<- <. JULIUS WAMGENMBIM '@T University of California • Berkeley BIBLIOTHECA CHEMICO-MATHEMATICA, VOLUME I. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/chemibibliotheca01henrrich ISAACUS KEWJXW£aJlUR JETss. jC.iafi(/t'r/a/t/< o/juy/ //i'.-^ Oi't \J ('/ ///< ' S-a//Jjr/ .'-^u, Nos. 3258-61 (w/e 163). Portrait of Sir Isaac Newton as contained in the Third Edition of the Prlncipia, ■riM >» i.:^^ .i '. A \;j U BIBLIOTHECA CHEMICO-MATHEMATICA CATALOGUE OF WORKS IN MANY TONGUES ON EXACT AND APPLIED SCIENCE, WITH A SUBJECT-INDEX. COMPILED AND ANNOTATED BY H. Z. AND H. C. S. With 127 Plates, containing 247 Portraits and Facsimiles. VOLUME I LONDON : HENRY SOTHERAN AND CO. (henry CECIL .SOTHEKAN) 140 STRAND, W.C.2, AND 43 PICCADILLY, W.l. I921. D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY 8 WARREN ST., NEW YORK The Printing begun by G. NoKMAN & Sons, Covent Garden, and finished by Strancjeways & Sons, Tower Street, Cambridge Circus, London, W.C.a. PREFACE. C X HIS Catalogue teas begun in 1906 as that of a large collection of JL hooks in exact and applied science, and was eocpected to reach to about three hundred pages. It grew as it went, and by the end of the alphabet so many more works in allied subjects, as well as other and interesting copies of books already described, had come in that a Supplement was begun, still more fully annotated, tchich far exceeded the size of the original scheme. To this a final Supplement teas added, and the ichole teas indexed under a full classification of subjects. The result is, perhaps, the first Histoiical Catalogue of Science published in any country, at least as giving at once the eminent pi^ice of each book included, bibliographical particulai's, and many bio- graphical and historical references both in the descriptions themselves and in the notes. In fact, it is felt that it will be found to have very considerable human interest. The pioneers of science have never been of the dryasdust order, and still less confined to one class, but have ranged frotn the ancients, the Arabs, and the great company of the Mediaeval aiul after-Reformation clergy, with the remarkable contingent of the Jesuits, to the Lord Mayor of London ivho first Englished Euclid. Hoio many coluere disciplinam tenui avend! And hoiv many — why not acknowledge it ?— are of our oirn race ! As the Catalogue is one of actual books for sale it is of course not complete, but it is believed that few of the great books ivill be found lacking. The complement to the Catalogue is the INDEX. There is no com- ptr'hensive bibliography of exact science, in spite of numerous lists of special subjects. These have often the defect of excluding the older works as being out of date for practical purposes. But these very books are the landmarks in the history of life. The Index, from the nature (>l)8862 vi PREFACE, of the Catalogue, cannot he exhaustive, hut it contains nearly all the standard works, and most of the earlier works of historical importance, and tvill he found of great use as a Reference-list apart from the Catalogue ; and, to increase its value in this ivay, r^eferences have heen included to two large scientific catalogues issued after the Bihliotheca Chemico-Mathematica was printed. The Illustrations have all heen produced from the actual books hy a photographic process, and include, hesides facsimiles of illustrations and portraits, textual passages frovfi historically ira- portant works. Many such are here reproduced for the first time. There remains to the loriter of these lines the pleasure of saying that the whole work is due to Heinbich Zeitlinger, of Linz on the Danuhe, whom he has knoicn for so ma7iy years as an equal wellwisher of learning and of England. His own share has heen the lesser one of revision and proof-reading, and of further annotation from that Cyclopaedia of Useless Knowledge to ichich we all hecome suhscrihers in our journey through the ivorld. Lastly, to have avoided all mistakes no man can hope; hut hoth coinpilers can honestly say that from heginning to end they have never forgotten the great precept of Dr, Martin Joseph Routh. H. C. S. Allhalloivtide, 1920. LIST OF PLATES. Facing paqb I. Portrait of Sir Isaac Newton by Vertue Title II. Accum's Treatises on Gas Light (1815-9) : 2 illustrations of gasworks . . 2 III. Bate's Mysteries of Nature and Art (1634) : engraved title .... 15 IV. Boyle's New Experiments Physico-Mechanical (1660) : plate showing his air- pump . . . , 28 V. Branca's Le Machine (1629): T^oorfcM^ o/Ai« «^mm-ew^me .... 29 VI. Caus (I. de). New and Rare Inventions of Water- Works (1659) : plate shoioing a perpetuum mobile 33 VII. Caudano's de Subtilitate (1554) : title 35 VIII. Caus (S. de). Raisons des Forces mouvantes (1615) : engraved title . . 37 IX. Copernicus. De Revolutionibus Orbium cojlestium (1543) : title ... 44 X. CoRONELLi's Navi 6 Vascelli (1687) : 2 illustrations of ships . . . . 46 XI. Daguerre's Procdd(5s du Daguerreotype (1839) : 4 illustrations of his photo- graphic apparatus 48 XII. Digges's Stratioticos (1579) : title with woodcut 52 XIII. Pantometria (1591) : specimen of text and illustration . , . . 54 XIV. EucLiDis Elementa (1482) : specimen of text with woodcut border and geo- metrical figures 61 XV. Faujas de St.-Fond. Description et Experiences de la Machine A^rostatique (1783) : plate showing the first balloon ascent 66 XVI. Galileo's Dialogo (1632) : title and engraved frontispiece. II Saggiatore (1623): engraved title. Discorsi e Dimostrazioni matematiche (1638) : specimen of text . . 73 XVII. Gilbert's de Magnete (1600) : title 78 XVIII. Guericke 8 Experimenta Magdeburgica (1672) : engraved title, showing his air- pump and the Magdeburg hemispheres 83 XIX. Hauksbee's Physico-Mechanical Experiments (1709) : his electrical machine. Hevelius. Selenographia (1647) : his nuip of the moon 88 XX. Hero Alexandrinus. Spiritalia (1576) : specimen of text, with tooodcut of his double force-pump 94 XXI. IIuYGENs. Horologium Oscillatorium (1673) : illustration showing his pen- dulum clock 99 XXII. Traitd de la Lumiere (1690) : title and specimen ofte.rt. De Circuli Magnitudine (1654) : title. Systema Satumium (1659) : plate showing the phases of Saturn . XXIII. Portrait of Huygens by Ottens , . XXIV. Kepler's Harmonice Mundi (1619) : title XXV. Dioptrice (1611) : title and 3 specimens of text with illustrations . XXVI. Astronomia Nova (1609) : title XXVII. Kircher's Musurgia Universalis (1650) : «peawcnj9/a^e . XXVIII. Lana's Prodromo (1670): specimen plate showing his suggested balloon XXIX. Lavoisier's Traits el^mentaire de Chimie (1789) : title of the rare first edition XXX. lSl\T^¥.iiATici V KTKB.^^ {\QQ^) : specimen page tuith illustration XXXI. Portrait of John Napier of Merchiston by Lizars .... XXXII. Napier's Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio (1614) : woodcut title 104 105 110 112 113 115 121 136 144 145 159 viii LIST OF PLATES. Facing page XXXIII. 'Newton's Opticas a704) : title of the /irst edition 162 XXXIV. Ortega's Arismetica j Geometria (1552) : tooodcut title .... 170 XXXV. Ovenden's Description of a Machine to travel without Horses (1774) : plate. illustrating a forerunner of the bicycle 171 XXXVI. Pacioli's Summa de Arithmetica (1494) : specimen of text . . . . 172 XXXVII. Porta's Spiritali (1606) : specimen of text loith looodcut of his steam-engine . 181 XXXVIII. Ramelli's Diverse et Artificiose Machine (1588) : 5/>ecimewj9/a^e . . 189 XXXIX. Rathborne's Surveyor (1616) : engraved title showing surveying instruments 196 XL. Pecorde's Castle of Knowledge (1556) : first ^Jage of text with large woodcut initial 200 XLI. RoNALDs's Description of an Electrical Telegraph (1823) : specimen plate, illustrating the first practical electric telegraph apparatus .... 201 XLII. Saltonstall's Navigator (1636) : 4 specimen pages of text, etc. . . . 206 XLIII. Sacro Bosco's Sphaera Mundi (1526) : woodcut title 211 XLIV. Schott's Mechanica Hydraulico-Pneumatica (1657) : title, and plate showing his air-pump 217 XLV. Stevinus's Beghinselen der Weeghconst, etc. (1586) : title, and 3 sj^ecimen pages of text 2vith woodcuts ... ...... 232 XLVI. Stewart's Description of a Machine (1767) : jjlate showing the first machine convefrting rectilinear into rotary motion 233 XLVII. Tagliente's Considerando . . . (1525) : title and specimen page of the earliest complete icorh on bookkeeping. Lo presente Libro . . . (1525) : engraved title and plate of one of the earliest works on calligraphy ......... 248 XLVIII. Tournachon's A Terre et en I'Air (1864) : 3 plates shotoing his self-feeding balloon 249 XLIX. Portrait of Torricelli by Anichini ' . 250 L. Valturio's de Re Militari (1532) : specimen of text ivith large looodcut of a curious cannon ............ 254 LI. ViTKUVius. De Architectura (1567) : specimens of 4 illustrations of loater- wheels and a mill . . 259 LII. Wagenaer's Mariner's Mirror (1688) : engraved title 263 LIII. WiLKiNs's Mathematical! Magic (1648) : 4 specimens of text and illustrations 264 LIV. Worcester's Century of Inventions (1663): J^iY/fe «W6Z 3 spmwews o/^e.r«^ . 280 LV. Zonca's Novo Teatro di Machine (1607): plate shoioing his siphon for perpetual motion 281 LVI. Portrait of Dr. Thomas Young 284 LVII. Agricola. De Re Metallica (1556) : title and 3 specimens of illustrations . 285 LVIII. Apr ANUS. Cosmographia (1550): title, specimen illustration, and map shoioing America 300 LIX. Instrument Buch (1533): title with large woodcut, showing astro- nomical instruments 301 LX. Blundeville his Exercises (1597) : title and 3 sub-titles with woodcuts . 320 LXI. BoETHius. Arithmetica (1488): ^rs^/ea/o/^^.r^ 321 LXII. BoRGo's Libro de Abacho (1484 and 1488) : 4 specimens of text of the first and second editions 328 LXIII. Bourne's Inventions or Devices (1578): title and three specimens of text . 329 LXIV. Portrait of the Hon. Robert Boyle, F.R.S 316 LXV. Bradwardine's Geometria Speculativa (1495): specimen of text ivith geo- metrical figures 317 LTST OF PLATES. ix Facing paok LXVI. Brahe's AstronomisB Instauratse Meclianica (1602): illustration of his mural quadrant 332 LXVII. : Portrait by P. Kilian 333 LXVlir. Bruno (Giordano) Camoeracensis Acrotismiis (1588): title-page xcith an autograph inscription hy the author 336 LXIX. Calandri's Aritraetica (1518) : i specimeiis of illustrations and text . . 337 ,LXX. Dee's Perfect Arte of Navigation (1577) : title loith large woodcut . . 344 LXXI. Uescartes's Discours de la Methode (1637): title and 3 specimens of text ivith illustrations 346 LXXII. Erckku's Mineraliscbe Ertzt und Bergwercksarten (1629): title tcifh woodcut and S speciynens of illust rations .... . . 380 LXXEII. Ette^'h MiithematicQ.\l Uticreiitions {IQ3S): printed and engraved titles . 381 LXXIV. Portrait of Michael Faraday, F.R.S 396 LXXV. Fontana's Novjb Coelestium Terrestriumque Observationes (1646): en- graved title, portrait, and 2 specimens of text, one with illustration of the planet Mars 397 LXXVI. Fulton's Canal Navigation (1796) : 2 specimens of plates .... 416 LXXVII. Portrait of Galileo Galilei by Villaraoena 417 LXXVIII. Galvani's De Viribus Electricitatis (1792): 2 «/7<'cmens o/;;/rt/^a . . 424 LXXIX. Gesnkr's Practise of the New and Old Phisicke (1599) : title and 3 speci- mens of text with illustrations 425 LXXX. Ghaligai's Pratica d'Arithmetica (1552) : title and 3 specimens of text . 434 LXXXI. Glauber's Philosophical Furnaces (1651 ) : title and 3 specimens of text with icoodcuts 435 LXXXI I. Green's Essay on the Application of Mathematical Analysis to the Theories of Electricity (1828) : title. Helmholtz. Die Erlialtungder Kraft (1847): e/ife. . , . .438 LXXXIII. Gregory's Catoptricae et Dioptricae ^SphaericsB Elementa (1713): title, 2 specimens of text, and \ of illustrations 439 LXXXI V. IIagecius de Cervisia (1585) : title, specimen of text, and 2 of old handwnting 450 LXXXV. Harris's Lexicon Technicum (1704) : illustration of Saverys steam-engine 451 LXXX VI. Harrison (John) : 2 specimens of a manuscript 454 LXXXVII. Hero Alexandrinus. Degli Automati (1589) : 2 specimens of text and illustrations. Hero Mechanicus. De Machin's Bellicis (1572): 2 sjyecimens of illustrations 455 LXXXVIII. IIooke's Micrographia (1665) : specimen of plate, showing his coinjyound microscope and the luheel barometer 476 LXXXIX. Hopton's Speculum Topographicum (1611): title and specimen of te.xt, with map of America 477 XC. Jacobi's Galvanoplastik (1840) : title and specimens of plate and text . 484 XCI. Portrait of Johann Kepler 485 XCII. Kepler's Ad Vitellionem Paralipomena (1604) : title and specimen of plate 506 XCIII. Kircher's Magnes (1654) : 2 specimens of text with engravings . . . 607 XCIV. Kobel's Geometrei (1563): title and specimen of text, both toith woodcuts by Jost Amman 510 XCV. Portrait of Laplace 511 XCVI. Lauremherg's Institutiones Arilhmetice (1636) : title and specimen of text. Strubi's Arithmetica (1599) : title and specimen of text .... 516 XCVII. Lazesio's Libro de Abaco (1518) : title with large woodcut, and specimen of illustrations 517 X LIST OF PLATES. Facing Page XOVIII. LoHNEYSs's Bericht vom Bergwerck (1619) : specimen plate .... 532 XCIX. London's Catalogue of Books in England (1658) : title and 3 specimens of text 533 0. Masterson's Arithmeticke (1592) : title and specimen plate .... 580 CI. Meibom's Antiquse Music86 Auctores (1652) : title and specimen of text ivith musical notation 581 CII. Melanchthon's DoctrinaB Physicae Elementa (1550) : title and specimen of text 596 CIII. Portrait of Sir Samuel Morland 597 CIV. Murdock's Letter to a Member of Parliament (1809): title and specimen of text. Account of the Application of Gas (1808) : first page. Itemarks upon the Bill . . . (1809) : title 614 CV. Napier's Rabdologia (1617) : title and 2 specimens of plates .... 615 CVI. Newton's Principia (1687) : f^i/e o/^/tej^rsf tsswe o/ ^Ae^rs^ec^iYiow . . 626 CVII. Opticks (1717) : page 382, with additions in Neivton's handicriting . 627 QYIII, Commercium Epistolicum (1712) : title and address to the reader . 628 CIX. Norton's Gunner (1628): woodcut title and table of contents . . . 629 ex. Papin's Maniere d'amolir les Os (1682) : plate showing his digester . . 644 QXI. Nouvelles Machines et Inventions extraordinaires (1698) : 2 plates shoiving his steam-engine and centrifugal pump 645 CXII. Pascal's Triangle Arithmetique (1665) : text and plate of th£ arithmetical triangle 660 CXIII. Pasi's Tariffa de Pesi e Mesure (1503) : title with large icoodcut and specimen of text 661 CXIV. Pathway to Knowledge (1696) : title 676 CXV. Porta's Magise Naturalis Libri IV. (1558) : title. Libri XX. (1589) : luoodcut title . . . .677 CXVI. Rail- Way, Observations on a General Iron (1823): frontispiece showing steam-coaches, etc., with engines 692 CXVII. Reisch's Margarita Philosophica (1512) : ivoodcut title and specimen woodcut 693 CXVIII. Riese's Rechnung auff der Linien und Federn (1605) : title with portrait, and specimen of text 708 CXIX. Rowe's All Sorts of Wheel-Carriages improved (1734) : specimen jjlate, and illustration of a ' rolling cart ' 709 CXX. Stephenson's Safety Lamp (1817) : 4 specimens of plates .... 758 CXXI. Stoffler's Calendarium Romanum Magnum (1518) : specimen of te.vt tvith zvoodcuts 769 CXXII. Sutherland's Britain's Glory (1729) : portrait of George I., surrounded by the 257 ships of the Hogal Navy 770 CXXI II. Taisnier's De Natura Magnetis (1562) : title, portrait, and 2 specimens of text ivith illustrations 771 CXXIV. Triewald's Eld- och Luf t-Machin (1734) : plate showing the first steam- engine in Siveden 774 CXXV. Veranzio's Machinse Novae (c. 1695): plate giving the first illustration of a parachute 776 CXXVI. Bayer's Uranometria (1603) : specimen plate of the first star-atlas with Greek lettering 786 CXXVII. Brunswyg's Buch zu Distillieren (1519) : specimen plate with ivoodcut . . 787 LIST OF AUTHORITIES CONSULTED. Allibone (S. A.) Critical Dictionary of English Literature. 5 vols. 1858-91. Ball (W. W. R.) Mathematical Recreations and Problems. 1892. Short Account of the History of Mathematics. 1908. Barbier (A. A.) Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes. 4 vols. 1872-9. Biographie (AUgemeine deutsche), 66 vols. 1875-1912. Biographie G6n6rale(Nouvelle), publi^e sous la Direction du Dr. Hoefer. 46 vols. 1855-66. Brewster (Sir D.) Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton. 2 vols. 1855. British Museum Catalogue of Books to 1640. 3 vols. 1884. Brockhaus's Konversations-Lexikon. 17 vols. 1894-6. Brown (R.) History of Accounting and Accountants. 1905. Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire. 6 vols. 1860-6. Cajori (F.) History of Mathematics. 1894. History of Phy^cs. 1899. Cantor (M.) Vorlesungen iiber Geschichte der Mathematik. 4 vols. 1880-1908. Chambers's Encyclopaedia. 10 vols. 1895. Clerke (Agnes M.) Popular History of Astronomy during the XIX. Century. 1893. Copinger (VV. A.) Supplement to Hain's Repertorium Bibliographicum. 3 vols. 1896-1902. Darmstadter (L.) Handbuch zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik. 1908. Dictionary of National Biography. 69 vols. 1885-1912. Dircks (H.) Perpetuum Mobile. 2 vols. 1861-72. Ebert (F. A.) Allgemeines bibliographisches Lexikon. 2 vols. 1821-30. Ferguson (J.) Bibliotheca Chemica. 2 vols. 1906. Grant (R.) History of Physical Astronomy. 1852. Gray (G.J.) Bibliography of the Works of Sir Isaac Newton. 1907. Glaisher (J. W. L.) Report on Mathematical Tables. 1873. Rain (L.) Repertorium Bibliographicum. 2 vols. 1820-32. Halkett (S.) and J. Laing. Dictionary of the Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature of Great Britain. 4 vols. 1882-8. Heller (A.) Geschichte der Physik. 2 vols. 1882-4. Hoefer (F.) Histoire de la Chimie. 2 vols. 1866-9. Hoppe (E.) Geschichte der Elektrizitat. 1884. • Houzeau et Lancaster. Bibliographie g6n6r&\e de TAstronomie. 2 vols. 1882-9. Hutton (C.) Philosophical and Mathematical Dictionary. 2 vols. 1816. Eopp (H.) Geschichte der Chemie. 4 vols. 1843-7. bri (G.) Histoire des Sciences math^matiques en Italic. 4 vols. 1838-41. Catalogue of the Mathematical, Historical, Bibliographical and Miscellaneous Portion of the celebrated Library of. 2 vols. 1861. wndes (W. T.) The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. 6 vols. 1867-64. Mach (E.) The Science of Mechanics. 1893. Meyer (E. v.) History of Chemistry. 1891. Montucla (J. £.) Histoire des Math^matiques. 4 vols. 1799-1802. Histoire des Recherches sur la Quadrature du Cercle. 1831. Morgan (A. de). Arithmetical Books. 1847. A Budget of Paradoxes. 1872. Nelthropp (H. L.) Treatise on Watch- Work. 1873. xii LIST OF AUTHORITIES CONSULTED. Poggendorff (J. C.) Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch. zur Geschiclite der exakten Wissenschaften, 2 vols. 1863. Geschichte der Physik. 1879. Preston (T.) The Theory of Heat. 1904. The Theory of Light. 1895. Riccardi (P.) Biblioteca Matematica Italiana. 1893. Ponalds Library, Catalogue of the. 1880. Roscoe (Sir H. E.), and C. Schorlemmer. Treatise on Chemistry. Vols. I-II. 1894-7. Rose (H. J.) New General Biographical Dictionary. 12 vols. 1848-50. Royal Society of London, Record of the. 1902. Stuart (R.) Historical and Descriptive Anecdotes of the Steam Engine. 2 vols. 1829. Thompson (S. P.) Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism. 1895. Notes on the De Magnete of Dr. William Gilbert. 1900-1. Thurston (R. H.) History of the Growth of the Steam Engine. 1879. Todhunter (I.) History of the Mathematical Theories of Attraction and of the Figure of the Earth. 2 vols. 1873. History of the Mathematical Theory of Probability. 1865. Histroy of the Progress of the Calculus of Variations. 1861. History of the Theory of Elasticity. 3 vols. 1886-93. Tumor (C. H.) Astra Castra- 1865. Waite^(A. E.) Lives of Alchemystical Philosophers. 1888. Watt (R.) Bibliotheca Britannica. 4 vols. 1824. Wilde (H. E.) Geschichte der Optik. 2 vols. 1838-43. Wolf (H.) Geschichte der Astronomie. 1877. Wolf (R.) Handbuch der Physik, Geodasie und Astronomie. 2 vols. 1870. Wood (E. J.) Curiosities of Clocks and Watches. 1866. Messrs. So t her an' s Catalogues referred to in the Index. No. 770. Catalogue of Rare and Standard Books on Exact and Applied Science, including the Scientific Portion of the Library of the late Rt. Hon. Sir James Stirling, F.R.S., Lord Justice of Appeal ; and Selections from those of George Rennie, C.E., F.R.S. (1791-1866) ; Samuel Roberts, F.R.S., sometime President of the London Mathematical Society ; and of some other well-known Scientists. 1918 Containing 3883 numbers on 248 pages, catalogued under 13 different siibject-Jieadings. ITo. 772. Bibliotheca Viatica: Catalogue of an extensive Collection of Second-hand Books on the Road, the Rail, the Water, and the Air, including old Atlases and Maps, early Road Books, Coaching Books, and Books on early Canal and Railway AVork, Steam Navigation, Bridge Building, the Post Office, and Ballooning, and a scarce Collection of Books on Cycling. 1919 Containing 939 numbers on 64 pages, catalogued under 12 different eubject-headings. H"o. 773. Annotated and Classified Catalogue of Bare Books on Exact and Applied Science, including the Library of the late Professor Olaus Henrici, F.R.S. , and the more important Portion of that of Gilberto Govi (1825-89), Professor of Physics, University of Naples, removed during War Time from Naples, and including many Works of great historical Importance and Rarity. 1919 Containing 3336 number's on 256 pages, catalogued under l4 different subject-headings. ERRATUM. Page 5, no. 94 and page 292, no. 5750, notes — read electric current instead of electro-motive force. BIBLIOTHECA CHEMIOO-MAtflEMATIOA : CATALOGUE OF IMPORTANT''\vbikS- ^ MANY OLD AND RARE, On MATHEMATICS, ASTRONOMY, PHYSICS, and CHEMISTRY, -A-ISTD .A-LLIED SXJBJEOTS. OFFERED AT THEIB NETT PKICES BY HENHY SOTHIJEHAN 8c CO., 14 0, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. (NEAB WATEBIiOO BRIDGE.) They may also be ordered at their West-End House, 37, PICCADILLY, W. •«• To prevent disappointment. Customers are advised to address their orders to H. S. !ierical iiiirron*, will Ik- foiinil in MontiicIa*8 ' Histoire ae« Mathtical instrumcntii by putting bU vawt Imming to practical purpotcn in joining the firm of /eitz of Jena, now of worht-wide renown. ABBOT (Brig. -Gen. Henry Larcom) Problems of the Panama Canal: its Climatolojfy, I'livsics, H yilics, etc., woodcuts and map, cr. 8vo. cl., 4« 6d (selln fi* 6d nett) New York, 190.') I. ABEL (Niels Henrik) (Euvres Completes, avee Notes et Ddveloppenients par B. Holomboe, •2 vols. 4to. /if. cl., 15* . 18.31) 7 Nou\ KLLE Edition, publi6e, aux frais de I'Etat Norvc^jjien, par L. Sylow et S. Lie, 2 voIm. 4to ftrwn, £1. l.« Christiania, 1881 S ABERCROMBY (David, M.D.) Academia Scientiarum : or the Academy of Sciences: lieing a Short and Ea.sie Introduction to the Knowledge of the Liberal Arts and Science.s, with the Names of those Famous Authors that have written on every particular Science, in English and Latine, IGmo. ctdf gilt, newly rcbackcd {title slightly mended, but a sound large copy); RARE, £1.1* 1687 One of the earliest histories of natural science, written in Enjjlish and l>atin on opposit« pages. *It fg arranged alphabetically from Algebra to Rcctiline Trigonometry, and is far ahead of its age '.—Dr. t.ro$art. The author is also the real originator of the ' Philosophy of Common S««ii8e'— distinctly taught in bin writings, although it was not brought into general vogue liefore Thomas Ueid, who is generally HUpix>84*d to have originated it. 9 ABERCROMBY (Hon. Ralph) Weather : a Popular Exposition of the Nature of Weathrr ('h;iii<:os from Day to Day, 96 illustrations, post 8vo. cl., tis (p. 5s) ISS7 10 ABETTI (Antonio) Tavole di Riduzione delle Osservazioni all' Equatoriale, impl. 8vo. cl., 2.V Ftrenze, 1896 1 2 -Hi^NRY SOTH'ERA'N.& CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, AND 87, PICCADILLY, W. 11 A^NEY *. (Sij? ' WilKia-m de,' Wiveleslie, f.k.s.) The Action of Light in Photography, - 71 'iCfoodcu^fVtc^; <;3f/^Td. s'ev?n, \s Qd 1897 12 — ^ — Colour Measurement and Mixture, illustrated, 12rao. d., \s Q>d 1891 13 Colour Vision : Tyndall Lectures in 1894, coloured front., and numerous diagrams, 8vo. cL, 5s (p. 12.S Qd) 1895 14 Instruction in Photography, 11th [last] Ed. [including Additions on Colour Photo- graphy], ivith 209 illustrations, i\\\ck post 8vo. cL, 5s (sells 7* Qd nett) 1905 15 The Scientific Requirements of Colour Photography, illustrated, 8v6. (pp. 23), sewn, Is 1897 16 : The Sensitiveness of the Retina to Light and Colour, 19 diagrams, roy. 4to. (pp. 41), sewn. Is 6d 1897 17 ACOUM (Friedrich Christian) Chemical Amusement : Curious and Instructive Experiments in Chemistry, which are easily performed and unattended by Danger, first edition, post 8vo. original hoards, uncut. Is Qd 1819 At end is a 59-p. list of ' Clieiuical Apparatus and Instruments ', and ' Chemical Preparations for Philosophical Amuse- ment ', containing a minute description of nearly all chemical apparatus, as well as practically all chemicals, in use at the time, WITH PRICES, 18 Description of the Process of Manufacturing Coal Gas, for the Lighting of Streets, Houses, and Public Buildings, with Elevations, Sections, and Plans of the most improved sorts of Apparatus now employed at the Gas Works in London, and the principal Provincial Towns of Gt. Britain, with comparative Estimates, exhibiting the most Economical Mode of procuring this species of Light, first edition, icith coloured front., and 6 fine coloured folding plates^ largo 8vo. origincd figured boards, uncut (scarce), £1. 155 1819 19 Another Copy, 8vo. hf cl. {stamp on title), £1. 5* 20 Second Edition, luiih coloured front., and Q fine coloured FOLDING plates, large 8vo. original figured hoards, uncut {hack defective, otherwise a fine copy), £1. 75 Qd 1820 This forms to a certain extent a supplemant to the ' Practical Treatise on Gas Light' ('/. v. infra), and treats the subject wholly from a technical staiid])oint. These two works together form a complete treatise on the state of the science in its very infancy, while the line illustrations depict most accurately the methods and ajtparatus used at the time, and form an unusual series of ' Ackermann Plates '. The discovery of coal gas was due to J(jhn Clayton, Dean of Kddare, who communicated his experiments to the Hon. Robert Boyle some time before 1(591. It was first employed for lighting i)urposes by Lord Dundonald in 17S7, and on a larger scale by William Murdoch, who in 1T9S lit up a part of Boulton & Watt's Maiuifactory atSoho, Birmingham. 21 Elements of Crystallography, after the Method of Hauy; with, or without. Series of Geometrical Models, both Solid and Dissected, 2cith A copperplates {slightly foxed), and ivoodcut figures, 8vo. hoards, uncut, Qs Qd 1813 The first English treatise on Crystallography on the structural theory, based on Haiiy's epoch-making Avork. 22 Practical Treatise on Gas Light ; exhibiting a summary Description of the Apparatus and Machinery best calculated for Illuminating Streets, Houses, and Manufactories with Carburetted Hydrogen, or Coal Gas ; with Remarks on the Utility, Safety, and General Nature of this new branch of Civil Economy, first edition, with 7 fine coloured plates {2 folding), and 2 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. boards, uncut (scarce), £1. 155 R. Ackermann, 1815 23 Another Copy, with the last plate defective, roy. 8vo. old hf. calf, 185 Qd This important work is the first practical treatise on gas lighting, and was immediately translated into German, French, and Italian. The author was engineer of the Lomlon Chartered Gaslight and Coke Co., formed in 1810, and ' it is said that the prompt adoption of this mode of lighting in London and other large cities was greatly due to his Practical Treatise on Gas Light.' — D. N. B. 24 Second Edition, ivith 7 fine coloured plates (2 folding), and 2 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. hoards, uncut (SCARCE), £1. 105 ' apnd eundem, 1815 This edition, besides a few additions, contains an interesting preface : ' A large part of London is illuminated with Gas- Light, more than 4000 Argand's lamps now burn coal gas in this metropolis . . . The total length of main pipes deposited in the streets of London, for conveying carburetted hydrogen gas, exceeds 2(3 miles.' Some of the plates illustrate early gas-fittings in private houses, some of which are not in quite such bad taste as might be expected. 25 Practical Treatise on the Use and Application of Chemical Tests, with concise Instructions for Analysing Metallic Ores, Metals, Soils, Manures, and Mineral Waters, 2nd Ed., enlarged, with copperplates, post 8vo. origiiial boards, uncut, 5s 1818 Interesting as an early work on the subject. 26 System of Theoretical and Practical Chemistry, 2nd Ed., considerably enlarged and improved, luith 7 copperplates, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf {nice copy) ; scarce, IO5 Qd 1807 Intere.sting as a compendium of the science as then known, and giving' numerous experiments to illustrate the theory of heat, chemical affinity, and other laws Just beginning to revolutionize the science. The second edition contains additional plates, illustrating new chemical instruments, etc. 27 Treatise on the Art of Brewing, exhibiting the London Practice of Brewing Porter, Brown Stout, Ale, Table Beer, and other Malt Liquors, 2nd Ed. [enlarged], with coloured front, and vignette, post 8vo. original boards, uncut {scarce), IO5 Qd 1821 ' My main object has been to divest the art of brewing of the mystery in which it has been involved by interested persons '. — Preface. The author came to England in 1703, and became engineer to the London Gas Light Co., and librarian to the Royal Institution. But dismissed from the latter office (for alleged book thefts) he returned to Berlin in 1822. 28 ACTA ERUDITORUM, anno MDCLXXXIII publicata ; with \\ plates, diagrams, etc, sm. 4to. old calf, Is Qd Lipsiae, 1683 2v) AC WORTH (William Mitchell) The Railavays of England, with numerous full-page and other illustrations, 8vo. cl., 45 (p. 145) 1889 30 The K.vilways of Scotland : their Present, Past, and Future, map, post 8vo. cZ., 2* Qd (p. 55) 1890 31 ADAMS (George [the younger']) Essay on Vision, briefly explaining the Fabric of the Eye, and the Nature of Vision, /ro??^ on copper^ 12mo. sewn, 2s Qd 1789 Nos. 18-24. ->*••.:. Early Prints of the Manufacture of Coal Gas. lIKMiV SOTHERAN & CO., 140. STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 3 32 ADAMS (George [the younger]) Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy, eon- sidered in tlie present state of Improvement, 2nd Ed., with considerable Additions by William JOSEH, plates, 5 vols. 8vo. old calj, 6s I799 3.3 , Plates to the Geometrical and Craphical Essays of, 2nd Ed. by William Jones, 34 folding plates on copper {good impressions), 8vo. hf. calf, &s (k/ 1797 31 Third Edition, 'h\ folding plates, 8vo. contemporary tree-calf 5s 1803 liitt-restiiii; as giving iniuute and accurato iUu;itnitious of the soientitic instntineiits in iitte at the time. .35 ADAMS (John Couch, f.r.s. ; discoverer of * Neptune') Lectures on the Lunar Theory, ed. by It. A. .Samp.son, f R..S., cr. 8vo. c/., 3s (p. 5*) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1900 .30 AGRICOLA (Georgius) De Re Metallica; quibus Oflicia, Instrumenta, Machimw . . . deficribiintur, eju.sdemde AnimanTIHUS Subterraneis Liber, cum Indicibus ; taith yiumerous large and well-executed woodcuts, folio, vellum (a few II. wormed, but fine tall copy), £2. 2y BasUea-^ 1G21 Cuntainin){ at -Mid a Inaan glussiiry of mining t<*rms. .37 Opera de 1'Arte de Metalli, ne quali si deserivano tutte le Sorti, 0 Qualiti\ de gli Uttizii, deKliSTRUMENTl,delleM.\CCHINE Aj;;n»j;nesicheTratiadegr ANIMALldiSoTTOTERRA, tradotti in Lingua Toscana da MICHELANGELO Florio Fiorentino, con I' Indice di tutte le cose piu notabili alia tine; with numerous large and wellejrecuted woodcuts (VERY GOOD IMPRESSIONS), folio, hf russia antique (somewhat browned^ otherwise a VERY SOUND AND UNUSUALLY large COPY) ; RARE, £3. 3s liasilea, Hicron. Frobenio [1503J Th»' author, whos** n>al name wan Backr. wm the flr«t to give a twW areonnt of the chemistry of metalx. The woodoutH illii^tnitiii,' t!i- w ik an r.-ni u k;ihly gixxl, and lnt)uk of mineralogy . . . It i» c-haractiTJiMtl i.> .; • \; -I'll. .1 t<)ii(it^ral« conception of the o| I, and a distinct duRcription Ixjth of the apj>.v 1 tli>' processea followe A-iicola an a true investigator. It was through this ' im|)ortantoperation>{ in tlie working up of onu for their m<•' Ii (Jeneratione de le Cose, che sotta la Terra sono, e de le Cause de' loro Effetti e Nature ; de la Natura di quelle Cose, che de la Terra scorrono ; de la Natura de le Cose Fossili ; «le le Minere Antiche e Modeune; il IJergmanno, 6 de le CosE Metallice, recato in buona Lingua Volgare, very thick l2nH>. old hf. calf, IOj? VhI Vincgia, 1550 A compli-tH edition of the nuthor'.s minemlogical writingK in Italian. .39 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY of ENGLAND (Royal), Journal of the, from the beginning in 1840 to 1892, with numerous plates and woodcuts^ 01 vv., and Index to 1805-99— together 02 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt {some newly bound), £8. 8* 1840 92 Thiu work contains the contributions of the most eminent scieutiflc nien of the day. The early volunieri are quite out of print. All the improvements of motleni times, experiments, and their results ; stock-brectllng, farm tools, etc. etc., and AoRKTiTi'iiAi. CuEMisTRV, an> regi.stereriuonment. 42 AGUCCHIA (Lattantio, Arithmetico e Cittadino Bolognese) II Co.mpUTISTA Pacjato, jier trovare in un Hubito il conto fatto di qualunquesorte di pagamento che si faccia, cosi i\giorni, come ji mem, et anno ; with engraved title, cr. 4to. old limp vellum, 17* Qd Roma, 1GI3 ORKasAi. Kr>iTioN of this very rare Kkadv Rkckoskb, unknown to Montucla, Pogseiidorff, or Prof, de Morgnn. The liU-'jnij'hU drnrntU oidy mentions the edition of Loa« ref;u de nom '.—Ui' \ir. URie. The author alw) distinguishe«l a third kind of colours, the intentional or national (the image of a coloured boly, produced by the action of lenses or mirrors) in addition to the real and apjMirent colours, the two kinds previously distinguishe ALLEN (Alfred H.) Chemistry of Urine : a Practical Guide to the Analytical Examination of Diabetic, Albuminous, and Gouty Urine, woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4.s (p. Is Qd) 1895 86 Commercial Organic Analysis : a Treatise on the Properties, Proximate Analytical Examination, and Modes of Assaying the various Organic Chemicals and Preparations employed in the Arts, Manufactures, Medicine, etc. etc. etc., woodcuts, 4 vols. Svo. in 6, cl., £2. 2s (p. £4. lis 6d) 1879-98 Contents:— I. Cyanogen Compounds, Alcohols and their Derivatives, Phenols, Acids, etc., '79: II. Hydrocarbons, Fixed Oils and Fat.s, Sustirs, Starch and its Isomers, Alkaloids and Organic Bases, etc., '82 : III. 1. Acid Derivatives of rhenolK, Aromatic Acids, Tannins, Dyes and Colouring Matters, 2nd Ed., '89: III. 2. Amines and Ammonium Ba.se8, Hydrazines, Bases from Tar, Vegetable Alkaloids, 2nd Ed , '92 : III. 3. Non-Ba.sic Vegetable Bitter Principles, Animal Bases and Acids, Cyanogen and its Derivatives, 2nd Ed., '96 : IV. Proteids and Albuminous Principles, Proteoi(ls,2nd Ed,, '9S. 87 ALLEN (John Pamell) Practical Building Construction : a Student's Handbook and Book for Reference, 3rd Ed., revised, over 1000 illustrations, Svo. cl., 3s (p. 7^ Qd) 1900 83 ALLEN (Richard Hickley) Star Names and their Meanings [with copious Indexes], roy. Svo. cl., t. c. g., 135 6d (p. £1. nett) New York, 1899 S3 ALLSOP (F. C.) INDUCTION CoiLS and Coil Making, 2nd Ed., enlarged, 125 illustrations, post 8v()., cl., \sCid 1896 ALMAGEST -I'. Ptolom.^^.US, post. 93 ALPHONTII Rsgis Castellse Ccelestium Motuum Tabul.k, necnon Stellarum Fixarum Lox(JITUDInes ac Latitudines ; with woodcuts, 4to., got^ic Iftlrr; hf vellum (veryrare), £6. 15.5 [Venetiis,] Erh. Eatdolt, 148.3 Fin-sT Edition of the ' Alfonsine Tables ', an improvement of the Almagest undei-taken by command of Alfonso X.(' El Sabio *), King of Leon and Castile (r22»;-1284), by.M) (jf the most celebrated astronomers of the time. 91 AMERICAN ANNUAL of PHOTOGRAPHY, and Photographic Times Almanac, ed. by Walter E. Woodbury, 1896-1900, and 1902, ivith numerous plates (many coloured), full-page and other illustrations, 6 vols, large Svo. 2 vols. cl. and the rest sewn, 8s Qd Neiv York, 1896-1902 92 AMPERE (Andre Marie) Description d'un Appareil Electro-dynamique, 2° ed. ; with folding plate on copper, comprising 2^ figures, post Svo. (pp. 32), sewn (rare), 8* 6rf 1826 This work contains the author's invention of the astatic needle as applied to the galvanometer. 93 Memoire sur I'AcTiON Mutuelle d'un Conducteur Voltaique et d'un Aimant ; avec Supplement : Lettre a M. le D«-. Gherardi ; with 3 folding plates, 4to. sewn, (rare), Ss6d [1826] 91 -— Memoire sur la Theorie Mathi^:matique des Ph6nomp:nes Electro-dynamiques uniquement deduite de I'Experience, avec ses Memoires a I'Academie royale des Sciences, 1820, '22, '23 et '25, edition originale ; with 2 folding plates on copper, 4to. 7iewly bound in hf. green calj neat [very largeand sound copy); RARE, £1. ^s Qd [1826] Original Edition OK the Author's' most important Work, which laid the foundation of electro-dynamics, and prepared the way for Faraday's discoveries. The author's name is immortalized in electrical science as the unit for electro-motive force. 95 Keimpression ; with 2 folding plates, impl. Svo. hf roan. Is Qd (p. F.15.00 sewn) 1883 96 ANDERSON (J. W.) The Prospector's Handbook in Search of Metal-bearing and other valuable Minerals, 4th Ed., enlarged, woodcuts, 12mo. cl., \s Qd (p. 35 Qd) 1889 fi HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. J 00 ANDERSON (James, c.e., Edin.) Report relative to a Design for a Chain Bridge, proposed to be thrown over the Fritii of Forth at Queensferry, 4to. (pp. 31), sewn, 35 Edin., 1818 101 ANDERSON (Sir John) The Strength of Materials and Structures, 66 illustrations, 12mo. c/., Is6rf 1872 102 ANDERSON (Richard) Lightning Conductors : their History, Nature, and Mode of Application, /?'ow<. and niimerons woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 16s) 1879 or '80 103 Third [last] Edition, enlarged, woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 6s M (p. 12s 6c?) 1885 Including a copious history from their invention by Benjamin Franklin to 1S79, anil a bibliography. 104 ANDERSON (Col. "William) Sketch of the Mode of Manufacturing Gunpowder at the Ishapore Mills in Bengal, with Experiments to ascertain the Value of Charge, Windage, Vent and Weight, etc., in Mortars and Muskets, etc. etc., with Notes and Additions by Lt.-Col. Samuel Parley, with 10 plates, and woodcuts, inipl. 8vo. cl., 7s Qd 1862 still valuable for the record of experiments on gunpowder contained in the work. 105 ANDRE (George G.) Practical Treatise on Coal Mining, with 84 plates {many folding), 2 vols. roy. 4to. c/., £1. 7s 6t^ (p. £3. 12s) 1879 One of the most extensive treatises on this important subject in any language. 106 ANDREWS (O. W.) Hand-Book of Public Health Laboratory Work and Food Inspection, tcoodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 7s Qd nett) 1901 107 ANDREWS (Thomas, m.d., f.r.s., Prof. Chemistry, Queen's Coll., Belfast) Scientific Papers, with Memoir by P. G. Tait, and A. Crum Brown, ff.r.s., with steel portrait, 6^9^rries, and woodcuts, 8vo., cl., 9s (p. 18s) 1889 The author's great achievement was his discovery of the critical temperature of gases, besides important researches (in conjunction with Prof. Tait) on ozone, and on the heat of combination. 108 On the Continuity of the Gaseous and Liquid States of Matter (Abstract), ^vith diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 4), with inscr. 'From, the Author', Is 1869 109 ANGLIN (S.) The Design of Structures : a Practical Treatise on the Building of Bridges, Roofs, etc., vjith 2bo figures, 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 16s) 1891 110 ANNALES de CHIMIE ; on Kecueil de Memoires concernant la Chimie et les Arts qui en dependent, par MM. DE MoRVEAU, LAVOISIER, Monge, Berthollet, de Fourcroy, le Baron de Dietrich, Hassenfratz et Adet ; from the beginning in 1789 to 1806 (Vols. 1-56), with ' Table des Matieres' to v. 1-30, plates — in all 57 vols. 8vo. in 29, cl. {in sound condition) ; very rare, £9. 9s 1789-1806 The most interesting and valuable portion of this important publication (afterwards continued as ' Annales de Chimie et de Physique'), containing all the important contributions of Lavoisier, Berthollet, etc., and indispensable to the historian of chemistry when freed from the Phlogiston incubus. 111 Les Memes ; from 1789 to 1793 (Vols. 1-12), plates, 12 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut, £2. 2s 1789-93 112 de CHIMIE et de PHYSIdUE, par Gay-Lussac, Arago, Regnault, etc., Ille Serie, Tomes 26 a 45 ; with numerous plates, 20 vols. 8vo. 18 v. hf. calf, and 2 v. cl., £3. 10s 1849-55 113 ANNALS of the Koyal Observatory, Edinburgh, Vol. I, ed. by Kalph Copeland, f.r.a.s., with woodcuts, roy. 4to., cl., 5s Glasgow, 1902 CoNTKNTs :— Observations of 217 Nebulre made with the Transit Circle, by L. Becker: Positions of Stars within one Degree from the North Pole, by the same : Contributions to the Theory of the Sun, by J. Halm : On a New Double Image Jlicrometer, by J. Gerhard Lohse. 114 [ANNET (Peter)] A Book of Arithmetic: for the Use of Schools, Uo.-sewn {rare), 15s sold by P. Annet [ca. 1750] The author of this work— unnoticed by Lowndes, Watt, or Allibone -Avas undoubtedly Peter Annet, the deistical writer and forerunner of Tom Paine. It was unknown to Prof, de Morgan. 115 ANNUAIE.E de Chimie, comprenant ses applications ;i la Medecine et a la Pharmaeie: Reper- toire des Decouvertes etc., par E. Millon et J. NiCKLi:s, 1851, 8vo. sewn, 2s 1851 116 ANSTIE (John) The Coal Fields of Gloucestershire and Somersetshire, and their Bc- sources, ivith 6 folding plates and 3 tables, roy. 8vo. cl. {out ofjirint), 2s 6d (p. 6s) 1873 117 ANSTRUTHER (Robert H., r.n.), and Raffaele SETTEMBRINI: Sea-Faring Phrases and Technical Terms, English and Italian, tvith coloured plates, sq. post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd Portsmouth, 1894 118 ANTHONY'S PHOTOGRAPHIC BULLETIN, The International Annual, and Amer- ican Process Year Book, ed. by W. I. Scandlin, Vols. 10-14, ivith numerous fne 2^lates and other illustrations, 5 vols. 8vo. sewn, 7s Qd New York, 1898-1902 119 APIANTJS [germanice BIENEWITZ] (Petrus) Cosmographia, per [Reynerum] Gemmam Frisium iam demum ab omnibus vindicata mendis, ac nonnullis quoque locis auota. Additis ejusdem argumenti libellis Gemma?- Frisii [Usus Annuli Astronomici Kegionum et LOCORUM Descriptio, etc.] ; with numerous woodcuts {including several MOVEABLE ones), sm. 4to. old hf. calf {margin of title and last I. mended, otherwise a sound tall copy) ; rare, £3. 15s Antrerpicc, Greg. Bontius, 1550 120 Cosmographia, corregida y anadida por Gemma Frisio : La manera de descrivir y situar los Lugares, con el Uso del Anillo Astronomico, de Gemma Frisio ; el Sitio yDESCRiPCiON de las INDIAS y MuDO NUEVO, sacada de la Mistoria de Francisco Lopez de Gomara, y de la Cosmographia de leronymo Girava Tarragonez ; with numerous icoodcuts {some with moveable FIGURES), and folding map {including America), sm. 4to. fine and large copy inhf. c«(/'(rare), £2. 2s Anvers, 1575 The author was the first to suggest (in the above work) the determination of the longitude by lunar distances, while its editor, Gemma Frisius, proposed the use of a chronometer for the same purpose. He al.so first suggested the use of coloured glasses in observations of the sun, and discovered that the direction of comets' tails is opposite to that of the sun. i HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 7 121 ANTONI (Alessandro Vittorio Papacino d') Treatise on Gun-Powder, Fire- Arms, and tlie Service of Artillery in Time of War, trans, by Capt. [J.] Thomson, r.a., ivith 24Joldin(f copperplates, 8vo. old tree-calf (rare), 125 6c? ^ 1789 Thetir-st treatise includes a lar^'e number of original experiments on gunpowder, some of which anticipate the discoveries of Count Ruiuford on the subject. APOLLODORUS Architectus— v. Mathematici Veteres, post 1_'2 APOLLONIUS Pergseus : CONICORUM Libri VIII, et Sereni Antissensis de Sectione Cylindri et Coni Libri II [ex Codd. MSS. Graccis ed. Edmundus Halley] ; ivith front, and vignette by Burghers, and numerous diagrams, roy. folio, Large Paper ; old calf, newly rebacked (rare), £3. 105 Oxoniui, e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1710 1J3 Another Large Paper Copy, old calf gilt, with bookplate of Edward I2th Duke of xYorfolk, £3. I3s ad 'Tlie tlrst complete edition, including a masterly restoration of the lost eighth book.'— D. JV. B. This splendid edition comprises the Greek text with a Latin translation, as well as the commentary of Eutocius, and the Lemmata of Pai)pus. 121 CONICORUM Libri IV, cum Pappi Alexandrini Lemmatibus, et Commentariis EUTOCii Ascalonitte. Sereni Antissensis [de Sectione Cylindri et Coni] Libri II nunc primum in Lucem editi, omnia ex Versione et cum Commentariis Frederici Commandini ; with numerous diagrams, folio, fine tall copy in old Italian red morocco gilt (RARE), £1. 1* Bononiae, 1566 125 CONICORUM Libri IV^, cum Conmientariis Claudii lilCHARDi, s.J. ; with vignette portrait on title and numerous plates, folio, fine copy in old white vellum, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, 10* 6a? ' Antverpiw, 1655 126 CONICORUM Libri V, VI, VII, paraphraste Abalphato Asphahanensi nunc primum editi; additus Archimedis Assumptorum Liber ex Codd. Arabicis MSS. A. Ecchellensis Maronita reddidit, et J. A. Borellus curam in geometricis versione contulit, etc. ; with numerous diagrams, folio, old calf {sound tall copy), xcith bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, lOs Florentiw, 1661 127 Inclinationum Libri II; restituebat Samuel Horsley, r.s.s. [Episc. Asaphensis]; with folding plates, 4to. boards, 8s 6d Oxonii, Typ. Clarend., 1770 Dc-aliag with the problem to draw a line so that the interception betwean two given lines, or the circumferences of two given circles, sliall be of a given length. 128 De Sectione Rationis Libri II, ex Arabic© MS. Latine versi, accedunt ejusd. de Sectione Spatii libb. II restituti, opera et studio ilDMUNDi Halley ; with numerous diagrams, 8vo. old calf with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, 9s ibidem, 1706 This is the first published edition of 'de sectione rationis', translated from an Arabic M3. discovered by Bernard in the Bodleian Library. The ' sectio spatii ' is an attempted restoration of this lost work. ' He is classed with Euclid, Archimedes, and Diophantus, among the founders of the mathematical sciences. In his work on conic sections he not merely summed up all that was known on the subject, but made valuable discoveries '. 123* Treatise on Conic Sections, ed. in Modem Notation, with Introductions, including an Essay on the earlier History of the Subject, by T. L. Heath, 8vo. (pp. 424), cL, 8s Qd (p. 15*) Univ. Press, Cam&ridge, 1896 12J : Ghetaldi (Marino) Apollonius Redivivus, seu Restituttic Apollonii Perga?i de Inclinationibus Geometritie Liber II. ; with diagrams, 4to. vellum {tvanting title and sig. Ai, and 1 I. slightly damaged), vnth bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., 5s Venetiis[l601] 130 , Grand'i (Guid'o) CoMPENDiodelle Sezioni Coniche d', con nuove proprieta delle medesime sezioni ; 7 plates, 18mo. parchment, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, 4s Firenze, 1722 131 APPELL (Paul, t/e /'/ns^i7M<) Lecons sur I'Attraction et la Fonction Potentielle; with 24 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 63), sewn {out of print), 2s 1892 132 APPLEBY (Brothers) Illustrated Hand-Book and Price Current of Machinery and Iron Work, woodcuts, 8vo. cL, 2s Qd 1863 Interesting as containing copious descriptions of machinery now superseded or no longer in use. 133 APPLETON'S Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine-Work, and Engineering, with fine steel portraits and plates, and 4000 woodcuts, 2 thick vols. roy. 8vo. hf morocco, 8s Gd (p. £3. 15*) New York, 186-5 134 ABAGO (Franqois Jean Dominique) (Euvres Completes, publiees d'apres son ordre sous la direction de J. A. Barral [avec Introduction par Alex, de Humboldt] ; with 21 plates, wood- cuts, and maps, 16 vols. 8vo. half calf , contents lettered, £1. lis 6d (p. F. 120 sewn) 1854-7 ^ The only complete edition of the author's works, comprising: Astronomie populaire, 4 v. : Notices biographiques, 3 v. : Notices scientifiques, 5 v. : Voyages scientiHques : Memoires scientificiues, 2 v. : Melanges. ' He made several important discoveries in electro-magnetism— especially the phenomenon of rotatory marjndism. He may be said to have proved the relation between the aurora borealis and magnetic variations. He greatly promoted the acceptance of the undulatory theory of light, and made impoitant advances in the doctrine of the polarisation of light. Other minor achievements were made in the department of photometric measurements of the brightness of the stars, tlic elastic force of .steam and other gases.' 135 Astronomie Populaire, publiee sous la direction de J. A. Barral, with plates and numerous woodcuts, 4 vols. 8vo. sewn, lO.s (p. F. 39) 1855 136 Popular Astronomy, trans, and ed. by Adml. William Henry Smyth, f.r.s., and Korert Grant, icith 19 plates and 226 woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. brown calf gilt ; or, hf morocco neat {out of print), \2s Qd 1855 137 KOSMISCHE Meteore ; with 2 woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, \s Leipzia, 1865 138 Meteorological Essays, with Intro, by Baron Alex. v. Humboldt, trans, under the superintendence of Sir Edward Sabine, f.r.s., 8vo. cl., 69 6c/ 1855 ' It contains, besides much interesting information in regard to the author's early views, a rcsuvui of the results of his own magnctical observations between 1820 and 1835. The deductions from these observations are now for the first time made public.'— i're/ace. 139 ARATA (Pedro N.) Apuntes de QufMiCA, 3ra Edicion ; with portraits and diagrams, 3 vols, sq. post 8vo. cl., ivith author's inscr. to Prof. Williamson, 5i Buenos Aires, 1901 8 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 140 ARATXJS [Solensis: Phenomena, Greece], cum Scholiis, recognovit Immanuel Bekkerus, 8vo. hf. cL, 3s Berolini, 1828 One of the best editions of St.. Paul's poet. The astronomical system it describes is founded on that of Eudoxus of Cnidns. 'Tow yap (cat yeVos eijaei/ ' will be found at the beginning of the lifth line. 141 ARBON (J. G.) Vekhandeling over de Binomiaal Coefficienten, benevcns eene beknopte Iheorie der oetallen-reeksen naar dc Binoniiaalwet geordend, roy. 4to. sewn, 'M Qd Rotterdam, 1844 142 ABBUTHNOT (F. F.) The Mysteries of Chronology, with Proposal of a New English Era, to be called the Victorian, 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. 6* nett) 1900 IN XVIth century binding : 143 ARCHIMEDIS Opera, qua? quidani extant, Omnia, nunc primum et Gra^ce et Latine in luccm edita. Adiecta quoque sunt EUTOCII Ascalonitje in eosdem Archimedis Libros COMMENTARIA, item GR.iECE et Latine, nunquam antea excusa [ex recensione Tii. Gechauff Venatorii] ; with numerous diagrams, 4 i>arts in 1 vol. folio, contemporary Italian calf extra, Jinely tooled corners and centre-pieces, with the arms of the family of Du Pre de St.-Mauh inlaid in morocco 171 centre, iciih silken ties {some II. uater-stained, the joints neatly mended, a)id binding someivhat rubbed, otherwise a SOUND COPY IN GOOD preservation), with old armorial bookplate of Thomas du Fosse on reverse of title, £4. 15^ Basilece, Jo. Hericigius, 1544 The first EbiTiox of Archimcdcs's works. 144 Another Copy, large sound copy in new hf. vellum antique, £3. 3.9 145 Opera quae extant, Gra?ce et Latine, novis Demonstrationibus Comnientariisque illustrata per Davidem RivaltuM; with numerous woodcuts and diagrams, folio, sound clean copy in old calf {back slightly damaged), £1. 5* Farisiis, 1615 The second edition of Archimede-!, rare and valuable lor the numerous woodcuts. The above copy contains 549 numbered pp., whereas Graesse only mentions 64S. 146 Opera ; Apollonii Perg^i Conicorum lib. IV ; Theodosii Spha^ica : Methodo nova illustrata, et succincte demonstrata per Is. Barronv [sacerdotem] , Exprofessorem Lurasianuni Cantab. ; with numerous plates, cr. 4to. old calf, 13* Qd Londini, 1675 147 Another Copy, old calf {fine tall copy), v;ith auto, of William Molyneux (1656-98, philosopher) on title, and bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, Ms Qd ' L' Archimede du D. Barrow est un excellent ouvragc ; il est surtout propre a ceux de nos geometres modernes, qui voudroient connoitre la methode ar.cienne, parce qu'elle y est r^duite sous une forme plus abregee, sans que I'esprit en soit altere.' — Montuda. 148 Monumenta omnia Mathematica quce extant, ex traditione Francisci Maurolici, Abbatis S. MariiP, a Partu ; with numerous diagrams, folio, sound tall copy (? Large Paper), in old calf, u-ith bookplate of Philip Ind Earl Stanhope, 15s Panormi, 1685 This copy belonged to Humphrey Ditton, Mathematician (ICTS-iri-O), and has his auto, and MS. references on title. 149 Opera quvith Specifi- cation for Labour and Materials, etc. etc., by \V. Davis Haskoll, with the Law of C< ntracts by AV. C. Glen, plates and woodcuts, 3 parts 8vo. in 1 vol. cL, 5s (p. £1. Is) [1868J ATHEN-ffiUS Mechanicus— r. Matiiematici Veter es, /»os<. 177 ATKINSON (James, Senior) Epitome of the Art of Navigation, containing Me: catoi"s and Creat-CircleSailing, Astronomy, etc. etc., with plates, 8\o. (pp. 448), old calf, newly rebacked, with bookjilaie of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, 12s 6d for the Author, near Cherry Garden Stairs, Eotherhi.h-Wall, 1713 10 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 178 ATTI della R. ACCADEMIA dei LINCEI : Memorie della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Serie 111% v. 14, Seiie 1V\ v. 2, 4, 5 (1883-8), 9 v. roy. 4to. : Trasimti. Serie III"^, v. 4, 5, 8 (1880-3), 3 v. roy. 4to. : Rendiconti. Serie IV-'^, v. 1-3, 4, parts 1-5 (1884 — March, 1888), 3 v. and 5 parts, 4to. — together 15 vols, and 5 parts, ivith nmnerous plates, and other illvstratioiis ; sewn, £2. 2s Roma, 1880-8 179 della R. ACCADEMIA delle SCIENZE di TORINO: Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Vols. XX — XXXVIIl; with plates, 19 vols. roy. 8vo. sewn, as issued, £3. 15s ■ Torino, 1884-1903 180 ATWOOD (George, Fellow of Trinity, f.r.s.) Treatise on the Rectilinear Motion and Rotation of Bodies, with Description of Original Experiments on the Subject, ^folding plates by Basire, large 8vo. very tall copy in old hf. calf {\y.ry SCARCE), £1. 10s Cambridge, 1784 'In this work occurs (p. 298) the first description of the ingenious apparatus since so well known as 'Atwood's Machine', for exhibiting and verifying the accelerative action of gravity '.—D. N. B. 181 Analysis of a Course of Lectures on the Principles of Natural Philosophy, diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf, Ss Qd 1784 ' still interesting as illustrating the state of science at Cambridge a century ago '.— D. N. B. 182 AUGUST (Ernst Ferdinand) Uber die Fortschritte der Hygrometrie in der neuesten Zeit; with front, of the psychrometcr, 4to. (pp. 30), sewn {scarce). Is Qd Berlin, 1830 Containing a farther account of the author's invention of the psychronieter — the wet and dry bulb hygrometer noAV generallv in use. Added i< a 4-p. pamphlet by him, ' Neue Einrichtung des Psychrometers '. 183 AUGUSTIN (A. Dubourg) : Verzameling van Berigten, Dichtstukken en Aria's, betref- fende de beide Luchtreizen, welke door den Heere Augustin den 3 Sept. en den 1 Oct. 1806, in Amsterdam ondernomen zijn; with coloured front, represeiding the ascent, 8vo. (pp. M),sewii, £1. 55 Amsterdam, 1806 a very rare work, describing the first balloon ascent from Amsterdam. It was unknown to Hatton Turnor, who mentions it neither in the Bibliography nor in the ' Roll of the first 500 Aeronauts ' contained in his ' Astra Castra '. 1S4 AVILER (Augustin Charles d') Cours d'ARCHiTECTURE, qui comprend les Ordres de Vignole, plusieurs nouveaux Desseins, Ornemens et Preceptes, etc. etc., avec Explication alpha- betique des Termes, 2^ Ed., augmentee; with front, and over 100 fne plates, sm. ito. new hf. broivn calf gilt, £ 1 . 1 Os 1 720 ' Le cours a ete pendant pros d'un siecle le meilleur ouvrage de ce genre que Ton eftt en France, et il est encore recherche des curieux.'— iir((«eL 185 AYRES (John) Arithmetic made Easie, for the Use and Benefit of Trades-Men; 18th Ed., with a Short and Easie Method after which Shop-keepers may State, Post, and Balance their Books of Accompts, by Charles Snell; the Whole perused, and many Errours corrected by E. Hatton, Gent , 16mo., boards {corner cut off title, and some pp. shorn), Qs Qd 1730 'A work of the immediate school of Cocker'. — Prof, de Morgan. 18G AYRTON (William Edward, f.r.s.) Practical Electricity: a Laboratory and Lecture Course, 180 icoodcuts, post 8vo. cL, 3s (p. 7* Od) 1887 187 AYSCOUGH (James, Optician) Short Account of the Eye and Nature of Vision, chiefly to illustrate the Use and Advantage of Spectacles, 4th Y.&., front., 12mo. sewn, '2s 1755 188 Short Account of the Nature and Use of Spectacles, with a Kind of Glass for Spectacles, preferable to any hitherto made use of, 12mo. (pp. 16), sewn, Is 1750 189 AZEMAR (L. P. V. M.) Trisection de 1' Angle, avec Recherches analytiques sur le m6me feujet, par J. G. Garnier; ivith ^folding plates, 8vo. seicn, 3* Qd 1809 190 BABBAGE (Charles, f.r.s.) Calculating Engines : a Collection of Papers relating to them, their History and Construction [ed. by his Son General Henry P. Babbage], with portrait and \^ plates {some folding), large 4to. cl. {scarce), £1. \s 1889 Including articles on Mr. Babbage by Gen. Menabrea and Sir G. G. Stokes, and the Royal Society's reports on the Engines. 191 : Babbage's Calculating Machine ; or Difference Engine, exhibited in the S. Kensington Museum [by B. Herschel Babbage], /ron^., roy 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, 2s 1872 ' The essential novelty of Babbage's design consisted in setting wheelwork to develop the numerical consequences of the law of any given series, thus ensuring the accurate calculation of an entire table without any further trouble of the operator than a few original adjustments. The mathematical principle selected by him as the basis of his invention was the ' method of ditterences,' by which it appears that the numbers composing nearly all arithmetical series can be formed by the lepeated addition to fundamental numbers of a common difference or 'element'— a process eminently capable of being performed by a machine.'— Mis.s- A. M. Clerlce. 192 On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures, 2nd Ed., enlarged, luith vignette portrait of Roger Bacon, 12mo., hf. bound. 3s 6d 1832 193 Third Edition, enlarged, vignette portrait, 12mo. cl., 4* ed ' An admirable little treatise, of which the merit was attested by translation into 4 languages, and by reprints in America.' — D. N. B. 194 Examples of the Solutions of Functional Equations, ;>/a^e, 8vo. (pp. 42), sewn, 3s [1820] V. Peacock, post. 195 The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise: a Fragment, icoodcuts, 8vo. cl., uncut, 5s 1837 196 Second Edition, 8vo., hf. calf gilt {nice cojiy), Is 6d 18.38 197 Another Copy, cl., ivith author's inscr. and auto, letter to William Smee, F.R.S., 10s Od In the auto, letter the author expresses his gratitude to Mr. Smee ' for the information you have so kindly assisted liim in obtaining ' [for the above work]. ' A work nobly planned, remarkable as one of the earliest attempts to reconcile breaches of continuity with the govern- ment of tl e universe by law, which vindicated the serviceableness of mathematics to religion.'— D. N, Jl. 198 Passages from the Life of a Philosopher, with front, of the author's invention, the ' Difference Engine {No. 1),' 8vo. cl., Ss 6d 1864 Largely autobiographical, and containing a copious account of his inventions, including his calculating machine, which cost the nation £17,000, and himself 19 years' unpaid work, and is now preserved in an unfinished state in the South Kensington Museum. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 11 199 BABBAGE (Charles, f.r.s.) Reflections on the Decline of Science in England, and on some of its Causes, 8vo. original boards, vncnt. Is Qd 1830 ' All outspoken attack on the management of the Royal Society, which contributed materially to the origin of the British Association in the following year.'— />. N. IS. 200 TABLE.of the Logarithms of the Natural Numbers, from 1 to 108000, 2nd Ed., printed on grey paper, roy. 8vo. boards, ivith inscr. ^ from the author,' 5s 6d 1831 201 " Fourth Impression, roy. 8vo. hf. roan, i5s 1844 ' Babbage's Table of the Logarithms i.s the best for ordinary use. Great ]!ains were taken to get the maximum of clearness. The change of figure in the middle of the block of numbers is marked by a change of type in the fourth tigurc, which is the be.st jnethod that has been used. Copies of the book were printed on paper of ditterent colours— yellow, brown, green, etc.- as it was considered that black on a white ground was a fatiguing combination for tl:e eye.'— J. fF. L. Glaislur, F.R.S. 202 , Catalogue of the Mathematical and Scientific Library of, to be sold by Private Contract by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson <& Hod^e, 8vo. sewn (scarce), \0s Gd 1872 This excellent collection, i^rhaps one of the most valuable and representative scientific libraries ever collected within recent times, consisted of 2'>90 lots distributed as Ibllows :— Pure Alathematics, 799; Astronomy, 454 ; Mechanics and Acoustics, 267 ; Optics, 182; Electricity and Magnetism, \^l•, Meteorology, 11; Tables, 205; Transactions of Scientific Societies, 101 ; Miscellaneous (including History, Biogra]>hy, etc.), 3'27. Owing to the unmerited neglect whicii books of this character have constintly received, not only from the book -collector but also from the bibliogra])her, the above catalogue is of no little bibliographical value. 203 BABINET (Jacques, de Vlnstitut), et Charles Pierre HOUSEL : Calculs Pratiques applifiucs aux Sciences d'OnsERV.vnoN ; ivith diagrams, 8vo. sewn, 3s 1857 204 BACHET de MEZIKIAC (Claude Gaspard, s.J.) Problemes PLAiSANSet DELECTABLES,qui se font par les Nombres, avec leur Demonstration, 2® ed., augmentde, sm. Svo. boards, uncut (rare), £1. l5 Lyon, 1U24 ' Containing an interesting collection of arithmetical trick.? and questions.' — W. W. R. Ball. 20.J BACON (Sir Francis, Viscount St. Alban) Works, edited, with Life, by Basil Montagu, beautifully printed in large type, with fine steel portraits at different x>CTiods, and other plates, 17 vols. 8vo. hf calf gilt, red edges, £5. 5s W. Pickering, 182.5-34 still a valualile edition, and most attractive for the library fron: its beautiful execution. It was carefully collated with fhe original editions and translations, and contains translations as well as the originals of the Latin works, and numerous letterH not containeil iu earlier editions. THE STANDARD EDITION : 206 Works, both Latin and English, together with his Life and LETTERS, collected and edited by James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis, and Douglas Denon Heath, with steel portraits andfss., 14 vols. Svo. cl. [fresh set), £7. 1861-74 207 Another Set, 14 vols, new hf polished morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g., £10. 10^ 1862-83 208 Philosophical Works, methodized, and made English, from the Originals, Avith new Prefaces and References, by Peter Shaw, m.d., 2nd Ed., 3 vols. 4to. old hf calf, 10s Qd 1737 209 Physical and Metaphysical Work.?, ed. by Joseph Devey, post 8vo., cL, 2s 1853 210 DeDlGNiTATE et AugmentisScientarium Libri IX; Ed. nova, cum Indice locupletissimo ; engraved front., 18mo. old calf , ivith silken ties, I5s Lugd. Bat., Fr. Moiardus et A. Wijngaerde, 1645 A i>rettily printed edition. 'The philo.sophical opinions of Bacon, as distinguished from his teaching on logic and the methfHl of science, are mainly to be found in ' De Augmentis Scientiarum,' an expansion of the ' Advancement of Learnins; ' and the ' Descriptio Globi Infellectualis '.'—Prof. Fowler. 211 Novum Organum Scientiarum ; with engraved front., 18mo. old calf, 12s 6d Lugd. Batav., 1645 212 Novum Organum, edited, with Intro., Notes, etc , by Thomas Fowler, pr., Prof. Logic, Oxon., 8vo. cl., 7s 6d (p. 15s) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1878 A reprint of the first edition of 1G20, with Intro, (pp. 151), and copious notes 'explaining the difiicultiesof the work (by no means few or small;, and presenting Bacon in his relations to the History of Philosophy, Logic, ard Science.'— iVe/atv. 213 The Twoo Rookes of S"". Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and aduancement of Learning, Divine and Humane. To the King [Second Edition] , sm. 4to. old hf calf [rubbed, but good copy), £4. 4* William Washington, 1629 214 Third Edition, 4to old sheep, with wide margins, £3. 3s Oxford, by I. L., Printer to the University, for Thomas Huggins, 1633 215 Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Human [ed. by Bash. Montagu, k.c], post 8vo. cl., uncut, 6s Qd Pickering, 1825 216 : Craik (George Lillie) BACON ; his Writings, and his Philosophy, 3 vols. 16mo. in 1, cl., '2s 6f/ 1810-7 L'17 BACON (J.) The Theory of Colouring: the Principles of Contrast and Harmony in the Arrangement of Colours, 6 coloured jdaics, post Svo. cl., 2s 6d 1866 'J18 BACON (Roger, Ordinis Minorum) Opera qua?dam hactenus Inedita : Vol. I. [all publishedl, containing:!. Opus Tertium. II. Opus Minus. III. Compendium Philosophia?- ; edited [with Preface and Life (pp. 100)] by John Sherren Brewer, pr., with 3 fss. of MJSS., thick roy. 8vo. roxburghe, 10s 18,19 Dr. Brewer's Introduction is 'among the moat valuable recent studies on Roger Bacon.' — D. N. Ft. 219 Thesaurus Chemicus : in auo Liber Scientiarum, Alchemia major, BreviatumdedonoDei, Verbum abbreviatum de Leone viridi, Secretum Secretorum, Tractatus III verborum, et Speculum Secretorum, 18mo. (pp. 408), sewn [a few II. slightly wormed) ; RARE, £1. Is Francofurti, 1620 The tliird edition of Friar Bacon's first printed work, originally issued under the title Opera Chemica iu 148.0. 220 BADNALL (Richard) Treatise on Railway Improvements, explanatory of the Chief Difficulties and Inconveniences which at present attend the General Adoption of Eailways, and the Means to overcome them, as proved by a Series of Interesting Experiments ; Avith Kemarks on the Operation and Effect of Locomotive Power, 10 illustrations, 8vo. original hf. cl. (VERY scarce), £1. Is 1833 One of the earliest works on Railway Enoineerino, treating especially friction and gravity in connexion with inclines, and suggesting ' a most important improvement in the formation of Railways '—a switchback alignment. He was the first to suggest in this work the use of couplingTods instead of loose chains. 12 HENRY SOTHEHAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 221 BADDELEY (P. F. H.) Whirlwinds and Dust Storms of India : an Investi^fation into the Law of Wind and Revolving Stoinis at Sea, ivith 2 transparent wind cards, roy. 8vo. cl., 6.s 1860 222 BAEHR (G. F. W.) Sur les Formules pour la Multiplication des Fonctions elliptiques de la premiere Espece, roy. 8vo. (pp. 52), sewn, \s Qd [c. 1840] 223 BAEYER (General Joseph Jacob) Astronomische Bestimmungen fiir die Europaische Gradmessung, 1857-66, 4to. hf. cl., 5s 6d (p. M.9. sewn) Leipzig, 1873 The author was the first to propose a geodetic survfy comprising the whole of Central Europe, the results of whicli are embodied in the above volume. 224 BAG AY (Valentin) Nouvelles Tables Astronomiques et Hydbographtques, con tenant un Traite abrcffe des Cercles de la Sphere ; la Description des Instruments h Reflexion ; diverses Methodes pour obtenir les Latitudes et les Longitudes terrestres ; une nouvelle Table de Logarithnies, des Sinus, ete. etc., de Seconde en Seconde, pour les 90" du quart du Cercle ; with 5 folding plates, 4to. (pp. 832), sheep (very scarce), £2. 2* Didot, 1829 'Computers hive always preferred Bagay' s N'oyvdles 7'rtWes (IS29), which also contains a complete logarithmic canon to every second. The change in the column is very clearly marked by a large black nucleus, surrounded by a circle, l)rinted instead of zero. Bagay's work has now become very rare.'—/. 11'. L. (llalsher, F.R.S. 225 BAILEY (R. D., F.c^s.) Notes on Brewing [with Typical Analyses], post 8vo. cl., 2s 1889 226 BAILEY (William) The Advancement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce; or Description of the Useful Machines and Models contained in the Repository of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, with the Discoveries and Improvements promoted by the Society, 4to , and folio Atlas, comprlsina 55 fine copperplates — 2 vols, old calf, with old bookplate of Dundas of Arniston, \Qs Qd 1772 The machines described and depicted include Hydraulic Machines by Wirtz and Merryman, a Machine for ventilating Mines by Keane Fitzgerald, f.r.s.. Pinchbeck's Crane, Standfield's Saw Mill, etc. etc. 227 BAILLAUD (Benjamin, de V Ohservutoire de Toidoitse) CoVRS d'AsTRONOMiE, P Partie: Quelques Theories applicables a Tetude des Sciences experimentales ; iciih diar/rams, roy. Svo. sewn, 4s (p. F. 8.) ' 1893 228 BAILLY (Jean Sylvain) Histoire de I'Astronomie ; with iilates, complete in 5 vols. 4to. uniformly hound in contemporary French calf gilt, £2. 2^ , 1779-87 CoNTENU :— HisToiRE de I'Astronomie Ancienne depuis son origine jusqu'il I'etablissement de I'Eoole d'Alexandrie, 2e ed. ; uyith plates, 'SI : Histoire de I'Astronomie Moperne dt-puis la fondation de I'Ecole d'Alexandrie jusqu'en 1730 ; loith platen, 3 v., '7y-82 : Traite de I'Astronomie iNDiENNE'et Orientale, '87. Although of little value now as a hittory of the science, the work is still in much demand for the large amount ot valuable original information it contains. 229 — ^ Histoire de 1 Astronomie Ancienne depuis son origine jusqua rdtablissement de I'Ecole d'Alexandrie, 4to. old hf. calf, 6s Qd , 1775 230 Histoire de I'Astronomie Moderne depuis la fondation de I'Ecole d'Alexandrie ju.squ'en 1782, 2'^ ed. ; luith \S folding plates, 3 vols. 4to. Contemporary calf gilt, \bs 1785 • On prcfere la seconde edition, parce qu'elle contient des 'augmen'tatitms. '—L'nnW. 231 Traite de I'Astronomie Indienne et Orientale, 4to. contemporary mottled French cal, extra (FINE COPY); rare, £1. 1* 1787 ' R-;mplide recherclies d'erudition fort instrnctives, ct qu'un astronome seul pouvait faire,' — Blogr. Univ. 2.32 BAILY (Francis, f.r.s.) Astronomical Tables and Formula., with a variety of Problems explanatorv of their Use and Application ; with the Elements of the Solar System, Svo. hf. calf (scarce), 10s Qd 1827 A collection and reprint of tho.se a.stronomical tables most frequently used (some rare and difficult to obtain), and all revised or re-computed. The above copy contains the Appendix, dated Jan. 1829. 'His revision of star-catalogues alone entitled him, in Sir John Herscliel's opinion, to rank among the greatest benefactors to astronomy.'— Z>. N. B. 233 The Catalogue of Stars of the British Association for the Advancement of Science : containing the mean IIight Ascensions and North Polar Distances of 8,377 Fixed Stars, reduced to Jan. 1, 1850, with their Annual Precessions, Secular Variations and Pro])er Motions, and Logarithmic Constants for computing Precession, Aberration and Nutation ; also Preface on their Construction and Application, 4to. boards, uncut (very scarce), £7. 1845 234 Another Copy, calf gilt [nice copy), £7. 7^ The celebrated British Association Star Catalogue, revised, after the author's death, by W. S. Stratford, James Chai.us, ff.r.s., and others. ' Still in high repute . . . The value of this catalogue was much enhanced by the uniform system of nomenclalure adopted throughout. This material improvement was Ihc result of Baily's severe labours in revising the constoUatioi .<, and marshalling into recognisable order the .stars composing them.'— ^/ us A. M. CUrlce. 'The mateiials of its construction are derived from all the trustworthy catalogues that have been executed since the time of Bradley. This catalogiie is distinguished from the catalogue of the Astronomical Society (7. v. infra) in two important i)articulars. In the tirst plice, the secular variation of precession, both in the 1 ight ascension and declination is given for each star. Secondly the proper motions of the stars are assigned with as great a degree of iif-arness to truth, as tl.e existing state of sidereal astronomy allowed. This catalogue has proved of vast service to astronomers in every part of the civilised world.' — Prof. H. Grant. 235 The Doctrine of Interest and Annuities analytically investigated and explained, with several useful Tables connected with the Subject, plate, 4to. hf calf (Joints cracked) ; scarce, l2sGd ' 1808 A wholly different work from the author's 'Doctrine of Life-Annuities' (a fact unknown to Lowndes), and one of the most inii)ortant works on the subject. The table appended is Smart's. 236 Another Copy, hf calf, uncut (2 II. mended), £1. \s This would seem to have been the author's own copy ; it contains a large number of MS. corrections and additions apparently by him. 237 the Doctrine ot Life-Annuities and Assurances analytically investigated and prac- tically explained, with Tables, and Appendix of a new method of Calculating and Arranging such Tables, 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf (SCAV.Ce), £1. 5^ 1813 Best Edition of this celebrated work, comprising chapter XIV. fon the several Life-Assurance Companies), and the Appendix (an exposition of Barrett's mode of computing life tables), not contained in the previous editions or in the reprint of 1864. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 13 238 BAILY (Francis, f.r.s.) The Doctrine of Life-Annuities and Assurances, new Ed., from the Original, with the MODERN Notation, and enlarged both in the Extent of the Treatise, as well as in the Variety of Tables, including a Table of Deferred Annuities on Single Lives, Carlisle 4%, and several others on the English Life Table, by H. FiLiPOWSKl, 8vo. new hf. brown calf extra, t. e. g. (scarce), £1. l5 1864 ' Daily's iiierit.s as a wriher of life-contingencies were undoubtedly very great. The subject was by him first presented 'vi\ a synimetrical form ; a uniform system of notation was introduced ; and to a perspicuous and comprehensive view of the labours of his predecessors the results of much original research were added .'— D. N. D. 233 On the New Method of Determinino the Longitude by the Culmination of the Moon and Stars, with List of Stars applicable to the Purpose for 1825, 4to. (pp. 48), cL, Qs Qd 1824 240 New Tables for Facilitating the Computation of Precession, Aberration and Nutation of 2,881 Princii'AL Stars ; with Catalogue of the same reduced to Jan. 1, 1830, computed at the Expense and under the Direction of the Astronomical Society of London ; with Intro, on their Construction and Application, 4to. hf. bound (scarce), £2. 2* 1827 241 Another Copv, .as published with the Astronomical Society's Memoirs (without General Title), 4to. hf calf gilt, £1. MsQd The Astkonomical Society's Star Catai.ooitb, which, according to Sir John Herschel, ' put the astronomical world in I)oss«ssioii of a power which may be said, without exaggeration, to have changeil the face of sidereal astronomy.' ' In 1827 the Astronomical .Society of Loudon remlered an impoitant service to practical astronomy, by the publication of a genenil caUilogue of stars, found* il upon the most celebrated catalogues that have been executeuvo'\m. CoCouring, Paiiititig, atid' Cngmuif^ , T/w ^Jottri/i of Mvers Sxn^nmcnts, as f^^/'m feryicaifie as cfenantfltf: jiartQ^ \CoC(ect^£C^i»J'prh-atrhcKiff£s nrmes in C fi cave fid e^ j6f4 No. 289. An early work describing engines driven by steam. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, AND 37, PICCADILLY, ^y. 15 279 BARLOW (William) New Theories of Matter and Force, ill., 8vo. cl , 5s (p. 12a) 1885 The author's observations are based on a ^ew theory of the ether, ' according to which the transmission of wave motions depe.ids on the mutual repulsions of similarly electrified particles.' 230 BARROW (Isaac, d d.. Master of Trinity) Mathematical Works, ed. by William Whewell. D.D., with Tl fylding maps, and dia.qranis, thick 8vo. cl., 6s 6c? Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1860 The only collected edition of Barrow's scientific works, with an interesting preface by the editor. 251 Geometrical Lectures: e.xplaining the Generation, Nature and Properties of Curve Lines, trans, from the Latin Edition revised, corrected and amended by SiR Isaac Newton, by Edmund Stone, f.r.s., with W folding platesy 8vo. old calf {back slightly damaged^ and portrait wanting), 5s 1735 252 LECTIONES [LUCASIANiE] in SCHOLIS PUBLICIS ACADEMI.E CaNTABRIGIENSIS, A.D. 1664, r2mo. old calf, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, Is Qd Londini, 1683 283 Lectiones XVIII, in qnibus Opticorum Ph.^.nomenuiN jjcenuinae Rationes investigantur, ac exponuntur : Lectiones Geometric.e : in quibus (praesertim) generalia Curvarum Linearum Symptomata declarantur— 2 vols. cr. 4to. in 1, with copperplates ; old calf, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope (RARE), £1. 10.s ibid., 1669-70 FiR-sT Edition.s of the author's two chief mathematical works. * In the Optical Lectures nxany problems connected with the rertexion and refraction of liglit are treated with ingenuity. The jceometrical focus of a point .seen by rcHexion or refraction is defined ; and it is explained that the ima'^e of an object is the locus of the geometrical foci of every point on it. Barrow also worked out a few of the easier properties of thin lenses; and considerably simplified the Cartesian explanation of the rainbow. The t^eometrical lectures contain some new ways of determining the areas and tangent.^ of curves. Tlie most celebrated of those is the method given for the determination of tangents to curves'.— IK, IK. It. Hall. According to the preface Newton revised and corrected the work and addel matter of his own. 284 The Usefulness of Mathe-Matical Learning explained and demonstrated: Lucasian Lectures; with his Oratorical Preface, at Cambridge, trans, by John Kirkby, pr., with fine engraved portrait, 8vo. old panelled calf , SsQd 1734 •As a mathematician he was considered by his contemporaries as second only to Newton '.—Canon Overton. 'The principal i>art which Barrow plays in mathematical history is as one of the immediate precursors of Newton and Leibnitz in the invention of the differential calculus'.— /);•. Whewell. V. Archimedes, ante, ct Euclides, post. 2S5 BARTHOLINUS (Caspar Thomesen) Specimen Philosophise Naturalis, pra;cipua Physices Capita exponens ; accedit, de FoNTiUM Fluviorumque Origine e.K Pluvils Dissertatio l)hvsioa, ISmo. old sheep {back damaged), 8* (^d Oxonice, 1703 BARTHOLOMEUS Anglicanus— v. Glanville, post. 286 BARTJENS (Willem) Vernieuwde Cyfferinge, waeruyt men meest alle de Gront-regulen van de Keecken-konst leeren kan, vermeerdert, enz. door Jan van Dam ; portrait on title, 16mo. old calf {text of engraved title defective and mounted) ; rare, I2s 6d Amst., 16S3 'A book of a decidedly commercial character, and with good force of examples.' — Pioj. de Morgan, who only knew the edit io;i of 1673. 287 BASILIUS VALENTINUS, o.s B. {recte THOLDE (Johann)] Chymische Schriften alle | so viel derer verhanden | anitzo zum Dritten mahl zusammen gedruckt | aus vielen so wol geschriebenen als gedruckten Exemplaren vermehret und verbessert; with engraved portrait, and curious ivoodcuts, 2 vols, large 12mo. in 1, old leather {binding damaged) ; RARE, £1. 5* Hamburg, 1700 The third German edition of the author's complete works. 'He regarded .salt, sulphur, and mercury, as the three bodies contained in the metals, and inferred that the pliilosopher's stone must be a sort of combination — a compound, namely, of salt, sulphur, and mercury ; so pure that its i>rojection on the baser metals should be able to work them up into greater and greater purity, bringing them at last to the state of silver and gold. His practical knowledge was great ; he knew how t-o i)recipitate iron fn)m solution by poUish, and was acquainted with many similar processes, so that he is ranked as the founder of analytical chemistry.' 2S8 Triumph-Wagen Antimonii, alien | so den Grund der Uhralten Medicin suchen | auch zu der Hermetischen Philosophie Beliebnis tragen | zu gut publiciret | und samt noch sieben andern gleichmiiasig hochstnutzlichen Tractatlein an den Tag gegeben durch Johann Th()LDEN ; with emblematic front., large 12mo. old vellum (RARE), 17a' Qd Niirnberg, 1676 ' He shows how to prepare antimony itself from the native sulphide . . . He gives distinct recipes for the preparation of antimony trichloride, of powder of algaroth (basic chloride of antimony), of antimony trioxide, and of potassic antimoniate. and there can hardly be a doubt that he recommended and applied those preparations for internal nse.' — Prof. E. V. Meyer. The seven supplementary tracts include: Voni Oleo Stibii ; Vo:n Stein der Weiacn ; Opus Saturn i Lsaaci ; De Occulta Philosojthia Chemicorum ; etc. 289 B[ATEJ (J[olm]) The Mysteryes of Nature and Art : conteined in foure severall Tretises, the first of Water Workes, the second of Fyer Workes, the third of Drawing, Colouring, Painting, and Engraving, the fourth of divers Experiments, as wel serviceal)le as delightful : partly collectel, and partly of the Authors Peculiar Practice, and Invention, first edition, with finely engraved title in compartments, and ve>\i/ numerous curious and well-executed ivoodcuts {some full-page), sm. 4to. contemporary calf {some 11. stained, a few headlines shorn, and the divisional title to Book III apparently missing ; otherwise a sound copu in the original binding), £5. 5s Ralph Mab, 1634 The tirst edition of this cjirious work is excessively rare, no copy having liapi>ened for sale for the la.st 20 years. Some of the experiments described and depicted are very curious, including instrnctions how to make Weather-glasses ; Water-clocks, etc , Experiments of ' drawing water by the Crane, and by Engins, of forcinir water by ayre compre.ssefl and by Engins, of producing sounds hy ayre and water, by e\aporarion of water by fire, and by Engins, of motions by evaporating water, and by rarifying ayre.' etc. etc. etc. Bearing in mind the early dato of publication, its descriptions of engines driven by steam are of considerable interest. There is no copy of this edition in the British Museum, nor is the author noticed in D. N. Ji. Page 155 describes how to make a freezing mixture, which is of special interest, Robkbt Boyle having been credited with making the first experiments in 1667— thirty-thr.;e years after the publication of the above work. 290 Third [last] Edition, with many Additions, with engraved title, and very numerous woodcuts {some in contemporary colouring), sm. 4to. LARGE AND FINE COPY «w old calf, £1. I5s Jx, i^roofc, iOt)4 16 HEXRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 291 BARTOLI (Cosimo) Del Modo di Misurare le Distancie, le Superficie, i Corpi, le Piante, le Provincie, le Prospettive, e tutte le altre cose terrene, secondo le vere Ref?ole d' Euclide, ecc, primera edizione ; with woodcut-title, portrait, mid numerous ivoodcuts of geodetic instru- ments, etc., and diagrams, sm. 4to. old lohite vellum {title and some II. stained, otherwise a sound and tall copy) ; 15s Venetia, 1564 292 BASSET (Alfred Barnard, f.r.s.) ElExMENTary Treatise on Hydrodynamics cand Sound, diagramf^, 8vo. cl., 35 Qd (p. 7* Qd) Cambridge, 1888 BAUME (Antoine) Manual of Chemistry— ??. Beaume, post. 293 BAUMHAUER (Heinrich) Die neuere Entvvickelung der Kristallographie ; with 46 diaqrams, 8vo. sewn, 3s (sells M.4.) Braunschweig, 1905 291 BA VERS TOOK (James) Treatise on }3rewing; with Notes and Biof^raphical Intro., and Papers on Specific Gravity, including tlie Hydrostatical Instruments used in the Brewery, and on Malting, by J. H. Baverstock, f.s.a., with fins, portrait by S. Hall [stained), 8vo. boards, uncut (scarce),' 10s Qd 1826 ' My father was the first person who used the hydrometer in the brewery.' — p. xxvil. 295 [BAXTER (Andrew)] Matho : or the Cosmotheoria Puerilis, accommodating the first Princi- ples of Philosophy and Astronomy to the Capacity of young Persons, trans., and enlarged by the Author, 2 vols. 8vo. old calf, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, Is Qd 1740 'Deducing the principles of natural religion from the phenomena of the material world.' 296 BAYLE (Franqois) Institutiones Piiysic.e, cum Indice, etc., Editio altera, recognita, etc. ; ivith \Q folding copperplates, 3 vols. 4to. contemporary calf gilt, 15s Francofurti, 1703 Containing not only physics, and what at that time was comprised in this term —chemistry, astronomy, and meteorology, but al.so physiology and ijathology. The author was one of the first to apply physics to the study of medicine. 297 BAYMA (Joseph, s.j., Stonyhurst Coll.) The Elements of Molecular Mechanics, with ^folding plates, 8vo. cl. {out of print), 6s 6(i 1866 ' A first endeavour towards ascertaining the laws of molecular action.* — Intro. 298 BAZAINE (General Pierre Dominique) Traite 6li<:mentaire de Calcul differentiel ; ivith 4 plates, 8vo. hf calf {rare), Is Qd St. Petersbourg [1817] 299 BEAUFOY (Col. Mark, f.r.s) Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments, with numerous Scientific Miscellanies [ed. with Intro., etc., by his Son Henry, f.r.s.]. Vol. I. (all published), with portrait, 2 fine vignettes by George Cooke, 16 copperplates, and woodcuts, thick roy. 4to. hf calf (scarce), 15s 1834 The author was a member of tlie well-known family of distillers at South Lambeth, and was the first Englishman to ascend Mont Blanc, six days later than Saussure. This was the only volume printed at the author's private press, out of three proposed to be issued. The work was never published, but presented only to some public institutions an(l individuals interested in naval architecture. 'His magnetic observations were superior in accuracy and extent to any earlier work of the kind. They .served to determine more precisely the laws of the diurnal variation, as well as to fix the epoch and amount of maximum Westerly declination in England. . . . The data accumulated by Beaufoy enabled Lamoiit in 18.51 to confirm his discovery of a decennial period ill the amount of diurnal variation, by placing a maximum in 1.817.'— 7J. N. B. 300 BEAUME Irecte BAUM^] (Antoine) Manual of Chemistry, or a brief Account of the Operations of Chemistry, and their Products, trans, [by John AlKlN, D.D.], 12mo. nice copy in contemporary calf 8s %d ~ Warrington, 1778 One of the best colicise text-books of chemistry based on the phlogiston theory. Dr. Aikin adds a preface and notes on ' fixed air', 301 BECCARIA (Giovanni Battista, delle Scuole Pie ; f.r.s.) Treatise on Artifical Electric- ity, giving Solutions of a Number of interesting Electric Plucnomena, hitherto unexplained, with Essay on the Mild and Slow Electricity prevailing in the Atmosphere during Serene Weather, trans, from the Italian, ivith 11 folding plates, roy. 4to. (?) Large Paper ; cl. [rare), 12s 6d ' 1776 The author was the first to disseminate a knowledge of electricity in Italy, and promoled the science by a number of valuable experiments, an important one 'on charging a glass disc with electricity' having been contributed to the ' Pliilosophical Transactions '. 302 BECHER (Johann Joachim) Opuscula Chymica Rariora, addita nova Prrefatione ac Indice locnpletissimo a Frid. PiOTH-Scholtzio ; with cojiper plates, 12mo. boards (rare), £1. 5s Norimbergce, 1719 'Becher attempted to revive the old ideas of Basil Valentine and Paracelsus in another form. In place of mercury, sulphur, and salt, he set up three earths of which all inorganic ('sub-terrestdal') bodies should exist, viz. the mercurial, the vitreous, and the combustible. The nature of any material depended upon the proportions in which these three funda- mental earths were contained in it'. — Prof. E. v. Meyer. 303 PllYSiCA Subterranea, Profundam Subterraneorum Genesin e principiis hucusque ignotis o.stendens, Ed. novissima, cum Indice locnpletissimo ; edidit et Specimen Beccherianum subjunxit G. E. Stahl ; curious emblematic front., AU^. sound copy in old vellum, 15s Lipsice, 1738 An important work in the history of chemistry, in which the author a.osnmed that when .'substances were burned or metals calcined, the terra jnnguis escaped. Starting from this conce]ition Georg Ernst Stahl, the editor of the above, developed the Phlogi.ston Theory, which did so much to retard the progress of chemistry in the XYIIIth Century. 304 BECK (Richard) Treatise on the Construction, Proper Use, and Capabilities of Smith, Beck, and Beck's Achromatic Microscopes, ivith 29 plates and 76 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cL, 8s 6^ 1865 Containing many instruments made from designs and suggestions by Joseph Jackson Lister, f.r.s., the discoverer of the princii)le of the modern microscope. 305 BECKWITH (Edward Lonsdale) Practical Notes on Wine, post 8vo. cl. {out of print), 2s 6d 1868 306 BECQ,XJEREL (Alexandre Edmond) La LuMiiiRE : ses Causes and ses Effets ; with 8 plates {mostly coloured), and numerous ivoodcuts, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. calf gilt {nice copy) ; SCARCE, 17s Qd ' 1867-8 The author's best-knoAvn work, containing a number of important original researches. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 17 .309 BECCIUEREL ( Antoine Cesar) Elements d'ELECTRO-CniMiE appliques aux Sciences Natuielles et anx Arts ; with 'i folding jilates, 8vo. hf. calf, 2s Hd 1843 310 Deuxieme Edition, entierenieiit refondue ; ivith woodcuts, Svo. hf. calf gilt, uncut, t. e. g., 5s 1864 ' lie may fairly be re^anled as one of the creators of electro-chemistry.' 311 (et Alexandre Edmond) Resume de 1'Histoire de I'Electricite et du Magn^tisme, et des Applications de ces Sciences a la Chiniie, aux Sciences Naturelles, etaux Arts, 8vo. hf. calf gilt {nice copy). As , 1858 312 ^^- Trait E d'ELECTRiciTE et de Magnetisme, et de leurs Applications a la Chiniie, h la Physiologie et aux Arts; with 15 folding plates and numerous woodcuts, 3 vols. 8vo. sewn, \0s Qd ° 1855-6 This important treatise— quite distinct from the Traite d'electricUe et de vmgnetisme, in 7 vols, published in 1834-40— iiipliules an account of the authors* own important researches and discoveries. 313 B]^DE (E., Univ. de Liege) De I'ECONOMIE du COMBUSTIBLE: les principaux nioyens pour ]>n)(luire et employer econoiuiquement la Vapeur servant de Force motrice ; ivith 12 folding plates, Svo. />/ roan, 8s 6d 1859 Bound up are:— UoNfiK (Oscar) Fabrication de la Trtle en Belgiquft ; 3 plates, 'C5: Talabot (Leon), Deposition de, 'CO: DovKUK (L) Menioire sur 1 Ensila<,'e rationnel, Systeme nouveau, '56: Martin (Adolphe) Les Roues ii rais et il disqne pli'iu ; fn>nt., '<\i : (J.w-Lu.ssvc (L. J.) Nouvelle Instruction sur la Chloromotrie ['35J : Yates (Frederic) Iron and Steel: Economy in their Manufacture, 'CO. 314 BEDFORD (Adml. Sir Frederick George Denham) The Sailor's Pocket Book : Practical Rules, Notes, and Tables for the Royal Navy, Mercantile Marine, etc.; 5th Ed., enlarged, illus- trated, sq. 12nio. roan, 3s (p. Is dd) ' Portsmouth, 1888 315 BEHRENS (H.) Anleitung zur mikrochemischen Analyse, 2. vermehrte [neueste] Autlage ; with 9G woodcuts, roy. 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g. {nice copij), bs Hamburg, 1899 31G BEILSTEIN (Friedrich Konrad) Handbuch der Organisciien Chemie, 2. giinzlich unigear- beitete Auflage, 3 thick vols. lar<,'e 8vo. hf. calf, Ms Qd (p. M.104.) Hamburg, 1886-90 ".IT Dritte [neueste], umgearbeitete Auflage; vjith woodcuts, 4 vols.: Erganzungsband I, und II. Lieferung 1-4, herausgegeben v. der Deutschen Cheniischen Gesellschaft, redigirt v. Paul Jacobson— together 5 thick vols. impl. Svo. handsomely bound in hf. crushed brown Levant morocco, cl. sides, and 4 parts, sewn (fine copy), £9. ibidem, 1893-1902 Th(> first attem])t at collecting the enormous material on the subject since the publication of the works of Ginelin and Gerhanit, and the best work on organic cheinistry, without which no good scientific library can claim to be complete. 318 BEINS (J. F.) Het Koolzuur. I. Physische en cheinische eigenschappen, roy. 8vo. sewn, Is Groningen, 1875 319 BELANGER ( Jean Baptiste) Th6orie de la Resistance de la Torsion et de la Flexion Plane des Solides dont les Dimensions transversales sont petites relativement h leur longueur, 2« (derniere) Ed., augmentee ; with plate, Svo. hf. red morocco {nice copy) ; scarce, QsQd 1862 320 Traite de Cinematique ; ivith 12 plates, 8vo. hf. morocco {scarce), Qs 6rf 1864 321 Traite de la Dynamique d'un Point Materiel ; with plate : Traite de la Dynamique des J^YSTEMES Materiels ; With 5 plutcs— 2 \o\s. 8\o. hf. morocco {some II. slightly stained). Is (p. E.14 .sewn) 1864-6 322 BELAVENETZ (J.) Deviations of the Compass and Digograms, with the Magnetic Character of an Iron Ruilt Armour- Plated Battery 'Pervonetz', and Biographical Sketch of Archibald Smith, f.r.s. \in liussian], with portrait, movable compass card, a7id charts, roy. Svo. cl.,5s St. Petersburg, 1865 323 BELCHER (Adml. Sir Edward, F.R.S.) Treatise on Nautical Surveying, with Cases applied to Naval Evolutions and Miscellaneous Rules and Tables, 10 folding plates, Svo. old sheep, is 6d 1835 ' Long a standard work on the subject.'— D. N. B. 324 BELIDOR (Bernard Forest de) Architecture Hydraulique, ou I'art de conduire, delever et de manager les Eaux pour le.s ditf^rens bt^soins de la vie; with fine fronts, and vignettes bg liigaud, and 221 folding plates of Waterworks, 4 vols. roy. 4to. contemporary calf gilt (fine copy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, £1. 105 1737-53 Original Edition, with be.st iinpre.ssions of the plates, and on this account preferred to the later ones. ' Ouvrage tres recherche, et qui n'a jms ete efface par ceux qu'on a faits depuis." — Biogr. Gen. ' Un tresor de recherches et de machines que I'histoire de I'hydrauliquc doit toujours annonceret celcbrer.*— 3fo?tt«cZ«. 325 — ^ Nouveau Cours de Mathematique, oii Ton applique les Parties les plus utiles de cette Science a la Theorie et h la Pratique de la Guerre ; with S4 folding plates, 4to. old calf {nice copy), with I^ord Starihope's bookplate, lOs 1725 326 Nouvelle Edition, corrigee et consid6rablement augmentee ; with M folding plates, 4to. boards, uncut, ivith Lord Suffield's bookplate. Is 6rf 1757 327 BELL (Sir Lsiaac Lowthian, f.r.s.) Principles of the Manufacture of Iron and Steel, with Notes on the Economic Condition of their Production, 10 plates, thick Svo. cl. (scarce), £1. 1* 1884 One of the mast important treatises on the subject since the publication of Percy's ' Iron and Steel ' (7. v. infra), describing the result of a number of imiwrtant original investigations by one of the pioneers of the Cleveland iron trade. JUST published at 16.9 nett: 328 BELL (Louis) Electric Power Transmission, 4th Ed., enlarged and revised, with 23 plates and 341 other illustrations, thick roy. Svo. cl. 1906 329 BELLI (Silvio) Delia Proportione, et Proportionalita Communi Passioni del Quanto, sni. 4to. boards {some II. water-stained, otherwise a large and sound copy) ; rare, \2s%d Venetia, 1573 2 18 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 330 BENEDETTI [Latine BENEDICTUSJ (Giovanni Battista) Diveesarum Specula- TiONUM Mathematicarum et Physicarum Liber; with woodcuts and numerous diagrams, folio, old calf {blank margin of some II. water -stained , otherwise a sound and VERY tall copy) ; RARE, £2. 2* " Taurini, 1585 ' C'est dans les Speculations mathevmtiques qu'il a consigne les plus reniarquables de ses travaux. . . II a construit et resolu geometriquement la plupart des theoreines de rarithmetique et del'algebre elcmeiitaire. . . Dans sa Mecaiiique, il a su expliquer Taction de plusieurs machines ; ila connu la force centrifuge, et il a dit que, laisses en liberie, les corps s'echappent par la tangente ; I'equilibre du levier recourbe a ete bien determine par lui ; et il a reduit le mouvement d'un corps a celui de son centre de gravite.' — Lihri. 331 Editio Altera, in quo niira Subtilitate continentur : Theoremata Arithmetiga ; de Rationibus Operationum Perspective ; de Mechanicis ; Disputat. de quibusdam placith Aristot. ; in V. Euclidis Librum ; Physica et Matbematica Responsa per Epistolas ; with numerous diagrams; folio, sewn {water-stained) ; RARE, £1. 15s Venetiis, 1599 a very rare edition, unknown to Brunet and Poggendorff, of the most important work of the most prominent precursor of Galileo in the domain of mechanics. He first explained that a rotating body on being released flies off in a tangential path, thus belying the old idea of centrifugal force (as embodied in the word), that bodies have a tendency to fly out- wards from the centre round which they are revolving. He also showed remotely that he understood accelerated motion, and that he had some knowledge of momentum and inertia. 332 De Gnomonum Umbrarumque Solarium Usu Liber ; luith numerous ivoodcuts of geometrical figures, folio, old parchment {back of binding wormed, and lower margin water- stained)', rare, £1. 105 Augustm Tatirinorum, 1574 'Fort savant, raais pen accessible au commun des lecteurs.'— Montncla. 'Contenant des recherches interessantes.' — LibH. 333 BENEDIKT (R.) The Chemistry of Coal Tar Colours, trans, and ed., with Additions, by E. Knecht, illustrated, post 8vo. cl. {out of print), 5s ^ 1886 334 BENNETT (John, c.e.) The Arcanum, comprising a concise Theory, of Practical, Element- ary and Definitive Geometry; exhibitino; the various Transmutations of Superfices [sic] and Solids, etc. etc., including Solutions to the yet Unanswered Problems of the Ancients, with numerous plates, comprising Vl^ figures, 8vo.eZ. (SCARCE), 15s 18.38 A very curious — and unquestionably original — attenipt at teaching a knowledge of geometry by the use of geometrical figures with only a very short explanatory text. Tlie illustrations comiirise ' Divisions of the Sphere ' invented ' by the author", ' Napoleon's Problem to his Staff", etc. etc. 335 Original Geometrical Illustrations; or the Book of Lines, Squares, Circles, Triangles, Polygons, etc., showing an Easy and Scientific Method for increasing, decreasing, and altering any given Circle, Square, Triangle, Ellipsis, Parallelogram, Polygon, etc. to any otlier Figure contain- ing the same Area, by plain and simple Methods, laid down agreeably to Mathematical Demon- stration, with 55 plates and numerous diagram^, 4to. cl., 10* Qd 1837 336 BENSON (Lawrence Sluter) Facts and Figures for Mathematicians ; or the Geometrical Problem which Benson's Geometry alone can solve, diagrams, post 8vo. (pp. 22), sewn, 3s New York [c. 1868] 337 [ ] Mathematics in a Dilemma, Complimentary Edition, diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 17), sewn, 35 Qd ibidem, 1879 ' I shall show that mathematicians have been blundering for 2300 years in their first inception of geometry, and through- out all the deductions and conclusions therefrom.'— Pre/ace. The author was a lifelong foe to a Reductio ad ahsxifdum. 338 BENZENBERG (Johann Friedrich) Versuche iiber das Gesetz des Falls, liber den WiDERSTAND der Luft und iiber die Umdrehung der Erde, nebst der Geschichte aller friiheren Versuche von GalilJii bis auf Guglielmini ; with vignette and 8 copperplates, 8vo. original boards, uncut (fine copy) ; VERY RARE, £1. 15s Dortmund, 1804 The most important of the author's writings, wlierein he first proved that every body dropped from a great height fell in an Easterly direction, owing to the earth's revolution round its axis. His experiments— based on a suggestion made by Sir Isaac Newton, and previously unsuccessfully attempted by Hooke and Guglielmini— were made from the top of the 'Michaelisturm' of Hamburg, covering a height of 235 feet, and were of great importance as conclusively proving the rotation of the earth. 339 BEK6MAN (Torbern Olof, Upsala) Dissertation on Elective Attractions, trans, from the Latin by the Translator of Spallanzani's Dissertations [Edmund Cullen, M.D.] , with folding plates and tables, Svo.Jine copy in old tree- calf gilt (SCARCE), £1. 5* 1785 310 Another Copy, old sheep, newly rebacked in hf calf gilt, £\. 2s 6d The author was the first to recognize the influence of warmth on chemical affiiuty, and in the above work gives tables of chemical aflSnities wliich are still recognized as the most correct and most complete. 341 Physical and Chemical Essays, trans, from the Latin, with Notes and Illustrations, by Edmund Cullen, m.d., Dublin, luith coppeiylates, 2 vols. 8vo. nice copy in old calf gilt (rare), £1- Is 1788 342 Another Copy, boards, uncut, 18s Qd Containing the most important of the author's chemical works save ' Elective Attraction ', and giving descriptions of how to reduce insoluble nnnerals by smelting with alkalies, and suggesting improved methods in analytical chemistry. 343 BEB.GSMA (Cornells Adriaan) Responsio ad Qu^estionem e Chemia Applicata ab Ordine Disciplinarum Mathematicarum et Physicarum propositam, 4to. (pp. 52),seivn, 3s 6d Groningce, 1821 A NEWLY BOUND SET : 344 BERICHTE der DEUTSCHEN CHEMISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT zu BERLIN; from 1875 (Jahrgang VIII) to 1904 (Jahrgang XXXVII) ; ivith fine portraits and illustrations, 82 ^vols. 8vo. newly bound in hf. calf neat, £27. 10s Berlin, 1875-1904 345 Another Set, from 187S (Jahrgang XI) to 1901 (Jahrgang XXXIV) ; 2vith portraits and illustrations : 1878-1892 bound in 31 vols, hf morocco gilt, cl. sides, and the rest in parts as issued (A SOUND library SET), £17. 17s ib., 1878-1901 346 A Series from 1896 to 1901 (Jahrgang 29-34), with portraits, 18 vols. 8vo. inr^artsas issued, £3. 10* (p. M. 240 nett) ib., 1896-1901 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, \V. 19 347 [BERKELEY (George, Bp. of Cloyne)'\ The Analyst ; or a Discourse addres-sed to an Infidel Mathematician, wherein it is examined whether the Object, Principles, and Inferences of the modern Analysis are more distinctly conceived or more evidently deduced than Religious Mysteries and Points of Faith, by the Author of the Minute Philosopher, first edition, loith diagrams, 8vo. sewn (RARE), 12s Qd 1734 'In the Aiudyk his theological philosophy was further unfoliletl, in an argument meant to show that the higher matliematics involve assumptions which as truly exclude definite or exliaustive conception as do any of the mysteries of religion.' — Prof. CampbeU Fmser. :U8 [ ] A Defence of Free-Thinking in Mathematics, in Answer to a Pamphlet of Phila- lethes Cantabrigiensis, intituled, ' Geometry no Friend to Infidelity'; also Appendix concerning; Mr. Walton's Vindication of the Principles of Fluxions, by the AUTHOR of the Minute Philosopher, first edition, 8vo. sewn (rare), \0s 1735 ' In England the principles of Huxions were boldly attacked by Bp. Berkeley, who argued with great acuteness, contending, among other things, that the fundamental idea of supixjsing a finite ratio to exist between terms absolutely evanescent was absurd and unintelligible. The reply made by Jurin [7. v. jwst] failed to remove all the objections. Berkeley was the first to point out what was again shown later by Lazare Carnot, that correct answers were reached by a compensation of errors.' — Prof. Cdjori. See Juris and Waf.ton, post. ;U9 SiRis: a Chain of Philosophical Reflexions and Inquiries concerning the Virtues of Tar Water, and divers other Subjects connected together and arising one from another, 2nd [AND BE.ST] Edition, improved and corrected, 8vo. sewn (very large and clean copy); rare, £1. Is 1744 'The most permanent result of his enthusiasm was the work published in 1744, 'Siris' . . . The title 'Siris' was added in the 2nd edition ; this appeared in 1744, others in 1746 and 1748 . . . The popularity was doubtless due to the medical rather than to the metaphysical theories which were strongly blended together ; at the time it was the most popular of Berkeley's writing^.' — Sir Leslie Stephen. See Hales, post, for other curious works on this subject. 350 BERNOULLI (Daniel) Hydrodynamica, sive de Viribus et Motibus Fluidorum Commentarii; with plates, 4to. boards, 8s 6d Argentorati, 1738 The author in this work first develops a theory of hydraulic pressure, expanded later by Coriolis, Navier, and Weisbach. ' Ilis chief work ... It resemblea Lagrange's Mecanujiie aiwlytique in being arranged so that all the results are consequences of a single principle, namely, in this case, the conservation of energy.'— IF. W. It. Ikdl. 3.")l BERNOULLI (Jacques) Opera; with 48 plates, 2 thick vols. 4to. old hf. parchment (very rare), £2. 125 Qd Genevoi, 1744 ' Among his triumphs are to be recorded his solution of Leibnitz's problem of the isochronous curve, and his deter- mination of the catenary.' He also is celebrated as the founder, with Leibnitz, of the integral calculus and the rule of probabilities. .352 Ars Conjectandi, accedit Tractatus de Seriebus Infinitis, editio princeps; with plate, sm. 4to. old parchment {stamp on title, but a nice tall copy) ; rare, 12s Qd Basilew., 1713 * a development of the calculus of probabilities, and containing the investigation now called BirnouHl's theorem &nd the so-called numbers of Bernoulli, which are in fact (though not so considered by him) the coefficients of—" in the expansion of (ex— 1)-» '.—Prof Cajori. " • Sec Maseres, post, for an English Translation. 3.")3 BERNOULLI (Jean) Opera Omnia, tam antea spar.sim edita, quam hactenus inedita ; withjinc portrait of King Frederick III. of Prussia, and numerous folding diagrams, 4 vols. 4to., sound copy in contemporary mottled calf extra, £\. Is Lausannm, 1742 .354 Another Copy, 4 vols. 4to. old calf (wanting the portrait), Ids ' His chief discoveries were the exponential calculus, the treatment of trigonometry as a branch of analysis, the con- ditions for a geotlesic, the determination of orthogonal trajectories, the solution of the brachistrochone, the statement that a ray of light traversed such a path that 2/Lifis was a minimum, and the enunciation of the ])rinciple of virtual work. I believf tliat lif was the first to denote the accelerating effect of gravity by an algebraical sign g, and he thus arrived at the funimla v-' -L'gir. — IK W. R. Bull. 355 BERNTHSEN (A.) KuRZES Lehrhuch der Organischen Chemie, 5. Auflage, bearbeitet unter Mitwirkung v. Eduard Buchner, large post 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 3s (p. M.IO. sewn) Braunschweig, 1895 356 BERTHELOT (Pierre Eugene Marcellin» de VInstitut) Lecon sur ITsom^rie, 8vo. sewn, with author's inscr. to Prof. Williamson, 3s [1863] 357 Lecons sur les Methodes Generales de Synthese en Chimie Organique, 8vo. seivn, tvith author's inscr., 4^ (j). F.8.) 1864 358 La Synthese Chimique, 8<^ c^dition, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1897 .359 Traite Elkmentaire de Chimie Organique, 8vo. sewn, Is 1872 360 BERTHOLLET (Claude Louis, Comte) Elements de I'Art de la Teinture, premiere edition, 2 vols. 8vo. contemporary calf gilt (rare), £1. 1» 1791 ' A work that first systematized and chemically explained the principles of the art.'— Jfifncy. Brit. ' 11 y offre une theorie generale des principes de cet art. I^a doctrine des niatieres colorantes et de toutes les modifica- tions, rpi'on peut leur faire subir, celle des mordants necessaires pour les fixer, y sont expos^es en detail, ct on y trouve les idees qui peuvent conduire A decouvrir des pratiques plus simples ou plus eflicaces.'— /Jiegrr. (Jen. 361 Elements of the Art of Dyeing, trans, by William Hamilton, m.d., with copperplate, 2 vols. 8vo. sewn, uncut [name on titles), RARE, £1. 5s 1791 The first Enomsh Translation of this cla.ssic work, including a Vocabulary and Index. Berthollet first used a chlorine gas (' dephlogisticated marine acid ') for bleaching purposes, which opened its great future to the herbage- devastating manufacture of bleaching-powder. 362 Elements of the Art of Dying [sic'\ , containing the Theory of Dying in General, as far as it respects the Properties of Colouring Substances, 8vo. cl., 5s Edin., 1792 This is only one-fourth of the above work— although complete in itself— and in quite a different translation. 363 Elements of the Art of Dyeing and Bleaching, trans., with Notes [pp. 102], by Andrew Ure, f.r.s. ; new Ed., revised and corrected by an Experienced Practical Dyer and Calico Printer, 6 plates, 8vo. cl., uncut, 10* Qd 1841 364 EssAi de Statique Chimique, 2 vols. 8vo. old calf (veby scarce), £2. 5« 1803 20 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 366 BERTHOLLET (Claude Louis, Comte) Essay of Chemical Statics, with copious Explanatory Notes, and Appendix on Vegetable and Animal Substances, faithfully trans, by B. Lambert, 2 vols. 8vo. nice copy in contempoi-ary mottled calf gilt (very scarce), £1. 10s ISOi His chief work, embodying investigations into the hxws of chemical atlinity, still exercising a most powerful influence ou this question. ' Setting out, like Bergman, with the hypothesis that aftiuity is identical with gravity, he went on to emphasise the undeniable conclusion that the forces of chemical affinity, like those of general attraction, must be pro- portional to the masses of the acting substances. The further deductions from his principle he worked out with a masterly clearness in his Essai de Statique chimique.' — Prof. E. v. Meyer. 367 Researches into the Laws of Chemical Affinity, trans, by M. Farrell, m.d., 8vo. cl. {scarce), 10.9 Qd , 180t 368 BERTHOLON (Abba [Pierre]) De I'Electricite des Meteores ; luith Opiates, 2 vols. 8vo. old calf, Qs 1787 The author was a friend of Beniamin Franklin, and devoted much time to the study of electrical phenomena. 369 BERTIN (L. E.), and Leslie S. ROBERTSON: Marine Boilers: their Construction and Working, more especially Tubulous Boilers, with Chapter on ' Liquid Fuel ' by Eng.-Lt. H. C. Anstey, R.N., and Preface by Sir William White, f.r.s., 2nd. Ed., enlarged, ly/YA oyer 350 illustrations, thick 8vo. cl., \os (sells £1. Is nett) 1906 370 BERTIN (Pierre Auguste) Rapport sur les Prog res de la Thermodynamique en France, impl. 8vo. seivn, 2s Lnpr. Imper., 1867 371 BERTRAND (Joseph, de VInstitut) Calcul des Probabilites, roy. 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 8s (p. F. 12. sewn) 1889 AVith preface (pp. 50) on the laws of chance. 372 Thermodynamique ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 6s 6c? (p. F. 10 sewn) 1887 373 Traite d'ALGEBRE, 5^ Edition, revue par Henri Garcet, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf brown morocco neat [partly ivater-stained), 4s , 1867-6 374 BERTRAND (Louis) Developpement Nouveau de la Partie Elementaire des Mathe- matiques, prise dans toute son etendue ; with 19 folding plates, 2 vols. 4to. old calf gilt {fine copy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, 8s Gendve, 1778 375 BERZELIUS (Jons Jakob, Baron) Traite de Chimie minerale, vegetale et aniniale, traduitpar A. J. L. JOURDAN et EsSLlNGER ; with plates, 8 vols. 8vo. hf calf gilt {fine copy), 15s 1829-33 376 Another Fine Copy, but wanting v. VI, 7iew hf cl. extra, nncut, t. e. g., ^s The last volume comprises ' Operations et Appareils chimiques '. 'His multiplied and accurate analyses establish the laws of combination on an incontrovertible basis ; and to him we owe the system of chemical symbols. He discovered the elements selenium, thoriuiu, and cerium, and first exhibited calcium, barium, strontium, columbium, silicium, and zirconium in the metallic form.' 377 Seconde Edition Francaise, traduite par MM. Esslinger etHoEFFER ; with ijlates and woodcuts, 6 thick vols. 8vo. hf. calf £1. 5s 1845-50 Final Edition. ' Along with the absolute thoroughness which we also admire in his experimental work, clearness of description is united in this book with precision of expression. He did not merely confine himself to the simple exposition of known facts, but criticised the experiments from which these were deduced with perfect impartiality. His text-book remained a pattern for others during the succeeding decades.' — Prof. E. v. Meyer. 378 Attempt to establish a Pure Scientific System of Mineralogy, by the Application of the Electro-Chemical Theory and the Chemical Proportions, trans, from the Swedish by John Black, post 8vo. boards, uncut {scarce), 10s Qd 1814 ' The first attempt to work out the composition of minerals on the basis of the atomic theory, i.e , with the aid of the law of multiple proportions . . . His setting up of a chemical mineral system created a wonderful excitement.' — Prof. E. v. Meyer. 379 —_ Essai sur la ThEORiE des Proportions Chimiques et sur I'Influence Chimique de I'Electricite, traduit sous les yeux de I'Auteur, et public par lui-meme, 8vo. sewti, Is Qd 1819 a table appended (pp. 120) mentions the atomic weights of all elements then known, in addition to a large number of inorganic compounds, and forms the first attempt at giving a complete list of atomic weights. 380 BESANT (Walter Henry, f.r.s.) Conic Sections treated geometrically, 9th Ed., enlarged, diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 4s 6d) 1895 881 — '■ — Notes on Roulettes and Glissettes, 2nd [last] Ed., 6 folding plates, cr. 8vo. cl,, 2s 6d (p. 5s) Cambridge, 1890 282 Treatise on Hydromechanics, 2nd Ed., diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 10s Gd) ibidem, 1867 383 BESSEMEB (Sir Henry, f.r.s.): an Autobiography, with a Concluding Chapter, and a Preface [by his Son], portraits and 50 plates containing \01 figures qf his inventions, 4to. buckram-, t. e. g., 12s (sells 16s nett) 1905 Written from a scientific standpoint, and containing minute accounts of his numerous inventions. 384 BETTAZZI ( Jacopo) Epitome Operis Paschalis, proferens in Prooemio Necessitatem emend- andi Correctionem Gregorianam ; ivith folding tables : Lettera intorno ad una Dissertazione Btampata : De Recta Festivitate Paschae— 2 vols. 4to. in 1, old mottled calf {fine copy), with book- plate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, 6s Gd Florentiw, 1733-4 An astronomical treatise on the determination of Easter Day, xuiknowu to Poggendorff", etc. 385 BEXJTHEB. (Friedrich) Ueber Light und Farbe, die prismatischen Farben und die Newton'sche Farbenlehre ; with 13 coloured plates, 8vo. sewn, Is Gd Kassel, 1833 386 BEVAN (B., c.E.) Practical Treatise on the Sliding Rule: an Intro, to its Use, and Formulae for Surveyors, Architects, etc., 8vo. boards, 2s Gd 1822 387 BIANCHINI [hie BLANCHINI] (Francesco) Astronomice, ac Geographic^ Observa- TIONES SELECTiE; with good portrait and folding map, roy. 4to., Large Paper; old ca^/" (fink COPY), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, 10s Gd Veronoi, 1137 'Ce volume est doublement precieux, et parce qu'il contient des travaux relatifs au meridien que I'auteur avait eu dessein de tirer au travers de I'ltalie, et par les soins que ie savant Manfredi prit de I'edition '. — Biogr. Univ. 388 BIBLIOTHECA MATHEMATICA: Journal d'HiSTOiuE des Matiiematiques public par UUSTAF Enestrom : Nouvelle Serie, Tomes 5 a 7, 3 vols. 8vo. scw-n in parts, 4s Gd (p. 12s nett) Stockholm, 1891-3 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140. STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 21 389 BjfcZOUT (iltienne, de VInstitut) COURS de Mathematiques a I'usage du Corps de rArtillerie ; noiivelle Ed., aufrmentee de I'Exposition abregee du nonveau Systeiiie des Poids et Mesures, d'aprcs le Metre delinitif, par Nicolas Antoine Guillaed; with plates, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco neat, Ss Qd 1800 ' II a joui longtemps (l'une grande popularite en France, i cause de son Cours de Mathematiques, dans leqiiel plusieurs generations apprirent les elements de la science.'— TJoj/er. 390 , First Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus, taken chiefly from the Mathematics of, and translated, with 2 plates, Svo. hf. hound {broken). Is Qd Cambridge, N.E. {Mass.'], 1824 This copy belonged to John Walker, b.d. (170S-1S33), fonnder of the ' Walkerites', and has numerous MS. notes by him, as well as the auto., 'John Walker, late F[ellow] Tfrinity] C[ollege] DLublin] ' on flyleaf. 391 Theorie Generale des Equations Alg^briques, 4to. nice copy in contemporary French mottled calf extra, \5s 1779 ' In his Tliorie glncrale des i-^juatmns algibrvives (1770) he gave the method of elimination by linear equations. A beau- tiful theorem as to the degree of the resultant goes by his name'.--/'ro/. Cajori. 392 BIDWELL (Shelford, f.r.s.) Curiosities of Light and Sight, 50 illustrations, post Svo. d., \.siid 1899 393 BIERENS de HAAN (D.) Bibliographie Neerlandaise historique-scientiHque des OuvRAGES IMPORTANTS dont les auteurs sont nes aux 16<^, 17*^ et 18*^ siecles, sur les bCiENCES Mathematiques et Physiques, avec leurs applications; avec les Nouvelles Additions, etc. (pp. 331 a42i), 2vols. large 4to. sewn, uncut (scarce), 15* Borne, 1883 a very valuable work, recording numerous editions of the works of the Classics of Science not elsewhere to be found. The suppli^moiit (pp. 331-424) is often wanting. .i;)4 IJouwsroFFEN voor de geschiedenis der wis- en natuurkundige wetenschappen in de Nederlanden ; with 5 plates and map. Nos. 1-30, complete in 2 vols. Svo. boards (scarce), I2s 6d niet in den handel [Leideti], 1878-87 Acconling to the preface the author purports ' eenige weiiiig bekende of geheel onbekende bijzonderheden bij<'en te brcngen ; valsche oordeelvellingen te Iwstrijden ; verkeenh; opgaven door verbeterde tc vervangen.' ■:!>•') On Certain Early Logarithmic Tables, Svo. (pp. 6},sew7i, Is 1873 39(i Over de Magt van het zoogenaamd Onbestaandbare in de Wiskunde, Svo. (pp. 32), sewti. Is Deventcr, 1863 397 Tables d'iNTEGRALES Definies, 4to. hf. calf, with auto, letter from the author (in English) inserted (scarce), £1. 10* Amsterdam, 1858 398 Nouvelles Tables d'lNT^GRALES Definies, thick 4to. hf. cl. {out of print), 15* (p. £1. 5* nett) Leide, \mi 399 BIERING (Christian Henrik) HiSTORiA Problematis Cubi Duplicandi : Specimen lii.storico-mathematicum ; with diagrams, 4to. (pp. 64), sewn {scarce), 5s Hauniw, 1844 4(>0 BIESE (Alfred Conrad) Ein neuer Typus optischer Instruments ; with Vi figures, 4to. (pp. 29), sewn, \s Qd Berlin, 1894 !<►! Theorie der Fernrohre mit continuierlich variabler Vergrosserung ; with \0 figures, 4to. (l)p. 29). seu-n, \sQd ibidem, 1895 402 BILLET (Felix) Traite d'OPTlQUE Physique; uith U plates, 2 vols. Svo. hf calf ; or, calf, 6.y {id (p. F. 15. sewn) 1S58-9 403 Another Copy. hf. calf gilt {iiice copy). Is Qd 404 BILLINGS (John Shaw, m d.) The Principles of V^entilation and Heating, and their Practical Application, 2iid P2d., ivith 72 woodcuts, Svo. cl., 4s (p. 155) [1884] HI.-) BILLINGS (William R.) Some Details of Water-Works Construction, 2nd Ed., woodcuts, lar«;e Svo. cl., 3* New York, 1889 400 BION (Nicolas) The Construction and Principal Uses of Mathematical Instruments, trans, from the French ; with the Constrnction and t^ses of sucli Instruments as are omitted by M. liion, j)articularly of those invented and improved by the English, by Edmund Stone, f.r.s., with 26 folding plates on copper, folio, lai-ge and sound copy in contemporary panelled calf, \0s Qd 1723 i*>7 Second Edition, with Supplement, containing fnrther Account of some of the most useful Mathematical Instruments as are now improved, with 30 copperplates, folio, old calf {back da in aged), 1 0.s Qd 1758 408 BIOT (Jean Baptiste, de I' In stitut) Ess Al de Geometrie Analytique, appliquce aux Courbes et aux Surfaces du Second Ordre, 5^ Ed. ; ivith plates, Svo. hf bound, 35 1813 ' Ouvrage tres-estinie '.—Bingr. den. 409 SixiEME Edition ; with 9 plates, jmst Svo. sewn {tvater-stained), \s Qd 1823 410 Etude sur I'Astronomie Indienne et Chinoise; with 2 tables, Svo. sewn {scarce), 105 1862 ' His researches in ancient astronomy are very vabiable'. 411 — ; M^MOIRE sur I'Utilite des Lois de la Polarisation de la LuMii:RE, pour reconnaitre I'etat de cristallisation et de combinaison, dans un grand nombre de cas oil le systeme cristallin n 'est pas imm^diatement observable, 4to. (pp. 74), seun, \0s [1818} ' His most valnable contributions to science arc on the polarisation of li-'ht, for wliich he received the Rumford mednl inlS40'. 412 Traite Elementaire d'AsTRONOMiE Physique, avec additions relatives h I'Astronomie Nautique, parM. de PvOSSEL, 2^ ^d. ; with 41 plates, 3 vols. Svo. old scored calf. Is Qd 1810-11 413 Troisieme [derniere] Edition, corrigee et augment^e, 5 vols. Svo., and Atlas, con- taining 94 plates, oblong 4to.— together 6 vols, hf calf gilt, £\. 5s 1841-57 ' Biot in his Astronomie Physviue has considered the subject of the motion of the solar system in space. An investiga- tion, ba.sed on the proper motions of .several stars, induced him to conclude that there did not exist snjficient gi-ounds for believing that the solar system is advancing towards any detenninate point of the heavens '.—Robert Grant. 22 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 414 BIOT (Jean Baptiste, de Vlnstitut) Traite de Physique experimentale et mathematiqiie, ivith plates, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf {back of v. II. damaged). Is Qd 1816 ' Get ouvrage est iiii des meilleurs qui aient 6te ecrits siir la physique ; il est tres-important, surtout par I'applicatiou dii calcul aux phenonienes et aux experiences '.—Bioqr. Gen. 415 Lehrbucii der Experimental-Physik, 2. Auflage, mit den neuern Entdeckunr^en von GUSTAV TllEODOR Fechner; ivith portrait and plates, 5 vols. Svo. boards, Qs 6d Leipzig, 1828-9 416 , et Dominique FraiiQois Jean ABAGOrRECUEiL d'OcsERVATiONsGEODESiQUES, Astro- NOMIQUES, et Physiques, executees par ordre du Bureau des Longitudes de France, pour deter- miner la variation de la pesanteur et des degres terrestres sur le prolongement du Meridien de Paris; with 2 folding plates, 4to. cl., I5s 1821 The above contains the results of the authors' meridian-measurement in Spain, and as far North as the Shetland Islands, and in connexion with it, Biot's determination of the seconds' pendulum at the various stations of the arc between Dunkirk and Forment«ra, of which the results obtained were pronounced by Prof. Grant (History of Physical Astronomy) ' The earliest data of this kind which fully deserved the confidence of astronomei's.' 417 BIRCH (Thomas, d.d., f.r.s.) The History of the Royal Society of London, in which the most considerable of those papers, which have hitherto not been published, are inserted in their proper order, as a Supplement to the Philosophical Transactions, with folding plates on copper, and woodcuts, 4 vols. 4to. old calf, backs damaged, 10s Qd 1756 418 BIRINGTJCCIO (Vanoccio) De la Pirotechnia, dove si tratta non solo di ogni sorte e diversita di Miniere, ma anchora quanto si ricerca intorno a la prattica di quelle cose di quel che si appar- tiene a I'arte de la fusione over gitto de metalli, ecc, primera edizione ; with woodcut title and numerous fine woodcuts representing metallurgical processes, etc., sm. 4to. old limp vellum, ivith some contemporary MS. notes (A very fine and unusually tall copy) ; rare, £1. \2sQd Venetia, 1540 'La premiere edition de 1540 est la plus belle.'— CrwHcf. ' 11 fut le premier, larmi ses compatriotes, qui ecrivait sur I'art de fondre les canons, de fabriquer la poudre, et de preparer les feux d'ai'tifice.' — Biogr. Gen. It moreover contains numerous interesting chapters on the mechanics and chemistry of Metallurgy, while the woodcuts illustrate in a remark- able degree the contemporary metallurgical processes. 419 Terza Edizione ; with numerous woodcuts, ^m.^io. parchment cover, taken from old print {last leaf wanting, and some II. water-stained), 15s ibidem, 1558 420 Quarta Edizione, nuovameute corretta, et ristampata, con Tavola ; with numerous woodcuts, thick 12nio. old limp vellum {corner water -stained, and bach of cover slightly damaged), \bs ibidem, 1559 BIBKBECK (George, m.d., founder of the Birkbeck Institute, etc.)— v. 'D\]VUi,post. 421 BIBKS (Thomas Rawson, pr.. Prof Moral Philos., Cantab.) On Matter and Ether, or the Secret Laws of Physical Change, large post 8vo. cl. {scarce), 5s 1862 422 BISCHOF (Karl Gustav) Ueber die Mittel ein Gasvolumen mit der grossten Genauigkeit zu MESSEN, 8vo. (pp. 39), sewn, os o. 0. [1824] An important early contribution on gasonietry by this distinguished chemist, more especially known for his important experiments on inflammable gases in coal-mines, and on the safety lamp. 423 BISCHOFF (C. A., Polytechnikum, Riga) Materialien der Stereochemie, in Form von Jahresberichten, 1894-1902, mit systematischem Inhaltsverzeichnis und alphabetischem Sach- register, 2 vols, large 8vo. sewn, unopened, £2. I'lS 6d (p. M. 90.) Braunschweig, 1904 Intended as a supplement to Bischoflfand Walden's ' Handbuch der Stereochemie,' the ' Chemisches Zentralblatt ' {q. v. post), and to the ' Jahresborichte iiber die Fortschritte der Cheniie.' 424 BISHOP (George, f.r.s.) Astronomical Observations taken at the Observatory, South Villa, Inner Circle, Regent's Park, 1839-51, u^ith lithographic view of the Observatory, 4to. boards, withinscr. *«/. R. Hind, Esqr. [F.R.S., Director of Mr. Bishop's Observatory] iviih the Author's respects' (scarce), £1. 1* J 852 'He published in 1852 Astronomical Observations, including a catalogue of double stars observed by Dawes and Hind, with valuable historical and descriptive notes by the latter, observations of new planets and comets, and of the temporaiy star discovered by Hind in 0i)hiuchus27 April, 1848, besides a description of the observatory, etc.'— Miss A. M. Clarke. BITO : de Constructione Bellicarum Machinarum— v. Mathematici Veteres, post. 425 BLACK (Frederick A.) Terrestrial Magnetism, and its Causes, //-ow^, % plates, etc., Svo. cl., 3s (sells 6*) 1905 manuscript : 426 BLACK (Joseph, m.d.) : An Abstract of Docti". Black's Lectures on Chemistry, a neatly luritten Manuscript on 18 II., giving a resume of 10 Lectures at Edinburgh University, 8vo. con- temporary hf calf, £1. 10* [c. 1770] An interesting relic of this celebrated chemist, the founder of quantitative analysis and of ])neun)atic chemistry, treating more fully ' Of the more general Effects of Heat ' and all the more valuable from the scarcity of his writings, which, besides his graduation thesis, consist only of his posthumous ' Lectures ' published in 2 vols, in 1804. His definition of chemistry in the above MS. is interesting : 'the study of the effects of heat and mixture upon all bodies, whether natural or artificial.' He also states that ' French and German Chemists are more numerous than the English.' 427 BLACK (William, practical brewer) Practical Treatise on Brewing, based on Chemical and Economical Principles, with Fornmlai for Public Brewers, and Instructions for Private Families, 3rd [last] Ed., much enlarged, with plate of a 'new imp7'oved saccharometer,' Svo. cl.,neidy re- hacked, 65 Qd '1844 This work claims to be the first to treat brewing from a scientific standpoint. 428 Reprint of the above {without the plate), Svo. cl., {out of print), 5s (p. 10* 6c?) 1875 429 BLAKE (John Frederick) Astronomical Myths, based on Flammarion's ' History of the Heavens,' ivith plates and numerous woodcuts {many from old prints), and chart, large post 8vo. cl. {scarce), IsQd 1877 430 BLAND and CO.'S Practical Photography: on Glass and Paper, 5th Ed., Pt. I (Wet Collodion Process), with woodcuts, 12mo. cl. {scarce), 6s Qd 1863 An early treatise, describing processes no longer in use, and especially interesting for its long list of Photographic Apparatus, etc. (pp. 112). HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, AND 37, PICCADILLY, W 23 431 BLANCOURT (Handiequer de) The Art of Glass, shewing how to make all Sorts of Glass, Crystal and Enamel ; the Making of Pearls, Precious Stones, China and Looking-Glasses ; with the Method of Painting on Glass and Enameling, etc. etc. ; containing many Skcrets and Curiosities never before Discovered, now first trans, into English, with Appendix, containing Exact Instructions for making Glass-Eyes of all Colours, copperplates^ 8vo. old panelled calf (RARE), £2. 25 1699 An early and valuable treatise on the subject, especially for the recipes for colouring glass. The secret of making glass eyes was here first made public. 432 BLAND (Miles, D.D., f.r.s.) Algebraical Problems, producing Simple and Quadratic Eijuations, with their Solutions, 8th Ed., with Appendix, containing Problems on the Nature and Solution of Equations of Higher Dimensions, Svo. boards, 3* Qd 1841 433 Ninth [last] Edition [with additional Chapter on the Solution of Indeterminate Equations and Problems] : Key to the Work— 2 vols. 8vo. hoards, Hs Qd (p. 19* Qd) 1849-36 434 Geometrical Problems arranged and solved, with Appendix containing the Elements of Plane Trigonometry, 3rd Ed., diagrams, boards ; or, hf. calf, 3s Cambridge, 1827 435 Fourth [last] Edition, diagrams, 8vo. boards. As 6d (p. 10* (k/) 1842 436 Problems in the Different Branches of Philosophy [^Trigonometrical, Physical, and Astronomical] , 8vo. cL, 4s 1830 437 BLANKEN (H. van) EsSAi sur la RESOLUTION des EQUATIONS, 4to. (pp. 16;, sewn, 2s Zwolle, 1839 438 BLOCK (Eugen) Hilfstafeln zur Berechnung der PoLARls-AziMUTE, zuniichst mit Kiicksicht auf die Zeitbestimmung im Verticale des Polarsterns, large 4to. cl., 2* Qd St. Petersburg, 1875 439 BLOUNT (Bertram) Practical Electro- Chemistry, 2nd Ed., revised to date, 69 woodcuts, Svo. (•/., 105 Qd (sells 15* nett) 1906 440 BLOXAM (Charles Loudon) Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic, with Experiments, and a Comparison of Equivalent and Molecular Formuhe, 278 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1867 441 Fifth Edition, with 292 woodcuts, Svo. cl., os (p. 18s) 1883 442 Ninth [last] Edition, rewritten and revised by John Millar Thomson, f.r.s., and Arthur G. Bloxam, 284 woodcuts, thick Svo. cl., 13s (Sd (p. 18s nett) 1903 443 Laboratory Teaching, or Progressive Exercises in Practical Chemistry, 5t'i Ed., post Svo. c/., 2s(p. 5s6rf) 1886 444 BOCEXEB (Georg Andreas) Theatrum Machinarum Novum, exhibens Aquarias, Alatas, Jumentarias, Manuarias ; Pedibus, ac Ponderibus Versatiles, Plures, et diversas Molas ; ex Germaniriin Latinum translatum opera Henrici Schmitz ; with engraved title and \bZ large plates, folio, old parchment {wanting plate 133) ; RARE, £1. Is Colonice Agr., 1662 A very curious work indispensable to the historian of enf>jineering, illustrating every variety of Mills, Waterworks, Pumps, etc., from the earliest time to the period of its i)ublication. 445 BODE (Johann Elert) Sammlung astronomischer Abhandlungen, Beobachtungen, und Nachrichten (Supplement-Band I-II I zu dessen astronomischen Jahrbiichern) ; icith 3 copper- plates, 3 vols. Svo. in 1, boards, 6s 6d Berlin, 1793-7 Bode was the discoverer of the law called after him, on the arithmetical relation subsisting between the distances of tilt' j)laii('ts from the sun. 446 BOERHAAVE (Herman) Elementa Chemi^, Editio altera, Leydenensi multo correctior et accuratior, cui etiam accessere ejusdem Opuscula Omnia quai hacteniis in lucem prodierunt ; ea quideni priiis sparsim edita, nunc verb in unum collecta atque digesta ; with 17 copperplates, 2 vols. 4to. sound copy in old calf gilt, 15s Parisiis, 1733 447 Another Copy, old calf, newly and neatly rebacked, 17s 6rf B&ST Edition, with copious indexes, 'Orationes Academic'ye YIII ', and some other works on Pharmacology. ' Intended to contain all the important work done in chemistry, which long remained by far the best guide to the study of the science. . . He studied the processes involved in calcination, and to him is due the valuable experimental contradiction of the view put forth by Boyle and others.'— iVo/. E. v. Meyer. 448 , Life and Writings of, with Appendix [by William Burton, m.d.], with portrait {fine impression), sm. Svo. old calf gilt, with Lord Boston's bookplate, os 1743 449 Second Edition, tmih portrait, Svo. old calf {joints weak), with the Earl of Harrowby's bookplate, 5s 1746 Still the fullest biography of the great physician and chemist. The appendix contains some of his less known works, and a bibliography. 450 BOHN (C.) tJber LiNSENZUSAMMENSTELLUNGEN und ihren Ensatz durch eine Linse von vernachlassiojbarer Dicke, 8vo., sewn, Is Qd Leipzig, 1880 451 BOHNE (Johann; Stadtphysicus zu Leipzig) DiSSERTATlONES Chymico-Physic;e, Chymijc Finem, Instrumenta et Operationes frequentiores explicantes, cum Indice; accessit Tractatus de Aeris in Sublunaria Influxu, sm. 4to. sewn {rare), 12s 6rf Lipsiw, 1685 A collection of 15 academical theses, chiefly on subjects connected with physical Chemistiy, and interesting as showint; the state of the science at the time. 452 BOHUN (Ralph; Neiv Coll. Oxon.) Discourse concerning the Origine and Properties of Wind, with an Historical Account of Hurricanes, and other Tempestuous Winds, with 3 engravings on copper, 12mo. contemporary calf {name and inscr. on title, but large sound copy), VERY RARE, £1. 15s Oxford, 1671 A very rare work, not noticed by Lowndes, and the earliest English treatise on the subject. The author argues chietly on the Aristei'cnssion of non-elastic bodies, and Christiaan Huygens, who deals on the l>ercussion of elastic bodies in his treatise 'de motu corporum ex percussion*; ', published in li)6i>. 475 BORGNIS (J. A.) Theorie de la Mecanique Usuelle ; contenant la theorie des moteui-s, dcs effets utiles des machines, desorganes mecaniques intermediaires, etc., etc. ; withb folding plates, 4to. //. calf 4s * 1821 BOBGO (Luca di)— t?. Pacioli, post. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 25 476 BOBGO (Pietro) : Libro di Abacho [p. 2a:] Qui comCza la nobel opera tie aiitluueticha laqual se tiacta tute cose a uierchatia pertiuente facta e cdpilata i)er Miser Piero bDr<;i da Venesia, cr. 4to. boards {blank corner stained, othenvlse sound copy with good margins) ; VERV rare, £4. 4'f Venetia, per Jacomo Pentio, 1503 The fifth etlitiqn of this rare work, and the last fully described by Bruiiet. It was the earliest printed treatise o:i algebra, and a fuiraccoiint of it will be found in Prof, de Morgan's ' Arithnii'tical B^oks,' iip. uis quel'iues annees on les recherche beaucoup.'— /J/-u>i«<. The author is often confoiindel with Lucas Boruo [PAriiOLij, 7. v. post. 177 BORK (Heinrich) UxVtersuchungen iiber das Verhaltex Zweier Primzahlen in Bezug anf ilireii quadratisclien Kestcliarakter ; with plate, 4to. (pp. 21), sewn, Is 6d Berlin, 1885 478 BORN (Ignaz Edler v. [A?c Baron Inigo]) New Process of Amalgamation of Gold and Silver Ores, and other Metallic Mixtures, as introduced in Hungary and Bohemia, trans, hy Rudolf Eric Raspe, with Supplement, or Comparative View of the former Method of Meltiuj^ and Retininj^, and Account of its latest Improvements, and of the Quicksilver Trade, ivith 22 copperplates {many folding) of metallurgical plant, 4to. original boards, uncut (RARE), £1. 106' 1791 The author was the tliscoverer of a now i)rocess of anialv^aination— tirst described in this work— and of improved methods in several tt utiliseil in The Antiiunrii.'—D. N. li. BORREL (Jean)— t', Butko, post. 479 BOSCOVICH (Ruggiero Giuseppe, s.J. ; f.r.s.) Dissertationes V ad DiOPTRiCAM pertinentes ; with 4 plates, 4to. mottled vellum, 8y fid Vindobona;, 1767 Api)lying mathematics to the theory of the telescope. ISO BOSSE {Abraham y graven r) La Pr.\tique du Tr.vit a Preuves de Mr. Desargues, pour la Coupe des Pierres en 1' Architecture ; ivith 116 plates, 8vo. vellum, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl stanhope, 5s 1643 481 Traite des Pratiques Geometrales et Perspectives; with 6S plates, 8vo. stamped vellum, with Lord Stanhope's bookplate, 5s 1665 482 BOSSUT (Charles, s.J. ; de VInstitut) HiSTOiRE Generale des Mathematiques jusqu'en 1808 ; with portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. contemporary hf calf, \0s Qd 1810 Last and best edition, and still of value. 483 Genekal History of Mathematics to the Middle of the XVIIl. Century, trans, [by T. O. Churchill], with Chronological Table of the most eminent Mathematicians [by John Bonny- castle], 8vo. boards, uncut ; or, old hf. calf gilt {scarce), Is 6d 1803 154 Traite Elementaire de Mechaniq'ue Statique; with 7 plates, 8vo. contemporary calf gilt, with bookplate of Charles Srd Earl Stanhope, 5s 1772 155 Traite Elementaire de Mechanique et de Dinamique, appliqud principalement aux Mouvemens des Machines ; with 7 plates, 8vo. contemporary French mottled, calf gilt {fine copy), with Lord Stanhope's bookplate, (js 6d ' Charleville, 1763 is() BOTTOMLEY (James Thomson, f.r.s.) Four Figure Mathematical Tables, enlarged Ed., Svo. cL, \s C)d 1890 487 BOTTONE (S. R.) RADIOGRAPHY ami the * X ' Rays in Practice and Theory, 47 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cL, \sQd , 1898 iss BOUCHARLAT (Jean Louis) Elemens de Calcul Differentiel et de Calcul Integral, 3« Ed. ; ivith 4. 2)lates, 8vo. /*/. calf 2s 6d 1826 4b9 HuiTiiiME Edition, revue et annotee par H. Laurent, with 5 folding jflates, Svo. sewn, 4s (p. F. 8.) 1881 490 Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus, trans, by R. Blakelock, 5 plates, Svo. boards, 3s Qd Cambridge, 1828 101 Remarques sur la Partie Elementaire de I'Algebre, post Svo. (pp. 66), sewn, Cys Lyon, 1804 'Oflert <\ Monsieur Puissant par I'auteur. Lyon le S Pluviose an 13, Boucharlat.'— fuscr. on fiiilcnj. Tins very rare little work— the author's first— was unknown to Poggendorff and the author's biographer in Biogr. deiicnUe. 492 BOUGUER (Pierre; f.r.s.) Entretiens sur la Cau.5E de I'Inclinaison des Orbites des Planetes, 2« Ed., avec un examen de r<$tendue du Mechanisme ou des Loix de Physique ; with 2 plates, 4to. sewn, 5s 1748 493 Another Copy, old calf gilt, 6s Gd 4!)4 EssAi dOPTiQUE, sur la Gradation de la LuM lis re, premier a edition; with S plates, 12mo. sewn, uncut {fresh copy) ; RARE, £[. \s 1729 In this work the author laid the foundation of rational photometry, while it also contains important investigatio;is on the absorption of light. His views were enlarged in the Tnv'U d'Optinw (7. v. post). 495 De la Man(EUVRe des Vaisseaux, ou Traite de Mechanique et de Dynamique, dans lequel on reduit a des Solutions tres-simples les Problemes de Marine les plus dirticiles, qui ont pour objet le mouvement du Navire ; with 15 folding plates, 4to., contemporary calf extra, with Chippendale bookplate of Thomas Salwey, LL.D. (rare), £1. \s 1757 ' Le premier livre est un excellent traite demecaniqur? et de dynamiqne.ainsi qued'hyJrostatique et d'hydrodynamir|ue, on I'auteur etablit les principes de ces deux sciences '.—Moutudt's HUtoire des Afathematujues, where a full account of the work will be found in v. IV, pp. 423-5. The third Book solves important sailing problems by geometrical means, 496 NouvEAU Traits de Navigation, contenant la Theorie et la Pratique du Pilotage ; with IS folding plates, 4to. contemporary calf gilt, 12s %d 1753 No copies of either of the above works were in the Scott Library. 26 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. •497 BOTJGXJER (Pierre; f.e.s.) Teaite du Navire, de sa Construction, et de ses Mouvemens, premiere edition: ivith \2 folding plates, 4to. contemporary calf gilt (rare), 17* &d 1746 This important work is generally considered to have laid the foundation of the theory of naval architecture. 498 Traite d'OPTiQUE sur la Gradation de la Lumiere. Ouvrage postlmme, publie par I'Abbe N. L. de liA Caille ; ivith 1 folding plates, 4to. contemporary French mottled calf extra, with arms on side (rare), £1. \s 1760 'His investigations concerning the intensity of light laid the foundation of photometry; their results were fully em- bodied in his Traite (rOptiquc (17(iO) '. 499 [BOULANGER (Jean, Lecteur du Roi)] Traict6 de la Sphere et de ses Parties, oii soiit declarez les Noms et Offices des Cercles , . . plus le Planisphere Universel ou se trouvent facilement expliquees plusieurs belles et rares propositions ; with fine copperplates by G. Hondius, and table, 2 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, old limp parchment (rare), 155 Rouen, 1651-50 Unknown to Poggendorff and other bibliographers. SCO BOULLIAXJ [^«^/??e BULLIALDUS] (Ismael) AstronomiaPhilolaica : Opus Novum, in quo Motus Planetaruni per novani et verani hypothesim demonstrantur, editio princeps ; with wood- cuts, folio, vellum (rare), £1. 10* " Parisiis, 1645 This important work according to Newton first mentions the sun's attraction, which decreases in inverse proportion to its distance. 501 Opus Novum ad Arithmeticam Infinitorum, in quo plura a nullis hactenus edita demonstrantur; numerous plates, folio, old calf gilt, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F R.S.,andMS. mathematical calculations by him, 10s Lutetian Par., 1682 502 BOURDET (— ) Traite pratique des Digues le long des Fleuves et des Rivieres, avec Regies touchant les Epis, Fascinages et Reservoirs ; with ^plates, 12mo. old hf. calf gilt, with bookplate of Charles 3rd Earl Stanhope, 5s Berlin, 1773 503 BOURDIN (Pierre, s.J.) COURS de Mathematique, contenant en 100 figures une Idee gene- rale de toutes les Parties de cette Science ., . . avec nn Traite de I'Usage du Globe terrestre, et de rOptique Dioptrique et Catoptrique, 3^ Ed., with 100 etched illustrations, sm. 4to. old calf (title mounted, and name cut out) ; rare, lOs Qd 1661 The French edition of this work was unknown to Poggendorff. 504 BOURDON (Pierre Louis Marie) Application de I'Algebre a la Geometrie, 4« Ed. ; with 15 ijlates, 8vo. hf. calf. As 1837 505 Elemens d'ALGEBRE, 1^ Ed., 8vo. hf calf, 3s Qd 1834 ' Bourdon Avas an excellent elementary writer, both on arithmetic and algebra. 1 began my career as an author, by a translation of part of his work on algebra.' — 7'ro/. de Morgan. 506 BOURGEOIS (Leon) Reproduction Artificielle des Mineraux ; with 8 plates (1 coloured), roy. 8vo. sewn, 3s 6d 1884 507 BOURN (Charles) Principles and Practice of Engineering, and Trigonometrical, Sub- terraneous, and Marine Surveying, with Appendix, 3rd Ed., folding plates and woodcuts, 8vo. cl. [out of print), As 1867 508 BOURNE (John, c.E.) Treatise on the Screw Propeller, Screw Vessels, and Screw Engines, for Peace and War, with other Methods of Propulsion, Tables of the Dimensions and Performance of Screw Steamers, and detailed Specifications of Ships and Engines, 3rd [last] Ed., with 3 fine steel portraits of the Author, SirF. P. Smith, and J. Ericsson by Adlard, 51 plates, and 287 vjoodcuts, thick roy. 4to. hf morocco {scarce), lis M (p. £3. 36-) 1867 Last edition wholly rewritten and greatly enlarged of the most complete work on the subject ever issued, and a Avork of considerable historical value. 509 Treatise on the Steam Engine, with Investigations on the Motive Power of Heat, Tables, etc., and its Manufacture and Management, with 37 plates and 546 woodcuts, thick 4to. cl., 8s Qd (p. £2. 2s) 1862 or 1866 ' Of priceless value to engine-makers and engine-users, containing a vast amount of practical information on the steam engine, such as is to be met with nowhere q\s&.'— Mechanic's Mag. 510 BOURNON (Jacques Louis, Comte de) Observations sur quelques-uns des Mineraux, soit de risle de Ceylan, soit de la Cote de Coromandel, 4to. (pp. 35), sewn, 2s 1823 511 BOURaUELOT (Emile) Les Fermentations ; with 21 ivoodcuts, 8vo. cl., 2s 1893 512 BOUTY (Edmond) Kotes sur les Progres Regents de la Physique ; with woodcuts, large post 8vo. sewn, \s 1882 513 BOUVIER (Hannah M.) Familiar Astronomy, or an Introduction to the Study of the Heavens, with Treatise on the Globes, and ASTRONOMICAL DICTIONARY (pp. 89), with 2 star-maps and 219 ivoodcuts, 8vo. cl., Qs Qd Philadelphia, 1856 • A work of great value ... No work which I have seen, of a partly familiar character, contains so much accurate information on astronomy.'— Sir G. B. Airy. GUBOVns AN [the Younger] (JohnEddowes, f.c.s.) Introduction to Practical Chemistry; Practical Handbook to Medical Chemistry, both ed. by Charles L. Bloxam, woodcuts, 2 vols. 12ino. in 1, hf bound, 2s 6d 1861-2 615 BOYD (Capt. John M'Neill) Manual for Naval Cadets, 2nd Ed., with coloured plates, and numerous woodcuts, thick post 8vo. cl., 3s 6d 1860 616 BOYER (Jacques) Histoire de Mathematiques ; with portraits andfss., 8vo. c/., 45 1900 An excellent short history of the science, consisting of 247 pp. of text, and a copious index. 517 BRADLEY (Thomas) Elements of Geometrical Drawing ; or Practical Geometry, Plane and Solid, including both Orthographic and Perspective Projection, with 60 plates by Loicry, 2 vols, obi. inipl. folio, hf bound, 86- Qd{\i. £1. 12*) ' [1861] 518 BRAMER (Benjamin) Problema: wie auss bekannt gegebenem Sinu, eines Grades Minuten | Oder Secunden | alle folgende Sinus aufis leichteste zu finden | und der Canon Sinuum zu absol- vieren seye ; with woodcut title, 4to. (pp. 30), sewn {slightly stained and wormed), Ws6d Marpurg, 1614 Chiefly based on Joost Birgi's invention of the circle of proportion. HENRV SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 27 519 BOYLE (Hon. Robert; f.r.s. ; founder of the Boyle Lectures) Works, edited, with Life (pp. 139), by Thomas Birch, d.d., f.r.s., with portrait by Baron after Kersseboom, and numerous large copperplates, 5 vols. roy. folio. Large Paper; contemporary calf extra, with bookplate and monogram {on back) of John Boyle, oth Earl of Cork and Orrery (rare), £3. lbs 1744 The above fine 'copy belontred to the antlwr's kinsmxn, John Boyi.e, 5th Earl of Cork and Orrery, f.r.s., the friend of Swift, Pope ami Dr. Johnson ; and boars his autograph on the flyleaf. The first comi'lete and bkst edition of Boyle's works, 'including liis posthumous remains and correspondence, with a Life [still the standard ivork] founded on materials colloct<;d with abortive bi();,'raphicil designs by Burnet and Wotton, and embracing Boyle's unfinished narrative of his early years entitled ' An Account of Philaretus during his minority'.'— P. N. B. 5-20 Philosophical Works, abridged, methodized, and disposed, under the General Heads of Physics, Statics, Pneumatics, Natural History, Chymistry, and Medicine, with Notes, containing the Improvements made in the several Parts of natural and experimental Knowledge since his time, by Peter Shaw, m.d., with 21 copperplates, 3 vols. 4to. old calf, newly rebacked, with auto, of Egerton Leigh {writer on dialect) on title, £1. 5s 1725 521 Another Copy, with fine steel portrait {inserted) ; nice copy in old calf gilt, £1. Is 6rf 522 Second Edition, corrected, with fine portrait by Vertue, and 13 copperplates, 3 vols. 4to. old calf, newly rebacked, £1. Is 1738 ' Boyle is the true jjrecursor of the modern chemist. Besides clearing away a. jungle of perplexed notions, he collected a number of highly, suggestive facts und observations. He was the lirst to distinguish definitely a mixture from a com- pound ; with him originated the definition of an 'element' as a hitherto undecomposed constituent of a compound ; ho intnxluced the use of vegetable colour-tests of acidity and alkalinity . . . He, moreover, actually prepared hydrogen and c<>llecteout the Absolute Kest in Bodies, cr. 4to. contemporary sheep {back slightly damaged), 13s 6c? 1669 Containing essays on the ' Unsuccessfulness of Experiments ', on ' Experimental Essays in General ', * Chymical Expeii- ments to Illustrate the Notions of the Corpuscular Philo.sophy ', ' History of Fluidity and Firmnesse ', etc. 526 Essays of the Strange Subtilty, Great Efficacy, and Determinate Nature of Effluviums; with new experiments to make Fire and Flame ponderable: together with a Discovery of the Perviousness of Glass, first edition, sm. 8vo. fine large copy in white vellum (RARE), £1. Is 1673 In this important work the author confirms the fact, first discovered by Jean Rey, that metals actually increase in weight after being calcinetl— the one sore point that did not agree with the phlogiston theory, and was explained away with a vast amount of ingenuity by its adherents. 527 Experiments and Considerations toucliing Colours, first occasionalljr Written, among some other Essays, to a Friend ; and now sufier'd to come abroad as the beginning of an Experi- mental History of Colours, first edition, with folding i^klte, 12mo. contemporary English red MOROCCO extra, finely tooled back and sides, g. e. {a few headlines shorn, otherwise a very fine copy); rare, £1. 