Derr ceih-p avanti oer me ry Rate aly sty Bm So) et Se SD opera! pe paced Be, BiRD DEPT. MUS. COMP. ZOOL: Keom 503 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD A Continuation of the Work of James L. Peters Edited by RAYMOND A. PAYNTER, JR. In consultation with Ernst Mayr VOLUME XIII Emberizinae Catamblyrhynchinae Cardinalinae Thraupinae Tersininae By RAYMOND A. PAYNTER, JR. AND ROBERT W. STORER CAMBRIDGE - MASSACHUSETTS MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY 1970 COPYRIGHT, 1970 BY THE PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE THE HEFFERNAN PRESS INC. WORCESTER, MASS. IN LR ODUCT LON It has been the custom for the editor alone to write the Introduction to volumes in this series published since the death of J. L. Peters. However, because the present volume has but one author in addition to the editor-author and because of the controversial nature of the systematic ar- rangement of the taxa treated herein, the authors have collaborated more closely than usual. It is appropriate, therefore, that this Introduction be written jointly in order to point out some of the problems that were encountered and the reasons why they were handled as they were. The systematic allocation and arrangement of the Oscines are among the most complex problems encountered by the taxonomist. A flurry of interest in the subject in the 1950’s (e.g., Beecher, 1953, Auk, 70, pp. 270-833; Tordoff, 1954, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, no. 81, 42 pp.; Delacour and Vaurie, 1957, Contrib. Sci., Los Angeles County Mus., no. 16, 6 pp.; Amadon, 1957, Proc. Zool. Soc. Calcutta, 259-268, pp. 259-268 ; Bock, 1960, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 122, pp. 861-488) resulted in some solutions but mainly served to define more clearly the problems. In the last decade little work has been done on the relationships within and between the higher categories of the Oscines and there continues to be considerable disagreement among taxonomists as to the family or subfamily allocation of many species, and in particular those taxa treated in this volume. Traditionally, as for example in Ridgway (1901 and 1902, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 50, pts. 1 and 2), Hartert (1903-04, Vogél pal. Fauna), Hellmayr (1935, 1936, and 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pts. 8, 9, and 11), and the A.O.U. Check-list of North American Birds, edition 5 (1957), the cardinal-grosbeaks, emberizine buntings, carduelines, and similar ‘“‘sparrows” and “finches” are lumped within the very large family Fringillidae, while the tanagers, Swallow-tanager, Plush-capped Finch, and “coe- rebids” are each afforded familial rank. The arrangement followed herein is the so-called “Basel sequence’ (Mayr and Greenway, 1956, Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, no. 58, 11 pp.). It differs from the “traditional” arrangement in that the carduelines and the ’ vl INTRODUCTION Brambling and Chaffinches (Fringilla) are treated as the family Fringillidae, while the emberizine buntings, cardinal- grosbeaks, Plush-capped Finch, tanagers, and Swallow- tanager! are demoted to subfamilial status and united under the family Emberizidae, and separated from the carduelines and Fringilla by the wood warblers, Hawaiian honey- creepers, vireos, and icterids (see Check-list, Vol. 14). In other words, the “Fringillidae” of, for example, Ridgway or Hellmayr, is enormously more broad than the “Fringilli- dae’”’ of the Basel sequence. The Basel sequence has the merit of bringing together an array of presumably related groups (treated as sub- families) under a single family heading, which emphasizes the fact that there is a good deal of uncertainty as to where one draws the line between, say, tanagers and buntings, or, indeed, if an effort to maintain them as separate groups is desirable. It must be frankly admitted that within the Oscines there are few families (or subfamilies) which can be unequivocally differentiated from all other families (or subfamilies) on the basis of morphology, behavior, or any other taxonomic characters. Nevertheless, although aware that we are forcing into a linear sequence several radiating groups, which may or may not be related, we have maintained, and tried to improve, the traditional groupings, even though we are no more successful than others in characterizing these groups. Earlier workers often relied heavily on bill form as a taxonomic character. We, believing that bill form is of less value as a taxonomic character, have emphasized plumage color, pattern, and texture, as well as anatomical, behavioral, and distributional data, if they are available. The result is, admittedly, often tentative and far from satisfactory, as evidenced by our liberal use of explanatory footnotes. There is ample opportunity for dissent but we think this is in itself valuable and hope that there may be sparked a renewed in- terest in the classification of the Oscines. 1 The “Subfamily Coerebinae” was also included in the Emberi- zidae in the Basel sequence but has been dismembered in this Check- list; its genera are distributed between the Parulidae and the Thraupinae (see Vol. 14, p. 3, 1968 for details). INTRODUCTION vii The Emberizinae have been arranged in seven groupings, proceeding from the “typical’’ emberizines to a group of genera whose affinities are in doubt. These groupings are more for the sake of convenience rather than an indication of a presumed evolutionary sequence, although within each group (except the last) closely related taxa are kept as close to one another as a linear sequence will allow. Genera of the first group, from Melophus to Oriturus, are “typical” emberizines, i.e., generally grassland forms, prin- cipally Holarctic, with plain or streaked plumage, and no exposed bright colors. The second group of genera, from Phrygilus through Poospiza, contains Neotropical forms which are inhabitants of grassland and in some cases brush. They range from dull-plumaged forms to some with bright colors and striking patterns. They are presumed, mainly on zoogeographic ev- idence, to be interrelated, but it would not be surprising if some taxa are misplaced here. The third group, Sicalis, Emberizoides and Embernagra, comprises Middle and South American genera, thought to have originated in South America. They inhabit grasslands and are typically streaked, with some (Sicalis) brightly colored. The fourth group, Volatinia to Melanospiza, is composed of small, thick-billed, seed-eating, open country ground- feeders found in the West Indies and from southern Texas through South America. There is little doubt that it is an artificial assemblage, of diverse ancestry (see footnote, toe). Genera of the fifth group, Darwin’s Finches (Geospiza through Pinaroloxias), are of undoubted common ancestry. They are presumably an offshoot of some form within group four, the thick-billed ground-feeders. Group six, Pipilo to Urothraupis, is a closely related as- semblage of brightly colored, or strongly patterned, soft- plumaged brush and forest inhabiting genera. They range from Canada to South America, exhibiting particular di- versity in the Neotropical mountains. The seventh group, Charitospiza through Paroaria, com- Vili INTRODUCTION prises genera incertae sedis. Some perhaps belong with the Thraupinae. The Cardinalinae do not offer the complexities found within the Emberizinae. Spiza, whose affinities may be with the Emberizinae rather than with the Cardinalinae, starts the subfamily. The remaining genera are arranged to re- flect an increasing tendency away from the Emberizinae and toward the Thraupinae. The adoption of the Basel sequence by the former editors of the Check-list necessitated a reversal of the usual se- quence of genera in the tanagers in order that the most finch- like genera could be placed nearest the finches. The Thraupinae are arranged in seven groups of genera. The first group, Orchesticus through Sericossypha, con- sists of genera incertae sedis which resemble finches and may actually belong in the Emberizinae or Cardinalinae. They are not a natural group. The second group, Nesospingus through Nemosia, con- tains some finch-like genera of small birds centered around Chlorospingus and Hemispingus. Bill form in this group varies from finch-like to warbler-like, but with few excep- tions, the plumage is soft in texture and ranges in color from yellow and olive to gray, rufous, brown, and black. In texture, color, and pattern, the plumage of these birds closely resembles that of Atlapetes and related genera in the Emberizinae and of Basileuterus in the Parulidae. The third group, Phaenicophilus through Orthogonys, contains a miscellany of medium-sized, thin-billed species. On zoogeographic grounds, Phaenicophilus and Calypto- philus are probably related, and they may also be related to the parulid genera Microligea and Xenoligea. The last three genera appear related on the basis of plumage charac- ters. Rhodinocichla resembles Mitrospingus in some of these characters, but in color and sexual dimorphism is more like Granatellus, currently considered a parulid. The fourth group, Eucometis through Ramphocelus, shows a progression from insectivorous or carnivorous types to specialized fruit-eaters and a parallel trend from species which are predominantly yellow and olive or black to species INTRODUCTION ix in which at least the males are red or partly red. Sexual dimorphism is the rule rather than the exception in this and the following groups. The fifth group, Spindalis through Pipraeidea, consists almost entirely of “generalized” tanagers which are blue or bluish (or green) and yellow, orange, or buff. Blue is lack- ing in Spindalis. However, that genus appears close to Thraupis (especially T. bonariensis) on the basis of other plumage characters, as well as morphology. The sixth group, Euphonia through Cyanerpes, contains birds whose feeding habits range from an almost exclusive diet of mistletoe berries (Huphonia) through more gen- eralized diets of fruit and insects to nectar feeding (Cyanerpes). Whereas the extremes are very different, they are linked by a series of forms which are variously inter- mediate in bill form and plumage characters. Tangara ap- pears near the base of this group, with one line leading from it through Chlorophonia to Euphonia and another leading from Tangara vassorii through Dacnis to Cyanerpes. The seventh group, Xenodacnis through Huneornis, is another group of genera incertae sedis. All may be derived from finches rather than tanagers or parulids. Oreomanes may be close to Diglossa or to Conirostrum or both. The other two appear independently derived from each other and from Diglossa. Because of the uncertainty of their re- lationships, they have been kept near the tanager honey- creepers (Cyanerpes, et al.) where Beecher (1951, Wilson Bull., 63, pp. 274-287) placed them on morphological grounds. Tersina is placed at the end because it seems closest to Tangara. The editor is, once again, grateful to that small group of ornithologists who so willingly read manuscripts and offered assistance and advice. The competent editorial assistance of Mrs. Nanette W. Plotkin, Robert Bennett, and Mrs. Darlene K. Dyer is ac- knowledged. Mrs. Michael D. McBride has again contributed her skill and time in preparing the index. xX INTRODUCTION Partial support for research on the Emberizinae and Cardinalinae was received from the National Science Foun- dation under Grant GB-4210. Manuscript for this volume was completed 1 April 1970. A few minor changes were made subsequent to that date. RAYMOND A. PAYNTER, JR. 15 June 1970 ROBERT W. STORER CONTENTS ORDER PASSERIFORMES . CE ee? a ear oar 3 OTP Upp OSGi Ci a a a ne 3 Family Emberizidae 3 Subfamily Emberizinae, Beane and’ Reece Sparrows, by Raymond A. Paynter, Jr. 3 Genus Melophus Swainson. . ........ 4 Latoucheornis Bangs 4 Braberiza~Pamngeus ss ae ee 5 @alenrins Becnstert «<6. 6 is « «2. 186 Plectrophenax Stejneger........ 88 Calamospiza Bonaparte... .... . 40 Zonotriehia Swamson . . . «is « « « « Af PUMCOTVVAGIOT ON Seis ek Oe) ew ee Ue Ammodramus Swainson... ..... 68 DPIzellt PONEDOTLE Wands, 2 2 Fs ts cs i OL Poeecetes (Bard nec ees a tes ws es SlUe)|«6 8G Chondestes Swainson . . .-3:. . . is » Sf AMPOISpIZA (COUT Cc cei ik we eC SS Asmophila swaingow . s wlie tl. Sw ss) | OE Torreornis Barbour and Peters. . . . . . 102 Oriturus;boveperte . «. «, <-2..5 + « » « 103 Phryeilus (Cabanie . «6 42s st 6108 Melanodera Bonaparte. . ..... . . 108 Haplospiza Cabams.. «es is 3 ss 109 Acanthiaops Higgway : . . oe. se. ® 6TTE Lophospimeus Catems . 3. 06 20-8 ee 85 OTE Wonzeospiza, Cabams . 2 . . . 22083, 5. EEE OWeGhit EOWes cc. ed se ep Meenas CZ INeSOSMIZ COUUNIE. so. Ss Le ae | ce Digeawwsrernrenback. 20.9. As ee ss BAS WODRATEVC OSS ce ng Se 8 ca hy ce SAB Piezorhina. ajresnage . Fs ks ss ew HS Xendspmicus, Caan oe es ee ee EN InNeaSpizaiiaguay 8. cs Kc se ow 6 AG POOs Mize, SCHOO eS a tet ee ET sicalis Bole... i. Rem al ecie e Soya ee Emberizoides Temminck REAR oo eh Caesar tard Me Rinveriagra hesson < s- . cs ew wl lw! 6D Volttiina Récenenbach: 2) les ee «6 SZ Sporopiiia Capans Ss . Se Pe 3 2 8S Oryzoberus Gaus . 6 SSS. 6 aw TAS AMAUTOSpiza CAOUNS Fs ot. 2 te 6s 150 Melopyrrha Bonaparte. ....... . 161 Dolospmmeus OBiroe. 2° ew BZ Catamenia Bonaparte. . ... +--+ + + 152 xii Subfamily CONTENTS Tiaris Swainson . Loxipasser Bryant . Loxigilla Lesson . : Melanospiza Ridgway . Geospiza Gould Camarhynchus Gould Certhidea Gould . Pinaroloxias Sharpe . Pipilo Vieillot . Melozone Reichenbach . Arremon Vieillot . Arremonops Ridgway Atlapetes Wagler . Pezopetes Cabanis Oreothraupis Sclater Pselliophorus Ridgway . Lysurus Ridgway Urothraupis Taczanowski ane Berlepach : Charitospiza Oberholser Coryphaspiza Gray . Saltatricula Burmeister Gubernatrix Lesson . : Coryphospingus Cabanis . Rhodospingus Sharpe . Paroaria Bonaparte . Catamblyrhynchinae, Plush- PE Fineh, by Raymond A. Paynter, Jr. . Genus Subfamily Catamblyrhynchus Lafresnaye . Cardinalinae, Cardinal-grosbeaks, by Raymond A. Paynter, Jr. . Genus Subfamily Genus Spiza Bonaparte Pheucticus Reichenbach Cardinalis Bonaparte Caryothraustes Reichenbach . Rhodothraupis Ridgway . Periporphyrus Reichenbach . Pitylus Cuvier . Saltator Vieillot Passerina Vieillot Thraupinae, Tanagers, by Robert W. ‘Stores : Orchesticus Cabanis . : Schistochlamys Reichenbach . Neothraupis Hellmayr . Cypsnagra Lesson Conothraupis Sclater Lamprospiza Cabanis 154 157 157 160 160 164 166 168 168 180 182 186 190 206 207 CONTENTS Cissopis Vievllot . Chlorornis Reichenbach . Compsothraupis Richmond Sericossypha Lesson . Nesospingus Sclater . Chlorospingus Cabanis . Cnemoscopus Bangs and neva). Hemispingus Cabanis Pyrrhocoma Cabanis Thlypopsis Cabanis . Hemithraupis Cabanis . Chrysothlypis Berlepsch Nemosia Vieillot . Cae Phaenicophilus Strickland . Calyptophilus Cory . . Rhodinocichla Hartlaub Mitrospingus Ridgway . ‘ Chlorothraupis Salvin and Cadman ‘ Orthogonys Strickland . Eucometis Sclater Lanio Vieillot . Creurgops Sclater Heterospingus Ridgway Tachyphonus Vieillot Trichothraupis Cabanis Habia Blyth . Piranga Viveillot . Calochaetes Sclater . Ramphocelus Desmarest Spindalis Jardine and Selby . Thraupis Bove . , Cyanicterus Bonaparte . Buthraupis Cabanis . Wetmorethraupis Lowery oo O'Neill 2 Anisognathus Reichenbach Stephanophorus Strickland Iridosornis Lesson Dubusia Bonaparte . Delothraupis Sclater Pipraeidea Swainson Euphonia Desmarest Chlorophonia Bonaparte Chlorochrysa Bonaparte Tangara Brisson . Dacnis Cuvier . Chlorophanes Remhenbaek Xili 251 252 253 253 254 254 262 263 268 268 271 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 283 283 285 287 287 288 295 295 301 309 310 316 318 326 327 330 ddl 536 336 338 339 339 340 355 357 359 387 391 Xiv CONTENTS Cyanerpes Oberholser . Xenodacnis Cabanis . Oreomanes Sclater . Diglossa Wagler . Euneornis Futzinger . Subfamily Tersininae, Swallow-tayane®, = Richert W. Storer . ; Genus Tersina Vieillot ‘ INDEX NEW NAMES PROPOSED IN VOLUME XIII Emberiza buchanani neobscura nom. nov. . Zonotrichia iliaca ridgwayi nom. nov. . Atlapetes rufinucha phelpsi nom. nov. . Passerina cyanoides toddi nom. nov. . 393 397 398 399 408 408 408 411 13 43 192 239 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD VOLUME XIilI (f i ae : ids ’ et : : e : ; Bi) L, ee 1% a } a aay a7 ‘ - ¢ a ~ ae = , + ~ 7h ae _ '’ be @ ; ; Ai } “a - VR Cae ei iW SAY BOs eee HDC a My ny ORDER PASSERIFORMES SUBORDER OSCINES FAMILY EMBERIZIDAE SUBFAMILY EMBERIZIN AE? RAYMOND A. PAYNTER, JR. ef. Ridgway, 1901, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 50, pt. 1, pp. 147- 170; 175-579 ; 603-606 (North and Middle America). Hartert, 1904, Vogel pal. Fauna, pp. 164-204. Sclater, W. L., 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., pp. 827-833. Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, pp. 56-67; 114-128; 130-146; 158-256; 306- 645 (New World). Witherby et al., 1943, Handbook Brit. Birds, 1, pp. 110- 153. Meinertzhagen, 1954, Birds Arabia, pp. 111-117. Bond, 1956, Check-list Birds West Indies, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, ed. 4, pp. 179-188. Amer. Ornith. Union, 1957, Check-list North Amer. Birds, ed. 5, pp. 577-641. Miller, Friedmann, Griscom and Moore, 1957, Pacific Coast Avifauna (Cooper Ornith. Soc.), no. 33, pp. 340-402 (Mexico). Cheng, 1958, Dist. List Chinese Birds, 2, pp. 429-449. Vaurie, 1959, Birds Pal. Fauna, Passeriformes, pp. 671- 709. Voous, 1960, Atlas European Birds, pp. 236-255. Ripley, 1961, Synopsis Birds India Pakistan, pp. 628- 636. de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South Amer., pp. 493; 501-502; 504-5382. Bent et al., 1968, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 237, pp. 155- 158; 322-326; 544-1684 (life histories). 1 MS read by E. R. Blake, J. Bond, R. M. de Schauensee, and E. Eisenmann (New World forms) ; C. Vaurie (Palearctic forms) ; C. W. Benson and M.- A. Traylor (African forms); and J. Davis, A. R. Phillips, and C. G. Sibley (Pipilo). For assistance with the arrangement of the genera I am grateful to E. R. Blake, J. Bond, E. Eisenmann, N. K. Johnson, A. R. Phillips, L. L. Short, Jr., R. W. Storer, and M. A. Traylor. — R.A.P., Jr. 4 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD GENUS MELOPHUS SwaAINson} Melophus Swainson, 1837, Class. Birds, 2, p. 290. Type, by monotypy, Emberiza erythropterus Jardine and Selby, 1835 = Emberiza lathami Gray, 1831. ef. Ticehurst, 1932, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 53, pp. 15-16 (use of lathami vs. melanicterus). Whistler, in Ali, 1933, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 36, p. 904 (recognition of races). MELOPHUS LATHAMI Melophus lathami (Gray) Emberiza lathami J. E. Gray, 1831, Zool. Misc., 1, p. 2 — China and India; type from Canton, Kwangtung, fide Ticehurst, 1932, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 53, p. 16. Emberiza subcristata Sykes, 1832, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, p. 93 — Dukhun, India. Lower Himalayas and foothills from Hazara, West Pak- istan, east through northern India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Yunnan, Burma, and southern and eastern China north to Chekiang and south to northern Thailand and Indochina; generally resident but some altitudinal migration. GENUS LATOUCHEORNIS BANGS Latoucheornis Bangs, 1981, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 12, p. 91. Type, by original designation, Jwnco siemsseni Martens.? cf. Cheng and Stresemann, 1961, Journ. f. Ornith., 102, pp. 152-153 (critique). 1 Melophus does not seem closely related to Hmberiza although on zoogeographic considerations it is presumably closer to Emberiza than to any other genus. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 The affinities of L. siemsseni with other members of the Ember- izinae are uncertain. L. siemsseni is sometimes placed within Hm- beriza, but in pattern it bears little resemblance to members of this large genus. Any near relationship with the species of Junco, in which genus it was first put, appears even less likely. It seems, therefore, best to emphasize the doubtful affinities of this bird and to retain it in the monotypic genus Latoucheornis. — R.A.P., Jr; EMBERIZINAE 5 LATOUCHEORNIS SIEMSSENI ~. Latoucheornis siemsseni (Martens) Junco siemsseni Martens, 1906, Ornith. Monatsb., 14, p. 192— Min River region, near Foochow, Fukien, China. Mountains of southeastern Kansu, east through southern Shensi and northeastern Szechwan to Anhwei; Fukien (? winter only). Apparently rare and local. GENUS EMBERIZA LINNAEUS! Emberiza Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 177. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, ed. 1, p. 47), Emberiza citrinella Lin- naeus. Fringillaria Swainson, 1837, Class. Birds, 2, p. 289. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, ed. 1, p. 47), Emberiza capensis Lin- neaus. ef. Chapin, 1954, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 75B, pp. 610-621 (Congo). Vaurie, 1956, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1795, 13 pp. (schoeniclus; map). ——, 1956, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1805, pp. 1-24 (systematic notes, various species). ——, 1958, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1898, pp. 7-10 (schoeniclus; map). Clancey and Winterbottom, 1960, Durban Mus. Novit., 6, pp. 1-9 (flaviventris). Rowan, 1960, Durban Mus. Novit., 6, pp. 10-11 (flavi- ventris) . 1 I have not undertaken a critical review of the taxa of Emberiza because of the recent thorough treatment of the Palearctic forms by Vaurie, 1959, Birds Pal. Fauna, Passeriformes, pp. 671-705, and of the African forms by White, 1963, Revised Check List African Flycatchers ..., Buntings,..., pp. 95-102. This check-list closely follows these studies, For the sake of stability in an area where opinion is not often based on incontestable fact, the sequence of Palearctic species is that employed by Vaurie. Footnotes indicate where I believe the sequence could be improved. — R.A.P., Jr. 6 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Skead, et al., 1960, Canaries, Seedeaters and Buntings S. Africa, pp. 1-20; 99-126. White, 1963, Revised Check List African Flycatchers, . 4 Buntings,. . 25, pp.95-102. Clancey, 1965, Ostrich, 36, pp. 199-200 (cabanis7). , 1966, Durban Mus. Novit., 7, pp. 612-616 (check-list South African forms). Mauersberger, 1966, Journ. f. Ornith., 107, pp. 229-230 (elegans). Lohrl, 1967, Vogelwelt, 88, pp. 148-152 (hybridization between citrinella and leucocephala). EMBERIZA CALANDRA Emberiza calandra Linnaeus Emberiza calandra Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p- 176— Europe; Sweden accepted as restricted type locality, vide Hartert, 1904, Vogel pal. Fauna, p. 165. Emberiza calandra thanneri Tschusi, 1903, Ornith. Jahrb., 14, p. 162 — Tenerife, Canary Islands. Emberiza calandra buturlint H. Johansen, 1907, Ornith. Jarhb., 18, p. 202— mouth of Kastek River, Seven Rivers region, near Alma Ata, Semirechia, eastern Kazakhstan. Miliaria calandra caucarica (sic) Buturlin, 1909, Nasha Okhota, p. 90 [reference not verified]. New name for Crithagra miliaria minor Radde, 1884, preoccupied by Miliaria minor Brehm, 1855. Emberiza calandra graeca Parrot, 1910, Ornith. Mo- natsb., 18, p. 153 — Calamata, Greece. Emberiza calandra obscura Parrot, 1910, Ornith. Mo- natsb., 18, p. 153 — Ajaccio, Corsica. Emberiza calandra insularis Parrot, 1910, Ornith. Mo- natsb., 18, p. 184. New name for E. c. obscura Parrot, 1910, preoccupied by Emberiza buchanani obscura Za- rudny and Korejev, 1908. Emberiza calandra wolhynica Gornitz, 1921, Falco, 17, p. 3 — Vladimir-Volynski, Poland. Emberiza calandra algeriensis Gornitz, 1921, Falco, 17, p. 3— Bone, Algeria. Emberiza calandra kleinschmidti Gornitz, 1921, Falco, 17, p. 3— Malaga, Spain. Emberiza calandra parroti Gérnitz, 1921, Falco, 17, p. 3. EMBERIZINAE fi New name for E. c. insularis Parrot, 1910, preoccupied by Emberiza tapahisi insularis (Ogilvie-Grant and Forbes), 1899. Emberiza calandra clanceyi Meinertzhagen, 1947, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 67, p. 91 — Aran Isles, County Gal- way, western Ireland. Miliaria calandra sarmatica Portenko, 1960, Birds U. S. S. R., 4, p. 393 — Askaniya-Nova, Kherson, Ukraine. Miliaria calandra ignobilis Portenko, 1960, Birds U. S. S. R., 4, p. 393— White Spring, near Tbilisi [Tiflis], Georgian S. S. R. Britain, southern Sweden and Lithuania southeast across Russia to about Caspian Sea, and south through all of eastern Europe and Mediterranean islands to Canary Is- lands, North Africa east to Libya, and Asia Minor east through Syria, northern Iraq, Iran (except southeast), northern Afghanistan, Tadzhikistan, Kirghizstan, and the Tien Shan of Sinkiang; winters mainly in breeding range and south to Israel and southern Iraq and Iran. EMBERIZA CITRINELLA Emberiza citrinella caliginosa Clancey Emberiza citrinella caliginosa Clancey, 1940, Ibis, p. 94 — near Dornoch, southeastern Sutherlandshire, northern Scotland. Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and northern and western England. Emberiza citrinella citrinella Linnaeus Emberiza citrinella Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 177— Europe; type from Sweden, vide Hartert, 1904, Vogel pal. Fauna, p. 167. Emberiza citrinella palukae Parrot, 1905, Ornith. Jahrb., 16, p. 45 — Constantinople. Emberiza citrinella nebulosa Gengler, 1920, Archiv. f. Naturg., ser. A, 85(5), p. 91— England, Holland, and dépt. Nord, France. Southeastern England; northern and western Europe from Scandinavia (except extreme north) east in Russia to about the Ob and south to northern Portugal and Spain, central Italy, northern Greece, Bulgaria, Rumania, Poland, and in central Russia south to about Smolensk, Moscow, 8 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Kirov, and Perm; eastern and southeastern limits poorly defined because of intergradation with EF. c. erythrogenys. Winters in middle and southern breeding range and occa- sionally south to North Africa. Emberiza citrinella erythrogenys Brehm Emberiza erythrogenys Brehm, 1855, Der vollstandige Vogelfang, p. 414 —near Sarepta [= Krasnoarmejsk], near Saratov, lower Volga. Emberiza citrinella romaniensis Gengler, 1911, Ornith. Jahrb., 22, p. 182 — Rumania. Eastern and southeastern Europe (east of nominate citrinella) south to Ukraine and southern Urals and north to about lat. 64° N., east to mountains of south-central Asia (Sayan Mountains, etc.) and to central Siberia (ca. long. 100° E.) ; Caucasus Mountains east through Elburz Moun- tains and in Zagros. Winters south to Iraq, the Tien Shan, and northern Mongolia. Breeding and wintering distribu- tion poorly known, particularly in east. EMBERIZA LEUCOCEPHALA! Emberiza leucocephala leucocephala Gmelin E'mberiza leucocephalos Gmelin, 1771, Nov. Comm. Acad. Sci. Petrop., 15, p. 480, pl. 23, fig. 3 — Astrakhan Emberiza leucocephalos karpovi Zarudny, 1913, Mess. Ornith., 4(2), p. 94— Chita, Transbaikalia and Bla- goveshchensk, Amurland. Emberiza leucocephala stachanow7 Boetticher, 1935, Folia Zool. Hydrobiol., 8, p. 150 — Naryn, Tien Shan. Eurasia, from slightly east of north-central Urals east through Siberia to Yukagir Plateau, Amur region, and Sakhalin; north in western range to about lat. 62° N. and in east to lat. 67° N.; south to Omsk, Russian Altai Moun- tains, Sayan Mountains, northern Tibet, and Amur river. Winters south of breeding range south to Iraq, Afghan- istan, northwestern India, and central China. 1 Because of extensive hybridization between E. citrinella and E. leucocephala in western Siberia, the two are sometimes treated as conspecific, e.g., Voous, 1960, Atlas European Birds, p. 236. —R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE a Emberiza leucocephala fronto Stresemann Emberiza leucocephalos fronto Stresemann, 1930, Ornith. Monatsb., 38, p. 90 — upper Sining River, Tsinghai. Northeastern Tsinghai and adjacent Kansu. EMBERIZA CIA}! Emberiza cia cia Linnaeus Emberiza cia Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 310 — southern Europe; lower Austria accepted as type locality, vide Hartert, 1904, Vogel pal. Fauna, p. 183. Emberiza cia callensis Ticehurst and Whistler, 1938, Ibis, p. 727— Bom Jesus, Braga, northern Portugal. Iberian Peninsula (except southern Spain) and southern France, southern Germany, southern Austria, Hungary, and Rumania south to central Italy and Sicily, through the Balkans, and from western Asia Minor south to. Lebanon. Emberiza cia africana le Roi Emberiza cia africana le Roi, 1911, Ornith. Monatsb., 19, p. 79 — Lambessa [= Lambése], Algeria. Coastal mountains of southern Spain and mountains of northwestern Africa in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. Emberiza cia prageri Laubmann Emberiza cia prageri Laubmann, 1915, Verh. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 12, p. 98 — Psebai, Kuban district, drain- age system of Little Laba, northwestern Caucasus. Emberiza cia mokrzeckyi Moltchanov, 1917, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. Petrograd, 21(1916), p. 48 — Crimea. Crimea, Caucasus, northeastern Turkey, and northwest- ern Iran. Emberiza cia par Hartert Emberiza cia par Hartert, 1904, Vogel pal. Fauna, p. 184 — near Gudan [= Gaudan], south of Ashkhabad, southern Transcaspia. Emberiza cia lasdini Zarudny, 1917, Izvest. Turkest. Otd. Russk. Geogr. Obsht., 13, p. 100— Shugnan and Ru- shan, Pamirs. 1 The subspecies cia, africana, prageri, par, and stracheyi form the “cia group,” with chestnut head markings. — R.A.P., Jr. 10 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Emberiza cia serebrowskii Johansen, 1944, Journ. f. Ornith., 92, p. 78 — southern Altai and Tarbagatai. Northern and central Iran, east through southern Turk- menistan, northern Afghanistan, northwestern West Pak- istan, and extreme northwestern India, northeast through Russian and Chinese Turkestan to southern Russian Altai Mountains; some altitudinal migration. Emberiza cia stracheyi Moore Emberiza stracheyi Moore, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1855, p. 215, pl. 112 — Kumaon. Western Himalayas from Chitral and Ladakh, where in- tergrades with par, east to Kumaon and possibly Nepal. ~ Emberiza cia decolorata Sushkin1 Emberiza godlewskii decolorata Sushkin, 1925, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 38, p. 24 Naryn, upper Syr Darya, Russian Turkestan. Foothills on western side of Tarim basin, Sinkiang; known from Kirghizstan in winter. —~_ Emberiza cia godlewskii Taczanowski Emberiza godlewskti Taczanowski, 1874, Journ. f. Ornith., 22, p. 380 — southern Dauria and Kultuk, Mongolia [= ‘southern Lake Baikal]. Emberiza godlewskii nanshanica Sushkin, 1925, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 38, p. 24— Churmyk River, basin of upper Hwang-ho, northeast of Amne Machin Range, eastern Tsinghai. Emberiza godlewskii gobica Tugarinov, 1929, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. U. R. S. S., 29(1928), p. 268 — Tui River, 70 km. from Orok Nor, southern slope of Khan- gai, west-central Mongolia. Central Tsinghai, northern Kansu, and western Inner Mongolia through Mongolia to western Altai Mountains, Sayan Mountains, and western Transbaikalia. Emberiza cia khamensis Sushkin Emberiza godlewskii khamensis Sushkin, 1925, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 38, p. 26— Dza-chu River, upper Mekong, Kham [=southern Tsinghai]. 1 The subspecies decolorata, godlewskii, khamensis, yunnanensis, and omissa form the “godlewskii group,” with black head markings. — ACE; az. EMBERIZINAE 11 Tibet east to western Szechwan and north to southern Tsinghai; intergrading with godlewskiw in north and with yunnanensis in southeast. —— Emberiza cia yunnanensis Sharpe Emberiza yunnanensis Sharpe, 1902, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 13, p. 12 — Gyi-dzin-shan, east of Tali-fu, north- ern Yunnan. Southeastern Tibet, probably northern Burma, and north- ern and northeastern Yunnan, northeast to northeastern Szechwan and western Hupeh. - Emberiza cia omissa Rothschild Emberiza cia omissa Rothschild, 1921, Novit. Zool., 28, p. 60 — Taipai Shan, Tsinling range, Shensi. Emberiza cia styani La Touche, 1923, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 43, p. 81— Sungpan, northwestern Szechwan. Emberiza godlewskii bangsi Sushkin, 1925, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 38, p. 27 — Pashui, Shensi. Northeastern China from southern Mongolia south to Hopeh, Shensi, and northwestern Szechwan, merging with yunnanensis to the south. EMBERIZA CIOIDES % Emberiza cioides tarbagataica Sushkin oy Emberiza cioides tarbagataica Sushin, 1925, List Distr. ry Birds Russian Altai, p. 67 — Temir-su, near Zaissausk [= Zaysan], extreme northeastern Kazakhstan. Tien Shan of Kirghizstan and Sinkiang, Tarbagatai range, and southwesternmost Altai Mountains; winters in northern Mongolia. ~~ Emberiza cioides cioides Brandt Emberiza cioides Brandt, 1848, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci., St. Pétersbourg, cl. Phys.-Math., 1, col. 363 — Siberia. oa Emberiza cioides tangutorum Meise, 1937, Journ. f. Ornith., 85, p. 486 — Heitsuitse, near Hsining, Tsing- hai. Northwestern Altai Mountains, north of tarbagataica, east and southeast through Transbaikalia and mountains of Mongolia to about eastern Transbaikalia or western Amur and Tsinghai. 12 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Emberiza cioides weigoldi Jacobi Bae Emberiza cioides weigoldi Jacobi, 1923, Abh. Ber. Mus. Dresden, 16(1), p. 836 —30 km. north of Balihandién, Peking [=Palihantientze, northeast of Jehol, south- western Manchuria, fide, Vaurie, 1959, Birds Pal. Fauna, Passeriformes, p. 680]. Emberiza cioides vagans La Touche, 1927, Birds Eastern China, 1, p. 860 —mouth of Sidemi, Amur Bay and mid-Ussuri. Emberiza cioides ussuriensis Stegmann (ex Shuskin MS), 1931, Journ. f. Ornith., 79, p. 160 — Ussuri. East of nominate cioides from eastern Transbaikalia or western Amur east along Amur River to about its junction with the Ussuri and southward over Manchuria and south- ern Maritime Territory to about northern Hopeh and north- ern Korea; boundaries with castaneiceps and nominate cioides uncertain ; subspecies breeding on Sakhalin unknown. Winters south to Shensi and central Korea. ~ Emberiza cioides castaneiceps Moore —— Emberiza castaneiceps Moore (ex Gould MS), 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 215 — Kintang [= probably Kintan, Chinkiang, lower Yangtze, Kiangsu, fide La Touche, 1927, Birds Eastern China, 1, p. 358]. Emberiza gigliolii Swinhoe, 1867, Ibis, p. 3983 — Amoy [= Hsiamen ]. Emberiza cioides fohkienensis La Touche, 1927, Birds Eastern China, 1, p. 360 — Fu-chou, Fukien. Emberiza cioides tyoosenica Momiyama, 1927, Journ. Chosen Nat. Hist. Soc., 4, p. 3 — Koryo, Kyonggi Do, Korea. Southern and central Korea and eastern China from Hopeh south to northern Kwangtung and west to eastern Szechwan and Shensi; intergrades with weigoldi in north. Northern population winters at lower elevations. Emberiza cioides ciopsis Bonaparte Emberiza ciopsis Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 466 — Japan. Emberiza cioides namiyei Momiyama, 1928, Tori, 3, p. 210 — O-shima, Izu Islands. Emberiza cioides tamemoto Momiyama, 19238, Dobuts. Zasshi, 35, p. 412 — Hachija, Izu Islands. EMBERIZINAE 13 Emberiza cioides neglecta Kuroda, 1923, Bull. Brit. Or- nith. Club, 43, p. 88 — Miyanoura, Yaku-shima. Kunashir, southernmost Kurile Islands, south through Japanese islands, including Tsushima, to Yaku-shima and on Cheju (Quelpart) Island, off southern Korea; winters mainly from Honshu southward. EMBERIZA JANKOWSKII Emberiza jankowskii Taczanowski Emberiza jankowskiu Taczanowski, 1888, Ibis, p. 317, \y pl. 8 — near Sidemi, south of Vladivostok, in the vicin- Jo ity of the Korean-Manchurian border, Maritime Ter- ritory. Northeastern Manchuria, coastal southernmost Maritime Territory, and extreme northeastern Korea; occasionally winters south to Peking. EMBERIZA BUCHANANI Emberiza buchanani cerrutii de Filippi Emberiza cerrutu de Filippi, 1863, Archiv. Zool. Anat. Fisiol., Genova, 2, p. 383 — Sardarak, Armenia, and Sainkalé, Persia [=Sain Qal’eh, Azerbaijan, fide, Vaurie, 1956, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1805, p. 12]. Eastern Turkey and adjacent Russia south of the Cau- casus through Iran (except south and southwest) ; Mugod- zhary Mountains, northwestern Kazakhstan. ___ Emberiza buchanani buchanani Blyth Emberiza buchanani Blyth, 1844, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 13, p. 957 — Indian peninsula. Emberiza huttoni Blyth, 1849, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 18, p. 811 — Afghanistan. Eastern and northeastern Afghanistan and northern Baluchistan, West Pakistan; winters in eastern and south- eastern India. Emberiza buchanani neobscura nom. nov. Emberiza buchanani obscura Zarudny and Korejev, 1903, Ornith. Monatsb., 11, p. 1830 —Semirechye, Kazakh- stan. Preoccupied by Emberiza obscura d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837. Tadzhikistan northeast through mountains of Kirgizstan, western Sinkiang, eastern Kazakhstan, and western Mon- golia. 14 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD EMBERIZA STEWARTI Emberiza stewarti (Blyth) Euspiza stewarti Blyth, 1854, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 23, p. 215 — Landour and Dehra Dun, Punjab [= Uttar Pradesh]. Mountains of southeastern Kazakhstan southeast through northern and eastern Afghanistan and northern West Pak- istan to Almora; winters in Himalayan foothills and adja- cent plains of northwestern India and northern West Pakistan. EMBERIZA CINERACEA Emberiza cineracea cineracea Brehm Emberiza cineracea Brehm, 1855, Der vollstandige Vogel- fang, p. 114— Smyrna [= Izmir], Turkey. Southern and western Turkey; rare and local. Emberiza cineracea semenowi Zarudny Emberiza (Hypocentor) semenowi Zarudny, 1904, Or- nith. Jahrb., 15, p. 217 — Jebel-Tniie [= Mt. Tniie] and Bidesar village, near Kuch-Asmari mountains, Arab- istan [,lran]; Jebel-Tniie is on the upper Karun River, southwestern Iran, fide Vaurie, 1959, Birds Pal. Fauna, Passeriformes, p. 683. Central Zagros, southwestern Iran; winters west to Syria and south to Yemen, Sudan, and Eritrea. EMBERIZA HORTULANA Emberiza hortulana Linnaeus Emberiza hortulana Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 177 — Europe; Sweden accepted as restricted type locality, vide Hartert, 1904, Vogel pal. Fauna, p. 165. Emberiza hortulana elisabethae Johansen, 1944, Journ. f. Ornith., 92, p. 76— Uliassutai (Dzhibkhalantu), northwestern Mongolia. Europe (except northernmost Finland), northern west- ern Russia, southwestern Norway, southernmost Sweden, Denmark, northwestern France, and southern Italy, east through central Russia north to about lat. 55° N., east to the Altai Mountains and northwestern Mongolia, and south to the Kirghiz steppes and the Caucasus, and east through Asia Minor to Iran and possibly Afghanistan and south to Crete and Palestine; winters from the Mediterranean south EMBERIZINAE 15 in Africa to Senegal, Sudan, and Somalia, and in the east south to Arabia and Iran; vagrant from England east to Kashmir. EMBERIZA CAESIA Emberiza caesia Cretzschmar ™“ Hmberiza caesia Cretzschmar, 1828, in Rtippell, Atlas Reise nordlichen Afrika, Vogel, 1826, p. 17, pl. 10, fig. b — Kurgos Island, ca. lat. 17° N., Nile River Berber District, Sudan. Central Yugoslavia and Greece east to Turkey and south to Palestine; Cyprus and (?)Crete; winters in Sudan; irregular migrant west to France, north to Crimea and east to Caucasus and Iran. EMBERIZA CIRLUS Emberiza cirlus cirlus Linnaeus - Emberiza cirlus Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 311 — southern Europe. Emberiza cirlus portucaliae Floericke, 1922, Mitt. Vo- gelw., 20, p. 123 — Oporto region, Portugal. Wales and southern England; France, southwestern Ger- many, Switzerland, Italy, western and southern Balkan Peninsula, and Turkey south to Mediterranean, including Balearic Islands, Sicily, and Crete, and in North Africa from Morocco to Tunisia; mainly resident with some post- breeding wandering outside breeding range. Emberiza cirlus nigrostriata Schiebel Emberiza cirlus nigrostriata Schiebel, 1910, Ornith. Jahrb., 21, p. 103 — Ghisonaccia, Corsica. so) Corsica and Sardinia. EMBERIZA STRIOLATA _Emberiza striolata sahari Levaillant Emberiza sahari J. Levaillant, 1850?, Expl. Sci. Algérie, Lf Ois., Atlas, pl. 9 bis, fig. 2; 1867, text description, Ex, p. 182 — near Ghelma, between Ghardaia and Ouargla, Y southern Algeria (reference not verified). Emberiza striolata theresae Meinertzhagen, 1939, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 59, p. 68— Anja, southwestern Morocco. Southern slopes of Atlas mountains of Morocco, Algeria, ~ S 16 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD and Tunis south (scattered) through the Sahara to central Mali (French Sudan) and central and southeastern Niger. Emberiza striolata sanghae Traylor Emberiza striolata sanghae Traylor, 1960, Nat. Hist. Misc. [Chicago], no. 175, p. 1 —Sangha, lat. 14° 21’ N., long. 3° 17’ W., near Bandiagara, Mopti, southern Mali. Known only from type locality, southern Mali (French Sudan). ?Emberiza striolata jebelmarrae (Lynes) Fringillaria striolata jebelmarrae Lynes, 1920, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 41, p. 34— Jebel Marra [=Jabal Mar- rah], 7,100 ft., Darfur, Sudan. [Specimens not ex- amined. ] Highlands of Darfur and Kordofan, west-central Sudan; possibly not separable from saturatior. Emberiza striolata saturatior (Sharpe) Fringillaria saturatior Sharpe, 1901, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 11, p. 47 — Lake Stefanie (Chew Bahir), Ethi- opia. [Specimens not examined. ] Highlands of southern Ethiopia and northwestern Kenya. Emberiza striolata striolata (Lichtenstein) Fringilla striolata Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl. zool. Mus. Berlin, p. 24-— Ambukol, Nubia, Berber, Sudan. Fringillaria striolata dankali Thesiger and Meynell, 1934, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 55, p. 79— Adau, Danakil, Ethiopia. Emberiza striolata tescicola Koelz, 1954, Contrib. Inst. Regional Explor., no. 1, p. 20 — Isin, Iran. Northern Sudan south to Somalia and east through Ara- bia, Sinai Peninsula, Palestine, (? southern Iraq,) southern Iran, southern Afghanistan, central and southern West Pakistan, and through drier portions of northern and cen- tral India east to Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and northern Andhra Pradesh. EMBERIZA IMPETUANI “\. Emberiza impetuani Smith Emberiza impetuani A. Smith, 1836, Rept. Exped. Centr. Africa, p. 48— “country between Nu. Gariep and Tropic”; restricted to eastern Bechuanaland by Mac- EMBERIZINAE tif donald, 1957, Contrib. Ornith. Western S. Africa, p. 1698: Fringilla impetuani sloggetti Macdonald, 1957, Contr. Ornith. Western S. Africa, p. 170 — Deelfontein, Cape Province. Dry, rocky areas from central coastal Angola (?irreg- ular), South West Africa, Botswana (Bechuanaland), and western and southern Transvaal south to Cape Province; irregular movements north to eastern Angola, Zambia (Northern Rhodesia) and Kasai, Congo. EMBERIZA TAHAPISI Emberiza tahapisi arabica (Lorenz and Hellmayr) Fringillaria arabica Lorenz and Hellmayr, 1902, Ornith. Monatsb., 10, p. 55— Jeshbum, southern Arabia. Southern Arabia, from Asir to Hadhramaut. Emberiza tahapisi insularis (Ogilvie-Grant and Forbes) Fringillaria insularis Ogilvie-Grant and Forbes, 1899, Bull. Liverpool Mus., 2, p. 2— Adho Dimellus, 3,500- 4,500 ft., Socotra. Socotra. Emberiza tahapisi septemstriata Riippell = Emberiza septemstriata Riippell, 1840, Neue Wirbelt, Vogel, p. 86 — Gondar, Begemdir, Ethiopia. e°% astern Sudan and western and northern Ethiopia. Emberiza tahapisi tahapisi Smith ™ Emberiza tahapisi A. Smith, 1836, Rept. Exped. Centr. Africa, p. 48 —“. . . country towards the sources of the Vaal River,” southeastern Transvaal. 2Emberiza tahapisi nivenorum Winterbottom, 1965, Cim- bebasia, no. 9 (1964), p. 73 — Otjivasandu, southern Kaokoveld, northwestern South West Africa. [Speci- mens not examined. ] Gabon, southern and eastern Congo, Uganda, southern Sudan, southern Ethiopia, and Somalia south, in dry, rocky areas, to South Africa. __ Emberiza tahapisi goslingi (Alexander) Fringillaria goslingi Alexander, 1906, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Bal Club, 16, p. 124— Mbima, northern Nigeria; not on V 18 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Uelle River as stated in original description, vide Chapin, 1954, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 75B, p. 619. Sierra Leone, Mali, and Nigeria eastward, north of equatorial forest, to northeastern Congo and Sudan, west of Nile. EMBERIZA SOCOTRANA Emberiza socotrana (Ogilvie-Grant and Forbes) Fringillaria socotrana Ogilvie-Grant and Forbes, 1899, Bull. Liverpool Mus., 2, p. 2— Adho Dimellus, 4,000 ft., Socotra. Highlands of Socotra. EMBERIZA CAPENSIS! Emberiza capensis vincenti (Lowe) Fringillaria capensis vincenti Lowe, 1932, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 52, p. 144 — Zobrué [= Zdobue], Mozam- bique. Central Malawi (Nyasaland) and adjacent parts of northern Mozambique and eastern Zambia (Northern Rho- desia). Emberiza capensis smithersii (Plowes) Fringillaria capensis smithersii Plowes, 1951, Ostrich, 22, p. 35— Martin Forest Reserve, Chimanimani Mountains, border between Rhodesia and Mozambique. Known only from type locality, eastern Rhodesia (South- ern Rhodesia). Emberiza capensis plowesi (Vincent) Fringillaria capensis plowesi Vincent, 1950, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 70, p. 15— Matopos Research Station, ca. 4,600 ft., near Bulawayo, Rhodesia. Rhodesia (Southern Rhodesia) plateau and adjacent northeastern Botswana (Bechuanaland). ?Emberiza capensis limpopoensis (Roberts) Fringillaria capensis limpopoensis Roberts, 1924, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 10, p. 187 — “Transvaal northwards ;”’ 1 The races are rather thinly split, but I have seen insufficient material to suggest where amalgamation might take place in order to make the races of capensis more nearly comparable to those in other species and genera. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 19 type from Pretoria, fide Clancey, 1966, Durban Mus. Novit., 7, p. 615. Central and northwestern Transvaal and southeastern Botswana (Bechuanaland) ; doubtfully distinct from reidi. Emberiza capensis reidi (Shelley) Fringillaria reidi Shelley, 1902, Birds Africa, 3, p. 158 — Ingagane River, near Newcastle, Natal. Southeastern Transvaal, Upper Natal, and western Swazi- land south to eastern Orange Free State, lowlands of north- ern Lesotho (Basutoland), and Griqualand East. Emberiza capensis basutoensis (Vincent) Fringillaria capensis basutoensis Vincent, 1950, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 70, p. 14—source of Lekhalabaletsi River, 9,600 ft., lat. 29°18’S., long. 29°25’E., eastern Basutoland. Mountains of Lesotho (Basutoland) and seasonally in contiguous western Griqualand East and western Natal. Emberiza capensis vinacea Clancey Emberiza capensis vinacea Clancey, 1963, Durban Mus. Novit., 6, p. 264 — Kaap Plateau, near Kuruman, north- ern Cape Province. Kaap Plateau region, northern Cape Province. Emberiza capensis cinnamomea (Lichtenstein)? Fringilla cinnamomea Lichtenstein, 1842, Verz. Samm. Saiig Vigel Kaffernl., p. 16 —South Africa. Type from Likwa [= Vaal] River, southwestern Transvaal, vide Stresemann, 1954, Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. ser. 4, 1, pest. Fringillaria media Sharpe, 1904, Ibis, p. 354 — Deelfon- tein, Cape Province. Central Cape Province (Prieska) south through Karroo region and east to southern Transvaal and western Orange Free State. Emberiza capensis capensis Linnaeus Emberiza capensis Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 310 — Cape of Good Hope. Fringillaria capensis klaverensis Roberts, 1937, Ostrich, 8, p. 107 — Klaver, southwestern South West Africa. 1 For use of this name, rather than the more familiar media, see Clancey, 1964, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 84, p. 39.—R.A.P., Jr. 20 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Fringillaria capensis ausensis Roberts, 1937, Ostrich, 8, p. 108 — Aus, Great Namaqualand, South West Africa. Fringillaria capensis karasensis Roberts, 1937, Ostrich, 8, p. 108 — Kochena, Great Karas Mountains, Great Namaqualand, South West Africa. Great Namaqualand, South West Africa, south to south- western Cape Province; intergrades extensively with cin- namomea to east. Emberiza capensis bradfieldi (Roberts) Fringillaria capensis bradfieldi Roberts, 1928, Ann. Trans- vaal Mus., 12, p. 318 — Waterberg Police Post, Damara- land, South West Africa. Fringillaria capensis cloosi Hoesch and Niethammer, 1940, Journ. f. Ornith., 88, sonderheft, p. 335. Kaokoveld and highlands of Damaraland, northern South West Africa. Emberiza capensis nebularum (Rudebeck) Fringillaria capensis nebularum Rudebeck, 1958, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 78, p. 129 — Lucira, Mossamedes, western Angola. Mossamedes and western Huila, southwestern Angola. EMBERIZA YESSOENSIS Emberiza yessoensis yessoensis (Swinhoe) Emberiza minor Blakiston, 1863, Ibis, p. 99 — ‘“‘near Ha- kodadi, on the island of Yesso” [= Hakodate, Hokkaido]. Schoenicola yessoénsis Swinhoe, 1874, Ibis, p. 161. New name for Emberiza minor Blakiston, 1863, preoccupied by E'mberiza schoeniclus minor Middendorff, 1851. Cynchramus yessoénsis minamijatscht Kumagai, 1927, Annot. Ornith. Orient., 1, p. 105 — Miyagi, Honshu. Honshu, Hokkaido, and southern Kurile Islands ; formerly wintered in southeastern Honshu. Rare. Emberiza yessoensis continentalis Witherby Emberiza yessoénsis continentalis Witherby, 1913, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 31, p. 74— Yashwanen, near Nan- king [= Nanching], Kiangsu, China. Southern Ussuri region and eastern Manchuria; winters in southern Korea and in eastern China from Hopeh south to Fukien. EMBERIZINAE vie) | EMBERIZA TRISTRAMI — Enmberiza tristrami Swinhoe Emberiza tristrami Swinhoe, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 441— Amoy [= Hsiamen], Fukien, China. Middle Amur river and Ussuri river regions; winters in southern China, from Szechwan and Fukien southward. EMBERIZA FUCATA Emberiza fucata arcuata Sharpe = Emberiza arcuata Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, p. 494 — Himalayas; restricted to Simla by Baker, 1926, Fauna. Brit. India, Birds, ed. 2, 3, p. 199. Himalayas, from 5,000 to 9,000 ft., from Chitral to Simla, reappearing in northern Yunnan; winters at lower eleva- tions and south to northern Burma. _Emberiza fucata fucata Pallas Emberiza fucata Pallas, 1776, Reise versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs, 3, p. 698 — at Onon and Ingoda rivers, near Shilka, Chita, southeastern Siberia. Emberiza fucata laubmanni Stachanow, 1929, Anz. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 2, p. 6 — Mt. Fuji, Japan. *Spina fucata transitiva Portenko, 1960, Birds U.S.S.R., 4, p. 359 — Voroshilov (Nikolsk-Ussuriski), Maritime Territory, Russia. [Specimens not examined. ] Southeast of Lake Baikal east to southern Amur and Maritime Territory and south through northeastern Mon- golia and Manchuria to Korea and southern Kurile Islands, Hokkaido, and northern Honshu; winters from southeastern China to northern Indochina and from Honshu south through Riu Kiu Islands, rarely to Formosa. — Emberiza fucata kuatunensis La Touche Oe ) Emberiza fucata kuatunensis La Touche, 1925, Bull. Brit. | Ornith. Club, 46, p. 23 — Kuatun, northwestern Fukien. ll Emberiza fucata fluviatilis La Touche, 1925, Bull. Brit. eye Ornith. Club, 46, p. 23 — Chinkiang, Kiangsu. Kiangsu south to Kwangtung, and (?)southern Yunnan. EMBERIZA PUSILLA —~ Emberiza pusilla Pallas Emberiza pusilla Pallas, 1776, Reise versch. Prov. Russ. 22 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Reichs, 3, p. 647— Daurian Range, southern Chita, southeastern Siberia. Tundra and northern taiga of northern Russia (oc- casionally Scandinavia) from White Sea east across Siberia, reaching Pacific coast at Anadyr Bay and vicinity of Okhotsk on Sea of Okhotsk, ranging north to about lat. 70° N. and south to about lat. 60° N.; winters in northern part of Indian subcontinent and in northern and central Burma, northern Thailand, southern China, and northern Indochina; occasionally in winter in British Isles, Europe, North Africa, Near East, and Philippines. EMBERIZA CHRYSOPHRYS ~~ Emberiza chrysophrys Pallas Emberiza chrysophrys Pallas, 1776, Reise versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs, 3, p. 698 — Daurian Range, southern Chita, southeastern Siberia. South-central Siberia, north and east of Lake Baikal region, from Irkutsk east to Barguzin Mountains and Stanovoi Range; winters in central and southeastern China. EMBERIZA RUSTICA Emberiza rustica rustica Pallas Emberiza rustica Pallas, 1776, Reise versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs, 3, p. 698 — Dauria [=Transbaikalia]. Northern portion of taiga zone (generally) of Eurasia from northern Sweden and Finland east to about central Yakutsk, Udskaya Bay on Sea of Okhotsk, and northern Sakhalin; winters in eastern China (west to Szechwan and south to Fukien) and in Japan, rarely to Commander Islands and western Aleutians; differentiation of races in winter plumage uncertain. \. Emberiza rustica latifascia Portenko Emberiza rustica latifascia Portenko, 1930, Auk, 47, p. 206 —near Klyuchi, Kamchatka. Northeastern Siberia from about central Yakutsk east- ward, including Kamchatka; apparently winters in same region as nominate race. EMBERIZA ELEGANS Emberiza elegans elegans Temminck Emberiza elegans Temminck, 1835, Pl. Col., livr. 98, pl. 583, fig. 1 — Japan. EMBERIZINAE 23 Manchuria and probably northern Korea; range poorly known; winters in southern Korea, western Honshu, Kyushu, and eastern China. ~.. Emberiza elegans ticehursti Sushkin Emberiza elegans sibirica Sushkin, 1925, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 38, p. 29—Sidemi River, southern Ussuri. Emberiza elegans ticehursti Sushkin, 1926, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 47, p. 35. New name for E. e. sibirica Sushkin, 1925, preoccupied by E. sibirica Gmelin, 1789 =E. aureola Pallas, 17738. Eastern Amur and southern Maritime Territory; south- ern limits unknown; winters from southern Manchuria south to Shantung, but full range unknown. ___-Emberiza elegans elegantula Swinhoe Emberiza elegantula Swinhoe, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, p. 184—near Kweichow [=Tzukuei], on the Yangtze River, western Hupeh. Mountains of southwestern China from eastern Sikang east through Szechwan to Hupeh and from Shensi south at least to northern Yunnan and Kweichow; apparently resi- dent, but in northeastern Burma to now recorded only in winter. EMBERIZA AUREOLA ~ Emberiza aureola aureola Pallas Emberiza aureola Pallas, 1773, Reise versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs, 2, p. 711 — Irtysh River, south-central Siberia. Emberiza aureola suschkini Stanchinsky, 1929, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S. [Leningrad], 29(1928), p. 257 — Uliassutai, western Mongolia. Eurasian boreal zone, south to steppes, from western Russia across Siberia to central Anadyr region in the north and farther south reaching Bering Sea at about Cape Olyutorsk, intergrading with ornata in eastern Trans- baikalia and, presumably, at base of Kamchatka Peninsula; winters from north-central India and Nepal east to south- ern China, including Hainan, and south to southern India, Malay Peninsula, and Indochina; wide-spread vagrant. ~ Emberiza aureola ornata Shulpin vs Emberiza aureola ornata Shulpin, 1928, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S. [Leningrad], 28 (1927), p. 401 — 24 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD mouth of Suifun River, near Tavritchanka, north of Vladivostok, Maritime Territory. Emberiza aureola kamtschatica Stanchinsky, 1929, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S. [Leningrad], 29 (1928) —near Klyuchi, Kamchatka. °Emberiza aureola insulanus Portenko, 1960, Birds U.S.S.R., 4, p. 381 — mouth of Poronai River, Sakhalin. [Specimens not examined. | Kamchatka, Kurile Islands, Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and lower Amur region through Manchuria to northern Korea, inter- grading with nominate awreola in west; identification in winter uncertain, but range appears to overlap that of nominate aureola. EMBERIZA POLIOPLEURA! 2 Emberiza poliopleura (Salvadori) Fringillaria poliopleura Salvadori, 1888, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 26, p. 269 — Soddé, Shoa, Ethiopia. Southeastern Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia south to northeastern Uganda, northern and eastern Kenya, and northeastern Tanzania (Tanganyika). EMBERIZA FLAVIVENTRIS Emberiza flaviventris flavigaster Cretzschmar Emberiza flavigaster Cretzschmar, 1828, in Riippell, Atlas Reise nérdlichen Afrika, Végel, 1826, p. 38 — Kordofan. Mali and northern Nigeria east to Sudan (except extreme south), Eritrea, and northern Ethiopia. ~ Emberiza flaviventris kalaharica Roberts Emberiza flaviventris kalaharica Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 15, p. 84— Tsotsoronga pan, north- eastern Bechuanaland. 1 The African species FE. poliopleura, flaviventris, affinis, and cabanisi, a closely related group, bear strong resemblances to paleare- tic #. aureola. These resemblances may be only accidental, but it is noteworthy that aureola has a wide breeding range, that the western breeding population winters to the southeast rather than directly south, and that the species is a wide-ranging straggler. These at- tributes suggest that aureola from the western palearctic may have populated eastern Africa, become non-migratory and isolated, and differentiated into the present-day Africa group. —R.A.P., Jr. 2 EF. poliopleura and E. flaviventris form a superspecies. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 25 Emberiza flaviventris princeps Clancey and Winter- bottom, 1960, Durban Mus. Novit., 6, p. 7— Farm Hoffnung, ca. 7,000 ft., in mountains 10 miles east of Windhoek, Damaraland, South West Africa. ?Emberiza flaviventris vulpecula Clancey, 1967, Durban Mus. Novit., 8, p. 118—Langata Forest, Ngong, Nairobi, Kenya. [Specimens not examined. ] Emberiza flaviventris carychroa Clancey, 1968, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 88, p. 21. New name for EF. f. vulpecula Clancey, 1967, preoccupied by Emberiza affinis vul- pecula Grote, 1921. Interior Angola, Kasai, Manyema, Uganda, southeastern Sudan, and western and central Kenya south to South West Africa, Botswana (Bechuanaland), northern Cape Province, Orange Free State, Transvaal, and Mozambique. —_. Emberiza flaviventris flaviventris Stephens Emberiza flaviventris Stephens, 1815, in Shaw, General Zool., 9(2), p. 374 — Cape of Good Hope and Cayenne. Southern and eastern Cape Province, Zululand, and Natal. EMBERIZA AFFINIS Emberiza afiinis affinis Heuglin Emberiza affinis Heuglin, 1867, Journ. f. Ornith., 15, ENA, P- 297 — no locality ; Sennar, eastern Sudan, designated \o ] by Heuglin, 1868, Journ. f. Ornith., 16, p. 76, but prob- ably erroneous; Dar Bertat region, between Blue Nile and Sobat River, western Ethiopia, substituted by Bannerman and Bates, 1926, Ibis, p. 800. Fringillaria forbesi Hartlaub, 1882, Ornith. Centralbl., 7, p. 92 — central Africa; Lado district, southern Sudan, generally accepted but apparently never formally de- signated. 2Emberiza affinis omoensis Neumann, 1905, Journ. f. Ornith., 53, p. 358 — Schetie, Kosha, Ethiopia. [Speci- mens not examined. | Southern Sudan, southwestern Ethiopia, northern Uganda, and Upper Uelle, northwestern Congo. Emberiza affinis vulpecula Grote Emberiza affinis vulpecula Grote, 1921, Anz, Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 1, p. 39— Bozoum, Ouham-Pendé, Central African Republic. Central Cameroons and adjacent Central African Re- public (French Equatorial Africa). —_ 26 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Emberiza affinis nigeriae Bannerman and Bates Emberiza affinis nigeriae Bannerman and Bates, 1926, Ibis, p. 801 —15 miles northeast of Yola, 1,000 ft., northern Nigeria. Emberiza affinis gambiensis Bannerman, 1932, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 52, p. 111— Old Nokunda, Gambia. Savannas from Gambia, and possibly Senegal, east to northern Nigeria, northern Cameroons, and southwestern Chad. EMBERIZA CABANISI Emberiza cabanisi cabanisi (Reichenow) Polymitra (Fringillaria) cabanisi Reichenow, 1875, Journ. f. Ornith., 23, p. 233, pl. 2, figs! 2, 3 —'Camerogne: Savannas, north of equatorial forest, from Liberia to southern Sudan and western Uganda. Emberiza cabanisi cognominata (Grote) Polymitra (Fringillaria) major Cabanis, 1880, Journ. f. Ornith., 28, p. 349, pl. 2, fig. 2—- Angola; restricted to Tala Mugongo, Malanje, Angola, by Clancey, 1965, Ostrich, 36, p. 200. Fringillaria cabanisi cognominata Grote, 1931, Ornith. Monatsb., 39, p. 91. New name for Polymitra major Cabanis, 1880, preoccupied by Emberiza major Brehm, 1855 = Emberiza citrinella Linnaeus, 1758. Southwestern Congo and central and northeastern Angola. Emberiza cabanisi orientalis (Shelley) Fringillaria orientalis Shelley, 1882, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, p. 308 — Mamboio, Morogoro district, Tanganyika. Southeastern Congo, Zambia (Northern Rhodesia) (ex- cept southwest), Malawi (Nyasaland), and Tanzania (Tan- ganyika) south to northern and eastern Rhodesia (Southern Rhodesia) and southern Mozambique. EMBERIZA RUTILA Emberiza rutila Pallas < Emberiza rutila Pallas, 1776, Reise versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs, 3, p. 698 — Onon River and toward the Mon- golian border. °Euspiza rutila pamirensis Moltchanov and Zarudny, 1915, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Imp. Sci., Petrograd, 19 EMBERIZINAE 27. (1914), p. 452—Kyzyl Art, Trans-Alai Range, Pamirs. [Specimens not examined. ]+ Eastern Siberia from northwestern Irkutsk east through southern Yakut to about Udskaya Guba on the Sea of Okhotsk and south to Lake Baikal region and southeastern Khabarovsk and probably to northern Mongolia and north- ern Manchuria, and doubtfully in the Pamirs (straggler?) ; southern limits poorly known; winters from Assam east to southeastern China and south to northern Burma, Thailand, and northern Indochina; winter straggler west to Chitral and Ladak and east to Japan and Formosa. EMBERIZA KOSLOWI? -Emberiza koslowi Bianchi “ Emberiza koslowi Bianchi, 1904, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 14, p. 80 — Re chu River, ca. lat. 31°25’N., long. 97° 24’E., upper Mekong River, eastern Tibet. Vicinity of junction of borders of Tibet, Tsinghai, and Szechwan. EMBERIZA MELANOCEPHALA® —— Emberiza melanocephala Scopoli Emberiza melanocephala Scopoli, 1769, Ann. I Hist.-Nat., p. 142— Carniola, Slovenia, Yugoslavia. Northeastern, southeastern, and southernmost Italy east through Yugoslavia, southern Bulgaria, and extreme south- eastern Rumania, and south through the Balkan Peninsula and Crete; also from southeastern Ukraine southeast through Caucasus and Asia Minor, including Rhodes and Cyprus, to Palestine, Syria, northern Iraq, and eastern, 1 Vaurie, in litt., now regards this race as invalid. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 EF. koslowi seems out of place between FH. rutila and EH. melanoce- phala. The chestnut of the upper back is similar to these species and the black head is like that of HE. melanocephala, but the resemblance ends here. The gray and white underparts, black breast band, and white outer rectrices are very distinctive. Placement near EF. lewcoce- phala, as was done by Sharpe, 1909, Hand-list, 5, p. 285, appears more logical, from both morphological and geographical evidence. — R.A.P., Jr. 3 Because of hybridization between E. melanocephala and E. bruni- ceps in northern Iran, the two are sometimes treated as conspecific, e.g. Voous, 1960, Atlas European Birds, p. 254.—R.A.P., Jr. 28 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD southern, and northern Iran; hydridizes with EF. bruniceps in northern Iran; migrates east to winter in northeastern and central India. EMBERIZA BRUNICEPS1 ~ Emberiza bruniceps Brandt Emberiza bruniceps Brandt, 1841, Bull. Sci. Acad. Imp. Sci., St. Pétersbourg, 9, col. 12 _—_ Turkmenia, Bmberiza icterica Everamann: 1841, Add. Pallas Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., fase. 2, p. 10 — Transcaspia. Northeastern Kazakhstan east across southern Russia to Altai Mountains and south, except in region between Caspian and Aral seas, to eastern Iran (where hybridizes with EL. melanocephala), Afghanistan, northern Baluchistan, Tadzhikistan, Kirghizstan, and western Sinkiang; winters in peninsular India, from Gujarat east to West Bengal and south to Mysore, occasionally to Madras. EMBERIZA SULPHURATA ~~ Emberiza sulphurata Temminck and Schlegel Emberiza sulphurata Temminck and Schlegel, in Siebold, 1848, Fauna Japonica, Aves, p. 100, pl. 60 — Japan. Central Honshu, rarely farther north; winters from southern Honshu south to Kyushu, Formosa, northern Philippine Islands south to Luzon, and on China coast south to Fukien. EMBERIZA SPODOCEPHALA ~~ Emberiza spodocephala spodocephala Pallas Emberiza spodocephala Pallas, 1776, Reise versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs, 3, p. 698 — Daurian Range, southern Chita, southeastern Siberia. Emberiza spodocephala flaviventris Shulpin, 1928, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S. [Leningrad], 28 (1927), p. 400—Fansa Station, Suchan Railroad, southern Ussuri. Emberiza spodocephala extremi-orientis Shulpin, 1928, Ornith. Monatsb., 36, p. 82. New name for E. s. flavi- 1 The name Emberiza luteola Sparrman, 1789, is correctly applied to a species of Sicalis (see p. 127) and not to this taxon, as was formerly done. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 29 ventris Shulpin, 1928, preoccupied by Emberiza flavi- ventris Stephens, 1815. Emberiza spodocephala oligoxantha Meise, 1932, Ornith. Monatsb., 40, p. 48 — Salair, Kuznetsk region, western Siberia. Western Altai Mountains northeast to about lat. 65°N., long. 135°E., thence southeast to about lat. 55°N. on the Sea of Okhotsk, south to northern Korea, Manchuria, Trans- baikalia, northeastern Tibet, and Sayan Mountains; winters from Korea through eastern China south to Yunnan, Hainan, and Formosa. Emberiza spodocephala personata Temminck Emberiza personata Temminck, 1835, Pl. Col., livr. 98, pl. 580 — northern Japan. Sakhalin and southern Kurile Islands south through northern Japan to central Honshu; winters from Honshu south to Riu Kiu Islands. —— Emberiza spodocephala sordida Blyth Emberiza sordida Blyth (ex Hodgson MS), 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 13 (1844), p. 958 — Nepal. Emberiza melanops Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, p. 554 — Tipperah, Bengal. Northern Kansu, eastern Tsinghai, eastern Sikang, and northwestern Yunnan east in Yangtze basin through Szech- wan to northern Hupeh; winters from Bhutan and Assam southeast through northern Burma and northern Indochina. EMBERIZA VARIABILIS}! ~~~ Emberiza variabilis Temminck Emberiza variabilis Temminck, 1835, Pl. Col., livr. 98, pl. 583, fig. 2— northern Japan. Tisa variabilis kurodai Momiyama, 1927, Annot. Ornith., Orient., 1, p. 10 — near Lake Biwa, central Honshu. Southern Kamchatka, Kurile Islands, and Sakhalin; pos- sibly breeding in Hokkaido and in northern and central Honshu; winters from Honshu to Riu Kiu Islands. 1 FE. variabilis is of unknown affinities; there seems no reason to believe it is closer to E. spodocephala and E. pallasi than to any other species of Emberiza. I would prefer to emphasize this uncertainty by placing it at the end of the genus. — R.A.P., Jr. 30 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD EMBERIZA PALLASI Emberiza pallasi pallasi (Cabanis) Cynchramus pallasi Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 180; based on Emberiza schoeniculus var. 6, of Pallas, 1811, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., 2, p. 48 —near Selenga River, Transbaikalia. Cynchramus pallasi montana Sushkin, 1925, Proc. Bos- ton Soc. Nat. Hist., 38, p. 22 — Chulyshman Plateau, southeastern Russian Altai. Emberiza pallasi suschkiniana Grote, 1931, Ornith. Mo- natsb., 39, p. 150. New name for C. p. montana Sushkin, 1925, preoccupied by Emberiza montana Gmelin, 1789. Russian Altai Mountains east through Baikal region to Amur region and south to northwestern Sinkiang, northern Tibet, northern Mongolia, and probably northern Man- churia; winters in Sinkiang, Mongolia, and Inner Mongolia. Emberiza pallasi polaris Middendorff Emberiza polaris Middendorff, 1851, Reise Sibiriens, 2, pt. 2, p. 146, pl. 13; fig. 1— Boganida, lat. 7 she southern Taymyr Peninsula, Krasnoyarsk. Emberiza pallasi latolineata Dementiev, 1937, in Buturlin and Dementiev, Poln. Opredly Ptitsy S. S. S. R., 4, p. 118 — Kolyma Peninsula. Somewhat west of the Yenisei and south of the tree-line across Siberia to Chukatski Peninsula, south to about Kras- noyarsk and eastward reaching the Sea of Okhotsk at about Udskaya Gulf but absent from Kamchatka Peninsula and the coastal area to the north; winters from Manchuria and Maritime Territory south to Korea and east-central China. Emberiza pallasi lydiae Portenko! Emberiza pallasi lydiae Portenko, 1929, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. U. R. S. S. [Leningrad], 29 (1928), p. 78 — Orok Nor, Mongolia. Central Mongolia. 1 No specimens examined. Vaurie, 1964, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 127, pp. 140-141, notes that the voice and ecology of E. p. lydiae are distinctive, suggesting that this may be a full species. — R.A.P., Jr. om EMBERIZINAE 31 EMBERIZA SCHOENICLUS Emberiza schoeniclus schoeniclus (Linnaeus)? Fringilla schoeniclus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 182— Europe; restricted to Sweden by Hartert, 1904, Vogel pal. Fanua, p. 194. Cynchramus septentrionalis Brehm, 1831, Handb. Naturg. Vogel Deutschl., p. 302 — northern Europe. Cynchramus schoeniclus goplanae Domaniewski, 1918, Compt. Rend. Soc. Sci. Varsovie, 11, p. 751 — Warsaw, Poland. Emberiza schoeniclus terekia Buturlin, 1929, Syst. Notes Birds Northern Caucasus, p. 29 — Vladikavkas [= Dza- udzhikau = Ordzhonikidze], Ukraine (winter). Emberiza schoeniclus turonensis Steinbacher, 1930, Journ. f. Ornith., 78, p. 480 — Etang de Beauregard, Meziéres en Brenne, Indre, France. Emberiza schoeniclus mackenziei Bird, 1936, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 56, p. 54— South Uist, Outer Hebrides. Emberiza schoeniclus steinbacheri Dementiev, 1937, Or- nith. Monatsb., 45, p. 86. New name for Cynchramus septentrionalis Brehm, 1831, preoccupied by Emberiza septentrionalis Brehm, 1831, Handb. Nature. Vogel Deutschl., p. 295=F. citrinella Linnaeus, 1758. 2Schoeniclus schoeniclus wotiakorum Portenko, 1960, Birds U. S. S. R., 4, p. 864— Kirov, Soviet Russia [specimens not examined]. British Isles; northern Europe from Scandinavia east in Russia to Urals and south to (?) northern Spain, Austria, and central Russia, south to about Smolensk, Ulyanovsk, and Ufa; winters from south-central Europe to Mediter- ranean and its islands, Turkey, and occasionally northern Africa. Emberiza schoeniclus passerina Pallas Emberiza passerina Pallas, 1771, Reise versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs, 1, p. 456 — “fad Jaicum automno” [= Ural basin, fide Vaurie, 1959, Bird Pal. Fauna, Passeri- formes, p. 700]. 1 The subspecies schoeniclus, passerina, parvirostris, pyrrhulina, minor, pallidior, and ukrainae, birds with small, thin bills and dark, heavily streaked plumage, form the “‘schoeniclus group.” — R.A.P., Jr. 32 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Emberiza schoeniclus tazensis Buturlin, 1934, Sbornik Trudov Gosud. Zool. Muz. [Moscow], 1, pp. 91, 100 — Khalmer Sede, mouth of Taz River, northwestern Siberia. [Reference not verified. ] Northwestern Siberia from Urals east to the Yenisei and south to about lat. 60° N.; winters in Iran, probably Iraq, northern Sinkiang, and Mongolia. Emberiza schoeniclus parvirostris Buturlin | Emberiza schoeniclus parvirostris Buturlin, 1910, Mess. Ornith., 1, p. [262] — middle Lena, about lat. 60° N.; and the Yenisei, beyond lat. 64° N.; restricted to Olek- minsk by Buturlin, 1934, Sbornik Trudov Gosud. Zool. Muz. [Moscow], 1, p. 100. [Reference not verified. | Emberiza schoeniclus pallidissima Portenko, 1929, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. U. R. S. S. [Leningrad], 29 (1928), p. 46— Verkhy Karelina, upper Nizhnyaya Tunguska, and Olekminsk. ?Schoeniclus schoeniclus kozlovae Portenko, 1960, Birds U. S. S. R., 4, p. 364—near Ulan Bator, Mongolia [specimens not examined ].1 Middle Siberia from the Yenisei east to the Lena and south to Lake Baikal region; (?) northern Mongolia; known to winter in eastern Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Sin- kiang, and northern Tsinghai. Emberiza schoeniclus pyrrhulina Swinhoe Fringilla nortoniensis Gmelin,? 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 922, based on “Norton Finch” of Pennant, 1785, Arctic Zool., 2, p. 376 — Norton Sound; error for Kam- chatka, fide Stresemann, 1949, Ibis, 91, p. 252. Schoeniclus pyrrhulinus Swinhoe, 1876, Ibis, p. 333, pl. 8, fig. 2 — Hokodadi [= Hakodate], Hokkaido. 1 Vaurie, in litt., considers this race to be unrecognizable. — R.A.P., Asie 2 Fringilla nortoniensis, long unusued, was disinterred by Strese- mann, 1949, Ibis, 91, p. 252, and subsequently applied to the form breeding in Japan by Austin and Kuroda, 1953, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 109, p. 603. Vaurie, 1956, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1795, pp. 6-7, pointed out that, in addition to being a forgotten name, it is not at all certain that Pennant’s bird is referrable to the race breeding on Hokkaido. The problem has been resolved by the validation of pyrrhulinus as Name No. 710 on the Official List of Specific Names in Zoology. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE Bs) Transbaikalia, probably adjacent Mongolia, Manchuria, Amur, southern Khabarovsk, Kamchatka, Kurile Islands, Sakhalin, and Hokkaido; winters from southern Manchuria south to Hopeh and from central Honshu to Kyushu. —_._ ?Emberiza schoeniclus minor Middendorff! Emberiza schoeniclus minor Middendorff, 1851, Reise Sibiriens, 2, pt. 2, p. 144 — Stanovoi Range to Udskoe Ostrog, vicinity of southeastern Siberia. [Specimens not examined. | Range uncertain; apparently southeastern Siberia and adjacent Manchuria. Emberiza schoeniclus pallidior Hartert Emberiza schoeniclus pallidior Hartert, 1904, Voégel pal. Jo ay, Fauna, p. 197 — Aiderli, Turkestan [= apparently near * / Dzharkent (= Panfilov), Kazakhstan, fide Vaurie, 1959, Birds Pal. Fauna, Passeriformes, p. 701]. Southwestern Siberia, south of passerina, from Urals east to southernmost Krasnoyarsk and south to steppes and to western foothills of Altai range; winters from Caucasus east through Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, northern West Pakistan, northwestern India, western Sinkiang, and northern Tsinghai to Inner Mongolia.? _.. Emberiza schoeniclus ukrainae (Zarudny) Cynchramus schoeniclus ukrainae Zarudny, 1917, Mess. = Ornith., 8, p. 40— Poltava and Kharkov, Ukraine. Zor Y [Specimens not examined.] Cynchramus schoeniclus pereversievi Gawrilenko, 1917, Jahrb. Mus. Poltawa, no. 3-4, pp. 82-84 — Poltava, Ukraine. [Reference not verified. ] Southern Russia, south of nominate schoeniclus, south to northern Ukraine and east to the Volga; winters from 1 See Vaurie, 1956, Amer. Mus. Novit., 1795, pp. 5-6, for discussion of whether this is a form of E. pallasi or of E. schoeniclus, and if of the latter whether the race pyrrhulina is separable from it. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 The unusually extensive winter range of this race, as well as that of some others (e.g. E. s. passerina), is suspect; it may result from difficulty in differentiating the various races in winter plumage. —R.A.P., Jr. 34 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Crimea east to Volga delta and south to Caucasus. Emberiza schoeniclus incognita (Zarudny) 1 Cynchramus schoeniclus incognitus Zarudny, 1917, Mess. Ornith., 8, p. 41 — Akmolinsk, Semipalatinsk, and Tur- gai, Kirghiz steppes. Cynchramus schoeniclus curvirostris Domaniewski, 1918, Compt. Rend. Soc. Sci. Varsovie, 11, p. 750 — Volga River, near Saratov. Emberiza schoeniclus volgae Stresemann, 1919, Anz. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 1, p. 9—vicinity of Sarepta, southern Russia. East of the Volga, from about Kuibyshev south to Sara- tov, and south of nominate schoeniclus and of pallidior, east through southern Urals and steppes of northern Kazakh- stan; known in winter from Azerbaijan, Transcaspia, and Sinkiang. Emberiza schoeniclus pyrrhuloides Pallas Emberiza pyrrhuloides Pallas, 1811, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., 2, p. 49 — “in australibus ad Volgam et Rhymnum, versus mare caspium... ;’’ restricted to Astrakhan by Vaurie, 1956, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1795, p. 8. Emberiza pyrrhuloides centralasiae Hartert, 1904, Vogel pal. Fauna, p. 199— Maralbashi southwestern Sin- kiang. Emberiza pyrrhuloides harterti Sushkin 1906, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 16, p. 56 — Zaisan Nor and Kara Irtysh, northeastern Kazakhstan. Cynchramus pyrrhuloides hirmsi Zarudny, 1911, Ornith. Monatsb., 19, p. 72 — Syr-Darya valley and basins of Chu and Sary Su Rivers, Kazakhstan. Emberiza schoeniclus zaissanensis Buturlin, 1929, Syst. Notes Birds Northern Caucasus, p. 33 —Zaisan Nor, northeastern Kazakhstan. Northwest side of Caspian Sea, from Dagestan north- ward, through lower Volga region, south of Saratov, and east across central and eastern Kazakhstan to western Mon- golia and western Sinkiang; nonmigratory. 1 The subspecies incognita, pyrrhuloides, and zaidamensis, birds with large bills and pale, moderately streaked plumage, form the “nyrrhuloides group.” —R.A.P., Jr. — EMBERIZINAE 35 Emberiza schoeniclus zaidamensis Portenko Emberiza schoeniclus zaidamensis Portenko, 1929, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. U. R. S. S. [Leningrad], 29 (1928), p. 66 — Kurlik [=Idirtu, ca. lat. @7°20’N., long. 96°40’ E., fide Vaurie, 1959, Birds Pal. Fauna, Passeriformes, p. 703], Tsaidam, northern Tsinghai. [Specimens not examined. ] Apparently isolated in Tsaidam Depression, northern Tsinghai. Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi von Jordans! Emberiza tschusii witherbyi von Jordans, 1923, Falco, 19, Sonderheft, p. 4— Albufera, Majorca. Emberiza schoeniclus lusitanica Steinbacher, 1930, Journ. £. Ornith., 78, p. 482— Vila Franca, Tagus River, above Lisbon, Portugal. Lisbon region, Portugal; Mediterranean coast of western Spain and of France; Balearic Islands and Sardinia. Emberiza schoeniclus intermedia Degland Emberiza intermedia Degland (ex Michaélles MS), 1849, - Ornith. Europeénne, 1, p. 264 — Dalmatia. Cynchramus canneti Brehm, 1855, Der vollistandige Vo- gelfang, p. 115 — Dalmatia. Emberiza schoeniclus tschusii Reiser and Almasy, 1898, Aquila, 5, p. 122 — Dunavat, Dobrogea, Rumania. Emberiza schoeniclus othmari Hartert, 1904, Vogel pal. Fauna, p. 198 —Sultanlar [=Sultantsi], Bulgaria. Emberiza compilator Mathews and Iredale, 1920, Austral Avian Rec., 4, p. 131. New name for Emberiza palustris Savi, 1829, preoccupied by Emb[e]riza palustris Fren- zel, 1801, Beschr. Vogel Wittenberg, p. 76 [unidenti- fied, but apparently not EH. schoeniclus, fide Vaurie, 1959, Birds Pal. Fauna, Passeriformes, p. 704]. Emberiza schoeniclus stresemanni Steinbacher, 1930, Journ. f. Ornith., 78, p. 481 — Overbasz, northern Yugoslavia. Sicily, Italy, eastern Austria, Hungary, and Rumania south to central Yugoslavia and northern Bulgaria and east 1 The subspecies witherbyi, intermedia, reiseri, caspia, and kore- jewi, birds with long but not heavy bills and dark, heavily streaked plumage, form the “intermedia group.” —R.A.P., Jr. 36 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD through southern Ukraine, Crimea, western Caucasus, and northeastern Turkey. Emberiza schoeniclus reiseri Hartert Emberiza pyrrhuloides reiseri Hartert, 1904, Vogel pal. Fauna, p. 199 — Lamia, Thessaly, Greece. Southern Yugoslavia, southwestern Albania, and north- ern Greece; partly migratory in Greece. Emberiza schoeniclus caspia Ménétries Emberiza caspia Ménétries, 1832, Cat. Rais. Obj. Zool. Caucase, p. 41— near Béchebermak [mountain near Baku; Azerbaijan], farther from the Caspian in July. [Reference not verified. | Eastern Caucasus, western and southern Iran, Syria, and probably adjacent southeastern Turkey and northeastern Iraq. Emberiza schoeniclus korejewi (Zarudny) Cynchramus pyrrhuloides korejewit Zarudny, 1907, Or- nith. Monatsb., 15, p. 83 —Seistan and Persian Ba- luchistan. Eastern Iran. GENUS CALCARIUS BECHSTEIN! Calcarius Bechstein, 1802, Ornith. Taschenb. Deuts., 1, p. 180. Type, by monotypy, Fringilla lapponica Lin- naeus. Rhynchophanes Baird, 1859, in Baird, Cassin, and Law- rence, Rept. Expl. Surv. R. R. Pacific, 9, pp. xx, xxxvili, 432. Type, by monotypy, Plectrophanes maccownti (sic) Lawrence. ef. Jehl, 1968, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 15, pp. 1-5 (variation in C. pictus). , 1968, Wilson Bull., 80, pp. 123-149 (breeding biology of C. pictus). CALCARIUS MCCOWNII Calearius mecownii (Lawrence) Plectrophanes mecownii Lawrence, 1851, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 5, p. 122 — high prairies of western Texas. 1 A strong case could be made for merging Calcarius with Emberiza. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE on Southern Alberta, southern Saskatchewan, southwestern Manitoba, and northern North Dakota through Great Plains south to southern Wyoming, eastern Colorado, and north- western Nebraska; winters from central Arizona, central Colorado, western Kansas, and central Oklahoma south to northeastern Sonora, northern Durango, and southern Texas. CALCARIUS LAPPONICUS — Calcarius lapponicus lapponicus (Linnaeus) Fringilla lapponica Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 180 — Lapland. Tundra from northern Canada, in Franklin, east through Greenland, northern Scandinavia, and across northern Si- beria, including Novaya Zemlya, New Siberian Islands, and Wrangel Island, to Bering Strait, south to northern limit of trees in central Keewatin, northern Ontario, northern Quebec, and northern Labrador, east through southern Greenland, southern Norway, central Sweden, northern Finland, northern Kola Peninsula, northern Siberia south to Arctic Circle in west, to about lat. 72° N. in central Si- beria, and to Arctic Circle in east. Winters in North Amer- ica from Colorado, Nebraska, Wisconsin, southern Ontario, Vermont, and central Nova Scotia south to northern Texas, Tennessee, and Delaware, casually south to Louisiana and Florida; in Palearctic from northern Europe and northern Asia south to British Isles, France, southern Russia, Rus- sian Altai, Mongolia, and (?) northern China. \. Calcarius lapponicus coloratus Ridgway Calcarius lapponicus coloratus Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 8320— Copper [=Medny] Island, Commander Is- lands. Eastern Siberia around northern portion of Shelekhova Gulf, on Kamchatka Peninsula, and on Commander Islands; winters in China south to Yangtze River and occasionally in Sakhalin, Korea, and Japan. —~ Calcarius lapponicus alascensis Ridgway Calcarius lapponicus alascensis Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 320 — St. Paul Island, Pribilof Islands, Alaska. Northern and western Alaska, including Aleutian, Pri- bilof, St. Lawrence and Nunivak Islands, northern Yukon, 38 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD and northwestern Mackenzie; winters from southern British Columbia, western Montana, southern South Dakota, and northeastern Kansas south to northeastern California, northern Arizona, and northern Texas, casually west to western California and east to Ohio. CALCARIUS PICTUS Calearius pictus (Swainson) Emberiza (Plectrophanes) picta Swainson, 18382, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., 2 (1831), p. 250, pl. 49 — Carlton House, Saskatchewan. Calcarius pictus mersi Kemsies, 1961, Canadian Field Nat., 75, p. 147 — Little Cape, Ontario. Calcarius pictus roweorum Kemsies, 1961, Canadian Field Nat., 75, p. 148 — Anaktuvik, Alaska. Tundra from northern Alaska east to Hudson Bay and south to northern Manitoba and northern Ontario; winters from Kansas and Iowa south to Oklahoma, central Texas, and northern Louisiana, casually west to British Columbia and east to Ohio and South Carolina. CALCARIUS ORNATUS Calcarius ornatus (Townsend) Plectrophanes ornata Townsend, 1837, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 7, p. 189 — prairies of Platte River [=near forks of Platte River, western Nebraska, fide Amer. Ornith. Union, 1931, Check-list North Amer. Birds, ed. 4, p. 362]. Southern Alberta, southern Saskatchewan, and southern Manitoba south in Great Plains to Colorado, Nebraska, and western Minnesota; winters from Arizona, northern Col- orado, and central Kansas south to northern Sonora, Chi- huahua, central Texas, and northern Louisiana, casually south to central Mexico. GENUS PLECTROPHENAX STEJNEGER Plectrophenax Stejneger, 1882, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 5, p. 33. Type, by original designation, E'mberiza nivalis Linnaeus. ef. Salomonsen, 1931, Ibis, pp. 57-70 (races). Tinbergen, N., 1939, Trans. Linn. Soc. New York, 5, pp. 1-94 (behavior). EMBERIZINAE 39 PLECTROPHENAX NIVALIS —~ Plectrophenax nivalis nivalis (Linnaeus) Emberiza nivalis Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 176 — Lapland. Northern North America from northern Ellesmere Island south to St. Lawrence Island and southwestern Alaska (in- tergrading with townsendi in eastern Aleutians), central Mackenzie, central Keewatin, and northern Labrador ; Green- land; islands in Greenland Sea and Norwegian Sea; Spitz- bergen ; Franz Joseph Land; northern Scotland (occasional) ; Lapland and southward to about lat. 60° N. in mountains of Norway and Sweden; northern Kola Peninsula; Kolguyev Is- land and Novaya Zemlya (race?). Winters in North America from western Alaska, northwestern British Columbia, Mani- toba, Ontario, southern Labrador, and Newfoundland south to northwestern California, Oregon, Utah, northern New Mexico, Kansas, Ohio, and Virginia, occasionally farther south on Atlantic coast; in Europe south to British Isles, coast of northern France, Denmark, Germany, Poland, southern Russia, and Caucasus; occasionally south to Medi- terranean and east to Asia Minor. Plectrophenax nivalis insulae Salomonsen Plectrophenax nivalis insulae Salomonsen, 1931, Ibis, p. 64 — northern Iceland. Iceland; occasionally in winter to Faroes and Shetland Islands and northern Scotland. Plectrophenax nivalis vlasowae Portenko Plectrophenax nivalis vlasowae Portenko, 1937, Vsesoi- uznyi Ark. Inst., Problemy Ark.[Leningrad], 3, p. 124 — Rodgers Bay, Wrangel Island. Tundra of northeastern Russia east through Siberia, in- cluding Severnaya Zemlya, New Siberian Islands, and Wrangel Island, to Bering Strait and south to northern Shelekhova Gulf and eastern Kamchatka; winters south to steppes in west and in east to Altai, Transbaikalia, Man- churia, Amur region, Sakhalin Island, and Kuril Islands, occasionally south to Hopeh, Hokkaido, and (?) Korea. — Plectrophenax nivalis townsendi Ridgway Plectrophenax nivalis townsendi Ridgway, 1887, Manual North Amer. Birds, p. 403 — Otter Island, Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea. 40 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Commander Islands, Pribilofs, and western Aleutians, merging with nominate nivalis in eastern Aleutians. Plectrophenax nivalis hyperboreus Ridgway? Plectrophenax hyperboreus Ridgway, 1884, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 7, p. 68 — St. Michael Island, south shore of Norton Sound, Alaska. Hall and St. Matthew Islands, occasionally St. Lawrence Island, and possibly St. Paul Island, Bering Sea; winters east to Nunivak Island and western coastal Alaska. GENUS CALAMOSPIZA BONAPARTE? Calamospiza Bonaparte, 1838, Geog. Comp. List Birds Europe North Amer., p. 30. Type, by monotypy, Frin- gilla bicolor Townsend=Calamospiza melanocorys Stejneger. CALAMOSPIZA MELANOCORYS Calamospiza melanocorys Stejneger Fringilla bicolor Townsend, 1837, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 7, p. 189—plains of Platte River [, Nebraska]. Calamospiza melanocorys Stejneger, 1885, Auk, 2, p. 49. New name for Fringilla bicolor Townsend, preoccupied by Fringilla bicolor Linnaeus, 1766. Southern Alberta, southern Saskatchewan, southwestern Manitoba and western Minnesota south through Great Plains to southeastern New Mexico, northern Texas, west- ern Oklahoma, and eastern Kansas. Winters from southern California, southern Nevada, central Arizona, southern New Mexico, north-central Texas, and southern Louisiana, south in Mexico to Baja California, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosi, and Taumalipas. Casual on migration west to British Columbia and east to New Bruns- wick and southeastern coastal United States. 1 Appears to be a strongly marked subspecies, but sometimes treated as a full species. Its occasional interbreeding with nominate E. nivalis on St. Lawrence Island, vide Sealy, 1969, Auk, 86, pp. 350- 351, merits further study. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 Calamospiza and Plectrophenax appear to be quite closely related and both are not distant from Emberiza. — R.A.P., Jr, EMBERIZINAE 41 GENUS ZONOTRICHIA SWAINSON Zonotrichia Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., 2 (1831), p. 498. Type, by subse- quent designation (Bonaparte, 1832, Giorn. Arcad. Sci. Lett. Arti [Rome], 52 (1831), p. 206), Fringilla pensyl- vanica Latham = Fringilla albicollis Gmelin. Zomitrichia Bonaparte, 1832, Giorn. Arcad. Sci. Lett. Arti [Rome], 52 (1831), p. 206, lapsus. Passerella Swainson, 1887, Class. Birds 2, p. 288. Type, by monotypy, Fringilla iliaca “Wilson” [= Merrem]. Melospiza Baird, 1858, in Baird, Cassin and Lawrence, cf. Rept. Expl. Surv. R.R. Pacific, 9, p. 476. Type, by orig- inal designation, Fringilla melodia Wilson. Swarth, 1920, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 21, pp. 75- 224 (revision of Z. iliaca). Linsdale, 1928, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 30, pp. 251- 392 (morphological variation and natural history of Z. iliaca). Miller, A. H. and McCabe, 1935, Condor, 37, pp. 144- 160 (races of Z. lincolnit). Nice, 1937, Trans. Linn. Soc. New York, 4, pp. 1-247 (life history of Z. melodia). Chapman, 1940, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 77, pp. 381-438 (review of Z. capensis; map). Blanchard, 1941, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 46, pp. 1-178 (annual cycle of Z. leucophrys). Nice, 1948, Trans. Linn. Soc. New York, 6, pp. 1-828 (life history of Z. melodia). Grinnell and A. H. Miller, 1944, Pacific Coast Avifauna (Cooper Ornith. Club), no. 27, pp. 542-555; frontis- piece (color plate and distribution of races of Z. melodia in California). Marshall, 1948, Condor, 50, pp. 193-215; 233-256 (races of Z. melodia in San Francisco Bay region). Rand, 1948, Bull. Nat. Mus. Canada, 111, pp. 91-103 (review of Z. lewcophrys; map). Blanchard and Erickson, 1949, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 47, pp. 255-318 (annual cycle of Z. leucophrys) . Godfrey, 1949, Auk, 66, pp. 35-88 (races of Z. geor- giana) . 42 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Gabrielson and Lincoln, 1951, Condor 53, pp. 250-255 (northwestern races of Z. melodia). Miller, A. H., 1956, Evolution, 10, pp. 262-277 (distribu- tion maps of Z. melodia, iliaca, lincolnii, and geor- giana). Phillips and Dickerman, 1957, Auk, 74, pp. 376-382 (races of Z. melodia on Mexican plateau). Lowther, 1961, Canadian Journ. Zool., 39, pp. 281-292 (polymorphic variation in Z. albicollis). Dickerman, 1963, Occas. Papers Minnesota Mus. Nat. Hist., no. 9, ix +79 pp. (races of Z. melodia on Mexican plateau). Banks, 1964, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 70, pp. 1-123 (morphological variation in Z. leucophrys). Paynter, 1964, Condor, 66, pp. 277-281 (generic limits). Skutch, 1967, Nuttall Ornith. Club Publ., no. 7, pp. 199-205 (life history of Z. capensis). ZONOTRICHIA ILIACA Zonotrichia iliaca iliaca (Merrem) Fringilla iiaca Merrem, 1786, Avium. Rar. Icon. Descr., 2, p. 37, pl. 10 — North America [reference not ver- ified] ; restricted to Quebec by Oberholser, 1946, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 36, p. 389. Northeastern Manitoba east to northern Labrador and Newfoundland south to north-central Ontario and south- eastern Quebec; winters from southern Wisconsin, southern Quebec, and southern New Brunswick south to southern Mississippi and central Florida. Zonotrichia iliaca zaboria (Oberholser) Passerella iliaca zaboria Oberholser, 1946, Journ. Wash- ington Acad. Sci., 36, p. 388 — Circle, Alaska. Northwestern and interior Alaska east through northern Yukon and central Mackenzie to northern Manitoba south to northern British Columbia, central Alberta and Saskat- chewan, and southern Manitoba. Winters mainly east of the Great Plains from southern Iowa, eastern Kansas, and southern Texas south to Gulf Coast of Louisiana, Missis- sippi, and Alabama, and in northern Georgia; northern and eastern limits poorly known; rare west to Washington and California. EMBERIZINAE 43 _ Zonotrichia iliaca altivagans (Riley) Passerella iliaca altivagans Riley 1911, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 24, p. 234— Moose Branch of Smoky River, ca. 7,000 ft., Alberta. Interior central British Columbia through mountains of southeastern British Columbia and southwestern Alberta; winters from Oregon (rarely) south through foothills of Cascade Mountains and Sierra Nevada to coastal southern California, southwestern Arizona (rarely), and northwest- ern Baja California. ____ Zonotrichia iliaca unalaschcensis (Gmelin) Emberiza unalaschcensis Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 875; based on Unalascha [sic] Bunting of Pennant, 1785, Arctic Zool., 2, p. 364 — Unalaschea [=Unalaska], Alaska. Eastern Aleutians from Unalaska eastward, Shumagin and Semidi Islands, and Alaska Peninsula; winters from southern British Columbia to southern California. ~~ Zonotrichia iliaca ridgwayi nom. nov. Passerella iliaca insularis Ridgway, 1900, Auk, 17, p. 30 — Kodiak [Island], Alaska. Kodiak Island group, Alaska; winters from southwestern British Columbia to southern California, mainly along coast and in interior California. Preoccupied by Brachyspiza ca- pensis insularis Ridgway, 1898. —. Zonotrichia iliaca sinuosa (Grinnell) Passerella iliaca sinuosa Grinnell, 1910, Univ. of Cali- fornia Publ. Zool., 5, p. 405 — Drier Bay, Knight Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Kenai Peninsula and Prince William Sound area, Alaska; winters from southwestern British Columbia through west- ern Washington, Oregon, and California to northwestern Baja California. Zonotrichia iliaca annectens (Ridgway) Passerella iliaca annectens Ridgway, 1900, Auk 17, p. 30 —— Yakutat, Alaska. Yakutat Bay region, Alaska; winters from southwestern British Columbia to southern California, mainly in coastal central California. ~~ Zonotrichia iliaca townsendi (Audubon) Plectrophanes townsendi Audubon, 1838, Birds Amer. 44 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD (folio), 4, pl. 424, fig. 7 — shores of Columbia River, vide Audubon, 1839, Ornith. Biogr., 5, p. 2836; probably vicinity of Fort Vancouver, Washington, vide, J. K. Townsend, 1839, Narr. Journey Rocky Mountains, etc., p. 345. Southeastern Alaska from Glacier Bay southward on coast to Sitikine River and on Alexander Archipelago, and in British Columbia on Queen Charlotte Islands; winters, mainly along the coast and on islands, from southern south- western Alaska to central California. Zonotrichia iliaca fuliginosa (Ridgway) Passerella iliaca fuliginosa Ridgway, 1899, Auk, 16, p. 36 — Neah Bay [, Clallam County], Washington. Coast from south of Sitikine River, southeastern Alaska, through coastal British Columbia to northwestern Wash- ington; winters, mainly on coast, from southwestern British Columbia to southern California. Zonotrichia iliaca olivacea (Aldrich) Passerella iliaca olivacea Aldrich, 1943, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 56, p. 163 — Reflection Lake, 4,900 ft., Mount Rainier, Washington. Mountains from south-central and southwestern British Columbia to central and eastern Washington; winters in interior California and northern Baja California. Zonotrichia iliaca schistacea (Baird) Passerella schistacea Baird, 1858, in Baird, Cassin and Lawrence, Rept. Expl. Surv. R.R. Pacific, 9, p. 490 — “Platte river, K.T.”; probably between Laramie Cros- sing and Goodale’s Crossing, Nebraska, near northeast corner of Colorado, vide Swarth, 1920, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 21, p.153. Extreme southwestern British Columbia and southwest- ern Alberta through northern Idaho, western Montana, and north-central and eastern Oregon to southwestern Wyoming, central Colorado, and north-central and northeastern Nevada; winters from interior of northern California, cen- tral Arizona, and northern New Mexico south to northern Baja California, southern Arizona, and western Texas. Zonotrichia iliaca swarthi (Behle and Selander) Passerella iliaca swarthi Behle and Selander, 1951, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 41, p. 364 — North Fork, Ogden EMBERIZINAE 45 River, 5,200 ft. two miles west of Eden, Weber County, Utah. Mountains of northwestern Utah and southeastern Idaho; winter range unknown. ~ Zonotrichia iliaca fulva (Swarth) a Passerella iliaca fulva Swarth, 1918, Proc. Biol. Soc. <\ Washington, 31, p. 162 — Sugar Hill, 5,000 ft., Warner Mountains, Modoc County, California. Eastern side of Cascade Range in central Oregon south to Modoc Plateau, northeastern California; winters in south- western California and northern Baja California. Zonotrichia iliaca megarhyncha (Baird) Passerella megarhynchus Baird, 1858, in Baird, Cassin and Lawrence, Rept. Expl. Surv. R.R. Pacific, 9, p. 925 — Fort Tejon [, Kern County, California]. Passerella iliaca mariposae Swarth, 1918, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 31, p. 161 — near Chinquapin, 7,000 ft., Yosemite Park, California. Mountains from southwestern Oregon through central California to lat. 37° N., and in west-central Nevada; winters at low elevations from central California to north- western Baja California. ™ Zonotrichia iliaca brevicauda (Mailliard) ; Passerella iliaca brevicauda Mailliard, 1918, Condor, 20, p. 189 — half mile south of South Yolla Bolly Moun- tains, Trinity County, California. Northern and inner coast ranges of northern California, south of Trinity River; winters in central and southern coastal California. _ Zonotrichia iliaca monoensis (Grinnell and Storer) Passerella iliaca monoensis Grinnell and Storer, 1917, Condor, 19, p. 165 — Mono Lake Post Office, 6,500 ft., Mono County, California. Region about Mono, on east side of central Sierra Nevada, in eastern central California, and in adjacent Mineral County, Nevada; winters in central interior and southern coastal California and in northwestern Baja California. ~.Zonotrichia iliaca canescens (Swarth) Passerella iliaca canescens Swarth, 1918, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 31, p. 163 — Wyman Creek, 8,250 ft., east slope of White Mountains, Inyo County, California. 46 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Extreme eastern central California (south of monoensis) and in central Nevada; winters in southern California, southern Arizona, and northern Baja California. Zonotrichia iliaca stephensi (Anthony) Passerella iliaca stephensi Anthony, 1895, Auk, 12, p. 348 —San Jacinto Mountains, [Tahquitz Valley,] Cali- fornia. Southern Sierra Nevada of California and in high moun- tains of southern California; winters in southern California at lower elevations. ZONOTRICHIA MELODIA Zonotrichia melodia melodia (Wilson) Fringilla melodia Wilson 1810, Amer. Ornith., 2, p. 125, pl. 16, fig. 4— “every district of the United States from Canada to the southern boundaries of Georgia’; restricted to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Todd, 1930, Auk, 47, p. 257. Southeastern Ontario, central Quebec, and southwestern Newfoundland through eastern New York and Pennsyl- vania to northeastern West Virginia and central Virginia; winters from somewhat south of extreme northern breeding range south to eastern Texas and east to southern Florida. Zonotrichia melodia atlantica (Todd) Melospiza melodia atlantica Todd, 1924, Auk, 41, p. 147 — Smith’s Island [, Northampton County], Virginia. Tidelands from Long Island, New York, to North Cayro- lina; winters on coast from Maryland to northern Georgia. Zonotrichia melodia euphonia (Wetmore) Melospiza melodia euphonia Wetmore, 1936, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 95 (17), p. 1— Cranberry Glades, Pocahontas County, West Virginia. Southeastern Minnesota, southern Wisconsin, northeast- ern Michigan, and south-central Ontario east to range of melodia, south to southwestern Virginia, western North Carolina, northern Georgia, southern Tennessee, north- central Arkansas, (casual to northern Louisiana), south- western Missouri, and northeastern Kansas, and west to Iowa. Winters from slightly south of northernmost breeding range south to southeastern Nebraska, eastern Kansas, central Oklahoma, and south-central Texas eastward through EMBERIZINAE AT southern Louisiana to southern Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. Zonotrichia melodia juddi (Bishop) Melospiza fasciata juddi Bishop, 1896, Auk. 13, p. 182 — Rock Lake, Towner County, North Dakota. Extreme northeastern British Columbia east through southern Mackenzie and northern Saskatchewan and Mani- toba to southwestern Ontario, and south through plains of Alberta, eastern Montana, and northeastern Wyoming to northern Nebraska, northwestern Iowa, southern Min- nesota, and northernmost Michigan. Winters from south- eastern Montana, South Dakota, and southern Minnesota south to western and southern Texas, and through south- eastern states north to Virginia, casual west to Arizona and north to Manitoba. Zonotrichia melodia montana (Henshaw) Melospiza fasciata montana Henshaw, 1884, Auk, 1, p. 224 — Fort Bridger, Utah [=Wyoming]. Northeastern Oregon, western Idaho, and north-central Montana south to eastern Nevada, central eastern Arizona, and northern New Mexico; winters in breeding area and south to southeastern California northern Sonora and Chihuahua, and central Texas, casual to Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Zonotrichia melodia fallax Baird Zonotrichia fallax Baird, 1854, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 7, p. 119— Pueblo Creek [= Walnut Creek; lat. 35°N., long. 113° W.], New Mexico [= Arizona]. Melospiza melodia virginis Marshall and Behle, 1942, Condor, 44, p. 123 — near junction of Virgin and Santa Clara Rivers, three miles south of Saint George, 2,800 ft., Washington County, Utah. Melospiza melodia bendirei Phillips, 1943, Auk, 60, p. 247 —Salt River at Tempe Butte, Maricopa County, Arizona. Southeastern Nevada, southwestern Utah, Arizona (ex- cept southwest and northeast), and northeastern Sonora. _ Zonotrichia melodia saltonis (Grinnell) Melospiza melodia saltonis Grinnell, 1909, Univ. Cali- fornia Publ. Zool., 5, p. 268 — margin of Salton Sea, 48 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD one mile southeast of Mecca, Colorado Desert, Cali- fornia. Extreme southern Nevada (Colorado River Valley), southeastern California, northwestern Baja California, western Arizona. Zonotrichia melodia inexspectata (Riley) Melospiza melodia inexspectata Riley, 1911, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 24, p. 284—three miles east of Moose Lake, British Columbia. Southeastern Alaska, from Glacier Bay along coast and on inner islands, southern Yukon, and northwestern British Columbia south through interior British Columbia to about lat. 51° N., and east through mountains of western Alberta; winters from southern British Columbia to northern Oregon. Zonotrichia melodia rufina (Bonaparte) Passerella rufina Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 477 — Sitka, Alaska. Outer islands (west of inexspectata) of southeastern Alaska and of central British Columbia, south to Spider Island; winters on breeding grounds and southward to western Washington. Zonotrichia melodia merrilli (Brewster) Melospiza fasciata merrilli Brewster, 1896, Auk, 13, p. 46 — Fort Sherman, Idaho. South of inexspectata in southern British Columbia and in extreme southwestern Alberta through eastern Wash- ington, northern Idaho, and northwestern Montana; winters from southern British Columbia and northwestern Montana south to southern California, Arizona, and northern New Mexico; Chihuahua (Bavispe; (?) resident, (?) race). Zonotrichia melodia morphna (Oberholser) Fringilla guttata Nuttall, 1840, Man. Ornith. U. S. Canada, ed. 2, 1, p. 581— woody districts of the Columbia .. . far south as Upper California [= Colum- bia River= Fort Vancouver, Washington, vide Stone, 1899, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 51, p. 19]. Melospiza melodia morphna Oberholser, 1899, Auk, 16, p. 183. New name for Fringilla guttata Nuttall, 1840, preoccupied by Fringilla guttata Vieillot, 1817. EMBERIZINAE 49 _ Southwestern British Columbia through western Wash- ington to southwestern Oregon ; winters on breeding grounds and south to northern California; rarely to southern Cali- fornia and western Nevada. Zonotrichia melodia fisherella (Oberholser) Melospiza melodia fisherella Oberholser, 1911, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 24, p. 251 — Honey Lake, near Mil- ford, California. East of the Cascades of northeastern Oregon and extreme southwestern Idaho south to central eastern California and western Nevada; winters in breeding range and south to western and southern California, rarely to southern Arizona and northern Sonora. - Zonotrichia melodia maxima (Gabrielson and Lincoln) Melospiza melodia maxima Gabrielson and Lincoln, 1951, Condor, 53, p. 251— Kiska Harbor, Kiska Island, Alaska. Attu Island to Atka Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Zonotrichia melodia sanaka (McGregor) Melospiza sanaka McGregor, 1901,1 Condor, 3, p. 8— Sanak Island, Alaska. Seguam Island to Unimak Island in Aleutian Islands, on Alaska Peninsula east to Stepovak Bay, and on islands off peninsula from Sanak Island to Semidi Islands. Zonotrichia melodia amaka (Gabrielson and Lincoln) Melospiza melodia amaka Gabrielson and Lincoln, 1951, Condor, 53, p. 253 — Amak Island, Alaska. Amak Island, near tip of Alaska Peninsula. Zonotrichia melodia insignis (Baird) Melospiza insignis Baird, 1869, Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci., 1, p. 319, pl. 29, fig. 2 — Kodiak Island, Alaska. Kodiak Island group (Sitkalidak Island to Barren Islands) and on adjacent Alaska Peninsula. Zonotrichia melodia kenaiensis (Ridgway) Melospiza melodia kenaiensis Ridgway, 1900, Auk, 17, p. 29 — Port Graham, Cook’s Inlet, Alaska. Coastal southern Alaska from Cook Inlet to Copper River; winters on breeding grounds south to southeastern Alaska, rarely to coastal Washington. 