IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.25 "^1^ IM ■50 ""^■' Hm^B itt 1^ mil 2.2 I 1^ 12.0 1.4 1.6 P 7i v;^ ,v^ y -iS^ ,v •1>^ -M rrima:!rf -^ '^CnJer Tail Covcrln or Crii.-iu'n Cpper Mandihli: rcrr.i \('rey of the California Aeadeiny of Si iences ; Cor, Member A'ew York Academy of Sciences, etc., etc. A'JTIIOK 111' " llIK r.KAl'lirUl. AMI CCKIOIS BlKDS IIK TMK WoKI.Ii," " THK lilKDS OK llIK HaUAMA Islands," "The Hikds ok Haiti and San Dumini;o," " Thk Hikds ok iiii: Wkst Indiks," "A Nati'kai.isi in the Macdalen Islands," " Hi ntinc and Fishini; IN Florida," "Key to the Water Birds uk Florida," "How to KNOW the Shore Birds ok North America," "How to KNOW the DinEUI(.ATK1> INSTITUTKUR DF.S SCEURS HOSPITAMERES DE LA FLECHE, nP le 2 Mai iBpv, decede le 6 Novembrt 16S9 CONTENTS. Trrr.Ki'Ar.K Dkdication CONTKMS How TO .Mi:\si i!K A Hiiri r>i>Kx TO Kkv To Kami I.IKS ........ Kky to Famii.iks ok Lani» Hiiids ....... Crnori' 1. liinls having wlniiH less than 1 .7.'> iiichi's h>n wiii.7.') inchts h)ng Section 1. First primary, U-hs titan half as h)ng as tliird Part 1. 'I'ip of upper maiKlihlt' with small hut distinct hook or notch ........ Part '2. I • mau(lii)lc withoui notch or iiook at ti|) Si'cti«»n 2. 1 ' jiriiiiai y nioic than lialf as luuii as third Pait 1. Tip of upper inaudiltlc willi >uiall Imt distinct hook < notch ........ Part 2. Tip of upper niandihlc not notchi'd or liookcd Guot r .">. llirds iiaving wiui^s measuring from 2.1'> to ."..•i."» inclus lonir Section 1. First prinuiry, less than half as long as third Part 1. A small hut distinct hook or notch at tip of upp» mandihle ....... Part 2. Tip of upper niandihlc not notched or hook»'d Section 2. First primary, not short, always more than half as long as tiiird ....... Part 1. Tip of upper niandihlc with snudl hut distinct hook o notch ........ Part 2. 'I'ip of upper n\audihlc not notcluMl or hooked Cv) rA«iK i iii V viii l.'.l IX) 1 -.v.] 1 :v.i i:'.t 1.}.-) 1 ;{.-» 1 :\-> \:u\ i.'.r. VI lUKDM OF KASTKKN NORTH AMKIMCA. nj(«ni'1. liirdH Iiiiviii;jj wiiiiis from II. 2'» to 9.50 iuches long Section 1. ISill with strong hook chiws unnod with tidons . Si'ction 2. Tpper niandiblo with distinct hook or notch at tip hut feet not urnu'd with ttdons .... Section ;i. I'ppor numdihle not notched or hooked at t'p p!ut 1 . First primary less than half as long as third . Part 2. First i)rimary more than half as long as third GuoLi* ft. IJirds having wings over !>..")() inches long .... Ki:v TO TiiK sri'-ciKS ok Land IJiuds ok Eastkun Nourii A.mkkk v Family 'rKTnAoNiD.i;. OnousK, QrAii., ktc. ..... FaMII.V PiIASIANID.K. 'I'fKKK.YS, ETC. ...... Si:nKAMn,Y. Mklkaokin.k ....... Family Commhida;. Piokons axi> Dovks ...... Family ('ATiiAiniD.K. Amkkkan Vi i.tikes ..... Family FALCyE. Lauks ........ Fa.MILY CoUVIDyE .......... Si IWAMILY (lAKKCLINyE. .IaYS AND MaoTIES .... SlUKAMILY CoKVIN.E. CkOWS AND RaVKNS .... Family I.K.. Whkxs axi. TllltASHKR.-, SUHKAMILY Tl!0(iL(»I)YTIN\K. WkkXS Slufamily Mimin.k. T11UA811KUS, Cat-biuds, Moo CkIMIIIID.K. CuKKI'KliS I'auii..k. Nltiiatciiks, 'I'itmice, etc. . SiJitFAMiLY SrrriN.K, Ni thatches . Slbkamily Paimx^k. Titmice axi> Chickadees Sylviid.k. Ivixclets AXI) Oxatcvtchers TtHD.D.i:, Tiiiii sues, IJi.t E-itnn.g, ktc. OK the Birds ok Eastern North America vn rA fiom tlie nostril to tin- tip of tiie bill, but in stich cases it should always be so stali'd.) Tarsus. — Distance in front of the leg from what appears to l>i> the knee joint (end of tibia) to the root of the middle toe. All meusurenu-nts are given in inches and fractious of an inch. ""*> T<» MKisiiu: A |„„u. IX HOW TO MEASURE A BIRa F r INDEX TO KEY TO FAMILIES. LAND BIRDS. Group i. Birds having wings less than I.7S inches long Group 2. Birds having wings from 1.75 to 2.75 inches long . Section 1. First priinar/ less than Iiulf :.s loiio- as tliinl . Part 1. Tip of ni)pcr iiiaiidihU" witii small Imt tlistinet hook or notch Part 2. Ippcr inainlilih- without notcii or liooi< at tip Section 2. First priniar.v v.- tlian half :.s lonu as tliinl P:'rt I. Tip of iipptT iii;ii„Iil,l,. nidi small hut distinct hook or notch Ptvrt -2. Tip (.r upper mamlihlc not ntttchcd or hooked ...... Group 3. Birds having wings measuring from 2.75 to 3.25 inches long Section 1. First primary K^ss than halt as lon^- as third Part 1. A small but distinct liook or notcii at tii) of upper mandihlo .... Part 2. Tip of upper mandihie not notched or hooked ...... Section 2. First primary not short, always more than half as long as third Pint 1. Tip of upper mandihie with small hut distinct hook or notch Part 2. Tip of upper mandible not notched or looked (l.U) PAQK 1 ,S8 I x\ i:v.) i;m i;'.:. I ;!.'» I.'),-) i:w; i.'u; i.'w; \r> \-y> 1 :{,s 1.32 INDEX TO KEY TO FAiMILIES. Group 4. Birds having wings measuring from 3.25 to 9.50 inches long ,3,, Hill with stron with more or less hook, but toe? not armed with talons .... Tip of upper mandible not notched or hooked Part 1. First primary less than half as lon^ as third, sometimes very small . Pari 2. First i)rimary more tliaii lialf as lonj? as third Qroup 5. Birds having wings over 9.50 inches long Section 1 . Section -2. Section ',). 1 ;?it 1 10 1 11 I II II :i 1 17 KEY TO FAMILIES. LAND BIRDS. GROUP 1. Birds having wings less than 1.75 inches long.* ■*c;*fc. (1.) Smallest 'jf our birds; hill, very slemler; |iiiiii;iri<'s, 10; rt'ctit'cs. 10; 1'i'ct, very siiiall atid """""^^^^^ /(>*"' Family TROCHILID^E. Humming Birds. V S»^e pagfe ID!). ■i.) Tail, roiiiidcil ; tlif imirr jcatln'i-, sluMlt'i- than mid- lie ones; liisi iiriniary. less than two thinls as lonj; as third; -At i.i jtecoiid primary, miieh shorter than third; tarsus, sentellat*-. "" Family TR(KiLODYTlD/E. Wrens, Thrashers, etc. Subfamily TROOLODYTIN/E. Wrens. See paojc '.U2. GROUP 2. Birds having wings from 1.75 to 2.75 inches long.* Section 1. First primary, less than half as long as third. Part 1. Tip of upper mandible, witli small but distinct hook or notch. (1.) Toes, joined at hase. IMaiu colored birds, usually ;;reenish or ^rayisii, hut ol't<'n show a faint wash of yellow ou uuderpurts; tail, always without wliite spots. 'M ^1 {^^M^^ Family VIREONID/C. VIreos. See page 171. ' For (llrcctluti> I'm- iiicasiirt'ini'iit, sec pii" (1.S3) 134 THE BIRDS OP EA8TEKN NOKTH AMEltlCA. Part 2. Upper mandible without notch or hook at tip. ^ 2^^ "-^*^ (].) Bill, as illuslnited; back, gray or bluish gray; bill, over .50; nostrils, conocaled by itri.stly tufts ; tarsus, scutellate; tail featliers, not stirt'or poiuted. Family PARID/E. Subfamily SITTIN/E. Nuthatches. See page 317. {•1.^ Hill, as illustrated; back, bluish gray; bill, less ' "^ than .50 ; size, siuai' ; Uwijjjth, less liiaii r).5(); lirst, priinarv. ' T" \<^}r.i ^57 very short. Family SYLVIID/E. \^-W'^ Subfamily POLIOPTILIN/E. Gnatcatchers. ^^ See paj^ c 320. (3.) Bill, as illustrated ; throat, black ; uostiiN, cDiircMltMl bv tufts of ))ristlv feathers. Family PARID/E. Chickadees, Titmice. 552 ^^ See paj;e 3 IS. (4.) Bill, as illustralfil ; back, brown or brown streaked; tail feathers, not sharp pointed; outer lail feathers, shortest; tarstis, seutellal.- ; lirst priuiarv. siiut. 1 ••-isf;.''^ 638 Hill .)!' Wren. Family TROGLODYTID/E. Wrens. See iiage 312. (.*..) Bill, as ili.ustral.'d: liaeU. streaked; tail feathers, stiffened and sharply pointed. Creeper. Family CERTHIID/C. Creepers. See page 316. KKV TO FAMIMKS. I.ANO HIKDS. lar) '^\ (fi.) Hill, as illiisUatiMl ; back, olive green ; hill, los.-i tlian '»— y .- : .■")() iiu'lies loiij;. Two sperit's : l>i)tli malt's ami oin; of the females -^^L vr>'i!8^.j:." a \\\\\y\ l)riHiaMt rcil or yellow frowii pati'li ; tlif ixlicr ffmalc has •••*Vo ^ J55 nowu, (lull jinuMi, like liack. Family SYLVilD/K. Subfamily REOULIN/H. Kinglets. See i)aj5(; 320. Section 2. First primary, more than half as long as third. Part 1. T!,) of upper mandible, with small but distinct hook or notch. ;l.i Bill, flattened, wide at base; tip, with small hook; immerous Iilack lnistlcs at liasc of liill ; hack of tafsiis, roiiiidi'd : w iim<, loMiri'r lliaii tail ; first pi'imafy. in vir vci'v short. 353 •|'np of liill. >iclc(il lull. Family TYRANNID/E. Flycatchers. Seo paj^f -JKO. (■i.) Hill, very sli'j;htly hooked; not wide and Hat at liasc;, n-< in the Flyeat fil- ers; toes, joined together at !)ase. Plain colored hirds, nsuiiUy <;reonish or j^rayish, hut ol'ten show a faint wash of yellow on underpaits; tail, always without white sjiot-;; first primary, varlahle, very short In soire speei(>s, in others nearly as loiij; as second. Family VIRKONID/C. Vireos See pai;e :>7i. i Part 2. Tip of upper mandible, not notched or hooked. (I.) Bill curved; hack, slaty hiaek; rump, hriifht yellow. U'.'st Indian tamily: Numerous s|)eeies, one common in i?ahama Island^, accidental in Florida ; not recorded elsewhere in Inited Slates. Family CCEREBID/E. Honey Creepers. See \vA^'& 274. \'M\ THK HIKDS OK KASTKHN' NOIiTH AMKUIdA. (,2.) First jiriiuaiy, ii<>i, sIkhi, iicvit less lli.ia iwo tliinls as Ion;; a> st-roiid or third; bill, Stout and conical ; imstiils, hi^li iK'ar tli<' oiiinu-u; prliuarius, U; tarsiLs, tlalU:i, -d l>t;liiud. Sl.k- of liill. Family FRIN(jlLLII).4£. Sparrows, Finches, Buntings, etc. Sci' jtau'c 22(1. First primary, not short, Ufvcr less tliaii two tliirds as ioii;>' a> third, and ollcn nearly the same lenulii: bill, slender and pointed; itaek of tarsus, tliiti aiidshar|>, iml roinided as in t'i'ont; liiiid toe and elaw, not lonycr liian middle toe ninl t-iaw. 622 ^ 525 ■^- 528 Family MNIOTILTID/E. Warblers. See iia^i'e 27."). GROUP 3. Birds having wings measuring from 2.75 to 3.25 inches long.* Section 1. First primary less than half as long as third. Part 1. A small but distinct hook or notch at tip of upper mandible., very sliijhtly hooked; primaries, 10, i lie first often very short; toes, joined together at hase. Plain colored i)irds. usually f:;reonish or fjrayish, hut ofteu show a faint wash of yellow on tmderparts; tail, always without white spots. Family VIREONID/E. Vireos. See page 271. * For ciliections for measuiouieut, see [nigc vlli. KKV TO lAMIUKS. — LAM) IWUDS, Part 2. Tip of upper mandible, not notched or hooked. ]M Kill, :i-i illu«tr!ilcil; back, brown; nmip, ^^ itl» "^sC -^ ooiu'oali'tl white spoln; (niItT t;iil rcatlit'rs, shortest; tarsus, scutt'lliitf. "^ — =,i_^^. .jC, Family TRO(iLODYTIl)/E. Wrens. ^^^ Sou paj^e ;512. Hill, as illu-Ji rated ; back, gray or bluish gray; mf- trils, eoiiecalfd hy tiills ot lui^tly IimIIut*. Family PARID/E. Subfamily SITTIN/E. Nuthatches. See i»a;^e ;{17. Bill, as illustrateil ; throat, black; tiown, l)hK'k and III) nitons hiowii on sides (('iiiekadei'), or forehead. Iilaek; sides, uitli rufous hrowii ( I'it mouse i. Family PAKID/E. Chickadees and Titmice. See page .'{US. ■« Section 2. First primary, not short, always more than half as long as third. Part 1. Tip of upper mandible, with small but distinct hook or notch. Bill, flattened and wide at base ; uumerous hlack lirisUes al base of hill; haek of tarsus, rounded; win^, louger thau tail. 353 Top of bill. Siiieofblll. Family TYRANNID/E. Flycatchers. See page 200. 13S THK lUUOS OF KASTKUX NOIMH VMKIMCA. tiiiit's, with wash of yt'llow on uiiderparts ; no wliite on tall. 15111, very slij;htly hooked or notrheil at tip; not llalli'tii'd at. base, as ill llic FlycatcliiTS ; lot's, ^^/. '''A\, joined at Itase. I'laln \\\\V/// // \ "n.iored liirds, nsually jrreciii>h or "jrayish, at Family VIREONID/K. Vireos. See \>:\'j;t- 271. Part 2. Tip of upper mandible not notched or hooked. (1.) Toes, I; nostrils, opeiiiiiii; into a soft, llesliy iiieiiiliraiie : tarsus, nsnaliy shorter than llMS. Family COLUMBID/E. PiReoiis and Doves. See paiif irif). (■J.) r>Ml. [loiiited; lirst primary, not short i base of bill, exteniiiii}; upon and dividinj; the feathers of the forehead ; nostril>. exposed ; uiiier tail leathers, shorter ijiaii middle leathers. Family ICTERID/t. Orioles. See lia^e 2i;i. ?>*95»-->. l^%jK^*^ (.'{.) l'"irst ]irimary. not short, ne\-er less than two thirds .as lon^ as second or third : bill, stout and coni- cal ; nostrils, the eiilmen; prim- aries. 11; tarsus, llatteiied hehiiid. Family FRINOILLID/E. Finches, Sparrows, Crossbills, and Buntings. ^.•e |rii;r ^H). , =# 625 ^"^ 515 V 622 (,4.> First primary, never less than two thirds as long as third, and often nearly the same lensfth ; hill, slender and pointed; haek of tarsus, thin and sharp, not rounded, as in front : hind toe and claw, not longer than middle toe and claw. Family MNIOTILTID/E, Warblers. See paj^e 275, KEY TO F.VMILIKS. — LANIi lUIJDS. i;{!t Bill, slfiiilcr : llr-it |iiiMiiii\ , ii(»l slioit, the liiii;;tii; hind toe and claw, longer than middle toe and claw; hind Uw iiiiii, loni:;, in tlii^ sonu'wiiat rcscinliiiiij^ lurks, hnt no tnfK of luiir-lilit' rfatlifrs over nostrils. ; ■<^.V:'^0<'':/5^ 530 Family MOTACILLID/t. Pipits, Titlarks, etc. St -I' pagt^ .'(11. GROUP 4. Birds having wings from 3.25 to 9.50 inches long.* Section i. Bill, with strong hook; toes, armed with talons. I — : -[r^ ■ -m^^- 'XD77 Eyes, not -inrrninidtMl hy I'lnlial ili-k of fi'MiluT-:, a-< in tin; Owl-;: toc^, arnicd witli talon ; head, not l»aif. Family FALCONID/E. Hawks, Falcons, Kites, etc. Sec ]);ii;c Id^. Eyes, surrounded hy radiated disk of ftiatht'rs; jduinaije, soft; l»i||, ImoUcd: toes, ainied willi talons. Family BUBONID.+:. Hoot Owls, Horned Owls. Sec ]ia<:e ISO. • For ilirec'tloiiK fur iiioapun'mi'iit, ?<'i- page viii. 140 TIIR BIltlH OF KASTKRN NORTH AMKKK.k. Section 2. Upper mandible, with distinct notch and hook at tip, but feet, not armed with talons. 'Viu'<, four. zyp;o(liu'tylo (two in frnni. two lirliiiiil I ; hill, willi ccn' (sliin-lilcc con- •'liiij; over l)iis(' of tiill). Family PSITTACID/?-. Parrots and Paroquets. Hee page KS7. liill, stroii. Kill tlatteni'd, wide at Itase; tip, with small liook; nnnierons hlack hrislle!^ at hase ot l)ill; hack of tarsus, ronnded; wings, longer tlian tail; lirst itrinniry, not very short, usually longer than the sixth. -o- Family TYRANNID^. Flycatchers. ISee page 200. J KKY TO FAMILIKS. — LAND BIUDS. 141 SecLion 3. Upper mandible, not notched and hooked at tip. Part I. First primary less than one half as long as third. Tot's. four, two ill tr.tiiL ami two lieliiiid: «>i- i.m's ilin-.', iwo in front and ow. Iifliincl: ta illnstratfd; nostril-, foiu'calfd l>y liristly tnft>; tarsus. at'UtcUati': lir-*! primary, v<'i-y slnifi : tail ffatln^'-;, not, sliiVand ponied. (If tail IVathiT-s art- «iitVand puintfd. look for tlip hird nndiT Family I'icida'. I^imily PARID/C. Subfamily SITTIN/I^. Nuthatches. Sc(* ])a,i^i' ■'{I7. I'lill. as illu-itiati'd : nostrils, conccali'il hy bristly tiifis of hair-like It-atlH'r-: lirst primary, short : forehi-ad, Idai-k: h.ii-k, ;rray : head, with more or less crest ; side?4 (d' hodv, vvashed with lirown '['nfle 1 Tidnnii-i' ' . Family PARID/C. Titmice. See paijo .'MS. First prim.irv, .ahoiit one lialf as lon liiiir- likti ffathciv* ; outer tail foathtTK, ^lioittT than iniildlf fmitlii'is; lii< third; tail, h'SH tlian seven indies lon^ (.lavs). Family CORVID/fi. Subfamily GARRULIN/E. MaKpies and Jays. See pa^e 20'.t. Taii. iiiimdeil ; tlie uuter featliers, slioitcr tlian middle ones; first primary, less tlian two tiiirds a- Itini^as third; sei'oml primary, mucdi sliortei- tlian tliird : tarsus, scutellate. Family TROGLODYTIU/t. Subfamily MIMIN/E. Thrashers, Cat-birds, Mocking-birds, etc. Sec pa^() ineiies long. Family TURDIU/C. Thrushes, Robins, Bluebirds. See page 321 . KKV lO KAMILIKh. — LAM» HIKDH. 14:5 Part 2. First primary, more than half as long as third. ^1 '^^^^^^ Toc^, lour, liiii'l tor nut fli'valfd ahove the rc^t ; luntril, «»p«'niii^ Into a «oft fleshy ni«'in- biiini-: t:ii-sii-i, n-ovi' tin* n"(» inclics loni:. Subfamily TETRAONIN/*-. Cirouse. (,6) Tarsus, hai-e; \viii<;, h-ss tliau ."»..">() itu-hos h)ni:. Subfamily PERDICIN/E. Partridges. Quail. Set' jiauf 1 111. Kt'i't. small and weak; front toes, sonn'timt-s wflthcd at lia«'; i.riniarics, tt-n ; inoiitli, larjtc, hill v.'iy niall, in comparison with si/c of hird; middli' to." nail, with cd^ri.'. Family CAPKIMULOID/E. Whippoorwills, Night-hawks, etc. Sep page 11 IS. U4 THE BIRDS OF EASTERN' NORTH AMKRTCA. Uill. sniiill, lliittt'iicil, ;m(l soi icnlml triangular in sliaiic, the j^apo very wido; winjrs, very loii^j, usually exteiuliuj^ htyoiul the tail. (< iiim- ney Swifts, whicli bcloiii; t(i a vcrj- ilillt'i-ciii lamily. aro (il'tcn inislak>'ii tor Swallows w Ikmi seen flyiiij; about ; they ari'i smoky black ami tht! shafts of tilt! tail feathers cxtcinl in sj)in<'s lipy&nU iho wt't)S. Sec next Kaniily.) Swallow. SwilllllW. MMrtii Family HIRUNDINID/E. Swallows and Martint Sci' l)au'e ii't'). I'luniaji'o, smoky black; sliafts of tail tValbcrs, cxtcndini; beyond the web in sharp spines. Sometimes mistaken for Swallows by persons unfamiliar with birds. Family MICROPODID/E. Swift*. See pjiije l<)n. Fir-t ])rimary, about half as lonjr as tlnrd; feet. zytout and sironii' : tin' nostrils, coiiofalcd liy coar.-c, liair-liki' fcatlicis ; oinrr tail feathers, shorter than middle IVathers. Family CORVID/E. Subfamily GARRULIN/C. Jays. See l)aj;e l'O'.i. First primary, never less than three fourths as long as third; base of hill, extend- inj;- iKU'kward, formim;- a jioint, dividinji- the IVatiiers df the forehead; nostrils, exposecl; outer tail f(!atlier- shorter than middle feathers. 