Pe) ve Digitized by the Internet A NorTH AMERICAN Birps PREPARED BY A COMMITTEE OF THE American Ornithologists’ Union SECOND AND REVISED EDITION ZoGlogical Nomenclature is a means, not an end, of Zodlogical Science S 0 oe) G& . NEW YORK AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS’ UNION 1895 NGG» aap Se ttf aes Key 13 2 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. T the first Congress of the American Ornithologists’ Union, held in New York, September 26-29, 1883, the following resolution was adopted :— “ Resolved, ‘That the Chairman appoint a Committee of five, including himself, to whom shall be referred the question of a Re- vision of the Classification and Nomenclature of the Birds of North America.” In pursuance of this resolution the following Committee was appointed: Messrs. Coues, Allen, Ridgway, Brewster, and Henshaw. | The Committee, having held numerous sessions in Wash- ington and New York, presented its Report at the second Con- gress of the Union, held in New York, Sept. 30 to Oct. 2, 1884, when the following resolution was adopted : — “« Resolved, That the Report of the Committee on the Revision of the Nomenclature and Classification of North American Birds be ac- _ cepted and adopted, and that it be recommitted to the Committee, with instructions to complete and submit it to the Council as soon as practicable; and that the Council be empowered and instructed to accept and adopt the Report as finally rendered, with such modifica- tions as they may deem necessary, and to publish the same, copy- righted, in part or in whole, and in one or more forms, in the name and under the auspices of the American Ornithologists’ Union.” The Committee, having continued its sessions, presented its final report to the Council at a meeting held in Washington iv PREFACE. on the 21st of April, 1885, when the Report of the Committee was accepted and adopted, and was referred again to the Com- mittee for publication, the Committee to exercise such edi- torial revison as might seem necessary. Pursuant to the foregoing resolutions of the Union and Council, the Committee now offers to the public, in the name and on behalf of the Union, the result of its labors, consist- ing of a List of North American Birds, preceded by the Code of Rules adopted by the Committee for its guidance in the preparation of the List. The Committee ventures to hope that the new Code will find favor, not only with ornithologists, but among zodlo- gists generally. ELLIOTT COUES. J. A. ALLEN, ROBERT RIDGWAY. WILLIAM BREWSTER. H. W. HENSHAW. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. T the Eleventh Congress of the American Ornithologists’ Union, held in Cambridge, Mass., November 20-23, 1894, it was voted to publish, as early as practicable, a new edition of the Union’s Check-List of North American Birds, to include the numerous additions and nomenclatural changes made in the several Supplements! to the Check-List since the publication of the original edition, together with a revision of the ‘ habitats’ of the species and subspecies, but omitting the Code of Nomenclature.2. The original Com- 1Supplement | to the | Code of Nomenclature and Check-List | of | North American Birds | adopted by the American Omithologists’ Union | Prepared by | a Committee of the Union | — | New York | American Omithologists’ Union | 1889. — 8vo, pp. 23. Second Supplement to the American Omithologists’ Union Check-List of North American Birds. Zhe Auk, VII, Jan. 1890, pp. 60-66. Also separate. Third Supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-List of North American Birds. Zhe Auk, VIII, Jan. 1891, pp. 83-90. Also separate. Fourth Supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-List of North American Birds. Zhe Auk, IX, Jan. 1892, pp. 105-108. Also separate. Fifth Supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-List of North American Birds. Zhe Auk, X, Jan. 1893, pp. 59-63. Also separate. Sixth Supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-List of North American Birds. Zhe Auk, XI, Jan. 1894, pp. 46-51. Also separate. ' Seventh Supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-List of North American Birds. Zhe Auk, XII, April, 1894, pp. 163-169. Also separate. Check-List | of | North American Birds | according to the Canons of Nomen- clature | of the | American Ornithologists’ Union | — | Abridged Edition | Re- vised | — | Published by the American Omithologists’ Union | 1889. — 8vo, pp. 71. Includes the additions to the original Check-List made in the first Supplement. . * Republished separately in 1892 as a pamphlet of 72 pages with the following title: The | Code of Nomenclature | adopted by the | American Omithologists’ Union | — | Zodlogical Nomenclature is a means, not an end, of Zodlogical Science | — | New York | American Ornithologists’ Union | 1892. vi PREFACE. mittee on Classification and Nomenclature of North Amer- ican Birds was reappointed! to take charge of the work. The Committee held sessions in Washington, D. C., January 15-19, 1894, and February 12, 13, 1895, to outline the work and to rule on the questions involved in the publication of the revised List. The revision of the matter relating to the geographic distribution of the species and subspecies was _ undertaken by the Committee as a whole, each member in turn taking it in hand, while the incorporation of typographic and other rectifications made during the sessions of the Com- mittee,’ and the final preparation of the manuscript for the printer, was referred to a subcommittee consisting of the Editor of ‘ The Auk,’ to whom was also assigned the general editorial supervision of the work. The following extracts from the Introduction to the Code of Nomenclature (pp. 14, 15) will serve to explain the scope and plan of the Check-List, including the method of incor- porating additions. “zr, That the term ‘North American,’ as applied to the proposed List of Birds, be held to include the continent of North America north of the present United States and Mexican boundary, and Greenland ; and the peninsula of Lower California, with the islands naturally belonging thereto. “2. That species be numbered consecutively, and that subspecies be enumerated by affixing the letters a, 4, ¢c, etc., to the number borne by their respective species ; provided, that any subspecies of a species not included in the North American Fauna shall be separately num- bered as if a species. “3. That stragglers or accidental visitors, not regarded as com- ponents of the North American Fauna, be distinguished by having their respective numbers in brackets. ‘With the exception of Mr. H. W. Henshaw, who was unable to serve, and Dr. C. Hart Merriam was appointed in his stead. *The Committee desires to here acknowledge valuable assistance received, especially in the preparation of the geographic portions of the list, from Major Charles Bendire, Mr. Frank M. Chapman, Dr. Walter Faxon, Dr. A. K. Fisher, Mr. Gerrit S. Miller, Jr.,and Dr. T.S. Palmer. The Committee is further indebted to Dr. Palmer for numerous corrections in the citations of original references. PREFACE. vii “4. That any subsequent additions to the list be interpolated in systematic order, and bear the number of the species immediately preceding, with the addition of a figure (1, 2, etc., as the case may require), separated from the original number by a period or decimal point, thus giving the interpolated number a decimal form (e. g., 243-1, etc.), in order that the original numbers may be permanent. * * * * * * * “6, That Giraud’s at present unconfirmed species of Texan birds be included in the List on Giraud’s authority. ‘7, That species and subspecies the zodlogical status of which cannot be satisfactorily determined, like, ¢. g., Regulus cuviert and Spiza townsendi of Audubon, be referred to a hypothetical list, in each case with a brief statement of the reasons for such allocation. “8. That a list of the fossil species of North American birds be added as an Appendix to the List proper. “g. That the names of subgeneric and supergeneric groups of North American birds be included in the List in systematic order, to the end that the List may represent a classification as well as a nomenclature of the birds. “ro. That references be given to the original description of the species, and to the publication where the name as adopted in the List was first used; that the number borne by each species and sub- species in the Lists of Baird, 1858, of Coues, 1873, of Ridgway, 1880, and of Coues, 1882, be bracketed in chronological order after the synonymatic references. : “rr. That a summary statement of the habitat of each species and subspecies, with special reference to its North American range, be included in the List. “y2. That the name of ,each bird shall consist of its generic without its subgeneric name, and of its specific with its subspecific name, if it have one, without the intervention of any other term. * * * * * * * “14. That every technical name be followed by a vernacular name, selected with due regard to its desirability. ‘15. That the name of each species and subspecies be followed by the name of the original describer of the same, to be enclosed in parentheses when it is not also the authority for the name adopted. viii PREFACE. ‘76. That all specific and subspecific names shall begin with a lower-case letter. “17. That the sequence in classification followed in previous Lists be reversed, the List to begin with the lowest or most general- ized type, and end with the highest or most specialized.”’ ELLIOTT COUES. J. A. ALLEN. WILLIAM BREWSTER. C. HART MERRIAM. ROBERT RIDGWAY. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION - : : AT 4: PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION . ; ! ase ty CHECK-LIST . ; . ; ; ; ' I I. PYGOPODES I a. Podicipedes I 1. Podicipidz : ; : , : . ' I b. Cepphi . : ‘ : ; : g ; 3 2. Urinatoride . A : ‘ : 3 3. Alcide . 3 ; : ; ; ! ; 5 II. LONGIPENNES . - ; : ; ‘ , ; eit 4. Stercorariidze y ‘ : ; ‘ j ANE 8 5. Laride . : : : ; ‘ ‘ ‘ OA ME 6. Rynchopide ; ‘ , ‘ : : caer III. TuBINARES ; : , : . : j HN Tee 7. Diomedeidz ; i ‘ } : : : ; a et. 8. Procellariidz ; ‘ ‘ j ‘ is IV. STEGANOPODES ; d 3 ‘ Civia cH saa 9g. Phaéthontidee ‘ ; , : , : DEK? 10. Sulide . : ; , : : ‘ Lao 11. Anhingide . : ; , . ‘ ; b ne. & 12. Phalacrocoracidze ’ ‘ : Say. ©. 13. Pelecanide . : : : : : ; «+45 14. Fregatide . ; ‘ ¢ HOVE UN : i - 46 V. ANSERES . ‘ ; } ; : { BPA y 15. Anatide . : ; , ; ‘ sit age VI. ODONTOGLOSsS 2 ‘ : é : 2 ; ; ; , of OG 16. Phoenicopteridz . : : , f ‘ A , . 66 VII. HERODIONES . ‘ ; : : : : : : SAM. Got APICES» ‘ . ‘ : : ; i : ; : - 66 17. Plataleide . : , ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ; FAG S 18. Ibidide DE ASP eM MMR Ae UL D Miccad TROL ei Oe , x TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE d. Ciconiz : . : : . ? : ; ; ; A A 19. Ciconiide . ) : ; ; ; , a bt . 68 e. Herodii . ‘ ; y : ; . : : : OO 20. Ardeide ; ; ; ; " ‘ ; ; : . 69 VIII. PaALupIcoLa . ; ; . ; ee f Grues. : : : : . , mae, | 21. Gruide ‘ ; Bi ANI : : : ‘ By g Ralli. 4 ' ; ‘ ’ ; ; ey |) 22. Aramid ; ; : ; ‘ , ; - 46 23. Rallide ; 2 4 ‘ . 096 IX. Limico.z ; ; ; : ' ; ; ; ; er 24. Phalaropodide . , , | ee 25. Recurvirostride . ; ; . . : : i ens 26. Scolopacide . : , : : ; + Se 27. Charadriide ; é : ; ; Be 28. Aphrizide . ; é ; : ‘ : ee 29. Hematopodide . beg he i - 104 30. Jacanide § , : ‘ é . 105 X. GALLINZ . - ; : ; ; : ; ; , : . 106 hk. Phasiani ; ‘ j ‘ ‘ R . 107 . 31. Tetraonide . : ; , : -. LOY 32. Phasianide .. AR OP 4 Ue z. Penelopes , : é ; ; ; : ; , a 33- Cracidz ' ; ; ; ; . Ig XI. CoLUMB : ' { i . : + ey 34. Columbide . . : . ; ; ; ‘ ; - 419 XII. RAPTORES ; : : ‘ ‘ ; ; ‘ - 124 j- Sarcorhamphi , ‘ : ; : : - 124 35. Cathartide . " . ; } : ; ; , - 124 k. Falcones ; , ; . : ‘ : . 126 36. Falconide . : : : ‘ : , : : BBR i Z. Striges . : : ‘ , . : ; ‘ . 142 37- Strigide ‘ ; . ‘ : ‘ ; ; - 142 38. Bubonide . ; ; : ‘ d ; ; . 142 XIII. Psirraci . : . ; ; , ; R : , : ES2 39. Psittacide . 4 i s ; ; ; ; 4 > ES XIV. CoccyGEs . : 4 : ‘ ; : ‘ ‘ : : 2 Nes m. Cuculi. ‘ : ; . ; ; : : : : See 40. Cuculide ; 3 ; A ; ; 4 ; ; : £83 n. 'Trogones 5 , . ; ; : : ; : ; BEN s 41. Trogonide . . 4 ; 4 . . ; j - 156 o. Alcyones : ; : : ‘ : ; , ; ; . 156 42. Alcedinide . , : ‘ ; : ‘ 5 : - 156 - TABLE OF CONTENTS. xi PAGE a NT TA Re a ER La Oe eT, 43. Picide . , ; ; 4 ‘ ; , + EST XVI. MACROCHIRES . i ; , : ‘ ; ; ‘ ; . 168 p. Caprimulgi . ‘ : 4 ; ; . 168 44. Caprimulgide . ; : : ! : ; . 168 g- Cypseli . : : p ESE : ‘ ; Ay yb 45. Micropodidz i : ‘ . ; ‘ ; Af SE r. Trochili . ; ; ; ; : : ; b : - 1973 46. Trochilide . ; : ‘ f ; ; ; ‘ - 293 XVII. PASSERES : ‘ : : : : ; / ; ; . 179 s. Clamatores . . . : , . ‘ ; a we . 479 47. Cotingide . ; i s ‘ r ; ; : . 199 48. Tyrannide . ‘ ; ; } : : ; EIS zt. Oscines . : : é , : ; ; ; i : Cats 7 49. Alaudide . P ‘ ‘ ; ; ; ; 4 . IQ! 50. Corvide ; ; ; ‘ d , ‘ d é - 194 51. Sturnide . é ‘ d ; : : x . 202 52. Icteride ‘ : : ; : ; ¢ , ‘' 202 53. Fringillide . . ‘ : f ; 2 5 pate 54. Tanagride . k , . : ; : » 254 55- Hirundinide : ¥ : , : : b ‘ . 2e6 56. Ampelide . 5 ; ; ‘ ; : . . . 260 57- Laniide ; 2 : ; : . 261 58. Vireonide . é ; / ‘ p : . 262 59. Coerebide . F ; : ; P { : ; . 264 60. Mniotiltide . : ' : ; : : : ‘ . 268 61. Motacillide . p ; : , ; : f . 288 62. Cinclide dl ; ; : ; ‘ A , 1 BOR 63. Troglodytide , ; : ‘ ; ‘ ; - 291 64. Certhiide . ; ; : ; ; : ; ‘ - 303 65. Paride . jj, ? : ‘ ; ; ‘ - ? - 304 66. Sylviide ; ‘ ‘ d . : ee . iar. 67. Turdide , : : j - ‘ . ; , - 316 ee yu HYPOTHETICAL LIST. . : : , } } ‘ ; 4 as THE FOSSIL BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA f ‘ ‘ ee INDEX. ; : 4 ; : ! ; ; : , X ‘ - 347 OrnECK=LIS TT. OrDER PYGOPODES. Divine Birps. SUBORDER PODICIPEDES. GREBES. Famity PODICIPIDZA. GreEses. Genus AICHMOPHORUS Coves. ichmophorus Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. April, 1862, 229. Type, Podiceps occidentalis LAwe. 1. Aichmophorus occidentalis (Lawr.). Western Grebe. Podieps occidentalis LAwr. in Bairp’s B. N. Am. 1858, 894. ichmophorus occidentalis Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1862, 229. [B 704, C 608, R 729, C 845. | GEOGRAPHIC DisTRIBUTION.—Western North America, ‘eastward to Manitoba, south to central Mexico. Genus COLYMBUS Linnzus. Colymbus LINN. S.N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 135. Type, by elimination, Colymbus cristatus LINN. | SUBGENUs COLYMBUS. 2. Colymbus holboellii (Rrinu.). Holbell’s Grebe. Podiceps holbellii REINH. Vid. Med. 1853, 76. Colymbus holbellii Ripcw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 428. 2 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 702, C 610, R 731, C 847.] Groce. Dist.— North America at large, including Greenland. Also eastern Siberia, and southward to Japan. Breeds in high latitudes, migrating south in winter. SuBGENUS DYTES Kavp. Dytes Kaup, Sk. Ent. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 41. Type, Colymbus auritus LINN. 3. Colymbus auritus Linn. Horned Grebe. Colymbus auritus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 135. [B 706, C 611, R 732, C 848.] Geroc. Dist.— Northern hemisphere. Breeds from the northern United States northward. 4. Colymbus nigricollis californicus (HEERM.). American Eared Grebe. Podiceps californicus HEERM. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1854, 179. Colymbus nigricollis californicus Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 356. [B 707, C 612, R 7334, C 850.] Groc. Dist.— Northern and western North America, from the Mississippi Valley westward, southward to Guatemala. SuBGENUS PODICEPS LaTHAm. Podiceps Latu. Ind. Orn. II. 1790, 780. Type, by elimination, Colymbus fluviatilis TUNST. 5. Colymbus dominicus Linv. St. Domingo Grebe. Colymbus dominicus LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 223. [B 708a, C 613, R 734, C 851.| Geroc. Dist.— Southern Texas and Lower California southward through tropical America to Paraguay, including the West Indies. a eee, eS Se ORDER PYGOPODES. 3 Genus PODILYMBUS Lesson. Podilymbus Less. Traité, I. 1831, 595. Type, Colymbus podiceps LINN. 6. Podilymbus podiceps (LIinv.). Pied-billed Grebe. Colymbus podiceps Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 136. Podilymbus podiceps LAwrk. in Bairp’s B. N. Am. 1858, 898. [B 709, C 614, R 735, C 852.] Groc. Dist.— British Provinces southward to Brazil, Argentine Republic, and Chili, including the West Indies and Bermuda, breeding nearly throughout its range. SUBORDER CEPPHI. Loons anp AukKs. FamMity URINATORIDA. Loons. Genus URINATOR Cuvier. Urinator Cuv. Anat. Comp. I. 1800, tabl. ii. Type, Colymbus imber GUNN. 7. Urinator imber (Gunv.). Loon. Colymbus imber GUNNERUS, Trondh. Selsk. Skr. I. 1761, pl. tii. Urinator imber StEJN. Orn. Expl. Kamchat. 1885, 313. [B 698, C 605, R 736, C 840. | Groc. Dist.— Northern part of northern hemisphere. In North America breeds from the northern tier of States northward ; ranges in winter south to the Gulf of Mexico and Lower California. 4 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 8. Urinator adamsii (Gray). Yellow-billed Loon. Colymbus adamsit GRAY, P. Z. S. 1859, 167. Urinator adamsit STEJN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 43. [B—, C 6o5a@, R 737, C 841.] Groc. Dist.— Arctic America, west of Hudson Bay, and north- eastern Asia. Casual in northern Europe. 9. Urinator arcticus (LINN.). Black-throated Loon. Colymbus arcticus LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 135. Urinator arcticus STEJN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 43. [B 699, C 606, R 738, C 842. | Geroc. Dist.— Northern part of the northern hemisphere. In North America of casual occurrence in autumn and winter in the northern United States east of Rocky Mountains. 10. Urinator pacificus (Lawr.). Pacific Loon. Colymbus pacifjicus LAWR. in Barrv’s B. N. Am. 1858, 889. Urinator pacificus STEJN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 43. [B 700, C 606a, R 739, C 843.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast of North America, south in winter to Cape St. Lucas and Guadalupe Island. 11. Urinator lumme (Gunv1.). Red-throated Loon. Colymbus lumme Gunn. Trond. Selsk. Skr. I. 1761, pl. ii. fig. 2. Urinator lumme STEJN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 43. [B 7o1, C 607, R 740, C 844.| Groc. Dist.— Northern part of northern hemisphere, migrating southward in winter nearly across the United States. a ee eee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee eae ORDER PYGOPODES. 5 Famity ALCIDZA. Avxs, MurrEs, AND PUFFINS. SUBFAMILY FRATERCULINA. Purrins. Genus LUNDA PaALtas. Lunda Pau. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1826, 363. Type, Axa cirrhata PALL. 12. Lunda cirrhata Patt. Tufted Puffin. Ala cirrhata Pau. Spic. Zool. V. 1769, 7, pl. i., pl. ii. figs. 1-3. Lunda cirrhata Pauu. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1826, 363, pl. 82. [B 712, 716, C 619, R 745, C 856.] Geroc. Dist. — Coasts and islands of the North Pacific from the Santa Barbara Islands, California, to Alaska, and from Japan to Bering Strait. Accidental on the coast of Maine. Genus FRATERCULA Brisson. Fratercula Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 81. Type, Ala arctica LINN. 13. Fratercula arctica (LINN.). Puffin. Alca arctica Linn. S. N. ed. ro, I. 1758, 130. Fratercula arctica SCHAFFER, Mus. Orn. 17809, 6f. [B 715, C 618, R 743, C 854.]| Groc. Dist. — Coasts and islands of the North Atlantic, breeding on the North American coast from the Bay of Fundy northward. South in winter to Long Island, and casually further. 13a. Pratercula arctica glacialis (TEmm.). Large-billed Puffin. Fratercula glacialis STEPHENS, Gen. Zool. Aves, XIII. pt. 1, 1826, 40. Fratercula arctica B glacialis Buastus, List B. Europ. 1862, 24. 6 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 714, C 618a, R 7430, C 855. | Groc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the Arctic Ocean, from Spitz- bergen to northern and western Greenland. 14. Fratercula corniculata (Navum.). Horned Puffin. Mormon corniculata Naum. Isis, 1821, 782, pl. vii. figs. 3, 4. fratercula corniculata BRANDT, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. II. 1837, 348. [B 713, C 617, R 744, C 853.] Groc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, from the Kuril Islands to British Columbia. SUBFAMILY PHALERINZA. AvKLETS, MURRELETS, GUILLEMOTS. Genus CEHRORHINCA Bonaparte. Cerorhinca Bonap. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 1828, 427. Type, C. occi- dentalis Br. = Alca monocerata PALL, 15. Cerorhinca monocerata (PALL.). Rhinoceros Auklet. Alca monocerata PALL. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1826, 362. Cerorhina monocerata Cass. in Barrp’s B. N. Am. 1858, gos. [B 717, 718, C 620, R 746, C 857.] Geoc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, breeding southward (formerly) to the Farallones; in winter southward to Lower California and Japan. Genus PTYCHORAMPHUS Branpt. Ptychoramphus BRANDT, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. II. 1837, 347. Type, Uria aleutica PALL. ORDER PYGOPODES. 7 16. Ptychoramphus aleuticus (PALL.). Cassin’s Auklet. Uria aleutica PALL. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1826, 370. Ptychoramphus aleuticus BRANDT, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. II. 1837, 347: [B 724, C 625, R 751, C 862.] Geoc. Dist.— Pacific coast of North America, from the Aleutian Islands to Lower California, breeding southward to San Geronimo Island (Lat. 30°). Genus CYCLORRHYNCHUS Kavrp. Cyclorrhynchus Kaur, Sk. Ent. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 155. Type, Alca psittacula PALL. 17. Cyclorrhynchus psittaculus (PALL.). Paroquet Auklet. Alca psittacula Pau. Spic. Zool. V. 1760, 13, pl. ii., pl. v. figs. —6. hee psittaculus StEJN. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VII. Aug. 5, 1884, 216. [B 725, C 621, R 747, C 858.] Groc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, from Sitka and the Kuril Islands northward. Genus SIMORHYNCHUS Merrem. SUBGENUS SIMORHYNCHUS. Simorhynchus MERREM, in Erscu & GRUBER’S Encycl. 1 sect. II. 1819, 405. Type, Alca cristatella PALL. 18. Simorhynchus cristatellus (PALL.). Crested Auklet. Alca cristatella PAauu. Spic. Zool. V. 1769, 20, pl. iii., pl. v. figs. 7-9: Simorhynchus cristatellus Bonar. Compt. Rend. XLII. 1856, 774. 8 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 719, 720, C 622, R 748, C 859.] Groc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, from Kadiak and Japan northward. SUBGENUS PHALERIS Temmincx. Phaleris TEMM. Man. Orn. 1820, p. cxil. Type, by elimination, Alca pygmea GMEL. 19. Simorhynchus pygmzeus (GMEL.). Whiskered Auklet. Alca pygmea GMEL. S, N. I. ii. 1788, 555. Simorhynchus pygmaeus BRANDT, Mél. Biol. VII. 1869, 222. [B 721, C 623, R 749, C 860. | Groc. Dist.—Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, from Unalaska through the Aleutian chain to Kamchatka. | SuBGENUS CICERONIA ReEIcHENBACH. Ciceronia Reicu. Syst. Av. 1852, p. ill. Type, Phaleris micro- ceros BRANDT = Uria pusilla PALL. 20. Simorhynchus pusillus (PALL.). Least Auklet. Uria pusilla Pau. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1826, 373, pl. 70. Simorhynchus pusillus Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1862, 324. [B 722, 723, C 624, R 750, C 861.] Geroc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, from Sitka and Japan northward to Bering Strait. Genus SYNTHLIBORAMPHUS Branpt. Synthliboramphus BRANDT, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. II. 1837, 347. Type, Adca antiqua GMEL. 21. Synthliboramphus antiquus (GMEL.). Ancient Murrelet. Alca antiqua GMEL. S. N. I. i. 1788, 554. Synthliboramphus antiqguus BRANDT, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. II. 1837, 347: a ee ORDER PYGOPODES. 9 [B 734, 736, C 627, R 753, 759, C 864, 870-] Geroc. Dist.—-Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, from southern Vancouver Island and Japan northward. Accidental in Wisconsin. Genus BRACHYRAMPHUS Branpt. Brachyramphus BRANDT, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. II. 1837, 346. Type, Colymbus marmoratus GMEL. 23. Brachyramphus marmoratus (GmEet.). Marbled Murrelet. Colymbus marmoratus GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 583. Brachyramphus marmoratus BRANDT, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. IT. 1837, 346. | [B 732, 733, C 629, R 755, C 866.] Groc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the North Pacific; on the American coast from San Diego northward, and breeding as far south as Vancouver Island. 24. Brachyramphus kittlitzii Branpr. Kittlitz’s Murrelet. Brachyramphus kittlitzid BRANDT, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. IT. 1837, 346. [B 735, C 630, R 756, C 867.] — Groc. Dist.— Northern Japan, Kamchatka and Aleutian Islands, east to Unalaska. 25. Brachyramphus hypoleucus XanrTuvs. Xantus’s Murrelet. Brachyrhamphus hypoleucus Xantus, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., Nov. 1859, 299. [B—, C—, R 757, C 868.] Geoc. Dist.— Coasts of southern and Lower California, from Santa Barbara Island to Cape St. Lucas. IO CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 26. Brachyramphus craveri (SALVAD.). Craveri’s Murrelet. Uria cravert SALVAD. Atti Soc. It. Sc. Nat. VIII. 1866, Estr. p- 17. Brachyrhamphus craverit Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1868, 66. [B ity ) Cc R 758, C 869. ] Groc. Dist.— Both coasts of Lower California, from Cape St. Lucas northward to Espiritu Santo Island in the Gulf of California, and to Natividad Island (lat. 28°) on the Pacific side. Genus CHPPHUS Pattas. Cepphus PAu. Spic. Zool. V. 1769, 33. Type, C. Zacteolus Pau. = C. grylle, albino. 27. Cepphus grylle (Linv.). Black Guillemot. Alca grylle LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 130. Cepphus grylle BREHM, Handb. Vég. Deutschl. 1831, 987. [B 726, part, C 631, part, R 760, part, C 871, part. | Geroc. Dist.— Coasts of northern Europe, south to Denmark and the British Islands. Newfoundland and coast of Maine, south in winter to Philadelphia. 28. Cepphus mandtii (Licurt.). Mandt’s Guillemot. Uria mandtii Licut. in MANnpT’s Obs. Itin. Dissert. 1822, 30. Cepphus mandtit Br. Cat. Parzud. 1856, 12. [B 726, part, C 631, part, R 760, part, C 871, part. | Geroc. Dist.— Arctic regions of both continents; south on the Atlantic coast of North America, in winter, to Massachusetts, breeding south to Hudson Bay and Labrador; Alaskan coast, south, in winter, to Norton Sound. ORDER PYGOPODES. II 29. Cepphus columba PA Lt. Pigeon Guillemot. Cepphus columba Pau. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1826, 348. - [B 727, C 632, R 761, C 872.] Groc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, southward from Bering Strait to northern Japan and the Santa Barbara Islands, California. - SUBFAMILY ALCINAj. AuKs AND MuRRES. Genus URIA Brisson. Uria Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 70. Type, by elimination, Colymbus trowle LINN. ; 1 | 30. Uria troile (Linv.). Murre. Colymbus troile LINN. Faun. Suec. ed. 1761, 52; S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 220. Uria troile LatTH. Ind. Orn. II. 1790, 796. [B 729, 730, C 634, R 763, C 874.] Groc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the North Atlantic, southward on the coast of North America, in winter, to southern New England ; breeding from the Magdalen Islands northward. 30a. Uria troile californica (Bryant). California Murre. Catarractes californicus BRYANT, Pr. Bost. Soc. VIII. 1861, 11, figs. 3, 5. Uria trowe californica Ripcw. Water B. N. Am. IT. 1884, 483. [B—, C—, R 7632, C 875.] Groc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, breeding from California north to the Pribilof Islands. 12 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 31. Uria lomvia (Linvn.). Brunnich’s Murre. Alca lomvia Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 130. Uria lomvia BRYANT, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. VIII. May, 1861, 75. [B 731, C 635, R 764a, C 876.] Groc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the North Atlantic and eastern Arctic Oceans; south to the lakes of northern New York and the coast of New Jersey. Breeding from the Gulf of St. Lawrence northward. 31a. Uria lomvia arra (PALL.). Pallas’s Murre. Cepphus arra PALL. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1826, 347. Uria lomvia arra Ripcw. Water B. N. Am. II. Sept. 1884, 485. PR, CH, Reba ak Groc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the North Pacific and western Arctic Oceans, south to Kadiak and Kamchatka. Genus ALCA LINNzUus. Alca Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 130. Type, by elimination, Alca torda Linn. | 32. Alcea torda LINN. Razor-billed Auk. Alca torda Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 130. [B 711, C 616, R 742, C 877.] Groc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the North Atlantic, south in winter on the North American coast casually to North Carolina, breeding from eastern Maine northward. Genus PLAUTUS Britwnicu. Plautus BRUNN. Zool. Fund. 1772, 78. Type, Alca impennis LINN. ORDER LONGIPENNES. 13 33. Plautus impennis (LINN.). Great Auk. Alca impennis LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 130. Plautus impennis STEENSTR. Vid. Med. Nat. For. Kjéb. 1855, II4. é [B 710, C 615, R 741, C 878.] Geoc. Dist.— Formerly the coasts and islands of the North Atlantic, from Massachusetts and Ireland northward nearly to the Arctic Circle. Now extinct. SuBFAMILY ALLINAI. DoveEkIEs. Genus ALLE LInkK. Alle Link, Beschr. Nat. Samml. Univ. Rostock, I. 1806, 17. Type, Aka alle Linn. : 34. Alle alle (Linv.). Dovekie. Alca alle Linn. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 131. Alle alle STEJNEGER, Stand. Nat. Hist. IV, 1885, 69. [B 738, C 626, R 752, C 863.| Geroc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the North Atlantic and eastern Arctic Oceans; in North America south in winter to New Jersey; breeds in high northern latitudes. Accidental in Michigan. OrDER LONGIPENNES. LONG—WINGED SWIMMERS. Famity STERCORARIIDAl. Sxkuvas anv JAEGERS. Genus MEGALESTRIS Bonaparte. Megalestris Bonar. Cat. Parzudaki, 1856, 11. Type, Catharacta skua BRUNN. I4 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 35. Megalestris skua (Brtwnv.). Skua. = Catharacta skua BRUNN. Orn. Bor. 1764, 33. Megatestris skua Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Sept. 4, 1880, 208. [B 652, C 539, R 696, C 764.]. Groc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the North Atlantic, chiefly northward. South to Spain and North Carolina. Apparently rare on the coast of North America. Genus STEHERCORARIUS Brisson. Stercorarius Briss. Orn. V. 1760, 149. Type, Larus parasiticus LINN. 36. Stercorarius pomarinus (TEmm.). Pomarine Jaeger. Larus pomarinus TEMM. Man. d’Orn. 1815, 514. Stercorarius pomarinus ViEILL. Nouv. Dict. XXXII. 1819, 158. [B 653, C 540, R 697, € 765.] Groc. Dist.— Seas and inland waters of northern portions of the northern hemisphere, south in winter to Africa, Australia, and probably South America. 37. Stercorarius parasiticus (LIinv.). Parasitic Jaeger. Larus parasiticus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 136. Stercorarius parasiticus SCHAFF. Mus. Orn. 1789, 62, pl. 37. [B 654, C 541, R 698, C 766.] Geoc. Dist.— Northern part of northern hemisphere, southward in winter to South Africa and South America. Breeds in high northern districts, and winters from New York and California south- ward to Brazil. ORDER LONGIPENNES. 15 38. Stercorarius longicaudus VIEILL. Long-tailed Jaeger. Stercorarius longicaudus ViEILL. Nouv. Dict. XXXII. 1819, 157. [B 655, C 542, R 699, C 767. Groc. Dist.— Northern part of northern hemisphere, breeding in high northern districts ; south in winter to the Gulf of Mexico. Famity LARIDZAS. GuLLs anp TERNS. SUBFAMILY LARINZAi. GultLLs. Genus GAVIA Bol. Gavia Boir, Isis, 1822, 563. Type, Larus eburneus PHIPPS = Larus albus GUNN. 39. Gavia alba (Gunvy.). Ivory Gull. Larus albus GUNN. in LEEm’s Beskr. Finm. Lapp. 1767, 285. Gavia alba STEJN. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 39. [B 676, 677, C 550, R 657, C 785.) Groce. Dist.— Arctic Seas, south in winter on the Atlantic coast of North America to Labrador and Newfoundland, casually to New Brunswick, and on the Pacific side to Bering Sea. Genus RISSA STEPHENS. Rissa STEPHENS, Gen. Zool. XIII. 1825, 180. Type, Zarus tridactylus LINN. 40. Rissa tridactyla (Liny.). Kittiwake. Larus tridactylus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 136. Rissa tridactyla Bonap. Comp. List, 1838, 62. 16 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 672, C 552, R 658, C 782.] Groc. Dist.— Arctic regions, south in eastern North America in winter to the Great Lakes and the Middle States. 40 a. Rissa tridactyla pollicaris Ripcew. Pacific Kittiwake. Rissa tridactyla pollicaris “‘StEJN. MS.” Ripew. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 202. [B —, C 552a, R 6582, C 783.]. Geroc. Dist.— Coasts of North Pacific and Bering Sea, south in winter casually to southern California. 41. Rissa brevirostris (Bruc#). Red-legged Kittiwake. Larus brevirostris Brucn, J. f. O. 1853, 103. Rissa brevirostris LAwWR. in Batrp’s B. N. Am. 1858, 855. [B 674, 675, C 553, R 659, C 784.] Geoc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of Bering Sea. Genus LARUS LInN«zuws. Larus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 136. Type, by elimination, L. canus LINN. 42. Larus glaucus Brinn. Glaucous Gull. Larus glaucus BRUNN. Orn. Bor. 1764, 44. [B 656, C 543, R 660, C 768.] Geroc. Dist.— Arctic regions, south in winter in North America to the Great Lakes and Long Island. 42.1. Larus barrovianus Ruipcw. Point Barrow Gull. Larus barrovianus Ripcw. Auk, III. July, 1886, 330. ORDER LONGIPENNES. 17 ee Ch oo Groc. Dist.— Bering Sea and contiguous waters ; northeastward to Point Barrow, southwestward to Japan. 43. Larus leucopterus Faber. Iceland Gull. Larus leucopterus FaBEr, Prodr. Isl. Orn. 1822, gt. [B 658, C 544, R 661, C 769.] Groc. Dist.— Arctic regions, south in winter in North America to Massachusetts and the Great Lakes, occasionally much further south. 44, Larus glaucescens Naum. Glaucous-winged Gull. Larus glaucescens Naum. Naturg. V6g. Deutschl. X. 1840, 351. [B 657, 659, C 545, R 662, C 770.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast of North America, from Alaska south to California; on the Asiatic side south to Japan. 45. Larus kumlieni Brewst. Kumlien’s Gull. Larus kumlient BreEwstT. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VIII. 1883, 216. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— North Atlantic coast of North America, breeding in Cumberland Gulf; south in winter to the coast of the Middlé States. 46. Larus nelsoni HeEnsu. Nelson’s Gull. Larus nelsoni Hensu. Auk, I. July, 1884, 250. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] GeEoc. Dist.— Coast of Norton Sound, Alaska. 2 18 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 47. Larus marinus LINN. Great Black-backed Gull. Larus marinus Lyn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 136. [B 660, C 546, R 663, C 771.] Geoc. Dist.— Coasts of the North Atlantic; south in winter to Long Island and Italy. 48. Larus schistisagus STEN. Slaty-backed Gull. Larus schistisagus StEJN. Auk, I. July, 1884, 231. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— North Pacific, chiefly on the Asiatic side; Herald Island, Arctic Ocean, and Alaskan coast of Bering Sea. 49, Larus occidentalis Aun. Western Gull. Larus occidentalis Aup. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, 320. [B 662, C 5474, R 664, C 774.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast of North America, breeding from Lower California northward to British Columbia. [50.] Larus affinis Reinu. Siberian Gull. Larus affinis Renu. Vid. Med. 1853, 78. Groc. Dist.— Northern Asia and Europe, southward in winter to northern Africa. Accidental in Greenland. 51. Larus argentatus Bruwn. Herring Gull. Larus argentatus BRUNN. Orn. Bor. 1764, 44. [B—, C 547, R 666, C 772.] Groc. Dist.— Old World, south to the Azores; Cumberland Sound ; occasional on the eastern coast of the United States. ORDER LONGIPENNES. 19 51a. Larus argentatus smithsonianus CovuEs. American Herring Gull. Larus smithsonianus Coues, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1862, 296. Larus argentatus var. smithsonianus Cours, Check-List, 1873, no. 547a. [B 661, C 547a, R 666a, C 773.] Groc. Dist.— North America generally, breeding from Maine, northern New York, the Great Lakes, and Minnesota northward ; in winter south to Cuba and Lower California. 52. Larus vegze (PALMEN). Vega Gull. Larus argentatus var. vege Paw. Bidr. Sibirisk. Vega Exp. 1887, 370. Larus vege STEN. Auk, V. July, 1888, 310. Groc. Dist.— Bering Sea and adjacent waters, south in winter to California and Japan. . 53. Larus californicus Lawr. California Gull. Larus californicus LAwr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. VI. 1854, 79. [B 663, C 548a, R 668, C 777.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, chiefly in the interior, from Alaska to Mexico. 54. Larus delawarensis Orb. Ring-billed Gull. Larus delawarensis ORD, GUTHRIE’S Geog. 2d Am. ed. 1815, 319. [B 664, C 548, R 669, C 778.] Groc. Dist.— North America at large; south in winter to Cuba and Mexico, | 20 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 55. Larus brachyrhynchus Ricux. Short-billed Gull. Larus brachyrhynchus Ricu. F. B. A. II. 1831, 421. [B 665, 673, C 549, R 670, C 780.] Geroc. Dist.— Arctic America and Pacific coast, south in winter to southern California. [56.] Larus canus Linn. Mew Gull. Larus canus Linn. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 136. [B—, C—, R 671, C 779.] Geoc. Dist.— Europe and Asia; accidental in Labrador ? 57. Larus heermanni Cass. Heermann’s Gull. Larus heermanni Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VI. 1852, 187. [B 666, C 551, R 672, C 781.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast of North America, from British Columbia to Panama. 58. Larus atricilla Linn. Laughing Gull. Larus atricilla Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 136. [B 667, C 554, R 673, C 786.] Groc. Dist.— Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, north to Maine and Nova Scotia; south in winter through West Indies, Mexico (both coasts), Central America, and northern South America (Atlantic side) to the Lower Amazon. 59, Larus franklinii Sw. & RIcH. Franklin’s Gull. Larus franklinit Sw. & Ricu. F. B.A. Il. 1831, 424, pl. 71. ORDER LONGIPENNES. 21 [B 668, 669, C 555, R 674, C 787.] Geoc. Dist.— Interior of North America, chiefly west of the Mississippi River and east of the Rocky Mountains, breeding from Iowa northward; south in winter through Mexico and Central America to Peru. 60. Larus philadelphia (Orp). Bonaparte’s Gull. Sterna philadelphia ORD, GUTHRIE’S Geog. 2d Am. ed. II. 1815, 319- Larus philadelphia Gray, List Brit. B. 1863, 235. | [B 670, C 556, R 675, C 788.] Groc. Dist.— Whole of North America, breeding mostly north of the United States. Not yet recorded from south of the United States, though reported from the Bermudas. (60.1.] Larus minutus Pat. Little Gull. | Larus minutus Patt. Reis. Russ. Reichs. III. App. No. 35, 17¥1, 702: [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Europe and parts of Asia and Africa ; accidental in Bermuda and on Long Island. Genus RHODOSTETHIA Maccittivray. Rhodostethia MacciL. Man. Brit. Orn. II. 1842, 253. ‘Type, Larus roseus MACGIL. 61. Rhodostethia rosea (MaccI_.). Ross’s Gull. Larus roseus Maccit. Mem. Wern. Soc. V. 1824, 249. Rhodostethia rosea BonaP. Rev. Crit. Orn. Eur. Degland, 1850, 201. 22 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 678, C557, R 676, C 789.] Geroc. Dist.— Arctic regions; south in autumn and winter to Kamchatka, Point Barrow, Alaska, and Disco Bay, Greenland. Casual in England, Faroes, Helgoland, etc. Genus ZEMA Leacu. Xema LEACH, Ross’s Voy. App. 1819, p. lvii. Type, Larus sabinit SAB. 62. Xema sabinii (Sas.). Sabine’s Gull. Larus sabinii J. Sas. Trans. Linn. Soc. XII. 1818, 520, pl. 29. Xema sabini Leacu, App. Ross’s Voy. Baff. Bey. 4to ed. 1819, lvii. [B 680, C 558, R 677, C 790.] Groc. Dist.— Arctic regions; in North America south in winter to New York, the Great Lakes, and Great Salt Lake; casual in Kansas, Bahama, and on coast of Peru. SUBFAMILY STERNINZA. Terns. Genus GELOCHELIDON Breum. Gelochelidon BreEHM, Isis, 1830, 994. Type, G. meridionalis BREHM = Sterna nilotica HASSELQ. 63. Gelochelidon nilotica (HassELQ.). Gull-billed Tern. Sterna nilotica HASsELQ. Reise nach Pal. Deutsche Ausg. 1762, 325. Gelocheli ton nilotica StEJN. Auk, I. Oct. 1884, 366. [B 681, C 560, R 679, C 792.] Groc. Dist.— Nearly cosmopolitan; in North America chiefly along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, breed- ing north to southern New Jersey, and wandering casually to Long Island and Massachusetts; in winter both coasts of Mexico and Central America and south to Brazil. ORDER LONGIPENNES. 23 Genus STERNA LINNZUS. SusBGENUS THALASSHEUS Bol. Thalasseus Botk, Isis, 1822, 563. Type, Sterna caspia PALL. = S. tschegrava LEPECH. 64. Sterna tschegrava LeEpPEcu. Caspian Tern. Sterna tschegrava LepecH. Nov. Comm. Petrop. XIV. 1770, 500, Pi, a5, fig. ‘2, [B 682, C 561, R 680, C 793.] Geroc. Dist.— Nearly cosmopolitan; in North America breeding southward to Virginia, Lake Michigan, Texas, Nevada, and Cali- fornia. SuBGENUS ACTOCHELIDON Kavp. Actochelidon Kaur, Sk. Ent. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 31. Type, Sterna cantiaca GMEL. = 5S. sandvicensis GMEL. 65. Sterna maxima Bopp. Royal Tern. Sterna maxima Bopp. Tabl. P. E. 1783, 58. [B 683, C 562, R 681, C 794.] Geroc. Dist.— Tropical America, and warmer parts of North America, casually northward to Massachusetts, the Great Lakes, and California. West coast of Africa, north to Tangiers. 66. Sterna elegans Gams. Elegant Tern. Sterna elegans GamB. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. IV. 1848, 129. Geroc. Dist.— Pacific coast of America, from California to Chili. 24 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 67. Sterna sandvicensis acuflavida (Casor). Cabot’s Tern. Sterna acuflavida CaBoT, Pr. Boston Soc. N. H. II. 1847, 257. Sterna sandvicensis acuflavida RipGw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 288. [B 685, C 564, R 683, C 796.] Geoc. Dist.—South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, north, casually, to southern New England; south, in winter, to Central America (both coasts) and West Indies. SuBGENUs STERNA. Sterna Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 137. Type, by elimination, S. hirundo LINN. (68.] Sterna trudeaui Aun. Trudeau’s Tern. Sterna trudeaut Aup. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, 125, pl. 409. [B 687, C 571, R 684, C 802.] Groc. Dist.— Southern South America. Casual, or accidental, on the Atlantic coast of the United States (New Jersey, Long Island). 69. Sterna forsteri Nutt. Forster’s Tern. Sterna forstert Nutt. Man. II. 1834, 274. [B 691, 686, C 566, R 685, C 798.| Geroc. Dist.— North America generally, breeding from Manitoba southward to Virginia, Illinois, Texas, and California; in winter southward to Brazil. 70. Sterna hirundo Linn. Common Tern. Sterna hirundo Linn. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 137. ORDER LONGIPENNES. 25 [B 689, C 565, R 686, C 797.] Geroc. Dist.— Greater part of the northern hemisphere and Africa. In North America chiefly east of the Plains, breeding from the Arctic coast, somewhat irregularly, to Florida, Texas, and Arizona, and wintering northward to Virginia. Also coast of Lower California. 71. Sterna paradiszea Brinn. Arctic Tern. Sterna paradisea BRUNN. Orn. Bor. 1764, 46. [B 690, 693, C 567, 568, R 687, C 799.] Groc. Dist.— Northern hemisphere; in North America breeding from Massachusetts to the Arctic regions, and wintering southward to Virginia and California. 72. Sterna dougalli Monrac. Roseate Tern. Sterna dougalli Montac. Orn. Dict. Suppl. 1813, —. [B 692, C 569, R 688, C 800.] ' Groc. Dist.— Temperate and tropical regions; north on the Atlantic coast of North America to Massachusetts, and casually to Maine and Nova Scotia. 73. Sterna aleutica Barrp. Aleutian Tern. Sterna aleutica Batrp, Tr. Chicago Ac. Nat. Sci. I. 1869, 321, eS ae ae Be [B—, C 572, R 689, C 803. | Groc. Dist.— Coast of Alaska from Kadiak to Norton Sound. SuBGENUs STERNULA Bol. Sternula Botr, Isis, 1822, 563. Type, Sterna minuta LINN. 26 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 74, Sterna antillarum (Less.). Least Tern. Sternula antillarum Less. Descr. Mam. et Ois. 1847, 256. Sterna antillarum Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1862, 552. [B 694, C 570, R 690, C 801. ] Geroc. Dist.— Northern South America, northward to California, Minnesota, and New England, and casually to Labrador, breeding nearly throughout its range. SuBGENUS HALIPLANA WaGLER. Haliplana Wactu. Isis, 1832, 1224. Type, Sterna fuliginosa GMEL. 75. Sterna fuliginosa GMEL. Sooty Tern. Sterna fuliginosa GMEL. S. N. I. i. 1788, 605. [B 688, C 573, R 691, C 804.| Groc. Dist.— Tropical and subtropical coasts of the globe. In America from Chili to western Mexico and the Carolinas, and casually to New England. [76.] Sterna anzthetus Scop. Bridled Tern. Sterna anethetus Scop. Del. Faun. et Flor. Ins. II. 1786, no. 72,92. [B —, C 574, R 692, C 805.] Groc. Dist.— Tropical regions generally. Casual in Florida. GENUS HYDROCHELIDON Botz. fydrochelidon Botk, Isis, 1822, 563. Type, Sterna nigra LINN. 77. Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis (GMEL.). Black Tern. Sterna surinamensis GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 604. Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis STEJN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1882, 40. ORDER LONGIPENNES. ; 27 [B 695, C 575, R 693, C 806.] Geroc. Dist.— Temperate and tropical America. From Alaska and the Fur Countries to Brazil and Chili, breeding from the middle United States, west of the Alleghanies, northward. [78.] Hydrochelidon leucoptera (Meisn. & ScHINz). White-winged Black Tern. Sterna leucoptera MEISN. & SCHINZ, Vég. Schweiz, 1815, 264. Hydrochelidon leucoptera Botk, Isis, 1822, 563. [B —, C 575 dis, R 694, C 807.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern hemisphere, accidental in North America (Lake Koshkonong, Wisconsin). Genus ANOUS STEPHENS. Anous STEPH. Gen. Zool. XIII. pt. i. 1826, 139. Type, Sterna stolida LINN. 79. Anous stolidus (LInv.). Noddy. Sterna stolida LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 137. Anous stolidus Gray, List Gen. B. 1841, too. [B 696, C 576, R 695, C 308.] Groc. Dist.— Tropical and subtropical regions; in America from Brazil and Chili north to the Gulf and South Atlantic States. FaMIiLty RYNCHOPIDZ. SkKIMMeERs. Genus RYNCHOPS Luinv. Rynchops Linn. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 138. Type, &. nigra LINN. 80. Rynchops nigra LInn. Black Skimmer. Rynchops nigra LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 138. [B 697, C 577, R 656, C 809.]| Groc. Dist.— Warmer parts of America, north on the Atlantic coast to New Jersey, and casually to the Bay of Fundy. 28 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. OrDER TUBINARES. TuBE—NOSED SWIMMERS. Famity DIOMEDEIDZ. ALBATROSSES. Genus DIOMEDEA Linnezwus. Diomedea Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 132. Type, D. exulans LINN. 81. Diomedea nigripes Aup. Black-footed Albatross. Diomedea nigripes AUD. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, 327. [B—, C 579, R 700, C 811.] Geroc. Dist.— North Pacific, including west coast of North America. 82. Diomedea albatrus PALL. Short-tailed Albatross. Diomedea albatrus PAu. Spic. Zool. V. 1769, 28. [B 631, C 578, R 701, C 810.| Geroc. Dist.— Pacific Ocean, including western coast of America, northward to Bering Sea. Genus THALASSOGERON Ruinpceway. Thalassogeron Ripcw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 357. Type, Diomedea culminata GOULD. [83.] Thalassogeron culminatus (GouLD). Yellow-nosed Albatross. Diomedea culminata Gou.p, P. Z. S. 1843, 107. Thalassogeron culminatus RipGw. Water B.N. Am. II. 1884, 358. ORDER TUBINARES. oe [B 632, C—, R 702, C —.] Geroc. Dist.— Indian and South Pacific Oceans; casual off the coast of Oregon ; accidental in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Genus PHGSBETRIA REICHENBACH. Phebetria REICH. Syst. Av. 1852, p. v. Type, Diomedea fuligin- osa GMEL. 84. Phoebetria fuliginosa (GMEL.). Sooty Albatross. Diomedea fuliginosa GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 568. Phebetria fuliginosa Reicu. Syst. Av. 1852, p. v. [B 633, C 580, R 703, C 812.] Geroc. Dist.— Oceans of the southern hemisphere, northward to the coast of Oregon. FamMity PROCELLARIIDZA. Futmars AnD SHEARWATERS. SUBFAMILY PROCELLARIINA. Futmars. Genus OSSIFRAGA Homsron & JAcQUINOT. Ossifraga Homs. & Jaca. Compt. Rend. XVIII. 1844, 356. Type, Procellaria gigantea GMEL. [85.] Ossifraga gigantea (GMEL.). Giant Fulmar. Procellaria gigantea GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 563. Ossifraga gigantea REICH. Syst. Av. 1852, p. iv. [B 634, C 581, R 704, C 813.] Geoc. Dist.— Southern Oceans; casual off the coast of Oregon. 30 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus FULMARUS STEPHENS. SuBGENUS FULMARUS. Lulmarus STEPHENS, Gen. Zool. XIII. pt. i. 1826, 233. Type, Procellaria glacialis LINN. 86. Fulmarus glacialis (LInn.) Fulmar. Procellaria glacialis LINN. Faun. Suec. 2d ed. 1761, 51; S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 213. Fulmarus glacialis STEPH. Gen. Zool. XIII. pt.i. 1826, 234, pl. 27. [B 635, C 582, R 705, C 814.] Geoc. Dist.— North Atlantic, south on the American coast to Massachusetts, casually to New Jersey. 7 86 a. Fulmarus glacialis minor (Kj#RBELLING). Lesser Fulmar. Procellaria minor Kj}#RB. Danm. Fugle, 1852, 324. Fulmarus glacialis b. minor Bonar. Consp. II. 1856, 187. [B—,C —, R—, C —.] Geroc. Dist.— North Atlantic, south on American side to coast of Massachusetts. 86 4. Fulmarus glacialis glupischa STEjn. Pacific Fulmar. Fulmarus glacialis glupischa StxjN. Auk, I. July, 1884, 234. [B 636, C 5822, R 7o5a, C 815.] Geroc. Dist.— North Pacific, south on the American coast to Mexico. 86c. Fulmarus glacialis rodgersii (Cass.). Rodgers’s Fulmar. Fulmarus rodgersit Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1862, 290. Fulmarus glacialis var. rodgerst COUES, Key, 1872, 327. ORDER TUBINARES. 31 [B—, C 582d, R 7054, C 816.] Geroc. Dist.— Bering Sea and adjacent parts of the North Pacific. SuBGENUS PRIOCELLA. Homsron & JAcQuiNoT. Priocella Homs. & Jaca. Compt. Rend. XVIII. 1844, 357. Type, 2. garnott Homs. & JacQ.= Procellaria glacialoides SMITH. 87. Fulmarus glacialoides (Smiru). Slender-billed Fulmar. Procellaria glacialoides Smitu, Ulustr. S. Afr. B. 1840, t. 51. Fulmarus glacialoides STEJN. Auk, 1884, p. 233. - [B 637, C 583, R 706, C 8r7,] Geroc. Dist.— Seas of the southern hemisphere, and northward along Pacific coast of North America to Washington. Genus PUFFINUS Brisson. Puffinus Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 131. Type, Procellaria puffinus BrRUNN. 88. Puffinus borealis Cory. Cory’s Shearwater. Puffinus borealis Cory, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI. April, 1881, 84. [B—, C—, R—, C 888.] Groc. Dist.— Known only from off the coasts of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Long Island. 89. Puffinus major Faser. Greater Shearwater. Puffinus major FABER, Prodr. Isl. Orn. 1822, 56. [B 647, C 597, R 709, C 832.] Geroc. Dist.— Atlantic Ocean, from Cape Horn and Cape of Good Hope northward to the Arctic Circle. 32 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [90.] Puffinus puffinus (Brunv.). Manx Shearwater. Procellaria puffinus BRUNN. Orn. Bor. 1764, 29. Puffinus puffinus Licut. Nomencl. Mus. Berol. 1854, 100. [B 649, C 599, R 711, C 834.] Groc. Dist.— North Atlantic, chiefly on the eastern side; acci- dental in Greenland, and rare or casual off the North American coast (?). 91. Puffinus creatopus Cougs. Pink-footed Shearwater. Puffinus creatopus “‘ COOPER, MS.,”’ Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. April, 1864, 131. [B —, C 598, R 710, C 833.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific Ocean; on the American coast from Cali- fornia to Juan Fernandez Islands. 92. Puffinus auduboni Finscu. Audubon’s Shearwater. Puffinus auduboni Finscn, P. Z. S. 1872, 111. [B 650, C 600, R 712, C 835.] Geroc. Dist.— Warmer parts of the Atlantic, north casually to New Jersey and Long Island. 93. Puffinus gavia (Forst.). Black-vented Shearwater. Procellaria gavia Forst. Descr. An. 1844, 148. Puffinus gavia Finscn, J. f. O. 1872, 256. [B—, C 601, R 713, C 836.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific Ocean, chiefly southward ; coast of Lower California, north to Santa Cruz, Cal. 94. Puffinus stricklandi Ripcw. Sooty Shearwater. Puffinus stricklandi Ripcw. Water B, N. Am. II. 1884, 390. ORDER TUBINARES. 33 [B 648, C 602, R 714, C 837.] Groc. Dist.— Atlantic Ocean, breeding in the southern hemi- sphere; a summer visitor off our coast, from South Carolina northward. 95, Puffinus griseus (GMEL.). Dark-bodied Shearwater. Procellaria grisea GMEL. S. N. I. i. 1788, 564. Puffinus griseus Finscu, J. f. 0.1874, 209. [B—, C 603, R 715, C 838.] Geroc. Dist.— South Pacific, north on the American coast, casu- ally to San Francisco, California. | 96. Puffinus tenuirostris (Temm.). Slender-billed Shearwater. Procellaria tenuirostris TeEMM. Pl. Col. 1828, 587. Puffinus tenuirostris TEMM. & SCHLEG. Faun. Jap. Aves, 1849, 131, pl. 86. [B—, C 604, R 716, C 839. ] Geroc. Dist.— Both coasts of the North Pacific, from Japan and Kotzebue Sound south to Australia and New Zealand; on the American coast to British Columbia. SusGENusS PRIOFINUS Homsron & JAcquinort. Priofinus Hompr. & Jaca. Compt. Rend. XVIII. 1844, 355. Type, Procellaria cinerea GMEL. [97.] Puffinus cinereus (GMEL.). Black-tailed Shearwater. Procellaria cinerea GMEL, S. N. I. ii. 1788, 563. Puffinus cinereus LAwr. in Bairp’s B. N. Am. 1858, 835. [B 651, C 595, R 707, C 830.] Groce. Dist.-— South Pacific; accidental off the coast of California. 3 34 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. GENUS ZISTRELATA BONAPARTE. “strelata Bonar. Consp. II. 1856, 188. Type, Procelaria hasitata KUHL. [98.] 2istrelata hasitata (KUHL). Black-capped Petrel. Procellaria hasitata Kun, Mon. Proc. Beitr. Zool. 1 Abt. 1820, 142.. i strelata hesitata Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1866, 139. [B 638, C 585, R 717, C 819] Groc. Dist.— Warmer parts of the Atlantic Ocean, straying to Florida, Virginia, New York (Ulster County, Oneida Lake and Long Island), Vermont and Ontario, Also England and France. [99.] @Gstrelata scalaris Brewst. Scaled Petrel. i strelata scalaris BREwsT. Auk, III. July, 1886, 300. [BU Cy Re A Groc. Dist.— Unknown, the single specimen obtained having been taken in Livingston Co., N. Y., in April, 1880. 100. 4istrelata fisheri Ripvcw. Fisher’s Petrel. istrelata fishert Ripew. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. June 26, 1883, 656. [B.| Cue a lag Groc. Dist.— The only known specimen was taken at Kadiak, Alaska. Genus BULWERIA Bonaparte. Bulweria Bonar. Cat. Met. Ucc. Eur. 1842, 81. Type, Pro- cellaria bulwert JARD. & SELBY. ORDER TUBINARES. 35 [101.] Bulweria bulweri (Jarp. & SELBy). Bulwer’s Petrel. Procellaria bulweri JARD. & SELBY, Ilustr. Om, ——, pl. 65. Bulweria bulweri BOUCARD, Cat. Av. 1876, 69. [B—, C—, R 718, C 820.] Groc. Dist. — Eastern Atlantic, including coasts of Europe and Africa. Accidental in Greenland. Also various parts of the Pacific Ocean. Genus DAPTION STEPHENS. Daption StEPH. Gen. Zool. XIII. 1825, 239. Type, Procellaria capensis LINN. [102.] Daption capensis (Linv.). Pintado Petrel. Procellaria capensis LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 132. Dapition capensis StEPH. Gen. Zool. XIII. pt. 1. 1825, 241. [B 639, C 584, R 719, C 818.] Groc. Dist.— Oceans of the southern hemisphere, north to about latitude 25°. Accidental on the coasts of California and England. Genus HALOCYPTENA Couvsgs. Halocyptena Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. March, 1864, 78. Type, 4. microsoma COUuES. 103. Halocyptena microsoma CouvEs. Least Petrel. Halocypiena microsoma Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1864, 79. [B—, C 586, R 720, C $21. | Groc. Dist.— Coast of Lower California and south to Panama. 36 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus PROCELLARIA Linnzvs. Procellaria Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 131. Type, by elimina- tion, P. pelagica LINN. 104, Procellaria pelagica Linn. Stormy Petrel. Procellaria pelagica LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 131. [B 645, C 587, R 721, C 822.] Geroc. Dist.— Atlantic Ocean, south on the American side to the Newfoundland Banks. West coast of Africa and coast of Europe. Genus OCHANODROMA REICHENBACH. Oceanodroma RericuH. Syst. Av. 1852, p. iv. Type, Procellaria Surcata GMEL, 105. Oceanodroma furcata (GMEL.). Forked-tailed Petrel. Procellaria furcata GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 561. Oceanodroma furcata REICH. Syst. Av. 1852, p. iv. [B 640, C 591, R 726, C 826.] Groc. Dist.— North Pacific, south on the American coast, in winter, to Humboldt Bay, California. Breeds on the Aleutian Islands and on Copper Island. 106. Oceanodroma leucorhoa (VIEILL.). Leach’s Petrel. Procellaria leucorhoa ViEILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist, Nat. XXV. 1817, 422. Oceanodroma leucorhoa StEJN. Orn. Expl. Kamtsch. 1885, 97. [B 642, C 588, R 723, C 823. | Geroc. Dist.— North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans; south on the coast of the United States to Virginia and California; breeds from Maine and the Hebrides northward on the coasts of the Atlantic; also on the Aleutian Islands and on Copper Island, Bering Sea. ORDER TUBINARES. 37 106.1, Oceanodroma macrodactyla (Bryant). Guadalupe Petrel. Oceanodroma leucorhoa macrodactyla BRYANT, Bull. Cal. Ac. Sci. II. No. 8, July 23, 1887, 450. Oceanodroma macrodactyla A, O. U. Comm. Suppl. Check-List N. A. Birds, 1889, 5. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Guadalupe Island, Lower California. 107. Oceanodroma melania (Bonap.). Black Petrel. Procellaria melania BonaPp. Compt. Rend. XXVIII. 1854, 662. Oceanodroma mélania STEJN. Orn. Expl. Kamtsch. 1885, 371. [B—, C 589, R 724, C 824.] Geroc. Dist.— South Pacific, northward to southern California. 108. Oceanodroma homochroa (CouvEs). Ashy Petrel. Cymochorea homochroa Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1864, 77. Oceanodroma homochroa Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 356. [B 643, C 590, R 725, C 825.] Geoc. Dist.— Coast of California. Breeds on the Santa Barbara and Farallone Islands. SUBFAMILY OCEANITINZ. Genus OCHANITES Keyseriine & BLASIUs. Oceanites Krys. & Bias. Wirb. Eur. I. 1840, xciii, 131, 238. Type, Procellaria oceanica KUHL. 109. Oceanites oceanicus (KUHL). Wilson’s Petrel. Procellaria oceanica Kuut, Beitr. Zool. Mon. Proc. 1820, 136, pl. ro, fig. 1. Oceanites oceanica Licut. Nomencl. Mus. Berol. 1854, 99. 38 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 644, C 593, R 722, C 828.] Groce. Dist.— North and South Atlantic and Southern Oceans, breeding on Kerguelen Island in February. Abundant off the eastern coast of the United States during the entire summer. Genus CYMODROMA Rincway. Cymodroma Ripcw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 418. Type, Procellaria grallaria ViEILu. [110.] Cymodroma grallaria (VIEILL.). White-bellied Petrel. Procellaria grallaria ViniLtu. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXVI. 1817, 418. Cymodroma grallaria Ripcw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 419. [B 646, C 594; R 728, C 829.] Geroc. Dist.— Tropical oceans generally ; accidental on the coast of Florida. Genus PELAGODROMA REICHENBACH. Pelagodroma Reicu. Syst. Av. 1852, p. iv. Type, Procellaria marina LATH. [111.] Pelagodroma marina (Laru.). White-faced Petrel. Procellaria marina LatH. Ind. Orn. II. il. 1790, 826. Pelagodroma marina Reicu. Syst. Av. 1852, p. iv. BS she RIN Geroc. Dist.— South Atlantic, and Southern Seas. Accidental off the coast of Massachusetts. ORDER STEGANOPODES. 39 ORDER STEGANOPODES. ToriIrpALMATE | SWIMMERS. Famity PHAETHONTIDZ!. Tropic Birps. Genus PHAETHON Linvavs. Phaéthon Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 134. Type, P. ethereus LINN. 112. Phaéthon flavirostris Branpt. Yellow-billed Tropic Bird. Phaétthon flavirostris BRANDT, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. IT. 1837, 349. [B 629, C 538, R 654, C 763.] Groc. Dist.— West Indies and Atlantic coast of Central America, north to Florida and Bermuda; accidental in western New York. South Pacific and Indian Oceans. 113. Phaethon cethereus Linn. Red-billed Tropic Bird. Phaéthon ethereus LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 134. [B—, C —, R 655, C 762.] Groc. Dist.— Coasts of tropical America, north on the Pacific coast to Cape Colnett, Lower California; accidental on the New- foundland Banks. Breeds on San Pedro Martir and other islands in the Gulf of California. Famity SULIDZA. GaANNETs. Genus SULA Brisson. SuBGENUS SULA. Suda Briss. Orn. VI. 1760,495. Type, by elimination, Pe/ecanus sula LINN. 40 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [114.] Sula cyanops Suwp. Blue-faced Booby. Dysporus cyanops Sunp. Phys. Tidskr. Lund, 1837, pt. 5. Sula cyanops SUND. Isis, 1842, 858. [BC uRigex, ead Geroc. Dist.— South Atlantic, South Pacific, and Indian Oceans ; West Indies, and northward to southern Florida. 114.1. Sula gossi Goss. Blue-footed Booby. Sula gossi (Ripcw. MS.) Goss, Auk, V. July, 1888, 241. