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HART MERRIAM PAPERS COLLECTION NUMBER: BANC MSS 83/129 c NEGATIVE NUMBER: BNEG Box 1555 : ^^ REEL: 35* CONTENTS: SERIES 1: CORRESPONDENCE Incoming letters ^» \t>( , Vtr wow - FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 JOB NO. DATE ii J REDUCTION RATIO DOCUMENT SOURCE n Association for Information and 1100 Wayne Avenue. Suite 1100 Silver Spring, MarytarxJ 20910 301/587-8202 Centimeter 1 2 3 111! 4 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiliiii T I 5 5 iliiiiliiiiliiii PTTTT 7 8 9 iiiliiiiliiiilii 10 11 12 13 14 15 mm iiliiiiliiiiliMilmiliiiiliiiili[iili|iiliiiiL^ Inches .0 Li 1.25 1^ |2i mz5 IS 16 1.4 M m22 1.6 MfiNUFfiCTURED TO RUM STPNDRRDS BY PPPLIED IMfiGE. INC. / 1 / /H^U ^ (^ u / ' /'I/? i^ liU 7 (/I Ui / I ir-. /"i^A, fA^ r. \^*. 9-\ ') C^Kj •>•/ / r- r* r- ^/ •'h<- / / iy\i wt '>^ //I, fr\ f a n. I ^ I in I tJ>? / 1^^ ■ t /^ r ^^ <(jUtk ^^(U^.'Ji;^. \^ll^- SM^^ W^i^ Si^^f^y^, ^4 II, / >5'5 y r ^//t% /mjuvn^. ^^t-^^-t^ ^c^ty^ Jl -^ y^^/U^^AY t^ /o lA 4^^^t/l^ /ZAj^tyty t'T^^l^Ct^ y- ^^M. a / ry. / -'^l^l^-^J^l v^t- <^£^ i^iee^-c^ .y ^^^-^ ^vP /^. ■«^ ^i-^^*-^ ^/Z^^^ (^tX^t-^-i^ -/ 41^^^^ 27a-^>«^ y ^^ Jo^{^€^ ^j^«xx**-c-^^ ^a-K^^^^^Ar ^jU y^^ /^ ^ ^^i-t*^ ^2-tx/ ->\ayiA T ^pMJL-v^€yi n J ^♦"^^^T^ ^^>/^ t^^^x '^-f. ^^ f t.-^* t - / f^ ^^>f c>^ .-^;;^^:^^ J/:. ti. ^J4' iJjf ^^f^^^^ryi/iX i^i^ut // (y^ w6^ ^/u '^LTVL^^O-i? J ti. A^t/f ^ z ct>l/^i^y^ j^^^^ ^^y^ A^ v/ Y /> fo^C^ 7 ^^l^C^./-^^. /:€yC/ i^e't^/ s ^4/^<^ .^^c^f^^ ^o^^ ^ '>Lr\ r\q^i^t^^t>c^ 0. '£JIA fftU, ^y /U^ f • 'P y r 7t\ '/- l-^ ^f^in^ L' M4 J y«-^«--f M. 'I^.^r^ 'a ^z^ -r u. /t^zM /0^/a^'{ J^ z^M ^ ^^ y ^lA-^^-^ 6 / / A fCCiMA JfuU^, ^*6 Jc H/ / c/A. /^ c^y ^v-tr^ io^ ^v^ / /r^-(^^ /4^/ / / l^^t^c^^t u ^ AlA ly yi4.c -t co^^ niu^. u /;u a. /> / 0^/^^^ E^- ^ ■ U/ / ^ ^ , cc ^1 . ^ C^/r&n^\ - A ^T) o\ S J tJ-UcM^J it^UJj^ '^r^e/' Jh/C->cM. V V 1 l^**^ ^Ja.^U^^JLMyf *>^; /^--t^ ^^t-^vi f/ty .^/^^{Z(4 j*^%y\ uy VKTcrvrt^ J ^^^mUJ -^^ '^ C^ ^^^^"f^^^M^ ^-kf4^i^^ia>cM ^ •**^ ^ UA^^^*^^*f ^ya^^ A4y^ ■4^^^^^ ^XH^^-ey ^5^ 6^clt/^ % .^^^^-^^^.^^^'"^^ '^ -Cjl tf ^JUul* ou^.dM;iu si p-Xr-x^ i M (^ yf^^<^1/yi>H4^\yA^ / >^^ /f / ^j,^ / /fZj ' t t fr: ^ y ;^^:c4^-l^ M^ 'i^/.^n^^ € ' t u aiP -^^-c /pit^r^^ X t i5*^ 1, Taxidea Americana with 1 skull S3. 00 1, Procy')n lotor 2.0^^ 1, Vulpes fulvus 2.00 1. Mephitis mephitica no 1.50 1. Putorius ermineus .50 4. Lutreola vison 3. Sclurus carolinensis 3. Sciurus Hudsonius * 4, Sciuropterus volucella 4, Tamias striatus lysteri 2. Sperrnophilus franklini 2, Sperrnophilus 13-lineatus 4. Fitter zibethicus 1. Evotomys rutilus f^apperi 27. Arvicola austerus and riparius 17 a no no 4, Hesperomys leucopus 11, Zapus hudsonius 16. Geomys bursarius 7. Sorex (two species) 3. Blarina brevicauda tt no no 11 a 1.^0) a .DO) a .30) a .40) a .25) a .60) a .30) a .90) ina.25;17a.30) a .25) a .25) a .30) a .25) a .25) 4. on 1.50 .90 1.60 1.00 1.20 • 60 3.6^ .35 7.6^ 1.00 2.75 4.80 1.75 .75 1. Vesportilio fuscus a no • 25 1, Condylura cristata no .40 S43.05 Mammals reed, from Vernon Bailey Jan. 9, 1^86. All from Klk River. ^ljM:iU_>^Vv^MS>.«/dU:^^ ^.XL^. X^b.W'^,, '^M^^. ^> C^^^*-ti/'<^ iU ^^♦^ CA' r t^ •. ■} f^< V ^ IV T^IA /,. i<^^ f-^ / 'f .. 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L>V3»tj2^ ^1 y ,.4^':? ^%f, ^'IS . l^i.^ // / j~i. 'H^oxtt 'uri r t V* / rvx. & ^f I f^^i ^"2^ ^ c- I ^r i^^ *. \ ^t^^t / t*- lA 'V*- 'KOf. / , *^- -^ - ,^. V , A t / ^ L 1-' * * * .fi. • • t# / / / ^ */ ^ * ^ m- • *■» •• t^ L ~ L Vl? 'V -^.y I - *-«^ j K W^ ^ X^^ -:iyU^CcA^ ^^Y^n^i OaT o^y^^K^jLof ^^ni/(~ a/) y 4i^ UAAA^ J I jL^ji^. d^^/^ /t jfLxnry^^uu. >LvuO ^^/uyuM ^ ^f^ s- a. WjUc^jL^ ^ l^ y— jL^^-t^4^JL ^ H^vv^jUi^^'^^^ S O-XAyiayL^ J cJLl{) 4-fi^^^<^ hlCuJx )fei<^ - ->C^ y}A..d^ JU^ \t^ /? ^^•*<. o-l^t-^Jt^c/ ^Z^^ ayy k^ 2j i-te.M^^yL^ 'pu'f^iZU. n^n^^^tt^z^ k o^f^ o<^ JLi^oU^ oUiA^e/^ ^O-u-*^ ^A.y^y^JLu^X>V^^ U^'-t^^^A^ ^^LCy^^X^ ^ Li? .Y 2jH4Ax ^ui^^-a^^O^ ^^^^-^tf\ (y-p A^ ^aeyl^&rr-\ ^H^-p-24/V4 I/t44A^ % j^yi^^^ny^ ^<- S/k /^"^^^ / Lit til t^i £tA*4^ ^^\4^ ( r A y- n^^ht ^1 Il^l^k S)^. ^,//^^&T 'X(j:z^t^v^ • ^^^ ^2^ cJLc^ li/^a^Lt^ a liHx , X) , C ^• "T ' Vv< h^t'^<^ /lt.> >^>2^< i^Z^ ^ <^ lU^ -r ^^^^- i?-i.A-^ O^-^^I.'V^.H^ a^ tM a^vc a. a/l^a^f o^JIi'-i^^^K^cl. ct^ -n"^ l^v^[ L'^ ir'vU . /^t^^ ^^^^-^ i^5^<; ^ iuz^l n^i^v^lnx ^\ ti^^vx^ Cv% f ^<-^. i4ajl/Za. \/>^ A-*^ c?^ rf^ 1 Ao^ ^v< ^; ^ <^i^ji , H^lx4^if ^ /^ ^*p^^/ J «-e?7v(^C l\^L^ Ca^<-<^y^^ "^v^i^.^ ^a^^Ct-zA. cC —f — ' Si^l ^H-^^^^^i-* ^^^A ^ ^^-^^ n^iytcl^i^ erf a. /a^/^ ^ /av 7 I'tt-A-'i .-C- k-^v r^ ^ - ' u v^ /.--^ T uM^tf .^.v^^ fefs. M^ \^^^ <^ J /^^^ ^tvijt UlA, irtn v •- ,t^^^ ti;t^l /h-C^t ^A. l^ [^L{ hi^t tuii'<< (y^xliA .vvvwc i/^t". ^i'^<-^^ ^k/rX "^-^-^^■^/^^ r< i^aujj^ vvt4.v^lH^q J H^^n tuvxc I t^ //vmL Tu^i^^^J^ A/) (^cM^iAJka^A^^h^^ 0 l^lUci^ inJt n^tluJu /F -^'-—^vl^C/ if^ ^. r/.4 fe tA.^^ rk ^AJL^I r^l t^-^ U u^ ^V .^l^-nfx Tivii^ h'^uJk ^ K j^iH^i 'v 4-<^r r '.f t^k— 4. n/«^^fa^ •^ >^2^^?M ^/^^ 1-^ /^ ^X^i^X^ tX^^ti^ <^ 4 vC/.^ r xuri ^lu^ VT^ Q-tr ^-t^v^-^^^ /af J k t i^^^^ rciA.^1^ ct, criru A^i.^<. n,x4^2X 2 ^^-<^ tZacJi ch^ ^y%,4.>^i^\/^^.^ u k^uJ-* OL^^X^K^ -r^*^-^-^ i^u^zsz % ^z^^^ .^r- A. tixjux -^ OUiA/U\ ■ k\^ ^ XTL I /^ L^-i^j'-g^^ — ^ '^^^^Xj^Z _ :^>^t^2^ O^l^ iUyuJiL^ 4JJU l^ (L -I^^Xk^ (^ %/ 0'^ j^^^^L^->-^^^^^fJix i ^ i^i^^i<^ ) ^^ ^^ Ul/L(:{^ df} 'u^c^^-i^i^^^^^^-^rJl^ rLix lr(^ jLlA UJLa.1 7 .^ ctcexJi^ cJb-rviX t^^<^ i^L -^CA 1 [l^ L^-lclX YIulaaa^ S^^^i4>^/1^^ T Ttj ^uv^^ ' / fl ^-^^LJ Qt 1 ^*-1^\ ^•^?M T^i^X^ ^>r. (?„■: i^s^ to ^ ^ ^^2/X-l Ti^'^^^cc r (/tt>^/s*^Hi) Untli. wJia£Ik v^*f oe^; liT^ctX /^ .^1^ /k -ti^^/ 7J^ 4Z^i<< ^'^un^U ^. ^ 0cJt^^ ^ JZ f je^^v^c^ /A^ ^ .1 li •Y- K'^^h Thcx^ T^U^^ oL h^vit^ ii) J^ Z€ f J^'-n^ i XnA^iMl Jy^.Ut vLa/v--0-^ ^ \ 9^. & /y^^ fc^ f/7 /ti4^7 -i/i^t^t i If f/ ^i.iW< ^s\ /T^r Jly^^ M/^O-y^-MAyt/L a^^ 0 i^^2^ J-Cy7 r (^t^ 0 ^, 7 .^z^y2< ^ -i-2-^,.*^^, Z> 'p*^^^ — ^c^'^u^tl/UL^ o^ J Cz-^^-y^ -C i U-i^uyi^ , ^ A^ ^i<\juid u c^'f^/^L^'i-^ Pl^^x^ <^ ^^nytiXuA. <>\^T ^ir< c^^l^ JR) ^.-t^UiixiiA^^^ ^MA. A-'t^^fA^ W P^ aylA>u4< i-^irv^^ Ciy IrtrtiA 'PLj -iH/2id^ x^-i^.^ <-^^ /zj-n^ "^^ Qi HJ^ ^ K-^^n/--^ 0^^ n^i/Uh^l/^^lx iA^ A A^ii^ O-o/^^ O^Ia^A, iL ^^lA^^V^^-f >u ■-^ M/Urv ia.aj2^-(A Ij) t .^LBJ^j-JL^ rU^ -/-^-t^C^^^r^ aJ / 3 c>JAAyLA^.&ay»'^^l^''<^^^-^ U^ it ^f iL^C£.^Uww<. ^f u.UiJr X^.^Jk^^^^U^ 4^ (j^^ ^^ '^^^ I y 'piuAJ^. 0^^ turo u^l ^\*-^-^ tt^ iL-ft^ -H-^-tn:^ m AM^ erT^''4, /Z^J-'^riA cru^ -Jpl^L, ayi ^Ut&y-^ Jr^ (TIM ^^, /^^f. 4) l2JiA Siy? / ^^f^^^^iA^ ^::^>^-/ ^yu^viX^^Ju^ 7Uf -^yO l/C/> ^?vt^ / ^ ^li^-/^A^<-^ /J^j< Hm/^^ ^l^>-^^y2-^ /O /*" •^^t^TM / M^^mi^-^7^^ /a^ 7. ?Y- P^^ri/2^^/UuK / :^ ^^-^ o Q/i/'^^y^.^'^A dy 'U c XaJa/ua^ , C/ a^n^JiP >V\y\, C^ 14 ^ . // 'J^ -i/^^ -tJ^ ^w^ A^ oC7 A^ ^£/ly .M^^i^ '^^'^1^^2/0 2>^^^H 7V. ^^ . ^4i>2^U^Uci / 1iJ. ^ OM t--iHo/ (?\^ A-^ ^xt; ^^^^^c^u^ . ;^^Wf ^^^^^^ w cr7 •6^, "f--- JS^ ^ ...^[yZ^Uf Ufi^ c^. l^^^^i^Ji/J -^^U^S^^iJirrS^ \ kjiM, *-<2X-.£-«^ >1'V^. txriA?l\ 7^ -/-inrK /2t?vn .J-^fiiAA^ity ^ >«>-t^ ^^OCCyP%. Oiyty^ ^uyu '-Ti I Iaa /ZjfyuA/ JCU/uj^ '/uin^ na**^ ^fi^ li OLJh64kAA,M*/ 'a^f y £t/t^ en l-^«fe*w y ^a/l^^-^f^uu^ (^ bVl^'t^ / \ ^>-r\^'>-^-^*s.— ^ 0 '^^-•^-^-^^^^-^ 5. r^ U>iCY^ iL^ A^UoJxJvJkl^ 1>^U- ^vA.Q.'vv.e^ \o. 6 JU>^ <^. ^WtyZ'^-<>^ ^i-H^tX^*^ u^ ^2c^ cJJir JJC^ /a/c^ 3-^ -e h/c aM U U^i-*^ /*€ ^^-<. doT^UrC^^ ^y-C^t^ ^l^^Ut^i^^^^^M^ /cr^ He 4/-r5L^ /^-< T^f iJh:^..^M^A.X^ Y- LLa ^tTTn Imu^ £*£!^*^ u^r-z^ 1 ,^2Mn4i/'U,-e>(/Z^i^^ f-a/-^^^(x/^ ^^w^^^/^*<-iic< / L f ' )' /. Kr-c*^ t/Hyl-^;dL^ ,//^t^^<^*i UJX/l^ ^-c<; /A,^4^ ^ i.»^ i^r^htxA. J Ij:^ (Wi ^. //w ^ // H. UH ^*-^ .a/ Z^*^^ *-— j^J^'O^^JL / cM li^^-^c^ r 0\ y^n tL I 4y>^^ / /L"^^^ / crtv^O^X z^-tJ^^i^ ^s^ 122— Birc'scye View of Ravalli. Montana. Gateway to the Flathead Reservation '■1 ''v»'-r«..»t •.t:»,-r»,»»«*»»i POST CARD m. i. LEMCRT PUaU«MCfi. MBUEIk*. MQa T^ /-/3! \ \ \ April 15, 1911. Mr. 1. W. Langille Forest Supervisor Ketchikan, Alaska. Omut Mr. Langille: Your letter of Uaroh 21 and the four bear skulls from Admiralty and Chiohagof Islands are reoMv- ad« We are Tery glad to get these skulls but are still re anxious to get those frcm the mainland, as Doctor Herriaai wrote you previously. These are all fairly good skulls and we are allowing $4.00 each for them. Please sigp and return the accompanying Toucher and a check will be sent yon. le are also glad to have your notes in iregard to woItss and deer in that country and would be glad to do anything we could to help protect the game, still the ■atter of bounty is of doubtful benefit even if it possible for the gOTemment to pay state or territory boxanties^ which it is not. Doctor Uerriaa is here now and working on the bears as he gets time from many other duties. He will probably write you also a little later. Very truly yours, I f i In Charge of Biological InTestigational (Bnclosure) C0»»< OtTBO'T PHOTOGRAPHIC CO M^"^^*^' .* ^^- ^.^ ^ PP/y] BFftPS *T UPPER GCYSrW 8«Sff« rS^ONt Pa»K A i0 d^*f« ^C^^i.4m/C4 mi€.\Hmtmiv. ^V^ liiA/Ct^ ^ C^ THIS SPACE MAY BE USED FOR ViEsCaTC THIS sPAce ro« the address. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BIOLOGICAL SURVEY LOGICAL SURVEY rT J 0// (TS lAf^ A o^ui. cr^^ oLOaA^^ C^MyVl ^ p^^ fi^v^ . Q<^. ^^^-'-*^^ 6 1/ / • >i Itx/Zvi' t^-^^i dn^ ■v^ ^ . U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON. D. C. SOJ /t'<-6^UA-Y y (Tu-CyX i ^C -^ W^ i^i-^ c4^r^~^. i ,^L^V~< tt, O'-I^/^ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON, D. C. August 27, 1912. Dr. C. Hart Merriarn, Lagunitas, Marin County, California. Dear Dr. Merriarn: A magnificent old male grizzly skull has just come in from near Mayfield in the very center of Utah. It was sent by Mart Martensen, and he says he is sending another skull of a female. I have no record of any cor- respondence with Marten sen, and presume you ordered the skulls. Do you remember what you offered him for them? Do you want us to have this skull cleaned up and photo- graphed and prints sent to you so you can include the record in your manuscript, or will there be time enough when you get back? You got away just in time to escape the three weeks of pretty hot and sticky weather, but a 'high' has struck us today v/ith a delicious cool breeze from the far West. Henshav; is probably in North Dakota or Montana today, western bound. Your letter to him has just been forwarded to Dixon, Montana. The bear skulls have all been returned except the lot of Archibald Rogers, v/hich go today. None of the skins have been returned except the rug of Richardson's. Jackson had no instructions in regard to them. CHM 2 Henshaw wrote Skiff before leaving here. There is not inuch doing here now, but it is a good quiet time to work if the cool weather lasts. Very truly yours, HLB In charge. Biological Investigations. ^^vvn- NO. 183-4 KALOH-'M, WASHtNQTON, ^r /f/^^. Xv>^^aA_ o«,^ ^^ c\ (L^rZ"'^^^ K^^i/H f I UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON, D. C. September 13, 1912. Dr. C. Hart Merriain, Lagunitas, California. Dear Dr. Merriajn: I have waited several days before answering your letter of September 3rd in re£jard to the bear skulls, hoping to say they had been photographed, but we are still held up for want of negatives. If they do not arrive with- in a few days I will get the negatives and have the work done an^'T/ay. The Utah grizzly skulls are cleaned and ready and are a beautiful pair. The skull of the male measures in basilar length 369 and basilar length of Hensel 333; the female measures 328 and 290. Jackson and I took the measurements as carefully as we could without the large craniometer. Many thanks for the New Mexican mammal notes you have enclosed in several letters. Last night was the first really cool weather we have had, and I hope fall has begun to show up. Very truly yours, In charge, Biological Investigations. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON, D. C. September 15, 1912. Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Lagunitas, California. Dear Dr. Merriam: The plates for ohotographing bear skulls have been ordered and we have some reason to expect then in a day or two so the skulls can be photographed. In running over some of my old letters I find some Texas bear notes that you may have, and am enclosing them for you. Did you get the photographs of the Davis Mountain skull that were taken when Y/e had it here some 8 or 10 years ago? I presume they were among the other bear photographs and that you have thera, if not, we oust have the negatives somev/here, tho^agh I do not find any prints. We might be able to get the skull now by offerir^ a big price for it--ten or tv/enty dollars. A new lot of National Forest maps has come to the office addressed to you. I do not reuember whether you keep a duplicate set of these or v^hether you have been turning them into the office set. If you happen to r ber what you do with them let ]ae know and I will dispose of them, or if not, let it go until you return and I will Id them up. Very truly yours, ^ In charge. Biological Investigations UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON, D. C. Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Lagunitas, California. Dear Dr. Merriam: Sept. 24, 1912. I am glad to report some progress on the bear skull photographs. V/e have the plates and about half of the negatives are niade, but yesterday and today have been so dark, with a steady rain, that the work is held up until we get more light. I hope the prints will be ready to send in a fewdays, however. Mart Martenson, of Fairfield, Utah, sent in the female grizzly skull and it will be photographed with the others. Both male and female skulls are in fine condition. Martenson v/rote that the other skulls were so badly broken tb^t he did not send them. It may be worth while to get him to send on the fragments in case there were some important teeth. Too bad Hasselborg got chev/ed up by a big bear but it ought to make a good bear story any way. I hope he fixed the bear so its skull will stay there until he is able to get back after it. Ko specimens have been re- ceived from hira as yet. I will attend to the shipping of the female Chichagoff and two Admiralty island bear skins to V/ilson Potter, Philadelphia, as you direct, and will write him that they are shipped at the request of the owner, Elton Clark. Will also forward the enclosed letter to Elton Clark, Box. 1321, Boston, Lass. We are having delight- fully cool weather here now. Very truly yours, .^^^,^,,^^ /^^uA^ b In chan-e. Biolo-'ical Investigations ITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON, O. C. October 15, 1912 Hart Merriam, Lagunitas, California. Dear Dr. Merriara: Your letter of October 8 is just received, and I will try to straighten out the bear notes for you as far as possible. The enclosed letter from Mart Martenson seems tb be all the correspondence we have had with hira, but on the original brovm tags of the two grizzly skulls from Utah he had written the specific locality: on the male, 9314 of the X catalogue, he had written "On north fork, Salina Creek, one mile south of the Nipple"; and on No. 9320, "Two miles south of the Nipple." We do not find any nipple on any of the maps, but the north fork of Salina Creek would put the locality about 12 or 15 miles southeast of Mayf ield in Sevier County. Mayfield is in Sanpete County. The cub skull labeled "Diajnond Creek, Gila National Forest, New Mexico," was collected by Hotchkiss on the west slope of the Mirabres mountains about 12 miles north of the head of the Ivlimbres River. The Mirabres skulls probably all came from the head of the Mimbres River and not from the town of Mimbres, 20 miles farther south in a desert valley. Dr. C. Hart Merriara Loring'8 Del Norte Creek specimen came from the extreme head waters of the Wind River, of which this is the northernmost branch. Loring followed up Warn Spring Creek (the western branch) so must have picked up the skull at the mouth of Del Norte Creek where the little town of Union stands. Loring* s reports from Jasper House are very vague in regard to the bears, and I cannot tell from them which he refers to. Under '•black bears** he says they killed three; and in speaking of the grizzlies says that 8 bears in all were killed by his party. He makes no mention anywhere of picking up any odd skull, but the catalogue gives one skull without any data, which he calls a female. I can send you the copies of his report from there, but fear you would not get any clue as to which is which. I am glad Hasselborg is out again, and hope he will be more cautious next time. It is great to have that eltonclarki specimen. Henshaw is away just now, but will be back at the end of the week. If you get hold of the October Auk, read F.M.Allen^s article on Protective Color- ation. He is the first one who seems to grasped the subject. Very truly yours, /n^ S-a^ cjf ^><^i-^^^ c/ zy^-i>M^ as^ft^'C^^ * / J^ e^ft?-^ Ci:>-'2A'U/? k^ t^nit^ A '^^^''^^^ ^ ^^"l^ff-^^ l^Mf ^^ ^ UJ^tL^ CArt<-<^ 1/ ^ ^^H^n^^^^^W^ ^^rv^ G^o>e/' n^i:^2Aj ^% /r/z. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY HINGTON, D. C. October 29, 1912. Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Lagunita8, California. Dear Dr. Merriam: I am aendirig under separate cover today the prints you wanted of the Idaho and three Stikine bears. Jackson has labeled and checked them up so I guess they are all ri^t. None of the skulls you have mentioned lately as being sent in hare arrived, but we are watching for them and will take care of them as fast as they come. No word yet from the Texas skull or any of the other pos- sible sources of infonaation. I am going to write the North Dakota people again to keep them stirred up, but I ara afraid we will not get anything from up there. Very truly yours, la charge, Biological Investiga/^ons. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON. D. C. November 4, 1912. Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Lagunitas. Marin County, California. Dear Dr. Merriarn: Your letter of October 29th is just received, and I have written Carl Rungius in regard to the bear skulls. Will also telephone the express companies and see if they have anything addressed to 1919. I saw Gr.K. at the Club today, looking well. Enclosed is a notice of some southern California botanies which may interest you; if not, throw it in the waste basket. Very truly yours, ^^^.24/zn^ /c^^^i^^U^ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON, D. C. November 22, 1912 Dr. C. Hart Merriam; Lagunitas, Marin County, California. Dear Doctor Merriam: Your letter of November 11 and the postal cards are received but as yet we have got no trace of the Hungius bear skulls. He sent oh the shipping bill showing that they were sent by express October 16th and directed to you, Washington, D.C, But this was only a receipt from a local transfer company and gave no clue to what express company they were shipped by. V/e have not been able to get any clue to them here and sent back the receipt to Rungius askirg him to get after the people he turned thera over to . We have written him twice but received no answer since, and there the matter stands. I hope they are not lost. None of the other skulls have as yet put in an appearance and tliat probably accounts for the fact that we have not sent you any photographs of them. Did I write you that the Vreeland specimens * fron British Columbia have cone in and are a pretty good lot? There is but one bear skull among them and that a black. There have been several recent shipraonts from the Bureau of Fisheries men in Alaska, with lots of good stuff but no bears. Wish you would catch that mountain lion. We need him. Very truly yourr. , UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON, D. C. December 3, 1912. Dr. C. Hart Merriaxn, Laguni tas , Gal if ornia . Dear Dr. Merriain: Your letter of llovember 26 cajrne yei^terday and the two (grizzly skulls frora Pratt and one brown and three black bear skulls fron Hasselborg also arrived. The Hasselborg skulls are alaost clean and will be photograph- ed as soon as possible and the prints sent you. The two Pratt skulls are very unclean and will require a good deal of soaking and time, so that it is doubtful if I can get prints of them in time to be safe to send you. llenshaw is writing a cordial acknowledgement of these skulls to Pratt, who has sent a letter in regard to them saying that he has given you permissicn to keep them, and enclosirig a map v/ith the exact locality where they were killed marked on it. There is no further news from the Rungius skulls but I have written him again to make further efforts and to give us any possible clue that we can work on from this end. It does not seem possible that they can be really lost, or that anybody would steal such specimens if they knew what they were. The two grizzly skulls from Kingscomb Inlet, which you say were shipped by George Hunt some little time ago, have not yet arrived or been he^rd from. I aw sorry you hnd to burn those woodrat houses as they were very interestir^-, even if undesirable, nei{:^hbors. Hope you studied their architecture nnd fool supply as well as nests. I have just caught a fine series of lleotom in winter pelage over on the west side of the river, while ca/nping out with the boy scouts over Thanks- giving. They are beautiet; in their winter coats Very truly yours, _^.'t-/U— !»*■ /y^sjii-z^ l,^,//, Ve/ror', /»fcY- l^'^> C»Hart MKTimii Prpors BATiO MS3 ■ :A ..»J*-*J»l',*jM,.- /i/3'/9/S -^s^ -ffe.';53i«»^&i.^».^i*£sy/'fe«eif©i^ J^jL^ Qv"-^ : Jf i^/^:^^■^ ^^^-/ J 7^ ^^/m^ ayu ^ m^f ^«^ HOTEL ^^■1' AL.H LEiMBACHEft MANAQCft ^ r^iWIfc- f.S- Umo, 4/.Da/<. ^^-^ .^.c^ ^kI^^l % / ^/-^ gy^ /-^d^^A/luM^ ui^^/l—^^^V^ A^^^yifh^ a. lU^ rUiA^. v/ /C^ ^^l^et ^i^ aXi fArf "jf f^ V-tfU) A^Lc/ /^^i^ a^^i^ nsL^/u^ cn^y^ c\ /i^yvZluvY Z»v-i» TC:a/w«^ cfi l-etx^^Pf^tjiu^^ <»^%^i^>!<^^y'^ //^^^<'«<^^ '^H/iU. /iMf ^ ^tr^^ ^ ^ xl^yi/U^^ TCp^rirrmvi^— '^^^ metropolis of the Des Lacs valley, is a city of 1800 population. It has one xVt^lLlllciX ^'^" Qf the t>est high schools in the state with an enrollment of over 500 and a corps of 19 teachers; it has a parochial school with an enrollment of 125 conducted by seven Sisters. It has six churches: Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Danish Lutheran, Swedish Baptist, German Baptist. It is a railroad center, being the western terminus of the Kenmare-Thief River Falls-Duluth Soo line and also the eastern terminus of the Ambrose branch of the Soo. It has electric lights; purest artesian city water; sewer system. It lies on Des Lacs lake, the largest body of fresh water in the state. It has become and will remain a city for the following reasons: It lies in the heart of the Des Lacs valley district, famous for the fertility of its soil. The development of this district is just entering on a new era, diversified farming taking the place of exclusive grain farming. This district is the home of No. 1 hard wheat; the best grades of flax and barley; 40 lb. oats; spring and winter rye; alfalfa, timothy clover and millet are the principal grasses; the hardier varieties of corn are a successful crop and pota- toes and other garden vegetables are unexcelled in quality. The yield of wheat per acre in 1912 was 18 to 30 bushels; flax 10 to 25; barley 30 to 50; oats 40 to 100; rye 30 to 40; potatoes 150 to 300. The Des Lacs valley territory has been settled for fifteen years and has not yet seen a total crop failure. Land values vary according to location and improvements from $25 to $65 per acre. Kenmare lies in the heart of the lignite mining district and the question of cheap fuel is forever solved. It can be bought at the mines for $2.00 to $2.50 per ton and is a clieap, clean, convenient and lasting fuel. The industry of briquetting this coal is just beginning. The Leading Business Houses of Kenmare, North Dakota Genera! Stores — Lewis Knudson A. E. Paulson Bertelson's Nelsen Sc Petersen P. M. Cole Hardware Stores — G. A. Bodmer Sommerness & Olson • Nelsen 8c Petersen Drug Stores — Oscar Zuercher W. H. Makee N. C. Jackwitz J. L. Wemark Automobile Dealers — John Nedreloe A. E. Paulson Nelsen Sc Petersen Walsted & Rowland Meat Markets— U. F. Hunt W. L. Kinser Variety Store — M. L. Drennen Jeweler and Optometrist — E. H. Gross Manufacturers — Ohnstedt Mfg. Co. Bruce Fahrney, Ice Cream Kenmare Light & Power Co. Kenmare Coal & Brick Co. Machinery Dealers — S. H. Lowe A. E. Paulson J. M. Rohe Nelsen & Petersen Real Estate Dealers— L. M. Summerville Evan Griffith J. H. Sinclair Fred W. Van Vleck Hotels — Martin, Theo. Kahellek, Prop. Commercial, Mike O'Hara, Prop. Restaurants — L. C. Tscharner R. M. Woods Confectioneries — R. M. Woods Livery Barns — J. J. Nedreloe W. C. Maddocks J. W. Miller Garages — Walsted & Rowland Harness Shop — E. L. Morrow Theatres — The Lyceum Nurseries — E. J. Brown Banks — Farmers & Merchants First National Citizens Bank of Kenmare Kenmare National Lawyers — A. W. Gray L. F. Clausen Doctors — Wiig Sc Ewing N. McLean D. H. Bell Dentists — J. L. Ambrose O. A. Kron Veterinaries — R. E. Shigley Photographers — Olsen^s Studio Tailor— A. E. Haas Elevators — Osborne-McMillan Occident Coal Mines — B. Bertelson National Briquetting Co. Kenmare Coal Sc Brick Co. Billiard Halls— Morin & O'Neil ef^'SS.S&'^ic HENRY TATLEY PROP. BISMARCK, N. D., 3( .191^ li 7^ J n^'-^UuAjJu^ A^«>t^ 7^ ■H'^tru^ /Ccin^ ^ 6.*^.SSS&^1C HENRY TATLEY PROP. BISMARCK, N. D.,. 191 af^^&^'^^c HENRY TATLEY PROP. BISMARCK, N. D.,. &4/^^€A^M 191 A^A^ CV yL-6'^ .iM^ QiMA4/lilr^ ^-^l/^y2A0CM^ <^^w^W<^^^ '^^ ^- W- ^ ^s^tY ^t^tx^i^ ^ ic^~:i^tU; ^ /y^ Q ''pv^ 7^ Splendid Suites and Apartments Strictly Modern in Every Way THE MONTGOMERY vfeunhPEAN PLAN HOTEL AND CAFE Roy oTWontgomery, Proprietor (Jillette, Wyoming ,^, /?, ^f/-^. oU c.^U.cyJ (yi^^^^t^Z(/^^<^ ^ u^tr^^ ^ <7^-t>-u^^ o/ 1C^ U::h^ /^-^^^^ A^ ^W^^ Ar>trc/i . ^ V K^M^ o^:^^ ^ O/^H^ri^ 'j^ tA^lt, ni^Ui^ / / ?'^(f- O-VUi ix fur ^>4w^ ^^^ • /cn^-^^ryi^/u/ ^iirU^ /^ y- 1— -^ ^X^ 2^.^ r- /^2/^ /i^ lU^^ l.^^ 2^ Splendid Suites and Apartments Strictly Modern in Every Way THE MONTGOMERY HOTEL AND CAFE EUROPEAN PLAN Roy" oTVlontgomery, Proprietor Qillette, Wyoming, /^ ^^L^n^'J^^.fi^.^zW^^^^^^ ^/^Uv-s. KZrn^ "lU^J r- )^l^4yU( , ^ U-t^^^-^^^ , ^^i-6^^^^ ^4P^ au ly^A^fx^^ S^^ Q^^ rp'^ru^ Q^i^ •/J^^/^^^^, 0^ 0? ^^^^*-4^ TLA _ ^ <:/:i^ ^Z/^A^^^^^ ' I3ININC, STATION EDOEMONT. SO. OAK 191 M^ o^ T^L bMO ^>v^ p^r^i^tA^ ^^-j^x/l 'yiy^-^^f^^ ^^ ^*^y /^\^ — f ^ /^y-i>i^ LL^u^A^ ^lxt^wv^*--» >e u (U^ ^ W 'V^^Cf jj^ (Lfe^^ t$l$^U€t^ p^ jh^M^ AXl -^^r> — ^ (it^iAri/l T?-^^ ^'^-•t^ - ■c4 a 1^^ /^-^^^ jboi^ J 7 ^-^ /^— ^K^^t^ ^--K' tMUJ ^^^ tU^ UO^ ^ Otf^^^ Z^vuj-*^^ (h~aL4A'U^ U^.