5s H. Herringman, 1664 With annorial bookplate of Jolni Boyle, 5th Earl of Cork and Orrary, and auto. ' Orrery. Bought at Bath 1701 ' on flyleaf. 528 Another Copy, old calf {very fine and large copy), £1. Is 529 Another Copy {wanting the plate, but a very large and clean copy), sewn, lOs Qd ' Describing for the first time the iridescence of metallic films and .soap-bubbles '.— D. N. B. It contains many interesting observations and axioms, which were completed 3 years afterwards by Newton in his work on ' Optics • (7. V. post). The work also contains many recipes for mixing colours. Pp. 3S'J-423 contain a ' Short Account ot .some Observations about a Diamond that shines in the Dark, with a Treatise upon the .score of the AHinity betwixt Light and Colours', with a separate title-page. 530 — -— Experiments and Considerations about the Porosity of Bodies, in Two Essays, first edition, 12mo. sound tall copy in contemporary sheep {rare), \2s Qd 1684 •■'>1 Experiments, Notes, etc., about the Mechanical Origin or Production of divers Particular Qualities, with the Imperfection of the Chymist's Doctrine of Qualities, and Reflections upon the Hypothesis of Alcali and Acidum, first edition, 8vo. sound copy in contemporary crt//(RARE), £1. 1* E. Flesher, 1676 Including the Mechanical Origin of Heat and Cold: Mechanical Production of Tastes: of Odours: Mechanical Origineand Production of Volatility: of Fixtness: of Corrosiveness and Corrosibility : Mechanical Causes of Chymical Precipitation : Mechanical Production of Magnetism : of Electricity ; each with a separate title. 532 [ ] A Free Enquiry into the Vulgarly Keceiv'd Notion of Nature ; made in an Essay, address'd to a Friend, first edition, sm. 8vo. Ia7'ge copy in old calf lOs Qd 1686 Containing much of the Baco-Cartesian philosophy propagated by the author. >533 [ ] The History of Fluidity and Firmnesse, 4to. (pp. 161-292), sewn {large copy), 5s [1668] •534 — Hydrostatical Paradoxes, made out by New Experiments (for the most part Physical and Easie), first edition, with ^folding plates on copper, 12mo., fine copy in old calf, with in.^cr. 'ex lib : Guil. Hunt. Donum Gualt. Grubbe, 1714' on title (rare), £1. 1* Oxford, 1666 'Enforcing, by numerous and striking experiments, the laws of fluid equilibrium.'— Z>. iV. 5. The author also demonstrates the impossibility of the ' fuga vacui.' 28 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 585 BOYLE (Hon. Robert; f.r.s.) Memoirs for the Natural History of Humane Blood, especially the Spirit of that Liquor, first edition, 12mo. fine copy in old English red MOROCCO EXTRA, finely tooUd sicics and back, g. e., with auto. ' ORRERY, bought at Bath, 1731,' 176- 6c/ ■ 1684 Containing a numbsr of interesting chemical experiments with human blood. 536 New Experiments and Observations touching Cold, or an Experimental History of Cokl, begun. To which are added, an Exanien of A nti peri stasis, and of Hobs's Doctrine about Cold ; with an Account of Freezing, by C[HRiST0PHERj Merret, M.D., F.R.S. , first edition, with 2 copperplates, thick sni. 8vo. new boards (RARE), £1. Is 1665 ' Containing a refutation of the vulgar doctrine of 'antiperistasis ' (in full credit with Bacon) and of Hobbes'.s theory of cold.' — D. y. B. It also comprises tlie first account of freezing mixtures. 537 New Experiments Physico-Mechanicall, touching the Spring of the Air, and its Effects (made, for tlie most part, in a New Pneumatical Engine), first edition, 12nio. old calf {plate wanting, title mended, and some II. icormed), 12s 6d Oxford, H. Hall, 1660 538 Another Copy, containing the folding plate {but one leaf very slightly defective): also, H[ooke] (K[obert, F.R.S.]) Attempt for the Explication of the Phenomena, observable in an Experiment published by R. B., in the XXXV. Experiment of his Epistolical Discourse touch- ing the Aire, in Conlirmation of a former Conjecture, first edition, iv>th folding plate— 2 vols, sni^. 8vo. in 1, large and sound copy in mottled calf (very rare), £1. lis Qd ' ih., 1600-1 First Edition of the author's first published work, r-ontaininghis invention of an im])roved air-pump ('machiiiii Boyleana '), ' pre.senting all the essential qualities of the modern aii--puiiip. By a multitude of experiments performed with it, Boyle vividly illustrated the effects (at that time very imperfectly recogni.sed) of the elasticity, compressibility, ami weight of the air; investigated its function in respiration, combustion, and conveyance of sound, and exploded the obscure notion of a fium vacui.'— Agnes ^f. Clerke. The second tract, treating of capillary attraction, won tlie attention of the Royal Society. Its author, Robert llooke, was then assistant to Boyle, and aided him materially in the construction of his air-pump. 539 Another Copy of the 'Neav Experiments', first edition, with folding jilate, Oxford, 1660 : Experiments and Considerations about the Porosity of Bodies, first' edition, '84— 2 vols, sm, 8vo. in 1, large sound copies in contemporary calf, £1. 15s ib., 1660-84 540 Second Edition, wdiereunto is added a Defence of the Author's Explication of the Experiments, against the Objections of Franciscus Linus, and Thomas Robbes, folding plate, cr. 4 to. old ra// (VERY RARE), £1. 15s ib., 1662 This edition is of great importance, as first containing what is now known as Boyle's Law. ' The ' Defence against Linus ' contained experimental i)roof of the proportional relation between elasticity and pressure, still known as Boyle's Lan: Tliis apjjroxiuiately true principle, although loosely demonstrated, was at once generalised and accepted, and was con- firmed by Mariotte [under whose name it is generally Iciiown on tlie ContinentJ in 1670.' — Agnes M. Clerke. 541 Third Edition, with the Defence against the Objections of Franciscus Linus and Thomas Hobbs, cr. 4to., new hf brown calf extra {title stamp)cd, 2 holes in it, and ptlate apparently missing), 15s 1682 542 Continuation of New Experiments, Physico-Mechanical, touching the Spring and Weight of the Air, and their Effects, I. Part, with a short Discourse of the Atmospheres of Consistent Bodies, first edition, with ^folding plates on copper, cr. 4 to. contemporary calf {title and a few II. stained, otherwise a sound and large copy) ; RARE, 16s Qd Oxford, H. Hall, 1669 Specially valuable for giving a description of his air-pump as improved by Robert Hooke, the author's assistant, — spoken of as the ' second Engine ' in this Avork. 543 Another Copy, with the Second Part, containing divers Experiments made both in Compressed and also in Factitious Air, about Fire, Animals, etc., with Description of the Engines wherein they were made, 5 copperplates — 2 vols. cr. 4to. in 1, first editions; new hf. brown calf gilt (fine LARGE COPIES) ; RARE, £1. 15s Oxford, \669—Lojidon, '82 The illustrations of tlie second part contain 'an Engiiu*, with a double Tube for the exhausting of the Air ; a Mercurial Gage; an Engine to compress the Air; how factitious Air may be transmitted out of one Receiver into another; au Instrument by which Air may be filtrated througli Water, condensed, and rarefied ; description of a Wind-Gun ; and an Instrument to di.still in vacuo.' 544 Nova Experimenta Physico-Mechanica de Vi Aeris Elastica, etejusdem Eff'ectibus, facta maximam partem in Nova Machina Pneumatica ; first Latin edition {wanting plate), Oxonicc, H. Hall, '61 : Attempt for the Explication of the Ph/ENOMENA, observable in an Experiment published by R. 13., in Confirmation of a former Conjecture made by R[obert] H[ooke, F.R.S.], first "^edition, with plate, S. Thomson, '61—2 vols. 12mo. in 1, old English RED MOROCCO EXTliA,f ncly toolcd back and sides, g. e. {in fine condition), 17s Qd 1661 With armorial book-plate of John Boyle, 5th Earl of Cork and Orrery, and auto. 'Orrery, Bought at Bath 1731.' 545 Observations about the Growth of Metals in their Ore exposed to the Air, first edition, 12mo. (pp. 25), sewn, 4s 1674 546 The Origine of Formes and Qualities (according to the Corpuscular Philosophy), illus- trated by Considerations and Experiments (written formerly by way of Notes upon an Essay about Nitre), first edition, 12mo. fine copy in old calf {babe), '^£1. 5s Oxford, 16f6 ' Expounding his principles of a ' mechanical }ihilosophy.' Founded on the old atomic hypothesis, the.«e accord in the main with the views of many recent physicists. They postulate one universal kind of matter, admit in the con-struction of the visible world only moving atoms, and derive diversity of substance from their various modes of grouping and manner of movement.' — D. N. B. 547 r ] Proemial Essay, wherein, with some considerations touching Experimental Essays in General, is interwoven such an Introduction to all those Avritten by the Author, as is necessary to be perus'd for the better understanding of them, sm. 4to. (pp. 40), seicn, 3s Qd [1669] 548 Suspicions about some Hidden Qualities in the Am{icc(nting title) : Some Additional Experiments relating thereto — 2 vols. 12mo. seicn, Qs Qd 1674 Containing an investigation of the properties of the air, physically and chemically, and including a chapter on ' Celestial and Aerial Magnets.' ^Y^> Nos. 537-41. ^^/AL,i The first graphical representation of Robert Boyle's Air- Pump. .# • ' • • • • FIGVRA XXV. No. 560. An early representation (1629) of an engine driven by steam. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 29 549 [BOYLE (Hon. Robert, f.r.s.)] Some Considkratioxs touching the Usefulnesse of Exi'EKiMENTAL Naturall PHILOSOPHY, pioposM in Familiar Discourses to a Friend, by way of Invitation to the Study of it, first edition, cr. 4to. original boards^ UNCUT, 16* 6^ Oxford, 1663 5j0 Another CopV, old ccdf, newli/ rebacked, 145 Containing an interesting preface by Robert Siiakrock, Arch. 2s ' Noribergui, 16U2 This valuable work contains the description of Tycho Brahe's instruments at Uranienborg Observatory, and his methods of observation. 558 Historia Ccelestis [complectens Observationes Astrouomicas Varias ad Historian! Cadestem spectantes, cum Commentariis Lucii Rarretti [Aluerti CuRTiij et Paralipomenis ad Historian! Cuilestem, ex recensione et MSS. GuiL. Schikardi]; with fine portrait and front, representing the Emperors Rudolph II., Ferdinand II. and III., and Leopold I., with celestial and terrestrial globes by P. KiLiAN, plate of views, and very numerous woodcuts, including large ones of Astronomical Instruments, 2 vols, folio in 1, vellum, £2. 105 Augustas Vind., 1666 First Edition of this rare work, containing the author's astronomical observations between 1582 and KDl.atthe Ob.servatory of Uranienborg Castle, and including his Catalogue of Fixed Stars, pronounced to be 'more perfect than any that had previously appeared.' The copious and interesting preface contains beautiful woodcuts of the astronomical instruments in use at the time. ' He m ide the lirst table of refractions, and discovered the variation ar.d annual equation of the moon, the inequalities of the motion of the nodes, ami the inclination of the lunar orbit, and rejected the trepidation of the precession, which had hitherto injuriously att'ected all tables. He also made some interesting cometary investigations.' 559 : Tycho Brahe: a Picture of Scientific Life and Work in the XVI. Century, by J. L. E. Dreyer, with illn^trations, 8vo. cL, 45 (p. 12.9 6c/) 1890 530 BRANCA (Giovanni) Le Machine. Volume nuovo et di molto artifioio da fare effetti mara- viglio si tanto Spiritali quanto di Animale Operatione ; with engraved title, and 11 full-page v)oodcuts representing a great variety of Machinery, 4to. large and sound copi/ in boards (rare), £1. 15« ■ Roma, 1629 An interesting and very curious work, containing a number of new machines of the author's invention. It is of special lmix>rtance in connexion with the invention of the steam-engine, plate 2 j of pt. 1, which represents an engine shaped like a water-wheel driven by the impact of a jet of steam on its vanes, and in its turn driving other mechanism for various purposes, being one of the karliest sooaEsriONS of a steam engine. 561 BRANCEIER (Thomag; or.) Introduction to Algebra, ti-ans. out of the High-Dutch [of KhoniusJ, much alteied and aujjmented by D[R. John] P[eel] ; also Table of Odd Numbers less than 100,000, showing,' those that are Incomposit, and resolving the rest into their Factors and CoelBcients, etc., by the same Tho. Brancker, />/a^e, cr. 4to. sewn [wants pp. 79-80, 6m^ a sound copy) ; rare, 155 1668 ' Tlie value of the table and translation is acknowledged in an early paper in the ' Philosophical Transactions ', and the table and preface were reprinted in Francis Maseres's Scriptores Logarithmid ' (q. v. post) — Sidney Lee. 562 BRA.NDE (W., Maltster and Brewer) The Town and Country Brewery Book, explaining the most approved Methods of producing, at the least expense, the richest and best-Havoured Town and Country Malt Drinks, 12mo. cl., Ss Qd [c. 1825] 503 BRANDE (William Thomae, f.r.s.) Manual of Chemistry, 2nd Ed., with plates by Basire, and numerous woodcuts, 3 vols. 8vo. contemporary hf morocco, Qs 6d 1821 564 Third Edition, with plates and numerous woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, 4s Gd 1830 'The text-book of the d&y.'—D.N.Ji. Both editions compri.se a very full and interesting history of chemistry. The author succeeded Sir H. Davy as professor of chemistry at the Royal Institution, where Faraday acted as his assistant. 565 , and Sir George William COX, pr. : Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art, woodcuts, 3 thick vols. 8vo. hf. rnorocco gilt {nice copy), lOs 1865-7 566 Third [last] Edition, ivith woodcuts, 3 thick vols. Svo. cl. {cover of vv. I and II slightly stained) : out of print, \5s (p. £3. Ss) 1875 567 BRANISS (C". J.) Ueber ATOMISTISCHE und DYNAMISCHE Naturauffassung, impl. Svo. sewn, 1a- 6 1/ Breslau, 1858 30 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W 568 BRANNT (William J.) Practical Treatise on Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils, with the Manufacture of Artificial Butter, Lubricants, Mineral Oils, etc., 2nd [last] Ed., with 302 woodcuts, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cl., £1. \s {p. £2. 12^ 6c/) 1896 569 BRAUNGART (Richard) Der Hopfen aller hopfenbauenden Lander der Erde als Brauma- terial nach seinen geschichtlichen, botanischen, chemischen, brautechnischen, physiologiscli- medizinischen und landwirtschaftlich-technischen Beziehungen, Avie nach seiner Konservierung und Packung; with numerous illustrations, roy. 4to. cl. extra, \Qs (p. M. 25.) Miinchen, 1901 The most important and extensive work on the hop in any language, especially as used in brewing, 570 BRAVAIS (Auguste) Memoire sur les Halos, et les Phenonienes optiques qui les accompag- nent ; with 4: folding plates, 4to. cl. (scarce), 155 1847 Containing the author's important investigations on the aurora borealis. 571 BREES (S. C, c.e.) Railway Practice: Working Plans and Practical Details of Construction in the Public Works of the most celebrated Engineers, with fine lithographic front., and 11 plates [many folding), 4to. cl. {hack damaged), uncut, 105 6c? 1837 Interesting as an early treatise on Railway EngiiLeering, giving constructive details of the London and Birmingham (built by Robert Stejjhenson), Great Western (built by I. K. Brunei), Greenwich, Midland Counties, North Union, Leeds and Selby, and Grand Junction Railways. 572 BRENNECKE (— ) Memoire relatif a la Theorie des Nombres. Loi Reciproque, 4to. (pp. 13), sewn, \sQd , ' 1840 573 BRESSON (C.) Traite Elementaire de Mecanique appliquee aux Sciences physiques et aux Arts ; with \S plates, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, hf. calf {out of print), Is ^d 1842 574 BREWSTER (Sir David, f.r.s.) Treatise on the Kaleidoscope, with 1 plates, post 8vo. old calf (SCARCE) ,\QsQd Edin .,1819 The first printed account of the kaleidoscope, the author's own invention. It Avas duly patented by him, but owing to ' some defect, in its registration, it was quickly pirated, and he never realised anything by it.'— D. N.B. 575 Treatise on New Philosophical Instruments for various purposes in the Arts and Sciences, with Experiments on Light and Colours, \2plates, 8vo. hf. ccdf (1 p. mended), 5s ib., 1813 576 Treatise on Optics, first edition, with vignette by Finden, and 176 ivoodcufs, fcap. 8vo. cl., uncut, 5s 1831 577 New Edition, with vignette and 176 woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. hj. calf neat ; or, cl., Ss 6d 1835 ' A volume in which every phenomenon connected with catoi)trics or dioptrics knownup to the time of publication was described with remarkable clearness and precision.'— Z). N. B. 578 Memoirs on Optical Subjects, contributed to various Learned Societies, with plates {some coloured), 11 tracts 4to. seivn, with author's inscriptions to Thomas Allen, F.E.S., and George Buist, LL.D. (A SCARCE collection), £1. 15* v. p., 1822-45 Contents :— On the Distribution of Colouiing Matter, '22 : Thermometrical Ob.servations at Leith Fort, 1824-.'j, '2(5 : On a Remarkable Property of the Diamond, '41 : On the Phenomena of Thin Plates of Solid and Fluid Substances exposed to Polarized Light, '41 : The Optical Phenomena, Nature, and Locality, of Muscie Volitantes, '43 : On the Law of Visible Position in .Single and Binocular Vision [containing on account of fhe author's invention, the stereoscope fitted with lenses, which sujierseded Wheatstone's mirror stereoscope'^, '43 : On Compensations of Polarised Light, with Description of a Polarimeter, '43: On the Knowledge of Distance given by Binocular Vision, '44; On the Conversion of Relief by Inverted Vision, '44 : On the Moditication of the Doubly Refracting and Physical Structure of Topaz, '4-5 : On the Existence of Crystals with ditferent Primitive Forms and Physical Properties in the Cavities of Jlinerals, '45. 'The most lasting monument to his fame will certainly be his beautiful investigations into the jjhenomena of polarized light; and he divided with Wheatstone the merit of introducing the stereoscope, the lent cular in.strument belonging esjiecially to Brewster.' — D. N. B. 579 [ ] The Diamond: its History, Properties, and Origin (from Edin. Journal of Science), 8vo. calf, 6s 6d [1852] 'To S. Garrard Esq. Avith Sir D, Brewster's Compts. '-/nscr. on flyleaf. 580 BRIDGE (Bewick, b.d., f.r.s.) Compendious Treatise on the Elements of Plane Trigono- metry, 3rd Ed., diagrams, 8vo. interleaved ; hf. calf, 2s 1S22 581 Six Lectures on the Elements of Plane Trigonometry, diagrams, 8vo. boards, 2s 6d Broocbourn, 1810 582 Treatise on the Elements of Algebra, 9th Ed., 8vo. boards, 2s 1838 583 BRIDGES (William, Schoolmaster in Rotterdam) E.ssAY to facilitate Vulgar Fractions ; after a New Method, and to make Arithmetical Operations very concise, 12mo. old sheep, rebacked {nice copy) ; rare, 10* 6d 1718 Unknown to Lowndes and Allibone. 584 BRIDGEWATER TREATISES, on the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God, as Mani- fested in the Creation, with a large number of plates, woodcuts, etc., 12 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £1. \s Pickering, 1833-7 Contents :— Chalmers on the Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man, 2 v. : KiDD on the Adaptation of Nature to the Physical Condition of Man : Rooet's Animal and Vegetable Phy.siology, 2 v. : Buckland's Geology and Mineralogy, 2 v. : Kirby's History, Habits and Instincts of Animals, 2 v. : Pbout's Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Functions of Digestion : Bell on the Hand : Whewell's Astronomy and General Physics considered with reference to Natural Theology, 585 BRIGGS (Henry, Savilian Prof, Oxon.): AritHxMETIQUE Logaritmetique de tous les Nombres jusques'a 100,000. Ces Nombres premierement sont inventez par Jean Neper, Baron de Marchiston [sic'\ ; mais Henry Briggs, Prof, en I'Univer. d'Oxford, les a change selon I'intention du dit Neper. La Description est trad, du Latin en Francois, la premiere Table augumentee, et la seconde composde par Adriaen Vlacq; with diagrams, folio, sound copy in old hf calf {rkh^), £-2.\lsM ' Goude,\628 Containing the logarithms of 30,000 natural numbers to 14 places and the index. 'The idea of tables of logarithms having 10 for their base, as well as the actual calculation of the first tables of this kind, is due to Briggs.'— 2). A^i?. 'The almost immediate adoption throughout Europe ot logarithms for a.stroromical and other calculations was mainly the work of Briggs, who undertook the tedious work of calculating and preparing tables of logarithms.'— IF. W. R. Ball. ' It is plain that Briggs was the inventor of the present scale of logarithms, in which 1 is the logarithm of the ratio 10 to 1, and 2 that of 100 to 1 etc., and that the share which Napier had in them was only advising Briggs to begin at the lowest number 1, and to make the logarithms to ivcreose willi the natural numbers, instead of dccreasivg.'—Hntton. I HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 31 586 BRIGGrS (Henry; Savilian Prof., Oxon.): Trigonometria Britannica : sive de Doctrina Triangulorum, cum Applicatione Canonis in Resolutione Triantriilomin ab Henr. Gellibrand ; %vith numerous diagrams, folio, old calf gilt (fine copy), laith bookplate of Charles 3rd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., and insci\ ' EX DONO V. Cl. Henrici Gellibrand ' on title (rare), £2. 10.9 Goudcc, 1633 The first comm.etk TRfooNOMETBiCAi. TABI.E.S, cont^aiuinp: the natural sines, tangents, and secants to the hundredth I).irt of a dej,Meeand to 15 places, which 'have never been supersedetl by any subsequent calculations.' ' Perhaps the j^reatest work of this kind, all things considered, that ever was executed by one person.' — Hiitton. 5S7 BRIGGS (William), and G. H. BRYAN: The Tutorial Algebra. Pt. II.: Advanced Course, thick cr. 8vo. buckram, 3* iSd (p. 6^- 6rf) [1898] :,ss Worked Examples in Coordinate Geometry, cr. 8vo. cZ., \sM [1891] r.si) BRIGHT (Charles) Submarine Telegraphs : their History, Construction, and Working, with numerous plates {man:/ folding), ivoodcitfs, and maps, ihick'nn^l. Hvo. cl., £1. 10>' (p. £3. 35. nett) 1898 ' TW. English classic on submarine tele^^raphy.' — Eiujhiecr. Tilt* author is the younjjest son of Sir Charles Tilston Bright, who laid the first Atlantic cable iu 1858 at the age of 2(3. 590 BRIOSOHI (Francesco) Theorie des Determinants : leurs principales applications ; traduite par Edouard Combescure, 8vo. sewn {out of print), 3s Qd 1856 The first scientific and complete exposition of the theory of determinants. See Baltzer, ante. 591 BRIOT (Charles) EssAis sur la Th^orie Mathematique de la Lumiere ; with diagrams, 8vo. sewn {scarce). Is Qd 1864 592 Les Memes ; avec Thi^orie M^CANIQUE de la Ciialeur ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf morocco gilt, \2s 1869-4 593 , et Francois BOUCIUET : Complement de la Gi^ometrie Analytique ; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. d. {rarr\ f)? 1864 594 , et E. GOURSAT : Lecons d' Algebre, I^ Partie, 14® 6d. ; with diagrams, 8vo. half roan, 3.v ' 1896 595 BRISBANE (Gen. Sir Thomas Makdougall, F.R.S., Govr. of N.S.W.): Catalogue of 7385 Stars, chieHy in the Southern Hemisphere, prepared from Observations, 1822-6, at the Observatory at Paramatta, N.S.W. ; the Computations made and the Catalogue constructed liy William Richardson, with front, of Parramatta Observatory {demolished in 1855), 4to. hf morocco gilt, with author's inscr. {see below) ; scarce, £1. 105 1835 ' Preseilted by the Founder of the Parramatta Observatory to Professor Narrieu as a mark of respect and esteem. Makerstoun, 4 January 1841.'— /H«cr. on flyleaf. This important work, generally known as the ' Brisbane Catalogue ', procured for its author the Copley medal from the Royal Society. ' The founder of Australian science.'— 7 Hunsen was tho founder rtf the analysis of fjases, tlie inventor of the burner and galvanic coll named after him, and the disc>>vtM«r— with Kin-lihutf— of sjiectruni analysis. 6«4 BURCHETT (Richard) Practical Geometry : a Course of Construction of Plane Geometrical Fi<::uros. jiunicrous plates, ])ost Svo. cl., 2s 6d (p. 7s 6d) 1869 or 1871 (U") BURCKHARDT (Johann Karl) Table des Diviseurs pour tous les Nonibres des !««•, 2« et .3« Million, ou plus exactement, depuis 1 h, 3.036,000. avec les Nombres premiers qui s'y trouvent. roy. 4to. A/, ca// (very scarce), £2. 15? 1817 This imimrtant table of divisors— which has now become very scarce— pives the least divisor of every nunjber not divis- ible by L', .{, or 5 for the first 3 millions. It was supplemented by J. Glaijjuer for the fourth, fifth, and sixth million (lS7y-s3). and by J. Dask for the seventh, cijthth, and ninth million (18'J2-i»). BURGO (Luca di)— i'. Pacioli, post. 010 [BURNETT (Thomas, ;>r., Master of the Charterhouse)] The Theory of the Earth : containing an Account of the Original of the Earth, and of all the General Changes which it hath alreatic.' — D. N. li. 617 BURNSIDE (William Snow), and Arthur William PANTON: The Theory of Equations : with Intro to the Theory of Binary Algebraic Forms, diagrams, Svo. cl. 3s 6d (p. \0s6d) 1881 048 BURR (Frederick) Elements of Practical Geology, with the Mines and Mineral Productions of Gt. Hritain, plates and coloured map, 12mo. hf. caff {stain on title), 2s 18;^ 049 BURR (S. D. V.) liiCYCLE Kepairing, 4th Ed., enlarge, dansun livre rempli de bonne et solid'e gdom^tric, oil il fait Ihistoire de c<.' probh'ino, et rJ-fute les divers jmralo^'ismes quil avoit dejd occasionnes.'— .Vo/if/ir/o. 653 BUTLEROW (Alexander Michajlovic) Sur la Structure Ciii.mique de quelques IIydrocar- ni'RES NON-Saturks, roy. 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, is St.-PHersbourg, 1870 'Btitlerow wa.s the first to express himself clearly upon the nature of the Stnicture Theory (which recciveil its name from him) '—/''■"/". A', r. Mfyer. 654 BUY de MORNAS (Claude) CosMOGRAPHiE Methodique et El^mentaire ; ivith ntwierous plates and maps, Svo. old mottled calf extra (fine copy), with bookplate of Charles Srd Earl Stan- hope, 7s 6d ' 1770 • Un bon resnm^ nniiihip hisforitiue qui coutient des notions encore utiles*.— i?io;;r. Ci-n. 655 BYERLY (William El wood, Harvard Univ.) Elementary Treatise on Fourier's Series, an«l Spherical, Cylindrical, and Ellipsoidal Harmonics, large Svo. cl , Gs Qd (p. l2sQd) Boston [Mass.], 1893 656 Elements of the Differential Calculus, with Examples and Applications, diagrams, Svo. cl., 4.9 (p. 8.S 6d) ibidem, 1880 657 Elements of the Integral Calculus, with Key to the Solution of Differential Equations, diagrams, Svo. cl., 4s (p. S.s6^/) «6., 1881 Including * A Short Table of Integrals ', sewn. 3 34 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 659 CABEO (Niccolo, s.j.) Philosophia Magnetica, in quaMAGNETis Natura penitus explicatur, et omnium qxuxi hoc Lapide cerniintur, Causae Propvij^e afteriintnr. Nova etiani Praxis constrnitnr ; qu{i? Propriam Poli Elevationem, cum suo Meridiano, ubique demonstrat . . . de Electicis, et aliis Attractionibus, et eorum Causis ; with enrjravcdtitle, and numeroiisivoodcuts and diagrams, folio, old vellum {binding, titles, and a few II. wormed), RARE, £1. \2sQd Colonial, 1G29 The first important work 'on electricity that appeared after Gilborfs de il/rt(/;i,e.\As nett) Nciv York, 1894 One of the most valuable smaller histories of mathematics, including a bibliography of 101 works ou the history of mathen^atics. and a copious index. 666 CALIGNY (Marquis Anatole de) Recherches theoriques et experimentales sur les Oscillations de I'Eau et les Machines H ydrauliques Ix Colonnes liquides oscillantes ; 8 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. sewn, with inscr. to Prof. Williamson, 8s (p. F. 16.) 1883 667 CALLET (rran9ois) Tables Portatives de Logarithmes des Nombres de 1 a 108,000 et des Sinus et Tangentes ; with plate, roy. 8vo. hf calf; or, calf, 3.s Didot, 1829 or '43 ' One of the most complete and practically useful collections of logarithms published, and peculiar in giving a centisimally divided canon.'— J. IC. L. Glaisher, F.R.S. 668 CAMBRIDGE MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, Vols. I and II (out of 4), original edition, with folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. ca// (VERY scarce), £1. lOy Cambridge, 1839-41 Cuntaining important contributions by the original editors, Robkrt Leslik Elli.s and Dunxav Farquharson Gregoiiv, and some of the earliest publications of Arthur Cavlev, f.r s., while .still an undergraduate. George Boole, f.r.s., James Booth, J. J. .Sylvester. M. Terquem, and W. Walton were also among its contributors. 669 ■ PROBLEMS : a Collection of the Printed Questions for the B.A. Degree at the General Examinations, 1801-20, 8vo. boards, Ss Cambridge, 1821 670 CAMERARIUS [LIEBHARD] (Joachim) Opuscula aliquot elegantissima : nempe, Erratum, sive V7TS2 TTTaiafiaTOQ ; ^EoLiA, hoc est, de Ventis ; Ph^enomena, Siderum et Stellarum HiSTORiA; Prognostica; Planets ac Menses dupliees; Disticha ; ivith diagrams, 12mo. sewn, £1. Is Basilece, 1536 Very rare, being unnoticed in the list of the authors works in Pog?endorft', the Biogmphle Cenlra^c, etc. It i,s probably the first work of the author, well known as the friend of Melanchthon, as the co-framer of the Augsburg Confession, and for the extent and variety of his knowledge. 671 CAMUS (Charles Etienne Louis; f.r.s.) Cours de Mathi^imatique, 4^ [la meilleure] Ed. ; with plates, 4 vols. 8vo. old mottled calf gilt {fine copy), ivith bookplate of Charles Srd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., 8s M 1768 672 CAMUS ([Fran9ois Joseph] de, Gentilhomm.e Lorrain) Traite des Forces Mouvantes ; 8 folding plates, 8vo. old calf {joints cracked) ; rare, \2s Qd 1722 673 Another Copy, old mottled calf gilt {fine copy), with bookplate of Charles 3rd Earl Stanhope, F.^.s., I7s6d Describing 23 machines of the author's own invention. ' Son principal ouvrage. L'auteur y donne beaucoup d'indica- tions sur les inoyens de perfectionner les cabestans, ainsi que sur une meilleure trempe des metaux ; et il tire de ses theories plusieurs consequences utiles pour la construction des mousquets', etc. etc.— Lioijr. U(^n. 674 CANEPARIO (Pedro Maria) De Atramentis cujuscunque Generis : Opus sanb novum, haetenus :\ nemine promulgatum, sm. 4to. (pp. 568), old vellum {browned and some wormholes) ; RARE, 155 Londini, 1660 Really a compendium of the chemical and pharmaceutical knowledge to the time of publication. About 200 pp. aie devoted to a description of the ' oleum vitrioli ' (? sulphuric acid). Unkjiown to Poggendorff. 675 CANTOR (Moritz) Vorlesungen iiber die Geschichte der Mathematik. I. Band : Von den iiltesten Zeiten bis 1200 n. Chr. ; with plate and 107 illustrations, roy. 8vo. sewn, \0s (p. M. 20.) Leipzig, 1880 070 CAPEL (A. D.) Tips in Algebra, with new Methods for the Resolution of Quadratic and other Expressions into Factors, post 8vo. hf. bound, 2s (p. 4* Qd) 1887 677 CAPRA (Alessandro, Architetto, Cremonese) La NuovA Architettura Famigliare. divisa in V Libri corrLspondenti a' V Ordini, cioe Toseano, Dorico, lonico, Corintio, e Composito ; with very numerous ciirioiis woodcuts {many full-imge), depicting a great variety of Machincrif, etc., 4to. FINE copy in old vellum (rare), 17s Qd Bologna, 1678 Unknown to Poggendorff and Gra^sse. ' 11 inventa plusieurs machines utiles, et se fit connaitre par divers o'uvrages sur 1 architecture civile et militaire '.—JJioqr. Gen. The above work not only dtals with Architecture, but also with Machinery ami Hydraulic Engineering (profusely illustrated), Surveying, etc. 678 CAPRA (Baldassare) Usus et P'abrica Circini cujusdem Proportionis, per quem omnia fere tum EUCLIDIS, tum Mathematicornm omnium Problemata faeili negotio resolvuntur; ivith nnmerous diagrams, sm. 4to. sewn, 5.9 Bononice, 1655 ^ ^^■i-.^^^^-i-^ to usiirp Galileo's invention of the Circle of Proportion, which caused the lattcr's caustic answer (7. r. post). 6,0 CAPRON (J. Rand, f.r.a.s.) Photographed Spectra: 136 autotype plates of Metallic, Gaseous, and other Spectra, and extra plate of the Solar Spectrum {showing bright lines) compared with the Air Spectrum, with Intro., Descriptions, and Index, 8vo. cl. {out of print), 15s (p. £1. 10.9) 1S77 I HIERONYMI CARDA NI MEDIOLANENSIS MEDICI D E. SVBTILITATE LIBRI XX U NVNG demum recogniti atcg perfcdi^ AVTOR LECTOR r. E N le^or candide,ahfoluttt opm de Subtilitdte,cuim tmibrafolam p^-ioribm editionibui ha hui{ii,<::r tamcn iUx ipfx umbra marmt>cib ommbm ample^li . Quid de.ipfo iiuncpcrfi(^o opcre jpcrandufit, iudicio tuo (CJlimandwn relinquo, dim duorum miltui. ac duccntaru pukhcrrima" rum rerum, pr^ter^nfinit^ alias^ quasindice ccmprehcnderr.-mmaipjuijjct laboris, uircs .ttq; proprictates uarin^ CT no utdgares ,fedvccu!t:is atq- dtffiaics ab ipfo autore cxpcrimcnto con firmaus, caufof quoq; iUarum ac danonflrationes explicet:qu£ mtifolum propter ipfain cogui tioticmfunt ddeQabiles,fed etia ad uarios ufm turn prfuatos twn publicos multo utiliorcs qum hifdems pluripwrianfcnpta , qu£ etfi ex philofophiapiit , minorii tamcn mo- matti ejjh h£c er lUa legen$JjandmecHm dijjentiet. BASILEAE PER LVDOVICVM LVClVM> Anno I 5? 5 4^ No. 688. The rare first edition of this classic work of Jerome Cardan. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 35 CSl CABACCIOLI (Giovanni Battista, Clen'eiis Reg.) De Lineis Curvis; with 12 platen, nnxAUt. old calf (fine copy), with bookplate of rhilip 2nd Earl Stanhope, 5s Pisis, 1740 6S2 Proijlemata Varia Mathematica, aceedit Examen Machinaa Motus Perpetui; ivith 10 foldi/ifj plates, io\'io,finc large copg in contemporari/ white vcllinn, £1. U- Florcntia', 17oo a vkrv rare work, unknown to Pog:^enile,' 7. V. itost. 683 CABDANO (Oirolamo) Opera Omnia: tain hactenuH exciisa ; hie tanien aiieta ot eiueiidata ; qn-iiii nuiKiuani alias visa, ae priiuiiin ex Anctoris ipwiiis Antoj^ipliis enita : cunl Caroli Si'ONIl, Ml).; loith fine, etched portrait o't. OS, 10 vols, large folio, LAR..i-. and prove<' 1 ; he showed that if the three rootA were real, TartaKlia's solution };avn them in a form which involveil ima ities ... He established the relations conuectinx the rootn with the cxjetticicnts of an equation, and w;i.-> Uie principle that underlies DescarU^'s's 'rule ofsi^ns ',' etc. etc.— ir. IK. II. liaU. 683 In Cl. Ptolomaei IlII dc A.strorum Judiciis, ant, nt vul;jro vocant, Qnadripartita> ConHtnietioniM liWrosCoMMENTARlA ; ojnsdeiiiGEXlTURARU.M lul lianc wientiain rwti* twoivcndaia oliservatu ntilia EXEMPLA ; with diagrams^ 12nio. sound cop;/ in old calf, with bookplate of F. lilouet de Camilly, lip. and Count of 'Pulle, \hs Lugduni, 15.")5 6S6 Practica Arithmetic.k, et Mexsuraxdi Sinoularis, in qnaqna> pra'teraliaerktinentur, verna im<;iiia deinonstrahit ; editio princeps ; with woodcut portrait on title, and numerous diagrams, \2\\\o. fine copy in old Fremh calf gilt (VERY RARE), £2. 2s Mediolani, l.').'J1) 'Otto eondence with Tarta^lia.' 687 De Rerum Varietate Lil»ri XVII, a prima editione al» ip:^ denno autliore reco^niti, ac plurilms locin l(x*upletati, infinitis07. It forms a seem rerranduin (lonzagain. Medio- lanensis proninciie Pra'fectuiii, editio princeps; with portrait on reverse of title, and numerous other woodcuts, folio, old red vellum {title and some II. stained, but a large copy) ; very rare, £5. 5* Xorimbergrr, J oh. Pctreius, 1550 KiiMrKuiTioN of the author's most celebratetl work, and of (jrkat rarity. It is printet made use of within recent times by F. O. Winkler. 689 Reprint of the above F.ditios, printeil in small tyoc in italics, with numerous wood- cuts and diagrams, 8vo. old vellum {slightly water stained, and bade of binding damaged), £1. 5a Parisiis, M. Dupuys, 1551 090 Editio Secunda, nnnc denuini reco^jnitJi atquc perfeeta ; with fine portrait on reverse of title (different from that in the first edition), and numerous other woodcuts and diagrams, folio, old Italian white vellum extra {title slightly mended, otherwise a VERY FINE COPY), with contemjwrary MS. notes (very rare), £2. 10.y Basilea', 1554 Se«x)XD Oriuixal EuiTiox, K»^eatly enbrged and wholly rewrltt"n. It is beautifully printed in a large Itonian tyix*, and contains for the first time the celcbrat^-J pnjiHisition : Initur his arbitrio vidorltK nlicHs, witiuli causetl his accusa- tion of heresy, and was left out in the third original edition of )r>00. 691 Reprint of the above Edition, with woodcuts, thick Svo. old vellum, £1. 1« Lugduni, 1554 (592 Editio Altera, ab ii^a authoris recognitione, nnnc demuni eniaculatioreH et lon;,'e per- fectiorea re'». His life by Prof. Henry Morley is well known. cm : A IJiouRAPHlCAL STUDY, 1501-76, by \V. (J. Wafers, Svo. cl., .w6rf (p. 10s Qd) 1898 ( 94 CABGILL (Thomaa) The Strains on Bridge Girders and Roof Trusses, includinic the Warren, Lattice, Trellis, Bowstring, and other Fonns of Girder, etc. etc., 64 woodcuts, Svo. cl. {out ofpnnt), 5s 6d (p. I2s 6d) 1873 095 GABLL (Lewis Buffett) Treatise on the Calculus of Variations, presenting in all important particulars a Complete View of the present State of the Science, 8vo. cl. (scarce), £\.2s 6d New York, ISSl 696 English Edition [Reprint on larger paper], large Svo. cl., £1. 5* 1885 The most comprehensive and l»est account of the subject in Enjrlish. Both editions arc now out of print and scarce. 36 HENRY SOTHEIIAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 697 OABNOT (Lazare Nicolas Marguerite, de VInstitut; ^ the Organiser of Victory' ; grand' father of President Carnot) Geometkie de POSITION, edition originale; ivi'th 15 fol'dinq plates, 4to. hf. calf (RARE), £1.5* 1803 Containing his theory of correlation. 093 Snr la Relation qui existeentre les Distances respectives de cinq Points quelconques pris dans I'EsPACE, avec Essai sur la Theouie des Transversales ; edition originale ; tcith 3 folding plates, 4to. hf calf (uniform with the above), Is 6c? 1SG6 This'work is important as having created a new system of co-ordinates, which, instead of forming an angle, lie in a straight line. 009 Both the above Works, bound in one vol. 4to. hf russia, £1. 10* , 1803-6 700 Reflexions sur la Metapiiysique du Calcul lNFiNiTf:siMAL, 3^ Ed. ; with i^late, 8vo. sewn, Qs 1839 'llyprend partie rontre la re forme qu'avait tentee Lagrange par sa methode des variations. 11 sonhaite qu'on s ea tienne k la niarche si simple, si luiuineuse de Leibniz, qai se pr6te d'ailleurs mieux aux aijplications. Les mathematiciens ont suivi scs conseils, sans liofitt^r toutefois ses raisonnements.'— -/. Boyer. 701 CARNOT (Nicolas Leonard Sadi) Reflexions sur la Puissance Motrice du Feu et sur les Machines propres a d^velopper cette Puissance, edition originale ; with plate, sm. 8vo. boards (very rare), £2. 25 1824 This celebrated work first contains the author's theorem so well known as ' Caunot's Cycle', and laid the foundation of the science of thermodynamics. ' Carnot is now recognised as one of the greatest, scientific men of the century; and had he survived, there is no doubt that the theory of heat would have been established nearly 30 years earlier than it was. Carnot's methods, as given in his book, were not appreciated till Lord Kelvin in 1848 drew attention to them. The novel feature of his method was the invention of the cycle of operations, and especially the reversible cycle, etc. etc.'— J'rof. Knott. 702 CARPENTER (William) Water, not Convex : the Earth not a Globe !, diagrams, Svo. (pp. 32), seM;», 2* 1871 a scientific squabble with Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace, whom the author, an incorrigible Flatearther, affirms to have demonstratod his theory by experiments on the Old Bedford Canal. 703 CARPENTER (William Benjamin, m.d., f.r.s.) Mechanical Philosophy, Horology, and Astronomy, new Ed., 181 illustrations, post Svo. cl., 2s (p. 5a) 1857 704 CARRE (Louis) Methode pour la Mesure des Surfaces, la Dimension des Solides, leurs Centres de Pesanteur, de Percussion, et d'Oscillation par I'Application du Calcul Integral; with 4 plates, 4to. old calf gilt, with bookplate of Philip 2nd F.arl Stanhope (see below), lis Qd 1700 The first complete work on the integral calculus. The above copy is specially interesting from having belonged to Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, according to Lalande the best English mathematician of his day, who added 6 pp. of Propositions in MS., besides numerous additions to the text. 705 CARRICE (Alick) The Secret of the Circle, its Area ascertained [with Intro, (pp. 15) hy F. B. Playfair, M.R.C.S.], diagrams, Svo. sewn, 2s 6d (p. 5^) 1876 706 CARRINGTON (Richard Christopher, f.r.s.) Observations on the Spots on the Sun from Nov. 9, 1853, to March 24, 1861, made at Kedhill, with 166 plates, roy. 4to. cl. (scarce), £1. Is 1863 The most important work on the subject. ' From a series of 5,200 observations and a great number of accurate draw- ings, Carrington derived conclusions of great importance on the law of the sun's rotation, the existence and direction of systematic currents, and the distribution of spots on the solar surface.'— il/ijs A. M. Gierke. 707 Kesults of Astronomical Observations at Durham University Observatory, Oct., 1849 to April, 1852, under the General Direction of the Rev. Temple Chevallier, impl. Svo. cl., 5s Durham, 1855 'The Rev. Chas. Pritchard with the Autlnr's ComplK '—i«scr. onflyleaj. 708 Another Copy, with inscr. ' J. C. Adams Esq. [F.P.S., discoverer of 'Neptune'] Pembroke Coll: Cambridge ' on flyleaf, 5s 709 CASATI (Paolo, s.j.) Fabrica, et Uso del Compasso di Proportione, doveinsegna h gli Arte- liciil modo di fare in esso le necessarie divisioni, e con varij Problemi usuali mostra I'Utilita di questo Stromento ; ivlth folding plates, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, or. 4to. hf. calf, or, boards, uncut, 15s Bologna, 1664 Original Edition of this rare work. 710 CASEY (John, f.r.s.) Treatise on Plane Trigonometry, containing an Account of Hyperbolic Functions, diagrams, post 8vo. cl. {out of print), As. (p. 7* Qd) Dublin, 1888 ' Containing much that has hithert) appeared only in mathematical periodicals. '—Pre/ac^. 711 CASSELL'S Cyclopedia of Mechanics: Receipts, Processes, and Memoranda for Workshop Use, ba.sed on Personal Experience and E.xpert Knowledge, ed. by Paul N. Hasluck, First Series, vumerous illustrations, impl. 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 7^ 6d) 1900 712 CASSINI (Giovanni Domenico) : Kecueil d'OBSERVATiONS faites en plusieurs Voyages pour perfectionner I'AsTRONOxMiE et la Geographie, avec divers Traitez Astronomiques, par MM. de I'Academie Iloyale des Sciences ; iviih maps and vignettes, large folio, Large Paper ; old calf gilt (FINE copy) ; ivith bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, f.r.s. (r.\re), £8. 3*. Imprimerie Iloyale, 169.T Containing the following treati.ses by Giov. Domenico Ca.ssini, the first and best known of th3 four generations of Cassinis:— De I'origine et du progres de rAstrononue : Observations Astronomiques : Les Eleinens d'Astronomie veiiflez : Decouverte de la lumiere celeste qui paroist dans le zodiaque : Regies de 1' Astronomic Indienne: Les Hypotheses et les* Tables des Satellites de Jupiter [containing the celebrated Tables of the motions of Jui)iter's Satellites— first observed by him, 'which far exceeded in accuracy any previous efforts of the kind.'— iVo/. Gl■a■nt^ : and 2 treatises bv Richer Picart and de la Hire. ^ j . 713 CASSINI (Jacques Dominique, Co7nte de Thury), Pierre Francois MECHAIN, et Adrien Marie LEGENDRE: Expose des Operations faites en France in 1787, pour la Jonction des Observatoires de Paris et de Greenwich : Description et Usage d'un Nouvel Instrument, nropre a donner la Mesure des Angles, a la Precision d'une Seconde ; tvith 5 copperplates] large 4to. fine copy in contemporary tree-calf gilt {rare), \5s [17921 The instrument above described is the 'circle a deux'lunettes,' invented by Jean Charles de Borda, which did valuable service during the last French meridian-measurement. No. 729 {page 37). A typical • perpetuum mobile/ HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. .17 714 CASSINI (Jean Dominique, Comte de), Histoike de la Vie et des Travaux Scientifiques et LiTTERAlRES de, par J. F. S. Devic, 8vo. sewn (scarce), 6* Clermont, 1851 The above was the fourth of tliis celebrated family of astrouomers, and finished the topographical survey of franco, begun by his fatljer. 715 [CASTEL (Louis Bertrand, s.J.)] MathematiqueUniverselle, abregce a I'uaage et ii la portee de tout le nionde ; folding tables, 4to. nice copy in old calf gilt, with bookplate of I'hilip 2nd Earl Stanhope, Is iid 1728 710 Traiti^. de Physique sur la Pesanteur Univkrselle des Corps, 2 vols. 16mo. old calf gilt, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, lOs 1724 * Sa doctrine de la pesanteur dtait, selon lui, la clef du syst^nie de runivers. Tout dependait de deux principes, do la jjravitedes corps qui les faisait tendre sans cesso au repos, et de Taction des esprits qui retablissait sans ccsse les niouve- ments.' -liiog. Univ. 717 CASTRONE (Benedict© Maria del, o.p.) Horographia Universalis, seu Seiatericorum oiniiiuin rianoium sola Trian;,'iiloruin Analysi breviter exposita ; with niunero us plates, 4to. old calf if ne copy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, \2s 6d Panornii, 1728 the author, who was unknown to l'oj,'Kendor(f, whs one of the lirst to construct sundials by the trigonometrical mcfliod. 7 IS CATALAN (Eugene Charles) Elements de Geometrik, 2« Ed, augmentee; with 17 foldi'na plates, Svo. hf. calf gilt {out of print), fys 1866 711) Manuel des Candidats a lEcole Polyteclinique ; with ;306 diagrams, 2 voIh. fcap. 8vo. hf calf, is (p. F. 9. sewn) 1857-8 To Catalan is due tlie introtluction of ' circulauls ' into algebra. 720 Traites (voir en ba.s), in 1 vol. 4to. sewn, (is 6d 1840 7 CoNTEsr :— Sur la Transformation des Variables dans les Intcgrales Multiples ('40; : Probleniesde Calcul Integral, 2part8, '41 : Memoire sur les Surfaces CJauchos a Plan Directeur, vith plnU, '43 : Attraction d'un Ellipsoide Homogene »ur UD jwiut exterieiu- ou interieur, '41 : Note sur la Theorie des Solutions Singulieres, '47 : etc. etc. 721 CATALDI (Pietro Antonio) Trattato de' Numeri Perfetti, sni. 4to. sewn (rare), £1. Is Bologna, 160.1 'Cequ'il y a de plus curioux dans cet ouvrajre, c'est nne t^ible des diviscui-s des nombres.jusqu'a \000.'~LibrL There was no copy of this worl< in Prof, de Morgan's collection, who does not refer to it in his ' Arithmetical Books.' 722 Trattato de Modo brevissimo di trovare la Kadice Quadra delle I^umeri; with diagrams, 4to. boards (very rare), £1. 15* ibidem, 1613 FiKHT Editiov of the work containing the author's invention of continued fractions. 'The rule for the scjuare root is exhibited in the n^odern form, and Cataldi shews himself a most intrepid calculator. But the greatest novelty of the book is the introduction of continued fractions, then, it seems, for the llrst time presented to the world. Here Cataldi reduces the .square roots of even numbers to continued fractions of the form a+ i"- '" . . .'— i'ro/. de Morgan. n+ n + 72.S CATCHPOOL (Edmund) Text-Book of Sound, 3rd Ed., 73 illustrations, post Svo. cl., 2s 1900 724 CAUCHr (Augustin Louis) Exekcices d' Analyse et de PiiYSKiUE Mathi!:mati(2Ue, 4 vol.'*. 4to. /totypo of the steam engine), ' to represent divers binIs which shall sing diversly when an owl turns terp';tual motioners to dwell on this work on Water-woiks being translated by a Leak I 730 CAUS (Salomon de) Les Raisons des Forces Mouvantes, avec di verses Machines, tant utilles que plaisantes, ana quelles sont adiointi plusieurs desseigns de Grotes et FONTAINES ; with 2 engraved titles, and very numerous full- page and other enqravings on copper, besides wood- cuts, illustrating a great variety of curious Machinery, large folio, old calf, newly rebacked (first engraved title soiled) ; excessively rare, £7. 7* Francfort, Jan Norton, 1615 First Editio.v of thiscelebrate«l woik. ' In th*- first part occur his enunciations of the theorems of the expansion and condensation of steam, and of the elevation of water by the ajiplication of heat, which have pained for him in some quarters the honour of being the first inventor of the steam engine ... It is almost certain that Edward Somerset, 2nd MarquU of Worcester [7. v. post], to whom this honour has also been ascribed, and kter engineers, knew and developed the principles enunciatetl by de Cans.'— D. .V, D. ' Cft ouvrage etait depuis longtemps presque entierementoubli6 lorsqne M. Araoo I'a remis en honneuren revendlquant pour son autcur le nierite de rinventiou d'une veritable machine k vapeur propre it operer les ^puLsements : or, pour constater avec certitude les droits de Salomon de Caus a cette precieuse decouverte, il est important de produire la premiere edition du livro ximatinK to the ratio between the circumference and the diameter [of the circle]. The former carried the value ir to I'i, the latter to S'l, jdacos. The value of jT is therefore often named Ludolph's number. His performance was considererl so extraordinary, that the numbers were cut on his tomb-stone in St. Peter's church-yard at Leyden.'— Pro/. Cojori. 749 FUNDAMENTA Arithmetica et Geometrica. cuHi corniidem usu in varii proldeiaatis, (Jeonietricis, jjartini solo linearuni, ductu, partiin |>er nunieros irrationales, et t5ibulas sinuuin, et Algebrani solutis, e vernaculo in I.atinnni translata a WlL[LEnR0RD0] Sn[ellio] K. F. ; with nnmei'ovs diagrams, 4to. old hf. ealf {browned, and with stamp on title, but sound copy\ los ibidem, 1615 * Cet ouvi-age prouve quo Ludolph dtuit un habile analyste, et qu"il manioit lalgi-bre avec bcaucoup de dexterite.'— Montucla. 750 OHALLIS ( James, j);-., F.R.s.) Essay on the Mathematical Principles of Physics. 8vo. r/., 3s Cambridge, 1873 751 Lectures on Practical Astronomy, and Astronomical Instruments, w-ith 5 plates and 02 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. {out of print). Is Qd ibidem, 1879 The author wa^ the inventor of the 'Transit-reducer' and the ' Meteoroscopc ', and did valuable work in connexion with the discovery of Neptune. 752 Notes on the Principles of Pure and Applied Calculation; and Applications of Mathematical PrinciplcH to Theories of Physical Forces, plate, thick 8vo. cl. [out of print), 8* Qd ib., 1869 ' Certain hydrodynamical theorems, which he believed himself to have demonstrated, admitted in his linn conviction, cf application to the observed laws of light, heat, gravity, molecular attraction, and electricity. The conclusion pointed t > Avas that the physical forces are mutually related, because all are modes of pressiire of the' same ethereal medium. The work in which these views were most fully embodied was ' Notes on the Principles on Pure and Ajtplied Calculation '.' — Miss Afjnes M. L'lerkc. 753 Remarks on the Cambridge Mathematical Studies, and their Relation to Modern Physical Science, 8vo. cl, 'Is M tb., 1875 754 CHALMERS (James, inventor of the ' Chalmers Target ') The CHANNEL Railway connecting England and France, 2n(l Ed., with large folding plate, 8vo. cl. [scarce), 10« 6rf 1867 This work first suggesteo\ver of ships. 758 CHAPTAL (Jean Antoine, Comte de Chanteloup) L'Art de Faire le ViN, premiere ^ditionj uith folding plate on copper, Svo. old tree-ccdf [KAYiV.), £L 1* 1807 This important work first publishes the procc8.s, now known as chupUiUging, for improving wines by neutralising an excess of acids and adding beet or cane sugar. 759 Chemistry applied to the Arts end Manufactures, with numerous folding copper- plates of Chemical Apparatus, 4 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut, \0s Qd 1807 ' Sa Chimie npfJiijuie jK'ut encore etre consultee avec fruit.' — Liogr. Gvn. CHARCOT (Anthelmus) Lex Natur.?-: L' nica— y. Lesage (George Louis), post. 760 CHARLON (Hippolyte) Tiieorie Matiiematique dea Operations FiNANCikRKs [avec TAni,?:s Logarithmiques ponr les Calculs d'iNTERET Composi^: et d'AMORTissEMENT], large 8vo. hf. bound [scarce), Ws 6rf 1869 761 CHARPENTIER (Paul) Le Bois ; with 179 woodcuts, roy. Svo. seicn. Is Qd (p. F. 17.50 nett) 1890 762 Gelatines et Colles ; with 42 woodcuts, roy. Svo. sewn, 3s Qd (p. F. 6.50 nett) 1890 763 CHASLES (Michel, de VInMitut) TraitE de Geometrie Superieure ; with \2 folding plates, Svo. sewn [rare). Vis 1852 764 — , — Another Copy, hf calf [name on title and slightly foxed), 12* ' Chasles iiitroy Thomas Graham, t.r.s., 2 plates and woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 7s (id Cavendish Soc, 1848 Comprising valuable chemical treatises by Otto, Filhol, Julius Voge', Chevreul, E. Kopp, and Bunsen, A COMPLETE SET TO 19U4 : 709 SOCIETY of LONDON, COMPLETE SET of the PUBLICATIONS of the, from the beginning in 1841 to 1904 (as UDdev), with numerous portraits, plates, and looodcuts, 102 vols. 8vo., 100 vv. newly and uniformly hound in Tif. calf gilt, and 2 vv. cK and hf. cl. (VERY scarce), £70. (p. £130. nett unbound) 1841-19')4 Contents :— Memoirs, 1841-8, 3 v. {very rare and often wantiiui) : Joltrnal, vv. 1-8G, 49-1904 : Collective Indexes, 1841- 1902, 4 V. : Jubilee Volume, '91 : Library Catalogue, '8t>. The above important set forms a complete record ol Chemistry during its most active and successful period, containing contributions by Sir B. Brodie, T. Graham, A. W. v. Hofmann, Baron Liebig, Lord Playfair, and other great authorities of the period, besides Notices on important Papers in other Journals, both British and Foreign. Complete sets such as the above are very seldom to be met with. 770 , Journal of the, from 1871 to 1901 (Vols. 24-80), with numerous plates and woodcuts, 60 vols. Svo. original cl. {first v. hf morocco), £15. \os (p. £62. nett unbound) 1871-1901 A NEWLY BOUND SET ; 771 CHEMISCHES CENTRAL-BLATT : Vollstandiges Repertorium fiir alle Zweige der reinen und angewandten Chemie, hersg. v. der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. E-edaktion Rudolf Arendt ; icith plates {some coloured), and ivoodcuts, complete from 1835 to 1901, 67 vols. 8vo. in 80, newly hound in hf. green calf gilt, £57. 10.? Leipzig, l^h— Berlin, 1901 An almost complete set of this invaluable periodical, including its forerunners, viz. : Phannaceutisches Centralblatt, 6-20 ('3.5-49), 1.5 v. : Chemisch-pharmaceutisches Centralblatt ('50-6), 6 v. : Cheicisches Centralblatt, Neue Folge, Band I bis fiinftc Folffe, Band .5 ('56-1901), 46 v. in 59. 772 CHEMISTRY, Theoretical, Practical, and Analytical, as applied to the Arts and Manufactures, by Writers of Eminence, icith numerous fine steel plates, and a large number of u'oodcuts, 8 parts impl. Svo. cl. gilt {fresh set), \5s (p. £4. 4.s) [1882] Containing contributions by Prof. Attfield, Sir I. L. Bell, Sir W. Crookes, Sir C. Le Neve Foster, Prof. Frankland, C. E. Groves, f.r.s.. Prof. Lunge, M. M. Pattison Muir, f.r.s., Prof. Odling, C. Schorlemmer, f.r.s., Sir William Siemens, etc. etc. etc. , 773 CHERUBIN d'ORLEANS (Pere, Capucin) La Dioptrique Oculaire, on la Theorique, la Positive, et la Meclianique de rOeiilaire Dioptrique en toutes ses espfeces; ivith fine front, and vignette by Edelinck, and numerous plates, folio, old calf (fine tall copy), with bookplate of Philip, '^nd Earl Stanhope, f.r.s., and auto, of William Molyneux, the philosopher (16o6-9S) on title, £\.\s 1671 Montucla attributes to the author the invention of the binocular telescope. 774 CHEVREUL (Michel Eugene, f.r.s.) Considerations Generales sur I'Analyse Organ- IQUE et sur ses Applications, Svo. hf. calf gilt {scarce), 8^ Qd 1824 The first published work of the venerable author, celebrated for his discoveries and investigations in fatty substances. He died in 18S9 aged 103, a survivor of the French Revolution ! 775 Rapport au Ministre de I'lnstruction Publicpie sur le CouRS de Chimie Appliquee aux Corps Orgaiii(iues fait eu 1867, Svo. (pp. 56), sewn, 5s 1868 ' A nion excellent ami M. Gauthier. E. Cukvrkul.' — /«.•>■(•*•. onfli/lcof. 776 CHEYNE (Charles Hartwell Home, pr., Westminster School) The Earth's Motion of Kotation, including the Theory of Precession and Nutation, diagrams, post Svo. cl. {out of print), OS 1867 Applying the method of the variation of elements to the general problem of elements, and the general rotation-formukc to the Earth. 777 Elementary Treatise on the Planetary Theory, diagrams, post Svo. cL {cover stained), 2s 6d (p. 65 6d) 1832 778 Second Edition, revised, diagrams, post Svo. cL, 3^ (p. 6* Qd) 1870 779 CHEYNE (George, m.d., f.r.s.) Fluxionum Methodus Inversa ; sive Quantitatuni Fluentium Leges Generaliores, 4to. large copy in old panelled calf, with bookplate of Edward \2th Duke of Norfolk {rare), \os Londini, 1703 In this curious treatise the author applies the integral calculus to medical a.s well as mechanical .science 780 CHILD (Samuel, brewer) Every Man his Own Brewer : the Art and Mystery of Brewing Porter, Ale, Twopenny and Table-Beer ; calculated, by exposing the Deception in Brewing, to reduce the Expense of a Family, and lessen the destructive Practice of Public House Tipling, Svo. (pp. 19), sewn, 5s [1797] 781 Third Edition, carefully revised [with Appendix], Svo. (pp. 22), sewn, 5s n.d. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 41 7S3 CHILDREN (John George, f.r.s. ; Brit. Mus.) Account of Experiments ^vitll a Large Voltaic Battery, 4to. (pp. 14)* sewn, Qs Qd 1S15 ' To Tlio" Allan Esq'-c [f.r s., mineralogist] from his sincere Friend J. G, Children.'— /nscr. on title. ' On 2 July 1813 Children put in action the largest galvanic battery then construct''d, each plate presenting 32 square feet of surface. Tfie remarkable results obtained are recorded in the 'Phil. Trans.' for 1S15. For these he received in 1823 the Royal Institution medal.'— Z>. X. U. 784 CHISHOLM (Henry William) On the SCIENCE of WEIGHING and MEASURING, and Standards of Me;isure and \N'ei^ht, front, and 4o illuatrations, post 8vo. d. {scarce}, os 1877 785 CHLADNI (Ernst Florens Friedrich) Die Akustik ; ivith engraved portrait, and 1 plates, 4t<). boards, vncnt, \0s (Ul Leipzig, ISO'J FIK.ST Edition of this most impoitant work, one of (he earliest systematic treatises on the subject, and containing the author's investigat'ons on the longitudinal waves of stringed instruments. 786 Entdeckungen iilier die TllEORiE den Klanges ; with 11 copperplates, 4to. original wrapper, UNCUT (RARE), £\. 5s ibidem, 1787 FiK-sT Edition of the author's first and most important work, in which ho laid the foundation of tlie theory of sound. The plates depict for the tirst time the acoustic phenomenon so well known as ' Chladni's ligures*. ' The fjTther of modern acoustics.' — I'ln/. T/indoll, who givesa full account, of the abovi' work in his ' Sound ', pp. 136-1 J5. 787 CHOaUET [(Charles) et LMathias] MATEB. [d'ALMBERT] : Traite 1':lementaire dAL(;i;iJi:K, ."i^ [(lerniere] Ed., au^Miientee, Svo. /if. calf gilt, lis Qd 1849 788 CHRISTMANN (Wilhelm Ludwig) Cabbala Algebraica, wive Sursolida* .Kquatiouis et Altionnii Rcsolutio Al^'e])raica, 4t<). boards, U)s 6d Stuttgardia', 1827 789 CHRYSTAL (George), and William Napier SHAW, f.r.s. : Electricity, Electrometer.^, Macjnktism, and Electrolysis (Rep. from ' Encv. liiit.'), woodcuts, etc., 4to. boards, 'ds (p. 5.v nett) ' 1894 790 CHUBB (John) On the Construction of Locks and Keys, 10 illustrations, 8vo. (pi). 36), cl. {name cut off title), scarce, os [18.jO] 'A ■valuable paper, containing li.sts of all British patents relating thereto, and all communications to the Society of Art-*. For this he was awarded the Telford silver medal '.—D. N. B. 791 CIACCHI (Giuseppe) Regole Generali d'ABBACO, con un ])revc Trattatodi Geonietria, eMcdi (It'l inisurarc le siipeiticie de' teneni, e cori)i »olidi ; ^uith coloured arms on title, and woodcuts, V2u\o. old vellum {binding damaged), 12s Firenze, 1675 A rare work, unknown to Poggeudorfl' and Prof, de Morgan. 792 CIRCLE (The) of the Sciences : a Cycloptcdia of Experimental, Chemical, Mathematical and Mechanical Philosophy, Avith Intro, by Henry Lord Brougham, /ne steel portraits of Faraday, Breu-atcr, and Lord Brougham, jylates, and woodcuts, 4to. cl., 3* %d (p. 8* 6rf) n. d. 793 CIVIL ENGINEER (The) and ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL, Vols. I— Vlll, ivith plates and numerous iroodcufs, 8 vols. 4t<). cl.,l5s 1837-45 794 ENGINEERS, The Education and Status of, in the United Kingdom and in Foreign Countries, 8vo. cl., Ss 1870 A COMPLETE SET TO DATE : 795 (INSTITUTION of), MINUTES of PROCEEDINGS of the; from its beginning in 18:^7 to 1905, 161 v. Subject Index to vv. I-CXVIII, 2 v., Name Index to vv. I-LVllI, 1 v. — together 1G4 vols. Svo. with an immense number of large plates and plavs, besides cuts; cl. (very scarce), £47. 10s 1837-1905 ThK EAHLY VOr.lJMKS AR>: EXTRKMELY SiCARCE. •This valuable publication contains the history and description of the greatest en;;ineering works of the greater part of the last century, the greatest enKineering epoch in the history of the woikl. There is no other publication of its kind that ran b^ar the least coniparisoii with it. From the time of Telfonl, Robert Stephenson and Brunei, to that of the eminent mcu of the present day, scarcely a work has been accou'plished but it is fully described and carefidly illustrated here.' A further most interesting feature is the full and intimate biographies of deceased meml)ers of the Institution. 790 , Transactions of the. Vol. I (out of 3), with fine portrait of Telford, and 27 plates {one of aidographs of Engineers), 4to. cl., \0s brf 1836 Containing original contributions by Thomas Telfonl, Peter W. Harlow, k.r.s., T. TredgoM, Joshua Field, k.h.s., John Fa rev, etc., etc. 797 CLAIRAUT (Alexis Claude) Elp:mens d'ALCkcRE, 4"'e Edition ; with numerous tables, sm. Svo. old calf. Is Qd 1768 798 L ] Keciiekches sur le.s CouRBES Ji Double Courbure ; with opiates, 4to. old calf gilt {fine capy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, 185 1731 This work, demonstrating that all curves of the third order are projections of one of five parabolas, was written at the age of 18, and procured the author's admission to the Academy of Sciences. ' Dans ce livre, il resolvait d'importants ]»roblt'mes roulant sur les tangentes de ces courbes particulieres. Leur rectification et la quadrature des cylindres qui les projettent sur les plans coonlonnesy sont traitees piar la methodc encore en usage aujourd'hui '.—iJoi/er, 790 Theorie de la Figure de la Terre, tirce des Principew de I'Hydrostatique ; withnumerovs diagrams, Svo. old calf gilt (FINE COPY) ; RARE, with L^ord Stanhope's bookplate, 18« 1743 'His fame rests chiefly on his 'Theorie de la Figure de la Terra', in which he promulgated the theorem that the variation of gravity on the surface of ihe earth, regarded as an elliptic spheroid, was altogether independent of the law of density'. He develops in this work the first theory of capillary attraction, and tirst gives the differential equation, till then unknown, of the equilibrium of fluids, supposing an attractive force, following any law whatever, to exist among the molpculi'8. ' In the figure of the earth no other person has accomplishod as much as Clairaut, and the subject remains at present 8ub>tai,li;illy as he left it, though the form is diflJerent.'— rod/iKwfer. 800 CLARIDGE (John, shepherd) The Shepherd of Banbury's Rules to judge of the Changes of the Weather, grounded on 40 years' Experience, with a Rational Account of their Causes, the Nature of Wind, Rain, Snow, etc. ; corrected Ed., Svo. hf. roan. Is Qd ^ 1827 • To John Campbell [i,i..d., 1708-75] has been g-^nerally ascribed the recast of 'The Shepherd of Banbury's Rules'. It is somewhat noticeable as an attempt to base on quasi-scientific principles the weather forecasts of the alleged Banbury .shepherd.*— i^. A'. B. See also Notet and (Queries, 1. Ser., VII. v. 373. 42 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 803 GLABE (Martin, f.r.s.) Tlie Motion of Fluids, Natural and ArtiHcial, in ])aiticular of the Air and Water, 2ntl Ed., with 8 plates, 8vo. old calf {fine copy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, 5s 1737 804 CLARK [sive CLERKE] (Gilbert, pr.) Oughtredus Explicatus, sive Commentarius in ejus Claveni Matheniatieam, cum Planetarum Observationibus et HOROLOGIORUM [SOLARIUM]^ CoNSTRUCTiONE ; tvith 2 folding plates, 2 vols. 12nio. in 1, old calf {nice copij), icith bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, Is Gd Londini, 1682 The authoi- mentions in this work his invention of the spct-dial. 805 CLARK (Josiah Latimer, f.r.s. ; telegraph cable engineer) ELEMENTARY Treatise on Electrical Measurement, front., chart, and 41 woodcuts', post 8vo. cL, 2s 1868 800 , and Robert SABINE: Electrical Tables and Formula for Telegraph Inspectors and Operators, luoodciits, post 8vo. cL, 2s Qd 1871 Althoufjh out of O.ate, both woiks are of some historical value. 807 CLARK (Samuel) Easy Introduction to theTnEORYand Praciice of Mechanics, containing a Variety of Curious and Important Problems investigated with ithe greatest Facility by the Application of one General Property of tlie Center of Gravity, without having Resource to the Composition and Resolution of Forces, diagrams, 4to. old calf, with auto. (1790) and bookplate of Thomas Legbourn {mathematician) ; rare, 10s 1764 808 CLARKE (Col. Ale:r. Ross, r.e., f.r.s.) Geodesy, tvith 64 illustrations, large 8vo. cl, vncut (FRESH cory), £1. OS Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1880 The best moilern text-book on the subject in English. It is nut of print and now verv scarce. 809 CLARKE (Frank Wiggles worth) The Constants of Nature, Part V : Recalculation of the Atomic Weights, new Ed., enlarged, roy. 8vo. half crushed green Levant morocco, vncvt, t. e. g. (FINE COPY), \5s Washinjfon, 1897 810 CLARKE (John Sutherland) The Properties of the Parabola proved geometrically, witha Collection of Problems, diagrams, 8vo. sewn, 2s 6d Cambridge, 1852 811 CLAUSIUS (Rudolph) Tlie Mechanical Theory of Heat, with its Applications to the Steam-Engine, and to the Physical Properties of Bodies, cd. by Thomas Archer Hirst, f.r.s., with Intro, by John Tyndall, f.r.s., woodcuts, 8vo. cl. {fresh copy), scarce, 8s 1867 812 Another Copy, calf neat {damp on title), Ss First English edition of this epoch-makinj? work, which lirst i)laced thermodynamics on a scitnlilic basis. It wa.s translated by \arions hands from ' Abhandhmj:en titer die mechanischc Wiirmetheorie' (1S64-7). 813 The Mechanical Theory of Heat, trans, by Walter Raleigh Browne, with wood- cuts, post 8vo. new hf. brown calf gilt, t. e. g. (SCARCE), 12.s iSd 1879 a translation of the second and greatly' revised edition of the Ahhandlunnen, with 3 Appendixes by the translator. 814 CLAVIUS (Christophorus, Bambergensis, S.J.) Opera Mathematica V Tomis distributa, ab Anctore nunc denuo correcta, et plurimis Locis aucta; with engraved title containing portrait, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 5 vols, folio, old vellum {badly browned) ; rare, £3. 3^ Moguntiic, 1612 I. In Euclidem et in Tlieodosium commentarii ; de sinibus et lineis tangentibus et secantibus ; triangula rectiliiiea et s]thit'riva. II. Geoinetria practica ; aritiimetica practica ; algebra. III. In sphieram Joa. de Hacro Bosco commentarius ; astrohbium. IV. Gnoinonices libri VIII ; fabrica et usus insttumenti horologiorum ; horologioruni nova deseiiptio. V. Uomani calendarii a Gregorio XIII. restitutio; Jos. Scaligeri elenchus et castigatio cal. gregor. castigata ; responsio ad calunmias Jos. Scaligeri ; confutatio calendarii Georgi Germanni. Clavins, 'the Euclid of the XVI. Century', is chiefly known by having, at the instance of Pope Gregory XIII., worked out tlic improvements in the Julian calendar which resulted in the (iregovian calendiir. 815 Aritmetica Prattica, tradotta di Lorenzo Castellano, revista dal med, P. Claviocon alcune agginnte, 12mo. old limp vellum, 8s 6d Venctia, 1671 ' Perhaps there are more extensive examples of the square root worked by the old method in this treatise than would easily be found elsewhere.' — Vrof. de Morgan. Commentaria in Euclidem (lG12)-v. Euclides, jjost. 81G Compendium brevissimum Horologiorum Horizontaltum ac Declinantium : Tabulae Altitudinum Solis pro HORIS ASTRONOMICIS in Signornm Initiis, ad omnes Gradus Altitudinis Poli Borealis : Tabul.^5 ASTRONOMIC/Ead HOROLOGIORUM Constructioneni maxime utiles, et Notic in Novam Horologiorum Descriptionem — 3 vols. cr. 4to. in one, icith icoodcuts and diagrams; old limp vellvm (rare), £1. Is Ronuv, 1603-5 817 Gnomices Libri VIII, in quilms non solum HOROLOGIORUM Solarium, sed etiam aliarum <|Uoque Rerum, qujc ex Gnomonis Umlua cognosci possunt, Descriptiones geometrice demon- strantur, editio princeps ; with engraved title',' wood en ts and diagrams, folio, old parchment {top of back damaged, and title and a few II. stained) ; rare, £1. 5s ibidem, 1581 818 RoMANi Calendarii a Gregorio XIII. P.M. restituti Explicatio, Clementis YIII. P.M. jussu edita; accessit Confutatio eorum. qui Calendarium alitor instaurandum contenderunt, editio princeps, folio, contemporary jJvessed 2}iffikin on oaken boards, sides covered with floral design, clasps {back slightly damaged, and a number of II. water-stained) ; RARE, £1. 10s ibidem, 1603 First edition of the ofHcial exjilanation of the Gregorian calendar, largely the result of the author's labours. 819 In SPH.ERAM JoANNis de Sacro Bosco Commentarius, nunc quarto ab ipso Auctore recognitus, et plerisque in locis locupletatus ; ivith numerous woodcuts and diagrams, sm. 4to. old limp vellum, \2sijd ' S. Gervasii, 1602 820 CLERK (John, of Eldin, F.R.S. Edin.) Essay on Naval Tactics, Systematical and Historical, Parts I-IV^ (all pub.), first complete edition, tvith 52 plates {many folding), 2 v(ds. 4to. original boards, uncut, with auto. o/'JoHN Clerk, Advocate' [Lord Eldin], the author's Son (rare), £1. 15s 1790-7 One of the most interesting work.s on the subject, which gave ri.se to a prolonged controversy on its merits, it having, been claimed th.at the author's new proposal of a nian(euvre for ' breaking the enemy's line' had been adopted by Lord Rodney at the battle off Dominica, April 1*2, 1782, and had largely contributed towards the victory. Prof. Laughtou howe\er has since shown that there is very little, if any, evidence for this assertion. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 43 S'2S CLEB.KE (Agnes Mary) Popular History of Astronomy duriii<,^ the XIX. Century, 8vo. c/., 45 (p. 12s 6f/) ]£dm., 1885 8*24 Third Edition [gi-eatly enlarged], with photo-front., vignette, and 5 plates, thick Svo. cl., 6s 6d (p. 12s 6dy 1893 The best liistory of Modern Astronoiny. 825 Tlie System of the Stars, v:ith 6 plates and 50 woodcuts, Svo. cl. {out of jirint), 12s 6d (p. £1. Is) 1890 All excftllent ix)pular treatise on Sidereal Astronomy. 82G CLIFFORD (William Kingdon, f.r.s.) Elements of Dynamic: an Introdnction to the Study of Motion and Jtest in Solid and Fhiid Bodies, Pt. I. KINEMATIC, illustralcd, cr. 8vo. cl. {bade siightlfi damaged), 3s Qd (p. 7s Qd) 1878 In tlii-s work, which was never coniplett'd, the author first introduced the sniphical and geometrical methods of MQbius, Culniann, etr., as applicable to elementary mathematics. 827 Lecturks and Essays, ed. hy Sir Leslie Steimien and Sir Frederick Pollock, with Intro, [hiographieal and bihlio^naphicalj ])y tlie hitter, Lihrary Edition, icilh 2 portraits, 2 voIh. Svo. cl., VlsiSd (p. .£1. o.s) 1879 828 CLOCKMAKEBS' COMPANY of the City of London, Some Account of the, compiled jnini-ipally from their own Records hy S. E. Atkins and A. H. OVERALL, F.S.A., with plates and woodcuts, roy. Svo. cl., uncut, t. e. g., £1. 8s privately pnnted, 1881 Including bio^^raphies of ct-h-brated members, an account of old patents granted and indentions, etc. etc. 829 , Charter and Bye Laws of the, incorporated 1631,7th Charles Int, front, of Arms, Svo. calf neat, 6s [ for the Company,] 1825 830 CLOIZEAUX (Alfred des) Manuel de Mineralogie, Tomes I et II, l*^*" fascicule ; with 45 plates, and n umerovs woodcuts, and Atlas, containing 52 plates— 3 vols. Svo. sewn, 10s 6d (p. F. 30.) 1862-74 .JOHN CLARE'S COPY: 831 COCKER fEdward) Arithmetic : a plain and familiar method, snitahle to the meanest Capacity, for the full riidcrstandiny John Hawkins, portrait: Collins {J ou^, Philomath) Arithmetic, publish'd by J. Plant— in I vol. ISmo. sheep {broken, and margins shorn) ; sec note, £2. 10s 1688-1704 With autograph of John Clare, the unfortunate Northamptonshire i>easant poet, ISll. 832 Decimal Arithmetic, with Tables of Interest and Rebate .... his Artificial Arith- metic, shewin*,' the Genesis or Fabrick of the LOGARITHMS . . . his ALGEBRAICAL ARITHMETIC, etc. etc., perused, conected, and published by John Hawkins, 3rd Ed., with diagrams, large 12mo., large copy in old panelled sheep {back slightly damaged), 12s 6d 1702 b.'i3 Fourth Edition, ivith diagrams, 12mo. contemporary sheep {fine old copy), ICs 6c? 1713 Both the above works were suppo.sed by Prof, de Morgan to be forgeriea.'a view however since discredited. The latter contains commendatory poems by William Levbourn, William Salmon, etc. 834 CODDINGTON (Henry, f.r.s.) Elementary Treatise on Optics, 2nd EA.,with ^folding plate-:, Svo. calf, or, boards, 3s 6d Cambridge, 1825 'The tiist attempt to make English students acquainted Avith modern methods of investigation in optics.'— il/iss A. M. Clerle. 835 Treatise on the Reflexion and Refraction of Light, tvith \6 folding plates, 8vo. hf. calf {.stamp on title), 6s 6d ibidem, 1829 ' Coiit.iiiiiii^ a very complete investigation of the paths of reflected aiul refracted rays.'— fot'cw. 836 COEHOOBN (Menno Jonkheer van) Nouvelle Fortification, representee en trois manieres, sur le contenu interieur de I'Hexagone a la Francaise, avec une nouvelle Methode de Fortifier les Pl.\ces Maritimes; folding plates, Svo. hf calf gilt, tvith bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., 8s La Haye, 1741 'J"l>c authors most important work, originating wholly new principles in fortification. 837 COGGESHALL (Henry) The Art of Practical Measuring, easily perform'd, by a Two-Foot Rule, which slides to a Foot, 4th Ed., with the use of SCAMOZZI'S LINES, for finding the Lengths and Angles of Hips and Rafters, etc. to any Pitch; the whole carefully revi.sed, etc. et<'. by JoHN Ham, folding j^lates {one defective and another mended), I2mo. old calf {joints cracked), 6s 1729 838 Seventh Edition, carefully corrected, ivith folding plates, 12mo. suund copy in contemp- orary sheep, 10s 6d 1785 The sliding rule, described in the above work, was the author's own invention. 