383 ^\j^^ Family iCTERiU/E. Blackbirds, Orioles. Meadow Larks. See j>u>;-e -214. I r Ufi THK BIRDS OF EASTKHN NOUTIl AMKiilCA. First priiuiirv, not short, iievi'r lt;ss than two thirds as loiijjj as second or tliird : bill, stout and conical; nostrils, liigli, u<'ar lln' cuhnen; priinarifs, nine; tarsus, flattened Ix'hind. r ^ 388 387 ^^^,^ Family FRINQILLID/E. Sparrows, Crossbills, Finches, Buntings, etc. See |)aiie L'liC). I>ill, somewhat frin<>iiiine, l)ut havinj^ a small "tooth," nonv the middle ol theedjic of niipermandihh^; primaries, nine: larsns, sontidlate. Ihit two species (a tidrd accidental): Males, hri<;ht red, one with hlai-k winiis; one female is ^' olive ove, 454 \^ ;|||,i |i„. under|tarts. dull oran<;e yellow or hull" yellow. (If hird does not aiiree with above desi-riiition, see l'"rinji;iiruhe.) Family TANA(iRID/E. Tanagers. See pafi'e 2('(.'{. I*«ill. without notch : hcsd, with crest ; |)rimaries, ten : tarsus, sliorter than middle toe and claw : a black stripe from forehead through the eye ; inner primaries and tail (Vathers, often tipi>ed with little liard red hits, like mimite drops of sealiiiji wax; f^eneral plnma^je, venacens i;ray hrown: tail, tijiped with ytdlow. Family AnPELID/E. Waxwings, Cedar Birds. See paii'c l.'Jlt. ^ //^ '^'"» iminted, and somewhat rounded; hack of tarsus, -—-^^ rounded; hind toe nail, elongated, (Mpial or Ioniser than the ■^^^Ut toe; nostrils, nearly or quite concealed by tufts of hair- like feathers; win<"', over I inches lono-. Family ALAUDID/E. Larks. See pa<^e *i()s. KEY TO FAMILIES. — LAND BIKDS. 147 IJill, slt'iidt'f : lirsl pi'miMry, Mill, slt'iKit'f : lirsi prmiiiry, _ "•■^^^T'HiX'^"'"' ' iiol short, the lir^t. scoorid, and I ''^^<";^x^|i'/^ llimi ;{.7.") inch;'- luni;-: lirst primary, ikH sliorl, never less than two thiids as h)ni;' as third, and ulicn nearly the same leiiiith ; hill, slender and pointed ; haek _ _ _ (it tarsus, thin and sharp, not rounded as in Ironi; hind toe and I jfss- flaw, not lon<;er than middle Uh' and claw , -•i^ iOl 525 "" "■" ■ 515 Family MNIOTILTID/E. Warblers. GROUP 5. Birds having wings over 9.50 inches long.* Wiui;-. ovei- ri ini'hes loni;;; toes, four; hind toe, elevated .above the rest : hill, stout : wiiiiT. rounded, the outer |)rimaries iair\ed. Family TETRAONID/C. (irouse. Se»\ page 1 111. Toes, four, the hind t< le\ated ahii\e the |-es| : hill, rather short ^ I and stout ; w iiiir. sliort and somewhat rounded, the outer p r i m a r i eg eurved. Family | PHASIANID/E. Subfamily nELEAQRIN/E. Turkeys. See paji't' Ml. L Oroiisi'. Turkey. * For rtlroctloiis for mensurcmciit, sec page vlll. ■■■ 148 TIIK lUKDS OF KA.STKKN NOI.'TIl A.MKIilCA. I'".y»'s nut stirroiiiidcd hy r.-iiihilcd disk of IcallitTs ; pluiiijiiif, hliiil; ()!■ diii'k lnowii; ^^^ hind toe, sliorl ; riaws, iiui shari): head, l)ai'<- in adult. Family CATHARTID/E. Vultures. Eyes uot surrounded l»y radiated disk of IVatlu-rs. as in tiitM)\\ Is : iocs, aiincil witli talons: head, not l>ar< . Family FALCONID/K. Hawks, Easles, etc. Si'( paiif Ifil. iiycs, surrounded l>y radiated disl; of feathers; ]) 1 n ni a <;•(' , soft; li i 1 1, lioolvi'd : t without eondi-like ed^c. Family BUBONiD/?i. Horned Owls, Hoot Owls. See paii'e iMl. To s, four, two in front and two hehind (/y.irodaetyle) ; tall %. ^^^i O/E. Woodp See i>ag'ti I'.il. feathers, stiff and pointed. Family PICID/C. Woodpeckers, p^t*':' JS ■ • ■* fl} Pluma}i:e, glossy black ; lirst primary, mui-h shorter than second, not cxeecdiuii; half as l()ii<>; as third; foin-th, or lU'th primary, lonj^est ; hill, stout and siron;;: the nostrils, concealed liy course, hiur-like feathers; out«'r tail feathers, slnn-tcr than nnddle feathers. Family CORVID/E. Crows and Ravens. See page :!t)l. TAMILV II;TUA-K. — (iUOUfSE, 1'AKTUIIjOES, (^LAIl.S, KK Ml> LAND BIRDS. KEY TO THE SPECIES. FAMILY TETRAONID/C. Grouse, Partridges, Quails, etc. Toes, four, the hind toe elevated above the rest; bill, ^/^j, rather short and stout; wing, short and somewhat rounded, the outer primaries curved; wing, less than 12 inches long. Group I. Wing, less than 5 inches long. ■w y^ 'J I'luiciliarts, wliitc, lilaok. aii. Thf .Soiilherii rai't' (C c. jluridana!<) has inuoh iiioro l)lack on tho liroasl ami the Tindcrparts more heavily handed than the Northern hird. ■■ loO KKV TO tin: iukds of kastkkn nokth a.mkuica. Group 2. Wing, more than 5 inches long. Section 1. The following species do not have the greater portion of the primaries white. A tuft of l>l;u-k font hers on sides of tho noi-k ; tiirstis not. cntirt'ly fcMthcrrd ; axillary plumes, white barred with brown. Ruffed (irouse "Partridge." JJiDKisii Kiplii Jl IIS, (iiiil runs. Sec No. •_';(S. Tarsus, cntiicly feathered; axillary plumes, entirely white; no elon.iraied tiitts of feathers ou sides of neck ; tail, i)oiiitcd. Prairie Sharp-tailed Grouse. Pcdiiiavtcs pliiiiliiiiH /Ills cidiiiH'slris. See No. 247. Tarsus, entii-ely feathefed : axillary plumes, white; sometime-, with faint l>ais near tip ; a mftof (en of more elon t.i MONTREAL PAGES CHAPITRE PREMIER. — Le Saint-Laurent. — — Intentions chretiennes des rois de France. — Champlain. — Compagnies marcliandes. — Quebec fond6. — Compagnie de la Nouvelle- France. — Les Iroquois. — Prise de Quebec par Kertk. — Quebec reslitue 207 i 218 CHAPITRE II. — Les vrais colonisateurs du Canada. — Le Royer va u Paris. — L'anneau d'or. — Olier et La Dauversiere se rencontrent a Meudon. — Compagnie de Montreal. — Achat de Montreal. — Premier envoi d'objets divers. Chomedey de Malsonncuve 219 a 232 CHAPITRE III. — M"« Mance. — Sa vocation. — M Elle se rend a La Rochelle. — Sa rencontre 'm avec Le Royer. — Chomedey de Maisonneuve ^ parle de M'^'' Bourgeoys. — Les Iroquois. — g Dangers que court Quebec 233 a 243 f CHAPITRE IV. — Premier envoi de colons pour § la Compagnie de Montreal. — On veut retenir ^ Maisonneuve a Quebec. — Arrivee h Montreal. 1 — Vertus des premiers colons. — Commence- I ments de I'hdpital. — Louis d'Ailleboust I fortifie Villemarie. — - M"* Mance va en France. M Luttes centre les Iroquois 244 a 256 I CHAPITRE V. — Etat de Montreal. — Retour de ■i^ Maisonneuve. — M"" Bourgeoys. — Construc- M tions. — Nouveau voyage de Maisonneuve en ■M 152 KEY TO TI!K HIKDS OF KASTKKX NOKTIl A.M1;HI(;A. Tarsus, ciilirrly t'l'Mtlicrcd ; axillary plumes, smoky gray with white shafts, and tipped with white; the male liaa tlif, breast black ; ilio IVmalo lias tliiitt cinutdriisis. See No. 237. Section 2. The following species have the greater portion of the primaries white. Depth of bill at base, .40 or more ; uo black on lores ; shafts of secondaries, not black. Willow Ptarmigan. Lagopus h((jopits. See No. 240. FAMILY TETKAOMD.K. (JIUJlSK, rARTItllXSRS, QIAILS, ETC". lo3 Depth of tiill at base, .40 or mure; uo black (>, less than .40. J)i sitmuirr : back, f^ray, inixctl uitli l>l.u'k, i>r tawny bnlV, or ^••I'ay anil white. In u-fnt'-r : Iiliiniaijft'. wliiti'; loi'cs, iKually (not always ) hhick. Rock Ptarmigan. Liit/iijiiis ri^jii'stris^ e])th of bill at l)a.-<(>, Ic-is than .40; shafts of secondaries, not black. ( onlini'il to inland of Xewfouudhiud. Welch's Ptarmigan. LiKjopn.i v'i'Ichi. See No. 2 W. IM KKY TO TIIK BIKDS OF EASTEUN NOIMII AMEUICA. FAMILY PHASIANID^. Pheasants, Turkeys, etc. SUBFAMILY MELEAGRIN/E. Turkeys. Toes, four, the hind toe elevated above the rest ; bill, rather short and stout; wing, short and somewhat rounded, the outer primaries curved; wing, over 12 inches long. Kescmhics (loinostio Turkey, but legs usually pink red; i»rim!iries, broadly ba'red with white. Wild Turkey. Mdeaijris gallopavo. See No. 248. Similar; hut primaries with irregular white marking. Does not occur north of Florida. Florida Wild Turkey. Meleagris gallopavo osceola. See No. 249. FAMILY COLUAIUin.i:._i.,oEONS A^D D0VE8. 155 FAHILY COLUMBID/E. Pigeons and Doves. a soll;Jl"J,!:'"V'" ""* ""'""'* "■»- "•' -»'= "osun, openin, into » soit tiesKy membrane; tarsus, usually shor.,-r th.- .1. . rather long and flat. '" ""* '"*' ' *'"*^' Group I. Wing, less than 5.50 inches long. ■Steel-blue spots. or Ground Dove. Columhiiiallina passerina terrestris. See No. 2r)5. 1,5(1 KKY TO TIIK UIUDS OF KA8TKUN NOKTH AMKUICA. Group 2. Wing, from 5.50 to 7.50 inches long. Section 1. Primaries, dark slaty brown or blackish. I ppor parts, f^rayish olivo; crown, tiii(i with slat*' color; aides of neck, with piirpiisli iiictallic rofloctiotis: a Miiisli lilack spot oii lower edjic of ear coverts : wing coverts, not broadly tipped with white; tail, pointed; middle tail feathers, mucli loiio^er than outer t.'athers. nourning; Dove. Zcnaidura marroum. See No. 252. Wing coverts, broadly tipped with white; crown, and back of the neck, drab color; tail, square not pointed; outer feathers, but slightly shorter than mid- dle ones; tiTniinal fourth of tail foather-!, ashy, or ash gray. White-winged Dove. Melopclia U'HCi>i)tcr((. See No. 254. FAMILY con MBID.E — PKIRONS AND DOVES. 157 Uiii;;, uvi'i Jl.TiU iiirhis loii;; ; no uiiiif on \\iiijjj»; >jenoi"al pliiiiiiiKO, slaty blue, varying in sitadi*: tail, square; .iilnlt l)irils liavf top of lioad. whltt>. White Crowned Pigeon. Cnfitm/xt Icut'nci'phaUi. S('« No. 'IM. <'ro\vn, bluish iKtidcnd by lil.ick: a white xtripe from back of head, under eye to (•bin: ihrn.ii mul ni)p< r bi!in -ipcries neiidi-ntal on l-lorida Key^? Blue-headed Dove. Starwviuis ti/iDiorijihfilii, See \o. 25S. Section 2. Greater portion of primaries, rufous brown. Heliy and line below eye, whitixb. West Indian sppoies aecidental on Florida Keys. Key West Quail Dove. t/cDtrytjon chrysen. See Xo. 256. IJelly, einiianioii or vinaeeous biitV; spot of blue blaek beneath eye. West. Indian specie- aeeidental in Sourbern Florida. Zenaida Dove. Ze7iaklu zenakln. See No. 253. Belly and line below eye. tawny huir. West Indian -peeies aeeidental on Florida Keys. Ruddy Quail Dove, riountain Dove. Geotryc/on mnntanu. See No. 257. ir)8 KEY TO TIIK BIUDS OF EASTEUN KOitTII AMEUICA. Group 3. Wing, over 7.50 inches long. 'I'ail, pointed and latliiT loiif;; under tail covertjJ, white. Tail, s(iiiarrui>: Sh*! No. 2.t1. White-crowned Pigeon. C'olitniliii h'uriircphitht. See No. 2.50. FAMILY CATHARTID^. American Vultures. Plumage, black or dark brown ; hind toe, short ; claws, not sharp ; head, bare in adult. Group 1. Wing from 14 to 21 inches long. Section I. Wing, less than 17 inches long. Ili'ad and loreiit'ek. hare; skin of head, i)laeklsh; general plumage, hlack; primaries, hoarv white heueath. Black Vulture. Carrion Crow. Cnthd rista nnihii. See No. 260. FAMILY CATHAKTID^. — AiMEKICAN VULTUKES. Section 2. Wing» over 17 inches long. I (IciuTal itluniago, hrownisli black or dark brown; bill, wliiticli; the adult lias the licad without feathers, tlie skhi beiiij^' red; iiuinature birds have the liead feathered. Turkey Buzzard. Turkey Vulture. Cathnrtia duni. See No. 25!). I 160 KEY TO THE UIKDS OF KASTEUN KOIiTlI AMEIilCA. FAMILY FALCONID^. HAWKS, FALCONS, p:AaLES, ETC. ili^l i J (iKOUP 1. Wing, less than 8.50 inches long. See page 162. (Jitoi;!' 2. Wing, 8.50 to !». 50 inclies long. See page 10.3, (iiioii' ',i. Wing, 0.50 to 113 inches long. See page 164. Section 1. Species having second primary longest. See page 105. Section 2. Species having third primary longest. See pagti 166. Section 3. Species having fourth primary longest. See page 166. Guoul' 4. Wing, l.'{ to 15 inches long. See page 167. Section 1. Second primary, longest; first and second primaries, emarginate or notched. See page 167. Section 2. Third primary, longest; face, bare. See page 167. Section 3. Fourtli primary, longest ; ui>i)er tail coverts, white. See page 168. Section 4. Fourth primary, longest ; upper tail coverts, not white. See page 168. (iKOUP 5. Wing, 15 to 17 inches long. See page 170. Section 1. Second primary, longest; only first primary, notched. See page 171. Section 2. Second primary, longest; first and second primary, uotclied. See page 171. Section 3. Third primary, longest. See page 171. Section 4. Fourth primary, longest; four or five outer primaries, notched; upper tail coverts, white. See page 173. Section 5. Fourth primary, longest; four or five outer primaries, notched; upper tail coverts, not wliite; no featliers on the tarsus. See page 173. Section 6. Fourth primary, longest; four or five outer primaries, notched; upper tail coverts, not white; tarsus, partly feathered. See page 173. Section 7. Fourth primary, longest; four or five outer primaries, notched; tarsus. entirehj feathered. See page 174. Section 8. Fourth primary, longest; three outer primaries, notched. See page 174. (iuoup 6. Wing, 17 to 21 inches long. See page 174. Section 1. Third primary, longest; tarsus, wholly feathered. See page 174. Section 2. Tliird primary, longest ; tarsus, nut wholly feathered. See page 177. Section 3. Fourth primary, longest; tarsus, without feathers. See page 178. Section 4. Fourth primary, longest ; tarsus, partly feathered. See page 178. Section 5. Fourth primary, longest; tarsus, entirely feathered. See page 178. Okoup 7. Wing, over 21 inches long. See page 170. FAMILY FALCONII>^:. — HAWK8, FALCONS, EAGLKS, KTC. 101 Plrst primary, emarglnate or notched. First two primaries, eiuarglimie. Swallow-tailed Kite First three primaries, eninrglnaie Swalnson's Hawk First four primaries, emarglnate Rougli legged Hawk Klrst live pilniaries, eiiiargliiate, Haiti Kagle. i43*- 0 l'>2 KEY TO THE HIUDS OF EASTERN NOUTII AMERICA. FAHILY FALCONID/E. Hawks, Falcons, Eagles, etc. Toes, four, three in front, one behind ; toes, with strong, curved talons or claws; bill, with cere (skin-like covering at the base); bill, strongly hooked. Group 1. Wing, less than 8.50 inches long. ill '^^■l^y'i Jliile. FiMimle. IJmiip and upptM- tail oovertfs, rufous brown ; tail, more or less markod with rufous brown; tarsus, less than 1.50; second primary, longest. sparrow Hawk. Fal^o sparverins. See No. 295. If limp iinil upper tail coverts, slaty brown; tarsus, over; fourth primary, longest. Sharp-ahinned Hawk. Accipiter velvx. See No. 366. FAMILY FALCONIDJE. — 1IAWK8, FALCONS, KA(iI.E8, ETC. ig;5 Kuini> and uppor tail covorts, dark lirowii; hrcasl, sircakcd witli dark hr.)\vii : m<> rufous browii oil tail; second primary, longest. Pigeon Hawk. Fairo r(ilumlinri7is. .See No. 2!)2. Group 2. Wing, 8.50 to 9.50 inches long. Second prima r,v, loujjest. Pigeon Hawk. Fah'o CdUiniharina. See No. 2!)2. Fourth primary, lonjrcst; outer tail foathcr, throe quarters ineh or more shorter than middle teatlier; tail, usually umre than 7. -J.") loiiij. Cooper's Hawk. Arn'in'fpr rmipcri. See No. 267. 104 KKY TO TIIK IJIIiDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. Fourth primary, longest; outer tail feather, less than three (juarter inch shorter than niiddlc featluT ; tail, usually less than 7.25 long. 5harp-shinned Hawk. AccipitiT nhi.i-. See No. 26(;. :iivi , ii: Hi! ' ■i:!!i Group 3. Wing, 9.50 to 13 inches long. Section I. The following species have the second primary longest. Upper surface of inner wob of first primary, without bars; breast and belly, white. White-tailed Kite. £■/«/( ?(s Icnntrun. See No. 262. 1 FAMILY KALCOMIM;. — HAWKS, FALCONS, KAGLES, ETC. 1(55 Upper siutaci! u{ inner wfb of first primary, barred with white; hrejist and l)elly, streaked. Prairie Falcon. See No. 290. ri)l)<'r surlace ol inner wel. of first primary, barred witK pale rufous brown; l)reast and lielly, streaked. Duck Hawk. Peregrine Falcon. Fdlcii pcn-f/rhui.s mn/liim. See No. 201. Section 2. The following species have the third primary longest. Holly, .slaty <,M-ay (aduli ,, or i.ntVy suvaketl more or less with pale nn.wn (imma- ture) ; upper tail coverts, not white. nississippi Kite. /ctin in m issiKsfp/ > ic u si See No. 2P>H I ' 166 KEY TO THE BIRDS OF EASTERN NOUTII AMERICA. Section 3. The following species have the fourth primary longest. I'ppei- tail c-ovorls, whito; tarsus, less than 2.25. JJaic north of Florir of outer priiiiiiries, not heavily barred with dark hrov/n and white; tail, less tliau !•.")(): up|)er surfaee ot tail, with distinct white bars. Red-shouldered Hawk. liiitc) lini'd/ns, and nirex. See \o. 27'>. I'liiler surface of primaries, heavily harred with darlv itrowa and while; wiiij;, uuder 11.50. Cooper's Hawk. ^ {('cijiiti r I'Diiiirri . See No. -Hu. Belly, white, without -lre;ilro\\ ii and white; tail feathers, more or less tiuii;e(l with pale rulou- : primaries, not tinged witli rufous (iniinature). Red-tailed Hawk. liutcn hiircaUs. See No. 271. ri)l)er surface of iiuier wch of outer tail feathers, liarred witli hrown and white; tail f<'atliers, more or less tinixed with pale rufous; primaries, more or less tinged with rufous (immature). Red-shouldered Hawk. liutca liiic((tiis. See No. 275. Upper suiface of tail, dark hrown, barred with white (adult). Red-shouldered Hawk. ■ Buteo linrtitits, and I'accs. See No. 275. Face, bare; has.