a Copyrighted, 1889, by Cuasz & SANBORN, Boston, Mass. ¥ PRESS OF THE MOSS ENG. CO., 535 PEARL ST., N. Y- St Wao Tinie MHOUSEHOED,” < -7e ontsyn : -—_— NOUV LO 1369. | A DELICIOUS CUP OF COFFEE MAKES A GOOD BREAKFAST,)~ 9 «~~ ejmight be quoted asa maxim. The odor of it, rich and pungent, pervades the housé like-an incense. +The master and mistress inhale it as evidence of the rich treat that awaits them, and the children scent ane entrance to their chambers with delight. The guests hasten their toilet that they may the sooner |ift the delicious cup.to their lips. The entire household is made buoyantwith happy expectations, as it breathes the breath of the refreshing stimulant. To the laborer it gives the same delight, and every house in the land is happier and healthier because of the fragrance of the coffee that is in it. Above all drinks for the morning meal, coffee stands supreme. It is the claim and pride of our house that we supply to the housekeepers of the land COFFEE OF THE FINEST QUALITY. The best that the earth affords we give to them. OUR SIGNATURE and TRADE MARK (a seal) are guarantees of this. Their value to us commercially rests solely on the acknowledged purity and excellence of the coffees sold under their protection. There is no variation in the quality of our SEAL BRAND JAVA AND MOCHA ; every package is of the same high grade. On it our reputation with the trade end with the consumer stands. He who buys our coffee knows just what he is buying. Ask your grocer for it, For the sake of a larger profit he may tell you he has a coffee equallu as good at less price. Positively he has not, as it is the finest coffee produced. Tell him you want CHASE & SANBORN’S SEAL BRAND JAVA AND MOCHA, in 2 lb. Tin Cans. See that each can bears our SIGNATURE and TRADE Mark (a seal) and then know that you have for your table the best that can be bought. We present this little SOUVENIR with the compliments of our house. Respectfully, CHASE & SANBORN, MUR O Roan EiRes: BosTON, Mass. N. B.—REMEMBER OUR TRADE Mark is A SEAL. THIS ART ALBUM WILL BE GLADLY SENT TO YOUR FRIENDS, ON RECEIPT OF THEIR ADDRESS. (DHE two great COFFEES of the world are JAVA and MOCHA. These our house import especially for its patrons. In more than a million households our Trade Mark is welcomed as a guarantee for excellence and a pro- ly ON SE THAT OVERS tection against fraud, SE Ai Look at it, and remember it has never been dis- honored, Within every can that bears it, the purchaser will find coffee so fragrant, strong and pure, that million- aires and kings cannot buy better. We, the house of CHASE & SANBORN, hold ourselves responsible for this statement, See! this is a fac-simile of a can of our SEAL BRAND JAVA and MOCHA. A COFFEE PLANTATION. IN ancient times he who bore falze witness lost his right hand; but he wio lied under seal in a sealed documon: or deed, was put to death. Our house realizes its responsibility when it affixes its seal to cans containing coffee. We have never yet disappointed our patrons. ~ When you see the seal As we send it to you, you may know it has been sO you Can receive It in aifixed deliberately and with full faith that the confidence that it guar- antees the PURITY and coffee which it pro- EXCELLENCE of the article tects will delight you. advertised by it. HE Tell your grocer you want no coffee that is not stamped with CHASE & SANBORN’S SEAL. COFFEE TREES IN BLOossom. A HOUSE which seeks to enlarge and establish its business on the strength of its TRADE MARK, is compelled by its own interest to make that TRADE MARK the symbol and proof of highest excellence. Remember ! that this package and TRADE MARK represents the intelligence and honesty of our house as importers and sellers of coffees, TTT SEE’ roo Oey Ay HARVESTING THE BERRY A SEAL, under all governments, stands for value and represents right. We employ it to advertise the high excellence of our Coffees; we ask you to test its value. ‘*By this sign we conquer.” NATIVE COFFEE PICKERS. E who would drink the best coffee in the market, must ask his grocer for that guaranteed by our TRADE MARK. Here’s to you in a full cup of our SEAL BRAND JAVA AND MOCHA |! PULPING AND DRYING. (« SIGNED, sealed and delivered,” is the legal form of honorable and valuable transfer. Buy for your use the coffees which come to you direct from our house, guaranteed for highest excellence by OUR SEAL, ‘This transfer is not good, There is no seal upon it.""