^rv*^^ /5W~. r^ STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON. D. C. September SO, 1914 • Dr. C. Hart Kerriazn, Laguni tas , Kerin County, Calif* Tear Dr. Merriam: The big Alaska bear at the Zoo has just died, and A. E. Baker telephoned in to know if we wanted to measure him. I am sorry you were not here to take just the measurements you would want, but I have taken those that seemed to me most necessary and am enclosing the original copy which Thompson wrote down as I took them. Have had those put in better form and typewritten, and will keep a copy here for you until you return. The bear ?/as in fine condition, and yesterday seemed to be in perfect health. A postmortem will be held this afternoon to see \^iiat caused his death. There is some irail accumulating here tor you, and I am in doubt whether you want anymore forwarded to Laguni tas. I am workir:g away on again. Preble and Osgood are here work- ing on their Alaskan report. If you see Nelson about the time this reaches you tell him things are all right here. Very truly yours, / .i*fr»^. Plan .>I9D0NALD > PROP. THIS NEW et MdDERN MOTEL CONTAINS ISO ROOMS, 79 PRIVATE BATHS.HOT AND C0U3 RUNNING WATER IN EVERY ROOM Rates 1.59 to a^o Per Dav l^ /^-^ ^ COR. JASPER ft lOl •r STREET Edmonton , Canada ^^^^^ (^ z^^^ A^ J^^^%M CaJ^ ;^^ if -pi^^^::^^-- /^^^-^^^ / ^ J) C-_— C ^^='^^ ^ "^ "^ ' / Oiy^-'^ pf 1^ t^6>/ ^W' '-^y '^ i^xjX:^*^^ A^. L^M I^A^^^^^ ---^'^-"^ ^^^""^ "^ ^ U^^-^t^ ,uM,U^ ^-a. pn^. Jtn^^ fu^ ^^ ^ ^uZ^t^^u^ ((^ ^<^^<^^^ <.^ i^ .^^/jt/ 7h^ ^»-^^ /^y U^-«Ju4 ^^^''-eol^ ^fu^,..^^ ft^ ^^u^^^u;/^i^if^ -t^tr^{>^^t.v.~^p7-^ ^^/Xi c^J^'^UrU (UriAJXty ^^-t^yf p^-^lr-f J f ■ / European Plan R0BT.>19D0NALD * PROP. '^fSw. THIS NEW Ok MODERN MOTEL CONTAINS ISO ROOMS, 75 WITH PRIVATp BATHS.HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER IN EVERY ROOM Rates I §9 to 2.59 Per Day. Phone 4505. cor-uasper a ioi v street Edmonton, Canada (^^^ ■^ % h^^ Iatu^ '^ .JU^firj^r -^^^^ M^W-^ Ia/^ (^ i#-^ •/ l/t(fZi^iAj^a/^^AA,^A^ y^ <\Ayi^-^ t?7rC< IZ (9^t-^eie^ -^ Qf-Oi^^^^-y ^c^ w^ Vtil luA CatUu-U^ I 9^^ ^ggji «■ .<>*.:-»»» «: - aj.,- !l-».«»t^-:,jt«itsai»»i1tl.ttMiE«MMM»-->. A y 9^<>^^^^^^>iu-'^^^ A /^r^T"^. ^>\j-dM. ^^^^>--^<7 iKT^^y^-^ f^'^^ lA^-t>--a>t cUn ^y^XiAj (^fr^^^-^^-^^ li/riy^ tM^ VTCO t\ 4<^<3jlM^4^ \/\y(.AA/yj—^yL£:'U^ ^-itz/t.^i^it/-Cy1 (^^^-rr % ye^^ '^^^Z 1/ £yZA^^cf^~^ s GENERAL OFFICES Liviji^-^STON. Mont.. Sept. ibth TO JUNE 15th. Gardiner. Mont.. June 15th to sept. 15TH. CAMPS AT Gardiner Hotci. Swan Lake Gibbon Station Upper Geyser Basin Thumb of Lake Yeucowston E Lake Grand Canyon Camp Roosevelt veu1.0wst0ne Camp Cody SEE AMERICA FIRST Circulars and General Information Furnished on Application Tours Start Daily from Gardiner. Mont. Yellowftone Station. Mont. Cody. Wyoming A.W. MILES, PrES. and MOR. Yellowstone National Park m. • T OFFICKS Gardiner. Montana '¥«hhSWTHIIB| IISIIL c^Xyi /4-^^ /W^ ^% ^p^^it^o^ :2--cui*<'<>'^Y' /f-"*^ ,'*^ /tyU^Z^ I ViA^ ^ ^^ iTV-^ / 7 (^f^^rf /-v^ oL^S/U^^ ^^ ^W ••SEE AMERICA FIRST" GENERAL OFFICES Livur.TSTON. Mont.. Sept. Isth TO June 15th. GARDINER. MONT . JUNE 15TH TO SEPT. 15TH. CAMPS AT QAROINCn HOTCI. Swan Lakk Gibbon Station Upper Geyser Basin Thumbof Lake YEI.I.OWSTON K LAKC Grand Canyon Camp Roosevei-T YlUI-OWSTONB Camp Cooy Circulars and General Information Furnished on Application Tours Start Daily from Gardiner. Moot. YellowatoDC Station. Mont. Cody. Wyoming A.W. MILES, Pres. and Moh. Yellowstone National Park, <2M/U C^^^^^l/i'4^>\^^2yH^l^i^-^W.^ y ^ jL^ — (y /Q^tM^ A/T^-<7 ^;V^^r^ y ^^-^^^ 7^ f ^ C^ulJ MjL ^\J>> ^<^^ i>6l^v<3 / ^iftiyUU, ftJ4^ ns(2x ^-cJ^ ^Wei C0tA^ ^irpty ftAjuZKA^ > '•SEE AMERICA FIRST" GENERAL OFFICES LivifJGSTON, Mont.. Sept. ioth TO JUNE 15TH. GARDINER, MONT.. JUNE 1 5TH TO SEPT. 15TH. CAMPS AT QaROINER HOTCl. Swan Lakk Gibbon Station Upper Gkvscr Basin TmUMBOF l-AKC VK ULOWSTON C L.AKC QrandCanyon Camp Rooscvci.T Vh-cowbton c Camp Cody U l/f\Al^ Circulars and General Information Furnished on Application Tours Start Daily from Gardiner. Moot. Yeilowttone Station. Mont. Cody, Wyomint A.W. MILES. Pres. and Mor. Yellowstone National Park, _ ^ j Gardiner '•^•^ °'"""« 1 Y.LLOW91 Montana /r TONS. MONTANA C/n/^^ O^ A--— ^ V—'-dA l^u^ ^Z-cJ^ /<^ /o»^ r <^>nr-^ AX.^^'^— ^ In^^ ^ M'^-inrtf r^ /^-CA J /4< stiioijff iZc P^ A ^^rtA^ 'Th -^ ♦i^Ui/- t v^y^ oZi-cr ^ A^-^ ^3^ ^^U^r-^t^ ^t4^4^i>a \ME SEE AMERICA FIRST GENERAL OFFICES Livi^tGSTON, Mont.. Sept. isth TO JUNE 15th. Gardiner. Mont . June 15th to sept. 15th. CAMPS AT GaROINCR HOTKl. Swan Lake Gibbon Station Upper Qkvscr Sash Thumbof Lake Yellowstone L.akc Grand Canyon Camp Roosevelt Yellow ST ON ■ Camp Cody ,^^^>ffff! ^.fW<^'^'»^ Circulars and General Information Furnished on Application Tours Start Daily from Gardiner. Mont. Yellowstone Station. Mont. Cody. Wyoming A.W. MILES. PrES. and MGR. Yellowstone National Park, % A-^ 7^ K>.T orncM] "*"■>""" "•"'■"""■ Yellowstone. Montana hh^l^^^ -& ^^H^ A7 v^ ^^^ ~'e::^'^-i^yt'U( -•^^>'v.-*>^tw flji fv-iH h 5 "SEE AMERICA FIRST GENERAL OFFICES LIVINGSTON. MONT.. SEPT. 1 5TH TO JUNE 15TH. GARDINER. MONT.. JUNE 15TH TO SEPT. 15TH. CAMPS AT QaROINKR HOTKl. Swan Lake Gibbon Station Upper Qeyscr Basin Thumb of Lake VKI.I.OWSTON E Lake Qran o Canyon Camp Roosevelt Yellowstone Camp Cody Circulars and General Information Furnished on Application Tours Start Daily from Gardiner. Mont. Yellowttone Station. Mont. Cody. Wyoming A.W. MILES, PRE8. AND MOR. Yellowstone National Park, ] Gardiner. Montana PO«T OFFICM-J YBLLOWSTONB. MONTANA a^-^p^t^ y-L, A^ ft^ ^^ H 2h f4x/f^ "Ur^ o^-^^ ^^ ^w^^ (C2.A^^!>^ ■^^ CHT^ 1 ;4^^v ^ ^tr^ ^W '£y2y^-ty^-^ (K^SjL. GENERAL OFUCES Livingston, mont , Sept 15th TO June 15th. Gardiner, mont , June ISth TO Sept 15th CAMP9 AT Gardiner Hotel Swan Lake Gibbon Station Upper Geyser Bash Tm um b of Lake Veuuowstone Lake Grand Canyon Camp Rooseveut Vei-uowston e Camp Cooy AND General Information Furnished on Application Tours Start Daily from Gardiner. Mont. Yellowstone Station, Mont. Cody. Wyoming Post OpricEs 4^ m-^ A. W. MILES. Pres and Mgr. Yellowstone National Park, »GA kRDiNKR. Montana rCLLOWSTONK. MONTANA /f/i- ^■^-e>^ Th^ '9*'t^-< c«-t Uyc>i T-^'-v *jr ric-rCy{ oc^ €i^*^-t f^f^ ^i^«^Ct7 \ pU^r^ (yuJ\ ^4r^H/U / t-trdJiJ yox^ ^ i'*'»^«-^ Hn <>«.>M, l^VK// cn^ ci^>x ^ o^ A^ .^i^ y ,hV A^ '^^ ••SEE AMERICA FIRST" OENERAL OFUCES Livingston. Mont . sept 15th TO June 15th. Gardiner. Mont . June 15th to sept 15th CAM PS AT Gardinem Hotci. Swan I-akc Gibbon Station Upper Gcvser Basin Thumb of Uake VCI.I.OWSTON c Uakk Grand Canyon Camp Roosevelt vei.i.owstonc clrcui-ars and general Information Furnished on application Tours Start Dmily from Gardiaer. MmM. Ycll»»MMe Stetioa. M C4Miy. Wy*ai«c Camp Coov A. W. MILES. PrcS and Mgr. Yellowstone National Park, t GAROIN \^-lf a ^y>^<.^^ it 1 i 4t~. (^ ?l-p^-a4xf ^;^^7 ^ >t5A^ ^^^^ ^>-«<-^^^k^-4«-<; xv-t krt4<^ vt^-^U.^ fi^A [^/Tyi^'l^ •SEE AMERICA FIRST" ^ \ , „.. GENERAL OFFICES ^.^BWi^WB^h^ \ V ClRCrytARS AND OiENERAL TmuMB or LAKk. ^^ # V X OnAMo Camvom X. ^^ ^ Cam^ ROOSCVKI.T A. W. MILES. PRE8. AND MOR. X ^/^^ Yellowstone National Park, ^;vJ^ 7^ ^yy^i^ /Vy^i^ /fc^ -^ ^^U^ xU-Xt.t^^^^lU' "T^v^^*^ y6^■t^y .^i^^^ 7^>^ JA ^ X^ ic£^ I/^tMJ U^ <2tf«.t^yi^^ 1 — /L-^ ^^y.^^^ /W*t£^ ^ail/ Cn^ I fii^jM 3iM, ^?v^^'% aW. ^,^/^rv;^ ^^^^^i^^^L/ e^^^j^A^-^r a^ C^x.~Ar^ ^ ^ ^"^^ "^'^^^ 4S'^»A ^ t^&tA^ AJ d Aj^ ^- %CMi/l /^-^^ ^ ^^^^*^ m^^X GENERAL OFFICES LIVINGSTON. MONT.. Sfcr'l. IBTH to june 15th. Gardiner, mont.. June ISth to sept. 15tk CAMRS AT Qamoincm Hotel. Swan Lakc Gibbon Station UPPCn GCYSER Basm TmuMB op LAKk. VeCLOWSTONC Lakc QftANo Canyon Camp Rooscvki_t vci_1.0wstonk Camp Codv •SEE AMERICA FIRST" circulars and cjeneral Information Furnished on Application Tours Start Daily from Gkrdiner. Mont. Yellowstone Station. Mont. Cody. Wyoming A. W. MILES. Pres. and Mor. Yellowstone National Park, w^ '^^ J 'm^ ^ ivv2^ Ij^ ■I V UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY, WASHINQTON, O. C. October 20, 1915. Dr. C. Hart Merriani, Laguiiitas, Marin County, California. Dear Tr. llerriam: Your letter of October 14 to ITelsoa carx yesterday about two hours after he had started for California, so I am ans-vering 5'Our questions and sending the labels. I learned from Tr. Dearborn that the man, Frank Townsend, who has the five bear skulls killed on Bering Glacier, is ^t Cordova, Al^^ska. I am sending a bunch of skull labels which will probably last as long as you ou^t to stay out there. In afraid you will not see Ilulson in Cali- fornia, as it will be several weeks before he gets up to your vicinity. Will hold your .-nail until you arrive. Very truly yours. Chief Field TTaturalist. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY, WASHINQTON. D. C. October 20, 1915. Dr. €• Hart Merriam, Lagunitas, Marin County, California. Dear Dr. Uerriam: Your letl^er of October 14 to Kelson came yesterday about two hours after he had started for California, so I am answering your questions and sending the labels. I learned from Dr. Dearborn that the man, Frank Townsend, who has the five bear skulls killed on Bering Glacier, is ^t Cordova, Alaska. I am sending a bunch of skull labels which will probably last as long as you ought to stay out there. An afraid you will not see Nelson in Cali- fornia, as it will be several weeks before he gets up to your vicinity. Will hold your mail until you arrive Very truly yours. Chief Field Naturalist. OOM l^ath Hotel GEO. MCCARN Pno^RiETon \Bl^ /I GEO. MCCARN Rmofrietor il!mn$«tan^ illottt«,. 191 '^jLJiy^CUJi. ^^^^^<>U JL^^ lff^_ ^^ic'-cyV /^.^ / ^ / ff'^p-^yr^f A^^y /-2:^^ V T' Bo zeman, Mont ana, 191 d^fixu< Bozeman, Montana, ^'^ — ^uZC^^ A.<^ ^TT'O^ A"^ 191 Z' » .-« .* ^ _ 7^-14^ /C4 /J. 5^«4, z-?/^. X. 0$: u^ /^L^^^U^VI a.yi^ ci^ fZ^yiu>*^j^ LM^ Jf^C^^ i^^r ^^^ J^i^H>7^ cr-pSk /S5»^^^. / ^ tM^-^ pc^^^ ^ AoM'. -W-^ ^;i>K.^ /^ ^Ayl>^^ — i^^M v^>^je~{ ^ In^tu^ ^ ^"^ ^ iy(o-^ (IXjth U/\aa^ X6, l-? ^^ i^uX^iMt? JiuiA C^/f' 9^0. r I4^tfl^ y /-CA^ t^^ UHA>< QA^ ^/./Af f-es^^^ •? cli^K.4^ i>t/t/1 ^ ClA..^ .*..-*// 4A^e^/-r ^AcA>»_-Vv.£k.-V^ lix4 yt,-^ a. ,yiLJi^CotOA^xA*^ a. ai^ 1 /U;: crxrv H A/^^^ /Zm/c/ Gr^^'vc*^ l/hUtf ^u^ ^ i*>V^ W^ liA^li^ ohcrr^ U^ ^^ / r^ ' Cc^t^^-^^^-^v/i^ l^-xT^ Hj ^if\U4^hrr^ cyytny-^ P-x/^-^tZ^AAj^ y r r^^ ^Ahaa UM i/vy Y^ dU^ cx^zAj^ A^ m. Avut ^u,^ Uau y«7^ -40 JLoa^ 0Od Jl /^yCiuytAAJtCjfi -3 JUu '-\Aa^ iA_ JUmA. e'^^ 7/1^ U/TP^ <^ l\^ ^\r^iM\ yt^qriy^ ci^ ^i/t-rf'^^wW -s'^-^r -«/'- ^ /• •^id (jjLeue^^cyuo TU^) ^ a Jt^/?^ Jtrr OlA^^^UJ y >W^ dA^^^ktsuULd^ / >c ^^tttA^^ cX — 4^ M. ^l4t oA-^ 7^ L ea^J? A^. i^-c^ l^yfC^r^ (kr — c -^ Ou\^ c — *y /<-^ , ^ MaJoI f^t-i^ ^en^-f ^ ^ liiXf .'f^ (M^^^^*'^"^ ^3^-^, :^ J^MA v«-c_t4^ C^UU ^ fx^ U^4 <2-^^^ ^^ 2^ (■''^iT' f^'^-'^^^ri'-^ t^*f^^ ^^JtjSA •'1-^/^j— t^ ' / 7^-^-^ /p-ncnr^^-^ / /^t/ ^ n.^ e^t^ f^i^^^ ^w^?' — 71^ v^tf'ic; §M7^M<^ 9r9n^ ^CtAA^ 2^ ^ y 7^^^1/uJUli^ ^ 0^t\ n^9- in/i>^rAJi^ t 0. o**-^>^^^^ yir? 1-^ ^UlA^ iUiLj^'Z^ UeLJ- ■toJ TZfpCf r y^LJ?<.^ (p^0^^Ajf ^^^-^-^^ "^ .A^ ^C/ c^/\4ru< L'in^-^yiyH/hJ J % 'fio^ -r ^ ^^s-^J^l^ V- ^yyiXSt/^ f /^.i.^ ^A^c^-^-t::^ k c^n^/\y^ ^ i-4» \ o^ /^c^r^oy^ ^^^^ /cS' ^S^C-f y Z^**^^- /"/? / >- /^^'^^-^ -u, ^ 2*fcw 1$ /^^ ^'^;|^4>c^ A <.*-<-C// 7 "^"—^ ' -^ '-^ /^-A^ «^«^^ "3$ A^ /T >Vhite I^euca^^ Hotel IKI^^^X^Tn irA.UL.S« ORKOOIN ^ iiLm 'V^*'^^ ^^^f. 2^ //"Z^; Z^ (L^u/Aytrryc/ Jc^ — . fU^kyfy^-<^ ivcA^cU4. a^^^txy 2-1 T- A*^ i^^-KAy^ 'y^<^/\ lr-tn^--i. ^ (utui^ o^/u^^ <^C iwi^^^-^ /Vv— < ^ Arc^/'^ iA/-Zi-^ Ot^ J .^ 4y^^-C ^ Hjt/i^'^ ^ /Tl^i^'^U-^Al^ //t/-i A^vu<^ 'J^^^-c-^?~iAy—r lp\^ yUy)i^ At^, iT^~^ ^ yi.'Ccyu^^'^tY ^^''^-i^-^ 6W^ ^?^S^ l..^^ i^-«{>'^«d^ /U«^ , (2i^l^-~< e,^^-^-/ l/\lxz{.io^^^'^^ C'^.CO-^ ]n-C4/l^r^ Vz^r>-cJ c^-a^*'^ 0^ a Vv-*^X Ay) (aIJIo y ^ /tt^'-^'^^i^, Y- AA<-^*^^ i/C-U^ u^t^Z^^^^Ti^ . Ti\ 1/tu/) nAAA4AA^ % u4j iK/i^ &cnfi^y^ /Oyhr^ir^ ^ ^^z?^-^ V /^^ 04^ foM. > ^ -^ / /4a— r 7^ Th^^^M/ ^ at^iy? ux^^^L^eiA^iJl 'AnrTO £KZf 1/U^cUc /f^. , ^//, /9/r. ^LfrC ^^■t-^ ^ — ' -^ t'*-^ A<^ ^ f< hr^ — ' cA^^^^iA^ / Aa.^ ^^^^2^^-^-^ U-**-^^ ^. ^^Ot-v.x%^ N^ .::3^ i^ ^. >>i-= ^/-'U'-ti^-t t>' ^.^y .-.^-^ ^^ ^^^ c^t^ zo >w>J^ . ^ ^^ A^ A^ />^w ^-^^-^ ^^^ S ^f}f^r^*^^ ^ ^^ c=uY /: / Jy>inn-K^. LOBBY, MANY ■ GLACIER HOTEL GLACIER NATIONAL PARK JL^ "4 /py. 3? /^i^^ C^cy^^<^''^L^ (A4^ Ca/JZ^ yce^^i^ P^^^t.^^^^ .^^CATf GLACIER PARK HOTELS AND CHALET8 ' GLACIER PARK HOTEL. MANY-GLACIER HOTEL. TWO MEDICINE. CUT BANK. ST. MARY. GOING-TO-THE-SUN. SPERRY GLACIER. MANY-GLACIER (Lake MtDUMDTT). GRANITE PARK. BELTON CHALETS. "SEE AMERICA FIRST" ^=u y " -^.-fn:^ i C^i 0^Z4^^^-^^'tJl^ / l^ -7^ J . / J <^ /i>^-*-A. ^ O^^ ^^T^ ^^c^ iMi^ 'i-^. ■2^- ^ O^ w^^fc^^ 1^ ' ^^ ^ 5 ^^^< <-<-^y^ LOBBY, MANY -GLACIER HOTEL GLACIER NATIONAL PARK 4 ///, ' ^A^ /-^-Cf-^ z^ Ar^-^^^ G4vtA^^^ 7- piyv-^t -L-tA.-*^ ,h^ /^^t:? -1— / ^A/«-< UrtyiZ^ >u/[ Cy%/JZEi^ yve^i^ ^%^m>C^^^ . Ir^ ^t^ GLACIER PARK HOTELS AND CHALETS GLACIER PARK HOTEL, MANY-GLACIER HOTEL. TWO MEDICINE. CUT BANK. ST. MARY. GOING.TO-THE-SUN. SPERRY GLACIER. MANY GLACIER (LAKE McDermott). GRANITE PARK, BELTON CHALETS. •SEE AMERICA FIRST" /mm -ii^ / ' / /^ i^^O Vb % n^^ f^Ji^ /i^ ^?"*— f Li^^c*^ c^i ^^ ^^o^^ v^^-€ --»!»^ ci.^ '^ >tf_-<-< *^ ^'^ Lux^ Ae/it e/i^ ^^:,^^^^'C^ £^Mt ^l^^t.,^ /V''JVa.,<„ "i/s-Y ,^ i^Hria£^ , tZ-^-^*r^ ^/*— <^ u/M / *— ?; /tft'C^ IaJUi 2.