839 COLBURN (Zerah ; founder of * Engineering ') Steam Boiler Explosions, Svo. .seun, }s6d 1860 810 COLE (Grenville Arthur James) Aids to Practical Geology, 2nd Ed., 136 illustrations, Svo. cl., 4 V (p. 10s Of/) 1893 841 COLE (Reginald Sorre) Treatise on Photographic Optics, 104 illustrations, cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. ().v) 1899 842 COLENSO (John William, Bp. of Natal) The Elements of Algebra, 2 vols. fcap. Svo. boards, 2s 6d y r J , 1859-66 843 COLLIER (John, Teacher of the Mathematicks to the gentlemen Volnntiers in 11. N.) Com- pendium Artis Nautic.*:, being the Daily Practice of the Whole Art of Navigation, whereby all Problems are performed only by Tabular Inspection, without the Operation of Trigonometry, diagrams, 4to. fine copy in old sheep, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, {r-.ire), 15s 1729 Not noticed by Lowndes. PoggenclorfT, or D. N. B. 844 COLLIGNON (Edouard) Traite de MECANKiUE, 1« Partie : ClN^MATlQUE ; with .338 ilUt- f rations, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, .3s 6d 1873 845 COLLINI (Cosimo Alessandro ; Voltaire's Secretary) Journal d'un Voyage, qui contient ditterentes Observations Mineralooiques, particulieremont sur les Agates, et le Rasalte, avec la maniere de travailler les Agate-s ; with 14 fne folding plates on copper, hrge 12mo. hf morocco neat {plate 10 missing and corner of plate 14 torn off), 4s Mannheim, 1776 44 HENKY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, VV.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. COLLINS (John; f.r.s. ; corresnondentof Newton and Leibniz) Arithmetic, 1704— i;. Cocker, ««<(!. 8IG The Description and Uses of a General Quadrant, with the Horizontal Projection, ii])r)n it inverted, ivith diagrams, sni. 4to. (pp. 62), sewn, \Qs Qd 1658 Containing at end a ' Table of the right Ascensions and Declinations of the principal fixed Stars ', and ' Mr, Sutton's Tables of Declination and Right Ascension '. 847 ■ Navigation by the Mariners Plain Scale new plain'd: or a Treatise of Geo- metrical and Aritiim"etical Navigation, icith plates and numerous diagrams, and 5 early en- graved Compass Cards inserted at end, 3 vols. sni. 4to. in 1, old calf {fine copy), rare, icilh bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, £2. 2* 1659 ' It becan)e a class-book with the students of navigation of Christ Church Hospital [?].'— D. .V. 77. S4S The Sector on a Quadrant ; or a Treatise containing the Description of four several Quadrants . . . each Accomodated for Dyalling ; for the Resolving,' of all Proportions Instrument- ally, and for the ready finding the Hour and Azimuth Universally in the equal Limbe, with Appen- dix touching Reflected Dvallinc, from a glass placed at a Reclination, icith 4 copperplates, ivoodcuts, and diagrams, sm. 4to. sewn [a few wormholes), with old auto, on title (rare), £\. \s 1659 Pp. 203-75 have a 'se])arate title: 'The Dkscription and Uses of a Great Universal Quadrant: with a Quarter of iStotlers particular Projection upon it, Inverted,' Iti.jS. 'Collins was the register of all the improvements made in the mathematical science ; the magazine to which all tin; curious had recourse ; and the common repository where every part of luseful knowledge was to b'j found. It was on this account that the learned styled him 'the English Mersennus'.' 819 COLSON (Nathaniel) The Mariner's New Kalendar, containing the Principles of Arithmetic and Geometry, with the Use of the Sea-Quadrant, Fore-Staff, and Nocturnal ; Tables, etc. etc., cr. 4to. hf. calf {back damaged), 12* Qd 1749 This copy has the bookplate and auto, of John Lee, f.s.a., f.r.s.: (1779-1850), and inscription by the same : ' This was a popular work in its dav.' 850 New Edition, revised and adjusted to the New-Stile, by William Mountains, f.r.s., with the Compleat Irish Coaster, ivith numerous ivoodcuts and diagrams, sm. 4to. old sheep (joints broken, and some II. water-stained), Ss Qd Dublin, 1764 851 COLSON (Rene) La Plaque Photographique : Proprietes, le Visible, ITnvisible ; ictth plates, 8vo. cl., 2s U 1897 852 COMBEROUSSE (Charles de) Geometrie Analytique Plane et dans I'Espace. Elements de Geometrie De.«criptive ; with Atlas of 5H plates— 2 \o\h. Svo. sewn, 2s 1862 853 COMBES (Charles), Ed. PHILLIPS, etEd. COLLIGNON: Expose de la Situation de la Mecanique Appliquee, impl. 8vo. sewn (scarce), 5s 1867 854 COMBRTJNE (Michael) The Theory and Practice of Brewing, first edition, 4to. old hf calf (author^ s name cut out of title) ; rare, \bs 1762 Part of the work comprises, in a revised form, the author's ' Essay on Brewing', originally published in 17o,S. The author claims this work to have been the first 'to reduce this art to rules and principles.' It was printed with the leave of the Brewers' Company of the City of London, and contains a number • f interesting recipes. The last chapter but one contains gingerly hints on the use of oil of vitriol, aqua forti.s, salt of steel, copperas, cocculus indicus, and grains of paradise. 855 Ne^v and Enlarged Edition, 8vo. cl., or, boards, Qs (Sd 1804 856 COMMANDING (Federigo) Liber de Centro Gravitatis Solidorum, editio princeps; icith numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. sewn (large and clean copy), 106 Bononice, 1565 V. Archimedes, ante. 857 CAMPAGNON (P. F.) Elements de Geometrie: Abrege des Elements de Geometrie ; u'ith diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf calf gilt, Qs Qd 1868 COMPTES RENDUS de I'Academik des Sciences—?;. In.^titut de Yra-sce, post. 858 COMTES (— des) DiscouRS Philosophiques snr les Deux Merveillks de I'Art et de la Nature, ou Traite de la liqueur de I'Alchaest, et de la Medicine universelle ; de la matiere de I'une et de I'antre ; du nioyen d'operer ; et de la VOYE qu'il faut tenir pour faire le Sel de Tartre VoLATiL, mis en Francois par Kobert Preud'homme, 2^ Ed., corrigee, 16mo. old calf , v;ith old MS. notes [very rare), los 1678 859 CONDORCET (Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de) EssAis d'ANALYSE, T. I^r, '68: Du Calcul Ints;gral, '65 : Du Probleme des Trois Corps, '67 : Sur le Systeme du Monde et sur le Calcul Integral, '68—4 vols. 4to. in 1, old calf (fine copy), luith auto, and bookplate of Charles ^rd Earl Stanhope, 18* Qd Didot, 1765-8 His 'Essai sur lo Calcul Integral' obtained for him a seat in the Academy. 'His mathematical treatment of probabilities, and his discussion of differential eiiuatious and finite differences, shew an ability which might h.ive put him in the first rank had he concentrated his attention on mathematics.'— IF. IF. 11. Mil. 860 CONGR^S INTERNATIONAL des Electriciens, Paris, 1881 : Comptes Kendus des Travanx ; with diagrams, impl. 8vo. hf. calf, 5s 1882 861 COOKE (Josiah Parsons, Harvard Univ.) Elements of Chemical Physics, 4tli [last] Ed., ivith 462 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl. (out of print), 12s C)d (p. £1. Is) 1886 862 — Laboratory* Practice : Experiments on the Fundamental Principles of Chemistry, woodcut, post 8vo. cl., 2s 6t/(p. 5s) 1892 863 The New Chemistry, woodcuts, post 8vo. cL, 2s 1874 864 Eighth [last] Edition, remodelled and enlarged, post 8vo. cl., with inscr. 'Prof Alex. W. Williamson ivith the warm regards of the author,' 3s Qd New York, 1884 865 COPPERTHWAITE (William Charles) Tunnel Shields, and the Use of COxMPRESSED Air in Subaqueous Works, tvith portrait of J. H. Greathcad and 257 woodcuts, 4to. cl., £1. Is (sells £1. WsM nett) 1905 Including a List of English Patents relating to Tunndling with Shield and Compressed Air, 181S-1904. 866 CORACHAN (Juan Bautista) Arithmetica Demonstrada theorico-practica para lo Mathematico y Mercantil, sm. 4to. old calf gilt (rare), 10s Qd Barcelona, 1719 Unknown to Poggcndorff and Prof, de Morgan. irrc • NICOLAI CO PERNICI TORINENSIS Dl B.SVOLVTI ONI B VS 0B.B1« um coelcftium^Libri yi7 Habes {n hoc oper€ lam recens nato,6d a^dito, ftudiofe Ic(flor,Motus ftdlarum , tarn fixarum, quam erracicarum^cum ex uctcribus, turn ctiam ex recentibus obfei'uationibus tcftitutos:5i no* uis infuperac admfrabilibus hypothefibus or^ nacos«Habes ctiam Tabulas expcditifsimas , ex quibus eofdem ad quoduis tempus quim facilli me caiculare poteris Jgimr Cfne,legc,fruere» A'>^a/wi^rrB? »editas hiculentasque addidit, ex quibus eosdeni Motus ad quonses), with details as to their construction. Some of the jdates include pleasure-boats of the author's own invention, and of the most fantastic design. Coronelli constructed two large globes, which are still to be seen in the National Libraiy in Paris, and was the author rf over 400 geographiail maps. None of his biogiapherf, however, knew of the above book, winch of all his numerous works forms undoubtedly his most notable achievement. CORRESPONDANCE sur I'EcoLE Polytechnique— v. Hachette, post. 874 COSTARD (George, Vicar of Twickenham) Tbe History of Astronomy, with its Applications to Geoj,'rapliy, History, and Cbronoloj^y, occasionally exemplified by the Globes, with numerous illustrations, 4to. cl., with auto, of GENERAL CHARLES Vallancey, f.r.s. on title {fine copy) ; rare, 12* 6d l'767 ' It received a distinctive value from the ample stores of Greek and Oriental erudition displayed in it. Designed chieHy for the use of students, demonstration accompanied narrative, the puriKiseof discovery being thus illustrated as well as its origin related.'— .Uim A. M. Clerke. 875 COTES (Roger; pr., Prof Astron., Cantab., f.r.s. ; friend of Sir Isaac Newton) De Descen.su Gravium de MOTU Pendulorum in Cycloide, et de Motu Projectilium ; folding plate, 4to. (pp. 37), sewn, 6s Cantdbrigiw, 1770 S70 Harmonia Mensurarum, sive Analysis et Synthesis per Rationum et Angulorum Mensuras promota>; aeeedunt alia OPUSCUL A Mathem ATICA, eclidit et auxit ROBERTUS SMlhl ; with diagrams and table, 4to. old calf gilt, newly rebacked (RARE), £1. 155 ibidem, 1722 • Including a reprint of the iMjnmetria, with extensive developments and applications of the fluxional calculus.'— I). iV. 11. ' Had Cutes lived, we might have known something I '—.S>r Imw. Neivtnn. 'Cotcs's llarwonia Meiiturnrum was the earliest work in which decided progress was made in the application of logarithms and of the j>roi«^itiis of the circle to the calculus of fluents. '-Pro/, de Morgan. It is also the first complete treatise on the integral calculus, and first contains the well-known theorem in trigonometry known by his name, which dei)ends on the forming of factors of x*— 1. The second part of the work contains 'i^^stimatio Errorum in mixta Mathes pel variationes Partium Trianguli plani et spha^rici', 'pointingout the best way of arriving at the most probable meanresult of astronomical observations. It is remarkable for a iiartial anticipation of the ' method of least squares ', as well as for the first employment of the system of assigning different weights to ob.servations ' (D. N. B), also * de Methodo Difterent- iali Newtoniana ' ; ' Canonotechnia ' ; 'de Descensu Gravium ', etc. etc. 8'" HYDROSTATiCALand Pneumatical LECTURES, published with Notes by Robert Smith [D.D., Master of Trinity] , 5 plates, Svo. old calf {nice copy), 10* 1738 878 Second Edition, ^vith 5 plates, Svo. old calf, with auto, of William Keate, F.R.S., 1763 {Master of Stamford School), and bookplate of John Keate, D.D. {Head-Master of Eton), 8s 6d 1747 'The course of experiments for which they were composed was among the earliest of its kind given in England.'— A A'. B. 46 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 881 CORNWAIiL: its Mines and Miners: a Popular Introduction to Metallic Mines, by the Author of ' Our Coal and our Coal-Pits ' [J. R. L.], ivoodcuts, post 8vo. cL, 3s Gd 1855 ' In this volume copper and tin are chiefly treated of.'— Preface. 882 COTTA (Bernhard v.) Treatise on Ore Deposits, trans, fiom the 2nd German Ed., by Frederick Prime, Jr., revised by the Author, numerous illustrations, 8vo. cl., Qs Qd (p. 186?) New York, 1870 88.3 COTTERILL (James Henry, f.r.s.), and John Henry SLADE : Lessons in Applied Mechanics, .377 illustrations, tcap. 8vo. cL, 3s (p. 55 Qd) 1891 884 COULOMB (Charles Augustin de, de VInstitut) Memoires [publics, avec Introduction, par le.s soins de A. Potier] ; with plates and dlaqrams, roy. 8vo. seivn. Is Qd (p. F. 12. nett) 1884 A reprint of all the author's papers on electricity and magnetism, and the resistance of fluids ; including the imporlant nieiuoir ' Construct on et usage d'une balance electrique', first propounding 'Cou'omb's Law'. It forms Vul. I of ' Collection des memoires relatifs a la physique, publies par la Societe fran(^aise do Physique.' 885 COURNOT (Antoine Augustin) Exposition de la TiiEORiEdes Chances et desPROBx\p,iLiTES; with plate, 8vo. hf. morocco {scarce), r2. :. : pro'-ess in photography. '..•',',.,':* ' .' ; '', • '»• HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND. W.C, AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 49 945 DALLMEYEB (Thomas R., f.r.a.s.) Telephotography : tlie Construction and Application of the Telej>li<*t();liic Lens, 'Hi plates, and 60 diagrams, cr. 4to. cl., 8* (p. 15* nett) 1899 946 DANIELL (Alfred, S:hool Med., Edin.) Text Book of the PRINCIPLES of PHYSICS, illustrated, 8vo. vL, Is (p. £1. U) 1884 Excellent &a a work of reference, ant priiit'tl .iciount of the author's discovery of the tlntt constant oell (zinc and copper), known by UU name, for which he n«cei\wl the (.'opley me«ial. Ill- also illv<•llt>^l a liy>;rometer, a new pyrometer, and wrote many important papera on electrolysis. 951 DANTI (Egnatio, o.p.) Trattato del Use et della Fabbrica dell' Astrolabio, con il Planisferio 'ioato, et accresciuto in niolto luoghi, con I'aggiuntii del U«o et Fabbrica di nove altri ISTROMENTI ASTRONOMICI ; with numerous wood- cuts ofastronomical and geodetic instruments, besides diagrams, Firenze, Giunti, '78 : Trattato della Descrittione della Sfera Celeste in jjiano di Cl. Tolomeo d'HERCOLE Bottrioaro, tradotto in jMirlare Italiano, et niolti hiochi corretti . . . aggiontovi la ragionevole confinnatione d'alcune demonntrationi, et tutte I'occorrenti Operazioni NUMERALI, ecc. ; with diagrams, Bologna, 1572—2 vols. sni. 4to. in 1, FINE COPIES in old white parchment (rare), £1. 8* 6d 1572-8 ' Edition plus complete qJie celle de 1501)'. — Bruiitt. 9r»;} DARIOT (Claude) Introduction conducing to the Judgement of the Stars, wherein the M'hole Art of Judiciall Astrologie is briefly and plainly delivered: By which a deterniinate .Imlgenient may be given ujion any Question (leinanded, much inlarged by N. S. With a briefe Treatise of Mathematical Physick by O. C, and divers Observations* of Agriculture and Navigation, very usefull both for Merchants and Husbandmen, by N. S., with astrological figures, sni. 4U). calf {title mounted and a few icormholes, hut a large and sound copy), with auto, of Joseph Harrison, agriculturist, on flyleaf £1. 5s 1663 954 DAUBENY (Charles Giles Bridle, m.d., f.r.s.) Introduction to the Atomic Theory, com- prising the Opinions of the most distinguished Ancient and Modern Philosophens, with reH|>ect to the Constitution of Matter, first edition, 8vo. sprinkled calf gilt {as good as new), 6s Oxford, 1831 The tlrst history of the Atomic Theory, including a letter on the work froln Dalton, to whom it is dedicated, and a Table of Atomic Weijjhts. 955 On Ozone, 2 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 28), sewn, with author's inscr., \s 6d 1867 956 DA VIES (Charles) Elements of Algebra: on the Basia of M. Bourdon: embracina; Sturm's and Homer's Theorems, and Practical Examples, 8vo. sheep {binding damaged), 2s Qa New York, 1860 957 Mathematical Science : its Lo^^'ic and Utility, with Explanations and Illustrations of the best Metho. re»iK>ct8 of the Author.'— 7 ««.,brotherof Sir Humphry) On a GASEOUS COMPOUND of CARBONIC OxiDE and Chlorine, 4to. (pp. 8), sewn, ivith authors inscr., Zs 1812 979 Account of some Experiments on the Combinations of different Metals and Chlorine, 4to. (pp. 36), sewn, 5s &d 1812 'For T[homas] Allan [f.r.s., mineralogist (1777-1833)] Esq'c. from his sincerely obliged friend the author.'— /riser. on title. 980 DAWSON (Commr. Llewellyn Stiles, r.n.) Memoirs of Hydrography, including brief Biographies of the principal Officers who have served in H.M. Naval Surveying Service, 1750-1885 : Part I : 1150-1830, portraits, cr. 4to. cl., As Eastbourne [1883] 981 DAY (Henry George, vr.) Properties of Conic Sections proved Geometrically : Part I : the Ellipse, numerous diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2s 1868 982 DAY (Henry Noble, d.d.) Logical Praxis, with exercises for practical application, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd New York, 1876 983 DEALTRY (William, f.r.s. ; Archdn. of Surrey) The Principles of Fluxions, 2nd Ed., enlarged, with numerous diagrams, large 8vo. boards, uncut {scarce), 10s Qd 1816 ' a useful manual for students.'— D. N. B. 984 DECHALES (Claude Francois Milliet, s. J.)— v. Deschales, 7905^. 985 DECKER (General Karl v.; hie E.) Traite EliiIMENTAIRE d'ARTlLLERiE, traduit, avec Notes et Additions relatives a I'Artillerie fran^aise, par J. RAVICHIO DE Peretsdorf et A. P. F. Nancy, 8vo. hf calf {stamp on title), 3s Qd 1825 986 DECREMPS (Henri) Diagrammes Chimiques, ou Recueil de 360 Figures qui expliqnent succinctement les experiences par indication des Agenset des Produits a cote de I'Appareil, et qui rendent sensible la Theorie des Phenomenes, et representent le Jeu des Attractions par la Convergence des Lignes ; with 112 copperplates, roy. 4to. sewn, uncut, 12sQd 1823 'A Monsieur de la Ville de la part de I'auteur.'— /jiscr. on title. This curious work includes a chemical glossary in six languaf^es. 987 DEIDIER (Abhe N.) L'Arithmetique des Geometres, ou Nouveaux Elemens de Mathe- niatiques : La Science des Geometres, ou la Theorie et la Pratique de la Geometric — 2 vols. 4to., ivith plates ; contemporary calf gilt, with bookplate of Edward 12th Duke of Norfolk, 12s 6d 1839 988 La Mechanique Gi<;nerale contenant la Statique, TAirometrie, I'Hydrostatique, et I'Hydraulique ; icith numerous folding plates and vignettes, 4to. old French mottled calf gilt {fine copy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, 10s 1741 989 La Science des GEOMiiTRES, ou la Theorie et la Pratique de la Geometric ; with numerous folding plates, 4to. old calf, with bookplate of Edward 12th Duke of Norfolk, Is %d 1739 ' Ses onvrages lui assurent unei)lacedistinguee parini les matheinaticiens de son temps.' — Biogr. &.n. 990 DEINHARDT (Kurt), and Alfred SCHLOMANN : Technical Dictionaries in Six Languages ; Vol. I : Machine-Elements and Tools, illustrated, post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (sells 5* nett) 1906 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 51 991 DELAFOSSE (Gabriel) Rapport sur les Progres de la Mini^:ralogie, impl. 8vo. sewn, 2s Impr. Impcr., 1867 992 DELAMAINE [the Elder] (Richard) Grammelogia, or the Mathematicall Ring, sliowin«r (any reasonable Capacity that liath not Arithnieticke) how to resolve and WORKE all ORDINARY OPERATIONS of Arithmeticke, and those which are most ditlienlt with greatest facilitie : the extraction of Roots, the valuation of Leases, etc. the niejisnring of Plaines and 8opulairo TintcUigence des resultats les plus sublimes ; chaque page y porte renipreinte de I'invention et du genie, et I'entendenient se rdcr6e et se d^lasse k suivre dans son ensemble cette siriH de fonnules el^antes, de demonstrations ing^nieuses qui n'apjiartiennftnt qu'i I'auteur.'— /-'ouner. 995 Hlstoire ar C. L. Mathieu, '27. Tliis important work is the first history on a strictly scientific basis, freed from all mytliological conceptions and errors that had hitherto disfigured all similar works, and showing chronologically in a masterly manner the steady advance of the science. 996 : Tables Astronomiques publidcs par le Bureau des Longitudes de P'rance, I® Partie : Tables du Soleil, par M. Delambre. Tables de la Lune, par M. Biirg, '06 : II^ Partie. NouvELLES Tables de Jupiter etde Saturne, par M., Bouvard. Nouvelles Tables ecliptiques des Satellites de Jupiter, par M. Delambre, '08: Tables ECLIPTIQUES des Satellites de Jupiter, pivr M. Delambre, '17 — H vols. 4to. in 1, contemporary hf. calf, presentation copy from Talleyrand {as above), \2s 6d 1806-17 997 Mi^:thodes Analytiques pour la Determination d'un Arc du Meridien, pr^ceddes d'une Memoire sur le meme sujet par A. M. Legendre; with 2 plates, 4to. sewn, uncut, \2s Qd An r//(1799) Appointed by the French Government, the author measured in 1792 the arc of the meridian between Dunkirk and Barcelona, wliich was completed in 1799 by Laplace, etc., and served as the basis of the metric system. 998 Rapport Historique sur les PROGRh:s des Sciences Mathematiques depuis J789, et sur leur etat aetuel, 8vo. boards, with Prof Williamsoii's auto., 5s 1810 999 Tables de Jupiter et de Saturne, 4to. sewn, uncut. Is Qd 1789 , First Eortance du sujet, les questions d'astronomie, de geographic et de physique qu'il fut ndcessaire dc traiter, les noms celebres des savants franc^-ais ou etrangers qui concoururent 4 cet examen, les consequences capitales et durables de ce travail, on pent dire qu'aucune autre application des sciences n'est comparable 4 celle-cl, et n'offrc le nieme cnractere d'exactitude, d'utilite et de grandeur '.—FoMmr. 1001 DELAMOTTE (Philip Henry , f.s.a.) The Practice of Photography : a Manual for Students and Ani!it les and /Equations Algebraicall and Arte of Numbers Cofsicall^as are requifitefor die Profel^ionofa Soididur* TogctVier with the Modernc Militare Dirdpline,OFficcs,Lawcs and Ducties in cucry vvel goucrncci Campc and Annie to be obfcrued : Long fince attcpted by Leonard Digghs Gentleman, Augmcntcd^cfigcfled, and lately nniilicd, by % i x4 ^ ^ Thomas; D i g g e s, hh Sonne. -^ i ^S ^ kVhereto he hath a/fo ^tojncd cert nine QueUwf^s of great OrdwAwtce^ ^ jrejoluedm his other Treattz^e of Pyrotcchny and great Art tiler le^ hereafter to hee fubltjhed. VxvET Post Fvnera Virtvs, •AT LONDON: Printed by Henrie Bynncmaiti J j-.i : \ • • • u / '^^m^ No. 1054 (i?agre 54). First edition of this rare work. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 53 1027 DESCARTES (Ren6) Meditatioxks etb S.) Descartes: hLs Life and Times, tvith Z fine portraits, and view, 8vo. c/., t. e. g., 10* Qd (sells \5s nett) 1905 1030 : [Howard (Hon. Edward)] Remarks on tbe New Philosophy of Des-Cartes, done by a Gentleman, 4to. contemporary calf gilt, 5s 1700 1031 : Huet (Pierre Daniel; lip. of Aura nchcs) Ce^SVRX PHILOSOPHISE CARTESIAN^., 24mo. old calf, with auto. ' Z[acheus] I sham [D.D.], 1689' on title, 5s Camjns, 1090 1032 : Millet (J.) Histoire de Descartes avant 1637, avec Analyse du Discours de la Aletluxle et des Essais de Pbilosonbie: Di<:sCARTES : son Histoire depuis 1637, sa Philosophie, son. Hole dans le Mouvement g6nt'ral de I'Esprit liumain— 2 vols. 8vo. sewn (scarce), £1. Is 1867-70 * A. .M. Emery, prufeHseur dw la faculte des sciences ; hominage de I'auteur. J. Millet.' — Inscr. on fiylmf of v. I. The .>rincipal Pba'nomena in each of the Physical Sciences, postSvo. cl. {scarce), 4s 1859 1040 DICTIONARIUM POLYGRAPHICXJM : or tbe Whole Body of Arts regularly digested, with 55 copperplates, 2 vols. 8vo. FINE COPY in contemporary mottled calf gilt, with AUTO, and bookplate o/ John IJovle 5th Earl of Cork and Orrery, f.r.s. {friend of Swift and Pope), I'l. 5* 1735 1047 Another Copy, old calf, 18* 6rf Including engraving, etching, mezzotint, staining of gla.ss and marble, enamellijig, imitation of precious stones, dyeing and bleaching, tape.stry-weaviny, and ink-making, and valuable fcr describing many processes now forgotten. THE LATE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE'S SET: 1048 DICTIONNAIRE des SCIENCES NATURELLES, suivi d'une P>iograpbie des plus cdlebrcs Naturalistes [redige jar le Bakon Cuvier]; uith numerous plates, all beautifully hand- coloured, 72 vols. (12 V. of plates), 8vo. hf. calf, WITH THE LATE Duke OF Cambridge's crest on titles, £4. 4* (p. F. 1,260.) 1816-30 Containing contributions by the foremost French scientists of the time. The authors of the articles on Physics and Clieniistry were Lacroix, Fol'RCROY, and Chevreul. 1049 DIDEROT (Denis; Encyclop^diste) Memoires sur diff^rens sujets de Mathematiques ; unth vignettes and 7 plates, Svo. fine copy in old calf gilt, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., OS 1748 54 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 1050 DIDEKOT (Denis), et Jean le Bond d'ALEMBEBT : Encyclop^die, ou Diction naire Raisonne des Sciences, des Arts et des Metiers, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres ; premiere edition ; with several hundred fine copperplates, 28 vols. roy. folio, contemporary tree-calf extra, emblematically tooled backs (very fine set), with bookidate of Robert Dundas, Lord Arniston, £4. 14* 6d Gendve, 1772 Original Edition of this immortal precursor of the Revolution. The numerous plates on science and mechanical eiiKiiieering it contains are of great historical interest, apart from its disruptive influence on orthodox philosophy and religious belief. , 1051 DIEN (Charles) Atlas Celeste, rectiiie et augmente de Cartes Nouvelles : Etoiles doubles, multiples, coloriees, n^buleuses, et Groupes Stellaires, Mouvements propres des Etoiles, etc. par Camille Flammarion, 3® Ed. ', with 29 plates {some folding) ; with Text, impl. folio, cL, lis 6d (p. F.45.) 1877 1052 DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, Treatises on, by William Hallowes Miller, m.d., f.r.s., 3rd Ed., Cambridge, '43: T. G. Hall, pr., 3rd Ed., ib., '41 : John Forbes, D.D., Glasgow, '37 — 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, with plates and diagrams ; hf. calf, %s 6d 1S37-43 1053 DIGBY (Sir Kenelm) Of Bodies, and of Mans Soul. To discover the Immortality of Reasonable Souls. With two Discourses of the Powder of Sympathy and of the Vegetation of Plants, cr. 4to. old calf {sound copy), with Lord Svffield's boohplate (rare), £1. Is 1669 ' Digby first described his well-known weapon-salve, or powder of sympathy, in the discourse alleged to have been delivered at Montpellier iu 1658. Its method of employment stamps it as the merest quackery. The wound was never to be brought into contact with the powder, whicli was merely powdered vitriol. A bandage was to be taken from the wound immersed in the powder, and kept there until the wound healed. He says that he learned how to make and apply the drug from a Carmelite who had travelled in the East. He first employed it about 1024 to cure James Howell of a wound in his hand, and he adds that James I. and Dr. Mayerne were greatly impressed by its etticacy, and that Bacon registered it in his scientific collections '. — Sidney Lee. See Hartman (G.), jwst. 1054 DIGGES (Leonard) : An Arithmeticall Militare Treatise, named Stratioticos ; com- pendiously teaching the Science of ISubers, as well in Fractions as Integers, and so much of the Rules and Aequations Algebraicall and Arte of Numbers Cossicall, as are requisite for the Profession of a Soldiour. Together with Modern Militare Discipline, Offices, Lawes and Dueties in euery wel gouerned Campe and Armie to be ohserued : Long since attepted by LEONARD Digges Gentleman, Augmented, digested, and lately finished, by Thomas Digges, his Sonne. Whereto he hath also adioyned certaine Questions of Great Ordinaunce, first edition, with the Earl of Leicester's arms on rev. of title, woodcut {twice repeated) of Military Camp, ornamental woodcut-initials, arms {on p. 72), diagrams and folding plan, sm. 4to. partly in tlarft lettei'; newly and finely bound in mottled calf gilt, r.e., by W. Pratt {title slightly mended, and colop)hon and part of device on last leaf missing , otherwise a LARGE AND fine copy); very- rare, £8. Ss Henrie Bynneman, 1579 The first edition of this work is excessively rare, no copy having happened for sale for many years. A second edition was published in 1590. 'He [Tliomas Digges] became very proficient in mathematical and military matters, having spent many years 'in reducing the sciences mathematical from demonstrative contemplations to experimental actions', in which he was aided by his father's observations, and by conferences with the rarest soldiers of his time.'— 1>. N. B. In 15S2 he was chosen by the Privy Council overseer of the works and fortifications at Dover Harbour. Tycho Brahe praised him highly in a letter to Sir Thomas Savelle, dated Dec, 1590. 1055 A BOOKE named Tectonicon, briefly showing the EXACT MEASURING, and speedie reckoning of all manner of Land, Squares, Timber, Stone, Steeples, Pillers, Globes, etc. Further, declaring the perfect making and large USE of tlie Carpenters Ruler, containing a Quadrant Geometricall : comprehending also the RARE VSE of the SQUIRE. And in the end a little Treatise on the composition and appliances of . . . the profitable Staffe, etc. etc., ^vith woodcuts, diagrams, and folding table, sm. 4to. tiacft letter ; sewn {wanting IJolding table, water- stained, andafev- headlines shorn] ; RARE, £1. 10^ F. Kyngston, 1625 There is no copy of this edition in the British Museum. Digges is probably rightly credited with having anticipated the discovery of the telescope. 1056 DIGGES (Thomas) : [A Geometrical Practise, called Pantometria, divided into three Bookes, Longimetra, Planimetra, and Steriometria, containing Rules manifolde for mensuration of all lines. Superficies, and Solides . . . framed by Leonard Digges, lately linished by Thomas Digges his sonne. Who hath also thereunto adjoyned a Mathematical treatise of the five regulare Platonicall bodies and their Metamorphosis or transformation into live other equilater unifoorme solides Geometricall, of his owne invention, hitherto not mentioned by any Geometricians], first edition, with numerous ingenious woodcuts, diagrams, and arms and printers' device on last leaf, sm. 4to. partly in tlacfe Irttfl* ; sewn {title missing and first leaf defective ; also small hole burnt through a few II.) ; very rare, £2. 105 H. Bynneman, 1571 The first edition, dedicated to Sir Nicolas Bacon, is excessively rare. ' In this book I find the eailiest printed mention I ever met with of the theodolite.'— Prof, de Morgan. 1057 Second Edition : A Geometrical Practical Treatize named Pantometria . . . lately reviewed by the Author himselfe, and augmented with sundrie Additions, Diffinitions \_sic'], Problemes and rare Theoremes, to open the passage, and prepare away to the vnderstanding of his Treatize of Martiall Pyrotechnie and great Artillerie, hereafter to be published, u-ith numerous woodcuts and diagrams, and shield of arms, pott folio, partly in lilartt letter; sound tall copy in hj. roan, with auto. ' John Hill, 169t ' on p. 195 (very rare), £6. 6s Abell Jeffes, 1591 ' Thomas Digges ranks among the first mathematicians of the XVI. century. Although he made no great addition to science, yet his writings tended more to its cultivation than perhaps all those of other writers on the same subjects put together.'--/. 0. Halliivell-l'Mllipps. ' The 21st cliapter of the first book includes a remarkable description of ' the marvellous conclusions that may be performed by glasses concave and convex, of circular and parabolic forms. He practised, we are there informed, the ' multiplication of beams ' both by refraction and reflexion ; knew that the paraboloidal shape * most perfectly doth unite beams, and most vehemently burneth of all other reflecting glasses', and had obtained with great success n\aguifying efiects from a com- bination of lenses . . . The assertion that [Leonard] Digges anticipated the invention of the telescope is fully justified.'— Mi.is Agnes M. Clerke. ^7 Longlmetra. The 2 I Chapter Howyem^y ir.oft plcafantly andntid^Iy with a plaincgKifTcCrom aniiJgh'cliflFc, mcafurctUcdillanceofanyShippeor Ships en the Sea, as followeth. fvCi^nr^Tr^5 tl)attljefi>upfrficifstbcrfofbec(niootbejnntlKrronucreno,>fon* ' " rauc, tut flat ano pfatne as may be polTiJbU. 'Ctjlsi (Slafle it beljoo^ llf tl) pre to bang \!p'abouc tbc top of tbe cliffe Uittb t\)t puIlifijcD (Ifcc totonctoarbequfmflantto t\)t i)o}pn tobercinpouinufibfefirfac /te''j|§ Dlligciupjfp? if tbcre l;appcti anp crio? (n tijc fititation tfjerc ofjgrc ac ' ^ itifoiuicntcnfcuiavfolIoiMf inpourmcnfuratioH. ^bis Dont, let a '.Sa^W^^^^^^ pliimbe line fall from ibf Centre cf pour (£ lalTe to tbc ^upetficifg grouno platte en rljctop of tbeeliffc: (tolncb grounoe platte)airo poumuCDfc fome Utlt* crenee in tbe cbopfe tbereof, tljat it be as Icuell ano pl.i;nc asf pe ran finoe anp,but tf « bejiOC alf orn'tbc r r uen o} exact le nell.pce fi)all fupplte that toante as 31 (baHtcereaftcr (betoe pou: but to retume to tbe purpore,pourdafretbu«;fitunte, turning pour face fotoarotbe (bip oj otber marlie on tbe rea.tobofe oiftanre pie tjrCre,goe b«fktoarD , alluap bauingj»our epe fijceo on tbe piaffe till tttc b time ai pe can fee tbe ^hip,o? ratber tbe Derp 5)ufl mrtt to tbc luatf r tbereittjtbflt i«jne,lft anot^ plumbe line fall from pour fpe to tbe grounn, tben cir. rumfpec tip mcafure botb tbelcngtb of tbefe plumbe lincg , anD alfo tbe Hiitance bcttoeene tbifi plumbe line anti tbe atber tbat fell fi-om tbe Centre of tbe (SlalTe, tii^ Hone , pee (ball uetiuct tbe leugtb of tbe perpentJicular fro m pour epe, out of tbe lengtb of tbe otber perpen- Dif ulare from pour (eia(re,anD tbe uiifcrence referue fo? a Diuifo? , tben multiplie t^c fii- flance of t^ ttoo perpenuicularc littes(,bp tbe beigtb of tbe Cliffe , 3 meane from ^t toat er Dphtaro to t^e ©lafle, ano tbe pjoDuct oiuioe b^ pour referueo Oiuifo?, tbe Cuotient toin fbetepon tfee eract oilf ance to tbe febip o? marke.'But if pour grountj be not leuen,pe (bail bprotir£)uflD?ant fctrfl) dje uiffcrcnce o? inetjualitie tljereof , anB if it beelofcoer at tbu «?lafft!lwn at ttjebietoing Cation, pou (ball oeuucttljeuiffereneefrom pourDmifo?,bu< ifftmtr»rftOTfe,fl7eDiffernice(balll)eaiiDeDto tbe piuifo?, anD tben (ball pee too^ke as J| 4>«icMo^wriarcD. *». • «• C 2 £« m/»I«k No. 1057. The celebrated account (printed in 1591) anticipating the invention of the Telescope (ascribed to Galileo, a.d. i6op). • >' HENKY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STUAKD, W.O., and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 55 1058 DIDION (General Isidore) Traite de Balistique, 2c Ed., augumentde ; with 6 folding plates, 8vo. hf. calf (stamp on title) ; scarce, 6* 6rf 1860 1059 DILLAYE (Frederic) Principes et Pratique d'ART en Photographie : le Paysage : with 66 illustrations-, roy. 8vo. seicn, 2s Qd 1899 lOOa DILWORTH (Thomas) Miscellaneous Arithmetic : or a full Account of the New Calendar ; with the several Uses of the Logaiithnis, and of Multiplication and Division by Mony [sic], etc., first edition, with portrait, large 12nio. sound copy in the original sheep {rare), 15* 1766 •This work is but little known '.—Prof, de Morgan, who did not know tlie above edition, the earliest mentioned beins one of 1773. Chapters (3 and 7 treat of Observatiorn on the ' Weather, Enigtuatical Writing, with the Character of a good Christian, set forth in 20 Paradoxes, with their Solution ; and an Essay concerning the Education of Children '. Pp. 207-25 contain curious Arithmetical Poetry. 1031 DIOGENES LAERTIXJS; De ViTIS, Decretis et Responsis celebrium Philosophorum Libri, nunc prinium excusi [CJrjcce] ; editio princeps, cr. 4to. old smooth green morocco exti-a, g.e., with Syston Park bookplate (FINE COPY), with Harrow Leaving Inscr. from Henry Drury to Reginald Merivale, £1. 5* Basilew, H. Frohenius, 1533 ' Containing a great mass of interesting information regarding the private lives and habits of the most eminent pliilosoi)liers of antiquity '. 10G2 DIOPHANTI Alexandrini Arithmeticorum Libri VI, necon de Numeris Multangulis, nunc priniiini Gnece et Latin6 editi, atque absolutissiinis Conimentariis illustrati, auct. Claudio Gasp. Bacheto, folio, old calf uHthhookplate of Pkilip2tid Earl Stanhope, F.R.S.,£\. IsParisiis, 1621 First Edition, in any languai,'e, of the earliest extant treatise on Algebra. 1033 Editio Nova, cum Conimentariis C. G. Bacheti, et Observationibus P. DE Fermat ; .accessit DOCTRIN^E Analytic^e inventum novum, collectum ex variis eiusdem de Fermat Epistolis ; with vignettes and diagrams, roy. folio. Large Paper ; old stamped vellum {stamp on title, otherwise a FINE copy), £2. 'Is Tolosw, 1670 A RARE AND ESTEEMED EDITION, first Containing Pierre de Fermat's discoveries on the theory of numbers ('de maximis et minimis')— the first step in the invention of the infinitesimal calculus. 1064 DIBCEIS (Henry, C.E. ; inventor of Pepper's Ghost) Perpetuum Mobile ; or Search for Self- Motive Power, Cents. XVII. -XIX., from various Autlientic Sources, in Papers, Essays, Letters, Paragraphs, and numerous Patent Specifications, with Introductory Essay, numerous looodcuts^ post 8vo. cl. (VERY SCARCE), £1. \s 1861 The only work that has ever been published on this still existing craze, containing inter alia all machines on the supposed perpetual motion principle registered at the Patent Office. V. WORCESTER (Marquess of), post. 1085 DITTMAB (William, f.r.s.) Chemical Arithmetic, Parti : Tables, Mathematical, Chemical and Physical, for the Use of Chemists and others, 8vo. cl., 3* Qd (p. Qs nett) Glasgow, 1890 1006 DITTON (Humphry) Institution of Fluxions, containin-,' the First Principles, the Operations, with its Uses and Applications, 2nd Ed. by JoHN Clarke, D.D., 8vo. contemporary calf gilt, 6s 1726 1007 DIVERSES OUVBAGES de Mathematique et de Physique par Messieurs de I'ACADEMIE KOYALE des Sciences ; ivith numerous diagrams, folio. Large Paper ; contemporary French mottled calf gilt, with arms in gold on sides (FINE COPY), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S. , £1. 155 Imprimcrie Royale, 1693 Ctmtaining valuable pieces by de Fbkxicle, de Roberval, Huvoens, Auzout, anci Mabiotte. 1063 DIXON (Alfred Cardew) The Elementary Properties of the Elliptic Functions, diagrams, ])Ost 8vo. cl., 39 1894 1069 DODQSON (Charles Lutwidge, pr. ; author of * Alice in Wonderland') Syllabus of Plane Algebraical Geometry, Part I (all pub.) : Points, Right Lines, Rectilinear Figures, Pencils, and Circles, with diagrams, large 8vo. cl., with inscr. ' From the Author', 4* Oxford, 1860 1070 DODSON (James, f.r,s.) The Anti-Logarithmic Canon : a Table of Numljersof 11 Places of Figures, corresponding to all Logarithms under 100,000, with Introduction on Logarithms, the Improvements, since their Invention, in the Manner of Constructing them, folio, old calf, joints cracked (very rare), £1. 105 apud auctorem, 1742 'The only considerable work of this kind published ... A very great performance.'— //i<«o/i. 'His most important work . . . This was unique until 1849. The canon had been actually calculated, it is asserted, by Walter Warner and John Pell, about 1030-40.'— D..V./J. The author was Master of the Mathematical School of Christ's Hospital, and, with Edward liowe Mores, one of the Founders of the Eiiuitable Life Assurance Society, for which he compiled many of its tables. He was also the great-grandfather of AuousTi's de Moroan. 1071 The Mathematical Repository, containing Analytical Solutions of 500 Questions, mostly selected from Scarce and Valuable Authors, designed to conduct Beginners [Vol. I], sm. 8vo. old calf, 5s 1748 According to W. W, R. Ball, the author originated the theory of annuities as a branch of mathematics. 1072 DOLBEAR (Amos Emerson) Matter, Ether, and Motion : the Factoi-s and Relations of Physical Science, woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 10* 6d) 1892 1073 DOLLOND (George, f.r.s.) Account of a Concave Achromatic Glass Lens, as adapted to the Wired Micrometer when applied to a Telescope, which has the property of increasing the Mag- Jnifying Power of the Telescope without increasing the Diameter of the Micrometer Wires, 4to. (pp. 7), sewn, Ss 6d 1834 ' Describing a skilful application of Barlow's concave lens to the micrometer, specially designed to meet Dawes's needs in double-star measurement, and highly approved by him.'— Miss A. M. Gierke. 1074 DONALDSON (John) The Geological Staircase, numerous coloured illustrations of Ore- Deposits, etc., post 8vo. cl., Ss 6d 1855 1075 DONKIN (William Fishbiirn, f.r.s.) Acoustics; Theoretical, Part I (all pub.), c?m^7-am5, cr. 8vo. cl. {back torn), 3s (p. 7* 6d) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1870 ' Devoted to an enquiry into the vibrations of strings and rods, and giving evidence on every page of the combined musical and mathematical talents of the author.'— Pro/. W. J. Harrison. 56 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 1076 DOGLIONI (Giovanni Nicolo) L'Anno dove si ha Perfp:tto, et Pieno Raguaglio : intoino alle cosi del Mondo Celeste et Eleinentare, de' Tempi, e del Calendario, ecc, secondo la Nova Reforma Gregoriana ; ^rith numerous ivoodcuts, and vignette to each month of almanack, ^m. 4to. hf. green calf [large and sound copy) ; RARE, £1. lbs Venetia, 1587 One of tlie earliest— if not the earliest— almanack accordinj,' to the Gregorian Calendar, published 5 years aficr its pro- claniation, and unknown to Poggendorflf, etc. 1077 DONN ADIEU (A. L.) Traite de Photograph IE Stereoscopique : Theorie et Pratique ; icith 110 woodcuts, and Atlas o/ 20 stereoscopic plates, 2 vols. rov. 8vo. sewn [Atlas boards), 4* Qd (p.p. 9) ' 1892 1078 DONOVAN (Michael) Treatise on Chemistry, 4tli Ed., vignette by Finden, and woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 2s Qd 1837 1079 DOOLITTLE (Charles Leander) Treatise on Practical Astronomy, as applied to Geodesy and Navigation, numerous v-oodcuts and diagrams, roy. 8vo. cl., 10s 6^^ (p. 17.? nett) Ncv' For/;, 1885 1080 DOPPELMAYER (Johann Gabriel) Atlas Novus Ccelestis, in quo Mundus Spectabilis, et in eodem taui Enantiuni quaiu Inerrantiuni Stellaruni Pha.'noniena Notabilia . . . secundum NiC. COPERNICI et ex parte Tyciionis Brake Hyytothesin . . . e celeberriniorum Astrononioruni Observ- ationibus graphice descripta exhibentur ; finely enqraved title, and 30 COLOURED folding MAPS ; also \ folding plates on Mechanics, added, impl. folio, old hf. vellum (VERY rare), £1. 15* Norimbergm, 1742 A splendidly executed work. The supplementary plates were apparently published with a few copies of the Atlas only. 1081 DORIA (Paolo Mattia) Opere Matematiche, Tomo 1^, nelquale si contengono la Duplicazionc del Cubo, Actorum Eruditoruni Supplementa, ecc, con Lettera a N. N. ; with 2>lcites, in 1 vol. 4to. iinc copy in old calf, withbookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope [rare), IsQd Venezia, 1722 The author was one of the most prominent ojipoiients of the philosophy of Descartes. 1082 DORSET (Edward Bates) English and American Railroads Compared, with Discussion by W. W. Evans, T. C. Clarke, and E. P. ^ortii, folding plates and tables, Svo. cl. [out of print), 3s 6d New York, 1887 1083 DOSSIE (Robert): Remarks on Mr. R. D.'s Institutes of Experimental Chemistry, in a Letter addressed to the Authors of the Review, etc., 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, 2s Qd 1760 1084 DOUGLAS (Gen. Sir Howard, f.r.s.) Essay on the Principles and Construction of Mili- tary Bridges and the Passafje of Rivers in Military Operations, first edition, tcith Infolding plates, 8vo. hf calf [title stamped), 5s 181 li 1035 Second Edition, enlarged, with front, of Trajan's Bridge at Alcantara and 12 2>lcttes, Svo. law calf, B>s Qd 1832 ' This work is said to have furnished Telford with the idea of the suspension principle in bridge construction.' — D. N. B. 1086 Treatise on Naval Gunnery, 2nd Ed., 5 folding plates, Svo. hf. calf, 3s 6d 1829 1087 Fourth Edition [greatly enlarged], plates and numerous woodcuts, thick Svo. hf. calj (title stainped), Qs 1855 This edition contains a chapter on the Prussian Needle Gun, 'Observations in the Black Sea' [Crimea], accounts of the Lancaster Gun, etc. etc. loss Fifth [last] Edition [enlarged and partly re-written], ivith 5 plates and 86 woodcuts, thick Svo. calf [title stamped) ; out of print, 10s Qd 1860 • One of the earliest works on the subject and of considerable historical interest. It caused the establishment of the gunnery-ship Excellent and other improvcnionts.' — D. N. B. 1089 DOVE (Heinrich Wilhelm ; f.r.s. ) Darstellung der Farbenlehre und Optische Studien ; with portrait and 2 plates, Svo. hf. calf gilt, with bookplate of Bartholomew [' Bat '] Price, pr., F.R.S. , 5s ' Berlin, 1853 1090 Optische Studien : Fortsetzung der in der ' Darstellung der Farbenlehre' enthaltenen ; with 8 tables, Svo. sewn, with auto, of Prof Bartholomew Price, 3'iQd ibidem, 1859 First Editions of these two important works. The latter contains the author's iliscovery of the detection of forged bank-notes by the application of the stereoscope. 1091 The Law of Storms considered in connexion with the Ordinary Movements of the Atmo- sphere, 2nd [last] Ed., wholly revised and considerably enlarged, trans, by Robert Henry Scott, f.r.s., tcith diagrams and 6 charts, Svo. hf. calj [scarce), lOs 6d 1862 One of the classic works on meteorology, containing the author's investigation into the laws of gyration and the rotary movement of storms, named after him. 1092 DOWLING- (Charles Hutton, c.e.) Series of Metric Tables, in which the British Standard Measures and Weights are compared with the Metric System, Svo. hf. morocco, 3s 1864 1093 DOWNING (Samuel) Elements of Practical Hydraulics, 2nd Ed., enlarged, \2 folding maps and plates, Svo. cl., 3s Qd 1861 1094 Third Edition, Part I. (all published), with 81 ivoodcuts and diagrams, Svo. cl. [out of print), 5s 1875 1095 DRAPER (John William, m.d.) History of the Conflict between Religion and Science, post Svo. cl., 2s 6o? 1887 1096 Scientific Memoirs: Experimental Contributions to a Knowledge of Radiant Energy, with fine steel portrait, and 100 v-oodcuts, Svo. cl. [out of print), S« Qd (p. 14s) 1878 Containing investigations on the radiations of red-hot bodies, the negative rays of the sun, the diffraction spectrum, tlie decomjwsition of carbonic acid gas by i)latits in the prismatic spectrum, on daguerreotype, lunar photography, the chli-r- hydrogon photr.) Geometrical Treatise on Conic Sections, 5th Ed., with Appendix on Harmonic Ratio, Poles and Polars, and Reciprocation diagrams; with Solutions to the l*roblems — 2 vols, post Svo. cl. [Solutions out of print), 5s 1875-08 1098 DRUDE (Paul) Theory of Optics, trans, by C. Riborg Mann and Robert A. Millikan, with over 100 woodcuts and diagrams, Svo. cl., lis (p. 155 nett) 1902 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., and 37, PICCADILLY, \V. 57 1099 DUBOIS (Eugene) The Climates of the Geological Past, and their relation to the Evolution of the Sun, large cr. 8vo. cl , 2^, 1895 1100 DUBOURGUET (J. B. E.) Elemens d'ALGEBRE, 8vo. sewn, '2s 1802 1101 [DUBREUIL (Jean, s.j.)] La Perspective Pratique; 2^0 Eilition, augmentee d'lm Traite de la Persi)ec'tive Militaire; ivith numerous plates, 3 vols. 4to. old calf gilt (FINE COPY), icit/i bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.K.S., los 1679 Bruiiet mistakenly asserts that only one edition of this work is in existence. 1102 [ ] The Practice of Perspective, written in French by a Jesuit of Paris, since trans, into English by Robert Pricke, and now a second Time by E. Chambers, f.r.s., third Ed., with the Theory of Perspective by James Hodgson, f.r.s., icith numerous plates, 4to. old calf {nice copy), with Lord Stanhope's bookplate, Is 6d 1739 1103 Fourth Edition, with numerous plates, 4to. fine copy in contemporary cxlf, with old bookplate ' Jicr/inald Pole ', 7* 6d 1705 1104 DUFLOS (Adolf) Handbucii der angewandten, pharmaceutish- und technisch-chemi- SCHEN Analvsk, 4. Auliage ; xuith portrait and woodcuts, large 8vo. seicn, 3* (p. M. 9.) Breslau, 1871 1105 DUFR^JNOY (Pierre Armand) Traite de Mineralogie ; with numerous plates, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, icith Prof. Williamson's auto., os 1844-5 1 106 DUHAMEL (Jean Marie Constant, de VInstitut) COURS de MtCANlQUE ; with 4 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf roan neat. As 1845-6 1107 Seconde Edition [augmentee]; unth ^plates, 2 vol.^. 8vo. in 1, hf calf neat, 6s 6d 1853-4 1108 TROisii<:ME [derniere] Edition [revue et augmentee] ; with 3 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf gilt (nice copy) ; rare, \6s 1862-3 •The influence of temperature on .stress was first inve.stij?ated mathematically by Duhamel, who, assuming Poisson's theory of elasticity, examined the alterations of form which the formula* undergo when we allow for changes ol temperature.' — I'rof. CtijoH. 1109 Elements de Calcul Infinitesimal, 2« Ed. ; ivith 7 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. hf mottled calf gilt inice copy), 5s Qd ' 1860-1 1110 Des Methodes dans les Sciences de Raisonnement, l^e a IV»i Parties ; vnth diagrams, 4 vols. 8vo. in 3, hf brown calf gilt [nice copy), \Qs (p. F. 25. sewn) 1865-70 nil DUHEM (Pierre) Theses presentees a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris : I. De I'AlMANTATlON par Influence : II. Proportions donnees par la Faculto ; ivith woodcut, 4to. sewn [out of print), 05 1888 1112 DUJARDIN (Jules) L'EssAi Commercial de.3 Vins et Vinaigbes ; with 6^ woodcuts, post Svo. cl., '2s 1892 1113 DXJLAGUE (Vincent Frangois Jean Noel) Le.ons de Navigation, 10° Ed., avec Tables; etc. etc., par V. Dagay ; ivith 10 plates, 8vo. cL, is , 1849 1114 DXJJttAS (Jean Baptist e Andre) Memoires sur les Equivalents des Corps Simples; with folding plate, 8vo. sewn, 5s 1859 1 1 15 TniiSE sur la Question suivante : de TACTION du Calorique sur les CORPS Organiques : Applications aux Operations Pharmaceutiques, 4to. sewn, vncut (.scarce), 10* 1838 1116 Traite de Chimie, appliquee aux Arts, 8 vols. 8vo., with Atlas, containing HI plates, folio— 9 vols. A/, roan (scarce), £1. 5* ' 1828-46 1117 Another Copy, hf calf gilt (nice copy), £1. 12* 6d ' In it.s treatment of the matter, and ((.specially its arrangement, thi.s remained a model for many subsequent text-book.s on technology.'— iVo/. E. v. Miyer. 1118 , [et Jean Baptiste BOUSSINGAULT] : EssAi de Statique Chimique des 1?:tres Organises, 2^ E;l., au«;mentee de Docunieus luuneriques, 8vo. sewn, or, hf. bound (scarce), 5s 1842 1119 Troisieme Edition, augmentde de nouveaux Documents, 8vo. sewn, 7s 6d 1841 Last edition, now out of print and scarce. 1120 The Chemical and Physical Balance of Organic Nature, 3rd Ed., with new Documents [trans.], fcap. 8vo. cl. (scarce), 6s 6d 1844 ' E.sjHicially well known ... In this the life of plants and animals, and, in particular, the processes of metabolism, were treated from the chemical jniint of view." — I'roJ. E. v. Meyer. 1121 : RiOGRAPiiiE, i)ar A. W. V. Hokmann, "traduit par Chakles Baye ; ivith heliogravure portrait by Dujardin on India paper, impl. 4to. sewn, is 1880 V. Lavoisier, post. 1122 DUNCAN (Robert Kennedy) The New Knowledge : Popular Account of the New Physics and the New Chemistry in their relation to the New Theory of Matter, 54 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4* (.sells 65 nett) 1905 1123 DUPIN (Charles Baron) D^veloppements de Geom^trie, avec des Applications a la Stahiiiie des Vaisseaux, aux Deblais et Kemhlais, au DeKlement, a I'Opti^ue, etc. : Tneorie; with \\ jdatcs, 4 to. hf. calf, 10* 6d 1813 'An important work, introducing the conception of conjugate tangents of a point of a surface, and of the indicatrix. It contains also the theorem known as Duinn's theorem.'— Prof. Crf {\uAsiSd) 1893 1151 EDWARDS Jun. (Frederick) On the Ventilation of Dwelling- Houses, and the Utiliza- tion of Waste Heat from Open Fire Places, 2*l^it^ {some folding), roy. 8vo. cl. {scarce), 6* 1868 Accordiug to tlie preface the first attempt to use the heat escaninj^ by the cliiiuiiej'. ll.vi EDWIN (R. A., K.N.) Traverse Table; with Simple and Brief Method of Correcting CoMi'Ass Courses, roy. 8vo. cl., {cover slightly stained), 3* Portsmouth, 1871 1153 EHRMANN (Friedrich Ludwig) Versuch einer Schmelzkunst mit Beyhulfe der Feukrluft; irith copperplate, sm. 8vo. nice copy in original boards, with bookplate of Prof F. L. Schurer {Strassburg,fl. 1789) ; scarce, \0s 6d Strassburg, 1786 First Edition, it contains iminerous interestiii^ auli<*d Science, Vols. III-XIV, copiously illustrated, 12 vols. 4to. hf. calf {last 2 vols, sewn), £1. lOv New York, 1884-92 116-2 ELECTRICIEN (LM: Revue G6n£rale d'^LECTRlclT^ : Secretaire de la Redaction E. Hosi'ITAliku, Tomes 1 k 6 ; with plates, and numerous woodcuts, 6 vols. roy. Svo. in 6, hf calf gilt, los 1881-3 1163 6LECTRICIENS, Congres IXTERNATiONALdes, Paris, 1889 ; CoMPTES Rendus des Travaux, l.uhlif^ IMi h'> soins de .1. .loiiiKKT ; ivith woodcuts, roy. Svo. hf calf, -is 1890 1161 ELECXROCHEMICAL SOCIETY (American), Transactions of the; Vols. l-V,withpor. traits, plates, and numerous other illustrations, 6 vols. Svo. cl., £1. IS* (p. £3. 15*- nett) Philadelphia, 1902-4 1165 ELLIOT (James) Complete Practical Treatise on the Nature and Use of Logarithms, and on Plane Trigonometry, 5th Ed., with Key, 3rd Ed., 2 vols. Svo. cl., 4s [1872-55J 1166 ELLIS (Alexander John, f.r.s. ; philologist) Algebra identified with Geometry, plate, Svo. sewn {scarce), 5s 1874 Maintaining that algebra is a purely geometrical calculus, not an arithmetical one. 1167 How to TEACH Proportion without Reference to Commensurability, with Notes on Collateral Subjects, Svo. sewn, 2s 1S77 1168 ELLIS (Robert Leslie; Baconian) Mathematical and other Writings ; edited by William Walton, with Memoir by Harvey Goodwin [Bishop of Cariisle], steel portrait by lladclyjffe, and diftgram.'i, Svo. cl.. Is Qd (p. 16*) 1863 1169 [EMERSON (William)] The Arithmetic of Infinites, and the Differential Method; illus- trated by E.xamples, numerous plates, Svo. old calf, 5s 1767 1170 The Method of Increments, wherein the Principles are demonstrated; and the Practice thereof shewn in the Solution of Problems, 4to. sewn {rare), 10s 6d 1763 Chiefly based on Taylor's • Methodus Increiuentoruni ', and Stirling's 'Differential Method', and valuable as an early eatise on the calculus of finite differences. 60 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140 STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 1171 [EMERSON (William)] Short Comment on Sm I. Newton's Principia; containing Notes on some DitRcult Places, 5 plates, 8vo. oldhf. calf gilt, with bookjjlate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.E.S.,2s6d 1770 1172 Tracts : containing Mechanics, the Projection of the Sphere, and the Laws of Centripetal and Centrifugal Force; new Ed., with Life, by W. Bowe, ^v., plates, ^\o. old calf {joints cracked), 45 1793 The author began life as a poor boy, and walked all the way from Durham to London. ' He refused to become a member of the Royal Society because, as he said, 'it was a d d hard thing that a man sliould burn so many farthing candles as he had done, and then have to pay so much a year for the honour of F.R.S. after his name '.'—D. N. U. 1173 EMTAGE (W. T. A.) Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism, diagrams, cr. Svo. cL, 3s Qd (p. 7* Qd) 1891 1174 Light. 232 woodcuts, post Svo. cl., Zs (p. Qs) 1896 1175 ENOKE(Joliann Franz) Gesammelte mathematische undASTRONOMisCHEABHANDLUNGEN, 3 vols. Svo. sewn, 10s (p. M. 20.) Berliri, 1888-9 Inhalt :— I. AUgemeines betreffcnd Rechnungsmethoden : 11. Methode der kleinstcn Quadrate ; Fehlertheoretische Untersuchungen : HI. Astronomische und optische Abhandlungen. 1176 Die Entfernung der Sonne von der Erde, aus dem Venusdurchgange von 1761 herge- leitet : Der Venus^dURCHGANG von 1769—2 vols, post Svo. in 1, new hf. cl., 10.$ Qd Gotha, 1822-4 The author's first published works, and imjiortant as giving the first approximately correct solar paralUx (5".r)71). The second work forms a continuation of the first. 1177 tjber den Ausnahmefall einer doppelten Bahnbestimmung aus denselben drei geocentrischen Or tern, 4to. (pp. 27), sewn, 2s Qd Berlin, 1850 1178" ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, 8th Ed.. Vol. I: the Dissertations, thick 4to. cl., Is Qd .1853 This volume, complete in itself, was not published in the following editions, and contains dissertations on the history of science and philosophy by Duoald Stewart, Sir James Mackintosh, Abp. Whately, John Playfair, f.r.s., Sir John Leslie, and J. D. Forbes, f.r.s. 1179 METROPOLITAN A, or Universal Dictionary of Knowledge, on an Original Plan, edited by Edward Smedley and Hugh James and Henry John Rose, prr., with Index Volume, QOO fine plates, 29 thick vols. 4to. calf gilt {fine set), £3. 3* (p. £58. in cl.) 1829-45 Among the eminent writers of this cyclopedia, originally proposed by S. T. Coleridge, and still valued for the excellent original contributions (especially on the exact sciences) which it contains, are Coleridge himself, Sir G. B. Airy, Thomas Arnold (including his History of Rome), Charles Babbage, f.r.s., Peter Barlow, f.r.s., Bp. Blomtield, Sir R. H. Bonny- ca.stle, T. L. Donalds(m, Bp. Hampden, Sir John Herschel, T. H. Home, Henry Kater, f.r.s., Dionysius Lardner, Prof, de Morgan, Card. Newman, Dean Peacock, f.r.s., Cliarles Richardson (including the whole of his English Dictionary), P. M. Roget, F.R.S., Bp. Stanley, Serjeant Talfourd, Abp. Whately (including his Logic, Rhetoric, etc.), and Dr. Whewell. 1180 : P^NCYCLOPiEDlA OF ASTRONOMY : comprising Plane Astronomy, by Peter Barlow, F.R.S. ; Nautical Astronomy, by Henry Kater, f.r.s. ; Physical Astronomy, by SIR J. F. W. Herschel ; and on the Figure of the Earth, and on Tides and Waves, by Sir G. B. Airy, 22 plates and maps, 4to. cl., 5s 6d 1848 1181 Experimental Philosophy, by Peter Barlow, Francis Lunn, pr., P. M. Roget, m.d., and George Harvey, 40 plates, thick 4to. hf. russia {binding rubbed), 7s Qd 1848 1182 Mechanical Philosophy : Mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Pneumatics, and Optics, by Peter Barlow, f.r.s. ; and Sound and Light, by Sir J. F. W. Herschel, IS plates, thick 4to. cl.,6s6d 1848 1183 Pure Mathematics, by Peter Barlow, Dean Peacock, Dionysius Lardner, pr.. Sir G. B. Airy, H. P. Hamilton, pr., A. Levy, T. G. Hall, pr., Augustus de Morgan, and Henry Moseley, 17 plates, thick 4to. cl., 8s 6d 1848 1184 Practical Engineering, and Allied Trades, ed. by Joseph G. Horner, Vols. I-IV (A— Fil), ivithQ^ plates, and numerous other illustrations, 4 vols. 4to. cl., r. e., 17s 6d [1905-6] ENOYCLOPijDIE— V. Diderot, ante. 1185 ENFIELD (William) Institutes of Natural Philosophy, Theoretical and Experimental, with 1\ folding plates, 4to. contemporary tree-calf extra (fine copy), 8.? Qd 1785 1186 ENGINEEJa (The), and Machinist's Assistant : Plans, Sections, and Elevations of Station- ary, Marine, and Locomotive Engines, Water Wheels, Spinning Machines, Tools, etc. etc., with Descriptions and Practical Essays, 136 steel plates, and numerous looodcuts, 2 vols, folio, hf brown 7norocco, 10s 6d 1863 1187 ENGINEERING, an Illustrated Weekly Journal, edited by Zerah Colburn, W. H. Maw, and the late James Dredge, complete from its beginning in 1866 to 1893, with many hundreds OF woodcuts {many of large size), 56 vols. roy. 4to. vv. 1-52 hf. -bound, and vv. 53-6 sewn as issued, £25. ' 1866-93 This paper, which immediately it was started obtained, and has held to the present time, the foremost place among professional papers, gives the fullest information on the theory and the best illustration of the jiracticc of Engineering at home and abroad. Articles by all the foremcst Engineers on the Iron and Steel Manufactures, Railways, Agricultural Machinery, Materials of Construction, Iron Shipbuilding, Gas, Water, and Sewage-work.s, Telegraphs, Electric Lighting, etc., etc., are treated at length in this valuable .journal. The early volumes are now very scarce, and it is also ditticult to nialvC up manv of the laler ones, as most of the numbers are out of print. 1188 ENGLEFIELD (Sir Henry Charles, f.r.s.) On the Determination of the Orbits of Comets, according to Boscovich and Laplace, with new and complete Tables, and Examples of the Calculation by both Methods, 4to., boards, uncut, Qs 1793 1189 ENGLISH (Douglas) Photography for Naturalists, tV/w^^ra^ec?, roy. Svo. buckram, 2s Qd 1901 a complete set to 1896 : 1190 ENGLISH MECHANIC (The), and World of Science, complete from the begiiming in 1865 to August, 1896, copiously illustrated, 63 vols. 4to. 52 vv. cl., 2 vv. hf. bowid, aiid the rest sewn, £12. 12^ 1865-96 Particularly strong in astronomy and microscopy. 1191 ER-DMANN (Hugo) Lehrbuch der ANORGANISCHEN Chemie; with 4 coloured plates and27Q woodcuts, Svo. cl., Qs Qd (p. M. 18. Braunschweig, 1898 ?s^ I iS ']^2cclarininms liber clemcntoimn f£uclidi0 pcrl'pi/ cacilllmiaii mm /geometric incipit quafodiciniinc-. ^ncme eft cuius ps no dlCiinca eft logimdo fine latinidmecni^quideqc/ tremitates ft Duo piicta. Cimea recta c ab wo puao ad aliij bzeuiHima Cfta lio i c?:treniitatc6 fuas vtruq5 eo:^: reci pienff.GSnpftcies c q logitudine i lati tudme tin bjrcui^termi quide fijt linee. C0iipticic6 plana e ab vna Unca ad a/ lia e^tello i ejrtremitatea fuas recipics CL^Hngiilus planus e Duarii linearu al/ ternus ^tactusrqua;^ c;cpario c liig fup/ ficic applicatioq5 no oirecta. CiSuado aiit angulum ptinct Cue Imce rcctc rectiUne^ angnlus noiaf . G ian fccta linea fup recta fteterit &uoq3 anguli vtrobiq3 fiierit eqlesreo;^ vterq^ rect%it Cllineaq5 linee fupftas ei cui lUpftat ppendicularie vocat.CLSn gulus^-o qui recto maioz c obtul'us Dicit.C[:angul'^vo mmoz re etc acut^appellat.C^ermin'C qt) vniulcumlqs tinis c.C-^igura € q tmino vltermis ?tinet.C£ircul^e ftgura plana vna qdcm li/ nea ptctai qcircijferentia noiatnn cni%edio puct^e t a quo'ocs linee rccte ad circiiferctia ejceiitee Tibiiuice? lut cqualcs. /£t bic quidc pijct^cetru circuli o:.G«iDiameter arculi e Unca recta que fup ci''cent:p trafiens ejrtremitatcrq5 fuas circijfcretie applicant circulij I ouo media t)i«idit.c:£>anicirculus c figura plana t>ia/ mctrocirculi'zmedietatecircufcrcntic?tcnt3.G1fbo2tiocircu/ li c ftgura plana recta linea i parte circuferctie ptcta: Icmicircu/ lo quide aut maioi aut niino:. CldectiUnce figure fut q rectis li/ neis cotinent quarijqucdatrilatereqtnb-Vectis linei6:qucd^ quadrilatereq qtuo2rectislinei0.4dJmltilatere que pluribus q5;quatuo2 rectisUneiscontinenf.-C -^iguraru trilaterani:alia eft triangulus bns tria latera equaUa.^llia tnangulus Duo bris eqlia latera. 2tlia triangulus triu mequalium latau. mn^ iteru aha eft 02tbogoniu :vnu.r. rectum angulum babens.:Hliaeam/ bligonium aliquem obtufum angulum babens.^Hlia eft ojcigoni um:in qua tres anguli funt acuti Ci^'igurarii aute quadrilatera:? 2llia eft qdratum quod eft equilatcru atqs rectangulii. 3tlia elt tetragon'^long^iqeft ftgura recrangula : led equilarera non eft. 2llia eft belmuafm: que eft equilatcra : led rcctangula non eft. DC p:{ncipi)5 g fc notie: rprua oc oifFini . (iombusearondein. Xinet ^^M T>utKm« fufifidc0 plana* Cftculud / •potriomawj \ 1 Y / m(noi Origonina OJtbogoniua wnWi'sbnius Zctraso^los' ^dratua ( / bclmujf / • * No. 1199. The first printed edition of Euclid (obverse of first leaf). HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 61 1192 ESSAYS and ADDRESSES l)y Professors and Lecturers of the Owens College, Man- chester [ed. bv Balfour Stewart and Alex. W. Williamson, ff.r.s.] 8vo. d. [scarce), \0s (Sd " 1874 Containing original contributions by the editors, Sir H. E. Roscoe, W. Boyd Dawkins, W. S. Jevons, and the Rt. Hon. James Dryce. 119.3 [ETTEN (H. van), pseud. ; recte J EA^i Leurechon, S.J.] Recreation Mathematique, com- posee de plusieurs Problenies plaisants et facetieux, augnientee en cette dernibre Edition de jilusieurs Problenies non encore veus ; with numerous ivoodcuts, 12nio. old calf {some II. water- stained), £1. \s Lyony 1627 Contaiiiinj,' nearly 100 very curious problems, copiously illustrated, and unknown to Poggentlorff, Brun'et, or other bihliK^raphfis. It served uiirinmni ejus librnm Coninientariornni Procli libri IV ; Grtece [cum Pnefatione SiMONis Gryn.ei], editio princeps ; with geometrical figiires in text, printer's device on title and at end, and ornamental capitals, folio, tall copi/ in old calf gilt {Joints broken) ; RARE, £3. Ss Basilcw, Joan. Hervagins, mense Septembri, 1533 1195 Another Copy, hf. hound (one leaf torn and defective), with contemporary MS. notes and diagrams on margin, £2. 2s T'hk First Edition ok the Original Grkkk Tkxt ; for the first Latin translation (1482) see ;>o.s/. ' Le Proclus n'a ^t6 reproduit depuis : c'est pounjuoi uotro edition est encore aujourd'hui indispensable, surlout jjarceque Barozzi, qui I'a suppKee dans sa version d'apres des MSS., n'a pas reiniprime le texte i^it'c.'—Gra-sse. This etlition is also interesting from its dedication by Simon Gkvn.*:us, Professor of Greek at Basel, to Cutiibekt Tuxstall, Bishop of Durham. Gryna'us visitetl England two years before the publication of the above edition, and although already a reformer and friend of Luther, was warndy received by Sir Thomas 3fore, and doubtless also by Bp. Tunstall, whose equal orthof Letters for the Greater Ease of Learners, by Oliver Byrne, printed by Whitiiugham, with numerous coloured illustrations, or. 4to. cl., g. e. {somewhat foxed) ; SCARCE, £\.\8 W. Pickering, 1847 1235 Elements of Geometry [Books I-VI, XI-XII], edited by Henry Martyn Taylor, F.R.8., vignettes, thick 12mo., cl., 2s 6d University Press, Cambridge, 1895 1236 ELE.MENS, expliquez dune maniere nouvelle et tr^s-facile, avec I'usage de chaque proposi- tion pour toutes les parties de Mathematiques par [C. F. M.] Dechalles, S.J., nouvelle m\., jiar JACCiUES Ozanam; with numcro^ts folding plates, large Ylww.fne copy in contemporary calf gilt, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., 7« (id 17S0 1237 : EucLlDE Meoarense . . . Solo introduttoredelleScientieMathematice,|diligentemmente ra.s.settato, et alia integritii ridotto, par NiCOLO Tartalea [Tartaglia], con una ampla exposi- tione dello istesso tradottore di nuovo aggiunta, ecc. ; icith numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. sound clean copy in contemporary limp vellum (RARE), £1. I* Venetia, G. Bariletto, 1569 'Travail e.stime. Les deux ti-aductions dont s'est servi Tartaglia sont celle de Campano et celle de Bart. Zamberto.'— Urunrt, who does not mention the above edition. 1238 Elementi della Geometria Piana, Libri VI, nuovamente illustrati [per Stefano Elia] ; with diagrams, sm. 8vo. old vellum, 3s Qd Napoli^ 1736 the first GERMAN EDITION: 1239 Die Sechs Erste Bucher Euclidis ] vom anfang oder grund der Geometrj. In welchen der rechte grund | nit t allain der Geometrj (versteh alles kunstlichen | gwi.sen | und vortailigen gebrauchs des Zirckels I Linials oder Richtscheittes und andrer werckzeiige | so zu allerhaj abme.'^sen dienstlich) sonder audi der fiirnemsten stuck und vortail der Rechenkhunst fur^eschriben und dargethon [sic'] ist. Auss Griechischer sprach in die Teiitsch gebracht | aigentlich erklart .... durch WiLHELM HOLTZMANN ; with diagrams, folio, gotjic lettrr, old boards {partly browned, title mounted, and some II. mended) ; RARE, £1. \s Basel, J. Kiindig, 1562 The first German Editio.m ok Euclid. 1240 : Clavius (Christophoru.s, S.J.) Commentaria in Euclidis Elementa Geometrica, et in SPHiERlCA Theodosii, quilns accessit explicatio Sinuum, Tangentium et Secantium crm Canonibus. TractatioTriangulorum rectilineorum et splucricorum. Omnia, correcta et aucta ; with numerous diagrams, folio, old stamjxd vellum {some II. browned), £1. 5s Mogunticc, 1612 Last and IJEaT Edition of the most esteenud of the older editions an sewn, wholli/ uncut (VEEV RARE), £4. is Pesaro, 1750 ' II'' may tx; said U) have bet" n the ttn»t writer who direi-teuf|U«M)iis Telegraphs, portraits and illustratioM, post 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6*) 1899 IJ74 FAIRBAIBN iSir William, F.R.s.) The KisE and Progress of Manufactures and Com- merce, and of Civil and Mechanical Engineering in Lancashire and Cheshire, with fine sted portrait on India paper, 5 plates, woodcuts and diagrams, 4to. cl. extra, g. e., \2s Qd [privately printed, Manchester, 1869] ' To A. H. Novelli. Esqr« with the author's very kind regards. '--/rwcr. on flyleaf. 1275 Treatise on Iron Ship Building ; its History and Progress, loith 4 plates, and 127 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. {out of print), \Qs M 1865 Including an enquiry into the then and prospective state of the Navy, with experimental results on the resisting powers of armour plates and shot at high velocities. 1276 Treatise on Mills and Millwork, 2nd Ed., with folding plates, and numerous wood- cuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cL, ias 1864-5 1277 FAIRFAX (George) Navigation Epitomiz'd : or Particulars most useful and usually taught in Navigation, hrietly represented and humbly tender'd to the Governours of Christ's-Hospital, broadsheet of 2 pp. : DISCURSUS HlSTIODROMICUS [a short TREATISE on NAVIGATION in English verse]. Manuscript on 12 pp., with 2 diagrams, 4to. seivn, lis 6d [ca. 1690] 1278 FALCONER (William, author of ' The Shipwreck ') Universal Dictionary of the Marine : or the Technical Terms and Phrases employed in the Construction, Eouipment, Furniture, Machinery, Movements, and Military Operations of a Ship, with Original Desif^ns of Shiping [sic]. Translation of French Sea Terms, etc. etc., 2nd Ed., with ftie copperplates, minutely Ulustrating the various parts of a ship, and its building, 4to. contemporary calf gilt, 15* 1771 * a Krand national work, comprehending evei-ythin^ relating; to the Marine of this country : a i)erformance which dis- plays jjn-at industry, sagacity, and precision, and is indisixinsable to everyone concerned in maritime afl'airs.' — Gent. Mug. 1279 FALE (Thoraaa; Corjms Christi Coll., Cantab.) HOROLOGIOGRAPHIA : the ART of Dialling: teaching; an Easie and Perfect Way to make all Kindes of Dials upon any plain plat howsoever placed, with the draNvin«^ of the Twelve Sij^nes, and Howres uuequall in them all, with the makin;; and u.se of other Dials and Instruments, whereby the houre of the Day and Night is knowne, with numerous woodcuts and diagrams, sm. 4to. ftlartt Icttfr; scum (une UNCUT COPY 1, £2. 2» F. Kingstone, 1652 1280 Anothke Copy, hf. hound {binding broken, and some II. neatly mended and a few worm- holed), £1. Is 6d 1281 Another Copy {wanting title), IQsQd ' Ihe table of sines wliich It contains is probably the earliest specimen of a trigonometrical table printed in England.'— /) .V. /;. 's2 FARADAY (Michael, f.r.s.) The Chemical History of a Candle [including a Lecture on I'LATiNiM j , ed. hy Sir William Crookes, f.r.s., 38 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl. {out of print), 3s6d[lS74] i-'s.s Chemic.vl Manipulation ; being Instructions to Studente in Chemi.stry, on the Methods of performing ExiKriments ^f Demonstration or of Research, with Accuracy and Success, first edition, with woodcuts, 8vo. hf calf neat {scarce), 12s 6rf 1827 1284 Second Edition [enlarged] , i^'M woodcuts, 8vo. boards, uncut {some II. foxed) ; scarce, 10s ^d 1830 1285 Third [last] Edition, revised, with woodcuts, 8vo. original cl., uncut, VJs 6d 1842 ' Even now a very valuable book of reference.'— /Vo/. Tail. 1286 Manipulations Chimiques ; traduit par Maiseau, et revu pour la Partie technique par A. Bussy ; vu'th icoodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. original hf. roan gilt, 9s 6d 1827 PublislRMl in the .same year as the English original, and interesting as showing the early appreciation of the great scientist's work. \2S7 Experimental Researches in Electricity, from the Philosophical Transactions, with 2 plates, 4to. sewn, with author's inscr., 15* 1832 •Thos. Allan, Esq., etc. etc. etc. [f.b s., mineralogist] from theAu[thor].'— /tisct. on title. Consisting of Experimental Researches in Electricity, read before the Royal Society, Nov. 24, 1831, and of the Bakerian Lecture, 1832, 'TeiTestrial Magneto-electric Induction, and Force and Direction of Magneto-electriclndaction generally', and containing the first and most important of all hia discoveries— that of induced electricity. m HENRY SOT HER AN C^- CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 1288 FARADAY (Michael, f.r.s.) Experimental Researches in Cheaiistry and Physics, reprinted from the Philosophical Transactions, 1821-57, the Journal of the Royal Institution, the Phih)sophical Magazine, and other Publications, with 3 plates, and woodcuts, 8vo. d. (very scarce), £1. lO.v 1859 Containintj his discoveries or investigations of new compounds of chlorine and carbon (1831), alloys of steel ('22), com- pounds of hydrogen and carbon, announcing the discovery of benzol ('25), action of sulphuric acid on naphthaline ('26), decomposition of hydrocarbons by expansion ('27), his very valuable experiments on the manufacture of optical glass ('2t>- 30), the liquefaction of gases, acoustic figures ('31), vibrating elastic surfaces ('31), relations of gold to light ('57), the con- servation of force (57), etc. etc. etc. 1289 Experimental Researches in Electricity, reprinted from the Philosophical Transac- tions, 1831-52, with other Electrical Papers fnmi the Proceedings of the Royal Institutitm, the Quarterly Journal of Science, and the Philosophical Magazine (vol. I., '2nd Ed.), original issue, with 17 /dates, and woodcuts, 3 vols. 8vo. in2, hf. calf gdt (SC\RCE), £3. 3s 1849-4-55 ' The great work of his life. Fully to understand all the discoveries contained in that extraordinary senes of papers would need a knowled^'e of all that has been discovered during that time as to electricity, magnetisjn, electro-magnetism, and diamagnetism.'— Pro/. Tait. They contain his discoveries of induced electricity (' Faradic current '), 1831 ; the electro- tonic state of matter, '31; identity of electricity from different sources, '33; equivalents in electro-chemical decom- position, '34 ; electrostatic induction, '38 ; hydro-electricity, '43 ; diamagnetism, '46 ; relation of gravity to electricity, '51 ; atmospheric magnetism, '51, and many others. 1290 Facsimile Reprint, with plates and woodcuts, 3 vols. 8vo. cl., uncut {some II. of vol. I pencilled), £2. os [Bep. of] 1839-55 1291 Vols. I and II, original issue, laith 13 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., uncut, with Prof. William- son's auto., £1. 10s 1839-44 Including all the author's discoveries on the subject to 1843, 1292 Vol. I only, with ^plates, original issue, 8vo. cl., uncut, 18s Qd 1839 ContainiTig all the author's papers on electricity published in the Philosophical Transaction ft of 1831-8. 