UC-NRLF B 3 215 317 VmVERSlTY uF CALIl DAVIS :6w&m\mihmnmmMmmoum:h' ^/vTO ii)per. [20]. PHYLLOPNEUSTE BOREALIS Blasius. H-ennicott'si Sylvia. 21. REGXJLUS CALENDULA (L.);Licht. Ruby-croivned H.ingrlet. 22. REGULUS SATRAPA Light. CfOlden-crested KLingrlet. 23. POLIOPTILA CiERULEA (L.) Scl. Slue-grray Onatcatclier. 24. POLIOPTILA MELANURA Lawr. Black-headed Onatcatclier. 25. POLIOPTILA PLUMBEA Bd. Pluiol>eous Onateatclier. 26. CHAM-SJA FASCIATA Gamb. Faisciated Tit. Oroiind Hfren. 27. LOPHOPHANES BICOLOR (L.) Bp. Tufted Titmouse. 28. LOPHOPHANES INORNATUS (Game.) Cass. Plain Titmouse. 29. LOPHOPHANES ATRICRISTATUS Cass. Black-crested Titmouse. 30. LOPHOPHANES WOLLWEBERI Bp. Bridled Titmouse. 81. PARUS ATRICAPILLUS L. 3. Black-capped Ckickadee. 31a. PARUS ATRICAPILLUS L., var. SEPTENTRiONALis (Harris) All. Xiongr-tailed Ckickadee. GEN. 13-17 OF KEY. 11 31b. PARUS ATRICAPILLUS L., var. CAROLiNENSis (Aud.) Cs. Carolina Cliickadee. 31c. PARUS ATRICAPILLXJS L., var. OCCIDENTALIS (Bd.) Cs. ^Vestem Cliickadee. 32. PARUS MONTANUS Game. Mountain Cliickadee. 33. PARUS HUDSONICUS Eorster. Hudsonian Cbickadee. 34. PARUS RUFESCENS Towns. Cbestnut-backed Cbickadee. 35. PSALTRIPARUS MINIMUS (Towns.) Bp. lieast Titmouse. 36. PSALTRIPARUS PLUMBEUS Bd. Plumbeous Titmouse. 37. AURIPARUS FIiAVICEPS (Sund.)Bd. ITelloiv-lieaded Titmouse. 38. SITTA CAROLINENSIS Gm. f^bite-bellied :Wutliatcli. 38a. SITTA CAROLINENSIS Gm., var. ACULEATA (^Cass.) All. Slender-billed ETutbatcb. 39. SITTA CANADENSIS L. Red-bellied :Nrutbatcb. 40. SITTA PUSILLA Lath. Bronvn-beaded :Mutbatcb. 41? SITTA PYGM;iEA ViG. Pygrmy :nrutbatcb. 42. CERTHIA FAMILIARIS L. 3 Broivn Creeper. GEN. 18-23 OF KEY. 13 43. CAMPYLORHYNCHUS BRUNNEICAPILLXJS (Lafr.) Gr. Brown-beaded Creeper-itrreii. 44. CAMPYIiORHYNCHUS AFFINIS Xantus. Allied Creeper-ivren. 45. SALPINCTES OBSOLETUS (Say) Cab. Bock ^ff^ren. 46. CATHERPES MEXICANUS (Sw.) Bd. HVliite-tliroated 'Wren. 47. THRYOTHORUS LUDOVICIANUS (Gm.) Bp. Oreat Carolina W^ren. ^ 47a. THRYOTHORUS LUDOVICIANUS (Gm.) Bp., iar. BERLANDiERi (Couch) Cs. Berlandier'i» liTren. 48. THRYOTHORUS BEWICKII (Aud.) Bp. Bewlck'ii Hf^ren. 48a. THRYOTHORUS BEWICKII (Aud.) Bp. var. LEUCOGASTER (Gould) Bd. W^ite-bellied Wren. 48b. THRYOTHORUS BEWICKII (Aud.) Bp., var. SPiLURUS (Vig.) Bd. Speckled-tailed W^ren. 49. TROGLODYTES AEDON V. BLouiie TTren. 49a. TROGLODYTES AEDON V., xiar. PARKMANNi (Aud.) Cs. W^estern House W^ren. 50. ANORTHURA TROGLODYTES (L.) Cs., var. HYEMALIS (Wils.) Cs. W^inter Ifren. GEN. 23-34 OF KEY. 15 50a. ANORTHURA TROGLODYTES (L.) Cs., var. ALASCENSis (Bd.) Cs. AlasUan ^f^ren. 51. TELMATODYTES PALUSTRIS (Wils.) Cab. liOngr-billed Marsli 'f^ren. 52. CISTOTHORUS STELLARIS (Light.) Cab. filiort-billed Mariih ^f ren. 53. EREMOPHILA ALPESTRIS (Forst.) Boie. ^ I£oriied liark; miore liark. 53a. EREMOPHILA ALPESTRIS (Fokst.) Boie, var. CHRYSOLuExMA (Wagl.) Bd. lioiitli-^veisterii ilLark. 54. BUDYTES ELAVA (L.) Cuv. Yellow ^fVag-tail. 55. ANTHUS LUDOVICIANUS (Gm.) Light. Srowii I^ai-k; Titlark; Pipit. 56. NEOCORYS SPRAGUEI (Aud.) Sgd. « Hisisoiiri Skylark. 57. MNIOTILTA VARIA (L.) V. Slack-and-¥tliite Creeper. 58. PARULA AMERICANA (L.) Bp. Blue yello^r-backed HVartoler. 59. PROTOWOTARIA CITRiEA (Bodd.) Bd. Protlionotary lirartoler. 60. HELMITHERUS VERMIVORUS (Gm.) Bp. l>Vorm-eatingr li%^arbler. 61. HELMITHERUS SWAINSONI (Aud.) Bp. §iraiiijSoii's lif^artoler. 62. HELMINTHOPHAGA PINUS (L.) Bd. JBlue-wing-ed Yellow ^l¥arl>ler. GEN. 34-35 OF KEY. 17 63. HELMINTHOPHAGA CHRYSOPTERA (L.) Bd. Blue Oolden-^ving-ed H^'arliler. 64. HELMINTHOPHAGA BACHIVEANI (Aud.) Cab. ]f acliniaii'fii lif arbler. 65. HELMINTHOPHAGA LUCI^ Coop. liucy's l>Vai*l>ler. ea. HELMINTHOPHAGA VIRGINIA Bd. Tir^inla's ^ff^artoler. 67. HELMINTHOPHAGA RUPICAPILLA (Wils.) Bd. ITasliville l>Varteler. 68. HELMINTHOPHAGA CELATA (Say) Bd. Orangre-croii'ned l^arbler. 69. HELMINTHOPHAGA PEREGRINA (Wils.) Cab. Tennessee l^arMei*. 70. DENDRCECA ESTIVA (Gm.) Bd. (inmnier l^arbler. 71. DENDRCECA VIRENS (Gm.) Bd. Vlack-tliroated Oreen Hf^arbler. 72. DENDRCECA OCCIDENTALIS (Towns.) Bd. KVestern fVarWer. 73. DENDRCECA TOWNSENDII (Nutt.) Bd. Toir% nsend's TFarbler. 74. DENDRCECA CHRYSOPAREIA Scl. et Salv. Oolden-clieeked IfVarbler. 75. DENDRCECA NIGRESCENS (Towns.) Bd. mack-throated Oray l^Tarbler. 76. DENDRCECA CiERULESCENS (L.) Bd. Black-tlii'oated Blue TFarblei*. 77. DENDRCECA C^RULEA (Wils.) Bd. Ceerulean IPTartoler. CHECK LIST BIRDS. 2 GEN. 35-36 OF KEY. 19 78. DENDRCECA CORONATA (L.) Gr. Yelloiv-ruiniiecl TTartoler ; Ittyrtle Bird. 79. DENDRCECA AUDUBONII (Towns.) Bd. Audubon's ^fl^arbler. 80. DENDRCESCABLACKBURNI^ (Gm.)Bd. Blackbumian Ifl^arbler. 81. DENDRCECA STRIATA (Fokst.) Bd. , JBlack-poll Hf^arbler. ' 82. DENDRCECA CASTANEA (Wils.) Bd. Bay-1>i*easted Hf^arbler. 83. DENDRCECA PENNSYLVANICA (L.) Bd. Cltestmit-sided H^arlilei*. 84. DENDRCECA MACULOSA (Gm.) Bd. Slack-and-lTellow li^arbler. 85. DENDRCECA TIGRINA (Gm.) Bd. Cape May lif^arlbler. 86. DENDRCECA DISCOLOR (V.) Bd. Prairie IfVarbler. 87. DENDRCECA GRACI^ Coues. Orace's Warbler. 88. DENDRCECA DOMINICA (L.) Bd. Yelloiv-tliroated Hf^artoler.* 89. DENDRCECA KIRTLANDIBd. KLirtland's liTarbler. 90. DENDRCECA PALMARUM (Gm.) Bd. bellow Bed-poll IPTarbler. 91. DENDRCECA PINUS (Wils.) Bd. Pine-creeping* lit^artoler. 92. SEIURUS AUROCAPILLUS (L.) Sw. Oolden-cron'ned Tlirusli. GEN. 36-41 OF KEY. 21 93. :SEIURUS NOVEBORACENSIS (Gm.) Nutt. ^fTater ^f^ag-tail; l^ater Tbrusli. 94. SEIURUS LUDOVICIANUS (V.) Bp. I^argre-liilled IVater Tbrusli. 95. OPORORNIS AGILIS OVils.) Bd. Connecticut lifarbler. 96. OPORORNIS FORMOSUS (Wils.) Bd. I^entucky "ff^arbler. 97. GEOTHLYPIS TRICHAS (L.) Cab. Maryland Ifelloiir-tliroat;. 98. GEOTHLYPIS PHILADELPHIA (Wils.) Bd. Mourning* ^Varbler. 99?* GEOTHLYPIS MACGILLIVRAYI (Aud.) Bd. Macg-illivray'ii Iff^arteler. 100 ICTERIA VIRENS (L.) Bd. Yellon -breaiitedl Cliat. lOOa. ICTERIA VIRENS (L.) Bd., 'oar. LONGiCAUDA (Lawr.) Cs. liong* .