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Islands in the Gulf of California, and south to the Galapagos. | 115. Sula sula (Linv.). Booby. Pelecanus sula LINN. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, I. 1766, 218. Sula sula Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII, 1885, 356. [B 618, C 525, R 652, C 747.] Geroc. Dist.— Atlantic coasts of tropical and subtropical America, north to Georgia. Also, western Pacific and Indian Oceans. 115.1. Sula brewsteri Goss. Brewster’s Booby. Sula brewsteri Goss, Auk, V. July, 1888, 242. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of the eastern South Pacific Ocean, north to Lower California; breeding as far north as Georges Island at the head of the Gulf of California. [116.] Sula piscator (Liny.). Red-footed Booby. Pelecanus piscator LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 134. Sula piscator Gray, Gen. Bds. III. 1845, 666. ORDER STEGANOPODES. 41 [B—, C—, R 653, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Coasts and islands of tropical and subtropical seas, north to western Mexico and Florida. SuBGENUsS DYSPORUS IL tIGeErR. Dysporus ILuic. Prodr. 1811, 279. Type, by elimination, Pe/e- canus bassanus LINN. 117. Sula bassana (Liny.). Gannet. Pelecanus bassanus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 133. Sula bassana Botk, Isis, 1822, p. 563. [B 617, C 524, R 650, C 746.] - Groc. Dist.— Coasts of the North Atlantic, south in winter to the Gulf of Mexico and Africa; breeds from Nova Scotia and the British Islands northward. FaMILy ANHINGIDZA. Darters. Genus ANHINGA Brisson. Anhinga Brisson, Orn. VI. 1760, 476. Type, Anhinga MaRccr. = FPlotus anhinga LINN. 118. Anhinga anhinga (LINN.). Anhinga. Plotus anhinga Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 218. Anhinga anhinga STEJN. Stand. Nat. Hist. IV. 1885, 193. [B 628, C 536, R 649, C 760.] Geroc. Dist.— Tropical and subtropical America, north in the United States to the Carolinas, the mouth of the Ohio River, and southern Kansas. 42 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. FaMILy PHALACROCORACID ZA. CorMoORANTs. Genus PHALACROCORAZX Brisson. SuBGENUS PHALACROCORAX. Phalacrocorax Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 511. Type, Pelecanus carbo LINN. 119. Phalacrocorax carbo (Linn.). Cormorant. Pelecanus carbo Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 133. LPhalacrocorax carbo LEACH, Syst. Cat. Mam. and Bds. Brit. Mus. 1816, 34. : [B 620, C 528, R 642, C 750.] Groc. Dist.— Coasts of the North Atlantic, south in winter on the coast of the United States, casually, to the Carolinas; breeding (formerly) from Massachusetts northward. 120. Phalacrocorax dilophus (Swaln.). Double-crested Cormorant. Pelecanus (Carbo) dilophus Swatn. in Sw. & Ricu. F. B. A. II. 1831, 473- Phalacrocorax dilophus Nutt. Man. II. 1834, 483. [B 623, C 530, R 643, C 751.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, breeding from the Bay of Fundy, the Great Lakes, Minnesota and Dakota northward; south in winter to the Southern States. 120 a. Phalacrocorax dilophus floridanus (Avp.). Florida Cormorant. Phalacrocorax floridanus AuD. Orn. Biog. III. 1835, 387. Phalacrocorax dilophus floridanus Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 205. ORDER STEGANOPODES. 43 [B 624, C 530a, R 643¢, C 753.] Groc. Dist.— South Atlantic and Gulf States, northward in the Mississippi Valley to southern Illinois. 1204. Phalacrocorax dilophus cincinatus (BRANDT). White-crested Cormorant. Carbo cincinatus BRANDT, Bull. Sc. Ac. St. Pétersb. IIT. 1838, 55. Phalacrocorax dilophus cincinnatus Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 205. [B 622, C 529, R 6434, C 752.] Groc. Dist.— West coast of North America, south in winter to California. 120. Phalacrocorax dilophus albociliatus Ripew. Farallone Cormorant. Phalacrocorax dilophus albociliatus Ripcw. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. II. Apr. 10, 1834, 94. : 1) BEAM ora LOM pga Groc. Dist.— California, south to Cape St. Lucas and the Revilla- gigedo Islands. 121. Phalacrocorax mexicanus (BRANDT). Mexican Cormorant. Carbo mexicanus BRANDT, Bull. Sc. Ac. St. Pétersb. III. 1838, 55. Phalacrocorax mexicanus SCL. & SALv. Nom. Neotr. 1873, 124. [B 625, C 531, R 644, € 754.] Geroc. Dist.— West Indies and Central America to southern United States; north in the interior to Kansas and southern Illinois. SuBGENUS COMPSOHALIBUS Ruipcway. Compsohalieus Ripcw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 145. Type, Carbo penicillatus BRANDT. 44 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 122. Phalacrocorax penicillatus (BRaNnpt). Brandt’s Cormorant. Carbo penicillatus BRANDT, Bull. Sc. Ac. St. Pétersb. III. 1838, 55. Phatacrocorax penicillatus HEERM. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1854, 178. — [B 626, C 532, R 645, C 755.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast of North America, from Cape St. Lucas to Washington. SuBGENUS URILE Bonaparte. Urile BonaP. Consp. II.1855,175. Type, Pelecanus urile GMEL. 123. Phalacrocorax pelagicus PA... Pelagic Cormorant. Phatacrocorax pelagicus PALL. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1826, 303. [B—, C—, R—, C— ] Groc. Dist.— Aleutian and Kuril Islands, and Kamchatka, south to Japan. 123 a4. Phalacrocorax pelagicus robustus Ripew. Violet-green Cormorant. Phatacrocorax pelagicus robustus Ripcw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 160. [B 627, C 535, R 646, C 758.] Geroc. Dist.— Coast of Alaska, from Norton Sound south to Washington. 123 6. Phalacrocorax pelagicus resplendens (AuD.). Baird’s Cormorant. Phalacrocorax resplendens AuD. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, 148. Phalacrocorax pelagicus resplendens RipGw. Water B. N. Am. I. 1884, 160. ORDER STEGANOPODES. 4S [B—, C—, R 6462, C 759.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast of North America, from Washington south to Cape St. Lucas and Mazatlan, Mexico. 124, Phalacrocorax urile (GMEL.). Red-faced Cormorant. Pelecanus urile GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 575. Phatacrocorax urile Ripcw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 162. [B—, C 534, R 647, C 757.] Geoc. Dist.— Pribilof, Aleutian and Kuril Islands, and coast of Kamchatka. South in winter to northern Japan. FaMILy PELECANIDA. PELiIcans. Genus PELECANUS Linnezwus. Pelecanus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 132. Type, by elimina- tion, P. onocrotalus LINN. SuBGENUS CYRTOPELICANUS REICHENBACH. Cyrtopelicanus ReicH. Syst. Av. 1852, p. vii. Type, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos GMEL. 125. Pelecanus erythrorhynchos GMEL. American White Pelican. Pelecanus erythrorhynchos GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 571. [B 615, C 526, R 640, C 748.| Groc. Dist.— Temperate North America, north in the interior to about Lat. 61°, south in winter to western Mexico and Guatemala; now rare or accidental in the northeastern States ; abundant in the interior and along the Gulf coast ; common on the coast of California. 46 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. SuBGENUS LEPTOPELICANUS REIcCHENBACH. Leptopelicanus Reicu. Syst. Av. 1852, p. vil. Type, Lelecanus Juscus LINN. 126. Pelecanus fuscus LINN. Brown Pelican. Pelecanus fuscus Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 215. [B 616, C 527, R 641, C 749.] Geroc. Dist.— Atlantic coast of tropical and subtropical America, north on the Atlantic coast to North Carolina ; accidental in Illinois. 127. Pelecanus californicus Ripew. California Brown Pelican. Pelecanus (fuscus ?) californicus Ripcw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 143. | P [elecanus | californicus Ripew. |. c. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Pacific coast, from Burrard Inlet, British Columbia, to the Galapagos. FamMity FREGATIDA. Man-o’-War Birps. Genus FREGATA Brisson. Fregata Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 506. Type, Pelecanus agutlus LINN. | 128. Fregata aquila LINN. Man-o’-War Bird. Pelecanus aquilus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 133. Fregata aquila Reicu. Syst. Av. 1852, p. vi. [B 619, C 537, R 639, C 761.] Geroc. Dist.— Tropical and subtropical coasts generally; in America, north to Florida and Texas, and casually to Nova Scotia, Ohio, Wisconsin, Kansas, and Humboldt Bay, California. ORDER ANSERES. 47 OrDER ANSERES. LAMELLIROSTRAL SWIMMERS. FamMity ANATIDAi. Ducks, GEESE, AND SWANS. SUBFAMILY MERGINZA. MERGANSERS. Genus MERGANSER Brisson. Merganser Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 230. Type, Mergus merganser LINN. 129. Merganser americanus (Cass.). American Merganser, Mergus americanus Cassin, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VI. 1853, 187. Merganser americanus STEJN. Orn. Expl. Kamtsch. 1885, 177. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.—North America generally, breeding south in the United States to Pennsylvania and the mountains of Colorado and California. Bermuda. 130. Merganser serrator (Linvy.). Red-breasted Merganser. Mergus serrator LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 129. Merganser serrator SCHAFFER, Mus. Orn. 1789, 66. [B 612, C 522, R 637, C 744.] Geoc. Dist.— Northern portions of northern hemisphere; south, in winter, throughout the United States. Genus LOPHODYTES REICHENBACH. Lophodytes REICHENBACH, Syst. Av. 1852, p. ix. Type, Mergus cucullatus LINN. 48 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 131. Lophodytes cucullatus (LINN.). Hooded Merganser. Mergus cucullatus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 129. | Lophodytes cucullatus REICHENBACH, Syst. Av. 1852, p. ix. [B 613, C 523, R 638, C 745.] Groc. Dist.— North America generally, south to Mexico and Cuba, breeding nearly throughout its range. Casual in Europe. SUBFAMILY ANATINZ. River Ducks. Genus ANAS LINN&Us. Anas Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I, 1758, 122. Type, 4. doschas LINN. 1382. Anas boschas LINN. Mallard. Anas boschas Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I, 1758, 127. [B 576, C 488, R 601, C 707.] Groc. Dist.— Northern parts of northern hemisphere ; in America south to Panama and Cuba, breeding southward to the southern United States ; less common in the East. 133. Anas obscura GMEL. Black Duck. Anas obscura GMEL. S. N. I. 1788, 541. [B 577, C 489, R 602, C 708.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to the Mississippi Valley, north to Labrador, breeding southward to the northern parts of the United States. 134. Anas fulvigula Ripew. Florida Duck. Anas obscura var. fulvigula Ripew. Am. Nat. VIII. Feb. 1874, 111. Anas fulvigula Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 203. ORDER ANSERES. 49 [B Tet C 4894, R 603, C 709. | Geroc. Dist. — Florida. 134¢. Anas fulvigula maculosa (SENN.). Mottled Duck. Anas maculosa SENNETT, Auk, VI, July, 1889, 263. [B 577, part, C 489, part, R 602, part, C 708, part. | Groc. Dist. — Eastern ‘J'exas and north to Kansas. SUBGENUS CHAULELASMUS Bonaparte. Chaulelasmus Bonap. Comp. List, 1838, 56. Type, Aas strepera LINN. 135. Anas strepera LINN. Gadwall. Anas strepera LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 125. [B 584, C 491, R 604, C 711. ] Geroc. Dist.— Nearly cosmopolitan. In North America breeds chiefly within the United States. SUBGENUS MARECA STEPHENS. Mareca STEPHENS, Gen. Zool. XII. pt. ii. 1824, 130. Type, 4nzas penelope LINN. 136. Anas penelope Linn. Widgeon. Anas penelope LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 126. [B 586, C 492, R 606, C 712.] Geroc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World. In North America breeds in the Aleutian Islands, and occurs frequently in the eastern United States, and occasionally in California. 137. Anas americana GMEL. Baldpate. Anas americana GMELIN, S. N. I. 1788, 526. 4 50 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 585, C 493, R 607, C 713.] Geroc. Dist.— North America, from the Arctic Ocean south, in winter, to Guatemala and Cuba. Breeds chiefly north of United States. SuBGENUS NETTION Kavp. LVettion Kaur, Sk. Ent. Europ. Thierw. 1829, 95. Type, Anas crecta LINN. [138.] Anas crecca Linn. European Teal. Anas crecca Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 126. [B 580, C 494, R 611, C 714.] Geroc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World. Occasional in eastern North America, the Aleutian Islands, and California. 139. Anas carolinensis GMEL. Green-winged Teal. Anas carolinensis GMEL. S. N. I. 1788, 533. [B 579, C 495, R 612, C 715.] Groc. Dist.— North America, breeding chiefly north of the*United States, and migrating south to Honduras and Cuba. SuBGENUS QUERQUEDULA STEPHENS. Querquedula STEPHENS, Gen. Zool. XII. pt. ii. 1824, 142. Type, . Anas guerquedula LINN. 140. Anas discors LINN. Blue-winged Teal. Anas discors LINN. 8S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 205. [B 581, C 496, R 609, C 716.] Groc.:Dist.— North America in general, but chiefly eastward ; north'to Alaska, and south to the West Indies, Lower California, and northern South America. Casual in California. Breeds from Kansas and southern Illinois northward. ORDER ANSERES. 51 141. Anas cyanoptera VIEILL. Cinnamon Teal. Anas cyanoptera ViEILLOT, Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. V. 1816, 104. [B 582, C 497, R 610, € 717.] Geroc. Dist.— Western America from British Columbia south to Chili, Patagonia, and Falkland Islands; east in North America to the Rocky Mountains and southern Texas ; casual in the Mississippi Valley and Florida. Genus SPATULA Botr. Spatula Bork, Isis, 1822, 564. Type, Anas clypeata LINN. 142. Spatula clypeata (Linv.). Shoveller. Anas clypeata LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 124. Spatula clypeata Botk, Isis, 1822, 564. [B 583, C 498, R 608, C 718.] Groc. Dist.— Northern hemisphere. In North America breeding from Alaska to Texas; not abundant on the Atlantic coast north of the Carolinas. Genus DAFILA STEPHENS. Dajila STEPHENS, Gen. Zool. XII. pt. i. 1824, 126. 143. Dafila acuta (LINvN.). Pintail. Anas acuta LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 126. Dajila acuta Bonar. Comp. List, 1838, 56. [B 578, C 490, R 605, C 710.] Groce. Dist.— Northern hemisphere. In North America breeds from the northern parts of the United States northward, and migrates south to Panama and Cuba. 52 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus AIX Bote. Aix Bork, Isis, 1828, 329. Type, Anas sponsa LINN. 144, Aix sponsa (LINN.). Wood Duck. Anas sponsa LINN. 8S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 128. Aix sponsa BonaPp. Comp. List, 1838, 57. [B 587, C 499, R 613, C 719.) Geroc. Dist.— Temperate North America, breeding throughout its range. Cuba. Accidental in Europe. SUBFAMILY FULIGULINZA. Sea Ducks. Genus NETTA Kavp. Netta Kaur, Sk. Ent. Europ. Thierw. 1829, 102. Type, das rujina PALL. [145.] Netta rufina (PALL.). Rufous-crested Duck. Anas rujina PauL. It. II. App. 1773, 713. Netta rujina Kaur, Sk. Ent. Europ. Thierw. 1829, 102. [B—, C—, R—, C 886.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern hemisphere; accidental in eastern United States. Genus AYTHYA Bole. Aythya Botk, Isis, 1822, 564. Type, by elimination, das ferina LINN. 146. Aythya americana (EYT.). Redhead. Fuligula americana Eyton, Monogr. Anat. 1838, 155. Aythya americana BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 793. ~~ —_ ee ee —- ee ee ee ae = a ORDER ANSERES. 53 [B 591, C 503, R 618, C 723.] Groc. Dist.— North America, breeding from California, southern Michigan, and Maine northward. 147. Aythya vallisneria (Wizs.). Canvas-back. Anas vallisneria WiLson, Am, Orn. VIII. 1814, 103. Aythya vallisneria Botk, Isis, 1826, 980. [B 592, C 504, R 617, C 724.] Geoc. Dist.— Nearly all of North America, breeding from the northwestern States northward to Alaska. SuBGENUS FULIGULA STEPHENS. Fuligula STEPHENS, Gen. Zool. XII. pt. ii. 1824, 187. Type, by elimination, das fuligula LINN. 148. Aythya marila nearctica STEJN. American Scaup Duck. Aythya marila nearctica STEJN. Orn. Expl. Kamtsch. 1885, 161. [B 588, C 500, R 614, C 720.] Groc. Dist.— North America, breeding far north. South in winter to Guatemala. 149, Aythya affinis (Eyr.). Lesser Scaup Duck. Fuligula affinis Eyt. Mon. Anat. 1838, 157. Aythya affinis STEJN. Orn. Expl. Kamtsch. 1885, 161. [B 589, C 501, R 615, C 721.] Groc. Dist.— North America in general, breeding chiefly north of the United States, migrating south to Guatemala and the West Indies. 150. Aythya collaris (Donov.). Ring-necked Duck. Anas collaris Donov. Br. Birds, VI. 1809, pl. 147. Aythya collaris Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 356. 54 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 590, C 502, R 616, C 722.] Groc. Dist.— North America, breeding far north and~ migrating south to Guatemala and the West Indies. Genus GLAUCIONETTA STEJNEGER. Glaucionetta STEJN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 409. Type, Anas clangula LINN. 151. Glaucionetta clangula americana BORAT} American Golden-eye. Clangula americana BoNAP. Comp. List, 1838, 58. Glaucionetta clangula americana StEjN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 409. Groc. Dist.— North America, breeding from Maine and the British Provinces northward; in winter, south to Cuba and Mexico. 152. Glaucionetta islandica (GMEL.). Barrow’s Golden-eye. Anas islandica GMEL. S. N. I. 1788, 541. Glaucionetta islandica STEJN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 409. [B 594, C 506, R 619, C 726.| Geroc. Dist.— Northern North America, south in winter to New York, Illinois, and Utah; breeding from the Gulf of St. Lawrence northward, and south in the Rocky Mountains to Colorado; Green- land ; Iceland. Accidental in Europe. Genus CHARITONETTA STEJNEGER. Charitonetta StryN. Orn. Expl. Kamtsch. 1885, 163. Type, Anas albeola LINN. 153. Charitonetta albeola (LINN.). Buffle-head. Anas albeola Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 10, I. 1758, 124. Charitonetta albeola Strjn. Orn. Expl. Kamtsch. 1885, 166. ORDER ANSERES. 55 [B 595, C 507, R 621, C 727.] Groc. Dist.— North America; south in winter to Cuba and Mex- ico. Breeds from Maine and Montana northward, through the Fur ~Countries and Alaska. Genus CLANGULA LEAcuH. Clangula LEACH, in Ross’s Voy. Disc. 1819, App. p. xlvili. Type, Anas glacialis LINN. 154, Clangula hyemalis (Liyy.). Old-squaw. Anas hyemalis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 126. Clangula hiemalis BREuM, Handb. Vég. Deutschl. 1831, 933. [B 597, C 508, R 623, C 728.] 'Geoc. Dist.— Northern hemisphere ; in North America south to the Potomac and the Ohio (more rarely to Florida and Texas) and California ; breeds far northward. Genus HISTRIONICUS Lesson. fiistrionicus Lesson, Man. d’Orn. II. 1828, 415. Type, Azas histrionica LINN. 155. Histrionicus histrionicus (Lryv.). Harlequin Duck. Anas histrionica Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 127. Liistrionicus histrionicus BoucarD, Cat. Av. 1876, 60. [B 596, C 510, R 622, C 730.] Groc. Dist.— Northern North America, breeding from Newfound- land, the northern Rocky Mountains, and the Sierra Nevada (lat. 38°), northward ; south in winter to the Middle States and California; Eastern Asia; Iceland. 56 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus CAMPTOLAIMUS Gray. Camptolaimus GRay, List Gen. 1841, 95. Type, Anas labra- doria GMEL. 156. Camptolaimus labradorius (GMEL.). Labrador Duck. Anas labradoria GMEL. S. N. I. 1788, 537. Camptolaimus labradorus GRAY, List Gen. 1841, 95. [B 600, C 510, R 624, C 730.] Groc. Dist.— Formerly Northern Atlantic coast, from New Jersey (in winter) northward, breeding from Labrador northward. Now extinct. Genus ENICONETTA Gray. | Eniconetta Gray, List Gen. 1840, 75. Type, Anas stelleri PALL. 157. Eniconetta stelleri (PA.t.). Steller’s Duck. Anas stellert Pau. Spicil. Zool. VI. 1769, 35. Liniconetta stellert GRAY, List Gen. 1840, 75. [B 598, C 511, R 625, C 731.] Geroc. Dist.— Arctic and subarctic coasts of the northern hemi- sphere. Aleutian Islands, east to Unalaska and Kadiak; Kenai Peninsula. Genus ARCTONETTA Gray. Arctonetta Gray, P. Z. S. 1855 (Feb. 1856), 212. Type, Fuli- gula fischeri BRANDT. 158. Arctonetta fischeri (BRANDT). Spectacled Hider. fuligula fischeri BRanptT, Mém. Acad. St. Pétersb. VI. 1849, 6, ro. Arctonetta fischeri BLAKISTON, Ibis, 1863, 150. ORDER ANSERES. 57 [B 599, C 512, R 626, C 732.] Geoc. Dist.— Alaskan coast of Bering Sea and north to Point Barrow. Genus SOMATERIA Leacu. SuBGENUS SOMATERIA. Somateria LEACH, in Ross’s Voy. Disc. 1819, App. p. xlviii. Type, Anas mollissima LINN. 159. Somateria mollissima borealis A. E. Breum. Northern Eider. Somateria mollissima borealis A. E. BrEHM, Verz. Samml. Eur. Vog. 1866, 14. [B 606, part, C 513, part, R 627, C 733.] Groc. Dist.— Northeastern North America, including Greenland ; ’ south, in winter, to coast of Massachusetts. 160. Somateria dresseri SuarPe. American Eider. Somateria dressert SHARPE, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. July, 1871, 51. [B 606, part, C 513, part, R 6274, C 734.] Geroc. Dist.— Atlantic coast of North America, from Maine to Labrador; south in winter to the Delaware and west to the Great Lakes. 161. Somateria v-nigra Gray. Pacific Eider. Somateria v-nigra GRAY, P. Z. S. 1855 (Feb. 1856), 212, pl. cvii. [B 607, C 514, R 628, C 735.] Geroc. Dist.— Coasts of the North Pacific; in the interior to the Great Slave Lake district ; eastern Siberia. SUBGENUS HRIONETTA CouveEs. Erionetta Cours, Key N. A. Birds, ed. 2, 1884, 709. Type, Anas spectabilis LINN. 58 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 162. Somateria spectabilis (Liny.). King Eider. Anas spectabilis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 123. Somateria spectabilis LEACH, in Ross’s Voy. Disc. 1819, App. p. xlviil. [B 608, C 515, R 629, C 736.] Groc. Dist.— Northern parts of northern hemisphere, breeding in the Arctic regions; in North America south casually in winter to — Georgia and the Great Lakes. Genus OIDEMIA FLeEmInc. SuBGENUsS OIDEMIA. Oidemia FLEMING, Philos. Zool. II. 1822, 260. Type, by elim- ination, Anas nigra LINN. 163. Oidemia americana Sw. & RICH. American Scoter. Oidemia americana Sw. & Ricu. Faun. Bor. Amer. II. 1831, 450. [B 604, C 516, R 630, C 737.] Groc. Dist.— Coasts and larger inland waters of northern North America; breeds in Labrador and the northern interior; south in winter to New Jersey, the Great Lakes, Colorado, and California. SUBGENUS MELANITTA Bote. Melanitta Bork, Isis, 1822, 564. Type, by elimination, Anas Jusca LINN. [164.] Oidemia fusca (Linv.). Velvet Scoter. Anas fusca Linn. 8. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 123. - Oidemia fusca STEPHENS, Gen. Zool. XII. pt. il. 1824, 216. [B—, C—, R 631, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Northern Old World; accidental (?) in Greenland. ORDER ANSERES. 59 165. Oidemia deglandi Bonar. White-winged Scoter. Oidemia deglandi Bonap. Rev. Crit. de Orn. Europ. de Dr. Degl., 1850, 108. [B 601, C 517, R 632, C 738.] Groce. Dist.— Northern North America, breeding in Labrador and the Fur Countries; south in winter to Chesapeake Bay, Southern Illinois, and San Quentin Bay, Lower California. SuBGENUS PELIONETTA Kavp. Pelionetta Kaur, Sk. Ent. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 107. Type, duas perspicillata LINN. 166. Oidemia perspicillata (Linv.). Surf Scoter. Anas perspicillata Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 125. Ordemia perspicillata STEPHENS, Gen. Zool. XII. pt. ii. 1824, 219. [B 602, 603, C 518, 518a, R 633, C 739, 740.] Groc. Dist.— Coasts and larger inland waters of northern North America ; in winter south to Florida, the Ohio River, and San Quentin Bay, Lower California. Accidental in Europe. GEeNus HRISMATURA Bonaparte. Erismatura BonaP. Saggio Distr. Meth. 1832, 143. Type, duas rubidus WILS. 167. Erismatura rubida (WILts.). Ruddy Duck. Anas rubidus Witson, Am. Orn. VIII. 1814, 128. Lrismatura rubida BonaP. Comp. List, 1838, 59. [B 609, C 519, R 634, C 741.] Geroc. Dist.— North America in general, south to the West Indies and through Central America to Colombia; breeds throughout much of its North American range and south to Guatemala. 60 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus NOMONYX Ruipeway. LVomonyx Ripew. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. III. 1880, 15. Type, Anas dominica LINN. , [168.] Nomonyx dominicus (Linv.). Masked Duck. Anas dominica LINN. S. N. ed. 12, 1766, 201. LVomonyx dominicus RipGw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. III. 1880, 15. [B 610, C 520, R 635, C 742.] _ Groc. Dist.— Tropical America in general, including West Indies, north on the Gulf coast to the Lower Rio Grande; accidental in eastern North America (Wisconsin ; Lake Champlain ; Massachusetts). SUBFAMILY ANSERINZA. GEEsE. Genus CHEN Bote. Chen Botk, Isis, 1822, 563. Type, Anser hyperboreus PALL. 169. Chen hyperborea (PALL.). Lesser Snow Goose. Anser hyperboreus PALL. Spicil. Zool. VI. 1769, 25. Chen hyperborea Botr, Isis, 1822, 563. [B—, C 480a, R 5912, C 696.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast to the Mississippi Valley, breeding in Alaska; south in winter to southern Illinois and southern California ; casually to New England. Northeastern Asia. 169 a. Chen hyperborea nivalis (Forst.). Greater Snow Goose. Anas nivalis ForsTER, Philos. Trans. LXII. 1772, 413. Chen hyperboreus nivalis Rrpcew. Pr. Biol. Soc. Wash. II. 1884, 107. [B 563, C 480, R 591, C 695.] Groc. Dist.— North America, breeding far north (east of Macken- zie basin) and migrating south in winter, chiefly along the Atlantic coast, reaching Cuba. ORDER ANSERES. 61 169.1. Chen ceerulescens (Liny.). Blue Goose. Anas cerulescens LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 124. Chen cerulescens GUNDL. in Pory’s Repert. Fis.-nat. Isla Cuba, I, 1865-66, 387. [B 564, C 479, R 590, C 694.] Geoc. Dist.— Interior of North America, breeding on eastern shores of Hudson Bay and migrating south, in winter, through Mississippi Valley to Gulf coast ; occasional on Atlantic coast. 170. Chen rossii (Cass1n). Ross’s Snow Goose. Anser rossit * BAtRD MSS.,” Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1861, 73> Chen rossii Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 203. [B—, C 481, R 592, C 697.] Geroc. Dist.— Arctic America in summer, Pacific coast to southern California and east to Montana in winter. Genus ANSER Brisson. Anser BRISSON, Orn. Vi. 1760, 261. Type, Anas anser LINN. -{171.] Anser albifrons (GMEL.). White-fronted Goose. Anas albifrons GMEL. S. N. I. 1788, 509. Anser albifrons BEcustT. Gem. Naturg. Deutsch]. IV. 1809, 898. [B—, C—,R 593 C 692.] Geroc. Dist.— Northern parts of eastern hemisphere. Eastern Greenland ? 171a. Anser albifrons gambeli (Har vt.). American White-fronted Goose. Anser gambeli HARTLAUB, Rev. Mag. Zool. 1852, 7. Anser albifrons var. gambeli COUES, Key, 1872, 282. 62 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 565, 566, C 478, R 593a, C 693.) Groc. Dist.— North America (rare on the Atlantic coast), breed- ing far northward; in winter south to Cape St. Lucas, Mexico, and Cuba. Genus BRANTA Scopott. Branta Scopout, Ann. I. Hist. Nat. 1769, 67. Type, Anas bernicla LINN. 172. Branta canadensis (Linn.). Canada Goose, Anas canadensis LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 123. Branta canadensis BANNISTER, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 131. [B 567, C 485, R 594, C 702.] | Groc. Dist.—Temperate North America, breeding in the north- ern United States and British Provinces; south in winter to Mexico. 172¢. Branta canadensis hutchinsii (Ricu.). Hutchins’s Goose. Anser hutchinsii Ricu. in Sw. & Ricu. Faun. Bor. Am. II. 1831, 470. Branta canadensis var. hutchinstt COUES, Key, 1872, 284. [B 569, C 4854, R 594¢, C 704.] Geroc. Dist.— North- America, breeding in the Arctic regions, and migrating south in winter, chiefly through the western United States and Mississippi Valley; northeastern Asia. 1724. Branta canadensis occidentalis (Bairp). White-cheeked Goose. Bernicla occidentalis Batrp, B. N. Am. 1858, 766. Branta canadensis occidentalis Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355- [B 567a, C—, R 594¢, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast region, from Sitka south, in winter, to California. ORDER ANSERES. 63 172c. Branta canadensis minima Ripew. Cackling Goose. Branta minima Rivew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. No. 2, April 20, 1885, 23. Branta canadensis minima Ripew. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355> [B 568, C 485a, R 5944, C 703.] Geroc. Dist.— Coast of Alaska, chiefly about Norton Sound and Lower Yukon, migrating southward into the western United States, east to Wisconsin. 173. Branta bernicla (Linw.). Brant. Anas bernicla Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 124. Branta bernicla Scorout, Ann. I. Hist. Nat. 1769, 67. [B 570, C 484, R 595, C 700.] Groc. Dist.— Northern parts of the northern hemisphere; in North America chiefly on the Atlantic coast; rare in the interior, or away from salt water. 174. Branta nigricans (Lawre.). Black Brant. Anser nigricans LAWRENCE, Ann. Lyc. N. Y. IV. 1846, 171. Branta nigricans BANNISTER, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 131. [B 571, C —, R 596, C 701.] Geroc. Dist.— Arctic and western North America, south in winter to Lower California ; casual in the Atlantic States. [175.] Branta leucopsis (Becust.). Barnacle Goose. Anas leucopsis BECHSTEIN, Orn. Taschb. Deutschl. 1803, 424. Branta leucopsis BANNISTER, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 131. [B 572, C 483, R 597, C 699.] Geoc.:-Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World; casual in eastern North America. 64 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus PHILACTE Bannister. Philacte BANNISTER, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 131. Type, Anas canagita SEVAST. 176. Philacte canagica (SEvast.). Emperor Goose. Anas canagita SEVASTIANOFF, N. Act. Petrop. XIII. 1800, 346. Philacte canagica BANNISTER, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 131. [B 573, C 482, R 598, C 698.] Geroc. Dist.— Coast and islands of Alaska north of the Penin- sula; chiefly about Norton Sound and valley of the Lower Yukon ; Commander Islands, Kamchatka; casually southward to Humboldt Bay, California. Genus DEHNDROCYGNA Swainson. Dendrocygna Swainson, Classif. Birds, II. 1837, 365. Type, Anas arcuata Cuv. 177. Dendrocygna autumnalis (LINN.). Black-bellied Tree-duck. Anas autumnalis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 127. Dendrocygna autumnalis Eyton, Monogr. Anat. 1838, tog. [B 574, C 487, R 599, C 706.] Geroc. Dist.— Southwestern border of the United States and southward (Mexico, West Indies, etc.). 178. Dendrocygna fulva (GMEL.). Fulvous Tree-duck. Anas fulva GMEL. S. N. I. 1788, 530. Dendrocygna fulva BURMEISTER, Reise durch die La Plata Staaten, 1856, 515. ORDER ANSERES. 65 [B 575, C 486, R 600, C 705.| Groc. Dist.— Southern border of the United States (Louisiana, Texas, Nevada, California), south to Mexico, reappearing in southern Brazil and Argentine Republic. Casual in North Carolina and Missouri. SUBFAMILY CYGNINZA. Swans. Genus OLOR WaActeEr. Olor WAGLER, Isis, 1832, 1234. Type, Anas cygnus LINN. [179.] Olor cygnus (Linn.). Whooping Swan. Anas cygnus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 122. Olor cygnus BONAPARTE, Catal. Parzudaki, 1856, 15. [B—, C—, R 586, C 690.] Geroc. Dist.— Europe and Asia ; occasional in southern Greenland. 180. Olor columbianus (Orp). Whistling Swan. Anas columbianus ORD, in GUTHRIE’S Geogr. 2d Am. ed. 1815, 379: Olor columbianus STEJN. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 210. [B 561 d¢s, C 477, R 588, C 689. ] Geroc. Dist.— The whole of North America, breeding far north. Commander Islands, Kamchatka; accidental in Scotland. 181. Olor buccinator (Ricu.). Trumpeter Swan. Cygnus buccinator Ricu. in Sw. & Ricw. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 464. Olor buccinator WAGLER, Isis, 1832, 1234. [B 562, C 476, R 589, C 688. ] Groc. Dist.— Chiefly the interior of North America, from the Gulf coast to the Fur Countries, breeding from Iowa and the Dakotas northward ; west to the Pacific coast; rare or casual on the Atlantic, 5 66 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. ORDER ODONTOGLOSSA. LAMELLIROsS- TRAL GRALLATORES. FamMity PHCaNICOPTERIDZA. F.LAMINGOESs. Genus PHCENICOPTERUS Linn. Phenicopterus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 139. Type, P. ruber LINN. 182. Phoenicopterus ruber LInn. American Flamingo. Phenicopterus ruber LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 139. [B 502, C 475, R 585, C 687.] Groc. Dist.— Atlantic coasts of subtropical and tropical America ; southern Florida. Galapagos. OrDER HERODIONES. HERONS, SToRKs, IBISES, ETC. SUBORDER IBIDES. SpoonsiLLs AND IBISES. FamMity PLATALEIDZ,. Spoonsi.ts. Genus AJAJA REICcH. Ajaja Reicu. Handb. 1852, p.xvi. Type, Platalea ajaja LINN. ORDER HERODIONES. 67 183. Ajaja ajaja (Liny.). Roseate Spoonbill. Platalea ajaja Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 140. Ajaja ajaja BOUCARD, Cat. Av. 1876, 54. [B sor, C 488, R 505, C 653. ] Groc. Dist.— Southern Atlantic and Gulf States southward to the Falkland Islands and Patagonia. Formerly north to southern Illinois. Famity IBIDIDZA. Isises. Genus GUARA REICHENBACH. Guara Reicu. Syst. Av. 1852, p. xiv. Type, Zantalus ruber LINN. 184. Guara alba (LInv.). White Ibis. Scolopax alba LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 145. Guara alba STEJN. Stand. Nat. Hist. IV. 1885, 9. [B 499, C 446, R sor, C 651.] Groc. Dist.— South Atlantic and Gulf States southward to the West Indies and northern South America; north to North Carolina, southern Illinois, Great Salt Lake, and Lower California; casually to Long Island, Connecticut, and South Dakota. [185.] Guara rubra (Linv.). Scarlet Ibis. Tantalus ruber LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 241. Guara rubra REICH. Syst. Av. 1852, p. xiv. [B 498, C 447, R 502, C 652.| Geoc. Dist.— Florida, Louisiana, and Texas, southward to the West Indies and northern South America. No record of its recent occurrence in the United States. 68 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus PLEGADIS Kavp. Plegadis Kaup, Skizz. Entw. Gesch. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 82. Type, Zantalus falcinellus LINN. = Tringa autumnalis Has- SELQ. 186. Plegadis autumnalis (HassE.Q.). Glossy Ibis. Tringa autumnalis HASSELQUIST, Reise nach Palast. Deutsche Ausg. 1762, 306. Plegadis autumnalis STEJN. Stand. Nat. Hist. [V. 1885, 160. [B 500, C 445, R 503, C 649.| Geroc. Dist.— Warmer parts of eastern hemisphere, West Indies and southern portions of eastern United States, wandering northward to New England and Illinois. In America only locally abundant and of irregular distribution. 187. Plegadis guarauna (LINN.). White-faced Glossy Ibis. Scolopax guarauna LANN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 242. Plegadis guarauna Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. I. Oct. 2, 1878, 163. [B—, C 445 dts, 445 ter, R 504, C 650.] Geoc. Dist.— Western United States, from Texas to California, Oregon, and casually to southern British Columbia, Kansas and Florida (breeding); southward through the West Indies and Mexico to South America. SUBORDER CICONI/Z. SToRKS, ETC. Famity CICONIIDZ. Srorks anp Woop IBIsEs. SUBFAMILY TANTALINZA. Woop IBsIsEs. Genus TANTALUS Linvus. Tantalus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 140. Type, Z. doculator LINN. Oe Eee eg ee ee ee ORDER HERODIONES. 69 188. Tantalus loculator LINN. Wood Ibis. Tantalus loculator LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 140. [B 497, C 444, R 500, C 648.] Geroc. Dist.— Southern United States, from the Ohio Valley, Colorado, Utah, southeastern California, etc., south to Argentine Republic ; casually northward to Pennsylvania and New York. SUBFAMILY CICONIINA. Srorks. Grenus MYCTERIA LInN2&Uvus. Mycteria LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 140. Type, AZ americana LINN. [189.] Mycteria americana Linn. Jabiru. Mycteria americana LINN. 5. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 140. [B—, C 448 dis, R 499, C 654.| Geroc. Dist.— Tropical America, north casually to southern Texas. SuBORDER HERODII. HeErons, EGRETs, BITTERNS, ETC. Famity ARDEIDZ. Herons, BITTERNS, ETC. SuBFAMILY BOTAURINZA.. BITTERNS. GENUS BOTAURUS HERMANN. Botaurus HERMANN, Tabl. Affin. Anim. 1783, 135. ‘Type, Ardea stellaris LINN. 7O CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 190. Botaurus lentiginosus (Monrac.). American Bittern. Ardea lentiginosa MontacG. Orn. Dict. Suppl. 1813, —. Botaurus lentiginosus STEPH. Gen. Zool. XI. ii. 1819, 592. [B 492, C 460, R 497, C 666.] Groc. Dist.— Temperate North America, south to Guatemala, Cuba, Jamaica, and Bermuda ; occasional in British Islands. GENUS ARDETTA Gravy. Ardetta Gray, List Gen. B. App. 1842, 13. Type, Ardea minuta LINN. 191. Ardetta exilis (GMEL.). Least Bittern. Ardea exilis GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 645. Ardetta exilis GUNDL. J. f. O. 1856, 345. [B 491, C 461, R 498, C 667.] Groc. Dist.— Temperate North America, north to the British Provinces and south to the West Indies and Brazil. Less common west of the Rocky Mountains; on the Pacific coast north to northern California. 191.1. Ardetta neoxena Cory. Cory’s Least Bittern. Ardetta neoxena Cory, Auk, III. April, 1886, 262. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.—Southern Florida (Caloosahatchie River, near Lake Okeechobee) ; Ontario; Michigan. SUBFAMILY ARDEINZE. HERONS AND EGRETS. Genus ARDEA Linn. SuBGENUS ARDEA. Ardea LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 141. Type, by elimination, A. cinerea LINN. v : ; ORDER HERODIONES. 71 192. Ardea occidentalis Aun. Great White Heron. Ardea occidentalis Aup. Orn. Biog. III. 1835, 542. [B 489, C 451, R 486, C 656, part.| Geroc. Dist.— Florida; Cuba; Jamaica. 193. Ardea wardi Rincw. Ward’s Heron. Ardea wardi Ripew. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 5. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Florida. 194. Ardea herodias Linn. Great Blue Heron. Ardea herodias Linn. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 143. [B 487, C 449, R 487, C 655.] Groc. Dist.— North America, from the Arctic regions southward to the West Indies and northern South America. Bermudas; Galapagos. [195.] Ardea cinerea Linn. European Blue Heron. Ardea cinerea LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 143. [B—, C—, R 488, C 657.] Geroc. Dist.— Most of the eastern hemisphere; accidental in southern Greenland. SuBGENUS HERODIAS Botkz. flerodias Bork, Isis, 1822, 559. Type, by elimination, Ardea egretta GMEL. 196. Ardea egretta GmEL. American Egret. Ardea egretta GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 629. 72 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 486, 486%, C 452, R 489, C 658.] Groc. Dist.— Temperate and tropical America, from New Jersey, Minnesota, and Oregon south to Patagonia; casually on the Atlantic coast to Nova Scotia. SuBGENUS GARZETTA Kauvup. Garzetta Kaup, Skizz. Entw. Gesch. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 76. Type, Ardea garzetta LINN. 197. Ardea candidissima Gmet. Snowy Heron. Ardea candidissima GMEL. 5. N. I. ii. 1788, 633. [B 485, C 453, R 490, C 659.] Groc. Dist.— Temperate and tropical America, from Long Island and Oregon south to Argentine Republic and Chili; casually to Nova Scotia and southern British Columbia. SuBGENUS DICHROMANASSA Ripncway. Dichromanassa RipGw. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. [V. Feb. 5, 1878, 246. Type, Ardea rufa Bopp. 198. Ardea rufescens GEL. Reddish Egret. Ardea rufescens GMEL. 5. N. I. ii. 1788, 628. [B 483, 482, C 455, R 491, C 661.] Groc. Dist.— Gulf States, north to southern Illinois; Lower California and Mexico (both coasts), south to Guatemala ; Jamaica, and Cuba. SuBGENUS HYDRANASSA Barrp. Hydranassa Baird, B, N. Am. 1858, 660 (intext). Type, Ardea ludoviciana Wis. = Lgretta ruficollis GOSSE. 199. Ardea tricolor ruficollis (Gosse). Louisiana Heron. Egretta rujicollis Gosse, B, Jamaica, 1847, 338. Ardea tricolor ruficollis Rrpew. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355: oe ee ee ee ORDER HERODIONES. 73 [B 484, C 454, R 492, C 660.] Groc. Dist.— Gulf States, Mexico (both coasts), Central America, and West Indies ; casually northward to New Jersey and Indiana. SuBGENUS FLORIDA Barrp. Florida Bairp, B. N. Am. 1858, 671. Type, Ardea cerulea LINN. 200. Ardea czerulea LINN. Little Blue Heron. Ardea cerulea LINN. S. N. ed. ro, I. 1758, 143. [B 490, C 456, R 493, C 662.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, from New Jersey, Illinois, and Kansas, southward through Central America and the West Indies to Guiana and Colombia; casually north on the Atlantic coast to Massachusetts and Maine. | SuBGENus BUTORIDES BryTu. Butorides Buytu, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. 1849, 281. Type, Ardea javanica HorsrF. 201. Ardea virescens LINN. Green Heron. Ardea virescens LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 144. [B 493, C 457, R 494, C 663.] Groc. Dist.— Temperate North America, from Ontario and Oregon, southward to Colombia, Venezuela, and the West Indies. Bermuda. 201 a. Ardea virescens frazari BREwSsT. Frazar’s Green Heron. Ardea virescens frazari BREwst. Auk, V. Jan. 1888, 83. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Lower California (vicinity of La Paz). 74 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus NYCTICORAX SreEpuHEns. SuBGENUS NYCTICORAX. Nycticorax STEPH. Gen. Zool. XI. ii. 1819, 608. Type, Ardea aycticorax LINN. 202. Nycticorax nycticorax nzvius (Bopp.). Black-crowned Night Heron. Ardea nevia Bopp. Tabl. Pl. Enl. 1783, 56. Nycticorax nycticorax nevius ZELEDON, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 113. [B 495, C 458, R 495, C 664.] Groc. Dist.— America, from Ontario and Manitoba southward to the Falkland Islands, including part of the West Indies. Suscenus NYCTANASSA STEJNEGER. Nyctanassa STEJN. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. X. 1887, 295. Type, Ardea violacea LINN. 203. Nycticorax violaceus (LINN.). Yellow-crowned Night Heron. Ardea violacea Linn. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 143. Nycticorax violacea Vicors, Zool, Journ. III. 1827, 446. [B 496, C 459, R 496, C 665.) Groc. Dist.— Tropical and warm temperate North America, from the Carolinas, the lower Ohio Valley and Lower California, south to Brazil ; casually north to Massachusetts and Colorado. ORDER PALUDICOLZ. 75 OrpER PALUDICOLA. Cranes, RaILs, ETc. SUBORDER GRUES. CRANES. FamMiIty GRUIDZAG. CRANES. Genus GRUS Pattas. Grus Pau. Misc. Zool. 1766, 66. Type, Ardea grus LINN. 204. Grus americana (LINN.). Whooping Crane. Ardea americana LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 142. Grus americana ViEiLL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XIII. 1817, 557: [B 478, C 462, R 582, C 668.| Groc. Dist.— Interior of North America, from the Fur Countries to Florida, ‘Texas, and Mexico, and from Ohio to Colorado. For- merly on the Atlantic coast, at least casually, to New England. 205. Grus canadensis (LInv.). Little Brown Crane. Ardea canadensis LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 141. Grus canadensis 'TEMM. Man. I. 1820, p. c. [B 480, C 463, R 584, C 669.| Groc. Dist.— Arctic and subarctic America, breeding from the Fur Countries and Alaska to the Arctic coast, migrating south in winter into the western United States. 206. Grus mexicana (MULL.). Sandhill Crane. Ardea (grus) mexicana MbLL. S. N. Suppl. 1776, 110. Grus mexicana ViEILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XIII. 1817, 561. 76 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 479; Cy R 583, C 670.| Groc. Dist.— Southern half of North America ; now rare near the Atlantic coast, except in Georgia and Florida. SUBORDER RALLI. Ratis, GALLINULES, COOTS, ETC. Famity ARAMIDZG. Cour ans. Genus ARAMUS VIEILLOT. Aramus ViEILL. Analyse, 1816, 58. Type, Ardea scolopacea GMEL. 207. Aramus giganteus (Bonap.). Limpkin. Rallus giganteus Bonar. Jour. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. V. 1825, 31. Aramus giganteus BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 657. [B 481, C 464, R 581, C 671.] Groc. Dist.— Florida, Greater Antilles, and both coasts of Central America. Famity RALLIDA. Rais, GALLINULES, AND Coots. SuBFAMILY RALLINA. Rais. Genus RALLUS Linneévs. Rallus Linn. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 153. Type, &. aguaticus LINN. 208. Rallus elegans Aun. King Rail. Rallus elegans Aup. Orn. Biog. III. 1835, 27, pl. 203. ORDER PALUDICOLZE. 77 [B 552, C 466, R 569, C 676.] Groc. Dist.— Fresh-water marshes of the eastern United States, north to the Middle States, northern Illinois, Wisconsin, and Kansas, casually to Massachusetts, Maine, and Ontario. 209. Rallus beldingi Ripcw. Belding’s Rail. Rallus beldingt Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 345. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Lower California (Espiritu Santo Island and vicin- ity of La Paz). 210. Rallus obsoletus Ripew. California Clapper Rail. Rallus elegans var. obsoletus Ripcw. Am. Nat. VIII. 1871, rrr. Rallus obsoletus Ripcw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, V. July, 1880, 139. [B—, C 466a, R 570, C 674.] Groc. Dist.— Salt marshes of the Pacific coast, from Washington (?) to Lower California. 211. Rallus crepitans GMEL. Clapper Rail. Rallus crepitans GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 713. [B 553, C 465, R 571, C 673.] Geroc. Dist.— Salt marshes of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, breeding from southern Connecticut southward ; resi- dent from the Potomac southward, occasionally wintering further north. Casual north to Massachusetts. 211 a. Rallus crepitans saturatus Ripcw. Louisiana Clapper Rail. Rallus longirostris saturatus Ripcw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, V. July, 1880, 140. Rallus crepitans saturatus SENNETT, Auk, VI. April, 1889, pp. 164, 166. 78 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [Ba Cree, R 5714, C 675.] Groc. Dist.— Coast of Louisiana. 211.1. Rallus scottii (SENN.). Florida Clapper Rail. Rallus longirostris scottiti SENN. Auk, V. July, 1888, 305. Rallus scottiti SENNETT, Auk, VI. April, 1889, pp. 165, 166. PR ee ae MR Groc. Dist.— Western Florida (salt marshes). [211.2.]. Rallus longirostris caribzeus Ripcw. Caribbean Clapper Rail. Rallus longirostris caribeus Ripcw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, V. July, 1880, 140. ([B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— West Indies and Gulf coast of Mexico, north to Texas (Corpus Christi and Galveston). 212. Rallus virginianus Linn. Virginia Rail. Rallus virginianus LINN. 5S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 263. [B 554, C 467, R 572, C 677.) Geoc. Dist.— North America, from the British Provinces south to Guatemala and Cuba. Genus PORZANA VIEILLOT. SuBGENUS PORZANA. Porsana VikiLL. Analyse, 1816, 61. Type, Rallus porzana LINN. [213.] Porzana porzana (LINN.). Spotted Crake. Rallus porzana Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 262. Porzana porzana BOUCARD, Cat. Av. 1876, 7. [B-—-, C—, R 573, C 678.] ORDER PALUDICOLZE. 79 Groc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World; occasional in Greenland. 214. Porzana carolina (Linv.). Sora. Rallus carolinus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 153. Porzana carolina Batrp, Lit. Rec. & Jour. Linn. Assoc, Penn. Coll. Oct. 1845, 255. [B 555, C 648, R 574, C 679.] Geroc. Dist.— Temperate North America, breeding chiefly north- ward, but less commonly on the Pacific coast. Casually north to South Greenland. South to the West Indies and northern South America. SusBGENUS COTURNICOPS Bonaparte. Coturnicops Bonar. Compt. Rend. XLIII. 1856, 599. Type, fulica noveboracensis GMEL. 215. Porzana noveboracensis (GMEL.). Yellow Rail. fulica noveboracensis GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 701. Porsana noveboracensis BaiRD, Lit. Rec. & Jour. Linn. Assoc. Penn. Coll. Oct. 1845, 255. [B 557, C 469, R 575, C 680.] Groce. Dist.— Chiefly eastern North America, north to Nova Scotia, Hudson Bay, etc., less commonly west to Nevada and California. No extralimital records except for Cuba and Bermuda. SuBGENUS CRECISCUS CaBsanis. Creciscus CaB. J. f. O. 1856, 428. Type, Rallus jamaicensis LINN. 216. Porzana jamaicensis (GMEL.). Black Rail. Rallus jamaicensis GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 718. Porzana jamaicensis BAirD, Lit. Rec. & Jour. Linn. Assoc. Penn. Coll. Oct. 1845, 257. 80 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 556, C 470, R 576, C 681.] Groc. Dist.— Temperate North America, north to Massachusetts, northern Illinois, and Oregon ; south to West Indies and Guatemala. 216.1. Porzana coturniculus (Ripew.). Farallone Rail. Porzana jamaicensis var. coturniculus ‘‘ BAIRD, MS.” Ripew. Am. Nat. VIII. Feb. 1874, 111. Porzana coturniculus Ripew. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. XIII. 1890, 311. [B—, C 470a, R 576a, C 682.] Groc. Dist.— Known only from the type specimen, from Faral- lone Islands, California. Genus CREX BeEcustTeEIn. Crex Becust. Orn. Taschb. Deutschl. 1802, 336. Type, Ral/us crex LINN. [217.] Crex crex (Linv.). Corn Crake. Rallus crex LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 153- Crex crex SHARPE, LAyArnD’s Bds. S. Africa, 1884, 611. [B 558, C 471, R 577, C 683.] Groc. Dist.— Europe and northern Asia; casual in Greenland, Bermuda, and eastern North America. SuBFAMILY GALLINULINZ. GaALLinu_Les. Genus IONORNIS ReIcHENBACH. Jonornis REICH. Syst. Av. 1852, p. xxi. Type, /ulica martinica LINN. 218. Ionornis martinica (LINN.). Purple Gallinule. Fulica martinica Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 259. Tonornis martinica Reicu. Syst. Av. 1852, p. xxi. ORDER PALUDICOL. 81 [B 561, C 473, R 578, C 685.] Groc. Dist.— South Atlantic and Gulf States, casually northward to Maine, New York, Wisconsin, etc.; south throughout the West Indies, Mexico, Central America and northern South America to Brazil. Genus GALLINULA Brisson. Gallinula Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 2. Type, Fulica chloropus Linn, 219. Gallinula galeata (LicurT.). Florida Gallinule. Crex galeata Licut. Verz. Doubl. 1823, 80. Gallinula galeata Bonap. Am. Orn. IV. 1832, 128. [B 560, C 472, R579, C 685.] Geroc. Dist.— Temperate and tropical America, from Canada to Brazil and Chili. SuBFAMILY FULICINZA. Coors. Genus FULICA LiInnzUvs. Fulica Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 152. Type, # atva LINN. [220.] Fulica atra LINN. European Coot. Fulica atra Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 152. [B—, C—, R—, C 885.] Groc. Dist.— Northern parts of the eastern hemisphere in gen- eral; accidental in Greenland. 221. Fulica americana GMEL. American Coot. Fulica americana GMEL. 8. N. I. il. 1788, 704. [B 559, C 474, R 580, C 686.] Groc. Dist.— North America, from Greenland and Alaska south- ward to the West Indies and Veragua. 6 82 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. OrpDER LIMICOLA. SHORE BIRDS. FamMity PHALAROPODIDZA. PHALAROPES. Genus CRYMOPHILUS VIEeErLuot. Crymophilus Vimitu. Anal. 1816, 62. Type, Zringa fulwaria LINN. 222. Crymophilus fulicarius (LINv.). Red Phalarope. Tringa fulicaria Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 148. Crymophilus fulicarius STEJN. Auk, II. 188 5, 183. [B 521, C 411, R 563, C 604,.| Groc. Dist.— Northern parts of northern hemisphere, breeding in the Arctic regions and migrating south in winter; in the United States south to the Middle States, Ohio Valley, and Cape St. Lucas ; chiefly maritime. Genus PHALAROPUS Brisson. SuBGENUS PHALAROPUS. Phalaropus Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 12. Type, by elimination, Tringa lobata LINN. 223. Phalaropus lobatus (Linv.). Northern Phalarope. . Tringa lobata Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 148, 824. Phalaropus lobatus Satvapv. Ucc. d'Italia, II. 1872, 210 (nec LATHAM qui Crymophilus fulicarius, nec WILSON qui Ph, tricolor). [B 520, C 410, R 564, C 603.] Geos. Dist. — Northern portions of northern hemisphere, breed- ing in arctic latitudes ; south in winter to the tropics. ORDER LIMICOLZE. 83 SusGENus STEGANOPUS VIEILLoT. Steganopus VirILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXXII. 1819, 136. Type, S. tricolor VIEILL. 224. Phalaropus tricolor (VIEILL.). Wilson’s Phalarope. Steganopus tricolor Virt.L. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXXII. 1819, 136. Phalaropus tricolor StEJN. Auk, II. 1885, 183. [B 519, C 409, R 565, C 602.] Groc. Dist.— Temperate North America, chiefly the interior, breeding from northern Illinois and Utah northward to the Sas- katchewan region ; south in winter to Brazil and Patagonia. Famity RECURVIROSTRIDZ. Avocets anp STILTs. Genus , RECURVIROSTRA Linn&ws. Recurvirostra Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 151. Type, &. avosetta LINN. 225. Recurvirostra americana GMEL. American Avocet. Recurvirostra americana GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 693. [B 517, C 407, R566, C 600.] Geroc. Dist.— Temperate North America, north to the Saskat- -chewan and Great Slave Lake; in winter, south to Guatemala and the West Indies. Rare in the eastern United States. Genus HIMANTOPUS Brisson. flimantopus Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 33. Type, Charadrius himan- topus LINN. 84 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 226. Himantopus mexicanus (MiLL.). Black-necked Stilt. Charadrius mexicanus MULL. S. N. Suppl. 1776, 117. Himantopus mexicanus ORD, Wits. Orn. VII. 1824, 52. [B 518, C 408, R 567, C 601.| Groc. Dist.— Temperate North America, from the northern United States southward to the West Indies, northern Brazil, and Peru. Rare in eastern United States, except in Florida. ‘ Famity SCOLOPACIDZA. Snipes, SANDPIPERS, ETC. Genus SCOLOPAZX Linnzwus. Scolopax LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 145. Type, S. rusticola LINN. [227.] Scolopax rusticola Linn. European Woodcock. Scolopax rusticola LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 146. oa, C 413, R 524, C 606. } Groc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World; occasional in eastern North America. Genus PHILOHELA Gray. Philohela GRAY, List Gen. B. 1841, 90. Type, Scolopax minor GM. 228. Philohela minor (GMEL.). American Woodcock. Scolopax minor GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 661. Philohela minor Gray, List Gen. B. 1841, go. [B 522, C 412, R 525, C 605.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America, north to the British Pro- vinces, west to Dakota, Kansas, etc.; breeding throughout its range. No extralimital record except Bermuda. ORDER LIMICOLE. 8 5 Genus GALLINAGO Leacu. Gallinago Leacu, Syst. Cat. Brit. Mam. & Birds, 1816, 31. Type, Scolopax major LINN. [229.] Gallinago gallinago (Liny.). European Snipe. Scolopax gallinago Linn. S. N. ed. ro, I. 1758, 147. Gallinago gallinago Licut. Nom. Mus. Berol. 1854, 93. } [B—, C—, R 526, C 607.] Groc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World; frequent in Greenland, accidental in Bermuda. 230. Gallinago delicata (Orp). Wilson’s Snipe. Scolopax delicata Ord, Wits. Orn. IX. 1825, p. ccxviii. Gallinago delicata A. O. U. Check- List, 1886, 148. [B 523, C 414, R 5262, C 608.] Groc. Dist.— North and Middle America, breeding from the northern United States northward; south in winter to the West Indies and northern South America. Genus MACRORHAMPHUS LEacu. Macrorhamphus Leracn, Syst. Cat. Brit. Mam. & B. 1816, 31. Type, Scolopax grisea GMEL. 231. Macrorhamphus griseus (GMEL.). Dowitcher. Scolopax grisea GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 658. Macrorhamphus griseus Leacu, Syst. Cat. Brit. Mam. & B. 1816, 31. [B 524, C 415, R 527, C 609.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, breeding far north; south in winter to the West Indies and Brazil. Casual (?) in Alaska (Nushagak River), Bermuda, Great Britain, and Europe. 86 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 232. Macrorhamphus scolopaceus (Say). Long-billed Dowitcher. Limosa scolopacea Say, Lone’s Exp. II. 1823, 170. Macrorhamphus scolopaceus Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. V. 1852, 4, ae @ [B 525, C 415@, R 527a, C 610.]| Groc. Dist.— Western North America, breeding in Alaska to the Arctic coast, migrating south in winter through the western United States (including Mississippi Valley) to Mexico, and, less commonly, along Atlantic coast. Genus MICROPALAMA Barrp. Micropalama Bairp, B. N. Am. 1858, 726. a tii Lringa himan- topus BONAP. 233. Micropalama himantopus (Bonap.). Stilt Sandpiper. Tringa himantopus BonaP. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. II. 1826, 157. Micropalama himantopus Batrp, B. N. Am. 1858, 726. [B 536, C 416, R’528, C 611.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America, breeding north of the United States, and migrating in winter to Bermuda, West Indies and Central and South America. Genus TRINGA LINNzUws. SuBGENUS TRINGA. Tringa Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 148. Type, by elimination, T. canutus LINN. 234. Tringa canutus LINN. Knot. Tringa canutus LINN. S. N. ed. ro, I. 1758, 149. [B 526, C 426, R 529, C 626.] Groc. Dist.— Nearly cosmopolitan. Breeds in high northern latitudes, but visits the southern hemisphere during its migrations. ORDER LIMICOL. 84 SusGENUS ARQUATELLA Barrp. Arquatella Bairp, B. N. Am. 1858, 714, 717. Type, Zringa maritima BRUNN. 235. Tringa maritima Brinn. Purple Sandpiper. Tringa maritima BRUNN. Orn. Bor. 1764, 54. [B 528, C 423, R 530, C 620.] Geroc. Dist.— Northern portions of the northern hemisphere ; in North America chiefly the northeastern portions, breeding in the high north, migrating in winter to the Eastern and Middle States (casually to Florida), the Great Lakes, and the shores of the larger streams in the upper Mississippi Valley. 236. Tringa couesi (Ruipcew.). Aleutian Sandpiper. Arquatella couesi Ripcw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, V. July, 1880, 160. Tringa couest AaARTLAUB, Journ. f. Orn. 1883, 280. [B—, C—, R 531, C 621.] Geroc. Dist. — Aleutian Islands and coast of Alaska, north to Kowak River, west to Commander Islands, Kamchatka. 237. Tringa ptilocnemis CovEs. Pribilof Sandpiper. Tringa ptilocnemis CouES, ELLIoTT’s Rep. Seal Isl. Alaska, 1873 (not paged). [B —, C 426 des, R 532, C 622.] Geoc. Dist.— Breeding in the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, and mi- grating to coast of adjacent mainland south of Norton Sound. SuBGENus ACTODROMAS Kaup. Actodromas Kaur, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 37. Type, Zringa minuia LEISL. 88 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 238. Tringa acuminata (Horsr.). Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. Totanus acuminatus Horsr. Linn. Trans. XIII. 1821, 192. Tringa acuminata Swinu. P. Z. S. 1863, 316. [B—, C —,'R533,.C G10.) Groc. Dist.— Eastern Asia, and coast of Alaska, migrating south to Java and Australia. 239. Tringa maculata VIEILL. Pectoral Sandpiper. Tringa maculata Viri1LL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXXIV. 1819, 465. [B 531, C 420, R 534, C 616.] Geroc. Dist.— The whole of North America, the West Indies, and the greater part of South America. Breeds in the Arctic regions. Of frequent occurrence in Europe. 240. Tringa fuscicollis VIEILL. White-rumped Sandpiper. Tringa fuscicoilis ViEILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXXIV. 1819, 461. [B 533, C 421, R 536, C 617.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, breeding in the high north. In winter, the West Indies, Central and South America, south to the Falkland Islands. Occasional in Europe. 241. Tringa bairdii (Cougs). Baird’s Sandpiper. Actodromas bairdii Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila, 1861, 194. Tringa bairdit Sci. P. Z. S. 1867, 332. [B —, C 419, R 537, C 615.] Groce. Dist.— Nearly the whole of North and South America, but chiefly the interior of North-and the western portions of South America, south to Chili and Patagonia. Breeds in Alaska and on the Barren Grounds. Rare along the Atlantic coast, and not yet recorded from the Pacific coast of the United States. ORDER LIMICOL. 89 242. Tringa minutilla VIEILL. Least Sandpiper. Tringa minutilla Vir1Lu. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXXIV. 1819, 452. [B 532, C 418, R 538, C 614.] . Groc. Dist.— The whole of North and South America, breeding north of the United States. Accidental in Europe. [242.1.] Tringa damacensis (Horsr.). Long-toed Stint. Totanus damacensis Horsr. Trans. Linn. Soc. XIII. 1821, 129. Tringa damacensis Swinu. Ibis, Oct. 1863, 413. (GSE RAI MALI Yay Geroc. Dist.— Asia, breeding toward Arctic coast; accidental in Alaska (Otter Island, Bering Sea). SuBGENUS PHLIDNA CuvIER. felidna Cuv. Régne An. 1817, 490. Type, Zringa alpina LINN. [243.] Tringa alpina Linn. Dunlin. Tringa alpina Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 149. [B ee | on R 539) C 623.] Geroc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World; accidental in eastern North America (west side of Hudson Bay and Long Island). 243a. Tringa alpina pacifica (CovEs). Red-backed Sandpiper. Pelidna pacifica Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1861, 189. Tringa alpina pacifica A. O. U. Check-List, 1886, 152. [B 530, C 424, R 539¢, C 624.] Geroc. Dist.— North America in general, breeding far north. Eastern Asia. go CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. SuBGENUS ANCYLOCHHEILUS Kavp. Ancylocheilus Kaur, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 50. Type, Zringa subarquata TEMM. = T: ferruginea BRUNN. 244. Tringa ferruginea Brinn. Curlew Sandpiper. Tringa ferruginea BRUNN. Orn. Bor. 1764, 53. [B 529, C 425, R 540, C 625.] Geroc. Dist.