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Translated from the Chinese by Mrs. S. L. BALDWIN

New York; . EATON & MAINS Cincinnati: . JENNINGS & PYE

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Ifnstruction for Cbinese l\ Momen anb (Birls \\

Copyright, I'.HIO, By Eaton & Mains, New York.

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CHAPTER I. On the Cultivation of Virtue.

CHAPTER n. Woman's Work. Weaving Silk, etc.

CHAPTER HI. On Politeness.

CHAPTER IV. On Early Rising.

CHAPTER V. On Reverence for Parents.

CHAPTER VI. On the Reverence Due Father and Mother-in-law.

CHAPTER VII. On Reverencing the Husband.

CHAPTER VIII. On the Instruction of Children.

CHAPTER IX. On Attention to Domestic Duties.

CHAPTER X. On the Treatment of Guests.

CHAPTER XI. On Gentleness and Harmony.


On the Cultivation of Virtue.










I. Chinese Lady Shielding Face with Fan.

II. Gathering Chia Leaves for Cocoons.

III. Serving Afternoon Tea.

IV. Arranging Dining Room Table.

V. Praying for Sick Parent before Ancestral Tablets.

VI. Making the Bed for Mother-in-law.

VII. Drinking Wine Together in Marriage Ceremony.

VIII. Garden Scene.

IX. Kitchen and Preparing Food.

X. Morning Salutation to Male Guest.

XI. Neighbors Visiting.

XII. Chinese Grave.


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EW people in the West have any in- telligent conception of the remark-

II able civilization that has existed in China

fj for hundreds of years, and this in strange

\ contrast with her squalor, poverty, and

H heathenism.

' How little is known, save by a very

p few, of her reverence for parents, age,

i ; letters, and law ; of her teachers, schools,

y colleges, literary chancellors and degrees ;

!J and that it is true in that great empire

y that the humblest may rise to be second

j , only to the emperor if he has the ability.

y A literary aristocracy leads all others ;

; I indeed, leaves no place for any other, and

y it is far more to have a literary degree 0

1 1 than to be a millionaire. "Twice six

hundred years has China's famed Hanlin Academy existed and been the Mecca of

en t:b



ij her aspiring scholars." Of what other jj ;| countries can we find reHable dynastic j histories of thousands of years, books on | morals and etiquette, visiting cards, en- |1 velopes, tinted and decorated note paper, i

the very tint of the paper conveying sen- fi timents of regard, and these not modern j luxuries, but ancient, and in common use f\ when our ancestors were such gross bar- \ j barians as no record proves the Chinese to have ever been ? The better I know this wonderful people, and the more I study their history, the greater my aston- ishment that such a civilization can exist parallel with such degradation and super- stition of the masses.

This is doubtless due to the exception- ally wise and good men they have had as teachers, notably Confucius and Mencius, whose instructions concerning all the re- lations of man to man are known and quoted from the highest down to the poorest classes. 1]

I soon discovered that in our great (j

iu-.. . , ^.-jilk


city of Foochow, in southern China, there was actually a circulating library. I think it is safe to say that such an institution could not be duplicated in any other heathen nation. I made haste through my native teacher to rent one of its most famous novels, in twelve booklets.

|J I planned to translate it, with intent thus to become more familiar with the life and thought of the people and to compare their standards of life with our own. I was most interested to find the plan of the story very similar to those of our own writers. There were the same ideals for hero and heroine : lofty virtue, un- failing heroism, patient suffering, and self- sacrifice for " dear love's sake," on one side ; and the most wicked selfishness, cunning, and scheming in the ever-pres- ent marplot. The hero was of high liter- ary connections, himself distinguished for learning, honor, and bravery, the very

y idol and hope of his family. The heroine was a beautiful, refined young girl, also


Uof literary family whom dire fortune had ^ brought very low; and she as a last resort I was ready to prove her filial affection the i J central virtue of the Chinese by con- ^

Usenting to be sold as a slave to save her father from imprisonment for debt by the ^ vile man who wanted her. She abhorred i ( this man, but seeing no other way to save U her father was willing to sacrifice herself. ]| The whole story was skillfully planned, (J beautifully worded, and intensely inter- esting. But alas ! I never found time to complete the translation, and my last effort left my beautiful heroine in a per- fect tangle of wicked schemes, while her deliverer, the hero, was at the bottom of a river in the care of a good goddess ! I [ was comforted, however, by the assurance | of my native teacher that our hero came 1 up all right, and just at the very critical

moment, demolished all the schemes of the wicked one, delivered the lovely heroine and her aged father, and, best of all, this

! I story of the Orient ended in the same ij






entrancing manner as those of the West, with marriage bells nay, firecrackers in- numerable and joy all around !