-il portion of t.ail, whiU", barreil with black (u- dark Itrown; end of tail black; thighs. l)lack or dark l)rowu. Audubon s Caracara. Poli/bonis clicriiritij. See No. 297. FAMII-V lALCOMIU:. — HAWKS, FALCONS, EA(iLKS, KTC. (■.!» Adult. .SwaiiisonS Hawks Iinniature. Throat, white; lucast, dull Id-owii: thiirli-. liarii'd nilnn-; lnowii and wliiii': three outer prlinarios I'luariiinato or notolicd (adult) Swainson's Hawk. Bittri) .su'idiisniii. hce No. '2i I . Throat, iMitldr ImiU' whitf; breast, heavily marked with dark hniwu: thi,i;h-. i>ale rufou-er<'(jriniiti (tnntnm. See No. 25)1. Lenfjth, (tv(M' 10; under tail coverts, white, witliout i^pots. White Qyrfalcon. Falcn isbtndus, and races. See No. 280. Lenj^th, over 19; under tail coverts, marked with dusky or .spotted. Gray Qyrfalcon. Fulco ruxtkoUts. See No. 287. (li FAMILY KAIOONID.K. — HAWKS, I'ALCONS, KA(»LK.s, KTC. 171 Section 2. Second primary, longest; first and second primaries, emarginate or notched. IJacU. ciitirt'ly l)ro\vii; belly, white, willioiit strcaki^; iimliT tnil rovcrt-i, pmc wliih'; tarsus, tn-arly liaif. Fish Hawk. I'lnidi'iii Inilidifiis ruriiliihiinis. St'n No. -ills. Hark, Itniwii; liflly, l)n>>»ii; uri(lfr tail i'«»v<'ils, "vit wliilt' Black Gyrfalcon. Ftib'ii riifitii'dlii.f iilisDlctuti, Sfo No. 2S1». Hai'k, slaly liiowii and uliitr; iiiiilt'i' tail covt'rts. '|>o|l<'nmarios, white, sliowiuij,' numeiiius inipiTlVct liars: belly and thighs, pure white; liaok, dark lu'own. Fish Hawk. Pnndiun haliaetus. See No. 298. Two outer primaries, notched; jjrimaries, dark slaty blue, sliowinf; ^reeiiisli liuirewhen lield in tlie lij;iit; tail, long and forked; underparts and thif);h9. white. Swallow-tailed Kite. £hin<>i(^-s forjiiiitus. * See No. 261. i FAMILY FALCONID.E. — HAWKS, I'ALCoNS, EAGLKS, EtC. 173 Section 4. Fourth primary, longest; four or five outer primaries, emarginate or notched ; upper tail coverts, white. rndor siirfiifo of tail, whitish ;it haso ; one broad >>til)tprminal hand of dark hrowu, tipiK'd with grayish white; upper maudihle, loni>; and eiirved (sco cut). Not recorded north of Florida. E\erglade Kite. EoHtrh ti ii> Its !iori((bilis. See No. 2(54 . Upper inaudible, hawk-like (see cut) ; under surface of tail, white or pale rufous with several bands of dark brown. Harsh Hawk. Circus hiiilsonius. See No. 205. Section 5. Fourth primary, longest, four or five outer primaries emarginate or notched ; upper tail coverts, not white ; no feathers on tarsus. Face, hare; I)ack, l)rown; thijifhs, black or dark brown. Audubon's Caracara. rohjhorns chfrimiy. See No. 207. Section 6. Fourth primary, longest, four or five outer primaries, emarginate or notched ; upper tail coverts, not white; tarsus, partly (but not entirely) feathered. I'ail, bri<::lit lufous i)rown (adult): tail, whitish or ^.Trayish. with inunerous brown bars (,iuiuiature). Red-tailed Hawk. liutco liorcdlis. mid rai'cs. See No. 271. (General plumi'^e, dark sooty brown, sometimes witli underi)arts pale, mon^ or less streakeil and spotted. Harlan's Hawk. BuU'o horonlis harlnni. See No. 274. 171 KKY TO TIIK JMUDS OF KASTRKN NORTH AMERICA. Section 7. Fourth primary, longest; four or five outer primaries, emarginate or notched ; tarsus, entirely feathered ; upper tail coverts, not white. Thlijlis, tawny, iniirt' or li-ss str«'iiktM^ or l)!irn'(l American Rough-legged Hawk. Archihit/cii hii/oinis siinrti-idhiiintix. See No. 2S1 . (h-ihtmI ]»limi;iM;c. ^ooty ln'owii or l>l;ii'k (l)l;u"k i)limui;;o). American Rough-legged Hawk. ArrhihiiU'i) liiijapKn Kunrti-inhaiinis. See No. 2S1. Tliii, liiiiit'd willi deep rufous wiili iiiinitTous Itar-;. Ferruginous Rough-legged Hawk. Arrliihiitcofirnii/initis. See No. 2S-2. Section 8. Fourth primary^ longest ; three outer primaries, emarginate or notched. TaiNUs, piirtly l'f;ilh»'n'(l; throat, white (atliih); throat, tawny or I)iitt"(iiiiiniiture). Swainson's Hawk. Jilltro Slfililltti))!!, See No. "277. Group 6. Wing, 17 to 21 inches long. Section 1. Third primary, longest; tarsus, wholly feathered. I?a-al iiortioii of inner web of priinarieiJ, ]ar;;ely white, without bars; thighs, tawny or hntV. more or less barred ; tarsus, thickly feathered. American Rough-legged Hawk. Archiliitliii IiK/npiis sinirfi-johdiniis. See No. 'iSl. Hasal jiorlion of inner weh of ]iriinarie>>. ]ar«;ely white, without bars; thijiiis, linjifd with deep rufous heavily barred. Ferruginous Rough-legged Hawk. Archiliutrii f<-mii/iiuiis. See No. 2S2. FA.MII-V 1 .\L( OMD.i;. — HAWKS, lALCONS, KA(;i.I.S, KIT". 17.3 l!n>;i(l-\vi!iir('cl Hawk. Ued-8houl(leieil Hiiwk. 171'. KKY TO TIIK niUDS OF KASTKKN NOUTll AMKUKA. M. I"! •i*\ Oi)a\M\\\k. Uyrfulcou. ■Mh f FAMILY FALCONIDvi;. — IIAWKS, FALCONS, KAOLES, ETC. 177 Cloiieral i»lumii};o, entirely sootj' brown or black; primaries and tail, with more or It'f^s white or ^ray. American Rough-legged Hawk (black plumage). Archihuti'i) liojajnts tmncti-JDhainiis. See No. 281. Section 2. Third primary, longest; tarsus, not wholly feathered. VVliiif, less than l',»; a i)art of inner web of outer primaries, wliite, showinjj innnerons imperfeet bars ; thij^hs, blael; or darlc brown ; face, bare. Audubon's Caracara. PoUjhdriiA rlirriiciii/. See No. 2!i7. Witr;-, from Kl.DO to 21; a i)art of inner wcl) of outer i)rimaries, wliite, showin;:; nuiiHious imperfect bars ; three outer primaries, notched ; belly and thighs, pure white; liacii, dark browu. Fish Hawk. Pnniliini h'tliin'tuit rariiHiinisis. See No. 2s.-). Win;;, less than I!*; ])rimarics, dark slaty lilue, showin;; greenish tin^je when held in Uie li^rht : two outer primaries, notched ; tail, lonjj and forked ; uiulerparts and tiii«?li9, pure white. Swallow-tailed Kite. El'iiiiiidis fiit'Jicittns, See No. 201. v -I? 178 KEY TO TMR HIRDS OF EASTEKX NOUTII AMERICA. w Wing, always ov«^r; belly and thighs, never white ; oniy iidult l>inls liave the hood ami tail, white. ^1 Bald Eagle. 1; ILilidctiis lenrncpphiiluK. 1) See No. 2Si). !| Section 3. Fourth primary, longest; tarsus, without 1 1 feathers. '^1 Bai'k, l)r()\vii; face, hare. i;;' Audubon's Caracara. !] FnhjItDrici rhcriway. Sec^ No. 2it7. Section 4. Fourth primary, longest; tarsus, partly (not entirely) feathered. Tail, rufoiis hmwii (adult); tail, whitish or jirayish. with numerous l)rown bars (iinniaturti). Red-tailed Hawk. DnU'o horealis, and races. See No. 271. fJeneral pluinafje. dark sooty l)rown, sometimes witli pale underparts, more or less streaked and sjtotted. Harlan's Hawk. Bitlco horenlia harJani. See No. 274. Win*?, always over IS. HO; only adults have head and tail white. Bald Eagle JInUitetiis }i'U< ..ophitlun. See No. 285. Section 5. Fourth primary, longest; tarsus, entirely feathered. Thighs, tawny, more or less streaked or Itarred. American Rough-legged Hawk. ArchihiUco le, sooty l)rown or hlaek (lilaek plumage). American Rough-legged Hawk. Archihuteu hnjopns sanrti-johanuis. See No. 281. ; 1. i"iK riiii^hs, tinged with deep rufous with numerous hars. Ferruginous Rough-legged Hawk. i!{!l i ArcliiliKteo fernKjincus. - y I See No. 282. =11 ; FAMILY FALCONID.K. — 1IAWK8, FALCONS, EAliLKS. ETC. 170 Group 7. Wing, over 21 inches long. ''I I I Golden Eagle. Tarsus, entirely feathered; head and tail, iii'voi- white. Golden Eagle. Aijuild ihriisiii'/os. See No. 'iKl ISO iLtiY TO THE uiiiua oi' ^iASTJ::l{^ xNokth amekica. ■I Ml 'ill. 1.1! t !'• ; !i i III Tarsus, not entirely feathered; hcjul and tail, more or less white in old birds; younger b'- Is, have uo wliite on liead. Bald Eagle. Ualiwtiis Irurncijihdlus iSee No. 285. lii iifl J •la FAMILY .STRIOID.K. — OWLS. l.Sl FAiVlILY STRIQID/E. Owls. Radiated disk of feathers surrounding the eye; plumage, soft; toes, armed with strong curved talons. Group 1. Wing, less than 8.50 inches long. Section 1. Toes, thickly feathered. Blchanlson's <">\vl. Sil>V wlu't Owl. Wing, less than 6.10; iipixT pluinujte, dark riimiimoii lnowii, moic or less markeil witli uhili': iiiKlcrpnits, whitisli, slroaked willi lirowu; iiiiiiiaturr liinls liavc much white abuul llio lace. Saw-whet Owl. Acadian Owl. See No. 300. Wing, over 6.10; tipper phmia<;e, dark eiiuuimon hrowu, more or Ics«; marked with wliite ; uiideritarts, brown and wiiite. Richardson's Owl. ^iji'lahi ti'uijmahni richardsoni, bee Mo. ;105. 182 KI'.Y TO TIIK Him)S OK KASTKUN NOItTII AAMMilCA. ili 1 1 i«i! m ■[il i.ii I? I I I Section 2. Toes, nearly bare, or but thinly featliered. i^-^-^ii^" •■'-- M -^^•"-^'i i^^-- -"jffl )••» V ^ r ^ |AAyi^^^..■ S:: ni -^^'o <','■'' -■ Ik ^-r-- •' ^B ?f >"'iw '-'^: eitV . ■ ' . Wi'-- J' -^ H^i'^Q^ m cSi>^t^..V^€,:S -^> vif Screech Owl. About dill' tjitiirlir iiiitiiral xize. Tarsus, thickly feathered ; licad with two lioni-likc tuCts of f(^ath(M-s; liciicral lilmuMiic, >()iiu!liiin's j^ray, s(Mi)('tiiii(3s nilou-; lirowu, more or less stroakt'd and spoiled. Screech Owl. Mrijuxi'djis iisiii, 11)1(1 races. See No. 307. Tarsus, scantily feathered, usually ufarly bare, especially on the lower part; head, without horn=like tufts of feathers. Oecurs only iu Florida. Florida Burrowing Owl. Sjiiut'/to cnviruliirid jloridana. See No. .'{1"). Group 2. Wing, 8.50 to 1 1 inches long. Triinaries. dark hrou n. more, or les8 marked with tawny brown. Long-eared Owl. Asia ii'ilfiiiiiiiiiius. See No. 300. Primaries, dark l)rown, more or les.s marked with pure white; no horn-like tufts of featliers on liead. Hawk Owl. tSitriiia uhiUt cnjiiinich, .See No. 313. FAMH-Y STKKUD.K. — OWLS. l^-*^ I I I Group 3. Wing, II to 13 inches long. ( plumule, Imnvii, nintilcd, .iiid slrciiki-d : tiiidcrpart-. streakeJ and barred wiili Ijiowii; iocs, IVatluTcd. Barred Owl. S'lniiiiiii III I'lihufum. Sc(« No. ;{(I2. Uuderiiarts, streaked and barred wiUi lnown; too>>. in'arly liair. Florida Bat red Owl. Sijrniiiiii III li'iliisinii itUrjti, heu No. JU3. Barn Owl. .-thout one neveiith natural nhc I'ndprparts. white, or tawny wlntc, with inoreor less small spots of hrown : middle too nail, with conib-likc, edge. Barn Owl. Strix jirnliiK'iiln. See No. 2i)!». Group 4. Wing, 13 to 15 inches long. Section I. Second primary, decidedly shorter than fourth. Underpaitw, white, barred aud streaked with hrovvu; toes, more or less feathered. Barred Owl. Si/i'iiifi^n ix'hnlosnm. See No. 302. 1»1 KKY Ti> TIIK imilW OF KASTKIU. NOKTU AMKUICA. M '.' 1 I'i:: vw^J^"^' IImwU Owl. ■*'■' Uurrowiug Owl Barred Owl. Snowy Owl. FAMII.V .STKKilD.K. — OWLS. l.S'> I'lidorpartH, wliitt', li.iiifil and sin-aktMl wiili l»nt\vii; Iocs, nearly liaic ( (criir- i» Florida and (Jull Slates only. Florida Barred 0>vl. iSijniiiiiii jiiiiiil'isKiii iilhiii. Sot' Xo. :{().'{. Section 2. Second primary, about equal in length to fourth. Two lar>'<'. ear-likt! tiifts of feathers altove the eyes. Great Horned Owl. Bnliii n'rijiiiiidKix, mul riin s. See No. .'{Oil. Section 3. Second primary, decidedly longer than fourth. vS* Short-eared Owl. I'nderparts, streaked ; t'cet, thiekly feathen^d. I'uderparts, wliite or ImlV wliite, more or less spotted; feet, nearly barf Short-eared Owl. Aalo wcijiitriinis. See No. .•fOl. Barn Owl. Slri.i' jinitiiiiiild See No. 2(1!) . I \Hi\ KKV lO rilK lilKDS OF EAiSTEUN NOKTIl A.MKKICA. Group 5. Wing, over 15 inches long. I' "I : Hill, lil;ifk; ^■.'iit'nil pliiiiiiii;<', tawny black and white; lun'ii-likr iiifi-^ of i'oalliers ovfr Ihc oyc.-. Great Horned Owl. J>hIhi ririjiiiiiitins, and rnrrs. Sec \o. ;{()'.•. Hill, black: ji't'iuM'al iiliiiiia^i", white, usually uion' <»r less marked with slate browu, or dark brown ; no horu-like tults of tealliers over the eyes. Snowy Owl. Xijrldl injiltK. See No. ;{I2. Hill, yellowish; no horu-like tufts of ftiathers over eyes; general plunia,::!'. gray mixed with white and ilark browu. Cireat Gray Owl. Si-utidji/ix riiii ri a. .See No. 304. Gruiit Uray Owl. Gruut Ilurnua Owl. FAMiLV i'61HACll>.i;. — I'AUUUTS. 1S7 FAHILY PSITTACID/E. Parrots. Toes, four, two in front and two behind ; bill, with cere (a skin-like covering over base of the bill). "''WW' • Iciicnil |ilimi;i^('. f:;i't't'ii, iikut ni- Ics^ yt'lhuv mIioiiI the lioad. Carolina Paroquet. See No. 31G. Oiu'c roMimoM ill SoiitlnMii Sl;il('«; ;iii|i.'iri'iUly ii"-,. I'cstriclcil \n I'lmiila mii'I lii(li;iii 'rcnilorv. M ISS KEY TO TIIK IWHDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. FAMILY CVCVUDJE. Cuckoos. Feet, zygodactyle (two toes in front, two behind). IIIM Under mandible, yellow ; greater portion of primaries, rufous brown, tipped Willi f;r:iyi>»li nlivc: uiKicipaits, dull wliitc: oiiu'r tail fcatluM-s, lilai'U. tippod with white. Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Cnci'iizux nmcricanus. Seo Xo. 320. Under mandible, yellow, tip, hlack: primaries, grayish olive, not rufous brown; lu'lly, tinned with i>al(' ruroii^*. nangrove Cuckoo. Cocpi/zus minor^ and 7'nri's. Soe No. 318. Bill; black; no rufous hrowu on pninarles; underparts, dull whito; out(>r tail, liki! I).;''k in color. Black-billed Cuckoo. Coccyzns ernthrophthnhniix. See No. 321. General plumas*', black ; bill, black. West Indian species, recorded from Florida; acci^K. — WOODI'KCKKUS. lill FAMILY PICID^. Woodpeckers. Tail feathers, stiff and pointed ; bill, strong and sharp. Woodpeckers are commonly seen climbing about on trunks of trees. Group 1. Wing, less than 4.25 inches long. I'.Mck. hliii'k. -^1 ic.ikfd w itli w liitt' ; i-rowii. with red iiiu'li;il patrh (iiiiilr); witliout red mirlial \y.\\v\\ i fcniiilc) : tail feath- ers, stiff and pointed; toes, four, two ill front, two Ipt'hiiid. Downy Woodpecker. Ih'ijiilxtti s pulicsntm. See No. :{•_>(!. Group 2. Wing, 4.25 to 5.50 inches long. Section I. The Vollowing species have three toes; no trace of red on the crown or nape. .s i'ot's, tliivc; crown, yellow; iciok, l>Iiii*l<, withotit whito (tnalc). Arctic three-toed Woodpecker. Piriiiih's iircficiin. SiM> No. ."{28. 1 !f 192 KKY IT MHtr>" OV KASTEHN NOIITII AMRHIOA. Toes, tlirtMi; crown, liliick; hark, hlack, ii'ithoiit vhite. Arctic Three-toed Woodpecker. Pirnidi's ((rrlicuH {female), SiM' \(). ;V28. 'Poos, throo ; orowii, yel- low ; hark, hhick and vhitr. American Tliree-toed W odpecl tail featliers; back, heavily banded with white and black; upper tail coverts, black. Ked-cockaded Woodpecker. Dryohiitps hurcnlix {male). See No. 327. Rump and upper tail coverts, pure white; greater portion of tertials and secondaries, white; the shafts, black ; iiiiier \vch>i of two middlf tail feathers, not marked with wliite. Red-headed Woodpecker. Mplnnrrjifs ('rijtlirorcjihnluH ( immature). See No. ;};{2. Inner webs of two middle tail feathers, heavily marked with white; lielly, usually tin^'Jt'd witli pale yellow. Yellow-bellied Woodpecker. S'phyrd/iirus rarins {immature). See No. 3;50. Section 3. The following species have four toes, and more or less red on crown or nape. Crow II, black ; a patch of red on the occiput ( back of the bead) ; ear cov- erts, black ; no w liite on inner webs of two middle I ail feathers; back, black, with white patch in middle, but not heavily banded with black and white; wings, with round white spots ; upper tail coverts, black. Hairy Woodpecker. Dfyobates villosiis (male). See No. 324. Crown, black ; a narrow i)atch of red on either side of the occiput (back of the head); ear coverts, white; no white on inner wel)s of two middle tail feathers; back, banded bhick and white; upper tail coverts, black. Red-cockaded Woodpecker. Dryohatcs Ixirealis (male). See No. 327. m :»4 KKV TO TIIK BIRDS OK KASTKUX Noiil'M \AIKUir.\. '..11 :r Crown, red; throjit, red (mnlf); crown, red; throat, white (rcmnlci; belly, tinged with yellow; Iwo niiddlc t.iil fcMllicrs, licuvilj' iniirkcd with wliilcon the, iiuit'i- wnb.s; a patch of black on the breast, viiryini; in sizi'. ;icciirdiiiix to age iiii No. .'!:K). lU'il-lu'lIii'.l Woddiu'cUiT. Crown, red (nialo; crown, asliy gray, nape, red T female) ; tliroat. and under- parts, pale ash gray, the belly tinged with rod or Imll. acccirdinu to reason. Red^bellied Woodpecker. Mpldiierpis rarnlin us. See No. ;«:{. Rump and upper tail coverts, pure white; yrcatiM- pari of siTondarirs and tertials, white, with black shafts (.liafts, lilark; luiildlf tail fcatlicrs, not marked with white; belly, white. Red-headed Woodpecktr. Meld II IT I II' ft (' rijlh ri iccpli n/ns. iSee Ni). ii33. im .,1 ijm; KEY TO TIIK HIKDS OK KASTEUN NORTH AMKHICA. I ill I i1 Tliroiit, riMl or wliito, nut f,'r!iy ; Ix'll.v, tiii^^cd wiDi yellow. Yeliowbellied Woodpecker. iSpijrdjiicui^ cariii-f, 8ee No. li.JO. Yellow b*'llfefl WoofJpcckcr,, niddle tail feathers, marked with white; uiKUjrparts, jishy, tint^oil with rH or buff oa the belly. Red-bellied Woodpecker. Mc.huurpcs raroliii us. See No. 3&^. Group 4. Wing, over 8.00. 1 Bill, dark slaty, or blackish; upper plumage, blackish; basal half of whig fcathcis, white; whole crown, scarlet red (rtiide) ; front of crown, not ivd (female). Pileated Woodpecker. Ceophloeus pileatus. See No. 331. H:: FAMILY I'M II). K. — >V()(t|)I'K(KKKS. 1!)7 Ivory-billed Woodpecker. Bill, yellowish white; greater portion of plumage, black; greater portion of siHMiidaries, and tips of inner primaries, white; a wiiite stripe extends down sides of the neek to the hack; erest, bright red (male); crest, Idack (female). Occurs in Florida, and in a few localities along tlie Gulf coast. IJare. Ivory-billed Woodpecker. Campephibis j^n nripalis. bee No. 323. ,.^ liJ8 KEY TO rilK I'.IKDS OF KASTMtX NOI.TII AMKIIKA. \m i FAMILY CAPRIMULQID^. Night-hawks, Whip=poor=wnis, etc. Feet, small and weak; mouth, very large; bill, small; middle toe nail, with fine comb-like edge; front toes, connected at base. A Imiul of white on tlic wiiiix; tail Icntlifrs. not tippcil wiili wliiic. Night-hawk. ('Iiiinlcilr.i vir>/ini(iinis, mnl, ntrt's. S(>»> No. I{,'{7. Xo while on llic win:;: iiriinnrii's. liandcd wilii rufous hrown ;uin Mnck; winir. over 7.r)0. Chuck-will's-widow. Aiitrtistnmx^ r; tliroat. ashy whilr; tail feathers, with sharp spines, or points I'onncd iiy tl"' sliufts of tilt- fcallicrs. cxtcnilin;,' Itcyontl the wclis. 