-tailed Cliat. 101. MYIODIOCTES MITRATUS (Gm.) Aud. Hooded Flycatdiing* m^artoler. 102. MYIODIOCTES PUSILLUS (Wils.) Bp. Oreen Slack-capped flycatcliing* IfVarbler. 103. MYIODIOCTES CANADENSIS (L.) Attd. Canadian Flycatcliing* l^arbler. 104. SETOPHAGA RUTICILLA (L.) Sw . Redstart. 105. SETOPHAGA PICTA Sw. Painted Flycatcher. * This is probably only a variety of 98. GEN. 42-50 OF KEY. 23 106. CERTHIOLA FLAVEOLA (L.) Sund. Honey Creeper. 107. PYRANGA RUBRA (L.) V. Scarlet Tanagrer. 108. PYRANGA ESTIVA (L.)V. liiiiiiiiier RedV»ird. 108a. PYRANGA ESTIVA (L.) V., var. CooPERi (Ridg.) Cs. Cooper's Taiiagrer. 109. PYRANGA HEPATICA Sw. Hepatic Tanag-er. 110. PYRANGA LUDOVICIANA (Wils.) Bp. liOiiisiana Tanag*er. 111. HIRUNDO HORREORUM Barton. Barn S^i^alloirV. 112. TACHYCINETA BICOLOR (V.) Cs. ^Vliite-bellietl Swallow. 113. TACHYCINETA THALASSINA (Sw.) Cab. Tiolet-grreen Swallow^. lU. PETROCHELIDON LUNIPRONS (Say) Cab. ClilT Swallow; Save Swallow. 115. COTYLE RIPARIA (L.) Boie. Bank Swalloiv; Sand Martin. 116. STELGIDOPTERYX SERRIPENNIS (Aud.) Bd. Roug-li-wingred Swalloiv. 117. PROGNE PURPUREA (L.) Boie. rnrple Martin. 118. AMPELIS GARRULUS L. Bolieniian ^ff^axu'lng*. 119. AMPELIS CEDRORUM (V.) Bd. Cedar Bird; Cherry Bird. GEN. 51-53 OF KEY. 25 120. PHJEWOPEPLA NITENS (Sw.) Scl. JSlack Ptilog-onyii. 121. MYIADESTES TOWNSENDII (Aud.) Cab. Toifrnseud's X'lycatcliiiig- Tlirusli. 122. VIREO OLIVACEUS (L.) V. Red-eyed Vireo. 123. VIEEO ALTILOQUUS (V.) Gr., var. BARBATULUS (Cab.) Cs. Black-^ blskered Tireo. 124. VIKEO PHILADELPHICUS Cass. Srotberly-love Vireo. 125. VIREO GILVUS (V.) Bp. fVarbling* Vlreo. 125a. VIREO GILVUS (V.) Bp. var. swAiNSONi (Bd.) Cs. ^Western IVarbling: Vireo. 126. VIREO FLA VIFRONS V. ITelloiv-tliroated Vireo. 127. VIREO SOLITARIUS (Wils.) V. Blue-lieaded Vireo ; Solitary Vireo. 127a. VIREO SOLITARIUS V., var. PLUMBEUS (Cs.) All. Plumbeous Vireo. 128? VIREO VICINIOR CouES. Crray Vireo. 129. VIREO NOVEBORACENSIS (Gm.) Bp. Wbite-eyed Vireo. 130? VIREO HUTTOlSri Cass. Hutton's Vireo. GEN. 53-58 OF KEY. 27 131. VIREO BELLII AuD. Bell's Tireo. 132. VIREO PUSILLUS CouES. I^eas^f Vireo. 133. VIREO ATRICAPILLUS WooDH. Black-headed Vireo. 134. COLLURIO BOREALIS (V.) Bd. Crreat :Mortliei*ii illii'ike; Butcliei'bird. 135. COLLURIO LUDOVICIANUS (L.) Bd. Xogrg-^rliead lilirike. 135a. COLLURIO LUDOVICIANUS (L.) Bd., Var, EXCUBITOROIDES (Sw.) Cs. IVkUe-riimped Shrike. 136. HESPERIPHONA VESPERTINA (Coop.) Bp, Kveningr Orosheak. 137. PINICOLA ENUCLEATOR (L.) V. 5 Pine Orosheak. [138.]? PYRRHULA CASSINI (Bd.) Tristr. Caiisin's Bulllliich. 139. CARPODACUS PURPUREUS (Gm.) Gr. Purple finch. 140. CARPODACUS CASSINI Bd. Cassin's Purple Finch. 141. CARPODACUS FRONTALIS (Say) Gr, Crlfuson-fronted JFinch; House Finch. 141a.* CARPODACUS FRONTALIS (Say) Cab., var. HiEMORRHOUs (Wagl.) Ridg. Mexican Purple Pinch. * *Not in the Key. See Ridgway, Am. Jour. Sci. Art, v, p. 39. GEN. 59-62 OF KEY. 29 142. LOXIA LEUCOPTERA (Wils.). l^liite-iiringred Crois§blll. 143. LOXIA CURVIROSTRA L., var. AMERICANA (Wils.) Cs. Common Crossbill. 143a. LOXIA CURVIROSTRA L., var. MEXICAN A (Strickl.) Cs. liargre-MUed Crossbill. 144. LEUCOSTICTE TEPHROCOTIS Sw. Oray-croirnecl fiiicli. 144a. LEUCOSTICTE TEPHROCOTIS Sw., var. GRisEiNUCHA (Brandt) Cs. Crray-eared Flncli. 145. LEUCOSTICTE ARCTOA (Pall.) Bp. liiberian Fincli. 146. ^GIOTHUS LINARIA (L.) Cab. Red-poll liinnet. 146a. JEGIOTHUS LINARIA (L.) Cab. var. FUSCESCENS Cs. Dusky Red-poll. 146b. JEGIOTHUS LINARIA (L.) Cab. var. EXiLEPES Cs. American Mealy Red-poll. [147.] LINOTA FLAVIROSTRIS (L.) Bp. var. brewsteri (Ridg.) Cs. Rreirster's liinnet. 148. CHRYSOMITRIS PINUS (Wils.) Bp. Pine liinnet. 149. CHRYSOMITRIS TRISTIS (L.) Bp. American €roldfincli; TTellon^bird. GEN. 62-65 OF KEY. 31 150. CHRYSOMITRIS LAWRENCEI (Cass.) Bp. larroir. 183a. ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS (Forst.) Sw., var. Gambeli (Nutt.) All. Oaiiil»el's Spitivoiv. 184. ZONOTRICHIA CORONATA (Pall.) Bd. Oolden-croivned Sparronv. 185. ZONOTRICHIA QUERULA (Nutt.) Game. Harris's Sparrofv. 186. CHONDESTES GRAMMACA (Say) Bp. liarK fin ell. [187.] PASSER DOMESTICUS Linn. Kng-liiiili Aparroiv. 188. PASSERELLA ILIAC A (Meuuem.) Sw. Fox H^iiarroiv. 189. PASSERELLA TOWNSENDII (Aud.) Nutt. Xoiviifiend's I'ox iiparron'. 189a. PASSERELLA TOWNSENDII (Aud.) Nutt., var. SCHISTACEA (Bd.) Cs, fi^late-colorecl Fox liparroiY. 190. CALAMOSPIZA BICOLOR (Towns.) Bp. Iiarl4 MiiEiting'; TFiiite-ning-ed BSackliircl. 191. EUSPIZA AMERICANA (Gm.) Bp. lSlacl4-tliroatereasted OrosbeaR. 194. GONIAPHEA MELANOCEPHALA (Sw.) — . filack-lieaded Orosbeak. GEN. 80-85 OF KEY. 41 195. GOWIAPHEA C-ffiJRULEA (L.). Blue C^roslieak. • 196. CYANOSPIZA CIRIS (L.) Bd. Painted Fincli; ^Tonpareil. 197. CYANOSPIZA VERSICOLOR (Bp.) Bd. l!¥esterii Ifonpareil. » 198. CYANOSPIZA AMGSNA (Say) Bd. liaziili Fiiicli. 199. CYANOSPIZACYANEA(L.)Bd. Indigro flii'd. [200.] SPERMOPHILA MORELETII Puchkran. Morelet's Fiucli. [201.] PHONIPARA BICOLOR (L.) Bp. Black-faced Fincli. 202. PYRRHULOXIA SINUATA Bp. Texaii Cardinal. 203. CARDINALIS VIRGINIANUS (Brisson) Bp. Cardinal Bedbird. 203a. CARDINALIS VIRGINIANUS (Brisson) Bp., var. iGNEUS (Bd.) Cs. I'iery Bedbird. 204. PIPILO ERYTHROPHTHALMUS (L.) V. Tonrhee Bunting:; Clieif'ink. 204a. PIPILO ERYTHROPHTHALMUS (L.) V., var. ALLENI Cs. TFTiite-eyed Toiivliee. 205. PIPILO MACULATUS Sw., var. oregonus (Bell) Cs. Oregron Towkee. GEN. 85-89 OF KEY. 43 205a. PIPILO MACULATUS Sw., var. ARCTicus (Sw.) Cs. Arctic Toivhee. 205b. PIPILO MACULATUS Sw., var. MEGALONYX (Bd.) Cs. lipurred Toii'liee. 206. PIPILO PUSCUS Sw. JBroi%'ii Toifvliee; Canon Fincli. 206a. PIPILO FUSCUS Sw., rar. albigula (Bd.) Cs. HVliite-tliroated Towbee. 206b. PIPILO PUSCUS Sw., var. CRissALis (Vig.) Cs. Crissal Towliee. 207. PIPILO ABERTIBd. Aberrs Toirliee. 208. PIPILO CHLORURUS (Towns.) Bd. Crreen-tailedi Toii¥]iee. 209. EICBERNAGRA RUPIVIRGATA Lawr. Oreen Fincli. 