While forced to give up the completion of this famous Chinese work, the very name of which has slipped my memory, I did complete with even greater interest the translation of a far more famous work, the standard and universally prized book oi InstrMctions for Women and Girls, sddd to be the first book of etiquette ever pub- lished, in which we find that this great people do not at all meet the popular conception of utterly degraded heathen. They have local books of etiquette printed in different dialects, of which there are about forty, but this standard work is in the classical or book language, and out- ranks all others, as well it may, for it in- cludes far more than even the Western books of etiquette in its careful moral code.

China is certainly in advance of every other heathen nation, in that her wise




men and women have ever lifted up a pure and good standard of life before the people. Confucius gave them the second table of the law man's duty to man ; but alas ! knowing not the first man's duty to God, and living many years before the revelation of Christ the Saviour, Exemplar, and Helper, neither Confucius nor his people could measure up to their own lofty standards.

I was often amused at my native as- sistant in the translation of this book. He had much national pride, great admiration for their ancient literary characters, and the most profound respect for the author of this book and her instructions. He jj was a first degree literary man, and withal [1 an earnest and intelligent Christian, and manifested more satisfaction with West- ern ideas than any native I knew, but woman's seclusion, duty to obey, etc., he thoroughly approved, and regarded us Westerners as entirely too lax in these respects. So as the translation proceeded






he would throw in remarks expressing his satisfaction at this or that, and at times even showing how this agreed with the Scriptures. Thus when it speaks of f] 11 woman's duty to obey her husband and y " listen with reverence to his words," he f remarked with emphasis, "Just as Polo [Paul] taught, you see." I smiled and said nothing, but waited my opportunity to show him how far short they all came either of Paul's or his admired author's teachings, and the good chance came when the " instructions " spoke of hus- band and wife "sharing either riches or poverty." I said : " All this is very good in theory, but I do not see that your peo- ple practice it. So far from sharing pov- erty, you know how it is. If there are not enough vegetables and rice for all the family, the wife serves the husband with all he wants, then gives to the children, and too often all that is left for her is the water in which the vegetables were cooked. Paul says, ' The strong should



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bear the burdens of the weak.' Women are weak. Your author says, ' share pov- erty,' but I do not see that your people follow either the teaching of the one or the instructions of the other." He ac- knowledged the truth of this and that "there was still something lacking," but ever remained immovable in his conserv- atism on the " woman question."

In this translation the Chinese idiom has been retained as far as consistent with clearness of meaning.

The binding of the book is in conform- ity to Chinese thought. Bright scarlet is their joyful color worn by the bride the color of their visiting cards, and con- spicuous in their wall decorations in tem- ples and homes, and on all joyful occa- sions. The beautiful bamboo, which decorates the cover of the book and out- lines the leaves, is also specially prized, and symbolizes peace ; the birds in the bam- boo, messengers ; and we thus have the thought, messengers of peace, in harmony


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with the teaching of the book. Each illustration represents an important cus- tom referred to in the chapter. These pictures and the design upon the cover were all made by a skilled Chinese artist, Mr. Pang Sun Yow, who has for years been a faithful member of one of the churches of Brooklyn.




T)ANG TAI KU was a very cele-

brated literary woman who lived in the Han dynasty about eighteen hun- dred and twenty years ago. Her father was a high official at the capital, then the city of Si-ngan, in the province of Shen-si. Pane Tai Ku was betrothed to a man of the Tsao family named Sin. 14 Tsao Sin attained the highest literary degree, but, alas ! died early, leaving Pang Tai Ku a lonely widow. Her elder brother, Pang Ku, was the president of the great Hanlin College, the first college p of the empire and the only college to give the highest degree. He had com- menced writing the history of the Han dynasty, but before he had completed the half he became totally blind. The



emperor asked him who could complete | the work. Pang Ku replied, " Under the whole heavens there is but one person who can do it my younger sister, Tsao Tai Ku " (her name after marriage). At this time she was still in seclusion and mourning for her husband, although sev- eral years had passed since his death. The emperor sent her many valuable presents, invited her to come to the court, and built her a palace within the im- perial grounds, but so humble was she that she attributed all of these honors to the emperor's regard for her brother. Pang Ku. She completed the history of the Han dynasty, and did it so well that no one could tell where her brother stopped and she began. The emperor was greatly pleased with her work and treated her with the highest respect and honor. He commanded all the ladies of the palace to do her reverence and to call her " Instructor of Women." He also requested her to teach these ladies.