—(Old Author.) i > - : ee Ree” . “4 : Beet! é i ps oe : CURING COFFEE. E who sells that which is best of its kind, finds his best advertisement in what he sells. | The quality of the coffee we sell under our TRADE MARK is the only adver- tisement that we seek. Buy our coffee, and by what you buy, judge us. ‘The rise of English trade is largely due to our English TRADE MARKS, because they represent throughout the world honesty and intelligence ! ''—(Codbden.) THRESHING AND BAGGING (QE seek the judgment of host, of hostess, and of quests. Buy your coffee under our SEAL, and at your table, after drinking, give us your judgment. We ask no other or better advertisement. ‘‘No one lies under seal.’ —(Sam’l Adams.) HAND PICKING. E who puys coffee must buy it as prepared for him to buy. His only guarantee that he is getting what he wants is in the intelligence, the honesty and the high usiness standing of those who have prepared it. Why should you buy unknown coffees prepared by unknown parties, when from all ignorance and fraud you are protected by our Signature and Trade Mark? ‘Why! you have taken your medicine from a bottle that has no druggist’s name upon it. How know you what you have drunk.?""—(Old Play.) NATIVE COFFEE CARTS. UR Coffees are largely grown on private planta- tions. Buying agents, employed exclusively by us, are located at all the principal points in the coffee-growing countries, who secure for us the choicest selections. The Coffees are roasted and prepared in our own factory, under our personal supervision, and always packed under our Trade Mark, a Seal. Because of these facts we quarantee our pro- ducts, ee ‘'Give me the seal, I'll stamp my honor on it.” —Shakespear. NATIVE PLANTATION LABORERS. pure Air, Pure Water and Pure Coffee are what men and women need. These bestow health and happiness on all who have them. Pure Air comes from above, Pure Water from below, and Pure Coffee from CHASE & SANBORN. Call the attention of your household to our SEAL BRAND JAVA AND MOCHA, and our TRADE MARK, a Seal, that your children and servants may know it at sight, when they ask for it at the grocer's, INNATE EOans: HE Turks have good coffee to drink, and hence drink no liquor. In pure coffee is all the stimulus the human system needs. It warms and strengthens the body; it invigorates the mind, and cheers the spirit when oppressed by overwork or worry. Coffee is the temperance beverage of mankind. We have but one seal, and the above is it. Remember what it stands for, CHASE & SAN- BORN'’S SEAL BRAND JAVA AND MOCHA. Buy no other ! NaTIVES PREPARING THE NOONDAY MEAL. QUR pleasures can be made mutual— We, in supplying; you, in drinking! REGISTERED, Z FORMOSA OOLOONG. It will suit you as none other will. perenne a TEA PLANT.—LEAVES AND BLOSSOMS. He who drinks with knowledge finds finer flavor in the cup. [g00K at this picture of a Tea Field and note its beauty. How fresh and fair and sweet it is. The tea you steep for yourself, or your friends, madam ! came from such a scene. Our house serves you with knowledge. We know the sections on which the tea we sell you grows, who selects the tender leaves, who cures them, who packs and ships to our house in Boston. Buy teas im- ported by us. Our TRADE MARK on FORMOSA OOLOONGS is the picture of a Buffalo—on other teas it is C & S—and as you see these marks, you can, in fancy, see the far away plantation where it grew for you, and know that from that distant spot it has come directly to your hand. TEA PLANTATION. put this question to your grocer: Do you sell BUFFALO CHOP TEA ? If not, why not? It is the richest and finest + am eee tea imported. C&S PICKING THE TEA. on CUP of tea symbolizes, beyond almost any other thing, the social life of home. It is the cup that cheers; it is sipped with smiles and laughter. It has given its name to the last and pleasantest meal of the day, ‘Come over and take tea with us!” is the friendliest of all invitations. The hostess presides, queen of the table, as is her right, proud to serve her quests, for she feels sure of its high quality, its pungent and delicious flavor, for she knows it came from the importing house of CHASE & SANBORN, BOSTON. ¢ PRE, Garnces > SERN = a. peererennconsneestes * PACKING GREEN LEAF IN BaGS FOR SHIPMENT TO THE COAST BHIs brand represents