210. DOLICHONYX ORYZIVORUS (L.) Sw. Bobolink; Reedbird; Ilicebird. 211.* MOLOTHRUS PECORIS (Gm.) Sw. Coi(vbird. 211a. MOLOTHRUS PECORIS (Gm.) Sw., var. OBSCURUS (Gm.) Cs. ]>ivarf Coiivbird. 212. AGELJEUS PHCENICEUS (L.) V. Ited-ifTing-ed Blacbbird. * This should stand as Molothrus ater (Gm,) Gr. GEN. 89-93 OF KEY. 45 212a. AGELJEUS PHCENICEUS (L.) V., Var. GUBERNATOR (Wagl.) Cs. Ited-slioiildered IBIacklbird. 212b. AGEL^US PHCENICEUS (L.) v., var. TRICOLOR (Nutt.) Cs. Refl-and-vrliite-iilioulderedBlackMrd. 213. XANTHOCEPHALUS ICTEROCEPHALUS (Bp.) Bd. ITelloir-lieaded Blackbird. 214. STURNELLA MAGNA (L.) Sw. f ieldlark; IHeadoirlark. 214a. STURNEIiLA MAGNA (L.) Sw., var. NEGLECTA (Aud.) All. ^ff^eiitem Fieldlark. 215. ICTERUS SPURIUS (L.) Bp. Orchard Oriole. 215a. ICTERUS SPURIUS (L.) Bp., var. AFFiNis (Lawr.) Cs. Texan Orchard Oriole. 216. ICTERUS BALTIMORE (L.) Dandin. Baltimore Oriole. 217. ICTERUS BULLOCKII (Sw.) Bp. BuUoch^s Oriole. 218. ICTERUS CUCULLATUS Sw. Hooded Oriole. , 219. ICTERUS PARISORUM Bp. licott's Oriole. 220. ICTERUS MELANOCEPHALUS (Wagl.) Gr., var. AUDUBONn (Girand.) Cs. Audiihon's Oriole. t 221. SCOLECOPHAGUS FERRUGINEUS (Gm.) Sw. Busty Orackle. GEN. 93-97 OF KEY. 47 222. SCOLECOPHAGUS CYANOCEPHALUS (Wagl.) Cab. Blue-Iieaded Orackle. 223. QUISCALUS MACROURUS Sw. Crreat-tailed Crrackle. 224. QUISCALUS MAJOR ViEiL. Koat-tailed Orackle; Jackdaifv. 225. QUISCALUS PURPUREUS (Bartr.) Light. Purple Oracfele; Cro^v Blackbird. 225a. QUISCALUS PURPUREUS (Bartr.) Light., var. AGL^us (Bd.) Cs. Florida Orackle. 226. CORVUS CORAX Linn. Haven. 227. CORVUS CRYPTOLEUCUS Couch. lil^liite-iieclced Raven. 228. CORVUS AMERICANUS Aud. Common Croiv. 228a. CORVUS AMERICANUS Aud., var. FLORIDANUS Bd. Florida Croiv. 228b. CORVUS AMERICANUS Aud., ' var. CAURiNUS (Bd.) Cs. ]Vortliivestern Fisli Croiv. 229. CORVUS OSSIFRAGUS WiLS. Fisli Croiv. 230. PICICORVUS COLUMBIANTTS (Wils.) Bp. Clarke'ii Crovr. 23L GYMNOKITTA CYANOCEPHALA Maxim. Blue Crow. GEN. 98-101 OF KEY. 49 232. PSILORHINUS MORIO (Wagl.) Gr. ]Irov« n Jay. 233. PICA MELANOLEUCA V., var. HUDSONiCA (Sab.) All. American Hag'pie. 233a. PICA MELANOLEUCA V., var. NUTTALLi (Aud.) Cs. ITelloi^-billed Magrpie. 234. CYANURUS CRISTATUS (L.) Sw. Blue Jay. 235. CYANURUS STELLERI (Gm.) Sw. liteller'si Jay. 235a. CYANURUS STELLERI (Gm.) Sw., var. MACUOLOPHA (Bd.) All. I.ong--ei*ested Jay. 235b.* CYANURUS STELLERI (Gm.) Sw., rar. FRONTALIS Ridg. Bliie-tronted Jay. 236. APHELOCOMA FLORIDAWA (Bartram) Cab. Florida Jay. 236a. APHELOCOMA FLORIDANA (Bartr.) Cab., var. wooDHOUSEi (Bd.) All. H^oodliouse'ii^ Jay. 236b. APHELOCOMA PLORIDANA (Bartr.) Cab., var. CALIFORNICA (Vig.) Cs. Californian Jay. 237. APHELOCOMA SORDIDA (Sw.) Cab. Sietoer's Jay. *Not in the Key. See Ridgway, Am. Journ., v, p. 43. CHECK LIST BIRDS. 4 GEN. 102-107 OF KEY. 51 238. XANTHOURA YNCAS (Bodd.) Bp., var. LUxuosA (Less.) Cs. Rio Oraiitle Jay. 239. PERISOREUS CANADENSIS (L.) Bp. Canada Jay. [240.] MILVULUS TYRAWNUS (L.) Bp. Foi'k-taiSed I'lycatcliei*. 241. MILVULUS FORPICATUS (Gm.) Sw. §^valIof¥-tailed Flycatctier. 242. TYRAWNUS CAROLINENSIS (L.) Bd. ICifsg-liii'tl ; Bee-martin. 243. TYRAWNUS DOMINICENSIS (Gm.) Rich. Oray K^ing-bird. 244 TYRAWNUS VERTICALIS Say. Ai*l4an§aiii Flycatclier. 245. TYRANNUS VOCIFERANS Sw. Cassin's Flycatelier. [246.] TYRANNUS MELANCHOLICUS V., var. coucHii (Bd.) Cs. Coucli's f lycatclier. 247. MYIARCHtrS CRIWITUS (L.) Cab. S. Cl^reat-crested Flycatclier. 248. MYIAROHUS CIWERASCENS Lawr. Aslft-tlBi'oated Flycaf clier. [249.] MYIAROHUS LAWREWCEI (Giraud.) Bd. l^awrence's FlycatcUer. 250. SAYORNIS SAYUS (Bp.) Bd. Say's flycatcher. 251. SAYORNIS NIGRICANS (Sw.) Bp. Black Flycatcher. GEN. 107-110 OF KEY. 53 252. SAYORNIS FUSCUS (Gm.) Bd. re^ivee; iPewit; Phoebe. 253. CONTOPUS BOREALIS (Sw.) Bd. Olive-iiided I'lycatclier. 254. CONTOPUS PERTINAX Cab. Coues' Flycatclier. 255. CONTOPUS VIRENS (L.) Cab. lif^ood Peivee. 255a. CONTOPUS VIRENS (L.) Cab., Var. RICHARDSONII (Sw.) Cs., ITestern IfVoodL Peivee. 256. EMPIDONAX ACADICUS (Gm.) Bd. Acadian Fly catcher. 257. EMPIDONAX TRAILLII (Aud.) Bd. Traill's Flycatclser. 257a. EMPIDONAX TRAILLII (Aud.) Bd., var. pusiLLus (Bd.) Cs. pLittle ^H^estern Flycsitclier. 258. EMPIDONAX MINIMUS Bd. licast Fly catcher. 259. EMPIDONAX FLAVIVENTRIS Bd. ITelloiv-hellied Flycatcher. 260. EMPIDONAX HAMMONDII Bd. Hammoiid's Flycatcher. 261. EMPIDONAX OBSCURUS (Sw.) Bd. 'Wrigrht's Flycatcher. 262. MITREPHORUS PULVIPRONS (Giraud.) Scl., var. PALLESCENS Cs. BuflT-hreasted Flycatcher. GEN. Ill, 114-120 OF KEY. . 55 263. PYROCEPHALUS RUBINEUS (Bodd.) Gr., var. MEXiCANUS (Scl.) Cs. Teriuilion FlycatcUer. 264. ANTROSTOMUS CAROLINENSIS (Gm.) Gould. Cliuck-iivill'is-widoir. 265. ANTROSTOMUS VOCIFERUS (Wils.) Bp. Tl liippooririll; ;Migrlit-jai*. mQ. ANTROSTOMUS NUTTALLII (Aud.) Cass. Hiittall'ii Hf^hiiipooi'vrill. 267. CHORDEILES VIRGINIANUS CBriss.) Bp. ^Ni^igrlitliawk. 267a. CHORDEILES VIRGINIANUS (Briss.) Bp., var. HENRYi (Cass.) All. ^ff^estern :N^ig*titliafwl£. 268. CHORDEILES TEXENSIS Lawr. Texas ^li^ig'htliaivU. 269. PANYPTILA SAXATILIS (Woodh.) Cs. Hf hitc-tliroated Swift. 270. NEPHCECETES NIGER (Gm.) Bd., var. BOREALis (Kennerly) Cs. Black Swift. 271. CH^TURAPELASGIA (L.) Steph. Cliiinney Swift. 272? CHiETURA VAUXII (Towns.) DeKay. Taux'd Swift. 273. HELIOP^DICA XANTUSII Lawr. Xantiiii Hiinimingrbird. [274.] LAMPORNIS MANGO (L.) Sw., (var. porphyrula?) Black-tliroated Humiiiiiigrbli'd. GEN. 121-125, 112, 113, 126, 127 of key. 57 275. TROCHILUS COLUBRIS L. Ituby-tliroated Hiininiingrbird. 276. TROCHILUS ALEXANDRI Bourc. Black-cltinned Huiumiiig-bird. 277. SELASPHORUS RUFUS (Gm.) Sw. Riif oiis-backed Hiiimuing-bird. 278. SELASPHORUS PLATYCERCUS (Sw.) Gld. Broad-tailed Humiuingrbird. 279. SELASPHORUS ANNA (Less.)— . Anna M[uniniing*1»ird. 280. SELASPHORUS COSTJE (Bourc.) Bp. Costa Hunimingrliird. 281. SELASPHORUS HELOIS^ ( ) . Heloise HuniiningrMrd. 