 10 A- !•• or the f)th inst., I lA^JI r.ot bfc aUe to receive miO di atrilute the authors* sept-ratcj:; 1 the AlfjBka book. I will ask you therpfcrc to klncll:; save oiit one oopy cf euch for the lu^o of my editorial office to be smi m wth the separutes of irr,^ Bo/joelof ptiper, addressed f.c th^ Biolc-i- cui Siirvoy, U. S. Dejuxrtrcent of ;4^iculture, whe^e they v/111 Ic held till my return. Pleui^e Ixve the ethers packec in sopartite lup.dl6fi and addressed to the authors. ? -obably yo 'lad le- 'er confer irith Stanley-Bro\'3n as to the nethc • of diipment. Very truly yours. 22 Original Defective •fif I " *t -,.''3"'' - ♦ * '''■% If- »8«awB*l«SI8««SSf*« •r " ^ T'f' \ fr « <• rx'^'y .? ''*"'*•*• \ ^ Ct V,, -'t. • " -* 'St0- ^ % 1, •C •■**l»«l»»» »'> '*".-\.,. V V - ) I « . , f I > Ji^^ f. ^ 1 r. \- ^^ J^ ■• '!».- ,,ntt. •< % V- f (%. j':,».^'^^.^ .t->-».-.- .. s ■;' \, -X •*. ^, - Tsifc. *% * /' ♦ r 1 ■> L"' «,'•» -''S. "-•«^ "«^^ I C " ' ':. V 'V*. - • i\' \ \ '., f KJ^ ! 1--^- I V. '..•**" 5-0 ^, f I' -.* • i Jx « ''./a 'M » ».»>« <* ■^7^91 ;#>. , > -A- r*'Vi .. 1^ -'f^^' r \ <^ \.\ ~\ «k. i '• X ^ ^^^■^ ■■■4^ ' , /"^^ ^__. ' A-- if- % t J ", \, I, - ^'V \ \ ? -J, j^i', w%?¥''f>ii 'si? itl|<» h2 *^*" ''\. ^'^ \,\\ \ ^.. — -^ %- v\C *^v >. 1 \w 4' 'V -■'^>x t «»,.h>^' .\ \ 4 -^ V \ V>»^v, \ As --V- A.. V N^ ^%^ V -"^-v. -sw 1^ I. '^^'vjC. - ■'5w>T5fc»/*" *^*" ™*^* ,'V^^-w ■^ ^WM 11**.- 5- v^.-..^. \ J \. \K, ■"\ ^ . \ >*^ v/.?>^ ^<.->v>vO^ :V %.i>. ^•— -V^ "♦' • -^!^c\ iL''%- ^.JV- 4 { ''"A_ e< > T jf »*4 I \ s 1 1 \ -VA. tS^ J J \ V - ^ Xd/i. ^'^ i%. -t v^^^j4^ 4. ^f*Ct •w^ -■"^" \f (.. \ I i 1 V V \ ^M j •^"^V-xi u Jr^w'' V ^ -*^c. J 1 1 I f i. ■ \Ak.^^ c f>^<^^U^ 4 ■ ^ "^'^ ^V Av^J^^-^^^^ -V -^ -^ "^'^^-^^ V.i;;Vi.. X- 1 t f ^ ■'"■^>» \j A ^Avxi^'^^ -^^.^ ,''««^.. ■^ ■) wv ^^. ^> "-^^-^^-^-X-... "^^^ -Cttt, ^^S^: ^^-^-«<^ 3L^ VvvV* — 4' "^ *'*^'*^ 't vv ■»A,, v^ >s^ *:.„# "^ )- •''V'v> tili f '--»■ /■«'(>*« -f. 5h",v - .r^-fr ••*■*"-"««» <■j^ ..rv"**/-^ V V I, -i,'. '.,/\.. V«w '•%.. '^.i^^^ ••- <*•, N* ■ " -<*•. rKj ^* . V ■*v- .• % X ■•vl. Jk^ 'PA u \1 ^ t ■V* .-^ 'X—^ -»^ iVv-.,^<^.A^>v^^ ^ ..^ WxLj %^w<-. vv t •f ^--.Oi^ 2L«V- •''''-^•w.4\ •v^jj^i V^^^w. \ 1 I -»». ^•''•if "^ ^**'~»». V \VX^; ^-%J\.A»^ ^A»^-^- .^ -•^'-^' 1 pJ^,^^, I !i6 *sM •y*i. T!i; 1 1 1 ''■i-''''-V t^klL^ij,^ ANAJt- \ \v«V \. 4 -V -I _ <^'iJ""**' ■ ^' u>V'\A V-^JN.ftK.r:J 'V -&- 3ij}, \- -,^ vOW. '-^i^-^ V '"Sk^-^^^'- \v Vv>s.J^ --y ~^_ \/ .1^. w ^ Aj^^wS^ "^■TN, 'i ,w '\ ..A^w -^J3L- V •»»»—. XX :5^ .V } 4- A.- V ^ 7 Avx. . i A -V ^*-«-^ IaVs.-^ Aa-XJ^!k-<_ ^ CikjL y^ -V^. Y \ ^. "^ VVUo-VXxJ^A.^.^^ > f.r. tX'v^ 1 ^m ii -f \ "^ i \ \ .'VSm^^ I N|-^ V .— \-,V\4 >Jx. V I •0;:~^ /■ \i^ r>- ■ -t-ji*—'- •-^ Vxj? Am J .r^^ H-/VA,>^« V \ ^•■^ I V>%>^^^««*. i / - i \»- <-j» r V' '-^ ••» v.^ ■..r 1^^- V i i '!*-•'-'*> i- y^^ w^Jk^. %!-»., r - *«« »i,» s-"-*-,^. ^v '•■:^^ '!-/»» W'-^ ' Vc y t 1^ »^U,c^ 1 ^•^ t- * ■%^>' • «-* i.. -' -/ - » s, r "►•^-•^ I .»•»•. poor imprint mmmtmmmtmmmmmmmm^itimtmmii ' if ) v.^. iw, - -^' 1? )( x t \. ^•4 V \ ] C I ft- \ o G KJ \f vea-<^ sk X c-i-M>-«.>:rx;^ (^XX>'^A^^ ^^^ 5^1 tVHw^,: \ I nUN, I ■^-J^pl— '.,-,,„.^ TvV--. - (^i^^^y,^ \^<" ..yVSi^ifc/'^^.v h-WwflJULU Vx'w^v.^^^xJ^ \'^J^<" "fl. f^^t^^Vwv^.-ot^TTv' -.X V J ^ ^ 1 ^ •a^-«— ., ■*»*-*/ -»^ '-•'^ "T /,., n ^ '"^ ** VoC^"" \jy^ • V*Xw- ■'" ' .. '\kA\^ I *p%A.A-4..» ^ ^4 -3^ 3, ^ _ ^ "^i ■^- " .^--^c^^i-ww.^;^ fU-r •7-^A%ifc^ i ,.,-,' ; ^t,-- . .'^*^'-.^.^ ^ I . i-WL^. /2uw.^ f, ..^ '^^v*'' 1 1 •^./^^ <:^W1. 1^- %>< SI *• 1 A-^Lv i^X^sStc.. 1 f i '•<=' A,.<::? '•>• ^-,'W.iv»A.*.j-^.'.«..-.ji^. ..-^ , V-- •N./, ■\,.<^,K ^-. %/ <^ - 1 . •^„.^3»^,. .^^,-. jX i]Ji^-->, '^-*w. ... ^^ '|^~'W->w.^-» , ^"r^- a-. I- • c— I i) •*,fu- ^w\,- ' y "iJ^l.^^* t r »" • VV»^^-' ( (i « / '\.-"%^^ A iiv" 'V V r %/ V N.. 0 •-•v "..a^'^tm^ i.^ '^-' f ^ A^/^Hs' * u Vi^i— \,^'.^^ w^ r^ (^ I «/ i^%»- •XMOlwfc,^,^ ^\:. f^* W:"^ .^ i V 32 88 34 4 \^^ ^ Ww-tE H- ^ 4 »\,>'--JX .V^ -^ -^\kv A' ^,()M V K^ "V-. 4\K V- A L V--^ V ^<- ^ "^-KX - — i-^ A^w J^/ V ^ Vv^^Jc Z\-.^'^^L06.^ 7 7' '{ ^'f.- 1 V-v ^ V -t XjxrXj<_ vl Ci^u. ... Cv^ v^^" WL''>"> -trt. CT^-' '"vrv 1 /' ■r f. M^ r.^ -t.. K^ ^ '^ V rxi V V- c vtv fjv tii»., . ^ t^^v^ \ ^^i-^ V n (\C i/^*-! 1 I U\ I n ^ V u < ^ |-^rtv H- r( jl*-^-M.. 'I ^.. H — K\ A.x^^ ■V l^'"\ (^ r V c^ -7 e.. L y- - v\ Uc^ V } .V.C\- \ ^\^ ■t- \ 1 \. c. ^A.!j.vj- V>.Xk: VV I V -^5 ^V < -^ c< l^;i t7 V^ K^ V V \. ^lMJUx^ (V I. V i (X Cv. \ < v.(7^ .1 I A ^V. > f'./V^ v-> *. .K'rtr o I V ^A^K. .^ 1 i*- f' |v-. A '^■VA.V > •*>- -~^ > V , V -y ^ J»w^**-^-jC ^ VvV f qC yx4i V :=» < ^ * iVOs^V^ ^ \\VV NJ v>wi\. "^ — " V. \ -VIL, ^ H-- ^^ "■J v,v 2 a I VI vx \ i; \ U\ VXvvi ^ mAv'kv V_vv 4. .^V "^ ^- .-^-r )^ r V • \ ^ V X Hj^Y" X 0' Vw \ \.\ \: ^ ( _ \ t^ w \ v\ VI 1 L"~t--- ?t:..-^ \, V.C ^v V N^ ^ r I •'t. ^ a 1- V -~^ <. 'X \ -^ -\-\ I ciV- I \ . G V \ -^ Kd >Sj,. ^ V.V "^ \ 1 VK V - V. T\ U \ \ I ^^^ vLv v^,.\ k V Jk V 1~ /A ^;^- ^ ^^^ ,d . V ■ -sa '^ ^-v TV^ ^. • K X "TT-. '0 ^-^ -JOv. V i. »-v. ^i^- i>^ ^V. V ..V $ i ■— ^» T. 'V'Sw--,:. 'v \ -^- A -^ V -A ^ -\ _ ^ "^- N h rt ^Av 1^ u. r \-~^. T V ^ \ V V v u \ \ t ..^ J v^^ ->w -^-A^-^-^^^ ?^ ^ VV ^ A: X^ V^K vs •^ ;' \' C <- I I ^ t ^< ■V ♦ -V. h- K"- H ilw ^- >^\ H V V V A.. A. ^ w^ X Ma^"^ ^ \ ^ '^v. •■ ^"L A ^ ('vj ^ A sj5v_k --\ \K \ ^t^k 1* I ^^ —ji*-' K..\ lVi5. Y A^ ^Vx -V \ Vs^.r.'Tv^ ^..,-^ V 1 { \- ^ ■» V 'oA V ; H 1 ■ - >:- .^^V *- V V V;^_.~t^. m"^ ;\' f \ -A. V ^ -"^ -^ VvV W4^^Srv^-*^^ V >. ■V ^■ \, \-\ V V V IV \ ■^ JvVv -\4 *""^. "^ -vt V V ^ C^-\^..V \ \ > V \> Jk 35 Deceri?or 2. 1901. Dear Star.lev-'^ro^"^-^- Alt f.;.y :'v.-tt.r(i;.y I exi-tctod to .-fct tc &.-( vou , but vas -pre- ;on-&3d by i. co^aiiuouB seribb cf irterruptione.. Thr photQrp.^uo l.'.-:;\t.': r-jsk.-.u itr ly •'rs,, Harri-hn fro.; tb. .Icijl Siirv^ ne^-i,- -iv.s are h: rrr/ith o-clo«)d, anu ' hcpe ^11 jrove fa^ tit feretory. T:v.?o R^err^s to he sere TisuraerstandiTig about tho j* I lets ytu I Ci-.ently .cjnteu. Y^r ner;i.tives o:' seal ions ard cf murres are :':linite!'- -ette" t-,t;- anv ot: turs, lit. ov. you asKea Icr o\:r -o.^t.- ve leicnvir-s sealiorfi or Bo-/'..slof . t gont trde nt-;,--utive w •-■ fiheets & Bishop w^th h -f^ifiifiBt th?it ttey r' a Elide fcr vcu rrcrn it. Trustir-.,, th:^ s r-w meet your nr^edB, i rciniiin, ViT7 truly vourB, \ 12n 3rcod^mj Heir *^ork Cit^^ \! \K' 0-. \ N S^ nM\ \ \ ■^w ^.r* ^>«*. -N*jj^ X ^v. V ^J^ V- >^ *-^^-^ ^•- Ix 1 V ~t V v^- N -^ --S Jl -K r -. Vs I'- Y ,1- — 's. J~ tW- I -^.- -^^ o '( ^ K - 1... » - M3 V '— :j \ \ V \ .- 91 f -'-■^. J \ t^ •^ iV, tt \ "V-Jk. 'l i \ W - V V^ V -v ^-..-0-.^ -M 1^- V K ^ \ v .L t •)•■■■ ■— ~\: ^ V — V v. ■:^' -x " 1 A 1 d^ V ♦ \ \^ Sj»wf\w V ■■. %. i- _^, -^^ X V A-V ,v ". 36 b i I iwHimii>iiiiiiiiii. ■■ Orig inal Defect ive ^^: !t,^^ ) m II T8 ^^ .\-^ j--xL ♦ r.; \ -'•--V ^ c t -^ft \ tx^ "-^V., V ■^ ^ N' N.-V f ^ Wk V.vX .V- ■'^. \ I 1 38 % Doa" Dr. Jorcian: Vol' 8(»ye>>al (Ic^s I ;...v.. .,h nk..;,^ ova.- iho s.! j«cL of yo.r recent, l8tler-an «xp9d.Uor. •f^uuthwa-'d aor^ m.. Pu...r;„- CoasJ-. I am wiUu,^ .0 tr^ir^ the mau.r tu'. aUen.ion .f you h.r^ best. hu<, I faar uho Uxnw xs not opportune). I ha-a n feoUn^ ihat he «ran^a to Boa -.3 -.aits of bhe Alaska Bxpemtxor.. pubUshad and out vi Ih. *ay (or at. least practically finished) .cfore unuar .ak.t.n^ a new expodr.ion. You know .h« f^.chn.cai arl'lil .<> com . When the is ripe I should not be sr.rp.nsoa .i. such «n exMeux'.ion as :,'OT contemplate wouia appeal i,-. hu., aiia j sjiouia te ^i^u v. la:, uhe prcjC'Ct b.£or.<, him. I..,, yra ^Ui of co-.;rs« f -rsT,. ^vjve me your" ideas in a U'.'U r:o- inn^. :h.le for-,, covo-int^ su.-i ni^L-era aa rcuv fine*, so on. ^o F np'?" Tia in » r»rr> •• . ., n 0" TP. 38 ^
  • n "^^u^.n^vi.. . .io.^ < i.. P,.,,., Coa..'. I best. T-u^ I r.^r -ohi, x? no:, opi.^-t.n-:.. I ha-e % f^^.l^n^ Uiat he waiua 10 «o. ...i "...iu of -..he AiasKa Expeurt.or. pulHshad an4 oui, ui the wHy {or at leaal Dr-acUcaiiy finish.:) ,ef..e un.u-.. .a« ..>. h ne. 3xpod.,.on. Vou Knew ^h« t.,clu..cai yoiu.^.,s ar'^iil .o cur^'\ Wren tae ;,. rno is rip.', I 5ha iHS 0 <5t \ '-~'*-»^^- i ; V» Retake of Preceding Frame II i » f* ^t£t.vtf .1 J (i:». u <.-■%* Dc\***'*w* i^-^ Pbf»H Sr Go. Sit U t-*- ? "3 ._, tij SU>^^;;0J1?, w y he haa n^. t^fi^^Qa U^e lla^^riman AA^^iku ho(.k. He ^ . V \\S.>w V^^^l^^fMV., 39 I I f i (it Oi" 41 w I ( f T^r /-i.-v ■■' > >.^^.' r <.' o -fc V, «. I O i^ r. -> V ilc. i j;\ f J- r letter • f y.y 33rd t 1 p. 1 '- nr. ">"' ■ »-^ • , I cUT f^C^ tc CO'!';;]. ata i^L t f y^r: •* i- ~j s r;(j V'~..ti. t t. ^ovtral pa <:'1- C 'etroMmt 01' t.::c ' :> *r > .-»- i^y^o^^o2 I- -' lie r i-" in.r » )f- f ■' s y^' ^QH V*11 i • • ivKfi CA i. ij r;(- 1 t >»/ 4.. oy iina f-uyt t^nt. tiiiU-l' T>;JUV n ici b-: ci.rn fji-tt^M ou !vij.i T, '(_' '"^i J n, tJ rs *j ■--L ' ..o I r ^ L-^i> i:;l(j •v' \' -t Vt- ■--4. * * oil J' • :it th.::; time abuui 1 ^ c •ci^^ * V'* %.s >, ■<:"». i''. lin t^ v/LTi^ 'iii '-'V. t<.r_> t^'x^ j'i^ojrvL l(;^^ r ' I . J inii V i:^ i-Ki^ Iji' ./ JL ii *;^^ .V Mr:.. \ ' T / > V tNC ^^. ■< i. •-. t ri^;rgCi.UCe Ol.: .\C i ».:.<. '.i^-i >.>' TM. 1 /;-ll ]toj» . r*ij *•» LhtJPMel T< lU kf3 t; 1 in>i /; \. » > ^ i -:/jj. . .' I iO .'1 Ki. I'V VJ :« fi or ^^ V'l. -. ) 4 l- «■ 1 . u ^.•. I J l.L (^i^'ir( otrh'ir » ■v.-) v.r T >■>:, Cv-r ( ITC .! vr(--rv t J t -• :u :iJ K.r;X'/ Ik, b;^ O \/ t t to r^rin ^ -*• i'-i ' > '4, , t ., ! r * C^veci ■i].;s 01 .*. I, I >■ f 1 TV*. •— ,-»« b-U ■ -H . •>■' Oi /.c.:.ue ^Y, \r W i*. ces k;r t/iJs ■I :i th«t. he n 5f i-v 1211 ir.h o:j '^anu r-joi^rii -^^e^^^ir rj J. .) T f '• . i *.;: i T :": ■ L V . 1 • ".- i i 1 J s 0 ol V -> c:UMl'.:''2. -:/; ,oo 'J nicer I i c 1 Y> re or •: ^ /i It '' .-> J- j.c: i-' V i*.' ■i-u V » fc > -;P ICL^iVU.* fiY^ •'-• »••« il } "I V ' + I oa^ic- uri voi; c;u^r<:eti ■^^ j> .yO 'j O k,' •. / . . ik. . -^ ': T V! In ut riK ^^8"ir' r r*; IS c-i -./l .k'A- < 1 ' / ? .t: i 1 ar.a coHipiete uij pui&iule J »■} /^ / » Hij ■'■'• , .'» f- «.'• i^ V > luines la Micii thiit it iS {;OvTri! *. ^ ) 'J^ a HT,--^^;^ -fff »• v,» lOl: 1 »j ' yci rts tc cor e . ,.p> ' lb 7/ <.' 1 L ^n?:^ I.H t r.>: cf ;:1] b c ! :^ t; t Da^ • T - I i r tA » Y - V C it A en.i > •>. n . ■ !f i'- i i I i J -i U 1 '^! t:.Lc uon ir- „» J pr.Gsoa w} v.'.: i * 1< ■ct. thc.,t sortie a:.ith ^ >» O OJ «.• i .-^f ve ta J, xt 1 ' (-■ (.^^>',^-.;;,^ tG f5 "^; ) .'♦ , t-«.J. 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"^ Hr ^-S3v. vAs;^.^ /^ Hr 'V. ^ . V • '.w \ ♦-4' - :t-- \ . A \. v^ \ 1 A»A'v.x^ x.a- - V / >-x. 3- l\ 1 K \ v V V • ^- '^' a ^.^ V-^ ..A. V - :t ^'^i^ -^% ;\ Kv r 3L^ ^ 'X^-"V-X.^^ V--,,. \ '-^ J- \ ■■.•-JV »:Wx. :,L i V-v..' .Ov * \ ^'*. "V. V A^ A ^.i ^ . Ck CC\ N^ \ ^ \''- ^ ■•> V •^», \ \% \ t . ' ^ X, { f -f- V *■■ ^\ \ MK \ *'- V""" •taA*^- I I ^W 1. X -^ -4» 7 :> ' K \a ^ V ^ . r t*' *>>... * .jtu poor imprint u w • f ■■■X - ix Hl • '! t if V \ 's It, '^C ti' ^ VJt S, C '^/v^vCt << ' »- « ^^ \ t c> . c, \c 1 K^ ^^^ ^ V vd^d^^Kv I - A y« V t. .. \ -X ~"^ ..; » »v. I— -^f c V V t/^. IV ^v. V iL >^V. ^Ok V .V ^:Vv\: V V ^rh .-**•?. Vvv V. H ^ \- -_ ^ \4, X I V- ... • % (€ •€^- ■fe^'* i i 1 1 i 45 AN! I 4 ■■:k 'Mi'V. V >. .' ■>- '•^-- A'^^'^- J^^.\ '^ % V v.; >^.V.»^..' %.. V'- V. \ ^vi 'f-^. .•■V iv \-'. -A \ K I '^. 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N^ 4^-^Sr. "V-^^y Ulj V '> V c\ V Vi.Uv^ Wv i5;tft«,rt.fii,^. poor imprint I \ Ur\ I., ,H« 'l.iX \ .•i.: H- V V \ «^ \ )] X , -^ ^ "\\ 1 rt\ . V V-, v-v |. 1i \ 5 N>.K ^ >% ;v_ ■» -.ii. k . V^ ~ N-iA.VV V . K "«<^ .A. ;> ^ ^M ^ vV. v^\ : N -<^ ^ ,. 1 'rv ,/ -i^ M. 5^V >^- ^-^.^tJC -7 ^ L»->^ A'v . 1 ^.'V'v V^ *\ ■"' ^Xi '. IX \ V y 1 ^ \ ^. Av..c\ \v 'V .*•■' • * K."t* h- » m» .„mmmjm «A-«j ^* 4l I IT y^it I t *^^t^ -*i -*^^^lt'^ ^S 1 1 1 i * 4 ■ ? \ ^ ' L.'A. -v-^ ^lic!L. *v_ -ivX . 4i WxAV ^ * H'^^-^ 4^ ^^^ J C..A>^, V'-,-i'.>-''-\ Vs^ > ^ cC-J ■X.- \ »A.^C_X..5^ j . V K -X \vK -'*V-*k,^ j"'^ •■^"'v^^. \ 'i — \ V-K, V.N \^ Ov' ^lil^. ■ "*"*■» '^ ^^J^ . ) J \ ■■V -v , \._ -A. '« V . v,^ ^ V V .. '■L^J^^\ \ ^' -v " -■-« ^^■'"^ - ^1 V' > 1 X. ^^. V '-^A^j. -\ \ ^ \ 1 X > V, C^s^'X ; ^V kk>wH"v 11 v ? mmmmm- poor imprint 52 I I' V 8 *n 1<^ Vn.\..,\UX. ^^fe^»- .'^^.V. A^..?^.'»,»vX ''\ ,^ .%. Vvtk V-^ V v\.^ i (t .v.^ \ Xj. Jvt K V 1 J~ "V ^v>V^^ V '^-"^^ ~*^ '«^ }• ^ivV k\^j %A' .\Sv ^_5.r^- .^t-^ y \ '.A.'^-*-*'''^''***- ) A^,.:?"*.. ' ^ K Iv vs^ '-^:^. «4/V\/ V V' ..k V M^ 1 '^xA^, r'KF"^ jC^o>jaCv V V. A- oV> ■J^^ (w- V M^^^ — > "^ Njk \ U- .V \v (^ v^^->^v >^' \' V \ ^^^.'V^.Aw^ ^y^ lV S- ^ V. \ \ *^ iijy \^ \\Kx^., K k >. \ , v*.^ V ^X.v N^ ■*-\ (- ♦ V. *4 „ 0***-'^'SX^'*X^ ■^^_ "^•if V % < «.*L Vl^ V- V. •\ % \ •^-m. ^ rt^ ]^ 54 \ > / « >«'«tK (%J. •^ 'i, -^ siv .V.X _ JAX-w>\. AKJiJ^ :ji; v.-\ A^JC>^ i/%_« .^^^ vc f, --c_ fwAAju.::^^Mr^ l-Si. VL. ^^Nfc> \ A ■x ?_• ^- ^X'V^ ^ -. 1 7 ^^ > ^^-^Atc. \ - n < vV vX'Ovkj:^ I-'^VAJL -Ah \ A- Ov^, a-^-Aa,, 1 -f V. \, li^ -vJ Ia ' A \i /' r — ,' ( I % ^ /r f X ^ / f> t' i ) ^ ->•«*" J- f mmmm^iiifimmmm J .,•::-■; ■MiMiliiM ■^mmm mmmmmmmmm ■«*»-lli.««.iM>.ji(«»MiAto»»- •-•miL ^■fetf r. ^ I « ■ 55 » < H ?'-««t«isww:iS*«f. ' ' !!*• ^ L ti- ^v C ***-> \ V I V ^ ^ •vu V -On* K , i i \ *-'^. ijk -^ H >v c ^ X N. V. •Jt ? V W (l> *\-^ <.- .- 1^ J K. \ b M n ^■•i-.^ ■ •>- V ^ H- * — *yi ■^ ^• "^ "^.V^' Si i fN^^ V > V \ \ N. V ^ ^- ( V :l Nw r % V '.•» V \ - ). 56 \ ^ V ^ X \ V. V V s ^1 V. 'Nt \ V ■\ ^ 1 «* \_ \ V ^^ V^ V \ w *. S S.1 N *, sL s \ H- > X V r^ s ■• ^ V i>: ^ A ^ ^ ^ ^\ \ ) ^ ■ **-«,J«^ ^ V s K^ ^^1* ^ V V ^-: \ V •'4 s ^ i > V S- i ^ s -^ \ \ \ ."Vv. ? l^ r >v V _ ^.^ > ^ ^ L p-*. 2t» 4^ V \ S. X ^^"^'-'I'i ••^■wxbK.^ s» V. Original Defective ^ " It I Prof. V/illisi!! Trelease, Dii*9Gt :r, Shaw Botanical -l-nrcler, St. Loll is. Mo. }^j De.'ir Trelease: liot Im-rii)^ any reply fron you to ;?.y let'^er oT .^erei-ai v-:d far reloT tha averoGo of photo- :^aphs of this kind, wMLs vre arc se^kin- the very oest. hho dra^- i:aoC ff.r lithographic -oprLuh^cticn ai-e so '■^-'-ibl... -h^t. i do nr-t see ho'" -.^hsy can be reproduced at all witiiout ccMnit^ing rr^rious errors. Tlie reasoj- for this, as ycu :x:zt know 1: you exr-ined thca cri^ically, is t)-at the lines are in pencil and sr: v-r-" "u-oe-^-- +'"i^ it is Lr;.,f;sible in mny instances to tell vh-::: .'^r '?:r ^ y-Vf^i lines shoull join at in+(3rvals cr sl-nOo r-min distinc It: ic ale- ir^ipossiblc oo toll_ tno rohtnve -• --y:. of ^Ines, v^-^^th^r they Should be hmvy or ^ .,: ,n ... Since wi-ithic- ^„.- u.;. i havl ^^ov/r; Mieso places to tw-; U hhoz-r-i-oh^r- --^^v -n- -m^.h ;- ^v . ^ >. C4U ..II. U....I lit..., G? i^eli.iveu oi all .;er>ponciciIicv in :•la^ter^ -rliere v.o copy Is co p^or i —^t U -^rvw.- \^ f , n . Prof^.T. .a ■■ + intelligently. a>id they think tlmt eight or nine printings vdU la necessary tn ;^e' all Llie colors a>id ^^r.nes. Ono d:,,;:ioulty is »^-o_ a. r.^.a ..d..-vioii .^,.x2,e. ii ^vhey wei^e t??'o or three tme^ ftaUh-R^ raz^^ t^^^^ n.ip.. tmi-ir^ i-r. ^^-v. >, i j ' tJ:a^- the p>'f*n(>nt ccnfu^ion wovld rot oxU-^ T?i^i-f-VowM,^ , . ^-^ to .06 L:t;:.,.iy inexcvsable to furnish such cheap ai-d nasty copy. If « soi^n ir:c >nan ca^y- ^n^rnish decent auujscript i^id plates of his ■•f>3uL';s I ^-iiih no had Letter ^o into s-no ci:ner business. Don't ;-ou? If the author of t: is ca:3?r a^id these plates lived in /^wr- Ica sc '^Int V6 cnrld -St ai })un witliout too im-ch delay, I should s.nJ -^li.^ thi)-- bach at once as I do not rerard a:- of i:. fit for pu:n.n etion. Tt looks to ine like a pr'airni;-iary draft of a school Girl's pipor. . Of co-rsc 've a:^ oompl^^eiy stallod n^id r^bmot go ahead unUl G^.^^a/.e -. u], ;:-ri un^il v-e ti;^ .: n"-» i ■( ■•^ V' J.':.1P, on:ai:ii]-:g papers and plaUs "^r T ^ tl P ■ 4 J r^=- / / t ) i- h z' d^ -iSif I ''+ ^ c -r /,^ v'ViJ^Nr' Vxfoo^... es Te^V' .1 j\ '-..t My Deal' Tre lease; Yci'r letter of the 12tli inriaat has tjii- uaii-jiV- tx:r':'ed vrote you fi)ll:'- n d:iy ur tv;o a^o res].)ea; ji\5 '.J*:? fDiii^i^r^ Liari:.c.:r^v"^, btit ai!i ainaned ^c iaarn that you did riO' rc^ceive iiy fir::t lot:: or i.. ■ '- .' ■ wliich I acfcioY^led^^od r^^calpt oT^H^paoer aid asked ^;o!ie f]L'e^^ about the plates. I an very glad to aee Iviiss Cui!ii:ii:"^;s'^.: ]a;^^-r on ti;0 'L'':\iP::i[: • j which arrirod 3l';^i;lta;'era.::L. \y:tii v:)i':' la'-'-cr a t-:''r :nninnn^. -i -i^o. I have opened the 'pBjokbMf^ an-"i oin del'^-rh'ed to co' tha' '.:^e ..^a-.i^Soript is typewritten and ^.nat tha pla' ^c a.*-? i.n .L-idoj}:vte paper, 1,: this not the aase? It" .of ni everyt;d}\^ v i^l to sent you of course, both in gnlley and pri(-:e. mi ' J I k 4. If Mi 3c' a ■i.' - - -Sit •O'* . __ :. .*> ]P IP I'^ n)* : 1 yov state, niade out t^ promptly. Aiiv r\A \ar Pr " .y Gruly yovi % ^^ \ Willi^5in Trelsasa. ^L^Xrv^-- , Director^ Hinsouri Botanio^c*" a-arden, St. Louis, Mn, ) ^**,4'j-^*'iv-*^^ -fc« 1 ^^K vX k, ./ K. >» > ) ,/v.V.«^ t ». . 'V. i f K • it-, '^. ^ O ^ ^^'.^- 1 :l i\ ^.^ '\ -^ i h--^^^ '^ Sim:-.-L^.. t ,J p- j.^^ Vcfc..A .^-^~ ^ 1 1 — %^.' I ■^ X -- J!_. \ -1., k -A- -\ ( «, V . "i** 's.-Xxi ^v\' 4 y- w . \ ^, ^ i\ -. 4: T ' I ^v _LiJjX-^J "^ Aa X 1 ■ vtv X . Av V->- u ^ - A ♦••^» ^'- ■V r f -^ \ \ U v^--^ 1-. -^ V" •^ t Cn. ^ t. K4. ^ \ A n* f fr. • "^ -" ^ V »^- a^ 4v "N V >. / ^ X H \ ■>* K Nt u t- .^„ >'-'.-^- - Ujc_l^ ^^ I ■K ( - t.l(, :^-i3L., U_7v f \ ^i • ' (^ 'f c V l.xC\ V. ■^ \ '--C ;^ vJ ^ V ^^-. V yL. -. -iK. 'K. 4^'*- ^ I 'V ■-•4^., (. i . X. -,^ \ , |Ji«/tv -.<•. (f^ v'~v >'■ \ t ) •~-v %.' — ♦J I. ■..-■. t'' i -U ':^ -vi. -^ ^ v.^ 1 •^^.'v; ">•»' 60 r ^^ * HV-^i-iKsA' ^ \-' \ Retake of Preceding Frame '"* ►o J.*- -. # Daar Stanl'^y -Br jwli ; Yoi.i"^ i > et-tor of l^K insi,. "^^cci I:. jOi:.pU.xn:0 vat): ;:.• harri-'un . ^-ftquosr, I srJ^mi^ ^ho foUowir- r rj^:yw-x,r<^.^ 1. That al: nM sp.c...^ ^-.^ x %i.-od ^Ii^a p»-hCvic«1)le. T^i^. :.^ .:i<-.u ::.lwi;y? porslbio, £.n«- na «- no I b-jn aono lo ^ir iT' ^xi^i^iu. in oh.*? CnG^ct voiiinie. n ynvcticalid sac:. ouhe*' spefl.i<5t co ri.>r''. «■ 1 r» ' i' i ' havo noL p^^^^'ioi!" i; ^^■^'- iigur.a ;»' a'-e .''^':po :anj I'or c^nra^^^ ^ri i.oV 3, ?lw. lir.0 t^xt f "t.ur.'S l>i'- us.u A/Ji^.^ r-u-Lioa.:i^ in M:o v^oprouusU .u '^f :L-^p. paoLoi.o;;.-^^ a{...y be uso oa io- ii:r) vVro>k, Ir.i.o. '^4■J^y ^^^ cUnr work (^r wiach very . »,• ^- IJ ^ ! I ". pho'.o,.^:. v;:i.:,o, l" iffMii as ..:.-< al/'-r?iCii7-?noss, of the "oookt; *2'.l ' • .-r;?fc-6ly ftriiauce.. l." ■■ ^ ' '."^'>i iU. h."at r > . ^^ A '_> >J In th-j n&tter of -er-i'.iusic: m-.i- -.,f r;i:-L-->« t u- V'.i *'/cor'J^ona;;u a midulj c?surRe--':^Yoi un^ Loth u^y cht^av hairLcr IQ auu "i/ii., oxpemiv;? phot-oefi-avu -0 . Til f r.c -., , t;,o , .• I ■:. t i o i.rii !;> laorc tho-i ;'::anoues *.nd abcuL one thira as .aich aS HiOu(>,.r^nY.-:3s As s a i^^i^er of iVxL b- fa>^ u., Ur^.:^ .ar.i..r ui Ul.s.raLion hav-i) beon a]>^oa:4 : Jic.uf anr, i.,aia i"o>^. A word ''*o3'0ocL ""I-; Cfjt -''i.vV.i • v,- v . ». -, , i , .. -, • . . in Uv Ha^'rimun'2 T^ ',. 1 r i^w »i ilLasij^ai\or.i\ l;Uoa i-t v-^ to the Gooar»^icnl ?^u-vt?v^ i loic. !?ri i ^. n/ V^ . :rsy.^ pr-iv:^'.^ inioviuuais* Tn^j siLs'i.juent v^Aw.^-:-^ T^iM .*,- f • i.o nr3,v&t,rj a.<'-iiO and furriislwc :-o, -.i c.>a:,, wh.<- „:.^, oo ^^•..) uog i^r,.,. ro- uSt? in otho.^ connections. li \i,osi^ ^r'^,py.u ,, ,,r, w.-^v*; ^ - -> *x y.i^j., . .unu^ u. ./ v.o^j;^i£^i -ih/ , provision ?=^h'v j(. j^^ jjjjiua sr> thai tho f T- fF f ♦ «' •• V . » 'f • 1.1^5 L" i* ij *-oai4^\'::;/, Kqw Yo>-k. \XVXJN^ v^nJwAw.^^^^ ^ f I f: .' '4f. £9 il ( i I l 1^ >V\t . 'S i' iVX ^. ^ r- y\ W.*-^ \ \ ""TTI. H , X -v. ^ f Vv ^^. \ V; V i "t'. ,v '^v V- ^ Kv.i • \r\n--.,— ^ »s-X\>>.v j^/. t:; Cli' H^ \ . J "^^^ V K • A.' ,• Vs v ^' \ " <. \ f ^- '^^ •^^i* — \ vvk 4 f f. ^,._ ».. Fii ^ \ V . V'v i f ( *■ f '-V-A, i-.-^a f 5 - » \ \ J '■*,j>'* ^J'k ^* ■w-'-fty^^' ^ >'S'f#>- -v«?v 'life. :. V^.v?'.*l iii8 i -V \-v. , I; ■ I -^ ^ -V.'! »w. -^ V ^, Aa l*w Dk V •s^ I5j^ A -^ ft 5^^ i". M^^-^ \SJO >.v #4 ; •-! V. U_ ^ ^>^.-> . t 'V 1 I s % { • L V { ■ K^ V. 'y^'^'' -^ -.. V - ^-^- ^^^ .%. .■■». • •"■i — 1 7 Xll^'v^^ ^.-^ ' v ^ '■■■■J ^-'^^ ^ hV^1_ \-^^k' V V I V4 x^ -A ^iA ^^ "\ i-A S ■V % )l_^ -^ • a».. A>v v^ A.--. .Xv V . -V -v..* \ 1 A. ^. ■•>, ^. ( A ^ u ■' \^.^.- )- ( >^ ^-^ , V C'^^ \V V - *«. K,-*v . K ^V v-*^ iA-.Vv. S^, '^^v Vv 65 ^fiSSS^i'Mff'"*" "^ ''■*-'*"***'***'****^*^*««*iiN«**#»*j^f*^i(*<»<*- 9ar Fuertos: February 25, 1902. Pardon my delay in acknowledgir^ your last letter. I have beer. oxceedi%-ly rushed. As to the bird pictures you incpired atout: I knov,. nothing .l-^ever about the ptarmigan h.t .. reas.nally cure it, .vas .no^ ^03. to ,e returned to you by La..,, a lo.,, iis^e a^o. The picture or ■ .>^ .kunk head ^.^ i ^,, ,. ^ ,^.^^^,.^^ ,^ ^^^ ^^ ^^.^^ your per.r.i.ssio7i in tl... bird volurae of tlie series. I a>:,. very glad tc blow that you received th-, book, and t> at you a:-e likely to sho^v up here soiae of these days. 7ery truly yourc, fii'. Loui:; Aj^sflia Puertes. Ithaca, mm York. H ¥ u * T ! < V d '- Mif- I f{^ -^^Ot.^ '•^V.'X^ K--^ ,.;^ t >^ \ s- --^»L .. V 7 <. -^ r^ , ^,_ ^ r-t V f'. '< ,3^ ^. ■-*t, \ Iv 1 -- A V ^ V k ■3,. V ^Vvo »^J^v. \ :i ^ ^^^^ r ■'i It.. V 'x. Uff^> l^^^^vx r-t. i--^ / >C ""^'^ i-k ~"^ (<• v«. C -v. >^ *- ^ -- V ^ ^ X. '^ ■^■\ ^ >-iT t <.v, <^ vV":Va 1 H. K i. ■^ « V .-*;: L, ' 1 ^"i V )< •^ 1 \ f v" ^ .X A f Ck, / Lv, ,~^_ I ^ 1- -- .--X}\ X vv;^^ fi ^ *^^( > ^ , ] ^ ?^v V ' ^c. ^ A. 1 - \ ^ "V. \ i V V ■-< /^^ ^ V )" ^w- -PCl^c*^ ^ * \..V A-pv!,, ■ -i — ^ vH J-V "? ?^ 4 V \ poor imprint 68 » \: i HI ■ '\I0 ''!.-S ft If V 4 -'If i I: ,.«>.• ^^-^•" -*«^ / sd : ^ '^ 3L ^^ . \' \ ^ * •. '*. ..fc. X. a ^ Y t '\55>. \ — <». «^. .■" ^ A/^^ ' 1:"* ''-^-'"*4^i i J: X M I V-' ;\ V y ^ - r» 'I Ni poor Imprinf # ^11 ) I 'l^ili « * ' I or 7N _ /^- V r»a«' \--^^..^^ -ts. i f f. V.*-- y^ ? ? < / .^^, I i •■^v \ f \ VV ^ -^ f V- 4- nJ, V >'« -Ji i^-^ /^ •"i-^Ofc *-. . -^: Qw :..„ %«AV-A, 'A \j . >r:«'v c. ."w "sf ^ V f '^ '^ O' % 1 \ M V ^ f ■x„^-*/ *'^^ •^ \ f To \. . I. V c. - 1 r '-V. V \ V \ ^ e— X '^ \ ^*. «^\\y >j|>./v^ . >* ^^ \ 7. •i*. * . V •>«.., -^•A^ v?^ ) X -^ ■'%' A*; u - J •v.>, % ) ^ -. \-V^ -) \ \ \ T \-\ ^ ) .-^^, ^a^c ^i - "k''' n \ I , v» V :i ^ t N.- r^^-^t-'v -«^' ^ "■"^^ .^^^ >A \ ^ ^^^r^* i'***'*^-!^. ^^^^ ^a ?i ■'''j-'-nv "»% >< s*- ^ O""**--" X "X ^Nll luuduui jood pi. ■ /• ^ 1*1 fc fc. «^« f^^i^i <«" £^ ' ••' r^ *f' ■1 '\ A r ( e ^ • ^ • « :iss Mara P» r:, . ''fallesiay Coiiegy. ass.' ^•V deaf' '''iS8 ('i,i:ir,iii^s- , tn goi.^ ovu- your- pape- on /.ask^ l.iciiuns T,o p-..w;-a U for .1^;^ "onUr r nnu .n.. «n. .i ,n^^, ^, ^,,,,,,^, [^ ,,,,^^ ^^ ^^^.^,, r-^i-ovt, Onlinnriiy Liie qua«i.ioz:s ./cvaa i.a rorar.oa lo r. bu* in his aosence it, s.oms i^per.,,,,., ,o wr.u. -.•.-..,■ f . 7-» rn ".vr jhn 'r «'»■♦. wuro some, leoanicai ir^vl^i^^ .].-. T u^ ^ • nca^-. r arafi I>or'i him which . Ai.iio i. »t, - r>v-;.. point of your uoa;:racu .. nnoAia^e oi i^chens .'li -,< in Ajacj, iu Srioris aesiraoio ■.:, s-nu - ■ ,.,,,.,, • . , script: li 13 P*^3f O»^ablo incfi- , ;• i ■' '-'•t i-^u pap-jr by raj.-,! ers m l-.o ^lyt -^ 1. '■\n\jrjiiGQ'3v o '* • -> JV ail.) HhPr " S li JJ C/HS J >', ■'' -^ w . * vj 1 a i I 74 na^v^s in aceae in f^jiiforrnit:, viUx prosant botanical tondencia*. 4^ It s5 3fnK "3 "'.c vory clusirablo lhat> oliu ual^e be ^iv in niih t.i^'dKlsis ii" '/(X. 0 /'^'/v- ku-'s to tho c-er-. 'm. " Bub this may not bo piau acai^iu , C T^ •yoi-ld ra vory aesi^-alle Id \ u r. list of \Aio AL.ska wi.ich hi.v.> bu^ri ruj^orteu by '/'.hur ac^iiors 1.1 which ^o.* havo nou seoru This could p»*o'i'rtl;iv' ^:^st ".>u uoiiU by p.uKi:V' an :-iiiusion to s'. cii iiCi^0'i3 in K-i nold ij icxaatier "vaas 'viii in his r^HLe^" ''^n bho ^laBkr. ^ 'joa^icae. ?• Tlg **::.' tor unde^ ;..aCh spGc'tiS, uf-^or uho bibliw,/c.ciH,cai .X;.on;ncQ, .-as boon arraiU^eu ir. onu ju-*a^:'a;.h for uhe ./.iaska iuaaii uo^^as* Ti;o nar-i 'U tho ooiujc^or has ^rittoii ou:. in fiii^as ro n^.ny a^'b>'6vih^ ions h^e a grja'^ nuiHc^^io;'* nanuRcript to vcu to lu^a a ''oarafl :'ku;.i In jiuy I "ic s::^\i^^v pii>-^u '^i copy shows Jho V(>ur' 1111 i'V" t;yfh-r^>^ -HMft r^if.ti ^yyVKjy^j^^ ciT'Xi lurneu i^-, fur pa^i'ient anc- vo;, riil ^'^cei"^o a ch?}C*; ,. n . ...^ coa^so. In case vou aro wiiliii^ .0 *ucas ".he ^.a^er' cts s.^^gtttiu the bill for auuitio^ial typ^wr .^^in^-, ^/iii l^u _j.a*u also* V ^ Owtr H ^ Aajax^W ^ iU op XA.. 'z\ s XJOC->A.pJ^ ^V>\^ \ ^^^^ ^/--A^-^ I t j-v>JL^ h „;\-^- s Vv. i t r V J K A.*^ \ > «Cj i J % U. V»J--A. / ( Id i J *) / 4 •^ ^y r ; I «i / V; <:^ / I A> - V ^ 2 y i. / -f V / -^ / y ,a*»? ;" 6J> -if- ?> / i •I r «j' t I '^ d J! O. r^ ^ t^ J J ^ J i 1 A \ *"* 5 {> ^3 ,^ \^ / ./ ') / ' , ./ ^ y ^ I n J K / v^ # y j.^ r- ) / jy %> :^d^;i^ V J ^.Jf I s^\ K.. ••V 4-H t ) --. *\ f •«A., .£^^ -^^V> ik t'- 4 ^V-v.* 1/ 1 ■^^-v^ ■■" IV.. 1 I- '^-\,iL ■V-'- o l^ t I !•— i)*- vv .\ i l.v y ■■>>^>o*^. r Jh-- -V .,\ H '^...A... ■-? v't. 1 "t/tsj^ V ^-^VA. ^ v., . c. _^ .L "^ " ^Ti -v. . ** v^-^^....^^ r^" \ V \ \ ,>-/V-v^ • Jl X., ^- >- .sk ^ \;.- 'V r^-^r ;i ,\ V X "~~^— ^■'V .V vk.V ^ ? x: V J •V V ?.\ P- ! \ V.^ '^•^■N---w.*-..UX. Wit / o f p J i * \ :> "'■mammmimmm. / i tp i ji\ } b •^ / :5' .'j 4 y J ^\ f' --r V i / I / y ^^ receding Frame )' <-• -'• :(>' 3 ( ^ *l;' ^ i / 1 U } ^ r^ 3 A u *) J ■h" -■: / (■40' i A 78 / u ^. a I / ^ 7^' -^ ^ A i y ^ / 4 ,.-* y . J J^^ <»«»•" -^ 7 // / < ' ; «,^-^ •^ \ J \ y 4 4 ( (i-' lit J / / i^ 1. r •P. I / H '^^ I ». «' C ^(f ^-^* A r f f r i f I 9 f J ^f ^ V ;■ I a ( r f '/f ^•^ V r. 0 I f t I 9 I J-r ^i ^ r .■ / y ( ■ J* Vj^ / ? i' i v / f I' t - / k' / ) f r r ; I f ■ ' ^ / Ilarcli :^2, 1902. Dear El tier : I fcave delaj^Bd ret-jrnir^ the dxuvfin&B iv. order to serd you a sample of vrhat ee«ae to me noarsr the kiM of thiKg we should have. Ko you not. thiri: so yours«ilf? Please return at your early conven- ience the drawing of l=!peirs sent you herewith. The dra\7in6S yci; sent tre returned. We mit^it possibly use the insect one si-A the 029 on starfishes, thou(^ these are hardly more than su^-i-estive avid certainly would he better adapted for a popular book than for en? consistirs wholly of t-^hnical natter. " Tixile iv is desirable to cover thje greater rert cf the blarJr. spa-ja at the top of the clvip'bor hetidines , it ii of cours-^ not riec5t.-.san' to tove all the iljustraiions of cue sise- or in ^*J licnf.lize too ' . - Ver;? traly yours, v «k ^. vVj>o<;'-- '„ >Jv''O^VBv- ^ / Prof. \'^ E. Hitt-T, liniverbity of Oalifonila, Berkelev, Calif. 0^ viji;^. - ,^-■'•2— V V vVxA>^~..U ^-^ v,^"^ X\ o^^v \/ rtvx^ \ \v^, (3^ T,<_^..«-V.>» V N-V >. 1 V^Hl V. '78 *i 1 s i .^ 4 ^7. kf 4* I ^ / ; •!•-' 1 -V- f /' I «, , : -"S* ^ J:. f^^^ t c r . 7 r. f > ,<. ^ r i r": 4» -^ ri L i *■■■/-''' I ..•>i'* } ! >' I :i:^ /7 L a .^ f; r I f / A/ / <• i i S (X ^ 'ir r i n >^f { X. f r t .. I J. ^ 'J r K ^j: *^ A i f' 4' / *,^p > y ' -, t- ' ,.-^> ■ / li r ff <■ l-f r } f '^^ y- t 4 F rt i ■t It* I u .»;' : ^- llaroh 22, 1902. Itear Hitter: I bav© delayed returning the drcwings in order to smd you a Monplt of i*at seei&e to me nearer the kiM of thing we should have. Do you not thia^k so yourself? Please return at your early oonven- i«nc» tl-ie drawing of Thseire sent you herewith. The drawings you ab tre rtturaed. We mii^at possibly use the insect one aod the one on starfishes , thoUeJi these are hardly more than suggestive and certaiixly would he better adapted for a popular hook than for one oorisisting wholly of technical natter. " "J/iiile iT> is desirable to oover the greater i«rt cf the blarJc spaos at the top of the ciiaptor beadinfis, it is of cours--; not xieoi.Hmry to h&v& all the iUustrationa of cne size or in exactly th« s&oe proportion.. Itrs. Keeler can do this work adrdraiv- bu^ will need. I think, specimens or illustratiorjj ir eanh group in order not to conven- tionalize too yriich. Var;? truly yours, v vi. v>f»ojoc:^c ' \, l V Wvi-vj^-> /**>.y Prof. ?f. B. Ritt^r, TJniveriiity of California, Berk0ls3% Calif. P^NjkjJljv^ Os^ ^Lfe^ J^K/Oiyv-.'v^^^ ' V \ '\>J^ t*. \v4 A|k.-|fL,.,/'^w>VxKJtA-.. 0k^ C> <_A . A-Xs.>»--'' I'sJ^-^wN^'*-' t \ VV >. V ' U ■V. Retake of Preceding Frame tet^jSMI^'fr "* 78 er •='i*. Leo;:i J. Cole, 5;nivers-. i v . /t > '1 - » ■• *r. vl. I. V.'»-. Y^^r l-'ter of ^Le Iftth ii.start ..u ^^^ hand aiu) I a;r b:;cvr thit you aro pro/a'er^si-v: ^u: cJ First-clar :.rir.:. C' •'. i"> ■;■ *"," ' ^ T ^, i:.;,;^„rM .:,.;.L! UlSV^i.C", are .;!,*. i L,,.iU U'i* »'*^»- proauction, thau:^i tne ^al-ti:;.- rix.ce^e ]ecxlc ^-refer to ^Sc orl-- iijil rie-ativ^f>. vc-j :?da bevtei .].onnt t]:e — 1 rts yourself Oi c-.rcl u;. :bt^ s-'^ie sheet ^■sj':z-} to ba r^^a-^c^J to -he f.; e ] r-^^-o^^i^fvi, ^-^ rein 1,^.9 3a;i]j^ you sen' u . c;d:'C viC'' tr :ne I infer jliiit :ior*' ^.f yopr itLofr^^rr.-.,- ;;lij. ^ hiilf or one-thi/ I -.jie slr-^^^ oi the or.l-j-::';lse •:?.^ tv■^r^.:^od -f — plates is vet ab-Volei.; tixed- "^ - ^ 7 is t'; they -lay var} irci ^liie p}l^r:t:.y ir eltlv,- direoiicn. \ -.> _ \^ . , ! ;l 1^1 ■I I I , 1 %V:f ^^'^XT' ^^ ^^^*^^ ^ ""^ >f^\ ( •. ^T^^^-^x-vwvOk '^^'Yv'^l '""'Y~^~t. A I Original Detective so ♦ 1 I '^ W"i^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^\ C \ ^X"^" .^ c--^\ s L yr^ % ^O^-Sk i >PvVp^ ^^Vvsr-^^ 1^ N V \ "\ ^"X A -^Sf^S^' ^^\- -^ '^■\-\i'Y^ I "vvma, \^ -1^- M, 'V* ».. ■"*— «!-«• ^ '"%. 'If^ -^-»l»^ ^""■^r-v A ?-r v^w r \ L "^^ N"* i -^-"- - \ -'X f 4 J >- X. S' ~\ ^i ' '' £8 4> m III ' * mi if' la^ I i \ \ 6 'i XK '^ '^ Iv "^a. l^-NrfV { '- I V «",. A^'V'"^ ■• ^ V .^■. 'v,.*„,. N.-'. ,<- \. f > i .1 1 _,-%».,. ' , ^fl ••-^^ vf '•^ V~ W-* ^ .*.XVA,/wV ^sS- XJ J - w^v. :>*te. tm li v^* V \-. t *■ i ^% ^.W ^ , 'rv ** ., 1 1 Original Defective -"f**^ t 1 % n ;r- ^i 1^^ i*^j.>^ \: ■,-'%'^^ »#, l^n itri ■1 1^ X ^•M*'"^ V l^, I v^>. V k \: f a -Tk.^ "^ r -'■^ji^. 1 \ « ^ ,^ < ;_ -vv^A?, a J \~H» t •^-v t N V--— X f'. ,^4 --j-w 1. 1 H.^ -^ -^^ - J.\. - %••» ._ V, 4t. ,y >^ i u 'x_. ^ • X I- '»-^^-» V 'f" t^«-*-^' J'-'-*^- y-'-^U; *> C -«••» '««- , f •0 ,1 i/ I / \/^%^.Ak^' w ."* 'v *> I ^•-"'w. c -^V. V r. \>-V. ■\%^ ^.<' 1'. *-*. .^.-- -^ • \ \ ^ .» .A^ ■^•••-V -^. ^■1 •4k.».^'i Mt' ^i.--. ^ ^^"^ ' V. HM xA / !X%uJJuAiUK ( U-*-^w« ^1 ">j>. f> \ ( 4'>-^4 ^l ^ Tc -#1 X »•» ( I ¥§ PW i^ I I W - ^ c^ *4i • V ^ f V - *^ - • * Retake of Preceding Frame ► «r.«j»«»«i»"«»*' " "-•^••«. . <*»«»«jf^j»,. "•%•- iWmiS0i0&s&^ ;!*.( I. r f'-i I li I f '' i ' • , t' M it ;-w ■ -H**/ ? L?%- « I'm, ' 'k'.'*'!x4i '^: f0' .*4^K^ ] ^"^ t C^* ^^ :;.« ,.: t- 'Vk« ".^f% .s */%.<*' f/f. ,^,j,-l 'I yi , V^i t f * «• >tli ^W ill- S J, .*', ~vi-... .«?■%; ^s^, ,*■•:.-, m^mivmi k^I*ii'X;:v^ l-v^^'i €. /f I: ,!.*' ^ «-W If ?M ■».-'.<< ;-^. T-* «..*•».« fr ^••.Si ^1 w S-w-S 1^: «^ ^:;f«**a * I U ..H» . Defect ive ..,*'* S^i' ' if-' Retake of Preceding Frame ^w.rtMBIWWIIM.WiilWIWiMW*"*''**^ 'V fi -\ V mi ■••«W';'V*-'s*'i' Ek.v M "''*■'. 11 ■■Sa I ft If Bif t |'^,^i*^irt'-»*Ptl^W-:# 'mmM. Wlk:lil£ik^t 8d >7C t. J y T 0 «— " '^^t'.^. A^ 4t VV-^ k^KU^ ^ Xj^KXxs^ ^^ 0^ > X. K. . ."^^ -v^ V A CVa V, i-^^l %f X t 1 ♦.. t ». .i^X. ^■"'" ""^ \^^/^ (K ^ r, A ,^ dL »^<.kx -^ .^C. i^Lv- Vn-VvK V90x. VV. N/>. Vddc \ 4-^' ^K ■\. . '^-~4i./''>-«>--v. ■xjfc.. \ -ib. 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I. .•f (• i:oz r<:Amiiom' wr*«^t:^r or not V.-, L aBxCea in a K^ 'io:^'^ letter if noto/'rHTJi- r«4. pi-K; :;iaTe8 c you. hnvo ^rr^ )rccen5 l)y •mioh you rsiiroducA I etc not Y/Eint hill f-t one ^ird am iric':---;ed -^c -» ■: ' M 'nifio .;ri:i:mc "^TOOO? u« :3 tae onl i.'u n:;.n/ •f-1.,. 4. :iat will <^^ive sa'^lt^factorv re:rjilrs Va t^.Lj' unay ycnrs ^ "OvJ^ ^ 80£ ■;-#t# Oi^ ri *r;3Te «♦ /f th nr""; irnLt i' Lt \rf-. ■.. pr:. ••. »ji. %r lc>:t W« R> ' »^ a of Ml<" t -J- t ii-iir.,; ». It w •' 'l€U. 'r i p K ^-^. v>/ » V* * •w ^ »We RUe-*- f * f 'd^- ■»«a,aJ. rij 4 morkern in n tj. ■ ,- ^- §rr' — * t Til H^. 0*T( il Irtf ^ f^ « , !»••<* '^ I'l Mr. I . C* *F* m wv- -^f -^ 1 £ :♦ V ♦ a- >Jk t L%» H eV'* 'dt ^ i'T^'A Vj ^-r ^o ^^-'r z-^' -• ' ^.Cnr^Vitiv » **' 'ilm LU4.X u<>: ^ '•'f nr f» rof*fft% J.C 5, ^5 .•.«.^\- Un**^ n I -• <» «^ I , *. 4 it ill n t' ' "'^ ^-^^ sjli3|)le 'ci > tncj,'^a-3tt J.:, ^.v inspotti^tbi^ ^tX C-*i i' f"rfe :^T mf B\Tsmner^& d viii: 7/J b:? ''*ri • -^ •^rnt you I %111 ie-vl it w A'^ -c. \- Na^V.V >w.i 'H.„ '^.-,..* '"^ ■i Original Detective fcj on I !1 ^ Washin/v;tcn. J). Co, ^un V/*w a ^%y dear Mib^ C\::!iy\ir.^^ u.*. in ^xc< .M^nt ooadlUc^n, for i5,i:.Urh T o- i bavtf lookea ^7^: It '^f^ ♦:►• • A We ' *.; « P.- ncfari:^ nil r.-- fv.r. a5^ *^i Va • Wli/ r(^f:'^ivi. r^fr ^^ ' 0 •1 '•^ for the t in nnout tlire^ «.,..-. ♦Jjy u , '^« Q^'^.s car " 1^ 1 Jtf.'^.lp^ a?^ •> 1.. -, i^f ^' 1 I • ^a^* you, .^pr-** f ^ ■^0 Fi„ Harr fTT'an, I'^-^r that <- !« Ttti^tfi TmA.6 evit 'iB l'^i»r, and T wm. ;.^*. «itii xiiideBt r * TW, 411 AuiM^j, 4 a v.. <^^ y«i 4* ) i «l^i li1 Mi 86 C ^^liV^'*. 4 ^. '^c ..V. ^» I l] ill rrr ^^I3}ll>i> to JUM; V, X9D^ •*y rle ^0 "^irr? Hriivei'i? j t^ of :•:*•,: <-« K* K. ' i, T. i nc i» In , TT^ b r JVBica^ ^^' dei>r n:.rj ■J \'. ♦> \ .: J. i»i,< \ ""'fi till injtc^; I *■ 'J V If ifVdii^ 10 „ ., K -, 112 .Cear ^-^^ )•, », -t ? T/'iaxikfli. for yonr iBit^r of tlie :S:'"a ^:-iHtar.*. jiu.t re^.. i.;ed liX^ -ibo-it thca tn tLat tK<^y duplicat6 illv^i^rai 3.^:f.x5 i..lreiad-^ Jn 1/ « •ftrliier voliva*-Bo Othe^"w^He thrv Hr-^.o;.ripV ,'• i ci.ZIC\ o I '.;'^>n'Ui rv ver/ .;l:i^ :•• -zav^? Hr;^ 'Cc^ler ;-o rl^t ali-tad -^iid - ntlnuo aloa^ v.n^s i?a»ae lire for a?.l -;I ^. lny«»'^t«l':ratet . Wf ^Jicietl i (- I r* ;.• V t'> x>.r pi'irri^:ji ^^:>r the Vol^u'b:? an C-ypti, ^ .^c J^ctHa;^' ;t. ^u, ror tiie Yol'M^t^^ oa Inar-^'ts, IhoBe Coi- zlie yv^a.if?' .v, !::■! aj?>/.vroM.'"^'^"'^'C*ari;' xil' be made M « ; ^ oy V'h If 0 1'2 • »Ancl ii r T, i> v a.Xi%^' is i :' r y o t "? f>f 2 ■ ''^r t le ra- auiin'^n,-? Inrer'l'ibrdtc ^rol^4l^fe r sluirld ^.tj veiV glad r.o iiave r * K^eler T nee .'fo .ob.jtrctiv.7-! tc yr^'** pnblishlnt: in the .\n*it. )?«isr'1ie Att£#tg^r ariythinjt ^au »^6 fi^ on ^Jic i^imtartiy '-■'?;, VO''. .T f •<-* * *« . w I:i eoi^pllaiiiMl mith yo- : *??(iiest^ T n ■.'^r<<»wiU'i a copy of thfi li rcvudiir' w« :e xh^ «venlr4e; ^^ua '^€re herc^ rtispect* in>' tile ar r-ar t of pHpera into voluams, tTbis h 1 .A<.jement will probai/i;/ require aom^ reyieion In v^e«r -^ 1..^ ,..- ■» ',» ,» 5 ! ' *-'i ♦lona Di some ji tah jt^^imrz uot th#n fl?^i«>i»i Very ^^ Av' V y\.j "•..■ JV \ » coirrjsrrs o? iiappjiian alask/* ^jmrniTum volwifh. «M* *«• VoltiineB I ^r.d. T Volume VoluTje*^ V and VI,- ------ - Volirnefe 711, VIII , JX, end X, *. V Voliutie XI - Vclxmit 111 - !Tarrative. Geolojy, C ryp- 1 o gajDil c ^ o t any Phaen8ro£,anilc Botany Marine Invertebrates 3ntomoloc3;" Mainm2.1s ftnd Birds CoDtente of Invert titrate Volumee. Voluipi? VII Pages Hydr o ids Actininlanj Volitm^ VIII Gephyrea Oligochaettt Poljpch/ieta Volime IX Crustacea Isopode Pycnogorldfl Btar Pishes Voltime X Remrainlnji ) ISchlKoderr^fei) Ascldianfi Enteropneueta General Remarke) by Rltter ) Plates 59 12 47 8 160 20 23 S 50 z • 10 • 8 150 5 40 «5 150 10 15 2 20 10 150 r 45 60 " - 20 40 4 '1 10 50 2 113 ¥^ Mil 114 t ) TK a.«vv^vov. know, to handle so mruvy ulfferi^rt tut.hcr.^. I^he chief trouble has been that the paP^rs hare nc- been tnrr d ir. in the rlfc±t sequence for making up Inlo T;l'--r'»F, or else that thsv maUe vrl- umee 80 far alon^ in the seri».s> thixt 1 did net foel safe in r;lT- Ing the volume a nuiuber. I have ?.1bo had a deal o? trov.K.f ■o-,ith the plaieB, It is expected that ther^ wJll bo twelve -v-.lwnaB in sll, as fcllowe: Volumes I '^nd IT. ' !^'arratiTf» V?lme iv- -.--... - Crvp-:o,: .^ic Botan:; Volumes V and VI •- - - ' " Pit^enerof^u^'ic 3otany Volumes YIl, Till, IX, aad X M.Hrine_ invcrte orates Vclinne XI---- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - •- ,...-.« ^',ri woriCj.OfC> „ ^ ' -^rTT ,-..-.•..-.- - l^[arnru^^l& and Birds. Volume All "'-*-'*' " i*^«*^u^^u «. The volume or. Cryptogi^ilc 3ctt-ri^' is ^ust flnlehed;, one of the other Tolwien on Butany, one on Marine Invcrte bratec , and iL.t one on Oeology are nearly ready} tlie one on EntomoIoQ' is ^om-^ all l>u.t the Introdncticn^ which Kincaid is now writing; B.vA al^oiit tlrxee-^foiirths of the papers for the remaining volizmns are in ir^r bands « Nearly all of the outstanding papers are promit;ed for the early fall. It looks, therefore, as if we could begin to print inmedlately on iri^' return from the Veet, f»arly In Octoher, and print as faj^t as possicle trnuil the whole series is published, Tx is a great diisappointment to me that r f* H.lled to £f^t enoufh p^'pirt^ in *h^ rl^fi.T: .sequence to hring \ra-v t r ulv vourn. - ^*^-"' ^^v v^^'->^JxfXNj>^. •* m w J.X Dear Stan ley- Brown; ^u xv^.o SIX n.AoBo bills, as follov/^: Ji •>-'<• Pill Lr an, Photo". &f , Nftw Rr.. r« P " ' ' « 0 = . . . 0 o.ea i^«»v firs Co.. Cornpcsition ^ RloctroUrrir. ff^i„ * . Ihw Era Co., 00 h . , C H ii««*- ■'■^ " ' • ' » ° • « . . 0 0 /J6.00 - J.iice. *J'" '-*^01~Junf?L;^ -.90? V?;«ir t.n;lv -'oiirr! J?0 Broaiway, ^Tw Yot^J ° 0 0 c o 50 c 00 /i a / B- H. Harri'nsn To To C. Hart Worri«r,, • WHshinrton. D. C. "^I'ne 12. 190? '^'i '^ r ..,ce. Oct. 1901 . j..,o loiqo^ Po'^t.xo. .XPV.O...B-. t;T.,wriVirv. nna ^t^.v^-^.v. . <*50.00 Vs.* V/^ '^'5^ •* ar.ri,„.n^tcn. T), C • ? J''Jnb 14 J, 1902 1^'3' uear Mls.^ CTjn-ings , uuf .It v^'. 1 ux n^i. for recopyin.^ .yonr manuscript on TJch.ns, I hnv. approved .:r. and mu it to Mr. Harrlmn'e Be.'>..tarv. you ^.m louttlesn rec.i^r^^ a chock for the arount m the near T cun ,:1,^ to knew th«t you are going to .p.^d the smmer .In'.-, ^holasome a place ^r> the Pr.>r.conia of N.^ and am particular?- pleaBed -.., \:,:n: tK.. .,,. ^,.- -- ,. . ./ / -.^o\- ..,,...„ .,f} !5i.-., , ]j.i.yc. the pi n- sure ur Eoe*'^" -i-n 'i - v.,. ■(_-.•. v > . J^ -e..., ^,.71 rx.,rv in viichinrtnn next winter. V-^nv^ trvi Mis 3 Clara CiX[n:riln-t^, r # June 14, 1902 119 l'^ dear Ifr- , i 8 ^^-•iylng t. i^c-ur Inquiry as to the present r^tatus of the i.clxr.ioai vo ...u.s of the Barriman Alaska i.^,edttion .ariea I sr,.,u, ^^.. ^-ollo.-, „.eKc,r..du;n, ^ is as far as I c^n gc at the prr-.ent t^me. The trouble I apoJce of -.hen I saw vca^ -St in m. To:-k, still holds good,, Sereral authors hare :v,t .ft t. V..I in their i^apers. and Ulaeitrat ionc, and Ir, the lirjtit , ^ c^j r«:i.u..tai.v vo denide definlteX7 en the /^i- . a 01 7.).,cnPB until a.^1 the papers hare teen Scm .r<:;;,-r3 -^.r,> elated in adva^oe that their pa~ perH yroaU uC. co,., a»are than 16 printed pa^-ea. and lia^e after- ^-ard aent .ncn^ t. aiJ. 150 printed pa^es. The fcllo,.ing «chr... -, -,.,3. a v.ith ref.r..noe to t^e papers in hand frcE the- a^-ihoro ior these rot yet recclTc-d. ar^d 1^ r.o ,:r.up ihe paper., uo as to r^e Yoi^^ains of «Pproxt,:,t.3^.v etml elze. contalninf: in ?. e^r.erel iray in the n-.:hborhoo.i c: ZOu pa.;e3 . with from 50 t. 50 plat..! In some OSS., thn r,>;n.her of plate, in 'A Tolme will exceed 50. reze Ived ^.nd the ^.3-ti. 0.1 121 2 - - 3 COi:?raTS 0? EAKRIUAI: aJA^KA 2;C^:DXTtON v-lth^b. •.V Voltsaea I and II ccntplr. -.- mr-n^.-.^, ''^t>i„, - rr- Geology, contains a.. .l.,,.,^. p,.,er on the ^Uclers c/ Alal;.a ^y G. K. airn«rt, followed l-:' ..n ar-cic- on the General GeoL.,c. ty 3. K. Ernerson, ^r-'.lr-, on C-eolos^' ,u.d. ?^lnerals, l,v n^^riei, Paljac}!;^, on Poaall An'- ■ ■■ v.. mt v ^^ i ^ . „ *, jt-aaix An.,..xo .,, A. H, Oal... '-j-id S. 0. Ulricb, on ?093il Plants by V. H„ ^rjUT.-l -, .>. , Volume lY, Crypto^r.^aic- Potan;-. <^ontair.,. the fcllov-in Pun^.;!, - Lichens '^ -i^i: Cui MoBses, Oardon and Tharlot '^ '" '^"^''^ -^^^1^^^^. Hepatic ^j|^ 1^' «■% ,«» - '• Willi ani Trale^e " " "De ^lt,.,r, Satmders - ^ Ale . .a r id f-r W . I'^^ tin c Pteridoi^l'i^^tos'- •'••»• V'll] Ja>n T-r,- leso. Volua.- V ^id 71, H;an3roga«i c Bctar^.'/ <'-rnt,'),in 3,ri; N- les Volunie VH: Hydrc^.is - - Aotlnlans- - Ifenierteane - Bryoason- - - Mollusc a. - - Tol^inc VTXI: Gex)hyT>*a - - OligwGbaeta- Polychaeta - iBcpodB- • - -. * ft '1. TO; '^•» •o » 03 ♦f * ^ A _ ^ p \ 'V.. . cc Pol-ortf-ca 1^ If s r- O-i- Bj'- Leon J^ Cole * A. Eo ?c. rill < ^ iim^ X ! Hei7 irin- Echlnoderms Eiit^r':iinei.;i vH.- - - - - Gvirieral PeinarkE ) 'by Bitter ) ^ * ^ " ^' - -^ •' ^- A, ^. ,^ 1 ! 4 -s e C t 3 , • - fl A. E, Verrill ft Vv^ I^o KitJ:er If Wo E. Ritter «, •• Orthoptt^iL- . . « ^ Coleopt:^^ LcpldDpt«r&, - ^ . .^ ^ „ Ne- ■r%iat-tf^-- - « ^ • ^ « jtymerioj :T«^i. ..: .. . • . « v/».-, v?ri^x«r ' * -^ •• -* -». '« OP Aphid'.cj xm- - -' - - - - J7 V. I wl^v. .:,Q-^> exc-nt tiv papers on Echlnoderr-s and Annalida, l.y Professor A. K,. Vorrlll and one of lila assistantu, Kearlv 5o plates have been nads already for these papers, -birt as yet I have not he en ahlc to set any of the text. Apart from t±ii8. there appear to be no uneertalntl^H„ Very truly yours , '^-'^ -> - JXy^^.^ Mr, Binry v*\ IawA^v DouDlt-day, p^^^e .^: '^cm^.Hriy , i.^Hv/' YorV ^ ^ iiiifn '^BhincXon^ :>, r,, Jvmr^ ;^1, 190?. y^' dear Mrs. Keeler: Than^B Tor your letter .r-t \^^i r .^ --^^ ......1 lor tile drawir:/-8 ce^. I a/D delighted Tvith thir 7-..- v.^ , or head p.leceb. 1 1 e r ^" "'-^41^^. tion T i-iH,v^ to of for ^e, o-h.- -'. • -^ -vr the landsffrpf. vh^->, + i • 'I? C- "I T'r-i > ^ - ^es I and IT Secrfttarv ^^U2-*:;it?, ^ i!r .s . Slimmer in tii. Cslt- :^ew days, r^j.d ho].. the King's Kivc.- r , ^ .-^^ . ^rards to you hotL, i '^-rr rtnr- thit^ ^'hilorr - .-• • »-«j.^j.r-a :*,rri i , .s->jiy..-, 4... •3e >cu -■^ .:o to ral,f..;-^,y .^ ^ '"' "■- ^-^^ler on ret... i^c from - **•- joins me ij. i , j.,^, j.^_ ■',*<- r J-iiiy yoxirs Mrt. Louise M. Kee>r Bldrje Road, B'^rV.K.lev, cai. 1 Vashington, 1\ C«, Jur.e 21. 1902 Trof o Ilenr/ 3* Ward, University of NebraslcR My dear Professor Ward: Ycnr l-ittt:: 'A' the 16th iu^tart !;• ^ G-e^^^ lU^ap- r;.~iri1:: it to ITS , However. I hop«= you vv^ll o^ ab3 e to fin- Itsh '^'- r --er.or^ d-rlr-^ the auioj'-er, so tmt you can place it in i^'v x:r,n^z v;ii.h ILe neces; a^■ 11 '' uatrai 1:-?^ on ny return, about the l^'t of ';/'. -- > o. >.'V. V K, nc: o Ve ? ■ rvily voura, 'A «:-' dear Mr. Lanier: Since writ jr. iT 1^^,, ^ ^rv ' V , ^^t...g .^ou a rev; days a^o ahout --.he Harr^^.,r, iumeb, Mr, Gilbert has made a mora carf,f,n „ *. . nr +>, G&ieful eBtizrtate for the < ize of th« papers for .he Geolo,rlcal Volumes ... ^. . o cv.i. volumes J, ana finds that -^a rtr olers. Geolo^ and Paleontolo^ together wovIh v Pa^es ir^^i, .. T^«^Cetvier wovld :naks about 400 pages, ''"h the accompanying d3« + «« *v^ larr. for . ' ' *'"^^ ^"^^ ^° ^'^ too giving one to The qv,».^.,„. ,, , ^■^' .+..aci«.g^ ^2ie other t.-. Gfe-lcn, «v. , t, •, gy. In this connection - ^■^u^d i,^ . to or helow ;.50 pag«s. i .^ouv - . "' '""" J uu/ Tie^a ae to ■>•. ?;• Herewith T enrlno * enclose h mer^orandinn r^d r-hr to^r.or^v. .. line drawlnes for the Peo . , r-cto«raphB i or f^o e« or the Geclc,,lcal Vcl,«^. .^,,, ,^.^^, ^ oe treated Ir the oen,^ ^-^^-a^.s ar ^ t,o «^- wa/ as a niiRber made 1a «^ .-^ a^y. -A , »w,ac it^nt year h'^'- Mr •--.« aJJi leaving for the We-t .« ■ ^' * "^ ^^e v^eut 80 soon that in c^e- vor -,., -> then, he >tad oetter amr^rt +v> ,. -^r^i' . ...o "* send ther: direr* tn r^ v ^ , ^ ^ "-.lire. ■„ to G. K„ C-^llJf.rt •• -- logical Survev ^.hm .. ' ""^"^^^ ■ "' >^ Oec- Verv {•,.,■■--. "^'^ "'«■•;'- ^e mad.-. pr-jD-t v ??r, Henry t, Lanl«r. •io'ibleda^v , .;-,.; e ,^ p., ,.^„. .. •>! ^»«^. 92J: Ij.-.. 127 W m I 5-i!),\'^o:; I f -0 r X.St ri. ■'*-T V-i^ a.1 'J c< '^ - ^' ^. s % - |i '<5^ V' iVtu. v:?-.^ •-^'' -■•< C^^^V^^ ^^ t") ^ ■'■*». . s. \ / •o.-^ .V — ■ ■-Ods';' 'V'Sii^ 1 mP^nK^ Jivx.#vA^.s^ ':. ^ ULAi*^- u J A % " K^^. 7-Vj^^ f_ - ^vl » ft. * \ 9c "^-0 9 (T * i .t 1 : 1 •^ V C * •» » WW \cicv »£.,.,-•■ Vv 1 •■H. ^ *. ■ «- ■ 1 ^-^ttH^.W^-'^itev ''KTr *. l-^x 0. ^ ^ \ ft. *--**^^ J tfe^JV .4 \ \ -V. ^l- "'■*%,. fc''|«» '»**.. ..^^ //, V. f \o^ V VKAA^y ^^^.•- % •■^ ''kuL i- »-^^^V *^** f\ Y i V-"^^"- »^ \ ( ^^ •"^V- Ix.^ e i t f ♦, I- I:**.. Vo^V V/v-^ois^ Ck.' ^ Jjtv-.^ \^K "X 4 u^ f. y i \i i '<^ V **.»^ 1 <^ •■-'■V ., «£.JR^_«^ ^ r »^ *«■••*»%, 7-*.T^ .fW^'^ %JkX?'*»*^Ar«^ I. 1 poor imprint w^nrnKm^ymmmm^^mifm' i hi n ■p' m -M.«B!/0 \.A% N XV |^--^.-3ctL, 4.!^ v^v. ^ ^.. V ^•■--Js. jJk -is^r- - V 'J? ^ A "t •— **>...„ \ ."^^^-i^ V :-• -^ — Y^s } 't. ^("r^ -V i--f^ -V, 'v**>JV^ -H.- X a-* .< .1 \ \ '^ij, — : y X' 7 '^. ^ Iv.J A \ > -J- r V ^■j >- -v> .^-, 1 .«SP /" •— ■^»,. -0* ..m'^1' >k^ 7 V V ^ s \ -^41- '*- -i^^^*--- —I t ' T ''\. ^^v *^{W V^ -■3 ^ V J 129 A^r\-\ci^ V ^^NJU.. Vvj«./>-^o As^ ei. M %^ vX \ I v> I ■ V ^5Pn^ 1 '^ •56s^ ^ ^Sk V ^ai.^-^ '~Ta-v' Va^," C!^ttec -W""=^ oc^ \^, ^ (3^>-^->^**-X4^ \ t '^f^JS-^ ■■-*i*->- . >'^ji_j(-„yv'-v, •^-^^ C.-rS' V> V>jlAxa.,,*..0 -A-Aj>V-_ '^-''^-"^■V^^'->4/ '^ »-A>-J^w:i V V -^Vv \ X' —A^^-a..--^ X,>.,-r"«.-« — ^. —1 ' «-<\„ "^l X L- ■---■- X^^- —-j<_ ..,Cr^^ » --MULP^fcJl^ v^-V" -V -Ov. ^ ~k V--^'* \ A.^ ^. X "Wv! Vv. -JCtn., %-A^- \} tViKj^r^ I V'vxM WoOs l^^-4k„.-ic< .TV T4jh4 " "^^-^l^ /f^ v.. •3fe...^:^' '^ :5 ■:. c. \» ^•^ 'v.. ,-^„ ■ . - . ^»>. ^ 1- ^m m \^V^- u H.>N^4.i^x L^ *-\>-V-^|Xa*-<7 rv^ ^-xJL- Hj^sX^^X' Va^X»Xk..«sJk_ ^ 7. .u .4.. -^'^-cti J\ -k ^'■^^.^ ♦ V V -ZtL K { ^l^> ^^^--\-^, JjV. ^ I ! t.' e J /- 1 \ 'T •• k 4^ v^\. V 130 Sf» jpw SSftT n, ■»<; i I i ^5fe5'*AwnXu- '<.j'»^X5s_ -—« Vv x_V X H VvX^ 1 -'^^^•-K.y^A^*,^ .-•— ^;.--»««^^ ^^r^-.JV .'-^>>j«./.«/>i/ V*-«-Xrs*s,\^ ^ K^lJ N»--:' %. . . _ .^.^f'"^ \ C ^— vjJu.^ .Juctebs^dcxr J^^;^...owrw^juk "XmJUAI VV *^xX»\i^On>>...^ • Vv-J>.^<^. ■^ i A^ H \^. '^^' \ v>«*W- fl^'-' :^.'^a H,,,...Vl \ jx^ --^ -i-_ Uul^ |saL. Ht^ .>>s.s.^. Yls. 4^'\ Ak. i-Ajck. ""^^^^-^ X-^^wtivXi ^ — ^v, v^* -W z3k: -i: wV.; .^.. •^,. ^v. 'JC-^ f 1-1.' .VJv.-v "% v^J-^i^ Jh-p^-^o^ "*5R^ V-^-V- k,ys^^ 'C '■-V...\ 'V i lue*, ic^~H ^>->^ A Gk ij^ \ \L5U> A *^A ^..X-^/, .i:jvK %-^ ^ .-> o:^ >-£>v .'-*»j-».,,.jSE«. ^■^ \,:xv vi f. : -^ V VN.^»*.js/w^' r«c \ \ ^ Q ■y ?-. Xii. Ir ^^JUL,- f ^'^w a*.^^' ^ -^^VJk^,?V,'H. . ) ^ >A;,:t:. v*"'*^ v-^-x**^ ? (r^'-^ ^-v\ ■'--V/x->-..-«.^.._.,__,.,«^ Vv-'-'-A..—'^ *J*- ^.^ i \. ^'K ^A* ■-■^ V")^' V ■\U.T^~ c ^ V ^i^.J^JI!?'^- VVN.XJV C". V*-- ^... Vh..k. fV^. *9> "f v^*V^^^^ r.. S8t \ A •^'Oc ^^'^■'-^-a. ■^ 1\'. .^. .Ua.. ^r (SL*X \ tx^. ^ V. ^— ^=*^^^~t^ ^S.>--3tv.^Ljfc^' lu. u_«_«,^ L K^-^ iAJUY\\ VVk^s^ >-^- -. V'-^—SPk, 'v>*^ H^ V N ^v VfJS^T' (K>OkX>o<>^>^^ — - -^ ■r»^M*» t^SI 135 \v c X' '**''''''^*^^^ VoCv..^ V> -V X Ci?, -v.^.. 1 f -<.'^„ v"-i-^sA^. 1 V- vV ^'"^JD^ V^ '"'^-^ ^ rt ^-v, V •"K: I ^ V.0oo^^^ '^^^^^ . A w^ ?" — *^ ■w-VJK <^J A — 4^ '^v.*,. .\. >«-<^ Sl~ \.- Ki "*--' ^^"^^^-W_ -!-W J. VM-7pA>~«*-j««w r"->«— -"Cj©..-^ ; V. «i . W-ZIX Ov. iK' .. w s-jca-AX-Vk, J / jC^AX . / ;i i ■ii- s , ciCX ii *^ i i ' \! V'V'-^j^^ ^ — i^^oL./.^:^ "T^^v V~^^ Hj»oo-^ *-|| ' n I II :0t ^. r^ »~ -~vJC^ '"^'^ Vv_ \ .^C' '^^if-^ - \>^ i^ — ^-i-»iv-^ (^; T.w If vu,^ Jl. ^ i ■ f 41 r I ^•if'^ k i .A Wfeshit^a^* * "^ f' D • M O < jlov» 2;^tho . i^ iv ^« . ..rv ^ «vK vov wv>r,M -v^'-^^ ■■'*-^ -c^^. ■>- .f.iifti D^ t .^•■':;^*~ vCJ^- .-•ark J convsAi-'^nc^Jo Vary tr ly. x Dr. Ait.Kn Wo Kvnns Yulv. U--^ ' ■% J *4iJ-V ■£*■■' -' '. I , i' -■ '-.ri,, Lj . (! WH3Ui.»»!» i V U -^« NOV ''i^^ \' (, i < ' f0 2» Uy ->.t t.^ at, .our umus f'Ow an A«»* ''*^ aarly condor* j^.tiO©o V'ty trilv \ v% ^ Vw^vX ^^'-' 'v. \j""'>si>. „ ,■>., • pn*.-\ De AlM^r^ Sen .- » I /. r, ^, S-ou-^r D poor imprinf 138 Was bi Hr^tO-* , .D <» 0 o * Ncvo ^r^ Kn^ ^ 1:0. -U Ht daar Mr* Ashni^ai Aro t.i«rri t^ny ^iSSCrS^ti^.^^ of any kind ( typ^graph-lc^l or tn.-rr. '>«riOis) which you w:>..lct Ukc to ^:av6 corrisr:to4 in jour Alasi^a By -v- optara pap^r, before its r;.tial r«pMin;.i -at i^nn i^ x>-- ^eri<^^ c^-^ \;vh^--^. al yolj^fies no-^ undsr ^ayt If so, klni-y 1 -t nf? Vntw about them ;-/ your »j!Arly convonierce* V c i ♦' '5* V\>w^'^''*-«OJ^- Hcv, n o * W x^'^ My L'f»€ir T^«l«rias»* Are t. ;^A-r-#j .:x-^y- -r?rr< 3 ti I' I .% ■ 1 's * ;y r. .1 ^ r. ;* o i> '."^ ^ ' > k. .« ' t' .. r N n ? ■ '>•. <*DGUt t.h*3.'i .*,% y... ..,'»• . :^'\y '';-■>'; J '»•■ -5 n i '- •m -1- »«" "^4 We'll. ; 1 ^ pap fit* '^ k 1 ». «* ■ f -i c - ^> -^ 1 »_, -; •»'■ > -, '>> -,. . ■ f*-^l i ."% •- .• 1 • A ■J' .i-v- '...;. V .ir ao. •^k a4-.i^ .r^^ ■i- •,. . • f - i . ->• \ \ V '^■*'*« tr^ ^ ,9 T»"^-l*^-s^ D -• - «» i * 140 My tr,-r Tr. D-^T.t 3e ^>r*v' jii ■■} "'^ o In *' •■'■4s?; W)rii;i you «0'.4ld 'i. V i - I I ■ iu>,.^r', f^ 1:^0P. ♦ c-4r £*Ar: V ■' i '•■ '^?=^ .1 €,n .:. ! Uf dear Frof es;.tcr \uti ing •1 lA'Vir^^ 9 O mor^ serious} wiiieri you wDs,Vi Mh«^ ♦<'^ '«^-¥« c^-^Tri^^t^i in -ra^ir Al«-:a Hyiroid paper, >^efc»r8 it3 fvn^* rf^;--.H"' ic^^.ti^^ In th© sarins ot ta •' al vol'juQiis now under ^ay» if .^cv kln.Djr im r-.e know Bbnnt ^/^^^^^ ai your ©arly con'/enienc'^^o ■» » 1) ij 1 . V^-c^ I WvVx.. Bra Har:-:.'jon C« D^^c, L' ^-i SI - •« ^ « Mu»i. .