— Old World in general; occasional in eastern North America and Alaska. Genus HURYNORHYNCHUS Nitsson. Eurynorhynchus Niiss. Orn. Suec. II. 1821, 29. Type, Platalea pygmea LINN. [245.] Hurynorhynchus pygmeeus (Linv.). Spoon-bill Sandpiper. Platalea pygm@ea LINN. S. N. ed. ro, I. 1758, 140. Eurynorhynchus pygme@us PEARSON, Jour. As. Soc. Beng. V. 1836, 127. [B—, C—, R 542*, C 834.] Groc. Dist.— Asia; in summer along the Arctic coast, in winter southern and southeastern Asia. Accidental on the coast of Alaska (Choris Peninsula). GENUS EREUNETES ILticer. Lreunetes Iuuic. Prodr. 1811, 262. Type, &. petrijicatus ILLIc. = Tringa pusilla LINN. 246. Ereunetes pusillus (Linn.). Semipalmated Sandpiper. Tringa pusilla Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 252. Ereunetes pusillus Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1860, 195. ORDER LIMICOL/E. gI [B 535, C 417, R 541, C612.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America, breeding north of the United States; south in winter to the West Indies and South America. 247. Ereunetes occidentalis Lawr. Western Sandpiper. Ereunetes occidentalis LAwR. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1864, 107. [B —, C 417a, R 541, C 613.] Geroc. Dist.— Chiefly western United States, frequent eastward to the Atlantic coast; breeding far north and migrating in winter to Central and South America. Genus CALIDRIS Cuvier. Calidris Cuv. Leg. Anat. Comp. I. 1799-1800, tabl. ii. Type, Tringa arenaria LINN. 248, Calidris arenaria (LInv.). Sanderling. Tringa arenaria LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 251. Calidris arenaria LEACH, Syst. Cat. Brit. Mam. & B. 1816, 28. [B 534, C 427, R 542, C 627.] Groce. Dist.— Nearly cosmopolitan, breeding in the arctic and subarctic regions, migrating, in America, south to Chili and Pata- gonia. Genus LIMOSA Brisson. Limosa Briss. Orn. V. 1760, 261. Type, Scolopax limosa LINN. 249, Limosa fedoa (Linv.). Marbled Godwit. Scolopax fedoa Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 146. Limosa fedoa SABINE, FRANKLIN’S Journ. Polar Sea, 1823, 689. Q2 _ CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 547, C 428, R 543, C 628.] Groc. Dist.— North America; breeding in the interior (from Iowa and Nebraska, northward to Manitoba and the Saskatchewan), migrating in winter to Guatemala, Yucatan, etc., and Cuba. 250. Limosa lapponica baueri (Navm.). Pacific Godwit. Limosa bauert NAUMANN, V6g. Deutschl. VIII. 1834, 429. Limosa lapponica baueri STEJN. Orn. Expl. Kamtsch. 1885, 122. [B ee C 43°, R 544, C 631-] Groc. Dist.— Shores and islands of the Pacific Ocean, from New Zealand and Australia to Kamchatka and Alaska. On the Amer- ican coast recorded south of Alaska only from La Paz, Lower Cali- fornia. 251. Limosa hzmastica (Linv.). Hudsonian Godwit. Scolopax hemastica LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 147. Limosa hemastica COvES, Birds Northwest, 1874, 760. [B 548, C 429, R 545, C 629.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America and the whole of Middle and South America. Breeds only in the high north. [252.] Limosa limosa (LInn.). Black-tailed Godwit. Scolopax limosa LINN. 8, N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 147. Limosa limosa RrpGw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 356. [B—, C—, R 546, C 630.] Groc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World; accidental in Greenland. Genus TOTANUS BEcuHSTEIN. Totanus Becu. Orn. Tasch. Deutschl. 1803, 282. Type, Scolo- pax totanus LINN. ORDER LIMICOL/E. 93 Suscenus GLOTTIS Kocu. Glottis Kocu, Baier. Zool. 1816, 304. Type, Zotanus glottis Becust. = Scolopax nebularius GUNNER. [253.] Totanus nebularius (Gunn.). Green-shank. Scolopax nebularius GUNNER. in LEEM, Lapp. Beskr. 1767, 251. Totanus nebularius STEJN. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 37. [B 538, C 434, R 547, C 635.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern hemisphere ; accidental in Florida. 254. Totanus melanoleucus (GMEL.). Greater Yellow-legs. Scolopax melanoleuca GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 659. Totanus melanoleucus ViEILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. VI. 1816, 398. [B 539, C 432, R 548, C 633.] Groc. Dist.— America in general, breeding from Iowa and north- ern Illinois, etc., northward, and migrating south to Chili and Argentine Republic. 255. Totanus flavipes (GMEL.). Yellow-legs. Scolopax flavipes GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 659. | Totanus flavipes VIEILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. VI. 1816, 410 [B 540, C 433, R 549, C 634.] Groc. Dist.— America in general, breeding in the cold temperate and subarctic districts, and migrating south in winter to southern South America. Less common in western than in eastern North America. SuBGENUS HEBLODROMAS Kavp. flelodromas Kaur, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 144. Type, Zringa ochropus LINN. 94 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 256. Totanus solitarius (WILs.). Solitary Sandpiper. Tringa solitaria Wits. Am. Orn. VII. 1813, 53, pl. 58, fig. 3. Totanus solitarius BONAP. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. V. 1825, 86. [B 541, C 435, R 550, C 637-] Groc. Dist.— North America, breeding occasionally in the north- ern United States, more commonly northward, and migrating south- ward as far as the Argentine Republic and Peru. 256a. Totanus solitarius cinnamomeus BREWSTER. Western Solitary Sandpiper. Totanus solitarius cinnamomeus BREWSTER, Auk, VII. Oct. 1890, 377- , [B 541, part, C 435, part, R 550, part, C 637, part.] Geroc. Dist.— Pacific coast region, eastward to the Plains. {257.] Totanus ochropus (Linv.). Green Sandpiper. Tringa ocrophus (err. typ.) Linn. S. N. ed. ro, I. 1758, 149. Totanus ochropus TEMM. Man. 1815, 420. [B—, C—, R 551, C 636.] Groc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World. Accidental in Nova Scotia. Genus SYMPHEMIA RarineEsQue. Symphemia RAFINESQUE, Jour. de Phys. LXXXVIII. 1819, 418. Type, Scolopax semipalmata GMEL. 258. Symphemia semipalmata (GmEcL.). Willet. Scolopax semipalmata GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 659. Symphemia semipalmata Hart. Rev. Zool. 1845, 342. [B 537, C 431, R 552, C 632.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern temperate North America, south to the West Indies and Brazil. Breeds from Florida to New Jersey and docally and rarely to Maine. Accidental in Bermuda and Europe. ORDER LIMICOLZE. 95 258a. Symphemia semipalmata inornata Brewsrt. Western Willet. Symphemia semipalmata inornata Brewst. Auk, IV. April, 1887, 145. [B 537, part, R 431, part, R 552, part, C 632, part.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, east to Mississippi Valley and Gulf States; in winter, south to Mexico, and, during migrations, sparingly along coast of southern Atlantic States. Breeds from coast of ‘Texas to Manitoba. Genus HETERACTITIS SrejneEcrErR. feteractitis StEJN. Auk, I. July, 1884, 236. Type, Scolopax incanus GMEL. 259. Heteractitis incanus (GMEL.). Wandering Tatler. Scolopax incanus GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 658. Heteractitis incanus STEJN. Auk, I. July, 1884, 236. [B 542, C 440, R 553, C 642.] Geroc. Dist.— Pacific coast of America, from Norton Sound, Alaska, to the Galapagos, and west to Kamchatka and Hawaiian Islands ; also the more eastern island groups of Polynesia. Genus PAVONCELLA LEacu. Pavoncella LEACH, Syst. Cat. Brit. Mam. & B. 1816, 29. w IES Tringa pugnax LINN. [260.] Pavoncella pugnax (Linn.). Ruff. Tringa pugnax LINN. S. N. ed. ro, I. 1758, 148. Pavoncelia pugnax LEACH, Syst. Cat. Brit. Mam. & B. 1816, 29. [B 544, C 437, R554, C 639.] Geoc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World, straying occa- sionally to eastern North America. 96 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus BARTRAMIA Lesson. Bartramia Less. Traité, 1831, 553. Type, &. laticauda Less. = Tringa longicauda BECHST. 261. Bartramia longicauda (BeEcust.). Bartramian Sandpiper. Tringa longicauda Brcust. Uebers. Lath. Ind. Orn. II. 1812, 453: Bartramius longicaudus BonaP. Rev. et Mag. Zool. XX. 1857, 59. [B 545, C 438, R555, C 640.] Groc. Dist.— North America, mainly east of the Rocky Moun- tains, north to Nova Scotia and Alaska, breeding throughout most of its North American range ; migrating in winter southward, as far as Brazil and Peru. Occasional in Europe. Genus TRYNGITES Casanis. Tryngites CaB. Jour. fiir Orn. 1856, 418. Type, Zringa rufes- cens VIEILL. = T. subruficollis V1EILL. 262. Tryngites subruficollis (VI£ILL.). Buff-breasted Sandpiper. Tringa subrujicollis ViE1LL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXXIV. 1819, 465. Tryngites subruficollis Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 356. [B 546, C 439, R 556, C 641.] Geroc. Dist.— North America, especially in the interior; breeds in the Yukon district and the interior of British America, northward to the Arctic coast; South America in winter as far as Uruguay and Peru. Of frequent occurrence in Europe. Genus ACTITIS I :ticer. Actitis ILuic. Prodr. 1811, 262. Type, 7ringa hypoleucos LINN. ORDER LIMICOLZ. 97 263. Actitis macularia (LINN.). Spotted Sandpiper. Tringa macularia LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 249. Actitis macularia NAUMANN, Vog. Deutschl. VIII. 1836, 34. [B 543, C 436, R 557, C 638.] Geoc. Dist.— North and South America, from Alaska south to southern Brazil. Breeds throughout temperate North America, less commonly on the Pacific coast. Occasional in Europe. ‘ Genus NUMENIUS Brisson. Numenius Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 311. Type, Scolopax arguata LINN. 264. Numenius longirostris WILSs. Long-billed Curlew. Numenius longirostris Wits. Am. Orn. VIII. 1814, 24, pl. 64, fig. 4. [B 549, C 441, R 558, C 643.] Groc. Dist.— Temperate North America, migrating south to Guatemala, Cuba, and Jamaica. Breeds in the South Atlantic States, and in the interior through most of its North American range. 265. Numenius hudsonicus LatTu. Hudsonian Curlew. Numenius hudsonicus LatH. Ind. Orn. II. 1790, 712. [B 550, C 442, R 559, C 645.] Groc. Dist All of North and South America, including the West Indies; breeds in the high north, and winters chiefly south of the United States. 266. Numenius borealis (Forst.). Eskimo Curlew. Scolopax borealis Forst. Phil. Trans. LXII. 1772, 411, 431. Numenius borealis LatH. Ind. Orn. II. 1790, 712, 7 98 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 551, C 443, R 560, C 646.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, breeding in the Arctic regions, and migrating south throughout South America. [267.] Numenius phzopus (Linn.). Whimbrel. Scolopax phaopus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 146. Numenius pheopus LatH. Gen. Syn. Suppl. I. 1787, 291. [B—, C—, R 561, C 644.] Geroc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World; occasional in Greenland. [268.] Numenius tahitiensis (GMEL.). Bristle-thighed Curlew. Scolopax tahitiensis GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 656. Numenius tahitiensts Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 201. [B—, C 442 dis, R 562, C 647.] Geoc. Dist.— Islands of the Pacific Ocean. Occasional on the coast of Alaska and Lower California. Famity CHARADRIIDZ. P tovers. Genus VANELLUS Brisson. Vanellus Briss. Orn. V. 1760, 94. Type, Zringa vanellus LINN. [269.] Vanellus vanellus (LInv.). Lapwing. Tringa vanellus LINN. S, N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 148. Vanellus vanellus Licut. Nom. Mus. Berol. 1854, 95. [B—, Cimmrs R 512, C 593:-] Geroc. Dist.— Northern parts of eastern hemisphere. In North America, occasional in Greenland, the islands in Norton Sound, Alaska, and on Long Island. ORDER LIMICOLZ. 99 Genus CHARADRIUS Linvnevus. SUBGENUS SQUATAROLA Cuvier. Sguatarola Cuv. Rég. An. I. 1817, 467. Type, Zringa squatarola LINN. 270. Charadrius squatarola (Linv.). Black-bellied Plover. Tringa squatarola LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 149. Charadrius squatarola Naum. V6g. Deutschl. VII. 1834, 250. [B 510, C 395, R 513, C 580.] Geoc. Dist.— Nearly cosmopolitan, but chiefly in the northern hemisphere, breeding far north, and migrating south in winter; in America, to the West Indies, Brazil, and Colombia. SuBGENUS CHARADRIUS Linn vs. Charadrius LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 150. Type, C. aprica- rius LINN. [271.] Charadrius apricarius Linn. Golden Plover. Charadrius apricarius LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 150. [B—, C—, R 514, € 583.] Geroc. Dist.— Europe, south to Africa in winter; eastern Green- land. 272. Charadrius dominicus Mi Lt. American Golden Plover. Charadrius dominicus MULL. S. N. Suppl. 1776, 116. [B 503, C 396, R 515, C 581.] Geroc. Dist.— Arctic America except coast of Bering Sea, migrat- ing southward throughout North and South America to Patagonia, I0Oo CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 272 a. Charadrius dominicus fulvus (GMEct.). Pacific Golden Plover. Charadrius fulvus GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 687. Charadrius dominicus fulvus Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. ITI. 1880, 198. [B—, C—, R 5154, C 582.] Groc. Dist.— Breeding from northern Asia to the Pribilof Islands and coast of Alaska, south in winter through China and India to Australia and Polynesia. Genus AIGIALITIS Bore. SuBGENUS OX YECHUS REICHENBACH. Oxyechus Reicu. Syst. Av. 1853, p. xvili. Type, Charadrius voctferus LINN. 273. Aigialitis vocifera (LINN.). Killdeer. Charadrius vociferus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 150. igtalites vociferus Bonar. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 45. [B 504, C 397, R 516, C 584.] Groc. Dist.— Temperate North America, breeding north to New- foundland and Manitoba, migrating to the West Indies, and Central and northern South America. Bermuda. SuBGENUS AIGIALITIS Bole. Aigialitis Bote, Isis, 1822, 558. Type, by elimination, Chara- drius hiaticula LINN. 274, Aigialitis semipalmata Bonap. Semipalmated Plover. Charadrius semipalmatus BoNap. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. V. 1825, 98. igialites semipalmatus Bonar. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 45. ORDER LIMICOLZE. [OI [B 507, C 399, R 517, C 586.| Groc. Dist.— Arctic and subarctie America, migrating south throughout tropical America, as far as Brazil, Peru, and the Gala- pagos. 275. Aigialitis hiaticula (Linw.). Ring Plover. Charadrius hiaticula LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 150. igialitis hiaticula Botk, Isis, 1822, 558. [B—, C—, R 518, C 589.] Geroc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World and portions of Arctic America, breeding on the west shore of Cumberland Gulf. (276.| Aigialitis dubia (Scop.). Little Ring Plover. Charadrius dubius Scopout, Delic. F. et Fl. Insubr. II. 1786, 93. Aigialites dubius Swinh. P. Z. S. 1871, 404. [B—, C 400 dts, R 519, C 590.] Groc. Dist.— Most of the eastern hemisphere, breeding northward. Accidental on the coast of California and in Alaska. 277. Aigialitis meloda (Orp). Piping Plover. Charadrius melodus Ord, ed. Wits. VII. 1824, 71. igialites melodus Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 45. [B 508, C 400, R 520, C 587.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America, breeding from the coast of Virginia northward to Newfoundland ; in winter, West Indies. 2i7ia. Aigialitis meloda circumcincta Ripew. Belted Piping Plover. Aigialitis melodus var. circumcinctus Ripcw. Am. Nat. VIII. Feb. 1874, 109. [B—, C 4ooa, R 520a, C 588.] Groc. Dist.— Mississippi Valley, breeding from northern Illinois north to Lake Winnipeg; more or less frequent eastward to the Atlantic coast. 102 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 278. Aigialitis nivosa Cass. Snowy Plover. ag eS ee ee ees ———— ORDER GALLINZ. 113 [B 466, C 3854, R 4734, C 567-] Peon, Dist.— Coast ranges of northern California, Oregon, Wash- ington, and British Columbia. Genus LAGOPUS Brisson. Lagopus Briss. Ornith. I. 1760, 181. Type, Zetrao lagopus LINN. 301. Lagopus lagopus (LInN.). Willow Ptarmigan. Tetrao lagopus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 159. Lagopus lagopus STEJN. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 20. [B 467, 470, C 386, R 474, C 568.] Groc. Dist.— Arctic regions; in America south to Sitka and the British Provinces. Breeding range restricted to the arctic and sub- arctic regions, mainly north of 55° N. lat. Accidental in New England (Bangor, Me., and Essex Co., Mass.). 301a¢. Lagopus lagopus alleni Srrjn. Allen’s Ptarmigan. Lagopus alba alleni SvEjN. Auk, I. Oct. 1884, 369. Lagopus lagopus allent STEN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 20. EG ESSN SO 9 peal Geroc. Dist.— Newfoundland. 302. Lagopus rupestris (GMEL.). Rock Ptarmigan. Tetrao rupestris GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 751. Lagopus rupestris LEACH, Zool. Misc. II. 1817, 290. [B 468, C 387, R 475, C 569.] Geroc. Dist.— Arctic America (except the northern extremity), from Alaska to Labrador and the Gulf of St. Lawrence; portions of Greenland ; Aleutian Islands. 8 II4 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 302 a. Lagopus rupestris reinhardi (BrRreH™M). Reinhardt’s Ptarmigan. Tetrao reinhardi BREHM, Lehrb. Eur. Vég. 1823, 440. Lagopus rupestris reinhardti Buastus, List Eur. B. 1862, 16. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geoc. Dist.— Greenland, western shores of Cumberland Gulf, and northern extremity of Labrador. 302 4. Lagopus rupestris nelsoni STrEjn. Nelson’s Ptarmigan. Lagopus rupestris nelsoni StEJN. Auk, I. July, 1884, 226. [B TT Le C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Unalaska, and some adjacent Aleutian Islands. 302c. Lagopus rupestris atkhensis (TURNER). Turner’s Ptarmigan. Lagopus mutus atkhensis TURNER, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. July 29, 1882, 227, 230. Lagopus rupestris atkhensis NELSON, Cruise Corwin, 1883, 56 e+ 82. | [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Atka, one of the Aleutian Islands. 303. Lagopus welchi Brewst. Welch’s Ptarmigan. Lagopus welcht BRewst. Auk, II. April, 1885, 194. [B—, C—, R—, C —.] Geroc. Dist.— Newfoundland. 304. Lagopus leucurus Swains. & RICH. White-tailed Ptarmigan. Lagopus leucurus Swains. & RicH. Fauna Bor. Amer. II. 1831, pl. 63. [B 469, C 388, R 476, C 570.] Geroc. Dist.— Alpine summits of the mountains of western North America, from New Mexico to Liard River, British America, west on the highest ranges of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. ORDER GALLINZ. IIS Genus TYMPANUCHUS GLocer. Tympanuchus GLOGER, Gemeinnutzig. Hand. und Hilfsbuch Naturg. 1842, 396. Type, Zetrao cupido LINN. 305. Tympanuchus americanus (REICH.). Prairie Hen. Cupidonia americanus ReicH. Syst. Av. 1852, p. xxix; based on Vollst. Naturg. Hiihnen. pl. 217, figs. 1896-1898. Tympanuchus americanus Ripcw. Auk, Jan. III. 1886, 133. [B 464, C 384, R 477, C 563.] Geoc. Dist.— Prairies of the Mississippi Valley; south to Louisi- ana and Texas, east to Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Ontario; west through eastern portions of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and the Indian Territory ; north to Man- itoba; general tendency to extension of range westward and con- traction eastward; migration north and south in Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri. 305 a. Tympanuchus americanus attwateri (BENDIRE). Attwater’s Prairie Hen. Tympanuchus attwateri BENDIRE, Forest and Stream, XL. No. 20, May 18, 1893, 425. | Tympanuchus americanus attwateri A.O. U. Check-List, 6th Suppl. Auk, XI. April, 1894, 130. [B 464, part, C 384, part, R 477, part, C 563, part. | Geroc. Dist.— Coast region of Louisiana and Texas. 306. Tympanuchus cupido (Linv.). Heath Hen. Tetrao cupido Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 160. Tympanuchus cupido Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355: [B 464, part, C 384, part, R 477, part, C 563 part.] Geoc. Dist.— Island of Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. (Formerly southern New England and parts of the Middle States.) 116 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 307. Tympanuchus pallidicinctus Rincw. Lesser Prairie Hen. Cupidonia cupido var. pallidicincta Ripew. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Dec. 1873, 199. Tympanuchus pallidicinctus Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B—, C 384a, R 477a, C 564.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern edge of the Great Plains from western and probably southern Texas northward through Indian Territory to Kansas. Genus PEDIOCATES Bairp. Pedwcetes Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 625. Type, Zétrao phasia- nellus LINN. 308. Pedioceetes phasianellus (Linv.). Sharp-tailed Grouse. Tetrao phasianellus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 160. Pedicaetes phasianellus Eviiot, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1862, 403 (nec BairD, 1858, qui subsp. columbianus). [B—, C 383, R 478, C 561.] Groc. Dist.— Interior of British America, from Lake Superior and Hudson Bay to Fort Simpson. 308 a. Pedioczetes phasianellus columbianus (Orp). Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse. Phasianus columbianus ORD, GUTHRIE’Ss Geog. 2d Am. ed. II. 1815, 317. Pediacetes phasianellus var. columbianus Cours, Key, 1872, 234. [B 463, C 383a, R 478a, C 562.] Geoc. Dist.— Plains of the northwestern United States and British Columbia to central portions of Alaska; northward chiefly west of the main Rocky Mountains ; eastward in Montana and Wyoming; southward to Utah, northern Nevada, and northeastern California. ORDER GALLINZE. 117 308 6. Pedioczetes phasianellus campestris Ripcw. Prairie Sharp-tailed Grouse. Pediwcetes phasianellus campestris RrpGw. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. II. April 10, 1884, 93. [B—,C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Plains and prairies of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains; north to Manitoba; east to Wisconsin and Illi- nois ; south to New Mexico. Genus CENTROCERCUS Swainson. Centrocercus Swains. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 358, 496. Type, Zetrao urophasianus BonaP. 309. Centrocercus urophasianus (Bonap.). Sage Grouse. Tetrao urophasianus BonaP. Zool. Journ. III. 1827, 213. Centrocercus urophasianus Swatns. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 497, pl. 58. [B 462, C 382, R 479, C 560.| Groc. Dist.— Sage regions of the Rocky Mountain plateau and westward, chiefly within the United States, but north to Assiniboia and the dry interior of British Columbia; east to North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Colorado; south to northern New Mexico, Utah, and Nevada; west in California, Oregon and Wash- ington to the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range. FamMity PHASIANIDZ. PuHEAsAantTs, ETC. SuBFAMILY MELEAGRINZ. Turkeys. Genus MELEAGRIS Linnzuvs. Meleagris Linn. S. N. ed. ro, I. 1758, 156. Type, 4. gallo- pavo LINN. 118 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 310. Meleagris gallopavo Linn. Wild Turkey. Meleagris gallopavo Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 156. [B 457, C 379a, R 470a, C 554. Groc. Dist.— United States, from Chesapeake Bay to the Gulf coast, and west to the Plains, along wooded river valleys ; formerly north to southern Maine, southern Ontario, and up the Missouri River to North Dakota. 310 a. Meleagris gallopavo mexicana (GouLpD). Mexican Turkey. Meleagris mexicana GOULD, P. Z. S. 1856, 61. Meleagris gallopavo var. mexicana Baird, Hist. N. Am. B. IIT. 1874, 410. [B 458, C 379, R 470, C 553-] Geoc. Dist.— Southwestern United States, from western Texas to Arizona; south over the tablelands of Mexico. 3104. Meleagris gallopavo osceola Scorr. Florida Wild Turkey. Meleagris gallopavo osceola Scott, Auk, VII. Oct. 1890, 376. [B 457, part, C 3794, part, R 4704, part, C 554, part. | Groc. Dist.— Southern Florida. 310¢c. Meleagris gallopavo ellioti SENnNETT. Rio Grande Turkey. Meleagris gallopavo ellioti SENNETT, Auk, IX. April, 1892, ve pl. iii. [B 458, part, C 379, part, R 470, part, C 553, part.| Groc. Dist.— Lowlands of southern Texas and northeastern Mexico. ORDER COLUMBZE. IIg SuBORDER PENELOPES. Curassows anp GUANS. FamMity CRACID 2A. Curassows Anpd GUANS. SUBFAMILY PENELOPINA. Guans. Genus ORTALIS MeErreo. Ortalis Merr. Av. Rar. Icones et Desc. II. 1786, 40. ‘Type, Phastanus motmot LINN. 311. Ortalis vetula maccalli Bairp. Chachalaca, Ortalida maccalli BairpD, B. N. Am. 1858, 611. Ortalida vetula var. maccalli Batrp, Hist. N. Am. B. III. 1874, 398. [B 456, C 378, R 469, C 552.] Geoc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande, and southward in Mexico to Vera Cruz. OrDER COLUMBZA. PIGEONS. Famity COLUMBIDZ,. PIceEons. Genus COLUMBA LiINnN&Uvs. Columba Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 162. Type, by elimination, C. enas LINN. 312. Columba fasciata Say. Band-tailed Pigeon. Columba fasciata Say, Lone’s Exp. II. 1823, ro. 120 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 445, C 367, R 456, C 539.] Geroc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific; north to Washington and British Columbia; south to Mexico and the highlands of Guatemala; distribution irregular, chiefly in wooded mountain regions. 312a. Columba fasciata vioscz Brewst. Viosca’s Pigeon. Columba fasciata viosce BREwst. Auk, V. Jan. 1888, 86. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Lower California. 313. Columba flavirostris WaGcL. Red-billed Pigeon. | Columba flavirostris WaGL. Isis, 1831, 519- [B 446, C 368, R 457, C 540.] Groc. Dist.— Southern border of the United States, from Ari- zona and the Rio Grande Valley south to Costa Rica, breeding throughout its United States range. 314. Columba leucocephala Linn. White-crowned Pigeon. Columba leucocephala LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 164. [B 447, C 369, R 458, C 541.] Groc. Dist.— Southern Keys of Florida, the Bahamas, the Greater Antilles and some of the Lesser Antilles, and the coast of Honduras. Genus ECTOPISTES Swainson. Ectopistes Swains. Zool. Journ. III. 1827, 362. Type, Columba migratoria LINN. 315. Ectopistes migratorius (LINN.). Passenger Pigeon. Columba migratoria LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 285 (¢). Ectopistes migratoria Swains. Zool. Journ. III. 1827, 362. ORDER COLUMB. I2I [B 448, C 370, R 459, C 543.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, from Hudson Bay south- ward, and west to the Great Plains, straggling thence to Nevada and Washington. Breeding range now mainly restricted to portions of the Canadas and the northern border of the United States, as far west as Manitoba and the Dakotas. Genus ZENAIDURA Bonaparte. Zenaidura BoNAP. Consp. Av. II. Dec. 1854,84. Type, Columba carolinensis LINN. = C. macroura LINN. 316. Zenaidura macroura (LINN.). Mourning Dove. Columba macroura LINN. S. N. ed. 10, 1758, 164 (part). Zenaidura macroura RipGw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B 451, C 371, R 460, C 544.] Groc. Dist.— Temperate North America; from southern Maine, southern Canada, and British Columbia, south to Panama and the West Indies, breeding throughout its North American range. Genus ZENAIDA Bonaparte. Zenaida BonaPp. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 41. Type, Columba zenaida BONAP. 317. Zenaida zenaida (Bonap.). Zenaida Dove. Columba zenaida BonaP. Jour. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. V. 1825, 30. Zenaida zenaida Ripew. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B 449, C 372, R 462, C 545.] Geoc. Dist.— Florida Keys, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Porto Rico, Santa Cruz, Sombrero, and coast of Yucatan. Genus LEPTOTILA Swainson. Leptotila Swans. Class. Bds. II. 1837, 349. Type, P [erestera]. rufaxilla Selby, Nat. Libr. V. pl. 24. 122 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 318. Leptotila fulviventris brachyptera (SaLvapor!). White-fronted Dove. Leptoptila brachyptera Satvapori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus, XXI. 1893, P- 545- Leptotila fulviventris brachyptera A. O. U. Check-List, 7th Suppl. Auk, XII, April, 1895, 167. [B—, C—, R 463, C 542.] Geos. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, and southward to Nicaragua. Genus MELOPELIA Bonaparte. Melopelia Bonar. Consp. Av. II. Dec. 1854, 81. Type, Columba leucoplera LINN. 319. Melopelia leucoptera (LINN.). White-winged Dove. Columba leucoptera LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I, 1758, 164. Melopelia leucoptera Bonar. Consp. Av. II. Dec. 1854, 81. [B 450, C 373, R 464, C 546.] Geroc. Dist.— Southern border of the United States, from Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Lower California, southward to Costa Rica and the West Indies; Cuba; Jamaica; straggles north- ward to Colorado. Breeding range, in the United States, southern Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, Genus COLUMBIGALLINA Boi. Columbigallina Botk, Isis, 1826,977. Type, Columba passerina LINN. 320. Columbigallina passerina terrestris Cuapm. Ground Dove. Columba passerina LINN. Syst. Nat. ed. ro, I. 1758, 165. Columbigallina passerina terrestris CHAPMAN, Bull Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., IV, 1892, 292. [B 453, C 374, R 465, C 547.] Groc. Dist.— South Atlantic and Gulf States; West Indies and northern South America. Breeding, in the United States, from South Carolina to Louisiana, chiefly coastwise. ORDER COLUMBZ. 123 320 a. Columbigallina passerina pallescens (Bairp). Mexican Ground Dove. Chamepelia passerina ? var. pallescens BatrD, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1859, 305. Columbigallina passerina pallescens FERRARI-PEREZ, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. IX, 1886, 175. [B 453, part, C 374, part, R 465, part, C 547, part. Groc. Dist.— Mexico, and contiguous territory of United States from Texas to Lower California; south on both Mexican coasts to Central America. Genus SCARDAFELLA Bonaparte. Scardafella BONAP. Consp. Av. II. Dec. 1854, 85. Type, Columba sguamosa 'TEMM. 321. Scardafella inca (LEss.). Inca Dove. Chamepelia inca Lesson, Descr. Mam. et Ois. 1847, 211. Scardafella inca Bonar. Consp. Av. II. Dec. 1854, 35. [B 452, C 375, R 466, C 549.] Groc. Dist.— Rio Grande Valley, southern Arizona, and Lower California, south to Nicaragua. Genus GEOTRYGON Gosse. Geotrygon GOSSE, B. Jam. 1847, 316, foot-note. Type, G. sy/vatica GossE = Columba cristata TEMM. [322.] Geotrygon martinica (LINN.). Key West Quail-Dove. Columba martinica LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 283. Geotrygon martinica BonaP. Consp. Av. II. Dec. 1854, 74. [B 454, C 376, R 467, C 550.] Geroc. Dist.— Key West, and some of the other Florida Keys; Bahamas; Cuba; Hayti. [24 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [822.1.] Geotrygon montana (LINN.). Ruddy Quail-Dove. Columba montana LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 163. Geotrygon montana BonaP. Consp. II, Dec. 1854, 72. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Tropical America in general, including West Indies ; north to Cuba and eastern Mexico; accidental at Key West, Florida. Genus STARNCENAS Bonaparte. Starnenas Bonar. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 41. Type, Columba cyanocephala LINN. [323.] Starnoenas cyanocephala (LINvN.). Blue-headed Quail-dove. Columba cyanocephala LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 163. Starnenas cyanocephala Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 41. [B 455, C 377, R 468, C 551.] Groc. Dist.— Florida Keys and Cuba. OrDER RAPTORES. Brirps oF PREY. SUBORDER ,SARCORHAMPHI. AMERICAN VULTURES. FamMity CATHARTIDZAi. AMERICAN VULTURES. Genus PSEUDOGRYPHUS Ripecway. Pseudogryphus Rrpcw. Hist. N. Am. B. III. Jan. 1874, 337, 338. Type, Vultur californianus SHAW. ORDER RAPTORES. 125 324. Pseudogryphus californianus (SHaw). California Vulture. Vultur californianus SuHaw, Nat. Misc. IX. 1797, pl. ccci. Pseudogryphus californianus Ripcw. Hist. N. Am. B. III. 1874, 338. [B 2, C 364, R 453, C 536.] Groc. Dist.— Coast ranges of southern California from Monterey Bay southward into Lower California ; formerly north to Frazer River. Genus CATHARTES IL ticer. Cathartes ILLic. Prodr. 1811, 236. Type, by elimination, Vudtur aura LINN. 325. Cathartes aura (LINN.). Turkey Vulture. Vultur aura LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 86. Cathartes aura Sp1x, Aves Bras. I. 1825, 2. [B 1, C 365, R 454, C 537.] Groce. Dist.— Temperate North America, from New Jersey, Ohio Valley, Saskatchewan region, and British Columbia southward to Patagonia and the Falkland Islands. Casual in New England. Genus CATHARISTA VIEILLOT. Catharista VikILL. Analyse, 1816, 21. Type, by elimination, Vultur atratus BARTR. 326. Catharista atrata (BarTR.). Black Vulture. Vultur atratus BARTR. Tray. Car. 1792, 285. Catharista atrata Gray, Handl. I. 1869, 3. [B 3, C 366, R 455, C 538.] Groc. Dist.— South Atlantic and Gulf States, north regularly to North Carolina and the lower Ohio Valley, west to the Great Plains, and south through Mexico and Central America, the West Indies, and most of South America. Straggling north to New York, New Eng- land, and South Dakota. Breeds in the United States from North Carolina coastwise to Texas, and in the interior to Indiana, Illinois, and Kansas. 126 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. SUBORDER FALCONES. VuLtTuRES, FALCONS, Hawks, Buzzarps, EAaGues, KITES, HARRIERS, ETC. Famity FALCONIDZ. Vutrtures, Fatcons, Hawks,, ~ ETC. SuBFAMILY ACCIPITRINZA. Kites, Buzzarps, HAwKs, GOSHAWKS, EAGLES, ETC. GEeNuS BHLANOIDES VIEILtor. Elanoides Viet. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXIV. 1818, 1or. Type, Falco furcatus = F. forficatus LINN. 327. Elanoides forficatus (LINv.). Swallow-tailed Kite. Falco forficatus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 89. Elanoides forficatus Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1875, 345. [B 34, C 337, R 426, C 493-] Groc. Dist.— United States, especially in the interior, from the Carolinas and Minnesota southward, throughout Central and South America; westward to the Great Plains. Casual eastward to south- ern New England, and northward to Manitoba and_ Assiniboia. Breeding range irregularly coincident with general distribution in the United States. Accidental in England. GENus ELANUS Savieny. Elanus Savic. Descr. de l’Egypte, 1809, 97. Type, &. cestus = Falco melanopterus DAUD. 328. Elanus leucurus (VIEILL.). White-tailed Kite. Milvus leucurus Vitti. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XX. 1818, 563 (errore 556). Elanus leucurus Bonar. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 4. ORDER RAPTORES. 127 [B 35, C 336, R 427, C 492.] Geroc. Dist.— Southern United States, from South Carolina and southern Illinois to Texas and California, southward to Chili and Argentine Republic; casual in Michigan. Breeds irregularly throughout its general distribution in the United States. Genus ICTINIA VIE ILbot. Ictinia VieiLu. Analyse, 1816, 24. Type, Falco mississippiensis WILs. 329. Ictinia mississippiensis (WILs.). Mississippi Kite. Falco mississippiensis Wiis. Am. Orn. III. 1811, 80, pl. 25, fig. 1. Ictinia mississippiensis GRAY, Gen. B. I. 1845, 26. [B 36, C 335, R 428, C 491.] Geoc. Dist.— Southern United States, east of the Rocky Moun- tains; southward regularly from South Carolina on the coast, and casually from Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Iowa in the interior, to Guatemala. Genus ROSTRHAMUS Lesson. Rostrhamus Less. Traité, 1831, 55. Type, Falco hamatus ILuic. 330. Rostrhamus sociabilis (VIEILL.). Everglade Kite. Flerpetotheres sociabilis Vie1LL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XVIII. 1817, 318. Rostrhamus sociabilis D’ORB. Voy. Ois. II. 1847, 73. [B 37, C 334, R 429, C 490.] Groc. Dist.— Florida, Cuba, eastern Mexico, Central America, and eastern South America, to the Argentine Republic. Genus CIRCUS LacépEpDE. Circus Lackp. Mem. de l’Inst. III. 1801, 506. ‘Type, Falco cyaneus LINN. 128 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 331. Circus hudsonius (LInNv.). Marsh Hawk. falco hudsonius Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 128. Circus hudsonius ViniLu, Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, pl. 9. [B 38, C 333, R 430, C 489.] Groc. Dist.— North America in general; south to Panama and Cuba. Breeds throughout its North American range. Genus ACCIPITER Brisson. SuBGENUsS ACCIPITER. Accipiter Briss. Orn. I. 1760, 310. Type, by elimination, Falco nisus LINN. 332. Accipiter velox (WILS.). Sharp-shinned Hawk. Falco velox Wits. Am. Orn. V. 1812, 116, pl. 45, fig. 1. Accipiter velox ViGorS, Zool. Journ. I. 1824, 338. [B 17, C 338, R 432, C 494.] Geoc. Dist.— North America in general; south to Panama. Breeds throughout its North American range. 333. Accipiter cooperii (Bonap.). Cooper’s Hawk. falco coopertt BoNAP. Am. Orn. II. 1828, 1, pl. x. fig. 1. Accipiter cooperi GRay, List B. Brit. Mus. Accipitres, 1844, 38. [B 15, 16, C 339, R 431, C 495.] Groc. Dist.— North America, from southern British America south to southern Mexico. Breeds throughout its range. SuBGENUS ASTUR Lac£&pEpDE. Astur Lackp. Mem. de Il’Inst. III. 1801, 505. Type, Falco palumbarius LINN. ORDER RAPTORES. 129 334, Accipiter atricapillus (WI.s.). American Goshawk. Falco atricapillus Wits. Am. Orn. VI. 1812, 80, pl. 52, fig. 3. Accipiter atricapillus SEEBOHM, Brit. Birds, I. 1883, iv. [B 14, C 340, R 433, C 496.] Groc. Dist.— Northern and eastern North America, south in winter to the Middle States and southern Rocky Mountain region; casually west to Oregon. Accidental in England. Breeding range restricted to the Canadian Fauna of the United States and northward. 334a. Accipiter atricapillus striatulus Rivew. Western Goshawk. Astur atricapillus var. striatulus Ripcw. in Hist. N. Am. B. III. 1874, 240. Accipiter atricapillus striatulus Rripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B—, C—, R 4334, C 497.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America; north to Sitka, Alaska; south to California; east to Idaho. Breeds in the Sierra Nevada south to Lat. 38°. Genus PARABUTEO Ruincway. Parabuteo Rrpew. in Hist. N. Am. B. III. Jan. 1874, 250. Type, falco harrist Auv. 335, Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi (Avp.). Harris’s Hawk. falco harrisi Aub. B. Am. V. 1839, 30, pl. 392. farabuteo unicinctus var. harrisi RipGw. in Hist. N. Am. B. III. Jan. 1874, 250. [B 46, C 348, R 434, C 512.] Groce. Dist.— Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, southern New Mex-. ico, southern Arizona, and Lower California; southward to Panama. Breeds from southern Texas westward to California, and southward. f | I30 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus BUTEO Covier. Buteo Cuv. Leg. Anat. Comp. I. tabl. ii. Ois. 1779-1800. Type, Falco buteo LINN. [336.] Buteo buteo (LINN.). European Buzzard. Falco buteo Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, go. Buteo buteo LicutT. Nomencl. Mus. Berol. 1854, 3. (B=, Cie, R 435, Cir] _ Geog. Dist.— Europe and Western Asia. Accidental in North America (Michigan ?). 337. Buteo borealis (GMEL.). Red-tailed Hawk. Falco borealis GMEL. S. N. I. il. 1788, 266. Buteo borealis VirtLu. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. IV. 1816, 478. [B 23, C 351, R 436, C 516.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to the Great Plains, north to about Lat. 60°, south to eastern Mexico. Breeds throughout its range, except possibly the extreme southern portion. 337 a. Buteo borealis kriderii Hoopes. Krider’s Hawk. Buteo borealis var. kriderit Hooprs, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1873, 238, pl. 5. [B—, C 351¢, R 4364, C 519.] Groc. Dist.— Plains of the United States, from Wyoming and the Dakotas to Minnesota, and south to Texas; casual in Iowa and Illinois. 337 4. Buteo borealis calurus (Cass.). Western Red-tail. Buteo calurus Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1855, 281. Buteo borealis var. calurus Ripew. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Noy. 1873, 186. ORDER RAPTORES. 131 [B 20, 24, C 351a, R 436d, C 517. ] Geoc. Dist.— Western North America, from the Rocky Moun- tains to the Pacific, south into Mexico; casual east to Illinois. 837 ¢. Buteo borealis lucasanus Ripcw. Saint Lucas Red-tail. Buteo borealis var. lucasanus RrpGw. in Covss’s Key, 1872, 216 (under ZB. dorealis). [B—, C 351d, R 436c, C 518.] Groc. Dist.— Peninsula of Lower California. 337d. Buteo borealis harlani (Auvp.). Harlan’s Hawk. Falco harlanit Auv. Orn. Biog. I. 1830, 441, pl. 86. Buteo borealis harlani Ripcw. Auk, VII. April, 1890, p. 205. , [B 22, C 350, R 438, C 515.| Geoc. Dist.— Gulf States and lower Mississippi Valley, north casually to Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Kansas; south to Central America. 339. Buteo lineatus (GMEL.). Red-shouldered Hawk. Falco lineatus GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 268. Buteo lineatus ViEILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. IV. 1816, 478. [B2s5, C 352, R 439, C 520.| Geoc. Dist.— Eastern North America to Manitoba and Nova Scotia ; west to Texas and the Plains; south to the Gulf States and Mexico. Breeds throughout its range. 339 a. Buteo lineatus alleni Ripew. Florida Red-shouldered Hawk. Buteo lineatus alleni Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VII. Jan. 19, 1885, 514. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] - Geroc. Dist.— South Atlantic and Gulf States, chiefly coastwise from South Carolinato Texas. Breeds throughout its range. 132 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 339 6. Buteo lineatus elegans (Cass.). Red-bellied Hawk. Buteo elegans Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1855, 281. Buteo lineatus var. elegans Ripew. in Hist. N. Am. B. III. Jan. 1874, 257, 277: [B 26, C 352a, R 4394, C 521.] Geroc. Dist.— Western United States, from western Texas to Cal- ifornia and Oregon, south into Lower California, Sonora, and Chihua- hua. Breeds along the Pacific coast of central Oregon, south to northern Lower California. 340. Buteo abbreviatus Cas. Zone-tailed Hawk. Buteo abbreviatus Cas. in Scuoms. Reise Brit. Guian. III. 1848, 739: [B—, C 353, R 440, C 522.] Geroc. Dist.— Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and southern Cali- fornia, south to northern South America. SuscENus TACHYTRIORCHIS Kavp. Tachytriorchis Kaup, Class. Siiug. u. V6g. 1844, 123. Type, Falco pterocies TEMM. = Buteo albicaudatus VIEILL. 341. Buteo albicaudatus sennetti ALLEN. Sennett’s White-tailed Hawk. Buteo albicaudatus sennetti ALLEN, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. V. 1893, 144. [B RE C—, R 441, C 513.] Geroc. Dist. — Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, and southward into Mexico. 342. Buteo swainsoni Bonap. Swainson’s Hawk. Buteo swainsoni BonaPv. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 3. ORDER RAPTORES. 133 [B 18, 19, 21, 28, C 354, R 442, C 523.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, from Wisconsin, Illinois, Arkansas, and Texas to the Pacific coast; north to the arctic regions, and south to Argentine Republic. Casual east to Maine and Massa- chusetts. Breeds nearly throughout its North American range. 343. Buteo latissimus (WILs.). Broad-winged Hawk. Falco latissimus Wits. Am. Orn, VI. 1812, 92, pl. 54, fig. 1. Buteo latissimus SHARPE, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. I. Accip. 1874, 193. [B 27, C 355, R 443, C 524.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America, from New Brunswick and the Saskatchewan region to Texas and Mexico, and thence south- ward to northern South America and the West Indies. Breeds throughout its United States range. SuBGENUS BUTHOLA Bonaparte. Buteola Bonar. Compt. Rend. XLI. 1855, 651. Type, Buteo brachyurus ViEILL. 344. Buteo brachyurus VIEILL. Short-tailed Hawk. Buteo brachyurus ViEILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. IV. 1816, 477. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Mexico, Central America, and most of South Amer- ica, north to Florida, where it regularly breeds. Genus URUBITINGA LEsson. Urubitinga Less. Rev. Zool. 1839, 132. Type, Malco urubitinga GMEL. 345. Urubitinga anthracina (LicurT.). Mexican Black Hawk. Falco anthracinus Licut. Preis-Verz. 1830, 3. Urubitinga anthracina LaFR. Rev. Zool. 1848, 241. 134 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B—, C—, R 444, C 528.] Groc. Dist.— Lower Rio Grande Valley and Arizona, ‘southward to northern South America. Genus ASTURINA VIEILLor. Asturina ViEiLuL. Analyse, 1816, 24. Type, Palco nitidus GMEL. 346. Asturina plagiata SCHLEGEL. Mexican Goshawk. Asturina plagiata “‘LicutT.”’ SCHLEGEL, Mus. P. B. Asturine, 1862, I. [B 33, C 358, R 445, C 527.] Groc. Dist. —Southwestern border of the United States, south- ward to Panama. Genus ARCHIBUTEO Breuom. Archibuteo BREHM, Isis, 1828, 1269. Type, Falco lagopus GMEL. _[847.] Archibuteo lagopus (Brtnv.). Rough-legged Hawk. Falco lagopus BRGUNN. Orn. Bor. 1764, 4 Archibuteo lagopus Gray, List Gen. B. ed. 2, 1841, 3. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geoc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World; Alaska (?). 347a. Archibuteo lagopus sancti-johannis (GMEL.). American Rough-legged Hawk. Falco sancti-johannis GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 273. Archibuteo lagopus var. sanctijohannis Cours, Key, 1872, 218. [B 30, 31, C 356, R 447, C 525. ] Geroc. Dist.— North America north of Mexico, breeding north of the United States (excepting in Alaska). ORDER RAPTORES. 135 348. Archibuteo ferrugineus (LIcHT.). Ferruginous Rough-Leg. Falco ferrugineus Licut. Abh. K. Akad. Berl. 1838, 428. Archibuteo ferrugineus GRay, Gen. B. fol. ed. 1849, 12. [ B 32, C 357, R 448, C 526.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, from the Plains (eastern North Dakota to Texas) westward to the Pacific, and from the Sas- katchewan region south into Mexico; casually east to Illinois. Breeds from Utah, Colorado, and Kansas northward to the Saskatch- ewan Plains. ‘ Genus AQUILA Brisson. Aguila Briss. Orn. I. 1760, 419. Type, Falco chrysaétos LINN. 349. Aquila chrysaétos (LINN.). | Golden Eagle. Falco chrysaétos LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 88. Aguila chrysaétos Dumont, Dict. Sci. Nat. I. 1816, 339. [B 39, C 361, R 449, C 532.] Groc. Dist.— North America, south to Mexico, and northern parts of the Old World. Breeding range in the United States, prac- tically restricted to the mountainous parts of unsettled regions. Genus THRASAETOS Gray. Thrasaétos Gray, P. Z. S. 1837 (June, 1838), 108. Type, Vultur harpyta LINN. [850.] Thrasaétos harpyia (LInv.). Harpy Eagle. . Vultur harpyia LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 86. Thrasaétos harpyia Gray, P. Z. S. 1837 (June, 1838), 108. [B—, C—, R 450, C 631.] Groc. Dist.— Lower Rio Grande Valley, casual; south to Para- guay. Louisiana (?). 136 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus HALIZAAETUS Savieny. Halieetus Savicny, Descr. de l’ Egypte, 1809, 35. Type, Falco albicitla LINN. [351.] Halizeetus albicilla (Linn.). Gray Sea Eagle. Falco albicilla Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 89. Faliwetus albicilla Leacnu, Syst. Cat. M. B. Br. Mus. 1816, 9. [B 42, C—, R 452, C 533-] Groc. Dist.— Northern Europe and Asia; Greenland. 352. Halizetus leucocephalus (LINN.). Bald Eagle. Falco leucocephalus Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 124. Halicetus leucocephalus Bot, Isis, 1822, 548. [B 41, 43, C 362, R 451, C 534.] Groc. Dist.— North America at large, south to Mexico, north- west through the Aleutian Islands to Kamchatka. Breeds locally throughout its range. SUBFAMILY FALCONINZA. Fatcons. Genus FALCO LINN-2Us. Falco Linn. 8. N. ed. 1o, I. 1758, 88. Type, by elimination, Ff. subbuteo LINN. SuBGENUS HIHBROFALCO Cuvier. EHierofalco Cuv. Rég. An. I. 1817, 312. Type, Malco candicans GMEL.= /. islandus BRUNN. 853. Falco islandus Brinn. White Gyrfalcon. Falco islandus BRUNN. Orn. Bor. 1764, 2. ORDER RAPTORES. 137 [B 11, C 341a, R 412, C 5o1.] Gzoc. Dist.— Arctic regions, including Arctic America and Greenland, wandering south in winter to Labrador and northern Maine. 354. Falco rusticolus LINN. Gray Gyrfalcon. Falco rusticolus Linn. 8. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 88. [B 12, C—, R 412, C 500.] Groc. Dist.— Arctic regions, including Iceland, southern Green- land, and Arctic America, straggling southward in winter. 35442. Falco rusticolus gyrfalco (Liny.). Gyrfalcon. Falco gyrfaico Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, gt. Falco rusticolus gyrfaico StEJN. Auk, II. 1885, 187. [B—, C 341, R 4124, C 498.] Geoc. Dist.— Northern Europe, Greenland, and Arctic America, from northern Labrador and Hudson Bay to Alaska; rarely south in winter to New England (Massachusetts and Rhode Island). 3544. Falco rusticolus obsoletus (GMEL.). Black Gyrfalcon. falco obsoletus GMEL. S. N. I. i. 1788, 268. Falco rusticolus obsoletus StEyN. Auk, II. 1885, 187. [B—, C—, R 412¢, C 499.] Geroc. Dist.— Labrador, south in winter to Canada, Maine, and New York. 355. Falco mexicanus SCHLEG. Prairie Falcon. Falco mexicanus SCHLEG. Abh. Geb. Zool. 1841, 15. [B 10, C 342, R 413, C 502.] Geroc. Dist.— United States, from the eastern border of the Plains to the Pacific, and from the Dakotas south into Mexico; casual eastward to Illinois. Breeds throughout its United States range. \ 138 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. SuBGENUS RH YNCHODON Nirzscu. Rhynchodon Nirzscu, Pterylog. 1840, 78. Type, by elimina- tion, Falco peregrinus LATH, 356. Falco peregrinus anatum (Bonap.). Duck Hawk. Falco anatum Bonar. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 4. Falco peregrinus B. anatum Buastus, List B. Eur. 1862, 3. [B 5, 6, C 343, R 414, C 503.] Geroc. Dist.— North America at large, and south to Chili. Breeds locally throughout most of its United States range. 356 a. Falco peregrinus pealei Ripew. Peale’s Falcon. Falco communis var. pealei Ripcw. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Dec. 1873, 201. Falco peregrinus pealei Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 192. . [B—, C 343@, R 414a, C 504.] Groce. Dist.— Pacific coast region of North America, from Oregon to the Aleutian and Commander Islands, breeding throughout its range. SuBGENUS AISALON Kavp. Aisalon Kaur, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 40. Type, alo esalon GMEL. = F. regulus PALL. 357. Falco columbarius Linn. Pigeon Hawk. Falco columbarius LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, go. [B 7, C 344, R 417, C 505.] Groc. Dist.— The whole of North America, south to the West Indies and northern South America. Breeds chiefly north of the United States, ORDER RAPTORES. 139 357 a. Falco columbarius suckleyi Rinew. Black Merlin. falco columbarius var. suckleyi Ripcw. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Dec. 1873, 201. [B—, C 344a, R 4174, C 506.] Groc. Dist.— Northwest coast region of North America, from California to Sitka; eastward in Oregon and Washington. 858. Falco richardsonii Rivcw. Richardson’s Merlin. Falco (fHypotriorchis) richardsonii Ripcw. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Dec. 1870, 145. [B—, C 345, R418, C 507.] Geroc. Dist.— Interior and western plains of North America, from the Mississippi River to the Pacific coast, and from the Saskatch- ewan region to Texas, Arizona, and probably into Mexico. [858.1.] Falco regulus Patt. Merlin. falco reguius Pau. Reis. Russ. Reichs. II. 1773, Anhang, 707. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Europe, Asia, and Africa; accidental in Greenland. SuBGENUS RH YNCHOFPALCO Rincway. Rhynchofalco Ripew. Pr. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1873, 46. Type, Falco femoralis 'TEMM. = LF. fusco-cerulescens VIFILL. 309. Falco fusco-ccerulescens VIEILL. Aplomado Falcon. Falco fusco-cerulescens ViEILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XI. 1817, 90. «te o,\C 347, R419, C grxg] Groc. Dist.— Southern Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, south to Patagonia. 140 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. SuscGENus TINNUNCULUS VIEILLor. Tinnunculus VIEILL. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, 39. [359.1.] Falco tinnunculus Linn. Kestrel, falco tinnunculus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, go. [B—, C—, R 422, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Europe and northern Asia; accidental in Massa- chusetts. 360. Falco sparverius LINN. American Sparrow Hawk. Falco sparverius Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, go. [B 13, C 346, 346a, R 420, 4204, C 508, 509.] Groc. Dist.— North America, east of the Rocky Mountains, and from Great Slave Lake south to northern South America. 360 a. Falco sparverius deserticolus MEARNS. Desert Sparrow Hawk. Falco sparverius deserticolus Mearns, Auk, IX. July, 1892, 263. [B 13, part, C 346, part, R 420, part, C 508, part.| Geroc. Dist.— Western United States, north to eastern British Columbia and western Montana, south to Mazatlan in northwestern Mexico. 360 2. Falco sparverius peninsularis Mearns. St. Lucas Sparrow Hawk. Falco sparverius peninsularis MEARNS, Auk, IX. July, 1892, 267. [B 13, part, C 346, part, R 420, part, C 508, part.| Geroc. Dist.— Lower California. [861.] Falco dominicensis GMEL. Cuban Sparrow Hawk. Falco dominicensis GMEL. Syst. Nat. I. i. 1788, 288. [B—, C—, R 421, C 510.] Geroc. Dist.— Cuba; casual in Florida. ORDER RAPTORES. I4I Genus POLYBORUS Viei.Lor. Polyborus ViEILL. Analyse, 1816, 22. Type, Falco tharus Mou. 862. Polyborus cheriway (Jacq.). Audubon’s Caracara, Falco cheriway Jacq. Beitr. 1784, 17, tab. 4. Polyborus cheriway CaB. in ScHoMB. Reise Brit. Guiana, III. 1848, 741. [B 45, C 363, R 423, C 535.] Groc. Dist.— Florida, Texas, Arizona, and Lower California, south to Ecuador and Guiana. Breeds throughout its United States range and southward. 363. Polyborus lutosus Ripew. Guadalupe Caracara. Polyborus lutosus Ripcw. Bull. U. S. Geog. & Geol. Surv. Terr. No. 6, 2d ser. Feb. 8, 1876, 459. [B—, C—, R 424, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Guadalupe Island, Lower California. SUBFAMILY PANDIONINZAl. Ospreys. Genus PANDION Savienvy. Pandion Savicn. Descr. de Egypte, Ois. 1809, 95. Type, Falco haliaétus LINN. 364. Pandion haliaétus carolinensis (GMEL.). American Osprey. Falco carolinensis GMEL. S. N. I. i. 1788, 263. Pandion haliaétus carolinensis Ripcw. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Dec. 1870, 143. [B 44, C 360, R 425, C 530.] Groc. Dist.— North America, from Hudson Bay and Alaska south to the West Indies and northern South America. Breeds throughout its North American range. T42 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. SUBORDER STRIGES. OwL.s. Famity STRIGIDZAG. Barn Owts. Genus STRIX Linnzvs. Strix Linn. S. N. ed. ro, I. 1758, 92. Type, S. aluco LINN. ed, 10. 365, Strix pratincola Bownap. American Barn Owl. Strix pratincola Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 7. [B 47, C 316, R 394, C 461.] Groc. Dist.— United States, rarely to the northern border, and Ontario, southward through Mexico; northern limit of breeding range about Lat. 41°. Famity BUBONIDZ. Hornep Owls, ETc. Genus ASIO Brisson. Asio Briss. Orn. I. 1760, 28. Type, Strix otus LINN. 366. Asio wilsonianus (LEss.). American Long-eared Owl. Otus wilsonianus LxEss. Traité, 1831, 110. Asio wilsonianus Cours, Check List, ed. 2, 1882, 81, No. 472. [B 51, C 320, R 395, C 472.| Groc. Dist.— Temperate North America; south to the table- lands of Mexico. Breeds throughout its range. 367. Asio accipitrinus (PALL.). Short-eared Owl. Strix accipitrina PALL. Reise Russ. Reichs. I. 1771, 455. Asio accipitrinus NEWT. YARR. Brit. B. ed. 4, I. 1872, 163. ORDER RAPTORES. 143 [B 52, C 321, R 396, C 473.] Groc. Dist.— Throughout North America; nearly cosmopolitan. Breeds, somewhat irregularly and locally, from about Lat. 39° northward. Genus SYRNIUM Savieny. Syrnium Savicn. Descr. de l’Egypte, Ois. 1809, 298. Type, Strix stridula LINN. 368. Syrnium nebulosum (Forst.). Barred Owl. Strix nebulosa Forst. Philos. Trans. XXII. 1772, 386. Syrnium nebulosum Bote, Isis, 1828, 315. [B 54, C 323, R 397, C 476.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States, west to Minnesota, Ne- braska, Kansas, and Texas, north to Nova Scotia and Quebec. Breeds throughout its range. 368 2. Syrnium nebulosum alleni Ripcw. Florida Barred Owl. Strix nebulosa alleni Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. March, 1880, 8. Syrnium nebulosum alleni Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. Sept. 1885, 355. [B—, C—, R 3974, C 477.] Geoc. Dist.— South Atlantic and Gulf States, chiefly coastwise, from South Carolina to Texas. 369. Syrnium occidentale Xantus. Spotted Owl. Syrnium occidentale XaAntTus, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1859, 193. [B—, C 324, R 398, C 478.] Geroc. Dist.— Southern Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Cali- fornia, Lower California and Mexico. ) 144 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus SCOTIAPTEX Swainson. Scotiaptex Swans. Classif. B. II. 1837, 217. Type, Strix cinerea GMEL. 370. Scotiaptex cinerea (GMEL.). Great Gray Owl. Strix cinerea GMEL. S. N. I. 1. 1788, 291. Scotiaptex cinerea Swatns. Classif. B. II. 1837, 217. [B 53, C 322, R 399, C 474.] Groc. Dist.— Arctic America, straggling southward, in winter, to southern New England, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Illinois, Idaho and northern Montana. [870 a.] Scotiaptex cinerea lapponica (ReETz.). Lapp Owl. Strix lapponica Retz. Faun. Suec. 1800, 79. Scotiaptex cinerea lapponica Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B, 1887, 260. [B ga, C BR R 39924, C 475:] Groc. Dist.— Arctic portions of the Old World; accidental in Alaska (Norton Sound). Genus NYCTALA Breum. lVyctala BREHM, Isis, 1828, 1271. Type, Strix tengmalmi GMEL. 371. Nyctala tengmalmi richardsoni (Bonap.). Richardson’s Owl. Nyctale richardsont BonaPp. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 7. Vyctale tengmalmi var. richardsoni Ripcw. Am. Nat. VI. May 1872, 285. [B 55, C 327, R 400, C 482.] Groc. Dist.— Arctic America, south in winter into the northern United States. Breeds from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Manitoba northward. — ee a a oe a _— —- ae eae 4 - Se ee aoe ee ee eee ee Oe eee ae ORDER RAPTORES. 145 372. Nyctala acadica (GMEL.). Saw-whet Owl. Strix acadica GMEL. S.N. I. 1788, 296. Nyctale acadica Bonar. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 7. [B 56, 57, C 328, R go1, C 483.] Geoc. Dist.— North America at large, breeding from the Middle States northward, and in mountainous regions of the West southward into Mexico. Genus MEGASCOPS Kavp. Megascops KaupP, Isis, 1848, 765. Type, Strix asio LINN. 373. Megascops asio (LINN.). Screech Owl. Strix asio LINN. Syst. Nat. ed. ro, I. 1758, 92. Megascops asio StEjN. Auk, II. April, 1885, 184. [B 49, part, C 318, R 402, C 465.] Groc. Dist.— Temperate eastern North America, south to Georgia, and west to the Plains. Accidental in England. 373 a. Megascops asio floridanus (Ripvcw.). Florida Screech Owl. Scops asio var. floridanus RipGw. Bull. Essex Inst. Dec. 1873, 200. Megascops asio floridanus StEJN. Auk, II. April, 1885, 184. [B—, C 318¢, R 402a, C 469.] Geoc. Dist.— South Atlantic and Gulf States, from South Caro- lina to Louisiana, chiefly coastwise. 373 6. Megascops asio trichopsis (Wact.). Texas Screech Owl. Scops trichopsis WaGL. Isis, 1832, 276. Megascops asto trichopsis Rrpew. Auk, XII. Oct. 1895, ——. 10 146 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 50, C 3184, R 4024, C 468.] Geoc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, south to Guatemala. 373 c. Megascops asio bendirei (Brewst.). California Screech Owl. Scops asio bendirei BREwsT. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 31. Megascops asto bendiret Steyn. Auk, II. April, 1885, 184. Pee eRe MR Gh Geroc. Dist.— Coast region of California. 373 d. Megascops asio kennicottii (EL.ior). Kennicott’s Screech Owl. Scops kennicottit ELLioT, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1867, 99. Megascops asio kennicottii Steyn. Auk, II. April, 1885, 184. [B—, C3184, R 4o2d, C 466.] Geoc. Dist.— Northwest coast region, from Oregon to Sitka. ee ee eee ee , 373 c. Megascops asio maxwelliz (Ripew.). Rocky Mountain Screech Owl. { Scops asio var. maxwellie Ripcw. Field & Forest, June, 1877, 210, 213. ; Megascops asio maxwellie SvEJN. Auk, II. April, 1885, 184. [B—, C —, R 402¢, C 467.] Geoc. Dist.— Rocky Mountains, from Colorado to Montana. ‘ ; 373 7, Megascops asio cineraceus Ripew. 4 Mexican Screech Owl. ; Megascops asio cineraceus RipGw. Auk, XII. Oct. 1895, ——. [B—, C —, R 403, C 470.] | ] ‘ Groc. Dist.— New Mexico, Arizona, Lower California, and western Mexico. ORDER RAPTORES. 147 373 ¢. Megascops asio aikeni Brewsr. Aiken’s Screech Owl. Megascops asio atkeni Brewst. Auk, VIII. April, 1891, 139. [B—, C—, R—,C—.] Geoc. Dist.— Plains, El Paso County, Colorado, south probably to central New Mexico and northeastern Arizona. 373 2. Megascops asio macfarlanei Brews. MacFarlane’s Screech Owl. Megascops asio macfarlanet Brewst. Auk, VIII. April, 1891, 140. [B 49, part, C 318, part, R 402, part, C 465, part.| Geoc. Dist.— East of the Cascades in Washington, interior of southern British Columbia, southward to central Oregon and east- ward into Montana. 374. Megascops flammeola (Kaup). Flammulated Screech Owl. Scops fammeola Kaur, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. IV. 1862, 226. Megascops flammeolus Steyn. Auk, II. April, 1885, 184. [B —, C 319, R 404, C 471.] Geroc. Dist.