^ . l/'VTSt.*-,-^ ci^ ^^uc^^hxAy^ ■'^■^^■eM^^^cL >^<^^^--<^ jL^&^ y- JiLZUiM^Cf:,^^^ ^^-^ . Aor /^*-v -^ i^nrtx <^^_-f / ^'■^W^^ A^^o^/zxy^ p pi^-eiLd / ^h^^^^ (XyUy( ^&W7^ ■^^ ^*^ /^ "J^^i^o^t^ 7^ l^ GLACIF >^ ^l^ ^ Ci^K .H-^ ^ /z^ i^ O^TiA Z'. ^;^^^^^^-i^<^^^7 Z'. p^^a^ tt^^n ^^iA^c P^-'fi^ ^ 7i mc,Jj^(^>^^^e^ ^^-J.^ L. ^ TS^ ^^v^ ^"^ ^ GLACIER PARK HOTELS AND CHALETS GLACIER PARK HOTEL. MANY-GLACIER HOTEL. TWO MEDICINE. CUT BANK. ST. MARY. GOING-TO-THE-SUN. SPERRY GLACIER. MANYGLACIER (LAKE McDermoTt). GRANITE PARK. BELTON CHALETS. "SEE AMERICA FIRST" -71 ft> f^^CyuL^ T ^...JJii /y / ot^u^iJ^^i'^-^ ^ y^ o^-//u^^ r^xi M /^ Cue ljr2^^ MaaJ ^^ ff^Q-'^^^y ^^^^''^^^^''ii^i'^^n^y^ iJj^'^ iy^ ^^^^ /'U*^ ^»^^yf ^i^. ^ 4 ^>t^ ^2.ay^ r c^^<^ CHaA/K k >o<^ ^ a^^.0^^f^ht^ i^A^ e- o^^^^^ ^ vir'tljfcc ^X» * ^ C^A\^^j^*f V ^tt^ /f/U/ /^ Xf^ >fc7 ^ ^.^ N >W/'SA^a^ ^ ^ ^ -/^^^^^w./^ s^r^ ^sJ^?!H ^ GLACIER PARK HOTElI ^ ^ ■Tt 2^ H^/rrJ 2*-^ "^U^fli : ^> /f^/ GUNSIGHT CHALETS GLACIER NATIONAL PARK ejtut ^y^-«^»-^^^^x^6g!La^ iat^u4^\A. im /3^y ^i^:^,^^^ ^j^j^lt/ ^ 7v^ i^Il/ Az?^-^ ^i.J-'^X^ ^4 %!• ,I«.!^^3*vik r /3 a — ^ I/, GLACIER PAR' GOING.TO-T V ^i^Z^,^^t^, / y-Ol i4i^^^ t/f^ /Uj9'^^^'^ ^ ivvu/^ i4M.^*^-^Ui lATd^^ ^^^/p^t^e-^j lA'f^^ <7 y- x-t/Z/ -^-^ V^Z^ .v..-^-/ ^ ^^ '^st-^ ^;l^ Vh Ct;^^^4^^A^^^-<> CB^U^^'Bcytu^^^'-^^ ^ V-Uyf ^gj^uj/ /^^^^^"^ iZ^^Tzn^*"^-^ ^yi^iU/^ • i^^ 7l {XcruA^ /K7 ^^^j,,,^ A^ />^H /^•2^ 'lit u.zuj m-<} r V '?/«—» (U'TTi-''^ . IXAAj—aJ/ c^ ^^^m-^ yL U^ '^JL ji^U^ (chH ^ 1'^-^^n^ % ^i^^vu-^ 1 l/iij^ Ok M i ^^^^^Ui^ /e tt^ ^^^yi^u> y-TTi^ .^ la^f-^ ^^**^, r h 'IH^ c^^n^-< ^h^ <" (yffjUyU.^^^^ <5iW S^ ^^e,^^^*-^ ^ — «• /^ A. C&^. ayu .^jB^A^e^ W^ fr^Ju^^ ^'VjkJc^ /^ <5» ,^jA6^-4^ i>7 ^:<>^ ^:>*t^ /^^ ^ '^^^M ^3> AA< ti-r >'ul^ ATiitZi^ .j^^.^/^ ^>/%^ ''i-'^^^vj* £^<2^ t^y ^s^t^v 9^ />^ yi /^ (^ Ct /iAi/J I 1 ^^ I > V j9i(M^\ 3 q^v>V<^ n^"'^ ^A^-**- '"^>hruf ^1 \ Ay (^ ^^ ^^^-^<^ ^ Lv»^.^^^ )ii.\l/^tM^^ ^u^^ (A. "/^ A^ ^^ >^»^ "i-^^^Cui^ w^^yt4A<^^'^j^ V v^. •^ ^^^ A— .«^ rlrt^ ' ^^^^.<**/ JL. 9^ I m (j^ 4jL yvjr^r end or^ ^ft:^ {y^^ A tP2y/l>i^y^t^iif/^ 8) >- j^-tvt^ /^4A/ le--^ >X..0-UU^ '^ r 9/^t^ ^^i^iyZ^i^ rZr^'^ f^^^ic^ f/^ 1634 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON. D. C. fC ^^ k^iri f^^-^rM^ /f^.<*^ -L. 0 c^^-^ tUf ^ ^u^ lATirC^ fyy ^*.4Vi*t4^ Q^U^ o^ / u/ 7^ tA-^*-^C^ 7Z^ h't^ 4y^^^-^^e^ ^^^1,^ kJ^'j- ^^;^-— ' i^ . X^Cc^ o^ ^- "t^^ /^^ /e/vt^ 5^V^il<»^ ^ ^^«>^ 7^^ M^^ "^ ^i_ ^ ^ ^^ 7^-^- ■^ Vy^zpCA^ TSxI/ ^ ''-^«' ^^C^ -t-^j't^^'TT . fuJP y-ayr ^Tk-Of /-^ (? /vX>i^ ^.iCi^ ^*^ f oncrz:> ^"^ 4 'U/Uy< Z^r/>. /f 'f- /f2^/ ^^ ^i> k O lA^ ^ ^. /I/^ /<. l^^ 1 t/jh^j,l(^ /4J> (.r / • ,1*', I ADDRESS RCPLY TO CHICr. BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY, AND REFER TO UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON, D. C; May 17, 1919. Dr. G. Hart llerriam, She Northumberland, Washington, D, G. Bear Dr. Merriam: Many thante for ^/cnir notes on the Grizzlies of ITorth DaJcota. Apparently the Howard Eaton specimen from Bullion Butte is the only slaill actually from north Dakota and there seems to be some mix-up on the exact locality for this sloill. Bullion Butte is exactly eighteen miles in a straight line south of lledora in the big loop of the little Missouri River which nearly surrounds it. Bear Greek which runs out on tlie north end of Kill Deer Llountains into the Little Missouri Hiver is nearly 100 miles farther north, so I am in doubt as to which of these localities is the correct one for the Howard Eaton slcull. His ranch in 1880 was down near Bullion Butte but he may easily have gone on a trip up to Bear Greek. It will probably be necessary to write Howard Saton at Wolf, V/yoming, just \^ere he killed that bear. You speak of the Cameron bear skull as coming from about 100 miles north of Ft. Miles and I see that you also gave this nams in your description of the skull in feune 41, page 17. I vsonder if you mean Miles Gity, as I can find no Ft. Miles aiid never lieard of one in that part of the country. Fort Keogh was built by General Miles at the edge of Miles Gity but I never heard it called Ft. Miles. I am writing you these notes so you will have a record in case you vant to look up any of the localities. Very truly yours. Chief Field naturalist. i4t^uriu/^ A/d/'^'^^'^—r 4.. ^ June 1st I went to the Parks and have just returned. I find here your kind letter of May 29th and both copies of 'Animals of Glacier Park* - none here when I left - so will send a copy to Mr» J. E. I^wis, I^^is» Glacier Hotel, McDonald, P. 0,, Montana. Many thanks to you. I killed that grizzly you ask ahout Oct. 27, 1880, and named the creek on v^iich I killed him "Bear Oreek**, which nawB it has held ever s ince . There was nttt a settler at Kildeer Mts. at the ahove date. Bullion Butte was called Middle Butte - as it was in the middle of the Bad lands - "but a hunter named Jack Bullion lived there on Bullion Creek - now called "Golden Valley Creek** and we used to speal: of Bullion Creek until now. I doubt if anyone in that country knows where Middle Butte is. Bear Creek runs from east to west, entering the Little Missouri River east of the Butte. I know that two men besides myself are now alive, who saw the bear where it fell when shot - Gen. J. Franklin Bell, then a Captain, saw the bear brought in from the south of Little Missouri (now only a name across Little Missouri from Medora^ N. D. ) and Kildeer Mts. are north east about 60 miles. I never saw or heard of a Black Bear in the Bad Lands and think I sav; every skin ever taken there in the 25 years I spent there. Glad to give you any information I can about the buffalo, elk, mule and Va deer, sheep and antelopes, wolves, coyotes, badger, beaver, otter, mink, skunk and wolverines. I never saw a wolverine, but Henry Bennett, a hunter there claimed to have poisoned one at mouth of Cherry Creek near the Kildeers. There were also pumas or mountain lions, Canada and rufus lynx, prairie dogs, pack rats, weasels and blackfooted ferrets. I killed many rams in that country. I have about 100 to take to the Glacier Park July 19th and nearly as many to take to Yellowstone Park A-ugust 5th. Tell Dr. Merriam to write to my friend Mr« J. R. W. Sargent, #116 - Room 321 - South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois. Mr. S. has the head of a grizzly I killed in the Bad Lands of L. M. River, Oct. '84. If the Doctor wishes, he can v/rite Mr. S. at once, and I think he will allow the skoll to be taken out, a wood carved skull inserted and head remormted and returned to Mr. S. Dr. M. has a female I killed, and I think that this last was a male. Regards to Mrs. Bailey and you - also Dr. M. and all ny friends there. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON, D. C. ADDRESS REPLY TO CHICP, BUREAU OP BIOLOGICAL SURVEY. AND REFER TO Jane 24* 1919* Dr. C* Hart l&irrlam* lAgonitmSt California* Dear Dootor Uerrlam: ne Ja^iar at the moatli of tlie Colorado River was reported l>y Pattie in his personal narrative (5taraite»s Bdition, 1905t page 194 )• He sajTS that on the islands at the delta of the Colorado Elver they Icilled an aniiiml like an African leopard, i»hich came into their caap and was the first of its kind they had ever seen. Even if Pattie is as nwch of a liar as you would thinJ: he was, he could not have invented the description of such an animal without having seen it, and this is the only plaoe where he was ever within the range of the species. I am inclined to think there was something in this record. We are anxions to hear ail about your trip and Glacier Parkt fti'd any new records for the bird and animal lists. Tery truly yefors. Pu (Jy2.A/^ir^^ Chief Field Itoturalis UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON, D. C. ADDRESS REPLY TO CHICr. BUREAU or BIOLOGICAL SURVEY, AND REFER TO July 14, 1919 • Dr. C. Hart Merrlam, Lagunitas, California. Dear Dr. Merriam: Glad to hear that you got through all right and had a good view of Glacier Park. We have heen forwarding some letters to you at lagunitas, and today a package of reports of the California Academy of Sciences has arrived by express, hut I think you will not want them sent out there. They are the reports of the President of the Academy for 1918, Notes on Western American Chitons, Ants of the Galapagos Islands, Field Notes on Land Birds of the Galapagos Islands, and Life 2one Indicators in California. This last number is by Dr» H. M. Hall and Joseph Grinnell. This you may want sent on unless you can get a copy from one of the authors to keep out there. I will not send it until I hear that you want it, and will keep the whole lot at my house for you until you return. The package was broken open so I investigated its contents. In a letter from Howard Eaton the other day, he tells me that Mr. J. R. W. Sargent is now at Detroit, Minnesota, and will be there until some time in September, so you can write him there instead of Chicago if you do not hear from your previous letter to him. It is delightfully cool here, just about like Lagunitas weather. All well. Very truly yours. Chief Field »turalist. /^. r Z^/'?, /^^V^ t ^ ». hA- //inr- /W /^ /O-C/ r- L/i^^^dM^^ <^ duA. ^ \J ^U/Z^^ M^ ^^ iCf Ca^>^^^ c-yf X^L<^ 't^ A^?»-^ y<,{yLc^^-^^ y^ Tk h^t^n^^ /^ Y- yknr. ^^/ /^/?. 6 -€e^ 1834 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON, D. C. /-Ve^^^-^ Ja-M ^y-nrvJM i^ Jt^A^ul^ ■t.u^'t^ty^e)-^ C'--=>^j:'^i-CM-^^ l^tr^ Qryiyl ^t (/Un^ ^^--'-tftA/ /U ^'-^ ouJ j-U^n^ 1^ It/} 2 A^ iAaJ^ ^.^ kl^L chyuJU^ ^ -.^-^ Jf~iyt^ t.,^^jtO^ ♦^ Ch.-'«>r ^ / d^^i-uA jhWj/ CAn^4i T^ — ^ ^^^^ ^i^^^ jsoyf^ ^ /C ^ cyplyl OJ S^^CA^ lMXA>'^ a^i^Y /-'^^^^ i^-i^^^UU^St^ y. /<1^Ua. >t^^-C-^LA--^ ^ m zv ^ TL^C'H^ UL — qm^-V J MU^ /*>-<^ .^..^ j&^t^ ^v, /-^, i^^^v.,^^ A/T^ y2-ut/^ ^ »-&/ '^-^ /*^ aUyty'^-^.f o^U^~~f / / ,Air^ ^^-^ ^Aj-i/yf U/t/l^^iy /i^zn ^ ^y^<^ a^ /-'^T^^r?^ ADDRESS REPLY TO CHIEF, BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY, AND REFER TO UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON, D. C. February 13, 1920 Dr» C. Hart Merrlam, The Nortliuin'berland, Washington, D. C. Dear Dr. Kerriam: On receipt of your inquiry of February 11, I called up the office of Farm Management to inquire as to the progress of our report on Life and Crop Zones that we turned in for publication in the Department Atlas. Mr. Baker, who has charge of this work, is away at the present time, and Mr. Stafford of his office tells me that they are still helJLup on prublication owing to lack of funds that were ex- pected for the purpose. a?hey are going ahead with the work, however, and gathering material for each of the folios as fast as they can, and it is only a matter of funds for bring- ing out the numbers as they are prepared. Mr. Baker will be back about the 5th of March, and I will take it up with him personally as he has all the inside information, and I will let you know then what the prospects are for its publication in the near future. Very truly yours. Chief Field Naturalist. X.. It'l Shoshone Falls. Idaho. .4f ♦*?# ir*>.-:»*' -,.*^ m-»i ' s,...»^- '*-.**'-«a----*'^ c o bo u a m < 0) .Q io 3 Carp Hi ADD|i?lEfeS I « M /•^ U/t^U^ fllAyu-^ ^ ^^- ^^~^. tlMijf^/^^ /f C^ / o ^tJ-t^ -^^^-^ ^ /Li)[/l^u^^^-^ ^^-uM Wip^^^ '^t^t^*^^^ i^yO o— ^^ A^^^ccf It ^^^ ^ 2;^if^ 4^ ^ 9^^ -C -^'^'^ ^Cj/ ^L^xun A>-^ ^/tJl^/l ^/Li/j n ^^y^^%.^C^ ^ :;n^ ^J^c^ ^W yXAA ctx< y^ i/i/i — ^^^J£u,. /^*<^^6^. 'I'i^ oc-yt^ J 'K-t/W ^^^^^f^ /^^^^'^^ A^ f-t^^ /'^S/^^-f ?A^ S^^^^^/ui^ , % iM.--f-t^ /6t/>K^A^ dL^ "^ ^^ /^^^^t^'W'^ ut-w-^-^S^ . c^^ >«^ A-^ /^/ d trty^ ^ 9^ '^'(P—f A^3-^!T>i^ "7^^ O'-;/' i/r~~/ rtnrC cuiA 'tuA/ A TC .^^^«— *^ o<>ta^<^^ -^ / J Uf C-7- c (yv<- — t d-a^A iAA ^^ ^^ cz^/ i/l^^y-(J A^z/^ ^U^- J4^/ ^! /Q 2 o . ?w. 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L t-^^^ A ^^-u^t (A CiA^\.0o-'zy**f / (UnJU^-vT P/ ^ fiv-v-< fl/i Aw ^^^^^ cx^ Ol UM. K**^ ^ ^ c€.*-y-urU^ ^trH'^ -y £^i^i-^»/*--<^ (3^--e^^-^ I f^ -4 ^o/r>-<7 lA- — e ^ ^.-.^ «//>^ ^ "^^ ^^ U^-»Um -t^— ^A ljT/tli>*^ >M^ (*Ay^J^U4. tA/Vt^^ 7t ee^^Xf . 7^ ^ '''^^^' 7^ t-^'^ s^tA^^j'^^'^ f ^ Cli^ 'X^*^ (hArt -eX L^<>eA ^ 'i.Cy*^e*^ z^^^^^M^^ ^?-^ /..n^.^^.V' ^^»^ l^i*^ "7^ ^lot/c^ x.^^ ^3zx^ y^ ^t*- <^ ^i^M Ir^ ^---^ <(U^^ ^^^^4/^. j^uZJ/L o^ C>tJt^ i^ vf >-d/V "^t*^ /VCA'^y. 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Irt^ <»r^^^ ^ ^-otfX^ HiclJSu^ iiH^^cn^ ^^OuJ V^ C*Xf a^w ihri^ "pr^ up^y-t^ ^ljl/7^ Tfou. &nrn^ tA6^ cU/ (/\y^^-^in'^ f ?/ 1 f^ 'l/t^^"^ ty 7^ (AA^t^UAyi oJ^i^ '^f^'i^ ;^^A^ '^^^^"^"-^ "c^?^ / Z<^ fe^ y' t/iASt^ ^-"^lJZ/ ' **-^ V^^l^urt^ *<:>/ <*-t>i*fty h yoXiA/^ y Mm (i^ 'i. ^ cA^ ■ "t^U^^^-^^T^ ^JtwV 7^ c< ytrtf^t^^^H^^ l^^^^lXt PlAA Jlt^ /UC^^^^^ ^t^^^LAAA^^C^Y M- ^x-t>1xCV o--^ €e/^-^^^i>K^tr^ <;/VC^ .4t^<^M. cxAy^ .A.^^^-^-i/UA^t^CcHrf ij-^rtAA^ l^^io^ oUj J^ i^jL^fJUA,^^^ |A-V>1>UV^ ^^t^e.^5iA>«-^ . 0\/^i/^ ^trf yUoU^I "' f w * i^rz/^ c/y^/^ ^ ^^Kk^VV^ V^t?V '=-^ ir-i-A^ t^ — t — ^ ^^.^..'^ " -^^^^jL^^eAjJAf c--j.-U^ {^c^T^ j^^A^..^ O^Xr-iyi Oi^\^ M/-«4>uuv 1Aa>>wC^ 7^ Clef^^^^^ j.-e-/c^ ^^^ ^^^^<^ iA-r/X^ 'tZ^ 1/1/^ h^^JUf '»*^A-c v.-i,-n adJ-^:^ALj(jL^ ^ <^ e^s4WW^.^ 2;. ^^^^^^ JUi.4^. Qru^^"^ i?-^^1>7 .^ 'I (Uj^ / --^iVv/V ^^■^^ix.-'e'^>o vl!? ^tW Mi^^ y ^ ^^^ 7 ^-^ X^ >*^^V^^C^ . 0^7 /^ A^ ^ ~l4^ 0-iA^(yU^^M/\ ^-<-^ liluj'H ^ u^ CtLA /W C^t--^ hyui/^"^ '^ ' (AA-.SLA'^i.J^'Hj^ c^^riA i tiKji^^ U (7^0 n^-iry-i ft-^ /SX'-N. V) (X. lAnr^A^t^ CA ^ /'v • « C/i'ty^^ ~^ /^Uy^^cH^ drib / ^Cnri Ltr-- A^^^ ^ k f >-i^ Z^^-iyA fwh; Ij % ^^"^^ ^O/iA^^f- I (/IA~ (M^-f^M^S \J h>v^ c,,^^f^,^ l/-<^ ..^V, '^^ctT .^^a^ etA^Ui^ /u^ /-'-tuCtcc^ i^-^^irc^ J t>,fK^ )^^^ tj^ .^^A^ Zero oO / w-e^c^ , i{/\ n^^p^ p-Ll?^^ <^.^<^ JHnA HM u/^^tAT cUrtnrr (poi/l /^f^'^ ^T^ ^"^ ' u'^^ ^^-v^^ % fy^^^ JL^ lU^ '^U^ ^ G< hU4-aw*^A^t^^ t>^rt^iZ^A4^ t^f^-^ s. jLuo ± 0 h^t^>^ wvIa^ y^-t^\nA ih^uuJ \^^u oLu^ iuiuitJc>^ ^ Ot/^--^^ Ar^-OK (2^Vtin '^V^-"^ v^zj*-^<^ '=r' ^^ I ^^ M^A^ *^-<-/ o^-^ i O^ Hc^<^ < ^^^-^?tO<^ X^i^^^'^l^ ''>'%^-*<^^-7 .>w^ ..^'^ ^L-'^'Ci^ jm (>^^^!llX<'..^'Vr^ ^ o.rU/ aA . %fUK OyU -? ^. b-L.euiH.'i^-^ (X c^^.'Ua. ^9i t^ V t^iXu^/ Th \^ Or^ I^ /: z^XcUa.^-^ (-t/ /U r w /m y^Li'i'hi^ "^ V'^H^, •/ S^^^fo-^ A^ iMT'lM <-^ O-^uyutX <. /' ^>-^^--^