-Ill' Washirt _^'.C'. , n, Ci» My d*^ar- Dr^^ eo*K -i^r'i^^usi whxoh yoi ws>ul^ [nt^^ .^ 'i^^v^'^^^'r^4,^XJfL^ 1„ ^o^r Alaska fl.rmr r. t^ci;^;i papor, before i vs 'f^i.^. ^ ^p. .^ m .:»^^i.or i^, the «^rt^^ of t< h^^-- nl v.i.Pei; LOW ufidar ^^f a- ;W, rir^Jiv -Ut '■- know ni^^^^t thfiii a^ '^ < .W^:\ \\, V \. fir, Te^^ay R^ Coe, Yf/^ y^ry t r ''^-•' '.owa i it y ^ Ir>A i,. iT^ w>r. Nov. ^WT^. 1^02 M ^cut r-'fci::j.>r ««rioua) .f^i^H ^«,! -„V; ■ ; '^ ^^ ^""^ ^'*^^ i typographic*! or -n-rs serious) ^^ich you would Wk^ to hH,r« corr«c*.l In roar Al««kA Aot.t^ gota pai.T. before U3 fl,,.l repuhU«,ti.>^ In th* ^^rlt, J^ t« J!, 1 volumes nov under ^urT If m Jclnd!* i»t «-\ 2- '•'^^^' " te.^'SM,--.! Very tntly, V. \ v^*^- '"--^ ^ X X'^ fXO£^ Jifllui W^ ^^^OlsOr.i, Url '.*'<5 .« iltr o-*-* IT i t-oi.'^ I til 1 'I' 142 It' f> - A') ;; i.; X' k S V!'i 2 Nov y . Ar^ t.hf:rfi H-r ^^.^rr^^t-w^ o^ anf kind i xypoi^rajihie^l or more '^s) ^^^M/::, -ou womH Usee to »",Hva cori'«ci«i in your Al«ii»^a BryosoR^ ^it ..,a ,(n3w a^iOi^T ti^fi.^ at %'v">'/r V^^y truly, Uii}3 ^li':^ Ro«rf&* '.^or., IlOVa aSlth. , IJQ2 M^f a.i%^' ?- ^»-^caii; ■BRT^ " " u ; r a -i^rv>u-^ iM :,..., Aj.^4&«v.a "r.:-*x .>;'^4 ,^i aD :/f ri e^f '*^ -t <>«i^ j». > I ihe.ii 4t 1 *•■ ^ Vc Proie IrBw&t K Seatt ^. W'acL, t l^j dear r-rcf05:-or l^^'-iv* c\ Vc t'\ ■: i^^i.\r r. fr»*» "'' •-! Lt, '\- " t- Y> • "T Arc- f'iors 1ir:t •50*'» t'-Viaa* ot *nf )tio.1( lypo^rv* ' =*! «^" ^^""^ ser-io-.ft' lyhich yovs •?••>?.:; -tV'j '.i ^»ve pnrra^tod 1"^ yoar Ai «(»■»<•.■♦ kadi- ians »'f'>av, befovfl lis finnl r«;:'.tlic?-tlo'''. in th^ ser.-^s of if/n >i -a! voiumi..-i'now ua-le- Viv't If sc . vinil;' i»t ne k^ow =»boux the-* 'at yo-r Vt r r I 'Of W: bH Ritt*^ ^ t>V I .4, ■^1 I ■"! ?- S- My di;ar Dr© Banks: Are ihsr«^ (my ^^^$^Xti^^M of any itirtl ( typograp>jlcnI ar lonrs serious) which yaa would lik^ w liava coi*teatei if! your Alsskfe ArKci- iU'iu ani McuTopierold In^j'^cti^ p'^p'^-^r^i. be^'o*:'*^ tht-ir firi=^t ^^--"h ■ l-^i^ti-.v^ 1 t.:t sariej^ o^ t^chniQal volumt^s noT undt^r -r«syir If jio, Vinll? I«t tm'« •....^^^, '*H^ of ^^ y -vtt th^-n «-t ,uir #l^rly aonv#ni*fno©* % '>] \\\ ^^ \^ NovdTber 2P , 19u2. 241 ':ifi^t ^>>rri SI. . vievv ■fork, -Citv. ',- . v/iij. toi";. TT-? at what •''■-» ''-^^ 1 6i>ti*u:r.^ ' :. y:'^^'o por f^i^- --'^ ^:jat,^ aiiJ ir bitches r^*^ tv/c, ^^'c'-r. .}:. ^i^-^jiit at' oViB vi'^'x^. '.'3 3?.^.6Ctil'^l'\ ov^' V > •A, /JUv xS xLUCfe I .V ^*^- ^ '^ r L tO^v,^^ -H , , i^^l^ ^) K ,\;,\. i IXxi^N^v^kl -. ''-^^-^•' A. A»»^ iVvv f * ^X' ^«s,. % Very '■ r ti./^ V XV-^^^*— ^ \vvv M . ^S4v, ., .^_ Original Defective Sfrl ,j:-: ; ■; KH ? 1 .-T ■'"»*-•. ;.• c-is. niil]. fr»0^. fJo]d r f.'. :^! t'. < w ui >n ■ I I. f '*»%■'•» \>* -444 ,^--f ^. - i.M a :o O" y .-J* .. I... ^ I »-.»,? 1, , '■J .^■ :r ri' i**, ^ I. I J; .. I id n^i ^?i^3 V ii:- dr re VtT " 7*1 1 >i •% • i'i^ior coil "^ '•i*-, -1 t: •*• '. • -V I f 1 ."1 '"•y, ^ fc .i «.V< *4i Ji..; .. t •-V C^r'nyr *. "j ic>: ynnr le *t '.♦ <•. .j.i 5 atia a J 3c I or - if- ^:n^^ > ■ ■ • ».t .** «* *.^i w i">«/i fT'Oa etiovfji *«. i.3 f^ n n> ;!ocn-.'a Vallo" ''/^••: S'): ^j.ri .f^.* **>*i ff^ Toot' £?o :'-^:'zch ns"'* 1^: V h, t> W "^ » sn r''''*'..'ir M f^ i*! •» ' •(.!<> V>i 3 U,A i ,. 1 ^ ■ », ■X*!l- c o jrr fT \ i"~A ■ V » * t • «r'"'- >• .- "? ♦ -> '.fii >♦ f\r. Kl <^-^T, 1 -^ w ;i» ": h»- 1 .r. r. V' ' er «^ c •0-L' f j • > r > V- s, «■> ' i'> V. « » > {• ^.^'0 fj 1^'?; .nA^-^ f •;<:'-> •».^- y > :;.-» u r-»- M-kj' "i .1;^ r.' i ^} ;«e /f 'b*r. - r f nr .? u > *- ou Ai.iJ. Kii »' J. ■^ • ne ne-.tio,n aUo U,;>.--rt rh (• ^.T^'^rrv-^f nf •' Acor^ * *■ *- ; • '^ T, T ■ •*. 4* but do / MJ7. . 4 A f 14 ^ cadar ^l*V'■ . v,i i:-:.^-..^ 4 jj/ 13 unea xn 'or^ }.if ■?*••?'•*■?•* 4-"»«'f ' .. ci aic I- r. rl'^/: U-, f&i wi,.«4 tw rlirt r mi* aow i>e d r- ^ w -1 J* ■r* •♦?tW4» rj. V'J ^Kt^T ^m I 146 and >» J " ..» lit * ^ ^ i '/ t^':. K. V L t . ^'l^iif S'tA- 1 ..- t : '?e ?. ,..^ » ;' '■ f ." }! >r la. •:1 '*:• ♦ 1 1 ;]:l ^J\ l,.iV r>* ♦• /■* J A 1^ W V i .1 • I. 1. .4.U-».^! C: » I '' • r* ■■'■'■ ! ■i^:i l.- t. r . V .'r >•'*'■ i^ ■ t r fi'ny^ i r' -, 1 VT! \»^ ^ J 0 » V't. • • "> -n t "^^ ,^ t ?*rr!". rM'*^e»l ^' "* . ' • * poor Imprint Vl^t \\ -{-, a ii t - ] ■\.^ > Jt*NJ- V. ^ s ~K^: '^- V -\ ^VA y K. •'■- -T^T. U.,A/v^-':. ' ^i ^ VL ^ A /Mi»-^^A^Ux^ v---~ J- -^ <5:i. ( jA^^ Jfe ^..JX^..-. V-_ .'i V^ k > ~~ ^ t. 1-..V V, -k a_ — \ V'w- -*--.A -V ,-\ \vvv ■N, a.. ,v - >y w r ^•-K^.jfc^- \v\ "^^Tv-ik 6 :.( f t ' J -/ > ^.J i J J j^ V > f y- ^ -:^ f / "I r ( "S r .^ i / >j I 2 J 4 i ^' ^ / f- +^> ^ / ) - / } -f- j j: -i I •I ^ 1^ f r <«v :i- ) ^r f2 ■ 5 J 1 iff J. r- > ^ i -r l4lo r^ } I ■} i ^ ^' a I ^ ^ y. I i I ^^J. U J ^ r~ > I i i 1'^ < r^ ■J i ^ f ^ f '-^ / 4 t i w^ - 4-f*f Qbl r T f^ f 'A- 4- ^-1 'r-i-'^i I' J' Vv \ i- / p r < >• ^ J V r * C- ^ ^ t ij^ .-«»"* r ^ ^ o > z' ) y /• f ' ( ^ i. 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CX u '"^ W^r^V s^ \ .V \ ^ N. I ^■'•^-^ 4^0^(,'. ^ '^UV T-^ ji- ^ •mJ\-Jk~r V ^ < i v <;'vs..jv. ZXX^ \ .-W \ -in:^-' -f^K k •fVXM^ M 1, M' :wOTfiw%h,.^L . \N ul. ^■Jan ' ■ .-*Js\m ^*^ ^,SjLi)CA ' '^-^V"^""^ 4d^w^..yv^:-V^ '\ e^v ^V- "^'^" ..-^ r v^.V j.vX Ar^^Dk *k. -i*. V H ^wX 7. U>v. ^4.,- I J^^M. f- w#V., I :t\.9^ l^. ^Jlc^, ^^ -^ - '-'^ ^^^XxJs^^JX ui. •^^ MJJ-^ ^«^;:U VH>.s.MiX.,ww SSJt \^\^-\t \' '7 e ^ \ ^^^r 4^^ v^ ^w . v..: ^w\ ^^»iiL«-. ■r- t.\ *V^-"^^^V" ^ V ^- --.^ \X^'.' -~>. ■A A W^c 1 V^- \ :-.v\ -\^- V l^NJV \ x\\\ '•^'sA-., v^v^ .%. ^ Vu.a, I. -»^s v.> N k-vC \ i -^^. 154 \ •^u. \v.a 1 ^ ^ '•- ^ '^-'4^3.Ju^ \ ^-'<.-..'^ ^ \ V '\ t .\^ .v.- ^u' \; ^^ '^^ *jww>J\> »-'<^ i- t)?V>JCK ^^N.-SsV- .^ > rU, *-iv. \^.v-*^*;i.AsU»k. -V- -'V ^. * ^ "• '.. h^A btv w u v< H \w (a.i. i^. :'T:.v. ,4.-4^-. \^ 1^ 4. W^.^- L. ', Tj -^ f^ ''^ \.\^ .b. v^v i« « xp>Jlc>v •^*'^*^--'*»<*-.. %»v (■V'^^jJ^^sK^^X^, ■f. ^■ t. i- v. ■—1. *».-«Ja c ^.^ K. \JLt.u>- 1^^ /. r\ au^. ^ 1. TV \ \ f -V "*^ V. v^^^ X J »odv' \ KSjju/L £^Sw •^ V J^^-«Jk.fiUL. '- ..6< i^ Ixc. \, ^ ^ ^'^'•^''w." x-i^JK- t^' ,?»*-.»«■ vrS-A^T »%w V -^^ »* <* -t % ^ K ^ \\. t*^V . \ '- SI, At at -- ~ -''-''' >u. f "v *^ ^-.\j?.>i;\ AvvwK^ww ,\v '^, \-\ ^ (/J G f S.CC, ♦^ !>«! if 4.1 G?, I a \Vs.. "V^.„ \ ^ VV.v_ W.Vy-., x... 1 u ^■ ^-'^ 04-— -^ Y^ \ V. .vv V»^xx-- \. -•\V-..Av --^ ^Vi>^>- '^v A V. V-^ xA ;Vt V V - *v. ^ ■ -v>^ ^lvv.-jc ,'^v^^ V \. -^ "v. iVv V ^i . W-. Wv.v- ■-^-^v - . ^ "1^ \ I ^»>,_--'X_-^ ^ f i \i 1! '-L^ Nvj .'x \ T V JA^-x. \\, \^C5 v.. r ^-A... \ . \ a v^^ >^' v N- x^^ ^ CKOL ..^> V^ V-^'nJ »v- .--■ -^ ^" -'. i-t--i^-. v*^ "V --'•^ V -vV >^ ^\ r >^^ •v_k --V.JU i; xV. „^ V ••->- \ t-T V'- ^V'^*-- - -..v^ r4 \ \, 'V \ VxX' ^ X. ^^ ttt- \ ^ -v-^V> J V ^-^N>v^, •-•M^ poor imprint 157 2 1 'i- r, J ^ i i i r ■t J .y ^ •> / ^1 J^' f: 1 ■f r ^ / n \! ^ •V V /> ,> J ... y J / -/ ^ ■^ 4- ^/> I I J r-^-"!- M H +^^ ^ .i--' ;^ ^ .t^ j j / ; /^ rt' ;! ;r- i / "J ^ , • J. 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',-jL .V.1L . ^ V J \ \ -) V' X >A v.: ;j^x^ 'J' } N»"i;--«.. -^^ ^ \ - "^ v. ^.- •*'^— , i ^ V \v A I t >A- • J 167 «.5, 'v nSl 'V*. X . .^c,. -, .N ^.•' -^L - -^^--v.L.. J, :v \--v..^.,. ^Xjc-Ci^^ 0 K. C - '^ — ' ^'' ^ *--\^^V ^ -^ -^ X^^kA J^ ^^ ^ V. c -A ^ y i \ "--V. *^ ^ V^V^. <^V,V,-aV, r^'-^v.:-:' V«>-.-J^-^^ V KX 4 '-V ^4^^ ^Vv.>k_ " OV< ^^.. A.L ./-^. V ->o ^- \ -V r ^K ^2-5^ ..- '^ -A. A^..^-^ '^ - ( fat . .'c^i/v -A.\J^C \Ji 'i -JvSl^^ ,1 ?-» (^>^..*0tWV 4 -.'^ V^-^^A' *J[ft,/ ,.\ .-v^ ihSi^^ ^J^- ' \ \ ^r^ ^Xc-Z-McJ. r '■^\ \ 1 ,"^1 V ( M -^ ■\ 1^ ;>>^ jj. -r^-^N X' ^ I ^ ^^y'~^c~X <^-Jk ^•.,^i■^ \f \ v> ••.^(^••^•^^x . ' ' v/ ■;:^j»X, Vx^^-*-*^: tsL-A^- .*r-V- K I t _ I V ^t" \ ^ ^ W^^^^^i^ ^^^ * ^ ^ ^A 1 1^ V^ 1 1< ~ ^ II V^- o v^ 91 ''^•'-ij\.'> A ;*f '--'. 1^^ '., siT\.~:fc^:., (.. ,....', ,^^ ^. ^ i ^, -<>., u .^ ■ V. ,^-' .i^ v„li. M-^ '^•^^^«J^..o^'-V>C-^.^ Xi^. ^^-'^>-^^A.Ko;jL..:^ if;'-i^.^.^ U^^A it irttvrt'-. ^ -^ X. ^' nA ^ '^ ^--^JJ^s!!N. 'Cfc'^v* l^'-' vk'^^- t_ --- ^L •, ....L^-l... . ^^ ~t-\ ]d: >V ^ > - ^. - i , :-^. H-t--^ rj. <^i-- -? • i [A '-^-CA^, '■' '"^-^ V S). ^socx -r A. N, V VX . i -, '^ -^. i ^ c i r.oj,^ ^K W ^ f 4i- M^N*.. :--- r-. '^ c!.-t:^'A-A;-T^.> .9. %• A.*W>^ v/ a fcv V I HI w 1 i £ ■ »| I if ! II I |f| ! i ;y' 681 IIU %\ ■ ik- ■ ( ¥ 1| Jara.Jary ?3, I'/O-^ Dear ?.^. I.tmier; Hr. ailbert tell? ne ohat fiome infcciniticn r..:ts juut coma to xi-Ay-^ vTixich vfUl necaBsitate certain cmn.-res in i^a^^s Ir*^ t-^ i70c (or 179dlci' his maiusoriptc If this cr^r be retunied to hiin nov il v/ili so.Ye tronble and ex-ense in Uie ^rooP. HaBtiiy yours, ^-v^^^::^ \Vv V Hr. H. ^'. lunger, 34 iJnicr Square , Kew York Cit-. .-Kjv vr ^--^A ---3s-?V^. -*> — . '^ -^^^ C^'-^^Ks^ \ 1 ' 1 ^' 'l^^^-JL-'x,-^^ «. •.»-.. I 1 -'.yv. > ( 1 li i (•w. / |\-.^::txr ^. •-^.»^. vL->*W «>..>►-» -i^Ac -... ^ i ^ ' -"^c i_, . o^^ I -c .'5- --- AiX>». -^ •» \\\v. \'K\M, \ \'vj^.-^/;\^. t \ la. --^ >;\lCli, 1-*^' ^ ijj^^j b, ^^ 't. 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V-'^C" ^y3. \vV,^ '^sljv 'x-^^^^ ^%-^^-"::^ 'C'^^^^suhAK^ , v-wV^x.x '\ji I r /~-- '>^VvJ^^ ••^■1 ^ ^ k ^^y ( Y'^ -^ f ■^'"■' ) I p-- Js.. \'^-^>-*--^xIk I. /•V.C v^J„ >^ o ^'^X^ \«^i>v3^,M ^ 1 I ^ V T- \. KX. 1 ^£4?^ .^ 'h- Original Defective **l U'i^i m- i {J--0: i m \v. ] * l'' ^ ¥: .? > i'T I- I* i/i / VV^.^-^^K. •w- ■! . ^ "L-^jv^ X-«w ^. ^~- '\\ X ^ > % ^*..,>^ v'^.vfe.:v,_,.V tcv^.Jy V'k^ *' W-* * **— i ^^ '^;^4..--'^. ^ d.p:jK._j:T;v^ ^ /V, % * t -NwJ \\ >■' ^^^..). --i:%-o.*> '-N.Jt.v5,Af>., . c. ^ ^ K \ ^^^~ ^►.V \ t :-»- J. ^( A-.\XJJW.-, *^ ^a>% 3.^5^/ x^v- >^^^^U>/>j\ "[^ -^^ (\ c • ' . " v= f • ' -A*. >». -.^^ v^ cC V ^V A^ '"^ --^iX-^ A. ■'^-^^4^ '--^^ ^x !_ L , ■^-V -^ ^... ^'^: ^ * ■ - v H-v\ -v i \ ^^^^\^ f^^Vnwi 'i'^'-V'vx^ >SC *■ ^JfK. 4 v r ^^- i*. 1^ V : iV \. V,-'^, <^ '■'Ok. •-V. v. ^ -I V, , \l. w- .■■l,r'. \ • -" V.f •■•• ? Retake of Preceding Frame * 'fc' ^ .1 J\-i \ 1 I 1; ?,:^*L' * .J >4fi I.' 11' • ? CA^'NjJt,^.^3iA> . iX^^X- v^---vX^ "Tfeju^ « i-N>sJL2^!n2^a^^ 'Vaxa>— JLtK^vX>-s^,,«LA^^ 0 *3X yKXJ»- ■»-♦— -v^ .Midi- >^^-' I ? Original Deff^rf.wJ !' I art lit! V-^-'ir^nn- 2, :.^vo 1 <^. '-i, n> TT Mr. o. J. HCLHies, An-: Arlor, M'ch My dear S.'r: vere a^ \ve- k Rumors havp :'-:.ohe-.: :::- Lrai ■■ \n.e to ^ In^e M-^ii.t vr>- on tLe Ak-^-:-"*,^A^»_ ^ i^4' 'T I ! H ^ y 18 ■ W J is -Amo I V ■'v„>^kvA_A ^^ v^ "-tV 'X_ V AjJk^ C\ ^Xjs^ sJJL^' (>.. \ K' »A >^^^ >\A.A -O---- H[v^o^ 3 A.„ ;> v^^ V «3r \5 1 L^L.K'-'S^"" V ■v-"On^'OxJ'^.9»^ V ''*^*»«r.-^ ft" r I ^ I • t I f ' I i I il ' ! I n I poor imprint er «*i w *••. »» ^ : . IC : M M L, 0 ^ p jjia . fi ir* r n lilt ictjUer;: r*'. i: :h?l r. r% 7 i D c An:. 0 •jt '*'(< a ; . « * ,■ # ♦ ? * ;t # « 3 . 4 » •• ,> « » -li t « " *' '• A « • « *s ** * ^ * «» > « • • • Jl • li ^'.'U f ri n 0 r. . i ti K t - il*;'* « 9 * •» J"* .|uLJv \6^H. -j^^ I* 1% i »» AO ■'it! • •!•. ! J . I r. -1 ■■ .*.i '. I. cr.. it i » •.? . (■ • 1 nk.'^ t- «,,_ •« r-i'.l' ufiV i;:kd H tf !i ju^ ■'•• 3^- n t- 1- 1 1 »,'Ca 1 U fl 1 ■ ?! n- #p' •"I ■ M (! I ^5 CK 'i tf F ^ t, ■-. 1 M v^ ^ .\uJ;:3^ vVmos) H3eUmUfr ,^ , .iW».l«»TJ%«lPl4#lil««»HiM«»«**'»''»./< • «».' ,, :.r*:i':- t ♦ I 8 182 4 p w D. 0 u 0. Fr\)l 'i» I \} iijH:jb Di i.i 34 .> Jl .'- 1 1 » f I re 1-^ S . I J ••^ i# I't a u 1 "Cir o ». I •T K-^ ^.la^eS ] ;C ri i iv nv* l^r- m von- i • ;'*!") 0! a... -r ^r^ 1 .-< <: "^ V ii: ch^ cer "iSi n:V e n- f-i ' 'I ^"^ ^ t S* '**! '- , ^ r '^ -A \ m . %l ^- i I t "•_ "t *■ v V. I.* 1 1 f riH .> i um ai 4.V-' i 1 nri J > S ^S . 1 CiTi '101 V bt 1 u ■J ti V' i» ■• T ^•'♦^ 'ft^k:. n. Thla is a ^c a ■J » ! r-.-^) r^'PUCl/-^' if- •f,^J -» tuiiei J ^ >^ ' ..J »•• at. 11 rs u. >».2 * ^ 'i •» k.4 ' 'V I n • V J'iu u • '^i i ^fn«.it, ^1- >^s (1 I K< t »Jl J 1 " ' i.s r *»'*^ i! VJ Vj <^.W^ Wv V r*-**. ■"luiiiwersiWR- t I i t* ,> D. C, Kb. .'(t 0- M •. S. J, H i ^ii- ■«. A^n A N t • M V « V/> ■•A « i'.- ' i 4 v.» le eSiC; h n r ; ■ V f f5* t.*^^ r i.un in- u/'iwi'^' i,h<" t". t k i 1 1 .y^' -in H I . (•• J "HI P Jii 14 yi Mu r».».j •» I rh" Xf.'3a. riK n aainc^ I'hfoBi^ I nnv- ■^ t r.:c d > •' i» irn. H)- ,L '• na i c n «.-'. ' 1 ncsii' m i{ P ii « T u a a»5 ■tX ■-» -*. In i « *-»M J v» f \ . .p!ia; :!i > ' i^ I A i K^ 5 . !; f-: -' V-J tU i v/ .* i k «... ?A;r^ tjri'iOill b' ;ng •j i 'D J><^ >• fc : Kl r-'Ti 5 r. . i Uh l.'.r'l. r^\' ; t, S-inu t r I » ,AU A S(. .Tiu { a ii.n $viO! ..a ..X !)y \ P w c r 1 , ! ,-.U' n I I'*' 'w^rry^c »^ ca i J* » : >' H'^W • r. « i >u. a< Vol < /i. .>Mo^ \ \,Vx>sy »~^^ 4bLft 4 n ii^r\ %^ t ft.«i I - K ^ '■ ' D. 0.. F b. .;U, .0 1^ I I) '. W:.^']-9v ri, Cn^ U c S H' - H V n nth C T ts c 1 ■\ ■> 1 ^ Wl T Nciii'ir ^aris h.^iV n: c.b Of. :d rnt . and I ^ na« t. I to >ou r^y .v>r!>:cereci juuxI afi:v» '■•-nw^ ••''rh t -•-' n^-t r-f..r.i;5^ «j'^- -.'^noi'^ 8t/3*ikM Vr.n: ■r\c *nth md f 1 ly tina •^i T t %♦•' 1 Ihi^iy <{Orc* t M . i> C f\ y*-) ' •» »^ l^ V > JK>^ I i I ? r ^ '3«T; •';-« vir m.. I '• I on k H~^v n poor imprint UMtl Vr{ U:tU I). G*, ►'■^b* i. ■• 6 >-« 8 1 1 ., ^v u ^' 1... Ot.. I H.| I" 5«?*" m^X c-n' 1-. o •t .„ !; ^*^ Tfi I O ,:■* 1 **.*.' I a vi 4j i fj t* ^1 I C" ■• -.f* ' •. « • < :. J I "'■"Cf'S 1 ^ $ I t !* ' 1 lai t« '^'n • i ^ i II ►lil Wf ' t m 1 ••i a >. p u I < fk r 4t-« I'i i. ^; «$• W r ■M. ni n-' c n en w ft i r 'i 'H !IC. t S -^ ;^^, 0 1* lii I i/i L u <: a^^ i t t f* ' ft jA-tff I ♦ i#-i -*; \*t ' ! iii D'i ;#^ C»5l n tki i5i» » . i.,i^-fnncr bf^V^' 0 biac.t an*: * fcici d'-l 4 t n i f n una 5 n /t ■% ^ii >♦ :« » ♦ ■» ■ i , r » 1 I ^^ t i Df na m.^-.O' jU' ■i' ^ V' » ■i i '■'* 1. . T It: I A I' ■ IV. 0t if'Tt: n- ¥ n, T; W^ X V \VV I a- w i#^' i -*■,'"» 'I r| is. -. ^U* , *'i jt i » .^ •,« r. V » "t?l li^- .»,«.' \ » * ' f'H- OH'- 1^ r 1 11 I • jf ^ r 1 ^ la ^T»] ■* -•» 1 ■» n aim jtun .i^ • a' :ife li' li'M 5 I .. » t. '■"* .. I '^^ ! I -. V, u ;il,tna t^!l*' ■|* v,0?C ftf? . > V ». J .t,i ft I ^e s^-itia irt it" &^ ', fi Im ■-\.\, -^-^ \^' \ 1 \-3- '%4,'\, Vs/'^Ol U-^-^hJ-aX^ K ( ..J. '"**W5tew,™^- '^-^^^ .H- ^~J ^y yj^s.A)^- -^ r I !' ^"^J-^--^* ■'.,«_ %^ i' '* ' '*"''-». .4 J^~ -A' ■'""^^ift.'. M.'rft.-". p*i^ .#•«***.««•»»■ ■iK*-^" '"'£.^?^'iy.-.f.r, 13*4% ift t 1 a3h j %tc\, , r> .0 . . F^l, . 10 , i';o v» i h r;* I 'Mir ■■I -\ .UAx.avi lig batuh of T^roof o f Oi^e ^.iactsr book arrive v. ^ i::- ■i.>;i . maKes lu t^^ii a ^ooa aeal Litter at tn1 s enu 01 p f i»i i £ av ;5 r I » jy5vaG tG-^<.y - rom Caiiiornia E'Jiot-hcr batcji oi' i: • I; HJ fc.'D4.Al< ' * •*- > f"^-.- iui chai ^er headings --. ssvan in all. Th eae r3 Tor* thr vcUjt.C' i A .i-n C:» DOiD^>j', aiiCi are adtdtional W.I :iOse i^erit vo r i»t*rGu uti ^'» «^, T /'.--! ♦ ». Ul aiO i ty i\ •,i' V' • Taxi, \ »*. V \ r K *.» 1 nUi ' . 1 A ? * a .. i t r--\ur* f*i' nr ' in % 42 iS <- i. icn, « « th. \X. '^ fit*. -^6 i . t is ;)c^.>u;i,e ni t ./ . •», »;. ■ . 1 P V. 4 t'T' ** "> ."l Li H -f ^■•t U ■•7r '«^ •> ^->a>:^ l\X' V-V'^A^^, A,'N..^ .\ V * ii» wa. ^;i: ! <* I' .. •- •« % > .* ti CI .» ^ P' it r cinuari > • L U. U Mt»* IJ »,j VV f s* 188 >r'i I m '^t * *• • %J ♦ « i • ^ ' » >. 0 • 1. n^' • ■I-' lu C 1^^ L a.. ,:n ryi V ^ r-of jt • * » ■A- i-:^a. CO' a ar^-M *>»•> Vl iv Av" J ♦ -* . • I O < li :t. *- - •*- • . 4 ► i: ^•■'P. Oc.l \io^ » s ^a V.'» 'fin /> • <. « '.k ^iV* 1 . *-' ' .*. T > < I . p ^4 tf > 4i:<^ *e:. A ,X ] . i. CkJ •,. c.» t «;». I- v\. 4 1. ^4' ui,i> J L^. V - . I ii . » f*. I ► •' t » XaiCm.' 1. V*. »lf .' IXl i- - w* "wf "^ :C ' A.O.V H-.>« VO iP^f? U f' £ f J, _> » C'iii 1 'i /;jf>a 7 « * i*^"V-"9 ^ t 1 » , 4. J l *> : t. ic ni iv'.HV A L'' C i ;- V^ t . ^^XXV.-^ \; ivv -c. i'ii «t ,^ '.' ■I'ii w'.. U.-. ^. 1 v,u Si i ..J if V wii ,» m^J • p *■ •i i. V.' « ^. p n> i'.i: • E.O«C^.cki.\ a^ ^ / rri ih- X ^ 1 1 >,/ <"♦ v» 1/ rn V '*• 1 :y CD l>V>ti, iV f- c tb« De^i' Si r -r • o 'VI »; .'t r »■- »• r^t c> .%? a-, i^*: ^r-'^v*/.]! A «■ < /* a-.,_v:-'£ X 0?' Jfe^^ 4 S U rj ii O- Jf T»\: iV- tb .*j .L a * ■V- • »• 1.3 tUUi na 1 ..V.3. l-^ 'h:; Ha^ j. ." I u V i II 1 i- s ■•' - -oK.'^i . t: ,r, * lu c;. ^'^r ao. :^^ » jjj-i • /<*' ^ J J i-N. u ', ' f .r •'ili,i ;n>-i'» i J V\ Ou i; V- .» 4. « u* v« «k'* ^' ' • * V V > O V » t. c Vv .-; Y^ s c; V-. « ii^^iit i*v7Vuv w ^ .J» -•. •. vi.etH or ir* h I M i .■ ./ ^• v/O H f^: rMt 0 H r A » .• V « W ! ! t- ( ' K' Ai r »-i i. I :ac « ■. ■ *• o:i .<*A.»-4 ••' |1 • iiw O \ • \ \ ■* ■% ,./ .■„ -^ • lihL' SJi «.^.o v» l!lCK . ^- .-•> _»ij' t i.v», ^ t> i il ut t .• "v • l\i. .iV.L. ,.i'i C' L r« ' ^ V, , ■* », Ot: 'tii .lO'. M -tiK.-ui' I S;- D . i> - C. V P-^t-w k 0 . il . t. s * 4 C- ' ^i i < N « ." «^ * ■♦ .t -1. > A ..a t.ri; i:J*u i-t rtso/i .>« iO O-ii. 1 J 1 U-MJiri. k. K • K i ^ i5 ■j^»— _.. 'f !!■ o -. V I.. o-t^U »• .-. ■*,'• ii^n, \ ^i-^Xeo-"^ \V^->- .x.4JL^. '\ Jt -tv 081 f f r r f r < J I f % ^ ; ^ \ I I i oet 191 asH: ii^ton, D •€ • , Fc d • iU , x^ 0:.; • Tha N^w Eru Print iri^ Cc, LanOf^bUr, Pa. D^ar Sir: Vm^^I^ NL.-;- iob. These pai^-^ri^ ^"^ e c.y ioilow^: S&ccuruc ana T:^;ioi^»v .^^s ilv a^: j^'cuoiu ' ;. o ■>-• <^' ii^ra dvi ^Vj i)!:^ii i»i^:.:i, L'u c^* ii/. I iiCLO \'0:.r Cvf:'l^^fc> :'-' /T will ^;,, Ul. k'J '. i-i-'^g^i'? .v:'h it 6\ Li^Ci^cl .^j,],' t .-/ D • V^ v/ .\ i ' ^>,.y i) viunf ;:^ii 'Utk>' j?^v.' i^.r :;:n"ij.<:.^ ma'/Ler m the WaoXi. ivj- :;;i Accu::-p<. 'h P-oc:,«u i:^£>. In r ;i'.:?^':)ic:jw> tv piex^tjs cczk- i v-. .•.•^, ui, it*^l> .j6u iillic xi. Cc^^b I«»r f.i • c.uiu i jr J Ivi f/ J^ *.l V •* ^^Stv iOW;;r~(;t,^c^ I 1 .• T t ,♦■- •, roil w:iii. t\/'.e.^r)Ovt . ^h.-^ 'j , :^ f T5"t'^'^' In .-Ji i.,f» .--t ..^, ..aj.i''- 4 A P V- !•-•'. <^ • ^ ♦ i5 •'U i..'a j' I 'VA f ■U r- .•-" ' jU g,iao.c.,Ki^ L^ G^iiDijr',^ :.vvc; .i ^..vovii of vviucii navCi ,jw-t>v como to .^4aUv « T:. ' ."V ' r J. :;^ cy l::3 .vay, ii> vory sai. i«lacb«jry, ana I im exoooa Ji-igi/ ^iav t;> .cavj it 0 Tii^ ^aiisy wj.ii d^ ro...rrieu. ic y.n a^ scon as nor ...db reaii 1.I0 In iJi^.^ i;::'iiiitiut v;ifi I waii^ w duu a v/cTu to w] -iio i^^>.MiiS:i3rfc, cLvlc^t^. airaai-y voic« yui. ao:^.:'.^ t^w Jii..ou i'or avj ...mosi- Kv^^t, Ui-i fiais;.- 'u bcL.Ui^ U|; UxJ; MOl^J^.cl^o P'O^Ii lJ:.4.S ;..!ji;.> Oli I ^i:aii d^iu^^c you \/i^l nj^atiar, I;, "5 ^' j> $ \J - i 1 ^- :.nj aa..;.a:;ii^ ^;-.;:uiU; i JV;. co:ni>i.t'e voxwin2;:i v>t.tvVGj:) a:^ aau ena OX A^ i- ^ v' -• \vil. oil t „rn;.' I ^ ^- vw Oc.x . i ^ ii.c ioi" J A riK'niJi^o ri-j wv.rK ^ v.i^ > i^ ,• a r V- ;s . a kj 1 ,. to! iin^; n !. I 0 I I- vHlOS. 1 /- ■itu t i ■ J - AJ » . jv. nv iii;3 Vi.'r . its^^ a imbsr of texi cul»' ^V>.vji..^ /i HI i) ^ f • sei -7 {^-\> ,fc,t./t> Wasiiii':^' DcC,.Fel).13,190. J m 'o. t D ':?,.':/r-f.L:Jf-Se '»*lj ,"< \t ij U' i JT- u '- cIH G: ruon Sl.L 01. -VS. JVlO M 1 %^^i i. w ClOs.' • iIlU to .. ,i i 'J * u UaVS 0 :mu anu ^j 6^» 'ti C fTui -ii^'TLi Icp:' vhe rrypto^.,cij'i vuiijne uoes noi appear I hav 0 IJO'J n aau ton s'.iii nojC: ;na back severed voiuTnes .in jrovr to ^,ivu Lii.s one .ae ri^il jI w wv ^ « u niL;ii;; I li t- ri Hnr>i 0 Lii .n£^ ni ■> ' . "^ 7 '; ocn '. - V V ; i. ce mp i> o 5 -i 0 i. ■%/• '^/ w 6*^ -Ui «' t vol: JTi(3 o actual I to, I L^ciVJ ici'" Uiti-i enu 0 3 no c t' Ap-ii* f tro lit »wia \-ou v^ . IK' ./ O-'-aco ui- iutu fi^ IV;: F. 0 m 6 V v»'- ^ im 'O.vr ^9 iQ Ver r 1 •. 1 . ' - r\ \Vi^.cr\ ,v .V,<^^- f b k ^xi^ vJ^. VvV :^^ IVi ^^- V "AjSi — jL \J^ ^. } ' V\j-ft_:^- t^..J\i,,.^ •«-^*b .% Uv..f\KU.VxK-c\, Vu^ ^- 1 ^U .»o^_ '•^ V^ va^. -H. A _V_N*-^ ■' >-.J'*.-'* iw, \--l ^i?:..^ SJU^^vx^\^&^. w-tc f ^ > ^v 1 f y r C ^ "t sh- kSs^ \s .\^^^ c?^ Va. a.»jctv '} A^- I i f -x f ^ ^ f i 9 „') ,3^V,K >.„«^.^,^ V h ^ .X nX g ^V V^v^ ft. A ^J >xXv^A^ \jp)^f^,x.j) .^ij ..^JPvx. --»«.i_ ^^ }\ "^ ^JCL .L^^-w-. ^:«7t..^ +^ "f T IC i 5?^ A'^ CJL«^-..«.V.A SL. r^-5X ^ *i^vvv-*^ i-W Ks^j^i,^^ u^ vVoSp:KK.^ Ix^Xl fi V I f vv< W ^^-J<^^ '^jys.s^ i '^L-^-V^ ^x CV (>i. A^ A^L v» a u '^ .^^«^ ivl-^^»>^ f^ \^ ^ U^t4Jl>>w ^*tVo-..A^v^ (vVXV "t f > -^ ^^'vJL. '>^- .<. V V. -4. N.>^ lit 94 -XA.. \t, \%i^ ^ ^^=^^- I-Anji^.^ 5Gt 196 Wash m^,-. oji ^ D . C . , February 15, i,V03 • f^ ■ Hear ? Lr : J. .r,» 1 ,,n insu^at i« at h^ia, enciosir^^ a i.Ltdr infc .he p.-el:n:in.ry .xf..uses of puLi.e:H,v the voiu..s of i,he H..rri PhJ3 n i*« 1 1 c L' . IT V t^ - , ; .• « , ] iL. i^s i....98^ o-Xfjenses -r>j I erne ert !-^ii^ by Mr. ha^ I .3. no o:,.c^u>n :,o so auvxanv. ^ir. law., /....a b« ^laci to ..ri- : V. ua.. il" ^^'!r. f:arri^an so uesiras. c. -.1 \ |Vv^>sJ^-*fOU. .i919 SJAteecith I-Cfbraari' IB, 1 903. /-> fi J.-, iirofrrrva-', Jv'fnv York Cit-r 'ef;!" f? Vn.i "^ M?.:'!''! mail's a-S «'■■'!•■> ff,r< -QQ •■ «,. 1 •, ■ '^* '^''^ "'^-^ --''^'^^ ^-'y^'i^ -ei'srruu lo r.e for rerl-. .a ., u., su.^r.oee, .jd.g t.ii gxponssR conneoued with ti;-3-f u-s likely to le i'ou-toan. \ Sciltor ht-.r-imn AiasKf. volijv^^ss. ifcuradii rti j&»} < M h If; I ■'•" •!« f" ^w^^^r it 198 Wc^ahinjKtor, F(5l;ruarv !•' . i9 03 iv:y de^r MlsB Bush: Can '^m noL lot :^io -'^j^vc your AnrioUa papo^ a:, once? 1; ya I can have it p^inT>ecI >-i^jhf- away. Otho^wiJ^o it will .l-avct uo ^^o over tvji. Fro^n whai- you tola n:e whan you ^'^ro her*:* aurii;^, trie l.olidayg I i'ei'.. yoi. exoecteu i-o send i^ within i. .vook or t-ea uays« I earnestly hooo you can Ic:. ^'.e hi^^e it now. Sheffield Scxenb Sahooi, (iora-i \ i'- ^ • fcf • ( J • 0 0 c k c^ ■ ' !':>! ^ The KeUo:.ype Cof-]:a,nv. 211 Trer-out SLraoi., ^ Oft L 0x1, ^' . I'dar Si>-: V that ^our u-or of ti.e i5ih instant is ao h^nu^ anu I • V .- Bm giac. oo Kno?/ ^ vou rave racoived from Doabieoay P.u,e :.he 3; t^oto-iith piatas for rt^pr-cuuct ion. you reva receivea i.ho neAfUivae^ ^nu .50::. ■ 1 re<*0/;t 1- sent ^^o- hv •.- /:. ^j id tine ana 13 ^ f;/n ^'iau IV knov^ ai?o thtii. up' I or i plali*3 of Pycno^j;on}.ui:^ le. -' -w iictoo.n. f, piatc iruiud up of several pa;-:cil or crayon :rawi:-i^s, not for not iijV »*';}. •'?... r»; . -> r>, . . 'J how suci. la ii6iioi,ype Wie prof^:^r vr^nvs^^/^ V, - n- /_ Jrx. • ^'^ ...o... i... .or .,1 .,,j i..ur. insutr.:, yo. shy laa. -^ -^*. -■loa 0. .,ii j^hesu plaias is i, 000. On t.ho con- trary, ;„h... Btuoion xs 1,0:0, as in t,>'o c^.^^ c.x- .n ■ -i- i ir.n AJ,a!*k& adr'et,. Tnoy bo V' i 1 1 e ... ^0 "'oun If, : ay , Pap^o '- Or, . Vqr \ \v. ^^^ ^K. !-», . I .1 A ^ m ^ m,^ 9 m f^ V» vs i- I \ / 200 IP. 190.5. Shaffielu RcU^n^u'xe School. T\^y.i. laati; mi^tcikes m COlCi=% I ^Jc OT'xi^^ad lur yo.^r v)laLos ot :-on t^ri-. -^ruc c.ruwi.'^^^, anu ^:ii hbvj tnern . ■vi'\ r' -i .1 i * '^ — ■>- a*i^* C. ! > Ver » 7 V > i '■^ I ', Wastirpvrn, D.C, . F^bn-t^r^^ IB, 1903 ;.ir» i>. Wt Linear.. i>.t new York Cy'^^-j. My deal' Vt^ Liriear: '- K»rawiU; I ^r\ Be-i^'intr: ^-ou cor:- r.f r^ator (ax-;epTiiV t-«i;ie pa^,e ai::Cl preliminary '^latLe^"} '^or I) ■> 'runm on Cmstactfar-B, as follows: > • Leccpou^, i.isi^ M. J. Rsxil.ur-; isopous, -iiss Hamal Ricl.aruson; AniphipO'i^s, S. Jo i-!olr:?3; P^'cnor.oni'js, Leon J • Cola. > The ve^y :rLiPr^**ouft iir..;Btrdlions for these volumes, boUi oiatos arn text ''^ i-^as. ere alre?^^^^ in hand. A corisiceratle hccy ot the:^ ^Ore SCi:!:. "vOu J '»■ •"•6^/"''^i'Uc. ^caui: a lew cu ys ego T)ii8 von-'e ti oL.ia ro BC^t :.u i.O-pomt typa, m jsimiiar ton^^ to T>pp'--^'^ ;?;tA]Phoo \^ tr.3 Waahlr:.>on AcaL.eriyc 1 hopo t>he coripo- i i I.- ,-, -- 3it.ion rt^; oe ••axvi. v.r n . .♦ 1 •,v < I T:\^ p^'oc,; ^'•^•■. £^3nL n3 venvorudv ^t Bryn Ma'A'r - AO:ar, lor i.ho tiUrc ou /;orc?\yii,:. for lL)ttt^r}r]^* M>^. Gil^-..rl :;.a*jF \\\v\. it U -^n-ir^r^./ h?:iL ittaci^cry xmci neiiO.6 n*': co-^>"'ec -■•"'d Ti".c le.'i/t t^ir^r hi li.^- Im i^h.ov.ij: te /.o; ^or i 1 '.^e tj-^^0 no!', "'el 'Hj'ivtHi. -I.u L'f^ovi'^ of a^ apt*^^ i eai!in:_.5- , or ir: i . ' ^: ■-■* A -'' •'-■•■"". 1 • ' ^ '^ -- ' >'«.»# > » I tl e 's-ex of UiO V jiv.'-: 0' Gii-C^fiTt 3or? t:;-^'; cV j.. yOvi vi Li ^f3r:e.'.-e^', ''.f+fcei,^'i^eri yo\. :.c;^.. ^.^p^'i lot ci' lino ir-* !•; J YoU^riO Oh Gl<^.cie^^s, h'o }jixi so:\.e of l 'i ■ *•»! riaoe in im'^ =?iv.>*S' -K^ oroois ^'Butn.i-iy f^enu re *: -hv^ priubort; 1 1 I; . 11 i if wm mt mmm'^'nr'-'^" 'w^^p- '\ ■" ^ . / < -," fj -'/ 5 J* f ',»?i:l^ ■ „ »* ' «2 -^■■ ■ contain only the small blocks. In sover.l instancn a^lbert p^^. i.n.8 tho large ona, .-hich Lhe pr-.nter .o.« nci ar..p«.:r t. Lave,' If ^i^ej are stia in you:^ pn«se.SK-n. Ple..e 3er. t,:.en, t. .he prxn^er t onoe. Otherwise t-he^-a wMlhe a deiv.- in wor^:^; th. ', ;ii^ lOS \ » ■-oaf a in Oi:::- ih, ^*''*. h.W.Ldnisj-, 2. at the te:i tinier 0 ■■ ^. 7f- i t ( / SOS J>A " -^* \ wi' t'., ( |^.J^JSA;^ 4 ^ ,^^ r e ■"•'•■^-'^'.. w~x. 3 ■■ ■^"-' ' ^->-..^^a r> i I >•:._ v /, i i! ' . SX, -V \ 1 J^ '\ Jl.. % V i ';«*',. ^^5^^ 1 ^ ^ — '- V ^ ^- T.,.*t( *WTJS. Hi f <1 poor imprint I i ' 1 li , i 11 I I' h , i hi i ^i : III 0 ii I 802 Wss}.iri;tc)r., I\C., Felruery 20. -903. A.H.Harshgy, Egg., Now Bra Printir^j. Cof^^'pry. Dear Sir: On th.e 13th I sftnt vou a bateh (.n' ^annsc^int for the voliirie on CryptDg^mic Botaiiy, .*u.d wroto y6u at the saris i.ima a>:plainin^ U:(.^ urgent necessity for ine utriosx- po?«il'le expeiliwion in ^cai.i-iA Wiis matter in tj^pe. Not havin.;^^ mci. any ackna'^iedg'>ier?t iror^i yo* oi ^he reoeipt of tlie papers, and not havirv-: hta any r^^oo? , I ari r^ :?)n- earned lest the P'^icka^a v^&nt af tra} o I s! ail he .^l^u; lo ro^r fr-DiVi you at once respect iriit V.-.ib r^irtter, I shL-uld liko iil.^c- from you a fraiik stai^oroni, as to w..ei-h*^r or ■r* not yoii are ^-iOii;^, uo ha able to nut Ihene several re-7ii:;i>v vcv.- as in type at onee. It i$ ovX of the question i-o }i::triwie th.or- for us ena on 9nc.. You «rill have lo run them to^-ether or not. ai all. If these voltmes are to corr^e cut, as pk».nnecl hy ibe enc: ol A?.r}l, -jj. hav$ now less than two nontiiS in mdoh to ^^ thori ir ^/vu^i i^t. re- lays like this will nako it absoiutoiy imposi^ihia to uo .tn;thi>- and wo shall be ohH^eo t.o seek another printer, I aa^^-i aV^i^r-^.v rie 1 DouMeday^Paje tlie complete ropy for ?; ot!.or la-:v,e voiune -- U:e or.e on Crufitacearis; hut it wouici be nrepof^torou? for .^:olo,:y. Glftcierr. !.nia Qriq-t^t^^dc Botwjy, with x.l:9 volurie oc Crvstac^m await in^s yo.-r cleci^^ion. Tv^ rem in ing matter for t-he voluines on Inaecta anc OryrptOeiardc Botany {t..ouitie>nhl to wi«t you alroaciy liave f>r thsM vol.v-.^a) i?^ in ry hpruis anc i:e sent you imouiatcly. . The qv.e»(ior. is wr.ether you ci-.n hanule it, or whetlior vou can not. If not. tie sooner we it the better. • Very truly yours. ) 1 V4. A~r Ia^j.xX'Oc' 'V -'V- V-'' V V \/ tA i (I V.'. \ V>^ V\ ■"^ s.^"^, . -'%^, ^ \A , ^-^ :fe-J-. N »— .' ":i J A^v,.'-» '• •-v. V -wC,. 1 vT *,y\J^ AX. S. -(VA. 1 ^ -^ r ufc.. r-\ P^ . ^^-^ V... • iJ. ' .'S^i-' '''-^*'^ T\ _ (x<_^\^i'. H- iv 'tA-^ / u M li ,' m'i ^ SOS ashin^.t.or., 1,,Q,, Febr-.-u 7 20,1903. Deti" Tre louse: ■ • . ' ' • yox:r Lrtter, ii;t^ouuction, ana art.xcle on Ptoro^-ophi'tss ar- rivou to- day, for wL ■!,•■-, r --^ iTin-*A r',> H -i,- *^ -* i " *- '-'O'® '^^^iity' thp.n you ".ftri aasily appreciate. A'u the se.r.e ti'V:^ j rf^^-j^, ♦], ... ,.„..„ ■.,., V- ^ i t-.u^.ii. ..(Id- 2'Owr lett.or .uvea rae a cclo: c},ill. Tie ff.ct thf't "Oi. ^r-e fn 7« „..„. ' ^- -^ ^'^ ^'® rot^rcnif: erouno in .iexino •-^^ i« t:e Plate. .■ . "" ^^ """'"^ '^ ^'■^''" ''' ^^^^^- ?^'-e*^^ -rm- >*A^ ■ i - ''i Pu..^i .,y SacN;arGc. of ^.i ^* lots to ^now hew J ^iviii armvo ^.^-m Xr: e:.-.o ti.e not-c fror. Professor P^.;, ..rrivQ/. I ■^iji ^, -,e J^ ,0 ■he yftter, as you a:»-ect. ■ ' Tr.c- ritXier- ci illust.rat loiiS for or ant wr »-,««■;>- r 1 ^ "-^^^^ '=^'- Bpp^i-'pj'u.t.e or:e for uacr chupipr, I i^'iii look 'tha cp'f i .in .IT-, 0+ .,.»«,. 1, .. 9 ria.uo. ..p at once, uno atiU exa/'iiiie fV(> ThcLr^;rnp>>c I ^in very ^. ian thp.t ^^Oi. ra'ia -our -'nt-.-.Hr ^., n^ ^3 ii is. It WW ^;^^.j^ anou^;}: an- w^.^^. tK> r-^ui'.'?^!' ^^€*.t unl/>s? the^^ ctn >'p v-,«tf itr n.r.rv*-,r. — . i 206 P^-oxefceor Tre lease, ?. must I'e returneu .ar orieoo You e;tpress cii&aproint'neni thai, u/iav are not reproducec^iuii sj^<=«c But you know the size of our pl.nte, and you raviet r8aii?0 hiso thet j^ovt mau^ thagt up into plates yourself, ejtut that they have no^ been ohantted r.y meo ??.oy liad lo be 'lecraasei sto^iewhat in o>-uer to ^o: tn^m on t];e^pa;>,e. If the originals haa hQ:n 'B^rarigad a little (iifferentiy ti:9y coijo havo hean ^.rouped on the aame nb/^ihe?* of pl£:tBs Vi/-th rud"' l^ss re^ uctiono Tno objection to }:eiiot3^pe is theco^t '- ^-out :icv\ble that of photo iithp^raphyo You a fumy foliow to 3xpoct rrie ' o get. proof lo you at Lh*a City .r AJexico hy t;ie '^"^t^h of this mo'^hi., yoi-r copy reacnes me onl3'' thtf^ afternoon -- r-he 20;-h --'.Hnu "^an not reach the prinL^^r • bcrfore the 7?z\^^ T)^o6h i\ not tak^? iiVv^ ':ie\'S c^o reach Lhe Cicy of Mexico f'!"OT. ^''e^ York? Yours ver-" truly. XNjk-ll/v, sy^ _. p-'o-'h, WiiiK.ri Tra lease, • Ja^'o City Ticket/ A^-pnl, .ex i car; Central; hkI away . • City of J'axico, lioxico. i If ) ifl I ii i, N M ll ..with. by re,ast-<'rec. rMl, proofs ar.. ori^. mala of r.!;.. four cclor.a piata. or Ke-.^rt^ans for iv. Coo, ^.^u the thre« ui.color.a plates of Fu:.,: ,o, P-of.ssor Tre lease. Fro- ., -*i.. v^c.i. ^.vy,dixx '-'^.fluxy be^/LOi* ^.~ ,^x...cs L.,G ori.^}:LHl8 he returned at onos, these- r^product^lona beiiv b"^ -"- n •^p(, fn-^,. ^h . - . . ^.*t. ^- ---^c- ano. lo^t^^^-' that, ail cietaila 5-?*0 lost, ^hfJ^^f^nv fflil-.rr* f/^ a*-^,.^ 4^ - -'-. iftil.r^ to serve the ourpone fcr •^hicr; '.h^v -^5^0 intended. i>r. Coe has .arked the Nor- .>rtea.. piata. for co.reetxn. ^.>.>u expressas h^s a;nKzeme.t that rrocl-soiffe^i.. so wi<,.iv from th8 orL-inMs ,1 ouU hnvo beon sant t-.t ell. I Khhji >-,8 ^la>. to know whon I ma" exxri^n' ^ .-. >..-.«„„ , * •'cij wAptiOw ./O receive cor^fct^d proofs of those plates. Rospeotfuiiy, f I f I H f i ■ ii SOS 209 Wj^iSiiin^ton, D.C, Fei/ruary 2i, X90vi. Dt^Hir Your sanple plate arriv^^v' d'uly, tino. I i;aYe ^ub'utuau it *:.o ^iona ( of our most skiiifiil rspr.rrKcers. All arree t i^.t- it u- a tour/. {;"cj: ositioT>, The expeiise of out-Bn(.-oiT. iiti o.irj^phy for go ^^-^va a ru?-'- hor of plaues is so great ris to le oul of rhe question i;: ^n.i^^ nor'- neotion. A skillful says that hr* cvi ^r;?^ ^1,00 ' suits ly pholc-litho^riphy if you wil^ strorvj^ !:•: e es^enli*:;! u^-- tails ana erase wh«3 lines and spot? \yM;':i yoj co r-Ot- wi?f: * :• hi;v:- r-j- prociuceaj in other woros, cl3Hr. u;; Vvnc ^rtMii.;., a/a si r'^ngt^.er -^r-;: places. If yor« will serv^ o>: a fe\y z^r'VlrS ^.r,.:-^ ».riprovr>a, I iA'D/^ 8c?e what, cs^n c? Cone ir: t,he v^^av of rcii/OcvCtion, This is c-"^ -^^ onh- thin^; I can uhiiil': of 'ust now th?i.i iookj^ ao 5^1 1 reasK;lvf, «»* J- Wh boon ureaufully ^isaia^omtaci iii hot-rc plii-: ■-'^^.ri-;. eXQe\)Vu^^ !.::•:> photo-ixUi pl?^i-t^s, c-oiis^ I'or ..s ly FriM-v-L ^ R-y. i'.;r:r work from photOe^rur;;? ir wor> .3 so HDsi.roly inj^ccurhtr p.s lo '^e prepo^ic^rou,, li Ik reii: 1^ Incon'- p>'er).ensi'^?le thai, they shoula bo WiUin., to s^nc oub Su.jr at-r^o-ioit; sa^;i>ie^ of lr>eir art* Tii-cjir ..)no.;0-liL^-. work is vtu^ ■.'^ca - i::\ striking ccr.i,-:?sL bo lleir other /'orl^ • If t^-- tm orlv atien:.'2( Lo it ef-rlier I nr-oila ;, ^'^on ^ku; to -orui rheT ?. '^cii^^i -re) )^J nu'^t-i of v-^.ucibional plates. I am still porji'pnf;^ over Lho bu^v eS'^ioiiP in ^^o\.r last ia'.i.e-\ tut havo not yoT- uacid^:. ^hat r.o .o. As iim ii\ft# t la aifricultior I ' . RiUer. ?.. in se.:!r.rir;g papers in propar sequenoa seem to ir.crsase. For msti.noo, ^:/3s BuRh, who w,8 hore j,t the Araerican Aasoci&Lion rneetinfe during •he holidays, ioia rae that her paper was practical ly retady for the printer, anu tliat she worda send it to tm in a far aays. I hau ex- pect.^c. to couple it wiwT Kisen's pt.p9r. er.d fcrir^ the two out in ^ /civtr.e ..i.thc- earliest pcssihie no-nant. fiisen's is aireaay weil ir. hav.i. j,, ,.^iur^ .,0 Mias Kush for her ^^per si^e ^-erlies t.hat Ir. i^ not yat -eauy. ana '^iU ].av, to ^o over uiatil fail. So whao snail r c-plQ ?;ith Bisor/s for a rruin-ir^ r>al,e? Is rot this p-ettv ^ov.:h9 Yo..r s-.plc pencil dra-vin^, is here^iti. roturned. If you will lo-.,: ,.t ,t c.r:t,caiir. in a goon li^^U, you ,lii 30c thai ^.iiere ure J. -/.cle lei ol Iu,?« i^n{-. p,n- v.v.e 01 irion is ,hht ihe mere you iea"5 o..,t i.h^ he- ;,er! Y-m. *ai als7. o>.»,3rY., that, rr^rv; oartr- of r.l;o r;r«^in^ nra bo va,-e tha^ o:je ;a& v., ,ut hn i:;o-.ijmre s'rKin on hin irae^ination in or'it^r t,o t;or.e to hcy c;ot:cvlu**ior as tc o-h.v,. -is r-aaliy ui-uul. Wioh r.poi'-.._ Mis to t^hs artist. I re-ain. V !'■•. 1 'J '■> I *4 4. ^. ' ( ^■* , v» curs , . W^vA) . Vlk/v *,- ' 1 >• W P p , . f :?1 '^ ^f-t' ^-"l i 012 Prof* Qarles H. Peck, Albany, Now Yo^^k, hBijT dpt Peck: Many thanPis for yoiir latter of the 20th insxaiit, givin^-, ine the nar^o of the fvi%ri8 ocUocted tn Alaska l;y Mr, Gorman. I hact ai- roariy hea>*d from P^'ofassor T-elea^a respeotir.^ IAib matter, aiii; will enter the nme in his introduction, as aireoted. Verj' truly yours. ^^^i-::^x '^:Vc.jv rX A, I - i ! i!l ■ i ri2 (f"^, --^ 9 i4|r .Ji. «%■/ :' ^ if "I Wa8hin^''- ''w^. ~ ^ * ,\^,\x^> -■ I- r 1 / 1 / 1 'i 1 1 ■;l ■ \ ll i ' ^H * Washington, D.G., February 23, 1903. Mr. H. W. Lanjsr, Dov.bieciuv, Pve & Co.. I^w York City. • Dear Mr, Lnniar': Herewith I am senaing copy for 5 text fiAure* — one forn anu fou- of parts of insects (the four piuited on one sheet). The printers ^rite v:e. uruar aato of Februfir^r 21, tliat thov havo not yet rocoivou frcn you the Mocks^of -.ha hoatt-pieees, ana conse- quently can not conplete the page proof. A big baJ,ch'of proofs, vith originFJs, of tho line arawings sent you on February iO have this moment arr ive.i V express, for which I An greatly obligod. Tao of ftilherfs are anonj, these, which will help, although we still l^ck th'* r.root of th.e bi^ i^ober^. An irrtpoHant point lias just been r-aisec. in oooiection'with the illustrations for the Glacier voiijve, a number of h> line tirawintS (18, I think) are mtendeo for fi.ii-pa^e illustrations. Proofs of these are already in hanu. The question is shall they be printea t aftar the menrier of text Cuts, 'fith text on the back si.e of tho si-^ro leaf, or shall thgy \q printed as plates, ^h paper si r-.ilar to that usee, for the heliotye plates, enci i^orkea in ae inserts? P-^ase let mo kjiow what you think about tJus at for ;f they «•« to ^o in tho next ff9 have already passed the places where rone of thon are lo ^,0, ant. -nusl push alon^ t.h^ pat,es ftC?o^".dn,j,ly. If you wire no your j-aO(.n^?nt. on this point I iwUl KCt^ly. Very truly y-ox.r'K. ^ ' ^.V- N V\^KKJO^.Aj% H m \\ i \\ ers i 21 Wa«hiiv,ton, D.C, Fotmaty 23,1903 Wauh i n^t or. , D.C, PoLruarj^ 23, 1903 • i 11 Pear Tre lease: ' In writing yo\i a day or im ago I ne^^lecteu to speak of the aa- aitionai plate and 8pec?ea which UiHs CunF!ii\-^s turned over to you some tim ago. I ^efe»r to the one she first callau Bnaocarpon, and afterwarc: found was a, innteaci of a lichen. She has written you about this, aiiu I riave >vritten you about it iho or tliree times, and l^.ve sent you her plate ana also trie text she he^u prepared, supposin^'^ that you woulu insort, it in .he taper on Puii/a. In reau- iiVi, r'ou>- several letters I m unable to fina any allusion to *.he subjt^c* . Inasmuch as \>h\B plnte has been already engraved it couia l3 180C without au. itional eost. The only question is whether you #ant to acu this spocies, ana whether /ou can strai^uen oi^t bhe ex- ist in^ taii£^Ie fs t,o Lho plate uiimLers, concerning- winch I htixe tl- reauy writlen ^niu. Dr. ?z2li has written me, in aooord-nce with your request, ana ^ivos me the iieano of the fur^us in question as Fomes JAnkiri .g, which I have viuly ir*sertea in your introduction, as c irecteu. Very yc^^-.^rs. P^ r. Willia-i Troler^se. Cc^^e City Tickol Lmn "9 uiiy iiCKei h^BTih, Mexican Central Railway. Cit y ui i.exino, ifoxico. ^ Dea^ Dr. Coe: In reply to your letter of the 2lBt, this moment reoeiveu, would say tr*at provision has leen maue for bO ai^tlior's sejjarates to le sent frae of cliar^e, with Mr* HarriraanU conpliFiants. InQiviuuai authors have expressea their oesir.e fo** various manhors, from 25 up to 200; lut since most of the plates a^e printea in ?raili3-)ias of 8 (in some cases 16), it is cloarly impossible to print different uvj^iberg for uiii'erent papers, except at ^reat audit ionai cost. This matter was oonSJuorei' at som# len^^th about ti j^ear a£-;^o. ariQ talkeu ovo** with Mr. Hamman, who ther* a^reeu to Turnish all authors with 50 >*eprint8. Yon^ colored plates are mace by B^itton & Key, at San Francifco; yoiir phot.o-lith plates ly the heliotype Company, of Boston. In chr,e you think it worth while, I ^^nll write to bo%h o: tliese conca^'iiS, ana inquire wiiat the aw itional cost will be of rintin^ 100 more copies of j'our plates. Very truly yours. dr. Wesle? B. Coo, Sheffielw. Scientific School, Hew Haven, Corp.. X V\ KS)> KSJAwMf^^ iHai ■«! .sa)^?* -A, _....", -s^-w* V? f S^-^ Washinfitoii, D.C, February 23, 1903. ?>. K. 0. Gockayno, Tiie Helioui'pe C ompany ?ll Tremont Bireet, Boston, Mans* ' . Uy D^a>' Sir: . He^-owith I eji sentiin^, you fiopy lor 8 line-drawing, plates for re production hy photo- lith. Please aad these lo those you alreauy have In hand. In t}\e same packafje I am sending, yo\i a photo^jraph of d fern for reprodiu'tion by ;.eiiolype. Tl-ie size of all of tnose pli^t.oE. as ;.fl»'f'''^A>'"''. -hculc. I'all Tfitlv.r ^ "i -' hy 7 ).P. .v«j> '^•. - ^ I ^.1. o Wa«hir5gton, B.C., February 23,190J. Mr, A. K. Hershe^^ Tho New Era IVintin^ Company, Lancaster, Pa, Dear Sir: Ko'-ewith I an senuir^', you copy for the introduction to the In- sect volume of the Alaska Expedition serios, ana also an article on Honoptera by Ashinead. I am senriir^^ these with the request that you jmt tliom in lyipe 'r^.t once, so that the authors may le able to correct Ihem without causir;^j, m too ^^reat uelay. The author of the introcuo- t.on lives at Seattle, on Pii^j,et Souna. so t-hat i'. will Lake at least vo WQf*kB to c^t the proof h-ck from hir.* The ro-iainiri^ papers of th- Inject volur.e, with possibly e. siv^le exceptio.i, you hc^ve al- VQ.:^^^ eiectr-otype^, ?o iSiai this volume will he conpAetou with a in i n i mvm o f rer c or^.po s ■•' !. i oi ; . i -; Yovrs very tnily. '/ . :-• --^X \Vv V vx^ 4 :- WashiiT^-^ton, D.G., Pabnihry 23, j.903. w 1:' 1 * r 1 s : ^ 1 1 1 218 Washington, i'.C, Febri'-ary 23, 1908 111 f= < University, Anr Arbor, Mioh, Dear P>-ofe8«or nolr'ioa: Tre proofs of the il lust '"at ions for your Alaska Amphipou paper )it\(j just, ar'-ivea, ami I .-un ssnuini' them to ■"'ou hsrewith. KinrUi/ tuai^ine m\a m^k for co^^^eotlons, ana return at your oarliest convori- i^uce* Please prepart? for each ri^u>-e a brief le^anu to bt* printed vncer it in snaii u:y]e. In ali cases in \v/hieh Li.e proofs are satis. f:u3^o>•y^ SO Lhab no C'-^rectioas arer neooeu, it is rioi- necassaj-/ i.- Vary ini^; yours, WW- \^ ^^, I u "v ~(v . -»f .Xj-ft \ ^ V.M.s^J^ \.X\<^ ^ My dear MiSB Rathbiin: ' . . Proofs of the text figures lor your paper on Alaska Decapous ar- ^ived to-day and are transmittea to you herwiih. Kinuly mrk for corrootion« and return at your convenience. Please attach to each proof tl-ie legend yo\i wish it to beer when inserteu in the text. In aU cases in which the proofs are 8atisfacton% so t.J-;^-'^' no correc- tions are neeae(^ it is not necessary to return the ori^arini uraw- in^s Yovrs ver^/ tnjly. Miss Mp.ry J. Ratlii'un, U. S. National Kaiseuru Washington, I'.C* m0U III ' i W&Bhiii^ton, D.C», Feb -ruary 2:i,l90:u .Viv '■'' :y f'<>a>- kiss PicJ fTdsvii: --C ^...- . set or ,..,o.s. Kinuly co.p..e those p.ool. .ah t.he - to .0 at .our convenlenco'. Please attach to 0 ^V'J rials, and retu' each p.oor T„e le,, -.hie}. :;ou ,i,n tho yoi.r urtick,. In all c»ses "■hR.t no CO. ''"actions k" * • original iira^vir, s cut. tY, i.ear in the text ol' s in whicP t^o p.oors are satisfactory, so a nesrie.. it :i, not ucoessuvy to r-etu-.: the »-> 0 V« •* t f f ¥•- ' \ 01 , \ N V ■V^^K.V^'vo^. .^ \ f ,* - i*i 1 b s r e >* •let Fl char us on t^aehinj'ton.': •S. ^ \ -■^JVA- I J -V ■^ ^ v^^ ■J^i/A,. -' w^ -•^.'V.J^ J. 'XfJ.: K ) ^•^ i- V 1 V f ^t'^^'WS ■*^^SA^ iw»- V 220 1 Vi llL. ■V V. "^ ■.--."«», t "-•"V Vi «■ '; UC'' L*^- ■?■„.. •?<^sj:va. -v^- "v 'n^». V Xx yv Xv;.^ w *-» ii J iv '• M, } r i X \ *.* ^C Va ;. -V (\^~K^ >vKJi-«L.>. Mil ■■■ gH .«* •■'w- '.'^'J .Vi-i!| •o'j I J l-s.l.c l.l - .'I )^^: "^4' ■I faihington. D.e.. February 23.1903. i^ (l»«r MiM Riehard»on: fiirwrith.I am ratumlr^ to you your or«.l,^, of Ala.k. I.opod. «i«« with K ••! of oroof. if<«,ii "opoa«> Muh »,.^r *. , ^ oomranienoe. Piea.e attach to •wh proof tiio legend whloh you wish the cut to bear i„ th. ... «ni. .^4.1^ r ,, '"'^''.'''* ''®ar m the text of jww article, in all oaeet in which the r-nnf- ttet no oorreotlone are needed, it i, not n«^.«. 1 . . , -«• . *L .1.1 not, neaessary to returr ♦>.« «-l«iaal drawing. ; " "" "^'® Ve '. "\J Mlee Harriet Richardeon U. S. National ibuovm, waehii^gton, I), G, I, V*P fm" X ,.H, ^ V »:.. 1 ^.- '.': * .' "A- ■ -..„ ■1 \ •-*''*K. -%.'V'J! u,. i>.. ■? 4.' ,w '^it.?' •■I .4 HM-JIUl. Vn v^^ ^V tL {^ ( l*^*----|--l^'Kjaw V ' ^^^ ? iic^.*~ ^ v_ ^ ^^LAx.*^ 'C I h Kvik.K V^^ '*'«»~»- ^ ^ "'AJCv.vA.IC ^"^ vAVV \i '•'"-i^w*.. K,. K, A V ^v^.- iy ^"Nt^ i6U_- rt KJL^ ^*--"'^V^, x^ Y^ Vv-XxK^^-Sk.. 1 i t^. ^,^^ ^Wi^ji ^^ ^k*>-««i— i^ v.W«^ J vV. iiiiaiiBai^iijiaiaa^at^B^BttwiaitiaawwsswwTtwM ^■■^^Ammkm •t>^.i*,„^,^VVf". '«i^ ^,Vlff"jf i»»»i.^ , , Retake of Preceding Frame ■I VI •;«! */ ^"1 m fe 5 «1 1^' i,aticnfl oi PU,eH- (not, iha %ist . . "^ '" "^ conv^niom-. aria we vriii .'.d^ust ->' -i^.u;.^. ^.ToTipliy. We can rot r-etun: •*.}-« m -a n«..r . •, Very t-j.,, yours, C^ .\ ^•x-' ■ ^ ^ Ooa '•!*•■' ^23 Washington, D,G*, ?dbriia'7 26, 1903 Mr. H* W« Lanier, Doiibleoaj^ Pa^^e & Co., New Yorli vHi, If Dear Mr, Lanier: The packa^i;e containing th« corrected line cuts, inoluding the long- lost iceberg,, arrived lata this afternoon by express, for which I am greatly obliged. Inasmuch as you are unable to find the large blocks we inquired about a short time a^,o, it will be rieceeeary to make new blocks for five of theae figure*. T}ie ori^,in?.ls of these are lent you here- with, marked for reduction. Your telegrara askirig us to pat the full-page line cutt in uhe text was thaniifully receivaci. anu U^e printers were notified accord- ingly. This ctiar^e necens.xtatoa renumbering both the plates and figures. J shall bo obliged, therefore, if you will return at yo..r earliest convenience the List of Illustrations in the preliiTiir^^v; part of the Glacier vclurne, anu also the sheets for explanatior o*" plates, which were t-o be set in small typo . : J^^o^t^^ |^~J'X'^^^^ It is probably tine also to take in hand the rratter of the pi.o- togravures from Vols. I and II, which are to be reproGucou in the Glacier voiuirie and tj;e volume on Oeology. These are as follows: For the Glaciir volume -- Columbia CJlecier. Vol. I, page G8. Aralierst Glacier. Vol. I, pale 70. riarriman Glacier, Vol. I. page 13^^ 2^2^^'^'/''^*'^ r^'azer Reach. Vol. II, page 258. Wrang'jll ana l^iLka, Vol. 11. page 200. ^ Mr. H, W. Lanier, 2. Fop the GeologA' voiuine ~ Paylof . Vol, II, page 264. Shi»haldin, Vol. iT^page 90. hall Jslf^ci. .Vol. II, page 284. unper fi^re. to be com- bined wii,h Plover Bay. Vol. 1, page~^98. lower figure. 0,K'd proof* of the outs for the Glacier and Geologj' volumes which were just rtoeiveu are returned herewith. Yours very truly. ^ , '\- \ - il • PV 'it W Jf Ws^^'^i^^ I Wa»hir^gton, l\ C., February 26, 19C3, itr. John G. Torbert. Busch Buildir^, Post-Off le« Department, Waehli^on, B.C. Dear Sir; I hare eome drairingp which need lettering before beir^ eem in for reproduction. If you can do tJiis lettering for »e. I .hall be obli^d if you till call at ^ houee, 1919 Sixteenth Street. Satur, tiaj' evening, or Sunday morning before 9:30. terj' truly yours. I 222 Washin^.ton, D.G., February 28,1903 r>r. Wesley R. Goe. Sheh''ield Scitnitific School, New Lavari, Conn Dear Dr . Coo: I think you had better send m ymr cet'iaining paper on JJemer- teana, in the hope that we ma3'- be able to put it in type at onco. If I fail ill this I will return the copy to you to hold until r.y r*- turn from California. Owing to t?ie impossibility of getting the Aimeiia paper frora iV!:G5 ^ush, which paper I had intended to co-aple wit^ Gustav Kiaan's Oli^- oclietos, to mke a volariO, I have about decided to irsake a volume of , jrthir Nemerteuns ana Eisen's Oligocheteu. if this plan ia not objec- iionabla to you. I would pnt your pafers first, so that the plaT,e numbers would remin unohan,i?,ed, fomihg one contiriuous series. If j'-ou do object uo this, ana would prefer to have your paper »,roupod with the Hyaroids, Actinians, and Bryozoa, this night bo done. Ow- ing to the fearful delay in e-eti,iiig ihs outs tana ing papers, it toam hoijeleris to secure the lo,^ sequence we originally int.enaerf. henoo we shall have to do t^ best we can under the circumstances. ooiV«d!^°^ ^'^ suggestions you have to offer will be t^jiuikfully re- My reason for askir^g for your paper and your preffMnoe as to its companions in the volume is that I may b» enable* to put the material for this volume in the hands of the publishfrs at once, so that it will be 'up' to them to get it out promptly. In other wordn I am very weary of this everlasting delay, end am anxious to liave Dro Wesley JRo Coe« 2* some one besides the Authors of iinoompieted papers share witfc rae the responsi.bilitjr for future delays o "fery truly yours p - v^ -^..-.-^ I ill If] i rss .'" r Wsjihington^ D. C, februarj' 28. 1903 Dear Mr« Uniar: Thlt is to remind j'ou that en l^ebnitiTy 3 I sent you the complete text for the volura on Alaska Geoio^j. and that on February la I fcent you copy for the volunie on Cnistace&r.a. I nAw have copy ior an- other volione re&ay for the printer. Wliat shall I uo with it? I have not yet \m\ a line of proof of either the Geology volijne or the volume on Crustaceans, and the printers are very much behind in the composition of the unpublished papers for the volijiPies on insocts and. Cryptogam ic Botany, all of which are in their ^tar^as. In just two months I leave for th.e Pacific coast, so yoi; may draw yoi-.r own con- olusions as to how many volur-es we are going to gat out this spring. ^*&T-j trul; -ours J ^ Doubledi^v, Page h Coo, new York Ci^.vo Washington, PpCo, February 28, i903 fcir. Ao Ho Kersheyp new Em Print ir^, Co., Lancast*!"'. r»0Rr' Sir: Pa \l^m\ I have just received and. sent the author the last/^of the paper on Fu«gi, by Sai^cardo and Treiease, Proof -of Miss CH^ings's paper -on the. Lichens has not yet rea<&ied me. and the san» is true of the Insect. papers, sent you onTebruary 23. I am -sendir^^ you herewith, by registered maU. the lart remining paper for the Insaot rali^! vis. a paper on Mja* iapods , ' by 0. F. Cook. On February 3 I mnt the publishers complete copy for the volume on Goolog:., Not one line of prodf of this volume has as yet reached r.:9. Can you not turn a crank somewhere that wiU set you aheao on all this work? If yoi, are on-iy able to poke along in this teaious way, setting one paper at a tine, ^d taicing ail the spring to get out one voluise. it is clearly impost^ibie to get aheaa at all. and tha . out8tandir« matter will eiti:er .}a,ve to go over until next winter, or H be set up by some other house, whicl", I should greatly regret. I had hoped that when your new iyfe arrived you -wouia be able to push this work aheaa with sorae rapidity, Verj' trii!y yours. 'r ill .»5 1 ess l«^a«hiiTg,t.on, D„G». February 28, 1903. N % dsar Tralewe: fer^ith I ^ „«,in« th. final ^ii,y (i„oi„ii^ ^n,^, j^, ^, the paper by Saecerdo and frelea., on ?„.«i. i„ „,„^^ ,j,, ^^ •truetion. I tare .e„t the« to you at the Bot«,i,.l Garoen. where yeu tola « u would be r.«. .^ co„ duri^ your aheenoe. I .hall be obliged if these galleys are rafn^-n^n o- feoiiB.B are returnea as soon as practicable. I Jurd Feo„«.y 2V. and the fourth. ^ ti^l. to-day, February ^8. Vary truly yours ^ ^^ot.inilim Tre lease Missouri Botanical Garden, StoLcuiSn Mo ^,Yw5::^ (Vajo *m* >t I. 082 k 9^1 W t^W JL >[ w ll Waahir^ton, o(\, llarch 1, 1903 % dear Mrs, Keeler: Very rmxxy thanks for your kindness in making this last head- piece for the volume on Glaciers. It reached m day before yesi^er- day, and is now in the hands of the engraver • Your bill goes in with the February batoh to-day, and you will receive a ohock tl.rciu£;h Mr» Tegethoff in due course. I want to thank you again, persomily, fcr your ^reat aftfistancf- to us in the matter of these JieacUpienes^ I f^^l psrfacciy oertwir- that they will be regarded hy everyone a^- on- of the aUy-uc^Avo fei tures of the books j.n which t.hev appear. lith kind regards to you and Mr. KeoL?r, \n ^^hoi; hm. i^r>^u^ joins. Very tndy your'*^. Mrs. Charles Keeler. Rid^o Road andHigJilandpiuoe. Berkeley, Calif. ^ *> VC^sxZ^ \''. \XXj^-xJ^r. Washington, DoC, iterch 1, 1903. V Mr. Co Co Tegethotf, Secretary to E.h^Harriman, 120 Broadway. New York City. Dear Sir: Herewith I enclose tills for January ana February, for expenses liscurred in ccnnection with the Harrinian-Alaska Expeuition voluisesc Very truly yours. Washinrton, D.C, February 28,1903. tl ei' .