— Highlands of Guatemala and central Mexico, north to Colorado and northern California. 374a. Megascops flammeola idahoensis Merriam. Dwarf Screech Owl. Megascops flammeolus idahoensis MERRIAM, North Am. Fauna, No. 5, July, 1891, 96, pl. i. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Ketchum, Idaho. Known only from the type. Genus BUBO DuMErIL. Bubo Dumm&R. Zool. Anal. 1806, 34. Type, by implication, Strix bubo LINN. 148 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 375. Bubo virginianus (GMEL.). Great Horned Owl. Strix virginiana GMEL. S. N. I. i. 1788, 287. Bubo virginianus BonaPp. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 6. [B 48, C 317, R 405, C 462.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to the Mississippi Valley, and from Labrador south to Costa Rica. 375 a. Bubo virginianus subarcticus (Hoy). Western Horned Owl. Bubo subarcticus Hoy, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VI. 1852, 211. Bubo virginianus B subarcticus RrpGw. Orn. 40th Par. 1877, 572. [B 48, part, C 3174, part, R 4052, part, C 463, part. | | 7 Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Great Plains westward; southward to the Mexican tablelands; east, casually, to Wisconsin and Illinois; north to Manitoba and British Columbia. 375 6. Bubo virginianus arcticus (Swains.). Arctic Horned Owl. Strix (Bubo) arctica Swans. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 86, pl. 30. Bubo virginianus var. arcticus Cass. Ilust. B. Cal. etc. 1854, 178. [B 48, part, C 3174, part, R 405d, C 463, part.] Geroc. Dist.— Arctic America, chiefly in the interior, south, in winter, to Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota. 375 c. Bubo virginianus saturatus Ripew. | Dusky Horned Owl. Bubo virginianus saturatus RipGw. Orn. goth Par. 1877, 572, foot-note. [B 48, part, C 3176, R 405¢, C 464.] Geoc. Dist.— Pacific coast region, from Monterey Bay, California, northward to Alaska and eastward to Hudson Bay and Labrador; southward through the mountainous regions of the West to Arizona. —— es ie ee he ee ee ee ee ete ee a Ce. ye ee eS a inl a ee ee al _ a ne ‘ ™ oe Se SF ae a ear Sr ee Se ae a See ase: ; : ee a ee eS a a ey ‘i ee als es ae ea i , ; Sg eg a gece a 5 c ail = Se ee —— . : ; oe a nh ee a Ee ae a ee ORDER PICI. 161 397. Dryobates nuttallii (Gamp.). Nuttall’s Woodpecker. Picus nuttallii GAMBEL, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. April, 1843, 259. Dryobates nuttallii Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B 78, C 2974, R 364, C 435.] Geoc. Dist.— Southern Oregon, California, and northern Lower California. 398. Dryobates arizonze (Harcii7T). Arizona Woodpecker. Picus arizoneé UarcitT, Ibis, April, 1886, 115. Dryobates arizone Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 286. [B Wee C eae R 365, C 437-] Geroc. Dist.— Southern Arizona, south into northern Mexico. Genus XENOPICUS Bairp. Xenopicus BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 83. Type, Leuconerpes albo- larvatus Cass. 399. Xenopicus albolarvatus (Cass.). White-headed Woodpecker. Leuconerpes albolarvatus Casstn, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Oct. 1850, 106. Xenopicus albolarvatus MALHERBE, Mon. Pic. II. 1862, 221. [B 81, C 295, R 366, C 452.] Groc. Dist.— Mountains of the Pacific coast, from southern British Columbia to southern California (including the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada), and east to the Blue Mountains of Oregon and west-central Idaho. Genus PICOIDES Lac&prpDe. Picoides LACEPEDE, Mém. de |’Inst. III. 1801, 509. Type Picus tridactylus LINN. il 162 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 400. Picoides arcticus (SwaAINs.). Arctic Three-toed Woodpecker. Picus (Apternus) arcticus Swains. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 313. Picoides arcticus Gray, Gen. B. I. 1845, 434. [B 82, C 300, R 367, C 443.] Groc. Dist.— Northern North America, from the arctic regions south to the northern United States (New England, New York, Michigan, Minnesota, and Idaho), and in the Sierra Nevada to Lake Tahoe. 401. Picoides americanus BREHM. American Three-toed Woodpecker. Picoides americanus BREHM, Handb. Vég. Deutschl. 1831, 195. [B 83, C 301, R 368, C 444.] Geroc. Dist.— Northern North America, east of the Rocky Moun- tains, from the arctic regions southward to the northern United States (Maine, Mass., New York). 401 a. Picoides americanus alascensis (NELS.). Alaskan Three-toed Woodpecker. Picoides tridactylus alascensis NELSON, Auk, I. April, 1884, 165. Picoides americanus alascensis RirpGw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355: [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Alaska, south to northern Washington. 401 4. Picoides americanus dorsalis Bairp. Alpine Three-toed Woodpecker. Picoides dorsalis BatrD, B. N. Am. 1858, roo. Picoides americanus dorsalis Baird, Orn. Calif. I. 1870, 386. [B 84, C 301a, R 368a, C 445.| Groc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region, from British Columbia and Idaho south into New Mexico. Se a= ee eee ee Le —_ 4 Pe ee se ee a ee ee ee ee ee ee eee ORDER PICI. 163 Genus SPHYRAPICUS Barrp. Sphyrapicus BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858,80, 101. Type, Picus varius LINN. 402. Sphyrapicus varius (LInv.). Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Picus varius LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 176. Sphyrapicus varius BairD, B. N. Am. 1858, 103. [B 85, C 302, R 369, C 446.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America north to about Lat. 63° 30! (north of Fort Simpson), breeding from Massachusetts northward ; south, in winter, to the West Indies, Mexico and Costa Rica. 402 a. Sphyrapicus varius nuchalis Barrp. Red-naped Sapsucker. Sphyrapicus varius var. nuchalis Bairp, B. N. Am. 1858, 103. [B 86, C 302a, R 3692, C 447.] Geroc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region, from British Columbia to the Sierra Bolaiios, Jalisco, Mexico, and the Cape region of Lower California ; and westward across the Great Basin to the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada in northern California. 403. Sphyrapicus ruber (GMEL.). ; Red-breasted Sapsucker. Picus ruber GMEL. S. N. I. 1788, 429. Sphyrapicus ruber BatrD, B. N. Am. 1858, 104. | [B 87, C 3026,303? R 3694, C 448.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast region, from British Columbia south in the mountains and foothills of California to northern Lower Cali- fornia. 404. Sphyrapicus thyroideus (Cass.). Williamson’s Sapsucker. Picus thyroideus Cassin, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1850-1851, 349. Sphyrapicus thyroideus BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 106. 164 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 38, 89, C 304, 305, R 370, C 449.] Geroc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region of the United States, west to the Sierra Nevada, Cascades, and northern Coast Ranges; south on the tablelands of Mexico to the Sierra Bolanios, Jalisco. Genus CHOPHLGWUS Casanis. Ceophiwus CABANIS, J. f. O. 1862, 176. Type, Pécus pileatus LINN. 405. Ceophlceus pileatus (LInN.). Pileated Woodpecker. Picus pileatus Linn. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 113. C [eophlaus| pileatus CaBANIS, J. f. O. 1862, 176, [B 90, C 294, R 371, C 432.] Groc. Dist.— Formerly the heavily wooded region of North America south of about Lat. 63°, except in the southern Rocky Mountains; now rare or extirpated in the more thickly settled parts of the Eastern States. Genus MELANERPES Swainson. SuBGENUS MELANERPES. Melanerpes Swatns. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 316. Type, Picus erythrocephalus LINN. 406. Melanerpes erythrocephalus (LInv.). Red-headed Woodpecker. Picus erythrocephalus Linn. 8. N.ed. 10, I. 1758, 113. Melanerpes erythrocephalus Swatins. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 316. [B 94, C 399; R 375 C 453-] Geroc. Dist.— United States, west to the Rocky Mountains, and north from Florida to about Lat. 50°, straggling westward to Salt Lake Valley and Arizona; rare or local east of the Hudson River. —— faa ee See a ORDER PICI. 165 407. Melanerpes formicivorus bairdi Rincw. Californian Woodpecker. Melanerpes formicivorus bairdi Ripcw. Bull. No. 21 U.S. Nat. Mus. 1881, 34, 85. [B 95, C 310, R, 377, C 454] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast region of the United States, from southern Oregon south to northern Lower California and Mexico, east through Arizona to southern New Mexico and western Texas. 407 a. Melanerpes formicivorus angustifrons Barrp. Narrow-fronted Woodpecker. Melanerpes formicivorus var. angustifrons BAIRD, Orn. Cal. I. 1870, 405. [B —, C 310@, R 377a, C455.] Groc. Dist.— Southern Lower California. SuBGENuUs ASYNDESMUS Cougs. Asyndesmus Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1866, 55- Type, Picus torquatus WI1s. 408. Melanerpes torquatus (WILS.). Lewis’s Woodpecker. Picus torquatus Witson, Am. Orn. III. 1811, 31, pl. xx. fig. 3. Melanerpes torquatus Bonar. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 40. [B 96, C 311, R 376, C 456. ] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Black Hills and the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific, and from southern British Columbia and southern Alberta south to Arizona, and (in winter) western Texas. Casual in Kansas. SuBGENUS CENTURUS Swalnson. Centurus Swatns. Classif. B. II. 1837, 310. Type, Prcus caro- linus LINN. 166 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 409, Melanerpes carolinus (LInNN.). Red-bellied Woodpecker. Picus carolinus Linn. S. N. ed. 10. I. 1758, 113. Melanerpes carolinus Ripcw. Ann, Lyc. N. Y. X. Jan. 1874, 378. [B 91, C 306, R 372, C 450.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern and southern United States, north casually to Massachusetts, New York, Ontario, southern Michigan, and central Iowa, west to eastern Nebraska, eastern Kansas, Indian Territory and Texas. 410. Melanerpes aurifrons (WacL.). Golden-fronted Woodpecker. Picus aurifrons WAGLER, Isis, 1829, 512. Melanerpes aurifrons Ripew. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B 92, C 307, R 373, C 451.] Groc. Dist.— Central and southern Texas, southward over the tablelands of Mexico to the City of Mexico, and from southern Tamaulipas west to Aguas Calientes and Jalisco. 411. Melanerpes uropygialis (Bairp). Gila Woodpecker. Centurus uropygialis BAirD, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. June, 1854, 120, Melanerpes uropygialis RipGw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B 93, C 308, R 374, C 452.] Groc. Dist.— Southwestern New Mexico, and southern and western Arizona, from Lat. 35° southward through Lower California to Cape St. Lucas, and through western Mexico to Aguas Calientes and Jalisco. Genus COLAPTES Swainson. Colaptes Swains. Zool. Journ. III. Dec. 1827, 353. Type, Cuculus auratus LINN. 412. Colaptes auratus (LINN.). Flicker. Cuculus auratus LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 112. Colaptes auratus Vicors, Zool. Journ. III. 1827, 444. ORDER PICI. 167 [B 97, C 312, R 378, C 457-] Groc. Dist.— Northern and eastern North America, west to the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains and Alaska. Occasional on the Pacific slope, from California northward. Accidental in Europe. 413. Colaptes cafer (GmMEL.). Red-shafted Flicker. Picus cafer GMEL. S. N. I. 1788, 431. Colaptes cafer STEJN. Stand. Nat. Hist. IV. 1885, 428. [B98, C314, R 3788, C 459.] Geroc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region, from British Columbia south to southern Mexico, and west to the Coast Ranges in Oregon and Washington, and to the Pacific coast from northern California southward. 413 a, Colaptes cafer saturatior (RipcGw.). Northwestern Flicker. Colaptes mexicanus saturatior RipGw. Pr. Biol. Soc. Wash. II. April 10, 1884, go. Colaptes cafer saturatior A. O. U. Check-list, 1886, 218. : [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.—Northwest coast, from northern California to Sitka. 414, Colaptes chrysoides (Ma.u.). Gilded Flicker. Geopicus chrysoides MALH. Rev. et Mag. Zool. IV. 1852, 553. Colaptes chrysoides RetcH. Handb. Spec. Ornith. Scansorie, 1854, 413. [B 99, C 313, R 379, C 458.] Geroc. Dist.— Central and southern Arizona, from Lat. 34° to southern Sonora, and Lower California south of Lat. 30°. | 415. Colaptes rufipileus Ripcw. Guadalupe Flicker. Colaptes mexicanus rufipileus Ripcw. Bull. U.S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. II. No. 2, April 1, 1876, 191. Colaptes rujfipileus Ripew. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, II. July, 1877, 60. [B —, C —, R 380, C —.] Geroc. Dist.— Guadalupe Island, Lower California. 168 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Orper MACROCHIRES, Goatsuceeme SWIFTS, ETC. SUBORDER CAPRIMULGI. GoaTSUCKERS, ETC. FamMity CAPRIMULGIDZ. GoatTsuckERSs, ETC. Genus ANTROSTOMUS Gow Lp. Antrostomus GOULD, Icones Avium, 1838. Type, Caprimulgus carolinensis GMEL. 416. Antrostomus carolinensis (GMEL.). Chuck-will’s-widow. Caprimulgus carolinensis GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 1028. Antrostomus carolinensis GOULD, Icones Avium, 1838. [B 111, C 264, R 353, C 396.] Geroc. Dist.— South Atlantic and Gulf States, from Virginia south through eastern Mexico to Central America ; Cuba. North, in the interior, to southern Illinois and Kansas. Accidental in Massachu- setts. 417, Antrostomus vociferus (WILS.). Whip-poor-will. Caprimulgus vociferus Wits. Am. Orn. V. 1812, 71, pl. 41, figs. 1-3. Antrostomus vociferus BonaPp. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 8. [B 112, C 265, R 354, C 397-] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America to the Plains, and from Lat. 50° south to Guatemala. ORDER MACROCHIRES. 169 417 a. Antrostomus vociferus macromystax (WaGLER). Stephens’s Whip-poor-will. Caprimulgus macromystax WAGLER, Ibis, 1831, 533- Caprimulgus vociferus macromystax HARTERT, Ibis, 1892, 286. Antrostomus vociferus macromystax A. O. U. Check-List, 6th Suppl. Auk, XI. Jan. 1894, 48. [B—, C—, R—, C 881.] Groc. Dist.— Arizona, New Mexico, and tablelands of Mexico south to Guatemala. Genus PHALAINOPTILUS Ruiveway. Phalenoptilus Ripew. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. III. 1880, 5. Type, Caprimulgus nuttallit Auv. 418. Phaleenoptilus nuttallii (Avp.). Poor-will. Caprimulgus nuttallit Aup. B. Am. VII. 1843, 350, pl. 495. Phalenoptilus nuttalii Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. 1880, 5. | [B 113, C 266, R 355, C 398.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Sierra Nevada eastward to eastern Nebraska and eastern Kansas, north to central Idaho and Montana, and south to southern Mexico. 418 a. Phalznoptilus nuttallii nitidus Brewst. Frosted Poor-will. Phalenoptilus nuttalli nitidus BREwst. Auk, IV. April, 1877, 147. [B 113, part, C 266, part, R 355, part, C 398, part.] Groc. Dist.— Texas to Arizona, and north to western Kansas. 418 4. Phalznoptilus nuttallii californicus Ripew. Dusky Poor-will. Phalenoptilus nuttalli californicus Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 588, foot-note. [B 113, part, C 266, part, R 355, part, C 398, part.] Groce. Dist.— Coast of California. I70 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus NYCTIDROMUS Gow Lp. Vyctidromus GOuLD, Icones Avium, II. 1838, pl. ii. Type, LV. derbyanus GOULD = Caprimulgus albicollis GMEL. 419. Nyctidromus albicollis merrilli Senn. Merrill’s Parauque. LVyctidromus albicollis merrilli SENN. Auk, V. Jan. 1888, 44. [B —, C —, R 356, C 395.] Groc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande, north to the Nueces River, south into northeastern Mexico. Genus CHORDEILES SWAINSON. Chordeiles Swans. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 496. Type, Caprimulgus virginianus GMEL. 420. Chordeiles virginianus (GMEL.). Nighthawk. ' Caprimulgus virginianus GMEL. S. N. I. il. 1788, 1028. Chordeiles virginianus SwAIns. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. IT. 1831, 496. [B 114, C 267, R 357, C 399.] Groc. Dist.— Northern and eastern North America, west to the Great Plains and central British Columbia, and from Labrador south through tropical America to the Argentine Republic. 420 a. Chordeiles virginianus henryi (Cass.). Western Nighthawk. Chordeiles henryi Cass. Illustr. B. Cal. Tex. etc. I. 1855, 233. Chordeiles virginianus var. henryi CouES, Key, 1872, 181. [B 115, C 267a, R 3574, C 400.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Great Plains to the Pacific coast, and from British Columbia south to northern South America. ORDER MACROCHIRES. 171 420 d. Chordeiles virginianus chapmani (Cougs). Florida Nighthawk. [Chordeiles popetue| chapmani (SENNET, MS.) Cougs, Auk, V. Jan. 1888, 37. Chordeiles virginianus chapmani Scott, Auk, V. April, 1888, 186. [B—, C —, R 3574, C 4o1.] Geroc. Dist.— Florida and the Gulf coast of Texas, south in winter to South America. 421. Chordeiles acutipennis texensis (LAwr.). Texan Nighthawk. Chordeiles texensis LAwR. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. VI. Dec. 1856, 167. Chordeiles acutipennis texensis RipGw. in BaiRD, BREWER & RIDc- way, N. Am. Birds, II. 1874, 406. [B 116, C 268, R 358, C 402.| Groc. Dist.— Southern border of the United States, from Texas to southern California, north into southern Utah; south to Cape St. Lucas and Veragua. SUBORDER CYPSELI. Swirrts. FamMity MICROPODIDZ. Swirts. SUBFAMILY CHAITURINZ. Spine-TAILED SwIFTs. Genus CYPSELOIDES SrrevseEt. Cypseloides STREUBEL, Isis, 1848, 366. Type, Hemiprocne fumi- gata NatrT. MS. 422. Cypseloides niger (GMEL.). Black Swift. fHirundo nigra GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 1025. Cypseloides niger Sci. P. Z. S. 1865, 615. 172 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 108, C 270, R 350, C 404. | Groc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region (Colorado), west to the Pacific coast; north to British Columbia, and south to Lower Cali- fornia, Mexico, Costa Rica, and the West Indies. Genus CHAITURA STEPHENS. Chetura STEPH. Gen. Zool. XIII. pt. ii. 1825, 76. Type, Airundo pelagica LINN. 423. Cheetura pelagica (LInN.). Chimney Swift. fTirundo pelagica LINN. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 192. Chetura pelasgia STEPH. Gen. Zool. XIII. pt. ii. 1825, 76. [B 109, C 271, R 351, C 405.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, north to Labrador and the Fur Countries, west to the Plains, and passing south of the United States in winter at least to Jalapa, Mexico, and Cozumel Island. 424, Cheetura vauxii (Towns.). Vaux’s Swift. Cypselus vauxtt Towns. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VIII. 1839, 148. Chetura vauxtt DEKay, Zool. N.Y. II. 1844, 36. [B r10, C 272, R 352, C 406.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast of the United States northward to British Columbia; migrating south in winter to Lower California and Mexico. SUBFAMILY MICROPODINZ. Typicat Swirts. Genus AHRONAUTES Hartertr. Aéronautes HARTERT, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. XVI, 1892, 459. Type, Cypselus melanoleucus BAIRD. ORDER MACROCHIRES. 173 425. Aéronautes melanoleucus (Barrp). White-throated Swift. Cypselus melanoleucus BAirD, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. June, 1854, 118. Aéronautes melanoleucus HARTERT, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. XVI, 1892, 459- [B 107, C 269, R 349, C 403.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Black Hills, northern Wyoming, and southern Montana to the Pacific; south, in winter, to Guatemala. SUBORDER* TROCHILI. HuMMINGBIRDS. Famity TROCHILIDZ. Hvummincpirps. Genus EUGENES Gow .p. Eugenes GOULD, Mon. Troch. pt. xii. 1856, pl. 59. Type, Z7o- chilus fulgens SWAINS. 426. Eugenes fulgens (Swains.). Rivoli Hummingbird. Trochilus fulgens Swans. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 441. Lugenes fulgens GouLD, Mon. Troch. II. 1856, pl. 59. [B—, C 274 ds, R 334, C 408.] Geroc. Dist.— Southern Arizona and tablelands of Mexico to Nicaragua. Genus CCEaLIGENA LEsson. Celigena Less. Ind. & Synop. Gen. Troch. 1832, p. xviii. Type, Ornismya clemencie LESS. 174 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 427. Coeligena clemenciz Less. — Blue-throated Hummingbird. 4 Ornismya clemencie Less. Ois. Mouch. 1829, 216, pl. 80. 4 Celigena clemencie Less. Ind. & Synop. Gen. Troch. 1832, p. xviii. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geoc. Dist.— Southern Arizona, and the tablelands of Mexico to Guerrero and Oaxaca. Genus TROCHILUS Linnaeus. SuBGENUsS TROCHILUS. Trochilus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 119. Type, by elimina- tion, Z: colubris LINN. 428. Trochilus colubris Linn. Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Trochilus colubris Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I, 1758, 120. [B ror, C 275, R 335, C 409.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America to the Plains, north to the Fur Countries, breeding from Florida to Labrador, and south, in winter, to Cuba, Mexico, and Veragua. 429. Trochilus alexandri Bourc. & Muts. Black-chinned Hummingbird. Trochilus alexandri Bourc. & Mus. Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyons, IX. 1846, 330. [B 102, C 276, R 336, C 410.] Geoc. Dist.— Pacific coast region, from California to British Columbia, east to Utah and Arizona, and south to Lower California, the Valley of Mexico, and Guerrero. 429.1. Trochilus violajugulum Jrrrries. Violet-throated Hummingbird. Trochilus violajugulum JEFFRIES, Auk, V. April, 1888, 168. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Coast of southern California (Santa, Barbara). Known only from the type specimen. ORDER MACROCHIRES. 175 Genus CALYPTE Gou tp. Calypte GouLD, Mon. Troch. III. 1856, pl. 134. Type, Ornis- mya coste BOURC. 430. Calypte costz (Bourc.). Costa’s Hummingbird. Ornismya coste Bourc. Rev. Zool. 1839, 294. Calypte coste@ GouLpD, Mon. Troch. III. pt. xi, 1856, pl. 134. [B 106, C 280, R 337, C 415.] Groc. Dist.— Southern California, southern Nevada, Arizona, Lower California, and western Mexico. 431,.Calypte anna (LEss.). Anna’s Hummingbird. Ornismya anna LEss. Suppl. Ois. Mouch. 1831, 115, pl. vii. Calypte anne Goutp, Mon. Troch. III. pt. xi, 1856, pl. 135. [B 105, C 279, R338, C 414.] Geroc. Dist.—Central and southern California, southern Arizona, and Lower California, casually to Guadalupe Island. Genus SELASPHORUS Swainson. Selasphorus Swains. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 324. Type, Zrochilus rufus GMEL. [431.1.] Selasphorus floresii GouLp. Floresi’s Hummingbird. Selasphorus floresiti GOULD, Mon. Troch. pt. xxiii. Sept. 1, 1861 (Vol. IIT. pl. 139). [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groce. Dist.— Mexico (Bolaiios, Jalisco); accidental at San Fran- cisco, California. 432. Selasphorus platycercus (Swains.). Broad-tailed Hummingbird. Trochilus platycercus Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 441. Selasphorus platycercus Bon. Consp. Av. I. 1850, 82. 176 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 104, C 278, R 339, C 413.] WE Geoc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region (Idaho, Wyoming, and Colorado), west to the Sierra Nevada, and south through Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico to Guatemala. if 433. Selasphorus rufus (GMEL.). Rufous Hummingbird. Trochilus rufus GMEL. S. N. I. i. 1788, 497. a Trochilus (Selasphorus) rufus Swans. in Sw. & Ricu. Faun. Bor. Am. IT. 1831, 324. A [B 103, C 277, R 340, C 411.] Geroc. Dist.—Western Texas to Montana, west to the Pacific, and — : . north to Mount St. Elias, Alaska; south in winter on the tablelands of Mexico to Vera Cruz and Oaxaca. ‘ 434. Selasphorus alleni Hensu. Allen’s Hummingbird. Selasphorus alleni HEnsuH. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, II. 1877, 54. [B—, C —, R 341, C 412.] ‘Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast, north to British Columbia, east to southern Arizona. Genus STELLULA Gow Lp. Stellula GOULD, Introd. Troch. 1861,90. Type, Zrochilus calliope GOULD. 436. Stellula calliope Goutp. Calliope Hummingbird. Trochilus (Calothorax) calliope Gouin, P. Z. S. 1847, 11. Stellula calliope Goud, Introd. Troch. 1861, go. [B —, C 282, R 343, C 417.] Geroc. Dist.— Mountains of the Pacific slope, from British Colum- bia to Montana, Nevada, and New Mexico; south to the Valley of Mexico and mountains of Guerrero, ORDER MACROCHIRES. 177 Genus CALOTHORAX Gravy. Calothorax GRaAy, Gen. B. 1840, 13. Type, Cynanthus lucifer SwAINS. 437. Calothorax lucifer (Swains.). Lucifer Hummingbird. mn Cynanthus lucifer Swans. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 442. r Calothorax lucifer GRay, Gen. B. I. 1844, 110. [B —, C—, R 344, C 418.] Groc. Dist.— Tablelands of Mexico, from Puebla and the Valley of Mexico north to southern Arizona. Genus AMAZILIA REICHENBACH. Amazilia Reicu. Syst. Av. 1849, pl. 39. Type, Orthorhynchus amazilt LESS. : 458. Amazilia fuscicaudata (FRASER). Rieffer’s Hummingbird. . Trochilus fuscicaudatus Fras. P. Z. S. 1840, 17. Amazilia fuscicaudata Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. I. 1878, 118, 147. [B—, C—, R 345, C 419.] Groc. Dist.— Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas, south through eastern Mexico to Central America and northern South America. 439. Amazilia cerviniventris GouLp. Bufl-bellied Hummingbird. Amaztlius cerviniventris GOULD, P. Z. S. 1856, 150. [B—, C—, R 346, C 420.] Geoc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande and south in east- ern Mexico to southern Vera Cruz. 12 178 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus BASILINNA Bote. Basilinna Bots, Isis, 1831, 546. Type, Zrochilus leucotis VEIL 440. Basilinna xantusi (Lawr.). Xantus’s Hummingbird. _ Amaszilia xantust LAwRK. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 1860, 109. a Basilinna xanthusi Ex.iot, Class. & Synop. Troch. March, — 1879, 227. [B—, C 273, R 347, C 407.] Groc. Dist.— Lower California north to Lat. 29°. 440.1, Basilinna leucotis (VIEILL.). White-eared Hummingbird. Trochilus leucotis VrE1Lu. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXIII. 1818, 428. Basilinna leucotis Botk, Isis, 1831, 546. [B= Co Rae Groc. Dist.— Mexico and Shien. dsr north to the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona. Genus IACHE E :tiot. Lache Evuiot, Class. & Synop. Troch. March, 1879, 234. Type, Cynanthus latirostris SWAINs. 441. Iache latirostris (Swains.). Broad-billed Hummingbird. Cynanthus latirostris Swans. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 441. lache latirostris Evuiot, Class. & Synop. Troch. March, 1879, 235. [B—, C—, R 348, C 421.] Groc. Dist.— Southern Arizona and south to the Valley of Mexico. ORDER PASSERES. 179 ORDER PASSERES. PErRcHING BIRDs. SUBORDER CLAMATORES. SoNnGLEss PERCHING BIRDS. Famity COTINGIDZA. Tue Corineas. Genus Platypsaris ScLaTer. Platypsaris Scu. P. Z. S. 1857, 72 (ex Bonap., 1854, = nomen nudum). Type, Pachyrhamphus latirostris BONAP. 441.1. Platypsaris albiventris (Lawr.). Xantus’s Becard. fTadrostomus albiventris Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. VIII. 1867, 475. Platypsaris albiventris RrpGw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 325. [B—, C—, R—, C--.] Groc. Dist.— Western and southern Mexico, north to southern Arizona (Huachuca Mts.). FAMILY TYRANNIDZA. Tyrant FLYCATCHERS. Genus MILVULUS Swainson. Milvulus Swainson, Zool. Journ. III. July, 1827, 165. Type, Tyrannus savanna ViEILL. = Muscicapa tyrannus LINN. [442.] Milvulus tyrannus (Linv.). Fork-tailed Flycatcher. Muscicapa tyrannus Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 325. Milvulus tyrannus Bonar. Geogr. & Comp. List, 1838, 25. 180 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 122, C 240, R 302, C 366.] | Geroc. Dist.— Southern Mexico and southward throughout Central and most of South America. Accidental in the United States (Mississippi, Kentucky, New Jersey, southern California). 443. Milvulus forficatus (GMEL.). Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. Musciapa forficata GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 931. Milvulus forficatus Swans. Classif. B. II. 1827, 225. [B 123, C 241, R 301, C 367.] Geoc. Dist.— Texas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, southern Kansas and southwestern Missouri, south through eastern Mexico to Costa Rica. Accidental in southern Florida (Key West), New Jersey, New England, and at York Factory, Hudson Bay. | Genus TYRANNUS Cuvier. Tyrannus CuvIER, Leg. d’An. Comp. I. 1799, tabl. ii. (Cf Tabl. Elem. 1797, p. 201.) Type, Lanius tyrannus LINN. 444, Tyrannus tyrannus (LInv.). Kingbird. Lanius tyrannus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 94. Tyrannus tyrannus JORDAN, Man. Vert. ed. 4, 1884, 96. [B 124, C 242, R 304, C 368.] Groc. Dist.— North America, from the British Provinces south, in winter, through eastern Mexico, Central and South America. Less common west of the Rocky Mountains. Not recorded from New Mexico and Arizona. 445, Tyrannus dominicensis (GMEL.). Gray Kingbird. Lanius tyrannus B. dominicensis GMEL. S. N. I. 1788, 302. Tyrannus dominicensis RICHARDSON, Rep. Sixth Meet. Brit. Ass. V. 1837, 170. ORDER PASSERES. 181 [B 125, C 243; R 393; C 369.] Groc. Dist.— South Atlantic States (South Carolina, Georgia, Florida), West Indies, Atlantic coast of Central America, and northern South America. Accidental in Massachusetts. 446. Tyrannus melancholicus couchii (Barrp). Couch’s Kingbird. Lyrannus couchii Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 175. Tyrannus melancholicus var. couchii Cours, Check-list, ed. 1, Dec. 1873, 51. [B 128, 129, C 246, R 305, C 372.] Groc. Dist.— Southern border of the United States (Texas), south to Guatemala. 447. Tyrannus verticalis Say. Arkansas Kingbird. Tyrannus verticalis Say, Lone’s Exp. II. 1823, 60. [B 126, C 244, R 306, C 370.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Plains to the Pacific, and from British Columbia south through Lower California and western Mexico to Guatemala. Accidental in Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Maine. 448, Tyrannus vociferans Swains. Cassin’s Kingbird. Tyrannus vociferans Swains. Quart. Jour. Sci. XX. 1826, 273. [B 127, C 245, R 307, C 371.] Geroc. Dist.— Western United States from southern Wyoming, eastern Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, western Texas and southern California, south to Guatemala. Genus PITANGUS Swainson. Pitangus Swainson, Zool. Journ. III. July, 1827, 165. Type, Tyrannus sulphuratus ViEILL. 182 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 449, Pitangus derbianus (Kauvp). Derby Flycatcher. Saurophagus derbianus Kaur, P. Z. S. 1851 (Oct. 1852), 44, pl. XXXVI. Pitangus derbianus SCLATER, P. Z. S. 1856 (Jan. 1857), 297. [B—, C—, R 308, C 364.] Geoc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, south to northern South America. Genus MYIOZETETES Sciater. Mytozetetes Sct. P. Z. S. 1859, 46. Type, Wuscicapa cayennensis LINN. [450.] Myiozetetes texensis (GIRAUD). Giraud’s Flycatcher. Muscicapa texensis GIRAUD, Sixteen Sp. Texas B. 1841, pl. 1. Myiozetetes texensis Sci. P. Z. S. 1859, 56. [B ih Wi | CG nee | R 3°09; C—.] Groc. Dist.— “Texas” (GrRAUD), south to Central America and northern South America. GEeNuSs MYIODYNASTES Bonaparte. Myiodynastes BonaP. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandée, II. 1857, 35 (ex Bonap. Comptes Rend. XXXVIII. 1854, 657, nomen nudum). Type, A/uscicapa audax GMEL. 451. Myiodynastes luteiventris Sct. Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher. Myitodynastes luteiventris Sci. P. Z. S. 1859, 42 (ex Bonap. Comptes Rend. XXXVIII. 1854, 657, nomen nudum). [B—, C —, R 310, C 365. ] Groc. Dist.— Southern Arizona, south to Panama. GENUS MYIARCHUS Capsanis. Myiarchus Caz. Arch. f. Naturg. 1844, 1, 272. Type, Muscicapa Jerox GMEL. on, Se ee oe -— > eee, ~, ~—— — iy PS en ae ORDER PASSERES. 183 452. Myiarchus crinitus (LInw.). Crested Flycatcher. Muscicapa crinita Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 325. Myiarchus crinitus Licut. Nomencl. Mus. Berol. 1854, 16. [Birgo, C247, Rizgra Cosga | Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States and southern Canada, west to Manitoba and the Plains, south through eastern Mexico to Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. Breeds from Florida northward. 453. Myiarchus mexicanus (Kaup). Mexican Crested Flycatcher. Tyrannula mexicana Kaur, P. Z. S. 1851, 51. Myiarchus mexicanus BAirRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 179. [B 132, C—, R 311, C 374.] Groc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, south- ward to Guatemala. 453 a. Myiarchus mexicanus weainter Ripew. Arizona Crested Flycatcher. - Myiarchus mexicanus magister RipGw. Pr. Biol. Soc. Wash. II. April 10, 1884, go. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Southern Arizona, south into western Mexico. 454, Myiarchus cinerascens (Lawr.). Ash-throated Flycatcher. Tyrannula cinerascens LAwWR. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. V. 1851, 121. Myiarchus cinerascens Sci. & Sav. Ibis, I. Apr. 1859, 121. [B 131, C 248, R 313, C 375.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, north to Oregon, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado, south to Guatemala. 454 a. Myiarchus cinerascens nuttingi (Rivew.). Nutting’s Flycatcher. Myiarchus nuttingi Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 394. Myiarchus cinerascens nuttingi ALLEN, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. IV. Dec. 1892, 346. 184 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. —* [B 131, part, C 248, part, R 313, part, C 375, part.) Groc. Dist.— Southern Arizona, southward through western Mexico to Costa Rica. [455.] Myiarchus lawrenceii (GrRavp). Lawrence’s Flycatcher. Muscicapa lawrenceii GIRAUD, Sixteen Sp. Texas B. 1841, 9 (by actual counting, the text not being paged). ! Myiarchus lawrencit BAtRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 181. [B 133, C 248, R 314, C 376.] Groc. Dist.— “ Texas” (GrrAUD) and eastern Mexico. 455a. Myiarchus lawrencei olivascens Ripcw. Olivaceous Flycatcher. Myiarchus lawrencei olivascens Ripcw. Pr. Biol. Soc. Wash. II. April 10, 1884, 91. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Arizona and western Mexico. Casual at Fort Lyon, Colorado. Genus SAYORNIS Bonaparte. Sayornis Bonap. Coll. Delattre, 1854, 87. Type, Zyrannula nigricans SWAINS. 456. Sayornis phoebe (Latu.). Phebe. Muscicapa phoebe Latuam, Ind. Orn. II. 1790, 489. Sayornis phebe StEyN. Auk, II. Jan. 1885, 51. [B 135, C252, R 315, C 379.] Geoc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to eastern Colorado and western Texas, and from the British Provinces south to eastern Mexico and Cuba, wintering from the South Atlantic and Gulf States southward. Breeds from South Carolina northward. a eee — te ; ORDER PASSERES. 185 457. Sayornis saya (Bonap.). Say’s Pheebe. Muscicapa saya Bonar. Am, Orn. I. 1825, 20. Sayornis sayus BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 185. [B 136, C 250, R 316, C 377.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Plains (central North and South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas) to the Pacific ; north along the Yukon River to the Arctic Circle; south to Cape St. Lucas and over the Mexican Plateau to Puebla and central Vera Cruz. Accidental in Massachusetts. 458. Sayornis nigricans (Swains.). Black Pheebe. Tyrannula nigricans Swains. Phil. Mag. I. May, 1827, 367. Sayornis nigricans BoNAP. Coll. Delattre, 1854, 87. [B 134, C 251, R 317, C 378.] Groc. Dist.— Southwestern United States, from Texas through southern New Mexico and Arizona to California, and northward along the Pacific coast to Washington ; south to Cape St. Lucas, Lower California, and in Mexico to Oaxaca. Genus CONTOPUS Casanlis. Contopus Caz. J. f. O. III. Nov. 1855, 479. Type, Aluscicapa virens LINN. SuscENus NUTTALLORNIS Ruivew. Nuttallornis Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 337. Type, Zyran- nus borealis SWAINS. 459. Contopus borealis (Swa1ns.). Olive-sided Flycatcher. Tyrannus borealis Swans. in Sw. & Ricu. Faun. B. A. II. 1831, 141, pl. 35. Contopus borealis BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 188. 186 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 137, C 253, R 318, C 380.] Geroc. Dist.— North America, breeding from the northern and the higher mountainous parts of the United States northward to British Columbia and the Saskatchewan River. Accidental on the Lower Yukon and in Greenland. In winter, south to Central America, Colombia, and northern Peru. SuBGENUS CONTOPUS Casanlis. 460. Contopus pertinax Cas. Coues’s Flycatcher. Myiarchus pertinax Licut. Nomen. Mus. Berol. 1854, 16 (nomen nudum), Contopus pertinax Cas. Mus. Hein. II. Sept. 30, 1859, 72. [B—, C 254, R 319, C 381.] Groc. Dist.— Mountains of southern and central Arizona, south through Mexico to Guatemala. 461. Contopus virens (LINN.). Wood Pewee. Muscicapa virens LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 327. Contopus virens CaB. J. f. O. 1855, 479. [B 139, C 255, R 320, C 382.] Groc. Dist—— Eastern North America, west to the Plains, and = from southern Canada southward, migrating through eastern Mexico and Honduras to Colombia and Ecuador. Breeds from Florida to Newfoundland. 462. Contopus richardsonii (SwaIns.). Western Wood Pewee. Tyrannula richardsoniti Swatns. in Sw. & Ricu. F. B. A. II. 1831, 146, pl. 46, lower fig. Contopus richardsontt BAIRD, B. N. Am, 1858, 189. [B 138, C 255a, R 321, C 383.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Plains to the Pacific, north to British Columbia and the interior of British America, south through Central America to Colombia. ORDER PASSERES. 187 462 2. Contopus richardsonii peninsulz Brewst. Large-billed Wood Pewee. Contopus richardsonit peninsule Brewst. Auk, VIII. April, 1891, 144. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geoc. Dist.— Sierra dela Laguna, Lower California. Genus EMPIDONAX Capsanis. LEmpidonax Cas. J. f. O. 1855, 480. Type, Zyrannula pusilla SWAINS. 463. Empidonax flaviventris Barrp. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. Tyrannula flaviventris BAIRD (W. M. & S. F.), Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. July, 1843, 283. Empidonax flaviventris BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 198. [B 144, C 259, R 322, C 388.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America west to the Plains, and from southern Labrador south through eastern Mexico to Panama, breed- ing from the Northern States northward. Casual in Greenland. 464. Empidonax difficilis Barrp. Western Flycatcher. Empidonax dificilis BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 198 (in text). [B 144a, C 259, part, R 323, C 389. | Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Plains to the Pacific; south to Cape St. Lucas and through western Mexico to Costa Rica; north to southern Alaska. 464.1. Empidonax cineritius BREwstT. St. Lucas Flycatcher. Empidonax cineritius BREwst. Auk, V. Jan. 1888, go. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Lower California. i , ; 188 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. x | a by y. 465. Empidonax virescens (VIEILL.). a Green-crested Flycatcher. é iy ) a Platyrhynchos virescens VIEILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XX VII. a 1818, 22. ap) Empidonax virescens BREwsT, Auk, XII. April, 1895, 157. .. [B 143, C 256, R 324, C 384.] a Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, north to southern New York __ and southern Michigan, west to the Plains, south to Cuba and Costa Rica. Rare or casual in southern New England (Hyde Park, Mass.). - 3 466. Empidonax traillii (Avp.). - Traill’s Flycatcher. it Muscicapa trailii Aup. Orn. Biog. I. 1832, 236. a a Empidonax traillii Barrp, Bds. N. Am. 1858, 193. BS, [B 141, C 2574, R 325, C 386. ] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, from the Mississippi Valley (Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan) to the Pacific, and from the BY, Fur Countries south into Mexico. Be 466 a. Empidonax traillii alnmorum Brews. WY Alder Flycatcher. ey, Empidonax traillii alnorum Brewst. Auk, XII. April, 1895, 161. [B 140, C 257, R 3254, C 385.] t Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, from the Maritime Prov- inces and New England westward at least to northern Michigan, etc., breeding from the southern edge of the Canadian Fauna north- ward ; in winter south to Central America. 467. Empidonax minimus Barrp. Least Flycatcher. Zyrannula minima BairD (W. M. & S. F.), Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. July, 1843, 284. LEimpidonax minimus BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 195. [B 142, C 258, R 326, C 387.] Geoc. Dist.— Chiefly eastern North America, west to eastern Colorado and central Montana, south in winter to Central America. . Breeds from the Northern States northward. ORDER PASSERES. 189 468. Empidonax hammondi (XantTvs). Hammond’s Flycatcher. Tyrannula hammondi Xantus, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. May, 1858, 117- Empidonax hammondi Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 199. [B 145, C 260, R 327, C 390.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, from the western border of the Plains westward, north to Lesser Slave Lake and Alaska, and south to southern Mexico. 469. Empidonax wrightii Barrp. Wright’s Flycatcher. Empidonax wrightii BAiRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 200 (in text). [B 146, C 261, R 328, C 391.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, north to Oregon and Mon- tana, and south to southern Mexico. 469.1. Empidonax griseus BreEwst. Gray Flycatcher. | Empidonax griseus BREwst. Auk, VI. April, 1889, 87. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Lower California and portions of Sonora. (Ari- zona ?) [470.] Empidonax fulvifrons (Giravp). Fulvous Flycatcher. Muscicapa fulvifrons GiRAUD, Sixteen Sp. Tex. B. 1841, pl. ii. Limpidonax fulvifrons Sci. P. Z. 8. 1858, 301. [B—, C—, R 329, C—.] Groc. Dist.— “ Texas ” (GirauD), and eastern Mexico. 470 a. Empidonax fulvifrons pygmzeus (CovEs). Buff-breasted Flycatcher. Empidonax pygmaeus Cours, Ibis, 1865, 537. Eimpidonax fulvifrons pygmeus Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 356. [B —, C 262, R 3292, C 392.] Geroc. Dist.— Western New Mexico and southern Arizona, south into western Mexico. 19Q° CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. GENUS PYROCEPHALUS GOULD. | w Pyrocephalus GouuD, Zool. Voy. Beag. 1841, 44. Types, “ Pyro- Y a cephalus parvirostris (GOULD), and Muscicapa coronata (Auct.).”” r 471, Pyrocephalus rubineus mexicanus (Sct.). i. Vermilion Flycatcher. “aa Pyrocephalus mexicanus Sci. P. Z. S. 1859, 45- Be Pyrocephalus rubineus var. mexicanus Cours, Key, 1872, 177, [B 147, C 263, R 330, C 394-] x Groc. Dist.— Southern and central Arizona, southwestern Utah, and the valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, south to Lower — California and Guatemala. ee Genus ORNITHION Harrtave. Ornithion HarTLavs, J.f. 0.1853, 35. Type, O. iverme HARTL. — 472, Ornithion imberbe (ScL.). Beardless Flycatcher. Camptostoma tmberbe Scu. P. Z. S. 1857, 203. Ornithion imberbe Lawr. Ibis, 1876, 497. [B—, C —, R 331, C 393.] Groc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, south into eastern Mexico, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. 472 a. Ornithion imberbe ridgwayi Brewst. Ridgway’s Flycatcher. Ornithium imberbe ridgwayt BREwstT. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. VII. — i Oct. 1882, 208. “ie (Bony ieee Geroc. Dist.— Southern Arizona, south in Mexico to Puebla and Jalisco. ORDER PASSERES. Igl SuBORDER OSCINES. Sone BIRpDs. Famity ALAUDIDZA. Larks. Genus ALAUDA Linnezvws. Alauda Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 165. Type, by elimination, A. arvensis LINN. [473.] Alauda arvensis Linn. Skylark. Alauda arvensis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 165. [B —, C 55 dts, R 299, C 88. ] Geroc. Dist.— Europe and Asia. Accidental in Greenland and Bermuda. Genus OTOCORIS Bonaparte. Otocoris Bonar. Nouvi Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, II. 1838, 407. Type, Alauda alpestris LINN. 474. Otocoris alpestris (Liny.). Horned Lark. Alauda alpestris Linn. S. N. ed. 10, 1758, 166. Otocoris alpestris Bonap. Nouvi Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, IT. 1838. 407. [B 302, C 53, R 300, C 82.] Groc. Dist.— Northeastern North America, Greenland, and northern parts of the Old World; in winter south in eastern United States to the Carolinas, Illinois, etc. Ig2 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 474 a, Otocoris alpestris leucoleema (CovEs). Pallid Horned Lark. Eremophila alpestris b. leucolema CouEs, B. N. W. 1875, 38 (part). Otocoris alpestris leucolema StTEJN. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. June 5, 1882, 34. [B —, C 534, R 3002, C 83.] Groc. Dist.— Interior of British America, and Alaska, south in winter into western United States. 4746. Otocoris alpestris praticola HEnsu. Prairie Horned Lark. O|tocorys| alpestris praticola Hensu. Auk, I. July, 1884, 264. [B—, C—, R—, C —] Groc. Dist.— Upper Mississippi Valley and the region of the Great Lakes to New England, breeding eastward to northeastern New York and western Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont, and migrating south to South Carolina, Texas, etc. 474c. Otocoris alpestris arenicola HENsH. Desert Horned Lark. Oltocorys| alpestris arenicola Hensu. Auk, I. July, 1884, 265. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Great Plains and Great Basin of the United States, south in winter to northern Mexico. 474d, Otocoris alpestris giraudi HeEnsu. Texan Horned Lark. Otocorys alpestris giraudi HENSH. Auk, I. July, 1884, 266. [B—, C—, R—,C —.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern and southeastern Texas. 474e, Otocoris alpestris chrysolzema (WAcL.). Mexican Horned Lark. Alauda chrysolema WAGL. Isis, 1831, 530. Otocoris alpestris chrysolema STEJN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. June 5, 1882, 34. ORDER PASSERES. 193 [B—, C 534, R 3004, C 84.] + Geos. Dist.— Coast district of California (north to Nicasio), northern Lower California, and parts of Mexico (Mirador, Vera Cruz, Valley of Mexico, etc.). 4747. Otocoris alpestris rubea HeEnsu. Ruddy Horned Lark. Oftocorys| alpestris rubeus HensuH. Auk, I. July, 1884, 267. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, California. 4742. Otocoris alpestris strigata Hrnsu. Streaked Horned Lark. Oftocorys| alpestris strigata Hensu. Auk, I. July, 1884, 267. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geoc. Dist.— Coast region of Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. Islands off coast of southern California. 474h. Otocoris alpestris adusta Dwicur. Scorched Horned Lark. Otocoris alpestris adusta Dwicut, Auk, VII. April, 1890, 148. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Southern Arizona and New Mexico, western Texas, and southward into Mexico. 4747. Otocoris alpestris merrilli Dwicur. Dusky Horned Lark. Otocoris alpestris merrilli Dwicut, Auk, VII. April, 1890, 153. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern Oregon, Washington, and British Colum- bia, between the Cascade and Rocky Mountains; southward in winter into Nevada and California. 4747. Otocoris alpestris pallida TownsEnp. Sonoran Horned Lark. Otocoris alpestris pallida 'TOWNSEND, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. XIII, 1890, 138. [B—, C—, R—, C—] Groc. Dist.— Lower California and Sonora. 13 194 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Famity CORVIDAS. Crows, Jays, MAGPIES, ETC. SUBFAMILY GARRULINZG. Macpiezs anp Jays. Genus PICA Brisson. Pica Briss, Orn. II. 1760, 35. Type, Corvus pica LINN. 475. Pica pica hudsonica (Sas.). American Magpie. Corvus hudsonicus Sas. App. Frankl. Journ. 1823, 25, 671. Pica pica hudsonica JORDAN, Man. Vert. ed. 4, 1884, 94. [B 432, C 233, R 286, C 347.] Groc. Dist.— Northern and western North America, from the Plains to the Cascade Mountains and north to Alaska; casually east and south to Michigan (accidental in northern Illinois in winter), and in the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico and Arizona. Replaced in California, west of the Sierra Nevada, by the next species. 476. Pica nuttalli Avup. Yellow-billed Magpie. Pica nuttalli Aup. Orn. Biog. IV. 1838, 450, pl. 362. [B 433, C 2334, R 287, C 348.] Geroc. Dist.— California, west of the Sierra Nevada, from Sacra- mento Valley south to about latitude 34°, locally distributed. Genus CYANOCITTA STRICKLAND. Cyanocitta StRIcKL. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV. 1845, 261. Type, Corvus cristatus LINN. 477. Cyanocitta cristata (LINN.). Blue Jay. Corvus cristatus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 106. Cyanocitta cristata STRICKL. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV. 1845, 261. ORDER PASSERES. 195 [B 434, C 234, R 289, C 349.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America to the Plains, and from the Fur Countries south to Florida and eastern Texas. 477 a. Cyanocitta cristata florincola CovEs. Florida Blue Jay. Cyanocitta cristata florincola Cours, Key, ed. 2, 1884, 421- [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Florida and the Gulf coast to southeastern Texas, casually along the coast to southwestern Texas. 478. Cyanocitta stelleri (GMEL.). Steller’s Jay. Corvus stelleri GMEL. S. N. I. 1788, 370. Cyanocitta stellert STRICKL. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV. 1845, 261. [B 435, C 235, R 290, C 350.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast of North America, from Sitka south through the Cascade and Coast Ranges to Monterey Bay. 478 a. Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis (Ripew.). Blue-fronted Jay. Cyanura stelleri var. frontalis Ripcw. Am. Journ. Sc. & Arts, 3d ser. V. Jan. 1873, 41. Cyanocitta stelleri var. frontalis BoucaRD, Cat. Av. 1876, 279. [B—, C 2354, R 2902, C 353.] Groc. Dist.— Southern coast ranges and Sierra Nevada of Cali- fornia and western Nevada, from Fort Crook south to northern Lower California. 478 6. Cyanocitta stelleri macrolopha (Bairp). Long-crested Jay. Cyanocitta macrolopha BAirD, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1854, 118. Cyanocitta stellert macrolopha Cours, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. V. April, 1880, 98. 196 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 436, C 2352, R 2900, 2900, C 352.] Geroc. Dist.— Southern Rocky Mountains, southern Arizona and northwestern Mexico. 478 c. Cyanocitta stelleri annectens (Barrp). Black-headed Jay. [Cyanura stelleri| var. annectens Bairp, Hist. N. Am. B. II. 1874, 281, in text. Cyanocitta stelleri annectens RipGw. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. 1880, 184. [B 436, part, C 2552, part, R 2900, C 352, part.| Groc. Dist.— Northern Rocky Mountains, south to Wahsatch range, west to eastern Oregon and Washington. Genus APHELOCOMA Capsanis. Aphelocoma Capanis, Mus. Hein. I. Oct. 15, 1851, 221. Type, Garrulus californicus VIG. 479. Aphelocoma floridana (BartTr.) Florida Jay. Corvus floridanus BaRTR. Trav. Carol. 1791, 291. Aphelocoma floridana Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1851, 221. [B 439, C 236, R 291, C 354.] Groc. Dist. — Florida, of local distribution. 480. Aphelocoma woodhouseii (Barrp). Woodhouse’s Jay. Cyanocitta wovdhouseii BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 585, pl. 59. Aphelocoma woodhousii Ripew. Field and Forest, June, 1877, 208. [B 438, C 236a, R 292, C 355.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the desert ranges of southern California north to eastern Oregon, east to Montana, Wyo- ming, Colorado and New Mexico, and south to northern Mexico. ORDER PASSERES. 197 480.1. Aphelocoma cyanotis Ripcw. Blue-eared Jay. Aphelocoma cyanotis Ripcw. Man. N. Am. Hds. 1887, 357. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Northern Mexico, ranging northward into western Texas, 481. Aphelocoma californica (Vic.). California Jay. Garrulus californicus Vic. Zool. Beech. Voy. 1839, 21, pl. v. Aphelocoma californica Cas. Mus. Hein. I. Oct. 15, 1851, 221. [B 437, C 2364, R 293, C 356.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast region, including both slopes of the Sierra Nevada, from the Columbia River to northern Lower Cali- fornia. 481 a. Aphelocoma californica hypoleuca Ripew. Xantus’s Jay. Aphelocoma californica hypoleuca Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 356. [B 437, part, C 236d, part, R 293, part, C 356, part] Geroc. Dist.— Lower California, from Cape St. Lucas north to Lat. 28°. 4814, Aphelocoma californica obscura ANTHONY. Belding’s Jay. Aphelocoma californica obscura ANTHONY, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. 2d ser. II. Oct. 11, 1889, 75. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— San Pedro Martir Mountains, Lower California. 481.1. Aphelocoma insularis HeEnsu. Santa Cruz Jay. Aphelocoma insularis HensuH. Auk, III. Oct. 1886, 452. [B—, C—, R—, C—] Gros. Dist.— Santa Cruz Island, southern California. 198 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 482. Aphelocoma sieberii arizonz Rivcw. Arizona Jay. Cyanocitta ultramarina var. arizone RipGw. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Dec. 1873, 199. Aphelocoma sieberit arizone Ripew. Pr. Us S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355: [B 440, C 237, R 295, C 357.] Groc. Dist.— Southern New Mexico and Arizona, and southward into Sonora and Chihuahua, Genus XANTHOURA Bonaparte. Xanthoura Bonar. Consp. Av. I. May 6, Bh 380. Type, Corvus yncas BODD. 483. Xanthoura luxuosa (LEss.). Green Jay. Garrulus luxuosus Less, Rev. Zool. 1839, too. Xanthoura luxuosa Bonap. Consp. Av. I. 1850, 380. [B 442, C 238, R 296, C 358.] Geroc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, and southward in eastern Mexico to Vera Cruz and Puebla. Genus PERISOREUS Bonaparte. Perisoreus BONAP. Saggio, 1831, 43. Type, Corvus infaustus LINN. 484. Perisoreus canadensis (LINv.). Canada Jay. Corvus canadensis LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 158. Perisoreus canadensis BonaPp. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 27. [B 443, C 239, R 297, C 359.] Groc. Dist.— Northern New York, northern New England, and northern Michigan, northward to Arctic America. a ee ee. pee Se eS ee eee ae en ee ee ORDER PASSERES. 199 484 a. Perisoreus canadensis capitalis Ripcw. Rocky Mountain Jay. Perisoreus canadensis var. capitalis “Batrp MS.” Ripew. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Nov. 1873, 193. [B—, C 2394, R 2974, C 362.| Groc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region of the United States, south to New Mexico and Arizona. 484 4, Perisoreus canadensis fumifrons Ripcw. Alaskan Jay. Perisoreus canadensis fumifrons Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. ITI. March 27, 1880, 5. [B—, C—, R 2974, C 360.] Geroc. Dist.— Alaska, except southern coast district. 484¢, Perisoreus canadensis nigricapillus Ripew. Labrador Jay. Perisoreus canadensis nigricapillus Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. June 5, 1882, 15. ([B—, C—, R—, C—.] | Groc. Dist.— Coast district of Labrador, north to Ungava Bay. 485. Perisoreus obscurus (Rivcw.). Oregon Jay. Perisoreus canadensts var. obscurus RipGcw. Bull. Essex Inst. Nov. 1873, 194. Perisoreus obscurus SHARPE, Brit. Mus. Cat. B. III. 1877, ros. [B—, C 239a, R 298, C 361.] Geroc. Dist.— Northwest coast, from the northern Sierra Nevada and Humboldt Bay, in California, to British Columbia. SUBFAMILY CORVINZ. Crows. Genus CORVUS Linneus. Corvus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 105. Type, by elimination, C. corax LINN. 200 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 486. Corvus corax sinuatus (WAGL.). American Raven. Corvus sinuatus WAGLER, Isis, 1829, 748. Corvus corax sinuatus Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355° [B 423, 424, C 226, R 280, C 338.] Geoc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Rocky Mountains westward, and south to Guatemala. 4864. Corvus corax principalis Ripew. Northern Raven. Corvus corax principalis RipGw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 361. [B 423, part, C 226, part, R 280, part, C 338, part. ] Groc. Dist.— Northern North America, south to British Colum- bia, northern Michigan, New Brunswick, Maine, New Jersey, North Carolina, etc. 487. Corvus cryptoleucus Coucn. White-necked Raven. Corvus cryptoleucus Coucn, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. April, 1854, 66. [B 425, C 227, R 281, C 339.] Groc. Dist.— Southern border of the United States, from Texas to southern California, north to Colorado and western Kansas, south into northern Mexico. 488. Corvus americanus AUD. American Crow. Corvus americanus AuD. Orn. Biog. II. 1834, 317. [B 426, C 228, R 282, C 340.] Groc. Dist.— North America, from the Fur Countries to the south- ern border of the United States. Locally distributed in the West. 488 a. Corvus americanus floridanus Barrp. Florida Crow. Corvus americanus var. floridanus BairD, B. N. Am. 1858, 568. [B 427, C 228a, R 282a, C 341.] Geroc. Dist.— Florida. ORDER PASSERES. 201 489. Corvus caurinus Barrp. Northwest Crow. Corvus caurinus BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 569. [B 428, C 2284, R 2824, C 342.] Geroc. Dist.— Northwest coast, from California to Sitka. 490. Corvus ossifragus WILs. Fish Crow. Corvus ossifragus Wits. Am. Orn. V. 1812, 27, pl. 37, fig. 2. [B 429, C 229, R 283, C 343.] Geroc. Dist.— Atlantic and Gulf coasts, from southern Connec- ticut to Louisiana. Common in the lower Hudson Valley; casual in Massachusetts. Genus NUCIFRAGA Bbrisson. Nucifraga Brisson, Orn. II. 1760, 58. Type, V. caryocatactes. SuBGENUsS PICICORVUS Bonaparte. ficicorvus Bonar. Consp. Av. I. 1850, 384. Type, Corvus columbianus WILs. 491. Nucifraga columbiana (WILS.). Clarke’s Nutcracker. Corvus columbianus Wits. Am. Orn. III. 1811, 29, pl. 20, fig. 3. Nucifraga columbiana Auv. Orn. Biog. IV. 1834, 459. [B 430, C 230, R 284, C 344.] Groc. Dist.— Higher coniferous forests of western North Amer- ica, from the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific, and from Putnam River, Alaska, south to Arizona and northern Lower California. Accidental in Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas. Genus CYANOCEPHALUS Bonaparte. Cyanocephalus Bonar. Oss. Stat. Zool. Eur. Vertebr. 1842, 17. Type, Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus WIED. 202 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 492. Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus (WIED). Pinon Jay. Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus Wiep, Reise N. Amer. II. 1841, 21. ; Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus StEJN. Auk, I. 1884, 230. eA [B 431, C 231, R 285, C 345.] Groc. Dist.— Rocky Mountains, west to the Cascade Range and the Sierra Nevada, and from British America south to northern Lower California. Accidental in eastern Kansas and eastern , Nebraska. a a ean Famity STURNIDZA. Star .Incs. Genus STURNUS Linn2vs. Sturnus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 167. Type, by elimination, S. vulgaris LINN. [493.] Sturnus vulgaris Linn. Starling. Sturnus vulgaris LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 167. [B—, C—, R 279) C 363-] Groc. Dist.— Europe and northern Asia; accidental in Green- land. Introduced and apparently well-established in the vicinity of New York city. Famity ICTERIDZA. BLackspirps, ORIOLES, ETC. Genus DOLICHONYX Swarnson. Dolichonyx Swains. Phil. Mag. I. June, 1827, 435. Type, Fringilla oryzivora LINN. 494, Dolichonyx oryzivorus (LINN.). Bobolink. Fringilla oryzivora Linn. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 179. Dolichonyx oryzivorus Swatns. Zool. Jour. III. 1827, 351. ORDER PASSERES. 203 [B 399, C 210, R 257, C 312.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to Montana, eastern Nevada, Utah, and Idaho; north to Ontario, and the southern parts of Manitoba, Assiniboia, and Alberta; south, in winter, to the West Indies and South America. Breeds from the Middle States north- ward, and winters south of the United States. Genus MOLOTHRUS Swainson. Molothrus Swains. F. B. A. II. 1831, 277. Type, Fringilla pecoris GMEL. = Oriolus ater Bopp. 495. Molothrus ater (Bopp.). Cowbird. Oriolus ater Bopp. Tabl. Pl. Enlum. 1783, 37. Molothrus ater Gray, Handl. B. II. 1870, 36. [B 400, C 211, R 258, C 313.] Geroc. Dist.— United States, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, north into southern British America, south, in winter, into Mexico. 495@. Molothrus ater obscurus (GMEL.). Dwarf Cowbird. Sturnus obscurus GMEL. S. N. I. i. 1788, 804. M [olothrus | ater var. obscurus Cours, B. N. W. 1874, 180, in text. [B—, C 221a, R 2582, C 314.] Groc. Dist.— Southern United States, from Texas to southern Arizona and Lower California, south into Mexico. Genus CALLOTHRUS Cassin. Callothrus Cass. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1866, 18. Type, Psarocolius eneus WAGL. 204 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 496. Callothrus robustus (Caz.). Red-eyed Cowbird. _ Molothrus robustus Caz. Mus. Hein. I. Sept. 1851, 193, foot- note. Callothrus robustus Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 589. [B—, C—, R 259, C 315.] Groc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, and southward to Panama. Genus XANTHOCEPHALUS Bonaparte. Xanthocephalus Bonap. Consp. Av. I. 1850, 431. Type, /cterus icterocephalus BONAP. = J. xanthocephalus BONAP. 497, Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus (Bonap.). » Yellow-headed Blackbird. Icterus xanthocephalus Bonap. Journ, Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. V. 1826, 223. Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus JORDAN, Man. Vert. ed. 4, 1884, 92. | [B 404, C 213, R 260, C 319.