1293 The First Nine Series, with copperplates^ 8 parts 4to. in one vol. cl., with author's presentation inscriptions VERY SCARCE), £2. 2s 1832-5 The rare original memoirs as contributed to the ' Philosophical Transactions ', containing the first printed account of some of Faraday's most important discoveries and researches, e.g., induced electricity (his marf7uan opns) ; the electronic state of matter ; identity of electricity from different .sources ; and equivalents in electro-chemical decomposition. 1294 OBSERVATIONS on MENTAL EDUCATION, post 8vo. (pp. 52), sewn, with author's inscr. {with 3IS. notes etc.), 6s Qd n. d. 1295 On the Existence of a Limit to Vaporization (Philos. Trans.), 4to. (pp. 12), sewn, with author's inscription, 6s 1826 1296 On the Magneto-Electric Spark and Shock, and on a peculiar Condition of Electric and Magneto- Electric Induction ; with Additional Observations (Philos. Magazine), 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, 4s 1832 1297 Six Lectures on the Chemical History of a Candle; with Lecture on Platinum, ed. by Sir William Crookes, first edition, v:ith 38 umodcuts, fcap. 8vo. cl. {scarce), IQs Qd 1861 1298 Six Lectures on the Various Forces of Matter, and their Relation to each other, ed. by Sir William Crookes, 2nd Ed., ivith 59 woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. hf calf gilt (scarce), 10s 1860 1299 Third Edition, with 59 woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. cl., 8s 1861 'A simple work, but in reality most profound, even in its slightest remarks.' — Prof. Tait. The last lecture deals witli 'the Correlation of the Phy.sical Forces.' Both editions also contain a supplementary chapter on • Lighthou.se Illumination by Electric Light.* 1300 : Jones ([Henry] Bence, f.r.s.) The Life and Letters of Faraday, u-ith fine steel portrait hy Adlard, plates, and woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 16s 1870 1301 Another Copy, hf. calf gilt, 18s Qd 1302 : Tyndall (John, f.r.s. )'Faraday as a Discoverer, first edition, in large type, with 2 steel portraits by Adlard, large post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1868 1303 Second Edition, with 2 portraits, large 12nio. cl., with author's inscription and auto, letter to Dean Farrar, 12s M 1870 1304 Fourth Edition, with 2 portraits, large 12mo. cl., 2s 1884 1305 FAE.EY (John) General View of the Agriculture and Minerals of Derbyshire. Vol. I : The Surface, Hills, Valleys, Rivers, Minerals, Mines, Collieries, Mining Processes, etc. etc., with 2 coloured folding plates, and map, 8vo. boards, 6s 6af 1815 1306 FATJJAS de ST.-FOND (Barthelemi) Description et Experiences de la Machine Aerostatique de MM. de Montgolfier, et de celles auxqnelles cette decouverte a donne lien ; snivie de Recherehes snr la Hauteur a laquelle est parvenu le Ballon du Chanip-de-Mars, sa route, et les difterens degr«§s de pesanteur de I'air dans les couches de Tatmosph^re ; d'un Memoire sur le gaz inflammable et sur celui qu'ont employe MM. de MontgolHer, I'art de faire les Machines a(5rostatiques . . . et sur la manioie de dissoudre la gomme elastique, etc. etc., d'une Lettre sur les moyens de diriger ces Machines, etc. etc., premiere edition; with fine front, by de Launay of the ascetit of the Montgolfier {stained), and 8 other copperplates, illustrating the balloon, its fittings, machinery, etc., 8vo. hf. bound {back damaged), with INSCR. TO Marsiglio CONTE LANDRIANI, and auto. o/HATTON TURNOR (very RARE), £2. 5s 1783 1307 Another Copy, contemporary calf gilt {sound copy), £2. 10s This edition contains a 4 pp. Supplement on the ascent of the Marquis d'Arlandes in the 'Muette', which is not comprised in the '2nd edi,tion. 1308 Seconds Edition ; with front, hy de Launay (fine impression), and 8 copperplates, 8vo. hoards, uncut {corner of a few pp. slightly water-stained, otherwise an unusually fresh COPY), £1. 15s ■ ' ' 1784 1309 Another Copy, having the front water-stained, sewn, uncut, £1. 5s The most important work in the history of ballooning, describing the first successful ascent at Annonay (June 1783) in a balloon made of packcloth, and inflated with heated air, as well as the historical ascent from the Champs de Mars on Aug. 27th, 1783, in the presence of 3W000 spectators. The work moreover contains a large amount of interesting technical details. ■^^r:T-... ,\ ' \ — ^.jjT'^TU^/rcc^/^^^^sa/i^ym^^^fyf^e de Jmni Mcn'esffiJ ef^ (/e /a Fn/nilA' Rot/ale ^^, par Af'AIorU^o^ier, /t^ajJ^l. ijSS . Nos. 1306 10. The first work on Ballooning. HENKY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STKAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. (j7 HATTON TUKNOR'S FINE COPIES: 1310 FAUJAS de ST.-FOND (Barthelemi) Description et Experiences de la Machine Aerostatique de MM. de Montgolfier, premiere edition ; loith 9 plates ; with tlie Supple- ment : Premiere Suite de la Description des Experiences Aerostatiques de MM. de Montgolfier, . et celle.s auxquelles cette decouveite a doaiie lieu, contenant les Voyages Aeriens de la Muette, des Tuileries, de Lyon, de Milan, etc. etc.. Plusieurs Memoires sur la MANlEREde DiRiGER les Aerostates, etc. etc., ditlerentes nianieres d'obtenir I'air iiillammable . . . et M^moire sur la (ioninie elastique, etc. ; icith 5 copperplates (3 very fine ones by de Launay, representing the first three Balloon Ascents)— 2 vols. 8vo. contemporary tree-calf extra, with Hatton Tumor's book/date and auto. (FINE COPIES), £6. 6s 1783-4 The suppleiiieutary volume is excessivkly bare, and contains a large number of additional technical infonnation. 1311 FAURij (J. de, Gcntilhonime /S^wme) Analyse de la Quadrature du Cercle, au moyen de la Demonstration directe, la plus simple, la plus evideute, et la plus convaincante, 4to. sewn {last leaf missing), 6s La Haye, 1749 Containing au interesting MS. note by Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, k.r.s., on p. XL An account of this curious work will be found in Prof, de Morgan's • Budget of Paradoxes ', pp. 89-90. 1312 FAUST (Edwin Stanton, Univ. Strassburg) Die TIERISCHEN GiFTE, Svo. seivn, 4s (p. M. 6.) Braunschweig, 1906 1313 FAYE (Herve) Nouvelle Etude sui- les Tempetes, Cyclones, Trombes ou Tornados; with woodcuts and charts, roy. Svo. sewn, '2s Qd 1897 1314 FENWICK (Thomas) Treatise on Subterraneous Surveying, and the Variation of the Magnetic Needle, 2nd Ed., 8 plates (7 folding), larye 8vo. boards (scarce), 15* 1822 Tlie tirst systematic treatise on mine surveying. 1315 FERGUSON (James, f.r.s.) The Art of Drawing in Perspective, made easy to those who have no previous Knowledge of the Mathematics, new Ed., 9 plates, 8vo. boards, uncut, is Edin., 1803 THE earliest POPULAR ASTRONOMY : 1316 Astronomy Expjlained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles, and Made Easy to those who have not studied Mathematics, 2nd Ed., with 13 foldiny plates y 4to. sound copy in old calf {back slightly damaged), \Qs \lbl • The manner and method of its expositions were entirely original. Astronomical phenomena were for the first time described in familiar language'.— D.iV. B. 1317 Fifth Edition, corrected, with 18 plates, 8vo. old calf gilt, Ss 6d 1772 1318 Twelfth Edition, improved and corrected by Andrew Mackay, f.r.s., tvith 18 plates, 8vo. old hf calf gilt, 4s 1809 1319 [Fourteenth Edition], with Notes and Supplementary Chapters, by Sir David Brewster, f.r.s., 2nd Ed. [enlarged], with 26 plates, 2 vols. Svo. in 1, half calf gilt, with book- plate of Joseph Gwilt, F.S.A., 6s Edin., 1821 1320 Another Copy, 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf gilt, 6s 6d 1321 Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, and Optics, with the Use of the Globes, the Art of Dialling, and the Calculation of the Mean Times of New and Full Moons and Eclipses, 9th Ed., ivith 36 jdates, thick 8vo. boards, uncut, 5s 1799 1322 New Edition, corrected and enlarged, with Notes and Additional Volume, containing the most recent Discoveries, 3rd Ed., with 27 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf, 10* 6d Edin., 1823 * In some degree the first elementary writer on natural philosophy.'— Sir D. Brewster. 1323 New and Improved Edition, adapted to the present state of Science, by C. F. Part- ington [with Autobiography], ^or^miY, 10 plates, and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. boards, or, hf bound, uncut, 6s 1825 A large portion of the book— one of the standard works of its time— treats of Dialling. There are also chapters on ' Matter and it-s Properties ', 'Mills, Cranes, Wheel-carriages, and the Engine for Driving Piles'. 1324 Plain xMethod of Determining the Parallax of Venus, by her Transit over the Sun, and thence, by analogy, the Parallax and Distance of the Sun, etc., with plates, 4to. sewn, 5s 1761 1325 Select Mechanical Exercises : she.ving how to construct different Clocks, Orreries, and Sun-Dials, on Plain and Easie Principles ; with Miscellaneous Articles, and New Tables, I. for expeditiously computing the Time of any New or Full Moon, etc., II. for graduating and examining the usual Lines on the Sector, Plain Scale, and Gunter ; and Life, first edition, with 9 folding plates on copper, 8vo. old calf gilt {back slightly damaged), lOs 6d 1773 ' His scattered papers were coUectetl in 1773 into a'volume entitled ' Select Mechanical Exercises ' (4th ed. 1823), the (lartial autobiograpliy prefixed to which is the chief .source of information regarding his early life.' — Misn Agnes M. Gierke. 1326 Treatise on the Use of the Globes, republished from the 'Lectures', 12mo. sewn, 2s 1812 1327 , Life of, in a brief Autobiogiaphical Account, and further Extended Memoir, with numerous Notes, by Ebenezer Henderson, 2nd [last] Ed., with Additions, steel portrait, and numerous woodcuts, Svo. cl.,6s Edin., 1870 ' Ferguson's ' Short Account' of his earlier years (1710-43), here reprinted with notes and illu.strations, is supplemented with an ' Extended Memoir,' giving all available details of his circumstances and inventions to his death. '— D. A'. B. ARAGO'S copy: 1328 FERMAT (Pierre de) Varia Opera Mathematica, accesseruut selectse qusedam ejusdem Epistol.e, de rebus ad Mathematicas Disciplinas aut Physicam perbinentibus scripta? [cur& Samuelis de P'ermat], with plates and diagrams, folio, (?) Large Paper ; old hf morocco (very rare), £3. 3s ToIosk, 1679 The excessively rare original edition of this celebrated work of the first inventor of the ditferential calculus. The correspondence includes letters to and from Pascal, Mersenne, Gassendi, John Wallis, de Freuicle, de Roberval, Sir Kenelm Digby, etc. The above copy belonged to Dominique FRAN9018 Jean Akaqo {q. v. ante), and bears on title the inscriptions ' Fr. Arago ', and • From the Library of Fr. Arago. H. S.' V. DioPHANTUS Alexandrinus, ante. 68 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 1329 FEKB.ABIS (Galileo) Le Proprieta Cardinali degli Strumenti Diottrici : Esposizione elementcare della Teoria di Gauss e delle sue Applicazioni ; with 66 diagrams^ 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 3s 6d Torino, 1877 1330 FERRERS (Norman Macleod, d.d., f.r.s.) Elementary Treatise on Spherical Harmonics, and allied Subjects, post 8vo. cl. uncut [fresh copy) ; scarce, 17* M 1877 1331 Elementary Treatise on Trilinear Co-ordinates, the Method of Reciprocal Polars, and the Theory of Projections, 24, diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s Qd) 1861 1332 FICK (Adolf) DieMEDiziNisCHE Physik ; with2ll woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, 3s Qd Braunschweig, 1858 Important for containing the author's investigations on Diffusion of Liquids, resulting in the discovery of the law named after liim. 1333 FIGUIER (Louis) L'Alchimie et les Alchimistes: Essai historique et critique sur ]a Philosophic Hermetique, 2^ Ed., augraentee, post 8vo. sewn, 2s 1856 1334 FINDLAY (Sir George, General Manager, L.N. W.E.) The Working and Management of an English Railway, 2nd Ed., enlarged, plates and woodcuts, post 8vo., cl., 3s (p. 7s Qd) 1889 ' A valuable practical treatise '. — D. N. B. 1335 FINE (Oronce ; latine Orontius Fin^us) de Mundi Sphera, sive Cosmographia, Libri V, denub castigati, et niarginalibus (ut vocant) annotationibus recens illustrati : quibus turn prima AstronomijB pars, turn GEOGRAPHIC, ac Hydrographic Rudiment a pertractantur ; ivith num- erous woodcuts {including several MAPS) and diagrams, sm. 4to. seivn {large copy), 15s Lutetice, 1555 Containing chapters on Dialling, Geodesy, and the Mariner's Compass. ' On dit de lui avec beaiicoupde raison qu'il etait le restaurateur des mathematiques en France.' — Bioor. Gen 1336 FINITE DIFFERENCES (Calculus ofj, The Elements of the, treated on the Method of Separation of Symbols, 8vo. hf cl., 3s 6c? Cambridge, 1849 1337 FINLEY (Jolm P.) Tornado Studies for 1884, numerous charts, 4to. sewn, 2s Qd Washington, 1885 1338 FIRE PREVENTION COMMITTEE (British), Publications of the, ed. by Edwin O. Sachs, with numerous plates, maps, and other illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. red roan, -£1. Is (p. £2. 10s Qd) 1898-1900 1339 FIREBRACE (F., Thomason Engineering Coll., Roorkee) Surveying, 2nd Ed., enlarged [with Appendixes by A. M. L.], \5 plates (2 coloured), and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 8vo. hf bound {used copy), 3s lioorkee, 1871 1340 FISCHER (Ferdinand) Handbuch der chemisciien Technologie, 15. unigearbeitete Autiage ; with 830 illustrations, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. v. I finely bound in hf. crushed brown morocco, uncut, t. e. g., v. II sewn, 18s Qd (p. M. 22. unbound) Leipzig, 1900-2 The last edition of the best text-book on the subject. 1341 FISCHER (Philipp) Lehrbuch der hoheren Geodasie ; with folding plates, 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. bound {scarce), 8s Hd Giessen [1845-61 Important as having formed the basis of J. B. Listing's geodetic work. 1342 FISHER (Irving) Brief Introduction to the Infinitesimal Calculus, 11 diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 4s nett) New York, 1897 1343 FISHER (Osmond, pr.) Physics of the Earth's Crust, diagrams, 8vo. cl , 5s (p. 12s) 1881 Treating mathematically a number of i)henomena of Pliysical Geography. 1344 FISHER (W. Clark) The Potentiometer, and its Adjuncts, 2 plates and 85 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) 1897 1345 FITHIAN (A. W.) Practical Collotype, illustrated, cr. 8vo. cl.. Is Qd 1901 1346 FLAMMARION (Oamille) Astronomie Populaire : Description generale du Ciel ; with coloured front., plates, and over 350 woodcuts and diagrams: Le MoNDE avant la Creation de 1 'Homme ; 5 coloured plates, over 400 woodcuts, and b coloured maps — 2 thick vols, colombier 8vo. hf. green morocco, uncut, t. e. g., 18s 1885-6 1347 The Atmosphere, trans, [and abridged by C. B. Pitman], ed. by James Glaisher, F.R.S., with 10 coloured plates, and 81 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl., g. e., 8s Qd (p. £1. 10s) 1873 1348 Contemplations Scientifiques, thick post 8vo. hf bound, 3s 1870 1349 FLAMSTEED (John; pr., f.r.s., first Astronomer Royal) Atlas Celeste, 2^ Ed. par J. FoRTiN ; 50 copperplates, with Text in French, sm. 4to. fine copy in contemporary mottled calf gilt. Is Qd 1776 1350 HiSTORiA CcELESTis Britannica, coniplectens Stellarum Fixarum necnon Planetarum omnium Observationes ; subjuncta sunt Planetarum Loca Observationibus deducta, 1675-1720; luith fine portrait by G. Vertue {brilliant impression), plates and vignettes, 3 vols. roy. folio, SOUND AND TALL COPY in conternporary calf, with auto. (1739) and bookplate of JoHN BoYLE, 5th Earl of Cork and Orrery, f.r.s. (friend of Swift and Pope) ; very rare, £4. 4s 1725 ' Flamstfed's Historia Coiledis, published in 1725, formed a new eia in sidereal astronomy. The hrst volume com])rised the observations of Gascoigne and Crabtree, 1638-43 ; those made by Flamsteed at Derby and the Tower, 10(JS-74, with the sextant observations at Greenwich, lti76-89, spared from destruction with the edition of 1712, The second contained his observations with the mural arc, 1(389-1720. The third opened with a disquisition entitled ' Prolegomena to the Catalogue ', on the i)rogress of astronomy from the earliest ages, chiefly valuable for the description, with which it terminated, of the Greenwich instruments and methods ; the catalogues of Ptolemy, Ulugh Beigh, Tyclio Brahe, the Landgrave of Hesse, and Hevelius followed ; finally came the 'British Catalogue' of 2,935 stars observed at Greenwich, to which Halley's southern stars were appended . . . His 'British Catalogue' is styled by Baily 'one of the proudest productions of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich '. Its importance is due to its being the first collection of the kind made with the telescope and clock'. — Miss A. M. Gierke. 1351 Letter concerning Earthquakes, written in 1693, to a Gentleman then residing at Turin in Savoy, on the Destruction of Catanea, and many other Cities, Towns, and Villages, in Sicily, in 1692 ; with woodcut, 8vo. (pp. 24), sewn (rare), 15s 1750 This pamphlet is chiefly interesting from betraying the astounding ignorance of the Astronomer Royal in matters chemical and meteorological. He explains that earthquakes are nothing else but explosions in the air, caused by the filing of the ' nitrous and suli)hureous particles ' in the latter, and rejects the idea of underground causes as absurd. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 69 1352 FLAUTI (V.) Geometria di Sito sul Piano, e nello Spazio, 3* ed. riveduta; with folding plates, roy. 8vo. hoards, 55 Napoli, 1842 1353 FLEMING (John Ambrose, f.r.s.) The Alternate Current Transformer in Theory and Practice, numerous ivoodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cL, 8s (p. £1. 56') 1890-2 1354 Vol. I : The INDUCTION of ELECTRIC CURRENTS, ivoodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 12s 6c?) 1890 1355 The Principles of Electric Wave Telegraphy, ivith 7 plates, and numerous other illustrations, thick 8vo. cl., \8s (sells £1. 4s nett) 1906 1356 FOCK (Andreas) Introduction to Chemical Crystallography, trans, and ed. by William J. Pope, with Preface by M. H. Nevil Story-Maskelyne, f.r.s., large post 8vo. d., 3s Clarendon Press, Oxford^ 1895 1357 FONTAINE (Hippolyte) Electrolyse: Renseignements pratiques; with 34 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. seum, ;iy M . 1885 1358 FONTAINE des CRUXES (Pierre) Traite Complet sur I'Aberration de« Etoiles Fixes, avec line Methode pour determiner les Ditterences en Longitude en se servant de I'Occultation des Etoiles fixes jiar la Lune [par Pierre Charles Lemonnier] ; with plates, 8vo. old calf gilt {nice copy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., 10s Qd 1744 Rark, unknown to Poggendorff, etc. 1359 FONTANA (Francesco) : Nov^ Ccelestium, Terrestriumque Rerum Observationes. et forta.sse hactenus non vulgattx?, a Francesco Fontana, specillis a se inventis, et ad summani perfectioneiu perductis, editoe; with etched portrait, cet. 61, title and numerous other engravings^ and woodcuts, sni. 4to. old limp vellum {some sjnall holes in title, and 1 plate slightly defective); rare, £1. Is Neapoli, 1646 Chierty interesting for the author's claim to have invented the astronomical telescope in 1608 (invented one year later by Galileo), and the microscope in 1618 (actually invented by Zacharias Jansen in 1500). The work contains however a genuine di.scovery — not generally known — the first observation of sjKjts on the surface of Mars. 1360 [FONTENELLE (Bernard le Bovier de)] Elements de la Geometrie de I'Infini ; with plate, 4to. old ccdf gilt {fine copy), ivith bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., 8s M, Imprimerie Royale^ 1727 1361 Another Copy, old calf, with bookplate of Edward \2th Duke of Norfolk, Is Qd i;?62 [ ] A Plurality of Worlds, written in French by the Author of the 'Dialogues of the Dead', trans, by [John] Glanvill, front., and folding plate, 16mo. old calf {binding broken). Is 6d 1702 1363 [ ] Theorie des TOURBILLONS Cartesiens; avec des Retlexions sur I'Attraction, 12mo. old calf gilt, 7s 6d 1752 One of the last forlorn-hope attacks on Newton's theory of gravitation, and a defence of Descartes's theory of vortices, which soon became discredited after the apiHjarance of the Principia. 1364 FONVIELLE (Wilfrid de) Les (tRandes Ascensions Maritimes: La Traversee de la Manche ; v:ith folding platen, post 8vo. sewn, 2s 1882 1365 FOBBES (George, f.r.s.) Lectures on Electricity, illustrated, post 8vo. cl. {out of pi-int), 3.y 6d 1888 1366 FORBES (James David, f.r.s.. Principal of the United College, St. Andrews ; geologist). Life and Letters of, by John Campbell Shairp, Peter Guthrie Tait, and A. Adams-Reilly, with portraits, map, and photo-illustrations, 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 16*) 1873 With chapter on Forl)es's scientific work. 1367 FORBES (John, u.d.) Theory of the Differential and Integral Calculus, derived synthetically from an Ori<^nal Principle, diagrams, 8vo. cl., with author's inscr.. As Glasgoiu, 1837 Attempting to establisli the calculus on geometrical principles. V. Differential and Integral Calculus, ante. 1368 FORBES (Ugo) Memoria sopra un Nuovo FORTINO e due Nuovi Sistemi per Recinti in Fortilica/.ione Passeggera ; with folding plates, fcap. 8vo. hf.calf, 2s dd Fircnze, 1849 1369 FORD (William) Practical Treatise on Malting and Brewing, with Historical Account of the Malt Tra'. 1372 Reseahches about Atmospheric Ph.*:nomena, 3rd [last] Ed., enlarged, with the Calendar of Nature, 6 tinted plates, 8vo. boards, uncut [scarce), \0s 6d 1823 1373 FORSTER (Westgarth) Treatise on a Section of the Strata from Newcastle- on-Tyne to the Mountain of (Jross Fell, Cumljerland, with Remarks on Mineral Veins in General, and Treatise on the Discovery, Opening, and Working of Lead Mines, with the Dressing and Smelting of Lead Ores, 2nd Ed., greatly enlarged, with folding plates [a few coloured), and table, 8vo. new hf. brown calf gilt (SCARCE), 15* Alston, 1821 One of the earliest works on lead mining. 1374 FORSTER (Wilhelm) Sammlung von Hulfstafeln der Berliner Sternwarte, rov. 4to. cl., 46- Berlin, 1869 1375 FORT (O.), und O. SCHLOMILCH: Lehrbuch der analytischen Geometrie; with diagrams, 2 vols. Svo. in 1, hf. calf 2s 6d Leipzig, 185^ 70 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 1376 FORSYTH (Andrew Russell, f.r.s.) Theory of Differential Equations, 3 i)arts in 4 vols. 8vo. cL, £1. I65 M (p. £2. 2s M nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1890-1902 The standard work on the subject. 1377 Trp:atise on Differential Equations, large 8vo. cL, Is (p. 14s) 1885 1378 FOSTER (Sir Clemsnt Le Neve, f.r.s.) The Elements of Mining and Quarrying, with nearly 300 full -jxigc and other illustrations, large cr. 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 7* 6d nett) 1903 1379 FOSTER (Samuel, Gresham-Colledg) PosthUxMA Fosteri : the Description of a Ruler, upon which is inscribed divers Scales : and the Uses thereof : hy which the most usual Propositions in Astionomie, Navigation, and Dialling, are facily performed. Also, a further use of the said Scales in deliniating of far declining Dials; etc. etc. [ed. by Edmund Wingate], with woodcuts and numerous diagrams, sm. 4to, sewn {partly water- stained) ; rare, 15s R. and W. Leybourn, 1652 1330 FOUCAULT (Theophile), Appareil de, pour la Fabrication du Gaz riche, Gaz mixte et Gaz pauvre, rempla9ant economiquement les Usines particulieres a Gaz de Houille ; with 2 plates, 8vo. sewn, \s 6d s. d. 1381 FOUCHER (Abbe Paul) G^ometrie Metaphysique, ou Essai d' Analyse sur les Elemens de 1'Etendue Bornee; with numerous folding plates, Svo. contemporary French mottled calf extra (rare). Us 6d 1758 ' Get ouvrage donna lieu a des discussions assez vives, parce que I'auteur y combat un certain noiubre de propositions adoptees par tous les geonietres ; niais il partait en geouietrie d'un faux principe, car il admettait que le calcul infinitesimal suppose necessairemeut I'existence d'elements physiques infiniment yetits.' —Biogr. Gen. 1382 FOULLON (Abel; italice Fullone ; Valet de chambre de Henri II) Descrittione et Uso dell' Holometro, per saper misurare tutte le cose, die si possono veder, coll' occhio cosiin Lunghezza, e Larghezza; come in Altezza, e Profondita; with numerous engravings on copper, 4to. sewn (RARE), £1. Is Venetia, 1564 The author is chiefly known for his invention of the 'bolometer', an improved surveying instrument, of which the above work contains minute descriptions and illustrations. 1383 FOURCROSr (Antoine Fran9ois Comte de) Philosopiiie Ciiimique, ou Verites Fonda- mentales de la Chimie Moderne, dispos^es dans un nouvel Ordre, premiere edition, 12mo. hf. cl., uncut (RARE), 17s 6i 1792 1384 Seconde Edition [revue etcorrig^e], Svo. boards, uncut (rare), 10s 6c/ An III [1795] This edition is printed in a largpr type and on a superior paper, and is signed by the Author. 1385 Troisieme [derniere] Edition, Svo. seivn, uncut (rare), 10s %d 1806 The above are sound and uncut copies of all the editions published of this important work, setting forth the antiphlogistic doctrine of the author, who conjointly with Lavoisier and BerthoUet was the originator of chemical nomenclatuie. 1386 The Philosophy of Chemistry, or Fundamental Truths of Modern Chemical Science, arranged in a New Order, trans, from the 2nd Ed., Svo. boards, uncut, 8s ^d 1795 The English translation of the above work. 1387 Elements of Natural History and Chemistry, trans, from the 3rd Ed. (1789), with Alphabetical Comparative View of the Ancient and Modern Names of Chemical Substances, and Preface by the Translator [William Nicholson], containing Strictures on the History and present State of Chemistry, Observations on the Antiphlogistic Theory and the New Nomenclature, etc. etc., tables, 3 vols. roy. Svo. old hf. calf uncut [rare), I2s (ad 1790 ' Le plus grand monument eleve a la science de la chimie au XVIIJe siecle.' — Biog : Gen. 1388 FOURIER (Jean Baptiste Joseph, Baron de) Theorie Analytique de la Chaleur, edition originale; with 2 plates, 4to. new hf. brown calf gilt (a number of margins luater- stained) ; VERY SCARCE, £1. Ss Didot, 1822 The author's most important work, containing the celebrated theorem named after him, here applied to solve the transmission of heat. ' In this work he shows that any function of a variable, whether continuous or discontinuous, can be expanded in a series of sines of nuiltiples of the variable ; a result which is constantly used in modern analysis.'— JF. W. R. Ball. 1389 FOWLER (Sir John, joint-engineer of the Forth Bridge), Life of, by Thomas Mack ay, with photogravure portrait, and IS illustrations from photographs, Svo. cl., t. e. g., 4s 6c? (p. 18s) 1900 1390 FOWNES (George, f.r.s.) Chemistry, as exemplifying the Wisdom and Beneficence of God, icoodcuts, Svo. cl. {back damaged), 2s Qd - ^^'^^ 1391 Manual of Elementary Chemistry, 11th Ed., revised and corrected by Henry Watts, F.R.S., coloured front., and 164 diagrams and woodcuts, ihxdk large post Svo. cZ. {out of print), 5s 1873 'A capital general text-book of chemistry.'— /). JS'. B. The author was the discoverer of beuzoline, and the first to produce artificially a vegetable alkaloid (furfurino). , ,, . ., 1392 FOXWELL (Ernest), and T. 0. FARRER: Express Trains : English and foreign, ivUh maps {2 folding ones in pockets), Svo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) . ^^^^ Tlie average speed of crack expresses has been increased bv ten miles an hour since this interesting book was written. 1393 FRACTIONS, Vulgar and Decimal, 4to. 'pp. 28), sewn, os 1738 UnknowntoProf.de Morgan. . ■,.,■,■> ^ ^ 1394 FRANCCEUR (Louis Benjamin) Traite de Mecanique Elementaire, redige d apres les Methodes de K. Prony, premiere edition ; icith 8 plates, Svo. calf, 3s An IX [1800] 1395 Complete Course of Pure Mathematics, trans, by R. Blakelock, plates, 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf {back damaged), 3s Cambridge, 1829-30 1396 Vollstandiger Lehrkurs der reinen Mathematik, ubersetzt von E. Kulp, 2^ Ausgabe ; icith plates, 2 vols. Svo. in 4, cl., with Prof. Williamson's auto. {Giessen 1845), 3s 6d Bern, 1834 1397 FRANKLAND (Sir Edward, f.r.s.) Experimental Researches in Pure, Applied, and Phy- sical Chemistry, with 2 plates, Scharts, and woodcuts, Svo (pp. 1091), cl., 15s (p. £1. Ms Qd) 1877 Including all the author's memoirs contributed to the Philosophical Transactions, and containiL'g his uivestigations ou ' alcohol-radicles', his introduction of the doctrine of valency into chemistry, his investigations on combustion, water analysis, etc. etc. HENRY SOTHERAN t"fe CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, AV. 71 1398 FRANKLAND (Sir Edward, f.r.s.) Lecture Notes for Chemical Students, 3rd Ed., by F. R. Japi>, 2 vols, post 8vo. cL, '^s (p. \0s) 1881 Tlie author was the founder of the doctrine of the saturation-capacity of the elements. 1399 FRANKLIN (Benjamin, f.r.s.) Works, containing several political and historical Tracts not included in any former edition, and many Letters, official and private, not hitherto published, with Notes and Life, by Jared Sparkes ; Large Type Edition, with fine engraved portraits, 10 vols. roy. 8vo. cL, uncut, £2. 18* 1882 1400 Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics, and Morals, now first collected and arranged, with Memoirs of his early Life, by himself, 2nd Ed. , portrait by W. Haines, vignettes, and plates, 3 vols. 8v'o. cuntemporary calf {a few plates stained), \os [1806] 1401 xMemoihs of hi.s Life and Writings, by himself, continued by his grandson, William Temple Franklin, with his Correspondence and Political, Philosophical, and Miscellaneous Works, portrait, plates, atidfs., 6 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt (nice set), £1. 10* 1818-19 CoNTKNTS :— vv. 1-2, Life ; vv. 3-4, Correspondence: vv. 5-G, Works. 1402 Vols. 1-2, comprising the Life only, luith fine vignette portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., Ss 1818 1403 Experiments and Observations on Electricity made at Philadelphia in America, with Letters and Papers on Philosophical Sub.iects; the whole corrected, methodized, improved, etc., 5th Y.i\.,with 7 copperplates, and woodcuts, 4to. old calf (rare), ivith auto. T[hom.\s] Jeff". Hogg, Univ. Coll. Oxon. (friend and biographer o/ Shelley) on flyleaf, £1. 10* 1774 Last Edition, ' supposenent (pp. 20) et Histoire abregde de I'Electricite (pp. 70) par Thomas Francois Dalibard]; with plate, l2mo. contemporary French calf gilt, 10* 6a 1752 Tlie (irst French translation. The history of electricity prefixed to this edition lias not been published in any other fonii. 1405 FRANKLIN (J. A.) The Decimal System Facilitated, and adapted intermediately to the routine methods of Account, Money, and the Precioiis Metals, etc. etc., 4to. scum, 2.9 1853 1406 FBAXNO (Claudio del), y Joacquin de BOULIGNY : Memoria sobre la Teoria y FabricaCION del Acero en General, y de su Aplicacion a las Anuas Blancas ; with 11 folding plates, 8vo. morocco gilt, g. e. {stamp ore title), 5* Segovia, 1850 1407 , : Tratado de la Teoria y Fabricacion de la P6lvora en General, las Piezas de Artilleria y los Proyectiles de Hierro; with tables, 2 vols. 8vo , and folio Atlas, containing 52 folding plates — ?> vols, morocco gilt, g. e. [stamp on titles), \6s ibidem, 1847-8 Both the above works are uniformly bound, with the arms of Spain in centre, and both bear the following inscription : • Present^l to the Library of the Roval Military College Sandhurst by [Grn.SirJ Robert CWill[am] Gardinkr [Governor of Gibraltar), The Convent, Gibraltar, 1 Sept. 1S51.' 1408 FR^JMY (Edmond, de V Academic) Chemie V6g^tale : la Ramie, 8vo. cl., Zs 1886 1409 FRENCH (Jolin, m.d.) The Art of Distillation: or Treatise of the Choicest Spagiricall Preparations performed by way of Distillation, with Description of the Chiefest Furnaces and Ve-ssels used by Ancient and Modern Chymists, also Discourse of Spaj^iricall Experiments and Curiosities, the Anatomy of Gold and Silver, etc. etc., 2nd Ed., to which is added the LONDON- Distiller: exactly and truly showin*,' the way to draw all .sorts of Spirits and Stron<^- Waters, with the Additions of other Excellent Waters, with numerous woodcuts of Chemical Apparatus, 2 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, hf. calf antique [some blank corners stained, otherwise a sound and large copy) ; rare, £2. 2s E. Cotes, 1653-2 With interesting preface on the chemical quack of the time. 1410 Fourth [and Last] Edition, to which Is added. Sublimation and Calcination, with numerous woodcuts, 2 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, contemporary calf {joints broken, but sound clean copy), £1. lOv ' a. e., 1667 1411 [FRENCH (John, Teacher of the Mathematicks)] A Perfect Discovery of the Longitude at Sea : bein;; the Product of 9 Yeai-s Study, and the Frequent Amendments of a Mathematician, who has us'd the Sea upwards of 25 Years, with woodcuts representing instruments for finding the Latitude, Altitude, ana Longitude, 4to. (pp. 20), sewn {rare), 10? 1715 The author claims his discovery to bo ' truly projected and adapted for Sea-service ; having first found the Latitude by an absolute new and true Method ; wliich is to be done in a minute's space any time of the Day or Night, without the help of Sun, .MiMui or Star." There was no coi)y in the Scott Library. 1412 FREND (William) Principles of Algebra [with Apnendix (pp. 246) by Francis Maseres, F.R.S., and Observations on Mr. Kaphson's Method of resolving Affected Equations of all Degrees by Approximation], 8vo. boards, uncut, 6? Qd 17% ' Frend was the last of the learned anti-Newtonians, and a noted oppugnerof all that distinguishes algebra from arith- metic.' He rejects in the above work negative quantities as nonsensical. 1413 — ^ — Tangible Arithmetic ; or the Art of Numbering made Easy, by means of an Arith- metical Toy, which will express any Number up to 16,666,665 ; and with which, by moving a few I Jails, a great variety of Operations in Arithmetic may be performed, 2nd Ed., 12mo. boards, uncut {scarce), lOs 6d 1806 ' The t^y is the Chinese instrument or abacus, called the Schwanpan.'—Prof. de Morgan. 1414 FRENICLE [de BESSY (Bernard)] Traite des Triangles Rectangles en Nombres, 18mo. contemporary old mlf gilt, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope,F.R.S. {rare) 8*6^1676 See DIVER.SE.S Ouvraoes, ante, for a number of the author's works, including his celebrated 'Solution par les exclusions.* 72 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 1415 FRENET (Jean Frederic) Recueil d'ExERCiCES sur le Calgul Infinitesimal, 3® Ed. ; loith diaqrams, 8vo. cl., Zs ^ 1873 1416 FilESENIUS (Carl Remigrius) Qualitative Chemical Analysis, 6tli EJ. : Quantitative Ditto, 4th Ed., by E. L. Bullock and A. Vacher, ivith plates, etc.— 2 vols. 8vo. cL, with Prof. Williamson^ s auto., As Qd 1864-5 1417 Qualitative Chemical Analysis, 10th [last] Ed., trans, from the 15th German Ed. by C. E. Groves, f.r.s., coloured front, and 46 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. [cover stained), 1sQd(^. \5s) 1887 1418 Traite d' Analyse Chimique Qualitative, 9e Ed., redigde d'apres la 16^ Ed. allemande par L. Gautier ; ivith coloured plate, and 47 woodcuts, large post 8vo. sewn, "^s 6c? [1897] 1419 FRESNEL (Augustin Jean ; f.r.s.) CEuvres Completes, publi6es, par les soins du Ministre de rinstruction publique, par Henri de Senarmont, Emile Verdet, et Leonor Fresnel [avec Introduction (pp. 90) par E. Verdet] ; \oith portrait on India paper, 18 plates, woodcuts, and folding map, 3 thick vols. 4to. hoards, uncut (scarce), £3. 105 Imprimerie Imperiale^ 1866-70 Following in the steps of Thomas Young {q. v. post), Fresnel for the first time established the undulatory theory of light on a firm basis, and his investigations in this connexion on the interference, polarisation, diffraction, aberration, and double refraction of light are of the first importance. He also invented the compound lighthouse lenses known by his name. 'His transcendent mathematical abilities enabled liim to give the [undulatory] theory a generality unattained by Young. He grasped the theory in its entirety ; followed the ether into the hearts of crystals of the most complicated structure, and into bodie< subjected to strain and pressure. He showed that the facts discovered by Malus, Arago, Brewster, and Biot were so many ganglia, so to speak, of its theoretic organism, deriving from it sustenance and explana- tion . . . Fresnel died, leaving behind liim a name immortal in the annals of science.' — Pro/. Tyndall. According to the ' Times' passim, the luminiferous ether was quite cavalierly treated at the York Meeting of the British Association, having been all but ousted by the newer charms of radio-activity and the transmutation of elements. 1420 FREZIER (Amedee Fran9ois) La Theorie et Pratique de la Coupe des Pierres et des Bois, pour la Construction des Youtes, etc. , ou Traits deStereotoniie; Vols. 1-2, with vignettes and Q9 folding plates, 2 vols. 4to. old calf gilt, ivith bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., 65 ..' ' 1737-8 1421 FRIEDLANDER (Paul) Fortschritte der Theerfarbenfabrikation und verwandter Indiistriezweige, an der Hand der systematisch geordneten und mit kritischen Anmerkungen versehenen Deutschen Reichs- Patente dargestellt, II. Teil (1887-90), 4to. setvn, I2s 6rf (p. M. 24.) Berli7i, 1891 1422 FRISI (Paolo; Barnahite) Opera (Algebra et Geometria Analytica, Mechanica Universa et Mechanicte Applicatio ad Aquaruni Fluentiuni Theoriam, Cosmographia, Physica, et Mathematica) ; with bust-portrait, and plates, 3 vols. roy. 4to. hf cl., £1. 1* Mediolani, 1782-5 1423 Another Copy, contemporary Italian vellum [nice copy), £1. 5* 'Bella edizione'. — Riccardi. It contains his celebrated Treatises — 'de gravitate corporum ' and 'de atmosphsera ccelestium corporum' — which obtained the prize of the Paris Academy. 1424 [ ] Cosmographia Physica et Mathematica (Motuum Periodicorum Theoria; de Rota- tionis Motu, et Phsenomenis Independentibus) ; with bust-portrait, and 6 folding plates, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, old hf calf 15* ibidem, [1744] -5 'Le meilleur ouvrage du P. Frisi.'— /}/«ne<. 1425 De Gravitate Universali Corporum Libri III, editio princeps; with Q folding plates, thick 4to. boards, uncut [rare), \5s ibidem, 1768 1426 FRODSHAM (Charles) A Few Facts connected with the Elements of Watch and Clock Making, woodcuts, 12mo. seicn, '2s 1862 1427 FROLICH (O.) Die Entwickelung der elektrischen Messungen ; with 124 woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, 4s (p. M. 6.) Braunschweig, 1905 1428 FROST (A. H., pr.) The MATHEMATICAL Questions of the Senate-House Examination Papers, 1839-49, arranged according to Subjects, 8vo. hoards, 3* Qd Cambridge, 1849 1429 FRUHLING (R.) Anleitung zur Untersuchung der fiir die Zuckerindustrie in Betracht komnienden Rohniateiialien, Produkte, Nebenprodukte und Hilfssubstanzen, 6. unigearbeitete Aullage ; with \^^ woodcuts, 8vo. sevm, 85 (p. M. 12.) Braunschweig, 1903 1430 Another Copy, cl., 8s 6d Last Edition of this standard work on sugar-analysis. 1431 FURNIVAL (William J.) Researches on Leadless Glazes, 8vo. cl., g. e., 2s 6d Stone, Stap., 1898 The published price of this work is given as £5. 5s in the ' English Catalogue ' ! 1432 FUSS (Nicolaus v.) Umstandliche Anweisung wie alle Arten von Fernrohren in der grossten nioglichen Vollkomnienheit zu verfertigen sind, aus Euleis Theorie der Dioptrik gezogen, iibersetzt, mit Zusatzen, von Georg Simon Klugel ; with 2 plates, 4to. sev:n, 5s Leipzig, 1778 1433 GAHRUNGSTECHNISCHES JAHBBUCH, herausgegeben v. A. Schrohe, I. Jahrgang (1891) ; with 251 icoodcuts, 8vo. cl., ^s (p. M. 7.) Berlin, 1892 1434 GALBRAITH (Joseph A., pr.\, and Samuel HAUGHTON, pr., F.R.S. : Manual of Mathematical Tables, 4th Ed., fcap. 8vo. cl., \s 6d [c. 18601 1435 GAIilLEI (Galileo) Opere, in questa nuova editioneinsieme raccolte, e di varij Trattati dell' istesso Autore non piii stampati accresciute [tla Carlo Manolessi] ; with engraved portrait and fronts., and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 2 thick vols. iio. fine copy in old English calf, with Edward Lord Svffield's bookplate and crest, £1. 10^ Bologna^ 1656 1436 Another Copy, contemporary Italian vellum gilt [a number of II. broumed), £1. 1* The first collected edition of Galileo's works. 1437 Opere, nuova Edizione accresciuta di niolte Cose inedite [pubbl., con Vita, dal Abbate Giuseppe Toaluo] ; with portrait on copper, plates, and numerous diagrams, 4 vols. 4to. boards, 155 ' Padova, 1744 Including tlie ' Dialogo sopra i duo sisteiui del luoudo ', wliicli wua not contained in previous editions of Galileo's works. DIAL 6 G O D I GALILEO GALILEI LINCEO MATEMATICO SOPRAORDINARIO DELLO STVDIO DI PISA. £ Fihfofo, e Matematico prwtArio dd SERENISSIMO GILDVe A DI TOSCANA. Doue ne i congrefTi di quattro giomate G. difcorre jfopraidue MASSIMI SISTEMI DEL MONDO TOLEM AICO, £ COPERNICANOi 7rofo^enio indeterminatametite If ragimi Filofofiebe^ e IJaturaU taafo^erfvM , qwmtofer I'^ltraforte^ CON PRI VILEGI. IN FIORENZA, Per Gio.Batifla Landini MDCXXXIT. " CON UCENZA DE' SVI>EJ{10BJ. ( n. ) DEL Galileo. itt /pacu tempore codem a duob'us mobilibus pera<3:a,quorutn umim motu ex quicce uniformitec accderato moveatur. aU ccrxim vcro monizquabiiiiaxta momentum fabduplum roomenti maximi velocit^^tis accclerati motus. quod erac intencum. The OR. II. Prop OS. 11. Si aliquod Mobile mttu uniformitertcctUr4to dejcendaf extjme* te;JpAti*,qinyufcu»qiie temforibttf ab ipfiperiif4,finfiater feindaplicsts ration e eorundem temp or um : nemfe ut eo- rundem temforum quadreta. A H Incclligaturfluxustemporiscxaliquoprimo ^ inllann a rcprxfencariper extennonem a b; in quarumancurduoquxlibec tcmpora, a d, a e; ficque H I linca ia qua mobile ex pundlo H,tan« ^ quam primo mocus principio i defQcndat uni- - - formiter acccleratum > fitque fpatium h l per- adum ptimo tempore a d^h m veto fit fpatium per quod dcfcenderit in tempore a e. Dico> ipatium M Had fpatium a l .elTe induplicata ratione ejus quam habet t^mpus e a ad tempus AD. SeudicamuSjfpatiaM H.H L.eandemha* bere rationera quam babent quadrata e Aj a o . PonaturlineaAcquemcunqueanguUimcum ipfa A D continens : ex pundis vero d e dudae fint parallels d o , e p ;qua»im d o reprxfen-^ tabit maximum gradum velociutis acquidts in indanti d tcmporrs a o ; p e veto maximum *- J gradum vclocitaci J acquifitaein inftanti e tcm- poris A E. .Quia verofupra demonftratum eft, quod attinet adfpatia perada, asqualia efTe in- 'ter fe ilia , quorum altenim conficitur a mobilt ex quietemotuuniformitcraccelerato ; alte*^ turn v«ro , quod tempore eodem conficitur, amobili mottl Y z zquabili ,f; JiI.^^jT ( IV. ) I. and IV. No. 1439. Engraved and Printed Title of the first edition of this celebrated work. II. No. 1445. The famous passage on accelerated fall. III. No. 1447. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., HO, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, \V. 73 1438 GALILEI (Galileo) Opere ; Prima Edizione Completa, condotta sugli autentici MSS. Palatini [per cura di EUGENIO ALBfeRI] ; con Supplemento (Ritratto e Tavole) ; with portrait and plates, 16 vols. roy. 8vo. in 17, LARGE PAPER ; boards, uncut, £4. 10* (p. F.270.) Firenze, 1842-56 Last and bust Edition of Galileo's complete works, inchuliiig his life his disciple by Viviani, and the foriner'K valuable Corkesposdicsci with some of his most celebrated conteini>oraries, in itself forming" valuable material on the state of science during the beginning of the XVII. century, and the history of his time. THE RARE FIRST EDITION : 1439 DiALOGO dove ne i congress! di quattro giornate si discorre sopra i DUE Massimi Systemi de MoNDO ToLEMAico, e Copernicano ; proponendo indeterniinatamente le ragione Filosofiche, e Naturali tanto i>er Tuna, quanto per I'altra parte ; with engraved front, representing AriMotle^ Ptolemy, and Copernicus, woodcuts, and numerous diagrams, 4to. boards, uncut [a number of II. somewhat browned, but a SOUND AND very large copy) j VERY RARE, £3. 13jf i\d Fiorenza, G. B. Landini^ 1632 FiBiT Edition of this epoch-making work, a masterly defence of the Coi>enucau system, but causing its author's iinpri-sonmeul, and— as has been 8tat«aRibolic curves of projectiles (hitherto believed to move in a straight line and suddenly fall vertically to the ground), the laws of cohesion, etc. etc. 1446 Le Operationi del COMPASSO Geo.METRICO, e Militare; with folding plate, woodcuts, and numerous diagrams, »m. 4to. *ej''n, 6* Bulogna, 1656 Containing Galileo's invention of the circle of propirtioii. H47 II S.\G0IAT0RE, nel quale con Bilancia es(iuisita e giusta si ponderano le cose oontenute nella libra astronomica e filosotica tli LOTARIA Sarsi, priinera edizione ; with engraved title and portrait by Vdlamocna {fine impression), and engravings in text, sm. 4to. old limp vellum {some II. wormed on blank margin, otherwise a large and sound copy) ; VERY RARE, with bookplate of Prince M. A. Borghese, £1. \0s Roma, G. Mascardi, 1623 An answer to Horatio Grassi's polemics against Galileo on the nature of comets, and still unsurpassed as a masterpiece of crushing scientific criticism. 1448 SIDEREUS NUNCIUS, magna longequeadmirabilia Spectaculapandens . . . qure sunt observ- ata in Lumu Facie, li.vis innumeris, Lat-teo Circulo, Stellis Nebulosis, apprime vermin IV Planetis CIRCA Jovis Stellam disparlbus intervallis .atcjue Periodis, celeritate mirabili circumvolutis ; (juos novissime Auctor deprehendit primus, atque Medicea iSidera nuncupandos decrevit ; with woodcuts and diagrams, sm. 8vo. sewn, Is 6d Londini, J. Flesher, 1653 Containing Galileo's discovery of Jupiter's 4 Satellites. 1449 ■■ — Tractatus de Proportionum Instrumento, (juod merito compendium universal Geometriae di.xeris ; Lingua Latina conversus, adjectis Notts, quibus et artihciosa Instrnmenti fabrica, et usus ulterior exponitur [auctore Matthia Bernegerro], editio II. ; with folding plate, and numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. boards {a number of II. badly browned), 8s Qd Argentorati, 1635 a Latin translation of No. 1446. The title contains the inscription 'ex Bibliotheca J. B. Cassinii . . . Venetiis 1665'. 1450 QALL (John, Canning Coll., Lucknow), and David BOBEBTSON : Popular Readings in Science, illustrated, post Svo. c/. {out of print), 2s (p. 45) 1895 6 74 HENRY SOTHERAX & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 1451 GALLOWAY (Robert, m.e.i.a.) The Fundamental Principles of Chemistry practically taught by a New Method, post 8vo. cl. {out of print), 4s 1888 ' On this plan the student's interest can be sustained to the end.'— J'ro/. /. P. Cooke. 1452 Manual of Qualitative Analysis, 5th Ed., rewritten, illus., large post 8vo. c/., 2.s 1870 1453 GALLUCCI (Giovanni Paolo) De Fabrica, et Usu euiusdam Instrumenti ad omnia Hora- RUM Genera describenda, ad omnem Latitiidinem peropportuni, quod diversis Rationibiis describitur, et quo modo pro Horologio uti possinius, traditus ; nunc primum Latin^ conscriptus ; with woodcuts of Sun Dials, and diagrams, sm. 4to. seivn, £1. \0s Venetiis, 1592 1454 De Fabrica et Usu Novi Horologii Solaris, Lunaris, et Sideralis, in pan^a qua- dam Pixide conssripti, in qua omnia Horarum Genera ad omnem Latitudinem cernuntur, et multa alia, turn ad Navigationem, tum ad Cosmographiam peropportuna ; nunc primum Latine versus ; with numerous vjoodcuts {some with moveable figures), sm. 4to. sewn {one corner water-stained), £2. 2s ib., 1592 The works of this early writer on Dialling are very rare, 1455 GALTON (Francis, f.r.s.) Meteorographica, or Methods of Mapping the Weather, with 20 coloured charts containing over 600 diaqrams, obi. folio, paper boards {scarce). Is ^d 1863 1456 GALTRUCHIUS [recte GATJLTRUOHE] (Petrus, s.j.) Philosophic ac Mathematics totius Institutio, cum Assertionibua disputatis, et vario genere Problematum, 16mo. old calf, Q>sQd Vicnnoi Aust., \&Q\ 1457 Editio Altera ; with IS plates, 12mo. contemporary calf; or, white vellum {rare), \2s Qd Cantabrigice, Jo. Field, 1668 1458 GALVANI (Luigi) Opere Edite ed Inedite, raccolte e pubblicate per cura dell' Accademia delle Scienze dell" Istituto di Bologna [con Rapporto suoi MSS. ed Elogio da G. Venturoli] ; with fine portrait, Q folding plates, and fs. : Aggiunta (Nuove Notizie, Illustrazioni e Difese, da SiLVESTRO Gherardi)— 2 vols. roy. 4to. in 1, hf calf gilt {fine copy), £\. Is Bologna, 1841-2 Comprising also the author's important anatomical works. 1459 De ViRlBUS Electricitatis in Motu Musculari Commentarius, cum Jo. Aldini DISSERTATIONE et NoTis ; accesserunt Epistolae ad Animalis Electricitatis Theoriam pertinentes ; with ^folding plates, roy. 4to. original boards, uncut, \Qs Qd Mutince, 1792 Containing the first account of the author's discovery of 'galvanic' electricity. 1460 Abhandlung liber die Krafte der thierischen Elektrizitat auf die Bewegung der Muskeln, nebst einigen Schriften von H. H. Valli, Carminati und VoLTA dariiber, Ubersetzt und herausg. v. Johann Mayer ; with infolding copperplates, 12mo. boards, 8s 6d Frag, 1793 The first German translation. 1461 GANOT (Adolphe) Trait6 Elementaire de Physique, 2ie Ed., entiferement refondue par Georges Maneuvrier ; with 2 coloured plates, and 1025 woodcuts, thick post 8vo. cl., 4s 1894 1462 Elementary Treatise on Physics, Experimental and Applied, trans, by E. Atkinson, 13th Ed., enlarged, 9 coloured plates and maps and 987 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 15*) 1890 1463 Fifteenth Edition, revised and enlarged, tvith 9 coloured plates and maps, and 1057 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., Is (p. 15s) 1901 1464 GARDINEK (William) Tables of Logarithms, for all Numbers from 1 to 102100, and for the Sines and Tangents to every 10" of each degree in the Quadrant, as also, for the Sines of the first 72' to every single second, with other useful and necessary Ta.h\Q^, printed on fine thick paper, roy. 4to. fine copy in contemporary calf extra (rare), 15* 1742 'Of these tables only a small number was printed, and that by subscription. They have always been held in great estimation for their accuracy and usefulness.' — lltitton. 1465 GARNETT (William) Treatise on Elementary Dynamics, diagrams, post 8vo. cl., Is 6d Cambridge, 1875 1466 GARNIER (Joseph Blaise) Gnomonique mise h la port^e de tout le Monde ; ou M6thode simyde et aisee pour tracer des Cadrans Solaires . . . avec Tables pour les dift'^rens Angles horaires, et Table alphabdtique des principales ViLLES, et la Figure et I'Explication des Instru- mens ; with 5 folding plates, Marseille, 1773; MoUet (Joseph) Gnomonique Graphique, ou Methode simple et facile pour tracer les Cadrans Solaires sur toute sorte de Plans, sans aucun Calcul, et en ne faisant usage que de la Regie et du Compas, premiere edition ; with 9 folding plates, 1815—2 vols. 8vo. in 1, old hf calf (rare), £1. 10^ 1773-1815 Two early treatises of Dialling made Easy. 1467 GAE.NIER (Leon) Ferments et Fermentations ; ivith 65 woodcuts, post 8vo. sewn, 2s 1888 1468 GARBAKC {William., Assistant Observer, Greenwich Observatory) Copious Trigonometrical Tables, intended to complete the Requisite Tables to the Nautical Almanack; and as a necessary Companion to the Theodolite, roy 8vo. old sheep (Joints cracked) ; ra7'e, 6s Qd 1789 1469 GAS INSTITUTE (Incorporated), Transactions of the, from 1877 to 1902, with numerous plates, 26 v., with Extra Vols. (International Electric and Gas Exhibition, 1882-3: Report of the Gas Section), 2 v.— 28 vols. 8vo. cl., £5. 5* 1877-1902 1470 GASKIN (Thomas, pr., Jesus Coll.) The Geometrical Construction of a Conic Section, subject to five Conditions of passing through given Points and touching given Straight Lines, deduced from the Properties of Curves of the Second Order, 2 plates, 8vo. sewn, with author's inscr. {scarce), 7s Qd Cambridge, 1852 1471 Solutions of the Trigonometrical Problems proposed at St. John's College, Cambridge, 1829-46, 3 plates, 8vo. boards, 3s ib., 1847 1472 GASSENDI [recte GASSEND] (Pierre, Ord. Min.) Opera Omnia, curante NicOLAO Averanio [cum Epistolis Indicibusqiie] ; with fine engraved portrait, plate of Monument, woodcuts, and diagrams, 6 vols. roy. folio, contemporari/ parchment, uncut {binding of v. I slightly damaged), £4. is ' Florentia!, 1727 HENRY SOTHEHAN iS: CO , 140, STRAND, AV.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 75 1473 GASSENDI [rede GASSEND] (Pierre, Ord. Min.) Institutio Astronomica juxta Hypo- theseis tarn Veterum, quam Copernici et Tychonis; ejusdeni Oratio Inauguralis iterate edita; with woodcuts, 4to. boards^ uncut, \2s Qd Paristis, 1647 First Edition, with dedication to Cardinal Richelieu. 'His Institutio Astronomica (1647) is a clear and connected representation of the state of the science in his own day.' 1474 Editio Nova ; with woodcuts, 12nio. sewn, 5s Londini, 1653 1475 Editio Altera, ultima paulo ante mortem Authoris recognita, aucta et emendata, accedunt varii Tractatus Astronomici ; with woodcuts, sm. 4to. old vellum, lbs Hagcs-Com., 16.36 This edition contains the author's ' M^rcurius in Sole Visus ' (an accrmnt of his observation of the Transit of Mercury in losition de I'Acide Boracique, sur les Acides Fluorique, Muriatiqiie et MuriaJ^ique oxigene ; sur 'Action chimique de la Lumi^re ; sur 1' Analyse vegetale et animale, etc. etc., Edition originale ; with 6 copperplates, 2 vols. 8vo. contemporary French tree-calf gilt (VERY SCARCE), £1. 105 1811 The most important of Gay-Lussac's larger publications. * Davy's di.seoveries of potassium and sodium, by the decom- posing action of the voltaic pile, stimulated Gay-Lussac and Thenard to pursue this class of researches. The results appeared in their Recherches physico-chimiqucs. Among the most important of tlie discoveries announced there were a purely chemical process of obtaining potassium directly, the separation of boron from boracic acid, aud new and improved methods of analysing compounds.' 1499 GAYA (Louis de) Treatise of the Arms and Engines of War, of Fire-Works, Ensigns, and Military Instruments, both Ancient and Modern, trans, for Publick Advantage, numerous plates, 12mo. old calf {water-stained, and title soiled) ; RARE, 18* Qd 1678 Not noticed by Lowndes, and interesting as illustrating the Military Costume and Weapons of the XVI. and XVII. Centuries. 1500 GEITLER (Josef R. v.) Elektromagnetische Schwingungen und Wellen; with 86 ivoodcuts, 8vo. sewn, 3s (p. M. 4.50) Braunschweig, 1905 1501 GELLIBRAND (Henry, Prof Astronomy, Gresham Coll.) Epitome of Navigation, with Tables of the Sun and Stars Right Ascension and Declination, of the Latitude and Longitude of Places of Meridional Parts, Traverse-Table, etc., and the Logarithmical Sines and Tangents, with the Logarithms of Natural Numbers from 1 to 10,000, 4th Ed., enlarged, with woodcuts and diagrams, 16mo. old sheep, with auto. ' Tho. Hayward, Jan. 1737/8 ' on title, and MS. additions by the same hand, 15* 1695 ' I think there is no book of Navigation of this Volume extant, that contains so much useful matter as this Treatise.'— Preface. - Trigonometria Britannica— v. Newton (John), post. 1502 GEMMA Frisius (Rainer) Aritmetica Prattica Facilissima, con 1' a^giunta dell' Abbrevia- mento de i ROTTI Astroxomici di GiACOMO Pelletario ; e del conoscere a mente le Calende . . . il luoco del Sole e della Luna nel Zodiaeo ; e la dimonstratione della Radice Cubica . . . del latino ridotte Oratio Toscanella ; with printer's device on title and last leaf sm. 4to. fine large copy in old Italian calf gilt {rare), 12*60? Venetia, 1567 ' These demonstrations of the rules for the square and cube roots Peletarius treats as a great boon to his reader : and states that he was very near contenting himself with a reference to his book on oecidt properties of numbsrs'.— /"ro/. de Morgan. 1503 [GENT (Thomas : bookseller and historian of York) :] Miscellanea Curios.e : or Entertain- ments for the Ingenious of Both Sexes, containing Enigmas, Paradoxes, and Mathematical Questions, Jan. 1734 to Sept. 1735 (all pub.), with plates, 6 Nos. 8vo. in \,fine copy in old calf curiously stamped sides (rare), £1. Is York, apud auctorcm., 1734-5 ' Perhaps the earlie.st attempt to establish a serial in a country town. It only ran to six numbers. Ihe projector was Edward Hauksley, a grammar school master. Gent printed and partly edited it.' — D. N. B. 1504 GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE, Manual of (Mathematical Geography, bv M. O'Brien, pr , F.R.s. ; Physical Geography, by D. T. Ansted, f.r.s. ; Cartography, by J. R. Jackson, f.r.s. ; Geographical Terminologv, by C. G. NiCOLAY, pr. ; etc. etc.), woodcuts and maps, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf extra, Qs Qd " 1852-9 A COMPLETE SET TO 1905 : 1505 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY of LONDON, Journal of the, complete from its beginning in 1845 to May, 1905, with num,erous plates^ maps., etc., 60 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco gilt, ^ €. g., and 2 parts, sewn (scarce), £33. 1845-1905 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, BTRAKD, W.C, AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 7) 1506 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of Gt. Britain, Memoirs of the, and of the Museum of Economic Geology in London, with numerous fine plates by J. W. Lowry, plans, atid maps {mostly folding and COLOURED), 2 V. in 3 : The Geology of the Isle of Wight, by Henry William Bristow, f.r.s., 2nd Ed., by Clement Reid and Aubrey Strahan, numerous woodcuts and 6 fine folding plates and plans— ^ vols. impl. 8vo. in 4, c/., 155 184G-8-89 Including Mining and Metallurgy, and containing contributions by Edward Forbes, Sir William Jackson Hooker, Robert Hunt, Sir Henry Thomas de la Beche, John Phillips, Lord Playfair, ff.r.s., John William Salter, and Sir Waringtou W. Srnylh. 1507 GEORGE (John ; Irish Judge) Tlie Cause of Dry Rot discovered, with a Patent Invention for preserving Decked Vessels from it, and Goods on Board from Damage by Heat, 4 plates, 8vo. boards, uncut, 6-s 1829 1508 GERARD (Eric, Univ. Liege) Electricity and Magnetism, trans, from the 4th French Edition, under the Supervision of Dr. Louis Duncan, by R. C. Duncan, illustrated, roy.Svo. c/., is (p. 105 Qd nett) New York, 1897 1509 GERHARDT (Charles) Trait6 de Chimie Organique; loith woodcuts, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt (scarce\ £1. 7.V Of/ Didot, 1853-6 l.')I0 Another Copy, mottled calf gilt, £1. 10* Thia great work embodies all the author's ideas and discoveries, and for the first time elaborates his system of chemical types, the basis of structural chemistry. It is out of print, and becoming increasingly rare. l.'.ll , et G. CHANCEL: Precis d'ANALYSE Chimique Qualitative; with 48 woodcuts^ fcap. 8vo. hf. calf, with Prof. Williamson's auto, (scarce), 10* Qd 1855 ' His first attempt at the classification of organic compounds is contained in the Precis de Chimie Organique,'— Prof. E. V. .S{eyer. 1512 GERHARDT (0. J.) Geschichte der MATHEMATlKin Deutschland, 8vo. sewn (scarce), Qs Milnchen, 1877 1513 GERLACH (J.) Die Photograpiiie als Hulfsmittel mikroskofischer Forschung; with 4 photoftrnphic plates, and 9 woodcuts, 8vo. limp cL, 2s 6d Leipzig, 1863 lul4 [GESNER (Conrad, *the German Pliny')] The Treasure of EUONYMUS, conteyninge the won- derfull hid secretes of n.ature, touchinjije the most ante formes to prepare and destyl Medicines, for the conseruation of helth : as Qiiintessece, Aurum Potabile, Hippocras, Aromatical wynes, Balmes, Oyles, Perfumes, garnishyn^ waters, and other manyfold excellent confections. Whereunto are ioyned tlie formes of sondry apt FoRNACES, and vessels, required in this art. Translated (with great diligence, & laboure) out of Latin, by Peter Morwyng felow of Magdaline CoUeadge in Oxford, first English edition, with numerous woodcuts, sm. 4to., blacfe letter ; hf. calf (last leaf of table wanting and one leaf slightly defective, otherwise A VERY SOUND AND clean copy with ample margins), £4. 10* John Daie [1559] First En(;u8H Edition and KxrEasivKLv r\re. Although mainly of pharmaceutical interest, this curious work con- tains a number of chemical processes in vogue at the time, well illustrated by a number of woodcuts. Some chapters interesting to the historian of chemistry are : What destination is ; of vessels and instruments belonging to destination ; of the matter for vessels of destillacion ; of fornaces ; how to close vessels and to defend them, bothe with clay and other- wise ; of the preparation for destination ; of the rectificatio of liquors destilled ; destillacion by a filter ; of burning water or single 077/(1 vitx ; of things to be destilled dry ; of quintessence of metals ; of the drawing oute of quintessenca from Antimania, lead, whit lead ; etc. etc. etc. 1515 GHALIGAI (Francesco) Pratica d' Arithmetica, rivista e ristampata con Diligentia ; with vignette on title, sm. 4to. old hf vellum (fine tall COPY), very rare, £2. \0s Firenze, Bern. Giunti, 1548 This copy has at end 4 pp. on Commercial Arithmetic, in a contemporary hand, added. lolC La stessa, nuovamente rivista, e con somma Diligenza ristampata; unth vignette on title and last leaf, sm. 4to. old limp vellum (fine large copy) ; rare, £1. 10s ibidem, i Giunti, 1552 1517 Another Copy, with title, etc. mended ; sewn, £1. \s • C'e.st surtout comme repertoire historique que cet ouvrage acqniert de limportance. Moins difTus que celui de Pacioli, il a dft avoir plus d'influence sur I'etude des niath^matiques. Cost un resume fort bien fait de tout ce qu'on savait alors. II Be distingue sous ce rapport de tons Ics trait<'s precedents.' — lAbri. Until the above editions were unknown to Prof, de Morgan, and are very rare. GHETALDI (Marino)— r. Apollonius Perg.eus, ante. 1518 GLACOMELLI (Francesco) Prima e Seconda Serie di Misure Micrometriche di Stelle DoPPiE fatte al K. Osserv. del Campidoglio, impl. 8vo. sewn, 2s llonia, 1890 1519 GIANNINI (Pietro) Opuscula Mathematica ; loith folding plates, 4to. old hf. parchment, with booklabcl of Sebastiano Cayitenzani, Prof, of Mathematics, /Wo/jr^ia (1734-1819), 7* Parmoe, 1773 1520 Another Copy, contemporary tree-calf extra {fine tall copy), with bookplate of Charles 3rd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S. , 8s Qd Unknown to Poggendorff, and containing ' De hydraulica ; de cycloide contracta ac protracta ; «[e sectione determinata '. 1521 GIBERNE (Agnes) The Ocean of Air, with Preface by C. Pritchard, pr., f.r.s., 16 plates, post 8vo. (■/., 2.y Gd (p. 5ti) 1891 1522 GIBSON (Robert) Treatise of Practical Surveying, with the Method of Tracing Defaced Mearings from the Down (or any other) Survey, 3rd Ed., plates, 8vo. old sheep, 3s 6d 1768 1523 GIFFARD (Paxil) Solution du Froid Industriel ; plate of the author's ice-making machinery, roy. 8vo (pj). 43), sewn, 2s [1875] 1524 GILL (Augustus Herman, Mass. Inst. Technology) Gas and Fuel Analysis for Engineers, illustrated post 8vo. cl., 2s (id (p. 5* 6d nett) New York, 1896 1525 GILLISS (Capt. James M., u.s.N.) Catalogue of 16,748 Southern Stars deduced by the U.S. Naval Observatory from the Zone Observations made at Santiago de Chile by the U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, 1849-52 [pp. 420 and Introduction, pp. l.wi], p/rtYe and woodcuts, 4to. cl., lOs 6d Washington, 1895 78' HENRY SUTHERAN & CO., 140, SI'RAND, \V;0., and 3?, t^lCCAl)lLLY, W* A FINE INTERLEAVED COPY OF THE EXCESSIVELY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION : 1526 GILBERT (William, m.d., Physician to Q. Elizabeth) : Gvilielmi Gilberti Colcestrensis, Medici Londinensis, de Magnete, Magneticisque Corporibus, et de Magno Magnete Tellure ; Physiologia noua, pluriniis et Arfiimientis, et Experimentis demonstrata ; with 'Vignette on obverse and arms on rev. of title^ folding diagram, and numerous large woodcuts, folio, interleaved with contemporary writing paper ; old vellum {back damaged), £25. Londini, excudebat Petrus Short, 1600 I'UiS IS pkoBABLY THE dNLY CONTEMPOKARY INTERLEAVED COPY KNOWN TO EXIST. It bears on title the autograph of JoHANN Hartmann (156S-1631), Professor at Marburg University, and the first professor of Chemistry in Germany (giving evidence of the early appreciation of the work abroad), is unusually tall, measuring l\^^ x 7| inches, and save for the damaged back, and the title and a number of 11. being foxed, is in remarkably sound and tine condition. The work itself is of well-known rarity. Prof. Silvanus Thompson, f.r.s., writing on the work in the 'Electrician' of March 24, 1905, says, ' This hook is much rarer than the first folio Shakespeare , for while of that work no fev:er ihan 156 copies areknown to exist, there are only6S copies of the first folio Gilbert knoion,and only two have been sold in the book-auctions during the last twenty years.' The present offer of two fine copies of this work at reasonable prices therefore forms a unique opportunity for any library or book-buyer desirous to acquire this truly monumental work. 1527 Another Copy, hf. calf neat {a few II. foxed, and some wormholes in blank margin, other- wise a FINE TALL COPY (11 J X 7^ inches), £19. 19*^ ' Gilbert shall live till loadstones cease to draw.'— I/ryrfeu. Both the above are original editions of this CELEBR.vrED WORK, wherein the author 'established the magnetic nature of the earth, Avhich he regarded as one great magnet, and conjectured that terrestrial magnetism and electricity were two allied emanations of a single force — a view which was only demunstrated with scientific strictness more than two centuries afterwards by Oersted and Faraday. Gilbert was the first to use the terms ' electricity ', ' electiic force ', and 'electric attraction', and to point out that amber is not the only substance which when rubbed attracts light objects, but that the same faculty belongs to resins, sealing-wax, sulphur, glass, etc. ; and he describes how to measure the excited electricity by means of an iron needle moving freely on a point' [the electroscope]. ' His work contains all the fundamental facts of the science, so fully examined indeed, that even at this day we have very little to add to them.'— Dr. Whewell. 1528 On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies, and on the Great Magnet the Earth : a New Physioloory, demonstrated with many Arguments and Experiments; a Translation [with LIFE (PP- 19)] by P. Fleury Mottelay, with portrait and numerous woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cL, vncut (scarce), £1. iSs 1893 The only English translation. It contains fs. reproductions of the woodcuts in the first edition, and fs. title-pages of the first four editions. 1529 GILDEM:EISTER(Eduard) and Friedrich HOFFMANN: The Volatile Oils ; Authorised Translation by EDWARD Kremers, loith numerous full -page and other illustrations {some from old chemical works), and maps, roy. 8vo. (pp. 734), hf morocco gilt, 8s 6d Milwaukee, 1900 1530 QlLTi (Sir David, f.r.s., Cape Astronomer Royal), Catalogues of Stars, Royal Observatory Cape of Good Hope : 4810 Stars for 1850, cl. ['83] : 1905 Stars for the Equinox 18650, cl. [1900] : 2798 Zodiacal Stars for the Epoch 1900, arranged for Differential Observations of the Planets, sewn, '99 : 87 Southern Circumpolar Stars for 1882-0, sewn. Cape Town, '02—4 vols. roy. 8vo., IsQd 1883-1902 1531 Catalogue^ of 1713 Stars, for the Equinox 1885-0, from Observations at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, 1879-85, with Appendixes : Catalogue of 104 Southern Circum- polar Stars, and separate Observations of /3, ao and aj Centanri, imp). 4to. cl., Qs 1894 1532 Catalogue of 3007 Stars, for the 'Equinox 1890-0, from Observations at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, 1885-95, with Appendixes : Comparison with other Catalogues, Meridian Observations of a Canis Majoris, a Canis Minoris, (i Centauri, a^ and a* Centauri, and Positions of Southern Circumpolar Stars, impl. 4to. cl., 8s 6d 1898 1533 Determination of the Solar Parallax, from Observations of Mars made at the Island of Ascension in 1877 , folding map, and 2 charts, 4to. cl., 5s 1881 1534 Another Copy, boards, 4s These observations were taken on a plan recommended by Airy in 1857, and known as the diurnal method of parallaxes. As a result the author found a solar parallax of S.78", corresponding to a distance of 93,080,000 miles. 1535 Heliometer Observations for Determination of Stellar Parallax at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, large 8vo. cl., 4s 1893 With ' Heliometer Comparison Stars,' C. G. II., 1898-1900. 1536 Independent Day-Numbers, 1897-1901, as used at the Cape Observatory, 4 parts roy. 8vo. sewn, Is Qd " 1897-8 1537 Results of Meridian Observations at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, 1879-81, 1 plates, roy. 8vo. cl., 5s [1884] 1538 , and J. C. KAPTEYN, Prof. Astronomy, Groningen: The Cape Photographic DURCHMUSTERUNG for the Equinox 1875, Parts I and II : Zones -18° to -52°, loith plates, 2 thick vols, large roy. 4to. hf. calf gilt y £\. Is (p. £3.) 1896-7 1539 , Arthur ATJWERS, Berlin, and William Lewia ELKIN, Yale: Determination of the Solar Parallax and Mass of the Moon, from Heliometer Observations of the Minor Planets Iris, Victoria and Sappho, made in 1888-9, icith plates and woodcuts, 2 thick vols, large roy. 4to. hf. calf gilt, £l.5s 1897-8 1540 GIORGIUS (Matthaeus) Elementa Scienti^ Naturalis: Theoremata et Problemata Physica, etc. etc. ; iviih diagrams, sni. 4to. vellum, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.ES., 4s ^ i^ J I ^^^^^^ j^^. 1541 GIRARD (Albert) Invention Nouvelle en 1'Algebre [Amst, 1629], Reimpression par D. Rierens de Haan, with fs. title, and diagrams, sq. 8vo. parchrnent wrapper, uncut, 65 Leiden, 1884 ' This contains the earliest use of brackets ; a geometrical interpretation of the negative sign ; the statement that the number of roots of an algebraical equation is equal to its degree; the distinct recognition of imaginary roots ; and probably implies also a knowledge that the first member of an algebraical equation A (x) — o could be resolved into linear factors.'— ir. ir. /f. /fal/. GVILIELMI.GIL BERTI COLCESTREN- SIS, MEDICI LON-DI- NENSIS, DE MAGNET E, MAGNET I- CISQ.VE CORPORIBVS,ET DEMAG- no niagncte tellurc; Phyfiologia noaa, flurimis ^ argumentis, O^expC" rimcntis dcmonftrata. • •••• •« *•' LONDINI EXCVDEBAT Petrvs ShortANNO MDC, Nos. 1526-7. The excessively rare first edition of this celebrated work. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, Ai?D 37, HCCADILLY, \V. 1^ 1542 GIOPPI (Liugi) La FOTOGRAFIA secondo i Process! Moderni, 2^ Ed. ampliata ; with \0 plates, and 47*2 icoodrnts, tliick sq. 8vo. sewn, ivith avthor's inscr., 5s (p. I^ 12.) Milano, 1893 1543 GIRDLESTONE (William Harding, D.D.) Arithmetic: Theoretical and Practical [with Appendix of Examination Papers (pp. 150)], new Ed., post 8vo. cl. {out of print), 4* 1892 1544 GliAISHER (James, F.R.s.) Hygrometkical Tables, adapted to the Use of the Dry- and Wet-Bulb Thermometer, roy. 8vo. sewn, \s Qd 1863 or '6 1.^45 On the METEOROLOGICAL and Physical Effects of the Solar Eclipse of March 15, 1858, \ folding charts, 8vo. (pp. 34), seicn, 2s 1858 ]546 TAnLE.s of the Numerical Values of the Sine-Integral, Cosine-Integral, and Exponential-Integral, 4to. \)\).22),seicn, \sQd 1870 i;347 , Camille FLAMMARION, W. de FONVIELLE, and Gaston TISSANDIER: Travels in the Air, edited hy J. Glaisher, uith 118 plates and tvoodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl., 14s (p. £1. \lsQd) 1871 1548 : Voyages Aeriens; with portrait of Glaisher, 6 coloured plates, 116 woodcuts, and 15 charts, inipl. Svo. sewn (some II. stained) ; out of print, Hs (p. F.20.) 1870 l,-,49 Another Copy, cl., g. e. (some II. slightly u-ater-stained), \0s Qd 1350 : 1.,UFTREISEN, frei aus dcni Franzosischen eingefiihrt, niit Anhang: Ballonfahrten wiihrend der IJelagerung von Paris, durch HERMANN Masius ; coloured front., portraits, and numerous plates and woodcuts, sq. Svo. c/., 3« 6c? Leipzig, 187*2 V. Fla.MMARION, ante. 1551 GLAISHEB (James Whitbread Lee, f.r.s), and others: Solutions of the Cambridge Sknatk-Hoish Pkoiji.em.s and Riders for 1878, 4 plates, 8vo. cl., Qs (p. 12*) 1879 1552 [GLANVILLE (Bartholomew de, Ord. Min. ; sive Bartholomeus Anglicanus)] Liber de pROPRiETATinr rerC, folio, gotdir Irttrr ; boards (slightly ivormcd, but a sound copy), £4. 15.?, Argentine [s. t. n.], 1491 H«i» 2500. • a compilation from various departments of human knowledge. It was the encyclopaedia of the middle BgM. . . . The Latin text long remained a clas.sic in universities. . . . Douce believed that Shakespeare was well acquafntwl with the volume. The book was certainly the source of common information on natural history throughout the midiile ages.'— i>. N. B. Hawkins in liis ' History of Music ' often refers to the work as an authority on the musical instruments tlien in use. All clitioiis of the work (which was reprinted as lale as 1609} have now become very rare. The above copy contains ontitU' tlif auto, of Georgius Bo-ckiris, i.v.io, and Joan : Molitor, 1G2S. 1.353 GLAUBER (Johann Rudolph) Apologia contra Mendaces Christophori Faenneri Calu.mNIAS, ex Gennanico in Latinnni transfusa, 12nio. seivn, Ss 6d Amstelodami, 1655 1554 Arca Thesauris Opulenta, sive Appendix Generalis Omnium Librornm hactenns editoruni [Centuria }*RIMA], 12nio. sewn, 6s ibidem, J. Jansson, 1660 l.->55 Liber Idem : Opulenti Thesauri, et Arc.e Thesauri^e, sive Appendicis Generalis Centuria Secunda— 2 vols. 12nio. sewn, \0s (id ib.,a. e., 1660-1 1556 De AURI TiNCTURA, sive Auro Potabili Vero, qnid sit et quoniniodo differat ab Aureo Falso et Soplii.stico, qnoniodoSpagvrice pr.Tparanduni et qnoniodo in Medicin^ nsurpandum, 12nio. (pp. 22), sewn, 4$ Qd " ib., a. c., 1651 1557 Editio Altera, 12nio. sewn, 4s ib., a. e., 1058 1553 EXPLICATIO Verborum Salomonis : in Herbis, Verbis et Lapidibiis Magna est Virtus, ctiiji Tractatiuncula de QuiNTA ESSENTIA Metallorum in gratiani eoruni qui tenentur Studio Divinonnn at([ue Naturalium Miraculomni, 12nio. sewn, 5s ib., a. e., 1664 1559 Ku RNI Novi Philosophici, sive Descriptio Artis Destillatoriie Nova;, with folding plates ^ and other woodcuts, 5 v. : Annotationes in Appendicem V. Partis— 6 parts 12mo. in 1 vol. hf. cl. ; or, sewn (rare), £1. 1* ib., a. e., 1651 1560 Kditio Altera ; with 2 plates and woodcuts, 6 parts, 12nio. in 1 vol., sewn, £1. Is ib., a. e., 1658 One of the author's most important works, describing a large number of new chemical processeis, with illu.strations of the author's apparatus. 