[iAR/ iiWAl In acooiini with CHART MgRRIAM. For Expsnsas of Editor's Office for Jan. anu Feb., 1903. Telegrams: Jan., two to liLhographer at San Francisco.. $2.14 . Fob. 20, Bitt^or, Berkeley, Calif. 1.00 ^o*iage ^no registration fees on mss., proofs, drawings, text blocks, and oorresponaence: January 3.80 $3.14 Bxpres sages Jan. jL?,r)>;.bieuay .Pa*;e h Co. (Bubvoucher 1) •••••.•• . ?.16 • • ?'eb*i3,^'eiiotype Co.,Boston\ * 4)...« ■:<*eb.r4,Hev; E *a Pti,oCo..Lancasterfsubvoucher 5].,oo i^f^^.2^ViN:^i'bhKi^y,PBge fe Co. ( • 6)o,.. .75 •45 .40 3.00 iPypewi'^it ir ribbon (subveuoiiflr 7)...... •••....•••••o.... ^75 *0no box tyi'ewi' i ter pap^v ..•••....•c... ...».••.« ♦. .1.25 J.Ok^H. io •(>«f«*ft«.a««e(t«*.««9«*.o.««.«#.«... ....... .e.«^l>'. 0\J RKCKJVBl^ PA'imH n M I Wa»M%ton. D.C», February 28, 1903 BcH.HAKPIMAN, To rarious rersons. on aooount H«rriir»n-ll&fikft ff K S"g^ yoluwes /or fbiuS t?SsmiUed '^ tyirobgli gditor's ofiice). February. 1903. ml?©' LSi«?'M**'*Ji'L^'V1 ?'*''*ne.^''^ Perouse Glacier $7.50 feo./w, Louise M. Keeler, II deoorative head-pieces for Feb. M.O WilmlSth L22^?l!''^^^*^'^ Geolog3% at $$....66.00 reo., M.u.wumarth. aenrioos as stero^^raphor arjci type- ^^^^^ , ...15.50 •••••'••••••••• *««..... »#.83.i SC2 k k » Washijigior.. h, C,, Maroh 2, 1903. Prof. Wlllian Trelease. Missouri Botanical Garden, Stj, Louis, Mo. % a»ar Tralease; Kerewit.}! I aw sending you the ramamcer of copy ana proof o^ your article on Alaska Sphagnums. Kindly read and'roturn at your early convon.enoo. Thus far I have not received any of the correc . galley proof of yoxa- article on Fun^i. but a. expect Ir^ it b. ^vcr mail. Very tnUy your-B, - \rf*V.«»s^. ^^^r ^m Washington, D,Gc, March 2, 1903 Lanier^ Double Clay ^ Page k Go d; p New York City "^ 'f 236 Washington ;, Do Go, March 2, 1903 'H Misa Clara £• Curlings, Wellsley, Mass^ My dear Miss Cupiningss Herewith I enclose copy and first invoice of galley proof of jrour article on Alaska Lichens. It is probable that additional batch- es of this proof will follow rapioly until the whole article is in typet I trust you will be able to read end return promptly* Verj- truly yours. m\ Washing.tor, D.C*., March 2^ 1903. Prof 0 Trevor Kincaid^ University, Seattle, Wash. Mj^ dear K inca id: Your letter without date reached ne this afterhoci., ulci^ ^yitl the memorandum for Juneau and the ohotograph of Popof . The latter is 80 inuistinct \i\ detail that I am not sure as to whether it can be used as the basis of a sketch. Will inquire about this, however The slip on Juneau I will insert in tlie galXay proof, and am glad to have it, as it fills ar. obvious ;.rap. V.Tho volanes of which wo are p^w' reading prool' are Glaciers, In- sects, ana Gryptcgcj'-.isT Bctany. Ot/ier wliole volijries in the Viands of the printer ar9 Oeolo^-'- pna Crusuace^^riSo very tr.cly you^i^. M ?i i reg Q Q O Waehif^vton, D.U.„ March .}, ^903, New Yorx Citv. H.>rGw.ith I m r«varni.Tg proofs of Uxt H.^wo. Vsceiv-SQ ir-^.: i he .v;t},,r of f., peper en /.'«p>apoa3. Moat .f thor. .;re O.K. Tnro. ..»e -mrkori for co^^act-ior, whsre brul^an 1 in,« app.«,». and ono will hn^^ 'i^ici. ti 3" aviti.or wants the ocho^- -m"<. -- 'v> aoc5p'.^c, #i.n. b"- f,c h«vf o-. > .^l t numbar of r^jferaneos i« so largo. There .r. «tin .everU o..t« ox ^.i,a no p..»l« ..av. h.... r-o^ ■- ^la/iis a3 fiooi) s.^ rsoeiv&u from U,-, exUnrs, Very i>r.ay vours. W5uiliiji^,ion, [)• C MdTch 3, 1903. DTo So J» iioimes. Ana A?»buf, Mion^ yir.;? jvti.d- riVnoi,.t tiata. returning i-he proofs, in at hand, arid 'b8 r-coff. nro forwardal hy thio mail for corroction. I w.Ul nave t e /ity.iro vv'vsrsed. t.f^ you aesirs. In the c&se of ths part which is r,tv:^i awn. TJie mtter of lettering is quiU serL^.s, for ^f tha o«>r.ka ars to bd bored to iet in typ^ vh^< lato- lyiii cost a .jod daal x:r^ thai' the Oi-%.nal ^uts, aj^c il ^ouia p-aLal ly be tr;ich chetipor to hi^ve then i?iada over -^rum T,ho beginning, prcvidea the i^Uo-ing was Dut on in ink, so a« t-c ^o -eprodiciblc. as a part of the cut! ts it alwhyt? shojid hAo \'' ver / tn.iTr voiir.s t:. -*! \ V ';V>v>.:r.T5^- HV>v.^J'^^^.M^^... f f I poor fmprinf It I yes Wafihir»fvton. v*Ut/Mareh 3^ 1903 fes Ho W. Luruer, Doubleda.y, Page % Co., Mew Yorx Ci.tvo • * Herowit.h I mt revarni^Tg proofs of text ti^c^o^ rect^ivea fr-^n i.>je aiit}i>r of t.50 Ytr^r en Amp>iipoo3, Most -^f thc!:- are 0*K* '7nroa art? i^-arktid for co^v^ecMor whsre broken lias^ appetvr, and one will U^%- to bfi 5>x^ua OY^r pi'obabiy, ir cr:iHr tc» revwrs^ a part of the fi^ ^t rhicl ti 3' author wji.nts the othor- :ii;:& vp. Th?^-inal of this uj here?fl;h r?iurri«d,wit.h ^h^ rigu-w \ei. qu©stiou i.-i oorrwc'^ pes 3 1 ion. In making thaae fi,.;,\r>'' thct ■?>^;rjtvar Ufi cvit all tao rofif^vnco IHterB. I CO not kr.w fixwct.iy vhat. t.o cc ahouv», I'h.e cnlv r-;-?-' , 4 these blooke a>^-^ aocept^d, wiU b^ (.c have ih^ brooks bored, ana i.Vi,€ innertod^ wliich I sl^ouid think w.ruia be v^r;, expe^>^^Yo>*J^ th«^ number of r^fereneos ic so large* There ar^ still liever/jvi ciits of allien no proois nave ):^-Ha rjooit- ed >)y ne, I wri il r^iturri u;pii^{^ies of i>ho ^^-^fi-iniAr*- r-o-i:^^ in wy a3 fiooi) s.« received from tJ.c^ iMtlm-a* Very tr^ijv vours^ W5uihij^,ton, I). .:\, M;tirch 3, 1903. DTo So J, iloimas. f 2a Packard St'^oat i-^t-^t*- L.^?*e Ana Arbur, ^Uo/it Holme a ^ • ^mr i:,iis- •fiVnm.t, da.ts, returning the proofs, ii. at liand. and *h8 r-cofe Rro forwardei hy thxr. mil for con-oction. I v^Ui /lave t 0 . .,,:,aro ■r.v3rs«d. a. you desire, i.n tho esse of tha part which xb JV3^..j uown. Tne mtter of lettering is ^iU 8eri.x;s, for .f tha •-i jr.K« are to be borad to iet in type ih^ lab,.-. ,y,it ^ost a ,;«.- aaal ;n:r.:: thai- the ori.^.nal juts. ar^c it «rouia p.-yhuMy b© cuoh chanpor to thea c^Hda over tr-^ T,he beginning, prcviaea T.,he was put on in xm . so a« t,o >>c -eprod.cibl.;.: as a part of the cU, ts xt always shouid l,y, * .A 23^ , I LiL poor imprint I ( I ' J li *l i Weshingto.n. r.C, March 4, 1903. Mr, A. };, Horshey. New Km P'-inlirig Ci^if)am% bancastor. Pa* Dear Sir: No proof of any kin.l has raaohed us to-day, w}dch makos us feel vovy ^aoomy. Never mind about the vok^as. I will i.. icato later whicJi Yolu.'nes the various pai^rs are Lo bo maug uy ,ii:i:o. The main tJiin^ now is to ^et these papers in ,^,uiiey proof m-.n,> it. is still possible to connect with the ai.U'ors. The introuuct id.- or i^e Insect volu.. has to .0 to Pu^at Sound., as I .rote you .ome ci.^, .„o. The author of the j,^,,er on Myriapods which / «ont you a few cuv. a^o is going to Mexico ir a f,f, d....y8 to be .one eevoral months. I ar^, myself goir^ to Caliio.r-.ia nbout .h, s,, ,. ^pril. to bo gone «ix montiis, as I 'ATitoen v^^a f^om tifre tn tim/i ah +v ^ „. -u i..un vime 10 time. Ail the pap's pr=:><)f thus far recei.oci of tne Glacier volume went back to yo^.. yoslor^^.^- mtn authority to oast as soon a. you have rr^ae the few correotion. indicated • As to the type, if yov. mko these techrical volumos confo- jn type Wit}, corrasponcan,^ papers of the series aireaav pui,li«haa m tna Washincton Acaaonn/'s Proceedingn. it will be all I k.or not:u.,, about pri^r.. .nu ,nay have -^oo a mi.taice in rny ..riun. i'or typo. My reooli.ct-on Is t^.t I oallec for 10 point for ..e intro^ " p..f..,r.,. it It IS li p(unt m ti;a other j-a- pors, by ail neaiis make t.'.ia 11 puin-. also. \ery truly yours. t 24( Washin^^t^n, D. C«, tetrch 4, %90i. J'i Union Squa»*a, m^ Vork City. rt j'o.':!" ."Jirs: i nave lo'uuy r.;eolv::u und rgti-'-n horowith proofs of six line ciit3„ five or wnioh are O.K.; the sixth needs a little clsaiiirij;. out' in ,i:o biaek filjs, as im. io:-tted. Anot'ier batch of p-oofs is -etu-nen herewith also. These h«ve j.U- come bac-k to me from the futhorp. Tlie f;reat majority .re O.K. i;' you rake the ao<^reetion of rrok?n lines as indicated. '" " p. S. It is now time that the maps for t)^ Glacier volur.e were bo- in.: printed. They were put on st.or.a by Hoen k Company, of Balti- more, a long tino ago. Tlie-e are six of them, and proofs are sent yoii herewith, with the p-oofs of line outs returned. Pleaao sena hoer! R sample of the rhoto^jravuv-e of bryr, Mawr Glacier, for vhe let- term^', so that we sh^n not have several styles of plate lettering in the SEine volume. Please also seo t>.at he uses a rou,^h surface paper, instaan of a smooth pape-, for these maps. I shouf:; liko to set> pro^.fs with ti.e final lettering on. ., J^^ M U2 242 Washington, I).C«, March 4, 1903* Mr. g. O0 Cockayno, The HelioUTpe Company, 211 Tremont Street, Boston^ Mass* U\' !/#ar Sir; Herewith I am retxirning proofs of the four heliotyp* i.l%U» for tha Giacior volume, marked for corrections in lettering. The letten- ir^, of the tci. running head-line is right so far as sise ar.Tg photo-lith plates. The-8^ ^re twc very bem.tir.l drawines hy Waipole. and I trust iba r/ov. will have .'rQ orij»^ir&).s kept clean. I hm-e yorir lotter of tho 4th ir.stant, statim^ ohat vou are forwarding or:ic.:nHi» ar.u proofs of 8 of x,he plates. Tiiese imvc not yet. coF.e tc ha-d. b-t as soon es thoy arrive will receive prompt at tent ion 4 • ery irut; yours. flMHU^M i J 8^2 Washir^t'O-n, D. 0., V^,r*,ih 6, 1903 • ¥i Dea^* Mr. l-anior: > . • ■ Th-s iTiarnin^; I sent you by expi-esE a largo jmcka^t^e of si^eot.^ of text fije.:>-o«! for Silicon's j^aper on Ol3Kor^het8g, mrktid for reduct, ion c Ainc% mnd proofs <*t yauT- <5onvoniencoc I ar anxious r.o knoir whit* yc»:i are dciiig a1 otn. ^>re rtmninir^ -olumes* Tt.e Ne^ Sra po^-^pi^ are not able i.o riardle Vno material thsy now !>tvo, tv:;. haf^r net yat »ert us so mu^^h /.ft !,>,« f irj^, line tv.. Yolumo on Geolrx^, tn^ eo^pleta tax:, of w»;3ch wan sent them a lorv^ liT-e p^o, I ao not K^^fr itnyM-yr:*? about tha F-iDinoro finr: in whom 3'^eii allude, and in fac^ have no printer in \'xe-4f. There sser-K 'o I- little use ^r^ HarKan.^ ary no>^d voiurneR until we laiov/ v^ia^ i^ going to beocxne of ti o^e al-eaoy u* .]- prirter*'- han^i^, 1 ^-^^n^in. ly ^0 not -«-*! %o leavo any half ^r -p v^hen I ro to CplUor-i- .icvon Wf?e"^i'8 i'8nco^ I \bYo sti-rcul up U^e Ifjvpraa^ Oonpany to try to f ma out wj yai did rnt receive until Palinu^ry 2? the voh^ie $^nt v k^ b- oxpre.s k 'r«i ii.d phot^f;ri^tDro plataa froii; Vols. I ^mi 11 wliicb ;oi; Bert r.j Vp^-. ,u''uv-'K ano [will ^etr^n "^i le t • tf "^ ; 11^ « er to-rJc\;'t or to:v '^x Mil I I ,) ■it-'ii«i-« .,.. •mtmmallm «-mel.s=«;.,,,n. School. ^^'-r- Dr. Coe: ''" • your manusoript and lot^ar ..-,• - ^"^- ^ ^^iHd to*. that .o>. ' '' '* *'-^'- -^ -«^. .«^->no out With Ri. . ^ "^^ ^^tiafied to hav,. - ^^^ .'-- sand n., 4 0. 5 olatos Of 1 • "''"^- ^^ your Par:^ rr . ^ "'' ^^^^"^ -^^^^^ -I rUto. colored), r^ ^o ^ ^ ^ "- ^ \x. uxi (4 eolor^i ■"•=■ ^'". th« fir,. ,u.. ,;; , ' '''* "i'^-'' ■■• ;-*r ?«■• , V,,, f *^ 9 Xr Pi-r+ T"^ . •» . i oj ^ £ »" =" XXn. aoc-ora... ., „, ' " " '<■ "'•'• ""i th. l,,t ,,., , >uoiii^ tho;?; ovj;^,. ^,.^^^.^ • ^ n^ rlai.ej?, h.t x « rour Pari „ ,,j, J f-' ' ». r,„,Ur.„ ,.. ,,, fi-^n-a*. u^ • • "^-^ you have n.v f„) « 1 16^1^08 . which o... ,. , -• • *"^e fi^oper nuT). plates you simil >iavo .• ^ ""■''^'^'' ^^ tejtt fi.^.j.^.. "^^s on Eisan'^ pi„.,, „ ^ ' "^ ^■^'^"- ^ can p-at th.- cor.. . 16 ' Dr. Coe^ 2. tions to co-'^sr.ond* It is so verj' late nowr tliat every day counts, -anci i>>nc6 i kvar/> to jrri, tho PiAmscript in the hands of the publishers at 'the earliest possllle nomento It would save a couple of days if YQXi wire ^te on receipt of ^his tlie nuinhar of text iip'a^eH ana the number of rlates in yoiir Part II o In ^oprinting the various papers I have prcviaed for a faciiijg pa^^e containing a i?i.atement similar to the enclosed, with the nutho^^'s orratao I shall be obliged if yoii will look over Uie onciosed car®- fully, and malcG sach additions as you f iiid necessary, returning ihe same to me at an early date* 'J it Yours vary trul; li i^2 M I / 1 Mr. H. W. Lanier, I>o(uDl0day, P^ % Go., wt york City. Dear Jwr, Uniw: Berwrltli I an i*tuming the a phot.og,ra-/uv.^ i)ryv.i yet; „ ,ji* ju- a day or two ago. whloh ara to ba usad in Volunaa III and IV (Ola* oiara and Gaology). They ara marked Tor lettari^g &$ follwa: H.A.g. Vol.rn PI. XII. \ PI. XIV, • PI. XV. • PI. xvi, „ • Pi. xvit. Vol. lY, 7rcwti8pi0C9. • PI. Ilf, • Pi. v. Plate V of Vol. IV. as you will obsarre. ia nsada up of the top of Oi» Plata and tha bottoeri of anoUiar. I wrote you utCK% '.his some tiwo a^o. Yours truly. ^^ '." .MB^ 49 Wdthington, D. C, tferch 9, i?03. Ppof» S^* J. Uolmes, OniversHy, Anil Arbor, Kich. My >'itor lolio*' the botanrtcai ni^e Very iruli yovirs. / 022 ^i)X Washln^^oa, D,:],, Jfercii U. i903» M 3<* Union Sqijiaro, * Nc?iT York City. h-tar K\r. Lanier; A manLar of waeks ago I sRrt you for r&proauot.i.-i ., hnUb ->i four slips. Tws far we nave recaived no proo.^s of tho.e. srd^t.vav ara no* need... for th. GAacie^ .o>u,r.. Can 70., n>t hiivo one of .r'r niftn di£ lh.m up ard. send tv.en. lo ub withav.t fu ..lay. ing to have ]iead.p3l.ces «.nt to t^ . rri^^.a., ,a,.e cvi^. Y.x fi-. t-hai you ware hol::ir:, tr.o bio... i'.- 1 .n. unt i you rec.:v.. '.^ from me a set m ck^c p^.ofs. / ^.:.,e ,.>u resr^.tin^ .a.s. n.- , txc..W proofa en -,o m,, ,r p,. , ^^,^ ,.,^,^,^^ ^.^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ h.'.d been r-ccoi/od. v.r.ich ^v.s ..lio-«.anoe. i. ^.e^ of th. f ■: -, vii^t I .hart proi'iiiiiri ^.--oi i^y*.^ ui* .^ ,%..-• -u •» have Lo pasta c]\e ^et on h- >> r-^^-vN-r r,nr^ v^^.^ .- * "-' i-^rxvG aiiu Keep aiiotner m \y rbXc;c:;oe •■^"« uJ ,...,> proo. of f.iie voluiw on Gooio^^r? t: .- r..,_ tir. vol..:e we« .n.t y.y. o:v Febr.;ar, 3. a^t, to c^u *. il.o . t ^0- ceivod a lino .r p.oor. i. .,.,0.0 n- is r-ot. worth whi?.e • •. ,p,.j, of ^^ . a.> xu .15* riow only ^ ^ .le 'loro pt other volanen in m^^ hr-icJt^ whi^'^ - • . ^f^ . ^ fi-^ 0V9- u/itil noxl winio-. Yr^rp truly... ^, ^ 's J. Washui^ioa, D.C., Maroh U, 1903. I New Era Printin^^ Co., Lancaf^ter, Pa, Oaar Si-*! Wlmi is aha hitch ov. the Slaoiar volume tliat prevenU u« from pjiV in^, ,:r,y frasl ^.^i lay pro*jf? I bagan «enciiti£', you Lack page proof,' Tit-h authority 1.0 ca?t,on ihs lirtl ini^Unt, which is eight days ago. a-nd tr,us far wr have not. received an additional line of galley, nor hr.vo we racoived the .'ivst line of galley on the volume on Geology. It 13 no* only e llHld -ro-'t! Lhan six weeks before I leave for the Par: if. -.^ ooafit, to be gor-3 jsiji nnnti^g. Most oi *;.£ .:,ail8y p^oof cf the -nher articles sent las not yet c-j^ lack from the autho-«?. Sut-h an lias .on^i hs^ck J:as beftn forward- e-'' .'-'u as r^«-;9iv9d, 'le-^se send m as soon aa possible a mi of proore of all the v.n .«.,ii (ruts still in y«,r hanua, ec that I Pia- biow just where *e i"j find plan to avcid future dele.vs. i' I i sas /( V. ^kirch 12, l?C3. Omt Si-: r- ^. Yoiir Uit.ers ol kir-'^h 4 a.nd March (^ t'a-T6 auly, ;,iojv. witii ;^.; n. 7^, 36% ■ 1 f V J I ' i' ;- r of S find i: {K3 1 ) r ^.r^), plat,o«. Th.ese lis^ve no^. come lai^k iro:^^ Ihf running heads, aud is^^rc?. pt^aBe eee li:m. -K^ le^t.-fn^ liny kiiiCii Tr*^ riL^t^c^fi? -.-^ -a wr,-i - .-. *^-, •^^^ ^ - ^ -T 4 , . ^ .. OA -J ^ c- r } .!. u M 4 d 4. «,vtj I or 7 , t#i lUll^'r: 6 OftNV in comparison ^:lh ; i.e o^I^in.l.f .-.ich ,,., ,,,,,,,,,,, ne-^^lU:) h^ro tc srt^i aij. -f \ leave fo. CI if^v.,.ia, to fca ^r- .1. r.:)nl.h..- I 253 Waahington, h.Z,, Ika^oli 12, 1903* ^'.'"^. 34 Uni^n Square, New York GitJ^ f-ea^ Sir: 4.1. He^m^iih I trr^. ret-j^i^Jng a batch of o.k*d proofa of line outs of seooa recfuv'id ^^'na time ae;o» Ve?*\^ truiy your-a^ ^v W >v- ^VVXKJ V \ • fi 111 t 'I 1^ i \\ v^ § IP '^ -^ --\ V ■:»V 5v v... \- ^A\^ -^•' .iA.l -'-■ -i^; ."^ - 'Ll^-^J:. ^ uvAi.>.iL^ 4>oi..v/oJi Xki^ •■^■■''•v'^UrI-,i^i.» ,;*t" ?t/-^ ^, - Cl'^.i _ Waid^ii^-ioii, D.G,, March 12, l?a3. Mr. Bt 0# Coaiayw, . The HsiioT^jw C!ompm2}% 211 Tr0{mhis Strmh^ iJear Sir: .^ ^ ^°"^ ^^^^«^« '^^ i^^'h 4 and Marah 6 oaas auly, .Joiv. with po ;\ >.« of 8 and 13 IwAiotjrpe plate.. HhesQ have nor come tack from Ui«, *.- !J^ ^ u-^- thors. and are .-stu.niod herewith, aarked ^c.. le,tt.>M>^. p^te ni.«UT ^- |f mnning heads. ai«i le^ierd. Please Boe IMt Ih. iettering ie put ,^n ; ..- ezaotly as ho:^ ^.ifen, »^ithoi>t additicnai cox^a* or lAxnoUmtlm cf any kind. The platei. es a whole are very satisfactory, tr.uugh «o,. - of them «:^ not quite ::p to t>^ ..ta^ndard; for intta)i.r., pUt^^s ^-.^ *nd x«iii. of ie«ve«. vou will eee. if ym oxomx^ thm critreaiy in comj^uriBon with the o^Jrinftln/ m^i^h r^^ ^^4 i . .% ^ nix: u i^inaiaj riacfi are reiurmad ne^Tnirith) lari lost a ^ood deal '»f deta] wn.! 4*-. -i*.>^. x. / a i .1 aew.i, and m places are fogpj, where Uni orig. itmU are distinot. In Bub^iUiiig ^^c..r final |roofa. with lexttrii^. ol,asa ha^s tham printeci on the pe.per whfch yo, intend to use for Ma printt. p^: that there win bt. no trouble nm^r this head. you liava not wt sarit Droofn fiV nii ^t ^v^'- i- ^ -— ^ ^ ^ ^'^^ pac?uo...ii.|, pAati^i^, I ai« vary m4.tioug iO see all of thes^ as sf^^^n n^ rirttm-iM.^ «^ • ., sr ri txh poBUiuie, as many of lhB:n }m?@ to bo *a.uj .^, aua it, IS now cnly six ir^eka bsfo-e I leave fo^ California, to la ^ne si/ mor^thH. ^ • 'hry tmiy yours. if ^ !' i^ ^^^1 1; J^^i&- 4\ \ H.>... ft. J 5 4 %. H ^, ».. ' S I ' / / I, I ^J -A.'V... *t.-'v.A,- 253 Washington, D.C*, March 12, 1903* Doufcidiiay, Pii^t & Compargr, ^ • ^ 34 Cni^ Sii^ara, Neir York City, ttar Sir: , Her with I am retiming a batoh of o.Vi proofs of line outs of i^seot* raonifsd fomo time «go» Vai^' truly yours. 1 t1 Retake of Preceding Frame I 254 iMhirv^Um, D.C., March 14,1903. fia3/tu?d DoublMlijr« PtMW k Co., 34 onion Souatre, N«f York City Ano* On receipt of your letter of the 6th instant I lieaouUteiy wrote to the author of the Aaphlpod paper for the original* of hii ooti on whlcJi the lettering had been left out. Thoy ha»e arrived todey, and I am forwarding Xt.m to you herewith, aloi^ with the p-eofe, on which I hay? indicated the position for the lettorir^. Very truly yonn*, ^ « V ^ -^-^-,v. \y vx \ \ ■>■ \ IS-,., -<■' ■~^. fx^ v^K^ -^ <- . ; >.• .t^, '*-7 3 t ^ f •>».' -tr- ft^ i. ^ V ^ V n I i r I ^ J£S^ ■';:^* - * ■ '^»y '' , wl ■ 'i 1 •. ' • -a?' * f ' ' ■*?! ■**? :^' ;^ t .' ,♦ ,f, ' ' » , #1 » *■■' 1 " 1 ;4l 'J. ,» M -. I .!»! , i4 l» » '..>;. ki 1 r ; ►„ ■^ ■4 , irH n 4 I :; .•?-S*- ' "» K ^r. H •• %ahii^toii, fi.C.r March 14,1903. 9Alu«iMaar»« ■Mr To Yoric Oiiy. 'HjMpi :^te,| ■! -■ •P ^^^"^'v-^^Aj^r \_ .CK.X-V- / Y Ai / \; ^ -^A.-...\ (l.\:. \ \ K '^-^^2 ■--.'^"'-*-^ i'...^ V ^ r--Y' -^ O^ -«r ' <*..,. -7 1 " ^ V tit Retake of Preceding Fra me I r' A- A * - -X 255 3 >^x /I "«. M A V Aa^ % 'V— ^.J/ . i )-v. /^ I V- ^ I i ■J X, - 'vU -1 •+->••-'-.!« J-eoted. er4 returned to "« durir^ your absonce. so that I could havo it in pa^^s at tho tine of your airi^ul; but your assist. t writas '6 that you toiJ bin to :i^ia all galley proof ivntil your return, r/hioh he has dorxe, witn tre result tnai- n is impostitie or. tho new. and reU-mir^ skmi to me at yovr earliest convenience. As Uw-e i8 a limit to the Hupply of typa of om kind, ^v^n i.- tha 0^80 01 t,bo Mew Bra Print 1,.^ hovBo. we &r& n^uah 9ribarri..8ecc ., ou>'* limb i lit'' to relieve tho mfr^niri i^ /»n«r4^,... 4^ ^ M^ I'jiAovt. i^nt Bi.ra.ui f/^^ ca«ti:-i£^ these af^tc- f^'i a^-ui lei'ai^;^ them iise iJia type wer a^^ai/i. je ft*ofe»sor Tre lease, 2. «a iirvz "" "" """• ' '"" ™ --'-^ ^- ^- Plat... In your introduotion you stai^ *>,«* 4v. i x o . ^ ^ ^^^*' ^^^ o^iapter on Pungi i- bv , «o»«io „a P.„,. ,^ .ai notice un<^r th, tui. „f «?^1 U,. .0.., -By P.*.Sa,car*„ „., .^i^ ^^^„,_. Very truly yours. ' t' J#T ^ Ha^shiiutorit, DoG,, ferch r^^l903* Prof. Wlilian: Tv^Uumq, Uizsov.-*i Botmiical Gardon, St» Louis, Uo% You^ letter of the i3-Lh instant, I'rom sone unknown loc^Uit.- \ fi. Mox-'co. roRched rr.D today. I am ^lu. to knov .you ^.r& ;iKei-.' to reaca S:.. Lav.-is by Uie end of tho month, as wo fir-, enomousiy h^.nd}- C.&M...KI by your s^Lsenee. In one of your loroic^r le iters roi. told m» thai if I woiilt; j^ena prooi' ' o ^rAy>^ off 1,'^- i^ vamw; f ^ /^. y*o>,--i ri-rfa and co-vfctea. end returned to r-» ditrir^; your sbsoncy, so Ihar, I -r.vid have; it in pa^jo at, tho tine of your arrl/ul; but your assis^- a-:. wr:.tos ',6 that you toiu bin to lioiu all galley proof v^^Xil your rclurn, 7;:Joh he has iv;nfe. w:tn tie r&sull '.hat i* Is impoagifcie of CO. -.e for mc to proceed. I iavo. ho^-e./or, i.-au a uw.bor ox correo- t)or.. maoe ^n the ^aj ley of tho Fu.^i of Aia.te.. ani am .endi/.. you K cornplete reviseu-j^aliay p-ouf, .-xcapt .alley 9, md^- they uia not Bono, aim whi-h yoi^ •.vill have to svbBtiti:te fro;, tho pr.^ yious eet. I shall t«^oa. i.^cref ot-o, if you ^m ^dt. ^^e.iiev 9 f-om the original aet to the snt sonl you toda:', ktu ci...roy tn. cl. .'«VUys. mking r-U yo.,r correction, o;: the ne*'. nna reU-rair^. ai,.. to me at yy^r earliest convenience. A8 tije^e is a li,v,it to the .supply of typa of ono kind. ^v^i. v tt» case (u tj»e Mrw Bra Prnn! in*- 'o'Ci^ w.:i ^ ^^ -• •» our inahility to roiieve tho «train ly castin,. t-ho^e .;r.:.,^. . / ietoii;^_^ ther^i ise t.Jie type over i^^ai/i. s» 1.; 257 Professor Tro lease, 2. As I wrote you some tinw o-.^ t i ^.d . ^ ' ^'^''^ -''^ "^^'■^^^^ for ^.our Plates c^.d consequentlv do rot \ncm tc^ +« Plates. text. ■ ■ ■ ''*^'°' ^'^^ ref.r^nceB in the In your introduction vo-j state *h«t *>.« i . <;«- . ■" *' ^^® chapter on Pun*=i in h,r Saecardo and Peck v^.,, «„-ii . . • '^^^ is Dy recK. You will notice under thA fi+i« ^^ ^x *o.d. By P.A.Saccardo ar.d WUli«, Trelease.* "^QTY truly yours. !i I' 1 8?,2 of:q Washington, D,C., Maroh 19,1903* Mr. A. H. Hars.'isy, New Bra Printing Conpany, Laneaster, ra. * Dear Sir: It is now sixteen days since the first batoh of final page proof of the Glacier article went back to yon with authority to CASt. and still we have not ^laa a lino of advance gaDey. In view of the ven' short time remining, and the fact tliat you hav« not yet start- mi ed on the ^eolr^fetical volun*. and in view also of the very consider- able amount of business I mve put xv: yocj- }-iand» Ourine the past fo>jr or five years, I fef^l that yot. have treatsc me very shabbily. Respectfully, ■^ t't f* v^ fehi!^ton, D.C., March 19, 1903. !&*• H« W, Lanier, Doubleuay, Pa^a & Campanr, 34 Union Square, Now York Cit'% Dear Mr. l,aiuar: T!:o »«pls r^, or typ. you hai, just sent r,, oane j-e.uerfe- a^Ur„o.„. .,, ,^,t. Of th. fact tMt you. UUer i. .^ta. the '■'18 type appears to agree in Kiza wii\ tv,-+ ^ , , . , "6 ^« 1^ »i2Q with that used for the technioat descHp.:or. in the tachnicai voh^s, una is one si.e snaller thar th^t usea for the introC.ctory .^.uarof the technical ^pers^ It' 18 oioso enouf^r. in style, provid^-xi iu-, r..,- * • . i^r. pr..vTa$u uia printers tavs with it a siif- fiolent quantify oi' triO other sizes irali a-v • ki. l ^ "' ^'"'^^'-^^% f>lack-iaoQ mm italics to set up a larpfl' aro'Tt nf "is ■♦*<■. ~ »•< _ fj" -"u.i.i. <.i rteT,„er at ore time. I^ an t «.,-, i^- VX.C starting the. with t.^e volu..e cn t3n.stacaan, at once. I sa^. this on the ass^unptian that U.y can'gH thi. .whole volv^. rn type between now and the end of Apr; I. Otl^ei^isa '^hrtv.. ■:. • ' --^ y ^' v/w.en«ris9 Uisro is no use in n". a^rtakln^, it. One of the difficulties I foa- in . ^ u ■ ' ' ^ui.ies A lodT m a new house is tho urf«.aUa-Uy of the oor,j,osUar. .U. „., -.,o^^, ,„, „,, j(^^„ d»',aU, of ,o™ ana u.^* cnneot.u ,ith .oolouicd .^^ tochnioar dr^acriptions, ■ Ths printers have bec^n at a st^KW>^lii f,« . ♦ i a. a si^anu^s.Ui lor some tmie in senaimr* Bdtm^ee prco;' cf the Gia^i^r voIiinA and hair a nni .ra^ ♦ YOiume on Gonrt^<, -1 Vary tndt- vourn, • oas Washington, d,G.. March 19, 1903. 3)r« Waslsy R« Goe^ Shall ield Sclent if ie School, New I-iavon, Gotm Dtar Br* Coe: J our letter, without date, transmitting the 8 text figures for yoir nQmrUm paper, has this moment arrived, for which I am oblige ed. But why in the world did you put on the lettering in pencil, instead of ink? As the pencil lettering will not reproauce — and if it would, :^ would not be uniform with the letter it^ on the other iinuro^ %Yiioh you enclorie -« I am returning the lettered figizros to you herewith. If you will kindljr iette*- them in black ink, to cor^ -Qspi>nd with the two &l-eady lettered, t will have them reproduced i»8diatelyo On sedi^nd thought i /mte deciaea to send ell of the iiguros liack. simply to insurs k99Ci% than togalher, so that when they oamj Lack to me from you I can send them to t}ie reprooiicer to- gs t,ner. just «8 -,hey are. r w&s g-eatly obiif^od for your prowptness in rdplyirv,, to ra^r last letter. UnlmppUy. our printers are vor^r slow, ana aro stiil •0 iuv benind t.hat it looks doubtful if they will gat out this vol- wne befo^'fi I leava Tor the Wast. Vary truly yours. I imi m n» 182 Waflhii^ijton, D.Co, Iviarch 20. 1903, Mr. H. W. Lanier, 34 Union Square » New York Citj% Dear Mr* Lanier: Herewith I send you 6 additional drawin^^s for iioaapiecas for the Insect voluno. They are a prettjr bad lot. I kncw^ oi^pociallY when contrasted with the elegant or^es by Mrs. Kaeler; out tAiey arc the best I have been able to got here, and as u^y v/iii be in a voi^ ume by themselves they >T:Ay not U too baa. Your l&tVQr about the photogravLices carae this vriornir^, and r 'xt once ordered new prints mtide from the nep^Hlive desired. I an tcrv^- to learn that the prints on l^and cm not be utiliaed, and I ao noi. yet understand why they can not, with the excet)t ion of course of >i double one. k\l tti&t vm* naoesaarj- In tlie its^M ol )^z.t others was to add the voluwo caption and plate nur-ihor at the top, yvhich if cfre fully done oould hardly t« dieting, ished f^-on the er^ravod Utles. i'ours very tnu ', "^; 262 w. V. *>isMiiKton * '■ i 8 , ivfcf'ei ?0 A. 'r* Uv> . fS ^-c^« H^ Harsh e^,% Lancaster, Pa, A, 1^5' ceivoa .rcr. yoo t.od.y revisou gaUcys 26-32 of M:t.s &n;-ang.' Alaska L::o/,oru., hit. frs previous ^^ali-.r^ ( .^^, ,.,,., .^_ CJO ne^ ^ac^v why yr^.x gont rQV]i^:^u rall*^^' inoSa-.n .-f thifc and ij;'-. Aia artacic. The o->f -,^^1 • ■>*! ^ t f,<.ii,^ was .;.y ^ua^i, uy Sac.carao ana Tralenr-. Ail n> p ., _^,, i^^o--^„,* ^- "£u^vi. When rue *^aiie'^ ^^-^r -i^^^ .>*.-a^v *^ ■^» /*•' Vr"! ^ V ' ^ Y i 882 Wash^ri^t in. DoCo. March 20.1903 Dear S X * • a T!!Oss-:?evf^'-ec t^^a.> 'n Alaska, end is 'iitendea fjr h frontii^ f-* ■*• *■ i^ of to the voli^ie on Cryptogamic Botany. Plaase navD h, hflicytypeii and I aavo not- irot -^eceivaa prooi: of M'O r.-rniiAn^ ]:eiictjh3'>, of any ol tiie two aason photogran.^en :a y<^-ir no8:^3^E\rn* T.J^ Is a great inconvn.ience, m I have bojn aoo^Iin^ proof a of tiioeo plat:^^ for :>.,,-:j tms ^0 JTihr.o up dun^ait^s for the voiici.o. I a::, .loin^ aWc^ - 80 soon t.iat i^ sesms Klr»io^t- impoBsiMf -icr lo ^o': the rmi;eriai lo^- geihe^^ ir. t^vne. You pro^ni^ad na early in Kebriiary tiiat ii t:J$ wo-^k WAB nlaasa in y:>i,r han'it^ soon -or ^^^--Id attena in \i inri-idla^elv. ^Ui^. that I ;r:':n:ld ^lot again be ai;ncyevl r:y you"^ usual delays. P.S R'. DV •Ottc tl/^^e j£i;t yoii :it.7e ^cL n;lo la<^ -tlit ci t!C<:ia'n>r €1/ letters and packa^.«^ ic m?^ al ^-y onduv, W2:«re I Ir^nf^a-ju Gcr^rn-.orxt businaw Oi:i:% i..«teaa :u to ny r/^i.^r^c, wr.e^a I IruusBof. o-iitsido b;.r- c^a?^ of i^ I 1^,^ not mind, as they are efeiuly tucked u.i^o ^-r riAoket^, but in +h^ cai^ ^f packtxgos of platus and r- -f^ ^t is a double n;iisa:iC6, not only haaauso I have; i,c pacn ^ am * •' ' -^'f e lit y [i,tj S -' V . , . 264 E.O.Cockayno. ?.. counts taken out fnom ^V^ ^ \ ^ . i \ -^/^«^N J7_ W,uo= 3 S', .. A V -^ i K. 2-. V \4-t 1 f"" ■ j>f^l^ \\ \, U Jv jJL ^ ii_^ A,*^ VV-' Mi ■\''i- V £8S Wa«hir^on, D,C., iteroh 20,190i3 Ur* i» Ot Cook&ynd. The HeliotTPe C I hare not yet reoeiTed proof of the ro/raining heliotypes, r^or of any of the two dozen i^iotogravures in your posi^assion* This is a great inconvenience, as I have boon needing proofs of these platss for some time to make up duimies for the voiixiie. I am goii^ away so soon that it seeras almost impossible now to get the eiaterial to- lather in tiiiie. You premised me early in February that if this work was placed in your hands soon yoti would attend to it iiamadiateiy, anci that I should rK>t again be annoyed by your usual delays. Yours truly. P.S. For soise tiine past you Imve got into the bad habit of sending letters and packages to m at mj office, where I trarjiact Government busineas only, instead of to m^ iiouse, i*iere I trmsaijt outside his- IMM. In the o&t« of letters I do not mind, as they Are esusily tuoked into my pockets; but in +he oast of packages of plates and proofs it is a dpuble nuisance, not only becatise I have to pack taeo }^one, but also because I hrv'? to bother to get the express charge ao- f ( % / <4 264 tJ# f I.OeCockayne, 2. counts taken out fncm the Government aoaount tm^ charged to «» per- ionally, whicii is a great nuisance. vVK^^^" '\/Xa^.^a \k».- \\\ d '■•^'-^^^j^ Z7 t -v. V l1^ ■ s <5^. J?. .''^ 0 f. T ^^■'v>^. ^ i. U-- \ 'X i'l • « ) * ) \ s*. VJ--S \ \ , ■^ \ 1 ^■''■-^--^.-^j'-K,,. *"""■%»-.'. »-^ ^,-A». n. "■w^^t.^ *■ / L.- V K. '^•->., '^j=^ '%i''»mi» -''X.. r4 <% ' \/^ .-- . j^- U "■ 1 \ ijk A i ^ I A W ' *>*^jgi,jmK^f- iim¥i^^ii»mm0f»ltl>>i^f>^0t>'mt^»ii*^t-»^'*-i',.i^^,'. Retake of Preceding Frame ciag Wft^hington, l\C., March 27,1903. Fror. Wiliiani Tr^^leafio, St* Lou ^8, Mo. Dear T-ifiaaae: * I liavo ^ociaj rooisivod fr.HL Calif ernia rM-.'i^ed oroofa of ihc bo- ■''^- . . ■ ' ' '■ ' - • \ ■;aii.ichi places^ and am sendiiU V'.er'Ato you iic^rawiih, with U'O or;;.-'- • u iiiriU- Kinalv exHirn-ie i^nd rstur-'.v t vour earllei!i^ cnv'^^nier^oe* \.jrv ■Ov r-.\ I ■'■-'''•—''-Anjsjs^ . C .A \ ./ •^V V «. V' .t*! V V u % I 66 WLaf?'lr^l.(..i, D.C., Maroh 27.1903. Dr^ 1f^,$lTr E* Cos, Shefiieid Sciontific Scl;ocl, Naw hayxs'i. Conn. Dear Dr. Co:^: The revlgad proofs ci r7ur Nemerteans arrived from Gallfenii.^ today, and ara forwarded u* you herewith, aion^ wHn t/h€ origiiiaiB. Kindly iinii-u- any ir-iier needed c^v^i^eot Ions, ana let me have the correotea p^orf? kI yx.r earliest coidVenieiice, Yours vo-»*TJ' trul^r. ■ *\ v.>.. t^ — A^Vv 7 ^-v (i\\VN^ ,-» j t I? kX:o ^ '^-' .>.-. V i} , ^ ^ •. \ • -\: 1 f \. » . 1 l-i- \ :^ r ^ vl-^ v -s H v\ :vl V ' V^ / *^^V t^ -.|;*^-' >^ .. ji : r \ ■^ ^ '"'../' r^^p*iWP**iM > -«v>^ ' S82 'ki % Wft^hington, D^Ct^ March 27,1903r Prof. William Treleasa. Missouri Batainonl feur^ton, Stf hoviH, Mo. Dear Treleasa: ^ I liay© tcilay reoei^ad fr.iai California revised proofs of x.he bo* t&nical plates, and am sandiii^ tnarn^to you herewith, wiUi tbo oriar- inals* Kindly examine and retur-i^at your earl leal oorivenience. ft. Very ;r iy ycvrs. ^^%. ^^.XT'^ " VV.'^ *^'^ ,A.^ -V. .1 ^'^'^^-^ ^ ^ V — ^- * \ •Ir- 4^ \. 4^- * V. \ V,! V I \ c I 5t„^„ J^f- 266 Waihir^ton^ D*C*, Iferoh ^,1903. Dti^ fetley R* Coe, Sheffield Seientif io Sohocl, New havo>i. Conn* Dear Dr. Coa: The revised proofs of r*)iir Neroerteana arrived from California totiay, and are fonrarticd lo you herewith, alc^g with the originals. Kiadly indroaiw any ' cr:ii»r needed cnrreotiona, and let ma have the oorreeted proofs at y.)r4r earliest oonyeniehoet Yours ¥ory trubr. ^ "-- V ^\'V^ I . \ • 6^ --^ "^!^ \ il \\K.\ \ 1 I* a L t V '^- -> \ '■■ Ow' *- \ c ? V V I'Ci I ( t*v'. 1 J V ■^ '-J^ J^ t i X -^ |5.^-^ 'I H ^ J '■-.^ Vv %.-y ■ 'J- -7 ■^v^. ^ -.1 K < V. "^ . -'"X <* imiiii mill,. Retake of Preceding Frame f 782 Washington, T).C., March 27*1903 Prcf*l . J* Cole, Dep^irtment of Biclcgj, ..... ^ Uni^ersivy, Arji Arbo^% Mich# Mv dear Cole: This morr-i)Tg I sent you by re^^iatarea mail a id of proofs of your line drawing* of Alaska Pjrcnot-'V ' da , together with the originali* for coiijpariBon, and shall be obliged it you will indicate any cor>-8^> lions that may be necessary on the proct»» and return the same at your earliest convenience. If no correct« are necessary, you nay retain both proofs and originals. In tiie same package I put a couple of p-r.->cJ'''t of yoiu* heliotype plates, which a^e far frorti satisfactory, anoi uhi^h I hope we shall succeed in having remade in bf?tter shape. Very truly j'ours, , ^ i , ■i s ■I i I' fj *..' 'Si"* 269 Washington, D.G., March 28,1903. Mr. E. 0. Cockayno, Tlie Heliotrvpa Company, 2il Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. Dear Sir: The proofs of heliotj'pe and photo iith plates sent by yoi> recent- ly have a>*rivod. But why on earth don't you finish the batch in^tea.! of sending', these little driblets, which do not (template a single sub- ject. I hate to waste the time to oheck up fragments of a set of plates, particularly several fra^^^ments of several sots, withoit be- ing able to clean up a siri^^k^ set. It seems evidt^nt now that I will h^ve to go to California before you have finished those plate i^.. T^re photoiiths are very ..ood; tne heliotypes are the worst I evor saw. and I an vory muoh surprisod ih.jit you are willing to send out «uch poor proofs. In the case of tho PycnOfjonio*. r.hej' show practioally no cotaila at all. alUiou/h I sent yoxi tha nogativos so that you might have rrtntyr iai for good plates. As 1,0 the blasck hack^roimds , it ?.s not for me to say hov to ror,- edy the defects. Other f i>-»s appear to have no difficulty in fur- nishing clear black ,baokg>-ound3, and I supposed that you, with your superior faoilities ana experionco. would be able to do likewise. In part of the Pj'cnogontd plates you seem to h^ve solved the probiom yourself. It maices no differan^a Lo me whether or not the backgrounis ar* black. <»o lonf-, as tl.oy ;-3 unifor-i and show up the chardotors of the specimens. , It U dreadful now. at '.his stags or tho work, that y,o should be B . 0 . Gock&y ne , 2 - pose we are likely to receive proof of the volume on Geologj^ shortly, Verjf trixlir yours, ^ '• i I 271 j: Washiri^^ton. D»G.. ^arch 29,1903. ^^y. C, C. Tagethoff. . .; . ., StforelBrjr for g, H. KarrjjiAn. «" 120 Brotidray, K«w York Oir.v, , D»ar^ S:;r: i : .ij. [••I'" i-. , .av^^^rir.-^ t. ..:o. t^.tH ^::'i 'im yi)e baiteh ol biUg frrr. Doul^ftQay. ft^e i Oompany dattd March 2b and triuismitted uc me ly you on the 27th ai*e approved and h^re^ with r^t-irned. ^Qfy truly yours. I t ;.- Washington, ri.C*, Mexeh 29/i5Q3. *•.. Vj*. H. W. Lanier. Double day, -Pajje & aompfuiy, i .34 Union Squaw,- - ■ New York City. ;■. >;0 . . . ■ , ■J'.. • - . •• ' • ■:■■■■ Dear Mr. Iianier! t • Tho size of the Inwofc Toluma is Koc^wh&t, appalling. Ail^of the "paper, are now in type, and we fina vhe v olune foots up io 510 o,^.z «ithcu'. p^limimry mttar or index. Fonanately. this voiu.« im. only 15 rlat.:.8. «lale K^st of tl.c o^bor« Jiav. e. ,r^^> mr^^ nore . HowQve-'. it will not mak.e les« iMn 530 F«geJ< wiU-.cut tne plau.3. Is thLB i,oo '>nck ror a «r,r^,le v ol...,x,. o.t Ih? ^o-iefl? It could oc published in two f^.-ts. -cut c.iviHB.;:. cC a volr:/no int.". F>art.3 U ways objootionaJ)is. IW« size aould oe raauoad by printing un t^-.n- ner peper, but it v»o;ilvt > - a ir-.iSlcrj-^.. i j -wju ^ ^ ent volumes on uifferont '..hicknessec of paper. Another possible thing to ao would bo i.o t-akp cut two m-^^^ - t«e Araohjiids and t.he Myriapo'is. Ka..;rogat ir^^ -^iS pages nnd -1 pXatos - (.no transfer thorn t,o lYs Crusta«e..v »( u-t-* 'jr \.a < u ^^ • ^^**^ "^^^ *^i<^fe '«'0Ji«i make 410 pa^^e». To this thfcr'3 i?iiifci, h* sit\n^r^ 4^^ ^^ t - . nasi. ^au^d «ii%f3TeJ,jm.^ry.|^a,tt9f *r^ index' *pc the plater, , of «fhicn th?»re ari* >-> t» »,,., u i are ^., It wonld im possible to aeoroaae the azse^of^tliie vci^:. lyU^i^,^ ,,, ,„,.^^^^ ^^^. ^^^^^^ ^^.^ ^^^ no. so lar^e. athc^t;|,6- result in^ 3eq.^enae of papers will be far le,s de,ir,ble. TKe pap.r I hai.i&nc^cl to put with the Oligoohetes naa r.t yet be_e^ ^^^^^^^^^^ to.-,,by theautho^c. a"4,,.h^ grown ^0 UT^e th^t .,..^i,^^ii,,,, ,,,,^^^^ .^_^^^^ ■ -^ r-.- Very truly yourg,, ,^.,. . ,^, ^^ ■*?^- \^v Jv.) 5? » t ■ IT"- • ^ Vi*^'.. '':^:-iV 'P'4 'HP'^ 274 .mn 1J ■». "'> 4.!^ -.*! ...>;"v. ,t,- • -' ■■; /> Uft'f «. th«' h^ltlipWOfck; • -TMI- 1- tkir'im •nftCMg-iiku'a 'lot of bother la runnii^ orer page*. T»sttrd*y I rstiircsd to jrou aeveral batthet or pr.^of , and al«o th^ praliffllnary natter aiid siplhnation of plates (to fona fieing ptges) for the Glaoier voiu;M. In sending proof* of th-^ Geolocj' ▼olume, pisasa send three sets Very tr.ily yowra. '•^^ \ VvXKJ v/voy>^- \ 1 a !''1 ""^K^ii^** -v^***"!* «A Itahlr^ton, D.e., Mlrch 31,19(»; Mr. a, C. Tegethoff. SooretaTTr to B. H. Harriman, 120 Broadway, New York City, Dear Sint frr ; f • -^ 9 ♦ . f.. w Herewith I enclose bills for March for experiagtt iiiddrred in*don- nsetlon irlth the Har**iman AlMk« .f;xpedition ^olume^^i at follows: 1^ Marches, John B* Tcwbert, letterir^ tirawinge for repyk)^ ' • ciu§t Ion ••••••••••••••••••••• •♦•#.,.*,«,t*«,,i^» #$iO»§0 ■4* i 2. fciaroh 20|; Lillian At Howetifitain, 7 drawings for haad- 3. Aiaroh ^1^ Mv-G. Wilmrth, sorvices as stenO/Tibiier. .> . ' typeirrlidr. etc.. 106.5 hours at $.50.V..V.......5?,.75 -» ^ ♦ : '.^ 4. Maroh 31, Ct Hart Iferria^^ ajtperses fiditor's office n- e xor.Marfth;*.*..t^t.^,.,.w.r....*>..*.^..^i....... 9.d!y^ •••• • •• i./"-"""'| Verj^'tmiy vours. Total ^ V B.H.HARK.TjviAN WaB; ir^tcir.,D,0\%Maroh 3i , 1903 . In asco-jLit w^'th C. HART ilERRIAMt For Efpenaes of*f Of i kje or Itejtch, 1903 • March 20, Bi*itit^. & Raf. Satn Francisco.. •••. . iMarch 26 , Tr ori»r K ii ica i q , S a at t* io , Wa$h •«•••» • • t •fpi, •uu 1.00 12.00 » • • • I^ata^,a ana rsgi^t^mlicn iY^es-Oii Manuscripts^ p^-oofs, cirawiri^s , a/ui '(^.f^P^B^pm^i^ini^B . . . # Exp^esaa^^s: * MarciT: 2i N^trErh Print li^ Cot (sulvoi^chor I) $ .25 March 6 . . Do^bladay , Page^^ Go . {- • ' 2} .50r^ Marc/i 19 1 Tno H0l1ct\^o^ Go. 0.45 Fran T]W Hid 1 i c {.:;pe Co . , Bcatoirl • I ! ! I ! ! * AQ •» r t •••••••••••••••••••• .35 9 1 Oyai •^)^»9i»9*»»^»9*99999»»»»9m»l,99t ^*{. ,<»»» 9 O • « O • I ' 276 t H 5> •» w Washington, D.Ci. April I, 190at Mr. H. W. Lanier. DmibUday. Page ft Co., .Kt^no/Vi .'^ ,c ^^^^ 34 Union Square^ Sew .YoKk City.' V^^/^l . '^^5;A5^''•i^ Dear Mr. LaJiier: v ;• : (. ^. . .: - ;1f©ui^ teiter of Ifao-oh 3^ i|ia|* hand. -You adviaa transferring ; .the i^^wo papers aagregiit4rig,45 pugif to ti^p ^Yolume on Crustacea whicl ^rfmnm have... ^IrliiaYf forgottea the slse of this voluae, tmi as it Xi,:iA to;,oe:fIlus|rated liy a vfrjr large.number of text„.figures, it is quita possible tlifi^t the additl«A |tf tjhiii wdteriid wtjuld put" us in the same plight as we are ncm in witn icejipect to the Inseet vol-_ UDW. ' It seems to re tlriat perhaps tho btst thiri^ to do would be to inakf tw6 Yolxaoes of the Inseots. Tfiia could be done now without . serious diffioiilty, as I atti still h:>lding uhe fii»l adjustment of the plate numbers until the matter is sottl©,^. I shall be glaa to hear 'frcwn you again in the matter, now that you have your attention * direated to the size of tfe volume on Crustaeea^ia. Yours very traly^ %-n ^^y !w*f ^^ 9 5. ■i^A n i i'f) . ■■-'\ fft»hii^ton, 1>JC,, April 1, 1903. Mr. S. ?. *r«rett, ' • 34 ttalorv Square, N«ir York City. Dtar Sir; ; ' ' The proof jrou sent oe on March 30 ot the photc^ranriire plato in returned herewith. The lettorir^at the top ie entirely »ati»fa«- tot7, but Mr. Gilbort »ay» that if hie platee'have to be printed ■ * aaw he woula prefer to alter the legends in all of them, and has oorrooted this one aaoordir^ly. - . Yours tsry truly. VvVs VNjv Wa^hifi^on, D.C, April 3, 1903, 34 union Square, N^-ir York Oil v. Dear Sir:; In continvat-^'on of ny lott^er of the 1st instant, I enelort here* Willi oorreotea legends for tha photogravure piaiase I emloBo hUo fini^eB okd proofs of ciits« TJ-je others will be returned ai^ 80::i m TviOBhed irom Uw author:*. *"i'v* f II A i 278 fas hiii^-tcm, D.G,. A_i.5'U 3. i^Oa. I>r, Wesley R. Coop Shei'ticlci S(tiyntilio School, Nsvr Harun, Ocir.. D*ar Dr, Ooot Yot.^ letter of iferoh 31 ai.d ti.8 corr«ctou proofs oi' vo.r ooi- ored flHte. arMv.d. I have un.i y^, the p:»oofe of .our t-exx fx^.res, ...u also or your black a.ud whito drawings, ^hi.^. Lve Just arrived, and wiU. tha. hav« eent duplicate proofa. so tJ^t ^ov W r.luin or^ set whxle r^iurni^g the other to ne .ah correetione. Please put ail ;kOcessai^* ntunborini^ find i«if£i>,4v^ ^ li^Anaoring fc;na letter i:^ on tne proofs yon return to ma, aiid firr-ish thc^ faci^ii^' m^ m- ^vr.i^ * • ^ wit x&oi.i^, page 01 explanation for plate «il, and oblige, • ^ Very truly yoiars. r-tk ^^.. r.'^j^s eT2 I I 280 Washirii-ton, D.G», April 4, 1903* Britten & Hay, 525 Cor/nJiroiSil Street, San Praiioiseo^ Calif. D#ar Sirs: The revised proof 8 of tha coXoraci plates y^x; are fiakin* for Uo Harrlman Alaska books urrivod a weak or tan oays a^.c, jiiid ncsl at them wi^re sent at once to the authors. Part of tnese havo been returned; the others have not yet or^e. Those 'chat have bdsn return ecL I ejT, Torwaruing j'oa iierew'th, with the uutaorB* correcwiorifc. I have adctad t^he raruiirv^ haadli/tes and tha captions, to thrJ. Vie naxt pruor's yoii send may he final. I 3and with them also, as a ;iorpl .^ lor lettering for the r.iruiiiig headlina?,^ photogravure of Sryn Mawr Glacier.. For sample of letl -^i-i^ at the bottom I sond a plaire -ji Alaska Nanierteans, frofr* b. preceding, paper by the .^ame author* If you follow these closexy there will ba no aifficuity so i^ar bb cap- tiori? a^e conO'r^uec. I had hopea that yaii would suH^it g^>»plefi ot pajm ^UM your last proofs, but tlius far no:'.a Im^'e arrived. The uoloraci plate of Bnc^ytraoida I wish you would to Dr. Bisen for correct ion. I ara informou that J)r, Bison has rotumad to San Franeisco, ao thai, ycu v^ill bo able doubtless to coaneot with him. The ground color of some of th5 figures of this plate is ex- traordinarily far off from the ^tolor of the original, |)articuiarly the two in tha upper l#ft-hand corner. Such departures from copy in a sclent 7:^ j late a -'j inpoEsilie for r»)e to undorstarid. \ Britton & Rey 2 You have askeU for the return ol the photolith proofs. I hav. «one to return, as yc. sent me only .no sot. This I wrote you a lor^ time a,,o, a..a a.ic.a for duplicate prrnta': '^'g'^y ^e^n th. n^ain very satisfactory; but I ,,, ,,, ,,, ^^,^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ich is .o..tantly ne,^.: ..^t.i. end of the li,:e. It .oulu slv. tine .f you sent the V^>t :.],.e fochytraeidae dirr.ctly to Dr. gis- en. I snai 1..^. he^. lor the ;ummer about the enu of tnxs month. ^u t.iere is no use ox Bending anything lo me he^e that wUi not ' rsach n:e by Ap.il2% Ar^.tlu.^ ..nt atter May IC should be addres. ^^a to re nt Acada.ny of Soianoes, San Fricicisco, whero I shall call lor nail at inti^Tv^U ax-rii^ tne season. As soon as the Fur\gi prrofs a^e -etrv^rad -- tb . u.iv r -.. x^ f ^ '^ *t.M .i,.-u ^.y y^.^j autnor I will forwaru them to yfyv. ^^ / ^ Very or / 'kl^ ^>^ ^U^-^y V-^>v^r^ xxTT.'/-^^ 4-w "OvT^ J •*-'rv. i v>i ^/ -I i i erg ll*' *^ ■ . Washington, D.Ct, April 4, 1^03« Erltton k Key, 525 Cot«!]Jiraial Str4tt, San Pi'SJisiscOt Calif. Dtar Siri: Tht rtTittd proof • of tha coloract plsAeB ym are iiaking for the H%i*PiiBan Alaska books arrived a wtek or tan ciays a^o, and i!U>8t of thsm Wirt sent at on#s to the auliiors. Pacrt of tnesi hav© bten rsturntd; the others have not yet coine. Thos® that have b^sn rttum ed I mti forwarding you herewith , with the authors' correct icus. I have added the roimir^g headli/ies and the captions, to that the next proofs yoq send may be final. I $end with them also, as a garpl^ for lettering for the ninaiiig headlinas,a photogravure of Bryn Mawr Glaeier.. For simple of lett -wirig at tha botttM I send a plate of Alaska Nemarteans, from a pre ea ding, f^per by the aam© author • If you follow these closely there will be no difficulty so f»ar as cap- tions are concerned* I had hoped that yoii would subrrit swiples of pajr^tr with your last proofs, but thus far nokie have arrived. The colored plat© of Bnci^ytraeids I wish you would suteit to Dr. Bisen for correction. I am inforwea timt I)r. lisen has returwd to San Francisco, so that you will bo able ioubtlss-s to ioimtrt with him. The ground color of ioiat of Ui$ f igiirts of this plates is ejt- traordinarily far off f rom tl-ia aolor of the original, particularly the two in the upper left-hand cornsr. Such dwpartures fr<^ ©npy in a scieut'f fa j late are impossible for me to uitfierstand. riWlMiH i"-J t .^* 280 Brittt ' reach «e by ApriJ 25. AnytJ.i.« sent after May 15 l.ould b. address- tid to Ke at Academic of Saienndii S»yi ir«.c.^#k«^^^ ..i. * . ^ ^A atiiences, aau rr^cisco, where I aiiall call tor iiiaii at intenrals mrU^ the season. As soon as the Fui^i proofs are rstimied by the author I will forward the© to you, y Very Vr A^r yours, , ^- .Vi ■AJ)-~^^.,"^- I •■■ \.-/ V '" ^\^^r.^.J \ \' .x:^^' ' ^^y^ ^^'x •A. V r 4—-' V '■^^^^fi^^s'mmm^mm^^'i^^m- !■ -ai r>s'«iriS!eS!i!p*^ '.-■'' Retake of Preceding Frame .' rfi "la ? ■ > ».. I 182 282 Wash un.-tor. D.C.. April 6. 1903. M: ^ K. A. Cockayne, The HaUct7P<> Copnj. oij Masf^t l.UeH,t. T-^o fol.o^ins talor^ to Vol. H, »,ol,^': Pla-..«. II. ^^ a IX X. XI. XII. xin. xiv. xvi. xvn. xvni. xix. xx. :ai. .xu, aiv. XXV, XXVI, xxvn. .«»in. «ix. «*- i"""- -"' ''^""- "' , .-.^.s,. lue U« ».t top of PI. XXVia i. M«e>U-«iy poor. 6n» s.vU 1 „„ 1 v„ , i.p,,.. ona. I P.o rotu-niri the =ririi.ial, a-a il»« 0'^ reT)lacou .'j^ s:^ nei'^K jjiw* * w tl . o-:,i=-al of PI. XXV. .0 bother r-int. may be made. P.^^e XV of tnls s-v-.'5 hHS T-.ct b90r-. -eosiveu by us. aooordir.^ to our rec- . .Ti'r^..h -i- -o-.r letter of fvlaro!. ■■Jl you 8taU tiiut yo=.; ILi..- '^B have ihem all • . . I ..r. rotu-nir.e also a 5et of tie fovr ueliot^ype Pycno^onui pLa* ).. tla-.e or which aro -ejected as f..ilinfe to show uetails. As '■ou have the ^egativeB of those :;t«; ceHainly ou,lA to tvro us hot- t/ar reoroauctions. I rotu>n^. aUo a .et cf 5 heliotype plates of I>3uapod Cru8ta<-^-* -arkoci for a few corrections, r^inly in the way of brir-gin^: out parts which have aiaappeared m the blacK of the haukgroinxd. I:- nnW.ittip^ lettered proofs; ploa«0 sae that all :.he numher« .i-e properly placed. If you car. r^kc a unifom hack roi-nd for Pi. I. I .houK. like 10 .ise it aP a frontispiece for the Crustaoea volume. The following proofs of pho^.oiitn platos are -atumau a^fcc, oM rkou for loitering, m(i correction: Ner.erteaps, Plates XVIII-AX'i, 'nclvKl^rp; Pyono^or.i dp .Plates XV.XXVI^ Myriapoas. Plates lU V; tr< % mi I .1 and the twc plat^j:: showing hr^-xhbu edni oomz oi i.or:5fe'"s^- 'f! I ■ ¥'■■ I 284 t, #■: fj •J *' ■ V'Ji^. V *v.\^.-, .-^ * I ? ^-lEsJ t i s«^ - V '■^s**-*-'" i^ywwuftjluyn ■i«» *w Mlift mwiwwwqwwi'y^'* ^-^. '^..^^'V. t. C v-:^ .%. •.■--••-A^ i. i '..A/ \ "^ .X'"X^- tX VI v, ~.< >., \ -^ \hJ^^\ \ ) '-^ij^^.- \ R^J;>^ ^v Hj: aTa ' \ \ '*• * I %i£%-^ . -.*f ^ iirj^.i^ :.*i, D.U., Ap^-il "3- 190 J. T»A • Mr. H. W, Lan^e", , ^ New Turk CAtr.. Dear Mr. Lanier: Tcl^ hes boon & aay of ssck.jioth suia asnes. Tnis ^ '[ oeivod l.he first batdi of gall •;' p'^oof of t.h& Cn f.^aoea voiiJ-xi, axi-1 Irunediatel- wired ycu t.o slop ca^pv-sition until you haarU x^a.-. ne. This noon has brou^it two additional lutontfa. making If galleys In all. I ain horrili^d to find thia mal'-e- se*v •^-:thout the slie^teit -ega"'.'. to the fo-;T. ai.u stylo usual rr. ticnr.icai asatts" oi this Jlass, uj-.d wiu. alsclute d-era^r^rd ol the acie-v. olner yo1i'i-.s ol scri-s ci which n fonui f. part, ir you .'/:U rofer ^l bp/ letter o; ViarJ. 19, in reph' to yourss emcloifinjj, a sa-pio i'a^f- fo" typ*. ycv ^i^t fi:e^ r,ta;f'-. ti". ; Ir. apite of this, the introdi-ct ion \\££ lean set in this Rane tyr* Please compa'-e it with tr.e in.rouict ions in ail of tho toci^rJcal papers of the Alaska sor^eg tnuc far r/>liihcu. . . In -his sa*?* letter I r«;^it."kec: •Ono of t-i e difficulties I faar in a new /.cuse is unftciillarit- of the compositor* with the +h-psa:.c/ i^si one little details of fo'*a and usf^e coruiooted with /.ooloj^ical j t,€Oi.r;U;iU cesoriptiona.' Tii6 procl filfUs my fear in many respecti. Thi rifist > ■.;or.r-£i .".liSv^llft t'li.if, ahout it to me ia why the form used in 'h(^ n'*'0viou£l;.' n';bi' cried pa{:e^s of the aerl*^?