282. STELLULA CALLIOPE ( ) Gld. Calliope Humming-bird. [283].AGYRTRIA LINN-SESI (Bp.) . liinne Humming-bird. [284]. TROGON MEXICANUS Sw. Hexican Trog'on. [285]. MOMOTUS CJSRULEICEPS Gould. Blue-lieaded ^airbill. 286. CERYLE ALCYON (L.) Boie. Belted K.ing-fislier. 287. CERYLE AMERICANA (Gm.) :6oie, var. CABANisi (Reich.) Cs. Cabaniii' K-ing-lislier. 288. CROTOPHAGA ANI L. Ani. 289. GEOCOCCYX CALIFORNIANUS (Less.) Bd. Crround Cuckoo ; Cliaparral Cock. GEN. 128-131 OF KEY. 59 290. COCCYZUS ERYTHKOPHTHALMUS (Wils.) Bd. Black-billed Cuckoo. 291. COCCYZUS AMEBICANUS (L.) Bp. YellOYY -Ifilled Cuckoo. 292. COCCYZUS SENICULUS (Lath.) . Maiigrrove Cuckoo. 293. CAMPEPHILUS PRINCIPALIS (L.) Gr. Ivory-billed liVoodijecker. 294. HYLOTOMUS PILEATUS (L.) Bd. Pileated TFoodpecker ; liOgrcock. 295. PICUS ALBOLARVATUS (Cass.) Bd. TFhite-lieaded l^oodpecker. 296. PICUS BOREALIS V. IKed-cockaded l^Toodpecker. 297. PICUS SCALARIS Wagler. Texas lil^oodpecker. 297a. PICUS SCALARIS Wagl., var. NUTTALLi (Gamb.) Cs. IVuttall'ii HV^oodpecker. 297b. PICUS SCALARIS Wagl., 1 var. LUCA8ANU8 (Xant.) Cs. §t. liucas ll¥oodpecker. 298. PICUS VILLOSUS L. Hairy Hf^oodpecker. 298a. PICUS VILLOSUS L., var. HARRisi (Aud.) All. H:arris' l^oodpecker. 299. PICUS PUBESCENS L. ]>OKViiy ^ff^oodpecker. GEN. 131-134 OF KEY. 61 299a. PICUS PUBESCENS L., var. GAiRDNEHii (Aud.) Cs. Crairdner's l^f^oodpecker. 300. PICOIDES ARCTICUS (Sw.) Gr. Black-backed l»¥oodpeckei*. 301. PICOIDES AMERICANUS Brehm. Banded-1»acked l^f oodpeckei*. 301a. PICOIDES AMERICANUS Brehm., var. DORSALis (Bd.) All. Striped-backed "V^oodpeckei*. 302. SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS (L.] Bd. Yelloifr-bellied lif^oodpecker. 302a. SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS (L.) Bd., var. NUCHALis (Bd.) All. ]¥iiclial HVoodpecker. 303?* SPHYRAPICUS RUBER (Gm.) Bd. Red-breasted ^fV^oodpecker. 304. SPHYRAPICUS THYROIDEUS (Cass.) Bd. Bro^vn-beaded Hf^oodpecker. 305. SPHYRAPICUS WILLIAMSONI (Newb.) Bd. VTilliaiusoii'ii "Vf^oodpeckcr. 306. CENTURUS CAROLINUS (L.) Bp. Red-bellied Hf^oodpecker. 307. CENTURUS AURIFRONS (Wagl.). Yellonv-faced Hf^oodpecker. 308. CENTURUS UROPYGIALIS Bd. Crila Hf^oodpecker. * Apparently a Tar. of 302. GEN. 135-140 OF KEY. 63 309. MELANERPES ERYTHROCEPHALUS (L.) Sw. Red-lieaded li¥oodpecl&er. 310. MELANERPES PORMICIVORUS (Sw.) Bp. Cttliforniaii liVoodpecker. 310a. MELANERPES PORMICIVORUS (Sw.) Bp., Var. ANGUSTIFRONS Bd. [Marrow-fronted llf^oodpecker. 311. ASYNDESMUS TORQUATUS (Wils.) Cs. liCwis' IfToodpeclcer. 312. COLAPTES AURATUS (L.) Sw. Ooldeu-ningred Iff^oodpecker ; Flicker, 313. COLAPTES CHRYSOIDES Malh. Oilded l^oodpecker. 314. COLAPTES MEXICANUS Sw. Med-j^liat'ted l>Voodpecker. 315. CONURUS CAROLINENSIS (L.) Kuhl. Carolina Parroquet. 316. STRIX PLAMMEA L., var. AMERICANA (Aud.) Cs. Sarn Owl. 317. BUBO VIRGINIANUS (Gm.) Bp. Oreat Horned Owl. 317a. BUBO VIRGIWIANUS (Gm.) Bp., var. ARCTicus (Sw.) Cass. Arctic Horned Owl. 317b. BUBO VIRGINIANUS (Gm.) Bp„ var. PACiFicus Cass. Pacific Horned Owl. :>-; GEN. 141-147 OF KEY. 65 318. SCOPS ASIO (L.) Bp. !9creecli Owl ; Mottled O^vl. 318a. SCOPS ASIO (L.) Bp., ^Var. KENNICOTTII (Ell.) Cs. K:cn]iicott's Owl. 318b. SCOPS ASIO (L.) Bp., var. MACCALLii (Cass.) Cs. ]fIcCall'§ Owl. 319. SCOPS FLAMMEOLA Scl. Flamniiilated Owl. 320. OTUS VULGARIS (L.), var. wiLSONiANUS (Less.) All. liOngr-earea Ovrl. 321. BRACHYOTUS PALUSTRIS Auct. ^liort-earecl Owl. 322. SYRWIUM LAPPOWICUM (L.), var. ciNEREUM (Gm.) Ridg. Oreat Oray Owl. 823. SYRNIUM NEBULOSUM (Forst.) Gr. Jlarred Ow^l. 324. SYRNIUM OCCIDENTALE Xant. ^fV^estern Barred Ovrl. 325. WYCTEA NIVEA (Daud.) Gr. linowy O^vl. 326. SURNIA ULULA (L.) Bp., var. HUDSONiCA (Gm.) Ridg. Hawk Ow 1 ; ]>ay Owl. 327. WYCTALE TENGMALMI (Gm.), var. richardsonii (Bp.) Ridg. Tengrmalm's Oivl. CHECK LIST BIRDS. 5 GEN. 147-157 OF KEY. 67 328. NYCTALE ACADICA (Gm.) Bp. Acstdistn Owl ; §a,^v-irliet; Oivl. 329. GLAUCIDIUM PASSERINUM, var. CALiFOKNicuM (Scl.) Ridg. Pygrmy Ovrl. 330. GLAUCIDIUM TERRUGIWEUM. JPemig'ineouii Oivl. 331. MICRATHEWE WHITNEYI (Coop.) Cs. >VIiitiiey's Owl. 332. SPEOTYTO CUNICULARIA (MoL.), var. HYPOGiEA. (Bp.) Cs. Jtiiri'owing* Oivl. * 333. CIRCUS CYANEUS (L.) Lac6p., var. HUDSONius (L.) Cs. Marsli Handle; Harrier. 334. ROSTRHAMUS SOCIABILIS (V.) D'Orb. fiver g-lade Kite. 335. ICTINIA MISSISSIPPIENSIS (Wils.) Gr. IflissiiiSiippi Kite. 336. ELANUS LEUCURUS (V.) Bp. IfVliite-tailed Klite ; Black-slioiildered K:ite. 337. NAUCLERUS FURCATUS (L.) Vig. Sivallovr-tailed K^ite. 338. ACCIPITER PUSCUS (Gm.) Bp. liliarp-sliinned Haivk ; Pig*eoii MawK. 339. ACCIPITER COOPERI Bp. Cooper's Kaivk ; Chicken Ha^vk. 340. ASTUR ATRICAPILLUS (Wils.) Bp. C^ostianvk. GEN. 158-159 OF KEY. 69 341. PALCO SACER Forst. Oyrfalcon ; Jeri'alcoii. 341a. FALCO SACER Forst., var. CANDiCANS (Gm.) Kidg. Greenland Cryrfalcon. 342. FALCO MEXICANUS Light. liaiiier falcon. 343. FALCO COMMUNIS Variorum. Peregrine Falcon ; Duck Hawk. 344. FALCO COLUMBARIUS L. Pig-eon Haivk. 345. FALCO RICHARDSONII Ridg. Micliardson'ii falcon. 34G. FALCO SPARVERIUS L. §liari*o^v Haivk. '34Ga. FALCO SPARVERIUS L., var. iSABELLiNUS (Sw.) Ridg. I§a1>ella §parroiv Hai^^k. 347. FALCO PEMORALIS Temm. Femoral Falcon. 348. BUTEO UNICINCTUS (Temm.) Gk., var. HARRisi (Aud.) Ridg. Harriii' Buzzard. 349? BUTEO COOPERI Cass. Cooper'is Buzzard. 350? BUTEO HARLANI (Aud.) Bp. Harlan's Buzzard. 351. BUTEO BOREALIS (Gm.) V. Bed-tailed Buzzard; Hen Hawk. GEN. 159-161 OF KEY. 71 351a. BUTEO BOREALIS (Gx\i.) V., var. CALURUS (Cass.) Ridg. l^eistern Red-tailed Suzzard. 351b. BUTEO BOREALIS (Gm.) V., var. LUCASANUS Ridg. St. liiicais Suzzard. 351c.* BUTEO BOBEALIS (Gm.) V., var. KRIDERI. KLrider's Itiizzard. 352. BUTEO LINEATUS (Gm.) Jard. ]Ied-§lioiildered Siizzard. 352a. BUTEO LINEATUS (Gm.) Jard., var. ELEGANS (Cass ) Ridg. l^eiitern Ited-slioiildei*ed Buzzard. 