1 Author’s reprints mailed 25 November 1900. —R.A.P., Jr. 50 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Zonotrichia melodia caurina (Ridgway) Melospiza fasciata caurina Ridgway, 1899, Auk, 16, p. 36 — Yakutat, Alaska. Coastal southeastern Alaska from Yakutat Bay to Cross Sound; winters on coast from Cross Sound to northern California. Zonotrichia melodia cleonensis (McGregor) Melospiza melodia cleonensis McGregor, 1899, Bull. Cooper Ornith. Club, 1, p. 87 — Westport, Mendocino County, California. Coast of extreme southwestern Oregon and northwestern California, south to western Mendocino County. Zonotrichia melodia gouldii (Baird) Melospiza gouldvi Baird, 1858, in Baird, Cassin and Law- rence, Rept. Expl. Surv. R.R. Pacific, 9, p. 479 — Cali- fornia; restricted to five miles west of Inverness, toward Point Reyes, Marin County, by Grinnell, 1909, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 5, p. 267. Coast of central California, exclusive of brakish marshes of San Francisco Bay, from interior Mendocino County south to northern San Benito County and east to edge of Sacramento Valley. Zonotrichia melodia mailliardi (Grinnell) Melospiza melodia mailliardi Grinnell, 1911, Univ. Cali- fornia Publ. Zool., 7, p. 197 -—— Rancho Dos Rios, near Modesto, Stanislaus County, California. Central Valley of California from Glenn County south to Stanislaus County and west to deltas of Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. Zonotrichia melodia samuelis (Baird) Ammodramus Samuelis Baird, 1858, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 6, p. 379 — Petaluma [, Sonoma County], California. Salt marshes on north and south sides of San Pablo Bay and on north side of San Francisco Bay, California. Zonotrichia melodia maxillaris (Grinnell) Melospiza melodia maxillaris Grinnell, 1909, Univ. Cali- fornia Publ. Zool., 5, p. 265 — tule marsh west of Sui- sun, Solano County, California. Brackish marshes of Suisun Bay (east of San Francisco Bay), California. EMBERIZINAE Bil Zonotrichia melodia pusillula (Ridgway) Melospiza fasciata pusillula Ridgway, 1899, Auk, 16, p. 35 — Alameda County, California. Salt marshes of south side of San Francisco Bay, Cali- fornia. Zonotrichia melodia heermani (Baird) Melospiza heermani Baird, 1858, in Baird, Cassin and Lawrence, Rept. Expl. Surv. R.R. Pacific, 9, p. 478 — Tejon Valley, California (in winter) [=all seasons]. Southern San Joaquin Valley, from Merced County to Kern County and east to Kings Canyon, California. Zonotrichia melodia cooperi (Ridgway) Melospiza fasciata cooperi Ridgway, 1899, Auk, 16, p. 35 — San Diego, California. Coast of southern California from Santa Cruz County to about lat. 30° N. in Baja California, Mexico, and east to Mojave and Colorado deserts. ._ Zonotrichia melodia micronyx (Grinnell) ,, Melospiza melodia micronyx Grinnell, 1928, Proc. Biol. *! Soe. Washington, 41, p. 37 — San Miguel Island, Cali- 4 fornia. San Miguel Island, Santa Barbara County, California. Zonotrichia melodia clementae (Townsend) Melospiza fasciata clementae Townsend, 1890, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 13, p. 139— San Clemente Island, Cali- fornia Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa, and San Clemente Islands, southern California. —. Zonotrichia melodia graminea (Townsend) Melospiza fasciata graminea Townsend, 1890, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 13, p. 139— Santa Barbara Island, Cali- fornia. Santa Barbara Island, southern California. Zonotrichia melodia coronatorum (Grinnell and Daggett) Melospiza coronatorum Grinnell and Daggett, 1903, Auk, 20, p. 34 — North Island, Los Coronados Islands, Baja California, Mexico. Coronados Islands, off northern Baja California, Mexico. 52 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Zonotrichia, melodia rivularis (Bryant) Melospiza fasciata rivularis Bryant, 1888, Proc. Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., ser. 2, 1, p. 197 Comondu, Baja California, Mexico. South-central Baja California, Mexico. Zonotrichia melodia goldmani (Nelson) Melospiza goldmani Nelson, 1899, Auk, 16, p. 29 — El Salto [, Sierra Madre Occidental], Durango, Mexico. Known only from vicinity of type locality. Zonotrichia melodia niceae (Dickerman) Melospiza melodia niceae Dickerman, 1963, Occas. Papers Minnesota Mus. Nat. Hist., no. 9, p. 51 — Tulancingo, Hidalgo, Mexico. Laguna Tecocomulco, Tulancingo, and Laguna Zupitlan, Hidalgo, Mexico. Zonotrichia melodia mexicana (Ridgway) Melospiza melodia var. mexicana Ridgway, 1874, in Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, Hist. North Amer. Birds, 2, p. 18 — Puebla, Mexico. Melospiza pectoralis von Miiller, 1865, Reisen Ver. Staaten, Canada, Mexico, 3, p. 583—highlands of Mexico; unidentifiable, vide Phillips and Dickerman, 1957, Auk, 74, p. 380. Tlaxcala and Puebla, Mexico. Zonotrichia melodia azteca (Dickerman) Melospiza melodia azteca Dickerman, 1963, Occas. Papers Minnesota Mus. Nat. Hist., no. 9, p. 46— Lago de Zumpango, México, Mexico. Valley of México, in Distrito Federal and México. Zonotrichia melodia villai (Phillips and Dickerman) Melospiza melodia villai Phillips and Dickerman, 1957, Auk, 74, p. 880 — six miles north-northeast of Amoloya del Rio (nine km. south-southeast of Lerma), México, Mexico. Upper drainage of Rio Lerma, in México, southeastern Guanajuato, and extreme northwestern Michoacan. Zonotrichia melodia yuriria (Phillips and Dickerman) Melospiza melodia yuriria Phillips and Dickerman, 1957, Auk, 74, p. 381 — Yuriria, Guanajuato, Mexico. EMBERIZINAE 53 Lerma Valley, from Lago Yuriria to Acambaro, southern Guanajuato, Mexico. - Zonotrichia melodia adusta (Nelson) Melospiza adusta Nelson, 1899, Auk, 16, p. 28 — Patz- cuaro, Michoacan, Mexico. Known only from vicinity of Lago Patzcuaro, Michoacan ; intergrades with yuriria at Lago Cuitzeo and vicinity. Zonotrichia melodia zacapu (Dickerman) Melospiza melodia zacapu Dickerman, 19638, Occas. Papers Minnesota Mus. Nat. Hist., no. 9, p. 40 — Zacapu, Michoacan, Mexico. Zacapu and vincinity, northern Michoacan, Mexico; population (subsp.?) at eastern end of Lago Chapala, Jalisco. ZONOTRICHIA LINCOLNII Zonotrichia lincolnii lincolnii (Audubon) Fringilla Lincolnii Audubon, 1834, Birds Amer. (folio), 2, pl. 198 — Labrador [=near mouth of Natashquan River, Quebec, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ, Zool. Ser., 13; pt: 11, p.: 593). Northwestern Alaska eastward through boreal Canada to Labrador and Newfoundland and south through interior British Columbia, central Washington to northern Idaho, northwestern Montana, southern Alberta, central Saskat- chewan, southern Manitoba, northern Minnesota, northern Wisconsin, central Michigan, western New York, central Maine, and Nova Scotia. Winters from northern California, southern Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, northern Oklahoma, eastern Kansas, central Missouri, southern Kentucky and northern Georgia south to Baja California, southern Mexico, Guatemala, and central Florida, rarely south to Honduras, Panama and Greater Antilles, casually north to Washington, Ontario and Pennsylvania. Zonotrichia lincolnii gracilis (Kittlitz) Emberiza (Zonotrichia) gracilis Kittlitz, 1858, Reise Russ. Amer., Mikron. Kamtsch., 1, p. 199 — Sitka [, Alaska]. Coastal southern Alaska, central British Columbia, and (rarely) on Vancouver Island; winters in central California and occasionally in Baja California, Arizona, Sonora, and Coahuila. 54 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Zonotrichia lincolnii alticola (Miller and McCabe) Passerella lincolnii alticola A. H. Miller and McCabe, 19385, Condor, 37, p. 156 — Bluff Lake, 7,400 ft., San Bernardino Mountains, San Bernardino County, Cali- fornia. Mountains from north-central Oregon east through cen- tral Idaho, south-central Montana, and _ north-central Wyoming, and south to California, in inner coastal ranges to San Jacinto Mountains, west-central Nevada, southwestern Utah, east-central Arizona, and northern New Mexico. Winters from central California, Arizona, Coahuila, and southern Texas south through all of Mexico, except Yucatan Peninsula, to Guatemala and El Salvador; migrates east to Kansas. ZONOTRICHIA GEORGIANA Zonotrichia georgiana ericrypta (Oberholser)! Melospiza georgiana ericrypta Oberholser, 1938, Louisiana Dept. Cons. Bull., 28, p. 675 — Fort McMurray, Al- berta. Southwestern Mackenzie, northern Saskatchewan, north- ern Ontario, central Quebec, and Newfoundland south to northeastern British Columbia, central Alberta, southern Saskatchewan, eastern North Dakota, northern Minnesota, western Ontario, and southeastern Quebec. Winters from central western California, central Nevada, Coahuila, east- ern Texas, Gulf Coast and southern Georgia south to Jalisco, San Luis Potosi, Tamaulipas, and northeastern Florida, casual north to Tennessee and Massachusetts. Zonotrichia georgiana georgiana (Latham) Fringilla georgiana Latham, 1790, Index Ornith., 1, p. 460 — Georgiae americanae interioribus [= Georgia]. Melospiza georgiana nigrescens G. M. Bond and Stewart, 1951, Wilson Bull., 63, p. 388— Nanticoke River marshes (opposite Vienna), Wicomico County, Mary- land. South of ericrypta, from eastern South Dakota eastward to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, south to eastern Nebraska and east through northern Missouri, Illinois, and Ohio, to West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and New 1 A very weakly defined race. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 55 Jersey. Winters from southern portion of breeding range in the west and from central portion of breeding range in the east, south to southern Texas, Gulf Coast, and southern Florida. ZONOTRICHIA CAPENSIS _ Zonotrichia capensis septentrionalis Griscom Zonotrichia capensis septentrionalis Griscom, 19380, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 438, p. 12 — Chichicastenango, Guate- mala. Highlands, generally above 4,000 feet, from southern Mexico (Chiapas) through Guatemala to Honduras and El Salvador. — Zonotrichia capensis antillarum (Riley) Brachyspiza antillarum Riley, 1916, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 66(15), p. 2— Constanza, 5,000 ft., Dominican Re- public. Cordillera Central of Dominican Republic. Zonotrichia capensis costaricensis Allen Zonotrichia capensis costaricensis J. A. Allen, 1891, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 3, p. 874—San José, Costa Rica. Mountains of Costa Rica and western Panama, east to Veraguas; Andes of Venezuela from central Lara _ to Tachira; Santa Marta Mountains and all ranges of Andes in Colombia, down to about 1,000 feet; Andes of Ecuador. Zonotrichia capensis orestera Wetmore Zonotrichia capensis orestera Wetmore, 1951, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 117(2), p. 9—southeast face of Cerro Campana, 2,000 ft., Panama, Panama. Western Panama, on Cerro Campana of western Provincia de Panama; probably intergrading with costaricensis in Veraguas. Zonotrichia capensis insularis (Ridgway) , Brachyspiza capensis insularis Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 321 — Curacao. Islands of Curacao and Aruba. __ Zonotrichia capensis venezuelae Chapman Zonotrichia capensis venezuelae Chapman, 1939, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1051, p. 13 — Carapas, 5,600 ft., Cerro Turumiquire, northeast Venezuela. 56 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Northern Venezuela in coastal ranges from Yaracuy to Miranda and from Anzoategui to Sucre; Quiribana de Caicara, northwestern Bolivar. Zonotrichia capensis inaccessibilis Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Zonotrichia capensis inaccessibilis Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1955, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 68, p. 122 — Cerro de la Neblina, 1,900 m., headwaters of Rio Yatuia, Territoria Amazonas, Venezuela. Known only from type locality. Zonotrichia capensis roraimae (Chapman) Brachyspiza capensis roraimae Chapman, 1929, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 341, p. 5— Philipp Camp, 6,000 ft., Roraima, Bolivar, Venezuela. Sierra de la Macarena, Meta, Colombia; eastern Vene- zuela, in Gran Sabana of Bolivar (including slopes of Mount Roraima) and northwestern Amazonas; western Guyana (British Guiana) ; and adjacent northwestern Brazil (?in- cluding upper Rio Negro). Zonotrichia capensis macconnelli Sharpe Zonotrichia macconnelli Sharpe, 1900, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, ser. 2, 8, p. 53, pl. 4, fig. 1 — summit of Mount Roraima, Bolivar, Venezuela. Summit of Mount Roraima, Bolivar, Venezuela. | Zonotrichia capensis capensis (Miiller) Fringilla capensis P. L. S. Miiller, 1776, Natursyst., suppl., p. 165; based on “Bruent, du Cap de Bonne-Espérance”’ of Daubenton, 1765-80, Planches enlum., pl. 386, fig. 2 — “Cape of Good Hope” [=Ile de Cayenne, French Guiana, vide Buffon, 1770-1786, Hist. Nat. Ois., 4, p. 109]. Known only from lower Oyapock River, French Guiana; presumably in Amapa, Brazil. Zonotrichia capensis tocantinsi Chapman Zonotrichia capensis tocantinsi Chapman, 1940, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 77, p. 399 — Baiao, Rio Tocan- tins, Brazil. Lower Amazonia, along Rio Tocantins and probably along lower Amazon west at least to Monte Alegre, Brazil. EMBERIZINAE 57 —. Zonotrichia capensis matutina (Lichtenstein) Fringilla matutina Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl. zool. Mus. Berlin, p. 25 — Brazil [= Bahia; vide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, D. 5S2)- Northeastern Brazil from Maranhao south to Bahia and west to northern and central Mato Grosso; adjacent Santa Cruz, eastern Bolivia. ~~ Zonotrichia capensis subtorquata Swainson Zonotrichia subtorquata Swainson, 1837, Class. Birds, 2, p. 288; new name for Tanagra ruficollis Spix,! 1825, Av. spec. Nov. Brasil., 2, p. 39, pl. 53, fig. 83 — near Rio de Janeiro, preoccupied by Tanagra ruficollis Gmelin, 1789. Eastern and central Brazil from Espirito Santo and southern Mato Grosso southward to eastern Paraguay, ex- treme eastern Argentina (Misiones), and Uruguay. —— ?Zonotrichia capensis mellea (Wetmore) ; Brachyspiza capensis mellea Wetmore, 1922, Proc. Biol. ‘ya Soc. Washington, 35, p. 39—80 km. west of Puerto Pinasco, Paraguay. Known only from central Paraguay, on west side of Rio Paraguay, and Formosa, north-central Argentina. Possibly not distinguishable from hypoleuca. __. Zonotrichia capensis hypoleuca (Todd)? Brachyspiza capensis hypoleuca Todd, 1915, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 28, p. 79—Rio Bermejo, Salta, Argentina. ?Brachyspiza capensis argentina Todd, 1920, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 33, p. 71 — Rio Santiago, near Buenos Aires, Argentina. Eastern and southern Bolivia in eastern Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca, Tarija, and (?) central La Paz; 1 Erroneously quoted as “T. graminea Wilson.” — R.A.P., Jr. 2 The distribution, and even the characters, of the races occurring in Bolivia and in northern and central Argentina are poorly under- stood. With a few modifications I have followed Chapman, 1940, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 77, pp. 381-438, but this treatment is far from definitive. — R.A.P., Jr. 58 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD llanos of northeastern Argentina from Salta and La Rioja south to San Luis, Cordoba, and southern Buenos Aires. . Zonotrichia capensis choraules (Wetmore and Peters) Brachyspiza capensis choraules Wetmore and Peters, 1922, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 35, p. 44 — General Roca, Rio Negro, Argentina. Lowlands and foothills of western Argentina in Mendoza, eastern Neuquén, and Rio Negro. Zonotrichia capensis australis (Latham) Fringilla australis Latham, 1790, Index Ornith., 1, p. 466; based on ‘‘Rusty-collared Finch” of Latham, 1787, Gen. Synop. Birds, suppl., p. 170 — Tierra del Fuego. Southern South America from Aysén, Chile, and southern Neuquén, Argentina, to Cape Horn; migrates north to Bolivia. Zonotrichia capensis chilensis (Meyen) Fringilla chilensis Meyen, 1834, Nov. Act. Acad. Leo- poldino-Car. Nat. Cur., 16, suppl., p. 88 — Santiago de Chile. : Chile, from sea level to puna zone, from Atacama south to Islas Guaitecas, and in Argentina on eastern slopes of Andes in Mendoza and Neuquén; intergrading with auws- tralis in northern Aysén, central Chile. Zonotrichia capensis sanborni Hellmayr Zonotrichia capensis sanborni Hellmayr, 1932, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 19, p. 79 — Banos del Toro, 10,600 ft., Coquimbo, Chile. High Andes of Coquimbo and Aconcagua, Chile, and San Juan, Argentina. Zonotrichia capensis antofagastae Chapman Zonotrichia capensis antofagastae Chapman, 1940, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 77, p. 396 — Rio Loa, 7,500 ft., Antofagasta, Chile. Sea level to 2,500 meters in Tarapaca and Antofagasta, Chile. Zonotrichia capensis pulacayensis (Menegaux) Brachyspiza capensis pulacayensis Menegaux, 1909, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 14 (1908), p. 341 — Pulacayo, 4,200 m., and Pampas de Pazna, Lago Poopo, Oruro, Bolivia. | EMBERIZINAE 59 High altitudes from Cuzco and Junin, Peru, southward through central and western Bolivia to Tucuman and Cata- marca, Argentina. Zonotrichia capensis peruviensis (Lesson) Pyrgita Peruviensis Lesson, 1834, L’Institut, 2, p. 316 — Callao, Lima, Peru. Arid, coastal Peru, from Libertad to Taena, and inland on western slopes of Andes to about 14,000 feet in puna zone. Zonotrichia capensis carabayae Chapman Zonotrichia capensis carabayae Chapman, 1940, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 77, p. 395 — Limbani, 10,000 ft., Carabaya, Puno, Peru. Eastern slopes of eastern Andes from Junin, Peru, to La Paz (east of pulacayensis) and Cochabamba (west of hypo- leuca), Bolivia. Zonotrichia capensis huancabambae Chapman Zonotrichia capensis huancabambae Chapman, 1940, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 77, p. 393 — San Felipe, 5,000 ft., Rio Huancabamba, Peru. Arid subtropics of northern Peru in Piura, Cajamarca, Amazonas, San Martin, and Junin. Zonotrichia capensis illescasensis Koepcke Zonotrichia capensis illescasensis Koepcke, 1963, Beitr. Neotrop. Fauna, 3, p. 6—northern Reventazon, lat. 6° 09’ S., long. 80° 59’ W., Cerro Illescas, Piura, Peru. Confined to Cerro Illescas, Piura, northern Peru. ZONOTRICHIA QUERULA Zonotrichia querula (Nuttall) Fringilla querula Nuttall, 1840, Man. Ornith. U. S. Canada, ed. 2, 1, p. 555 — few miles west of Indepen- dence, Missouri. Northwestern Mackenzie and southern Keewatin south to northeastern Saskatchewan, northern Manitoba, and north- western Ontario (casual). Winters from southern British Columbia, southern Idaho, northern Utah, northern Colo- rado, northern Nebraska, and central Iowa south to south- ern California, southern Nevada, central Arizona, central Texas, northern Louisiana, and Tennessee. 60 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS Zonotrichia leucophrys leucophrys (Forster) Emberiza leucophrys Forster, 1772, Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 62, p. 340 — Severn River, west shore of Hudson Bay. Zonotrichia leucophrys nigrilora Todd, 1948, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 61, p. 20— Point Natashquan, Quebec. Northeastern Manitoba, where intergrades with gambelii, east through northern Ontario and northern Quebec to northern Labrador and south to central northern Ontario, southeastern Quebec, and northern Newfoundland. Winters from Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, and North Carolina through the southeastern states, and in Mexico from Sonora east through northern tier of states, casual north to Michigan and Ontario and south to Florida, Aguascalientes, Cuba, and Jamaica. Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii (Nuttall) Fringilla Gambellii (sic) Nuttall, 1840, Man. Ornith. U. S. Canada, ed. 2, 1, p. 556 —near Fort Wallah Wallah [= Walla Walla], Washington. Northern Alaska, northern Yukon, northwestern and cen- tral eastern Mackenzie, and western Keewatin south to central southern British Columbia (intergrades with oriantha in extreme southeast), southwestern Alberta, northern Saskatchewan, and northern Manitoba; casual to Pribilof Islands. Winters from southern British Columbia, southeastern Washington, southern Idaho, central Wyoming, and northeastern Kansas through western and southwestern United States and through northern Mexico from Baja California and Tamaulipas to Nayarit, Aguascalientes, and San Luis Potosi. Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha Oberholser Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha Oberholser, 1932, Sci. Publ. Cleveland Mus. Nat. Hist., 4, p. 12— Barley Camp, 6,400 ft., Warner Mountains, 14 miles southwest of Adel, Oregon. 1 Banks, 1964, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 70, pp. 1-28, concluded that black-lored oriantha is not separable from nominate leucophrys. I find his evidence difficult to evaluate and follow Godfrey, 1965, Auk, 82, pp. 510-511, in continuing to recognize the race. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 61 Fragmented montane range from northern Idaho, south- ern Alberta, and southwestern Saskatchewan south through mountains of south-central Oregon, central eastern Cali- fornia, south-central Nevada, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and central eastern Arizona to northwestern Nevada. Winters from southern California through southern Arizona and New Mexico to central Texas southward to southern Baja California, Jalisco, Michoacan, Querétaro, San Luis Potosi, and Nuevo Leon. Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis Grinnell Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis Grinnell, 1928, Condor, 30, p. 187 — Parksville, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Southwestern British Columbia along Pacific coast to northwestern California; winters through breeding range south to southwestern California. Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli Ridgway Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli Ridgway, 1899, Auk, 16, p. 86 —no locality; Santa Cruz, mid. coast [=Santa Cruz County], California designated by Ridgway, 1901, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 50, pt. 1, p. 342. New name for Z. l. gambelit Ridgway, 1873, Bull. Essex Inst., 5, p. 170, not Z. gambelii Nuttall. Coast of central California, from Mendocino County to Santa Barbara County. ZONOTRICHIA ALBICOLLIS Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmelin) Fringilla albicollis Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 921 — Pennsylvania; based on Edwards, 1760, Glean. Nat. Hist., 2, p. 198, pl. 304, “The white-throated Sparrow.” Southern Yukon, central Mackenzie, northern Manitoba, northern Ontario, central Quebec, southern Labrador, and Newfoundland south to central British Columbia, central Alberta, southern Saskatchewan, northern North Dakota, central Minnesota, northern Wisconsin, central Michigan, northern Ohio, northern West Virginia, northeastern Penn- sylvania, southeastern New York, northwestern Connecti- cut, and Massachusetts. Winters sparingly west of Rockies in California, southern Arizona, and New Mexico, and more abundantly from eastern Kansas, central Missouri, southern 62 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Illinois, northern Kentucky, northern West Virginia, central New York, and Massachusetts south to Gulf Coast from Texas to southern Florida, casual north to British Columbia, Manitoba, and New Brunswick and south to eastern Mexico. ZONOTRICHIA ATRICAPILLA Zonotrichia atricapilla (Gmelin) Emberiza atricapilla Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 875 —“in Sinu Natka, et insulis Sandwich”; re- stricted to Sandwich Sound [= Prince William Sound, Alaska] by Stresemann, 1949, Ibis., 91, p. 249. Emberiza coronata Pallas, 1811, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., 2, p. 44 — Kodiak Island, Alaska. Coastal western Alaska, from Cape Prince Wales east- ward, and central Yukon south to southeastern Alaska, southern British Columbia, mountains of northernmost Washington, and southwestern Alaska. Winters from south- ern British Columbia south to northern Baja California, mainly west of mountains, casual east to Utah and New Mexico and south to southern Baja California and northern Sonora. GENUS JUNCO WAGLER! Junco Wagler, 1831, Isis von Oken, heft 5, col. 526. Type, by monotypy, Junco phaeonotus Wagler. ef. Miller, 1941, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 44, pp. 173- 434 (revision of genus). Tordoff, 1953, Wilson Bull., 65, p. 51 (J. vuleanz). Phillips, 1962, Anal. Inst. Biol. México, 32 (1961), pp. 372-377 (critique of J. h. cismontanus, J. h. mut- abilis and “J. oreganus’’). Phillips, 1964, in Phillips, Marshall and Monson, Birds Arizona, pp. 203-206 (taxonomy of genus and, in particular, taxa occurring in Arizona). 1 Junco is doubtless close to Zonotrichia (intergeneric hybrids are known), but merger of the genera seems unwarranted unless one is willing to apply a concept of very broad genera throughout the Em- berizinae. If the two relatively discrete taxa Junco and Zonotrichia are combined, then, for consistency in treatment, such similar genera as Pipilo, Arremon, Arremonops, and Atlapetes, and Emberiza and Calearius, and a host of others must also be merged. Too many Em- berizine genera are poorly known to begin such wholesale amalga- mation. — R.A.P., Jr, EMBERIZINAE 63 JUNCO VULCANI ~~ _Junco vulcani (Boucard) Zonotrichia vulcani Boucard, 1878, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, p. 57, pl. 4— Volcan de Irazu, 10,000 ft., Costa Rica. Restricted to volcanic summits in Costa Rica and on Volcan de Chiriqui, western Panama. JUNCO HYEMALIS! Junco hyemalis hyemalis (Linnaeus) Fringilla hyemalis Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 183; based on “The Snow-bird (Passer nivalis)” of Catesby, 1731, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 1, p. 36, pl. 36 — Virginia and Carolina in winter; restricted to South Carolina by Amer. Ornith. Union, 1931, Check-list North Amer. Birds, ed. 4, p. 345. Northern Alaska eastward through central Yukon, northwestern and central Mackenzie, northern Manitoba, northern Ontario, northern Quebec, and Labrador to New- foundland and south to south-central Alaska and eastward through southern Yukon, northeastern British Columbia, central Alberta, central Saskatchewan, southern Manitoba, central Minnesota, southeastern Wisconsin, central Mich- igan, western and northern Pennsylvania, southeastern New York and Connecticut to Massachusetts. Winters mainly south of breeding range and east of Rocky Mountains south to northern Baja California, northern Sonora, central Chi- huahua and southern Texas, eastward along Gulf coast and to northeastern Florida. ~_ Junco hyemalis carolinensis Brewster Junco hyemalis carolinensis Brewster, 1886, Auk, 3, p. 108 — Black Mountain, North Carolina. Appalachian Mountains from northwestern West Virginia and western Maryland south through eastern Kentucky, western Virginia, eastern Tennessee, western North Caro- 1 In spite of the considerable attention given this complex species by several students, there remains much to be understood. It is believed that the delimitations of the taxa, as presented here, are essentially correct but the author makes no claim of precision in outlining their geographical distribution, particularly in their winter ranges. -— RAP. 37: 64 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD lina, and northern Georgia; intergrades with nominate hyemalis in central Pennsylvania. Winters in breeding area and adjacent lower elevations. Junco hyemalis aikeni Ridgway Junco hyemalis aikeni Ridgway, 1873, Amer. Naturalist, 7, p. 615 — El Paso County, Colorado [= Turkey Creek, near Fountain, ca. 18 miles southwest of Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado, fide Warren, 1936, Condor, 38, p. 235]. Southeastern Montana, western South Dakota, north- eastern Wyoming, and northwestern Nebraska; winters in breeding area and south to southwestern Colorado, north- ern New Mexico, western Kansas, and western Oklahoma. Junco hyemalis oreganus (Townsend) Fringilla oregana Townsend, 1837, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 7, p. 188— forests near the Columbia River. Coast from southeastern Alaska south to Calvert Island, central British Columbia; winters along coast from south- eastern Alaska to central California, sparsely to southern California, and inland casually to Rocky Mountains from Idaho south to New Mexico. Junco hyemalis cismontanus Dwight Junco hyemalis cismontanus Dwight, 1918, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 38, p. 295 — east of the Rocky Moun- tains; restricted to Sumas, New Westminster District, lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia, by Miller, 1941, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 44, p. 405. Junco hyemalis henshawi Phillips, 1962, Anal. Inst. Biol. México, 32(1961), p. 374 — Bennett, British Columbia. New name for Junco hyemalis cismontanus Dwight. 1 Phillips, op. cit., pp. 872-874, rejected cismontanus on the grounds that the majority, if not all, of Dwight’s original series consisted of dark examples of nominate hyemalis. However, Miller, 1941, op. cit., pp. 402-405, as first reviser, believed Dwight’s “indication” accurately described the population breeding “east of the Rocky Mountains.” Furthermore, Miller selected as a lectotype a winter specimen from west of the Rocky Mountains in the belief that Dwight did not make “use of any particular breeding specimens in formulating his concept of cismontanus.” Phillips rejected this restricted type locality because EMBERIZINAE 65 South-central Yukon south to central interior British Columbia and west-central Alberta; winters from southern, coastal British Columbia south to northern Baja California (rarely), Arizona, and New Mexico and east to Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and central Texas, casually eastward. Junco hyemalis shufeldti Coale Junco hyemalis shufeldti Coale, 1887, Auk, 4, p. 330 — Fort Wingate, New Mexico. Junco hyemalis simillima Phillips, 1962, Anal. Inst. Biol. México, 32(1961), p. 376— Forest Experiment Sta- tion, 1,294 m., Pringle Falls, Deschutes County, Ore- gon.1 Western slopes of the coastal ranges from southwestern British Columbia through western Washington and western Oregon to about lat. 43° N.; intergrades with oreganus on Vancouver Island and with thurberi at southern end of its distribution. Winters in breeding area and south to south- ern California and, sparsely, southeast to Idaho, Colorado, western Texas and Chihuahua. Junco hyemalis montanus Ridgway Junco montanus Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 321 — Colum- bia Falls, Montana. Central interior British Columbia and southwestern Al- berta through eastern Washington, eastern Oregon, and western Montana to central Idaho. Winters from southern British Columbia, western Montana, and South Dakota south to northern Baja California, northern Sonora, central Chihuahua, central Texas, and eastern Kansas. it does not fall within the breeding range given by Dwight. While one might prefer that a breeding specimen from east of the Rocky Moun- tains had been selected, western British Columbia is within the winter range of the taxon and thus satisfies the International Code, which nowhere states that lectotype must be chosen from within the range given in the original description (contra Phillips). —R.A.P., Jr. 1 Phillips, loc. cit., believed the type of shufeldti to be a representa- tive of the interior population, which would become a synonym of montanus Ridgway, 1898, leaving the coastal form without a name. His arguments seem less convincing than those presented by Miller, op. cit., pp. 393-395, who considered the type to be an example of the more western population. — R.A.P., Jr. 66 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Junco hyemalis mearnsi Ridgway Junco mearnst Ridgway, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 94 — Fort Bridger, Wyoming. Southeastern Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan to eastern Idaho, central Montana and northeastern Wyoming. Winters from northern Utah, northwestern Wyoming and western and central Nebraska south to northern Sonora, central Chihuahua and western Texas; casually to south- eastern California and eastern Nebraska. Junco hyemalis thurberi Anthony Junco hyemalis thurberi Anthony, 1890, Zoe, 1, p. 238 — Wilson’s Peak [= Mount Wilson], San Gabriel Moun- tains, California. Southern Oregon south through coastal California to ap- proximately San Francisco and in interior mountains south to San Diego County; intergrades with pinosus in vicinity of San Francisco and with mutabilis in southwestern Cali- fornia. Winters in breeding area, at adjacent lower eleva- tions, and south and east to northern Baja California, Arizona, Sonora (once) and southwestern New Mexico. Junco hyemalis pinosus Loomis Junco pinosus Loomis, 1893, Auk, 10, p. 47 —vicinity of Monterey [= Point Pinos, near Pacific Grove, fide Grin- nell, 1982, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 38, p. 309], California. Coastal ranges of central California from San Francisco south to southern San Benito and southern Monterey coun- ties; intergrades with thurberi in San Luis Obispo County. Junco hyemalis pontilis Oberholser Junco oreganus pontilis Oberholser, 1919, Condor, 21, p. 119— El Rayo, Hanson Laguna Mountains, Sierra Juarez, northern Baja California. Sierra Juarez, northernmost Baja California. Junco hyemalis townsendi Anthony Junco townsendi Anthony, 1889, Proc. California Acad. Sci., ser. 2, 2, p. 76 — Sierra Sam Pedro Martin eear California. Sierra San Pedro MAartir, above 6,000 feet, northern Baja California; winters in breeding area and adjacent lower elevations. EMBERIZINAE 67 ~~ Junco hyemalis insularis Ridgway Junco insularis Ridgway, 1876, Bull. Geol. Geog. Surv. Terr., 2, pt. 2, p. 188—AIsla Guadalupe, Baja Cal- ifornia. Isla Guadalupe, Baja California. ~ Junco hyemalis caniceps (Woodhouse) Struthus caniceps Woodhouse, 1853, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 6 (1852), p. 202 — San Francisco Moun- tain, New Mexico [= Arizona]. Mountains from southern Idaho, north-central and east- ern Nevada, and southern Wyoming south to central Nevada, southern Utah, western and central Colorado and northern New Mexico; intergrades with dorsalis in north- eastern Arizona and northern New Mexico. Winters at lower elevations in breeding range and east to western Nebraska and western Texas and south to Sonora, northern Sinaloa, Chihuahua, and northern Durango, rarely to south- ern California. ~ Junco hyemalis dorsalis Henry Junco dorsalis Henry, 1858, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, 10, p. 117 — Fort Thorn, New Mexico. Mountains of New Mexico, of extreme western Texas, and of northern Arizona; winters in breeding range, at lower elevations, and also slightly to the south. Junco hyemalis mutabilis van Rossem Junco oreganus mutabilis van Rossem, 1931, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 6, p. 329 — Lee Canyon, 8,200 ft., Charleston Mountains, Clark County, Nevada. Mountains of southern Nevada and adjacent southeastern California. Variable population known only from breeding range. JUNCO PHAEONOTUS — Junco phaeonotus palliatus Ridgway Junco cinereus palliatus Ridgway, 1885, Auk, 2, p. 364 — Mount Graham, Arizona. Mountains of southern Arizona, extreme southwestern New Mexico, and northwestern Mexico from northeastern Sonora, Chihuahua, and Coahuila south to northern Jalisco, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, and southwestern Tamau- 68 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD lipas; intergrading with phaeonotus from Nayarit, Du- rango, Coahuila, and Nuevo Leon southward. Junco phaeonotus phaeonotus Wagler Junco phaeonotus Wagler, 1831, Isis von Oken, heft 5, col. 526 — Mexico. Junco phaeonotus colimae van Rossem, 19388, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 58, p. 132 — Sierra Nevada de Colima, Jalisco. Junco phaeonotus australis van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 58, p. 133 — Omilteme, 8,000 ft., Guer- rero. Mountains of central and southern Mexico from southern Jalisco, Michoacan, México, Distrito Federal, Hidalgo, and Veracruz south to Oaxaca; intergrading with palliatus on northern limits. Junco phaeonotus bairdi Ridgway Junco bairdi Ridgway (ex Belding MS), 1888, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 6, p. 155 — Laguna, Baja California. Restricted to mountains of Cape District, southern Baja California. Junco phaeonotus fulvescens Nelson Junco fulvescens Nelson, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 61 — San Cris- té6bal, Chiapas, Mexico. Mountains of interior of Chiapas, Mexico. Junco phaeonotus alticola Salvin Junco alticola Salvin, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 189— “Guatemala in regione alta (8,000 ped.)” [=pine forest, Volcan de Fuego, Sacatepéquez, fide Miller, 1941, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 44, p. 388]. Mountains of southeastern Chiapas, Mexico and of west- ern Guatemala. GENUS AMMODRAMUS SWAINSON Ammodramus Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1, p. 435. Type, by monotypy, Ammodramus bimaculatus Swainson. Passerculus Bonaparte, 1838, Geog. Comp. List Birds Europe North Amer., p. 33. Type, by subsequent desig- nation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Genera: Birds; ‘ed. i p. 46), Fringilla savanna Wilson. EMBERIZINAE 69 Myospiza Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 224. Type, by orig- inal designation, Fringilla manimbe Lichtenstein = Ta- nagra humeralis Bose. Ammospiza Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 48, p. 68. Type, by original designation, Oriolus caudacutus Gmelin. Passerherbulus Stone, 1907, Auk, 24, p. 193. Type, by original designation, Ammodramus lecontet Audubon. Xenospiza Bangs, 1931, Proc. New England Zool. Club, ef. 12, p. 86. Type, by original designation, Xenospiza baileyi Bangs. Peters and Griscom, 1938, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 80, pp. 445-480 (revision of A. sandwichensis; color plate). Aldrich, 1940, Ohio Journ. Sci., 40, pp. 1-8 (subspecies of A. sandwichensis in eastern North America). Montagna, 1942, Wilson Bull., 54, pp. 107-120 (distri- bution of subspecies of A. caudacutus on Atlantic coast; map). Peters, 1942, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 29, pp. 201-210 (Canadian subspecies of A. caudacutus). Griscom, 1944, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool. Louisiana State Univ., no. 19, pp. 313-328 (revision of A. maritimus ) . Pitelka, 1947, Condor, 49, pp. 199-203 (taxonomy and distribution of A. baileyi). van Rossem, 1947, Condor, 49, pp. 97-107 (subspecies of A. sandwichensis in northwestern Mexico; color plate). Beecher, 1955, Ecology, 36, pp. 23-28 (distribution and origin of A. maritimus and A. caudacutus; map). Norris and Hight, Jr., 1957, Condor, 59, pp. 40-52 (sub- species of A. sandwichensis wintering in South Carolina). Dickerman and Parkes, 1960, Flicker, 32, pp. 110-113 (subspecies of A. sandwichensis in central and east- ern North America; map). Norris, 1960, Bird-Banding, 13, pp. 173-216 (popula- tion ecology of subspecies of A. sandwichensis win- tering in South Carolina). Dickerman, Phillips, and Warner, 1967, Auk, 84, pp. 49-60 (A. bailey?). 70 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Murray, 1968, Auk, 85, pp. 586-593 (relationships be- tween Ammodramus, Passerherbulus, and Ammo- spiza). , 1969, Auk, 86, pp. 199-231 (A. leconteii and A. caudacutus). AMMODRAMUS SANDWICHENSIS Ammodramus sandwichensis labradorius (Howe)! Passerculus sandwichensis labradorius Howe, 1901, Con- trib. North Amer. Ornith., 1, p. 1 — Lance [= L’Anse] au Loup, Labrador. Eastern Quebec (including Anticosti Island), Labrador and Newfoundland; winters from Maryland southward along Atlantic coastal plain and west along Gulf coast to southeastern Texas. Ammodramus sandwichensis savanna (Wilson) Fringilla savanna Wilson, 1811, Amer. Ornith., 3, p. 55, pl. 22, fig. 3 — Atlantic coast, from Savannah [, Geor- gia] to Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey; Savannah, Georgia accepted as restricted type locality, vide, Hell- mayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, ptiii, poAse: Nova Scotia and on Prince Edward and the Magdalen Islands; winters on Atlantic coast from Massachusetts southward, in the Bahamas, in eastern Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula and (?) Veracruz), and on Grand Cayman Is- land; winter range imperfectly known; some records may pertain to mediogriseus. Ammodramus sandwichensis princeps (Maynard) Passerculus princeps Maynard, 1872, Amer. Nat., 6, p. 687 — Ipswich, Massachusetts. Sable Island, Nova Scotia; winters on Atlantic coast from Massachusetts to Georgia. Ammodramus sandwichensis mediogriseus (Aldrich) Passerculus sandwichensis mediogriseus Aldrich, 1940, Ohio Journ. Sci., 40, p. 4 — Andover, Ashtabula County, Ohio. Gaspé Peninsula west through western Quebec, south- eastern Ontario, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, and southeastern 1 The peripheries of the breeding ranges, and the wintering ranges in general, of the northeastern races are poorly known. —R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE fia Minnesota and south to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, and southeastern Minnesota; northwestern, western, and southern limits imperfectly known. Winters in southeastern United States; winter range overlaps that of savanna; specimens require reidentification in order to delimit winter ranges. Ammodramus sandwichensis oblitus (Peters and Griscom) Passerculus sandwichensis oblitus Peters and Griscom, 1938, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 80, p. 454 — Fort Chur- chill, Manitoba. Northwestern Ontario and eastern Manitoba and south to (?) northern and (?) northeastern Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan; intergrades with contiguous races on west- ern, southern, and eastern boundaries. Winters from Okla- homa east to northern Georgia and south to Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, the Gulf Coast, and southern Georgia; Hon- duras and (?) Guatemala. Ammodramus sandwichensis nevadensis (Grinnell) Passerculus sandwichensis nevadensis Grinnell, 1910, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 5, p. 312 — Soldier Mea- dows, Humboldt County, Nevada. Great Basin and Great Plains from interior and north- eastern British Columbia east and north through Alberta and Saskatchewan to western Manitoba and west to eastern Washington, eastern Oregon, and eastern California, and south to southern Nevada, southern Utah, central Colorado, western Nebraska, and northeastern South Dakota; eastern limit approximates that of the prairie. Winters from north- ern California, southern Nevada, southwestern Utah, cen- tral Arizona, central Texas, and northwestern Mississippi south to Baja California, Guerrero, México, central Vera- cruz and along Gulf Coast east to Mississippi. Ammodramus sandwichensis brooksi (Bishop) Passerculus sandwichensis brooksi Bishop, 1915, Condor, 17, p. 187 — Chilliwack, British Columbia. Vancouver Island along coast of southwestern British Columbia to extreme northwestern California; winters within breeding range and southward in western California and Arizona (rare) to central Baja California and Sinaloa; (?) El Salvador. 72 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD ae anthitus Ammodramus sandwichensis athinus (Bonaparte) Passerculus gthinus Bonaparte, 1853, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris,"37, p. 920 — Kodiak Island, Alaska. Northern Alaska east through Northwest Territories and southward through Alaska, except western peninsular Alaska, the Aleutians, and coastal and insular southeastern region, to central British Columbia, southeastern Yukon, southern Mackenzie, northeastern Saskatchewan, and south- eastern Keewantin. Winters from southwestern British Columbia, southern Nevada, southwestern Utah, central Arizona, central New Mexico, and central Texas south to Baja California, Guerrero, México, and Tamaulipas. Ammodramus sandwichensis sandwichensis (Gmelin) Emberiza sandwichensis Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, p. 875 — Unalaska, Alaska. Eastern Aleutians west to Amukta Island, and on western Alaskan Peninsula; winters along coast from southern British Columbia south to central California and in the Great Valley of California. Ammodramus sandwichensis crassus (Peters and Griscom) Passerculus sandwichensis crassus Peters and Griscom, 1938, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 80, p. 459 — Sitka, Alaska. Southeastern Alaska on Alexander Archipelago and ad- jacent mainland; winters along coast to central California and rarely to Baja California, Sonora, and Guerrero. Ammodramus sandwichensis alaudinus (Bonaparte) Passerculus alaudinus Bonaparte, 1853, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 37, p. 918 — California; probably San Francisco, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser:., 13, pt. 9, p. 490. Coastal northern and central California, from Humboldt County south to San Luis Obispo County. Ammodramus sandwichensis beldingi (Ridgway) Passerculus beldingi Ridgway, 1885, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 7(1884), p. 516 — San Diego, California. Coastal southern California, from Santa Barbara County southward, and northern Baja California, south to lat, 30° N. EMBERIZINAE To ~ Ammodramus sandwichensis anulus (Huey) Passerculus sandwichensis anulus Huey, 1930, Trans. Poy San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 6, p. 204-—Scammon La- |} . goon, lat. 27° 54’ N., long. 114° 18’ W., BajagCalifornia. West coast of central Baja California, in vicinity of Bahia Vizcaino. _._ Ammodramus sandwichensis sanctorum (Coues) Passerculus sanctorum Coues, 1884, Key North Amer. Birds, ed. 2, p. 364 — Isla San Benito, Baja California. Islas San Benito, Baja California. ~—Ammodramus sandwichensis guttatus (Lawrence) Passerculus guttatus Lawrence, 1867, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 8, p. 473 — San José [del Cabo], Baja California. Ammodramus halophilus McGregor, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 265 — Punta Abreojos, Baja California. West coast of central Baja California, in vicinity of Laguna San Ignacio; in winter to southern Baja California. Ammodramus sandwichensis magdalenae (van Rossem) Passerculus sandwichensis magdalenae van Rossem, 1947, Condor, 49, p. 102 — North Estero, Bahia Magdalenae, Baja California. West coast of southern Baja California, in vicinity of Bahia Magdalena; in winter to southernmost Baja Cali- fornia. =. Ammodramus sandwichensis rostratus (Cassin) Emberiza rostrata Cassin, 1852, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 6, p. 184 — seashore at San Diego, Cali- fornia. Mouth of Colorado river in Baja California and Sonora, south along coast of Sonora to about lat. 30° N.; winters north to central coastal California and southeastern Cali- fornia, south over Baja California, including islands, and through coastal Sonora and Sinaloa to about lat. 24° N. Ammodramus sandwichensis rufofuscus (Camras) Passerculus sandwichensis rufofuscus Camras, 1940, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 24, p. 159 — Babicora, Chihuahua, Mexico. Local in central Arizona and northern New Mexico south to central Chihuahua; winter records only from Jalisco. “> © ey ame 74 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Ammodramus sandwichensis atratus (van Rossem) Passerculus sandwichensis atratus van Rossem, 1930, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 6, p. 218 — Bahia Tobari [= Estero de Huivuilay], southern Sonora. Coastal central Sonora south to central Sinaloa; rare winterer in southern Baja California. Ammodramus sandwichensis brunnescens Butler Ammodramus sandwichensis brunnescens Butler, 1888, Auk, 5, p. 265 — Valley of Mexico, Mexico. Local in Durango, Coahuila, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Puebla, México, Distrito Federal, Morelos, Michoacan, Guerrero, and Oaxaca. Ammodramus sandwichensis wetmorei (van Rossem) Passerculus sandwichensis wetmorei van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 58, p. 129 — Hacienda Chancol, 10,000 ft., Guatemala. Extreme southwestern Guatemala. AMMODRAMUS MARITIMUS Ammodramus maritimus maritimus (Wilson) Fringilla maritima Wilson, 1811, Amer. Ornith., 4, p. 68, pl. 34, fig. 2—sea islands along our Atlantic coast; restricted to Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, by Ober- holser, 1931, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 44, p. 124. Salt marshes from Massachusetts to northernmost North Carolina; winters from Virginia to northeastern Florida, occasionally to Massachusetts. Ammodramus maritimus macgillivraii (Audubon) Fringilla macgillivraii Audubon, 1834, Ornith. Biogr., 2, p. 285 — Charleston, South Carolina. Thryospiza maritima waynei Oberholser, 1931, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 44, p. 125—Chatham County, Georgia. Salt marshes from northern North Carolina to southern- most Georgia. Ammodramus maritimus pelonota (Oberholser) Thryospiza maritima pelonota Oberholser, 1931, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 44, p. 126— New Smyrna, Florida. Salt marshes of northeastern Florida, from Georgia- Florida boundary south to New Smyrna. EMBERIZINAE 75 Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis (Howell) Thryospiza mirabilis Howell, 1919, Auk, 36, p. 86 — Cape Sable, Florida. Marshes of southwestern Florida, from vicinity of Ever- glades southeast to (formerly) Cape Sable. Ammodramus maritimus peninsulae Allen Ammodramus maritimus peninsulae Allen, 1888, Auk, 5, p. 284 — Tarpon Springs, Florida. Salt marshes of western Florida, from about Dixie County south to Old Tampa Bay. Ammodramus maritimus junicola (Griscom and Nichols) Passerherbulus maritimus junicola Griscom and Nichols, 1920, Abstr. Proc. Linn. Soc. New York, no. 32, p. 25 — East Goose Creek, Walkulla County, Florida. Marshes of northern Gulf Coast of Florida, from Es- cambie County east to Taylor County. Ammodramus maritimus fisheri Chapman Ammodramus maritimus fisheri Chapman, 1899, Auk, 16, p. 10 — Grande Isle, Louisiana. Passerherbulus maritimus howelli Griscom and Nichols, 1920, Abstr. Proc. Linn. Soc. New York, no. 32, p. 22 — Dauphine Island, Alabama. Marshes of Gulf Coast from San Antonio Bay, Refugio County, Texas east through Alabama; winters southwest to Nueces County, Texas. ~ Ammodramus maritimus sennetti Allen Ammodramus maritimus sennetti Allen, 1888, Auk, 5, p. 286 — Corpus Christi, Texas. Marshes of Gulf Coast of southern Texas from Aransas County southwest to Nueces Bay; winters southwest to mouth of Rio Grande. AMMODRAMUS CAUDACUTUS Ammodramus caudacutus nelsoni Allen Ammodromus (sic) caudacutus nelsoni J. A. Allen, 1875, Proce. boston poc. Nat. Hist., 17, p. 293 — Calumet Marshes, Ainsworth [= South Chicago], Illinois. Freshwater marshes from northeastern British Columbia and southern Mackenzie east through Alberta, central and southern Saskatchewan, central Manitoba, northern, west- ern and southeastern North Dakota, northeastern South 76 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Dakota to northwestern Minnesota; (?) formerly to IIli- nois; winters on Gulf Coast from Texas to Florida and on Atlantic coast from South Carolina to Florida; on migration ranges north to Maine. Ammodramus caudacutus alterus (Todd) Ammospiza caudacuta altera Todd, 19388, Auk, 55, p. 117 — Eastmain, James Bay, Quebec. Marshes bordering southern James Bay in northern On- tario and western Quebec; winters on Atlantic coast from South Carolina to northern Florida and casually north to New York and west to Louisiana. Ammodramus caudacutus subvirgatus Dwight Ammodramus caudacutus subvirgatus Dwight, 1887, Auk, 4, p. 233 — Hillsborough, Albert County, New Bruns- wick. Salt marshes from southern side of St. Lawrence River in southern Quebec east to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and south to eastern Maine; inter- grading with caudacutus in Sagadahoc County; winters from South Carolina to northern Florida and casually north to New York. ~~ Ammodramus caudacutus caudacutus (Gmelin) Oriolus caudacutus Gmelin, 1788, Syst. Nat., 1(1), p. 894 — New York. Southern Maine (Cumberland County) southward along coast to southern New Jersey, where intergrades with d- versus; winters from New Jersey to northern and west- ern Florida, casually north to Massachusetts and south to southern Florida. “\. Ammodramus caudacutus diversus Bishop Ammodramus caudacutus diversus Bishop, 1901, Auk, 18, aol p. 269 — Wanchese, Roanoke Island, North Carolina. Coastal southern New Jersey south to North Carolina; winters from South Carolina to northeastern and Gulf coasts of Florida, casually west to Louisiana and north to New York. AMMODRAMUS LECONTEII Ammodramus leconteii (Audubon) Fringilla caudacuta Latham, 1790, Index Ornith., 1, p. 459 — interior of Georgia. Preoccupied by Oriolus caudacutus Gmelin, 1788. EMBERIZINAE TL Emberiza le conteti Audubon, 1848, Birds Amer., 7, p. 338, pl. 488 — prairies of upper Missouri River. Mackenzie, central Saskatchewan, central Manitoba, and northern Ontario south to North Dakota, southern Minne- sota, and northern Michigan; winters from central Kansas, northwestern Arkansas, southern Georgia, and coastal South Carolina south to Gulf coast of Texas east to western Florida and southeastern Georgia. AMMODRAMUS BAIRDII Ammodramus bairdii (Audubon) Emberiza bairdii Audubon, 1844, Birds Amer., 7, p. 359, pl. 500 — wet portions of prairies of upper Missouri [= Fort Union, North Dakota, vide Stone, 1899, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 51, p. 18]. Northern Great Plains from southern Alberta east to southern Manitoba and south to Montana, central South Dakota, and western Minnesota; winters from southeastern Arizona, southern New Mexico, and southern Texas south to Sonora, Durango, and Coahuila. AMMODRAMUS BAILEYI Ammodramus baileyi (Bangs) _Xenospiza baileyi Bangs, 1931, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 12, p. 87 — Bolafios, Jalisco, Mexico. Xenospiza baileyi sierrae Pitelka, 1947, Condor, 49, p. 199 — La Cima, 3,000 m., México, Distrito Federal, Mexico. Highlands of Durango, Jalisco, Morelos, and Distrito Fed- eral, Mexico. AMMODRAMUS HENSLOWII Ammodramus henslowii susurrans (Brewster) Passerherbulus henslowii susurrans Brewster, 1918, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 6, p. 78 — Falls Church, Fair- fax County, Virginia. Central New York east to southern New Hampshire and south along coastal plain to extreme eastern West Virginia and eastern North Carolina; winters along coastal plain from South Carolina to central Florida. ~—— Ammodramus henslowii henslowii (Audubon) Emberiza henslowii Audubon, 1829, Birds Amer. (folio), 1, pl. 70; 1831, Ornith. Biogr., 1, p. 360 — opposite Cincinnati, in state of Kentucky. 78 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Eastern South Dakota eastward through central Wis- consin and southern Ontario, to central New York and south to central Kansas, northeastern Texas, central Mis- souri, northern Kentucky, and central West Virginia; winters in central Texas, Louisiana, southern Mississippi, northern Florida, southeastern Georgia, and South Carolina. AMMODRAMUS SAVANNARUM Ammodramus savannarum pratensis (Vieillot) Passerina pratensis Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 25, p. 24 — New York. East of Great Plains from Wisconsin eastward through Michigan, southern Ontario and southern Quebec to Maine south to eastern Oklahoma, northeastern Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, central Georgia, central South Carolina, central North Carolina, and southeastern Virginia. Winters from somewhat north of southern limits of breeding range through southeastern United States and the Bahamas, and in small numbers southward through Cuba, eastern and southern Mexico, British Honduras, and Guatemala. Ammodramus savannarum floridanus (Mearns) Coturniculus savannarum floridanus Mearns, 1902, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 24, p. 915 — Kissimmee Prairie, 7 miles east Alligator Bluff, Osceola County, Florida. Central peninsular Florida. Ammodramus savannarum perpallidus (Coues) [Coturniculus passerinus|] var. perpallidus Coues (ex Ridgway MS), 1872, Key North Amer. Birds, p. 187 — dry western regions [= Antelope Island, Great Salt Lake, Utah, fide Deignan, 1961, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 221, p. 640]. Northwestern California and southeastern British Colum- bia east through southern Saskatchewan to western Ontario south to southwestern California, central Nevada, northern Utah, central Colorado, western Oklahoma, and central Texas. Winters from central California, southern Arizona, central Oklahoma, and Gulf Coast through Mexico and Guatemala to El Salvador. Ammodramus savannarum ammolegus Oberholser Ammodramus savannarum ammolegus Oberholser, 1942, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 55, p. 15 —6 miles south- EMBERIZINAE 19 east Fort Huachuca, 5,000 ft., Huachuca Mountains, Arizona. Southern Arizona and northern Sonora; winters in breed- ing range and also in Sinaloa, Colima, Morelos, and Guate- mala. — Ammodramus savannarum bimaculatus Swainson Ammodramus bimaculatus Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1, p. 485 — Temiscaltipec [= Temascaltepec], México, Mexico. México, Veracruz, (?) Zacatecas, Oaxaca, and Chiapas, Mexico; interior highlands of Honduras and northwestern Nicaragua; northwestern Costa Rica; Pacific slope of west- ern Panama. Ammodramus savannarum cracens (Bangs and Peck) Coturniculus savannarum cracens Bangs and Peck, 1908, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 21, p. 45—Ycacos La- goon, British Honduras. Northern (Petén) and eastern (Izabal) Guatemala, Brit- ish Honduras, eastern Honduras, and northeastern Nica- ragua. ~~ Ammodramus savannarum caucae Chapman Ammodramus savannarum caucae Chapman, 1912, Bull. amer, wus. Nat. Hist., 3st, p. 161 — Cali, Cauca, Colombia. Upper Cauca Valley, Colombia, and (?) northern Ec- uador. Ammodramus savannarum savannarum (Gmelin) Fringilla savannarum Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 921 — Jamaica. Jamaica. Ammodramus savannarum intricatus Hartert Ammodramus savannarum intricatus Hartert, 1907, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 19, p. 73— El Valle, Dominican Republic. Hispaniola. ~Ammodramus savannarum borinquensis Peters Ammodramus savannarum borinquensis Peters, 1917, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 30, p. 95 — Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico. 80 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Ammodramus savannarum caribaeus (Hartert) Coturniculus savannarum caribaeus Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 298 — Bonaire Island, Dutch West Indies. Bonaire and Curacao Islands, Dutch West Indies. AMMODRAMUS HUMERALIS Ammodramus humeralis humeralis (Bosc) Tanagra humeralis Bose, 1792 Journ. Hist. Nat. (Choix de Mémoires), 2, no. 17, p. 179, pl. 34, fig. 4 — Cayenne. Myospiza manimbe columbiana Chapman, 1912, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 31, p. 162—Calh, Gauea; Colombia. Myospiza humeralis meridanus (sic) Todd, 1917, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 30, p. 127— Guarico, Lara, Venezuela. Lowlands of Colombia in Cauca and Magdalena Valleys, from Cauca and Huila northward, along Eastern Andes and Eastern Llanos, and in Santa Marta area, exclusive of Guajira Peninsula; lowlands of Venezuela; the Guianas; northern, central and eastern Brazil west to Rio Branco, eastern Amazonas (Rio Madeira) and Mato Grosso, and south to Parana. Ammodramus humeralis pallidulus (Wetmore) Myospiza humeralis pallidula Wetmore, 1949, Proc. Biol. Soe. Washington, 62, p. 161 — Maicao, Guajira, Co- lombia. Guajira Peninsula of Colombia and Venezuela. Ammodramus humeralis xanthornus Darwin Ammodramus xanthornus Darwin (ex Gould MS), 1889, Zool. Beagle, 3, Birds, p. 90, pl. 80— Maldonado, Uruguay. Beni, eastern Bolivia; Paraguay; Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, extreme southern Brazil; Uruguay; Argen- tina, south to Rio Negro. Ammodramus humeralis tarijensis (Bond and de Schauen- see) Myospiza humeralis tarijensis Bond and de Schauensee, 1939, Notulae Naturae [Philadelphia], no. 12, p. 5— Entre Rios, 4,600 ft., Tarija, Bolivia. Santa Cruz and Tarija, eastern Bolivia. EMBERIZINAE 81 AMMODRAMUS AURIFRONS Ammodramus aurifrons apurensis (Phelps and Gilliard) Myospiza aurifrons apurensis Phelps and Gilliard, 1941, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1153, p. 17 — Santo Domingo, 300 m., Tachira, Venezuela. Norte de Santander, Boyaca, and Arauca, northeastern Colombia, and Tachira, Barinas, and Apure, western Ven- ezuela. ~ Ammodramus aurifrons cherriei (Chapman) _ Myospiza cherriei Chapman, 1914, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Op 0% Hist., 33, p. 183 — Villavicencio, 1,600 ft., llanos at eastern base of Eastern Andes, Colombia. Llanos of Meta, eastern Colombia. Ammodramus aurifrons tenebrosus (Zimmer and Phelps) Myospiza aurifrons tenebrosa Zimmer and Phelps, 1949, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 13895, p. 8—San Carlos, 180 m., Amazonas, Venezuela. Southwestern Amazonas, Venezuela and eastern Vaupés, Colombia, and probably contiguous areas of Brazil. _Ammodramus aurifrons aurifrons (Spix) Tanagra aurifrons Spix, 1825, Av. spec. Nov. Brasil., 2, p. 38, pl. 50, fig. 2— “in provincia Bahia’; corrected to Fonte Boa, Rio Solimoes, Brazil, by Hellmayr, 1910, Novit. Zool., 17, p. 281. Southeastern Colombia south through lowlands of eastern Ecuador and of eastern Peru to central Bolivia and east in Amazon basin through Amazonas to eastern Para, Brazil. GENUS SPIZELLA BONAPARTE Spizella Bonaparte, 1831, Giorn. Arcad. Sci. Lett. Arti [Rome], 52, p. 205. Type, by original designation, Fringilla pusilla Wilson. SPIZELLA ARBOREA ~~. Spizella arborea arborea (Wilson) Fringilla arborea Wilson, 1810, Amer. Ornith., 2, p. 123, pl. 16, fig. 3 — Pennsylvania. Central and eastern Mackenzie, western Keewatin, north- ern Quebec and Labrador south to northern Saskatchewan, northern Manitoba, northern Ontario, and central Quebec; 82 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD winters from Minnesota, Wisconsin, northern Michigan, central Ontario, southwestern Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia south to Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia. Spizella arborea ochracae Brewster Spizella monticola ochracea Brewster, 1882, Bull. Nuttall Ornith. Club, 7, p. 228— Fort Walla Walla, Wash- ington. Northern Alaska, northern Yukon, and northwestern Mackenzie south to southwestern Alaska, northwestern British Columbia, southeastern Yukon, and central-western Mackenzie; winters from southern British Columbia, south- western Saskatchewan, South Dakota, and northern Iowa south to northeastern California, western Nevada, northern Arizona, central New Mexico, and central Texas. SPIZELLA PASSERINA Spizella passerina passerina (Bechstein) Fringilla passerina Bechstein (ex Borkhousen MS), 1798, in Latham, Allgem. Uebers. Vog., 3, p. 544, pl. 120, fig. 1 — Canada; restricted to Quebec City, Quebec, by Oberholser, 1955, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 45, p60. Northern Minnesota, northern Michigan, central Ontario, southern Quebec, and southwestern Newfoundland south to southern Oklahoma, southeastern Texas, central Louisiana, southern Mississippi, northwestern Florida, central Georgia, and southeastern South Carolina. Winters from Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia, and Maryland south to northeastern Mexico (rare) in Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas, along Gulf Coast, and to southern Florida. Spizella passerina arizonae Coues Spizella socialis arizonae Coues, 1872, Key N. Amer. Birds, p. 148 — Arizona; type from Fort Wipple, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., tly. 55s. Spizella passerina boreophila Oberholser, 1955, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 45, p. 59— Fort Simpson, Mackenzie, Canada. Eastern Alaska, western Yukon, central Mackenzie, northern Saskatchewan, northern Manitoba, and western EMBERIZINAE 83 Ontario south to northern Baja California, northwestern Sonora, northwestern Chihuahua, and western and central Texas. Winters from central California, southern Nevada, central Arizona, central New Mexico, and central Texas south to Baja California and highlands of Mexico to Oaxaca. Spizella passerina atremaeus Moore Spizella passerina atremaeus Moore, 1937, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 50, p. 203 — Los Frailes, near Durango- Chihuahua boundary, 10 mi. east of Sinaloa line bound- ary, Chihuahua, Mexico. 2Spizella passerina comparanda Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 155 — 5 km. southeast La Galinda [=389 km. southeast Tepic], Nayarit. [Specimens not examined. | Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico from southern Chi- huahua, to southern Durango and east, in pine-oak belt, to central Nuevo Leon and south to Aguacalientes and north- eastern Jalisco. Spizella passerina mexicana Nelson Spizella socialis mexicana Nelson, 1899, Auk, 16, p. 30 — San Cristobal, Chiapas, Mexico. ?Spizella passerina repetens Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 154 — Rio Molino, southern Oaxaca. [Specimens not examined. ] Highlands of central and southern Mexico from Nayarit, north-central Jalisco, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, Hidalgo, and eastern Veracruz south to Chiapas, and in northwestern Guatemala. Spizella passerina pinetorum Salvin Spizella pinetorum Salvin, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 189 — Petén, Guatemala; type from pine ridge of Poctun, Petén, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 11, p. 559. Pine forests of eastern Petén, Guatemala, and of British Honduras, Honduras, and northeastern Nicaragua. ?Spizella passerina cicada Dickey and van Rossem Spizella passerina cicada Dickey and van Rossem, 1928, Condor, 30, p. 359— San José del Sacare, 3,600 ft., Chalatenango, El Salvador. Pine forests of northernmost El Salvador. 84 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD SPIZELLA PUSILLA Spizella pusilla pusilla (Wilson) Fringilla pusilla Wilson, 1810, Amer. Ornith., 2, p. 121, pl. 16, fig. 2 — Pennsylvania; type from Philadelphia, fide Amer. Ornith. Union, 1931, Check-list North Amer. Birds, ed. 4, p. 349. Central Minnesota, central Michigan, southern Ontario, southern Quebec, and southern Maine south to eastern Texas, southeastern Louisiana, southern Mississippi, south- eastern Alabama, and southwestern Georgia, casual in northern Florida. Winters from eastern Kansas, central Missouri, central Ohio, northern West Virginia, Maryland, and southern Massachusetts south to southern Texas, the Gulf Coast, and central Florida. Spizella pusilla arenacea Chadbourne Spizella pusilla arenacea Chadbourne, 1886, Auk, 3, p. 248 — Laredo, Texas. Southeastern Montana and North Dakota south through the Great Plains to northeastern Colorado, western Okla- homa, and central Texas; winters from Kansas, central Oklahoma, northern Arkansas and northwestern Missis- sippi south to northeastern Mexico, in northern Coahuila, central Nuevo Leon, and northern Tamaulipas, and Gulf Coast. Spizella pusilla wortheni Ridgway Spizella wortheni Ridgway, 1884, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 7, p. 259 — Silver City, New Mexico. Southern New Mexico (now absent?), Coahuila, south- western Tamaulipas, Puebla, and Veracruz; only breeding record from Tamaulipas. ?Spizella pusilla browni Webster and Orr Spizella wortheni browni Webster and Orr, 1954, Condor, 56, p. 159 —Cerro Gordo, 8,000 ft., 9.5 mi. northwest Sombrerete, Zacatecas, Mexico. Western Zacatecas, Mexico. SPIZELLA ATROGULARIS Spizella atrogularis evura Coues Spizella evura Coues, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila- delphia, p. 87 — Fort Wipple, Arizona. EMBERIZINAE 85 Southeastern California, southern Nevada, southwestern Utah, central and southeastern Arizona, southern New Mexico, northeastern Sonora, and western Texas; winters in southeastern Arizona, northern Sonora, and western Texas; winter range poorly known. Spizella atrogularis caurina Miller* Spizella atrogularis caurina Miller, 1929, Condor, 31, p. 206 — Las Trampas Peak, 1,700 ft., Contra Costa County, California. Coast ranges of central California from Contra Costa County south to San Benito County; winter range not known (one record from Santa Cruz Island). . Spizella atrogularis cana Coues Spizella cana Coues (ex Baird MS), 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 88 — Cape San Lucas, Baja California. Inner coastal mountains, from Monterey County south- ward, and on west slopes of southern Sierra Nevada, central and southwestern California and in northern Baja Cali- fornia; winters from southwestern California to southern Baja California. Spizella atrogularis atrogularis (Cabanis) Spinites atrogularis Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 1383 — Mexico. Central plateau of Mexico from Durango, southern Coa- huila, and western Neuvo Leon south to central! Oaxaca. SPIZELLA PALLIDA Spizella pallida (Swainson) Emberiza pallida Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Faun. Bor-Amer., 2(1831), p. 251 — Carlton House, Saskatchewan. Northeastern British Columbia, southern Mackenzie, cen- tral Saskatchewan, central Manitoba, western Ontario, and northern Michigan south in Great Plains to southern Colo- rado, southern Nebraska, northern Iowa, southern Wiscon- sin, central Michigan, and southern Ontario; winters from southern Baja California, northern Sonora, Coahuila, and southern Texas south in Mexican highlands to Chiapas. 1 Weakly differentiated from S. a. cana —R.A.P., Jr. 86 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD SPIZELLA BREWERI Spizella breweri taverneri Swarth and Brooks Spizella tavernert Swarth and Brooks, 1925, Condor, 27, p. 67 — Spruce Mountain, 5,000 ft., 10 mi. east Atlin, British Columbia. Southwestern Yukon and northwestern British Columbia to central western Alberta and southwestern British Colum- bia and southwestern Alberta; winter range uncertain; re- cords from Arizona, New Mexico and western Texas. Spizella breweri breweri Cassin Spizella breweri Cassin, 1856, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 8, p. 40 — western North America, Cali- fornia, and New Mexico; type from Black Hills, North Dakota, fide Stone, 1899, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, p. 30. British Columbia, southern Alberta, southwestern Saskat- chewan, eastern Montana, and southwestern North Dakota south to eastern and southern California, southern Nevada, central Arizona, and northwestern New Mexico. Winters from southern edge of breeding range and central Texas south through northwestern Mexico, including Baja Cali- fornia, to Jalisco, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, and Nuevo Leon. GENUS POOECETES BAIRD Pooecetes Baird, 1858, in Baird, Cassin, and Lawrence, Rept. Expl. Surv. R.R. Pacific, 9, pp. xx, seas iien pp. 489, 447 “Poocaetes’” |]. Type, by monotypy, Frin- gilla graminea Gmelin. POOECETES GRAMINEUS Pooecetes gramineus gramineus (Gmelin) Fringilla graminea Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 922; based on “Grass Finch” of Pennant, 1785, Arctic Zool., 2, p. 875 and of Latham, 1788, Gen. Synop. Birds, 2(1), p. 273 — New York. Northern Minnesota east through northeastern Ontario and southern Quebec to Prince Edward Island and northern Nova Scotia south to central Missouri, southern Illinois, cen- tral Kentucky, northeastern Tennessee and central North Carolina to southern Virginia. Winters from southern EMBERIZINAE 87 breeding range west to central Texas and south to Gulf coast; casually to Tamaulipas and Yucatan, Mexico, and to Bermuda. Pooecetes gramineus confinis Baird Poocaetes gramineus confinis Baird, 1858, in Baird, Cassin and Lawrence, Rept. Expl. Surv. R.R. Pacific, 9, p. 448 — western United States; restriction to Loup Fork of the Platte River, Nebraska, generally accepted, fide Deignan, 1961, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 221, p. 648. ?Pooecetes gramineus altus Phillips [= Marshall, fide Parkes, 1966, Auk, 83, p. 485], 1964, in Phillips, Marshall, and Monson, Birds Arizona, p. 94 (caption to map), p. 105 (text) —northern Arizona. Formal description by Phillips, 1965, Rev. Soc. Mexicana Hist. Nat., 25 (1964), p. 239, giving type locality as Kendrick Park, San Francisco Mountains, Arizona. Central British Columbia east through southwestern Mackenzie, central Saskatchewan, and southern Manitoba to western Ontario and south to central eastern California, central Nevada, central Arizona, central New Mexico, east- ern Colorado, and western Nebraska. Winters from southern edge of breeding range in California, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico, and from southern Texas south through highlands and deserts of Mexico to Oaxaca. Pooecetes gramineus affinis Miller Poocaetes gramineus affinis G. S. Miller, 1888, Auk, 5, p. 404 — Salem, Oregon. Western Washington and western Oregon; winters from central California, west of Sierra Nevada, to northwestern Baja California. GENUS CHONDESTES SwWaAINSON Chondestes Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1, p. 435. Type, by monotypy, Chondestes strigatus Swainson. CHONDESTES GRAMMACUS Chondestes grammacus grammacus (Say) Fringilla grammaca Say, 1823, in Long, Exped. Rocky Mountains (Philadelphia ed.), 1, p. 139 — Bellefon- taine, 4 miles from mouth of Missouri River, Missouri. 88 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Minnesota, central Wisconsin, southern Ontario, western New York, and central Pennsylvania south to northeastern Texas, Louisiana, central Alabama, and western North Carolina; winters from central Texas, southern Louisiana, and central Florida south through central Mexico to Guerrero and Oaxaca, casually to Yucatan and Cuba. Chondestes grammacus strigatus Swainson Chondestes strigatus Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1, p. 435— Temiscaltepec [= Temascaltepec], México, Mexico. Chondestes grammacus actitis Oberholser, 1932, Sci. Publ. Cleveland Mus. Nat. Hist., 4, p. 12 — mouth of Twenty Mile Creek, 9 miles south of Adel, Warner Valley, Oregon. Southern interior British Columbia and western Oregon east through southeastern Alberta and southern Saskat- chewan to southern Manitoba, south to southern California, central Nevada, southern Arizona, northern Sonora, Durango, Zacatecas, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas. Winters from southern edge of breeding range, and in southern Louisiana, south through Mexico (except Yucatan Peninsula and adjacent lowlands), rarely to highlands of Guatemala and El Salvador. GENUS AMPHISPIZA Cougs?! Amphispiza Coues, 1874, Birds Northwest (Misc. Publ. U. S. Geol. Surveys Territories), p. 234. Type, by original designation, EH mberiza bilineata Cassin. AMPHISPIZA BILINEATA Amphispiza bilineata bilineata (Cassin) Emberiza bilineata Cassin, 1850, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 5, p. 1038, pl. 3 — Texas, on Rio Grande. 1 Phillips (in Phillips, Marshall, and Monson, 1964, Birds Arizona, pp. 201-202) has merged this genus with Aimophila. Although Aimo- phila quinquestriata is quite similarly patterned to Amphispiza bi- lineata, and might be a link between the genera, both species of Amphispiza have notably soft-textured plumages, unlike that of any species currently placed in Aimophila. Furthermore, because Azmo- phila may not be a natural assemblage, it would appear prudent to maintain the status quo until Aimophila has been more thoroughly studied. —R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 89 Northern central Texas south to eastern Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and lower elevations of Tamaulipas. Amphispiza bilineata opuntia Burleigh and Lowery Amphispiza bilineata opuntia Burleigh and Lowery, 1939, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool., Louisiana State Univ., no 6, p. 68— Guadalupe Mountains, Culberson County, Texas. Southeastern Colorado and northwestern Oklahoma through eastern New Mexico and western Texas to north- western Coahuila; winters in southern part of breeding range. ~—— Amphispiza bilineata deserticola Ridgway Amphispiza bilineata deserticola Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 229 — Tucson, Arizona. Northeastern California, northern Nevada, northern Utah, southwestern Wyoming, and western Colorado south through deserts of Great Basin to about lat. 27° N. in Baja California, including Islas Cedros, Natividad, and Angel de la Guarda (but absent north of lat. 32° N. on west coast), to northwestern Chihuahua; winters in southern third of breeding range and southward in Sonora to central part of state. _ ~ Amphispiza bilineata bangsi Grinnell Amphispiza bilineata bangsi Grinnell, 1927, Auk, 44, p. 71 — La Paz, Baja California, Mexico. Amphispiza bilineata carmenae van Rossem, 1945, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 10, p. 243 — Isla Carmen, Bahia Salinas, Gulf of California, Baja California, Mexico. Amphispiza bilineata sanctissima van Rossem, 1945, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 10, p. 244 — Isla Espiritu Santo, Gulf of California, Baja California, Mexico. Cape district of Baja California, from about lat. 26° N. southward, and on nearby islands, except Islas Tortuga and (?) Cerralvo. Amphispiza bilineata tortugae van Rossem Amphispiza bilineata tortugae van Rossem, 1930, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 6, p. 222 —JIsla Tortuga, Gulf of California, Baja California, Mexico. Isla Tortuga, Gulf of California, Baja California. 90 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD ?Amphispiza bilineata belvederei Banks Amphispiza bilineata belvederei Banks, 1963, Occ. Papers California Acad. Sci., no. 37, p. 3—east side of Isla Cerralvo, Gulf of California, Baja California, Mexico. [Specimens not examined. ] Isla Cerralvo, Gulf of California, Baja California. Amphispiza bilineata pacifica Nelson Amphispiza bilineata pacifica Nelson, 1900, Auk, 17, p. 267 — Alamos, Sonora, Mexico. Southern Sonora, including Islas Tibur6n and San Pedro Nolasco, and northern Sinaloa. Amphispiza bilineata cana van Rossem Amphispiza bilineata cana van Rossem, 1930, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 6, p. 223 —Isla San Esteban, Gulf of California, Sonora, Mexico. Isla San Esteban, Gulf of California, Sonora. Amphispiza bilineata grisea Nelson Amphispiza bilineata grisea Nelson, 1898, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12, p. 61 — Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico. Amphispiza bilineata confinis van Rossem, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 77, p. 487 — Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico. Central Chihuahua, southern Coahuila, San Luis Potosi, and southwestern Tamaulipas south to northern Jalisco, Guanajuato, Querétaro, and Hidalgo. AMPHISPIZA BELLI _ Amphispiza belli nevadensis (Ridgway) Poospiza belli nevadensis Ridgway, 1873, Bull. Essex Inst., 5, p. 191 — entire area of Middle Provinces of the U. S., east to Green River, Wyoming; northward resi- dent to beyond the parallel of 40°; type from West Humboldt Mountains, Nevada, vide Ridgway, loc. cit., p. 198. Amphispiza nevadensis campicola Oberholser, 1946, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 36, p. 388—6 miles south Hamer, Jefferson County, Idaho. Great Basin from eastern Washington south to central eastern California, southeastern Nevada, northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. Winters from central California, central Nevada, southwestern Utah, EMBERIZINAE On northern Arizona, and central New Mexico south to north- ern Baja California, northern Sonora, northern Chihuahua, and western Texas. Amphispiza belli canescens Grinnell Amphispiza belli canescens Grinnell, 1905, Condor, 7, p. 18 — Seymour Creek Meadow, Mount Pinos, Ventura County, California. Interior south-central California in southern San Joaquin Valley, Inyo region, and on southern and western edges of Mojave Desert, and in adjacent western Nevada; winters at lower elevations in breeding area and west to south- western California, east to southern Nevada and western Arizona, and south to northeastern Baja California. Amphispiza belli belli (Cassin) Emberiza belli Cassin, 1850, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, 5, p. 104, pl. 4 — near Sonoma, California. Amphispiza belli xerophilus Huey, 1930, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 6, p. 229—Santa Catarina Landing, Baja California, Mexico. California on western slopes of cental Sierra Nevada, from Eldorado County south to Mariposa County, and in coastal ranges from Trinity and Shasta Counties south- ward (on coast from Marin County), and in northwestern Baja California south to lat. 29° 30’ N., where intergrades with cinerea. Amphispiza belli clementeae Ridgway Amphispiza belli clementeae Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 230 — San Clemente Island, California. San Clemente Island, southwestern California. Amphispiza belli cinerea Townsend Amphispiza belli cinerea Townsend, 1890, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 13, p. 186 — Bahia de Ballenas, Baja California, Mexico. Central Baja California from about lat. 29° N. to lat. 26" Ni. GENUS AIMOPHILA SWAINSON! Aimophila Swainson, 1837, Class. Birds, 2, p. 287. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List 1 A poorly known genus whose species require much more field study before their taxonomy may be unraveled. — R.A.P., Jr. 92 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Genera Birds, ed. 1, p. 46), Aimophila rufescens (Swainson) = Pipilo rufescens Swainson. Rhynchospiza Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 224. Type, by original designation, Haemophila stolzmanni Tacza- nowski. cf. Storer, 1955, Condor, 57, pp. 193-201 (survey of genus). Webster, 1959, Condor, 61, pp. 136-146 (revision of A. botterit). Anderson, 1965, Condor, 67, pp. 188-190 (behavior of A. carpalis). Navas, 1965, Hornero, 10, pp. 215-224 (A. strigiceps). Paynter, 1967, Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, no. 278, 6 pp. (A. stolzmannt). Dickerman and Phillips, 1967, Condor, 69, pp. 596-600 (A. botterit). AIMOPHILA MYSTACALIS Aimophila mystacalis (Hartlaub) Zonotrichia mystacalis Hartlaub, 1852, Rev. Mag. Zool [Paris], ser. 2, 4, p. 2— Rio Frio, between Puebla and Ciudad México, Mexico. Southern edge of Central Plateau of Mexico in eastern México, southern Puebla, central western Veracruz, and northern Oaxaca. AIMOPHILA HUMERALIS Aimophila humeralis (Cabanis) Haemophila humeralis Cabanis (ex Lichtenstein MS), 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 132 — Mexico; restricted to Tehotepec, Puebla, by Miller, Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore, 1957, Pacific Coast Avifauna (Cooper Ornith. Soc), N0..3o;. ps0 t. Aimophila humeralis asticta Griscom, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75, p. 417 — Colima, Colima, Mexico. Moderate elevations in central western Mexico, in south- ern Jalisco, Colima, Michoacan, Morelos, southern Puebla, and Guerrero. AIMOPHILA RUFICAUDA -Aimophila ruficauda acuminata (Salvin and Godman) Haemophila acuminata Salvin and Godman (ex Lichten- stein MS), 1886, Biol Centr.-Amer., Aves, 1, p. 397 EMBERIZINAE 93 — Yuantepec [= Yautepec], plains of Colima, Acapulco, and between Puebla and Chiatla, Mexico; type from Yautepec, fide Miller, Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore, 1957, Pacific Coast Avifauna (Cooper Ornith. Soc), no. bo; Diol lL. Aimophila acuminata nayaritensis van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 53, p. 128 — Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico. Aimophila acuminata guerrerensis van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 53, p. 128 — Acaguazotla, Guerrero, Mexico. Pacific slope of Mexico from southern Durango south to southeastern Guerrero and east to Morelos and southern Puebla. ‘as Aimophila ruficauda lawrencii (Salvin and Godman) Haemophila lawrencii Salvin and Godman, 1886, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, 1, p. 397 — Juchitan, near Tehuan- tepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Southern side of Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Oaxaca and western Chiapas, Mexico. Aimophila ruficauda connectens Griscom Aimophila ruficauda connectens Griscom, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 488, p. 9— El Progreso, Jalapa, Guatemala. Arid Valley of the Rio Motagua, eastern Guatemala. Aimophila ruficauda ruficauda (Bonaparte) Chondestes ruficauda Bonaparte, 1853, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 37, p. 918 — Nicaragua. Arid Pacific slope from southeastern Guatemala through El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua to northwestern Costa Rica. AIMOPHILA SUMICHRASTI Aimophila sumichrasti (Lawrence) Haemophila sumichrasti Lawrence, 1871, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 10, p. 6—Tuchitan [=Juchitan], Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Arid southern side of Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. 94 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD AIMOPHILA STOLZMANNI Aimophila stolzmanni (Taczanowski) Haemophila stolzmanni Taczanowski, 1877, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 322 — Tumbes, Peru. Arid western slopes of Andes from Casanga Valley, Loja, southwestern Ecuador, and Tumbes, northernmost Peru south to Cajamarca, northern Peru. AIMOPHILA STRIGICEPS Aimophila strigiceps strigiceps (Gould) Zonotrichia strigiceps Gould, 1839, in Darwin, Zool. Beagle, pt. 3 (1841), p. 92 — Santa Fe, Argentina. Cordoba, Santa Fe, Entre Rios, Chaco, and Santiago del Estero, eastern Argentina. Aimophila strigiceps dabbenei (Hellmayr) Zonotrichia strigiceps dabbenei Hellmayr, 1912, Verh. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 11, p. 190 — Tapia, Tucuman, Argentina. Jujuy, Salta, and Tucuman, northwestern Argentina. AIMOPHILA AESTIVALIS Aimophila aestivalis bachmani (Audubon) Fringilla bachmani Audubon, 1833, Birds Amer. (folio), 2, pl. 165; 1834, Ornith. Biogr., 2, p. 366 —near Charleston, South Carolina. Northern Kentucky, northern Ohio, southwestern Penn- sylvania, and central Maryland south to southern Missis- Sippi, southern Alabama, and southern Georgia; winters from Mississippi, central Alabama, northern Georgia, and central North Carolina south to Gulf Coast and central Florida. Aimophila aestivalis illinoensis (Ridgway) ! Peucaea illinoensis Ridgway, 1879, Bull. Nuttall Ornith. Club, 4, p. 219 — no type locality; Mt. Carmel, Wabash County, Illinois, generally accepted but apparently never specifically designated. Central Indiana, northeastern Illinois, southeastern Missouri, southeastern Oklahoma, and central Texas south 1 Doubtfully distinct from bachmani. Ranges from Amer. Ornith. Union, 1957, Check-list North. Amer. Birds, ed. 5, p. 602. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 95 to southern Louisiana and northern limits of bachmani; winters from northeastern Texas and western Mississippi south to southeastern Texas and along Gulf Coast to Missis- sippi. Aimophila aestivalis aestivalis (Lichtenstein) Fringilla aestivalis Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl. zool. Mus. Berlin, p. 25 — Georgia. Eastern South Carolina and eastern Georgia south to Collier County, southern Florida; winters in Florida and southernmost Georgia. AIMOPHILA BOTTERIL[ Aimophila botterii arizonae (Ridgway) Peucaea aestivalis arizonae Ridgway, 1873, Amer. Nat., 7, p. 615 — Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. Southeastern Arizona south in Mexico to southern Sonora and northern Durango; not yet recorded in Chihuahua; winter records from Morelos. Aimophila botterii texana Phillips Aimophila botterii texana Phillips, 1948, Auk, 60, p. 242 — Brownsville, Texas. Southernmost Texas and eastern Tamaulipas, Mexico; winter range unknown. Aimophila botterii mexicana (Lawrence) Coturniculus mexicanus Lawrence, 1867, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 8, p. 474—mountains of Colima, Mexico. Central highlands of Mexico from southeastern Durango, Zacatecas, and San Luis Potosi south to Colima, central Michoacan, and Distrito Federal. Aimophila botterii goldmani Phillips Aimophila botterii goldmani Phillips, 1943, Auk, 60, p. 243 — Santiago, southern Nayarit, Mexico. West coast of Mexico from southern, and possibly central, Sinaloa south to Nayarit. 1 Arrangement, with modifications, that of Webster, 1959, Condor, 61, pp. 136-146. Fresh, breeding specimens are needed in order to clarify the taxonomy of this species. — R.A.P., Jr. 96 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Aimophila botterii botterii (Sclater) Zonotrichia botterii Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 25 (1857), p. 214—vicinity of Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico.1 Southeastern and southern highlands of Mexico from southern San Luis Potosi, south through Puebla and western Veracruz to central Guerrero, Oaxaca, and western Chiapas. Aimophila botterii petenica (Salvin) Ammodromus petenicus Salvin, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 189—plains of Petén, Guatemala; type from Pocttin [near British Honduras boundary], fide Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, p. 694. ?Aimophila botterii tabascensis Dickerman and Phillips, 1967, Condor, 69, p. 598 — 8 km. N. Chontalpa, 14 km. S. Huimanguillo, Tabasco. [Specimens not examined. | Lowlands of southeastern Mexico from near Veracruz, Veracruz, south through eastern Chiapas and northern Yucatan to Petén, northern Guatemala, and British Hon- duras. Aimophila botterii spadiconigrescens Howell Aimophila botterii spadiconigrescens Howell, 1965, Auk, 82, p. 458 — 15 km. SSW of Waspam, 33 m., Comarca de El Cabo, Nicarugua. Pine savanna of lowlands of northern Honduras and northeastern Nicaragua. Aimophila botterii vantynei Webster Aimophila botterii vantynei Webster, 1959, Condor, 61, p. 148 — Guatemala City, Guatemala.? Highlands of central Guatemala. 1 Howell, 1965, Auk, 82, p. 461, resurrected. A. b. sartorit Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 277— Huatusco, near Mirador, Veracruz, for the birds of the Gulf lowlands of Mexico. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 Although the provenance of the type was stated by the describer to be “Guatemala City,’ Dickerman and Phillips, 1967, Condor, 69, p. 600, proposed a different type locality (Antigua) because examina- tion of the type showed the label to bear only the inscription “Guat.” However, unless it can be shown that the type did not in fact come from Guatemala City, there can be no justification for such a shift. — Iie ley, dire EMBERIZINAE uf) Aimophila botterii vulcanica Miller and Griscom Aimophila botterii vulcanica W. Miller and Griscom, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 184, p. 2 — Volcan Viejo, 4,500 _ft., Chimandega, Nicaragua. Highlands of Nicaragua and northern Costa Rica. AIMOPHILA CASSINII Aimophila cassinii (Woodhouse) Zonotrichia cassinii Woodhouse, 1852, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 6, p. 60 — near San Antonio, Texas. Southeastern Arizona, central Colorado, western Kansas, and western Oklahoma south through central and western Texas to northern Mexico in northern Chihuahua, southern Coahuila, and southeastern Tamaulipas; winters from southeastern Arizona and western Texas south in Mexico to Sonora, southern Sinaloa, Chihuahua, San Luis Potosi, northern Nuevo Leon, and northernmost Tamaulipas, rarely to Guanajuato. AIMOPHILA QUINQUESTRIATA Aimophila quinquestriata septentrionalis van Rossem Aimophila quinquestriata septentrionalis van Rossem, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 77, p. 485 — Hacienda de San Rafael, Sonora, Mexico. Extreme southern Arizona (once), eastern Sonora, and western Chihuahua south to central Sinaloa and western Durango, Mexico. Aimophila quinquestriata quinquestriata (Sclater and Salvin) Zonotrichia quinquestriata Sclater and Salvin, 1868, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 323 — Mexico; type probably from Bolanos, Jalisco, fide Miller, Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore, 1957, Pacific Coast Avifauna (Cooper Ornith, Soc.), no: 33; p.. 371. Northern Jalisco, Mexico. AIMOPHILA CARPALIS Aimophila carpalis carpalis (Coues) Peucaea carpalis Coues, 1878, Amer. Nat., 7, p. 322— Tucson, Arizona. Southern central Arizona and northern central Sonora. 98 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Aimophila carpalis bangsi Moore Aimophila carpalis bangsi Moore, 1982, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 45, p. 232 — Guirocoba, Sonora, Mexico. Aimophila carpalis distinguenda Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 159— Los Leones, northern Sinaloa. Southeastern Sonora, intergrading with nominate carpalis in north, and northern Sinaloa. Aimophila carpalis cohaerens Moore Aimophila carpalis cohaerens Moore, 1946, Condor, 48, p. 121 — Elota, southern Sinaloa, Mexico. Central Sinaloa, from Rio Sinaloa, south to about lat. 24°N., intergrading with bangsi in north. AIMOPHILA RUFICEPS Aimophila ruficeps eremoeca (Brown) Peucaea ruficeps eremoeca Brown, 1882, Bull. Nuttall Ornith. Club, 7, p. 26 — Boerne, Kendall County, Texas. Aimophila ruficeps tenuirostra Burleigh and Lowery, 1939, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool., Louisiana State Univ., no. 6, p. 67 — McKittrick Canyon, 5,500 ft., Guadalupe Mountains, Culberson County, Texas. ?Aimophila ruficeps pallidissima Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 156 — Cuesta Blanca, 19 km. west Saltillo, Coahuila. [Specimens not examined. ] Southeastern Colorado and western and central Oklahoma south through eastern New Mexico and western Texas to northern Chihuahua and central Coahuila; winters from northern Texas and southern Oklahoma south through balance of breeding range and, sparingly, on Atlantic slope of Mexico to Puebla and northern Veracruz. Aimophila ruficeps scottii (Sennett) Peucaea ruficeps scottii Sennett, 1888, Auk, 5, p. 42 — Pinal County, Arizona. Northern and eastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico south to northeastern Sonora and northwestern Coahuila. 1 A “corrected description” also serving as a new name for A. ec. bangsi Moore, which is preoccupied by Amphispiza bilineata bangsi Grinnell, 1927, if Aimophila and Amphispiza are merged. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 99 Aimophila ruficeps ruficeps (Cassin) Ammodromus ruficeps Cassin, 1852, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 6, p. 184— Calaveras River [east of Stockton], California. Central California in coast ranges and on western slopes of Sierra Nevada. Aimophila ruficeps canescens Todd Aimophila ruficeps canescens Todd, 1922, Condor, 24, p. 126 — San Diego, California. Aimophila ruficeps lambi Grinnell, 1926, Auk, 43, p. 244 — Colnett, lat. 31° N., Baja California, Mexico. Southwestern California and northeastern Baja Cali- fornia, east to base of Sierra San Pedro Martir, south to about lat. 30° 30’ N. Aimophila ruficeps obscura Dickey and van Rossem Aimophila obscura Dickey and van Rossem, 1923, Condor, 25, p. 128— Prisoner’s Harbor, Santa Cruz Island, California. Santa Cruz, Anacapa, and Santa Catalina Islands, south- western California. Aimophila ruficeps sanctorum van Rossem Aimophila ruficeps sanctorum van Rossem, 1947, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 60, p. 55—tTodos Santos Islands, off Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. Todos Santos Islands, northwestern Baja California. _ Aimophila ruficeps sororia Ridgway Aimophila ruficeps sororia Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 226 — Victoria Mountains, Baja California, Mexico. Cape District of southern Baja California. ? Aimophila ruficeps rupicola van Rossem! Aimophila ruficeps rupicola van Rossem, 1946, Auk, 63, p. 562 — north slope of Harquahala Mountains, 4,000 ft., Yuma County, Arizona. Mountains of southwestern Arizona. Aimophila ruficeps simulans van Rossem Aimophila ruficeps simulans van Rossem, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 77, p. 486— Mina Abundancia, Sonora, Mexico. 1 Possibly not separable from simulans, vide Phillips, 1964, in Phillips, Marshall, and Monson, Birds Arizona, p. 200.—R.A.P., Jr. 100 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Northwestern Mexico from southeastern Sonora and southwestern Chihuahua south through Sinaloa, Durango, northern Nayarit, southwestern Zacatecas, and western Guanajuato to northern Jalisco. Aimophila ruficeps fusca (Nelson) Peucaea ruficeps fusca Nelson, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 62— Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico. Southern Nayarit, southwestern Jalisco, northern Colima, and Michoacan; intergrading with simulans in southwestern Guanajuato. Aimophila ruficeps boucardi (Sclater) Zonotrichia boucardi Sclater, 1867, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1, pl. 1— Orizaba, Veracruz; Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. ?Aimophila ruficeps extima Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 155 — 2 km. northwest of Portilla Nejapa, ca. lat. 16° 34’ N., long. 95° 57’ W., Oaxaca. [Specimens not examined. ] Eastern Mexico from southern Coahuila (intergrading with eremoeca), central Nuevo Leon and southern Tamauli- pas southward through San Luis Potosi, Querétaro, and Hidalgo to Distrito Federal, Tlaxcala, northern Puebla, and central western Veracruz. Aimophila ruficeps australis (Nelson) Peucaea ruficeps australis Nelson, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 63 — Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico. Guerrero, southern Puebla, and Oaxaca. AIMOPHILA NOTOSTICTA Aimophila notosticta (Sclater and Salvin) Peucaea notosticta Sclater and Salvin, 1868, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 322 — central Mexico; probably Puebla, fide Salvin and Godman, 1886, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, 1, p. 393. Highlands of Oaxaca and (?) Puebla, Mexico. AIMOPHILA RUFESCENS Aimophila rufescens antonensis van Rossem Aimophila rufescens antonensis van Rossem, 1942, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 9, p. 4836— La Chumata Mine, 4,500 ft., Sierra de San Antonio, north-central Sonora, Mexico. Sierra de San Antonio, north-central Sonora, Mexico. EMBERIZINAE 101 _ Aimophila rufescens mcleodii Brewster - Aimophila mcleodii Brewster, 1888, Auk, 5, p. 92 — El Carmen, Chihuahua, Mexico. Northwestern Mexico from eastern Sonora and western Chihuahua south to northern Sinaloa and northwestern Durango. Aimophila rufescens rufescens (Swainson) Pipilo rufescens Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1, p. 434—Temiscaltipec [=Temascaltepec], México, Mexico. Aimophila rufescens pallida Nelson and Palmer, 1894, Auk, 11, p. 48 — Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico. Aimophila rufescens subvespera Griscom, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75, p. 418 — Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico. Aimophila rufescens cinerea Brodkorb, 1940, Auk, 57, p. 549 — Cerro de la Gineta, 1,000 m., Chiapas, Mexico. Aimophila rufescens brodkorbi Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 157. New name for A. r. cinerea Brodkorb, preoccupied by Amphispiza belli cinerea Townsend, 1890, if Amphispiza merged with Aimophila. ?Aimophila rufescens disjuncta Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 158—San Gabriel Mixtepec, Oaxaca. [Specimens not examined. | Western and southwestern Mexico from southern Sinaloa through Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Guerrero, and southern Oaxaca to southwestern Chiapas and west to Guanajuato, México, and southern Puebla. _ Aimophila rufescens pyrgitoides (Lafresnaye) Embernagra pyrgitoides Lafresnaye, 1839, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 2, p. 97— Mexico; restricted to Jalapa, Veracruz, by Miller, Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore, 1957, Pacific Coast Avifauna (Cooper Ornith. Soc.), no. ae, pe or. ?Aimophila rufescens newmani Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 158—25 km. by road east of Ciudad del Maiz, San Luis Potosi. [Specimens not ex- amined. | Eastern and southeastern Mexico from southern Tamauli- pas and eastern San Luis Potosi south through eastern Puebla and Veracruz to northern Oaxaca and northern Chiapas, intergrading with pectoralis in central Chiapas; 102 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD north-central Guatemala; western British Honduras; in- terior highlands of Honduras; northern and central El Salvador; (?) interior highlands of Nicaragua. Aimophila rufescens discolor Ridgway Aimophila rufescens discolor Ridgway, 1887, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 10, p. 587 — Segovia River, Honduras. Southern British Honduras, (?) northeastern Guatemala, northern Honduras, and northeastern Nicaragua. Aimophila rufescens pectoralis Dickey and van Rossem Aimophila rufescens pectoralis Dickey and van Rossem, 1927, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 40, p. 6 — Volcan San Miguel, San Miguel, El Salvador. Aimophila rufescens gigas Griscom, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 438, p. 9 — Nebaj, 50 miles north Quiché, Guatemala. Southern Chiapas, Mexico, through Pacific cordillera of Guatemala to western El Salvador, reappearing on Volcan San Miguel, eastern El] Salvador. Aimophila rufescens hypaethrus Bangs Aimophila rufescens hypaethrus Bangs, 1909, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 22, p. 37 — Cerro Santa Maria, north- ern Costa Rica. Pacific slope of Guanacaste Cordillera, northwestern Costa Rica. GENUS TORREORNIS BARBOUR AND PETERS! Torreornis Barbour and Peters, 1927, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 9, p. 96. Type, by monotypy, Torreornis inexpectata Barbour and Peters. TORREORNIS INEXPECTATA Torreornis inexpectata inexpectata Barbour and Peters Torreornis inexpectata Barbour and Peters, 1927, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 9, p. 96—Santo Tomas, Peninsula de Zapata, Cuba. Known from very limited area north of Santo Tomas 1 Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 469, placed this genus between Pipilo and Melozone, but, except for the yellow underparts, Torreornis much more closely resembles some species of Aimophila. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 1038 region, Ciénaga de Zapata, Zapata Peninsula, southwestern coast of Cuba. Torreornis inexpectata sigmani Spence and Smith Torreornis inexpectata sigmani Spence and Smith, 1961, Auk, 78, p. 95—2.3 miles west Baitiquiri, Oriente, Cuba. Known only from type locality, about 25 miles east of Guantanamo, southern Cuba. GENUS ORITURUS BONAPARTE Oriturus Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Av., 1 (1850), p. 469. Type, by subsequent designation (Bonaparte, 1856, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 43, p. 418), Oriturus mexicanus = Aimophila superciliosa Swainson. Plagiospiza Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 224. Type, by original designation, Aimophila superciliosa Swainson. ORITURUS SUPERCILIOSUS Oriturus superciliosus palliatus (van Rossem) Plagiospiza superciliosa palliata van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 58, p. 127 — near Tutuaca, 9,500 ft., Chihuahua, Mexico. Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico, from eastern Sonora and Chihuahua through Sinaloa, Durango, and western Zacatecas to Nayarit. Oriturus superciliosus superciliosus (Swainson) Aimophila superciliosa Swainson, 1838 [1837?], Anim. Menag., p. 314 — Mexico. Southern Central Plateau of Mexico, in Jalisco, Aguas- calientes, San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, and central western Veracruz south through Michoacan, México, Distrito Federal, Puebla, and Morelos to central Oaxaca. GENUS PHRYGILUS CABANIS Phrygilus Cabanis, 1844, Archiv f. Naturg., 10, p. 289. Type, by original designation, Fringilla gayi Gervais. cf. Wetmore, 1926, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 133, pp. 405-406 (relationships of species). 104 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD PHRYGILUS ATRICEPS Phrygilus atriceps chloronotus Berlepsch and Stolzmann Phrygilus chloronotus Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1896, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 350—AIngapirca and Tarma, Junin, Peru. Upper subtropical to puna zones from Cajamarca to Cuzco, Peru. Phrygilus atriceps punensis Ridgway Phrygilus punensis Ridgway, 1887, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 10, p. 484—pbasin of Lake Titicaca, in Peru and Bolivia. Temperate and puna zones of Puno, Peru, and La Paz, Bolivia. Phrygilus atriceps atriceps (Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny). Emberiza atriceps Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 76—in Peruvia, in summis Andibus, prope Tacora [=Tacora, Arica (Tarapaca), Chile]. Southwestern Peru in temperate and puna zones from Arequipa to Tacha, northern Chile in the Cordillera Central, above 3,000 meters, from Arica to northern Coquimbo,! southwestern Bolivia in southeastern La Paz, Cochabamba, Oruro, and Potosi, and northwestern Argentina in Jujuy, Salta, and northern Catamarca. PHRYGILUS GAYI Phrygilus gayi gayi (Gervais) Fringilla gayi Gervais, 1834, Mag. Zool., 4, cl. 2, pl. 23 — Chile. Breeds in Chile, from 1,500 to 3,500 meters, from north- ern Coquimbo to Colchagua; winters at lower elevations and north to central Atacama. Phrygilus gayi minor Philippi and Goodall Phrygilus gayi minor Philippi and Goodall, 1957, in Good- all, Johnson, and Philippi, Aves Chile, Suppl., p. 351 — Zapallar, Aconcagua. Coastal Chile from northern Atacama to Santiago. 1 P, atriceps and P. gayi breed sympatrically at Bafios del Toro, Coquimbo, vide Phillippi, 1942, Bol. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Chile, 20, p. 87. —R.A.P., Jr, EMBERIZINAE 105 - ?Phrygilus gayi caniceps Burmeister Phrygilus caniceps Burmeister, 1860, Journ. f. Ornith., 8, p. 256 — Mendoza, Argentina. Argentina from Salta and Tucuman, southward along eastern slope of Andes to Strait of Magellan and northern Tierra del Fuego, and Chile from Aysén south to Tierra del Fuego; occasionally winters east to southwestern Buenos Aires. PHRYGILUS PATAGONICUS Phrygilus patagonicus Lowe Fringilla formosa Gould, 1841, in Darwin, Zool. Beagle, 3, Birds, p. 93 — Good Success Bay, Tierra del Fuego. Phrygilus gayi patagonicus Lowe, 1923, Ibis, p. 515. New name for Fringilla formosa Gould, 1841, preoccupied by F. formosa Latham, 1790. Breeds in Chile, on islands and along coast to about 1,800 meters in the Andes, from Curicé southward and in Argen- tina, on eastern slopes from Lake Nahuel Huapi and Neu- quén south to Tierra del Fuego; winters north to Aconcagua, Chile. PHRYGILUS FRUTICETI Phrygilus fruticeti peruvianus Zimmer Phrygilus fruticeti peruvianus Zimmer, 1924, Field Mus. a Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 12, p. 63 — Matucana, Lima, Peru. Temperate and puna zones from Cajamarca to Arequipa, Peru, and in La Paz and Cochabamba, Bolivia. — Phrygilus fruticeti fruticeti (Kittlitz) Fringilla fruticeti Kittlitz, 18383, Kupfert. Naturg. Vogel, pt. 2, p. 18, pl. 23, fig. 1 — Valparaiso, Chile. Temperate and puna zones of Oruro and Potosi, south- western Bolivia; from Arica to Llanquihue, Chile; and on eastern slopes of Andes from Jujuy to Rio Negro, Argen- tina. PHRYGILUS UNICOLOR _ Phrygilus unicolor nivarius (Bangs) Haplospiza nivaria Bangs, 1899, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, 13, p. 102 — Paramo de Chirtiqua, 15,000 ft., Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. 