IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V. // {/ A P... Z ^ 1.0 I.I 1 51 IIIM I lis 12.0 11-25 il.4 illlli.6 ^ ^. y] v^ /> o / A si :^ '^:v^ ^ 1^ CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques 1980 Technical Notes / Notes techniques The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original copy available for filming. Physical features of this copy which may alter any of the images in the reproduction are checked below. L'Institut a microfilm«i la meilleur exemplaire qu'il lui a 6t6 possible de se procurer. Certains d6fauts susceptiblas de nuire d la quality de la reproduction sont notds ci-dessous. D D Coloured covers/ Couvertures de couleur Coloured maps/ Cartes gdographiques en couleur D D Coloured pages/ Pages de couleur Coloured plates/ Planches en couleur D D Pages discoloured, stained or foxed/ Pages d^colordes, tachetdes ou piqudes Tight binding (may cause shadows or distortion along interior margin)/ Reliure serrd (peut causer de I'ombre ou de la distortion le long de la marge int^rieure) 0 D Show through/ Transparence Pages damaged/ Pages endommagdes D Additional comments/ Commentaires suppl6mentairas Bibliographic Notes / Notes bibliographiques D D Only edition available/ Seule Edition disponible Bound with other material/ Reli6 avec d'autres documents D D Pagination incorrect/ Erreurs de pagination Pages missing/ Des pages manquent D D Cover title missing/ Le titre de couverture manque Plates missing/ Des planches manquent D Maps missing/ Des cartes gdographiques mfosures ; and the specimens here may have been derived from a distinct outcrop not yet discovered. In certain beds of tho limestones of ^larble Caiiion, the Loftiisiu occurs almost to the exclusion of other forms, characterizing the rock, and having been the agent in its production, just as Fufiulin one three-hundredth of an iuch, very rarely as much as one hundredth. The " primary " lamina, as in L. perslca, is a thin and definite wall, generally appearing in microscopic sections as a well-defined, # Op. cif. p. 743. LOFTTJSIA FROM DRlTISn COLrMIlIA. 73 thou.) Fig. 7 represents the external form of the organism of actual size. The figure on the right is of au unusually long variety. \ iiiBii I !■■ HI 'U I I (iua»t,-Joum.Gael.,Sou,/ol XXXV PI VI 5*^ V^' '^Ik jhc*-. 1 ■Viit'- •...■'■,■.;■ „•>; •v' -ire' i. ■ . ifi Xii-. ■■*;• . ••■ li' ^ •iVt. i-r. ' ' '•/ >' ■ /i<- ""'i ..:■ ,.' fl .f ! &j i:^^^|; ■ '/A ^.i*> 4. ^^ Si km -Ml-- h f f }A % % W^^ § /■•■', '-m ^'». *■* ^ t- >. •" "U ^ y^vf. V- v^ ■'1' vs- "* A'^ f* ^% ig* i.'^ >?^^ i4 ■i ,'f^^"^; .1, Jjv^i^^^ 1 •4, 3 >75 A.S Fooi-d "liih. MuiteiTi Bros imp LOFTUSIA GOLUMBiANA.