353. BUTEO ZONOCERCUS Scl. Saiid-tailed Hawk. 354. BUTEO SWAINSONI Bi>. liivaiiisoii'ti Kiizzai'd. 355. BUTEO PENNSYLVANICUS (Wils.) Bp. Ifroad-f«'iiig'ed Buzzard. 356. ARCHIBUTEO LAGOPUS (Brunn.) Gr., var, SANCTi-joHANNis (Gm.) Ridg. Boug-li-legrgred Buzzard. 357. ARCHIBUTEO PERRUGINEUS (Light.) Gr. Ferrus;'ineous Buzzard. 358. ASTURINA PLAGIATA Schlegel. €rray Ha^vk. 359.t OITZCHOTES GRUBERI Ridg. €rru1»er'ii Buzzard. * 351c. Not in Key ; not published at date of going to press. t359. Queptionably North American. GEN. 162-171 OF KEY. 73 360. PANDION HALIAETUS (L.) Savigny. f isli Hawk; Osprey. 3G1. AQUILA CHRYSAETUS (L.). Crolden £agrle. 362. HALIAETUS LEUCOCEPHALUS (L.) Savigny. lif^liite-lieaded JBag-le; If aid Kagrle. 363. POLYBORUS THARUS (Moll.) Cass., var. AUDUBONiiXCass.) Eidg. Aiidiibon'ii Caracara. ^ 364. CATHARTES CALIFORNIAWUS (Siiaw) Cuv. Califbrnlaii Tultiire. 365. CATHARTES AURA (L.) Illiger. Turkey Buzzard. 366. CATHARTES ATRATUS (Bartr.) Less. Black Tulture ; Carrion Cron . 367. COLUMBA PASCIATA Say. Band-tailed Pig-eon. 368. COLUMBA PLAVIROSTRIS Wagler. Bed-1>illed Pigreon. 369. COLUMBA LEUCOCEPHALA L. IPf^taite-croirned Pig-eon. 370. ECTOPISTES MIGRATORIUS (L.) Sw. ^fild Pig-eon. 371. 2SEN^DURA CAROLIWENSIS (L.) Bp. Carolina Bove. 372. ZEN-ZEDA AMABILIS Bp. Zenaida Bove. 373. MELOPELBIA LEUCOPTERA (L.) Bp. ff^liite-iring-ed Bore. GEN. 172-178 OF KEY. 75 374. CHAMiEPELEIA PASSERINA (L.) Sw. Crrouiid I>ove. 374a. CHAM-SSPELEIA PASSERINA (L.) Sav., var. PALLESCENS (Bel.) Cs. St. liiicas Qround Dove. 375. SCARDAPELLA SQUAMOSA (Temm.) Bp., var. INCA (Less.) Cs. !ove. 37G. GEOTRYGON MARTINI CA (Gm.) Reich. WLey HVest ]>ove. 377. STARNCBNAS CYANOCEPHALA (L.) Bp. Jtlite-lieaded C^roiind ]>ove. 378. ORTAIiIDA VETULA(Wagl.). Texan Oiian. 379. MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO L. Tiirlcey. 379a. MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO L., var. AMERICANA (Bartr.) Cs. Common ll¥ild Tnrfeey. 380. TETRAO CANADENSIS L. Canada Orouse ; siprnce Partridgre. 380a. TETRAO CANADENSIS L., var. FRANKLiNi (Douglas) Cs. T^ranlclin'is Orouse. 381. TETRAO OBSCURUS Say. Dusky Orouse. 381a. TETRAO OBSCURUS Say, var. RiCHARDSONii (Dougl.) Cs. Richardson's Orouse. GEN. 179-184 OF KEY. 77 382. CENTROCERCUS UROPHASIANUS (Bp.) Sw. Sagre Cock; Cock-of-tlie-Plaiiiis. 383. PEDICECETES PHASIAWELLUS (L.) Ell. liortlierii liliarp-tailed €ri*oiiiie. 383a. PEDICECETES PHASIANELLTJS (L.) Ell., var. COLUMBIANUS (Ord.) Cs. Coiumon Sharp-tailed Cri'oiise. 384. CUPIDONIA CUPIDO (L.) Bd. Pinnated C^ronse ; Prairie Hen. 385. BONASA UMBELLUS (L.) Steph. Ruffed Orouse ; Partridgre ; Pheasant. 385a. BONASA UMBELLUS (L.) Steph., var. UMBELLOiDES (Dougl.) Bd. Oray Rutted Orouse. 385b. BONASA UMBELLUS (L.) Steph., var. SABiNEi (Dougl.) Cs. Oreg*on Ruffed Orouse. 386. LAGOPUS ALBUS (Gm.) Aud. 'If^illo^v Ptarmigran. 387. LAGOPUS RUPESTRIS (Gm.) Leach. Rock Ptarmig-an. 388. LAGOPUS LEUCURUS Sw. 'H^liite-tailed Ptarmigran. 389. ORTYX VIRGINIANUS (L.) Bp. Tirgrinia Partridgre ; Quail; Rob-wliite. 389a. ORTYX VIRGINIANUS (L.) Bp., var. FLORIDANUS Cs. Florida Partridg-e. iliick. 503. FULIGULA FERIWA (L.) Sw., var. AMERICANA (Eyton) Coues. Redliead; Pochard. 504. FULIGULA VALLISNERIA (Wils.) Steph. Canvas-hack. 505. BUCEPHALA CLANGULA (L.) Gk. Oolden-eyed ]>iick. 606. BUCEPHALA ISLANDICA (Gm.) Bd. Bari'oiv's O olden-eye. 507. BUCEPHALA ALBEOLA (L.) Bd. Jfnffle-headed Duck. 508. HARELDA GLACIALIS (L.) Leach. liOng'-tailed ]>uck. 509. CAMPTOLiEMUS LABRADORIUS (Gm.) Gu. liahrador Duck. 510. HISTRIONICUS TORQUATUS (L.) Bp. Harlequin ]>uck. 511. SOMATERIA STELLERI (Pall.) Jardine. fiteller'is ]>uck. 512. SOMATERIA FISCHERI (Brandt) Coues. Spectacled £ider; 613. SOMATERIA MOLLISSIMA (L.) Leach. Kider Duck. Check List Birds. 7 Tri GEN. 268-274 OF KEY. 99 614? SOMATERIA V-NIGRA Gray. Pacific £ider. 615. SOMATERIA SPECTABILIS (L.) Leach. Iting* Sider. 616. CEDEMIA AMERICANA Sw. Aiuericaii Itlack Scoter. 617. CEDEMIA FUSCA (L.) Sw., {? var. VKLVKTiNA Cass.) Velvet licoter. 518. CEDEMIA PERSPICILLATA (L.) Flkmixg. liiirt' Duck. 618a. CEDEMIA PERSPICILLATA (L.) FLEanNG, vcw. TRowiJiaDGEi (Bcl.) Coues. I^ong'-billeii Scoter. 519. ERISMATURA RUBIDA (Wils.) Bp. Itiiddy Duck. [520.] ERISMATURA DOMINICA (L.) Etton. St. I^oiiiingro ]>iick. 521. MERGUS MERGANSER L. 7Ierg*anser ; Ooosaiider. 522. MERGUS SERRATOR L. Red-breaiited ^ergraiiiner. 523. MERGUS CUCULLATUS L. Hooded Merg-aiiser. 524. SULA BASSANA L. €raiinet; Soliiii Ooose. 625. SULA FIBER L. ISooby Oaiinet. 526. PELECANUS TRACHYRHYNCHUS Lath. llVlftite Pelican. GEN. 274-280 OF KEY. 101 627. PELECANUS FUSCUS L. Brofvn Pelican. 628. GRACULUS CARBO (L.) Gray. Commoii Cormoraiit ; !iliagr. 529. GRACULUS CINCINNATUS (Brandt) Gray. 'f^liite-tufted Cormorant. 630. GRACULUS DILOPHUS (Sw.) Gray. ]>oul>le-crested[ Cormorant. 630a. GRACULUS DILOPHUS (Sw.) Gray, var. FLORiDANUS (Aud.) Coues. dorida Cormorant. 631. GRACULUS MEXICANUS (Brandt) Bp. Mexican Cormorant. 632. GRACULUS PENICILLATUS (Brandt) Bp. Brandt'is Cormorant. 633. GRACULUS PERSPICILLATUS (Pall.) Lawr. Pallas' Cormorant. 634. GRACULUS BICRISTATUS (Kll.) Bd. Red-faced Cormorant. 635. GRACULUS VIOLACEUS (Gm.) Gr. Tiolet-grreen Cormorant. 636. PLOTUS ANHINGA L. Anliingra; ]>arter. 637. TACHYPETES AQUILUS (L.) V. JPrigrate. 638. PHAETHON FLAVIROSTRIS Brandt. Yellow-billed Tropic Bird. 639. STERCORARIUS SKUA (Brunn.) Coues. likua Oull. GEN. 280-281 OF KEY. 103 540. STEHCORARIUS POMATORHINUS (Temm.) Lawr. Poniariiie Jaegrer. 541. STERCORARIUS PARASITICUS (Brunn.) Gray. Jticliardsoii's Jaegrer. 542. STERCORARIUS BUFFONI (Boie) Coues. 'Arctic Jaeg-er; I.ongr-tailed JTaeg'er. 543. LARUS GLAUCUS Brunn. Olaiicous Oull. 644. LARUS LEUCOPTERUS Faber. HVliite-wingred Til$on's Petrel. [594.] FREGETTA GRALLARIA (V.) Bp. TTliite-Riellied Petrel. [695.] PUFFINUS MELANURUS (Boxn.) Coues. Jllaek-tailed liliearivater. 696. PUFFINUS KUHLII Bp. Ci£iereoii(» liliearivuter. 697. PUFFINUS MAJOR Faber. Oreater iiliearivater. 