106 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Paramo zone of Tachira, Mérida, and Trujillo, north- western Venezuela, and upper temperate and paramo zones, from 2,700 meters upward, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, northern Colombia. Phrygilus unicolor geospizopsis (Bonaparte) Passerculus geospizopsis Bonaparte, 1853, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 37, p. 921 — Colombia. Phrygilus unicolor grandis Chapman, 1915, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 34, p. 651 — Paramo de Santa Isabel, 12,700 ft., central Andes, Colombia. Paramo zone of Colombia, in Narino and Eastern and Central Andes, from Norte de Santander southward, and in Ecuador. Phrygilus unicolor inca Zimmer Phrygilus unicolor inca Zimmer, 1929, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 42, p. 88— mountains near Huanuco, 12,000 ft., Junin, Peru. Puna and temperate zones of Peru (except extreme south- west) and northern La Paz, Bolivia. Phrygilus unicolor unicolor (Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny). Emberiza unicolor Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 79— Cordillera de facara; Peru, and Pampa d’Oruro, Bolivia; restricted to Tacora, Tacna, Peru, by Zimmer, 1929, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, 42, p. 89. Temperate and puna zones of Tacna, southwestern Peru; Chile from Peruvian border to Tierra del Fuego, at alti- tudes above 2,700 meters in north decending to sea level in south; western Argentina from Mendoza to Santa Cruz, on slopes of Andes in north and at lower elevations in Patagonia. Phrygilus unicolor tucumanus Chapman Phrygilus unicolor tucumanus Chapman, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 160, p. 4 — above Tafi del Valle, 9,500 ft., Tucuman, Argentina. Mountains of Bolivia, in southern La Paz, Cochabamba, Oruro, Potosi, and Chuquisca, and northwestern Argentina, from Jujuy and Salta to La Roija and western Cordoba. EMBERIZINAE 107 Phrygilus unicolor ultimus Ripley Phrygilus unicolor ultimus Ripley, 1950, Postilla, Yale Univ., no. 3, p. 10 — Viamote, Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Known only from Argentine Tierra del Fuego. PHRYGILUS DORSALIS Phrygilus dorsalis Cabanis Phrygilus dorsalis Cabanis, 1883, Journ. f. Ornith., 31, p. 109 — Cerro Vayo [= Bayo], near snow-line, Tucu- man, Argentina. Puna zone of Potosi, Bolivia, of Antofagasta, Chile, and of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, and Tucuman, Argentina. PHRYGILUS ERYTHRONOTUS Phrygilus erythronotus (Phillipi and Landbek) Chlorospiza erythronotus Philippi and Landbek, 1861, Anal. Univ. Chile, 19, p. 610 — Putre or “Parunicota”’ [= Parinocota], 10,000-17,000 ft., Arica, Chile. Puna zone of Tacna and Arequipa, Peru, of Oruro and Potosi, Bolivia, and of adjacent Arica, and probably Tar- apaca, Chile. PHRYGILUS PLEBEJUS Phrygilus plebejus ocularis Sclater Phrygilus ocularis Sclater, 1859, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 26 (1858), p. 454, pl. 145 — Cuenca, Ecuador. Temperate zone of Ecuador and of Tumbes and Piura, extreme northern Peru. Phrygilus plebejus plebejus Tschudi Phrygilus plebejus Tschudi, 1844, Archiv f. Naturg., 10, p. 290 —no locality; highlands of Junin, Peru, sug- gested by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool, Ser.,; 13; pt. 11,, ps 358. Puna zone of Peru (except extreme north), of Chile from Arica to Antofagasta, of Bolivia, and of Argentina from Jujuy to Mendoza. PHRYGILUS CARBONARIUS Phrygilus carbonarius (Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny) Emberiza carbonaria Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 79 — Patagonia. Nie 108 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Pampas of central Argentina, apparently breeding from Cordoba and southern Buenos Aires south to Mendoza and Rio Negro, and wintering north to Tucuman and Santiago del Estero. PHRYGILUS ALAUDINUS _Phrygilus alaudinus bipartitus Zimmer Phrygilus alaudinus bipartitus Zimmer, 1924, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 12, p. 61— Cajamarca, Peru. Temperate zone from western Ecuador south in Peru through Cajamarca, Lima, Ica, and Ayacucho to Arequipa. Phrygilus alaudinus humboldti Koepcke Phrygilus alaudinus humboldti Koepcke, 1963, Beitr. Neotrop. Fauna, 3, p. 11 — Quebrada E] Chorillo, lat. 6°10’ S., long. 81°01’ W., 150 m., Cerro Illescas, Piura, Peru. Coast of southern Ecuador and northern Peru, south to Piura. Phrygilus alaudinus excelsus Berlepsch Phrygilus alaudinus excelsus Berlepsch, 1906, in Ber- lepsch and Stolzmann, Ornis, 13, p. 127 — Puno, Peru. Puna zone of Puno, Peru, and of La Paz, Cochabamba, Oruro, Potosi, and Chuquisaca, Bolivia. Phrygilus alaudinus alaudinus (Kittlitz) Fringilla alaudina Kittlitz, 1833, Kupfert. Naturg. Vogel, pt. 2,)-p. 18, pl. 23, fig. 2— Chile [= Valparaiggees implication]. Temperate zone from Atacama to Valdivia, Chile. Phrygilus alaudinus venturii Hartert Phrygilus alaudinus venturti Hartert, 1909, in Hartert and Venturi, Novit. Zool., 16, p. 180 — Lagunita, 3,000 m., Tucuman, Argentina. Sawegrass areas of lower Andes from Jujuy and Salta to Tucuman, Catamarca, and western Cordoba, Argentina. GENUS MELANODERA BONAPARTE! Melanodera Bonaparte, 1851, Consp. Gen. Av., 1 (1850), p. 470. Type, by tautonymy, Emberiza melanodera Quoy and Gaimard. 1 Possibly congeneric with Phrygilus. —R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 109 MELANODERA MELANODERA Melanodera melanodera princetoniana (Scott) Phrygilus princetonianus Scott, 1900, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 10, p. 64 — Cheike, Patagonia. Llanos of Magallanes, Chile and southern Santa Cruz, Argentina; northern Tierra del Fuego. Melanodera melanodera melanodera (Quoy and Gaimard) Emberiza melanodera Quoy and Gaimard, 1824, in Frey- cinet, Voy. Uranie et Physicienne, Zool., 1, livr. 3, p. 109 — “les Malouines”’. Falkland Islands. MELANODERA XANTHOGRAMMA Melanodera xanthogramma barrosi Chapman Melanodera xanthogramma barrosi Chapman, 1923, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 96, p. 12 — Rio Blanco, 9,500 ft., Aconcagua, Chile. Mountains of Chile, from Aconcagua to the Strait of Magellan, and western Argentina from Neuquén to south- ern Santa Cruz. Melanodera xanthogramma xanthogramma (Gray) Chlorospiza(?) xanthogramma G. R. Gray, 1839, in Dar- .«, Win, Zool. Beagle, 3, Birds, p. 96, pl. 33 — East Falk- land Island and Tierra del Fuego. Tierra del Fuego, islands of Cape Horn, and (? extinct) Falkland Islands. GENUS HAPLOSPIZA CABANIS Haplospiza Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 147. Type, by original designation, Haplospiza wunicolor Cabanis. 1 Phrygilus malvinarum Brooks, described from a single specimen from West Falkland Island, was thought by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 365-366, to be an immature of M. melanodera. The absence of any yellow, even on the tail, and the large bill lead me to believe the bird is an immature of M. xantho- gramma. Hybridism between M. melanodera and M. xanthogramma has been suggested (e.g. Bennett, 1926, Ibis, p. 332). This phenomenon could account for some of the plumage and distributional puzzles encoun- tered in these species, but more specmiens and field observations may show the answers are simpler. — R.A.P., Jr. 110 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Spodiornis Sclater, 1866, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 322. Type, by original designation, Spodiornis jardinii Sclater = Phrygilus rusticus Tschudi. cf. Miller and Moore, 1954, Condor, 56, pp. 310-311 (AH. rustica) . HAPLOSPIZA RUSTICA Haplospiza rustica uniformis Sclater and Salvin Haplospiza uniformis Sclater and Salvin, 1878, Nomen. Av. Neotrop., p. 157 — Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. Highlands of Veracruz and Chiapas, Mexico. Haplospiza rustica barrilesensis (Davidson)! Spodiornis barrilesensis Davidson, 1932, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 45, p. 167 — Barriles, 4,500 ft., Chiriqui, Panama. Highlands of Honduras, Costa Rica, and Chiriqui, west- ern Panama; rare. Haplospiza rustica arcana (Wetmore and Phelps, Jr.) Spodiornis rusticus arcanus Wetmore and Phelps, Jr., 1949, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 39, p. 378 — west side of Cerro Chimanta-tepui, 1,850 m., Bolivar, Ven- ezuela. Known only from type locality. Haplospiza rustica rustica (Tschudi) Phrygilus rusticus Tschudi (ex Lichtenstein MS), 1844, Archiv f. Nature. 10(1),p2 290 — Peru: Upper tropical and subtropical zones of northern Vene- zuela, Colombia (except Santa Marta region), Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. HAPLOSPIZA UNICOLOR2 Haplospiza unicolor Cabanis Haplospiza unicolor Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 147 — Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Southeastern Brazil, from Espirito Santo and eastern Minas Gerais, south to Rio Grande do Sul; eastern Para- guay; and northeastern Argentina, in Misiones. 1 Probably not distinct from H. r. wniformis. —R.A.P., Jr. 2 Possibly conspecific with H. rustica. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 111 GENUS ACANTHIDOPS Ripeway! Acanthidops Ridgway, 1882, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 4, p. 335. Type, by original designation, Acanthidops bairdii Ridgway. ACANTHIDOPS BAIRDII Acanthidops bairdii Ridgway Acanthidops bairdii Ridgway, 1882, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 4, p. 336 — Volcan de Irazu, Costa Rica. Highlands of Costa Rica. GENUS LOPHOSPINGUS CABANIS? Lophospingus Cabanis, 1878, Journ. f. Ornith., 26, p. 195. Type, by original designation, Gubernatrix pusilla Burmeister. LOPHOSPINGUS PUSILLUS Lophospingus pusillus (Burmeister) Gubernatrix pusilla Burmeister, 1860, Journ. f. Ornith., 8, p. 254 — Tucuman, Argentina. Southern Bolivia in Santa Cruz, Cordillera, and Tarija, the Chaco of western Paraguay, and the Chaco of Argen- tina, from Jujuy, Salta, and Formosa to La Rioja, San Luis, and Cordoba. LOPHOSPINGUS GRISEOCRISTATUS Lophospingus griseocristatus (Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny) jon) Emberiza griseo-cristata Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837, if Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 79 — “Cochabamba, — Grande-Vallée, Bolivia’; herewith restricted to Valle Grande, Santa Cruz. Subtropical Bolivia in La Paz, Cochabamba, Chuquisaca, and Santa Cruz, and northern Argentina in Salta. GENUS DONACOSPIZA CABANIS? Donacospiza Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 136. Type, by original designation, Sylvia albifrons Vieillot. 1 Close to, and possibly conspecific with, Haplospiza. These genera may be offshoots of Phrygilus. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 Affinities with Phrygilus seem possible. — R.A.P., Jr. 3 See footnote under Rowettia, p. 112, for comments on affinities. — ACP., IT: 1a2 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD DONACOSPIZA ALBIFRONS Donacospiza albifrons (Vieillot) Sylvia albifrons Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist Nat., nouv. éd., 11, p. 276 — Paraguay. Southeastern Brazil, from southeastern Minas Gerais south to Rio Grande do Sul, Paraguay, Uruguay, and north- eastern Argentina, from Chaco south to northern Buenos Aires. GENUS ROWETTIA LOWE! Rowettia Lowe, 1923, Ibis, p. 512. Type, by monotypy, Nesospiza goughensis Clarke. ef. Rand, 1955, Fieldiana: Zool. [Chicago], 37, pp. 148-150 (generic affinities). Elliott, 1957, Ibis, pp. 584-585 (behavior and plumage). ROWETTIA GOUGHENSIS Rowettia goughensis (Clarke) Nesospiza goughensis Clarke, 1904, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 15, p. 18 — Gough Island. Nesospiza jessiae Clarke, 1904, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 15, p. 18 — Gough Island. Gough Island, South Atlantic Ocean. GENUS NESOSPIZA CABANIS! Nesospiza Cabanis, 1873, Journ. f. Ornith., 21, p. 154. Type, by monotypy, Nesospiza acunhae Cabanis. 1 R. goughensis, although considerably larger, is strikingly sim- ilar to Donacospiza albifrons in color, pattern, and acuminate tail feathers. The two species of Nesospiza, although smaller, also bear a strong resemblance to Donacospiza albifrons. A relationship between Rowettia, Nesospiza, and Donacospiza seems at least as plausible as any of the relationships suggested before (see summary in Rand, 1955, Fieldiana: Zool. [Chicago], 37, pp. 147-150). I am uncertain as to how, or if, these three genera fit in with Melanodera, which has been sug- gested as a likely ancestor for Rowettia and possibly also for Neso- spiza. The three genera are placed near Melanodera in this sequence merely because I believe they all may have been derived from a single South American emberizine ancestor and Melanodera is a sufficiently unspecialized genus to have served as the stem stock. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 113 Crithagroides Roberts, 1948, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 21, p. 62. Type, by original designation, Nesospiza wilkinsi Lowe. cf. Hagen, 1952, Results Norwegian Sci. Exp. Tristan da Cunha 1937-1938, no. 20, pp. 160-177 (systematics and biology). Rand, 1955, Fieldiana: Zool. [Chicago], 37, pp. 139-166 (origin of taxa). Elliott, 1957, Ibis, pp. 581-584 (field observations). NESOSPIZA ACUNHAE Nesospiza acunhae acunhae Cabanis Nesospiza acunhae Cabanis, 1873, Journ. f. Ornith., 21, ) > p. 154, pl. 1, fig. 2— Tristan da Cunha. Tristan da Cunha (extinct) and Inacessible Island, South Atlantic Ocean. Nesospiza acunhae questi Lowe Nesospiza acunhae questi Lowe, 1928, Ibis, p. 520 — Nightingale Island. Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha group, South At- lantic Ocean. NESOSPIZA WILKINSI Nesospiza wilkinsi wilkinsi Lowe Nesospiza wilkinsi Lowe, 1923, Ibis, p. 521 — Nightin- gale Island. Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha group, South At- lantic Ocean. Nesospiza wilkinsi dunnei Hagen Nesospiza wilkinsi dunnei Hagen, 1952, Results Norwe- gian Sci. Exp. Tristan da Cunha 1937-1938, no. 20, p. 172 — Inaccessible Island. Inaccessible Island, Tristan da Cunha group, South At- lantic Ocean. GENUS DIUCA REICHENBACH Diuca Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 78. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 79), Emberiza speculifera Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny. 114 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD DIUCA SPECULIFERA! Diuca speculifera magnirostris Carriker Diuca speculifera magnirostris Carriker, 1935, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 87, p. 359— Yanac, 15,000 ft., Ancash, Peru. Puna zone of Ancash and Junin, Peru. Diuca speculifera speculifera (Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny) Emberiza speculifera Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 78 — “in summis Andi- bus, Bolivia’. Puna zone of southeastern Peru in Arequipa, Tacna, and Puno, Arica region of northern Chile, and La Paz, Cocha- bamba, and Yungas, northern Bolivia. DIUCA DIUCA Diuca diuca crassirostris Hellmayr Diuca diuca crassirostris Hellmayr, 1932, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 19, p. 74 — Ramadilla, Capiapo Valley, Atacama, Chile. Temperate regions of Chile, from Antofagasta to north- ern Coquimbo, and of Argentina, in Jujuy, Salta, western Tucuman, Catamarca, and La Rioja. Diuca diuca diuca (Molina) Fringilla Diuca Molina, 1782, Saggio Stor. Nat. Chili, p. 249 — Chile. Western base of the Andes, to 1,500 meters, in Chile from southern Coquimbo to Aysén, and on the eastern slopes in Argentina from Mendoza to Santa Cruz. Diuca diuca chiloensis Philippi and Pena Diuca diuca chiloensis Philippi and Pena, 1964, Aves de Chile, 2nd Supplement, p. 447 — eastern central coast of Isla Grande de Chiloé, Chile. Known only from type locality. Diuca diuca minor Bonaparte Diuca minor Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 476 — Patagonia; restricted to Rio Negro, fide Hell- mayr, 1938, Field. Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., PS; pt.. Wier. 339: 1 D. speculifera and D. diuwea comprise a superspecies. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 115 Argentina from Cordoba, San Luis, southern Buenos Aires and eastern Mendoza to Santa Cruz (east of D. d. diuca) ; winters east and north to Santiago del Estero, Tucuman, and Entre Rios and to (?formerly) Uruguay and contiguous southeastern Brazil. GENUS IDIOPSAR CASSIN! Idiopsar Cassin, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 414. Type, by monotypy, Idiopsar brachyurus Cassin. IDIOPSAR BRACHYURUS Idiopsar brachyurus Cassin Idiopsar brachyurus Cassin, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 414 — “La Paz,” Bolivia. Puna zone of Puno, Peru, of La Paz and Cochabamba, Bolivia, and of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, and Tucuman, Argentina. GENUS PIEZORHINA LAFRESNAYE Piezorina Lefresnaye,? 1843, Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 5, cl. 2, pl. 30, pp. 1-2. Type, by original designation, Guiraca cinerea Lafresnaye. PIEZORHINA CINEREA Piezorhina cinerea (Lafresnaye) Guiraca cinerea Lafresnaye, 1843, Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 5, cl. 2, pl. 30 — Galapagos Islands; emended to arid coastal regions of northwestern Peru by Bangs, 1930, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 70, p. 370. Arid coast of northwestern Peru from Tumbes to Lib- ertad. GENUS XENOSPINGUS CABANIS Xenospingus Cabanis, 1867, Journ. f. Ornith., 15, p. 347. Type, by original designation, Sylvia concolor d’Or- bigny and Lafresnaye. 1 Possibly congeneric with Diuca. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 As noted by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 169, “Piezorina’” is doubtless a lapsus for Piezorhina. —R.A.P., Jr. 116 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD XENOSPINGUS CONCOLOR Xenospingus concolor (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Sylvia concolor d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 20 — Arica, Peru [= Chile]. Pacific slope, from sea level to about 8,000 ft., of southern Peru, from Ica southward, and of northern Chile, south to northern Antofagasta. GENUS INCASPIZA RipGway! Incaspiza Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 224. Type, by orig- inal designation, Haemophila pulchra Sclater. INCASPIZA PULCHRA Incaspiza pulchra pulchra (Sclater) Haemophila pulchra Sclater, 1886, Ibis, p. 259, pl. 8 — Matucana, upper Rio Rimac valley, ca. 8,000 ft., Lima, Peru. Lima and western Ancash, about 1,000-2,500 m., Peru. Incaspiza pulchra personata (Salvin) Haemophila personata Salvin, 1895, Novit. Zool., 2, p. 8 — near Cajamarca, 10,000 ft., Cajamarca, Peru. Cajamarca, Libertad, eastern Ancash, and western Huanuco, about 1,500-2,000 m., Peru. INCASPIZA ORTIZI Incaspiza ortizi Zimmer | Incaspiza ortizi Zimmer, 1952, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 42, p. 103 — near La Esperanza, 1,800 m., Caja- marca, Peru. Known only from type locality. 1 Incaspiza bears a strong resemblance to the geographically dis- tant red-backed forms of Junco and may belong near that genus. On the other hand, Incaspiza forms somewhat of a transition between the Phrygilus-like genera Diuca, Idiopsar, Piezorhina, and Xenospiza and the fairly distinctive genus Poospiza. The relationships of the taxa of Incaspiza are poorly known: pulchra and personata may be full species; I. ortizi, here treated as monotypic, may be conspecific with pulchra and personata, or with one or the other. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 117 INCASPIZA LAETA ~ Incaspiza laeta (Salvin) Haemophila laeta Salvin, 1895, Novit. Zool., 2, p. 8— Cajabamhba, 9,000 ft., Vina, 5,500 ft., Huamachuco; Chusgon, 8,500 ft., Huamachuco; Cajamarca, 9,000 ft., and Malea [= Malca], 8,000 ft., Cajabamba, Peru; type from Cajabamba, Cajamarca, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Pield- Mus. Nat.- ‘Hist. Publ:,.Zool:. Ser.,° 13, ‘pt. 11, Do Doo- Cajamarca, Libertad, and northern Ancash, about 2,000- 3,000 m., Peru. INCASPIZA WATKINSI Incaspiza watkinsi Chapman Incaspiza watkinsi Chapman, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 160, p. 3 — Perico, Rio Chinchipe, Cajamarca, Peru. Eastern Cajamarca, about 700 m., Peru. GENUS POOSPIZA CABANIS Poospiza Cabanis, 1847, Archiv. f. Naturg., 13, p. 349. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 75), Emberiza nigrorufa d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye. Compsospiza Berlepsch, 1893, Ibis, p. 207. Type, by monotypy, Compsospiza garleppi Berlepsch. Poospizopsis Berlepsch, 1893, Ibis, p. 208. Type, by orig- inal designation, Poospiza caesar Sclater and Salvin. cf. Bond, 1951, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 103, p. 84 (Compsospiza and Poospizopsis congeneric with Poospiza). POOSPIZA THORACICA Poospiza thoracica (Nordman) Fringilla thoracica Nordman, 1835, in Erman, Reise um die Erde, Naturhist. Atlas, p. 10, pl. 4, fig. 1 — Brazil. Southeastern Brazil, from Espirito Santo through Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo to Parana. POOSPIZA BOLIVIANA Poospiza boliviana Sharpe Poospiza boliviana Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, p. 635, pl. 14 — Bolivia. 118 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Temperate zone of central Bolivia, in Cochabamba, Chu- quisaca, and Tarija. POOSPIZA ALTICOLA Poospiza alticola Salvin Poospiza alticola Salvin, 1895, Novit. Zool., 2, p. 7— Huamachuco, 10,400 ft., Libertad, Peru. Temperate zone of Libertad and Ancash, northern Peru. POOSPIZA HYPOCHONDRIA Poospiza hypochondria hypochondria (d’Orbigny and La- fresnaye) Emberiza hypocondria (sic) d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye,} 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 80 — Sicasica and Palea, Bolivia; type from Sicasica, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 619. Temperate zone of Bolivia. Poospiza hypochondria affinis Berlepsch Poospiza hypochondriaca affinis Berlepsch, 1906, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 16, p. 97—Tucuman, 4,000 m. [= Lara, Tucumaén, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 619], Argentina. Temperate zone of Andes of Argentina, from Jujuy south to Mendoza. POOSPIZA ERYTHROPHRYS Poospiza erythrophrys cochabambae Gyldenstolpe Poospiza erythrophrys cochabambae Gyldenstolpe, 1942, Arkiv. Zool., 33B, no. 13, p. 3—Liriuni, 3,186 m., Monte Tunari, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Temperate zone of Bolivia, in Cochabamba and Chu- quisaca. Poospiza erythrophrys erythrophrys Sclater Poospiza erythrophrys Sclater, 1881, Ibis, p. 599, pl. 17, fig. 1 — Sierra de Totoral, Catamarca, Argentina. Temperate zone of Bolivia, in Tarija, and of northwestern Argentina, in Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, and Tucuman. 1 The spelling “hypocondria” was a typographical error for “hypo- chondria”; the later use of “hypochondriaca” is an unjustified emen- dation. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 119 POOSPIZA ORNATA Poospiza ornata (Leybold) Phrygilus ornatus Leybold (ex Landbock MS), 1865, Journ. f. Ornith., 13, p. 405 — on road between guard- house at Paso Portillo and Melocotén, Mendoza, Argen- tina. Northwestern Argentina, in La Rioja, San Juan, San Luis, Mendoza, and western La Pampa, and possibly south- western Buenos Aires; winters north to Salta, Tucuman, and Catamarca. POOSPIZA NIGRORUFA - Poospiza nigrorufa nigrorufa (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Emberiza nigro-rufa d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 81— Santa Fe, Argen- tina. Southernmost Brazil, in Rio Grande do Sul; Uruguay; eastern Paraguay; northeastern Argentina, from Formosa and Misiones south to Buenos Aires and Rio Negro. ’ Poospiza nigrorufa whitii Sclater Poospiza whitii Sclater, 1883, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 48, pl. 9 — Cosquin, Cordoba, Argentina. Subtropical zone of Bolivia, in Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca, and Tarija, and northwestern Argentina, in Jujuy, Salta, Tucuman, Catamarca, and western Cordoba. Poospiza nigrorufa wagneri Stolzmann Poospiza wagneri Stolzmann, 1926, Ann. Zool. Mus. Pol- onici Hist. Nat., 5, p. 231— Chulumani, La Paz, Bolivia. Known only from type locality (10,000 ft.). POOSPIZA LATERALIS Poospiza lateralis lateralis (Nordmann) Fringilla lateralis Nordmann (ex Natterer MS), 1835, in Erman, Reise um die Erde, Naturhist. Atlas, p. 10 — 1 Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 624, held that the describers merely named the bird called ‘“Chipiu negro y canela” by Azara, 1802, Apuntamientos Hist. Nat. Paxaros Paragiiay Rio Plata, 1, p. 527, although they added a description of the immature plumage, and that the type locality, therefore, should be Paraguay. However, d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye clearly designated Santa Fe, Argentina. — R.A.P., Jr. 120 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Brazil; restricted to Rio de Janeiro by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 629. Southeastern Brazil, from southwestern Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo south to northern Sao Paulo. Poospiza lateralis cabanisi Bonaparte Poospiza cabanisi Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 4783—Paraguay; type from Bonpland, Misiones, Argentina, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 629. Southeastern Brazil, from southern Sao Paulo southward, Paraguay, Uruguay, and northeastern Argentina, in Misi- ones, Entre Rios, and northern Buenos Aires. POOSPIZA RUBECULA Poospiza rubecula Salvin Poospiza rubecula Salvin, 1895, Novit. Zool., 2, p. 8— Cajabamba, 9,000 ft., and Huamachuco, 10,400 ft., Libertad, Peru. Type from Huamachuco, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 627. Temperate zone of northern Peru, from Libertad to Lima. POOSPIZA GARLEPPI Poospiza garleppi (Berlepsch) Compsospiza garleppi Berlepsch, 1898, Ibis, p. 208, pl. 6 — Vacas, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Puna zone of Cochabamba, Bolivia. POOSPIZA BAERI! Poospiza baeri (Oustalet) Buarremon baeri Oustalet, 1904, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 10, p. 43 — Lagunita, Tucuman, Argentina. Temperate zone of Tucuman, northwestern Argentina. POOSPIZA CAESAR ~ Poospiza caesar Sclater and Salvin Poospiza caesar Sclater and Salvin, 1869, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 152, pl. 138 — Tinta, Cuzco, Peru. Temperate zone of Cuzco and Puno, southeastern Peru. 1 Probably a well-differentiated race of P. garleppi. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 121 POOSPIZA HISPANIOLENSIS! ___ Poospiza hispaniolensis Bonaparte Poospiza hispaniolensis Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 473 — “ex Ins. Sti. Domin.”; error, type labeled ““Pérou (?)”, vide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 620. Arid tropical zone of southwestern Ecuador, including Isla La Plata, and along coast of Peru south to Ica. POOSPIZA TORQUATA? lan Poospiza torquata torquata (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) € Emberiza torquata d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 82 — Sicasica, La Paz, Bolivia. ot Highlands of Bolivia, in Yungas, La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, and Chuquisaca. Poospiza torquata pectoralis Todd Poospiza pectoralis Todd, 1922, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- { anty ington, 35, p. 89 — Guanacos, Cordillera, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Lowlands of southeastern Bolivia (Tarija); western Paraguay; northern and central Argentina south to Men- doza, La Pampa, and Buenos Aires, and east to Entre Rios and the Rio Parana. POOSPIZA CINEREA Poospiza cinerea melanoleuca (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Emberiza melanoleuca d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, fLie—~ Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 82 — Chiquitos, Bolivia. —~ Lowlands and moderate elevations of eastern Bolivia; Paraguay; northern Argentina south to La Rioja, San Luis, Cordoba, and northern Buenos Aires; Uruguay; extreme southwestern Brazil in southern Mato Grosso. 1 P, hispaniolensis, P. torquata, and P. cinerea appear to be related to one another, but the generic allocation of the group is in need of study. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 The male is similar to that of P. hispaniolensis, but the female is markedly different. Bond and de Schauensee, 1941, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 94, p. 891, proposed treating the two species as con- specific, but later Bond, 1951, op. cit., 103, pp. 83-84, pointed out the differences between the taxa and retained them as full species. — eA, Jr. 122 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD — Poospiza cinerea cinerea Bonaparte Poospiza cinerea Bonaparte, 1851, Consp. Av., 1 (1850), oe: 473 — Brazil; type from Minas Gerais, fide Hell- mayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 115 px623. Campos of central Brazil, in Mato Grosso, Goids, Minas Gerais, and northern Sao Paulo. GENUS SICALIS Boise! Sicalis Boie, 1828, Isis von Oken, 21, col. 324. Type, by subsequent designation (Cabanis, in Tschudi, 1846, Unters. Faun. Peru., Aves, p. 215), Emberiza brasili- ensis Gmelin. Gnathospiza Taczanowski, 1877, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 3820. Type, by monotypy, Gnathospiza raimondii Taczanowski = Sycalis taczanowskii Sharpe. cf. Koepcke, 1968, Beitr. Neotrop. Fauna, 3, pp. 14-17 (luteola and raimondii in Peru). SICALIS CITRINA Sicalis citrina browni Bangs Sycalis browni Bangs, 1898, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12, p. 139 — Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, 5,000 ft., Colombia. Cundinamarca, Antioquia, and Santa Marta region, Co- lombia; Sierra de Perija, mountains of north-central coast, Mount Duida in Amazonas, and “tepui” area of Bolivar, Venezuela, adjacent Guyana (British Guiana), and north- ernmost Brazil. Sicalis citrina citrina Pelzeln Sycalis citrina Pelzeln (ex Natterer MS), 1870, Ornith. Brasil., pt. 3, p. 232 — Jaguaraiba, Murungaba [, Pa- rana], and Itararé [, Sao Paulo], Brazil; type from 1 The species limits within Sicalis are poorly understood. Many forms have limited and disjunct distributions and most taxa are mor- phologically very similar, making it difficult to employ these two key taxonomic characters in separating the species. Voice, and probably behavior, appear distinctive but until a comparative study has been made of these characters there is little hope of improving the follow- ing arrangement, which closely follows that of Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, pp. 306-335, and of de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South Amer., pp. 513-516.— R.A.P., Jr, EMBERIZINAE 123 Jaguaraiba, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Pal... Zool. Ser., 13; pt. 11, p. 30T. Eastern Brazil from southern Para, Goias, and Piaui south to eastern Mato Grosso and Parana. Sicalis citrina occidentalis Carriker Sicalis citrina occidentalis Carriker, 1932, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 83, p. 467 — Oconeque, 7,000 ft., Sandia, Puno, Peru. Known only from type locality and possibly Tucuman, Argentina. SICALIS LUTEA Sicalis lutea (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Emberiza lutea d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 74—summit of the Andes, Bolivia; type from “pampas d’Oruro”, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 309. Puna zone of Cuzco, Arequipa, and Puno, Peru; Oruro and Potosi, Bolivia; and Jujuy and Salta, Argentina. SICALIS UROPYGIALIS Sicalis uropygialis sharpei (Berlepsch and Stolzmann) Pseudochloris sharpei Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1894, Ibis, p. 386 —central Peru (Junin and Ingapirca) ; type from Ingapirca, Junin, vide Stolzmann and Do- maniewski, 1927, Ann. Zool. Mus. Polonici Hist. Nat., OF 175. Puna zone of northern Peru, from Cajamarca south to Junin. ?Sicalis uropygialis connectens (Chapman)? Pseudochloris uropygialis connectens Chapman, 1919, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 41, p. 329—La Raya, 1 If the Tucuman population is distinct from that of Brazil and resembles the Peruvian form, as suggested by Olrog, 1963, Opera Lilloana, Inst. Miguel Lillo, Univ. Nac. Tucuman, no. 9, p. 317, occi- dentalis will be a synonym of pratensis Sharpe (ex Cabinis MS), 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, p. 779 -— Tucuman. I have seen no Argentinean specimens. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 The original description and the comments by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, pp. 310-311, suggest that is poorly differentiated. — R.A.P., Jr. 124 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD 14,000 ft., head of Urubamba Valley, Cuzco, Peru. [Specimens not examined. ] Known only from puna zone, upper Urubamba Valley, Cuzco, Peru. Sicalis uropygialis uropygialis (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Emberiza uropigyalis (sic) d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 75— summit of the Andes, Bolivia. High altitudes from Puno, southern Peru, through Bo- livia to Tarapaca and Antofagasta, northern Chile, and Jujuy and Tucuman, northwestern Argentina. SICALIS LUTEOCEPHALA Sicalis luteocephala (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Emberiza luteocephala d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 74— Chuquisaca, Boli- via; type from Totora, near Mizque, Cochabamba, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., La. pt. hip: Siz: High altitudes in Cochabamba, Chuquisaca, and Potosi, central Bolivia. SICALIS AURIVENTRIS Siecalis auriventris Philippi and Landbeck Sycalis auriventris Philippi and Landbeck, 1864, Archiv f. Naturg., 30, p. 49 —cordilleras of Santiago, Chile. Andes, above 6,000 feet, from Antofagasta to Talca, Chile, and in adjacent Mendoza and Neuquén, Argentina. SICALIS OLIVASCENS Sicalis olivascens salvini (Chubb) Pseudochloris salvini Chubb, 1919, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 39, p. 70 — Vina, 5,500 ft., Huamachuco, Liber- tad, Peru. Andes of northern Peru, from Libertad south to Huanaco and possibly (race?) Junin and Ayacucho. Sicalis olivascens chloris Tschudi Sycalis chloris Tschudi (ex Cabanis MS), 1846, Unters. Faun. Peru., Aves, p. 216 — Peru; restricted to Matu- EMBERIZINAE 125 cana, above Lima, by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ; Zool: Ser.,.13; pt) 11,) p:.314. Temperate western slopes of Andes from Ancash, central Peru, south to Coquimbo, central Chile. ~ Sicalis olivascens olivascens (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Emberiza olivascens d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mare. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 75—La Paz, Bolivia. Pseudochloris olivascens berlepschi Ménegaux, 1909, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 10, 1, p. 212 — Pulacayo, 4,300 m., Oruro, Bolivia. Pseudochloris olivascens sordida Chapman, 1919, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 41, p. 380 — Ticara, 8,000 ft., Jujuy, Argentina. High altitudes from Cuzco, southeastern Peru, through central and western Bolivia south to northern La Rioja, northwestern Argentina. Sicalis olivascens mendozae (Sharpe) Pseudochloris mendozae Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, p. 778 — Mendoza, Argentina. Andes of western Argentina from San Juan and southern La Rioja to Mendoza and San Luis; migrates north to Salta. Sicalis olivascens lebruni (Oustalet)? Pseudochloris lebruni Oustalet, 1891, Mission Sci. Cap Horn, 6(1), p. B98— Misioneros, Santa Cruz, Pata- gonia. Northern Tierra del Fuego north to Rio Negro, Argen- tina, and probably in Magallanes, Chile; presumably win- ters in north. SICALIS COLUMBIANA2 Sicalis columbiana columbiana Cabanis Sycalis columbiana Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 147 — “Porto Cabello”; error, Ciudad Bolivar, Rio Orinoco, Venezuela, designated by Hellmayr, 1938, 1 Often treated as a full species of uncertain affinities but seems likely to be an isolated and well-marked race of P. olivascens. — RAP, Jr. 2 Apparently found only in open areas, which would explain its spotty and poorly-known distribution within the tropical forests of South America. — R.A.P., Jr. 126 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 318. Delta and basin of Rio Orinoco in Venezuela and extreme eastern Colombia (Vichada) ; Trinidad (introduced?). Sicalis columbiana leopoldinae Hellmayr Sicalis columbiana leopoldinae Hellmayr, 1906, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 16, p. 85 — Leopoldina, Rio Araguaya, Goias, Brazil. Eastern central Brazil in Piaui, northern and western Bahia, and Goias. Sicalis columbiana goeldii Berlepsch Sicalis goeldii Berlepsch, 1906, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 16, p. 97 — Santarém, lower Amazon; type from Pari- catiba, south bank of Amazon, west of Rio Tapajoz, Brazil, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zoole pers: Va, pt. 11, polo. Amazon basin from eastern Peru east in Brazil at least to western Para (Santarém). SICALIS FLAVEOLA Sicalis flaveola flaveola (Linnaeus) Fringilla flaveola Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 321 — no locality; Surinam designated by Berlepsch and Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 27. Sycalis jamaicae Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, p. 379 — Jamaica. Lowlands of northern and eastern (Meta and doubtless elsewhere) Colombia; Caribbean lowlands of northern Ven- ezuela and south of the Andes to Rio Orinoco; coast of the Guianas; Trinidad. Introduced in Jamaica and central Panama; (7?) race. Sicalis flaveola valida Bangs and Penard Sicalis flaveola valida Bangs and Penard, 1921, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 64, p. 396 — Sullana, Piura, Peru. Pacific lowlands and lower slopes from vicinity of Guaya- quil, Ecuador, to Ancash, northwestern Peru. Siealis flaveola brasiliensis (Gmelin) Emberiza brasiliensis Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1 (2), p. 872; based mainly on “Guiranheemgatu” of Marc- grave, 1648, Hist. Nat. Brasil., p. 211 (vide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 823) — northeastern Brazil. EMBERIZINAE 127 Sicalis flaveola holti W. deW. Miller, 1925, Auk, 42, p. 254 — Monte Serrat, 2,700 ft., Serra do Itatiaya, Sao Paulo. Northeastern Brazil, from Maranhao, Minas Gerais, and Sao Paulo eastward. Sicalis flaveola pelzelni Sclater Sycalis pelzelni Sclater, 1872, Ibis, p. 42 — Cuyaba (Mato Grosso), Paraguay, and vicinity of Buenos Aires; type from Buenos Aires, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ:, Zool: Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 325. ?Sicalis striata Pereyra, 1937, Hornero, 6, p. 446 — “Nicolas Escribano, F. C. S. (prov. B. Aires)”. [Spec- imens not examined. ]1 Southeastern Brazil from Mato Grosso and Santa Cata- rina southward; Bolivia east of the Andes; Paraguay and Uruguay; and northern Argentina, south to Mendoza, La Pampa, and Buenos Aires. SICALIS LUTEOLA? Sicalis luteola chrysops Sclater Sycalis chrysops P. L. Sclater, 1862, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1861, p. 376—southern Mexico; restricted to Orizaba, Veracruz, by Brodkorb, 1943, Journ. Wash- ington Acad. Sci., 33, p. 34. Caribbean slope in Veracruz and Chiapas, Mexico; Saca- tepequez, Guatemala; and the Mosquitia of eastern Hon- duras and northeastern Nicaragua. Sicalis luteola mexicana Brodkorb Sicalis luteola mexicana Brodkorb, 1943, Journ. Washing- ton Acad. Sci., 33, p. 38 — Puente de Ixtla, Morelos, Mexico. Pacific slope in Puebla and Morelos, Mexico; rare and local. 1 Based on two specimens collected 30 years ago and not reported since then. The description seems to be that of an immature (or pos- sible aberrant) S. flaveola. —R.A.P., Jr. 2 This could well represent three species (vide, e.g., de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South Amer., p. 516), viz. the chrysops, mexicana, eisenmanni, and bogotensis group; the luteola, flavissima, and chap- mani group; and, finally, luteoventris. This complex is poorly known and it is possible that field study is the only way the relationships can be deciphered. — R.A.P., Jr. 128 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD ?Sicalis luteola eisenmanni Wetmore Sicalis luteola eisenmanni Wetmore, 1953, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 122(8), p. 9—two miles east of Anton, Coclé, Panama. [Specimens not examined. | Coclé, Panama and (? race) Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Sicalis luteola bogotensis Chapman Sicalis luteiventris bogotensis Chapman, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 143, p. 14— savanna of Bogota, Co- lombia. Locally from eastern Andes of Colombia through high- lands of Ecuador south to Arequipa, southern Peru, where descends to sea level (Ica) ; once near Mérida, Venezuela. Sicalis luteola luteola (Sparrman) Emberiza luteola Sparrman, 1789, Mus. Carlsonianum, fasc. 4, pl. 93 — no locality ; Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 327, suggests Surinam, but no certain record of the species exists for there. Scattered distribution in lower elevations of western Andes and Magdalena and Cauca valleys, Colombia; Falcon, Monagas, and Bolivar, Venezuela; Guyana (British Gui- ana) ; and Rio Branco region of adjacent Brazil. Introduced in Barbados, the Grenadines, St. Lucia, and Martinique. Sicalis luteola flavissima Todd Sicalis luteiventris flavissima Todd, 1922, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 35, p. 90—Rocana, Para, northern Brazil.! [Specimens not examined. ] Apparently confined to islands at mouth of the Amazon and a short distance upstream. Sicalis luteola chapmani Ridgway Sicalis chapmani Ridgway, 1899, Auk, 16, p. 37 — Dia- mantina [near Santarém], lower Amazon [= mouth of Rio Tapajoz], Brazil. Known only from vicinity of Santarém, right bank of the Amazon. 1S. l. laetissima of Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 328, is obviously a lapsus for flavissima. — R:A-P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 129 Sicalis luteola luteiventris (Meyen) Fringilla luteiventris Meyen, 1834, Nov. Act. Acad. Leo- poldino Car. Nat. Cur., 16, suppl., p. 87, pl. 12, fig. 3! — near Api, Altos de Toledo, Puno, Peru. Southern Peru in Cuzco, Puno, and Moquequa; lower ele- vations of Chile from Atacama south to Aysén; southern Brazil from Minas Gerais, Goias, and Mato Grosso south through eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and northern Argentina south to Rio Negro. Southern Argentinean popu- lation migratory (vide Olrog, 1963, Opera Lilloana, Inst. Miguel Lillo, Univ. Nac. Tucuman, no. 9, p. 319), presum- ably wintering north to Peru and Brazil. SICALIS RAIMONDII Sicalis raimondii Taczanowskii Sycalis raimondii Taczanowskii (ex Jelski MS), 1874, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 183 — vicinity of Lima, Peru. Western slopes of Andes from Cajamarca to Arequipa, Peru. SICALIS TACZANOWSKII? Sicalis taczanowskii Sharpe Gnathospiza raimondii Taczanowski, 1877, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 320, pl. 36, fig. 1 — Tumbes, Peru. Sycalis taczanowskii Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, p. 385. New name for Gnathospiza raimondii Taczanowski, 1877, preoccupied by Sycalis raimondii Taczanowski, 1874. Arid coast from southwestern Ecuador south to Libertad, northern Peru. GENUS EMBERIZOIDES TEMMINCK Emberizoides Temminck, 1822, Pl. Col., livr. 19, text to pl. 114. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List. Genera Birds, ed. 1, p. 48), E’mberizoides marginalis Temminck = Sylvia herbicola Vieillot. 1 Spelt “luteoventris” on the plate. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 The species S. taczanowskii seems to be merely a dull-plumaged, large-billed Sicalis, not distinctive enough to be retained as the sole member of Gnathospiza. Its relationship to the other species of Sicalis is unknown. — R.A.P., Jr. 130 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD EMBERIZOIDES HERBICOLA Emberizoides herbicola lucaris Bangs Emberizoides sphenura lucaris Bangs, 1908, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 4, p. 34 — Boruca, Costa Rica. Térraba area, southwestern Costa Rica. Emberizoides herbicola hypochondriacus Hellmayr Emberizoides herbicola hypochondriacus Hellmayr, 1906, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 19, p. 28 — Frances, 2,000 ft., Volean de Chiriqui, Panama. Locally in western and central Panama in foothills of Volcan de Chiriqui, Cerro Compana, and savannas east of Panama City. ?Emberizoides herbicola floresae Griscom Emberizoides sphenurus floresae Griscom, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 141, p. 8—Cerro Flores, 3,600 ft., eastern Chiriqui, Panama. Known only from type locality. Emberizoides herbicola apurensis Gilliard Emberizoides herbicola apurensis Gilliard, 1940, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1071, p. 12— Pedraza (Ciudad Bo- livia), upper Apure Valley, Barinas, Venezuela. Eastern lowlands of Colombia, in Meta (and doubtless northward), and in lowlands of western Venezuela, in Guarico, Portuguesa, Barinas, and Apure. Emberizoides herbicola sphenurus (Vieillot) Passerina sphenura Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 25 (1817), p. 25 — Cayenne. Lowlands and moderate elevations of interior and north- ern Colombia, except northeastern llanos; Venezuela, ex- cept western lowlands and Cerro Duida; the Guianas; and northern Brazil, south to northern Maranhao. Emberizoides herbicola duidae Chapman Emberizoides duidae Chapman, 1929, Amer. Mus Novit., no. 380, p. 25 — savannah hills, 4,400 ft., Cerro Duida, Amazonas, Venezuela. Cerro Duida, Amazonas, southern Venezuela. Emberizoides herbicola herbicola (Vieillot) Sylvia herbicola Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 11, p. 192 — Paraguay. EMBERIZINAE 131 Eastern, central, and southern Brazil, from Pernambuco south to Rio Grande do Sul and west to Mato Grosso; east- ern Bolivia, west in highlands to about 7,000 ft.; Paraguay; and northeastern Argentina, from Formosa and Misiones south to Entre Rios and northern Santa Fe. GENUS EMBERNAGRA LESSON Embernagra Lesson, 1831, Traité d’Ornith., p. 465. Type, by virtual monotypy, Tanagra dumetorum Lesson = Emberiza platensis Gmelin. EMBERNAGRA PLATENSIS Embernagra platensis platensis (Gmelin) Emberiza platensis Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 886 — Buenos Aires. Southeastern Brazil, from Minas Gerais southward, eastern Paraguay, Uruguay, and eastern Argentina, from Misiones to extreme eastern Formosa through Chaco, Santa Fe, and La Pampa, to Rio Negro. Embernagra platensis olivascens d’Orbigny Embernagra olivascens d’Orbigny, 1839, Voy. Amer. Mérid., 4, p. 285 — Enquisivi, Sicasica; Palca, Ayupaya; and valley of Cochabamba, Bolivia; cotypes from En- quisivi and Palca, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. mast. Publ., Zool. Ser, 13, pt. 11, p. 637. ?Embernagra gossei Chubb, 1918, Ibis, p. 9, pl. 1, fig. 2 — Lujan, Mendoza, Argentina. Lowlands of southeastern Bolivia, western Paraguay, and northwestern Argentina, east to Formosa (except extreme east) and Cordoba and south to Mendoza and San Luis. EMBERNAGRA LONGICAUDA! Embernagra longicauda Strickland Embernagra longicauda Strickland, 1844, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, p. 420 — South America. 1 See Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 638, for discussion of this taxon, which may be a race of E. platensis, and also O’Brien, 1968, Auk, 85, p. 823, for notes on newly discovered specimens. — R.A.P., Jr. 182 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Known only from the type, of unknown provenance, and three specimens from Morro do Chapéu (3,600 ft.), north- central Bahia, Brazil. GENUS VOLATINIA REICHENBACH! Volatinia Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 79. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 78), Tanagra jacarinia (sic) Linnaeus. VOLATINIA JACARINA Volatinia jacarina splendens (Vieillot) Fringilla splendens Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 12, p. 173; based on “Moineau de Cayenne” of Daubenton, 1765-80, Planches enlum., pl. 224, fig. 3 — Cayenne. Volatinia jacarini diluta van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 58, p. 130 — San Blas, Nayarit, Mexico. Low to moderate elevations from southern Sonora and southern Tamaulipas, Mexico, south through Central Amer- ica, Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas, and the Amazon basin; Trinidad, Tobago, and Grenada. Volatinia jacarina jacarina (Linnaeus) Tanagra jacarina Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 314; based on “Jacarini’”’ of Marcgrave, 1648, Hist. Nat. Brasil., p. 210 — northeastern Brazil. Eastern and central Brazil, north to Maranhao and Mato Grosso, south to southeastern Peru, eastern Bolivia, Para- guay, and northern Argentina, south to Mendoza, Cordoba, and Buenos Aires; unreported from Uruguay. 1 The genera Volatinia through Melanospiza, which are usually placed next to one another, seem to be a convergent assemblage that may be broadly described as thick-billed, seed-eating ground birds. The diversity of ancestry is so great that some genera may even be- long with the subfamily Cardinalinae. However, the phylogenetic relationships are obscure and I am unable to suggest a distribution of the genera within the Emberizinae (or Cardinalinae) which would have any more evolutionary meaning than the “traditional” group- ing. —R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 133 Volatinia jacarina peruviensis (Peale) Geospiza peruviensis Peale, 1848, U. S. Exploring Exped., ed. 1, 8, p. 115 — between Callao and Lima, Peru. Arid Pacific slope from Ecuador through Peru to north- ernmost Chile. GENUS SPOROPHILA CABANIS Spermophila Swainson, 1827, Zool. Journ., 3, p. 348. Type, by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1841, List Gen- era Birds, ed. 2, p. 63), Pyrrhula falcirostris Tem- minck. Callyrhynchus Lesson, 1842, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 5, p. 209. Type, by monotypy, Callyrhynchus peruvianus Lesson. Sporophila Cabanis, 1844, Archiv f. Naturg., 10(1), p. 291. New name for Spermophila Swainson, 1827, pre- occupied by Spermophila Richardson, 1825. Neorhynchus P. L. Sclater, 1869, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, p. 147. New name for ‘‘Callirhynchus” Lesson, 1842, as emended by Agassiz, 1846.1 cf. de Schauensee, 1952, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 104, pp. 153-196 (revision of genus). Gross, 1952, Auk, 69, pp. 433-446 (life history of S. americana). Skutch, 1954, Pacific Coast Avifauna (Cooper Ornith. Soc.), no. 31, pp. 19-387 (life histories of S. amer- icana and S. torqueola). Miller, 1959, Condor, 62, pp. 121-123 (S. intermedia). Sick, 1962, Bol. Mus. Nac. Brasil, Zool., no. 235, 23 pp. (S. ardesiaca). Koepcke, 1963, Beitr. Neotrop. Fauna,'3, pp. 3-6 (S. obscura in Peru). Sick, 1967, Anais Acad. Brasil. Ciénc., 39, pp. 305-314 (S. bouvreuil). Short, 1969, Wilson Bull., 81, pp. 216-219 (S. minuta- hypoxantha-hypochroma-ruficollis-cinnamomea com- plex). 1 Agassiz, without justification, emended both Callorynchus Gro- novius, 1763 (Pices), and Callyrhynchus Lesson, 1842, to Callirhyn- chus. Although Callyrhynchus Lesson is a senior synonym of Sporophila, it has lain unused for a century as a nomen oblitum. — RAC. dis 134 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD SPOROPHILA FRONTALIS Sporophila frontalis (Verreaux) Callirhynchus frontalis Verreaux, 1869, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist:~ Nat. [Paris], 5, bull., p. 15, pl. ae Cayenne; error, vicinity of Rio de Janeiro suggested by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. per., 13, pt. 11; p.. lis: Southeastern Brazil from Espirito Santo south to Rio Grande do Sul, eastern Paraguay, and Misiones, extreme northeastern Argentina. SPOROPHILA FALCIROSTRIS Sporophila falcirostris (Temminck) Pyrrhula falcirostris Temminck, 1820, Pl. Col., livr. 2, pl. 11, fig. 2 — Brazil. Coast of southeastern Brazil from Bahia to Sao Paulo. SPOROPHILA SCHISTACEA! Sporophila schistacea subconcolor? Berlioz Sporophila (?schistacea) subconcolor Berlioz, 1959, Oiseau, 29, p. 41 — Palomares, 150 m., Oaxaca, Mexico. [Specimens not examined. ] Known from two specimens from Isthmus of Tehuan- tepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Sporophila schistacea schistacea (Lawrence) Spermophila schistacea Lawrence, 1862, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 7, p. 474 — line of Panama Railroad, Atlantic side of Isthmus, New Grenada; Lion Hill, Panama, accepted as type locality fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 174. ?Sporophila crissalis Carriker, 1908, Ann. Carnegie: Mus., 4, p. 301 — Buenos Aires de Térraba, Costa Rica. [Topotypes not examined. ] Southwestern Costa Rica, through Panama, and across northern Colombia to western slope of Eastern Andes in Norte de Santander. 1 A forest species with a discontinuous distribution. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 See de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South Amer., p. 506 for comments on the specific identity of this bird. — R.A.P., JR. EMBERIZINAE 135 Sporophila schistacea incerta Riley Sporophila incerta Riley, 1914, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton, 27, p. 213 — Gualia [= Gualea], Pichincha, Ecua- dor. Pacific slopes of Andes from Caldas, Colombia, south to Pichincha, Ecuador. Sporophila schistacea longipennis Chubb Sporophila longipennis Chubb, 1921, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, 7, p. 193 — Mt. Roraima, 3,500 ft., British Guiana [= Venezuela]. Eastern slope of Andes from Mérida, Venezuela, south to Meta, Colombia, east across southern Venezuela and north- ern Amazonas, Brazil, to the Guianas and Amapa and northern Para, Brazil; Beni, northern Bolivia (? race). SPOROPHILA INTERMEDIA Sporophila intermedia intermedia Cabanis Sporophila intermedia Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 149 — Venezuela; restricted to Puerto Cabello by Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1950, Bol. Soc. Venezolana Giene. Nat., 12(75), p: 354. Spermophila intermedia insularis Gilliard, 1946, Auk, 63, p. 571 — Princetown, Trinidad. Caribbean coast, lower Rio Magdalena Valley, and llanos east of Eastern Andes of Colombia east through northern Venezuela to Guyana (British Guiana) ; Trinidad. Sporophila intermedia bogotensis (Gilliard) Spermophila intermedia bogotensis Gilliard, 1946, Auk, 63, p. 572 — Las Lomitas, Cauca [= Valle], Colombia. West slope of Western Andes of Colombia from San Juan and Dagua valleys east to Cauca Valley. Sporophila intermedia agustini (de Schauensee) Spermophila intermedia agustini de Schauensee, 1947, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 99, p. 121 — San Agustin, Huila, Colombia. Valley of Rio Magdalena, Colombia, from about Honda south to head of valley, and on west slope of Western Andes in Cauca. Sporophila intermedia anchicayae Miller Sporophila intermedia anchicayae A. H. Miller, 1960, 136 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Condor, 62, p. 121— Rio Anchicaya, 950 ft., Valle, Colombia. Valley of Rio Anchicaya, Valle, Colombia. SPOROPHILA PLUMBEA Sporophila plumbea colombiana (Sharpe) Spermophila plumbea colombiana Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, p. 99 — “Bogota’’; Volador, 25 km. west of Simiti, Bolivar, Colombia designated by de Schauensee, 1952, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 104, p. 168. Sierra Santa Marta and lower Magdalena Valley, Bolivar, Colombia. Sporophila plumbea whiteleyana (Sharpe) Spermophila plumbea whiteleyana Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, p. 98— Roraima, Guiana [= Venezuela]. Llanos of eastern Colombia through southern and eastern Venezuela and adjacent northernmost Brazil to the Guianas and mouth of the Amazon, Brazil. Sporophila plumbea plumbea (Wied) Fringilla plumbea Wied, 1831, Beitr. Naturg. Brasilien, 3(2), p. 579 — Campo Geral of inner Brazil [= bound- ary between Bahia and Minas Gerais]. Eastern, central, and southern Brazil, from Piaui south to Parana and west to Mato Grosso, through Paraguay and Misiones, northern Argentina; Beni, northwestern Bolivia. SPOROPHILA AMERICANA Sporophila americana corvina (Sclater) Spermophila corvina P. L. Sclater, 1859, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 379 — Playa Vicente, Oaxaca, Mexico. Caribbean slope from Veracruz through eastern Mexico, exclusive of Yucatan Peninsula, and south to western Panama; uncommon in north. Sporophila americana aurita (Bonaparte) Spermophila aurita Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 497— Brazil; error, Panama Canal Zone suggested by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ. ;'Zool, Sers, 13, pt; 11; ip: 9d. EMBERIZINAE 137 Pacific slope of Costa Rica east in Panama to beyond Canal Zone; intergrades with corvina and chocoana in Pan- ama. Sporophila americana chocoana (de Schauensee) Spermophila aurita chocoana de Schauensee, 1950, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 102, p. 188 — Nuqui, 300 ft., Chocd, Colombia. Pacific slope of eastern Darién, Panama, and west of the Andes in Colombia south to Rio Dagua. Sporophila americana ophthalmica (Sclater) Spermophila ophthalmica P. L. Sclater, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 276 — Babahoyo, Los Rios, Ecuador. Lowlands west of the Andes from Narifo, southwestern Colombia, through western Ecuador to Libertad, Peru. Sporophila americana murallae Chapman Sporophila aurita murallae Chapman, 1915, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 34, p. 649 — La Muralla [= Morelia], 600 ft., Caqueta, Colombia. Known only from type locality, east of the Andes, south- eastern Colombia. -Sporophila americana americana (Gmelin) Loxia americana Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 863; based on “Blackbreasted Grosbeak” of Latham, 1788, Gen. Synop. Birds, 2, p. 148 — some part of America; restricted to Cayenne by Hellmayr, 1904, Verh. Zool.- Bot. Ges. Wien, 54, p. 532. Sucre, northeastern Venezuela, through the Guianas and region at mouth of the Amazon to Para, northeastern Brazil; Tobago and Chacachacare Island, but not Trinidad. ?Sporophila americana dispar Todd Sporophila americana dispar Todd, 1922, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 35, p. 90 — Santarém, Brazil. Middle Amazon region from about Santarém west to about Manacapurt on north bank and to Rio Jurua on south bank. 1 Specimens in the M.C.Z. from the mouth of the Rio Curaray and Cotapino, eastern Ecuador and those cited by Traylor, 1958, Fieldiana: Zoology, 35, p. 136, from Pucallpa, Huanaco, eastern Peru, may be referable to S. a. murallae. — R.A.P., Jr. 138 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD SPOROPHILA TORQUEOLA Sporophila torqueola sharpei Lawrence Sporophila morelleti sharpei Lawrence, 1889, Auk, 6, p. 538 — Lomita, Texas. Lower Rio Grande valley, Texas and coastal plain of northeastern Mexico from Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas through eastern San Luis Potosi to northern Veracruz. Sporophila torqueola torqueola (Bonaparte) Spermophila torqueola Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1(1850), p. 495 — Mexico; type from Ciudad México, fide van Rossem, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 77, p421. Central and southwestern Mexico from interior Jalisco, Guanajuato, Mexico, and western Puebla south to southern Oaxaca. Sporophila torqueola atriceps (Lawrence) Spermophila atriceps Lawrence (ex Baird MS), 1867, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 8, p. 479 — Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. Pacific lowlands of Mexico from Sinaloa and western Durango to Nyarit and northern Jalisco. Sporophila torqueola morelleti (Bonaparte) Spermophila morelleti Bonaparte (ex Pucheran MS), 1851?, Consp. Avium 1(1850), p. 497 — Guatemala; type from Petén, Guatemala, fide Salvin and Godman,. 1885, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, 1, p. 353. Northern Veracruz south through Caribbean slope of Mexico and Central America to extreme western Panama. Sporophila torqueola mutanda Griscom Sporophila morelleti mutanda Griscom, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 438, p. 7 — Hacienda California, near Ocos, Guatemala. Pacific slope of Chiapas, Guatemala, and El Salvador. SPOROPHILA COLLARIS Sporophila collaris ochrascens Hellmayr Sporophila melanocephala ochrascens Hellmayr, 1904, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 54, p. 534—Rio Panana, northern Sao Paulo, Brazil. EMBERIZINAE 139 Beni, northern Bolivia, and northern Mato Grosso and western Sado Paulo, west-central Brazil. Sporophila collaris collaris (Boddaert) Loxia collaris Boddaert, 1788, Tabl. Planches enlum., p. 40; based on ‘‘Gros-Bec d’Angola” of Buffon, 1775, Hist. Nat. Ois., 6, p. 207, and of Daubenton, 1765-80, Planches enlum., 4, p. 180, pl. 659, fig. 2— Angola; error, Rio de Janeiro designated by Hellmayr, 1904, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 54, p. 534. Southern Goids, Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, and Rio de Janeiro, eastern Brazil. Sporophila collaris melanocephala (Vieillot) Coccothraustes melanocephala Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 13, p. 542; based on “Pico grueso cejita blanca,” no. 124, of Azara, 1802, Apuntamientos Hist. Nat. Paxaros Paragiiay Rio Plata, 1, p. 448 — Paraguay. Southwestern Mato Grosso, Brazil through Paraguay to La Rioja, Santiago del Estero, and Buenos Aires, north- western and north-central Argentina; one record from Uruguay (San José). SPOROPHILA LINEOLA! Sporophila lineola bouvronides (Lesson) Pyrrhula bouvronides Lesson, 1831, Traité Ornith., p. 450 —no locality; Trinidad designated by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 211. Trinidad and Tobago; morphologically similar birds oc- cur on mainland within range of nominate lineola and are considered variants of that taxon. Sporophila lineola restricta Todd Sporophila lineola restricta Todd, 1917, Proce. Biol. Soc. Washington, 30, p. 128— Gamarra, Magdalena, Co- lombia. Lower Magdalena valley, in Bolivar, Magdalena, and Norte de Santander, Colombia. 1 For an analysis (and distribution map) of this vexing species, see de Schauensee, 1952, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 104, pp. 175-181. — R.A.P., Jr. 140 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Sporophila lineola lineola (Linnaeus) Loxia lineola Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 174 — Asia; error, emended to Surinam by Berlepsch and Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 26; further emended to Bahia, Brazil, by de Schauensee, 1952, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 104, p. 177. Eastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador, northeastern Peru, and Acre, western Brazil, east across continent and south to Santa Cruz in eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, Tucuman and Santa Fe, north-central Argentina, and Mato Grosso and Sao Paulo, in southern Brazil; populations in northern range and in Amazon basin (except southeastern portion) morphologically variable. SPOROPHILA LUCTUOSA Sporophila luctuosa (Lafresnaye) Spermophila luctuosa Lafresnaye, 1843, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 6, p. 291 — Colombia; restricted to Bogota by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13. pt El p00. Andes from Trujillo, western Venezuela, south through Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, to Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, northern Bolivia. SPOROPHILA NIGRICOLLIS Sporophila nigricollis nigricollis (Vieillot) Pyrrhula nigricollis Vieillot, 1823, in Bonnaterre and Vieillot, 1823, Tabl. Enc. Méth., Ornith., 3, livr. 93, p. 1027 — Brazil. [Reference not verified. ] Southern Costa Rica through Panama and Colombia, ex- cept extreme southwest, through northern, central, and eastern South America south to Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Mato Grosso and Sio Paulo, Brazil, and Misiones, Argentina; Carriacou, Grenada, Tobago, and Trinidad. Sporophila nigricollis vivida (Hellmayr) Spermophila gutturalis olivacea Berlepsch and Taczanow- ski, 1883, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 550 — Chimbo, Ecuador. Sporophila nigricollis vivida Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 209. New name for Spermophila gutturalis olivacea Berlepsch EMBERIZINAE 141 and Taczanowski, 1883, preoccupied by Pyrrhula oli- vacea Vieillot, 1823 =P. nigricollis Vieillot, 1823. Narino, southwestern Colombia through western Ecua- dor. Sporophila nigricollis inconspicua Berlepsch and Stolzmann Sporophila gutturalis inconspicua Berlepsch and Stolz- mann, 1906, Ornis, 13, p. 84 — Santa Ana, Urubamba Valley, Peru. Western slopes of Andes of northwestern Peru south to Lambayeque and on eastern slopes from Cajamarca south to Cuzco. SPOROPHILA ARDESIACA Sporophila ardesiaca (Dubois)! Spermophila ardesiaca Dubois, 1894, Mém. Soc. Zool. France, 7, p. 399 — Brazil. Southern Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. SPOROPHILA MELANOPS Sporophila melanops (Pelzeln) Spermophila melanops Pelzeln (ex Natterer MS), 1870, Ornith. Brasil., pt. 3, p. 224 — Porto do Rio Araguaia, Goias, Brazil. Known only from type locality. SPOROPHILA-OBSCURA2 Sporophila obscura haplochroma Todd Sporophila haplochroma Todd, 1912, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8, p. 200 — Cincinnati, Santa Marta district, Colombia. Santa Marta region, northern Colombia, and north- western Venezuela. Sporophila obscura pauper (Berlepsch and Taczanowski) Spermophila pauper Berlepsch and Taczanowski (ex 1 Possibly a race of S. nigricollis or a hybrid (vide Sick, 1962, Bol. Mus. Nac. Brasil, Zool., no. 235, pp. 1-23; 19638, Proc. 138th Intern. Ornith. Cong., Ithaca, 1962, pp. 161-170). — R.A.P., Jr. 2 Paul Schwartz believes, in litt., this may be a Tiaris; it builds a domed nest unlike the described nests of other Sporophila. — ReAP., JF. 142 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Stolzmann MS), 1884, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 293 — Cayandeled, Chimborazo, Ecuador. Cauca Valley, Colombia, south on western slopes of Andes through Ecuador and northwestern Peru to La Libertad, crossing to eastern slopes in northern Peru south to Caja- marca and easternmost La Libertad. Sporophila obscura obscura (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Emberiza obscura d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 81— Chiquitos, Bolivia. Eastern slopes of Andes from central Peru south through Bolivia to Tucuman, Argentina. Sporophila obscura pacifica Koepcke Sporophila obscura pacifica Koepcke, 1963, Beitr. Neo- trop. Fauna, 3, p. 8 — Lachay, 400 m., 90 km. north Lima, Peru. Central coastal Peru from northern Lima south to northern Arequipa. SPOROPHILA CAERULESCENS Sporophila caerulescens caerulescens (Vieillot) Pyrrhula caerulescens Vieillot, 1828, in Bonnaterre and Vieillot, Tabl. Enc. Méth., Ornith., 3, livr. 938, p. 1023 — Brazil [reference not verified]; restricted to vicinity of Rio de Janeiro by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ.,:Zool. Ser:,13, pt. 11, ps 20 Central and southeastern Brazil, from southeastern Para, Goias, Minas Gerais, and Espirito Santo south and south- west to Chaco of Bolivia and through Paraguay and Uru- guay south to La Pampa, central Argentina; specimens from southern Loreto, eastern Peru, probably migrants (vide O’Neill, 1969, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool., Louisiana State Univ.. no. of,. 10): Sporophila caerulescens hellmayri Wolters Sporophila caerulescens hellmayri Wolters, 1939, Ornith. Monatsb., 47, p. 152. New name for Fringilla ornata Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl. zool. Mus. Berlin, p. 26 — Bahia, Brazil, preoccupied by F'ringilla ornata Vieillot, 1817, and F’. ornata Wied, 1821. Known only from Bahia, Brazil. EMBERIZINAE 143 Sporophila caerulescens yungae Gyldenstolpe Sporophila caerulescens yungae Gyldenstolpe, 1941, Arkiv Zool., 33B, (13), p. 83— Chulumani, 1,740 m., La Paz, Bolivia. La Paz, Cochabamba, and Beni, northern Bolivia. SPOROPHILA ALBOGULARIS Sporophila albogularis (Spix) Loxia albogularis Spix, 1825, Av. spec. Nov. Brasil., 2, p. 46, pl. 60, fig. 1— Brazil; restricted to Bahia by Hellmayr, 1906, Abh. Bayern Akad. Wiss. Math.-phys. Kel 22 (eo), p.. O19: Northeastern Brazil from Piaui and Ceara south to Bahia and Espirito Santo. SPOROPHILA LEUCOPTERA Sporophila leucoptera mexianae Hellmayr Sporophila leucoptera mexianae Hellmayr, 1912, Abh. Bayern Akad. Wiss. Math.-phys. K1., 26, no. 2, p. 119. New name for S. l. aequatorialis Snethlage, 1907, Ornith. Monatsb., 15, p. 198 — Santa Maria, Mexiana Island, Brazil, preoccupied by Spermophila aequa- torialis Salvadori and Festa, 1899. Mexiana Island, mouth of the Amazon, Brazil. Sporophila leucoptera cinereola (Temminck) Pyrrhula cinereola Temminck, 1820, Pl. Col., livr. 2, pl. 11, fig. 1 — Brazil; restricted to Bahia by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 181. Eastern Brazil from Maranhdo south to Rio de Janeiro. ~ Sporophila leucoptera leucoptera (Vieillot) Coccothraustes leucoptera Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 13, p. 521; based on “Pico triguefio,” no. 123, of Azara, 1802, Apuntamientos Hist. Nat. Paxaros Paragiiay Rio Plata, 1, p. 447 — Paraguay. Central and southwestern Brazil, from Goias and Minas Gerais to Mato Grosso, through Paraguay to Formosa, Chaco, and northern Santa Fe, northern Argentina. 144 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Sporophila leucoptera bicolor (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Pyrrhula bicolor d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 86 — Moxos, Bolivia. Beni and Santa Cruz, eastern Bolivia. SPOROPHILA PERUVIANA Sporophila peruviana devronis (Verreaux) Callirhynchus devronis Verreaux, 1852, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 4, p. 314 —no locality. Arid coast from Manabi, central Ecuador, to Tumbes, northern Peru. \An46 Sporophila peruviana peruviana (Lesson) Callyrhynchus peruvianus Lesson, 1842, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 5, p. 209 — Callao, Peru. Arid coast of Peru from Libertad south to Ica. SPOROPHILA SIMPLEX Sporophila simplex (Taczanowski) Spermophila simplex Taczanowski (ex Jelski MS), 1874, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 132 — Lima, Peru. Upper Maranon Valley and from Libertad to Ica, Peru. SPOROPHILA NIGRORUFA Sporophila nigrorufa (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Pyrrhula nigro-rufa d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 87 — Chiquitos, Bolivia. Western Mato Grosso, Brazil, and Santa Cruz, eastern Bolivia. SPOROPHILA BOUVREUIL Sporophila bouvreuil bouvreuil (Miiller) Loxia bouvreuil P. L. S. Miller, 1776, Natursyst., suppl., p. 154; based on ‘‘Bouvreuil de l’Isle Bourbon” of Daubenton, 1765-80, Planches enlum., pl. 204, fig. 1— “Tle de Bourbon’’; error, Bahia, Brazil, designated by Hellmayr, 1904, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 54, p. 520. Mouth of the Amazon south through eastern Brazil to Rio de Janeiro and northeastern Sao Paulo and west to Goias. Sporophila bouvreuil crypta Sick Sporophila bouvreuil crypta Sick, 1968, Beitr. Neotrop. EMBERIZINAE 145 Fauna, 5, p. 158 — Farinha Séca, Lagoa Feia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Known only from near city of Rio de Janeiro. Sporophila bouvreuil pileata (Sclater) Spermophila pileata P. L. Sclater (ex Natterer MS), 1864, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 607 — Borda do Mato, east- ern Sao Paulo, Brazil. Southern Brazil, from southern Mato Grosso and north- ern and central Sao Paulo, through eastern Paraguay to Corrientes and Misiones, northeastern Argentina. Sporophila bouvreuil saturata Hellmayr Sporophila saturata Hellmayr, 1904, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 54, p. 520 — state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Known only from vicinity of city of Sao Paulo. SPOROPHILA INSULATA Sporophila insulata Chapman Sporophila insulata Chapman, 1921, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 18, p. 12 — Tumaco, southwestern Colombia. Known only from Tumaco Island, Narino, southwestern Colombia. SPOROPHILA MINUTA Sporophila minuta parva (Lawrence) Spermophila parva Lawrence, 1883, Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 26 (1882), p. 882 — Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Arid Pacific lowlands from Nayarit, Mexico, south through Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras to Nica- ragua. Sporophila minuta centralis Bangs and Penard Sporophila minuta centralis Bangs and Penard, 1918, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 62, p. 90 — near Panama City, Panama. Southwestern Costa Rica and Pacific slope of Panama. ~ Sporophila minuta minuta (Linnaeus) Loxia minuta Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 176 — Surinam. Northern South America from northwestern Ecuador through Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Tobago, and the 146 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Guianas, south to northern Amazonas and northern Para, Brazil. SPOROPHILA HYPOXANTHA! Sporophila hypoxantha Cabanis Sporophila hypoxantha Cabanis (ex Lichtenstein MS), 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 150 — Montevideo [= Uru- guay]. Southern Mato Grosso, southern Goids, Parana, and Sao Paulo, Brazil, through Santa Cruz, eastern Bolivia, Para- guay, and (?) Uruguay? to northeastern Argentina from Formosa and Misiones south to northern Santa Fe and Entre Rios (possibly northern Buenos Aires). SPOROPHILA HYPOCHROMA Sporophila hypochroma Todd® Sporophila hypochroma Todd, 1915, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 28, p. 79— Buena Vista, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Santa Cruz and Beni, eastern Bolivia; one record from Corrientes, Argentina.* SPOROPHILA RUFICOLLIS® Sporophila ruficollis Cabanis Sporophila ruficollis Cabanis (ex Lichtenstein MS), 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 150 — Montevideo [= Uruguay]. Mato Grosso, southern Goias, and Sao Paulo, southern Brazil, through Santa Cruz and Beni, eastern Bolivia, Para- guay, and northern Uruguay to northern Argentina from 1 See Short, 1969, Wilson Bull., 81, pp. 216-219, for reasons for treating hypoxantha as a full species, rather than as a race of S. minuta. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 Last recorded in Uruguay in 1883 (Gibson, 1885, Ibis, p. 277).— RAP. Jr. 3 Short, 1969, Wilson Bull., 81, pp. 218, presents a convincing case for considering S. hypochroma rothi Singh (1960, “Daily Argosy” [Georgetown, British Guiana], 25 Oct., p. 6 — Tauraculli, left bank of Abary River, Demerara, Guyana [British Guiana]) as a hybrid be- tween S. minuta and S. castaneiventris. — R.A.P., Jr. 4 Short, loc. cit. —R.A.P., Jr. 5 Short, loc. cit., suggests that S. ruficollis may be a color phase of S. hypoxantha. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 147 Salta, Chaco, and Entre Rios south to Tucuman, Santiago del Estero, and Buenos Aires. SPOROPHILA PALUSTRIS! Sporophila palustris (Barrows) Spermophila palustris Barrows, 1883, Bull. Nuttall Or- nith. Club, 8, p. 92—near Concepcion del Uruguay Entre Rios, Argentina. Western Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Entre Rios, northeastern Argentina. SPOROPHILA CASTANEIVENTRIS Sporophila castaneiventris Cabanis Sporophila castaneiventris Cabanis, 1849, in Schomburgk, Reisen Brit.-Guiana, 3(1848), p. 679 — Cumaka, coast of Guyana (British Guiana). Amazon basin from northern Bolivia, eastern Peru, east- ern Ecuador, southeastern Colombia, southern Venezuela, and the Guianas south in Brazil to Acre, middle Rio Madeira, lower Rio Tapajos, and (?) mouth of the Amazon. SPOROPHILA CINNAMOMEA Sporophila cinnamomea (Lafresnaye) Pyrrhula cinnamomea Lafresnaye, 1839, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 2, p. 96 — Rio Grande [= Rio Araguaia, Goias], Brazil. Goias and southern Mato Grosso,? Brazil, and eastern Paraguay. SPOROPHILA MELANOGASTER Sporophila melanogaster (Pelzeln) Spermophila melanogaster Pelzeln (ex Natterer MS), i570, Ornith, Brasil., pt. so, pp. 225, so2 — Itarare and Resacca (Borda do Mato) Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1 Sporophila lorenzi Hellmayr, 1904, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 54, p. 522 — (?) Cayenne, which is known from the type only, is pre- sumed to be an artifact, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 220.—R.A.P., JR. 2 To the scant list of localities from which this rare species has been recorded (vide de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South Amer., p. 511) may be added Tocanténia, Goias (two specimens in M.C.Z.). —R.A.P., Jr. 148 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Eastern Goids, Minas Gerais, SAio Paulo, and Rio Grande do Sul, southeastern Brazil; apparently rare and local. SPOROPHILA TELASCO Sporophila telasco (Lesson) Pyrrhula telasco Lesson, 1828, Voy. Coquille, Zool., 1, livr. 8, pl. 15, fig. 3; zdem., op. cit., 18380, liver: 15..%ps be — vicinity of Lima, Peru. Isla Gorgona, southwestern Colombia (one specimen, (7?) introduced); arid coast from northwestern Ecuador through Peru (extending to eastern slope of Andes in up- per Rio Marafion valley, in vicinity of Jaén) to Arica, ex- treme northern Chile. GENUS ORYZOBORUS CABANIS Oryzoborus Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 151. Type, by subsequent designation ( G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 75), Loxia torrida Gmelin [= Scopoli]. ef. Sick, 1963, Proc. 13th Intern. Ornith. Cong., Ithaca, 1962, pp. 161-170 (hybrids between Oryzoborus and Sporophila). ORYZOBORUS CRASSIROSTRIS Oryzoborus crassirostris nuttingi Ridgway Oryzoborus nuttingi Ridgway, 1884, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 6, p. 401— Los Sabalos, Nicaragua. Oryzoborus crassirostris loftint Wetmore, 1970, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 82, p. 774 — Almirante, Bocas del Toro, Panama. [Specimens not examined. ] Caribbean lowlands of Nicaragua and northern Costa Rica; western Panama. Oryzoborus crassirostris crassirostris (Gmelin) Loxia crassirostris Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 862; based on “‘Thickbilled Grosbeak” of Latham, 17838, Gen. Synop. Birds, 2(1), p. 148 — no locality ; Cayenne desig- nated by Berlepsch and Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, Dp. 2p; Eastern Colombia east of the Andes, through lowlands of Venezuela (except range of magnirostris along Orinoco), the Guianas, and northern Brazil, south to the Amazon. EMBERIZINAE 149 Oryzoborus crassirostris magnirostris Phelps and Phelps, ar: Oryzoborus crassirostris magnirostris Phelps and Phelps, Jgr., 1950, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 63, p. 122 — . Misién San Francisco de Guayo, sea level, Delta Ama- curo, Venezuela. Trinidad (rare) and Delta Amacuro and northern Bo- livar, eastern Venezuela. Oryzoborus crassirostris maximiliani (Cabanis) Fringilla crassirostris Wied, 1830, Beitr. Naturg. Bras- ilien, 3(1), p. 564 — Rio Espirito Santo, Espirito Santo, and Caravellas, Bahia, Brazil. Oryzoborus maximiliani Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 151. New name for Fringilla crassirostris Wied, 1830, preoccupied by Loxia crassirostris Gmelin, 1789. Eastern and central Brazil from Goias and Bahia south to Sao Paulo and central Mato Grosso. Oryzoborus crassirostris occidentalis Sclater Oryzoborus occidentalis P. L. Sclater, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 276 — Babahoyo, Los Rios, Ecuador. Colombia, in valleys of the Magdalena, Atrato, and Cauca, and lowlands of northwestern Ecuador. Oryzoborus crassirostris atrirostris Sclater and Salvin Oryzoborus atrirostris P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1878, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 186— Moyobamba, San Martin, Peru. Eastern slopes of the Andes in San Martin and Loreto, northern Peru. Oryzoborus crassirostris gigantirostris Bond and de Schauensee Oryzoborus atrirostris gigantirostris Bond and de Schauensee, 1939, Notulae Naturae [Philadelphia], no. 12, p. 3 — Chatarona, 600 ft., Beni, Bolivia. Beni, northern Bolivia. ORYZOBORUS ANGOLENSIS Oryzoborus angolensis funereus Sclater Oryzoborus funereus P. L. Sclater, 1859, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 378 — Suchapam, Oaxaca, Mexico. Caribbean lowlands from southeastern Mexico to Nica- 150 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD ragua, both slopes from Costa Rica to Panama, northern and western Colombia in Santa Maria region and on Pacific slope west of the Andes, and western Ecuador. Oryzoborus angolensis torridus (Scopoli) Loxia torrida Scopoli, 1769, Ann. I Hist.-Nat., p. 140 — live bird in Vienna zoo secured by Jacquin during his travels in West Indies and coastal northern South America; north coast of Venezuela designated by Hell- mayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, Dt. ps 246. Trinidad; lowlands of northeastern Peru, eastern Ecua- dor, eastern Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas, and Ama- zonian Brazil. Oryzoborus angolensis angolensis (Linnaeus) Loxia angolensis Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 303; based on “The Black Gros-Beak” of Edwards, 1764, Glean. Nat. Hist., 3, p. 296, pl. 352 — “Angola;” error, eastern Brazil suggested by Hellmayr, 1906, Novit. Zool., 13, p. 19. Central and eastern Brazil from Mato Grosso, Goias, and Piaui southward to Santa Cruz and Beni, western Bolivia, Paraguay, and Misiones, extreme northeastern Argentina. GENUS AMAUROSPIZA CABANIS! Amaurospiza Cabanis, 1861, Journ. f. Ornith., 9, p. 3. Type, by original designation, Amawrospiza concolor Cabanis. Amaurospizopsis Griscom, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75, p. 412. Type, by original designation, Amauwro- spizopsis relictus Griscom. ef. Orr and Ray, 1945, Condor, 47, pp. 225-228. AMAUROSPIZA CONCOLOR Amaurospiza concolor relicta (Griscom) Amaurospizopsis relictus Griscom, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75, p. 412— mountains above Chilpan- cingo, Guerrero, Mexico. Mountains of Guerrero, Morelos, and Oaxaca, Mexico. 1 Very possibly a cardinal-grosbeak close to, or conspecific with, Passerina. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 151 Amaurospiza concolor concolor Cabanis Amaurospiza concolor Cabanis, 1861, Journ. f. Ornith., 9, p. 3— Costa Rica; restricted to Miravalles, Costa Rica, by Griscom, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75, pala: Amaurospiza concolor grandior Griscom, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75, p. 414— Pena Blanca, eastern Nicara- gua. Irregularly distributed in Chiapas, Mexico and in Hon- duras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama; rare. Amaurospiza concolor aequatorialis Sharpe Amaurospiza aequatorialis Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, p. 157 — Pallatanga, Chimborazo, Ecuador. Narino, southwestern Colombia and Chimborazo and Loja (specimen in Museum of Comparative Zoology), Ecuador; rare and local. AMAUROSPIZA MOESTA Amaurospiza moesta (Hartlaub) Sporophila moesta Hartlaub, 1853, Journ. f. Ornith., 1, ps oo ——brazil. Eastern Brazil from Maranhao to Parana and north- eastern Argentina in Misiones; rare and local. GENUS MELOPYRRHA BONAPARTE Melopyrrha Bonaparte, 1853, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 37, p. 924. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 82), Loxia nigra Linnaeus. MELOPYRRHA NIGRA Melopyrrha nigra nigra (Linnaeus) Loxia nigra Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 175; based on “The Little Black Bullfinch” of Catesby, 1731, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 1, p. 68, pl. 68 and “The Black Bulltiineh:” of Albin, 1738, Nat. Hist; Birds, 3; p. 65, pl. 69 — Mexico (from Catesby) ; emended to Cuba by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., i. pts bis p, 168: Cuba and Isle of Pines. 152 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Melopyrrha nigra taylori Hartert Melopyrrha taylort Hartert, 1896, Novit. Zool., 3, p. 257 — Grand Cayman. Grand Cayman. GENUS DOLOSPINGUS ELLIOT Dolospingus Elliot, 1871, Ibis, p. 402. Type, by monotypy, Dolospingus nuchalis Elliot = Oryzoborus(?) fringil- loides Pelzeln. DOLOSPINGUS FRINGILLOIDES Dolospingus fringilloides (Pelzeln) Oryzoborus(?) fringilloides Pelzeln, 1870, Ornith. Brasil., pt. 8, pp. 223, 329 — Rio Xié, upper Rio Negro, Brazil. Amazonas, Venezuela and upper Rio Negro region, Ama- zonas, Brazil; very rare. GENUS CATAMENIA BONAPARTE Catamenia Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 493. Type, by subsequent designation, G. R. Gray, | 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 78, Linaria analis d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye. CATAMENIA ANALIS Catamenia analis alpica Bangs Catamenia alpica Bangs, 1902, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 3, p. 89 — Paramo de Chiruqua, 15,000 ft., Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Catamenia analis schistaceifrons Chapman Catamenia analoides schistaceifrons Chapman, 1915, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 34, p. 649 — La Mar, 8,260 ft., Cundinamarca, Colombia. Eastern Andes of central Colombia. Catamenia analis soederstromi Chapman Catamenia analoides séderstromi Chapman, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 143, p. 9 — El Paso, 9,200 ft., Azuay, Ecuador. Highlands of north-central Ecuador, from Imbabura south to Chimborazo. ~~ EMBERIZINAE 153 Catamenia analis insignis Zimmer Catamenia analis insignis Zimmer, 1930, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 17, p. 460 — Cajamarca, Peru. Eastern slope of Andes from Cajamarca south to Ancash, Peru. _Catamenia analis analoides (Lafresnaye) Linaria analoides Lafresnaye, 1847, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 10, p. 75 — Lima, Peru. Western slope of Andes from Piura to Ayacucho, Peru. Catamenia analis griseiventris Chapman Catamenia analoides griseiventris Chapman, 1919, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 32, p. 267 — Cuzco, Peru. Cuzco, southeastern Peru. Catamenia analis analis (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Linaria analis d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 83—Sicasica and Cocha- bamba, Bolivia. Andes of Tarapaca, northern Chile, of central Bolivia from La Paz south to Tarija, and of northwestern Argen- _ tina from Jujuy and Salta south to Mendoza and east to western Cordoba; winters east to Buenos Aires. ?Catamenia analis subinsignis Carriker Catamenia analis subinsignis Carriker, 1935, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 87, p. 340 — Sandillani, 6,800 ft., La Paz, Bolivia. Vicinity of city of La Paz, Bolivia; possibly not separable from nominate analis. CATAMENIA INORNATA ~ Catamenia inornata mucuchiesi Phelps and Gilliard Catamenia inornata mucuchiesi Phelps and Gilliard, 1941, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1153, p. 14— Paramo Mucu- chies, Mérida, Venezuela. Paramo of Mérida, Venezuela. Catamenia inornata minor Berlepsch Catamenia inornata minor Berlepsch, 1885, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, p. 115 — Ceche, Chimborazo, Ecuador. Tachira, extreme western Venezuela, through Eastern and Central Andes of Colombia and south through Ecuador to Junin, central Peru. 154 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Catamenia inornata inornata (Lafresnaye) Linaria inornata Lafresnaye, 1847, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 10, p. 75 — Bolivia. Andes of southeastern Peru, in Cuzco and Puno, through central Bolivia and northern western Argentina south to Mendoza and western Cordoba. CATAMENIA HOMOCHROA Catamenia homochroa homochroa Sclater Catamenia homochroa P. L. Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 552 — Matos, ca. 15 miles north Riobamba, Ecuador. Andes from western Venezuela (Mérida, Zulia) through Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru to Bolivia. Catamenia homochroa duncani (Chubb) Ducanula duncani Chubb, 1921, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, 7, p. 198— Mount Roraima, British Guiana [= Bolivar, Venezuela]. Mountains of Bolivar and Amazonas, Venezuela, and of adjacent northernmost Brazil. CATAMENIA OREOPHILA! Catamenia oreophila Todd Catamenia oreophila Todd, 19138, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, 26, p. 169— San Lorenzo, Santa Marta, Co- lombia. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. GENUS TIARIS SWAINSON Tiaris Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1, p. 438. Type, by monotypy, Tiaris pusillus Swainson. 1 Known only from 6 specimens, none of which is an adult male, collected more than 50 years ago. Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 235, and de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South Amer., p. 518, suggest that this is probably simply a race of C. homochroa. Although agreeing that the probability is strong, I hesitate to change the status of the taxon, not having seen a specimen. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 155 TIARIS CANORA Tiaris canora (Gmelin) Loxia canora Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 858; based on “The Brown-cheeked Grosbeak” of Brown, 1776, Nouv. Illus. Zool., p. 56, pl. 24, fig. 1— “New Spain”’ [= Mexico; error, Cuba]. Cuba and (introduced?) Isle of Pines. TIARIS OLIVACEA Tiaris olivacea pusilla Swainson Tiaris pusillus Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1, p. 488 — Tableland, Temascaltepec, and Real de Monte, Mexico. Atlantic slope of Mexico locally through Central America to Colombia (west of the eastern Andes and excluding Santa Marta region) and western Venezuela. ?Tiaris olivacea ravida Wetmore Tiaris olivacea ravida Wetmore, 1957, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 134(9), p. 100 — Isla Coiba, Panama. Isla Coiba, Veraguas, Panama. Tiaris olivacea olivacea (Linnaeus) Emberiza olivacea Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 309; based on “Le Bruant de S. Domingue’ of Bris- son, 1760, Ornithologie, 3, p. 300, pl. 13, fig. 5 — Do- minica [= Hispaniola]. Fringilla lepida Linnaeus (ex Jacquin MS), 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 320 — Havana, Cuba. Euetheia coryi Ridgway, 1890, Auk, 15, p. 322 — Cayman Brac. Cuba, Isle of Pines, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and Cayman Islands. Tiaris olivacea intermedia (Ridgway) Euetheia olivacea intermedia Ridgway, 1885, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 3, p. 22—AIsla Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Isla Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Tiaris olivacea bryanti (Ridgway) Euetheia bryanti Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 322 — Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico and neighboring islands. 156 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD TIARIS BICOLOR Tiaris bicolor bicolor (Linnaeus) Fringilla bicolor Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 824; based on “The Bahama Sparrow” of Catesby, 1731, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 1, p. 37, pl. 37 — America [= Bahamas]. Bahama Islands and cays off Las Villas Province, Cuba. Tiaris bicolor marchii (Baird) Phonipara marchii Baird, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 297 — Jamaica. Jamaica and Hispaniola, including nearby islands. Tiaris bicolor omissa Jardine Tiaris omissa Jardine, 1847, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, p. doz — Tobago. Puerto Rico east through Lesser Antilles to Tobago and on mainland from Guajira Peninsula and western San- tander, Colombia, east through coastal Venezuela to Sucre and on Isla Margarita. Tiaris bicolor huilae Miller Tiaris bicolor huilae A. H. Miller, 1952, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 65, p. 14— five km. north of Villavieja 1,400 ft., Huila, Colombia. Dry upper Magdalena valley, Colombia. Tiaris bicolor grandior (Cory) Euethia (sic) grandior Cory, 1887, Auk, 4, p. 245 — Old Providence Island, Caribbean Sea. Old Providence, Santa Catalina, and St. Andrew Islands, southwestern Caribbean. Tiaris bicolor johnstonei (Lowe) Euethia (sic) johnstonet Lowe, 1906, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 19, p. 6 — Isla La Blanquilla, Venezuela. Isla La Blanquilla and Islas Los Hermanos, Venezuela. Tiaris bicolor sharpei (Hartert) Euetheia sharpei Hartert, 1893, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 1, p. 37 — Bonaire, Curacao, and Aruba; type from Curacao, fide Hartert, 1919, Novit. Zool., 26, p. 154. Aruba, Curacao, and Bonaire, Dutch West Indies. EMBERIZINAE 157 Tiaris bicolor tortugensis Cory Tiaris tortugensis Cory, 1909, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Ornith. Ser., 1, p. 221 —Isla La Tortuga, Venezuela. Isla La Tortuga, Venezuela. TIARIS FULIGINOSA Tiaris fuliginosa fumosa (Lawrence) Phonipara fumosa Lawrence, 1874, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 10, p. 396 — Trinidad. Trinidad; coastal mountains from Carabobo to Sucre, Venezuela. Tiaris fuliginosa zuliae Hostos and Ginés Tiaris fuliginosa zuliae Hostos and Ginés, 1948, Mem. Soc. Cienc. Nat. La Salle [Caracas], 8, no. 22, p. 107 — Cerro Ayapa, 1,010 m., Zulia, Venezuela. Sierra de Perija, Zulia, Venezuela. Tiaris fuliginosa fuliginosa (Wied) Fringilla fuliginosa Wied, 1830, Beitr. Naturg. Brasilien, 3(1), p. 628 — Camamt, Bahia, Brazil. Northeastern and central Brazil from Pernambuco south to Sao Paulo and west-central Mato Grosso. GENUS LOXIPASSER BRYANT Loxipasser Bryant, 1866, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 10, p. 254. Type, by original designation, Spermophila anoxantha Gosse. LOXIPASSER ANOXANTHUS ~ Loxipasser anoxanthus (Gosse) Spermophila anoxantha Gosse, 1847, Birds Jamaica, p. 247 — Mount Edgecumbe, Jamaica. Jamaica. GENUS LOXIGILLA LESSON Loxigilla Lesson, 1831, Traité Ornith., p. 443. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 74), Fringilla noctis Linnaeus. 158 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD LOXIGILLA PORTORICENSIS Loxigilla portoricensis portoricensis (Daudin) Loxia portoricensis Daudin, 1800, Traité Ornith., 2, p. 411 — Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico. Loxigilla portoricensis grandis Lawrence Loxigilla portoricensis grandis Lawrence, 1881, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 4, p. 204— St. Christopher, Lesser Antilles. St. Christopher (St. Kitts), Lesser Antilles; extinct. LOXIGILLA VIOLACEA Loxigilla violacea violacea (Linnaeus) Loxia violacea Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 176; based on “The Purple Gross-beak” of Catesby, 1731, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 1, p. 40, pl. 40— America [= Bahamas]. Bahamas. Loxigilla violacea maurella Wetmore Loxigilla violacea maurella Wetmore, 1919, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 81(13), p. 4 — Tortue Island. Tortue, Gonave, and Saona islands, Hispaniola. Loxigilla violacea affinis (Ridgway) Pyrrulagra affinis Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 322 — Port- au-Prince, Haiti. Hispaniola including Catalina Island off southern coast. Loxigilla violacea parishi Wetmore Lowigilla violacea parishi Wetmore, 1931, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 44, p. 27 — Ile-a-Vache, Haiti. Ile-A-Vache and Beata islands, off southern Hispaniola. Loxigilla violacea ruficollis (Gmelin) Tanagra ruficollis Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 894; based on ‘‘Rufous-throated Tanager” of Latham, 1783, Gen. Synop. Birds, 2(1), p. 241 — Jamaica. Jamaica. 1 Bond informs me (in litt.) that, although widely separated, popu- lations from these three islands are virtually indistinguishable. — RAC Pe, dr. EMBERIZINAE 159 LOXIGILLA NOCTIS Loxigilla noctis coryi (Ridgway) Pyrrhulagra coryi Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 323 — St. Eustatius. Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Christopher (St. Kitts), Nevis, and Montserrat, Lesser Antilles. Loxigilla noctis ridgwayi (Cory) Pyrrhulagra noctis ridgwayi Cory, 1892, Cat. West Indian birds, p, 150 Anticua. Loxigilla chazaliei Oustalet, 1895, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 20, p. 184 — Barbuda. Anguilla, St. Martin, Barbuda, and Antigua, Lesser Antilles. Loxigilla noctis desiradensis Danforth Loxigilla noctis desiradensis Danforth, 1937, Journ. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico, 21, p. 229 — Désirade. Désirade, Lesser Antilles. Loxigilla noctis dominicana (Ridgway) Pyrrhulagra dominicana Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 323 — Dominica. Guadeloupe, Marie Galante, Iles des Saintes, and Domi- nica, Lesser Antilles. Loxigilla noctis noctis (Linnaeus) Fringilla noctis Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 320; primarily based on ‘“‘Le Pére Noir” of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 3, p. 118, pl. 7, fig. 1— Jamaica, Mexico, and Martinique. Martinique, Lesser Antilles. Loxigilla noctis sclateri Allen Loxigilla noctis sclateri Allen, 1880, Bull. Nuttall Ornith. Club, 5, p. 166 — St. Lucia. St. Lucia, Lesser Antilles. Loxigilla noctis crissalis (Ridgway) Pyrrhulagra crissalis Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 323 — Cumberland Valley, St. Vincent. St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles. Loxigilla noctis grenadensis (Cory) Pyrrhulagra noctis grenadensis Cory, 1892, Cat. West Indian Birds, p. 150 — Grenada. 160 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Loxigilla noctis propinqua Lawrence, 1878, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1, p. 58 — Essequibo River and Berbice, British Guiana.? Grenada, Lesser Antilles. Loxigilla noctis barbadensis Cory Loxigilla barbadensis Cory, 1886, Auk, 3, p. 382 — Bar- bados. Barbados, Lesser Antilles. GENUS MELANOSPIZA RIDGWAY Melanospiza Ridgway, 1897, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 19 (1896), p. 466. Type, by original designation, Lowigilla richardsoni Cory. MELANOSPIZA RICHARDSONI 2 : , ; Melanospiza richardsoni (Cory) a Lowigilla richardsoni Cory, 1886, Auk, 3, p. 382 —moun- \oe \- tains of St. Lucia. ‘ §t. Lucia, Lesser Antilles. GENUS GEOSPIZA GOULD Geospiza Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5, p. 5. Type, by original designation, Geospiza magnirostris Gould. cf. Swarth, 1931, Occas. Papers California Acad. Sci., 18, pp. 1-299 (survey, synonomies, bibliography). Lowe, 1941, Ibis, pp. 315-317 (evolution). Lack, 1945, Occas. Papers California Acad. Sci., 21, pp. 1-151 (field study, evolution, bibliography, black and white plates). Lack, 1947, Darwin’s Finches, 208 pp. (evolution, bibli- ography, colored plates). Bowman, 1961, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 58, pp. 1- 1 The type and two additional specimens were collected by A. H. Alexander and said to have been obtained in British Guiana. They are indistinguishable from specimens from Grenada and are believed by Bond (in litt. and 1939, Notulae Naturae [Philadelphia], no. 13, p. &) to have been collected in Grenada while Alexander was enroute to British Guiana. —R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 161 302 (field study, morphology, evolution, black and white plates). Bock, 1963, Auk, 80, pp. 202-207 (critique of Bowman, 1961). Hamilton and Rubinoff, 1968, Evolution, 17, pp. 388- 403 (evolution). Curio and Kramer, 1965, Bird-banding, 36, pp. 27-44 (plumage variation). GEOSPIZA MAGNIROSTRIS ‘\ Geospiza magnirostris Gould Geospiza magnirostris Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- ( 4 don, 5, p. 5 — Galapagos Islands.1 e° Geospiza strenua Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5, p. 5 — Galapagos Islands. Wenman, Genovesa (Tower), Pinta (Abingdon), Mar- chena (Bindloe), Santiago (James), Santa Cruz (Inde- fatigable), Isabela (Albemarle), Rabida (Jervis), Seymour, Pinzon (Duncan), Fernandina (Narborough), Santa Fé (Barrington), (? race) Santa Maria (Charles), and (? breeding) Culpepper, Galapagos Islands. GEOSPIZA FORTIS \. Geospiza fortis Gould Geospiza fortis Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5, p. 5 — Galapagos Islands. Pinta (Abingdon), Marchena (Bindloe), Santiago (James), Santa Cruz (Indefatigable), Isabela (Albemarle), Fernandina (Narborough), Rabida (Jervis), Seymour, Pinz6n (Duncan), Sante Fé (Barrington), San Cristébal (Chatham), and Santa Maria (Charles), Galapagos Islands. GEOSPIZA FULIGINOSA i Geospiza fuliginosa Gould Geospiza fuliginosa Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5, p. 5 — Galapagos Islands. 1 Tt seems likely that G. magnirostris applies to a large form from Santa Maria (Charles), probably now extinct. If this is the case, the species is polytypic and the subspecies occurring on the remaining islands is G. m. strenua (vide Lack, 1947, Darwin’s Finches, p. 22). —R.A.P., Jr. 162 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Geospiza fuliginosa minor Rothschild and Hartert, 1899, Novit. Zool., 6, p. 162 — Bindloe and Abingdon, Gala- pagos Islands; type from Bindloe, fide Hartert, 1919, Novit. Zool., 26, p. 152. Pinta (Abingdon), Marchena (Bindloe), Santiago (James), Santa Cruz (Indefatigable), Isabela (Albemarle), Fernandina (Narborough), Santa Fé (Barrington), Rabida (Jervis), Seymour, Pinzén (Duncan), San Cristébal (Chat- ham), Espanola (Hood), and Santa Maria (Charles), Gala- pagos Islands. GEOSPIZA DIFFICILIS! 5 1 ¥90 ~_ Geospiza difficilis difficilis Sharpe * (Lat Geospiza difficilis Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, a p. 12— Abingdon and Charles, Galapagos Islands; “ee corrected to Abingdon by Swarth, 1931, Occ. Papers Calif. Acad. Sci., 18, p. 179. Geospiza acutirostris Ridgway, 1894, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 17, p. 363 — Tower, Galapagos Islands. Genovesa (Tower) and Pinta (Abingdon), Galapagos Islands. \ J ail: Geospiza difficilis debilirostris Ridgway Geospiza debilirostris Ridgway, 1894, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 17, p. 863 — James, Galapagos Islands. Santiago (James), (? extinct) Santa Cruz (Indefatig- able), (? breeding) Isabela (Albermarle), and Fernandina (Narborough), Galapagos Islands. “. Geospiza difficilis septentrionalis Rothschild and Hartert Geospiza scandens septentrionalis Rothschild and Hartert, e | 1899, Novit. Zool., 6, p. 165—Wenman, Galapagos 50 Islands. Geospiza septentrionalis nigrescens Swarth, 1931, Occ. Papers California Acad. Sci., 18, p. 185 — Culpepper, Galapagos Islands. Culpepper and Wenman, Galapagos Islands. 1 G. nebulosa Gould, 1837, an extinct form known from two speci- mens, at least one of which came from Santa Maria (Charles), is believed by Lack (MS) to belong to this species. If this is accepted, the name nebulosa will be the specific name for this taxon. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 163 GEOSPIZA SCANDENS! ‘\ Geospiza scandens scandens (Gould) BS Cactornis scandens Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Go | 5, p. 7 — Galapagos Islands; type from James Island, fide Swarth, 1931, Occ. Papers California Acad. Sci., 18, p. 190. Santiago (James) and Rabida (Jervis), Galapagos Is- lands. \ Geospiza scandens intermedia Ridgway I Geospiza intermedia Ridgway, 1894, Proc. U. S. Nat. o” Mus., 17, p. 361 — Charles, Galapagos Islands. Santa Cruz (Indefatigable), Isabela (Albemarle), Sey- mour, Pinz6n (Duncan), Santa Fé (Barrington), and Santa Maria (Charles), Galapagos Islands. \, Geospiza scandens abingdoni (Sclater and Salvin) Cactornis abingdoni Sclater and Salvin, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 323, 326, fig. 5—- Abingdon, Gala- pagos Islands. Pinta (Abingdon), Galapagos Islands. yor \ Geospiza scandens rothschildi Heller and Snodgrass Geospiza scandens rothschildi Heller and Snodgrass, 1901, Condor, 3, p. 75 — Bindloe, Galapagos Islands. Marchena (Bindloe), Galapagos Islands. GEOSPIZA CONIROSTRIS “. Geospiza conirostris conirostris Ridgway \ Geospiza conirostris Ridgway, 1890, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., fs ! 12 (1889), p. 106 — Hood, Galapagos Islands. Espanola (Hood), Galapagos Islands. “. Geospiza conirostris propinqua Ridgway .y Geospiza propinqua Ridgway, 1894, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Lar] 17, p. 861 — Tower, Galapagos Islands. Genovesa (Tower), Galapagos Islands. 1 The small-billed population from San Cristébal (Chatham) is unnamed, vide Lack, 1945, Occas. Papers California Acad. Sci., 21, p. 15.—R.A.P., Jr. 164 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Geospiza conirostris darwini Rothschild and Hartert Geospiza darwini Rothschild and Hartert, 1899, Novit. Zool., 6, p. 158 — Culpepper, Galapagos Islands. Culpepper, Galapagos Islands. GENUS CAMARHYNCHUS GouLD Camarhynchus Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5, p. 6. Type, by original designation, Camarhynchus psittacula Gould. Platyspiza Ridgway, 1897, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 19 (1896), p. 545. Type, by original designation, Cam- arhynchus variegatus Sclater and Salvin =C. crassiro- stris Gould. Cactospiza Ridgway, 1897, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 19 (1896), p. 546. Type, by original designation, Cac- tornis pallida. cf. See references under Geospiza, p. 160. CAMARHYNCHUS CRASSIROSTRIS ~ Camarhynchus crassirostris Gould " Camarhynchus crassirostris Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. oo \ London, 5, p. 6 — Galapagos Islands. Pinta (Abingdon), Marchena (Bindloe), Santiago (James), Santa Cruz (Indefatigable), Rabida (Jervis), Pinzon (Duncan), Isabela (Albemarle), Fernandina (Nar- borough), San Cristébal (Chatham), and Santa Maria (Charles), Galapagos Islands. CAMARHYNCHUS PSITTACULA ~ Camarhynchus psittacula habeli Sclater and Salvin Camarhynchus habeli Sclater and Salvin, 1870, Proc. jor} Zool. Soc. London, p. 325— Abingdon and Bindloe, Galapagos Islands. Pinta (Abingdon) and Marchena (Bindloe), Galapagos Islands. 1 Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 138, states that the syntypes are from Abingdon, but Swarth, 1931, Oce. Papers California Acad. Sci., 18, pp. 219-220, lists four syn- types from Abingdon and one from Bindloe, and notes that the speci- men from Bindloe bears a type label. — R.A.P., JR. EMBERIZINAE 165 \ Camarhynchus psittacula psittacula Gould Camarhynchus psittacula Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. nev London, 5, p. 6 — Galapagos Islands. Santiago (James), Santa Cruz (Indefatigable), Rabida (Jervis), Seymour, (? race) Pinzon (Duncan), Fernandina (Barrington), and Santa Maria (Charles), Galapagos Is- lands. ~ Camarhynchus psittacula affinis Ridgway S| Camarhynchus affinis Ridgway, 1894, Proc. U. S. Nat. \o Mus., 17, p. 365 — Albemarle, Galapagos Islands. Isabela (Albermarle) and Fernandia (Narborough), Ga- lapagos Islands. CAMARHYNCHUS PAUPER Camarhynchus pauper Ridgway Camarhynchus pauper Ridgway, 1890, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 12 (1889), p. 111 — Charles, Galapagos Islands. Santa Maria (Charles), Galapagos Islands. CAMARHYNCHUS PARVULUS! ~—. Camarhynchus parvulus parvulus (Gould) Geospiza parvula Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 4 oy 5, p. 6— Galapagos Islands; restricted to James by Gould, 1841, Voy. Beagle, Birds, pt. 3, p. 102. Santiago (James), Santa Cruz (Indefatigable), Isabela (Albemarle), Rabida (Jervis), Seymour, Pinzon (Duncan), Fernandina (Narborough), Santa Fé (Barrington), Santa Maria (Charles), and Pinta (Abingdon), Galapagos Islands. og Camarhynchus parvulus salvini Ridgway yy Camarhynchus salvini Ridgway, 1894, Proc. U. S. Nat. er ee) Mus., 17, p. 364 — Chatham, Galapagos Islands. San Crist6bal (Chatham), Galapagos Islands. 