'I'lit' Swifts afn widely scparatfd <;cnt'riraliy from tin' Swallows: ImL piTsoris unfiiniiliar wiili birds nii^jiit look for Uit'iii under tlic, same familv. Chimney Swift. ( 'lull iirit jiiliK/irit. S('(! \(). .'{40. FAMILY TROCHILID>e. Humming-birds. Smallest of Birds. Wing less than 1.75 inches long (carpus to tip). 'I'liroat. ruliy red: liaik. f^olden i;reen (finale) : no red on tliroat (female and ycmnu' male ). Ruby-throated Humming=bird. Triivliilits C'lilulirls. See No. :{4l. 200 '^''^V Kt IIIK UIKDS OF HAM'KUN NOUTII A.MKKICA. FAHILY TYRANNID/C. Flycatchers. Group I. Wing, from 2.13 to 2.37 inches long. Bill, broad and flattened, with numerous small black bristles at base ; tip, with small but distinct hook. o53 Toj) of bill. .■^iile «if liill. j|^'ai^;j^|^l*?.s^'T^,, Hill, with pmiiJl liook ;it tij), flat and wide at -^■- '^^^^:':-^^'^ base; Itack, olive iiTfcii : belly, not yellow, ^^C*'^ ' - ?^ ^^^^^ or only faintly tinj^cd with yellow. I^V "^-^^ Least Flycatcher. v)\ Eiiiniihniitr iiiniiiiiiis. V See No. ;{.").'). Uack, olive jjreen ; belly, clear yellow. Vel.ow = bellied Flycatcher. 2tnpU^, luic jliirivciiins. See No. 352. Group 2. Wing, 2.37 to 2.75 inches long. I'nder inandil)lo, yellowish while; throat, whitish ; hroast ami l)elly,(hill white. tiu<;,ed with pale yellow; hack, olive greeu. Arcadian Flycatcher. Qreen^crested Flycatcher. Einpidonny vwcuceiis. See No. 363. M I FAMILY TYKANMD.E. — FLVCATCHKRS. ■20] iidcr iniindil)lf. yt'll.. V o u^ ' ■ • - ■" mil FlycitcluT. Under mandible, pale yellowish white, or ln'ownl-h while: back, tins;ed with olive brown ; w iiiii. over "-'.•in. Traill's Flycatcher. Emiii'' -th'.'' truillii iihinrinii. See No. ;{.")l. i^it*{®|**^ "'V "^ifefc. ^"*ler mandible, iisii.illy \m\v In-own or lirowni.-h %.\i,,^,SS whilr ; win;;-, under 2.(J0. Least Flycatcher EiiljiiihiiiKX hiiiiuaus. See No. .T)'). I tf -^ in I. f ! I 'i'r ii P i !l 'J il ii' ii 20 yn-) KKY TO THE BIKIJS OF EASTKltN NORTH AMKUICA. Group 3. Wing, 2.75 to 3.25 inches long. -~7-~- ■?» Bill, flat and wide, with small hook at tip, and black bristles at base. Wing, uiulor ;!.(>"); under mandible, yellowish while: throat and underparts, pule greenish yellow ; haek, olive green. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. Empidonax Jlariventris. See \o. 352. Wing, usually under 3.05; under in;inilil)le, yellowisli white: throat, white ; lireiist ;inil helly. wliitish, fiiinlly tinged witli yellow: back, dull olive green. Arcadean Flycatcher. Emil<'s. liliic'kish; haok, hrowiii'^li nlivf. Phoebe Flycatcher. iSui/iiriiis jihulii . ►See No. 34S. O"^ I'liiliT m;inilihlt>, pulo, usually yi'llowlsli, uv ycllowi-di hrowti , liack, dull olivo. Wood Pewee. ( 'miliijiiis rirrtis. See No. 351. 201 KKY ro rnK luitDs of kastkhx xohtii amkkica. VJ ^ii Group 5. Wing, 3.75 to 4.25 inches long Bill, with small hook at tip, and black bristles at base; back of tarsus, rounded. Flycatcher. Throat, grayish; belly, yellow; hack, dull oli\('; iiiiii'i' or I(>ss rufou-i In-owii on tlio tail ICMtlllTS. Crested Flycatcher. Mijiarchns vvinitns. See Xo. 347. Throat, grayish olive; belly, pale rufous brown; upper parts, olive gray. Say's Phoebe. Sayorvu snyit. See No. 340. Throat, and middle of belly, white, somctiiiKM tinjjod witli yellow; under inMndlhlc. i);iK' :it liiisc: iipiirr puns, hrowtiUh olive : greater jjortioa of breast, and sides of tlie body, Itrovvnish olive; npper mandible, l»lack ; a tuft of whitish feathers on the flanks. Olive-sided Flycatcher. CdiUoj'hx hori'iili:-. See No. .350. Throat and underparts, white; a very loig forked tail; crown, black, with yellow patch in centre; back, j;ray. Fork-tailed Flycatcher. Mil Old us tiji'ii II II IIS, See No. 342. FAMILY TVKANNIDiE, — FLYCATCHERS. 205 Group 6. Wing, 4.25 to 4.75 inches long. Back, blackish ; a concealed patch of fiery red on crown ; tail, tipped with white ; hfliy, wliite. King Bird. Tyra n n «,< liim » n us. See No. ;M4. Back, dull ash gray; a concealed jiatch nf oratijie rt'(l (in crown : tail, not tipped with white; helly, whitt . Gray King Bird. 'rijrannus dtnninit'tnsis, Hee No. 345. Crown and back, dull olive ; throat, gray; belly and under tail coverts, yellow ; tail t'eatheri^, heavily luarlied witii nifou.-;. Crested Flycatcher. Mili<(r
  • (', iiiitl a piiti'h lnc, li.irri'il with IpI.icU. ami (cM'fpt, iiiiilillr t'callii'is) lipiiiil witii uliitr; win;;-, l.liii', inarkfil willi wliilr; luulorparts. asiiy white; itn-a-it, wiili lilarl< li.iiiil. Blue Jay. (JijiiHiHithi I'viHtntn s«'(' \(). ;<(iO. Kori'licad, 'hroal, and si(lc4 df head, (lull white; hack ot" itkwii and nape. hlacU- isli ; hack, ^ray; tiiidcrpail.-i. ashy, palest on the throat. Canada Jay. J'irisiiri IIS riniiiiliiisis, iiiiil riirr.i. See No. ;«>;{. Group 4. Wing, 6.50 to 8.50 inches long. Iliad anil hieast, hhurk; lull, loa^, sliowiu^ more or less ^reeii and purple reih-c- tii»Ms, American flagpie. I'irn jiic't IniilsiDlica. See \o. 359. SUBFA/VIILY CORVIN/C. Crows and Ravens. Group 5. Wing, 9.50 to 15 inches long. I'luina^ft, black; win^, over 11.50; tarsiH, over 2.10; bill, over Crow. C'orvH.s iiiiK rii'tiinis^ ini *> ;\ '^V '^ 212 KKV TO TIIK HIICDS nr K ASTKUN NOIMII A.MKitirA. riuiiia);)-, l)lack; wing, iimh-i' 11.50; t:u 'tii*, iiuiUt 2.ltl; liUI, miili r I. so. i-'isli Crow. tJnmiK iissijni'jitH, Src No. :\W. Group 6. Wing, over 15 inches long. g>t-l^^ UUVVQ. (i(;nural plmiiagt!, black. Kaven. (Jorvitu iiii-it I- prhtripitlis. Sue No. 3JE. HLACKIMKDS, OKIULKS, MKADOW I.AKKS, lOTC. (irtOUP I . Win;:, l.-is tli.iii .'i.r.*. imhcH loii^'. S.m- \>:\;»};« 214. Sfiaioii -J. I'mitTpiirts, hliu'k or iK-avily strciikfil wiili lil.irk nitl.iik in own. .^cf |>:if,'i' :•>.*). UROUP 2. Win;;. ;{.■.■'. to J.'i.") ini-lu's Ioiil;. Sec \y.\jrv '2h,. SiH'tioii I. rn(l»'i|i.irt>, inor«- or lt'»"^ yellow. .Set! pajji' 217. Section 2. No yellow on uiiilerpai I-. See pa^je 21S. (jROUP 3. Winiu, 4.2.". to 1.7.') iiifhes Ion;;. See pa-;e 2l!». OROUP 4. Win^j;, 4.7.') to5..*.() inelie» Ion;;. Se(> pii<;o 222. GROUP 5. Wiiijj, .*».*)() to »»..•»() inclies lonir. See page 224. UROUP 6. Winj?, over t».."»0 liJcheH loiij;. See pav?e 225. !M KEY TO TIIK lUHDS OF EASTKKN NOKTIl AMEUICA. FAMILY ICTERID/E. Blackbirds, Orioles, Meadow Larks, etc. First primary, not sliort; base of bill slightly dividing the feathers of the forehead ; nostrils, exposed ; outer tail feathers, shorter than middle feathers. Group 1. Wing, less than 3.75 inches long. Section I. The following species have the underparls more or less marked with either yellow, orange, or chestnut brown. Ih'ad :in(l tliroat. IdiU'k; uiidfrpaits, orange yellow ; l>:n-k, l)liiok. Baltimore Oriole. Ictrriis i/illliulil ( iiKlli'). Set! N(.. ."{Til. Head. iii(tr«! or less marked with l)laok; l)ai'k, blackish; uiidiM-parts, (»raiii, pale yellow, usually with faint orange tin>je; wing, over 3.45. Baltimore Oriole. Icti'ridi iinlhiiln {hnuintnre). See \o. 87'J. [ '9'iW • -»»i — mi II ym im ^y^\ Head and haek, lilaek; rest ot under- parts, chestnut brown. Orchard Oriole. ' IrtiTUs xpiirhis ()i)(tl<'). See No. UTS. Crown and back, greenish, without ' stripes; uiiderparts, yellow (not p-'l orau■/'*(/•/«> ( fritiitif). See No. 878. Crown, with yellow l)un in centre, bordered by black; back, streaked with black; underparts, pale yel- low. tin«i;ed with bufl ; tail b'atliers, pointed. „. „, ^ Bobolink. KIce Bird. DoUchoniix itrij-irorns (fimdle}, bee No. 370. Orolmrtl Oriole. FAMILY irTKHFD.K. lU. ACKHIRHS, fUJIOF-KS, MKADOW LAWKS, KIT. 21;'» Section 2. The following species have the underparts black, or heavily streaked with black, or dark brown. Underparts, black, dlnti sliowin-; iiion- or less wliitish on tips ul rcalln-is; luad. lilai'U ; IdiiU <>t iii-rk, tawny, or tawny wliilc: hack, hlark. ^Iiailiny: into No. ;{7it. llndi'i parts, whitish ..r hntVy. sin-akcd with hiai'k. Red-winged Blackbird. Atjelnhin phifuirrus, oml rnris {J'nnnh'), 8«!t; No. ;{7:{. 2u; KKY TO Tin; muhs of kastkun noktii amkuka. Group 2. Wing, 3.75 to 4.25 inches long. First primary, never less than tliree fourths as long as third. K*' Uracklc, or Crow Bliickbinl. < )riolc Muuduw Lurk. FAMILY irXEUlDi*:. — BLACKIUUDS, OKIOLES, MEADOW LaUKS, ETC. 217 Section I. The following species have underparts with more or less yellow. Head and back, black; throat, black; i<'>i of mnU■r^l!lrt^. oiaii^e. Baltimore Oriole. /rlirnn ijulhiiln {nmh). See No. :«7!). Head and back, brownish black; throat, black; \i--\ <>r uiulcrpiirts, piilcr lliMM till' IMlllr. Baltimore Oriole. Icttriis ijnlliula {funnle). St'«' \o. :{7!l. Upper plumage, dull brownish olive; ruiiii>. yt-llowish olivt-; entire under- parts, yellowish white or pale buffy yellow, faintly tinged with orange. Baltimore Oriole. IrUriis (jiiU'iihi (ivniKiture), Hee Mo. 3. Underparts, pale buff yellow or tiiwtiy yt'llow ; wliitisli oti I'liiii; sides, stit'.ikt'd with l)liK'k ; iTowii, hliiokisli. with tawny stripe in cen- tre; back, streaked ; tail feathers, very pointed. Bobolink. DuUchoniix nryzivoruH {frmnle), iSee No. .">70. 21. H KEY TO THK HIKhS OK KASTKliN NOKTII AMKKirA. Throat and untlerparts, yellow; breast, with more or less black; cidsmi laowni-'h blark, wiili Imll xNliiii- stri|ie in centre. Meadow Lark. Sturm III! iiiilijini. S»'.' No. :{70. Section 2. The following species have no yellow on the underparts. Underparts, heavily streaked with olack ; throat, tinj^ed with tawny. Ked-winged Blackbird. Ayi'litiits /iliii iiii'iiis (^hiuuli}. St'u No. .'{7;{. Underparts, black, •;ciit>riilly wiili inon- ur l('-s li'iitlifi's ti|>|ii'il with (lull wlii'ic; crown, hhii'U; back of the neck, tawny ; tail feathers, very pointed. Bobolink. J}(>lichiiii!i.r. IValhrii on lln- nniirrpai-trt, lipptMl wiili niMty l»ru\\ii; niiil<'i-|iai't!<, not stn>ak)>il; no red on shoulder. Rusty Blackbird. Si'ii1fritphiitjn» rnrolhnis (Innitntiirr)^ Set' No. 3Sl . (ieneral plumage, black, more or less streaked and marked with brown, buff, and dull white; lesser wing coverts (-honlilrri, dull red. Red-winged Blackbird. Aijiht'iis iilid'niri IIS (ijiillhil liltlli'). S»M' No. HTH. Underparts, streaked with black; no ml |i.'il<-li on <.|ioiilil<-i'. Red -winged Blackbird. Aijiliiiiis flin nil I IIS I I'l mull ), iiiiil rucf's S«'f Nu. 37.'{. • yi-V- Head and breast, chocolate brown; ivst, ol plumage, gl(»Hny Mack. Cow Bird. Mnlothriis ntrr {ma?p Ufa No. 371. FAMILY ICTEUIDiE. BLACKmUDS, OKIOLKS, MKADOW LAUK8, KTC. 221 (leneral plumage, ^ray ; paltwt on tli<> throat. Cow Bird. MiihilliniH (ihr (J'lmiili). Si'f N... ATI. Throat, yellow ; belly, black; ailiilt niali'M hav<> t)i«> fiiiivc Ix'ail yt'llow : fcinalriii and iininatiiK- liiiiU Icivc llic rrowii otttMi lilarki-^li. Yellow-headed Blackbird. A'iiiUhoc)'i>hral |iliiiiia<;<-, dark slate or brownish sfato color; imili-rpartH, iii('liuiii<:; to |ilui)ll)<>o\ls. Rusty Blackbird. ScdIcriiplKKjns caroliiDis {female') [ndnll. in sniininr) See No. S81. 4 2ti KKY TO THK lllltDS OK KAHTKItN NOIMII AMKItK A. Group 4. Wing, 4.75 to 5.50 inches long First primary, not siiort ; base of bill, dividing the feathers of the fore- head ; nostrils, exposed ; outer tail feathers. sh<»r»er than middle feathers. Ut'lHTIll |i|lllllil^<>, lll*>tillli«- Itlllt', ^r<>cii, |>iii-|ilt', Mild >)n*tize. Crow Blackbird. Purple (irackle. (^iiisi-ihis tjnisciilit. iiiiil nms. Sw No. ;U3. rppcr ptumaKe, dark brown, oi- l.huUisli ; ti<.\vn. I.rown: underparts, brown- ish gray, sliadin^t l<» l>r<)\VMi>li wliii.- nr liiilly whit.- on |||,. ilnoal. Boat-tailed (Irackle. (^iiisrtihi.t iiiiijur {fniiliim,i«jt'. Itlnck ; a patch of scarlet red on the shoulder. Red-winged Blackbird. AijihtinH jiliiiiiiiritK (tiilitit mult') Ht'v No. ;r.'{. FAMILY IITKKID.K — III. ACKIUKDn, OlIIOhKS, MKADOW I.AI.'Ks. JH'. •J'J'A (iciifi'.il |>lmii!i';<', Itl.irk. iiKMc Mf It'-ix >j|r<'.ikfil and iiiarktMl with l»n(T, l»r<»\vn, ami tliill white; traoM nt more or less red on tin* iIhmiIiIii it-.-^i-r wiiii; covfit-i ). KedowinKCil Blackbird. Aiiflniug phii'tiireiis, 4iit(l runs {humntiirp). See No. :r:{. rn\\n, and lilt' ffallM-i'M >n tin- nmlcrpart'. liMpcd witli rusty ^.. brown. Rusty Blackbird. Sriiliriiiihii'iiis i-iirnlhiiis (iiiiili\ mid hn mat tire}, S,-.' No. .•d on the head with purplish or violet black; tln' hark and undci parli, tinj-"!! with int'iaiiic ;i;i<'i'M : no n-d on shoulder. WesiiM-n s|n'«'it'-i rare in Kaslrrn I'nilt'd Slates. Brewer's Blackbird. SntlfrophiiilitK riiittiiiciithiiliiii (^iiinlf). See \o. .'{K2. ■■^^-:.> Throat, yellow; belly, black; ainonnt of yellow on liead varies aironlinjr to age and season. Yellow-headed Blackbird. A'aiitlmri fihiihis .<,M', (lark l»rt)\vn m- blackish; crown, brown ; untlerparts, i)n)wiil?iay, sliadinj^ to brownhh white, or bulFy white on the throat (female). Boat-tailed Orackle. <^iiisra/ii.-< iiiiijor. See No. ;}SG, Tlintal, yellow : belly, black. Throat, yellow ; belly, yellow. Yellow-headed Blackbird. Xinitliiict'jili(i/iis .nnilhorcji/Hihis. See \o. ;{72. rieadow Lark. Sfiirnrllii m<(ini((, mni fii<'c', 2.1:{ t.. 'i.:!: itiohcs lonj;. Sec pafje 'i.'JO. I'.'iit 1. ISrca^Jt, niorc or li-ss streaked: oiiri)!il joint, olj^od with yt'llow. Sec jia^i" :2:iO. Tart 2. IJrt'ast. more or loss streaked; carpal joint, not yellow. See iia;j;e "i.'Sl. Part ;{. Hrea(l with yellow. See i)age 23(>. Part 4. I'nderparts, not marked with red, l)lne, ytiilow, or green : breast, not streaked: bend of wing (carpal joint), edged willi yellow. See page 237. Part r>. I'nderparts, in»t marked with red, l)lne, yellow, or green; the breast, not disthietly streaked, .•ind no ytdlow on bend of wing. See ])age 2.'!S. GROUP 4. Wing. 2.7r> to .■{.2.'> inches long. See page 23fl. Part 1. Tliroat or underparts, more or less red, blue, green, or yellow. See page 2;{',). Part 2. \o blue, red, green, or yellow on the un(leri)arts; more or less of throat, blaci; (.sometimes only the dun); breast .and sides, not distinctly streaked. See page •2A'^. Part .'{. No blue, red, green, or yellow on the nndeiparts; throat or chin, not black; breast or sides, not distinctly streaked; tail feathers, marked with more or leas white. See page 214. KA.MILV FltI\(SILLII>.K. SI'AKKOWS, FIN'CIIKS, CKOSSIU M,S, lU \l IN JS. 2'27 I'arl (. No l>lur, red, f^ri't'ii, or yt'lUnv on tli<^ tiiidcrpiirts ; tliroiit of iliiii, not lilmk: breast or sides, not distinctly strcalicd ; no wiiitf on tail fcatluT^. So(! |tM<;«' -2 1"). Tart .">. No i-cd, Idiii', jjrt'cn, or yellow on lln- iindcrparls ; throat, inon- or less (souif- tinifs only the »'liin) li!a(.'k ; lircast or side-*, distiiu'tly stn-alvt'd. Seti pajTt' -I"- I'arl ti. No red, lilnc, jijrccn, or ytdlow on tin; nnderparts ; lliroal oi- cliin, noi hlai-k: hri'asi, dislinctly s yellow, oran,!;e, or irreeii on tlie iinderparts. See ji.iiie 2i)X. I'art ;{. No red, yellow, otaiiu;e, or <;reen on the iinderparts. Sec? paj;e 2.">'.). GROUP 7. Winj;-. -4.2.") to l.7."i iiu'lu's lon^^ See p;ij;e 2;il. ^ ll 228 KKV TO TIIK niRIXS OF EASTKKN NOUfll AMEUrCA. FAAIILY FRINGILLID^. Sparrows, Finches, Crossbills, etc. First primary, not sliort, never less than two thirds as long as second or third ; bill, stout and conical ; nostrils, high, near the culmcn ; pri- maries, 9; tarsus, flattened behind. Group 1. Wing, 1.75 to 2.13 inches long. I'up of head, blackish, with tawny stripe in middle, iiiitl tawiiy strijx! over caoh eye. Leconte's Sparrow. AiniiKKlniunix hri>nU'U. ►See Mo. 4i;^. Aiiiinoil aiiiiis lecoiiteit. Animorlranms ciiui|;iciilu8. (Cotunilculue) hcnslowi. FAMILY FKIMJILLir^. — SPAKliOWS, FINCIIKS, C'UOSSBILLS, KTC. 229 Top of Iii'.kI ;iiu1 riapf, pale olive green, mixed with black ; no tawny stripe over eye. Henslow's Sparrow. Am nil II I ri mi 'IS In nslmi'ti. Set >;o. 112. Top of lii'Mil. brownish and slate color ; a lawny siriiic over r:iv\\ i\vi' : no ta' /ny stripe on middle of crown. Sharp-tailed Sparrow. Sharp-tailed Finch. Aiitnindritinus riniiliiini us and rufis. St-e No. 114. , -.^^v:;^ Back and rump, olive green; tliioai or -iil.'s ..r Mt>ck .^S?^^?^ I'lin'U (male), or "r.'iy (fciiiali"). Wrsi Imliaii >p('cif> '( "TjS^^l^s^-^ ;uH-i(lciital on Florida Ki'vs. \' I'hompaiii tiicolof. Black- faced Finch or lirassquit. Elti till ill liinihir. See No. ll',». Back and rump, olive green; -iidcs of iiccl<. vcIIkw (inalf . or tlnoat. rlifstnui brown (fcnialf). West Indian spt'cios aiH'idcnlal on l''lorida Keys. Cuban linch, or flelodious (irassquit. Eiicthiiii riiiinrit. 8i-o No. 150. ■J'M) KKY TO TIIK niUliN Ob EASTKKN NOKIH AMEiilCA. Group 2. Wing, 2.13 to 2.37 inches long. Part 1. The following species have the breast more or less streaked; carpal joint (bend of wing), edged with yellow: — Bill, dark; -ides ol head, i;i\viiy linlVfiH'liwino^ ;i |i.'ilrli ')!' ur.iy licliiiid tlir cvf : lic;i\ y l;n\ iiy ImlV siipi'ii'iliiiiy -iriiM'. Sharp-tailed Sparrow. Aiiiiiiiiilrdiiiiis iiiiiiliifiilii.s, mill rnriiiicn, Sw No. 411. Ammodramus maritimue. Bill, dark; ;i small s;jot of yellow iu trout of the t- yo ; no tawuy superciliary stripe. Sea^side Sparrow. Aminodrainiix vicritiinu/i, mul rarieties. See No. -117. FAMILY FRINOILLID.E. — 8PAKR0WS, FINCHES, CKOSSniLI.S, ETC. 231 Bill, <1ttrk; back, black; uiulei-parts, white, streaked aharplv with black. Uoour, ia Eastern Florida only. Dusky Sea-side Sparrow. Auimodram us niffrrsrius. Set' No. 419. Bill, pale horn color; sides of head and nap.'