^ was no; foUowaa, | iiu;,0aa of mXut% n nm: departure, d\leli it not only for 286 Mr* H. W. Lanier. ^xoh me,tt^rp but would nake the volnpie staaa out as a gla^lr^ incon- gruity in iht^ series* I ar. Bending you with *itis letter a short paper on Ouoriata* by Holla P* Gurrie, as a samplo for i^eneral form and s^ncr.^^'TTiy, The synon^^iy in the Crustacea paper is set in th© vrong Type throughout „ ana is laadoa* iiisteaci of being set solid. Tc mention a im c-f the details that will have to be ohariged, I might h^ wail begin at the bjaginniiig: The title. The autho^'^s iwmB shoiild be in caps and small caps^ as in the othe^ paper s .r^'--v-:v.-Jrw iA^^^^^v^^^^^ The parte of the t, i*,l<. should not be so widely Sfiaoed. Thu word •liitroductf-m* should t« in small caps. Tn other iidL^io for it. The Wv^rd •Contents* shouici be ii- much smaller tn^e* The headings or ths contents itself should be in u.n''ii:orm type. Tha indent ron is correct as set \Jip% Trie subheadings •Geograthio disx^ribution/ •J)iiriension3/ 'Type locality/ and •Relations/ ahoi Id be in italics, instead of black- face type. In all references to books and serials the volume ar.d pa^i num-^ bars should be in Roman aniall caps, instead of oaps. The word •California* should be spelleu out where it ocours in runniri5 narrativa. Everywhere else it should be abbreviated to 'Ihe reifies of species in the syncnTrty ni ouia be oat in 9-point ■ :fe » I 1 i a 4(^ I 88S Mr. H. W, Lanier, 3» italics, and the synonymy »hculd not be leaded. Synonymy should al- ways be in flmll type and well contraatect with the body of the Ic-.t, Ail k9y£ should bo Bet solid. I encloee several samples.- W^ien these corrections have beuia neae and the printars get the rm of the Job, I tmst they can push the work to a rapid finish. It is entirely beyond wy comprehension why this matter has teen set up as if it was an independent work, instead of one of a series of mere ilxnn a dozen voliiries.") "^ ^ery truAy yours. V. (. A^ V, ■^ \ XiK,\L ft^ Vv *^C^^ V-v'a A.^Vy».^ V i i \i<- ( '"^'^ J\\ '^ Kv. v\ I i r .>*' ■^ I ^i, 11 ^;1 I*' ^ -i i \ . .m '"«1 *^l1 , d"'^^ :i. it '• gis *^ J 4 p I '«li^ :#' ■■■Ja I, I ■■*• , , A.. »™ n Mr* K» ff. Lanier^ 3* italiMt and the •ynoignoj*' ihcuW not bt Itaded. Synonyify should al- wiyi l>i in small typi and wall eontraattd with ths body of the text. All keys ihofuld be set solid* I enolose seireral samples*^ Ihen these eoiveetions have bean ratde and the printers get the ma of the job, I trust they can f^sh the work to a rapid f inisht It is entirely beyond my eowprehension why thie natter has been set T2{) as if it was an ii^pendeht work. Instead of one of a series of nore thaii a dosen Tol\;ims« Very truAy yours. \ \ \ >-,. \ ^' I I i V \ ^ ''XWJ'-.j^^ '-■\. t ,- ( -i^ 1~— - '"X "^'' fk — n X "■^K. V ft - V-* X. •^ K . f :] \ V . V*^. mk^mmmm,mmimmimmmJ^ i^lfca^aaBati Retake of Preceding Frame -^Ufc?^^. ■.«H«,,«»iv-ivp **-**»«'.*^a»««wfli* !r^^- . ^^I^i^ ''^ifili^i e 3 — ' ^vim Hiixit^t9D, B.C. April 8, 1903. 211 Tp«90Bt Btrwt, Boa ton. Ibf** .1 Thl« Afternoon I ha?9 riBC«iv«dl a nonbor, perti^pg all, of ;;vj mitflcg platt., aoA alto nriwd i^roofs of S^UUH UUl wa >J(X (I iWM) of th« vplume on G^nl^gy; hit th« i;mi<»w proof wiiicA In turMd. imrkeA for ecrreotkii.j.* net 'a th» p«<»k«£«. I shail b; obll««d if yoi' will ret«m tno« at once. I oan no». «»o tjmt a- Oorr«otion whai^wtr has b«en mad* on thea« piatif, but iroulu m, to oompare tha origix^l witi. my o^n correotiena aorkad totreon. KoBpsotfvUy, OR ^ Wash?n^ton, D. G., AprU ^. i90>* Prof. Wiiliai^ ?^n^k'as«, St. Loui?:^^ Mo» Tt was u ^raat- rei'^^f to k?-ji'>v^ that you wero hom^ a^tiin-, ar.a ;v stUi /reatur one to see the p^*oof be^hi t.o c^cr^o i a^ko Ail Lhe }>iv ':^rs liavo vjorne ox-it:pt Iho Pt.o- iucphy^^a , and I sui'po^fc th3y ^s'iU ba aV:-:!;, (li^^'Ctij^' I ri€- 6 i.iiaf. ^'oi: nav^' ■'♦,*. -1 cted ■.h'^ '.i-reii m-surahie rttprvu;^a= 4 ' /', /"f i' hlaok and w'Mtc ^u--?^] piat-si^, vst i:.ive ar4Juii»l.ea t;;a i.liite ....r.bcrg for the voiwn^ ^.0(}j'^dinf^lye Ui^oriunataiy, Brit!o;; ^ H^y L.viit ao o^iy one, prorf each of iho photolitht>. so \ijtX HiVcv. I i^enu M;HS G^^jnp/i :j-? th^j p:"oofs oi' .uir ■ tn^*ee p'Ui' rts I naa no ur,pl;oatti e-^pi-i^ Itdt. Niiss Cuninin^s ^•eturu^J to iT-e *he two plates oi* Licnens which z\\^ v^iBheu to retain Tor Kor art Ida, ahci wrcte me thtit i?the had ient the third plate tc yon, as it tu^iad out to be a Fui:^Jb# Thifc 1 wrote you at the time -- Mrol- ably 'v^c rr;onth*3^ 44IP* ^'^ ''^'^^ ^^i* i'^^* /la've* not. r':tcoivecl th:^ pl yO'O^ FuH^i pap^.r cor:.o^. I'ir.^^ a #n I * '*' G ^:r(i^erl'■ labelled i£ o^I^' '^'.o ^Iiv^o ^.s.a-' ^1 -t '-- t;.^ ' ror.l ■■ cjpioceo hor-o^- the Tiri-o ol your pUitss 1? Pl »,^t tf-n i?^.! .-^t ^^■-^ '^'.^^•.*^.. :,lvj.f3 \^ yj^ g,^^ Professor Troleaae^ 2t I assume that T.he plate turned over to you hj Mias Otuanir^.s is ?!• VII. Th?fe will make the nuiribe'^s oi Mies Cui!iti,i%s* two Liahe>n plates VIII hx\(x IX, 6nd thiB number ol" the fio'st or Saundorti' Ai^ae X. Kow aJi to the ilhistrations of your Pteridcphytes, thti ori^inais of which I neglected to return to yea; there we^e thr^ia of thest or- :igina]t, one (a i>0^'^i?I^v I Iclieve) of which I sent you a helito^ Oy/.-e proof so'^e time a^o, anothar a Botnrohium #iich turaed out too ;0(r for r-pr /..lAiCt ion b;^' h^iiotype, ZxxJi Ironi whicli I hau a drawing rrx^xc{'^Vi\€t. Ib enclosed hei^ewith. alon^^ with tho ori^.inal;. Tlus will ba insarted dz a text 1 ■.^_^ure, under the proper species, if jou will i'.inuly Inirjav.^ v/iiere it is 1.0 ^o. Yoi.' sent me also a photograph of auotfie^* '.ixi. trom a sp-clrueri in \\\-y United Slates Nat-ioi-ai Hsrharinm. Th:si li oTo^raph was fooo.. to: poo'^ icr rcrprcauction, ^md was there- fore rijoeted, and h-^ -^^o^u^ned to you htr'*awi^h. I think t.his covers tna Cci&ee Su,-riod ^p, it i^^iuvs th it you have on© holictype plate aod one tsxt figure iov yr^or paje^- ^:^ Ptariuopiiytea, I snould be glad if yo.; wUl K'ntiiy ^^v^- r-j too proper ci^p- ions lor these two ill'JS- -^^'ations. It is nard to rrake ^ood >'e product lor^s froir. poor orl^^inalSo In tlij sp^llio^ or Kaoiak Is^iand, wo x^erve ua:lformiy lollowec the uBe of tiie Govcj^miunt Eoaru on Geog?*Rphic Ngunes, and as tnis is the form adopied in the otner fourteon vuluries, there wcola Eo^m to ha no 8uf i -ai-'int raaoon for chari^/ing it in the voltinie on Crypto,-air.xc r--twiv. ■(' About th^ a'^ticie on Al/-a#, of which you ask for proot; Ih'^^' 0 J :.o be no^^, s in tao pi^ >oi\ but a facing page of errata and addenda will ttocornpany each artiil^ All of theso articles <^<^ to « li iKHHiii. Jt.w *% a* 111 lo reprinted Trc^m tjio'sarr:* plates a^ those iiaa-u i»i tie Was:nn^t3n Aaad8iny*s Proceedirg,So S-c aiiy EduH?ons y^u ;^and i};e for th^ adde'ria will ^c in as you wish.. The Bwre is tnia of ih*^ Moss pape^%, a^ia for that rnattor of ttll t;;e pa^-ars. I mn dely.^htBd to kno^ inat you are ^tilirj^ ^o prerara th;: i::i''^x tcr this vohime on Cryf^togai^iic Botany'. This w^li oe a dn^vi:^'^, *:r^''^% aa wa havr:^ a numb^^r of ir;c.ex08 tc preca^e in* the v.^**«- near f: / ' s I 1 293 4 fashmglon, I)*C*p April 9, i903* *** 9 lioublfioay. Page & Coiin^any, 'ti Union Square, Nokv Yor Gitvt 'c^UJ ^ ?vtr. La nrar: Mr* Gilbert calls jr^y attention to the fact that in sondiug you T. i6Mf c-ay^ ix^ the lefctoriii^ for the oaptions of tha naw riiologrti'- /• ti piiites, Frattr Reacri, PU XVI. Vol<. JII, wa8 probably spelled I:":*aEti^. It 2-hr-.ld bo "Frasar* Ycrirs ^v^alv. V^vV^JwOa^ \\W>v>'-*vJK-.v/- lip-^ f «»rtp^ * WaBJiington, Do C, April 9, i903i Mi% Leon J# Gole^ 41 Wendell Str^ev, Ca!^iDriagfl, Mass?* Dear ^tr, Oclot You-** letters oi' the 6ih arid 8tih inst. ^u'«s at hand; <^w rr.'i- >h0 {)roofB arid ori^iVaBls of ycur oitlxrra plstoso Aa I «i?t:v wk; tne«e proof E on Ma'^^h 2?, aiid waited a ve*M- long timo tc h^-^^r ^rorti ycu, I wtkB finally foraed to rek:^ni the proofs t-^ the l'^tJ::rg^^ ba- ^cre your acrrocti0/i3 caM* By a fort^amt^ coiiiCiubrae,. laov/^^Ye:\ the lithographer is near at hand, hc\r^^ Be 0« Coe^^uyne, of the Helio- tyt>e Company, 211 Tremoiil Street^ Bostcn. I an ^-t.\\-^uUi^ yovx cor- reated proofs io yo\\ direct^ so t,hat yo-^ rikc- take Lrior? i "? niir ard point out yowiT ovm co^'rect Lone, ana aioO di^icusfi wit:, him t/l-) mut- ter cf re/nakin^ij "i^e neliotypa pii^tes i'^aa you^^ MiiOuO^^raphs^ tha na^^- atives of which ha has* Vcnir ciitline cirai^'ingji ar^ no.« iftiuit oteh- ings, but arti fiiot.oLithographfe, ana Oockayna has the whole jot^ ir- eluding both hellolfp^s ^r.d [.hatcllths* Of cov^sa the h-.i lolypa flares are to he r-vjmbcreu like iill the roato The n':,ir:crE oaii le fiat in in white If tne hiack '!mcK£;.rovndB ar^ pr^»(^r\cA^ Gcekayne has dJfflciUty vnth those lack^roundf^. Of eoi:5r3ft Ih ir.akas no differ- Bnee to ua whether he has bU--.ak lac-kH^oiimi^ or liot , so ioiu af. he ( gets trie best pcseible ri>prcclv:cti^i>? of tr-^ arlrnals themselveEo | This matter of separates is entiroly tec I'xii^. lor ne. The va^- ious authors all want aiffttront niMn^ru, and ia most instanaee, cr lit iea^t v^jxm insthnQ^^^ tixO clatofe must-'';i.t^:-j^ one author 'a paper i I Ar§ ffiade in ilit'fer^?it parti oi thr:' era nil* •, , by dif f;c?r:urt lirmSp so that the matter ^f sep^^^^at'*:?!? .i||v:''rrr : ^ ^ -^ ■* r^ ^ %: • f^r'l^ i ^1 .-f I S« •1 J 295 '•, Leou J Coie, ?. a ths part of tha printers, pu.bli8iiarR. ar.a each «<.aker of ^Utes. Tl« Flutes in thi« «.>..i«. «r, .^^^e by the Aadr«w» photogravure estabiiah. ment xn Bo«ton. the H^liotypo Company. Ho.n of Baltimore. Britten k ^^, of San Francts.0. I think one or two other*. The typa is H-Tf. I'. Fhilad»lpi:,la. and the printi^ig is done in No» York, undor ai~ ua^ , re^,e « bompaj.y. As I am ^oit^. to California In ie... Mwn three w.eks. and can not attend to thi. matter, the only cou-a., I oan 8v.^^-:e.f. is .lireot correspoa;dance with the publish- ei's you v» : {. 1 '•^ -ou-sf* :,ai..e th.eso proofs with your corrections to tho mio^y^., CoAipany - ^n early oay j«u see w^iat tmy can do. They *ili cf course strai^rton ai: l,he crookeii nij.abdr8. Yours Lriily, ^^ X -^ . ■'*•,; '^■i;k ■.Tr.(5i w?«oCo, Ap?* ^ e 1903. 211 frwiont- 5t. , hoiUm. «««» = Dfe£.!' Bin • . . ou ti. original ^..r«.it... l-ut >. r.1 «v^. ^tWu ..^.nr.a. P^ero^^- p t ^ 14 *e :i;odBj t^^ ^ il.r» woGtif^ i^ ^ thi.6 n^lU lliaBO phoooferofh.. a* I v^cla you cac. before. fx«i as I £■ «f. ou should iwe oLBSi-^'ott. ^^e t':.o ,.o-..^ :or ui^ci x.«« :a inuKnu- 't.i.e n FT. THE F i i; HK UN I \ ■ > i /; / ' / > / n 1 1 1 /■: m !t\t ls. Paper of sufficient thickness to facilitate handling in reference. Copjingr qualities unsurpassed. Size fall 10il2 and 10x14, made Id the following tMdnesses: 300, 500, 700 and lOOO Pages. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THIS LABEL. Ki'd i-i M 4 ^lm4A/ryuiiy cMfiO/iCCU^ ^y/4 /, /AS X (b.^lMir7- ''* '■*, XP/(.<2/^^ V>< % /f1, //f^ Jf¥, ^^, ^^ i^f z th I m ryt, / S. %. /J '..''■' ^^'';-^ ';.-■ >■ pg ^^ ^4 ^srn '■^.■t-A^M"^ 'iU^^^mi^ wsi^mmmmm0mmmm$mm "^i- '^ UU^^Z^ (^.yS.^ /s-r, x'/'l; ^Jh (^Mn^ .(^^^cLA Z3g''-^,%H<]B^ F< . V w > ii m' AX^^^^i iCjlCS^^p^/Z/ I P, 'LIS / 4(, I I i V '■*'- / Tht'U. X.Q. jd /. 11 t;,t t Aoril ,10. 1003. !>..:L'.bl6da- D-iJif Kr. Year l«ttar .bout t.. G>^ ..acea.. volu^. received; also a po.ia. fro. D* Vi.:ue. askiu- fo:- a ..t of ^.o F'o.^. v.i-, ccrrajUou.. so T .^ .s.di,ig ihc l.U«r to T.i:f^^>-*C uiorv. .i^a a statement re- .neoMr^ ^ ^^.to. ^.f ae^.eils..h:ch I .-. not trox.Ue you wit;:. De Vinr^o *ill ^..t ^n. LlncK^ forth, : ..♦ i^^^res of Uns vol Yours, t^^uly. 2 WaBiiir,:^.:-..-, Dc C, Arr-U :0, :"^0; T. L. De '^iruie' R C'^in^cr.v^ Now "orK ov./% Dear Sir$: Ir: corr;pl ^^tiioc v^"i:.;i 'ov.r "'^r^qu^ii-t, 1 an >':il,''-a 'rij^ yv^i 'Ivyr^^it set of *ho !'■ j^eI^-^'ys vov have se' up of T-:.: 'f(l'.':.\:c "::\ C'^^' ;^!aj:?a.-:.^, with a lot of o'^'^^-'-^ci "'ons. , Dcubiecuiy, Page 8^ Cotnri:^^' rv^li ^^vr vci; .l.e nlock^. As I wrote Mro Lan:er h Xy^ ^w*'/-? c-,..o, all ^p^noirTi^^ ^'L:i:l-:r or^ in 9-point t-;^^^ ^^-^lid. Tliv ;:im'^?.:; vf i;];:r:N;iea be^iutnr-*^;^ tho p?rrni.rap.a^ of s^,"non^r'iv ^:o';ld b« ^r vt-^ilie^f. • The r^iy^ ?i!iould be set ^^oTm, and would be '-=;n-*.$r ii r-DO'iv: *7r' t/xaji. \:\ la^ 7r'"M-::t,. ^^'[-'jn I tiik'^ to be 10-pcrr-- .. T.x- 1^^."';% iX' Ice:^ llti-;c4^ -A^hcr. i.. : u'Aao-j uj* ["'vrn (a line to ea3^} ^'^Lo^Vi ':,r^ ;v;ri kc,., *'», 1-' - -♦J. at^ no inatarial al^ e''*at/oi: • -^i^' bo ?^Ta(le,. (-•^^/•^ r.. •;:••' 'b^ hit^romiclio*',, ^ which ccns'^ajiraiOiO :iow !ra^'',^T* ?"-^ll l^e aaaed. Iv t'*^] l')^in«j tj.e introcL'e; '.v.; will !.?.'^;. h ;.,v*"' nil- "1 V » oa 4 the i:^rM.:i'>^. •S-''^^T,]rv D^ I * •• bo in ca^;5, tha ^:^^^ ^3 ^< ?-Ta " 1^' ^^'dv.e'^ Jc'u* I bh^a • •.^^. this on thr- 'r;,-,r rr- f^v: • t» ' ' 'fi /- •:•» I r '6 • '■ -. A -.J ?^T^ ^"15 ''i;^?/' '-^- 4:4* : .J I « iQ •J ^ %*r •»• ,. . . r» " Tk' , 'r*- ,\ ^ *.*^tf A.. <:l^ \-v ^^S^^^-'^i*^ T P I \, » ■ ( I I ■ • \ I * ^.| I s WuuiL^vOru Dt-^. April 10, 1903. Mis^. r.l>;.ra Bo Cuirrpivs Tiiit; f'v^'rn^rg J sent you pa^^e revi^.e of v-'"^ paper on Alaska Li- will kir^dly f.l^ena tco T..li5 codv hai^ oeen -^oau b^^ Proressor Tre- loas^o The delay in ^i'^ttlr^;: th"i? 'ut.o pc^^e has bi>en diie to the ne- Cdfisity of >:.fikl::^ u Ihousariu had littl'? ^:;ha^£^:3S in the refer- -*.! :.c2^ I*, o^^it:' 1 3 ir.iiAv^ -uen unii \ « A^^ » y Will yoii k-»'idi3' uUu -^^i -^.irioe^ ;.* your c^n pl^'tes after the spe- cies to whie;i ''liey l:oioi^c. 7;::^ r lat*? /n^ibar* a>'e VIII and IX. Taei^e *^€ vGr;;^* nuch aooo the ^^--' f oi tiie •>!' 2^*^^^^ EndocarpoUe :v;n7>i yc: Ujrn^u over to Dr. Ir^si^ ..^^„ I tniiik you wrote me a loa^, ttne ^v'*"^, when 1 ^-t^k^d -'cit Irr t;.;if. r-'^^f^ tuftt i^r^u had r^ent i- to T)^'* Tr^^i^by^ . I!-^ -^ >• - -^ '^.> ?p j'-8t 'lO' t.hat he has not soon it . As I .ua'^ o I A . * • • J. .' V< 4. . ■ • ii i . .1 fci o j «.' i i •- I.J. A -N^, -vJ*' ''A ' Y:;i.r;: vary t^ruly ' 1 t T tl— 4 T\ ^aai:Ti"i|tiT. on, i.». v.- n - r.A ■ 1 ^ M>". A. H. Herisi.^y, New E"^a Pr^inii.^ (^^rv:iry, Liman'k\f'\ Pa. Dear Sir: Ail tht- racer;t, a'^i^i;ldS '^ov havo a-in.. rie havr? V,ao '-h^ llJ/s \iniformiy in black- fdce tjaps, in;it3au of ordirii^y c-'tps. I vvrcl-o yv.i day before jrester-day to chaiiga tl;io ^-^/rti;-: p^oaxb I h^ic, tu^j.. aeuw.-- Ing back, t^ut I hi^xc iodox recousiu.}r ni ti-is mcvlU-^ Ox t-tlt.^s, in the light of the nev7 oa-ch ym. :^ve r^ent, i^.:id 1r. l/x^ U^ht c: tr.a type already u^ed fo^' li*.l'^.:> ?.) v^* ^livi^t^ alreaciv jn t^^rj^o I r/i^-'- decided, tlierefory^ i'^ oc^^i^z-i yov>'' jldck-rac^ titiet; a^: rt^^w ^^-^t , in- stead of tne fo^n in \:,r Wi:*.^n ' -., to:. A:;adDr]'\ ^nich I aakoc< y^^V! to adopt I have litV: r^tnrnea :ili :f' iIg i:^-oof^ of thsr^ voluf^.o '-.. i>7r'-''"-= ga'^iia botany exaep-. Lhf herewith, rli.h pr-.* [ ci .'' '"Oj''' •».*e c ^ u'}QB !o yovi Ml SI ^ i ^ ^"^ s M >9 .ft 1i ' 0 A .. D i - 0 I i" ^l: ut' •JjauvUitar^ Pa. "■' W Ji »-* .': « 01 V'':li :>•:- H m l/-^?^n, It ^T-. j. not ;Ki:' to cnar'^?^ t;'^^ >'?Ta"I t^rx)!^. The >'f*:u;;ie yfa« t^:it in rrii-rkiri^ tlv^ copj' 1 ferret v.e i-Ui',:.-jr -f the; typo, c". Ki;-Ltly markeu iO-point. who.:. I hl.culd }.ave lU.VAin' li-pc:nt, ''liaf- I -N^ant^ii to call lor wai^ ths ly^..; usau i'or liie ir^rcucv ^/lOu.j Ox the ! eo/;ij'.C:^il "^^Rfjerbo Tne paf^ '"^^viss ol" t;j* t:r-rc(^ -.or- part of tlij Insee* V'-d ;;n^ by KincfJd wa.^ ■^•ycd'val rr^.^i, you voday, and will bo r^Urrnoi- toui^t or t'^rn^i-r^.v, ?r -;■. ^iU .n^acr. 70:. M-iuay rno^rdii^, jud you raay ctist witho::l suonittiii^ i'vrth^r -'^eyii^o. T,.o only point to i^^niop I ^iBt\ 0-^p^^^.a-. ly 10 .:;u'i you- .sV.i.uMo.-i i^ the lypo of v;..e ' i:.i9t^th5 wo--^.i 'l/.i^0vv,:(^ti-i:^* -. > ..* Our latlerfi .■•n this £u;/je.;t iiave Drr-...(K. re oi'^na k'V.-ly tha+. ^e appear rr :.e all navv'l- eu ipo I hav^ ncj3Ttoc y.our :jhoij-? 'i llaek^^facs Ivi .. ^ts; f , - .< 0 or 1 % \ -^ 'liui hv'r"i ). ••"»!' all fsnoi i;t ;.e c'.shr f.p.i;:. .•,. .nr far TiMS .-.■■■-•.inf-, ; er.t- yo-.i r,.- p.v—*:;:? "^ paps'* -:- Met; •3»-t,ft.u"iR, ly ■ 'V-si-v R. C-..^, £?vl f^ari: ; ■- .^^.li^,tvi ^j' yoi, will put i^ in typo at t].9 ■a-lieh-'.. poos-.bie n-r/mnt. Thv"0 a^'s onlv 8 text .-i^-^^va.- +.-. ,, ^•''•^- '^- * -i<'^-.» 1. .^ .> ^ il:u P^irt J . 1 rie sanie s ;. .;ecT.^ which #a« pulliiuiea ly v.f. V^-,Bhu^:.L''!. A:^u^a:';r f^na is to he -f^DunJ i-'' pJ ^^0 H6'rshe\:% ^%i^^ .ho atjw VGiumo, c,o that t>^A -p,Hn.f<.- • , ,.^4 ' . » ■ ■'^'^'-^•><^- fti-^ Plato n'v4-»-3 -vi]^ + '^ 5>o.n as you »>«r u.-ic i.f^ V'^ry truly yor.r^ r 8 ^.:ihi.r^^,lr^n, If o'yus , Av ?'"^ i The Hal"i:«lvb^ t'ompany^ It. rswiti. I an ret-urniri£^ prGcf^ of ^.lo f?^rr;, P; . XIJV., ^nij:ne V. * arsci of fo33il PU XV c, Voii,--:;^ I'v, Tark^-:. ^(/r i.^t^eri -t^o In tL^^^ ^arr^i aiid p^ooi'iOo If 3^0:*^^ j.^^w'Hr had look^^d ;-..t thes^ pldte'; in a -nod liglit. and conparod tri.?ir: wlUi the o-'^^inali, I a;-; sure he nev^r vv^r.Jd have sent the/n. Yo\:j have aU'a;;^f^ l'refr;»(i l.'iat voir-' ^vr^^x wa» .. I:t- tl(> better than tho b^^t hair-toaes. T.;^iii'^ p^ool'i^ a- > carh: -^ iv wcr&e than the wo*^i^t ].3ji^lov.C:t i ?ycr :i?:-x, ft.'i I a.^ -^urpri^^ad that i^noeve^ l^^ tiiQ^-j ^;0 ouL ^ia not h^vo ^-iOu^?! ^^i:jp l^^r ^^cir f',. i^ v-iun. ♦> • '/i. i.j G r, rjc'. ir firrj to }iav0 maJfi th->r:! ov^r* '-^for? fiub-utti% t.,ien: ^v^:.^ ti al3. Tnese axm the j^Iicvype proof? prev loi'^ii^ rcc'^^veu '>: the Pyc-io^,oriii:3 wouLi s'^>n ro i?:^jaato t.nat the heiiulyp^ Corn-ja:-- ;>•-, sluerii any oia thlrjg ^-^od e/K'l«^.^ ior U.c liarrirmi vo] j^e^. I . ^ ^w aliier. Rffcpoatf.llv '^ V \^ A|^^X>bK^^JN..K^ :\i- m Hithii-urton. .^.C, April U. i9o,>. ■w • '1 • * ' / IU.'1. , .J . -i „. .,.3T- u /Ob ..?'♦. iH;- , bBrC'.ri^ aooiit. tn« tabular nat^.r I'cr the vohir,. on Cn,siacea..s. I quite a^re. *iih you that, this mailer ahovli U .et in brevio>«, or R-polnt type. Vary tntiy yoi.rfi "V^J^T^ V .Kj->>nA, G .\ 10 Mr. H. W« Laj:i.e^, "34 liiiior. Sqi'i^'^] Yl^^w Yor. Ded" Mr, Lanier: On ^i^r^hi 4 I nent j'-nr proofs of the fi*^ r^?in..> ■..i-ua by y^. Ho^^n Cornp?^.y -or the Giaaier volume « with ^ne req-oist tLs letl^rin^ be at.t9r]af»a to and proofs ?;ent ris. Ti^^.<^ :!^a- I h^ve }..oa-d nothim'- iVoffi therr.. Ke.itlier rav'/a vfB >-«c'9ived Irttsrea proofi c; Uie pioLo.^ Tho r/iole of ti;o Glacie** ^olurro )h nor '^nh^ ui ^*^>j- h^>'. ;^11 r>f 3t 16 oast -ACispi the inn-^x aiTu •ho .>5'.i:i.:Uiitv,r fitter, ari.! these parts ar9 Jm i- pe^.* pro:f, .io that tV.f tirir:^ 13 practJoal,iy ready to print, ana Innd. AU tl^t is lacrl-^ 1? the platet:. These. Ic^- ' sid«8 the maps ly Keen f.r.u the pi:oT,Oj--.-u>-i hy kcArm-^',, ar-. tii5 havP .-ecLnvad . after io/.^ doU.vs, first pr-.ofK of all, oi' i-h-^isQ. ,,nc. Ii3tt<>'-d pr'v-i-,* ol farift. Tnt. GaoiOeiy vol>ur!« {IV) 1« ^ow ^y9U a]^:!^^ iu iyj.., ar,d t:!' :„ finifih^a shortly. j;o«t of i,ne pl^it-s f-r thii; voiums a>- K-»i.:.- ....j„ pXat?B 'or both vol.iy.BiU Tiie voluiT.e en C-T:to^.aac Botany, i. in ^a^,. pn^of, ana ^nost .f it is ca^t^ Soinf^ or 1; i :.^^tf H mr^ piu,= liw;3u -ry ^j,^ W-:5/.i;.-tOi Acaa^any of Sftier.asa. ar.d ♦i-f. nov/ aoaae,.', vf.t.-, h-Me'-ir:^,. for / U i • I ?.ri I <■ r* this volunite The^>c are c;,3 toll'^^s All of thaeo plat*:^s a^n a^-c,T^; ♦ !:^.^-- -^^•.■lvt.;:o The ?0 ^^late^^ of Al^ gt,e ^nd t:;e 11 r:iatir^ of Mo^dsos .v?ro aade tv l.iP Ho'lict.vre Ccfr^rauv, to whom t;-^i oi^aer for M-e oditioi: .or Volv^no V ^hci-lu '.e ^ivon at onceo Tne 3 rla**^ -f Alaska Hep^Uca:: we-^e mruie • y Hoen, tro:}; whcKi lhe> ner*»^3sa*^y ^ lit ioi: siim^la also I9 o^derecl at onceo T:ie two voiunes or Insects (VIII and IX) are ^hoilv in ^vT)B ex- c<;|;t the prelimin;^-/ ^k.tter ;?,rd ii^vlex, \nA.u -nl] he ruauy shortly. Son^^ of the platat^ lor thie vob'ia* ^?*r3 aUc nviMi<^j ^j ]y i]a Wa*=^h- ing'^on Acathrny, ?.n:{ a^-e n'-v, ..,iAa*>^i. 'v-i^ji nw 1 v-tte>*ii:i^,. Thev a^'« a3 roliowf^, f?.nd i^ho-Jh '.? c^d^^^<^ ■ rt one*! Arachnids ^ 1 nl-Je, tiorii,, htit\i:r^^^ ^ieth;'iorpr;e^-:^s ol Colaopto-»?i, n ].U-.e^, Hoe^n. The YoUv'iC or.. C>*:^i taj^A-.t (X) yea ht^ve u) ni^ri., anvi krow .Jl about Thf> voiu.^^^ on NarnG^-i.^-.::! (Xl) is iiba;t h&lf in cui^t pa^a:^: 00T7 for t:-n ot'er 15^ 1n i^.^3 he- is ^i^ the ?^ew R--a r^orl^. It 1- ^o^i^ii- hlo t:iat Wi.or t- it is ?,ll i.-. t;;r;' w?. -ri-.y rii.u il nOv.r.-.3arv 'O .uiu a smrtll pfiper to 'irt-jf, t: c- v .Ivr- up to *.hf uvc^'c^-? -r.-.e of {.,.^ .sarins. It is not n f^ o H :•; :5 ,:^.'*i' . !x>.vf}v.3r, io ■ieo'o'' t:,ip -.n' ^ 1 l,..t"r„ people hefc^e I go ^o Cn^ i'r.rr.j."., auu ■:''iii ^iv^. Uiar' ir.strw,;- io..'s :'or na,ndling proci -,0 thn^ V. lay -^ -cad by the ixi.ti.or anu onocksd hy w ^L-ir-j: th-^ 3v.K-r.. t^vi authc- (Kise-;) -oi:!^ h; Cahfo'-iH. There a>-e Rl text Cjii-^i- ]-.:■- ... u? v-lMrt, :.>H o,.' yr km ":>■ y-iave k' f i n 4 Mr. Lira Of, ?>.. ^ recfln*.ly had r.nde. The-? Ri-e eAso 90 plates, a;.! of which. ::ave beiri 9t;^,rayeu. One is in. color, the chars are photolith. Tliis is as far ss w? can £,0 ;-.t p>»esf»nf, . In othar *aru-^. tl ■? volutie o.; Glaciers ia praotica) I3' readv for publioation. £:i5 volurnea on GeoJo^^-, Cn'pt'Ojramic Boi&^T^^^a^ sects «houid. bo ^f^ady oaf ore ih'! and of this month. Now I shoi;ld like to knw lyhor yop want to bring tiieas voiu;';98 out. Shall you print and issv^ U:e Glacier volume and some of r.ha others at once? Or do j'ou I refar to .lold all of them until early fall? V.?ry truly you^s. ^ I I Ml I i sr Ta^hiiv^lon, r.C., April id, 1903o. rs The snclosad r^oof of %no firsi prv,? oi Insacis of Alaska Keor^ to "^^e all rii-M. As a matter of equality of rank the word Vrraro- auction* shoulcj b(= in bi-ii^k race, the 9xv-e ^J^ the Lities of '^,:a sep- arate a-^-licioB, hit I lod^ Ib-i? '»^ould look bauiy, and am xi^eiinod to accept '.t.; i;r,;^aat forru a^:- suLisi actory . T ri:-'ll 5^er;0 ^-nu Hr"0»^:i;: :.. 3e>- ot pJ:it.^3 of oxplanai.ion ard adcoiv da to 'hc^ Uit va-'tj-.^i -^var^ ;-;-ev>ouSi.y published that ^,z into th»-^A..J<.-^ =^v\. -^^ V u ^y\ '^i,- ? 4^ V ^^ Wv^ N ^ ■ "t 13 Wt.«:hnv:,or., I\C., ;ipv>l in, ]':03 .Vr. H.. W. lanior. 3^t l'r;,j.on. Square, ".'aw '^'o^'k "ity. Dear Wr. ^aniort Herewith. I am senditi^; 3^011 duirariies of Plates JTi ana IX of Volume in - t^idciers. r svpposo iViey F' he printed on bond paper, to be tippe(= in. Is Du Vinna to ao the prmtir^ of this ma the other i.4.;.va:«;:.l volumes- If so. I su^jpose the simplest waj' wcuia b» to sono Jam these Mocks ar^i Let him do L.iie rest. Very tnjiy yours. 'M II' f*. V •turn 13 W^ ^a»hin^^ton. I'.C, April id, 1903 iiilin lle of Insects of Alaska mom to ^^e all ri^pi. A» a mattar of equality of rank the word 'T-tro-^ iuctrior." ahoulu he in black race, the «a^e as the titles of i^I-e sep- arate a"-tici3s, b.ri I fear this •^ould look baaly, and an inciinod to accetu IL^ rr;>F.8nt fo^^m as satiBi actory • f b:--11 per': Kou Hl-o^.t:; i-. se'>- o.f pa^i;=jB of explanation ard aaden- da to ""nca ^le Ya-^io!..!^ ^:):^T)er» ::^''evH)usly piibiished that ^,o into th-:5 volumos 0&. Inseots and ^ryptc^^jriic -otany* Tho back sicie of these fctcin;i, pae^'^s will be ode P^^^;^* '-^i'^ ^o avoid having- them 1 ipnk I tni.u-; of prmlir^^ bastf^.ra ^AM"8 on them. The enclosed slip j>it.air.8 several of these, anc I shall L»e ocii^^sa if you vvill k%t thsm In Bf^^ral styles of o/P^* *^"^ ^^^--"^^ '^® ''^^Y ^^^ *- cliarioe. to •M^:a;e them oor^msBXivoly. Yoi :' i^y it ^et one or two belwoen p a.iel ^..1-58, ihe otnt?rs wiujout ^;./ cecorj^tiorB • •'^r;,- ;:.ruly you- «, V ^yv... t[ \ ^. $ i f J W&shjnfi^.on, D,C», April iO. ]'203 u .' « W, lanier. Doubiaciay, Page & Company, 3^t l*r:ion Square^ Maw York Cit^^* n ee^ Mr. hanier: Herewith I am sending; yon dujmnies of Platen III ana IX of Volume HI ^^ riacierg, I suppose they should be printed on bond paper, to bs :ipp8a in. Is De Vinne to do the printing of this and the other la ! aical volumes'^ If so, I sui^pose the simplest way wouia be w s?nd him these blocks arA let him do the rest. Very t.n;ly yours. Retake of Preceding Frame 1' n^ nmxmt 14 ?.r 16 ^'--j; im'tor.. D."., i^pril 1'% 1903 4*irV «~' ZJ Mre Eo 0. Oockayne, The 1 eiioli^pe '^omvitny, 211 T^'er;ora St, PoBton, -nss* Your letie-s of the 13tii and I4tr int-an^s d-n at i^and. a}i"^li to ynich you rofe-^ a'»'rirecl tJiis aftornoon* You ask ^le to check up these plates *and to put on the voh^mo ejrid plate numbers and the tilie of t; e aHicle/ anu to ratarn this ,s^ in- tact to vou. ^ ?:-il ca^'Ui^nly oo n.o-;.hin^'^ oi u.e fo-l. Ych wiust think me eilhe^ a hloAmin^ idiot or sonenoay w::q ig pininp; io' a jobo It IB had anou^ii to c^^eck up t-M? -t^^^ioc of arilietB once, without beiny a- ^ £?cond time^ With ^^o gx^ ception of the frontlspi^M "lo ^c^c ^^ mAcn I an returning horow.l.., I have returned Uiett pi^.tei? tn you Ir: V^at.c>^e8 a? rec;?.:.veu, c.ii marked with the vrlume /^.d pl:^.t.«3 ri;.!nhor5 ana 1 ::]^^z of the erti- cltiS* This you utterly ic»:nor^?, axM hsk me to do tiio sa^te jol ov^^r again, wJiich I decii ^ to do, with thani:^. WJ^an you have r^nt M duplicate se^s of j:.rooi^ s.^ih tha lettering aria Cdpiaon^ prmu^G on as Jnriiccttoa on the proofs i .ma reiMr-ci , ^ shall, ce very glaa to compare them with the ori/unuls. and if correct to ok ir eni tor printir^ jfc^ ^'otu^n yoii prcnptly the ^k:' set , I ca.i '-our alt^ntic; to the fact, thai ^ have not yet roey-ved the ori^^iral proof of Plates :^il S. If you iVi:^ sor'^e smell loy ir: ;pn\r suf- fice to keep track of i* '\s. it 'ivoulu be a ^^^reat co^fori to * o;,r casloiners; but as you have not T \vil.U#aki uho trouMt U> ^.ivc yo; :' Eo 0. 'ockayne, 2o the followlri^ inf'-rr'ation el^out Lho plates you have nafte for U8» On April 6 I ralarned io you. marked for lettering, 5 heliotype plat»s of OniSl-aaeBris. •■^yriapoa Plates UW, PycnoK.onios XV-XXVI, and Nerr:ari,0ans XVii(„.Yrj ^n April U I returned to you, also narked lo- i.r.;,er3ng. the single for-. plaU. Vol. V, PI. XUv, arid the two pl-.tes of T^acv^rtod Cnistaceans (VqI,, X, Pls/pf ana "U) ^ which had raaclied -g afte- my isiter of the 6th to you. In tho same fc&-.«h I returnee. PI, p: of "oi. IV ( ''-3olO;.;y) , Why yoi. do not sena -.9 correctoa proofs with tl^e lattering inM -f.d of askir^> ,ne to nunher end latter a new set ovar a^_^ain. is btj'ond my cnmpref-.en.sion. ^eppectfuilv •A i m m- m I Tl Washington. r».0„. April 16. 1903, Mr, Ho W. Lanier, 34 Uruon Square, -^rvV "-orK . ii-j <• Hear Mr- I-anier: Your letter of the IBth is at hana. The photogravure plat,, .ou enclose for the new letteri.^ is ok, anci is returned he^e.ath. iou ask m to authorise yoxx to prin. i.OOO copies each of t..e .c^ -«,,o-orflv that the odi^t/ion of all ol the kavne plates, for-ge.tin^,. apparently, ^uai- oi.o .arrimn technical v.U^es xs 1.050- The 50 copies adaea hy Mr. liarrir^ at least a year and a half ago. you my re.e.ber. m order to provide a^.tho^8 wia- tr-.s of separates. You will fina at least iwo latte-s from me en tr.iP subject. If I wore to give ar.y oraer re.p.cting the Cockayne plate, just at present, it would not be i-o have them print the edition, but .o U.row ttp the whole job. so that we could ^i've it to some responsible finn who would keep some sort of tr^ck of their work, I hav. never in my life b.en so mch h^rrassed and ..nnoy.d by any business firm a, by this same '^eMotype Compcny. They never Know *here they are. and p.y no ao.ention to either l-atters or corrections tnarkea on the copy, and in the rare oasos in wnich thoy revised proof they carefully omit the original copy mrked for corr-ection. After most tedious delays I h^.ve finally receivea. I believe, proof of whe last plate they are mekir^ for us. This goes back to them.marked for lettering,, tod^y. AU M"- otiiers have beon sent back market for lettering Ion,: a^-^o- Insi,eaG of sending; revised proofs with the '^ 18 V ^: LsxJoT, 2 lettering, they hiEve just sent me a number of batches of proofs without any lettering, with the request that J clieck up and return , and that I "put on volame and plate numbers and the title of the article «• I have done t/ius very thin^ on each batch as returned, all of which t^iey have properly ignored, or lost, or forgotten £j3out, as no one in tlieir establishment seems to know anything, what- ever about the bu'sintss they are doing for other people* When they submit a set of corrected and lettered proofs will be time enowih %o ok anything for pointing o This is one of the most dishearten- ing and time-killing jobs I have been up against I'or a lon^. time« ^Very truly j^'ours. r\ i.i I I ' !h ^^^* ill Wasliirigton, P.C.. April 16, i903o Prof. Wm. Tre lease, Missou^'i BotanicfU ^'^arden, St« Louis, Mo» Dear Tre lease: Thanks for returned proofs. This nomir^ I sent you pa£,e re- vise of youv- Pern paper, and I m aenduy, you herwith a now pa^^e revise of your Lichens, AH of thete papers will be oon-ectly paged as soon as possible. Thanks for your letter of the 13th inet, I am very glad to have your various note*. I respeeted your change of Alaska to Alaskan, althoug}i personally I detest the adjective form for the nane of a country. Wherever you aadeu iha ' n in your own papers I have put it in. Elsewhere I iunve pror-:.- stricken it out. You and I coinciri? exact b; in ou- icieas as to the vast super- iority of a single index over t^o ir.dexes; Imt I do not agree with you in thinking it necessary to index the genera only, if you mean by this to iaave out all spaoius. I believe in inserting all the species under each genus in the index, indentin,. Uiem under the ^.e- nqric nane. ■^he hig-cap i,yps for now spooies in on? or two of the a-ticlas Will not app.av .hat way in tho book. I,: y«w bffarin mind that tlie papo-ft publislied in the Wft9hin,:to-n Academy's Proceeaxngs were print- od at different times during a wriod of f-vo or three years, and un:lor the editorial manap.enert or at least three different per- "^i ''^^^"^ '^ ^^ ^-^^ aiscrepancies m treatment oc '-'ery -/."I'.ly yours. \ ' '^»^^ %^>t I ' :| I 'I HI OS 21 ■I !• tn- 1 Washington, VJ\, April 17, 1903o Prof. William Treleaae. •'^issouri Botanical Garcicn, St. Louis, V.o^ ■•ear "^'re lease: I have this noranb ^eoei/ed from Miss Oummings the ioruv^]' ;^^ "Fridocarpon* plate, y^hich becomes PI. VII of your Furigl, r;.-' :.'*' nano, I 8 appose, is gui^nardia alask^rifi Heedo Miss \u^i.:n^ . / plains Uiat slie wrotie you asking if j^ou would have this rhu.v vru never ?iad any reply, so Uiat, she held it. nending further irvrj/v.c * t.ions. T am sendir^-^^ it to you by this nu^.il, with the lacir.- !. explanation. Kindly see if the plate and explanation a? a :V, .;.:; \ .o retu'^n it to me at your earliest convenience, ana I 3hiU. i <, , reatly obliged. This re2riovo5,to the best of my belief, -r.certainty we hiavo had of le^U respecting the plates Ic Ve»^y triilv yours. V.i9, i. \ -V.-, \ '^i^V^^.- '^^ V^^=0>*^;sjk.-... I 'V. :•-* R.. Bveritt, i^oubleaay, Pa^e '^ Company, 34 union Square, V.;^ ^^.itar '•>. Ever it t: •OW ^OTk You.' iitttr of the loth is at iiana. Tiia ac-^omp^^riyin^^ photogra- •■ .v-:.:-^ .ve^'o corrett for lettering, and were ^e'l^iirnod to you last ever- ■'=*•._ o '^a should be glad to have a luplicate sot of prints for our ^•.:"•^■5Ji.eb iis soon as they are r^aae. vX. D^amm-" Original Defective £2 * * « t 23 ., 34 Unicn- Scuar.;* ^-^f* Ycrk ''Jl^y Dear .^ir. Lamer: VOU.S Of ,.r., l".a at h..a. Po-l a,« t dW not .e*e r«olf -..a- .bout the edit ion. ^e dacldeu o,> a ..ho..«.d copl3. as «» ..'.taon „, »„ ,.-=i,n.c»l .1.".. a lone ti™ a,c, .« "V. Harris. :.,-coc, to pr.sun. ,.ch -..r.ov «ith 50 ,op.-«e, of h.s paper. Thi» .ou:a make 10;..o pla'-Si' or ave-vti '-.ift. . .1,... «. •!- a,l.r,-s H^e ciixious to have printed, at i.neir persraal expels ' r. n-.^ber .i: rep'-^ats additional to the 50 ^^xven 'T'v.ic ^. ---'..,.. .-,0 e^u of trouble, not only on thorn by iVr. harriri-.a. ^hu -.'. ••■^^ '• s .^o e... j . ... ■ .„ K,- rn i'o na'-t of the makers of bhe pki'uos, „ cv -; an ins to ri5 impracticable. As it- is 8s ''Ou will -eau>Ly soe. atiu ... sojrns .) . ly ^f , 1 4 _„ T om rfi^srr^n^^ t,he several impossible fo- mo 1.o 1 anal>^ mus r;^, I am re.err..n,, authors to yoi\. ^f 'i-^T;/ urjly yours. ,NrsKik.> Washi>^ton, ■^.C, i^pril 19,1?03 Mro S* Ao Evori'll, j4 Cnion ^qi.a-'a, ''^ew "^ork ^iity L^ ; 0 Mv Clear ;■ r. Rve^^ Th3 prr.ol of priot.o^>rwure or PI. V, 7oi, jv^ which you sent me ' on tho i?tr. -instaiit, is ok, z\.c is returned i.^ you herewitiu Plaaso remornbr^r want I wrot^ you a few di^ys a^o -^ uhat ^^e have no copios of ^ny of ohese plaLe8, tin need ti em to conrl:te our ao^wies. If yow^ will cea^ m mind that .'/e a^e ^'unnin- at present '^ voh^es, con- prisuv 168 places ana 277 tex^ fi^-uros, ynn will see how nee- essii>-y it i- to have a oonpleta se-t of diu^ir-ies ai, tiiis o^id of the line, to avoid mi<^tal^eSr This i3 pc^rtx?ula^iy import an in view of the fact that I am setilr^'; out for the Went uisn-o oi two weoks, to he ^oue ?iearly six r^on^hi% du'^'^r- wr ic.i pe-oa I srail properly tr^r^^er everytriiri^ thfit F ts\ ivm carrying- m rrrf nead reepactin^^ thoso Alone;, with the returned proof f am enclosing a^i ori^ uraw- ing for the headpiece to the chapter on PossU Plants o Kinui- seno proof at your- early convenience, a^ ch^ipuer is now ui ;a'o-oi . I am giau ^,o ^now from your lotler of iho inUi :};nU he Virme is to 0 the print ui^^ of :iii iha volumes of the series. Please . iv© me thfl add>'oss to wriieh you wish all piat:.-s shippc, irojr, us en- graf«r. Sliall they he sliippeci to you or i.o Da Vumo aired.'.' A \ wi^.^ Ih X>J^- r»i J^2 25 Washington u I > » '. ' J X, M>ril 19, 1903 \shiiv't-:>ti D. A pr 1 1. i 9 j9o:< '.'j^ dear Viss "uFfnin^ ? : Thanks for your leUe^^ of the IGth instanL, and for the missing plate which has cPBsed 18 so n^uch trouble. I hope your proof v^i 11 arrive ir the very near fuiiire. The mtte^ or ^>aparat9S additional to trie 50 copies to b? lur^ nishftd Ijy ?..V. is sonothin,, I arn mablt. to nanaie : i/aa matte- wUL nave -.o be taken up witi. t.he publishers, Doubleday. Page h ConpHP.y, :k; l.'nion ^>qun-3. ^'ow Vork City. I regrat ve'-v- to-.(^>; to lea-n Uiao you havo been ill, and trust you arj in ^lood health af_'air ry this t:-me. Vary truly yours, ; Pt". Leon ■. ^o\e, 41 '^and-all ^tro^t, Gamb'^idji-^J, '"ass , Vy dear Dr-, '^•oLe: Yov»r letter* of thci x4th in?.tant caire several ciays a^ p* "incs then I have ^-^eceived fro^n ^'r. Cockayne an acknowle<%rier;b oi the re- oei'pt of you^ photographic, v^hich I sent him sone hmB a^c» I have alf.o returned Lo him, lon|!, e^\o, proofs of ail of yoir platen with the volume ana plate nunl erE ana captions inaic'-tea. ks to the shatim^^, de^irea on some of your figures, if yoii can have this done for ?10, you are But}iori2,ed to have it attended lo. This nieans $10 for tJie entir-e jn"^.^ not $10 par plate. All business rela vin^ vo s:}parar,i-^s will have lo be transacted wiVn the puhlisho^s, ^'Oabiecuv;, ?i^. o k ronpfir.y, 34 Union Square, !-^0w ^ork Cit^', as T gum not able ».(j l/male tnis r^iatier. Very truly you^3. ^ "v^,. .1r^ VV; ^^.. if M bS ^v,^A^i'v-'A.on '•> ?/r. h. '^^she*'- "'t.ancist^^^\ Pa P'^B-f !^1r: The I.isect.^ of Iht hi^r-ijrir.n Ala^.ka Srpeaii.iun 8^rias \\i\ii r>-^vi:^. l^'o '/O-Limie^, v:^n aud JX* I an sonvVL: .iCi.68 the fcr^-y fo^^{^'jt"i=:£l:M, conprisin.. (!v:plii-j;te prooi3 ox u.'3 a^ticL Ciiv^j^*4^;^Uy»^.a^^-iHiaaa, and a sjl. of blu^ piapers previounly DuHiis^ua an the %.shir]^toi: Acadery*^ Proceodiivs. all arranged in propar 80q...:-nce and pa,',cHU "^Du wiL. o'':ie''*ve vha'- 1 have aa^ed a bastard titl^i pa^';e t:: each artiv^le [ . . f, i-- ;'4 O '.'•><^ f n ^*^^:"^^s m,] iiBrf^d now for the f' irvj ^ne other ^^id^ of the -a-Uv - : :.f Ic La^oT ^:li vcn^^Sn hU-nk; but xi, the ca^.^ 01. all p-peri:; pieviocj^.y piihiirPca, this fcia:^k pe^iu wiiJ, he rvl.I--r"^ '^it: an ;xpip,i;r i-r-ry nn^e, li^i.pUy accOiTipaiviea i^y tu^ or-at.;;m. :'or;- i'-- aU J' fi ;b ;-c^ec %c yo,- Lo,_,i;^ne^. '^r.e bastard title page arc. rPe pi.2 iK 9^:>'dariation anti. errat'i wiii h3 r^^^ularl^ pa^^eti as oonstjo^ iix^ parts ;)r the ':y:-okL ^leu^e i.oi^ thr.t thn y-i^ -,,1 pa^tviiicn of onch paper i-rnseo l. .n-ies heru incii- 27 C£i^d. Apart. l>on thei^o eh5^^. F-acLicaU./ re £l.,t;rj;..,ont. m the orJ>;,in«?.l platof arg lo lie niio.e o I shhll Lh „;laci ',0 ,:ei proof of ihis vcluro -.•::■,,. corr^el mgina- t.on 30 as .0 se. ^Jmt it ;s ail -LM., anu also to ht^'e l.ho index ' ifiady at the eariittst possible -tio;-- om » Oar.,^ no^, s^ac iw galley proof of ''09' 3 Neru^rteans so ..5^at, I «ar: -el. tho tgnt fi-i-9S prop-'^y placed before I iewe fo ■ ■''J, t i. or*" iia on *'av 1? i» '^ery 'uruly yours. . \ ^ a r tAX,V \ --^L. I- -v<;^ V >v. \^ \\ ^ -v. i^x V- -CVv ^-x ^ '»l. L \ . ^ ^--v^^ ^ j- '^v to^ ( ' V -. UU ♦ • -^v^-. ^* ^1- 'tX,..^ •> '^^ ■-K-^^ X vU a-^ ^ >' f' 82 Was], in., to-. nrirjl ?0, 1903. Mow F-r- Pri/ili ru; '>mD<\nv, C\ a Tear ?ir T)us [noniirv. I sant you I7 expref^s iiurtny vor "^'oiune '^, Crypto- cyanic :^otpnv, ni>Lvked th^ouphout for ptv.-inn^.iono You ria^^ ui-icovar tin error somevvhare m this piiginaiion, bub I >.eli9ve il ^8 co^'radc AfT,er the expiatiaticn J serit you a utv;^ or Ito a^!;o witl* tho voJvnec on Insacts, it in hprclly necosf^ary to ^paat m Uie case of the present volirmo. I hava euppliod copy lor bastard titles. faCxii^ Paiges ;.o a^'tioios ana ouv-:^ lor bhe ;ieaa;.u-5C08 . If there i« any difficlLy •ar^where. ol«=)^i'3 let Ti^? kno^ at ouco . In. the a^^acie on ^t v^ • i , F'ictHS V[/[, IX, anc X Q^ve noon aan- cellod, so that th3 facing uiUf^^ of oxplr.riation of these plate? (ori^iricil pagination j2, •>::, anc; ':^u) have beon canooilad. Your idtier of the 2nth about the typo for tidies aua names of aut}'o-3 is befo'^3 -e. Seo in^ Uim. you sat all these titles and au- thors* nar'88 in black-f aca . I i a^e acconted il^e^rri, Probat'iv the au-» thors' nanes look hotter i:n this way in conlraf-t with U'le titiDS* You^" other' questions ^rt answer aa by tho copj' I sent you today of the volume on ""rypto^r^r ic ^^ciany. You will see that t]:a Crypto- ^ajniic '^otany mak^s a volxi'.^ oy itself of 400 pa^^eso Tho Phanero- /^aric ^^v^.7, whicl will i .^IIav;, vvili, make two larea voiumeBt "o-. a-e n'rrly ri^-ht about >>e r^:>^ii*lty for a yoiurn.^ hnadin^ ove-^ the introai ctior.* Ti is rtact slipped mc a]to^eth0r» This head'- 29 ^^ H, Her^iie'.", 2> TUSt ^K r- % ^^'illiam Trele^^s-^ ti-C insect vol'fno« ^w^^-^'Tp -^'^(^ titi-, .-, u ^* '^^ • '^ *-^^ tit la yo^.. have Ccist reaas r?s'rponu:TTov n mr irevov Fine- id Fle..c .:ake this ch.,v,e. TMs will rr^i-o it ah.o:utejy necessary U rur. tr.e mt^-oductior, over onto pa^^a 9. ar.a .ill e.abi. ^^ou Jo lowe^- the matro^- on the fi>v.t page coardcsrably. It looks of fon- s)--o to -le, as J.i^h as iL is now. This. unfoHunatcly. w il ne.c«s8i,at« k c.han,;o of pagination of t*o paj.-js t.!irout.hout t; e enl m- volume, yv,:^ -,,■ ^.,. »,„^ ., lOok out ic in }:a'iui in,- ..he LUiTr,7.^,v wt .r>}, r .«.., ,„, . . i£y^... ow w,a oasxj. of i.h« present arrdtiKO^ient of In- t reduction end''*n/' {^n -n^ /:> q ^ <.. -t i i .. ^trna..,^ en pa^,c o, . a:>. ^reatly cbii^^ea to you i^o)^ call- iru'; :>iy attention to th'-s r^attAr T-..»^^ -Jr. >^ v ' j-xiv^or. U;e»'e IS no heaopic-ca i'l-r rho tntrodveti^'H of t'-i^^ vo'in^-io ^^. f . vi <• 4i u. s voiuie, .n-t {i,]t ^^ ^he separate articiei? have hoc up i a CO H. ■^ \ , X.'S^ %,' ''t'^'i^m''*' n <'.' •y ! Vi'.'-'-- ■<'■■' -f- ii > J I9')j K. ^f >^Hi« .t^r >•» t 'OV'.'i'^'ia- ,V;* '^ ■;mc> a q ut^V .*r-. r' r"'.f f] •' -. 1 -* -.; »■■ \ ar ^ 1 r^(r n, fc. v< f*r'i?''/ i".t I. r: ^ 1 f T L -.enu ou ^ - •4> ^^ c »_ >./■ .<•-». iiimes M V- '%••■•* V . - . e ^.:e^:^ I .ilf-'ea^: r ii^M t;o ii. -rii-e Prc^u-u^a- s. L ; 1% \\f- \ v « Ae':*.cleni\ j£ > /i a. e^c u iM fc I ^ > »^ be a V \ ei .b ]. 1 iS sii- fd in ^^si fH >■•>»■ > ;- .1- ^ h£^-t-: ^^'T\iA^ the ].cl:eri^if VI ^T, ,7r yy. il I rj ..*.' U >« W firiu I ' • ' A r *. »? .i> I. 'OV o' \> ■ -;■>■ 1.1 ' :ai' ♦ \ > T ae '.a^'^'ir ■:., V %'' fA -irii L» I >■ h . 1 ll^d b e^> wiuri iaSi.t * VB •' -•1 U.v* i> P . A ».'■ I t^> tha t, i--. '., * I /A > 1 'oe ;. ?i -I T»r¥'C 'f'.' or: -■' •^♦■^"^ -fi ■•1'* V - .».*• ••'-' t \:-\V:, i\ 3ei;. CCC^I'V/M' i;nn yeiif..?!, Yl*v: ^'ill I'ui^ 9d ir t '*!" t:, .> vr't^ ■»v. r.A 0 n: n f Oi!^ .tor •"a< OV. he ; I !A VA>^ »» i ^rfi-i- !r*r.:). ■ '^i i.' rit '11! HP'S H L 3 1? 0 i" W*:«^ S^ ■ /. 5 ti v: L .,. ^' >t. yo ] VI- ' !•* >!.»,' N. ili i 1- v^ \' I *• l-^ l«:5 .< I :i]:^xi- on i':-e f ' ^xitii^ i^ i r^u .*-. r: - ..Oii* r»5-'0 T'v le ^rr-t'CKct^ ■ Ic for ,^. v-x" ;): lit:; irv-!:^.^ct ^s 'vholi.y unfit j»^^ itf e.p a oO'-ic^iS >vr7*or > /> r • iM r* ■^- ■f" <".. i i w t ]' ••i*v iiO ' ■■■ i^v ^t-:;?» '? ;lio{:yp^ Ooinp^^n f I .' l..'JL e r T T. A\ ViTv^^ i1..i n-. tit 'i K ^' V V r \.» I; J?, p J. JLo o i';:.uu^r:,ve iug:v G «'* ^1 • n op,. . ka Mo?y^-s, ^^Is. K.^X-y?., inuiUS=i.Ye loer Jk e 0 i. VITI A .a-^K^. .n^ac/u'iic > i) 9 «■ 1 ••' h Vol. VIM, A:u".^k?=*. r'curof;L6^oldi>, I /;l arai XT I "4 ^ V ■** 7 -I-*>l .^'i :C- va^io\]s »F, »• .-. .\ .■ V- •! ix r I.' I: M br!!tt>< i-v • •■ ii 1^ « .'«: » jf- .iO'!u:/a^V4 i 1'^ ^ypf if.f;i <^,0'. ) rvi:r^ • I if f <« 1 Vpril 20.1903 UT tT . h < '"■ - - hi', .ivr , 'ovliie-a'.', H::^,* '^' "-imp;,'-:', .. . 1 t T IT Jifit*. j'v - » >-' "*• ■' - ^^ Hi-id iy\^\i 'a 0>..'.--iU jf ,'01 '^ H«v/.u,i-,n r an. senui;^ you u S't oi" plav.^fc for '^obimz V. VIU, jv ar. *.h3:-^3 have lean aireiv^.' --lii m,6o in the Pvooa^d" U^.% c.t: 'i.i ^^' 3...f;gi.on Ae.-deniy of ^c^tr^oct &m a-o to be republish- ^d it) U..0 :^r'>n-:.ii U.aBkt. volviii.os. T Iw^ :?o-reetft uiom, wilh instructions, to the UiToe i.?rFv:B ly -f^rom ^riev / ^ra ^.■^^, -in/noiv, Hoen, Cookx/m, Lm yoU}i^ Y;.h; ^'lU I'inci Vruv^: ?> --ra:n^,ed ir Uireo aopat-fet,o p^cka^i-f . otre for each <;..' ihe ;'i^"ms* It i;^. ve^v ^^por'i>ant t. n?.s s t .':.ia UU-area in the aaiirie style aiid T,he Ft-if'-'p s'^;s t.ypo, ^"--^ r'.i>^' ^ '> ^■^■'^■»^ ^'^'^ ::im\tF macb on Uie f^aiiie /ciud oi [.5'0^', The rrr.(^'xC ;;:ior^s-^ pofK^r on v^^ ioli ^oer'^^ ^ere prlr!.l.«?jd is 'vholl.y unfit f^^ .ho vr>X'»h>j, ar:ci m.B a serious ^rror to ol ino « T ! i-rjS^ th;-iv r^*e ritn- M^-mr lu^' i.t^ ahcuUi ha u&ed for tne ^ur.fiin£- tioad.;.ri^; (-i.r-^.^0;ouli aho i?f>-ioi^- T!:^ t.ypQ Tor the capbicn au l?L!' Irx |.i-re bVi 1,^ le mri-ll c^rv.. without cap inioiai lett:::*i^. . at. ..1 T.i.H '-biski^ '--^rvaar^, rn-Jo by '%l8el;fjici t^he variorjs i ^^ I I- un |i;n ,^-y 31 !/1 1 <". : A * Thc^ plates sent For tha heliot\T)e Oonp^^ny^ i- yon :iere^:'i\':^ rer id^:\ ■o; ; 9"r i-.fc^ ^s> jcl i. .•.'■sr Vol. IX. , Alaska Hvinwcv-^ra. Pis. >}-V^, ■..n>:lv- ^•ol. V, Alaska hWa. Pis. •-'<:)( r/\ incxUG:vG„ Vol. V, Alaska Mosses, s^iLs . \':-:-X;,, inoiURive. V ».r; «■ '? '.V* Vol. VITJ. AlaSK^ *r-ac'uiio2 P' i. 1 © Vol, VIII, Ain^ka rcuropLet^oias, FU. KI aiul Xri.. . Vol. Vrn, yAi.a'no^*nl;ogf?H of Alaska ""oleopt^ra, »'I3.^ '>ol* V, Alaska H^n^^Mcua, ^'Is. XLI-X!>I] I ,i:^cruBrn>. For Merv^el: 17 "i' r%^ ;! '^ Y*-' ■ 1 - I ^~*- s VcxcV- H^.V>>^K-.. V rl-n- 141 .J I, Retake of Preceding Frame — 1-»S(A« S8 Wa« hinHon. r.r.. ^prii 21.1903 ■ ' ■ Ilan master. o. /». r of tho 21 at hnnd. Tho title Pa^e of -oi^^m III is ra- Dtar Fir: turned to V.U ho.«, .lon,^ .ilh t^o or .hr,:. of .h3 .rel..u.r, p^O. an^ an addition to tha preface which will u.!.^ rt n.cas- .ary fo^ "ou to .aw the old pinto in two or set tnie pa,.a up ar..e«. no .' o. the t.tle p^,e you .iU r.v. to ^et from Doublouay, Pa,c & Cornpar^y. Vary truly yours. N. ' i « I: h 'V . i ,..rt*i<**>«*i,*pi»v '. Xi^V iC*>.V/v^.. ,.«. jj^ ^^ T^.'V J. » -^V.^f.... A W ♦„^Vir "V^-/*-*.^ ,*. ,..-'\. ■'• A„ '> V. \ ■^v,'*'--,*' V> -■K 't •. ■i. -^ -^ (^ 4^, > \ '-». •» ; » .^« M\ . « .V, r; 1 I ^v-v \ \ \ ff'\ ■K^ Vuu •^ X.^«^. J^ ^^ , ^ t « % '-, . I ^ -'i • » V\.. --^V/v V Xir, V|V *'»»-' .; •%^sw*V'^i» *jr.. "V ' '*n.,. ^\ ■^X^v?* ♦ *y\ '•-, poor imprint If. 35 Wi^shjn^ton. n.r*, April 22, 1903 Now E^'a Printing: Companj-, LancaiBter^ Pa., Daa^^ ^ir: Herewilh I aw si^ndin^ you by expres.n copy of ^^^olune XII of the Alaska series, the same being a report on the Enohji^raeidae, by Gustav i?is0n« This vorame ycu nay put in t'rpi) at your leisure, and sond .-allev proof to me at ^eaderny oi Sciencas, '^ar. Francisco, where I will at- tend to it in connection witr* :l-.e ei:ti-jr, who is now in San Fran- cisco» Please send two sets o: prcci'^' ^c no at S.i-n Francisco, aion^ with tho original nanuscript, Pioa??e sena one set of ^.alley proof to l^r. /arnes Beneaiot. U. S. -'atjcnai r'UJ!e..m, WesMngLon. D.C, lie will foT-ward his oon-actions ,.o me, so th^t, I can -et-urn tho jislieys to you di>-eet from Tan ■^ranci&co. ^here will be soro eonsicer'able delay in ^^ottii-i,^, this proof back Lc yeu, but you iieod nor, put v.w moro in typo at a tirno t.han yoi. i'e-ei yov can afJord t.o hava tiea up for soma LiKie» This voiurio is lUustrat-v;. ly a vary lar^^e number of text :i£,uros. bioc-ks for which you no»- hfwe. Wo w.iii indicate on Uie -alley proof ;vho;-e theso cut;, ^ tho u.-uU There are also. 20 plates, for which far-ny-. ,a^-ep ci' c^xplarjiiion are sonL "ou ho-awith, wit-h L:.8 P^r....8C-i]A. t.-, virio pa^^e aM p-elirdriarj^ nat- tor for thif^ papo^-^ a^-a a]^>o h^^?»i^i^.h iranspri^^^a. V Washington. n„C., April ?.>, 1903 ^4'. - ~ 5c A, Evert tt, Doubiouay , ^ Pai^e ^ -ompany , 3^^ union .^qiiaro, Ikw York % aear ^'r^ Rveritt^ II^Vp Your letter of the 20th is at hande You state Lhat -ou a-e sending', m Ly sme mail.frcm tho heliotype Oompary, prinl.s wiih the new lette-ing inserted This is an error; tho plates are ^-o- ceived, kit are duplicate prints of plates which appoarad in ihe oriiiinal papers, as published in the Washi%ton Acadomy, I sent you a set of these old prints as duro.ies, marked for 'lettering, a cou- ple of days R^iO, and doubtless will receive- prcofs yyith the new let- ■ierir^ in duo cou-^sso In reply to your inqui-y ab^,;, the sxpianaUon of plates for Voiurne Til. would state tr.s,.t ii:.^so explanations are on separate pages, to face tlio plhtee., one fo^ each plate, except the frontis^- piece. In your letter of tlie ?isi, instant, ^ust recoivoa. y^u have mis^ taJien ny moaning of The wo-ii ' plates.' When I ask-d you where the •plates' shoulo be sent. I curio...fciy enouj^?, niear.t jlat^js , anu not text figures. There a^n a considerable n-^Mr of tnose for va-ious voluraos, additioniJ. to thosu made by roen. Anar-ows,, and th- .beliorvae Company. I desi-e ■.■o know \m t^aa-oss :.o wl.icii J stall ai-oct the litho^rap}iers to Siu-p them. . The duplicate pialat- 'vol, "r>^n,yn-Vj^dr^ ^eps whicb, you .«er.t forward to TO yesteriay. a -o -,;c::-ve,:. Tor wuich I an oblueo.. b OY*^' I y- all i Washir^tor;, T.,:?., April 2o, 1903 « A. T,T I) T^ancasler, Pa. Doar ?i" T!.anks for vour letter of the 22nQ mstaiit^ caliii>^, ny atten- l.joii '0 ctisorepancias in raniiin^, headings, aiici to other nntierso Fi>*st with respoct to tlie headinf^s. I tiiirik they were ail cor- rectly^ marked in tho diimies of the Insect voirane, in which ny in- tent ion was to have the nariet of uie author on tho left, or even, pa.5e, the nane of the ^^^oup (as '^yriapocla, Arichnida, and so on) on the ri^ht. or oad, pagec '^he only ec'ipljcalicn here is that in i/.vo articlesfthe My^napocia a'.a rioriOpva-'^d) ihe heading "Alaska In- sects' was given at the top of the Irft^'h^.nd pa^oSe I marked this to I'O changed to Lho author's ntro - 'Cock', in the case of M^n^iap- oda, and 'Asiiraoad' in the case of tiia MoriOptera* It sjoras to me thaL these chan^^^es ^mU make t.r/: volumes uniform throivJiout » If I am wron^, in y^n^ w-11 of o:nr"se correct meo Tlio introauci ion IS :.n inaepenilGiit mi:.tte^\ ana is all ri^,ht as it stanaSo Thi.s sar;e a^^an^.er^ent shoulu ho mauc in ''olidie V, 'Vjrptoganic t P'P -r oiar Ps to tho bosl way to make tnese cl'iarv'.es, br is is a question for As to tho paper nn '^pha^/niims* lif^vii'v;^ sent you both sets of page prcuf of tlAs^nne in t>io dtonr-iy '^ad Uiu other separately" I have no copy '"oritxiinn^ ho axai'utie, b.T, I fji\u± I rsrnember enou^-h about it to 37 Wr. Ao Ho Horshey, 2o know what you meano It surely wouio Ic^^k better if it. be.^an a livile lo'^er down on the pa^^o The pagination was d^an^ed Lo an oad pa^e, following the Mosses, as you will see by the dumny w/iieh l^s reached you of cou.^se before Uiis« ?- ' -• I am greatly obligeo i'or your promptness in sending so l&rg,e a batch of p>*oof of the Tei-serteanso I luive sent proof to tlie au .hor by special delivery, and hope to have it back day after tomorrow at latest c Vory truly yours. N \L ^ I ?, Washiij^ton , April ?:i, 1903 My uear 'V, Ha?