1.561 Description of New Philosophical Furnaces, or a new Art of Distilling, with a Description of the Tincture of Gold, or the True Auruni Potabile, also the First Part of tlie MlNEliAL Work, set forth in English by J. F. D. M., with curious woodcuts, sni. 4to. new hf. brown calf gilt (slightly stained); RARE, £2. 2s R. Coats, 1651 FiR-sT Enolish EDiTioN-'of the 'Furni Novi Philosophici'. The translator was John French, m.d. (1616?-57), author of ' The Art of Distillation ' ('/. r. anf<)— a fact unknown to Lowndes and Halkett and Lainp. 1562 LiBELLUS Dialogorum, sive Colloquia, nonnullorum Hermetic^ MEDiciNiE, ac Tinctura? Universalis studiosonini, in gratiam eorum, qui Hermeticani Philosophiam aniplec- tuntur, 12nio. sewn, 6* Amst., J. Jansson, 1663 1.-,G.3 Novum Lu.men Chymicum; hoc est, cujusdam recens inventi etMundononduni unquam patefacti Secreti Ardui Revelatio, 12mo. sewn, 5s ib., a. e., 1664 1564 1 — Operis Mineralis Partes III. I. De Separatione Auri^ Silicibus. II. De Ortu et Origine omnium Metallorum et Mineralium. III. in qua Titulo Commentarii in libellum Paracelsi Coelum Philo.xophorum, sive Liber Vexationum dictum, etc. etc. etc , 3 vols. 12mo. in 1, sewn, or, hf. cl., 12.y «6.,rt. g., 1657, or 1659 l.-,65 Opulenti Thesauri, et ARCiE Thesaurari^e, sive Appendicis Generalis, Centuria Secunda, in qu«^ Scripta antehac edita illustrantur, et Veritas, in illis obscurius explicata, nianibus quasi jjalpanda traditur, etc., 12mo. seicn, IsM ib., a. e., 1601 1566 1 — PHARMACOP(EASPAGYRiCA,siveexactade8criptio,quarationeexVegetabilibus,Animalibu8 et Mineralibus, niodo liaud usitato faciliorique, Utilia, Efticacia, et Penetrantia Medicamenta fieri pra?pararique possint, editio Latina princeps, 3 vols. 12mo. in 1, sewn (some II. wormed) ; rare, l&s ib., a. c, 1654-7 80 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, \^^C., AKD 37, PICCADILLY, W. 1567 GLAUBER (Johann Rudolph) Tractatus de Natuba Salium, sive dilucida descriptio, perfecta explanatione declarans Naturam, Proprietates, et Usus Salium vulgo Notorum, ut et alius cujusdam, admodum mirabilis, et hactenus mundo ignoti salis .... sine ponderum suorum diminutione, et formarum mutations in dura, et incorabustibilia corpora transmutari possint, etc. etc. etc., 12mo. sewn (rare), I2s Qd Amst., J. Jansson, 1659 This important treatise first describes 'Glauber's Salt' (Sodii Sulphas, B.P.), ■which he obtained by the action of sulphuric acid on common salt, the discovery by which the author's name is best known. 1568 Tractatus de Signatura Salium, Metallorum, et Planetarum, sive Funda- nien talis Institutio, evidentissim^ monstrans, quo pacto facillime eorum Vires, Significatio, Natura, et Proprietates ex . . . ipsorum Signatura, Circuli et Quadrati ope, cognosci, addisci, et supputari queant, 12mo. sew7i, Ss ib., a. e., 1659 1569 Tractatu.s de Tribus Principiis Metallorum, viz. Sulphure, Mercuric, et Sale Philosophorum, quemadmodum ilia in Medicina, Alchymia, etc. utiliter adhiberi valeant, 12mo. sewn, 10s 6d ib., a. e., 1667 1570 Vera ac Perfecta Descriptio, qua ratione ex Vini Fecibus bonum plurimumque Tartarum .sit extrahendum, 12mo. seiV7i, 6s ib., a. e., 1655 ' Glauber a de plus repandu de la lumiere sur I'histoire de quelques autres scls, tels que le sulfate et le nitrate d'ammon- iaque, le nitrate de potasse eniployddansla teinture, etc. II parait avoir entrevule premier I'existencedu chlor. IH'appelle huilc ou esprit de sel rectifie, et soutient qu'on peut en faire un excellent usage en medicine, etc. II demontra avec sagacite les phenomenes de composition et de decomposition des corps, et il expliqua, aussi bien que Ton pourrait le faire aujourd'- hui, plnsieurs operations tout a fait inconnues a son epoque ... II a donn^ plusieurs procedes ingenieux pour la fabrication des pierres gemmes artiticielles. On peut faire remonter u lui I'invention des bains de vapeur par encaissement. II a fait connaitre les proprietes de I'acide tire de la destination da bois, indique la maniere de preparer des boissons vineuses avec les fruits sees et de faire de I'eau-de-vie ou de vinaigre avec du marc de raisin.' -^ioj??-. Gen. He was the first to procure hydrochloric acid while experimenting with sulphuric acid and common salt, and probably the-first to obtain nitric acid by the action of sulphuric acid on nitre. He discovered the chlorides of zinc, copper, tin, and arsenic, and numerous other important chemical preparations, including sulphate of sodium, which is still distinguished by his name as Glauber's Salt. * In theoretical points he gave proof of his clear-sightedness, explaining, for example, many of the effects of chemical affinity in the decomposition of salts by acids and bases, etc. He was the first to explain a case of what we call double decomposition— the mutual action ot mercuric chloride and antimony trisulphide upon one another. '—Pro/. E. v. Meyer. 1.571 GLASGOW (David) Watch and Clock Making, 69 woodcuts, post8vo. cl. {out of print), 4,s 1885 1572 GLAZEBROOK (Richard Tetley, f.r.s.) Light, tvith 134 diagrams, post 8vo. cL, Is 6d Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1894 or '5 1573 Physical Optics, 2nd Ed., 183 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl, 3s (p. 6s) 1886 1574 GLENIE (James, f.r.s.) Demonstration of Dr. Matthew Stewart's 42d Proposition, or 39tli Theorem, which has remained without one for 65 years, 4to. (pp. 30), seivn, 3s 6d 1812 Not noticed in D. N. B., and unknown to Poggendorff. 1575 A FEW Concise Observations on Construction, 8vo. (pp. 8), with author's inscr. to Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., \s 6d [1784] 1576 GLOBES, The Antiquity and Excellency of, etc. etc., also of the Circles which are described on the Superficies of the Globes ; of the Equinoctiall Circle, Zodiack, and Eccliptick ... of the A^erticall Circles, and'Quadrant of Latitude, etc. etc., sm. 4to. (pp. 26), seivn, \2s 6d 1652 Rare, unknown to Watt and Allibone. 1577 , Treatise of the Description and Use of both, with a Geo^aphical Description of our Earth, 16ino. old calf {nice copy'), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R S., 3s 1718 1578 GMELIN (Leopold) Handbuch derCHEMiE, 4. umgearbeitete Auflage [vollendet von Schloss- RERGER und List], Bd. 1-4; with plates, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf 5s Heidelberg ^ 1843-8 The last edition revised by the author. 1579 Hand-Book of Chemistry, trans, by Henry Watts, f.r.s., with plates, 17 vols. 8vo. cl., with Prof . Williamson's auto., £4. 4s Cavendish Soc, 1848-66 Contents :— Anorganic Chemistry, 6 v. (complete) : Organic Chemistry, 11 v. (wanting v. 12). Gmelin was the discoverer of the ferricyanide of potassium, largely used for the manufacture of Turn bull's blue. 1580 GODFRAY (Hugh) Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory, 2nd Ed., diagrams, post 8vo. cl. 2s Cambridge, 1859 1581 Fourth Edition, diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2s 6d 1885 1582 Treatise on Astronomy, plate, ajid numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 12s 6d) Cambridge, 1866 1583 GOETHE (Johann Wolfgang v.) Theory of Colours, trans., with Notes, by Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, r.a., f.r.s., 4 coloured plates, 8vo. cl., uncut (scarce), 15s 1840 1584 GOLDIffAYR [hie GOLDMEYER] (Andreas) Himmlische Harmonie | das ist Harmonische Ewigwehrende | Astronomische Tafeln | des Lauffs der Sonnen | und dess Monds | von newen calculiret ; with woodcut title, sm. 4to. boards {blank margin of some II. wormed) ; rare, 10s 6c? Nurnberg, 1639 Pp. 29-91 contain explanations hoAV to use the tables. 1585 GOMPERTZ (Benjamin, f.r.s.) Hints on Porisms : a Sequel to * Imaginary Quantities ', diagrams, 4to. hf cl., 2s 6d 1850 1586 GOODEVE (Thomas Minchin) The Elements of Mechanism, new Ed., xcwntien, with 342 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 6d 1883 1587 Enlarged Edition, illustrated, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) 1892 1588 Text-Book on the Steam Engine, 2nd Ed., 143 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl , Is 6c? 1879 1589 Elev^enth Edition, greatly enlarged, illustrated, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 6d (p. 6s) 1891 1590 GOODRICH (W. Francis) Refuse Disposal and Power Production, with 98 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 10s 6d (p. 16s nett) 1904 1591 GORDON (William) The Universal Accountant and Complete Merchant, front.., 2 vols. ^\Q. contemporary calf {nice copy), \0s6d Edin., 1763-5 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 81 1592 GOODWIN (Harvey ; 5\st Bp. of Carlisle) ELEMENTARY COURSE of Mathematics, 4th Ed., woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., 2s Qd Cambridge, 1853 1593 Fifth Edition, woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., 4s ib., 1857 1594 Sixth [last] Edition, revised and enlarged, woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl.. Is Qd ib., 1866 1595 Problems and Examples, adapted to the ' Elementary Course of MathematicH ', 3rd Ed., Avith additional Examples in Conic Sections and Newton, by Thomas G. VYVlAN;with Solutions, 3rd Ed., enlarired, by T. G. Vyvian, plates— 2 vols. 8vo. cl., Qs Qd ib., 1862-3 1596 [GOODWYN (Henry; brewer in West Smith field)] Table of the CIRCLES arising from the Division of a Unit, or any other Whole Number, by all the Integers from 1 to 1024, being all pure Decimal Quotients that can arise from this Source, roy. 8vo. hoards, uncut, 5s 1823 1597 [ ] Tabular Series of Decimal Quotients for all the proper Vulgar Fractions, of which, when in their Lowest Terms, neither the Numeration nor the Denominator is greater than 10(K), roy, 8vo. boards, uncut, 5s 1823 GORDON (George) Kemakks on the Newtonian Philosophy— y. Newtoniana, joo5<. 150S GORDON (Jamea Edward Henry) Four Lectures on Static Electrical Induction, 39 woodcuts, 12mo. cl. {out of print), 3s 1879 1599 Physical Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd [last] Ed., with 73 plates (8 coloured), and 312 woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., \2s Gd (p. £2. 2*) 1891 The author made original researches on electro-magnetic rotation of polarised light, and the specific inductive capacity of dielectrics. * Probably the best book of the kind that has ever been published in England.' — Academy. I GOO School Electricity, 140 woodcuts and diagrams, 8vo. cl. {out of print), Zs 18S6 ICOl GOBE (George, f.r.s.) The Art of Electrolytic Separation of Metals, etc. (Theoreti- cal and Practical), 106 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., is (p. 10* 6d) 1890 1()02 The Art of Electro-Metallurgy, 6th Ed. [with Bibliography, List of Patents, etc-.], illustrated, ]>ost 8vo. cl., Ss (p. 6*) 1896 1GU3 GORE (James Howard) Bibliography of Geodesy, 4to. cl., 6.9 Washington, 1889 An excflkiit bibliography, comprising about 6,000 works, giving the exact number of pages of each, and including cmtributions to learned societies. 1604 GOBE (John EUard, f.r.a.s.) Astronomical Glossary, with Tables of Data and Lists of remarkable Celestial Objects, cr. 8vo. cl.. Is 6d 1893 1605 Astronomical Lessons, /ro/i^. and 21 other illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 1890 1606 Planetary and Stellar Studies, illustrated, post 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 7* 6c?) 1888 1607 The Worlds of Space : Popular Articles on Astronomical Subjects, plates, large post 8vo. cl.,3s6d(p.':s6d) 1894 1608 GOUILLY (Alexandre) Theorie M6chanique de Chaleur ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. sewn, 2s ivl 1877 1609 GOULD (Benjamin Apthorp) Uranometria Argentina: Brightness and Position of every Fi.xed Star to the 7th Magnitude, within 100 Degrees of the South Pole, 4to. hf. morocco {Atlas wanting as usual), lOs Buenos Aires, 1879 • Thro\i«h Dr. Gould's uncea/aort-live«l ' Historical Society of Science.' 1757 HALSTED (George Bruce, Texas Univ.) Elementary Synthetic (tEometry, diagrams, 8vo. d., 'is (Sd (p. Gs 6^ nett) New York, 1892 1758 HAMILTON (Henry Parr, f.r.s.; Dean of Sarum) An Analytical System of Conic Sections, third Edition, with diagrams, 8vo. boards, or, hf calf, 2s Qd Cambridge, 1834 1759 Fifth [last] Edition [greatly enlarged], with diagrams, 8vo. boards, 'M Qd ib., 1843 1760 The Principles of An.alytical Geometry, with H folding plates, 8vo. boards, or, hf calf, 'Ssiul ' ib., 18-2(5 1701 HAMILTON (Sir William, f.r.s. ; diplomatist and archa;ologist ; husband of Emma Lady Hamilton) OBSERVATIONS on MOUNT Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and other Volcanos. with Exnlanatory Notes by the Author, hitherto unpuhlished, 2nd Ed., with 5 copperplates of volcanos, and folding map, sm. 8vo. old calf {joints cracked, hut tall copy) ; R.\RE, 15* 1773 ' His leisure was chieHy occupied in the study of volcanic phenomena. . . . Within four years he had ascendfd Vesuvius twenty-two times, more than once at great rii*k, making himself or causin<{ Fa'jris, an artist trained to the work by him, to make nunilM>rless sketches at all stajjes of eruptions.'— />. N. li. 1762 HAMILTON (Sir William Rowan) Elements of Quaternions, edited by his son William EuwiN H.VMILTON, C.E., first edition, thick Svo. cL, uncut, £1. 10* 18G() still the classical handbook on quaternions, by their inventor. ' It is founded on the same principles as the ' Lectures', but the plan arloptcd is entirely new, and the pre.sent work can in no sense be considered as a secoml edition of that former inw.'— Author's f>re/uce. 1763 Lectures on (Quaternions: a Systematic Statement of a New Mathematical Method, only edition, diagrams, thick Svo. cL, uncut (very scarce), £2. 15* Dublin, 1853 1764 Another Copy, with inscr. ' Presented to Dr. 2'halen of Upsala, with the regards of the author. Observatory, March 21th, 1857,' £2. lis Qd This iniportant work enil)odies the author's invention of quaternions, ' giving him right to rank in originality and insight with Diophantus, Descartes, and La Grange' {K. E. Anilerson). The Introduction (pp. 64) is esijccially valuable as giving an historical account of it. 1765 HAMILTON (Sir William [Stirling] ; metaphysician) Discussions on Philosophy and LiTEK.VTURE, EDUCATION, and UNIVERSITY REFORM, 2nd Ed., enlarged, thick Svo. cl., IsQd 1853 Including the ' Edinburgh ' review of Victor Cousin, according to Lord Jeffrey ' the most unreadable t\\\\\% that ever api>eared in the Review ' and ' slieer nonsense", and ' On the Study of Mathematics as an Exerci.se of Mind ' (pp. 7S), an acrimf)nioiis attack on Dr. Whewell, and on Professor de 3Iorgan 'as a logical critic and rea.soner', who replied to it at length in his JUnJ,GiOHii(h of Artfs I knowof is that by Edw. llatt/•., t.c.d. ; M.D., F.R,s.) Six Lectures on Physical Geography, illustrated, 8vo. cl., Qs (p. 12* (id) Dublin, 1880 *In physical geology Haughton studied the effects on the jKisition of the earth's axis of elevations and depressions caused by geological changes, with the resulting changes of climate. ... lie undertot»k a laborious series of calculations on solar radiation, the object of which was to determine the eflects on terrestrial climates of alterations in the tempera- ture of the sun and iu the constitiition of the atmosphere.'—/). N. B. ISll HAUKSBEE [the elder] (Francis, f.r.s.) Physico-Mechanical Experiments on Various Subjects, containing an Aceonnt of the Surprizing Phenomena touchin/a^e5, 4 to. (pp. 35), sewn, 155 1747 1824 HAWNEY (William, author of 'The Complete Measurer') The Doctrine of Plain and Spherical Trigonometry, with its Application and Use in Navigation, Astronomy, Dialling, etc., icith numerous diagrams and copperplates, Svo. old calf, \0s Qd 1725 Rare ; unknown to Watt, Lowndes, or AUibone. 1825 HAYDEN" (William, Chichester) A Very Close Approach to the Geometrical Quadra- ture of the Circle : a Construction wherein no Error is found on Investigation, according to the Katio 3.14159 etc., foldiuQ plate, roy. Svo. (pp. 4), sewn, Qs Chichester, 1872 The author's own copy, with corrections. He calls himself the ' discoverer of the proportions of the Great Pyramid ', and states tliat the above work was laid l)efore the Royal Society by Prof. Stokes. 1826 HAYDN'S Dictionary of Science, comprising Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, and Meteoro- logy, with a History of the Physical Sciences, ed. by C. Farrer IIodwell, f.r.a.s., thick 8vo. cL, OS (p. 18s) 1871, or n. d. 1827 HAYES (Charles; Sub-Governor of the Roy. African, Co.) Treatise of Fluxions: or Intro- duction to Mathematical Philosophy, containing a full Explanation of that Method by which the most celebrated Geometers of the present Age have made such vast Advances in Mechanical Philoso])hy, numerous diagrams, folio, sound copy in contemporary c«(/(RARE), £1. \s 1704 'The first English work explaining Newton's niethod of infinitesimals. After an introduction setting forth most of tin' chief properties of the conic sections with concise proofs, Hayes applies Newton's method clearly and systematically, first to obtain the tangents of curves, then their areas, and lastly the problems of maxima and minima. His preface .shows a good acquaintance with the existing literature of higher mathematics.'— D. N. 11. 1828 HAYES (Richard) The Negociator's Magazine : or the most Authentic Account yot published, of the Monies, Weights, and Measures of the World, also the European Exchanges, the Laws and Customs of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, etc. etc., also Curious Calcula- tions of great Use in the West Indian and Amekican Trades, etc. etc. ; 9th Ed., with new and useful Tables, by Benjamin Webb, thick Svo. old calf, newly rebacked, 10s 6c? 17^4 1S29 : An Appendix to Hayes's Interest Book, shewing, by Addition, how to cast up Bank, India, South-Sea Stock, Annuities, Royal and London Assurances, African, Million-Bank, York- Buildings, Lottery Tickets, etc. etc. etc., with Table of great L"se to the Proprietors of Stocks, Annuities, and Bonds, etc. etc., by the Author of Interest at ONE View, sq. 16mo. old sheep, joints cracked {rare), 15* 173.S 1830 New Method for Valuing of Annuities upon Lives, with many useful Examples and Instructions for valuing of Single Lives ; Two or more Lives ; Lives taken with other Lives ; Reversion of Lives, etc. etc. etc., corrected Ed., 4to. large and clean copy in old mottled calf, \2s iSd 1746 An early work on the subject, wherein tho author claims to have 'reduced it into a much plainer and easier Methwl than has ever been hitherto published, and made it intelligible and useful to those who have not had the opportunity of an Arithmetical Education, as well as to the compleatest Arithmetician.' 1831 HAYTER (Charles, portrait painter) New Practical Treatise on the Three Primitive Colours, assumed as a Perfect System of Rudimental Information, 6 plates (4 coloured), 4to. boards, os 182G 1832 HAZEN (Henry Allen) The Reduction of Air-Pressure to Sea-Level, at Elevated Stations West of the Mississippi River, 20 maps, roy 4to. sewn, 4s Washington, I8S2 1833 Thermometer Exposure, diagrams, roy. 4to. sewn, 2s 6d ib., 188.5 1834 HEAP (Major David Porter, U.S.A.) Report on the International Exhibition of Electricity at Paris, 1881, with \4 plates and over 200 other illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s Washington, 1884 183j HEARN (George Whitehead, r.m.c, Sandhurst) Investigation of an Extensive Class of Partial Differential Equations of the Second Order, in which the Equation of Laplace's Functions is included, 4to. (pp. 6), hf bound, Zs %d 1846 1836 Researches on Curves of the Second Order, also on Cones and Spherical Conies treated analytically, with many Properties entirely original, diagrams, 8vo. bds., 3s 6d 184G 18.37 Another Copy, prize calf extra, g. e., 5s 1838 HEATH (Robert Samuel; V.-P. Univ. Birmingham) TREATISE on Geometrical Optics, numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 12* 6d) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1887 1839 Second [last] Edition, revised and enlarged, diagrams, Svo. cl., 75(p. 12* 6d) a. e.., ib., 1895 The standard work on the subject. 1840 HEATH (Thomas, Boy. Obs., Edin.) The Twentieth Century Atlas of Popular Astro- nomy, with coloured front., 21 plates (12 coloured), and 44 woodcuts, colombier 8vo. cl., 4s {^.IsQd) 1903 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, akd 37, PICCADILLY, W. 93 1841 HEATHEB (J. F., R.M.A., Woolwich) Mathematical Instruments : their Construction, etc.; enlarged Ed., with numeroiis illustrations, 3 vols po8t 8vo. in 1, cL, 2s 1877 1842 HEaVISIDE (Oliver, f.r.s.) Electrical Papers, ivith diagrams^ 2 vols, large 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), £1. 155 1892 a collection of the author's voluminous and important papers, originally issued in the Electrician, on Electromagnetic Waves and Surface Conduction. 1843 HEBERT (Luke, c.E.) Tlie Engineer's and Mechanic's Encyclop.*:dia, new Ed , with con- siderable Additioii.s, plates, and over 2000 woodcuts, 2 thick vols. 8vo. (pp. 1734), cl., Qs 6d 1849 or hist<:)rical interest in connexion with txeneral and Railway engineering, and all departments of industrial cliemistry. 1844 HEIS (Eduard ; Munster) Atlas Coelestis Novus : Stellae per Mediani Europani Solis Oculis conspicuae secundum veras Lucis Magnitudines e Coelo ipso descriptae, post 8vo. ; with Atlas, containing 12 large star-maps, oblonjjj folio— 2 vols. cl. (.SCARCE), £1. Is Colonitc, 1872 ' Besonders beruhmt ist sein AtUu< coelfxtis uovus, in welcht-ni alle niit blos.seni Auge sichtbaren hterne aufgenoniinen siwl.'—Brockhnus'a Konr.-Lex. ' While engaged on his grwit atlas, \w attentively deteniiined the change of magnitude of stars visible to the naked eye ; and by means of th»' nalted eye, the oi)era glass, and a small telescope, he ama.ssed a l;irge numljer of observations,' — //. Macphersjn. 1845 HELIE (Felix) Traite de Balistique Experimentale ; Expose des principales E.xperiences d'Artillerie executeesil (.ifivre de 1830 j\ 1864 ; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf^ As (p. F. 12. sewn) 1865 1846 HELLER (August, Budapest) (Jeschichte der Physik von Aristotele.s l>is auf die ncueste Zeit, 2 vols. roy. bvo. hf. calf gilt, £1. (p. M. 27. unbound) Stuttgart, 1882-4 One of the best histories of physics publishcil. 1847 HELLINS ( John, «r. ; F.R.S.) M.vthematical Essays on Several Subjects: containing New Improvements and Discovekies in the Mathematics, 2nd Ed., 4to. sewn (rare), \2s 6d 1789 Comprising the following important papers, originally published in the ' Philosophical Transactions', and now revi.se«l and enlarged: On the Computation of Logarithms: On the Reduction of Equations having two etiual Roots: On the Correction of Fluents fdund by Descencling Series : On the Translonr.atiou of certain Series to others of SwitXer Couver- gency : On tin- F«>rce of o.scillating Bixlies on their Centers of Suspension. 1848 HELLYEB (S. Stevens) The Plumber and Sanitary Houses : a Practical Treatise on Internal Plumbin;; Work, 6th [last] Ed., with 24 plates, and 333 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl, Is (p. 12* 6rf) 1900 'The best treatise existing on practical plumbing ' (77i€ JJui.der), describing the domestic arrangements of the not remote past with a horrible directness. )849 HELM (Georg) DieENERGETlKnachihrerGESCHICHTLICHENENTWlCKELUNG ; with diagrams, 8vo. cl. {fresh copy), out of print, lOs Leipzig, 1898 1850 HELMHOLTZ (Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand v.) Handbuch der physiologischkn OlTiK ; irith 11 plates, and 2\3 woodcuts, thick roy. 8vo. calf {stamp on title), 18s 6c^ Hamburg, 1867 FiR.sT EuiTioy of the author's most important work, the first systematic treati.se applying physical laws to tlie study of the physiology of the eye, and equally valuable for the original discoveries and the historical investigations it contains. 1851 Popular LECTURES on Scientific Subjects, trans, by E. Atkinson, with Intro, by John Tyndall, f.r.s., both series, with woodcuts, 2 vols, large post 8vo. cl.. Is 6d (p. 15*) 1881 1852 EiRST Series only, woodcuts, large post 8vo. cl., 3s 6d 1873 1853 On the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music ; 2nd English Edition, trans., thoroughly revised, and corrected, with numerous Notes, and New Appendix to 1885, by Alexander J. Ellis, f.r.s. [philologist], with woodcuts, etc., roy 8vo. cl.,£l. Is 1885 This standard work contains the authors numerous discoveries in physiological acoustics. 1854 Vorlesungen iiber die elektromagnetische Theorie des Lights, herausgeg. v. Arthur Konig und Carl Runge ; with 54 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. hf. brown morocco gilt, cl. sides {as good as new), 14.y Hamburg, 1897 1855 : Bois-Keymond (Emil du) Hermann von Helmholtz : Gediichtnissrede, 8vo. sewn. Is 6d Leipzig, 1897 1856 : Kcenigsberger (Leo) Hermann von Helmholtz, trans, by Frances A. Welby, with Preface by LORD Kelvin, and Bibliography, with 2 photogravure portraits after Lenbach, and another wt. 27, 8vo. cl., lis (sells 16* nett) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1906 1857 HELMONT (Fran9oisMercure Baron van) Alphabeti vere Naturalis Hebraici brevissima Delineatio, (jua^ sinnil Methodu.m suppenditat, juxta quam qui SURDI nati sunt sic informari possunt, ut non alios saltern LOc^UENTES INTELLIGANT, seK Cordemov. Latine versi h J * * * C * * *., (Jenevte, 1679.' 1858 HELMONT (Jean Baptiste van) Ortus Medicin.k, i. e. Initia Physicje Inaudita. Progiessus Medicime Novus, in Morborum Ultionem, ad Vitam Lon^'am, edente Francisco Mercurio van Helmont, cum ejus Pra»fatione ; with portrait of aut/ior and editor, thick sm. 4to. old vellum {title slightly mended), £1. 1* Amst., Lud. Elzevirius, 1648 FiR-ST Edition of the author's complete works. 1859 Editio Nova, cumque locupletiori Rerum et V^erborum Indice, adanctior et e.xornatior; with portrait, thick sm. 4to. sound copy in old calf, 18s 6d ib., a. e., 1652 • He is regarded by some historians of chemistry as the greatest chemist who preceded Lavoisier. lie was the first to l)oint out the imperative necessity for employing the balarcc in chemistry, and by its means showed in many insUinces the inilestructibility of matter in chemical changes. He was the first to apply the term gases to elastic aeriform fluids. He was also the first to take the melting-point of ice and boiling-point of watc^r as st-andards for the measurement of tem- perature. It is in his work that the term sutumtion is first employed ', etc. etc. etc. 1860 HELSRAM (Richard, m.d., Prof. Nat. Phil. Dublin, friend of Dean Swift) Lectures in Natural Philo.sophy, published by Bryan Robinson, m.d., with 11 plates, 8vo. old caff {nice copy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd harl Stanhope, F.R.S., 6s 6^ 1739 1861 Second [last] Edition, with 11 plates, 8vo. old panelled calf, 6s 1743 The appendix contains original problems : ' Of the collision of Non Elastick and Elastick Bodies ', etc. etc. 04 H^iNiiY hJoTUERAN & CO., UO, STRAND, W.O., AKb 37, PlCCADtLLV, VV. 1862 HEBUVEING (George Wirgman, q c.) Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus, diagrams, 8vo. hoards, 3s Cambridge, 1848 1863 Second [last] Edition, with Additions, diagrams, Svo. cl., os ib., 1852 Based on the method of limits. 1864 HENDERSON (John) Practical Electricity and Magnetism, with 159 tvoodcuts, cr. 8vo. d., 35 (p. (is 6d) 1893 1865 HENNELL (Henry, Chemical Operator, Apothecaries' Hall) On the Mutual Action of Sul- phuric Acid and Alcohol, and on the Nature of the Process by which Ether is formed (Philos. Trans.), 4to. (pp. 9), sewn, with author's inscription {scarce), 'Ss (jd 1828 This important memoir first made known the synthetic formation of alcohol from olefiant gas and sulphuric acid— a process made use of by Berthclot in 1855 to make alcohol from coal gas. The author, whose biography is unaccountably excluded from D. N. B., was blown up in 1S42 by one of the bombs prepared by himself for use in the Afghan War. 1866 HENRION (Denis) Memoires Mathematiques recneillis et dressez en faveur de la Noblessk Francoise. !«»• Volume, auquel est traitte de I'Arithmetique Militaire, Construction des Tables des Sinus, Touciiantp:s et Couppantes ; Doctrine des Triangles Rectilignes ; Pratique du Compas de Proportion, etc. etc. ; ivith numerous diagrams, 12nio. old calf, with bookplate of Philip '2nd Earl Stanhope, F.E.S. (RARE), £1. 1* 1613 First Edition of tlie author's first printed work. Vol. II was published in 1027, and a second edition of the above volume in 1023. 1867 : Les RECREATIONS MATHEMATIQUES avec I'Examen de ses Problemes en Arithmetique, Geonietiie, Mechanique, Cjsniographie, Optique, Catoptrique, etc. Preniierement reueu par D. Henrion. Depuis par M. Mydorge. Et tout nouvellement corrige et augniente, 5^ Edition ; with numerous woodcuts, 12rno. old sheep {bi?iditig slightly damaged). Vis tid 1659 1868 L'Usage du CoMPAS de Proportion, nouvelienient revft, et augniente d'une seconde Partie ; tvith plate, woodcuts and diagrams, 12mo. old sheep gilt {one I. mended, otherwise a sound copii), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., \2s Rouen, 1680 1869 HENRY (James), and Karel J. HORA: Modern Electricity : a Practical Working Ency- clopedia and Manual, 2 folding diagrams and 160 illustrations, sq. cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 5* nett) 1905 1870 HENRY (Lucien) Traite de Geod^sie Tacheometrique, son Application au Trace des Chernins de Fer, au Leve des Parcellaires et du Cadastre : Theorie et Application des Coordonnees Polaires et leur Conversion en Coordonnees Rectangulaires, 8vo., with Atlas, containing ZQ folding plates, roy. 4to.— 2 vols, hf roan, 8s [1895] 1871 HENRY (William, m.d., f.r.s.) Elements of Experimental Chemistry, 9th Ed., with all the recent Discoveries, \0 plates by Lowry, and diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf {nice copy), 5s 1823 The author was one of the most cultivated members of Manchester scientific society of his time (1774-1S36), His doctoral thesis ' De Acido Urico et Morbis a iiiinia ejus Secretione ortis' .should endear his memory to the polite world of our unreticent age. 1872 HENWOOD (William Jory, f.r.s.) The Metalliferous Deposits of Cornwall and Devon, Avitli Appendixes on Subterranean Temi)ero.ture, the Electricity of Rocks and Veins, the Quantities of Water in tlie Cornish Mines, and Mining St&thticH, 12 plates and 11^ tables, mostly folding, very thick Svo. boards, uncut, \6s (p. £2. 26?) Penzance, 1843 * The name Hejuroodite has been bestowed in his honour on a hydrous phosphate of aluminium and copper.' — 1). X. B. 1873 HERMANN (Jakob) Phoronomia, sive de V'iribus et Motibus Corporum Solidorum et Fluidorum ; with engraved title by lVandelaar,and 12 folding plates, ^to. old calf, 12s 6d Amst., IIIQ The author's most important work, in which he mentions an improved form of Anion ton's air thermometer, which is not effected by changes in the pressure of the air. He was a disciple of Jacques liernoulli, and preceded Buler as professor of mathematics at 8t Petersburj^. 1874 HERO Alexandrinus : Geometricorum et Stereometricorum Reliv^ui.e ; acceduntDidymi Alexandrini Mensune Marnioruni et Anonyini Varifc Collectiones ex Herone, Euclide, Geniino, Proclo,Anatolioaliisque ; eLil)l>. MSS.ed.FRiDERicusHuLTSCH,!8vo.seiyn,5.v (p.M.8.) Berolini, 1864 1875 Spiritalium Liber, a Frederico Commandino ex Grajco, nuperinLatinum con versus ; with numerous uwodcuts, sni. 4to. old white vellum (a very tall and fine copy), £l.5s Urbini, 1575 1876 Another Copy, hf calf {a few II. slightly stained, otherwise a sound and tall copy), £\.\s First Edition of the first printed work of Ilero of Alexandria, 'containing descriptions of about 100 small machines and mechanical toys, many of which are very ingenious, includin}^ an account of a small stationary steam-engine, which is of the form now known as Avery's patent. . . . There is also an account of a double forcing pump to be used as a fire engine. ... It is only recently that general attention has been directed to liis discoveries, though Arago had alluded to them iu his elocje on Watt.'— IK IF. R. Ball. 1877 De gli Automati, overo Machine se Moventi Libri II, tradotti dal Greco da Bernard- ino Baldi, Abbate di Guastalla, nuovamente ristampato et riccoretto ; with engraved title, and numerous fine engravings on copper and wood, sm. 4to. old Italian vellum {a few 11. slightly icater- stained, otherwise a sound and tall copy) ; rare, \os Venetia, 1601 A translation of the AvTo/xara, different from the first mentioned work, known as WvevixariKo., and like it containing descriptions of machines and mechanical contrivances. The above edition is remarkable for the fine engravings it contains. , et HERO Ctesibius —v. INIathematici Veteres, post. 1878 : Martin (Theodore Henri) Recherches sur la ViE et les Ouvrages d'HERON d'ALEX- andrie, et sur tons les Ouvrages Mathematiques Grecs, conserves ou perdus, publics ou inddits, qui ont 6te attribues h, un Auteur nomine H1<1 Mpdal of the Astronomical Societv. H E R O N I S XXVII. Siphones autenr 5 quibus vtuntur ad ia cendia hoc modo conftruuntur ^ Sintduo modioli grei torno expoliti feciindum intc- riorcm eorum fiiperficiem ad embolos > quemadmodu hydrauleorum modioli A B C D E F G H : & emboli ip fis congruences fint K L M N • fimul vero modioli pcr- forentur interfefe per tubum X O D F : & ex partibus ex- terioribus intra X O D F tubum habeant aflaria appofita P Rj quaJia in fiiperioribus di^ta funt^ ita vtin partem Nos. 1875-6. ./"*'''' The Double Force-Pump invented by Hero ol A\t^attAti4' '*,« ''s ', HENilV SOTHERAN ^ CO., 140, STKANt), W.C, And 37, HCOADILLY, W. 95 1880 HERSOHEL (Sir John Frederick William, f.r.s.) Account of a Series of Obsekvations in tlie Summer of 1825 for Determining the Difference of the Meridians of the Royal Observatories of Greenwich and Paris, roy. 4to. (pp. 50), sewuy 2s 6d 1*826 lg,Si Address at a Special Meeting of the Astronomical Society of London, April 11, 1827, on presenting? the Honorary Medals to F. Baily, Esq., Lieut. W. S. Stratford, R.N., and Col. Mark Reaufoy, roy. 4to. (pp. 14), seivn, 2s [1827] 1882 On Circulating Functions, and on the Integration of a Class of Equations of Finite Differences into which they enter as Coefficients, roy. 4to. (p]). 25), sewn, As 1815 188;i Collection of Examples of the Application of the Calculus of Finite Differ- ences, 8vo. sewn, 5* Cambridge, 1820 1884 Another Copy, with Examples of the Solutions of Functional Equations, by Charles Babbage, f.r.s., plate, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, boards, 8s 6i 1820 Sir John Herschd's first publication in lKK)k-forni, ami 'one of the most charming mathematical works ever written '.— I'ro/. Tail. See Peacock, /)0>t^ 1885 E.SSAYS from the Edinburgh and Quarterly Kevienvs, with Addresses and other Pieces, thick 8vo. cl., uncut {scarce), 10* %d 1857 Including n^views of Mary Homerville's ' Mechanism of the Heavens', Bowditch's Iranslation of Laplace's ' Mecaniquo Celesti-'. and Dr. Whewell's 'On the Inductive Sciences'. "Terrestrial Magnetisjn, Adilres.ses to the R. Astronomical Soc, Translations from the German of Schiller an, with lithographic front, of the FeldJiausen Observaton/, and vignette at end, and 17 folding and other plates {some foxed), roy. 4to. cl. (VERY SCARCE), £1. 15s 1847 The first great star-athis of the southern hemisphere. ' Besides the catalogues of nebuhe and double stars, it included ))rof()und discussions of various astronomical topics. He insisted in it on the connexion of sun-spots v/ith the sun's rotation, and 8tai-tey Sir John Herschel, at the Cape of Good Hope, 2nd Ed., 12mo. hf. roan {nice copy) ; scarce, £\. Is Effingham Wilson, 1836 This solemn scientific hoax by an anonymous writer 'supposed to have been M. Nicollei). which was originally broached by the New York Sun, relates how Sir John Herschel during his astronomical observations in South Africa made the most startling discoveries on the moon by magnifying the image obtained by the telescope with a pownrful microscope [IJ. Mountain ranges, buildings, animals in motion, and even flowers (in one instance a red corn poppy) arc described to have been observed by tlie ln2.S HIND (John, pr. ; Sidney Sussex Coll , F.R.A.s.) Digested Series of Examples in the Appli- cation of the Principles of the Differential Calculus, Svo. boards^ or, hf bounds 3s Cambridge, 1832 1924 Elements of Algebra, 4th Ed., Svo. hf. brown calf gilt, As ib., 1839 1925 Fifth Edition [slightly enlarged], Svo. boards, 4s ib., 1841 192G Elements of Plane arid Spherical Trigonometry, 2nd Ed., Svo. cl.,2s6d ib., 1828 19'27 Principles of the Differential Calculus ; with its Application to Curves and Curve Surfaces, 2nd [last] Ed., Svo. boards, os ib., 1831 1928 Principles and Practice of Arithmetic, comprising Logarithms and the Computations of Arliticers, Surveyors, etc., 5th Ed., fcap. Svo. hf. bound, 2s iid ib., 1845 Highly recommended by Dr. Whewell in his Cambridge Studies. 1929 Solutions of the more dittVult Questions in the Principles of Arithmetic; with Examination Questions, Svo. boards, 2s (id ib., 1842 HIND (John Russell, f.r.s., discoverer of ' Iris ' and ' Flora ') ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS -I'. Bishop (Cieorge), ante. 1930 The Comet of 1556 : Replies referring to its anticipated Ke-appearance, and to the Appre- hension of Danger from Comets, post Svo. cL, 2s 6d 1857 A forecast of the re-appearance of the comet of Charles V. in 1858, which, however, did not come true. 1931 The Comets : a Descriptive Treatise, with the numerous Modern Discoveries, and Table of all the Calculated Comets, from the Earliest Ages, post Svo. cl.. As 1S52 A valuable work, in which the author traced, inter alia, Halley's Comet back to 11 b.c. It was translated into German. 1932 The Illustrated London Astronomy, with 74 illustrations, large post Svo. cl., 2s 6d 1853 1933 HINBIGHS (Gustavus Detlef, m.d.) The Absolute Atomic Weights of the Chemical Elements, established on the Analyses of the Chemists of the XIX. Century, and Demonstrating the Unity of Matter, ivith portrait of Berzelius and 3 plates, roy. Svo. sewn, with inscr. to Prof. W. H. Per kin. As 6d St. Louis, 1901 a vigorous attack on what the author calls the Morbus Stasii, Prof. Frank Wigglesworth Clarke, and the Smithsonian Institu'iion. U HIOB.NS (Arthur H., Birmingham and Midland List.) Mixed Metals, or Metallic Alloys, woodcuts, vr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) 1890 >35 HIPKINS (W. E.) The Wire Hope and its Applications, with 4S plates (40 coloured) and icoodcut.s, cr. 4t<). cl., 3s 6d Birmingham, 1896 The autlKjr's firm were the makers of the first successful Atlantic cable. 1936 HIBN (Gnstave Adolphe, Colmar) Constitution de I'Espace Celeste ; with folding plate, 4to. hf morocco gilt, \2s 6d (p. F. 20. unbound) 1S89 A valuable work, esijecially in connexion with cometary astronomy. It is dedicated to the late Emperor of Brazil. 1937 Exposition Analytique et Experimentale de la Theorie Mecanique de la Chaleur, contenant la Traduction du Livre de G. Zeuner : Grundziige der mechanischen Warmetheorie ; tvifh plates and woodcuts, 2 vols. roy. Svo. sewn, 9s 1862-76 Vol 11 is of the third and last edition. The author discovered superheated steam, and laid the foundation of the theory of the jnechanical ('(juivalent of lieat. 1938 HIBSCH (A.), et Theodor v. OPPOLS^ER : Unification des Longitudes par 1' Adoption dun Meridien Initial UNUiUK, et Introduction d'une Heure Universelle: Extrait des C. R. de la 7« Conference G^neiale de I'Association Gdodesii^ue Internationale, 4to. (pp. 48), cl., 3s [Berlin, 1883] The Conference adopted Greenwich. This must have additionally tickled the London County Council when they decided to ruin Greenwich Observattjry by making it dance with a rate-eating municipal powerhouse. 1939 HIKSCH (Meier) Collection of Examples, Formulae, and Calculations, on the Literal Calculus and Algebra, trans, by J. A. Koss, pr., 3 tables, Svo. boards, 3s 1827 1940 Geometry, trans, by J. A. Koss, pr., and ed. by J. M. F. Wright, diagrams, Svo. boards, 2s 6d ' 1827 19^1 Integraltafeln, oder sanimlung von Integralformeln, roy. Svo. hf. calf, or, old calf, 2* (yd Berlin, 1810 1942 Integral Tables, or Collection of Integral Formulae, trans, [by J. A. Ross, pr.], Svo. boards, or, hf. calf, 3s 1S23 1943 A Large Paper Copy, roy. Svo. hf calf gilt, os 98 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 1944 HOABE (Charles, c.E.) The Slide-Rule, and how to use it, with slide-ruk in pocket, post Svo. d., 26- 1875 1945 HOBBES (Thomas, of Malmesbnrrf) Opera PHiLOSorniCA, i\\\»i Latiiie scripsit. Omnia, ante liuideni per partes, nunc auteni, post cognitas omnium Objectiones, eonjunetim et accuratiiis edita; vntJi numerous folding plates and smaller engravings on copjjer, sm. 4to. old hf calf {title and first I. slightly mended, and some II. wormed), with auto. J[AME8] Stirling [f.r.s., author of ^ Methodus Differentialis"']; rare, 105 6c? Amst., Joa. Blaeu{o la sphere], 1668 Vol. I of the FIRST COLLECTED EDITION, wliicli had to be printed abroad, Hobbes having been forbidden to publish it at home. It contains Problemata Physica ; Dialogi VI de emendatione Geometria' hodiernsi; contra Wallisiuin de Corpore ; de Ilomine. 1940 Elements of Philosophy, the First Section, concerning Body, with Six Lessons to the Professors of Mathematicks of the Institution of Sr Henry Savile, in the University of Oxford, with numerous folding plates, '56: STITMAI, or Markes of the Absurd Geometry, Rural JvANGUAGE, Scottish Church-Politicks, and Barbarismes of John Wallis, Professor of Geometry and Doctor of Divinity, '57: [Stubbe ( William)] Clamor, Rixa, Joci, Mendacia, Furta, Cachini, or a Severe Enquiry into the late Oneirocritica : or an Exact Account of the Grammatical Part of the Controversy betwixt Mr. Hobbes and J. Wallis, D.D. {containing both titles), no printer, '57 — 3 vols. 4to. in 1, very tall and clean copy in old calf {joints cracked) ; a very rare collection, £5. 5s R. and W. Leyhourn, 1656—^. Crooke, 1657 ' The Tract of Hexry Stibbe, which follows Hobbes's Stiginai in this volume, is one of the rarest Tracts in the English Language. It is also exceedingly interesting from the Learning and Causticity which it displays The only other Copies I eycsr saw, having sought & advertised for it for years, are those in the British Jfuseum & Bodleian Library & another which I obtained from Henry Bohn, all of which however are imperfect, wanting the postscript from p. 17 to 38 so that this is in fact the only perfe:t copy known. I advised Sir William Molesworth to reprint it in his Edition of Hobbes's Works. He has not done so, but the reprint of the Stigmai in his Edition was from the Copy in this Volume,— Jas CaossLEY [^Fonwler and President of the Chetlwin Society]. Sr'l Apl 1849.' — Inscr. on flyleaf. 1947 [ ] Lux Mathematica: excussa Cwllisionibus JoH. VVallisii, d.d. et Thomas Hobbesii, niultis et fulgentissimis aucta radiis Authore R. R. ; adjuncta est Censura Doctrinai Wallisian.T; de Libra, cum Roseto Hobbesii, editio princeps; ivith plate and numerous dianrams on copper, sm. 4to. hf. brown calf gilt {nice large copy). Is 6c? Londini, 1672 Written at the age of eighty-four. 1948 [ ] De PRINCIPIIS et Ratiocinatione Geometrarum, ubi ostenditur incertitudinem falsitatemcjue ; non minorem inesse scriptis eorum, quam scriptis Physicoruni et Ethicorum. Contra fastuni Professorum Geometrire, editio princeps ; with plates and diagrams on copper, sm. 4to. old sheep {margins of some II. wormed, hut a tall and sound copy"*, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.E.S., I2s Qd ibidem, 1666 1949 QuADRATURA CiRCULi, CuBATio SPH.ER.E, DuPLicATio CuBi, breviter demonstrata, editio princeps, 4to. (pp. 20), hf. brown calf extra {nice large copy), \0s Qd ib., 1869 This pamphlet, containing the philosopher's singular notions on the quadrature of the circle, and other geometrical fallacies, was answered by John Wallis in his 'Thomie Hobbes Quadratuni Circuli, etc. confutata' (7. v. post). 1950 RosETUM (jEOMETRICUM, sive Propositiones aliquot frustra antehac tentatie, cum Censura brevi Doctrin.*: Wallisian^ de Motu, editio princeps ; with numerous diagrams on copper, 4to. (pp. 68), hf. brown calf extra {nice large copy), 8s Qd ib., 1671 1951 Three Papers presented to the Royal Society against Dr. Wallis, with Considera- tions on his Answer to them, first edition, icith diagrams, 4to. hf. brown calf extra {nice large copy), \os Printed for the Author, 1671 Added is a broadsheet, dated April 20, 1074: 'Epistola Thoina- Hobbes ad Dom. Antonium a Wood,' also two broad- sheets ' To tlie Learned Members of the Royal Society.' ' Hobbes was very wrong in his quadrature ; but, though not a Gregory St. Vincent, he was not the ignoramus in geometry that he is sometimes supposed. His writings, erroneous as they are in many things, contain acute remarks on points of principle.'— P/o/. de Morgan. 1952 HOBBS (William) A New Discovery for Finding the Longitude, with 2 plates of the spring-movement, sm. 4to. (pp. 7), sewn {rare), 7s Qd 1714 The method advocated was by means of a curious watch (worked in conjunction with a chronometer) which is divided into 100 parts, and of which one hand moves to one part, while the other moves over the whole hundred. The illustration gives particulars as to its construction. 1953 HOBLYN (Richard Dennis ; ^jr., Balliol Coll.) Dictionary of Scientific Terms, post 8vo. cl, ^s 1849 1954 HODGE (Paul R., c E.) Analytical Principles and Practical Application of the Expansive Steam Engine, as employed in Pumping, Manufacturing, Navigation, Railway Locomotion, etc., with S folding plates, and diagrams, 4to. hf. roan, As Qd (p. £3.) 1849 An early treatise on the advantage of'using steam exi)ansively, so greatly developed since in tne compound engine. 1955 HODGES (John A.) Pictorial Landscape Photography, front, and 36 other illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd (p. 5.v) Chicago, 1901 19o6 HODGSON (James, f.r s.) The Theory of Navigation Demonstrated: and its Rudiments Clearly and Plainly Proved, from the First and most Simple Principles of the Mathematicks, with Rules .and Tables, Catalogue of the Right A.scensions, etc. of some Eminent Fixed Stars, and the Latitudes of several Ports and Cities, with their Longitudes [also a Triangular Canon LOGARITHMICAL] ; plates and numerous diagrams {some with moveable slips), thick sm. 4to. old sheep {joints cracked), 12s Qd 1706 The author was Master of tlie Mathematical School at Christ's Hospital, and a friend of Flamsteed, whose niece he married. 1957 HOFF (Jacobus Hendrik van 't) Lectures on Theoretical and Physical Chemistry, trans, by R. A. Lehfeldt, Part II : Chemical Statics, diagrams, 8vo. cl., Qs (p. 8* Qd nett) [1899] 1958 Physical Chemistry in the Service of the Sciences; trans, by Alexander Smith, ivith portrait, and plate illustrating 'tin disease,' 8vo. cl-, 5s Qd (p. 7* Qd nett) Univ. Press, Chicago, 1903 FIGl. ncn. No. 2064 (page 99). The Pendulum Clock invented by Huygens. HENRY SOTHEKAN .^;: CO., Uo, STRAND, W.C., and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 90 )9o9 HOFF (Jacobus Hendrik van 't) Sterkochemie, iiacli ' Dix Annees dans I'Histoiie d'une Theorie,' unter Mitwirkuiig ^le^* Verfassers neu hearbeitet von W. Meyerhoffer; with diagrams^ 8vo. cl, 36- (p. M. 5.) Wicn, 1892 I960 Studies in Chemical Dynamics, revised and enlarged by Ernest Cohen, trans, by Thomas Ewan, with Preface by the Author; 49 illustrations, roy. Svo., d., 5* (p. 10^ 6f/) Amsterdam^ 1896 1931 HOFFMANN (Friedrich) Observationum Physico-Chemicarum selectiorum Libri III, in <|uibns nmlta cnriosa Experimenta et lectissimie Virtutis Medicamenta exhibentur, 4to. old calf. Us Halai,\T22 Tlie author made many important investigations and discoveries in pliarmaceutical and analytical chemistry, includinj: an analysis of mineral waters, and did good work in combating the iatro-chemical doctrines of Sylvius and Tachenius, but is perhaps best known by his invention of ' Hoffmann's Anodyne", which is still in use as spiritus (vtkeris composUva of the IJritish Fliarmacopd-ia. I'.Hji HOFFMANN (Johann Josef Ignaz v.) Abhandlungen aus der Mathematik und Physik, nebst mathematisc-lien und physischen Belustigungen ; toith 15 folding plates, 8vo. sewn, uncut, 5s Mainz, 1838 1963 HOFMANN (August Wilhelm v. ; f.r.s.) Ziir Erinnerung an vorangegangene Freunde : (Jesammelte Gedachtnissreden ; with portraits and fss. , 3 vols. 8vo. cl., \os (p. M. 23.) Braunschweig, 1888 ' (Jeorgf F. Wilson Esij. with the Author's atfoctionate regards. April S, '81».'— /nac/-. on flyleaf. See also Liebio, post. 1964 HOLDEN (Edward Singleton, Director Lick Observatory) Mountain Observatories in Amkkk'a and Europe, with numerous plates, 8vo. sewn, 3.y Washington, 1896 1965 HOLDER (William, f.r.s., Canon of St. Paul's) DISCOURSE concerning Time, with Application of the Natural Day, the Lunar Month, and Solar Year, as Natural ; and of such as are derived from them, as Artificial Parts of Times, for Measures in Civil and Common Use : for the better Understanding of the Julian Year and Calendar, eU'., etc., first edition, large 12mo. original sheep, lOs 6d 1694 The author's last work. He was an accomplished musician, and also did much in teaching the deaf and dumb, one of whom, an Alexander I'npham, he biught to s()eak, though he afterwards temporarily relapsed. He ujarried an elder sister of Sir Christoi»lier Wren, and had much to do with the latter's education. \\»}{} HOLLAND (Sir Henry, m.d., f.r.s.) Essays on Scientific and other Subjects, 8vo. cl., 5s 1862 1967 Another Copy, hf green Levant morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. {fine copy), 8* 1968 Second Edition [revised and enlarged], 8vo. d., 6.y ' 1862 Containing essays on astronomical, physical, and chemical subjects. 1969 Fragmentary Papers on Science and other Subjects, edited by his Son, Francis James Holland, Canon of Canterbury, 8vo. c/., 5* 187.'i I'.tTO [HOLLAND (John)] Treatise on "the Progre.ssive Improvement and Present State of the Manufactures in Metal, vignettes by Finden, and 300 woodcuts, 3 vols. fcap. Svo. hf. calf (nice copy), 5s 1831-4 1971 HOLLEMAN (A. F., Univ. Amsterdam) Text-Book of Organic Chemistry, trans, from the 2nd Dutcli Edition by A. Jamieson Walker and Owen E. Mott, illustrated, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., Is (p. 10* 6d nett) New York, 1903 One of the best text-books on the subject. 1972 HOLMES (J. H. H., f.s.a.) Treatise on the Coal Mines of Durham and Northumberland; with tlie Stratifications of the two Connties, and Accounts of Explosions from Fihe-Damp for the last 20 Years, with Means proposed for their Remedy, and for the General Improvement of the Mining Svstem, by New Methods of Ventilation, 6 plates, and map, 8vo. boards {rare), \2s M 1816 Plate 6 illustrates Clanny's, Brandling's, and Murray's Safety Lamps. 1973 HOLTZAPFFEL (Charlea) New System of Scales of Equal Parts, applicable to various [)urposes of ENGINEERING, etc., with folding plate of the Scales, 8vo. cl.., is 1833 Tlie autlior's tirst work. 1974 Turning and Mechanical Manipulation : a Work of General Reference and Practical Instruction on the Lathe, and the various Mechanical Pursuits followed by Amateurs : Vols. I, II, IV, and V, with very numerous plates and ivoodcuts, 4 vols. 8vo. cl., £2. 12.s- 6d 1846-84 CoNTKNT.s:— I. Materials, their Preparation and Figuration, '4(5: II. Con.struction, Action, and Application of Cuttir.g Tools, 71): I y. The Practice of Hand or Simpl'i Turning, '79 : V. The Practice of Ornamental and Complex Turning, '84. 1975 HOLWELL (John, Philomath) A Sure Guide to the Practical Surveyor, also how to convey Water from any Spring-Head, to any appointed place ; the like never before extant [including a Table for finding the Longitude and Latitude], ivith plates and diagram.^, sm. 8vo. contemporary calf {rare), I5s 1678 The author's first publi.Hlied work, 1976 Trigonometry made Easy; fitted to the meanest Capacity, Opiates, 16mo. nice copy in contemporary sheep, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.U.S., 6? 1685 The author combined astrology, mathematics, and an extensive practice as a surveyor, and was grandfather of JoH>r Zei'haniah Holwell, Governor of Bengal, and a survivor of the Black Hole of Calcutta. He was sent in 1085 on a Government mission to New York, and died there, it is said of poison, .as it was not wi.shed to have him back .again. 1977 HOOD (Charles, f.r.s.) Practical Treatise on Warming Buildings, on Ventilation, and on the Laws of Radiant and Conducted Heat, the Chemical Constitution of Coal, and the Com- bustion of Smoke ; 5th Ed., greatly enlarged, woodcuts, 8vo. cl., Zs 6d (p. lOs 6d) 1879 1978 HOOPER (William, md) Rational Recre.vtions, in which the Principles of Numbers and Natural Philosophy are clearly and copiously elucidated, by a Series of Easy, Entertain- ing, Interesting Experiments, including those commonly performed with the CARDS, with 65 fold- ing plates on copper, 4 vols. 8vo. contemporary calf e.rtra {fine copy), 15s 1771 1979 Third Edition, corrected, with 65 fine folding plates on copper (.VLL HAN DCO LOURED), 4 vols. 8\o. rontcmporary trcc-adf gilt {nirc copy), £1. \s 1787 100 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AN© 37, PICCADILLY, W. 1980 HOOKE (Robert, f.R.S., Gresham Prof. Astronomy) POSTHUMOUS Works, containing his CuTLERiAN Lectures, and other Discourses, with Life, published by Richard Waller, f.r.s., with 13 copperplates, folio, old calf {sound copy) ; RARE, £1. 15s 1705 Tlu; Catlerian Lectures contain : An Attempt to prove the Motion of the Eaith, 1674 : Animadversions oh the first part of the Machina Coelestis of J. Hevelius, 74 : Description of Helioscopes, etc., 76 : Lampas : or Description of some Mechanical Improvements of Lamps and Waterpoises, 77 : Cometa and Microscopium, 78 : and Appendix : Potentia Restitutiva ; and Dr. Papiu's Letter ; wliile the Discourses comprise: The present Deficiency of Natural Philosophy : The Nature, Motion, and Ert'ects of I jght : An Hypothetical Explanation of Memory : The Cause of Gravitation, Magnetism, etc. : Discourses on Earthquakes : Lectures for improving Navigation and Astronomy. 1981 : MicROGRAPHiA Restaurata: or the Copper-Plates of Dr. Hooke's Wonderful DiscoVERiiiS by the MICROSCOPE, Reprinted and fully Explained : Whereby the most Valuable Particulars in that Celebrated Author's Micrographia are brought together in a narrow Compass ; and intermixed, occasionally, with many Entertaining and Instructive Discoveries and Observ- ations in Natural History [by HENRY Baker, f.R.S.], m^A 33 large and fine copperplates {sonic folding)^ folio, old calf gilt, \))s 1745 Comprising the complete' set of the beautiful original plates, with the text shortened and rewritten by Henky Baker, f.r.s. 1982 : Philosophical Experiments and Observations of R. H., and other Eminent Virtuoso's in his Time, pu})lish'd by W. Derham, f.r.s., with plates and woodcuts^ Svo. nice copy in old calf\ newly 7rbacked {rare), £1. Is 1726 'Waller died before a projected second vol urn 3 appeared, and some of the remaining MSS. furnished Derham's 'Philo- sophical Experiments'.'— 7>. A". 11. 'Hooke was a man of extraordinary inventive genius, and has justly been considered as the greatest of philosoy>hical mechanics. There was no important invention by any philosopher of that time which was not in part anticipated by Hooke. His theory of gravitation subsequently formed part of Newton's ; he anticipated the invention of the steam engine, and the discovery of the laws of the constrained motions of planets. Among his own completed discoveries are the law of the extension and compression of elastic bodies, the balance spring of watches and the anchor-escapement clocks, and the permanency of the temperature of boiling water. The quadrant, telescope, and microscope are also materially indebted to him.' The above three work.s comprise all ever printed of his writings. V. Boyle (R.) New Experiments, and Nova Experimenta, ante. 1983 HOOPER (Egbart G.) The Manual of Brewing : Scientific and Technical, 2nd Ed., woodcuts, post Svo. cl. {slightly soiled), 2s Qd 1882 1984 HOOPER (William George, f.s.s.) Aether and Gravitation, Svo. cl., 4s (p. 12*r>rfnett) 1903 A fresh attempt to solve this hopeless problem. 1985 HOPKINS (Evan, c.E.) On the Connexion of Geology with Terrestial Magnetism, 2nd Ed., enlarged, u-ith 30 plates, and numerovs woodcuts, Svo. cl., tcith author's inscr., 5s 1851 1986 HOPKINS (George M.) Experimental Science : Elementary, Practical, and Experimental Physics, with front, and 672 woodcuts, thick large Svo. cl., Qs (p. 17« nett) Neiv York, 1890 1987 HOPKINS (Nevil Munroe, George Washington Univ.) Experimental Electrochemistry, icith 130 illvstrations, roy. Svo. cl., Hs 6d (p. 12s nett) 1905 1988 HOPKINS (Thomas) On the Atmospheric Changes which produce Rain and Wind, and the Fluctuations of the Barometer, 2nd Ed., with additional Essays and Diagrams, charts, Svo. cl., Qs 1854 1989 On the Influence of the Earth's Rotation on Winds, Svo. (pp. 11), seum, Is n. d. 1990 On the Influence of Sun-Heated Land in Producing Ascending Atmospheric Currents, S\o. (pp. 16), sewn, \s Orf Manchester, 1854 1991 On the SEPARATE PRESSURES of the Aqueous and the GASEOUS PORTIONS of tiie Atmo- sphere, Svo. (pp. 25), sewn, \s Qd ib., 1854 1992 Outlines of an Hypothesis to account for the Production of Rain and Wind, Svo. (pp. 8), sewn. Is ib., 1852 1993 HOPKINS (William) Elements of Trigonometry, woodciits ; also, Elementary Illus- trations of the Differential and Integral Calculus, and a few other Tracts— in one vol. Svo. hf bound, 4s 1833 ' Containing a good historical sketch '.—D. N. B. See also Morgan (A. de) and Snowball, post. The author was known as the Senior Wrangler Maker, and had as his pupils Sir G. G. Stokes, Lord Kelvin, P. G. Tail, Henry Fawcett, James Clerk Maxwell, and Isaac Todiiunter. 1994 HOPPE (Edmund) Geschichte der Elektrizitat ; illustrated, Svo. hf. calf gilt, Is Qd (p. M. 13.50 unbound) Leipzig, 1884 1995 HOROLOGICAL JOTJBNAL (The) : the Special Organ of the British Horological Insti- tute, complete from the beginning in 1858 to l900, with numerous illustrations, 42 vols, large Svo. and roy. Svo. in 10, hf. morocco gilt {v. 1 wantinq title and index, otherwise a SOUND AND clean SET), £5. 10s ■ 1858-1900 1996 HORREBOW (Petrus) Opera Mathematico-Physica ; with copperplates and diagrams, 3 vols. cr. 4to. old calf gilt, or, old vellum {fine copies), 12s Qd Havnice, 1740-1 ' 11 inventa uiie methode que Bernoulli regardait comme admirable, savoir de trouver la hauteur du pole par le moyen de deux etoiles qui soient situees I'une au nord et I'autre an sud et qui aient .a pen pres la mfeme declinaison.' — Biogr. Gen. Of special interest is his ' Basis Astronomiae,' in which he describes the astronomical instruments and methods of observ- ation of Olof Rokmer. 1997 HORSLEY (Samuel; Bp. of St. Asaph, F.R.S.) KODKINON 'EPATOSeENOYS, or the Sieve of Eratosthenes : an Account of his Method of finding all the Prime Numbers, 4to. (pp. 23), sewn, 4s 1773 Collated with a MS. of Abp. Laud's. This tract is not mentioned in a professedly complete list of the author's works in D.N.B. 1998 KExMARKS on the Observations made in the late Voyage towards the North Pole, for determining the Acceleration of the Pendulum, in Lat. 79^' 50', 4to. (pp. 15), sewn, 2s 6d 1774 V. Apollonius Perg^us, ante, and Newton, post. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 101 1999 HOBROCKS (Jeremiah ; Curate of Hoole, Lanes. ; first observer of the Transit of Venus) : .Ieremlp. Horroccii, Liverpoliensis Angli, Opera Postjiuma; accedunt Guil. Crabtf.i=:i, Mancestriensis, Observationes Ccelestes ; JOH. Flamstedii de Teinporis .^icjuatione Diatriba ; Nuiueri ad Liinie Theoriam Horroccianam ; JoH. Wallisii de Cometarum Distantiis; de Ratio- num et Fractionum Reductione ; de Periodo Juliana ; with diagrams, thick cr.4to. old c«//(very rare), £1. 155 Londini, 1678 Horrocks's short life is one of the most shining illustrations in the whole romance of science. Ho observed for the first time, with a little half-crown telescope, on a Sunday afternoon, Nov, 24 (O. S.), 1C39, a Transit of Venus, having first finished his Evensong, 'ad majora avocatus quin ob ha-c i>arerga [astronomica] negligi non decuit.' He dit'd next year, lb40, in his 23rd year. ' In the lunar theory he effected an improvement which would alone suffice to obtain for him an imperishable reputation. His beautiful explanation of the inequality in the moon's longitude, termed the evection, by means of a libratory motion of the apsides and a variable eccentricity, was the last great step made in the development of the laws of planetary movement previous to the establishment of the theory of gravitation by Newton.'— 7 rof. R. Grant. 2000 , Memoir of the Life and Labours of, with Translation of his celebrated Discourse on the Transit of Venus, by Arundell Blount Whatton, pr., diagrams and chart, post 8vo. cl. (scarce), U)s Qd 1859 Tiie r,'nus in Soh v!m, of which the above is a translation, was not included in the foregoing posthumous works, and •jniy saw the light by care of Hevelius at Danzig in 1G02. HORTEGA (Juan de)— v. Ortega, post. 2001 HORTON (— , pr.. Schoolmaster at Hampton) ACCOUNT of the EARTHQUAKES at LEGHORN in Italy, Jan. 5-16, 1742, 8vo. (pp. 26). sewn, 4s 1750 A careful account, with a poetical effusion in English and Italian at end. 2002 HOSIER (John, Teacher of Navigation) The MARINER'S FRIEND, or a Treatise on the Stars, with Table of Star.s. 12n)o. sewn, 2s 6d 1809 2003 HOSPITAIilER (ijdouard) The Modern Applications of Electricity, trans, and enlarged by Jl'LIU.s Maier, 2nd [last] Ed., with many Additions, ;?/aound modlHcations, the best known of which is the Nimbus or rain-cloud. These names have been generally adopted by meteorologists '.—r/io»Mw Hodgkin, D.C.L. 2013 HUDSON (Ronald William Henry TumbuU) Rummer's Quartic Surface, with front, and diagrams, 8vo. cl., os 6d (sells 8s nett) U7iiv. Press, ^Cqmbridge, 1905 The author had a brilliant mathematical career and became a Fellow of !^t. .Jojm's fc6ll., Cantab// '^uiidied from rock- climbing in Wales in his 29th year io 1904. ».•>',;••' . 102 HENliY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., and 87, PICCADILLY, W. 2014 HUES (Robert) A Treatise descriptive of the Globes constructed liy Emery Molyneux, published in 1592, edited by Sir Clements R. Mark ham ; also Sailing Directions for the Circumnavigation of England, and for a Voyage to Gibraltar, from a XVth Century MS., edited by James Gairdner, with Glossary by E. Delmar Morgan, front, and map, 8vo. cL, 1 0^ M Hakl uyt Soc. , 1 880 Hues sailed round the World with Thomas Cavendish, and was a friend of Thomas Chapman the poet, and of Sir Walter Rale-h. 2015 HULL (Edward, f.r.s.) The Coal-Fields of Gt. Britain : their History, Structure and Resources, with the Coal-Fields of our Indian and Colonial Empire, and of other Parts of the World, 5th [last] Ed., revised, embodying the Reports of the Royal Commission of 1904, Opiates, 13 7nups {the large folding one in pocket), and diagrams, 8vo. el., \0s (p. 14s nett) 1905 2016 Third Edition, revised and enlarged, 14 plates and maps, and 23 ivoodcuts, 8vo. cL, 5? (p. 165) 1873 The standard work on the subject. 2017 Sketch of Geological History, with coloured folding diagram, or. 8vo. cL, 2s 1887 2018 Volcanoes : Past and Present, with 4 plates and 41 woodcuts, post 8vo. cL, 2s 1892 2019 HULLMANDEL (Charles Joseph) The Art of Drawing on Stone ; giving a full Explana- tion of the various Styles, the different Methods, the Modes of Correcting, and the several Causes of Failure, new Ed., revised, with 9 lithographs hy the Author (2 on India paper), 8vo. hf. roan {scarce), \os 1835 ' His practice and study resulted in the discovery of a new mode of preparing the stones. . . . Among the many other artists who availed themselves of his processes for the production of their drawings were Stanfield, David Roberts. Haghe, Xasli, and Cattermole. With the last he was allied in the perfection of his invention of lithotint'. — Cosmo Moiikhouse. 2020 HULLS (Jonathan) Description and Draught of a New-Invented Machine for Carrying Vessels or Ships out of, or into any Harbour, Port, or River, against Wind and Tide, or in a Calm. For which. His Majesty has Granted Letters Patent for the Space of Fourteen Years, with folding front., representing the 'Machine ' toiving a Man-of-War, 8vo. boards, uncut, £1. 15^ [1855 : Reprint of] 1737 ' He was the first who attempted practically to employ steam in propelling a vessel in water. His experiments were made on the Avon at Evesham in 1737, the main idea being to have a Newcomen engine — the only sort then known— on a tow-boat in front of the vessel which it was intended to propel, and connected with it by a tow-ropo. Six paddles in the stern of the tow-boat were fastened to a cross axis connected by ropes to another axis which was turned by the engine. Hulls undoubtedly showed how to convert the rectilinear motion of a piston-rod into a rotation motion, which is an essential principle in steam locomotion whether on land or water. But HuUs's experiment was a failure, and only excited derision.'— 7). ?sf. 5. 2021 HUMBER (William) Complete Treatise on Cast and Wrought Iron Bridge Con- struction, including Iron Foundations, 3rd [last] Ed., enlarged, irith 115 large plates {including photographic vietu of raising Saltash Bridge), besides diagrams, 2 vols. impl. 4to. hf. calf, £1. '5s (p. £6. 16* 6d) 1870 ' Mr. Humbefs stately volumes, lately issued— in which the most important bridges erected during the last five years, under the direction of the late Mr. Brunei, Sir W. Cubitt, Mr. Hawkshaw, Mr. Page, Mr. Fowler, Mr. Hemans, and others among our most eminent engineers, are drawn and specified in great detail.' — En^fineer. 2022 HUMBOLDT (FriedrichHeinrich Alexander, Freiherr v.) Kosmos ; Entwurf einer phy- sisohen Weltbeschreibung, 4 vols. 8vo., vv. 1-2 hf. calf, vv. ^-4: sewn, with Prof. Williamson's auto., Qs Qd Stuttgart, 1845-58 A supj)lementary volume was published after the author's death. 2023 Cosmos: a Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe, trans, by E. C. Otte, W. S. Dallas, and B. H. Paul, steel portrait, 5 vols. cr. 8vo. cL, Is Qd (p. 19*) 1848-65 2024 KOSMOS: a General Survey of the Physical Phenomena of the Universe [trans, by AUGUSTIN Prichard, M.D.] , 2 vols. post 8vo. hf. calf, 2s Qd 1845-8 ' One of the greatest scientific works ever published, exhibiting in most lucid arrangement many of the principal facts of the physical sciences and their relations to each other.' 2025 Des LiGNES Isothermes et de la Distribution de la Chaleur sur le Globe, premiere edition; with folding table: Sur la LiMiTE Inferieure des Neiges Perpetuelles dans les Montagues de f Himalaya et les Ri^gions Equatoriales — 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, contemporary mottled calf gilt {rare), 12s 6d 1817-20 ' Humboldt's treatise on IsothenmU Lines (IS17) constitutes a notable epoch in practical meteorology.'— D/-. Buchan. The chart ap]iended was the first of its kind. 2026 HUMJE: (William Charles) Treatise on the Theory of Parallel Lines, 2 plates, 8vo. (pp. 48), seu-n, 3s Qd Dublin, 1853 2027 HUNT (Edmund) Color Vision, an Essay discussing the existing Theories, explaining Views liitherto incompletely published, and comprising Descriptions of iniportant New Experiments, 3 coloured plates, cr. 4to. el., 3s (p. 5.9 nett) Glasgow, 1892 ' The result of 50 years* study.'— Prc/ac«. 2028 HUNT (Robert, f.r.s.) British Mining: the History, Discovery, Practical Development, and Future Prospects of Metalliferous Mines in the United Kingdom, with over 230 illustrations, thick 4to. cl., Us (p. £2. 2^) 1884 'Containing a mass of valuable results, e.g., of the Royal Commission of 1806, an historical sketch of mining, the geology of mineral deposits and formation of metalliferous veins, details of the operation of extracting ores, machinery and ventilation of mines, and the future prospects of British mining.'— D. N. B. 2029 Manual of Photography, 3rd Ed., enlarged, coloured front., and 87 ivoodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 5s 1853 2030 Fifth Edition, revised, with front, and 101 ivoodcuts, post 8vo. cl., Qs 1857 still of groat interest from an historical point of view. 2031 The Poetry of Science, or Studies of the Phy.sical Phenomena of Nature, 8vo. cl., 3s 6d , . 1848 2032 Sl^COND EDITIOH^ {vevii?ed] , 8vo. cl., 5s 6d 1849 . ■■ - . '-.' "• : 'Ay interesting history of the exact sciences. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 103 2033 HUNT (Robert, f.r.s.) Researchk.s on Light : the Phenomena connected with the Chemical and Molecular Chanjjes produced by the Intiuence of the Solar Rays, embrachi«;- all the known Photographic Processes, and New Discoveries in tlie Art, coloured front., and woodcuts, 8vo. cL, &? 6^/ 1844 ' Another experimenter who tried to obtain the natural colours of objects by means of photography was Robert Hunt. These researches took place between 18-10 and 1843, and the results were set forth in his work 'Researches on Light', published in 1844.'—^. T. Story. 2034 Second Edition [greatly enlarged], with folding front., and woodcuts, 8vo. cl., Hs 6d 1854 ' Mainly a history of photography ; but the 2nd edition (1854) contained a large number of original experiments and ne>v ' analyses of the solar ray '.'— i>. N. B. 203r> HUNT (Thomas Sterry, F.R.S.) Chemical and Geological Essays, Svo. cl. (scarce), lOs 6d Boston [Mass.], 1875 Containing the author's researches on the composition of rocks ' which were of great importance.* He was the inventor of the green ink with which 'greenbacks' are printed, 2036 HUTTON (Charles, f.r.s.) The Compendious Measurer : a Brief, yet Comprehensive, Treatise on Mensuration, and Practical Geometry, with Introduction to Arithmetic, woodcuts, 12mo. sheep extra [fine copy), Qs Gd 1807 2037 Course of Mathematics, for the Vne of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 8tli Ed., by Olinthus Gregory, diagrams, 3 v., '24-20 : Key by Daniel Dowling, '20—4 vols. 8vo. boards, 35 (id 1824-20 2038 New Edition, wholly remodelled by William Ramsay, diagrams, thick Svo. boards, 2s 6d 1833 2039 Twelfth Edition, continued and amended by Olinthus Gregory, with considerable Additions by Thomas Stephens Davies, f.r.s., 2 v. cl. (stained), '41-3: Key by T. S. Davies, hf cl., '40—3 vols. Svo. ivith diagrams ; %s Qd 1841-3-0 ■J040 : HiCKiE (James) Key to Rutherford's Edition of Button's Course of Mathematics, diagrams, Svo cl., 2s 6d 1849 2041 The DiARiAN Miscellany : Useful and Entertaining Parts, both Mathematical and Poetical, extracted from the Ladies' Diary, 1704-73, with many additional Solutions and Improvements, illustrated, 5 vols. 12mo. old calf, 10s Qd 1775 2042 Mathematical Tables, with a large and orij,nnal History of the Discoveries and Writings relating to those Subjects, etc. etc., first editioii, roy. Svo. new bnckram (corner cut off title) ; rare. Vis Gd 1785 2043 Fifth Edition, roy. Svo. hf. calf bs 6rf 1811 2044 Sixth Edition, large roy. Svo. boards, uncut. Is M 1822 ' With introtluction, still valued as an interesting and learned history of logarithmic work. Hutton deprecates the theory of Napier's iq. v. post] originality as the inventor of logarithms. He suggested the plan of the great work on logarithms which was afterwards compiled by his friend, Baron Maseros.' — D. N. B. 2045 Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, with Historical Account and Mem- oirs of Authors Ancient and Modern, first edition, Krith plates, 2 vols. 4to. old hf calf (binding damaged), Qs 6d 1796 •j()46 Second [last] Edition [enlarged], with 41 copperplates, and numeron^ diagrams, 2 vols. 4to. old hf. calf, \2s Qd 1815 2047 Another Copy, with portrait on copper (inserted), 2 vols. 4to. old tree calf gilt, newly and neatly rebacked, \Qs 6d The nr.st mathematical dictionary in English, and still valuable for the biographical information it contains. 2048 The Principles of Bridges : Mathematical Demonstrations of the Properties of Arches, the Thickness of Piers, etc. etc., 2nd Ed., with Additions, diagrams, 12mo. sewn, 4s 1801 Written on the occasion of Newcastle Bridge being injured by a flood. It'is valuable for e.stabli.shing the mathematical principle of the law of arches. 2049 Recreations in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, first composed ])y M. OZANAM, lately recomposed by M. MoNTUCLA, and now trans,, with many Additions and Observ- ations, nearly 100 copperplates, 4 vols. Svo. in 2, cl., 8s 6d 1814 2050 Tracts on Mathematical and Philosophical Subjects, including the Theory of Bridges, and experiments on the Force of Gunpowder, with fine portrait by C. Turner, plates, and diagrams, 3 vols. Svo. contemporary tree-calf (fine copy), with bookplate of Charles ^rd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., \2s Qd 1812 2051 Another Copy, 3 vols, boards, uncut, Qs Qd 2052 Treatise on Mensuration, in Theory and Practice, with numerous diagrams by Thomas Bewick, thick 4to. old hf calf gilt (fine copy), with Earl Stanhope's bookplate, \5s Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1770 The diagrams in this work are by Thomas Bewick, the celebrated wood-engraver, and form Ins first essay at book illustration. 2053 Fourth Edition, with many Additions, diagrams, thick Svo. boards, uncut, 5s 1812 Hutton, who became one of the foremost mathematicians of his time, and the value of whose work in computing the earth's density was acknowledged by Laplace, began life as a hewer in Long Benton Colliery near Newcastle-nn-Tyne. ' All his books were of a profe.ssional and practical character, and are invariably clear and accurate.'—/). N. B. 2054 HUTTON (James, m.d.) Dissertations on different Subjects in Natural Philosophy, 4to. old calf (fine tall copy), tvifh bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S. (rare), £1. 1* Edin., 1792 Containing the ' Meteorological Dissertations on Riin and Wind ', one of his most important works, wherein he ascribes the formation of rain to the mingling of two strata of air of different temi)eratures and the subsequent condensation of the mixture ; also papers on phlogi.ston, and the laws of matter and motion. • Hutton ranks as the first great English geologist.'