. tin<<;(>d with olive green. Henslow's Sparrow. Amriitiilrannis hnislnirH, See No. 412. Part 2. The followinsr species have the breast more or less streaked ; carpal joint (bend of wing), not yellow: — Breast, very faintly streakod: middle tail feathers, rufous brown, with Idark ^tripo in middle, indud- in«j the shaft ; win*? coverts and secondaries, edged with rufous brown. Swamp Sparrow. Mclonpiza i/ctiri/iaiia. See No. 43b. Meloti|ilza georgiaiia. Mclospiza lincoimS. Breast, sharply streaked with l)lacU; shafts of tail feathers, not black. Lincoln's Sparrow. Mclvspizn liurohiii. See No. 437. Part 3. The following species have the breast not streaked (in the adult*); carpal joint (bend of wing), edged with yellow: — Top of head, black with tawny stripe In centre; an orange brown spot over, and somewhat in front of, the eye. Yellow-winged Sparrow. Grasshopper Sparrow. Ammndramus savanvarvm passerivus. See No. 411. In ecveral spcclce, very young birds In first plumage have tlic breast streaked. 232 KEY TO THE BIRIXS OF EASTERN NOHTII AMERICA. Top of head and back, chestnut ana black; sides, somctimt's witli hhick sjtotH, OiTiiis only lis far as known in Florida and SdutluMii Cieor<^ia. Pine-woods Sparrow. PenciKf iistn-nlis. See No. 434. Top of licad and back, rufous brown with nioro or less ^ray on tVatlicrs; sides, witliout spots. Bachman's Sparrow. PeKi'dW lisliralis hnrhwntiii. See No. 435. Part 4. The following species have the breast not streaked (in the adult); carpal joint (bend of wing), not edged with yellow : — Winn I'ovtMts and secondaries, edi^cii with rufous brown; Hanks, brownish olive. Swamp Sparrow. Mtlos)>i::a (jcnrtiinitn . See No. 438. Winj; eoverts and wcondarics. edged with pale tawny bull"; tail feathers, brown, narrowly edged with brownish white; flanks, jialo bufly wliite. Field Sparrow. SpizpUa pnllufn. See No. 426. Splzella jinlllda. FAMILY FltlNGILLIDiE. — SPAUIiOWS, FINCHES, CROSSBILLS, ETC. 2.'}3 i|l Qroup 3. Wing, 2.37 to 2.75 inches long. ^ ^^^ 400 148 ^coo Part 1. The following species have the throat or underparts more or less marked with either blue, red, dull green, or bright yellow: — Utulcrparts, entirely yellow (male), or throat, yollow; underparts, dull olive ^\-w\ (foniale) ; winj^.s aud tail, black, marked with white; yellow on under- parts varies mueh, aceordiug to age and season. Yellowbird. American Qoldfinch. Spinun tristis. See No. 400. rnderparts, bright red, or tiuged with red: back, green: crown, blue Nonpareil Painted Bunting. Passerinn rirh (maJp}. See Xo. 448, Underparts, greenish: back, green. Painted Bunting. Passerinn riria ( frmale). See No. 448. 23J KEY TO TIIK milDS OF EASIKItX NOKTll AMKKICA. liKlt'ipiiils, hlia-; f^ciK'Hil |»liiiii!i;;»', ItliU'; wiiij?!* iiiul tail. Iiliu-U, «>(l<;fil wiili liliif. Indigo Bird. Indigo Bunting. I'uiiserinti iijiniiii (wKf/c). See No. 440. rudcrpiirts, more or les^ lilolelied witli liliie Indigo Bird. Passrriiiii ri/inirii (iiiiinitturt See No. 44(). Part 2. The following species have the underparts not marked with red, blue, yellow, or green ; breast, distinctly streaked ; carpal joint (bend of wing), edged with yellow: — Breast and flanks, tawny; a tawny stripe over the eye; outer i;iil fenthers, deeidedly shorter tliaii ini'ties. See No. 414. Breast, white, heavily streaked with black; back, black, the feathers edged with olive and gray; nutcr tail I'eatliers, shortest. Oecurs only in Florida. Dusky Seaside Sparrow. Ammodravi us )ii(jr(sr('ns. See No. 411). mm FAMILY FIUN(MLI.II).E. — SPAllUOWS, FINCUKS, CKOSSUIhLS, KTC. 235 Breast Jiiul thinks, grayish (sonH'thiics fsiliitly tiii;;»'(l with hiift'U ii «iiii:ill vfllow spot ill from of tilt! ey<': no tawny stripe over the eye; rump, grayish olive; undertail coverts, not white; oiitt'i- tnil r<';iiiirr<. >liort<>si. Seaside Sparrow. AiiiiiiiiilrniiiHs }iiiii'itit)nis. mid vnriptii'x, S.'f \o. 117. Seaside Sparrow. Breast ami flaulis, wliito strealioil witli lunwii; a yellow spot iu front of eye (ahi'tMit ill sonio pimnaiios) : riiiiip. piiit- lirowii. inarki'il witli dark lirowii: oiinv tail ffatlxTs, not sliorttM- lliaii niiiUllf ones: undertail coverts, white. Savanna 5parrow. Ammudramns sandwickensis nurantui. See No. 410. I '2M KKY TO TIIK lUHUS OF KAHTEKN NOUTII AMKUICA. Part 3. The following species have the underparts not marked with red, blue, yellow, or green; breast, distinctly streaked; carpal joint (bend of wing), not edged with yellow: — F(»i«'h»'iiil. rt'ddUli brown; orown, l»n)\M), willi iinpt'ilVi't yellow in front of cyt'; breast, white, lu'iivlly streakt-d with dark brown; outer tail feathers, shortest. Song Sparrow. Mflo:i.:ii j'treak«'38 KEY TO THE BIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. Part 5. The following species have the underparts not marked with red, blue, yellow, or green ; the breast, not distinctly streaked, and no yellow on the carpus (bend of the wing): — Crown and back, the same coior, brown without streaks. Indigo Bunting. Passerina cijunra (female). S«>(' Xo. 44(1. Crown and back, bright olive green, withuut streaks. Painted Bunting. Passerina ciris (female). Soe No. 448. Back, streaked with black; rump, olive brow u, streaked with l)laok : wing coverts and seoonilaries, liroadly ed«>ed with rufous browu; sides of body, clear olive brown ; middle ot l»elly. wiiitish. Swamp SparroM'. Melosinza ijeoryiana. Bill, black or dark brown; back, streaked witli black ; rump, slate gray ; adult birds have tlie crowu rufous. Chipping Sparrow. Si>ueUa socialis. See Xo. 425. Bill, rtddish brown; crown and back, rufous l)rown ; back, streaked with black : rump, pale grayish brown. Field Sparrow. iSpizella pusilhi. See Xo. 428. Bill, pale brown (not reddish browu); underparts, dull white (uot grayish ou sides us in sotialis) ; crown and back, pale grayish brown, streaked with black; rump. «irayish brown (not slate gray as iu suciaU's). Clay -colored Sparrow. Spizella pallida. See No. 426. mm FAMILY FKINOILLin.K. — SPARROWS, FINCHES, CROSSBILLS, KTC. H'M) Group 4. Wing, 2.75 to 3.25 inches long. Part I. The following species have the throat, or underparts, more or less red, blue, green or yellow : — riandibies, crossed ; <;ru»T!il i)iuiiiagc, dull hmI; winijs, hrownish : no white on wings (male)- American Crossbill. L. American Goldfinch. Yeilowbird. Sjiiiiii.i tristix (male). See No. 400. Maudlbles, not crossed; throat, yellow: Vfrr;iyi-:li nlive; tail and \vinjj:9, black, marked witli white. American Goldfinch. Vellowbird. Spinna triMis (fcitKih). See No. 400. Mandil)les, not crossed: cliin, while; tiiroat. lilack : breast, yellow ; lielly, white; back, streaked with bUick; shoulder, cliesluut. Dickcissel. Black-throated Bunting, Sjii.'!! iiitK'ricaiKt. See No. 451. I 242 KEY TO THE BIRDS OF EASTERN NOUTJI AMKUICA. Maudibles, not crossed; underparts, red ; crowu aid sides of head, blue; l)ack, green. Nonpareil. Painted Bunting. Passerina ciris (male). See No. 448. Mandibles, not crossed; underparts, tinged with red; upper parts, bright olive green; no white on wings or tail. Painted Bunting. Passerina ciris (tjonno iiiaU). See No. 448. Mandibles, not crossed; underparts, greenish yellow; upper pannage, l)right olive green ; no white on wings or tail. Painted Bunting. Pa^si'rinti cin'K {fvmaU'). See \o. 448. Mandibles, not crossed ; general plumage, blue, with l)lack wings and tail, edged with l)iuc. indigo Bunting, indigo Bird. Passerina ojanea (adiiU mah). See No. 440. Mandibles, not crossed; general i)luuiage, brownish, blotched with l)lue Indigo Bunting. Indigo Bird. Passerina vyniiiwa (ijoiiutj male). See No. 446. FAMILY FKIXGILLID.K. — SPARROWS, FINCHK8. CROSSBILLS, ETC. 2M\ Part 2. The following species have no red, blue, green, or yellow on the underparts ; more or less of the throat, black (sometiines only the chin); breast and sides, not distinctly streaked: — >:#■ Head, back, throat, and upper breast, black ; sides of body, rufous brown ; wiiijjs and t lil, l)liifk. iiiiirkt'd with white; l)ill, (liirli. Towhee Bunting. Pipihi enjtIiroplitlKiliiiiis {tnali'), mnl rncpn. See No. 440. Throat, blaclc ; crown, gray; nialm region, white; occiput, chestnut brown ; nunp, olive gniy; hill, l)iack. Hnglish Sparrow. Passer donipstirus (male). See No. 3l>0. Chin, biacit ; throat, white, slightly tinged with tawny ; rest of under- parts, white ; crown, fiery red ; rump, white, not streaked. Greenland Red-poll. Acanthis horncmannii. See No. 394. 244 KKY TO THK HIIJDH OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. Throat, smoky irray ; liclly, white; h-.wk and niiiip, ^ti-ayish hrowii ; 1)111, ])aln; outer tail feather, entirely white. Snow Bird. Junco. Jiinco hycmnh's. See \o. 4:{n. Part 3. The following species have no red, blue, green, or yellow, on the underparts; throat or chin, not black; and the breast or sides, not distinctly streaked; tail feathers, marked with more or less white: — Throat, grayish brown ; sides of body, deep rufous brown ; back, not streaked; bi'lly, whito; bill, black. Towhee. Towhee Bunting. Pipilo erythvophthahnus. See No. 440. Throat, gray; belly, white; l)aok ami niini), grayish brown; back, not streaked. Snow Bird. Junco. Junco hiiemalis^ nnd roci's. See No. 430. FAMILY FKIN(JILMI).E. — SPAKItOWS, FIXCHK", ("UOSSIJILLS. KTC. 245 Throat, white; crown, brown, with whitish stripe ilinm: bacit, strealted; tail ffatlicrs, l)roa.lly tippod with \vhit»'. Laric Finch. fhondi'stea i/rinn imtriis. See No. 420. Throat, ashy white ; belly, white, tinjjed with i)ale hiiffon siden : crown, bright rufous; tail featlit-rs. very nnirowly tMlijpd witii whitf; iipiior iiiaiidiiilf. liiack- \ii]\; lower mandibie, pale yellowish white, witii dark tip: back, streaked. Tree Sparrow. Spixclhi winlii'iifa. S.'e No. 424. Throat and underparts, pale buffy white or ashy white; ernun and l>ack. dull brown; l)nrk, streaked with l)laekish ; tail, very narrowly edjied witli buf!v white: bill, reddish brown; rump, 1)rowni3h. Field Sparrow. Spi::S OF EASTEHX NORTH AMERICA. Crown, brown, like back; throat and underparts, pale brown; wliiti^li un belly; breast, usually with indistinct streaks; back, brown, without streaks. indigo Bird, indigo Bunting. Pnssprinn cyancn (ftninli-). See No. 44r,'. Crown, biack, with white stripe in centre; stript' over eye, wliiie; usually more or less yellow in front of eye; throat, white; breast, grayish; carpal joint (bend of win^), pale yellow ; back, streaked. White-throated Sparrow. Z'lnntrichin idhiroUis. See No. 423. Crown, blaek, with while stripe in centre: no distinct white patch on throat; carpal joint (l)end of wing), not yellow; back, streaked. White-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leumj^hrys. See No. 422. Crown, brown, with fjrayish brown centre; njtpe, frray; bill, reddish brown; back, streaked,- wing coverts, tipped with white. White-crowned Sparrow. ZiiHdtrfchia h'nrophrijs (immaturr' See No. 422. Crown, light chestnut brown (streaked with black in young l)irds) ; rump, slaty gray; bill, biack; back, streaked. Young birds in fall have the bill brownish. Chipping Sparrow Spize.Ua sorinh's. See No. 425. Crown, rufous brown ; rump, pale olive brown ; upper mandible, black ; under mandible, pale, with dark tip ; back, streaked. Tree Sparrow. SpizeUa monticohu See No. 424. FAMILY J'liIM;iLLII).«. — SrAUUOVVS, riNCIIKS, CKOSSIULLS, ICTC Crown, pale chestnut brown ; rump, olive brown ; bill, reddish brown; liack, str<':ik<''///.".(//(( jiiisilhi^ mill riiiis. Sff So, J -is. Part 5. The following species have no red, blue, sreen, or yellow on the underparts; throat, .nore or less (sometimes only chin) black, and the breast or sides distinctly streaked : — A black spot on the vh'ui ; orowti, willi nion; or lc>< inotallii' red ; rump, streaked ; bill, yellowish, with dark tii). ('0111111011 011 Atlantic coa.-t. Red=poll. Afiiiitliis /iiKiriii, iiih! /'/I'cs. S('(> \o. :i;, usually over 2.90; tail, usually over 2.20; breast, streaked with pale brown ; crcwn feathers, with small black centres edged with buff and gray; outer tail feathers, not shorter tlum middle cues; uo black streak on sides of upper throat; back, pale browu, tiuged with gray and more or less streaked; very little or no white on outer tail feathers, Ipswich Sparrow. Ammodramus pruiccps. See No. 409. FAMILY FKIX(JILLII>.K.— Sl'AKKOWS, HNCIIICS, (;UOS^SBILL^S, KTC. 2 VJ Hill, large; deplli of hill at base, aiintit (..|ual to lonf>;tli of ciiiiiK'ti: crown and back, brownish olive, streal;;ed with yellow ; outer tail featliers, not half white (tile ))reast and sides, often faintly tin,<>;ed with tawny and black stripinj^on l)roast, often ndxed ^\ith more or less rufous browu) : back, streaked. Song Sparrow. Jleldspud fuKi'iata, See No. 436. -^'^(l KEY TO TllJi JUUlJiS OF KASTEKN NOUTII AMKUI'A. Shoulder (^Icsscr wiiio; coverts), rufous brown; M least half of outer tail feathers, white; liac-k, stronkcd. Vesper Sparrow. I'otint'tc.t iir(U)U)it'HS, See No. 4().s. Back, tinged with rufous brown, and streaked with black ; carpal joint (liciul of wiiiji), edged with pale yellow; t;iil, over 2.r)0; usiiiilly nn iiid'H-iitinn of yi'llow in front of the cyf; no wliitc on tnil leathers. White-throated Sparrow. Zonotrichi'i (tlhicoUiH. See \o. 423. Bill, sharp; tail, under 2 inches; entire upper plumage, olive buff, streaked with black ; under iiiuuiaije, bully white, or ashy white, heavily streaked with blaek; more or less yellow on edge and base of wing feathers, and base of tail feathers. Pine Siskin. Pine Finch. Spinim pini(!i. See No. 4(t2. Crown and back, dull brown, without streaks; underparis, brownish, whitish on belly; breast streaks, not very pro- uouuced, ofteu iiidistinet (female). Indigo Bird. Indigo Bunting. Passcrina vyancd. See No. 440. I "Hot. Piuc Finch. FAMILY FKINUILLIIU;. — Sl'AUUOWS, FINCHKS, ("UDSSHILLS, KTC. 2')1 Group 5. Wing, 3.25 to 3.75 Inches long. Part I. The fullowitig species have more or less of either red, blue, yellow, or green on the underparts* : — (Jf'iicral pliimii>;(', rcil ; crown anil uii(leri):irts, ))ri^lit red; crown, with crest; throat, black ; wing^s, not black (tnalc)* Cardinal Grosbeak. Cartliiiiilis oinlinnlis. Sec Xo. -14-2. Ueueral plumage, reil; hack, streaked; btilly, wliitisli (male). Purple Finch. Car2'>(iihtni!< pnrpnrcus. See No. 389. ■ Il'liinl is ri'il or olive j;rrL'ti, witli wliig measuriii)? lictwi'eii !$.:{.) and 4 Inchon lonj; (carpus to tip), ami cnnnot Ijc liuunl la this soctlou, seo Family Tuiiagilila'. The bill of a Tanagur somewhat reseinljles that of a Finch. m J 252 KEY TO THE HIKDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. ("rowii, rump, and uiulerparts, rose red: more or less white on winK; man- dibles, crossed. White-winged Crossbill. Loxia lencoptira {nude). See No. :W.i. Crown, rump, ;ui(l ijn'ator i)!irt of under pli - ni.'i<;('. dull red: no white on the wing; mandibles, crossed. American Crossbill. Loxitt CHrvh'ostra vtiiior (male). See No. 3<.>2. Wings, with more or less white; general plumage, grayish olive, or olive ^r(H'n, more or less .stron(>'ly tinged with yellowish green on rump: mandi- bles, crossed. White-winged Crossbill. Ltixia Ifiicoptfra (ffiuuli'). See No. 8!)2. Underpartsi, tinged with green, or olive green; yellowisli irrecn on rump: no white on win,ii;3: mandibles, crossed. American Crossbill. Loxin ciirvirostra miliar (female). See No. :J02. FAMILY KRINGILMD.E. — SPAIiUOWS, FIXCIIKS, CROSSBILLS, ETC. '2:>:) Ns^%*vr. ••;;;-■ ?^g^f^■ Crown, olive ^ray; chin, white: throat, hlack; breast, y«llow ; lielly, wliite; shoulder (wing coverts), chestnut brown; back, streaked with black; more or less yellow over the eye. Black-throated Bunting. Dickcissel. .S'/ii the IkmiI, nimi), iiiul lesser wing eovorts; middle wing coverts, edged with rufous brown. Blue Grosbeak. Gxinini Civruh-a {immdtiiri). See No. 445. Towliec Hiintiii};. Crown and back, black ; throat, black ; sides of body, rufous brown ; belly, white Towhee Bunting. 