3 ^ ^'v^ i.r Wc^. K Ci/uJ^ cy ujL^ui4 CA .^/lA^ 7i^i4^ Zi-l^ i^ cf^ h^ li C^^j ^ /u^^t^,/^ ^ Ua^ ^^'t^''i*-0 -*=/^ ♦^ J^-T^MXl ..^ / ^tiS? -^^ ^^~ ^^i '^u^ ^^/yifrfiy ffj^- 2^ . (^^^-v^-K^u^ tA-* ^c<_ S^^trMA t^t*^ if 5^ /^^.^#- /ie^H^ /^^V^/, ^ (? u^*^^^^ Yl^ foi'-U^i^ /-^l cnrvi % ^^-tMiZ^ OC ^; *X^ c£rv^ o-^ i^^^ i^jT^lul^ (t(a4J 4>-e4 tr "7t* ^^?t>t-^^ ■^ ' >^7^ A^^^xH 7?t^ ^ d>^ tf^t/t/^-^^^Vt-rUi^^ ^ i^ I ' # H-<; IaXi^ Ja/^^^^ t^U^A^ hH^ ^^ t^^i£^ -^ >c5j{/ /-T^Y ,x^t^ 7$ ■^. t « 'ti^^^ ^w/y^ It yjMi *4^4A^ -^*^ 6^>^ 6z^*~r I * ^•« y _^(tO e.^^'*^— ^»-C^ — ^t(AXo 7f. A- — ^"tv^ "/-TUA^^^idA/t^ / fi^t/i-'^Ci^-'-H ^, 1. M--0 -tvM UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON, D. C. AOORCSS REPLY TO CHICr. BUREAU or BIOLOGICAL SURVCT, AND RErER TO October 10, 1921 Dr. C. Hart Merriam, La^tmitas, Marin County, California. Dear Br* Merriam: I am Just baCiC in the office after 15 months ' absence smd find things considerably changed around in our quarters. The economic bird v/ork and workers have moved over into another building, and we have readjusted our desks and files to better advantage than before. The dark room in v/hich I have worked for several years is now being used for file cases, while I have a corner in the large room with good light on my desk. Dr. Oberholser asked me if I remembered what disposition you had made of your personal bird papers in your little upright file case which you left here for our use. No one seems to be quite sure whether you turned them over to the Biological Survey, or whether you wish to leave them merely as a loan. In case you do not want them back, it would be much more convenient to have them arranged in our regular files, but they do not wish to change them until hearing from you to make sure just what use you want made of them. In case you do not want the papers, do yOu care for the little wooden case in which they are kept, as I think it is your personal property? All of our records are being put into steel files as fast as possible, and there does not seem to be any scheme into which this case fits. In case you do not wish it, it can be discarded with other old cases we are eliminating. Everything seems to be going well here at the office, and it is good to be back again comfortably placed to do some work. I hope you will be able to find good office quarters here, but I am afraid the city is going to be very crowded this winter. Sincerely yours. tJ. £/tA^'xr^ — Chief Field L'aturalist. / ^ 7 \ ^oC^y^^-i (A^^ {<^^^yt^(^^n^^ X^ ^'-'iT'l^^ ly^-tf^ 4^ 4cw^ w^^-^^-y^l Vt^W ; kf^ (ATO-^ t^trjre^-*^*^ /A-V ^UM^iA^^^ vt,^-r^U^ i^rv-lli C^-.^f\^ flvU-ct^ ^i^t^A^:!^. W^ Ti, SuUJ^0f ^ ^ f^ VXf~ ^ ^ i VUm) cr%\y< <9~-^»<^ _/A-C-^t**'^5^tV^ c— ^ -/:/ . . /- 7h^ A-^ /rc^ ^^W>*«^^ d^t^t&UAUjf /'-tn^'^.^'Ki '--A--^ f-C-C^L^ i^n/iJ^Ci^uw "^ ^z>^ r^i^t^-^^ ^^^ ^^pn 1^1^ In^ X-:/ /^?^A/-^t^4^ *-^ ^^^^"7 ^*^ C<^-^^^^I^K^V^ y^-y ^H^^^rx^ /; A?^/^ -tiny\ y^ /y\^u^z^^^ d^ih, Vejoon, 1%^- 11^ ^ / / BATJO KISS /92Z-/f2B rrlMMtmr -*■"■*- — "^"-igAriWaiiwTltimi iWl mmmsf^f&mssm ^^j^f?r emms. ^ ^V, /f 2 i^ 1834 KALORAMA ROAD Washington. D. C. )^4i^> ^ ^^rrtc^ ~y /^ Q-UMytLcf -T^-tf t/^-tU) k l^-f ^2|^t_f ckcjc^ ^Jh^vUtJ 7^' Xol /i^T^xy^^ t-t^ J ^^MAt4 /k C^rC^ e-fi^*^\ / (rv^ '^J. kuUD/ 5^^4 ^ Jf U't/t^^tetY A A ^J^ a^-f^/^ /y y r\ % /^^2J*&»i sSiM^^^i^ A^ ^/ A< k^ATiy^J Ut^ 17^ c^'/ W/ X^/ IfinA k^ ^^iM) (\r (V y /< <^iAA. Chr^^f ^^^^ •^:jAcAA^dA^ /^-i^W,: /-<^ ^j-pxx u^^ 6*. .'^ t^l^X^f ^-J/t^^y^ p^f. /?^ ^ 1834 KALORAMA ROAD Washington. D, C, LatC^u) t^i- h^i / £Pl^ f d Ln t/)^^^^^i c^ UHL^X^ /Ot>i^/0 2M^ Urt^l,/*-^-^ 1^^^-zr^^^ / c^ 9^ ^y^-r^ — «^ "-e^ Z? cyi^h-j^-i^^-y fc^k^^Mt/u^ s u^/>A // /i ^>^/ O^trtLLi 'lit W«^V^^^ ^ ^ Ca~^ ^2. . ^/^^ y^^zWW^ A" i^vH/ il il C- I (A. a % C\ I/I'Ux^jUaa^^ ^ -Z^^"^. o-l f -4 ^5.4^^ { -y OyH % ^ ItfpU ^«/ /V-/ %^ ^ n^t^^ ^A^ «-f i^^y u^u^t^ /a AA U^ te ixrt^J ^^/^^^.A^ ^' V hrt iMj^lY l^^^^<^t-y t^i^ ^tL t^ f^/t\A^/i c^ &^4r^Art>i '=>^ T^-^ V ^^^^-^ &^<^ nail tj^ /JVTTt^ 7 /frr-f aV >x-^/2^ Ivm^^ cJtSjT T /-/. /S,.,,,^ At^ ^^ .^^ -^ h^^t>^^ jL^>^^^i^ tr^ rvU rn lA^^^J^L^ A^^ iATl^lA, i.tJ--e^ ^ (LrJi/^^ aZf^ 0-A^-^iu^ t^^-c-A^ ^^^^tX/^ ^»-y-^^ (J-cr-I^ '^ / cU/ ^yly^yr'^'^ ^^ ^7^ L")^^^ 1834 KALORAMA ROAD Washington. D. C. Hi sU/'oa^/''^^*^ ^^M^ UZt^^u^^i^ tn.^L^eiM'^i-^ \pZt ^ji-CXJi »-e^trx^ Y""^ ' bf.y^^^, ^ ^^«*^ \< ^«.^U4x,,.-V«W ^*^^ ^ lA^V^TM^^-^^^ -^ Lk iKA^r^^ £n.-^- ^^**-— t^ -T-^ Maj^ >?-^4h^>^^-^^ UUt^^^ f o C4}-<>^^^ ^/A'*^ ^o-^.*^ /^^ ^ ^ipx^^ llU^^ ^^^ '—xJ^ (JLc^,— ^^ /r^^t 7^ rhrt^ ^^ 7^ Qy{t^u£c4^ £>^ ty>L^eJ^ct^^ hJu-u ^pyi^ (AHfuJiJ c»3^;2Si 'Q^^^ ^^^--t:^ Uh^ -UT^M^'O hn--j^ -^ ^■yiTiA c^ tAA^^r^ AA^^, f f^ / f 2 ^ 1634 KALORAMA ROAD Washington. D. C. t f^t^^L^e^, %' /kr;^^ ^^ — -- o^i^ i i^yir^iA u;^ /^' ^ .*^i^ ^j cn^Ly\A, ^ o- rX^L^^^ 0\^^ lA^av"} Co'7i/£<7 '/Qn^O r ^ ^L^ / M^U-{kJ?/, re^^*^^*"Ht_ oZ- cl^-0 (^-6^,^^ Z-^^ HA 4 o-frr y2xJ'^jJ\ e^^ £>-/ IaT^I^ . }to\^ ^^3 2-0 Ijl^ed^rloo r / ^>A^»-C [n^ i^Vf A^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^ 1 <^La^^,^ ^ c^i^Tv^x/ /*f^4/ 1%U/1 oiTi^Y^Z^ h^' 2tii/7l iMU "^^ ^^-itU l^OJL^lJ^/ My lu / 6^ t. / / J L 7M^^^ .^^ Hr*^1 <--^ £j!Ljt^ <^ ' M^-^ 0% ^>-^ / / ^ // f 4K^-^ ^JF^c o/ J lI-c^^ <^i.?^2y ^J^\,^ /Lv yuL^i^ ^^y. irrti. u U 2^o-tr>txiLY ^Jjitt, ^ilW. 5/, ^^ ^ ^ 1834 KALORAMA ROAD Washington. D. C. y^^^ 7^ /9/?y^ ^ hn^^-tA/'^^^^^^^ Uy^ (t^^^M -U^^^j^^p-^ i'Vin-iyi O-'O'^ ■ (J-^ /'«-<7 / ^^^ (^yjaiyf '^-^^'^/^^^^^ ''^ ^ / *~r J CJ^^J flH 'l/t^ yl^ ^ i^rUJ (y(v-i/-^ ^.3-iij "7^ A_-4_/ I 7 ^ ■/ ci>^>-t:^ yO^ifGUi^t^ J XI C€^i^4v '^^-VA C^'^c^ t,^Z4/l>it^^< 2^ C^^n^A / i7 Ai^4/^ If^u^i j^/oAeto u Ir^iT^ p't^ h^~i^ l^f^^*-^ r'^Zyt-^iA:) I /. ft^y! ytf O^i^ /t^ ^I'-r^Z-/ '•^^ / Vr tt-y Ti*^^-^ Vi^^P*^ ^ U^ 1/ M ^ yi^^A CfTlcA'^i ' fUMd^ ^^y^ruZ^^tAA^ -^/5, /f 2?, 1834 KALORAMA ROAD Washington. D. C. ^ ItHA^^A^^^^u^ 2S ^^^^ (Unpy^^u^ (yyx. ^^-^^U^-e/CA-exxTf ^--l/iAUt/l (A/f^V^-^ / «*T^. Jf'wWi^ ^^..^sr uff^ CiJ>y^iAA^^ yw-W^ «^-^ oaZ^ "Y- a^^ ^^"^^'^-^^ c\ i,A^ A '='<^ ^rvA of oMt^ }^U'~v. ( . r O-^-tA-^ /O-C^^t/v *^o-t-v tfuZu^ /^ 'CLit^Vt'^-x. t1 T ^^/M. 7^ X»^ ..^^ ^ /^=^^^--^ ur^UJ<^ IAa ^^^"*<#H<-tl/ <^^ piA^tf-^4^ f^-x> ^-^ T^ a^ jM trt^Ji^ V H^frxH /i^^Tp*y ^?t^^ ¥ A ^^e^ -^ /^^ Z^--- TA, ' / / V <*-^ i^ ^ l/lf-Z4y ; X*t-^ M.'^^^.A, X*.^ ' '^^rtiyy % y*-«3fW^ -Xr-tA/ U) y^*^ «^^ / ^i^>^H ^St^^^ l/^ QjLinA^ Iv^-i^^^ "S Tt^HrUJu^ :~7^ ^^ f^"--^ 'H.^AJ u^^ >M^%/ #^«^<-^ pn i^^^^-j^ IAM - fiZ'^'^^^c*^^^^ 'ien'^ 2-6' ait^ ^ ,im^ ^ ^ hf^M A \^p^iA ..A-tsW^^^^ ^vr/^ U^ C^/'i^^ ^U^t^^ ^^i-^/ ^t /^ ^ ^ '^./^i^ ^^H~ 'A '^ fc>^ ^^tW /^ ArO<^ aCiAr^ tVi/i ffvi/{ cVP^^ 1^^^/h; ./^^ _/Tr^-7 /^

^^^^ Y /t/^^ <^^^^iixic^ "^fe ..jf^z^ M^C7 %^n .2^ <^^(At>'l £y2yi/-zy\^ 1834 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON, D. C. )Z^^ ^i^ /^Uy^i^ ^$u^i^ )^^iUP^^^ ^^ AT*^^*^ f^ »/ ^x^ ^ /U4l^ ^^^^'^ iLurt^^ CAj~Tr~-i 1^ 'a^JOtl o^ n ^» Lu^ ei^^^ A^^-?;^ ^c-i^ /:?v/v -u.Li J( c^ ^^ f\rtvc4 y^-^^'-^^i>\ lA^ C^^^ /^ ^^ /hHL4U^ ^*^7-^ ^f^-XjCf^^ ^-aMaaj^ eS^4\/iMA c^ ^uiM^' TH^-t-^^-^^ h j4^ — - ^^M . (fftU^ u4^ i4tu fi -^^o^/^H ^^^ A^,%o-/, .^. /'r^'-L / 3- jU^M^'^-'-e^^y^ ff'yj\y^ 0~\^ c^ aM^(>eiP6/ .teu4 ^ h^ ^ CiT-in^-Juf^ ^i^^lA.— f /'t^Cx^^^V-^ ^ Ji4nf y ^)/^^^^ 0[/<^^Mi^ <^-^ oiJ^ir^i^f-'^'t^^ ^ta^^ I yxL^^t^i cr-i l^-X4fk^ ct^u: d I I ^/^^r^ ^JSu^^ -^ Im^ yi '^^^^ <:?Vv ^ . 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C. ii^ ^ V -^ ^■^^fl''^ ^-erzriA d (K )lQz:^ ^^-^/^^ AAV*^ "^ iP\y>^ fciZirc^^ pf~- c^~^ c/,in>^ (^ ^^v/^^f^ (X^-t^^~cy[ ^ X^^^^tn^i^ , - 7. c/Ha-, ''^75:-^ ^-L^^ i-pM' 1834 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON. D. C. OH^ "^C t^ -r^ 51^ ^ S~(^ ccr-o cny-& ,xt^^ Urt/v^-'^ ^ t^^Y^-*y y^'Ai/^ M^^^.^ ^ dyZ>Z> * / ^^— /- \\ 1^ l^^Pi^ ^ itlA^ ^ /i/vcA iM^ t/ Out %A^] ^tni^ ^' vi^T*^ -^W^ ^ 2,^^-^ el^n^y^ ^<^5^ AMERICAN PLAN a*Hiw«aau»i>bY CO CHI New Hotel Costello J. M. BERRY, Lessee Morgan City. La. 192 ,j-^J^ ^^W^ ri^ (^^M/U ^^2^-^)44^« y.^ 2^/ n^^^ \4J a^t^ Ih ^ /^ 4't^u/i-c.i<^ (^'t^V^-^-t U '.uSZ^u^H^ ;— "^^ 't^Ld . Q-i^ (I , / ^_^ C< V^-TK-^^ ujt^ cj ,-i-4-^j[A^ l^^^i^l^^^^JL^J ',.^>^J^i7l\ ' ^^ UAA^ A—i/ ^^^Y r Ac/><; u^rj>-£4^ <^ l^-^^^^ .it<-y y^--^ In^ jrt^ Ia/^ — ^ '%' ^U:iirz^ ^ -^^W" ^^^ cJm....^ .,^.^~fr^<-^4-^ \J C>t!f<^%^ 1 J^^^ V J -7A. ^.^.^<'^<2^'v^ / 0 6r cre>^-z> (?^eyX4^ V /d-&^^^--t>^i^t7^ XAAAAA^yUJ ^^^^^I'^^y'^*'***^ ^C^^u^^ iSt^ -T-L^ /hf^^^-^-^ WASHINGTON. D. C. 'ifcA— /LTK^ vJ'H-M. ■r-^v/ If^iA^ . 4^1 yA-^-eJp. M^ c^ W^rt^J^ ^ ^ 0 ^^iJ^-^^ U.^-^. ...W^ ^ -^ ^ /< ;^ /^ "^ ^ '^ ^^"^^ y^ l/ptPt i^Mi ^ iu ^yU^-zn^/^ a / O^-'^C^ f-idf hHu ^ /^-"'^ A <:it>x/t^^^^ frr iA^JLolA^tiA^^ ^ ayi^ -i^-cn ^ 'tht^ {lyU y^yy^AjO'^iyr -J HrU><^ c4(H n 44/^-^C^ M rM^ ^ , lr^4^A^ cA oj^ ■VUA/^ A>t/lv Crinn^ r^ ^-^ .^ aZc^. Y {/ 'HU^ c^ 5 A^-uXuj-«>^ "'^^-^^ la^'-Ia^ Cjst^^—f ct/z:;tyL^ ^ ''^ lJifZiAjL-/ Cjf^Xho~V^^,^M^-y Zr-utrvJ^ Jet *" XLM-^Mj ^ ^ ^^"-^ ^W' /"^^ /w^--^ ^I^^ X jijjt^^ aT^ ^ <^ Ti^ <^ ^iHAo of ^.Z^^,^.^^^ lyi^ /Wrf tr ^^ ^if^ I A^ ckJJ l^>U/ Irt^ ^' ^'u^ 4 ^^-^^^-^ ^V y^/i^A/U^ dyiAAA , ^^^^-^ 1^ (\M^/iffHJ i-^iy^ ^ ' m^ --^ A^^/M^ /-»>/ "^A-O ,>-i^ v^-^t^ t~^ l^h^/i/\ ^' gA^ /t^ ^H^ >v>< JU? ^ju^A<^^ u4o ^L^^t^^ (Vu-^Aaa^ )/yMj^<^'c£K^ / • S /f r/~l ^.^^.^^^ a/-u4 ^i/t^ |^r^r'^JLo|4^4^/| [^.O^iTiAyi/ Uu |4^>(/^-H.^^ CT^-^ ^ D-»< ^^2^ ^>(MA-^J^1^i^ c^ /""ti^^V ^^^"i^^ZA tA^VTA^M>A^^t/t^-^ £-^n<-t/7^i^4..'<-^i.,..^-£^ ^pt'^fW-T!?'^:^i<'-t5tf 1^ / r ' i/^^^ J±, ly^^ (yWu^ cJ ^ t/.c^-(U^ V n.<^ -*-*A-^ ^---~^T '£rL ''^'^"'^^^ yu^A^^f^--^ ^^ cnMA k^^^^ Jto-i^ . J-^^VVvvJf % h>iM K^^A ixx^.-^'-A^ ^W /^tHU*^ pjA M o^ ^ iJlrM^ c^'^J^'-i^ U^ (^L^^^-/^-^ ^ / ' >» o6*;^.>U--^v-^ o<^ '^ Ct^^ Jill/ Q^U^/^-^ ^"-V >^<^^IS(U^^ l^AjUok^i^ ^"^i^^^^ / />2<^^^g^4^ AV^^^ ^^ 'fifi^U^'^^< 0-»( J-vMaa^ «-*v/ $^^>^M ? a^^ OlA^^^SL ^-c^-t^xr^r ^^^r.^1^ ^.^L^yT <^^-J( ^i( ^^^U^cJ ft>^ i^ic^-4J4 ^ Ly-^ ^ J^-Mi^ o^ CW^-^ OlA^ oM ■^/C:^ / z^(yc^ o^e^ie^ ^ ^ Vilm\jMi cc^t^ a^'tnJl L^f^^U- — - «^-^ ^^i^^A^^iyCtj^cA o^/c^^iii^ u^i/TZ^Y CiJUt IroAMiM^ ^ a^cPf^ (h> l4ij^ ^^(^ 2/^^ CKat-JI 0&7XAA^ 1^ >Ky^^^QLAA-^^^- ^ Jj-i-^ei^^crru f-trjuJlS^-iM A-^ Aw^ M-rPi^ i^i^KJ &i^yHJ 4u^o^ ^ G^ ARTHUR L.ROBERTS. President TED J. karp.Sec.5 General Mgr. STEM •»w-:o ••T PAu^,, H...:.^ .VINONA WINONA. MINN. ARTHUR ' "^"fJITI rinn HOTEL SAULPAUGH MANKATO.MINN. TED J.KARP.Mgr. 3 THE ARTHUR POCHESTER.MINN. LEON DEGLMAN.Mgr. MODERN 'r V ADDRESS AT POINT OF MAILING HOTEL FAIRMONT FAIRMONT. MINN. J.N.DEGLMAN.Mgr. ^&*-M i^^i^y, H/iU^C ^ ^L^ fl^VU^ Ot>^ kJ •W jjSA^^MA.'^ CH^ (l'«?U^-^ A^^/^^«^^^ /^.-^ '--^ ^ImJ^IH^ /H)' w ^=^»^ ^=^-2^ i<-c^~tif --y /L i \,i*^. <^^2^t.d^ v: 0yi^ • / e^riAjy /^^^ ^U^.^ ^*^ I- l'^-*^ :J\^ V-'T^ 'fM^^^^cyf ^<5l^^y^7 0 — t^ <4iP^ b<^ a^ ^ ^;^r^-*— < (^ a^ '-^ ^ ^ >Cf/-M,' ^ ^•T^ (y\^ 'Urt^-X 'JUi.'^^^sr^-x. . iD-<^M li/iMuia^ fJl h^. North Coast Limited CHICAGO - ST. PAOT- MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH- SUPERIOR- HELENA- BUTTE- SPOKANE OWSTONE AND RAINIER NATIONAL PARKS SEATTLE - TACOMA-PORTLAND HuriinKran ffoute *;/^^ ^ Lt^ li^^/^ ^ ^ 4^^^ > 1A^ ^li /^AJ^>l4 iAj^^'PU fi^r-A^. cn^ Acu European Plan Cafe in Connection Hot and Cold Water in Every Room %xnhxt'm |Hjxt:el MRS. ELIZABETH GRABOW Proprietor '^"^-^e-i Livingston, Mont. ^' / / 192 I y^^j^^-*-^ yi>-^ fU-^^flf^^/ 7 cHA La^^U^€^ -t^ 'VU4AJ^^f^ tr^-i^ >^<^1*^ /^^<^ -l4^ A>t>// V^T>^^ A ^:^^^ ^p^^ ayuri4^€.T^ 7uA J 0^ 'Ujuj>f ^ff-t^ hj^A/ c^fL^i i^J^^iM f ^^ _^__ i/irgihia CANYON' Cascades camp V/ ^Mf Washburn JOjS/y' -/nsp/ra/ion Poinf v'lA ENTRANCE /^„„^ ■ 1 ^-^-^f^e/es ,^E.) '^^^^^C^Sery, Spring Zj^^Gibbon Falls ADISON JUNC. (M. J.) ;ANY0N JUNC (y/iffenden Bridym '/ U^- Cascade of //re F/reho/e \. Lower Geys<^ Basil ^xce/s/orSeyse* [Upper ^ammofh ^/nfpo^s /fnof^d Woods Fishing Bridget LAKE CAmf LAKE HOTEL- ^ud Vo/cano >i,AKE JUNC. ^~7i/r6id L ake /^''-^^'^SG^orySpr.hp^tyserBasrn" Shoshone Pf "^ N ^^.OidFai//?/ulA ^ (*>' ^ I yfXcascadej^^^ ""N^feV- O^O FA/rn/ruL CAMP \ V -^\ DuckL^ ^ ^*^^ X WESTVTHUMB \ I /^afuraj Bridge\ V*—TefonPt. f>AHASKA TEPEE* ^-s.) 