It was at this time that she prepared her discourses or Instructions to Women and Girls, known and so highly esteemed throughout the empire as the most thor- ough and perfect rules ever prepared for a woman's conduct.



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TAI KU, your handmaid, is of an il- lustrious family, and was a philoso- pher s wife. I have tried to perfect myself in the four womanly virtues, which are : yfr^/, carefulness in deportment, which in- cludes manners, dress, and all outward conduct; second, all womanly duties ; third, talking little, and that of profit \ fourth, "lo be virtuous. Having but few duties, I made books a study. I also earnestly tried to follow the example of the " nine upright women " and " three chaste ones " (ancient Chinese women distinguished for their virtues). It is lamentable that suc- ceeding women have not walked in their footsteps. Because of this I have pre- pared this book, and desire it to be care- fully handed down for the benefit of girls and women.

Chinese Lady Shielding Face with Fan.



CHAPTER I On the Cultivation of Virtue

All girls, everywhere,

First should learn to cultivate virtue.

Of cultivating virtue's methods,

The most important is

To be pure and upright in morals ;

If pure, you are clean inside and outside;

Chastity is your body's glory ;

Having it, all your acts shine.

When walking, look straight, turn not your head ;

Talking, restrain your voice within your teeth ;

Sitting, don't shake your knees a com- mon fault with men ;

Standing, keep quiet your skirts ;

When pleased, laugh not aloud ;

If angry, still make no noise ;

Inner and outer rooms' (women's and men's) duties

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Fully understand.

Boys and girls must not together be. With outside business you have no con- cern ;

■j Therefore, go not beyond the court. n

I If necessary outside to go, [}

•^ Exhibit not your form, jl

But screen your face with fan or veil. (J

To men who are not with you related jl

you may not speak. ||

J With women and girls of not careful con- f

I duct you may not associate. J

j Following virtue, decorum, and upright- f ness, you so accomplish the end of

your being. f

::i^ n 3).


[ 4

Gathering Chia Leaves for Cocoons.




Woman's Work.— Weaving Silk, etc.

j1 All girls, everywhere, I

I Should learn woman's work. U

r In weaving cloth, |

Distinguish between the coarse and fine ; L When sitting at the loom work carefully; ^^ When boiling the silk cocoons, Collecting for them the mulberry and

chia leaves, In all be very diligent. Protect the worms from wind and rain. If cold, warm them by the fire ; Keep them in a clean place ; As the young ones grow. Transfer them to baskets, but crowd

them not ; Provide them leaves, not too many nor

too few. Making silk, be careful of the straight and

cross threads, so you will make a

perfect piece.


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When finished remove the gauze at once

from the loom. Cotton cloth fold and lay in boxes or

baskets. Silk, cotton, and the two kinds of grass

cloth, All learn perfectly to make, Then you can sell to others. And yourself have clothing to wear.

Using the Needle

To embroider shoes, stitch stockings.

Mend clothes, and unite cloth.

Trim and quilt garments,

All such work should you be able to do.

If you follow these instructions.

Whether it be cold or warm,

You will have suitable clothing,

And rags and poverty you will not know.

Do not imitate lazy women

Who from youth to womanhood have been stupid ;

Not having exerted themselves in wom- an's work,




They are prepared for neither cold nor

warm weather. Their sewing is so miserable, People both laugh at and despise them. The idle girl, going forth to be married, Injures the reputation of her husband's

whole family. Her clothes are ragged and dirty. She vainly ptills the west over to cover the

east. \_Note : A sly pull to hide a

rent] She is a disgrace to her village. I thus exhort and warn the girls, Let them hear and learn.


f 1









On Politeness

All girls, everywhere,

Should learn woman's work.

When women guests are expected,

You should the chairs arrange in order.