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, from Wisconsin, Illinois and Texas to the Pacific coast, and from British Columbia and the Saskatchewan River southward to the Valley of Mexico. Accidental in Ontario and the Atlantic States (Massachusetts, District of Columbia, South Carolina, Florida). Genus AGELAIUS VIEI.L.ot. Agelaius Viritu. Analyse, 1816, 33. Type, Ortolus phaniceus LINN. 498. Agelaius phoeniceus (LInv.). Red-winged Blackbird. Oriolus pheniceus LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 161. Agelaius pheniceus ViEILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXXIV. 1819, 539. ORDER PASSERES. 205 [B 401, C 212, R 261, C 316.] Geoc. Dist.— North America in general, from Great Slave Lake south to Costa Rica, excepting western Mexico and the lower Colo- rado Valley, southern Florida, the Gulf coast of Louisiana, and the lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas during the breeding season. 498 a. Agelaius phoeniceus sonoriensis Ripcw. Sonoran Red-wing. Agelaius phoniceus sonoriensis Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 370. [B 401, part, C 212, part, R 261, part, C 316, part.) Geroc. Dist.— Northern Mexico and contiguous borders of the United States, from the Lower Rio Grande Valley and southern Arizona north to the lower Colorado Valley, California, and Chilli- wack, British Columbia. 4986. Agelaius phoceniceus bryanti Ripvew. Bahaman Red-wing. Agelaius phenieus bryanti Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 370. [B 401, part, C 212, part, R 261, part, C 316, part.] Groc. Dist.— Bahamas and southern Florida, west to the Gulf coast of Louisiana (Lake Borgne), south to Yucatan and Nicaragua. 499. Agelaius gubernator (WACcL.). Bicolored Blackbird. Psarocolius gubernator WaGLu. Isis, IV. 1832, 281. Agelaius gubernator BonaP. P.Z.S. 1837 (June, 1838), 110. [B 402, C 2124, R 261a, C 317.] Geroc. Dist.— Pacific coast districts, from western Washington, south to Lower California, west of the Cascades and the Sierra Nevada. Casually to.western Nevada and southeastern California (Inyo Co.). 500. Agelaius tricolor (Aup.). Tricolored Blackbird. Icterus tricolor “« Nutt.” Aup. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, pl. 388, fig. 1. Agelaius tricolor Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 29. [B 403, C 2124, R 262, C 318.] Geroc. Dist.— Southwestern Oregon, south through California, west of the Sierra Nevada, to northern Lower California. 206 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus STURNELLA VIEILLor. Sturnella Viritu. Analyse, 1816, 34. Type, Alauda magna LINN. 501. Sturnella magna Linvn.). Meadowlark. Alauda magna LINN. S. N. ed. ro, I. 1758, 167. ‘ Sturnella magna Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 436. [B 406, C 214, R 263, C 320.] Geos. Dist.— Eastern United States and southern Canada to the Plains. Breeds from the Gulf of Mexico northward. 501a. Sturnella magna mexicana (SCL.). Mexican Meadowlark. Sturnella mexicana SCL. Ibis, 1861, 179. Sturnella magna var. mexicana B. B. & R. Hist. N. Am. B, II. 1874, 172. 7 . [B—, C—, R 263a, C 321.] 2 GeEoc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande and southern Ari- , zona, and south through eastern and central Mexico to Panama. y ay 501 4. Sturnella magna neglecta (AvD.). Western Meadowlark. Sturnella neglecta AuD. B. Am. VII. 1843, 339, pl. 487. Sturnella magna var. neglecta ALLEN, Bull. M. C. Z. III. No. 2, July, 1872, 178. [B 407, C 214a, R 264, C 322.] Geroc. Dist.— Western United States, from Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Texas, etc., west to the Pacific coast and north to British Columbia and Manitoba, south through central and western Mexico to Guanajuato and Jalisco. = ee ee =. ee ee eee ee LN ne see ae Genus ICTERUS Brisson. SuBGENus ICTERUS. Icterus Briss. Orn. II. 1760, 85. Type, by elimination, Orzolus icterus LINN. ORDER PASSERES. 207 [502.] Icterus icterus (Linv.). Troupial. Oriolus icterus LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 161. Icterus icterus Ripew. Pr. U. 8. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B 408, C—, R 265, C 323.] Groc. Dist.— West Indies (introduced) and northern South America. Accidental at Charleston, S. C. (AupuBon). 503. Icterus audubonii Giraup. Audubon’s Oriole. Lcterus audubonit GIRAUD, Sixteen Sp. Texas B. 1841, 3. | [B 409, C 220, R 266, C 330.] Groc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, and southward in Mexico to Oaxaca. 504. Icterus parisorum Bonap. Scott’s Oriole. Leterus parisorum BonapP. P. Z. S. 1837 (June, 1838), 110. [B 411, C 219, R 268, C 329.] Geroc. Dist.— Southwestern United States, from western Texas to southern California; north to northern New Mexico, southwestern Utah, southern Nevada, and California to Lat. 38° east of the Sierra Nevada; south to Lower California and on the tablelands of Mexico to Puebla and Vera Cruz. SuBGENUS PENDULINUS VIEILLoT. Pendulinus ViEILL. Analyse, 1816, 33. Type, Oriolus spurius LINN. 505. Icterus cucullatus Swans. Hooded Oriole. Lcterus cucullatus Swatns. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 436. [B 413, C 218, R 269, C 328.] Groc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, and southward through eastern and southern Mexico to British Honduras. 208 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 505 a. Icterus cucullatus nelsoni Ripew. Arizona Hooded Oriole. Icterus cucullatus nelsoni Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. Vol. VIII. April 20, 1885, 19. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Southwestern New Mexico and southern Arizona, west to Santa Barbara, California, and south to Mazatlan and Cape St. Lucas. 506. Icterus spurius (LINN.). Orchard Oriole. Oriolus spurius LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 162. Icterus spurius BoNnapP. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. III. 1823, 363. [B 414, C 215, R 270, C 324.| Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, north to the southern por- tions of New England, New York, Ontario, Michigan, and North Dakota, west to the Plains, south, in winter, to northern Colombia. Breeds throughout its United States range. SuBGENUS YPHANTES VIEILLoT. Yphantes Viettu. Analyse, 1816, 33. Type, Coracias galbula LINN. 507. Icterus galbula (Linv.). Baltimore Oriole. Coracias galbula Linn. S. N. ed. 10, 1758, 108. Icterus galbula Cours, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. V. Apr. 1880, 98. [B 415, C 216, R 271, C 326.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States, north to Ontario and Man- itoba, west nearly to the Rocky Mountains, south, in winter, through Mexico to Colombia. 508. Icterus bullocki (Swains.). Bullock’s Oriole. Xanthornus bullocki Swatns. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 436. Icterus bullocki Bonar. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 29. ORDER PASSERES. 209 [B 416, C 217, R 272, C 327.] Groc. Dist.— Tablelands of Mexico, from Puebla and Valley of Mexico north through the western United States to Manitoba and British Columbia east of the Cascades, and from the western portion of the Plains to the Pacific. Genus SCOLECOPHAGUS Swainson. Scolecophagus Swatns. F. B. A. II. 1831, 286. Type, Ortolus Jerrugineus GMEL. = Turdus carolinus MULL. 509. Scolecophagus carolinus (MU _L.). Rusty Blackbird. Turdus carolinus MULLER, Syst. Nat. Suppl. 1776, 140. Scolecophagus carolinus Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 356. [B 417, C 221, R 273, C 331.] Geoc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to Alaska and the Plains. Breeds from northern New England, northern New York, and northern Michigan northward. Accidental in Lower California. 510. Scolecophagus cyanocephalus (WacL.). Brewer’s Blackbird. Psarocolius cyanocephalus WaGu. Isis, 1829, 758. Scolecophagus cyanocephalus Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1851, 193. [B 418, C 222, R 274, C 332.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, from the Plains to the Pacific, and from the Saskatchewan region south on the highlands of Mexico to Oaxaca. Genus QUISCALUS VIEILLoT. SuBGENUs QUISCALUS. Quiscalus VirtLL. Anal, 1816, 36. Type, Gracula guiscula LINN. 14 210 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 511. Quiscalus quiscula (Linv.). Purple Grackle. Gracula quiscula LINN. S. N. ed. 10, 1758, 109. Quiscalus quiscula JORDAN, Man. Vert. ed. 4, 1884, 93. [B 421, C 225, R 278, C 335.] Groc. Dist.— Northern Alabama, eastern Tennessee, and east of the Alleghanies from Georgia to Massachusetts. 511 a. Quiscalus quiscula agleeus (Bairp). Florida Grackle. Quiscalus agleus BAIRD, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, XLI. Jan. 1866, 84. Quiscalus quiscula agleus STEJN. Auk, II. Jan. 1885, 43, foot-note. [B 422, C—, R 278a, C 336.] Geroc. Dist.— Florida, and the southern part of the Gulf States to Texas ; north along the Atlantic coast to Virginia. 5114. Quiscalus quiscula zeneus (Ripcw.). Bronzed Grackle. Quiscalus eneus Ripew. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. June, 1869, 134. Quiscalus quiscula aneus STEJN. Auk, II. Jan. 1885, 43, foot-note. [B—, C 2254, R 2784, C 337.] Groc. Dist.— From the Alleghanies and southern New England north to Newfoundland and Great Slave Lake, west to the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains, and south to Louisiana and Texas. In migrations, the southeastern States, except Florida and the Atlantic coast district south of Virginia. SUBGENUS MEGAQUISCALUS Cassin. Megaquiscalus Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1866, 409. Type, Quiscalus major VYEILL. 512. Quiscalus macrourus SwaIns. Great-tailed Grackle. Quiscalus macrourus Swains. Anim, in Menag. 1838, 299. [B 419, C 223, R 275, C 333.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern Texas, south to Central America. Se ORDER PASSERES. 211 518. Quiscalus major VIEILL. Boat-tailed Grackle. — Quiscalus major ViEILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXVIII. 1819, 487. [B 420, C 224, R 277, C 334.| Groc. Dist.— Coast region of the South Atlantic and Gulf States, from Virginia to Texas. FamiLty FRINGILLIDA. FIncHEs, SPARROws, ETC. Genus COCCOTHRAUSTES Brisson. Coccothraustes Briss. Orn. III.. 1760, 218. Type, Loxta cocco- thraustes LINN. SuBGENUS HESPERIPHONA BonaPartTE. HHesperiphona Bonap. Compt. Rend. XXXI. Sept. 1850, 424. Type, Fringilla vespertina COOPER. 514. Coccothraustes vespertinus (Coop.). Evening Grosbeak. fringilla vespertina Coop. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. I. ii. 1825, 220. Coccothraustes vespertina Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 269, pl. 68. [B 303, C 136, R 165, C 189.] Geroc. Dist.— Western British Provinces, east to Lake Superior, and casually to Michigan, Ohio, Ontario, New York, and New England. 514a. Coccothraustes vespertinus montanus (Rivew.). Western Evening Grosbeak. Hesperiphona vespertina var. montana Ripew. in Hist. N. Am. Bds., Land Bds., I. 1874, 449. Coccothraustes vespertina montana MEARNS, Auk, VII. July, 1890, 246. 212 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 303, part, C 136, part, R 165, part, C 189, part.] Geroc. Dist.— Western North America, from the Pacific coast eastward to the Rocky Mountains; southward over the tablelands of Mexico to Orizaba. Genus PINICOLA VIEILLotT. Pinicola ViEiLu. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, p. iv. Type, P. rubra VIEILL. = Loxia enucleator LINN. 515. Pinicola enucleator (Linv.). Pine Grosbeak. Loxia enucleator Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 171. Pinicola enucleator Cas. in ErRscH & GRUBER, Encycl. rst Sect. I. 1849, 219. [B 304, C 137, R 166, C 190.] Geroc. Dist.— Northern parts of the northern hemisphere, breed- ing in North America from northern New England, Quebec, the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, and about Lat. 37° in the Sierra Nevada, northward nearly to the limit of trees; south in winter irregularly into northeastern United States. Genus PYRRHULA Brisson. Pyrrhula Briss. Orn. III. 1760, 308. Type, Loxia pyrrhula LINN. [516.] Pyrrhula cassini (Barrp). Cassin’s Bullfinch. Pyrrhula coccinea var. cassini BatrD, Trans. Chicago Ac. Sci. I. 1869, 316. Pyrrhula cassini TRISTRAM, Ibis, Apr. 1871, 231. [B—, C 138, R 167, C 1g1.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern Siberia. Accidental at Nulato, Alaska. Genus CARPODACUS Kavp. Carpodacus KauP, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 161. Type, Zoxia erythrina PALL. 4 a a ee ee ae ee eee Se ee eee a ee es elle ORDER PASSERES. 213 517. Carpodacus purpureus (GMEL.). Purple Finch. Fringilla purpurea GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 923. Carpodacus purpureus Gray, Gen. B. II. 1844, 384. [B 305, C 139, R 168, C 194.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America, from the Atlantic coast to the’Plains. Breeds from the Middle States northward. 517 a. Carpodacus purpureus californicus Bairp. California Purple Finch. Carpodacus californicus BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 413. Carpodacus purpureus var. californicus B. B. & R. Hist. N. Am. B. I. 1874, 465. [B 306, C—, R 168a, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast region, from British Columbia south in winter to southern California. 518. Carpodacus cassini Barrp. Cassin’s Purple Finch. Carpodacus cassini Batrp, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. June, 1854, 11g. [B 307, C 140, R 169, C 195.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific coast, and south over the plateau region of Mexico to Mt. Orizaba. SuBGENUS BURRICA Ripew. ee Burrica Ripcw. ‘Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 390. Type, /ringilla mexicana MULL. 519. Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis (Say). House Finch. Fringilla frontalis Say, Lone’s Exp. II. 1823, 40. Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 391. 214 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 308, C 141, R 170, C 196.] Groc. Dist.— Colorado and western Texas, westward to Oregon and California, south into Lower California and western Mexico. 519 4. Carpodacus mexicanus ruberrimus Ripew. St. Lucas House Finch. Carpodacus frontalis ruberrimus Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 391, foot-note. Carpodacus mexicanus ruberrimus RipGw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 594- [B—, C 141a, R 1704, C 197.] Groc. Dist.— Lower California, and probably adjacent parts of Sonora. 520. Carpodacus amplus Ripew. Guadalupe House Finch. Carpodacus amplus Ripcw. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. II. No. 2, April 1, 1876, 187. B.C Risse Groc. Dist.— Guadalupe Island, Lower California. Genus LOXIA Linneus. Loxia Linn. S. N. ed. 10, 1. 1758, 171. Type, by elimination, Loxtia curvirostra LINN. 521. Loxia curvirostra minor (BREHM). American Crossbill. Crucirostra minor BREHM, Naumannia, 1853, 193. Loxia curvirostra minor Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 188s, 354: [B 318, C 143, R 172, C 199.] Groc. Dist.— Northern North America, resident sparingly south in the eastern United States to Maryland and Tennessee, and in the Alleghanies ; irregularly abundant in winter. Casual at Charleston, S. C., and New Orleans, La. ORDER PASSERES. 215 521 a. Loxia curvirostra stricklandi Ripcw. Mexican Crossbill. Loxia curvirostra stricklandi Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354- [B 3182, C 143a, R 172a, C 200.] Groc. Dist.— Mountains of Wyoming and Colorado, west to the Sierra Nevada, and south through New Mexico, Arizona, and the tablelands of Mexico to Guatemala. 522. Loxia leucoptera GEL. White-winged Crossbill. Loxta leucoptera GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 540. [B 319, C 142, R 173, C 198.] Geroc. Dist.— Northern parts of North America, south into the United States in winter. Breeds from northern New England northward. Genus LEUCOSTICTE Swainson. Leucosticte Swains. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 265. Type, Linaria tephrocotis Swains. 523. Leucosticte griseonucha (BRANDT). Aleutian Leucosticte. Fringilla (Linaria) griseonucha BRANDT, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. Nov. 1841, 36. Leucosticte griseinucha BonaPp. Consp. Av. I. 1850, 537. [B 323, C 144a, R 174, C 205.] Groc. Dist.— Aleutian Islands, including Kadiak, Unalaska, Pribilof, and Commander Islands. 524, Leucosticte tephrocotis Swains. Gray-crowned Leucosticte. Linaria (Leucosticte) tephrocotis Swatns. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 265, pl. 50. Leucosticte tephrocotis Swatns. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 494. 216 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 322, C 144, R 175, C 203.] Geoc. Dist.— Interior of British America, south in winter through- out the entire Rocky Mountain region of the United States, but most abundant on the eastern slope. Known to breed only in the Sierra Nevada in California. 524 a. Leucosticte tephrocotis littoralis (Barrp). Hepburn’s Leucosticte. Leucosticte littoralis Batrp, Trans. Chicago Ac. Sci. I. i. 1869, 318, pl. 28, fig. 1. Leucosticte tephrocotis var. littoralis COUES, Key, 1872, 130. [B—, C—, R 175¢, C 204.] Geoc. Dist.—In summer, probably the interior mountainous regions of British Columbia; in winter, northwest coast, from Kadiak southward, and eastward in the Rocky Mountain region to Colorado. 525. Leucosticte atrata Ripew. Black Leucosticte. Leucosticte atrata Ripcw. American Sportsman, July 18, 1374, 241; Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. 2d ser. No. 2, May 11, 1875, 69. [B—, C—, R 176, C 201.] Geroc. Dist.— Breeds in the Salmon River Mountains, Idaho, and probably other northern ranges; in winter, mountains of Colorado and Utah. 026. Leucosticte australis Rincw. Brown-capped Leucosticte. Leucosticte tephrocotis var. australis “ ALLEN MS.” Ripew. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Dec. 1873, 197. Leucosticie australis Ripew. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. 2d ser. No. 2, May 11, 1875, 79. [B—, C—, R 177, C 203.] Geroc. Dist.— Mountains of Colorado, breeding above timber-line, descending into the valleys in winter; New Mexico. ORDER PASSERES. 217 Genus ACANTHIS BecustTein. Acanthis Becust. Orn. Tasch. Deutschl. 1803, 125. Type, Fringilla linaria LINN. 527, Acanthis hornemannii (Ho ts.). Greenland Redpoll. Linota hornemannit HOLBoii, Naturh. Tidskr. IV. 1843, 398. Acanthis hornemannit StryN. Auk, I. April, 1884, 152. [B 321, C—, R 178, C 209.] Groc. Dist.— Greenland and eastern Arctic America. 527¢. Acanthis hornemannii exilipes (CovEs). Hoary Redpoll. Aigiothus exilipes COUES, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1861, 385. Acanthis hornemannit exilipes STEJN. Auk, I. April, 1884, 152. [B—, C 1464, R 178a, C 210.] Geroc. Dist.— Arctic America and northeastern Asia, south in winter (rarely?) to the northern border of the United States. 528. Acanthis linaria (LinN.). Redpoll. fringilla linaria Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 182. Acanthis linarta Bonap. & SCHLEG. Mon. Lox. 1850, 48. [B 320, C 146, 146a, R 179, C 207.] Groc. Dist.— Northern portions of northern hemisphere, south irregularly in winter, in North America, to the middle United States (Virginia, Kansas, southeastern Oregon). 028 @. Acanthis linaria holbcellii (BrEH™). Holboll’s Redpoll. Linaria holbeliit BREHM. Handb. Voég. Deutschl. 1831, 280. Acanthis linaria 8. holbellii DuBois, Consp. Av. Europ. 1871, 18. [B—, C—, R 179a, part, C 208, part. ] Geroc. Dist.— Northern portions of northern hemisphere, near the seacoast, south in winter to northern New York and Massachusetts. 218 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 5284. Acanthis linaria rostrata (Cougs). Greater Redpoll. égiothus rostratus Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1861, 378. Acanthis linaria rostrata STEJN. Auk, I. April, 1884, 153. [B—, C—, R 1792, part, C 208, part. | Geroc. Dist.— Greenland and northeastern North America, south irregularly in winter to New England, New York, and northern Illinois. Genus SPINUS Kocu. Spinus Kocnu, Bayr. Zool. 1816, 233. Type, Fringilla spinus LINN. 529. Spinus tristis (LINw.). American Goldfinch. Fringilla tristis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 181. Spinus tristis StEJN. Auk, I. Oct. 1884, 362. [B 313, C 149, R 181, C 213.] Geroc. Dist—— Temperate North America generally, from southern Labrador, Manitoba and British Columbia south, in winter, to the northern boundary of Lower California ; breeding southward to the middle districts of the United States (Virginia, Kentucky, Kansas, and California), and wintering mainly within the United States. 529 a. Spinus tristis pallidus Mearns. Western Goldfinch. Spinus tristis pallidus MEARNS, Auk, VII. July, 1890, 244. [B 313, part, C 149, part, R 181, part, C 213, part.| Geroc. Dist.— Arizona. 530. Spinus psaltria (Say). Arkansas Goldfinch. Fringilla psaltria Say, Lone’s Exp. II. 1823, 40. Spinus psaltria STEJN. Auk, I. Oct. 1884, 362. ‘a Eo ORDER PASSERES. 219 [B 314, C 151, R 182, C 215.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Plains to the Pacific, and from southern Oregon, Colorado, and Utah southward to Cape St. Lucas and Sonora. 530 a. Spinus psaltria arizonz (CovEs). Arizona Goldfinch. Chrysomitris mexicana var. arizone Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1866, 82. Spinus psaltria arizone STEJN. Auk, I. Oct. 1884, 362. [B—, C 1514, R 182a, C 216.] Geroc. Dist.— Southern California, southwestern Utah, southern New Mexico and Arizona, southward into northern Mexico. 530 4. Spinus psaltria mexicanus (Swains.). Mexican Goldfinch. Carduelis mexicanus Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 435. Spinus psaltria mexicanus STEN. Auk, I. Oct. 1884, 362. [B 315, C 159, R 1824, C 217.] Geoc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, south- ward through Mexico. 531. Spinus lawrencei (Cass.). Lawrence’s Goldfinch. Carduelis lawrencet Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1851, 105, pl. v. Spinus lawrencei STEJN. Auk, I. Oct. 1884, 362. [B 316, C 150, R 183, C 214.] Groc. Dist.— California west of the Sierra Nevada, from Lat. 40° south to northern Lower California; Arizona (Fort Mohave and Fort Whipple) in winter. [532.] Spinus notatus (DuBus). Black-headed Goldfinch. Carduelis notata DuBuvs, Bull. Ac. Brux. XIV. pt. 2, 1847, 106. Spinus notatus STEJN. Auk, I. Oct. 1884, 362. 220 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 310, C—, R 184,'C 218.] Groc. Dist.— Mountains of Guatemala and southern Mexico, north at least to central Vera Cruz; accidental in Kentucky (AUDUBON). 3 533. Spinus pinus (WILs.). Pine Siskin. Fringilla pinus Wits. Am. Orn. II. 1810, 133, pl. 17, fig. 1. Spinus pinus STEJN. Auk, I. Oct. 1884, 362. [B 317, C 148, R 185, C 212.] Groc. Dist.— North America generally, breeding in the British Provinces, Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada, and high mountains of Arizona, south to Lower California and the mountains of Mexico to Orizaba. Also breeds sparingly in northeastern United States. Genus PLECTROPHENAZX SrTeEJNEGER. Plectrophenax StTEjN. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. June 5, 1882, 33. Type, Emberiza nivalis LINN. 534. Plectrophenax nivalis (Linv.). Snowflake. Emberiza nivalis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 176. Pletrophenax nivalis STEJN. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 33. [B 325, C 152, R 186, C 219. Groc. Dist.— Northern parts of the northern hemisphere, breed- ing in the arctic regions; in North America south in winter into the northern United States, irregularly to Georgia, southern Illinois, Kansas, and Oregon. 534 a. Plectrophenax nivalis townsendi Rivcw. Pribilof Snowflake. Plectrophenax nivalis townsendé Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B, 1887, 403. ORDER PASSERES. 221 [B—, C—, R 186, part, C 219, part.] Groc. Dist.— Pribilof and Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and Com- mander Islands, Kamchatka. 535. Plectrophenax hyperboreus Ripcw. McKay’s Snowflake. Plectrophenax hyperboreus Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VII. June 11, 1884, 68. | [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Western Alaska, breeding on Hall Island (and propably St. Matthew Island), Bering Sea. Genus CALCARIUS BEcusTEIN. Caiarius Brcust. Taschb. Vég. Deutschl. 1803, 130. Type, Fringilla lapponica LINN. 536. Calearius lapponicus (Linv.). Lapland Longspur. Fringilla lapponica Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 180. Calcarius lapponicus STEJN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. June 5, 1882, 33: [B 326, C 153, R 187, C 220.] Geroc. Dist.— Northern portions of the northern hemisphere, breeding far north; in North America south in winter to the northern United States, irregularly to the Middle States, accident- ally to South Carolina, and abundantly in the interior to Kansas and Colorado. 537. Calearius pictus (Swains.). Smith’s Longspur. Emberiza (Plectrophanes) pitta Swans. in Sw. and Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 250, pl. 49. Calcarius pictus STEJN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. June 5, 1882, 33. [B 327, C 154, R 188, C 221.] Groc. Dist.— Interior of North America, from the Arctic coast to Illinois and Texas, breeding far north. 222 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 538. Calearius ornatus (Towns.). Chestnut-collared Longspur. Plectrophanes ornatus Towns. Journ, Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1837, 189. 0 ed Calarius ornatus STEJN. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. June 5, 1882, 33: [B 328, 329, C 155, R 189, C 222.] Geroc. Dist.— Interior of North America, from the Saskatchewan Plains south through Texas to Orizaba. Breeds from eastern Mani- toba, western Minnesota and eastern Nebraska westward and north- westward into Montana and Assiniboia. Rare west of the Rocky Mountains. Accidental in Massachusetts. GENuS RH YNCHOPHANES Bairp. Rhynchophanes Batrp, B. N. Am. 1858, 432 (in text). Type, Plectrophanes mecownit LAwR. 5389. Rhynchophanes mccownii (Lawr.). McCown’s Longspur. Plectrophanes mecownit Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. V. 1851, 122. Rhynchophanes maccownit Rrpew. Field & Forest, II. May, 1877, 197. [B 330, C 156, R 190, C 223.| Groc. Dist.— Interior of North America, from the Sackatchewan Plains south to Texas and northern Mexico; breeds from about the northern border of western Kansas northward throughout Nebraska, western North and South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana to the Plains of the Saskatchewan. Genus POOCAITES Barrp. Poocetes BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 447. Type, Fringilla graminea GMEL. 540. Pooczetes gramineus (GMEL.). Vesper Sparrow. Fringilla graminea GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 992. Poocetes gramineus BAIRD, B, N. Am. 1858, 447. ORDER PASSERES. 223 [B 337, part, C 161, R 197, C 232.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America to the Plains, from Nova Scotia and Ontario southward; breeds from Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri northward. 540 a. Poocztes gramineus confinis Bairp. Western Vesper Sparrow. Poocetes gramineus var. confinis Bairp, B. N. Am. 1858, 448 (in text). [B 337, part, C 1614, R 1974, C 232.| Geroc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Plains to the Pacific, north into Manitoba and Assiniboia, south into Lower Cali- fornia and through Mexico as far as Jalapa, Vera Cruz. 540 4. Pooczetes gramineus affinis MILLER. Oregon Vesper Sparrow. Poocetes gramineus affinis MILLER, Auk, V. Oct. 1888, 404. [B 337, part, C 1614, part, R 1974, part, C 232, part.| Groc. Dist.— Northern California and western Oregon. Genus AMMODRAMUS Swainson. Ammodramus Swains. Zool. Journ. III. 1827, 348. Type, Fringilla caudacuta WILSON. SuBGENUS PASSERCULUS Bonaparte. Fasserculus Bonar. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 33. Type, fringilla savanna WIS. 541. Ammodramus princeps (Mayy.). Ipswich Sparrow. Passerculus princeps Mayn. Am. Nat. VI. 1872, 637. Ammodramus princeps Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354- 224 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B—, C 158, R 192, C 225.] Geroc. Dist.— Atlantic coast, from Nova Scotia south, in winter, to Georgia. Breeds on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. 542. Ammodramus sandwichensis (GmMEL.). Sandwich Sparrow. Emberiza sandwichensis GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 875. Ammodramus sandwichensis Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B 333, C 1594, R 193, C 226.] Geroc. Dist.— Northwest coast, from the Columbia River to Unalaska. 542a. Ammodramus sandwichensis savanna (WILS.). Savanna Sparrow. Fringilla savanna Wits. Am, Orn. III. 1811, 55, pl. 22, fig. 2. Ammodramus sandwichensis savanna Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B 332, C 159, R 193@, C 227.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, breeding from the northern United States to Labrador and Hudson Bay Territory. 5426. Ammodramus sandwichensis alaudinus (Bonap.). Western Savanna Sparrow. Passerculus alaudinus Bonar. Compt. Rend, XXXVII. 1853, 918. Ammodramus sandwichensis alaudinus Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B 335, C—, R 1934, C 229.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, from the Plains to the Pacific coast region, north to the Arctic coast. 542c. Ammodramus sandwichensis bryanti Ripew. Bryant’s Marsh Sparrow. Passerculus sandwithensis bryanti Rrpcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VII. Jan. 19, 1885, 517. Ammodramus sandwichensis bryanti RipGw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. ORDER PASSERES. 225 [B 334, part, C 1594, part, R 194, part, C 228, part.] Groc. Dist.— Salt marshes ahout San Francisco Bay, and south along the coast in winter to southern California. 543. Ammodramus beldingi Rivew. Belding’s Marsh Sparrow. Passerculus beldingt Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VII. Jan. 19, 1885, 516. Ammodramus beldingt Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354- [B 334, part, C 1594, part, R 194, part, C 228, part. | Geoc. Dist.— Salt marshes of the Pacific coast, from Santa Bar- bara south to Todos Santos Island, Lower California. 544. Ammodramus rostratus Cass. Large-billed Sparrow. Emberiza rostrata Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1852, 348. Ammodramus rostratus Cass. Illustr. B. Cal. Tex. etc. 1855, 226, pl. 38. [B 336, C 160, R 196, C 230.] Groc. Dist.— Coast of southern California, south in winter to Cape St. Lucas and northwestern Mexico. 544 a, Ammodramus rostratus guttatus (Lawre.). St. Lucas Sparrow. Passerculus guttatus LAwr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. VIII. 1867, 473. Ammodramus rostratus guttatus Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355; [B—, C 1604, R 195, C 231.] Geroc. Dist.— Southern Lower California. SuBGENUS CENTRONYX Barrp. Centronyx BaiRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 440. Type, Lméberiza bairdi AUD. 15 226 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 545. Ammodramus bairdii (Avup.). Baird’s Sparrow. Emberiza bairdi Aup. B. Am. VII. 1843, 359, pl. 500. Ammodramus bairdi GiEBEL, Thes. Orn. I. 1872, 328. [B 331, C 157, 157425, R 191, C 224.] Groc. Dist.— Interior of North America, from the plains of the Red River and Saskatchewan south to Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Chihuahua. SuBGENuUs COTURNICULUS Bonaparte. Coturniculus Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 32. Type, Fringilla passerina WILS. 546. Ammodramus savannarum passerinus (WILS.). Grasshopper Sparrow. fringilla passerina Wits. Am, Orn. III. 1811, 76, pl. 26, fig. 5. Ammodramus savannarum passerinus RipGw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B 338, part, C 162, R 198, C 234.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States and southern Canada, west to the Plains, south, in winter, to Florida, Cuba, Porto Rico, and coast of Central America. 546 a. Ammodramus savannarum perpallidus (Couns). Western Grasshopper Sparrow. Coturniculus passerinus var. perpallidus *“* RipGw. MS.” Cougs, Key, (1073, 337. Ammodramus savannarum perpallidus Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B 338, part, C 1622, R 1984, C 235. ] Groc. Dist.—- Western United States, from the Plains to the Pacific coast, south to Cape St. Lucas and the tablelands of Mexico. 547. Ammodramus henslowii (Avp.). Henslow’'s Sparrow. Emberiza henslowiit Aup. Orn. Biog. I. 1831, 360, pl. 77. Ammodromus henslowt Gray, Gen. B. II. June, 1849, 374. = ae —_——e am ORDER PASSERES. 227 [B 339, part, C 163, part, R 199, part, C 236, part.) , Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States, west to the Plains, north to southern New England and Ontario. 547 a2. Ammodramus henslowii occidentalis Brewsrt. Western Henslow’s Sparrow. Ammodramus henslowii occidentalis Brewst. Auk, VIII. April; 1891, 145. [B 339, part, C 163, part, R 199, part, C ais part.) Geroc. Dist.— South Dakota. 548. Ammodramus leconteii (Aup.). Leconte’s Sparrow. Emberiza lecontet Aud. B. Am. VII. 1843, 338, pl. 488. Ammodromus lecontett Gray, Gen. B. II. June, 1849, 374. [B 340, C 164, R 200, C 237.] Geroc. Dist.— From the Plains eastward to Illinois and Indiana, and from Manitoba south in winter to South Carolina, Florida, and Texas. SuBGENUS AMMODRAMUS. Ammodramus Swains. Zool. Jour. III. 1827, 348. Type, Oriolus caudacutus GMEL. 549. Ammodramus caudacutus (GMEL.). Sharp-tailed Sparrow. Oriolus caudacutus GMEL. S..N. I. i. 1788, 394. Ammodramus caudacuta Swatns. Classif. B. II. 1837, 289. [B 341, C 166, R 201, C 240.] Geroc. Dist.— Salt marshes of the Atlantic coast, from southern New England to Maryland, and south in winter to the Gulf coast. 5492. Ammodramus caudacutus nelsoni ALLEN. Nelson’s Sparrow. Ammodromus caudacutus var. nelsoni ALLEN, Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XVII. March, 1875, 293. 228 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B—, C—, R 2014, C 241.] Groc. Dist.— Fresh marshes of the interior, from northern Illinois northward to North Dakota and Manitoba; south in winter to Texas; in migrations visits the Atlantic coast (New England and Lower Hudson Valley to Charleston, S. C.). Accidental in California. 5496. Ammodramus caudacutus subvirgatus Dwicur. Acadian Sharp-tailed Sparrow... Ammodramus caudacutus subvirgatus Dwicut, Auk, IV. July, 1887, 233. [B—, C—,R 201, part, C 240, part.) Geroc. Dist.— Coast of southern New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island (and probably Nova Scotia), and southward in migration to South Carolina. 550. Ammodramus maritimus (WILS.). Seaside Sparrow. Fringilla maritima Wits. Am. Orn. VII. 1811, 68, pl. 24, fig. 2. Ammodramus maritimus Swatns. Classif. B. II. 1837, 289. [B 342, C 165, R 202, C 238.] Groc. Dist.— Salt marshes of the Atlantic coast, from Connecti- cut southward to Georgia. Accidental in Massachusetts. 550 a. Ammodramus maritimus peninsulz ALLEN. Scott’s Seaside Sparrow. Ammodramus maritimus peninsule ALLEN, Auk, V. July, 1888, 284. [B 342, part, C 165, part, R 202, part, C 238, part.] Geroc. Dist.— South Carolina to northern Florida; Gulf coast from Florida to Texas. 5504. Ammodramus maritimus sennetti ALLEN. Texas Seaside Sparrow. Ammodramus maritimus sennetti ALLEN, Auk, V. July, 1888, 286. [B—, C—, R 202, part, C 238, part.) Geroc. Dist.— Coast of Texas (Corpus Christi). ORDER PASSERES. 229 551. Ammodramus nigrescens Ripcw. Dusky Seaside Sparrow. Ammodromus maritimus var. nigrescens RipGw. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Dec. 1873, 198. Ammodramus nigrescens RipGw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 178. [B—, C 1654, R 203, C 239.] Groc. Dist.— Salt Lake and Merritt Island, eastern Florida. Genus CHONDESTES Swainson. Chondestes Swatns. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 435. Type, C. strigatus SWAINS. 552. Chondestes grammacus (Say). Lark Sparrow. Fringilla grammaca Say, Lone’s Exp. II. 1823, 139. Chondestes grammaca BonaP. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 32. [B 344, part, C 186, part, R 204, C 281, part.] Groc. Dist.— Southern Ontario and Mississippi Valley region, from Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan to the Plains, south to eastern Texas and northwestern Alabama. Accidental near the Atlantic coast (Massachusetts, Long Island, New Jersey, Washington, D. C., Florida). 552. a. Chondestes grammacus strigatus (Swains.). Western Lark Sparrow. Chondestes strigatus Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 435. Chondestes grammaca strigata Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 179. [B 344, part, C 186, part, R 204a, C 281, part.) _ Geroc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Plains to the Pacific coast, north to British Columbia and Manitoba, south through Lower California and Mexico to Guatemala. 230 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus ZONOTRICHIA Swainson. Zonotrichia Swatns. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 493. Type, by elimination, Emberiza leucophrys Forsv. 553. Zonotrichia querula (NvurTT.). Harris’s Sparrow. Fringilla guerula Nutr. Man. I. 2d ed. 1840, 555. Zonotrichia guerula GamB. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 2d ser. I. 1847, 51. [B 348, C 185, R 205, C 280.] Groc. Dist.— Middle United States, from Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa west to middle Kansas and the Dakotas, and from Texas north to Manitoba. Accidental on Vancouver Island and in British Columbia and Oregon. 554, Zonotrichia leucophrys (Forst.). White-crowned Sparrow. . Emberiza leucophrys Forst. Philos. Trans. LXII. 1772, 426. Z(onotrichia| leucophrys Swains. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna. Bor. Am. II. 1831, 493. [B 345, C 183, R 206, C 276.] Groc. Dist.— North America at large, breeding chiefly in the Rocky Mountains, the Sierra Nevada and northeast to Labrador. South in winter to the Valley of Mexico. | 554a. ZBonotrichia leucophrys intermedia Ripew. Intermediate Sparrow. Zonotrichia leucophrys var. intermedia RipGw. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Dec. 1873, 198. [B 346, part, C 1834, R 2074, C 277.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, from the Rocky Moun- tains to the Pacific, and from Lower California and Mazatlan, Mex- ico, to Alaska. Breeds, so far as known, mainly north of. the United States. ORDER PASSERES. 231 554 6. Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii (Nu7T.). Gambel’s Sparrow. Fringilla gambelii Nutr. Man. I. 2d ed. 1840, 556. Zonotrithia leucophrys var. gambeli Cours, Key, 1872, 145. [B 346, part, C 183a, R 207, C 278.] Geroc. Dist.— Pacific coast region, from British Columbia south- ward into Lower California. 557. Zonotrichia coronata (PALt.). Golden-crowned Sparrow. LEimberiza coronata PALL. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1826, 44. Zonotrichia coronata BairD, B. N. Am. 1858, 461. [B 347, C 184, R 208, C 279.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast region, from Alaska to southern Cali- fornia. Casually to Guadalupe Island, and in Wisconsin. 558. Zonotrichia albicollis (GmEz.). White-throated Sparrow. Fringilla albicollis GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 926. Zonotrichia albicollis Swans. Classif. B. II. 1837, 288. [B 349, C 182, R 209, C 275.] Geoc. Dist.— Chiefly eastern North America, west to the Plains, north to Labrador and the Fur Countries. Breeds from Montana, northern Wyoming, northern Michigan, northern New York, and northern New England northward, and winters from Massachusetts southward. Accidental in Utah, California and Oregon. Genus SPIZELLA Bonaparte. Spizella BonaP. Saggio Distr. Met. 1832, 140. Type, Fringilla pusilla WILS. 559. Spizella monticola (GMEL.). Tree Sparrow. Fringilla monticolz GMEL, S. N. I. il. 1788, g12. Spizella monticola BairD, B. N. Am. 1858, 472. 232 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 357, part, C 177, part, R 210, part, C 268, part.| Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to the Plains, and from the Arctic Ocean south, in winter, to the Carolinas, Kentucky, and eastern Kansas. Breeds north of the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains. 559a. Spizella monticola ochracea Brewst. Western Tree Sparrow. Spizella monticola ochracea BREwsT. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Oct. 1882, 228. [B 357, part, C 177, part, R 210, part, C 268, part.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, east to the Dakotas and western Kansas, south in winter to New Mexico and Arizona, north to the arctic regions ; breeds in Alaska. 560. Spizella socialis (WILs.). Chipping Sparrow. Fringilla socialis Wits. Am. Orn. II, 1810, 127, pl. 16, fig. 5. Spizella sociulis Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 33. [B 359, part, C 178, R 211, C 269.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to the Rocky Moun- tains, north to Great Slave Lake, and south to eastern Mexico, breeding from the Gulf States northward. 560 a. Spizella socialis arizonz CovEs. Western Chipping Sparrow. Spizella socialis var. arizone COUES, Key, 1872, 143. [B 359, part, C 178a, R 2114, C 270.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific, south in winter to central and western Mexico and Cape St. Lucas. 561. Spizella pallida (Swains.). Clay-colored Sparrow. Emberiza pallida Swatns, in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 251. Spizella pallida BonaPp. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 33. ORDER PASSERES. 233 [B 360, C 180, R 212, C 272.] Groc. Dist.— Interior of North America, from Illinois and Iowa west to the Rocky Mountains, Arizona, and Cape St. Lucas, and from Guanajuato and Oaxaca north to the Saskatchewan Plains. Breeds from Iowa and Nebraska northward. 562. Spizella breweri Cass. Brewer’s Sparrow. Spizella breweri Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Feb. 1856, 40. [B 361, C 180a, R 213, C 273.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, north to Montana and Brit- ish Columbia, south to Cape St. Lucas and Durango. Breeds throughout its United States range. Accidental in Massachusetts. 563. Spizella pusilla (WILs.). Field Sparrow. Fringilla pusilla Wits. Am. Orn. II. 1810, 121, pl. 16, fig. 2. Spizella pusilla Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 33. [B 358, C 179, R214, C 271.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States and southern Canada, west to the Plains, south to the Gulf States and Texas. Breeds from South Carolina, southern Illinois and Kansas northward. 563 a. Spizella pusilla arenacea CuHape. Western Field Sparrow. Spizella pusilla arenacea CuHavB. Auk, III. April, 1886, 248. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Great Plains, from Texas to Montana and Dakota. Casual at New Orleans, La. 564. Spizella wortheni Ripew. Worthen’s Sparrow. Spizella worthent Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VII. Aug. 22, 1834, 259. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— New Mexico (Silver City), and Chalchicomula, Puebla. 234 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 565. Spizella atrigularis (Cas.). Black-chinned Sparrow. Spinites atrigularis Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1851, 133- Spizella atrigularis BairD, B. N. Am. 1858, 476. [B 362, C 181, R 215, C 274.] Groc. Dist.— Southern California (north in the deserts to lat. 37°), Arizona, and southern New Mexico, south to Cape St. Lucas | and on the tablelands of Mexico to Puebla. Genus JUNCO Wac ter. Junco WAGLER, Isis, 1831, 526. Type, 7. pheonotus WAGL. = Fringilla cinerea SWAINS. 566. Junco aikeni Ripew. White-winged Junco. Junco hyemalis var. atkeni Ripcw. Am. Nat. VII. Oct. 1873, 612, 614. Junco aikeni Ripew. Field & Forest, May, 1877, 198. [B—, C 174a, R 216, C 262.] Geroc. Dist.— Colorado, north to the Black Hills, where it breeds. 567. Junco hyemalis (LInv.). Slate-colored Junco. Fringilla hyemalis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 183. Junco hyemalis Sci. P. Z. S. 1857, 7. [B 354, C 174, R 217, C 261.] Groc. Dist.— North America, chiefly east of the Rocky Moun- tains, breeding from the higher parts of the Alleghanies, the Cats- kills, and the mountainous parts of southern New England north- ward. South in winter to the Gulf States. Casual in California and Arizona. 567 a. Junco hyemalis oregonus (Towns.). Oregon Junco. Fringilla oregana (err. typ.| Towns, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1837, 188. Junco hyemalis var. oregonus Ripcw. Am. Nat. VII. Oct. 1873, 612. ORDER PASSERES. 235 [B 352, C175, R 218, C 263.] Geroc. Dist.— Pacific coast, from Oregon north to Alaska, south in winter into California and Arizona. 567 4. Junco hyemalis shufeldti Coa.e. Shufeldt’s Junco. Junco hyemalis shufeldti COALE, Auk, IV. Oct. 1887, 330. [B 352, part, C 175, part, R 218, part, C 263, part] Groc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region, west in the mountains of the Great Basin to California; in winter south to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and northern Mexico. Accidental in Michigan, IIl- nois, Massachusetts, Maryland, etc. 567 ¢. Junco hyemalis thurberi ANTHONY. Thurber’s Junco. Junco hyemalis thurberi ANTHONY, Zoe, I. Oct. 1890, 238. [B 352, part, C 175, part, R 218, part, C 263, part] Groc. Dist.— Sierra Nevada, and deserts and southern coast ranges of California. 567 d. Junco hyemalis pinosus Loomis. Point Pinos Junco. Junco pinosus Loomis, Auk, X. April, 1893, 47. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Vicinity of Monterey, California. 567 e. Junco hyemalis carolinensis Brewst. Carolina Junco. Junco hyemalis carolinensis BREwst. Auk, III. Jan. 1886, 108. [B 354, part, C 174, part, R 217, part, C 261, part.) Geroc. Dist.— Southern Alleghanies (Western North Carolina, etc.). | 568. Junco annectens Barrp. Pink-sided Junco. Junco annectens Baird, Orn. Cal. I. 1870, 564. 236 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B—, C—,'R 219, C 264.] Groc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region, from Idaho and Montana south, in winter, to Arizona, New Mexico and northern Mexico. 568.1. Junco ridgwayi Mearns. Ridgway’s Junco. Junco ridgwayi Mearns, Auk, VII. July, 1890, 243. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. 569. Junco caniceps (Woopk#.). Gray-headed Junco. Struthus caniceps Woonu. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Dec. 1852. 202. Junco caniceps BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 468. [B 353, C 176, R220, C 265.] Groc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region, from the Black Hills to the Wahsatch and Uintah Mountains, south to New Mexico, Arizona, and northern Mexico. 570. Junco phzonotus palliatus Ripew. Arizona Junco. Junco cinereus palliatus Ripcw. Auk, II. Oct. 1885, 364. Junco pheonotus palliatus RipGw. Auk, XII. Oct. 1895, 391. [B 350, part, C —, R 222, part, C 267, part.| Groc. Dist.— Mountains of southern Arizona, and southward into northern Mexico. 570 a. Junco phzonotus dorsalis (HENry). Red-backed Junco. Junco dorsalis Henry, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1858, 117. Junco pheonotus dorsalis Ripcw. Auk, XII. Oct. 1895, 391. [B 351, C—, R 221, C 266.] Groc. Dist.— Mountains of New Mexico and eastern Arizona, south into northern Mexico. ORDER PASSERES. 237 571. Junco bairdi BEeLpInc. Baird’s Junco. Junco bairdi Bepinc, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VI. Oct. 5, 1883, 155. fa Ce Rao Cea Groc. Dist.— Southern Lower California. 571.1. Junco townsendi ANTHONY. Townsend’s Junco. - Junco townsendi ANTHONY, Pr. Cal. Ac. Sci. 2d. ser. II. Oct. 11, 1889, 76. (ds RORY opeaslang “adteae panei Geroc. Dist.— San Pedro Martir Mountains, Lower California. 572. Junco insularis Ripew. Guadalupe Junco. Junco insularis Ripew. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. II. No. 2, April 1, 1876, 188. [B—, C—, R 223, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Guadalupe Island, Lower California. Genus AMPHISPIZA CovkEs. Amphispiza Cours, B. Northwest, 1875, 234. Type, Amdberiza bilineata CASS. 573. Amphispiza bilineata (Cass.). \ Black-throated Sparrow. Emberiza bilineata Cassin, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Oct. 1850, 104, pl. 3. Amphispiza bilineata Cours, B. Northwest, 1875, 234. [B 355, C 172, R 224, C 258.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from western Texas and Oklahoma west to the west slope of the Sierra Nevada, north throughout the Great Basin, and south in Mexico to Cape St. Lucas and San Luis Potosi. Breeds throughout its range. 238 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 574. Amphispiza belli (Cass.). Bell’s Sparrow. 4 Emberiza belli Cassin, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Oct. oe 104, pl. 4 h Uaibatoien bellit Cours, B. Northwest, 1875, 234. [B 356, C 173, R 225, C 259.] Geoc. Dist.— California west of the Sierra Nevada, north to about Lat. 38°, south to Lower California. Breeds throughout most of its range. 574a. Amphispiza belli nevadensis (Ripvew.). Sage Sparrow. Poospiza belli var. nevadensis Ripcw. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Nov. 1873, 191. Amphispiza bellii var. nevadensis Cours, B. Northwest, 1875, 234. [B—, C 173a, R 225a, C 260.] Groc. Dist.— Great Basin, from Oregon and Idaho south to southern Arizona and New Mexico, breeding throughout its range. 5744. Amphispiza belli cinerea TownseEnp. Gray Sage Sparrow. Amphispiza belli cinerea TOWNSEND, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. XIII. 1890, 136. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Lower California. Genus PEUCZIA Avupuson. Peucea Auv. Synop. 1839,112. Type, Fringilla bachmanii Aun. 575. Peuczea eestivalis (LIcHT.). Pine-woods Sparrow. fringilla estivalis Licut. Verz. Doubl. 1823, 25. Peucea estivalis Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 132. [B 370, part, C 170, part, R 226, C 251.] Geoc. Dist.— Florida and southern Georgia, migrating to southern Florida in winter. ORDER PASSERES. 239 575 a. Peuceea estivalis bachmanii (Auvp.). Bachman’s Sparrow. Fringilla bachmanit Aup. Orn. Biog. II. 1834, 366, pl. 165. Peucea estivalis bachmani Brewst. Auk, II. Jan. 1885, 106. [B 370, part, C 170, part, R 226a, C 252.] Geroc. Dist.— North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, west to Texas, and north to southern Illinois and southern Indiana. Florida in winter. 576. Peuceea arizonze Ripcw. Arizona Sparrow. Peucea estivalis var. arizone Ripcw. Am. Nat. VII. Oct. 1873, 615. Peucea arizone Ripvew. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. I. Aug. 15, 1878, 127. [B—, C 1704, R 227, C253.] Geoc. Dist.— Southern Arizona and Sonora. 577, Peuczea mexicana (Lawre.). Mexican Sparrow. Coturniculus mexicanus LAwR. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. VIII. May, 1867, 474. (Mts. of Colima.) _ Peucea mexicana Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. No. 7, May 23, 1885, 99. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas south into central and western Mexico. 578. Peuczea cassini (Woopn.). Cassin’s Sparrow. Lonotrichia cassini Woovu. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. April, 1852, 60. Peucea cassini BairD, B. N. Am. 1858, 485. [B 371, C 170 des, R 228, C 254.] Geroc. Dist.— Central and western Kansas, southward and west- ward through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and southern Nevada. 240 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 579. Peuczea carpalis CovuEs. Rufous-winged Sparrow. Peucea carpalis Cours, Am. Nat. VII. June, 1373, 322. [B—,C 171 des, R 229, C 257.] Groc. Dist.— Arizona and Sonora. 580. Peuczea ruficeps (Cass.). Rufous-crowned Sparrow. a Ammodromus rujiceps Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Oct. 1852, 184. 4 Peucea ruficeps Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 486. x [B 372, C 171, R 230, C 255.] Groce. Dist.— Coast of California, from Lat. 40° south to Cape St. Lucas. 580 a. Peuceea ruficeps boucardi (SCL.). Boucard’s Sparrow. Zonotrichia boucardi SCLATER, P. Z. S. 1867, 1, pl. i. Peucea ruficeps boucardi Rrpew. Hist. N. Am. B. II. 1874, 38. [B—, C—, R 2304, C 256.] Groc. Dist.— Southern New Mexico and southern Arizona, south — into Mexico to Puebla. ) 580 6. Peuczea ruficeps eremceca Brown. Rock Sparrow, — Peucea ruficeps eremeca BRown, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. VII. Jan. 1882, 26. PB ee Reseed Geroc. Dist.— Southwestern Texas, south in eastern Mexico to Orizaba. GENUS MELOSPIZA Batrrp. Melospiza Bairv, B. N. Am. 1858, 478. Type, Fringilla melodia WIL, = F. fasciata GMEL. ORDER PASSERES. 241 581. Melospiza fasciata (GMEL.). Song Sparrow. Fringilla fasciata GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 922. Melospiza fasciata Scott, Am. Nat. X. 1876, 18. [B 363, C 169, R 231, C244.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States to the Plains, breeding from Virginia and the southern portion of the Lake States northward to the Fur Countries. 58la. Melospiza fasciata fallax (Barrp). Desert Song Sparrow. Zonotrichia fallax BatrD, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. June, 1854, 119 (nec Melospiza fallax auctorum plurimorum !). Melospiza fasciata fallax Hensu. Auk, I. July, 1884, 224. [B 367, C 1692, part, R 2314, part, C 245, part.| Geroc. Dist.— Parts of New Mexico, Arizona, southern Nevada, and southwestern Utah. 581 4. Melospiza fasciata montana HEeENsH. Mountain Song Sparrow. Melospiza fasciata montana HENSHAW, Auk, I. July, 1884, 224. [B—, C 169a, part, R 2314, part, C 245, part.] Groc. Dist.— Northern Mexico, mountains of New Mexico, Colo- rado, Utah, Nevada, and northward. 581¢. Melospiza fasciata heermanni (Bairp). Heerman’s Song Sparrow. Melospiza heermanni Batrv, B. N. Am. 1858, 478. Melospiza fasciata 8. heermanni Rivew. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. ITI. April, 1878, 66. [B 364, C 169d, R 2314, C 248.] Gros. Dist.— California, east into western Nevada. 581 ¢. Melospiza fasciata samuelis (Barrp). Samuels’s Song Sparrow. Ammodromus samuelis BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 455. Melospiza fasciata samuelis Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Mar. 1880, 3. 16 242 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 343, 365, C 1694, R 2314, C 249.] Geroc. Dist.— Coast region of California. 581¢. Melospiza fasciata guttata (NuTT.). Rusty Song Sparrow. Fringilla guttata NUTTALL, Man. Orn. I. ed. 2, 1840, 581. Melospiza fasciata B. guttata Ripew. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. III- April, 1878, 66. [B—, C 1694, R 231d, C 246.] Geroc. Dist.— Coast region of Washington and Oregon, south in winter to San Francisco, California. 5817. Melospiza fasciata rufina (Bonap.). Sooty Song Sparrow. Passerella rufina Bonar. Consp. Av. I. July 15, 1850, 477. Melospiza fasciata rujfina Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. III. Mar, 1880, 3. [B 366, C 169¢, R 2314, C 247.] Groc. Dist.— Coast region of British Columbia, north to Sitka. 581 ¢. Melospiza fasciata rivularis Bryant. Brown’s Song Sparrow. Melospiza fasciata rivularis Bryant, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. 2d ser. I. Sept. 29, 1888, 197. (Bo Co. eee Groc. Dist.— Lower California, from Comondu northward. 581%. Melospiza fasciata graminea TowNSEND. Santa Barbara Song Sparrow. Melospiza fasciata graminea TOWNSEND, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. XIII. 1890, 139. (BCA. Ree Gros. Dist.— Santa Barbara Island, and, in winter, adjacent mainland of California. a ee ee el — ee ee ee ee | ORDER PASSERES. 243 5817. Melospiza fasciata clementz TownsEnp. San Clemente Song Sparrow. Melospiza fasciata clemente ‘TOWNSEND, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. XIII. 1890, 139. PR) Coe an ene Geroc. Dist.— San Clemente and Santa Rosa Islands, California. 581.1. Melospiza insignis Barrp. Bischoffs Song Sparrow. Melospiza insignis BatrD, Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci. I. 1869, 319, pl. xxix, fig. 2. [B—, C 169 7, R232, part, C 250, part.) Geroc. Dist.— Kadiak Island, Alaska. 582. Melospiza cinerea (GMEL.). Aleutian Song Sparrow. Fringilia cinerea GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 922. Melospiza cinerea FinscH, Abhandl. Nat. Ver. Bremen, III. 1872, 20. [B—, C 169f, R 232, C 250. | Groc. Dist. — Aleutian and Pribilof Islands (except Kadiak Island), and east to Fort Kenai, Alaska. 583. Melospiza lincolnii (Aup.). Lincoln’s Sparrow. fringilla lincoinit Aup. Orn. Biog. II. 1834, 539, pl. 193. Melospiza lincolnt BairD, B. N. Am. 1858, 482. [B 368, C 167, R 234, C 242.] Groc. Dist.— North America at large, breeding chiefly north of the United States (as far north as Fort Yukon) and in the higher parts of the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada; south, in winter, to Panama. 583 a. Melospiza lincolnii striata Brewst. Forbush’s Sparrow. Melospiza lincolni striata Brewst. Auk, VI. April, 1889, 89. 244 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 368, part, C 167, part, R 234, part, C 242, part.) Groc. Dist.— British Columbia. 584. Melospiza georgiana (LarTu.). Swamp Sparrow. Fringilla georgiana LATH. Ind. Orn. I. 1790, 460. Melospiza georgiana Ripew. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B 369, C 168, R 233, C 243.] Geoc. Dist.— Eastern North America to the Plains, accidentally to Utah, north to the British Provinces, including Newfoundland and Labrador. Breeds from the Northern States northward, and winters from Massachusetts southward to the Gulf States. Genus PASSERELLA Swainson. Passerella Swatns. Classif. B. II. 1837, 288. Type, Fringilla iliaca MERR. = ee ee ee 585. Passerella iliaca (MeErRr.). Fox Sparrow. Fringilla iliaca MERREM, “ Beitr. zur besond. Gesch. der Vogel, II. 1786-87, 40, pl. x.” Passerella iliaca Swatns. Classif. B. II. 1837, 288. [B 374, C 188, R 235, C 282.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to the Plains and Alaska (valley of the Yukon to the Pacific), and from the Arctic coast south to the Gulf States. Breeds north of the United States; winters chiefly south of the Potomac and Ohio Rivers. Accidental in winter in California. 585a. Passerella iliaca unalaschcensis (GMEL.). Townsend’s Sparrow. | LEmberiza unalaschcensis GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 875. Passerella iliaca unalaschcensis Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Mar. 1880, 3. ORDER PASSERES. 245 [B 375, C 189, R 23524, C 283.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast region, from Kadiak south, in winter, to southern California, and casually to Guadalupe Island, Lower California. Breeds north of the United States. 585 6. Passerella iliaca megarhyncha (Bairp). Thick-billed Sparrow. Passerella megarhynchus Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 925. Passerella iliaca 8. megarhyncha BELDING, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. I. Mar. 1879, 418. [B 376a, C—, R 2350, C 285. ] Geoc. Dist.— Sierra Nevada and Coast Range, California. 585¢. Passerella iliaca schistacea (Barr). Slate-colored Sparrow. Passerella schistacea BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 490. fasserella iliaca var. schistacea ALLEN, Bull. M. C.Z. III. 1872, 168. [B 376, C 1894, R 235¢, C 284.] Geoc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region of the United States, east ‘in winter, to the Plains (Kansas), west to Nevada and California. Genus EMBERNAGRA LEsson. Embernagra Luss. Traité, 1831, 465. Type, 2. dumetorum LEss. = Emberiza platensis GMEL. 586. Embernagra rufivirgata Lawre. Texas Sparrow. Embernagra rujivirgata Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. V. May, 1851, H22) Dl.5, fig:'2: [B 373, C 209, R 236, C 311.] Groc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas and eastern Mexico; casually north to the coast of Louisiana. Genus PIPILO VIEI.Ltor. Pipilo ViEILL. Analyse, 1816, 32. Type, Fringilla erythroph- thalma LINN. 246 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 587. Pipilo erythrophthalmus (Linv.). Towhee. Fringilla erythrophthalma Linn. 8S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 180. Pipilo erythrophthalmus ViEILu. Gal. Ois. I. 1824, 109, pl. 80. [B 391, C 204, R 237, C 301.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States and southern Canada, west to the Plains, breeding from the lower Mississippi Valley and Georgia northward ; in winter from the middle districts southward. 587 a. Pipilo erythrophthalmus alleni CovEs. White-eyed Towhee. Pipilo erythrophthaimus var. allent Cours, Am. Nat. V. Aug. 1871, 366. [B—, C 204a, R 237a, C 302.] Groc. Dist.— Florida, and northward along the Atlantic coast to Charleston, South Carolina. 588. Pipilo maculatus arcticus (SwaIns.). Arctic Towhee. Pyrgita (Pipilo) arctica Swans. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 260, pll. 51, 52. Pipilo maculatus var. arcticus COUES, Key, 1872, 152. [B 393, C 2052, R 238, C 304.] Geroc. Dist.— Plains of the Platte, Upper Missouri, Yellowstone and Saskatchewan Rivers, west to the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, south in winter to Kansas, Colorado, and Texas. 588 a. Pipilo maculatus megalony=x (Barrp). Spurred Towhee. Pipilo megalonyx BairvD, B. N. Am. 1858, 515. Pipilo maculatus var. megalonyx COuES, Key, 1872, 152. [B 394, C 2054, R 238a, C 305.] Geos. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region of the United States, west to the Sierra Nevada and southern California, south into northern Mexico and Lower California. j 4 : ] ; ‘ : ( " ORDER PASSERES. 247 588 4. Pipilo maculatus oregonus (BELL). Oregon Towhee. Pipilo oregonus BELL, Ann. Lyc. N. Y. V. 1852, 6. Pipilo maculatus var. oregonus Cours, Key, 1872, 152. [B 392, C 205, R 2384, C 303.