7V/j//r) erijthrophthalmus (inale). See No. 410. Head and ontiro uiuleiparts, l)l!iek; a tawny white patch on the back of the neck; back, black; ninip, whitish. (This species belongs in the family Icterid.'ii (see Section 8), but to the uninitiated the bill has a alight re- seujblauce to birds iti this class.) Bobolink. DoUchonyx oryzivurus. See No. 370. Crown, black, niixeil with ImlVy white; a nuchal collar (hack of neck), chestnut : back, streaked; breast, more or less uiiirked with black; belly, white; hind toe nail, long. Lapland Longspur. Calcarius lapponicus. See No. 404. FAMILY FRINGILLIO.E. — SPAUUOWS, FINCH KS, CKOSS15ILLS, KTO ;,),) 'I'op iiiid sides of the head, black; oar roverts and siipcri'iliarv stripf, white; hack, streaked ; un- derparts, buff ; hind toe nail, lun<>;. Smith's Longspur. Cdlcorius jiiitKs. See No. 400. Top of head, black ; wing coverts, heavily marked with chestinit; throat and belly, white; a laijfe jtatch of black on the breast; most, of the tail feathers, while, tip[)ed with dark brown. McCown's Longspur. Jtli'jiirliiijilnniis iiii'i'ini'ilii See Xo. 407. Crown, chestnut, with stripe of white in centre (male), or dnll (dive, streaked with blackish (female) ; back, streaked; niider])arts, white (pale Itrownish olive on sides of body) ; a short streak of dark brown or black on eacli side of white throat; tail feathers, tipped witli white. Lark Sparrow. Lark Finch. Chondi'Stes (jramnutrus. See No. 420. I 2i*(\ KEY TO THE BIKDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. livt* Crown, ])liick, with whito stripo in middle; uuderparts, ashy, sliadiiifr to pal.' huir on tliti Hanks; no whito on tail f»!atlii'r9. White-crowned Sparrow. Zmititrichid Iciicopfiri/s. See Xo. 422. < rown and hack, grayish or huffy, streaked with hlaok; ishoulder (lessor win' to olive on the sides; under surface of wing, red (female). Cardinal Grosbeak. (.'ardinnlis rdrtHnalis. See \o. 1 (2. Crown, with fiery red patch ; a blaek spot on the ehin : belly, wliite; rump, white. Greenland Redpoll. Aiiuitliis liuriii iiKiiiiiii, See No. .'{Dl. Group 6. Wing, 3.75 to 4.25 inches long. Part 1. The following species have more or less red on the under- parts * : — General plumage, rose red, usually mixed with more or less gray ; winii' eoverts, ed See No. 3SS. Throat and base of bill, black; {general plumage, red; crown, with more or less of a crest; win<;'s and tail, not black (male). Cardinal Grosbeak. Ciirdinnlis amlinaUs. See No. 442. * If lilril Is iTil or iiUvo Rroen, witli wiiiK Ijetween ;J.35 and 4 Inclics luiij; (bend of wins to tip), sec Funilly Taniigrlda!. The liill of a Tanagcr womewliat resemble.* that of a Finch. 258 KEY TO TIFK HIUDS OF EASTERN' XOUTII AMERICA. Head nnd back, black ; hrcist aiid under wing covorts, rose red ; tiolly, white (male). Rose^breasted Grosbeak. Iltihin liKhirin'roKi. See No. 44:^. Part 2. The following species have more or less yellow, orange, or green on the underparts : — Forehead, yellow; crown, black; niinp, t?i"et'nisli yi'iiow ; tertials, heavily marked with white ; uiidor- purts, diirli olive j'tdlow on ))e]iy (male). Evening Grosbeak. Cocrothraustcs ri'SjicHi)i us, See No. .■iS7. Underparts, gray, laintly tinged with greenish yellow ; bacli, gray, more or less tinf;'ed with y-reeii; wiii,i>N and tail, black, marked with white. Crown and sides of head and chin, black; underparts, orang«° brown, or pale oraiiice eliestimt; middle of l)elly and under winji; eoverls, liri;',lil yellow. winjjj'^ and tail. Iilack, marked with white (male). Black-headed Grosbeak. llabia mpldnoccjiluiln. See No. 444. Tuderparts, pale tawny yellow, more or less .streaked with lilaek on sides of body; crown, blaek, with lirownish l)uit stripe in centre: tail feathers, sharp pointed. [This species belongs in Family lct,erid;e, Imt might be looked for under this section (female).] Bobolink. DolodiDHijx oriizivorus. See No. 370. FAMILY' FUI.\(;iLI.II).E. SPAItllOWS, FIXCIIHS, CUOS.SIJIIJ.S, IMC ' L>')!) Part 3. I he following^ species have no red, yellow, oranjje, or green on the underparts : — rndorpjirtf", irruy ; ujipfr pjiits. ,i;,r;iy. tiiii;('(l with ^M-t><>ii; wings and tail, black, heavily marked with white; bill, yellowish. Evening Grosbeak. Coccoth I'll nxti's vrsjH'Vlin its i^fcmolc). See No. 3«7. General plumage, gray ; crown and rump, tinged with yellowish green : l)ill, d:irk : no white on tail feathers ; wing covorts ami tcrtials, cdiicd willi white. Pine Grosbeak. Piiuriiln nntrli'tildf (/<-iiKih'), Sec No. ;{SS. Crown, bn)wni:*li liliick. with wliitisli slrrak in cent re: un- der wing coverts, orange yellow ; breast, streaked with dark brown. Rose=breasted Grosbeak. Ilabia liuliin'riinid {fi'innh'), Si'C No. '14:{. Wt'ad and cntiro undprparts. black: hade of nock, tawny Imff; l>ack, black, mixed with bntV; rnnip, jiray ; tail feathers, very pointed. (This species belongs in Family Icteridie (Section D), but might be looked for under this 8octio!i.) Bobolink. Dolich and iiitjier siirfat'e of tail, not nifoiis hi'own. Cardinal. Vardiiiaha cdrdiiialis (female). See No. -142. Crown, hrown, with white stripe in middle; a hlack strijie on e.u'li sid«i of throat : undcriiarts, soiled while : t;nl feathers, hroadly tipped with white : rump and ui)per surface of tail, not rufous lirown. Lark Sparrow. Lark Finch. Chondextefi ijrammieiis. See \o. 4-20. Rump and upper surface of tail feathers, rufous brown; uiulerparts. white, more oi- le-:s spotted or streaked with lirown. Fox Sparrow. rasserclla ilidru. See Xo. 4:?i). Entire head ;ind bai'k. brown or hlaek ; helly, white; sides of iiody. bright, rufous brown. Towhee Bunting. Pijtilo cri/tlirophtlKilm u.^. See No. 440. Underparts, white, often tini^ed with lii^lit hrown on the breast; <;reater part of outer tail feathers, white. Ssiow Bunting. Snow Flake. riectraphrnnx nivalis. See No. 403. Snow Bunting. FAMILY 1I;1N(J1LLM).E. — SrAKliOAVS, FINCIIKS, C'KOSSIJILL.S, VAC. 2(;i Group 7. Wing, 4.25 to 4.75 inches long. First primary, not short, never less than two thirds as long as second or third ; bili, stout and conical ; nostrils, high, near the culmen ; primaries, nine ; tarsus, flattened behind. Throat, brownish olive, shading to yellowish green on the belly ; \\\\\ii;, black, with patch ofwliitf, l)ill, y«'I- lowisli ; forehoad, yiillow ; crown, black (male) ; forehead and crown, grayish (;f<'iuale). Evening Grosbeak. Cuccoth ritUNti'.i vcsjii-rl in iix See No. 387. K<^<\ ^^ ^^^--^-^ General plumage of body, rose red, more or less mixed with j;-ray; tail, dark hrowii ; winj^s, brown, the cov- erts and tertial3, edged with wliite. Pine Grosbeak. rinkula Pimdeator (uxih) See No. .'{SS. General plumage, gray; the iTown and rmni>, tinged with yellowish olive; wings, dark browu ; the coverts and secondaries, edged with white. Pine Grosbeak. Finicola ennclratnr (female). See No. 388. •2{}2 KKV TO TIIK lUliOS Or EASTKUiV iNOIiTIl AMKUICA. ,_. ~s—-- r.s=^^_^EB^^r^~~^ Underparts, white; bicnst, usually moit! or less tiiif^ed witli pale l.rown in winter. Snow Bunting. Snowflake. Plpctrophcii'i.r )itriili.'i. See No. 403. Head, chocolate brown ; rest ot' itin- nia<;,'e, j^reenish l.laek (ii.ale) ; gencM-al liluniai;-e, i-Tay, palest on the throat; no while on win^' eoverts; erown and rump, like l)aek (female), This speeles l)eIonJt of uiidcrparis. briglit yellow; back, wings, and tail, black; rump, yellow (male). Louisiana Tanaj^er. Piriinija htduvividiin. See No. An'.\. '2{ii KKY TO Till-: B1UD8 OF EASTERN NOKTII A.MEIUCA. ( pliiiiifiirc si'iirU't r»!(l: wiiiK-*^ and tail, black; tliroMi, not l)lii«.-k (iiialiv. Scarlet Tana^er. PiraiKjii vnjthrmni hi* See Xo. 454. fit'iicriil iiliim.iirc, red; no black on throat; wintrs iiini tail, not black; hm-k, not streaked ; hflly, uul wliitnli (mult'). Summer Tanager. I'intiKjii rubrii. See Xo. 4'^'), IndiMpiirts, yoUowlMh ^ri-fcii, or nifciiisli yellow : back, grayish ; greater wing coverts and tertials, edged with dull white, or yellowish white; iiiaiuliitles, not erosst'd (reiiiule). Louisiana Tanager. Pinniijn Indoriciinni. See Xo. 453. Underparts, yellowish green, or >^reeiii^:li yellow ; back, light olive green ; no white on wiiii;; eoverts ; wind's and tail, I'liscous '■')wii (female); wings and tail, hlat'k (young ni.-ile) ; inner w»!hs of inner pri and seeonduries, edged with white; niandible?, not cros> white. White-bellied Swallow. Tree .Swallow. Tachycineta hicolor. See No. 462. Upper throat and sides of the head, chestnut brown; belly, whitish; forehead, whitish; nowii and liacK. dark steel Idue; upper tail coverts, pale rufous brown. Cliff Swallow. Petrochdidon lunifrons See No. 468. Throat, chestnut; belly, pale brown; entire uiUHT plumage, steel blue; tail, forked ; upper tail coverts, steel blue. Barn Swallow. Chelidon erythrnrfnstra. See page 461. FAMILY HIRUNDINID.T:. — SWALLOWS. •2i\: Group 2, Wing, 4.75 to 5.50 inches long. Male: General plumage Oiu-ludini; lioUy), bluish black, or dark steel blue. Female: Back, like male; underparts, grayish brown, sliiulinjj; into dull white on tlie bi'Uy. Immature birds liavc llic uiipcr pluiiiaijt'. Itrownish: niidcr- parts, brownisli on tiio breast; dull wiiite on Uk! belly. Purple Martin. Proijne sttbis. See \(). 450. Back, steel blue; belly, white. Tree Swallow. White-bellied Swallow. Tachyriiirtn birofur. See No. 4G2. 2(].s KEY TO THK HIltDS OF KASTEKN NORTH AMERICA. Back, stt't'l l)Iiic: iMi(l('ri)ai't.-s, i-iiiiiiirnoii In-own: tall, very deeply forked. Barn Swallow. Chelidon eryth voyastra. See No. 461. General plumage, sooty brown ; showing a faint jiieoiiisli tiujre on tlic iipijt'r parts: throat, wAxy wliiti' ; tail feathers, with sharp spines, or points formed \)y the shafts of the fcathiM's, extending beyond the welis. Tlio swifts belong to the Family Mieropodidie and are widely sepa- rated generieally from the swallows; bi'.t persons unfamiliar with birds might looli for them under the same family. Chimney Swift. Cfni'tura peJayirn. See No. 340. J FAMILY AMI'KLID.E. — WAXWINOS AM) CKDAU lUKDS. •2()!» FAMILY AMPELID^, Waxwings and Cedar Birds. Bill, without notch ; head, with crest ; primaries, ten ; tarsus, shorter than middle toe and claw; a black stripe from forehead through the eye; inner primaries and tail feathers, often tipped with little hard red bits, like minute drops of sealing wax. ^^^mwmw^: Upper parts, p:ra3Mah Im'ow I) : crown and breast, pale choco- late brown; 11 l)l;nk stn'jik in fi-oiit of t'Vt' : tail, tipped witli yi'llow; hflly, yellowish-, wing, less than 4.20 inches lon^. Cedar Waxwing. Cedar Bird. Cherry Bird. AiiijK lis (■('iIoriDii. See No. 4(i71 FAMILY VIRE0N5D/E. Vireos. Upper mandible, with very small hook at tip ; first primary, very short in some species, in others nearly as long as second ; toes, joined at base. Plain colored birds, usually greenish or grayish, but often showing a faint wash of yellow on underparts ; tail, always without white spots. Group 1. Wing, less than 2.37 inches long. Crown, gniyish: orbital ring and lores, dull white. Itaivly oi-iMir-: cuHt of Illinois. Bell's Vireo. Vircn hpUii. See No. 480. < rowii, jfrayish, oftt'u tinged with olivo; orbital ring and lores, yellow. White-eyed Vireo. Vireo noveboracensis^ and races. See Xo. 478. 272 IvKY TO TIIK lilUDS OF EASTEllN NOKTll AMKUICA. Group 2. Wing, 2.37 to 2.75 inches long. First primary, very short; lores and eye ring, whitish; tliroat, \vliiti!?h: breast and sides, faintly tinged with yellow ; no wing bars. Warbling VIreo. Virro gilvuH. See No. 473. First primary, short, but longer than in V. gilvus ; lores and eye ring, yellow ; tiack, olive ; wing coverts, edged witli wliite. White-eyed Vireo. Virpo norehoriiri'ii.vs^ and rncfs. See No. 47S. First primary, not short ; lores and eye ring, dull white ; undtipai ts, waslied witli veiv pale greeuisli yellow, no wing bars. Philadelphia Vireo. Virpo philndclphicns. See No. 472. Mil FAMILY VIKEONID^. V1KE08. 27;i Group 3. Wing, from 2.75 to 3.25 inches long. BMI, with small but distinct hook; no streaks on back or breast; breast or throat, never spotted. First primary, loiij^er thau fourth; back ami rump, olive; crown, plumbeous gray, or bluisli 498 Heliulnthophlln. KoiiiIdk ii. Ilclmlthcrus. Geothlyiilg. Sylvanta. Betophaga. 27 S KEY TO THE BIKDS OF EASTEHIN NORTH AMERICA. Part 1. The following species have the throat, breast, and belly, yellow; breast, more or less streaked ; some tail feathers, marked with white : — I Wing covfits, hroac'.'.y borrtored with yellow; under surface of win-;-, yellow; white on tali featliers, extciulino; to tip of inner web; crown, notchcstuut itrowu. Prairie Warbler. Dfiidroicn iliscuJor. See Xo. 514. Willi' covert fi. not honlefcd witli yellow; undertail coverts, yellow. Drmlroica pahnnrum. Palm Warbler. See No. 512. Dendrotca maculosa. Wing coverts, showing much white; undtT siirfact' of wing, white; tail, with band of white, no wliite at tip: rump, yellow. Black and Yellow Warbler. Dendroica mnruliis Part 3. The following^ species have the throat, breast, and belly, yellow without streaks ; some tail feathers marked with white : — rrowa ami sld«s of head, grayish or slate color; tio yellow on forehead; adult ttlrds liave patch of cheHtnut on crown; some tall feathers very narrowly edged with white; under wing coverts, yellow; no black streaks on sides of body. Nashville Warbler. IlcliniiUltophila riijicapilla. See No. 491. 'Ving bars, white; under wing coverts, white ; some tail feathers with much white on Inner webs; adult birds have forehead iind more or less of crown yel- low; immature birds have crown yellowish green. Blue-winged Warbler. Ilrhnintliiiphild pinuti. See Xo. 487. No wing bars; under wing coverts, yellow; tail feathers, showinji considerable white; throat, more or less black, .according to age and season; crown, slaty gray; adult birds have yellow forehead and gray crown, marked with l)lack. Bachman's Warbler. Ilrbniiithiijihiln hafh)iianii. See Xo. 486. Wing bars, yellowish ; sides of body, more or less streaked with black. Prairie Warbler. Denilroirn ilismlor. See No. .514. Part 4. The following species have the throat, breast, and belly, yellow without streaks ; no white on tail feathers : — Crown and back, greenish yellow ; more or less yellow on Inner webs of pri- maries and tall feathers ; crown, yellowish green. Summer Warbler. Dendroica a'stica (ffnialf or immature) . See No. 496. Crown, slate color with patch of chestnut in some plumages; sides ot head, slate color ; wing, longer than tail ; lower belly, tinged with white ; runij) and urtper tall coverts, bright yellowish green. Nashville Warbler. Helminthophila ruficapilln. See No. 401. 280 KEY TO Tin; BIRDS OF KASTERN NORTH AMERICA. Crown, iluU olivi'; throat, bright yellow; belly, much paler, often whitish; tiiil, browuisli olive, witlioul yellow : wing, not longer than tail ; ntules Inive bliick patch on face (forelieail and sides of liead) whieii is lacliing in females. Maryland Yellowthroat. Geuthlypis tricfuts. See Xo. 522. 'i'iiroat and belly, nearly tlie same color; erown. jrlossy blaek (male), or olive tureen lilve back (female i ; tail feathers, slaty brown faintly wasiied with olive on outer webs; nunterous small l)lack l>ristles at base of bill. Wilson's Warbler. Wilson's Blackcap. Sylvania pusilla. See No. 62C. Entire underparts. yellow: brightest on the belly; wing, longer than tail; crown, jjrayish; back and rump, dull olive; tail feathers, not marked with yellow. Mourning Warbler. Gi'uthlypis iifiiladclphia {young female). See No. 521. Part 5. The following species have the throat, yellow ; belly, not yel- low ; tail feathers, marked with more or less white: — Back, black or dark; tail. Itlack, with broad iiaiid of while; rump, yellow. Black and Yellow Warbler. Di'mlraica iiiaculosa. See No. 600. Back, slaty blue, often showin;;- yellowish olive; rump, slate color; sides of head, grayish or slaty blue. Parula Warbler. Blue, Yellowbacked Warbler. Compsothhjpis americnnn. See Xo. 494. Hack, dull nicen; ibroat. faintly washed with jrreenish yellow: rump, jireeu; sides, not streaked. Tennessee Warbler. HclminthophUa pvregrina. See Xo. 498. Back, •freeii' '<; rump, greenish; cheeks, yellowish; sides, showing moie or less dark streaks. Black-throated Qreen Warbler. Dendroica virens. FAMILY MNIOTILTIDyE. — WARBLERS. 281 Part 6. The following species have the throat yellow ; belly, not yel- low ; no white on tail feathers : — Tliroiit, brijilit yellow ; sliiiiliuji; to whitish or olivt! on hclly; lorchciid iiiid sides of hoad, black (male); no black on head (female); wing, not longer than tail. Maryland Yellowthroat. Geotfilyjiis tricli(i!<. See No. 5-22. Throat, .sho\vin<>- faint tinjje of urccnish yi'llowi throat and sides of body, nearly Haineuolor; wing, considerably longer than tail. Tennessee Warbler. Ilclmiuthiiphilii pen iivhia. See No. 4ii,3. Part 7. The following species have the throat, not yellow ; belly, yellow ; and no white on the tail feathers : — Leijs, dark: throat, whitish; ixdly, faintly tin;i:ed with yellow; under tail cov- erts, whitish; tail feathers, slaty brown. Bachman's Warbler. Jli'hniiitliiijthila Ixiclimanii (^iinmnturc in full). See No. 4S('.. Head, grayish ; back, olive green ; belly. I)right yellow; throat, blackish (male > : tiiroat, grayish ^female); legs, pale; tail feathers, olive green; under tail coverts, yellow. Mourning Warbler. Oeothhjpis philndflphin. See No. 521. Back, grayish brown; belly, faintly tinged with yellow; under tail coverts, yellow. Palm Warbler. pi'iitiroirti /iiihinirKiii . Part 8. The following species have the throat, not yellow ; belly, yellow; tail feathers, marked with more or less white: — i'liroat, usually with more or less lilaek (sometimes witliout trace of black), ac- cording to age and season: forehead, yellow; top of liead. giayisli, bowing more or less black ; back, green. , Bachman's Warbler. Uelminthophihi I'drlimnnii, See No. ISO. 282 KEY TO THE BIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. Part 9. The following species have no yellow on throat or belly, and no white on the tail feathers : — NViug;, less thau 2.25; uiulerpiirts, whitish, tirijijcd with olive on sides ;, with faint wash of yellowish butt, almost white; crown, dull olive: tail, entirely olive green. Maryland Yellowthroat. Geothlypis trichas (youiuj bird itifall). See No. 522. Wiiijr, over 2.25: entire underparts, whitish or slightly olive; crown, slaty; back, green; no yellow or orange on tall feathers. Tennessee Warbler. Jlelminthoph ihi peregrina . See No. 493. Kntire underparts, dull olive or olive green: crown, with partially concealed patch of orange brown (souietinies wanting) ; no yellow or orange on tail feathers. Orange-crowned Warbler. Ih'hninthoph Ua cclata. See No. 4()2. End of tall, brown; basal portion of tail feathers, reddish orange (male), or pale yellow (female) ; more or less black bristles at base of bill. ■•^ Redstart. ,%} Setophaija ruslirilld. See No. 528. Part 10. The following species have no yellow on the throat or belly, and more or less white on the tail feathers : — Wing coverts, broadly edged with yellow; crown, greenish yellow; back. tinged with slate color; tail feathers, marked with white to the tips of inner webs. Golden-winged Warbler. IMminthoph ihi rhnjKoptrrn, See No. 488. Wing coverts, not yellow; crown, grayish or greenish; back, yellowish green ; some tail fciithers, narrowly edgeil with white near tips of inner webs. Tennessee Warbler. IL'lminthnphila percgrina. Sec No. 493. FAMILY MNIOTILTIU^E. — WAKBLEUS. 