698? PUFFINUS CREATOPUS Coues. f lesli-t'ooted .Shearwater. 599. PUFFINUS ANGLORUM Temm. Mantis Shear ivater. 600. PUFFINUS OBSCURUS (Gm.) Lath. Oiisky Shearwater. 601? PUFFINUS OPISTHOMELAS Coues. Kliich-veiktefl siieiirwater. 602? PUFFINUS FULIGINOSUS Strickl. Sooty Sliearivitter. 603? PUFFINUS AMAUROSOMA Coues. I>arl4-1»4>€lied siiearwater. 601. PUFFINUS TENUIROSTRIS Tkmm. Slender-billed Sheitrivater. GEN. 311-314 OF KEY. 113 605. COLYMBUS TORQUATUS Brunn. liOon; Oreat Wortliern ]>iver. 605a. COLYMBUS TORQUATUS Brunn., var. ADAMSii (Gray) Coues. Yelloiv-billed lioon. 606. COLYMBUS ARCTICUS L, JBlack-tliroated Diver. 606a. COLYMBUS ARCTICUS L., var. PACiFicus (Lawr.) Coues. Pacific I>iver. 607. COLYMBUS SEPTENTRIONALIS L. Red-tliroated Itiver. 608. PODICEPS OCCIDENTALIS Lawr. Kf^esterii Orebe. 608a. PODICEPS OCCIDENTALIS Lawr., var. CLARKii (Lawr.) Coues. Clarke'si Orelie. • 609. PODICEPS CRISTATUS (L.) Lath. Crested Crrebe. • 610. PODICEPS GRISEIGENA (Bodd.) Gray, var HOLBOLLi (Reinh.) Coues. Red-neclied Orebe. 611. PODICEPS CORNUTUS (Gm.) Lath. Horned C^rebe. 612. PODICEPS AURITUS (L.) Lath., var. CALiFORNicus (Heerm.) Coues. American Eared Orebe. 613. PODICEPS DOMINICUS (L.) St. Doniingro Crrebe. Check List Birds. 8 GEN. 315-323 OF KEY. 115 614. PODILYMBUS PODICEPS (L.) Lawr. Pied-l»illed Dabcliick. 615. ALCA IMPENNIS L. €rreat Auk. [Extinct ?] 616. UTAMANIA TORDA (L.) Leach. Razor-billed Auk. 617. FRATERCULA CORNICULATA (Naum.) Gray. Horned Puffin. 618. FRATERCULA ARCTICA (L.) Steph. Common Puffin; Sea Parrot. 618a. FRATERCULA ARCTICA (L.) Steph., var. glacialis (Leach) Coues. liargre-liilled Puffin. 619. FRATERCULA CIRRHATA (Pall.) Steph. Tufted Puffin. 620. CERATORHINA MONOCERATA (Pall.) Cass. Horn-billed Auk. 621. PHALERIS PSITTACULA (Pall.) Temm. Parroquet Auk. 622. SIMOBHYlTCHUS CRISTATEI^LUS (Pall.) Merrem. Chested Auk. 628. SIMORHYNCHUS CAMTSCHATICUS (Lepe«h.) Schl. ^f'liSikered Auk. 624. SIMORHYNCHUS PUSILLUS (Pall.) Coues. K^nob-Mlled Auk; lieast Auk. 625. PTYCHORHAMPHUS ALEUTICUS (Pall.) Brandt. Aleutian Auk. GEN. 324-328 OF KEY. 117 626. MERGULUS ALLE (L.) Vieill. §ea Dove ; Dovekie. 627. SYNTHLIBORHAMPHUS ANTIQUUS (Gm.) Brandt. Black-tbroated Criiilleiuot. 628. SYNTHLIBORHAMPHUS WURMIZUSUME (Temm.) Couo. Temmiiick'is Auk. 629. BRACHYRHAMPHUS MARMORATUS (Gm.) Brandt. Marbled Itturrelet. 630. BRACHYRHAMPHUS KITTLITZII Brandt. lLltUUz'i» Murrelet. 631. URIA GRYLLE (L.) Brunn. Black Cruillemot ; Sea Plgreon. 632. URIA COLUMBA (Pall.) Cass. Plgreon Critillemol;. 633. URIA CARBO (Pall.) Brandt. Sootj CruUlemol;. 634. LOMVIA TROILE (L.) Brandt. Common Ouillemot; Murre. 635. LOMVIA ARRA (Pall.) Coues. Tliick-billed Guillemot. EXTINCT SPECIES. 1. UINTORNIS LUCARIS Marsh. 2. AQUILA DANANA Marsh. 3. BUBO LEPTOSTEUS Marsh. 4. MELEAGRIS ANTIQUUS Marsh. 5. MELEAGRIS ALTUS Marsh. 6. MELEAGRIS CELER Marsh. 7. GRUS HAYDENI Marsh. 8. GRUS PROAVUS Marsh. 9. ALETORNIS NOBILIS Marsh. 10. ALETORNIS PERNIX Marsh. 11. ALETORNIS VENUSTUS Marsh. 12. ALETORNIS GRACILIS Marsh. 13. ALETORNIS BELLUS Marsh. U. TELMATORNIS PRISCUS Marsh. 15. TELMATORNIS APPINIS Marsh. (119) EXTINCT SPECIES. 121 16. PAL^OTRINGA LITTORALIS Marsh. 17. PAL^OTRINGA VETUS Marsh. 18. PAL-SIOTRINGA VAGANS Marsh. 19. SULA LOXOSTYLA Cope. 20. GRACULUS IDAHENSIS Marsh. 21. GRACXJLAVUS VELOX Marsh. 22. GRACULAVUS PUMILXJS Marsh. 23. GRACULAVUS ANCEPS Marsh. 23bis.* GRACULAVUS AGILIS Marsh. 24. ICHTHYORNIS DISPAR Marsh. 24bis.t APATORNIS CELER Marsh. 25. PUPPINUS CONRADI Marsh. 26. CATARRACTES ANTIQUUS Marsh. 27. CATARRACTES APPINIS Marsh. 28. HESPERORNIS REGALIS Marsh. 29. LAORNIS EDVARDSIANUS Marsh. ♦Not in the Key. (Marsh, Am. Jour., Sci. and Arts, v, p. 230, March, 1873.) tNot in the Key. This epecies, with No. 24, represents a new order, Ichthyor- nithes, of a new subclass, Odontornithes. (Marsh, Am. Jour., Sci. and Arts, y, p. 161, Feb., 1873.) APPENDIX CONTAINING ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO THE CHECK LIST. Prepared under circumstances of remote isolation which deprived the author of the advantage of certain works of reference he desired to consult, the CHECK LIST contains some names for which no authority is cited, and in a few instances a change of the authority given may be required. One new species has been added to the North American fauna during the printing of the List ; five additiorial known species have since been ascertained to occur in this country, and meanwhile several new varie- ties have been published after the impression had passed the page where they should respectively appear; these are brought into the present connection. Most of them appear entitled to varietal recog- nition; but in printing the names formally, for the convenience of those who may desire to use such names in labelling, the author must not necessarily be held to endorse them in every instance. The body of the List was printed, and some early copies distributed, in Dec, 1873; but the publication of the volume was held over until 1874, to insert in the Appendix names then about being published. No. 41? The query indicates a probability that this is a variety of No. 40, as held by Mr. Allen. No. 46. The United States form constitutes a variety of true mexi- canus. See Ridgway, Am. Nat., vii, 1873, 603. (123) APPENDIX TO CHECK LIST. 125 46. CATHERPES MEXICANUS (Sw.) Bd., var. coxsPERSUs Ridg. Ifniite-tliroated "if^reii. No. 53a. The pale western Eremophila, not the same as the small bright southwestern var. rw/a, may be distinguished as 53b. EREMOPHILA ALPESTRIS (Forst.), var. LEUCOL^MA Coues. « Prairie liark. No. 55bis. The following species, a straggler from Asia, is in the Smithsonian Institution from St. Michael's, Alaska, and should take place in the list. [55bis.] ANTHUS PRATENSIS Bechst. Meadonv Pipit.