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast region, from British Columbia south to San Francisco, and, in winter, to southern California. 589. Pipilo consobrinus Ruinew. Guadalupe Towhee. Pipilo maculatus consobrinus Ripcw. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. II. No. 2, April 1, 1876, 189. Pipilo consobrinus Ripew. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, II. July, 1877, 60. [B—, C—, R 2384, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Guadalupe Island, Lower California. 590. Pipilo chlorurus (Towns.). Green-tailed Towhee. fringilla chlorura ‘Towns. in Aup. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, 336. LPipilo chlorurus Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 519. [B 398, C 208, R 239, C 310.] Groc. Dist.— Interior Plateau region of the United States, from the western border of the Plains to the Sierra Nevada, from central Idaho and Yellowstone National Park south to Cape St. Lucas, and on the tablelands of Mexico to Guanajuato. 591. Pipilo fuscus mesoleucus (Bairp). Canon Towhee. Liptlo mesoleucus Baird, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. June, 1854, 119. Pipilo fuscus var. mesoleucus Ripcw. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Nov. 1873, 183. [B 397, C 206, R 240, C 306.] Groc. Dist.— Southern border of the United States, from the val- ley of the Upper Rio Grande west to the valley of the Gila, south into Sonora and Chihuahua. 248 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 591a. Pipilo fuscus albigula (Barrp). Saint Lucas Towhee. = Pipilo albigula Bairp, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Nov. 1859, 305, Pipilo fuscus var. albigula Cours, Key, 1872, 152. [B—, C 2064, R 2404, C 307.] Geroc. Dist.— Lower California, north to Lat. 30°. 5914. Pipilo fuscus crissalis (Vic.). California Towhee. Fringilla crissalis Vic. Zool. Blos. 1839, 19. Pipilo fuscus var. crissalis COUES, Key, 1872, 153. [B 396, C 206d, R 2408, C 308.] Groc. Dist.—Pacific coast region west of the Cascades and Sierra Nevada, from the Umpqua Valley, Oregon, south to northern Lower California. 591¢. Pipilo fuscus senicula ANTHONY. Anthony’s Towhee. Pipilo fuscus senicula ANTHONY, Auk, XII. April, 1895, 111. [B 396, part, C 2064, part, R 2404, part, C 308, part.] Geroc. Dist.— Southern California, and Lower California, south to Lat. 29°. 592. Pipilo aberti Bairp. Abert’s Towhee. Pipilo aberti BatRD, STANSBURY’S Rep. Exped. Utah, 1852, 325. [B 395, C 207, R 241, C 309.] Groc. Dist.— New Mexico and Arizona, north into southern Colo- rado, southwestern Utah, and southern Nevada. Genus CARDINALIS BONAPARTE. Cardinalis Bonar. P. Z. S. 1837 (June, 1838), 111. Type, C. virginianus BONAP. = Loxia cardinalis LINN. ORDER PASSERES. 249 593. Cardinalis cardinalis (Linv.). Cardinal. Loxia cardinalis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, 1758, 172. Cardinals cardinalis Licut. Nomencl. Mus. Berol. 1854, 44. [B 390, C 203, R 242, C 299-] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States, north to the lower Hudson Valley and the Great Lakes, casually further north, and west to the Plains. Resident in Bermuda. 593a@. Cardinalis cardinalis superbus Ripew. Arizona Cardinal. Cardinalis cardinalis superbus Ripcw. Auk, II. Oct. 1885, 344. [B—, C 2034, part, R 2424, part, C 300, part. | Geoc. Dist.— Southern Arizona and western Mexico, south to Mazatlan. 593 6. Cardinalis cardinalis igneus (Bairp). Saint Lucas Cardinal. ; Cardinalis igneus BAIRD, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1859, 305. Cardinalis cardinalis igneus STEJN. Auk, I. 1884, 171. [B —, C 2032, part, R 2422, part, C 300, part.] Groc. Dist.— Lower California, north to Lat. 29°. 593 ¢. Cardinalis cardinalis canicaudus CuHapm. Gray-tailed Cardinal. Cardinalis cardinalis canicaudus CHAPM. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. III. Aug. 1891, 324. [B 390, part, C 203, part, R 242, part, C 299, part.] Groc. Dist.— Southwestern Texas, south into northeastern Mexico. Genus PYRRHULOZXIA Bonaparte. Pyrrhuloxia Bonar. Consp. Av. I. 1850, 500. Type, Cardinalis sinuatus BONAP. 250 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 594. Pyrrhuloxia sinuata Bonap. Texas Cardinal. Cardinalis sinuatus Bonap. P. Z. S. 1837 ( June, 1838), 111. Pyrrhuloxia sinuata Bonap. Consp. Av. I. 1850, 500. [B 389, C 202, R 243, C 298.] Geroc. Dist.— Southern border of the United States, from the val- ley of the Lower Rio Grande south to San Luis Potosi, Puebla, etc. North casually to the coast of Louisiana. 594¢, Pyrrhuloxia sinuata beckhami Ruipcw. Arizona Pyrrhuloxia. Pyrrhuloxia sinuata beckhami Ripew. Auk, IV. Oct. 1887, 347. [B 389, part, C 202, part, R 243, part, C 298, part.) Geroc. Dist.— Southern Arizona to western Texas, and south into northwestern Mexico. 594 6. Pyrrhuloxia sinuata peninsulz Ripcw. Saint Lucas Pyrrhuloxia. Pyrrhuloxia sinuata peninsule Ripcw. Auk, IV. Oct. 1887, 347. [B 389, part, C 202, part, R 243, part, C 298, part.] Groc. Dist.— Lower California. Genus HABIA REICHENBACH. Fabia Reicu. Syst. Av. June 1, 1850, pl. lxxvili. Type, Guiraca melanocephala SWAINS. 595. Habia ludoviciana (Linv.). Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Loxta ludoviciana Linn. 8S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 306. Habia ludoviciana STEN. Auk, I. Oct. 1884, 367. [B 380, C 193, R 244, C 289.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States and southern Canada, west to Manitoba and the eastern border of the Plains, breeding from Kansas and the mountains of the Carolinas northward; south, in winter, to Cuba, Central America, and northern South America. ORDER PASSERES. 25% 596. Habia melanocephala (Swains.). Black-headed Grosbeak. Guiraca melanocephala Swatins. Philos. Mag. I. 1827, 438. Habia melanocephala STEN. Auk, I. Oct. 1884, 367. [B 381, C 194, R 245, C 290.] Geroc. Dist.— Western United States, from middle Kansas to the Pacific coast, north to British Columbia and Montana, and south in Mexico to Oaxaca and the Cape region of Lower California. Genus GUIRACA Swainson. Guiraca Swatns. Zool. Jour. III. Nov. 1827, 350. Type, Zoxia caerulea LINN. 597. Guiraca czerulea (Linv.). Blue Grosbeak. Loxia cerulea LINN. S. N. ed. ro, I. 1758, 175. Guiraca cerulea Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 438. [B 382, C 195, R 246, C 291.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, from southern New Jersey, southern Illinois and central Nebraska, south to Cuba and Mexico. Casual northward to New England. 597 ¢. Guiraca czrulea eurhyncha CouvEs. Western Blue Grosbeak. Guiraca cerulea, var. eurhyncha CovrEs, Am. Nat. VIII. Sept. 1874, 563. [B 382, part, C 195, part, R 246, part, C 291, part.] Geroc. Dist.— Southwestern United States, from South Dakota, Colorado, southern Utah, southern Nevada and California to Lower California and southern Mexico. Genus PASSERINA VIEILLot. Passerina Vinitit. Analyse, 1816, 30. Type, by elimination, Tanagra cyanea LINN. 252 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 598. Passerina cyanea (LINN.). Indigo Bunting. x _ Tanagra cyanea Linn. §. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 315. Passerina cyanea ViriLu. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXV. 1817, 7. [B 387, C 199, R 248, C 295.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, west to Kansas, north to New Brunswick, southern Ontario and Minnesota; south in winter to Central America. 599. Passerina amoena (Say). Lazuli Bunting. Emberiza amena Say, Lone’s Exp. II. 1823, 47. Passerina amena Gray, Handl. II. 1870, 97. [B 386, C 200, R 249, C 296.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Plains to the Pacific, north to the dry interior of British Columbia and Idaho, south to the Valley of Mexico. 600. Passerina versicolor (Bonap.). Varied Bunting. Spiza versicolor Bonap. P. Z. S. 1837 (June, 1838), 120. Passerina versicolor Gray, Handl. Il. 1870, 97. [B 385, C 197, R 250, C 293.] Groc. Dist.— From the valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas southward to Guatemala. Accidental in southern Michigan. 600 a. Passerina versicolor pulchra Ripew. Beautiful Bunting. Passerina versicolor pulchra Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 448. [B 385, part, C 197, part, R 250, part, C 293, part. ] Geroc. Dist.— Lower California and northwestern Mexico. 601. Passerina ciris (Linvn.). Painted Bunting. Emberiza ciris Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 179. Passerina ciris ViEILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXV. 1817, 17. ORDER PASSERES. 253 [B 384, C 196, R 251, C 292.] Geroc. Dist.— South Atlantic and Gulf States to western Texas, north to North Carolina and southern Illinois, and south to Panama. Genus SPOROPHILA Cazsanis. Sporophila Capanis, Arch. f. Naturg. X. i. 1844, 291. 602. Sporophila morelleti sharpei Lawre. Sharpe’s Seed-eater. Sporophila. morelleti sharpei LAwr. Auk, VI. Jan. 1889, 53. [B 388, C 200, R 252, C 296.] Groc. Dist.— Southeastern Texas and adjacent parts of Mexico. Genus HUETHETA REIcHENBACH. Euetheta Reicu. Av. Syst. Nat. June 1, 1850, pl. lxxix. Type, Limberiza lepida LINN. [603.] Euetheia bicolor (Linv.). Grassquit. Fringilla bicolor Linn. 8. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 324. Luetheta bicolor GUNDLACH, J. f. O. XXII. 1874, 312. [B—, C 201, R 253, C 297.] Geroc. Dist.— West Indies. Accidental or casual in southern Florida. (603.1.] Euetheia canora (GmEL.). Melodious Grassquit. Loxia canora GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 858. Luetheia canora BREWER, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VII. 1860, 397: [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groce. Dist.— Cuba. Accidental in southern Florida (Sombrero Key). 254 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus SPIZA Bonaparte. Spiza Bonap. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. IV. i. Aug. 1824, 45. Type, Emberiza americana GMEL. 604. Spiza americana (GMEL.). Dickcissel. Emberiza americana GMEL. S. N. 1. ii. 1788, 872. Spiza americana Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. March 27, 1880, 3. [B 378, C 191, R 254, C 287.] Geoc. Dist.— Eastern United States to the Rocky Mountains, breeding from Texas north to Massachusetts, New York, southern Ontario, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota; south in winter through Central America to northern South America; southwest in migrations to Arizona. Now rare or entirely absent east of the Alleghanies. Genus CALAMOSPIZA Bonaparte. Calamospiza Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 30. Type, Fringilla bicolor Towns. = Calamospiza melanocorys STEJN. 605. Calamospiza melanocorys STEJN. Lark Bunting. Calamospiza melanocorys StEJN. Auk, II. Jan. 1885, 49. [B 377, C 190, R 256, C 286.] Groc. Dist.— From the Plains of middle Kansas north to Mani- toba and Assiniboia, west to the Rocky Mountains, less commonly to the Pacific in southern California, and south to Guanajuato and Lower California. Accidental in Massachusetts, New York, and South Carolina. Famity TANAGRIDZ. Tanacers. Genus HUPHONTA DEeEsMAREST. Euphonia Desm. Hist. Nat. Tang. 1805, pl. xix. Type, Pipra musica GMEL.? ORDER PASSERES. 255 [606.] Euphonia elegantissima (Bonap.). Blue-headed Euphonia. Pipra elegantissima BonapP. P. Z.S. 1837 (June, 1838), 112. ELuphonia elegantissima Gray, Gen. B. App. 1849, 17. [B 224, C—, R 160, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern Mexico, and south to Veragua. Texas (GIRAUD). Genus PIRANGA VIEILLOT. Piranga ViEILuL. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, p. iv. Type, Muscicapa rubra LINN. 1766 = Fringilla rubra LINN. 1758. 607. Piranga ludoviciana (WILS.). Louisiana Tanager. Tanagra ludoviciana Wits. Am. Orn. III. 1811, 27, pl. 20, fig. 1. Pyranga ludoviciana RICHARDSON, Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci. V. 1837, 175. [B 223, C 110, R 162, C 158.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Great Plains to the Pacific, north to South Dakota and British Columbia. In winter south to Guatemala. Accidental in New York and New England. {607.1.] Piranga rubriceps Gray. Gray’s Tanager. Pyranga rubriceps Gray, Gen. B. II. 1844, pl. 89. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Colombia. Accidental in California (Dos Pueblos, Santa Barbara Co.). 608. Piranga erythromelas VIEILL. Scarlet Tanager. Pyranga erythromelas Viet... Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXVIII. 1819, 293 (= Pyranga rubra AuCT, nec Fringilla rubra LINN.). 256 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 220, C 107, R 161, C 154.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, west to the Plains, and north to southern Ontario and Manitoba. In winter the West Indies, eastern Mexico, Central America and northern South America. 609. Piranga hepatica Swains. Hepatic Tanager. Pyranga hepatica Swans. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 438. [B 222, C 109, R 163, C 157.] Groc. Dist.— Southern New Mexico and southern Arizona southward to Guatemala. 610. Piranga rubra (LInwn.). Summer Tanager. Fringilla rubra Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 181. Piranga rubra ViEiLL. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, p. iv. [B 221, C 108, R 164, C 155.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States, to the Plains, north to southern New Jersey and southern Illinois, casually north to Massa- chusetts and Ontario, and accidentally to Nova Scotia. In winter, Cuba, eastern Mexico, Central America, and northern South America to Peru. 610 ¢. Piranga rubra cooperi Ripew. Cooper’s Tanager. Pyranga coopert Ripcw. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1869, 130. Piranga rubra cooperi RipGw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B—, C 108a, R 164a, C 156.] Geos. Dist.— New Mexico and Arizona, south in western Mexico to Colima. Famity HIRUNDINIDZ. Swattows. Genus PROGNE Bote. Progne Botk, Isis, 1826, 971. Type, Airundo subis LINN. jor =r ne ORDER PASSERES. 257 611. Progne subis (Linn.). Purple Martin. Hirundo subis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, 1. 1758, 192. Progne subis BatrD, Rev. Am. B. I. May, 1865, 274. [Biags, Circy, R152), C'x68,] Geroc. Dist.— Temperate North America, north to Ontario and the Saskatchewan, south to the higher parts of Mexico, wintering in South America. 611 a. Progne subis hesperia Brewsr. Western Martin. Progne subis hesperta Brewst. Auk, VI. April, 1889, 92. [B 231, part, C 117, part, R 152, part, C 165, part.| Geoc. Dist.— California, south of Latitude 40°, and southern Arizona; in winter, south to Nicaragua. 611.1. Progne cryptoleuca Barrp. Cuban Martin. Progne cryptoleuca BAIRD, Rev. Am. B. I. May, 1865, 277. [B 231a, C—, R 152a, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Cuba, and southern Florida. Genus PETROCHELIDON Casanis. Petrochelidon Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 47. Type, Airundo melanogastra SWAINS. 612. Petrochelidon lunifrons, (Say). Cliff Swallow. firundo lunifrons Say, Lone’s Exp. II. 1823, 47. Petrochelidon lunifrons Cassin, Cat. Hirun. Mus. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1853, 4. [B 226, C 114, R 153, C 162.] Geroc. Dist.— North America, north to the limit of trees, breeding south to the valleys of the Potomac and the Ohio, southern Texas, southern Arizona, and California; Central and South America in winter. Not recorded from Florida or the West Indies. 17 2 58 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. (612.1.] Petrochelidon fulva (VIzIL1.). Cuban Cliff Swallow. Hirundo fulva Vie1Lu. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, 62, pl. 30. Petrochelidon fulva Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 47. [B—, C—, R—, C —] Groc. Dist.—Greater Antilles and coast of Central America. Accidental on the Dry Tortugas, Florida. Genus CHELIDON Forster. Chelidon Forst. Synop. Cat. Brit. B. 1817,55. Type, Hirundo rustica LINN. 613. Chelidon erythrogastra (Bopp.). Barn Swallow. Hirundo erythrogaster Bopp. Tabl. P. E. 1783, 45. Chelidon erythrogastra STEJN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. June 5 1882, 31. [B 225, C 111, R154, C 159.] Groc. Dist.— North America in general, breeding from the Fur Countries south into Mexico ; visits the West Indies in migrations, and winters in Central America and South America. Genus TACHYCINETA Casanis. Tachycineta Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 48. Type, Hirundo thalassina SWAINS. 614. Tachycineta bicolor (VIEILL.). Tree Swallow. Hirundo bicolor Vir... Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, 61, pl. 31. Tachycineta bicolor Cas. Mus, Hein. I. 1850, 48. [B 227, C 112, R 155, C 160.] Geroc. Dist.— North America at large, breeding from the Fur Countries south to New Jersey, the Ohio Valley, Kansas, and Colo- rado, etc., wintering from South Carolina and the Gulf States south- ward to the West Indies and Guatemala. fi) ORDER PASSERES. 259 615. Tachycineta thalassina (Swalns.). Violet-green Swallow. Hirundo thalassinus Swatns. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 366. Tachycineta thalassina Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 48. [B 228, C 113, R 156, C 161.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific, north to British Columbia, south, in winter, to Guatemala and Costa Rica. Genus CALLICHELIDON Barrp. Callichelidon BRYANT, MS. Karrp, Rev. Am. Bds. I. 1865, 303. Type, Hirundo cyaneoviridis BRYANT. [615.1.] Callichelidon cyaneoviridis (Bryant). Bahaman Swallow. Hirundo cyaneoviridis BRYANT, Pr. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., VII. 1859, III. Callichelidon cyaneoviridis BRYANT, MS. Bairp, Rev. Am. Birds, I. 1865, 303. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Bahamas. Accidental on the Dry Tortugas, Florida. Gurus CLIVICOLA Forster. Ciivicola Forsr. Synop. Cat. Brit. B. 1817, 55. Type, Hirundo riparia LINN. 616. Clivicola riparia (Linv.). Bank Swallow. Hirundo riparia Linn. S. N. ed. to, I. 1758, 192. Clivicola riparia STEN. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 32. [B.229, C 115, R 157,'C 163.) Groc. Dist.— Northern hemisphere; in America, south to the West Indies, Central America, and northern South America, breeding from the middle districts of the United States northward to about the limit of trees. 260 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus STELGIDOPTERYX Bairp, Stelgidopteryx BarrD, B. N. Am. 1858, 312. Type, Hirundo ser- ripennis AUD. 617. Stelgidoptery=x serripennis (AvD.). Rough-winged Swallow. Hirundo serripennis Aup. Orn. Biog, IV. 1838, 593. Stelgidopteryx serripennis BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 312. [B 230, C 116, R 158, C 164.] Geroc. Dist.— United States at large, north to Connecticut, south- ern Ontario, southern Minnesota, southern Montana, and British Columbia, south through Mexico to Costa Rica. Breeds throughout © its United States range and south into Mexico. Famity AMPELIDZ. Waxwincs, Etc. SUBFAMILY AMPELINZ. Waxwincs. Genus AMPELIS Linnaus. Ampelis Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766,297. Type, by elimination, Lanius garrulus LINN. 618. Ampelis garrulus LINN. Bohemian Waxwing. Lanius garrulus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 95. Ampelis garrulus LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 297. [B 232, C 118, R 150, C 166.] Gros. Dist.— Northern parts of the northern hemisphere. In North America, south in winter, irregularly, to Pennsylvania, Illinois, Kansas, southern Colorado, and northern California. Accidental at Fort Mohave, Arizona. Breeds north of the United States. 619. Ampelis cedrorum (VIEILL.). Cedar Waxwing. Bombycilla cedrorum VixILu. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, 88, pl. 57. Ampelis cedrorum Gray, Gen. B.I. 1846, 278. ORDER PASSERES. 261 [B 233, C 119, R 151, C 167.] Groc. Dist.— North America at large, from the Fur Countries southward. In winter, from the northern border of the United States south to the West Indies and Costa Rica. Breeds from Vir- ginia, the southern Alleghanies, Kentucky, Kansas, Arizona, etc., northward. SUBFAMILY PTILIOGONATIN 2. Genus PHAINOPEPLA Sc Later. Phainopepla Sci. P. Z. S. 1858, 543. Type, Ptiliogonys nitens SWAINS. 620. Phainopepla nitens (Swains.). Phainopepla. Ptiliogonys nitens Swans. Anim. in Menag. 1838, 285. Phainopepla nitens Sci. P. Z. S. 1858, 543. [B 234, C 120, R 26, C 168.] Geroc. Dist.— Southwestern United States, from southwestern Texas westward; north to southern Utah, Nevada, Fort Crook, Cali- fornia, and south to Cape St. Lucas and the Valley of Mexico. FaMiLty LANIIDZ. Surikes. Genus LANIUS Linnezwus. Lanius Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 93. Type, by elimination, L. excubitor LINN. 621. Lanius borealis VIEILL. Northern Shrike. Lanius borealis Vixiiu. Ois. Am. Sept. 1. 1807, 80, pl. 50. [B 236, C 134, R148, C 186.] Groc. Dist.— Northern North America, south in winter to the middle portions of the United States (Virginia, Kentucky, Kansas, Colorado, Arizona, northern California). Breeds north of the United States. 262 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 622. Lanius ludovicianus Linn. Loggerhead Shrike. Lanius ludovicianus Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 134. [B 237, C135, R 149, C 187.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, west to the Plains; north to northern New England. Breeds from the Gulf States to Virginia and casually north, on the Atlantic coast, to southern New Jersey; in the interior, northward to the Great Lakes, and through western Pennsylvania and New York to New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. 622a. Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides (Swains.). White-rumped Shrike. Lanius excubitorides Swains. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 115, pl. 34. Lanius ludovicianus var. excubitoroides Cours, Key, 1872, 125. [B 238, C 135a, R 149a,C 188.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, from the eastern border of the Plains to the Pacific, except coast of California, and from Mani- toba and the Plains of the Saskatchewan south over the tablelands of Mexico. 622 6. Lanius ludovicianus gambeli Ripew. California Shrike. Lanius ludovicianus gambeli Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 467. [B 238, part, C 1532, part, R 1492, part, C 188, part.| Geroc. Dist.— Coast of California. FamMity VIREONIDZ. Vrreos. Genus VIREO VIEILLOT. SuBGENUs VIREOSYLVA Bonaparre. Vireosylva Bonar. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 26. Type, AZuser- capa olivacea LINN. ORDER PASSERES. 263 623. Vireo calidris barbatulus (Caz.). Black-whiskered Vireo. Phyllomanes barbatulus Cap. J. f. O. 1855, 467. Vireo calidris barbatuius Cours, B. Col. Vall. 1878, 491. [B 243, C 123, R137, C 172.] Geroc. Dist.— Bahamas, Cuba, and southern Florida. 624. Vireo olivaceus (Lrnv.). Red-eyed Vireo. Muscicapa olivacea Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 327. Vireo olivaceus Bonar. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. II, 1826, 71. [B 240, C 122, R 135, C 170.] Geoc. Disr.— Eastern North America, west to Colorado, Utah, and British Columbia; north to the arctic regions; south, in winter, from Florida to northern South America. Breeds nearly throughout its North American range. 625. Vireo flavoviridis (Cass.). Yellow-green Vireo. Vireosyluia flavoviridis Cass. Pr. Ac, Nat. Sci. Phila. V. Feb. 1851, 152. Vireo flavoviridis BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 332. [B 241, C—, R 136, C 171.] Geroc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, south- ward to Panama, Ecuador, Peru and Upper Amazon. Accidental at Godbout, Province of Quebec, and at Riverside, California. 626. Vireo philadelphicus (Cass.). Philadelphia Vireo. Vireosyluia philadelphica Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. V. Feb. 1851, 153, pl. ro, fig. 2. Vireo philadelphicus BAirRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 335. [B 244, C 124, R 138, C 173.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, north to Hudson Bay; south, in winter, to Costa Rica and Panama. Not recorded from Mexico or the West Indies. Breeds from Maine, New Hampshire, and Manitoba northward. 264 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 627. Vireo gilvus (VIEILL.). Warbling Vireo. Muscicapa gilva Vieiuu. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, A pl. 34. Vireo gilvus Bonap. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. IV. 1824, 176. > [B 245, C 125, 1254, R 139, 1394, C 174, 175.] aml Groc. Dist.— North America in general, from the Fur Countries a , to Oaxaca, Mexico. Breeds throughout the greater part of its range. SusGENUS LANIVIREO Barrp. Lanivireo Batrpd, Rev. Am. B. I. May, 1866,345. Type, Vireo a | flavifrons VIEILL. 628. Vireo flavifrons VIEILL. Yellow-throated Vireo. Vireo flavifrons V\EILL. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, 85, pl. 54. [B 252, C 126, R 140, C 176.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, north to Ontario and Mani- toba; south, in winter, to Colombia. Breeds from Florida and the — Be Gulf States northward. 629. Vireo solitarius (WILS.). Blue-headed Vireo. Muscicapa solitaria Wits. Am. Orn. II. 1810, 43, pl. 17, fig. 6. — | Vireo solitarius ViEILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXXVI. 1819, 103. [B 250, C 127, R 141, C 177.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America to the Plains, north to Hudson Bay and Fort Simpson. South, in winter, to Guatemala, Breeds from southern New England and the northern part of the Lake States northward. 629\c. Vireo solitarius cassinii (XanTus). Cassin’s Vireo. Vireo cassiniti XanT. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1858, 117. Vireo solitarius var. cassini HENSH. Rep. Orn. Spec. (Wheeler’s Exp.), 1874, 105. ORDER PASSERES. 265 [B 251, C—, R rq1a, C 178.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States; confined to the Pacific slope, from British Columbia southward, during the breeding season. 629 4. Vireo solitarius plumbeus (Cougs). Plumbeous Vireo. Vireo plumbeus Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1866, 74. Vireo solitarius var. plumbeus ALLEN, Bull. M. C. Z. III. 1872, 176. [B—, C 127a, R 1414, C 179.] Groc. Dist.— Southern Rocky Mountain region from the eastern base of the mountains westward to the desert ranges of the Great Basin, and from southern Wyoming south, in winter, to Oaxaca, Mex- ico. Accidental in New York. 629 «. Vireo solitarius alticola Brewsvr. Mountain Solitary Vireo. Vireo solitarius alticola Brewst. Auk, III. Jan. 1886, 111. [B 250, part, C 127, part, R 141, part, C 177, part.| Groc. Dist.— Southern Alleghanies (western North Carolina, etc.), south in winter to Florida. 6297. Vireo solitarius lucasanus Brewst. St. Lucas Solitary Vireo. Vireo solitarius lucasanus Brewst. Auk, VIII. April, 1891, 147. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Lower California. SuBGENUS VIREO VIEILLor. Vireo ViEILL. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, 83. Type, V. musicus VIEILL. = Muscicapa noveboracensis GMEL. 630. Vireo atricapillus Woopu. Black-capped Vireo. Vireo atricapillus Woovu. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1852, 60. [B 427, C 133, R 142, C 185.] Groc. Dist.— Central and western Texas, from the Rio Grande north to southwestern Kansas. 266 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. i A 631. Vireo noveboracensis (GMEL.). ae White-eyed Vireo. ‘ r Ms K Muscicapa noveboracensis GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 947. Ae Vireo noveboracensis BonaP. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. IV. 1824, I 76. : ae [B 248, C 129, R 143, C 181.] A < igh a Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, west to the Rocky Moun- ~ tains; north to southern New England and Minnesota; south in win- ter, from Florida to Guatemala and Honduras. Breeds from Florida _ and the Gulf States northward. Resident in Bermuda. , 631 a. Vireo noveboracensis maynardi Brewst. ee Key West Vireo. yi Vireo noveboracensis maynardi Brewst. Auk, IV. April, 1887, 148. a [B—, C—, R—, C—.] a Groc. Dist.— Southern Florida. ) | B 632. Vireo huttoni Cass. i" | Hutton’s Vireo. Vireo huttoni Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1851, 150, pl. ro, fig. 1. [B 249, C 130, R 144, C 182.] Groc. Dist.— Southern and central California, west of the Sierra Nevada. se 632 a. Vireo huttoni stephensi Brewst. Stephens’s Vireo. I Vireo huttoni stephenst Brewst. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. July, as 1882, 142. a, [B—,C—, R—, C—.] " : Geroc. Dist.— Arizona, western Mexico, and Lower California. % 632 ¢. Vireo huttoni obscurus ANTHONY. iS. Anthony’s Vireo. Vireo huttoni obscurus ANTHONY, Zoe, I. Dec. 1890, 306. ORDER PASSERES. 267 Bon) Cane Reni aa Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast, from Oregon to southern British Columbia, south in winter to California. 633. Vireo bellii Aup. Bell’s Vireo. Vireo bellit Auv. B. Am. VII. 1844, 333, pl. 485. [B 246, C 131, R145, C 183.] . Groc. Dist.— Upper Mississippi Valley and Great Plains, from Dakota, Minnesota, Illinois, and western Indiana, southwestward to Mexico. 633 a. Vireo bellii pusillus (Covss). Least Vireo. Vireo pusillus Cougs, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1866, 76. Virco belli pusillus RipGw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B—, C 132, R 146, C 184.] Geroc. Dist.— Arizona and California, south to Cape St. Lucas, and throughout western Mexico. 634. Vireo vicinior CovuEs. Gray Vireo. Vireo vicinior Couts, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1866, 75. [B—, C 128, R 147, C 180.] -Geoc. Dist.— Southern border of the United States, from western Texas and New Mexico to southern and Lower California and north- western Mexico, north to southern Nevada (Grapevine Mts., Lat. 37°) and the Grand Cajion of the Colorado in Arizona. Famity C@IREBIDA. Honey CREEPERS. Genus CGGREBA VIEILLOT. Cereba VikILLoT, Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, 70. Type, Certhia flaveola LINN. 268 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 635. Coereba bahamensis (REICH.). Bahama Honey Creeper. Certhiola bahamensis REicH. Handb. I. 1853, 253. Cereba bahamensis A. O. U. Code and Check-List, Suppl. 1889, 23. [B 301, C 106, R 159, C 153.] Groc. Dist.— Bahamas, and the Keys of the southern coast of Florida. -Famity MNIOTILTIDZA. Woop WaRBLERs. Genus MNIOTILTA VieILLor. Mniotilta ViEILL. Analyse, 1816, 45. Type, MWotacilla varia LINN. 636. Mniotilta varia (Liny.). Black and White Warbler. Motacilla varia Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 333. Mniotilta varia ViEtLu. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXI. 1818, 230. [B 167, C 57, R 74, 744, C 91, 92.] Gros. Dist.— Eastern United States to the Plains, north to Fort Simpson, south, in winter, through Central America and the West Indies to Venezuela and Colombia. Breeds from Virginia and southern Kansas northward, and winters from Florida and the Gulf States southward. Genus PROTONOTARIA Barrp. Protonotaria Batrp, B. N. Am. 1858, 239. Type, Motacilla citrea BODD. 637. Protonotaria citrea (BODD.). Prothonotary Warbler. Motacilla citrea Bopp. Tabl. P. E. 1783, 44. Protonotaria citrea BairD, B. N. Am. 1858, 239. ORDER PASSERES. 269 [B 169, C 59, R 75, C 95.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States, west to Nebraska and Kansas, north to Virginia, southern Michigan, and Iowa, casually to New England, Ontario, and Minnesota; in winter Cuba and northern South America. Breeds throughout its United States range. Genus HELINATA Avpvuson. Flelinaia Auv. Synop. 1839, 66. Type, Sylvia swainsonit Aup. 638. Helinaia swainsonii Aun. Swainson’s Warbler. Sylvia swainsonit Aud. Orn. Biog. II. 1834, 563, pl. 198. Helinata swainsonit AUD. Synop. 1839, 66. [B 179, C 61, R 76, C 97.] Geroc. Dist.— Southeastern United States, north to southern Vir- ginia (Dismal Swamp), southwestern Indiana, southeastern Missouri, and west to Texas; in winter, south to Vera Cruz, Mexico, and Jamaica. Genus HELMITHERUS RarineEsQue. Helmitherus Rarin. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVIII. 1819, 417. Type, Motacilla vermivora GMEL. 639. Helmitherus vermivorus (GMEL.). Worm-eating Warbler. Motacilla vermivora GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 951. Helmitheros vermivora Bonap. Consp. Av. I. April 20, 1850, 314. [B 178, C 60, R77, C 96.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, north to southern New York and southern New England, west to eastern Nebraska and Texas; south, in winter, to Cuba and northern South America. Breeds throughout its United States range. Genus HELMINTHOPHILA Ruinpcway. flelminthophila Rivew. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 53. Type, Sylvia rujficapilla WLS. 270 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 640. Helminthophila bachmanii (Aup.). Bachman’s Warbler. Sylvia bachmanii Aup. Orn. Biog. II. 1834, 483, pl. 183. flelminthophila bachmani Ripcw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 53. [B 182, C 64, R 78, C 103.] Gxoc. Dist.— South Atlantic States (southern Virginia to Florida), and westward to Louisiana; Cuba, in winter. 641. Helminthophila pinus (Linvy.). Blue-winged Warbler. Certhia pinus LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 187. Llelminthophila pinus Ripcw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 53. [B 180, C 62, R 79, C 98.] Geoc. Dist.— Eastern United States, from southern New York, southern New England, and southern Minnesota southward, and west to Nebraska and Texas. In winter, south to Mexico, Guate- mala and Nicaragua. 642. Helminthophila chrysoptera (Linn.). Golden-winged Warbler. Motacilla chrysoptera Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 333. Helminthophila chrysoptera Ripcw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 53. [B 181, C 63, R 81, C 102.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States, north to southern New England, southwestern Ontario, and southern Minnesota; breeding from northern New Jersey and northern Indiana northward, and southward along the Alleghanies to South Carolina. Central Amer- . ica and northern South America in winter. 643. Helminthophila lucize (Cooper). Lucy’s Warbler. Helminthophaga lucie CooPER, Pr. Cal. Ac. Sci. July, 1862, 120. Flelminthophila lucie Ripcw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan, 1882, 54. as a ee ae a ee SSS ORDER PASSERES. 271 [B—, C 65, R 83, C 104.] Geroc. Dist.— Arizona and extreme southwestern Utah, from the Santa Clara Valley southward to Sonora, Mexico. 644. Helminthophila virginize (Barrp). Virginia’s Warbler. A flelminthophaga virginie Bairp, B. N. Am. ed. 1860, Atlas, i p. xi. foot-note, pl. 79, fig. 1. Helminthophila virginie Ripcw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. » 1882, 54. [B—, C 66, R 84, C 105.] Geoc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region of the United States, from Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada southward on the tableland " of Mexico to Guanajuato. 645. Helminthophila ruficapilla (Wits.). Nashville Warbler. Sylvia ruficapilla Wits. Am. Orn. III. 1831, 120, pl. 27, fig. 3. Eelminthophila ruficapilla Rrpcw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 54. [B 183, part, C 67, part, R 85, part, C 106, part.) Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America to the Plains, north to the Fur Countries, breeding from the northern United States northward. Mexico and Guatemala in winter. 645a. Helminthophila ruficapilla gutturalis Ripew. Calaveras Warbier. Helminthophaga rujicapilla var. gutturalis Ripcw. in Hist. N. Am. B. I. Jan. 1874, 191. Helminthophila rujficapilla gutturalis Ripew. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B 183, part, C 67, part, R 85, part, C 106, part.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast of North America, eastward, during migrations, to the Rocky Mountains, northward to Kadiak, Alaska, and southward to Lower California and western Mexico. 272 ORDER PASSERES. 646. Helminthophila celata (Say). Orange-crowned Warbler. Sylvia celata Say, Lone’s Exp. I. 1823, 169. Helminthophila celata Ripcw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 54. [B 184, part, C 68, R 86, C 107.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America, breeding as far northward as the Yukon and Mackenzie River districts, and southward through the Rocky Mountains, and wintering in the south Atlantic and Gulf States and Mexico. Rare east of the Alleghanies, north of Virginia. 646 a. Helminthophila celata lutescens (Ripew.). Lutescent Warbler. Helminthophaga celata var. lutescens RipGw. Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 1872, 457. Helminthophila celata lutescens Brews. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. April, 1882, 8s. [B 184, part, C 68a, R 86a, C 108.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific. 646 4. Helminthophila celata sordida Townsenp. Dusky Warbler. Helminthophila celata sordida TOWNSEND, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. XIII. 1890, 139. BAC ot Rie ets Groc. Dist.— San Clemente, Santa Cruz, and Santa Rosa Islands, California. 647. Helminthophila peregrina (WILSs.). Tennessee Warbler. Sylvia peregrina Wits. Am. Orn. III. 1811, 83, pl. 25, fig. 2. Helminthophila peregrina RipGw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 54. [B 185, C 69, R 87, C 109. | Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America, breeding from northern New York and northern New England northward to Hudson Hay Territory ; in winter south through eastern Mexico to Costa Rica and Colombia. ee a aa os = ” o = " f >. ee ee ee eee Le se eee — ee ee le ORDER PASSERES. 273 Genus COMPSOTHLYPIS Casanis. Compsothlypis Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 20. Type, Parus ameri- canus LINN. 648. Compsothlypis americana ( Linv.). Parula Warbler. Parus americanus LINN. 5S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 190. Compsothlypis americana Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 20. [B 168, C 58, R 88, C 93.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States, west to the Plains, north to Canada, and south in winter to the West Indies, Eastern Mexico and Nicaragua. Breeds locally throughout its United States range. 649. Compsothlypis nigrilora (CovEs). Sennett’s Warbler. Parula nigrilora Cours, Bull. U.S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. IV. 1878, 11. Compsothlypis nigrilora STEJN. Auk, I. April, 1884, 170. [B—, C—, R 89a, C 94.] Groc. Dist.— Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, and southward in Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, and southeastern San Luis Potosi. Genus DENDROICA Gray. SuBGENUS PERISSOGLOSSA Barrp. Perissoglossa BAtRD, Rev. Am. B. I. April, 1865, 180. Type, Motacilla tigrina GMEL. 650. Dendroica tigrina (GMEL.). Cape May Warbler. Motacilla tigrina GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 985. Dendroica tigrina BatrpD, B. N. Am. 1858, 286. 18 274 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 206, C 85, Rgo, C 126.] Geoc. Dist.— Eastern North America, north to Lake Winnipes and Hudson Bay Territory, west to the Plains. Breeds from north- ern New England northward ; winters in the West Indies. SuBGENUS PEUCEDRAMUS Cougs. Peucedramus Couks, in Zool. Wheeler’s Exp. 1876, 201. Type, Sylvia olivacea GIRAUD. 651. Dendroica olivacea (Grraup). Olive Warbler. Sylvia olivacea GIRAUD, Sixteen Sp. Tex. B. 1841, 29, pl. 7, fig. 2. Dendroica olivacea BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 305. [B—, C—, R 92, C 110.] Groc. Dist.— Highlands of Guatemala and Mexico, north to southern New Mexico and Mt. Graham, Arizona. SuBGENUS DENDROICA Gray. Dendroica Gray, List Gen. B. App. 1842, 8. Type, Motacilla coronata LINN. 652. Dendroica estiva (GMEL.). Yellow Warbler. Motacilla estiva GMEL. S. N. I. ti. 1788, 996. Dendroiwa estiva Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 282. [B 203,C 70, R 93, C 111.] Geroc. Dist.— North America at large, except southwestern part, south in winter to Central America and northern South America. Breeds nearly throughout its North American range. 652 a. Dendroica cestiva sonorana BreEwstT. Sonora Yellow Warbler. Dendroica estiva sonorana Brewst. Auk, V. April, 1888, 137. ORDER PASSERES. 275 [B 203, part, C 70, part, R 93, part, C 111, part.| Geroc. Dist.— Southern Arizona to western Texas and northwest- ern Mexico. 653. Dendroica bryanti castaneiceps Ripcw. Mangrove Warbler. Dendroica bryanti castaneiceps Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. Sept. 2, 1885, 350. [B—, C—, R—,C —.] Geroc. Dist.— Western Mexico, and southern part of Lower Cali- fornia. 654. Dendroica czerulescens (GMEL.). Black-throated Blue Warbler. Motacilla cerulescens GMEL. S. N. I. 1788, 960. Dendroica caerulescens BatRD, Rev. Am. B. I. April, 1865, 186. [B 193, C 76, R 94, C 117.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America to the Plains, breeding from northern New England and northern New York northward to Labra- dor, and in the Alleghanies south to northern Georgia; West Indies and Guatemala in winter. Accidental on the Farallon Islands, Cali- fornia. 655. Dendroica coronata (LINvN.). Myrtle Warbler. Motacilla coronata Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 333. Dendroica coronata Gray, List Gen. B. App. 1842, 8. [B 194, C78, Rs, C 119.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, chiefly, straggling more or less commonly westward to the Pacific; breeds from the northern United States northward, and winters from southern New England and the Ohio valley southward to the West Indies, and through Mexico to Panama. 656. Dendroica auduboni (Towns.). Audubon’s Warbler. Sylvia auduboni Towns. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1837, 1gtr. Dendroica audubonti BAirD, B. N. Am. 1858, 273. 27 6 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 195, C 79, R96, C 120.) Groc. Dist.— Western United States, east to the western bor¢ eu | of the Plains and north to British Columbia; south in winter a Guatemala. Accidental in Pennsylvania and Maséachinaite a 657. Dendroica maculosa (GMEL.). Magnolia Warbler. Motacilla maculosa GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 984. Dendroica maculosa BAIRD, B.N. Am. 1858, 284. vat [B 204, C 84, R 97, C 125.] @ Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to the base of the Rocky Mountains, and casually to British Columbia; breeding from = northern New England, northern New York, and northern Michigan, — to Hudson Bay Territory and southward in the Alleghanies to Penn- — sylvania. In winter, Bahamas, Cuba, and south through eastern ‘G Mexico to Panama. Sf 658. Dendroica czerulea (WILs.). Cerulean Warbler. Sylvia cerulea Wits. Am. Orn. II. 1810, 141, pl. 17, fig. 5. Dendroica cerulea Baird, B. N. Am, 1858, 280. [B 201, C 77, R 98, C 118.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States and southern Ontario, west to the Plains. Rare or casual east of central New York and the Alleghanies. In winter south to Cuba (rare), southeastern Mexico, 4 Central America, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. Breeds from West Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, and Kansas northward to Minnesota. 659. Dendroica pensylvanica (Linv.). Chestnut-sided Warbler. _ Motacilla pensylvanica LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 333. Dendroica pennsylvanica BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 279. [B 200, C 83, R gg, C 124.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States and southern Ontario, west to Manitoba and the Plains, breeding southward to central Illinois q and northern New Jersey, and in the Appalachian highlands probably to northern Georgia. Visits the Bahamas, eastern Mexico, Central | America and Panama in winter. | ORDER PASSERES. 277 660. Dendroica castanea (WILS.). Bay-breasted Warbler. Sylvia castanea Wits. Am. Orn. II. 1810, 97, pl. 14, fig. 4. Dendroica castanea BAirRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 276. [B 197, C 82, R 100, C 123.] Groé. Dist—— Eastern North America, north to Hudson Bay. Breeds from northern New England and northern Michigan north- ward ; in winter south through eastern Mexico (rare) and Guatemala to Colombia. 661. Dendroica striata (Forst.). Black-poll Warbler. Muscicapa striata Forst. Philos. Trans. LXII. 1772, 406, 428. Dentroica striata BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 280. [B 202, C 81, R ror, C 122.] Geoc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to the Rocky Moun- tains, north to Greenland, the Barren Grounds, and Alaska, breeding from northern New England and the Catskills northward. South in winter to northern South America, but not recorded from Mexico or Central America. 662. Dendroica blackburniz (GMEL1.). Blackburnian Warbler. Motacilla blackburnie GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 977. Dendroica blackburnie Batrv, B. N. Am. 1858, 274. [B 196, C 80, R ro2, C 121.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to eastern Kansas and Manitoba, breeding from the southern Alleghanies, Massachu- setts, and Michigan northward to Labrador. In winter, south to the Bahamas, eastern Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, and ‘Peru. 663. Dendroica dominica (Linn.). Yellow-throated Warbler. Motacilla dominica Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 334. Dendrowa dominica BAIRD, Rev. Am. B. I. April, 1865, 209. t 278 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. ag [B 209, part, C 88, R 103, C 129.] Geroc. Dist.— Southeastern United States, north to southern a Maryland and Virginia, and casually to southern New England ; site south to the West Indies. 5 q 668 2. Dendroica dominica albilora Rivew. a Sycamore Warbler. a nt Dendroica dominica var. albilora Batrp MSS. Ripcw. Am. Nail VII. Oct. 1873, 606. a [B 209, part, C 88a, R 103a, C 130.] ia ) Groc. Dist.— Mississippi Valley, west to the Plains, north to Lake Erie and southern Michigan, and east to western North Caro- iS lina ; in winter south to southern Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and _ Nicaragua. 664. Dendroica graciz Bairp. Grace’s Warbler. Dendroica gracie “Cours MSS.” Barrp, Rev. Am. B. I. Apri 1865, 210. | 7 [B—, C 87, R 104, C 128.} Geroc. Dist.— Southern New Mexico and Arizona, and southward — 4 into Sonora. ; nan | rm i 665. Dendroica nigrescens (Towns.). Black-throated Gray Warbler. Sylvia nigrescens Towns. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 83, 1gt. Dendroica nigrescens BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 270. [B 192, C 75, R 105, C 116.] 0M Groce. Dist.— Western United States, north to Colorado, Oregon, — u } and British Columbia west of the Cascades, migrating to southern — Mexico in winter. 666. Dendroica chrysoparia Sci. & SALv. Golden-cheeked Warbler. Dendreca chrysoparia Sci. & Say. P. Z. S. 1860, 298. ORDER PASSERES. 279 [B—, C 74, R 106, C 115.] Groc. Dist.— Southern Texas, and southward to Guatemala. 667. Dendroica virens (GMEL.). Black-throated Green Warbler. Motacilla virens GMEL. S.N. I. ii. 1788, 985. Dendroica virens BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 267. [B 189, C 71, R 107, C 112.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America to the Plains, north to Hudson Bay Territory, breeding from Connecticut and northern Illinois northward, and south along the Alleghanies to South Caro- lina. In winter, south to Cuba and Panama. Accidental in Green- land and Europe. 668. Dendroica townsendi (Towns.). Townsend’s Warbler. Sylvia townsendi “ Nutt.” Towns. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1837, 191. Dendroica townsendi Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 269. [B 191, C 73, R 108, C 114.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, east to central Colorado, north to Sitka, south in winter to Mexico and Guatemala. Acci- dental near Philadelphia. Breeds from the southern border of the United States northward. 669. Dendroica occidentalis (Towns.). Hermit Warbler. Sylvia occidentalis Towns. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1837, Igo. Dendroica occidentalis BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 268. [B 190, C 72, R 109, C 113.] Geroc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific coast, and from Washington southward; in winter, Lower California and Mexico to the highlands of Guatemala. 280 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 670. Dendroica kirtlandi Barrp. Kirtland’s Warbler. = Sylvicola kirtlandi Batrp, Ann. Lyc. N. Y. V. 1852, 216, pl. 6. Dendroica kirtlandit Barrp, B. N. Am. 1858, 286. — [B 205, C 89, R 110, C 131.] ! GroG. Dist.— Eastern United States (South Carolina, Virginia, | Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota), — and the Bahamas in winter. 671. Dendroica vigorsii (AvD.). Pine Warbler. Sylvia vigorsti Aup. Orn. Biog. I. 1832, 153, pl. 30. Dendroica vigorsit StEJN. Auk, II. Oct. 1885, 343. [B 198, C 91, R 111, C 134.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, west to the Plains, north to — a Manitoba, Ontario, and New Brunswick, wintering in the South — Atlantic and Gulf States, and the Bahamas. 672. Dendroica palmarum (GMEL.). Palm Warbler. Motacilla palmarum GEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 951. Dendroica palmarum Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 288. [B 208, part, C 90, part, R 113, C 132.] Geoc. Dist.— Northern interior to Great Slave Lake; in winter a South Atlantic and Gulf States, the West Indies and Mexico. Of rare but regular occurrence in the Atlantic States in migrations. . 672 a. Dendroica palmarum hypochrysea Ripew. Yellow Palm Warbler. Dendreca palmarum hypochrysea Ripew. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, I. Nov. 1876, 85. [B 208, part, C go, part, R 113a, C 133.] Groc. Dist.— Atlantic States, north to Hudson Bay. Breeds from eastern Maine, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia northward ; winters in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. ORDER PASSERES. 281 673. Dendroica discolor (VIE!LL.). Prairie Warbler. Sylvia discolor ViEILL. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, 37, pl. 98. Dendroica discolor Bairyv, B. N. Am. 1858, 290. [B 210, C 86, R 114, C 127.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States to the Plains, breeding from Florida north to Michigan and southern New England. Winters in southern Florida and the West Indies. Genus SHIURUS Swainson. Seturus Swans. Phil. Mag. I. May, 1827, 369. Type, Motacil/a aurocapilla LINN. 674. Seiurus aurocapillus (Linvy.). Oven-bird. Motacilla aurocapilla Linn. S. N. ed. 12, 1. 1766, 334. Seiurus aurocapillus Swatns. Zool. Journ. III. 1827, 171. [B186, C' 92, Ritzs; C 138.) Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, north to Hudson Bay Ter- ritory and Alaska, breeding from Kansas, the Ohio Valley, and Vir- ginia northward. In winter, Florida, the West Indies, southern Mex- ico, and Central America to Panama. 675. Seiurus noveboracensis (GMEL.). Water-Thrush. Motacilla noveboracensis GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 958. Seturus noveboracensis BonaP. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 21. [B 187, part, C 93, part, R 116, C 136. | Groc, Dist.— Eastern United States to Illinois, and northward to Arctic America, breeding from the northern United States northward. South in winter to the West Indies, Central America, and northern South America. 675 a. Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis (Ripew.). Grinnell’s Water-Thrush. Seiurus nevius notabilis “GRINNELL,” Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. III. 1880, 12. Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. 282 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 187, part, C 93, part, R 116a, C 137.) | Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from Indiana and Illinois westward to California, and north into British America. Casualin migrations eastward to the Atlantic coast. Winters from the south- ern border of the United States southward to Lower California, Mex- ico, and northern South America. zn): 676. Seiurus motacilla (VIEILL.). Louisiana Water-Thrush. Turdus motacilla VixiLu. Ois. Am. Sept. II. 1807, 9, pl. 65. Seiurus motacilla BonaP. Consp. Av. I. 1850, 306. [B 188, C 94, R 117, C 138.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, north to southern New Eng- land and southern Michigan, casually north to Lake George, north- E E eastern New York, west to the Plains. In winter, West Indies, southern Mexico, and Central America to Panama. Genus GEOTHLYPIS Casanis. SuBGENUS OPORORNIS Bairp. Oporornis BAirD, B. N. Am. 1858, 246. Type, Sylvia agilis WILs. 677. Geothlypis formosa (WILs.). Kentucky Warbler. Sylvia formosa Wiis. Am. Orn. III. 1811, 85, pl. 25, fig. 3. Geothlypis formosa Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B 175, C 96, R 119, C 140.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, west to the Plains, breeding from the Gulf States north to southern New England and southern Michigan. In winter, West Indies, eastern Mexico, and Central America to Panama. 678. Geothlypis agilis (Wi.s.). Connecticut Warbler. Sylvia agilis Wiis. Am. Orn. V. 1812, 64, pl. 39, fig. 4. Geothlypis agilis GREGG, Pr. Elmira Acad. 1870,—(p. 7 of reprint). ORDER PASSERES. 283 [B 174, C 95, R 118, C 139.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, breeding north of the United States (Manitoba, Ontario). Northern South America in winter. SuBGENUs GEOTHLYPIS Casanlis. Geothlypis Cas. Wiegm. Archiv, 1847, i. 316, 349. Type, Turdus trichas Linn. 679. Geothlypis philadelphia (Wi1s.). Mourning Warbler. Sylvia philadelphia Wiis. Am. Orn. II. 1810, ro1, pl. 14, fig. 6. Geothlypis philadelphia BairpD, B. N. Am. 1858, 243. [B 172, C 98, R 120, C 142.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America to the Plains, breeding from the mountainous portions of Pennsylvania, New England, New York, and northern Michigan northward. Central America and northern South America in winter. Accidental in Greenland. 680. Geothlypis macgillivrayi (Avp.). Macgillivray’s Warbler. Sylvia macgillivrayi AuD. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, 75, pl. 399, figs, 4, 5- Geothlypis macgillivrayi BairD, B. N. Am. 1858, 244. [B 173, C 99, R 121, C 143.] Geroc. Dist.— Western United States, from the eastern foothills of the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific coast, north into British Columbia. Lower California, Mexico, and Central America to Colombia in winter. 681. Geothlypis trichas (Linvn.). Maryland Yellow-throat. Turdus trichas Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 293. Geothlypis trichas Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 16. [B 170, part, C 97, part, R 122, part, C 141, part.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, north to Ontario, Nova Scotia, and southern Labrador, breeding from Georgia northward. In winter, South Atlantic and Gulf States, the West Indies, eastern Mexico, and Central America; casually northward to Massachusetts. 284 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 681 a. Geothlypis trichas occidentalis Brewsr. Western Yellow-throat. + Geothlypis trichas occidentalis Brewst. Bull. Nutt. Orn. el VIII. July, 1883, 159. aM [B 170, part, C 97, part, R 122, part, C 141, part.] a Geoc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Mississippi Valley __ west to the Pacific coast, and north to British Columbia; south,in winter, to Central America. 681 4. Geothlypis trichas ignota CuHapm. Florida Yellow-throat. Geothlypis trichas ignota CuHarM. Auk, VII. Jan. 1890, 11. [B 170, part, C 97, part, R 122, part, C 141, part.| Geroc. Dist.— Florida, north to southern Georgia. 682. Geothlypis beldingi Rinew. Belding’s Yellow-throat. Geothlypis beldingt Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 344. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Gros. Dist.— Southern portion of Lower California, north to San Ignacio (Lat. 27°). 682.1. Geothlypis poliocephala ralphi Ripew. Rio Grande Yellow-throat. Geothlypis poliocephala ralphi Rrpew. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus, 1893, 692. [B—, C—, R—, C—-.] Groc. Dist.— Lower Rio Grande Valley. Genus ICTERIA VIEILLor. Lcteria ViEILL. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, pp. ili. 85. Type, MZus- cicapa viridis GMEL. = Turdus virens LINN. ORDER PASSERES. 285 683. Icteria virens (Linv.). Yellow-breasted Chat. Turdus virens Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 171. Icteria virens BatrD, Rev. Am. B. I. April, 1865, 228. [B 176, C 100, R 123, C 144.] Groce. Dist.— Eastern United States to the Plains, breeding north to Ontario and southern New England; south, in winter, to eastern Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. 683 a. Icteria virens longicauda (Lawr.). Long-tailed Chat. Lcteria longicauda Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. VI. 1853, 4. Leteria virens var. longicauda COUES, Key, 1872, 108. [B 177, C 1ooa, R 123a, C 145.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Plains to the Pacific, north to southern Montana, Washington, and the dry interior of British Columbia, south into Lower California and Mexico. Genus SYLVANIA Nvttfa.t. Sylvania Nutr. Man. Land Birds, I. 1832, 290. Type, by elimination, Muscicapa selbit AUD. = Motacilla mitrata GMEL. 684. Sylvania mitrata (GME-.). Hooded Warbler. Motacilla mitrata GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 977. Sylvania mitrata Nutr. Man. Land B. ed. 1840, 333. [B 211, C ror, R 124, C 146.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States, west to the Plains, north and east to southern Michigan, southern Ontario, western and south- eastern New York, and southern New England. Breeds from the Gulf of Mexico northward. In winter, West Indies, eastern Mexico, and Central America to Panama. 685. Sylvania pusilla (Wizs.). Wilson’s Warbler. Muscicapa pusilla Wits. Am. Orn. III. 1811, 103,. pl. 26, fig. 4. Sylvania pusilla Nutt. Man. Land B. ed. 1840, 335. 286 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 213, part, C 102, R 125, C 147.] Gxroc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to and including the - Rocky Mountains, north to Labrador, Hudson Bay Territory, and Alaska. Breeds chiefly north of the United States, migrating south to eastern Mexico and Central America. / Ne 685 a. Sylvania pusilla pileolata (PALL.). Pileolated Warbler. Motacilla pileolata Pati. Zoog. Rosso-As. I. 1826, 497. Sylvania pusilla pileolata Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, y Bi 3 354- [B 213, part, C 102a, R 125a, C 148.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, from the Great Basin to -_ the Pacific, north to Alaska (Kadiak), and south, in winter, to Costa Rica. 686. Sylvania canadensis (Linv.). Canadian Warbler. Muscicapa canadensis Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 327. Sylvania canadensis Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B 214, 215, C 103, R 127, C 149.] ) Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to the Plains, and north to Newfoundland, southern Labrador, and Lake Winnipeg, south, in winter, to Central America and northern South America. — , Breeds from the higher parts of the Alleghanies, and the more ele- vated parts of southern New York and southern New England, q northward, Genus SETOPHAGA Swainson. Setophaga Swans. Phil. Mag. I. May, 1827, 368. Type, Mota q cilla ruticilla LINN. 687. Setophaga ruticilla (Linn.). American Redstart. Motacilla ruticilla Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 186. Setophaga ruticilla Swans. Phil. Mag. I. May, 1827, 368. ORDER PASSERES. 287 [B 217, C 104, R 128, C 152. | Groc. Dist.— North America, north to Fort Simpson, west regu- larly to the Great Basin, casually to California and Lower California, breeding from the middle portion of the United States northward. In winter, the West Indies, southern Mexico, Central America and northern South America. 688. Setophaga picta Swains. Painted Redstart. Selophaga picta Swains. Zool. Illustr. 2d ser. I. 1829, pl. 3. [B 218, C 105, R 129, C 151.] Groc. Dist,— Mountains of Mexico, north to southern Arizona. [689.] Setophaga miniata Swans. Red-bellied Redstart. Setophaga miniata Swatns. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 368. [B 219, C—, R 130, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Highlands of Mexico. Texas (GrrauD). Genus CARDELLINA Du Bus. Cardellina Du Bus, Esq. Orn. 1850, pl. 25. Type, C. amicta Du Bus = Muscicapa rubrifrons GiRauD. 690. Cardellina rubrifrons (Grraup). Red-faced Warbler. Muscicapa rubrifrons GiRAuD, Sixteen Sp. Texas B. 1841, pl. 7, fig. I. Cardellina rubrifrons Sci. P. Z. S. 1855, 66. [B—, C—, R 131, C 150.] Groc. Dist.— Southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico, through Mexico, to Guatemala. Texas (GrRAuD). Genus ERGATICUS Barrp. Lirgaticus BatrD, Rev. Am. B. I. April, 1865, 237. Type, Sefo- phaga rubra SWAINs. 288 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [691.] Ergaticus ruber (Swarns.). Red Warbler. | Se Setophaga rubra Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 368. Ergaticus ruber Sci. & SaLv. Nom. Neotr. 1873, rr. [B 216, C—, R 132, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Highlands of Mexico. Texas (Grraup). Genus BASILEUTERUS Casanis. Basileuterus Cas. in ScHoms. Guiana, III. 1848, 666. Type, Sylvia vermivora ViEILL. = Setophaga auricapilla Swains. [692.] Basileuterus culicivorus (LicHT.). Brasher’s Warbler. Sylvia culicivora (LicuT.) Preis-Verzeich. 1830, no. 78. Basileuterus culicivorus Bonar. Consp. Av. I. 1850, 313. [B—, C—, R 133, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Central America, from Panama north to eastern Mexico. Texas (GIRAUD.) (693.] Basileuterus belli (Grraup). Bell’s Warbler. Muscicapa belli GiRauD, Sixteen Sp. Texas B. 1841, pl. 4, fig. 1. Bastleuterus belli Sci. P. Z. S. 1855, 65. [BO Rata Oe Groc. Dist.