*riman? After struf£,lin^3 for two more yea^s vmi.k the aiiU.ors, drau^-^hts- mon, arils^.s, printers, and repro* will follow uuri!>- the siwer. .*s in tho cas6 of the 'Tarrative volumes, the printers object to put tho books en the market in sprin^^ and wish to holu ther^ ovsr until fall. By cioin^^, this, 8 volumes *^^jn be brought out at once c The 7 volumes now in type are I'lp Glaciers, h^^ ^. ^\ '^a^.ert. TV, Oeolo^r ana Jale onto] 0^3;% by "ilbert, Rnarson, Palache, iJall, Ui^ich, ana Know a tor.. V, Grvpto/j^amic Potany, by "^-^leas^^, Saccardo. Peck, CurriiriPS. ^a^nae>'s, Cardot, Theri.oo, .and F?van3. ^' vlil, IX, Insects, by Kmcaid ana a dozen otho^ authorso A Onistaceans, by Rathbun... T^ichardson, Holmes, ana Cole. XI, ^lenierteans, by Wesley Fio ^oe, fhere will ha three or fo- r tnoro volumes on tlie Invertel.ratos, ore of which will be printed dirir^ the sumer. Of Iheao 8 volur^as. parts ol uio voLms on Insects ana "emer- toitiis and 3 of tne papers in the wolmio on '>iT3tOf.anic Fotany, are raprjnieci i'ro- th? P>'o.-^ftodir>^fi of the Washinj^ton Aoadery of J?cienc!9s Ml of xh- other matter m Lroso vrhjner. is here published for the first tlr>-.3. Tho-'e wiiJ re two l.r^e vaL t^p ff ^.nu VJJ) or. tho ilov^erir^ rla::ts. -.noar tho j^^norai ca^r^ic oi .s. Covu-. V;,o»e are now in i * / Wro Harrimari, 2» t]:3 main written, but J'tr, Oovilu^ y^ants to postpone putLiH;^^ ib.em in type until fall, so thai he ?r.ay ^c abroad ui.ri»v, rbie PumiTier to ex- amine type Hpeci*>i6ns in some oi tho Suropefui mitj:^.o;^jaS, m order to ha absolutely su^a wl^at the described species are. T exp^^ct to go to Culifornia in a few days, to be ^one all sum- mere Puring thin pe^^iod I will attend to the proof readin^_ of Vol- um.e XI r, so that it may be -^eaoy for publication with Uie others in the fall. very ..mly ^ou^s. ilr. E. li. '■'H''rir';&i-!, 120 F roadway', ''ew York Hitv. C'i I Mi 0* I I 41 ■I o ■ <) ^r-rU 24, 19^3 ';):>ar Ur. Lanier 2 Your letbar of yes^eraay ^s a- haiia. enu J a*^ ^tiau .-^ if^now Uiul vov,. havb attsr)d9d to t,he d^sL-iUtt on of p^-'^s r^;: oiaias Tor re^^ lettori/.," to Foil-type Ccr-pan;-, foon, and ye-i"olo ''iaoe vric ng you last Wf? have re2(iiv3d t::e lo:Vir^^^^^'"-^- ^'^'' p^'aoi's l^^i'n Iloon, ..r- cludinK the raf^jiSc It will bo iiHpo^^sille to nandi::; >i^.y no^e voluiv^s roj^ia08 '.nose new in the i.snils of hli^ --e^ ^r^^ ^'orprny rnd t!.o ^^a^siacea voiuitie ^juries on iiorerli^. piant.s , r.c^j ore »vo?x oi' .vi-ich has yet been pub ^ lisnod; hut r.ft w^aits t,o hola the n^^^.^usii^ip'^ U'il.i^ his re^i.^n rron? Ru^^opj, where b(v will ejiai^rut^ t-he .olu vypo sp^c^^ns in ^^arious ru^. Rt!.j^^s, frr ti:6 pur^^ose of nmlcir^, ^jlsoiutoiy su-o ?s t -• whaL i.iia a?^ scribeu ipech'S arso "^his will mt-ke hi^ wG>^k ve^-y ai^thoritaT.iv-); in feet ti.o ^wo v olume:i -^n flowerin-r, i.l3:.^i^ i^ili probably bo the best tfsix^Sd of any voiiuno;^ In U;:; ^^:C;uiu^ai series. Mosl 01 M^Q rop.aiiur;ji /ola-i^b will col^isL ol -sprints f-on^ tbe Wasr- ^r. lo>i Acac.-^ •my, with additional pap-rs uit&ri.olaLodo T?^3so aduitior^l papers havo not yet v^cme ir j'rof?! i>i "^ aiviliors, flx^n ^'Ou ^v^ ^^tdv 'O a^r^^o'^ti^K^ those vobf^ets, it woi. .^ t^^o woll to make ^.-0 prices ^r \"-vf as poss-^bl-?. r.'^ m^ p<*rror.:> . .jv«c?resuad .r. tb-is so^'t of i^hterlai ar^ not 31. -a ^ule -U'-on? ^io ba^r- (-.oov pockete i i i 4'-; I Besideis, ^r,e ror=?t o'*' irhe tecnnicl voIutos is copipa^aM.vely lo^, -nd is vo^y urifve- for Ui^ s^^ries, iio Ui.fc,i if. s^'ons to ns it would be absu>'d './■) cha-,^?3 a unircrrri price o '^bir insian-:^. th{^ iwo voli^mes ^^a In8ea-.5 have V-^-getbe^ only 20 plat-ei;, ;:;il of ■^nicK, oxcert L'^a fron-ispiec:'. a-^e Incxcms.::. a. Tliosa vcivu»-:es aUo have only 9 ^ext iga-^^es. The V'-^lv^m^ on "r-oto^^arvi-C i'Dtariy, on tho othor l-i.nd, luis -^t platen, ai^^,: U;?^ volun^'^ c-i ^^-ustr,c3tj.s 26. Ta- Nu-^ierueanH hap 2? plai.efD, a niwiber of ^bich are in color, ana r.^lat:ve].v exi^cn- SiYO.c I cun .vi .h you in lh;9 rif:.'^.t,6r of aut^bor's soparnt^.^s* cut ii. so-ns to m tii-it ^be proper ar^unont to .^se vntb '.he auLiiors is rlie m8cha;> icai impraeticabaity o^' i"u>-LiBbi.:- i^^^**^;l''r nu:ribi;?^^s of separ^toH to such a la^^e r;;n:bHr of author 8, in v - ^^' :^r U19 bad that i-he platot- for their papers Er-^ r^c'-e tiy at. l^asv. fivo dirfereni. f^^ns, scot'e'-du frini cvt.)ii icr '^:^n ''-;;u--^igco« aiid. l':i-tn(;^'-.o^«, the^b ii i-^ nece:^^3a^y to print t.).G3a pi;i^-»: '.r; -]nl;:.ipi?s of 5 in order '0 .;et seasonal i9 ^-ateii. The y'^e^'^: ^s.^k of ^.h? be;::, rl 0 ivn^uu be rob.- tively expensive were it unuei^ t^j^ui. to furnish ix l.orz w;.,b to 250 adailiOiial copies of hlyjir ?peci:d p-ii^r: o ^Losit nuinterb the way, a^^o actual requ;its, tlroaay ^*r;?Xi -7 0,-^ , ^u 11 i^eer,^^ to ;ne tbiat the only thin.;: to l^-^ irn(^ i^nt^-r :,ho c b-curistan^^s.- '3 i^c f^r- <"i': ror. -dv ri^h each auti0>" "'I^b b-.e r'O Barar^^io^; rre*-Anted • ,^ \-"^ ''^^-^-jri^n unoortake to deal -viUi i-r^o [.rr.^^*^r: ?in;: -^u^^^b ot i ; iu.^t-T,^Ic:l^; in c *' t- s* I I 43 Was-iin.iLon, Do^'o. April 24, 1903 ^/ir, So ^. Eve i V u 44 nnioii Squa'^'Of ]Urv i;it^ Dear ^^^% Bv^r^ •ir Your io ^ . " of Uie 23ru is a', hand, co^C'r^r w. uho proof 8 of I-eftdpincp *or tr:> articlr^ en ;^'o3»il Plants o This p^oof i5 ok, ^nd the block slv/ald gq sent Lo U:C -e^- ^Ira (^onp".ny at onoeo At presorit I hnvo ;io dunrvles of tl = e several voluj.tiep>p all of thetse haviiiiT, ^^ono t^o t.ho Mew >>a sompany to enable them Lo attend t.o the bastard titles, ooiisgcutivo X)fx^-[\ a^xlicri , oxplanat.ory facing pagas, and so on* i^s several of the volumes contain natter reprint- ed from tliG Washii\i,tori. Aeadary of oCififn-'^es, a largo number of Blight alterations anci explaiif'.tions are neceissaryc If bhey are able? to at- tend "i.o this befo'^^e I go, so tiiai I car\ get complete durn'ies with correct pa^. nation Miroughout^ I *?iiall of courso be glad i>o serid the sari'j to ;,'0U as ^oquesteuo 7..-ry t'i'uiy yQu'^*s \ \ W, asiii^tOii. C 0 .Ar,r:i 2-p 190J P^of . W-slev '^■■- -OB, Sheffield ?eier.rafic "chn..!. New Hfiver. ,, ■^0l^^. My i.ear Dr. '■^oe! This afternoor; I na'/o ?*e:e.^Ka i'"*om the Teiiot/De '*o?npan'^ car^- reotJ>;i P^.>'..Jg of your Kernerta-jin pholoiith, w:a;It ^' an; for- wardiii^ to voi* le^ovitho Thoy have u:^nd too V.i?: ni^iNO^^HJs, -.^a l«ft out the '3' on one of the pkd^oSo If you hav<^ any oi.hcv'cor-' ructions, ki/":uly let me h^tve iJie pro>ff hack \/••' I H ¥uBLir.i^'On, D.C„, Apr- J 24. 1903. t <^. H'% ^eou Jo nolo, 41 Wenuail 'Street, Dear* Mro 'loie? 1 am s ndiiig you il^^^t- LF.t,ob-of proof of your Pyc- norconids which has this ^^oinent arrived from Lrs Li-hiter. I hava not Qvan eiianced at it. Ail ihe niarV-^ r.r?! ^- ^.^.e n-i-: or's prorf reader. Flaase oompara with copy, ••9aci crit,io£lly, and return to me, by spfloial delivery, at your -fcrliasl possible cc-A'eji ■ .nxe , You tray retain oory. Fflnair:*' I lU'k "nly !.;;': prcjci'.- • y Did you ever derid nie aiiy ^eyr of -xviaDaiaon of your pi^t.^c Q# publi Fried a8 facifg pg^es^ on'^ fa^in^ each plat#"^ If nol* pieosi send no Q^jy for t,h3ae int^ediatsly, as vhoy should bc^ in th.e hands of tho D^iriL^^r nowe Plea^a aisu insert m the uexL, unuar auci. of your species has,ai/V"S i'or 'vr-^ch t^hort* is an illusiration. a -^ijfor- once to the T)lftta ana fi^r^^^B- Vo- ?rAi ^9-errber r.h;A you nave f-..r heliotype plates (-oa. XI-XIV, inolustve'^ and twelve oiadme pl^i.-^:; (Nofio'X^^^XXVI, inoiuhlve), naking lu ill IG plates, for each -f ^^^ i* we want a tacuv'^ "^'^a -^ ^^ ex'ckLrmuioDo I bo^ieve you hart no ,>axt fi.-yarefi wriit\te¥9^% As I l^iave fo^^ ^nliiD^nia on May "^ bO l^e rone &ik morrj.s, vou can Basil/ sta that there is no time to he lost it^ y#t.ting thost matt a '^i' into shape ^t 1 "*'*'" Very truly yours. r '""* t - ♦ - t » gI^ t (5 Washington, D.Co, April 20, 1903, The KolioLvra Gompam'', 211 ?>*9rr:ont Sbroet, Bo? Von, % ss In complianea ^it/n your rr^quoat of uhe 24th insi^ant, I an ro- ll "fiin^- htifthviU: Iaiq DalcJL^s of prif'T'S ycu sent me sonie time ago, aloiV: with hho me»no''*ana^. y^^hich ai)ooiripanied. l>h0m« Yesterday ^ ^3c^^ivf^(i f>pm jfpu a sot of ictterod proofs of the 12 photoiiih plates of Pycno>ioni(is . Thio 'H* used at the top of the Jteaciing in ''-^oAoEo' jii noa^ly cioirolo the size of the other let- te-'^s uj'ou :. ovil, t.h you orolably ob&urvoao The numerals avo so oig rrid heavy that they '^'^^ke i.he plates look hafily are r'lso crooked on the pa^o« Scwne of them Yovrs truly. ^vNv^^ ^^^^ v J V-.S., luG,, April 2r,i903. Mre Ro Oo Cockayne » /ae hoiiotvpe uompany^ 211 '..repiont Street, ^oston«, ^;ass• Tn y,e aane pafika^^s^T ara retunnng a ser. of Iha last proof? "O- coived of plates for Volume IVo If you will corrra*^e the rjferonce numerals on flatcu) ^X and X with^tl^iL^oi all the other plates, you will see at a glance how big ana GOc.;*se these ruimhers are, and hew badly they make Plates hX and X lo.k, just as m the caey of the PycnojHjOii 1 a pianos ab^^ady monLionedo ^n all if the plates which j,n2u p-*o ria in^^ for us in ,vhich the name of the artist appears in trie Ipyjar Inf^-hana corner, T wish you wouiu put your firm imprii:t in the sa»T:^e i^ypo at tte lower rit^^ht- ha.nd corner, as a matter ot baliinceo Plfias^. also notice bh'ch the type usea for the artist's name on Plates XIV aid ;iy ■s ,i ^ 1 w will not go to preiB unti t r plate numbe''So r i.„v. , .Bhington for CaiLfornia the latter part of bh".- .eak Very truly yo'ars, , G^ 50 Washin,._U>n, B. Co, April 26, 1903 o Wa8hirv"ton, , April 26. 19C3 iir. Ho W. Lanid^, DouLloday, Fa^'^e f: Company, 34 Union Squa*'o, *u)w ''ork Cit.y« Wy doar IJi^o Lanier; Proofs of the two foUiir^g plates for Volume Illf -latas III ana IX^ are received and returned herewith. Plate !n is oko In Plate IX the two figures a^e transposed; the boutom one siiould be out on top, ana a litLlo mora space should Le left between uhe le^ena and the figu**ec 7ory Imly yours. \ v>v^v\ \LVV,VsjsJo The Crustacea volume has lots of little m8.tter8 wron^',, bi i ri is too big a job to alter, '^he si^^^ns used for oegreos ar.d minut()8, in latitudes and longitudes, are larger than usual Please look at them and see if you th.nk they will ^o. This matter also is very full of broken type, which ii is trow.biesome to spoto ^:r. Ho \S. Lanier, Doubleday, Vnp^ h Company, 34 Union Squa^^e, l^m "^'ork Cit>y, Dear M^ Lini.or: ! return herewith lettered proofs of lithographed maps in col- ors a The lettering, beneath the maps is acceptable, and has been previously approvede The lettering above the maps, inoluain^, vol- \mo and plate numbers, is not approved, because made in the wrong style, different from the other plates of the volume. In my in- Glacier as a sample for l^tteringe This photogravure »ai^ the frontispiece of Volume IH; but the or^ThVxn^, sent appears Lo have been a proof of a colored liLriograph of i^ryu ? awr and Smith glaciers published in Volume Ho This proof had no lettering above uie plai.e, but only below, and the style cf lettering ^^elow the platehas thoro- io^e been copioa by rioen in lettering the volume ana plate numbers o Will vou please send him the photo.,ravuro of Fryn Mawr called for, and have thi lettering, co^'-ected* '.^ours very tn^ly. • 4 C- V V%/WS/Vr Jk^ /^, \ 1 ti i • Wftphin^lon, D,G., April 26, 1903 *1 .M Mro Ac Ho Hershey, Lancft\8to^, ra. Dear Sir: Fe/'uivi^ti ' enciusj p^'Viol's, y/it.h it^^_onils, I'ar^ Pla'.e^ VTT ui. M. Vlli of volume IVc Kinaly se^^a p^ooi'H of these i-^-o pa^^efi iS oa^^i^^ as p^acii cable ¥#r^/ truly yovi^'-s, \ < - V> C^ \.\\ vo^.^. / ^ I N i*'-—A '^i-^.^O^J .^>' , ; V X-v^ ^- ' VM-\L **,,,. »^ ,t_.V^j- II n._ 1 •*f 0 3 ^pi -i kio. iV03 .^V,; P*e CK CocKct' ri'% "11 T-"Jr;'^i;^. i^trtiO?., i-'SL-vin, iVihSS. ;uar i>* n% hij . f.rf-:--.-.-.c.. i- ~- :.:; ve coi-:0 Iftck iDuay l: .- ^..Lhoj', furkoc for a few - 1 4 li;H ;-c'--(-.i'n«. -he olhor places of ;:;}? :,^-iOs i,o stages tro -.V 'V \ \/vX>Jv-^Jv^^w'-» ^.^__ v^ V*~>w, X -iC^ V-3u...jV ^ ' # H - v., 1 I '• V — f^ -u 'i-^>*^ v^fc^^Xk^ \. -.X. c r I f i •ff ^m 9 -m 15 -ash in. ton, l/oCo, Apr^l 2^ iy^^3. Utr. Ac He Hershey, Now Era Print iryj Cc-rapany, Lancaster r. (J Dear Sir: Herewith T aj^i .^etivniin^ another r^n ise of the Lichens p by miss CuM!Mn^s, .vhich hus reachtU nf> this Qvetiinp:o This is i/ne matter J spoke to you about whan vou ve*':- o^reo Most of the corrections are probably in the lapt cop? I ssal- y"(>"-° ''i^an^vMle, some queries were sent fehe author, who has ariiiw^jlr^::C. t-heri on \^m present set of proofs. T taken ouL the pa^es reqia-" n,.;, no correct ion o very irUy vours. ^ .V Nv .\ r> ^ # »■ * * 55 Wash ir.>; ton X' ^ p Apr 1 JL cjO % Vr. Ao Ho Herslujv New Era Printin.^ Companv V.J ,. ■1' V LancaBto'*, Pa Dear Sir: Ke>*ewith T ar. "•eturmntr: ijxD firsu bai^(ih of gaiiey proof of Ne- merteans, just reeoiveo. from author, -vi^h i/ac headpieco for the sar^iOc This paper is to corie oui imeaiately following; the sane aiithor s first paper, whxch was pubiishv^n ir the Proceeaings of the Washing- ton Acadeny m V.arc}i, 19''1, ^'ot. ] J, pa^;Br. i-lIO. If you will re- fer to this paper yoi: will soo ihat >.? species headings ai'e in black-face caps, while in th^ p**e:^etiD aHicibo leturnea he row ah, thoy are in caps, as m th.o oi>hof voluries. They t^houla be uniio^rm in tlie two papers ,whicr ^p ^^o mak3 up a volume, ana I will leave it to you to chan^',0 one or the other, as you deem fca^sto Tn^re are 32 species headin^^s m the first f>a^t, 57 in the second* part, whioh veu are now at v\c-k on. >c far as style (.oes, r prc:'^r bhe present fo^-rr: to that n ii.o ^^shin^ton M^.adory's paper o During, thw -ush oi* wo^'k of the last ft^w cmys • find uhat my n^opi- (jr\ can not he .Un^en-hnt cno If I have nn^lected 1.0 reoux^n ar:^ of the papers whic: you hm^€ seTif r-3 revises of, plaaso lei na ^nov/ :ir;- p-ieai&tely< T an in dovtbi. aT)';ut tha "un^io I leave hor^ aUurday no^r ;^^i.i^ ' tHy ?. , at i 3 ^'-t Very tr^ly yours, V .-Wl \.-- >^ 'V .^SJrv« \,«w' I ft l-^v ^^lU' U^ Ar«^ (iv-^ ^A,*-^:?^ e^*-"«--iu^ v^^iju. ^*^*'*^-J^^ V-aIj^ «C)^ I ■{*!i ^ • l1 %^\»^^^ 2 ■^'^^ '^^ •%-'X* H^^ %.X„y|^.. t^ ^.^J?!^ V "J^I*^-^ if '-^-K-*^ .K„ - '"'1^ Mk. I%c %--l ^ poor imprinf 92 Wash ui^i Ion, DcO., April 28, 1903 Mr, Ho W. lamer, 34' Union Square, Kew ''o--k Citv^ r.o-rmm I hmd you t,ho expinnaUon of plaies lor Miss Rath- bun's paper on Jacapod c> usr.^.ceariF, all of «rhich is now in type and mo«5L of «rhich IB in pR,:e pro.i% These explanations shculd Torn laci.-v pa,.)8. ana si oula be ici:o(>ri.a.s in Lho cus« of similar pages m all of t'-o olfor Uclmiccl '^oh>ms on zooio.:.^- ana boian", Barliar louay I .,en. to J.V. H^tTiit t«o ori.^inai urawingR for remaining; hoaapieees. with directions for shipment of blocks. . Your i.Msr of tr«e i7th is at h.md_ J ao not know .tat you re- -:■»• !o .! :r,^, 'my judgment in rogard to ^.viii^ out any more " as t:'e>-« will he no mco copy lc ;3ivo out before fall. 8 ^0 t - prioe at which to sell ths volumes. I fear Uiat $7.50 .•• i! i.e p^ouibitxve for thn .lass who mo«r, ,,8o this kind of ni^tariU, ana chat ve- few oor,ies -.ill be sold except to lilrarios. however/ 1 do n.:.L Know of -.^y way by .vhich we ce.n aetuie this matter now. as' I .ar. so ..on leavin,j for the West. It ocaurs to me t.ha. wh.n we knc* ^;- Hcr/,Bl cost of manufacvuro of each volume it, will tnen he pracli«abio .c fix a pr;ce- '^hry truly yoi "s, ' ' ■■-' i«,< >j V i; V'^ '*«. »/ rn Wa8hing;.on, D.C, April 29, 1903 Prof. W^iUani Tiuitiuse, A T . . - Dear TreiaaBii Thd rush of int^ has n?aap ii .mpossLbie t'or tr^tf uu write ^'ou. but. I havt aono wat. I could vj meu. -o-a- wisfiss in .he matler ot yoiir papers. Tiiy proof yuu s^rai- lo Ciirn'u:isi£'3 came back lu me yostorday, a-a -a^ lo>"*'r.r.a,,.l to -jn- prlnliir ai ciice. Page r^visa of Ell of Lriis voIi,mu ^'ili bo &en^ -cu for -ndexii^^, tt? so-n as i-^a^ As bo T,h^hers object, su-ojigi;^ to any sei*r&to8, onUie grour^a uift-^ the pi,;Oi-t cv each class arc uf ^T U'r-st to a very snaii niuabor cf ..oi-suns. ana that :.:' t.h6t.-- ..urscr.s get i'rse cop-->c ,.,,, ;,,,^ authors. Lhera w.ll bu no sali I.,;- U-e look. Yoi: *iii aariit that than? is a ^reaL ^.eai oi ir. tnAs positi-.n. On the othar hanu. I statea Mii^t .>.., ^ -^.,^,.^^ ,,^^, ,^^.,^ given so much time do Lhxu ,,-j,-^,mr^ entlii.-.i ',.:. » :;.,r!.a:n ni^u.of of sjptir&tpp. Ui^U. f-" ^r«> a^ *J . O that it, ^;.f c;-:;t.;r,i:-y ; r,r a'-thcr^ of u^ti,'it'Oh{ Ji cnarga. I atatou ..Ls^; ;,hi-a, t}... u./iir..t,r*i iji'..6- :naL!cal inl.rpaaxior.s. I had the blanks f Uleu. a:iu they will go t-o you in tr,e i-nu. proof. Ir jou dotoct any aaricaa errors U;o plaLofi can be puncliuU, As to va-.ous other rattirs relatiri,. to tho paper., proofs. co"r'.ci.i.;.n.. so on. tho gencrui ton« of sevoral of your letters i^.piic. you fael that I hav. Le.n aou.ewhat tyrai'^.ilai in tiia ^^U-r. I: you will .top 1. Lh:,,r.k that I have had to deai with at i=:-.^st '0 .s-a.-ate ar.thor., nc tv/o of wh:.m f^vc treated their subject in iha s*^.e .ay. a>-.d Uhat .hUc Uuifo/-mi.y ir. a a^se of this kind is absoiutoi^ ou. of th« qu3!:tion. ?tili a certain show cf uiuformity IB af least aes: -able, I think you will .asily appreciata .hat .y pos.a: on r^n^ H,r y, V6r-y t^rying ono. I i^av. 6nii..vorau to steer a -Hi-iie -,..,- :je aj fa^ as this has 8««Md piu.ticabic, ar,d have re^lr .au. vaz- fs# ch..,eu. .i -,..■„. ev.u .-.••. Hu.h chKnges .eome to mt: rr.cst. u^b :•;...!.:,, S.'v-.- 1 voluKos cf tho tooiai..cai niatber aro now in type, nturiei:., (-.';... r-3 Hi., ■n.oioj.y (rv). Cri-j-to^i^mic Botany (¥). Insocts (VIII '''■" '^'^^' '--^'-a-'Je^'-ii (X)„ aiio hwaorteans (XI), Besides thuda,, a voiiano bi K-:.-r or. (.he Snchytrae.aae .8 in the hana« of tho pr.nccr avd wiU oa in ti^^ barcro the end of the sumrK^r. Tne pahrsli-r-s c-5S;:u t. L7-n,2 .u i of ■.,;;,^t..^ Yolurr.iis out simi-r- , -;iy jn tao ■ip-ri^ frtii ™. t,hij. say Sep,.enbor. O.T f'.aturday rK;.rni^g„ Uu^ 2. I start for California, to he .one all Sumner. % add-3«.. there wUi -;(: Acadbn.y cf Soienosa. San a ^v K. \ rir; !l »»t ea GO W.^ahinptuh. DoCo, A^i A 2S , 1503. V? *r*.SIi j.Ijl^'. w**-'i"» , I'QV'tt^ iiMi'*i*,A «*#,-^ L'»if%J» \' Hew ^- ^'^ Pr:rau:i^ Compam* Dear Sir: In 'str.d.n. you the 1 i-su |.,arb ot liorr^e^ .cd,n ^.r-^of last ni^i.t, I for . t -i V *(, * »^ ^»^ 0 oncioao ln« neRaKiC-ce. It- ^s urvUoeoc; nor;iW-L... ansrtursu .n m- leUer last nighl. or if act in vhe Ifettur in c;- maiKS .n ihe i.-oui. In s...i^ it should fallow iho first {.ar..pul> lislied in ;-h3 Wasl.^n,: l.on Aoaao":. '-^ Proc.eain^.s, V:.i. III. pp. 1-liO. I do no', ..-o>':o:«.i.«r ^n-^lUiiv o'f HOl- I roluVhoa Jiu proof ui the Int.rod;.ct:oii Ig th. vol^ne on CrypLo.'c-J'HC bj-.imy. I ar: th.-refv^i'D returnin£ a cuy, ha-owii-h to nrk.^ su.t-. Th^r.. *u8 r.o .-nord i'l^ii/.-er to ^0 on piv-3 r, -^iuu I s^okc .-. yo;. e-ui.t, iast S.naay was auailior. ttl .-nauitji- auudu *-' .V.-. Giiuur'. L- onto of u.c pa^^os of Mb In.rud.--. tion. Tna S3vyal profao'js whieh I an hcitlir^- I will /V '^'^ H«'^' '--•' uo you toraorr-vv.. U is ve-- c:xff.J>,it, now ■.•> ral -ir.e lo .v.v/k oii this .u-uL'j'" c ¥-.-iry ^r.,iy ^.J.^'^s, \ X - -w I)i% Wasiis^y Ro Goo, Sheffieia Scient/if ic School ii. Now f lav en., Ciiu.. Daar D>% Gu^» Your loba.->.'S of t.h^.-j 2£lh and 2"''Mh and ixCcompc.n^ Iru^^ proof at hand o As to tha stjpai'altjs^ .V*r. Ha- irian I'las agreed t^ turnish aaoh at.ohor jO :-^i^para'>a8 ai lu.-^ r.;<|:.j;;sa « To S'iCi.r^i a largar number l.hari MhxS se-'f^'-S Lu rr^ inp.' '.u , on acco^^r.n oi '.he axfi'^e. ii.j w;tn •"uhe prinldra arid, fdfeiu iMike^^-i, ana .s s%i*oa-;iy ubjeoi/#a lo )y tho put'lishers* The rriaLtof » huwovu: , ^s not in riv hands, and ic ly fur- ihdr correspundeaca rispuoi.}.:.^ ^w will liave ui> ba Wxbh Li.a p^Li.b:.- I an» leaving for CaiiioiTati on Satur'Oav F.i'rnuv. at 10 u*OiOck, *uO be i^jont? all 8.jTi»ier« Jl y^ liL te nacossar^, tnerdlore, to swna ail proof to me, addrosnad to me at AcadeTtiy of Re Luncas, San ?ran- ciauD, I Wxil al".4ttrid to it tiiurc from tuno uO u,-r}u, r^.i; r-jy.u"-n .^-^a-iw to p^v.ifio. i or necessary eurrocti;ii8. Vsr^' iii'iii,' vGurs, r^ ^-/¥c^' td ^«3hi:i,;.,n. n.C, April 29, 19 % aear Miss Cim^in^s': .uu/ .a.^... wUtf." sna tuf .],,, -ei^rn^d proof ..vy/acii Pa ^ttPia to haiia ^Gsturoa:,' ana ^ps h,- - -c^^^r i^ ^v, • , ^ ., *^ - X .. . . i.arnea U]ru...^n Proiussa . ir^ijhse that, he hart asker? ^^o.^ f-.i ^dc'^ ■/,.--] ^^ .^> i.i cxuu,.jjjuai corrections. Aii of yot^r inporttmi chanj-'es, hn^ovM^ ,, i^ y- ,,^,. . ' I .^w, a., s^. ^, I.,., ^laiiui^r yuur altantion to one point in cumieciion ^i.i. wh- jr. w^v- -^- rnr*^-.. > ^ • ^--.^. ....3 que , ur .ue n^i.,„r c,.Gr.e.,. ac .n,,t it fs mpos....e r,. ,, ,, ,^^,.^ ^.,^^^,,^^^. , ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ..rr^etlcn or ..ah th. r,,-:icr ;. .,,.., ,, ,, or.,:nally .v.. Tn all 3:ch ce^,«, the a..--;'.! ri.'o.iu siriKa out U.o ,•>;..♦•:.;- w.-c-v- •: - ^ ■>• -f , ■ "■ '■' ^"^- tc.,/xo in, so i,h,:t tr.e.t; .jdi> ban ZC uO iir>0. Mr, Hari'iraan said he xieiidd to do wiai. was r.phi in Vno mtter, bolJi to uha publishers and to tho au- thora. As tho cuUccns, ivir. Harriraan agrefeci to farnish eacti author 60 (jopiss frao of Rharga. Very •.ruly yours. 'SL ."W.^^ \\' -X*s • f m Pi It*" 64 VaM..xngUn, D.C., AprU Zj, I'JOJ Kr. H. V. Lanier. Boubiyca-, Page ft Gmp&n- 34 Union Squij'e. Ne,» York CiL^'. Dear fwi', Lan^ar; For aon:6 ^xr.e f«8t J i^^ ^e^an v.«tuna.« r.^.;a Koof of ' Cruata. couns .vory day. or ,wly ever; aay. but nave nol y,, receiv.a any P^o revia.. .U^i,.,.^ -as h^s bao. ^,..aa ma.a. .t shcuici bo ad- pressed to -.o at Acaaer^y of -Sou-ncot. Snn Francisoo. which wxii u mj' addi-asa aii S't-MntT V.jr-y -r^i^ yc..'S. '^ ^"fifWv^-'y- \. "^ '^-'V v^ jvjrv, />^. \ rvA.v t. -^^ '-^^ ^ V o. \ 1 •^ ^ ^LV I \ • •»-. 1 I I Washin, ton, DtO.. Apr.i 29, 190a* lit^. B. 0. CocKayne, ThG Holiotvbo Oompanv, 21 1 T^-dr.oiil Sto, Boston, Mass. Dear Sir: Mr, Gilbert toits ne thai, lia has iusL discover.iu a.; .^rvor in thci iotuo-.iig or PI, XXXIII, Vo.i. IV, of ihj Alaska Go ologji Where the caption is r.r.uxiou Ju/Uaa-a it s/io .id b4 Ji.^^ianfe, Ho do«s not riMe'.-.Lsr whaliier .■•• no', th;£ -ahs tio' in Uit) coi-y ro turned to vou . ^ ■1- , v»*^ \\ 1^ I V I • I !'l tin 1"! * -f • -f Wa&tingtcn, D.C., Apra 29, i90J. i ■ ^'J*. K. W. Lanier, " Doablooay, Page & C'jropaui., 34 U/iion aquai'o, Ne> York CiLj^. Dear ^ii'. Laniur; For some oiw {|a8t I haar^ been ratunu.ig naga proof of ' Crusta- coana ovory da^, or n^.arJor every aay, but, have not yeb reoeivoQ any page ray iay. iU^ii^^ ihis has boon ^^read;- miitjfl. it should bo ad- dressed Lo -^8 at Acaaemy of •So.onoec. San Francisco, which will be my address all suin^r. V.3rj' l,ruly yours. \ 'Njrv/>^., "Li. \ -\ ^ V. \ k A.V ^ ' ^--^LV u^t 3.. \ --K/"s,->j* V S- N. ■ I \ ■^^ *^- b ( I I 64 m Waahin^.ton, D.O.. April 29, 190a^ W. R. 0. CocKayne, The Heiiotvpo Uompan;, 211 Trdmont St., Bost.>n, Mass. JJear Sir: Mr* Gilbert tQiis me thai ha luis just discoveraa aii eri |W iU ror m the iottoring of Pi. XXXIII, Vol. IV, of Ihj Alaska Geologi^ifhere the caption is Bpoiieu Ju^lai-a it sho .id be J^Jauft, Ho does not re^^eraLdr whaiiier jr not tn:s whs oorrected in the copy returned to ^P I you. Ver^* t^'uiy yours, ' ^., *v.-'-^. ■\ .V' VVJvXXik 1 1 t Ml mi ill* 'W->'««l«MHMMMi «»«fMflMto«MllANMNWIl m ¥ i f I ■MwaniAh Retake of Preceding Frame % % ■ f m L. Do & Cornpam*; . 12 Uiiay^:--^^- Place p * Your lat.l^!' siT i,h'j 2^.*a ...nhiariL Juac r. ;if=^i. ^a, lior^rufius me. You say what you ociii no., cr..- * ti.:V\i ^uit-Ji I ssiui^li* certaii: qui^^ tinn^c Or C0ui''^s\^ >'GU can not. lu ..~ j.^ of tno queo^ion x*c cast inir.^ Yjiji ore vK^ii^ Tor aao^/ir.^o As to iLc quc^'y anwut -^'^j -» v;f:tiU;^r or nol iL xjs ;^u uj oi-iiiJt: 1 novj." AHtJ* .>njxi t.he i't^ooipt ci" your cornmunicat^lon la^«'' t^iit:. af- ternoon LhcLo [i^'^,^ .; iss biitntio It a'6u1<.. V-': raucii bOu'v/Ur v^o havG it- flli^a, etM I wilJl sea Ui3 au:.ho]* la :,iv; /^iorniri^, >xiiiK :-,^o li ane ccu; uoV :;r5i].'^r»> 8ncu^;ii adaiirioru-ii nud,vv?r ":.g cover a* least a y^.r\' o: T d C iu * .A irv 3 i I' ?t.>*rxr.^tiy ab i» ■■ ., v< tit. • { ' ■* ~ •" - p:*^l ur eivir^ ...: l<9* ' "> snt- ■ ^ TiiU s. oi u. id uc a l>aiiati><^ ro/^ ^iiCK articiu ,.\.il b^ yiacaa Lo^^tr.e^-' bt:. the ^lui of tha i:-:'^ijle to wiiic/^ thoy pvirtaiii, wuch ^uctU' Triiicir. '..i^ iv lacii^g -phf^^o. T: 0 vjiUK.o c^aytih^s i/ar a:t:^;ie8, by Rs^Mibun, Biou- ardsoit, iiCi-rio^:, ana, "r^iii^^/ctivoiy o Th^^ ii.rsr- and last a^ui- cl^8 (r!hLh1-.*n .,iu r!,.j.^) navo a rii.ribor ';f plalo^ eatjh. ana ilijbe ly Copy for pa:^t of vh^ pr^i » ^rwvr.a"y ^latt/Or ai-^^- f or i^hb bastard -^atioa is enclosed hcrowitho Tlio correotijns yt. ^i.r.c,^) lu.ijt.-, Im trie 'V5-y oi trar;£;f3r^'lng trie station nii.mbGi^ tc foii'VA i Li. -?o^u 'AibaL:;-:^h;i' „ il pa^ei-tii^^sis, x3 Curiae:, and 8iur<..i.a be jnaao ^nr:; rbo.r.. 11 vviu. overlookod b-' r<' in t'caain^; thr^ oariy pa>^t of t^c artiolso I am rK.v.nvii^ lIij !'-i't- ter V'^u have aeni, so uiat vou a:^! have :^ aix .i. v::..o' ;u..i:w.So Thit p^-op./^* s:o:i.n>T ^:f x.ho iocHi.ty •Faraii-ne Jsirhus' or' '.ne Parp.i I ;:iab * , "s ?'ur^i > i vn;- o ReceiiT ly WO have (ivulcod i. I'^asp-U^rd f u ,-. »:» arraiorie n c^ove^'r-l r Irice&o On iookiiv bacK a;.- t]>c aiud-i vCi;--/ ? i i vJ-4 I i'md it soii.i misaj^^r^juL^v; on La>':c;5 17, 4v^, an; ^Op end.srii^iii \'- obli^siu ii' yo:i wi On pagQ ii~ 8 ^t O A f^ Sthtu^n .^^'' / u V6 « - « ' 1. V ♦I 18 Wai>hiii.;tunf DoCp, Apfii ;i0.i303 ?li% Ho Wo Laii^.e^f I have juHi i-t^cuivaa 4 siiock ia it br^wi u-^oi. Tr^m Uio Dg Viano i/ig fic auuc-nei' /evino r';^'vr (^^^aoti^o '-^j^'- ^ind, aaa :s too horril la to le tiiou^hi of ior an instfi/...-c A> T i-uvo for Caiiiornia eai').^ -^at- Richardji:.n arixc-os I.0 lihris Mar; J. R-:.hbun, Oc S. NaLionajL fclu£;j;.inp Wa3i:i}-j^;\..;^n, DoCc Pxeasa senc. rcvi33, wi:.n copy, of uie Hoimes ar- .ici'i? en Ampnijx^as oO Prof. So Jo Hoxmoi., B^oiogicai Depttriirieiit, ' Ui;.Y3-s^U; of Mxahigan, Ann Arbor, Mien., end rjvisc, ^:y, of Uii Cole peifj^r on PycnO(.;onius 10 Dro Lcor^ J« Goie, 41 ^on^-ll Si,o, Cai!iL>']c:^o, i:^A ci^n-i f>,>^ < ^ • h^....^vs setiu me ti.oir proof, h-:> :J.,i.. I may ^0 over the mattor int-iii^e:.^ :.y bcforo r^i,. y-.^/uO you 0 If iii'j coriposilioii of t!.i.:> vol.auj uouiu only iiavt^ b^ion ]>t.^..i - Vary truly jiu:^t'^. S3 M » [ WaitO'iii^i^toa, DcC^, ^^-i X, iVU. Mr. C. Co Te^.^a^r'C;i":\ Sfcr::turv i-'i Ko ho Hdmnu-u*;^ .•rK O^t"' ^ , o /:« > e . 1 A A • '■ • 1 --f , F. Ao's'';: i ■;■ L-.'. -^ JGii (.iraw';i.f';fco o . . . . t . » » c . r^'i jO' J;-j;.t!S K. P:.Xa:M, ,;.''5.ii;A-Ii^ Ui:i?*T.-at, i •M:' )' ^ Oi A;/}' . 4. . • . • . o • 0 » 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 % « 0 « ^ , « , u , e . « o • o o o e e . - = ^^ i TU v^ai «..,., ,,.. c ...»..«-.»«'«■»••- o ° ••••• '»' o ^ V •f -^ '\i I i'^03. BoH.HARP.IMAl^ . • In accv'-unt •flth C. ;iAS? LKR'-IAM. ?or & enpos of Ed7l,or'6 0.:ri.j;; f ; • Ap":!, l^^O^ ADT-il 8, telsgruD to Dou. it ci.v.y, PajiS ?i Co...... 0 0^ 0 ,1* - ' .n ..;- r-.'ivl ij'ir!!^C&p'.i..lUC;!*iOC •••ooocco»o«« .^^-.j^'^ April 20, • • .• ; ^ Ar):"xi Zi, ^ ^ V . /;'• • ,i 0 i w 1 ' 1 v. 0 J / e <,* ', 0 it •: ^ ) . . 0 . ;.o At".'! 20. Lo one tox tr'!'' p^i-Dr.., 0«*0»">i''»0»»P»'*'' ^* ■ "t Tobetl ocp<'occ-'>oocoooev.'0»«ocoo 00»0»«»»»*»** Rf^CLI'^R]' PA'^S:^T 1-34 Kaiorarict Avjnu?, To ^ • (Hit'..., For two ctr'aw Ui^jb iur i>jadi>-.':;c.s ttt ''•"'' i;?^ (;;:«••••••« o •• os>i./.»uy ^-H < To't^i.-^^'-'^''^''^*''""''''*'''''**''**'''******''''****** RfcuaVE.. P.^^-K'T 69 V i # . i.' I ;'■ i| I V hn Wash on , D » ':'' » , I/iay x , rXj<. S^ofularv 1.0 lio h. Harrimn a York L» Her«wiih I enclose bilis i.:r expanses : s> • Ic A'-";! 2F-, F.Ac-'''.i-].'Olo, 3 pen uraw:av:,- »«•.;"* ° " :*' •*^'*' ri (5 * ., » p • S o » • •e«n»«**oo .i, C. V. ii^r-iara, expou^^j^ of Sdt^orV orti^jw i.u-' ^^ ,^ h \ ' "> - « ^. >. ,, .- iE « *^ .-■ - "^ fi ^ y a SI £ d © «> O 'J ^ ® *^ * ■" 2 © ^- © *-' Al-ri- . J. « « » c » « » t. ^ o e d -i 0 J .. *) t <> c t « s « ., . 1. « . s . - o t . .^^..y^y..^^ J, « * * c • » .. ^^\ 1 --^ \ y r ' V •>«-. \ V >^v.^^ ^ . %^ •uC^.v^^ v^t. , T. ^^li^^* * I /^ 4 * • 1 r - 69 'If Wtr*sni; :;-io^i,, L.Cp, 'vir-.-' i , i?03. C. HART ?.:SR^UMI. ,' ,x Apr i J I' : T? For Hx'enFo;^. of Edji.or's 0..£i'J:j f'r^-' Ap^^TU I'^O-* j^ V6 .- * * .1 *»..» . , . , ■, jf» "s " ( >. jT* (''1 J '1 ( 1 J ; • » I i ..3 «^ • ••o«oee««»«« f * »: jj c? '■4 €^ !/■ A * \ .*, ..... . I t/ tJ C C.^fe:..*3 • .« i" - 1 tT "I 1 ff' O^ a: .ri i < f K ■ t fit ]•..;•.:) .ct' 0 0 .30 At-' ". "i jrf" •■ v/ • » o o • • ©^♦o <«•»»••••* DUO to A t •■ row .:•.'. er paf^or T'. ial» • . • . c 0 • 0 . o . 0 o • ., * o . . . 0 i.» Rf^OCI'^Rl'^ PAYvlEI'T ir^4 KaioraiTia Avc^nuj, B. H. Harrlman, P. A, w-inoi^ n-. For two u"ay^lii*^tt i :>>" i:iuadij:i'3^-.3S txi $5 ea,cii.* .. . •••0 .•.5>L'.»^^^' (^. • •••••••••••••• e • • • • (t> It • v^') <« l:! ■■-^^i '^- .: ^K^ fk'j:.-;jve; p.^'.^iv.k't Retake of Preceding Frame I H, i.' w ■%, .J'l I' ti f \i 1 / ,, in 71 Wa3rnv-t-n. DoCo, May i, 1903 How Kr-.. Priiil.-in^ Coc,', ?ao rind fao.T?T£ pa-e»^ fo^* ^ho Alask.\ l'-r>]:!>, Cs.vl i.r: •rv-pMr'- r-c ■^^lt:. your requi;Bl I an^ rou.nari^^ cup^ ci.i?^*o Ir: a;.c;l.her envelope you ^'iii Tini- sucii :;f Uie p%;^;7;., on ^nl^n^i aB suii >\oed oc'rvciion in the cu^y in r. y f.o:-;^r':L>?one I suspt^'^:^ vr.aL i;h??'0 *^x^:j be a realise of uIliS, DU'-' ar: no', sure. 11 !♦ anu I*^ - o:acie^8 ana '-e^'Uvy -«" ^-icu::yV. aaart.Sr> ^.c fj^e G. K, Caci^r^ , i?].V ?i:;-reGnv;t Sto. W(^i^h:n^^CM, L'oCo ^:r. (r:lbr--.- will deal /:>th y^»j xtirect in e>:.;irt'ing tl:.;:^5 v- 1 •'^les. Tl-c 'onic-.ini^ inatiUe^ on the Vvii'r>t..i en Zjjio^_^= Rfni Bc^ai:-./ I .-iv"l havvj ..o LaiiUia i«t, «*' «> >iW. .'^cU'i:. .'■ 0 iU'U.< Vj '. .: i„'». I (.,' -w* ; 1 il'^it' > • . ■ \i 5 . iV>0 b06 O '■ ; ■ OlVf ut.vO nic^ii:: fr:yO'*.i. 'ji-i^ar, ■ ..«ff;ji: A" I H f i' w; 1 •> L.4 ;-:c.i.: .•5; Tui^ n.attor ^c^b liiiu Vol- "r! ,; U:^l::0 -- ^y Wh^Ch I f'K;t;. I r.. \.V I « 0 H. a^): n. ..i. 'o; .'!i 1 ....-, V ~». «•♦ t\ W \^i In case you leei Uiat r-iic. bas^a.^u iJli^^i iv-r tnd i'.ral paper ^^iil cause a air'i'-'fuauy hw--?, I vcvia Bity^ost tU.i il. lo roiiced aa a part 01 Uii^ p^\.. iir.;.j:^iJLy- :rul.i.c:*, ii; RciikUi, or ta^-. '.he pa^i::a^'Ou pe^inau..^a ui :.:it^ i:krbc pupei^ T £ut. sonciir^ ycu r-e^-DVi-ii vOpy j.:^r Ine pr.-i.rT U4ur;,' nu..;.!^^' :,i "-ii^^ vci^jfiC on Hcmar'vehiis (XI). In it- yoa ^iii r}0T,i.;e h bastara litis pa^^.v > ">:• Pa^t II • I ar»i iucUnod to lliiiik Linho t-hifi babi a. i' V xtij ..s s i^/::;! : iu^jub tinu }.aa betiur cu iuft '^i»». v' lioW aOuS IL sI.jVki J -.-rj / As I ^i'o-c you UiQ oMier :ic^y I i?.''. iiC-.. II .4.1- oi-.r- iij»v nr^oii rr. fall sinort I may aau a shori. lapc.r ai '^he unu, 'a:/^ I'or •i..i> ...r pjou '^uc .i c'ht^ !ic*mw,'cc:, paperii) siili iett over* ii: uiio nail'vi?*' ai- ^^V V. 1*1 I' ii V**" r fa ^h 111^.0X1, D.C., Ma:; i» 1^03 • i/- Lafayeitd Piace, Now York City. Dea^^ Sirs: He.ewu.h I a/r. sendir^; you praiiminary ^ lor Vol..ine X on Custacans. and .ho facxn,, pages for .::. px^L^s of .he ar.xcie on Pyono,,onia3. wxth cmin .xpla.:at.:or.a you wxU rea.iiy >^,u-^>-. stanu. In tho case of .he explu^L.cns ol PiaL.s XV-X.-.V!. ih. ox- ^v< ic rn a separfete lacir^: pa^^^e, pa ^ Jx us .ui.,jrit.o Wy havu noL yet received i- ox Ka..i..un s pape-, coi.y for wliic/i was serio you sortie liine t^F^o. r stein In th. ^o-nin^c for Caixfo.nia. vvha^e ny acia..s. ,vUl bo Acadomy of Sciences. San Franc isco. Very truly youi's. V P ^ '0 I 0 0« J^o...^.,u C.i-uf;uacoa;if. with *■«,-■ v , *— "> * wiuxi bnou± u Silo n ! ^ino 1 «.-.♦ ^ i I t t r iLf'^ 7n Wash irif uon , D * C • , Ivkj i , i'j03 o Mr* £• 0. Cockayne, Tha hoiiov/po Co?np«!:y, Bosioa, Mass. Mv Doar Sir: Your if?l..3r of Ap^Mi 29 la la hciud, bugb^har wii^h uhe varajus p>*oofs, wiiicn I ejn very ,.lad o liavo, aiUjou^-: tnoy roacn mu a^. ^uo w..rst ,>G3sibiB Ume -^ juB. i.^ 1 ':Jn in t,ne rusa of i^rylng oo ;^et; rt^aU'^ to lejnvu lor tiu: WaBt.- KD^feve**. I havo >A0ne over onem, anu un ret,urninf' e sui. l,o .,^u ;-rv>vi...,. I ragrot ihai you *oru uzialid ...o b.-;nf^ out t>.j ci&*3 tc D9t., VI- fcuvanLci^e on many oi ih66« plates. {>a**licuia"ly Pi. IV, in v,iach t,',-j aatiiii of .no claws shows t-.t-au'.,!- iuil^ m ,h'j or-i^Anai i-hoto^,raph8. Tho iotltt^int. on -io fern plato is wror,^,. You A'^ii ji.stirvj t-Mnt h cutTA itas ■'^:>h .-.roppvu^uolweor; 'of ana 'Alasha. Trie f,^nf.r.o nair,b .s spe I^l wron^;. It snoild r.« Dryopterls. t.s lau^caLid ca i :.'■ t . * p JL d 1. 0 • As ;.o :-:.o type, thb rumuii^- neaaiino xii me Dacauoa C uciacu^uis ,8 salisfacvur, ; in ^.he Aplary^^c^ta is :.oo bi;> Tl.a .vpo ^:^. -h;; GOb^.om of l>!:o Do^'Hpc»a Crustac3an», though ' Li.iU iar.e, I 1- k3 botie^' than the very h-v U :,yLa of iho Ait^skt. Apcury^otac You wLi ci coi^^sd male tliC'^ iinMom icr' tJ:a 8e'?oso Tho plattiS of t'.jr.v 1: .shos, exaor^ionos, ana ari' a3 tt.. .^.img .r.l^ the voi..tines we ard now rwriTLit]^, h\d. j/u hope .o i-aky i-a... v^- ' n w f : i I h i X 0 , ,11. I • c • *, c F.^ancii^eo. (« ^t^iih^dui,. Dr. TffjsUv R. C 00 SiieirUiu Sciervuiiic So nooi Kdvv Havei-^ Conn* My uoar Dr« Coe: vi^y • x/ifc .1 s.a o lor, .u f... ,_.,;nf uxl suni- .1 .y^vo Lho p-.n..:8 .. , .u.:.. ,a proof airaot. lu P -. t. Mu r>..n .he- ,teti«i. iJussxU., aaa-tas.u to lu:^ al Acaai'v of Scic^nCvis, San ^-a-- — , -? w .^.inf*i .........SO/ !{.... or t fie pt^iiV^oiB p:xof with curre;ct.on^. jaorcl; m.o la^i. proof w-'. -o-- firv ' . > Very i^uiy vnurs. \ '— X Wa^r.hiri^j^ton, D»C*, May i, x.'03« m Pro* ^ Leon J. Cois, IX] ar ;4;% Coie: Tomo'-^ j\^ '^' '^liir^ I slra:'*t for California, to bu ^one :. u 5a^»-i0i*» I hsivu iiiiitruatfrru ;,b;a prlnlera be .s^hm :.ii prooi di.-eou :v you. PiuciBu '■*i«„<^^ i,he ri^0t.sKur ' nonparis.Mib and oo^'^'^-r-ci/icna cuia I'u^wara trhe pro^f T.o m-^ ^i'>t: the l(;a.5». pOBSible 'iei?;, jruurussed to me ^aI Aeade^^y v^ ^eimces, S-x: F'-^ancisco. To insir:*o promptness ariil sale- i/y iU transnisBicn, T wOviici s^i^e^ci^i. Up/ it le Bd!.t b^' lui/r^ar post- with cu^*ruclio^is, inertly Uvj last, proot with y^ur iitvc^ corractioris. Your letters oi April 2S emu .-^0, witu irio returned proof, CMrie ciuly, lor u).t.nkh. T oornosT-iy hope you navu obiiamoa aupli- eet« pi^ooi'fi of your rieiiot;^}^ plau-b f'My-j v>', Cook?.^, iC- , -^c^ uhat yfXr w^ii be aciy to i'urn?8h wi.v ^aciii^ pa^ j^> at onca; juhtiir*.^^ thort if^ bouna to be hi. ti'^K^^c*;*;: hitch. I am ^-laa ...^ m^vtv i.ficxb wiu. ^^t*.:....^, t'Xii'-^^'tat :cns fjf f^l-^^.tvi^ ^6'*e .Suri wiih your c;> ':^,^<'^>-,! ^.ua,.HO^'':;-•^* Your paper hn^ bui^ri so iJiOvi in the nu /»ds of rro ; blishdrs uxa. l hau L'u"go:^cn about/ '.hio, ^i^f* it - ?> not ye I an n, lype.prcnf of tnct^.: Kte.'-^ i^a^ not vot ruaendu ii*j. ■Your very uiai ura- o -taiuo oi' coni';^ui.b ^ub tU/t'Ti.^ a^l^u .lOr l»s/o reason?^: fi-^^l, t*: rialv it uriifoTi ;\. .n cthar papers in i^h^ »ar*5a, ai*^, Bocond, baca ho it was sc lorig uhat i* wr,ia r^n o\^t tro pa^^j, whiui. woulu ^ivo the first paga a hor^' " V ; : ,»-» H >"* .H f ' C f .A t t e I 97 *'^s'"A.y.oii. D.O., AtK- - * iOOo, iinii Arbor, Mich % dear Prcfegror Kolmcs: Tomorrow .iomir^ I .tart Tor C. : Uo^'a- - hovM ,• . '^ ^^^enwt^i>. Sari Fraa.Mscop I navy irittiruoLca thti --^)fr».., _ , . .. i. ^, ... ^-^ '-^o.cns ana lorwfrc the ty<-orf mission T w:. iG rvr .t .v . ^^ '^* "''^'^- ^ sonu 0. i^.nai im...s<,ript or th. ..,« ..-oof uy ^^e-exy the last proof w^th w- i^^.i . c.necla.r.a, *' *^ '^^ 30... 1 ..^na^ correct J CHB, m !^ it ti y I ij rr V/.,Sh.r;,^lOh, .^^•Ca, V^y 9^ l^SOj^. '^,* Ao F. Korshc ^ c Lkxica:^!/^ >* jtj dOi^ Sir 1^ • i;it; ruftn of wor-k a?- ^-n^ end «5as i>;^tiia it. irr^posbil'La i\)r rie to r^tuni evil of Li!6 v-rcoi'it Tti^.;^i> ::iOv rutu>"ac?a I aj-i 1.11^1..^^ ^;tin »r^^ ai'jd vtlil mail you from th*? tr •rf • t'. iheru is uo special ^'..^h <..:^jtt in^ ^o^^>. rv;?r. aov; :ui, us I shr»ii not ru&cii San ]^rhnoiBco luitii. Ma; to. A^ your iai?iu:^*e plt^a^? y^-.j'.'i^T.i tv':n..iei.^ o..,piioHi.e (..urnr^iec of \.ho voiiiia3S 70U r*avG in bv^d, tnt^^^u:. ijir U:*^ vcliiriu^ on 0^^)10.^ ana Gla- aier\:r, vviiicn are t;n%i--ely iit .]:-.) J^Rr:an ci' Mrc Gilbert, ^\i.:.ri wixm you. c-T'j nm ir. dir*ect cut^ii.niOi.Uca. Pie-ia-^i saiiu ;^aj i:.:^ c-^' .i.e Nf>mr)r tyiun^) to is at CH^if:;-vua Ao^iUi^vv; 01 Soicn-j^ft, ^^an ^^rKnc oco. Trie? Oun0r K0t;d,^x2,', I, rv: uru Iv; ;.ai;v v iii!.!:;: , plccjf.; ..ei:^^ In G G'^r^„ rrl:o ^vili ^■^^} to having ^ht, ..-a6;;js nadoc Pieasa bCau L..,fi du-tr?;y ot ths Crypuogamic Briar:y .ui......^ .0 ^-.4 0 W^iiiam Trui^a^-^. propiira the ^ncift)' for :,. ss vv>.ur... • .ii Ji ary o^her qi.)£:tH-nb ^"-iiu) yot ^: U .uivu to V:-.'L,.ct 1:1- ^.t San Franc 1 3 00 • 7}.a:tjkui£ you for the xnterost y^cu luv^* arovvn wi .,:i}i; ^o-^k, I i-u ma:.n. Verv trui- .V- • + "i » ■^- *■ %, ^Ifc^ * -^.^ \ » Fa&n: ■ -■••>W-0-'i. P.O., ilay Z, 19C:j '^t., iVo, ■i « I a>. 3L^-^ ,.^ for Oaiifornia t.hi« ..orning. ano.^8 I ^-^o^e yuu oorora, h.v. ..u.roa ocr^pxets ^^ of Voluma 7 .0 b. sent .0 ^ou. adcir... a3 ^^oon ..- i.a final u.:1naL.on ^s co^p^.u. . i .hnll'.. iy ^.n. -.opy to rn. at th. Acaao.,- of Sciences. S.^ Franciaco. This ■>^ *^^ r tfet": yr, 'Vi^.'iir^- you a Llossani Sarmner. I .yr Very tr>yiy yours. 78 w f 79 I i • I I % %1 ^. ft \fa£hh}^lK>;n, i),^1., Mny 4, i.SO.\ ;i4 itjiion S.uaro, New ''ork c.\t,v % D^ar Sir I bo/; to ^cky-oyflevv-ci you/ favor r,r* .'.'ay i : o Dr. K^rr a-, vlth i poor imprint L Washington, D.O,, jj^y 4^ i^^i^U 1 Mr. S, A. MfriU, i?oubI«<^y, Page & Compare, .Wt^Jnion Sqi^ira, New ^ork fii^;-. Dear Sir: Dr. Merriaaj ha» left in rijr oar-» the oomplation i Lne ouitia^: of Volume. Ill «,d IV. Or«, of thu matters that need* lo be croii^it up i« that of the platis. A con.iciarable niuobftr of Uujir, Uck sonothir^ of wxtira readiiies. for printing, ana I h»ra enumer*t« thd i^articu- iarg whioh naed attention. . VOLUME (GJlacierg ."f- PI. II, og of Alaska, etc., ehowi,^, route, is 10 La resnif^^i aB Lo Ml wi.t« ctaua, I ha76 written to Hoan 4 Uomoanv for r,ronfii ^^' *^''' SSr*Sh«"-urffv?:^^ gXlloiers. photogravure, .iibo ft Cot ?I^yK« * i^'^®'^^"^ *** oorreoleU, and oht rbvisea lott ing hM not been reod ived. ^^^»^ xuw. n, XV, P^'Oj%f*vure. two views of Harriman Giaciar, x» complotc f«*!^L^^ TTv.''^ anfc'raVQr. It i. a .^tttr of inSlffSr- ed I ahould x ike to assure myself that it is put m - he rigitt place and in the righi. style, of LHUrl^r ott, am no proof has been reoeivea of cor>'*ctftd lettering. n. IX. PhotOGJWWiruT r^nora»n of Hubbard Jlacaer &nd panorama 2s bJin^S?TJd ''•''' °*'**'*''' '^^ '^"^ aubw^At, roof • 1 i 4 I I. ^i M tat no l»t.ti'*i F«« "" Ohic*i>«'* ?•«*• ;^^ II* - ?U at* , ,, . In the f Ar«t pr^m-f W<»/^ f H>r* *«* * ^ tint. con»Llvuvin,. ^ .^ u.,, i.Uy Uva ^--^^ "^^^^ '^^^ 81 i i Wc^tih L\-Xor fl. '; ivid V n l9 t ; '►_) « Wis;* Ma ry J'o H << . ■* -i ♦ u. s XTv-UH na I A, Wash i* e •^on. i r\ p ■' 0 O 0 M y aear iV-i^s Patnbun have >j cm'oof aadr'easaa lo Di-c Mm 82 aF' r^aohad the hxii^a al'c-ar hi^ departu v*o W 0 j^ei,'/'. ^i : ho. I ui?;tr c ^ ons i regard I. o, > /'-/ ra, for'^r^M il ail vC- nim. b .Ki it ovl- dSxxlly baior^b .o vuii^ ijar'. of %hu 'i^ ^ irnan put' i i .*ctl ,i on s , I »^tJUr^C H I iC respoiiftilili.u o.i sonc^.j ^- i> ' ♦ £«, i» «.>r 1' *V ,'/■'>% cue ne^^tvaun ar^j u.o ^ ,r> v^ ^1 roct;^d gallevf; anu one se V- A i'' .gt; ix '^ >#w 1 tttl-3nvr£.,i':<9 4?] O >1, •I c; 9 loCo Thc; clwioiica;.8 ol Iho .V- u a I sn ail. t .)r/^ari .•c !>i^o ivif rr ji-v!i r ^ juCi^s i'. 'viii f,e k;i o.'-ac ly K.) and forwarc e l^a^ps^ w > • 1-4 y \ • ,t C:j! ^ r I '. p > ' ".' 0 ;:1 /,r fv,-^ ■*■' '^(•■•■f <• s 1.^ ; aj- If.; •■V* fv i^ c: CiiL.Xo*-^ ilia Acad^fo;; of »So-enc8?., San Franc isc / I. ' o You l"tt Vr-r i^ T ., •' . ^ L A- • i I I 'i H » " Wlf'iaRr^ ^. -*jr -'fift'^ W^\;,loi., Dci\, ?fe- O, L^^O: Thiti la ci purdiy bue'neBs letter pBrtaining ».?> p?'o:>;'*o 1 h^ve jpantni all rr^a'ii ^. :,.ji cj.jariy per-*-htn^d lo t;h3- Hferri man Voiiui3C IV» I sajid \/h.^ iiupiicc.!^ ex it :>o Tr^ii^uSio ^a^^ea I. •19-1'".^ o I jtc^r't^ sonl' :-no 3et of v.^^^r^^f. w. .h i^ha f;;aii-';''i^. >o hfe^ net yet r^achoa "ib^ ti/;cl nay po'^hao^ cO 011 iti> ^u. Li S^;: ^var- ciscoo rjiHi^o sont Dz; yiiim t ca:piiA?aT:fr oi one 01* t'h'; IjirlarJ. r-i* JO a;^ ci guiui^f in t;ii j. r a pa 1- cation of Im-otard t]Li'3E of Uju- !»?v'rK 3a 0!he<^* r^oo;' f'UB -i-mrj t»j m^ d'-^eci^ f* or 4 L. ^ .^V^^ 4^ /^ II 1 .<,.■£< ^ 1 '. Tr".)m the ^!iuaXo ourji I cdUifuli\% .Jim *J e l^ Sail ^''^HnCi6Cij, Ceiii 84 l/J n '' > t .' !- ■ O 0 m X VJ • Atin l« ... 1^ ^ k. vy ^ Dear Si >j '■'out i'Hvn*'' *'■'" - ■ j,f ;'j^* ' ,-•••« I \' ,« 5 , ..- t . It. < V 'v' • . .«- ••■ .\f:/^u* rii3 v:3;:uri^-: .r^oi* th/: t;ij Harr^r^.u ^. •: 1 cx. ior.i=i, I (-.s V ' opeu'3i:v U:^ iv4.t -i/ . \ lUxU I mix i!.v^t?ii a*.i.^ ..c L/u'^c ^. -o ^ zlB c I c / ^ Tiu. ■/ I t 4» u^V A ^ I ^ 6'''. '• .: V ^.' . 4 ' i4 the Yclim: in whio) I r; ,/L"wat} ii-*0':^:t:o I lc.i 1 i? 4 •. i /Vi. your Daati^ra bi^loe .-^iii T^dot ^i:jI M )i>'^"''.a;^ r;^.>a. I Original Defective I f j^^^ 1919 Sixteenth Street washington, d. c. I)*' 1 J ^ f^ 2> Vo a ^. /»< V •^c..,..^^. /^ f ;^. U-A fluPt-Vw^t / ^^^.^X^ 4^ J-^^^-L^ C^^^ ^.<^ '^^'^'jyytX. c^-^i"*^ 1 V -1 wm n 4- X919 Bixtsenth Stmei, WMhlneton, B.C., Ib^f 1S,19 y. fe:^^^^ j u p-^^ ^fn^. /5-^ '*i'<-<^ ^-^.c.'i^U..^/:^ A^-p^'-rf / ^fc^:/ — 1 !i -r ■ r I r LI tight y b oun d ■•I (v hS \^ T <^ I ^4 .4. ftn©B Jb^CfOXr -it/yrixtr '' '"^^ a ex -r .; O'V /5 ^Clf^o 1 STOVv to X bitfii •••"Brf oj 1 rm^'i I f^'f ^i 1919 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D.C* , June 2,1903* A hoen 4. Company, ♦ Lithograplier, Baltimore, Md» Bear Sirs Tlie draughtsnan who prepared for me the revised hill shacking for the map of Alaska is so occupied that I can not secure his ser- Tices I r K.-' r another draft, as suggested in your lotter of Kay 22 It iL; nov too xai te for ue to make any different -rrangenent , and so I 3>ia. 11 have to ask that you £0 ahead with the draft already furnish- #d. I v/111 say in explanation of the highly ,-eneralized character of tbe topography in that drawing that it was adjusted to the char- re ter of data in some of the less-known parts of the region. A por- tion of Alasha has been so thoroughly surveyed that a xaai with con- siderable detail is feasible, hut other parts are quite imperfectly kiiown, and I thought it better to give the map a uniform quality by ,;8n0rali2;inc the better-known parts. This idea may have been wrong, :.ut it is not practicable now to act on your suggestion. I plan to leave here Wednesday evening, but letters addreastd to 1919 Sixteenth Street will be f orrarded. Yours very truly. h i ' J V.^i ■"■■. 'hi. ?¥ i^^A "'^ • liM , ^ uS xtsoH .A Occo. ii,1905. Sheffield Scientific Sohool, bnorixexa ^^ Ha^en, Conn iR I ir Dr. doc: I enclose proof which caonc '-.o Dr. irerri'in's desk in his .A ^i^r ^r^-ricn it and retui^n bo him at 1919 f^ix- ^. Will you Icindly re riijO i- ^i^ xouva. Dr. :ic;rriciii i^: '.rtil-'- oxi -.n.. .do.-i-^ ) tl :~^ Vut hiB return -ore ic o.cp.cted boro^o Ion,,. -^^ ^- '"ciBiin^ton •*ioq A .ncJ::}en .: xc iu'iaq awon.^'-aa-'I '• . *lo eaoa 1.- jst^^f. to tni-^ -noo i :« B tfici^ o .^TJJ3 ^Xrl^rTO- - oa uaoci ai»n fi:'l3/iXA lo njiJ v:X:toeli»qa; .Jijp a-iB aittaq tai^Jo :tJJci «afttfla«al Si Xiij;tal> aldat^Ma Yours tr'il;:, i iXdec s^ aebl alifl* .a^^q uwonii-nacrcfed erf;t an.tsi:Ixn©r^3 y<^ • noicrae re iiJo\. ao ;^a« 0.1^ won aXdaolcfoa. q ton at ^i f "^ f ■* '■* .^ ^i Qt l^aaae ■a nac^.+sX .^* cf ,Balnava i^^MslteV £ . avaol c uvl I .l>aiHafrso^ ad Xixw t%m^m £f^^^l#ml8 WCX A « »* ?.8 f ■?.a.i6i;ao'i'6, kt« Dt.,;-^' N ':*■■.* c u A:.afek.i. IviiMS. t.*::n ..utd& upon e trou^ luw -sig Iha i la^ gr. ; m^ Uia coivUnoat. M.- rira.;^htsmn tried t^ uuj ih. outline ma^ ir :u,^^^ ti-- of n^.^fdtU^l.^ ^•••Ov«i Ui. «^li. ^'rf '^h.d.d slopes, iUJ oovdci uot work i,bu:.staoi.o£'iA:/ Ja -..a-'- •^'^■''' - ■^" -'» f'^^^-i'^'*"'-- "'' -^ ^ t.h.s oa .ro.. yo. .ot, aU. a-.toi.o for ^he udi .hudir^, ., ..o. ifv ih. -la^ Vi.;:- o- -^t>ng o-.^ l^e U^ils. I '.ru.l this wu. .0 be vr*- > '^6 , 1903 . >.; r. ]„ ^> Lanier, Povloleoay, Pai^e,^-: o,. :t4 union '^qua-t.'. ''ew "^^ -k .It t -r Tea^ ^V. T.anier: On iookirv.\ ove- the m.*^. ^-^ - - ,,n,v my absence, I V^xm alto^obner too PUi<'i' ^^' -^ ''^ accurxilated di; .nload a. one sU,Un,. ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ First as to ^l-.e ::oen piuves. oi _ ^ -. -^«r, Tbe^^ ero 0 except lor a \.^^^^^^ l,«.o. an,, the po.uior. o, ..,e n»..l- ,^^^ _^ ^^ too in^^. up to iooK well on ..le -rx.. ^^ iiitl« With these excopt ions Mus set 0. pnw 1)8 Ibwerea a littie. "a^'" to he OK. l.-il-tar<: av- Hoen'a hUl oi' i^i-lO. .hich I loun.. in one of your .. .4 T ^"ve Ppproveo it ana ar. returmnt -^o m^ -^ poars to le correct. T -^^^ ^PP ,'«« Vni V P for Vol •111- Three of v.ese pU.tes p.-e i or -^c. ^ 1,,-M'ori ■-^' t^e !-aliotyt>e i'!orr,r;-ii..y are .< 1 -. na-n.Lj Of !-.^, tinned pa!:0>-. AMvr inoKS v. _, . ,..,^, ^N v,v-,.<, ^ - -ie stu.e ■••oP'.pani'. so,... i,'.e ¥■ rv sane u^^^^---^- ,, Mil ' *^ '^ ' • ' i v^ t Via, l^i I sibie, and also those ucne ly Kaisei* Unfortunately, the running heqialine used by Meisel is in ?ery much larger tj^pe than that used by Hoen ana the Heliotype Corpejiy for plates in the sai^^e series. Meisel shoula make his conform titii ino others. Ver^y trui',' yours. \9 1 \\ I 1 ' I; r dil 1919 nxteonlh ^treet. Mr /I r» 120 Proaaway, ew ^ork ity My Peiir "ir: The bills you sent ".e a short, time a^o, amounting to $23,77, t>^ansr.itt,oa ti.rounn no.blaa.y, Pa^o ?. Company, have teen approved a.nd a^o he-ewith ratv^ned check u:. ny accounts. I have uGla^-ea sending, them m order to rr Kor*^' tri. Iv yours. \-' Vv>*A*/ / / 1 1 'Ij il ll ^ .* ! re 1919 J^ixtecnM-i 'It-n-,. f., Wa»hiruit.:)n, D.n,, :l)v, 27.. 190.3. DoublGda.^% Pago >' ''>o, !34 Union ^quai^e. Dear Mr* Lanic^r: ew Vo^^k OiLv. od proofs cf all th^i; ola..;?s h\ nv nossosiaen rnado bv '-ne HfciioLvpe Ccnipa/iy for tie Harris -an- Al^H^^k«;^^, a^ toilu^s: Vol. V {Oyth^'Y^j'.U Fnti?i.;0, ■'Vontispiecy (^ Pi. I); Ai.aa X- XXIX; Mosses X^X-v; , ^ey-iH ^MV. Vol. vrri (Irtf^o:^;*?', ^/;y>-i:ux>ds ITJ-^^; Aptonw^U ^^I-Ke Vol- IX (In?.i;C:.i^"> , ' ■''reno)fbv''h .'.^-r'. Vol. X (•nictacoaunh I'ocapoas f-^'-ri; Pycrio^oiiiuS ^I^XaVI. Vol. XI f^eHie'-^Octfis', Pis* X'nU^:'U. I Ixave ^^1 u t.nasfi plates, ^m have r^r^rkHd on '.hm. h few sli.uil correct iTHs :n lot/tsi^ir.,'. In Ihe casi oi' i.Je ,*iMf«e, Pis, ''-.^"'I!, inolL,.<-iv.,, havn 14.9 ' Ccpt.j.ori in small v^p^r . ^ii of ^i.e Ouher plates in :>ris ana ^c- mdriiri^ p(^-icf^ hixvo ^ c c.^xvious in unifo^rli^ lan=or i,ype. Of coarsc Lhesfe should agrt^f -/v.. c-:: i.!? ^•^l-hers of me s-^rics. htind corre-, to orif:-3.^.ie e''^;raver*^ riat^^o in Ire - U:r:t,.h>.no '-'i-ner.. Tho matter t-o be in;:V'r'i-?v; i^i Sfrn,-:!] [<;;v :n ^hc i Nlw^ t^-^ l^fj ^ ^ "'I v-iiariu ^■^yn -jr "^Ai iJi^'w i i !/ %shin^n«f. -. C. ^ov. 2.-, 1903. ciey 34 Union ■'qua^.i, ^:&w York ■ jv car '•■ir. I anier: •emertean plates for v.,i. XT of t,^'. ■',-.-,. ^n ...J «ane pneka^o with f,re ;.r,M --..,« , - ^ ^ m/ ..rey.o^s letter. They ,.r. ,;. . .e,a- - ■ w ■ j.isse piates :xve n.-r^t^rrn r •jri nv .^_, . '" ! ..iJJ. -•urlvsiva, fena aro evccdpi, as '..0 the head nv. - •- . , • ->- '.us pa"poss ! ;i-v '■ t ,- -K- ^ •• ' !■'"-■'■■ '-^t erisr-tts.--;, .nvk^jrh t,~ . ,. IS h. the propor t-po y-, .. v ' "^"^^-^''« - P T.po. ^-^' r-sy ohfierv^i t;,o i,-o. -f •■■P ^-^ers, t.hou^.h ie.. .ors'--'^- o-..i,, ^. ^ '"'""' ^ejn\.'Ui;n^ *ole'.^ »--,«„ -„•,.' "'■ '''^""^-^^' - - nj ,,>^ Mil 01 oou"S9 «rrjto re:?,,]. ir t N^'WkN^ 98 .11 f if I »" ■ .^},^ rig. 2* ^^opy Lur ti\e i^r^^iexo:^ cT these t^o voliimes. taiiy). •f ■» P>^0'->r of ]'eaa-!jiHoe t'o * f>cV.o i-U -^i Vol. VI TI. 5. Govjv lo:^ n^v^favG i jr Vol. T'V, • In io/k-^vv- T/'^r t/jf; p'^:.>cr ;:n /.y uorfP I fail lo fine [ir-^-'if oi .: i profaca Tor "oi "T?? - • the fi^nt oi :/.e T -sec* volup'.es. T noMco also lliat this i^; uct- in the cU^r^ny ym^ ij-nt. me t, ie^ oay^^ a^^o . I am ^noiosin^-, !.. »::;rvif o>'o , lya copy for*t;iit^ p^^i'i^vs, tt.1 ihou^^r I it ••;aJ^ :^ot vT; aliOut th*? il'-e I '^ent ^esv ias;.. si.j^iup-. /> •-> . . voiiime ti'jlo '-^f ».: n v-^lume^i on "laeiers and "^(^olcv ', T .tna \>hat U.ey are ii) '3r:±i ^-ely d if re^rofia l-'pe. Tiio ^ord ^Jns^H/.H *^ A'i.ich coani'VivOa tha voluf;o ii\l in "oia. "Ill c^iiU IX, £l;-a'iat ' '^:i, proof of i ici. i=> hore^'iln. encioB*.c. "-■':! about ■.i:o co>*r38:-Crnain^ i^i^lo f - ^» '.i;** volumo on "-ol ^^r^v"^ ^"■n\:h')r 'r. ';ilb'}n. ncr I ca/: f^rr ,.;!m t-iile QfAf\e of this v^l ume, aait he ha?