'SIDE TRIP [£L.738/' *Sy/van Lt '/van Pass- £l.aS33' \ CODY OR east! ENTRANCE (E.E) I \ ^^.o^^^ Lewis Falls. JSxMi SOUTH ENTRANCI '1. e: ' Moose Falls \loiAj^O£ft /ea M/iEs \ Ahil^ude of Lake 7735 fetf. Maximum depth 30O ft. ^ Shore Line /OO miles. a Wafer Surface, approximate^ /39s GARDINER OR ^ -NORTH ENTRANCE (N.E) Supen'nfendenfiOrrice - %ooFt. PefrifiedT^ee^ ?rOWER FALLS JUNG. (T. J.; Buffalo Ranch SIDE TRIP- ^poiiinaris Spr/'ng - Obsidian C/iff -CAMP ,ffoos£\/£cr ^Tbkver Fa//s DunravenPass- -^^oarin^ Mfn. ^'■8859' Geyse Basin ^NORRIS JUNC. \CANy^. HOTEL N o rr i sY^ {H:^:^CANyoN ^WEST YELLOWSTONE OR WEST ENTRANCE /^^„ - • ■ ,CW. E.) '''"'^A^3ery/Sp. i/ir^inia CANYON' Cascades camp Cascade of- //fC F/r&ho/G C> Lower Geyse>* Basin £xce/s/orSeyscr^ Mornin^C/ory Spring r/ng Gibbon Falls ADISON JUNG. (M. J.) jk''^Mf- Washburn to^siy' -Inspiration Poinf^ lANYON JUNC Chi/fenden Bridge ''Jiffud l/b/cano t •Mammol/jPa/nfpofs ^no^ed Woods. fishing Bridge] LAKE CAMF' LAKE HOTEL- lKE JUNC. ^-Turhid L ake OLD fA/THFUL //VH- OCO FA/T^FUL CAMP' Upper __ Geyser Basm y/iSshonePt .OIdFailhfalJ\ \ J A/alural Oridge\ ■TefonPt. RAHASKA TEPEE' Duck L^ V " WESTgTH U M B ^Sy/van Li ■/vanPass- £1.8539' ]nk(| CODYOREASTi ENTRANCE (EE) I ^SIDE TRIP i£L.79ei' V \. J^^- ^ra//s Lewi's Falls. SOUTH entranci e: I AMiude of Lake 77J5fetf. Maximum depfh 300 ft. ^^ Shore Line /OO miles. ^ Wafer Surface, approxima^ff f39 s-0 V*^Ui^*^ / lUc^ ^ I I J \ hci m^\ y£__^, A^^^ /-t t^ llrxH^ ^^&f/ sU^u^ T- Utt^^^^Um^X \M^ I / kalorama Road washington. d. c. jy/^^//^^. r^2£^%^/ I^HTf J ,,^^,.^;^^ M^'f'^^y^ ,^ ?r ^^k^-^^^ n^ /■^. H^ J-:^ ^^^'^'^^ ^^.V^e^i L^ ^..^c^ -^ ^ >^^-^ Ic^-r^-^^iij 'fULL cc^ I Ct~^ /^ ^ --^^O ^X^ jf^ lM^^4y't^t^ /^ hA-fp-^t ^^"^7^ az/ y. 3 i^a^ j^^: F . M . D I M M I C K LESSEE AND MANAGER FOURTH AND HI LL STREETS LOS ANGELES U^^-'C^u-^' r ^ , — "^^^ T"A^ ,^H>^ ^::c fv^ ^ yh Class of Service This is a full-rate Telegram or Cable- gram unless its char- acter is indicated by a symbol in the check or in the address. WESTERN Form 1204 UNION SYMBOLS BLUE KITE m. LCO CLT ■WXT NEWCOMB CARLTON, PRESIDENT J. C. WIUUEVER. FIRST VICe-PRESIDKNT Day Letter Night Message Night Letter Deferred Cable Letter Week End Letter ;/• The filing time as shown in the date line on fuU-rate telegrams and day letters, and the time of receipt at destination as shown on all messages, is STANDARD TIME. Received at _ ,, _ A ^ ^^ MAIN 6 1 89WQW 5 CHICAGO ILLS 947A DEC 14 19 26 DR C HART MERRIAN 1919 SIXTEENTH ST NW ARRIVE AT NINE WEDNESDAY MORNING VERNON BAILEY 1115A C. H. MILLIMAN FRANK M. MILLIMAN H A T F Q $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 THE MILLIMAN AMERICAN PLAN The Home of CouiicO No. 668 Meets Every Third Saturday Night of the Month. IT-.' ~piuyi l^^l/u ^^ ^o^ Oi^lH /"U^Ui^^U*.^ / I V uJlxJ' in^l^- r-lAT^LO ^ '^yf-^^n>U^Lu. ^-^'^^ fui^rCA^^ .jiT? ^ fc/^ J r ^ AV/ -J ^-^ ^^ "l/u^-A^.^ C. H. MILLIMAN FRANK M. MILLIMAN R A X F S $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 THE MILLIMAN AMERICAN PLAN TheHmiie of CooncQ No. 668 Meets Every Tliird Saturday of the Month. Im Hmmtain, Mich., 192. -J-^L^^^i^jyvy '^^C<^c^A^ .^ y..^ Mm ^4/^ 'U4^'**Cl.t0^\ < J l^i ^^ ^>-^ mrf fc-t^ yu^7^^- U^'^ ?hHJ ^^U{n^A.^<^ ,,^ /<*^.<«:t^ ..^,4t^ ^VU^iii^^ /^V^-?**^ /S^^ /^7 «^ ^^mi^ /hiA^i^c^ ^ tL /^^ ^^tn^ J'^^'^^— liH^ ^ >z -V ;i/x:^ 2^:^^_j^^I^^^^/^^ ^«»*^p/^ '^*y^ "^A^^Uett^ >»--7*^^^^^i<^ ^Uv-r'W'/^^ ^i^ C'^.^i^r^^ f New Buildi New Purnii ing shings Flre-proof and Modern Throughout ^d^^ ^^/ E. BISBEE, r Manager &-e€^ ^■- Uj.± ..; (^^veA£^^ UT^i/ Qen*ZE^ ^uy ^C Q-U^4e^ A^J U^n^ i^Z^ Men. /cM ^^ ulJJe . ^ A A-ifJ^ Ui h^ ^^"^7:^ A^^V^- ^'^:r^f^^ all) C'U^nM^ , ■y^ '^^.^^UcSh ^L^^. YrtyM ^"^ ^^^*^ O^ <>h^ It^^ /ffx — r PXrJcA^ if .pr^^^ /ir -y-^ / / !>*«^ /4 ^ f i^JlZU /I/'aAJ hi^ur I k^ jl-a^ <^^ e-tvoS^ t/Vjl^ ArCA^ ^A UoU-^/^. J- u/tn^JJH fitf^*V ^^irr< ot^t-r ^^^ a^'^ ^.^rCAry iTtreyf 1^ ^4UirCA^ J^^^^^^ P^ l/^iiLf :i^ c leMf dy>9 U^ VVt-*<.w^ l/T^^ ^ /C^<^<5'^»^^^ ^^ A-i; 7^ ^ .r^^ '^ c^/ ^^ ^^^^ H^ cou alf li^rc^ -/" % H^M cU/^ l/lA/^^'^, ^^^s^^;z^^ CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM 22 / ■^'7 /_^/. ^^-CZy--^ I r ^^^vU "<^ ^^^^<^ ^^/^" 7^ t^^L.^^i^y^'^^ ^•Hfc^^^^**^ c>x^ vi^jL/^^ C^ e^^u>^^L^^f^ (/V—e j-^-e'Z-^ *— e^^<7 .^ -K-— *^ i^t^^ >L^ cU^. Ytn^ -^n^i iiJj^ ^% m/ lt(^ui/(4yo2y Miiel^ "tyf^tt^ y^x.^^^^^ l^'%fJa^d-ittA. ^ j(h^ 'Ut4> ^>T> /y ^l^ ^^^^^!^p^ (^^2^$^^^^^^ /5. /f-s ^^^*^ rhc^ \ 1834 Kalorama road washington. d. c. V-tA/^-^^^i-^ •rf*-- jih€^^ ^Y^y^ yvtAi--i ;v^t — r lMlyt^^A,d-*-~^ Ju^ i tM <=«-^ -^ Lr'Hl-^^ ^^^ 7^ l!l^M/^ 'p'i^'^^^ c£-r I .. ^ //..7f.zr^..^-f^ A ^-1^— ^ X^L^lP^^ ^uii^i^^i^^^^ '^ /JJl^V fUv)1U^^^<^ ///. r/^ ♦1 t^^^a iA. r-^ ^ CXA4/^. oy^iyiA'iri' 5^ JmL^i^Lm,^ Ukm^ ^Irrtf ^^t€4^ ^ mi^ fif /j.^. • . J. . - - r _ M ^^ 7^ 'H.^ a4^ E L TOVA R FREO HARVEV. GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK A R I Z O N A ./K^^^y "Zq ^0Z&\ ^^e^i^^ a w^ijMj '^Hy^ ^t^C^S.W^-.s-^/./L^'z^/^ liM^4^ UfTK (AK^ (^^ "^^-^ c^ ^^itt/2^ IMAH 'c^ ^/€^ci/^ ctJ-^ l^^rCtA InriA/l/i (Uv^ t^rtuM 7^ l/U^luyf oW ^-t^^Ul '^-t>f lirt^ "s^^p't^ :t^y ^ .Ui^/t^^'^^^ %K^e*-Uf Jii-L^*^et^ % €^CyViCf^C/tA iL 7^. CiK^y* e^ru..^,^^^ c^ epu4^^^ ^/2: c^toyx C^S--^ <^?V2^/«^ / Ou<7 / 'T^V-^A^ ^ c,^ Ji^ ^-.^Zf^/ GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK ARIZONA EL TOVA R FHED HARVEV. f^^^'^^uyC^A^' V ("HiHA 9Uu; "l^^^Hy^ / UJcM al/ lA^pyM J ^/t^^^UUiy WdLftuf GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK ARIZONA E L TOVA R FRED HARVEV. l/U^ Q^triA^f C^ 5^ ^'^^^iA^^^^*^^^^ fi^ ^-au jJMa ifiT^if^'^^^^^ jiy%^/s~ /:X-'^--% / it^e^ /W (O^^ V^%-'>^y^ ^ Wv. ^^'X/i\^y^ C^A-^-AJ^^V ^ Ut (ft^^-^-^ -J CLV<9 ^'^^^ z4. f\/U/^l^ /XH>4.- (. / Aiy^ lir L t^«5**V -'^•-^ /^^^^ ^^ ^-^J^ 4r — ^Ala^A^X (^yi^y^ -^i^^^ CLyiA •%%!' / I - ' / / ds^/^^-ai/t -4 t^r^^/i^ — . /^ l/U'"'^ t4'pu^^uid j-iM/ 1/^4^ cku^^ ? \AMA ii/ziyy^i**^ AjiA. £/Zyu^ yV /^ ^^^^*^ 24^ /1<2Z/M^ >i4 04/*^ I9-^1»Sy^' o^ V /^ ^^ ^Urf ^-u-< y A}^ ^ 1 /j;^^ 'Ut~r^^.^^rUj^ f"-^ ^A^-CC h^ U^ £^l^^~^ /25*^~^ ^^ U^^.^ fUzJ^^^^^ /W^^ A^ >^ }l/Uu^it^ A^ /v*.^ ^a^ ^K'iTVU^^^ //; ^ 5^4 a/^^^^ V /(AtU/ 'V^-c^-t\ ~-^ 'trio Uu^hay) ^ ^>^^*^ /U-tAA-^rfte^ SeH*€4^ 1834 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON, D. C. S^.^^^/U^ fi^t^«— ^^ '1 H cy-~-cy ^, y" // / /Ot^tfTi^ ^/^cJ&X^>< ^^""^^^^^^W^l^ 7?^ ^^^t^/^^^ cyi*^^ lA/^-^-t^^ /se^/ CLx^ hM/l v^t:^ 4^t^ l^u -^>y^ ^^^ • ' •! 'v-'M ^4 T't^Ci' yi-('^-i ^5^^M ^^"7 /—--^-^ ^. ^^^^--f^ /a^ ^1^. / (^ A^iAi/lV c:,^ /lA^ ^3«-<^ / /> M'lu^^f'O^ 1834 KALORAMA ROAD (^.^y)^tfi^^Z^^^>^^ t^^ ^ -In^ l<0-^-l>u^C*. J^ f(cl{ hnr^^^ AV Crcy<^ ^ jU t^ -O^^^^nvC^y^^^ ^^a^ ^^^tA $-4>^ (^X^uMO 0^ fUd^- yf^A^Wl^ -y/- y^./i^S" 1834 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON, D. C. /^H^i^ 6^ jt^ ^^^.U^^C^e^ut^ . M€H^ l^^' l^^^ lU^^^^^ vfi^^^-'ty-i l/pn^ (S^^s^'-v ^v*'^'^ ^^'"^ — ' 'p^rf^ iH.t^ t ,.«^ «.^*-^ ,=^rc^ PS. '4,jlA.j^^ 1834 KALORAMA ROAD Lf\VASHINGTON. D. C. (U:i^ Tt-iji^' ^>y~t^^^^yl jllt^ 2^/m^m A^^^ — y^tr^^ 'ff-tp-zzn^ ficF 1834 Kalorama Road washington. d. c. /. > m^ >i/t4-^^^^U*txz>/ ^ xA W y-ifi-t^^f^-^i^ •C-^^^^-t^'^-Z^ -iff^ l/lU'*'''^ Q^ ^ 1y<^ (yra^ ivA^Zu 4A^U -/- , jW*^ /IJii^^s^ oaJIaX^ 2-, At^^^/i^»-^ An^/-w/ PU(y(^^^e> ^4<^^ ^U^ ^P-tTu^^Ua /yU^-^e.±^^z^ ^P^-ty ^^^ ^^ (x^^-m-^ lAui .t:jc4*^ rv<.^^TyHl O^tAA^ h */ ^^ J fUM ^ y^^rrrtf CA^^ / tL^ --li^^lJU^Z. . ^%t. i^u^' Cti^yHxeZ^, yn-v^j*-<.^ £A^ /h^'^^ 7U .yMt^ \^^^.^^^ tl\,y*./2^±^l/i^^iM^*^-t*\^yf~ i _ '^'34 KAL.ORAMA ROAD _. y^ II i/z< UnXf (^rvvli ^/R- '^-2/4 7^ t>-^ ^^^SW". ^ ^ ^^7*^ *=-? co/ Tt, fA- ; /^ .^^/l^-<-^75'^-t fll^ Ue^l^r 1834 Kalorama road iHINGTON, D. C. t^M CV- #^v^ ^ Til/ X«^ tA-t2^ ^ ^""^ Cy--<^ / IrUHrtyi 7 ^^-w^ JU^AJ^ Y -^^iW^ / if^ Jm/j i^ip^-^L I ^-TT/^ -TT- i\ ^fl?T^ c^^j/ h mv yi^u-^^ J <^UU i^^-v^^^W^^ A-t^ rrTiiJ •c-Q^X'^ ^ — ^ 7& ■j-t^-l jU-t^t^ v^ *^-^ /^^^ ^^^ A^€^^ A><^^ ^Ar ClijL^- ylrF- i- - " . ^...ti^^^^-^: - -,. .^jL^.j iM,itiE».j-;it .i:iL,- -^i ».g»fe . ■ .^^fc»g»ia»iawae>g^ v«Fijt^ ''-'i--i%^'^S^'------^lir-- ^^y "n ""-"Iri-lr^MBr J'^-T~:'i.l^i«4afc^■^JMJ^■ " -^-'■JMArfciiiSl^im -fjluu.^ , JUU^^^ ^tv*C4 "^ u Wcuu^i UuJa/^- ^^^^: ^ cv a m ^aH^. .jT^^irtvii/t^ K ^^Vi^-'lUV-C^ &lf, s 2^0 w4^ <^^ <*jUeij^ J f'H^ i^HM i^ ^X'2 2_^^ (Wm^<' ^2-^ /*-7i'/(. iX^ a. ^in^-^ d i) A On Jl^^ tr- •'t't—^Lt Hi y/jL^ S^t-/ €^^i^fX^ kn cH^ll^^ rhi/LC HH^ /^ ^^^x^i4^ ^K^"" ^-i^fc^/ /^ ^ ^^^^^ .^^^ ^L:.^ ^7" 7^ (^ ^t:j»-^^ i^-^^kf^ sX tAl^^ >t ^C^o/ w^t^^^L/,..^ ^ ^ii/ f^W 7t /r^ . . . , f / . -yf- 1 X ^^ /t^fU/ 4 /^v y2-^ /X^^"^«^r7- yp-tO o^ /l<^i^ /r^t^w^c.^ hJ-ivH Hi^ ?V; ^^/^>^^^ -^/ ITa ttv% /oY dtUi ^^flZttl >7 / /^"^trUHA {- /^/7?V..^t^/lXt/ di^r^ li.i^^£^ kM^U c-ci! w ***At/ ^--t^^ C^f ( fCiU^^^t^^. f i^i-^^L / '^K^tti r/-^ 'j*^ 4-^/ ^»t^ q^-mS*. / ^^ /i^ ^s-^-^ 5^-A>A^ ^;^^^^ '^^'^^^^ >Ml - aroi /. c^/2«^^sffc-% RCitou H CAVERN fllll ^' rfl Li « _ T^ *«-^ £^ // -tX>TP*-» S-sa J-^-^-HyU-^^^ii^ -«,^t/ H-i? 4 J^Z^^^^tZJW^ £:z^. C^ru^-^ -^ -f 'J- ^^ ctfV^\x. .w<^ 7X7 ^^-^i^ryl>^ IaTT^ A. UT^^^^S^lJ-c^ VIEW FROM BRIGHT ANGEL CAMP J ( ^^ulA^ 7t^ -^^ JU^^:^ yt^^ £d4.c^^ '^^^^^ f ^ ^ '^ £crT^ <»-«»/ r /^^^^^ 4^^^z:/xy lu^ Ari. /S2^ >^ It^tUj' r^'^^'Uu/ Jf^,,^ lU uJif r i:?K. ^y^ys^ ^a-iZx ^aT^^ O-lTXyi N-*-C '^W-^tt^YV j ixJm^^>"r^c/^ A^(U^^^^^-0^Sf a^ jSdr(y( l/^ /^^4/'r:»'^ \I\Z.\N FROM BRIGHT ANGEL CAMP ^r, z^^') UNION PACiric SYSTEM -'i^t^ir ^ A Granb Canyon Lodge Kaibab Forest P.O., Arizona Grand Cantf on National ParkcNorthKim Tli TT, Cfi l/f-c^lA c^^^ tL U^ ^ cite/, /^ ^^;6<:^ ^t^^^WW^ ^^ ^^w y ,^UW^ cAXdr^lLM^ f-^i^C^ »/ "Z^ ^^Jl^^la^^ ie^f^^ "^ti^r *i^***->-*€^ CiiVv^^^^vi ^^ /t^^^L/ .^^ .^/t/ '^'^ ^^ C'-^T^^'^ i\r-c^ nu. : ^i ^~ UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM IAjla^ Grand Canyon Lodge Kaibab Forest P.O., Arizona Grand Canyon National Pari^ North Him e-K) cmX^ 9n:> -^-^ ^m^^ ■■4' £>^^ A A^ i^lrf^v^ /t^t-e^.^t^^ l^-C/>^ /V^- i %~ /y ^^"-^^ ^^^ *iiri4^ c^AA 7^ ^ H\M d^^ fi'^/CCf ^>tA J .Lf fU^ ^^Tvvi/ 2f~ M-^^^ ^?0^ tHA^ it-^^un^f/Liy „e,,^,^ UH^-{/ ^"T^^-p^ ^^^V ^ (\^ -^ » krcn^ ^/i/^(^ (ytr-CA liOtAA 'W li^^uZolu/i < (A^ % •c^ a^ p^-^CiW (|^.ei4/n4,'^sJ^ /^^^W^W c^ xu^ <3 /"Z^^ fisjicf^x^Z^Ju^ A^ ^i^tl^^ Vvc.^2J^^^-^ >-eP 'fAj^i^ i^Z/f ^^ ^ /o/^^ ^^A^ y/u^ ^r? OcA^ret^t-f ly-^ .«^_^^«-^^ -W^ ayll^x^ tl^ ^ -^^/ ^'^^^ #^ C7 7^^~* ^^/f9?/^ Bright Angel Camp FRED HARVEY GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK AR IZO NA I r t Ay [H^dtH ^u-^2Ay / UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM II I ^-^^dwij : CuAND Canyon Lodge Kaibab Forest P. 0.,Arizona Grand Canyon National Park^NorihKitn Reached via Union Pacific System oIa>LMc4 Ca^u^*^ ^-^^^^tix T^ />*^i*«.v />^1Ciy^ y^^ cn^^ Ao? /Ua^4^ O^t^j:^ H,4r^<, -V / V y-l{!f^Li.A.^-e^ ^~cyt/ ZJx^ ''^i^ ^A^ /fj^^rt^ ^^T^^C^ c^-AX ^^Z^^--Cv^<7 9^-^ ^y! /^7/f ^ ^^M4 cu/ j^y fM.M-^'icf*^ I II TlH-^^-^--^. h^u^A^ y^-^^J- :^^ \ \li_j^ H-^u^ ^ \ ■v. \ sPtZj S^ /-^ ^ /?. ^7 t O-t^ /Vy <^*^K /^ CA^^ ^i^^Ttyt '''-^•i^ t^^^-^irX^^-'-^P^ i^jt^ A^w/~a/A^^ ^<^^^^^^t^ /l^U*'^. ^^^1K4 ^^-^ A ^yt-< y ^Ai^<^^i^-^ C^^l^^^tri/, /l^^^^^icv^ "^ UauJ <^-J Ztn^ ^ii^..^^ . otlvi o^ ^^vcu h^r^, ^Hrfhti^^ dZiA^^^^ i^/ ^^t^ \. • ^iJL^^ I, 1 \^4 .■*-t.. ^ >>-^ ,« / / fi. A. ^ / ^ / 7f- o / Str ' lO'i^X %-f^J 0 ?*"H- r / /'^ » ' "^ J - » / / / / -^/ ^ w/^- .:.,/->Z^ V ^lAx4 a A^f ^ I L4A L ( /3 / fl>^^^ '^ i A ^^(/ rip-' ■^U^Aj^ ^ ^ ^^^^,///f dx^iUit: Grand Canyon Lodge Kaibab Forest P.O., Arizona Grand Canyon National Park^NorthKdm Reax;hed via Union Pacific System f^liMi [XhI^ X^ mi f^^m^ 7 W]^i,%^*. ^H-i^^ h^^c/l ^ 4-)t-u^ ^^t'^AfO/ 'Jl^iyO (H3^€il^\ %^ 4^^ L t n UiU^i A^=*<^ -uJT (>/ l/ic4^ U'2t^<:^ :i^ ^sit^^ti H^ UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Grand Canyon Lodge Kaibab Forest P.O., Arizona Grand Cantf on National Park^ North Rim Reached via Union Pacific System c^ 'y^^^^A i^rtth iHfu J^tCC^ /^^^^<:^ c^^ CsT^ c£rp^ ^ bZ^/iM-«>^ f irvi Mtn^^ <2Aysj^ Ji^ J"^^*^ ^ c t/fyty tA^ y^-^Y' <^^--^ c^'? 7 ^^rt^^^^^^c^ -^W ^ ^r^ ..v^^/^ i^hru.^.ji4tS^ <^o\ C^ <«^^/?^i^ /Zfi^eLr Ulto, ,v^ kryvLC^ Uf-c^ I/^j^clS-^ I r\ (iy\-^~^n-Cp^^ <-^/^lh T^ ^^*-€^ ^irx^ 7^ o(A<<^yi^ AM' C^<^ Chu^ ^ /idn^f-^^^ "^ ciyu ^ 7^^ fir^ 0^ ^ Mr ^-7(^ ^^ f •^ at i^ J-- hA a W Uv ^-{'Vj^ kriy^^ i>*''*-v J U^rt^ a^ f' tii / 2^tyz^^^^ SAN FRANCISCO PEAKS ELEVATION 12260 FT. «= FLAGSTAFF -ELEVATION G900 FT. A SUMMER AND WINTER RESORT THE HCAHT OF AMERICA'S SCENIC WONDERLAND iU^ HOTEI, MOMCE ^^STA (2<^», ^"f COMMUNITY BUILT. OPERATE D BY CHARLES B.HAM I LTON HOTELS,! NC . f /EXECUTIVE OFFICES, HOTEL ALEXANDRIA, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Flagstaff, Arizona cA^ v^ f? a foi) o(aa^ ^^p ^it 1*^ UU^ A^vt^ -^ p^-^ ^ 1 C 4-^ l^^^V-^K^ ^\£^.p^ w^^>-i^ OJ\^ U/ ^ tilue^^^x^ lU^ ^ /t^'Ch ^ 'tun4^ A^ <:>^ J K/HWUV t^^J^ UH^jly" ^ 2^ (Xdtf-^ A ^f*t.u^ % ^^"^t^i/^l.^^^ ^m. Sj^N FRANCISCO PEAKS ELEVATION 12280 FT. FLAGSTAFF -ELEVATION 6900 FT. A SUMMER AND WINTER RESORT W:t^/N THE HCAffT OF AMERICANS SCCN/C WONDERLAND WOTEh mONTE ^VI§T^ COMMUNITY BUILT. OPERATE D BY CHARLES B.HAM I LTON HGTELS.INC. EXECUTIVE OFFICES, HOTEL ALEXANDRIA, LOS ANGELES, CALI F. Flagstaff, Arizona ^^ 0-€JMmJ^ ^i-c-^v^ tin fLu/4>^<:) '^u> An -f^Zi ft%^^W^ ^t P'u:[^ /t^o^u^^ A c4^ t f-^^i^, AM^ /i 9f n^-r u — >Vf Kj^j nJ Z / r ■»■■* k •/tM- vk /t- 2 3 iv^-v/ ;W^^<^^<^^«^ z' M C-A 'O^ALif CiA'^xA/ I I I ^■4^ A '4i\x OajJ 7 ^Su4 ( O^-^^ ;t ■cu (.■< -/uXa/ A*^ /'^'^ "^ 'I ''^"Aa^' y^i^^^ ^4Uk' ^w^yrv-^ /^ v-^-^^^Z K-'lxT', C^i V. ■pL&i^^^ -'^ •A /y /^ ^nrxyt /^ /^^^^/^ C^CfTULT ^n^i-^ lyK / ^ eue^^-/^ ■/ ^v/ CiJC^^^ 'Uu-^^ 'J^^ ^^-/^^^ C4,^L^ Usv-JLj^ J^^f^ Ma^^^ft^^ 'Irt '■■ - 'V^ ^^ii^i^ er^'^^ ^^/lA^-C^vny r^f^f tiA^u£< fe^(, c^ ..^^ fC .,J~~ 4^ OyU^^-"*^ '^-'^yLt.^ irir(yi 7^ <^ ^iei»^ ^^ y^fii ^^i^-^ J 7t ^ di {ri'-^^ J a^ acufx'^ ti^^^^ CUiT^ ^ i/Loi pit4\r. /^Ai Cai^u4l^^^ ^^U-tri^ ^A^/ -Uyr^y, / ' UNIOM PAciric SYSTEM i.