* No. 68. The Pacific form is varietally distinguishable. See Ridg- way, Am. Nat., vii, 1873, 606. The Floridan form, later distinguished by Mr. Ridgway as var. obscurus, seems hardly worthy of recognition by name. 68a. HELMINTHOPHAGA CELATA (Say) Bd., var. lutescens Ridg. Crolden Orangre-croiwiied ^fl^arbler. No. 88. On the Mississippi Valley form, see Ridgway, Am. Nat., vii, 1873, 606. 88a. DENDRCE3CA DOMINICA (L.) Bd., var. ALBILORA Bd. Trbite-browed TTelloiv-tliroated Hf^artoler. No. 99 ? The probability mentioned in the text may be regarded as assured. No. 102. The Pacific form is varietally distinguishable. See Ridg- way, Am. Nat., vii, 1873, 608. 102a. MYIODIOCTES PUSILLUS (Wils.) Bp., var. piLEOLATA (Pall.) Ridg. Paciiic Flyeatclting- ^fTartoler. [No. 106.] According to Baird and Ridgway, Am. Nat., vii, 1873, 612, this should stand as G. hahamensis. [106.] CERTHIOLA BAHAMENSIS Reich. Honey Creeper. APPENDIX TO CHECK LIST. 127 No. 135a. The C. elegans of Baird (not of Swainson) has b6en re- named C. ludoviciamis var. rohustus, a name which, however, it may not be necessary to adopt. (Am. Nat., vii, 1873, 609.) [No. 138] ? The query indicates that the determination of specific validity, cited and adopted in the Key, may have been made by Dr. Tristram on grounds held in the Key to constitute only geographical varieties ; so that we may revert to the view of its original describer as F. coccinea var. cassini Bd. [138.] PYRRHULA COCCINEA, var. CASSINI Bd. Casisin's BuUfincli. No. 144. The Leucosticte tephrocotis var. australis Allen, lately de- scribed by Mr. Ridgway (Ess. Inst. Bull., v, 197), I believe to be merely the midsummer plumage of the ordinary bird, as my uEgiothus var. fuscescens probably is of A. linaria. No. 155. For chestnut-colored read chestnut-collared. " 157. Omit the query, which should have been aflSxed to the next species. No. 157bis. To be cancelled. See Scott, Am. Nat., vii, 1873, 664 ; Coues, ihid., p. 696. No. 165. There is a curious small blackish form of this species from Florida, which has been distinguished (Bull. Ess. Inst., v, 198) as 165a. AMMODROMUS MARITIMUS Sw., var, NiGRESCENS Ridgw. Dusky lieaside f incli. No. 170a. Mr. Ridgway has lately demonstrated to my satisfaction that Feuccea cassini is a distinct species ; the bird which I called "var. cassini" is a variety of cesiivaZt's which he proposes to call var. arizonce. Am. Nat., vii, 1873, 616. So the species and varieties will stand : — 170a. PEUC^A ^STIVALIS (Light.) Cab., var. ARIZONA Ridg. Arizona Pine FInclu 170bis. PEUC-aiA CASSINI (Woodh.) Bd. Casisin's Pine f incli. No. 173. A very notable variety of Foospiza belli, from Nevada, has lately been characterized (Bull. Ess. Inst., v, 198). It is much larger, paler and grayer, with streaked interscapulars. 173a. POOSPIZA BELLI (Cass.) Scl., var. NEVADENSis Ridg. IVevadan Fincli. APPENDIX TO CHECK LIST. 129 No. 174. The form of Junco with white wing-bars, noted in the Key, p. 141, is named J. hyemalis var. aikeni Ridgway, Am. Nat., vii, 1873, 616. See also Pr. Bost. Soc, xv, 1872, p. 201. 174a. JUNCO HYEMALIS (L.) ScL, var. AIKENI Ridg. ^Wliite-i^ngred linowbird. Nos. 175? 176? The queries indicate the gradation with No. 174 noted in the Key, p. 141. No. 183a. The true Z. leucophrys var. gambeli is a Pacific coast form, from which the Middle Coast form has been distinguished (Bull. Ess. Inst., V, 198) as 183b. ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS (Forst.) Sw., var. INTEKVIEDIA Ridgw. Ridg- way '8 liparroiv. No. 206. For Canon read Canon. " 210. The prairie form has been characterized as Dolichonyx oryzivorus var. albinucha Ridg. (Bull. Ess. Inst., v, 198), a name it may not be necessary to adopt. No. 216. For Dandin'read Daudin. " 220. For Girand read Giraud. ** 226. i^'or Nuttallii reacZ Nuttalli. " 229a. For Gairdnerii read Gairdneri. •' 237. The question of synonymy left open in the Key, p. 166, has been determined (Bull. Ess. Inst., v, 199) as follows: "A sordida" of the Key is a new variety, arizonce of ultramarina, the true sordida being a Mexican variety of the same species. Accordingly, No. 237 should stand as 237. APHELOCOMA ULTRAMARINA (Bp.) Cab., var. ARizoNiE (Ridg.) ArlaEona Ultramarine Jay. No. 239. Two varieties of Canada jay, one from Alaska, the other from the Rocky Mountains, have lately been named (Bull. Ess. Inst., V, 199). 239a. PERISOREUS CANADENSIS (L.) Bp., var. OBSCURUS Ridg. ]>usky Canada Jay. 239b. PERISOREUS CANADENSIS (L.) Bp., var. CAPiTALis Bd. Rocky Mountain Jay. Ckbck List Birds. 9 APPENDIX TO CHECK LIST. 131 No. 274bis. A fine species of humraiDg bird has been discovered by- Mr. H. W. Henshaw to inliabit Arizona, and lias been determined by Mr. Lawrence to be Eugenes fulgens. (Am. Nat., viii, 1874, in press.) 274bis. EUGENES FULGENS (Sw.). Reiiilgrenl; Hummingrbii'd. No. 279. Tlie authority is (Less.) Bp. " 28 L The authority is (Lkss.) Gld. ** 292. The authority is (Lath.) Nutt. " 303? This species, queried in the text, and in Key, p. 195, may be regarded as a variety of 302, the iutergradation, through 302a, prov- ing complete. See Ridgway, Am. Jour,, iv, Dec, 1872. 302b. SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS (L.) Bd., var. RUBER (Gm.) Ridg. Red-breasted Ifl^oodpecker. Nos. 304, 305. Observations lately made by Mr. H. W. Henshaw (Am. Nat., viii, 1874, in press) are to the effect that Sphyrapicus thy- roideus is the female of S. loilliamsoni. The opposite sexes of each of these species have not been satisfactorily recognized, and upon examination of Mr. Henshaw's material, I find almost conclusive evi- dences in favor of his views, substantiating his observations. Such sexual diflferences are unique in the family. As the older name, S. thyroideus will stand for the species, S. williamsoni becoming a syno- nyme. No. 305 is therefore to be cancelled. No. 307. The authority is (Wagl.) Gray. No. 318. A dark Floridan form of Scops has been characterized under the following name (Bull. Ess. Inst., v, 200) : — 318c. SCOPS ASIO (L.) Bp., var. FLORiDANUS Ridg. floridan Screeicli Oivl. No. 320. The authority is Fleming. " 321. The authority is (Bechst.) Bp. " 322. The term cinereum has priority over lapponicum ; the bird should stand as 322. SYRNIUM CINEREUM (Gm.) Aud., €rreat Oray Owl. No. 327. The authority is (Gm.) Bp. <♦ 329. The authority is (L.) Bp. " 330. The authority is (Max.) Kaup. APPENDIX TO^CHECK LIST. 133 Nos. 343, 344. The dark northwest coast forms of duck hawk and pigeon hawk respectively have been named (Bull. Ess. Inst., v, 201) as follows :— 343a. FALCO COMMUNIS Gm., var. PEALEi Kidg. Peale'is l^uck Hairk. 