^ no cu^nr-y. i.j,os:^- ■t^.C'';uc.:.x ^-iJ-z^eB ivili navrt yr; I / £* P \ { I I i inn Mr- ! Grshey 2 be chftH,^e:i t>om 1903 i>c 1904, b.;* : t, ig claarlv impose ilie t:> ^ei iheri out ar^iiv^ tJ-ie ^onainvi^^v* of The ou^^eni ^^ewr. In checking up vaV-iouu -.U&ra I firK, ..yseif ,,re.u,iy 5nbar.-r..:^a by t.ho absonce of .on;,l^i., .u.:i.:i.s. I so::l you e. few uaya a^o th. only ox^r,^ I .au ]..u 01 ^oK 'J ( ^-ypt-o^amio ^oLa:.y), ^;,a ..r.c of co>-^ecr\onK ^vsre na>'k£>a '^i '.>ic; .o-,^,.. -. -^ ... , ■ . nw.c a ..a^ ^urnrr . j^i t,.o timex lor vol- orne Proie.snr Traiease has mdo sovoral qv,orx,s ■^:ac. m:U.e- no- nor I c^n V3>.iry in the ulsonc. of :.,. .•..^,y. v.i:ich J ret.:.^e. u^ ^^on --^^ the' ocpy ro>' ih'i ino.ey, , and iv. ^iti. a nu.)i,er .f corroelions ino-catsd. sc !, at th, presont time I have not r s'';^t- d .vr - nf - ,< vi - • t - can ^3t »]ori^ withou' U.^so .u^u >.e su-e of jii)y. i:- -i,, . i neou u.en: also in a-zuviir^fi ^.;:^ Diat:3s for- binain,,, t,nd :,,:9 w:Uis}.ors aro alnxst oon^iu to ...U on .:e for .ne.. uz the noa- future, T„ fact ii^^ey 'iiu caU fo" -hei. sunv.:.r, when T had absol-,oi.y .otnin^ to sonde Jr. trrt f;isa of tH3 diii^piies of Uie two Insert voiu-c-.s., aer-iwith returnou, yo.i had hottor htva some ong axiu';.':ne t;. i.-u pa.,v ;, ja. ?, as rua»*koa oti th'j :.op pa^jy:., -f ^aci' packri^.s.. In h^v(»-al iruita;.c->3 r have add-Hi to the ti'.-^s rf .wi.^eci '.•■.dj,-;-. reprinted tr-nv th? Tt?i}^ iru^tor, ■^CKOOir.y. Uio woru.s !.;)i,u ii. .cv.u c.,u,,s "rf ALn^Ka/ J;- other? "of t!:G f:xi.QixV.,:ot\.' rj.SU.^3 v. cnaii£;os until I sciiiu you new cut.^ for :^.>!';f^ y)i ihes-^ oha;/ e>^s plaoe the r^esen*^. uuii>, wiiicr; /i^^o ^^'^ If rv >^f^,. V ^^y tJtiiy \'o^ ^^'^v^c :-;,at they .'nok v^ry 1 r. ly J or T » * I ' * ^^ t 102 J i ) • 1939 Fixt06tith StrQQt, Wa^hi^ton, PcOo, ^^ov. 29, 1903 Doubiociay, Pa^e ?- Cco, J4 Union f^qvare ■Kf ow Vo^k '"'^ tj' '^^ Hear Mr. Lanier: H0>*ewluh I enclose a piio^o^raph of Forof Island, t.o be r3pro-* ducod by hoiiov/ype for ine f rontiapief-e to tne ^aconu yoiu:ne on Insects. Ti:o lette'^ i.ri^ at Ih? lop si:^:^^ id i'O'on rhe left, '^ol. H; on one '^i^nt, ^ronr ^^Jpie^^^^ The caption "ii^iow should bo^ Popoi Is- land^ ^huna^in nroi:p. It is haraly n^co^sary to add t.hat ihe Lype ■ for the ii^nuiii^ headline anti (.:ru;lion f^noula a^^^eo wi-n the ^yp6 used by ihe Helici-ype Coiapany lov trie ;,lates U;ey havo ab-eacly !^ae, ^ery tr ly yoi.H^b, >i.V- V ^v -■vA^ I a if f ^ '/ / I f I! 1919 Sixteenth Slr^ot ■\is ^ass in^'t on r-. p ^^w. 29. 1903. Uincaste'% P^ >.^ <» Dear ^ir I fcm j.nio^*'-'c5u b;/ ^oubieuay, Pa^.e k "wpariy -ha." Pli^^ ^'11 ana "HI of vol. r^ of the ':a>^^*ipau- Alaska ssrufs ('^3olc,y ana PaleonUoio, y'i are not in ]iand These a^*e photo-encsravir^s, and tbe last ^ec'^ra I > fina (jf t-her'-: is t.;iav prooCs ivero ser.l „'0v, with copy for l-itl3s. I am e-nfiuent that, iic P-'oof W).t.}, •.itj.a i,as le-r, r-eceived. After ;,ho f i-st. (!opy lo- t,i%le was s-u-; .yov, I pr3pj=i"ed a S'icnna taid oxpaxuied tiOie, rhich >• '■'errifj', forwarued i.o "eplaca t;i:3 ouher ''.is l-otuor- book sliows a sendin.-; or. April 2i\. lur, T ao not know whei.her ih'!^. -.vas the fi'^st or thn sec?-ndo I oncioba proofs of tha plates, which pleaao retu^-njKS they are my last copies^ Please rive tiie m^itter early atten-aon, as Uie nake-up of ino vciume can not be corpleted without i/hese plates. You^s truly « C. <^ f&^J' L LJLJ I I ^ I mt 104 i i 1919 ^ixteentn ^treot.., Washi.%ton, DoC,, Nov o :^9, 1903c Doubledayp Pa^e k -Oo, 3^1 Dnion Sq^.^are k f'-ii V T> ..■ear ^ 1 r» t; T unde^starjd f>'om Dr. Merr iam t.hat *.r -^arriman prosents i.o each aui/ior of the :"ar>^iiran-/Uaska Sjrios "0 copies of his paper.. r!o I assiamo that 50 copies of ''ol. Ilf (^iaiti^rs) will he set apart for me I:: e^ocordance wirh Ihe preceaerts of V^iLs , i ana H, these copies ivoi id le unlound. I write - o ask thvit you have them bound, alon^ witi-i the main edition, at riy expense, ^ivi>i^ me l;:6 Lenefil of your cont^rao' p^icG for hinuirv. You nay he intsrestod lo know I shaU send oopies to a eo:> * sid-jrable niimher of .scientific journals likely bo -9view the hook, and also to several inaiviuaals who "ivill he iiXoly to piu.lish noticeSc It may he wdU that we compare lisrs of jou^'nals lor ^evi^w, so as not t.o uiAi^licate ou"^ senuin^-.s'^ V ours yory trub^ -^ J h i 19^9 _?ixioen;^. street . ^go3 We.shinj^ton, ^'-'^'^ ''^^ - --■• nov>>iAri:'v ^eiO fe Company „ Kew Yore C;t,y. Dear Sirs; «„ .; - iv-.T i'-v as to ■ • „-. r flavor of ^'ov-^mber 27. r'laKir^ ^nq^x I I hav9 '-wceifeu your .avor oi ^ ... for -^01 Tri ..nd Vnrso mia^in^ plates lor .oi. two missing;, p'-^^^s -°^ ^^' ^f Vns i;-lterjn£i was ado- T ar' i-.ot si.ra oy who- it was iv.-a , -^ . .,, t- .. »r,.ir.i enclose cjiJ^ '-^ is a pano-ai-a. to I'v.Kc, a 'uouh..: t.a.0. inserted on a tip. it co-.-'-ises two " "., 'a i^ likewise to nake a aouhle pae^e. on bona p..per. ana panorar>as. ana i^ x.aew- ^^ . ■ c.H.r 0. a tin. The proof I sana yov. is nc e la - be msort^u Oi u i-ii- f fHvth^r down, . ,■ ^. wa^ ...Vu-.'Od with noto to move t,n. lowor ._iUe i. "^''^ ' ■■ ,.oof ^n wr.H.h .his correction hau he.n nauo, I aft.r.ard .-.o.ivea a p'-oof m .r.-c ^^^^^^ •J' but anoth:- orror had been miroduceu .. pvAur^ - ...l-.a niaci.r above that of '-vbbard Racier. PI IV of ^^ol. r>' is a litho^/apn m colors, -i - • . 1, „ t>-«* p^e od^t ion has beer, prini.ou, .JA. ..a T>r. iv'gr-iam tolU m(^ t-.c oa . ^.,.,,,... .,- . ■ ~.r fv.n San ^'ranoisco by l-roi.-J"-« ^ ex,...-^- -^ „it;u olhers. was .vuppeu ^ror. ^an 1 -^nrf Which '^-ai sen-e for identification. ear}y i.'*'>pi whicf. ^^, p, VTI nr Vol. I" (V1.-.V l-^™-' f^^a«>'«^°f P^^^^ """ ^^" v.^., «n.>-av^iT^a, I have recsntly wriiten you W| r.or ! il noufaeuay, F;^,e h Co. 2 oxple^ation of the fact that no Usm,,s are prepa>.ad for them. There,3 plenty of room on the plates themseive«. fuU titles were p^-e- pared ana tissues are not needed. Jlince -^itin,, you as to .hen, I hav. I3a>^ned fro. .V. Mercian's letter-book that they wore ^n the hands of the ^Jpw J^y*-:^ p>, ^•v^ ♦■;..- r^ .ew i^,ra PranM:i^ .orrpany April, and T write ther. in regard to them. Yours LnJy, t A.. c / i 'lOi ' » !;. in ^1 I i } i ' iM f Ml 80i: 107 ,f- •:>■ -. 4 .i I 'J r r* • ♦:l;t'-^ .-r >♦ T .-. *? ;i-* J :.o r dn: ni 1^4 ■. i» % ^ ■ .* • 5 V 19 MXT: *' -ii ; i 1,, ?'H v» V^'^iH iiU, ■s?r m, it. ;% I-..' t Kt rf»p" ^e 'I^O. t^r-, jUi jC >• CT '^'j ;> '« I lo over / R ACT-' T' '■•"*'^ . e ^r. \ to yfT t .' • i/«; fn > s%r>r\o. !0 & •^ ■»«■*'■•''. ■^■^ -r 0 jhiiexes L '^'. ^\i ,RT' !■•« f ^ i JrS 4 : A xai K \ retit s-*- n >V I- v.'*' ••>> 0 j^iO:-^ '../' 'V- • '•: > *T' - 1 IVv.- J ?■ ..I t'* .lew i?y,"5 J. 0 ■:• ^ •^O »'* I \ ',Q %»,»»<' n «co\*?eci 0 2 r. , e •■! c - » e D- i-i • •...' U' "9.7: I lie 4 * aC;: r j» ti\ ♦ H3 o. 0:.. <'-*. .-^ -> ■v. J 'J '3 '. C C c C* r 0 r ♦ i f ici t ' *^ ^v 'V* J|^^ -.-A iota « 0 J ; ! ^ f ,>'frv» 1 .'^, o <•■ t. -, : t. V r ' • t * o ,n fclC- * 'I a 0 r. I, c -> 0 • .- o * t » A V .,■ * v. <■> 1 ' i. Vy 5 0 O « <:• o 0 rl.^ « -■ !. n ii f ip at' '■ .*- - 1 « r ^~ V W*- ^w-'^ V JO J (, «: - n ■•-' . ■•< ! f ! )r »v :>^' r\ w ■ ' .«» I ^ -»o ^: • n H "V *'J V- { TN T t'fs i * ) » > sy » I, !*> ;> . .'> •'> - »'t '^■>/. ^^XiOiir .:nv f^-ffi e?; f^ >-• J., f^ U -J (, u ^{^ A* J t ^\l on ♦ T • O fc C ■ > «• I- :ov :-.V ■*: A' '. r r> W »> 0 c i C 0 n 1- V T.U; iV •''' '-•a c, >,♦ *» V' • n^ ♦ '^ '.''..^^ w* ri"> -> '** r^i * /. -, V « j: ■, t> ■\ Cvli 9 0 t) » 0 > V /•■ ,'j <■ 'l.i iO i» V '_•- c ^i;."5 V-' « -:.! I? U i-.^ 0 0 K.'V l:o\^r^ p^ o > '^^^ i? h^.' , a' ^ilt'On » o ^caivr^c; p a \y Y f ) ; s I I '> ■% o c »• /u fn-^n' 9 I 4 \ i< I ||PH<««ii>>i»«IIW Original Defective I 801: 1 i -. m «- 109 1^19 ^ixtionth Sorgot, Washington, i)oC., Doc. 4, 1903. ^ V . • i.'.i T?v^ D *-• 0 34 Union *^quar©. I'ew York ^-if' -'j • 't^y Lear -V. Rvsi'itt: On tho lovi-i.h ni "cver-fber, while J was stiU in Cjiliror.iia, 3'ou vvro-.c r':« iriqulr;:;]^., abov.t> ^K^ o.^iidition of the 'Vasriacean volima, the sa-Tie b3in^ Vol. X of the liar^-ir-an-Aiaska sfcriss, the one sat up b;/ Y\ t r . T have just noif tHKen aceourx ox st^ock of Uiis voinr.e; '//i;.h i>he I'nicA^in^- >^8sui'.: I havo coriplo'.e lounarj^ proof of the article on -ocaj^oa ^-usl.Heeans, by Miss Rathbun, and paiie nroof still ]'(^aiu>*^^7.- co'-MCt'-ons of Ihe ihroa ref^tirung art icier. — Isopods. /^j!iphii,ods, •.ma Pyono^onids . t aav r.,_.o p-oof also of Uie preiiminary rvitt-sr. In o^hyr .voru.,, Lh« smvirg voi-um'i. sxcspt, the index, is in i rtys procf. In oruur thai you may nriuorsvinci tr.e situation, ana pass che r;;;itar •ol^ to :-j Vim.,, fo- a final ravis", [ hra sending all of Lhs m?.ttffr- for tliis /r.l,j:,.3 to you lie-owitii. A vxjnUr of pii^es of tiie foundry proof of i..^ ^Mtribun a-ti.'.lo -ocf. 1-. cc-rc-uLion. "hoso are listsd en a slip aocompan ;in^, "vhe p'-oof . Mo?t cf the eo^-rections a? d in 'irokcn let-.ort, >vr.ioh, h.s ■ „-o-.j ycv: severe.! times last winter. ^&re mius- uaiiy ftur.oan; in' proci'. I have neither tho eyas nor t,n« tiro ^ senrei: fr- thorn, but lave marked a f^v, ^larirv^ caf-^£ ....l.ich st.iU show up :n t!i- founury proof. [f t;i^ proper proof -ead ■• •':i .,0 ov^^y^ ihuso s&jTio p£i^:,6s uout'less -^^ .y '■tht*'5. iii %,, lounn. -f ^ ■ I / As ooor. a^; [ ^eertive a conploto ^'evise of this volume T will havo it indexed promptly, and trust that we inay seo it out in hue neej^ futu^^e. ^^ery i.ruiy yours. -v^ V »»N^,^^ j^v^' ti 01 1 'if- * "I 1919 Jvixteenth Street. Wasi'in^ton, D.C., D0c«4,i9flB Brittoi. % Key, 625 noriinercial '^t^^-^el "Saxi ^rarcisco, Cain Dear Pirs: Wlmt is t)ie status or the plates tor the Karriri, -i^AlasKa Kxpe - dition volumes, which hhve haon so ioii^, in your nanos. On Novenber 23 I receivcu ;^our beie^rar stal:r,^ thai yoi wcuiu ship uhe coiorod plates on the folJowir^> dny. t^. 3. the only information of a:.^ kind I hiv, :.r.a irrr, you since f left <^an ^rancisoo. I am ^.lad to know that tiie colo-cul platos are on r,ne way. and shall be olii^a Lor infcn)iation -especti:iei the hu., s o;' ih. dI otolith plates, so^e of- which still -aqui-od co'-rection when I last thorn t) -ou. Among the leWiro: p-oofs .vhich ycu 8;.br:itt,ed to -.e r San F.-an- cisco a month or so a^^o T do not ^ to have .seen h.t two of the three plates of Decapod cr.stacoar.s. Barb.- p^oof of the tv/o I ror^m- fcar are herewith enolo.^ju. I have no aurlicate pro-i of the third, a plate of c-abH, A rou^h t,ra.:.r,^ of tnis plat.9 is oncloved he-owUh. In viow of the fao' i,'jti cr- for M.^cp -ir^rQ ,.;rc »^^, i' - - ■' — ^-c t>ir>i 0^ Was son' '^01. a --^- sna •, ^alr aro. do yov not thiak it ..hout i.i:>,o c comc-i.e .:.o jot? voiui.o thes. platos .- fov- has beon fn ^,^,0 r «or ,noro th^i/. .ev9n months, ana si.oulo. havs leen ..buou Lory, a,o. Vo^ r u,.-.c^ cov.ntabl9 delays -ik-vke it mj-^H,u.v bo ^^^at t; 0 l-^r,^ brief r3rr:ainaor of the cu-rent ---;ar., so '.he .u.ic . aj, ■■■* '''^ "" '" ' s 6''sa[, harofthip to the authcrso *■ " ' ■ -'■'■■'••£:, the I ..». '^ ^ • ^^ uuarg- T? s..pcci...Uiy, K-- I. '. J I I i t f rir 112 p.siiinAton. T.So, D5C . 10 . 1903 . c » '^ ';e'^5;.^'<; ^ L' ^ KriL f^nilU^M:;^ ' :o f?^-^ „f. r-v ..'^.f*.'" i,o '-ol3< -Ifl 5nu Is aiici page proof of .,,iox'.f ^^oi, ^'. Th^. I^t.:.e- wiii 1- r«L-rred as soon as rec^ivoa frt>'. Pr-.:^>.^'cr Tv-ei-ases the for^e- I return he-ewxUi. I ..m groaUy !-.aT.pc.nt,.u ^.^.t. you caii not, set .{- ti.. maexec of whidi you now .-11 ,,i..v t:'e pul.licatiou of U:0 voiur^eo. * ich ^re now entirely , •. , ...<,.i...l ,.r.,.^r* fnr- tlo in.1ex98 vs.d corrections at your rrnte yov ^ s. ov-t Mme ^.c I re.t you by m^il yes^erduy. P-oois of tl:..B 1-. enclosed nerewuh. They are to replace ler^^er outs of the sam. r:ce^pioce. i. VoU. ^H H and IX. As soon as the corrections v.... i.,, n-.i. ;r. tre i.lat95 fo- Vole vni :..nd IX they nay ho sent direct to !'" ■'■.irjie ,or •..."'Lf;.. Tt..--.- hr. or.3 f..lfiitionai .--L>c-.)oii whlc: I have forgotten to me;- T^eau'* '- :j iOi... at.u ^ricn 'r., <-. „ >..«e ^f n^oers -'^p'-int^i =-'^- *ho Wushia^tou Acadep:y „.^ i-v. >,.v- p., .^ .e:or.v-..6S. T>»3e should V: ,;,...'^pr. to Uh^ pa^os ol j fvom iiio W:iiihi£Vi<'On Acaae-^iy in ali '>r ^..e v^iumeis. I ^^an not. !.■ / m %. •% » i - ! / >}'>y* *-' P' 'f* '^ '\ (.A\7 V J •^'* -; T-^ * as I hs:vo no cLiimn^iies ana no proofs ^h'\Vfr, ■av oi I'Hf-^ Vk^rj^':^ m cn'^^^-'^ioru hi rac^ I m handicap-pen ail alon,.:. ti.i; iiae br the a^'^^r/ncv^ :^f '•■Gmi:lntx dummios AJX>sj^^-. 1919 ^i;=;^esata --c^-^e^t^ Mr o J . 0 34 Union ^-qupro Dear ^^"^e Lainer: Prooi's Ol t/he heiiotypa ^front.igpioce i?r ^ oi morning, and one ol* thero is ^e*.- -^--oo he^^with 0^r.o Very i>^ 1^' vo:''"/< 3'^' ■ Vtj'u LvTi.ib -A I n in t 114 1919 ^Uteent^h "^.hre^^i r. ' New Hsyer,, Cq.ju Vou cic not wa^;t '.c? htwe v^o; iTieato The .:cIorr>-i Td^T.o.s ;o printe-, ;.o>u;t !l wn\ he im^c^^'hU ^ bot.vsj;- r:ow and f.he .jnn. ^r ^.^ , y^^,^ '"'iw.- best v-isr-ss, " . 10. 1903 . ir Aemerteans p .Li i shed in 1903 half •^ev.-,.,.,le.. both of us are uoorned to «isappoin.- ' is voL.,-n0 havo uo^ yH reached the 0 £ot. ail-- ori'v. the book ouL "o oj:3 r«,rei.,s tiiis more thar. I. yf en' truiy vov,rs >« \/sAj^»>-*' — - — t Prof. /. R, ":'erriU„ ^ew ^!aven„ C onn 10,. i.Oj e My Pear ?y'o£~^Bi\or ''srrlllr How aboui l.he Siarfish pa^e^ anu m,,« .,^^, ^,^^„ ^^ ,^^^^^_^^^^, Can you not 1.1, .. have the. :n Me fulureT Te. vol.^a. of .i, ■^arT'irfiai,. AlfiSKa serios are nov/ in i^^ae^^ ^r --qi . ^. 'dl in a very sho^t Mra b^-^ t'?,- ^-^ - ^ r..f ^ . . th'- :evo^^' i>^ t.]i.^vikf':'l f'^ V.%;::::^ \v.x '»i f f r iri' V I j I t -A«im •■.. «.. ,..fe ntt 1919 ^'ixtson:;; ^ 10J,903 '•>oiivar, ^J. Y Hc,-.^. P'-p. Your lottar of S-p+..jmlK'r 29„ addressed to my h^orhBr at Lyons FalLci. ^J, Y„ has recently boon forwarded to me for repljr, [vV pro- tracted ahsoncB in Cai'lo'-nia will explain the delay. In reply to your inquiry I woula sti^te that ';r» Har^-ir-iari has g>ven r.e author-ity to, ^n special cases, permit ihe use of his copy- ri^vled ill..3i>'«vi.>n8 fo- lantern iiiiaes , Slices of these my be had fro,-. ?... ?., ^-^-us, -^eatvie. Wash. You arr; ai liberty to oraor fron 'vV. na-i,is such -n Ui:-o sliues as yov. desire for your use in iec- "'h/rj ti' you^s. vNJkA^ I I. I h ' f 1 J, y (J 81 r 117 iviro i-anie? "»'« ' i »„ J m 1919 oixtdenth Street, WaJshhi^',ton, D.C., Dec. 20,1903. Mr. H. W. lianier Double day. Page ?t -o., 34 union f^quare. Dear iv'r. Lanie^*: Wl-iat has becomo of Voi. X (^^r.stacea), which I -eturned on Us- comber 4? I want to cl h- du^iy of this s.s soon as possible, in order to mako tlM^ index i^nd push M;^ thin^ alcn^, John PurroiigliB wmiI t. to ix ha can i^epublish his article fra the narrative part >{ /^laska. ^:i fion/iOcMon -vith an acccunT, of ni 3 TT trip to Jamaica, ii. a Yciur.a cntitlea •?p^ucG arx Palm*' T she. Id like yovr -fiowb en. t:'V3 subject before laying the matter before ■.•L>^. larrinane V^r persomu feeling is tliat siu;!) republication if aec^~:>> panioa by proper >'eference in the preface, would snrva rathar as ixv c^av^rtisenont than an obsbacle. T vi'oula su^^tjst that Va^ preiae^s mention tnet the ori^^^iml article i« profusely iliuatratod vi'if.n plate;;: and texT. fi^^^^eSe Herewith I ain enclosing, thre^^ bills from the helioiype ^O' , ai.7. receivaa from one ox you'^ assiste'rif. ^hose natno T an not rpake Out. Two of thesf* Viiis I have OKa; Lhe tnira, v^hic;; s koIoI- for lettering, T have iiot Oha, for T,ho >^oar'on that the letter i>y- is always included as a paK of tht. -oat cf ^^fi olatf^;; 'r ni] >.^>^ll u . ertc done hy the Fc^liotype •'^c a-i'.' e^ o>""/ .othe/' fi 1 ! • u.-V:^ f-vor dealt with in ny life, except:^.;, yo .r ^;-. oii I'rien.;. :■ «*: out of a bi^i lot of ,o;<;a nouey iina;a- t/-,'i; i.^^-d. -^^ -O" ■ ^rf -^ -^^ i-t-h the uhotogravurea, which T l,ave always r-sirdea s^^ - m^o irtsrcn: *?. ■'.. / ' / > i. :SE M A large number of plnf.;.^., bot!. colored and plaan pnoicii.!;., r^ve been shipped from ^ritton and Roy, of ^alif r.-mia. to OeVinne at 12 Lafayette Placu, "&w York. -The fiv;,* box !.-, laid to ]iave been shipped on ^'orepihrr;- 24: +.^.6 others Jaio- f- soon as they arrive please ha'/e two -.>inpiote se^<^ serl r-e for final inBpection, and also for use in my tlumrnir-?s. Vory j^ou-s. ^-Vx.v::^- \\; .V.V/ -?v.^ ^ 1^ srr 119 \ ^ It 1919 Sixteenth Street, WashinMtcn, n.C, December 20.1903 c^ Secretary to R Kc Harriran. »" , m V'ork Titvo Hear Sir! Herewith ^. am reLumiriA, 0"d, tht3 bills traaspiiiteu by you on the i7th instant. The onlv one concerning which Uiere is any quesLion is the rathar Le^.v;: ei;a/v^e lor paper ^ 7h.s I am looking into, and if the-'^ ^f; ary o^^o>* .vill t^o tiiat it is corrected later ^aspectfuUy, \ Vv \ -^^- — / '*•; 1919 Sixteenth Street. Washington, T)S:.,T)qg. 20,1903 Vt. a, ]'-. Kershey, %w Kra Priiibi^vsnonipany, Lancaster, Pa* T^ear ^ir^ • Herewith T am y^eUxr^nri^ fi-st-pa.,c revise of Eisen's Ench^arae iciae. just received from t.he author- W}:at has become of fig, 55, which beioru.^s on pa^re 36 cf t.nis ptpor? *nd what has b:K;o'-9 of tl.s inae/.ss of VoU, VIII tu-m IX. C&n « you not hurry these up'" \> (' n 11 ^ I I ()S:r 121 I 1919 Sixteenth Street, WafihiiiMtOiu 1^0.. Dec 20,1903 Ao Koen h Oompanv, Kaltimor9„ *5d JUc Repl\;in^ to your lei ter of the ISth ^oula siauO that the plate of fir seals to which vom r©i9r is impended for ti later volume of tho mal iamr^^an- Alaska se-ies, namely^ the volume coiitainixi^ trie rria:\' "eport. This voiu.-^c \viil not he ^"eedy under a yoarc I- i f Prof o > ; ! : o i^eleaao. V/ 0 rn Jear ire leas tt • ^f.e Pr-^^u^-^ of .:U soHs hr.j^ k:^Dt ma from writiru vou of late reason sev.ral point?.^ raiaeu Ly you tfero not lookeo up fcy ir.e in the to-Kl. \»'aB ihau I had j.o coi-y, l.sviiifi^ returned tho dijriiw to the priik-er for co^^roctiorj^. ir: la^i ea?^ st"^aigri^en^3^ oni r;oWo r 1 (i/v 355 T -f V ♦. think thcfic havf^ ^1.1 been I •'*eg>*Gt exceedin-jrly tnat it will ho impossilla for rr:o to ^o t-o ?t^ "^ouiso I ani not rcA.j violuged just no*^' ^ith tne Harrir-iciri \rcivjny8, in uu..:Uo)i i.o othe^- ivo^k, but I arn sufi'erlnr iron, sur^h a s?vore <.;^ld t.h-^;. f e^.^,-, r}a>^ai- talK, ana n^y eye^^ are -^ii hunted up r^e^^ • ^ith best ^^sh-^s f:r- a highly succescfal r^eoiin^^, -na ^ith aaep ^e^^**ets that T can lAot he ^viln you, J rur'^ain, ''-'er^^ tnily v'j-..r6, •• »/ «» * fc i' u^ L 123 \JKa-''<^-^ v^^^^^Vjv.. \ ..^-.X \}- -v. V -^^""-^ Oa-" ^roi^SB^'^^' Vf^rri * 1 X I, ^^ f.hirr.!, anK3 U.v.X Va\»V»»w \ - w.3»M„ V .A^w/4- NA \jO V -'U.X :i 'i' ^ ^ V-^ ._>r ■>^^»^«^; V-v M,J*vy -^ C> K» C! ■; 4*-. C' ftt. 3' » -..A w asr '^: or ^a '• .1 '6! 6* r- /■>• w ,. > /fc^ ^.' '. e :'■ ,1^-0. *.( i .. a I fi ■j: - O ... iCt / 4 #1/ J. v/' •-• i * . 'rs .-rrs-*- h,. . \.» M. Vv.' ^'io'^e ft '^Ki.. ' V ? .0 F- ?o 0 UVX D •V*'i 'VC. »,- '? * !> i> !- O O; ^eCc.^c;,i HAi 1 1 -f / '. c [■^ have r^ir:1^9c] to ai7i ».-^i 1, .L' •■ i, ail {•Mf (/- « X i.> T r #>i wV. «-.i 3 a ^v/ ' > r^"'Oans r.nvi; V. r ^. .Arir:elid rape^ coui 1 '»* f> r: r 1 CA i^>c7.' (1 a^I I .s > ^'t ♦-> t'J « A a 't«)C^ >»*?'no^*t ;0 1*^ r.'.l i» rVlV rea<> y-n tv r^ d r^a J> .h 0 t^. -K ^ v.X*^.^. -VkJlX. ^* r »< J ui s a.'.s T ,^> ■■? •; S '<} \ r. ' ^. . ■• I 1V'f''J 't - (» -. ^ ^. • ijjj.o ro mciuoQ 1-. m c t •/ 1 1 1 V /• S-t-^H- -^. r. I "J*-: *:» ,vA ». <-• •/ — . . ?» ] i ':■ : A f ■ .11 >l I .- i:. : »^'v lear la'MvT- As to addi i J. on; lOi-r. %:not auuiorizf: ' ^??ie .u' -e\' are t^o ijo he > ■» ''^; ^'' v/ »< 7:)e n f ^ -tl'^M^.'^ aT;^'C^^e 5 T ^.vcv^a »it ». e V.U jI L • '*»«_*> C4.»> :poi:ftibility cl a .iuu uOi;Gn .^iO '0 p:iot.uu,ri pla Tl: (.»■ CJ a^ e I ■ :% -• ' -J # > UU t.h IV uco is Uiis. ^^i> nave ^i^c-ij seiMiiv-, in oilb^- t.r, \iy- T •,,>,.. ai mj^- or Hss (30i'ti so LO'.'hnical -'ol ''\'t ■ c o J 'eMPi lor sova-al vaar^ ■'->f^n3i^oxon Till ** ■ * .r Vii* lafe \h 0 uat'"^ he iia^ be?fri n ff! o ^. >♦ i*ua ui future I expec*. oo hrin^> out jii loi^sL s^ V JXL./:)l;?fi *• ^ la .tt: n^^TOf^ 0 y . i.i.K. i* .^IBK ■ i ', 4, i aj 1 WOU'U lj.(^ ^-^ '-J ■-> un.:erta] /ii ^ r A f ad. 1 I •nai -.e'iiot.'/po o , A . ; ■» ». -/ V s v/ oii*" pe^:'rr 1 1 ■iS itui il > i' ;.Uf>l>" xc- K / ": ,> ••» ,-, i -:i f -.** t *• s »., C4 ■ yj t^^ a«K« -he ^<- lor cerrtiusio:: ^o riar-i/ntm Alafu.a Sxpoai- on f r.y") W i i »■) . . 1 1 •.'Ji t of is lelLor I ?;rot * ..» I./V ' « rt c>-f *.r iV' ■. < i>** r. asc3r..ain ^hair atvi^i rt iv'/.l uU ae t- 1. n T-Le fnattf'''. ' T].r ^ *. »:: *i «»•<:> 5e * il ^. 1 < 4 , n v» ;-, S-. iM ipuiiiicaiJ-on of ius c^rtioic ir a fjiieap hook wo.,,tu [ 'i'» iv^v^ l».^bS:?.»; th 7 aiGfii 01 f» 1 '.-•i A) Ai ac- IS«. ^ok « <.!:• r^ii>:h Ub U Oii ihj *>r'f;'^ a>iu. sor-vo as au auvortisoment pa-ti:vl^-ir^ if w i::^ n.s:st, ari i ;:av^ s^ .wOS-t::^, ma siaienonb in the ^""^I'r^'.Q -iu 1, i-iCi eff'^ct ^iiat tnis; a>^ticl^ o V* n 7* '•♦ aprinteci.wii..h !>• K&rr-- tr: KCi t T^O >"» s:,on,fror) ^h3 Harbin an Alftf^ka f<;xpouitio:i vcLLj*:es ar K.-^ •t **- t . ■ > in » I £ or^^:.naL :o'^- ^r is profusely lilv ',» with LexL 1 v» r^ t-;i ii ai ^^l i' , , 1 i. ^ »Vir«f x^-pa^,if piiot.o^^ravures r iVr >*( •tf'ionu. therefore „ tnat »i Ac; 4/ * >V * V v> V o »-■ Tr* 1 , ' . • i Jd vrraiilou. ^': 1 f IIP uisL:nci, unuorsimcii, ih ^5 at a '01! c -< <. f ^va i^rr;Oi;/ Sail HI acLor^'' i, » sn, 1 he mi ae in i.he pro face 1 ^indl^' b % iliiB matter t.g :,^r. Harriman's aU-entMon <:.n^ -e Kno^f^his yvlshc3, I shaJ e " e: 8 > ^ I ' I 1 v« nifiv ■9 c« r§ T,)v; adviit :o l-^*e?s ?^/ f ndv •(V i >*f a-i! a 111 hiuk Y01V v»^i U i'-tOc^r'sLan. .ru 0-: (.<<..• 1 ' . ■• t. «~. T-. ^'' Ti^X^r r,~- ? "t-T. Ui.' €^^.!} 4 -V^ Vx .t.Nt C2^. -* -.«(*-')gi(C <„ *2t 1^19 Sixt.^enUi Si-^*(/L Wush t ' < .n.o p ' 1 i 0 fi^C B i-^'-K- ^ .903 Prof. Loon J. Coi .Oi 41 Wenaoil ?>tree ambria^^c?,. '^arnSo Dear V!r« Colei Yo- ur letter oi Deci^'^i^'^^^' i<* '^aoliOd me u ! * ice ii>H rocoip i i la 're Y.^i^n In beu a iar^c ^■\ an t of tli.3 liM with a vo^y baa cola whicii destroyea my voice c T business a^^^aino The publishers will nc-.. a'^^ now -r u.e 1 irsL uimc; hi/ieii:kin^' V>' ^OjIo to ;^i;et out any of oar volumes before tlio nladlG c>' ietoe** pi.rt oi Ja/iua>-y '0 TT\ transit bet\ve:in Shn !^'^a Seine pi i.-eE VT C* I." 1^ oacli vol'ome a^ been aelayed somev/h^ro on '->:ie rcauo ill- I O ^:o arti ::e^- xoj liavii^i; rv,>*ino^t>!C '- » ,: e labUsners have been so buoy vvvth tne usua J. ^ 1 lO'iiua' '^] i::ct' lUO' ,ve not. [ ItiV 'J o , -. r in? w . » able to send ne OAirrj OS Oi^ sorr:e of the voltHies, inciLuii%; i«.' .'t rustaceans, .in ?;i:lc}i your pt.per r- • -i « i^ ~; V* n , . I , > n^', ti ?ve uru ^Ke or d2iavs, wr wishes ich hurl nie nore uian an; VIA; { » > 5^ J. o ^ 1 ^3 i /■) •J \ \-" -r l" • I k'A » ofcS fet^' trul T ^fr^\ p ( it / i (' ast ^W' I, J S; -vJgji V V , "f^^AAj-N^-..?;^ 1 \ '^>0 % viX^-^ v-oc.^ ».-.|^"^- ' v^ H^ "^ AjCtrfc>^ ex i^^^Or^ "IVv VJL '■ "^liK^xcA^^ 7r ■ ) VU^o -^ -*^- t , V -^- ^.-i'^K.v... ;|.. An'^-'^ ) '/ V^^4X^ N* ."Ir'^-*^ -^v^' X.' 7^ K. , W^v ■ .X-. < " 'l^ V>-. UL .. > •VV.VV ' . ,Jt^- 0. '„'.XA- 4K V "'- V-N^----. I, . i -:f Jv^^-J> •> *- y. s^v. "^ ^ - >«— » ''XS^K, -j: V -— < ''^ ! ^i t 1 J ■ ^ f ^^. \ -M ^J"».>w - \toi \»>-\r-.>- vi ! \ 3v i ^Tx* ^ * .-.'^" ^-^-^ \ v- ^.j- *> >. J I" -t AX. ^\ i- V I V - X , 0< \ \ f o. ,^. "3 '..k ' •y ■,--»-., > -.?>- 1 5--.. \ N > ^s^i <.w :>. .J^C"*- w'^^'"V/v^^ JN,. •«- 'nr'"' ■--c—'^v. 1 \ y^-<^^■'^...y^y^Jir \ V -V. ^^J^, %^< \ \{^ J> 1 V ^''v ^^ ss tv.v-. ."V- V ^7 N 7 T"t T' iL ^J^;"^ V -^ ^A^j^ --A *x^. ^ , U\.i^. V, ^-' >i:. \. •*,- ( N v.— ^— 1/*>^" 1; A>w V \ ,v k/wA:^^ 1 r rst 128 Wa5iii!v^,or, "'.C. Jon. : am J „ 1903. N9W Bra' ^-i :-•/-■ ivv ':oMPw./iy, Kancasta*'. Pa. De&r Six: Salley proof uf inuexo:= for Vcls. VJTf ,-nc, rx >^r*^ 'in-- .vrnn-i • ai.d is returned to you horo.ith. o,,,,^, ^,,„^^ m.v, ...ea in con- nection wi.}. .n.1..e. ..;cn w. can not pc.ibly sottio ..t.l w. niay be sent wiy.h the j.,;,:3 c-oof of the Iruoxr..- r. ■ queried yo^x had bHtor not havc-^ trs cc->,- k,,..- ...^ ^ ^.^u^ until ^e raooi VQ PMt0d I '-.yi' li^o, : .v -vvV ich ^^ "'^■'- -ooiate, h?>-c-yo'', i.o .:,o -r,/ ^yj-a so t. '- ii.!3« .>, voKca^i.ya, as you nau .Vir.-^H-d" th4it bef o>-9 yci: sent .-rja the du.-rmv . r ., not befall VqU. '7n o>.,i jy, Tnt you »'QCf)ive trie r^e^^ r-.^ot' oi Rican'., .. i 9Q to you soTio tii'ifi a^'O? KU)e a iij-o r .'^fo-tune will ^tv;r2. Very tr; "^ ■ oa^s ^^X At \ ^Mi \^>*-v^ kvir "^-N. ^V- / i*l>-4^>^3j.Ai,.x '-^-''7 , ^^''-^' ^ 7 1 :i- i^ <-fcv^'. 0 ^ JU >-^x ~.^^^~^ --On^v^ '^^^ C -OtVT J y-K^ JU V ■ v.''/ v«oL 1> ,. -A.^ Ck^ 9 '^-^ -< 'J •«^'vjL • '-<'^w_ -^ V».A^-^/^^ .-) ^ ^ •• VVw' rf-*X .v^: A,sv;-vx ) |-'^f-i 1? , ^» - A.' Trv -- i-^ :*::i. . C K^*^ -|^r^^....'^X \^,o*>--'^^^ ^t ^>w wX,V^ \ Y ^"^^ '^^^ ' ^"*^ '^^ H^^ ^4^Kv: '-^^ vV.^. r V ^^ O- v^ '^vaX^ +, lA-iw 1 i^T^ o > 1 . ^. ,JL\^ \ *L^ ^ \^J. ^L- i-H\ -J^. ^A-: ^^fw^- f . -f- 1 V. Z .^JOk, ^ --. . «^Xsj^ ^Ou < — \ ~ t > -s^.^ ^J^ :p •^ \i ■ '-■ -^-g*"VifjS, ,«fcA Kf u fiSl ^L^/Jt^ ^^^v^^^ v.„.^^. ^_^, ,_ ,^..^.J^X.J^ V X<-tA^" Ai .jih-vVjA^^ V V - V xr-T^ .J: k^ \mv^ . '^ >• A..:) ^ i-o.X\.. ^ J, L ■^■''-^•' ^V-tv ^ »-Oo .^^y^^ - ' — <; ' J VJ^ V ^ i. >- 1- •>«»^ ^ ^^X. /^) MvV.,C^^ W Tiff r* \ '^..x '^X. -H ^-%A^--^ \3-ji^v.;^ u. V > *.. V ^A l^ V, »NJL -7 / ^'^'^k-'- ' Vx^\.. r ^ . \ Vj^ V '\. ^-'^ V-' ♦^ -~-..,^^_ /f -Av ^ V '^-'^ *^l->V>v>- ^sj>^.7 t^s. ^ U^t^.. \ ^-, ^^A > "W ^4^^^^.j^--^^ ) Jf^, \ V ^ Owiw -Ji. »/ V -*>—..»—- 'I I .^M,\n-4*, ^%.^ *k.Nj^ i^J r-i ^aiA,^ "T . Ox- rjt>r.;:t^^/^ s- aa. u^»j^ i ^>^^ ^^^ '>s^ -^-V-^..S^^V , cl>. ..V ^1^ j^.^^ ., , ^^ \'C\ -4 f%^ ^ "I^Lj^^. a J.. .^ :i f:_ >;.x -«^ , '-^^ V. ,Ws-?. «> . v./ -> % u ^ ^^, v.-*»>Js^. ^■. Vv » t v« ^^. ,^,V^ Uv« .V-S-xLa^j ( ^<--V^ ><• -X ^ I 1 poor imprint 181 '/ 9. I 13 «f 3919 Sixt>9onth Streol, Wo^^hin^ton, D.G,, Jpji. 10, 1904. Linooln^ I'ebo M}' Dea^ P^^ofer)' or Wu^d: What has becorje oi' '.'our loiv«proriiseG rapor or: the -'^Tephyrei, of the Ha^ririari" Alaska Rxpodit-ior/-^ Can you not r.ena ir ho r.e at once, no tha"^' iT^ iriay ho h^o'A^lit, out in one. of tho volumes that will appear in the n9a.>* fixture o \^9vy T.ruiy yo'ura. A. Ho'^>-: k (jomvm • 9 Baltirao^^e, Md. Dear !^ !>•<;! 19,19 ^tixteenth SLreot;, Wash -i n, 1 ton , P . C . , Jai u 10 . 1904 n>- Vol. f 1 f Vou^- hill to Douhleday, Pe^^ h Cci-pg.ny, datea December 30, 1^03, for 1050 r>opio8 each of PK I, Volo ^^ ana si^ plates f of the Har> Alaska sori-s, has been for-varaed to me for approval The anount -- $625 -- seoms ^o re excos^uvo, ana I write to ask if tho>^9 is not Fome e^rcr jn tlio hill. I shall be obliged if yoi; will send r.e a^ i^.omized bill, wii: tha prica of each pla:Q. Respoctfuily, ^J»c '4 J EF.t 1319 Sixteenili Si>-oet, Was^in^ton, :.oC., Jc^n.10,1^04 Nr.w Era P^^intinp; Conipany, Lancaster*, Pm. Dear Sir: I navG nc-.v {t;:eoked up l}.e au-mij^s you sent, r^^o of Vols* V, YJII, and IX, Some of the pa^os oi t];-»s^ ^l}vm;\i.:s wf^ro anp^^er^ b^ sup- plieo :ro!n p^-oof olui^r than the oazl t^^.a3, ..> i^^.^v /iia/ noL -e^^r^^s^r^ th'i? fin«l ^Jondi-^ion. You a^-o >'%}.t, about r.h^ mnnTng-pa^o headings, w- -.^ suouiu be riaue unifo^^n th^ou^hwt. Ymi nay ^•emeruor r,hai. we uisc.ssed ^^is matter befo>-o I left for C^lifo-nia. ahovu. u.^ end oi." Ai-il, tu.a Lhe iriraier was lelt Cintireiy in yoi-r }iajin<^. I- VoU V, pa^e^ 33U 337, iho left-hand pages suoula -^aa TRfiU<„*s:j?, i:,sLeud of ALASKA ?0TA:!Y; Uv sa-9 is tri..e of i a, os 3".'^.-39=\ as r;niu;.9u .ulV-v^-'. -n -0.1. 'Hil I insects) I ivould lei the Lj-.r'ouuouon. Lv •\?.noaic (pa^es 1-34), stand as it Ig, l..b lu Conk's an.u;le on v^rriauoas (n-r- es oO-'^o). Uio :.eauine .^UH'^a r:mr^<^, on tha l-'ft La^;;; Dh...>.shoi.ld 1 • -^ ^ ... ri'..---^- -'^ COOK. In ^.' - MMecp^pes of Vol?, vnt ^^..^ jy the h^auin^ INSECTS is so sho>-t that it looks bauly. Can y^i. not hai^*- 55^^09 -.lis wora so as to suT'ftic;, it out a little? Tii9 date at ^ha bottom of l-.u J^ in Vol, IX, S];t noi vn Vole Vlll. * , 5 r j:^c.^^'^ ua.; em. ^^iiaiV'ea to :^uv. In ii\l^j[)a^e to Vol. V the tUlo CRYFrOGAMl'; /OTA-'V -; .^^t ?n 3/ ^ 134 ^^r. H'^rr th3 sp-e i.ypo a3 I,;. at, u^ed ^ii +,i:e otl.c- vnL;tr53S. It. shoulu lo ^. lit,- ^■^° ^">^--^- Ti* tatec of ti.iE rolurre n^^dirie, correction I am enclos- ine; horexi^i., u^ir^^ s-,^}: previn,. proofs as I l.ave l-sn able ro la- r:iv^ 'lands on. tr.. ;^s^ n i>'»c ^..V^^^C^r f \ ^\K; ^.>..jk ^. \ x.^ •■^-^■Ax ^-<.^X V4t...%>^^ ^. Jat^.Ji ^■^4^^- \>---.vCtT 1- V mA.IX r i ] '\. \ --Hi . ^ v^ u :.~\ ...^ Ku_ -t-rv a^. S'-ujC- A» ^~ O. V J-8^ \' > ^ -^ f> \X x^..-:^.>j:. h- \^,. 0 -r . ry Si >>4X^ . J I f^ V>^ ^\ u *ii Kilo x. .!l. I •-4. u .1 jT', -^^' -I !>'. t t. i Ki^if'"*^^ 281 ,i Jt ^. V - «^^ c.^^ > .A.-.. <^, « * * V- '— \ -V 'i -.V "w ■ V ■•\ V»WwA '/^v- ^^ V --^ ., v-v'-i,T:^ .^X^ ^-'VCe ^'VN' yw- "^r ^^ -^ e-> (J. , - I ./ v^. •v ^* V -% » ^ -'\r H^ v^^ v^. V •^ ] ^' - \ |-JK v^.\\^\.^.^ A TV- . ^*r, ^ j.>^ ^ ^ */ , *^^ ...- Jl.^^4 I Y'^^^' .y •^^* \ - ,r--- ■ > • \ .K •• "% •<^^- Irv^^w^ ^^^^,^ ^ ^^^ w^ V* •^S/'%'i4*.. \ If Original Defective » ^ ^- --.A^ ' .. i-N S JH: V Vkx V -,^ , 4^ '•> ■"•^x rr- tv^I^-^ '^^1- V-;, J -•*«-• ■^''V*,^'-> ^ ^^K-^^ \,^ K Y ^K >.-„ rv.„ I It f A-.-. •-.---"C!. ■■■*■_ *^^ -^""j'C^Vrf •v ca — ■^(- *^.Y vv^ v)(^ -..._ >r~~ I 4 o 'a-^^h*^A:;i< J »^i-A 9 -^ w\ vvA^'j I ^\ v.- .^— -/^ .»<..•;. A.. .1 (V. I . K. > I «- ..^"vi\ p, >•> - l^TE I *i I Fig 1» ^^^*8r?iift.JubK©]bulo8a Dyar. 3. Js}^^^}^^pJMlit Wiii, ^ • l:l^_??r^Alia. i::udsoriica ( ^a Ijrs . ) 9- liPRi?^ soP>entrip_nal.i8 Loaw,,;ed form. 10. Tipaila rpt_8ntrionaH8 Loew, ior)g-winged lo-vn. 4 5. 6. 7. I J 4. •I; 'i9 ^ f I f' ;» «! kill i 138 9 ^ixleomAi Street, WasJiTn^-ton, DeO., Jan,12,i904 » I A- rioen k (^'Omvz.ny, Dear- Sir's: Herewith^ I encioae three piates of Alaska Brt-oioa -^'hich you na^.a some tine c^o Tor ♦; 9 Procfatiin^s of .-he Wt..shir^,to'i Acadorry of Rci- onces. ?/.^ a-.9 now goir^, ;,o want- these rlatos rnf Vol. XI of the Harriman se'-i.r.s, with tiif. -unning !.;adiir!S and caption cnaiigoa to agree with tj ■- 3 of the Alaska volui^st,. Th--" nune'-ais used on Uor.o plataq R^e t'.- li^. They look especially br.ri on PI. XXI. I snail ho oblt^/Hl if you v/i.ll inio^. .":'? at what pritie "oii -vill ^upjjly tlioss' tli-oo pla^.es, with co^-t^ectionB in iatt-^ruig, c^id o,, sint.alle re.g-stock u%la7ed papor, in an eait.inr - lOnO copies , I siiould • Ico -U) :k.nov^ rurtiif>r \^^ilether j'ou cun ri.«-Oi-^ lo i^i.o iratwor at once, i^o --^ to celiver the plntes to rou-iedavr P«-e ^ 51oPlLan^' wirjiin a coLipio of weeks. I Proof? \>n he fi-?T. sont for oorv^e>.'>v i^-^ '^ospgjtf'.iUy, f* f m t i "* T t » ff ' " '^: T -» "^ » -^ t- 'I 139 VV. (V \ A. '■ ■- V, -r ^ 4 T x'. I >_.. V.^s,K. sU >v- K-,^ 1 ,,> a. r\] V, ^ Vv.'^-C i^-'Vi^r V - .-•4-' -^ •1 J*.. \>^>«^ Ak. * ^^ ' V A \; " •..J t ^^L^ ..^ -^ r .. -^ — * % -^- A.X. >» > _f f-i 4 ■( — >4 AAa. ^ •- 1- A-.' \lA.X\ :f: ■) > ^/ ?) .^*>^. .1 I- ? '-JL>s o^^. ^ V * "*^-*-.\ ^ '*i 1 * 1 Original Defective mt % x^ ■^i/.l(ior;i.h ' •'' < . :> - u ar^iO /V -''^ aiio L » - Mr 0 ' « A. 5,^ V f- >• ' ' . >a^ i'C'.U 10U<: >»>, ' ..K -^nk'jn ^0 .Jr;'. XT I ^' •■ ". i. O V • JA:^ fT fivtiri u '.^ ei :V{ I' r ,'y; ;r» •>. ^J>^\ S i. r '>ho 1-:- \.\i i i:^ I iV . 1 '. ,1 1 'p; ^ ; i'3t.L^ 'om vinrii; c: « t-^ ^or.j ( v.'. .. t rj:a< 1 ^ X '^ i '. ^ i.'vimvioii ( -i. t UC4I i .' ■^» » t. , SbS. i'' i'bat Wc.S ■* ■ ■ J .1 I. i r»». > -i ...<;>. J '.'c 'U. i;i:j} saro wren I >., W* . <«y ^-' 'V -.'JtiS lylte'^^ aMU CXt' '•»'*• '-i 1^ t OiX do E/;ji«-. U;.Ui ons 01' winch foi^n t'ac:ii^!; p^v ;> ; -vi .U I J Lo *.■ ': c ci. ■- f* ..ia 5^, •t'. ■tX \i, i* Liio book in ai. ieoj^L iJO DO •>• n 1 1 . < ::^c i.enl Jl-Pxi i Taifiil lar t,o me n-- book '~. "I ■> r/". i^ H I'T'i rr. V C\ i/Ci >r(3 ^^^irJ i '.> ' w I '-^ y !»''•.' > ?,,.»■ y ? • -1 „ ' A »- I •^/^"^'^ - 1 <^ >, ' t <- O irl or ij i r bool /■ 1 ir. cvu*" ^».ri nc I oO i li o: ]\'R^-**lR tV r ii.'.tiu ; v/erc nut ' '. •"> i.i' i :ui. r T .i iA'. i. V IB »i.i.; V an overs.uvr.t, cccc.sionfi <.t i. 1 r^( » t ri i^c;!; I '.. r\^\:.. Oo '&P/^f^ arc !*Ur^^dc^ri^ T'^- i. i^." *r ea m ^oi f) 0 vr r r -^ \' r u' la f r V 'i r.'rtir^, 11."%' .1 [■J*-. rr- ^ac ••. er a i^ IM VC'L.i!ic?^ •i!^. na.vo noi 7-'3i. ^cCw j/vou ir-vr u.-.. < I • I ! 6 -'inr^ i • u i U"4 r'!', -,'-S a plat If, VjkA X f -r^/ :/. Ot V - f un iTai s il :...;■> -0 <1-"W. T^t**^-. \ ■>- V/SjV-, \-x 141 ivU^^ "ixteenih > o eo ■ii8ij'.I\'b oru I- 0 .' 0 Uloi ^> 04 Pro^:, Ao Ec Vemil iiew ndven,, ^ ^e^ :>H'HS->r ^ /^ y» iil 'V. iJiiruurvo i t -!»- O ^ 1 A. U './ • uO'^ Oi ;4:a ioUi liiSi^fcUil^ JvaSI ri::;C.i-.Vau •j;j .;ir%l,Ii u- t'l ex rti'lc^r 'Vaitiii/^ cbou; lii^^oo yoars lor \^our Suari isn ^e paudr, itnci havirir^ r^iaae ro .1 './ »., ifiC 4^ tull-pa^i^e lates. wo '*V0~ i »jlu wisr 'vC / j.Vi.* lish onl j^ j^ a I nef lis ■f) e n,;Y3r m voi-:' iii'e rior iS'w.a^.uM On UJ r'nnv^";! •' \r - %' tA w^ Wd'it ever; i-' irv; you have pre:fcir'Ou v.;ii UiO -a>'t i^uiiis i:aic! obiui^' r ci'inoae 'nis oJl ^i?,skh ana u! .u 3 'brih^ast coaBT; vv V3n it' Itv TieiK cii ri on !.». .j»i... u-' ii..i:iii Taa ill ai'iti3- iOii .;S a. ?4 « f t " ;-i > V,' V> WA I v' i li." I V n. .«-»•.■ .^r* ',,M pih U J ^ c '"^wA '^'Ou ivn Kij Know lusi. huw ir iai' :i' t i-^ \j a lor Lie Od 1 1 . ''•"» ins ana ur:o a 'I'crii-nb, ana n.Su iiV^Tt an tiaa "tr V: 1 >»,! w » 1 '-J ^^ c.j.raaay x^.^ j j.. ^'o irc iL-r -..ji; o^-a >ii' OS r) •r.r rote you so I'-^aiiKiy aw^oi sl^'.ai/ion a i>ii.ort i ido a^: -/I on ^l^ii'.' l'nO^»'BlcUiU :>1\' DOS i^^ J on A ^C• lllii it!' ii^te tx/i i.vj«.4.»r> 1' V* v/ ev y ,/ •n f! rn- nowar bo ^iius -> ' -' I. » > ' .mi.o it-f ♦, - Cv. I w »„ v^ . 1.' 1 CO i i . • V-4 £^ T^fiiSS i :> .> I i 1 tn wim vour i . » i • I . ■y •• '' n ■ il t» 0\t 'S \rn>' • ,■'^'1 ^ ^ ^v-a^'^.>^^*- IVvw^v' V^ •ws^^ ~*l 1919JixteanU) S bract. i.90. Oonn. ;viiss KaUiarine J. .Sush, Paabouy Nuseiim,/ ;^ott iiavan. i % Hfiar* Miss T;,_^s}i; It is .v.Lh ^ro,t, joy U:.. r aoknoModge t!„ rue. .p. oX you^- i.t- ^v a..a .coo.pnny.r,. on the Armeiiu3. Tne iii.«oru..ons e not yoL arr.vea. in i .Ui .oubtioss eorne si.oruy. I ..xsi. to ^''•^"" yen.; xcr- Uio It^-^. .no,..nt of r,« ^.or, r->vr . . , . f :-•.. htiv in p:atiiij. yoi.y. ruvi;.sc!ripi i,, such ^oou -^ -^ -n han<; i.,m3(UaLbiy. and hopa to senu you provt in Ui'j vr3ry noar xui, ,-o. LhK V f i: 1 >• c ours very truiv. '^ . \L. ^V- ^. ■■ ' 1 .1 sit T 1^ j ,*«"' ft..#«r-.s^ ,,^010 t H .„^,^,^j^«^_.,.-^. r**^* ■^'--■-^^-ifr^wwwP' 144 'II I i I I WVi^ \l X.>^ r •'Ao^ V^ /t^ \ w l"^V ''^-^ -o^ k^. -V\ .\, ■b. I ^*-<.^^^ ^ )^-'- -^ ^-^P 4i>,;|j'^v>-4i, (\ Y^M. tustv -u <:*-\lV t- - Y A -ISL . ,, -^c \ \ A \ \.^ X 4 V V ^^-S.llv_J,i ^^ \ K: V %>. t^ vjUi.!-u?v -^'^^alV \ \, -o 'Vv-i..-^--^ I'i *^ s. ^ -^ V J^ V ^4 •^V-v"^. 'v^V, c<;A nA.^'v.^X^.,. io ^v.m'^v ^ \ I '^ k ^.. V A "^ \ >-vJ "^ t^ V t ^r. ^v. \ V 1 v^ X v^ v_v \ \-^\->~-~^. V" 1 -A- V, VA^ •v.. ^ikKJ' l-^ V- \ \«- c y Wx.3L. V V -%, \ -J "j^-k»JT^ -, -"^ *i-'\-^-<,.(\__ » -k^ (v^--X ^v •^ V T i \J. V A !^s^ ^<^ iMv xjk()^. '^OU. N. 4- A ^\ ^-.- -V ->^ V ^^ \ -| ^--^ X.^^ ? i -V \ T •*-v. I V -4 . 'NT 1- 1'Va •N_^. IK. ^ K :^ T V 1 >0^5-.V '/^ *'v,>. -^. ^ Avj*^ X •\>-xjOi^ -^ \^vV •K,V,„^v.-v V h' '^ s^ *L VA^' 30v R4V; '^ ^ r ■^_^- "> * V ^. - ir^4 »v 1 A^v >■ J A_^ I i -VXAw - XAJ -^ 0^ ^ M'^H L ■? \\ u i. i 14- X/f .1^ ^1^ -K n 5L ^' 9Ao^K ', -7 1 \ * .y. '^^lJ^ X4 ^ -^ « t( M V\ kv >V V v^ vLic Cl'.^ ^.j^^^'K;. < y^^ — A^ r V »v \/^^. vV '^ ^ \ is. «. >J< V V-t \.Vs^ «^ J^^ wA -^ V \ *^L *'^ 1 "^ \'^ \ \j<^ X H- \1 >•<.. :^v V. V .. V •-v r ■.„V n^ r^ ^^r^ t I X f ^k '^'4«^ > *^ *-^~\5^ -V -^^ -\>A^ i YAnii ,rL;i:, " '£1. vA,o»^\k j^ '■^- -S U V V ■■ -^-%.JU^^^. ^ £kr3| V '\ \' X 4%^ JV>A. V vj. V >« ^ ^ V Vu. V, V c* 1 5^jc f , \H'^ Original Defective I >..! 'i utt I 1 \\\H V V \ H'- ■■•V - V !.-..'■ '' ',. U l"^ X' ~V. A.^ ;5^ 'i- A..-V,\, V-H.-... (5^' >.. V >, 1 ' i \ \ { '-r < V---1 --S, -^ V— vV. v> Ml 1X V 5 ■ Ox v*"^-^./^ U- v,v A.C 1 .> ^tA--^. aTv^ c£ ^v ^ "^ *-' • <. }. *C \>^ ^ i^ vJ^nA?xjLX> n -U t Y' > i iL fcaiMWiiii- MMtWiK 1 poor imprint if i /■? HI i ii if i^#B*- :',*► 8i^r / ilvv.^ -^v., K- H... U.x; V' ^- .. < ^ y; b: -i- U- ''^" -W v\:..^ '^-w. --*'i^ »> -— * ...^- ^ A-^.' I *v.,-'^,»'--'-a- '''^'' 0 ^ >.. > V^ j ^ ». I * f ^ / ^. ^ 0 - ! ^ J 'U t^iii«i.iW-. ^ V^'^ X . ^^' \ ; -- , . 5 V. • /* > ,r ./ - 4^^ - -*' \ .. , z'-- \ ••- ^V -t 4 It --^•f — ^_ \\. V --» 'V -, .\ ^ - 'i.N^. -V- "» -^^ V-^. -v^ -V v>. V ) i )^ v . ^rf -v. ^^^-.^ ■" ,, ■y_ v^ —< ^^ nS- ^^ >?*- .♦s^'-**\ ■ V Vv — ■^. -^ VvX_ \X ^ X f ^^ • >« \ > V L V iiv f J N •« ^-' — N , «r V*.' r- \,v vj, 4|P^ ,^'»** '^^^^m ^~ % f E« I Mi <" "*fi VUu. ^cWeH .V-^.^--^V..o^A *^i^Lf^*l^hN^^^^_^ *^ * ^f • '»^. ^V-* ^,. f...... •t -V/>. . \ .A^, '' -*'V ..,, •l-vK ..' V .X - -— --'.J, v.--iJtb-- ^ -AN.'- J Wj ru r -I tt *j^-f^ V>^*ovv •^^-^-5^4-, A--- ^;r' -t;: ■^ r-.>-- '-t ^-^ X. <.^^ :^, ::^-*.A~% 'X' M •^>u,^ v^.x; r J T-^ ■ \K\.X -^ "t" Y^-w^f , V \. ;.*^- ^-'''. >,>.>.. V.^Ai •i^-S^^. •'•vj V- »Vv;>w N^A v <.. -'-"' -.*»* ■^-^v. * . N -t Ay ... V V *'**. « (.^ ^.^ •> » vV'^-^v>^. ^sUk-v.-^ 147 m '\ N Pi I poor imprint 8*t 149 f ■ -0 . 19 i^-- ib'^ri St., r, ,•« Jauua^^^ ?:^A^\}A Erit;.or. f: Key 525 Gomorci^''. Si^roet, San I'Veacisco, Caiifv-v'^^-^/^n Dear Sirs: Yours of Dec':^mber 15 « uluirrio, reacnwd r.G n()p^:\>.:::t> -iwo, I aoiayod repiyin^^ in order to sen copiers of ili-^ :'ii'UPhyd ^^letes f^hip- roc to i,»6v inn*^). inose i-^pvo r^ovi arrived. Your roTiarKi^; cLoul- b^:.; 05ir:vs iih^e little ^cB^^iix^ err- the aotuai 'orovJle e liou ':ia^ rj";er^"bor i^hai/ 1. sent y^^u r»opy Tor uhGf>«j ijlal-t?3 irj JuriG i9u2 aiiri t""?;.' 5'';oa:. f^vo*" '^lo^lhn !^ (m Perruarv I903j ^^ou subnitten ri>*Rt. irooi'*? As ;^x; ^art or ly o^V' print :>a:'h oi i-rit^ p^otollth pi(-»lo3 I iiad r:o-c^xtra i^et to reti.rn \ivit/h g>oT*r^r:..ionn . af I wrote voii seve'^ui ■ I'^e? And ir. fc-ct no ciur^ilfrate seL ^'ji5* ^-I'^en ne till June 1H„ v^?'.9n you i-jv'l a sc^t at t'^F ^^aliLonua , i":.ueTv of Sri- ur v^ J5, r' tre aaJ^e "^i" t'^e culorod Tlcit^:^s, sent '^oi* or/ ^ral t> \ , ^^ a til 2,19.-2. '1 e r'irf-t ;)rc;;!*s re^o' od me of-rly in\' IQ03 ai'id mj^^-^e rotvmoa to youj^*it;i rorre'*t. -orib i^'olr.iary 10 and Pobrvar;; 4vV • i^f- vi'^^'Q proofs of t!.^pe :'(a5;;Ga me }-ih"oh 26 ana //er- returntu ^ith oor>^:M;Mons /^p^xi -^l « ^>ai i^b^ie^j^e^ to svibnit d final pr.^ T *vi*.b tris^ra :k^^^*'" h io:;s , but ;>r Q^irhe-" t^ so:;t rno ^opiaf? ot ^^e orir^ ^"';a>e« 'vi;^h i'ho laf a^**if^*»io»-, thf;l wts litho^r raphi:';;» ^i^i-. al; f^ i-''''^''^' Ccti-.m '/.'^'OT^G siill rar:airitHi ur:cc"^^recLed. ajui (•or..ciin u.ata fia-r ist'ji. war- c^nit t0c^'f.8 :n tho ca:^^ of the botaniLLi jAatt^f^ yvric^h r^ou al-iri- r:..;^>a lo E:r:;en ana fron s^'hich you n .vo t:,'i^]J.Y opubto^^ 'i^fia duti-cr's « ^y ,. y. /. 1 1 I -2- nE'me . Ui 4- Furlh-rmor% vqu orintsd mcsi- if r:ot ail of ihe photclith plates 'Without wuliiu- tor my correct.iorrio In tho case of tho colored piaia of insBCOsif roniisi^ieoe x.o Voi.Viil), the plate rs finally deliverod lacks i,he reference nu! Is. ?'' ich you had jo^^rortiy printr^cl > ^^ previous proof, a copy of ^ioh L still liMTi^o This malces i.. rk)cessary to deface tha "book with a iaeinf>' ti^sua o^- ala^ra^ eKplainu,g tho uii.'num> ored fibres-- a troublo^c^io a^u; avykwuro naltt-r invol'nri^>; co^iSiderahle expense. Lastly, -ir.o -rc-eprirt on '^^o correct peeper. To ^b/Lis you nevor ruplied. And now I find tte sane ^iai/es on ore sa-e inferior paper in the lo- Bont DfA'iiT-ie. In viai% o: t: e aho"vo rrenticned very i-ri. ).'?a^ant facets h^-reo oour- si3i' ;^6ufn op^r to -^e: 1. I'o reject all oi the phoi..oliv>h ];lat33 and ask you bo ^eprmt. at ■) ic. on lie paper seieeteo. ?.. To reject, ail of ihe pho^.olith plptes ano /avc t^fin^fede [^ure. 3. T'-^ i-ji.^io iiate^:iaL *"eaviC:jon yov Rrn rirny)?rBd to make in yo >• '^ill i^ caBo .vc :>ho;:ld accept t- e inferior frooas dalivivrodo lie books bive he^n jtlrna^i:'- so lori^^ delayed '^ari in^ -'or i/:^8e if,-> plat-..'tf o}'.(^t- ."" rr.upi :.',k \,he fbvor c-f an imadim,e roui" I I Otir 151 \ -X. *- \ f WW- \^ t^. V \ v '*- *~^.''' Va V"^' ■ -^*~- T 1 V.M \ A,\.^K u. -'^. ••-N^^ >. , V - -rr 1 \\ 'vJwJ^^ . v,l_^ ^-\ ^k.*.•.^. -I. .x^' -■■»• ft. — ^ / V -1 ^""^^ >- -^, -JK.,., 1 ■t s >. H- r N-^. -U "^ J^^^. ^>*^. ■^. -A ^* -o.^,. -t~- V -v •^ r* -^,-.^ H> .V \ .\. r A . N I. ^^.A' v>,.\ JA ^UB- tv,x -- ~\ — f ■' \v-\^ Vt :-\- W 2^11 ic tf V- \ •^ '• *-^ -_ V ♦ \ v.. ^ ^ Jk Y V- V .+-. •^^^ ^^ ~t' vT ^ ,• ..^ \ c» M ">» V»--N •-A.A vlso. ^ •^Ov. I. / K- •L^V ^. T \'«-OA- •T^.. ■^^>w\ *^'-V 1 J -«~ *^ > - ■^-•, ■"-^.J^^ \ ^ ..r. ^^.,.^A..V, ~e -'-* ^ \;*-^lX -. 7 'Al. .. i-<.,. r ^ -^ ^ tL. k-^..^*, . 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V -4 'Si ^ ^ ^^*, i.v-^ S A^ *^ ^*-*v. -«-.^ V ^^^ \ ' V— *** ^ ? f. -V • ''^ . V /x^ A I ( A • ]5'3 «l \. I * K t» '.Vx v% fKh '^^M' . •T ^ \i -- \- .' V • ,V%,J^ -v Ui >-K t:ArvA> \>.X. \ ys\ -^A>w \:*Tv.- < -. \ V-> /\ \ '> >. .:> '-- 'S^ir V ^.. N \ VX.*^N .^ y->'V^-^"^ ^^ ^ f\^ '"f^ •«». -•^ V — V ^ V *- H % \ T n^ y'-' «-. v.njX. w- ^ ^vf: 'f— i\, Jk K>s>s. w I poor imprint 4 Iti 154 1919 Sixteenth Street, Mr « Co C. Tegeihoi.t\ Soc^-et.a^^y to t. h. Har-iman, i:.-:- Broadway p Kaw York City. Dear Sir: Ho'-swith I am >'etu>'ni;v, tl.a bills you sent me from Doubleday, Paga S: (Joo on January 25. Aruon^i; tiiase tills aro two from the he- liotyf--* Printing Company, one To*- C57, uia other for $412.66, both . of whioh were approved by me some i.i"ie a^o, Wliother or not tr.oy have been paid. 1 havo no means of snowing, but you can easily ascer- tain by flonsultln^v your files. PronaMy Lboy fiere held by Double aay . Pa-^e h Go. until the present batch. Kespe«tfully, \ '--^y > > -jk^. H I l,( r 156 1919 J^ixteentii ^:.reot t / 6 v.* tt ■ C an.3i,19(V, > •!. . ■» 0 .1 ; 0 'I' . ! u\nie^ 1 ^np*^'' D n r> o *• a r. J ^^-i.. w-ilJi<-'Ut' r» Ut Uriion '^1 >■•>•-» -}-«r y . ^. »' i .' k o ^ :. v^ li' eorci i:tnce w oii^ V»rj ,'^; ; A c» \ V l; r) V I w^ ,^ V •» \/ ■ ■.\ ' los.n;' liereA-ilh a 1 01 aaaroBscs oi iou>'n«i 1 .^ ■♦" •'^ IV ^ -^ ft I I :s sur. ostoa ol e lii t J u or ois. in V u • 1 V> I ■• r ' ? i -^ %j ociQ T 1 ^ /.ihS,^ c; »*^v: •■> * » 1 '"") C 1' ^ A s vo s^iii' I or revic^vv w »f e J. V „/ ; 1 f.-^.-jO ''•j>''f.: >♦„ -■C , A ♦! t 1 1. i Q o -n I i .1 'U CI •- ■: -u -t i, --^ ;i >^ .-1 t'.i ■5 >' t t- C J V ,v -. < 1 1 •». I r ''\'' v^-' t n V-.J- < C U '. V .''••/ J . ^i ! t.> f. ac t 11 0 rro o )i S 0' r^irtec ^:v'8S fron D::; V iiin^ h vo ''■'V.'^-v r. 890r 'i ' ri t-her I .., 'O'^t. y«t .V ' f ci I V f I ' * k f ■ ' t *-^ »", o o Ti - «"> O " i: Lrid biss-j/s o A ■• prii-t.ea pi&lojs ^hop-soivus or .iOSa VI! and Vlir 0.' vol. T» y^8trp'ca • «» i,> o ^ 1 you jnqui^'in.- as i « 'fiaru-^t -s. »■ '>,'.•;*( ' • »■* »* \ M »> r-1'^ • :y 0 Si I I ' ■.^ ."» /^. • • 0 4 1' 1^ ■;-'v«, )>'oous pa. inf: lioa kr still huri^i; up maet ir i.>anier, 2 of i.he iil.eiy, ni^el: to my anl .yo'"" 1^0 I shall >a.r>^rtSsn.Gnt ana ihe ore-JUai /*f^ te down hard on DO rrreatly otli/rea if 1 r t I 'ioi> nave t/o rrr* s '^!atLe>\ and .'-ot. y^ um^ pfinled and oe u ou Hill j.ut your h3el in-j^ roovirii^ ^' P C! Hi seo if ;v3 can V r.Y*nir ni roeoir -;f, aP ^vi!.houi. further del a\ J Apt/ c -' - <. ^w' •■.> » rv *••» v«p.->f >uu 0.ii.*'i«r^ ^' J ean •0 you within 2^ H^v'^eo t,Q ^otum 3a:n^3 n ' >■" (^r-/ tr^.;!" »j •« "^''OV/'^H ^v, >< :5*rW >Os^; 'V i I of U'lO laltov ! H rt- o^' the \t r ) I I .<-.■ 0 ho ci^'l;-;-^ in t I '. f •,•! ^ T olurie IS roj liU' ortiinate. i?'iasr»uch p. 0'~r ■ <* JS I;- ] p, r» '*> > i V • 1 v^ i. * ~ t.'. vvor s'^'-^' I ^,ij « . >> K ■ ;y tnc rn.rGonian 'nFtitution, which ai r", ■•/ xTi e que St ni- ft. ■ v: -,.• ' : i i V ?1 .1 L.P ior Fevor^ i L.' -' . f ,■ O *. aro of J -n- "» --•-. , r"»« %.»«. 4»'> •^ r.ri '« Jj i orn > V ,v: r.- i no ri* lO .•.I /« .. 1 ' L < ^, pr-l J ou^ volun i^S f. ; r-'ip (? ic A W' OU la co'^^H :r iv V »''.i • C-: KiB. ci ni r c^^i'.-i '^ « • v* . <■•• I v(ir I91« Sixteenth Street '.'^rtSiilrV'tor o \^ e f < &.n © oio x^O i>'or 0 r. u • Aijr ^aa>' :at^a;'*: ?hai:k^ foi- you- loti,e- r^e^-intiy -9r-:,iveiu I^h^'^^^ i^ -a ^v ir rf- i^onam. lo t^e Geph-rea i^^ake?: ii i'»]po5Rihl.> 1.0 incluue his papur in Oi=.i;or 01. A; or oic a.^a« I wa:^ o];-li>'_ea :J a^^^tio^'o :.o c'onplcn.e tr.ose vvtumes -y t^hu adciitjcn of o;,ner pr.i.a-So To .,oe 3 . err3n.3:;:7s •lyLrv? ar-lveu e couple of .vo-l-s K/ro, ...r pap^r :.3 Qx^b ..^^^o ^,^^ ?f^ Btakin:,. Hrid nuc? la^-f.?- tl^r;- v- sxpactaa. .1 .s a. so nacu-pai.- i9d Ly v,n or. bar-ass -:^,j.y l^^o nu"Vo^ oi 1 U,usLra„:ci.s. -osr ol .vhjc'i, : bX'j t::c...;',rL 1 1,0 s;=y, tiro pan araA-in.s, >-op;-nAi.-i.}ls ly o'lotoiio'i, ver"!i]. p-ofisos t;.e J-ichir.odo-m vciurf i^i L; :; nc-a^ futu":.v bul you ■'-r.OrV a>'OU', his p'-oi'-'isefl. L'till it doi.-v-- a r-cod (joal of wo-k on ',:.o i.ollusca. -/•''o -..hau '•o . ^0 ■fis.h r.fixl i-s--d, Volso r;, anu xv u-lacK;'-:^ v;a ..ooio,;y; are pud .osea i.o ■-,- p:nr:u<:>u. crn; a-o .likoiy Lo bo c. , -r- d^-r. Vol. i' (c-'^'- - i-ci.^-y) ,-v, vols, 4l'[ ana IX .J'.soc*.r- ^ 1 q... "» ,-> ir'ol;;p-ci ^^v. in t'.^t :;-^.Mufjr s land?; I- M 'i* w i 158 Frofcasor Kii i .. i-* ^s Oaa"c papers a^ e cor-u-'no <:^^ >-■ - -i .' J. tic- t4.{-. V •. ^ '. 11 r. ,y'tfu^- i'nr -i:.:'..i^iiO:: :.,o vhs ? 1^ our, of :,ne w^,^^. The uoncii draw>-u's --.i,. sor-. .- h -- volumes ?r:.oui,c; ^e ^eni. -"->- 'vm' -•-... .ea With kinoe^t ^o<^a>»ua t^o vm ''laK icins. - ciMU .,rso .uMev^, m .v:uc!:, Me- ^ V\-i^- -^ V V \A,>vVV -NJJ^ 4 I I' 9M Irv >- .y; :-i' V P J v.<».. v> .V ; -' *— % W— - ^ f o .! - V *" » ••* .<^ '*s»^. 'V>^ cV 'Oi V v_ --l^ ;V r » - .^•-. *■■• \'a\-\- U ;i 'jt^ IV.v ■»-.. *^^"v ••^ * N^'N*'"*- V,»» f V * i.-HH '7 »• 1 ^^.0, .-^-- \ Vs w.* f ^^*'*— j-'^ •\i k.V. \ _ \- n:^n :i ,v « ) IX X)... >v*>...V .^ '\.^ -> ^ .V V-- ^ v3. "v. >»/%,- s^ •.V "X i***' v._ ^ V ..^-. ->- s cv \ " . V :.T-- A. t. 4;, <^ •^ "Vi... •J^- .' « I i » -^^-r ^ \ .^PV'v^'-^^-C < I ^A V o »»,>., k:^.. -:> '/. r— .^, w^ \ J^./ } '^K. VwA i-%.A i ».M«A^J^ (?>.K < .,>. "^ y*--^ 1- ■^JC. 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'-J V^lk, tr •^ '-^> -vik, " r-^-. '1 VA. .^ \, V "3: A ^ J "K. ^v ^^<--».^,V « '^. U' -i k -^.- o - 'X..* ^ .- •-. A^ •-■v. ^:- >; '•, V \ '. .A \ - ■V V •d-c -^^ -^^s -\M.. A - i-* • f •.:.::> > I ♦v-' 'X ..«. \ -, ^. ^ v-^ fJ^V '\ N,- i 4-v>^' f .f - x^..^. '>;• - 1 --\ X \ J./ 1 '5^^A^ , .r^ ^-^. -i^>o^.^j^ 'tt 'j^^j ^ A« u Ai.. . , 1 ^ ^ *, ^^. 0 " *v\ — -A 1 \k \ '-^--^-k- .-t r- / . k ^ 71 V V. \t V. 7 ."Si, ^^ 14fc^^ ^-,^.i Q-.. nU ^•V/-. -o ^-\'^,, ' ' •». A^ .. /»-v . ^ t -V *. '' t- V ?U. ^J>.A. Js^ V. ^ \ >*-. - r !-/«' vB < Vn, I \ -^ i-S t» , .K^ .i*>!^- U^ • :X A« .. I »» <•■( I j f I / ! poor imprint I \i i 1 1 i|. r i;'< -i^ ■ f J ' ,1 !■''•• ^ f !»»M I'l 1^ *^. t*-^- *¥ i i \ tat I I V \l '-X VxKii <3 ''UX. ^A»- VXk t A \ V^J w-^^ \ v>-^-<^ < - V >- ^ tx V.'V N^ V ^^ .. -V. . \- «VK T^ V ^ •w. XLcW'^--*-*^ .>. .4^«OL> {roV V^/^v^ • .'**^ .*.^- j'^ yO^-j^^ ^tM" \' ■fc ./^ >^j-— An.. \ \ \ '^ 'V-- »* --^*W' V-'-^ 4^--v.V V'_ >»^vJ>v/s/- —- — \N>-'^vNA^i \/XJ > V. 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"^^ \\C4 .-V ■ x»4. ^ ^Xi.:^^ -.- ^*^--*:r i>^--.-. ^-^^aU-- ^ ^.. »*K— \^., !*^^.^ -C5 v . ..^v. i \ \ V "^ V**v ~^, y w*.. *-*-^ ^C'VA ^ \^ f-. <_v.'«jhr w" »^ •1-.:. <- \ [^- '.•^.' ) ».XX -^ ^.i C^v..- -^\-{..v ,^ •^^X<>^K'-^ ^" It>-'^,^^v. ^V ^V J V ._-r^ V.^ 0 ^vjC%;^ (u^- •»^«->i^ ■^'v ''*-' -^ -■ .^, .-? •'j^v-^^.'^-.-'-^'Y- V >V ' .>.\ *■ <-'- i'- * r^-i/vA:::-, \^'^-.xX^ vj ,-. *^vV ■•.''^-... ^^ P^ ,.^V ..^, VA-OK^-^ •^^-.H^ '^^J'-' fU v^ 5---. ' k ' h 1 I. i ( - ^ X V*'^- \ * ^X.U "■P* Original Defective ear 169 r m '■^ ^ v\^^ lU^ ^ i v-^ \ '-^-L. >-v^ ■^ ji^tyv^ Vj '>^ ' k. -<.A. '^^ 4 » l i V ^-V. ) vT- \ '^^^•^V^ •^^JOv V V!k. IJt^, Ax.. VaX. ^ ^^<.^OL^V^Ov.. .^^ t-. 0^ -it, X > ':^1 As- A.-»x ■I ill > K. -^ ^^ KXX^^^S^ '^' ^^ Sjk- SA^V f \ \ . ^ <>... it -'C tA u V r •^•.. V 'X- \a -^ X, \ ^^N^V. ^^ ^v . A)*'Ni^, ^^frf ' ^K h ^ . j^ \}x^ • ^ ^nX, wi^AA, wv„% ^ ^ ^ — \h Vto . ^ ti., ^K ^ Coj^ \ «-V- -A. \ it I r- ^^\ * w^ ^••©-'Vsj*. V\^ ^ 4 \ % \ \t V Nw W J- W^,.A/WV r *i 1 vVv>-. f^^,^^,. "»«^ -.K •^.