^^^ Grand Canyon Lodge Kaibab Forest P.O., Arizona Grand Canyon National Park^ North Bdm Reached via Union Pacific System KJit {>-nyi >i^-^^-^-f Jm^ V'^ dfjUL e^^^ a-A/i eyf^^^fA. ^?^ 74Ayf tfto^$P^ 7^ ^^ -v*^*-/ cP -f :^y /^/^ ^-v*^ /y^-'*^ . -i^yj. (i;r, ' «> M II i4f*\ ^l-'^/i 1 c^ uH.{/ dt^^ '^ c^y^ 4-' (J/VVuplZu ,^^ M^i^VL^^ liT^ ^ V /^ yiX^ Ui// -^MA i^iJi^ Ca c€^ti^^-c Aa^, 1 i^\A.^lA '/ v-*- UaC^I^J <=^ 7t4At^^'i^Zi> y^cit^ tfft^^*^ /^ %^ £y^-5^ ^^^ ^^H^^yf fl\^ M ^ <9^M ^^tX/ '^ ^^W/^ ;^ ^^-ly^tT^ V<*t^ riciiJ' Bright Angel Camp PRED HARVEY GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK ARIZONA k^ <;J/^^^ ^ftl Sc^(oi^ ^XV^ >.o.>>^^J^^ ^^^<^- ^ /^^^fi-^i-O jM/U^ LU^ c^ "^ /^ /^-enfi^Tiyi ^^-Ci4^f^ liJ^M U-i*-C^^ /l^ ^ ^ ^.^7*^^ VIEW FROM BRIGHT ANGEL CAMP ^ /]^/.^e^ my^"^ Icfix^^^^^ AnJ*-^ a4>M^ /fi^l^f^^ ^ if^*^5-»* jienr/ ^f^r. r^^/'/zf ROCK ISLAND LINES EN ROUTE/ nt'Ou^^^^ /|A-/ »y^' cfU/ 1^ llk^y^ca^^ (L^t^-^ O^^dA^ r (Pi ^ TLi ^ii/J&!l^u^ ^-mr-^'*'"' T (La^^ c^ tL M nd^j^i/^ kfiMS^'* /m a^l^ -TL\ i~>^^^^< '^ 4^ X'Ma) ^^}^ i^ I i^^-rr ^-t r-A^A cU V"^ X^^ f^'^ lie C/H^f-i!^^ ROCK <50-C<<; /^^^ /Ui^ ^. ^ / J GREAT ONYX CAVE ^=AND HOTEL= L. P. EDWAKDK, i'HOFRIRTOR S-c-^>i '/ftvtyf ', ADDRESS #< (. 4,4-^ oaZI/ MAMMOTH GAVK, KY. /W^ 7 iT^ /t/M^rr^^ 7^ ?V 1&2 .?L £^'^M^<^ y iL-M^/^ ti^'^'€-e f^ Vt,^^ ^^Z^^^ii^i^ /iA^'*^^, ,-d y ^*^T^ ^>'^. £-^ c^^^-^^-t ^\HyiA^^' iAr^^,^ lU^i^L^u^^^^ ^A^^t«^ -^ ^C^^ Ih-e^L^ IrC^t^ ^^^4v '^ J^^^-*^"^ ^-^ tJH?^ , f/lijt^ . i-^^-^-<--- ^^ 7^ d^^ ^>iW^ , ^l.v^4J ea^a^ p^U 'J M~< £>i^qprx^ /klA^ ^TTA. i^^t*^ a^ "Pl^ c^^-U^ 1 , /W^:^ nly hnri^ fyz^ ^ f^ ^r/-^ l4^^ -V^^ ^j^n^H^/ ^cyn^ u^i^ -^ t<.f^ a4y^\^ (l,:U^ 0-^/^ tx^ ICA^i-*^ TfAu "^ L^KT^ (j^V^^iA^t / ^ ':)4,M^*c7Ld W~/ W /iASA.^^4/iy\ yt^-TfuCyf .^3-^^ ^TTtxt^ fVH*^ VU a iVHl/l t^iA. C^rxjdJ . 1 CK f £^^ic/^ L '^ \..,-6\/-^A A^ HJ^ ^^O^ A. n^ /l^:^l/i4^ M^^^-^^ ^ T^ .^jV / '^^^ -^-ju^^ 0^^ Qrr^ '^ ^^ ^ y^_ M/MJdH^-fv^ J h~0^ OiMC^ (// ^ '^ ,OAAjl^ tM . i/ m^i x«^ IrC ^ B-^M^ ^ n^^ f-e^M/^ hrc /^ (cJt A^y ^Qfv^ //^{yy iihc'^—f '^(^u^ ^v^ -Ziy> rMj c^~^ "I hnr-^'^-^ cw'm^J ^^^nr-PU) / 'c/t r mfM ay^ JU^ /^-25^ CjIa^ yvtf^ck^ iX7 ^^hp-T^Tb ^-^^p^zr^-c^^ d M/iJ //fc-iA9^^-«- , 'K^ MU^ ^ Av c^-^^^ "^ IxAhj ' %, L^-^J^ % -M^ Li t'C'-o-A^ c^^uA ^^ c\ Q/UL^e^ ^v/l-A iMy yii^i /V-- i-}~^ P-^ M^kj^^ ^- -2, /^ s^ ^^ /Aw •. 1834 Kalorama Road washington, d. c. (T^V^U^mC^ 2^c^cV^ ^ ii/lMAJ^ -^^.-rA^, ^t^ ---^/^^^ Mc^^U A/^W^^ S^"^.^ / ^.t^'Z^t^xyi^ ,^2^ T^J^JUl^\ Tt/ j^-^^^u -^Z^CLyt^ 0 9-0 kniiJiyf Im.<^ ^v-.-e/ '^^c ip-^ V<^^-(U^ PV^ ^:ii^U4/^ 4^ H^^ o-C-f ^-v>"VVA yii^vXAA^ufi ffk^f'lu*^^^ '^w^'Ua^^^ l\^ U^v- *^AV A^ ^w/^ ^w^/'''^ ; jUf^^-^ .^ /^ ^*4i^M4 • / Ike ^/lortn L^oast Joimilea Burlington ^^-e^ ihiU( urv^ qiJc^ /i^W ^'^ '^ , W* /V^'^C^M l/liMXJC/^SZlA O-^^ CH .'^ «=-^f Az-4?<--N^i^>Y '^^^^^^''-^ / 7 . " /L'L^^ ^P^<^Z^^^^ '^d^'^iJ^JHI ^ 2.0 oJiTt^ C/*^^LU-m SUPERIOR Al ^ /^ /j^^^yf (/r^ c?vXA SPOKANE YAKIMA ONAL PARKS ORT ^p*^..><^^ /^•^-c/W^ 1/ ^' oHiu^lnr ^^-^Z' k>vO J^^Ji, Jlt^T^G^yr^ U^^t^J G^'^'C^ ccAj^n^*-/ ^H^ 0\ ^ 4 r^ 4^ -1/^t^^ J caH-L '[IfuJa^^ if-^ c/^'^^ ^'^^(MMey r lA}-<4^4A^ litruAA c\\^ t^^^'T^ ^ z^^^y^^S^Oi . TMMKwt.uTMD. mmM*^ mu-ft M«h^ ^Z/fio. ^ fVr t«t C>^>ss •*?OADS New Grand Hotel Billings. Montana ^i?^ l/fM ^-U ^V feu^'^ ^WLA>-f a ,^.^/-C^A, ^CA/^i^^aiu) 1^^ 7x; rl/^^ ^ ..^^i4:uy^-tA^ krt/I d ^^^ ^/ Al >uy( UH- ij u^J j^hU^^^ CP^y\f''^^/ /t>s^^r / c-tr /V ^ \^{ ^^ ^^ A^J inx ^.^iAi y^*— »*^ ti/H' v^' <^>t^ (A. u^ "^ ;e€^ X^-^<-<7 (r>^; 6^Cvc<#'- /^ il'i^-T''^'^ 1iaaJ^< \ 7^ ^ Hi /^ tS^ JL^ 1 ^l^ 4^/ (S--C^ l4Ujf7/nfT^^ <^, A /rx -^^ ft ft^ , i^ M Welcome Eastern Oregon^s Finest Hotel REASONABLE RATES BURNS, OREGON ^^Ui ^iJi^UW /A^/^-/ iMM-i'lUM^ cCt C\/m^ N-ii^c M ^ fwu^^ M '-^ dn^Oi^'^^^^t^^^ a MAiP A/\^ auf^ (V h^^i 'X/^^s^ UAy9 (^^^ UhH-O^/ f^ t^nj^iwf A^^ c< M^ V 'M'*^ ^/3^ // c^C^^ f^ /yi^iy^z>^'^^ _ Ulv^'ZCr^ /f ^/ ^{^, 1834 Kalorama Road washington. d. c. ^^^// /^^/ ^L^^aA 1834 Kalorama road washington, d. c. fhT'-—< hrPUA Ttn^^^ Wp'^ fy^J^Mi A /uif/ (^^M^ '^^ (KA^ fhrf^^ / / '^^-fUif ^\rrvtxY ^ — ( % &^l^*-^ /)^^^ 1^ S^ptu^iJ ^ A^ .^Vi.^-< T-o^^^ - _^ I r ' ^ ' n — fiJ^^ /vv £»\yK, ~Cij 1834 Kaloi ASHINGTON, D. C. 76 o-'-^ L Oyf^lC^^ (gCs^g^r 46^: 1834 Kalorama road washington, d. c. .^ O-i/ a^tA ?Uf^ a p.U&Jc-f^ rv^ — f ^, ,^ M^Hi^ifiy % CA^ a-VXA '~[MU.^^i^ ^(y /L-1^ /t^ e^3^-^ 7^ A/Un/^ y ^$t-^ ^flM^-t.^ ^""^^ \/ /^-V^.^.^K/A^.^^.^'^^ ^^ .A^ r cn^Ti^^-r^*^ — 1834 Kalorama Road washington, d. c. /^M^ ^ t..i.^~^^^c^^7h J c.^ %s KJoL^-^lu.^^^^'^ -/ VrSstAj^^c^ y pU'^~9A^i?'i^ . Jt JL^O TM^JZAA-^ /^ ^XA^^iiz^ C^K^O Ta^^tT^ ^ -^^ /f ^/ 1834 Kalorama Road washington, d. c. u foxyu 74 ^^ ^ro^ rz^.eze-i^ ^A^ Si^V'^^^^ , '-r?^ / ^ hzy^^Y"^ ^ y?^ ti:nAjj\'-iA^ /^U^tZyCf JCUfn.^ A lu/H^f /h^^^ L^ 'iCJif ^i^z^^^^ <^ Jcf^ ^^ V Oy^-^ '1/t^'^'^ <^?-.<^-^ cT^ ^l-fV. ^^t-t:^ . cU/ ^^yU^^-tf^-^ . (0t.. ^~VVV^' Ccyi-Xo )£u.Q ^^^-"^ ^'"'^V-^^-j-^-^^^^^ Ck>^ tJ-\AJ .^-i^^-^. Jj^ Cu^)A^Aj /-^-^ -4>^i.y^ Lc^c^ ftAJ" ^ l£i /jL^y 'St^^ <2A^ /A-£*4^ l\hf CiA- d^TlM-p'^U^ ^yi^L^^j/^^'-i^'^^ o-Ci j-etA-^-f^ wv( ^VW7 M^e''tiLy^^ i/kj (^Ztj^ A Ac^ ^A/h4A^ -/ ^ /- Co^-'^i^ a c^' Uid^ TiZji/) . v/«— 7 I t-T?^ / /as^ xrT arC^r ir^. ^^^t^H>- ^ITT^ ^^ v^ ^ \MU. caJJ tA4/-tf^^ Ik ulC ; Ij-CA^tL^ ' ^6 (/ ^^^ /m ^ fm fi It'. J /i'i^A .^r^n-' ^ (A (S /'6^ /' -> April 25, 193Ii. BI«S»Spe c imiens ''^' v c^. V r. (>• I^.. Jaerrieaon, Jurna, ox^egon* Defir !!r. JaiaDoon: I Jin {:l^ia to bixve iTOur letter of ..pril IS, in ru{;t\rd to the bear skull fron -ahoia* Lake, 1 ohcdl vrrito to )octDr i;or- rlam in CaLiTornia at once ami arran^^e for the pocn:nont of the 25 .00 for this dkull imd hfive ttit clicck rmde payable to ' Tm Frank h# Thaipaon, a» you direct. I cm flad to know that you ca*o build iiv; up an intorc^it- iig local collection t''«ro at l^iirns, • nd aludl \7fait to bog it when : cam tliat \niy ti(;nin» It souria too bcid not to have tlile flkull ', ith it, but it is rorJ ly noro important for the U. w>. I'ationnl usouia coile^ction, v/hero it v.ill bo used in studying the broader problems of bear distribution, I appreciate 2^our \:illiJt:nesB to lot us have the akull on these tenis* ^iinceruly yours. -^yi Vornon Bailoy, Chiel' KleM IJaturjiliBt, Division of Biolocical inveotie;ai.ionfl • *■ * 1^^ JKIiMfn uno^^fO^ REAL^STATE City Property Farm Lands Investments Acreage Q. N. JAmESOn Real Estate Broker msuRAncE • Surety Bonds Liability Auto Fire 5ums, Oregon, April 13^^,1932 Mr. Vernon Bailey, Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Bailey: I am in receipt of your letter of the 6th, and am glad indeed that the "bear sfcull has proved interesting to Dr.IIerriam. If the skull was mine I would be only to glad to donate it to the National Museum, but. it is tne property of Frank W. Thompson. Mr. Thompson is a world war veteran and is unable to work, so naturally he would be glad to accept the $25. 00 for it. So if you will mail me the check, I will deliver to him. Make the check payable to Mr. Thompson. Upon your next visit to this city, I know you will be agreeably surprised to see my collection. It is really causing much comment alt over the country. It is mostly Indian and pioneer relics, but very interesting. I also have the best collection of Buffalo skulls to be found any where. With kind regards and best A ^ I wishes, I am. Very truly yours. .^^ ^^^^^^y^^^< 9<-^ /4e^i Vernon Bailey 1834 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON. D. C ^2^^ CCAX fv*^ N~0^ c^tf^i^/nuf l/i^ ,Myi [^ Hc( c^w ^^^^M dJJ' Qwo .UtJ-f %' f^ ^ ^^^lyty^^gf^^^ ^^-^■^^ ^f-ftVi^ ^ A I / 1^ ^ozl^ C4z^/^ £^^'C^. i^'t?? ih^-^i4>XA U/ry^ t^uv/^^/ a^r^l/U «i!U.u^ ■hlM//L<; I V / HA Ji^MrJu l^-iMV^^) LCP W 't(Mh^ e_ V /HOHrU ^Ua^/v -T^-C^ CTL^ d^cA^h ^ /^tV f J^^^^^t^hsO :3 U4^ ,J(i^u>-^ ^^t/c^'^y MuidA*^ p(a<^^<^ ^^W Jt^ 9t^^^ ^cUujt^^^ ^ '^*^ -^ 'Pha^ C\y—~ (^i-^^^ .M'^'^t^ a^^ fi-^>i^ /oe^ 7m( p^ kU/ r- ''^V^^^ A/^.^^ -^ -yiozJi/ M c^v^ £>^ S-C^ruT^ CtaJ I ^" ^ ( » / •2^ ^'^ s^. /f :? / / Vernon Bailey 1834 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON, D. C. -pti ^AUU) ftyO^^*-^ /^eu^ p^ t?M -M^ /-^ ^z:^^^.-^"^ hr-M^CY v^ .^rc^ ^7^ ;i^ "^ .^^-^ t^.M j^^A^ vz^A CTL^^ 7 i/irt^ ^^^^<^^t?^-^Lj Vc^Ji^i^ Z.^4^^% '^..f.r-^ 7l,ul<3 c^^-HjY ^jU^^ix^-Y i uv lATT^-^'^ 'V^^-C ^luB^t^*-*^ l4^ %^ "Kyf^ /w-1 tA>-t oo-< /cj(^ \ t TA cU/ ^yl/^Zfi^ ■ >K cj-uJJi a.<-cx^ IxJJz X-tk h^ cnz^ ajLy( c\. /2a^ ^'^^ -c/, (Imaa^ <^'-i>-r ^ .^■^U^tr-c^ l^^t^JlLf u^4-tn>^ ^ (funU/ Lj-^--^^^e4A vUof^^^^^^' M ij^n^u^ ^^^^^72^ M ^ l^kuiu^ \ft^ (^l^.^^^ U^euji^ v-^ /^/y-yry^c /Ay^ — ^^2/2tJ O^^ /^ ^^ ^^^^.^>^>t.'0^^ ^<^^ d-tJ^.4^ //.; /-^A-t^X^x^ 6< ^ / i/t-'ru^ cl-<402^ -^^^afW a. aty^ 'T^-^-t^,^,^ y a A^^yi^^-rsf'\^ / \J cr-^ ojj OJu/ en^ Tvf I ,C,WW, ^ti^'^^^A-^ 251-y^ /C<[ £J^ li}^ ^ ipH^ t^^M H^^-^f^ ''^' ^ vtAvMy aU^'*'^ tfy^^ 4v«-a4-^c^t>'^-'-<) r^U^ 'H-tHH Q f\u,^t't-*-*^^-'4^^ ^^st*-^<<^ % \} -e^c^o^ -5'^^^'^ ,V^C^ V^ ^^ / ^ ~Zfi-z£aY '^^^ Ua ^•^ru (nfC^ ^'^^Mi l***/ 1834 Kalorama road washington. d. c. ^ jlJ^^^^^^ y dJM-f ir4tp M^ J ^f-J-^-'^ ri% c»- A ^ pltL^LJ^-i^'^ T(^ ~llccd %UM^^ G^^^ii^'-^ JlJ.y\M.^Z^^ ^74? ^^^^C^^>^--ircA^-^ uu^ t> U Sau4>y/^^^ J-^^H^^A/^t^L^f-^ 6 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS "'''^?:i;(; ~~l u^ Ji^^L^iH^ c>\^ A^ r^./o^ :t^. /^A^^^^rt^^^ -^ c< g.,tt^ .a'^<-/r>^^^^ ^ ^*y J^v^^4y4_ 1 n^rz^ r AhrX^ ^-. a / ^?l^ vX' 4^7 C^-tr-C^ Ct /t^^v X^^i^d/i/^^ cc^ C''t^i.^t>'-\^ . Jil/^ ^v/^ y^ 1834 Kalorama road washington. d. c. ^^^rvL ''y-o hf^^Vk UJ~l!i'^ dUlu.t^'^-^^ r J / •rr^'. rz, 'x:sp /^-6-t'<-«--*'-»!:y-<;^^^''^^t^^ (U^-^^ (^.6, /f^^' >C70*^ 1834 Kalorama Road shington. d. c. urintu ^ <=n. ^Lc.a4-^ \At^i^ ^ '^ -.o-Jku^ ,JdIj:/ M^y'^^^ <. CtX-C is^t-c ^^^ /iJ. e CcA^ (fV^ -% (/- A>rx>uw| U> 1834 Kalorama Road washington. d. c. ^^/ [9^y '"^/W^ 4^^^^ a^-iH <(u<>^ Jf 'X^e/tj/ v/ ^^rPH>P cc T-Li ^jl^t/ O^jLuu^ ^ ^k^i!i<^/i^ IA) ul^^t^xA^.,)jHy\ ^-^ Jllcppi-^^^^^ '^^^^'Aaa^-QL^ ^^^-{>U^y\yi^<^'-e^ 'UMMiuu^<} f^/t/^ T CvCtxCAy (jLH-£t.'%(J^ c£>T^ Mu^ . 5^-^-^./^'^/ // *" AJI-c/l^ y-^hu. ^>zW^ u>-^ 7^ /i^Mo-C^ 0^^W^ ^^ 'M^^^M £2^7Aa Jmih-^iv^ I O-z^ c^c^ \ ^-^f^i iprj^ ^-.^ruJ^ U^-C-C (Kaa^ 'V«UL{ LCx/ /hc-^ U^'2 /^4^ ^ a^i^^f^C^ ^ ^ <^ ^^ M^--tA^ cX/iAA i4yuAe^ -<-<-< ^tC{ /h^n^ ti/uJ^ ^T^^^UvL^^^a^^i^ ^X-'^-^C cf^ ^^■^U ^''Te^f 0 // tu T'Mff ^-^^t^A^H^d -.J-tA^ Ci^ f^-^^t^ -££,^^ ^2J&^ ..-c-^^^ ^^ ^^^-^ ^t,-<^ ^tfT ^ cyt^ (St^'ZcJ^ dtyf .-CLOi^^A^j yur^o <^ cnci cv^i^tj^^ ^^^^■^ ^CL/t^ Jjlt^^lV^4A^ -A^^ e. R. F. D. ROUTE 2, Box 472 ^-^cik/'^^^ li^M CTUy t-Cfi^^^^^i^-C^ Htu^h t^ u( Pk X-^-A // lA^^O^ \yO 'of (i^i^t^cnA p^t^e/^u/H'^mt*'-3 if^ 1^ Q^^aJu^^ MTt^ ahe 7^ f€--<^j ll<^^ui u^Haji t^^ /W y yv oJ;-^^ X- Oc^U-yJ c^^-e( i^Xu^mJ a^tr^ o-^jAm -^^^ kriyil {/[/^ -^-Uz^f -^M a^^t-^^ A^d/ \^'W>X_Ooa^^ "PO^ ^ ^.AAM-t ^lAAAa ^^ cf^(rl ^^T^ fiA^I iiuA ^/^^ /^^ ^^^y^ (A /. , /V^4^- MIA^ CK (ZWiA /W) ^ \/irf ylje^^iA^MJ ^ ^l/VA % ( S^f ^TJ^ R. F. D. Route 2. Ov ^^ * "-7^ //^AN MARCOS, ipALI^ORNVV A^.1/ (jLu/^ uy ~^^l^^^^ /7, /Y^V R. F. D. ROUTE 2, Box 472 SAN MARCOS, CALIFORNIA yt^uj , Ilia r-UlM^ ^.^-^/f^ V't.uXn^^ ^^--^ '{^'<<^-i0^^ ""-^ ^ R. F. D. ROUTE 2, BOX 472 COS. CALIFORNIA Qua cyz^^zv^^-c^ tOlA tt) ^><^a^ ItTi^AZf/n^i "^ 4-P^\ . ^m^ C^ J-f— a^^ ch/i^ fz^ l^CLU '-^Tt^ \ c V ^lAmv^J^^Mr II ty \r :>f. JSa^ ]>ikoo, Caxm'oii:nia. TM^^^,/^9^y i i^;/ ^/tr^ 'tH'a ^VU^ a ^ ^^d^ilL£<^4,^€4^^rr^ , 4 yiA^ o-'Z?' f Af c^ (L-^n^^ (^^ OH OLy^ ' ^ VU4AJ /^^^U/(A ^<^ {^"^ J^V^ "^^ (li^OOO • ^Z^(y^p-iy<^ l^i ^^z5iA / —y — ^.^Jmm^ H^ ^TnT~ M-^ ■^ Mttl^ La) itf i-i U^-i: gyun CAj-zt^ flM^^ })/u/t>d, ^^^t? -^rf^ oU-zxy 7^ A^ iiA.r-eitA^y\. '-&^ th~Ux / [Ma ^L^n:J^^ 6134 HOTEL NEW YORKER 34th street at 8th AVENUE NEW YORK CITY TUNNEL CONNECTION TO PENNSYLVANIA STA. 2500 ROOMS, EACH WITH RADIO; BOTH TUB AND SHOWER; SERVIDOR AND CIRCULATING ICE WATER, FOUR POPULAR PRICED RESTAURANTS. DANCING NIGHTLY IN THE TERRACE REaiTAU- RANT. RATES: $3.00 A DAY AND UP RALPH HITZ. PRESIDENT > a m z c /^fen^ ^^/iZ^4 n-- ^n^ UUi d^ in eJ 1 I I I ix PLACE STAMP MKKK K^r I I M K^ T)OST ^ Card %//. THE ^JZyP^fflcrriA h 17'JaARCH STS. AT THE PARKWAY OTEL PH I LADE L PH I A 'Pl^fixr:/ i\k..u4}-t.^ X/ 'fi-^HUl^-f . 42^^f^^ i^r^>c^ a. ^^j^ou^t-t^^j^/ui '^ A^ ^-^-^^-^2^^ CO^ -S ^xx^l ^ su^-^ 4 c^ k^ci^-1^ ONE-HALF BLOCK FROM NEW PENNSYliV ANI A R. R. TERMINUS TWO BLOCKS FROM BROAD STREET STATION - OVERLOOKING THE PARKWAY liUA^tv I ^Hm^^^ rClC(y-r^ tC^^-^i ^fu ^ ^ ■A^ . ^/t^^ ^4^-^^^ \^\ -^ \^*''»-^ (y%^ ^ -Xi^ ( ^^ X/ V 1834 Kalorama Road washington, d. c. i^^u 1^ f^, fT^'y •-'Uif iTu^ZTi^ lA^ &D £><-/ A^rx. 2^^^ ^Mr // // <^rx-v /^r^ c>-^t-*<^ -'^--'U^ ^1 A-7^ '^ iZlf ft J^^^l:><^ tn^-c. -is— -?_^t-ty -y ^ a>ti^^ .^^Wv ^ o. cA^Z>M ^^2^Xc; A//^tA ^^tr^ ^-^^^^^-i^^^ KhZy^-^ty^^ ^ iytUL/ , / ^ 6 AyJ \iS^.^ 1834 Kalorama Road washington. d. c. / [j^^.^..lJ^ ^?t^ /^^-^.W^ ^^^^^ )^ ^// /ut^-*--i ^iLl ^7yU-^^i><^ M lA^lKi^ ^^ 7^^^^ / i(xnx^-=o <^^^^^z^Tyi . AyV>\ /e^t^i • , ^c/il^. (c(J^<^^. ^^^/ ^r^y 'pi^^^y ^ -iU^ -t^u^ Ui^^^'t-u^ Ui^iyt^ /t-/-t^ l/l^CM^^Ll.M^*'^ 't Cy ^^OtM fUc/^ OIA^^ ^tlu^ft^-te^ a<^-AHy( CtyuJ-C J> ll '.^ yit 'ueA a. nA^^^-^ z. wcA-^^^Lc^-f-^^t^^ (l^^rM^^^T'^-^^^ ^l(>-C\Ji^ ^-t^ o^u^-^ 1 ^^/ ^T^^-^Vt UMiXA^ CVi^^t^ l/iv-tfJiA. ^■^ut^. « / A ^y ^^hL^^A^^^dL£Hrl^ / / <^ ^ry^t>' -t^t:^ if^UA4^fuzMry T^C^^A^ V i.t/z^-^*-\ / C / ^J A // / / C.