344a. FALCO COLUMBARIUS L., var. sucKLEYi Kidg. Huckley'ii Pig-eon Hairk. No. 351c. The authority is Hoopes, Pr. Phila. Acad., 1873, 238, pi. 6 (Iowa). No. 381. A dark form of Tetrao obscurus, from Sitka, has lately been characterized (Bull. Ess. Inst., v, 199) : it is more like true obscurus than like var. richardsoni, having the broad terminal slate bar of the tail. 381b. TETRAO OBSCURUS Say, var. FULiGiNOSA (Ridg.). Sitkan Dusky Oroiise. No. 384. A pale form of Cupidonia, from Texas, has lately been characterized (Bull. Ess. Inst., v, 199) :— 384a. CUPIDONIA CUPIDO (L.) Bd., var. PALLIDICINCTA Bidg. Tejcas Prairie Hen. No. 400, A variety of this species is described by Mr. Ridgway, (Am. Nat., viii, 1874, 109), as A. melodus var. circumcinctusy having the black pectoral band complete. 400a. JEQIALITIS MELODUS (Ord) Cab., var. ciRCUMcmcTus Ridg. Missouri Piping* Plover. No. 400bis. A new species of ^gialitis is described from San Fran- cisco by Mr. Ridgway (Am. Nat., viii, 1874, 109). 400bis. iEGIALITIS MICRORHYNCHUS Ridg. ISlender-billed Plover. No. 401. The American form of ^. cantianus may be considered APPENDIX TO CHECK LIST. 135 varietally distinct from the European (see Ridgway, Am. Nat., viil, 1874, 109). 401. ^GIALITIS CANTIANUS (Lath.), var. Nivosus (Cass.) Ridgw. Snoiry [Plover. No. 402*. As intimated in the text, the North American mountain plover is perfectly distinct from the Asiatic. I have only lately seen it in breeding dress : it has no black pectoral band, but a transverse black coronal belt and black loral stripe. 402. EUDROMIAS MONTANUS (Towns.) Harting. Mountain Plover. No. 415a. It is not necessary to recognize this even by varietal name; "ilf. scolopaceus" being merely longer-billed specimens of M. griseus, such as may be shot out of almost any flock of the latter. The range of variation in length of bill is no greater than that occur- ring in Ereunetes piisillus, as noted in the Key, p. 254. No. 442bis. A well known Pacific curlew, before overlooked in the Smithsonian collection, was taken at Fort Renai, Alaska, May 18, 1869, by F. Bischoft', and should be added to the last as a straggler. [442bis.] NUMENIUS FEMOBALIS Peale. Briiitle-ltellied Curle^v. No. 445. According to Mr. Ridgway (Am. Nat., viii, 1874, 110), the ordinary North American glossy ibis is absolutely identical with that of the Old World. He, however, finds two other species in western United States, /. guarauna and /. thalassinus. According to this determination our species would stand as follows : — 445. IBIS FALCINELLTJS Auct. Olossy Ibis. 445bis. IBIS GUARAUNA (Linn.) Ridg. TFliite-faced IMs. 445ter. IBIS THALASSINUS Ridg. Oreen IMs. No. 448bis. I am informed by Prof. Baird that the Jabiru, of Cen- tral America, was taken some years since at Austin, Texas. It should enter the list as a straggler. [448bis.] MYCTERIA AMERICANA L. •rabiru. APPENDIX TO CHECK LIST. 137 No. 450? For occasion of the query see Key, p. 267. No. 46G. A pale form is described from California. See Kidgway (Am. Nat., viii, 1874, 111). 466a. BALLUS ELEGANS Aud., var. OBSOLETUS Ridg. Cstlitoriiistii Raifl. No. 470. A peculiar variety of the black rail is described from the Farallones by Mr. llid<^way (Amer. Nat., viii, 1874, HI). 470a. PORZANA JAMAicBNSIS (Gm.) Cass., var. coTuiixicuLUs Bd. Pacific Ulack Rail. No. 472. The relationships of this form to the European G. chloropus require further investigation. It will probably stand as 472. GALLIWULA CHLOROPUS Lath.. var. GALKATA (Licht.) Hartl. No. 471)? Compare Key, p. 282. No. 481). A lighter colored form of dusky duck, with a butt* throat, is described from Florida (by Mr. Kidgway, /. c), where it is resident. 481)a. AWAS OBSCURA Gm., var. FULViGULA Kidg. Flos'iclaii ]>KiSiU:^' Duck. No. 493? The query indicates probability of only varietal distinction from No. 492. No. 501 ? The query indicates probability of only varietal distinction from No. 500. No. 575bis. A specimen of the European white-winged tern, Hydro- chelidon leucoptera, was taken in Wisconsin, July 5, 1873, by Th. Kum- lein, and presented to the Smithsonian by Dr. Brewer. This is the first instance known of its occurrence in this country. [575bis.] HYDROCHELIDON LEUCOPTERA (Mias.) Boib. IfTIiite-iviiig-ed Black Tern. Check List Birds. 9* ni ■ji-'m^-'- FOR S^LE! TWO VALUABLE SCIENTIFIC WORKS, A Check List of the Coleoptera of America, North of Mexico: By G. R. Crotch, M.A., with additions to bring it to date by PI P. Austin. This is the only complete list of the North American Coleoptera, and, as such, combining as it does the work of such men as have prepared it, we present it to scientific men, whom, we feel sure, will repay the expense of publication by their liberal patronage. Price $1.00. Mammoth Cave and its Inhabitants : By A. 8. Pack- ard, Jr., and F. W. Putnam. A reliable history of this great cave, together with descriptions of tlie animals there discovered. Price $1.00. Either of the above named works will be sent, postpaid, upon receipt of the price. Address, W. A. STEARNS, Salem, Mass. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL UCD LiDfXniVi DUE JUN 8 1971 JUL 1 8 REC'D LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Book Slip-50m-8,'69(N831s8)458-A-31/5 N9 681892 Coues, E. A check list of North American birds '^K'