-v-^ .'\ r- \ 'J V S ..}s V J^ K'^ .>%^_ \K K J N^lk- '*i^- *^<< ^vJk. /1H^- •'^o.. <^ -v^^Jl ^ ^--^ r^^^X t^--"**^. ':,'«^ \. X^ ■vJS.'^w „ 1 j t^X V. N -^^X. V^^s^..v-i ^■>^^'-: i^XXjC \^ "C^ " -- . ^ T^ < ' V \ vc>.v V ■SyVw3w ^^^ «.-. \x^^ \ -J: -K \ ^35- V. J ^""'l^^--^ v>- 'W-x ^..^>Ji.V >^>-v---XX *^V i it' i A [M ^^^^H ott V\v-\- i(. "% % •».-.- ^ s .^ /» , •-] '7*uL.V. . \t^ \ar ou^ Nv.Vjv'-. •y- •^-^'^ yjK J)L-<-s^ X,, \ifAr \ v. . -f" ■^--v "v^X .'J' i A. -^-. , 1 % tT- -'*>».*J^.^^^ ±) -ij. V". r ^^ jv ^r. tKJ\-:s^'^^-, *%V^ Av ^ 1 * '^M . I "1a^> C ' -X' /) \ "6 '^. ^:_jy V \ . ^Jv t V'-\.,.-..,\ ^^ *i •--.. .V .. . V ■^ I "f..^- \- ^v r *4:* ^• vjl \ t «-*^,Z [Vi?- •v. ""■^ t, V ^J^— -• IV- •» J - :'l ^ -i ^ A . 11 ^^ M A 3k *"'-. ^)h^-^;; K ■— ,r X - V ' ■ " '-^^-v W , i^ ,"^...: d' H <— ^ (i ■fiJlv ^^^\ ••-«. V \« •# *M« / » Washington, D. C. Brit ton and Key, • ^®^* 16,19C4 525 ComiTierical Street, San Francisco, California. ^Tiat deduction will you make in bill for Alaska plates? i poor imprint 1 1 '^^*w^ I i I' f I « ): b k i il h- ITt n r- 172 I M A, h^^:7ii k '^cmiun':^ SjRltijworoi Ua ■-'ear .. j.*"s 1919 Sixte.;.rr.i S .ri ., On "^a-ua^-y 16 I replied bo jsjur i^ii^r of uit prGVi^..5i aav. with r>^sp^,L .,^ cerU,..!: i-itiles oi' R:vo^.:.a ..^>r ^n^ Har-r ,j^^i.AiUu r ci- a.j.r f,r^a uo^'k na* bucu cghj , ana ..hj.iiec ^vu. «uCO-- will OM £ , ■a ..n otUdiai^vj ^^ sai-*5fac;>o»'v p^er. Afi vfar* i v -;:T.ii J--^- i \Ki ., '^ \ \Am -Ano -v. \v\ V vX^x- U -^ -^v v^ v^..-»v*:t-- ^ '^^v^V -'. t 'l- \ »"- ^"-^-.u^. ^ -^ 4^\ . -. ^-A>s,' "^^--v, v-ttx_ ,1^1^; "1 "1 W-' » N i """- ^ --- v:: v^^. -^^ *^^ OwhA.. r ^L^-fc:. s > *-.V* \ VVv V > w ''■^\ v \ y^. I / »MI^H«s4flHMiMMl!iu^^ aays, I rina ,ou,. i.vtor ox' .n. .Vtn xnstant. and s.voral batcho. of By tins ««:i I ^ .endn-^ :-c.. £,,„„., aru.clo .. it a,,,.^^e i„ Voi. XII. bul, an. wio^Koicu**^ 1... prolimn^.y ^..t^:- ;.n,xi rhu B,.,n pap." IS u. pH.> t.n,. la :,..« E.,er: .r.oi I s.Ul no.iee tU ab- sence or 1%. :;?, on pi,^ 8c. i^ rcr.,'aa.^^ una prtv.ous x-roof I a£-kau wiial ,»»a ihu ruaaon th-s Cvt *«« . r,; a,,! i. < u.o.>ii i^ii-5> u,/.u «asi jiOL- uSrfu, Lui no rcpiv' Wiii. over inuae, and it, is stai aoi«ni. -As t.o Voi. XI, ifi yv..r i^i-. ii'-vi?' Di'^ Lne ir.ui-i tnbt.&iiL, ;.0L. st.aie: • r", iie plate oo-^est-ons on the baiai^c;. ol Voi.,r.3 xi I Uum ..;.li b^ xx.i.hsu u.rr.-^ou. u.iu I «riii ^i:.n ,..,,a ycu ne* pa^. pro.u« .i it .- Tb.^ R/fctter hat nol ;:&'. haofi r-oceiv^o, but, your ^.o!u:.,:ui oi i;.. 13^..;- u.. tfi rea^.-k^ti^at i.i- f-oiimu^i- siatoei- of Vol. XI wa« ecu:;, you f::xu •-he o;,her -.v^^s niau.iu. corrocl:on. .50 .ht^L 1. you have l .xs part I m .Llcrlv ...uBblcMid^ti ;.o ^t,^ liow you om. avo.u iiw.i:^ :,r.i. i.nuiruriap ivuii.l.'i:- also, fin oi-pr...x Mrfe-- Uupuca.e .;.r .n. p>'^-. na..ur is cnciusba rio-uwioh, li.-. I w-, b_^ no ;?.oans pri:i.&roa 1.0 say Urn- i- ccii- taii-i*^ ..11 .he oo-re«;r.« iha. v,u.-« xn bha cop- s.nt you ::.n .fwMiv 13. * .V J'" ./ -H. 4. i Kt *'r. ■'t ■ r. f \ 1 -'/I J> ' i 1.« Vr.-f- CJ 1 J. .j < .o-l ^ >.4 v.. ^ ■> \ •■ *> V. T T". f 1 , 1 . . I "i rl V . W. 1-14. :« .ill u -t- \^ -A, ^ f." ,fc.> I f tc; .-1 v-'r* ,-» Uf ; !v- - i r-. 2";^{ J :. 1 ]: *■ •.•■ '..• rr'"> vy .u :^^:' la 1 .— - Li f y ■Vl;) <'t:» V n r^ ' .1 vx.: ai; ig Sac ;aj mp v> V7a o J J. f* "typea soi^e ti'ue a^ A^' » ■ i.U: trotvco uhx ^ »^o , •■! -. «f odi. •^« « -^ > ! ^ <^^ ^' C> * ;'' J ' '' •- V. Double vxv ., PcL ."t ' -1 i 1 .-J F-' J. 1 -• \:-> I >' iTr aC an A.< ^ •-; ■ I t.*i; n LC V'. r,^-v- i n -i'-^. V ' ^ i . J. i ,-* f iO. <^. 3 1 O " '"• 5 p "■->£• a^ -5 VY . «:^ r - u t v r O' 0 a >"\ *'>..■> l; '. ■» f- •■ t ."hi i I i :3 ^JVn^^^^ik:' :'-.- (-> 'C-.or 1. ^ V • V .^ , ■i^ o ^ ' 1* i r> H'"v fo t:< <~I .0 < J o CJ J «••'< ••-■« r: ^-) ;> -i.. CD r-' -I i^ ^ r-i c o r J ,i:' •j-« »•-• ''-J CJ O 4 Ci C) S-"i a, (1> c 1) r 1 t. /•J . li C9 to C\2 C5 c^J O 13 •^ THJ O .^< l-L, i.. p.. riginal Defective ^ r> r-) C.) c. »-*s h--* •1-4 .-V-, .'-X c* 4-> -s > <7> o K-i CO i^ o O f— r-* rn <)> 1^ o e— ♦ 4~H o Ci, rs g 4:> O •r-J > CO •■^ rj 02 '-0 t:s» n] C'5 •1 -t d O 4-> c^ ■jS rs C ■^J ■»4 O ctf CO P. ,'^ r— ( Q -I rt *-> ^ft-' ri:- to 0) »-< ' — t b -i.3 ^4--. -I.;.- <.. I -• .r! o r-i *r-{ 4:^ • r-* >-'•< 4^' r -1 t\: -'-.> --1 •H • . }-'h :/} ^C I"- - 1 CO f- 1 175 0 .1 '■> -f.-^ o ci f^ c:> --•■■« —i '-^ «... .^J /— 'T ^^ f'- >■--: .T< cj; «t I'i H-i 4.V 'i) r: !t I I I I I 176 (i VlVH V \ i>V \^^ WJ^rtr: "V vA_ ^K . ^ ^•AtoV,, '^^A^^. *^— •**^*0., *~^^Cfcl. *^. *^ .tW^A >-- -V > -rij -i > 1 \ ^'^v.. .>. • ('*«, -Ta . r ^-s. \ -~A. 1 >lr > f rS ~i- ^. ■^ 1 "■''^ v.. r^ ^ 1<- - ^-- ^ V, ■^ w,.V.. *^, '-'»j» > .> ■--■^^'. ~. V \ K. *. "-- V V -^x Ka l^ cn_-f-. ^lAjvA^ \ w^^-i Vv V > V I ■>. .^: — <_' \ ^ V- V \ ^,. I ^' vV c.w\ vv- ■K^ ♦* s \^-X '. \^^^^^ N N.' *./■'-, A, V y V n y H fc poor imprint I... «,,- , f 177 n W m '^"^-AnU^^ L^^Uaa, -\^\ f7 •Vii- f *».' t v»^Xi:^, ,V1C.iL -V 1, "V"- V, <1jl- -A^ i->--\ rt ^ "tt: V >► tijL,* A aJjbk4. ^'•«' — /V- .^ 7^ ''v 5~ A^7 -l- > ^ .. *- J A.>V. A^ Jt. ^4\' V f) t'.^\. ^ r i V I ^ f <-.% > ^. *-v V "4 •.>.«.. V,^ ■-^^ 4 V ^*: 1 *. * ^ *>'v U A '% ■v ^'^ V.^ -V- --^ V ^^ " . ^J^> 'w>>^tL>»- t V O^ 4v t ♦_«. ■»A,/ ^JL'Hf \ < — ^X A <:. V^- '^^^. A^'^.^X^^,. » •H ^> '^vA-* U l> ■^^^^Z.9< ^ ^--U \. rvSV )\^v-.. ocUj^.^t:^.,-^ -t^, ._ J .,4^- JL w^fil ^-Jk»--» V %. T: ■HA \ jf-'VV. > .:.:t:. /. -^ •♦v -• > A '. j\^ K*^ >«. - .1 fr. :t; Xe I - — f r -^ - in X ^# X *^ ^«Ak *^k\^ k^ t\ r -5t^. "^ >.. \ ^ «^"V >V V V ' t' f -U4 A •V ^ijLOL 0^^ >^- V ^V.>1r O . V. '-^- '•H, -V- ^w^,.. 7 V' V ^ V •^ ^-^ a]Aa •v. .A..^ > ^.^S- • - 4^jiL -Jl. ^. v^; V >k\. t> ^^- ^i .V K ~ ••— ^>S-»*^' ? \ ^ poor imprint 8tr V i 179 A I 1919 Slxteeni.h St^eat*, ^asViirv^-toh, Do 0., Feb« 28, 190: 1919 SixtjK^rith Streot, Waf^hin^^^ton, Douo, ?eh. 28,1904 1 Mr, A. H. Hersriey, Lar.caBt/f? , Pa. • Dea>* Sir-: yoi*rs of the 26th Gt:m yesterdr^y, but the pia'^^-J co^'^ocbions of Vol. XI, -which you say I havo no doubt reeoiveu, havG not yet come to }.and. There seGms to hs somci liooaoo a^ainsi. i>hi3 VGi;^ the piat(?s for which should have barjn m Do Viniib'b rii^nus loii^ a^o, so ohat it could coTO ouL wiUi the othe'^ voiij>ies he is now printing.* I very rrrach rogret i>o learn irom ^'fA^r letter of hhQ 2Gth uha.' "^'te block for fi^^o 55, on page 86 of Vol. aU, is l:>st. If you hau uUa ma about this four o^ five months a^o, vhon tho proof of Uiis figure was sent you ^ith i.he galley proof of tha article, a new cut couid have b^■m -ade Lon^^^ af,o. As it is, you will have bo seno rr.e back Lho proof of the fi^.ure, so uhat I can have a now cut, maao xrorn it; or YOU can have the new cut maae yourself . ae^ yo^.* prefer, af; I havj :io duplxfuuo proof whatever of Uas, the .proof thau ^ent back wiLh uho galley having been retained by the author^ jn Caliiurnic:.. This case and case of Vol. XI seom ic omphasi;:o the nislori/une of failure at "ou- enu oi the lino to nov.if- ro o:. non^ocoipt or losses oi cooy and blocks fo^ illuetration. ^evy truly yours. ^1 1'' ^^ > I M>:'o Ho Wo L£.r]i^^% Doubledi:; . , Page & Coo, A Union Square, !:ew ^ork City, Dear Mr. Lanier: Yo.-s of the 25th at riando I am ^^la^i that you will ^aKo ncda of Da Viri>ie and the matbe^* ^i '''^^ic X, c\nc- tnt^a that vou will ta al]e to push it to H finish at oncSo Copy fo^ the index of uhis volume is enclo!?eQ herewithc Possibly ^-oii ha'^-^e forrrotten Uiti.u copv for this volume was sent you on P6brufc=.ry 16^ 1903 -- more bla^i a year :^c« You say that trie u^o voiuines airendy m Lana ai'e now on biie presSo I suppose you >*efer ho ''oisc III anu IV (']laci:^rG and GooU Orj)c If so, I trou£Tht they were printed a couplo of months a^'Of, i lai^nuch as you v/rote rne ohaL olie clian^^o of oaLe on uhe • iiie pa^o fror^ 190j lo i9l^i ana cor'^ections oi" pa^;;^ '" irert-ricOi3 in ti.ii con^jnus Yculd ueubssitate v^oprinti*!^ tho i -'Sb sl^natu^'eo -Vhy ir. i .ria' \r lol^o -^^ 'M' ' [ , and JX a^e not, sisc "^n t:ie p^^ef's? P'^^'jr.ui^'aiyion should be r;:,\d(: rr;"' taking ^'ols. X, XI, end XI f in hand ir: the n'r^or^iato future, so th.^1. tliey m^.y be brought out with tno ot.hars abo.^i. the end oi lAarcho Verv r»c ^ •►*W^->^^^- w. 08 1 "¥ ■*»• » m 181 1904 Mr C. ^ ^0 Tegothorf Sec-eta-/ i-;,, ,i Hi,)---:.,.,-; Dear Sir: x:n) Broadway/New Yo"k C^tVo ior expenses incu> :u. oonnacUon .,,n .:,e H.r.V.. Al.- a ^',i..n as 1 01 lows; lo SriUor ?: Pev. ?5 f.ho.,'-,iif,v, v^i. ,,,,,. <5j„r. , lo-A-arice (fi.'^d) , , ^''■■^^''- eirtu^o, SI75, Iqss ax^ni- l' S^'r"'-'£^^ ^^"' -i^'ooJ.-ecr'-ia'or" ' -..$150. J. .y;. c.= w ifnaril;. svjno,..-aT;h'' t'-^.-^--^, A;;';*""** ''^'^° m^ . 1 - - ,- o . 10 W4 ..» U.. Tj :*. ^ I. O V 8 )\ I I O i , 1 ■, • 1 -I'-'Oa I 0 i, 0 . e a . , » , „ •oooooe *,1.0v>l m,^ , .,, . '••••.'-. r.0'9ai iJ;fe rails or t;r-i+/f,o;) & R^.,, n^ <^- n =•«. ^^■ aru io" a lar.-cs numb"'- of r-i^»„„ /,o Au .lave HrtU .no .*0>-K (;one iC' In UiO ,it:A, The aelay of iha puhlisha-H in .-6ti in -..-.„• , " '■' " the.- h.„„s 1. „„.t ,„,,„..-u„«t<,. Be.K.o. ,,h.« six voiu-,.. ..•„.. ohe p-,'?sj; in a ^oh u-.ys« Very f,>*-j ; T ur,- -o ^. -N^^x .i^\vo^ 1919 r>ixta9iah ^'treai'» Washiri^>>.:>ri, DoOo, Fetrua^y 29,i9Cf4 EoHcliARRIMAN lii Account; With a. HART MERRIAl^l ?ny- or Expeasa.s of Eailor*s Ofilce Decomber i to ?tibriiary 29 • Postage, special delivery and ro^ ist^"ai>iari fee" on r^.sso, letters bjnd prof'f: Janua>^y .^'obniar voooD ;>oo'>ot>3ooofi>e C\! .03Ca:< 00390000 oo30■J^>o6Cl^^s^^&ra^i&»•o•;<»:ooo^oo©•oo Tale^ra^as: Decoll J^ritLon ft Hev 4o00 • 4oOO tri2or;0 t ^. Fan « 30, DoubieuM-.Paae ^ Co 'v^o»o3ot>o^oB >;i«»occiOcc>SBa Feb. 10. • Peh-.ib, F.''ition (>. Ray, '?''?.soo., 3000 C' JO 3»c (loaoedcoooo O9riciooo» o 16p Annelid plat-js. i^o'^i Ilev/ haven*, .,. r ,, c o . o 18, plates to Hoiicty"-^ ^Oo^boH-oa (sutA-'r ;>) ?1. mfi« to New E-'a ?L- ^■-'Oo ,Lan'J5:sr.3r,Pao ' "■ . L- • > '« ^ SU U^'^O'.'.Cll';^ >^j ,' 15 0 0 0 J i S O 0 0 0 8 R, plates lo Keiicty;:a Coo.Eoslon (subv'^ 4) 11/ package froin N-^w havdn, . o » , » <> o . , 23, packa^^e from helioty-6 Goo.Lobt loOO o2o i . 00 c>oO R 2 «onsoeooc 'Onoootooo .36 o *iO o30 ^""our blocks of haaapiecos i.o^ Vob^o VIII ^-ma IX (sui'- Total oeoo9»oe03s» ©•OS'9t3»'5e«fl3o3rD-)Oc*^oo?>r. SB ao&»(>«30 3.o'3 3o00 Kecaiv^u Pa^-mont, 1916 Firi.Be..t-h S.^re-Jv, Wasliin^>on, JjoOo, K-it 029^, i9(k !:ARRrMAr: ^^, f' 'V fl V.A^'"» ^ ''r To ct^no, >•aTh''^ t^T^^'"i'"i-f .• r^^of ^^eadin^.^, ana inuuAin^ Vol » X , 95 h'^S o ^ ':. t' 0 0 ')U • 3 9 • t. o O • P O 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 di^ RacQivou Pu.'iriont, Ot>BOO*«D»SiOO 4; '7 n ^'U >A X f I I m i Esr ■^»^^^?i^^'^®"t.h Street, Washington. D,C., Feb. 28.19as. t^dss Katharino S. Bush, Yale Un.iv!i"^ittr Miiseiam, New Haven, Conn. % Bear Viiss Buah: Tli&nks for your ieuars o^ *'e 03-,, ^^^ 9-^v, , . * --- -^.,0 ^^r,i ana 2oth instants. 3ut ao wo-e proof has '-oached r-« sin(39 the fi-st bat^}, -,f n . the ^ ^^ ^^ "^^°'i '-"i tiailays you sent. I have added ada.txonal list of Japan species .hich came in .ou^s of the 26th. The auplicate p;axiey asked fo^ is sen. you herewith. You will or course put the correct final nunibers ana figures or tne plate. befo>.e reta^n^.n.^ sa.-.o. I noticeu ..ha. sevo^^al of them were not up to the standaru, bur, it, bo ao^atteu Oiat .h. co-^. for these was Ya>"i/ uoo^ rr.ntr. v..^-r.v^« i. • • . always sor.0 loss in mkir.,^ holiotypa plates. ^ Yours very Lruly, Thoro is (1 *■ est _ 1 • 1 * 1 1 I tt* v'h.' ■*.' . t •,^' ♦ ■•"..H p *> o - 0 f) .Til reel Peb» m Hi e ' • t e'^^hev ^ £r., P Ih L^ •wi i<...s:j.«:.. ;. "> »» Vt ; 9^e\¥ith [ am ^11(^1.0 >ei,i u. •^ IC V C I 0 a\ 1 To 1. Vi, US YOU W i "»;^-:ne li re /tT""; 1 i e v^K X L-O ' «t, V, y^ • lOiiGws ri: •rie ,F) uci 1 Aii- a'^o: 'iXd.:.o" ras nu :>''■; Oi 1* oar 01 CO r"^;5 :!"*;] i-i p ^^ ias iriLro uda H-)^']s now n^vLe r- i .2:1 • V ^ ' / ^?^T^ f\ 8 V«'7}U to .:^8l. Ohii> in: rov ise ueio'^e vc ...o oil »'!» .;[ <: 1^0^:3 ^i- irro ot G iOiiOJS^,. i- ^D ali o^'-s, ^hi c-i '9 l*'^^. V. X .^ O *.( i>rou: 10 n /;Gff«.u.t^,a ^':i,u iisvo t 0 :;e c; .or-eu ^.0 or- 0 ^'t 1.^ Wir. A •'--•] .> '.:} ^». ■» se:i papt .^j.:::]'. nc?e in cilie^r volir^'is n»i iais n\o i\.<, wJ :• I, "* o. ■»*< > -4 \^ M w*.i ■J uru -i * •■! 1 -/, 4 ■ftv :ien se v.^ m lar t.-^n l v» • ! ^' '^.li u I' '». ti "> K. "Oti l>.^' .Y^r Dorijio] of U -> fi} ■•0-*''^r*y vc i.are ^el Oi. .CI. rra *J S.' ! . .-: 3r in nu iAV, i sr^ai Icr lype ■j'*^^x■' •■ ; '/ « r;% r» >n oa^xv Uct'ea gai -^ »- \ •;• fihoi iu oit'iiu ik> 0 reset i. Ti sm^j, t 3d solid, b H? ur ^>»*iai v 1..'.-- L/ciicinc o\.i are cr^ri;au'.J^/ v>^r^'- h J.X. ho i:} i^T''; :t^^>^, Whl »^ I i e p V > se 1 c r^y X--,A , t.' i ' <• / i(^. 'L /■•> ♦ w O i<. -V V ^ \ K •-"-A^ i (i I \ 184 oio e *. t.' X T XT. A Cii a'. uOj ir: in s ;-"-:; 4. il> O » ' « OO 1 OA < • i'..^-* »a' Nqw Era' p, ♦ T V^ n y a • 4. U 1 1 A^ ^ariK wO 0 , P, ■i.0 U. ear •y y* ' S ^i.Vi•v:J st^iLiiriK YOl' a itjW aa ^rci > »: a^o u 4- »", ij" sen 'Jriper , ^h.ioh ks vou i o L » '.r - 1. wlil rapiembor I'o'^ir.^ Ui'- Ixrsw pari- ei voio a (I. I iad a few aoclil-ioiir al charigcFi wiii be necessary to riake i\. cnnl'nrTi i;) Iho Annei ic paptfr (i 1 i Q I Q '^ »itt.^> i-UL-i^i* m > /w expinrxHtion of c^lbr'^viat lou?; ar;e(i cr r* P oxt. ia«* ^.■' ure^, which 'mt- ori*.indiU^^ pb-cnu in ih'j i.-'^iimiii£Lry mblur( earryiii^ Kr,r» T ■» onian pa,, iria-.ion;' w^ii I a J I.- r .i.4.ik>. t; i'^ y»v* r*. • < I.; I a. f^ i /. :r ifld \r To . A A. - . 1 C ^t rv •J- ..J w» u he eiiHT !t^ V 7 i. t; r ( no >♦■♦ Oi c T; } U f I .arv^"^. irst.eac. < / M) truit it i. >' v» • ?^icx< 124 will bhvs 'ueaoim 12^, td\d i^ho inr^ex '*f. t . I'v* - '.i O f.. i ' V ^; .n cu. ::ft v-ili te Oi i/io f *v J. .. i^ c\ se tiiree p:i; Ob ^re c^nelosed ^'^tt.^a n^ ii ♦ ^'i"> .V- ! :'>>i' ' 0 chvtn^^os uocessitat£i ^inarvifi^: Kplarat '-^r ^X' pi - 4 - oa 01 yn^l'u^ si'Oi lu tr.c pa,- iMt^ui. i,e se / by^/o ra^ fhe tl c V-. le ii lAv-i >V he ox;.d*-uiat L'.l 01 ^^ "J ic I b^cof'ies pa^'^ i^'^t instead -^i \ nu bO k; f I • 1 navo (iaciaeo « «. iUu 4^-:^ •Gcf items I 4 \- G hi ^. -- ■»-> ijf . i *^ a l^, to COiiVO^rn ^H'lt t t- J .. f\I lelid a^ticia < ' "» s rof^' u ' > ' > . whu;h is he'^f^with :)r.^':jlor-.o-ic Tr.a •ociu.(;ti.')n or i^;i3 > CA, N uf »• W J V' ' I i. fi lont. C ir* ,- 1 ■ Ui. V\'^''J ■^ ' n pa>:6 r-^t' 5:'. '^uero tno trouble wiij t^nd, a^ IhGrxi 1^ %>',>. IV W Resoeclfi'.ilv you^s ,0 */ ^ .-\v .>»JsJ v,^**i** N^' fi\ asr 186 •'J c ^f O CJ — J r f.. c- r »— 1 o 0") 1. •I--! U C.J c / •■^ :;■'> ,—1 --• »~< r** -1-"* f--« I** •!.' f ^ 0.^ • f ' o r • cu r" >'.»% fl> « - ■ i '■ . "., -^."> CJ ■ u". '^ i] /^." v*'- •;-» r-i r* CJ ;""? *■■" • », *• .. o •r"! .--i •^ '^ ••--' ."t- r.* o r ; ..o s: Cj G' •' « •7* •—5 « 'i 7.5 1 V, f.*: * ''/i '.l> '•■\ i (- ■ c CI > r- • t » • • "i ; 1 1 . « ♦• •• •;-| ^. C^ ■ y ^ ." <• -V '... • .' -< — < 1 ' . C i.'i -i-i 1 -4- o *. o c3' Mi •5 ,■ •( 1 •; 1. . o r- C •■1 4-^ • <> m r^i f-« l . ( / ' • ».-, •f~ 4_> o *K f.i t •v ^ 1 J •- ' ' .■-Ml c TO f3' •■l"» CJ "A 11 • T7' 1- > '; ) '■> ^"7 *, o Vl u: -rH w £«.., f .' - ■— ■ . « r * >- -i~- <> 1- v ..•5 '> • * «- • f.; -1 ■P * .»s4 a c a 0) c1- .•■.. f O 1 ' J- ; ■ t c o *% ».,- ^■s 1 " 1*1 • 1- ■ > 1 i 1 " •» , 1 ■•• » r^ o 1^ •> 1* 1 f«: M-, CO f '. ! t o lt> # *r"', !■■•' M^ * 1* e o O' C' t« 1 ****>> v« **! -' CJ •.!»,. #' *. — i«»r •• <*,. ,', A . 1 - I i • 3» — -< ■i -4 a: '■ ^ 4 / ~ -^ S.> - ■•■■- c> *^ -. c vD \ s ■». ' 1 • ■4 '■■■ 1 ' •« ■ » s . r ^ vAjV-A-''; -^ ■^^-Ky'--^....' ''X^-. *V>siL>^„ ^■, ^"'^\ ^Ivv^a.Vt.v.JL K 1 JL"-- '-N^ . vc-ux >->oL^^;^ ^ - 5^. V'-~e— V / -> .?Y"" I !■ - ***w--::7 X. k-< \..^t^ ^^.M^X Vt'/y^X "TX^!^ > PA f I , J w^ a J '.-\ * T '-^. I 'M .M "-^w*^^ -^- A '♦^TMV. •«.>--. ,t J V T'^'5( ^^ \. V « )\ H '■^ \V- 187 >-,?K 1 1 If h ■yw rr ¥ 1 r -< / i 3- / J --< 4 — ^■ I /" i i a ^ / i ■i i ^i I J 'i J V 1 I ^ -< 7 ^ ^ i r ^ .1 f' t f u X I « 188 eat 190 r r r ajii' ( r r « *^ y» ■■■■ r ^ r ( I K r // r h i v^. r { r u J H fl < -i J ft > r" f -^ ^W-- r- ..^ '/ f / -.,- i:I r -r i t ,<4 f» ; . ^ ..ri^ / •/ J / ^ / y v*^ v^ J5 r^ ' >^ i r f It ■i r-" ^ I i r^ 4 ^ 4:. i- 7 / I r 1 r 4 f / / i >-- T^-- -Vt 'U t .^ ^-i^ '^^. ^ } ( J i I m ^* i- \\\^ t ^v \ V vjL-^. VV. yt .H I ^^ .«. v^ . v«. . . ^,^ «» '^•». *^ •• — V * \l ^>V^'.^.^ V .4. - ^ \ J- '*-'^nXi~>:_ jUv ■>. ^ \, V^i AJ- t H.. -> \-t- ^ (V VA\. xJ a^ i^^ \ V-4 ■^- K ^ ^ *^' \r r A- .> '^: tr- -"•v.. . i ^'-v -^ >V ,0 ^ '^ ^ ^^ V '^^- /^ "J y- ^^'.^ S»j.„ V.A.v^. vX. %k/ >--a- -^ -4^.^-^^V % - ■X^ •1 ^ ■t- -^. vl « .. •. -K i V>s». \ 4* . x> *w./w~-^-. > \ K, - w*mk \h> \ :t -^ "w ,'» V-- r^ \ \ ' --'/ ^. •>- I ^-x r / .'v >« r— . r \- . -VyO I V .S^^.-v ^.'X :3K \ 1f\M p. w *l JA v'^ '^1 • I -^ r- % ~ ^^^ C-M^i--^ ^^ r~- ^ ▼>-i%. '^\4*x^^-A/^-K, r »« 4o *- "^ . ^ \ A^ N, >v ik ^ *• 7 ^''■«' wl X Jk ^l ^ X . JC »^'V 4 H?; ^^K •-^- T%— «F" " a ^^.**i„ ,* '. Jc ^:::^^ •*• X •*-V.' >' K »* J>-j ^v- r- x:«> '^ .''«-^>y. A. \..V -> '»^- '^'■>v-'V^^ «- * J- ^-' ^^-^'W ■*1i* —. ^^'V -,^ Sy .^4k^. -v^i 'T ^A J. > s *» ■>*■ A....«^ •-V } '^''-f ^#^i IE: i T ■•■V <7 "■ i \ V r.\ X •A J? ■K -V- r X >v.. > ' .«v/' 6 V^ *»- -^.W^,^ iovl^^;: \ Vr V > «- v.-^.-:^ JlA^i *R ^ k/ *^ '^^..'r «„*' -» V .. ^ -»-. 'A- f* A.-:- .^ ^> .X^'j:h, A.- ; V, «<- "•:f V V-4 .-i.^^4^ '%^ / >«, • / V .V A ,jt -> V V y SJX-:.> '-2-''^- •»/^ A^ Va-^*.^ -. \ ^ ■*-u.- -^• •^.. \ I t. • :.- ' ^ *■,- *-^ •^ / ^■\N- .^i; ^-1 A V Av;^^ r # ^ v- ^^^^ J^, v^ -— I >^. 1k^,«K^«M> .C^* ^ J i%^ t^ K * — -^ u -Tv. to i/v<^ ^^.X-* 1 's^ *^ 'w^^ "vw^^^^ I- I t ■■i Original Defective ■i 'i^ set .--s>..... *.. • .-K \^\ -..0- •>• •*-^. <.-.A>jc.o,~lv ^ W v^ •VN, . W.M t \not\ / VVA.-- 0.-^-S>^v,V»J> ^ -#-)6--v-^ •*X. v> M "j[ 0«^> W^ -^--IJ t/^-* - wV^. ^ ^y^v»-^ r V. :r:_ k .' . ♦-' ■<. A .^ ^>. V v^^ > X .> |A y -X. •"^ • ,< 1 \ ^^v^Sa.»w>k.- :v>:k J' ^1^, V \» .^^, 'X^S^'J^ •^<.. i^. r— -t \i, lKO^J 4 .^. y^ ^-A'v \ - f J /; D w^-Sj"*-— ^., rr 7 W'^ >S-^{L-P_ . w^i:> o^^^ <^ <^ .>>w. ^-Jk. — ^ 'i>-v^\.^ ^ i^' \ x^- ^ -5*. w ^.^\jv-v.)\» ^ V Vij^V V \V^ — > '»>-v^, a 1 ^r~ V Jvn^-V^'V. ^V >«>-.*'-*^ '^' - \ V, ^-N.>J* jki . mi 1919 Si;o fu^Tus}i ^he ^^fjviso, ar.a i.:.^. „ Lhey h^.V8 rot yet supplied tho running heaiU. inos o.^ the miltipio sirns nooaod a v; ve^*y l«->i^ nuribe^^ of places o rleithsr have I I'^iCdivea pi^oof of t.}:e Index, copy for whic}' I sent yoi; h'ebru^r^y 28* I; olnt^i' ^^oras, tlx. '.ir^e of appearance fcr th:s voiun^^ je;:^'-*^ to be tv. larUior and ic.-^- hhor off, aithoi-ux^^t si^ i have '^^')^:,en \'ov , it i^- on- of U.o p'.ost in- vorl^iZ in tho r?erioi>, and its cieiay is ^:au:^i'Y r^'^oat annryance to the Gi.t:irr« and vo (he ^nithsoni n In.-ilituLion^ w/iioh, ps Drev lou^Iv ax- piaieci, if> obiii^ed i'} hold a ve-'y la^^ e ar;:: corv^uantly increeMnr- q-uart/io^. oi tnatiior ur^tii lihorf,^oa by tho ;x-.r . ; y ^nd of 'the L - rue^ 1^hy thif> volumo ^rc. L; -u/, i -v^ >con '^nV ! d In Dacemher, pnd I o-jrside^* ib noli m^^ 3' o-a c;" an outrsv a ^.u3Li, ]n printc?^?^ Hv^e holding it bac ir I'lis Mooesid^ . , wai^, Are * « * e ^ ■(( 1 195 ?■ •• .. i^^ro .ban i or, '^o r* ^fia ^Atts :.nyo." l,-.ter of the nth,, are as iolVrv.: of tliose Yoiuj"^)6s and Vn] - r .-^•' ^ ^ ^ .^ . May 6 . lYhy 1 s 1 1 li ' t ful 0 /\ "9 T "I present month, insic-ad of h^ir,,, .,(r^,,, . ..., . .. -"•'■•V.J •^'-'i^i-L.v 'r!ion,;- irct" .'>H.rc! 2..' t p V >,• -• -•■■« !-\. prTuH oi we sai'19 j:ooH I'-ispch' - r, « > ■,■ -. And (ii£-i,r:Ih-;ted tho sc.,,-,, -r-, „„, ,,^ .i-j o^;.(, ..,,.. not U.v^eo 've-.^s af.-^-; , -q Viir ^ o-n- CO i arr, Ukeiy ^o be i. G.i..^o^ra« lo:,, the vol, ^. . are out. Ey the .vay. .hai ).«. reeono of /oie. IQ ,„, ry^ ,;,,,, ,,„..^ ,«rrat.a me were t.o have haon out bof,,.., .],.-. v,,,,^,.. ,;^j..^^^ „,^^; ] have sesn anythin^i of iler„ .X at once, arx- t^at yoi >- T>'im,rrit ■•-ill ]q >,].,.. this vol; mo and ^t the tMn^ oii.,o De Vinno's latior of March 10 :s iierf.wi.n •,..],, -.r.o.i 0 cor.'.'entrfti? on K i I ^■\ 'iR| 8ft r 197 1919 Fixionnt?; Streoi.„ C. L, !ri^d. k Company, KJ2 .Vest fourteenth Street, Now Yc'k vUt" H.r-OYUh I enclose a fi.u^e for wlach a block is wanto tu.if.t5.r', ii.o ov^i^ln,-,! o-awir^ is Go Unfor- '^ 19 not at hsna, so that uhe ne* block wili ;.ve U) >9 jr^aaa :>o-r, tba present proof, sii^ Gic-toao Kiv.dly send bloak ;-.nd bill t,o r^io H'^shinj^ton, D c ^J 0 ■I 1919 Sixieonlh Sbraol, -dv 1.919 s:ixt>erirn,h Sl-reet, « »:<....i> ii'^^ :r: 13 1904 Ao Hoen fc Corraoany Baiti"^o*^e, Mc Dear Sirs^ Hav9 you fuccBectecl in secu>-ing Vha pppe>^ neoaeu lot* the Ev-ozoa plptes fo'^ \rA, XI of the harrimr.n Alaska hooks? These p,l&Uf #ill ;:e neoded fo^* binciin,:;, in T.hs noar futu-e. It is not nsce.ssa;-- tru^u the papo'' should be t]:9 str „' as the sample sent you, bub h\ h.^. it ahoulu be of that ^onarp.l c!;arftct"^ vv. . \. ^>-i J^ ^-s 4 At»«>-~. -p -^^ I I /-Vs^. '.■■M V >^., I /, I I. I f ! i nii^itM.\wLL.;t. \ ^'. c T H N ♦ \ ^. J-. K < -i-^ ') '^, cV- 'S<^ kX^w. ^1 fv k^ f i-^ . V V U <. ^J^ V. -V: --v- >v Iv \>t.. X ^ V V ^K K ~T",-' -f • i r .- -^'- , - O ^-*^' .x?A r ^- -f' V fv^{^ - :> \ t ^yv. V ^^O^^ vA, "Nt^. t I W ^. V >- V V r -. w ^- I ^x. Aj 4.V >^ "^^ \_ ■ V V V. V C >-». •^ ^ V r V ^^ J" \jx^ >-"«>■ H ^ *■ .* I ..fe "^ 200 1, I i' * 1 1 V 1 t\ . j ; \ A V.[ r\ •'^OL. ^te.d:.^ r-H. \= V ■A 'rs.v- -%/ L^ ..k v\i \ U^ \ '*^- ---.. ^ V>^| \^N M »-»>.> ■'^^w ^ >^ ^- '^ A^oJ^ Ji.-. \ h. ^K T ^\ -^^ •r-.-^. ;v N. ^ N^ -\^ J. ^ 4- I ^- V ^^■^■^ \ V V t A. ^-^ H- -V M V 3 J"^— ^. -J > \ x. or- \ ^. "-- ., '•.*^»s,^. o iW riginal Defect ive 1! im /'^ '\ w ,^?19 '^ixt-eenUi Streot. I>oi.];i9aay Pa^e .'^ Co.. 34 U"'-' •- ' •'lion ^quary. 'i^ao batoh of bills from the halini.rr.. - f- app.oval on the 5th ln,W ^ f ^^^:°"■'^'^"^'' ^^^^^ ^^ -"^ - proved th«m • ^-^^i^^^' ' ^'"""'^^'^ '•^^'"^^d. I have ap- pj-oved tnem. exceptin,. i.he *iu/of 8 of t.he /l^a« .i., .. inai titles of which we^e rot .. "- ' ^'''' '^^ '''^' ^■ncn were not oh&r^^oc. Tnis is a P-rfl«f rr-.^ . ana one to w' ic.h I c^^liec' -o- . . '^-afoHune. or tie -IpinQ ,v ^^^iuis a^o, Copies nr ,^ . ^ e^^ciosi-ie, Herewith, to.^ether yyith nr.. . -i' £C ...:o v.,lii,r',o nontftinirv the- is nnrri- -"'' a..., ,,,.0-.^ see-g to be no help for it. ^e'5pootfully. --♦W^ / 202 1919 Sixteenih Sureet^ Waaian^iD!., h. C, March 19, 190- i'lr* ria W, Lanior, 34 ^nio»="3.p:H>*o, New "ork Cii.y, In reply lo your request for aauresses of the authors of bho several papers m Voio IV, I send !>ho same herewith. Kinoiy riave one copy of each separata sent lo ^^'O (in hhiB and subsequent voitinos), and send the ro-^'aininr 49 ly expreas* ch^ges collocb, to ihe various aulho>'5^ . Verv truly yours j. civ I 802 '\ ^^19 Sixoeonth Street. Washington, D.O,, M^r. 1^1904 Mr. So A. Bvo>*itf,, 34 union Square, Vqh York Cii,. Dear 1'*; Ho^.e.,t. I enclose copy of the f^onLi.spioce of Vol. EX (Injects), By one or U:o.e curious er^ora .hio). only lU.o.^ the^l,,a.«^a r.ur,hers,.vhich ^ere properly pointed on the last proof ••nt "■;9, /taro oraittea in the finhl anii ion v i .. -i running t.his particular pl^to th-ou,.;! O e pros, in o>.> .r • l■i^ cir^i in >,^ , ' ., ^raj ink — not a Mack ink. Ver^' truly yoi-rs. W* '•- J5w-V .-- \ 204 I Wu^ N^ V ^^ :n ^-MJV^ S^i ..^^ l>-^^ ^ 1 f-K^j' ■-*-\>^ ■^ N" \ .x^Vv J? V vn\n- u 'A. V V'.- M*.. r* _ ttt U V- \ i I H ^idl* f " s s^-^ V -Ikv --^ 'V. t W^V^ A ^c? I, W-^JjsjOv M-^iA^. ^ ^ -K. tvu f w ^ ^ "^Xm^ v^^ \*\ -^-^ • ^y \#.-^ ^^i *. NU>^xT- ^ ^X'Jvv^cVa^ JKa. ^ -.^ s ^ ♦ k ^wv :x^ i^W^O 0^4^ T^ J- V. J^ I^W, I -'\- \ TBL N- voc^ y » i4>^-^ 1,^ r- *x V « \. ^'»^ ^ \: u. r^ I a. ih. ^ ¥ c>M i\ v^Xj^V^^C V^, vf- \ '^-'^ N - \ T^A,^ S ^^Kl IOm.v t-" 4 r--. V ..<. ^-4i, k. ••..! ^ 1- V'V --%, V. K. •■-< n I N-^ y ^"S-\rfWje . . T .u.. V '^ V V Ea I I t iii»i 1*1 iiiiii I— iniiiiiii«A «? ■4 ^1 Original Defective 206 y vX » t \ i H -^, 4 t;. -I ( IHitj. •f-^ ■ -- 1 Jk^' *i. -i --\ > t>.- -♦- \ ,^ \^ -.. \ V"- r^' V V -M ^- -**- .^ Lot iju.j >- <-^^- *^ 1 r \ K I I u. *^^ ,-j> - f> ^, »^a^ '\ ^^ ,^4^ >. -.JL J^ y } -A L ttv>\».V -A^ ^^'V*- ^.M,^ ,t-_t,.... 1 ^'^ •JOir- t^- ^'MT t^ V'-V '^^^ ^jv. VA'-^ w%. I ) \ V^ '/ ~^vA\ ^ ^~- u k -^- •A. V '»• ^^ 'I (l. f *i 9 ro2 3 .J •-V' \ 1 I V ^;(^. -x ■> ''i<^- \i IH -A. "■.-A^S 'V.V'H^ .J eu "^ v,\,»v Jk>i ^ U •-«)<« 1+6 J " % V^ .^. A ^. I y ^' \ Vc- -*- i >.x \ -i- \ ->.. <'^- *^^-» vi 1 ■A- -^ •-.\ X./Sf* »v ^ --. v^. X' *--^vA . ». nA^ t?> •— /^ VAi-- *> •X-A- - > vopt^* -s^^>- .ii^.,.- ■^ * n ^''*' V x: «-^x. A \; 5^. tx^ -J> .^• '^Kyi A J V ^y^ ^^^K. X- A. :t-. A Vy- X, .. ^;-- -#-, X' vv*v. -:*«-»o^>»^ r t- "A I—, r:*^ -♦ v^ A.^^ V — j(.v\^' ^r .xJ^ V -A»V4r^^^ x>.CC^»^ -^ %. , — ^ W-. *— ' y ^•vC.i '^ -w /( •f»* ^^\.^ "1 i^ X- \ '^. -- 'v.^ H- Vv. V . ^^^ V^. ^ ^^ \^AV 1 J. ''^-^-H ^, -- 1 I OK i T w -.X'^ ) K •y^^ P % .(Si^. , ,w»-»«^%| I i J'' I I liMy ^ li ^1' -r i:-'/ i^ 1%' SOS { ^ ^ '/ V r,' ± '^- AavO^.'.^ ..„ J^-^ •^ ■3V- .-O _.A,. v^ \i' J '^ '^ ^^^ — Vkjk j.\ ^^^.^ Ajw-. - Vv -^ ^ \ ! ■ V/<->0-vV>-~^,-, ; I •3f t ■ t 209 (xUc \u -X.- L'^Xj>s_<»jl.^^ <:^, v: "^' - '-^^^.^ ^\ •>-_/ ^ \;- •*-'v. -^w^^,' \ -r ^^O^--.' (ft l •O^^JV^^' --^ ''^V ^^,\jjy .V-Jk^, rou^w .\,*^^- ^. hS'-'^o-Cvvc i(V *•■■ --*^| \a. Aa. ■ A^ 1 1 K .. -^ A^ -v '' \I , \ I iK,VN. I.' \.^-^s^y '^^-^^^. , \\^ \ \ A %J \a.' h.. ^ i Xr-a^ X., ^J^ t -V ■\ i-Jr -^>» V r^ X > * V- v^*-- \ N t "* ' ;,y ' V >K V W- V w# \, ■A. I X J. •■o. »•/ i Vv^-i_ ,j^ A — ^ V ' V^v.Mk V r Original Defective org T " If ♦ I Wk V. ~ •*■. iAaK. v.-^^ -\j v- >^ /« .>4> 'V ^.. v^ 1 ^ *« ■» V r, L* V - >.^ j\ ^ ^ c Vi^isiv ^-- v-> •«* a -\. \ \ X' f *-*-'. N.A V VW-.^jU-^^j^,^^^ \\ c*^'^-^ , ^..,- •V, ^>^ •s.-- ll ♦. » 1% 74 '<^'*. t*. I . J.. H V 1 *"' '•'-" '■"■^^»,. A-^. sir ^'v.>»v r- .>J*-^V '«**\) *-^^ V^ ij.^-*^ \v>. \ ^\ . V.i «> ' N* ,x.\., xX 'X. V V V I: sVM 0/' V "^^V ,^ ■\ .><4c>^ Vv •wU^'SA^ rv.j.i , v> L ^^y- *,%'\ \ J \ (I «^.io_ Wl r -* -'S ''%. t'Wv^^.^Vr %fV' \ ^'^'^-— ' 0k t^ "•-H^Aki- - ^ Vv,«>>..jA Ax^ \ ■M' L ' ±j. ,v. •V ^^ ^^-'^ t];:.^ r tts 212 i J' I }■ w I it [ ^i ^ 1919 SixUonth Street, Washington, D.C,, ilaroh 27, 1904. DoublQday, Pa^e & Co., 34 onion Square, Dear Sirs: New Yovk Citv. Replying to your leti,er of the 24th instant, enciosir)^ u.s ha- lioti^e Company's bill containing T,he iten for titlir,,, ths 20 Aiga« Viates, I would say that I see no reason why i^r. Kar^-xme^i should pay for the vetitling of the 8 plates ./hieh were not retitled. Inasmuch as all these plates which were used in the Washington Academy's Pro- ceedir^s were furnished to tJ:e Academy, titling and all. at iho sar.o price they are furnishea withoub titiin^^ to Mr. Harriman. and inas- much as I have allowed the item of U each for titling except for the 8 Algae plates mentioned, it seems to me that kr. harriman is ^ payini^ fully as much as he should be oallea upon to pay for those plates. If, however, you or the Heliotype Company differ with "la. you might take the mj-.tter up with Mr. Harriman or his secretary i.e. Tegethoff , whose adaress is 120 Broadway, I am returning the bill in question and accompany in^^_ correspom ance herewith. In the same letter you enclose a letter f>-om hoen k Gompsiy requesting; the pa.\7nent of their bill of December 30. 1903, of $62a, for maps used in Vols. Ill and TV of the Harriman- Alaska sarief^. '^n receipt of this bill I wrote fioort & Company, stating that uhe char^;e seomoQ to me ve^^^ lar^^e. They replied that it was "very reasoriabie for the work involved.* As my pre^^ious experience in inattars *f Uri^r f lEfi Doubladay, Ps^^e h Coc 2o kind led me to think difierontiy, I submlttea a set of uhe imps .o another liLho^raDher, and inquired, tlie urice at. which he woulu he willing: to supply a corrosponairi oaition, on the sane paper, vvilhout of cou^^se giviri^, him any information whatever as ho Hoen's price, or ajiything of the sortc his estimR',s was less than half the amount of Hoen's bill. For this reason I do not see how I can conscientiousiy approve the bill; and if Hoen is imwillin^;^ to make a reasonable reduc- tion I would refer the m«.tte>* to Lr« ht5.rrir*'an for setiloment. These cases of exorbitant char^-es, of which there have been several, are extremely distasteful ana annoy iru^ to me, and I do not see wh-" I should be inflicteo with them. Vour records wiil show lUX whonaver you have suhmitted reasonable bills, in which the charges talliod with those usual for similar work, they have been approved by me promptly and returned to you at- once. The only bills I holu un are those 'vhich seem to rre exorbitant, ana wf.ioh I can noL con- £CJent>tou3ly apT)roV6. iUs. • ' H I have recaivea vhe letJor^from De Vinne, dated March 19, trans- nittijv; the bill for freight anu carta^^e from Ssv. Fra-neisco on cf.sos said to contain naps fo>' Vols. Ill ana IV. As previously stated. the maps in Vols. Ill and IV vere imdo by :-ioon h Compttr.y of Baltimore. not in San F-ancisco. Probably tho alleged r.ontents is an error, ana the Plates may be those made by i>iT.ton t Roy for .everai ox th.e vol- umos. In this case, before I can straighten the matter out I must be riven furthe- irrformBtxon about tho itom of "frei^^ht ana fia^tsga on plates from San rVe.ncisco. nc in De Vir.xe's bill of December 4. as I can not undorstana why there s>ioulci be two bills apparently for > l.t. li I 812 Doubleday, Pa^-a h Co., 3. tha samo thir^,. nar^oly. asid CRv-ta.e on plates from oriUon & Fey„ DouMiass De Vinne will he able t-o find where the trouble iieKo On receipt of 1,],^^ info-r;ation I will -eturn i^he other bill, 'ds ''o''uesi,oo. Very truly yours VVC'O \ k VVv vJnun, 5 il * ^ -T' 214 1.919 Sixteenth Streot, W&8hirv3ton, DoCc, Ivkrch 27,1904. r- ?* 0 {'i W 0 tanier Doalieday. Pp.^^u >"i Oqc, 34 Union Sque^e, Mew ^ork (-ii-'^^. Many Ihanhs for five copies of Volo V (CnrptoKa»>iic Botany) of the Alaska series, which I found when I ca'^e hone last evening. It saor-iS t>o make a va>^y satisfactorv voian^.o, ana is certainly- noi. t,oo h i,^i • In cor^uiianca with you^ ^oquest I a:; enclosing ho^^ewi-;; a revised copy of your ci^cilar ahout the /terriran volur.os, with Such aata as it is possible to supply at present, Vorriil's r^iattsr on Si-arlxshes ami related fo^^s is p^^ofusely illust^'atee ana will rriake a volume t-; itself e Just hovv tlie ^oriaini!^'; riai-eriai on invortehrates is ho 'O ^roiped hv volumes a^r ^-ol he aeciaeci until the matoriai comes i-o I-and, I woi Id f.ob on any account Increase i;he jrice Tor any of ~heso vol;Aj»!es above t:.;-) C-^ al^eaay aecided on lor the bechnical series. Very trul-/ yours. "^.-^ ^ .c0ws3x^ vV^-x;v ''1^ . II 212 216 M i » I VirJo IM?ECT?., Introauction, by Trevc^ Kin.-^^i(t Aracl^rutta, by Nathan llvriks ^viyriapocif , bV 0, Fo Cook Apterygotap by Ji^su.s 'V, Foisor; Orthopt^era, by A. n. Cauaeli Aphidiaae, by ?};80. ^evt^mmd Homop^ora, by ^^Hiijfcjr ,,; Ash-joad Odonata, by Rolla P. Gurrie Nrmropteroid Insects, by Nathan Bank,s boloopt.Q^*a, by Eo A. Schwarz ^.etamovphosos of Alaska ColGopt.e^^a, b'^ Trevor Kincaid Lepidopto»"a, by Har^^ison a. b'lrgr 1'^' bar^ rliohtirason Amphipous^ by ?'» .. e noimes Pycno^^onids, by Leon J. Cole XI 0 NEivil'PTEAXS, by Wesle- K. Coe BPYOZ()A':S, by ^lioe Pobortson XII. A'eiKLIbS, Knchyl-'-'auids, bv Oistav Eisen ''\J icolous Annelias, by Katharine Jc bush XIII. mtlVr-^S, b- A. Eo Var-iU. Comprises the ftarfisl.os and Sorrjer.b St^^R The ^^^, v<,iun.63 on xa"ine Inve^tobrates will contyain brio .Mollusca, by Williarr !U Dail: byci»'.i'-^, V^ G, C. Nutting; Aetinians, b^' lie Tu Tcr>*ov; ^Tepbv^^aiis', by ti. B, Wa^u, A-ci uans and Enterop- noua:.a, by ^J. Ko Pitto*"; also 3 .^^^nenu int**oauction by Professor Fitter. fcji^ ^^ I JV 1919 Sixteenth SLre^ii, Wasrin^ton, heC, iviarch 27.1904 Hire E. 5. Curtis Seattle, Vashp My Dea^ Curtis: What uo you know about *The Alaska Club' of Soautle? Is it nade up of the le-idin^ eitizens of you- ci^>y, ana is it likely lo >;e a permanent organizr-.tion? Vvx U^' J — \'erir t^.^ly yours, V V'>Orv. V^ \^^-^l„ y <^ \ V ) .X_K >.-« ^-"W- \ V k 1 A \ rs 1 218 i)ec C'^l w.. ^ . uanir v» „ En ! ■^••X' ii: 't l^*" r 0 r ] i. o J.( • w' # illurch 28. ! .'•i- ■•'1 Id b •^ * >^ c Oi^-* f ent; For oviev/ u I 1,1 e +--• '^oriQi<: 7';u ■f --j\-* voa tt:]uu^:n t'-^i 2cnd :iie, I havo aciit one ,/. ^ ■f.C'::vulo,;:otTii;jt of t'i c i-Jxpe ny> v.; Ui !1-> ^ 0 F: ^ - -» =- ^ .--» V •\ ■• ? , t aci J'S*: Oi^ tl: ill; -1 ' • 1 • \ VI .1 0. '■i. A „ I ^ '■• J' L /"> r-t — ' - ^ i-*^,! ^ •„ .,1. . .1, ^/ [,< iJ .>I1 •J If • r\J^* T< e iorre .-•o' ani^-a h X ij l" Ot, dw I C:ri 1 o. >■' « ^rani^ ar.< ev,' ditor or' t .>o lor f"* -^C^« -A* -eiet .J i ' i t.-- r* c . *• O-A 01 \J( -)■>•■' $ 1 ^ Jo jUii n • »' i; '0 ■ :.n.^' 71 = r I t f^ 4x u]o3t'?n .-rr n « -• V. < ■ .f:>0 ■ cl a ier* ,e a^ ,'.a -r ■■"• r> I -i u oxin ': 1 f ry vh Oil^^si ».. T^'%,.iS. ]:^i %- ,T> -ft' •" *^. M >» s / ' ( M '-'-._ 4 ^-» • 1 > > .■ ht r lei r' f -*■ .' \-\. V-V tw v* » • w jj /-i t JL ^^ » - / ■ i: li •i-t *- "J -I.v ♦.-*!» '« ' '^'llhOV w u. ].CU. •■■): i'^^-r-f. ■ t v;:.-!] . i j aJ K^ C ■f" «~; >> ■ ' *. •*• :>z\niB. ±.ri Ol\H • ^ « iy» r. nd :-» ; e >'- w a - « 1^ Y e; ■ro- ^ ?,'•>• :i ir T, .- -1 '^ >.-. JU Vi*' -VC-..S -V^ u .\- 11 •. • ^. \\ k. t i p. r- li < ' L I. Prof, L. /i. eile '^n^t? V I 4 1 'I hi'' r 1 ' ■H 4% ^ I la l-^ I :,«'« itarci-: 28,. 1904. ?olii»» V an Orj-ptcgaDiic Botar.y \s.'^.3 pub- lUhed en Friday, tb() 25th, Oopies roach », arc; 1 cajrv one to jou this Jtcrnlrie? ty expro^-c. yfU«tiTl5 yr/a nifill be satisfio.i with its prof, %i4 Prelowo, i£T36<"4tfi Bot Conical 5arc!»'>, ?. 8; Your aeveral bat^'jh^s (!)f CrT/arat -^a I hav* OTd(iired tc b'«. 'wy lanKm- tjo^i * — -.„ kt .«!(*»# ' V*. N I \ ■ ii ) I «•» » «•»'»»■>•••«•»*• ■-•«*- ifcafetlS, i I 1 7 J » •I- if' I If 'it - \\i r ,<*■ ' / I Ji. Ill ft* J GJ2 \ VV -»^ Vu \; U^^' -v_ *c\j vw ^rVV .V. "i^^-^-viw ■-t- -V^. Jk. w V K.\ \.'- V V V— \i^ \U -Vr V '^^ ^^•^^^ ^ :v >>y. '^^^^-^ii^-Xi \ v^4^ ; • V>V,- . ■*;: V- .-K ■P^^ •^\ 1 I i Original Defective -i^ ^1 1 220 \\ \ K' U ... .UCH. K-^ 3 a. -V )!^ M- - A • , ^ - ^- J" tr H- ; ; V. V V/V'X.J^ V *v, -^vJI.tT ^ I ' V V 4r\ »^ s-v>v-A».. ^ -v. V u A v'^->-'Ju V i I 1 ^ v -X^ ^ v^ 4 N vv. \ ■ ^M^ I ^ . -k *'\/ ) V r 1 ' ^ »^^^ 1_ a"V^ '»S.*r * ■ • jCI: 122 222 *^''.^lror+-IX: a-J it- >■ vl-;tU .f-S3Dr> ,,> 1 — f- J ^,^ V- V -. -I-^ ^-^--x.04 V Jt^. A \ X. V tV'n >4-A,K. "J^vv \^ v.-' \ *•»%.. ^>c .^> tA?- V U' \,)v VXA '-^ >>. <-^> <'»^. r- . V rr-.J', v'vX V tl- ^~' '»v.X ^-i;. \!iiC: ' ^^ '^- ^L'-Jm^^ I J' -». 'V V ^^ 'Ur "^ , T-- ^'- t rN •.--K ^^ \ ^5^-Vv-^<>A L V "^ V-' tA.'V- v,^ ^ ^ \ c - ■-v^.-V* \ ^ } \ ^^VN., »'^ ) I • \ 1 K^ K v>-e •{ K .\ i .u K ^ kk X ■»*_«. =^. , A -U < ^Jit. v> s. r->Mr- ^'-^A. Ua. ^ ^.. ^^ ^y^. •>- S. , i. w-v.'-V. - ,t 1- ^JH^, vJU*/- -, iV'oJl^'Jl.l, i^ t-djM^X ±^ ■- \ v-^\.» ■ '^. A'-- V \wl iCH>4.Y^.,4^^;.^,i < ^(T^ r- f^^H.V-^. « .v^ v: \ i S^, /„'! +.. ) t T - .u. - f /V'^^ij' v^a >*, -Kit. ^ ^X \ w > Y( t/..0'VN^/\,. f- ■t- V -l-o^...A^ » 1 1 1 I .( -o ♦ 1 4o^-c. • «. ., "^-^ ^ .. ^SkC-^^X \X.T i M ■A ■fvv j^-% v^ ^ \. iC V. «--f 4 ^ T ^ V >. ^- K \ ; -i. ,' i- ■ V 1 X \ I 'i — -. » A. >, -^ !( ■; V «. !?( 1 / i .^ •t^ K^ r ; Ak »..., t T: V '«Jw- V' » ^ fl .Jt^r Va^ C-- v^^ r V , »v V ^% '*-- ~— 'A-n*^ C^' .. n *^ •»* **— C^ '^W^ ^v \ 4 V V. X' •n C ^iw V- ) \^' t- - ♦ *^.* t> -V.,.. V-. ■ ^^ 'k- h -X- •> ^- ••<*,-•* * r.;x ■W*- ^JlV Jr^ - X w\ f ^ ^ ^. > > * cf^ / V-wt^ >> v~ H ^ '*!-^ ia O i. A ■. «, ^ i" * u -J. '• > i.ut^' 1 1'i:'r*'f- r r- ..-1--., l/'-'j ;, V ..a r ? ' u - >-:-.•- ■>»*». v.* .. J. . ..'•» ^4 •--•-, -.-^ -.♦.•».- ■'*' ■' ' ■'^^■- , ---•■'.^-•-vf in th^ ^' ■■^•■^^ 1*4. .Um' *.' V -■'--^« ->a, you rorr: no corre; f^ ;/u<.viTO -o^-n --r^.n .-.--! .„. -> ^^^'-Hi-^ir ;■■• i .'> J -. t^vt. 1: V ,-^ rf • ^ r • 11^ r-y/;|%. T? ,.^1 NA^- --., ^ I* 224 ;i'. ^ .k- « -.y • .-..X*. ]!. »-■ * • XAA4t^i< In /Ice GUI it ^« r-.r Exl•^?n^e::: m-utcr't-' O-f: .-.■. .!,'.-*,^ .:;''3.'., u:l Oj „-;iiU C.-' -i..^ ■.>■-. 9 ( •> '-J v» r-> •,-■> ^'^.: |.! '^.'"n >•»;■> c c -••■> jn .'•'-. .-;'.': t <•.. i»'.'.4ij. •,♦.1 i f-».^' y ^ • Vrfi « -t-iw *. • - -1 v», > ; - •• ..i.V^j.'. t-v-, >.» U\J .it' /< •> • '^^J i. ..;X.i. ',. . » X^'- f -- . '.■'■•< •> k I 't:^.! v. .',.», i • V n •> » C*0 '.,\ " BO .«••■• ^ • « » C u 7;3 * 1 T'" -I -.1 ' V/.-1 i.' ■ -"r ■ ^ lOlc Fifte^snth Streo^,, Washirtton, D.C., March "1,1001. E. H. To M. G. vm;A]T:^H, i>. To f.tenograDhy, t\7.!ev.Tit,ing, nrooi readin,n:, aris ;,akin'-; index 'for Vol'. XI, 47 noui":, at $.50. $?.5.50 Eeceivod Pa^iacnt -•"iM>. -"• t^^ 1S19 Sixteonth street . The lleliotj^.e Coinpany, ' 1 1 rrenior.t Street, BOS:tOJ1, Masi:.. Dear Sir??: wt,.,!. 1^.-^ vp^^^.,^ p^f XI.,, '--;)-.^rerted uroofj? of Pis. XXI-XLI^^ oi 7cl. XU {i'a-u-iplidf:)? T:o vol,iir.;e containing tlioco is new in pa~s proof, Tund Do Tinno '.vill need the -lates in a fe^" d-ys. I Bhall .,, ,-1 I ..,, „^,.., ^ ogj. .--- f]:,;;lica'.n vnocfr> '.vith the corrected let- V,. • at vo;:r oLirlicrt convotnonce. O. \\XXJv' 'il ill its » 9S2 1919 Sixteenth Street, Waf;hiip:ton, D.G., Aorll 3,i^)>i'- Mr. S. A. EvGritt, Doubloday Pa^^e & Con^:LC];', 54 Union Sqiiar o, llcv/ Dear Jt. Everi-t: Your lotterc of March ?0 at haiid. In t]ie of ttie Algae platoj3 froin'thc Heliotype Conp^uiy, a? I hi^o already v/rit'-ori you .XX twice, I do not care to t-al^e tho i:iat^er ur a:aiT:. The old "bii:! is ••■^ returned lierev/ith. In the matter of t^ie Do Yirrc o'-iarge^ for freight, I djc: stil] at a lozz to undci-c^tand tho cas'. '^icro iv. no douct v;ha"cvo- o.z to t'-^e fret of t]:e:r raynicrt c'' the ar::cuii-^^ ac ^'fo^derod. 7ie trov- olo :u- that t^:e coi-^tciitr^ of the paoicoeec; -ere vn:-or/^ly riven in t"^ o 1)111, ^:l:icii nuiLo:: it difficult, if rot imooziitll-, f'r r:x to coor- dinctG tliora 'vith rry records. Tliere a;^e tv;o oilL: for frcirfit on fron San Francisco, one of DecoiiJ^cr ^1 for ylO, the othor of J^aiuary 6 for $20, makiiv^ $50 froi;:::Iit charges, and indi cati-.g •tv/o aopai'ato j^hipirientc, v/i^ich I do nr! yet uiiders^aiid. Hov;evor, in- a^j::Ao]i ar tjie lillf^ have noon actuall:' paid, I have approved 'I'z later hill alao, -XLirX :v:i /eturniru-; the i^:s2e U) you h^rerith, vlon:: ■^ .X y ,'■ ■ • r p o with ho Vini:.o*B lottorr: of Liarch 19 ^jid 2h, and h:)'n frcirh' bilii^, ar roquot:tod. You v;ill ro^neLihor tiiat the trouble arooC frO'-; roi orroneouo ontry in De Time's bill, 'v^^'ch otated that '■■-o froir:ht l)ill ar.c'.a-rl:ig to $20.30 v/ai:- for freightage f r a: San F;^anciLCo on iuauB in Yolo, III aj::id IV Alaska, ^.vjiiie, as you know, t:it;::o :,;:..:.;:: 227 were made in Baltimore, not Ziui Francij>co. Tae error was in net properly recording the contents; of t]ie packages for wiiich the charg- es v/ere riaid. J- UUi Jj VCi I V v^- .^M^ V^ \Vv s k^HH MMb 822 ^/Wt7 i 1919 Sixtoonth Street, V/anhlii^7;toii,D,C. iAr:ril 3,190^, "».r M i*.' iJUcXr !-*^^->' K"i--U'l" JL • "^ i -^ JL * ' f oojni'iete U 1 o w u I aiTi cilno j'O^^f! ^^^^- oes * t-^ -^ ^ • _• ,■ -t^ _X J- J- V' ajcompanyint; your paper (Pis. XXI-XI;iV), eo ^h'lt you ::iay have tijen' tc chocl: up t]:e plate oxplnfuitionn Ly. Ploace Jo not fail tc re- 1 e ovu.^.;^' of the volurie. I^ -o-jri :i'. c: u-^cood proof?:! aro recciv- 0; i'rom tne H-liotype Conrajiy I rill for.-a.^l Ihei-. to you '>f cour^^e, y proof up to exj^luuation oC plates Lzv. now Sciie Lacl: to the printer, and I hope to have the plate oxihma'.iom: at your earliest convoniencOo I am alto usurious vO rocoiv:. Lach tho Dog^ ^ ro'j"^, . a:*d ho]:o 'hero vnll he f-^: cr^-nc' ' y:: ir ''-^ "^^r^ liberties you took v/ith tho fr-lP^;' p^^ocf aro rro:-' appalling. I:^ yr- -qvo he-o, oo I could oalh o^^r 'ho ri;it'er -ith you, it wnul-: ho v-}:cj ea^y to come to an undorota-idi^y?; a^ to the i-iU'-.or d'sposi^ion :o rrialce of the Ion."- Iir.t8 iri: ediatel" foliovin-* '^^^f^ iv,. 4-. roauc:-i3u. In yo^^r ^*ocoiU^ lotto:; you ar-kod ::o liavo thono i)o^;in ^■"■'^^-hand or<^:e. In dciir; tnis you ovidi^^'^tlv dM no" roal- 5 e that znch n pcv:o ^.vould noG05r;arily ho the fi'^nt p:v^e of the h-ok proper, ar it would i^n^aediately foUo- tlie introduce ion, mm you surely v/oulo not ohink of hofhiuhiY; a book v/ith a ta' -^Ja •1 i Misr Bui3h :lo In order to avoid U)in mi^ifoi^imo, I have coordinated the type of the neadin/^:0, and havo included tho lists as a part of the intro- duction, BO trat th^ lo-^lv pro])or v/ill begin with your £;y^:toL]atic di;3CUj^sion on pago l?8o- Very traly your^::, I ^ h\ m I ■*, 08£ 1919 Sixteenth Street • 1 '-', T' in toil' Dr6.. il^vil 7.190: Prof. A a ^ / J A-«M> 1 1 1 i .1 i,ew iiaven > ^ OiTil, Dear Prefers or Yerrill Your several Ic J. JL ai:Ci ioeniP:ec 1 T • ^ J. V- . w i w,i v.' '.y J. V ed -.^^1 -J-!^. n'f^n bill han been trana.d tte ■1 p.. < s T'v* > ■»■.'!«■> S-vi * m fo )r ^^a^^:en 0 i-i. .c 'J vou are lilcely to ho /•> "z* "•».•« :ro]i: 2t ■•n r> ,'■> i ^. JU .ir' Afte lOOtl .1-' oiU. 1 ,> "•/• .-> -;-» , 1 •; v^ rt '< w'. - ~ '.^-..-Ll^ K-' _ f r» • T 0 otariisn ana A>nr r,.,. J-V cl dra\7iii£cs aiid photo; ajnour-.j J ; --, .--« J- .'O \-/ ;^ ■' ,) V S700, YOU malco tjio 'V r; — tonishing istatoment that j'Ou haiDCj L ■-» 0 1: aV' >; rnan pa nracii a jO • »^ O ^ 1 -> •*-. X kX U JU* ;^.j-l. v^ i-'.Lt-i-O^ ^A rO. JliU jriarra- . '-J v; aiu' vol^oi'iies. Til exaji^erated, co£:t more th You "! Cl <*??"» r»'"r; J-T L O •j i« O O no oxLra^'/i':^.:i.narv way in ,..!> LI 1 C. -p. IC" XJ CGCOhle ]1 J. 1. n'r-Tf V late in the ':holG serioi^ ) ..iui uir '<."i' \\ 'p: J ipeal^ of the very lar^o a:\'.ur X 1 T 'u'",'^' '^i.j-iU '. 1 V C/ii ^'J o T-^ •»•• ''^ V''' »\^« 1^-; nv.ticn 02 your i:jcninociona vcl:ii;io :1- Do 0 '■; v"tr, J. -^ A -^ V > » > IV '''. i T' J-1 ■> o • I : ■* 1 fo ^•o a e to practicall i.^. n ^ '^ » ..''^ ^ >w ' ^ ^» '<^ It > ore: evGi • rn- ','^ Uw -P n ■■* •■) .- i..-« s. C-, I.. p^ ex^erionc r- -, r^ r^ 0 no ;.ai Cl •o _ -. 1. ) -,; a very raro tnin^ o c r> 1 .n;e T -,■-» r e * -.-if J o 1 1"* w J. ^ ■ » ^ X v.^ i It . , . ica ± \j r-, .-| f- "n ,-- -'* 1-- • Ui »1- v' -v J T -. avc i^v-ervu r;rac^icai dition af i'airc for the p jiavo given the v/iiol2 of J i !' Ol ^' i^. V ^.: id n — - . . iViV »> ^ 1. Harrlniaii E:-:p f » r' ,»- V % •>-• '•X •J i -^ O V^ 4. i^ s.> ^ >• r- : > • > *»' A » 'A * ■* \<' .y « /\. J. C* u •» • * umos, lor v/iucj o *•;>•• ir ervicf: »->*.•* "\ 'ten a!';KU}i"*::?v .X :1j" 1 .1 iX^. f •- «.? — nr> Tir'^ f» •*• vo roceivoa no compeniiauion wna f'-' n ,^ k i! ./ « <■ j you n'*;^ » no u i: >■' iTif U" alone in the respc 4- ^ • J X or.o %i i I V, ^ » 1 1 J f i .if \ ft. % » -i l-w ■i -mmm-mimmm -„ ^ 231 Profcsror Yerrll: I <\ Your last letter "^Vio^ n 1 r-,-1 -T ■:;..:• c a^ ^0 ry k^. L.J n<-^- to Caliiorr.ia -dj I irras Jue thei'o la ee ]^. but fron'i ore3e TT aui-'OaraiiCo rjlieuld ^ay t ,-» -o . I X. X- w<. ;r.T *! X 0 ^:e -v/ay ..rom ae .■i-^», >^ -I J X ► 5-; 1 \ r ■-»♦ »•> i'\ ! r r T rt GOi: -r - r 0"* '^ "''* -«•..<. J J, X iLJ-J. a>er ij: on i "^ 'C<.| tr ^»f\i 1 1. eaav i^r^ urcBB 1 KJi V X •!- -!• ?~ X * *^^ ■*- '^ I v/i 10 TDUiriLt tCi\ i i. ■"; "» Jl .w G 1 n;p ocnioi .' t; > ! r. foUB .— > ^ J .. vv iouever 1 1 ,-.x u c 0 ■ i:}'^ 0 .: i 1 1 on r^r o c o ed ■«' o 01ln,;G toio'*c -( ry'yt ro v""*'"^ ij;7j m e IP T ' ll ]. J. u .kJC ■ Lxa «> r ►'> - ji.K KO. ../v -^. i-V, <■>.•. .d k A k . '^ . X V. 0 ,'^et a :ll- '^ VJ:\ C JU , > , J.. '■J J- J i?" ■oaa ,-■)•»■ ^ » -dUlL t the rciriainiur Echiuoderi.i pauorL! l^y •_■ '-z 0' :?. iOtO: u. •1 S^r J- i il .i L V- iU r- i*^ 4- X laiJ 0 V/» VAiU- U 1 .1 .J 110' o C«x »■ I ■^- ^ •*- V-\ /-. ■4-.» 0 + J '..' > O'V"* ..i*v- ■•^r :f f. ' r„ Hi X ICi. 1 • 1 1 lucu oy uj- <- ^ -1 "ti^ ^ '^' 1x10 ;.^J Id TiaKG oroG"! In connection ./ -* J 1 •'(: '^-1 ■rr,->. J J U. 'J J V r. nai:ic- ir -,j f -^ . Tfr, .'' -. ,^.^J- -J tic y \i ^u' i:n:u cdi^m i.> n i i ic^ LvPeuritton cor } U c .l^v- -i- Vrf i-rooi Mi 1.. ».Jr. ^r .-. •1->1 1 J, 1 -^ -,-■ n» f -.; ■. ♦,.' -■-* k. -i- r-, rt .' ( { ^^ .^-.K) 10. T}:e lihertiHL^ 'V i A »• • n .•\ /■■> *-. Q J1 J* rn coii'iuc X .• ^ odci ViU- I 1 f 1.L i .no oniy p laia ao.'olc .0 i • '^ ) V er on I t.,^ ,lt-T or -J .'.*• 1 w i.LO I *», ^ -; t f? O' J .s-.^-L ^^ /«. V V Dnv ' I ( ,0 OlIOC i.U> , j^. w ^ -'' IZ.. 1 c ■J v-A-^-- ,or tc u -. t' "> Cli •Lj ^- -' pOV.Tl - X aniiv^ Up fi be lore uiu: pa] ^c 'ut in ver' o J . •tr 'ff-M", ^» ■>^ i: ^ — ?^,&,^ 'v lV\JSjO%^Nj^ !'• I S82 V. '; N-^-w^i? V^- ¥ vv- I K is^u^ ■^ J /s * V ^1 ;.V^ > A- * * V ■It ■4 4 .f^O '.. -J 3 ^ 11 « -- ^.'U, >JL \ >, » v».*»v Ar ^'^. *^ • A* U-V / \^. ! ^ i |->^-v4KX^' K^ t^ f i H *»- ^Js \ ^ ^.Av. 'M.'^... J. t x v ..■^ V V 4-c— 3" ■^vf. i I •4^ ^' .Jt^ ..-<« T v^--. -t- c- _.i -r C ' N. ♦ r- ^i^^ .1 s> l-i/n 3 v*^ -^ . ^ W, ^ ^ t A^ y^ y -r V ^ Vy ■i J ■^1 '^: -^ V V. J cMr^ >- M i '-^^^ r* y w v^^ »v. ^«l>i*" ^ r - • ^- 1 ^w ^-%lu-^t K, \ .,*> "^v V >:t-T »^**.|IS*M \ ^ > - I ^^^ V - ^ ** -/ Vft- \ v^ '>A,i/- poor Imprint 882 . » I i 1919 Sixteenth Street : "» "] n ' I i I '' - I . Mr. H.- Y!. Laiiier, Doul)ieda27, Pa'^e i Co., 34 Un,ion ;.qv?j-e, He;; York Ci^--. Dear L'r. Lanier: Yesterday I --coiyed r^^d AeliveroO to t^e v^r^oi^s t-^^ r^r., < ov arates of the Insect nn:':>orK '>^->-; Vol rm the ;ib3e>-co on tar: jcvcr vitlft Viry^e r "■'■■■ ^Ovtoin I ••:?^;Kod vo'i to have printed on -io«e .yivi^ their .ou-e, ii.i, ,, ,^,. ^^,^.^ -^ portort ar, furnishim- the iie-'e-;^.;-.-''-^ ■■r,:.— ,•.,••■-. -^ ■> ■-, ^.. •• i-. per£, but a>; eouary i/;:,.o>-ta-t to yn^) a^ l- orfvprtiriaoent of the book. In ssndii^p: you bo-c Mv,, ,^3 tho syecla: t>y,,,, f: Ke put 0.1 the backs of ^:,o vol^a-es I rj;ink I ^avo -ou i.r Vri n --."..^ for Ihe hack of V'-.l. XII r.hoiiH bo loiiaUcia. ' ' " Vol. Ail ie rov/ all ir pace proof, ^xc-t 'he .rpIa:uuio>-3 r. ; plates fu:d index. K^o^^d v/ii ' ho -•- --v-,-.. - .,..>.... . ■, J. . -v „, ,.^^r .:_,^ very snor^ly. T f first 165 pa^es of the volu::;^, ccrp/i^,,.^, :;i.,^,y, , •craeids, ai*'^'- already cart. Ver- tr ;1-' uoi;v.i ^ V ■ )ur sr on JMc'.aV'- ifcTi?! 4V'b| 1 1919 Sixteenth Street, V/at.hinf:tor, D.C, April 13,1QC4. /La New Era Print im Conipary, V n »-*•• :illu that t.}ir=i Eiicnytraoid p:.rer, already cai:t, or?.v^ on r Ratth paper un Tubicoloub /g^-ielidB bo£;ina or. pa^^c 1G3. Thii^ of . ocuro3 nocescitatei] not only comrlete ch;i>i/:e ci pa;:ir:ri~ion for the Bush art.-ci3, h^t, :A\at Ih va:.tiv more trorylet-^orne, a correction of •t5i6 nimierous crost^ refGref:ieei' thro'V;nout the text. The baBtard ti- t;:.3 of tlic Brs;i article ^houlu be page 157 and the first page of .1 •I :^ nr'-^^clo or op or pjge 169 „ The a-ithor i- :ixcic:din^:;l7 f^lo^7 in rotu-;ni>^ reinaining pa,'^'^ ^^^1 p:ai V \ hu^- I ;r-: ncpir..; for a frosh batch b" every J^nilc 'ihe in- rjcy V v^-^^^ hav^ reath^ a^ ^"oor as 've have the correct paf:ination r ^. "> Bush ;:av.or. K.\ v^ V 'i^ \ K^ >^A ) •^^A.AJS^ \ ^A ^- V- — —^ :^ 234 <4 \^^ ^M^ w ^ -Ka J'is-^.^^ ^ yL. X ^\ II 11 'M It m 235 ■w t- •Vi. . -^ \ \»» ■V V..X. i>-. V .5 A. .J» •') :i^ •*'>^'^.^'^- ~\j- y^K, -VI c"- V->< fX \ -\ (y W-^^V^K.^. \ - X. 4. -K-Jk He v- >. V I / w. •j^,r ■+ ^ 'V L %. ^>-» ..».• ■^ .^ -_>V>--*^>. \. .. ] sf-' •v '^- - \ -5-- ^l-^-- ,/v_ -'S' :k »>^ .^v \ t\ -A.^'J i ^ -<-^ Ka. \ x'xJUv H^- X. _-JZ,-..^ 4 ^~ *- ^^. 'v, -V^ \ vv.k. poor imprint X r? .-,^^: 1 I i \ 236 IH l\ 5Lc.>^ Jt.^t^^^ '^^ ^ t< X r* \^0H .,m- - *^ , ^ \ l' v\. >^i,. '^y*^^ "5 '»- >- .»<:> X Hjl^^k>w^ --Ca^ JL-\-<\> -\A. t (JiJ^A, Tv i, . .t-*.'v<. \ Ml M K^ *-" t^ •w^ i •'- ^-.-l . \Ai..J5l ^V .. i ^ ^i 'v V «^-. - x^ ^A^ V .Nr N- Jn^. A \^ tJ— '- ^\ -1_. -V -J-*.. ^ I (I r * ; ~ti. t • - ) #. V fJ. \,'. -N.' ^ -v , X K \i (I '*^vW vv — ., v -w^- — ;> ^^^- I \. >^ :S^ s T ^^ ^ \ ■j„ K vSr^ -»_ —ir V ~ R ^ V Ki,.^!^^ l^-V.K^\X.. U t I 1 m i » » ♦ % •I' T m 0 ft ADril 12, W04 Dear iJocr, r-' Cce i oil 1 ^, - X X Jl e ;r cibc t,he setjdra^es roce*. v^i -• n O iii. do OB no ■V v. < half 0 rmica a it ijres :a^ T ^»<-»^r VV I :^ t le pill li she i O •'-' ;/o T 0.-J ie T''"'*C') »v ». 1)6 rl' J or in ted ibioct, and suppc vSG d oh to. - *■ ':^ --^^ ! :"^ .T^r-C'ii • . J a x;7 A '-/ J- ■-« ' -^ xi^^^a 'V nulu w \y Findiv:^: they were .1 _• -• t .» w.;. w 0 t ^ i. :- 4- L3:a i:;i:'aeaiat8 .W , 9 t^"> V apHod waB an ( vt^rs si^jit , and would -■r'.^r^ Cf V J. ' / eixi .'. >-• v X v-^ iri v>( lb sequent issues VI ith beat wishes V :ra3v ycv.ra, V ^ K- s ,V7 SJf^ Dr. Wasley ^-. Coo ef field Biciogioal I.;:iDr,.-?i':,r,- ^ - - _ 1 T . _ _ A « - .""^ .^s VI ■V". KeT Haven, '^or.r \ ^V n\ a Ci >.Iv^ ""^^•sl ^ ! ■ ' ^ 237 -H V rv^- i i I SV I I 238 '^ L I r V t r>" >- / J- n ^ > »