— Guatemala and Mexico, north to the temperate regions of Vera Cruz. Texas (GIRAUD). FamMity MOTACILLIDZA. Wacraits. Genus MOTACILLA Linnuvs. Motacilla Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 184. Type, by elimina- tion, AZ. alba LINN. ORDER PASSERES. 289 [694.] Motacilla alba Linn. White Wagtail. Motacilla alba Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 185. [B—, C—, R 69, C 86.] Geroc. Dist.— Northern Europe and northern Asia, south, in winter, to North Africa and India. Accidental in Greenland. [695.] Motacilla ocularis Swinu. Swinhoe’s Wagtail. Motacitla ocularis Swinu. Ibis, Jan. 1860, 55. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern Asia. Accidental in Lower California. Aleutian Islands? Genus BUDYTES Cuvier. Budytes Cuv. Régne An. I. 1817, 371. Type, Motacilla flava LINN. 696. Budytes flavus leucostriatus (Hom.). Siberian Yellow Wagtail. Budytes leucostriatus HOMEYER, J. f. O. 1878, 128. Budytes flavus leucostriatus STEJN. Orn. Expl. Kamtsch. 1885, 280. [B—, C 54, R 70, C 87.] Geroc. Dist.— Alaska and northern Siberia to China, wintering in the Moluccas. \ Genus ANTHUS BEcustTeE rn. SusGENus ANTHUS. Anthus Becust. Gem. Naturg. Deutschl. III. 1807, 704. Type, by elimination, 4. aguaticus = Alauda spinoletta LINN. 697. Anthus pensilvanicus (LatTu.). American Pipit. Alauda pensilvanica LatH. Synop. Suppl. I. 1787, 287. Anthus pensilvanicus THIENEM. Rhea, II. 1849, 171. 19 290 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 165, C 55, R71, C 89.] Groc. Dist.— North America at large, breeding in the higher parts of the Rocky Mountains and subarctic districts, and wintering in the Gulf States, Mexico, and Central America. Accidental in Europe. [698.] Anthus pratensis (Linv.). Meadow Pipit. Alauda pratensis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 166. Anthus pratensis BEcustT. Gem. Naturg. Deutschl. III. 1807, 732. [B—, C 55 des, R 72, C 88.] Groce. Dist.— Europe, straggling to Greenland (and Alaska ?). {699.] Anthus cervinus (PALLAs). Red-throated Pipit. Motacilla cervina PALLAS, Zoog. Rosso-As. I. 1826, 511. Anthus cervinus Krys. & Bias. Wirb. Eur. I. 1840, p. xlviii. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World. Accidental in Lower California. St. Michael and Aleutian Islands, Alaska? SusGEnus NBOCORYS Sc Later. NVeocorys Sci. P. Z. 8.1857, 5. Type, Alauda spragueti AuD. 700. Anthus spragueii (Avp.). Sprague’s Pipit. Alauda spragueit AuD. B. Am. VII. 1843, 335, pl. 486. Anthus spraguei BAIRD, Rev. Am. B. I. Oct. 1864, 155. [B 166, C 56, R 73, C go.] Geroc. Dist.— Interior plains of North America, breeding from the plains of the Yellowstone northward to the Saskatchewan district, and from the Red River westward (probably to the Rocky Moun- tains). South in winter on the tablelands of Mexico to Puebla. Accidental in South Carolina. ORDER PASSERES. 291 Famity CINCLIDA. Drprpers. Genus CINCLUS BeEcusrTEIN. Cinclus Becust. Orn. Taschenb. Deutschl. 1802, 205. Type, Sturnus cinclus LINN. 701. Cinclus mexicanus Swains. American Dipper. Cinclus mexicanus Swans. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 368. [B 164, C 19, R 19, C 30.] Groc. Dist.— The mountainous parts of central and western North America, from the Yukon Valley and Unalaska to Guatemala ; east, in the United States, to the eastern base of the Rocky Moun- tains. Apparently resident throughout its range. Famity TROGLODYTIDZA. Wrens, THRASHERS, ETc. SUBFAMILY MIMINZA. THRASHERS. Genus OROSCOPTES Barrp. Oroscopies BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 346. Type, Orpheus mon- tanus ‘TOWNS. 702. Oroscoptes montanus (Towns.). Sage Thrasher. Orpheus montanus Towns. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1837, 193. Oroscoptes montanus BatrD, B. N. Am. 1858, 347. [B eas, 617, R 20, C24) -Geoc. Dist.— Western United States, from the western part of the Plains (western South Dakota, western Nebraska, and eastern Colorado), north to Montana, west to the Cascades and Sierra Nevada, south into northern Mexico, Lower California, and casually to Guadalupe Island. 292 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus MIMUS Bote. Mimus BorE, Isis, Oct. 1826, 972. Type, Zurdus polyglottos LINN. 703. Mimus polyglottos (Linv.). Mockingbird. Turdus polyglottos LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 169. Mimus polyglottus Bonar. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 17. [B 253, 253¢, C 8, R11, C 15.] Groc. Dist.— United States, south into Mexico. Rare and of irregular distribution from Maryland northward to Massachusetts, and north of southern Ohio, Colorado, and southern California. Bahamas. Casual on Guadalupe Island, Lower California. Genus GALEOSCOPTES Casanis. Galeoscoptes Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 82. Type, Muscicapa carolinensis LINN. 704, Galeoscoptes carolinensis (Liyy.). Catbird, Muscicapa carolinensis Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 328. Galeoscoptes carolinensis CaB. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 82. [B 254, C9, R 12, C 16.] Geoc. Dist. — Eastern United States and British Provinces, west to and including the Rocky Mountains; occasional on the Pacific coast, from British Columbia south to central California. Breeds from the Gulf States northward to the Saskatchewan. Winters in the Southern States, Cuba, and Middle America to Panama. Bermuda, resident. Accidental in Europe. Genus HARPORHYNCHUS Casanis. SUBGENUS METHRIOPTERUS REICHENBACH. Methriopierus Reicu. Syst. Nat. 1850, pl. iv. Type, Zurdus rufus LINN. ORDER PASSERES. 293 705. Harporhynchus rufus (LINv.). Brown Thrasher. Turdus rufus Linn. 8. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 169. Harporhynchus rufus Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 82. [B 261, 261a, C 10, R 13, C 17.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, west to the Rocky Mountains, north to southern Maine, Ontario, and Manitoba. Breeds from the Gulf States, including eastern Texas, northward. Accidental in Europe. 706. Harporhynchus longirostris sennetti (Ripew.). Sennett’s Thrasher. Harporhynchus longirostris sennetti Ripcw. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. X. Aug. 6, 1888, 506. [B 260, C 10a, R 134, C 18.] Geroc. Dist.— Southeastern Texas, from Corpus Christi and Laredo southward to central Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. 707. Harporhynchus curvirostris (SwaIns.). Curve-billed Thrasher. Orpheus curvirostris Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 369. Harporhynchus curvirostris Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 81. [B 259, 259@, C—, R15, C 19.] Groc. Dist.— Tablelands of Mexico, from Oaxaca and Puebla northward to southern New Mexico and southeastward in Texas to the mouth of the Rio Grande. 707 a. Harporhynchus curvirostris palmeri CovEs. Palmer’s Thrasher. Harporhynchus curvirostris var. palmeri ‘‘ RipGw.” CouEs, Key, 1872, 351. [B—, C 11, R 15a, C 20.] Geroc. Dist.— Southern Arizona, from about fifty miles northwest of Phoenix south to Guaymas, Sonora. 708. Harporhynchus bendirei Cougs. Bendire’s Thrasher. Harporhynchus bendiret Cours, Am. Nat. VII. 1873, 330. 294 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B—, C 11 dts, R 14a, C 21.] Groc. Dist.— Arizona, from Phoenix and the Painted Desert south toGuaymas, Sonora. Westward casually to Agua Caliente, California. Accidental (?) at Colorado Springs, Colorado. a 709. Harporhynchus cinereus XaNTUS. St. Lucas Thrasher. Harporhynchus cinereus Xantus, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1859, 298. [B—, C 12, R 14, C 22.] Geroc. Dist.— Lower California, from Cape St. Lucas north to San Quintin (Lat. 30° 30!). 709 a. Harporhynchus cinereus mearnsi ANTHONY. Mearns’s Thrasher. Harporhynchus cinereus mearnsi ANTHONY, Auk, XII. Jan. 1895, 53: [B—,C —, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Northern Lower California. SuBGENUS HARPORHYNCHUS Casanis. Harporhynchus Cas. Wiegm. Archiv, 1848, 1.98. Type, Harpes rediviva GAMB, 710. Harporhynchus redivivus (Gams.). Californian Thrasher. Harpes rediviva GaMB. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1845, 264. Harporhynchus redivivus Cas. Wiegm. Archiv, 1848, 1. 98. [B 256, C 13, R 16, C 23.] Groc. Dist.— Coast region of California, from the heads of the Sacramento and Russian River valleys south to El Rosario, Lower ‘ California (Lat. 30°). 711. Harporhynchus lecontei (Lawr.). Leconte’s Thrasher. Toxostoma lecontei LAwr. Ann, Lyc. N. Y. V. 1852, 121. Harporhynchus lecontii Bonar. Notes Coll, Delattre, 1854, 39. ORDER PASSERES. 295 [B 257, C 13a, R 16a, C 24.] Groc. Dist.— Desert region of southern California, Nevada, and extreme southwestern Utah, from Benton, Cal. (Lat. 38°), southeast- ward through Arizona to Sonora (Lat. 30°). Local in the southern San Joaquin Valley. 712. Harporhynchus crissalis (HENRY). Crissal Thrasher. Zoxostoma crissalis Henry, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1858, 117. Harporhynchus crissalis BAtRD, B, N. Am. 1858, 350. [B 258, C 14, R 17, C 25.] Geroc. Dist.— Southwestern United States, from western Texas to the Colorado Desert, California, and northern Lower California ; north to the Charleston Mountains, Nevada, and St. George, Utah. SuBFAMILY TROGLODYTINZA. WRENs. Genus HELEODYTES Casanlis. Heleodytes CABANIS, Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 80. Type, Furnarius griseus SWAIN. 713. Heleodytes brunneicapillus (Larr.). Cactus Wren. Picolaptes brunneicapillus LAFR. Mag. de Zool. 1835, 61, pl. 47. fTeleodytes brunneicapillus FISHER, N. Am. Fauna, No. 7, May 31, 1893, 130. [B 262, C 43, R 56, C 63.] _ Geoc. Dist.— Southern ,border of the United States, from the Lower Rio Grande in Texas to southern California, north to south- western Utah, and south to central Mexico. 713 a. Heleodytes brunneicapillus bryanti ANTHony. Bryant’s Cactus Wren. fleleodytes brunneicapillus bryanti ANTHONY, Auk, XI. July, 1894, 212. [B 262, part, C 43, part, R 56, part, C 63, part. | Geroc. Dist.— Northern Lower California, north into southern California. 296 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 713 4. Heleodytes brunneicapillus affinis ee St. Lucas Cactus Wren. Campylorhynchus affinis Xantus, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila, 1859, 298. Heleodytes brunneicapillus afints ANTHONY, Auk, XII. July, 1895, 280. [B—, C 44, R57, C 64.] Groc. Dist.— Southern Lower California. Genus SALPINCTES Casanis. Salpinctes CaB. Wiegm. Archiv, 1847, i. 323. Type, Zroglodyies obsoletus SAY. 715. Salpinctes obsoletus (Say). Rock Wren. Troglodytes obsoletus Say, LONG’s Exp. II. 1823, 4. Salpinctes obsoletus Cas. Wiegm. Archiv, 1847, i. 323. [B 264, C 45, R 58, C 65.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the western border of the Plains to the Pacific, north to Dakota, Montana, and British Columbia; south on the tablelands of Mexico and Guatemala to Salvador. Breeds throughout its range, and is resident from about the southern border of the United States southward. 716. Salpinctes guadeloupensis Ripew. Guadalupe Rock Wren. Salpinctes obsoletus guadeloupensis Rrpcw. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Serv. Terr. II. No. 2, April, 1876, 185. Salpinctes guadalupensis Ripcw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, II. July, 1877, 60. [B—, C—, R 58a, C—.] Geoc. Dist.— Guadalupe Island, Lower California, Genus CATHERPES Barrp. Catherpes BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 356. Type, Ziryothorus mex- tcanus SWAINS. ORDER PASSERES. 297 [717.] Catherpes mexicanus (SwaIns.). White-throated Wren. Thryothorus mexicanus Swans. Zool. Ill. 2d ser. I. 1829, pl. 11. - Catherpes mexicanus BairD, B. N. Am. 1858, 356. | [B 263, C—, R 59, C 66.] Geroc. Dist.— Mexico, from Oaxaca and Orizaba northward on the tablelands. Texas (GrraupD). 717 a. Catherpes mexicanus conspersus Ripew. Cation Wren. Catherpes mexicanus var. conspersus RrpGw. Am. Nat. VII. Oct. 1873, 602. [B 263, part, C 46, R 59a, C 67.] Groc. Dist.— Great Basin and Rocky Mountain region, from the Sierra Nevada and Cascades eastward to southern Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, and western Texas; south on the tablelands of Mexico to Aguas Calientes. Breeds nearly throughout its range; resident in the southern parts of its United States distribution. 717 4. Catherpes mexicanus punctulatus Ruivcew. Dotted Canon Wren. Catherpes mexicanus punctulatus Ripcw. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. Sept. 5, 1882, 343. [B 263, part, C 46, part, R 59, part, C 67, part.] Groc. Dist.— Oregon and California, west of the Cascades and Sierra Nevada, and Lower California. Resident from central Cali- fornia southward. Genus THRYOTHORUS VIEItLLor. SuBGENus THRYOTHORUS. Lhryothorus ViEILL. Analyse, 1816, 45. Type, TZroglodytes arundinaceus VIEILL. = Sylvia ludoviciana LaTH. 298 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 718. Thryothorus ludovicianus (LaTH.). Carolina Wren. Sylvia ludoviciana Latu. Ind. Orn. II. 1790, 548. Thryothorus ludovicianus BonaPp. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, r1. [B 265, C 47, R 60, C 68.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, north to southern New York, southern Michigan, and southern Nebraska; west to the Plains. Rare or casual in southern New England and southern Ontario. Resident nearly throughout its range. 718 a. Thryothorus ludovicianus miamensis Ripew. Florida Wren. Thryothorus ludovicianus var. miamensis Ripcw. Am. Nat. IX. Aug. 1875, 469. | [B 265, part, C 47, part, R 603, C 69.] Groc. Dist.— Southern Florida. 718 4. Thryothorus ludovicianus lomitensis SENN. Lomita Wren. Thryothorus ludovicianus lomitensis SENN. Auk, VII. Jan. 1890, 58. [B 265, part, C 47, part, R 60, part, C 68, part. | Geroc. Dist.— Southeastern Texas. SuBGENUS THRYOMANES Sc Later. Thryomanes Sci. Cat. Am. B. 1861, 22. Type, Zroglodytes bewickit AUD. 719. Thryothorus bewickii (Avp.). Bewick’s Wren. Troglodytes bewickiti Aup. Orn. Biog. I. 1831, 96, pl. 18. Thryothorus bewickit Bonar. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 11. [B 267, C 48, R 61, C 71.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States, west to the eastern border of the Plains and eastern Texas; rare east of the Alleghanies north of Maryland and Delaware; north irregularly in the Mississippi Valley to southern Minnesota. Migratory only along the northern border of its range. ORDER PASSERES. 299 719a. Thryothorus bewickii spilurus (Vic.). Vigors’s Wren. Troglodytes spilurus Vic. Zool. Voy. Bloss. 1839, 18, pl. 4, fig. 1. Thryothorus bewickit var. spilurus BatrD, Rev. Am. B. I. 1864, 126. [B—, C 484, R 61a, C 73.] Geroc. Dist.— Pacific coast region of North America, from British Columbia southward to Lower California and western Mexico. Breeds nearly throughout its range; resident from central California southward. 719%, Thryothorus bewickii bairdi (SaLv. & Gopm.). Baird’s Wren. Thryothorus bairdi Satv. & Govm. Biol. Centr.-Am. Aves, I. April, 1880, 95. Thryothorus bewickit bairdi Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354+ [B—, C 48a, R 614, C 72.] Geoc. Dist.— Southern Texas, Arizona, and California east of the Sierra Nevada, north to middle Kansas, Colorado, and southern Utah, south into Mexico. Breeds throughout its range; resident from Arizona and Kansas southward. 719.1. Thryothorus leucophrys ANnTHoNY. San Clemente Wren. Thryothorus leucophrys ANTHONY, Auk, XII. Jan. 1895, 52. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— San Clemente Island, California. 720. Thryothorus brevicauda (Ripew.). Guadalupe Wren, Thryomanes brevicauda Ripew. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. II. No. 2, April 1, 1876, 186. LThryothorus brevicauda SHARPE, Cat. B. Brit. Mus, VI. 1881, 227. PBC 4 (R62y:0 0) Geroc. Dist.— Guadalupe Island, Lower California. 300 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. @ Genus TROGLODYTES VIEILLor. - SuscEeNnus TROGLODYTES. Troglodytes ViEILL. Ois. Am. Sept. II. 1807, 52. Type, Z: aédon VIEILL. 721. Troglodytes aedon VIEILL. , House Wren. Troglodytes aédon ViEILL, Ois. Am. Sept. II. 1807, 52, pl. 107. [B 270, 272, C 49, R 63, C 74.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States and southern Ontario, west to Indiana and Louisiana. Resident from the middle districts south- ward. 721 a. Troglodytes aedon parkmanii (Avp.). Parkman’s Wren. Troglodytes parkmanit Aup. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, 310. Troglodytes edon var. parkmanni Cours, Key, 1872, 87. [B 271, C 49a, R 63a, C 75.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast region of British Columbia, Wash- ington, Oregon, and northern California. 721 5. Troglodytes aédon aztecus Barrp. Western House Wren. Troglodytes e@don var. aztecus BatrD, Rev. Am. B. I. Sept. 1864, 139. [B 271, part, C 49a, part, R 634, part, C 75, part.] Geroc. Dist.— Western United States, except Pacific coast, east to Manitoba and Illinois, south into Mexico. Suscenus ANORTHURA RENNIE. Anorthura RENNIE, Mont. Orn. Dict. ed. 2, 1831, 570. Type, Motacilla troglodytes LINN. ORDER PASSERES. 301 722. Troglodytes hiemalis VI£EILL. Winter Wren. Troglodytes hiemalis Viet. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXXIV. 1819, 514. [B 273, C 50, R 65, C 76.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America generally, breeding from the northern parts of the United States northward, and in the Alleghanies south to North Carolina, and wintering from about its southern breeding limit southward. 722 a. Troglodytes hiemalis pacificus Bairp. Western Winter Wren. Troglodytes hyemalis var. pacificus BairD, Rev. Am. B. I. Sept. 1864, 145. [B 273, part, C 50, part, R 65a, C 77.] Geroc. Dist.— Pacific coast, from Sitka to southern California, and eastward to the mountains of Idaho; south, in winter, to Mexico. 723. Troglodytes alascensis Bairp. Alaskan Wren. Troglodytes alascensis BAiRD, Trans. Chic. Ac. Sci. I. 1869, 315, pl. 30, fig. 3. [B—, C 50a, R 66, C 78.] Groc. Dist.— Aleutian and Pribilof Islands, Alaska. Genus CISTOTHORUS Casanis. SuBGENUs CISTOTHORUS. Cistothorus CaB. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 77. Type, Zroglodytes stellaris LICHT. 724, Cistothorus stellaris (LIicuHT.). Short-billed Marsh Wren. Troglodytes stellaris Licut. in Naum. Vég. Deutschl. III. 1823, tab. ad p. 724. Cistothorus stellaris Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 77. 302 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 269, C 52, R 68, C 81.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States, north to southern New Hampshire, southern Ontario, southern Michigan, and southern Manitoba, and west to the Plains. Winters in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. SuBGENUS TELMATODYTES Casanis. Telmatodytes Cas. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 78. Type, Certhia palus- tris WILS. 725, Cistothorus palustris (WILs.). Long-billed Marsh Wren. Certhia palustris Wits. Am. Orn. II. 1810, 58, pl. 12, fig. 4. Cistothorus (Telmatodytes) palustris BAtRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 364. [B 268, C 51, R 67, C 79.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States, north to Massachusetts, Ontario, and southern Manitoba, wintering from the Gulf States south to eastern Mexico, and locally as far north as southern New England. Breeds throughout its United States and British American range. 725 a. Cistothorus palustris paludicola Barrp. Tulé Wren. Cistothorus palustris, var. paludicola Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. Sept. 1864, 148. [B 268, part, C 51, part, R 67a, C 8o0.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, east to the Rocky Moun- tains and north to British Columbia; south to southern Mexico. Breeds nearly throughout its range, and winters from Oregon southward. 725 6. Cistothorus palustris griseus BREwsT. Worthington’s Marsh Wren. Cistothorus palustris griseus BREwsT. Auk, X. July, 1893, 216. [B 268, part, C 51, part, R 67, part, C 79, pari.| Geoc. Dist.— Coast region of South Carolina and Georgia. ORDER PASSERES. 303 725.1. Cistothorus marianz Sco7rT. Marian’s Marsh Wren. Cistothorus mariane Scott, Auk, V. April, 1888, 188. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Western Florida. Famity CERTHIIDZ. Creepers. Genus CERTHTA Linnevs. Certhia Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 118. Type, by elimination, C. familiaris LINN. 726. Certhia familiaris americana (Bonap.). Brown Creeper. Certhia americana BonaP. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 11. Certhia familiaris var. americana RipGw. Bull. Essex Inst. V. 1873, 180. [B 275, C 42, R 55, C 62.] Geoc. Dist.-— Eastern North America, breeding from the northern and more elevated parts of the United States northward, and casually further south, migrating southward in winter. 726 a. Certhia familiaris alticola MILLER. Mexican Creeper. Certhia familiaris alticola MILLER, Auk, XII. April, 1895, 186. [B 276, C—, R 55a, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Guatemala, Mexico, and southern Arizona. 726 6. Certhia familiaris montana Ripcw. Rocky Mountain Creeper. [Certhia familiaris| montana Ripew. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. July 8, 1882, 114. [B 275, part, C 42, part, R 55, part, C 62, pari.] Groc. Dist.— Rocky Mountains, from northern Mexico to Alaska. » ~ 304 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 726 ¢. Certhia familiaris occidentalis Ripcw. Californian Creeper. ee [Certhia familiaris| occidentalis Ripcw. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. July 8, 1882, 114. [B 275, part, C 42, part, R 55, part, C 62, part. | Gzoc. Dist.— Pacific coast, from California to southern Alaska. FaMILy PARIDAI. NvuTHATCHES AND TITs. SUBFAMILY SITTIN ZA. NvuTHATCHEsS. Genus SITTA LInNN&Uws. Sita Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 115. Type, S. europea LINN. 727. Sitta carolinensis Lartu. White-breasted Nuthatch. Sitta carolinensis LATH. Ind. Orn. I. 1790, 262. [B 277, C 38, R51, C 57.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States, from Georgia north to the southern British Provinces, and west to the Rocky Mountains. 727 a, Sitta carolinensis aculeata (Cass.). Slender-billed Nuthatch. Sitta aculeata Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Oct. 1856, 254. Sittta carolinensis var, aculeata ALLEN, Bull. M. C. Z. III. No. 6, July, 1872, 161. [B 278, C 38a, R 51a, C 58.] Groc. Dist.— Western North America, east to the Plains, and south into Mexico. 727 6. Sitta carolinensis atkinsi Scott. Florida White-breasted Nuthatch. Sitta carolinensis atkinsi Scott, Auk, VII. April, 1890, 118. ORDER PASSERES. 305 [B 277, part, C 38, part, R 51, part, C 57, part.] Groc. Dist.— Florida, and northward along the coast to South Carolina. 728. Sitta canadensis LInn. Red-breasted Nuthatch. Sitta canadensis Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 177. [B 279, C 39, R 52, C 59.] Groc. Dist.— North America at large, breeding from northern New England, northern New York, and northern Michigan north- ward, and southward in the Alleghanies, Rocky Mountains, and Sierra Nevada; in winter south to about the southern border of the United States. 729. Sitta pusilla Laru. Brown-headed Nuthatch. Sitta pusilla LATH. Ind. Orn. I. 1790, 263. [B 280, C 40, R 53, C 60.] Groc. Dist.— South Atlantic and Gulf States, north to southern Maryland and (casually?) Ohio, Missouri, etc. 730. Sitta pygmeza Vic. Pygmy Nuthatch. Sttta pygmea Vic. Zool. Beechey’s Voy. 1839, 25, pl. 4. [B 281, C 41, R 54, C 61.] Geoc. Dist.— Western United States, from New Mexico, Colorado and Montana to southern California, Washington, and eastern British Columbia; southward in Mexico to Mt. Orizaba. 730 a. Sitta pygmzea leuconucha ANTHONY. White-naped Nuthatch. Sita pygmea leuconucha ANTHONY, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. 2d ser. IT. Oct. 11, 1889, 77. [B 281, part, C 41, part, R 54, part, C 61, part] Gros. Dist.— San Pedro Mountains, Lower California. 20 306. CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. , . SUBFAMILY PARINZ. ‘Tirmice. Genus PARUS LINNzUws. SuBGENUS LOPHOPHANES Kavp. Lophophanes Kaur, Entw. Gesch. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 92. Type, Parus cristatus LINN. 731. Parus bicolor Linn. Tufted Titmouse. Parus bicolor Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 340. [B 285, C 27, R 36, C 4o.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States to the Plains, north to northern New Jersey and southern Iowa; casual in southern New England. Resident throughout its breeding range. 731 a. Parus bicolor texensis SENN. Texan Tufted Titmouse. Parus bicolor texensis SENN. Auk, IV. Jan. 1887, 29. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Southeastern Texas (Bee and Cameron Counties). 732. Parus atricristatus Cass. Black-crested Titmouse. Parus atricristatus Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1850, 103, pl. 2. [B 286, C 29, R 37, € 42.] Groc. Dist.— Southeastern Texas and eastern Mexico. 733. Parus inornatus Gams. Plain Titmouse. Parus inornatus Gams. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Aug. 1845, 265. [B 287, part, C 28, part, R 38, part, C 41, parié.| Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast of California and western Oregon. ORDER PASSERES. 307 733 a. Parus inornatus griseus Ripcw. Gray Titmouse. Lophophanes inornatus griseus Rrpcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. Sept. 5, 1882, 344. Parus inornatus griseus Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B 287, part, C 28, part, R 38, part, C 41, part.] Geroc. Dist.— New Mexico and Colorado to Arizona, Nevada and California east of the Sierra Nevada. 733 4. Parus inornatus cineraceus Ripcw. Ashy Titmouse. Lophophanes inornatus cineraceus RipGw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VI. Oct. 5, 1883, 154. Parus tnornatus cineraceus Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Gxroc. Dist.— Lower California. 734, Parus wollweberi (Bonap.). Bridled Titmouse. Lophophanes wollwebert BoNAP. Compt. Rend. XXXI. Sept. 1850, 478. Parus wollweberi HENRY, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1855, 309. [B 288,C 30, R 39, B 43.] Groc. Dist.— Western Texas, southern New Mexico, southern Arizona, and southward on the tableland of Mexico to Orizaba. SUBGENUS PARUS Linn vs. Parus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 189. Type, by elimination, P. major LINN. 735. Parus atricapillus Linn. Chickadee. Parus atricapillus Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I, 1766, 341. 308 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 290, C 31, R 41, C 44.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, north of the, Potomac and Ohio Valleys. 735 a. Parus atricapillus septentrionalis (Harris). Long-tailed Chickadee. Parus septentrionalis Harris, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1845, 300. farus atricapillus var. sepientrionalis ALLEN, Bull. M. C. Z. III. 1872, 174. [B 289, 289a, C 31a, R 41a, C45. ] Geroc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain Plateau region, east to Manitoba and the Plains. 735 6, Parus atricapillus occidentalis (Bairp). Oregon Chickadee. Parus occidentalis BairD, B. N. Am. 1858, 391. Parus atricapillus var. occidentalis Cours, Key, 1872,°81. [B 291, C 314, R 41d, C 46.] Geroc. Dist.— Northwest coast region, from northern California to Sitka. 736. Parus carolinensis Auvup. Carolina Chickadee. Parus carolinensis AuD. Orn. Biog. II. 1834, 341, pl. 160. [B 293, C 31d, R 42, C 47.] Groc. Dist.— Southeastern States, north to New Jersey and IIli- nois, west to Missouri. ee Oe he 736a. Parus carolinensis agilis SENN. Plumbeous Chickadee. Parus carolinensis agilis SENN. Auk, V. Jan. 1888, 46. 4 [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern and central Texas (Bee, Victoria, Cook, : and Concho Counties, etc.). ra te | i ty ORDER PASSERES. 309 — 737. Parus meridionalis Sct. Mexican Chickadee. Parus meridionalis Sci. P. Z. S. 1856, 293. [B 292, C—, R 43, C 879.] Groc. Dist.— Mountains of Mexico, from Orizaba north to south- ern Arizona. 738. Parus gambeli Ripew. Mountain Chickadee. Parus gambeli Ripew. in A. O. U. Check-List, 1886, 335. [B 294, C 32, R 40, C 48.] Groc. Dist.— Mountainous parts of the western United States, from the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains to the Sierra Nevada, north to British Columbia, Idaho, etc., and south to northern Lower California. 739. Parus cinctus obtectus (Cas.). Siberian Chickadee. Parus (Pecila) obtectus Cas. J. f. O. 1871, 237. Parus cinctus obtectus Ripew. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B—, C—, R 44, C 52.] Groc. Dist.— Northern Alaska and eastern Siberia. 740. Parus hudsonicus Forst. Hudsonian Chickadee. Parus hudsonicus Forst. Phil. Trans. LXII. 1772, 383, 430. [B 296, C 33, R 45, C 49.] Groc. Dist.— Northern North America, from the more elevated parts of the northern United States (northern New England, north- ern New York, northern Michigan, etc.) northward. 740 a. Parus hudsonicus stoneyi (Ripew.). Kowak Chickadee. Parus stoneyi Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B. Aug. 1887, 591. Parus hudsonicus stoneyi A. O. U. Check-List, rst Suppl. 1889, 17. 310 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] : Groce. Dist.— Valley of the Kowak River, northwestern Alaska. 740 4. Parus hudsonicus columbianus Ruoaps. Columbian Chickadee. farus hudsonicus columbianus Ruoaps, Auk, X. Jan. 1893, 23. [B 296, pari, C 33, part, R 45, part, C 49, part.| Geroc. Dist.— Rocky Mountains, from Liard River south into Montana. 741. Parus rufescens Towns. Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Parus rufescens Towns. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. ii. 1837, 190. [B 295, part, C 34, part, R 46, C 50.] Groce. Dist.— Coast district of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and southern Alaska. 741 a. Parus rufescens neglectus Ripew. California Chickadee. Parus rufescens 8. neglectus Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. I. April 25, 1879, 485. [B 295, part, C 34, part, R 46a, C 51. | Groc. Dist.— Coast of California, from Monterey County north- ward. SUBFAMILY CHAM AIINZE. Wren-Tits Anp Busu-TirTs. Genus CHAM ZA GamBEL. Chamea Gams. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1847, 154. Type, Parus Jasciatus GAMB. 742. Chamza fasciata Gams. Wren-Tit. Parus fasciatus GAB. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Aug. 1845, 265. Chamea fasciata GAMB. Pr. Ac, Nat. Sci. Phila. 1847, 154. ORDER PASSERES. 311 [B 274, part, C 26, part, R 35, part, C 39; part.] Groc. Dist.— Coast region of California north at least to Hum- boldt Bay. 742 a. Chamzea fasciata henshawi Ripcw. Pallid Wren-Tit. Chamea fasciata henshawi Rripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. June 5, 1882, 13. [B 274, part, C 26, part, R 35, part, C 39, part.] Groc. Dist.— Interior of California, including the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, from the head of the Sacramento Valley south to northern Lower California. Genus PSALTRIPARUS Bonaparte. Psaltriparus Bonar. Compt. Rend. XXXI. 1850, 478. Type, Parus melanotis HARTL. 743. Psaltriparus minimus (Towns.). Bush-Tit. Parus minimus Towns. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. ii. 1837, 190. Psaltriparus minimus BonaPp. Compt. Rend. XXXVIII. 1854, 62. [B 298, part, C 35, part, R 47, part, C 53, part.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast region, from northern California to Washington. 743 a. Psaltriparus minimus californicus Ripcw. California Bush-Tit. Psaltriparus minimus californicus Ripcw. Pr. Biol. Soc. Wash. II. April 10, 1884, 89. [B 298, part, C 35, part, R 47, part, C 53, part.] Geroc. Dist.— California, except the northern coast district. 312 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 743 6. Psaltriparus minimus grindz (BELDING). Grinda’s Bush-Tit. Psaltriparus grinde BrELD. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VI. Oct. 5, 1883, 155. Psaltriparus minimus grinde Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354- | [B—,C—, R—, C—] Geroc. Dist.— Lower California. 744. Psaltriparus plumbeus Barrp. Lead-colored Bush-Tit. Psaltria plumbea Baird, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. June, 1854, 118. Psaltriparus plumbeus Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 398. [B 299, C 36, R 48, C 54.] Groc. Dist.— New Mexico and Arizona, north to eastern Oregon and western Wyoming. 744.1. Psaltriparus santaritz Ripcw. Santa Rita Bush-Tit. Psaltriparus santarite Ripcw. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. X. Sept. 19, 1888, 697. [B—,C —, R—, C —.] Groc. Dist.— Santa Rita Mountains, southern Arizona. 745. Psaltriparus lloydi Srenwnert. Lloyd’s Bush-Tit. Psaltriparus lloydi SENN. Auk, V. Jan. 1888, 43. [B 297) C fvegr | R 49; C 55: Groc. Dist.— Western Texas (mountains between Pecos River and Rio Grande), and west to eastern Sonora. Genus AURIPARUS Bairp. Auriparus BAIRD, Rev. Am. B. I. July, 1864, 85. Type, Ai githalus flaviceps SUND. ORDER PASSERES. 313 746. Auriparus flaviceps (SuND.). Verdin. Aigithalus flaviceps SUND. Ofv. Vet. Ak. Férh. VII. 18 50, 129. Auriparus flaviceps BAIRD, Rev. Am. B. I. July, 1864, 85. [B 300, C 37, R 50, C 56.]. Geroc. Dist—— Southern border of the United States, from the Valley of the Rio Grande to Arizona and southern California, north to southern Nevada and southwestern Utah, and south to Lower California, Zacatecas, and southern Tamaulipas. Resident nearly throughout its range. Famity SYLVIIDZ. Warsiers, KINGLETS, GNATCATCHERS. SuBFAMILY SYLVIINA. Wars ers. Genus PHYLLOPSEUSTES Mever. Phyllopseustes MEYER, VOg. Lifl. Estl. 1815, 122. Type, Sylvia sibilatrix BECHST. 747, Phyllopseustes borealis (Buas.). Kennicott’s Willow Warbier. Phyllopneuste borealis BLastus, Naumannia, 1858, 313. Phyllopseustes borealis MEVES, J. f. O. 1875, 429. [B—, C 20, R 34, C 32.] Geroc. Dist.— Northeastern Asia and Alaska. SUBFAMILY REGULINZA. KINGLETs. Genus REGULUS Cuvier. Regulus Cuv. Leg. d’Anat. Comp. I. 1799-1800, tab. ii. Type, Motacilla regulus LINN. 748. Regulus satrapa LIcnurt. Golden-crowned Kinglet. Regulus satrapa Licut. Verz. Doubl. 1823, 35. 314 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 162, part, C 22, part, R 33, C 34.] Geroc. Dist.— North America generally, breeding in the northern and elevated parts of the United States and northward, migrating south in winter to Guatemala. 748 a. Regulus satrapa olivaceus Barrp. Western Golden-crowned Kinglet. Regulus satrapa var. olivaceus BAIRD, Rev. Am. B. I. July, 1864, 65 (in text under 2. satrapa). [B 162, part, C 22, part, R 33a, C 35.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast region of North America, from Cali- fornia northward. 749. Regulus calendula (LInv.). Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Motacilla calendula Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 337. Regulus calendula Licut. Verz. Doubl. 1823, 35. [B 161, C 21, R 30, C 33.] Geroc. Dist.— North America, south to Guatemala, north to the Arctic coast, breeding chiefly north of the United States, and in the Rocky Mountains, the Sierra Nevada, and the mountains of Arizona. 760. Regulus obscurus Ripew. Dusky Kinglet. Regulus calendula obscurus RipGw. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. II. No. 2, April 1, 1876, 184. Regulus obscurus Rrpew. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, IT. July, 1877, 59. PB a Rs eis Groc. Dist.— Guadalupe Island, Lower California. SuBFAMILY POLIOPTILINA. GNATCATCHERS, Genus POLIOPTILA Sc Later. Polioptila Scu. P. Z. S. 1855, 11. Type, Motacilia cerulea LINN. ORDER PASSERES. 315 751. Polioptila czerulea (Linv.). Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. Motacilla cerulea Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 337. Polioptila cerulea Sci. P. Z. S. 1855, 11. [B 282, C 23, R 27, C 36.] Geroc. Dist.— Middle and southern portions of the eastern United States, south, in winter, to Guatemala, Cuba, and the Bahamas; rare north toward the Great Lakes, southern New York, and southern New England, accidental north to Massachusetts and Maine. Breeds throughout its United States range, and winters from the South Atlantic and Gulf States southward. 751 a. Polioptila czerulea obscura Ripcw. Western Gnatcatcher. Polioptila cerula obscura Ripcw. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. March 21, 1883, 535, foot-note. [B 282, part, C 23, part, R 27, part, C 36, part. | Geroc. Dist.— Arizona, California, Lower California, and western Mexico. 752. Polioptila plumbea Bairp. Plumbeous Gnatcatcher. Culicivora plumbea BairD, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. June, 1854, 118. Polwptila plumbea Baird, B. N. A. 1858, 382. [B 283, C 25, R 28, C 38.] Geroc. Dist.— Western Texas to eastern edge of Mohave Desert and eastern coast of Lower California. 7538. Polioptila californica Brewst. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher. Polioptila californica Brewst. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI. April, 1881, 103. [B 284, C 24, R 29, C 37.] Geroc. Dist.— Southern California and Pacific coast of Lower California. 316 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. FamMity TURDIDZ. TurRuvusuHEs, SOLITAIRES, STONECHATS, BLUEBIRDS, ETC. SUBFAMILY MYADESTINZ. So tiralrres. Genus MYADESTES Swainson. Myadestes Swains. Nat. Libr. XIII. Scheant y 1838, 132. Type, MZ. genibarbis SWAINs. 754. Myadestes townsendii (Avp.). Townsend’s Solitaire. Ptiliogonys townsendii Aup. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, 206, pl. 419, fig. 2. Myiadestes townsendi Cas. Wiegm. Archiv, 1847, i. 208. [B 235, C 121, R 25, C 169.] Geoc. Dist.— Western United States, from the Plains westward to the Pacific coast, north to British Columbia, and south, in winter, to the southern border of Arizona and northern Lower California. Breeds from the mountains of New Mexico, southern Arizona, and central California northward. SUBFAMILY TURDINA. TurusHEs. Genus TURDUS Linneuvs. SuBsGENUS HYLOCICHLA Barrp. HHylocichia BairD, Rev. Am. B. I. June, 1864, 12. Type, Zurdus mustelinus GMEL. 755. Turdus mustelinus GMEL. Wood Thrush. Turdus mustelinus GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 817. ORDER PASSERES. 317 [B 148, C 3, R1, C 6.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States to the Plains, north to southern Michigan, Ontario, and Massachusetts, south, in winter, to Guatemala and Cuba. Breeds from Virginia, Kentucky, and Kansas northward. 756. Turdus fuscescens STEPH. Wilson’s Thrush. Turdus fuscescens STEPH. Gen. Zool. X. i. 1817, 182. [B23 C 6, R.2, C 7.) Geroc. Dist.— Eastern United States to the Plains, north to Manitoba, Ontario, Anticosti, and Newfoundland. Breeds from northern New Jersey and the northern part of the Lake States northward; winters sparingly in Florida, but chiefly south of the United States. 756 a. Turdus fuscescens salicicola (Ripcw.). Willow Thrush. . LTylocichla fuscescens salicicola Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. IV. April 6, 1882, 374. Turdus fuscescens salicicola COuES, Key, ed. 2, 1884, 246. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region, north to British Columbia, east to Dakota, occasionally to Illinois, casually to South Carolina ; in winter south to southern Brazil. 757. Turdus alicize Barrp. Gray-cheeked Thrush. Turdus alicia BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 217. [B 154, C 5a, R 3, C 12.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, west to the Plains, Alaska, and eastern Siberia, north to the Arctic coast, south, in winter, to Costa Rica. Breeds chiefly north of the United States. 757 a. Turdus aliciz bicknelli (Rivew.). Bicknell’s Thrush. Hylocichla alicia bicknelli Ripew. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. IV. April 6, 1882, 377. Turdus alicie bicknelli Couts, Key, ed. 2, 1884, 248. 318 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 154, part, C sa, part, R 3, part, C 12, part.) Groc. Dist.— Mountainous parts of the northeastern States (Cat- skills, White Mountains, etc.) and Nova Scotia, migrating south in winter. 758. Turdus ustulatus Nutt. Russet-backed Thrush. Turdus ustulatus Nutr. Man. Orn. Land. B. ed. 2, 1840, 830 (cestulatus, err. typ. p. 400). [B 's2, 0 58, Roa Coral Geroc. Dist.— Pacific coast region of North America, from Alaska to California, south in winter to northern Lower California, Mexico, and Guatemala. 758 a. Turdus ustulatus swainsonii (Cas.). / Olive-backed Thrush. Turdus swainsont Cas. Fauna Per. 1845-46, 187. Turdus ustulatus B. swainsoni Ripcw. Field & Forest, II. May, 1877, 195. [B 153, C5, R 4a, C 13.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, and westward to the Upper Columbia River and East Humboldt Mountains, straggling to the Pacific coast. Southward in winter to Cuba, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Casual in Bermuda. Hreeds in the northern Alleghanies, the Catskills, the mountainous parts of southern New England, southern Sierra Nevada, and northward. 759. Turdus aonalaschke GEL. Dwarf Hermit Thrush. Turdus aonalaschke GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 808. [B 150, C 44,R 5, C 8.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific Coast region, from Alaska to Lower Cali- fornia and western Mexico, east during migrations, to Nevada and Arizona. Breeds from the southern Sierra Nevada in California northward. ORDER PASSERES. 319 759 a. Turdus aonalaschke auduboni (Bairp). Audubon’s Hermit Thrush. Turdus auduboni Bairp, Rev. Am, B. June, 1864, 16. Turdus aonalaschke auduboni Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus, III. March 27, 1880, 1. [B 149@, C 4a, R 5a, C 9. ] Groc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain region, from near the northern border of the United States south to the highlands of Mexico and Guatemala, west to the mountains of Arizona and southern Cali- fornia. 7594. Turdus aonalaschke pallasii (Caz.). Hermit Thrush. Turdus pallasii Cas. Wiegm. Archiv. 1847, i. 205. Turdus aonalaschke pallasi Ripcw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. ITI. March 27, 1880, 1. [B 149, C 4, R 54, C r0.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern North America, breeding from the northern Alleghanies, the mountainous parts of southern New England, southern New York, and northern Michigan, etc., northward, and wintering from the Northern States southward. SuBGENuUsS TURDUS LINN zUs. Turdus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 168. Type, by elimination, ZT. viscivorus LINN. [760.] Turdus iliacus Linn. Red-winged Thrush. Turdus tliacus LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 168. [B—, C—, R 6, C 4.] Groc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World; accidental in Greenland. Genus MERULA LEacu. Merula Leacu, Syst. Cat. Brit. Mam. & B. 1816, 20. Type, Turdus merula LINN. 320 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 761. Merula migratoria (Liny.). American Robin. . Turdus migratorius LINN. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 292. Merula migratoria Swatns. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 368. [B 155, part, C 1, part, R 7, C1.] Geroc. Dist.— Eastern North America to the Rocky Mountains, including eastern Mexico and Alaska. Breeds from Virginia and Kansas northward to the Arctic coast; winters from southern Canada and the Northern States (irregularly) southward. Casual in Bermuda. Accidental in Europe. 761 a. Merula migratoria propinqua Ripcw. Western Robin. T(urdus| propinguus Ripew. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, II. Jan. 1877, 9: Merula migratoria propingua Ripew. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 166. [B 155, part, C 1, part, R 7a, C 2.] Groc. Dist.— Western United States, from the eastern™base of the Rocky Mountains westward, and south to northern Lower Cali- fornia and the tablelands of Mexico. 762. Merula confinis (Barrp). St. Lucas Robin. Turdus confinis BAIRD, Rev. Am. B, I. June, 1864, 29. Merula confinis Ripew. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 166. [B—, C 1a, R 8, C 3.] Geroc. Dist.— Cape region of Lower California; accidental at Hayward, California. Genus HESPEROCICHLA Barrp. Flesperocichla Batrp, Rev. Am. B. I. June, 1864, 12. Type, Turdus nevius GMEL, oer a ORDER PASSERES. 321 763. Hesperocichla nzevia (GMEL.). Varied Thrush. Turdus nevius GMEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 817. Hesperocithla nevia Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 166. [B 156,C 2, R9, C5.] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast of North America, from Bering Strait to southern California. Accidental on Guadalupe Island, Lower California, and in New Jersey, Long Island, and Massachusetts. Genus CYANECULA Bren. Cyanecula BREHM, Isis, 1828, 1280. Type, Motacilla suecica LINN. [764.] Cyanecula suecica (LInv.). Red-spotted Bluethroat. Motacilla suecica Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 187. Cyanecula suecica BREHM, Isis, 1828, 1280. [B—, C—, R 20, C 31. ] Groc. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World; casual in Alaska. Genus SAXICOLA BEcHSTEIN. Saxicola Becust. Orn. Taschb. 1803, 216. Type, Motacilla enanthe LINN. 765. Saxicola cenanthe (LINv.). Wheatear. Motacilla enanthe Linn. S. N. ed. ro, I. 1758, 186. Saxicola enanthe Becust. Orn. Taschb. 1803, 217. [Brsg7,C 25, R23, C 26.] Geroc. Dist.— Europe, North Africa, Asia, Alaska, Greeenland, and Labrador, straggling southward to Nova Scotia, Maine, Long Island, and Bermuda. Accidental at New Orleans, La. 21 322 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus SIALIA Swainson. Stalia Swatns. Phil. Mag. I. May, 1827, 369. Type, Motacilla sialis LINN. 766. Sialia sialis (Linn.). Bluebird. Motacilla stalis LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 187. Sialia sialis HALDEM. TREGO’s Geog. Penn. 1843, 77. [B 158, C 16, R 22, C 27.] Groc. Dist.— Eastern United States to the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains, north to Manitoba, Ontario, and Nova Scotia, south, in winter, from the Middle States to the Gulf States and Cuba. Bermuda, resident. 766 a. Sialia sialis azurea (SwaIns.). Azure Bluebird. Sialia azurea BAtRD, Rev. Am. B. July, 1884, 62. Sialia sialis var. azurea B. B. & R. Hist. N. Am. B. I. Jan. ou 62. [B—, C—, R— C—.] Groc. Dist.— Southern Arizona and eastern Mexico. 767. Sialia mexicana occidentalis (Towns.). Western Bluebird. Stalia occidentalis Towns. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1837, 188. Sialia mexicana occidentalis RipGw. Auk, XI. April, 1894, 151, 154. [B 159, part, C 17, part, R 23, part, C 28, part] Groc. Dist.— Pacific coast, from British Columbia to southern California, east to western Nevada, and casually, during migrations, to New Mexico. ORDER PASSERES. 323 767 a. Sialia mexicana bairdi Ripcw. Chestnut-backed Bluebird. Stalia mexicana bairdi Ripcw. Auk, XI. April, 1894, 151, 157. [B 159, part, C 17, part, R 23, part, C 28, part.] Geroc. Dist.— Rocky Mountain district, south to northern Mexico. 767 6. Sialia mexicana anabelz ANTHONY. San Pedro Bluebird. Sialia mexicana anabele ANTHONY, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 2d Ser. II. Oct. 1889, 79. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— San Pedro Martir Mountains, Lower California. 768. Sialia arctica Swarns. Mountain Bluebird. ’ Erythaca (Sialia) arctica Swatns. in Sw. & Ricu. Fauna Bor. Am. IJ. 1831, 209, pl. 39. [B 160, C 18, R 24, C 29.] GerocG. Dist.— Western North America (chiefly the interior), from the western parts of the Plains to the Pacific, north to Great Slave Lake, south to northern Mexico. na 3) BAN ce Ws ae . Rare : ty ne i i" i} i Wis ; ew ‘ nr L, ‘4 i vl we , ti vee 1 ‘aj ie ihe ? i) i phin \ ; > hi? ' y - ‘ ’ r | | | ‘ X Ny Abe Lats yoy pe? : ' Ay ’ a See vy ar t , te - f Pont ry a dS ee DORR Ras "i viene we Da \ TT) ae eons ay, | | 4 \ j ‘ ; Re ie An PS pedro inte 0-8 ROSE ani ws ta el f ! \ . “ "el ‘ , 4 v ‘ : ‘ : ; . ‘y 77 1 i ; t | { . 7 : (oS HA 3 ny, i p . ° 7 ’ ; ; 7 vate ‘ . i : ‘ ; Hah sp Ak cri MP ENE ' \ EAA / hk 2 a! ») yi v4 § ty . ‘ y * ‘ ; ‘ { HYPOTHETICAL LIST.’ Famity PODICIPIDZ. 1, Aichmophorus clarkii (Lawr.). Clark’s Grebe. Podiceps clarkit LAWR. in Bairv’s B. N. Am. 1858, 895. LEechmophorus clarkit Cours, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1862, 229. [B 705, C 608a, R 730, C 846.] Probably the female of .&. occidentalis (LAWR.). (Cf HENSHAW, ~ Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI. 1881, pp. 214-218; B. B. & R., Water B. N. Am. II. p. 423; and especially Bryant, Auk, II. 1885, Pp. 313, 314.) Famity ALCIDZ. 2. Cepphus motzfeldi (BENIcK.). Black-winged Guillemot. Uria motzfeldi BENIcK. Isis, Aug. 1824, 889. Cepphus motsfeldi StEJN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VII. Aug. 5, 1884, 210. PR red ay Rid, Co) North American, but its specific validity not satisfactorily estab- lished. (Cf. Stejn. Z ¢c., and Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, pp. 497, 498.) 1 Consisting of species which have been recorded as North American, but whose status as North American birds is doubtful, either from lack of positive evidence of their occurrence within the prescribed limits of the present Check-List, or from absence of satisfactory proof of their validity as species. 326 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 3. Cepphus carbo PALL. Sooty Guillemot. Cepphus carbo Pauu. Zoog. Rosso-As, II. 1826, 350. [B 728, C 633, R 762, C 873.] No evidence of its occurrence in North America. (Cf SrEjn. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. VII. 1884, pp. 225-227.) Famity LARIDZ. Genus CREAGRUS Eon. Creagrus Bon. Naumannia, 1854, 211. Type, Larus furcatus NEBOUX. 4. Creagrus furcatus (NEB.). Swallow-tailed Gull. Larus furcatus NEB. Voy. ‘Venus,’ Atlas, pl. 10 (1846). Creagrus furcatus Bonap. Naumannia, 1854, 213. [B 679, C 559, R 678, C 791.] In all probability erroneously accredited to North America. At least nine examples are now known,—the type, said to be from Monterey, Cal., three from the Galapagos, one from the coast of Peru, and four from Malpelo Island (Lat. 3° 59' N., Long. 81° 343! W.). FamMity DIOMEDEIDZ. 4.1. Diomedea exulans Linvy. Wandering Albatross. Diomedea exulans Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 132. [B—, C—, R—, C —.] Geroc. Dist.— Southern oceans; said to have occurred in Tampa Bay, Florida, and off coast of Washington. (Cf Covers, Auk, II. Oct. 1885, 387; XII. April, 1895, 178; RipGway, Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 51. The Florida record is open to question, and the others are unsatisfactory.) *. HYPOTHETICAL LIST. 327 FamMity PROCELLARIIDZ. 5. Puffinus kuhlii (Boir). Cinereous Shearwater. Procellaria kuhlii Bork, Isis, 1835, 257- Puffinus kuhlii Bonar. Consp. II. 1856, 202. [B 651, C 596, R 708, C 831.] An Eastern Atlantic species, of which no American specimens are known to exist in collections. 6. Oceanodroma hornbyi (Gray). Hornby’s Petrel. Thalassidroma hornbyi GRAY, P. Z. S. 1853, 62. Oceanodroma hornbyi BonaP. Consp. II. 1856, 195. [B 641, C 592, R 727, C 827.] A very distinct species, of which only one specimen has been obtained, the alleged locality being the “ northwest coast of America.” FamMity PHALACROCORACIDZ. 7. Phalacrocorax perspicillatus PA t. Pallas’s Cormorant. Phalacrocorax perspicillatus Pat. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1826, 305. [B 621, C 533, R 648, C 756.] Believed, on good evidence, to be now extinct, as it unquestion- ably is in the locality (Bering Island) where originally discovered. Only four specimens are known to exist in collections, —two in the St. Petersburgh Museum, and one each in the Leyden and British Museums. Evenif existing, it has no valid claim to a place in the North American fauna. (C/ Stren. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VI. 1883, p. 65.) Famity ARDEIDZ. 9. Ardea wuerdemanni Barrp. Wurdemann’s Heron. Ardea wtirdemanni BairD, B. N. Am. 1858, 669. 328 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 488, C 450, R 486, part, C 656, part.| Believed to be either the colored phase of 4. occidentalis AuD., or an abnormal specimen of 4. wardi Ripcw. (Cf Rivew. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. IV. No. 1, 1878, pp. 229-236; Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. 1882, pp. 1-6; Auk, I. 1884, pp. 161-163; Water B. N. Am. I. 1884, pp. 7-13.) 10. Ardea (Dichromanassa) pealei Bonap. Peale’s Egret. Ardea pealet Bonar. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. II. 1826, 154. [B 482, C 355, part, R 491, part, C 661, part] Supposed to be the white phase of 4. rufescens GMEL., but possibly entitled to recognition as a local or geographical race. Famity SCOLOPACID ZA. 11. Tringa (Actodromas) cooperi Bairp. Cooper’s Sandpiper. Tringa cooperi BAIRD, B. N. Am. 1858, 716.: [B 527, C 422, R 535, C 618.] Known only from the single specimen from which the species was originally described, taken on Long Island, in May, 1833, and still extant in the National Museum. The status of the species is in doubt. 11.1. Numenius arquatus (LINN.). European Curlew. Scolopax arquata LINN. Syst. Nat. I. 1758, 145. Numenius arqguatus LatH. Gen. Syn. Suppl. I. 1787, 291. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Northern Europe, migrating to southern Africa. Recorded as occurring on Long Island, N.Y. (Cf MarsHaty and DutcHER, Auk, IX. Oct. 1892, 390-392.) While there is no question as to the proper identification of the specimen, the evidence that it was taken on Long Island is not considered entirely satis- factory. I ee —~, = i HYPOTHETICAL LIST. 329 Famity CATHARTID Z. Genus GYPAGUS VIEILLOT. Gypagus ViEILL. Analyse, 1816, 21. Type, by elimination, Vultur papa LINN. 12. Gypagus papa (LINN.). King Vulture. Vultur papa LINN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 86. Gypagus papa VIEILL. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. XXXVI. 1819, 456. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Tropical continental America. Recorded as occur- ring on the Rio Verde, Arizona, but its identity not satisfactorily determined. (Cf Coves, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI. 1881, p. 248.) 13. Cathartes burrovianus Cass. Burroughs’s Turkey Vulture. Cathartes burrovianus Cass. Pr, Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. II. 1845, 212. [B4,C—, R—,C—.] Geroc. Dist.— Mexico and eastern South America. Reported as having been seen near Brownsville, Texas. (Cf DressEr, Ibis, 1865, Pp. 322.) Famity PALCONIDZ. 14. Buteo cooperi Cass. Cooper’s Henhawk. Buteo cooperi Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VIII. 1856, 253. [B 29, C 349, R 437, C 514.] Probably the light phase of B. harlant Aup. (Cf Ripew. Auk, I. 1884, pp. 253, 254; zzd., II. 1885, pp. 165, 166.) 330 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Famity PSITTACID Z. GEeNus RHYNCHOPSITTA Bonaparte. Rhynchopsitta Bonar. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI. 1854, 149. Type, Macrocercus pachyrhynchus SwWAtns. 16. Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha (Swains.). Thick-billed Parrot. Macrocercus pachyrhynchus Swatns. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 439. Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha BonaP. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI. 1854, 149. [B 64, C re R 391; C—.] Groc. Dist.— Mexico. There is said to be a specimen in “the collection of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, labelled Rio Grande, Texas, J. W. Audubon,” but there is doubt as to whether the specimen was really taken within the limits of the United States. (C% Bairp, Birds N. Am. 1858, p. 66, foot-note; Ripcw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 269.) Its occurrence in Texas is not improbable but the evidence is unsatisfactory. FamMity CAPRIMULGIDZ. 16.1. Chordeiles virginianus sennetti (Cougs). Sennett’s Nighthawk. Chordiles popetue sennetti CouEs, Auk, V. Jan, 1888, 37. Chordeiles virginianus sennetti CHAMBERLAIN, Systematic Table of Canadian Birds, 1888, Appendix A. p. 14. [B 115, part, C 2674, part, R 3674, part, C 400, part.| Groc. Dist.— ‘* Dakota to Texas, in any treeless country.” FamMity FRINGILLIDZ. 17. Acanthis brewsterii Ripcw. Brewster’s Linnet. igiothus (flavirostris var.) brewstertt RipGw. Am. Nat. July, 1872, 433. Acanthis brewsterit Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B—, C 147, R 180, C 211.] HYPOTHETICAL LIST. 331 The type-specimen, taken at Waltham, Mass., remains unique. It cannot be identified with any known species, but may be a hybrid between Acanthis linaria and Spinus pinus. (Cf. BReEwstT. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI. 1881, p. 225.) 18. Spiza townsendii (Avp.). Townsend’s Bunting. LEmberiza townsendit Aup. Orn. Biog. II. 1834, 183. Spiza townsendii Ripcw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 182. [B 379, C t92, R 255, C 288.] The original specimen, taken May 11, 1833, in Chester County, Pa., by Mr. J. K. Townsend, remains unique. Its peculiarities can- not be accounted for by hybridism, nor probably by individual varia- tion. Famity VIREONID&. Genus HYLOPHILUS Temmincx. Hylophilus Tem. Pl. Col. III. Livr. 29, 1823, text, and pl. 173, fig.1. Type, 4. thoracicus TEMM. 19. Hylophilus decurtatus (Bonap.). Short-winged Hylophilus. Sylvicola decurtata Bonar. P. Z. S. 1837, 118. Hylophilus decurtatus BAIRD, Rev. Am. B. I. 1866, 380. [B—, C—, R—, C—.] Groc. Dist.— Mexico and Central America, to Isthmus of Panama. Southern Texas? (AHelinai brevipennis GirauD, Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 1850, 40. ‘* Mexico and Texas.”) Famity MNIOTILTIDZ. 20. Helminthophila lawrencei (HERRICK). Lawrence’s Warbler. Helminthophaga lawrencei Herrick, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1874, 220, pl. 15. Helminthophila lawrencei Ripcw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club. VII. Jan. 1882, 53. 332 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B—, C—, R 80, C 99.] About a dozen specimens have been taken, chiefly in New Jersey and southern Connecticut. Supposed to be a hybrid between ZH. pinus and Hf. chrysoptera. (Cf. Rivew. Ibis, 1876, p. 169 ; Brewst. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI. 1881, pp. 218-225 ; Eames, Auk, VI. 1889, pp. 305-310.) 21. Helminthophila leucobronchialis (Brewst.). Brewster’s Warbler. Flelminthophaga leucobronchialis Brewst. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, I, Jan. 1876, 1, plate. Helminthophila leucobronchialis Ripcw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 53. [B—, C —, R 82, C 100.] Known from numerous specimens, taken in Southern New Eng- land, Lower Hudson Valley, New Jersey, Virginia, Michigan, etc. Supposed to be a hybrid between ZH. pinus and H. chrysoptera. (Cf. BrewstT. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI. 1881, pp. 218-225 ; Ripew. Auk, II. Oct. 1885, pp. 359-363 ; Eames, Auk, VI. 1889, pp. 305-310.) 22. Helminthophila cincinnatiensis (LANcp.). Cincinnati Warbler. Helminthophaga cincinnatiensis LANGD. Jour. Cinc. Soc. N. H. July, 1880, 119, 120, pl. 4. Helminthophila cincinnatiensis RipGw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354- [B—, C—, R—, C1or.] One specimen taken near Cincinnati, Ohio. Probably a hybrid between H. pinus and Geothlypis (Oporornis) formosa. (Cf. Ripew. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, V. 1880, p. 237-) 23. Dendroica (Perissoglossa ?) carbonata (AUD.). Carbonated Warbler. Sylvia carbonata Aup. Orn. Biog. I. 1831, 308, pl. 60. Dendroica carbonata BAirD, B. N. Am. 1858, 287. Perissoglossa carbonata B. B. & R. Hist. N. Am. B. I. Jan. 1874, 214. HYPOTHETICAL LIST. 333 [B 207, C—, R 91, C—.] Known only from Audubon’s plate and description of two speci- mens killed near Henderson, Kentucky, in May, 1811. 24. Dendroica montana (WILS.). Blue Mountain Warbler. Sylvia montana Wiis. Am, Orn, V. 1812, 113, pl. 44, fig. 2. Dendroica montana Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 278. [B 199, C—, R112, C—.] Known only from the works of Wilson and Audubon. Taken in the Blue Mountains of Virginia. Not as yet satisfactorily identified with any other species. 25. Sylvania (?) microcephala Ripcw. Small-headed Warbler. Sylvania microcephala Ripew. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. (= Muscicapa minuta Wits. Am. Orn. VI. 1812, 62, pl. 1, fig. 5, nec GMEL., 1788.) [B 212, C—, R 126, C—.] Known only from the works of Wilson and Audubon. Claimed to have been taken in New Jersey and Kentucky. Famity SYLVIIDZ. 26. Regulus cuvierii Avup. Cuvier’s Kinglet. Regulus cuvierti AuD. Orn. Biog. I. 1832, 288, pl. 55. [B 163, C—, R 32, C—.] Known only from Audubon’s description and figure of the original specimen, killed in June, 1812, on the banks of the Schuylkill River, in Pennsylvania. ai’! ‘ A! hn WER Fe Dye ih Les & ay URS , Y i , } Ny Ooh -\ Ay Wy 1 * 4 J A ee | Ly heutesh aa ny Yi , Ta : ; Ad Ota firs ie oe {ae Oe ee : i et ee : tak Pate Bi Riad P] “ ‘cue at os yur) J AL Aeon oh$ Risch) a me! : ei a Oy ay ae H SK ee a Their 7 1 ‘ f Te 4 Lh! { a f Pires - “tM Hy en | Ms t ¥' ee } \ ; Tied . ro % ’ . Gian) if ; hy ie PA) \ : Vey ‘ VOD I te . { trey 7 : t ee! Whe 7 f Non o é . : ‘ =) J . # ' ae ae yy ») ie af AN Wea eRe a vo ‘ ; : } we J 4 ad eh : 4 * I 7 LK ( Sh et wee a 4 y hes - Ld r ) 5 r 4 d : 4 x ” y ’ * : 1 ag / e + iM ) . ; , a4 ba A ny . Zz | ’ Ki ey } i 3 y ) \ ’ if ’ ‘ i rg \ \ \ a \ » a Bi ) i . \ . : i 4 ve DADE SRA Se care ; ey MRC TN GLY OF +f : 7 Fa . Spies lit , A | tray t Pa , a ; * A +a . ‘ ‘ ‘ : ‘ , 14 7 ’ : i ; : ; i? i 4 f . »t i : ; 2d : hee AY - ’ / 5 : yivy ‘ “ a 4 : . ; : : ra i Be y : ‘ v ‘“ { , is bt hes, oe eS Hee DALY, oh Baw staat. ; ‘ } Cf hone ry ae \ : ah F j : Wy . " 4! re } thy 5 ‘ t ; ; 1 f 4 ’ , { 5 4 { a . i \ af — f " ’ , : i ; j THE FOSSIL BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA. A. — JURASSIC. 