Let your own dress be neat and suitable.

Slowly and lightly walk ;

Move not your hands about ;

And let your voice be gentle and low.

With such deportment

Invite your guests to enter :

Present your salutations, \

Inquiring after their welfare since last you

met. In conversation with them, Talk not at random. When they questions ask, or answer, Give most polite attention. In asking of their welfare,





Or talking of yourself, in a low voice speak ;

The tea and refreshments carefully pre- pare. [Note: "Afternoon teas" evi- dently are not modern.]

Politely receive guests,

And exhaust courtesy when they depart

Do not imitate those

Who only regard themselves,

And show no respect to others.

Such receive few guests,

Because they know not politeness.

As a guest, demand nothing ;

As a hostess, exhaust hospitality.

When you go to a friend's house

Be not eaeer to receive attentions.

Having exchanged greetings and taken tea,

Immediately your business then make known,

This finished, at once rise to go.

Observing all courtesy in departing.

If the hostess prevails upon you to longer stay,



3C ^>




And a feast for you prepares, Remember the wine to only raise to your

lips. Your chopsticks, place not on the table

crossed, But use them with propriety and grace. The refilling your cup with wine steadily

refuse. Follow not your desires, just to eat, eat ! Imitate not those rude women Who with confusion eat, drink, and talk ; Drinking wine until crazy. They shamefully vomit their food ; In this state going home, Before reaching their house. Many shameful, rude acts will they do.

\Note : The evils of wine drinking

were recognized eighteen hundred

and twenty years ago !] Outside of your house you should seldom

go, Nor into the street for pleasure. If persons unknown you meet. Your head and eyes quickly lower.



Do not imitate stupid women

Who gad about from house to house.

These speak many idle words,

And cause others evil to speak of them.

Such may not escape reproof

Their families by them are injured,

Their parents greatly dishonored.

Still another class imitate not

Those whose deeds are so evil

That they are shameful, fearful,

And disreputable !



Arranging Dining Room lable.


CHAPTER IV On Early Rising

All girls, everywhere,

Listen to the following :

Before the sun has fully risen,

At the cock s crowing time

Arise, and dress yourself with care.

Dress neatly, not showily.

Comb your hair and wash your face ;

Then at once to the kitchen go ;

Of the fire be very careful.

See that the kitchen is clean.

And all the cooking utensils.

Your food in quantity and quality,

Prepare very carefully.

According to the poverty or riches of

your family. In seasoning food. Observe careful rules. Be not careless as to whether the food Shall be sweet, fresh, and fragrant. Let the cups and plates be clean.




And arranged in order on the table.

Let the three meals be regular,

And properly prepared.

At daylight rising,

Delay not upon the day's work to enter. 11

Lazy women do not imitate ; U

They are too idle even to think. I

When dark, they go to sleep, ''

And when the sun is three feet high.

They still are in their beds.

When they rise, it is already late ;

But for this they know not shame.

They hasten to the kitchen.

With hair uncombed and face unwashed.

The tea and rice by them prepared

Is scarcely fit to eat,

And all they do is withhaste and confusion.

Another class there is you must not imitate.

They think of nothing but eating ;

Before the food is fully prepared.

Before their husbands have eaten,

T/iey are eating, here a little, there a little.

Surely this is very disgraceful !

Of such conduct beware.

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Praying for Sick Parent before Ancestral Tablets.


CHAPTER V On Reverence for Parents

Girls not yet gone out from their homes

[not married] Must carefully reverence their parents ; Early rise, and to them

The morning salutations present. f

If cold, build a fire to warm them ; If warm, use the fan to cool them ; If they are hungry, hasten to supply them

food ; If thirsty, prepare for them the tea. I If your parents rebuke you. Receive it not impatiently, But, standing in their presence, Hear with reverence and obedient heart, And repent of and forsake the wrong. The words of your parents, Regard as beyond all others important ; Obey their instructions ; Turn not away your head,




And be not stiff-necked.

If you do wrong, confess to your parents, 1 Requesting instruction and reproof. I When your parents become old, 1 Morning and night be sorrowful and fear- I

Their clothes, food, and drink,

With the utmost care provide,

Observing the demands

Of the four seasons in your care for them.

If your parents are sick.

Leave not their bedside.

Loosen not your girdle to lie down;

The tea and the medicine.