    f^ I- 4 -i/ ^^-f ^ / r I f^ oy tJ" o C3 a> ci SJ1 ;-4. O ct CI n> CJ d o iJ ^ f- 1 T, CD i— O »— ; V - rt tr^ >-f Uj .1 r-3 .^ ' |IN»« ^t< r?\ <•^ H-p* ►-< ^ CD CD i-1 , > CA> ♦- V J ct I> tcJ i» o a- r-Ji .J €9 ^-5 ^ O r Ui* «"♦ * C3 -r-* r-t. ga »-> ^— ' i*' ■X C- f t- o {- - ...^HM i' 'C! wj c cq Ui <••.» p. CO «15 •r-» --«* J5 CD CO sD CO O a> .? o r--' U.' a: ts* f^ 'i7 4-^ '\.> o '•t:3 r ' v; -C< V-« rH ♦H »t.. c-n CO ri- o .-- < (f ■« ^•< M ^•j o r--* l^ w oj <"> O. w g ■5 r-H 4^ I CO « ! ^H •r-i ^rj r^ »- • .«.' A-: *^ D •r-'J r— i o 3 -4 (—-•1 O o cr? cT o o - 03 ;j o r. ^ CD O O TO ■4- ^3^ i~> oef ^\ 15 f'>' -»*^ •• .C ■► « i> « ri:; o C9 C5 * '^ ^ ^ c •• « »"•;. tT/ 4-> o ^. '?-» 2 ^ o CD m 01 Q i i ^ O i-'^ ^4 P'i o o ' <• ► nj rri ^ s:i< .r-l <1> ID o O ^ ©3 § »"< r^^ • V f-» r") •#-< »-.' % ••-4 rti o •r4 ♦.' 4^ aiq a: ca o ^ c: o 63 Its T^ ^ 45 /7< CO (D -«-^ 05 ^ ?D -• -r J^ w p. « ^« o C5 <© •:m *-i ,0 0) •m -♦-> V _ cr> ^:^. ■~x. ri :^ IV »-■« •>■» CJ •1-^ <•/: ctf ,0 P. •^•{ rn s.^ i4 I I ^^,^flB«%*-' S^S -•v Ml* 239 ^ < AA" '.".kK.. "'^. /-• ^ V J.. •^-. ' <— ii«r -V , ^. \ «Jl^^ '- •^■x. v^,^ -■ T -.-•-- t-^^ \ '« ^ Jv.^.-^ \ ""'"^'^. ^ i^- V. -. Ni- ^'^^ ►^,*x^v j: ^'^. r X/ Jr . Jl ^^ '^ "v V U1 V- ...^ > -^ \. N, •^ V-* ^'•^ X v'V^vA.»^v-vJk^w*^ *^ ^'\\A . f ' t« ! ki I IjC^ ..,»..UJ .,Ixc^ wv. lijr -• -' • 9 711 ! , .1.1 V;... .., liiijr Katiiariiie J. Bush, ' T •• iy Dear I-Jb.: Busli: We have been vei';: :;kIc:: GAarraf^soa. of lat: .... .,uu. .; to returr proof. Pages sent .ycui on Vdwch 24 h^ve Y:zt ■ et come back. If v'o DjTG goi:i£: to get this volii-ne out thii^ sp-iii^ it -ill have to ho ca?t and j-ont -'o the printer at tJio oarliocit roi:-i',.le nomont . In looidii{;: ovor tne ;;a/^G proof ^o h:^-;: .;-;o:i.:-C..d ^;evcral incoa;; te::cies '- the spellin/; cf scientific na;acs. Some ;.i tho^Q aro nontioneu en tiic accoi:i]:anying alieet. If you v/ill .endly in(^lcat-o tho cori'ect lonu in cacli cci;e cuid retii.rn tiie slieet oy ret.urn mail I 'viii havo fiw ccrvectijns ir.:idc. On pa;;es 2':4 a^-d 2r5, not yet returnod by you, rv;:; l:.MeB be-^n at tJis bottom of XM^^oa. '^iLe is uniortu^ia^ e, w:a I -vill -■^ph oiioa along so asi to begin c.t the top of -fuo p;i(To. ::eIUif!r uf ■ Jisae tables 'nra;. a hf^-v^ Itin. To f-.avo time I iojial l^eajJhx^, ""^^i^- are -,ivcn ou tiio nccoKpsnyin/-- ro';e. Pjc^.:;. indicate ^aether o/ not tlese ara satisfactory to .yo'j, and lot :r have to.OLi Lack at once, ,jO tiiat "■■•-:- inatter i.iao' ".o rttc-' ;••• -^ -, : • om-- "M tf i »' Rocpectiv:.v -n^e arraiicement jf tables and so on in tJ,o oarly part cf your article, I have no.. .. oai-d froir; you ^bv:- :...::: rcviaod proof ivas tent you. 'n-ic hreuk you ment?'^ed ■^-^o/oon > r' t% y. ;■» M"; - ! '•!■>* , • # 3 > 1 ■I 941 natter tiad p:^;e 178 is not intended to set off the trxbs Sal)elli- ^OB, a. yo.;r letter indicatsB. but to Bet off the bo ^k prope^ frofii the introduc '.-•■■ I'v^hantp-*' ti-mo ic, ■■■-« , ^.i • .. , • ...,i .J .ai.u.j£^_, iiiifa .Li:! u,!ie f> tlur^ that is done in the catio of yr, ■^^cen'q •>rtvi- r-,- ---^ p. ^ . -.. . — -.w.. ^ art..oic= On .i.e mchytraoidae, v.iuoh precortsr. vour. in the .a..o voliane. Tlia ca.e of Dr. Coe's paper, to ;^:ich you refer, i. not at all parallel, as you v/ill .eo if' you eoh^xue tho t;;o. Rirthennove, Dr. Coe's paper Id in another vclo^ie. It is oortainiy usual to incorporate jriatters relating to Seoj-r;ui;ie diBtr.i.ution jmd zo on in toe introductory chapter in :roo]oo-icoi m,^ botanical publications. Has han been done hy Misn Rathbun in hev paper m recapod Crustaceans. I should not have objected to beginning oho book ^vith natter on geographic distri- bution if you had hal a i:^in heading to that effect, -ith a page or tv/o of text preccdi:^; o.:c tables. But to be^in a book, as dis- tin^i-ui.'.hed fruiT, tiic intrwl.iction, v/ith tabular ir^fer sceMs to :r.o "o^oething horriblu. I esniestly hope that yoi: sire satisfied ^vith tiic laot revised proof of this mtter^wluch :vno nent -o- .oi;:e time n 1 I ar. cnclor^inr :.Gve-.:..h tv;o pa^os (225 as^d 22,:), each of wiu:. ■..'.e breal-., tiie nature o- ••.ich i : not rjuite clear -,■» t* ■♦ ' ro we, altiio-o,-;;. ^n page 223 the r.ubstitution of j^ for i^. seems, to mire it read clearly'. K;nd\; .;. , .o neoacsary correci:ion^ oiid return tliose iw'os tn -in at vnur earliest coiweniencG. Yory triily yours. !l - *1 I J -'I •fi ■M 2*2 243 V>cw- . .^ty.^-->S. "^-^ .^ a A uK-«-Aa>^''^/v' I v.*At- MISiORAJiDA. JL .-, -ctinocoriLS . ^ in index. 173. Serpula ^ilif fj^^^ex. 183. H. a£.stuariuE, Sriouia no. ^i^ -^ ^^-^ ^^. On mnv paoos ?ag$ii^tecaer, on ].^s> o.i.e. b ,.a,^ 2 I. A:!ALmC/J, TABU] CF SPF^IBS OF 3PIR0RBIS BASIID ON T-n,c ?^on furVdeveili'G^ srnall. more or,les-.< rqr.xarly '""' coilod, 'Ilscoid, aBCOudiii/^ or Epreao.m;". .r » «'M-vMniT 'PA^nF OF :--^ECIFS CF SPIROFvEIS E/J5ED OH FOPJi OF V V V «i 1919 Sixteoiith Streot, ^^'aahington, D. C., A]^ril 17,190^ ^iTo A. H. Hershey, leu Era ^rjrtii:^ Comrahy, ■♦ r Laiicaciter, Pa, Dear Sir: ITere7;itji I aiii reuurnirjg the Busli article on A^melidr up to ard lucludirieS page 253 ^of the old pagination, \mich, as I wrote you a v/eek n^o, is vn-oiig tjiroivxhout. llnfortni-iatelv, the autiior has not retamed her page reyi^e beyond 214. It vail save tii::c, hov/ovcr, if you r^evA -c^e a cornplcte rrOvi;3e of all of this natter as soon as possible, with tiio correctod pr^inationo ^i^atever ncc- osran^ corrections the author r.ay send in can then be attended to eaniiy aiid v/ithout lost of time. It is gottirig very late, and I am a}:xiou3 to get thi- volume out before 1 leave for ^he West. You 7/ill observe that I have niarlced page 178 of the old pagi- nation to begin a ne^ ri^:ht-hnnd page, '^v^iich v/ill be pa^-^e 183, / Pleane &o not change pagination beyond page 253 (ol :], wiiich ip,'j becomes 258, ii : ' x woM you tiio reiiaining matter, as there 8 likc-Jy Lo be nil additional change in coroiection v/itii soliC ta- jhiQ headin:ri3 net yet accepted by the author. I aiii enclosin,:; iiorov/ith also the title page, preface, a^id contents ^ ..11 of v/iuch need sliglit chcaiger. In the case of t:ie title page, . \va]:t 'o chanr:e the tenninal aa of Enchytraoir-^jg. to £., CO tliat it :/ill read Snchytraeici:, to conform to lubicoljDUj iaiialid^ in the follovd^ig title. Unfortunately, the .title ''Tu- B • %J! •» f*%. bhS 245 1919 Sixteoritli Street, Washington, D.C., "i r"^'^ 1'^ 1904 *'r. H. W. Lanier. Doubleda;^ ^^e & Compajiv, • 34 Union Squnre, iTe?; Yorl: Dem- jfr. Lanier: Replying to yours of the 14th, 1 enclose herewith a list of scientific journals to v-^iich all of the zoological /olL:..;e.'3 of za-i Karrir^i series should be sent for rovievr, Tlir- noa-nr: Vols. YIII IX, X, XI, XII, ai-id all subpoquGnt nno:;. Probably ohe -v/o Insect volujTies should be sent to one or tv;o iiv.ocial pu:.:]- cation;^ on liito- molog3% tut I caii not got t-ie acTd^-oj^eE of ihcce imtil tojr.orruv,-, I will send tliem to you eoparntely. Profencor Trelease, in a letter written A- ril 12, str.tes th;-.t he had not then received the ^,cr^.r.'^tf^'.; icr • ;trti3 -i '/ol, V, whicli were to have oeon sent hie: a long -iue a^;o. in roi.n)on:;e ->, vonr re- quest for the address i.o whicii tJmco oeoarat^s siiO-'ld l:r, to-.t I gave you hie address at the Missouri 3ota-:ical Cbrden, it. Loui^, on I^ch 24. I have forgotten ^vl'iether or not Vol, Y var. joj- for revie^r :g ^&i3ri&& (Garrison-on-Hudson, K. Y. ) ;.:id -^^rj^ ^^s^. l-^cnm^ k Co., 30 Bedford Street. ?-r:^id. fondon)„ l^j^ry^ and li^txa voach practicai].y all of the Eiiglish-spGa]:ing scientific r;:on of t], 01 '••.c ■.vorld. Very truly yours, ^ ■^^ T f -^ 1"- -1 f V f ( I. 1 y / f i y i' f f ^/ >'•*■ I r .4- / A f3 ( / f r r I f - r / f- ¥ -^ <« j^ / # ^ 247 I 6 i \\ \ A t^ o /< M 'i I 8*2 s^ / U ^ I / I i ^ i. ,# z. /^ .1 s 1 { 1) ^ > { ■ i ^ » 1 ; / •f i 0' > 1 5( / r» Uj N ^ i ji'- r / ^ ^ H \ « i^' ,-- t ! * V\ -r f t *^% - 1 ) ^ i i l^ ) J I i f Y' K r '^. A -^ I /^ y y i I \ r 1 O' J. ^ / W-'**^t / \ A / > ? A\ i I ,1 i^ ^ I*' 1 .'' ') J i ri. A i 1 A / * 7 •, > ^ ^ 4 I . ^ -^ r .W p / ^ .J ^ ■^ f / i r^ v^ ".*r ] I 1 I f :'|- • , '' < M 't I ,^ f Ut 1 i ll H I 'f • f e»s f •" >(V §- *% ^- •-- \ ' I ^ '^VK o^. \ \ LA.. ' --^-% — ""^"^^fl ^<^- \^* J<}1 ■» ■'^- *■ . '%~-^ ' \ i -■\'~ V, 0^ ♦<»''*>^ •t. _ T V'-'V *- •wXK.^'L-TP \>*^J|^' iX\ .- v>-v. ^- \ (^^J< "V.JaT VS.V k<,>. "^•^^-VJSN^. k_.. *-^- \ ^; "t .\^.U_ V ,5- •vJk' -'.- X -•V>-r^ k; ♦ • ^ H- • ■^„4^ '^ '- »^'.^ Vv /vv VV /» ^ * 'J^/ •S- .*.^. ..i > t '--'^■J -. A ♦'^ X J •«»w - *• K,. •VA^ ^ r .^XV t - \ > VA U'\' '^J->.>ri.v« , « \ AvA^. \;^ 1 ^^ ^- V ^^•-- ,Jk/V/s. V ••-♦^-■•— •■] '^-^IX >-* K.'-.7h >^*^*„A^ A V, ~^/s^ •=5tt-. ^» V ^' -- ,\ '"•>. \ >- ^ V' l^-OcV. u* \ V V V'^Nlv.J^^ *V. / ^ — ' OU'^ » < ^td fr<- ri\ aJiii A-t^v V^ GV, ce >.-.»T 1 IC. 1 V ; . t j- » N J. .'OC-0 V/ i ■U.' : i JZ J .'. ». >t •> • f. '• ii.^.. TO-i .'.li ap; A.'. C It as 0 1 r n J- . J .;? Q / .- « A* 1 »4. O k r. r V\ * \ . y v. I- i;:' T • I • iriSKa /xiociitio >;.-•> •• i -kc o;^ * -■. V. , > I f v f ■. 1 « -• ) ■^,' r ea I r' t-^. ' . , . /-i • ^XU. p f ■ nv >v '•4 •.••a "»y 1 :ioIiverod • c :-'i3s c.iarcis c ^^ . Ia V w O ■\r-> O:"^ ..oiui)^-; fc x:> 10 L O I .J :> •■ •i-'^ .-'f^r ".'••♦ '.'»— . Ju II. CK, li .ive t^i iv.'. f 1 /■ v>» :•.! i(^cu >/ *<> twi' ./ w.i. i • i'» 001 \^ '.• «- 1^ in i^j %* •♦ -. •, ■• rx aj. ci •jni^'iii 1 •» f ' rial c , -!t"< M I k h 1 r.^? > * . -^-K I *.'" i + 0j JYf/3 r* IW > r !#»••■ L Washii^ton, v. C • > Ap-il 13, 19(^1 /7 d'iar Air. Bathbun: This iDoniirfi the. lor^^r belated copies of Us£^ ?i chard con' 3 I 30 pod papo Vr-n Voivurio X CI r r. c nam ^' an Alaska Sxpodlti'^n seriea arrived, m;d \7or^? celivered to her ills e date cf pullication sr/ far as the Harriiiian .Tiateriai iz co.vzzraed, and tn<5 r- *! ^^ r.o lor^;< cl;. ■v^T \ b -i e v./ * J. en ./i I "♦* ^ .'• "." i'vl O ."U-i r^a) s iie i.rBueciiate oirj- lica-^irn cent a in- mv 3a::ie x^^vb* ..,''. .1* ■»•••'» »*i J.' ' A'.* '.•f^'T ccurtasY 1a: ncJ.a- V •»••>.- a-;/ T it •^^ ^ licii •r. i . tj *» <^ 1 r \!.ly ycvri?, .^» 0-* -•••.. Z.r-lL IV I rd ^atjibv ^•i 'i4. a 7 '-^ T '1 . • : . . .; *.» f1 a>iD iocre^ai •3rn: insnn} px. irisi- ^ ^.ir lo .i « % poor imprint *— if***' i'-t^ 1 '■ "■^'^- t' r ' ' ■ 1 ■ ■1 h 1 ■ H I IP* M ,#•**■ ' -:t-; 4 I \ ^'1 ^' Apil 22, 1004 Tour leftar, eiiciofiir;g the^^-a Coaipany'a bJlt for Cojajpoiitior. am electirotypir^ oi" t6Jua»« m, IT, T, ?in. IX. and XI of tiie JbrrlitU^ Alaska fiaries, is at hand. I havd oataaiQia the bill, and find nothire; in it to critjciai. I nave appro?od It, and a.% re- t^irnij]^ the same herwith, Vor-y tinily yours, i:'^' ifi ^Vt-d Ifc', S, I. lyeritt. S^uftre, New York. .:kr '•tf j|»',,i 'i^*.'-^'-- -^ .f jf ff: ! r -i .' '/ h.'Y • • ; If .%■ '. . * if " , •r -'ii- ■•5*'' " <• if: . r ' » !»• rilf '^- I I' vi tw 'fl V; 1 ■/^. ^-J^ .*x* vv. ^«^ 1 ^^1 -1 If f f\ ., jW*.*^!' «,fF I* • % 'S/- I f I i ^ I, 17, m ## i It* ffllWl|gp'l||4.|llii|« dill"**", .<#S4#«*«»*»""'*' " '"•» 1.» .- ^ •*t^. 251 ft' ,1 1 ■ ^ 1 I V^W UC)^-\^Wa^l^tv. W .v^^ H "> \AUi{ -^Ok. As-*w^C-<5 V^-vj^Ui. «Jkrf' V>M, •*— >>'-^i A»^ IT. ^K» . -— ' VA V. 4. Js^_ • • V.A^. dLuL. 5 -V J-- AV^ K V.V.' Xi\ ^■--^K, ■• .^- -K "^ • > "«— . » ^ ^-Ao c^^; — -'■.w--^ '^^-.'l _<=7 ao N^ ei nr -\- '^. \K -^p-' \;^..:::^ ^^--.a..>v. V v^-.AZt^'-^ -^: V..A tl.-l' i- -V-^-w- ^. - V>s,.- .A V- ■- -^w'? :^ ./x^- H •^^ ■ NsJ- <>. V W.X5 ■<-. -f— i J - t^^-^ A i-^^ .V- *?' ..i^ NJL/V---^ ^ChJjK.'^ A J^ .'w-O Vv ,«5^C^JK^Vi*o -^.. ^^.. > \ ■^''--\., .X^' -^ .^ ^V. -i'^A^>> -^ t^ VKkO^ ■Vw'V •1 V^J^ v\ r^ J^Ss^ ^.'. — ) V », I 1- * i A~ >> ^ ^/-| vv^ M A. ir -% V, Jb '^ k. I Vw. ._ -«— "v v»x_:., ^ ^ V .-■^1^- -*• A. JM- -n :>-c- ^ QL-^ i. .>v,X.>- J>^ --^>J>^~V -1 U^v t r ^i^^^j^ sh: -f V -> it^ J^^v^ cl \^ XJL/T-. -\ I -^•- -«.», ^. .- "i Ou^. »-< j r- V v' -A,\>w- ^- V. n X' f- \>^ \ h / k O^^ VV *» wrf t »-<^. ir-^ '^^L 'V,^V-' U Jc- r 6^sf.v5^- .^. K' ^. Ht^ Jtr - r\ N^*w>*- V^^ 1^4^ V.'V. t-/0>^4L ^^. r \ AJWJ ^^?*^ ,^/ V > -H^ic^ V cj V -^- V.V '\ ^ v. \.\ ^ -wM\ V\^^. >- X,.y— - ■?•-» -^ x- .>- KT - (X-- rK 'K 1 \ > - \ ' .k-'tf -«^-^ B^ i vu i' ^ >v^ -' t VJ- --^v^ V=^W'^' Sl. 'Wi»w- > A. •V- »w_ ^ ^^ / ^^k. ' ^^ x^ -^^ J >tA^>gkr J I i hi •II I m SS2 0'L4_x^ Vw^JOv.:^ \ \'' \ -s^ Ik •''-^.VK ■J *' '^\ > ^ » »-.^ , *#--, V^-Ullw-S/ -AT' .V- ■v^^ t~tJ. „. ''• - *\h^...v .-5 '^ v^. \ J"'- J- 4L ^ " — 'V- ^ -.- ~\ C^ V^>>-c<'..^^ «^ ^j OL \ v-i. 'vo M ^- V .i.^ Cv^ X^. .. ~ .j^^::- -'-•...vjw. i'Jv-^^r^r t s -^ 0 V- 'vX,^*^^^^^ . V- X\ ■{\ ^^^^^ Cs (5" Ti V w- ■ z> K ..^ >~ >- J^ -, V i - ;a^ w-'r j^.-^€^>x.v .^^^ ^■'''- x:^.^:~- >^^ V-*.:. V. - '-it / f. !'U 1 L v * V •— V -I \ ■O- Ky^'-'^\r^' . P i ,- * 0 >|.i...|-*-^ UT-'^^^JT! .H. .-«-^tv.vv .>*^.t>:,.^^o\ ■■^^-^- )iW^-\ V \^ ^ \ I i •J t -1 ■f^> ^' - .%- . ' i-. *^'rf¥-- ' Sy-:^h~ t£«^^ V~ >, ■ t } . I r - X '^ u.- ^ f^ rff M i/ . VI vSPrl poor imprint Jt , r^ -K t^AsA ..^«^^ •^ •n. '^5^ n *4"'»- *— >5f r -\ \ V ' ■^. -^'^■'^ *.. tr ■p-.. .>■ .--^ \ .>^ ^ ■-^ aIv- \' V ^^ ^- K 254 ^\ Vu -A V \^, V. ^4^|. A. 7 >-j » i ( A I '-1 \a \ )i A> :X .> / -1-- \ \ oj-,- ..'> ^ V >►* — ■i»lw^^ ^ A i A.v V.'V-v L^.. ^ ^ "»■■ .>N_>v f-x X >-*o> ^^ V. > I >4^, i. V *-V - — '^ ^ •*. v- A ♦■ ■'s ^^J S \. V. rr, J.' I X A V- > X- "1?- -. i^- ^ V-v. w •^.— ' V .J »^ y V-J. ^ ( i i ^- ^^.* ^^'^A^ v.. ' t - 1.' > A t ^»< A-^'^ N-\ J ■>f r# *^ f r I i u I r ^ I 5 I i k i 257 vvx^ - . -. ( ^ v. \v --iLvV 1 :: y\U H \ V,v, u t.. w.-»'r» N V^ «^>-. -^ :^^ ...k M A- <*^Qk^v iu..^S '^X'-r. ^ % V-. -91 f $, 5. ^-V --^A>.^ ^ VIkVvI . 3v.v, ^ V. .-fc: SciS J1 -'■ f.a;urjj'iii£- Y.U' -i. '-' i.vll'. "^ U r. ■re f J C-..i-Ji •t-> u > !•> ♦ V • , 4.«--S,^_ -L -^ « • i; <'n, 1 (•' ►.; >. i.. ^^f.. 1 -i .1 k. I ..I •t- • ■ -i r ^ V ^ ^ ~ '» ; 'v. ,-- f. •' ■" - .^ . ^ •one >•• * • » • ■^-; i 1.' v^-. J. l-.-'^r X^ '■>v U]"^ 'v^ 0 ■a^ o »-=■ . ii f ; • 7 •:r. ri.lL ii I - ' (.»..■ jJ Ci.>*-. ,* f J , fJ i./ ( 01 J. ^7 1 V .UC I or r- • -. V r L» » w-«. ; O ),; '^ _ »j C' t.» C ; > " 1^ V -^ i tx-L I r"< -T* f i..L- X / / S V? ii Li 6 V • V *. ■.•.'. 4-"!^ r^.J^'t* -> •-' : . V v-> 1>.U.' 1 ( V ;■ \' r Al,U<: X"» :^ c 1 .' » 5 -.-U-i.^, :.o u^t i ■ ■-' «s : . « -t ,.v, ,-. . •> 1 r i/::o irc-iuv/a i^.UvV X ij:'\ T*. i}Qar [.}. * * le ^ U. r-.'r* V.' v/ -„ I, o .r • <-> 1 . w I ■ ~ .>s. .Xt-J . Uii W Wj. v« ^ 1^ m;^ D:. ,'Ui, .eiUr\P 259 T'"'- »- • 0 01 :)atjtr bayo^ici r^a ».> a I'^ij '-• J •■> 4 VS •-• -■ '^'i.,.\. I:,.'' -t; ff'ifi < v.' « «z 'jo: .--f ij. r 11 -.■v'Tr J-. .4. «_*_! . ^./ iv • • ,1 '» ^> hW^ V* ui. ; . eri' . t *■ -» , o et oT ^ *i: /iiir vT^^e t ..C( ■n-tU'''^ .C''V) A i o x>, \.'\. t ii 1 ,"•> o>»ri"i 1 /.-Al/. '1- w. >. k «•« '» 1 >'.'.. -Vt !•: 4.) -a. 1 .-> -^ '• c. A Wc4 w' w '- *:-? O I ity^; os-n .x:imir!5(:" ojicl aku i' *. »> «>. ^ro i rri' ; * ; -1 - - •t-ji: >•■ 1 r-: .If f L 10 t. HrO L)ll r,. .:vr.e uoT^^an:/ 102,^ ^-^..o. Ai 1,-U.Z . ■_ s^ . i>^'. > * I V* V 'eci-ea » ~- . V i TjI. . u v.; ' ,■ r ■ "> T. T]: e j::a:ui^cr; 'iiw^.U u.A » >. I /-Ik >*'■;' . t '.okA.A. on • -y 1 V .): ^4 / 1 1 I 1 iJii uiiCloLiii^.:, ycu] ^:!U '- 1 - «.i r : f ■ * O rA -^i.*'.*-.!. A na ::ro .' 7UU '. J ■. • A , A 1. ero- V i .1 tj'e cl^ar- cor ■i. A *t;'**p .'o -i. J ic^.vc ii:jxi t/jpOArit'.ei' 7 ; r • ♦ k^t^j ei you «.ll T JUhj ■1 n — . * t- ur n«'^ I ahall be glad to hm. '■'•-. K^ > ■ f V . 'w* V UU.i W i;i Vy» '^V i T A« J ■'.'■'i '-^: ■>■• i' I "^ ■ ■ »♦ 1 7. 0 {:• U' w. Ji . ', t; ~-) '- ? c1 ax. I Lond 70U .^-■m o ^ *.^ii C * »^/ -«. „ ..'.ii. ^i.j: Cj "f* r» /: > » ■ » %/iJ v# ►.. t ii.iC JO rf; /•^, "»/ i irom tlie print -/r ^0 ;.:iO come oack to flae from .u \j t I (.; t r.vir "1 ■? LX ' ■* »>*?»' c'^ en- ;^^ ;l> : QL^* vw "OU 4 4 W A » fc *. J . I to c^:.i.{T le^n » Vf'* V * / i lOia* I .. 1. ^.Nv,* •*w (•necK s " ■ I rr ''■■!. >■ ino accorrrnr}jivif*'/*r ii ■.\ -^ \: IL wJ J,/ a^ 1 * ■■ V * V -,f. -^'.^r 'Hi J-1- t ■ ^ I 111 * » a^ 4 »> »J J V' 'v k ^ ■<-..? O tr' v.- *•> >T- ■^. ' I ■ ? ' I ; 1 1 ' Uht i I wiia-. ".>ii .;4.X « *« t *- >.-D r-,/' I- n • «>' /# u. I 'J JOCl 0. a loi! »»« ciiue a^( rr-orovou a: ■•/ ^> -^ v »- ^x-' » irive eve :jl "vor ^yi'i WVJ »' »■■■>'->■ •' ", '. f r- 1 • r; f c*. L iO have (> c • < i. .:. . i ] ■:yv ^ -■ . I ^ J I. , i. 'J ■ i(J 1 't'i 7 I'l ^ 1' 1 v:o ei'L I ave ii>.' in S.. .» ! ■ M ' (if-l l.-::I 1 V*i ' T ir: «.■■ *"' *• / .. '^' *• Ct.VT'yy'.-r-: ';« ...1 • «W V^4 ^ ou :o:(- i;o..\ .io> r "^ij ^' .T- > • ■^ "1 s r ., 't ? *v u r . r* >i r> 3i) J -. ...V. .i. ♦.'.■> u ui. <-« ■< U,, 1 irom zr.e iieiiotr :t li> CL: XV t. i Jb,a ' ^ It DC I ■ f :t '•>•• • •>, U •*^ix . i. ■* 1. ».< cora wiiatuer 0: » n n.'^c X"». IGV 11:: 7 n Oi' r: i !,<.«. / ^> kj' s,' w :j^a J id » '^ ■-> ky ^ Jm -t j; ^U A ,C i pX s.^ -v^ 1 1 \i JUi ^ . i.^ M .:. .>. ; C i •1 •? •/ k 01 il t:ia y -. l\ ma vriw r\ c* '> ^' J •^r »..'»<. I V •* onr^o *>'•.' »- r' » - -? r-. ',1 f.-: i. x'-uri'i -1 •w- »v • w > •/ v-r' -< .J i . I '. -■ •»•'*. /> •(• W- -* I .O-.'J ''!''r»p> i i a, :i :. cii v,e i- ?!.>-. '- . 1 J. I ^ i:.«. V V' i I !?*T>i|:nV i ;r C.C L' Ice::;, hnwever, r .'■ I ■ » Jri^^-bt I. ■■.ji, ». *"• »~« UUUk'X •> ,•» r- ■■■l . • •■ ,- v'i ■»f* - *• I - .' -■ . > ;. V. . *- cT: j hi c.' u > t**f 1 >< c:^ bi a uu ' ■ 1 ■ . .'■■ f < •' >^' . vl .„ •,< „< lH0P,bi -1 ?■• 'i kV ■V\i r. . C^ i % 082 19a I *^. A. Ko Herfc'hev, i;sw Era rriiitij^ ^onp^e-v, lv-?w H.:ve}i^ Conn. i^oar Sir: ?f^9 of Vnl • ■-'' ^^'■'^^' -^^ ^-^'0 o-n..-,, the ^.ronfr: ..... ,,» ,-, --rn^-jir^T. .... " are no : •.v•- ti.e Kiat;;ar v;i:hoMt ^...^]:.^ ._ , ^^^ ^"^^ " ■--rt. P 1 a. a V . ^,n ^ .. ?i at. p -. '^^ T ^r/"^ .'in • . , »-^Uw ..:'.•' >-,obr.-. 1 ' 4-.'. 'I . T . .. « ^ '- ..c,,. „ ^ I wrote -- vv^zei W* i V' » '•'-^ ■ ^x;.,OC '^"•:Va I'T'^lf ■ -" ^'^ • ■ ^^-^ ./ -^>» -J. > "•' I no/ :. ni; 07- ,y.^f »->-} ^'E correct iuiu' of ,;i>-..^ '^7a .-N" ^ -•' '- '•"^--t ^ ^^ -0 jou herov/j oh. Ci ullO Ola r;^;^r J . ,, . ^ ■ ryy ,;u. : .. . ^ej-y tinily vour;;. •i- . W- -oiAr- \^'^J^.»\.^ N* ^ 1919 Eixt^untji S.^eeT,, Vfei'4-!i.vvton, B.C., Ma:,- 20,1904. riv A..I J ..;-»^ K #•. ^ J- '•• v» ^ ... A, j "O', » «.«"-s "ialo ':ii;BeiTr]9 Nov; H r.^'on, Co?ti, ki V .f..- J ci* ii js .>. o o D U I :•! •. « Your le'M^i' of tno IBtii inj.taiit c^ur:. dul^.% aiid I cxaiain- vv. ...116 ;.':-LUvl) v'U \*Jilv.:.i /Ou ; «•:* i ;^i c.iiJ- II'.'- :>- .•^ p ::o lines: ^.ire orHtod, ais yo- ^ ill see frG>;^ W:e d;n)li ■'r:;'].c.-j jit. .. <^. ^^ ,,,. i .^ •T-^.-,' i.^ittor iron ono p%v. r;rr> "^ ^ T (■ ^' O ■f*"'"; j'.'t ■*♦ '-, V"(' ■'5 n ■•■ 'SI'' I'll "f %*;.'■%•♦- V-'^'^'i- *■■'. ,"> '^■'■'■'ii 1 I x\. .1 3 • / -Jl. X *. -i. O ^ y f iVr T r- »i <"» .;,. - : ♦ -» 1 From proviou^> c^rreoponderic:^ I have a rniBpicicn tint you vdah '.^ U tX' 4 i'1 r. •.c I 1 ' V - *1. _. w u-^t ^ \■^-r v^ rj ,••.-( .-. 41 iC . u 0 'iiaae ve^ illdox I' csj' i:.ll ;X 0.1 'r' ■;■?•' ho- . Ye ^ _^Vt: V 261 3 I M> .^..uMMlHi ■■► If / ?82 263 tr. i <■• is 1 n -.VJ-llO Jpullo^ * A c -.1.102' ^H *^-^C4.* t T f' It^Ic^ ft^ t?F .T»>^' O: t A- { f - 10^)4 .■^>?/ ju: De; :.'rk Ci :ir '■\ ' - ^ .1 « Many r.l ^^aij-]]:^ loi* :]yp I J ■J ( a/. 1 J •J •• «.'. »4 *,; i.«. ic; UO eat CI T-.i i;;; I>^ ^iiid XI "^ •- ■Ml' ■- ; • b i V C^J. .Jl one L' . if » J ^u iiav v.' i 1 U i' r 1 '-^ >._- c» V d Olit ^ •..';. 10/. ^ <■ •, — , 'n ,T -^ ■^^ rn I rev 02^ d ac ■• 7Tr; 1 '^ «■: r- l-v J. A 1 ^ • riO ^'C^i '-', cu /i r--: J-'i. A iko Q 'r-.i ,; - :•. we cent ::.e flunf; -i w^. r-»t" 02-0 pre- r> ■> * r: rtu •J J '-' W . J., l_ I ' 1 ' ai/ 0:7 ce •o V, «.. v-"*, I'^V^T .-,. i -.' (-,v U 1 .'^ r, '-■ I 1 r-. -i -^ I Tiie •T -, « J I J -« 4- i/pO Co^T^^'C, J i '.;■ X . \'i t-- i i./ .„x v. %. > • .^ -L -1- .1 ro i:> k: n p ! J-^ •» ' > f- < Dear ■V «■.• • UX i 4 »:; "^L 1 O'J' A '-J .<> '-• V .' C* .-"l uj 1 i-* T >-1 t >-1 f--. ■;..J <; t r-\ • ■■% ' W K< V. irjoi or; :G -lie L X 1 »~ii I ^ ■^t-> n « r:>*i-^ prir HI An re iiu f ■: >^, b ji ir.e J. ^-f .. o . -L L ■ t - ^ ^, .."w ai'd a-- ^.1 wl •f ^. -i- 9 ii'.^Ulu. iiL/.J ' ^, ■%.» «..'• l> /"i *,-« 1 rr .<~: 1 n riie 'If J 'IJl ..v-.^ _ * > ' -.^ »^ - *■ .\. T . ia:o;3 j.avo >•> v> V. ■<-. ' i.. , ^ O ■ A. K 16 «■.; ", < .-^ e:i lias Ua2i sent 'n ot •< A '-^ •'-•. I >~^ \j ± ^ I c n , - -i- -. { i ^ .-. -< ? . i> -./- t^fl ■l-f- t^e r-oi:; ~' '.'J ^ — ^ '-'-id.-' U His fd.^ rt^ J ^'U'rii^i: ■*■ iii^GU o- ->v il (\ V/ >. J .a P .-> f c »> '-/iid *j le r •-t^K* I .(. '. 1J.J.U F-^ ."i , U.^ oe 4 »J .„ ■ ei^l >- v> 3^1 ij een no res;;l ■■-: ^i i;;ci ■- .i * *w' >V"'T'> .- •»• "» »D r- a V 0 ilO -^ OGui. ^^^ ori:', adi TJ i- U, r\ ^j- lOr ITTIl ^"i -'. t r. r. Very trul- '"■^l 1 V c. »/ »j ri, i^.i ij ii:* 1 J- xl ■-■^"H' A.:;i > ^ 6r:pect ..:i.i J .9 Vv^c^-\" \Vv.o>>.. ^ Nw' •.. fc,^ 'A \ t>82 «* t '* 'W 265 P: 1 14 ].919 Sixteentli Btroct, Wadiiiigton, D.Co, May 29,1904. • Prof. A. E. Yerrill, IIov; Haven, Conn. Dear Professor VarrilJ: Herev/ith I nra :^Gndiiig you corrected prooff^ of ynr Starfish plates XLVllI am XLIX, md alno prirt of XLYIl for you to keep. This last you have already approved. Of Pis. XL7III and XLIX I am sending your previo:;^ |;r\;of[:^, vith corractions, and two copies each of the corrected proofo, vo that you ];]a7 rotinT. one to i^e wi't^h \^oi^ ok, r\]i.5 keep tl:G other I'cr yo.;'3elf. Are theco relate nvj-nLorr (XL'/IL XLVlII, <3>id XLIX) sur^;lv correct for final printing? Can you tell mo now v/ith abeclute certainty viriiotnor or not tho EchincdeiTi voliuno '//ill \-o ready :^or the y^eBs vhon T retun: noyt fall, i^o that it ijiy ;■ o printed at once ana ta':e preoodGnec notner -'olumo ■vculd hecone Xlilo O _• - ■ i. V : I « ^ C w a: As io t:ne plates, i luivo at Innt succeeded In '.rrir-iit" -'ie i.-attcu' to :.r. IL.UT iinar, ' rj attentir:;;., a;id Iiavfi cijtaiiied aut:icr:t;; for 30 adiitio?;-! plrite- for tie Fchinodcn:! vo]:kc. hmcri.;^]! as 4;/ ol ..•;,C;.o iiavc .:oo;i aJi'eaoT iJiadc, t'h^ vhli ;-ive ''(»;, the f^nr.v- 7-:-V£: rv.x;..or o:" 8;) pl.iter fo- .t-o v:-iiu2r,e. r^.^^ involves uii 1'. ;-.- n^-nr difrk;ulty addttioiial "o -\e exjeni;-, najnoly, [.he difiiuu-ty of" '.jindirif.-. Tne [■.■.•:>.ters ;> alread:/ pv;jtB;.;tcd a^^ainst no ,.)ar:y -V-v ' plates in several of th: procod^^y:, voluir^oiS; r^o'i- of which certain Ui-.yhinr Iiko thiD nuini^t:^ of p]ates„ 'i:\oy sa;.. ^hat it la alinost !/■ il Profe^Gor herrili £• inrf)OBBiblG to bind in t^o luaiiy platet and io a f^ood ioh; tnat in spite of iirvnd-Wiiipy ir\r I'hey are afraiu 'ho voLinie vnil brejii;. 1 have worried ovor tiilL additional r^lato niattor for :^i0re than a ;n:ar, aj'id ieel greatly rclievod ^hat Lh. Harri;riaa hao given hi;^; consent to hie adlitioiial onec you havo at-ked for, Hine of ;iie voL^nes are alread"' cut^ :t.c you doux/tless Icio^v, and tho tentii vhll he out shortly if LiD^ hui:h ever -^ots thrciyrh al.terinp; and adding, i-o her prper. IJoi3t of it 1^' nov; cant, and tjio remaindor ^/ill have ':o he cant at .uu^i^ if i^. it, to le r.rinted he- fore next v/ inter. PloaioO reti^rn one r/ijof aacl- of '^Lb. XInlll :.a:d XLIX at once, dp .•- : O n <- -. .L U • 'j j. . -' >-' Ji i j^ . . > r *-\ r> ir r' ■ ) •,' I'l ! •. « 1 • r o ''* > ,' '• J , o ''* V ^, c^ cj '^ p.v", • . c« Yer}^ 'ml. yoiu'B, v^. ^ >»VSk^ \v 1,1 ( -1 I StfH W v4 1919 Sixteenth Street, Wasliir^iton, r.C.,Ma:/ 29, 1901, Mr. A, H. Herahey, Ne\sr Era Printing Co,, Lancaster, Pa. Dear Sir: Cast proof of Vol, XII han been received to page 255, inclu- Eive, except pages 225 and 225, \*ich liave not yet arrived, but which I sliould ue glad to see. I havo not yet received facing pa^^'eL for Pit. Ul, XXII, and XXIII with author's corrections. I should liko to hu/e these in order to coEf-lete the duniny of plate ex])lanations. I am encloBir^K herewith v. conipleto set oi" proofs of t'lo fac- ifjf-; pages for plates with the page references corractcxi uv tha car,t pngee. Part of this yoi; have already had, hut ar: .-.i:; variou;:: sets are all more or issr. defec^^ive, this yeeias to hn the iiimpiost way to get the ^Jivng r.traigiit. Sc please send me a corroctod olem\ ' -^t of proofs of tha fa-^in--, pa^;ea. I Imve not yet rocoived tack from you corrocted pages 260-268, £. 1 '• to you May 23. ours tnuY, . ^^v ... -V V./^A^ ^k' r - -A '^^s^ I 266 4 A \ ^^ ^ V W f s Tas 268 V/as]ur^;t.on, J).C.* *^ *> '^'■.. -'I ri m 11 ,•; -, Secretary to E. H. Harvir:aj;, 120 Bruauv.'ny, I'.av y,^j-K Civ.-/. Coar Sir: V< J. oil Here^i^^i I cnclono bUI. for e.rcnsor incurred in connoctio. the Harrx..^. Al:u kc ^^^oh.... --, Ara-il .xnd :>,y, a. ro:i,,vn: I^i: Co the pr:.snt ti.:K: ne.en o: ,;;e ^ocb:ical voiu.iaa been puVl:.:.3.1, ..Jci^u. .i.o :n .11 ti;u. fa^- .-ual;.. out. Ono . ,(. ,.i<..Tn.. ,.j. ,,. ,,, .,),.Liec..r...', Ffv-: L Co. in iUL. ^ V x,,,^,^ v.v.,L. A...; I- l^'; t'^T.i - tyiKrh The oir,<.f...j.r- - t^-i '.'.<>.. lit ju^j vv loll ill £. r^cnu' i:ve ren-^inin- vor.^:oo Eao.iL-. appear. i ■joi i./19 Sixtocnth S:.reet E.H.KAI^iUMM I n Ace 0 '.mo v^} '^ CHART i:!^- '. i .'liu . For E}q:)cn^o;^ of Editor' b Offiofi for April wrl Kav. 1904. Postage and especial deliverv,. ^,:^^r,^ libcT;i^esBare: iipri^. '-i, To DouMeday, 'Pr\rro a o r^ 7.5 riT*"; 1 ^' J-\r-'r ^ ^ \\f> ^ *-^ '.'- n,'> ^ 1 '- It 1^ a m n n n fl n TT 1! « t ^ If ft w t .' O • ^~ • • a • • • « ^- ,L , ,•— t ,' • • • • > «»««at«««^ -U-1J.L 'O-Pl ATA r^'- . vj . t^a. •,...,.,.., , ,

    » • »rfN liiJ-ij im s loijll ^ririi^i: rue cast V-.C-k.> U I ."i on tiie Aii^^elid article 01 pai-es 256-267 of VV'tr 71 1 1 ar Qv iiicluisive, C. ai^iO 0 i 1 faeiiif- plate?; "Kr, PI <;. >q^]; ) ion are goin/- -too (-*-> t r IT "J C! -fcJj U.O L' ^-v V ..'. I ITS ! > '-C-( .ncj u.L. euui>^e? corrections s, i;o noz car tiliio •m *■> -.-i-i -. L 1 tr ■ - ■ , >■■' oti.:ji' proof from i I , -M^n corrcc' 10/ * \-' f t- o * . i '.^ i^ «_f I . V- a' K> onci Yo '» • ■. I V-' '•l .-^••^ 'J«- I have nat vet r^ *-' v..' X *w/ cei7ed ct:r>t pa/^es 225 ;-^i ot'. .- 0 u >■> d "1 1 very glad to ]1z^fe /< ; v' 'iVn, I '■• d i 1 1 1- r r. it sh '' .. sJX i J . -1V-- 0, i^U,. 1 :'< oe ^tr^l£ f*-> "^ .ti. ?oa out n 1 r 1 ,• ' f^r 1. V »..^ «^ .ere ■< i. «.-.( i-;-i Cl '7 one -» r* iior'^ acidenrrjj: a:7a iiriox vO t.ri^ Ar SV-. .-, ia articlo. nrid J »,iaiv.'. v> .,-11 I iiai: '^U e> r. l.rid ocoive » ^ V«f \^ o. \J m.C 1' r '^. . ■• "•■• J coiivoriieiice The liidex » V • 1 'OO IK pa/re nroc ou ral ' I r /"N ■> T -i« »»< V' ; • I /•■■ " r\ c^ 19.19 ixteentVi Street ^; ■^ c r .-^.. •<- c:n D If f -^-^ • - » y i.> ^Cti Mici> Katharlre J m 7 TT - n loic Maseiiin, '> "X' .Ot'i f\ \\ . tUb V V-^ L 9 V.' ^.•X.iA« uear l1i ,v t-^ fj i^i * ».>..L • £1 Yoa: L^,-J ^^' . ,< A . ■— ' ( rjJA'J. UV ]dendi^ arrived tbii^ ^iorr:iv^. i/uch >t <^ ■'■'"V l-iJ- \) i e- 11 0 ,IO ^ no riiue i^^ .ea V' .-! 11 V late Ojid r. »••*• T^r.r U V/.1 v^» y* T, >* — tide iia:^ now boori eaf?t ^T OU have oncloBed the cxnlanation /-. T V ,-^i Lf'v U ivJii' ; \ i ch ^ V» r ■-:".•».-' » '_* -4. '-» i O ^« ivin^ t .J [:10 TV 1 i. ii ^or^'e -^or- c;, « e luuii ol '.1.. ktAt..> . u coi)V o: S •! ujit-orcTaria ■Vil ■* ► f> -'j* i >. J • 4 ,.V JTJU n ' T" •", -» % .^, t.. i i:i 1, a -■ ' i c ox\ r<:r r\r. IX^ i. ■ A. I.' ^. ^ )]' ^l I ^ -> '- Ti I jTi • ♦'» 1 <«. exacT.i n >■ T > •■ V T ^1 .^ I i -;- V ^ roear on the ^"^rirted iU-c* -V, » J T'^! V - ; > » eo -V n VG ^y t* I .1, V ?.> I (^ >1/ W ^ '« - i. .11 the matter relatirv:^ -o :i^ ,• ^ «j v •:iS VJ 30 Cfl: I ^ ',-x ! ■* * *J • y acc.: nc.^ GOOf: r^:- anii I - »' a}' v^„i. 0 f-V J A .1 ' '^ otiior iiai' ou iiavn t G^nm .::g exTaaiiatioi: «y J, 1. ;j> V iia IT n J.v4j. tw«».j JLl t-f^. ^ yJ ~ii t-^ i.1 I L--^^*.A.A aVlb ''O V^ r.0i5l^e V ^ o."7/ W ■'f*M ! i.LU (* ventral viev/ o ulterior p^r^'O . > 1 r^ f -, ►jC U.: 1. L- po C .N thert- i;;; olvioiiJ crvor r;oi>e7mer **T^ /^y^r. ■»•'. ' 1 p i'\ ^■^ T an rot able to strair'-t- ♦^'^-^ <" * v.. >_A U 3 *•. .-» I -J} ive lor lacin-r date ox: ia} nation ;'^ have been already -r,-. .- la air? v^i' r'^^c vou v/ili re!"'] t'lu niat'.ar nie,pro] orl;v irra^v^ou at onco 1 f * ] a/ye prooi c la^^t rai^t of yorr hiuliogi-aphy from wc V* r? i» f J "i Uv.?,., *w) :d -: '«i n , O 1^.' V I I OU a ,7 da* ::o, '''no 'Kit^ f m hopl to J "! roC'Mve iv lack not irxer J. -I . kt 4 , i inrrov 1 7 ^^ruiy 3ar >>»— V ^^- 11 % hi i tT2 ^\y^-\ t \:\ \( >»^ \? \ \ \K! W -+^ -. ■'5-- Vv- .fr.. J: k K X ^^ :^- \ \ \ ^ j :k t r: \ -t- # = -* f ^ f ^, ^ >^ V^' \ ^^ *«A.i Ivaa V iJ»-*'' r ■ t ff tf ";# V t \ - ( n M ^ \ { t*- .i v^ —1 --• "-'^v. ^ a. V-N •t r^ \ V ^■v - ^.-VB^J 1^ y \' '. t » » ^ - I /^ ^. '^ ♦ < ^ J^ 1 u>> V \ :>^ s N ••^ ^ V -N u '*.iAtA_. '"s^^wsA,. I poor i «j**^ i«> Wl 111 f- .*•■ i-^^^f ^ i-\~. '%.'■ -T »■«» fCTlS' f « T ^rr 27S I ivH ^' -^XXxA>!tu. ^^ %'^^. «..%^KviJ^ Jk.*-««.^^ |i..w^^^U^^ .V OSw \ A-N^w- . ^^i».««' »^\ ntx *.m*Jf -• i ''#1 f fl. mmm • >J >»» ».M ">• ',> .;K ^>.l Ci^^ P'*/; ,?.-iji; ^ %■-, m n M : * ^■ii' >4k -v.**^ Jo3:^* V \v "!ft^' i >Xa»i Y vX V'\^ X :^ ~<.\(/s -^ *> ,A^ *> -^v.ji<' .V, - r^ »AN.vX,Va^ ■^. biXii^^Ji/u^ va^ . N.MU\. \\,x, ^ \ *A.^^-J<^_ C 4- V 3*^.'. \^ l.--J%,U.«iw' •j -hK. -^M--/^ \ n X \ "ft^X. 9L'> — J->XAh f ^-V A A^* i^.^' >\- . 3v ^^-^ ^k^. •^ K \ J.V i-- V-4A--- v:- „i •-' % A^^ <:^* .k "i^^ AX\V. n <^.;>.^, *-^04^^ JI-^kjOUaXj l^^ViB-J- * -■»s _-;.... Jy -^ ''-vK -A./s.'VJ-. I u x^^^ ^---^. ^i^^*^- \ c^ ■ K*,^v. -7 n x^ \^C/Wv 1 ^% Yv^ ■^ Vm-^' >0->sJX. ■ill%l :f' •;■»'<*■* %^ n- I f HP' ^•^i \l f Wt f •*;*,'•', *«l * ». t t * ir f • f » I !• I^T2 \AV^ - \^ ^ ^..-,-;-.-'V '^•* ^ v^ Vv 'I?. -N » Si r 'J C '* ^ V. JO- X. , \ •■V I. V 0-- ^ •Ai^^X-^j v^ fvHt v.'iis:! - /-A, 4x . %--• +* 'f-*:^ -t- • -- cXo- t '^» % ^uJl^V ^~^v> \ -A% ' *~S^'^ \1 i.<.^-'V>- js^/ ,]>--' ^ ri ). <^ ^-*^ -N, V'VlK. ^ A. A.^l^ ) i ■%. ■^^A '■ *^' " -sU -v. ■■«. V-r^.*., f » -*- V«i wNfc^-.'X.'w.^ •« H i ■I- . i t i' t \,,»,^ .-■■•^. ^^4' V^ • VVs K«%„\ .>, VsOsJO^ . V- ^^,^.ii'\ t' "^ V •,-i-: ' ^■■~' 'Jl^*^ '» y V % \ -s-^ 1 « •v. -"X. '^ tl.'V- v^o^ .^>^ I J-H ^ ^- 4.1.-. Vvi,' \\r ^L^jcA,.'^ » ) rv-... Vv(, ,_^,_^ \ \ r-'-'i ^- » •. Kks\ 'NJU 'W '--..' '•.'» A t> 1^ . ' . 1. V — xt'' « i « ^x L^-xo.--^vrv vjj. N v^-- - \->r VW-'.- r / ■ ^\ I ^-^'•V. 'vi V^.^A. ^^^^ %i.a<>,**^^ 'I- t 2t5 r V-^ » - vi.^ n 'K ) \ - .H^, ^-Hl »- .:? >>AK,^v-A i) *-^Y "^^ ^ «^ ^M^ \u >K.: KMMMM^p Original Defective ''y 'i* *.f f It -•> ' i»' i' ■ •«"<»yig niMfpF' ' - ■•«r -w- ^ ! I f. / f 276 M' \ ■ * .1 J -f d.W^Vs^ >' ./< A*^> ^ s^ V S.XA i \ '^^HJUH t •-v V:.- K ^ /S V, V \ V iTT \ ] { ^' ^^ •? '- '■V ^vv^.at: -a,- \ u .t.iu^ { t - \ ••-^ V '^ X,. .3vx >v /.\ ~ Vx^^ '\ "l ''V-^-, -^*J>V .^v.<^ ^\ ^jK» X -. ■■ ■ -r •* i I r ' if 277 1919 Sixteenth St., ^ * V/aahiiigton, D,C., June 26, 1904. )ir. A, H^ Herehey, - !Iev/ 2ra Printing Compan^y, Lrjicaster, Pa. *Dear Sir: . . Kere\rlti-i I am returning the preliminary natter for Vol, Xil, ^ith final correctioiis. 1 air. sendir^^ ali-.o copy for the volume index, i^toich begins on page Ml. This may be set in page forn, aa it is not likely to be au'jh distiipbed. Since irotiuniing to you tie page revite of author's index yester- day v/e have noticed three error;::, in imneceDsai^y repetitions of gen- eric niiiiaE. 'liese ai^e markerl in red in the pages herewith enclos- ed. The blue niarke were on tlie copy serat you yeBterday. Vrt"!'^" xO^V respectfully, ^v:^ -^Nk).: • ».J h » « r -! ^%>' V.V s:-* Jf^ *'-.^ ■'«' >^M M I 5f.|; iK.ii% '. ■fe-^l ^i» ;r*& IP? ??i 7> Si/t'--' < «'i,, . ■■"'.* -^ '-iff.' »/ » % Si ■Mii IJ 27g \n I ^ X' \ \v^..iA^^ A^vx. *^', \ W . J V yV; V } 11' H ■^v^ OV^-O 'v..-...J^.. .*r\ ►-^c -"^ jNjLA^Jk. A ;j- if X ^ "^ IK, K, V > — 3w IW' I V >-v* ~^- >-Nv It e*" i> <. iL\—< k J \ \ i t -K •i X K K -w^- "> u)^.t. T C .*♦ V ^ > t CT^ .f •u^.. dL V jPkA \ >w v>^ -*Ut.^ 1 Vw >-■, .t^: .\ ^ V i**. V +- a -o. \.. ■Vo ,,JLn_- *^... I -^- T 1 VotvV "..^A^'sTT^I^t V t". %^ \ X 'ro* i 't — V^vwV - e 1 K-i ■^ t V..-V _.>^ ). ^ •i .tfL^ ^J^ i^-A, -> r-- JV- \ V V y . Jfc - '^\ K J-^X^ i \ \ Av •^ «- N A ■a 4 ^V ^ «V4: ^ '" '- t ^- »~ \ \ A '~~ tb % -| '•■». ' V 'K^' X *—%-•'* V r- vv -4 -C^ X X / % f -*' «Ju *% V V -^'\ -^ 1 t^ V c i-X- Xt^ Cv^l -V. V \ t. ^' jO^^ \ <; ■^ ^ .^.jk^..-^ X V o ** A^ i^ ^ i, — i^ '% \.^ > ■ . > V y W» V Jk ■". f, -■SAw- -O .V, ^^- .ijv. ..\ c<.~ ^ 53. w ' ^\J. ^'^, V.5. ■>y \ i-%:.\'X: A t^ <^i»-J>^. / V \ X •Jv»-. —'tr' X: 1 t v^rx^ IE 1 3-—- 'j; X '—^'^ V >^ '< V.--^ "^ -j^ >. -«r^^ p — ^ ^.X \ "iV- Vn/"^ \. ! s. •^. -\). '^|» -i-f^- k* ^ V \ >^. ^ K ^ "n!, K \, '^. VV «i-t >^ a a ■I — r' -s. "«>' ^31t^ ,-J/> H^^J^.. .3- IL •^.~ '-.,. e. V VV. Kw- W V VvSvKAv*^ i^^ \ t :xS. k- .^ 0. "•■4 .. J. «. f. t:^ »' "^y o V .3^7\ I ."f ^x k,k_, KjK.-*-^ '^' Nfc^ I f' t '«* 1'^ 0- ^ n L-- L- f'swy % r 1919 Sixtuei i i ' . i v.; t. ■ u 3et. -ViUMaiv^tor s - o W O V-' • .7uly 9, i' y o n a "»^ o V "^ C i , t « r f :T. r»ri'Hr»t^ nii^r > — ■^/»- 01■tO'' ,•^ '1 "!-» • You}' 1 l-v^ i s of the 1 Kf V n/« J « • r- =rieei3 a' ivnicn YOU Wl.i. 1. i^ I'M J iav:o v< X'J i J.- H> 1 !iai'r .i.. ■ ^ ji Ai * \ »-> 1 'J\ 30lr; •^:.» F-, ]at to or (3 >« X J. ^e i:0 ey , ci t. ■^/.le \ f ? «"^ pract?.cao.« e, i . 1 :^) ri vv "> ' * t - ' 1 ■ I ■, ' ''",ri'" ■^ r. -■».'. \. / t i ! r-'-'i '. ^ ' ' "» "V^ 11/ r:*ices -- ~ . .<. '. y i'.oci v/naneve: V' ..'<.• oil >-j o > *< o --.f ' V V; i > • »i^ _ iw. It e:: ..» A .1 I A U w ^ a 'J i) -La e loU of 4 at a time fcli , 1 -- ■*• ., -L V- »J ^': .', u(ie ^ari^ ni^> - :■)" f ^ ' • n l-;;-4 lor Ine oy «^ o .^ -" O S ,- ' U V I^ »"■• •> c rv < t ^- i >> J is understood •U\d': a 'MM J OIT? v/hi *> i^nc ock paT'i: I. H » ^-« ., w en a.Ll .:i;*"'>^p *♦ » »■■(*> ^». o As f^- .lun-if^: • je aDoYo , J . / our I: I -•< c . ^^ ■ w f i-: '^P '4r> >-'. L t CJ . «_. { ( of Llr. H ■Ti v« " » "> r. > ■4 :.uvA <. :::lOa^ Kes: -. -f- 1 1 I >.'*., ./.. '^ .L_l / Lj \ V. \j V ^JO^^^v-'^^-K/*^- j j'w* Uli L-o »_r-'«C«. » 0.1 i^n-iosj. *&_ f f ) i3. •? . rf' .:>;ree J.i it . 1 .:» •» 'n^f . - • '■•'• 5 1 v 0 icn/ . It.'.. 3\ A ■»! ». -tl iJ' • "-^ o .'i ""♦ r« Do:j,r Pr:fee^o ■V* ^'v:i^*> t».; we na'V'^ a il^ . c 11 •moj ; c\^ f^ I., '- -J -/ V/' vy l'» ^ , XI t Sf '-^ •.. 'u»a ir EcM^t'^n Heliot^'->)e Coinrjai •j» "T I r* eo v.o cf: 1 '-»,'_ A. \V <; r* u ■peL Oi "(r u. I. c IJi^O f. n ir*!-; 4-- ' n- .J' t. - ,"» ^" I 1 ^ « ' »j v. rj T '•••<» Ai';r:ie 1 ' "; O r O'lr >/J- -v ' t^ iia ■»'» •> J. iie r- - -^ -- ■ ■ ^ ■^•-^ -' .ir — e liju v/c a:*e : ead •A 1^ iel n ■^ ' JT w 1} n ^7e are !l 7^)uia sen ri '> w- 1 : 1 M ^ r I r-. { /-, T u > t-M ri JS. .^.,U VI ijlir i Ji. <:» ' 1 r'' -.T >-' JJ G lOi i-c. 32) V I ~^}}c At nia:.- !."e ••-ca CV In cue c-?.oc 0 >-\ i ♦N + r. o •"/•^■'K-ii ' 1 r\ iroiii -n/iotoATa .6 -./ould like the )iep:ativer:. Yo\': ^\^:^i2. the ot^ie '• c uv !un, » ;V n'ff > n^- xi. . .r> U »>.. l^- w • J. I '. »' ^ X J -, / 71 L^OHo .Jul aera .lye t; ' ' uv^^ AV cor 0 /^^i' t^.9. o ui, ■>-.*J J. ^ ilSifi / - 1 -w) . r.i. si;^£, .1 :iavo ^UH^c ^:oi-io over niv n ir t'^5. e vi€ re-'^o "i •^t '. . A 1 r H>.| »•>■ ^ J\ < ' rs» 1 ^■« -■l *','r iJ: v-. sCl ^ •ly r* >-• f^ n^e .0 D'*' n •#:> 1 r>.iX ' Hii i^r ».-•'..■*..■ o _ ':::;u. aJu v ^ i -i? 1.1 your ]^::'.\^rvir'*. o J. t .i I v.. i ■- .- .. r. ^ !^: \^ ri » ' ? '^ < u:.i]..:e i>. rea'^ Ji - » 1 '.A ! c 1 /> J I' i. ., wil ■In ^VG -.':!• ru?ir vr:;j';t;o ti 0 r' .i J. >.* 1 ' 1'. < /!) ' j . J, 'Ur-eo moutdis, and .m;v (.-I { fi>*a »«s V ■• w W fni ■;{ .0' ,.■> ^ J . i -, ■ >v' , V C -M', f. 1 « f i,i »- I :"'r\ 1. ^ u. ■- o * i. '.. . I enc e ^f •'Oil ■'■ ir'u w; I - ><^,« ^ 4 m6 a xot D" ! o ^4 C4,l.' eii,(3 T.'iei' i!.i' 281 ! at ibt Hel^ot oe C Di:; ay_ terd the nefi;ati Tr OT: 4, t,'-j ,va8. 0 r^v-c p ■', .'i Ti . rw"' V , (• : 1 ^-ni x » — »-*.^. *, ...^ *V4 'W ''U. ir^- it;! 4 if ^ ^-' !. 4lr P'^^f- / 4f 4J f('» l^t. ♦ I rt 28: \m ii .t-v. VVv ^ ^-^ '^-^^{^^\ 'V ^ ^ f K ^^ >• ^*^.Si^^-^.y*^' jft~»- 1-' -V ■..'j^. K- §L.- X ^ A ^ X *W-. 7 v* o ,<. .. ^ /-^ ■\% N ^. t^ \"»c-' ■» V- ^ -H ^- (4 V.0^ ' {^ \ oJlr-^A ^ ^- "Tv™ ) r f Xto. . -^ ii •-, X ^^' '^-^ t; \! V '> ( '*«*»%A.. X V. ■*l*v^ ^ '^ N.'. *V ^ ^ Sr- X >s."^*^ V. t-^ -^ V X. \ XJ^ ^ \^-K3>^ \N^ v. n k A^ ^ "H r.\ -\ V BBp"' ■™i-' J # f i4*JJili^ili Original Defective , W 4 ■"*>, 'w:if#B:^-' i '-4' i* , '.l„>. r 1 P ^ ft. .I^*. , * ♦ v« <::y s» •■ E ^!^ ( ■^ ^ » r » ft* r \Ni^c •i "'S.^"*-- ■..?^^ '■^^ \ ijX vV / K - -^^ i til i u.i^^j\ \ \ i I *^'^''Vx. -V >v % VK-N^ .jx ill (I '(WW i m € p t t« f fc tP: # t82 285 K19 cixtoontli ?;trciet » H»fi f' Dear Tir; tratiooG ill t])u> voliune it ii> -rsired to in tho ^ni^hrrrio}; Mi^;r:.:::ian'jJC!K. Collections. h-ve looM pickod j-t by lJr.;)-i]i ^mj r;e mv ill t:ie .:Kina^ of ^::x.Sheo:^. I Bhall i-e f:ro^:.]- abUf^ei i: you .-.i:] .miiy ;:Uo;,' ua :.-> u^^e wer r:":c.-cotypcn i,.ic;o i^pxl 'ihov ^hoh^ an- va.i.; M,'i i ^ ^ • « «i Li:^!v - /* J" , f- ,■ •, • ' , ... *w w. k. ^ V - 1^. A V* U. Ji. U i^ i. wiu of Yrtiicli stereotypoa /iro deidrerl ala^ko ?cpedition Berios. uiuiUiibO]ia.?ij:i MeBcelianeous uo. Moot ions "cr T'r.Call/s ver}ort in Karri .ui 2i? Fig. 15 I'Q. 14h Fig. •-iO ?.9 30 >»V? a Jkirk ^- ^ Uui^jc.' 48 ill' ■'>i cc 71 74 7C 81 87 BO iO 91 ri k.^ ««.« 79 80 81 ir- ^- loo 31 kJHs, 35 Z9 iii ,jw fc.,' \_/ '. CO 43 J. ; t^ ir4 19(:- 191 195 ;>0P- IGC 179 IBl l''"'U 158 61 65 'I— 69 Zo 106 397 419 53 123 229 598 420 56 149 230 399 438 76 150 270 4102 4^ii 67 151 285 405 U2 91 201 317 406 415 20S 209 214 220 72 79 81 fc6 .^ «•* ^^ 4r4 432 4,.>o 475 4-95 '-Aw ,\v^V V-^^-w. ooo \» ' ^.J^.. ^ y p '*! rt l.^ -i "~~M' ,PP*.«P'; P ^ (s;ji! ■«% * . '*'. v.-'V '^. :.-.,< •Pi: v.* J f/;;^,V' =-• - i . t 1. I " r 286 • ■ ^i ■3.. I'* Vn /f&st. 'tj^'* ■4^. . »\ ' ^* i ;i«*«<*irv '"^ ■•'»».. fi'** VtfJ "A ).,' U>*%iW.; p-Cv^^dt. ^Mr^-t>*r^ /" X \ '•S.. » KlNsi, »i«n ,■•-"•*-•%. r^-K^-^iA /•,i %.flfc- '4*-^ .M iM r ,.>^^*> 7-*^ •»-/' jf^ \l» - ■%■ ' ^ r V s^.V ' f • M ■M f fr. ^^^* 1M ' -^^ , ^1 li . ^1 T )v \ ,<«• •* •■>T \ i •*x "|1^^:r*i'-!f^«'l'/#«^^ J' *■. 1% *-.% , I l,,Ai "(J " '* •'"•*. S.„ *■/ ** -<%! ^, ^ k'NM^ V ,A- ^'P'-.-^O'*. .** ,^. ^'t-^'i H V ^ » XTt- •^ V- "s. ^ 1^ » 1 I ■-^ ri ) s \ \K.. k\ I J^> \\ N^X ^^^^ w ^^K^iSi^ p- >. > \ « \ ♦-♦•i*. , *» -*-^ '>^'*iw4.*.JKw K* X »* s i Kr '^ ■'K Ut-HH V \ \\^ ^ ^»^- m I Retake of Preceding Fr ame » ras i I I ' 288 V/a£iiiiigton,D. C, Jan. 22,190[i. lir. II. W. Laiiior r. rv.. 1 i'^l'f ^>T»i-» '^"ftf Dear iir. Laniar: .^inoe inj- rotur.i tr-)];i Oalifo^-nia d.ii.v^. ^,|.,t: Holla:!-- 1 have be^n sick and u3ia>)lo uO at:-.em io bu^inea-o I :3J:i nnw praooicanv v\e],l a^in, md have jusi starred in dm r.i ■> .Uas^ka "..c-ai. On checking up the bUJ.- ir.cludocl ir: yo^u- ...11 o; Octooar 2C, v.'iiieh reached u-e in Caliiorrio or l.'ovora.'..or 29, ard v/hich i ay^jrovca the sai!;6 day, ay rirc.i find on ovor-;.u,.rro o= ^15. 7-^ ircni the 'ielio- t.^-pe CoLiT-uny. This Ib tneir "ill (;;,ot>:I Hay -o, icr one rlate o: Stju-fish. 'riiis bill >ya£: vitharav-r. cy -Jitr:: ard -^he plate lu thiiiv otaer bill of t].e s^e date (i.'ay 2a.L aflic-xtir.g to 02'^'% Vi'ich I ap'u^vgi on June 30. The $15.7;"";, ■.htvefov-, f-horJu b^ aeductvd f:-0£! your ne.>;t biiJ. t». Ilr. Ha.''.ii. i I can not unrtorntand \viiy ^herc i)tj;!-: o: tho Hcliotv:-. Coi-ar; ' ai:d cihG!-B, includbif.: !lia jili of ;io ^^-- '""'rv CorT-'^-^^ f*%- *-^ '^o • -^ the i)rif:iif.aiii of >vaicn were appro'.;:! l^y r.-e -.y,' \z}^: z^o, :,:r.x.i]. ,.avi beev. Jteld aatil j;o Inte in the fall bsforc tyanii>Ar.tlns '^ .*>•. ;:.xr -,.- ffisji fo';' r)av::ient.. I have just ^cne over tiui dumi^ of 7^:, Tla , y;,. ,, ;>-■ ivr. ::iv>n':il^ to y. '^iiiiort 0:1 Ja:niar:; 17. it ^i^r^iTii? :o .)« all riglw wi'i: M^j t;v . .'.a^jiiions noted un pcvTeB -ii, ;:, .•cv; .:4.;. In to your letter of f.3 IJth i. {-■:„, a;;OJ. ;;--.di.v: u :.r c^- \;iK^ Alacka book;; to ilie I'q^/ Kr^:. rri/:i.:!;<,; CoMrany, I uC" L, ^^/-v u..?--; ^! >i /. I heartily approve C thi., and baduH be very ..lad to have vou sond thfeii! tlie voLunee (,]ioy aave not already received. Your letter oi November 18, aL^oiit the £alo of t,.e voit^ee, Wcvu written a ;aonth before I left Cc.l;i f orni ,.. i vvii] tc i-;: as .co;. aj> I have -i/.ie to Io'.k into 'Jio r/iLit-ro-', « fhf. only no-y vola.o nov raady for pa iiratiun U: one on ^^^.1:^. by Dr. x)a.L. The Ycxt cutn f;.r thi;; (•loarfy MC in ini-aber) I Lave ju^t tiont io t:ic r^Q^ ^Jra Coini);»r::7, Tlua Ycl'-.i.^e c-vi probably ie r.^^B^'-sci throu^a rapa:Lly. Verri^l^o lo^v^i>ror:!iB6d '.'olni.e on ti^e Sturfi^he; hr^.n not yo^ coino to jiaiid, a:^:d Coville c-:.3apyointo - -e c;^ J^aylii/;; tiiat the YoluiTies 0'-^ flowering [larty, nrepai^M u-i;]:3r Ids airoetion, -ro not yot reacly tc turn i-^:. *^ -K^^ - ■*• N \Vv.\.Vn.-^a.' !V;.^vV O^V -^ V. d^^.. V < «3l ^-M^'V. ^^-?\ v.. V* '-^ ^^ "^ f'V'^*^"^ V ts^^ 4/* I / im 1 I J' I' I ' * 290 5 < 1919 Street,, -„ ir-^ -» V » .;. Te^rnt,;i^oir, ■1 r»'"»' r-v-k 1-iT ,o,- ' '"'av.'' ■/•^•-"^' n-J-f-tr rt .! ^he^-e Dilii:; •;:itTl uear birr On ■.'ovai;;>;er i ,;'C)U for/zair-dou to tug a b;itc'i of calls :;rorn i.'Oublc.-::;/-% Pa^io ■: Comoa/^y, date;; Ocvobor 'lO, 19'X, u:m a;;iOi;r! ^o ;a217.5.3. Ov.'in!;- to f.y absence in t>.e •"iuld i ciid n;.t receive ti ::ov'ei:ier 29, on wiiici Hate I -rlreri ycu frori 3a)i Francisco, approver; the sa;rc ijr payuiant. On oxa;..L:i.-v: thm- since a;; retuin: 1 fii:d or ovei-cii;.rgo of -IS. 75, dvo ^o t;.e aepara'oa LilliiV, cf a plate alrcvrv covered in the HeJ.i"uype CoKivu.y's -I'H - ^^-^ ^f the saiao driuC. I hive ^ritvon Pa/p 'r. Cci:.i-a]-,Y ^vit-^ resr^oct to t;uH„ and XT I '1 T '. ...'t^' 'i^U-'JC uC'i. I /vxii. t-iiU .18Xl. .jii„L« t. . , ' . • -< ' - Lilib hore-vith :cv iili':v. "[:» .\ Q i.. P o 0 w JL i>. J. X^ ; ^ «i .\WJC ^'^-^ vrs,N,.,0^ vx 1^ 1 C" l O '■- -' V -^ /% iv," -^ ] ^ ' ■ + V»aohinf^uon \^o, Jan. 22,1905, Asfu^aant in Cnan^e ..f Of: ice. ' i^aaniiy^uon, .u. r. n ■»■■ • V.^r r riy a ear ;.:}•. Hod^^e: I m -rcatly olOi?^;ed to tho S;creta.-y fur a:f> courtoov in j^erd- 0 the Couthon: Printe-^ Supply t:c ulockn sei.ected by I;r Dall for hin volune in -]ie Harrimn-Alnj^Uri ::o-'ien. T^e new electro- typasi of tliOLe have bee;: /er^ci P 0 :i:o, j .lave jii^nt ry clieck in iKi:^-\enz for the saire. iiia^ikii^^:; you for ycnr •^ourto^y in .:.c ;, ^ery z-jrr yoi,r3, *" Kim ■ 1 / »■" » { \ r t X |j f i I I .1 M i j Mr H.W.Lanier, Doubledf^, Page & Co., Ilev/ York, iliy dear ilr Lanier: 19.19 Sixt∨t';i St., ■n£.t5l:iiigtcuJ').C. .Tail,. 25,190.". V, /olirae Xn of tlio Harriii^m Alaska books, -./nidi I ass'.u/ie is no.;- in- the bir^ory, ccr.iprise{i only tv.o payors- -one by Hiss Bucii; the other by Dr Eison. "rleasc ask D«?Vinne to cer.d t;.e i30 separates of those as follo'ss: iO me by expreus, sm cop^of Kizz Bush a.'-.-^. eifjiifc copies jfEisen. To MiRs Kathai-ino J.Buivli, Biological Laboratory, Yale Unive-aity, Hew Havon, Com., JJ_ .^:5l^I?£Ajprj5paici , tha rcrrainirif, -IB copies. of her Tc Dr Gustav Eisen, P. 30 Gutter St., Sim Frajiciac', Calif., EY PREKJHT,, tbo 4^ retrain !.•;;, ocnie^: of h5.R i^.i-or. 291 ♦' ft fei l < m «' 292 i« > /^ ^ % **^-^^« • "*/^^* , ^'H.^^t t t^i •I* (1 *'-J^ \v * IV^ J^ rl K.1 V ^ W.V ^■^-^/^t^%. ■> <> i-.„ -U-^.^*A — jt-t.» ^' > >\ H^ '^-^^^ »A.s '\K^ -■^kK*'' •^ — t-^*-^/. %. ^^•* ■* %*. ft.."^^-. ^ V>nJc>v^ . .JT I' AM A^« .L t •\>. '-KL. .• t*i 'v j: r ^ —i,-^/ .^^4,^ .^.-^'•'•jfi V •\^ •*- » *•. M t ,>sf ^^^ Vv).t^ b--^-xJ<. -- -6 ^ •x^ *> ^ #. ■^- K ■*■ ^ 4 -• JL, ,fe .?t ^ A * V <«^..A. ..>L... ^., t '•- • J'v •^*' ' >. \ ' ,»^-' '' « *^. , '1 i. ' »»»»- •v" •. A .^ '■». T^.'». 5> V' • 4 1- ,11 V .) f-'-'-n fr- , 4 -C_ ."-.-.-.A ^^ ■ ^v . ^ ^ ^..^ \. > f •■ X ( O -m»^ -.«6W*~^ .«► -» riginal Defective VM f f ♦ T ^>" T 294 19.19 Six' 3^: I' 4 wK/^ 4 ■« jk i.; ^■. V '. )n. D » '-' V t?l • /^i T •• :«x v* X 'V w ee Wa0liiiip:ton, P.C,, Feb. 1,1905 ^r, n, r iorcilioij Secreta:*7 to E"F H'"->-ri -i in oriav'a ' » » ev •(! '-'i. A r ■P TT TT n-V ^Tl ^ H'JT t-' (I .4 > v> -4 «o i^ ^J. m XO ''' O M J> J- 1 1^ k'.r' *,* c^ri 0 bte:io-g;a'ch ■ -' \ ;e •»>•»-» '^• v» T "t r^5 .?j-ifi index i:ig, 27 h:*;^ * ', - •y "^ U Ju J. i. I. ! f: T i^v *•' ■*. expenses inc eci 1:1 conna V.'' — u Ji the Harri,r^i]-, :.oa voluinaii frail Jiuii 1 t 100 hJ .'^^'■nn :uar T -N. r; •r) c •^ol'' v; Q • ■? '' ''i rr • «... • C r.scc of ec i',0 " jv.e ;♦ * r.r- i (.; >"-«•'•*> •!««(« eGo*.?c »^ ^ c> <. • • :-rc, -:-d $13.50 •OctO • Wv^hIa:;- ViVAAjhJv 1519 ^ixte ^1^ CJ., .. 1 root ;j > c^ .\•\^^r >} , J. .%. . V^^t-OT] ■) n Ci^-y «^ '— ' • .,1. i-» i: o 'p^/r: A^' o . I ; T>r-T^■ In A w «. 4» . . .^ - ^ *l TT -r-i , ror i-iXT)e'nse;: oj d 1 '• 0 •r« '^ c- 5t ./ 'j 1 v.. ,.1. p .' V s^ V -^ Jcui.31.1005 ^iJPl! ■■i' w/ fc.> J< «,■ e a2:ci r^re^^inJ delivf^n' ji wA^v ^*a -01 !JK1 r- » CsC, c« .» OV rs A ram be: n TT I r» >r\ \-\ V- .i, . i. ^ ...» I V- * l^<^.^ .^ J. • ( >" > ". 1 ''> 1 (. IBCC ^0 ■■. 1 ^ ' /V S3 CJ f?sa fi, « v^Uiil vcnic • -'Mr c T" * - 1 »w' jl * « -J •1 *••»»*•»• f» €•■>■»« « « « • ^ 1 *^0 — «*-j» jv ^t ■ y% \ -V • ♦ t • i.''icru n \ J. -^ ^4. « O \.'K.. •'■ '>J 10 Ju-ie 23. plat\)B :ra i: > : J. '. 1 f A 1 . r uniiJ 0- a »■> ••* !••« 'J ••••••! 0«v« >!»«»• ^o'" an, 21. elecL'Oo to K> C^J * « :.ra ^ vcaicj'ier +1 ooutnorn i' /• >'« ;I vA M 01 Aln.r:ka O' ir ill ".pi * r « • 4 • • « ^ t > • - V .L*y / .)„ . J;Jl.l;.',K;0.--. 1 J. Zf .' V 4 ^. .A *kj tOVl 'YOUC/li ~ X « » • • u<>« «••*•*• m,. to ■J » ci 1 **»»»;••• ••••«'>•».•*• iTati • • ■'»'^ x^ «•••#• IV„. o*' <••» '-, 1 •> • '^r m gGS 296 Kiy Sixteenth Street. V/asMnr<>on, D.C., Feb. >3, 1905. Prof. A., K./Verrill, Nev/ Kcven, Conn, J'.'y dear Professor Yorrxll: Hov/ about your volume on AlaBka Star-FiBlies? Is i' ready or nearly ready, .yjnd are the ad.ditional fl^Xaz ready? If tl^e ciaiu- Bcript could be piven to the printer boot I think ws ccald /;et the yol^ie out very promptly. I expect to go to California eari,y in the sprijif;, aiid air. thoreiore anxiotas to have this vohare come out if posaible before I go. Very truly yours. ■Or.Gugtav Eisen, «i«->v/ Sutter Street, Son ^'ran'3i;ico,Caliiorni<- . T'-^ar Dr.Kiesn: 1919— 16th Street ■i'';ton,T:i.C. February 10, 1905. •Pnrdon r,Y delay in rerdyi,,. to your rooo^t Utter. been tr'n-tT ^^ -^ I have '^d cut u^iat r.:-id v^-eve tho trouble rae. At last your sopara'^B .re re^y. ..d have boo. .aipp.^ tr ,ou .y freight r-.inf5 ^Jrotchef. .in the ;^j£,oui.-, but ^- .w.^- r"- >>..m' '- ^^^ , -lu .„„... o„ du hui: !.e wants lecauBo ■':^ feeln he m.i/. ror.un: to CnU^orniu iior.t Teek. ^■ith b^nt vri^i^ ^, ^,ep rcp^rot. fa- the long delay Very tr.;ly yourB, ■ i /' ii 1 I mmw 'wi ' ^■^»»,'»^' L^- I 297 \ '^■^^-tV.Vt.VvaA Kj1.*-n/^ *0v<>^ TV ^ Vj^.,^, •-^A>^^ ^nJ^ ^ t - 4 ' -^ . N..JCV^ V..^.Cc<..^ :^^ JV. , v.. 1 i^^ ^. '^ V - ^>, A -..^.. ( \.. ^%VW-i^,/i^ vV^\v>». »^^^. ,/^*' -^fc^.. •;:'.«4-.,- ,^-*. LiTMBia Original Defective f w ^ I 298 1 1 1 i 'v^. > } •^. Y W ' •*.'. 3- A V ■ --^; A.''--' I I VH-. — . t..^.^t*^- v> <-%- v-»-.^ ^«.. ^ ..Jk^--ASk^ J^^Li..^^ J^vA ^A>.-,^ ;;ircA-i.^^-K vAv/v*^ J^^-S^^S^ t l-^^^^k^l^^. ^^ >-- Aa.-^^A"^' Jki^> .^• vA"^ '-^"-V^ - \^ i^ X .X.>J^ 1 :H^ c (. -A^ x; Jt^-^^w ,.v.V l.'t^ O-^U^sj' ■"^x^ ^ r^XW' .iv^ * -^ V.i(V W- ; J^^ ^t:^ ^< V "t e.^ i, •■».-«. )^...^ r ^\ — :P. X «_ J^. \ XJk.7 v> v>^. <. .l''^^a^*.. A r. klX iv-v. X Va A ,y^'*' v.. T Iv S.'^-^s, ^ ^^ ? Wiji - '— , ^<^<^ u^ u '•^^i*^-^ '<'> Vx Ux(H. rv #C/«-«%o v^y: '^ \ 1 «.-*.^ .,-Jt\; <^^C^>«^ ^ ^^ -O^ % V 0-JLi -- ■ -f ■- 1 h \^ f» ^jr^^. yw ^^■^- ^^^Jix^ ^i^,d: S.J /\.. ^. '^^<< /"k , ^ K V.l" -\. -^^--^^vA^C/v^ li^ -*■ ^7 ^i^ v>^ ^^y JiJ^uj\ X^ .^vJ^4 K-^ (V. J- .-\'.r' •^ ^- — •* *'-' ^ >»v,' « • } X, 'V \ ^ x^V^-^----^^.' "-<. ^\.Jsr.-»S^ ^ v./ yv,V >,— ~» ■;^ L.:-. L- ^7 - f '-v«^ f,;J'-\>^ t 1-- oi^ u r 0>v t -►^ ^< v,«»^-*. fid " .4 ' VA> - ■->»--• wA^ -«4., *> n S' V. Wx V w ^ - +■ L-^t '^~~ V- '^ ^ \ --t. VA4.^ ^. H ^ ^. V- fr \ y ^•>^^>-wlL' VXy>-»^ ,^ 299 ♦"> la rii i^ :t ^. -!■ V ) M >■' /'i I 1 *.^ <- Ul tot !• *> "•^ 1'* "ir-^.r :> '. • .. I 5 t i ^ /i > > • J. A.H.Kera'iD^; 116^ » iUVi J . «.' i^i--; t(:rir> '-"* V i Lancaster. ?r Df ar Sir 300 I •^' ^ ■J. 4 M. iiu U alch Oi ^vaijx o« tt ••GEMeracii', a:;-ic; ;ir:oti XI 1^211 •« n r-.ii '^^ikt: o:^ .il:iaKa > rT :1Iii ' \ ) I'J oa -a ". If , '. ' )U ai^o ouf^^^ i;v.:-k o-v tuiB. ^iiU ^-eturn vl *V 'U f. L of r C,l r,' o LOLiorrov aia v/zi^in^- i.c^ c cut c #, , i , 1 ' Hiiai'i ;c,J i- :;ou.^ atter! .lf\ vlie 0 f; iaa.a/v^ oi •(..jie cOl 1 "iJit. Itor .u -/ CO;;/ 1:: r-i>'.^[>;i-ap]i- J-T -0 au.-iior D'ljisic ti tL-li' '^.-.f ^* .'j r-«o-*' f u 1 •• % k ^ •^_ 0'3 u^irc:S^x)nea as: m U:e or irlm ■1 ".r iP'ort care il J m; I.M r J. 4J. .I'J- a5 7 V' etf^ n "t •> w '-' «^ ^ « ^ : ^- ^Vr^^^^- V/N^, w