-'T^ U^l I W^i^ — ^^^:jf^'^ ^ ^. T^T^rt^ cnA^ cr^ l^'-^'^ fy /J en ^x^ / O-x^ ■ de-^CAMr^ a / . 'f~^ ^ / di^^-d^i (xJ^tA^^f-^^^^ (^k^-J-^ £>-t^«s ^y Tij J^ C^^^^' ayU /i^-€A£^ t/^^^-c/S^^i--^ c^rA^^ J> Av^ y\H^uY // y /-^^t^^ ^^^ I'ZY • JmB 36, 1934. Rs; fork of the Blolo£^cal Surr^* In 1864, Spencer F. Balrd bro-o^t hie private collectione to Waahington and built -up the natxcral history departnnnts of the Sndtiw sonian and national MueertB* He enco-oragod others to collect specimens, planned and directed scientific expeditions and bnilt tip nhat was then considered a reisarl^bly complete set of macamals, birds, rsrptiles, fishes, shells, and other biolo^cal groups. In 1857 he published his ''Uaaoals of north America*^, and in 18?3 with Brewer and Ridgway his "Birds of north America** His best work, however, was in training youn^ a^& i^i sound methods of natural history study, in field work, and oaseuia oethods. In 1884, Dr, C. Hart Iferriam published his "Hansmals of the Adiron- dadcs**, and began gathering material for a more elaborate report on the "VaBraals of North America.** When he ease to Washington in 1886, he found that all of the nmsonm oollections did not contain half of the species of maBsaals of the country and were far from complete for birds and oth«r grova^n. TMwnext forty years wore largely spent In field work, gathering the naterial and information on which to base full axid accizrate knowledge of the maiSBals, birds, and other groups of aadUaal life* low the BRUioam and the Biological Survey are full to bursting with the specimens, field reports, and general inf orrnation that a whole genera- tion of naturalists; Horriam, Helson, Honitiiuiw, Preble, Goldman, Howell* Osgood, fliyeelf , and others, haTe givim our liwes to aeccaasulate, but only fragm«itaxy reports hare been given out to the public* The people of the country hawe paid for it, they* want the information, and If they could have it would, I believe, loyally oiwport the Biological Surv^, and its work. The field of the Biolo^^cal Survey has broadened into iiany other i»- portant lines but the basis for future progress of all of its divisions as well as for all of the immmmm of the coontry, the collets, universi* ties, and worlcin^ naturalists, is the accurate knowledge obtained froa the specimens and field studios now on file but not gmerally available* The people have been given fra^nentary reports on grotQJS and areas, but not the full information they i»ant and nood. There is still no adequate report or handbook on the aaMBsls or the lairds of Iforth America* If the Survey is to hold its leadership in conservation, manageownt of wild life, protection, and perpetuation of our native species* development of in- dustries in gaae, fxur, and recreation, protection of health and insurance of a better world to live in we most get the information needed and get it to the peoplo* . far Mr. D. I would suggest that th« Biological Survey pablish from the xaaterial now on hand the following: A HAHBBQQK OF 7H1?. MAl^tf.f^ (f ^SCm^ A^Tq^ With brief descnriptions, ranges, or maps, notes on abundance, ▼alues, and naes, possible liarm, adaptations, and control, Illizatrated as far as possible by jxhotographs or line drawings; a con^jact, Ineapwisive book avjsdlable to all at wst. During its preparation advance i^ie*ts on the species or groups of game and o^ier iia|>ortant animals coold be issued separately and rapid* ly for free distribution, but all planned to fit into the final copy of the handbook. The groups could include eocii as the buffalo, Audooxeii, siMep» goats, moose, elk, oartbou, diNNr, witelope, peccary, predators, fur- bearers, rodents, inseetivores, bate, and aqaatic maamals. BIHD UFR OT HOME l^^gMCi^. A concise handbook on the general plan of the masBials and including in one small volteae what is now included in the Eastern and Western Hand- books, with Alaska thrown in, and no overlap5>ing of species. This would make a most useful contrtbution to ornithology. It could be brou^t out in advance slieets to get something started iMsediately and important groups, such as geese, swans, docks, cranes, coots, and rails, iiorebii^ds, turkeys, grouse, ptarmigan, quail, etc., given precedence. Pictures, raaps, habits, values, control, and meimgemsnt, could be given under each in adequate but (^ndensed form. Mere elaborate and detailed work could tlien be done \fy States ft^ individuals but this work from tlie Bidlogical Swvey, and in accord with the A. 0. U. code, wcold be fundaswital and of eikormous Vttlue to States and institutions doing more exhaustive local wwk as well as to all ornithologists of the country and those interested in conservation and wild life aenegement* LXn ZOHSS eg IIOHgH AiBRICA. An early enrtgrowth of the field work of the Biological Stsnrey, carried on under Doctor M^:Tiam«3 direction, was lapping of the life sonee of Forth Aasrloa. The ^ob was about half done and only local or soall eeale maps were ever published. There ^lould be made available a large ecale life sone map of the vThole United Statee and another of Korth America. People are still using and republisliing our little old som map from the A. 0. U. ChecdB-Llst of 1910 (See Anthony* s ''Haiidbook of Birds*, for 1933, aad many othera). It would be of great value to the oMBtry and credit to the Biological Survey if good up-to-date maps were available and if the i^terlying principles of life sone distribution were more clearly defined* •»3«* • for Mr* D. Special subjects on u*iich the Biological Surrey could taice a leading staxui and publish outlines and directions would be: •Bringing Back the Gaae*; ^teae VismiBg*, •Use of Deeert Ranges*; •Ckone Fences and fencing*; and •Trapping Animals Alive.** Ton may ask» ^Imt *o is to do the ww**, and 1 should reply, •the men and Miaen in the Biological Sanr^.* liot some om else m&mmr the letters and use yooor trained and eacperi^K^^ force for real work, tar insiwsT « you have PreblOt Howell, Jackson* 6oldB8n» Marie* and others, if neceseary. "for birds you have ObsEitelMr, Lincoln, IteAtee, tsaer. Miss Cooloi, Miss Hidiards, ma^ others, if necessary. There are others in the s«nrice well equipped for ioportant r«pc»*ts. To«rwlf for «Brlnging Bafik the Oene^i Doctor Bell on •teM Farming*, aoise of the field asn on *Um of Deseort HangM^, and •GefflSi Fences. • In a year or two I can give you a good rsfK»rt on •Trai^Siig Aninals Alive^, bo* would reserte the ri^t to pobliA a bo<^ on the sobject later. TtesS are B»rely suggsstions liiich I hope may be (tf use to you# Temon Bailey* -3- ^u^^A^^/t^-ee-ijL^C^ 4 ^ OAA^, <^\/ 1^ fCf 9 ^i-«< •w ^ / .. - /^lt<-4c^ 4^^ /ti,-*-^ «^ A>-<-^ ,sU-a,^^^y^ o} '^^'-^X/ ^L-^ i^ xt-c^ l^'^^^^^z^^^ . e? /£^^ 1834 Kalorama Road washington, d. c. c/\r-c:c'^^^ . ,£^C^L^ , ^^^^'^-'^e^'-e 'JtyUXA^^uA ^-T-iaSc^A^ c^ ^2-^AJ^^ / l^rff^-^c^CAoAt^ j^-0<-d^€iA axi^^ lATiiA^ (M'^''^^^ ^^^^^ ^^;^J:iovU] C^ ,CZ^fAjM . /^Am^jaT^ l^J-€/i^i 4<.^n,.'-^.,0\y^ c\y^.JL^.^ I )f ' 1834 KALORAMA ROAD [liA.^ lAM.£iM Til/ iU>icnP c^C^ k^ J //U-/V '^X^ CK^MW , '^frLi J^^a^ty^ --f ^/^. '^ A-^^^^t^ rJfy~P /W^-^ A . L-'^^.y'^ ^ 7^:^l■ee^^M^/iA I 1^—7^ J /' n^ckc i^/d/t/^zfOA , JJ^^/, 11^^ R. F. D. ROUTE 2. BOX 472 SAN MARCOS. CALIFORNIA Sli-^^^^AjJ (y^(i/u^ iU- ^/H^ '(^^U- A^^^-rt^ ^^iAic^^ (U^ "t/j ' ^~^i^ ^ ^^/HTyA^ ^plM^. /. -^ V/^ / Ouy\ h^n^ a^f n;?.cU>^_ *^ JM^^OtT t.;w,«^ \^Ji^ j^l^v^ .+\.-..~t-^v-~^ jr/. /^ ^ ^ R. F. D. ROUTE 2, BOX 472 SAN MARCOS. CALIFORNIA K^jtyx^ -^^ A I p^^ urvi^^^ uH 9^ "M^ % yVcc UJ~<- , 'TkiA-^ uyiJ^ ^yiycnr&t^ cLi Jv^ J^ S a^-d^^, (A N^i/ h oSy^^.^^- /'r? V 1834 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON. D. C. /^^yULo'^^ / l\P^UAsA^^, S^^uli^M^^^^r:^^ CK 0/ Cfx-^ Ici^^ Z^^^^c^^^ ^l/'Z^ ^^V dJ^^I^ZAf^LOi ^-v-x^ Qk^I^-1^% ^^^-^ -^yt-Ay^^^r-r^ / -^*^oi ^L^^^ V^l^^^-V. -t^ 1834 Kalorama Road washington. d. c. c^ ijuH^yd '^ /d^^ 7 f^^^ Ki/-*/S*^ ^^JU>-^i<}'~^^ ^z;^,;,^^ ...^ >^ . t/^/^^ r. (y'^yu'trxy^ 1834 Kalorama Road washington. d. c. . / . — 7- J ^ Z.-C-t. t /o^^^^-^^ ut >c>Z>/ ^ r ^i^yijky .<^ 7^ ^yid 9tJh<^^^f^ fU<^y^--f yL-i^.J^^ / '^ ]M^j^%€mA^ irh'j- tOlvMl ^ (TlK ^ /3&m/ tHlU^,i4ii^^^ /I I C^^X^JU fjU^'^MUl ihH{ 6iA^fyL/ '^'^^^'l^^ ^2^>1^^ /^/ /f^^ r 1834 Kalorama Road washington. d. c. a ^^ \.^ /v^ ^UL^ iuui (/fcuA^UV W/- r UH^ O^JU^ CA^ C^H (X^W , ^J ^&^^'^^^ Ci^.y'^fi^ d{^-t£j'''^^ YiA:^^ 1/ ^ 6.ayCiyt\ T/vl-^^ l^t^j^Ji^ ^r^ f-v^ •\A^ y (;-t>- [H^-^f OLC^ /f~r?^ /\A^J JLiCLyl^ (iuyi oij^'-'^i^^^ re I f'^^^f (?J y 1834 Kalorama road washington, d. c. W-c ^<-^ d. M^. S^ (ri\^ I ^ i^ ^^^ ^ ^-^-iuT 3- rCx^ ^'■^^^ , A U/^.-^U r tin ^/ //^^ a/M^^^ ^"^ 'm:^^'^ \^AetuL( /u^-7^^^^ t— 2i^i "^^ ^-^-^jA^ VcL/, 1$U< T^ f ^ /4^ P-WUlCU Oc^ / 7^ T / t ^^^^^^^^''t^ /K*^ l^J^Cr^r-z^\^ ^^■ _^^}?^'^6^>^ 7. /?y^ 1834 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON. D. C pA-W^ ^si^ ^^.uJ^t^ H f<^iyiy>^-^-<^ii*^ '-^S^yCX l^tA-AyC*^ p^^.,M^^ , 0^^^^^^^^^ m ' ^^ / / oM^' '^ ^^^^ \^^~xn^^*-A^ J^t-L-. Vuc^ -* — ^KT cL^^ehA^ <\iAA^^AA /fv'^i^-^ Iu^IaJ" A:tu^^^Z>4 4^4U4/^ ^^ Ck.^^ -^-1^^€.X^^^^-/ /l^ lO^l^-^^-L^^..^^.^^^ ^ ^J ^ lA^P fdJLJi .4u^4yVA l^r-cr-V^-C^ jH^^^UM-<}y Cl\A 1834 KALORAMA ROAD vCt^ /A^ ^4^^uSuyf IaH^ ^y^-^^ 4f^e^^UJL^ ^^ ^J^-r-^ -AAA^A^ . T^/r^'J a^ L 71/ T-L*.-^ 1^^;^^ .^ Y / ^^^ "^^ ^^^' Z-^^^-^^w % A/^/t; /^^ 3^ ^O^-^^ 1834 Kalorama road WASHINGTON. D. C. I M^i^ J v/ ^yt^C^L^U^ CT"^ I "^ 7J^-^^^^l^*-A 7i^U4e^ ^^^-^^^-<7 Z^^vt^'^^^ 'i^^^t^icuj 1^ r 1834 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON, D. C. 7knJ^36j^3^' yU\ dl^^^di^^^"^^ A-^^UA. i«PM#*«a» A / . . t,^ A^yz-e^^^-^^/ ^' V^CL^^ , I c^aJP%/ ^6-ty^^ /Wi^-/' O-CJLa^ ir por^i^nA^L^u^ /^Sp A^ ^2^^t>^ -^-^a^ ^^■^^^ / . V ./ ^^^^^--C-i^^-iUi^ Ia^-''^^ &^ f4i^'Zi,^^ f I fi '-^ w ^^-^-^t^i^Y^ .^^^^^^ <^^^^^^i-tiz^«^,^2^ / / / ^/ -«»^ "^ / ><^"7JJ-a^^l,^^/^ **7 ?^^^^Zf^ ^ ^ r / . f c/ 'z-n ^ ^^^44j A^ £uJ^c:t 1/'^ I R. F. D. ROUTE 2, Box 472 oT^ ^^^^^^-t^ ^ ^ J^^^^i^tU-c^^ ^^0-c o^ t^t^^J0uj^i4^ /f^M^f f^U^^^'i^ /^^^^ iyf. ^■t^^-i-^^A. ' '^u MITT-fTKinmi-iT-i' Hf- IfL^ ^2^ /c^r? ^■U^U^f^tdiv-^ '^^ li)-^^ 4_^^^.,,^,^ ir4j-rSi-^ZA «^^,/^/7 ^^ U^ '. 1834 Kalorama Road washington. d. c. mAjJ/UAA^ '^uIuA^U^^ <^ nc^ljkt'i^^iA s^-*^ % < f yuy) T^M / ^/^>w^Ah^ '^'^^ AnJa^ iU-V ^i-C^iJu^slLih^ (2au4UA.^^ L^r-iiS^ 4 C^^A-c /T^cc^LU^^c/ ^ ^ A"*^ ^>^^ ^J/U^-crOi cr^^ 4^"^ o^ Uu CtM. ^^■^^ liuUiAJu^ . CK CO ctyt^^''*^ ^>tni ■ c-.--| fi / MA^~^l^ 1834 Kalorama road washington. d. c. ^-^■^^ ^-(-^^^CM^Q^ 2.t^iyi-i^C^ ^^^^Jf/l^/ ^-7^^ I TW v ^ ClA^ -^t>C^ / 1834 KALORAMAyROAD WASHINGTON. / 4 /^-^^ /ma/ Ci^^^^^^ l/\}-Ci^t.^^ (L^LA J^-thCiy^O' tX'iM'iA4,jiitt-<^ J^-^^^^xWK> / / (\.^^^ "TIl/ y ^V^--( t^^ t-c^ S^ Tn^ ^^^ T^-c^ l^-c^^^ aT^^y>^CH ^^'T^^^^yf — -t^M C\ .>J-^L^ (AjU^AAjl^-oU:^ 0^ ^r-c^ a^ ^.^^l-Oc--^ New York Seattle Memphis Philadelphia A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION DE- VOTED TO PROMOTING BETTER TRAP- PING CONDITIONS FOR AMERICAN TRAPPERS. Kansas City Dallas Chicago IT PAYS TO BE A MEMBER OE THE world's greatest ORGANIZATION OF outdoorsmen. ^ ^ . T •?. '■-^ ^^ ''Sf^^f /\/V\ERICAIN XRAF>F»ERS ASSOCI ATIOIN, IINC General Offices — CEDAR CITY, UTAH ^^ . ^J . OFFICE OF VERNON BAILEY DIRECTOR OF CONSERVATION 1834 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON, O. C. *-^ ^nA/ ^-^^ ^) U^zP'^ -t^€M^ J>^ ^ ^^ ?^ /A^uv ^^ fz'-'^ 'rt^v~/2^^^^ v^^^^^TSUy' ^M-v fix^cju^^cinJ ' Ux^ iUu^ <^'^^ uTn^ ^ ^fc^ssij^ I / ^ — w -y ^P^^cllJ 4 r^ Vv^ ^ C'-^-^^-t?' c*^ f ' >ty^2\.^^ <>7X^j --uy^u^L^ilu/^ i lA^X/- f V Tt^ ^^ - --M-7 >^.f^>--'dS^s w>wt 1834 Kalorama Road washington. d. c. ^, If 97 -ctLA. ^^jz^^ittoi ; ^ Oiyi -JuoJk^ c^ M^ti^^-S^^^ ■ 4^ u%Mi yCt-*-^ -T^ 4 '^^ l/iU^^^e^iSi^ ftU n4MA) iMAy^ , ^tu-UeA 'Tt.oe ^^^;^ ^ /tu^ a7 '^^ 'W^ZC//. oJM^^J X C^- (C. ^iLtLcu. ^I'-c^yui^ ^t/2^ cl^ ffr^yUl^ /W ^ '^^^i^ «^^^^ £^ ^ l. 2^ At^<-( (3 (X/i-^ ^ ^■^t/\jk. ^^x^H-/ Seminole Indians near N»»ples, Florida ^ Sr .jpies, f ioriUa »/£ V T-i''-»^?r. nM ; , ,'^ -i''.^ 1*^^ "•^.* < -I ik « u -I a. < Z Id E o »- o a a z o X > m Q u I m m D a. ^^^^^ i~kjt^f POST C A R/D /y » /J ^A^-t^M_A^ HAND-COLORED POST CARD < o a 0 w ■. < z u K o »- «> o 3 IT O z o ID O W z « o 3 (^ X-^ V V ■=i^»V(^ . , //^/r. '^C>^'^-»^<:^^ Z"^. :> ♦ t- I I >. •a m A^U^SL^ 1834 Kalorama Road washington. !>_. r^o,/?3%]. D. C. It fc*" ^*« /■^e^ *S^ /-MLlax^-;^^ ^^ ^UtT^ ^^^^^ mH. '^'^^^ fi^^X^ -Xa-^ U -uX^ /n-^iA^^ c^^ -oj^cI^Si^.^^^ A^ f f I f U^', Mtrt^ USL 1£^{A^-f (K\^ JIU^ ^^u^ui{2 '~U^^^ir\ , y^ /rrd^ 1834 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON. D. C. A>i^->^ ^^-V 0-^ c^ ^ ^-t^^^} , Ck lA)i^ ^ / • H ,i--*^^ i:^-t't^tH^*^-^ 7A/ Ay(-i%M^JtA 1834 KALORi^MA ROAD ' ^S-'*^^ yt^T^ 2^^^*-/ ^-f^^-'^-<^^ / 'j ^xzu^ ^"b 7^1 ^ u o^^^^f ^ ta^l^ - A^ It A^ ( ^^u\ 4^ ^^V* l^iy ^C 'L^Utk Av/^^ i^-O 7c A>^ •U^ rrzc^ (ft-. i't^e/' , ^' .^ M ^ Y' \ 7^/^. /// ^ 1834 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON, D. C. ^7©c^4^t^A/ i A-t^u. au^, ^^>zr/ ^^ X^z^^«^^ H/Mi^ -^-^' C^rQ)Ui/? d>- ly^Wu^e^ /^f^^^ yuM^ 'ijn'<'if a^ -^^<^\f-z.^ %ru,^^ /f^B- 1834 Kalorama road washington. d. c. CV>^ fiJKy^ T^L^ {.... .4 y^crju^^^A -Vi^ *¥^2Z/<^t<-^M^^TJk^ -uJu^^^ui^M^ 'iix^ /rs^ ^ircu^y_^ 0\^ JUUA 't-i.yi. ?lmi^ 'V-C-i^^y^ "Uma^ z , /^^ JL i^nMJH. ^ J '^tn-^ ^^^lum^ rtu A » U . ^ ^T / // / /f A >L.X — X >;tv4>d ^L( UuM^UJtFo ^lA^-C-C-A^ 0-Jl ^ 1 ^X^' ^^ildc^ ^ ^^ Uyt OLy^ (T^ ~VQj