Yourself first taste

To be sure that it is just right.

Cease not to cry unto heaven,

Or to pray in the ancestral temple.

That they may be restored. ' f

I Never let it be said J That your parents died I For lack of attention from you. J When they die

Your very bones should grieve,

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And to your life's end cease not to mourn.

Griefs clothing, for your parents,

Three years you must wear ;

The sacrificial offering to them,

You must never cease to make.

Thus should you honor your ancestors.


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Making the Bed for Mother-in-law.


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On the Reverence Due Father and Mother- in-law

Father and mother-in-law

Are your husband's family.

When you arrive at their threshold

You become a new woman ;

Reverence and serve them

As your own parents.

Honor £-rea^/y your father-in-law;

Before him, let neither gladness nor sorrow

Show forth in your face.

Dare not even to zaa/k behind him ;

Stand not before him when you speak,

But to one side or behind him,

And hasten his every command to obey.

When your mother-in-law sits

You should respectfully stand ;

Obey quickly her commands.

In the morning early rise

And quietly open the doors,





Making no noise to waken her ;

Her toilet articles hasten to prepare;

Her washbowl and towel,

Her toothbrush and powder

All bring together.

[Note: Eighteen hundred and twenty

years ago toothbrushes in China !] Let not the water be too cold or too hot. When the mother-in-law wakens, All these things respectfully present tc

her, Then immediately retire to one side, Until her toilet is completed. Then approach and present the morning

salutations ; Again retire and prepare her tea. Quickly and cheerfully carry it to her; After which the breakfast table arrange ; Place the spoons and chopsticks straight. The rice cook soft, and Let the meat be thoroughly done. From ancient days until now, Old people have had sick teeth ; Therefore, let not the food be so dry

i. 1






That your mother-in-law

With labor vainly eats.

Daily the three meals

Thus carefully prepare.

When darkness comes,

And your great one [mother-in-law] de- sires to sleep,

Carefully for her spread the bed,

When she may peacefully rest,

And you may retire to your room.

Following these instructions,

All your superiors will praise you.

All that know you will esteem you as good.

Do not imitate that other class

Who care not for woman's duties.

Loudly they talk before their superiors ;

When told to do anything.

They ever answer, " My body is tired,"

When truly they are only lazy.

They obey not their superiors,

Nor care whether they are hungry or cold ;

The reputation of such is wholly bad ;



Heaven and earth have no patience with

them ! Thunder and Hghtning are angry v^ith

them !

There is then left no road of


1 When their punishment comes 1

I Their repentance is too late, U


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Drinking Wine Together in Marriage Ceremony,



On Reverencing the Husband

When a girl leaves her father's house

Her husband thereafter

Is her nearest relative.

In her former state, before she was born,

Her relations in the present world were

fixed. Her husband is to her as heaven I How dare she fail to reverence him 1 The husband commands, the wife obeys ; Yet let there be mutual grace and love ; Let them be to each other as guests in


But whenever the husband speaks r Let the wife give careful attention. f

I If her husband does wrong, [

Let her only exhort and persuade him, f

And not imitate stupid women [

Who call down calamities on bad hus- bands.

When the 'husband goes out

The wife should respectfully ask how far

he must walk. If by the middle of the night 1 He has not returned home, I She may not sleep, but must still wait L ■^ for him, I

Keep the light burning and his food hot, L Until she hears his knock at the door. i!

Do not imitate lazy women


Who go to bed before it is dark.

If the husband is sick,

Let the wife, with careful hand,

Administer all the medicine, J Exhausting every means to restore him,

And failing not to beseech the gods

That his life may be prolonged.

Imitate not stupid women

Who at such times know not sorrow.

If the husband is angry,

Let not the wife be angry in return, I But meekly yield to him, J And press down her angry feelings.

Do not imitate bad women







Who are ready to quarrel with their husbands.

The winter and summer clothing for the husband

Wash carefully and mend neatly.

Let him not be either too cold or too hot,

To the injury of his bodily health.

His daily food carefully prepare ;

Let not his stomach be empty,

Nor his mouth thirsty,

Lest his body become thin

And his heart sorrowful !

\J^ote: Evidently the charm of a good meal for keeping husbands* tempers sweet and hearts merry was known by our Chinese sisters eighteen hun- dred and twenty years ago !]