— D. N. B. 2055 HUXLEY (Thomas Henry, f.r.s.) Physiography: an Introduction to the Study of Nature, New Ed., 5 coloured plates, and 122 woodcuts, cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 6*) 1882 or "' ,. »t 104 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 2056 HUYGENS [Latine HUGENIUS] (Christiaan ; f.r.s.) CEuvres Completes, publiees par la Soci^td hollandaise des Sciences : Tome X : Correspondance, 1691-5 ; printed on handmade paper, with numerous diagrams, thick 4to. original cover, uncut, 15* (sells £1. 5* nett) La Haye, 1905 The last volume issued, completing the author's correspondence. 2057 -; Opera Mechanica, Geometrica, Astronomica et Miscellanea, qune coUegit, emend- avit, auxit atque illustravit etc. etc. GuiL. Jac. 's Gravesande ; with 56 folding plates, 4 vols. 4to. inl, hf. cl., 16s 6d Lugd. Bat., 1751 Containing all the author's works, except those included in the Opera Posthuma. 2058 Opera Varia [ex recensione G. J. 's Gravesande], with engraved portrait, and 56 plates, 2 vols. 4to. vellum (slightly water-stained), with Prof. Williamson's auto., 12s 6d ibidem, 1724 2059 Another Copy, old calf (large and sound copy), los This is an earlier issue of the'' Opera Mechanica '", etc., with a different titlepage. 2060 OpUSCULA POSTUMA, qute continent DiOPTRICAM, COMMENTARIOS de VlTRIS FiGURANDIS, Dissertationem de Corona et Parheliis, Tractatum de Motu et de Vi Centrifuga, De- scriptionem Automati Planetarii [ex recensione Burcheri de Volder et Bernhardi Fullenii] ; ivith 19 ^ne copperplates, and numerous diagrams, 4to. contemporary Dutch calf gilt (rare), 15.$ ibidem, 1703 First Edition of the author's posthumous works, afterwards republished by J. W. 's Gravesande as Opera Rdiqna, and comprising Huygans's important optical works. The above works form the complete printed works ofHuygens(in aLatin translation), and are by no means superseded by the so-called ' ffiuvres coujplHes' issued by the Kon. Nederlaudsch genootschap der wetenschappen, which merely contain his correspondence. 2061 Opera Reliqua [edente G. J. 's Gravesande] ; loith 58 folding copjierplates, 2 vols. 4to. contemporary lohite parchment qilt, lIsQd Amsielodami, 17*^8 ' He constructed the pendulum-clock, following out the idea first suggested by Galileo, and developed and gave precision to the lattcr's investi>j;ations upon accelerated motion under the action of gravity. By means of an improved telescope of his own construction, Huygens in 16')5 discovered Saturn's ring and the fourth satellite of that planet. He discovered the laws of collision of elastic bodies about the same time as Wallis and Wren, and also made a material improvement in the air pump. But his most important discoveries aie in the department of optics : he it was who first propounded and developed what is now known as the undulatory theory of light, and he is the discoverer of polarisation.* 2062 De Circuli Magnitudine Inventa, accedunt eiusdem Probleniatum quoiundam illus- triuin Constructiones ; ivith diagrams, Lugd. Bat., Joh. et Dan. Elzevier. '54: Systema Saturnium, sive de Causis mirandorum SatuVni Plifenomenon, et Comite ejus Planeta Novo ; ivith plate, woodcuts and diagrams, Hagw-Com., A. Vlacq, '59— in 1 vol. 4to., FINE AND large copies in contemporary white vellum (RARE), £2. 2s 1654-9 First Editions of these important works, the second containing the first account of the author's discovery of Saturn's ring and his fourth satellite. It also contains at end a description of the Micrometer. Bound up with the above two works is ' Epistola de Mundi, quae circumferuntur, Systematis et novo alio illis certiore Dialogismum paradoxum complexa : Auctore Jacobo Cocc^o' ; with plates, Amst., 16t>0. 2063 Exercitationes Mathematics et Philosopiiicj^. ex MSS. in Bibliotheca Academia? Lugd. Bat. servatis edidit Petrus Joannes Uylenbroek ; with 4 folding plates, andfs., 2 vols. 4to. contemporary hf. calf gilt (fine copy). Vis 6d Hagte Comit., 1833 Containing Huygens's correspondence with Leibniz, the Marquis de I'Hospital, de Vaumesle, Fatio de Duillier, etc etc. 2064 HoROLOGiUM OsciLLATORiUM, sive de Motu Pendulorum ad Horologia antato Demonstrationes Geonietrica3, editio princeps ; with woodcuts and numerous diagrams, folio, FINE TALL COPY in old white vellum (very rare), £3. 3* Parisiis, 1673 'A work that ranks second only to Newton's rrincijna and con.stitutes historically a necessary introduction to it. The book opens with a description of pendulum clocks, of which Huygens is the inventor. Then follows a treatment of accelerated motion of bodies falling free, or sliding on inclined planes, or on given curves— culminating in the brilliant discovery that the cycloii is a tautochronous curve. To the theory of curves he added the important theory of ' evolutes.' ... In Huygens's assumption that the common centre of gravity of a group of bodies, oscillating about a horizontal axis, rises to its original height, but no higher, is expressed for the first time one of the most beautiful principles of dynamics, afterwards called the princii)le of the conservation of vis viva. The 13 theorems at the end relate to the theory of centrifugal force in circular motion. This theory aided Newton in discovering the law of gravitation.'— /Vo/. Cajori. Added are some pp. of an old MS. bearing on the subject, and a folio leaf ' Methode aisee pour apprendre a regler et a entretenir uue montre h pendule faite par [Markham] Marwick ' [maker of 'long-case clocks ', 1720-40]. 2065 KOSMOOEQPOS, sive de Terris Ccelestibus, earumque Ornatu, Conjectur.e, editio princeps; with 5 folding plates, sm. Ato. fine copy in old white vellum, 15s Hagfr-Com., 1698 2066 Editio Altera; with 5 plates, sm. 4to. oldhf. vellum, IQs ib., 1699 Published posthumously. It contains the author's views on the plurality of worlds. 2067 [ ] Traite de la Lumiere, oii sont expliquees les causes de ce qui luj' arrive dans la Reflexion, et dans la Refraction, et particulierement dans I'^trange Refraction du Cristal d'Islande, par C. H. D. Z., avec un Discours de la Cause de la Pesanteur ; with diagrams, cr. 4to. newly bound in polished crimson Levant morocco gilt, cl. sides, rough g. e. {last 2 U. slightly stained, otherwise a VERY TALL AND FINE COPY) ; very rare, £3 llsQd Leide, 1690 First Edition of this CEf.EBRATKo Work, fir.st propounding his principle of 'elementary waves', enabling him to explain the reflexion and refraction of light on the basis of the undulatory theory. In the ' Discours de la cause de la pesanteur', which has a separate title, the author 'developed and gave precision to the investigations of Galileo upon accelerated motion under the action of gravity ; and there is no doubt that to the clearness of Ms demonstrations his groat successor, Newton, in preparing his magnificent development of the principle of accelerating force, was largely indebted.' It also contiiins his discovery of polarisation. ' Nach Form und Inhalt eines der ausgezeichnetsten und geistreichsten Werke der jilteren Vhysik.'—Poggendorff. 2068 HYMEBS (John, Rector of Brandesburton, F.R.S. ; founder of Hymers College, Hidl) The Elements of the Theory of Astronomy, 2nd Ed., revised, 4 plates, 8vo. boards, 4^ Cambridge, 1840 2069 Treatise on Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions ; containing the Theory of Curve Surfaces, and of Curves of Double Curvature, 6 plates, 8vo. boards, Zs ib., 1830 2070 Second Edition, altered and enlarged, Opiates, 8vo. boards, Zs Qd ib., 1836 ( I. ) Chuistzanz HugeHm, Const. R j> t C I R C U L I MAGNITUDINE INVENTA. t^CCE.DFNT EirSDEM Problcraatum quorundatn illuftrittni Conikudiones. t.VCDVKI BaTAVORVM, Apud JOHANNEM & DaNIELEM El2EVIBR.# Acadcm. Typograph. do loc LIV. co:>ai>cB> ( in. ) ( n. ^ T R A I T E- DE LA LVMIERE. - CXX font expliquecs Les caufis de ce qui luy arrive DansU REFLEXION ,& dans U REFRACTION. Et particulterement Dansrctrangc REFRACTION DV CRISTAL DISLANDE. Par C. H. D. Z. Avec UH *Difcours de la Caufe DE LA PESANTEVR. A L Z 1 D l y Cbcz PIERRE VANDBx AA,Marchand Libralrc. M D C X C. DE LA REFLEXION. Chap. II. zi CHAPITRE IL DE LA REFLEXION. Ayantexpliqu^lcsefFersdes ondes de lumicre, quis'^ten- dentdaosuncmatierc homogene, nous examinerons en- fuite cc qui leur arrive en rencontrant d'autres corps. Nous fc- rons voir premierement comment par ces mcfmcs ondes s'cx- plique la Reflexion de la lumiere, & pourquoy elle garde I'egali- te des angle&Soic uae furface plane & poUe, de quelque mecail. verre ou autre corpSiA B.qued'a- bordjeconndere- raycommeparfai- tement unie (me refervantiparler des indgalitcz , dent elle ne peur eftreexempte,ila fin de cctte dc- monftration ) & qu'une ligne a c , ioclinee iiic ab, reprefente unc partied'une onde delumiere,doatIe centre foit fi loin duecerte partie ac puifle eftre confider^e comrae une ligne droitej p.ircc que jcconfidere tout cecy commedans un fcul plan, ni'imaginant que le plan, ou eft cette figure, coupe la Iphere de I'onde par fon centre, & le plan a b 4 angles droitsj ce qu'ilfuflic d'avertir une fois pour routes. C I Lea- { IV. ) _ I. and III. No. 2062. II. and IV. No. 2067. Title=page and Illustration of thlication of Algebra to Geometry, 3rd Ed., enlarged, 4 -plates, 8vo. boards, 4* Qd Cambridge, 1845 ' This work at once became a standard textbook.'—/). N. B. 2072 Treatise on Differential Equations, and on the Calculus of Finite Differences, plate, 8vo. boards, Ss ib., 1839 2073 Second Edition, enlarged, 8vo. cl., 4s 1858 2074 Treatise on the Integral Calculus, with the Theory of Definite Integrals and of Elliptic Functions, 2nd Ed., enlarged, 2 plates, 8vo. hoards, 3s M Cambridge, 1835 'The second edition (1835) introduced the subject of ' Elliptic Functions' to English students.'— D. N. B. 2075 Third Edition, enlarged, 2 plates, 8vo. boards, or, cL, As ib., 1844 2076 Treatise on the Theory of Aluedraical Equations, plate, 8vo. boards, 3s ib., 1837 2077 Second Edition, altered and enlarged, plate, 8vo. boards, 3s 6rf ib., 1840 2078 Treatise on Trigonometry, and on Trigonometrical Tables and Logarithms, with Select Problems and their Solutions, 2nd Ed., enlarged : TREATISE on SPHERICAL Trigonomety, 3 plates— 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, boards, As Qd ib., 1841 ' Ilis books exhibit much acquaintance with the progress of mathematics on the continent.' — D. N. B. 2079 HYNDMAN (H. H. Francis) Radiation : Electromagnetic Radiation, Rontgen and Cathode Rays ; witii Preface by Silvanus P. Thompson, f.r.s., diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) 1898 2080 IBBETSON (John Holt) Specimens in Eccentric Circular Turning, with Practical Instructions, third Ed., with considerable Additions^ copperplates {some folding), and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 5s [c. 1830] 2051 IDELEB. (Christian Ludwig) Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Chrono- logie, aus den Quellen bearbeitet, 2 thick vols. 8vo. bog.rds, £1. 10s Berlin, 1825-6 The scarce original edition of the author's most important work. ' An exhaustive and commendable work on the measures of time adopted in various countries, especially in ancient times.' — Prof. S. Newcomb. 2052 ILES (George, New York) FLAME, Electricity, and the Camera : Man's Progress from the First Kindling of Fire to the Wireless Telegraph and the Photography of Color, with 22 portraits and plates, and 93 cuts, 8vo. cl., is 6d (p. 7s 6rf nett) 1900 2083 INDUSTRIES (The) of the World : a Complete Course of Technical Education, ed. by Jamks Wvlde, copioitslif illustrated with portraits, plates, and woodcuts, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. in 6 parts, cl. (out of print), \6s (p. £1. 19s) [1881-2] 2084 INGENHOUSZ (Jan, f.r.s.) Experiments upon Vegetables, discovering their great Power of purifying the Common Air in the Sunshine, and of injuring it in the Shade and at Night, with a new Method of examining the accurate Degree of Salubrity of the Atmo.sphere, folding plate, 8vo. old crt//(RARE), £1. 5s 1779 The author's chief work, containing hi3 discovery that plants give off oxygen in the sunshine, and carbon dioxide in the shade. 2085 Lettre a M. J. VAN Breda au Sujet de la Quantite d'AiR Dephlogistiqu6 que lea YtGtTXVX rdpandent dans TAtmosphere pendant le Jour, etc. etc., 4to. (pp. 14), sewn, 2s (Sd [1785] 2086 Lettre h. M. N. C. Molitor au Sujet de I'Effet particulier qu'ont sur la Germination des Semences . . . les diffdrentes Especes d'AiR, 4to. (pp. 12), tiewn, 2s [1786] 2087 Observations Physiques : R6Hexions sur I'Economie des Vdg6taux : I'Origine et la Nature de la Matibre verte de M. Priestley ; with coloured plate, 4to. sewn. As 1784 InKcuhousz, who spent his later years in England, was the first to employ glass jdates in the construction of electric machines. He also made important researches into the thermal conductivity of different metals, and was the first to introduce carbon dioxide into medical use. 2088 INGLIS (James) Artistic Lighting ; with * At Home ' Portraiture, Avith Daylight and Flashlight, by F. DuNDAS TODD, 11 plates, chiejlij portrait-specimens, post 8vo. cl., 2s (id (p. 5s) Chicago, 1897 2089 INGRAM (Alexander) The Principles of Arithmetic and their Application to Rusiness, 26th Ed., 16mo. old sheep, 3s 6d Edin., 1847 A M.S. note on title by a former owner states that the author was the first to bring out ' the present improved method of cuIh- root (p. 104).' 2093 INMAN (James, D.D., Prof Navigation, R.N.C., Greenwich) Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, 7th Ed., with Nautical Tables, for the Use of British Seamen, new Ed., 2 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. calf, tvith Sandhurst College bookplate, 8s 6d 1849 * In the thirfl eook in the navy, the ' Navigation ' has been gradually superseded, but tlie tables still continue in use.'—SirJ. K. Ixivghton. 2091 INNES (Robert T. A., f.r.a.s. ; Govt. Observ., Johannesburg) Reference Catalogue of Southern Double Stars, with Preface by Sir David Gill, f.r.s., impl. 4to. seicn, 8s 6d (p. 14s nett) Edin., 18dd ' Up to the present time no general catalogue of the double stars of the Southern Hemisphere has been published. The observer in this field has been compelled either to expend much time in searching ... or to consult and compare many different pulilications.'— .Sir David Gill. 2092 INSTITUT de FRANCE : Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Stances de 1'Academie des Sciences ; Vols. 76-139, 64 vols. 4to. sewn as issued, £12. 12s (p. £38. 10s nett) 1873-1904 2003 Tomes 52 ii 65 ; 14 thick vols. 4to. hf calf £1. 5s (p. F. 210. unbound) 1861-7 See Memoires de Mathematiquk et de Physique, jwst. 2091 INSTRUMENTS de PRECISION: Mus^E R^trospectif de la Classe 15, h I'Exposition de Paris, 1900; with 9 plates containing 81 portraits of Scientists, besides numerous fine engravings of historical and modem scientifc instruments, impl. 8vo. sewn, As [1900] A most valuable collection of scientific instruments of historical interest. 8 lOG HENRY SOTHERAN t^' CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, axd 37, PICCADILLY, W. 2095 INTEGRAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples on the, in whicli every Operation of each Example is completely effected, by a Member of the University [with Table of Integrals], 8vo. boards, 3.y 6^^ Cambridge, 1835 2096 INTELLECTUAL OBSERVER (The) : Review of Natural History, Microscopic Research, and Recreative Science, with numerous plates [many coloured), and woodcuts, 12 vols. Svo. hf. calf extra (Jine set), £1. 15s 1862-8 2097 Another Copy, 12 v. 8vo. ; with, its Continuation : The Student and Intellectual Observer, ivith numerous coloured and other plates, and ivoodcuts, complete in 5 vols. roy. Svo. — in all 17 vols. hf. calf antique, t. e. g. {fine set)^ £3. 3* 1862-71 2098 Vols. t-III only, with plates {mamj coloured) and woodcuts, 3 vols. Svo. hf. roan, Qs M 1862-3 2099 IRON and STEEL INSTITUTE, Publications of the, from the beginning in 1869 to 1905, No. 1 ; viz. : Transactions, 2 v. in 1, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1869-70 {wanting v. II, No. 2) : Journal, 1871-1905, No. 1, 1871-1905 {wanting 1871, No. 1) ; Name Index, V. 1-50 (1869-96), '98 : General Index, V. 36-58 (1890-1900), 1902 : "Special Volume (The Iron and Steel Institute in America in 1890), n. d.: Library Catalogue, with very numerous plates, portraits, etc. — in all 5 vols. hf. calf gilt, 56 vols. cL, and 4 parts, sewn (very scarce), £18. 18* 1869-1905 2100 , Journal of the, from 1876 to 1905, No. 1, 9 parts and 49 v. : Indexes 1869-1900, 2 V. : Special Volume (the Institute in America), 1890-1, 1 v.— in all 52 vols. Svo. cl., and 9 parts, sewn ; with numerous plates, etc. (fresh series), £10. 10* (p. £50. Si) 1876-1905 One of the earliest and most important publications on the metallurgy of iron, containing valuable original contributions by the leading inetallurgists of the time. The .second Index Volume contains a ' History of the Development of the Institute' by Bennett H. Brough, vnth 16 portraits of past-preddeiits. 2101 ISENTHAL (A. W.), and H. Snowden WARD : Practical Radiography : a Handbook for Physicians, Surgeons, and other Users of X-Rays, third [last] Ed. [greatly enlarged], with numerous plates and woodcuts, Svo. cl., Ss Qd (p. 6s nett) 1901 2102 ISTITUTO CHIMICO : Ricerche eseguite nell' Anno scolastico 1890-1; ivith plate and diagrams, roy. Svo. sewn, with inscr. to Prof A. W. Williamson, F.R.S., 2s Qd Roma, 1891 2103 [J. (S. B.)] Cyclometry and Circle-Squaring in a Nutshell, by a Member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, diagrams, Svo. (pp. 44), seivn, 35 1871 Originating in an attempt to ' draw' Professor Clifford. 2104 JACK (Richard, Teacher of Mathematics, ^c^m.) Elements of Conic Sections, demonstrating the principal Properties of the Parabola, Ellipse, and Hyperbola, with numerous folding plates {a few torn), Svo. old calf Qr are), Qs Qd Edin., 1742 2105 Mathematical Principles of Theology, or the Existence of God Geometrically Demonstrated, Svo. nice copy in old calf, ivith bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S. {rare), lOs 6d 1747 ' Propositions arranged after the manner of Euclid, with beings represented by circles and squares. But these circles and squares are logical symbols, not geometrical ones . . . It is a logical vagary.' — Prof, de Morgan. 2106 JACKSON (Lowis d'Aguilar) Accented Four-Figure Logarithms, and other Tables, Svo. cl, 4:8 Qd {i>. 9s) 1881 2107 Statistics of Hydraulic Works and Hydrology of England, Canada, Egypt, and India, large Svo. cl. {out of print), 8s 6d (p. £1. 11* 6d) 1885 2108 JACKSON (S., Victoria Coll., Congleton) Commercial Arithmetic, with Answers, cr. Svo. cl., 2s 1899 2109 JACKSON (Thomas, Prof Natural Philosophy, St. Andrews) Elements of Theoretical Mechanics ; ivith 12 folding plates containing 200 diagrams, Svo. calf {scarce) , Qs Edin., 1827 An early troatiso on mechanics treated on a purely mathematical basis. 2110 JACOB (William Stephen; Madras Observatory) Double Stars observed atPooNAH, 1S45-6, 4to. (pp. 12), sewn, 2s 1846 2111 JAOOBI (Karl Gustav Jakob) Fundamenta Nova Theoriae Functionum Ellipticarum ; v'ithfolding table, 4to. hf. cl., or, hf. bound, 8s 6d Regiomonti [Konigsberg i. P.], 1829 ' Jacobi's most celebrated investigations are those on elliptic functions, the modern notation in which is sub.stantially due to him, and the theory of which he established simultaneously with Abel but quite independently of him. Jacobi's results are given in his treatise on elliptic functions, publi-shed in 1829 . . .'—W. W. It. Ball. 2112 JACOBY (Harold, Columbia Univ., N. Y.) Tables for the Correction of Micrometric Measures for Refraction, 1890 (Cape Observatory), folio (pp. 7), sewn, 2s [c. 1890] 2113 JACCITJIER (Francois, Ord. Min. ; editor of Newton's Principia) Elementi di Perspettiva .secondo li Piincipii di BiJOOK Taylor, con varie A<,'giunte spettanti all' Ottica e alia Geometria ; with l^i^latcs, Svo. old calf gilt {fine copy), icith bookplate of Charles 3rd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S. , 6s Gd Roma, 1755 2114 JAGO (William, Analytical Chemist) The Chemistry of Wheat, Flour, and Bread; and Technology of Breadmaking, with numerous woodcuts, Svo. cl., Qs apud auctorem, Brighton, 1886 2115 JAHRBUCH der Chemie : Bericht ilber die wichtigsten Fortschritte der reinen und ange- wandten Cheniie, heransgegeben von Richard Meyer, I. -VI. Jaiircang ; ivith numerous illus- trations, 6 vols. roy. Svo. cl., £1. 10* (p. M. 84.) Frankfurt a. M., 1891— Braunschweig, 1896 2116 (Technisch-Chemisches) : ein Bericht iiber die Fortschritte auf dein Gebiete der chemischen Technologie, hrsg. v. Rudolf Biedermann, Jahrgang VI u. VIII (188J. 188^) ; illus- trated, 2 vols. Svo. cl., 5s (p. M. 26 ) Berli7i, 1885-7 2117 JALLABERT (Jean) Theses Physico-Mathematic^ de Gravitate, in quibus ejus Leges ex Motibus Cfelestibus deducuntur, ac circa ejus Causam Mechanicam Hypothesis Eruditorum examini subjicitur, 4to. (pp. 27), sewn {rare), 6s 6d Genevce, 1731 This thesis, the author'."! first printed work, was unknown to Poggendorff and to his Biographer in Biogr. Gen., and was defended before Gabriel Cramer, whom he succeeded as professor of mathematics at Geneva. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 107 2118 JAHRESBERICHT iiber die FORTSCHRITTE der CHEMIE mid verwandter Theile aaderer Wissenschaften, begriindet von Justus Freiherr v. Liebig und Hermann Kopp ; COMPLEIE from the beginning in 1847 to 1835, 39 v. : Register 1847-66, 2 v.— together 41 vols. 8vo., 1847-74 in 24 v. hf. calf, the rest as issued {wanting 1885 -pi. 4), with auto, of Frof. A. IF. Williamson, F.R.S., £18. 18* Giesseii, 18i7-85 Forniiiig the continuation of Berzklius's ' Jauresbebichte '. 2119 -Another Series, from 1853 to 1861 and 1877 to 1883 (Vols. 7-18, and 31-37), 19 vols, hf- calf, £5. 1853-83 212) JAMES (Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry, F.R.S.) Abstracts of tli3 Principal Lines of Spirit Level- ling in England and Wales, front. ; with Atlas, comprising numerous plates— 2 vols, inipl. 4to. c/., 8* 1861 2121 Do. Do. of Scotland, /row <.; with Atlas, cowjomi'wfl' 25 j9/a^c5— 2 vols. impl. 4to. c/., 5* 1861 2122 : Account of the Methods and Processes adopted for the Production of the Maps of the Ordnance Survey of the United Kingdom, with numerous plates^ plans and maps, roy. 4to. cL, Is (p. 14*) 1875 C'ontainin}? contributions on the reduction of maps, photo-zincography, etc. etc. 2123 Extension of the Triangulation of the ordnance Survey into France and Bel- gium, with the Measurement of an Arc of Parallel in Lat. 52^ N. from Valentia to Mount Kemmel in Belgium, 7 plates, roy. 4to. cl., Qs 1863 2124 On the Deflection of the Plumb-line at Arthur's Seat, and the Mean Specific Gravity of the Earth, plate and 2 inaps {one coloured) : On the Figure, Dimensions, and Mean Specific Gravity of the Earth, as derived from the Ordnance Survey of Gt. Britain and Ireland, map— 2 vols.4to. (pp. 36) in 1, c/., 4s 6d 1856 ' Presented to the Royal Military College at Sandhurst by Lt. -Colonel H. James, r.e.'— Jnscr. on flyleaf. 2125 Instructions for Taking Meteorological Observations, with Tables for their Correction, and Note^ on Meteorological Phenomena, with 20 Jine plates of Meteorological Instru- ments, etc., and charts {many folding or coloured), roy. 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 12s 6c^ 1860 Includinji copious description.s of the ineteorolo«;ical instruments then in use. 2126 : Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey of Gt. Britain and Ireland: Account of the Observations and Calculations of the Principal Triangulation; and of the Figure, Dimensions and Mean Specific Gravity of the Earth as derived therefrom, drawn up by Capt. Alex. Ross Clarke, r.a., f.r.a.s., under the direction of Lt.-Col. H. James, front., vignette and diagrams, thick roy. 4to. cl. {stamp on title), 105 Qd 1858 2127 JAMIESON (Alexander, ll.d.) Elements of Algebra: an Intro, to Bland's Algebraical Problems, etc., 8vo. boards, 2s 1830 2128 Treatise on the Construction of Maps, with Appendix and copious Notes, 2Q plates, 8vo. hf calf .36- Of/ 1814 2129 JAMIESON (George, Minister of New Machar) Causality : or the Philosophy of Lawinvesti- ;,'ated, 2n^xy on Algebraic Development, containing the principal Expansions in Common Alj^ehra, in the DiU'erential and Integral Calculus, and in the Calculus of I'inite Differences ; the General Term being immediately obtained by means of a New and Comprehensive Notation, 8vo. boards, uncut. As Cambridge, 1831 ' Intended! to illustrate and api)ly a system of algebraic notation submitted by him to the Cambridge Philosophical Society.'—/). -V. /•'. 21.33 JEANS (Georg-e, pr., Pembroke Coll., Oxon.) PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY for the Unlearned [with Astronomical and Optical Terms], illustrated, post 8vo. cl., 3s 1856 21.34 JEANS (H. W., F.R.A.S.) Nautical Astronomy and Navigation; new Ed., with numerous diagrams, 2 parts in 1 vol. ro}'. 8vo. cl. {out of print), 5s 6d (p. 14s) 1870-68 2135 JEANS (James Stephen, Sec. Brit. Iron Trade Assn.) Notes on NORTHERN Industries, written for the Iron and Steel Institute, with folding plans and tables, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd [1878J 2136 Steel: its History, Manufacture, Properties, and Uses, with 2A plates {mostly folding), and 186 woodcuts, very thick 8vo. cl., £1. 5s 1880 This important work, the first of its kind, is now out of print and very scarce. JEBB (Samuel, m.d.) Excerpta quondam e Newtoni Principiis Philosophise Naturalis, cum Notis N'ariorum— V. Newtoniana, post. 2137 JEFFRIES (J>Q,vi6.', jeweller) Treatise on Diamonds and Pearls, with the True Method of Manufacturing Diamonds, 4th Ed., corrected to date, 10 plates, and 20 tables, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 6d (p. 10.* Qd) 1871 2138 [JENKINS (Mary) Guide to Star-Gazing : a Familiar Explanation of the First Principles of Astronomy, uith monthly charts, 12mo. cl., 2s 1869 108 HENIIY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 2139 JELLETT (John Hewitt, b.!)., Provost T. C. D.) Elementary Treatise on the Calculus of Variations, 8vo. cl. (very scarce), £1. 10s Dublin, 1850 ' This valuable work constitutes the only complete treatise on the calculus of variations in the English language . . . Wo strongly recommend the sLudentto master this important volume,' — Todhunter's His', of the Calculus of Variations. 2140 Treatise on the Theory of Friction, loUh 30 illustrations, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 15s ibidem, 1872 The only extant treatise in English on the theory of friction, considered as a part of rational mechanics. ' Some of the principles contained in the present treatise are believed to be here enunciated for the first time.' — Preface. 2141 JENKIN (Henry Charles Fleeming, f.r.s.) Bridges : an Elementary Treatise on then- Con- struction and History (from Ency. lirit.), with 2 plates and 133 woodcuts, 4to. cl., 3s Edin., 1776 [sic, rede 1876] 2142 Electricity and Magnetism, 6th or 7th Ed., with Yll woodcuts and diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl.,3sQd ' 1881 or '3 ' Marking a new departure in the exposition of electricity, as the first text-book containing a systematic application of the quantitative methods inaugurated by the British Association Committee on Electrical Standards.'— Lorti Kelcin. The 6th was the last edition revised by the author, and the 7th is a reprint, 2143 Papers Literary, Scientific, etc., ed. by Sidney Colvin and J. A. Ewing, f.r.s., with Memoir (pp. 170) by Robert Louis Stevenson, with portraits^ plates, and numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), £1. 10s 1887 Much valued not only for the biography by R. L. Stevenson, but also for the high scientific value of the papers them- selves. It includes a 'Note on the Contributions of Fleeming Jenkin to Electrical and Engineering Science', by Lord Kelvin, as well as the author's Papers on ' Telpherage ', Submarine Telegraphy, etc. etc., and a List of his Patents. ' In practical engineering thoroughness and soundness marked all Jenkin's work. His determinative work in electricity is of the highest value, while his varied originality as an inventor is testified by his 35 British patents, and by his scientific papers.'— G. T. Bettany. 2144 : Reports of the Committee on Electrical Standards appointed by the British Association, revised by Lord Kelvin, J. Clerk Maxwell, and Fleeming Jenkin, ff.r.s., with the latter's Report on Units of Electrical Resistance, and his Cantor Lectures [on Submarine Telegraphy], 7 folding plates, and diagrams, 8vo. cl. {very scarce), 15s 1873 ' The experimental work of first making practical standards, founded on the absolute system, which led to the unit now known as the British Association ohm, was chiefly performed by Clerk Maxwell and Jenkin. The realisation of the great practical benefit which has resulted from the experimental and scientific work of the Committee iscertainly due to Jenkin's zeal and perseverance as secretary, and as editor of the Collected Reports . . . The volume of Reports included Jenkin's Cantor Lecture ' On Submarine Telegraphy ', through which the practical applications of the scientific principles . . . became part of general knowledge in the engineering profession '. — Lord Kelvin. 2145 JENNINGS (David; Independent Minister, Wapping) Introduction to the Use of the Globes and the Orrery, with plates, 8vo. nice copy in old calf, with bookplate of Philip Earl Stanhope, F.KS., 5s 1747 With appendix ' attempting to explain the account of the first and fourth days' work of Creation in the first chapter of Genesis '. 2146 JENSEN (C. O., Copenhagen) Grundriss der MiLCHKUNDE und Milchhygiene ; with 22 illustrations, 8vo. sewn, 3s (p. M. 4.80.) Stuttgart, 1903 2147 JENYNS [later BLOMEFIELDJ (Leonard, pr.) Observations in Meteorology, relating to Temperature, the Winds, Atmosphere, Weather Changes, etc., post 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 10s Qd) 1858 2148 JEPHSON (Thomas, b.d.) The Fluxional Calculus, with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf {scarce), 8s Qd 1826-30 ' I have not confined myself to the Newtonian doctrine of limits, but have introduced the principles of La Grange's Theory of Functions.'— Pre/uce. Vol. II contains the Integral Calculus, Differential Equations, and the Calculus of Variations. 2149 JERVIS (Col. Henry Jer vis-White, R.A., m.p.) Our Engines of War, and how we got ti make them, with numerous ivoodcuts chiefly from old illustrations, large post 8vo. cl. {scarce), 5s 1859 A good historical sketch, illustrating especially the gradual evolution of firearms. 2150 JESSOP (Francis) Propositiones Hydrostatic/E ad illustrandum Aristarchi Samii Systema destinatoe, et quaedam Phcenomena Natural Generalia ; with diagrams, 4to. (pp. 34), sewn, 3s Qd Londini, 1687 2151 JEVONS ("William Stanley, f.r.s.) Elementary Lessons in Logic: Deductive and Induct- ive, with Vocabulary of Logical Terms, fcap. 8vo. cl., 2s 1870 or '74 2152 The Principles of Science : a Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method ; Library Edition, with front, of the Logical Machine, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., uncut {out of print), 15s (p. £1. 5s) 1874 2153 Another Copy, new 'hf. brown calf extra, uncut, t. e. g., £1. 2s Qd 2154 New Edition, printed in smaller type, with front., post 8vo. cl., 7s (p. 12s 6d) 1877, or 1879 His most important work, with illustrations derived from almost every branch of science, wherein 'he developed his theory of logic and scientifio method, and of its applications beyond and, so to speak, above the sphere of physical science alone. It proved more stimulative to mathematicians than to metaphysicians '. — D. N. B. ' W. S. Jevons in his Principles of Science founds induction upon the theory of inverse probability.' — Prof. Cajori. 2155 Pure Logic, or the Logic of Quality apart from Quantity, with Remarks on Boole's System and on the relation of Logic and Mathematics, first edition, post 8vo. cl., with author's inscr. on flyleaf, 5s 1861 Founded on Boole's ' Laws of Thought' {q. v. ante), but divested of the latter's mathematical dress, ' which, to say the least, is not essential to it.'— Pre/ace. 2156 The Substitution of Similars, the True Principle of Reasoning, derived from a Modifi- cation of Aristotle's Dictum, with front, of the Logical Abacus, 12mo. cl. (very scarce), 15s 1869 • Designed as an uncompromising step towards the liberation of logic from the ban of metaphysics, and its establishment as an exact science.' — A. fF. Ward. 2157 , Letters and Journal of, edited by his Wife, with steel portrait by Stodart, 8vo. cl.. Is (p. 14s) 1866 Containing a complete bibliography, an account of his unfinished projected publications, his religious opinions, etc. etc. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, AND 37, 1*ICCADILLY, W. 109 2160 JOACHIMSTHAL (Ferdinand, Breslau Univ.) Anwendung der Differential- und In- TEGRALRECHXUNG auf die allgemeine Theorie der Flachen und der LiNlEN DOPPELTER Krum- MUNG, 2. Aufl. V. L. Natani ; illustrated, 8vo. seum, 3s (p. M. 6.) Leipzig, 1881 2161 JOANNET (J.),,et Mathieu DAXJB.IAC : Reponses aux Questionnaires des Examens pour rADMlssiONii r ECOLE de St.-Cyr, contenant I'ArithnK^tique, I'Alg^bre, la Gc^oni^trie, la Trigo- nometrie rectiligne, et la Geometrie descriptive ; with 10 folding plates, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 4s 1847 2162 JOHNSON (Capt. Edward J., f.r.s., Supt. Compass Dept. B.N.) Practical Illustrations of the Necessity of Ascertaining the Deviations of the Compass, with Explanatory Diagrams, and Notes on the Compass System now adopted in the Royal Navy, Notes on Magnetism, etc., with folding chart of the Channel, and plate with movable compass caj'd, roy. 4to. morocco, with aiUhor's inscr. to Adml. Lord A. Fitzclarence, Qs 1847 2163 JOHNSON (James and John Henry) The Patentee's Manual : the Law and Practice of Patents for Inventions ; with the Statutes, Rules, and Foreign and Colonial Patent LaMS, International Convention and Protocol, 6th [last] Ed., enlarged, large 8vo. cl., Ijs (p. 10s Qd) 1890 2101 JOHNSON (John Butler, Washington Univ., St. Louis) The Materials of Construction : a Treatise for Engineers on the Strength of Engineering Materials, luith plates and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 788), ///. calf V2s Qd (p. £1. 5* nett in cl.) New York, 1897 2165 JOHNSON (Robert), and Arthur Brunei CHATWOOD : Photography Artistic and Scientific, with woodburitype front., 27 j>lates, and diagrams^ large 8vo. cl., t. e. g., 5s (p. 10* 6d) 1895 2160 Another Copy, prize calf extra, Qs 6d 2167 JOHNSON (Samuel Jenkins, pr., f.r.a.s.) Eclipses, Past and Future, with General Hints for Observing the Heavens, /ro?/^, ]»ost Svo. cl., 2s 6d Oxford, 1874 Tht' author's rectory of Upton Helions, Devon, sounds peculiarly apt for a solar astronomer. 2103 JOHNSON (V. E.) Our Debt to the Past, or Chaldean Science ; with Essay on Mathematics and the Fine Arts, cr. Svo. cl., Is Qd [isOO] 2IG9 JOHNSON (William Woolsey, U.S.N. Academy, Annapolis, Md.) ELEMENTARY Treatise on the Integral Calculus, founded on the Method of Kates or Fluxions, with diagrams, large 8vo. cl., As (p. Ss) 1883 ' Intemled as a supplement to Rice's ' Treatise on the DifTerential Calculus '.' 2170 Tre.\tise on Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Svo. cl, \0s (p. 15* nett) 1889 ' Particular attention has been paid to the development of the symbolic methods, especially in connexion with the operator x—, for which the symbol S has recently been adopted. Some new applications of this symbol have been made.' — rrrfuce. 2171 JOHNSTON [the Elder] (Alexander Keith) Atlas of Astronomy, 2nd YaI, by J. II. Hind, F.H.S., 18 coloured plates, inipl. 4to. ///. bound, 3s Qd (p. £1. I.9) Edin., 1856 2172 JOHNSTON (James Finlay Weir, f.r.s.) The Chemistry of Common Life, first edition, with woodcuts, 2 vols, post Svo. cl., 3s 6d Edin.^ 1855 217.S Another Copy, hf. calf gilt, As 2174 New Edition, revised and brought down to date by George Henry Lewes, with woodcuts, 2 vols, post 8vo., cl.. As 6d ib., 1859 2175 Another Copy, 2 vols, in 1, hf. ccdfncat, 5s ' His last and best •work.'— D.N. B. 2170 Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology, 5th Ed., woodcuts, post Svo. c/., 2s 6d «6., 1848 2177 Tenth Edition, by Sir Charles Alexander Cameron, c.b., woodcuts^ post 8vo., cl.. As ib., 1877 2178 Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry and Geology, with Suggestions for Exi)eriments in Practical Agriculture, Svo. (pp. 1047), hf. calf. As ib., 1845 2179 The Use of Lime in Agriculture, illustrated, post Svo. cl, 3s ib., 1849 'Johnston successfully sought to ^ive recent scientilic discovery a practical application to agriculture and manufactures. Most of his numerous writings attained great popularity.'— D.jV.ZJ. 2180 JOHNSTONE (John, Land Surveyor) Account of the Mode of Draining Land, according to the System practised by Joseph Elkington, with \^ folding plates, Svo. hoards, uncut, (is (kl 1814 2181 JOLY (Charles Jasper, f.r.s.. Royal Astronomer of Ireland) Manual for Quaternions, with diagrams, Svo., cl.. Is (p. 10* nett) 1905 ' Altliou^'h this book may be re','arded as introductory to the works of Hamilton [q. v. ante], it may also to some extent be considertii as sui)i)lenienting them.'— Preface. 2182 JONCOUBT (6lie de, Prof en Philosophic) De la Nature et des Principaux Usages de la plus simple Espijce de Nombres Trigonaux, avec deux Tables, dont la preniibre donne, sans la inoindre Peine, outre la Solution de divers autres Problemes, la Racine Quarree de tout Quarre, exprime par un Nonibre entier entre I'Unit^ et 40,000,000,000. La seconde aide a trouver la Kacine CUBiQUEde tout Cube, exprimd par un Nonibre entier, entre I'Unit^ et 216,000,000,000, or. 4to. nice copy in contemporary calf gilt, with painted flyleaves (RARE), £1. 1* La Haye, 1762 ' Tres rare volume qui fait de faut a la plupart des collections math^matiques '.—MS. note by a/oriner owner. 2183 JONES (David, actuary) On the Value of Annuities and Reversionary Payments, with numerous Tables, 2 vols. Svo. calf, or, cl (scarce), £1. 7* 6d 1843 • An able and scientific treatise.'— .\/cCi//Zoc/i. ' The notation at pre.sent commonly used is due to David Jones, whose work was the first that contained an extensive series of commutation tables,'— T. P. Sprague. 2184 JONES (Harry Clary, Johns Hopkins Univ.) Elements of INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, with 59 woodcuts, post Svo. cl, 3s 6d (p. 6s Qd) New York, 1903 110 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY. W. 2185 JOPLINGr (Joseph, c.E.) Descriptions of Jopling's Double Cranks, Directions for Adjusting the Apparatus, etc. etc., with 5 plates, 4to. (pp. 16), half calf {rare), 10s Qd 1825 Added is a testimonial signed by sonio well-known niithematicians and engineers, declaring the apparatus ' most siin]ile and ingenious, capable of producing, with the utmost facility, an indefinite variety of curves, comprehending those Avhicli have been the subject of mathematical research, and numerous others, which cannot fail to be of great utility iu Naval Architecture, Civil Archit-icture', etc. etc. 2186 JORDAN (Camille) CouRS d' Analyse de I'Ecole Polytechnique, Tomes I-Il (Calcul differential: Calcul integral: Integrales d^finies et indefinies) ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. seivn, Ss 6d (p. F. 23.) 1882-3 [JORDAN (G. W.)] The Observations of Newton concerning the Inflections of Light— V. Newtoniana, post. 2187 JORDAN (Wilhelm) GRUNDZiJGE der astronomischen Zeit- und Ortsbestimmung ; with numerous woodcuts, 8v^o. hf. maroon morocco, Qs Qd (p. M. 10. unbound) Berlin, 1885 2188 JORDAN (William Leighton, f.r.g.s.) The Elements; an Investigation of the Forces which determine the Position and Movements of the Ocean and Atmosphere, with 8 plates, and 5 coloured charts, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. cl. {out of print), 85 6c? 1866-7 In this work the author formulates a curious theory of counter-attraction ' which does not supplant the Newtonian theory of centripetal and centrifugal forces, but simply defines the nature of the latter force : maintaining that the former is attraction proceeding from solar gravitation, and the latter attraction proceeding from astral gravitation '.— Preface. 2189 Lecture on the Winds, Ocean Currents, and Tides, and what they tell us of the System of the World, with 3 plates, woodcuts, and folding chart, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, cl., 2s &d 1877-8 2190 The New Principles of Natural Philosophy: a Defence and Extension of tlie Principles established by the Author s Treatise on Ocean Currents, with plates, woodcuts, and charts, 8vo. cl. {out of print), 65 (p. £1. Is) 1885 Elaborating the curious views held by the author, and containing much controversial matter. 2191 The Ocean : a Treatise on Ocean Currents and Tides, and their Causes, demonstrating the System of the World, 2nd Ed., loith plates, woodcuts, and charts, 8vo. cl. {out of print), Qs (p. £1. 1.S) ' 1885 2192 Treatise on the Action of Vis Inertiae in the Ocean, with 3 coloured charts, and 9 plates, 8vo. cl. {out of print), 65 (p. 14*) 1868 2193 JdRGENSEN (Alfred) The Micro-Organisms of Fermentation practically considered, ed. from the German by G. HARRIS MoRRis, and annotated by Autlior and Editor, with Preface by Horace T. Brown, 36 icoodcuts, 8vo. cl., 2sQd 18S9 2l9i Third Edition, largely re-written and completely revised, trans, by A. K. Miller and A. E. Lennholm, with 83 illustrations, 8vo. cl. {out of print), 6s (p. lOs nett) 1900 The above edition contains a copious bibliography on the subject, both English and Foreign. 2195 JOULE (James Prescott, F.R.s.) Scientific Papers, published by the Physical Society of London, icith fine portrait by Jeens, plates, and ivoodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., £1. 5s (p. £1. 125 nett) 1884-7 Including the author's important papers on therino-electvicity, his discovery of the con.servation of energy, and the determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat. His name is well-known in electrical science as the unit of thermo- electricity, and in Joule sImiu, giving the algebraic formula for determining the sajuc. 2196 JOURNAL de I'ilCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE, ou Bulletin du Travail fait a I'Ecole Cextrale des Travaux Publics, publie par le Conseil d'iNSTRUCTiON et Administra- tion de cette Eoole ; complete from the beginning in 1795 to 1862; with numerous copperplates (mostly folding) ; Cahiers 1-39 in 22 vols. : Programmes, 1 v. — 23 vols. 4to. hf. calf (very scarce), £18. 18s 1795-1862 Tliis important journal (originally named Journal Polytechnique) contains important contributions on all the subjects (especially Chemistry) tauglit in the first Technical College over founded, by its professorial staff, including Berthollct, Pourcroy, Guyton, Hassenfratz, Monge, Prony, Vautiuelin, etc. etc. Many of the earlier numbers are now out of print and rare. 2197 de Mathematiques Elementaires et Speciales, publie sous la Direction de Justin Bourget, G. de Longchamps, Vazeille, et Lucien LtvY ; with numerous diagrams ; complete from the beginning in 1877 to 1888 ( Annees l^'^ h, 12°), in 19 vols. 8vo. sewn as issued {v. I out of print), £2. \Qs (p. F. 165. nett) 1877-88 2108 de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, ou Recueil mensuel de Memoires sur les diverses Parties des Mathematiques ; publie par Joseph Lionville ; complete from 1848 (Tome Xllle) to 1863 {2e Serie, tome Yllle) ; with plates, 16 vols. 4to. hf calf, £5. 5* (p. F. 480. unbound) 1848-63 2199 JOtTRNAL (The) of Science and the Arts, edited at the Royal Institution of Gt. Britain [by William Thomas Brande, f.r.s.], with numerous fine copperplates by Basire, etc., and ivoodcuts, 22 vols. 8vo. hf. ca// (SCARCE), £2. lOs 1816-27 A complete set rf the original series, wliich was followed by the 'Journal of the Royal Institution ' and preceded the ' London and Edinburgh Pliilosophical Journal." Vols. 7-22 are entitled ' Quarterly Journal of Literature, Science, and the Arts.' It contains important contributions by the Editor, Sir Humphrey Davy, Charles Babbage, John Frederic Daniell, Sir Everard Home, Richard Pliillips, etc. and especially about SO papjsrs by Michael Faraday, whose first contribution to science, ' An Analysis of Caustic Lime from Tuscany ', it also includes. 2200 (Quarterly) of Science, edited by James Samuelson and Sir William Crookes, F.R.S., complete from the beginning in 1864 to 1880 (Series I, v. 1 to Series III, v. 2), with plates, and numerous ivoodcuts, 17 thick vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, some vols, newly bo^ind {wanting title and index of last v.), £4. 10s 1864-80 r-:;--^'^^^ liii J. ,.iLi ,11,.. mmj^ .i-, jiu^mA %^\ ^•/ loaRQisKeppleri H ARM ON ICES M V N D I L I B R I V. QjoRVM Primus Geometricvs, DcFigurarumRecuIahum, qujc Proporcio- nes Harmonicas conftituunr,ortu& dcmonftrationibus. ScCUndusARCHlTECTONlCVS,fciiexG£OMETRlA FlGVRATA.DcFi- . gurarumRcgulariimiCongrucntia in piano vcriblido: TcrtiuspropricHARMONicvs, DcProportionumHarmonicarumor- tu ex Figurisj deque Narura 8c Diffcrcntiisrcrum adcantum per- cincntiurn, contra Vetercs: * , Quarius Metaphysicvs, Psychologicvs 8c Astrologicvs, Dc Har- inoniarum medtali Ellentia earumque gcneribu^ m Mundo; prarfcr- timdcHarmoniaradiorum, cxcorDonbuscciclcftibusin Tcrramde- icendchtibus, ciufque cfFcdu in Natura feu Anima fublunarific Humana: Quintu^ A'stronomicvs^Metaphysicvs , DeHarmohiis abfolutifli- mis^otuum coelcflium,brtuquc Ecccntricicatum ex proportioni- bus Harmonicis. Appefidix^abet comparationem huius Operis cum Harmonices CI. •ptolem^ilibrbllLcumqucRobcrticicFiudibusjdidiFIud.Medici - / C^(5nienfis fpcculationibus Harmonicis j operi dc Macrocofmo 6c Microco/mo infer cis. Cum i. C, M\ Vrimlegioadannos XV, 'LinciiAuftrix, SumptibusGoDOFREDi Tampa cHiiBibl.Francof* E:5fcudcbac'IoANN£s Plancvs. /.s -e^KNO :M. DC, XIX. « • • • •• r • No. 2272 (page 114). Titlepage of this rare work, announcing, togetlier witli Nos, 2260-1, Kepler's 'tiiree laws'. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO.. 140, STRAND, W.C, AND 37^ PICCADILLY, W. Ill A COMPLETE SET TO 1904: 2203 JOURNAL of the SOCIETY of CHEMICAL INDUST?Rlf, ed. by Watson Smith, complete from the beginning in 1882 to 1904 (Vols. 1-23), tvith fine portraits (o?i Lidia paper) J plates, and numerous woodcuts, 23 vols. impl. 8vo. hf. calf giU, some Dols. neichj hound (a fine set), £27. 10; Manchester^ 1882 — London, 1904 2*204 JOYCE (Jeremiah) Scientific Dialogues, for the Instruction and Entertainment of Yourig People, explaining,' the first Principles of Natural and Experimental Philosophy; enlarged Ed;i plates, 5 V. : Companion to do.— 6 vols. 18nio. hf. hound, &s 1821-18 The aiitlior was a Unitarian minister and tutor to Lord Stiinhope's sons at Clieveiiing, whence he was committed to tile Tower with Homo Tooke on a^chartreof Hiyh Treason, and suffered 23 weeks' imprisonment without trial. llOo JULLIEN (Charles £douard, exinginieur au Crcmot) La Chimie Nouvelle, ou le Crassikr de la Nomenclature CiiiMKiUE de liAVOisiER, roy. 8vo. sewn, with author's inscr., 3* Qd 1870 A candidate for the Budg«-t of Paradoxes. 220G JTJLLIEN (Michel Marie, s.j ) Problemes de Mecanique Rationelle ; %vith numerous u-oodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf (scarce), 10s 6d 1855 L'-07 [JTJBIN (James, m.d., f.r.s.)] Ceometry no Friend to Infidelity: or a Defence of Sir Isaac Newton and the British 5lathematicians, in a Letter to the Author of the Analyst, by Philalethes Cantaijrigiexsis, Svo. seivn, 5s 1734 ooQS [ ] The Minute Mathematician : or the Free-Thinker no Just-Thinker : a Second letter to the Author of the Analyst, by Philalethes Cantabrigiensis, diagrams, Svo. sewn, 5s 1735 The above pauiphlcts were directed against Bp. Berkelp:y'.s ' Analyst' and ' Defence of Free-Thinking' (7. r. ante). _'_>00 Reply to Mr. Robins's Remarks on the Essay on Distinct and Indistinct Vision, sni. Svo. sewn, Ss 1739 Tliis was answore/ Adiard : fcap. Svo. cl., 4s 1833 -•-'•20 Ne>v Edition, 12mo. hf. calf, 5s 1835 The chajiter on balances and pendulums, written by Capt. Kuter, is of special importance, as it includes the author's imjtortant investigations and di.scoveries on the subject, e g. his Balance and Compensation Pendulum. 2221 KAUFMANN [lati7ie MEKCATOB] (Nikolaus; f.r.s.) Institutiones Astronomice, de Molu Astrorum communi et proprio, .secundum Hypotheses Veterum et Recentiorum prtecipuas; deque Hy[K)theseon ex Ob.servatis Constructione, cum TabulisTychonianis ; with diagrams, 12mo. old calf gilt {nice copy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., 10« 6c? Londini, 1676 Kaufmann was one of the earliest members of the Royal Society, and contributed to its Transactions. 2222 Logarithmotechnia, sive Methodus nova, accurata et facilis construendi Logarithmoa . . . accedit vera QuADRATURA Hyperbolae et Inventio Summae Logarithmorum, etc. etc., editio princeps ; icith diagrams, 4to. old ca// (RARE), £1. 10^ ibidem, 16C8 ' He startetl vith the grand property of the equilateral hyperbola which connected the hyperbolic space between the asymptotes with the natural logarithms. By it Mcrcator arrived at a logarithmic series, which Wallis had attempted b»it failed to obtain. He showed how the construction of logarithmic tables could be reduced by the f[radrature of hyperbolic spaces.'— Pro/. Cajori. 112 llENUY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY. W. 22-23 KAYSER (Edmond) Les Levures : Caracteres morphologiques et pliysiologiques : Applications des Levftres selectionnees ; with 25 illustrations, cr. 8vo. sewn^ \s Qd [18961 2224 KAYSER (Heinrich) Lehrbuch der Spektralanalyse ; with 9 plates and 87 luoodcvts, 8vo. hf. olive morocco, 6s 6rf (p. M. 10. unbound) Berlin, 1883 2225 KECKERMANN (Bartholomeeus) Systema Compendiosum totius Mathematices, hoc est, Geometric, Optic.e, Astronomic et Gj:ographic ; accesserunt Commentatio Nautica et Index ; with diagrams and cnriovs map, ]2mo. old calf, 6s 6d Uanovice, 1621 2226 KEILL (John, m.d., f.r s. ; detractor of Leibniz) Commercium Epistolicum— v. Newton- lANA, post. 2227 Examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth, with Remarks on Mr. Whiston's New Theory of the Earth, etc., 2nd Ed., ivith 13 copperplates, 8vo. old calf, Is 6d Oxford, 1734 2228 Another Copy, contemporary mottled calf {nice copy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., 95 Disproving Burnet's and Winston's hypotheses, and refuting Descartes's theory of vortices'. The author applies in this work Huygens's theorem of contrifugal force to explain the figure of the earth. This edition contains a ' Dissertation on the Different Figures of the Coelestial Bodies ', by Maupertuis, then staying in England. 2229 Introduction to the True Astronomy : or Astronomical Lectures read in the Astro- nomical School of the University of Oxford, 5th Ed., 2Q folding plates, 8vo. old calf, 45 1760 2230 Introductiones ad Veram Physicam et Veram Astronomiam, quibus accedunt Trigonometria, de Viribus Centralibus, de Legibus Attractionis ; with 47 plates, 4to. old calf, or, vellum, Is 6d Lugduni Bat., 1725 2231 Another Copy, old calf gilt, with auto. ' Maiion [afterwards Charles 3rd Earl Stanhope, f.r.s.]. April the sixth 1798 {Good Friday)' on title, and MS. Index at end by him ; also his bookplate, 15* ' It was considered his best performance, and generally welcomed as an excellent introduction to Newton's Principia '. — D. N. B. 2232 Introduction to Natural Philosophy : or Philosophical Lectures read in 1700, with Demonstrations of Huygens's Theorems, concerning the Centrifugal Force and Circuhir Motion, trans, from the Latin, 3rd Ed., with woodcuts and diagrams, 8vo. old calf, with, booklabel of Adam Smith, 75 Qd 1733 2233 KELLAND (Philip, pr., F.R.S., Prof Math., Univ. Edin.) The Elements of Algebra, 8vo. cl. {covir worn), 3s Edin., 1839 2234 Lectures on the Principles of Demonstrative Mathematics, post 8vo. calf, 3s 6d ib., 1843 2235 Theory of Heat, 8vo. boards, or, calf, 2s Gd Cambridge, 1837 2236 Another Copy ; with Theories of Electricity, Heat, and Molecular Actions by Robert Murphy, pr., Caius Colh— 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf, 3s 6d ib., 1837-3 2237 , and Peter Guthrie TAIT : Introduction' to Quaternions, with numerous Examples, post 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 75 Qd) 1873 The author, who was a member of Queen's Coll., Cantab., and Senior Wrangler in 1834, was the first Englishman with a wholly English education who was admitted to a chair in the University of Edinburgh, and was one of the founders of the Life Association of Scotland. 2238 KELLY (Patrick) Practical Introduction to Spherics and Nautical Astronomy : an Attempt to simplify those Sciences, 2nd Ed., augmented, with numerous plates, roy. 8vo., boards, uncut, 105 Qd 1801 2239 Fourth Edition, with Appendix on Time, Timekeepers, Transit Instruments, etc., numerous plates, roy. 8vo. calf {binding slightly wormed), 105 Qd 1813 ' An endeavour to simplify stereographic p'rojectiou by the discovery of a projection for clearing lunar distances in order to find the longitude at sea, with a new method of calculating this problem.' "Pt. II contains a .selection of the chief i)ropositions in nautical astronomy. The author long kept a successful private .school, 'The Mercantile School,' in i'insbury Square, and was acquainted with Dr. Maskelync, Sir John Herschel, and Dr. Hutton. 2240 KELVIN (Sir William Thomson, Lord, p.r.s.) Elasticity, being the Article contributed to the Encyclopedia Britannica, illustrated, 4to. (pp. 30), cl., 3s Qd Edin., J 878 2211 — « — Mathematical and Physical Papers, collected from different Scientific Periodicals from May, 1841, to the Present Time, ivith 24 plates {many folding), besides numerous woodcuts, 3 vols. 8vo. cl,, £1. 125 Gd (p. £2. 1 15) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1882-4-90 The last volume contains Elasticity, Heat, and Electro-Magnetism ; also 'Supplementary Articles written for the present Volume, and hitherto unpublished.' 2242 The Molecular Tactics of Crystal, ivith 20 illustrations, 8vo. sewn, 2s Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1894 2243 Popular Lectures and Addresses, Vol. I : Constitution of Matter, illustrated, post 8vo. cl, 3s Qd 1889 2244 Reprint of Papers on Electrostatics and Magnetism, with 3 plates (2 folding), and numerous woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., 8s (p. I85) 1872 2245 Another Copy, hf. morocco extra {nice copy), 10s 2246 Second Edition [slightly enlarged] , with 3 plates and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 10s (p. I85) 1884 2247 , and Peter Guthrie TAIT: Elements of Natural Philosophy, ivith numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl. {out of print), 5s Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1873 2248 : Treatise on Natural Philosophy, Vol. I [all imblished], with diagrams, thick 8vo. calf, 10s a. e., ibidem, 1867 2249 Another Copy, hf morocco extra {nice copy), 12s Od 2250 New [last] Edition, illustrated, 2 vols. 8vo, cl., £\. 2s Qd (p. £1. 14*) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1890-5 'A work which, though never completed, has had an incalculable influence on the progress of physical science.' DIOPTRICE, five DEMON'STRATIO EORVM. QV/E VISVI ET vifjbihbuj propter Confpicilla, hoc en. vitra feu Ciy- Hallos pclluciJosaccidunc I. DEFINITIO. IN'clinatio fupcr fupcrficicm, Aimitur dc angulo inter per- pendicolarem fuperficici. & quemcunc]; alium radiuni, qui pcfpcndicularcm lecat in punilo fuperficici. II. AXIOMA OPTICVM. Radij in trcdium dcnfius ingreffi rum inclinationc rcfrin- gunturArcfravili intra corpus accedunt verius perpendicu- latcni ereOam fiiperdenfi foperficiem in punOo incidentis radi). Iidcm cgrcfli ex ir.cdio dcnfior i refringuntur. & rcfrafli extra corpus dcnfum d.fccdiint ab hac perpendicular!. IJI. AXIOMA OPriCVM. Eademenrefra^ioizdibrum.fivcillinatuia fua ingrcdi- antut Hv c cgicdianiur. vcl ut tales confidcremur. IV. PROBLEMA. Pcllucidi corpoiis duri rcfraOiones artificiolc mcciri inc. mm ra Jioruin inclmationc. Ill c»rp-M durum peffunJum A E. id lermiaetur aiti exjui/iid fHftrf.ciefUni D E, J^^mm dux aim f$pbi*. AFCFSTAE r 1 N D E L I C 0 R r M^ tjpit DAvidu Frtnci,' Chmpriuilegio Csftrto tdtnnos XV. m7 D C X I. Ft qniiimigoreivifibilu tfl cverft pemrrtm len- ttm : Lens veroprtpior non ever tit denuo, quod accipu i Remoliori/eJficiil tccipi.t,*decu[Hm trtnsmittit,ex Juppofiit. Accipittutem rtJpeClureivifthUu. tmtgine everfdim : Ever/im igilurreJfellM rei vijibilit *d ecu- lum mitt it. Etquii im/igaipfi fverfi, prcfe pHnHumeon^r- fm.mtior tpptret rt ipti, remotiui nqiid/ii ; & tdhut rtmoltm,mwor,per XXCIK imtgo igitur htc fie ever- ft.khi finer It tmplitis per lentem propiorem, duobiu primuetfibm tntjir ttnHtno e-vtdtl reipfa , ultimo td- [a velmtjar veldjutlit vet minor, frtut fueru lenti urmiiiterfeproptrtit,quteJl intrbitrie Artipcii: eerie ttmeu mtjor.quam quttum tent.oeulo proximd, tdm^ dcceperAt 4 leate remotitri.per XX C. XXCVIL PROBLEMA. Daobusconvexis diflin£ia przHarc vifibilia & ercQa.fed minora. Hteduo eonvexd eportetiti fu/fitienli dificrtmint effe coHvexitttum. CoUocetur igttur eeulus extrd m- triuijj punCit concur fuum, dtterius puuilo dijlinlli'o- nit pnpior t reliqiipunOo dijlinUionu remottor, ut ltd neutrofoliitrio ever fid difiinnecermdiiiur.Sieaim fuerint tentei hoc fiiu cunt -eculo im etndem ItnedM "1'L" Nos. 2260-1 {v^ge 113). Titl«I>&Sd< of tbis«xCefesively rare work, giving the first two of Kepler's * three laws' HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. HS 2252 KEITH (Thomas) Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, including the Theory of Navigation, improved Ed., with plates and diagrams, 8 vo. calfi join ts cracked) ,3? 1810 2253 KEKUL^ (Friedrich. August v.) Lehrbcch der Organisciien Chemie, fortgesetzt unter Mitwirkung v. R. Anschutz und G. SCHULTZ, Band 2-3, imd Bd. 4 Lfg. 1 (soweit bisher erschienen), roy. Svo. in parts as issued [partly out of print), 12.? M (p. M.41.) £r Ian gen, 18QS- Stuttgart, 1883 Prof. Kekul6 was one of the founders of structure chemistry, and the first to point cut the tetratoinicity of carbon, and tlie above work ' served to develop the ' typical ' view, and (in its second volume) strengthened his own assumption as to the mode in which atoms are combined with one another.' — Prof. E. v. Meyer. •JJj4 KEMPE (Alfred Bray, F.R.s.) How to Draw a Straight Line : a Lecture on Linkage.s, with 34 woodcuts, post Svo. cl. (scarce), 5s 1877 The discovery of drawing stiaiglit lines by means of the link-motion was discovered by Pkaockllikr, and is here much eidarged by the author. The above is the fullest work on the subject. •Jloj KEMPE (Harry Robert, g.p.o.) Handbook of Electrical Testing ; third Ed., with folding tabic and 135 woodcuts, cr. Svo. cL, As (p. 12* 6 woodcuts, 4to. cl., Gs (p. 9* nett) 19^7 ' The first volume is intended to give a survey of the machinery, processes, and materials employed in the first stages of pro© ab08 1 — Uranoscopia : or the Contemplation of the Heavens : a Demonstration of the Equation of Time, with the Method of observing Solar Ingresses into any Point of the Ecliptic, etc. etc. etc., diagrams, Svo.fne copy in old calf gilt, with Lord Stanhope's bookplate, os 6d 1735 ' LeKlhetter was one of the fijst commentators on Newton, and his writings were u.scful in their time.'— D. N. B. 2.309 LEAPER (Clement J., f.c.s.) Materia Photographica : the Manufacture, Properties, and L'ses of the Substances employed in Photography, illustrated, post Svo. cl., 2s 1891 2510 LE BLOND (Guillaume) L'Arithm^tique et la G6om6trie de I'Officier : Th^orie et Pratique appliqu^es aux Emplois de I'Homme de Guerre ; with 45 plates, 2 vols. Svo. old mottled (alf extra (fne copy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S , Ss Qd 1748 251 1 Elemens de Fortification, 5° Ed. augment^e de 1' Explication ddtaillee de la Fortification de M. DE COEHORN, etc. etc. ; with 37 plates, Svo. old calf gilt, luith bookplate of Charles 3rd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., 5s 1764 2512 LECCHI (Giovanni Antonio, s.J.) Idrostatica esaminata ne' suoi Principj e Stabilita nelle sue Kkgole della Misura dell' AcQUE Correnti ; with front., woodcuts, and folding plate, 4to. hf. bound, Gs iSd Milano, 1765 2513 LECONTE (Charles) Des Lois qui president aux COMBINAISONS Chimiques : Constitution des Composes Inorganiques et Organiques, Svo. sewn, ivith inscr. to Prof A. W. Williamson, F.R.S., 2s M 1853 2514 LEDIEX7 (Alfred) Les Nouvelles M^thodes de Navigation : £tude Critique ; with plates and woodcuts, roy. Svo. (pp. 534), cl., 5s (p. F. 15. nett) 1877 i26 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, akd 37, PICCADILLY, W. 2515 LEE (Arthur BoUes) The MiCROTOMiST's Vade-Mecum, 3rd Ed., with diagrams, 8vo. cl., Qs (p. 14.)' 1893 2516 LEFEVRE [latinc FABER Stapulensis] (Jacques) : Arithmetica Speculativa Boetii per Jacobum Fabrum Stapulensem in compendium redacta. Arithmetica Practica Christierni Morssiaui in V partes digesta. I. de numeris integris. II. de fractionibus vulgaribus et physicis. III. de regulis quibusdam. IV. de progressione et radicum extractione. v. de proportionibus ; with symbolical woodcut on last I., 18mo. sewn (fine copy) ; very rare, £2. lOs ' BasilccB, Uenr. Petrus, [col.] 153(5 This edition was unknown to Poggeudorff and Prof, de Morgan, nor is it mentioned in a long list of Lef^vre's works is Biographie Generale. Nothing seems to be known of Christiern Morssian. 9517 LEFilVRE (Julien) La Spectrometrie : Appareils et Mesures; illustrated, post 8vo. sewn, Is [1896] 2518 La Spectroscopie ; illustrated, post 8vo. sewn, Is [1896] 2519 liEGENDRE (Adrien Marie ; f.r.s.) Elements de Geometrie, avec Notes j ivith plates, 8vo. cl., 2s 1823 2520 Other Copies, hf. bound, Is Qd • 1823, '51, etc. 2521 Nouvelle Edition, avec Additions et Modifications par Alphonse Blanchet ; snivie de la 15« Ed. donn^e par Legendre ; with diagrams — 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. cl., Ss 1849[-3] 2522 ViNGTiEME Edition [revue et augmentee] ; ivith diagrams, 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd 1876 ' The later editions contain proofs of the irrationality of ir and it^. An' appendix on the difficult question of the theory of parallel lines Avas issued in 1803, and is bound up with most of the subsequent editions.' — W. W. R. Ball. 2523 Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry, with Notes, trans, from the French ; ed. by Sir David Brewster, f.r.s., with Notes, Additions, and Introductory Chapter on Proportion [by Thomas Carlyle], diagrams, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 12.5 6d Edin., 1824 Of special interest for the essay by the historian— his only contribution to the exact sciences. 2524 EXERCICES de Calcul Integral sur diverses Ordres de Tran.scendantes et sur les Quadratures, avec le Supplement a la Premiisre Partie ; i<;j7A plates, 3 vols. 4to. in 2, hf. calf {wanting title to v. I) ; VERY SCARCE, £3. 3*^ 1811-17-16 ' Tlie third and most of the first volume are devoted to elliptic functions . . . The contents of the remainder of the treatise are of a miscellaneous character ; they include integration by series, definite integrals, and in particular an elaborate discussion of the Beta and GaTiima functions.'— W^. W. R. Ball. The third volume contains : 'Construction des Tables Elliptiques ' (pp. 3-124) and Tables I-V (pp. 47), with 1 title dated 181G. 2525 Theorie des Nombres, 3« [la meilleure] Edition, 2 vols. 4to. seivn, uncut (fine copy) ; VERY RARE, £3. Didot, 1830 The BK3T EDITION, NOW EXCESSIVELY SCARCE. 'The third edition, issued in 1830, includes the results of his various later papers, and still remains a standard work on the subject. It may be said that he here carried the subject as far as was possible by the ai)plication of ordinary algebra.'— ir. W. R. Bait, llie law of quadratic reciprocity, which connects any two odd primes, was first proved in tliis book. Gauss called the proposition 'the gem of arithmetic' . . This work also contains the useful theorem by which, when it is possible, an indeterminate equation of the 2nd degree can be reduced to the form ax^ f by^ + q/? ^ 0.'— IF. W. R. Ball. 2526 Traite des Fonctions Elliptiques et des Integrales Eul6riennes, avec Tables pour en faciliter le Calcul numerique ; with folding plates, 3 vols. 4to. hf morocco gilt [fine copy) ; very scarce, £8. 8s 1825-6-8 Bound up with vol. IH is : J.\cQm (Gii-stav Jacob) Fundamcnta Nova Thcoriae Functionum Ellipticarum, 4to. Regiomonti, 1820. ' The most important of Legendre's works. He took up the subject where Eiiler, Landen, and Lagrange had left it, and for 40 years was the only one to cultivate this new branch of analysis ... He imjiarted to the subject that connexion and arrangement which belongs to an independent science. Starting with an integi-al depending upon the square root of a polynomial of the fourth degree in .r, he showed that such integrals can be brought back to three canonical forms, designated by F (), E {(}>) and TT (<^), the radical being expresseil iti the forms A () — V 1 — Ic'^' sin=« 9 2580 LEWIS (Rt. Hon. Sir George Cornewall) Historical Survey of the Astronomy of the Ancients, thick 8vo. c/., uncut (scarce), 15^ 1862 ' Applying a sceptical analysis to the ambitious Egyptology of Bunsen.'— B/icy. Brit. 2531 LEWIS (Major J. F., r.e.) Permanent Fortification for English Engineers, 43 folding plates, thick 8vo. hf. hound, 5s (p. 10* Qd nett) Chatham, 1890 2582 LEWKOWITSOH (Julius) Chemical Analysis of Oils, Fats, Waxes, and of their Commercial Products, founded on Benedikt's 2nd Ed. of ' Analyse der Fette ', 2nd Ed., enlarged, illustrated, thick 8vo. cl , \2s 6d (p. £L 5* nett) 1898 2583 LEYBOURN (Thomas, E. M. Coll., Sandhurst) The Mathematical Questions, proposed in the Ladies' Diary, and their Original Answers, with some New Solutions, from 1704 to 1816, diagrams, 4 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut, with bookplate of F.-M. William 3rd Earl of Harcourt, 10* 1817 2584 Another Copy, 4 v., with the New Series, Vols. 1 and 2 (of 3), with plates and diagrams —6 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, uncut, £1. \s 1817-06-9 2585 LEYBOURN (William) Arithmetick : Vulgar, Decimal, Instrumental, Algebraical . . . whereunto is added the Construction and Use of several Tables of Interest and Annuities, Weights and Measures, both of our own and other Countries, with fine portrait aet. 30 by B. Gay wood, 12ino. large and sound copy in contemporary sheep (RARE), £1. 5* R. and W. Leyhourn, 1660 Thk third kuition and very rare, being unknown to the author's biographer in D. N. B., where the Ist and 2nd editions only are mentioned, and to Prof, de Moif;aD, who in describing the 4th ed. states ' I have not met with any earlier edition '. It is also the first edition to have the fourth part. 2536 Seventh Edition, carefully corrected ; and very much enlarged by the Author, with portrait aet. 04 by van der Gucht, plate, and diagrams, large 12mo. old calf, newly rebacked {a few II. wormed), 10s ^d J. Matthews, 1700 2587 The Art of Dialling, performed Geometrically, by Scale and Compasses : Arith- metically, by the Canons of Sines and Tangants : Instrumentally, by a Trigonal Instrument, accomodated with Lines for that Purpose : the Geometrical Part whereof is performed by Pro- jecting of the Sphere in Piano, upon the Plain itself, whereby not only the Making, but the Keason also of Dials is discovered, first edition, with seated portrait {different from the two above), 2)latc, and diagrams, sra. 4to. large and sound copy in contemporary sheep, newly rebacked (very rare), £2. 5s B. Tooke and T. Sawbridge, 1669 This edition is excessively rare, that of 1687 being given by Hutton as the first, and was unknown to the author's biographer in D. N. B. 2588 The COMPLEAT SURVEYOR : containing the whole Art of Surveying of Land, by the Plain Table, Theodolite, Circumferentor, and Peractor: after a more easie, exact and compendious manner, then hath been hitherto published by any . . . with the taking of all manner of Heights and Distances . . . also, the manner how to know whether Water may be conveyed from a Spring head to any appointed place or not, etc. etc., toith numerous diagrams, folio, hf. bound (last I. missing, and title slightly soiled), £[. 5s R. and W. Leybourn, 1653 Avery rare Koixioy, unknown to Watt. It was originally published in 1650 as * Planometria ' by ' Oliver Wallikby'. 2589 Fourth Edition, corrected and much enlarged, with portrait aet. 48 by R. White {fine impression), numerous folding j)lates, and diagrams, folio, sound and tall copy in old calf {binding damaged) ; RARE, £1. \s G. Sawbridge, 1679 The last edition published during the author's lifetime. There is an old auto. ' J. Hill ' on title, probably of 'Sir ' John Hill, quack scientist {v. No. 1922). 2590 Fifth Edition, with Appendix on Practical Observations in Land Surveying, by Samuel Cunn, with the fine portrait by White, and numerous plates, folio, old panelled calf {fine copy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., lis Hd 1722 2591 Another Copy, sound copy in old calf {joints cracked), 12* 6d 2592 Cursu.s Mathematicus : Mathematical Sciences, comprehending Arithmetick, Geometry, Cosmography, Astronomy, Trigonometry; with Descriptions of the Instruments, fine portrait of the author (et. 6i by R. White {brilliant impression), and numerous folding plates, thick folio, sound copy in contemporary calf, with Lord Stanhope's bookplate, 18* 6rf 1690 Including besides the above-mentioned subjects treatises on Dialling and Navigation, Astronomical Tables, and Table of Logarithms. 2593 — ^ — Mathematical Institutions, wherein the Doctrine of Plain and Spherical Triangles is .succinctly handled, geometrically demonstrated, etc. etc., with numerous folding plates, cr. 4to. fine copy in old panelled calf {joints cracked), with Lord Stanhope's bookplate, 8s 6d 1704 2594 Panarithmologia: or the Trader's Sure Guide, containing exact and useful Tables ready cast up, atlapted to the Use of Merchants, etc. etc. ; shewing the Interest of Money, and Discount on prompt Payment; fourth Elition, 16ni3. old sheep {fine copy); RARE, with Lord Stanhope's bookplate, £1.1* 1727 • The most enduring of his works ' [D. N. JJ], and the Earliest Ready Rk^koxer in English. 2595 Panorganon : or a Universal Instru.mkxt performing all such Conclusions Geometrical and Astronomical as are usually wrought by the Globes, Spheres, Sectors, Quadrants, Plani- spheres, etc., with seated portrait, and numerous diagrams, sni. 4to. old calf {slightly browned, otherwise a fine copy) ; rare, £1. 5* W. Birch, 1672 Containing also • Problemes in Dialling '. 2596 A Platform for Purchasers, a Guide for Builders, a Mate for Measurers, with engraved arms of London, and 3 plates {one defective), 12rao. old calf {a few II. stained), 10* %d T. Raw, 1685 V. No. 1717-18, ante. 130 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W.^ 2597 LEYBOTJRN (William) Pleasure with Profit : consisting of Recreations of Divers Kinds, published to Recreate Ingenious Spirits and to induce them to make farther scrutiny into these Sublime Sciences, and to divert them from following such Vices, to which Youth (in this Age) arc so much Inclin'd, with a Treatise of Algebra, according to the late Improvements, with a New Series for the speedy Extraction of Roots, and a Converging Series for all manner of Adfected Equations, by Richard Sault, plates and diagrams, folio, sound and tall copy in old calf gilt, withaido. ' Tycho Wing, \12Q' {astrologer^ on title, 15* " 1694 Including besides mathematical subjects, astronomical, physical, niagnetical, and chemical ones. 'Leybomn's works all grew out of his teaching, and were deservedly popular. They are clear and attractive in style, and are the work of a man of considerable ingenuity and uncommon industry.'— Z). N. B. 259S L'HOSPITAL (Guillaume Fran9ois Antoine, Marquis de St.-Mesme) Analyse des INFINIMENT Petits, pour I'lntelligence des Lignes Courbes, 2^ Ed. ; with numerous plates, 4to. old calf gilt {fine copy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., Is Qd 1716 2599 NouvELLE Edition, avec Nouveau Commentaire pour I'lntelligence des Endroits les plus difficiles [par A. H. Paulian] ; S plates, 8vo. hf. calf {hack damaged), 4s 6o? Avignon, 1768 ' Containing a partial investigation of the limiting value of ratio of functions which for a certain value of the variable take the indeterminate form 0 : 0. This work brought the differential notation into general use in France, and helped to make it known in Europe.'— JF. W. R. Ball. 2600 , Traite Analytique des Sections Coniques et de leur Usage pour la Resolution des Equations ; dans les Problemes tant determinez qu' inddterminez ; Ouvrage jmsthume, premiere edition; with numerous plates, 4to. old calf gilt, with Lord Suffield's bookplate, Qs 1707 2601 Nouvelle Edition ; with plates, 4to. old calf, with auto, of Prof. A. W. Williamson, F.B.S., 5s 1720 2602 Another Copy, old calf gilt {fine copy), with Lord Stanhope's bookplate, Qs 6d 2603 An Analytick Treatise of Conick Sections, and their Use for Resolving of Equa- tions in Determinate and Indeterminate Problems, plates, 4to. hoards {broken), 5s 1723 ' For nearly a century it was deemed a standard work on the subject.' — W. W. R. Ball. 2604 L'HTJILIER (Simon Antoine Jean; f.rs.) Exposition Elementaire des Principes des Calculs Superieurs; with plate, 4to. sewn (tvanting 1 plate), Zs 6d Berlin [1787] This work received the prize of the Berlin Academy of Science. 2605 Polygonometrie, ou de la Mesure des Figures Rectilignes ; et Abreg6 d'lsoPERi- METRIE Elementaire, on de la D^pendance Mutuelle des Grandeurs et des Liraites des Figures ; with 2 plates, 4to. hoards, 4s Geneve, 1789 2606 Another Copy, nice copy m old calf gilt, 5s 2607 LIAGBE (Lt.-Gen. Jean Baptiste Joseph) Calcul des Probabilites et Th^orie des Erreurs, avec Applications aux Sciences d'Observation en general et a la Geodesie en parti- culier, 2° [derniere] Ed. par Camille Peny; with diagrams, thick sq. 8vo. boards (scarce), 18s 6d Bruxelles, 1879 Especially valuable for apjilyii g the calculus of probability to geodetic problems. 2608 Sur les Corrections de la Lunette Meridienne, 4to. (pp. 71), cl., 2s Qd [ibidem, 1845] 2609 LIBRI [-CARRUOOI] (Guillaume Brutus Icilius Timoleon Comte ; biblioklept) Histoire de^ Sciences Mathematiques en Italie, depuis la Renaissance des Lettres jusqu'a la Fin du XVlIe Siecle; luith diagrams, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. French calf gilt (scarce), £1. 