the finest Ooloong Tea grown in China. The best Ooloong Tea drank in America. NAniveE iEAy HE Tea Drinker should remember that in no other commodity is the wretched art of adulteration more practiced than in the teas of commerce. As he cannot acquire the knowledge needed to protect himself from these base practices, he must trust to some one else. It is a fact that poisonous and hurt- ful mixtures are being sold in this country as tea. The house of CHASE & SAN- BORN offers you the protection of its knowledge, its resources ana its honesty. If you buy our teas you can feel assured that you are buying a pure and health- giving article. The trifle of profit we make on what you purchase is not to be compared in value with the benefit you receive. Buy teas bearing our Trade Marks, BUFFALO CHOP and C & S, and feel that you are protected from all fraud, ignorance and imposition Trea GIRLS STEMMING AND CLEANING TEA LEAF. EVERY chest of tea bearing this Trade Mark is guaranteed to represent the choicest pickings of each year's crop. yet, a a REGISTERED. & TEA FIRING Room. The Tea is put into large baskets. These baskets are then placed over slow charcoal fires. The fire holes are underneath the baskets in the masonry on which they rest. HERE is one word which once spoken lingers on the tongue forever. In it is the picture of a face, living or dead, near or afar, it remains ever the same; neither the passage of years nor the changes of time can cause its beloved features to fade from our sight; neither the singing nor the cursing of the world ever drowns its music—this word is mother! Mother, at the tea table; mother, pouring the tea. How the dear, sweet face rises to view as you remember. Do not think that we who bring you your tea from the other side of the world are not mindful that our business connects us pleasantly with millions of happy homes, and the loving memories of life. The best that nature gives to our seeking we give to you, who are our patrons. SIFTING THE TEA. <— - SPS ee RS REGISTERED. on BRAND of tea which can be relied upon to always represent perfection of aroma, flavor, strength. UFFALO CHOP SELECTIONS TESTING AND GRADING B ie is difficult to imagine what sort of social life the Western World had before the introduction of Tea. On what excuse could the gossips of the neigh- borhood come together, or how could the refined and cultivated find pleasant accommodation provided for them. How much the beverage that cheers but does not intoxicate has done for the entertainment of mankind. How much, in ) our home life, owe we to the little ‘harmless drug,’’ of which the old and young alike can partake freely and with equal benefit. As we drink from the amber colored cup, it were not amiss should we remember that the delicious Teas which we drink have been brought to our doors and placed upon our tables in all their native purity by the tireless efforts of the house of CHASE & SANBORN, (po mahe your table noted for the tea you serve, Insist upon having this brand from your grocer. C&S REGISTERED. W EIGHING AND INSPECTING TEA. (QHETHER growing in the fields or steeping on the table, Tea is associated with the brightest and cheeriest experiences of life. It soothes the troubled ; strengthens the weak ; warms the cold; kindles the fancy; brightens the wit and loosens the tongue for anecdote and conversation. The memories of the Tea Table are those of refined pleasure and pleasant excitement. It is - associated with the evening hour, with the gathering of the family circle and the social life of evenings at home. But it is not as easy as many suppose to obtain a pure and honest Tea. Not only are adulterations common, but a large ‘part of all of the inferior quality is shipped to this-country and imposed upon the people as genuine. This is a known faci, and we caution you as to it. You cannot trust your own knowledge or that of your local dealer. You do not know the conditions of the crop from year to year, nor the tricks of the exporters, or the skill of those who adulterate ; you will do well, therefore, to trust yourselves to our guidance, for we are a house of long standing and our reputation rests on the known high qualities of our importations. Do not forget, therefore, in purchasing your Teas and Coffees to ask for the packages marked with the SEAL and TRADE MARK of CHASE & SANBORN. i) be n ht) 40 © yA Lael