If your husband is sweet, be you sweet ; p

If sorrowful, be you sorrowful ; A

If he is rich, you are rich ;

If he is poor, you also are poor. J In life you are one ;

In death let the same grave cover you.




Following these instructions,

You will live with your husband

In joyous accord,

As perfect as that of the sweetest music,

And many will sound abroad your fame.




Garden Scene.





CHAPTER Vm On the Instruction of Children

Families generally have both boys and girls.

When they are three or four years old

It is important to begin their instruction.

This work is truly the mother's.

When old enough to have teachers

The boys and the girls may not study together,

But in different rooms, with different teachers.

First let them learn politeness ;

Afterward their respective duties in life.

Then they may learn to compose

Both poetry and prose.

Their teacher let them obey and rever- ence.

And carefully present to him the usual gifts.

When first he is invited to teach


Let great politeness be observed,

And no confusion occur.

When the spring flowers open,

And the moon shines at night.

Let the children play in the garden,

And let wine be brought to the teacher ;

Ever regard him as one of the family.

The women on meeting the teacher

May only speak one sentence in salutation,

Then immediately retire to the inner apartments.

[Note : Teachers are treated with the ut- most respect, as, being literary men, they are of the aristocracy.]

Girls must dwell in the secluded rooms ;

Seldom permit them to go outside.

When they are called they must come ;

When told to go, let them obey.

If disobedient in the least.

Use small switches and punish them.

The inner rooms' [girls'] instructions

Most carefully observe.

Sweeping the rooms, burning the in- cense,



And all the duties of women, Let the girls thoroughly learn. Teach them the courtesies to guests, That they may know how to present

Y\ salutations,

1 And to restrain their voices ;

To carry tea and refreshments to guests, Walking steadily and with grace. Let them not be petted and spoiled. Causing other people to talk about

them. Let them not go to other houses. Lest they cease to respect strangers. Let them not sing songs, Lest their voices be heard outside, And evil words be spoken of them. Let them not play here, there, and every- where. Lest their deeds become evil. The present generation's children Are very bad ; They have learned nothing. Boys know not how to read ; They grow up following their own wills,



Drinking wine, and seeking only amuse- ment,

Living idle and useless lives,

Singing songs and dancing,

Disregarding their family duties,

And fearing not their country's laws.

Girls, too, are unwilling to learn ;

They are stubborn and talkative ;

They know little of woman's duties.

Thus they injure themselves and their superiors.

When grown, they find themselves dis- graced.

Then they are displeased with their parents.

And think not to blame themselves ; -J Their evil words hurt their parents' ears. j



Kitchen and Preparing Food.


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On Attention to Domestic Duties

Economy and industry

Are the sources of family prosperity ;

Industry builds the house ;

Idleness will pull it down.

Economy enriches the family ;

Extravagance impoverishes it.

Throughout life girls must work.

The whole day's work is in that of the

early morning ; The whole year's work is in that of the f

spring. Girls must learn to sweep and clean ; What cannot be swept must be washed. Think not such work unimportant ; So everyone will see your neatness, And your whole house will be bright. In planting the fine grains, And the cotton seed, Be not careless and wasteful.


"»' ^•^ >^ J'- -1^ ^'^''- ^^


In cooking the rice and soup

Always have the proper heat.

Do not be careless,

And cook this too much and that too f

little, This too soon and that too late. So that which might have been good Is spoiled, and the family's stomachs Are still empty, and mouths thirsty ! The rice chaff and refuse Preserve for the animals to eat. Let them out to feed, And at the proper time call them in. Let them not wander away And trouble the neighbors. The husbands money and rice Carefully put in a safe place. Husband's wine and sweetmeats Do not secretly take ! Let the bins or granaries Be filled with fine grains. The soy [a sauce], salt, pepper, and bean

preserves Put in properly cleaned vessels.


Of pigs, chickens, geese, and ducks J Raise very many, n Thus throughout the year, 11 And for all its feasts and festivals, n You will have a varied and abundant il supply, ^

UAnd thus husband and wife have peace I

and joy. L

Great riches are the gift of heaven ; A satisfying supply, the gift of industry.


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Morning Salutation to Male Guest.