1* 1838-41 ' Get ouvrage est rcmarquable par de consciencieuses recherches d erudition et par un style aussi clair qu'elegant.' — Biogr. Gen. It still remains an authority on the subject, and it was very j-ad that Gulielmus Brutus Icilius Timoleon should ever have lapsed from the stern virtue of a student of the exact sciences. 2610 Memoria sopra la Teoria dei Numeri, 4to (pp. 24), sewn {scarce), 6s Firenze, 1820 The author's first published work, written at the age of 17, which at once established his reputation as a mathematician. 2611 LICK OBSERVATORY, Publications of the, of the University of California, prepared by Edward S. Holden, Vol. I, ivith front., and numerous full-page and other woodcuts of Astro- nomical and Meteorological Instruments, 4to. cl., 6s 6c? (p. 12* nett) Sacramento, 1887 Including Meteorological Observations at Mount Hamilton, Sept. ISSO— Nov. '85, by Thomas E. Frasku (pp. 8(5), Reduction Tables for the Observatory by G. C. Comstock (pp. 130), etc. 2612 : Reports on the Observations of the Total Eclipse of the Sun, Dec. 21-22, 1889 [at Cayenne], and of the Total Eclipse of the Moon, July 22, 1888, with Catalogue of the Library [ed. by Edward S. Holden], icith 11 plates {including fine silver prints of eclipses by Burnham, Schaeherle, etc.), 8vo. cl. {out of print), 5s ibidem, 1891 2613 LIEBIG (Justus Freiherr v.) Chemische Briefe, 1. Auflage, post 8vo. cl , 45 Heidelberg, 1844 2614 Sech.ste [letzte] Auflage, 8vo. hf morocco, 3* Qd ibidem, 1878 2615 Familiar Letters on Chemistry, in its Relations to Physioloory, Dietetics, Agriculture, Commerce, and Political Economy, third Ed., much enlarged [by William Gregory, M.D.], thick fcap. 8vo. cl., 3s 1851 2616 Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged by John Blyth, m.d., post 8vo. hf calf, 4s 6d 1859 2617 Chemistry in its Applications to Agriculture and Physiology, ed. by Lyon Play- fair [Lord Playfair], f.r.s., 2nd Ed., with numerous Additions, 8vo. cl., 3s 1842 2618 Third Edition, revised and enlarged, 8vo. cl., 4s 1843 2619 Ueber Gahrung, Quelle der Muskelkraft und Ernahrung, 8vo. sewn, 2s Heidelberg, 1870 2620 Die Grundsatze der Agrikulturchemie, mit RUcksicht auf die in England angestellten Untersuchungen, 2. Auflage, mit Nachtrag, 8vo. sewn, 2s Braunschweig, 1855 2621 The Natural Laws of Husbandry, ed. by John Blyth, m.d., 8vo. cl., 3s 1863 2622 Ueber Theorie und PRAXIS in der Landwirthschaft, 8vo. sewn, 2s Braunschweig, 1856 2623 Die Thier-Chemie, oder die organische Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Physiologic und Pathologie, 2. Aufiage, 8vo. sewn, 2s ibidem, 1843 HENRY SOTHERAN i& CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 131 2621 LIEBIG (Justus Freiherr v.) Animal Chemistry, or Organic Chemistry in its Applications to Pliysiology ami Pathology, ed. by William Gregory, m.d., 8vo. cZ., 4* 1842 2625 Third [last] Edition, greatly enlargecl, Part I (all pub.) : Chemical Process of Respira- tion and Nutrition. Metamorphosis of Animal Tissues (Method to be pursued in the Investigation), Svo. cL, is , ^ ^ 1846 2626 Trait6 de Chimie Organique : Edition Fran^aise, consid^rablement augment^e par I'Auteur, et publi6e par Charles Gerhardt, 3 vols. Svo. hf. calf. Is Qd (p. F.2.5. unbound) 1841-4 2627 Untersuchungen iiber einige Ursachen der Saftebewegung im thierischen Organismus ; icith luoodcuts, 8vo. sewn, 2s Braunschweig, 1843 2628 , and Hermann KOPP : Annual Refort of the Progress of Chemistry, and the Allied Sciences, eJ. by A. W. V. HoFMANN and Warren de La Rue, Vols. I-IV (all published), 4 vols. Svo. cl. {scarce), £1. Is 1847-50 2629 Vols. I- II I only, 3 vols. Svo. hf. hound {backs dainaged)^ Is 6d 1S47-9 The English edition of ' Jahre-sbericbt iiber die Fortscuritte der Chemie' (7. v. aide). 2630 , Johann Christian POGGENDORFF, und Friedrich WOHLER: Handworter- BUCH der REINKN und angewandten Chemie, 2. Autiage, neu bearbeitet von mehreren Gelehrten und redigirt von HERMANN V. Fehling; with numerous woodcuts, 9 vols. Svo. in 11, hf. calf, 10; (p. M. 176. unbound) Braunschweig, 1856-64 2631 ■ : Hofmann (August Wilhelm v., F.R.S.) The LiFE-WoRK of Liebig in Experimental and Philosophical Chemistry, with his Influence on the Development of the Collateral Sciences (Faraday Lecture, 1S75), with fine photo-portrait, and fs. ofQ-p. letter to Faraday, Svo. cl. {scarce), \0s Qd 1876 ' Seinera lieben Freunde F. Knapp niit Larzl. Gruss der Verf.'— JnAcr. on flyleaj. 2632 : KoHUT (Adolph) Justus von Liebig: sein Leben und Wirken, auf Grund der besten und zuverliissigsten Quellen geschildert, 2. Aufla^e ; with portrait, 34 illustrations, and 2fs. letters, Svo. cl., 6s Giessen, 1908 2633 : Justus Liebig, Dr. der Medicin und Philosophic, usw. usw., analysirt von P. T. MeissneR, Professor der Chemie in Wien, Svo. sewn, 6s Frankfurt a M., 1844 A scurrilous attack on Liebig, provoked by a by no means moderate article by the latter on the author in ' tJber den Zustjind der Chemie in Oesterreich ' in his 'Annaleu der Chemie', v. XXV. For another bitter llixi LiebiyiemU sec Ml'I.DER, p').»7. 2634 LIEBISCH (Theodor, Gottingen) Physikalische Krystallographie ; with 9 fne photo- gravure plates, and 298 woodcuts, roy. Svo. seivn, I5s (p,M. 25. nett) Leipzig, 1891 One of the most important handbooks on the subject. 2635 LIGHTNING ROD CONFERENCE : Report of the Delegati:s, ed. by G. J. Symons, F.R.S., numerous icoodcuts, Svo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 7* 6d) 1882 Valuable for its large amount of statistical matter and full bibliography. 2636 riilMOJON de ST.-DIDIER (Alexandre Toussaint)] The Hermetical Ti.iumph: or the Victorious Philosophical Stone : a Treatise more compleat and more intelligible than any has been yet, concerning the Hermetical Magistery, trans, from the French, with the Ancient ^\ar of the Knights, trans, from the German, and Annotations, with emblematic front., J2mo. old calf {rare). Vis 6d 1723 2637 LINDNER (Paul) Mikroskopische Betriebskontrolle in den Garungsgewerben, mit Einfiihrung in die technischen Biologic, HefenreinkuUur und Infektionslehre, 3. neubearbeitete Aurt. ; with \ plates and 229 woodcuts, roy. Svo. cl., 9s (p. M. 17.) Berlin, 1901 2638 LINEHAM (Wilfrid J.) Text-Book of Mechanical Engineering: Workshop Practice, Theory and Examples, 7th Ed., enlarged, with numerous plates and woodcuts, thick large post 8vo.cl.,6i6d{\).l5s) 1904 2639 LIPPE (H. v. der) Die Weinbereitung und die Kellerwirtschaft, 4. [neueste] giinzlich neu bearbeitete AuHage von Graegers Kellerwirtschaft; with 54 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. M. 8.) Weimar, 1894 2310 LIPPMANN (Edmund O. v.) Die Chemie der Zuckerarten, 2. vollig umgearl>eitete Auflage von 'Die Zuckerarten und ihre Derivate,' thick Svo. hf. German morocco, Hs 6d (p. M. 17.50) Braunschweig, 1895 One of tlie beat liandbook.s on the chemistry of sugar. 2811 LIPP3 (Gottlieb Friedrich, Leipzig Univ.) Die psychischen Massmethoden ; ivith 6 wood- cuts, Svo, sewn, 2-s 6d Braunschweig, 1906 2612 LIPSIUS (Justus; recte JOEST LiPs) PoLiORCETicwN, sive de Machinis. Tormentis. Telis. Libri V ; ivith numerous engravings of ancient Engines of War, or illustrating various modes of Attack and Defence, sm. folio, old limp vellum, 16s Antoerpim, ex Off. Plantiniana, 1596 2313 L'ISLE [(Joseph Nicolas de; f.r.s.)] MItIMOIRES pour servir a I'Histoire et au PROGREsde I'AsTRONOMiE, de la Geooraphie, et de la Physique: Dissertations, Pi^-ces nouvelles, Observ- ations et Keilexions ; with folding plates, 4to. old calf gilt {fine copy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., 6s 6d ' " St. Petersbourg, 1738 Tlie illustrations contain one showing the author's graduation of the thermometer on quite a novel plan, which however was never adopted for use. 25U LISTING (Johann Benedikt) Vorstudien zur Topologie; ivith woodcuts, Svo. (pp. 68), sewn {scarce), 5s Gottingen, 1843 ' Various researches have been brought under the head oT analysis situs. The subject was first investigated by Leibniz, and was lator treated by Gauss, whose theory of knots has been employed by J. B. Listing.'— Prof. Cajori. 2315 LIVERSIDGE (Archibald, f.r.s., Univ. S:/dneg)The Minerals of New South Wales, etc., tvith large coloured mineralogical map, and woodcuts^ impl. Svo. cl., uncut {out of print), Is 6d (p. ISs) 1888 132 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140 STRAND, W.C, AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 2646 LITTLE (James, pr.) Conjectures on the Physical Causes of Earthquakes and Vol- canoes, explaining them on a new Hypothesis of the Structure of the Earth, and of the Existence of an Internal Atmosphere communicating with ours, 8vo. hoards, uncut {rare), \0s 6rf Dublin, 1820 The author attempts to prove that earthquakes are caused ' by the explosion of confined or compressed air in cavities underground.' 2647 LIVERPOOL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY'S Journal, from 1883-4 to 1888-9 (Vols. 2-7), ivith numerous plates and woodcuts, 6 vols. 8vo. in 4, red roan gilt [wanting titles of vv. 3 and 4), 10s Qd Liverpool, 1883-9 2648 COMPASS COMMISSION'S Three Reports on the Magnetism of Ships and the Deviations of the Compass, with Additional Papers by Archibald Smith, f.r.s., and Capt. Sir Frederick John Owen Evans, r.n., numerous plates and charts, 8vo. hf. morocco. Is Qd Washington, 1869 ' This report is by very far the most important document, in reference to the difficult subjects of the magnetism of iron ships, the change of magnetism, the correction of the compass, and the adjustment of the correctmg apparatus, that has yet appeared.'— Sir G. B. Airy, F.R.S. 2649 LLOYD (Humphrey, d.d., f.r.s. ; Provost T. C. D.) Elementary Treatise on the Wave- Theory of Light, 2nd Ed., with Additions, diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s 1857 2650 Third Edition, revised and enlarged, with diagrams, 8vo. cl. [out of print), 8* Qd 1873 ' There is no boerd relating to Mr. Harrison's Discoveries, given in to the Board of Longitude ', the author having been one of the three experts appointed by the board, to enquire into the merits of the latter's watch. • He enjoyed considerable reputation at the time for his skill in practical mechanics and astrouomy, as well as for his mathematical lectures.'— D. N. B. 2717 The Rudiments of Mathematics, for Students at the Universities : containing an Intro- duction to Algebra ; Remarks on the first VI Books of Euclid ; the Elements of Plain [sic] Trij^onometry, first edition, with ^folding plates, 8vo. hf. bound, Is Qd Cambridge, 1785 'It became a standard Cambridge text-book, passed through several editions, and was still in vogue in 1815.'— X). X. B. 2718 LUFF (Arthur Pearson, m.d.), and Frederic James M. PAGE : Manual of Chemistrv, Inor<,^anic and Organic, with Synopsis of the Conjoint Board and the Society of Apothecaries, illustrated, 12mo. cl., Zs (p. Is 6d) 1904 2719 fLUKIN (James, pr.)] The Amateur Mechanic's Workshop: including Turning, Casting, Forging, Brazing, Soldering, and Carpentry, by the Author of the ' Lathe and its Uses', 2nd Ed., icith plates and woodcuts, 8vo. hf. bound, 3s 1872 Halkett and Laing erroneously attribute the authorship to Elias Taylor. 2720 LULLIUS (Raymundus ; ' Doctor Illuminatus ') Opera ea aune ad ad inventam ab ipso Artem Universalem Scientiarum Artiumque omnium brevi compendio, tirmatjue memoria apprehend- aruni pertinent, ut et in eandem quorundam Interpretum Commentani, hoc demiim tempore coniunctim emendatiora locupletioraq. non nihil edita sunt, editio princeps ; with ivoodcuts^ thick 12mo. old parchment (rare), £2. 2s Argentina;, 1598 Raymond Lull was not only one of the most learned illustrations of the Franciscan Order, but one of the earliest of modiiBval Christian missionaries (a.d, 1315). He is celebrated in a twofold capacity— that of the scholastic metaphysician, and that of an experienced chemist. 2721 Editio Secunda; accessit huic Editioni Valerii de Valeriis Patricii Veneti Aureum in Artem Lulli Generalem Opus ; luilh table, woodcuts, and diagrams {some ivlth MOVABLE SLIPS), thick 8vo. sewn {a number of II. browned, and wanting all after p. 786), 15s ibidem, 1617 This edition is important for first containing Giobdano Bruno's ' De Lulliano Specierum Scrutiuio', ' De Lampade Combinatoria Lulliana'. ami 'De Progressu Logicae Venationis '. They are all included in the above copy, which only wants the commentary by Valerius and the index. 2722 Ars Magna Generalis et Ultima, quanimcunque artium et scientiarum ipsius Lulli a.ssecutrix et clavigera et ad eas aditum faciliorem praebens: antehac nusquam arti impressorite emunctius commendata et per M. Bernh. La Vinheta, artis illius ftdelissimum interpretem elimata ; handsomely printed in a small gotfiic letter, loith 4 woodcut figures and numerous pretty initials, and vignette at end, sm. 4to. hf vellum {wanting title, and wormed, but otherwise a sound and tall copy) ; RARE, £1. \s Lugduni, Jacobus Marechal, sumptibus Simonis Vincent, 1517 ' His great work, which has so severely tested the sagacity of commentators. It is the development of the method of teaching known subsequently as the ' Lullian method' (aftei wards revised and improve de la Societe Helvetiqut de Bafle , de celles de Philadelpkie , Harlem , Manchejlcr ^ Padoue , &c. TOME PREMIER. A PARIS, Chei CuCiTET, Libraire , rue & Kotel Serpente. M. D C C. L X X X I X. Sous Ic PrlvlUge de CAcademie des Sciences fi ^§ Ixi Societe R ovale de Me'de-cine, '; \ \'*,'. » '-,- , No. 2497 (page 125). .•'• A : llV^ Titlepas:e of the excessively rare first edition. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., HO, STRAND, W.C., and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 137 2748 MACGEORGE (G. W. ; m.i.c.e.) Ways and Works in India: its Public Works, from the earliest Times, with illustrations and maps, 8vo. cl. {out of print), ^s (p. 16s) 1894 2749 McGIBBON (W. C, Principal Glasgow School of Marine Kng.) Indicator Diagrams for Marine Engineers, withplates and numerous diagrams, 4to. cl., 5s (sells ls6d nett) Glasgow [1906] 2750 MACGREGOR (William) Tables for the Extraction of Interest on Current Accounts, ami Discount of Bills, at Twenty-Two different Rates from ^ to 1 % etc., 6th Ed., enlart?ed, folio, cl., 5s Qd (p. 105 6d) Edin., 1904 2751 MACKAY (Andrew, f.r.s.e) Collection of Mathematical Tables for the Navigator, Geographer, and Surveyor, etc., 8vo. old sheep (joint cracked), 5s 1804 ' He made important contributions to the science of navigation, and was a skilful, accurate, and indefatigable calculator of mathematical tables.'— 1). N. B. 2752 McKENDRICK (JolinGray, M.D., f.r.s.) Life in Motion, or Muscle and Nerve, illustrated, post 8vo. cl. [out of print), 5s 1892 2753 MACKENZIE (George) The System of the Weather of the British Islands, 2 charts, 8vo. cl., uncut (scarce), I2s 6d Perth, 1821 ' He discovered that the periodical commencement and termination of years of scarcity or abundance are undoubtedly ascertainable, with the recurrence of favourable or unfavourable seasons. In the spring of IS 19 Mackenzie succeeded in fonning his ' primary cycle of the winds ', and received the thanks of the Board of Agriculture.' — D. N. B. 2754 MACLAURIN (Oolin, f.r.s.) Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Discoveries ; jjublished from his MSS. [with Life] by Patrick Murdoch, f.r.s., first edition, with Q folding plates, roy. 4to., Large Paper ; old calf gilt, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.^., \'2s 6rf 1748 The last chapter treats ' Of the Supreme Author and Governor of the Universe, the true and living God ', and ends with an argument in favour of a future life, dictated but a few moments before his death. *>755 Third Edition, with Q plates, 8vo. old calf. As 1775 2756 Geometria Organica, sive Descriptio Linearum Curvarum Universalis ; with plates, 4to. o/rf ca//{ rare), £1. Is ' Londini, 1720 2757 A Large Paper Copy, large 4to. old calf (joint broken), with bookplate of Edward 12th Duke of Norfolk, E.M.,£l. lOs ' Newton had discovered the theorem that if two angles of given magnitude be movable round their vertices, and the Intersection of a side of the one with a side of the other be made to travel along a straight line, the intersection of the other p lir of sides will describe a conic. Maclaurin developes this into a general method of reducing the description of a curve to the description of another curve of lower order ; the theory is one of much beauty and power '.—D. N. B. 2758 Treatise of Algebra, containing the Fundamental Rules and Operations, the Composi- tion and Resolution of Equations of all Degrees, the different Affections of their Roots, and the Application of Algebra and Geometry to Each Other, with Appendix on the general Properties of Geometrical Lines, first edition, withplates and diagrams, 8vo. old calf (rare), 12s 6d 1748 2759 Fifth Edition, withplates and diagrams, 8vo. old calf, 6s 1788 2760 Sixth Edition, withplates and diagrams, 8vo. old sheep (broken), 5s 1796 The Apjiendix, which previously appeared in Latin, is translated in the last two editions. ' It is a model of clear and terse exposition, and was in vogue as a Cambridge textbook for more than lialf a century.' — D. N. B. 2761 Treatise of Fluxions, first edition, ivith 36 plates, 2 vols. 4to. old calf gilt, with book- plate of Edward 12th Duke of Norfolk, E.M. (rare), 15s " Eiin., 1742 2762 Another Copy, 2 vols, in 1, old calf (broken), 12s 2763 A Large and Thick Paper Copy, 2 vols. 4to. sound copy in old calf gilt, £1. 1* ' Le chef-d'oeuvre dc geometric qu'on pent comparer a tout ce qu'Archimede nous a laiss6 de plus beau ct de plus Ingenieux.' — Ixxgrange. ' The Hrst logical and systematic exposition of the method of fluxions ... In it he gave a proof of the theorem that f (x) = f (o) + xf ' (o) +.^f " (o) + . . .He also gave the correct theory of maxima and minima, and rules for finding and descriminating multiple points. This treatise is however especially valuable for its solutions of numerous problems in geometry, statics, the theory of attraction, and astronomy.'— fr. W. R. Ball. It also contains in a revised form the author's prize essay on the gravitational theory of tides. ' The one mathematician of first rank trained in Great Britain in the Eighteenth Century '.— D. N. B. He organised the defence of Edinburgh against the Jacobites in the 'Forty-live. 276* MAGLEAB (Sir Thomas, f.r.s., Cape Astronomer Royal) Contributions to Astronomy and G?:odesy, 4to. d., 5* 1851 Containing his Comparison of Southern Stars of the British Association Catalogue ; his Determination of the Parallax of a Centauri, 1842-8, etc. etc. 2765 McMAHON (James), and Virgil SNYDEB; Cornell Univ.: Elements of the Differ- ential Calculus, 89 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4-9 Qd (p. 9a') New York [1898] 2766 MACMILLAN (Alexander) Arithmetic, with its General Application, and its Application to Trade, 12mo. (pp. 252), sewn, 10s Qd Dumfries, 1811 A very rare book, luiknown to Prof, de Morgan, and other bibliographers. 2767 [MACdUER (Pierre Joseph)] Dictionary of Chemistry, with full Explanations of the Qualities and Modes of Acting of Chemical Remedies, and the Fundamental Principles of the Arts, Trades, and Manufactures dependent on Chemistry, trans., with Notes and Additions, by the Translator [James Keir, f.r.s.], 2 copperplates, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, old calf gUt, 12s dd 1771 ' His work lay less in theoretical than applied chemistry, to which he made valuable contributions, especially in the manufacture of jtottery and in dyeing.'— i'ro/. E. v. Meyer. 2768 MADDY (Watkin, pr., St. John's Coll., Cantab.) The Elements of the Theory of Plane Astronomy, with A plates, 8vo. hf calf (plates stained), 3s Cambridge, 1826 2769 New Edition, greatly enlarged by John Hymers, d.d., f.r.s., 4 folding plates, 8vo. hf calf (scarce), Qs 6d ibidem, 1832 ' An excellent work.'— Agnes M. Gierke. 10 138 HENRY SOTHEEAN & CO., UO, STRAND, W.C, ANB 37, PICCADILLY, W. 2770 MACPHERSON (Hector, Jun.) A Century's Progress in Astronomy, 8vo., cL, 4« (sells 65 nett) JSdin., 1906 2771 MAEDLER (Johann Heinrich) Populare Astronomie, 4. vollig umgearbeitete Auflage, 8vo. hf. bound {wanting Atlas), 2s Berlin^ 1849 2772 MAGAZINE of SCJENGE (The), and School of Arts : illustrating the most Useful, Novel and Interesting Parts of Natural History and Experimental Philosophy, Artistical Processes, Ornamental Manufactures, and the Arts of Life, with hundreds of tvoodcuts, 7 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. calf, lOs 6d 1840-6 2773 "MAGELLAN [or MAGALHAENS] (Joao Hyazinthe de, f.r.s.) Description of a Glass- Apparatus for making in a few Minutes, and at a very small Expense, the best Mineral Waters, with Description of Two New Eudiometers, 3rd Ed. enlarged, with Examination of T. Cavallo's Strictures on these Eudiometers, /row^., 8vo. (pp. 88), sewn, 5s 1783 2774 MAGINI (Giovanni Antonio) Nov^ Coelestium Orbium Theoric^ congruentes, cum Observationibus N. COPERNICI ; tvith engraved title, and numei'ous woodcuts, 4to. old limp vellum, \Qs Venetiis, 1589 The author rejected the Copernican system, fearing the penalties of the Inquisition. All his ^vritings have become VERY RARE. 2775 De Planis Triangulis Liber; ejusdem de Dimetiendi Rations per Quadrantem, et Geometricum Quadratum Libri V; with numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 4to. sound copy in contemporary limp vellum, £1. 55 ibidem, 1592 ' Mag'ini a rendu de veritables services a I'astronomie, a la geographic et k I'optique. '—Btogrr. Gen. 2776 MAGNAGHI (G. B., Capitano di fregata) Gli Strumenti a Riflessione per Misurare Angoli ; ^cith 82 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. morocco gilt, 5s (p. L. 10. nett unbound) Milano, 1875 2777 MAGNUS (Sir Philip, m.p.) Lessons in Elementary Mechanics, with numerous Exercises, illustrated, post 8vo. cL, \s Qd 1885, or '89 2778 MAHISTKE (A., Lille) COURS de Mecanique Appliquee ; illustrated, 8vo. hf. morocco gilt {slightly water -stained) ; scarce, 65 Qd 1858 MAHON (Viscount) Principles of Electricity (1779)— v. Stanhope (Charles 3rd Earl)— ^>05f. 2779 MAIGNAN (Emanuel, Ord. Min.) Perspectiva Horaria, &ive de Horographia Gnomonica tum Theoretica, turn Practica . . . pra^cipuam admirationem habet Thaumantias Catoptrica atque Dioptrica, id est refiexus, ac refractus a Speculo Cylindrico Solaris Radius, etc. etc. etc. ; loith numerous copperplates {some folding), besides several hundred diagrams, thick folio, fine copy in contemporary Italian vellum {a few II. mended or stained, otherwise a LARGE and FINE COPY) ; VERY RARE, £2. 25 Eomae, 1648 Containing the first theory of the reflection of light. 2780 MAIN (Robert, pr., f.r.s.; Badcliffe Observer [and Philip Thomas]) Practical and Spherical Astronomy, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., \s (p. 14s) Cambridge, 1863 ' Including all the mathematical processes which will enable the reader to understand the operations of a modern Observatory furnished with the ordinary meridional and extrameridional instruments.' — Prejace. 2781 MAIRAN (Jean Jacques d'Ortous de) Lettre ;i Mme. * * * [DU Chatelet] sur la Question des Forces Vives : L'Estimation et la Mesure des Forces Motrices des Corps ; with plate : Deidier (Abbe) Nouvelle Refutation de I'Hypotese des Forces Vives— 3 vols. 12mo. in 1, fine copy in old calf gilt, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.E.S., Is 6d 1741 2782 Traite Physique et Historique de I'AuRORE Boreale, 2^ Ed., revue et augment^e de plusieurs Eclaircissemens ; with 17 plates, 4to. old calf gilt, 16s Qd Imprimerie Royale, 1754 Best Edition of the earliest exhau.stive treatise on tlie aurora borcalis, the height of which he estimates as above 100 geographical miles. 2783 MAJOCCHI (Giovanni Alessandro) Sull' Incertezza della Meteorologia sulla Necessita e sul Modo di stabilire i Fatti per isciogliere il Problema dell' Utilith, dei Paragrandini, 8vo. (pp. 40), sewn, 5s Milano, 1824 2784 MAJOR (Frederick) Spacial and Atomic Energy : Part III, Heat, thick 8vo. sewn, ^s Qd (p. 75 Qd) 1891 2785 MALBY'S Telescopic Companion, or Celestial Globe- Atlas, exhibiting the whole of the Stars in the Catalogues of Piazzi, Bradley, Hevelius, Mayer, Lacaille, and Johnson ; the Double Stars marked from Herschel and Struve corrected from Baily's Edition of Flamsteed's British Catalogue, -svith Additions from the most esteemed Astronomers, and the Nebula observed by Sir W. and Sir John Herschel, Messier, and Dunlop, 21 beautifully engraved folding maps by John Addison, all finely COLOURED, folio, hf. morocco neat (scarce), 15* 1859 2786 MALCOLM (Alexander, teacher of the Mathematicks at Aberdeen) New System of Arithmetick, Theoretical and Practical, wherein the Science of Numbers is demonstrated in a Kegular Course from its First Principles ; the Practice and Application to the Affairs of Life and Commerce being also fully explained : making the Whole a Complete System of Theory, for Men of Science and Business, 4to. old calf, IQs 1730 ' One of the most extensive and erudite books of the XVIII. century.'— Pro/, de Morgan. 2787 MALFATTI (Gianfrancesco, Univ. Ferrara) EsSAi Analytique sur I'Integration de deux FORMULES Differentielles, et sur la Somme generale des Series Harmoniques k Termes rationnels, 4to. (pp. 60), sewn, is [Turin, 1790] The author was the originator of the geometrical problem named after him. 2788 MALHAM (John, pr.) The Naval Gazetteer ; or Seaman's Complete Guide : a full alpha- betical Account of the several Coasts in the Known World, with Sailing Directions for the different Ports, etc. etc., numerous charts, 2 vols. 8vo. old hf. calf gilt. Is Qd 1795 The author taught navigation at Plymouth, and obtained a Dorsetshire vicarage ; when having written a pamphlet to prove that country clergymen need never reside on their livings, he moved to London and wrote for the booksellers— another characteristic of the good old times before the Oxford Movement so feelingly lamented by the Bishop of Carlisle. HENKY SOTHEIIAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 139 2789 MALLEY (Abrah.am Cowley) Photo-Micrography, including Description of the Wet Collodion and Gelatino-Bromide Processes, with the best Methods of Mounting and Preparing, 2nd Ed., enlarged, 3 jylates, and numerous woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 3* (p. 7* Qd) 1885 2790 MALOMBKA (Giuseppe, Nohilc Cremonese) Pratica Universale, facilissima, et breve di Misurare con la Vista ; with etched title, and numerous etchings in the text, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, boards, uncut (a few II. stained), \2s [Fiorenza, 1630J Unknown to PogKendorflf. 2701 MALOBTIE (CoL C. Martmont de) Treatise on the Science and Practical Detail of Trigonometrical Surveying, with Description of the Repeating Circle, and Borda's Reflecting Circle, etc. etc. etc., 2nd Ed., uith copperplates of Surveying Instruments, etc., 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf, 5.9 6d 1820 2792 MANCHESTER SCIENCE LECTURES for the PEOPLE [edited by Sir Henry Enfield Koscoe, f.r.s.], Series I-X, with woodcuts, 5 vols, post 8vo. cl. [scarce), \2s Qd Manchester [1866-79] A valuable collection of jwpular lectures by the Eilitor, Prof. Clifford, Sir William Hugjjins, Prof. Huxley, Prof. .Stanley Jevons. Sir J. N. Lor-kyer, Prof. OJling, Prof. Tj'ndall, Prof. A. W. Williamson, and others. 2793 MANDEY (Venterus) Mellificium Mensionis : or tiie Marrow of Measuring, with choice Piinoiples and Problems of Geometry, 3rd Ed, with Additions, portrait aet. 37 by B. White, plates, and diagrams, 8vo. old calf , 5s 1717 2794 Fourth Edition [Reprint of the above], vnth the portrait, 8vo. fine copy in old calf, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S. , 6s 1727 2795 Synopsis Mathematica Universalis : or a Brief System of Mathematics, including Astronomy, Dialling, Optics, etc. etc., with Astronomical and Geogiaphical Tables, portrait by R. White, and plates, 8vo. fine copy in old calf, with Lord Stanhope's bookplate {rare). Is Qd 1729 According to the preface a translation of J. J. Hainlin's ' Synopsis Mathematica ' (litVlt). 2796 and Joseph MOXON, f.r s. : Mechanick-Powers : or the Mistery of Nature and Art unvail'd, shewing what Great Things may be performed by Mechanick Engines . . . with a Treatise of Circular Motion artificially fitted to Mechanick u.se, and the making of Clock- work, and otiier Engins, with numerous plates, cr. 4to. old calf {rare), 16s 6d 1696, or n. d. 2797 Another Copy, unbound, \os Acconling to the preface the first systematic treatise on practical mechanics. The autlior is not noticed in D. N. }!., jjor by Hutton, etc., and some autobiographical details in the 'Synopsis Mathematica' will therefore be of interest. 2798 MANFREDI (Eustachio ; f.r.s.) De Annuis Inerrantium Stellarum Aberrationibus ; with folding plates, 4to. old calf gilt {fine copy), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.Jl.S. {rare), 10s 6d ' Bononice, 1729 a work still of importance, controverting some of Roemer's observations on the parallactic i)ath of Sirius and Lyra. 2799 Ephemerides [et Nov^: Ephemerides] Motuum Cqxestium, 1715-50, e Cassinianis Tabulis ad Meridianum Bononia) supputattB ; uu'th numerous charts and diagrams, 4 vols. 4to. in 2, old calf {fine copy), with Lord Stanhope's bookplate, 15s ibid., 1715-25 'The first volume is an excellent introduction to astron »my, and the other throe contain numerous calculations '. — Rose. 2800 De Gnomone Meridiano Bononiensi deque Observationibus Astronomicis eo Instru- mento peractis ; luith 2 folding plates, 4to. old Italian vellum {sound copy). Is Qd ibid., 1736 2801 Another Copy, contemporary calf gilt {fine copy), with Lord Stanhope's bookplate, 7s 6d 2802 ; — Instituzioni Astronomiche : Opera postuma ; with \o folding plates, 4to. sound copy in Italian vellum, with contemporary MS. notes on margin, Qs ib., 1749 2803 MANFBEDI (Gabriello) De Constructions /J^quationum Differentialium Primi (iRADUS ; with folding plates, 4to. hf. bound, uncut, lis 6d Bononia;, 1707 A very rare work wliicli was highly commended by Leibniz. It is practically the first work on the subject, and contains all tiiat was known at the time, as well as numerous new problems of the author's invention. 2804 MANILIU3 (Marcus) Astronomicon [cunt Antonio Molinio] ; very neatly printed in italics, with device on title and last I., 32mo. calf, 3s Lugduni, Jo. Torncpsius, 1566 2805 Idem, a Josepho Scaligero ex vetusto codice Gemblacensi infinitis mendis repurgatum, ejusdem Notae [pp. 510J, quibus auctoris prisca astrologia explicatur, Ccastigationum caussa^ redduntur, portentosa? transpositiones in eo auctore antiquitus commissa} indieantur, 2 vols. cr. 4to. in 1, old calf, neatly rebacked in maroon morocco gilt {fine copy), \2s Lugd. Batav., ex off: Plantiniana, 1599-1600 2806 Idem, ex Recensione et cum Notis Richardi Bentleii ; finely printed in large type, with fine portrait of the Editor by G. Vertue, and large folding plate, 4to., LARGE Paper ; contemp- orary calf gilt, g.e., \os Londini, 1739 Bkn'tlev's first kdition, and the most beautiful ever issued of the work. _>S07 Editio Altera, cum selectis Variorum ac propriis Notis, Prrefationi subjuncta, Varia de Manilio Judicia et JuLii PoNTEDERiE Epistola de Manilii Astronomia et Anno coelesti, cura et studio M. Eliae Stceber ; with engraved front., large 12mo. hf morocco gilt. Is 6d Argentorati, 1767 2803 Another Copy, contemporary white vellum, with arms in gold on sides (fine copy), with boolcstamp of M AUK Pattison, 10* ' Cette edition, dtcenue Irh-rare , rend le texte de Bentley. L'editeur s'est servi de la collation de deux M3S. de Paris et de Leipsic et de Vap)xirativi dc Ju.ST. Vierschroot, destine pour une nouvelle edition.' — Graesse. ' The work of Manilius is of great leariung ; he had studied his subject in the best WTiters, and generally represents the most advanced views of the ancients on astronomy.'— fincy. Brit. 2809 MANN (Robert James; M.D., f.r.a.s.) The Planetary and Stellar Universe, with 10 plates, 12mo. cl., 3s 6d 1845 The first of the author's popular textbooks, which 'entitled him to a notable place amongst those who first attempted to make science popular, and its teaching generally intelligible ' (D. N. B.). 10 * 140 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 2812 MANNHEIM (A.) M^moires (24) sur la Geom^trie ; with diagrams, 4to. sewn, Is Qd 1867-77 2813 MANUAL of Geographical Science ; Parti: Mathematical Geography, by M. O'Brien, pr., F.R.S., Physical Geography, by D. T. Ansted, f.r.s., Chartography, by J. R. Jackson, f.r.s., and Theory of Description and Geographical Terminology, by C. G. Nicolay, pr. ; illustrated, Svo.cl.,AsQd 1852 2814 MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES (British), edited by G. Phillips Bevan, with plates and woodcuts, complete in 14 vols. 12m6. cL, \5s (p. £2. 9^) 1877 2815 MA€IUENNE (Leon) Les Sucres et leurs principaux Derives, 8vo. (pp. 1032), cL, Qs (p. F. 16. nett) 1900 2816 MARAT (Jean Paul, Docteur en Medecine et M6decin des Gardes-du-Corps de Monseigneur le Comte d'Artois; M.D. of St. Andreivs, killed by Charlotte Corday) D^COUVERTES sur la Lumiere ; constat^es par une Suite d'Exp^riences nouvelles qui ont ^te faites un trfes-grand nombre de fois sous les yeux de MM. les Coramissaires de l' Academic des Sciences, 2® Ed., 8vo. oldcalf, newly and neatly rebacked, £1. 10s Londres, 1780 Though now chiefly known as one of the most hideous monsters of the Terror, Marat was previously the author of works of no small scientific value. He was one of the first to attack Newton's emission theory of light— a heresy which prevented his elevation to the French Academy. 2817 Kecherches Physiques sur le Feu ; with 7 folding plates^ 8vo. seion, uncut {slightly wormed, and corners of some II. and of the plates gone), £1. Is 1780 Giving, by his theory of a fiuide igtie, a mechanical explanation of the phenomena of heat, Marat stayed many years in England, and on the reconamendation of certain Edinburgh physicians received the degree of M.D. from St. Andrews University. All his works are now very rare. 2818 [MARCET (Jane)] Conversations on Natural Philosophy; in which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained, and adapted to the Comprehension of Young Pupils, by the Author of Conversations on Chemistry, etc., revised Ed., with 23 plates, thick post 8vo. boards, uncut, 4s 1820 2819 MARCHAND (Abbe D.) La Science des Nombres d'aprfes la Tradition des Sifeeles. I^ Partie [seule parfle] : Explication de la Table de Pythagore : Hoefer (Ferdinand) Histoire des Mathematiques jusqu'au Commencement du XIX^ Sifecle, 2° l&d. : Bosanquet (Bernard Tindal) Treatise on the Trisection of an Angle of 30^, and of any other Plane Angle, diagrams— 3 vols, post 8vo. in 1, hf morocco neat, Qs 1877-9-6 2820 MARCHELLI (Giovanni, s. J.) Trattato de Compasso di Proporzione ; with large folding plate, sm. sq. 8vo. old hf calf {back damaged), Qs Milano, 1750 Rare, unknown to Poggendorff, and other bibliographers. 2821 MAROHETTI (Angelo) La Natura della Proporzione, e della Proporzionalita, con nuovo, facile, e sicuro Metodo spiegata, sm. 4to. sewn, 8* Fistoia, 169."» Unknown to Poggendorff. 2822 MARCI [de KRONLANDJ (Johann Marcus, m.d. ; Uniu. Prague) Thaumantias Liber de Arcu Coelesti deque Colorum Apparentium Natura, Ortu, et Causis. In quo pellucidi Opticao Pontes a sua scaturigine, ab his vero colorigeni rivi derivantur; with fine engraved title and portrait, and numerous diagrams on copper^ sm. 4to. white vellum extra, r. e. (FINE tall copy) ; VERY RARE, £1. 15s [colophon :] Pragce, 1648 This important work contains the author's discovery of the prismatic dispersion of light, in which he was the fore- runner of Newton. 2823 MARESKA (Joseph Daniel Benoit), et Fran9ois Marie Louis DONNY: Memoire sur un Appareil de Thilorier Modifie, et de I'Acide Carbonique liquide et solide ; with :i plates, 4to. (pp. 33), sewn, Ss 6d Bruxelles, 1845 An improvement on Thilorier's apparatus (the first to produce liquified carbon dioxyde in larger quantities), which excluded all danger in operating it, and at the same time liist enabled the author to liquify a number of other gases. 2824 MARESTIER (Jean Baptists, ingenieur de la Marine royale) Memoire sur les Bateaux j\ Vapeur des Etats-Unis d'AMERlQUE, avec Appendice sur diverses Machines relatives a la Marine, roy. 4to. hf calf {wanting Atlas), Is Qd Imprimerie Royale, 1824 ' Charge de faire I'application des principes qu'il avaitemisdanscet ouvrage, il construisit le premier batime'nt h vapeur et le premier appareil a basse pression que la marine fran«^aise ait possed^.'— Biogrr. Gen. 2825 MAREY (ijtienne Jules) La Methode Graphique dans les Sciences Experimentales, et principalement en Physiologie et Medecine ; with 348 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. sewn, 5s (p. F. 18.) [1878] 2826 Movement; trans, by Eric Pritchard, with 200 illustrations, post 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 7* 6d) 1895 ' The most comprehensive summary hitherto published of the result and possibilities of instantaneous photography.'— Translator. 2827 MARIE (Maximilien) Histoire des Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques, Tomes 1 et 2 (de Thales a Vi^te) ; ivith diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. sewn, 6s 6d (p. F. 12.) 1883 2828 MARIOTTE (Edme) CEuvres, comprenant tons ses Traitez paruz separement ou pas encore publiez ; with 25 plates, 2 vols. 4to. old Spanish calf extra, tooled sides, g. e. {fine copy), with book- plate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.B.S., £1. 5s Leide, 1717 2829 NOUVELLE Edition; with 25 plates, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, hf. calf gilt {some II. foxed), lis 6d La Hay e, 1740 Containing all the author's important papers on percussion, the nature of air and its pressure, the movements of fluid bodies and of pendulums, on colours, etc. He is best known as the discoverer of the law namsd after him (although lirst discovered by Boyle) on the pressure of gases, and was the first to make observations on radiant heat. 2830 The Motion of Water, and other Fluids ; a Treatise of Hydrostaticks, with Practical Rules for Fountains, or Jets d'Eau, trans., vnth Annotations, by J. T. Desaguliers, pr., f.r.s., 7 plates, sm. 8vo. old panelled ca/f, 8s Qd 1718 2831 [MARSH (J., of Chichester)] The AsTRARiUM Improved ; or Views of the principal Fixed Stars and Constellations, 12 plates^ with Introduction, 4to. boards^ Zs 1833 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, VV.C, AND 37^ PICCADILLY, W. 141 2832 MABOLOIS (Samuel) Mathematicum Opus Absolutissimum, continens Geometrije, Fortitieationis, Architectural, et PerspectiviB theoretictB ac practicfe Regulas, Denionstrationes, et Figuras accuratissiinas, studio atque opera Alberti Girardi ; with fine engraved title, and very numerous large platen, folio, old calf (binding slightly damaged), \2s 6d Amstelodami, 1633 Best EDITION, containiti}; the valuable and numerous additions by Albert Girard, who styles the author 'niathe- niaticorum sui seculi facile princeps '. 2833 MARaxXAND (Charles) Remarks on the different Constructions of Bridges, with 4 plates [3 folding), 4to. (pp. 15), sewn (wanting title), 3s 1749 Partly a criticism of the failure of Westminster Bridge, with a reference to the author's owu bridges at Brentford and Chertsey. 2834 MARSSON (Jean Gabriel) Les Trois Coups d'EssAi Geometriques, contenanfc une Solution Illusoire du fameux Probl6nie de la Quadrature du Cercle, accompagnee de 6 Theoretnes fort curieux, etc. etc. ; 4 plates, 4to. boards, or, sewn (rare), 7s 6d Strasbourg, 1770 2835 MARTIN (Benjamin) Course of Lectures in Natural and Experimental Philosophy, Geography, and Astronomy, with folding copperplates, 4to. Spanish calf (fine copy), with bookplate of Philip '2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., lOs 6rt Beading, 1743 This work was unknown to Martin's bioj?rapher in I). N. B. The plates include an illustration of the author's invention of a * pocket reflecting microscope with a micrometer". 2836 [? ] Description of a New Universal Microscope, which has all the Uses of the Single, Compound, Opake, and Aquatic Microscopes ; also the Improved Solar Microscope with Megalascope, with Catalogue of the Principal Microscopic Objects, 2 plates, 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, 3s 6rf 1786 2837 Description and Use of an Orrery of a New Construction, with a Mathematical Theory for calculating the Wheel-Work to the greatest Degree of Exactness, folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 28), sewn, 3s 1771 2833 Appendix to the Description and Use of the Globes, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 84), sewn, 2s erf 1766 2839 Essay on Electricity on the Principles of Sir Isaac Newton's Theory of Vibrating Motion, Light, and Fire, with the Phflenomena of 42 Capital Experiments, 8vo. (pp. 40), sewTt (rare), 5s Bath, 1746 'His experiments are popular experiments on electrical induction. The essay contains a dim forecast of modern theories '.—IK N. 11. 2810 Essay on Visual Glasses (vulgarly called Spectacles), the Nature of Vision in the Eye explained, and Glasses of a new Construction proposed, 4th Ed., folding plate, 8vo. sewn, 3s 1758 2841 [ ] Essay on the Nature and wonderful Properties of Island [sic] Crystal, respecting its manifold and unusual Refraction of Light, plate, Svo. (pp. 16), sewn, 2s n. d. 2S42 Institutions of Astronomical Calculations, containing a New Set of Solar Tables by Tobias Mayer, a New Set of Lunar Tables by Clairaut, and the Nature, Construction, and Use of Astronomical Ta})les, and the Calculation of Solar and Lunar Eclipses, with the Doctrine of Shadows, etc., 3 folding plates, 8vo. old vellum, 0* 6f/ 1765 2843 Institutions of Astronomical Calculations, with Description of two New Pieces of Mechanism for exhibiting Artificial Views of Transits of Venus, 2 plates, 8vo. (pp. 28), sewn, 3s 6d 1773 2344 LOGARITHMOLOGIA : or the whole Doctrine of Logarithms, Common and Logistical, in Theory and Practice, large folding plate, 8vo. old calf gilt (rare), 10* 6d J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass on London Bridge, 1740 2815 LOGARITHMOLOGIA NoVA : a New and Compendious System of Logarithms . . . illustrated by the Logistic Curve at large ; with the Construction and Delineation of all the Logarithmic Lines and Sca,\es, folding plate, Svo. (pp. 54), sewn, 4* ^ 1772 ' The invention of logarithms has been unjustly ascribed to Lord Neper, whereas it is in reality due to Mr. Edward Wright, as I have fully demonstrated '.—I'refuce. 2S46 The Mariner's Mirror : or the Philosophical Principles of Navigation . . . with the Construction of Nautical Scales and other Instruments ; with Part II, containing a New Method for Finding the Longitude at Sea, 3 plates, 8vo. sewn (rare), 5s 1768-9 With priced list of scientific instruments at end. 2847 ■; MiCROGRAPHIA NoVA : or a New Treatise on the Microscope, and Microscopical Objects, with the Camera Obscura and the Solar Microscope, with 2 folding plates of microscopes, 4to. seivn, 5s Gd Beading, 1742 Containing illustrations and descriptions of 2 microscopes mounted by tlie author, viz. ' Pocket Reflecting Microscope with a Micrometer', and ' Universal Microscope, with a Micrometer." 2348 New and Compendious System of Optics, with Practical Description of a great Number of Useful Optical Instruments and Machines, and their Construction shewn from the Theory, and the Manner of adapting Micrometers to Microscopes and Telescopes, 3i folding plates, thick '8vo. old calf Qs 1740 2S49 Optical Essays, plate, Svo. (pp. 54), sewn, 3s 6rf [1770] Containing at end a 5-p. list of Philosophical, Optical, and Mathematical Instruments made by the author, with pricks. 2850 Philosophia Britannica: or a New and Comprehensive System of the Newtonian Philosophy, Astronomy, and Geography, with numerous plates, 2 vols. Svo. FINE COPY in con- temporary English blue morocco super-extra, g. e., with bookplate of John 5th Earl of Cork and Orrery, F.B.S. (friend of Swift, Pope and Johnson), 16* 6d Beading, 1747 2851 — The Philosophical Grammar : the Present State of Experimented Physiology, or Natural Philosophy, 2nd Ed., with large Additions, 2Q plates, Svo. fine copy in old calf, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.B.S., 4s 1738 ' The most successful of Martin's works,'— D. N. li. 142 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 'J852 MAKTIN (Benjamin) Plain anil Familiar Introduction to the Newtonian ExperI' MENTAL Philosophy, 5tli Ed., ivlth Q folding plates, 8vo. nice copy in old calf, 2>s ^d 1765 2853 The Principles of Pump-Work illustrated, and applied in the Construction of a New Pump without Friction, or Loss of Time, or Water, in Working, proposed for the Service of the British Marine, with 2 plates, Svo. (pp; 33), sewn {rare), 4s 6d n. d. This work was unknown to the author's biographer in D. N. B. One plate illustrates the author's ' frictionless ' pump. 2854 TiiERMOMETRUM Magnum, or GRAND STANDARD THERMOMETER, to whicli are adjusted the celebrated Scales of Sir I. Newton, Fahrenheit, de L'Isle, and R6aumur, ivith large plate, Svo. (pp. 10), seivn (I'are), Qs 1772 Not noticed in D. X. B. The plate illustrates the five different thermonietric scales, which naively indicate tempera- tures below the absolute zero of temperature ( — 273" C), Mercury being 'fixed and malleable' at — 440° C. (!). It is interesting for giving the author's own thermonietric scale, beginning at — 6100 C, 10,000' being 0° C, and 10,100° the temperature of melting wax. 2855 The Young Gentleman and Lady's Philosophy, 2nd Ed., corrected, with 71 copper- plates, 3 vols. Svo. nice copy in old calf extra, 8s Qd 1772-S2 2856 Third Edition, corrected, 71 copperplates, 3 vols. Svo. old hf. calf, 6s 1781-2 still of interest for giving correct illustrations of many contemporary scientific apparatus and instruments. 2857 The YouNG Student's Memorial Book, or [Mathematical] Pocket Library, plate and woodcuts, 16mo. ^ne copy in old calf with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.E.S., 2s 6d 1736 2858 The YouNG Trigonometer's Compleat Guide, ivith plates and numerous diagrams, 2 vols. Svo. old calf if ne copy), with Lord Stanhope's bookplate, Qs 1736 ' Ho was an able writer. He wrote on every mathematical subject (and never otherwise than well, I believe, except on biography), and a complete set of his works is rarely seen '.^FroJ. de Morgan. 2859 MARTIN (F. P. B.) Memoir on the Equinoctial Storms of March-April, 1850 : an Inquiry into the Extent to which the Rotatory Theory may be applied, with folding maps, large roy. Svo. cl. {scarce), lOs 6d privately printed at the author's press, 1852 An important investigation, pursued with the countenance of the Board of Admiralty, including leave to copy their Logs. 2860 MARTIN (Geoffrey) Researches on the Affinities of the Elements, and on the Causes of the Chemical Similarity or Dissimilarity of Elements and Compounds, with plate, woodcuts, and 14 tables, roy. Svo. cL, 10^ 6d (p. 16* nett) 1905 Including an interesting speculation on dram-drinking as an instinctive preparation for the fall of earth-temperature ■with the cooling of the sun, when alcohol may take the place of water as the fluid which bathes the tissues of the living organism. 2861 MARTIN (Louis Aime) Lettres u Sophie sur la Physique, la Chimie, et I'Histoire Naturelle, avec Notes, par E, L. M. Patrin, nouv. Ed., augmentee ; ivith plates on Natural History (finely handcoloured), 2 vols. Svo. extra boards, uncut, 10s Qd 1822 2862 MARTIN (Thomas, c.e.) The Circle of the Mechanical Arts, containing Practical Treatises on the various Manual Arts, Trades, and Manufactures, 2nd Ed., with numerous plates, 4to. (pp. 622), boards, uncut, 5s 6d 1818 Including a chapter on llailwavs. 2863 MARTIN (Capt. W. R., Boijal Naval Coll., Greenwich) Treatise on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, with 8 plates, movable compass card, and numerous diagrams, rov. Svo. cl.,QsM{\^.\8s) " 1888 2864 MARTIN (William, of WaWs-End, Northumberland) New System of Natural Philo- sophy, on the Principle of Perpetual Motion ; with a Variety of other Useful Discoveries : patronised by His Grace the Duke of Northumberland, ivith fine portrait by Lambert, Svo. boards, uncut (very scarce), £1. 1* Newcastle, 1821 Containing, besides a description of his ivrpetumi mublle, which he 'sold in ISIO to a person in London where it remains moving to this day ' (p. SO), a 'refutation' of Sir Isaac Newton, with a new .system of the world, also accounts of liis numerous inventions, e.g. a Safety Lamp, a Ventilator for Coal Mines, and ' for preserving Seamen's Lives.' The author was brother of John Martin, the painter of Miltonic mythology, and of Jonathan Martin, the firer of York Minster. ' Despite his quackery and buffoonery, he possos.sed much ingenuity as a mechanician, and in 1S14 waa presented with the Isis silver medal by the Society of Arts.'— 2). N. B. 2865 MARTINE (George, m.d.) Essays and Observations on the Construction and Graduation of Thermometers, and on the Heating and Cooling of Bodies, third Ed., with folding plate giving 15 different thermomctric scales, sm. Svo. original calf [rare), 10s Qd Edin., 1780 Valuable for the plate of thermonietric scales. According to Prof. Preston, who only quotes a French translation of the above work, the author was the first to find the law of the cooling of a body for differences exceeding 40° or 50° C. The author died of fever in 1741 while attached to the Carthagejia expedition under Admiral Vernon. 2866 MARTINELLI (Domenico, Spolctano) Horologi Elementari fatti con I'AcQUA, con la Terra, con I'Aria, col Fuoco; alcuni Muti, ed alcuni col Suono, tutti facili, e niolto conmiodi ; with 16 etched plates illustrating the mechanism of many curious clocks, sm. 4to. old hf vellum (RARE), £\.\s Venetia, 1669 Unknown to Poggeudorff. * A curious work, describing various methods of ' elemental clocks ', i.e. clocks which were set going by earth, air, fire, and water ; some of which could be made to show the time of day, the days of the week and month, the courses of the moon and planets, with the Epact.'— JFoorf's Curiosities of Clocks, where the details of construction are described. 2S67 MARTINO (Niccolo) Elementa Statices ; with 10 plates, thick 12nio. old calf gilt, with bookjilate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.K.S., 4s Neapoli, \T2i 2868 MASCART (:6leuthere ; de VInstitut) Traitji: d':fiLECTRlClT6 Statique ; with 298 woodcuts, 2 vols, large Svo. hf. calf gilt {nice copy), IO5 Qd (p. F. 30. unbound) 187© still a standard work on the subject. 2869 Traite d'OPTiQUE ; with 2 plates and 395 ivoodcuts, 3 vols. roy. Svo. hf parchment^ morocco labels, r. e., and Atlas, containing 2 copperplates (1 coloured), folio, sewn (fine copy), £2. Is Qd 1889 93 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, aKd 37, PICCADILLY, W. 143 2871 MASCART (illeuthere ; dc Vlnstitiit)^ et J. JOUBERT: Lecons sur rELECTRiciTE et le Magnetisme ; with 264 ilhtstrations, 2 thick vols. 8vo. scicn, "s Qd (p. F. 48.) 1882-6 2872 Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, trans, by Edmund Atkinson, ivith 264 illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., \2s 6d (p. £2. 2*) 1883-8 2873 MASCHERONI (Lorenzo) Geometrie du Compas, traduit par Antoine Michel Carette ; with l-i folding jilates, 8vo. seivn, 6s 1798 This curious work attempts to work problems fcir wliich Euclid, as is v/ell known, presupposes the use of a ruler anil a pair of con. passes, by the latter instrument only. 'A curious tour-de-force.* — W. IP". R. Ikill. 2874 MA SERES (Francis, f.r.s., Cvrsitnr-Baron of the Exchequer) Dissertation on tlie Use of the Negative Sign in Algebra : containing a Demonstration of the Rnles usually given concernin<^ it ; and shewing how Quadratic and Cubic Equations may be explained, without the Consideration of Negative Roots ; Avith Mr. Machin's Quadrature of the Circle, diagrams, 4to. hf. bound (rare), £1. 10* printed for Samuel Richardson, 1758 The author's first published work, and especially interesting as having been printed by Samuel Richardson, the novelist. ' He rejected negative quantities and made war of extermination on all that distinguishes algebra from arithmetic '. 2875 The Doctrine of Permutations and Combinations, as delivered by James Bernoulli, in his * Ars Conjectandi ', and John Wallis, in his Treatise on Algebra, the former containing Sir Isaac Newton's Binomial Theorem ; with other useful Mathematical Tracts, roy. 8vo. fine copy in old calf gilt, neivly rebacked, £\. \s 1795 Containing a translatioa of the 3 Hrst Chapters of Book 11 of Je^n Bernoulli's ' Ars Conjectandi' ; Thomas Simpson'h ' New and General Method of (hiding the Sum of any Series of Powers ' (1740) ; Johx Wallis'* * Discourse of Combinations, Alteniatious, and Aliquot Parts ' (U;S5) ; Thomas Brancker's 'Table of Odd Numbers ' (1608) ; de Laoney's 'Method of Approximation,' translated ; Raphson's Method of resolving Equations by Approximation ; Cbarlei Hdtton's ' Table of Square Roots, etc., from 1-1000', etc. etc. 2876 The Principles of the Doctrine of Life- Annuities; explained in a Familiar Manner, so as to be intelligible to Persons not acquainted with the Doctrine of Chances ; with a Variety of Tables at ditt'erent Kates of Interest, both for Single and Joint Lives, accurately computed from Observations, thick 4to. boards, uncut, 10* Qd 1783 • A volinninous work, useful at the epoch of its publication. The author gives a good deal of information resijecting the efforts that had been made to provide annuities for the poor.'— AfcCt/Woc7t, It is now rare, a number of copies having been destroyed (see Prof, de Morgan's ' Budget of Paradoxes '). 2877 [ ] ScRiPTORES Logarithmici ; or Collection of several Curious Tracts on the Nature and Construction of Logarithms, with some Tracts on the Binomial Theorem and other Subjects connected with the Doctrine of Logarithms, with portrait of John Ward, F.R.S. , plate, and diagrams, 6 thick vols. 4to. new hf. buckram (VERY SCARCE), £6. 15* 1791-1807 a reprint of rare publications on the subject, with copious introductions by the rtlitor. ' A set of valuable reprints.' — Vrof. de Morgan. 2878 Tracts on the Kesolution of Affected Algebraick Equations by Dr. Halley's, Mr. Kaphson's, and Sir Isaac Newton's Methods of Approximation, 8vo. old calf, Is Qd 1800 2879 Tracts on the Resolution of Cubick and Biquadratick Equations, thick 8vo. calf, or, cLy 5s [1803] ' The works of Maseres in mathematics are original and excellent.' — Dr. PrUttley, V. Frend, ante. 2880 MASKELYNE (Nevil; pr., f.r.s., Astronomer-Royal) Account of Observations made on the Mountain Scheh allien for finding its Attraction : Proposal for Measuring the Attract- ion of some Hill in the Kingdom by Astronomical Observations— 2 vols. 4to. in 1 (pp. 45 and 7), sewn, with author's inscr. (see below) ; rare, 155 1776 As a result of his observations for determining the attraction of mountains by deviations of the plumb-line, the author found ll".6 as the sum of contrary deflexions east and west of the hill. From this James Hutton- (7- v. ante) deduced the mean density of the earth as 4..'> (but actually, according to the latest researches, 5.53). For these investigations Maskelyne was awarded the Copley medal. He also was the inventor of the prismatic micrometer. ' A M. Jeurat de I'Academie Royale des Sciences a I'Observatoire Royal a Paris du [xic] imrt de son tres humble Sorvitcur L'Auteur.' — Inscr. on cover. 2881 Proposal for Measuring the Attraction of some Hill in this Kingdom by Astro- nomical Observation, 4to. (pp. 7), semi, 36- 1778 The proposal which resulted in the measurement for its attraction of Schiehallion in Pertlishire. 2882 Astronomical Observations made at Barbados; at Willoughby Fort; and at the Observatory on Constitution Hill : made at St. Helena, plate— 2 parts 4Uu (pp. 6 and 42), sewn, 4s 1765 2883 Concise Rules for Computing the Effects of Refraction and Parallax in Varying the Apparent Distance of the Moon from the Sun or a Star, also an easy Rule of Approximation for computing the Distance of the Moon from a Star, etc. etc., plate, 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, 3s 1765 2884 Tables for Computing the Apparent Places of the Fixt Stars, and reducing Observ- ations of the Planets, folio, old hf calf. Is 6d 1774 2885 MASON (Monck) Aeronautica; or Sketches illustrative of the Theory and Practice of Aerostation : comprising an Enlarged Account of the late Aerial Expedition to Germany [with Charles Green and Robert Holland, m.p.], with 5 striking plates on stone, 8vo. hf. red calf gilt (front, wanting) ; VERY SCARCE, £1. 1* 1838 • The introduction of coal-gas, instead of hydrogen, by Mr. Green, is the most important advance in aerostation .since the earliest days of the art. His largo coal-gas balloon, in 1S36, bore ilessrs. Green, Holland, and Mason from London to Weilhurg in Nassau, dist^int 500 miles, in is hours '. 2SS6 MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS and EXAMPLES, arranged according to Subjects, from the [Cambridge] Senate-Hou.'^.e Examination Papers, 1821-36, with Appendix of S.-H. Ques- tions for 1837, 8vo. hoards, As Cambridge, 1837 2887 aUESTIONS and SOLUTIONS, from the 'Educational Times ', with many Addi- tional Papers and Solutions, ed. by W. J. C. Miller, diagrams. Vol. XLIX, 8vo. boards, 3* (p. 6s Qd nett) 1888 144 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 2888 MATHEMATICI VETERES : Atiien^i, Apollodori, Philonis, Bitonis, Heronis, et aliorum Opera, Graice et Latine pleraque NUNC primum edit A ex MSIS. Codd. Bibliotliecai Regia3 [a Melch. Thevenot, Jo. Boivin etPn. dela Hire] ; beautifully printed, with numerous fine engravings on copper of Physical and Chemical Apparatus and Instriiments, etc., roy. folio, old calf {VERY rare), £5. 5.9 Parisiis, ex Typogr. Eegia, 1693 "'Recueil recherche'.— Bruiiet. This beautifuUi'- exeRuted work contains :—AthenvEus [Mechanicus] de Machinis Bellicis ; Apollodori [Architecti] Poliorcetica excerpta [o/i War Engines']; Philo [Byzantinus] de Telornni Con- structione ; Bitonis de Constructione Bellicaruin Machinarum et Catapnltarum ; Heronis [Ctesibii] Opera Matlieinatica ; Hkronis [Alexanurini] Spiritualia [i.e. Pneumatica, containivg a deiscription of ' Hero's Fountain', etc. etc.'] ; de Auto- matorum Fabrica ; JuLii Africani Keo-rot [Greek Text only] ; etc. etc. 2889 MATHEMATICIAN (The), edited by Thomas Stephens Davies, f.r.s.e., William Rutherford, f.r.a.s., and Stephen Fenwick, complete with the Supplementary No. to v. Ill, plates and diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt (SCARCE), £1. \s 1845-50 Vol, I is of special importance for containing tlie'best and fullest account of William George Horner's discovery of a method— still known by his name— of solving numerical equations of any degree by continuous approximation. 2390 MATHEMATICIENS, L'Intermediaire des, diiige par C. A. Laisant et Emile Lemoine : Tome III; with diagrams, 8vo. cL, 3s (p. F. 7. nett unbound) 1896 2891 MATH EM A TICS, Elementary Course of, for the Use of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, with plates, numerous woodcuts and diagrams, and maps, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. cl., uncut, 12s Qd 1853 2892 Another Copy, hf. calf gilt, 15s Containing contributions by William Rutherford, f.r.a.s. (Arithmetic and Algebra, Differential and Integral Calculus); Stephen Fenwick, f.r.a.s. (Applications of Algebra to Geometry, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry); Thomas Stephens Davies, f.r.s. (Geometry) ; G. F. Heather (Mechanics) ; and Col. William Yoll\nd, f.r.s. (Geodesy, including Pr^actical Astronomy). , 2803 MATHEMATIdUES, Elemens des, oil Ton expliqne les principales Proprietes des Grandeurs, etc. etc., sm. 8vo. vellum, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., 3s s. I., 1725 2894 MATHEB (William; surveyor of highways at Bedford) The YouNG Man's Companion : or, Arithmetick made Easie, with Plain Directions for a Young Man, to attain to Read and Write true English, and Short-Hand, or Characters, 4th Ed. {see note), with very large Additions, wood- cuts andmap, thick IQwxo.very sound copy in contemporary sheep (RARE), £1. 5s Sarah Howkins, 1695 The author was one of the early Quakers, who, after continuing in the Society for forty years, finally returned to the English Church. The above is ' his chief work, containing, in a very small compass, information on nearly every practical .subject. It became extremely popular, and ran through 24 editions. To the fourth edition, 1095, are added some verses, and 14 chapters vMtlen by Mather's son Samuel, a clever young man, who died at the age of 22.'— D. N. B. There was no copy of the above or any other edition in Prof, de Morgan's collection. 2895 MATHER (Sir William) On the Machinery used in Boring Artesian Wells, and its Application to Mining Purposes, with 3 folding plans, 8vo. (pp. 23), sewn. Is Qd Manchester, 1864 2896 MATHESON (Ewing, m.i.c.e.) Aid Book to Engineering Enterprise Abroad, illustrated, 8vo. cl., 3.S Qd (p. \2s Qd) 1878 2897 Works in Iron : Bridge and Roof Structures [with Technical Vocabulary in 6 Languages], tiumerons woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl., or, hf. bound {out of print), 5s (p. 15* in cl.) 1873 2898 MATHET (L.) Traite pratique de Photomicographie : le Microscope et son Application a la Photographie des Intiniment Petits ; with 7 plates^ ivoodcuts, and diagrams, cr. 8vo. sewn, 2* * [1899] 2399 Traite pratique de Photographie St^r^oscopique ; illustrated, cr. Svo. sewn, l-^' [1899] 2900 MATTEUCCI (Carlo, Univ. Pisa) CouRS Special sur ITnduction, le Magnetisme dc Rotation, le Diamagnetisme, et sur les Relations entre la Force magnetique et les Actions moleculaires ; with 2foldi?ig plate-s;, 8vo. hf. roan neat (scarce), 10s 1854 2901 Le Meme, avec Cours d'ELECTRO-PHYSlOLOGlE ; with 2 folding plates— 2 vols. Svo. in 1, hf. calf gilt (scarce), 17 s Qd 1854-8 Containing important investigations by the author (see Wiedemann's Ixhre vom Galvanismus), especially in connexion with physiological electricity. The first work contains his experiments and the apparatus invented by him showing the develoi)iiieiit of induced currents produced either by the discliarge of a Levdcn jar or by the pas.sage of a voltaic current. 2902 MATTHEWS (Charles George), and Francis Edward LOTT, ff.i.c. : The Microscope in the Brewery and Malt-House ; tvith 21 fine plates (some coloured), besides woodcuts, roy. Svo. cl.,QsQd 1889 Dedicated to Pasteur. 2903 MATTHEWS (G. F., Peterhouse) Manual of Logarithms, diagrams, Svo. cl., 3s (p. 5.* nett) 1890 2904 MATTHEWS (William) Compendium of Gas-Lighting, with Account of some recent Contrivances for enabling the Consumers of Gas to ascertain the Quantity and Quality supplied, 2nd Ed., 2 plates, and woodcuts, post Svo. boards (scarce). Is Qd 1832 2905 MATTHIES (E.) Nautische Tafeln fiir NoRD- und OsTSEE, roy. Svo. cl.. Is Qd Emden, 1897 2906 MAUNDER (Edward Walter, f.r.a.s.; Greenwich Observatory) Astronomy avithout a ^Telescope, with \2star tnaps, and 45 other illustrations, Svo. cl. (cover stained) 3s (p. S^^nett) [1902] 2907 MAUPERTUIS (Pierre Louis Moreau de) Oi^uvRES, nouvelle Edition corrigee et augment^e ; with fine engraved portrait by Daidle, plan, and diagrams, 4 vols. Svo. old calf gilt (FINE COPY), with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S. , lis Qd Lyon, 1756 ' La meilleure edition '.—Querard. Containing an account of the author'.s important geodetic mission to Lapland for the meridian measurement near the North Pole, which his fur-clad portrait recalls. He is best known for his theorem of ' last action , later enlarged by Euler. 2908 — Astronomie Nautique : ou iEl^mens d'Astronomie, tant pour un Observatoire fixe que mobile ; with diagrams, Svo. old calf gilt (fine copy), with Lord Stanhope's bookplate, Qs Qd Impnmerie Roy ale, 1743f Not contained in the above edition of the author's works. WSM!»*i*«.»#fiS.*> -^ ■•«''»-1|»*P*<-^^' HERO^^IS Arj ror, St, i<;Ti> -TrKit^* f^o-\,t$^ tJ'^tjr'itTf * if »i 9- , 4^«E,^«!i«»» >i ^, All* ill »' ^, 0 i» c# rtirrj" H ^ (Qri xJin^oi; -jre^fut ^' 71, ^ -r '^Tf"- *-i e at ^- )i it! € t,^u^i fe ^;>«r y.kIvj'j ip nzZ^anpuifu'^- S\- ^•nfxta. si etoiil'i I'r^' 5 a, . <£ iyn^;Quj^ «^ <^e «, «, (C 1^ 6"(^/ffi^^M.>jA9< »•' >! 9 >t. ^ it' -TrX/f^ISf i-TO) 2) ^A, i^./O^WAsK ^^Wi-T f^T^ati^, *, ri^ lii iii^ » i' 0", Xy '^wmrt^ei? ojB^tts )j -TT/i, ill;^ 10 Sf^fA-r^ou; '^ t^ 0 K Iff. 'iu%mi Si ttvnJf 91 TV ey^. OliTTt/i 0CW TtTU'QtOr^ c'l '^19l TV %cn{- uqi i<;vi i'TT ewrat o 'Tt^iv'^xoy infP0'7r{v 01 ^a x?ci) anfe. 2913 MAURICE (Antoine) Theses AsTRONOMico-PHYSiCiE de Actione Solis et Lvnje in Aerem et Ac/uas, 4to. (pp. 24), sewn, 2s Gd Geneva:, J 732 2914 MAUKO (Marco, Theosebo, Phonasco, e Philopanareto) Annotationi soiira la Lettionk della Speka de JSacro Uosco, dove si diehiarano tutti e principii Mathematici e Naturali, che in quella si possan' desiderare ; con alcune quistioni Notabili . . . erarisegreti . . . una NUOVA Tradut- TIONE di detta Spera ; una Spera Theologica Divina, e Christiana ; una Spera Platonica, con alcune eccitationi mathematiche, ecc. ; una NuovA INVENTIONE, et Astronomico Instrumento, per SUBITAMENTE FADKICARE le dodici CASE Celesti della FiGURA AsTRONOMlCA, senza altri Canoni, o Calculo; with numerous woodcuts and diagrams^ 8vo. sound and clean copy in old vellum (VERY RARE), £1. 10* [colophon:] Firenze, 1550 Unknown to I'oggendorff. The above copy contains pp. 201-19, which are often wanting. 291o MAuKOLTCUS (Franciscus, Abbas Messanensis) Opuscula Mathematica, nunc priminu in Lucem edita, cum Rerum onmium notatu dignaruni Indice locupletissimo ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 4to.in 1, old hf. vellum {back slightly damaged), g. e. (RARE), £1. lOv Venetiis, 1575 • He is doubtless the greatest geometer of the XVI. century. From the notes of Pappus, he attempted to restore the missing fifth book of Apollonius on vmxima and minimn. His chief work is Ids masterly and original treatment of the conic sections, wherein he discusses tangents and asymptotes more fully than Apollonius had done, and applies them to various physical and astronomical problems.' — Prof. Cujuri. 2916 MAURY (Matthew Fontaine, U. S.N. , National Observatory, Washington) Investigations of the Winds and Currents of the Sea : On the Probable Relation between Magnetism and the Circulation of the Atmosphere— 2 tracts in 1 vol. 4to. hf. calf, Qs Qd Washington, 1851 2917 The Physical Geography of the Sea, first edition, with 3 woodcuts, and 10 maps and charts, roy. 8vo. d.. Is Qd 185G The author's most important work, which laid the foundation of oceanography. It also contains his invaluable wind and current charts, the tirst of their kind, which rendered such conspicuous service to navigation and meteorology. 2918 Second Edition [much enlarged], with numerous folding charts and diagrams^ 8vo. c/., 4* Of/ 1861 2919 New Edition, with 13 charts and diagrams, 8vo. cl., Zs 1881 2920 MAXJVILLON (Jakob) Essai sur I'Influence de la PouDRE A Canon dans I'Art de la Guerre Moderne ; with 7 plates, 8vo. (pp. 518), old calf 5s Leipsic, 1788 2921 MAW (William Henry ; p.r.a.s.), andJamesDBEDGE; editors of ' Engineering' : MoD'EV^^i Examples of Koad and Railway Bridges ; illustrating the most recent Practice of leading? Enp^ineers in EUROPE and America, with 94 large plates^ and numerous woodcuts, folio, hf. morocco, \0s (p. £2.) 1872 2922 MAXWELL (James Clerk, f.r.s.) Elementary Treatise on Electricity, edited by William Garnett, with 6 plates and 53 woodcuts, 8vo. d., 4« (p. 7* 6rf) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1881 2923 On a Method of making a Direct Comparison of Electrostatic M-ith Electro- magnetic Force ; with Note on the Electromagnetic Theory of Light, woodcut, roy. 4to. (pp. 15), sewn, with author's inscr., 4* 1868 ' Describing another important .series of experiments, those on the velocity of propagation of electro-magnetic wave*'. —11. T. Glaztbrook, F.R.S. 2924 Theory of Heat, with diagrams, 12mo. cl, \s &d 1871 or 1872 2925 Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, first edition, with 20 plates and 105 dia- grams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl. Is Qd (p. £1. 11* 6rf) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1873 2926 Second Edition [partly rewritten by the Author ; edited, with Additions, by Sir W. D. NiVEN, F.R.S.], with 20 plates and 105 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. c/., 12* 6rf (p. £1. 11» Gd) a. €., ibidem, 1881 The last eyay, tvith 97 woodcuts, 2 vols, large 8vo. cL, lOs 6d (p. £1. 16*) 1891 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C... and 37, PICCADILLY, W. 147 294t) MENELAI Alexandrini Sph.ericorum Libri III [cum Edmundi Halley, s.r.s.]; with diagrams^ sra, 8vo. old calf gilt, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.B.S., \0s [Londini, 1707 J This was tho Origisal Edition, without title or preface, which was uever published, but only given by Halley to his friends. It was eventually published by Costard in 1758. ' Never published. Mahon. Given me February 10, 1708'. — S/.S. note by Lord Stanhope. ' . . . In it are also found the theorems that the sum of the three sides of a spherical triangle is less than a great circle, anil tliiit tlic sum of the three anj:les exceeds two ri«ht angles.' — Prof. Ciijori. MERCATOR (Nikolaus) Logarithmotecunia, etc.— v. Kaufmann, ante. 2947 MERRETT (Henry S.) Practical Treatise on Land and Engineering Surveying, Levklling, Estimating Quantities, etc., with the various Instruments required, etc., Fifth [LAST] Edition, with Appendi.x by George W. Usill, 42 plates, roy. 8\o. cl., 6s 6d (p. 125 Qd) 1897 Ouf of tho best treatises on the subject. 2948 MERRIFIELD (Charles Watkins, f.r s.) Tecunical Arithmetic and Mensuration, tcith 39 diafframs, cr. 8vo. cl., \s (id 1872 2949 MERRIFIELD fJohn, f.r.a.s.) Treatise on Nautical Astronomy, with 70 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cL, Ss 6d (p. 7s 6d) 1886 2950 , and Henry EVERS : Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, with front, and 74 woodcuts, 8vo. cl , uncut {out of print), 6s (p. Hs) 1868 2951 Another Copy, hf. calf gilt, 6s 6d One of the best handbooks on the Rubjcct. 2952 MERRILL (Lt. -Col. William Emery, U .S. Army) Iron Truss Bridges for Railroads: Methods of calculating Strains, with a Comparison of the most prominent Truss Bridges, Bridge Computations, and the Economical Angles for Struts and Ties, 2nd Ed., wUh 9 lithographs, and 20 diagrams, 4 to. hf. calf, Is 6d (p. £1. 5s) New York, 1870 2953 MERRIMAN (Mansfield, Lehigh Univ.) Elements of the Method of Least Squares, diagrams, post 8vo. cl. {out of print), 5s 1877 2954 Text-Book on the Method of Least Squares, diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4* 6d (p. 8* 6d nett) 1885 or '86 2955 METCALFE (Capt. Henry, U.S. Army) Course of Instruction in Ordnance and Gunnery, 3rd [last] Edition, thick post 8vo., with Atlas, containing 30 plates, folio — 2 vols, cl., I3s 6d (p. £1. Is nett) New York, 1894 2956 METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE'S DAILY WEATHER REPORTS, complete from March 21st, 1872 to Dec. 31st, 1894,45 vols, folio and 4to. hf. brown calf (sound LIBRARY set), £16. 16* 1872-94 All invaluable body of meteorological infonnation of wliich probably only a very few complete sets uow remain. A FINE COMPLETE SET TO DATE : 2957 SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS (as under), complete from tho beginning in 1861 to 1906, copiously illustrated with plates (including portrait i), woodcuts, and charts, 63 vols, in 29 (58 roy. 8vo. and 5 8yo.) cl. (fine set), £15. (p. £45. unbound) 1861-1906 CoNTKNTrf :— Pkockedings of the British Meteorological Society, 5 v. Svo., '61-71 : Quakterlv JorKNALolthe [later Royal] Meteorological Society, ed. by James Glaisher, k.r.s., 32 v. roy. 8vo. in 18, '71-l'.iOO: Tlie Mkikobolo: R.M.S.'s Library Catalocjue, '"Jl. Complete sets as above are very seldom met with, the earlier volumes being out of print and scarce. *2y58 Another Set, complete to 1904, comprising the Proceedings, 5 v. 8vo. : Quar- terly Journal, w. 1-30, roy. 8vo., and Library Catalogue, roy. 8vo.— toj;ether 36 vols, in parts, new u as issued, £9. 9* 1861-1904 2959 QUARTERLY JOURNAL, edited by James Glaisher, f.ils., from the lieKinnin^ in 1871 to 1899, illustrated, 25 xoh. roy. Svo. the first 10 v. cl., and rest in parts as issued (wanting 6 2Ktrts\ £'6. \os 1871-99 i>960 (Scottish), Journal of the, complete from 186* to March 1905 (New Series, No. 1 to III. Series, No. 21), with illustrations, mans, and charts, 12 vols, and 1 partimpl. 8vo. sewn as issued, £6. 6s (p. £19. Is 6d) Edin., 1864-1905 2961 BECOBD (The) : Monthly Results of Observations at the Stations of the Royal Meteorok)<,dcal Society, with Remarks on the Weather, by William Marriott, icith maps, from the beginning in 1881 to June 1892 (Vols. I— XI, and v. XII, pts. 1 and 2), 46 parts roy. Svo. sewn, £1. 1* (p. £3. 4*) 1881-92 V. Symoxs's Monthly Meteorological Magazine, post. 2962 OBSERVATIONS at Stations of the Second Order for 1878, published by Direction of the Meteorological Council, roy. 4to. sewn, 6s (p. £1.) ^^f^ 2963 , Results of, made at the Magnetical Observatory, Toronto, 1854-62, 2 vols. 4to. hf. bound {back of 1 v. damaged). Is 6d Toronto, 1864 2964 METHOD of SCIENCE, Lectures on the, edited by Thomas Banks Strong, Dean of Christ Church, with diagrams, Svo. cl., 5s (sells 7* 6d nett) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1906 Con.sisting of contributions by Proff. T. Case, F. Gotch, C. S. Sherrington, and W. F. R. Weldon, W. McDougall, A, II. Fi.son (Evolution of Double Stars), Sir R. C. Temple, W. M. Flinders Petrie, and the Editor. ^ 2965 MEZ (C, Univ. Breslau) Mikroskopische Wasseranalyse : Anleitun^ zur Lntersuchung dea Wassers, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung von Trink- und Abwasser ; %oith 8 plates and ^^umermi^ woodcuts, Svo. sewn, \2s 6d (p. M. 20.) Berlin, 1898 148 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. '2966 METITJS (Adrianus) Primum Mobile, Astronomice, Sciograpliice, Geometrice, et Hydro-