283 -^^"Jj^l'^'^^^ Hiiclinmii'b Waililer tiimle). Moiirnlnp Warbler (ninlc). Caiiiiilinn W.irblcr (niiile). Yellow 'Warlilcr (male). I'alin Warliler (male). Cliestnut-siilcd Wurbler (male). Iloortoil Warbler (n.ale). Black-poll Warbler (male)- 284 KKY TO TIIK BH{I)S OF EASTERN iNOUIlI AMKKICA. Group 2. Wing, from 2.37 to 2.75 inches long. llcliiiiiitlioiihilii. >Seiuni». Part I. The following species ha\e the throat, breast, and bellj', yellow ; breast, more or less streaked ; some tail feathers, marked with more or less white : — riiderpiiits, yvllow; breast, streaked with brown; un^ler tail coverts, yel- low; orowii, rli('8timt <:i('k, (lull olivf ; niinp. dIuc i;rt'ei;< Yellow Palm Warbler. Yellow Redpoil Warbler. Dciiili'nirK pa'iiuintru li;i/"'ciirysfu Sf(i N<,< olM. IJiidorparts, pjilc ye'luw ; sides of breast, streaked with black; under tail coverts, white; crown, diy : erowu, b:iek, and rump, ollve green. Pine-creeping Warbler. Dendroica viijorsii. See No. 511. Head ami tiiil, l!l.iw Warbler. I'liderparts, l)ri<;ht yellon-; breast, heavily streaked with black; under tail coverts, white ; crown, slaty; l)a(k, rump, yellow. Black and Yellow Warbler. Dondntica rnaculosa. See Xo. 500. rnderparts, very pale yellowish, almost yellow in crown). Nashville Warbler. Hclminthophiln rnJirapiUd. See No. 41)1. Head and tall, Blark anrl Yellow Wurl)lcr. Crown, dull gray; hack, olive green; rump and belly, yellow; tail feathers, with white spots in the middle. Black and Yellow Warbler. Dendroicd inaridona. See No. 500. liiderparts, bright yellow; crown, yellow; back and rump, bright olive green; a narrow black streak from bill to eye. Blue-winged Warbler. Ue.hninthophila pinus {male). See No. 487. 288 KEY TO THE IUHD8 OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. Crown, olive green (soinriiiin's with forclicad yollow); uiul»'r])iiits, <^n'<'iiish yellow ; hack aiul niiiii). olive j^reeri : tenniii;il third of inner webs of outer tall feathers, white. Blue-winged Warbler. IfchiiinilKipliild iiinii.i {fcmdle (Did immaturf), Seo Xo. 487. I'laU'ipail-i, linked with "jreonish yellow; iiiidertail coverts, white: crown, back, and rump, olive green ; outer tail feathers very narrowly edged with white ''(Mitirely ahseut in some specimens). Tennessee Warbler. llehiunthKjiluIn ]iirii/ri)in {fi'ianlp. hi full and immdlnre). See No. 4!i;}, rnderparts, yellow, washed with olive on side-i : sides of head and lores, yellow; crown, olive green; hack and rami), olive nTcen : iindertail coverts, pule yellow. Hooded Warbler. Sylniiiia milrala {female and immature in fall). See No. .525. Klrtland's Warl)icr. Underparts, yellow; sides, streaked with l)lack; crown, slaty gray ; haA and rump, ashy, streaked with i)lack; lores, hlai'k. Kirtland's Warbler. JJi'iuli'oica kirtlaiulii. See No. 510. FAMILY MNIOTILTII)^:. WAKBLKRS. 28{) Crown, greenish blue ; wing coverts, edged with white ; back, greeniflh blue, witlioia .streaks; under tail coverts, whitish; iiiiderpartn, tiii<<*Ml with pule yellow. Cerulean Warbler. Dfinlroica cierulcd (fcmnle and imviatnre). See \o. 501 . Part 4. The following species have the throat, breast, and belly, yellow, without streaks, and no white on the tail feathers : — Crown, slate color, wltb patcb ol' ohcstnut (male), or crown, olive f^ray (female) ; ruiiii) and upper tail coverts, yellow isb f^reen; auricular rej^ion (sides of head), fjrayish; under tail coverts, yellow. Nashville Warbler. Ilrhninthojihild rujicapHh. See No. 491. Underparts, faintly washed with yellow, or yellowish white; crown, j?i"iiyish olive; back and rump, olive green; under tail coverts, white; no yellow- on tail feathers. Tennessee Warbler. Helminthophila percijrina {/rmnfe in /all). See No. 45)3. Crown, hack, and rump, yellowish green ; major part of inner webs of tail feathers, yellow. Summer Warbler. Yellow Warbler. Dt'udroira wstiva (female). See No. 49.i. Sides of head, yellowish ; crown, glossy black (male) ; crown, bright olive green, like back (female); back and rinn)), bright olive green; under tail coverts, yellow. Wilson's Warbler. Sylvania pusilla. See No. 626. Crown, grayish ; back and rump, dull olive green ; entire underparts, yel- low, palest on throat; no j'ellow on tail feathers; chin, not whitish; no hnff- white stripe over eye. Mourning Warbler. Qeothlypis Philadelphia {young female). See No. 521. 2W KEY TO THE BIUDS OF EASTEUN NOUTII AMERICA. ("rowu, grayiHh; back and nimp, «j;reeu; umlcrparts, paU; yellow; iliiii, wliitish; a liull-wliitc stripe over the eye. (This hinl hcloiijjs iu Section 4, hut luiffht he mistaken tor a warhler hy the novice.) Philadelphia Vireo. Viri'O ph iliKleljthins. See No. 472. Crown and sides of head, with more or less black ; a yellow superciliary stripe ; hack and iMinip. olive ureeii. Kentucky WarbLr. ( trot III iljiin fiiriiKisit . See No. 519. Underparts, yellowish olive; crown, with partly concealed orange brown spot; iiiKler tail coverts, j^reenish yellow. Orange-crowned Warbler. ll('hiunlhiiiiliih( rcldla. See No. 4St2. Part 5. The following species iiave tlie throat, yellow ; belly, not yellow ; tail feathers, marked with more or less white : — Uack. jrreen, streaked with hlack: outer wel) ot outer tail feather, not cd.'.red with while; no yellow stripe over eye; chin, whitish; sides of hrea-;! and body, streaked. Black-poll Warbler. Dpiidroica striata (female). See No. 504. Crown, black, with patch of orange yellow in centre; l)ack and rump, hlack, Willi more or less white; throat, orange; sides, streaked with Idack. Blackburnian Warbler. Dendruica hlackburnUx {adult male). See Xo. 505. FAM I L Y M N lOTI LTl U.K . WAHBLEKS. 291 Throat, yellow: sides ot hicast, Htn-akt'd with iilaokisli; crown, olive, dotted with blacltish ; bacl< and rump, olive gray, streaked with black ; iismiliy ii trar«i of yellow in iiiiildir of (towm; basal portion of narrow outer web of outer tail feather, edged with white. Blackburnian Warbler. Pnidmicd lilarkfturniif (/("Hta/c, (uitl immature), St'c No. .')()'). Crown, ash gray; forehead, blackish; lliroat, yellow; Uonlered liylilaek: sides of breast, streaked with black ; back and rump, slaty gray, not streaked ; no white on outer wel> of oiitef tail (eiithei-. Yellow-throated Warbler. DcHtli'oiai doiuiiiicd, ;ed with <;reeuiMlt yelloiv; riiiiip, lik2 KEY TO THE BIKDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. Part 6. The following species have the throat not yellow ; belly, yellow, and no white on the tail feathers : — Thntiit, grayish or hrownisJi ; eye ring, white; back, olive frreen. Connecticut Warbler. (reothli/pis (Kjilis. See No. 520. Throat, {jrayish or asliy, chaiigieig to l)lacl< ill a(Uilt male birds: no wliite eve rliiiihilii lutrhminiii {nil nil mah ). S.'c No. 486. Throat, black ; lorcln'Md uml sides ol lirud, yi'llow ; crown, black. Hooded Warbler. Sijlvntiid initrclii. Soe No. iJ25. ,^^lte^''" ^. Throat, dull white; imnst, f.iiiiily strcMkcd: under tail coverts, yellow; vimj covci'ts, tippi'd with hrowiiisli; crown, nttcii iiiaiUod with inoi-e or less rufous l)ro\vu. Palm Warbler. Red-poll Warbler. Dcmlroiai palmartim . See Xo. 512. Crown, bluish green ; wing coverts, tipped with white ; under tail cov- erts, whitish; underparts, j)ale yellowish white. Cerulean Warbler. Demlroica carvlm ( frmalr or immature). See Xo. 601. 2!>4 KEY TO THE BIRDS OF EASTERX NORTH AMERICA. Part 8. The following species have the throat, not yellow ; belly, not yellow, and no white on the tail feathers; breast, streaked, or spotted with black, or dark brown : — Crown, brownish orange ; hack, olive ;?nu'ii; hill, i)iil<'. Oven Bird. Golden-crowned Thrush. Seinnts aurocdjiillus. See No. 515. Crown and back, olive brown; hill, diirk. Water Thrush. Sciuriis norcbovdfrtisis, and nicrs. Sec Xo. 510. Part 9. The following species have the throat, not yellow ; belly, not yellow, and no white on the tail feathers ; breast, not streaked, or spotted with black, or dark brown : — Crown, with stripe of tawny buff, hor- (It'ifd hv hliick stripes; a lilaek stripo throujrli tlie eye; uudeiparts, ImlVy white; olive on sides. Worm-eating Warbler. Ilchn ithrriis verm ivnruK. See Xo. 485. Crown and back, black, throat, hlack; a i).'iteli of oraii;;e on sides of hieast. Redstart. Setophmja riiticilln {Diale). See No. 528. FAMILY xMNIOTILTID.K. — M'AUBLERS. •295 Crown, slaty olive ; back, dull olive; uiidcrpiirts, wliitc; a i)alrli ot yellow oil sides ol lircast; outer tail feathers, yellow, tipped with brown. Redstart. Setuphatia rniirilUi {female). See No. 528. Crown, grayish olive, usually with partly concealed orange brown spot ; no yellow on tall feathers: uiulerparts. yellowish <;n'eii. Orange=crowned Warbler. Ililmintlnijiliil" ■■' I'll, I. See Nu. t!)2. Part 10. The following species have the throat not yellow ; belly, not yellow, and mere or less white on tail feathers; sides of breast and body with numerous distinct black or blackish streaks : — Throat, bright oranjic; erown, hlaek. streaked wilii wliile. Blackburnian Warbler. Drnifroir'i hhtrkhnrniiv {an KEY TO TJIK HIUOS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. Crown and back, blue; the hack, streaked witli black: rump, slaty blue. Cerulean Warbler. iJcndroica tufntlra. See No. 501. Crown, dull olive green, dotted with black; hack, grayisli olive, streaked with ))lack: rump, like back. iJi'iitlruifd Mridtit {full and immatun). See No. 504. Middle of crown, rump, and sides of the breast, wilh more or less yellow. Myrtle Warbler. Yellow=rumped Warbler. Dendrokii vorotaUa . See No. 498. Crown, black, with white stripe in middle; entire pliima./:■;■ Throat, black ; orowu, olive green; sides of head, yellow: wing bands, white. Biack>throated (ireen Warbler. Dpudroica vircns {inhtlt intilo). See No. 508. Throat, black ; far coverts, lilack: riown, y(>11()\\ i-^li ; wing bands, yellow. Oolden-winged Warbler. lli.bniiithophiln rhri/soptrrn ( iifili- ). See No. 48S. Throat, black; crown, dull blue; sidfs of liri'Mst. liliiisli lilack: a patcli of wliitc at l)ase ol pi-iiiiaries. Black-throated Blue Warbler. Dcndi'oii'd ca-rnlesvcns (adult male). See No. 497. 2i)s KEY TO THK lUliOS OF EASTEltN N'JllTIl AMERICA. Throiit iiml sidos. flicstiiiit ; crown, clicstimt. Bay 'breasted Warbler. Dendroirit cuMitnid {ndnlt). See Xo. 508. Throat and sides, more or less marked with chestnut; crown, olive jjhm'ii, streaked with l)lacl\; Ijadi, ;;;rayisli olive, streaked with black: (crown, with indications of cliestnut:) belly, cream white. Bay-breasted Warbler. Bendroicii. castani'n (fprnalr). See No. 50;}. Throat and underparts, cream white, sliadin^ into pale bulV: white on flanks: crown and back, green, indistinctly streaked with black; winiT>:. — WARBLEKS. 299 Throat and undcrparts, white; sides, more or less marlted with chestnut; crown, f^rcenish yellow ; buck, ^rt'ciiisli, strciiked witli l)hick ; wing bars, yellowish. Chestnut-sided Warbler. JJoiilniicii jicinisi/lriDiicd. Se«! No. 502. Throat and underparts, cream white; crown and back, greenish blue; rump, like back; wiii^- ooverts, odj^rd with wliitc; uimIit t.iil covorts. whitish. Cerulean Warbler. Dcndi'nica cwriilfa {female). See No. 501. Throat and underparts, dull white; crown and hark, fjjrayish olive; wiuj? bars, wtiite; an ol)li(iue white! spot on inner wehs of two outer tail fesithers ; rest of tail leathers, without white; under tail coverts, whitisli. Pine Warbler. Dendroica vigorsii {full ti",i? •'> yniniii^ hinl^; ; outer tail feathers, narrowly edged with white on inner web; ve^l oi tail feathers, without white; no wiiito ^pot at liase of priinarlt's. Orange-crowned Warbler. Ill I lanilli'ijiliihi I'l hihK Sc(> Xo. 4'.l-2. Throat and underparts, buffy white; crown and l)a(.'k, olive irrccn : hasrs of l)riniari(;s. whitf. forniiiiii' a small -^pol on wiiiii' (ffnialf'. Black=throated Blue Warbler. Ihinlriiica firrnlcsri'Ds. See No. 497. Throat, gray ; belly, white (hroast, often washed with yellow) ; erown, yel- lowish <;reen : wing coverts, broadly tipped with yellow (female). Qolden-wlnged Warbler. IIchni)itlii)/ihil'i f/'nisdjili re See Xo. 488. Group 3. Wing, 2.75 to 3.25 inches long. 525 .- — -sd^ 491 515 \ Part 1. The following species have the throat, breast, and belly, yel FAMILY MNIOTILTin.K. — WAKHLJCRS. M)l low ; the breast, more or less streaked ; some tail feathers, marked with white : — Umlerparts, pale yellow; sides of breast, more or le>ts strcakeil with hlaok; under tail coverts, white; crowu, j^rayish; back aud rump, ashy gray, streaked with bhick. Kirtland's Warbler. Dendroica kirtlandi. See No. 510. Tall. Throat and breast, orange; belly, pale yellcw; sides of breast, streaked with l)laek; cniwn. black, with oiarijje spot iu centre; back, black, streaked with whitish; rump, black ; tinder tail coverts, wliite. Blackburnian W&rbler, Dendroica bhtckhnntiii. See No. 506. ;i02 KKY TO tup: KIRDS of eastern north AMERICA. I'lKltM-parta, very i)iile yellowish, aliiiosi yollowisli wliitf, faintly streaked with blacl< ; uiiilor tail coverts, white ; crowu, back, autl ruuij). olive ijreeii, i^trealied with bhick. Black-poll Warbler. iJi iidnu'cti slridlii ( I'fiiKih'), See No. 504. Tail. Underparts, yellow; sides of breast, streaked with olive; under tail cov- erts, ashy: cmwii, itack, and rump, olive «ireen (not strealied). Pine Warbler. Driidriiicd rii/iii'sii. See No. . '511. Underparts, yellow ; breast, streaked with brown ; crown, chestnut ; back, dull olive ; rump, olive t;reen; under tail coverts, yellow. Yellow Red'poll Warbler. Dendfiiicii iKtIiiKiriiiii hijiuicliriisid. See No. T)!;?. Underparts, yellow ; ear coverts, rufous ; breast, streaked witli black; crown, black, or olive ^ray; back, olive i^reen, marked with black; rump, yellow; under tail coverts, yellow isli white; a patch of white on wing coverts. Cape May Warbler. Doidroica tigriiiK . See No. 495. Underparts, very pale yidlow, streaked with dark brown; under tail coverts, yellowish wliite; crown, back, and rump, dark olive. Water Thrush. SeiuruH novcboracensin. See No. 516. KAMILY MNIOTILTID.K. — WAitlUiKKS. ;W);; Part 2. The following species has the throat, breast, and belly, yel- low ; breast, more or less streaked, and no white on the tail feathers : — Hroiist, wiOi MiK'k (»r dusky stivaks; tail, dull brown. Canadian Warbler. Sijlvauiii r No. ls;{. Crown, brownish ; underpants, white, faintly linked with pair yellow: sides. jiTaylsh ; h.iek and rump, olive l)rowii or jii'iiyisli brow II : a white stripe over tlie eye. Swainson's Warbler, Ildinaia xii'dinsniiii. See No. 4S4. Uuderparts, yellow; sides, streaked witli litaek; crown, slaty gray; back and rump, ashy, streaked with black; lores, hlaek. Kirtland's Warbler. Dendroka kirtlnmU. See \o. r.lO. I'lidei'part.s, yellow, waslied with olive on the sides; sides of head and lores, yellow; crown, olive green; hai-k and rump, olive j^reeii: under tail coverts, pale yellow. Hooded Warbler. Sylvania miWiitit. See No. ^t'liy. Part 4. The following species have the throat, breast, and belly, yellow, without streaks; no white on the tail feathers: — Crown and sides of head, with more or less black; a yellow stripe over the eye; haek and rump, olive green. Kentucky Warbler. Geothhjpis formosa. See Xo. 519. 304 KEY TO TIIK BIKDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. Part 5. The following species have the throat, yellow ; belly, not yellow ; tail feathers, marked with more or less white : — Hack, green, streukeil with black; outer web of outer tail feather, not edged with white; no yellow stripe over eye; chin, whitish; sides of l)reast and body, streaked. Black-poll Warbler. Dondroira slridtn {immdtnrc \ . Sre No. 504. Crown, black, with patch of orange yellow in centre: i)ack and rump, black, with more or less white ; throat, orange ; sides, streaked with l)lack. Blackburnian Warbler. Diiiilriiirn hlitrkfiKniin {dduU vialc). See No. .50.5. Throat, yellow; sides of breast, stre;d(). Part 6. The following species have the throat, not yellow; belly, yellow, and no white on the tail feathers: — Throat, gruyiah or browuish; eye ring, white; back, olive greeu. Connecticut Warbler. Oeothlypis agilis. See No. 520. Ti IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A 1.0 I.I 11.25 *» lU 122 ^ U£ 120 m LA. Ill 1.6 V] v] /. 