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CHAPTER X On the Treatment of Guests

All families should be hospitable. When a guest is expected See that the chairs and tables, Plates and bowls are all in order. If it is a male guest, The wife may not be seen. But, near the reception room, Await her husband's orders. If tea is wanted. See that it is promptly brought. If the guest remains to eat and sleep, Wait for the husband to come And say what he wishes prepared ; Whether to kill chickens and cook vege- tables. Or only offer refreshments. Carefully see that the seasoning is suitable, And food properly prepared. With such care A wife brings reputation to her house.


If the guest remains overnight,

See that the lamps or candles are in order,

His room and bed carefully arranged,

With due reference to the weather,

That the guest may rest in comfort.

With modest face, and low voice,

Present the morning salutations.

In all this you please

Not only your husband, but all his family.

Do not imitate those careless women

Who do not look after the reception room ;

Who are hurried and without self-posses- sion.

And therefore do nothing properly.

Such are very angry

When the husband invites a guest to stay.

They bring chopsticks, but no spoons ;

Salt, but no pepper.

Before the guest has eaten

They are eating ;

They whip the boys.

And scold the girls.

And all is confusion.




Such disgrace their husbands,

And mortify the guests.

If a guest arrives

When the husband is absent, f

Send a small child to inquire [

Whence he comes.

If he looks like a friend.

Send and ask his name

And invite him to enter,

Then with hair in order and dress neat,

The wife may enter the reception room,

And present her salutations.

Then let the tea be served,

And observe all politeness.

After he has taken tea

She should inquire his business,

And if he is a very near friend or relation,

She may invite him to await her husband's

return. But if he desires to go. She may accompany him only To the reception room entrance. I exhort all women To follow these instructions.


Neighbors Visiting.



CHAPTER XI On Gentleness and Harmony

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1 For the family's prosperity, I

I There are very good rules; I

Women should zealously learn them. I

Of these, to follow peace '

Is of the first importance.

Obedience in all things is the next.

If father or mother-in-law reprove,

Receive it meekly without anger ;

If your husband's younger sister or sister- in-law

Do any wrong, meddle not ;

This is not your affair.

Live in peace with both your superiors and inferiors.

" Whether it is or is not, let it be all the same to you ;

Whether long or short, never mind, do not quarrel."

\_Note : A proverb teaching contentment f


U under all circumstances.! !.




Tell not the family affairs abroad.

With your neighbors at your right and left,

Constantly exhaust courtesy.

In visiting with or receiving visits from them,

In exchanging salutations or congratula- tions,

Have a true heart and pleasant face.

When it is time to talk, talk;

When it is time to do, do!

Let not other people's business enter your doors.

Imitate not those foolish women

Who have not good principles.

Who are untruthful and unchaste in con- versation,

And who dare to be angry with their superiors.

I exhort all to consider the result of their words.

Regard the past, and take into account the future.

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CHAPTER Xn On the Cultivation of Virtue

From ancient times until now

The examples of the " nine upright and three pure ones "

Have been ours to look upon.

Their names and characters were recorded

In the national odes, and handed down to us.

J But how few have followed in their foot- steps !

Yet anyone who has the desire and will

May, like them, be good and honorable.

It is of the first importance

To have correct principles ;

Next to be pure and upright in act.

If there are male guests in the reception room,

Do not go forth from your own room ;

If they be even near your own door,

Let not curiosity lead you forth to speak to them.





Do not talk secretly with people,

And let not an unchaste thought enter your heart.

After the sun goes down, go not from your room

To any part of the house without a light.

Lest going into the darkness.

You meet with unspeakable evil.

If you do wrong once,

This may lead to wrong in everything.

One evil act done and a hundred follow.

Heaven determines the relations of hus- band and wife ;

This truth is heavier than a mountain.

If you come to misfortune and grief,

If when you have walked but half life's road.

Your husband should die.

Then put on the three years' mourning.

Think not of marrying again.

\_Note : It is very meritorious for a woman to remain a widow, and special honors J are paid her.]

I Devote yourself to your husband's family ;

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Reverence his parents, instruct his chil- dren ; Guard and increase his estate ; Carefully keep in order his grave, And observe all the sacrificial rites. People who are born must die ; p

This is true of everyone I

The heavens beneath. This book of instructions to women Is now completed. If they will but hear and follow, Their happiness will be immeasurable. Their light as that of the sun and moon. Carefully read, remember, and obey.

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