1. Laopteryx priscus Marsu. Laopteryx priscus Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. XXI. 1881, 341. Upper Jurassic beds of Wyoming. B. — CRETACEOUS.’ 2. Apatornis celer Marsu. Ichthyornis celer Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. V. 1873, 74. Apatornis celer MarsH, Am, Journ. Sci. V. 1873, 162. Middle Cretaceous of western Kansas. 3. Baptornis advenus Marsu. Baptornis advenus Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. XIV. 1877, 86. Cretaceous of western Kansas, in the same beds with Odontor- nithes and Pteranodontia. 4, Cimolopteryx rarus Marsu. Cimolopteryx rarus Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. XLIV. 1892, 175, pl. ili, fig. 2. Laramie beds of Wyoming. 5. Cimolopteryx retusus Mars. Cimolopteryx retusus MarsH, Am. Journ. Sci. XLIV. 1892, 175. Laramie beds of Wyoming. The genera alphabetically arranged. 3 36 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 6. Coniornis altus Marsu. Coniornis altus MarsH, Am. Journ. Sci. XLV. 1893, 82. Cretaceous of Montana, near mouth of Judith River. 7. Graculavus velox Marsu. Graculavus velox MarsH, Am. Journ. Sci. III. 1872, 363. Greénsand of the middle marl bed, or Upper Cretaceous, near Hornerstown, New Jersey. 8. Graculavus pumilus Mars. Graculavus pumilus MarsH, Am. Journ. Sci. III. 1872, 364. Greensand of the middle marl bed, or Upper Cretaceous, near Hornerstown, New Jersey. 9. Hesperornis regalis Marsu. Hesperornis regalis Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. III. 1872, 56. Pteranodon beds of western Kansas. 10. Hesperornis crassipes Marsu. Lestornis crassipes Marsu, Am, Journ. Sci. XI. 1876, 509. Lesperornis crassipes MarsuH, Odontornithes, 1880, 196, figs. 40 a-—d, pls. vii, xvii. Yellow chalk of the Pteranodon beds, western Kansas. 11. Hesperornis gracilis Marsu. Hesperornis gracilis MarsH, Am. Journ. Sci. XI. 1876, 510. Yellow chalk of the Pteranodon beds, western Kansas. 12. Ichthyornis dispar Marsu. Ichthyornis dispar Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 344. Pteranodon beds, Middle Cretaceous, northwestern Kansas. FOSSIL BIRDS. 337 13. Ichthyornis agilis Marsu. Graculavus agilis MArsH, Am. Journ. Sci. V. 1873, 230. Lchthyornis agilis Marsu, Odontornithes, 1880, 197. Pteranodon beds, Middle Cretaceous, western Kansas. 14. Ichthyornis anceps Marsu. Graculavus anceps MarsH, Am. Journ. Sci. III. 1872, 364. Ichthyornis anceps Marsu, Odontornithes, 1880, 198. Gray shale of the Middle Cretaceous, Smoky Hill River, western Kansas. 15. Ichthyornis lentus Marsu. Graculavus lentus Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. XIV. 1877, 253. Ichthyornis lentus MARSH, Odontornithes, 1880, 198. Middle Cretaceous beds, near Fort McKinney, Texas. 16. Ichthyornis tener Marsu. Ichthyornis tener Marsu, Odontornithes, 1880, 198, pl. xxx. fig. 8. Pteranodon beds, Middle Cretaceous, Wallace County, Kansas. 17. Ichthyornis validus Mars. Ichthyornis validus Marsu, Odontornithes, 1880, 198, pl. xxx. figs. 11-14. Yellow chalk of the Middle Cretaceous, near Solomon River, northwestern Kansas. 18. Ichthyornis victor Marsu. Ichthyornis victor Marsu, Am. Journ, Sci. XI. 1876, 511. Middle Cretaceous of Kansas, in various localities. 19. Laornis edvardsianus Marsu. Laornis edvardsianus Marsh, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 5. Middle marl bed, Upper Cretaceous, Birmingham, New Jersey. 22 338 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 20. Palzotringa littoralis Marsu. Paleotringa littoralis Marsu, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 5. Greensand of the Upper Cretaceous, near Hornerstown, New Jersey. 21. Palzotringa vagans Marsu. Paleotringa vagans Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. III. 1872, 365. Greensand of the Upper Cretaceous, near Hornerstown, New Jersey. 22. Palzotringa vetus Marsu. Scolopax Morton, Syn. Organic Remains of the Cret. U. S. 1834, 32. Paleotringa vetus Marsu, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 5. Lower marl bed of the Cretaceous formation, near Arneytown, New Jersey. 23. Telmatornis priscus Marsu. Telmatornis priscus Marsu, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 5. Middle marl bed of the Upper Cretaceous, near Hornerstown, New Jersey. 24, Telmatornis affinis Marsu. Telmatornis affinis Marsu, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 5. Middle mar! beds of the Upper Cretaceous, near Hornerstown, New Jersey. C.— TERTIARY. SuspcLass RATITZA. 25, Gastornis giganteus (Cope). Diatryma gigantea Cope, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1876, 11. Gastornis giganteus COUES, Key N. A. Birds, 2d ed. 1884, 825. Wahsatch Epoch, Eocene of New Mexico. FOSSIL BIRDS. 339 26. Barornis regens Marsu. Barornis regens Marsu, Am, Journ. Sci. XLVIII. 1894, 344. Eocene of New Jersey, near Squantum, N. J. SuscLAss CARINATZ. ORDER PYGOPODES. 27. Uria antiqua (Marsx). Catarractes antigua Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. XLIX. 1870, 213. Uria antigua Cours, in A. O. U. Check-List, ed. 1, 1886, 363. Miocene of North Carolina. 28. Uria affinis (Marsux). Catarractes affinis MarsH, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 259. Uria affinis Cours, in A. O. U. Check-List, ed. 1, 1886, 363. Post-pliocene of Maine. OrDER LONGIPENNES. 29. Larus robustus SHUFELDT. Larus robustus SHUFELDT, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 398, pl. xv, fig. 1, 2. Pliocene of Oregon. 30. Larus oregonus SHUFELDT. Larus oregonus SHUFELDT, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 398. Pliocene of Oregon. 340 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. OrpER TUBINARES. 31. Puffinus conradii Marsu. Puffinus conradu Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. XLIX. 1870, 212. Miocene of Maryland. OrpDER STEGANOPODES. 32. Sula loxostyla Copr. Sula loxostyla Corr, Tr. Amer. Philos. Soc. XIV. 1870, 236. Miocene of North Carolina. 33. Phalacrocorax idahensis (Marsu). Graculus idahensis Mars, Am. Journ. Sci. XLIX. 1870, 216. Phalacrocorax tdahensis Cours, Key N. A. Birds, 2d ed. 1884, 824. Pliocene of Idaho. 34. Phalacrocorax macropus (Cope). Graculus macropus Copper, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. IV. No. 2, 1878, 386. Phalacrocorax macropus Cours, Key N. A. Birds, 2d ed. 1884, 824. Pliocene of Oregon. FOSSIL BIRDS. 341 OrpvDER ANSERES. 35. Anser condoni SHUFELDT. Anser condoni SHUFELDT, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 406. Pliocene of Oregon. 36. Branta hypsibatus (Cope). Anser hypsibatus Core, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. IV. No. 2, 1878, 387. Branta hypsibates Cours, in A. O. U. Check-List, ed. 1, 1886, 364. 37. Branta propinqua SHUFELDT. Branta propingua SHUFELDT, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 407, pl. xv, fig. 17. Pliocene of Oregon. 38. Cygnus paloregonus CoPE. Cygnus paloregonus Corr, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. IV. No. 2, 1878, 388. Pliocene of Oregon. OrDER ODONTOGLOSS. 39. Phoenicopterus copei SHUFELDT. Phenicopterus copei SHUFELDT, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 410, pl. xv, fig. 41—43, pl. xvil, fig. 28, 29, 38. Pliocene of Oregon. OrDER HERODIONES. 40. Ardea paloccidentalis SHUFELDT. Ardea paloccidentalis SHUFELDT, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 411, pl. xvii. fig. 31. Pliocene of Oregon. 342 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. OrvER PALUDICOL/E. 41. Grus haydeni Marsu. Grus haydent Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. XLIX. 1870, 214. Pliocene of Nebraska. 42. Grus proavus Marsu. Grus proavus Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 261. Post-pliocene of New Jersey. 43. Fulica minor SHUFELDT. fiulica minor SHUFELDT, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 412, pl. xvii. fig. 32. Pliocene of Oregon. , 44, Aletornis nobilis Marsu. . Aletornis nobilis Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 256. ; Eocene of Wyoming. 4 45, Aletornis pernix Mars. Aletornis pernix MarsH, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 256. Eocene of Wyoming. 46. Aletornis venustus MarsH. Aletornis venustus MarsH, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 257. Eocene of Wyoming. 47, Aletornis gracilis Marsu. Aletornis gracilis Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 258. Eocene of Wyoming. FOSSIL BIRDS. 343 48. Aletornis bellus Marsu. Aletornis bellus Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 258. Eocene of Wyoming. OrpvER LIMICOL. 49. Charadrius sheppardianus Cope. Charadrius sheppardianus Corr, Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. Terr. VI. No. 1, 1881, 83. (Formation and locality not given.) OrvER GALLIN. 50. Palzotetrix gilli SHUFELDT. Paleotetrix gilli SHUFELDT, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 415, pl. xvii. fig. 37. Pliocene of Oregon. 51. Pedioczetes lucasi SHUFELDT. \ Pediocetes lucast SHUFELDT, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 414, pl. xvii. fig. 30. Pliocene of Oregon. 52. Pedioczetes nanus SHUFELDT. Pediocetes nanus SHUFELDT, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 414, pl. xvii. fig. 36, 37. Pliocene of Oregon. 53. Meleagris antiquus Marsu. Meleagris antiguus Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. II. 1871, 126. Miocene of Colorado. 344 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 54. Meleagris altus Marsu. Meleagris altus Marsu, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila, 1870, rr. Post-pliocene of New Jersey. 55. Meleagris celer Marsu. Meleagris celery Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. 1872, 261. Post-pliocene of New Jersey. ORDER RAPTORES. 56. Paleeoborus umbrosus Cope. Cathartes umbrosus Cort, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1874, 1st. Palaoborus umbrosus Cours, Key N, A. Birds, 2d ed. 1884, 822. Pliocene of New Mexico. 57. Bubo leptosteus Mars. Bubo leptosteus Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. II. 1871, 126. Lower Tertiary of Wyoming. 58. Aquila danana Marsh. Aquila danana Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. II. 1871, 125. Pliocene of Nebraska. 59. Aquila pliogryps SHUFELDT. Aguila pliogryps SHUFELDT, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 416, pl. xvii. fig. 33. Pliocene of Oregon. 60. Aquila sodalis SHUFELDT. Aguila sodalis SHUFELDT, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 417. Pliocene of Oregon. FOSSIL BIRDS. 345 ORDER COCCYGES. 61. Uintornis lucaris Marsu. Uintornis lucaris Marsu, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 259. Lower Tertiary formation of Wyoming. OrpDER PASSERES. 62. Corvus annectens SHUFELDT. Corvus annectens SHUFELDT, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 4109, pl. xv. fig. 14-16. Pliocene of Oregon. 63. Scolecophagus affinis SHUFELDT. Scolecophagus afinis SHUFELDT, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 418, pl. xv. fig. 10. Pliocene of Oregon. 64, Palzospiza bella ALLEN. Palaospiza bella ALLEN, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. IV. No. 2, 1878, 443, pl. i. figs. 1, 2. Insect-bearing shales of Florissant, Colorado. TEASE Naty “vl Me ae | Lh Fis AD gt Yo SO b nt Pater bal ‘ } j h .+ ) LY 7 Pet epy F ‘ / y ' ‘ 0s AL, ‘ : - ma s) ¢ Mey thy , \ ; yy : N uh y : yan ay fey : al : es ey eee Ab! i » te ay } } : { 5 iy) iy ‘5 La ¥; i 7 te" i | ) 2 eye : f ; a Kin 4 L) 4 i : Cy pew al , : ‘ Loan N : ‘ * 2 7 th ‘ Aes ey, Fat \ i ’ \ ‘2 ae aK)", —y , ) \ nt ; + ~.7 % 4 4 FF . 4 Ve Ay 7 } q ya a) ‘ ; hae if (Ay far ) aay tg ) ‘a vf ' ees HR ee Ty hie . } : ; \ i at yf wy A Nhe ¥ CALE ‘ 4 ak 44 Ul i>*¥ ney ho t c ; 5 grey At he y , H ‘ MW) : on tye ‘ : ies Bee yo \ : ; 7 a Wed 4 ay ‘ oa" 4 i os Ve } , f eee Bas Bai ee ONG Fw TOURS WO TR) en i ; ‘ A) ” ‘ i { - \ rT? 4 4 1 rs ‘ vy +4 me j ; ’ \ } 4 ‘ i We 7 \ ( , ; : ? ‘a> ‘ ; ; wh’ , PRPS Re POPs fein aha 7 ) + oh. ie * he , ' ih ay 3 A ; Oey b eh Ae Voy Bele , r e/ ‘ j ‘ } Th We, 6 t Ss v We ens Net i : t 4 hare ’ ; ) wit i 5 je \ ‘; Mey ae eta (wee ¥ 7s) PPD puke iv ; it } "ee eae ae ne ~ 4 ; + af \ ‘ 7 t 4 ‘ l eres) 2 Lae | ; ' Wht ace ee Kiet { \anNA FAO : Ky i \ a. tae ea byt Ms Path ih Bt ee Byes SCN Bee var UAC OAR, Chen A eee \ ie ) P } Chiwi Ly “WL fi 4 f l x4 : Vere t a yay ; ©) EPs SOy) 5 iy Hy a { \y nt nM) , ‘ At i ( 1 { 4 Py ' 4 i i ’ 4 ' } i Then ACANTHIS, 217. brewsterili, 330. hornemannii, 217. hornemannii exilipes, 217. linaria, 217. linaria holbcellii, 217. linaria rostrata, 218. Accipiter, 128. atricapillus, 129. atricapillus striatulus, 129. cooperi, 128. velox, 128. Accipitrine, 126. Actitis, 96. macularia, 97. Actochelidon, 23. Actodromas, 87. féchmophorus, I. clarkii, 325. occidentalis, I. fEgialitis, 100. dubia, ror. hiaticula, ror. meloda, Iol. meloda circumcincta, IOI. mongola, 102. montana, 103. nivosa, 102. semipalmata, 100. vocifera, 100. wilsonia, 102. Aéronautes, 172. melanoleucus, 172. fEsalon, 138. fEstrelata, 34. fisheri, 34. hasitata, 34. scalaris, 34. Agelaius, 204. gubernator, 205. pheeniceus, 204. pheeniceus bryanti, 205. pheeniceus sonoriensis, 205. tricolor, 205. INDEX. . Aix, 52. Aix sponsa, 52. Ajaja, 66. ajaja, 67. Alauda, 191. arvensis, II. Alaudidz, ror. Albatross, Black-footed, 28. Short-tailed, 28. Sooty, 29. Wandering, 326. Yellow-nosed, 28. Alca, 12. torda, 12. Alcedinide, 156. Alcidz, 5, 325. Alcinz, II. Alcyones, 156. Aletornis bellus, 343. gracilis, 342. nobilis, 342. pernix, 342. venustus, 342. Alle, 13. alle, 13. Alline, 13. Amazilia, 177. cerviniventris, 177. fuscicaudata, 177. Ammodramus, 223, 227. bairdii, 226. beldingi, 225. caudacutus, 227. caudacutus nelsoni, 227. caudacutus subvirgatus, 228. henslowii, 226. henslowii occidentalis, 227. leconteii, 227. maritimus, 228. maritimus peninsulz, 228. maritimus sennetti, 228. nigrescens, 229. princeps, 223. rostratus, 225. 348 INDEX. Ammodramus rostratus guttatus, 225. Aphelocoma californica, 197. sandwichensis, 224. californica hypoleuca, 197. sandwichensis alaudinus, 224. californica obscura, 197. sandwichensis bryanti, 224. cyanotis, 197. sandwichensis savanna, 224. floridana, 196. savannarum passerinus, 226. insularis, 197. savannarum perpallidus, 226. sieberii arizonz, 198. Ampelidz, 260. woodhousei, 196. Ampelinz, 260. Aphriza, 103. Ampelis, 260. virgata, 103. cedrorum, 260. Aphrizide, 103. garrulus, 260. Aphrizinz, 103. Amphispiza, 237. Aquila, 135. belli, 238. chrysaétos, 135. belli cinerea, 238. danana, 344. belli nevadensis, 238. pliogryps, 344. bilineata, 237. sodalis, 344. Anas, 48. Aramide, 76. americana, 49. Aramus, 76. boschas, 48. giganteus, 76. carolinensis, 50. Archibuteo, 134. crecca, 50. ferrugineus, 135. cyanoptera, 51. lagopus, 134. discors, 50. lagopus sancti-johannis, 134. fulvigula, 48. Arctonetta, 56. fulvigula maculosa, 49. fischeri, 56. obscura, 48. Ardea, 70. penelope, 49. candidissima, 72. strepera, 49. cinerea, 71. Anatide, 47. ceerulea, 73. Anatinz, 48. egretta, 71. Ancylocheilus, 9o. herodias, 71. Anhinga, 41. occidentalis, 71. anhinga, 41. paloccidentalis, 341. Anhingidz, 41. pealei, 328. Ani, 153. rufescens, 72. Groove-billed, 153. tricolor ruficollis, 72. Anorthura, 300. virescens, 73. Anous, 27. virescens frazari, 73. stolidus, 27. wardi, 71. Anser, 61. wuerdemanni, 327. albifrons, 61. Ardeidz, 69, 327. albifrons gambeli, 61. Ardeinz, 70. condoni, 340. Ardetta, 70. Anseres, 47. exilis, 70. Anserinz, 60. neoxena, 70. Anthus, 289. Arenaria, 103. cervinus, 290. interpres, 103. pensilvanicus, 289. melanocephala, 104. pratensis, 290. Arenariinz, 103. spragueii, 290. Arquatella, 87. Antrostomus, 168. Asio, 142. carolinensis, 168. accipitrinus, 142. vociferus, 168. wilsonianus, 142. vociferus macromystax, 169. Astur, 128. Apatornis celer, 335. Asturina, 134. Aphelocoma, 196. plagiata, 134. Asyndesmus, 165. Auk, Great, 13. Razor-billed, 12. Auklet, Cassin’s, 7. Crested, 7. Least, 8. Paroquet, 7. Rhinoceros, 6. Whiskered, 8. Auriparus, 312. flaviceps, 313. Avocet, American, 83. Aythya, 52. affinis, 53. americana, 52. collaris, 53. marila nearctica, 53. vallisneria, 53. BALDPATE, 49. Baptornis advenus, 335. Barornis regens, 339. Bartramia, 96. longicauda, 96. - Basileuterus, 288. belli, 288. culicivorus, 288. Basilinna, 178. leucotis, 178. xantusi, 178. Becard, Xantus’s, 179. Bird, Man-of-War, 46. Red-billed Tropic, 39. Surf, 103. Yellow-billed Tropic, 39. Bittern, American, 70. Cory’s Least, 70. Least, 70. Blackbird, Bicolored, 205. Brewer’s, 209. Red-winged, 204. Rusty, 209. Tricolored, 205. Yellow-headed, 204. Bluebird, 322. Azure, 322. Chestnut-backed, 323. Mountain, 323. San Pedro, 322. Western, 322. Bluethroat, Red-spotted, 321. Bobolink, 202. Bob-white, 106. Florida, 106. Masked, 107. Texan, 107. INDEX. 349 Bonasa, 112. umbellus, 112. umbellus sabini, 112. umbellus togata, 112. umbellus umbelloides, 112. Booby, 40. Blue-faced, 40. Blue-footed, 4o. Brewster’s, 40. Red-footed, 4o. Botaurinz, 69. Botaurus, 69. lentiginosus, 70. Brachyramphus, 9. craveri, 10. hypoleucus, 9. kittlitzii, 9. marmoratus, 9. Brant, 63. Black, 63. Branta, 62. bernicla, 63. canadensis, 62. canadensis hutchinsii, 62. canadensis minima, 63. canadensis occidentalis, 62. hypsibatus, 341. leucopsis, 63. nigricans, 63. propinqua, 341. Bubo, 147. leptosteus, 344. virginianus, 148. virginianus arcticus, 148. virginianus saturatus, 148. virginianus subarcticus, 148. Bubonide, 142. Budytes, 289. flavus leucostriatus, 289. Buffle-head, 54. Bullfinch, Cassin’s, 212. Bulweria, 34. bulweri, 35. Bunting, Beautiful, 252. Indigo, 252. Lark, 254. Lazuli, 252. Painted, 252. Townsend’s, 331. Varied, 252. Burrica, 213. Bush-Tit, 311. Californian, 311. Grinda’s, 312. Lead-colored, 312. Lloyd’s, 312. Santa Rita, 312. 359 Buteo, 130. abbreviatus, 132. albicaudatus sennetti, 132. borealis, 130. borealis calurus, 130. borealis harlani, 131. borealis kriderii, 130. borealis lucasanus, 131. brachyurus, 133. buteo, 130. cooperi, 329. latissimus, 133. lineatus, 131. lineatus alleni, 131. lineatus elegans, 132. swainsoni, 132. Buteola, 133. Butorides, 73. Buzzard, European, 130. CALAMOSPIZA, 254. melanocorys, 254. Calcarius, 221. lapponicus, 221. ormnatus, 222. pictus, 221. Calidris, 91. arenaria, QI. Callichelidon, 259. cyaneoviridis, 259. Callipepla, 108. californica, 109. californica vallicola, 109. gambeli, 109. squamata, 108. squamata castanogastris, 108. Callothrus, 203. robustus, 204. Calothorax, 177. lucifer, 177. Calypte, 175. anna, 175. costz, 175. Campephilus, 157. principalis, 158. Camptolaimus, 56. labradorius, 56. Canachites, III. Canvas-back, 53. Caprimulgi, 168. Caprimulgidz, 168, 330. Caracara, Audubon’s, 141. Guadalupe, 141. Cardellina, 287. Cardellina rubrifrons, 287. Cardinal, 2409. INDEX. Cardinal, Arizona, 249. Gray-tailed, 249. Saint Lucas, 249. ~ Texas, 250. Cardinalis, 248. cardinalis, 249. cardinalis canicaudus, 249. cardinalis igneus, 249. cardinalis superbus, 249. Carinatz, 339. Carpodacus, 212. amplus, 214. cassini, 213. mexicanus frontalis, 213. mexicanus ruberrimus, 214. purpureus, 213. purpureus californicus, 213. Catbird, 292. Catharista, 125. atrata, 125. Cathartes, 125. aura, 125. burrovianus, 329. Cathartidz, 124, 329. Catherpes, 296. mexicanus, 297. mexicanus conspersus, 297. mexicanus punctulatus, 297. Centrocercus, I17. urophasianus, I17. Centronyx, 225. Centurus, 165. Ceophleeus, 164. pileatus, 164. Cepphi, 3. Cepphus, Io. carbo, 326. columba, II. grylle, Io. mandtii, Io. motzfeldi, 325. Cerorhinca, 6. monocerata, 6. Certhia, 303. familiaris alticola, 303. familiaris americana, 303. familiaris occidentalis, 304. Certhiidz, 303. Ceryle, 156. alcyon, 156. americana septentrionalis, 157. torquata, 157. Chachalaca, 119. Cheetura, 172. pelagica, 172. vauxii, 172. Cheturinz, 171. Chamza, 310. fasciata, 310. fasciata henshawi, 311. Chamzine, 310. Charadriidz, 98. Charadrius, 99. apricarius, 99. dominicus, 99. dominicus fulvus, 100. sheppardianus, 343. squatarola, 99. Charitonetta, 54. albeola, 54. Chat, Long-tailed, 285. Yellow-breasted, 28 5. Chaulelasmus, 49. Chelidon, 258. erythrogaster, 258. Chen, 60. czerulescens, 61. hyperborea, 60. hyperborea nivalis, 60. rossii, 61. Chickadee, 307. alifornia, 310. Carolina, 308. Chestnut-backed, 310. Columbian, 310. Hudsonian, 309. Kowak, 309. Long-tailed, 308. Mexican, 309. Mountain, 309. Oregon, 308. Plumbeous, 308. Siberian, 309. Chloroceryle, 157. Chondestes, 229. grammacus, 229. grammacus strigatus, 229. Chordeiles, 170. acutipennis texensis, 171. virginianus, 170. virginianus chapmani, 171. virginianus henryi, 170. virginianus sennetti, 330. Chuck-will’s-widow, 168. Ciceronia, 8. Ciconiz, 68. Ciconiide, 68. Ciconiinz, 69. Cimolopteryx rarus, 335. retusus, 335- Cinclidz, 291. Cinclus, 291. mexicanus, 291. Circus, 127. INDEX. 351 Circus hudsonius, 128, Cistothorus, 301. marianz, 303. palustris, 302. palustris griseus, 302. palustris paludicola, 302. stellaris, 301. Clamatores, 179. Clangula, 55. hyemalis, 55. Clivicola, 259. riparia, 259. Coccothraustes, 211. vespertinus, 211. vespertinus montanus, 211. Coccyges, 153. Coccyginz, 153. Coccyzus, 154. americanus, 154. americanus occidentalis, 155. erythrophthalmus, 155. minor, 154. minor maynardi, 154. Ceeligena, 173. clemenciz, 174. Ccereba, 267. bahamensis, 268. Ceerebide, 267. Colaptes, 166. auratus, 166. cafer, 167. cafer saturatior, 167. chrysoides, 167. rufipileus, 167. Colinus, 106. ridgwayi, 107. virginianus, 106. virginianus floridanus, 106. virginianus texanus, 107. Columba, I19. fasciata, I19. fasciata vioscz, 120. flavirostris, 120. leucocephala, 120. Columbe, 119. Columbide, 119. Columbigallina, 122. passerina pallescens, 123. passerina terrestris, 122. Colymbus, I. auritus, 2. dominicus, 2. holbcelii, 1. Colymbus nigricollis californicus, 2. Compsohalieus, 43. Compsothlypis, 273. americana, 273. 352 Compsothlypis nigrilora, 273. Coniornis altus, 336. Contopus, 185. borealis, 185. pertinax, 186. richardsonii, 186. richardsonii peninsule, 187. virens, 186. Conurus, 152. carolinensis, 152. Coot, American, 81. European, 81. Cormorant, 42. Baird’s, 44. Brandt’s, 44. Double-crested, 42. Farallone, 43. Florida, 42. Mexican, 43. Pallas’s, 327. Pelagic, 44. Red-faced, 45. Violet-green, 44. White-crested, 43. Corvide, 194. Corvine, 199. Corvus, 199. americanus, 200. americanus floridanus, 200. caurinus, 201. corax principalis, 200. corax sinuatus, 200. cryptoleucus, 200. ossifragus, 201. Cotingidz, 179. Coturnicops, 79. Coturniculus, 226. Cowbird, 203. Dwarf, 203. Red-eyed, 204. Cracidz, 119. Crake, Corn, 80. Spotted, 78. Crane, Little Brown, 75. Sandhill, 75. Whooping, 75. Creagrus, 326. furcatus, 326. Creciscus, 79. Creeper, Bahama Honey, 268. Brown, 303. California, 304. Mexican, 303. Rocky Mountain, 303. Crex, 80. crex, 80. Crossbill, American, 214. Mexican, 215. INDEX. Crossbill, White-winged, 215. Crotophaga, 153. , ani, 153. ; sulcirostris, 153. Crotophaginz, 153. Crow, American, 200. Fish, 201. Florida, 200. Northwest, 201. Crymophilus, 82. fulicarius, 82. Cuckoo, Black-billed, 155. California, 155. Kamchatkan, 155. Mangrove, 154. Maynard’s, 154. Yellow-billed, 154. Cuculi, 153. Cuculidz, 153. Cuculus, 155. canorus telephonus, 155. Curlew, Bristle-thighed, 98. Eskimo, 97. European, 328. Hudsonian, 97. Long-billed, 97. Cyanecula, 321. suecica, 321. Cyanocephalus, 2o1. cyanocephalus, 202. Cyanocitta, 194. cristata, 194. cristata florincola, 195. stelleri, 195. stelleri annectens, 196. stelleri frontalis, 195. stelleri macrolopha, 195. Cyclorrhynchus, 7. psittaculus, 7. Cygnine, 65. Cygnus paloregonus, 341. Cymodroma, 38. grallaria, 38. Cypseli, 171. Cypseloides, 171. niger, 171. Cyrtonyx, 109. montezume, IIO. Cyrtopelicanus, 45. DAFILA, 51. acuta, SI. Daption, 35. capensis, 35. Dendragapus, IIo. canadensis, III. franklinii, 111. Dendragapus obscurus, 110. obscurus fuliginosus, 110. obscurus richardsonii, 111. Dendrocygna, 64. autumnalis, 64. fulva, 64. Dendroica, 273, 274. zstiva, 274. zestiva sonorana, 274. auduboni, 275. blackburniz, 277. bryanti castaneiceps, 27 5. cerulea, 276. cerulescens, 275. carbonata, 332. castanea, 277. chrysoparia, 278. coronata, 275. discolor, 281. dominica, 277. dominica albilora, 278. gracie, 278. kirtlandi, 280. maculosa, 276. montana, 333- nigrescens, 278. occidentalis, 279. olivacea, 274. palmarum, 280. palmarum hypochrysea, 280. pensylvanica, 276. striata, 277. tigrina, 273. townsendi, 279. vigorsii, 280. virens, 279. Dichromanassa, 72. Dickcissel, 254. Diomedea, 28. albatrus, 28. exulans, 326. nigripes, 28. Diomedeidz, 28, 326. Dipper, American, 291. Dolichonyx, 202. oryzivorus, 202. Dove, Ground, 122. Inca, 123. Mexican Ground, 123. Mourning, 121. White-fronted, 122. White-winged, 122. Zenaida, 121. Dovekie, 13. Dowitcher, 85. Long-billed, 86. Dryobates, 158. INDEX. 253 Dryobates arizone, 161. borealis, 160. nuttallii, 161. pubescens, 159. pubescens gairdnerii, 159. pubescens orececus, 160. scalaris bairdi, 160. scalaris lucasanus, 160. villosus, 158. villosus audubonii, 158. villosus harrisii, 159. villosus hyloscopus, 159. villosus leucomelas, 158. Duck, American Scaup, 53. Black, 48. Florida, 48. Harlequin, 55. Labrador, 56. Lesser Scaup, 53. Masked, 60. Mottled, 49. Ring-necked, 53. Ruddy, 509. Rufous-crested, 52. Steller’s, 55. Wood, 52. Dunlin, 89. Dysporus, 41. Dytes, 2. EAGLE, Bald, 136. Golden, 135. Gray Sea, 136. Harpy, 135. Ectopistes, 120. migratorius, 120. Egret, American, 71. Peale’s, 328. Reddish, 72. Eider, American, 57. King, 58. Northern, 57. Pacific, 57. Spectacled, 56. Elanoides, 126. forficatus, 126. Elanus, 126. leucurus, 126. Embernagra, 245. rufivirgata, 245. Empidonax, 187. cineritius, 187. difficilis, 187. flaviventris, 187. fulvifrons, 189. fulvifrons pygmzus, 189. 354 Empidonax griseus, 189. hammondi, 189. minimus, 188. traillii, 188. traillii alnorum, 188. virescens, 188. wrightii, 189. Eniconetta, 56. stelleri, 56. Ereunetes, go. occidentalis, 91. pusillus, go. Erionetta, 57. Ergaticus, 287. ruber, 288. Erismatura, 59. rubida, 59. Euetheia, 253. bicolor, 253. canora, 253. Eugenes, 173. fulgens, 173. Euphonia, 254. elegantissima, 255. Euphonia, Blue-headed, 255. Eurynorhynchus, go. pygmzus, 90. FALCO, 136. columbarius, 138. columbarius suckleyi, 139. dominicensis, 140. fusco-ceerulescens, 139. islandus, 136. mexicanus, 137. peregrinus anatum, 138. peregrinus pealei, 138. regulus, 139. richardsonii, 139. rusticolus, 137. rusticolus gyrfalco, 137. rusticolus obsoletus, 137. sparverius, 140. sparverius deserticolus, 140. sparverius peninsularis, 140. tinnunculus, 140. Falcon, Aplomado, 139. Peale’s, 138. Prairie, 137. Falcones, 126. Falconidz, 126, 329. Falconinz, 136. Finch, California Purple, 213. Cassin’s Purple, 213. Guadalupe House, 214. House, 213. INDEX. Finch, Purple, 213. St. Lucas House, 214. Flamingo, American, 66. Flicker, 166. Gilded, 167. Guadalupe, 167. Northwestern, 167. Red-shafted, 167. Florida, 73. Flycatcher, Alder, 188. Arizona Crested, 183. Ash-throated, 183. Beardless, 190. Buff-breasted, 189. Coues’s, 186. Crested, 183. Derby, 182. Fork-tailed, 179. Fulvous, 189. Giraud’s, 182. Gray, 189. Green-crested, 188. Hammond’s, 189. Lawrence’s, 184. Least, 188. Mexican Crested, 183. Nutting’s, 183. Olivaceous, 184. Olive-sided, 185. Ridgway’s, 190. St. Lucas, 187. Scissor-tailed, 180. Sulphur-bellied, 182. Traill’s, 188. Vermilion, Igo. Western, 187. Wright’s, 189. Vellow-bellied, 187. Fratercula, 5. arctica, 5. arctica glacialis, 5. corniculata, 6. Fraterculine, 5. Fregata, 46. aquila, 46. Fregatidz, 46. Fringillidz, 211. Fulica, 81. americana, 81. atra, 81. minor, 342. Fulicine, 81. Fuligula, 53. Fulmar, 30. Giant, 29. Lesser, 30. Pacific, 30. Fulmar, Rodgers’s, 30. Slender-billed, 31. Fulmarus, 30, glacialis, 30. - glacialis glupischa, 30. glacialis minor, 30. glacialis rodgersii, 30. glacialoides, 31. GADWALL, 49. Galeoscoptes, 291. carolinensis, 291. Gallinz, 106. Gallinago, 85. delicata, 85. gallinago, 85. Gallinula, 81. galeata, 81. Gallinule, Florida, 81. Purple, 80. Gallinuline, 80. Gannet, 4I. Garrulinz, 194. Garzetta, 72. Gastornis giganteus, 338. Gavia, 15. alba, 15. Gelochelidon, 22. nilotica, 22. Geococcyx, 153. californianus, 154. Geothlypis, 282, 283. agilis, 282. beldingi, 234. formosa, 282. macgillivrayi, 233. philadelphia, 283. trichas, 283. trichas ignota, 284. trichas occidentalis, 284. poliocephala ralphi, 284. Geotrygon, 123. martinica, 123. montana, 124. Glaucidium, 150. gnoma, 150. gnoma californicum, 151. hoskinsii, 151. phalznoides, 151. Glaucionetta, 54. clangula americana, 54. islandica, 54. Glottis, 93. Gnatcatcher, Black-tailed, 315. Blue-gray, 315. Plumbeous, 315. INDEX. Gnatcatcher, Western, 315. Godwit, Black-tailed, 92. Hudsonian, 92. Marbled, 91. Pacific, 92. Golden-eye, American, 54. Barrow’s, 54. Goldfinch, American, 218. Arizona, 219. Arkansas, 218. Black-headed, 219. Lawrence’s, 219. Mexican, 219. Western, 218. 355 Goose, American White-fronted, 61. Barnacle, 63. Blue, 61. Cackling, 63. Canada, 62. Emperor, 64. Greater Snow, 60. Hutchins’s, 62. Lesser Snow, 60. Ross’s Snow, 61. White-cheeked, 62. White-fronted, 61. Goshawk, American, 129. Mexican, 134. Western, 129. Grackle, Boat-tailed, 211. Bronzed, 210. Florida, 210. Great-tailed, 210. Purple, 210. Graculavus pumilus, 336. velox, 336. Grassquit, 253. Melodius, 253. Grebe, American Eared, 2. Clark’s, 325. Holbeell’s, 1. Horned, 2. Pied-billed, 3. St. Domingo, 2. Western, I. Green-shank, 93. Grosbeak, Black-headed, 251. Blue, 251. Evening, 211. Pine, 212. Rose-breasted, 251. Western Blue, 250. Western Evening, 211. Grouse, Canada, III. Canadian Ruffed, 112. Columbian Sharp-tailed, 116. Dusky, IIo. 356 Grouse, Franklin’s, rit. Gray Ruffed, 112. Oregon Ruffed, 112. Prairie Sharp-tailed, 117. Richardson’s, 111. Ruffed, 112. Sage, 117. Sharp-tailed, 116. Sooty, IIo. Grues, 75. Gruide, 75. Grus, 75. americana, 75. canadensis, 75. haydeni, 342. mexicana, 75. proavus, 342. Guara, 67. alba, 67. rubra, 67. Guillemot, Black, 10. Black-winged, 325. Mandt’s, Io. Pigeon, II. Sooty, 326. Guiraca, 251. ceerulea, 251. czrulea euryncha, 251. Gull, American Herring, 19. Bonaparte’s, 21. California, 19. Franklin’s, 20. Glaucous, 16. Glaucous-winged, 17. Great Black-backed, 18. Herring, 18. Heermann’s, 20. Iceland, 17. Ivory, 15. Kumlien’s, 17. Laughing, 20. Little, 21. Mew, 20. Nelson’s, 17. Pallas’s, 89. Point Barrow, 16. Ring-billed, ro. Ross’s, 21. Sabine’s, 22. Short-billed, 20. Siberian, 18. Slaty-backed, 18. Swallow-tailed, 326. Gull, Vega, 19. Wester, 18. Gypagus, 329. papa, 329. INDEX. Gyrfalcon, 137. Black, 137. Gray, 137. White, 136. HABIA, 250. ludoviciana, 250. melanocephala, 251. Hzematopodidz, 104. Hzmatopus, 104. bachmani, 105. frazari, 105. ostralegus, 104. palliatus, 104. Haliplana, 26. Halocyptena, 35. microsoma, 35. Halizetus, 136. albicilla, 136. leucocephalus, 136. Harporhynchus, 292, 294. bendirei, 293. cinereus, 294. cinereus mearnsi, 294. crissalis, 295. curvirostris, 293. curvirostris palmeri, 293. lecontei, 294. longirostris sennetti, 293. redivivus, 294. rufus, 293. Hawk, American Rough-legged, 134. American Sparrow, 140. Desert Sparrow, 140. Broad-winged, 133. Cooper’s, 128. Cuban Sparrow, 140. Duck, 138. Florida Red-shouldered, 131. Harlan’s, 131. Harris’s, 129. Krider’s, 130. Marsh, 128. Mexican Black, 133. Pigeon, 138. Red-bellied, 132. Red-shouldered, 131. Red-tailed, 130. Rough-legged, 134. Sennett’s White-tailed, 132. Sharp-shinned, 128. Short-tailed, 133. St. Lucas Sparrow, 140. Swainson’s, 132. Zone-tailed, 132. Heleodytes, 295. Heleodytes brunneicapillus, 295. brunneicapillus affinis, 296. brunneicapillus bryanti, 295. Helinaia, 269. swainsonii, 269. Helminthophila, 269. bachmani, 270. celata, 272. celata lutescens, 272. celata sordida, 272. chrysoptera, 270. cincinnatiensis, 332. lawrencei, 331. leucobronchialis, 332. luciz, 270. peregrina, 272. pinus, 270. ruficapilla, 271. ruficapilla gutturalis, 271. virginiz, 271. Helmitherus, 269. vermivorus, 269. Helodromas, 93. Hen, Attwater’s Prairie, 115. Heath, 115. Lesser Prairie, 116. Prairie, 115. Henhawk, Cooper’s, 329. Herodias, 71. Herodii, 69. Herodiones, 66. Heron, Black-crowned Night, 74. European Blue, 71. Frazar’s Green, 73. Great Blue, 71. Great White, 71. Green, 73. Little Blue, 73. Louisiana, 72. Snowy, 72. Ward’s, 71. Wiirdemann’s, 327. Yellow-crowned Night, 74. Hesperiphona, 211. Hesperocichla, 320. neevia, 321. Hesperornis crassipes, 336. gracilis, 336. regalis, 336. Heteractitis, 95. incana, 95. Hierofalco, 136. Himantopus, 83. mexicanus, 84. Hirundinide, 256. Histrionicus, 55. histrionicus, 55. INDEX. Hummingbird, Allen’s, 176. Anna’s, 175. Black-chinned, 174. Blue-throated, 174. Broad-billed, 178. Broad-tailed, 175. Buff-bellied, 177. Calliope, 176. Costa’s, 175. Floresi’s, 175. Lucifer, 177. Rieffer’s, 177. Rivoli, 173. Ruby-throated, 174. Rufous, 176. Violet-throated, 174. White-eared, 178. Xantus’s, 178. Hydranassa, 72. Hydrochelidon, 26. leucoptera, 27. nigra surinamensis, 26. Hylocichla, 316. Hylophilus, 331. decurtatus, 331. Hylophilus, Short-winged, 331. IACHE, 178. — latirostris, 178. Ibides, 66. Ibidide, 67. Ibis, Glossy, 68. Scarlet, 67. White, 67. White-faced Glossy, 68. Wood, 69. Ichthyornis agilis, 336. anceps, 337: dispar, 337. lentus, 337. tener, 337- validus, 337. victor, 337. Icteria, 284. virens, 285. virens longicauda, 285. Icteride, 202. Icterus, 206. audubonii, 207. bullocki, 208. cucullatus, 207. cucullatus nelsoni, 208. galbula, 208. icterus, 207. parisorum, 207. spurius, 208. 357 358 Ictinia, 127. mississippiensis, 127. Ionornis, 80. martinica, 80. JABIRU, 69. Jacana, 105. spinosa, I05. Jagana, Mexican, I05. Jacanidz, 105. Jaeger, Parasitic, 14. Pomarine, 14. Long-tailed, 15. Jay, Alaskan, 199. Arizona, 198. Belding’s, 197. Black-headed, 196. Blue, 194. Blue-eared, 197. Blue-fronted, 195. California, 197. Canada, 108. Florida, 196. Florida Blue, 195. Green, 198. Labrador, 199. Long-crested, 195. Oregon, 199. Pifion, 202. Rocky Mountain, 199. Santa Cruz, 197. Steller’s, 195. Woodhouse’s, 196. Xantus’s, 197. Junco, 234. aikeni, 234. annectens, 235. bairdi, 237. caniceps, 236. phzonotus dorsalis, 236. phzonotus palliatus, 236. hyemalis, 234. hyemalis carolinensis, 235. hyemalis oregonus, 234. hyemalis pinosus, 235. hyemalis shufeldti, 235. hyemalis thurberi, 235. insularis, 237. ridgwayi, 236. townsendi, 237. Junco, Arizona, 236. Baird’s, 237. Carolina, 235. Gray-headed, 236. Guadalupe, 237. Oregon, 234. INDEX. Junco, Pink-sided, 235. Point Pinos, 235. Red-backed, 236. Ridgway’s, 236. Slate-colored, 234. Shufeldt’s, 236. Thurber’s, 235. Townsend’s, 237. White-winged, 234. KESTREL, 140. Killdeer, 100. Kingbird, 180. Arkansas, 181. Cassin’s, 181. Couch’s, 181. Gray, 180. Kingfisher, Belted, 156. Ringed, 157. Texan, 157. Kinglet, Cuvier’s, 333. Dusky, 314. Golden-crowned, 313. Ruby-crowned, 314. Western Golden-crowned, 314. Kite, Everglade, 127. Mississippi, 127. Swallow-tailed, 126. White-tailed, 126. Kittiwake, 15. Pacific, 16. Red-legged, 16. Knot, 86. LAGOPUS, I13. lagopus, I13. lagopus alleni, 113. leucurus, I14. rupestris, 113. rupestris atkhensis, 114. rupestris nelsoni, 114. rupestris reinhardi, 114. welchi, 114. Laniide, 261. Lanius, 261. borealis, 261. ludovicianus, 262. ludovicianus gambeli, 262. ludovicianus excubitorides, 262. Lanivireo, 297. Laopteryx priscus, 335. Laornis edvardsianus, 337. Lapwing, 98. Laridz, 15, 326. Larine, 15. Lark, Desert Horned, 192. Dusky Horned, 193. Horned, rg1. Mexican Horned, 192. Pallid Horned, 192. Prairie Horned, 192. gate | Horned, 193. Scorched Horned, 193. Sonoran Horned, 193. Streaked Horned, 193. Texan Horned, 192. Larus, 16. affinis, 18. argentatus, 18. argentatus smithsonianus, 19. atricilla, 20. barrovianus, 16. brachyrhynchus, 20. cachinnans, 19. californicus, 89. canus, 20. delawarensis, 19. franklinii, 20. glaucescens, 17. glaucus, 16. heermanni, 20. kumilieni, 17. leucopterus, 17. marinus, 18. minutus, 21. nelsoni, 17. occidentalis, 18. oregonus, 339. philadelphia, 21. robustus, 339. schistisagus, 18. vege, 19. Leptopelicanus, 46. Leptotila, 121. fulviventris brachyptera, 122. Leucosticte, 215. atrata, 216. australis, 216. griseonucha, 215. tephrocotis, 215. tephrocotis littoralis, 216. Leucosticte, Aleutian, 215. Black, 216. Brown-capped, 216. Gray-crowned, 215. Hepburn’s, 216. Limicole, 82. Limosa, 91. fedoa, 9I. hzmastica, 92. lapponica baueri, 92. limosa, 92. INDEX. Limpkin, 76. Linnet, Brewster’s, 330. Longipennes, 13. Longspur, Chestnut-collared, 222. Lapland, 221. McCown’s, 222. Smith’s, 221. Loon, 3- Black-throated, 4. Pacific, 4. Red-throated, 4. Yellow-billed, 4. Lophodytes, 47. cucullatus, 48. Lophophanes, 306. Lophortyx, 109. Loxia, 214. curvirostra minor, 214. curvirostra stricklandi, 215. leucoptera, 215. Lunda, 5. cirrhata, 5. MACROCHIRES, 168. Macrorhamphus, 85. griseus, 85. scolopaceus, 86. Magpie, American, 194. Yellow-billed, 194. Mallard, 48. Man-o’-War Bird, 46. Mareca, 49. Martin, Cuban, 257. Purple, 257. Western, 257. Meadowlark, 206. Mexican, 206. Western, 206. Megalestris, 13. skua, I4. Megaquiscalus, 210. Megascops, 145. asio, 145. asio aikeni, 147. asio bendirei, 146. asio cineraceus, 146. asio floridanus, 145. asio kennicottii, 146. asio macfarlanei, 147. asio maxwelliz, 146. asio trichopsis, 145. flammeola, 147. flammeola idahoensis, 147. Melanerpes, 164. aurifrons, 166. carolinus, 166. 359 360 Melanerpes erythrocephalus, 164. formicivorus angustifrons, 165. formicivorus bairdi, 165. torquatus, 165. uropygialis, 166. Melanitta, 58. Meleagrine, I17. Meleagris, 117. altus, 344. antiquus, 343. celer, 344. gallopavo, 118. gallopavo ellioti, 118. gallopavo mexicana, 118. gallopavo osceola, 118. Melopelia, 122. leucoptera, 122. Melospiza, 240. cinerea, 243. fasciata, 241. fasciata clemente, 243. fasciata fallax, 241. fasciata graminea, 242. fasciata guttata, 242. fasciata heermanni, 241. fasciata montana, 241. fasciata rivularis, 242. fasciata rufina, 242. fasciata samuelis, 241. georgiana, 244. insignis, 243. lincolni, 243. lincolni striata, 243. Merganser, 47. americanus, 47. serrator, 47. Merganser, American, 47. Hooded, 48. Red-breasted, 47. Merginz, 47. Merlin, 139. Black, 139. Richardson’s, 139. Merula, 319. confinis, 320. migratoria, 320. migratoria propinqua, 320. Methriopterus, 292.. Micropalama, 86. himantopus, 86. Micropallas, 151. whitneyi, 151. Micropodide, 171. Micropodine, 172. Milvulus, 179. forficatus, 180. tyrannus, 179. INDEX. Mimine, 291. Mimus, 291. polyglottos, 292. Mniotilta, 268. varia, 268. Mniotiltide, 268, 331. Mockingbird, 292. Molothrus, 203. ater, 203. ater obscurus, 203. Motacilla, 288. alba, 289. ocularis, 289. Motacillidz, 288. Murre, II. Briinnich’s, 12. California, 11. Pallas’s, 12. Murrelet, Ancient, 8. Craveri’s, 10. Kittlitz’s, 9. Marbled, 9. Xantus’s, 9. Myadestes, 316. ~ townsendii, 316. Myadestine, 316. Mycteria, 69. americana, 69. Myiarchus, 182. cinerascens, 183. cinerascens nuttingi, 183. crinitus, 183. lawrenceii, 184. lawrenceii olivascens, 184. mexicanus, 183. mexicanus magister, 183. Myiozetetes, 182. texensis, 182. Myiodynastes, 182. luteiventris, 182. NEOCORYS, 290. Netta, 52. rufina, 52. Nettion, 50. Nighthawk, 170. Florida, 171. Sennett’s, 330. Texan, 171. Western, 170.’ Noddy, 27. Nomonyx, 60. dominicus, 60. Nucifraga, 201. columbianus, 201. Numenius, 97. Numenius arquatus, 328. borealis, 97. hudsonicus, 97. longirostris, 97. pheopus, 98. tahitiensis, 98. Nutcracker, Clarke’s, 201. Nuthatch, Brown-headed, 305. Florida White-breasted, 304. Pygmy, 305. Red-breasted, 305. Slender-billed, 304. White-breasted, 304. White-naped, 305. Nuttallornis, 185. Nyctala, 144. acadica, 145. tengmalmi richardsoni, 144. Nyctanassa, 74. Nyctea, 149. nyctea, 149. Nycticorax, 74. nycticorax nevius, 74. violaceus, 74. Nyctidromus, 170. albicollis merrilli, 170. OCEANITES, 37. oceanicus, 37. Oceanitine, 37. Oceanodroma, 36. furcata, 36. homochroa, 37. hornbyi, 327. leucorhoa, 36. macrodactyla, 37. melania, 37. Ochthodromus, 102. Odontoglosse, 66. Oidemia, 58. americana, 58. deglandi, 59. fusca, 58. perspicillata, 59. Old-squaw, 55. Olor, 65. buccinator, 65. columbianus, 65. cygnus, 65. Oporornis, 282. Oreortyx, 107. pictus, 107. pictus confinis, 108. pictus plumiferus, 107. Oriole, Arizona Hooded, 208. Audubon’s, 207. INDEX. Oriole, Baltimore, 208. Bullock’s, 208. Hooded, 207. Orchard, 208. Scott’s, 207. Ornithion, 190. imberbe, Igo. imberbe ridgwayi, 190. Oroscoptes, 291. montanus, 291. Ortalis, 119. vetula maccali, 119. Oscines, 238. Osprey, American, 141. Ossifraga, 29. gigantea, 29. Otocoris, I9I. alpestris, I9I. alpestris adusta, 193. alpestris arenicola, 192. alpestris giraudi, 192. alpestris merrilli, 193. alpestris pallida, 193. alpestris praticola, 192. alpestris rubea, 193. alpestris strigata, 193. Oven-bird, 281. Owl, American Barn, 142. Aiken’s Screech, 147. American Hawk, 149. Arctic Horned, 148. Barred, 143. Burrowing, 150. California Pygmy, 151. Dusky Horned, 148. Dwarf Screech, 147. Elf, 151. alpestris chrysolema, 192. alpestris leucolama, 192. American Long-eared, 142. California Screech, 146. 361 Ferruginous Pygmy, I 51. Flammulated Screech, 147. Florida Barred, 143. Florida Burrowing, I 50. Florida Screech, 145. Great Gray, 144. Great Horned, 148. Hawk, 149. Hoskins’s Pygmy, 151. Kennicott’s Screech, 146. Lapp, 144. MacFarlane’s Screech, 147. Mexican Screech, 146. Pygmy, 150. Richardson’s, 144. Rocky Mountain Screech, 145. 362" Owl, Saw-whet, 145. Screech, 145. Short-eared, 142. Snowy, 149. Spotted, 143. Texas Screech, 145. Western Horned, 148. Oxyechus, 100. Oyster-catcher, 104. American, 104. Black, 105. Frazar’s, 105. PALZOBORUS umbrosus, 344. Palzeospiza bella, 345. Palzotetrix gilli, 343. Palzotringa littoralis, 337. vagans, 338. vetus, 338. Paludicole, 7 5. Pandion, 141. haliaétus carolinensis, 141. Pandionine, 141. Parabuteo, 129. unicinctus harrisi, 129. Parauque, Merrill’s, 170. Paridz, 304. Parinz, 332. Paroquet, Carolina, 152. Parrot, Thick-billed, 330. Partridge, California, 109. Chestnut-bellied Scaled, 108. Gambel’s, 109. Massena, II0. Mountain, 107. Plumed, 107. San Pedro, 108. Scaled, 108. Valley, 109. Parus, 306. atricapillus, 307. atricapillus occidentalis, 308. atricapillus septentrionalis, 308. atricristatus, 306. bicolor, 306. bicolor texensis, 306. carolinensis, 308. carolinensis agilis, 308. cinctus obtectus, 309. gambeli, 309. hudsonicus, 309. hudsonicus columbianus, 310. hudsonicus stoneyi, 309. inornatus, 306. inornatus cineraceus, 307. inornatus griseus, 307. INDEX. Parus meridionalis, 309. rufescens, 310. = rufescens neglectus, 310. wollweberi, 307. Passerculus, 223. _ Passerella, 244. iliaca, 244. iliaca megarhyncha, 245. iliaca schistacea, 245. iliaca unalaschensis, 244. Passeres, 179. Passerina, 251. amoena, 252. cirls, 252. cyanea, 252. versicolor, 252. versicolor pulchra, 252. Pavoncella, 95. pugnax, 95. Pedioceztes, 116. lucasi, 343. nanus, 343- phasianellus, 116. phasianellus campestris, 117. phasianellus columbianus, 116. Pelagodroma, 38. marina, 38. Pelecanide, 45. Pelecanus, 45. californicus, 46. erythrorhynchos, 45. fuscus, 46. Pelican, American White, 45. Brown, 46. California Brown, 46. Pelidna, 89. Pelionetta, 59. Pendulinus, 207. Penelopes, 118. Penelopine, 118. Perdicinz, 106. Perisoreus, 198. canadensis, 198. canadensis capitalis, 199. canadensis fumifrons, 199. canadensis nigricapillus, 199. obscurus, 199. Perissoglossa, 273. Petrel, Ashy, 37. Black, 37. Black-capped, 34. Bulwer’s, 35. Fisher’s, 34. Fork-tailed, 36. Guadalupe, 37. Hornby’s, 327. Leach’s, 36. Petrel, Least, 35. Pintado, 35. Scaled, 34. Stormy, 36. White-bellied, 38. White-faced, 38. Wilson’s, 37. Petrochelidon, 257. fulva, 258. lunifrons, 257. Peucea, 238. zstivalis, 238. zstivalis bachmanii, 239. arizonz, 239. carpalis, 240. cassini, 239. mexicana, 239. ruficeps, 240. ruficeps boucardi, 240. ruficeps eremceca, 240. Peucedramus, 274. Pewee, Large-billed, 187. Western Wood, 186. Wood, 186. Phaéthon, 39. zthereus, 39. flavirostris, 39. Phaéthontidz, 39. Phainopepla, 261. nitens, 261. Phalacrocoracide, 42, 327. Phalacrocorax, 42. carbo, 42. dilophus, 42. dilophus albociliatus, 43. dilophus cincinatus, 43. dilophus floridanus, 42. idahensis, 340. macropus, 340. mexicanus, 43. pelagicus, 44. pelagicus resplendens, 44. pelagicus robustus, 44. penicillatus, 44. perspicillatus, 327. urile, 45. Phalznoptilus, 169. nuttallii, 169. nuttallii californicus, 169. nuttallii nitidus, 169. Phalarope, Northern, 82. Red, 82. Wilson’s, 83. Phalaropodide, 82. Phalaropus, 82. lobatus, 82. tricolor, 83. INDEX. 363 Phalerinz, 6. Phaleris, 8. Phasiani, 106. Phasianide, 117. Philacte, 64. canagica, 64. Philohela, 84. minor, 84. Pheebe, 184. Black, 185. Say’s, 185. Pheebetria, 29. fuliginosa, 29. Pheenicopteridz, 66. Pheenicopterus, 66. copei, 341. ruber, 66. Phyllopseustes, 313. borealis, 313. Pica, 194. nuttalli, 194. pica hudsonica, 194. Pici, 157. Picidz, 157. Picoides, 161. americanus, 162. americanus alascensis, 162. americanus dorsalis, 162. arcticus, 162. Picicorvus, 201. Pigeon, Band-tailed, 119. Passenger, I20. Red-billed, 120. Viosca’s, I19. White-crowned, 120. Pinicola, 212. enucleator, 212. Pintail, 51. Pipilo, 245. alberti, 248. chlorurus, 247. consobrinus, 247. erythrophthalmus, 246. erythrophthalmus alleni, 246. fuscus albigula, 248. fuscus crissalis, 248. fuscus mesoleucus, 247. fuscus senicula, 248. maculatus arcticus, 246. maculatus megalonyx, 246. maculatus oregonus, 247. Pipit, American, 289. Meadow, 291. Red-throated, 290. Sprague’s, 290. Piranga, 255. erythromelas, 255. 364 Piranga hepatica, 256. ludoviciana, 255. rubra, 256. rubra cooperi, 256. rubriceps, 255. Pitangus, 181. derbianus, 182. Plataleidz, 66. Viatypsaris, 179. albiventris, 179. Plautus, 12. impennis, 13. Plectrophenax, 220. hyperboreus, 221. nivalis, 220. nivalis townsendi, 220. Plegadis, 68. autumnalis, 68. guarauna, 68. Plover, American Golden, 99. Belted Piping, ror. Black-bellied, 99. Golden, 99. Little Ring, ror. Mongolian, 102. Mountain, 103. Pacific Golden, 100. Piping, Io1. Ring, Io. Semipalmated, 100. Snowy, 102. Wilson’s, 102. Po:lasocys, 102. Podiceps, 2. Podicipedes, 1. Podicipide, 1, 325. Podilymbus, 3. podiceps, 3. Polioptila, 314. cerulea, 315. czrulea obscura, 315. californica, 315. plumbea, 315. Polioptilinz, 314. Polyborus, 141. cheriway, I41. lutosus, I4I. Poocetes, 222. gramineus, 222. gramineus affinis, 223. gramineus confinis, 223. Poor-will, 169. Dusky, 169. Frosted, 169. Porzana, 78. carolina, 79. coturniculus, 80. INDEX. Porzana jamaicensis, 79. noveboracensis, 79. ~ porzana, 78. Priocella, 31. Priofinus, 33. Procellaria, 36. pelagica, 36. Procellariidz, 29, 327. Procellariinz, 29. Progne, 256. cryptoleuca, 257. subis, 257. subis hesperia, 257. Protonotaria, 268. citrea, 268. Psaltriparus, 311. lloydi, 312. minimus, 311. minimus californicus, 311. minimus grindz, 312. plumbeus, 312. santarite, 312. Pseudogryphus, 124. californianus, 125. Psittaci, 152. Psittacidz, 152, 330. Ptarmigan, Allen’s, 113. Nelson’s, 114. Reinhardt’s, 114. Rock, 113. Turner’s, 114. Welch’s, 114. White-tailed, 114. Willow, 113. Ptiliogonatinz, 261. Ptychoramphus, 6. aleuticus, 7. Puffin, 5. Horned, 6. Large-billed, 5. Tufted, 5. Puffinus, 31. auduboni, 32. borealis, 31. cinereus, 33. conradii, 340. creatopus, 32. gavia, 32. griseus, 33. kuhlii, 327. major, 31. puffinus, 32. stricklandi, 32. tenuirostris, 33. Pygopodes, I. Pyrocephalus, 190. rubineus mexicanus, 190. Pyrrhula, 212. cassini, 212. Pyrrhuloxia, 249. sinuata, 250. sinuata beckhami, 250. sinuata peninsulz, 250. Pyrrhuloxia, Arizona, 250. Saint Lucas, 250. QUAIL-DoVE, Blue-headed, 124. Key West, 123. Ruddy, 124. Querquedula, 50. Quiscalus, 209. macrourus, 210. major, 211. quiscula, 210. quiscula zneus, 210. quiscula aglzeus, 210. RAIL, Belding’s, 77. Black, 79. California Clapper, 77. Caribbean Clapper, 78. Clapper, 77. Farallone, 80. Florida Clapper, 78. King, 76. Louisiana Clapper, 77. Virginia, 78. Yellow, 79. Ralli, 76. Rallidz, 76. Ralline, 76. Rallus, 76. beldingi, 77. elegans, 76. crepitans, 77. crepitans saturatus, 77. longirostris caribzeus, 78. obsoletus, 77. scottii, 78. virginianus, 78. Raptores, 124. Raven, American, 200. Northern, 200. White-necked, 200. Ratitz, 338. Recurvirostra, 83. americana, $3. Recurvirostridz, 83. Redhead, 52. Redpoll, 217. Greenland, 217. INDEX. Redpoll, Greater, 218. Hoary, 217. Holbeell’s, 217. Redstart, American, 286. Painted, 287. Red-bellied, 287. Red-tail, St. Lucas, 131. Western, 130. Regulinz, 313. Regulus, 313. calendula, 314. cuvieri, 333- obscurus, 314. satrapa, 313. satrapa olivaceus, 314. Rhodostethia, 21. rosea, 21. Rhynchodon, 138. Rhynchofalco, 139. Rhynchophanes, 222. mccownii, 222. Rhynchopsitta, 330. pachyrhynca, 330. Rissa, I5. brevirostris, 16. tridactyla, 15. tridactyla pollicaris, 16. Road-runner, 154. Robin, American, 320. St. Lucas, 320. Western, 320. Rostrhamus, 127. sociabilis, 127. Rough-leg, Vatkaninsieg, 3 13 38, Ruff, 95. Rynchopide, 27. Rynchops, 27. nigra, 27. SALPINCTES, 296. guadeloupensis, 296. obsoletus, 296. Sanderling, 91. Sandpiper, Aleutian, 87. Baird’s, 88. Bartramian, 96. Buff-breasted, 96. Cooper’s, 328. Curlew, 90. Green, 94. Least, 89. Pectoral, 88. Pribilof, 87. Purple, 87. Red-backed, 89. Semipalmated, go. 365 366 Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed, 88. Solitary, 94. Spoonbill, go. Spotted, 97. Stilt, 86. Western, 91. Western Solitary, 94. White-rumped, 88. Sapsucker, Red-breasted, 163. Red-naped, 163. Williamson’s, 163. Yeliow-bellied, 163. Sarcorhamphi, 124. Saxicola, 321. cenanthe, 321. Sayornis, 184. nigricans, 185. phoebe, 184. saya, 185. Scardafella, 123. inca, 123. Scolecophagus, 209. affinis, 345. carolinus, 209. cyanocephalus, 209. Scolopacidz, 84, 328. Scolopax, 84. rusticola, 84. Scoter, American, 58. White-winged, 59. Scotiaptex, 144. cinerea, 144. cinerea lapponica, 144. Seed-eater, Sharpe’s, 253. Seiurus, 281. aurocapillus, 281. motacilla, 282. noveboracensis, 281. noveboracensis notabilis, 281. Selasphorus, 175. alleni, 176. floresii, 175. platycercus, 175. rufus, 176. Setophaga, 286. miniata, 287. picta, 287. ruticilla, 286. Shearwater, Audubon’s, 32. Black-tailed, 33. Black-vented, 32. Cinereous, 327. Cory’s, 31. Dark-bodied, 33. Greater, 31. INDEX. Shearwater, Manx, 32. Pink-footed, 32. > Slender-billed, 33. Sooty, 32. Shoveller, 51. Shrike, California, 262. Loggerhead, 262. Northern, 261. White-rumped, 262. Sialia, 322. arctica, 323. mexicana anabele, 322. mexicana bairdi, 323. mexicana occidentalis, 322. sialis, 322. sialis azurea, 322. Simorhynchus, 7. cristatellus, 7. pusillus, 8. pygmezus, 8. Siskin, Pine, 220. Sitta, 304. canadensis, 305. carolinensis, 304. carolinensis aculeata, 304. carolinensis atkinsi, 304. pusilla, 305. pygmeza, 305. pygmzea leuconucha, 305. Sittinz, 304. Skimmer, Black, 27. Skua, 14. Skylark, 191. Snipe, European, 85. Wilson’s, 85. Snowflake, 220. McKay’s, 221. Pribilof, 220. Solitaire, Townsend’s, 316. Somateria, 57. dresseri, 57. mollissima borealis, 57. spectabilis, 58. v-nigra, 57. Sora, 79. Sparrow, Acadian Sharp-tailed, 228. Aleutian Song, 243. Arizona, 239. Bachman’s, 239. Baird’s, 226. Belding’s Marsh, 225. Bell’s, 238. Bischoff’s Song, 242. Black-chinned, 234. Black-throated, 237. Boucard’s, 240. Brewer’s, 233- Sparrow, Brown’s Song, 242. Bryant’s Marsh, 224. Cassin’s, 239. Chipping, 232. Clay-colored, 232. Desert Song, 241. Dusky Seaside, 229. Field, 233. Forbush’s, 243. Fox, 244. Gambel’s, 231. Golden-crowned, 231. Grasshopper, 226. Gray Sage, 238. Harris’s, 230. Heermann’s, 241. Henslow’s, 226. Intermediate, 230. Ipswich, 223. Large-billed, 225. Lark, 229. Leconte’s, 227. Lincoln’s, 243. Mexican, 239. Mountain Song, 241. Nelson’s, 227. Oregon Vesper, 223. Pine-woods, 238. Rock, 240. Rufous-crowned, 240. Rufous-winged, 240. Rusty Song, 242. Sage, 238. St. Lucas, 225. Samuels’s Song, 241. San Clemente Song, 243. Sandwich, 224. Santa Barbara Song, 242. Savanna, 224. Scott’s Seaside, 228. Seaside, 228. Sharp-tailed, 227. Slate-colored, 245. Song, 241. Sooty Song, 242. Swamp, 244. Texas, 245. Texas Seaside, 228. Thick-billed, 245. Townsend’s, 244. Tree, 231. Vesper, 222. Western Chipping, 232. Western Field, 233. Western Grasshopper, 226. Western Henslow’s, 227. Western Lark, 229. INDEX. 367 Sparrow, Western Savanna, 224. Western Tree, 232. Western Vesper, 223. White-crowned, 230. White-throated, 231. Worthen’s, 233. Spatula, 51. clypeata, 51. Speotyto, I 50. cuniculara floridana, 1 50. cunicularia hypogza, 150. Sphyrapicus, 163. ruber, 163. thyroideus, 163. varius, 163. varius nuchalis, 163. Spinus, 218. lawrencei, 219. notatus, 219. pinus, 220. psaltria, 218. psaltria arizonz, 219. psaltria mexicanus, 219. tristis, 218. tristis pallidus, 218. Spiza, 254. americana, 254. townsendi, 331. Spizella, 231. atrigularis, 234. breweri, 233. monticola, 231. monticola ochracea, 232. pallida, 232. pusilia, 233. pusilla arenacea, 233. socialis, 232. socialis arizonz, 232. wortheni, 233. Spoonbill, Roseate, 67. Sporophila, 253. morelleti sharpei, 253. Squatarola, 99. Starling, 202. Starnocenas, 124. cyanocephala, 124. Steganopodes, 39. Steganopus, 83. Stelgidopteryx, 260. serripennis, 260. Stellula, 176. calliope, 176. Stercorariidz, 13. Stercorarius, 14. longicaudus, 15. parasiticus, 14. pomarinus, 14. . 368 Sterna, 23, 24. aleutica, 25. anzthetus, 26. antillarum, 26. dougalli, 25. elegans, 23. forsteri, 24. fuliginosa, 26. hirundo, 24. maxima, 23. paradisza, 25. sandvicensis acuflavida, 24. trudeaui, 24. tschegrava, 23. Sterninz, 22. Sternula, 25. Stilt, Black-necked, 84. Stint, Long-toed, 89. Streptoceryle, 156. Striges, 142. Strigide, 142. Strix, 142. pratincola, 142. Sturnella, 206. magna, 206. magna mexicana, 206. magna neglecta, 206. Sturnidz, 202. Sturnus, 202. vulgaris, 202. Sula, 39. bassana, 4I. brewsteri, 40. cyanops, 40. gossi, 40. loxostyla, 340. piscator, 40. sula, 40. Sulidz, 39. Surnia, 149. ulula, 149. ulula caparoch, 149. Swallow, Bahaman, 259. Bank, 259. Barn, 258. Cliff, 257. Cuban Cliff, 258. Rough-winged, 260. Tree, 257. Violet-green, 259. Swan, Trumpeter, 65. Whistling, 65. Whooping, 65. Swift, Black, 171. Chimney, 172. Vaux’s, 172. White-throated, 173. INDEX. Sylvania, 285. canadensis, 286. a, microcephala, 333. mitrata, 285. pusilla, 285. pusilla pileolata, 286. Sylviidz, 313, 333. Sylviine, 313. Symphemia, 94. semipalmata, 94. semipalmata inornata, 95. Synthliboramphus, 8. antiquus, 8. Syrnium, 143. nebulosum, 143. nebulosum alleni, 143. occidentale, 143. TACHYCINETA, 258. bicolor, 258. thalassina, 259. Tachytriorchis, 132. Tanager, Cooper’s, 256. Gray’s, 255. Hepatic, 256. Louisiana, 255. Scarlet, 255. Summer, 256. Tanagride, 254. Tantaline, 68. Tantalus, 68. loculator, 69. Tatler, Wandering, 95. Teal, Blue-winged, 50. Cinnamon, 51. European, 50. Green-winged, 50. Telmatodytes, 302. Telmatornis affinis, 338. priscus, 338. Tern, Aleutian, 25. Arctic, 25. Black, 26. Bridled, 26. Cabot’s, 24. Caspian, 23. Common, 24. Elegant, 23. Forster’s, 24. Gull-billed, 22. Least, 26. Roseate, 25. Royal, 23. Sooty, 26. Trudeau’s, 24. White-winged Black, 27. Tetraonide, 106. Tetraonine, IIo. Thalasseus, 23. Thalassogeron, 28. culminatus, 28. Thrasaétos, 135. harpyia, 135. Thrasher, Bendire’s, 293. Brown, 293. California, 294. Crissal, 295. Curve-billed, 293. Leconte’s, 294. Mearns’s, 294. Palmer’s, 293. Sage, 291. St. Lucas, 294. Sennett’s, 293. Thrush, Audubon’s Hermit, 319. Bicknell’s, 317. Dwarf Hermit, 318. Gray-cheeked, 317. Hermit, 319. Olive-backed, 318. Red-winged, 319. Russet-backed, 318. Varied, 321. Willow, 317. Wilson’s, 317. Wood, 316. Thryomanes, 298. Thryothorus, 297. bewickii, 298. bewickii bairdi, 299. bewickii spilurus, 299. brevicaudus, 299. leucophrys, 299. ludovicianus, 298. ludovicianus lomitensis, 298. ludovicianus miamensis, 298. Tinnunculus, 140. Titmouse, Ashy, 307. Black-crested, 306. Bridled, 307. Gray, 307. Plain, 306. Texas Tufted, 306. Tufted, 306. Totanus, 92. flavipes, 93. melanoleucus, 93. nebularius, 93. ochropus, 94. solitarius, 94. solitarius cinnamomeus, 94. Towhee, 246. Abert’s, 248. INDEX. 369 Towhee, Anthony’s, 248. Arctic, 246. California, 248. Cafion, 247. Green-tailed, 247. Guadalupe, 247. Oregon, 247. Saint Lucas, 248. Spurred, 246. White-eyed, 246. Tree-duck, Black-bellied, 64. Fulvous, 64. Tringa, 86. acuminata, 88. alpina, 89. alpina pacifica, 89. bairdii, 88. canutus, 86. cooperi, 328. couesi, 87. damacensis, 89. ferruginea, 90. fuscicollis, 88. maculata, 88. maritima, 87. minutilla, 89. ptilocnemis, 87. Trochili, 173. Trochilide, 173. Trochilus, 174. alexandri, 174. colubris, 174. violajugulum, 174. Troglodytes, 300. aédon, 300, aédon aztecus, 300. aédon parkmanii, 300. alascensis, 301. hiemalis, 301. hiemalis pacificus, 301. Troglodytidz, 291. Troglodytinz, 295. Trogon, 156. ambiguus, 156. Coppery-tailed, 156. Trogones, 156. Trogonide, 156. Troupial, 207. Tryngites, 96. subruficollis, 96. Tubinares, 28. Turdidz, 316. Turdinz, 316. Turdus, 316. aliciz, 317. aliciz bicknelli, 317. aonalaschke, 318. 37° Turdus aonalaschke auduboni, 319. aonalaschke pallasi, 319. fuscescens, 317. fuscescens salicicolus, 317. iliacus, 319. mustelinus, 316. ustulatus, 318. ustulatus swainsoni, 318. Turkey, Florida Wild, 118. Mexican, 118. Rio Grande Wild, 118. Wild, 118. Turnstone, 103. Black, 104. Tympanuchus, 115. americanus, II5. americanus attwateri, I15. cupido, 115. pallidicinctus, 116. Tyrannide, 179. Tyrannus, 180. dominicensis, 180. melancholicus couchii, r8r. tyrannus, 180. verticalis, 181. vociferans, 181. UINTORNIS lucaris, 345. Uria, I1. affinis, 339. antiqua, 339. lomvia, 12. lomvia arra, 12. troile, rr. troile californica, II. Urile, 44. Urinator, 3. adamsii, 4. arcticus, 4. imber, 3. lumme, 4. pacificus, 4. Urinatoride, 3. Urubitinga, 133. anthracina, 133. VANELLUS, 98. vanellus, 98. Verdin, 313. Vireo, 272, 265. atricapillus, 265. bellii, 267. bellii pusillus, 267. calidris barbatulus, 263. INDEX. Vireo flavifrons, 264. flavoviridis, 263. re gilvus, 264. ‘ hutttoni, 266. huttoni obscurus, 266. huttoni stephensi, 266. noveboracensis, 266. noveboracensis maynardi, 266. olivaceus, 263. philadelphicus, 263. solitarius, 264. solitarius alticola, 265. solitarius cassinii, 264. solitarius lucasanus, 265. solitarius plumbeus, 265. vicinior, 267. Vireo, Anthony’s, 266. Bell’s, 267. Black-capped, 265. Black-whiskered, 263. Blue-headed, 264. Cassin’s, 264. Gray, 267. Hutton’s, 266. Key West, 266. Least, 267. Mountain Solitary, 265. Philadelphia, 263. Plumbeous, 265. Red-eyed, 263. St. Lucas Solitary, 265. Stephens’s, 268 ; Warbling, 264. White-eyed, 266. Yellow-green, 263. Yellow-throated, 264. Vireonide, 262, 331. Vireosylva, 262. Vulture, Black, 125. Burroughs’s Turkey, 329. California, 125. King, 329. Turkey, 125. WAGTAIL, Siberian Yellow, 289. Swinhoe’s, 289. White, 289. Warbler, Audubon’s, 275. Bachman’s, 270. Bay-breasted, 277. Bell’s, 288. Black and White, 268. Blackburnian, 277. Black-poll, 277. Black-throated Blue, 275. Black-throated Gray, 278. | Warbler, Black-throated Green, 279. Blue Mountain, 333. Blue-winged, 270. Brasher’s, 288. Brewster’s, 332. Calaveras, 271. Canadian, 286. Cape May, 273. Carbonated, 33? Cerulean, 276. Chestnut-sided, 276. Cincinnati, 332. Connecticut, 282. Dusky, 272. Golden-cheeked, 278. Golden-winged, 270. Grace’s, 278. Hermit, 279. Hooded, 285. Kennicott’s Willow, 313. Kentucky, 282. Kirtland’s, 280. Lawrence’s, 331. Lucy’s, 270. Lutescent, 272. Macgillivray’s, 283. Magnolia, 276. Mangrove, 275. Mourning, 283. Myrtle, 275. Nashville, 271. Olive, 274. Orange-crowned, 272. Palm, 280. Parula, 273. Pileolated, 286. Pine, 280. Prairie, 281. Prothonotary, 268. Red, 288. Red-faced, 287. Sennett’s, 273. Small-headed, 333. Sonora Yellow, 274. Swainson’s, 269. Sycamore, 278. Tennessee, 272. Townsend’s, 279. Virginia’s, 271. Wilson’s, 285. Worm-eating, 269. Yellow, 274. Yellow Palm, 280. ~ Yellow-throated, 277. Water-Thrush, 281. Grinnell’s, 281. Louisiana, 282. INDEX. Waxwing, Bohemian, 260. Cedar, 260. Wheatear, 321. Whimbrel, 98. Whip-poor-will, 168. Stephens’s, 169. Widgeon, 49. Willet, 94. Western, 95. Woodcock, American, 84. European, 84. Alpine Three-toed, 162. American Three-toed, 162. Arctic Three-toed, 162. Arizona, 161. Batchelder’s, 160. Cabanis’s, 159. Californian, 164. Downy, 159 Gairdner’s, 159. Gila, 166. Golden-fronted, 166. Hairy, 158. Harris’s, 159. Ivory-billed, 158. Lewis’s, 164. Narrow-fronted, 164. Northern Hairy, 158. Nuttall’s, 161. Pileated, 164. Red-bellied, 165. Red-cockaded, 160. Red-headed, 164. Saint Lucas, 160. Southern Hairy, 158. Texan, 160. White-headed, 161. Williamson’s, 163. Wren, Alaskan, 301. Baird’s, 299. Bewick’s, 298. Bryant’s Cactus, 295. Cactus, 295. Cafion, 297. Carolina, 298. Dotted Cafion, 295. Florida, 298. Guadalupe, 299. Guadalupe Rock, 296. House, 300. Lomita, 298. Long-billed Marsh, 302. Marian’s Marsh, 303. Parkman’s, 300. Rock, 296. St. Lucas Cactus, 296. Woodpecker, Alaskan Three-toed, 162. 372. Wren, San Clemente, 299. Short-billed Marsh, 301. Tulé, 302. Vigors’s, 299. Western House, 300. Western Winter, 301. White-throated, 297. Winter, 301. Worthington’s Marsh, 302. Wren-Tit, 310. Pallid, 311. XANTHOCEPHALUS, 204. xanthocephalus, 204. Xanthoura, 198. luxuosa, 198. Xema, 22. sabinii, 22. Xenopicus, 161. albolarvatus, 161. INDEX. YELLOW-LEGS, 93. Greater, 93. Yellow-throat, Belding’s, 284. Florida, 284. Maryland, 283. Rio Grande, 284. Western, 284. Yphantes, 208.. ZENAIDA, 121. _ zenaida, 121. Zenaidura, 121. macroura, I2I. Zonotrichia, 230. albicollis, 231. coronata, 231. leucophrys, 230. leucophrys gambeli, 231. leucophrys intermedia, 230. querula, 230. ” nhs i > he a Pee alte es Se pei’ Bae yay a alee Te = QL American ornithologists' union 677 Check-list of North American A52 birds 1895 BioMed, PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY oie 9 nts Ft bey 3 » = . tt et Ly = Pe nes ea PT Ee GE et ES mt RR tt Se aw Ree Te ole ents cotaies : , - BS ele ae al 2 - ei Tes eT Seehkne - i =, ae 5 . : = .~ - ~~ = os . - Ta at ty . fa ollie. -S ite rs SS ta RS ete ei ee a Ee ee ae . = -.% oe Pe ber To . ote “ » 4 er io aeet acd sy ’ ae mar Me sary iN * r by ? " ae ey race . ine eve © Conn * ‘ ots % fs > : Ba Pie ¥ ih prea Se" eRe Re : : , : pense Bx u ae ys Me he? 7? > é . Se sh 4 ot, " Ba y,? Rea . 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