1 Camarhynchus conjunctus Swarth, 1929, Proc. California Acad. Sci., ser. 4, 18, p. 383 — Charles, and C. aureus Swarth, ibid., p. 32 — Chatham, the former known from two specimens and the latter from one, are probably hybrids between C. parvulus and Certhidea olivaceus, fide Lack, 1947, Darwin’s Finches, p. 98. — R.A.P., Jr. 166 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD CAMARHYNCHUS PALLIDUS! Camarhynchus pallidus pallidus (Sclater and Salvin) Cactornis pallida Sclater and Salvin, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 327 — Indefatigable, Galapagos Islands. Santiago (James), Santa Cruz (Indefatigable), Rabida (Jervis), Seymour, Pinz6n (Duncan), and (? breeding) Santa Maria (Charles), Galapagos Islands. “. Camarhynchus pallidus productus Ridgway A Camarhynchus productus Ridgway, 1894, Proc. U.S. Nat. \o Mus., 17, p. 364 — Albermale, Galapagos Islands. Isabela (Albemarle) and Fernandina (Narborough), Ga- lapagos Islands. Camarhynchus pallidus striatipectus (Swarth) Cactospiza pallida striatipecta Swarth, 1931, Occas. Pa- pers California Acad. Sci., 18, p. 245 — Chatham, Galapagos Islands. San Cristébal (Chatham), Galapagos Islands. CAMARHYNCHUS HELIOBATES Camarhynchus heliobates (Snodgrass and Heller) Geospiza heliobates Snodgrass and Heller, 1901, Condor, 3, p. 96 — Tagus Cove, Albemarle, Galapagos Islands. Isabela (Albemarle) and Fernandina (Narborough), Ga- lapagos Islands. GENUS CERTHIDEA GOULD Certhidea Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5, p. 7. Type, by monotypy, Certhidea olivacea. cf. See references under Geospiza, p. 160. CERTHIDEA OLIVACEA ~™ Certhidea olivacea becki Rothschild ., Certhidea becki Rothschild, 1898, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, ok i 7, p. 53 — Wenman, Galapagos Island. Culpepper and Wenman, Galapagos Islands. 1 Cactospiza giffordi Swarth, 1929, Proc. California Acad. Sci., ser. 4, 18, p. 82 — Indefatigable, known only from the type specimen, may be a dwarf C. pallidus or a hybrid between C. pallidus and Cer- thidea olivacea, fide Lack, 1947, Darwin’s Finches, p. 98. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 167 ~ Certhidea olivacea mentalis Ridgway Certhidea mentalis Ridgway, 1894, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., lo\¥ 17, p. 359 — Tower, Galapagos Islands. Genovesa (Tower), Galapagos Islands. ~ Certhidea olivacea fusca Sclater and Salvin Certhidea fusca Sclater and Salvin, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soe. Yanty London, pp. 323-324— Abingdon and Bindloe, Gala- pagos Islands; type from Abingdon, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 148. Pinta (Abingdon) and Marchena (Bindloe), Galapagos Islands. ~~ Certhidea olivacea olivacea Gould Certhidea olivacea Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, al 5, p. 7— Galapagos Islands; restricted to James by 2 7 Swarth, 1931, Occas. Papers California Acad. Sci., 18, De 20D. Santiago (James), Santa Cruz (Indefatigable), Isabela (Albemarle), Rabida (Jervis) Seymour, Pinzén (Duncan), and Fernandina (Narborough), Galapagos Islands. “ Certhidea olivacea bifasciata Ridgway ey | Certhidea bifasciata Ridgway, 1894, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 7 17, p. 359 — Barrington, Galapagos Islands. Santa Fé (Barrington), Galapagos Islands. —~ Certhidea olivacea luteola Ridgway Joaly Certhidea luteola Ridgway, 1894, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 17, p. 360 — Chatham, Galapagos Islands. San Cristébal (Chatham) Galapagos Islands. Certhidea olivacea cinerascens Ridgway Certhidea cinerascens Ridgway, 1890, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 12 (1889) p. 105 — Hood, Galapagos Islands. Espanola (Hood), Galapagos Islands. Certhidea olivacea ridgwayi Rothschild and Hartert Certhidea olivacea ridgwayi Rothschild and Hartert, 1899, Novit. Zool., 6, p. 149 — Charles, Galapagos Islands. Santa Maria (Charles), Galapagos Islands. 168 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD GENUS PINAROLOXIAS SHARPE Pinaroloxias Sharpe, 1885, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 10, p. 52. Type, by monotypy, Cactornis inornata Gould. cf. See references under Geospiza, p. 160. PINAROLOXIAS INORNATA ™ Pinaroloxias inornata (Gould) Cactornis inornatus Gould, 1843, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 11, p. 104 — Bow Island, Low Archipelago, Polynesia; corrected to Cocos Island by Richmond, 1902, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 15, pp. 247-248. Cocos Island, between Galapagos archipelago and Costa Rica. GENUS PIPILO VIEILLOT! Pipilo Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 32. Type, by monotypy, “Pinson aux yeux rouges” of Buffon=Fringilla ery- throphthalma Linnaeus. Chlorura P. L. Sclater, 1862, Cat. Coll. Amer. Birds, p. 117. Type, by monotypy, Fringilla chlorura Audubon. Not Chlorurus Swainson, 1839. Oberholseria Richmond, 1915, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton, 28, p. 180. New name for Oreospiza Ridgway, 1896, preoccupied by Oreospiza Keitel, 1857. Type, by mon- otypy, Fringilla chlorura Audubon. cf. Sibley, 1950, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 50, pp. 109- 194 (hybridization and distribution of P. erythroph- thalmus and P. ocai in Mexico; color plate of hybrids of P. ocai in Jalisco). Davis, 1951, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 52, pp. 1-120 (distribution and variation of P. fuscus, P. aberti, and P. albicollis). Dickinson, 1952, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 107, pp. 273- 352 (races in eastern United States). Sibley, 1954, Evolution, 8, pp. 252-290 (hybridization of P. erythrophthalmus and P. ocai in Mexico). Sibley, 1955, Auk, 72, pp. 420-23 (generic allocation of P. chlorurus). 1 The genera Pipilo through Urothraupis form a fairly clear-cut, presumably closely related, group. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 169 Sibley and West, 1958, Condor, 60, pp. 85-104 (hybridi- zation of P. erythrophthalmus and P. ocai in eastern plateau of Mexico). Sibley and West, 1959, Auk, 76, pp. 326-838 (inter- gradation of P. e. erythrophthalmus and P. e. arcti- cus). Marshall, 1960, Condor, 62, pp. 49-64 (sympatric rela- tions between P. aberti and P. fuscus mesoleucus). Marshall, 1964, Condor, 66, pp. 345-356 (voice and rela- tions of P. aberti, P. fuscus, and P. albicollis). Sibley and Sibley, 1964, Auk, 81, pp. 479-504 (hybridi- zation of P. erythrophthalmus and P. ocai in south- eastern plateau of Mexico). PIPILO CHLORURUS __ Pipilo chlorurus (Audubon) Fringilla chlorura Audubon, 1839, Ornith. Biogr., 5, p. 336 —no locality [= Ross’ Creek, ca. 20 miles southwest Blackfoot, Bingham County, Idaho, fide Deignan, 1961, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 221, p. 631]. Higher elevations from southeastern Washington, south- ern Idaho, southwestern Montana, and southeastern Wyo- ming south to interior southern California, central Arizona, and southern New Mexico; winters from southern Cali- fornia, southern Arizona, and western and southern Texas south in Mexico to Baja California, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Morelos, Hidalgo, and Nuevo Leon; on migration in western Kansas and western Oklahoma. PIPILO OCAT1 \. Pipilo ocai alticola (Salvin and Godman) Chamaeospiza alticola Salvin and Godman, 1889, Ibis, \o~\ sp. 381 — Sierra Nevada de Colima, Mexico. Mountains of western Jalisco and extreme northeastern Colima, Mexico; hybridizes with P. erythrophthalmus griseipygius in central Jalisco and Michoacan. 1 Pipilo torquatus Du Bus, 1847, is a hybrid between P. ocai and P. erythrophthalmus, vide van Rossem, 1940, Wilson Bull., 52, pp. 173- 174; Sibley, 1950, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 50, p. 145. Whether P. ocai should be kept as a species, in view of its extensive hybridization with P. erythrophthalmus in part of its range, is debatable. — R.A.P., Jr. 170 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD ~ Pipilo ocai nigrescens (Salvin and Godman) Chamaeospiza nigrescens Salvin and Godman, 1889, Ibis, qo p. 381 — Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico. Mountains of north-central Michoacan, east to 10 miles east of Morelia (fide Sibley, 1950, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 50, p. 176), Mexico; hybridizes with P. erythroph- thalmus macrony. “. ?Pipilo ocai guerrerensis van Rossem Pipilo torquatus guerrerensis van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 58, p. 131—Omilteme, Guerrero, Mexico. Sierra Madre del Sur, Guerrero, Mexico. ?Pipilo ocai brunnescens van Rossem Pipilo torquatus brunnescens van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 58, p. 131 — Totontepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Mountains of central Oaxaca, Mexico; sympatric with P. erythrophthalmus oaxacae on Cerro Felipe and Mount Zempoaltepec. Pipilo ocai ocai (Lawrence) Buarremon ocai Lawrence, 1867, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 8, p. 126 — no locality; restricted to Jalapa [= vicinity of Jalapa], Veracruz, by van Rossem, 1940, Wilson Bull., 52, p. 174; amended to Las Vigas, north- ern base of Cofre de Perote, west of Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, by Sibley, 1950, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 50, p. 144. ?Pipilo erythrophthalmus sympatricus Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 153 — Rio Guajolote, 2,000 m., southwest of San Miguel Suchixtepec, Miahuatlan, Oaxaca. [Specimens not examined. ] Mountains of eastern Puebla and west-central Veracruz, Mexico; limited hybridization with P. erythrophthalmus maculatus. PIPILO ERYTHROPHTHALMUS Pipilo erythrophthalmus erythrophthalmus (Linnaeus) Fringilla erythrophthalma Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 180; based on “‘the Towhe-Bird” of Catesby, 1731, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 1, p. 34, pl. 34— South Caro- lina. Southern Manitoba, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, aS EMBERIZINAE VTL southern Ontario, New York, Vermont, central New Hamp- shire, and southwestern Maine south to northern Oklahoma, northern Arkansas, Tennessee, northeastern Georgia, north- western South Carolina, central North Carolina, and Virginia. Winters from Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, south- ern Michigan, southern Ontario, Pennsylvania, southern New York and southern Massachusetts south to southern Texas, Gulf Coast, and south-central Florida. \. Pipilo erythrophthalmus rileyi Koelz Pipilo alleni rileyi Koelz, 19389, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton, 52, p. 121 — Brunswick, Georgia. Southeastern Virginia southward through coastal North and South Carolina and west through central Georgia and southeastern Alabama to Walton County, northwestern Florida south to Wakulla and Madison Counties, western Florida, and southeastern Georgia; winters from near northern limits of breeding range south to mid-peninsular Florida. a Pipilo erythrophthalmus alleni Coues Pipilo alleni Coues, 1871, Amer. Naturalist, 5, p. 366 — Dummitts Grove, Indian River, Brevard County, Flor- ida, vide Deignan, 1961, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 221, p. 635. Flordia from southern limits of rileyi south through all but extreme tip of the peninsula. Pipilo erythrophthalmus canaster Howell Pipilo erythrophthalmus canaster A. H. Howell, 1913, ont Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 26, p. 202 — Spring Hill, q near Mobile, Alabama. Northeastern and central southern Louisiana, east through Mississippi, extreme southwestern Tennessee, Ala- bama, extreme northwestern Florida, northern and north- central Georgia, and central South Carolina to central southern North Carolina; winters within breeding range and southward to coastal South Carolina, southeastern Georgia, and western Florida. \. Pipilo erythrophthalmus arcticus (Swainson) Pyrgita (Pipilo) arctica Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., 2(1831), p. 260, pls. 51, 52 — Carlton House, plains of Saskatchewan. Central Alberta east through central Saskatchewan to 172 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD north-central North Dakota and southward, east of Rocky Mountains, to southeastern Wyoming, northeastern Colo- rado, and southern Nebraska; winters from central Colorado and northeastern Kansas south to eastern Arizona (rare), southwestern New Mexico, central Chihuahua, central Nuevo Leon and southern Texas. < Pipilo erythrophthalmus montanus Swarth Pipilo maculatus montanus Swarth, 1905, Condor, 7, p. 172 — Miller Canyon, Huachuca Mountains, Arizona. Southern Great Basin and Rocky Mountain regions from southeastern California, east through southeastern Nevada and northern Utah to north-central Colorado south to south- central Arizona, northeastern Sonora, northwestern Chi- huahua and northeastern New Mexico. Winters from slightly south of northern limits of breeding range south to northern Sonora, central Chihuahua, and central-southern Texas. Pipilo erythrophthalmus gaigei van Tyne and Sutton Pipilo maculatus gaigei van Tyne and Sutton, 1937, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, no. 37, p. 102 — southeast of Boot Spring, 6,800 ft., Chisos Mountains, Brewster County, Texas. Mountains of eastern and southeastern New Mexico, western Texas, and northern Coahuila. Aw Pipilo erythrophthalmus curtatus Grinnell Pipilo maculatus curtatus Grinnell, 1911, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 7, p. 809 — Big Creek Ranch, 4,350 ft., base of Pine Forest Mountains, Humboldt County, Nevada. Northern Great Basin from interior of southern British Columbia and northern Idaho south to Mono County, in northeastern California, central Nevada and southeastern Idaho; winters in breeding range and south to southeastern California and southeastern Arizona. \. Pipilo erythrophthalmus oregonus Bell Pipilo oregonus Bell, 1849, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 5, p. 6— Oregon Territory [=vicinity of Fort Vancouver, Clark County, Washington, vide Deignan, 1961, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus.; 221, p. 631). Pacific coast from southwestern British Columbia south to southwestern Oregon; winters in breeding range and south to southern California. EMBERIZINAE 173 ‘\., Pipilo erythrophthalmus falcinellus Swarth Pipilo maculatus falcinellus Swarth, 1913, Condor, 15, ao8 p. 172 — Marysville Buttes, 500 ft., four miles north- west of Sutter, Sutter County, California. Interior of southwestern Oregon south through western and southeastern slopes of Sierra Nevada and Great Valley of California. \. Pipilo erythrophthalmus falcifer McGregor A Pipilo maculatus falcifer McGregor, 1900, Condor, 2, “Ga p. 48 — Palo Alto, California. Coastal northern California from Del Norte County south to Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties. oh Pipilo erythrophthalmus megalonyx Baird ' Pipilo megalonyx Baird, 1858, in Baird, Cassin and Lawrence, Rept. Expl. Surv. R. R. Pacific, 9, p. 515 — Fort Tejon, Kern County, California, vide Deignan, 1961, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus.; 221, p. 632. Coastal southern California, including Santa Cruz Island, from Monterey and Kern Counties southward and in north- western Baja California to about lat. 32° N. Pipilo erythrophthalmus clementae Grinnell Pipilo clementae Grinnell, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 294 — Smug- gler’s Cover, San Clemente Island, California. Santa Rosa, Santa Catalina, and San Clemente Islands, southwestern California. \. Pipilo erythrophthalmus umbraticola Grinnell and Swarth Pipilo maculatus umbraticola Grinnell and Swarth, 1926, ih a\y Condor, 28, p. 131 — Colnett, lat. 31° N., Baja Cali- fornia. Northwestern Baja California from lat. 32° N. to lat. 30° N. —— Pipilo erythrophthalmus consobrinus Ridgway Pipilo maculatus consobrinus Ridgway, 1876, Bull. U. S. eet, Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr., 2, p. 189 —Isla Guadalupe, Baja California. Isla Guadalupe, Baja California. Extinct. “\. Pipilo erythrophthalmus magnirostris Brewster Pipilo maculatus magnirostris Brewster, 1891, Auk, 8, p. 146 — Sierra de la Laguna, Baja California. Mountains of southern Baja California. 174 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD % Pipilo erythrophthalmus griseipygius van Rossem Pipilo maculatus griseipygius van Rossem, 1934, Bull. ‘ >>| Mus. Comp. Zool., 77, p. 482 —Jestis Maria, Chihuahua, Mexico. Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico, from southwestern Chihuahua (ca. lat. 29° N.), south through eastern Sinaloa, western Durango, northeastern Nayarit, and western Zaca- tecas; hybridizes with P. ocai alticola in central Jalisco and Michoacan. Pipilo erythrophthalmus orientalis Sibley Pipilo erythrophthalmus orientalis Sibley, 1950, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 50, p. 128 — 8 miles southeast of Galeana, 6,000 ft., Nuevo Ledn, Mexico. Sierra Madre Oriental of Mexico, in southern Coahuila, central Nuevo Leon, southwestern Tamaulipas, central and eastern San Luis Potosi, northeastern Guanajuato, Queré- taro, and northern Hidalgo. ~ Pipilo erythrophthalmus maculatus Swainson wPipilo maculata Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 4) : 1, p. 434 — Real del Monte [, Hidalgo], Mexico. Eastern highlands of Mexico in Hidalgo, southeastern Tlaxcala, west-central Veracruz, and eastern Puebla; limited hybridization with P. ocai ocai throughout; sympatric with P. ocai on Mount Orizaba with very limited hybridization. x Pipilo erythrophthalmus macronyx Swainson Pipilo macronyx Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new. ser., 1, p. 4834 — Real del Monte [, Hidalgo]. Temiscaltipec S\ [= Temascaltepec, México] ; restricted to western slope “ne of Volcén de Toluca, México, Mexico, by Sibley, 1950, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 50, p. 142. Pipilo virescens Hartlaub, 1863, Journ. f. Ornith., 11, p. 228 — Mexico. Mountains on west and southwestern side of Valley of México, in eastern Michoacan (hybridizes with P. ocai ni- grescens), México, northwestern Morelos, and Distrito Federal. “\. Pipilo erythrophthalmus vulcanorum Sibley Pipilo erythrophthalmus vulcanorum Sibley, 1951, Univ. Lateer California Publ. Zool., 50, p. 140 — northwestern side VY of Mount Popocatépetl, 9,700 ft., México, Mexico. EMBERIZINAE 175 Mountains on southeastern side of Valley of México, in México, northeastern Morelos, southwestern Tlaxcala, and western Puebla. Pipilo erythrophthalmus oaxacae Sibley Pipilo erythrophthalmus oaxacae Sibley, 1950, Univ. Cali- fornia Publ. Zool., 50, p. 134-— La Cumbre, 9,000 ft., five miles northwest of Cerro San Felipe, Oaxaca, Mexico. Highlands of northern and central Oaxaca; sympatric with P. ocat brunnescens on Cerro San Felipe, Mount Zempoaltepec, and Cerro Yucuyacua, but without hybrid- ization. ?Pipilo erythrophthalmus chiapensis van Rossem Pipilo maculatus chiapensis van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 58, p. 180—San Cristébal, Chiapas, Mexico. Mountains of central Chiapas; possibly not distinguish- able from oazxacae. Pipilo erythrophthalmus repetens Griscom Pipilo maculatus repetens Griscom, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 438, p. 12 — Zanzon, 8,000 ft., Guatemala. Volcan Tacana, southeastern Chiapas, Mexico, and Pacific cordillera of Guatemala. PIPILO SOCORROENSIS! \ Pipilo socorroensis Grayson Pipilo socorroensis Grayson, 1867, California Farmer \, Journ. Useful Sci., 28, no. 16, p. 127 — Isla Socorro, by OY Islas Revilla Gigedo, Mexico. Pipilo carmani Lawrence, 1871, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 10, p. 7—VJIsla Socorro, Islas Revilla Gigedo, Mexico. Isla Socorro, Islas Revilla Gigedo, Mexico. PIPILO FUSCUS Pipilo fuscus bullatus Grinnell and Swarth Pipilo fuscus bullatus Grinnell and Swarth, 1926, Univ. 1 P, erythrophthalmus and P. socorroensis form a superspecies. — ALP. Jr. 176 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD California Publ. Zool., 21, p. 4831 — Eagle Point, Jack- son County, Oregon. Southwestern Oregon and extreme north-central Cali- fornia. Pipilo fuscus carolae McGregor Pipilo fuscus carolae McGregor, 1899, Bull. Cooper Ornith. Club, 1, p. 11— Battle Creek [boundary be- tween Shasta and Tehama counties], California. Pipilo fuscus kernensis Grinnell and Behle, 1937, Condor, 39, p. 177 —two miles north Sorrell Ranch, 4,500 ft., Kelso Valley, Kern County, California. Interior California from Humboldt County south to Napa County and east to foothills of the Cascades and Sierra Nevada, south on eastern side of San Joaquin Valley to Kern County. Pipilo fuscus petulans Grinnell and Swarth Pipilo fuscus petulans Grinnell and Swarth, 1926, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 21, p. 480 — Palo Alto, Santa Clara County, California. North-central coastal California from Humboldt County south to Santa Cruz County and east to edge of San Joaquin Valley. Pipilo fuscus crissalis (Vigors) Fringilla crissalis Vigors, 1839, in Zool. Beechey’s Voyage “Blossom,” p. 19—vno locality; type from Monterey, Monterey County, California, fide Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 3, p. 754. Oriturus wrangeli Bonaparte (ex Brandt MS), 1851?, Consp. Av., 1(1850), p. 470 — “ex As. s. maxime or.” Central coastal California from northern Monterey County east to western edge of San Joaquin Valley and south to western Kern County and Ventura County. Pipilo fuscus eremophilus van Rossem Pipilo fuscus eremophilus van Rossem, 1935, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 8, p. 70 — Lang Spring, 5,500 ft., Mountain Springs Canyon, Argus Mountains, Inyo County, California. 1 See Davis, 1951, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 52, pp. 104-105, for reasons for considering this name to be a synonym of P. f. crissalis rather than an earlier name for petulans. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 77 Argus Mountains of southwestern Inyo County, and northwestern San Bernardino County, east-central Cali- fornia. \. Pipilo fuscus senicula Anthony Pipilo fuscus senicula Anthony, 1895, Auk, 12, p. 111 — San Fernando, Baja California, Mexico. South coastal California from limits of crissalis and carolae, west of the deserts, southward, west of coniferous forests, to lat. 29° 20’ N. in northwestern Baja California; (?) accidental on Todos Santos Island. "~~ Pipilo fuscus aripolius Oberholser - \yPipilo fuscus aripolius Oberholser, 1919, Condor, 21, Sony p. 210 —San Pablo, Baja California, Mexico. Central Baja California, Mexico, from lat. 28° 55’ N. south to lat. 26° 35’ N. \_ Pipilo fuscus albigula Baird Pipilo albigula Baird, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, 11(1859), p. 305—-Cape San Lucas, Baja California, Mexico. Cape district of Baja California, Mexico, south of aripolius. Pipilo fuscus mesoleucus Baird Pipilo mesoleucus Baird, 1854, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 7, p. 119—vno locality; type probably from Big Sandy River, south of lat. 35° N., Mohave County, Arizona, fide Davis, 1951, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 52, p. 106. Pipilo fuscus relictus van Rossem, 1946, Auk, 63, p. 561 — north slope of Harquahala Mountains, 3,500 ft., Yuma County, Arizona. Arizona east through New Mexico, except northeast, and extreme western Texas, southward in Sonora to lat. 30° N., and in northwestern Chihuahua to lat. 31° N. BS. Pipilo fuscus intermedius Nelson Pipilo fuscus intermedius Nelson, 1899, Proc. Biol. Soc. @ Washington, 13, p. 27 — Alamos, Sonora, Mexico. Sonora, south of lat. 30° N., and northern Sinaloa, to about lat. 27° N., Mexico. 178 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Pipilo fuscus jamesi Townsend Pipilo fuscus jamesi Townsend, 1923, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 48, p. 20 — Tiburon Island, Sonora, Mexico. Tiburon Island, Sonora, Mexico. Pipilo fuscus mesatus Oberholser Pipilo fuscus mesatus Oberholser, 1937, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 50, p. 118—Gaume’s Ranch, 4,600 ft., northwestern corner of Baca County, Colorado. Southeastern Colorado, northeastern New Mexico, and extreme northwestern Oklahoma. \. Pipilo fuscus texanus van Rossem sy Pipilo fuscus texanus van Rossem, 1934, Trans. San Diego (°° Soc. Nat. Hist., 7, p. 371 — Kerrville, Kerr County, Texas. Plateau and mountainous regions of western and central Texas (Reeves and Tom Green counties east to Kerr County and south to Brewster and Val Verde Counties), south to northwestern Coahuila, Mexico. Pipilo fuscus perpallidus van Rossem Pipilo fuscus perpallidus van Rossem, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 77, p. 483— Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico. Sierra Madre Occidental and eastern foothills from Chi- huahua through Durango, to western Zacatecas; intergrades with fuscus in western Nayarit, northernmost Jalisco, and southwestern Zacatecas. ‘\ Pipilo fuseus fuseus Swainson Pipilo fusca Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1, x p. 434— Temiscaltipec [=Temascaltepec], México, \o8 Mexico Pipilo fuscus tenebrosus van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 58, p. 182 — Zapotlan [= Ciudad Guzman], Jalisco, Mexico. Nayarit, Jalisco (except northeast), Colima, and Michoa- can east through México, and north-central Guerrero to Morelos, and Distrito Federal; intergrades with perpallidus in western Nayarit, northernmost Jalisco, and southwestern Zacatecas. EMBERIZINAE 179 a Pipilo fuscus potosinus Ridgway Pipilo fuscus potosinus Ridgway, 1899, Auk, 16, p. 254 — Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico. Northern Coahuila, western Nuevo Leon, and southwest- ern Tamaulipas south through eastern Zacatecas, Aguasca- lientes, northeastern Jalisco, central and western San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato, and central and southern Querétaro. Pipilo fuscus campoi Moore Pipilo fuscus campoi Moore, 1949, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, 62, p. 101 — Metztitlan, Hidalgo, Mexico. Hidalgo, Mexico; intergrades with fuscus in adjacent areas of Puebla and Veracruz. Pipilo fuscus toroi Moore Pipilo fuscus toroi Moore, 1942, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, 55, p. 46 — Mitla, Oaxaca [= Tepeaca, Puebla, fide Marshall, 1964, Condor, 66, p. 353], Mexico. Tlaxcala east to west-central Veracruz and south through Puebla to northern Oaxaca; intergrades with campoi in northeastern Puebla and contiguous area of Veracruz. PIPILO ABERTI \ Pipilo aberti aberti Baird Pipilo aberti Baird, 1852, in Baird and Stansbury, Explor. Great Salt Lake of Utah, p. 325 — ‘New Mexico”; restricted to vicinity of Gila Bend, Maricopa County, Arizona, by Phillips, 1962, Anal. Inst. Biol. Mexico, 33, p. 366. Pipilo aberti dumeticolus van Rossem, 1946, Condor, 48, p. 81—three miles northwest of Calexico, altitude minus 3 ft., Imperial County, California. Virgin River Valley, southwestern Utah, southward through lower Colorado River Valley in southwestern Nevada, southeastern California (north to Salton Basin), Baja California, and northwestern Sonora, and eastward along Gila River to near Phoenix, Arizona; population of Big Sandy River Valley variable. Pipilo aberti vorhiesi Phillips Pipilo aberti vorhiesi Phillips, 1962, Anal. Inst. Biol. Mexico, 33, p. 367 —ca. fifteen kilometers south of Tucson, Arizona. 180 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Vicinity of Tucson, Arizona, and probably along upper Gila River and San Pedro River to their junction; extreme southwestern New Mexico. PIPILO ALBICOLLIS! 2 Pipilo albicollis albicollis Sclater Pipilo albicollis P. L. Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 26, p. 304—-San Miguel de las Peras, Oaxaca, Mexico. Southern Puebla and eastern Guerrero (central Guerrero once), south to central Oaxaca, Mexico. ?Pipilo albicollis parvirostris Davis Pipilo rutilus parvirostris Davis, 1951, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 52, p. 84 — Moctum, Oaxaca, Mexico. Vicinity of Mount Zempoaltepec, Oaxaca, Mexico; possi- bly not separable, fide Davis, 1954, Condor, 56, p. 148. GENUS MELOZONE REICHENBACH Melozone Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 79 [, fig. 10]. Type, by subsequent designation (Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, p. 731), Pyrgita biarcuata Prévost and Des Murs. MELOZONE KIENERI \. Melozone kieneri grisior van Rossem Melozone rubricatum grisior van Rossem, 1933, Trans. we San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 7, p. 283 — Hacienda de San Rafael, Sonora, Mexico. Extreme southeastern Sonora and northern Sinaloa, Mexico. my Melozone kieneri kieneri (Bonaparte) a Pyrgisoma kieneri Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Av., 1 \or \ (1850), p. 486 — “ex Am. occ.” ; restricted to San Blas, 1 This species and P. aberti are believed to have arisen from P. fuscus; in a nonlinear arrangement the two would be placed adjacent to fuscus, vide Davis, 1951, Univ. California Publ. Zool., 52, pp. 96-100. —R.A.P., Jr. 2 P. rutilus W. Deppe, which has been applied to this taxon, is a synonym of P. fuscus, vide Stresemann, 1954, Condor, 56, p. 91.— R:A.P., Jt: EMBERIZINAE 181 Nayarit, by van Rossem, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Tip. Aze: Western Mexico in central Sinaloa, western Durango, Nayarit, western Jalisco, and Colima. \. Melozone kieneri rubricatum (Cabanis) Atlapetes rubricatum Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 140 — “Real—Arriba” [= Real de Arriba], México, Mexico. ?Melozone kienert obscurior Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 154 — near crossroads in juniper- lava association, 1,740 m., southwest of Sola de Vega, ca. lat. 16° 28’ N., long. 97° 02’ W., southwestern Oaxaca, Mexico. [Unique specimen not examined]. Central and southwestern Mexico in Guanajuato, México, Michoacan, southwestern Puebla, Morelos, Guerrero, and western Oaxaca. MELOZONE BIARCUATUM ~\. Melozone biarcuatum hartwegi Brodkorb Melozone biarcuatum hartwegi Brodkorb, 1938, Occas. wey Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, no. 369, p. 6 — Finca Esperanaza, 150 m., Chiapas, Mexico. Chiapas, Mexico. “~ Melozone biarcuatum biarcuatum (Prévost and Des Murs) Pyrgita biarcuata Prevost and Des Murs, 1846, Voy. Vénus, Atlas, Ois., pl. 6 — no locality; “California” and Guatemala designated by Prévost and Des Murs, 1849, Voy. Vénus, 5, p. 216. Highlands of Guatemala, El Salvador, and western Hon- duras. ~ Melozone biarcuatum cabanisi (Sclater and Salvin) Pyrgisoma cabanisi Sclater and Salvin, 1868, Proc. Zool. hor \ Soc. London, p. 324 — San José, Costa Rica. Highlands of central Costa Rica. MELOZONE LEUCOTIS \. Melozone leucotis occipitalis (Salvin) x Pyrgisoma occipitale Salvin, 1878, Ibis, p. 446 — Volcan 59° de Fuego, Guatemala. Highlands of southeastern Chiapas, Mexico, and in Guate- mala and El Salvador. 182 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Melozone leucotis nigrior Miller and Griscom Melozone leucotis nigrior W. Miller and Griscom, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 184, p. 4 — Matagalpa, 2,300 ft., Nicaragua. North-central highlands of Nicaragua. ~_ Melozone leucotis leucotis Cabanis Melozone leucotis Cabanis, 1860, Journ. f. Ornith., 8, p. 413 — Costa Rica. Highlands of central Costa Rica. GENUS ARREMON VIEILLOT Arremon Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 32. Type, by mono- typy, “‘L’Oiseau Silencieux” of Buffon = Tanagra taci- turna Hermann. cf. Skutch, 1954, Pacific Coast Avifauna (Cooper Ornith. Soc.), no. 81, pp. 94-100 (life history of auranti- trostris) . ARREMON TACITURNUS ~ Arremon taciturnus axillaris Sclater .y Arremon axillaris Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Ves | 22 (1854), p. 97 — “in Nova Grenada.” Colombia, east of base of Eastern Andes in Casanare, Boyaca, and Meta, and western Venezuela in Portuguesa, Barinas, and eastern Tachira. Arremon taciturnus taciturnus (Hermann) silen® Tanagra taciturna Hermann, 17838, Tab. Aff. Anim., p. 214; based on “L’Oiseau Silencieux” of Buffon, 1770-86 Hist. Nat. Ois., 4, p. 304, and of Daubenton, 1765-80, Planches’ enlum; pl. 742— Cayenne (vide Stresemann, 1920, Novit. Zool., 27, p. 328). Extreme eastern Colombia (vicinity of the Orinoco) ; Bolivar and Amazonas, southeastern Venezuela; Guyana (British Guiana) ; Surinam; French Guiana; central and eastern northern Brazil, west to Amazonas and Mato Grosso, and south to Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo; El Beni, northeastern Bolivia. —~. Arremon taciturnus semitorquatus Swainson X Arremon semitorquatus Swainson, 1838, Anim. Menag., orl p. 357 — Brazil; restricted to Rio de Janeiro by Ber- EMBERIZINAE 183 lepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr. Berlin, p. 1106. Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, east-central Brazil. “.Arremon taciturnus nigrirostris Sclater ~ Arremon nigrirostris Sclater, 1886, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., goWl 11, p. 276 — Cosfipata, Cuzco, Peru. Tropical zone of southeastern Peru, in Cuzco and Puno, and of northern Bolivia, in La Paz and Cochabamba. ARREMON FLAVIROSTRIS —~ Arremon flavirostris flavirostris Swainson Arremon flavirostris Swainson, 1838, Anim. Menag., a p. 347 —Brazil; restricted to interior of Bahia, by “2 Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., rp, 11 ps 429: Central eastern Brazil, in Bahia, extreme southern Goias, western Minas Gerais, northern and central Sao Paulo, and extreme southeastern Mato Grosso (Paranaiba); range poorly known. “. Arremon flavirostris dorbignii Sclater A Arremon @orbignii Sclater, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, n> 24, p. 81 — Yungas, Bolivia. Lowlands of eastern Bolivia, in Cochabamba, Santa Cruz (except extreme east), Chuquisaca, and Tarija, and north- western Argentina, in Jujuy, Salta, Tucuman, and Cata- marca. \. Arremon flavirostris devillii Des Murs Arremon devillii Des Murs (ex Bonaparte MS), 1856, in Castelnau, Expéd. Amér. Sud, Zool., 1, Ois. (1855), et p. 69, pl. 20, fig. 1 — no locality; Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, p. 430, cites type in Paris Museum marked “Province de Goyas,” which is possibly erroneous. Western Sao Paulo, probably south-central Mato ,Grosso, and adjacent Goias, Brazil; Chiquitas District, Santa Cruz, eastern Bolivia; limits poorly known. ™~ Arremon flavirostris polionotus Bonaparte wy Arremon polionotus Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1 ry” (1850), p. 488 — Corrientes, Argentina. Misiones, Corrientes, eastern Formosa, and eastern Chaco, 184 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Argentina; Paraguay; western Parana and adjacent south- ern Mato Grosso, Brazil; limits poorly known. ARREMON AURANTIIROSTRIS ‘\. Arremon aurantiirostris saturatus Cherrie Arremon aurantiirostris saturatus Cherrie, 1891, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 14, p. 845 — Choctum, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Caribbean slope of southeastern Mexico, in southern Veracruz, northern Oaxaca, northeastern Chiapas, and Tabasco; eastern Guatemala, in Petén, Alta Verapaz, and Izabel; British Honduras. ‘\_ Arremon aurantiirostris rufidorsalis Cassin Arremon rufidorsalis Cassin, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 170 — Turrialba, Costa Rica. Caribbean slope of Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and extreme northwestern Panama. — Arremon aurantiirostris aurantiirostris Lafresnaye Arremon aurantiirostris Lafresnaye, 1847, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 10, p. 72 — Panama. Pacific slope of Costa Rica east on both slopes to vicinity of Canal Zone, Panama. “. Arremon aurantiirostris strictocollaris Todd Arremon aurantiirostris strictocollaris Todd, 1922, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 35, p. 90 — Sautata, Rio Atrato, Choco, Colombia. Extreme eastern Panama (both slopes) and adjacent northern Choco, northwestern Colombia. ~~ Arremon aurantiirostris occidentalis Hellmayr Arremon aurantiurostris occidentalis Hellmayr, 1911, sy Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1118 — Condoto, 150 ft., Ye"! Rio Condoto, Choco, Colombia. “4. Pacific slope of western Colombia, from middle Atrato v" Valley southward, and of northwestern Ecuador. Arremon aurantiirostris erythrorhynchus Sclater Arremon erythrorhynchus Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 23, p. 83, pl. 89 — “‘in Nova Grenada, Bogota.” Northern Colombia, in middle Magdalena, lower Cauca, and upper Sint Valleys. EMBERIZINAE 185 \_Arremon aurantiirostris spectabilis Sclater Arremon spectabilis Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 22(1854), p. 114, pl. 67 — [Rio?] Quijos, Ecuador. Putumayo, southeastern Colombia, southward through eastern Ecuador, to San Martin, north-central Peru. “\ Arremon aurantiirostris santarosae Chapman Arremon aurantiirostris santarosae Chapman, 1925, 4 ov Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 160, p. 6 —Santa Rosa, El] Oro, Ecuador. Southwestern Ecuador, from Chimbo Valley southward. ARREMON SCHLEGELI Arremon schlegeli fratruelis Wetmore Arremon schlegeli fratruelis Wetmore, 1946, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 106(16), p. 183 — near Nazaret, 1,500-2,000 ft., Serrania de Macuira, Guajira, Colombia. Serrania de Macuira, Guajira Peninsula, northern Colombia. Arremon schlegeli canidorsum Zimmer Arremon schlegeli canidorsum Zimmer, 1941, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 54, p. 133 —San Gil, south of Bu- caramanga, Santander, Colombia. Rio Fonce Valley on western slope of the Eastern Andes, Santander, Colombia. ~~ Arremon schlegeli schlegeli Bonaparte Arremon schlegeli Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 488 — “ex Am. m.;” type from either Santa Marta, Colombia, fide Berlepsch, 1911, Verh. V. Intern. Ornith. Kongr. Berlin, p. 1107 or Caracas, Venezuela, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11 p. 428. Caribbean coast of Colombia, except Serrania de Macuira in Guajira, from Bolivar eastward and of Venezuela from Zulia to Distrito Federal. ARREMON ABEILLEI ~. Arremon abeillei abeillei Lesson Arremon abeillet Lesson, 1844, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 7, p. 485 — Guayaquil, Ecuador. Southwestern Ecuador, from Manabi southward, and northwestern Peru on Pacific slope south to Cajamarca. 186 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Arremon abeillei nigriceps Taczanowski Arremon nigriceps Taczanowski, 1880, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 196 — Callacate, Cajamarca, Peru. Upper Maranon Valley, eastern Cajamarca, northwestern Peru. GENUS ARREMONOPS Ripaway! Arremonops Ridgway, 1896, Manual North Amer. Birds, ed. 2, pp. 484, 605. Type, by original designation, ’m- bernagra rufivirgata Lawrence. cf. Skutch, 1954, Pacific Coast Avifauna (Cooper Ornith. Soc.), no. 31, pp. 101-118 (life history of conirostris). Moynihan, 1963, Auk, 80, pp. 116-144 (behavior of conirostris) . Monroe, 1963, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool. Louisiana State Univ., no. 28, pp. 1-12 (review; map). ARREMONOPS RUFIVIRGATUS Arremonops rufivirgatus rufivirgatus (Lawrence) Embernagra rufivirgata Lawrence, 1851, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 5, p. 112, pl. 5, fig. 2 — Rio Grande in Texas; type from Brownsville, Texas, fide Hellmayr, 1988, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 439. Southern Texas and northeastern Mexico, from eastern 1 This genus is very similar to Arremon and distinguished only by slight, but distinct, differences in color pattern. The two genera might be merged, as was done by Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1950, Bol. Soc. Venezolana Cienc. Nat., 12(75), p. 370, and de Schauensee, 1951, Caldasia (Inst. Cienc. Nat. U. Nac. Colombia), 5(25), p. 1108 (but not by de Schauensee, 1966, Birds South Amer., pp. 524-526). How- ever, if these slight color differences are not considered to be of generic value, one is forced to question the significance of minor differences in wing-tail proportions which are now used to separate generically some similarly patterned forms of Atlapetes and Arremon. From here one is led to question the validity of maintaining Pezopetes, Oreothraupis, and Pselliophorus as distinct from Atlapetes, and thence on to ques- tioning the generic rank of Pipilo and a host of other genera in the Emberizinae. There is little doubt that the Emberizinae are oversplit generically, but wholesale merging must be deferred until the Central and South American forms are better known as living birds, rather than almost exclusively as museum specimens. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 187 Coahuila and Nuevo Leon south to southern coastal Tamaulipas. Arremonops rufivirgatus ridgwayi (Sutton and Burleigh) Arremon rufivirgatus ridgwayi Sutton and Burleigh, 1941, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 28, p. 184—La Placita, 5,500 ft., near Jacala, Hidalgo, Mexico. Southern interior Tamaulipas, eastern San Luis Potosi, Hidalgo, and northern Veracruz, Mexico. \. Arremonops rufivirgatus crassirostris (Ridgway) [Embernagra rufivirgata] B crassirostris Ridgway (ex be"? Baird MS), 1878, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1, pp. 248-249 — Cordoba and Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico. Atlantic coast of southeastern Mexico from central Vera- cruz, eastern Puebla, and northern Oaxaca, to southern Veracruz. ~ Arremonops rufivirgatus verticalis (Ridgway) [Embernagra rufivirgata] verticalis Ridgway, 1878, Proce. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1, pp. 248-249— Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico. Mexico in eastern Tabasco (once) and on Yucatan Pen- insula in Yucatan, Campeche, and Quintana Roo; northern Guatemala in Petén; northern British Honduras. Arremonops rufivirgatus sinaloae Nelson Arremonops superciliosa sinaloae Nelson, 1899, Proce. Biol. Soc. Washington, 13, p. 28 — vicinity of Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. Coastal plain from central Sinaloa south to Nayarit, Mexico. “. Arremonops rufivirgatus sumichrasti (Sharpe) Embernagra sumichrasti Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Ny Mus., 12, p. 762 -—Huamela, Tehuantepec [= Huame- G? lula, Oaxaca], Mexico. Pacific coast of southwestern Mexico, from Jalisco, Colima, Michoacan, and Guerrero to Isthmus of Tehuante- pec, Oaxaca. —~ Arremonops rufivirgatus chiapensis Nelson ; Arremonops superciliosus chiapensis Nelson, 1904, Proc. |2-) - Biol. Soc. Washington, 17, p. 152—San Bartolomé, Chiapas, Mexico. Central Valley of Chiapas, Mexico. 188 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD \. Arremonops rufivirgatus superciliosus (Salvin) Embernagra superciliosa Salvin, 1864, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 582 — “Costa Rica (Nicoya) ;” type from Bebedéro, Guanacaste, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 443. Pacific coast of Costa Rica from Nicaragua border south to Santo Domingo. ARREMONOPS TOCUYENSIS ‘“. Arremonops tocuyensis Todd es Arremonops tocuyensis Todd, 1912, Ann. Carnegie Mus., ver 8, p. 198 — Tocuyo, Lara, Venezuela. Northeastern Colombia, on Guajira Peninsula, and north- western Venezuela, in Zulia (Guajira Peninsula), Falcon (sympatric with A. conirostris at Mirimire), and northern Lara. ARREMONOPS CHLORONOTUS x Arremonops chloronotus chloronotus (Salvin) Embernagra chloronota Salvin, 1861, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, p. 202—‘“In Prov. Verae Pacis regione calida;” type from Choctum, Guatemala, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 450. Caribbean slope of Mexico, in Tabasco, northern Chiapas, Campeche, southern Yucatan, and Quintana Roo; northern Guatemala, in Petén and Alto Verapaz; British Honduras; and northwestern Honduras. Arremonops chloronotus twomeyi Monroe Arremonops chloronota twomeyi Monroe, 1963, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool., Louisiana State Univ., no. 28, p. 8— Coyoles, Yoro, Honduras. Yoro and Olancho, north-central Honduras. ae ARREMONOPS CONIROSTRIS o>. rremonops conirostris richmondi Ridgway 1x) = Arremonops richmondi Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 228 — ,y Greytown, Nicaragua. “ Arremonops conirostris centratus Bangs, 1903, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39, p. 156 — Ceiba, sea level, Honduras. Tropical Zone from eastern Honduras through Nicaragua, and Costa Rica to western Panama. a yt EMBERIZINAE 189 le eemonaps conirostris striaticeps (Lafresnaye) Embernagra striaticeps Lafresnaye, 1853, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 5, p. 61 — Panama. Embernagra chrysoma Sclater, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 28, p. 275 — Ecuador; type from Babahoyo, Los Rios, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 444. Central and eastern Panama (both slopes) through Pa- cific slope of Colombia to western Ecuador. ?Arremonops conirostris viridicatus Wetmore Arremonops conirostris viridicata Wetmore, 1957, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 134(9), p. 104 —Isla Coiba, off Veraguas, Panama. Known only from type locality. _ Arremonops conirostris inexpectatus Chapman Arremonops conirostris inexpectatus Chapman, 1914, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, p. 184 — western slope Jor of Eastern Andes below Andalucia, 3,000 ft., sources of the Rio Magdalena, Huila, Colombia. Arid tropical and subtropical zones of upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia. Arremonops conirostris conirostris (Bonaparte) Arremon conirostris Bonaparte, 1815?, Consp. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 488 — “Brazil” [= Colombia, vide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 445]. Caribbean coast of Colombia from upper Sint Valley, Bolivar, east to foothills of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, and south in Magdalena Valley (except extreme upper por- tion) ; also east slopes of Eastern Andes in Arauca and Boyaca. Northern Venezuela from Falcén and Lara east to Sucre and south to southeastern Tachira, Apure, Guarica, and northern Bolivar, south of the Orinoco. Rio Branco region, northern Brazil (specimens Museum Comparative Zoology). “. Arremonops conirostris umbrinus Todd Arremonops controstris umbrinus Todd, 1923, Proc. Biol. ies) =Soc. Washington, 36, p. 38—Santa Elena, Mérida, Venezuela. Norte de Santander, Colombia, and south and west of 190 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, from western Zulia to western Mérida and south to northern Tachira. GENUS ATLAPETES WAGLER! Atlapetes Wagler, 1831, Isis, p. 526. Type, by monotypy, Atlapetes pileatus Wagler. cf. Dwight and Griscom, 1921, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 16, pp. 1-4 (albinucha). Chapman, 1923, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 48, pp. 2438-278 (brunneinucha; torquatus; atricapillus) . Bond, 1951, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 103, pp. 76-78 (relationships of seebohmi complex, palli- diceps to albiceps, and flaviceps to fuscoolivaceus). Parkes, 1954, Condor, 56, pp. 129-1388 (revision of brunneinucha). Paynter, 1964, Auk, 81, pp. 223-224 (gutteralis con- specific with albinucha). ATLAPETES ALBINUCHA ~~ Atlapetes albinucha albinucha (Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny) Embernagra albinucha Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1838, _ Sy _ Rev. Zool. [Paris], 1, p. 165— Cartagena, Colombia; Gs ¢ error, amended to Caribbean slope of Mexico by Paynter, 1964, Auk, 81, p. 223. Caribbean slope of Mexico in Puebla, Veracruz, Oaxaca, and Chiapas; doubtful record from Valley of Mexico; un- verified sight record from San Luis Potosi. 4M y>>\ —.. Atlapetes albinucha griseipectus Dwight and Griscom Atlapetes gutturalis griseipectus Dwight and Griscom, - | 1921, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 16, p. 3 — Quezaltenango, 8,500 ft., Guatemala. Pacific slope of southwestern Chiapas through highlands of western Guatemala to adjacent El Salvador. _—Atlapetes albinucha fuscipygius Dwight and Griscom Atlapetes gutturalis fuscipygius Dwight and Griscom, oA 1921, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 16, p. 3 — San Rafael del Norte, 4,000 ft., Nicaragua. 1 The arrangement of the species and comments on their relation- ships (footnotes) are based on my partially completed revision of Atlapetes. —R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE LO Highlands of Honduras, northwestern El Salvador (Los Esesmiles; intermediate with griseipectus), and northwest- ern Nicaragua. —.Atlapetes albinucha parvirostris Dwight and Griscom Atlapetes gutturalis parvirostris Dwight and Griscom, ac) 19271, Amer. Mus. Novit:; no. 16, p: 3 —— Aquinares; 4,500 ft., Costa Rica. Subtropical zone of Costa Rica. _- Atlapetes albinucha brunnescens Chapman Atlapetes gutturalis brunnescens Chapman, 1915, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 34, p. 387 — Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama. Subtropical zone of western Chiriqui, Panama. Atlapetes albinucha coloratus Griscom Atlapetes gutturalis coloratus Griscom, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 141, p. 9 — Cerro Flores, 3,600 ft., eastern Chiriqui, Panama. Subtropical zone of eastern Chiriqui and Veraguas, Pan- ama. ?Atlapetes albinucha azuerensis Aldrich Atlapetes gutturalis azuerensis Aldrich, 1937, Sci. Publ. Cleveland Mus. Nat. Hist., 7, p. 138— Cerro Viejo, 3,000 ft., between headwaters of Rios Negro and Mariato, 18 mi. east of Montijo Bay, Veraguas, Panama. Known only from type locality on Azuero Peninsula, western Panama. —Atlapetes albinucha gutturalis (Lafresnaye) Arremon gutturalis Lafresnaye, 1843, Rev. Zool. [Paris], as) 6, p. 98— Bolivia; error, amended to Colombia by Bangs, 1930, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 70, p. 391. Upper tropical and subtropical zones of Colombia, ex- clusive of Narifio and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. ATLAPETES PALLIDINUCHA =e ~~ Atlapetes pallidinucha pallidinucha (Boissonneau) a Tanagra (Arremon) pallidinucha Boisonneau, 1840, Rev. ae Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 68 — Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia. Paramo of Tachira, southwestern Venezuela and upper subtropical and temperate zones of Eastern Andes of Co- lombia, from Norte de Santander to Cundinamarca. 192 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD cae ~~Atlapetes pallidinucha papallactae Hellmayr Atlapetes pallidinucha papallactae Hellmayr, 19138, Verh. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 11, p. 318 — Papallacta, Napo, Ecuador. Temperate zone of Central Andes of Colombia, from Cal- das southward, and of Ecuador. ATLAPETES RUFINUCHA Atlapetes rufinucha phelpsi nom. nov. ~ Atlapetes rufinucha nigrifrons Phelps and Gilliard, 1940, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1100, p. 7 — La Sabana, 1,300 .7 m., Rio Negro, Perija District, Zulia, Venezuela. Pre- i occupied by Buarremon assimilis nigrifrons Chapman, 1928. Subtropical zone of Sierra de Perija, Zulia, Venezuela, and of Magdalena, Colombia. Altapetes rufinucha elaeoprorus (Sclater and Salvin) Buarremon elaeoprorus Sclater and Salvin, 1879, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 504 — Medellin and Santa Elena, Antioquia, Colombia. Subtropical zone of Antioquia in northern Central Andes, Colombia. Atlapetes rufinucha simplex (Berlepsch) Buarremon simplex Berlepsch, 1888, Ibis, p. 128 — ‘“‘Bo- gota,” Colombia. Known only from native “Bogota” specimens; probably from Eastern Andes of Colombia. =A tlapetes rufinucha caucae Chapman Atlapetes latinuchus caucae Chapman, 1927, Amer. Mus. 3 Novit., no. 250, p. 6—Cerro Munchique, 8,325 ft., ‘A Western Andes, Cauca, Colombia. Subtropical zone on eastern slope of Western Andes and on western slope at southern end of Central Andes, Valle and Cauca, Colombia. ——Atlapetes rufinucha spedionotus (Sclater and Salvin) Buarremon spodionotus Sclater and Salvin, 1879, Ibis, p. 425 — Guapulo [, Pichincha], Calacali [, Pichincha], and Sical [= (?) Sicalapa, Chimborazo], Ecuador. Upper subtropical and temperate zones in Narino, Co- lombia, and in northern Ecuador. EMBERIZINAE 193 ——Atlapetes rufinucha comptus (Sclater and Salvin) Buarremon comptus Sclater and Salvin, 1879, Ibis, p. 426 — Maravina, Azuay, Ecuador. Subtropical zone of southwestern Ecuador, from Cafar southwestward through western Loja, to adjacent Piura, Peru. Bes cis Hates rufinucha latinuchus (Du Bus) Buarremon latinuchus Du Bus, 1855, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Lettr. Beaux-Arts Belg., 22 (pt. 1), p. 154 — Colombia and Peru. Southeastern Ecuador, from eastern Azuay and eastern Loja, to Amazonas, northeastern Peru. —Atlapetes rufinucha chugurensis Chapman Atlapetes latinuchus chugurensis Chapman, 1927, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 250, p. 5 — Chugur, 9,000 ft., 40 mi. northwest of Cajamarca, Peru. Pacific slope of Cajamarca, northwestern Peru. =——Atlapetes rufinucha baroni (Salvin) Buarremon baroni Salvin, 1895, Novit. Zool., 2, p. 5, pl. 1, fig. 1 — Cajabamba, 9,000 ft., and Huamachuco, 10,400 fis eri, Subtropical zone of upper Maranon Valley, in Cajamarca and Libertad, northern Peru. ~—. Atlapetes rufinucha melanolaemus (Sclater and Salvin) Buarremon melanolaemus Sclater and Salvin, 1879, Ibis, p. 425, pl. 10, fig. 2— Khachupata [= Cchachupata], Cuzco, Peru. Subtropical zone of Cuzco and Puno, southeastern Peru. — Atlapetes rufinucha rufinucha (Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny) Embernagra rufi-nucha Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837, : Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 35 —Yungas, La Paz, iv Bolivia. Subtropical zone of La Paz and Cochabamba, Bolivia. Atlapetes rufinucha carrikeri Bond and de Schauensee Atlapetes rufinucha carrikeri Bond and de Schauensee, 1939, Notulae Naturae [Philadelphia], no. 12, p. 5 — Samaipata, 5,500 ft., Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Known only from type locality, eastern Bolivia. 194 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD ATLAPETES LEUCOPIS! Atlapetes leucopis (Sclater and Salvin) Buarremon leucopis Sclater and Salvin, 1878, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 439—“Yanayaca”’ [=? Yanayacu: ? province], Ecuador. Subtropical zone at head of Magdalena Valley in Huila and on eastern slope of extreme southern Narino, Colombia, and (with certainty) on eastern slope of Azuay, Ecuador; apparently rare and local. ATLAPETES PILEATUS Atlapetes pileatus dilutus Ridgway Atlapetes pileatus dilutus Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 228 — Jesus Maria, Chihuahua, Mexico. Northern Mexican plateau, in Chihuahua, Durango, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, and San Luis Potosi. Atlapetes pileatus pileatus Wagler Atlapetes pileatus Wagler, 1831, Isis von Oken, col. 526 — Mexico. Atlapetes pileatus canescens van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 58, p. 126 — Omilteme, Guerrero, Mexico. Southern Mexican plateau, and mountains of Guerrero, from Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, Michoacan, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, and Veracruz south to Guerrero, Oaxaca, and Puebla. ATLAPETES MELANOCEPHALUS Atlapetes melanocephalus (Salvin and Godman) Buarremon melanocephalus Salvin and Godman, 1880, Ibis, p. 121 — San Sebastian, Colombia. Upper tropical and subtropical zones of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. ATLAPETES FLAVICEPS Atlapetes flaviceps Chapman Atlapetes flaviceps Chapman, 1912, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 1 Seems close to A. rufinucha. Except for its larger size, white eye stripe, and green (rather than yellow) underparts it is notably similar to A. rufinucha melanolaemus, even to the presence of a mottled throat, black tail, and velvety-black back. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 195 Hist., 31, p. 162 — Rio Toche, 6,800 ft., Quindio trail, Central Andes, Tolima, Colombia. East slope of Central Andes, northern Tolima, Colombia. ATLAPETES FUSCOOGLIVACEUS — Atlapetes fuscoolivaceus Chapman Atlapetes fusco-olivaceus Chapman, 1914, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, p. 185 -— San Agustin, 5,000 ft., Huila, Colombia. Subtropical zone of upper Magdalena Valley, Huila, Co- lombia. ATLAPETES TRICOLOR — Atlapetes tricolor crassus Bangs Atlapetes crassus Bangs, 1908, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton, 21, p. 161—San Antonio, 5,800 ft., Valle, Colom- bia. Andes of Colombia, in Caldas, Valle, and Narinfo, and of Ecuador, in Pichincha and El Oro; great morphological vari- ation; (?) additional races. -—— Atlapetes tricolor tricolor (Taczanowski) Buarremon tricolor Taczanowski, 1874, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 516, pl. 65 — Chilpes, Paltaypampa, Nina- bamba, Pumarca, and “Tempobata,” Junin, Peru; re- stricted to Chilpes by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V. Intern. Ornith. Kongr. Berlin, p. 1100. Andes of Libertad and Junin, central Peru. ATLAPETES ALBOFRENATUS —~ Atlapetes albofrenatus meridae (Sclater and Salvin) Buarremon meridae Sclater and Salvin, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 785 — near Mérida, Venezuela. Subtropical and temperate zones of Andes of eastern Tachira and Mérida, Venezuela. — Atlapetes albofrenatus albofrenatus (Boissonneau) Tanagra (Arremon) albo-frenatus Boissonneau, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 68 — Santa Fe de Bogota, Co- lombia. Upper tropical and subtropical zones of eastern Andes of Colombia, from Norte de Santander to Cundinamarca. 196 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD ATLAPETES SCHISTACEUS! — Atlapetes schistaceus castaneifrons (Sclater and Salvin) Buarremon castaneifrons Sclater and Salvin, 1875, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 235, pl. 35, fig. 1 — ‘‘upper wood- region of the Paramo de la Culata, Mérida,” Venezuela. Andes of Trujillo, Mérida, and central and eastern Tachira, Venezuela. . Atlapetes schistaceus tamae Cory Atlaptes (sic) castaneifrons tamae Cory, 19138, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Ornith. Ser., 1, p. 292 — Paramo de Tama, 6,000-7,000 ft., Tachira, Venezuela. Southwestern Tachira, Venezuela and adjacent Norte de Santander, Colombia. Atlapetes schistaceus fumidus Wetmore and Phelps Atlapetes schistaceus fumidus Wetmore and Phelps, 1953, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 66, p. 13 — Cerro Tetari, 2,900 m., Sierra de Perija, Zulia, Venezuela. Sierra de Berge of Zulia, Venezuela, and Magdalena, Co- lombia. Atlapetes schistaceus schistaceus (Boissonneau) Tanagra (Arremon) schistaceus Boissonneau, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 69 — Santa Fe de Bogota, Colom- bia. Andes of Colombia, except eastern range from Norte de Santander northward, and of Ecuador (? southern limits). Atlapetes schistaceus taczanowskii (Sclater and Salvin) Buarremon mystacalis Taczanowski, 1874, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 515 — Maraynioc, Higos, and Sillapata, Peru. Buarremon taczanowskii Sclater and Salvin, 1875, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 236, pl. 35, fig. 2. New name for B. mystacalis Taczanowski, 1874, preoccupied by 1 When more fully studied, there is a good possibility that A. schistaceus and A. nationi will be treated as conspecific. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 405, states that the type, now lost, was from Maraynioc, citing Stolamann and Domaniewski, 1927, Ann. Zool. Mus. Polonici Hist. Nat., 6, p. 176. However, these authors did not restrict the type locality. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 197 Arremon mysticalis Sclater, 1852, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 4, p. 8=A. a. albofrenatus (Boisson- neau). Andes of Hudnuco and Junin, central Peru. Atlapetes schistaceus canigenis Chapman Atlapetes canigenis Chapman, 1919, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 41, p. 330 — Torontoy, 9,500 ft., Urubamba Can- yon, Cuzco, Peru. Cuzco, central eastern Peru. ATLAPETES NATIONI! Atlapetes nationi celicae Chapman? Atlapetes celicae Chapman, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 160, p. 7 — Celica, 6,900 ft., Loja, Ecuador. Known only from type specimen from western Loja, southern Ecuador. —Atlapetes nationi simonsi (Sharpe) Buarremon simonsi Sharpe, 1900, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 11, p. 2— Loja, Prov. Loja, Ecuador. Eastern and central Loja, southern Ecuador. —Atlapetes nationi seebohmi (Taczanowski) Carenochrous seebohmi Taczanowski, 1883, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 70 — Cajacay, Cajatambo, Ancash, Peru. Pacific slope of Andes of northwestern Peru, from Liber- tad to Ancash. 1 J agree with Koepcke, 1957, Scientia, 4, pp. 41-42, that A. seebohmi should be merged with A. nationi rather than with A. schistaceus, as suggested by de Schauensee, 1966, Birds South Amer., p. 522.— TAN ey dings 2 Very similar to A. n. simonsi. The presence of another race so near to simonsi, with no marked geographical features to provide isolation, is suspect. The type may be an atypical specimen of simonszi. In 1965 the type locality and surrounding area was searched for a week, but A. nationi was not found. A. n. simonsi had been discovered and studied beforehand at nearby Gonzanama (alt. 2,300 m.), pro- viding information on habitat requirements and the behavior of the species, which should have facilitated finding celicae. However, the species is elusive and apparently very local; it may yet be rediscovered near Celica. — R.A.P., Jr. 198 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Atlapetes nationi nationi (Sclater) Buarremon nationi Sclater, 1881, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 485, pl. 46 — western Andes of Peru, 10,000-14,000 ft., above Lima; new name for Pipilo mystacalis Tac- zanowski, 1874 preoccupied. Andes of Lima, western Peru. Atlapetes nationi brunneiceps (Berlepsch and Stolzmann) Pogonospiza mystacalis brunneiceps Berlepsch and Stolz- mann, 1906, Ornis, 13, p. 67 — Pauza and Coracora, Ayacucho, Peru. Ica and Ayacucho, southwestern Peru. ATLAPETES LEUCOPTERUS! - Atlapetes leucopterus leucopterus (Jardine) Arremon leucopterus Jardine, 1856, Edinburgh New Philos. Journ., n.s., 3, p. 92 — “Eastern Cordillera of Ecuador.’’? Western Andes of Ecuador, south to Chimbo Valley. ~Atlapetes leucopterus dresseri (Taczanowski) Carenochrous dresseri Taczanowski, 1883, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 70 — Montana de Nancho, Cajamarca, Peru. Andes of southwestern Ecuador, in El] Oro and Loja, and of northwestern Peru, from Tumbes to Cajamarca. ATLAPETES ALBICEPS? Atlapetes albiceps (Taczanowski) Buarremon albiceps Taczanowski, 1884, Orn. Pérou, 2, p. 588 — Paucal, Cajamarca, Peru. 1 A. leucopterus appears quite closely related to the A. schistaceus- A. nationt complex. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 “Kastern” was probably a lapsus for “western,” although the species might occasionally occur there (vide de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South Amer., p. 522). —R.A.P., Jr. 3 It has been suggested by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 411, and by de Schauensee, 1966, Birds South Amer., p. 522, that A. albiceps and A. pallidiceps may be con- specific. However, I prefer to retain them as full species because the taxa occur only a short distance from one another and they are morphologically quite distinct. Both species, which are arid region forms, seem to have been derived from the A. schistaceus-A. nationi complex, but are not so close to it as is A. leucopterus. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 199 Loja, southeastern Ecuador, and Piura, Lambayeque, and Cajamarca, northwestern Peru. ATLAPETES PALLIDICEPS —— Atlapetes pallidiceps (Sharpe) Buarremon pallidiceps Sharpe, 1900, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 11, p. 2— Ona, Ecuador; type from Guishapa, Ona, Azuay, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ; Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 411. Mountains of Azuay, southern Ecuador. ATLAPETES RUFIGENIS! _—-Atlapetes rufigenis rufigenis (Salvin) Buarremon rufigenis Salvin, 1895, Novit. Zool., 2, p. 5, pl. 1, fig. 1 — Huamachuca, 10,400 ft., Libertad, and Cajabamba, 11,000 ft., Cajamarca, Peru. Cajamarca, Libertad, Ancash, and Huanuco, northwestern Peru. Atlapetes rufigenis forbesi Morrison Atlapetes rufigenis forbesi Morrison, 1947, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 67, p. 88 — Pomayaco, 9,100 ft., Pampas River valley, 80 mi. southeast of Ayacucho, Apurimac, Peru. Apurimac and Cuzco, central southern Peru. ATLAPETES SEMIRUFUS ——~Atlapetes semirufus denisei (Hellmayr) Buarremon semirufus denisei Hellmayr, 1911, Rev. Franc. Ornith., 2, p. 24 — Andes of Cumana, Sucre, Venezuela. Mountains from Sucre and Monagas west to Aragua and Carabobo, Venezuela. _—-Atlapetes semirufus benedettii Phelps and Gilliard Atlapetes semirufus benedettii Phelps and Gilliard, 1941, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1153, p. 16— Sierra de San Luis, 1,200 m., above San Luis, Falcén, Venezuela. Mountains of Falcon, Lara, and Trujillo, Venezuela. Atlapetes semirufus albigula Zimmer and Phelps Atlapetes semirufus albigula Zimmer and Phelps, 1946, 1 In a two-dimensional, rather than linear, arrangement, A. leu- copterus, A. albiceps, A. pallidiceps, and A. rufigenis would be shown as offshoots of the A. schistaceus-A. nationi complex. —R.A.P., JR. 200 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1812, p. 21 — Seboruco, 1,300 m., Tachira, Venezuela. Known only from type locality in northeastern Tachira, Venezuela. Atlapetes semirufus zimmeri de Schauensee Atlapetes semirufus zimmeri de Schauensee, 1947, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 99, p. 123 — Rio Negro, Boyaca, Colombia. Andes of Tachira (except northeast), Venezuela, and on eastern slope of Eastern Andes in southern Norte de San- tander and extreme northeastern Boyaca, Colombia. Atlapetes semirufus majusculus Todd Atlapetes. semirufus majusculus Todd, 1919, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 32, p. 1138 — Pena Blanca, Santander [= Boyaca], Colombia. Eastern slope of northern Boyaca (south of zimmer‘), Colombia. —— Atlapetes semirufus semirufus (Boissonneau) Tanagra (Arremon) semirufus Boisonneau, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 69 — Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia. Eastern slope of Eastern Andes in Cundinamarca, Co- lombia. ATLAPETES PERSONATUS —— Atlapetes personatus personatus (Cabanis) Arremon personatus personatus Cabanis, 1848, in Schom- burgk, Reisen Brit.-Guiana, 3, p. 678— Roraima, 6,500 ft., British Guiana [= Bolivar, Venezuela]. Mount Roraima and nearby “tepuis” of southeastern Bolivar, Venezuela. Atlapetes personatus collaris Chapman Atlapetes personatus collaris Chapman, 1939, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1051, p. 18 — Auyan-tepui, 1,850 m., Bo- livar, Venezuela. Known only from type locality, on Gran Sabana, south- eastern Bolivar, Venezuela. __—Atlapetes personatus duidae Chapman Atlapetes duidae Chapman, 1929, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 380, p. 26 — Cerros de Savanna, 4,700 ft., tableland of Mount Duida, Amazonas, Venezuela. | EMBERIZINAE 201 Cerro Duida, Amazonas and Cerro Guaiquinima, central Bolivar, Venezuela. Atlapetes personatus parui Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Atlapetes personatus parui Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1950, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 63, p. 46— Cerro Part, 1,200 m., Amazonas, Venezuela. Known only from type locality, northern Amazonas, Venezuela. Atlapetes personatus paraquensis Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Atlapetes personatus paraquensis Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1946, Bol. Soc. Venezolana Cienc. Nat, 10(67), p. 237 — Cerro Paraque, 1,400 m., Amazonas, Venezuela. Cerro Paraque and Cerro Yavi, northwestern Amazonas, Venezuela. Atlapetes personatus jugularis Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Atlapetes personatus jugularis Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1955, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 68, p. 121 — Cerro de la Neblina, 1,800 m., headwaters of Rio Yatta, Amazonas, Venezuela. Known only from vicinity of type locality, in southeastern Amazonas, Venezuela, and adjacent Brazil (Cerro La Neblina). ATLAPETES FULVICEPS —~ Atlapetes fulviceps (Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny) Emberiza fulviceps Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837, Mag. wool tearig}, 7, cl. 2, p. 1? — Llacora [= Totoral, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Subtropical zone of La Paz, Cochabamba, and Chuquisaca, Bolivia and northern Jujuy and Salta, northwestern Argentina. ATLAPETES CITRINELLUS _—Atlapetes citrinellus (Cabanis) Buarremon (Atlapetes) citrinellus Cabanis, 1883, Journ. f. Ornith., 31, p. 109, pl. 1, fig. 1 — near Chaquevil and San Xavier, Tucuman, Argentina. Andes of Jujuy, Salta, and Tucuman, Argentina; (7?) accidental in northern Paraguay. 202 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD ATLAPETES BRUNNEINUCHA ~—— Atlapetes brunneinucha brunneinucha (Lafresnaye) Embernagra brunnei-nucha Lafresnaye, 1839, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 2, p. 97 — Mexico; restricted to Jalapa, Vera- cruz by Parkes, 1954, Condor, 56, p. 131. ?Atlapetes brunnei-nucha parkesi Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 153— La Gloria, 900 m., 16 km. southwest Presido, Veracruz. [Specimens not examined. | Subtropical zone of eastern Mexico from San Luis Potosi and Veracruz to northeastern Oaxaca. Atlapetes brunneinucha apertus Wetmore Atlapetes apertus Wetmore, 1942, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, 55, p. 108 —Cerro de Tuxtla, 2,500 ft., Sierra de Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico. Sierra de Tuxtla, southern Veracruz. _ Atlapetes brunneinucha suttoni Parkes Atlapetes brunnei-nucha suttonit Parkes, 1954, Condor, 56, p. 1832 — Cumbre, 9,000 ft., 5 mi. northeast Cerro San Felipe, Oaxaca, Mexico. ?Atlapetes brunnei-nucha nigrilatera Rowley, 1968, Occas. Papers Western Found. Vert. Zool. [Los Angeles], no. 1, p. 7—Cerro Baul, above Rancho Vicente, lat. 16°37’ N., long. 94°10’ W., 4500 eee Oaxaca. [Specimens not examined. | Mountains from Guerrero to central Oaxaca, Mexico. —~— Atlapetes brunneinucha macrourus Parkes Atlapetes brunnei-nucha macrourus Parkes, 1954, Condor, 56, p. 183 — Volcan Tajumulco, 9,200 ft., San Marcos, Guatemala. Mountains of Chiapas, Mexico and southwestern Guate- mala. —~ Atlapetes brunneinucha alleni Parkes Atlapetes brunnei-nucha allent Parkes, 1954, Condor, 56, p. 184 — San Juancito, 6,500 ft., Honduras. Mountains of northern El] Salvador, Honduras, and west- ern Nicaragua. —~- Atlapetes brunneinucha elsae Parkes Atlapetes brunnei-nucha elsae Parkes, 1954, Condor, 56, p. 185 — Volcan de Irazu, 8,000 to 10,000 ft., Costa Rica. Mountains of Costa Rica and western and central Panama. EMBERIZINAE 203 ~~ Atlapetes brunneinucha frontalis (Tschudi) Arremon frontalis Tschudi, 1844, Archiv f. Naturg., 10(1), p. 289 — Peru; restricted to ‘‘eastern wooded region between lat. 8° and 9°S. and Jaen de Braca- moras, Peru” by Friedmann and Deignan, 1942, Zoolo- gica [New York], 27, p. 53; amended to vicinity of Rio Vitoe and Rio Tulumayo, by Parkes 1954, Condor, 5G. p. Loo. Buarremon xanthogenys Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 141 —Caracas, Venezuela. Mountains of extreme eastern Panama, Colombia, north- ern and western Venezuela (except range of allinornatus), Ecuador (except range of znornatus), and Peru. Atlapetes brunneinucha allinornatus Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Atlapetes brunnei-nucha allinornatus Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1949, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 62, p. 120 — San Luis, 1,360 m., Falcon, Venezuela. Sierra de San Luis, Falcén and Sierra de Aroa, Yaracuy, northwestern Venezuela. Atlapetes brunneinucha inornatus (Sclater and Salvin) Buarremon inornatus Sclater and Salvin, 1879, Ibis, p. 427 — Pallatanga, Chimborazo, and Jima [, (?) pro- vince], Ecuador. Known with certainty only from vicinity of the Rios Chimbo and Chanchan, central western Ecuador. ATLAPETES TORQUATUS Atlapetes torquatus verecundus (Moore) Buarremon virenticeps verecundus Moore, 1938, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 51, p. 70— Rancho Batel, 5,650 ft., 5 mi. north of Santa Lucia, Sinaloa. Mountains of southern Sinaloa, northern Nayarit, and southern Durango, Mexico. ——.Atlapetes torquatus virenticeps (Bonaparte) Buarremon virenticeps Bonaparte, 1855, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 41, p. 657 — Mexico; restricted to Desierto de los Leones, near México, D.F., by Moore, 1938, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 51, p. 71. 1 The location of “Jima” is unknown; it is almost certainly not the town by that name on the eastern slopes near Girén, Azuay. — Tales dbs 204 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD ?Buarremon virenticeps colimae van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 58, p. 125— Sierra Nevada de Colima, Jalisco. Mountains of Jalisco, Colima, Michoacan, México, Morelos, Distrito Federal, and western Puebla, Mexico. —~ Atlapetes torquatus costaricensis (Bangs) Buarremon costaricensis Bangs, 1907, Auk, 24, p. 310 — Boruca, Costa Rica. Lower subtropical and upper tropical zones of southwest- ern Costa Rica and Chiriqui, western Panama. — Atlapetes torquatus tacarcunae (Chapman) Buarremon atricapillus tacarcunae Chapman, 1923, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 67, p. 11 — Mount Tacarcuna, ca. 3,500 ft., eastern Panama. Lower subtropical zone of eastern Panama from Panama province eastward. —= Atlapetes torquatus atricapillus (Lawrence)! Buarremon atricapillus Lawrence, 1874, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 10, p. 396 — “Bogota,” Colombia. Tropical and subtropical zones on west slope of the East- ern Andes and on both slopes of the Central Andes, northern Colombia. — Atlapetes torquatus basilicus (Bangs) Buarremon basilicus Bangs, 1898, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, 12, p. 159 — Pueblo Viejo, 8,000 ft., Magdalena, Colombia. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, above 600 meters, Magda- lena, Colombia. 1 Hellmayr (loc. cit., p. 422) treated black-headed, thick-billed A. t. atricapillus as a species (with tacarcunae as a race) because its range was poorly known and it might prove to be sympatric with black and gray-headed, slender-billed A. t. assimilis. The distribution of the two forms remains obscure, but it seems that atricapillus is restricted to a more northerly range and that intergradation between the two forms may occur on the west slope of the Western Andes, where neither taxon has yet been found. Furthermore, tacarunae seems to exhibit intermediate characters and is very near costari- censis, which Hellmayr placed in A. torquatus. There is the possi- bility that there may exist a complex situation with two or more sympatric species, but for the present it seems better to treat the groups as conspecific. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 205 — Atlapetes torquatus perijanus Phelps and Gilliard Atlapetes torquatus perijanus Phelps and Gilliard, 1940, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1100, p. 6 — La Sabana, 1,200 m., Rio Negro, Perija, Zulia, Venezuela. Eastern slope of the Andes of Norte de Santander and Magdalena, Colombia, and of Zulia, Venezuela. Atlapetes torquatus larensis Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Atlapetes torquatus larensis Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1949, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 62, p. 121— Cerro El Cogollal, 1,400 m., Quebrada Arriba, Lara, Venezuela. Mountains of western Lara and western Tachira, Vene- zuela. —__-Atlapetes torquatus phaeopleurus (Sclater) Buarremon phaeopleurus Sclater, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 24, p. 85 — Caracas, Venezuela. Mountains of northern Venezuela in Aragua, Miranda, and the Distrito Federal. —Atlapetes torquatus phygas (Berlepsch) Buarremon torquatus phygas Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V. Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, p. 1102 — Los Palmales, Sucre, Venezuela. Mountains of northeastern Venezuela, in Anzoategui, Monagas, and Sucre. —~Atlapetes torquatus assimilis (Boissonneau) Tanagra (Arremon Vieillot; Embernagra Lesson) assim- ilis Boissonneau, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 67 — Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia. Temperate zone of Andes of Mérida, Venezuela; the East- ern, Central, and Western Andes of Colombia (but not western slope of the Western Andes) from Cudinamarca and Antioquia (Medellin) southward; Andes of Ecuador, except southwest; and Andes of northwestern Peru, in Amazonas and Cajamarca. ——Atlapetes torquatus nigrifrons (Chapman) Buarremon assimilis nigrifrons Chapman, 1923, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 67, p. 11— Las Pifias, 3,600 ft., Alamor Mountains, Loja, Ecuador. Subtropical zone of southwestern Ecuador, in El Oro and Loja, and,of northwestern Peru, from Piura to Libertad. 206 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD ~— Atlapetes torquatus poliophrys (Berlepsch and Stolzmann) Buarremon poliophrys Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1896, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 347 — Maraynioc, Junin, Peru. Temperate zone of central and southeastern Peru, in Huanuco, Junin, and Cuzco. ~—— Atlapetes torquatus torquatus (Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny) Embernagra torquata Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 84 — Yungas, Bolivia; type from Carcuata, vide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist; Publ., Zool. Ser., 13> pte li, p: aztec Subtropical and temperate zones of La Paz and western Cochabamba, northwestern Bolivia. ~— Atlapetes torquatus fimbriatus (Chapman) Buarremon fimbriatus Chapman, 1923, Amer. Mus. Novit., 67, p. 11 — Tujma, 8,200 ft., near Mizque, Co- chabamba, Bolivia. Subtropical zone of eastern Cochabamba, western Santa Cruz, and Chuquisaca, Bolivia. ~—— Atlapetes torquatus borelli (Salvadori) Buarremon borelli Salvadori, 1897, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, 12, p. 6 —San Lorenzo, Jujuy, Argen- tina. Chuquisaca (at lower altitudes, 1,300 to 4,000 ft., than fimbriatus) and Tarija, Bolivia, and in Jujuy and Salta, Argentina. GENUS PEZOPETES CABANIS! Pezopetes Cabanis, 1860, Journ. f. Ornith., 8, p. 415. Type, by monotypy, Pezopetes capitalis Cabanis. ef. Skutch, 1967, Publ. Nuttall Ornith. Club, no. 7, pp. 184- 186 (life history). PEZOPETES CAPITALIS Pezopetes capitalis Cabanis Pezopetes capitalis Cabanis, 1860, Journ. f. Ornith., 8, p. 415 — Costa Rica. Mountains of Costa Rica and Chiriqui, western Panama. 1 Possibly congeneric with Atlapetes. — R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 207 GENUS OREOTHRAUPIS SCLATER! Oreothraupis Sclater, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 24, p. 80. Type, by monotypy, Saltator arremonops Jardine [= Sclater]. ef. Storer, 1958, Auk. 75, pp. 352-354 (subfamilial affinities). OREOTHRAUPIS ARREMONOPS Oreothraupis arremonops (Sclater) Saltator arremonops Sclater, 1855 (June), Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 23, p. 84, pl. 92 — eastern (sic?) range of the cordilleras north of Quito, Ecuador. Subtropical zone of southwestern Colombia, in Antioquia, Cauca, and probably Narino, and of northwestern Ecuador, in Pichincha. GENUS PSELLIOPHORUS Ripeway! Pselliophorus Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 225. Type, by original designation, Tachyphonus tibialis Lawrence. PSELLIOPHORUS TIBIALIS Pselliophorus tibialis (Lawrence) Tachyphonus tibialis Lawrence, 1864, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 8, p. 41 — San José, Costa Rica. Mountains of Costa Rica and western Chiriqui, western Panama. PSELLIOPHORUS LUTEOVIRIDIS Pselliophorus luteoviridis Griscom? Pselliphorus luteoviridis Griscom, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 141, p. 10 — Cerro Flores, 6,000 ft., eastern Chiriqui, Panama. Known only from type specimen. GENUS LYSURUS RIDGWAY Lysurus Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 225. Type, by original designation, Buarremon crassirostris Cassin. 1 Possibly congeneric with Atlapetes. —R.A.P., Jr. 2 Probably a subspecies of P. tibialis. — R.A.P., Jr. 208 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD LYSURUS CASTANEICEPS Lysurus castaneiceps crassirostris (Cassin) Buarremon crassirostris Cassin, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 170 — Barranca, Costa Rica. ?Lysurus crassirostris eurous Wetmore, 1967, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 80, p. 240 — near head of north fork of Rio Pucro, 1,250 m., Cerro Tacarcuna, Darién, Panama. (Unique specimen not examined.) Subtropical zone of Costa Rica and Panama. Lysurus castaneiceps castaneiceps (Sclater) Buarremon castaneiceps Sclater, 1859, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 27, p. 441 — Rio Napo, Ecuador. West slope of Western Andes of Colombia from Antio- quia southward, and on east slope in Narifo; both slopes of Ecuador; Marcapata Valley, Cuzco, southeastern Peru. GENUS UROTHRAUPIS TACZANOWSKI AND BERLEPSCH Urothraupis Taczanowski and Berlepsch, 1885, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 83. Type, by monotypy, Urothraupis stolzmanni Taczanowski and Berlepsch. UROTHRAUPIS STOLZMANNI Urothraupis stolzmanni Taczanowski and Berlepsch Urothraupis stolzmanni Taczanowski and Berlepsch, 1885, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, p. 83 — Hacienda San Rafael, 9,000 ft., eastern slope of Volcan Tungurahua, Ecuador. Moderate altitudes from Caldas, central Colombia, south to Tungurahua, central Ecuador. GENUS CHARITOSPIZA OBERHOLSER! Charitospiza Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 48(1), p. 67. Type, by original designation, Fringilla ornata Wied (not of Vieillot, 1817) =Charitospiza euwcosma Oberholser. CHARITOSPIZA EUCOSMA Charitospiza eucosma Oberholser Fringilla ornata Wied, 1821, Reise Brasilien, 2, p. 191 — 1 Relationship with other genera of Emberizinae unknown. — RAP. Ir. EMBERIZINAE 209 Fazenda Valo [= Geral do Valo], near frontier of Minas Gerais, Bahia. Charitospiza eucosma Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 48(1), p. 67. New name for Fringilla ornata Wied, 1821, preoccupied by Fringilla ornata Vieillot, 1817. Southern Maranhao and Piaui to Sao Paulo, Goias, and Mato Grosso, central and eastern Brazil and Misiones, northeastern Argentina. GENUS CORYPHASPIZA Gray! Coryphaspiza G. R. Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, p. 47. New name for Leptonyx Swainson, 1837, preoccupied. Type, by original designation, Leptonyx melanotis Swainson = E'mberizoides melanotis Temminck. CORYPHASPIZA MELANOTIS Coryphaspiza melanotis marajoara Sick Coryphaspiza melanotis marajoara Sick, 1967, Journ. f. Ornith., 108, p. 219 — Fazenda Maria Pana, Ilha Ma- rajo, Para, Brazil. Ilha Marajo, mouth of the Amazon, Para, Brazil. Coryphaspiza melanotis melanotis (Temminck) Emberizoides melanotis Temminck, 1822, Pl. Col., livr. 19, pl. 114, fig. 2— Paraguay and Brazil; type from Ipanema, Sao Paulo, Brazil, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 614. Central and east-central Brazil, in Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, and Sao Paulo; eastern Bolivia, in El Beni; Para- guay; and northeastern Argentina, in Misiones, eastern Chaco, and northern Santa Fe. GENUS SALTATRICULA BURMEISTER! Saltatricula Burmeister, 1861, Reise La Plata-Staaten, 2, p. 481. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Saltator multicolor Burmeister. 1 Relationship with other genera of Emberizinae unknown. — AED. it 210 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD SALTATRICULA MULTICOLOR Saltatricula multicolor (Burmeister) Saltator multicolor Burmeister, 1860, Journ. f. Ornith., 8, p. 254 — Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina. Southeastern Bolivia, western Paraguay, western Uru- guay( Paysandu), and chaco of northern Argentina (except Misiones) south to La Rioja, Cordoba, Santa Fe, and Entre Rios. GENUS GUBERNATRIX LESSON! Gubernatrix Lesson, 1837, Compl. Buffon, 8, p. 295. Type, by monotypy, E'mberiza gubernatrix Temminck = Cocco- thraustes cristata Vieillot. [Reference not verified. ] GUBERNATRIX CRISTATA Gubernatrix cristata (Vieillot) Coccothraustes cristata Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 13, p. 5381; based on ‘‘Crestudo amarillo” of Azara, 1802, Apuntamientos Hist. Nat. Paxaros Paragtiay Rio Plata, 1, p. 464 — lat. 29°S., Argentina; types from Corrientes, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ, ‘Zool.Ser., 13; pt. 1, pow Extreme southeastern Brazil in Rio Grande do Sul, Uru- guay, and northeastern and eastern Argentina, from Tucuman (occasionally), Santa Fe, and Corrientes south to Rio Negro. GENUS CORYPHOSPINGUS CABANIS? Coryphospingus Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 145. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 73), Fringilla cristata Gmelin = Fringilla cucullata Miiller. 1 Position within the Emberizinae uncertain but I agree with Tordoff, 1954, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, no. 81, p. 30, that this is not a member of the Cardinalinae. Paroaria and Guber- natrix are usually placed adjacent to one another but I do not believe they are closely related — R.A.P., Jr. 2 Possibly a tanager.— R.A.P., Jr. EMBERIZINAE 211 CORYPHOSPINGUS PILEATUS! Coryphospingus pileatus rostratus Miller Coryphospingus pileatus rostratus Miller, 1947, Auk, 64, p. 377 — Villavieja, 485 m., Huila, Colombia. Arid upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia. Coryphospingus pileatus brevicaudus Cory Coryphospingus pileatus brevicaudus Cory, 1916, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Ornith. Ser., 1, p. 345 — Isla de Mar- garita, Venezuela. Northern Venezuela, including Isla de Margarita, from Zulia to Sucre and southward on plains of Portuguesa, Cojedes, Guaciro, and Anzoategui to northern Bolivar; northern Colombia on eastern slopes of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Coryphospingus pileatus pileatus (Wied) Fringilla pileata Wied, 1821, Reise Brasilien, 2, p. 160 — Barra da Vareda, Rio Pardo, southern Bahia, Brazil. Eastern central Brazil from Ceara, Piaui, and southern Maranhao south to Goias, eastern Minas Gerais, and Rio de Janeiro. x CORYPHOSPINGUS CUCULLATUS Coryphospingus cucullatus cucullatus (Miiller) Fringilla cucullata P. L. S. Miiller, 1776, Natursyst., suppl., p. 166 — Cayenne. Guyana (British Guiana), Surinam, French Guiana, and eastern Para, Brazil. Coryphospingus cucuilatus rubescens (Swainson) Tachyphonus rubescens Swainson, 1825, Quart. Journ. Sci. Litt. Arts Roy. Inst. [London], 20 (89), p. 64 — “sent from Rio de Janeiro”’. Central and southern Brazil from Mato Grosso, southern 1 Although differing markedly in color, C. pileatus may prove con- specific with C. cucullatus when the distribution of the two forms is better understood. The ranges, as now known, seem to overlap slightly in east-central Brazil, whereas in eastern Venezuela and Guyana (British Guiana) and in northeastern Brazil, they seem to be allo- patric. — R.A.P., Jr. 212 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Goids, western Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo southward; eastern Paraguay; Uruguay; probably eastern Argentina east of Rio Parana. Coryphospingus cucullatus fargoi Brodkorb Coryphospingus cucullatus fargoi Brodkorb, 1938, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, no. 367, p. 4— 265 km. west of Puerto Casado, Paraguay. Upper Marafion Valley and Urubamba Valley, Peru; Beni, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, and Tarija, Bolivia; northern Argentina, probably west of Rio Parana, south to La Rioja, San Luis, La Pampa, and Buenos Aires ;! pampas of western Paraguay. GENUS RHODOSPINGUS SHARPE? Rhodospingus Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, p. 808. Type by virtual monotypy, Tiaris cruenta [sic] Lesson. RHODOSPINGUS CRUENTUS Rhodospingus cruentus (Lesson) Tiaris cruentus Lesson, 1844, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 7, p. 485 — “les provinces baignées par l’Océan Pacifique et notamment celle de Guayaquil,’ Ecuador. Arid tropical zone of Ecuador and of Tumbes and Piura, Peru. GENUS PAROARIA BONAPARTE® Paroaria Bonaparte, 1831, Giorn. Arcad. Sci. Lett. Arti [Rome], 52, p. 206. Type, by original designation, Fringilla cucullata Vieillot = Loxia coronata Miller. 1 The distribution of fargoi and rubescens is poorly known in northeastern Argentina. 2 It is very likely that this will be found to be a tanager. — R.A.P., Jit; 3 Treated as a cardinal-grosbeak by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 58 but as an emberizine by Tordoff, 1954, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, No. 81, p. 30. It may even be a tanager. Placed here at the end of the Emberizinae to emphasize its uncertain allocation. — R.A.P., Jr. Go EMBERIZINAE 21 PAROARIA CORONATA Paroaria coronata (Miller) ‘. Loxia coronata J. F. Miller, 1776, Var. Subj. Nat. Hist., pt. 1, pl. 2— no type locality [reference not verified] ; Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, designated by Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil (Publ. Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo), pt. 2, p. 602. Paroaria cristata schulzei Brodkorb, 1937, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, no. 345, p. 2 — 265 km. west of Puerto Casado, Paraguay. Extreme southeastern Brazil in southwestern Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul, eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina south to Mendoza, La Pampa, and Buenos Aires; introduced in Hawaii. PAROARIA DOMINICANA Paroaria dominicana (Linnaeus) Loxia dominicana Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, se f2 — Brazil. Paroaria humberti Angelina,! 1901, Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., ser. 2, 2, p. 17 — South America. Northeastern Brazil, from southern Maranhao south to northern Minas Gerais. PAROARIA GULARIS?2 Paroaria gularis nigrogenis (Lafresnaye) Nemosia nigro-genis Lafresnaye, 1846, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 9, p. 273 — mouth of the Orinoco, Venezuela. Trinidad (rare and local), eastern Colombia from Arauca south to northern Meta, and Venezuela from Barinas and Apure east to Delta Amacuro. Paroaria gularis gularis (Linnaeus) Tanagra gularis Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, p. 316; based on ‘‘Le Cardinal d’Amérique” of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 6, suppl., p. 67, pl. 4, fig. 4— America; 1 Named from a single cage-bird, possibly a melanistic example of P. dominicana, vide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. ser. 13, pt. 11, p. Gl = RAP. Sr: 2 P. gularis, P. baeri, and P. capitata, all of which are allopatric, may be conspecific. — R.A.P., Jr. 214 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Cayenne designated by Berlepsch, 1908, Novit. Zool., 5; plZ2. Eastern Colombia from southern Meta to Amazonas, southern Venezuela in western Amazonas and southern Bolivar, the Guianas, eastern Ecuador, northeastern Peru, and northern, central, and eastern Brazil in Amazon basin. Paroaria gularis cervicalis Sclater Paroaria cervicalis P. L. Sclater, 1862, Cat. Coll. Amer. Birds, p. 108 — Bolivia. Eastern and northeastern Bolivia and adjacent Mato Grosso, Brazil. PAROARIA BAERI Paroaria baeri baeri Hellmayr Paroaria baeri Hellmayr, 1907, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 19, p. 43 — Rio Araguaya [near Leopoldina, fide Hell- mayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. Mop. 65 Gos: Western Goias and adjacent northeastern Mato Grosso, Brazil. Paroaria baeri xinguensis Sick Paroaria baeri xinguensis Sick, 1950, Rev. Brasil. Biol., 10; p. 465 — Camp lauarun, lat. 11°25’ S., lones5a-7 ye upper Rio Xingu, Mato Grosso. Vicinity of upper Rio Xingt, northern Mato Grosso, Brazil. PAROARIA CAPITATA Paroaria capitata capitata (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Tachyphonus capitatus d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 29— Corrientes, Argen- tina. Southwestern Mato Grosso, Brazil, Paraguay, and north- ern Argentina, except Misiones, south to Salto, Tucuman, Santiago del Estero, Santa Fe, and northern Buenos Aires. Paroaria capitata fuscipes Bond and de Schauensee Paroaria capitata fuscipes Bond and de Schauensee, 1939, Notulae Naturae [Philadelphia], no. 12, p. 2 — Fortin Campero, 1,150 ft., Tarija, Bolivia. Known only from type locality, southeastern Bolivia. CATAMBLYRHYNCHINAE 215 SUBFAMILY CATAMBLYRHYNCHINAE! RAYMOND A. PAYNTER, JR. cf. Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., f3. pt. 11, pp.4-6: Zimmer, 1949, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1428, pp. 1-2 (Peru). GENUS CATAMBLYRHYNCHUS LAFRESNAYE Catamblyrhynchus Lafresnaye, 1842, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 5, p. 301. Type, by monotypy, Catamblyrhynchus dia- dema Lafresnaye. CATAMBLYRHYNCHUS DIADEMA Catamblyrhynchus diadema federalis Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Catamblyrhynchus diadema federalis Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1953, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 66, p. 141 — El Junquito, 2,000 m., Distrito Federal, Venezuela. Subtropical zone of coastal mountains of Aragua and Dis- trito Federal, northern Venezuela. Catamblyrhynchus diadema diadema Lafresnaye Catamblyrhynchus diadema Lafresnaye, 1842, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 5, p. 301 — Colombia; type from ‘Bogota’, fide Bangs, 1930, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 70, p. 368. Andes of northwestern Venezuela, in Zulia, Mérida, Tru- jillo, and Tachira, through Colombia, including Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, to Loja, southern Ecuador. Catamblyrhynchus diadema citrinifrons Berlepsch and Stolz- mann Catamblyrhynchus diadema citrinifrons Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1896, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 350 — Maraynioc, Junin, Peru. Andes of Piura, Lambayeque, Junin, and Puno, Peru, of La Paz and Cochabamba, north-central Bolivia, and of Jujuy, northwestern Argentina; apparently rare and local. 1 Affinities of this subfamily uncertain. Sometimes considered close to the Thraupinae but I feel, without any more evidence than has been available to others, that this may be a modified Emberizine. —R.A.P., Jr. 216 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD SUBFAMILY CARDINALINAE! RAYMOND A. PAYNTER, JR. cf. Ridgway, 1901, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 50, pt. 1, pp. 170- 175; 580-6038 ; 606-672 (North and Middle America). Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, pp. 6-56; 67-114; 128-130 (North and South America). Amer. Ornith. Union, 1957, Check-list North Amer. Birds, ed. 5, pp. 546-555. Miller, Friedmann, Griscom and Moore, 1957, Pacific Coast Avifauna (Cooper Ornith. Soc.), no. 38, pp. 3238-840 (Mexico). de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South Amer., pp. 498-504. Bent et al., 1968, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 237, pp. 1-155; 158 (life histories). GENUS SPIZA BONAPARTE??? Spiza Bonaparte, 1824, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel- phia, 4, p. 45. Type, by subsequent designation (Bona- parte, 1827, Specchio Comp. Ornith. Roma Filadelfia, p. 47), Emberiza americana Gmelin. SPIZA AMERICANA Spiza americana (Gmelin) Emberiza americana Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 872; based on “Blackthroated Bunting,” of Pennant, 1785, Arctic Zool., 2, p. 364, pl. 17 — New York. Eastern North America from Montana, southern Mani- toba, northern Wisconsin, and southern Ontario south, east of the Rockies, to central Colorado, western Oklahoma, southern Texas, southern Louisiana, central Alabama, and 1 MS read by J. Bond, R. M. de Schauensee, and E. Eisenmann. 2 The affinities of this genus are uncertain. Tordoff, 1954, Auk, 71, p. 280, considers the Dickcissel to be an aberrant cardinal-grosbeak while Beecher, 1951, Auk, 68, p. 431, believes it is an icterid. — R.A.P., Jie 3 Emberiza townsendii Audubon, 1834, Ornith. Biog., 2, p. 1883— New Garden, Chester County, Pennsylvania, based on a unique speci- men, is generally conceded to be a Spiza, but whether it represents an extinct species or a hybrid is unknown. — R.A.P., Jr. CARDINALINAE 217 central Georgia; formerly (still occasionally) east to Mass- achusetts and south on coastal plain to South Carolina; winters from central Mexico (uncommon) through Central America to Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas, and Trinidad. GENUS PHEUCTICUS REICHENBACH Pheucticus Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 78. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 75), Pitylus aureo- ventris. Hedymeles Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 162. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds), Loxia ludoviciana Linnaeus. PHEUCTICUS CHRYSOPEPLUS Pheucticus chrysopeplus dilutus van Rossem Pheucticus chrysopeplus dilutus van Rossem, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., p. 479— La Trompa, Chihuahua, Mexico. Breeds in northwestern Mexico in southern Sonora, south- western Chihuahua, and northern Sinaloa; winter range unknown. Pheucticus chrysopeplus chrysopeplus (Vigors) Coccothraustes chrysopeplus Vigors, 1832, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Comm. Sci. Corresp., pt. 2, p. 4— Mexico; restricted to San Blas, Nayarit, by van Rossem, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 77, p. 480. Pheucticus chrysopeplus rarissimus Meise, 1938, Bull. Mus: Hist. Nat. Belg., 14, ‘p. 1— Chietla, Puebla, Mexico. Western Mexico from central Sinaloa and western Du- rango south on Pacific slope through Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, and Guerrero to southwestern Puebla. Pheucticus chrysopeplus aurantiacus Salvin and Godman Pheucticus aurantiacus Salvin and Godman, 1891, Ibis, p. 272 — Volcan de Santa Maria, near Quezaltenango, Guatemala. Highlands of southern Chiapas and Guatemala; local. 218 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Pheucticus chrysopeplus tibialis Lawrence Pheucticus tibialis Lawrence (ex Baird MS), 1867, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 8, p. 478— Eervantes [= Cervantes], Costa Rica. Highlands of central Costa Rica and western Panama. Pheucticus chrysopeplus laubmanni Hellmayr and Seilern Pheucticus chrysopeplus laubmanni Hellmayr and Seilern, 1915, Verh. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 12, p. 160 — Galipan, 2,000 m., Cerro del Avila, Dept. Federal, Venezuela. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, northern Colombia and Sierra de Perijé and coastal range of northern Venezuela from Zulia east to Sucre and Monagas. Pheucticus chrysopeplus chrysogaster (Lesson) Pitylus chrysogaster Lesson, 1832, Cent. Zool., p. 204, pl. 67 — Chile; error, Quito, Ecuador substituted by Hellmayr and Seilern, 1915, Verh. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 125.160: Andes from Narifo, southwestern Colombia, through Ecuador to Arequipa and Puno, southern Peru. PHEUCTICUS AUREOVENTRIS Pheucticus aureoventris meridensis Riley Pheucticus uropygialis meridensis Riley, 1905, Proc. Biol. Soe. Washington, 18, p. 220 — Pedregosa, 2,500 m., Mérida, Venezuela. Andes of Mérida, Venezuela. Pheucticus aureoventris uropygialis Sclater and Salvin Pheucticus uropygialis P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1871, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 840 — Bogota, Colombia. Colombia in Eastern Andes from Norte de Santander south to Cundinamarca and in Central Andes in Cauca and Huila. Pheucticus aureoventris crissalis Sclater and Salvin Pheucticus crissalis P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1877, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 19— Riobamba and Sical, Ecuador. Andes from Narino, southwestern Colombia, through Ecuador. CARDINALINAE 219 Pheucticus aureoventris terminalis Chapman Pheucticus uropygialis terminalis Chapman, 1919, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 32, p. 266 — San Miguel Bridge, 5,000 ft., Urubamba Canyon, Cuzco, Peru. Known only from lower Andes of Amazonas and Cuzco, Peru. Pheucticus aureoventris aureoventris d’Orbigny and Lafres- naye Pitylus aureoventris d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 84 — Yungas, Sicasica, Bolivia. Puno, southern Peru, La Paz south to Tarija, eastern Bolivia, western Mato Grosso, Brazil, northern Paraguay, and Jujuy south to Tucuman and Catamareca, northwestern Argentina. PHEUCTICUS LUDOVICIANUS! Pheucticus ludovicianus (Linnaeus) Loxia ludoviciana Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 306, based on ‘‘Le Gros-bee de la Louisiane,” of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 3, p. 247, pl. 12, fig. 2 — Louisiana. Northeastern British Columbia southeast to southern Ontario and east to Nova Scotia, south to southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, the Great Plains states south to Kansas and Missouri, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, extending south in the Appalachians to northern Georgia; winters from central Mexico and Central America to northern and western South America from Venezuela and northern Colombia through eastern Colombia and eastern Ecuador to central eastern Peru. PHEUCTICUS MELANOCEPHALUS Pheucticus melanocephalus melanocephalus (Swainson) Guiraca melanocephalus Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1, p. 438 — Tableland, Temiscaltipec [= Te- mascaltepec, México], Mexico. 1 PP. ludovicianus and P. melanocephalus hybridize where their ranges overlap in the Great Plains. The taxa are sometimes considered conspecific but because interbreeding appears non-random it seems best to treat them as full species which are members of a super- species. — R.A.P., Jr. 220 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Southeastern British Columbia, southern Alberta, south- western Saskatchewan, and northwestern North Dakota south, through Rockies, western Great Plains, and Mexican Plateau to Oaxaca; winters within Mexican breeding range. Pheucticus melanocephalus maculatus (Audubon)! Fringilla maculata Audubon, 1837, Birds Amer. (folio), A, pl. 378, figs. 2, 3, 4-—— Columbia River, Oregon. Pacific coast from southwestern British Columbia south to northern Baja California; winters in southern Baja California and within Mexican breeding range of nominate melanocephalus, and casually east to northeastern United States. GENUS CARDINALIS BONAPARTE Cardinalis Bonaparte, 1888,? Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5 (1837), p. 111. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 43), Cardinalis vir- ginianus Bonaparte = Loxia cardinalis Linnaeus. Pyrrhuloxia Bonaparte,*? 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1(1850), p. 500. Type, by monotypy, Cardinalis sinuatus Bona- parte. Richmondena Mathews and Iredale, 1918, Austral Avian Rec., 3, p. 145. Type, by original designation, Loxia cardinalis Linnaeus. CARDINALIS CARDINALIS‘ Cardinalis cardinalis cardinalis (Linnaeus) Loxia cardinalis Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 172; based mainly on “The Red-Bird” of Catesby, 1 A very weak race. — R.A.P., Jr. 2 Cardinalis Bonaparte is No. 1728 on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology (Opinion 784, Bull. Zool. Nomencl:, 23, pp. 201-209, 1966).— R.A.P., Jr. 3 For precedents in considering Pyrrhuloxia and Cardinalis con- generic, see, e.g., Mayr and Amadon, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., No. 1496, p. 27; Bond, 1956, Check-list Birds West Indies, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, ed. 4, p. 198; and Gould, 1961, Condor, 63, p. 246. — RAP o adht: 4 Cardinals of various races have been introduced in Bermuda, Hawaii, southern California, and elsewhere. — R.A.P., Jr. CARDINALINAE 221 1731, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 1, p. 38, pl. 38 — northern America; restricted to South Carolina by Amer. Ornith. Union, 1931, Check-list North Amer. Birds, ed. 4, p. 312. Southeastern South Dakota, Minnesota, western and southern Ontario, central New York, and Massachusetts (occasionally farther north), western Kansas and western Arkansas and south to northeastern Texas, central Louisi- ana, southern Mississippi and Alabama, western Florida, and southwestern and central Georgia. Cardinalis cardinalis floridanus Ridgway Cardinalis cardinalis floridanus, Ridgway, 1896, Manual North Amer. Birds, ed. 2, p. 606 — Enterprise, Florida. Southeastern Georgia and peninsular Florida. Cardinalis cardinalis magnirostris Bangs Cardinalis cardinalis magnirostris Bangs, 1903, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 4, p. 6 — West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. Southeastern Texas and southern Louisiana. Cardinalis cardinalis canicaudus Chapman Cardinalis cardinalis canicaudus Chapman, 1891, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 3, p. 324— 30 miles west of Corpus Christi, Texas. Richmondena cardinalis planicola Stevenson, 1940, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 53, p. 16 — Palo Duro Canyon, Elkins Ranch, Randall County, Texas. Western Oklahoma south through central and western Texas and at moderate and low elevations in central and eastern Mexico from Coahuila and Tamaulipas south to eastern Jalisco, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, and central San Luis Potosi. Cardinalis cardinalis coccineus Ridgway Cardinalis virginianus coccineus Ridgway, 1873, Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 3, 5, p. 89 — Atlantic coast of middle America from Xalapa to Honduras; Yucatan; re- stricted to Hacienda Mirador, near Veracruz.1 - Atlantic slope of eastern Mexico in eastern San Luis 1 For a discussion of the uncertainties concerning the restricted type locality, see Deignan, 1961, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 221, pp. 595-596. —R.A.P., Jr. 222 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Potosi, Veracruz (except extreme south), northeastern Puebla, and northern Oaxaca. Cardinalis cardinalis littoralis Nelson Cardinalis cardinalis littoralis Nelson, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 64 — Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico. Lowlands of southern Veracruz and Tabasco. Cardinalis cardinalis yucatanicus Ridgway Cardinalis cardinalis yucatanicus Ridgway, 1887, Manual North Amer. Birds, p. 443 — Mérida, Yucatan. Yucatan Peninsula in Yucatan, Campeche, and northern Quintana Roo. Cardinalis cardinalis flammigerus Peters Cardinalis cardinalis flammiger (sic) Peters, 1913, Auk, 30, p. 880 — Xcopen, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Richmondena cardinalis petenensis Taibel, 1955, Atti Soc. Italiana Sci. Nat. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat., Milano, 94, p. 66 — Flores, Petén, Guatemala. Central and southern Quintana Roo, northeastern British Honduras, and Petén, northern Guatemala. Cardinalis cardinalis saturatus Ridgway Cardinalis saturatus Ridgway, 1885, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 3, p. 24— Cozumel Island, Yucatan [= Quintana Roo]. Isla Cozumel, Quintana Roo. Cardinalis cardinalis superbus Ridgway Cardinalis cardinalis superbus Ridgway, 1885, Auk. 2, p. 344 — Fuller’s Ranch [, a few miles east of Camp Lowell], Arizona. Extreme southeastern California east through central Arizona to southwestern New Mexico and south to north- ern Sonora. Cardinalis cardinalis townsendi (van Rossem) Richmondena cardinalis townsendi van Rossem, 19382, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 7, p. 142 — south end of Tiburon Island, Sonora. Isla Tiburén and adjacent coast of central Sonora. CARDINALINAE 220 Cardinalis cardinalis affinis Nelson Cardinalis cardinalis affinis Nelson, 1899, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 13, p. 28 — Alamos, Sonora. Cardinalis cardinalis sinaloensis Nelson, 1899, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 13, p. 28 — Culiacan, Sinaloa. Central western Mexico in southeastern Sonora, south- western Chihuahua, Sinaloa, and western Durango. Cardinalis cardinalis mariae Nelson Cardinalis cardinalis mariae Nelson, 1898, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12, p. 10 — Maria Madre Island, Tres Ma- rias group, Mexico. Islas Tres Marias, Nayarit. Cardinalis cardinalis carneus (Lesson) Coccothraustes (Cardinalis) carneus Lesson, 1842, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 5, p. 210 — Acapulco [, Guerrero, Mex- ico,] and Realejo [, ? Mexico].! Western Mexico on Pacific coast from Colima to Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca. Cardinalis cardinalis seftoni (Huey) Richmondena cardinalis seftoni Huey, 1940, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 9, p. 216 — Santa Gertrudis Mis- sion, Baja California. Central Baja California from about lat. 28° N. south to about lat. 27° N. Cardinalis cardinalis igneus Baird Cardinalis igneus Baird, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, 1859, p. 305 — Cape San Lucas, Baja Califor- nia. Baja California, south of about lat. 27° N. ?Cardinalis cardinalis clintoni (Banks) Richmondena cardinalis clintoni Banks, 1963, Occas. Pa- pers California Acad. Sci., no. 37, p. 3— Cerralvo Island, Baja California, Mexico. Isla Cerralvo, Baja California. 1 In the original description the taxon was said to come from “Acapulco at Realejo.” Presumably ‘“Realejo” is one of the several towns of that name in Mexico and not in Nicaragua as surmised by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 74. — R.A.P., Jr. 224 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD CARDINALIS PHOENICEUS! Cardinalis phoeniceus Bonaparte Cardinalis phoeniceus Bonaparte (Gould MS), 1838, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5 (1837), p. 111 — “the country south of the Bay of Honduras”; type from Venezuela, fide Hartert, 1919, Novit. Zool., 26, p. 155. Coastal northern South America from Peninsula de Gua- jira, northeastern Colombia, east across Venezuela to Sucre and Isla Margarita. CARDINALIS SINUATUS Cardinalis sinuatus sinuatus Bonaparte Cardinalis sinuatus Bonaparte, 1838, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5 (1837), p. 111— western parts of Mexico. Southeastern and central Texas west to southern New Mexico and south in highlands of central Mexico and low- lands of eastern Mexico to northeastern Jalisco, Michoacan, Querétaro, San Luis Potosi, and Tamaulipas. Cardinalis sinuatus fulvescens (van Rossem) Pyrrhuloxia sinuata fulvescens van Rossem, 1934, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 7, p. 356 — Fort Lowell, Arizona. Southern Arizona south through Sonoro, Sinaloa, and westernmost Durango to northern Nayarit. Cardinalis sinuatus peninsulae (Ridgway) Pyrrhuloxia sinuata peninsulae Ridgway, 1887, Auk, 4, p. 847 — San José, Baja California. Baja California south of about lat. 27° N. GENUS CARYOTHRAUSTES REICHENBACH Caryothraustes Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 78. Type, by subsequent designation (Sclater and Salvin, 1869, Exotic Ornith., p. 167), ‘“Pitylus” [= Coccothraus- tes] viridis Vieillot = Loxia canadensis Linnaeus. 1 C. phoeniceus and C. cardinalis comprise a superspecies. — R.A.P., Jr. on | CARDINALINAE 22 CARYOTHRAUSTES CANADENSIS! Caryothraustes canadensis poliogaster (Du Bus) Pitylus poliogaster Du Bus, 1847, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Lettr. Beaux-Arts Belg., 14(2), no. 7, p. 105 — Guate- mala. Lowlands of southeastern Mexico, from southern Vera- cruz, northern Oaxaca and southern Yucatan Peninsula, through northern Guatemala and British Honduras to north- ern Honduras. Caryothraustes canadensis scapularis (Ridgway) Pitylus poliogaster scapularis Ridgway, 1886, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 10, p. 586 — Hacienda “Los Sabalos,” Rio San Juan, Nicaragua. Caribbean lowlands from eastern Honduras through Nica- ragua and Costa Rica to Canal Zone. Caryothraustes canadensis simulans Nelson Caryothraustes canadensis simulans Nelson, 1912, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 60(3), p. 16— Cana, 3,000 ft., Darién, Panama. Known only from type specimen from extreme eastern Panama. Caryothraustes canadensis canadensis (Linnaeus) Loxia canadensis Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 304; based on “‘Le Gros-bec de Cayenne” of Brisson, Ornithologie, 3, p. 229, pl. 11, fig. 3 — “Canada,” lapsus for “Cayenne,” vide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser:, 13, pt.:11, p. 46. Vaupés, southeastern Colombia, east through Amazonas and Bolivar, Venezuela, and south through the Guianas to northern Maranhao, Para, and eastern Amazonas, northern Brazil. Caryothraustes canadensis frontalis (Hellmayr) Pitylus canadensis frontalis Hellmayr, 1905, Novit. Zool., 12, p. 277 — Sao Lourenco, 28 to 60 m., Pernambuco, Brazil. Ceara, Pernambuco, and Alagoas, northeastern Brazil. 1 The gray-bellied forms of Mexico and Central America are usually treated as the species poliogaster. — R.A.P., Jr. 226 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Caryothraustes canadensis brasiliensis Cabanis Caryothraustes brasiliensis Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heinea- num, 1, p. 144 — Bahia, Brazil. Central eastern Brazil from Bahia and eastern Minas Gerais south to Espirito Santo and Rio de Janiero. CARYOTHRAUSTES HUMERALIS Caryothraustes humeralis (Lawrence) Pytilus (Caryothraustes) humeralis Lawrence, 1867, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, 8, p. 467 — Bogota, Co- lombia. Colombia (known only from ‘‘Bogota” trade skins), vicin- ity of upper Rio Napo in eastern Ecuador, and once on upper Rio Purts, Brazil. GENUS RHODOTHRAUPIS Ripaway! Rhodothraupis Ridgway, 1898, Auk. 15, p. 226. Type, by original designation, “Fvingilla” [=Tanagra] celaeno Deppe. RHODOTHRAUPIS CELAENO Rhodothraupis celaeno (Deppe) Tanagra Celaeno W. Deppe (ex Lichtenstein MS), 1830, Preis-Verz. Sdiug., Vogel, etc., Mexico, p. 2— Mexico; type from Papantla, Veracruz, vide Stresemann, 1954, Condor, 56, p. 91. Atlantic slope of northeastern Mexico from east-central Nuevo Leon and southern Tamaulipas through eastern San Luis Potosi and northern Veracruz to northeastern Puebla. GENUS PERIPORPHYRUS REICHENBACH Periporphyrus Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 77. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 75), Loxia erythro- melas Gmelin. 1 Possibly congeneric with Caryothraustes — R.A.P., Jr. CARDINALINAE 227 PERIPORPHYRUS ERYTHROMELAS Periporphyrus erythromelas (Gmelin) Loxia erythromelas Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 859; based on “Blackheaded Grosbeak,” of Latham, 1783, Gen. Synop. Birds, 2(1), p. 150, pl. 48 — Cayenne. Vicinity of Mount Roraima, Venezuela and Guyana (Brit- ish Guiana) ; French Guiana and northeastern Brazil south to Para. GENUS PITYLUS CUVIER Pitylus Cuvier, 1829, Regne Animal., nouv. éd., 1, p. 413. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, List Genera Birds, ed. 1, p. 44), Loxia grossa Linnaeus. PITYLUS GROSSUS Pitylus grossus saturatus Todd Pitylus grossus saturatus Todd, 1922, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 35, p. 91 — Guacimo, Costa Rica. Caribbean slope from Nicaragua and Costa Rica through Panama; lowlands of northern Colombia west of middle Magdalena Valley and of western Colombia west of the Andes; western Ecuador. Pitylus grossus grossus (Linnaeus) Loxia grossa Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 307; based on “Le Gros-bec bleu d’Amérique” of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 6, Suppl., p. 89, pl. 5, fig. 1 — Amer- ica; restricted to Cayenne by Berlepsch and Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 24. Southern Venezuela in Amazonas and Bolivar, the Gui- anas, and northeastern Brazil south to northern Maranhao, west through Amazon basin to eastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, northern Bolivia. Pitylus grossus fuliginosus (Daudin)! Loxia fuliginosa Daudin, 1800, Traité Ornith., 2, p. 372 — America; restricted to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by Ber- lepsch, 1912, Verh. V Inter. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 19th pe L419), 1 This seems best treated as a well-differentiated race of grossus, rather than as a full species. — R.A.P., Jr. 228 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Eastern Brazil from Bahia south to Rio Grande do Sul, eastern Paraguay, and Misiones, northern Argentina. GENUS SALTATOR VIEILLOT Saltator Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 32. Type, by monotypy, “Grand Tanagra”’ Buffon = Tanagra maxima Miiller. SALTATOR ATRICEPS Saltator atriceps atriceps (Lesson) Tanagra (Saltator) atriceps Lesson, 1832, Cent. Zool., p. 208, pl. 69 — Mexico; restricted to Veracruz by Gris- com, 1937, Auk, 54, p. 198. Caribbean slope of Mexico, except southeastern coastal Veracruz, from southern Tamaulipas south through north- ern Guatemala and British Honduras to eastern Costa Rica. Saltator atriceps suffuscus Wetmore Saltator atriceps suffuscus Wetmore, 1942, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 55, p. 105 — Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mex- ico. Vicinity of Sierra de Tuxtla, coastal southeastern Vera- cruz. Saltator atriceps flavicrissus Griscom! Saltator atriceps flavicrissus Griscom, 1937, Auk, 54, p. 198 — Isguagilite, Guerrero, Mexico. Known only from type locality, central Guerrero. Saltator atriceps peeti Brodkorb Saltator atriceps peeti Brodkorb, 1940, Auk, 57, p. 548 — Pacific slope of Chiapas and adjacent Oaxaca. Saltator atriceps raptor (Cabot) Pyrrhula raptor Cabot, 1845, Journ. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 5, p. 90) ply 12 —— Yucatan, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, and Campeche, intergrading with nominate atriceps in south. Saltator atriceps lacertosus Bangs Saltator lacertosus Bangs, 1900, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 2, p. 31 — Loma del Leon, Panama. Western Costa Rica and Panama east to Canal Zone. 1 A weak, but apparently valid, race. — R.A.P., Jr. CARDINALINAE 229 SALTATOR MAXIMUS Saltator maximus gigantodes Cabanis Saltator gigantodes Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 142 — Mexico. Caribbean slope of Mexico from central Veracruz south to northern Oaxaca and Tabasco. Saltator maximus magnoides Lafresnaye Saltator magnoides Lafresnaye, 1844, Rev. Zool. [Paris], p. 41— Mexico; error, emended to Guatemala by Peters, 1929, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 69, p. 467. Southern Mexico, in Chiapas, southern Campeche and southern Quintana Roo, south on Caribbean slope of Central America through Guatemala, British Honduras, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, to northwestern Panama. Saltator maximus intermedius Lawrence Saltator intermedius Lawrence, 1864, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 106 — New Granada, Isthmus of Panama. Southwestern Costa Rica east through Panama to Canal Zone. Saltator maximus iungens Griscom Saltator maximus iungens Griscom, 1929, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 69, p. 184— Cana, Darién, Panama. Eastern Panama and lowlands of western (Pacific slope) and northwestern (Caribbean slope) Colombia, east to lower Rio Cauca. Saltator maximus maximus (Miiller) Tanagra maxima P.L.S. Miiller, 1776, Natursyst., suppl., p. 159; based on “‘Tanagra, des grands bois de Cayenne” of Daubenton, 1765-80, Planches enlum., pl. 205 — Cayenne. Tropical zone of Santa Marta region and Eastern Andes of Colombia through lowlands of Venezuela, the Guianas, eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, eastern Bolivia, and north- ern Paraguay east and south in Brazil to Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, and Mato Grosso. SALTATOR ATRIPENNIS Saltator atripennis atripennis Sclater Saltator atripennis P. L. Sclater, 1856, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 261 — Popayan, Colombia. 230 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Tropical and subtropical zones of Western Andes and western slope of Central Andes of Colombia from Antioquia south to Narino and in extreme northwestern Ecuador. Saltator atripennis caniceps Chapman Saltator atripennis caniceps Chapman, 1914, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, p. 182 — Fusugasuga, 6,000 ft., Eastern Andes, Colombia. Western slope of Eastern Andes of Boyaca and Cundi- namarca, Colombia, and in western Ecuador. SALTATOR SIMILIS Saltator similis similis d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye Saltator similis Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 36 — Corrientes, Argentina. South-central and southeastern Brazil from southern Mato Grosso, Goids, and Bahia south and east to central and northeastern Sao Paulo, Santa Cruz, eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and northeastern Argentina from east- ern Formosa and Misiones south to Santa Fe and Entre Rios. Saltator similis ochraceiventris Berlepsch Saltator similis ochraceiventris Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1114 —Taquara, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Southeastern Sdéo Paulo through Parana and Santa Cata- rina to Rio Grande do Sul, extreme southeastern Brazil. SALTATOR COERULESCENS Saltator coerulescens vigorsii Gray Saltator rufiventris Vigors, 1839, in Zool. Beechey’s Voy- age “Blossom,” p. 119 — no locality ; Mazatlan, Sinaloa, designated by van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 58, p. 125. Saltator vigorsii G. R. Gray, 1844, Genera Birds, 2, p. 363. New name for Saltator rufiventris Vigors, 1839, pre- occupied by Saltator rufiventris Lafresnaye and d’Or- bigny, 1837. Sinaloa, western Durango, Nayarit, and northern coastal Jalisco, western Mexico. 1 The disjunct range is worthy of study. — R.A.P., Jr. CARDINALINAE 231 Saltator coerulescens richardsoni van Rossem Saltator grandis richardsoni van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 58, p. 124 — plains of Colima, Colima, Mexico. Coastal Jalisco (except north), Colima, Michoacan, Guer- rero, and adjacent western Oaxaca, western Mexico. Saltator coerulescens grandis (Deppe) Tanagra grandis W. Deppe (ex Lichtenstein MS), 1830, Preis-Verz. Saug., Vogel, etc., Mexico, p. 2 — Mexico; type from Jalapa, Veracruz, vide Stresemann, 1954, Condor, 56, p. 91. Eastern slope of Mexico, from southern Tamaulipas and eastern San Luis Potosi southward, except Yucatan Penin- sula and adjacent Tabasco and Chiapas, through extreme southern Quintana Roo, and south on Caribbean slope through northern Guatemala, British Honduras, Honduras, and Nicaragua to central Costa Rica. Saltator coerulescens yucatanensis Berlepsch Saltator grandis yucatanensis Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith, Kongr., Berlin, 1911, pp. 1114, 1146 — Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico. Yucatan Peninsula (except extreme southern Quintana Roo) and adjacent eastern Tabasco and northeastern Chi- apas, southeastern Mexico. Saltator coerulescens hesperis Griscom Saltator grandis hesperis Griscom, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 488, p. 8— San José, Guatemala. Pacific slope from Chiapas, and probably contiguous Oaxaca, southwestern Mexico, through Guatemala, El Sal- vador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Saltator coerulescens brevicaudus van Rossem! Saltator grandis brevicaudus van Rossem, 1931, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 7, p. 22 — Aranjuez, Pun- tarenas, Costa Rica. Vicinity of Gulf of Nicoya, Pacific slope of Costa Rica. Saltator coerulescens plumbeus Bonaparte Saltator plumbeus Bonaparte, 1853, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 37, p. 923 — Santa Marta [region], Colom- bia. 1 A weakly differentiated race. — R.A.P., Jr. 232 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Caribbean coast of Colombia from Rio Sint east to lower Magdalena Valley. Saltator coerulescens brewsteri Bangs and Penard Saltator olivascens brewsteri Bangs and Penard, 1918, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 62, p. 91 -— Caparo, Trinidad. Tropical zone from Norte de Santander and Arauca, northeastern Colombia through Venezuela, except extreme southeast; Trinidad. Saltator coerulescens olivascens Cabanis Saltator olivascens Cabanis, 1849, in Schomburgk, Reisen Brit.-Guiana, 3 (1848), p. 676 — British Guiana. Mount Roraima, southeastern Bolivar, Venezuela, con- tiguous extreme northern Brazil, and the Guianas. Saltator coerulescens azarae d’Orbigny Saltator Azarae d’Orbigny, 1839, Voy. Amér., Mérid., 4, pt. 3, Ois., p. 287 — Moxos and Santa Cruz, Bolivia; type from Moxos, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13; pts11, p: 24: Western Amazon basin from eastern Colombia (south of brewsteri), eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, northeastern Bolivia (El Beni), and western Brazil east to Rio Madeira south of the Amazon and probably east to Rio Negro re- gion north of the Amazon. Saltator coerulescens mutus Sclater Saltator mutus P. L. Sclater, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 24, p. 72 — Mexiana Island, lower Amazon, north- ern Brazil. Northern Brazil from the lower Solim6ées east on both banks of the Amazon to Mexiana Island, north to Amapa and south to northern Maranhao. Saltator coerulescens superciliaris (Spix) Tanagra superciliaris Spix, 1825, Av. spec. Nov. Brasil., 2, p. 44, pl. 57 — “in campis fl. St. Francisci prope pa- gum Joazeiro,” Bahia, Brazil. Southern Piaui and northern and eastern Bahia, north- eastern Brazil. Saltator coerulescens coerulescens Vieillot Saltator coerulescens Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 14, p. 105; based on ‘‘Habia de la Ceja CARDINALINAE 233 Blanca,” no. 81, of Azara, 1802, Apuntamientos Hist. Nat. Paxaros Paragiiay Rio Plata, 1, p. 344 — Para- guay. Eastern Bolivia in Santa Cruz and Tarija, southwestern Brazil in Mato Grosso, Paraguay, northern Argentina (ex- cept Misiones) south to La Rioja, Cordoba, Santa Fe, and northern Buenos Aires, and Uruguay (once). SALTATOR ORENOCENSIS Saltator orenocensis rufescens Todd Saltator orenocensis rufescens Todd, 1912, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8, p. 201 — Tocuyo, Lara, Venezuela. Guajira Peninsula, northeastern Colombia and northwest- ern Venezuela in northern Zulia, coastal Falcon, and western ara. Saltator orenocensis orenocensis Lafresnaye Saltator orenocensis Lafresnaye, 1846, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 9, p. 274 — “l’embouchure de |’Orénoque,” Venezuela. Drainage of the Rios Apure and Orinoco from Cojedes and western Apure east to southwestern Sucre, Monagas, and northern Bolivar. SALTATOR MAXILLOSUS Saltator maxillosus Cabanis Saltator maxillosus Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 142 — Montevideo; error, southern Brazil substi- tuted by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 29. Southeastern Brazil from Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, and Sao Paulo south to northeastern Rio Grande do Sul; Misiones, northeastern Argentina; eastern Paraguay; pos- sibly Uruguay. SALTATOR AURANTIIROSTRIS Saltator aurantiirostris nigriceps (Chapman)! Pitylus nigriceps Chapman, 1914, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, p. 322 — Loja, 7,000 ft., Prov. Loja, Ecuador. 1 de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South Amer., p. 500, considers this a full species. However, I believe it a well-marked subspecies. The presence of occasional white feathers on the throat and faint remnants of a postocular streak seem to indicate that nigriceps is merely the 234 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Subtropical zone of Loja, southern Ecuador and adjacent Piura and Lambayeque, northwestern Peru. Saltator aurantiirostris iteratus Chapman Saltator aurantiirostris iteratus Chapman, 1927, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 261, p. 3 — Chugur, 9,000 ft., 40 mi. northwest of Cajamarca, Peru. Temperate zone of Cajamarca, Amazonas, Libertad, and Anecash, northern Peru. Saltator aurantiirostris albociliaris (Philippi and Landbeck) Pitylus albociliaris Philippi and Landbeck, 1861, Anal. Univ. Chile, 19, p. 611 — Socoroma, 5,000 ft., Tacna, Peru. Subtropical and temperate zones of Peru from Ancash and Huanuco south to Puno and Tacna and to adjacent Arica, northern Chile. Saltator aurantiirostris hellmayri Bond and de Schauensee Saltator aurantiirostris bolivianus Chapman, 1927, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 261, p. 3 — Tujma, 8,200 ft., Cocha- bamba, Bolivia. Saltator aurantiirostris hellmayri Bond and de Schauen- see, 1939, Notulae Naturae, no. 12, p. 2. New name for S. a. bolivianus Chapman, 1927, preoccupied by S. cayanus bolivianus Chubb, 1921=S. m. maximus Miil- ler, 1776. Arid temperate zone of Bolivia from La Paz and Cocha- bamba to southeastern Potosi and northern Tarija. Saltator aurantiirostris aurantiirostris Vieillot Saltator aurantiirostris Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 14, p. 103; based on “Habia de la Pico Naranjado,” no. 838, of Azara, 1802, Apuntamientos Hist. Nat. Paxaros Paragiiay Rio Plata, 1, p. 349 — “Paraguay”; probably Corrientes, Argentina, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field. Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p.930: Saltator aurantiirostris tilcarae Chapman, 1927, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 261, p. 2— Tilcara, 8,000 ft., Jujuy, Argentina. culmination of a trend toward a totally dark head and throat, a tendency which is well advanced in the nearby race albociliaris. — RAsb it: CARDINALINAE 2a Southern Tarija, Bolivia; northern Argentina (except Misiones) south to Catamarca, Cordoba, and Buenos Aires; eastern Paraguay; Rio Grande do Sol and southern Mato Grosso, Brazil; Uruguay. Saltator aurantiirostris nasica Wetmore and Peters Saltator aurantiirostris nasica Wetmore and Peters, 1922, Proce. Biol. Soc. Washington, 35, p. 45— El Salto, 6,000 ft., Potrerillos, Mendoza, Argentina. La Rioja, San Juan, Mendoza, and western La Pampa, central western Argentina. SALTATOR CINCTUS Saltator cinctus Zimmer Saltator cinctus Zimmer, 1943, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton, 56, p. 38 —Cutucu, 2,000 m., near Macas, Zamora, Ecuador. Known only from type specimen from eastern Ecuador. SALTATOR ATRICOLLIS Saltator atricollis Vieillot Saltator atricollis Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 14, p. 104; based on “Habia de la Gola Ne- gra,” no. 82, of Azara, 1802, Apuntamientos Hist. Nat. Paxaros Paraguay Rio Plata, ¥, p. 348 — Paraguay. Campos of Santa Cruz, eastern Bolivia, of Paraguay, and of eastern and southern Brazil, from Maranhao and Ceara south to Mato Grosso and Sao Paulo. SALTATOR RUFIVENTRIS Saltator rufiventris d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye Saltator rufiventris d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool; PParis|, 7, cl. 2, p. 35 — sicasica, Bolivia. Temperate zone of La Paz, Cochabamba, and Chuquisaca, Bolivia. SALTATOR ALBICOLLIS Saltator albicollis albicollis Vieillot Saltator albicollis Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 14, p. 107 — Cayenne; error, Martinique sub- stituted by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr. Berlin, 1911, p. 1118. Martinique and St. Lucia, Lesser Antilles. 236 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Saltator albicollis quadelupensis Lafresnaye! Saltator guadelupensis Lafresnaye, 1844, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 7, p. 167— Guadeloupe. Guadeloupe and Dominica, Lesser Antilles. Saltator albicollis furax Bangs and Penard Saltator striatipictus furax Bangs and Penard, 1919, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 63, p. 32 — near Boruca, west- ern Costa Rica. Southwestern Costa Rica and western Chiriqui, Panama. Saltator albicollis isthmicus Sclater Saltator isthmicus P. L. Selater, 1861, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 180 — Isthmus of Panama. Panama, except western Chiriqui and Darién. Saltator albicollis scotinus Wetmore Saltator albicollis scotinus Wetmore, 1957, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 184 (9), p. 98 —Isla Coiba, off Veraguas, Pan- ama Islas Coiba and Rancheria [= Coibita], off Veraguas, Panama. Saltator albicollis melicus Wetmore Saltator albicollis melicus Wetmore, 1952, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 121(2), p. 29 — Taboga Island, Panama. Taboga Island, Bay of Panama. Saltator albicollis speratus Bangs and Penard Saltator striatipictus speratus Bangs and Penard, 1919, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 63, p. 33 — Sabago [= Saboga] Island, Pear] Islands, Gulf of Panama. San Miguel, Saboga, and Viveros Islands, Pearl Islands, Gulf of Panama. Saltator albicollis striatipectus Lafresnaye Saltator striatipictus (sic) Lafresnaye,? 1847, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 10, p. 73 — Cali, Valle de Cauca, Colombia. Darién, eastern Panama, and western Colombia, west of the Andes and south to Cauca. 1 For validity of this form see Schwartz and Klinikowski, 1965, Notulae Naturae [Philadelphia], no. 376, pp. 13-14.—R.A.P., Jr. 2 The spelling “striatipictus,” aside from its illogical meaning, is doubtless a printer’s error for “striatipectus” because on the same page the author coined the name “maculipectus.” — R.A.P., Jr. CARDINALINAE 237 Saltator albicollis perstriatus Parkes Saltator albicollis perstriatus Parkes, 1959, Noved. Co- lombianas, 1, no. 4, p. 200 —San Esteban, Carabobo, Venezuela. Magdalena, northeastern Bolivar, and Norte de Santan- der, northeastern Colombia, through mountains of northern Venezuela east to Sucre and Monagas; Trinidad. Saltator albicollis flavidicollis Sclater Saltator flavidicollis P. L. Sclater, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 28, p. 274 — Babahoyo, Ecuador. Narino, southwestern Colombia, through arid western Ecuador to Piura, northwestern Peru. Saltator albicollis immaculatus Berlepsch and Stolzmann Saltator immaculatus Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1892, Proc. Zool. London, p. 875 — Lima, Peru. Arid coast of Peru from Lambayeque to Ica. Saltator albicollis peruvianus Cory Saltator striatipectus peruvianus Cory, 1916, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Ornith. Ser., 1, p. 345 — Hacienda Limon, 10 miles west of Balsas, Cajamarca, Peru. Upper Maranon Valley in Cajamarca and Libertad, north- ern Peru. GENUS PASSERINA VIEILLOT? Passerina Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 30. Type, by sub- sequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Genera 1 The merger of Passerina and Guiraca follows Phillips, in Phillips, Marshall, and Monson, 1964, Birds Arizona, p. 179 and C. H. Blake, 1969, Bird-banding, 40, p. 188. Cyanocompsa and Cyanoloxia seem even more similar to Guiraca than Passerina and are, therefore, also merged with Passerina. This is not an innovation; formally (e.g., Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, p. 66) Cyanocompsa and Cyanoloxia were considered congeneric with Guwiraca. Tordoff, 1954, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, no. 81, p. 38, treats the monotypic genus Porphyrospiza as an emberizine because of the structure of its palato-maxillaries, a character of doubtful taxonomic value, vide, e.g., Bock, 1960, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 122, p. 480. Not only do I believe the genus should be restored to the Cardinalinae, where it was placed by Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 118, but I can see no reason for 238 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Birds, ed. 1, p. 46), ‘““Le Ministre” of Buffon = Tanagra cyanea Linnaeus. Guiraca Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1, p. 438. Type, by subsequent designation (Swainson, 1827, Zool. Journ., 3, p. 350), Loxia caerulea Wilson [= Lin- naeus |. Cyanoloxia Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 502. Type, by subsequent designation (Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 105), Pyrrhula glauco-caerulea d’Orbigny and La- fresnaye. Cyanocompsa Cabanis, 1861, Journ. f. Ornith., 9, p. 4. Type, by original designation, Fringilia [= Cyanoloxia] parellina Bonaparte. Porphyrospiza P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 18738, Nomen. Av. Neotrop., pp. 30, 155. Type, by original designa- tion, Cyanospiza cyanella Pelzeln (not Emberiza cy- anella Sparrman) = Tanagra caerulescens Wied. cf. Storer, 1951, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, nO: Hac, L2app. Weis). Storer and Zimmerman, 1959, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, no. 609, 13 pp. (caerulea). PASSERINA GLAUCOCAERULEA Passerina glaucocaerulea (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Pyrrhula glauco-caerulea d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 85 — Maldonado, Uruguay. Southern Brazil from Sao Paulo south to Rio Grande do Sul, Uruguay, and northeastern Argentina from Misiones south to Santa Fe, northern Buenos Aires, and possibly Cordoba. separating it from Passerina. Except for its thin, light colored bill, Porphyrospiza caerulescens is very similar to Passerina cyanea cyanea, even to the presence in the adult male of a small area of black on the chin and a black line from the eye to the bill, which are characters common to the entire cyanea-amoena-versicolor-ciris- rositae group. Its various plumages, as long ago noted by J. A. Allen, 1891, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 3, p. 371, are “nearly parallel with those in the North American Passerina cyanea.” — R.A.P., Jr. CARDINALINAE 239 PASSERINA CYANOIDES Passerina cyanoides concreta (DuBus) Cyanoloxia concreta DuBus, 1855, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Lettr. Beaux-Arts Belg., 22, pt. 1, p. 150 — Playa Vi- cente, Veracruz, Mexico. Southeastern Mexico, in southern Veracruz, northern Oaxaca and Chiapas, Tabasco, and southern Campeche and Quintana Roo, through Guatemala and British Honduras to Honduras. Passerina cyanoides toddi nom. nov. Cyanocompsa cyanoides caerulescens Todd, 1923, Auk, 40, p. 61 — Esparta, Costa Rica. Preoccupied by Tanagra caerulescens Wied, 1830. Nicaragua through Costa Rica to western Panama. Passerina cyanoides cyanoides (Lafresnaye) Coccoborus cyanoides Lafresnaye, 1847, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 10, p. 74 -— Panama. Central and eastern Panama through northern Colombia to western and northwestern Venezuela and south in Co- lombia, west of the Eastern Andes, to central western Ecuador. Passerina cyanoides rothschildii (Bartlett) Guiraca rothschildii Bartlett, 1890, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, 6, p. 168 — Caramang River, British Guiana. Northeastern and southern Venezuela, eastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, and northern and eastern Bolivia through Amazon basin to Guianas and south in Brazil to northern Mato Grosso and northern Maranhao; (?) Trinidad. PASSERINA BRISSONIDEA Passerina brissonii caucae (Chapman) Cyanocompsa cyanea caucae Chapman, 1912, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 31, p. 1683 — La Manuelita, 3,500 ft., near Palmira, Cauca Valley, Colombia. Western Colombia in valleys of upper Rio Patia, upper Rio Cauca, and Rio Dagua. 1 For use of the specific name brissonii, rather than cyanea, see p. 248. —R.A.P., Jr. 240 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Passerina brissonii minor (Cabanis) Cyanocompsa minor Cabanis, 1861, Journ. f. Ornith., 9, p. 4— Caracas, Venezuela. Northern Venezuela in mountains from Falcon and Lara to Sucre and Monagas. Passerina brissonii brissonii (Lichtenstein) Loxia cyanea Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 174; based on “The Blue Grosbeak” of Edwards, 1750, Nat. Hist. Birds, 3, p. 125, pl. 125-— Angola; error, Bahia; Brazil, substituted by Todd, 1923, Auk, 40, p. 65. Fringilla brissonii Lichtenstein, 18238, Verz. Doubl. zool. Mus. Berlin, p. 22 — Bahia. Northeastern Brazil from Piaui and Ceara south to Bahia. Passerina brissonii sterea (Oberholser) Cyanocompsa sterea Oberholser, 1901, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 14, p. 188 — Sapucay, Paraguay. Eastern and southern Brazil from Goias, Minas Gerais, and Espirito Santo south to Rio Grande do Sul and (?) southeastern Mato Grosso, northeastern Argentina in Misiones and Corrientes, and eastern Paraguay. Passerina brissonii argentina (Sharpe) Guiraca argentina Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. 12, p. 73 — Fuerte de Andalgala, Catamarca; Cosquin, Cordoba; Salta; and Tucuman, Argentina; type from Fuerte de Andalgala, Catamarca, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool., Ser... 13> >pieaia. Dp 102: Western Mato Grosso, Brazil, eastern Bolivia from La Paz south to Tarija and Santa Cruz, Chaco of Paraguay, and northern Argentina south to La Rioja, San Luis, Cordoba, and Santa Fe; partially migratory in south. PASSERINA PARELLINA Passerina parellina beneplacita (Bangs) Cyanocompsa parellina beneplacita Bangs, 1915, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 28, p. 126— Santa Leonor, Tamaulipas Mexico. Cyanocompsa parellina lucida Sutton and Burleigh, 1939, Auk, 56, p. 71 — Arroyo de la Presa, 6 mi. north Vic- toria, Tamaulipas, Mexico. CARDINALINAE 241 Atlantic slope of northeastern Mexico in southern Ta- maulipas, eastern San Luis Potosi, and southern Nuevo Leon. Passerina parellina indigotica Ridgway Passerina parellina indigotica Ridgway, 1887, Manual North Amer. Birds, p. 447 — Manzanillo Bay, Colima, Mexico. Pacific slope of Mexico from central Sinaloa through Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacan, and Guerrero to Isth- mus of Tehuantepec, eastern Oaxaca. Passerina parellina parellina (Bonaparte) Cyanoloxia parellina Bonaparte (ex Lichtenstein MS), 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 502 — Alvarado, Veracruz, Mexico. Cyanocompsa parellina dearborni Miller and Griscom, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 184, p. 1—San Rafael del Norte, Nicaragua. Eastern Mexico, from Veracruz and eastern Puebla through northern Oaxaca, Tabasco, central Chiapas, and Yucatan Peninsula, through Guatemala, British Honduras, Honduras, and El Salvador to Nicaragua. PASSERINA CAERULEA Passerina caerulea caerulea (Linnaeus) Loxia caerulea Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 175; based on “The blew Gross-beak” of Catesby, 1731, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 1, p. 39, pl. 39 —Carolina; re- stricted to South Carolina by Amer. Ornith. Union, 1931, Check-list North Amer. Birds, ed. 4, p. 315. Southeastern United States from Kansas, southern Kentucky, southeastern Pennsylvania, and southern New Jersey south to central and southern Texas, southern Loui- siana, central Alabama, and northern Florida; winters from eastern and southern Mexico south to Panama. Passerina caerulea interfusa (Dwight and Griscom) Guiraca caerulea interfusa Dwight and Griscom, 1927, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 257, p. 4— Fort Lowell, Ari- zona. Southwestern United States and northern Mexico from southeastern California, southern Utah and Colorado, and 242 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD southern South Dakota south to northeastern Baja Cali- fornia; central Sinaloa, Durango, northern Coahuila, and western Texas; winters from Sonora and Durango through western Mexico and south to Honduras. Passerina caerulea salicaria (Grinnell) Guiraca caerulea salicarius Grinnell, 1911, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 24, p. 168 — Santa Ana River bot- tom, near Colton, San Bernardino County, California. Northern central California and western Nevada south to southwestern California and northwestern Baja Cali- fornia; winters in western Mexico from southern Baja California south to Morelos and Guerrero. Passerina caerulea eurhyncha (Coues) Guiraca coerulea eurhyncha Coues, 1874, Amer. Natural- ist, 8, p. 563 — Mexico. Guiraca caerulea deltarhyncha van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 58, p. 183 — Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico. Central and southern Mexico from southern Sinaloa and Durango, Coahuila, central Nuevo Leon and southern Tamaulipas south to Oaxaca. Passerina caerulea chiapensis (Nelson) Guiraca chiapensis Nelson, 1898, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, 12, p. 61— Ocozocuautla [= Ocozocoautla], Chiapas, Mexico. Chiapas and adjacent eastern Oaxaca, Mexico; probably intergrading with lazula in Guatemala. Passerina caerulea lazula (Lesson) Pitylus lazulus Lesson, 1842, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 5, p. 174 — “San Carlos (Centre Amérique)” [= La Union, Gulf of Fonseca, El Salvador]. Central America, from Honduras to Costa Rica. PASSERINA CYANEA! Passerina cyanea (Linnaeus) Tanagra cyanea Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 315, based on “The blew Linnet” of Catesby, 1731, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 1, p. 45, pl. 45 — Carolina; re- 1 Treated as conspecific with amoena by Phillips, Marshall, and Monson, 1964, Birds of Arizona, p. 174, but as interbreeding appears non-random I prefer to treat the taxa as full species which are mem- bers of a superspecies. This is similar to the treatment of Pheucticus ludovicianus and P. melanocephalus. — R.A.P., Jr. CARDINALINAE 243 stricted to South Carolina by Amer. Ornith. Union, 1931, Check-list North Amer. Birds, ed. 4, p. 316.1 Eastern North America from southern Manitoba, south- ern Ontario, southern Quebec and southern New Brunswick west to western South Dakota, western Kansas, and central Texas and south to eastern Texas, Gulf Coast, and northern Florida; occasionally west to Colorado and Arizona; hy- bridizes with amoena in Great Plains; winters from central Mexico through Central America to Panama, rarely to Co- lombia and Venezuela, and in Bahamas, Cuba, and Jamaica. PASSERINA AMOENA Passerina amoena (Say) Emberiza amoena Say, 1823, in Long, Exped. Rocky Mountains (Philadelphia ed.), 2, p. 47 — Rocky Moun- tains, source of the Arkansas [=near Canyon City, Colorado, fide Amer. Ornith. Union, 1910, Check-list North Amer. Birds, ed. 3, p. 285]. Western North America from southern British Columbia, southern Saskatchewan, and North Dakota south to north- ern Baja California, central Arizona, northern New Mexico, and western Oklahoma and east to northeastern South Da- kota, eastern Nebraska, and western Kansas; hybridizing with cyanea in Great Plains; winters from southern Baja California, southern Arizona (rarely), and Chihuahua south in Mexico to Guerrero and Veracruz. PASSERINA VERSICOLOR Passerina versicolor versicolor (Bonaparte) Spiza versicolor Bonaparte, 1838, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5 (1837), p. 120 — near Temascaltepec, Mexico. Southern and western Texas south over Mexican Central Plateau, from eastern Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas, south to central Veracruz, central Oaxaca, and Guerrero; withdrawing from western Texas and north- ernmost Mexico in winter. 1 With the merger of Cyanocompsa in Passerina, Tanagra cyanea Linnaeus, 1766, becomes a secondary homonym of Loxia cyanea Lin- naeus, 1758. Familiar Passerina cyanea would apply, therefore, to the South American Ultramarine Grosbeak, rather than to the Indigo Bunting. However, to avoid a confusing change, application has been filed with the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature to invalidate Loxia cyanea and to fix the type locality of Fringilla 244 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Passerina versicolor dickeyae van Rossem Passerina versicolor dickeyae van Rossem, 1934, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 7, p. 369— Chinobampo, southern Sonora, Mexico. Southern Arizona south on Pacific slope of Mexico through Sonora, western Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Nayarit, western Durango, western Zacatecas, and Jalisco to Colima; migra- tory in northernmost range. Passerina versicolor pulchra Ridgway Passerina versicolor pulchra Ridgway, 1887, Manual North Amer. Birds, p. 448 — Miraflores, Baja Cali- fornia. Southern Baja California; limited migration to Sonora and Sinaloa. Passerina versicolor purpurascens Griscom Passerina versicolor purpurascens Griscom, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 4388, p. 12 — Progreso, Guatemala. Central and coastal Chiapas, Mexico and upper Motagua Valley, central Guatemala. PASSERINA CIRIS Passerina ciris ciris (Linnaeus) Emberiza ciris Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, I, p. 179; based mainly on “The Painted Finch” of Catesby, 1731, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 1, p. 44, pl. 44 — not farther than 50 miles from the sea, Carolina; re- stricted to South Carolina by Amer. Ornith. Union, 1931, Check-list North Amer. Birds, ed. 4, p. 316. Southeastern United States from southern Missouri east through Tennessee to North Carolina and south to about eastern Texas, the Gulf Coast, and central Florida; winters in Florida, the Bahamas, and Yucatan Peninsula, and prob- ably elsewhere in eastern Mexico and in Central America. Passerina ciris pallidior Mearns Passerina ciris pallidior Mearns, 1911, Proc. Biol. Soc. brissonii Lichtenstein, 1823, as Bahia, Brazil, thus allowing Passerina cyanea to continue to be used for the Indigo Bunting and permitting the Ultramarine Grosbeak to be called Passerina brissonii. — R.A.P., Jr. 1 Racial identification in winter difficult; known with certainty from Panama (Eisenmann, in litt.). —R.A.P., Jr. CARDINALINAE 245 Washington, 24, p. 217 — Fort Clark, Kinney County, Texas. Southeastern New Mexico, western Oklahoma, and east- ern Kansas south through central and western Texas to southern Chihuahua, northern Coahuila, and southern Texas; winters from Sinaloa, San Luis Potosi, and central Tamaulipas south through Mexico (except Yucatan Pen- insula) and Central America to western Panama. PASSERINA ROSITAE Passerina rositae (Lawrence) Cyanospiza rositae Lawrence (ex Sumichrast MS), 1874, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 10, p. 397 — Tehuan- tepec, Oaxaca, Mexico; type from Cacoprieto, fide Deignan, 1961, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 221, p. 601. Isthmus of Tehuantepec, southeastern Oaxaca and west- ern Chiapas. PASSERINA LECLANCHERII Passerina leclancherii grandior Griscom Passerina lechlancheri (sic) grandior Griscom, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75, p. 420— Chivela, Oaxaca, Mexico. Western and southwestern Mexico from Colima, Michoa- can and interior Guerrero east to southern Puebla and south through Pacific slope of Oaxaca to southwestern Chiapas. Passerina leclancherii leclancherii Lafresnaye Passerina leclancherti Lafresnaye, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 260 — Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. Coastal central Guerrero, Mexico. PASSERINA CAERULESCENS Passerina caerulescens (Wied) Tanagra caerulescens Wied, 1830, Beitr. Naturg. Bras- ilien, 3 (1), p. 541— Campos Geraés of inner Brazil [= interior of Bahia]. Campos of Brazil, from Maranhao, Piaui, Bahia, and western Minas Gerais through-southeastern Para and Mato Grosso to Chuquisaca, southeastern Bolivia. 246 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD SUBFAMILY THRAUPIN AE}? ROBERT W. STORER cf. Ridgway, 1902, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 50, pt. 2, pp. 1-169 (North and Middle America). Hellmayr, 1935, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 8, pp. 242-283 (‘“‘tanager honey-creepers’’). Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, pp. 6-447 (tanagers). Dickey and van Rossem, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 23, pp. 541-562 (El Salvador). Skutch, 1954, Pacific Coast Avifauna (Cooper Ornith. Soc.), no. 31, pp. 123-261 (life histories of Central American species). Eisenmann, 1955, Trans. Linn. Soc. New York, 7, pp. 87-88; 97-101 (Middle America). Bond, 1956, Check-list Birds West Indies, pp. 160-169. Miller, Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore, 1957, Pacific Coast Avifauna (Cooper Ornith. Soc.), no. 33, pp. 285-236 ; 297-311 (Mexico). Russell, 1964, Ornith. Monogr. (Amer. Ornith. Union), no. 1, pp. 148-149; 167-175 (British Honduras). de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South Amer., pp. 456-497. 1 The family-group name Thraupidae of Wetmore and Miller, 1926, Auk, 43, p. 346 (type genus Thraupis Boie, 1826), has been placed on the Official List of Family-Group Names in Zoology and the family- group name Tanagridae of Bonaparte, 1838, Geog. Comp. List Birds Europe North Amer., p. 35, has been placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Family-Group Names in Zoology by the Inter- national Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1968, Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 25, pp. 74-75. — R.W.S. 2 MS read by J. Bond, R. M. de Schauensee, J. D. Macdonald, K. C. Parkes, W. H. Phelps, Sr., M. Koepcke, and A. Wetmore. 3 The author of this subfamily has quoted the citations of the type localities exactly as they appear in the original descriptions. This has not necessarily been done in sections of the Check-list prepared by other authors (including J. L. Peters) who, while maintaining ac- curacy, at times condensed, paraphrased, translated, or corrected misspellings of the type locality. — Ed. THRAUPINAE 247 Johnson, A. W., 1967, Birds Chile, 2, pp. 325-326; 339. Mayr and Phelps, 1967, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 136, pp. 315; 319 (south Venezuelan highlands). Haverschmidt, 1968, List Birds Surinam, pp. 366-370; 388-407. Monroe, 1968, Ornith. Monogr. (Amer. Ornith. Union), no. 7, pp. 321-3822; 355-367 (Honduras). GENUS ORCHESTICUS CABANIS Orchesticus Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 1438. Type, by monotypy, Orchesticus occipitalis Cabanis = Pyrrhula abeillei Lesson. ORCHESTICUS ABEILLEI Orchesticus abeillei (Lesson) Pyrrhula Abeillet Lesson, 1839, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 2, p. 40— Brasil; Rio de Janeiro proposed by Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil, (Publ. Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo), Dt Zp. O38. Southeastern Brazil (Bahia [Ihla de Itaparica] to Parana). GENUS SCHISTOCHLAMYS REICHENBACH Schistochlamys Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 77. Type, by subsequent designation (P. L. Sclater, 1886, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 11, p. 301), Tanagra capistrata Wied. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1367, pp. 23-26 (Peru). SCHISTOCHLAMYS RUFICAPILLUS Schistochlamys ruficapillus capistrata (Wied) Tanagra capistrata Wied, 1821, Reise Brasilien, 2, p. 179 — Fazenda Ilha, [approximately 20 km. from Ressaca, southern Bahia, Brazil, vide Bokermann, 1957, Arq. Zool. Sio Paulo, 10, p. 236]. Northeastern Brazil west to Maranhado and south to Bahia. 248 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Schistochlamys ruficapillus sicki Pinto and Camargo Schistochlamys ruficapillus sicki Pinto and Camargo, 1952, Papéis Avulsos, Dept. Zool., SAo Paulo, 10, p. 218 —Chavantina (Rio das Mortes, Estado de Mato Grosso) [, Brazil]. Known only from vicinity of type locality, eastern Mato Grosso, Brazil. Schistochlamys ruficapillus ruficapillus (Vieillot) Saltator ruficapillus Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 14, p. 108 — l’Amérique méridionale; Rio de Janeiro designated by Hellmayr, 1920, Verh. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 14, p. 282. Southeastern Brazil from southern Minas Gerais to Parana. SCHISTOCHLAMYS MELANOPIS Schistochlamys melanopis aterrima Todd Schistochlamys atra aterrima Todd, 1912, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8, p. 203 — Guarico, Estado Lara, Venezuela. Colombia (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta; Cauca and middle and upper Magdalena valleys; east of Eastern Andes), Venezuela (nearly throughout), western Guyana (British Guiana) (Kamarang River), and extreme north- ern Brazil (Mount Uei-tepui) ; tropical and lower sub- tropical zones. Schistochlamys melanopis melanopis (Latham) T.[anagra] melanopis Latham, 1790, Index Ornith., 1, p. 422; based on Le Camail, ou la Cravatte of Dauben- ton, 1765-80, Planches enlum., pl. 714, fig. 2 — Guiana. Eastern Guyana (British Guiana), Surinam, French Guiana, and northeastern Brazil. Schistochlamys melanopis grisea Cory Schistochlamys atra grisea Cory, 1916, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Ornith. Ser., 1, p. 346 — Rioja, [northern] Peru. East-central Peru on eastern side of Central Andes from Moyobamba and Huarandosa to Marcapata district; sub- tropical zone. THRAUPINAE 249 Schistochlamys melanopis olivina (Sclater) Tanagra olivina (ex Natterer MS) P. L. Sclater, 1864, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 607—Cuyaba [, Mato Grosso], Brazil. Eastern Bolivia and south-central Brazil (Mato Grosso, except in extreme northeast). Schistochlamys melanopis amazonica Zimmer Schistochlamys melanopis amazonica Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 13867, p. 24— Santarem, Rio Tapajoz, Brazil. Brazil (from south bank of lower Amazon south and east to extreme northeastern Mato Grosso, Goids, and Maranhao). Status of birds reported from east of range of this form [i.e. from Parahyba to SAo Paulo] needs clarifica- tion. GENUS NEOTHRAUPIS HELLMAYR Neothraupis Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 432. Type, by original designa- tion, Tanagra fasciata Lichtenstein. NEOTHRAUPIS FASCIATA Neothraupis fasciata (Lichtenstein) T.[anagra] fasciata Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl. zool. Mus. Berlin, p. 32 — Sao Paulo [, Brazil]. Eastern and southern Brazil (campo region from Maranhao and Piaui south to Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo and west to Mato Grosso), eastern Bolivia, and northeastern Paraguay (40 km. west southwest of Capitan Bado). GENUS CYPSNAGRA LESSON Cypsnagra Lesson, 1831, Traité Ornith., p. 460. Type, by monotypy, Tanagra hirundinacea Lesson. CYPSNAGRA HIRUNDINACEA Cypsnagra hirundinacea pallidigula Hellmayr Cypsnagra ruficollis pallidigula Hellmayr, 1907, Novit. Zool., 14, p. 350— Humaytha [, Rio Madeira, Brazil]. Central Brazil (in northern part of Campo region from Humayta, Rio Madeira, east across extreme northern Mato 250 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Grosso, northern Goias, Maranhdo, and Piaui to Ceara and south to northern Bahia) and northeastern Bolivia. Cypsnagra hirundinacea hirundinacea (Lesson) T.[anagra] ruficollis Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl. zool. Mus. Berlin, p. 30 — Sao Paulo [, Brazil]. Pre- occupied by Tanagra ruficollis Gmelin, 1789. Tanagra hirundinacea Lesson, 1831, Traité Ornith., p. 460 — “Brésil”’; Sao Paulo suggested by Naumburg, 1930, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 60, p. 380; further re- stricted to Franca, northern Sao Paulo by Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil (Publ. Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo), pt. 2, p. 526. Southern Brazil (southern part of campo region, from southern Mato Grosso east through southern Goias to south- ern Bahia and south to Sao Paulo), eastern Bolivia (Chiqui- tos, Santa Cruz), and northeastern Paraguay. GENUS CONOTHRAUPIS SCLATER Conothraupis P. L. Sclater, 1880, Ibis, p. 252. Type, by monotypy, Schistochlamys speculigera. Rhynchothraupis Berlioz, 1939, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 59, p. 102. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Rhynchothraupis mesoleuca Berlioz. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1367, p. 20 (Peru). Bond, 1951, Auk, 68, p. 528 (generic limits). Storer, 1960, Auk, 77, pp. 350-351 (generic limits). O’Neill, 1966, Condor, 68, pp. 598-600 (distribution, habitat, and type locality of C. speculigera). CONOTHRAUPIS SPECULIGERA Conothraupis speculigera (Gould) Schistochlamys speculigera Gould, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 23, p. 69 — River Ucayali in Peru. Southern Ecuador (Valle de Yungillas, Azuay) and northern Peru, on both slopes of western cordillera, 1,500- 5,500 ft., arid subtropical zone; eastern Peru in valleys of Rio Ucayali and Rio Alto Purus (Rio Curanja near Bra- zilian border) ; tropical zone. THRAUPINAE 251 CONOTHRAUPIS MESOLEUCA Conothraupis mesoleuca (Berlioz) Rhynchothraupis mesoleuca Berlioz, 1939, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 59, p. 102—Juruena, north-east of Cuyaba, Matto Grosso [, Central Brazil]. Known only from type locality. GENUS LAMPROSPIZA CABANIS Lamprospiza Cabanis, 1847, Archiv f. Naturg., 13(1), p. 246. Type, by original designation, Psaris habia Les- son =Saltator melanoleucus Vieillot. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1367, p. 22 (Peru). LAMPROSPIZA MELANOLEUCA Lamprospiza melanoleuca (Vieillot) Saltator melanoleucus Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 14, p. 105 —l’Amérique méridionale; type locality restricted to Cayenne by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1111. The Guianas, northern Brazil (Para district west to the Rio Tapajoz; Rio Nhamunda; Rio Roosevelt; northern Mato Grosso), southeastern Peru (Yahuarmayo; Astillero), and northern Bolivia (Cachuela Esperanza) ; tropical zone. GENUS CISSOPIS VIEILLOT Cissopis Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 40. Type, by monotypy, Lanius leverianus Gmelin. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1367, pp. 22-23 (Peru). CISSOPIS LEVERIANA Cissopis leveriana leveriana (Gmelin) Lanius leverianus Gmelin, 1788, Syst. Nat., 1(1), p. 302; based on “Magpie S[hrike]” of Latham, 1781, Gen. Synop. Birds, 1(1), p. 192 — no locality; Cayenne sug- gested by Berlepsch and Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 24. Eastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes from Norte de Santander south to Amazon and Orinoco basins), western 252 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD and southeastern Venezuela (Andean region from Barinas to Tachira; Apure, Bolivar, and northern Amazonas), the Guianas, eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, northern Bolivia, and adjacent parts of Brazil (Rio Purts; Rio Madeira; northern Mato Grosso) ; tropical and subtropical zones. Cissopis leveriana major Cabanis C.[issopis] major Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 144; based on Bethylus picatus (not Lanius picatus Latham) Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Gen. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 491— Brasil; Rio de Janeiro suggested by Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil (Publ. Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo), pt. 2, p. 540. Southeastern Brazil (from Goias and Bahia to Santa Catharina) and adjacent parts of Argentina (Misiones) and Paraguay. GENUS CHLORORNIS REICHENBACH Chlorornis Reichenbach,, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 77. Type, by subsequent designation (P. L. Sclater, 1886, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 11, p. 281), Tanagra riefferu Boissonneau. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 13867, pp. 20-22 (Peru). CHLORORNIS RIEFFERII Chlorornis riefferii riefferii (Boissonneau) Tanagra Riefferii Boissonneau, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 4— Santa-Fé de Bogota, Colombia. Andes of Colombia (except Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta) and of Ecuador; upper tropical, subtropical, and humid temperate zones. Chlorornis riefferii diluta Zimmer Chlorornis riefferii diluta Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1867, p. 20 — San Pedro, south of Chacha- poyas, northern Pert; altitude 8600 to 9400 feet. Northern Peru in Central Andes; subtropical and humid temperate zones. Chlorornis riefferii elegans (Tschudi) S.[altator] elegans Tschudi, 1844, Archiv f. Naturg., 10 (1), p. 288 — Peru; type from forests east of the cor- THRAUPINAE Z5e dillera in central Peru, fide Tschudi, 1846, Reiseskizzen aus den Jahren 1838-1842, 2, p. 254. Central Peru in Junin region; subtropical and humid temperate zones. Chlorornis riefferii celata Zimmer Chlorornis riefferii celata Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1367, p. 21— “Camp 1,” below Limbani, southeastern Pert. Extreme southeastern Peru. Chlorornis riefferii beliviana (Berlepsch) Psittospiza riefferi boliviana Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, pp. 1110, 1145 — Cillutincara, W. Bolivia. Western Bolivia in La Paz; humid temperate zone. GENUS COMPSOTHRAUPIS RICHMOND! Lamprotes Swainson, 1837, Class. Birds, 2, p. 283. Type, by monotypy, Tanagra rubrigularis Spix = Tanagra loricata Lichtenstein. Compsothraupis Richmond, 1915, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, 28, p. 180. New name for Lamprotes Swainson, preoccupied by Lamprotes “R. L.,” 1817, Lepidoptera. COMPSOTHRAUPIS LORICATA Compsothraupis loricata (Lichtenstein) Tanagra loricata Lichtenstein, 1819, Abh. K. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, Phys. K1., 1816-1817, p. 159; based on “Jacapuv”’ of Marcgrave, 1648, Nat. Hist. Brasil., p. 192 — north- eastern Brazil; Ceara suggested by Hellmayr, 1929, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 12(18), p. 288. Interior eastern Brazil from eastern Maranhao, Piaui, Ceara, and Alagoas to Goias and Bahia. GENUS SERICOSSYPHA LESSON? Sericossypha Lesson, 1844, Echo du Monde Savant, 11 (13), col. 802. Type, by original designation, Sericos- 1 Allocation to the tanagers requires confirmation. — R.W.S. 2 Allocation to the tanagers requires confirmation. The similarities between this genus and Compsothraupis are, I believe, largely the re- sult of convergent evolution. — R.W.S. 254 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD sypha somptuosa Lesson =Tanagra (Lamprotes) albo- cristatus Lafresnaye. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1867, p. 1. SERICOSSYPHA ALBOCRISTATA Sericossypha albocristata (Lafresnaye) Tanagra (Lamprotes) albo-cristatus Lafresnaye, 1843, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 6, p. 182 — Colombia. Extreme southwestern Venezuela (Paramo de Tama and Rio Chiquito, Tachira), Colombia (east slope of Eastern Andes; west slope of Central Andes at southern end), and eastern Ecuador to east-central Peru; subtropical and tem- perate zones. GENUS NESOSPINGUS SCLATER Nesospingus P. L. Sclater, 1885, Ibis, p. 273. Type, by monotypy, Chlorospingus speculiferus Lawrence. ef. Bond, 1956, Check-list Birds West Indies, ed. 4, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 168. NESOSPINGUS SPECULIFERUS Nesospingus speculiferus (Lawrence) Chlorospingus(?) speculiferus Lawrence, 1875, Ibis, p. 388, pl. 9, fig. 1 — Porto Rico. Puerto Rico. GENUS CHLOROSPINGUS CABANIS Chlorospingus Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 139. Type, by virtual monotypy, Chlorospingus leucophrys Cabanis = Arremon ophthalmicus Du Bus. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1867, pp. 2-12 (Peru). CHLOROSPINGUS OPHTHALMICUS Chlorospingus ophthalmicus albifrons Salvin and Godman Chlorospingus albifrons Salvin and Godman, 1889, Ibis, p. 237 — Omilteme, Sierra Madre del Sur, altitude 8000 feet, Guerrero, Mexico. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus persimilis Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith, Club, 86, p. 152 — Rio Guajolote, THRAUPINAE 25D 2,000 metres altitude, south-west of San Miguel Suchix- tepec, municipio de Miahuatlan, Oaxaca [,Mexico]. Sierra Madre del Sur in Guerrero and Oaxaca, Mexico; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus ophthalmicus (Du Bus) Arremon ophthalmicus Du Bus, 1847, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci., Lettr. et Beaux-Arts de Belgique, 14, (pt. 2), p. 106 — Mexico; restricted to Jalapa, Veracruz, Mex- ico, by Lowery and Newman, 1949, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool., Louisiana State Univ., no. 22, p. 8. Southeastern Mexico from northern Veracruz and south- eastern San Luis Potosi through Hidalgo and Puebla to eastern Oaxaca and western Chiapas (Monserrate) ; sub- tropical zone. Replaced by following form in Sierra de Tuxtla, southern Veracruz. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus wetmorei Lowery and Newman Chlorospingus ophthalmicus wetmorei Lowery and New- man, 1949, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool., Louisiana State Univ., no. 22, p. 8— Volcan San Martin, Sierra de Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico. Sierra de Tuxtla, southern Veracruz, Mexico; subtropical zone, above 2,500 feet. Straggler in winter to adjacent lowlands. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus dwighti Underdown Chlorospingus ophthalmicus dwighti Underdown, 1931, Auk, 48, p. 612 — Finca Sepur, Vera Paz, Guatemala. C.[hlorospingus] ophthalmicus richardsoni Griscom, 1935, Ibis, p. 816 — Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala. Caribbean slope of Chiapas and Guatemala; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus postocularis Cabanis Chlorospingus postocularis Cabanis, 1866, Journ. f. Ornith., 14, p. 163 — Guatimala [= Sierra above Costa Cuca, Pacific slope], fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 400. Pacific slope of Chiapas and Guatemala; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus honduratius Berlepsch Chlorospingus honduratius Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr. Berlin, 1911, pp. 1088, 1142 — Volcano de Puca, Honduras. 256 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD El Salvador and Honduras; subtropical zone. Specimen from Cockscomb Mountains, British Honduras, tentatively assigned to this subspecies. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus regionalis Bangs Chlorospingus regionalis Bangs, 1906, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 19, p. 112—Cariblanco de Sarapiqui, Costa Rica. Nicaragua and eastern Costa Rica; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus novicius Bangs Chlorospingus novicius Bangs, 1902, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 3, p. 67 — Volcan de Chiriqui, 2500 feet altitude [,Panama]. Southwestern Costa Rica and western Panama (Chiri- qui) ; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus jacqueti Hellmayr Chlorospingus venezuelanus jacqueti Hellmayr, 1921, Anz. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 1, p. 28—Galipan, Cerro del Avila, near Caracas, N. Venezuela. Northeastern Colombia (northern portion of Eastern Andes on west slope, and possibly east slope north of range of C. 0. eminens) and northern Venezuela (extreme eastern Mérida, mountains of Trujillo and Lara east to Miranda) ; upper tropical and subtropical zones. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus falconensis Phelps and Gilliard Chlorospingus op[h]thalmicus falconensis Phelps and Gilliard, 1941, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1153, p. 13 — San Luis Mountains, above San Luis, in the State of Falcon [, Venezuela]. Northwestern Venezuela (San Luis Mountains, Falcon; Sierra de Aroa, Yuracuy) ; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus venezuelanus Berlepsch Chlorospingus albitemporalis venezuelanus Berlepsch, 1893, Ornith. Montasb., 1, p. 11 — Merida, Venezuela. Southwestern Venezuela, in Andes of Lara, Mérida, and Tachira; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus ponsi Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus ponsi Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1952, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 65, p. 101 — Cerro THRAUPINAE 257 Tamuypejocha, Rio Negro, Sierra de Perija, Zulia, Venezuela; 1975 meters. Known only from vicinity of type locality, extreme west- ern Venezuela; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus eminens Zimmer Chlorospingus ophthalmicus eminens Zimmer, 1946, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 36, p. 389 — Gramalote, Department of Norte de Santander, Colombia. Northeastern Colombia (east slope of Eastern Andes in southern part of Norte de Santander and Boyaca) ; upper tropical and subtropical zones. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus flavopectus (Lafresnaye) Arremon flavo-pectus Lafresnaye, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 227 — Santa-Fé de Bogota, Colombia. Central Colombia, on west slope of Eastern Andes from southern Santander to Bogota region; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus macarenae Zimmer Chlorospingus ophthalmicus macarenae Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1867, p. 4— Mt. Macarena, Colombia; plateau at 411 [error, 4,100] feet elevation. Macarena Mountains east of Eastern Andes in southern Meta, Colombia. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus nigriceps Chapman Chlorospingus albitempora nigriceps Chapman, 1912, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 31, p. 166 — Miraflores, alt. 6800 ft., Central Andes, east of Palmira, Cauca, Colombia. Colombia (east slope of Western Andes at northern end; both slopes of Central Andes; west slope of southern part of Eastern Andes) ; subtropical and lower temperate zones. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus phaeocephalus Sclater and Salvin Chlorospingus phaeocephalus Sclater and Salvin, 1877, Proc. Zook Soe: Londen;-p. 521,5 pl. -52; fies 2 — Jina [= Jima] and Chillanes, Ecuador; type from Jima fide Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911p. L091. Kastern and western Ecuador; subtropical zone. 258 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Chlorospingus ophthalmicus cinereocephalus Taczanowski Chlorospingus cinereocephalus Taczanowski, 1874, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 132 — Chilpes, Department of Junin, Peru. Central Peru in Junin; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus peruvianus Carriker Chlorospingus flavipectus peruvianus Carriker, 1933, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 85, p. 35 — Oco- neque, Dept. Puno, Peru, alt. 7,000 feet. Southern Peru in Puno; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus bolivianus Hellmayr Chlorospingus venezuelanus bolivianus Hellmayr, 1921, Anz. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 1, p. 29—San Cristobal, Yungas of Cochabamba, Bolivia. West-central Bolivia in northern portion of Cordillera de Cochabamba and Cordillera de La Paz; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus fulvigularis Berlepsch Chlorospingus fulvigularis Berlepsch, 1901, Journ. f. Ornith., 49, p. 86 — Samiapata [,Valle Grande], Bolivia. Central Bolivia, in southern portion of Cordillera de Co- chabamba; only on northern side of Andean spurs in eastern portion of range; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus argentinus Hellmayr Chlorospingus venezuelanus argentinus Hellmayr, 1921, Anz. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 1, p. 830— San Francisco, Cerro de Calilegua, Jujuy, NW. Argentina. Central Bolivia (southern slopes of Andean spurs in upper reaches of Rio Mizque) south to northern Argentina (Jujuy; Salta; Tucuman) ; subtropical zone. CHLOROSPINGUS TACARCUNAE! Chlorospingus tacarcunae Griscom Chlorospingus tacarcunae Griscom, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 141, p. 11— Mount Tacarcuna, east slope, alt. 4600 ft., eastern Panama. 1 Considered a race of flavigularis by Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 410, a race of ophthalmicus by Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1367, p. 2, and a distinct species by Wetmore (in litt.). —R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 259 Upper tropical zone on Mount Tacarcuna and its spur, Cerro Mali, between Panama and Colombia. CHLOROSPINGUS INORNATUS Chlorospingus inornatus (Nelson) Hylospingus inornatus Nelson, 1912, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60(3), p. 18— Mount Pirri (at 5,200 feet altitude), eastern Panama. Mount Pirre (2,600 to 5,200 ft.), Darién, eastern Panama; upper tropical and subtropical zones. CHLOROSPINGUS PUNCTULATUS! Chlorospingus punctulatus Sclater and Salvin Chlorospingus punctulatus P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1869, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 440 — Cordillera del Chuct, Veraguas, Panama. Western Panama (Veraguas; Coclé) ; subtropical zone. CHLOROSPINGUS SEMIFUSCUS Chlorospingus semifuscus livingstoni Bond and de Schauen- see Chlorospingus semifuscus livingstoni Bond and de Schau- ensee, 1940, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 92, p. 167 — Munchique (6600 ft.), Cauca, Colombia. Western Colombia on west slope of Western Andes from upper Rio San Juan to Munchique region; upper tropical and subtropical zones. Chlorospingus semifuscus semifuscus Sclater and Salvin Chlorospingus semifuscus Sclater and Salvin, 1873, No- men. Av. Neotrop., pp. 24, 157— Aequatoria occ. in vicin. urbis Quito. Southwestern Colombia (Pacific slope of Narifio) and western Ecuador; upper tropical and subtropical zones. CHLOROSPINGUS ZELEDONI Chlorospingus zeledoni Ridgway Chlorospingus zeledoni Ridgway, 1905, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 18, p. 212 — Volcan de Irazu, Costa Rica, 10,500 ft. alt. 1 This form was considered a race of ophthalmicus by Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1867, p. 2, and by Eisenmann, 1955, Trans. Linn. Soc. New York, 7, p. 101. Wetmore (in litt.) believes it closer to pileatus, but would maintain it as a full species until more is known about it in life. — R.W.S. 260 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Voleanoes of Turrialba and Irazu, Costa Rica; montane belt, from upper limit of subtropical zone to timberline. Possibly a color phase of C. p. pileatus. CHLOROSPINGUS PILEATUS Chlorospingus pileatus pileatus Salvin Chlorospingus pileatus Salvin, 1864, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, p. 581 — Volcan de Cartago [= Iraztii], Costa Rica. Mountains of Costa Rica and of extreme western Panama (Volcan de Chiriqui). Chlorospingus pileatus diversus Griscom Chlorospingus pileatus diversus Griscom, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 141, p. 11 — Cerro Flores, alt. 6000 ft., eastern Chiriqui, Panama. Western Panama (eastern Chiriqui), in montane belt. CHLOROSPINGUS PARVIROSTRIS Chlorospingus parvirostris huallagae Carriker Chlorospingus flavigularis huallagae Carriker, 1933, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 85, p. 86 — Utcubamba, Dept. Libertad, Peru, alt. 5,500 feet. Central and southern Colombia (from east slope of East- ern Andes in Cundinamarca and Meta south to eastern Narino; head of Magdalena Valley) to northern Peru; sub- tropical zone. Not recorded from Ecuador, where it probably occurs. Chlorospingus parvirostris medianus Zimmer Chlorospingus parvirostris medianus Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1867, p. 8 — Utcuyacu, Junin, Pert, altitude 4800 feet. East-central Peru in Junin and Urubamba regions; sub- tropical zone. Chlorospingus parvirostris parvirostris Chapman Chlorospingus flavigularis parvirostris Chapman, 1901, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 14, p. 227— Inca Mine [=Santo Domingo, Marcapata], southeastern Peru. Extreme southeastern Peru and western Bolivia; sub- tropical zone. THRAUPINAE 261 CHLOROSPINGUS FLAVIGULARIS Chlorospingus flavigularis hypophaeus Sclater and Salvin Chlorospingus hypophaeus P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1868, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 889 — Veragua, Calovevora [,Panama]. Western Panama, from Volcan de Chiriqui east to Vera- guas; upper tropical zone. Chlorospingus flavigularis marginatus Chapman Chlorospingus flavigularis marginatus Chapman, 1914, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, p. 189 — Buenavista (alt. 1200 ft.), Narifo, western Andes, Colombia. Southwestern Colombia (west slope of Western Andes from Anchicaya region, south) and western Ecuador; upper tropical zone. Chlorospingus flavigularis flavigularis (Sclater) Pipilopsis flavigularis P. L. Sclater, 1852, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 4, p. 8— Nouvelle-Grenade [= ‘Bo- gota,” Colombia]. Central Colombia (east slope of Eastern Andes in Meta; west slope of Central Andes in Antioquia), eastern Ecuador, and eastern Peru; tropical and lower part of subtropical (Fundo Sinchona, Peru) zones. May occur in northwestern Bolivia. CHLOROSPINGUS FLAVOVIRENS Chlorospingus flavovirens (Lawrence) Buarremon flavovirens Lawrence, 1867, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 8, p. 467 — Ecuador. Western Ecuador, known only from Santo Domingo de los Colorados and from “Quito” trade-skins. CHLOROSPINGUS CANIGULARIS Chlorospingus canigularis olivaceiceps Underwood Chlorospingus olivaceiceps Underwood, 1898, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 7, p. lix — Carrillo, Costa Rica. Caribbean slope of Costa Rica; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus canigularis canigularis (Lafresnaye) Tachyphonus canigularis Lafresnaye, 1848, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 11, p. 11 — ad Bogotam in Colombia. Central Colombia (west slope of Eastern Andes in Cun- 262 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD dinamarea) and extreme southwestern Venezuela (Cerro El Teteo and Rio Chiquito, southern Tachira) ; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus canigularis conspicillatus Todd Chlorospingus canigularis conspicillatus Todd, 1922, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 35, p. 93— Bitaco Valley [,Western Andes], Colombia. Western Colombia (both slopes of Western and Central Andes from Caldas to Cauca and Huila) ; subtropical zone. May also occur in northwestern Ecuador. Chlorospingus canigularis paulus Zimmer Chlorospingus canigularis paulus Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 13867, p. 11 — La Chonta, Province del Oro, Ecuador; altitude 2000 feet. Southwestern Ecuador; subtropical zone. Chlorospingus canigularis signatus Taczanowski and Ber- lepsch Chlorospingus signatus Taczanowski and Berlepsch, 1885, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 82 — Machay and Mapoto, [eastern] Ecuador; type from Machay, fide Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1090. Eastern Ecuador and northwestern Peru (Chaupe) ; sub- tropical zone. GENUS CNEMOSCOPUS BANGS AND PENARD Cnemoscopus Bangs and Penard, 1919, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 63, p. 88. Type, by original designation, Arremon rubrirostris Lafresnaye. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1867, p. 12 (Peru). CNEMOSCOPUS RUBRIROSTRIS Cnemoscopus rubrirostris rubrirostris (Lafresnaye) Arremon rubrirostris Lafresnaye, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 227 — Santa-Fé de Bogota [,Colombia]. Extreme southwestern Venezuela (Paramo de Tama and Rio Chiquito, Tachira), mountains of Colombia (except Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), and eastern Ecuador; sub- tropical and temperate zones. THRAUPINAE 263 Cnemoscopus rubrirostris chrysogaster (Taczanowski) Chlorospingus chrysogaster Taczanowski, 1874, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 517 — “Tambapota” [= Tambo- pata, Junin], Peru. Northern and central Peru from Amazonas to Junin region; subtropical and temperate zones. GENUS HEMISPINGUS CABANIS Hemispingus Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 138. Type, by original designation, Arremon superciliaris Lafresnaye. Microspingus Taczanowski, 1874, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1382. Type, by monotypy, Microspingus trifasciatus Taczanowski. Pseudospingus Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1896, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 346. Type, by subsequent designation (Richmond, 1902, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 24, p. 710), Dacnis xanthophthalma Taczanowski. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1367, pp. 12-19 (Peru; generic limits). HEMISPINGUS ATROPILEUS Hemispingus atropileus atropileus (Lafresnaye) Arremon atro-pileus Lafresnaye, 1842, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 5, p. 8335 — Bolivia; error, Bogota, Colombia, fide Hell- mayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pte 9; p. 419. Extreme southwestern Venezuela (Paramo de Tama and Rio Chiquito, Tachira), mountains of Colombia (except Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), and Ecuador; subtropical and temperate zones. Hemispingus atropileus auricularis (Cabanis) Chlorospingus (Hemispingus) auricularis Cabanis, 1873, Journ. f. Ornith., 21, p. 318— Peru; type from Ma- raynioc, fide Taczanowski, 1889, Warsz. Uniwers. Izv., no. 4, p. 2s. Hemispingus atropelius [sic] intermedius Carriker, 1934, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 86, p. 331 — Llui, Dept. Amazonas, Peru, altitude 10,000 feet (near Ley- mebamba). Eastern Peru (Amazonas to Cuzco); humid temperate zone. 264 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Hemispingus atropileus calophrys (Sclater and Salvin) Chlorospingus calophyrys P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1876, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 354— Tilotilo, prov. Yungas [= Yungas of La Paz], Bolivia. Bolivia (La Paz) ; humid temperate zone. HEMISPINGUS SUPERCILIARIS Hemispingus superciliaris chrysophrys (Sclater and Salvin) Chlorospingus chrysophrys P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1875, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 234, 235 — Merida, Ven- ezuela. Basileuterus zimmeri Phelps and Gilliard, 1941, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1153, p. 11— Queniquea, Tachira [, Venezuela]. Southwestern Venezuela in Andes of Trujillo, Mérida, and Tachira; subtropical and temperate zones. Hemispingus superciliaris superciliaris (Lafresnaye) Arremon superciliaris Lafresnaye, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 227 — Santa Fé de Bogota, Colombia. Central Colombia in Eastern Andes of Cundinamarca; subtropical zone. Hemispingus superciliaris nigrifrons (Lawrence) Chlorospingus nigrifrons Lawrence, 1875, Ibis, p. 384 — Ecuador. Colombia (Central Andes from Caldas, south; mountains of Narifio) and Ecuador (except southwestern part) ; sub- tropical and temperate zones. Hemispingus superciliaris maculifrons Zimmer Hemispingus superciliaris maculifrons Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1367, p. 13 — El Tambo, Dept. Piura, Pert; altitude 9400 feet. Extreme southwestern Ecuador (Taraguacocha; Salvias) and northwestern Peru (west of Maranon); humid tem- perate zone. Hemispingus superciliaris insignis Zimmer Hemispingus superciliaris insignis Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1867, p. 15 — La Lejia, north of Cha- chapoyas, Pert; altitude about 9000 feet. Northern Peru, in highlands above Utcubamba Valley, east of the Maranon; temperate zone. THRAUPINAE ‘265 Hemispingus superciliaris leucogaster (TTaczanowski) Dacnidea leucogastra Taczanowski, 1874, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 131, pl. 19, fig. 2 —- Maraynioc, Department of Junin, Peru. Central Peru, in Junin region; temperate zone. Hemispingus superciliaris urubambae Zimmer Hemispingus superciliaris urubambae Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1867, p. 15 — Tocopoqueu, Occobamba Valley, Pert; altitude 9100 feet. Southern Peru (Urubamba region and probably Marca- pata district) and western Bolivia; temperate zone. HEMISPINGUS REYI Hemispingus reyi (Berlepsch) Chlorospingus rey Berlepsch, 1885, Ibis, p. 288 — Mérida, Venezuela. Southwestern Venezuela in Andes of Trujillo, Mérida, and Tachira; subtropical and temperate zones. HEMISPINGUS FRONTALIS Hemispingus frontalis frontalis (Tschudi) H.[ylophilus] frontalis Tschudi, 1844, Archiv f. Naturg., 10(1), p. 284 — Peru; east slope of the Peruvian Andes, fide Tschudi, 1846, Unters. Faun. Peru., Aves, p. 195. Mountains of Colombia (except Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and mountains of Narino), eastern Ecuador, and eastern Peru (south to Urubamba Valley) ; subtropical zone. Hemispingus frontalis ignobilis (Sclater) Sphenopsis ignobilis P. L. Sclater, 1861, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 379 — Brazil; error, Mérida, Venezuela, suggested as type locality by Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1950, Bol. Soc. Venezolana Cienc. Nat., 12(75), p. 348. Western Venezuela in Andes of southern Lara, Trujillo, Mérida, and Tachira; subtropical zone. Hemispingus frontalis flavidorsalis Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Hemisphingus [sic] frontalis flavidorsalis Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1953, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 66, p. 140 — Cerro Jurustaca, upper Rio Negro, Sierra de Perija, Zulia, Venezuela; 2100 meters. 266 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Extreme western Venezuela in mountains in upper Rio Negro Valley, Sierra de Perija; subtropical zone. Hemispingus frontalis hanieli Hellmayr and Seilern Hemispingus hanieli Hellmayr and Seilern, 1914, Verh. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 12, p. 87— Galipan, Cerro del Avila, alt. 2000 m. [,Federal District], Venezuela. Northern Venezuela in coastal mountains from Aragua to Miranda; subtropical zone. Hemispingus frontalis iteratus Chapman Hemispingus frontalis iteratus Chapman, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 191, p. 183 — Carapas, Mount Turumi- quire [,Sucre], N. E. Venezuela. Northeastern Venezuela in coast ranges of Monagas and Sucre; subtropical zone. HEMISPINGUS MELANOTIS Hemispingus melanotis melanotis (Sciater) Chlorospingus melanotis P. L. Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. soe. London, .22(1854),. p.. 157,. pl. 68 —="Begen.. Colombia. Southwestern Venezuela (Hacienda La Providencia, Rio Chiquito, Tachira), Colombia (Central and Eastern Andes; Putumayo slope of Narino), and eastern Ecuador; sub- tropical zone. Hemispingus melanotis ochraceus (Berlepsch and Tacza- nowski) Chlorospingus ochraceus Berlepsch and Taczanowski, 1884, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 291, pl. 24, fig. 1— Cayandeled and Chaguarpata, western Ecuador; type from Cayandeled, fide Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1095. Southwestern Colombia (Pacific slope of Andes of Na- rino) and western Ecuador; subtropical zone. Hemispingus melanotis piurae Chapman Hemispingus piurae Chapman, 1923, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 67, p. 11 — Palambla, 4000 ft., Prov. Piura, western slope of Andes, east of Paita, Peru. Northwestern Peru on both slopes of Western Andes south on western slope to Chugur, Taulis, and Nancho; sub- tropical zone. THRAUPINAE 267 Hemispingus melanotis macrophrys Koepcke Hemispingus melanotis macrophrys Koepcke, 1961, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 2028, p. 22 — Sunchubamba, latitude 7°28’ S., 2650 meters [Peru]. Known only from type locality, in upper Chicama Valley on Pacific slope of Peruvian Andes. Hemispingus melanotis berlepschi (Taczanowski) Chlorospingus berlepschi Taczanowski, 1880, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 195 — Ropaybamba [,Department of Junin], central Peru. Central Peru, known only from Junin; subtropical zone. Hemispingus melanotis castaneicollis (Sclater) Chlorospingus castaneicollis P. L. Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 26, p. 293 — interior of Peru, prob- ably bordering Bolivia, if not from Bolivia. Southeastern Peru (Puno) and western Bolivia (Yungas of La Paz and of Cochabamba) ; subtropical zone. HEMISPINGUS GOERINGI Hemispingus goeringi (Sclater and Salvin) Chlorospingus goeringi P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 780, 784, pl. 46, fig. 2 [=1] — Paramos of Merida [,Venezuela]. Southwestern Venezuela in Andes of Mérida and Tachira; subtropical and temperate zones. HEMISPINGUS VERTICALIS Hemispingus verticalis (Lafresnaye) Nemosia verticalis Lafresnaye, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 227 —Santa-Fé de Bogota [,Colombia]. Extreme southwestern Venezuela (Paramo de Tama, Tachira), central and southern Colombia (Central and Eastern Andes south to mountains of Narino), and eastern Ecuador; temperate and lower paramo zones. HEMISPINGUS XANTHOPHTHALMUS Hemispingus xanthophthalmus (Taczanowski) Dacnis xanthophthalma Taczanowski, 1874, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 131 — Maraynioc, Department of Junin, Peru. Central Peru from Amazonas to Cuzco; humid temperate zone. ] 268 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD HEMISPINGUS TRIFASCIATUS Hemispingus trifasciatus (Taczanowski) Microspingus trifasciatus Taczanowski, 1874, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, p. 132, pl. 19, fig. 1 — Maraynioc, Depart- ment of Junin, Peru. Southeastern Peru (Junin and Cuzco) and western Boli- via (La Paz) ; humid temperate zone. GENUS PYRRHOCOMA CABANIS Pyrrhocoma Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 138. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 72), Tachyphonus ruficeps Strickland. PYRRHOCOMA RUFICEPS Pyrrhocoma ruficeps (Strickland) Tachyphonus ruficeps Strickland, 1844, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, p. 419 — habitat unknown; Rio de Janeiro suggested by Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil (Publ. Dept. Zool., sa0 Paulo); pt.2, p: 326. Southeastern Brazil (from Espirito Santo to Rio Grande do Sul) and adjoining parts of Paraguay and Argentina (Misiones). GENUS THLYPOPSIS CABANIS Thlypopsis Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 138. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 74), Nemosia fulves- cens Strickland=Nemosia sordida d’Orbigny and La- fresnaye. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1345, pp. 16-21 (Peru). THLYPOPSIS FULVICEPS Thlypopsis fulviceps fulviceps Cabanis Th.[lypopsis| fulviceps Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 138 — Caraccas [,Venezuela]. Northeastern Colombia (east slope of Eastern Andes in Norte de Santander) and northern and western Venezuela (Cordillera de la Costa from Carabobo to Sucre and Mo- nagas) ; subtropical zone. ad THRAUPINAE 269 Thlypopsis fulviceps obscuriceps Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Thlypopsis fulviceps obscuriceps Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1953, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 66, p. 139 — Cerro Pejochaina, upper Rio Negro, Sierra de Perija, Zulia, Venezuela; 1900 meters. Extreme western Venezuela; known only from type local- ity and from Cerro Yin-taina near upper Rio Negro, Sierra de Perija; subtropical zone. Thlypopsis fulviceps meridensis Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Thlypopsis fulviceps meridensis Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1962, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 75, p. 203 — Zea, Mérida [,Venezuela] ; 1,200 meters. Western Venezuela in Mérida region; subtropical zone. Thlypopsis fulviceps intensa Todd Thlypopsis fulviceps intensa Todd, 1917, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 30, p. 128— La Palmita, Santander [= Magdalena], Colombia. Northeastern Colombia on west slope of Eastern Andes in southern Magdalena; subtropical zone. THLYPOPSIS ORNATA Thlypopsis ornata ornata (Sclater) Nemosia ornata P. L. Sclater, 1859, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 27, p. 188 — Pallatanga, [western] Ecuador. Southwestern Colombia (Puracé, southern end of Central Andes) and western Ecuador (except in extreme south) ; subtropical and humid temperate zones. Doubtfully recorded from northeastern Ecuador. Thlypopsis ornata media Zimmer Thlypopsis ornata media Zimmer, 1930, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 17, p. 452 — Cullcui, Marafién River, Peru, altitude 10,400 feet. Extreme southern Ecuador (Province of Loja) and north- ern and north-central Peru (south on eastern slope of Andes to sources of Rio Marafion and on western slope of Andes to Lima; humid temperate zone. Thlypopsis ornata macropteryx Berlepsch and Stolzmann Thlypopsis ornata macropteryx Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1896, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 345— Maraynioc [,Department of Junin], Peru. 270 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Central and southern Peru on eastern side of Andes in Junin and Cuzco; humid temperate zone. THLYPOPSIS PECTORALIS Thlypopsis pectoralis (Taczanowski) Nemosia pectoralis Taczanowski, 1884, Ornith. Pérou, 2, p. 508 — Acancocha [above Pumamarca, Province of Tarma, Department of Junin], Peru. Central Peru in Huanuco and Junin; humid temperate zone. THLYPOPSIS SORDIDA Thlypopsis sordida orinocensis Friedmann Thlypopsis sordida orinocensis Friedmann, 1942, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 55, p. 85 — Isla Orocopiche, near Soledad, Orinoco River, Venezuela. East-central Venezuela, along the Orinoco in southern Anzoategui and northern Bolivar; tropical zone. Thlypopsis sordida chrysopis (Sclater and Salvin) Nemosia chrysopis P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1880, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 155 — Sarayacu, eastern Ecuador. Extreme southern Colombia (eastern Narino), eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru (south to Junin), and western Brazil (east to the Rio Madeira and its tributary, the Rio Jiparana [Rio Machados]) ; tropical zone. Thlypopsis sordida sordida (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) N.[emosia] sordida d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 28— Yuracares, (rep. Boli- viam). Eastern and southern Brazil (from Mato Grosso and Baiao on the Rio Tocantins east and south to Rio de Janeiro), eastern Bolivia, Paraguay (Aregua), and northern Ar- gentina (south to Tucuman, northern Santa Fe, and Cor- rientes). THLYPOPSIS INORNATA Thlypopsis inornata (Taczanowski) Nemosia inornata Taczanowski, 1879, Proc. Zool, Soc. London, p. 228 — northern Peru; type from Tambillo, Dept. Cajamarca fide Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1085. THRAUPINAE 271 Northern Peru in drainage of upper Rio Maranon and Rio Huallaga (Utcubamba) ; subtropical zone. THLYPOPSIS RUFICEPS Thlypopsis ruficeps (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) S.[ylvia] ruficeps d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 20 — Apupaya, rep. Boliviana; type from near Palca, Prov. Ayupaya (between Cocha- bamba and Incasivi), fide d’Orbigny, 1838, Voy. Amér. Meérid., 4, pt. 3, Ois., p. 219. Southeastern Peru, Bolivia, and northwestern Argentina (Jujuy; Tucuman) ; subtropical zone. GENUS HEMITHRAUPIS CABANIS Hemithraupis Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Heineanum, 1(1851), p. 21. Type, by original designation, Hylophilus ruficeps Wied =Nemosia ruficapilla Vieillot. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1345, pp. 7-16 (Peru). HEMITHRAUPIS GUIRA Hemithraupis guira nigrigula (Boddaert) Tanagra nigrigula Boddaert, 1783, Tabl. Planches enlum., p. 45; based on “Tangara olive 4 gorge noire, de Ca- yenne” of Daubenton, 1765-80, Planches enlum., pl. 720, fig. 1 — Cayenne. North-central Colombia (east of Eastern Andes in Boyaca), northern Venezuela (north of the Orinoco, from Falcon and Tachira east to Sucre and Monagas; south of the Orinoco in eastern Bolivar), the Guianas, and north- eastern Brazil (north of the lower Amazon from Mandaos, east) ; tropical zone and lower edge of subtropical zone. Hemithraupis guira roraimae (Hellmayr) Nemosia guira roraimae Hellmayr, 1910, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 25, p. 88 — Roraima Mountain in British Guiana, at an elevation of 3500 feet [= Mt. Roraima, Venezuela]. Southeastern Venezuela (Mt. Roraima, Mt. Ptari-tepui, and Santa Elena region in southeastern Bolivar) and Guyana (British Guiana) (Merumé Mountains); upper tropical and subtropical zones. 272 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Hemithraupis guira guirina (Sclater) Nemosia guirina P. L. Sclater, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 24, p. 110 — New Grenada, Bogota; East Peru; restricted to Antioquia, Colombia, by Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1345, p. 8. Western and central Colombia (middle and upper Cauca and Magdalena valleys), western Ecuador, and extreme northwestern Peru (Santa Lucia) ; tropical and subtropical zones. Hemithraupis guira huambina Stolzmann Hemithraupis guira huambina Stolzmann, 1926, Ann. Zool. Mus. Polonici Hist. Nat., 5, p. 233 — Huambo, northeastern Peru. Southeastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes in Ama- zonian region), eastern Ecuador, northeastern Peru, and western Brazil (east to Rosarinho, lower Rio Madeira) ; tropical zone. Hemithraupis guira boliviana Zimmer Hemithraupis guira boliviana Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1845, p. 10— Todos Santos, Province of Cochabamba, Bolivia. Northeastern Bolivia, northwestern Argentina (Jujuy, Salta, and Tucuman), and possibly western Brazil (Mato Grosso region). Hemithraupis guira amazonica Zimmer Hemithraupis guira amazonica Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1345, p. 9— Tauary, Rio Tapajoz (right bank), Brazil. Central Brazil, south of the Amazon from east bank of Rio Madeira to east bank of Rio Tapajos. Hemithraupis guira guira (Linnaeus) Motacilla Guira Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 355; based on “Guira-guacu beraba” of Marcgrave, 1648, Nat. Hist. Brasil., p. 212 — northeastern Brazil; restricted to Pernambuco by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1083. Eastern Brazil, from the Rio Tocantins east to Ceara and south to Goids and northwestern Bahia; not taken by recent collectors in Pernambuco. THRAUPINAE 273 Hemithraupis guira fosteri (Sharpe) Nemosia fosteri Sharpe, 1905, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 15, p. 96 — Sapucay, Paraguay. Eastern Paraguay (east of the Rio Paraguay), extreme northeastern Argentina (Misiones), and interior of south- eastern Brazil from Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul). Presumably intergrades with nominate race through val- leys of upper Rio Parana and upper Rio Sao Francisco. HEMITHRAUPIS RUFICAPILLA Hemithraupis ruficapilla ruficapilla (Vieillot) Nemosia ruficapilla Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 22, p. 498 — apporté du Brésil par M. de Lalande fils [=vicinity of Rio de Janeiro]. H.[ylophilus] ruficeps Wied, 1831, Beitr. Naturg. Bra- silien, 3, p. 725 —im Sertong der Provinz Bahia; error, cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1845, p. 12. Southeastern Brazil from southern Minas Gerais and Es- pirito Santo to Santa Catarina; a hybrid between this and H. g. fosteri reported from Coredeiras, Sao Paulo. Hemithraupis ruficapilla bahiae Zimmer Hemithraupis ruficapilla bahiae Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1845, p. 138 — Jaguaquara, central- eastern Bahia, Brazil; altitude 2000 feet. Eastern Brazil, known only from southeastern Bahia and as “Bahia” trade-skins; a hybrid between this and H. g. guira reported from Jequié, Bahia. HEMITHRAUPIS FLAVICOLLIS Hemithraupis flavicollis ornata Nelson Hemithraupis ornatus Nelson, 1912, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60(3), p. 19 — [Rio] Truando, [northwestern] Colom- bia. Extreme eastern Panama (Darién) and extreme north- western Colombia (Rio Truanddé; Rio Jurado); tropical zone. Hemithraupis flavicollis albigularis (Sclater) Nemosia albigularis P. L. Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 23, p. 109, pl. 99 — Santa Fe di Bogota [, Co- lombia ]. Colombia, in upper Sint, lower Cauca, and middle Magda- lena valleys; tropical zone. 274 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Hemithraupis flavicollis peruana Bonaparte Hemithraupis peruana Bonaparte, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 3, p. 173 — Pérou. South-central Colombia (east base of Eastern Andes from Meta to Putumayo), eastern Ecuador, and northeastern Peru (north of the Maranon) ; tropical zone. Hemithraupis flavicollis sororia Zimmer Hemithraupis flavicollis sororia Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1845, p. 15 — Chamicuros, Pert. Northern Peru, south of the Maranon; tropical zone. Hemithraupis flavicollis centralis (Hellmayr) Nemosia flavicollis centralis Hellmayr, 1907, Novit. Zool., 14, p. 350 — Humaytha, [Rio Madeira, Brazil]. Southeastern Peru (Rio Cosireni), northern Bolivia, and central Brazil (from Humayta and Calama on Rio Madeira south to northern and western Mato Grosso) ; tropical zone. Hemithraupis flavicollis aurigularis Cherrie Hemithraupis flavicollis aurigularis Cherrie, 1916, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 35, p. 389 — Suapure, Caura River, Venezuela. Extreme southeastern Colombia (Rio Vaupés opposite Tahuapunto), southern Venezuela (Amazonas; Bolivar), and northern Brazil (along Rio Uaupés and Rio Negro) ; tropical zone. Hemithraupis flavicollis hellmayri Berlepsch Hemithraupis flavicollis hellmayri Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, pp. 1082, 1141 — Brit. Guiana (Merumé Mts.). Southeastern Venezuela (eastern Bolivar) and western British Guiana (Merumé Mountains) ; tropical zone. Hemithraupis flavicollis flavicollis (Vieillot) Nemosia flavicollis Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 22, p. 491 —l’Amérique méridionale [= Ca- yenne]. Surinam, French Guiana, and northeastern Brazil (north of the Amazon west to Faro) ; tropical zone. Hemithraupis flavicollis obidensis Parkes and Humphrey Hemithraupis flavicollis obidensis Parkes and Humphrey, 1963, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 76, p. 83 — Obidos, Para, Brazil. THRAUPINAE al (iD) North bank of lower Amazon in Brazil (Obidos and Faro, Para) bird from the Rio Manacapurt, Amazonas, may be- long to this race. Hemithraupis flavicollis melanoxantha (Lichtenstein) S.[ylvia] melanoxantha Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl. zool. Mus. Berlin, p. 34 — Bahia [, Brazil]. Eastern Brazil in Pernambuco and Bahia. Hemithraupis flavicollis insignis (Sclater) Nemosia insignis P. L. Sclater, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 24, p. 110 — South Brazil [= “Rio” trade-skin], fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser, 135;t. Os p.379: Southeastern Brazil in Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro. Doubtfully distinct from H. f. melanoxantha. GENUS CHRYSOTHLYPIS BERLEPSCH! Chrysothlypis Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1080. Type, by original desig- nation, Tachyphonus chrysomelas P. L. Sclater and Sal- vin. Erythrothlypis Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1081. Type, by original designa- tion, Nemosia rosenbergi Rothschild = Dacnis salmoni Sclater. CHRYSOTHLYPIS CHRYSOMELAS Chrysothlypis chrysomelas chrysomelas (Sclater and Sal- vin) Tachyphonus chrysomelas P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1869, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 440, pl. 32 (male and fe- male) — Cordillera del Chuct, Veraguas, Panama. Eastern Costa Rica (Caribbean slope) and western Pan- ama (east to Veraguas); humid upper tropical and sub- tropical zones. Chrysothlypis chrysomelas ocularis Nelson Chrysothlypis chrysomelas ocularis Nelson, 1912, Smiths. 1 The females of chrysomelas and salmoni are very similar in plum- age. I do not consider the slenderer bill of the latter and the pattern and color of the males sufficiently different to merit more than sub- generic rank. — R.W.S. 276 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Misc. Coll., 60(3), p. 19 — Cana (at 3,500 feet altitude), eastern Panama. Extreme eastern Panama (Darién) ; tropical zone. CHRYSOTHLYPIS SALMONI Chrysothlypis salmoni (Sclater) Dacnis salmoni P. L. Sclater, 1886, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 11, p. 27, pl. 2, fig. 2— Remedios, Antioquia [, Colom- bia]. Western Colombia (Pacific coast region from upper Atrato Valley, south) and northwestern Ecuador (Es- meraldas) ; tropical zone. Colombian records from east of Pacific lowlands and foothills require confirmation. GENUS NEMOSIA VIEILLOT Nemosia Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 32. Type, by mon- otypy, “Tangara a coéffe noire, de Cayenne” Buffon = Tanagra pileata Boddaert. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1345, pp. 4-7. NEMOSIA PILEATA Nemosia pileata hypoleuca Todd Nemosia pileata hypoleuca Todd, 1916, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 29, p. 95 — Tucurinca, Santa Marta, Co- lombia. Northern Colombia (Caribbean coast from Sint Valley to Santa Marta region; lower Magdalena Valley south to about lat. 8° N.) and northern Venezuela (east to An- zoategui and northern Bolivar) ; tropical zone. Nemosia pileata surinamensis Zimmer Nemosia pileata surinamensis Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1345, p. 5— Paramaribo, Surinam. Guyana [British Guiana] and Surinam. Nemosia pileata pileata (Boddaert) Tanagra pileata Boddaert, 1783, Tabl. Planches enlum., p. 45; based on “Tangara a coéffe noire, de Cayenne” of Daubenton, 1765-80, Planches enlum., 720, fig. 2 (adult male) —- Cayenne. French Guiana, northeastern Brazil (north of the Amazon west to Faro; south of the Amazon between the Rio Madeira THRAUPINAE ra er and the Rio Tapajos), and extreme northern Bolivia (Vic- toria and Riberalta, lower Rio Beni). Nemosia pileata interna Zimmer Nemosia pileata interna Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1345, p. 4 — Igarapé Cacao Pereira, lower Rio Ne- gro (left bank), Brazil. Northern Brazil, upper Rio Branco region and left bank of lower Rio Negro. Nemosia pileata nana Berlepsch Nemosia pileata nana Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, pp. 1084, 1141 — north- eastern Peru (Samiria, Nauta and Sarayacu on the upper Amazon) ; type from [Rio] Samiria, fide Hell- mayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, Die9, pot Northeastern Peru (in the Amazon basin south to Yarinacocha) and western Brazil (east to Rosarinho, lower Rio Madeira). Nemosia pileata caerulea (Wied) H.[ylophilus] caeruleus Wied, 1831, Beitr. Naturg. Brasilien, 3, p. 731 — Bahia. Nemosia pileata paraguayensis Chubb, 1910, Ibis, p. 629 — Sapucay, Paraguay. Southern and eastern Brazil (south of the Amazon; east of the Tapajos, except in south), eastern Bolivia (except in extreme north), Paraguay, and adjacent parts of Argentine Chaco (Salta; Jujuy). NEMOSIA ROUREI Nemosia rourei Cabanis Nemosia Rouret Cabanis, 1870, Journ. f. Ornith., 18, p. 459 — Muriahié, north bank of Rio Parahyba do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Known only from type specimen. GENUS PHAENICOPHILUS StTRICKLAND Phaenicophilus Strickland, 1851, in Jardine’s Contrib. Ornith., 1, p. 104. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 74), Turdus palmarum Linnaeus. 278 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD ef. Bond, 1956, Check-list Birds West Indies, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, ed. 4, pp. 167-168. PHAENICOPHILUS PALMARUM Phaenicophilus palmarum (Linnaeus) Turdus palmarum Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 295; partly based on “‘Le Palmiste” and “Le Palmiste a teste noire’ of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 2, pp. 301, 308; pl. 29, figs. 1, 2 — Cayenne; error, Santo Domingo. Phaenicophilus palmarum eurous Wetmore, 1929, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 81(13), p. 3—Saona Island, Dominican Republic. Hispaniola (except southern peninsula of Haiti west of Trouin Valley) and adjacent Saona Island. PHAENICOPHILUS POLIOCEPHALUS Phaenicophilus poliocephalus poliocephalus (Bonaparte) Dulus poliocephalus Bonaparte, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 3, p. 178 — Hispaniola [= Haiti]. Phaenicophilus poliocephalus tetraopes Wetmore and Lin- coln, 1932, Auk, 49, p. 36 — Ile 4 Vache, Haiti. Southern peninsula of Haiti (Massif de la Hotte) and adjacent islands (Ile 4 Vache and Grande Cayemite), His- paniola. Phaenicophilus poliocephalus coryi Richmond and Swales Phaenicophilus poliocephalus coryi Richmond and Swales, 1924, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 37, p. 107 — Gonave Island, Haiti. Gonave Island, east of Haiti, Hispaniola. GENUS CALYPTOPHILUS Cory Calyptophilus Cory, 1884, Auk, 1, p.3. Type, by monotypy, Phoenicophilus frugivorus Cory. cf. Bond, 1956, Check-list Birds West Indies, ed. 4, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 168-169. CALYPTOPHILUS FRUGIVORUS Calyptophilus frugivorus frugivorus (Cory) Phoenicophilus frugivorus Cory, 1883, Quart. Journ. Bos- ton Zool. Soc., 2, p. 45—Santo Domingo; type from THRAUPINAE 279 Almercen [= Villa Rivas], fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 358. Dominican Republic (from Province of Benefactor east to Province of Samana), Hispaniola. Calyptophilus frugivorus tertius Wetmore Calyptophilus tertius Wetmore, 1929 (May 15), Smiths. Misc. Coll., 81(18), p. 2— higher slopes of Morne La Hotte, Haiti. Calyptophilus frugivorus selleanus Bond, 1929 (Oct. 3), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 81, p. 473 — Morne Malanga [, Massif de la Selle, Haiti]. Southern Haiti on higher mountains of massifs of la Hotte and la Selle, Hispaniola. Calyptophilus frugivorus abbotti Richmond and Swales Calyptophilus frugivorus abbotti Richmond and Swales, 1924, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 37, p. 106 — [La Mahotiére,| Gonave Island, Haiti; type from near La Mahotieére, fide Wetmore and Swales, 1931, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 155, p. 426. Gonave Island, east of Haiti, Hispaniola. GENUS RHODINOCICHLA HARTLAUB! Rhodinocichla Hartlaub, 1853, Journ. f. Ornith., 1, p. 33. Type, by original designation, Furnarius roseus Lesson. ef. Skutch, 1962, Auk, 79, pp. 633-639 (habits). Eisenmann, 1962, Auk, 79, pp. 640-648 (systematic position). RHODINOCICHLA ROSEA Rhodinocichla rosea schistacea Ridgway Rhodinocichla rosea, 6 schistacea Ridgway, 1878, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1, p. 247 — Sierra Madre of Colima and Rio Mazatlan, Western Mexico; type from Sierra Madre de Colima, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser.,, 13,, pt. 9,.p..007. Pacific coast of Mexico from Sinaloa to Michoacan (Coahuayana) ; tropical zone. 1 Systematic position uncertain, possibly related to Granatellus. — R.W.S. 280 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Rhodinocichla rosea eximia Ridgway Rhodinocichla rosea eximia Ridgway, 1902, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 50, pt. 2, p. 770 — Isthmus of Panama and north to southern Costa Rica; type from Bugaba (elev. 600 ft.), Chiriqui, Panama, fide Deignan, 1961, U.S. Nat.. Mus. Bull., 221, p. 586. Southwestern Costa Rica (Térraba Valley) and Panama (east to Canal Zone) ; tropical zone. Rhodinocichla rosea harterti Hellmayr Rhodinocichla rosea harterti Hellmayr, 1918, Verh. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 13, p. 304 — “‘Bogota,”’ Colombia. Central Colombia, on west slope of Eastern Andes from below Bogota south into eastern Tolima; upper tropical and lower subtropical zones. Rhodinocichla rosea beebei Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Rhodinocichla rosea beebei Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1949, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 62, p. 191 — La Sabana, Rio Negro, Perija, Zulia, Venezuela; altitude 1300 meters. Extreme northeastern Colombia (Cerro Alto del Cedro) and northwestern Venezuela (Sierra de Perija) ; lower sub- tropical zone. Rhodinocichla rosea rosea (Lesson) Furnarius roseus Lesson, 1882, Illustr. Zool., livr. 2, pl. 5 —du Brésil et du district peu connu de San-Jose; error, Caracas, Venezuela, substituted by Hellmayr, 1918, Verh. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 13, p. 3038. Northwestern Venezuela, from Falcén (Sierra de San Luis) and Andes of southern Lara east to Federal District and Miranda; upper tropical and lower subtropical zones. GENUS MITROSPINGUS Rmwcway Mitrospingus Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 225. Type, by original designation, Tachyphonus cassinii Lawrence. MITROSPINGUS CASSINII Mitrospingus cassinii costaricensis Todd Mitrospingus cassinu costaricensis Todd, 1922, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 35, p. 93 — El Hogar, Costa Rica. Caribbean lowlands of eastern Costa Rica and of extreme western Panama (Almirante Bay region) ; tropical zone. THRAUPINAE 281 Mitrospingus cassinii cassinii (Lawrence) Tachyphonus Cassinii Lawrence, 1861, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 7, p. 297 — Panama Railroad; type from Lion Hill, fide Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1080. Eastern Panama (west to Veraguas and Chiriqui La- goon), western Colombia (Pacific coast and east to middle Cauca Valley in Antioquia), and western Ecuador; tropical zone. MITROSPINGUS OLEAGINEUS Mitrospingus oleagineus obscuripectus Zimmer and Phelps Mitrospingus oleagineus obscuripectus Zimmer and Phelps, 1945, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1274, p. 9 — Mt. Ptari-tepui, Gran Sabana, State of Bolivar, Venezuela; Altitude 1600 meters. Southeastern Venezuela on hills of the Gran Sabana, southwestern Bolivar (except Mount Roraima), and ex- treme northern Brazil (Mount Uei-tepui) ; subtropical zone. Mitrospingus oleagineus oleagineus (Salvin) Eucometis oleaginea Salvin, 1886, Ibis, p. 500 — Twek- quay Mountain, Carimang River, British Guiana. Extreme southeastern Venezuela (Mount Roraima) and Guyana (British Guiana) (Mount Twek-quay) ; subtropical zone. GENUS CHLOROTHRAUPIS SALVIN AND GODMAN Chlorothraupis Salvin and Godman, (ex Ridgway MS) 1883, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, 1, p. 297. Type, by sub- sequent designation (Ridgway, 1884, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 6(1883), p. 412), Phoenicothraupis carmioli Lawrence. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1345, p. 1 (Peru). CHLOROTHRAUPIS CARMIOLI Chlorothraupis carmioli carmioli (Lawrence) Phoenicothraupis carmioli Lawrence, 1868, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, 9, p. 100 — Angostura [, Costa Rica]. Eastern Nicaragua, Caribbean slope of Costa Rica, and extreme northwestern Panama (Almirante Bay region) ; tropical zone. 282 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Chlorothraupis carmioli magnirostris Griscom Chlorothraupis carmioli magnirostris Griscom, 1927, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 280, p. 18—Santa Fé (2000 ft.), Veraguas, western Panama. Western Panama in Veraguas (both Caribbean and Pacific slopes) ; tropical zone. Chlorothraupis carmioli lutescens Griscom Chlorothraupis carmioli lutescens Griscom, 1927, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 280, p. 18 — Tacarcuna, eastern Pan- ama. Eastern Panama in San Blas Territory and Darién (north and east of valleys of Rio Chepo and Rio Chucu- naque) and presumably in northwestern Colombia near Gulf of Uraba; tropical zone. Chlorothraupis carmioli frenata Berlepsch Chlorothraupis carmioli frenata Berlepsch, 1907, Ornis, 14, p. 8349 — Marcapata, Peru. Southern Colombia (eastern base of Andes in Caqueta and Narino) and southeastern Peru from Huanuco, south; tropical zone. CHLOROTHRAUPIS OLIVACEA Chlorothraupis olivacea (Cassin) Orthogonys olivaceus Cassin, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 140 — Cordilleras Mountains, on the River Truando, New Granada [= Rio Truand6o, north- western Colombia]. Eastern Panama (Darién, south and west of valleys, of Rio Chepo and Rio Chucunaque), western Colombia (Pacific coast region and east to the Atrato, upper Sinu, and middle Magdalena valleys), and northwestern Ecuador (Esmeral- das) ; tropical zone. CHLOROTHRAUPIS STOLZMANNI Chlorothraupis stolzmanni dugandi de Schauensee Chlorothraupis stolzmanni dugandi de Schauensee, 1948, Notulae Naturae [Philadelphia], no. 209, p. 3—La Selva, 7000 ft., western slope of the Western Andes, Caldas, Colombia. Southwestern Colombia on west slope of Western Andes from headwaters of the Rio San Juan south to Narino; up- per tropical and subtropical zones. THRAUPINAE 283 Chlorothraupis stolzmanni stolzmanni (Berlepsch and Tac- zanowski) Phoenicothraupis stolzmanni Berlepsch and Taczanowski, 1883, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 546 — Chimbo, Ecua- dor. Western Ecuador; tropical zone. GENUS ORTHOGONYS STRICKLAND Orthogonys Strickland, 1844, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, p. 421. Type, by original designation, Tanagra viridis Spix =Tachyphonus chloricterus Vieillot. ORTHOGONYS CHLORICTERUS Orthogonys chloricterus (Vieillot) Tachyphonus chloricterus Vieillot, 1819, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 32, p. 360 — Brésil [=vicinity of Rio de Janeiro, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 296]. Southeastern Brazil, from Espirito Santo to Rio Grande do Sul. GENUS EUCOMETIS ScLATER Comarophagus Bonaparte, 1851, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 32, p. 81. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 72), Tanagra penicillata Spix. Eucometis P. L. Sclater, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 24, p. 117. New name for Comarophagus Bonaparte, 1851, preoccupied by Comarophagus Boie, 1826. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1345, pp. 2-4 (Peru). EUCOMETIS PENICILLATA Eucometis penicillata pallida Berlepsch Eucometis spodocephala pallida Berlepsch, 1888, Auk, 5, p. 451 — Yucatan. Southeastern Mexico (north to Veracruz and Yucatan), British Honduras, and eastern Guatemala; tropical zone. Intergrades with spodocephala along Caribbean slope of Honduras. 284 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Eucometis penicillata spodocephala (Bonaparte) Chlorospingus spodocephalus Bonaparte, 1854, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 37(1853), p. 922 — Nicaragua. Nicaragua (rare on Caribbean slope) and Pacific slope of Costa Rica (south to the Rio Grande de Pirris); tropical zone. Eucometis penicillata stictothorax Berlepsch Eucometis spodocephala stictothorax Berlepsch, 1888, Auk, 5, pp. 451-452 — Veragua [=Chiriqui, Panama]. Southwestern Costa Rica (south of the Rio Grande de Pirris) and western Panama (east to Veraguas) ; tropical zone. Eucometis penicillata cristata (Du Bus) Pipilopsis cristata Du Bus, 1855, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci., Lettr. et Beaux-Arts de Belgique, 22 (pt. 1), p. 1538 — Colombia. Eastern Panama (west to Canal Zone), northern and western Colombia (Caribbean coast; Panamanian border east across upper Sint Valley to Cauca and Magdalena val- leys; east of Andes in Arauca), and extreme western Venezuela (Sierra de Perija; south base of Andes in Bari- nas; Mérida; extreme southwestern Tachira; Apure) ; tropical and (rarely) subtropical zones. Eucometis penicillata affinis Berlepsch Eucometis cristata affinis Berlepsch, 1888, Auk, 5, pp. 451, 453 —Pto. Cabello [= Carabobo], Venezuela. Northern Venezuela from Falcon to Miranda; tropical zone. Eucometis penicillata penicillata (Spix) Tanagra penicillata Spix, 1825, Av. spec. Nov. Brasil., 2, p. 36, pl. 49, fig. 1 — no locality; Fonteboa, Amazonas [=Fonte Boa, Rio Solimdes, Brazil] suggested by Berlepsch, 1908, Novit. Zool., 15, p. 117. Southeastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes from Meta and Caqueta, south), eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, the Guianas, and northern Brazil (Amazon Valley and tributaries east to northern Maranhao) ; tropical zone. Eucometis penicillata albicollis (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) P.[yranga] albicollis d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 383 — Chiquitos [, Bo- livia]. THRAUPINAE 285 ~ Eastern Bolivia, south-central Brazil (from Mato Grosso and Goids south to northwestern Sao Paulo), and extreme northern Paraguay ; tropical zone. GENUS LANIO VIEILLOT Lanio Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 40. Type, by original designation, “Tangara mordoré” of Buffon = Tangara fulva Boddaert. ef. Zimmer, 1945, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1304, pp. 12-14. LANIO FULVUS Lanio fulvus peruvianus Carriker Lanio atricapillus peruvianus Carriker, 1934, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 86, p. 331 — Moyobamba, Dept. San Martin, Peru, altitude 3500 feet. Southern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes from Arauca to Putumayo), eastern Ecuador, and northeastern Peru (north of the Marafidn; the Moyobamba region) ; tropical zone. Lanio fulvus fulvus (Boddaert) Tangara sulva [sic] Boddaert, 1783, Tabl. Planches en- lum., p. 50; based on “Tangara jaune 4 téte noire, de Cayenne” of Daubenton, 1765-80, Planches enlum., pl. 809, fig. 2 (=male) — Cayenne. Southern Venezuela (central Amazonas; southern Bo- livar), the Guianas, and northern Brazil (south to north bank of lower Amazon) ; tropical zone. LANIO VERSICOLOR Lanio versicolor versicolor (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) T.[achyphonus] versicolor d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 28 — Yuracares, (rep. Boliviam). Eastern Peru (south of the Maranon, except in the Moyo- bamba region), northern Bolivia, and western Brazil (south of the Rio Solimdes and east to the lower Rio Madeira) ; tropical zone. Lanio versicolor parvus Berlepsch Lanio versicolor parvus Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, pp. 1078, 1140 — Sta. 286 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Elena, Rio Jamauchim, easterly affluent of the Rio Tapajoz, n. Brazil. Brazil south of the Amazon from the Rio Tapajos to the Rio Tocantins, also the upper Rio Madeira (Humaytha) and northern Mato Grosso; tropical zone. LANIO AURANTIUS Lanio aurantius Lafresnaye Lanio Aurantius Lafresnaye, 1846, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 9, p. 204— Colombia; error, Guatemala suggested by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Ber- lim, (911; ps L072: Southeastern Mexico (north to Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, and Quintana Roo), British Honduras, and Ca- ribbean slope of Guatemala and Honduras (except in extreme east) ; upper tropical zone. LANIO LEUCOTHORAX! Lanio leucothoroax leucothorax Salvin Lanio leucothorax Salvin, 1864, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 581 — Tucurriqui, Costa Rica. Extreme eastern Honduras (Olancho rain forest), eastern Nicaragua, and eastern Costa Rica (west to Hacienda Santa Maria, Guanacaste) ; upper tropical zone. Lanio leucothorax ictus Kennard and Peters Lanio leucothorax ictus Kennard and Peters, 1927, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 10, p. 1— Boquete Trail (2300 feet altitude), northwestern Panama. Extreme northwestern Panama, in Almirante Bay re- gion; tropical zone. Lanio leucothorax melanopygius Salvin and Godman Lanio melanopygius Salvin and Godman (ex Ridgway MS), 1883, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, 1, p. 305 — Bu- gaba [, Chiriqui], Panama. Southwestern Costa Rica (south of the Rio Diquis) and Pacific slope of western Panama (in Chiriqui and Vera- guas) ; tropical zone. Lanio leucothorax reversus Bangs and Griscom Lanio leucothorax reversus Bangs and Griscom, 19382, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 13, p. 53 — Las Agujas, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. 1 Sometimes considered conspecific with L. awrantius. —R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 287 Northwestern Costa Rica (Nicoya Peninsula; Puntarenas, Las Agujas) ; tropical zone. GENUS CREURGOPS ScLATER Creurgops P. L. Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 26, p. 73. Type, by monotypy, Creurgops verticalis Sclater. Malacothraupis P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1876, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 353. Type, by monotypy, Malacothraupis dentata. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1345, pp. 1-2 (Peru; generic limits). CREURGOPS VERTICALIS Creurgops verticalis Sclater . Creurgops verticalis P. L. Sclater (ex J. Verreaux MS), 1858; Proc: Zool. Soc. London, 26, p. 73, pl. 132, fic. 2 — Rio Napo, [eastern] Ecuador. Extreme southwestern Venezuela (Hacienda La Provi- dencia, southwestern TAchira), western Colombia (head of Magdalena Valley; Central and Western Andes; Andes of Narino), eastern Ecuador, and eastern Peru (south to Junin region) ; subtropical and humid temperate zones. CREURGOPS DENTATA Creurgops dentata (Sclater and Salvin) Malacothraupis dentata P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1876, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 353, pl. 31 — Tilotilo, Prov. Yungas [=Yungas of La Paz], Bolivia. Malacothraupis gustavi Berlepsch, 1901, Journ. f. Ornith., 49, p. 85 — Chaco, Yungas [of La Paz], Bolivia. Southeastern Peru (Inca Mine, Santo Domingo) and northern Bolivia (south to Yungas of Cochabamba) ; sub- tropical zone. GENUS HETEROSPINGUS RIDGWAY Heterospingus Ridgway, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 225. Type, by original designation, Tachyphonus rubrifrons Law- rence. 288 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD HETEROSPINGUS XANTHOPYGIUS Heterospingus xanthopygius rubrifrons (Lawrence)! Tachyphonus rubrifrons Lawrence, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 106 —line of Panama Railroad, near Lion Hill Station. Eastern Costa Rica and Panama (east to Darién) ; tropi- cal zone. Heterospingus xanthopygius xanthopygius (Sclater) Tachyphonus xanthopygius P. L. Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 22(1854), p. 158, pl. 69 —in Nova Grenada [= Bogota collections]. Eastern Panama (west to eastern Darién) and across northern Colombia to Norte de Santander; tropical zone. Heterospingus xanthopygius berliozi Wetmore Heterospingus xanthopygius berliozi Wetmore, 1965, Oiseau, 35 (No. Special), p. 158 — Nuqui, Chocd, Co- lombia. Pacific slope of western Colombia from northern Choco (intergrades with nominate race along the Rio Jurado) south to Caldas and Narino; tropical zone. Birds from north- western Ecuador presumably belong to this race. GENUS TACHYPHONUS VIEILLOT? Tachyphonus Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 33. Type, by mon- otypy, “Tangara noir” Buffon = Tangara rufa Boddaert. cf. Zimmer, 1945, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1304, pp. 14-26. TACHYPHONUS CRISTATUS Tachyphonus cristatus cristatus (Linnaeus) Tanagra cristata Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 817; based on “Le Tangara noir hupé de Cayenne” 1 Maintained as a full species by Eisenmann, 1955, Trans. Linn. Soc. New York, 7, p. 100, and de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South Amer., p. 487. — R.W.S. 2 Pyrrota valeryi, J. and E. Verreaux, 1855, which has been treated as a Tachyphonus, e.g., Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 325, is a synonym of the icterid Lampropsar tanagrinus tanagrinus (Spix), 1824. See Bond, 1951, Auk, 68, p. 528, and Storer, 1955, Auk, 72, pp. 299-300. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 289 of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 6, suppl., p. 65, pl. 4, fig. 8 — Cayenne. French Guiana and northeastern Brazil (north of the Amazon and east of the Rio Nhamunda). Tachyphonus cristatus intercedens Berlepsch Tachyphonus intercedens Berlepsch, 1880, Ibis, p. 118 — Orinoco district or Trinidad; Bartica Grove, British Guiana, suggested by Bradbourne and Chubb, 1912, Birds South Amer., p. 421. Eastern Venezuela (eastern Bolivar), Guyana, and Suri- nam; tropical and lower subtropical zones. Tachyphonus cristatus orinocensis Zimmer and Phelps Tachyphonus cristatus orinocensis Zimmer and Phelps, 1945, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1274, p. 7 — Sanariapo, middle Orinoco River, Territorio Amazonas, Venezuela; altitude 130 meters. Extreme eastern Colombia (Maipures) and southern Venezuela (eastern Amazonas from Cafio Cataniapo south to El Carmen; Bolivar along upper and lower Rio Caura, on Cerro Paurai-tepui, and upper Rio Paragua Valley) ; tropical zone. Tachyphonus cristatus cristatellus Sclater Tachyphonus cristatellus P. L. Sclater, 1862, Cat. Coll. Amer. Birds, p. 86 — New Granada [= Bogota, Colom- bia, fide Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1075]; Villavicencio, Colombia, suggested by Dugand and Borrero, 1946, Caldasia (Inst. Cienc. Nat. U. Nac. Colombia), 4(17), p. 164. Southeastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes from Vil- lavicencio region south and east), southern Venezuela (cen- tral and southern Amazonas, except in area occupied by T. c. orinocensis), northwestern Brazil (east to Manaus), and northeastern Peru (Apayacu) ; tropical zone. Tachyphonus cristatus fallax Zimmer Tachyphonus cristatus fallax Zimmer, 1945, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1304, p. 18 — Puerto Indiana, mouth of the Rio Napo, Pert. Southern Colombia (southeastern Narifio), eastern Ecua- dor, and northeastern Peru (crossing upper Amazon to 290 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD lower Ucayali; replaced by T. c. cristatellus to east of mouth of Rio Napo) ; tropical zone. Tachyphonus cristatus huarandosae Chapman Tachyphonus cristatus huarandosae Chapman, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 187, p. 8 — Huarandosa, 3000 ft., Chinchipe Valley, near the Rio Marafion, northern Peru. Known only from type locality. Tachyphonus cristatus madeirae Hellmayr Tachyphonus cristatus madeirae Hellmayr, 1910, Novit. Zool., 17, p. 277 — Calama |, Rio Madeira, Brazil? Central Brazil, south of the Amazon from Teffe east to the Rio Xingu and south into Mato Grosso. Tachyphonus cristatus pallidigula Zimmer Tachyphonus cristatus pallidigula Zimmer, 1945, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1304, p. 18— Mocajuba, Rio Tocan- tins, Brazil. Northeastern Brazil (eastern Para district and lower Rio Tocantins). Tachyphonus cristatus brunneus (Spix) Tanagra brunnea Spix, 1825, Av. spec. Nov. Brasil., 2, p. 87, pl. 49, fig. 2 (young male) —in Provincia Rio de Janeiro. Eastern Brazil from Pernambuco to Sao Paulo. The sub- specific status of birds from Maranhao east to Parahyba re- mains to be determined. Tachyphonus cristatus nattereri Pelzeln! Tachyphonus Nattereri Pelzeln, 1870, Ornith. Brasil., 3, pp. 214, 328 — Villa Maria and Salto do Girao, Matto Grosso; type from Villa Maria, fide Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1076. Southwestern Brazil in Mato Grosso (Villa Maria, Rio Paraguay; [?] Salto do Girao, Rio Madeira). 1 Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil (Publ. Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo), pt. 2, p. 518 and de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South Amer., p. 486, maintain nattereri as a full species; Zimmer, 1945, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1304, p. 17, presents reasons for considering it a race of cristatus. I have not seen this form. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 291 TACHYPHONUS RUFIVENTER Tachyphonus rufiventer (Spix) Tanagra rufiventer Spix, 1825, Av. spec. Nov. Brasil., 2, p. 37, pl. 50, fig. 1 — in sylvis Parae; error, Sao Paulo de Olivenca, Rio Solimoes, Brazil, substituted by Hell- mayr, 1920, Archiv f. Naturg., ser. A, 85(10), p. 28. Not preoccupied by Tanagra rufiventris Vieillot, 1819 (cf. Zimmer, 1945, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1304, p. 23). “Tachyphonus serrirostris Strickl.” Stone, 1899, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 47. Cited in synonymy of “Tachyphonus rufiventer Spix.” Tachyphonus metallactus Oberholser, 1919, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 32, p. 240. New name for Tanagra rufiventer Spix, 1825, preoccupied by Tanagra rufiven- tris Vieillot, 1819. Eastern Peru (south of the Rio Maranon), northern Bolivia (La Paz), and adjacent parts of western Brazil; tropical zone. Doubtfully recorded from Rio Napo, eastern Ecuador. TACHYPHONUS SURINAMUS Tachyphonus surinamus surinamus (Linnaeus) Turdus surinamus Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 297; based on ‘‘Le Merle de Surinam” of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 6, suppl., p. 46, pl. 3, fig. 1 — Suri- nam. Eastern and southern Venezuela (southeastern Sucre, eastern Monagas, southern Bolivar, and northern Amazonas, south to San Fernando de Atabapo and foot of Cerro Duida), the Guianas, and northern Brazil (south to north bank of lower Amazon) ; tropical zone. Tachyphonus surinamus brevipes Lafresnaye Tachyphonus brevipes Lafresnaye, 1846, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 9, p. 206 — Colombie [= Bogota]. Eastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes, from ‘‘Bogota” and Villavicencio, south) southern Venezuela (southwestern Amazonas), northwestern Brazil (upper Rio Negro), east- ern Ecuador, and northeastern Peru (south to north bank of the Amazon but crossing the Marafdén to the lowlands between it and the Huallaga; the valley of the Rio Napo) ; tropical zone. 292 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Tachyphonus surinamus napensis Lawrence Tachyphonus Napensis Lawrence, 1864, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 8, p. 42— Napo River; part error, Orosa, Peru, suggested by Zimmer, 1945, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1304, p. 21. Tachyphonus surinamus saturatus Pinto, 1941 (May 9), Papéis Avulsos, Dept. Zool., Sio Paulo, 1, p. 209 — Santa Cruz, right bank of Rio Hirt, Brazil, above Jurua near Sao Felipe or Joao Pessoa. Tachyphonus surinamus uropygialis Gyldenstolpe, 1941 (June 26), Arkiv Zool., 33B(12), p. 2— Joao Pessda, upper Rio Jurua (left bank), Estado do Amazonas, Brazil. Eastern Peru (south of the Amazon) and northwestern Brazil (east along the Rio Solimées at least to Teffé; valley of the Rio Jurua) ; tropical zone. Tachyphonus surinamus insignis Hellmayr Tachyphonus surinamus insignis Hellmayr, 1906, Novit. Zool., 13, p. 357 — Bemfica, Para [, Brazil]. Northern Brazil, south of the Amazon, from lower Rio Madeira (Borba) east through Para; tropical zone. TACHYPHONUS LUCTUOSUS Tachyphonus luctuosus nitidissimus Salvin Tachyphonus nitidissimus Salvin, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, p. 188 — Bugaba [, Chiriqui, Panama]. Pacific slope of southwestern Costa Rica (north at least to the Rio Grande de Pirris) and extreme western Panama (Chiriqui) ; tropical zone. Tachyphonus luctuosus axillaris (Lawrence) Chlorospingus axillaris Lawrence, 1874, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, 10, p. 395 — Costa Rica, Volcan de Irazu [= Talamanca, Costa Rica, fide Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1077]. Caribbean slope of eastern Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and extreme western Panama (Almirante Bay re- gion) ; tropical zone. Tachyphonus luctuosus panamensis Todd Tachyphonus luctuosus panamensis Todd, 1917, Proc. THRAUPINAE 293 Biol. Soc. Washington, 30, p. 128 — Gatun, Canal Zone, Panama. Eastern Panama (from Canal Zone eastward), northern and western Colombia (Pacific slope; the Sinu, Cauca, and Magdalena valleys; Caribbean coastal region; and Zulia Valley east of Eastern Andes), western Ecuador (south to Santa Rosa), and western Venezuela (east base of Sierra de Perija; eastern Zulia south to Tachira) ; tropical and sub- tropical zones. Tachyphonus luctuosus luctuosus d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye T.[achyphonus| luctuosus d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 18387, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 29 — Guarayos [Bolivia]. Southeastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes in Orinoco and Amazon basins), eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, Bo- livia (east of the Andes), Venezuela (near Andes from Barinas to Tachira; Amazonas; Bolivar; and Orinoco delta region), British, Dutch and (probably) French Quiana, and northern Brazil (east to Parad and south to Mato Grosso) ; tropical zone. Tachyphonus luctuosus flaviventris (Sclater) Chlorospingus flaviventris P. L. Sclater, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 24, p. 91— Trinidad; Bolivia?; restricted to Trinidad by Zimmer, 1945, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1304, p. 24. Trinidad and extreme northeastern Venezuela (Cristébal Colon and Cumanacoa, Sucre) ; tropical zone. TACHYPHONUS DELATRII Tachyphonus delatrii Lafresnaye Tachyphonus Delatrii Lafresnaye, 1847, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 10, p. 72 — St-Bonaventure [= Buenaventura, Colombia]. Tachyphonus delatrii longirostris Huber, 1929, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 81, p. 471 — Great Falls, Pis Pis River, Nicaragua. Caribbean coast of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama, western Colombia (Gorgona Island; Pacific coast; and east- ward across Atrato and upper Sint valleys to middle Magdalena Valley), and western Ecuador; tropical zone. 294 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD TACHYPHONUS CORONATUS Tachyphonus coronatus (Vieillot) A.[gelaius] Coronatus Vieillot, 1822, in Bonnaterre and Vieillot, Tabl. Enc. Méth., Ornith., 2, livr. Sipe yin based on “‘Tordo de bosque coronado y negro” no. 77, of Azara, 1802, Apuntamientos Hist. Nat. Paxaros Paragiiay Rio Plata, 1, p. 328 — Paraguay. Southeastern Brazil (from Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo, south), eastern Paraguay, and adjacent part of Ar- gentina (Misiones). TACHYPHONUS RUFUS Tachyphonus rufus (Boddaert) Tangara rufa Boddaert, 17838, Tabl. Planches enlum., p. 44; based on “Le Tangaroux de Cayenne” of Dauben- ton, 1765-80, Planches enlum., pl. 711 (=female) — Cayenne. Tachyphonus rufus subulirostris Pinto, 1935, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 19, p. 268— Bomfim, northeastern Bahia, Brazil. Eastern Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (widely distrib- uted), Venezuela (except in extreme east and south), in- cluding Margarita Island, Trinidad and Tobago, the Guianas, eastern Brazil (east of the Tapajos and south to Mato Grosso and northern Sao Paulo), eastern Peru (upper Maranon and Huayabamba and Urubamba valleys), Para- guay (locally), and extreme northeastern Argentina (Formosa, Chaco, northern Santa Fe, Misiones, and Cor- rientes to northern Buenos Aires) ; tropical and subtropical zones. Not recorded from Bolivia or Amazon Valley above mouth of the Tapajés. Provisionally recorded from north- western Ecuador (Parambas; Balsapamba) .! TACHYPHONUS PHOENICIUS Tachyphonus phoenicius Swainson Tachyphonus phoenicius Swainson, 1838 (18387?), Anim. Menag., p. 311 — Fernando Po, on the African coast; 1 Orcés, 1944, Flora, 4, p. 110. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 295 error, eastern Peru suggested by Berlepsch, 1908, Novit. Zool., 15, p. 116.1 Central Colombia (east base of Eastern Andes in Meta), southern Venezuela (Amazonas; southern Bolivar), the Guianas, northern Brazil (east to the Tapajos and south to northern Mato Grosso), and eastern Peru (Jeberos; Rio Negro, west of Moyobamba); tropical and subtropical zones. GENUS TRICHOTHRAUPIS CABANIS Trichothraupis Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Heineanum, 1(1851), p. 23. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 72), Tachy- phonus 4-color [=quadricolor] Vieillot = Muscicapa melanops Vieillot. cf. Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1845, p. 4 (geo- graphic variation). TRICHOTHRAUPIS MELANOPS Trichothraupis melanops (Vieillot) Muscicapa melanops Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 21, p. 452; based on “Lindo pardo copete amarillo,” no. 101, of Azara, 1802, Apuntamientos Hist. Nat. Paxaros Paragtiay Rio Plata, 1, p. 398 — Para- guay. Eastern Peru (north to San Martin), eastern Bolivia, southeastern Brazil (north to southern Bahia and west to Mato Grosso), Paraguay (east of Rio Paraguay), and ex- © treme northeastern Argentina (Misiones) ; tropical zone. GENUS HABIA BLYTH Habia Blyth, 1840, in Cuvier’s Animal Kingdom, p. 184 [reference not verified]. Type, by subsequent designa- tion (Oberholser, 1922, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 35, p. 80), Tanagra flammiceps Temminck (ex Wied MS) =Staltator [sic] rubicus Vieillot. cf. Zimmer, 1945, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1304, pp. 9-12. 1 Berlepsch’s subsequent suggestion (1912, Verh. V. Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1075) of “Cayenne” as type locality must be considered invalid unless new evidence resulting from an examination of the type, which may be lost, is forthcoming. — R.W.S. 296 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD HABIA RUBICA Habia rubica holobrunnea Griscom : Habia rubica holobrunnea Griscom, 1930, Occas. Papers Boston Soe. Nat. Hist., 5, p. 290 — Motzorongo, Vera Cruz [, Mexico]. Eastern Mexico, from southern Tamaulipas through Vera- eruz (except eastern lowlands) to northern Oaxaca (Soy- altepec) ; subtropical zone. Habia rubica rosea (Nelson) Phoenicothraupis rubicoides roseus Nelson, 1898, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12, p. 60— Arroyo de Juan Sanchez (50 miles north of Ixtapa, Jalisco), Territory of Tepic, Mexico. Pacific slope of southwestern Mexico from Nayarit and Jalisco to Guerrero; chiefly tropical zone. Habia rubica affinis (Nelson) Phoenicothraupis rubicoides affinis Nelson, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 66 — Pinotepa, Oaxaca, Mexico. Known only from type locality in southwestern Oaxaca, Pacific slope of southern Mexico. Habia rubica nelsoni (Ridgway) Phoenicothraupis rubica nelsoni Ridgway, 1902, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 50, pt. 2, p. 145— Peninsula of Yucatan (Puerto Morelos [, Quintana Roo]) including Cam- peche (Apazote). Southeastern Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula north of south- ern Campeche) ; tropical rain forest. Habia rubica rubicoides (Lafresnaye) Salt.[ator] rubicoides Lafresnaye, 1844, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 7, p. 41 — Mexico. Phoenicothraupis rubica confinis Bangs, 1905, Proc. Biol. Soe. Washington, 18, p. 156 — Yaruca, Honduras. Southern Mexico (from Puebla and lowlands of eastern Veracruz through eastern Oaxaca, Tabasco, and southern Campeche to Chiapas), Guatemala, British Honduras, Hon- duras, El Salvador, and. possibly Nicaragua; tropical zone. Habia rubica vinacea (Lawrence) Phenicothraupis vinacea Lawrence, 1867, Proc. Acad: Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 19, p. 94 New Granada, line of Panama Railroad. THRAUPINAE 297 Habia rubica aurantiicapilla Aldrich, 1987, Sci. Publ. Cleveland Mus. Nat. Hist., 7, p. 182— Cerro Viejo, altitude 3000 feet, between the headwaters of the Negro and Mariato Rivers, 18 miles east of Montijo Bay, Veraguas, Panama. Pacific slope of Costa Rica (north to Nicoya Peninsula) and of Panama (east to Darien) ; tropical zone. Habia rubica alfaroana (Ridgway) Phoenicothraupis alfaroana Ridgway, 1905, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 18, p. 212 — Miravalles, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Northwestern Costa Rica (Guanacaste). Habia rubica rubra (Vieillot) Tachyphonus ruber Vieillot, 1819, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 32, p. 359 — Trinidad. Trinidad; tropical and lower subtropical zones. Habia rubica crissalis Parkes Habia rubica crissalis Parkes, 1969, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 89, p. 83 — Mirasol (8,000 feet), about 15 km. S. of Cumanacoa, Sucre, Venezuela. Northeastern Venezuela in Cordillera de la Costa from Anzoategui east through Sucre; lower edge of subtropical zone and occasionally tropical zone. Habia rubica mesopotamia Parkes Habia rubica mesopotamia Parkes, 1969, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 89, p. 84— Rio Yuruan (a tributary of the Rio Cuyuni), eastern Bolivar, Venezuela. Known only from type locality. Habia rubica perijana Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Habia rubica perijana Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1957, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 70, p. 126 — Barranquilla, Ran- cheria Julian, Sierra de Perija, Venezuela; 960 meters. Known only from Sierra de Perija (Cerro Alto Cedro to upper Rio Negro) in extreme northwestern Venezuela and adjacent part of Colombia; upper tropical zone. Habia rubica coccinea (Todd) Phoenicothraupis rubica coccinea Todd, 1919, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 32, p. 118— La Colorada, Boyaca, Colombia. 298 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD North-central Colombia (east base of Eastern Andes in Arauca and Boyaca) and western Venezuela (western Lara; northern part of Andes of Mérida; and southern Tachira [Burgua]) ; upper tropical zone. Habia rubica rhodinolaema (Salvin and Godman) Phoenicothraupis rhodinolaema Salvin and Godman, 1883, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, 1, p. 8300 — Sarayacu, [east- ern] Ecuador. Southeastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes from Meta to Caqueta), eastern Ecuador, northeastern Peru (mouth of Rio Curaray; Apayacu), and extreme northwestern Brazil (Tahuapunto, Rio Uaupés) ; tropical zone. Habia rubica peruviana (Taczanowski) Phoenicothraupis peruvianus Taczanowski, 1884, Ornith. Pérou, 2, p. 498 — Chayavetas, Chamicuros, Yurima- guas, and Monterico, Peru; restricted to Yurimaguas by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1070. Phoenicothraupis rubica amabilis Berlepsch, 1907, Ornis, 14, p. 348 —San Mateo, northern base of the Sierra de Cochabamba, Bolivia. Eastern Peru (except northern part) and northern, east- ern, and central Bolivia (specimens from Santa Cruz, Carnegie Museum) ; tropical zone. Intergrades with H. r. hesterna in western Brazil (Tonantins and Sao Paulo de Olivenca, Rio Solimdes, and middle Purtis, specimens in Carnegie Museum). Habia rubica hesterna Griscom and Greenway Habia rubica hesterna Griscom and Greenway, 1937, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 81, p. 437 — Pataua, right bank of the Rio Tapajoz, Para, Brazil. Central Brazil south of the Amazon, east to Rio Xingu (Tapara) and south to northern Mato Grosso; tropical zone. 1 Some form of H. rubica occurs in the upper Sini Valley of Colombia (de Schauensee, 1951, Caldasia (Inst. Cienc. Nat. U. Nac. Colombia), 5(25), p. 1053), and on the west slope of the Eastern Andes in Magdalena (Parkes, 1969, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 89, p. 84). — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 299 Habia rubica bahiae Hellmayr Habia rubica bahiae Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 301 — Bahia, Brazil. Bahia, eastern Brazil. Habia rubica rubica (Vieillot) Staltator [sic] rubicus Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 14, p. 107; based on “Habia roxiza,” no. 85, of Azara, 1802, Apuntamientos Hist. Nat. Pa- xaros Paragiiay Rio Plata, 1, p. 351 — Paraguay. Southeastern Brazil (from southern Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo, south) and adjacent parts of Paraguay and Argentina (Misiones). HABIA FUSCICAUDA! Habia fuscicauda salvini (Berlepsch) Phoenicothraupis salvini Berlepsch, 1883, Ibis, p. 487 — Guatemala, Yucatan, Brit. Honduras, ?Tehuantepec; type from Verapaz, Guatemala, fide Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1070. Phoenicothraupis littoralis Nelson, 1901 (Jan.), Auk, 18, p. 48 — Frontera, Tabasco, Mexico. Habia salvini wetmorei Dickey and van Rossem, 1927, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 40, p. 5 — Puerto del Tri- unfo, Department of Usulutan, El Salvador. Southeastern Mexico (from San Luis Potosi and southern Tamaulipas south through Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca and Tabasco to Chiapas), Guatemala (except Petén), British Honduras, Honduras, and El Salvador; tropical zone. Birds from southern Campeche (and presumably northern British Honduras) are intermediate between this form and H. f. insularis. Habia fuscicauda insularis (Salvin) Phoenicothraupis insularis Salvin, 1888, Ibis, p. 259 — Meco I.; Mugeres I.; type from Meco Island [off Quin- 1 Much of the variation within this species appears to be of a mosaic type (the “non-clinal or random” type of Phillips, 1959, Journ. Arizona Acad. Sci., 1, p. 28). According to Phillips, in litt., the ranges of salvini and insularis are disjunct populations of birds resembling one occurring in the range of the other. A thorough, de- tailed study of: variation within this species would be enlightening. — R.W.S. 300 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD tana Roo, Mexico], fide Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1071. Phoenicothraupis salvini peninsularis Ridgway, 1901 (Apr.), Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 3, p. 150 — Izalam, Yucatan. Phoenicothraupis salvini rooensis Griscom, 1926, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 235, p. 17— Chunyaxche, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Southeastern Mexico (northern and eastern portions of Yucatan Peninsula; Meco and Mujeres islands) and north- ern Guatemala (Petén) ; tropical zone. Habia fuscicauda discolor (Ridgway) Phoenicothraupis salvini discolor Ridgway, 1901, Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 3, p. 150— Rio Escondido, eastern Nicaragua. Nicaragua (except in extreme south) ; tropical zone. Habia fuscicauda fuscicauda (Cabanis) Phoenicothraupis fuscicauda Cabanis, 1861, Journ. f. Ornith., 9, p. 86 — Costa Rica. Extreme southern Nicaragua, Costa Rica (Caribbean slope and Pacific slope south to Rio Grande de Tar- coles), and extreme western Panama; tropical zone. Habia fuscicauda willisi Parkes Habia fuscicauda willisi Parkes, 1969, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 82, p. 288 — Boca del Rio Indio, Col6n, Panama. Central Panama from northeastern Coclé and Coloén through Canal Zone to western San Blas (Mandinga), chiefly on Caribbean slope. Intergrades with nominate fuscicauda known from western Bocas del Toro province (Almirante and vicinity) ; tropical zone. Habia fuscicauda erythrolaema (Sclater) Phoenicothraupis erythrolaema (Bonaparte MS) Sclater, 1862, Cat. Coll. Amer. Bds., p. 83 —“S. Martha, New Grenada.” “Vicinity of the mouth of the Rio Sint [Colombia]” substituted as type locality by Parkes, 1969, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 82, p. 237. Caribbean coast region of Colombia (Cérdoba; Bolivar; Atlantico) ; tropical zone. THRAUPINAE 301 HABIA ATRIMAXILLARIS! Habia atrimaxillaris (Dwight and Griscom) Phoenicothraupis atrimazillaris Dwight and Griscom, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 142, p. 4— Puerto Ji- menez, Golfo Dulce, Prov. de Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Known only from Puntarenas in southwestern Costa Rica; tropical zone. HABIA GUTTURALIS Habia gutturalis (Sclater) Phoenicothraupis gutturalis P. L. Sclater, 1854, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, 13, p. 25 -— in Nova Grenada? [= Colombia]. Northwestern Colombia in middle Magdalena and Rio Nechi valleys; tropical zone. HABIA CRISTATA Habia cristata (Lawrence) Phaenicothraupis cristata Lawrence, 1875, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 11, p. 70 — New Granada, ‘“‘Bogota.” Western Colombia, in steep ravines between 700 and 2,000 m. on Pacific slope of Western Andes from Antioquia to southern Cauca (Cerro Munchique). GENUS PIRANGA VIEILLOT Piranga Vieillot, 1808, Hist. Nat. Ois. Amér. Sept., 1(1807), p. iv. Type, by monotypy, Muscicapa rubra Linnaeus, 1776 = Fringilla rubra Linnaeus, 1758. cf. Zimmer, 1945, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1304, pp. 7-9; 1947, zbid., no. 1345, pp. 21-23 (Peru). Amer. Ornith. Union, 1957, Check-List North Amer. Birds, ed. 5, pp. 542-546. Le Febvre and Warner, 1959, Auk, 76, pp. 208-217 (molts and plumages of P. bidentata). Bent, 1958, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 211, pp. 466-509 (life histories). PIRANGA BIDENTATA Piranga bidentata bidentata (Swainson) Pyranga bidentata Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1, p. 488 — Temiscaltipec [,México]. 1 Possibly a race of Habia fuscicauda. — R.W.S. 302 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Western Mexico, from Sonora and Chihuahua south to Guerrero and east to México (Temascaltepec) and Morelos; subtropical and temperate zones. Piranga bidentata flammea Ridgway P.[iranga] flammea Ridgway, 1887, Manual North Amer. Birds, p. 457 — Tres Marias Islands, western Mexico. Tres Marias Islands (Maria Madre, Maria Magdalena, and Maria Cleofas), Nayarit, Mexico. Piranga bidentata sanguinolenta (Lafresnaye) Pyranga sanguinolenta Lafresnaye, 1839, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 2, p. 97 — Mexico. Piranga bidentata alvarezi Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 151 — Km. 183, near top of highest ridge to north [of San Gabriel Mixtepec] (below San Juan Lachao, Pueblo Viejo), south-western Oaxaca (ca: lat. 16° 5-13’ N., long. 97° 77 WW.) Eastern Mexico (from Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas south through Veracruz and Chiapas), Guatemala, northwestern Honduras, and El Salvador; subtropical and temperate zones. Piranga bidentata citrea van Rossem Piranga bidentata citrea van Rossem, 1934, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 7, p. 367 — Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama. Highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama. PIRANGA FLAVA Piranga flava hepatica (Swainson) Pyranga hepatica Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1, p. 488 — Real del Monte [= Temascaltepec, México]. Piranga flava zimmeri van Rossem, 1942, Auk, 59, p. 87 — Chinobampo, southern Sonora, Mexico. Piranga flava intensa Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 151 — vicinity of San Miguel Suchixtepec (above Rio Molino), municipio de Miahuatlan, Oaxaca [, Mexico]. Southwestern United States (north to northwestern and central Arizona and southwestern New Mexico) and west- ern Mexico (south through highlands west of Sierra Madre Oriental to Guerrero and Oaxaca). Winters from south- THRAUPINAE 303 eastern Arizona and south coast of Sonora to southern limits of breeding range, descending to coastal and lowland areas. Piranga flava dextra Bangs Piranga hepatica dextra Bangs, 1907, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 20, p. 30 — Jalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Piranga hepatica oreophasma Oberholser, 1919, Auk, 36, p. 74 — Pine Canyon, at 6000 ft. altitude, Chisos Moun- tains, central western Texas. Southwestern United States (from mountains east of continental divide in north-central New Mexico through western Texas) and eastern Mexico (from Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas south to central Veracruz, eastern Oaxaca, and Chiapas). Winters from central Nuevo Leon and northern Tamaulipas south to western Guatemala. Piranga flava figlina (Salvin and Godman) Pyranga figlina Salvin and Godman, 1883, Biol. Centr.- Amer., Aves, 1, p. 293 — Manati River, British Hon- duras, and pine-ridge of Poctun, Guatemala; type from Manati River, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. ist. Publ.; Zool. Ser., 13; pt. 9, p. 283. Lowland pine savannas of eastern Guatemala and British Honduras. Piranga flava savannarum Howell Piranga flava savannarum Howell, 1965, Auk, 82, p. 455 —6 miles NW of Puerto Cabezas, elevation about 33 m (100 ft.), Department of Zelaya, Nicaragua. Lowland pine savanna of extreme eastern Honduras and northeastern Nicaragua. Piranga flava albifacies Zimmer Piranga flava albifacies Zimmer, 1929, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 17, p. 205 — San José del Sacare, Chalatenango, Salvador. Altitude 3600 feet. Montane pine and pine-oak forests of western Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and north-central Nicaragua. Piranga flava testacea (Sclater and Salvin) Pyranga testacea P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1868, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 388— Chitra et Calovevora, Veragua [,Panama]; type from Chitra, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 282. 304 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Costa Rica and Panama (east to Cape Garachiné) ; sub- tropical zone. Piranga flava desidiosa Bangs and Noble Piranga testacea desidiosa Bangs and Noble, 1918, Auk, 35, p. 461 — La Maria, Dagua Valley, west Colombia. Southwestern Colombia, in middle and upper Cauca Valley and western slope of Western Andes from upper Dagua Valley to Munchique region and upper Patia Valley; upper tropical and subtropical zones. Piranga flava lutea (Lesson) Pithylus luteus Lesson, 1834, Institut, 2(72), p. 316 — Callao, Peru. Extreme southwestern Colombia (Guditara Valley, Na- rino), western Ecuador, Peru, and northwestern Bolivia (Yungas of La Paz and Cochabamba; western Santa Cruz, Cerro Hosane, specimens in Carnegie Museum); in sub- tropical zone and arid coastal region of Peru from Libertad to Lima. Piranga flava haemalea (Salvin and Godman) Pyranga haemalea Salvin and Godman, 1883, Ibis, p. 205 — [Cerro] Roraima, Guiana Brit. [= Bolivar, Vene- zuela]. Southern Venezuela (mountains of Amazonas and north- western and southern Bolivar), western Guyana (British Guiana), and extreme northern Brazil (Sierra Imeri) ; sub- tropical zone. Piranga flava faceta Bangs Piranga faceta Bangs, 1898, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12, p. 141— Santa Marta [region] (alt. 3,000 feet), Colombia. Northern Colombia (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), northern Venezuela (coastal mountains from northwestern Zulia to Peninsula de Paria; south in Andes to Tachira), Trinidad; upper tropical and subtropical zones. Piranga flava toddi Parkes Piranga flava toddi Parkes, 1969, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 89, p. 82 — El Cauca, Magdalena, Colombia (W. slope of E. Andes, 900 metres). Known only from type locality. THRAUPINAE 305 Piranga flava macconnelli Chubb Piranga saira macconnelli Chubb, 1921, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, 8, p. 446 — Upper Tukutu Mountains, British Guiana. Southern Guyana (British Guiana) and adjacent parts of extreme northern Brazil (upper Rio Branco) ; may oc- cur in Surinam and French Guiana; savanna country. Piranga flava saira (Spix) Tanagra saira Spix, 1825, Av. spec. Nov. Brasil., 2, p. 35, pl. 48, fig. 1 — no locality ; Caxias, Piauhy, suggested as type locality by Hellmayr, 1929, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 12(18), p. 283. Eastern Brazil, from north bank of the Amazon (Monte Alegre and Serra de Ereré) south to Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul. Piranga flava rosacea Todd Piranga saira rosacea Todd, 1922, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, 35, p. 92— Palmarito, Rio San Julian, Chi- quitos, [eastern] Bolivia. Eastern Bolivia, from Santa Cruz east to Chiquitos district. Piranga flava flava (Vieillot) S.[altator] Flavus Vieillot, 1822, in Bonnaterre and Vieil- lot, Tabl. Enc. Méth., Ornith., 2, livr. 91, p. 791; based on “Habia amarilla,” no. 87, of Azara, 1802, Apunta- mientos Hist. Nat. Paxaros Paragiiay Rio Plata, 1, p. 358 — Paraguay. Southern Bolivia (north to Sierra de Cochabamba), Para- guay, northern Argentina (south to La Rioja, Cordoba, Santa Fe, and northern Buenos Aires), and Uruguay. Popu- lation in Misiones may represent race saira (Olrog, 1963, Opera Lilloana, Inst. Miguel Lillo, Univ. Nac. Tucumaén, no: 9, -p.-305). PIRANGA RUBRA Piranga rubra cooperi (Ridgway) Pyranga Cooperi Ridgway, 1869, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 21, p. 130 — Los Pinos, New Mexico. Piranga rubra hueyi van Rossem, 1938, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 9, p. 13 — Pot-holes [= Laguna Dam], Imperial County, California. 306 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Piranga rubra ochracea Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 151 — Trout Creek just above its mouth, near Cane Springs, lat. 34° 57’ N. long. 118° 87’ W., western Arizona. Southwestern United States (north to southeastern Cal- ifornia, southern Nevada, central Arizona, central New Mexico, and western Texas) and northern Mexico (south to northeastern Baja California, southeastern Sonora, north- ern Durango, southeastern Coahuila, and central Nuevo Leén). Winters in Mexico from southern Baja California and southern Sinaloa southeast to Michoacan, Morelos, and Guerrero. Piranga rubra rubra (Linnaeus) Fringilla rubra Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 181; based on “The Summer Red-Bird, Muscicapa rubra” of Catesby, 1731, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 1, p. 56, pl. 56 —in America [= South Carolina]. From southeastern United States north to southeastern Nebraska, southeastern Iowa, central Ohio, and southern Delaware and west to west central Texas; south to southern Texas, Gulf Coast, and southern Florida. Winters from southern Mexico (Michoacan, Puebla, Veracruz, and Yuca- tan Peninsula) south through Central America and northern South America to south central Peru, western Bolivia, west- ern Brazil, and southeastern Venezuela. Rare in winter and on migration in West Indies. PIRANGA ROSEOGULARIS Piranga roseogularis roseogularis (Cabot) Pyranga roseo-gularis Cabot, 1846, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., 5(3), p. 416 — road from Chemax [, Yucatan] to Yalahao, Yucatan [= Yalahau, Quintana Roo]. More arid, northern portion of Yucatan Peninsula (north- ern Campeche, Yucatan, and northern Quintana Roo), Mexico. Piranga roseogularis tincta Paynter Piranga roseo-gularis tincta Paynter, 1950, Postilla, Yale Univ., no. 4, p. 1— Chetumal, Territory of Quintana Roo, Mexico. More humid, central and southern portions of Yucatan Peninsula (central and southern portions of Campeche and THRAUPINAE 307 of Quintana Roo) to northern Guatemala (Petén) and (?) British Honduras (Gallon Jug, sight record, Russell, 1964, Ornith. Monogr. [Amer. Ornith. Union], no. 1, p. 171). Piranga roseogularis cozumelae Ridgway Piranga roseo-gularis cozumelae Ridgway, 1901, Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 3, p. 149 — Cozumel I., Yucatan [= Quintana Roo]. Cozumel Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico. (Birds from Mujeres Island may belong to this subspecies.) PIRANGA OLIVACEA Piranga olivacea (Gmelin) Tanagra olivacea Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 889; based chiefly on “Olive T.[anager]’’ of Latham, 1783, Gen. Synop. Birds, 2(2), p. 218, and Pennant, 1785, Arctic Zool., 2, p. 369 — Cayenna et Noveboraco [= New York, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 287]. Southeastern Canada and northeastern United States west and north to central Nebraska, eastern North Dakota, southeastern Manitoba, central western Ontario, northern Michigan, southern Ontario, southern Quebec, and New Brunswick and south to central northern and southeastern Oklahoma, central Arkansas, west-central Tennessee, north- western and central Alabama, northern Georgia, northwest- ern South Carolina, western North Carolina, central and western Virginia, and Maryland. Winters in South America from northwestern and central Colombia, south through Ecuador to central Peru and central western Bolivia. Mi- grates through Yucatan Peninsula and, rarely, West Indies and Panama. PIRANGA LUDOVICIANA Piranga ludoviciana (Wilson) Tanagra ludoviciana Wilson, 1811, Amer. Ornith., 3, p. 27, pl. 20, fig. 1— prairies of the Missouri, between the Osage and Mandan nations [= about two miles north of Kamiah, Idaho County, Idaho], fide Davis and Steven- son, 1934, Condor, 36, p. 163. Western North America from southern Alaska, northern British Columbia, southwestern and central southern Mac- kenzie, northeastern Alberta, and central Saskatchewan 308 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD south to northern Baja California, southern Nevada, central and southeastern Arizona, southwestern New Mexico, and western Texas; east to western North Dakota, northwestern Nebraska, and central Colorado. Winters from Mexico (southern Baja California, Jalisco, and southern Tamauli- pas) south on Pacific slope of Central America through Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, casually to western Panama. PIRANGA LEUCOPTERA Piranga leucoptera leucoptera (Trudeau) Pyranga leucoptera Trudeau, 1839, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 8, p. 160 — Mexico. Eastern Mexico (from Tamaulipas, south), Guatemala, British Honduras, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Piranga leucoptera latifasciata Ridgway P.[iranga] leucoptera latifasciata Ridgway, 1887, Manual North Amer. Birds, p. 457 — Costa Rica and Veragua. Costa Rica and western Panama (east to Veraguas) ; upper tropical and lower subtropical zones. Piranga leucoptera venezuelae Zimmer Piranga leucoptera venezuelae Zimmer, 1947, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1345, p. 21— Galipan, Cerro de Avila, Venezuela. Colombia (Andes, except in Narino), Venezuela (north- ern mountains from Zulia and Tachira to Peninsula de Paria and Monagas and mountains of southeastern Bolivar), and extreme northern Brazil (Mount Uei-tepui) ; upper tropical and subtropical zones. Although tentatively included in this subspecies, most Colombian populations are intermediate between this form and the next. Piranga leucoptera ardens (Tschudi) Ph.[oenisoma] ardens Tschudi, 1844, Archiv f. Naturg., 10(1), p. 287 — Peru; valley of Vitoc, Junin, suggested by Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt..9, p. 289. Extreme southwestern Colombia (Pacific slope of Na- rino), Ecuador, and Peru to central Bolivia (Cochabamba region; western Santa Cruz, Cerro Hosane, specimens in Carnegie Museum) ; tropical and subtropical zones. THRAUPINAE 309 PIRANGA ERYTHROCEPHALA Piranga erythrocephala candida Griscom Piranga erythrocephala candida Griscom, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75, p. 410 — Hacienda de San Rafael, Chi- huahua, [= Sonora, Mexico]. Northwestern Mexico, from southeastern Sonora and Chihuahua south to northwestern Jalisco (San Sebastian). Recorded south to Michoacan (Tacambaro) and east to México (Temascaltepec) outside breeding season. Piranga erythrocephala erythrocephala (Swainson) Spermagra erythrocephala Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1, p. 4837 — “Temiscaltipec” [, México]. South-central and southern Mexico from Jalisco and Guanajuato south to Oaxaca; resident. PIRANGA RUBRICEPS Piranga rubriceps (Gray) P.[yranga] rubriceps G. R. Gray, 1844, Genera Birds, 2, p. 364, pl. 89, lower fig.—no locality; type from “Bogota,” fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ. Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 293. Western Colombia (the three Andean ranges, but not Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), Ecuador, and northern Peru; subtropical and lower temperate zones. GENUS CALOCHAETES ScLATER! Euchaetes P. L. Sclater (ex J. Verreaux MS), 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 26, p. 73. Type, by monotypy, Hu- chaetes coccineus Sclater. Calochaetes P. L. Sclater, 1879, Ibis, p. 388. New name for Euchaetes Sclater, 1858, preoccupied by Huchaetes Dejean, 1834, and by Euchaetes Harris, 1841. CALOCHAETES COCCINEUS Calochaetes coccineus (Sclater) Euchaetes coccineus P. L. Sclater (ex J. Verreaux MS), 1 In addition to its narrower bill and shorter tail, Calochaetes differs from Ramphocelus in having Canthaxanthin as the major red lipo- chrome pigment in the feathers whereas Astaxanthin is the red pig- ment in R. bresilius and R. nigrogularis (Volker, 1961, Journ. f, Ornith., 102, pp. 430-4388).— R.W.S. 310 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 26, p. 73, pl. 132, fig. 1 — Rio Napo, Ecuador. Southern Colombia (east base of Eastern Andes in Caqueta and Narifo-Putumayo regions), eastern Ecuador, and eastern Peru (Divisoria, Huanuco; Enenas, Junin) ; subtropical zone. GENUS RAMPHOCELUS DESMAREST! Ramphocelus Desmarest, 1805, Hist. Nat. Tangaras, livr. 1, text to pl. 28, p.[1]. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 148), Tanagra brasilia [sic] Linnaeus. Phlogothraupis P. L. Sclater and Salvin,? 1873, Nomen. Av. Neotrop., pp. 21, 155. Type, by original designation, Tanagra (Tachyphonus) sanguinolentus Lesson. cf. Zimmer, 1945, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1304, pp. 1-7 (Peru). Novaes, 1959, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, no. 22, pp. 1-63 (revi- sion of carbo group). RAMPHOCELUS SANGUINOLENTUS Ramphocelus sanguinolentus sanguinolentus (Lesson) Tanagra (Tachyphonus) sanguinolentus Lesson, 18381, Cent. Zool., p. 107, pl. 39 — Mexico. Southeastern Mexico (from Veracruz, Tabasco, and Quintana Roo) south through British Honduras and Guate- mala to Honduras; tropical zone. 1 MS read by F. C. Novaes. — R.W.S., 2 Phlogothraupis is characterized by Ridgway (1902, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 50, pt. 2, p. 120) as differing from Ramphocelus in lacking the backward extension of the mandibular sheath and in lacking sexual dimorphism. In Ramphocelus, the extension of the mandible varies greatly, being strongly developed in R. carbo and weakly in R. pas- serinii (see Storer, 1969, Living Bird, 8, pp. 129-130). Sexual di- morphism is strong in R. passeriniz and very weak in R. nigrogularis. “Phlogothraupis” sanguinolenta resembles the male of R. nigrogularis in color pattern, differing primarily in the greater amount of black in the underparts. The difference in the mandibles of “Phlogothraupis” and R. passerinii is far less than that between R. passerinii and R. carbo. From this, I conclude that Phlogothraupis should be merged with Ramphocelus and that sanguinolentus should be placed next to R. nigrogularis. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE alt Ramphocelus sanguinolentus apricus (Bangs) Phlogothraupis sanguinolenta aprica Bangs, 1908, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 4, p. 31— Carrillo, Costa Rica. Caribbean slope of extreme eastern Honduras (Olancho rain forest), Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and extreme north- western Panama (Almirante Bay region) ; tropical zone. RAMPHOCELUS NIGROGULARIS Ramphocelus nigrogularis (Spix) Tanagra nigrogularis Spix, 1825, Av. spec. Nov. Brasil., 2, p. 35, pl. 47 —ad flumen Solimoéns in sylvis pagi St. Pauli [=Séo Paulo de Olivenca, Rio Solimoes, Brazil]. Southeastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes from southern Meta south), eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru (south to the Rio Nusiniscato, Marcapata), and northern Brazil (east to Monte Alegre on north bank and Cussary on south bank of the Amazon, and south to the upper Purts) ; tropical zone. RAMPHOCELUS DIMIDIATUS! Ramphocelus dimidiatus isthmicus Ridgway Ramphocelus dimidiatus isthmicus Ridgway, 1901, Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 3, p. 150 — Frijole Station, Panama R. R. Ramphocelus dimidiatus albirostris Griscom, 1933, Auk, 50, p. 807 — Divala, Pacific slope of western Chiriqui [, Panama]. Ramphocelus dimidiatus pallidirostris Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 256; new name for Ramphocelus dimidiatus albirostris Griscom, preoccupied by Tanagra albirostris Boddaert, iWisae Western and central Panama east to the Rio Chepo; tropical zone. 1 The species dimidiatus, melanogaster, carbo, and bresilius, as here defined, form a superspecies. More information on the behavior of these species in areas where their ranges meet is needed to determine their specific status. — R.W.S. 312 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Ramphocelus dimidiatus arestus Wetmore Ramphocelus dimidiatus arestus Wetmore, 1957, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 134(9), p. 97 — Isla Coiba, Panama. Confined to Isla Coiba, off Pacific coast of Veraguas, eastern Panama. Ramphocelus dimidiatus limatus Bangs Rhamphocelus limatus Bangs, 1901, Auk, 18, p. 31 — San Miguel [= El Rey] Island, Panama. Confined to Pearl Archipelago (El Rey, Saboga, Pacheca, Chapera, Viveros, San José, and Pedro Gonzalez), Bay of Panama. Ramphocelus dimidiatus dimidiatus Lafresnaye Ramphocelus dimidiatus Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 2, pl. 81 and text—du sud du Mexique et de Carthagéne (Nouvelle-Grenade) ; type from Cartagena, Colombia, fide Bangs, 1930, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 70, p. 406. Extreme eastern Panama (Darién), northern and western Colombia (west of Eastern Andes except upper Magdalena Valley and Narino; east slope of Eastern Andes in Norte de Santander), and western Venezuela (Zulia, northern Ta- chira, and Mérida) ; tropical and lower subtropical zones. Ramphocelus dimidiatus molochinus de Schauensee Ramphocelus dimidiatus molochinus de Schauensee, 1950, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 102, p. 186 — San Agustin, 5100 ft., Huila, Colombia, Upper Magdalena Valley of Colombia (from approxi- mately lat. 5° N., southward); tropical and subtropical zones. Intergrades with R. d. dimidiatus in southern Antio- quia, northern Tolima, and western Cundinamarca. RAMPHOCELUS MELANOGASTER Ramphocelus melanogaster melonagaster (Swainson) Rhamphopis melanogaster Swainson, 1838 (1837?), Anim. Menag., p. 359— Peru; Moyobamba [, San Martin] suggested by Zimmer, 1929, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 42, p. 97. Northern Peru, San Martin south approximately to junc- tion of Huayabamba and Huallaga rivers; tropical and sub- tropical zones. THRAUPINAE ole Ramphocelus melanogaster transitus Zimmer Ramphocelus melanogaster transitus Zimmer, 1929, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 42, p. 95— Chinchao, Peru; altitude 5700 feet. East-central Peru in upper Huallaga and Chinchao val- leys; tropical and subtropical zones. RAMPHOCELUS CARBO! Ramphocelus carbo unicolor Sclater Ramphocelus unicolor P. L. Sclater, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 24, p. 128 — New Grenada, Bogota. Eastern Colombia at eastern base of Eastern Andes in Casanare region, eastern Cundinamarca, and Meta; tropical zone. Ramphocelus carbo capitalis Allen Ramphocoelus atrosericeus capitalis Allen, 1892, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 4, p. 51 — El Pilar, near Cart- pano [Sucre], Venezuela. Northeastern Venezuela from northeastern Anzoategui and Peninsula de Paria south to southeastern Monagas and Delta Amacuro; tropical zone. Ramphocelus carbo magnirostris Lafresnaye Ramphocelus magnirostris Lafresnaye, 1853, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser., 2, 5, p. 248 — in Sanctae-Trinitatis insula. Trinidad and northeastern Venezuela (one specimen from Guanoco, Sucre) ; tgKopical zone. Ramphocelus carbo carbo (Pallas) Lanius (Carbo) Pallas, 1764, Cat. Raisonné Coll. Ois., Adumbr., p. 2— Surinam [reference not verified]. Southeastern Colombia (from Meta, south), southern Venezuela (Amazonas; Bolivar), the Guianas, eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru (south to Huambo, Moyobamba, and lower Ucayali Valley), and northern Brazil (east to Maran- hao and Piauhy, and south to extreme northern Mato Grosso, sources of Rio Araguaya, and Goias) ; tropical zone. 1 Ramphocelus uropygialis Bonaparte, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 3, p. 178 — “Guatemala” [= ?Peru] is a hybrid between Ram- phocelus carbo and R. melanogaster, fide Fernando C. Novaes (in litt.). —R.W.S. 314 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Ramphocelus carbo venezuelensis Lafresnaye Ramphocelus Venezuelensis Lafresnaye, 1853, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 5, p. 248 — Venezuela, type from Caracas, fide Bangs, 1930, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 70, pe 407: Eastern Colombia (Arauca; Boyaca) and western Ven- ezuela (from Falcon to Miranda in north, south through Cojedes, Portuguesa, and Barinas to southern slopes of Andes of Tachira and western Apure) ; tropical and sub- tropical zones. Ramphocelus carbo connectens Berlepsch and Stolzmann Rhamphocelus jacapa connectens Berlepsch and Stolz- mann, 1896, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 344—La Merced [, Chanchamayo], Peru. Southeastern Peru (from upper tributaries of Rio Pa- chitea and mouth of Rio Urubamba, south) and north- western Bolivia (banks of Rio Beni near its mouth) ; tropical and lower subtropical zones. Ramphocelus carbo atrosericeus d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye R.[amphocelus] atrosericeus d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 34 — Yungas, Chi- quitos, in Bolivia [=slopes of the range outside of San José de Chiquitos, Chiquitos, Santa Cruz, vide Paynter, 1968, Check-list Birds World, 14, p. 60]. Northern and eastern Bolivia (except in extreme north- west) ; tropical and lower subtropical zones. Intergrades with R. c. connectens along middle course of Rio Beni and with R. c. centralis in eastern Bolivia (Chiquitos). Ramphocelus carbo centralis Hellmayr R.[amphocelus] c.[arbo] centralis Hellmayr, 1920, Archiv f. Naturg., ser. A, 85(10), p. 26 (footnote) — Agua Suja, near Bagagem, Minas Geraés, Brazil. East-central Brazil (tableland from Bahia, south of Sierra de Tabatinga, and Minas Gerais south to northern Sao Paulo and Parana and west to Mato Grosso) and adja- cent parts of Paraguay (Puerto Bertoni). Hybrids between this form and R. bresilius dorsalis have been taken along upper Rio Doce in southern Goias. THRAUPINAE alo RAMPHOCELUS BRESILIUS Ramphocelus bresilius bresilius (Linnaeus) Tanagra bresilia Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 314; based on Brisson, Edwards, Marcgrave, etc. — in India Occidentali et Orientali; error, Pernambuco, eastern Brazil (ex Marcgrave) suggested by Hellmayr, 1986, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 244. Northeastern Brazil from Parahyba south to Bahia (Ilhéos). Ramphocelus bresilius dorsalis Sclater Ramphocelus dorsalis P. L. Sclater (ex Bonaparte MS), ssa, Proc: Zool. Soc. London, 22(1854), p. 97 — In imp. Brasiliensi; Rio de Janeiro suggested as type lo- cality by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V. Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1057. Southeastern Brazil from southern Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo to Santa Catarina. RAMPHOCELUS PASSERINIDA Ramphocelus passerinii passerinii Bonaparte Ramphocelus Passerinii Bonaparte, 1831, Antologia [Florence], 44(130), p. 164 —®in Insula Cuba; error, Guatemala substituted by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1060. Caribbean slope of southeastern Mexico (Veracruz, Tabasco, and Chiapas) through British Honduras, Guate- mala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica (reaching Pacific slope in lowlands bordering Gulf of Nicoya) to western Panama; tropical zone. Ramphocelus passerinii costaricensis Cherrie Ramphocelus costaricensis Cherrie, 1891, Auk, 8, p. 62 — Pozo Azul [de Pirris], Costa Rica. Pacific slope of Costa Rica (from Puntarenas, south) and western Panama (Chiriqui) ; tropical zone. 1 Ramphocelus passerinii and R. flammigerus form a superspecies. —R.W.S. 316 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD RAMPHOCELUS FLAMMIGERUS! Ramphocelus flammigerus icteronotus Bonaparte R[hlamphocelus icteronotus Bonaparte, 1838, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 1, p. 8 —1l’Amérique méridionale; Ecuador occ. substituted as type locality by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1061. Panama (from Almirante Bay and Veraguas, east), west- ern Colombia (entire Pacific coast, east across upper Sinu and Atrato valleys to lower Cauca and middle Magdalena valleys), and western Ecuador; tropical zone. Ramphocelus flammigerus flammigerus (Jardine and Selby) Ramphopis flammigerus Jardine and Selby, 1833, Illus. Ornith., 3, pl. 181 — Some part of the district upon the Columbia River; Antioquia, Colombia, substituted by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Ber- lin, 1911, p. 1060. Western Colombia, on Pacific slope from headwaters of Rio San Juan to Narifio, Cauca Valley, and northern An- tioquia on upper Rio Porce; upper tropical and subtropical zones. GENUS SPINDALIS JARDINE AND SELBY Spindalis Jardine and Selby, 1837, Illus. Ornith., new ser., 4, pl. 9. Type, by monotypy, Spindalis bilineatus Jar- dine and Selby = Tanagra nigricephala Jameson. cf. Bond, 1956, Check-List Birds West Indies, ed. 4, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 165-166. SPINDALIS ZENA Spindalis zena townsendi Ridgway Spindalis zena townsendi Ridgway, 1887, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 10, p. 8 — Abaco Island, Bahamas. Northern Bahamas (Great Bahama, Little Abaco, Abaco, and some off-shore cays). 1 The name Ramphocelus chrysonotus Lafresnaye, 1853, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 5, p. 246, applies to an intergrade between R. f. flammigerus and R. f. icteronotus. For analyses of intergradation between these forms, see Chapman, 1917, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, pp. 610-612, and Sibley, 1958, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 102, pp. 448- 453. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE oli Spindalis zena zena (Linnaeus) Fringilla Zena Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 320; based on “The Bahama Finch, Fringilla bahamensis,” of Catesby, 1731, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 1, p. 42, pl. 42 — Bahama Islands [= New Providence, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 239]. Central Bahamas (Berry Islands, Andros, Green Cay, New Providence, Eleuthera, Cat Island, Exuma, Long Island, Acklin, and Mayaguana) ; accidental in Florida (Key Largo). Spindalis zena pretrei (Lesson) Tanagra Pretrei Lesson, 1831, Cent. Zool., p. 122, pl. 45 — Brésil; error, Cuba. Cuba and Isle of Pines. Spindalis zena salvini Cory Spindalis salvini Cory, 1886, Auk, 3, p. 499 — Grand Cay- man, West Indies. Grand Cayman Island. Spindalis zena benedicti Ridgway Spindalis benedicti Ridgway, 1885, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, 3, p. 22 — Cozumel [Island], Yucatan. Cozumel Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Spindalis zena dominicensis (Bryant) Tanagra dominicensis Bryant, 1866, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 11, p. 92 San Domingo; type from Port- au-Prince, Haiti, fide Bangs, 1930, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 70, pp. 405-406. Hispaniola and Gonave islands. Spindalis zena portoricensis (Bryant) Tanagra portoricensis Bryant, 1866, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 10, p. 252 — Porto Rico. Puerto Rico. Spindalis zena nigricephala (Jameson) Tanagra nigricephala Jameson, 1835, Edinburgh New Philos. Journ., 19, p. 2138 — West India Islands [= Ja- maica]. Jamaica. 318 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD GENUS THRAUPIS Bole! Thraupis Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, col. 974. Type, by vir- tual monotypy, Tanagra archiepiscopus Desmarest = Tanagra ornata Sparrman. cf. Zimmer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, pp. 10-21 (Peru). THRAUPIS EPISCOPUS?: 3. Thraupis episcopus cana (Swainson) T.[anagra] cana Swainson, 1836, Ornith. Drawings, pt. 3, pl. 37—no locality; Venezuela suggested by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Ber- lin, 1911, p. 1051; restricted to Caracas by Hellmayr, 1924, Archiv f. Naturg., ser. A, 90(2), p. 185. Tanagra (Aglaia) diaconus Lesson, 1842, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 5, p. 175 — Realejo [, Nicaragua]. Southeastern Mexico (from San Luis Potosi, south) through Central America and Pear] Islands to northern and western Colombia (east of Eastern Andes in Norte de San- tander and west of Eastern Andes from Caribbean coast south through Cauca) and northern Venezuela (east to west- ern Sucre and western Monagas) ; tropical and lower sub- tropical zones. Introduced into southern Florida. Intergrades with leucoptera in Boyaca (Rio Negro, Chinibaque, Palmar) fide Parkes, in litt. Thraupis episcopus caesitia Wetmore Thraupis virens caesitia Wetmore, 1959, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 139(2), p. 23 — Isla Escudo de Veraguas [, at sea off the base of the Valiente Peninsula], Bocas del Toro, Panama. 1 Placed on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1968, Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 25, p. 74. — R.W.S. 2 Placed on the Official List of Specific Names in Zoology by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1968, Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 25, p. 74, who ruled that it is to be given priority over Loxia virens Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 308, despite the action of Gyldenstolpe, 1945, Kungl. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 3, 22(3), pp. 310-311, acting as first reviser. — R.W.S. 3 This species is in need of a careful revision. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 319 Confined to Escudo de Veraguas off Caribbean coast of western Panama. Thraupis episcopus cumatilis Wetmore Thraupis virens cumatilis Wetmore, 1957, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 134(9), p. 94 — Isla Coiba, Panama. Confined to Isla Coiba off Pacific coast of Panama. Thraupis episcopus nesophilus Riley Tanagra sclateri Berlepsch, 1880, Ibis, p. 112 — Orinoco district or Trinidad; type from Trinidad, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 210. Thraupis episcopus nesophilus Riley, 1912, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 25, p. 185. New name for Tanagra sclatert Berlepsch, 1880, preoccupied by Euphonia [= Tanagra] sclaterz Sundevall, 1869. Extreme eastern Colombia (Maipures, Orinoco Valley), southern and eastern Venezuela (northern Amazonas, northern Bolivar, eastern Monagas, eastern Sucre, and Delta Amacuro), and Trinidad; tropical zone. Thraupis episcopus berlepschi (Dalmas) Tanagra Berlepschi Dalmas, 1900, Mém. Soc. Zool. France, 13, p. 136 — Tobago. Tobago. Thraupis episcopus mediana Zimmer Thraupis episcopus mediana Zimmer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, p. 10 — Manaos, Brazil. Southeastern Colombia (Rio Vaupés region), southeast- ern Venezuela (southern Amazonas; southern Bolivar), northern Brazil (Rio Uaupés and Rio Negro east to the Rio Jamunda on north bank of the Amazon; south of the Amazon from the Rio Tapajos west to the Rio Madeira and south up the Madeira at least to Porto Velho), and extreme northern Bolivia (Cachuela Esperanza) ; tropical zone. 1 Words compounded with the root -philus may be treated as nouns or as adjectives. According to Alexander Wetmore, while Riley per- sonally was not a classicist, he was guided by his Chief, Charles W. Richmond, who was expert in these matters. From this, my judgment is that nesophilus in this instance stands in apposition and is to be written as a masculine noun. — R.W.S. 320 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Thraupis episcopus episcopus (Linnaeus) Loxia virens Linnaeus,! 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 303 — Surinam. Tanagra E'piscopus Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 316; based on “L’Evesque” of Brisson, 1760, Ornith- ologie, 3, p. 40, pl. 1, fig. 2— Bresil; type probably from Cayenne, fide Hellmayr, 19386, Field Mus. Nat. Hist: Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p..205. The Guianas and northern Brazil (from the Rio Jamunda and the Rio Tapajoés east to Maranhao and south to north- ern Goias) ; tropical zone. Thraupis episcopus leucoptera (Sclater) [Tanagra episcopus] subsp. leucoptera P. L. Sclater (ex G. R. Gray MS), 1886, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 11, pp. 154, 155 — “Bogota.” Central Colombia (eastern slope of Eastern Andes in Cundinamarca and Meta, and the Llanos del Meta) ; tropical and lower subtropical zones. Thraupis episcopus quaesita Bangs and Noble Thraupis cana quaesita Bangs and Noble, 1918, Auk, 35, p. 460 — Sullana [, Piura], northwestern Peru. Southwestern Colombia (Pacific slope of Narino), west- ern Ecuador, and Pacific slope of northwestern Peru (south to Paucal) ; tropical zone. Thraupis episcopus caerulea Zimmer Thraupis episcopus caeruleus Zimmer, 1929, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 42, p. 94 — Vista Alegre, junction of Chinchao and Huallaga rivers [, Huanuco], Pert; alti- tude 4100 feet. Southeastern Ecuador (Zamora; Sabanilla) and north- ern Peru (south to Huanuco) ; Andean tropical zone. Inter- grades with T. e. coelestis in upper Amazonian region of western Brazil and northeastern Peru. Thraupis episcopus major (Berlepsch and Stolzmann) Tanagra coelestis major Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1896, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 343 — La Merced [, Chan- chamayo], Peru. Known only from Chanchamayo Valley of central Peru. 1 See footnote 2, p. 318. THRAUPINAE 821 Thraupis episcopus urubambae Zimmer Thraupis episcopus urubambae Zimmer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, p. 183 — Santa Ana, Urubamba Valley, Pert; altitude 3500 feet. Urubamba Valley and Amazonian drainage of extreme southeastern Peru. Thraupis episcopus coelestis (Spix) Tanagra coelestis Spix, 1825, Av. spec. Nov. Brasil., 2, p. 42, pl. 55, fig. 1 — Parae et ad fl. Solimoéns prope Pagum Fonteboa; type from Fonteboa, Rio Solimoes, Brazil, fide Hellmayr, 1906, Bayern Akad. Wiss. Math.- phys. Kl., 22, pp. 675-676. Southeastern Colombia (Amazon basin, except Vaupés region), western Brazil (south of the Rio Negro and the Rio Uaupés and west of the Rio Madeira), northeastern and east-central Ecuador, and northeastern to central Peru, principally in tropical Amazonian lowlands. THRAUPIS SAYACA Thraupis sayaca boliviana Bond and de Schauensee! Thraupis episcopus boliviana Bond and de Schauensee, 1941, Notulae Naturae [Philadelphia], 93, p. 6 — Cha- tarona (600 ft.), Dept. Beni, Bolivia. Northwestern Bolivia (from Cachuela Esperanza on Rio Beni to Huanay on Rio Mapiri) ; tropical zone. Thraupis sayaca obscura Naumburg Thraupis sayaca obscura Naumburg, 1924, Auk, 41, p. 111 — Parotani, Dept. Cochabamba, Bolivia; alt. 8,800 ft. Central and southern Bolivia and western Argentina (south to Tucuman, Cordoba and Santa Fe). Thraupis sayaca sayaca (Linnaeus) Tanagra Sayaca Linnaeus,? 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1 Gyldenstolpe, 1945, Kungl. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 3, 23(1), pp. 273-275, presents reasons for referring this race to T. sayaca. A careful study of T. episcopus and T. sayaca in the valley of the Rio Beni where their ranges overlap is needed to clarify the inter- relationships of these species. — R.W.S. 2 Pinto and Camargo, 1961, Arq. Zool. SAo Paulo, 11, p. 274, refer to this species as T. prelatus (Lesson), 1831, Traité Ornith., p. 462 — Rio de Janeiro, believing that the name sayaca properly belongs to 322 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD p. 316 — Brazil; Pernambuco suggested by Naumburg, 1924, Auk, 41, p. 111. Eastern and southern Brazil (Ceara west through interior Maranhao to southeastern Para [Conceicaéo de Araguaia, specimens in Carnegie Museum] and south to Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul), Uruguay, Paraguay, and eastern Argentina (Chaco and Misiones to Buenos Aires). Thraupis sayaca glaucocolpa Cabanis! Th.[raupis| Glaucocolpa Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Heineanum, 1(1851), p. 28 — Caracas [, Venezuela]. Caribbean coast of Colombia (from northern Bolivar and Atlantico, eastward) and of Venezuela (east to Sucre) and Margarita Island; tropical zone. THRAUPIS CYANOPTERA Thraupis cyanoptera (Vieillot) Saltator cyanopterus Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 14, p. 104 — Brésil; Novo Friburgo, Prov. of Rio de Janeiro, suggested by Naumburg, 1924, Auk, 41, p. 12. Southeastern Brazil (wooded coast region from Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro to Rio Grande do Sul) west through Parana to eastern Paraguay. THRAUPIS ORNATA Thraupis ornata (Sparrman) Tanagra ornata Sparrman,? 1789, Mus. Carlsonianum, fase. 4, pl. 95—Jin India Orientali; error, Rio de Janeiro substituted by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1054. Southeastern Brazil (wooded region from Bahia south to Santa Catarina). the Palm Tanager (T. palmarum). Application should be made to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature to conserve the name and to designate a neotype for the species. — R.W.S. 1 This well-marked form may prove to be a full species, fide Parkes, in litt. — R.W.S. 2 The name ornata Sparrman, 1789, has been placed on the Official List of Specific Names in Zoology by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1968, Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 25, p. 74.— R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 323 THRAUPIS ABBAS Thraupis abbas (Deppe) Tanagra Abbas W. Deppe, (ex Lichtenstein MS), 1830, Preis-Verz. Sdiug., Vogel, etc., Mexico, p. 2— Jalapa [, Veracruz], Mexico, fide Stresemann, 1954, Condor, HO pe Ok: Eastern Mexico (from Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi, south), Guatemala, British Honduras, El Salvador, and Honduras to eastern Nicaragua (Zelaya). THRAUPIS PALMARUM Thraupis palmarum atripennis Todd Thraupis palmarum atripennis Todd, 1922, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 35, p. 92 — Guapiles, Costa Rica. Eastern Nicaragua through Costa Rica and Panama to northern Colombia (west of Eastern Andes, south on Pacific coast to the Rio Dagua, Cauca and Magdalena valleys; Santa Marta region; and Caribbean coast) and extreme north- western Venezuela (region around Lake Maracaibo) ; tropi- cal and occasionally subtropical zones. Thraupis palmarum violilavata (Berlepsch and Taczanowski) Tanagra palmarum violilavata Berlepsch and Taczanow- ski (ex Stolzmann MS), 1883, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 546 — Chimbo, Ecuador. Southwestern Colombia (Pacific slope from Munchique region, south) and western Ecuador (south to Peruvian boundary) ; tropical zone. Thraupis palmarum melanoptera (Sclater) Tanagra melanoptera P. L. Sclater, 1857, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 24(1856), p. 285 — East Peru; New Grenada, Bogota; restricted to San Ramon, Chanchamayo Valley, by Zimmer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, p. 16. Eastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes), Venezuela (except region about Lake Maracaibo), Margarita and Patos islands, Trinidad, the Guianas, and Para region of Brazil south through eastern Peru and western and central Brazil to central Bolivia (Yungas de Cochabamba, 1,500-2,000 m., specimens in Carnegie Museum; Santa Cruz) ; tropical and subtropical zones. 324 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Thraupis palmarum palmarum (Wied) Tanagra palmarum Wied, 1821, Reise Brasilien, 2, p. 76 — Canavieras [, Bahia, Brazil]. Eastern and southern Brazil (from eastern Para, east of the Rio Tocantins, south to Santa Catarina, and west to southern Mato Grosso) to eastern Bolivia and Paraguay (Puerto Bertoni). Intergrades with T. p. melanoptera in a wide area from central Brazil to northeastern Bolivia. THRAUPIS CYANOCEPHALA Thraupis cyanocephala cyanocephala (d’Orbigny and La- fresnaye) A.[glaia] cyanocephala d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837,. | Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 32 — Yungas [, Bolivia]. Western Ecuador, northwestern and eastern Peru, and northern Bolivia; subtropical zone. Thraupis cyanocephala annectens Zimmer Thraupis cyanocephala annectens Zimmer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, p. 17 — Cerro Munchique, Coast Range west of Popayan, Colombia; altitude 8,325 feet. Central Colombia, in Western and Central Andes, south to Narino; subtropical and, occasionally, temperate zones. Thraupis cyanocephala auricrissa (Sclater) Dubusia auricrissa P. L. Sclater, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 23(1855), p. 227 — “Bogota,” Colombia. North-central Colombia (both slopes of Eastern Andes from Norte de Santander to Cundinamarca and Meta) and western Venezuela (Sierra de Perija; Andes of Trujillo, Mérida, and Tachira) ; subtropical zone. Thraupis cyanocephala margaritae (Chapman) Sporathraupis cyanocephala margaritae Chapman, 1912, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 31, p. 165 — Valparaiso, alt. 5,000 ft., Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia. Northern Colombia (Santa Marta region) ; subtropical zone. THRAUPINAE 325 Thraupis cyanocephala hypophaea' (Todd) Sporathraupis cyanocephala hypophaea Todd, 1917, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 30, p. 128 — Paramo de Rosas, [Lara, western] Venezuela. Northwestern Venezuela (Paramo de las Rosas, Lara) ; subtropical zone. Thraupis cyanocephala olivicyanea (Lafresnaye) Tanagra olivi-cyanea Lafresnaye, 1848, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 6, p. 69 — Colombie; error, Caracas, Vene- zuela, substituted by Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 2838. Northern Venezuela (littoral chain of Coast Range from Aragua to Miranda) ; subtropical zone. Thraupis cyanocephala subcinerea (Sclater) Tanagra subcinerea P. L. Sclater, 1861, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 129—VJIn Venezuela et ins. 8S. Trinitatis; type from Venezuela, fide Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V. Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1055; restricted to Caripe, Monagas, by Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1950, Bol. Soc. Venezolana Cienc. Nat., 12(75), p. 328. Northeastern Venezuela (Coast Range in Sucre and Monagas) ; subtropical zone. Thraupis cyanocephala buesingi (Hellmayr and Seilern) Sporathraupis cyanocephala biisingi Hellmayr and Seilern, 19138, Verh. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 11, p. 254 — Aripo-Berge, Trinidad. Trinidad (northern range from 1,800 ft. upwards) and extreme northeastern Venezuela (mountains of Peninsula de Paria) ; subtropical zone. THRAUPIS BONARIENSIS Thraupis bonariensis darwinii (Bonaparte) Tanagra Darwini Bonaparte, 1838, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 5 (1357), .p. 121.— Chile: 1 Known only from the type series of three birds, this population may represent intergrades between auricrissa and olivicyanea, fide Parkes, in litt. — R.W.S. 326 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Western Ecuador, Peru (both slopes of Andes), north- western Bolivia (La Paz), and northern Chile (Tarapaca) ; subtropical and temperate zones. Thraupis bonariensis composita Zimmer Thraupis bonariensis composita Zimmer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, p. 20 — Vinto, Province of Cocha- bamba, Bolivia; altitude 8,000 feet. Eastern and central Bolivia; temperate zone. Thraupis bonariensis schulzei Brodkorb Thraupis bonariensis schulzet Brodkorb, 1938, Occas. Papers, Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, no. 367, p. 8— 265 kilometers west of Puerto Casado, Paraguay. Northwestern Argentina (south to Mendoza and Lavalle) and Paraguay. Intergrades with composita in southeastern Bolivia (specimens from Yacuiba, Tarija, in Carnegie Mu- seum). Thraupis bonariensis bonariensis (Gmelin) Loxia bonariensis Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 850; based on ‘‘Le Noir-souci’” of Buffon, 1778, Hist. Nat. Ois., 4, p. 150 — Buenos Aires. Extreme southern Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul), Uruguay, and east-central Argentina (south to Cape San Antonio). GENUS CYANICTERUS BONAPARTE! Cyanicterus Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Gen. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 240. Type, by monotypy, Pyranga cyanictera Vieillot. cf. Parkes, 1969, Auk, 86, pp. 568-569 (distribution, plu- mages). CYANICTERUS CYANICTERUS Cyanicterus cyanicterus (Vieillot) Pyranga cyanicterus Vieillot, 1819, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 28, p. 290 —1l’Amérique méridionale; Ca- yenne suggested by Berlepsch, 1908, Novit. Zool., 15, p. 116. 1 This genus seems best placed near Buthraupis and related genera because of the similarity of color, pattern, and plumage texture. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE BRYA Eastern Venezuela (Rio Yuruan, Bolivar) and the Guianas south to north bank of Amazon (near Manaus). GENUS BUTHRAUPIS CaBANIs! Buthraupis Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Heineanum, 1(1851), p. 29. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 73), Tanagra montana Lafresnaye = Aglaia montana d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye. Bangsia Penard, 1919, Auk, 36, p. 539. Type, by original designation, Buthraupis arcaei caeruleigularis Ridg- way = Buthraupis caeruleigularis Ridgway (ex Cherrie MS ). Tephrophilus Moore, 1934, Auk, 51, pl. 1, p. 1. Type, by original designation, Tephrophilus wetmorei Moore. cf. Moore, 1934, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 715, pp. 1-8 (eximia). Zimmer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, pp. 7-8 (montana). BUTHRAUPIS ARCAEI Buthraupis arcaei caeruleigularis Ridgway Buthraupis caeruleigularis Ridgway (ex Cherrie MS), 1893, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 16, p. 609 — Buena Vista [, San Carlos River], Costa Rica. Caribbean slope of Costa Rica (northeast slopes of vol- canoes of Turrialba, Irazi, Barba, and Poas) ; humid tropi- cal and subtropical zones. Buthraupis arcaei arcaei Sclater and Salvin Buthraupis arcaei P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1869, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 439, pl. 31— Cordillera’ del Chuct, Veraguas, Panama. Western Panama; subtropical zone. 1 The five species, arcaei, rothschildi, melanochlamys, edwardsi, and aureocincta, have shorter tails and somewhat weaker bills than the other species of Buthraupis and might be maintained as a subgenus (Bangsia). In spite of the less blue and green in the plumage, wetmorei seems closest to montana and eximia. Members of this and the next six genera appear closely related on the basis of plumage characters, al- though they differ considerably in proportions. — R.W.S. 328 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD BUTHRAUPIS MELANOCHLAMYS Buthraupis melanochlamys Hellmayr Buthraupis melanochlamys Hellmayr, 1910, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 25, p. 112 — La Selva, Rio Jamaraya, San Juan, slopes of Colombia, 4,800 ft. Western Colombia (Western Andes at head of Rio San Juan; west slope of Central Andes above lower Cauca Valley) ; upper tropical and subtropical zones. BUTHRAUPIS ROTHSCHILDI Buthraupis rothschildi Berlepsch Buthraupis rothschildi Berlepsch, 1897, Bull. Brit. Or- nith. Club, 7, p. iii— Cachabé, N. W. Ecuador (500 feet) [=Cachavi, Prov. Esmeraldas]. Southwestern Colombia (west slope of Western Andes from Chocé, south) and northwestern Ecuador (Esmeral- das) ; lower tropical zone. BUTHRAUPIS EDWARDSI Buthraupis edwardsi Elliot Buthraupis edwardsi Elliot, 1865, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. [Paris], 1, bull., p. 77, pl. 4, fig. 2— Nouvelle- Grenade [= Colombia]. Southwestern Colombia (Pacific slope from Dagua Val- ley, south) and northwestern Ecuador; tropical and lower subtropical zones. BUTHRAUPIS AUREOCINCTA Buthraupis aureocincta Hellmayr Buthraupis aureocincta Hellmayr, 1910, Bull. Brit. Or- nith. Club, 25, p. 111 — Tatama Mountain, Choco, W. Colombia, 6700 feet. Western Colombia (Pacific slope of Western Andes, near sources of Rio San Juan) ; subtropical zone. BUTHRAUPIS MONTANA Buthraupis montana gigas (Bonaparte) Dubusia gigas Bonaparte, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 3, p. 171 — Santa Fé de Bogota [, Colombia]. Extreme northwestern and southwestern Venezuela (Sierra de Perija, Zulia; Paramo de Tama, Tachira) and north-central Colombia (Eastern Andes from Norte de San- THRAUPINAE 329 tander to Cundinamarca) ; upper subtropical and temperate zones. Buthraupis montana cucullata (Jardine and Selby) Tanagra cucullata Jardine and Selby, 1842, Illus. Ornith., new ser., 4, pl. 43 — vicinity of Buenos Ayres or Bo- livia; error, Andes of Quito, Ecuador, suggested by Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., Ppt: Oy p. 19k Western Colombia (Western and Central Andes to Andes of Narino) and Ecuador; subtropical and temperate zones. Buthraupis montana cyanonota Berlepsch and Stolzmann Buthraupis cucullata cyanonota Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1896, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 342 — Maraynioc [, Dept. Junin], Peru. Northern and central Peru (from Amazonas to Junin) ; temperate zone. Buthraupis montana saturata Berlepsch and Stolzmann Buthraupis cucullata saturata Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1906, Ornis, 13, p. 80 —Idma, Santa Ana, Peru. Southeastern Peru (Cuzco; Puno); temperate zone. Buthraupis montana montana (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) A.[glaia] montana d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. | Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 32 — Yungas [, Bolivia]. Northern Bolivia, in La Paz and Cochabamba; temperate zone. BUTHRAUPIS EXIMIA Buthraupis eximia eximia (Boissonneau) Tanagra eximia Boissonneau, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 66 — Santa-Fé de Bogota [, Colombia]. Southwestern Venezuela (Paramo de Tama, TAchira) and north-central Colombia (Eastern Andes from Norte de San- tander to Cundinamarca) ; subtropical and temperate zones. Buthraupis eximia zimmeri Moore Buthraupis eximia zimmeri Moore, 1934, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 715, p. 2 — Paramillo, western Andes, An- tioquia, Colombia; alt. 12,500 feet. West-central Colombia (northern end of Western and Central Andes) ; upper subtropical and temperate zones. 330 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Buthraupis eximia chloronota Sclater Buthraupis chloronota P. L. Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 22(1854), p. 97, pl. 64 — In republ. Equa- toriana. Southeastern Colombia (east slope of Andes in Narino) and northwestern Ecuador (west slope of Andes); tem- perate zone. Buthraupis eximia cyanocalyptra Moore Buthraupis eximia cyanocalyptra Moore, 1934, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 715, p. 3 — San Luis, near Mt. Sangay, Ecuador. South-central Ecuador (east slope of Andes in vicinity of Mt. Sangay); temperate zone. Exact extent of range un- known. BUTHRAUPIS WETMOREI Buthraupis wetmorei (Moore) Tephrophilus wetmorei Moore, 1934, Auk, 51, pl. 1, p. 2 — southeastern end of Culebrillas Valley, northwest (20° N. of W.) of Mt. Sangay, Ecuador. Southwestern Colombia (west slope of Central Andes at southern end) to south-central Ecuador (east slope of Andes near Mt. Sangay) ; temperate zone. GENUS WETMORETHRAUPIS LOWERY AND O’NEILL! Wetmorethraupis Lowery and O’Neill, 1964, Auk, 81, p. 125. Type, by original designation, Wetmorethraupis sterrhopteron Lowery and O’Neill. WETMORETHRAUPIS STERRHOPTERON Wetmorethraupis sterrhopteron Lowery and O’Neill Wetmorethraupis sterrhopteron Lowery and O’Neill, 1964, Auk, 81, p. 126 — Chavez Valdivia, near conflu- ence of the Rio Comaina and the Rio Cenepa, lat. 4° 26’ S., long. 78° 11’ W., Depto. Amazonas, Peru. Known only from eastern foothills of Cordillera del Con- dor in extreme northern Peru. 1 This bird combines the bill form of the large species of Buthraupis with the general color pattern of Anisognathus. In the structure of the throat feathers, it resembles males of Thraupis bonariensis and some races of Spindalis zena. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 331 GENUS ANISOGNATHUS REICHENBACH! Anisognathus Reichenbach, June 1, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 77. Type, by subsequent designation (Bonaparte, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zoll. [Paris], ser. 2, 3, p. 172), Tanagra igniventris d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye. Poecilothraupis Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Heineanum, 1(1851), p. 380. Type, by monotypy, Tanagra igniventris, d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye. Compsocoma Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 140. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 72), Tachyphonus victorini Lafresnaye. cf. Zimmer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, pp. 5-7, 8-9 (Peru). ANISOGNATHUS LACRYMOSUS Anisognathus lacrymosus melanogenys (Salvin and God- man)? Poecilothraupis melanogenys Salvin and Godman, 1880, Ibis, p. 120, pl. 3—near San Sebastian (8000 ft.), Santa Marta region, Colombia. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta of Colombia; subtropical and temperate zones. Anisognathus lacrymosus pallididorsalis Phelps and Phelps, ar: Anisognathus lacrymosus pallididorsalis Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1952, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 65, p. 99 — Frontera, Rio Negro, Sierra de Perija, Zulia, Venezuela; 2900 meters. Known only from Sierra de Perija of Colombia and Ven- ezuela; subtropical zone. Anisognathus lacrymosus melanops (Berlepsch) Poecilothraupis palpebrosa melanops Berlepsch, 1893, Ornith. Monatsb., 1, p. 11 — Merida, Venezuela. 1 T agree with de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South America, pp. 476-477, in combining Compsocoma with Anisognathus. The dif- ference in bill form seems less significant than the similarity in plumage. — R.W.S. 2 Considered a full species by de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South America, p. 476. — R.W.S. S32 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Western Venezuela, in Andes of Trujillo, Mérida, and Tachira (except Paramo de Tama) ; subtropical and tem- perate zones. Anisognathus lacrymosus tamae (Phelps and Gilliard) Poecilothraupis lacrymosa tamae Phelps and Gilliard, 1941, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1153, p. 12 — Paramo de Tama [,Tachira, Venezuela], 3000 meters. Mountains of north-central Colombia (Norte de Santan- der; Boyaca) and southwestern Venezuela (Paramo de Tama; Rio Chiquito) ; subtropical and temperate zones. Anisognathus lacrymosus intensus de Schauensee Anisognathus lachrymosus [sic] intensus de Schauensee, 1951, Notulae Naturae [Philadelphia], no. 232, p. 5 — east slope of Cerro Munchique, 1900 m., Cauca, Co- lombia. Southwestern Colombia, on east slope of Western Andes in Valle and Cauca; subtropical and temperate zones. Anisognathus lacrymosus olivaceiceps (Berlepsch) Poecilothraupis palpebrosa olivaceiceps Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V. Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1045 — Sta. Elena, Antioquia [,Colombia]. Western Colombia, in northern portion of Western and Central Andes south to Quindio region; subtropical and temperate zones. Anisognathus lacrymosus palpebrosus (Lafresnaye) Tanagra palpebrosa Lafresnaye, 1847, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 10, p. 71 — Pasto in Peruvia [= Pasto, Colombia]. Southwestern Colombia (both slopes of Andes of Narino and north to southern section of Central Andes) and eastern Ecuador (south at least to Macas) ; upper subtropical and temperate zones. Anisognathus lacrymosus caerulescens (Taczanowski and Berlepsch) [Poecilothraupis palpebrosa] caerulescens Taczanowski and Berlepsch, (ex Berlepsch MS) 1885, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 80 — Cutervo [,Cajamarca], Pert, fide Zimmer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, pp. 5-6. Southern Ecuador (north at least to Loja) and Andes of THRAUPINAE 333 northern Peru (south to Cajamarca and Amazonas) ; tem- perate zone. Anisognathus lacrymosus lacrymosus (Du Bus) Tachyphonus lacrymosus Du Bus, 1846, Esquisses Ornith., livr. 2, pl. 10 — Pérou; Maraynioc suggested by Zim- mer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, p. 6. Central Peru, from Libertad to Junin; temperate zone. ANISOGNATHUS IGNIVENTRIS Anisognathus igniventris lunulatus (Du Bus) Tanagra lunulata Du Bus, 1839, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci., Bruxelles, 6, pt. 1, p. 439, with col. pl.—Jla province d’Honduras; error, Bogota [,Colombia] substituted by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 19th p: 1044. Western Venezuela (Paramo de Tama, Tachira) and north-central Colombia (Eastern Andes from Norte de San- tander to Bogota) ; upper subtropical and temperate zones. Anisognathus igniventris erythrotus (Jardine and Selby) Aglaia erythrotus Jardine and Selby, 1840, Illus. Ornith., new ser., pt. 7, pl. 36—somewhere near or in the district of Buenos Ayres; error, Andes near Quito, Ecuador, suggested by Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 183. Southern Colombia (Central Andes in Caldas and Cauca; mountains of Narino) and Ecuador (both slopes of Andes) ; temperate zone. Anisognathus igniventris ignicrissus (Cabanis) Poecilothraupis ignicrissa Cabanis, 1873, Journ. f. Ornith., 21, p. 317 — Maraynioc [,Junin, Peru]. Northern and central Peru from Cajamarca and Ama- zonas to Junin; temperate zone. Anisognathus igniventris igniventris (d’Orbigny and La- fresnaye) A.[glaia] igniventris d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 82— Apolobamba [,Bolivia]. Southeastern Peru (Urubamba and Carabaya regions) and Bolivia (La Paz; Cochabamba) ; temperate zone. 334 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD ANISOGNATHUS FLAVINUCHUS Anisognathus flavinuchus venezuelanus (Hellmayr) Compsocoma somptuosa venezuelana Hellmayr, 1918, Verh. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 11, p. 317— Cumbre de Valencia [,Carabobo], N.-Venezuela. Northern Venezuela, in Cordillera de la Costa from Yara- cuy to Miranda; subtropical zone. Anisognathus flavinuchus virididorsalis (Phelps and Phelps, Jr.) Compsocoma flavinucha virididorsalis Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1949, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 62, p. 190 — Cerro Golfo Triste, Araguay, Venezuela. Known only from vicinity of type locality; lower sub- tropical zone. Anisognathus flavinuchus antioquiae (Berlepsch) Compsocoma sumptuosa antioquiae Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1049 — W. Colombia (Antioquia) [=Santa Elena, Antioquia, Co- lombia, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 201]. Colombia in northern part of Western Andes and Central Andes (both slopes in Antioquia and east slope in Tolima) ; subtropical zone. Anisognathus flavinuchus victorini (Lafresnaye) Tach.[yphonus] Victorini Lafresnaye (ex Massena MS), 1842, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 5, p. 336 — Bolivia, Santa Fe de Bogota [=Santa-Fé-de-Bogota, Colombia, fide Hell- mayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13. pt: 9, p: 200]: Central Colombia (west slope of Eastern Andes from Santander south to head of Magdalena Valley) and south- western Venezuela (Rio Chiquito, Tachira) ; subtropical zone. Anisognathus flavinuchus cyanopterus (Cabanis) Compsocoma cyanoptera Cabanis, 1866, Journ. f. Ornith., 14, p: 235 — Ecuador. Southwestern Colombia (west slope of Central Andes from Quindio, south; southern part of Western Andes and western Narino) and western Ecuador (south to Rio Chimbo) ; upper tropical and subtropical zones. THRAUPINAE Be, Anisognathus flavinuchus baezae (Chapman) Compsocoma somptuosa baezae Chapman, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 160, p. 138 — Baeza, 5000 ft., eastern Ecuador. Southern Colombia (east slope of Eastern Andes in Narino) and eastern Ecuador; subtropical zone. Anisognathus flavinuchus alamoris (Chapman) Compsocoma somptuosa alamoris Chapman, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 160, p. 12 — Alamor, 4550 ft., south- western Ecuador. Southwestern Ecuador (from near Cuenca to Province of Loja) ; subtropical zone. Anisognathus flavinuchus somptuosus (Lesson) 1! Tachyphonus somptuosus Lesson, 1831, Traité Ornith., p. 463—no locality; type from Peru, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, Do 205. Extreme southeastern Ecuador (Zamora; Sabanilla; Cutuci) and eastern Peru (south to Junin); subtropical zone. Anisognathus flavinuchus flavinuchus (d’Orbigny and La- fresnaye) T.[achyphonus] flavinucha d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, isot, Mage Zooly [Paris], 7, cl. 2,’ p. 29— Yuneas [,Bolivia]. Southeastern Peru (vicinity of Santo Domingo) and Bolivia (La Paz, Cochabamba, and Santa Cruz) ; subtropical zone. ANISOGNATHUS NOTABILIS Anisognathus notabilis (Sclater) Tanagra notabilis P. L. Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 23, p. 84, pl. 91 —the eastern range of Cordil- leras to the north of Quito [,Ecuador]. Southwestern Colombia (Pacific slope from headwaters of Rio San Juan, south) and northwestern Ecuador; upper 1 According to Zimmer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, p. 8, and Parkes, in litt., the populations of northern Peru are separable from those of central Peru, but it is not known to which group this type belongs. — R.W.S. 336 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD tropical and subtropical zones. Doubtfully recorded from eastern Ecuador. GENUS STEPHANOPHORUS STRICKLAND Stephanophorus Strickland, 1841, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 9, p. 30. Type, by monotypy, Pyrrhula coerulea Vieillot = Tanagra diademata Temminck. STEPHANOPHORUS DIADEMATUS Stephanophorus diadematus (Temminck) Tanagra diademata Temminck (ex Natterer MS), 1823, Pl. Col., livr. 41, pl. 243 — Brazil; restricted to Curitiba, Parana, by Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil (Publ. Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo), pt. 2, p. 485. Southeastern Brazil (from Rio de Janeiro, south), Uru- guay, Paraguay, and northeastern Argentina (from Misiones and northern Santa Fé south to Buenos Aires and possibly west to Tucuman). GENUS IRIDOSORNIS LESSON Iridosornis Lesson, 1844, Echo du Monde Savant, 11(4), col. 80. Type, by monotypy, Arremon rufi-vertex La- fresnaye. ef. Zimmer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, pp. 1-4 (Peru). IRIDOSORNIS PORPHYROCEPHALA Iridosornis porphyrocephala (Sclater) Tridornis porphyrocephala P. L. Sclater, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 23(1855), p. 227, pl. 110 — neighbourhood of Quito. Western Colombia (both slopes of Western Andes; west slope of Central Andes) and western Ecuador; upper trop- ical and subtropical zones. IRIDOSORNIS ANALIS Iridosornis analis (Tschudi) T.[anagra] analis Tschudi, 1844, Archiv f. Naturg., 10(1), p. 287 — Peru; type from “C. Peru,” fide Ber- lepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1043; Valley of Vitoc, Dept. Junin, suggested THRAUPINAE 337 by Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser. lo. pu., D. 179. Eastern Ecuador (Cutucti) and eastern Peru (south to Bolivian border) ; tropical and subtropical zones. IRIDOSORNIS JELSKII Iridosornis jelskii jelskii (Cabanis) Iridornis Jelskii Cabanis, 1873, Journ. f. Ornith., 21, p. 316 — Maraynioc [,Junin, Peru]. Known only from vicinity of type locality ; temperate zone. Iridosornis jelskii bolivianus Berlepsch Iridosornis jelski boliviana Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V. Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1043 — Undauvi [,La Paz], Bolivia. Southeastern Peru (Cuzco) and western Bolivia (La Paz) ; temperate zone. IRIDOSORNIS RUFIVERTEX Iridosornis rufivertex rufivertex (Lafresnaye) Arremon rufi-vertex Lafresnaye, 1842, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 5, p. 885 — Bolivia; error, Bogota region, eastern Andes of Colombia, substituted by Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 18, pt. 9, p. 176. Western Venezuela (Paramo de Tama, Tachira), central Colombia (Eastern Andes south to Andes of Narifio), and eastern Ecuador ; temperate zone. Iridosornis rufivertex caeruleoventris Chapman Iridosornis dubusia caeruleoventris Chapman, 1915, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 34, p. 657 — Paramillo (12,500 ft.), northern end of Western Andes, Colombia. Colombia, at north ends of Western Andes (Paramillo) and Central Andes (Santa Elena) ; temperate zone. Iridosornis rufivertex ignicapillus Chapman Iridosornis dubusia ignicapillus Chapman, 1915, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 34, p. 656— Andes west of Popayan (10,340 ft.), Colombia. Southwestern Colombia (southern end of Western and Central Andes; Narino) ; subtropical and temperate zones. Iridosornis rufivertex subsimilis Zimmer Iridosornis rufi-vertex subsimilis Zimmer, 1944, Amer. 308 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Mus. Novit., no. 1262, p. 1— Mindo Valley, western Ecuador; altitude 9400 feet. Ecuador, on west slope of Western Andes; temperate zone. Iridosornis rufivertex reinhardti (Sclater)? Iridornis reinhardti P. L. Sclater, 1865, Ibis, p. 495, pl. 11 — Eastern slope of the Peruvian Cordilleras. Eastern side of Peruvian Andes from Amazonas (San Pedro, near Chachapoyas) to Junin; temperate zone. GENUS DUBUSIA BONAPARTE Dubusia Bonaparte, 1850, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 31, p. 424. Type, by subsequent designation (Zimmer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, p. 9), Dubusia sely- sia (Bonaparte) = Tanagra selysia Bonaparte = Tana- gra (Tachyphonus) taeniata Boissonneau. cf. Zimmer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, pp. 9-10 (Peru). DUBUSIA TAENIATA Dubusia taeniata carrikeri Wetmore Dubusia carrikeri Wetmore, 1946, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 106(16), p. 11 — Between 8,500 and 9,500 feet on the south side of the main valley of the Rio Guatapuri, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Dept. Magdalena, Colombia. Northern Colombia (southeast section of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta) ; temperate zone. Dubusia taeniata taeniata (Boissonneau) Tanagra (Tachyphonus) taeniata Boissonneau, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 57 — Santa-Fé-de-Bogota, Colombia. Western Venezuela (Sierra de Perija; Andes of Trujillo, Mérida, and Tachira), Colombia (three Andean ranges), and Ecuador; subtropical and temperate zones. Dubusia taeniata stictocephala Berlepsch and Stolazmann Dubusia stictocephala Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1894, Ibis, p. 386 — Maraynioc, Dept. Junin, Peru. Southeastern Peru, from Junin to Cuzco; temperate zone. 1 Treated as a full species by de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South Amer., p. 476. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 339 GENUS DELOTHRAUPIS ScLATER Delothraupis P. L. Sclater, 1886, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 11, p. 142. Type, by monotypy, Calliste castaneoventris Sclater. cf. Zimmer, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1262, pp. 4-5 (Peru). DELOTHRAUPIS CASTANEOVENTRIS Delothraupis castaneoventris peruviana Carriker Delothraupis castaneiventris [sic] peruvianus Carriker, 1935, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 87, p. 358 — Auquimarca, Dept. Junin, Peru, altitude 8,000 feet. Eastern Peru, from Huanuco, south; temperate zone. Delothraupis castaneoventris castaneoventris (Sclater) Calliste castaneoventris P. L. Sclater, 1851, Jardine’s Contrib. Ornith., p. 61 — Bolivia. Bolivia (La Paz; Cochabamba) ; temperate zone. GENUS PIPRAEIDEA SWAINSON Pipraeidea Swainson, 1827, Zool. Journ., 3, p. 173. Type, by monotypy, Pipraeidea cyanea Swainson = Tanagra melanonota Vieillot. cf. Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1225, pp. 23-24 (Peru). PIPRAEIDEA MELANONOTA Pipraeidea melanonota venezuelensis (Sclater) Pipridea venezuelensis P. L. Sclater, 1857, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 24(1856), p. 265 — Caraccas, Venezuela. Pipraeidea melanonota sztolemani Dunajewski, 1939, Acta Ornith. Mus. Zool. Polonici, 3, p. 12 — Idma, Peru. Venezuela (western and coastal mountains from Mérida to Sucre; Cerro Yavi, northern Amazonas; and Sierra Parima, southwestern Bolivar), extreme northern Brazil (sources of Rio Uraricoera), and mountains of Colombia (except Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and west slope of Western Andes), south through Ecuador, Peru, and western Bolivia to northwestern Argentina (Jujuy to Tucumdén) ; subtropical and lower temperate zones. 340 CHECK-LIST. OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Pipraeidea melanonota melanonota (Vieillot) Tanagra melanonota Vieillot, 1819, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 32, p. 407 — Brésil [= Rio de Janeiro]. Southeastern Brazil (from Mato Grosso and Bahia, south), Paraguay, Uruguay, and northeastern Argentina (Misiones to Buenos Aires). Intergrades with venezuelensis in Bolivia (fide Parkes, in litt.). GENUS EUPHONIA DESMAREST! Euphonia Desmarest, 1806, Hist. Nat. Tangaras, livr. 10, table [pl]. 27]. Type, by monotypy, Euphonia olivacea Desmarest = Huphonia minuta Cabanis.? Pyrrhuphonia Bonaparte,’? 1850, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 31, p. 423. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 74), Fringilla jamaica Linnaeus. cf. Zimmer, 1948, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1225, pp. 4-21 (Peru). 1 The generic name Tanagra Linnaeus, 1764, has been suppressed for the purposes of the Law of Priority but not for those of the Law of Homonymy, and it and the generic name Tanagra Linnaeus, 1766, have been placed on the Official List of Rejected and Invalid Names in Zoology by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1968, Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 25, p. 74. Euphonia Desmarest, 1806, has been placed on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology by the International Commission on Zoolog- ical Nomenclature, 1968, Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 25, p. 74. — R.W.S. 2 The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature has suppressed the name olivacea Desmarest, 1806 (published as the binomen Euphonia olivacea) for the purposes of the Law of Priority, but not for those of the Law of Homonymy, and has placed the name minuta Cabanis, 1849 (published as the binomen Euphonia minuta) on the Official List of Specific Names in Zoology, 1968, Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 25, p. 74. — R.W.S. 3 The Jamaican Euphonia (E. jamaica) has been separated gener- ically from Euphonia on the basis of its bill, which is relatively shorter but less stout than that of HE. chalybea. In a group which contains species with bills as different in form as those of EF. chalybea and E. minuta, the much smaller difference between those of E. chalybea and E. jamaica hardly seems a valid basis for erecting a monotypic genus. In plumage E. jamaica resembles FE. plumbea. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 341 EUPHONIA JAMAICA Euphonia jamaica (Linnaeus) Fringilla jamaica Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 323; based on “Passer Coeruleofuscus” of Sloane, MOi-2o; Voy, Jamaica, 2p. sii pl: 257; fie: 3’ — Jamaica. Jamaica. EUPHONIA PLUMBEA Euphonia plumbea Du Bus Euphonia plumbea Du Bus, 1855, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci., Lettr. et Beaux-Arts de Belgique, 22(pt. 1), p. 156 — la Nouvelle-Grenade; error, British Guiana substituted by Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil (Publ. Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo), pt. 2, p. 462. Southern Venezuela (southern Amazonas; southern Boli- var), Guyana (British Guiana), Surinam, and northern Brazil (Manaus and along Rio Negro) ; tropical zone. EUPHONIA AFFINIS Euphonia affinis godmani Brewster Euphonia godmani Brewster, 1889, Auk, 6, p. 90 — Ma- zatlan [,Sinaloa], Mexico. Western Mexico from southeastern Sonora (Alamos) to Guerrero; arid tropical zone. Euphonia affinis affinis (Lesson) Tanagra [Euphonia] affinis Lesson, 1842, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 5, p. 175 — Realjo [,Nicaragua]. Tanagra affinis esperanzae Brodkorb, 1938, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, no. 369, p. 5 — Finca Es- peranza, Chiapas, altitude, 200 meters [,Mexico]. Eastern Mexico (from Tamaulipas southward), British Honduras, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and northwestern slope of Costa Rica; tropical zone. EUPHONIA LUTEICAPILLA Euphonia luteicapilla (Cabanis) Phonasca luteicapilla Cabanis, 1860, Journ. f. Ornith., 8, p. 382 — Costa Rica. Eastern Nicaragua, all of Costa Rica, and Panama east 342 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD through Canal Zone to eastern province of Panama (Rio Chico). EUPHONIA CHLOROTICA Euphonia chlorotica cynophora (Oberholser) Euphonia aurea pileata Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V. Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1014 — Quiribana de Caicara, Rio Orinoco, Venezuela. Tanagra aurea cynophora Oberholser, 1918, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 31, p. 126. New name for Huphonia aurea pileata Berlepsch, 1912, preoccupied by Tanagra pileata Boddaert, 1783. Eastern Colombia, from base of Eastern Andes to the Orinoco; southern Venezuela, from central Tachira to east- ern Bolivar and south to extreme northern Amazonas (Cano Cataniapo); and extreme northern Brazil (Cerro Uei- tepui) ; tropical zone. Euphonia chlorotica chlorotica (Linnaeus) Tanagra chlorotica Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 317; based on “Le Tangara noir et jaune de Cayenne” of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 3, p. 34, pl. 2, fig. 3 — Cayenne. The Guianas and northern and northeastern Brazil south to lower Rio Negro and north bank of the Amazon and from Rio Tapajos east and south to Bahia; tropical zone. Euphonia chlorotica serrirostris d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye Euphonia serrirostris d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 30 — Guarayos, Santa Cruz [,Bolivia]. Southeastern Bolivia, southern Brazil (north to southern Mato Grosso, southern Goias, and Rio de Janeiro), Para- guay, Uruguay, and northern Argentina (south to La Rioja, Cérdoba, Sante Fe, and northern Buenos Aires) ; tropical zone. Euphonia chlorotica taczanowskii Sclater [Euphonia chlorotica] Subsp. taczanowskii P. L. Sclater, 1886, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 11, p. 65 — Callacate, Peru. Eastern Peru and northern Bolivia (Trinidad, Rio Ma- moré) ; tropical zone. THRAUPINAE 343 Euphonia chlorotica amazonica Parkes Euphonia chlorotica amazonica Parkes, 1969, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 89, p. 18 — Arima, Rio Purus, Brazil. Amazonian Brazil; known from Arima, Rio Purts; Boca Lago, Teffé; Caxiricatuba, Rio Tapajos; and Santarém. In- tergrades with serrirostris in western Mato Grosso. EUPHONIA TRINITATIS Euphonia trinitatis Strickland Euphonia trinitatis Strickland, 1851, in Jardine’s Contrib. Ornith., 1, p. 72 — Trinidad, Cumana, Venezuela, St. Thomas (Sclater) ; type from Trinidad, fide Salvin, 1882, Cat. Strickland Coll., p. 179. Northern Colombia (Caribbean coast, including Santa Marta region; lower and middle Magdalena Valley), north- ern Venezuela south to western Bolivar (El Dorado) and extreme northwestern Amazonas (Puerto Ayacucho), and Trinidad and (?) Tobago (sight record) ;! tropical zone. EUPHONIA CONCINNA Euphonia concinna Sclater Euphonia concinna P. L. Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 22(1854), p. 98, pl. 65, fig. 2 — Nova Grenada [= “Bogota’’]. Central Colombia in upper Magdalena Valley (Cundin- amarca, Tolima, and Huila); tropical zone; common in va native “Bogota” collections. EUPHONIA SATURATA Euphonia saturata (Cabanis) Phonasca saturata Cabanis, 1860, Journ. f. Ornith., 8, p. 886 — Neu-Granada [= Colombia]. Western Colombia (both slopes of Western Andes from Valle to Narifio), western Ecuador, and extreme northwest- ern Peru (Tumbez; Milagros) ; upper tropical zone. EUPHONIA FINSCHI Euphonia finschi Sclater and Salvin Euphonia finschi P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1877, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 19 — Demerara [,British Guiana]. 1 Pilling and Trowern, 1964, Wilson Bull., 76, pp. 96-97. — R.W.S. 344 CHECK-LIST, OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD The Guianas and adjacent parts of Venezuela (Roraima) and Brazil (upper Rio Branco) ; tropical zone. EUPHONIA VIOLACEA Euphonia violacea rodwayi (Penard)? Tanagra violacea rodwayi Penard, 1919, Proc. New En- gland Zool. Club, 7, p. 30 — British Guiana [= Bolivar, Venezuela, fide Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1950, Bol. Soc. Venezolana Cienc. Nat., 12, no. 75, p. 3138]; Mt. Ro- raima, 3500 feet altitude. Eastern Venezuela (Sucre to northern Amazonas), Trin- idad and (?) Tobago (sight records) ;! tropical zone. Euphonia violacea violacea (Linnaeus) Fringilla violacea Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 182 — in Calidis regionibus; Surinam designated by Berlepsch and Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 18. The Guianas and northern Brazil (north of the Amazon west to the Rio Nhamunda [Jamunda] and south of the Amazon from lower Rio Madeira east to Maranhao) ; trop- ical zone. Euphonia violacea aurantiicollis Bertoni Euphonia aurantiicollis Bertoni, 1901, Anal. Cient. Para- guay., 1, p. 94— Puerto Bertoni, Alto Parana [,Para- guay]. Southeastern Brazil, from Paraiba to Rio Grande do Sul, extreme northeastern Argentina (Misiones), and adjacent parts of Paraguay. Intergrades with violacea over wide area including Bahia (where nearer aurantiicollis, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 55), and middle Tapajos (Villa Braga, Miritituba; skins in Carnegie Museum). EUPHONIA LANIIROSTRIS Euphonia laniirostris crassirostris Sclater Euphonia crassirostris P. L. Sclater, 1857, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 24(1856), p. 277 — New Grenada, Bogota. Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia west of Eastern Andes 1 For validity of race and sight records for Tobago, see Junge and Mees, 1958, Zool. Verh. Rijksmus. Nat. Hist. Leiden, no. 37, pp. 136- 137. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 345 (Santa Marta region; Cauca and Magdalena valleys), north- ern Venezuela from Zulia, Tachira, and western Apure (El Amparo) to Sucre and Monagas; tropical and subtropical zones. Euphonia laniirostris melanura Sclater Euphonia melanura P. L. Sclater, 1851, in Jardine’s Con- trib. Ornith., 1, p. 86-—Barra do Rio Negro; “Villa Nova,” south bank of the lower Amazon, west of the mouth of the Rio Tupinambaranas, suggested by Zim- mer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1225, p. 16. Upper Amazonia, from east base of Eastern Andes and upper Orinoco basin (Maipures) in Colombia south through eastern Ecuador to northeastern Peru (west to Moyobamba and south up Ucayali Valley to junction of the Urubamba and Tambo), and east to western Brazil to lower Madeira (Rosarinho) and south bank of Amazon to Villa Bella Im- peratriz; tropical zone. Euphonia laniirostris hypoxantha Berlepsch and Tacza- nowski Euphonia hypoxantha Berlepsch and Taczanowski (ex Stolzmann MS), 1883, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 544 — Chimbo, Ecuador. Western Ecuador and northwestern Peru, south to Paucal; tropical and subtropical zones. Euphonia laniirostris zopholega (Oberholser) Euphonia laniirostris peruviana Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1906, Ornis, 13, p. 77 — La Merced, Dept. Junin, and Santa Ana, Urubamba, Peru; type from La Merced, fide Sztoleman and Domaniewski, 1927, Ann. Zool. Mus. Polonici Hist. Nat., 6, p. 181. Tanagra laniirostris zopholega Oberholser, 1918, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 31, p. 126. New name for Eu- phonia laniirostris peruviana Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1906, preoccupied by Tanagra peruviana Desmarest, 1805. Hast-central Peru in Junin and Cuzco; tropical zone. Doubtfully distinct from E. l. laniirostris. Euphonia laniirostris laniirostris d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye E.[uphonia] laniirostris d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, 346 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 30— Yuracares [,Bo- livia]. Eastern Bolivia south to Santa Cruz (Buena Vista) and adjacent parts of western Brazil north to upper Rio Madeira and its tributaries; tropical zone. EUPHONIA HIRUNDINACEA Euphonia hirundinacea hirundinacea Bonaparte Euphonia hirundinacea Bonaparte, 1838, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5(1887), p. 117 — Guatemala.? Tanagra lauta lauta Bangs and Penard, 1919, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 63, p. 35. New name for Euphonia hirundi- nacea Bonaparte, 1838, preoccupied by Tanagra hirun- dinacea Lesson, 1831, Traité Ornith., p. 460 — Guate- mala. Euphonia hirundinacea caribbaea Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 149 — 38 km. north of Matias Romero, Oaxaca (= Monte Bello, north of Palomares) [,Mexico]. Euphonia hirundinacea russelli Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 150 — 2 km. NE. of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo, México. Euphonia hirundinacea sutton Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 150— Rio Sabinas near Gomez Farias, south-western Tamaulipas [,Mexico]. Eastern Mexico, from Tamaulipas southward, British Honduras, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and eastern Nicaragua; chiefly in tropical zone. Euphonia hirundinacea gnatho (Cabanis) Phonasca Gnatho Cabanis, 1860, Journ. f. Ornith., 8, p. 885 — Costa Rica. Tanagra lauta proba Bangs and Penard, 1919, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 63, p. 35. New name for Phonasca Gnatho 1 Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 149, states that the type “was taken by Col. Velasquez on the Pacific slope of Guatemala.” This is probably true, but positive proof is lacking. As four birds from southeastern Guatemala “do seem intermediate” between the Caribbean and Costa Rican forms, it is likely that the type came from an area of intergradation. Hence, the type must be examined before Phillips’ arbitrary assigning of it to the Costa Rican race can be evaluated. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 347 Cabanis, 1860, preoccupied by Tanagra Gnatho Deppe, 1830, Preis-Verz. Saug., Vogel, etc., Mexico, p. 56 — Mexico. Northwestern Nicaragua, Costa Rica (absent in south- west and Caribbean lowlands), and extreme western Panama (Chiriqui) ; tropical and subtropical zones. Inter- grades with nominate race in southeastern Guatemala. EKUPHONIA CHALYBEA Euphonia chalybea (Mikan) Tanagra chalybea Mikan, 1825, Del. Faun. Flor. Brasil., livr. 4, pl. 21, figs. 1, 2—- Ypanema, Sado Paulo, Brazil. Southeastern Brazil (from Rio de Janeiro to Rio Grande do Sul) and adjacent parts of Paraguay and Argentina (Misiones; Corrientes, specimen in Buenos Aires Museum). EUPHONIA MUSICA! Euphonia musica rileyi (van Rossem) Tanagra elegantissima viscivora van Rossem, 1941, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, no. 449, p. 1— San Francisco Cafion, extreme southeastern Sonora, Mexico. Tanagra elegantissima rileyi van Rossem, 1942, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 9, p. 884. New name for Tanagra elegantissima viscivora van Rossem, 1941, preoccupied by Euphonia flavifrons viscivora Clark, 1905. Northwestern Mexico in extreme southeastern Sonora and northeastern Sinaloa, in foothills and mountains and up to at least 1,275 ft. Euphonia musica elegantissima (Bonaparte) Pipra elegantissima Bonaparte, 1838, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5(1837), p. 112 — Mexico. Central and southern Mexico, from southern Sinaloa, Guanajuato, and southern Tamaulipas through Oaxaca and Chiapas to British Honduras (Mountain Cow) and north- western Guatemala. Populations from southern Mexico and northwestern Guatemala are intermediate between this race and vincens. 1 The Mexican and Central American races are sometimes con- sidered to constitute a separate species, elegantissima. — R.W.S. 348 CHECK-LIST, OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Euphonia musica vincens Hartert Euphonia elegantissima vincens Hartert, 1913, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 33, p. 77 — San José, Costa Rica. Southeastern Guatemala to western Panama. Euphonia musica pelzelni Sclater [Euphonia nigricollis] subsp. pelzelni P. L. Sclater (ex Berlepsch MS), 1886, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 11, p. 61 — Govinda, Ecuador. Extreme southern Colombia and western Ecuador, south to Chimborazo; temperate and (rarely) subtropical zones. Euphonia musica insignis Sclater and Salvin Euphonia insignis P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1877, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 521, pl. 52, fig. 1 (male) — Jina [= Jima], Ecuador. Southern Ecuador (Loja; Jima) ; temperate zone. Euphonia musica aureata (Vieillot) T.[anagra] Aureata Vieillot, 1822, in Bonnaterre and Vieillot, Tabl. Enc. Méth., Ornith., 2, livr. 91, p. 782; based on “‘Lindo azul y oro cabeza celesta,”’ no. 99, of Azara, 1802, Apuntamientos Hist. Nat. Paxaros Para- giiay Rio Plata, 1, p. 393 — Paraguay. E.[uphonia] nigricollis intermedia Chubb,! 1910, Ibis, p. 624 — Guiana [= Roraima, British Guiana, fide Hell- mayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 18=Cerro Roraima, Bolivar, Venezuela, fide Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1950, Bol. Soc. Venezolana Cienc. Nat., 12, no. 75, p. 310]. Colombia (except extreme south), Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana (British Guiana), and Surinam south through east- ern Ecuador, eastern Peru, eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, and Brazil to northern Argentina (south to Tucuman and Cor- rientes) and Uruguay; tropical and subtropical zones. Euphonia musica musica (Gmelin) Pipra musica Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 1004; based on “L’Organiste’”’ of Buffon and Daubenton, 1765- 80, Planches Enlum., pl. 809, fig. 1— Santo Domingo. Hispaniola and Gonave. 1 Zimmer, 19438, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1225, pp. 4-5, presents rea- sons for not recognizing this race. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 349 Euphonia musica sclateri (Sclater) Cyanophonia sclateri P. L. Sclater (ex Bonaparte MS), 1854, Tanagrarum Cat. Specificus, p. 16 — Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico. Euphonia musica flavifrons (Sparrman) Emberiza flavifrons Sparrman, 1789, Mus. Carlsonianum, fase. 4, pl. 92 — St. Bartholomew, cf. Sundevall, 1869, Vetensk.-Akad. Forhandl., 26, p. 5838. Lesser Antilles on Saba, St. Bartholomew, Barbuda, Antigua, Monserrat, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Bequia, and Grenada. EUPHONIA FULVICRISSA Euphonia fulvicrissa fulvicrissa Sclater Euphonia fulvicrissa P. L. Sclater, 1857, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 24(1856), p. 276 —S.[anta] Martha in New Grenada. [Locality not certain. ] Panama to extreme northwestern Colombia (northern Choco) ; tropical zone. Costa Rican records require confirma- tion, fide Slud, 1964, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 128, p. 346. Euphonia fulvicrissa omissa Hartert Euphonia fulvicrissa omissa Hartert, 1913, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 33, p. 77 — “Bogota,” Colombia. Colombia in middle Magdalena, Cauca, and Sint valleys, upper Atrato Valley, and Pacific coast in lower Baudo and Dagua valleys; tropical zone. Euphonia fulvicrissa purpurascens Hartert Euphonia fulvicrissa purpurascens Hartert, 1901, Novit. Zool., 8, p. 370—Pambilar [,Esmeraldas], N. W. Ecuador. Southwestern Colombia (Narifio) and northwestern Ecuador (Esmeraldas) ; tropical zone. EUPHONIA IMITANS Euphonia imitans (Hellmayr) Tanagra imitans Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 63 — El Pozo, Rio Térraba, Costa Rica. Pacific slope of Costa Rica from Miravalles (one record) and San José Province to extreme western Panama (Chiriqui). 350 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD EUPHONIA GOULDI Euphonia gouldi gouldi Sclater Euphonia Gouldi P. L. Sclater, 1857, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 25, p. 66, pl. 24 — Guatemala. Euphonia gouldi loetscheri Phillips, 1966, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 86, p. 148 — Dos Amates, north-east of Catemaco, Veracruz [,Mexico]. Caribbean slope from southeastern Mexico (Veracruz) to Honduras; humid tropical zone. Euphonia gouldi praetermissa (Peters) Tanagra gouldi praetermissa Peters, 1929, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 69, p. 470— Western River, Almirante [Bay], Panama. Extreme eastern Honduras (Olancho rain forest) along Caribbean slope to western Bocas del Toro, Panama, cross- ing to humid Pacific slopes in Costa Rica; tropical and lower subtropical zones. EUPHONIA CHRYSOPASTA Euphonia chrysopasta chrysopasta Sclater and Salvin Euphonia chrysopasta P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1869, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 438, pl. 30, figs. 1, 2—/#in Peruvia orient. in ripis fl. Ucayali; et in ripis fl. Napo, reipubl. Aequatorialis; type from lower Ucayali, Peru, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 65. Southeastern Colombia (intergrading with nitida in west- ern Meta) through eastern Ecuador and Peru to eastern Bolivia and adjacent parts of western Brazil, east to the Rio Roosevelt and along south bank of the Amazon to the Rio Tapajos ;? tropical zone. Euphonia chrysopasta nitida (Penard) Tanagra chrysopasta nitida Penard, 1923, Occas. Papers Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 5, p. 63 — Lelydorp, Surinam. Extreme eastern Colombia along the Orinoco (Maipures), southern Venezuela (Bolivar; Amazonas), Surinam (prob- 1 According to K. C. Parkes (in litt.), the population south of the Amazon from Tefe to the Tapajés is in many ways intermediate be- tween chrysopasta and nitida and should perhaps be described as a new race. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 351 ably also Guyana [British Guiana] and French Guiana), and northern Brazil to north bank of the Amazon; tropical zone. EUPHONIA MESOCHRYSA Euphonia mesochrysa mesochrysa Salvadori Euphonia mesochrysa Salvadori, 1873, Atti R. Accad. Sci. Torino, 8, p. 198 —no locality; “Bogota,’”’ Colom- bia suggested by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1021. Central Colombia (head of Magdalena Valley; base of Eastern Andes in Meta) and eastern Ecuador (below Oyacachi; Macas) ; tropical and subtropical zones. Euphonia mesochrysa media (Zimmer) Tanagra mesochrysa media Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1225, p. 19 — Chaupe, northern Peru, alti- tude 6100 feet. Central and northern Peru from mouth of Rio Curaray and Chinchipe Valley to the Chanchamayo region, where it intergrades with T. m. tavarae; subtropical zone. Euphonia mesochrysa tavarae (Chapman) Tanagra mesochrysa tavarae Chapman, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 160, p. 9 — Rio Tavara, alt. 1600 ft.; long. 70° 20’ W., lat. 13° 25’ S., southeastern Peru. Tanagra mesochrysa yungae Bond and de Schauensee, 1942, Notulae Naturae [Philadelphia], no. 105, p. 3 — Palmar (2600 ft.), Yungas of Cochabamba, Bolivia. Southeastern Peru (Rio Tavara; Rio Cadena; Huay- napata; La Pampa) to central Bolivia (Cochabamba; Santa Cruz, specimen in Carnegie Museum) ; subtropical zone. EUPHONIA MINUTA Euphonia minuta humilis (Cabanis) Phonasca humilis Cabanis, 1860, Journ. f. Ornith., 8, p. 384 — Costa Rica. Southern Mexico (Palenque, Chiapas), Guatemala (Co- ban), and British Honduras south through Central America and western Colombia (middle Magdalena Valley to Pacific Coast) to western Ecuador (Gualea) ; humid tropical and lower subtropical zones. Not recorded from Honduras. 352 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Euphonia minuta minuta Cabanis! E.[uphona] minuta Cabanis, 1849, in Schomburgk, Reisen Brit.-Guiana, 3(1848), p. 671 — British Guiana. Tanagra olivacea mellea Bangs and Penard, 1918, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 62, p. 87 — Yquitos, Peru. Colombia east of Eastern Andes from Meta south, south- ern Venezuela, and the Guianas, south through eastern Peru and western Brazil to central Bolivia (Santa Cruz, specimen in Carnegie Museum) and western Mato Grosso (Engenho do Gama), and possibly along south bank of the Amazon to Para region; tropical zone. EUPHONIA ANNEAE Euphonia anneae anneae Cassin Euphonia Anneae Cassin, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 172 — Santa Rosa, Costa Rica. Pacific slope of Costa Rica and extreme western Panama (Boquete; Volcan de Chiriqui) ; subtropical zone. Euphonia anneae rufivertex Salvin Euphonia rufivertex Salvin, 1866, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 71, pl. 7 (male, female) — Veragua et Costa Rica; types from Santiago de Veraguas, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 29. Western Panama (Veraguas) to northwestern Colombia (shores of Gulf of Uraba) ; tropical zone. EUPHONIA XANTHOGASTER Euphonia xanthogaster chocoensis Hellmayr Euphonia xanthogaster chocoensis Hellmayr, 1911, Rev. Franc. Ornith., 2, p. 23 — Rio Cajon, San Juan, Choco, Colombia. Eastern Panama (Darién), western Colombia from Pa- cific coast to western slope of Central Andes, and extreme northwestern Ecuador; tropical and subtropical zones. Euphonia xanthogaster quitensis (Nelson) Tanagra xanthogastra quitensis Nelson, 1912, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60(3), p. 16 — Quito [, Ecuador]; Gualea 1 Placed on the Official List of Specific Names in Zoology by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1968, Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 25, p. 74. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE ane substituted by Chapman, 1931, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.,.63; p.. 127. Western Ecuador, except extreme northwestern part; tropical and subtropical zones. Euphonia xanthogaster dilutior (Zimmer) Tanagra xanthogaster dilutior Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1225, p. 6 — Orosa, south bank of Rio Ama- zonas, northeastern Peru. Ucayali Valley, Peru, and both sides of the Amazon from mouth of the Ucayali down to Loretoyacu, Colombia; tropi- cal zone. Euphonia xanthogaster cyanonota Parkes Euphonia xanthogaster cyanonota Parkes, 1969, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 89, p. 17 — Arima, Rio Purts, Brazil. Known only from the Rio Jurua (Joao Pessoa; Lago Grande) and the Rio Purts (Arima) in western Brazil. Euphonia xanthogaster brunneifrons Chapman Euphonia xanthogastra brunneifrons Chapman, 1901, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 14, p. 226— Inca Mine [=Santo Domingo, Marcapata], southeastern Peru. Southeastern Peru, in Cuzco and Puno; tropical and sub- tropical zones. Euphonia xanthogaster ruficeps d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye E.[uphonia] ruficeps d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 30 — Yuracares [, Bo- livia]. Bolivia, in La Paz and Cochabamba; tropical and sub- tropical zones. Euphonia xanthogaster brevirostris Bonaparte E.[uphonia] brevirostris Bonaparte, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 3, p. 186 — “Columbia” [= Bogota collections ]. Eastern Colombia (slopes of Eastern and Central Andes above Magdalena Valley; east of Eastern Andes from Norte de Santander to Meta), eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru (west of Ucayali Valley), southern Venezuela, Guyana (British Guiana), and northwestern Brazil (Rio Uaupés, Tahuapunto) ; tropical and subtropical zones. 354 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD EKuphonia xanthogaster exsul Berlepsch Euphonia ruficeps exsul Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1017 — San Esteban, near Puerto Cabello [Carabobo], Venezuela. Mountains of northeastern Colombia (north end of Sierra de Perijé to Boyaca) east across northern Venezuela to Miranda (Cerro Negro); upper tropical and subtropical zones. Euphonia xanthogaster xanthogaster (Sundevall) E.[uphone] xanthogaster Sundevall, 1834, Vetensk. Akad. Handl., 1833, p. 310, pl. 10, fig. 1 (adult male) — Brazil; restricted to Bio [Rio] de Janeiro by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V. Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1016. Brazil, east of range of cyanonota and south to Rio de Janeiro (possibly to Sao Paulo) .1 EUPHONIA RUFIVENTRIS Euphonia rufiventris (Vieillot) Tanagra rufiventris Vieillot, 1819, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 32, p. 426—no locality; Iquitos, Peru, suggested by Hellmayr, 1920, Archiv f. Naturg., ser. A, 85(10), p. 18. Tanagra rufiventris colorata Todd, 1918, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 26, p. 169—Rio Turutu [=Suruti], Provence del Sara, Bolivia. Orinoco basin and upper Amazonia from eastern Colom- bia (Meta) and southern Venezuela (Bolivar; Amazonas) south to southeastern Peru (Carabaya) and central Bo- livia (Rio Surutt, Santa Cruz) ; tropical zone. EUPHONIA PECTORALIS? Euphonia pectoralis (Latham) Pipra pectoralis Latham, 1801, Index Ornith., suppl., p. lvii— Brazil; restricted to Rio de Janeiro by Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil (Publ. Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo), pt. 2, p. 460. 1 Brazilian populations of this species are poorly known owing to a lack of material from critical areas. — R.W.S. 2 Euphonia vittata P. L. Sclater, 1861, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 129— Brazil, is almost certainly a hybrid between Euphonia sxanthogaster and E. pectoralis. E. catasticta Oberholser is a synonym, fide de Schauensee, 1966, Species Birds South Amer., p. 466.— R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 355 Southeastern Brazil (from southern Bahia to Santa Ca- tarina) and adjacent parts of Paraguay and Argentina (Misiones). EUPHONIA CAYENNENSIS Euphonia cayennensis (Gmelin)? Tanagra cayennensis Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 894; based on “Le Tangara noir de Cayenne” of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 3, p. 29, pl. 2, fig. 1— Cayenne. Southeastern Venezuela (Mount Auyan-tepui, Bolivar), the Guianas, and northern Brazil, west to Manaus and south of Amazon from Para to northern Maranhao. GENUS CHLOROPHONIA BONAPARTE Chlorophonia Bonaparte, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 3, p. 137. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 74), Tan- agra viridis Vieillot =Pipra cyanea Thunberg. cf. Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1225, pp. 2-4 (Peru). CHLOROPHONIA FLAVIROSTRIS Chlorophonia flavirostris Sclater Chlorophonia flavirostris P. L. Sclater, 1861, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 129 — Ecuador.? Chlorophonia flavirostris minima Blake, 1959, Lozania (Acta Zool. Colombiana), no. 11, p. 8 — La Guayacana, Narifo, Colombia. Altitude 260 meters. Chlorophonia flavirostris boehmi Conway, 1962, Animal Kingdom, 65, p. 60 — description of bird in aviary. Known only from west slope of Andes in southwestern Colombia (La Guayacana, Narifo) and western Ecuador (Mindo; Gualea) ; tropical zone. 1 A senior synonym Tanagra nigra Linnaeus, 1768, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 3, unnumbered last page, is invalid as a forgotten name; fide Art. 23b, Intern. Code Zool. Nomencl., 1961. — R.W.S. 2 Sclater’s guess that the type came from the eastern slope of the Andes is probably in error; all specimens with locality data are from the western slope. — R.W.S. 356 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD CHLOROPHONIA CYANEA Chlorophonia cyanea psittacina Bangs Chlorophonia frontalis psittacina Bangs, 1902, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 3, p. 88 — La Concepcion, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, 3,000 feet altitude. Northern Colombia in Santa Marta region; upper tropical and subtropical zones. Chlorophonia cyanea frontalis (Sclater) Euphonia frontalis P. L. Sclater, 1851, in Jardine’s Con- trib. Ornith., 1, p. 89 — Ecuador; type from Caracas, Venezuela, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ. Zools ser, 13. pt: 9, p. 10: Northern Venezuela from Falc6n and Lara east to Miran- da; subtropical zone. Chlorophonia cyanea minuscula Hellmayr Chlorophonia frontalis minuscula Hellmayr, 1922, Anz. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 1, p. 46 — mountains near Cu- mana, Bermudez, NE Venezuela. Northeastern Venezuela (Cordillera de la Costa in Anzoategui, Monagas, and Sucre), subtropical zone. Chlorophonia cyanea roraimae Salvin and Godman ~ Chlorophonia roraimae Salvin and Godman, 1884, Ibis, p. 444— Roraima, British Guiana [=Bolivar, Ven- ezuela, fide Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1950, Bol. Soc. Venezolana Cienc. Nat., 12, no. 75, p. 309. Southern Venezuela (southern Bolivar; Amazonas), British Guiana, and extreme northwestern Brazil (Rio Padauiri) ; subtropical (rarely tropical) zone. Chlorophonia cyanea intensa Zimmer Chlorophonia cyanea intensa Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1225, p. 3 — Primavera, western Colombia; altitude 1,700 meters. Known only from western slope of Western Andes in Caldas and Valle, Colombia. Chlorophonia cyanea longipennis (Du Bus) Euphonia longipennis Du Bus, 1855, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci., Lettr. et Beaux-Arts de Belgique, 22 (pt. 1), p. 155 — Antioquia, Colombia. THRAUPINAE Bow Andes from western Venezuela (southern Lara) and east- ern Colombia through eastern Ecuador and Peru to western Bolivia (Cochabamba; Santa Cruz) ; subtropical zone. Chlorophonia cyanea cyanea (Thunberg) Pipra cyanea Thunberg, 1822, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, 8, p. 284, pl. 8, fig. 1 Rio de Janeiro [reference not verified]. Southeastern Brazil (north to southern Bahia), Paraguay, and northeastern Argentina (Misiones). CHLOROPHONIA PYRRHOPHRYS Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys (Sclater) Euphonia pyrrhophrys P. L. Sclater, 1851, in Jardine’s Contrib. Ornith., 2, p. 89, pl. 75, fig. 2— Columbia? [= Bogota, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ, Zool. Ser., 13; pt: 9; p. 12]. Western Venezuela (Sierra de Perija; Cordillera de Mérida), Colombia (except Santa Marta region), and east- ern Ecuador; subtropical and temperate zones. CHLOROPHONIA OCCIPITALIS Chlorophonia occipitalis occipitalis (Du Bus) Euphonia occipitalis Du Bus, 1847, Esquisses Ornith., livr. 3, pl. 14 — Le Mexique. Southeastern Mexico (Veracruz) to northern Nicaragua; humid subtropical zone. Chlorophonia occipitalis callophrys (Cabanis) Triglyphidia callophrys Cabanis, 1860, Journ. f. Ornith., 8, p. 331 — Costa Rica. Costa Rica and western Panama (Chiriqui; Veraguas) ; humid subtropical zone. GENUS CHLOROCHRYSA BONAPARTE Chlorochrysa Bonaparte, 1851, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 32, p. 76. Type, by subsequent designation (Bona- parte, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], Ser. 2, 3, p. 129), Tanagra (=Callospiza) calliparaea Tschudi. ef. Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1225, p. 23 (C. calliparaea) . 358 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD CHLOROCHRYSA PHOENICOTIS Chlorochrysa phoenicotis (Bonaparte) Calliste phoenicotis Bonaparte, 1851, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 32, p. 76 — Ecuador; type from Nanegal, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser.j 13; pt..9, pea: Western Colombia (Pacific slope from headwaters of Rio San Juan, southward) and western Ecuador; upper tropical and lower subtropical zones. CHLOROCHRYSA CALLIPARAEA Chlorochrysa calliparaea bourcieri (Bonaparte) Calliste Bourcieri Bonaparte, 1851, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 32, p. 76 — Ecuador. Colombia (west slope of Eastern Andes; upper Magdalena Valley), eastern Ecuador, and northeastern Peru (south to upper Huallaga Valley) ; subtropical zone. Chlorochrysa calliparaea calliparaea (Tschudi) C.[allospiza] calliparaea Tschudi, (ex Lichtenstein MS), 1844, Archiv f. Naturg., 10(1), p. 286 — Peru; type from “Chinchon forests,” Junin, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 76. East-central Peru (above Chanchamayo Valley and upper tributaries of Rio Pachitea) ; subtropical zone. Chlorochrysa calliparaea fulgentissima Chapman Chlorochrysa fulgentissima Chapman, 1901, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 14, p. 225 — Inca Mine [=Santo Do- mingo, Marcapata], southeastern Peru. Southeastern Peru (Puno) to central Bolivia (Yungas of Cochabamba) ; subtropical zone. CHLOROCHRYSA NITIDISSIMA Chlorochrysa nitidissima Sclater Chlorochrysa nitidissima P. L. Sclater, 1873, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 728 — State of Antioquia, Colombia. Western Colombia, from west slope of Central Andes to Pacific slope from Antioquia south to Munchique region; upper tropical and subtropical zones. THRAUPINAE 309 GENUS TANGARA BRISSsON?! Tangara Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 3, p. 3. Type, by tautonymy, Tangara Brisson = Aglaia paradisea Swain- son. Calliste Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, p. 974 (not preoccupied by Callista Poli, 1791). Type, by virtual monotypy, Tanagra tricolor Gmelin=Tanagra seledon P. L. S. Miiller. Tanagrella Swainson, 1838? (1837?), Anim. Menag., p. 813. Type, by monotypy, Tanagrella multicolor Swainson =Tanagra cyanomelas Wied. Calospiza G. R. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 44. Type, by original designation, Tanagra tricolor Gmelin = Tanagra seledon P. L. S. Miiller. Iridophanes Ridgway, 1901, Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 3, p. 150. Type, by original designation, Dacnis pul- cherrima P. L. Sclater. cf. Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1225, pp. 21-22 (callophrys; velia). Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1245, pp. 1-14 (Peruvian species, part). Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1246, pp. 1-14 (Peruvian species, part). TANGARA INORNATA Tangara inornata rava Wetmore Tangara inornata rava Wetmore, 1963, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 145(6), p. 9— Almirante (Milla 2), Bocas del Toro, Panama. Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica (north to Sarapiqui region) and western Panama (western part of Bocas del Toro) ; tropical zone. Tangara inornata languens Bangs and Barbour Tangara inornata languens Bangs and Barbour, 1922, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 65, p. 227— Loma de Leon [, Panama]. 1 Elsewhere (1969, Living Bird, 8, p. 130) I have presented reasons for including “Jridophanes” pulcherrima in Tangara. If this is done, the somewhat thicker-billed species formerly placed in the genus Tanagrella must also be placed in Tangara. —R.W.S. 360 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Panama, the province of Panama immediately west of the Canal Zone and western Colon, east on both slopes to extreme northwestern Colombia (Choc6; extreme western Antioquia) ; tropical zone. Tangara inornata inornata (Gould) Calliste inornata Gould, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 23, p. 158 (footnote) — Santa Fé di Bogota [, Colom- bia]. Northern Colombia, in upper Sinu, lower Cauca, and middle Magdalena valleys; tropical zone. Birds from upper Sint Valley are intermediate between this form and T. 7. languens. TANGARA CABANISI Tangara cabanisi (Sclater) Calliste s. Callispiza Sclateri Cabanis, 1866, Journ. f. Ornith., 14, p. 163 — Costa Cuca, western Guatemala. Calliste cabanisi P. L. Sclater, 1868, Ibis, p. 71, pl. 3. New name for Calliste sclateri Cabanis, preoccupied by Cal- liste sclateri Lafresnaye, 1854, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 6, p. 207. Southern Mexico (southeastern Chiapas) and southwest- ern Guatemala; tropical zone. TANGARA PALMERI Tangara palmeri (Hellmayr) Calospiza palmeri Hellmayr, 1909, Rev. Franc. Ornith., 1, p. 49 — Sipi, Rio Sipi, Choco [, Colombia]. Pacific coast of eastern Panama (Mount Sapo, Darién), western Colombia, and western Ecuador (Rio Saloya, Pichincha) ; tropical zone. TANGARA MEXICANA Tangara mexicana vieilloti (Sclater) Calliste vieilloti P. L. Sclater, 1857, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 24(1856), p. 257 — Trinidad. Trinidad. Tangara mexicana media (Berlepsch and Hartert) Calliste mexicana media Berlepsch and Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 19 — Maipures [, Orinoco River, Co- lombia]. THRAUPINAE 361 Extreme eastern Colombia (Orinoco Valley, Vichada), southern and eastern Venezuela (Amazonas; Bolivar; Delta Amacuro; and Sucre), and northwestern Brazil (upper Rio Negro) ; tropical zone. Tangara mexicana mexicana (Linnaeus) Tanagra mexicana Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 315; based principally on “Le Tangara bleu de Cayenne” of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 3, p. 6, pl. 1, fig. 8 — Cayenne. The Guianas; tropical zone.? Tangara mexicana boliviana (Bonaparte) Callospiza boliviana Bonaparte, 1851, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 32, p. 80 — Guarajos [= Guarayos], Bolivia. Eastern Colombia (east base of Eastern Andes from Meta, south), eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, northern Bolivia, and western Brazil (east to west banks of Rio Negro and Rio Madeira) ; tropical zone. Tangara mexicana brasiliensis (Linnaeus) Tanagra brasiliensis Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 316; based on ‘‘Le Tangara bleu du Brésil” of Bris- son, 1760, Ornithologie, 3, p. 9, pl. 1, fig. 4— Brazil; restricted to Rio de Janeiro by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1037. Southeastern Brazil, from southern Bahia to Rio de Janeiro; wooded coast region. TANGARA CHILENSIS Tangara chilensis paradisea (Swainson) Aglaia paradisea Swainson, 1837, Class. Birds, 2, p. 286; based on “Tangara du Brésil” of Daubenton, 1765-80, Planches enlum., pl. 127, fig. 1 [= fig. 2] — Brésil; speci- men much more likely to have come from Cayenne, according to Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ, Zook Sere 13: pt. 9,.p. 82. Surinam and French Guiana and northern Brazil south to north bank of the Amazon (Manaus; Manacapuru). 1 Birds of Amazon Valley, west to east banks of Rio Negro and Rio Madeira, are intermediate between this form and T. m. boliviana, vide Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1245, pp. 3-4. — R.W.S. 362 CHECK-LIST. OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Intergrades with next subspecies in Guyana [British Guiana] (Mount Roraima) and eastern Venezuela (Mount Auyan-tepui; Rio Caura). Tangara chilensis coelicolor (Sclater) Calliste coelicolor P. L. Sclater, 1851, in Jardine’s Con- trib. Ornith., 1, p. 51 — Anolaima [, Colombia] ; error, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia, substituted by Dugand, 1951, Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc., 8, p. 162. Colombia east of Eastern Andes from Meta east to southern Venezuela (Amazonas) and northwestern Brazil in regions of the Rio Uaupés and upper Rio Negro; tropical zone. Common in native “Bogota” collections. Tangara chilensis chlorocorys Zimmer Tangara chilensis chlorocorys Zimmer, 1929, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 42, p. 91— Vista Alegre, junction of the Chinchao and Huallaga rivers [Huanuco], Pert; altitude 4100 feet. North-central Peru in upper Huallaga Valley from Huaya- bamba River and its tributaries to Chinchao River; tropical zone. Tangara chilensis chilensis (Vigors) Aglaia Chilensis Vigors, 1832, Proc. Comm. Sci. Corr. Zool. Soc. London, 2, p. 3 —no locality, but presumed to be Chile; error, Bolivia substituted by Hellmayr, 1910, Novit. Zool., 17, p. 273. Southeastern Colombia (east base of Andes from Caqueta to Putumayo and Amazonas; west slope of Eastern Andes in Huila), eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru (except upper Huallaga Valley), central Bolivia (Santa Cruz, specimen in Carnegie Museum), and adjacent parts of Brazil, east to the Rio Roosevelt; tropical zone. TANGARA FASTUOSA Tangara fastuosa (Lesson) Tanagra fastuosa Lesson, 1831, Cent. Zool., p. 184, pl. 58 — Brazil; Pernambuco suggested by Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil (Publ. Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo), pt. 2, p. 468. Eastern Brazil; recorded only from Pernambuco and Alagoas, but to be expected in adjacent states of Paraiba and Rio Grande do Norte. THRAUPINAE 363 TANGARA SELEDON Tangara seledon (P. L. S. Miller) Tanagra Seledon P. L. S. Miiller, 1776, Natursyst., suppl., p. 158; based on “Tangara varié a4 téte verte de Ca- yenne” of Daubenton, 1765-80, Planches enlum., pl. 338, fig. 1 — Cayenne; error, Rio de Janeiro substituted by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V. Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1027. Southeastern Brazil from southern Bahia to Santa Ca- tarina and adjacent parts of Argentina (Misiones) and Paraguay (Alto Parana). TANGARA CYANOCEPHALA Tangara cyanocephala cearensis Cory Tangara cyanocephala cearensis Cory, 1916, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Ornith. Ser., 1, p. 345—Serra Ba- turité, Ceara, Brazil. Ceara, northeastern Brazil. Tangara cyanocephala corallina (Berlepsch) Calospiza cyanocephala corallina Berlepsch, 1903, Ornith. Monatsb., 11, p. 18 — Bahia, Brazil. Eastern Brazil from Pernambuco to Bahia. Tangara cyanocephala cyanocephala (Miiller) Tanagra cyanocephala P. L. S. Miiller, 1776, Natursyst., suppl., p. 159; based on “Tangara varié a téte bleue de Cayenne” of Daubenton, 1765-80, Planches enlum., pl. 33, fig. 2— Cayenne; error, Rio de Janeiro substi- tuted by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V. Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1027. Southeastern Brazil, from Espirito Santo to Rio Grande do Sul, eastern Paraguay, and adjacent part of Argentina (Misiones). TANGARA DESMARESTI! Tangara desmaresti (Vieillot) Tanagra Desmaresti Vieillot, 1819, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 32, p. 410— Brésil [=Rio de Janeiro, fide 1 T. desmaresti and T. cyanoventris form a superspecies. T. gouldi (Calliste gouldi P. L. Sclater, 1886, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 849 — southeastern Brazil) appears to be a hybrid between them, fide Bond, 1947, Auk, 64, p. 128. — R.W.S. 364 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil (Publ. Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo), pt. 2; p: 4721. Coastal belt of southeastern Brazil, from Rio de Janeiro through Sao Paulo to Parana. TANGARA CYANOVENTRIS Tangara cyanoventris (Vieillot) Tanagra cyanoventris Vieillot, 1819, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 32, p. 426 — “Brésil.”’ Southeastern Brazil, from southern Bahia, Espirito Santo, and southern Minas Gerais to Sao Paulo. TANGARA JOHANNAE Tangara johannae (Dalmas) Calliste johannae Dalmas, 1900, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 11, p. 36 — El] Paillon, near Buenaventura, Colombia [= Pailon, Valle]. Western Colombia and northwestern Ecuador, from up- per Atrato Valley and Rio Baud6é south to Paramba, Im- babura; tropical zone. TANGARA SCHRANKII Tangara schrankii venezuelana Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Tangara schrankii venezuelana Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1957, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 70, p. 125 — Raudal Capuri, Cano Antabari, Cafio Cartn, Rio Paragua, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela; 300 meters. Known only from upper Rio Paragua and headwaters of Rio Caura and Rio Ventuari, southern Bolivar and eastern Amazonas, Venezuela; tropical zone. Tangara schrankii anchicayae Lehmann Tangara schrankii anchicayae Lehmann, 1957, Noved. Colombianas, no. 3, p. 144— las montanas arriba del Rio Anchicaya, Valle, por su margen derecha, 550 m. Known only from vicinity of type locality on Pacific slope of Western Andes of Colombia. Tangara schrankii schrankii (Spix) Tanagra schrankii Spix, 1825, Av. spec. Nov. Brasil., 2, p. 38, pl. 51, figs. 1 (male), 2 (female) —no locality; THRAUPINAE 365 Tabatinga, Rio Solimodes, Brasil, suggested by Hell- mayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9F p93: Upper Amazon basin from southeastern Colombia (Ca- queta; Vaupés) through eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, and western Brazil (Ponto Alegre, Rio Purtis), south to cen- tral Bolivia (Cochabamba; Santa Cruz, specimen in Car- negie Museum), extending east along the Amazon to Caviana, opposite Manacapuru (specimen in Carnegie Mu- seum). TANGARA FLORIDA Tangara florida florida (Sclater and Salvin) Calliste florida P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1869, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 416, pl. 28 — Costa Rica. Caribbean slope of Costa Rica and western Panama (Chiriqui; Veraguas) ; tropical zone. Tangara florida auriceps Chapman Tangara florida auriceps Chapman, 1914, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, p. 188 — Buenavista, alt. 1200 ft., Narino, Colombia. Extreme eastern Panama (Darién) south along Pacific coast of Colombia to Narifo (Buenavista). TANGARA ARTHUS Tangara arthus arthus Lesson Tangara Arthus Lesson, 1832, Illustr. Zool., livr. 3, pl. 9 — Nova-Hispania; Caracas, Venezuela, substituted by Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. ner., 13, pt. 9, p. 106. Northern and eastern Venezuela, from Falcon (San Luis) to Distrito Federal and Miranda, mountains of western Lara (Cerro El Cerré6n), and Andes from southern Lara to Tachira (Seboruco) ; subtropical zone. Tangara arthus palmitae de Schauensee Tangara arthus palmitae de Schauensee, 1947, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 99, p. 119— La Palmita, San- tander [= Magdalena], Colombia. Known only from type locality at 1,800 m. on west slope of Eastern Andes of Colombia, in southern tip of Magdalena. 366 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Tangara arthus sclateri (Lafresnaye) Cal.[liste] Sclatteri [sic] Lafresnaye, 1854, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], Ser. 2, 6, p. 207 — Colombie. Eastern Colombia, both slopes of Eastern Andes (Rio Suarez Valley, Santander; Rio Negro, Boyaca, specimens in Carnegie Museum), Macarena Mountains (Meta), and na- tive “Bogota” collections. Tangara arthus aurulenta (Lafresnaye) Tanagra (Aglaia) aurulenta Lafresnaye,, 18438, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 6, p. 290 — Colombie. Central Colombia (upper Magdalena Valley from about latitude of Bogota, southward) and extreme northwestern Venezuela (Sierra de Perija) ; upper tropical and subtropi- cal zones. Tangara arthus occidentalis Chapman Tangara aurulenta occidentalis Chapman, 1914, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, p. 188 — San Antonio, alt. 6600 ft., Cauca, Colombia. Western Colombia, on west slope of Central Andes and both slopes of Western Andes from Antioquia to Narino; subtropical zone. Tangara arthus goodsoni Hartert Tangara aurulenta goodsoni Hartert, 1913, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 33, p. 78 — Gualea, W. Ecuador. Western Ecuador; subtropical zone. To be expected in extreme northwestern Peru. Tangara arthus aequatorialis (Taczanowski and Berlepsch) Calliste pulchra aequatorialis Taczanowski and Berlepsch ~ (ex Berlepsch MS), 1885, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 77— Machay and Mapoto, eastern Ecuador; type from Machay, 5,000 ft., Rio Pastaza, according to Sztoleman and Domaniewski, 1927, Ann. Zool. Mus. Polonici Hist. Nat., 6, p. 182. Eastern Ecuador and northern Peru (Chaupe); sub- tropical zone. Tangara arthus pulchra (Tschudi) C.[allospiza] pulchra Tschudi, 1844, Archiv f. Naturg., 10(1), p. 285 — forests of eastern Peru; Chanchamayo THRAUPINAE 367 Valley suggested by Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no: 1245, p..T. Central Peru, from Chachapoyas region to Chanchamayo Valley; tropical and subtropical zones. Tangara arthus sophiae (Berlepsch) Calliste sophiae Berlepsch, 1901, Journ. f. Ornith., 49, p. 83 — Songo, Yungas [of La Paz], Bolivia. Southeastern Peru (Cuzco; Puno) and western Bolivia (Yungas of La Paz; Cochabamba) ; tropical zone. TANGARA ICTEROCEPHALA Tangara icterocephala frantzii (Cabanis) Callispiza (Chrysothraupis) Frantzii Cabanis, 1861, Journ. f. Ornith., 9, p. 87 — Costa Rica. Mountains of Costa Rica and western Panama (east to eastern Veraguas) ; subtropical zone. Tangara icterocephala oresbia Wetmore Tangara icterocephala oresbia Wetmore, 1962, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 145 (1), p. 9 — south face of Cerro Campana, 850 meters elevation, western sector of the Province of Panama, Panama. Mountains of west-central Panama (Cerro Campana) to Coclé (El Valle; Rio Gaubal) ; subtropical zone. Tangara icterocephala icterocephala (Bonaparte) Calliste icterocephala Bonaparte, 1851, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 32, p. 76 — Ecuador; type from the valley of Punta Playa, south of Quito, fide P. L. Sclater, 1851, in Jardine’s Contrib. Ornith., 1, p. 53. Eastern Panama (Cerro Tacarcuna and Cerro Pirre, Darién), western Colombia (west slope of Western Andes from Antioquia, south), and western Ecuador; upper tropi- cal and subtropical zones. TANGARA XANTHOCEPHALA Tangara xanthocephala venusta (Sclater) Calliste venusta P. L. Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 22(1854), p. 248—in Nova Grenada et in rep. Equatoriana provincia Quixos; type from “Bogota,” fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. per, 13; pt..9:-p. 413. 368 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Western Venezuela (Sierra de Perija; Andes of southern Lara, Mérida, and Tachira), Colombia (west slope of West- ern Andes to west slope of Eastern Andes; east slope of Eastern Andes in Norte de Santander, Narino, and Putu- mayo; Macarena Mountains), Ecuador (both slopes), and northern and central Peru (south to Cushi Libertad on Rio Pozuzo) ; upper tropical and subtropical zones. Tangara xanthocephala xanthocephala (Tschudi) C.[allospiza] xanthocephala Tschudi, 1844, Archiv f. Naturg., 10(1), p. 285 — Peru; Vitoc suggested by Zim- mer, 1948, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1245, p. 9. Central Peru, in Chanchamayo region; subtropical zone. Tangara xanthocephala lamprotis (Sclater) Calliste lamprotis P. L. Sclater, 1851, in Jardine’s Contrib. Ornith., 1, p. 65 — Bolivia. Southeastern Peru (Cuzco, Puno) and Bolivia; subtropi- cal zone. TANGARA CHRYSOTIS Tangara chrysotis (Du Bus)? Calliste chrysotis Du Bus, 1846, Esquisses Ornith., livr. 2, pl. 7 — Pérou. Southern Colombia (head of Magdalena Valley; east of Andes in Caqueta), eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, and northern Bolivia (Yungas of Cochabamba); subtropical zone. TANGARA PARZUDAKII Tangara parzudakii parzudakii (Lafresnaye) Tanagra Parzudakii Lafresnaye, 1843, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 6, p. 97 — environs de Santa Fé de Bogota [, Colom- bia]. Extreme southwestern Venezuela (Hacienda La Provi- dencia, Rio Chiquito, Tachira), central and eastern Colom- bia (east slope of Central Andes at southern end, west 1 According to Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1245, p. 9, T. chrysotis is divisible into two weakly differentiated races, the birds from Peru and Bolivia being paler bellied than those from Ecuador. Before disposition of Todd’s race cochabambae (1924, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 37, p. 121) can be made, the type of chrysotis must be compared with extremes of both populations. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 369 slope of Eastern Andes, and east slope of Eastern Andes in Narino-Putumayo region), eastern Ecuador, and Peru south to the Chanchamayo region (Huacapistana) ; sub- tropical zone. Tangara parzudakii urubambae Zimmer Tangara parzudakii urubambae Zimmer, 19438, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1245, p. 10 — Idma, above Santa Ana, Urubamba Valley, Peru; altitude 5000 feet. Southern Peru, in Urubamba Valley; subtropical zone. Tangara parzudakii lunigera (Sclater) Calliste lunigera P. L. Sclater, 1851, in Jardine’s Contrib. Ornith., 2, p. 65, pl. 70, fig. 2— Rio Negro; error, W. Ecuador suggested by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1032. Pacific slope of Colombia (from upper Rio San Juan, south) and western Ecuador; upper tropical and subtropical zones. TANGARA XANTHOGASTRA Tangara xanthogastra xanthogastra (Sclater) Calliste xanthogastra P. L. Sclater, 1851, in Jardine’s Contrib. Ornith., 1, p. 23 — Rio Negro; Rio Negro, Pert, suggested by Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., mo 1245-"p: D, . Eastern Colombia (from Meta and Vaupés, south), south- ern Venezuela (river valleys of Amazonas and southwestern Bolivar), extreme western Brazil, eastern Ecuador, and eastern Peru to northern Bolivia (Mapiri) ; tropical zone. Tangara xanthogastra phelpsi Zimmer Tangara xanthogastra phelpsi Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1245, p. 5— Mt. Auyan-tepui, Venezuela; altitude 1100 meters. Southern Venezuela in mountains of southeastern Bolivar, lower Caura Valley (Rio Nichare), and northern Amazonas (Cerro Yavi; Cerro Paraque) extending across Brazilian border on Mount Uei-tepui; subtropical and (rarely) tropi- cal zones. TANGARA PUNCTATA Tangara punctata punctata (Linnaeus) Tanagra punctata Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 316; based on ‘‘Le Tangara verd piqueté des Indes” 370 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 3, p. 19, pl. 4, fig. 2 — “Indes Orientales” and also on “The Spotted Green Tit-mouse” of Edwards, 1760, Glean. Nat. Hist., 2, p. 110, pl. 262 — Surinam; Surinam accepted as type locality. Southern Venezuela (Amazonas; Bolivar), the Guianas, and northern Brazil (north of the Amazon west to upper Rio Negro; south of Amazon in Para) ; tropical zone. Tangara punctata zamorae Chapman Tangara punctata zamorae Chapman, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 160, p. 9 — Zamora, eastern Ecuador. Eastern Ecuador and northern Peru (Moyobamba) ; trop- ical zone. Tangara punctata perenensis Chapman Tangara punctata perenensis Chapman, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 160, p. 9 — Utcuyacu, 4800 ft., Prov. Junin, eastern Peru. Restricted to Chanchamayo region of Peru; tropical and subtropical zones. Tangara punctata annectens Zimmer Tangara punctata annectens Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1245, p. 3— Rio Inambari, southeastern Peru, altitude 2200 feet. Southeastern Peru in Inambari region; semitropical zone. Tangara punctata punctulata (Sclater and Salvin) Calliste punctulata P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1876, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 353 — Tilotilo, prov. Yungas [= Yungas of La Paz], Bolivia. Northern Bolivia (La Paz; Cochabamba) ; tropical zone. TANGARA GUTTATA! Tangara guttata eusticta Todd Tangara guttata eusticta Todd, 1912, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8, p. 202 — Boruca, Costa Rica. 1 Callispiza guttata Cabanis clearly has priority over Calliste chrysophrys Sclater. Advance sheets bearing Cabanis’ description of C. guttata had appeared by October, 1850, whereas Sclater’s descrip- tion of C. chrysophrys was not published until the following January (see P. L. Sclater, 1857, Monogr. Birds Tanagrine Genus Calliste, p. 21-22). — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 371 Costa Rica (Caribbean slope; Térraba Valley) and west- ern Panama (Chiriqui, Bocas del Toro, and Darién) ; sub- tropical zone. Tangara guttata tolimae Chapman Tangara guttata tolimae Chapman, 1914, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, p. 187 — about 20 miles west of Honda, Tolima, Colombia. Known only from type locality on east slope of Central Andes of Colombia; subtropical zone. Tangara guttata bogotensis Hellmayr and Seilern Tangara guttata bogotensis Hellmayr and Seilern, 1912, Archiv f. Naturg., Ser. A, 78(5), p. 57 — “Bogota,” Colombia. East of Eastern Andes of Colombia (from Norte de San- tander to Macarena Mountains) and adjacent parts of Vene- zuela (Sierra de Perija, and from southern and western Lara to northern Barinas and Tachira); subtropical and upper edge of tropical zones. Tangara guttata chrysophrys (Sclater) Calliste chrysophrys P. L. Sclater, 1851, in Jardine’s, Contrib. Ornith., 1, p. 24, pl. 69, fig. 2— Columbia, Venezuela, and Trinidad; type from Venezuela, “‘near Caraccas” according to P. L. Sclater, 1857, Monogr. Birds Tanagrine Genus Calliste, p. 22. Northern Venezuela (Sierra de San Luis, Falec6n; Cor- dillera de la Costa from Yaracuy to Sucre and Monagas), southern Venezuela (mountains of northern Amazonas and western Bolivar), and extreme northwestern Brazil (Sierra de Curupira) ; subtropical zone. Doubtfully recorded from western Ecuador (Mindo). Tangara guttata guttata (Cabanis) C.[allispiza] guttata Cabanis, 1850,1 Mus. Heineanum, 1(1851), p. 26— Roraima, “Guiana” [=Cerro Ro- raima, Bolivar, Venezuela]. Southeastern Venezuela (mountains east of the Rio 1 Although dated “October, 1851,” advance sheets of the part of this work containing the tanagers were issued in the latter part of 1850 (see P. L. Sclater, 1857, Monogr. Birds Tanagrine Genus Cal- liste, pp. 39-40). — R-W.S. 372 . CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Caroni in southern Bolivar) and extreme northern Brazil (Mount Uei-tepui) ; subtropical zone. Tangara guttata trinitatis Todd Tangara guttata trinitatis Todd, 1912, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8, p. 203 — Heights of Aripo, Trinidad. Northern mountain ranges of Trinidad; subtropical zone. TANGARA VARIA Tangara varia (Miiller) Tanagra varia P. L. S. Miiller, 1776, Natursyst., suppl., p. 158; based on “Tangara tacheté, de Cayenne” of Daubenton, 1765-80, Planches enlum., pl. 301, fig. 1 — Cayenne. Southern Venezuela (southern Bolivar; Amazonas), Surinam, French Guiana, and northern Brazil (Rio Ta- pajos) ; tropical zone. To be expected in extreme eastern Colombia and in Guyana (British Guiana). TANGARA RUFIGULA Tangara rufigula (Bonaparte) T.[anagrella|] Rufigula Bonaparte, 1851, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 32, p. 77 — Ecuador; type from Cala- cali, [twelve miles] north of Quito, fide P. L. Sclater, 1857, Monogr. Birds Tanagrine Genus Calliste, p. 28. Pacific slope of Colombia (upper Rio San Juan, south) and northwestern Ecuador; upper tropical and subtropical zones. TANGARA GYROLA! Tangara gyrola bangsi (Hellmayr) C.[alospiza] gyroloides bangsi Hellmayr, 1911, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1105 — Boquete, Chiriqui, 3500 feet [, Panama]. Costa Rica and western Panama (east through province of Panama) ; tropical and subtropical zones. Intergrades with deleticia in central Panama. Tangara gyrola deleticia (Bangs) Calospiza gyroloides deleticia Bangs, 1908, Proc. Biol. Soe. Washington, 21, p. 160 — San Antonio, western [ Andes of] Colombia, (altitude 1,600 feet). 1 Tangara gyrola and T. lavinia form a superspecies. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 373 Eastern Panama (Darién) and Colombia, from Pacific slope (south to Patia Valley) east to west slope of Eastern Andes; upper tropical and subtropical zones. Tangara gyrola nupera Bangs Tangara gyroloides nupera Bangs, 1917, Proc. New En- gland Zool. Club, 6, p. 76 — Nanegal, western Ecuador. Extreme southwestern Colombia (Pacific slope of Narino, south of Patia Valley) and western Ecuador; upper tropical and subtropical zones. Tangara gyrola toddi Bangs and Penard Tangara viridissima toddi Bangs and Penard, 1921, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 34, p. 92 — Colombia: San Fran- cisco, Santa Marta Mountains. Northern Colombia (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, from foothills to 2,100 meters; east slope of Eastern Andes in Norte de Santander and northern Boyaca) and northwest- ern Venezuela (east in coast ranges to Miranda and south in Andes to Tachira) ; upper tropical and lower subtropical zones. Tangara gyrola viridissima (Lafresnaye) Aglaia viridissima Lafresnaye, 1847, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 10, p. 277; based on Tanagra Gyrola Swainson, 1829, Zool. Illus., Ser. 2, 1, pl. 28 — no locality ; Trinidad sug- gested by Hellmayr, 1906, Novit. Zool., 13, p. 14. Trinidad, intergrading with toddi in eastern coastal ranges of Venezuela (Anzodtegui, Monagas, and Sucre) ; upper tropical and lower subtropical zones. Tangara gyrola catharinae (Hellmayr) Calospiza gyroloides catharinae Hellmayr, 1911, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1106 — Chaquimayo, Carabaya, S. E. Peru, 3000 feet. Eastern Colombia (east base of Eastern Andes from Meta, south), and eastern Ecuador through eastern Peru (except extreme northeast) to central Bolivia (Cochabamba ; Santa Cruz) ; tropical and subtropical zones. Tangara gyrola parva Zimmer Tangara gyrola parva Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1246, p. 5— Mt. Curycuryari, Rio Negro, Brazil; altitude 500 feet. 374 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Southeastern Colombia (west to Cuembi, Putumayo), southern Venezuela (southwestern Amazonas), northeast- ern Peru, and northwestern Brazil (upper Rio Negro; possibly the upper Amazon, Teffé) ; tropical zone. Tangara gyrola gyrola (Linnaeus) Fringilla Gyrola Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 181; based on ‘‘The Red-headed Green-Finch” of Edwards, 1743, Nat. Hist. Birds, 1, p. 23, pl. 23 — Surinam. Southern Venezuela, from Cerro El Negro (northwestern Bolivar) and the Rio Asisa (central Amazonas) east through extreme northern Brazil (headwaters of the Rio Urari- coera) and the Guianas; lower subtropical zone. Tangara gyrola albertinae (Pelzeln) Calliste albertinae Pelzeln, 1877, Ibis, p. 337 — Salto do Girao, Rio Madeira, Brazil. Brazil, south of the Amazon from the Rio Purts (speci- mens in Carnegie Museum) east through Para region and south to northern Mato Grosso. TANGARA LAVINIA Tangara lavinia cara (Bangs) Calospiza lavinia cara Bangs, 1905, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, 18, p. 155 — Ceiba, Honduras. Eastern Guatemala (Santo Tomas), Honduras, Nicara- gua, and Costa Rica (most common on Caribbean side) ; tropical and lower subtropical zones. Tangara lavinia dalmasi (Hellmayr) Calospiza lavinia dalmasi Hellmayr, 1910, Rev. Franc. Ornith., 1, p. 162 — Veragua [,western Panama]. Western Panama (Chiriqui and Veraguas) ; tropical zone. Tangara lavinia lavinia (Cassin) Calliste Lavinia Cassin, 1858, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, p. 178 — Isthmus of Darien, New Grenada. Eastern Panama (west to Canal Zone), Pacific coast of Colombia (including Gorgona Island), and northwestern Ecuador (San Javier, Prov. Esmeraldas) ; tropical zone. THRAUPINAE ol TANGARA CAYANA! Tangara cayana fulvescens Todd Tangara cayana fulvescens Todd, 1922, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 35, p. 92— Palmar, Boyaca, [eastern Andes of] Colombia. Both slopes of Eastern Andes of Colombia south of ap- proximately lat. 8° N. to Boyaca-Arauca border. Tangara cayana cayana (Linnaeus) Tanagra cayana Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 315; based on “Le Tangara verd, de Cayenne’”’ of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 3, p. 21, pl. 4, fig. 3 — Cayenne. Tangara cayana littoralis Griscom and Greenway, 1937, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 81, p. 436 — near Paramaribo, Surinam. Eastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes, south to Meta), Venezuela (south to Cerro Yapacana, central Amazonas, and Bolivar), the Guianas, northern Brazil (south to Humaita, Rio Madeira), and eastern Peru (Rio Negro) ; tropical zone and lower part of subtropical zone. Tangara cayana huberi (Hellmayr) Calospiza huberi Hellmayr, 1910, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 27, p. 34 — Cachoueira, Rio Arary, Island of Maraj6é [,Brazil]. Ilha Maraj6, Para, northeastern Brazil. Tangara cayana flava (Gmelin) Tanagra flava Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 896; based on “Le Tangara jaune du Brésil’” of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 3, p. 39, in turn based on ‘“‘Guira perea”’ of Marcgrave, 1648, Nat. Hist. Brasil., p. 212 — north- eastern Brazil; Ceara suggested by Hellmayr, 1929, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 12(18), p. 279. Northeastern Brazil, west to Maranhao and extreme 1 Tangara arnaulti Berlioz, 1927, Oiseau, 8, p. 95 — South Amer- ica. The unique type, a cage bird of uncertain origin, appears to be a hybrid between TJ. preciosa and T. cayana, as suggested by Hell- mayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, pp. 154- 155, and Bond, 1951, Auk, 68, p. 528. — R.W.S. ? 376 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD northern Goias (Filadélfia, Rio Tocantins) and south to extreme southern Bahia (Rio Mucuri). Tangara cayana sincipitalis (Berlepsch) Calospiza formosa sincipitalis Berlepsch, 1907, Ornis, 14, p. 348 — Leopoldina, R[io] Araguay[a, Goias], Brazil. Central Brazil in Goids (except extreme north). Tangara cayana chloroptera (Vieillot) Tanagra chloroptera Vieillot, 1819, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 32, p. 407—Brésil; type from southern Brazil; Sao Paulo or Parana, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus.. Nat. Hist. Publ. Zool. Ser:, 18, pt. 9fpaded- Castro, Parana, suggested as type locality by Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil (Publ. Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo), pt. 2, p, 483. Southeastern Brazil (Minas Gerais, Sado Paulo, and Parana) and Paraguay (Sapucay; Puerto Gibaja). Tangara cayana margaritae (Allen) Calliste margaritae Allen, 1891, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 3, p. 8351 — Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil. Central Brazil in Mato Grosso (Chapada; Utiarity). TANGARA CUCULLATA Tangara cucullata versicolor (Lawrence) Calliste versicolor Lawrence, 1878, Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 1, p. 152 —St: Vincent. St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles. Tangara cucullata cucullata (Swainson) A.[glaia] Cucullata Swainson, 1834, Ornith. Drawings, pt. 1, pl. 7—no locality, supposedly Brazil; Grenada substituted by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1041. Grenada, Lesser Antilles. Erroneously reported from Venezuela. TANGARA PERUVIANA! Tangara peruviana (Desmarest) Tanagra peruviana Desmarest, 1806, Hist. Nat. Tangaras, 1 The relationship between T. peruviana and T. preciosa needs study, as outlined by Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 157. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE odd livr. 9, text to pl. 11, p. [1] —rapporté du Pérou par Dombey; error, province of Rio de Janeiro suggested by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1042. Southeastern Brazil (from Rio de Janeiro to Santa Cat- arina); (?) accidental in Argentina (Misiones; Buenos Aires). TANGARA PRECIOSA Tangara preciosa (Cabanis) C.[allispiza] preciosa Cabanis, 1850,1 Mus. Heineanum, 1(1851), p. 27 — Rio Grande [do Sul, Brazil]. Calliste castanonota P. L. Sclater, 1851, in Jardine’s Con- trib. Ornith., 1, p. 683 —South Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul. Southeastern Brazil (southwestern Sao Paulo to Rio Grande do Sul), Uruguay, Paraguay, and northeastern Ar- gentina (Misiones, Corrientes, and Entre Rios). TANGARA VITRIOLINA Tangara vitriolina (Cabanis) C.[allispiza] vitriolina Cabanis, 1850,! Mus. Heineanum, 1(1851) p. 28 — Colombia. Calliste ruficapilla P. L. Sclater, 1851, in Jardine’s Con- trib. Ornith., 1, p. 61— New Granada, Santa Fé de Bogota. Western and central Colombia (Pacific slope east to west slope of Eastern Andes in middle and upper Magdalena Valley) and northwestern Ecuador (south to Quito region) ; upper tropical and subtropical zones. TANGARA RUFIGENIS Tangara rufigenis (Sclater) Calliste rufigenis P. L. Sclater, 1857, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 24(1856), p. 311 — Venezuela; Caracas sug- gested by Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1950, Bol. Soc. Vene- zolana Cienc. Nat., 12(75), p. 319. Mountains of northern Venezuela, from Andes of southern Lara to Cordillera de la Costa near Caracas; subtropical zone. 1 See footnote, p. 370. Thus preciosa has priority over castanonota and vitriolina over ruficapilla. — R.W.S. 378 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD TANGARA RUFICERVIX Tangara ruficervix ruficervix (Prévost and Des Murs) Tanagra ruficervix Prévost and Des Murs, 1846, Voy. Vénus, Atlas, Ois., pl. 5, fig. 1 — no locality. Tanagra (Calliste) rufivertex [sic] Prévost and Des Murs, 1849, Voy. Vénus, Zool., 5(1), p. 212 — Guate- mala; error, “Bogota’”’ substituted by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1035. Colombia, except on east slope of Eastern Andes and in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta; upper tropical and sub- tropical zones. Tangara ruficervix leucotis (Sclater) Calliste leucotis P. L. Sclater, 1851, in Jardine’s Contrib. Ornith., p. 58; based on Procnopis atrocoerulea Bona- parte, 1851 — Ecuador. Western Ecuador; subtropical zone. Tangara ruficervix taylori (Taczanowski and Berlepsch) Calliste taylort Taczanowski and Berlepsch (ex Stolzmann MS), 1885, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 78 — Machay, [eastern] Ecuador. Southeastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes of Na- rino) and eastern Ecuador; upper tropical and subtropical zones. Tangara ruficervix amabilis Zimmer Tangara ruficervix amabilis Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1246, p. 1— Uchco, about 50 miles east of Chachapoyas, northern Pert, altitude 5000 feet. Northern Peru (Chaupe; Uchco) south to Huanuco (Di- visoria) ; subtropical zone. Tangara ruficervix inca Parkes Tangara ruficervix inca Parkes, 1969, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 89, p. 19— Utcuyacu, Dept. Junin, Peru (alt. 4800 feet). Southern Peru (from Junin, south) ; subtropical zone. Tangara ruficervix fulvicervix (Sclater and Salvin) Calliste fulvicervix P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1876, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 354, pl. 30, fig. 1 — Tilotilo, prov. Yungas [= Yungas of La Paz], Bolivia. Northern Bolivia (Yungas of La Paz; Cochabamba) ; subtropical zone. THRAUPINAE 379 TANGARA LABRADORIDES Tangara labradorides labradorides (Boissonneau) Tanagra (Aglaia) labradorides Boissonneau, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 67 —Santa-Fé de Botota [,Co- lombia]. Western Colombia, east to west slope of Eastern Andes (one record from Guaicaramo on east slope of Eastern Andes), and western Ecuador; upper tropical and subtrop- ical zones. Tangara labradorides chaupensis Chapman Tangara labradorides chaupensis Chapman, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 160, p. 10 — Chaupe, 6100 ft., north- east of Huancabamba, northern Peru. Northwestern Peru, known only from Chaupe and Cha- chapoyas; subtropical zone. TANGARA CYANOTIS Tangara cyanotis lutleyi (Hellmayr) Calliste melanotis P. L. Sclater, 1876, Ibis, p. 408, pl. 12, fig. 1 — Rio Napo, Ecuador. Tangara lutleyi Hellmayr, 1917, Verh. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 13, p. 198. New name for Calliste melanotis Sclater, 1876, preoccupied by Aglaia melanotis Swain- son, 1837. Southern Colombia (‘“Bogota;” head of Magdalena Val- ley), eastern Ecuador, and eastern Peru; subtropical zone. Tangara cyanotis cyanotis (Sclater) Calliste cyanotis P. L. Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 26, p. 294 from some district in the interior of Peru... from the neighbourhood bordering on Bolivia; according to Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 119, type may have come from the Yungas of La Paz. Northwestern Bolivia, in La Paz and Cochabamba re- gions; subtropical zone. Not recorded with certainty from Peru. TANGARA CYANICOLLIS Tangara cyanicollis granadensis (Berlepsch) Calliste coeruleocephala subsp. granadensis Berlepsch, 1884, Journ. f. Ornith., 32, p. 290 — Bucaramanga and 380 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD “Bogota,” Colombia; type from “Bogota,” fide Helmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, Diokeaa: Colombia, in Western Andes (south to Munchique region), Central Andes, and west slope of Eastern Andes (from western Santander to western Cundinamarca) ; upper trop- ical and subtropical zones. Tangara cyanicollis caeruleocephala (Swainson) Aglaia caeruleocephala Swainson, 1838 (1837?), Anim. Menag., p. 356 — Peru; according to Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 122, “doubtless northern part of the country.” Colombia (in head of Magdalena Valley, west slope of Eastern Andes from northeastern Boyaca to southern Huila, and east slope of Eastern Andes from eastern Cundinamarca to Narifo-Putumayo region), eastern Ecuador, and northern Peru. Intergrades with T. c. cyanicollis in upper Huallaga Valley; upper tropical and subtropical zones. Tangara cyanicollis cyanicollis (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) A.[glaia] cyanicollis d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 33 — Yuracares [, Bo- livia]. Eastern Peru (from Huanuco, south) and eastern Bolivia; tropical and subtropical zones. Tangara cyanicollis cyanopygia (Berlepsch and Taczanow- ski) Calliste cyanopygia Berlepsch and Taczanowski (ex Sclater MS), 18838, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 545 — Chimbo, Ecuador. Western Ecuador; tropical and subtropical zones. Tangara cyanicollis hannahiae (Cassin) Calliste Hannahiae Cassin, 1864, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 287, pl. 1, fig. 2—- Merida Mountains, Venezuela. Colombia (east slope of Eastern Andes in Norte de San- tander) and western Venezuela (Sierra de Perija; Andes of Tachira, Mérida, and Barinas; mountains of western Lara, Yaracuy, and Carabobo) ; tropical and subtropical zones. THRAUPINAE 381 Tangara cyanicollis melanogaster Cherrie and Reichenberger Tangara cyaneicollis melanogaster Cherrie and Reichen- berger, 1923, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 58, p. 1 — Utiarity near Salto Bello, Papagaio River, alt. 1500-2500 ft., Matto Grosso, Brazil. Amazon drainage of western Mato Grosso, Brazil; trop- ical zone. Tangara cyanicollis albotibialis Traylor Tangara cyanicollis albotibialis Traylor, 1950, Nat. Hist. Mise. [Chicago], no. 64, p. 1— Veadeiros, Goyaz, Brazil. Known only from type locality in southern Goias, Brazil. TANGARA LARVATA! Tangara larvata larvata (Du Bus) Calliste larvata Du Bus, 1846, Esquisses Ornith., livr. 2, pl. 9 — Tabasco, Mexico. Southern Mexico (from Oaxaca and Tabasco, south), eastern Guatemala, British Honduras, Honduras, Nicaragua, and extreme northern Costa Rica; intergrades with centralis along northern and eastern sides of Cordillera Central; tropical zone. Tangara larvata centralis (Berlepsch) Calospiza larvata centralis Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V. In- tern. Ornith. Kongr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1034 — Calove- vora, Veragua [, Panama]. Caribbean slope of Costa Rica (except in extreme north) and western Panama (Bocas del Toro, northern Veraguas, northern Coclé) ; tropical and lower subtropical zones. Inter- grades with T. 1. larvata in southeastern Nicaragua and northeastern Costa Rica. Tangara larvata franciscae (Sclater) Calliste franciscae P. L. Sclater, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 24, p. 142 — Rio David, Chiriqui, Panama. Pacific slope of Costa Rica and western Panama (east through Veraguas) ; tropical and lower subtropical zones. 1 The reasons for considering larvata a full species are presented by Hisenmann, 1957, Condor, 59, pp. 257-258; cyanicollis, larvata, and nigrocincta form a superspecies. — R.W.S. 382 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Tangara larvata fanny (Lafresnaye) Aglaia Fanny Lafresnaye, 1847, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 10, p. 72—in Nova Grenada; type from Buenaventura, Choco, Colombia, fide Stone, 1899, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 51, p. 51. Pacific slope of Panama from the Canal Zone and on the Caribbean slope from western Colén to western Colombia (west slope south to Narifo and the upper Sinu, lower Cauca, and middle Magdalena valleys), and northwestern Ecuador (south to Manavi) ; tropical zone. TANGARA NIGROCINCTA Tangara nigrocincta (Bonaparte) Aglaia nigro-cincta Bonaparte, 1838, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 5(1837), p. 121 — that portion of Brazil bordering on Peru; northeastern Peru substituted by Berlepsch, 1912, Verh. V Intern. Ornith. Kongyr., Berlin, 1911, p. 1034. Colombia (east of Eastern Andes, from Meta, south), southern Venezuela (Amazonas; Bolivar), and British Guiana south through eastern Ecuador and eastern Peru to western Brazil (Rio Negro; Rio Madeira) and central Bolivia (Santa Cruz, specimen in Carnegie Museum) ; tropical zone. TANGARA DOWII Tangara dowii dowii (Salvin) Calliste dowvi Salvin, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 168 —San José [=Rancho Redondo de San José], Costa Rica. Costa Rica and western Panama (Chiriqui and Vera- guas) ; temperate and subtropical zones. Tangara dowii fucosa Nelson Tangara fucosus Nelson, 1912, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60(3), p. 17 — Mount Pirri (at 5,000 feet altitude) near head of Rio Limon, eastern Panama. Known only from subtropical zone on Mount Pirre and Mount Tacarcuna, eastern Panama. TANGARA NIGROVIRIDIS Tangara nigroviridis cyanescens (Sclater) Calliste cyanescens P. L. Sclater, 1857, Proc. Zool. Soc. THRAUPINAE 383 London, 24(1856), p. 260 — Venezuela, Caraccas; and Colonia de Tovar, alt. 8000 feet; type from Colonia de Tovar, near Caracas, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Wat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 168. Tangara nigroviridis consobrina Hellmayr, 1921, Anz. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 1, p. 27 —San Pablo (4500 feet), Prov. Tuqueres, S.W. Colombia. Northwestern Venezuela (Sierra de Perija; Andes from Tachira to southern Lara; Cordillera de la Costa from Carabobo to Miranda), northern and western Colombia (west of Eastern Andes and south of Santa Marta region; east slope of Eastern Andes in Norte de Santander), and western Ecuador (south to Alamor, near Peruvian boun- dary) ; upper tropical to temperate zones. Tangara nigroviridis nigroviridis (Lafresnaye) T.[anagra] nigro viridis Lafresnaye, 18438, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 6, p. 69 — “Bogota.” Colombia (east slope of Eastern Andes from Boyaca, south) and eastern Ecuador; subtropical zone. Tangara nigroviridis berlepschi (Taczanowski) Calliste nigriviridis Berlepschi Taczanowski, 1884, Ornith. Pérou, 2, p. 469— Auquimarca [Junin], Tambillo [, Jaen], and Cosnipata [, Cuzco], Peru; type from Tambillo, fide Sztoleman and Domaniewski, 1927, Ann. Zool. Mus. Polonici Hist. Nat., 6, p. 182. Eastern Peru (from Cajamarca and Amazonas, south) and Bolivia (south to Cochabamba) ; subtropical zone. TANGARA VASSORII Tangara vassorii vassorii (Boissonneau) Tanagra (Euphone?) Vassorii Boissonneau, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 4—Santa-Fé de Bogota [, Co- lombia]. Northwestern Venezuela (Andes of Trujillo, Mérida, and Tachira), Andes of Colombia (except west slope of Western Andes), Ecuador, and northwestern Peru (Piura; Caja- marca) ; upper subtropical and temperate zones. Tangara vassorii branickii (Taczanowski) Diva branickii Taczanowski, 1882, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, p. 10, pl. 1, fig. 2 — Tamiapampa, Peru. 384 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Northern Peru, from highlands above Utcubamba Valley south to Compan above Huallaga Valley in Central Andes; upper subtropical and temperate zones. Tangara vassorii atrocoerulea (Tschudi) P.[rocnopis] atrocoerulea Tschudi, 1844, Archiv f. Na- turg., 10(1), p. 285 — Peru; restricted to Chilpes by Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1246, p. 12. Southern Peru (from Huanuco, south) and Bolivia; sub- tropical and temperate zones. TANGARA HEINEI Tangara heinei (Cabanis) P.[rocnias] Heinei Cabanis, 1850,1 Mus. Heineanum, 1 (1851), p. 31 — Colombia. Northwestern Venezuela (Sierra de Perija; Cordillera de la Costa from Yaracuy to the Distrito Federal; Andes from southern Lara to Tachira; and mountains of western Lara), northern and western Colombia (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta; Andes, except east slope of Eastern Andes north of Putumayo), and eastern Ecuador; upper tropical and sub- tropical zones. TANGARA VIRIDICOLLIS Tangara viridicollis fulvigula (Berlepsch and Stolzmann) C.[alospiza] argentea fulvigula Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1906, Ornis, 13, p. 80— Tambillo, [northwestern] Peru. Southern Ecuador (both eastern and western sides), and northern Peru (north and west of Rio Maranon southward on the western side of the Andes to Lambayeque and Caja- marca) ; subtropical zone. Tangara viridicollis viridicollis (Taczanowski) Calliste argentea viridicollis Taczanowski, 1884, Ornith. Pérou, 2, p. 468 — Huiro, 4,800 feet., [Cuzco,] Peru. Central and southern Peru (south and east of Rio Mara- fhién, south to Urubamba Valley) ; subtropical zone. 1 See footnote, p. 371. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 385 TANGARA ARGYROFENGES Tangara argyrofenges caeruleigularis Carriker Tangara argyrophenges [sic] caeruleigularis Carriker, 1935, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 87, p. 357 — Rio Jelashte, Dept. San Martin, Peru, altitude 5,000 feet. Northern Peru, in Huayabamba Valley; subtropical zone. Tangara argyrofenges argyrofenges (Sclater and Salvin) Calliste argyrofenges P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1876, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 354, pl. 30, fig. 2 — Tilotilo, prov. Yungas [=Yungas of La Paz], Bolivia. West-central Bolivia (La Paz; Cochabamba; western Santa Cruz) ; subtropical zone. TANGARA CYANOPTERA Tangara cyanoptera whitelyi (Salvin and Godman) Calliste whitelyi Salvin and Godman, 1884, Ibis, p. 445, pl. 13 (male, female) — Roraima, Guiana Brit. [= Boli- var, Venezuela]. Mountains of southern Venezuela (northern and central Amazonas and southern Bolivar), extreme northern Brazil (Mount Uei-tepui), and Guyana (British Guiana) (Twek- quay) ; subtropical zone. Tangara cyanoptera cyanoptera (Swainson) A.[glaia] cyanoptera Swainson, 1834, Ornith. Drawings, pt. 1, pl. 8 — no locality ; vicinity of Caracas, Venezuela, suggested by Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 174. Northern Colombia (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta; both slopes of Eastern Andes at their northern end) and moun- tains of northern and western Venezuela (from Sierra de Perija and Andes of Tachira east to Sucre and Monagas) ; upper tropical and subtropical zones. TANGARA PULCHERRIMA Tangara pulcherrima pulcherrima (Sclater) Dacnis pulcherrima P. L. Sclater, 1853, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 5, p. 480—%in Nova-Grenada [= Bo- gota]. 386 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Colombia (probably on east slope of Eastern Andes; known from ‘‘Bogota” trade skins), eastern Ecuador, and eastern Peru (south to Cuzco) ; subtropical zone. Tangara pulcherrima aureinucha (Ridgway) Dacnis pulcherrima 6 aureinucha Ridgway, 1879, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1(1878), p. 484 — Ecuador. Western Ecuador; subtropical zone. TANGARA VELIA Tangara velia velia (Linnaeus) Motacilla Velia Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 188; based on “The Red-bellied Blue Bird” of Ed- wards, 1748, Nat. Hist. Birds, 1, p. 22, pl. 22 —Su- rinam. The Guianas to north bank of Amazon in Brazil (Manaus, Obidos) ; tropical zone. Tangara velia iridina (Hartlaub) T.[anagra] Iridina Hartlaub, 1841, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 4, p. 3805 — Perou, provincia Mogobamba [= Moyo- bamba, San Martin, Peru]. Southeastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes), southern Venezuela (Amazonas; Bolivar), eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, northern Bolivia, and northwestern Brazil (north of Amazon east to west bank of lower Rio Negro; south of Amazon east to east bank of Rio Tapajos at Caxiricatuba) ; tropical zone. Tangara velia signata (Hellmayr) Tanagrella velia signata Hellmayr, 1905, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 15, p. 90 —- Para, N. E. Brazil. Northeastern Brazil, south of the Amazon, in Para; trop- ical zone. Tangara velia cyanomelaena (Wied) Tanagra cyanomelas Wied, 1830, Beitr. Naturg. Brasilien, 3(1), p. 453 — Rio Ilhéos [, Bahia, Brazil]. Southeastern Brazil from Rio de Janeiro to Pernambuco. TANGARA CALLOPHRYS Tangara callophrys (Cabanis) H.[ypothlypis] callophrys Cabanis, 1849, in Schomburgk, Reisen Brit.-Guiana, 3(1848), p. 668 (note) — Bra- THRAUPINAE 387 silien ; Rio Solimdes suggested by Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil (Publ. Dept. Zool., SAo Paulo), pt. 2, p. 465. Southeastern Colombia (Caqueta; Putumayo), eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, western Brazil (Rio Solimdées; Rio Purts), to northern boundary of Bolivia; tropical zones. GENUS DACNIS CUuvIER! Dacnis Cuvier, 1816, Régne Animal, 1(‘‘1817”), p. 395. Type, by virtual monotypy, Motacilla cayana Linnaeus. Hemidacnis P. L. Sclater, 1862, Cat. Coll. Amer. Birds, p. 50. Type, by monotypy, Pipraeidea albiventris Sclater. Pseudodacnis P. L. Sclater, 1886, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 11, p. 1388. Type, by monotypy, Dacnis hartlaubi Sclater. cf. Zimmer, 1942, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1198, pp. 1-2 (Peru). DACNIS ALBIVENTRIS Dacnis albiventris (Sclater) Pipraeidea albiventris P. L. Sclater, 1852, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 4, p. 8 — Nouvelle-Grenade [= Bogota, Colombia]. Eastern Colombia (base of Eastern Andes from Meta, south), southern Venezuela (Cerro Duida; El Carmen, Rio Negro), central Brazil (upper Rio Cururt, southwestern Para), eastern Ecuador, and northeastern Peru; tropical zone. DACNIS LINEATA Dacnis lineata egregia Sclater Dacnis egregia P. L. Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 22(1854), p. 251 — in Nova Grenada [= Bogota]. Colombia, in upper and middle Magdalena and lower Cauca valleys; tropical zone. 1 Zimmer, 1942, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1193, p. 2, recommends in- cluding Hemidacnis in Dacnis. “Pseudodacnis’” hartlaubi appears intermediate between Tangara and Dacnis in bill form; it is here in- cluded in the latter genus primarily on the basis of its color and pat- tern. For a discussion of the relationship between Tangara and the Dacnis-Chlorophanes-Cyanerpes line, see Storer, 1969, Living Bird, 8, pp. 180-132. — R.W.S. 388 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Dacnis lineata aequatorialis Berlepsch and Taczanowski Dacnis egregia aequatorialis Berlepsch and Taczanowski,! 1888, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 543 — Chimbo, Ecuador. Western Ecuador, from Esmeraldas south to Chimbo; tropical zone. Dacnis lineata lineata (Gmelin) Motacilla lineata Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1(2), p. 990; based on “Le Pitpit 4 coiffe bleue’”’ of Buffon, 1778, Hist. Nat. Ois. (éd. Impr. Roy.), 5, p. 342 — Cayenne. Eastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes), southern Venezuela (southern Tachira; Amazonas; Bolivar), the Guianas, and Amazon basin from eastern base of Andes east to Para and south through eastern Ecuador and Peru to eastern Bolivia and through central Brazil to northern Mato Grosso; tropical zone. _ DACNIS FLAVIVENTER Dacnis flaviventer d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye D.[acnis] flaviventer d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 21 — Yuracares, Bolivia. Southeastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes in Caqueta and Putumayo) and south-central Venezuela (central Ama- zonas and western Bolivar), through eastern Ecuador and eastern Peru to central Bolivia (western Santa Cruz), and western Brazil (east to the Rio Tapajos and south to north- ern Mato Grosso) ; tropical zone. DACNIS HARTLAUBI Dacnis hartlaubi Sclater Dacnis hartlaubi P. L. Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 22(1854), p. 251 — Nova Grenada [= Colombia] ; La Cumbre, Dept. Valle, suggested as type locality by Carriker, 1955, Noved. Colombianas, no. 2, p. 61. Western Colombia, known only from above Dagua Valley (Juntas; La Cumbre), Pacific slope of Western Andes, and from native “Bogota” collections. 1 Dacnis aequatorialis Berlepsch, 1873, Journ. f. Ornith., 21, p. 69, is a nomen nudum. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 389 DACNIS NIGRIPES Dacnis nigripes Pelzeln Dacnis nigripes Pelzeln, 1856, Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math.-naturwiss. K]., 20(1), p. 154, pl. 1, figs. 1 (male), 2 (female) — Nuovo [= Nova] Friburgo [, Rio de Janeiro], Brazil. Southeastern Brazil (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and Santa Catarina; presumably also in Sao Paulo and Parana). DACNIS VENUSTA Dacnis venusta venusta Lawrence Dacnis venusta Lawrence, 1862, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 7, p. 464 — Panama Railroad. Costa Rica and western Panama (east to Canal Zone) ; tropical zone. Dacnis venusta fuliginata Bangs Dacnis venusta fuliginata Bangs, 1908, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 21, p. 160 — Jimenez, western [Andes] Colombia, altitude 1,600 feet. Eastern Panama (Caribbean slope of Darién), western Colombia (Pacific coast east to lower Cauca and middle Magdalena valleys), and northwestern Ecuador; tropical zone. DACNIS CAYANA Dacnis cayana callaina Bangs Dacnis cayana callaina Bangs, 1905, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 18, p. 154 — Divala, Chiriqui, Panama. Western Costa Rica (north to the Rio Grande de Tar- coles) and western Panama (Chiriqui) ; tropical zone. Dacnis cayana ultramarina Lawrence Dacnis ultramarina Lawrence, 1864, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 106 — New Granada, Isthmus of Panama [= Lion Hill, Panama Railroad]. Eastern Nicaragua, eastern Costa Rica, and Panama to northwestern Colombia (extreme northwest Pacific coast; west side of Gulf of Uraba) ; tropical zone. Dacnis cayana napaea Bangs Dacnis napaea Bangs, 1898, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12, p. 148 — Santa Marta, Colombia. 390 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Northern Colombia, from Santa Marta region and lower Magdalena Valley south at least to lat. 8° N., southwest along Caribbean coast to east side of Gulf of Uraba; tropical zone. Dacnis cayana baudoana de Schauensee Dacnis cyana [sic] baudoana de Schauensee, 1946, Notu- lae Naturae [Philadelphia], no. 167, p. 3 — Rio Baudé, Choco, Colombia. Pacific slope of Colombia from Baudé Mountains, south; tropical zone. Population of western slope of Ecuador probably belongs to this subspecies. Dacnis cayana coerebicolor Sclater Dacnis coerebicolor P. L. Sclater, 1851, in Jardine’s Con- trib. Ornith., p. 106 — New Granada? [= “Bogota” col- lections ]. Colombia, in lower Cauca and middle and upper Mag- dalena valleys; tropical zone. Dacnis cayana cayana (Linnaeus) Motacilla cayana Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 336; based on ‘“‘Le Pipit bleu de Cayenne” of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 3, p. 534, pl. 28, fig. 1 — Cayenne. Eastern Colombia (east of Eastern Andes, from Meta eastward), Venezuela (region around Lake Maracaibo; Cor- dillera de la Costa from Carabobo east to Sucre; southeast slope of Andes; and Amazonas, Bolivar, and Delta Ama- curo), Trinidad, the Guianas, and northern and central Brazil (from the Rio Solim6des and the Rio Purts east to Maranhdéo and Marajo and south to the Rio Guaporé and the Rio Roosevelt) ; tropical zone. Dacnis cayana glaucogularis Berlepsch and Stolzmann Dacnis cayana glaucogularis Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1896, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 336 — La Gloria and La Merced, [Chanchamayo, Junin,] Peru; type from La Merced, fide Sztoleman and Domaniewski, 1927, Ann. Zool. Mus. Polonici Hist. Nat., 6, p. 179. Southern Colombia (Caqueta; Putumayo) through east- ern Ecuador and eastern Peru to northern and eastern Bo- livia; tropical zone. Dacnis cayana paraguayensis Chubb D.[acnis] cayana paraguayensis Chubb, 1910, Ibis, p. 619 THRAUPINAE 391 — Paraguay, Matto Grosso, and S. E. Brazil; type from Sapucay, Paraguay, fide Hellmayr, 1935, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool, Ser., 13,. pt. 8, p. 270. Paraguay, northeastern Argentina (Misiones), and southern and eastern Brazil (from Maranhao and Ceara south to central Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul); tropical zone. DACNIS VIGUIERI Dacnis viguieri Salvin and Godman Dacnis viguierit Salvin and Godman (ex Oustalet MS), 1883, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, 1, p. 246, pl. 15A, fig. 3 — Isthmus of Panama, on the shores of the Gulf of Darien. Eastern Panama (Darién) and.northwestern Colombia (Rio Jurad6; Rio Salaqui; Quimari) ; tropical zone. DACNIS BERLEPSCHI! Dacnis berlepschi Hartert Dacnis berlepschi Hartert, 1900, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 11, p. 37 — Lita, Northwestern Ecuador. Extreme southwestern Colombia (La Guayacana, Narino) and northwestern Ecuador (Carondelet and San Javier, Esmeraldas; Lita, Imbabura) ; tropical zone. GENUS CHLOROPHANES REICHENBACH Chlorophanes Reichenbach, 1853, Handb. spec. Ornith., Icon. Synops. Avium, Scansoriae, Tenuirostres, con- tinuatio, livr. 5, p. 233. Type, by monotypy, Coereba atricapilla Vieillot = Motacilla spiza Linnaeus. CHLOROPHANES-SPIZA2 Chlorophanes spiza guatemalensis Sclater Chlorophanes guatemalensis P. L. Sclater, 1861, Proce. Zool. Soc. London, p. 129— Guatemala; type from 1 This rare bird does not appear closely related to the other species of Dacnis. — R.W.S. 2 Chlorophanes purpurascens Sclater and Salvin, 1873, Nomen. Av. Neotrop., p. 157— Venezuela, prope urbem Caraccas [= ?Pen- insula de Paria], is probably a hybrid between Chlorophanes spiza and Cyanerpes cyaneus (Storer, 1957, Auk, 74, p. 507). —R.W.S. 392 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Choctum, Verapaz, fide Hellmayr, 1935, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 8, p. 249. Southern Mexico (Oaxaca; Campeche; Chiapas), eastern Guatemala, British Honduras, and Honduras (except in ex- treme east) ; tropical zone. Chlorophanes spiza arguta Bangs and Barbour Chlorophanes spiza arguta Bangs and Barbour, 1922, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 65, p. 225 — Divala, western Panama. Extreme eastern Honduras (Olancho rain forest), eastern Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and northwestern Colom- bia (south to Baud6o Mountains and Atrato Valley) ; tropical zone. Intergrades with C. s. guatemalensis in northeastern Costa Rica. Chlorophanes spiza exsul Berlepsch and Taczanowski Chlorophanes spiza exsul Berlepsch and Taczanowski (ex Berlepsch MS), 1888, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 548 — Chimbo, Ecuador. Southwestern Colombia (west slope of Western Andes from Buenaventura, south), western Ecuador, and extreme northwestern Peru (Tumbes) ; tropical zone. Chlorophanes spiza subtropicalis Todd Chlorophanes spiza subtropicalis Todd, 1924, Proc. Biol. Soe. Washington, 37, p. 122— La Cumbre (Western Andes), Colombia [= La Cumbre, Valle, Colombia]. Subtropical zone of the three Andean ranges of Colombia and Andes of western Venezuela (Zulia; Mérida; Tachira). Intergrades with caerulescens-like birds at intermediate elevations (e.g., La Frijolera, 5,000 ft., Antioquia). Chlorophanes spiza spiza (Linnaeus) Motacilla Spiza Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 188; based on “The Green Black-cap Fly-catcher” of Edwards, 17438, Nat. Hist. Birds, 1, p. 25, pl. 25, right fig. — Surinam. Extreme eastern Colombia (Rio Negro-Rio Guiania re- zion), Venezuela, (Cordillera de la Costa from Carabobo to Peninsula de Paria; eastern slope of Andes in Barinas and Tachira; and across Amazonas and Bolivar), Trinidad, the Guianas, and northern Brazil (north of the Amazon west to the Rio Uaupés and the Rio Icana, and south of the THRAUPINAE 393 Amazon from Sao Paulo de Olivenca and the middle Rio Purts east through Para to coast of Maranhao) ; tropical zone. Chlorophanes spiza caerulescens Cassin C.[hlorophanes] caerulescens Cassin, 1864, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 268 — Yuracares, Bolivia. Southeastern Colombia (Cauca and Magdalena valleys; east base of Eastern Andes from Arauca south to western Caqueta and Putumayo), eastern Ecuador, and eastern Peru to central Bolivia thence east to northern Mato Grosso; tropical and lower subtropical zones. Chlorophanes spiza axillaris Zimmer Chlorophanes spiza axillaris Zimmer, 1929, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 42, p. 90 — Bahia, Brazil. Coast region of eastern Brazil from Pernambuco to Santa Catarina. GENUS CYANERPES OBERHOLSER Cyanerpes Oberholser, 1899, Auk, 16, p. 32. Type, by original designation, Certhia cyanea Linnaeus. cf. Zimmer, 1942, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1208, pp. 7-14 (Peru). CYANERPES NITIDUS Cyanerpes nitidus (Hartlaub) Coereba nitida Hartlaub, 1847, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 10, p. 84 —du nord du Pérou. Cyanerpes nitidus caquetae de Schauensee, 1947, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 99, p. 119 — Belén, 600 ft., Caqueta, Colombia. Colombia (east base of Eastern Andes, eastward), south- ern Venezuela (Amazonas and Bolivar), eastern Ecuador, northeastern Peru, and western Brazil (Rio Negro and Rio Solimoes to northwestern Mato Grosso) ; tropical zone. CYANERPES LUCIDUS Cyanerpes lucidus lucidus (Sclater and Salvin) Coereba lucida P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1859, Ibis, 1, p. 14 — Guatemala. Southern Mexico (Chiapas), Guatemala (Verapaz), 394 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD British Honduras, Honduras, and northern Nicaragua; tropical and subtropical zones. Cyanerpes lucidus isthmicus Bangs Cyanerpes lucidus isthmicus Bangs, 1917, Auk, 24, p. 306 — Paso Real, Costa Rica. Costa Rica and Panama to extreme northwestern Colom- bia (Rio Jurado) ; tropical and subtropical zones. CYANERPES CAERULEUS Cyanerpes cderuleus chocoanus Hellmayr Cyanerpes caerulea chocana Hellmayr, 1920, Archiv f. Naturg., ser. A, 85(10), p. 14 (footnote) — Sao Joaquim [=San Joaquin] del Choc6, W. Colombia. Western Colombia (Atrato Valley and entire Pacific coast) and western Ecuador; tropical zone. Integrades with nominate caeruleus in Santa Marta region of Colombia. Cyanerpes caeruleus caeruleus (Linnaeus) Certhia caerulea Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 118; based on “The Blue Creeper” of Edwards, 1748, Nat. Hist. Birds, 1, p. 21, pl. 21, upper fig. (= male) — Surinam. Colombia, east of Eastern Andes in Boyaca (La Colorada, Rio Casanare drainage; specimen in Carnegie Museum), Venezuela (Cordillera de la Costa from Carabobo to Anzoategui;! Andes of Barinas and Tachira; northeastern Amazonas across Bolivar to Delta Amacuro and Monagas), Surinam, French Guiana, and northeastern Brazil (from Rio Nhamunda and lower Rio Tapajos east to northwestern Maranhao) ;? tropical and subtropical zones. Cyanerpes caeruleus hellmayri Gyldenstolpe Cyanerpes caeruleus hellmayri Gyldenstolpe, 1945, Kung]. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 3, 22(8), p. 291 — Potaro Highlands, British Guiana, alt. 2500 feet. Guyana (British Guiana). Cyanerpes caeruleus longirostris (Cabanis) A.[rbelorhina] longirostristris [sic]? Cabanis, 1851, Mus. 1 Intergrades with longirostris in the mountains of Sucre. — R.W.S. 2 Birds above Vila Braga are nearer microrhynchus (fide Parkes, in litt.). —R.W.S. 3 Spelling corrected to longirostris on page 234. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 395 Heineanum, 1, p. 96 — Caraccas; error, Trinidad sub- stituted by Hellmayr, 1935, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 8, p. 259. Trinidad. Cyanerpes caeruleus microrhynchus (Berlepsch)? Coereba coerulea microrhyncha Berlepsch, 1884, Journ. f. Ornith., 32, p. 287 — Bucaramanga, Colombia. Cyanerpes caerulea cherriei Berlepsch and Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 16— Munduapo, upper Orinoco, Venezuela. Colombia (in north from upper Sint to middle Magdalena Valley and in southeast from Meta and Caqueta, eastward and southward), extreme western and southern Venezuela (Zulia, Mérida, Tachira, Barinas, and Amazonas, except northeastern part), eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, north- ern Bolivia, and Brazil (east to the Rio Negro and the Rio Madeira, and south to northern Mato Grosso) ; tropical zone. CYANERPES CYANEUS Cyanerpes cyaneus carneipes (Sclater) Caereba carneipes P. L. Sclater, 1859, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 27, p. 376 — Playa Vicente, Oaxaca, Mexico. Cyanerpes cyaneus ramsdent Bangs, 1913, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 4, p. 91— Rio Seco, near Guan- tanamo, Cuba. Cyanerpes cyaneus striatipectus Brodkorb, 1938, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, no. 369, p. 5— Finca Juarez, Chiapas, altitude, 900 meters [, Mexico]. Eastern and southern Mexico (from Oaxaca and San Luis Potosi, south) to Isthmus of Panama, Pear] Islands, and adjacent part of Colombia (upper Sint Valley, south- western Bolivar) ; Cuba (where possibly introduced) and Jamaica (one record) ; tropical zone. Cyanerpes cyaneus gemmeus Wetmore Cyanerpes cyaneus gemmeus Wetmore, 1941, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 54, p. 209—600 feet elevation, Serrania de Macuire, above Nazaret, La Guajira, Co- lombia. 1 According to Parkes (in litt.), this race is a composite and even- tually must be split. Bolivian birds are substantially larger than northern examples of microrhynchus. — R.W.S. 396 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Known only from humid forest belt, 600-1,000 ft., on the Serrania de Macuire, Guajira Peninsula, Colombia. Cyanerpes cyaneus eximius (Cabanis) A.[rbelorhina] eximia Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 96 — Porto Cabello, [= Puerto Cabello, Carabobo, Venezuela]. Northern Colombia (Santa Marta region; west slope of Eastern Andes south to Bucaramanga) and northern Vene- zuela (Caribbean Coast from northwestern Zulia and north- ern Falcén to Peninsula de Paria and Margarita Island, south to northern Portuguesa and Andes of Mérida and Tachira) ; tropical zone. Cyanerpes cyaneus tobagensis Hellmayr and Seilern Cyanerpes cyanea tobagensis Hellmayr and Seilern, 1914, Verh. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 12, p. 88 — Man-of-War Bay, Tobago. Tobago. Cyanerpes cyaneus cyaneus (Linnaeus) Certhia cyanea Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 188; based on “The Black and Blue Creeper” of Edwards, 1760, Glean. Nat. Hist., 2, p. 114, pl. 264 — Surinam. Southeastern Venezuela (Bolivar, from the Rio Caura eastward, Monagas, and Delta Amacuro), Trinidad, the Guianas, and northeastern Brazil (south to the Rio Negro and mouth of the Amazon, but not along the Amazon itself) ; tropical zone. Cyanerpes cyaneus brevipes (Cabanis) A.[rbelorhina] brevipes Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 96 — Porto Cabello [, Venezuela]; error, Para, Brazil, substituted by Gyldenstolpe, 1945, Kungl. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 3, 22(3), p. 289; re- stricted here to Santarém, Para.! 1 This action is taken at the suggestion of Parkes, in litt., who points out that birds near the city of Para (=Belém) do not belong to this race but are intermediate between nominate cyaneus and an undescribed form which intergrades with cyaneus in Maranhao and in easternmost Para and with brevipes at least on the mid-Tapajés. —R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 397 Lower and middle Amazon, from the middle Tocantins west at least to Manacapurt; tropical zone. Cyanerpes cyaneus dispar Zimmer Cyanerpes cyaneus dispar Zimmer, 1942, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1203, p. 10 — Buena Vista, Rio Cassiquiare, southwestern Venezuela. Colombia (east of the Eastern Andes from Catatumbo basin south to Meta and east to the Rio Negro-Rio Guiania region) and southern Venezuela (southern Amazonas) south through northwestern Brazil (upper Rio Negro and east to the Rio Jurua) and eastern Ecuador to northeastern Peru south to Yarinacocha (near Pucallpa) ; tropical zone. Cyanerpes cyaneus violaceus Zimmer Cyanerpes cyaneus violaceus Zimmer, 1942, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1203, p. 8 — Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil. Central Bolivia and western Brazil (east to highlands of Mato Grosso and north at least to the upper Purtis). A molt- ing male from Borba on Rio Madeira approaches this form closely (fide Parkes in litt.). Cyanerpes cyaneus pacificus Chapman Cyanerpes cyaneus pacificus Chapman, 1915, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 34, p. 655 — Barbacoas, Narifio, Co- lombia. Western Colombia (Pacific Coast from Baudé Mountains, south) and western Ecuador (south to Manavi) ; tropical zone. Cyanerpes cyaneus gigas Thayer and Bangs Cyanerpes gigas Thayer and Bangs, 1905, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 46, p. 96 — Gorgona Island, Colombia. Gorgona Island off Pacific coast of Cauca, Colombia. GENUS XENODACNIS CABANIS?! Xenodacnis Cabanis, 1873, Journ. f. Ornith., 21, p. 311. Type, by original designation, Xenodacnis parina Ca- banis. 1 The systematic position of this genus remains to be determined. —R.W.S. 398 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD cf. Zimmer, 1942, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1198, pp. 2-4 (Peru). George, 1964, Nat. Hist. [New York], 73(8), pp. 26-29 (systematic position). XENODACNIS PARINA Xenodacnis parina bella Bond and de Schauensee Xenodacnis petersi bella Bond and de Schauensee, 1939, Notulae Naturae [Philadelphia], no. 40, p. 2 — Atuén, Dept. Amazonas, Peru. Known only from type locality, above Leymebamba, in highlands of northern Peru. Xenodacnis parina petersi Bond and de Schauensee Xenodacnis petersi Bond and de Schauensee, 1939, Notulae Naturae [Philadelphia], no. 40, p. 1 — Yanac, Dept. of Ancash, Peru. Known only from Cordillera Blanca of Peru; humid tem- perate zone. Xenodacnis parina parina Cabanis Xenodacnis parina Cabanis, 1873, Journ. f. Ornith., 21, p. 312, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2 — Maraynioc, Peru. Highlands of south-central Peru, in Junin, Ayacucho, and Cuzco. GENUS OREOMANES ScLATER} Oreomanes P. L. Sclater, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 28, p. 75. Type, by original designation, Oreomanes fraseri Sclater. ef. Zimmer, 1942, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 11938, p. 16 (Peru). George, 1964, Nat. Hist. [New York], 73(8), p. 26 (systematic position). OREOMANES FRASERI Oreomanes fraseri fraseri Sclater Oreomanes fraseri P. L. Sclater, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 28, p. 75, pl. 159 — Panza, alt. 14,000 tiasiie Chimborazo, Ecuador. 1 This nuthatch-like genus may be related to Diglossa and to the emberizine finches. Its systematic position remains to be determined. — R.W.S. THRAUPINAE 399 Southwestern Colombia (Andes of Narifo) and Ecuador (Chimborazo; Illiniza; Cerro Huamani) ; temperate zone. Oreomanes fraseri binghami Chapman Oreomanes binghami Chapman, 1919, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 41, p. 331— Cedrobamba Ruins, Machu Picchu, alt. 12,000 ft. (timberline), Peru. The highlands of Peru (Ancash, Cuzco, Arequipa, and Puno) ; temperate zone. Oreomanes fraseri sturninus Bond and de Schauensee Oreomanes fraseri sturninus Bond and de Schauensee, 1939, Notulae Naturae [Philadelphia], no. 12, p. 1— Finca Salo (Oploca), 13,000 ft., Dept. Potosi, Bolivia. Highlands of western Bolivia (La Paz and Potosi). Speci- men from Viloca, 11,500 ft., La Paz, approaches O. f. bing- hami in coloration. GENUS DIGLOSSA WAGLER! Diglossa Wagler, 1832, Isis von Oken, col. 280. Type, by monotypy, Diglossa baritula Wagler. cf. Zimmer, 1942, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1203, pp. 1-7 (Peru). DIGLOSSA BARITULA Diglossa baritula baritula Wagler Diglossa baritula Wagler, 1832, Isis von Oken, col. 281 — Mexico. Highlands of Mexico, from Jalisco, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, and Veracruz south to Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Diglossa baritula montana Dearborn Diglossa montana Dearborn, 1907, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Ornith. Ser., 1, p. 125 —Sierra Santa Elena, at altitude 9,500 feet, near Tecpam, Guatemala. Highlands of extreme southern Mexico (Chiapas), Guate- mala (except Sierra de las Minas), and El Salvador. Diglossa baritula parva Griscom Diglossa baritula parva Griscom, 1932, Proc. New En- gland Zool. Club, 13, p. 61— Rancho Quemado (6700 ft.), District of Achaga, Honduras. 1 Systematic position uncertain; possibly related to the emberizine genera Acanthidops and Spodiornis. — R.W.S. 400 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Highlands of eastern Guatemala (Sierra de las Minas) and Honduras. Diglossa baritula plumbea Cabanis Diglossa plumbea Cabanis, 1860, Journ. f. Ornith., 8, p. 411 — Costa Rica. Highlands of Costa Rica and extreme western Panama (Volcan de Chiriqui). Diglossa baritula veraguensis Griscom Diglossa plumbea veraguensis Griscom, 1927, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 280, p. 16— Chitra (5000 ft.), Veragua, Pacific slope of western Panama. Western Panama, on Pacific slope of Cordillera of Veraguas. Diglossa baritula hyperythra Cabanis D.[iglossa] hyperythra Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 97 — Caraccas [, Venezuela]. Northeastern Colombia (Santa Marta region) and north- ern Venezuela (coast range from Yaracuy to Miranda) ; subtropical zone. Diglossa baritula mandeli Blake Diglossa baritula mandeli Blake, 1940, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 24(14), p. 155 — Mount Turumi- quire, Sucre, Venezuela. Alt. 6,000 feet. Known only from type locality in northeastern Venezuela; subtropical zone. Diglossa baritula coelestis Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Diglossa baritula coelestis Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1953, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 66, p. 136 — Barranquilla, Rancheria Julian, between Rios Apon and Macoita, Sierra de Perija, Zulia, Venezuela; 960 meters. Extreme western Venezuela, in Sierra de Perija; sub- tropical zone. Diglossa baritula dorbignyi (Boissonneau) Uncirostrum dOrbignyt Boissonneau, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 5 — Santa-Fé de Bogota [, Colombia]. Colombia (east slope of Western Andes; both slopes of Central and Eastern Andes) and western Venezuela (moun- tains of western Lara; Andes of southern Lara and of THRAUPINAE 401 Mérida and TAchira); subtropical and occasionally tem- perate zones. Diglossa baritula decorata Zimmer Diglossa sittoides intermedia Cory, 1918, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Ornith. Ser., 1, p. 292 — Cajamarca, Peru (altitude about 9,000 feet). Diglossa sittoides decorata Zimmer, 1930, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 17, p. 416. New name for D. sit- toides intermedia Cory, 1913, preoccupied by D. inter- media Cabanis, 1851. Ecuador and Peru; principally subtropical zone. Inter- grades with D. b. sittoides in southern Peru. Diglossa baritula sittoides (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Serrirostrum sittoides d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1838, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 8, cl. 2, p. 25— Yungas, Valle- grande, rep. Boliviam. Bolivia and northwestern Argentina (Salta; Jujuy; Tucuman) ; subtropical zone. DIGLOSSA LAFRESNAYII Diglossa lafresnayii gloriosissima Chapman Diglossa gloriosissima Chapman, 1912, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 31, p. 165 — Andes, west of Popayan, alt. 10,340 ft., Cauca, Colombia. Western Colombia, in Western Andes from Mt. Paramillo to mountains west of Popayan; temperate zone. Diglossa lafresnayii lafresnayii (Boissonneau) Uncirostrum La Fresnayii Boissonneau, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 4 — Santa-Fé de Bogota [, Colombia]. Western Venezuela (Andes of Trujillo, Mérida, and Tachira), central Colombia (Central and Eastern Andes; mountains of Narifio), Ecuador, and extreme northwestern Peru (Chaupe, Dept. Cajamarca); upper subtropical and temperate zones. Diglossa lafresnayii unicincta Hellmayr Diglossa pectoralis unicincta Hellmayr, 1905, Novit. Zool., 12, p. 504 — Levanto [, Dept. Amazonas], North- ern Peru, 9000 ft. elev. Northern Peru, in central cordillera (Amazonas, and Li- bertad) ; temperate zone. 402 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Diglossa lafresnayii pectoralis Cabanis Diglossa pectoralis Cabanis, 1873, Journ. f. Ornith., 21, p. 318 — Maraynioc [, Dept. Junin, Peru]. Central Peru (Huanuco and Junin) ; temperate zone. Diglossa lafresnayii albilinea Chapman Diglossa mystacalis albilinea Chapman, 1919, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 41, p. 331— Machu Picchu, alt. 12,000 ft. (timberline), ruins of Cedrobamba, Peru. Southeastern Peru (Cuzco and Puno) ; temperate zone. Diglossa lafresnayii mystacalis Lafresnaye Diglossa mystacalis Lafresnaye, 1846, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 9, p. 318 — Bolivia; type probably from Yungas of La Paz, cf. Bridges, 1847, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 15, Desao: Western Bolivia (La Paz) ; temperate zone. DIGLOSSA CARBONARIA Diglossa carbonaria gloriosa Sclater and Salvin Diglossa gloriosa P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 780, 784, pl. 46, fig. 1 [=2] — Paramo de la Culata, north of Merida [, Venezuela]. Western Venezuela (Andes of Trujillo, Mérida, and Tachira) ; temperate zone. Diglossa carbonaria nocticolor Bangs Diglossa nocticolor Bangs, 1898, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, 12, p. 180 — Macotama [8000 ft., Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta], Colombia. Northern Colombia (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta) and extreme western Venezuela (Sierra de Perija) ; subtropical and temperate zones. Diglossa carbonaria humeralis (Fraser) Agrilorhinus humeralis Fraser, 1840, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 8, p. 22 — Santa Fé de Bogota [, Colombia]. Central Colombia (both slopes of Eastern Andes) and ex- treme southwestern Venezuela (Paramo de Tama, Tachira) ; upper subtropical and temperate zones. Diglossa carbonaria aterrima Lafresnaye Diglossa aterrima Lafresnaye, 1846, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 9, p. 319 — in Nova Granada, Pasto [= Pasto, Narino, Colombia]. THRAUPINAE 403 Western Colombia (Western Andes in region of Cerro Munchique and mountains of Narifo; Central Andes, from Quindio region, south), Andes of Ecuador, and northwestern Peru (Piura and Cajamarca) ; subtropical and temperate zones. Diglossa carbonaria brunneiventris Lafresnaye Diglossa brunnewentris Lafresnaye (ex Des Murs MS), 1846, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 9, p. 318 — in Peruvia. Northwestern Colombia (isolated colonies at northern end of Western and Central Andes), Peru (except extreme northwestern part), adjacent Bolivia (Sorata; Khapa- guaia), and extreme northern Chile (near Putre, Tara- paca) ; subtropical and temperate zones. Colombian and Peruvian populations of this race are separated by the very different race, aterrima. Diglossa carbonaria carbonaria (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) Serrirostrum carbonarium d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1838, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 8, cl. 2, p. 25 — Sicasica and Ayupaya, repub. Boliviam; type from Sicasica, La Paz, fide Hellmayr, 1935, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. per. 13, pt. 8, p> 205; Bolivia (La Paz, Cochabamba, and Chuquisaca) ; tem- perate zone. DIGLOSSA VENEZUELENSIS Diglossa venezuelensis Chapman Diglossa venezuelensis Chapman, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 191, p. 11 — Carapas, alt. 5600 ft.; [Sucre, ] Venezuela. Northeastern Venezuela (Sucre and Monagas) ; subtropi- cal zone. DIGLOSSA ALBILATERA Diglossa albilatera federalis Hellmayr Diglossa albilatera federalis Hellmayr, 1922, Anz. Ornith. Ges. Bayern, 1, p. 45 — Silla de Caracas, N. Venezuela. Northern Venezuela (coastal mountains from Aragua to Miranda) ; subtropical zone. Diglossa albilatera albilatera Lafresnaye Diglossa albi-latera Lafresnaye, 1848, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 6, p. 99 — Colombie [= Santa Fé de Bogota]. 404 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Western Venezuela (Sierra de Perija and Andes of Tru- jillo, Mérida, and Tachira), Colombia (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta; the three Andean ranges), and Ecuador (ex- cept extreme southwestern part) ; subtropical and temper- ate zones. Diglossa albilatera schistacea Chapman Diglossa albilatera schistacea Chapman, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 160, p. 7 — Chaupe, 6100 ft., northeast of Huancabamba, N. Peru. Extreme southwestern Ecuador (San Bartolo) and north- western Peru (north and west of the Rio Maranon) ; sub- tropical zone. Diglossa albilatera affinis Zimmer Diglossa albi-latera affinis Zimmer, 1942, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1203, p. 4— Chachapoyas, Pert; altitude, 7,300 feet. North-central Peru (highlands above the Rio Utcu- bamba). DIGLOSSA DUIDAE Diglossa duidae hitchcocki Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Diglossa duidae hitchcocki Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1948, Bol. Soc. Venezolana Cienc. Nat., 11(71) (1947), p. 69 — Cerro Yavi, Territory of Amazonas, Venezuela; al- titude 2250 meters. Southern Venezuela in northern Amazonas (Cerro Yavi; Cerro Guanay; Cerro Paraque) ; subtropical zone. Diglossa duidae duidae Chapman Diglossa duidae Chapman, 1929, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 380, p. 26 — Mt. Duida, Venezuela, 6600 ft. Southern Venezuela in central Amazonas (Cerro Duida; Cerro Huachamacari; Cerro Part) to Brazilian frontier (Cerro de la Neblina) ; subtropical zone. DIGLOSSA MAJOR Diglossa major gilliardi Chapman Diglossa major gilliardi Chapman, 1939, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1051, p. 11 — plateau of Mt. Auyan-tepui, 2200 m, Venezuela. Confined to Mount Auyan-tepui, southeastern Bolivar, Venezuela; subtropical zone. THRAUPINAE 405 Diglossa major disjuncta Zimmer and Phelps Diglossa major disjuncta Zimmer and Phelps, 1944, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1270, p. 15 — Mt. Ptari-tepui, south- western slope, Gran Sabana, State of Bolivar, Vene- zuela, altitude 1650 meters. Southeastern Venezuela on mounts Ptari-tepui, Sororo- pan-tepui, Uaipan-tepui, Aprada-tepui, and Acopan-tepui, Bolivar; subtropical zone. Diglossa major chimantae Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Diglossa major chimantae Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1947, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 60, p. 160— Cerro Chi- manta-tepui, Gran Sabana, Bolivar, Venezuela; altitude 2000 meters. Southeastern Venezuela on Mount Chimanta-tepui, Bo- livar; subtropical zone. Diglossa major major Cabanis D.[iglossa] major Cabanis, 1849, in Schomburgk, Reisen Brit.-Guiana, 3(1848), p. 676— Roraima [, British Guiana] [= Cerro Roraima, Bolivar, Venezuela]. Southeastern Venezuela and adjacent northern Brazil on Mounts Roraima, Cuquendn, and Uei-tepui; subtropical zone. DIGLOSSA INDIGOTICA Diglossa indigotica Sclater Diglossa indigotica P. L. Sclater (ex J. and E. Verreaux MS), 1856, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, 17, p. 467 — in rep. Equatoriana. Southwestern Colombia (west slope of Western Andes from headwaters of the Rio San Juan, south; not recorded from Narifio) and western Ecuador; upper tropical and subtropical zones. DIGLOSSA GLAUCA Diglossa glauca tyrianthina Hellmayr Diglossa glauca tyrianthina Hellmayr, 1930, Novit. Zool., 35, p. 266 — Lower Sumaco, eastern Ecuador. Southern Colombia (Cerro Pax, east slope of Andes of Narino) and eastern Ecuador; tropical and lower subtropi- cal zones. 406 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Diglossa glauca glauca Sclater and Salvin Diglossa glauca P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1876, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 253 — Nairapi, Bolivia. Southeastern Peru (north to Junin) and adjacent Bolivia (Yungas of La Paz) ; tropical and lower subtropical zones. DIGLOSSA CAERULESCENS Diglossa caerulescens caerulescens (Sclater) Diglossopis caerulescens P. L. Sclater, 1856, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, 17, p. 467 — in vic. urbis Caraccas in Venezuela. Northern Venezuela, in coastal mountains from Carabobo to the Federal District; subtropical zone. Diglossa caerulescens ginesi Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Diglossa caerulescens ginesi Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1952, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 65, p. 97 — Cerro Tamuypejocha, Rio Negro, Sierra de Perija, Zulia, Venezuela; 1975 meters. Known only from upper Rio Negro Valley, Sierra de Perija, extreme northwestern Venezuela; subtropical zone. Diglossa caerulescens saturata (Todd) Diglossopis caerulescens saturata Todd, 1917, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 30, p. 128—La Palmita, Santander [= Magdalena], Colombia. Southwestern Venezuela (Andes of Trujillo, Mérida, and Tachira) and Colombia (the three Andean ranges) ; sub- tropical and temperate zones. Diglossa caerulescens media Bond Diglossa caerulescens intermedia Carriker, 1935, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 87, p. 356 — Chira, Dept. Cajamarca, Peru, altitude 7,500 feet. Diglossa caerulescens media Bond, 1955, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 107, p. 37. New name for D. ec. inter- media Carriker, 1935, preoccupied by D. intermedia Ca- banis, 1851, and D. sittoides intermedia Cory, 1913. Southern Ecuador (El Portete de Tarqui, Loja) and northwestern Peru (south to Cajamarca and Amazonas) ; subtropical and temperate zones. Diglossa caerulescens pallida (Berlepsch and Stolzmann) Diglossopis caerulescens pallida Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1896, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 334—in Peruvia THRAUPINAE 407 alta, centrali et septentrionali; type from Garita del Sol, Junin, fide Sztoleman and Domaniewski, 1927, Ann. Zool. Mus. Polonici Hist. Nat., 6, p. 178. Central Peru, from Libertad south to Lima and Junin; subtropical and temperate zones. Diglossa caerulescens mentalis Zimmer Diglossa caerulescens mentalis Zimmer, 1942, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1203, p. 6— “Camp 1,” below Limbani, southeastern Pert. Southeastern Peru and probably northwestern Bolivia; subtropical and temperate zones. DIGLOSSA CYANEA Diglossa cyanea tovarensis Zimmer and Phelps Diglossa cyanea tovarensis Zimmer and Phelps, 1952, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1603, p. 1— Colonia Tovar, Aragua, Venezuela; altitude 1900 meters. Coast ranges of northern Venezuela in Aragua and Dis- trito Federal; subtropical zone. Diglossa cyanea obscura Phelps and Phelps, Jr. Diglossa cyanea obscura Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1952, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 65, p. 98 — Cerro Tamuy- pejocha, Rio Negro, Sierra de Perija, Zulia, Venezuela; 1875 meters. Known only from upper Rio Negro Valley, Sierra de Perija, extreme northwestern Venezuela; subtropical zone. Diglossa cyanea cyanea (Lafresnaye) Uncirostrum cyaneum Lafresnaye, 1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 3, p. 102, part, adult —Sante-Fé de Bogota [, Colombia]. Western Venezuela (Andes of Trujillo, Mérida, and Tachira), Andes of Colombia (excluding Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), and Ecuador (except southwest) ; subtropi- cal and temperate zones. Diglossa cyanea dispar Zimmer Diglossa cyanea dispar Zimmer, 1942, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1203, p. 6—Chugur, northwest of Cajamarca, northwestern Peru; altitude 9,000 feet. Southwestern Ecuador and northwestern Peru; subtropi- cal and temperate zones. 408 CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD Diglossa cyanea melanopis Tschudi D.[iglossa] melanopis Tschudi, 1844, Archiv f. Naturg., 10(1), p. 294— Peru; type from Junin region, fide Hellmayr, 1935, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 6, p. 242. Andean region of Peru (except northwest) and north- western Bolivia; subtropical and temperate zones. GENUS EUNEORNIS FITZINGER! Euneornis Fitzinger, 1856, Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math.-naturwiss. K1., 21(2), p. 316. Type, by original designation, Motacilla campestris Linnaeus. EUNEORNIS CAMPESTRIS Euneornis campestris (Linnaeus) Motacilla campestris Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 184; based on “The American Hedge-Sparrow” of Edwards, 1750, Nat. Hist. Birds, 3, p. 122, pl. 122, fig. [2], female — Jamaica. Jamaica. SUBFAMILY TERSININAE? ROBERT W. STORER GENUS TERSINA VIEILLOT Tersina Vieillot, 1819, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 33, p. 401. Type, by monotypy, Tersina caerulea Viei- llot = Hirundo viridis Illiger. cf. Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, pp. 1-6 (monograph). Zimmer, 1943, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1225, pp. 1-2 (Peru). Shaefer, 1953, Auk, 70, pp. 403-460 (life history, migra- tion, etc.). 1 The systematic position of this genus is uncertain; it shows at least superficial resemblance to the emberizine genus Lozigilla. — R.W.S. 2 MS read by J. Bond, R. M. de Schauensee, J. D. Macdonald, K. C. Parkes, W. H. Phelps, Sr., M. Koepcke, and A. Wetmore. TERSININAE 409 TERSINA VIRIDIS Tersina viridis grisescens Griscom Tersina viridis grisescens Griscom, 1929, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 69, p. 186 — La Concepcion, Santa Marta, Colom- bia. Northern Colombia in Santa Marta region; tropical and subtropical zones. Tersina viridis occidentalis (Sclater) Procnias occidentalis P. L. Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 22(1854), p. 249 — “Nova Grenada” [= Bogota collections, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ. Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p: 1. Eastern Panama (Darién), Colombia (except Santa Marta region), northern Venezuela, the Guianas, eastern and western Ecuador, northern and eastern Peru, north- western Bolivia, and northern and western Brazil; tropical and lower subtropical zones. Tersina viridis viridis (Illiger) Hirundo viridis Illiger, 1811, Prodr. Syst. Mamm. Avium, p. 229; based on “L’Hirondelle verte” of Temminck — “Sandwich Island’; error, eastern Brazil substituted by Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. per, 13, pt. 9, p. 1. Eastern and southern Brazil (from Pernambuco, Bahia, Goias, and southern Mato Grosso to Rio Grande do Sul), eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, and northeastern Argentina (Misiones). ¢ , we ale pane ay - od 7 7 ’ ia : Hight] ed aha 4 =e nde jie a tonriore Pit ones 7 * ae | La INDEX abbas, Tanagra, 323 abbas, Thraupis, 323 abbotti, Calyptophilus, 279 abeillei, Arremon, 185 abeillei, Orchesticus, 247 abeillei, Pyrrhula, 247 aberti, Pipilo, 179 abingdoni, Cactornis, 163 abingdoni, Geospiza, 163 Acanthidops, 111 actitis, Chondestes, 88 acuminata, Aimophila, 92 acuminata, Haemophila, 92 acunhae, Nesospiza, 113 acutirostris, Geospiza, 162 adusta, Melospiza, 53 adusta, Zonotrichia, 53 aequatorialis, Amaurospiza, 151 aequatorialis, Calliste, 366 aequatorialis, Dacnis, 388 aequatorialis, Spermophila, 143 aequatorialis, Sporophila, 148 aequatorialis, Tangara, 366 aestivalis, Aimophila, 94 aestivalis, Fringilla, 95 affinis, Camarhynchus, 165 affinis, Cardinalis, 223 affinis, Diglossa, 404 affinis, Emberiza, 25 affinis, Eucometis, 284 affinis, Euphonia, 341 affinis, Habia, 296 affinis, Loxigilla, 158 affinis, Phoenicothraupis, 296 affinis, Poocaetes, 87 affinis, Pooecetes, 87 affinis, Poospiza, 118 affinis, Pyrrulagra, 158 affinis, Tanagra, 341 africana, Emberiza, 9 agustini, Spermophila, 135 agustini, Sporophila, 135 aikeni, Junco, 64 Aimophila, 91 alamoris, Anisognathus, 335 alamoris, Compsocoma, 335 alascensis, Calcarius, 37 alaudina, Fringilla, 108 alaudinus, Ammodramus, 72 alaudinus, Passerculus, 72 alaudinus, Phrygilus, 108 albertinae, Calliste, 374 albertinae, Tangara, 374 albiceps, Atlapetes, 198 albiceps, Buarremon, 198 albicollis, Eucometis, 284 albicollis, Fringilla, 61 albicollis, Pipilo, 180 albicollis, Pyranga, 284 albicollis, Saltator, 235 albicollis, Zonotrichia, 61 albifacies, Piranga, 303 albifrons, Chlorospingus, 254 albifrons, Donacospiza, 112 albifrons, Sylvia, 112 albigula, Atlapetes, 199 albigula, Pipilo, 177 albigularis, Hemithraupis, 273 albigularis, Nemosia, 273 albilatera, Diglossa, 403 albilinea, Diglossa, 402 albinucha, Atlapetes, 190 albinucha, Embernagra, 190 albirostris, Ramphocelus, 311 albiventris, Dacnis, 387 albiventris, Pipraeidea, 387 albociliaris, Pitylus, 234 albociliaris, Saltator, 234 albocristata, Sericossypha, 254 albocristatus, Lamprotes, 254 albocristatus, Tanagra, 254 albofrenatus, Arremon, 195 albofrenatus, Atlapetes, 195 albofrenatus, Tanagra, 195 albogularis, Loxia, 143 albogularis, Sporophila, 143 albotibialis, Tangara, 381 alfaroana, Habia, 297 alfaroana, Phoenicothraupis, 297 algeriensis, Emberiza, 6 alleni, Atlapetes, 202 alleni, Pipilo, 171 allinornatus, Atlapetes, 203 alpica, Catamenia, 152 altera, Ammospiza, 76 alterus, Ammodramus, 76 alticola, Chamaeospiza, 169 alticola, Junco, 68 alticola, Passerella, 54 alticola, Pipilo, 169 414 alticola, Poospiza, 118 alticola, Zonotrichia, 54 altivagans, Passerella, 43 altivagans, Zonotrichia, 43 altus, Pooecetes, 87 alvarezi, Piranga, 302 amabilis, Phoenicothraupis, 298 amabilis, Tangara, 378 amaka, Melospiza, 49 amaka, Zonotrichia, 49 Amaurospiza, 150 Amaurospizopsis, 150 amazonica, Euphonia, 343 amazonica, Hemithraupis, 272 amazonica, Schistochlamys, 249 americana, Emberiza, 216 americana, Loxia, 137 americana, Spiza, 216 americana, Sporophila, 136 Ammodramus, 68 ammolegus, Ammodramus, 78 Ammospiza, 69 amoena, Emberiza, 243 amoena, Passerina, 243 Amphispiza, 88 analis, Catamenia, 152 analis, Iridosornis, 336 analis, Linaria, 153 analis, Tanagra, 336 analoides, Catamenia, 153 analoides, Linaria, 153 anchicayae, Sporophila, 135 anchicayae, Tangara, 364 angolensis, Loxia, 150 angolensis, Oryzoborus, 149 Anisognathus, 331 anneae, Euphonia, 352 annectens, Passerella, 43 annectens, Tangara, 370 annectens, Thraupis, 324 annectens, Zonotrichia, 43 anoxantha, Spermophila, 157 anoxanthus, Loxipasser, 157 antillarum, Brachyspiza, 55 antillarum, Zonotrichia, 55 antioquiae, Anisognathus, 334 antioquiae, Compsocoma, 334 antofagastae, Zonotrichia, 58 antonensis, Aimophila, 100 anulus, Ammodramus, 73 anulus, Passerculus, 73 apertus, Atlapetes, 202 INDEX aprica, Phlogothraupis, 311 apricus, Ramphocelus, 311 apurensis, Ammodramus, 81 apurensis, Emberizoides, 130 apurensis, Myospiza, 81 arabica, Emberiza, 17 arabica, Fringillaria, 17 arborea, Fringilla, 81 arborea, Spizella, 81 arcaeil, Buthraupis, 327 arcana, Haplospiza, 110 arcanus, Spodiornis, 110 archiepiscopus, Tanagra, 318 arctica, Pipilo, 171 arctica, Pyreita,.i7e arcticus, Pipilo, 171 arcuata, Emberiza, 21 ardens, Phoenisoma, 308 ardens, Piranga, 308 ardesiaca, Spermophila, 141 ardesiaca, Sporophila, 141 arenacea, Spizella, 84 arestus, Ramphocelus, 312 argentina, Brachyspiza, 57 argentina, Guiraca, 240 argentina, Passerina, 240 argentinus, Chlorospingus, 258 arguta, Chlorophanes, 392 argyrofenges, Calliste, 385 argyrofenges, Tangara, 385 aripolius, Pipilo, 177 arizonae, Aimophila, 95 arizonae, Peucaea, 95 arizonae, Spizella, 82 arnaulti, Tangara, 375 Arremon, 182 Arremonops, 186 arremonops, Oreothraupis, 207 arremonops, Saltator, 207 arthus, Tangara, 365 assimilis, Arremon, 205 assimilis, Atlapetes, 205 assimilis, Embernagra, 205 assimilis, Tanagra, 205 asticta, Aimophila, 92 aterrima, Diglossa, 402 aterrima, Schistochlamys, 248 athinus, Ammodramus, 72 athinus, Passerculus, 72 atlantica, Melospiza, 46 atlantica, Zonotrichia, 46 Atlapetes, 190 INDEX atratus, Ammodramus, 74 atratus, Passerculus, 74 atremaeus, Spizella, 83 atricapilla, Coereba, 391 atricapilla, Emberiza, 62 atricapilla, Zonotrichia, 62 atricapillus, Atlapetes, 204 atricapillus, Buarremon, 204 atriceps, Emberiza, 104 atriceps, Phrygilus, 104 atriceps, Saltator, 228 atriceps, Spermophila, 138 atriceps, Sporophila, 138 atriceps, Tanagra, 228 atricollis, Saltator, 235 atrimaxillaris, Habia, 301 atrimaxillaris, Phoenicothraupis, 301 atripennis, Saltator, 229 atripennis, Thraupis, 323 atrirostris, Oryzoborus, 149 atrocoerulea, Procnopis, 384 atrocoerulea, Tangara, 384 atrogularis, Spinites, 85 atrogularis, Spizella, 84 atropileus, Arremon, 263 atropileus, Hemispingus, 263 atrosericeus, Ramphocelus, 314 aurantiacus, Pheucticus, 217 aurantiicapilla, Habia, 297 aurantiicollis, Euphonia, 344 aurantiirostris, Arremon, 184 aurantirostris, Saltator, 233 aurantius, Lanio, 286 aureata, Euphonia, 348 aureata, Tanagra, 348 aureinucha, Dacnis, 386 aureinucha, Tangara, 386 aureocincta, Buthraupis, 828 aureola, Emberiza, 23 aureoventris, Pheucticus, 218 aureoventris, Pitylus, 219 aureus, Camarhynchus, 165 auriceps, Tangara, 365 auricrissa, Dubusia, 324 auricrissa, Thraupis, 324 auricularis, Chlorospingus, 2638 auricularis, Hemispingus, 263 aurifrons, Ammodramus, 81 aurifrons, Tanagra, 81 aurigularis, Hemithraupis, 274 aurita, Spermophila, 136 415 aurita, Sporophila, 136 auriventris, Sicalis, 124 auriventris, Sycalis, 124 aurulenta, Aglaia, 366 aurulenta, Tanagra, 366 aurulenta, Tangara, 366 ausensis, Fringillaria, 20 australis, Aimophila, 100 australis, Fringilla, 58 australis, Junco, 68 australis, Peucaea, 100 australis, Zonotrichia, 58 axillaris, Arremon, 182 axillaris, Chlorophanes, 393 axillaris, Chlorospingus, 292 axillaris, Tachyphonus, 292 azarae, Saltator, 232 azteca, Melospiza, 52 azteca, Zonotrichia, 52 azuerensis, Atlapetes, 191 bachmani, Aimophila, 94 bachmani, Fringilla, 94 baeri, Buarremon, 120 baeri, Paroaria, 214 baeri, Poospiza, 120 baezae, Anisognathus, 335 baezae, Compsocoma, 335 bahiae, Habia, 299 bahiae, Hemithraupis, 273 baileyi, Ammodramus, 77 baileyi, Xenospiza, 77 bairdi, Junco, 68 bairdii, Acanthidops, 111 bairdii, Ammodramus, 77 bairdii, Emberiza, 77 bangsi, Aimophila, 98 bangsi, Amphispiza, 89 bangsi, Calospiza, 372 bangsi, Emberiza, 11 bangsi, Tangara, 372 Bangsia, 327 barbadensis, Loxigilla, 160 baritula, Diglossa, 399 baroni, Atlapetes, 193 baroni, Buarremon, 193 barrilesensis, Haplospiza, 110 barrilesensis, Spodiornis, 110 barrosi, Melanodera, 109 basilicus, Atlapetes, 204 basilicus, Buarremon, 204 basutoensis, Emberiza, 19 416 basutoensis, Fringillaria, 19 baudoana, Dacnis, 390 becki, Certhidea, 166 beebei, Rhodinocichla, 280 beldingi, Ammodramus, 72 beldingi, Passerculus, 72 bella, Xenodacnis, 398 belli, Amphispiza, 90 belli, Emberiza, 91 belvederei, Amphispiza, 90 bendirei, Melospiza, 47 benedettii, Atlapetes, 199 benedicti, Spindalis, 317 beneplacita, Cyanocompsa, 240 beneplacita, Passerina, 240 berlepschi, Calliste, 383 berlepschi, Chlorospingus, 267 berlepschi, Dacnis, 391 berlepschi, Hemispingus, 267 berlepschi, Pseudochloris, 125 berlepschi, Tanagra, 319 berlepschi, Tangara, 3838 berlepschi, Thraupis, 319 berliozi, Heterospingus, 288 biarcuata, Pyrgita, 181 biarcuatum, Melozone, 181 bicolor, Fringilla, 40, 156 bicolor, Pyrrhula, 144 bicolor, Sporophila, 144 bicolor, Tiaris, 156 bidentata, Piranga, 301 bidentata, Pyranga, 301 bifasciata, Certhidea, 167 bilineata, Amphispiza, 88 bilineata, Emberiza, 88 bilineatus, Spindalis, 316 bimaculatus, Ammodramus, 79 binghami, Oreomanes, 399 bipartitus, Phrygilus, 108 boehmi, Chlorophonia, 355 bogotensis, Sicalis, 128 bogotensis, Spermophila, 135 bogotensis, Sporophila, 135 bogotensis, Tangara, 371 boliviana, Callospiza, 361 boliviana, Chlorornis, 253 boliviana, Hemithraupis, 272 boliviana, Iridosornis, 337 boliviana, Poospiza, 117 boliviana, Psittospiza, 253 boliviana, Tangara, 361 boliviana, Thraupis, 321 INDEX bolivianus, Chlorospingus, 258 bolivianus, Iridosornis, 337 bolivianus, Saltator, 234 bonariensis, Loxia, 326 bonariensis, Thraupis, 325 borelli, Atlapetes, 206 borelli, Buarremon, 206 boreophila, Spizella, 82 borinquensis, Ammodramus, 79 botterii, Aimophila, 95 botterii, Zonotrichia, 96 boucardi, Aimophila, 100 boucardi, Zonotrichia, 100 bourcieri, Calliste, 358 bourcieri, Chlorochrysa, 358 bouvreuil, Loxia, 144 bouvreuil, Sporophila, 144 bouvronides, Pyrrhula, 139 bouvronides, Sporophila, 139 brachyurus, Idiopsar, 115 bradfieldi, Emberiza, 20 bradfieldi, Fringillaria, 20 branickii, Diva, 383 branickii, Tangara, 383 brasiliensis, Caryothraustes, 226 brasiliensis, Emberiza, 126 brasiliensis, Sicalis, 126 brasiliensis, Tanagra, 361 brasiliensis, Tangara, 361 bresilia, Tanagra, 315 bresilius, Ramphocelus, 315 brevicauda, Passerella, 45 brevicauda, Zonotrichia, 45 brevicaudus, Coryphospingus, 211 brevicaudus, Saltator, 231 brevipes, Arbelorhina, 396 brevipes, Cyanerpes, 396 brevipes, Tachyphonus, 291 brevirostris, Euphonia, 353 breweri, Spizella, 86 brewsteri, Saltator, 232 brissonii, Fringilla, 240 brissonii, Passerina, 239 brodkorbi, Aimophila, 101 brooksi, Ammodramus, 71 brooksi, Passerculus, 71 browni, Sicalis, 122 browni, Spizella, 84 browni, Sycalis, 122 bruniceps, Emberiza, 28 brunnea, Tanagra, 290 brunneiceps, Atlapetes, 198 INDEX brunneiceps, Pogonospiza, 198 brunneifrons, Euphonia, 353 brunneinucha, Atlapetes, 202 brunneinucha, Embernagra, 202 brunneiventris, Diglossa, 403 brunnescens, Ammodramus, 74 brunnescens, Atlapetes, 191 brunnescens, Pipilo, 170 brunneus, Tachyphonus, 290 bryanti, Euetheia, 155 bryanti, Tiaris, 155 buchanani, Emberiza, 13 buesingi, Thraupis, 325 bullatus, Pipilo, 175 biisingi, Sporathraupis, 325 Buthraupis, 327 buturlini, Emberiza, 6 cabanisi, Calliste, 360 cabanisi, Emberiza, 26 cabanisi, Fringillaria, 26 cabanisi, Melozone, 181 cabanisi, Polymitra, 26 cabanisi, Poospiza, 120 cabanisi, Pyrgisoma, 181 cabanisi, Tangara, 360 Cactospiza, 164 caerulea, Certhia, 394 caerulea, Loxia, 241 caerulea, Nemosia, 277 caerulea, Passerina, 241 caerulea, Tersina, 408 caerulea, Thraupis, 320 caeruleigularis, Buthraupis, 327 caeruleigularis, Tangara, 385 caeruleocephala, Aglaia, 380 caeruleocephala, Tangara, 380 caeruleoventris, Iridosornis, 337 caerulescens, Anisognathus, 332 caerulescens, Chlorophanes, 393 caerulescens, Cyanocompsa, 239 caerulescens, Diglossa, 406 caerulescens, Diglossopis, 406 caerulescens, Passerina, 245 caerulescens, Poecilothraupis, 332 caerulescens, Pyrrhula, 142 caerulescens, Sporophila, 142 caerulescens, Tanagra, 245 caeruleus, Cyanerpes, 394 caeruleus, Hylophilus, 277 caeruleus, Thraupis, 320 caesar, Poospiza, 120 417 caesia, Emberiza, 15 caesitia, Thraupis, 318 Calamospiza, 40 calandra, Emberiza, 6 Calearius, 36 caliginosa, Emberiza, 7 callaina, Dacnis, 389 callensis, Emberiza, 9 calliparaea, Callospiza, 358 calliparaea, Chlorochrvsn. 358 calliparaea, Tanagra, 357 Callirhynchus, 133 Callista, 359 Calliste, 359 callophrys, Chlorophonia, 357 callophrys, Hypothlypis, 386 callophrys, Tangara, 386 callophrys, Triglyphidia, 357 Callyrhynchus, 133 Calochaetes, 309 calophrys, Chlorospingus, 264 calophrys, Hemispingus, 264 Calospiza, 359 Calyptophilus, 278 Camarhynchus, 164 campestris, Euneornis, 408 campestris, Motacilla, 408 campicola, Amphispiza, 90 campoi, Pipilo, 179 cana, Amphispiza, 90 cana, Spizella, 85 cana, Tanagra, 318 cana, Thraupis, 318 canadensis, Caryothraustes, 225 canadensis, Loxia, 225 canaster, Pipilo, 171 candida, Piranga, 309 canescens, Aimophila, 99 canescens, Amphispiza, 91 canescens, Atlapetes, 194 canescens, Passerella, 45 canescens, Zonotrichia, 45 canicaudus, Cardinalis, 221 caniceps, Junco, 67 caniceps, Phrygilus, 105 caniceps, Saltator, 230 caniceps, Struthus, 67 canidorsum, Arremon, 185 ecanigenis, Atlapetes, 197 canigularis, Chlorospingus, 261 canigularis, Tachyphonus, 261 canneti, Cynchramus, 35 418 canora, Loxia, 155 canora, Tiaris, 155 capensis, Emberiza, 18 capensis, Fringilla, 56 capensis, Zonotrichia, 55 capistrata, Schistochlamys, 247 capistrata, Tanagra, 247 capitalis, Pezopetes, 206 capitalis, Ramphocelus, 3138 capitata, Paroaria, 214 capitatus, Tachyphonus, 214 caquetae, Cyanerpes, 393 cara, Calospiza, 374 cara, Tangara, 374 carabayae, Zonotrichia, 59 carbo, Lanius, 313 carbo, Ramphocelus, 313 carbonaria, Diglossa, 402 carbonaria, Emberiza, 107 carbonarium, Serrirostrum, 403 carbonarius, Phrygilus, 107 Cardinalinae, 216 Cardinalis, 220 cardinalis, Cardinalis, 220 cardinalis, Loxia, 220 caribbaea, Euphonia, 346 caribaeus, Ammodramus, 80 caribaeus, Coturniculus, 80 carmani, Pipilo, 175 carmenae, Amphispiza, 89 carmioli, Chlorothraupis, 281 carmioli, Phoenicothraupis, 281 carneipes, Caereba, 395 carneipes, Cyanerpes, 395 carneus, Coccothraustes, 223 carneus, Cardinalis, 223 carolae, Pipilo, 176 carolinensis, Junco, 63 carpalis, Aimophila, 97 carpalis, Peucaea, 97 carrikeri, Atlapetes, 193 carrikeri, Dubusia, 338 carychroa, Emberiza, 25 Caryothraustes, 224 caspia, Emberiza, 36 cassinii, Aimophila, 97 cassinii, Mitrospingus, 280 cassinii, Tachyphonus, 281 cassinii, Zonotrichia, 97 castaneiceps, Buarremon, 208 castaneiceps, Emberiza, 12 castaneiceps, Lysurus, 208 INDEX castaneicollis, Chlorospingus, 267 castaneicollis, Hemispingus, 267 castaneifrons, Atlapetes, 196 castaneifrons, Buarremon, 196 castaneiventris, Sporophila, 147 castaneoventris, Calliste, 339 castaneoventris, Delothraupis, 339 castanonota, Calliste, 377 Catamblyrhynchinae, 215 Catamblyrhynchus, 215 Catamenia, 152 catasticta, Euphonia, 354 catharinae, Calospiza, 373 catharinae, Tangara, 373 caucae, Ammodramus, 79 caucae, Atlapetes, 192 caucae, Cyanocompsa, 239 caucae, Passerina, 2389 caucarica, Miliaria, 6 caudacuta, Fringilla, 76 caudacutus, Ammodramus, 75 caudacutus, Oriolus, 76 caurina, Melospiza, 50 caurina, Spizella, 85 caurina, Zonotrichia, 50 cayana, Dacnis, 389 cayana, Motacilla, 390 cayana, Tanagra, 375 cayana, Tangara, 375 cayennensis, Euphonia, 355 cayennensis, Tanagra, 355 cearensis, Tangara, 363 celaeno, Fringilla, 226 celaeno, Rhodothraupis, 226 celaeno, Tanagra, 226 celata, Chlorornis, 253 celicae, Atlapetes, 197 centralasiae, Emberiza, 34 centralis, Calospiza, 381 centralis, Hemithraupis, 274 centralis, Nemosia, 274 centralis, Ramphocelus, 314 centralis, Sporophila, 145 centralis, Tangara, 381 centratus, Arremonops, 188 cerrutii, Emberiza, 13 Certhidea, 166 cervicalis, Paroaria, 214 chalybea, Euphonia, 347 chalybea, Tanagra, 347 chapmani, Sicalis, 128 Charitospiza, 208 INDEX 419 chaupensis, Tangara, 379 chazaliei, Loxigilla, 159 cherriei, Ammodramus, 81 cherriei, Cyanerpes, 395 cherriei, Myospiza, 81 chiapensis, Arremonops, 187 chiapensis, Guiraca, 242 chiapensis, Passerina, 242 chiapensis, Pipilo, 175 chilensis, Aglaia, 362 chilensis, Fringilla, 58 chilensis, Tangara, 361 chilensis, Zonotrichia, 58 chiloensis, Diuca, 114 chimantae, Diglossa, 405 chloricterus, Orthogonys, 283 chloricterus, Tachyphonus, 283 chloris, Sicalis, 124 chloris, Sycalis, 124 Chlorochrysa, 357 chlorocorys, Tangara, 362 chloronota, Buthraupis, 330 chloronota, Embernagra, 188 chloronotus, Arremonops, 188 chloronotus, Phrygilus, 104 Chlorophanes, 391 Chlorophonia, 355 chloroptera, Tanagra, 376 chloroptera, Tangara, 376 Chlorornis, 252 Chlorospingus, 254 Chlorothraupis, 281 chlorotica, Euphonia, 342 chlorotica, Tanagra, 342 Chlorura, 168 chlorura, Fringilla, 169 Chlorurus, 168 chlorurus, Pipilo, 169 chocoana, Cyanerpes, 394 chocoana, Spermophila, 137 chocoana, Sporophila, 137 chocoanus, Cyanerpes, 394 chocoensis, Euphonia, 352 Chondestes, 87 choraules, Brachyspiza, 58 choraules, Zonotrichia, 58 chrysogaster, Chlorospingus, 263 chrysogaster, Cnemoscopus, 263 chrysogaster, Pheucticus, 218 chrysogaster, Pitylus, 218 chrysoma, Embernagra, 189 chrysomelas, Chrysothlypis, 275 chrysomelas, Tachyphonus, 275 chrysonotus, Ramphocelus, 316 chrysopasta, Euphonia, 350 chrysopeplus, Coccothraustes, 217 chrysopeplus, Pheucticus, 217 chrysophrys, Calliste, 371 chrysophrys, Chlorospingus, 264 chrysophrys, Emberiza, 22 chrysophrys, Hemispingus, 264 chrysophrys, Tangara, 371 chrysopis, Nemosia, 270 chrysopis, Thlypopsis, 270 chrysops, Sicalis, 127 chrysops, Sycalis, 127 Chrysothlypis, 275 chrysotis, Calliste, 368 chrysotis, Tangara, 368 chugurensis, Atlapetes, 193 cia, Emberiza, 9 cicada, Spizella, 83 cineracea, Emberiza, 14 cinerascens, Certhidea, 167 cinerea, Aimophila, 101 cinerea, Amphispiz> 91 cinerea, Guiraca, 115 cinerea, Piezorhina, 115 cinerea, Poospiza, 121 cinereocephalus, Chlorospingus, 258 cinereola, Pyrrhula, 143 cinereola, Sporophila, 1438 cinctus, Saltator, 235 cinnamomea, Emberiza, 19 cinnamomea, Fringilla, 19 cinnamomea, Pyrrhula, 147 cinnamomee2, Sporophila, 147 cioides, Emberiza, 11 ciopsis, Emberiza, 12 ciris, Passerina, 244 ciris, Emberiza, 244 cirlus, Emberiza, 15 cismontanus, Junco, 64 Cissopis, 251 citrea, Piranga, 302 citrina, Sicalis, 122 citrina, Sycalis, 122 citrinella, Emberiza, 7 citrinellus, Atlapetes, 201 citrinellus, Buarremon, 201 citrinifrons, Catamblyrhynchus 215 420 clanceyi, Emberiza, 7 clementae, Melospiza, 51 clementae, Pipilo, 173 clementae, Zonotrichia, 51 clementeae, Amphispiza, 91 cleonensis, Melospiza, 50 cleonensis, Zonotrichia, 50 clintoni, Cardinalis, 223 clintoni, Richmondena, 223 cloosi, Fringillaria, 20 Cnemoscopus, 262 coccinea, Habia, 297 coccinea, Phoenicothraupis, 297 coccineus, Calochaetes, 309 coccineus, Cardinalis, 221 coccineus, Euchaetes, 309 cochabambae, Poospiza, 118 cochabambae, Tangara, 368 coelestis, Diglossa, 400 coelestis, Tanagra, 321 coelestis, Thraupis, 321 coelicolor, Calliste, 362 coelicolor, Tangara, 362 coerebicolor, Dacnis, 390 coerulea, Pyrrhula, 336 coerulescens, Saltator, 230 cognominata, Emberiza, 26 cognominata, Fringillaria, 26 cohaerens, Aimophila, 98 colimae, Buarremon, 204 colimae, Junco, 68 collaris, Atlapetes, 200 collaris, Loxia, 139 collaris, Sporophila, 138 colombiana, Spermophila, 136 colombiana, Sporophila, 136 colorata, Tanagra, 354 coloratus, Atlapetes, 191 coloratus, Calcarius, 37 eolumbiana, Myospiza, 80 columbiana, Sicalis, 125 columbiana, Sycalis, 125 Comarophagus, 283 comparanda, Spizella, 83 compilator, Emberiza, 35 composita, Thraupis, 326 Compsocoma, 331 Compsospiza, 117 Compsothraupis, 253 comptus, Atlapetes, 193 comptus, Buarremon, 193 concinna, Euphonia, 343 INDEX concolor, Amaurospiza, 150 concolor, Sylvia, 116 concolor, Xenospingus, 116 concreta, Cyanoloxia, 239 concreta, Passerina, 239 confinis, Amphispiza, 90 confinis, Phoenicothraupis, 296 confinis, Poocaetes, 87 confinis, Pooecetes, 87 conirostris, Arremon, 189 conirostris, Arremonops, 188 conirostris, Geospiza, 163 conjunctus, Camarhynchus, 165 connectens, Aimophila, 93 connectens, Pseudochloris, 123 connectens, Ramphocelus, 314 connectens, Sicalis, 123 Conothraupis, 250 consobrina, Tangara, 383 consobrinus, Pipilo, 173 conspicillatus, Chlorospingus, 262 continentalis, Emberiza, 20 cooperi, Melospiza, 51 cooperi, Piranga, 305 cooperi, Pyranga, 305 cooperi, Zonotrichia, 51 corallina, Calospiza, 363 corallina, Tangara, 363 coronata, Emberiza, 62 coronata, Loxia, 213 coronata, Paroaria, 213 coronatorum, Melospiza, 51 coronatorum, Zonotrichia, 51 coronatus, Agelaius, 294 coronatus, Tachyphonus, 294 corvina, Spermophila, 136 corvina, Sporophila, 136 coryi, Euetheia, 155 coryi, Loxigilla, 159 coryi, Phaenicophilus, 278 coryi, Pyrrhulagra, 159 Coryphaspiza, 209 Coryphospingus, 210 costaricensis, Atlapetes, 204 costaricensis, Buarremon, 204 costaricensis, Mitrospingus, 280 costaricensis, Ramphocelus, 315 costaricensis, Zonotrichia, 55 cozumelae, Piranga, 307 cracens, Ammodramus, 79 cracens, Coturniculus, 79 crassirostris, Arremonops, 187 INDEX crassirostris, Buarremon, 208 crassirostris, Camarhynchus, 164 crassirostris, Diuca, 114 crassirostris, Embernagra, 187 crassirostris, Euphonia, 344 erassirostris, Fringilla, 149 crassirostris, Loxia, 148 crassirostris, Lysurus, 208 crassirostris, Oryzoborus, 148 crassus, Ammodramus, 72 crassus, Atlapetes, 195 crassus, Passerculus, 72 Creurgops, 287 crissalis, Fringilla, 176 crissalis, Habia, 297 crissalis, Loxigilla, 159 crissalis, Pheucticus, 218 crissalis, Pipilo, 176 crissalis, Pyrrhulagra, 159 crissalis, Sporophila, 134 cristata, Coccothraustes, 210 cristata, Eucometis, 284 cristata, Fringilla, 210 cristata, Gubernatrix, 210 cristata, Habia, 301 cristata, Phaenicothraupis, 301 cristata, Pipilopsis, 284 cristata, Tanagra, 288 cristatellus, Tachyphonus, 289 cristatus, Tachyphonus, 288 Crithagroides, 113 cruentus, Rhodospingus, 212 cruentus, Tiaris, 212 crypta, Sporophila, 144 cucullata, Aglaia, 376 cucullata, Buthraupis, 329 cucullata, Fringilla, 211, 212 cucullata, Tanagra, 329 cucullata, Tangara, 376 cucullatus, Coryphospingus, 211 cumatilis, Thraupis, 319 curtatus, Pipilo, 172 curvirostris, Cynchramus, 34 cyanea, Certhia, 396 cyanea, Chlorophonia, 356 cyanea, Diglossa, 407 cyanea, Loxia, 240 cyanea, Passerina, 239, 242 cyanea, Pipra, 357 cyanea, Pipraeidea, 339 cyanea, Tanagra, 242 cyanella, Cyanospiza, 238 421 % Cyanerpes, 393 cyanescens, Calliste, 382 cyanescens, Tangara, 382 cyaneum, Uncirostrum, 407 cyaneus, Cyanerpes, 395 cyanicollis, Aglaia, 380 cyanicollis, Tangara, 379 cyanictera, Pyranga, 326 Cyanicterus, 326 cyanicterus, Cyanicterus, 326 cyanicterus, Pyranga, 326 cyanocalyptra, Buthraupis, 330 cyanocephala, Aglaia, 324 cyanocephala, Tanagra, 363 cyanocephala, Tangara, 363 cyanocephala, Thraupis, 324 Cyanocompsa, 238 cyanoides, Coccoborus, 239 cyanoides, Passerina, 239 Cyanoloxia, 238 cyanomelaena, Tangara, 386 cyanomelas, Tanagra, 386 cyanonota, Buthraupis, 329 cyanonota, Euphonia, 353 cyanoptera, Aglaia, 385 cyanoptera, Compsocoma, 334 cyanoptera, Tangara, 385 cyanoptera, Thraupis, 322 cyanopterus, Anisognathus, 334 cyanopterus, Saltator, 322 cyanopygia, Calliste, 380 cyanopygia, Tangara, 380 cyanotis, Calliste, 379 cyanotis, Tangara, 379 cyanoventris, Tanagra, 364 cyanoventris, Tangara, 364 cynophora, Euphonia, 342 cynophora, Tanagra, 342 Cypsnagra, 249 dabbenei, Aimophila, 94 dabbenei, Zonotrichia, 94 Dacnis, 387 dalmasi, Calospiza, 374 dalmasi, Tangara, 374 dankali, Fringillaria, 16 darwini, Geospiza, 164 darwinii, Tanagra, 325 darwinii, Thraupis, 325 dearborni, Cyanocompsa, 241 debilirostris, Geospiza, 162 decolorata, Emberiza, 10 422 decorata, Diglossa, 401 delatrii, Tachyphonus, 293 deleticia, Calospiza, 372 deleticia, Tangara, 372 Delothraupis, 339 deltarhyncha, Guiraca, 242 denisei, Atlapetes, 199 denisei, Buarremon, 199 dentata, Creurgops, 287 dentata, Malacothraupis, 287 deserticola, Amphispiza, 89 desidiosa, Piranga, 304 desiradensis, Loxigilla, 159 desmaresti, Tanagra, 363 desmaresti, Tangara, 363 devillii, Arremon, 183 devronis, Callirhynchus, 144 devronis, Sporophila, 144 dextra, Piranga, 303 diaconus, Aglaia, 318 diaconus, Tanagra, 318 diadema, Catamblyrhynchus, 215 diademata, Tanagra, 336 diadematus, Stephanophorus, 336 dickeyae, Passerina, 244 difficilis, Geospiza, 162 Diglossa, 399 diluta, Chlorornis, 252 diluta, Volatinia, 132 dilutior, Euphonia, 353 dilutior, Tanagra, 353 dilutus, Atlapetes, 194 dilutus, Pheucticus, 217 dimidiatus, Ramphocelus, 311 discolor, Aimophila, 102 discolor, Habia, 300 discolor, Phoenicothraupis, 300 disjuncta, Aimophila, 101 disjuncta, Diglossa, 405 dispar, Cyanerpes, 397 dispar, Diglossa, 407 dispar, Sporophila, 137 distinguenda, Aimophila, 98 Diuca, 113 diuca, Diuca, 114 diuca, Fringilla, 114 diversus, Ammodramus, 76 diversus, Chlorospingus, 260 Dolospingus, 152 dominicana, Loxia, 213 dominicana, Loxigilla, 159 dominicana, Paroaria, 213 INDEX dominicana, Pyrrhulagra, 159 dominicensis, Spindalis, 317 dominicensis, Tanagra, 317 Donacospiza, 111 dorbignii, Arremon, 183 dorbignyi, Diglossa, 400 dorbignyi, Uncirostrum, 400 dorsalis, Junco, 67 dorsalis, Phrygilus, 107 dorsalis, Ramphocelus, 315 dowii, Calliste, 382 dowii, Tangara, 382 dresseri, Atlapetes, 198 dresseri, Carenochrous, 198 Dubusia, 338 dugandi, Chlorothraupis, 282 duidae, Atlapetes, 200 duidae, Diglossa, 404 duidae, Emberizoides, 130 dumeticolus, Pipilo, 179 dumetorum, Tanecra, 131 duncani, Catamenia, 154 duncani, Ducanula, 154 dunnei, Nesospiza, 113 dwighti, Chlorospingus, 255 edwardsi, Buthraupis, 328 egregia, Dacnis, 387 eisenmanni, Sicalis, 128 elaeoprorus, Atlapetes, 192 elaeoprorus, Buarremon, 192 elegans, Chlorornis, 252 elegans, Emberiza, 22 elegans, Saltator, 252 elegantissima, Euphonia, 347 elegantissima, Pipra, 347 elegantula, Emberiza, 23 elisabethae, Emberiza, 14 elsae, Atlapetes, 202 Emberiza, 5 Emberizidae, 3 Emberizinae, 3 Emberizoides, 129 Embernagra, 131 eminens, Chlorospingus, 257 episcopus, Tanagra, 320 episcopus, Thraupis, 318 eremoeca, Aimophila, 98 eremoeca, Peucaea, 98 eremophilus, Pipilo, 176 ericrypta, Melospiza, 54 ericrypta, Zonotrichia, 54 INDEX erythrocephala, Piranga, 309 erythrocephala, Spermagra, 309 erythrogenys, Emberiza, 8 erythrolaema, Habia, 300 erythrolaema, Phoenicothraupis, 300 erythromelas, Loxia, 227 erythromelas, Periporphyrus, 227 erythronotus, Chlorospiza, 107 erythronotus, Phrygilus, 107 erythrophrys, Poospiza, 118 erythrophthalma, Fringilla, 170 erythrophthalmus, Pipilo, 170 erythropterus, Emberiza, 4 erythrorhynchus, Arremon, 184 Erythrothlypis, 275 erythrotus, Aglaia, 333 erythrotus, Anisognathus, 333 esperanzae, Tanagra, 341 Euchaetes, 309 Eucometis, 283 eucosma, Charitospiza, 208 Euneornis, 408 Euphonia, 340 euphonia, Melospiza, 46 euphonia, Zonotrichia, 46 eurhyncha, Guiraca, 242 eurhyncha, Passerina, 242 eurous, Lysurus, 208 eurous, Phaenicophilus, 278 eusticta, Tangara, 370 evura, Spizella, 84 excelsus, Phrygilus, 108 eximia, Arbelorhina, 396 eximia, Buthraupis, 329 eximia, Rhodinocichla, 280 eximia, Tanagra, 329 eximius, Cyanerpes, 396 exsul, Chlorophanes, 392 exsul, Euphonia, 354 extima, Aimophila, 100 extremi-orientis, Emberiza, 28 faceta, Piranga, 304 falcifer, Pipilo, 1738 falcinellus, Pipilo, 173 falcirostris, Pyrrhula, 134 falcirostris, Sporophila, 134 falconensis, Chlorospingus, 256 fallax, Tachyphonus, 289 fallax, Zonotrichia, 47 fanny, Aglaia, 382 423 fanny, Tangara, 382 fargoi, Coryphospingus. 212 fasciata, Neothraupis, 249 fasciata, Tanagra, 249 fastuosa, Tanagra, 362 fastuosa, Tangara, 362 federalis, Catamblyrhynchus, 215 federalis, Diglossa, 403 figlina, Piranga, 303 figlina, Pyranga, 303 fimbriatus, Atlapetes, 206 fimbriatus, Buarremon, 206 finschi, Euphonia, 343 fisherella, Melospiza, 49 fisherella, Zonotrichia, 49 fisheri, Ammodramus, 75 flammea, Piranga, 302 flammiceps, Tanagra, 295 flammiger, Cardinalis, 222 flammigerus, Cardinalis, 222 flammigerus, Ramphocelus, 316 flammigerus, Ramphopis, 516 flava, Piranga, 302 flava, Tanagra, 375 flava, Tangara, 375 flaveola, Fringilla, 126 flaveola, Sicalis, 126 flaviceps, Atlapetes, 194 flavicollis, Hemithraupis, 273 flavicollis, Nemosia, 274 flavicrissus, Saltator, 228 flavidicollis, Saltator, 237 flavidorsalis, Hemispingus, 265 flavifrons, Emberiza, 349 flavifrons, Euphonia, 349 flavigaster, Emberiza, 24 flavigularis, Chlorospingus, 261 flavigularis, Pipilopsis, 261 flavinucha, Tachyphonus, 335 flavinuchus, Anisognathus, 334 flavirostris, Arremon, 183 flavirostris, Chlorophonia, 355 flavissima, Sicalis, 128 flaviventer, Dacnis, 388 flaviventris, Chlorospingus, 293 flaviventris, Emberiza, 24, 28 flaviventris, Tachyphonus, 293 flavopectus, Arremon, 257 flavopectus, Chlorospingus, 257 flavovirens, Buarremon, 261 flavovirens, Chlorospingus, 261 424 INDEX flavus, Saltator, 305 floresae, Emberizoides, 130 florida, Calliste, 365 florida, Tangara, 365 floridanus, Ammodramus, 78 floridanus, Cardinalis, 221 floridanus, Coturniculus, 78 fluviatilis, Emberiza, 21 fohkienensis, Emberiza, 12 forbesi, Atlapetes, 199 forbesi, Fringillaria, 25 formosa, Fringilla, 105 fortis, Geospiza, 161 fosteri, Hemithraupis, 273 fosteri, Nemosia, 273 franciscae, Calliste, 381 franciscae, Tangara, 381 frantzii, Callispiza, 367 frantzii, Chrysothraupis, 367 frantzii, Tangara, 367 fraseri, Oreomanes, 398 fratruelis, Arremon, 185 frenata, Chlorothraupis, 282 Fringillaria, 5 fringilloides, Dolospingus, 152 fringilloides, Oryzoborus, 152 frontalis, Arremon, 203 frontalis, Atlapetes, 203 frontalis, Callirhynchus, 134 frontalis, Caryothraustes, 225 frontalis, Chlorophonia, 356 frontalis, Euphonia, 356 frontalis, Hemispingus, 265 frontalis, Hylophilus, 265 frontalis, Pitylus, 225 frontalis, Sporophila, 134 fronto, Emberiza, 9 frugivorus, Calyptophilus, 278 frugivorus, Phoenicophilus, 278 fruticeti, Fringilla, 105 fruticeti, Phrygilus, 105 fucata, Emberiza, 21 fucosa, Tangara, 382 fucosus, Tangara, 382 fulgentissima, Chlorochrysa, 358 fuliginata, Dacnis, 389 fuliginosa, Fringilla, 157 fuliginosa, Geospiza, 161 fuliginosa, Loxia, 227 fuliginosa, Passerella, 44 fuliginosa, Tiaris, 157 fuliginosa, Zonotrichia, 44 fuliginosus, Pitylus, 227 fulva, Passerella, 45 fulva, Tangara, 285 fulva, Zonotrichia, 45 fulvescens, Cardinalis, 224 fulvescens, Junco, 68 fulvescens, Nemosia, 268 fulvescens, Pyrrhuloxia, 224 fulvescens, Tangara, 375 fulviceps, Atlapetes, 201 fulviceps, Emberiza, 201 fulviceps, Thlypopsis, 268 fulvicervix, Calliste, 378 fulvicervix, Tangara, 378 fulvicrissa, Euphonia, 349 fulvigula, Calospiza, 384 fulvigula, Tangara, 384 fulvigularis, Chlorospingus, 258 fulvus, Lanio, 285 fumidus, Atlapetes, 196 fumosa, Phonipara, 157 fumosa, Tiaris, 157 funereus, Oryzoborus, 149 furax, Saltator, 236 fusca, Aimophila, 100 fusca, Certhidea, 167 fusca, Peucaea, 100 fusca, Pipilo, 178 fuscicauda, Habia, 299 fuscicauda, Phoenicothraupis, 300 fuscipes, Paroaria, 214 fuscipygius, Atlapetes, 190 fuscoolivaceus, Atlapetes, 195 fuscus, Pipilo, 175 gaigei, Pipilo, 172 gambelii, Zonotrichia, 60 gambellii, Fringilla, 60 gambiensis, Emberiza, 26 garleppi, Compsospiza, 120 garleppi, Poospiza, 120 gayi, Fringilla, 104 gayi, Phrygilus, 104 gemmeus, Cyanerpes, 395 georgiana, Fringilla, 54 georgiana, Zonotrichia, 54 Geospiza, 160 geospizopsis, Passerculus, 106 geospizopsis, Phrygilus, 106 giffordi, Cactospiza, 166 gigantirostris, Oryzoborus, 149 gigantodes, Saltator, 229 gigas, Aimophila, 102 gigas, Buthraupis, 328 gigas, Cyanerpes, 397 gigas, Dubusia, 328 gigliolii, Emberiza, 12 gilliardi, Diglossa, 404 ginesi, Diglossa, 406 glauca, Diglossa, 405 glaucocaerulea, Passerina, 238 glaucocaerulea, Pyrrhula, 238 glaucocolpa, Thraupis, 322 glaucogularis, Dacnis, 390 gloriosa, Diglossa, 402 gloriosissima, Diglossa, 401 gnatho, Euphonia, 346 gnatho, Phonasca, 346 Gnathospiza, 122 gobica, Emberiza, 10 godlewskii, Emberiza, 10 godmani, Euphonia, 341 goeldii, Sicalis, 126 goeringi, Chlorospingus, 267 goeringi, Hemispingus, 267 goldmani, Aimophila, 95 goldmani, Melospiza, 52 goldmani, Zonotrichia, 52 goodsoni, Tangara, 366 goplanae, Cynchramus, 31 goslingi, Emberiza, 17 goslingi, Fringillaria, 17 gossei, Embernagra, 131 goughensis, Nesospiza, 112 goughensis, Rowettia, 112 gouldi, Calliste, 363 gouldi, Euphonia, 350 gouldi, Tangara, 363 gouldii, Melospiza, 50 gouldii, Zonotrichia, 50 gracilis, Emberiza, 53 gracilis, Zonotrichia, 53 graeca, Emberiza, 6 graminea, Fringilla, 86 graminea, Melospiza, 51 graminea, Zonotrichia, 51 gramineus, Pooecetes, 86 grammaca, Fringilla, 87 grammacus, Chondestes, 87 granadensis, Calliste, 379 granadensis, Tangara, 379 grandior, Amaurospiza, 151 grandior, Euethia, 156 grandior, Passerina, 245 INDEX 425 grandior, Tiaris, 156 grandis, Loxigilla, 158 grandis, Phrygilus, 106 grandis, Saltator, 231 grandis, Tanagra, 231 grenadensis, Loxigilla, 159 grenadensis, Pyrrhulagra, 159 grisea, Amphispiza, 90 grisea, Schistochlamys, 248 griseipectus, Atlapetes, 190 griseipygius, Pipilo, 174 griseiventris, Catamenia, 153 griseocristata, Emberiza, 111 griseocristatus, Lophospingus, 111 grisescens, Tersina, 409 grisior, Melozone, 180 grossa, Loxia, 227 grossus, Pitylus, 227 guadelupensis, Saltator, 236 guatemalensis, Chlorophanes, 391 Gubernatrix, 210 gubernatrix, Emberiza, 210 guerrerensis, Aimophila, 93 guerrerensis, Pipilo, 170 guira, Hemithraupis, 271 guira, Motacilla, 272 Guiraca, 238 guirina, Hemithraupis, 272 guirina, Nemosia, 272 gularis, Paroaria, 213 gularis, Tanagra, 213 gustavi, Malacothraupis, 287 guttata, Callispiza, 371 guttata, Fringilla, 48 guttata, Tangara, 370 guttatus, Ammodramus, 73 guttatus, Passerculus, 73 gutturalis, Arremon, 191 gutturalis, Atlapetes, 191 gutturalis, Habia, 301 gutturalis, Phoenicothraupis, 301 gyrola, Fringilla, 374 gyrola, Tanagra, 373 gyrola, Tangara, 372 habeli, Camarhynchus, 164 Habia, 295 habia, Psaris, 251 haemalea, Piranga, 304 haemalea, Pyranga, 304 halophilus, Ammodramus, 73 426 hanieli, Hemispingus, 266 hannahiae, Calliste, 380 hannahiae, Tangara, 380 haplochroma, Sporophila, 141 Haplospiza, 109 harmsi, Cynchramus, 34 harterti, Emberiza, 34 harterti, Rhodinocichla, 280 hartlaubi, Dacnis, 388 hartwegi, Melozone, 181 Hedymeles, 217 heermani, Melospiza, 51 heermani, Zonotrichia, 51 heinei, Procnias, 384 heinei, Tangara, 384 heliobates, Camarhynchus, 166 heliobates, Geospiza, 166 hellmayri, Cyanerpes, 394 hellmayri, Hemithraupis, 274 hellmayri, Saltator, 234 hellmayri, Sporophila, 142 Hemidacnis, 387 Hemispingus, 263 Hemithraupis, 271 henshawi, Junco, 64 henslowii, Ammodramus, 77 henslowii, Emberiza, 77 hepatica, Piranga, 302 hepatica, Pyranga, 302 herbicola, Emberizoides, 130 herbicola, Sylvia, 130 hesperis, Saltator, 231 hesterna, Habia, 298 Heterospingus, 287 hirundinacea, Cypsnagra, 249 hirundinacea, Euphonia, 346 hirundinacea, Tanagra, 250 hispaniolensis, Poospiza, 121 hitchcocki, Diglossa, 404 holobrunnea, Habia, 296 holti, Sicalis, 127 homochroa, Catamenia, 154 honduratius, Chlorospingus, 255 hortulana, Emberiza, 14 howelli, Passerherbulus, 75 huallagae, Chlorospingus, 260 huambina, Hemithraupis, 272 huancabambae, Zonotrichia, 59 huarandosae, Tachyphonus, 290 huberi, Calospiza, 375 huberi, Tangara, 375 hueyi, Piranga, 305 INDEX huilae, Tiaris, 156 humberti, Paroaria, 213 humboldti, Phrygilus, 108 humeralis, Agrilorhinus, 402 humeralis, Aimophila, 92 humeralis, Ammodramus, 80 humeralis, Caryothraustes, 226 humeralis, Diglossa, 402 humeralis, Haemophila, 92 humeralis, Pytilus, 226 humeralis, Tanagra, 80 humilis, Euphonia, 351 humilis, Phonasca, 351 huttoni, Emberiza, 13 hyemalis, Fringilla, 63 hyemalis, Junco, 63 hypaethrus, Aimophila, 102 hyperboreus, Plectrophenax, 40 hyperythra, Diglossa, 400 hypochondria, Poospiza, 118 hypochondriaca, Poospiza, 118 hypochondriacus, Emberizoides, 130 hypochroma, Sporophila, 146 hypocondria, Emberiza, 118 hypoleuca, Brachyspiza, 57 hypoleuca, Nemosia, 276 hypoleuca, Zonotrichia, 57 hypophaea, Sporathraupis, 325 hypophaea, Thraupis, 325 hypophaeus, Chlorospingus, 261 hypoxantha, Euphonia, 345 hypoxantha, Sporophila, 146 icterica, Emberiza, 28 icterocephala, Calliste, 367 icterocephala, Tangara, 367 icteronotus, Ramphocelus, 316 icteronotus, Rhamphocelus, 316 ictus, Lanio, 286 Idiopsar, 115 igneus, Cardinalis, 223 ignicapillus, Iridosornis, 337 ignicrissa, Poecilothraupis, 333 ignicrissus, Anisognathus, 333 igniventris, Aglaia, 333 igniventris, Anisognathus, 333 ignobilis, Hemispingus, 265 ignobilis, Miliaria, 7 ignobilis, Sphenopsis, 265 iliaca, Fringilla, 42 iliaca, Zonotrichia, 42 INDEX AQ illeseasensis, Zonotrichia, 59 illinoensis, Aimophila, 94 illinoensis, Peucaea, 94 imitans, Euphonia, 349 imitans, Tanagra, 349 immaculatus, Saltator, 237 impetuani, Emberiza, 16 inaccessibilis, Zonotrichia, 56 inca, Phrygilus, 106 inca, Tangara, 378 Incaspiza, 116 incerta, Sporophila, 135 incognita, Emberiza, 34 incognitus, Cynchramus, 34 inconspicua, Sporophila, 141 indigotica, Diglossa, 405 indigotica, Passerina, 241 inexpectata, Torreornis, 102 inexpectatus, Arremonops, 189 inexspectata, Melospiza, 48 inexspectata, Zonotrichia, 48 inornata, Calliste, 360 inornata, Catamenia, 153 inornata, Linaria, 154 inornata, Nemosia, 270 inornata, Pinaroloxias, 168 inornata, Tangara, 359 inornata, Thlypopsis, 270 inornatus, Atlapetes, 203 inornatus, Buarremon, 203 inornatus, Cactornis, 168 inornatus, Chlorospingus, 259 inornatus, Hylospingus, 259 insignis, Catamenia, 153 insignis, Euphonia, 348 insignis, Hemispingus, 264 insignis, Hemithraupis, 275 insignis, Melospiza, 49 insignis, Nemosia, 275 insignis, Tachyphonus, 292 insignis, Zonotrichia, 49 insulae, Plectrophenax, 39 insulanus, Emberiza, 24 insularis, Brachyspiza, 55 insularis, Emberiza, 6, 17 insularis, Fringillaria, 17 insularis, Habia, 299 insularis, Junco, 67 insularis, Passerella, 43 insularis, Phoenicothraupis, 299 insularis, Spermophila, 135 insularis, Zonotrichia, 48, 55 insulata, Sporophila, 145 intensa, Chlorophonia, 356 intensa, Piranga, 302 intensa, Thlypopsis, 269 intensus, Anisognathus, 3382 intercedens, Tachyphonus, 259 interfusa, Guiraca, 241 interfusa, Passerina, 241 intermedia, Diglossa, 401, 406 intermedia, Emberiza, 35 intermedia, Euetheia, 155 intermedia, Euphonia, 348 intermedia, Geospiza, 163 intermedia, Sporophila, 135 intermedia, Tiaris, 155 intermedius, Hemispingus, 263 intermedius, Pipilo, 177 intermedius, Saltator, 229 interna, Nemosia, 277 intricatus, Ammodramus, 79 iridina, Tanagra, 386 Iridophanes, 359 Iridosornis, 336 isthmicus, Cyanerpes, 394 isthmicus, Ramphocelus, 311 isthmicus, Saltator, 236 iteratus, Hemispingus, 266 iteratus, Saltator, 234 iungens, Saltator, 229 jacarina, Tanagra, 132 jacarina, Volatinia, 132 jacarinia, Tanagra, 132 jacqueti, Chlorospingus, 256 jamaica, Euphonia, 341 jamaica, Fringilla, 341 jamaicae, Sycalis, 126 jamesi, Pipilo, 178 jankowskii, Emberiza, 13 jardinii, Spodiornis, 110 jebelmarrae, Emberiza, 16 jebelmarrae, Fringillaria, 16 jelskii, Iridornis, 337 jelskii, Iridosornis, 337 jessiae, Nesospiza, 112 johannae, Calliste, 364 johannae, Tangara, 364 johnstonei, Euethia, 156 johnstonei, Tiaris, 156 juddi, Melospiza, 47 juddi, Zonotrichia, 47 jugularis, Atlapetes, 201 428 Junco, 62 junicola, Ammodramus, 75 junicola, Passerherbulus, 75 kalaharica, Emberiza, 24 kamtschatica, Emberiza, 24 karasensis, Fringillaria, 20 karpovi, Emberiza, 8 kenaiensis, Melospiza, 49 kenaiensis, Zonotrichia, 49 kernensis, Pipilo, 176 khamensis, Emberiza, 10 kieneri, Melozone, 180 kieneri, Pyrgisoma, 180 klaverensis, Fringillaria, 19 klienschmidt, Emberiza, 6 korejewi, Cynchramus, 36 korejewi, Emberiza, 36 koslowi, Emberiza, 27 kozlovae, Schoeniclus, 32 kuatunensis, Emberiza, 21 kurodai, Tisa, 29 labradorides, Aglaia, 379 labradorides, Tanagra, 379 labradorides, Tangara, 379 labradorius, Ammodramus, 70 labradorius, Passerculus, 70 lacertosus, Saltator, 228 lacrymosus, Anisognathus, 331 lacrymosus, Tachyphonus, 333 laeta, Haemophila, 117 laeta, Incaspiza, 117 laetissima, Sicalis, 128 lafresnayii, Diglossa, 401 lafresnayii, Uncirostrum, 401 lambi, Aimophila, 99 Lamprospiza, 251 Lamprotes, 253 lamprotis, Calliste, 368 lamprotis, Tangara, 368 languens, Tangara, 359 laniirostris, Euphonia, 344 Lanio, 285 lapponica, Fringilla, 37 lapponicus, Calcarius, 37 larensis, Atlapetes, 205 larvata, Calliste, 381 larvata, Tangara, 381 lasdini, Emberiza, 9 lateralis, Fringilla, 119 lateralis, Poospiza, 119 INDEX lathami, Emberiza, 4 lathami, Melophus, 4 latifascia, Emberiza, 22 latifasciata, Piranga, 308 latinuchus, Atlapetes, 1938 latinuchus, Buarremon, 1938 latolineata, Emberiza, 30 Latoucheornis, 4 laubmanni, Emberiza, 21 laubmanni, Pheucticus, 218 lauta, Tanagra, 346 lavinia, Calliste, 374 lavinia, Tangara, 374 lawrencii, Aimophila, 938 lawrencii, Haemophila, 93 lazula, Passerina, 242 lazulus, Pitylus, 242 lebruni, Pseudochloris, 125 lebruni, Sicalis, 125 leclancherii, Passerina, 245 leconteii, Ammodramus, 76 leconteii, Emberiza, 77 leopoldinae, Sicalis, 126 lepida, Fringilla, 155 Leptonyx, 209 leucocephala, Emberiza, 8 leucocephalos, Emberiza, 8 leucogaster, Hemispingus, 265 leucogastra, Dacnidea, 265 leucophrys, Chlorospingus, 254 leucophrys, Emberiza, 60 leucophrys, Zonotrichia, 60 leucopis, Atlapetes, 194 leucopis, Buarremon, 194 leucoptera, Coccothraustes, 145 leucoptera, Piranga, 308 leucoptera, Pyranga, 308 leucoptera, Sporophila, 1438 leucoptera, Tanagra, 320 leucoptera, Thraupis, 320 leucopterus, Arremon, 198 leucopterus, Atlapetes, 198 leucothorax, Lanio, 286 leucotis, Calliste, 378 leucotis, Melozone, 181 leucotis, Tangara, 378 leveriana, Cissopis, 251 leverianus, Lanius, 251 limatus, Ramphocelus, 312 limpopoensis, Emberiza, 18 limpopoensis, Fringillaria, 18 lincolnii, Fringilla, 53 INDEX lincolnii, Zonotrichia, 53 lineata, Dacnis, 387 lineata, Motacilla, 388 lineola, Loxia, 140 lineola, Sporophila, 139 littoralis, Cardinalis, 222 littoralis, Phoenicothraupis, 299 littoralis, Tangara, 375 livingstoni, Chlorospingus, 259 loetscheri, Euphonia, 350 loftini, Oryzoborus, 148 longicauda, Embernagra, 131 longipennis, Chlorophonia, 356 longipennis, Euphonia, 356 longipennis, Sporophila, 135 longirostris, Arbelorhina, 394 longirostris, Cyanerpes, 394 longirostris, Tachyphonus, 293 longirostristris, Arbelorhina, 394 Lophospingus, 111 lorenzi, Sporophila, 147 loricata, Compsothraupis, 253 loricata, Tanagra, 253 Loxigilla, 157 Loxipasser, 157 lucaris, Emberizoides, 130 lucida, Coereba, 393 lucida, Cyanocompsa, 240 lucidus, Cyanerpes, 393 luctuosa, Spermophila, 140 luctuosa, Sporophila, 140 luctuosus, Tachyphonus, 292 ludoviciana, Loxia, 219 ludoviciana, Piranga, 307 ludoviciana, Tanagra, 307 ludovicianus, Pheucticus, 219 lunigera, Calliste, 369 lunigera, Tangara, 369 lunulata, Tanagra, 333 lunulatus, Anisognathus, 333 lusitanica, Emberiza, 35 lutea, Emberiza, 123 lutea, Piranga, 304 lutea, Sicalis, 123 luteicapilla, Euphonia, 341 luteicapilla, Phonasca, 341 luteiventris, Fringilla, 129 luteiventris, Sicalis, 129 luteocephala, Emberiza, 124 luteocephala, Sicalis, 124 luteola, Certhidea, 167 luteola, Emberiza, 28, 127 429 luteola, Sicalis, 127 luteoventris, Sicalis, 129 luteoviridis, Pseliophorus, 207 lutescens, Chlorothraupis, 282 luteus, Pithylus, 304 lutleyi, Tangara, 379 lydiae, Emberiza, 30 Lysurus, 207 macarenae, Chlorospingus, 257 macconnelli, Piranga, 305 macconnelli, Zonotrichia, 56 macgillivraii, Ammodramus, 74 macgillivraii, Fringilla, 74 mackenziei, Emberiza, 31 macronyx, Pipilo, 174 macrophrys, Hemispingus, 267 macropteryx, Thlypopsis, 269 macrourus, Atlapetes, 202 maculata, Fringilla, 220 maculata, Pipilo, 174 maculatus, Pheucticus, 220 maculatus, Pipilo, 174 maculifrons, Hemispingus, 264 madeirae, Tachyphonus, 290 magdalenae, Ammodramus, 73 magdalenae, Passerculus, 73 magnirostris, Cardinalis, 221 magnirostris, Chlorothraupis, 282 magnirostris, Diuca, 114 magnirostris, Geospiza, 161 magnirostris, Oryzoborus, 149 magnirostris, Pipilo, 173 magnirostris, Ramphocelus, 313 magnoides, Saltator, 229 mailliardi, Melospiza, 50 mailliardi, Zonotrichia, 50 major, Cissopis, 252 major, Diglossa, 404 major, Fringillaria, 26 major, Polymitra, 26 major, Tanagra, 320 major, Thraupis, 320 majusculus, Atlapetes, 200 Malacothraupis, 287 malvinarum, Phrygilus, 109 mandeli, Diglossa, 400 manimbe, Fringilla, 69 marajoara, Coryphaspiza, 209 marchii, Phonipara, 156 marchii, Tiaris, 156 margaritae, Calliste, 376 430 INDEX margaritae, Sporathraupis, 324 margaritae, Tangara, 376 margaritae, Thraupis, 324 marginalis, Emberizoides, 129 marginatus, Chlorospingus, 261 mariae, Cardinalis, 223 mariposae, Passerella, 45 maritima, Fringilla, 74 matutina, Fringilla, 57 matutina, Zonotrichia, 57 maurella, Loxigilla, 158 maxillaris, Melospiza, 50 maxillaris, Zonotrichia, 50 maxillosus, Saltator, 233 maxima, Zonotrichia, 49 maxima, Tanagra, 229 maxima, Melospiza, 49 maximus, Saltator, 229 maximiliani, Oryzoborus, 149 mecownli, Calcarius, 36 mccownii, Plectrophanes, 36 mcleodii, Aimophila, 101 mearnsi, Junco, 66 media, Calliste, 360 media, Euphonia, 351 media, Fringillaria, 19 media, Tanagra, 351 media, Tangara, 360 media, Thlypopsis, 269 media, Diglossa, 406 mediana, Thraupis, 319 medianus, Chlorospingus, 260 mediogriseus, Ammodramus, 70 mediogriseus, Passerculus, 70 megalonyx, Pipilo, 173 megarhyncha, Zonotrichia, 45 megarhynchus, Passerella, 45 maritimus, Ammodramus, 74 melanicterus, Melophus, 4 melanocephala, Coccothraustes, 139 melanocephala, Emberiza, 27 melanocephala, Sporophila, 139 melanocephalus, Atlapetes, 194 melanocephalus, Buarremon, 194 melanocephalus, Guiraca, 219 melanocephalus, Pheucticus, 219 melanochlamys, Buthraupis, 328 melanocorys, Calamospiza, 40 Melanodera, 108 melanodera, Emberiza, 109 melanodera, Melanodera, 109 melanogaster, Ramphocelus, 312 melanogaster, Rhamphopis, 312 melanogaster, Spermophila, 147 melanogaster, Sporophila, 147 melanogaster, Tangara, 381 melanogenys, Anisognathus, 331 melanogenys, Poecilothraupis, 331 melanolaemus, Atlapetes, 193 melanolaemus, Buarremon, 193 melanoleuca, Emberiza, 121 melanoleuca, Lamprospiza, 251 melanoleuca, Poospiza, 121 melanoleucus, Saltator, 251 melanonota, Pipraeidea, 339 melanonota, Tanagra, 340 melanopis, Diglossa, 408 melanopis, Schistochlamys, 248 melanopis, Tanagra, 248 melanops, Anisognathus, 331 melanops, Emberiza, 29 melanops, Muscicapa, 295 melanops, Poecilothraupis, 331 melanops, Spermophila, 141 melanops, Sporophila, 141 melanops, Trichothraupis, 295 melanoptera, Tanagra, 323 melanoptera, Thraupis, 323 melanopygius, Lanio, 286 Melanospiza, 160 melanotis, Calliste, 379 melanotis, Chlorospingus, 266 melanotis, Coryphaspiza, 209 melanotis, Emberizoides, 209 melanotis, Hemispingus, 266 melanotis, Leptonyx, 209 melanoxantha, Hemithraupis, 275 melanoxantha, Sylvia, 275 melanura, Euphonia, 345 melicus, Saltator, 236 mellea, Brachyspiza, 57 mellea, Tanagra, 352 mellea, Zonotrichia, 57 melodia, Fringilla, 46 melodia, Zonotrichia, 46 Melophus, 4 Melopyrrha, 151 Melospiza, 41 Melozone, 180 mendozae, Pseudochloris, 125 mendozae, Sicalis, 125 mentalis, Certhidea, 167 INDEX mentalis, Diglossa, 407 meridae, Atlapetes, 195 meridae, Buarremon, 195 meridanus, Myospiza, 80 meridensis, Pheucticus, 218 meridensis, Thlypopsis, 269 merrilli, Melospiza, 48 merrilli, Zonotrichia, 48 mersi, Calearius, 38 mesatus, Pipilo, 178 mesochrysa, Euphonia, 351 mesoleuca, Conothraupis, 251 mesoleuca, Rhynchothraupis, 251 mesoleucus, Pipilo, 177 mesopotamia, Habia, 297 metallactus, Tachyphonus, 291 mexianae, Sporophila, 143 mexicana, Aimophila, 95 mexicana, Melospiza, 52 mexicana, Sicalis, 127 mexicana, Spizella, 83 mexicana, Tanagra, 361 mexicana, Tangara, 360 mexicana, Zonotrichia, 52 mexicanus, Coturniculus, 95 mexicanus, Oriturus, 103 micronyx, Melospiza, 51 micronyx, Zonotrichia, 51 microrhyncha, Coereba, 395 microrhynchus, Cyanerpes, 395 Microspingus, 263 minamijatschi, Cynchramus, 20 minima, Chlorophonia, 355 minor, Catamenia, 153 minor, Crithagra, 6 minor, Cyanocompsa, 240 minor, Diuca, 114 minor, Emberiza, 20, 33 minor, Geospiza, 162 minor, Miliaria, 6 minor, Passerina, 240 minor, Phrygilus, 104 minuscula, Chlorophonia, 356 minuta, Euphonia, 351 minuta, Loxia, 145 minuta, Sporophila, 145 mirabilis, Ammodramus, 75 mirabilis, Thryospiza, 75 Mitrospingus, 280 moesta, Amaurospiza, 151 moesta, Sporophila, 151 mokrzeckyi, Emberiza, 9 431 molochinus, Ramphocelus, 312 monoensis, Passerella, 45 monoensis, Zonotrichia, 45 montana, Aglaia, 329 montana, Buthraupis, 328 montana, Cynchramus, 30 montana, Diglossa, 399 montana, Melospiza, 47 montana, Tanagra, 327 montana, Zonotrichia, 47 montanus, Junco, 65 montanus, Pipilo, 172 morelleti, Spermophila, 138 morelleti, Sporophila, 138 morphna, Melospiza, 48 morphna, Zonotrichia, 48 mucuchiesi, Catamenia, 153 multicolor, Saltator, 210 multicolor, Saltatricula, 210 multicolor, Tanagrella, 359 murallae, Sporophila, 137 musica, Euphonia, 347 musica, Pipra, 348 mutabilis, Junco, 67 mutanda, Sporophila, 138 mutus, Saltator, 2382 Myospiza, 69 mystacalis, Aimophila, 92 mystacalis, Buarremon, 19f mystacalis, Diglossa, 402 mystacalis, Pipilo, 198 mystacalis, Pogonospiza, 198 mystacalis, Zonotrichia, 92 namiyei, Emberiza, 12 nana, Nemosia, 277 nanshanica, Emberiza, 10 napaea, Dacnis, 389 napensis, Tachyphonus, 292 nasica, Saltator, 235 nationi, Atlapetes, 197 nationi, Buarremon, 198 nattereri, Tachyphonus, 290 nayaritensis, Aimophila, 93 nebularum, Emberiza, 20 nebularum, Fringillaria, 20 nebulosa, Emberiza, 7 nebulosa, Geospiza, 162 neglecta, Emberiza, 13 nelsoni, Ammodramus, 75 nelsoni, Ammodromus, 75 nelsoni, Habia, 296 432 nelsoni, Phoenicothraupis, 296 Nemosia, 276 neobscura, Emberiza, 13 Neorhynchus, 1338 Neothraupis, 249 nesophilus, Thraupis, 319 Nesospingus, 254 Nesospiza, 112 nevadensis, Ammodramus, 71 nevadensis, Amphispiza, 90 nevadensis, Passerculus, 71 nevadensis, Poospiza, 90 newmani, Aimophila, 101 niceae, Melospiza, 52 niceae, Zonotrichia, 52 nigeriae, Emberiza, 26 nigra, Loxia, 151 nigra, Melopyrrha, 151 nigra, Tanagra, 355 nigrescens, Chamaeospiza, 170 nigrescens, Geospiza, 162 nigrescens, Melospiza, 54 nigrescens, Pipilo, 170 nigricephala, Spindalis, 317 nigricephala, Tanagra, 317 nigriceps, Arremon, 186 nigriceps, Chlorospingus, 257 nigriceps, Pitylus, 233 nigriceps, Saltator, 233 nigricollis, Pyrrhula, 140 nigricollis, Sporophila, 140 nigrifrons, Atlapetes, 205 nigrifrons, Buarremon, 205 nigrifrons, Chlorospingus, 264 nigrifrons, Hemispingus, 264 nigrigula, Hemithraupis, 271 nigrigula, Tanagra, 271 nigrilatera, Atlapetes, 202 nigrilora, Zonotrichia, 60 nigrior, Melozone, 182 nigripes, Dacnis, 389 nigrirostris, Arremon, 1835 nigrocincta, Aglaia, 382 nigrocincta, Tangara, 382 nigrogenis, Nemosia, 213 nigrogenis, Paroaria, 213 nigrogularis, Ramphocelus, 311 nigrogularis, Tanagra, 311 nigrorufa, Emberiza, 119 nigrorufa, Poospiza, 119 nigrorufa, Pyrrhula, 144 nigrorufa, Sporophila, 144 INDEX nigrostriata, Emberiza, 15 nigroviridis, Tanagra, 383 nigroviridis, Tangara, 382 nitida, Coereba, 393 nitida, Euphonia, 350 nitida, Tanagra, 350 nitidissima, Chlorochrysa, 358 nitidissimus, Tachyphonus, 292 nitidus, Cyanerpes, 393 nivalis, Emberiza, 39 nivalis, Plectrophenax, 39 nivaria, Haplospiza, 105 nivarius, Phrygilus, 105 nivenorum, Emberiza, 17 nocticolor, Diglossa, 402 noctis, Loxigilla, 159 noctis, Fringilla, 159 nortoniensis, Fringilla, 32 notabilis, Anisognathus, 335 notabilis, Tanagra, 335 notosticta, Aimophila, 100 notosticta, Peucaea, 100 novicius, Chlorospingus, 256 nuchalis, Dolospingus, 152 nupera, Tangara, 373 nuttalli, Zonotrichia, 61 nuttingi, Oryzoborus, 148 -oaxacae, Pipilo, 175 Oberholseria, 168 obidensis, Hemithraupis, 274 oblitus, Ammodramus, 71 oblitus, Passerculus, 71 obscura, Aimophila, 99 obscura, Diglossa, 407 obscura, Emberiza, 6, 13, 142 obscura, Sporophila, 141 obscura, Thraupis, 321 obscuriceps, Thlypopsis, 269 obscurior, Melozone, 181 obscuripectus, Mitrospingus, 281 ocai, Buarremon, 170 ocai, Pipilo, 169 occidentalis, Arremon, 184 occidentalis, Oryzoborus, 149 occidentalis, Procnias, 409 occidentalis, Sicalis, 123 occidentalis, Tangara, 366 occidentalis, Tersina, 409 occipitale, Pyrgisoma, 181 occipitalis, Chlorophonia, 357 occiptalis, Euphonia, 357 INDEX occipitalis, Melozone, 181 occipitalis, Orchestricus, 247 ochracea, Piranga, 306 ochracea, Spizella, 82 ochraceiventris, Saltator, 230 ochraceus, Chlorospingus, 266 ochraceus, Hemispingus, 266 ochrascens, Sporophila, 138 ocularis, Chrysothlypis, 275 ocularis, Phrygilus, 107 oleaginea, Eucometis, 281 oleagineus, Mitrospingus, 281 oligoxantha, Emberiza, 29 olivacea, Certhidea, 166 olivacea, Chlorothraupis, 282 olivacea, Emberiza, 155 olivacea, Euphonia, 340 olivacea, Passerella, 44 olivacea, Piranga, 307 olivacea, Spermophila, 140 olivacea, Tanagra, 307 olivacea, Tiaris, 155 olivacea, Zonotrichia, 44 olivaceiceps, Anisognathus, 332 olivaceiceps, Chlorospingus, 261 olivaceiceps, Poecilothraupis, 332 olivaceus, Orthogonys, 282 olivascens, Emberiza, 125 olivascens, Embernagra, 131 olivascens, Saltator, 232 olivascens, Sicalis, 124 olivicyanea, Tanagra, 325 olivicyanea, Thraupis, 325 olivina, Schistochlamys, 249 olivina, Tanagra, 249 omissa, Emberiza, 11 omissa, Euphonia, 349 omissa, Tiaris, 156 omoensis, Emberiza, 25 ophthalmica, Spermophila, 137 ophthalmica, Sporophila, 137 ophthalmicus, Arremon, 255 ophthalmicus, Chlorospingus, 254 opuntia, Amphispiza, 89 Orchesticus, 247 oregana, Fringilla, 64 oreganus, Junco, 64 oregonus, Pipilo, 172 orenocensis, Saltator, 233 Oreomanes, 398 oreophasma, Piranga, 303 oreophila, Catamenia, 154 433 Oreospiza, 168 Oreothraupis, 207 oresbia, Tangara, 367 orestera, Zonotrichia, 55 oriantha, Zonotrichia, 60 orientalis, Emberiza, 26 orientalis, Fringillaria, 26 orientalis, Pipilo, 174 orinocensis, Tachyphonus, 289 orinocensis, Thlypopsis, 270 Oriturus, 103 ornata, Emberiza, 23 ornata, Fringilla, 208 ornata, Hemithraupis, 273 ornata, Nemosia, 269 ornata, Plectrophanes, 38 ornata, Poospiza, 119 ornata, Tanagra, 322 ornata, Thlypopsis, 269 ornata, Thraupis, 322 ornatus, Calcarius, 38 ornatus, Hemithraupis, 273 ornatus, Phrygilus, 119 Orthogonys, 283 ortizi, Incaspiza, 116 Oryzoborus, 148 othmari, Emberiza, 35 pacifica, Amphispiza, 90 pacifica, Sporophila, 142 pacificus, Cyanerpes, 397 pallasi, Cynchramus, 30 pallasi, Emberiza, 30 palliata, Plagiospiza, 103 palliatus, Junco, 67 palliatus, Oriturus, 103 pallida, Aimophila, 101 pallida, Cactornis, 166 pallida, Diglossa, 406 pallida, Diglossopis, 406 pallida, Emberiza, 85 pallida, Eucometis, 283 pallida, Spizella, 85 pallidiceps, Atlapetes, 199 pallidiceps, Buarremon, 199 pallididorsalis, Anisognathus, 331 pallidigula, Cypsnagra, 249 pallidigula, Tachyphonus, 290 pallidinucha, Arremon, 191 pallidinucha, Atlapetes, 191 pallidinucha, Tanagra, 191 pallidior, Emberiza, 33 434 INDEX pallidior, Passerina, 244 pallidirostris, Ramphocelus, 311 pallidissima, Aimophila, 98 pallidissima, Emberiza, 32 pallidula, Myospiza, 80 pallidulus, Ammodramus, 80 pallidus, Camarhynchus, 166 palmarum, Phaenicophilus, 278 palmarum, Tanagra, 324 palmarum, Thraupis, 323 palmarum, Turdus, 278 palmeri, Calospiza, 360 palmeri, Tangara, 360 palmitae, Tangara, 365 palpebrosa, Tanagra, 332 palpebrosus, Anisognathus, 332 palukae, Emberiza, 7 palustris, Spermophila, 147 palustris, Sporophila, 147 pamirensis, Euspiza, 26 panamensis, Tachyphonus, 292 papallactae, Atlapetes, 192 par, Emberiza, 9 paradisea, Aglaia, 361 paradisea, Tangara, 361 paraguayensis, Dacnis, 390 paraguayensis, Nemosia, 277 paraquensis, Atlapetes, 201 parellina, Cyanoloxia, 241 parellina, Passerina, 240 parina, Xenodaenis, 398 parishi, Loxigilla, 158 parkesi, Atlapetes, 202 Paroaria, 212 parroti, Emberiza, 6 parui, Atlapetes, 201 parva, Diglossa, 399 parva, Spermophila, 145 parva, Sporophila, 145 parva, Tangara, 373 parvirostris, Atlapetes, 191 parvirostris, Chlorospingus, 260 parvirostris, Emberiza, 32 parvirostris, Pipilo, 180 parvula, Geospiza, 165 parvulus, Camarhynchus, 165 parvus, Lanio, 285 parzudakii, Tanagra, 368 parzudakii, Tangara, 368 Passerculus, 68 Passerella, 41 Passerherbulus, 69 Passerina, 237 passerina, Emberiza, 31 passerina, Fringilla, 82 passerina, Spizella, 82 passerinii, Ramphocelus, 315 patagonicus, Phrygilus, 105 paulus, Chlorospingus, 262 pauper, Camarhynchus, 165 pauper, Spermophila, 141 pauper, Sporophila, 141 pectoralis, Aimophila, 102 pectoralis, Diglossa, 402 pectoralis, Euphonia, 354 pectoralis, Melospiza, 52 pectoralis, Nemosia, 270 pectoralis, Pipra, 354 pectoralis, Poospiza, 121 pectoralis, Thlypopsis, 270 peeti, Saltator, 228 pelonota, Ammodramus, 74 pelonota, Thryospiza, 74 pelzelni, Euphonia, 348 pelzelni, Sicalis, 127 pelzelni, Sycalis, 127 penicillata, Eucometis, 283 penicillata, Tanagra, 284 peninsulae, Ammodramus, 75 peninsulae, Cardinalis, 224 peninsulae, Pyrrhuloxia, 224 peninsularis, Phoenicothraupis, 300 pensylvanica, Fringilla, 41 perenensis, Tangara, 370 pereversievi, Cynchramus, 33 perijana, Habia, 297 perijanus, Atlapetes, 205 Periporphyrus, 226 perpallidus, Ammodramus, 78 perpallidus, Coturniculus, 78 perpallidus, Pipilo, 178 persimilis, Chlorospingus, 254 personata, Emberiza, 29 personata, Haemophila, 116 personata, Incaspiza, 116 personatus, Arremon, 200 personatus, Atlapetes, 200 perstriatus, Saltator, 237 peruana, Hemithraupis, 274 peruviana, Delothraupis, 339 peruviana, Euphonia, 345 peruviana, Habia, 298 peruviana, Sporophila, 144 peruviana, Tanagra, 376 peruviana, Tangara, 376 peruvianus, Callyrhynchus, 144 peruvianus, Chlorospingus, 258 peruvianus, Delothraupis, 339 peruvianus, Lanio, 285 peruvianus, Phoenicothraupis, 298 peruvianus, Phrygilus, 105 peruvianus, Saltator, 237 peruviensis, Geospiza, 133 peruviensis, Pyrgita, 59 peruviensis, Volatinia, 133 peruviensis, Zonotrichia, 59 petenensis, Richmondena, 222 petenica, Aimophila, 96 petenicus, Ammodromus, 96 petersi, Xenodacnis, 398 petulans, Pipilo, 176 Pezopetes, 206 Phaenicophilus, 277 phaeocephalus, Chlorospingus, 257 phaeonotus, Junco, 67 phaeopleurus, Atlapetes, 205 phaeopleurus, Buarremon, 205 phelpsi, Atlapetes, 192 phelpsi, Tangara, 369 Pheucticus, 217 Phlogothraupis, 310 phoeniceus, Cardinalis, 224 phoenicius, Tachyphonus, 294 phoenicotis, Calliste, 358 phoenicotis, Chlorochrysa, 358 Phrygilus, 103 phygas, Atlapetes, 205 phygas, Buarremon, 205 picatus, Bethylus, 252 picta, Emberiza, 38 picta, Plectrophanes, 38 pictus, Calearius, 38 Piezorhina, 115 Piezorina, 115 pileata, Euphonia, 342 pileata, Fringilla, 211 pileata, Nemosia, 276 pileata, Spermophila, 145 pileata, Sporophila, 145 pileata, Tanagra, 276 pileatus, Atlapetes, 194 pileatus, Chlorospingus, 260 pileatus, Coryphospingus, 211 INDEX 435 Pinaroloxias, 168 pinetorum, Spizella, 83 pinosus, Junco, 66 Pipilo, 168 Pipraeidea, 339 Piranga, 301 Pitylus, 227 piurae, Hemispingus, 266 Plagiospiza, 103 planicola, Richmondena, 221 platensis, Emberiza, 131 platensis, Embernagra, 131 Platyspiza, 164 plebejus, Phrygilus, 107 Plectrophenax, 38 plowesi, Emberiza, 18 plowesi, Fringillaria, 18 plumbea, Diglossa, 400 plumbea, Euphonia, 341 plumbea, Fringilla, 136 plumbea, Sporophila, 1386 plumbeus, Saltator, 231 Poecilothraupis, 331 polaris, Emberiza, 30 poliocephalus, Dulus, 278 poliocephalus, Phaenicophilus, 278 poliogaster, Caryothraustes, 225 poliogaster, Pitylus, 225 polionotus, Arremon, 183 poliophrys, Atlapetes, 206 poliophrys, Buarremon, 206 poliopleura, Emberiza, 24 poliopleura, Fringillaria, 24 ponsi, Chlorospingus, 256 pontilis, Junco, 66 Poocaetes, 86 Pooecetes, 86 Poospiza, 117 Poospizopsis, 117 porphyrocephala, Iridornis, 336 porphyrocephala, Iridosornis, 336 Porphyrospiza, 238 portoricensis, Loxia, 158 portoricensis, Loxigilla, 158 portoricensis, Spindalis, 317 portoricensis, Tanagra, 317 portucaliae, Emberiza, 15 postocularis, Chlorospingus, 255 potosinus, Pipilo, 179 praetermissa, Euphonia, 350 praetermissa, Tanagra, 350 436 INDEX prageri, Emberiza, 9 pratensis, Ammodramus, 78 pratensis, Passerina, 78 pratensis, Sicalis, 123 preciosa, Callispiza, 377 preciosa, Tangara, 377 prelatus, Thraupis, 321 pretrei, Spindalis, 317 pretrei, Tanagra, 317 princeps, Ammodramus, 70 princeps, Emberiza, 25 princeps, Passerculus, 70 princetoniana, Melanodera, 109 princetonianus, Phrygilus, 109 proba, Tanagra, 346 productus, Camarhynchus, 166 propinqua, Geospiza, 163 propinqua, Loxigilla, 160 Pselliophorus, 207 Pseudodacnis, 387 Pseudospingus, 263 psittacina, Chlorophonia, 356 psittacula, Camarhynchus, 164 pugetensis, Zonotrichia, 61 pulacayensis, Brachyspiza, 58 pulacayensis, Zonotrichia, 58 pulcherrima, Dacnis, 385 pulcherrima, Tangara, 385 pulchra, Callospiza, 366 pulchra, Haemophila, 116 pulchra, Incaspiza, 116 pulchra, Passerina, 244 pulchra, Tangara, 366 punctata, Tanagra, 369 punctata, Tangara, 369 punctulata, Calliste, 370 punctulata, Tangara, 370 punctulatus, Chlorospingus, 259 punensis, Phrygilus, 104 purpurascens, Chlorophanes, 391 purpurascens, Euphonia, 349 purpurascens, Passerina, 244 pusilla, Emberiza, 21 pusilla, Fringilla, 84 pusilla, Gubernatrix, 111 pusilla, Spizella, 84 pusilla, Tiaris, 155 pusillula, Melospiza, 51 pusillula, Zonotrichia, 51 pusillus, Lophospingus, 111 pusillus, Tiaris, 155 pyrgitoides, Aimophila, 101 pyrgitoides, Embernagra, 101 Pyrrhocoma, 268 pyrrhophrys, Chlorophonia, 357 pyrrhophrys, Euphonia, 357 pyrrhulina, Emberiza, 32 pyrrhulinus, Schoeniclus, 32 pyrrhuloides, Emberiza, 34 Pyrrhuloxia, 220 Pyrrhuphonia, 340 quadricolor, Tachyphonus, 295 quaesita, Thraupis, 320 querula, Fringilla, 59 querula, Zonotrichia, 59 questi, Nesospiza, 113 quinquestriata, Aimophila, 97 quinquestriata, Zonotrichia, 97 quitensis, Euphonia, 352 quitensis, Tanagra, 352 raimondii, Gnathospiza, 129 raimondii, Sicalis, 129 raimondii, Sycalis, 129 Ramphocelus, 310 ramsdeni, Cyanerpes, 395 raptor, Pyrrhula, 228 raptor, Saltator, 228 rarissimus, Pheucticus, 217 rava, Tangara, 359 ravida, Tiaris, 155 regionalis, Chlorospingus, 256 reidi, Emberiza, 19 reidi, Fringillaria, 19 reinhardti, Iridornis, 338 reinhardti, Iridosornis, 338 reiseri, Emberiza, 36 relicta, Amaurospiza, 150 relictus, Amaurospizopsis, 150 relictus, Pipilo, 177 repetens, Pipilo, 175 repetens, Spizella, 83 restricta, Sporophila, 139 reversus, Lanio, 286 reyi, Chlorospingus, 265 reyl, Hemispingus, 265 Rhodinocichla, 279 rhodinolaema, Habia, 298 rhodinolaema, Phoenicothraupis, 298 Rhodospingus, 212 Rhodothraupis, 226 Rhynchophanes, 36 Rhynchospiza, 92 Rhynchothraupis, 250 richardsoni, Chlorospingus, 255 richardsoni, Loxigilla, 160 richardsoni, Melanospiza, 160 richardsoni, Saltator, 231 Richmondena, 220 richmondi, Arremonops, 188 ridgwayi, Arremon, 187 ridgwayi, Arremonops, 187 ridgwayi, Certhidea, 167 ridgwayi, Loxigilla, 159 ridgwayi, Pyrrhulagra, 159 ridgwayi, Zonotrichia, 43 riefferii, Chlorornis, 252 riefferii, Tanagra, 252 rileyi, Euphonia, 347 rileyi, Pipilo, 171 rileyi, Tanagra, 347 rivularis, Melospiza, 52 rivularis, Zonotrichia, 52 rodwayi, Euphonia, 344 rodwayi, Tanagra, 344 romaniensis, Emberiza, 8 rooensis, Phoenicothraupis, 300 roraimae, Brachyspiza, 56 roraimae, Chlorophonia, 356 roraimae, Hemithraupis, 271 roraimae, Nemosia, 271 roraimae, Zonotrichia, 56 rosacea, Piranga, 305 rosea, Habia, 296 rosea, Rhodinocichla, 279 rosenbergi, Nemosia, 275 roseogularis, Piranga, 306 roseogularis, Pyranga, 306 roseus, Furnarius, 280 roseus, Phoenicothraupis, 296 rositae, Cyanospiza, 245 rositae, Passerina, 245 rostrata, Emberiza, 73 rostratus, Ammodramus, 73 rostratus, Coryphospingus, 211 rothi, Sporophila, 146 rothschildi, Buthraupis, 328 rothschildi, Geospiza, 163 rothschildii, Guiraca, 239 rothschildii, Passerina, 239 rourei, Nemosia, 277 roweorum, Calcarius, 38 Rowettia, 112 rubecula, Poospiza, 120 INDEX 437 ruber, Tachyphonus, 297 rubescens, Coryphospingus, 211 rubescens, Tachyphonus, 211 rubica, Habia, 296 rubicoides, Habia, 296 rubicoides, Saltator, 296 rubicus, Staltator, 299 rubra, Fringilla, 306 rubra, Habia, 297 rubra, Muscicapa, 301 rubra, Piranga, 305 rubricatum, Atlapetes, 181 rubricatum, Melozone, 181 rubriceps, Piranga, 309 rubriceps, Pyranga, 309 rubrifrons, Heterospingus, 288 rubrifrons, Tachyphonus, 288 rubrigularis, Tanagra, 253 rubrirostris, Arremon, 262 rubrirostris, Cnemoscopus, 262 rufa, Tangara, 294 rufescens, Aimophila, 100 rufescens, Pipilo, 101 rufescens, Saltator, 233 ruficapilla, Calliste, 377 ruficapilla, Hemithraupis, 273 ruficapilla, Nemosia, 273 ruficapillus, Saltator, 248 ruficapillus, Schistochlamys, 247 ruficauda, Aimophila, 92 ruficauda, Chondestes, 93 ruficeps, Aimophila, 98 ruficeps, Ammodromus, 99 ruficeps, Euphonia, 353 ruficeps, Hylophilus, 273 ruficeps, Pyrrhocoma, 268 ruficeps, Sylvia, 271 ruficeps, Tachyphonus, 268 ruficeps, Thlypopsis, 271 ruficervix, Tanagra, 378 ruficervix, Tangara, 378 ruficollis, Loxigilla, 158 ruficollis, Sporophila, 146 ruficollis, Tanagra, 158, 250 rufidorsalis, Arremon, 184 rufigenis, Atlapetes, 199 rufigenis, Buarremon, 199 rufigenis, Calliste, 377 rufigenis, Tangara, 377 rufigula, Tanagrella, 372 rufigula, Tangara, 372 rufina, Passerella, 48 438 rufina, Zonotrichia, 48 rufinucha, Atlapetes, 192 rufinucha, Embernagra, 193 rufiventer, Tachyphonus, 291 rufiventer, Tanagra, 291 rufiventris, Euphonia, 354 rufiventris, Saltator, 2380, 235 rufiventris, Tanagra, 354 rufivertex, Arremon, 337 rufivertex, Calliste, 378 rufivertex, Euphonia, 352 rufivertex, Iridosornis, 337 rufivertex, Tanagra, 378 rufivirgata, Embernagra, 186 rufivirgatus, Arremonops, 186 rufofuscus, Ammodramus, 73 rufofuscus, Passerculus, 73 rufus, Tachyphonus, 294 rupicola, Aimophila, 99 russelli, Euphonia, 346 rustica, Emberiza, 22 rustica, Haplospiza, 110 rusticus, Phrygilus, 110 rutila, Emberiza, 26 rutilus, Pipilo, 180 sahari, Emberiza, 15 saira, Piranga, 305 saira, Tanagra, 305 salicaria, Passerina, 242 salicarius, Guiraca, 242 salmoni, Chrysothlypis, 276 salmoni, Dacnis, 276 Saltator, 228 Saltatricula, 209 saltonis, Melospiza, 47 saltonis, Zonotrichia, 47 salvini, Camarhynchus, 165 salvini, Habia, 299 salvini, Phoenicothraupis, 299 salvini, Pseudochloris, 124 salvini, Sicalis, 124 salvini, Spindalis, 317 samuelis, Ammodramus, 50 samuelis, Zonotrichia, 50 sanaka, Melospiza, 49 sanaka, Zonotrichia, 49 sanborni, Zonotrichia, 58 sanctissima, Amphispiza, 89 sanctorum, Aimophila, 99 sanctorum, Ammodramus, 73 INDEX sanctorum, Passerculus, 73 sandwichensis, Ammodramus, 70 sandwichensis, Emberiza, 72 sanghae, Emeriza, 16 sanguinolenta, Piranga, 302 sanguinolenta, Pyranga, 302 sanguinolentus, Ramphocelus, 310 sanguinolentus, Tachyphonus, 310 sanguinolentus, Tanagra, 310 santarosae, Arremon, 185 sarmatica, Miliaria, 7 sartorii, Aimophila, 96 saturata, Buthraupis, 329 saturata, Diglossa, 406 saturata, Diglossopis, 406 saturata, Euphonia, 343 saturata, Phonasca, 343 saturata, Sporophila, 145 saturatior, Emberiza, 16 saturatior, Fringillaria, 16 saturatus, Arremon, 184 saturatus, Cardinalis, 222 saturatus, Pitylus, 227 saturatus, Tachyphonus, 292 savanna, Ammodramus, 70 savanna, Fringilla, 70 savannarum, Ammodramus, 78 savannarum, Fringilla, 79 savannarum, Piranga, 303 sayaca, Tanagra, 321 sayaca, Thraupis, 321 scandens, Cactornis, 163 scandens, Geospiza, 163 scapularis, Caryothraustes, 225 scapularis, Pitylus, 225 schistacea, Diglossa, 404 schistacea, Passerella, 44 schistacea, Rhodinocichla, 279 schistacea, Spermophila, 134 schistacea, Sporophila, 134 schistacea, Zonotrichia, 44 schistaceifrons, Catamenia, 152 schistaceus, Arremon, 196 schistaceus, Atlapetes, 196 schistaceus, Tanagra, 196 Schistochlamys, 247 schlegeli, Arremon, 185 schoeniclus, Emberiza, 31 schoeniclus, Fringilla, 31 schrankii, Tangara, 364 schulzei, Thraupis, 326 schulzei, Paroaria, 213 INDEX 439 sclateri, Calliste, 360 sclateri, Cyanophonia, 349 sclateri, Euphonia, 349 sclateri, Loxigilla, 159 sclateri, Tanagra, 319 sclateri, Tangara, 366 sclatteri, Calliste, 366 scotinus, Saltator, 236 scottii, Aimophila, 98 scottii, Peucaea, 98 seebohmi, Atlapetes, 197 seebohmi, Carenochrous, 197 seftoni, Cardinalis, 223 seftoni, Richmondena, 223 seledon, Tanagra, 363 seledon, Tangara, 363 selleanus, Calyptophilus, 279 selysia, Dubusia, 338 selysia, Tanagra, 338 semenowi, Emberiza, 14 semenowi, Hypocentor, 14 semifuscus, Chlorospingus, 259 semirufus, Arremon, 200 semirufus, Atlapetes, 199 semirufus, Tanagra, 200 semitorquatus, Arremon, 182 senicula, Pipilo, 177 sennetti, Ammodramus, 75 septemstriata, Emberiza, 17 septentrionalis, Aimophila, 97 septentrionalis, Cynchramus, 31 septentrionalis, Geospiza, 162 septentrionalis, Zonotrichia, 55 serebrowskii, Emberiza, 10 Sericossypha, 253 serrirostris, Euphonia, 342 serrirostris, Tachyphonus, 291 sharpei, Euetheia, 156 sharpei, Pseudochloris, 123 sharpei, Sicalis, 123 sharpei, Sporophila, 138 sharpei, Tiaris, 156 shufeldti. Junco, 65 sibirica, Emberiza, 23 Sicalis, 122 sicki, Schistochlamys, 248 siemsseni, Junco, 5 siemsseni, Latoucheornis, 5 sierrae, Xenospiza, 77 sigmani, Torreornis, 103 signata, Tanagrella, 386 signata, Tangara, 386 signatus, Chlorospingus, 262 similis, Saltator, 230 simillima, Junco, 65 simonsi, Atlapetes, 197 simonsi, Buarremon, 197 simplex, Atlapetes, 192 simplex, Buarremon, 192 simplex, Spermophila, 144 simplex, Sporophila, 144 simulans, Aimophila, 99 simulans, Caryothraustes, 225 sinaloae, Arremonops, 187 sinaloensis, Cardinalis, 223 sincipitalis, Calospiza, 376 sincipitalis, Tangara, 376 sinuatus, Cardinalis, 224 sinuosa, Passerella, 43 sinuosa, Zonotrichia, 43 sittoides, Diglossa, 401 sittoides, Serrirostrum, 401 sloggetti, Fringilla, 17 smithersii, Emberiza, 18 smithersii, Fringillaria, 18 socorroensis, Pipilo, 175 socotrana, Emberiza, 18 socotrana, Fringillaria, 18 soederstromi, Catamenia, 152 somptuosa, Sericossypha, 254 somptuosus, Anisognathus, 335 somptuosus, Tachyphonus, 335 sophiae, Calliste, 367 sophiae, Tangara, 367 sordida, Emberiza, 29 sordida, Nemosia, 270 sordida, Pseudochloris, 125 sordida, Thlypopsis, 270 sororia, Aimophila, 99 sororia, Hemithraupis, 274 spadiconigrescens, Aimophila, 96 spectabilis, Arremon, 185 speculifera, Diuca, 114 speculifera, Emberiza, 114 speculiferus, Chlorospingus, 254 speculiferus, Nesospingus, 254 speculigera, Conothraupis, 250 speculigera, Schistochlamys, 250 speratus, Saltator, 236 Spermophila, 133 sphenura, Passerina, 130 sphenurus, Emberizoides, 130 Spindalis, 316 Spiza, 216 440 spiza, Chlorophanes, 391 spiza, Motacilla, 392 Spizella, 81 splendens, Fringilla, 1382 splendens, Volatinia, 132 spodionotus, Atlapetes, 192 spodionotus, Buarremon, 192 Spodiornis, 110 spodocephala, Emberiza, 28 spodocephala, Eucometis, 284 spodocephalus, Chlorospingus, 284 Sporophila, 133 stachanowi, Emberiza, 8 steinbacheri, Emberiza, 31 Stephanophorus, 336 stephensi, Passerella, 46 stephensi, Zonotrichia, 46 sterea, Cyanocompsa, 240 sterea, Passerina, 240 sterrhopteron, Wetmorethraupis, 330 stewarti, Emberiza, 14 stewarti, Euspiza, 14 stictocephala, Dubusia, 338 stictothorax, Eucometis, 284 stolzmanni, Aimophila, 94 stolzmanni, Chlorothraupis, 282 stolzmanni, Haemophila, 94 stolzmanni, Phoenicothraupis, 283 stolzmanni, Urothraupis, 208 stracheyi, Emberiza, 10 strenua, Geospiza, 161 stresemanni, Emberiza, 35 striata, Sicalis, 127 striaticeps, Arremonops, 189 striaticeps, Embernagra, 189 striatipecta, Cactospiza, 166 striatipectus, Camarhynchus, 166 striatipectus, Cyanerpes, 395 striatipectus, Saltator, 236 striatipictus, Saltator, 236 strictocollaris, Arremon, 184 strigatus, Chondestes, 88 strigiceps, Aimophila, 94 strigiceps, Zonotrichia, 94 striolata, Emberiza, 15 striolata, Fringilla, 16 sturninus, Oreomanes, 399 styani, Emberiza, 11 subcinerea, Tanagra, 325 subcinerea, Thraupis, 325 INDEX subconcolor, Sporophila, 134 subcristata, Emberiza, 4 subinsignis, Catamenia, 153 subsimilis, Iridosornis, 337 subtorquata, Zonotrichia, 57 subtropicalis, Chlorophanes, 392 subulirostris, Tachyphonus, 294 subvespera, Aimophila, 101 subvirgatus, Ammodramus, 76 suffuscus, Saltator, 228 sulphurata, Emberiza, 28 sumichrasti, Aimophila, 93 sumichrasti, Arremonops, 187 sumichrasti, Embernagra, 187 sumichrasti, Haemophila, 93 superbus, Cardinalis, 222 superciliaris, Arremon, 264 superciliaris, Hemispingus, 264 superciliaris, Saltator, 232 superciliaris, Tanagra, 232 superciliosa, Aimophila, 103 superciliosa, Embernagra, 188 superciliosus, Arremonops, 188 superciliosus, Oriturus, 103 surinamensis, Nemosia, 276 surinamus, Tachyphonus, 291 surinamus, Turdus, 291 suschkini, Emberiza, 23 suschkiniana, Emberiza, 30 susurrans, Ammodramus, 77 susurrans, Passerherbulus, 77 suttoni, Atlapetes, 202 suttoni, Euphonia, 346 swarthi, Passerella, 44 swarthi, Zonotrichia, 44 sympatricus, Pipilo, 170 sztolemani, Pipraeidea, 339 tabascensis, Aimophila, 96 tacarcunae, Atlapetes, 204 tacarcunae, Buarremon, 204 tacarcunae, Chlorospingus, 258 Tachyphonus, 288 taciturna, Tanagra, 182 taciturnus, Arremon, 182 taczanowskii, Atlapetes, 196 taczanowskii, Buarremon, 196 taczanowskii, Euphonia, 342 taezanowskii, Sicalis, 129 taczanowskii, Sycalis, 129 taeniata, Dubusia, 338 taeniata, Tachyphonus, 338 taeniata, Tanagra, 338 tahapisi, Emberiza, 17 tamae, Anisognathus, 332 tamae, Atlapetes, 196 tamae, Poecilothraupis, 332 tamemoto, Embzeriza, 12 Tanagra, 340 Tanagrella, 359 Tangara, 359 tangutorum, Emberiza, 11 tarbagataica, Emberiza, 11 tarijensis, Ammodramus, 80 tarijensis, Myospiza, 80 tavarae, Euphonia, 351 tavarae, Tanagra, 351 taverneri, Spizella, 86 taylori, Calliste, 378 taylori, Melopyrrha, 152 taylori, Tangara, 378 tazensis, Emberiza, 32 telasco, Pyrrhula, 148 telasco, Sporophila, 148 tenebrosa, Myospiza, 81 tenebrosus, Ammodramus, 81 tenebrosus, Pipilo, 178 tenuirostra, Aimophila, 98 Tephrophilus, 327 terekia, Emberiza, 31 terminalis, Pheucticus, 219 Tersina, 408 Tersininae, 408 tertius, Calyptophilus, 279 tescicola, Emberiza, 16 testacea, Piranga, 303 testacea, Pyranga, 303 tetraopes, Phaenicophilus, 278 texana, Aimophila, 95 texanus, Pipilo, 178 thanneri, Emberiza, 6 theresae, Emberiza, 15 Thlypopsis, 268 thoracica, Fringilla, 117 thoracica, Poospiza, 117 Thraupinae, 246 Thraupis, 318 thurberi, Junco, 66 Tiaris, 154 tibialis, Pheucticus, 218 tibialis, Pselliophorus, 207 tibialis, Tachyphonus, 207 ticehursti, Emberiza, 23 tilearae, Saltator, 234 INDEX tincta, Piranga, 306 tobagensis, Cyanerpes, 396 tocantinsi, Zonotrichia, 56 tocuyensis, Arremonops, 188 toddi, Passerina, 239 toddi, Piranga, 304 toddi, Tangara, 373 tolimae, Tangara, 371 toroi, Pipilo, 179 torquata, Emberiza, 121 torquata, Embernagra, 206 torquata, Poospiza, 121 torquatus, Atlapetes, 203 torquatus, Pipilo, 169 torqueola, Spermophila, 138 torqueola, Sporophila, 138 Torreornis, 102 torrida, Loxia, 150 torridus, Oryzoborus, 150 tortugae, Amphispiza, 89 tortugensis, Tiaris, 157 tovarenisis, Diglossa, 407 townsendi, Cardinalis, 222 townsendi, Junco, 66 townsendi, Plectrophanes, 43 townsendi, Plectrophenax, 39 townsendi, Richmondena, 222 townsendi, Spindalis, 316 townsendi, Zonotrichia, 48 townsendii, Emberiza, 216 transitiva, Spina, 21 transitus, Ramphocelus, 313 Trichothraupis, 295 tricolor, Atlapetes, 195 tricolor, Buarremon, 195 tricolor, Tanagra, 359 trifasciatus, Hemispingus, 268 trifasciatus, Microspingus, 268 trinitatis, Euphonia, 343 trinitatis, Tangara, 372 tristrami, Emberiza, 21 tschusii, Emberiza, 35 tucumanus, Phrygilus, 106 turonensis, Emberiza, 31 twomeyi, Arremonops, 188 tyoosenica, Emberiza, 12 tyrianthina, Diglossa, 405 ukrainae, Cynchramus, 33 ukrainae, Emberiza, 33 ultimus, Phrygilus, 107 ultramarina, Dacnis, 389 441 442 umbraticola, Pipilo, 173 umbrinus, Arremonops, 189 unalaschcensis, Emberiza, 43 unalascheensis, Zonotrichia, 43 unicincta, Diglossa, 401 unicolor, Emberiza, 106 unicolor, Haplospiza, 110 unicolor, Phrygilus, 105 unicolor, Ramphocelus, 313 uniformis, Haplospiza, 110 uropigyalis, Emberiza, 124 uropygialis, Pheucticus, 218 uropygialis, Ramphocelus, 313 uropygialis, Sicalis, 123 uropygialis, Tachyphonus, 292 Urothraupis, 208 urubambae, Hemispingus, 265 urubambae, Tangara, 369 urubambae, Thraupis, 321 ussuriensis, Emberiza, 12 vagans, Emberiza, 12 valeryi, Pyrrota, 288 valida, Sicalis, 126 vantynei, Aimophila, 96 varia, Tanagra, 372 varia, Tangara, 372 variabilis, Emberiza, 29 variegatus, Camarhynchus, 164 vassorii, Euphone, 383 vassoril, Tanagra, 383 vassoril, Tangara, 383 velia, Motacilla, 386 velia, Tangara, 386 venezuelae, Piranga, 308 venezuelae, Zonotrichia, 55 venezuelana, Compsocoma, 334 venezuelana, Tangara, 364 venezuelanus, Anisognathus, 334 venezuelanus, Chlorospingus, 256 venezuelensis, Diglossa, 403 venezuelensis, Pipraeidea, 339 venezuelensis, Pipridea, 339 venezuelensis, Ramphocelus, 314 venturii, Phrygilus, 108 venusta, Calliste, 367 venusta, Dacnis, 389 venusta, Tangara, 367 veraguensis, Diglossa, 400 verecundus, Atlapetes, 203 verecundus, Buarremon, 203 versicolor, Calliste, 376 INDEX versicolor, Lanio, 285 versicolor, Passerina, 243 versicolor, Spiza, 243 versicolor, Tachyphonus, 285 versicolor, Tangara, 376 verticalis, Arremonops, 187 verticalis, Creurgops, 287 verticalis, Embernagra, 187 verticalis, Hemispingus, 267 verticalis, Nemosia, 267 victorini, Anisognathus, 334 victorini, Tachyphonus, 334 vieilloti, Calliste, 360 vieilloti, Tangara, 360 vigorsil, Saltator, 230 viguieri, Dacnis, 391 villai, Melospiza, 52 villai, Zonotrichia, 52 vinacea, Emberiza, 19 vinacea, Habia, 296 vinacea, Phaenicothraupis, 296 vincens, Euphonia, 348 vincenti, Emberiza, 18 vincenti, Fringillaria, 18 violacea, Euphonia, 344 violacea, Fringilla, 344 violacea, Loxia, 158 violacea, Loxigilla, 158 violaceus, Cyanerpes, 397 violilavata, Tanagra, 323 violilavata, Thraupis, 328 virens, Loxia, 320 virenticeps, Atlapetes, 203 virenticeps, Buarremon, 203 virescens, Pipilo, 174 virginianus, Cardinalis, 220 virginis, Melospiza, 47 viridicata, Arremonops, 189 viridicatus, Arremonops, 189 viridicollis, Calliste, 384 viridicollis, Tangara, 384 virididorsalis, Anisognathus, 334 virididorsalis, Compsocoma, 334 viridis, Coccothraustes, 224 viridis, Hirundo, 409 viridis, Pitylus, 224 viridis, Tanagra, 283, 355 viridis, Tersina, 409 viridissima, Aglaia, 373 viridissima, Tangara, 373 viscivora, Tanagra, 347 vitriolina, Callispiza, 377 vitriolina, Tangara, 377 vittata, Euphonia, 354 vivida, Sporophila, 140 vlasowae, Plectrophenax, 39 Volatinia, 132 volgae, Emberiza, 34 vorhiesi, Pipilo, 179 vuleani, Junco, 63 vuleani, Zonotrichia, 63 vulcanica, Aimophila, 97 vuleanorum, Pipilo, 174 vulpecula, Emberiza, 25 wagneri, Poospiza, 119 watkinsi, Incaspiza, 117 waynei, Thryospiza, 74 weigoldi, Emberiza, 12 wetmorei, Ammodramus, 74 wetmorei, Buthraupis, 330 wetmorei, Chlorospingus, 255 wetmorei, Habia, 299 wetmorei, Passerculus, 74 wetmorei, Tephrophilus, 330 Wetmorethraupis, 330 whiteleyana, Sporophila, 136 whiteleyana, Spermophila, 136 whitelyi, Calliste, 385 whitelyi, Tangara, 385 whitii, Poospiza, 119 wilkinsi, Nesospiza, 113 willisi, Habia, 300 witherbyi, Emeriza, 35 wolhynica, Emberiza, 6 wortheni, Spizella, 84 wotiakorum, Schoeniclus, 31 wrangeli, Oriturus, 176 xanthocephala, Callospiza, 368 xanthocephala, Tangara, 367 xanthogaster, Euphone, 354 xanthogaster, Euphonia, 352 xanthogastra, Calliste, 369 xanthogastra, Tangara, 369 xanthogenys, Buarremon, 203 INDEX 443 xanthogramma, Chlorospiza, 109 xanthogramma, Melanodera, 109 xanthophthalma, Dacnis, 267 xanthophthalmus, Hemispingus, 267 xanthopygius, Heterospingus, 288 xanthopygius, Tachyphonus, 288 xanthornus, Ammodramus, 80 Xenodacnis, 397 Xenospingus, 115 Xenospiza, 69 xerophilus, Amphispiza, 91 xinguensis, Paroaria, 214 yessoensis, Emberiza, 20 yessoénsis, Schoenicola, 20 yucatanensis, Saltator, 231 yucatanicus, Cardinalis, 222 yungae, Sporophila, 143 yungae, Tanagra, 351 yunnanensis, Emberiza, 11 yuriria, Melospiza, 52 yuriria, Zonotrichia, 52 zaboria, Passerella, 42 zaboria, Zonotrichia, 42 zacapu, Melospiza, 53 zacapu, Zonotrichia, 53 zaidamensis, Emberiza, 35 zaissanensis, Emberiza, 34 zamorae, Tangara, 370 zeledoni, Chlorospingus, 259 zena, Fringilla, 317 zena, Spindalis, 316 zimmeri, Atlapetes, 200 zimmeri, Basileuterus, 264 zimmeri, Buthraupis, 329 zimmeri, Piranga, 302 Zonitrichia, 41 Zonotrichia, 41 zopholega, Euphonia, 345 zopholega, Tanagra, 345 zuliae, Tiaris, 157 " Gree € ~ re Fr ay 4 mi Bs . vat . ts ‘ ‘ . ; j + ‘ 4 Y a ae 7 ~ HA 062 548 649 Ne eee rent ~ SS “ te eens gee Go — weg 3 : - “ i , _ eodaseten, on xd