4VV V / y /A ^ ^ #; -^ V 4^ :(()i; KKV TO TIIK lUltDS OK KASTKKN NOKTIi A.MKU!( A. Part 7. I'he following species have the throat, not yellow ; belly, yellow, and more or less white on the tail feathers : — ' Iilack ; forohcail ainl -jiilt'-i of lipad, yfriis|i : iiimp. ytllow; win;; i'y lil.'K'k Htripi': :i lihiik striix; tlintii^li tlu' cyf. Worm Bating Warbler. Ilvlmithmis ri-niiirnrKn. See No. 4«5. Crown, dull cinnamon brown ; a white stripe over the eye; mulcriiaiis, whitv, faintly I iiiy;»'il willi yt-liow ; Miilcs. tiii^'ctl with grayl»»li olive. Swainson's Warbler. Ill U nil ill xiriinmiinii, bue No. 484 FAMILY .MNIOTII.TID.K. — WAIJIILKKS. :\{)'i Part 9. The following species have the throat, not yellow ; belly, not yellow, and no white on the tail feathers ; breast, streaked or spotted with black or dark brown : — Crown and back, olive brown; Mil. (l;irU: utiDTp.-irt*. nliii<'. tinned with yellow, anil strraUnl \\ilh liliicU i iiicliidiii;; liiroall. Water Thrush. Si'ini'iis niii'i liiit'iii'i iisis, niiil rni'rs. Sec No. .'>!(;. (rowii anil liack, iiMm' iunwn: tiinii-rparls, wliilr. Un](ed with buff, ami ■^tiiaUiil with black: throat, not streaked. Louisiana Water Thrush. Siiiil'lis hiiil'irilhi , Sci' No. ."lis. Crown, brownish orange ; liai-k, ulivi' ill, pah Oven Bird, (iolden-crowned Thrush. Svitiviix fiiifdiii/iillii.-^. Si'c No. fil.T. Part 10. The following species have the throat, not yellow ; belly, not yellow; more or less white on the tail feathers; sides of breast, and body, marked with numerous distinct black or blackish streaks. Crown, black, with white stripe in the middle; ''iitln; plumagt), black ami white. Black and White Warbler. MniotiUn vnna. See No. 482. piil aos KEY TO THE BIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. Crown mill l>!ick, n;rayish olive; rump, yellowish ; a patfli of wliitc iiciir tlio tii)s of oiiti'i- tail fcatluTs on Ui*; Inner webs. Cape May Warbler. biuilroini liijriiiii {iiniiiittun fftnnlp). See No. 4!1.5. Middle of crown, rump, and sides of the breast, more or less yellow. Myrtle Warbler. Yeilov.'-rumped Warbler. />< iidniicii iDriiiKtin. St'f No. 4SIS. Crowu, l)ack, and ninip, dull olive or brownish olive ; nndcrpart:*. hutly or jrrav- isli, strealved with hrowii on lirca^'t and sides: outer tail feathers, mostly white, including the outer web; hind to<> nail, as lon<; as th<> toe. (This 8ppol«s Is not a Warliier, and iM'lougs in Family H Imt it ndjjlit he uiistaken lor one by the uninitiated.) American Pipit. Titlark. AnUnis pi'iin'/lrnniois. See No. .">;{(). Crown, dull olive green, dotted with black; liaek. ;rrayish olive, stre.aked with black; rump, like back; onter tail feather, with patch of white on inner webs Black-poll Warbler. Diiidroirii striata .fcinuli'). See No. 504. Throat, bri^rht (nan;ie: a pat«-h of or:in; to pah- Imtl' whit*- on tlaiiki^; crown and back, grren, indistinctly streaked with black ; win*; l>ars, whito. (OfU'ii dillirult to ili!itin;;iiish from female of Hlack-poil Warblor. J), stn'nta, whioh r»w<'inl>l<'> it v»'i y closi'ly in immature pinmaj:*'. hut ha< tlitMimlerjiirts, iiHiially yellowish.) Bay -breasted Warbler. Itendniirn cnstiiiitii {imiiKitun') See No. hm. Throat and underparts, dull white; ennvn .md ))aek, •rrayisli olive; \vin<; bars, white, an oliliiine white spot on inner webs of two outer tail feathers, rt'i^t of tail feathers, witliont white; under tail coverts, whitish. Pine Warbler. JJi'iitd'oird rhiinsii {fi-ihii)'iifi')isis init'iliilis S('«' \o. 517. 'I'hroai. wliiti-: iimlcrpail^^, whitf, faintly litijrtMl with tawny; In-cast ami sides of hoily. strcalii'il witli daik In-own: throat, not strcakiMl; no whitt- on tail ft'aihcrs. Louisiana Water-Thrush* Si'iid'iis iiiolitcilhi. Sec No. n\S. rndcrparis, ijrayisli whili' or iMilVy white, more or less strcakeil with daik hrown: grea'.er portion of outer tail feathers, white; hind loc, with elaw ]on;;cr thanmiddie t or less Idack on cheeks andlireast: hind toe nail, straijrlit and lon<;. 'i'his species helonjjs in Kandly Alaudiihc, hut is included here as well as in its proper place fi>r the hencUt of persons uutamiliar with hirds, who mi>;lit look for it under this >ecti(»n. Prairie 5hore Lark. Otocoris pmtiiii'ola. See No. 358. FAMILY MOTACILLID.i:. — I'UTrS AND WAGTAILS. ;ui FAMILY iV\OTACILLID>E. Pipits and Wagtails. Bill, slender ; first primary, nut short, the first, second, and third, being about equal in leng:th ; hind toe and claw, longer than middle toe and claw ; hind toe nail, long, in this somewhat resembling larks, but no tufts of hair-like feathers over nostrils. f'rowii, liiu'k, .•ind riimp, dull olivo. or lirowiiisli olivf: ^lIl(l»'|•I)a^t^^, Imlly, or f^rayisli, rttrwikcd with brown on throat and sides; outer tail feather, mostly white, including the outer web; nmrli loss white on second feather; hind toe nail, usually !is Ion}? as thn toe. American Pipit. Titlark. Anthus pinsihitnirus. 8eo,Xo. 530. ai2 KEY TO THE HIKDS OF EASTEIJN NOKTII AMERICA. FAMILY TROQLODYTID/E. Wrens and Thrashers. First primary, less than two thirds as lonj^ as third ; outer tail feathers, decidedly shorter than middle ones, varyinic from one eighth to one half inch or more shorter in different species. Group 1. Wing, less than 3.25 inches long. SUBFAMILY TROQLODYTIN/E. Wrens. Small, brownish, plain colored birds. Part I. The following species have the crown or back without white streaks or dots : — Oul*, tippril and iiiarkcil with }!;rayisli white; primaries, not barred. Bewick's Wren. Thvijiilhiiriis fxifirkii. Sec No. 5;W. Thrvotliiinix liowlckll. Underparts, grayish; belly, grayish, not speckled; outer tail leathers, not Itroixlly tipped with gniylsli white; tail, over 1.25 inches long; primaries, showing; narrow l»ar>>. House Wren. Troijlodijlrx n'eilnti, diui rncea. See No. MO. FAMILY TKOOLOUYTID.K. — WKKNM AND TIIUAHIIRRS. ,'{1.{ I iiilcrparts, ilistiiu-ily lirnwiii'^li, dutlnl nml spccklcil with Inow n on il.inlo .iinl abilittiK'u : tail. \.'2ii or l«'s. Winter Wren. 7V'<(//. >./(//( .v liii'iinilis. Set' No. .*iH. Part 2. Phe following specie* have the crown or back showing more (>r less white streaks or dots : — Uuiiip ami ii|i|i('i- tail coverts, barred witb black; bill, sliortfi' than miiltlle toi> (^witliout olaw). Short-billed Harsh Wren. Cixtiitfuints sli Ihiris. .Sfo No. .*)-l2. Ituiiip Mill! tail coviM-ts. without black bars; liill. loiijrtT tliaii luiiitlit' tiM' fvvillioiil rlaw.x). LonK-bilied Marsh Wren. Cislolltiirut ji'ihiKiri.'' ■iusriipt<» carolineiisis. See Xo. 5.34. ;uo KKV TO THE lUllDS OF KASTKllN NORTH AMKKICA. i, ! i'! I fc' H E : ■ 1 Upper plumaKC, ashy gray ; li:i-*iil iiDition of priinarn-". wliii.-. formin-r a white wioK patch ; iiudeiparls, ashy wlilte, without 9tmlk^^. MockiiiK-bird. MimiiH /lohftil.tiiint. Si'v \o. .•).{;{. Entire upper plumage, rufous brown ; uiulfrpiiils, Idilly \\liil«', stroakfd with •liiik brown: wiiijr rov«'rts, tip|M': tail, more than four inches long. Brown Thrush. Brown Thrasher. JI(ir/ii'rh;iii>'li 'IS rii/i,u.s. Svv Xi». rK{5. Ilrowii Tlini:>li FAMILY CERTHHD/E. Creepers. Bill, slender and decurved ; tail feathers, stiff and pointed ; nostrils, exposed; tarsus, sctitellate; first primary, very short. But one species occurs in Eastern North America — a small bird; win^j^, less than three inches; length, less than six inches. n ' i:' Tall feathers, stiff and pointed ; bill, curved ; upper parts, streakeil : uinh-r- parts, whito; rtiiiii), dull rufous brown. Brown Creeper. Certhia fumiUnris ntinncanom Se«' Xo. .t4(!. FAMILY rAUIl)--*:. — NUTHATCHES, TITMIO:, KTC 317 FAMILY PARID/E. Nuthatches, Titmice, etc. SUBFAMILY SITTIN/E. Nuthatches. M Ai. Bill, as illustrated ; nostrils, concealed by bristly tufts ; tarsus, scutellate ; first primary, very short ; tail feathers, not stiff and pointed. The white-bellied Nuthatch is sometimes mis- taken by the novice for a small Woodpecker. If tail feathers are stiff and pointed, look for the bird under Family Picidie. <'nt\vii, lilaok; liiu-k, ;;ray, without white; wiiijjs, not ticavily spottftl with white; tail feathers, not stiff or pointed ; toes, fiMir, tliree in front, one iH'liiml; wiiii;. .■{.')() t<» 3.7') inclie-j ion;;. White- breasted Nuthatch. Sitta cariilineusis, aiul mt'fs. See No. 547. IMll, more tlmn threes ei<;hths hioh lon>■< th.iM thre.M'i;,'litli^iii,-li I.m^r; coverts, not edged with white; Im-ast. white; l,Hlv Tliio:,t. l.l.-K.k; .i,l,,s of l„»,ly, t-Jiostniit l.row,.. ^'; crown and throat, black ; greater winir iii(i sides. |i,'ii<> imU'. Carolina Chickadee. ParuK citroliiu'iisis. Si't> \((. r,.V{. Hudsonian Chickadee. Pnrus httdHonkns, Scfi Xo. 5.54. Group 2. Wing over 3 inches long. Throat and underpart5,dull white; sides of Itody, tiiiir<'il witii nifons hrown : crown, gray, with more or less of a crest ; forelH'iid, Mack, in ailulls. Tufted TitmouFc. Parm biiolnr. Hvv. Xo. f)5I. ; I :\2{\ KKV 1.. THE lUUDS OK EASTKHN NOUTH AMKKICA. FAMILY SYLVIID^. Kinglets and Qnatcatchers. Size, small; length, less than 4.75 inches; wing, less than 2.50 inches; first primary, very short. (iriMtlMtrllcT. Klii;;U-t. liai'k. Iiliii-li jrniy: oiiirr tail tVathfrs. niosily white Blue-^ray (inatcatcher. I'liliuji/ilit ciiriili'd. S('t> N'l). rio7. I'liuU, (ilivf. iii» while piiti-h on tail; t-iowii. with patcli of liri>rlit nil (iiiiilc;: I'lKwii. oiivt' (Jt'iiiaic). Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Iiii/iiliis ridi iiilulii. Sec \(>, 55(1. Hack, olive; no \>hit»> patfh on tail; oiowu, with jtatc'h of oiaiif;*' ('(1<;«mI with yt'liow aiitl hlack (male) ; crowM, with yellow pati'lunliffd with hlack (female). Golden^ciowned Kin};iet. iduu Mo. 555. FAMILY TUKI>II).K. — TllUUSIIKS ANI> lUXK-UlUDS. 321 FAHILY TURDID^. Thrushes and Blue-birds. First primary, very short; tarsus, booted (no scales stiowin^, except near tlie toes); bill, shorter than head. Group 1. Wing, from 3.25 to 4.75 inches long. Part 1. The following species have the underparts more or less streai on wing coverts. Olive-backed Thrush. Turdus uMiihitiis xmiinsnui, yee No. 664. .'522 KKV TO THE HIKDS OF EASTKKN NORTH AMKIIICA. Upper plumage, brownish olive ; ends of upper tail coverts and tail, rufous luowu, much more rufous tlian the back ; no wiiite on tail: first primary, very snuill and narrow. Hermit Thrush. Tnrdus aomilnschkie paHa-vi. See No. 5G5. Back, rump, and upper tall coverts, olive, altuut the sauii' color: eye ring and lores, white, sonit'tiiues faintly liiijipd with ItutV, hut the eye ring never dpoidedly huff, as in Krcainsi>ni ; no white on wing ooverts. Qraycheeked Thrush. Ttmlitu ttliciiv, and raves. See No. 562. (^rown nnd hack, dull cinnamon brown, shading to brownish olive oil the upper tail coverts; hreast and belly, marked with round brownish black spots; no white on wing coverts. Wood Thrush. Tiirdu.s uiKstihnns. See No. 559. FAMILY TURDID/E. — THRUSHES AND BLUE-BIKDS. 323 If Wlufjrt iiiid tail, tinged more or les^* witli blue (udinature). Crov'n, back, and upper tail coverts, pale cinnamon brown, nearly uni- form in color; hirast and sides of throat, tawny brown, niarkod with small rinnanion brown spots and streaks; belly, whitish, without spots; no white on wiug covert s. Wil»r-n's Thrush. 'I'll ri! IIS fiisri-sri'ns. See No. 5G0. Blue-bird. Sidliii siiilif. See \o. 'ui). Part 2. The following species have no streaks or spots on the under- parts: — Itlue bird. Upper plumage, blue; bi-east and sides of l)ody, einnanion rufous; belly, white (male;. Blue-bird. SinliK sittlis. See Xo. .570. Upper |)luma>>;e, ashy gray, with bluish tinge, shading to blue on rinni*, tail. and wings; breast and sides, pale cinnamon brown ; belly, whit(> (female"). Blue-bird. Sialin ail 1 1 in See No. 570. 324 KEY TO THE BIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. AVheateur. TTpjxT i>luniai;e, };;niyish l)iitV; viii(l(M|)iirt>>, i)alt> butt; hasal two thirds of ta'I feathers, except inuldle pair, white; the rest, l)lack; upper tail eoverts, white; tail, under three inches long. The Wheatear in an Old World species which occurs in Greenland and Labrador. Stragglers have been taken in Xova Scotia, Maine, and l-ong Island. Wheatear. Stone Chat. Sarirola n'mnithr. See No. 5r,«). Group 2. Wing, from 4.75 to 5.50 inches long. C^pper plumage, grayish olive; throat, white, streaked with blaclc; rest of underparts (ex- cept lower belly), pale chestnut rufous ; young birds have the underparts spotted. Robin. American Robin. Mentla mignitorid. See No! 5G7. l4l A I.I ST t)|' Till BIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. WATER BIRDS. ORDER PYQOPODES. Diving Birds. Suborder PODICIPIDES. Grebes. A. o. ir. NO. CrKSis COLYMBUS. Linn. 1 (-M COLYMBUS HOLBOELLII. (ukinii.) Holboell's Grebe. (Teneral, Nortli AnuM-ioa; breeds iiortli of the Unitoil States. Si i>.(ii.Ni;.s DYTES. K.vii-. 2 (!) COLYMBUS AURITUS. (I.iN'N.) Horned Grebe. '* Nortlu'iii IIomispluMV ; hireds from uortliorii I'luteil States ii(>itli\v;u) OAVIA ARCTICA. (Linn.) Black-throated Loon. Xortlieiu spccii's raiv, or cisiial on northern Athuitic coast of I'nitcd Statt's in v inter. 7 (11) (iAVIA LUMME. (^(iUNN.) Red-throated Loon. North America; south, in winter, to Gulf of Mexico. FAMILY ALCID/G. Auks, Murres, and Puffins. Subfamily FRATERCULIN/E. Puffins. Genus LUNDA. 8 (1-M LUNDA CIRRATA. Pai.i.. Tufted Puffin. Pacilic. s[)e('ies, chiinied by Audubon to iiavc once been taken on coarft of Maine ; no otiier record. Gknls FRATERCULA. Hkiss. 9 (1.5) FRATERCULA ARCTICA. Puffin. North Atlantic coast, breeding fi'oni liay of Fiindy nortlnvard ; casual fo Long Island, in winter. \ 10 (l.'Ja) Fraterciila arclira glacial is. (Tkmm.) Large-billed Pullin. ( A race of the conimoa Pullin, which occurs in the Arctic Ocean, Spitz- I bergen 1o Greenland. It is larger, but otherwise similar. [ Gknus CEPPHUS. Pa I.I. as. i 11 (27) CEPPHUS GRYLLE. (LiNx.) Black Guillemot. C!oast of ^Liine, Labrador, and Newfoundland ; south, in winter, to J Long Island. 12 (2.S) CEPPHUS MANDTIi. Licur. Mandt's Guillemot. Arctic regions ; south in winter to Massachusetts. ? Subfamily ALCIN/E. Genus URIA. liuiss. I 13 CM)) URlA TROILE. (Linn.) Murre. I Northern North America; south in winter to New England. 14 (.n ) URIA LOMVIA. (LixN.^ Brunnirh'5 Murre. North Atlantic coast to Arctic Ocean ; south in winter to New . Jersey. j Genu.s ALCA. Linn. 15 {:V2) ALCA TORDA. Linn. Razor-billed Auk. North Atlantic coast; in winter to Long Island ; accidental as far south as North Carolina. Genls PLAUTUS. UiiiiNN. 16 (.53) PLAUTUS IMPENNIS. Great Auk. Formerly North Atlantic coast, now extant. LIM OF TIIK HIKDS OF K.VSTKKN NOIMII WIKKICA. 327 ALLIN/C. Dovekies. ^ •••'•• GKNI-.S ALLE. Link. NO. 17 (;i4) ALLE ALLE. (Linn.) Dovekie. Little Auk. Coast of Nortli Atlantic from fa-stcni Arctic Ocean ; south in winti-r to Lonu IslaiuL ORDER LONGIPENNES. Long-winged Swimmers. FAIVIILY STERCORARIID/E. Sl^uas and Jasgcrs. Gkms MEGALESTRIS. I{onai-. 18 (i'l) MEGALESTRIS SKUA. (MuiNNO Skua. North Athintic ; south to Carolina; rare ou Atlantic coast of Uiiilfd States. Gknls STERCORARIUS. Mwiss 19 (3ti) STERCORARIUS POMARINUS. (TiiMM.) Pomarine Ja:ger. North America. 20 (:J7) STERCORARIUS PARASITICUS. (Linn.) Parasitic J«ger. North America; ranrthern New Knrlainl in winf«'r. 26 ( L". ) LARUS KUMLIENI. liKKwsr. Kumlien's Gull. Northern species; south in winter to New England and casually to Middle States. 1 28 (;.(») 29 {:>!) 30 (;")lft 31 (M) 32 (fx;) 33 (58) .'i2H LIST OF TIIK lUUDS OF KASTKUN NOKTII AMKIMOA. v. o. u. NO. 27 (17) LARUS MARINUS. Linn, (ireat Black-hacked (kirr. North Athmtic Ocean; Houtli in winter tu Middle Stiiti'H ; iiccideutal in Florida. LARUS UFFINUS. lti:iMi. Siberian Gull. Old world species; recorded t'roni ( iieenhuid. LARUS ARGENTATUS. liui nn. Herring Gull. European species; accidental on Atlantic coast of North America. (51a) Fjarun argentatKS umithsonianns. ('ori:s. American Ilerrinj;' (iidl. North America; generally south to Cnha in winter; the conunon species of our hays and c'>:ist ; Itreeds froni Maine northward. LARUS UELAWaRENSIS. Okd. RiiiK-billed Gull. (Tcneral, North America; south to (Julf of Mexico in winter. LARUS CANUS. Linn. Mew Gull. European species ret-orded from Labrador (one record). LARUS ATRICILLA. Linn. Laughing Gull. Atlantic coast of United States; north in summer to Maine and Nova Scotia; in winter, southern United States, West Indies, and northern South America. 34 (5:») LARUS FRANKLINII. S\v. and IJk ii. Franklins Gull. Not common east of the Mississippi River; not found on the Atlantic coast. 35 (()()) LARUS PHILADELPHIA. (Ord.) Bonaparte's GuH. North America ; generally breeds north of United States. 36 ((iOa) LARUS MINUTUS. Tam.. Little Gull. European species ; only once taken on our coast. Gkms RHODOSTETHIA. M.wval. 37 ((U) RHODOSTETHIA ROSEA. (Macgil.) Ross's Gull. f Arctic species; recorded from Alaska and (ireenland. r' i' ' J Gents XEMA. Li:acii. 38 (('.2) XEMA SABIMI. (Sail) Sabine's Gull. Arctic regions ; south in winter to Long Island ; rare. Subfamily STERNIN^. Terns. Genus GELOCHELIDON. Bkeiim. 39 (6;3) GELOCHELIDON NILOTICA. (Hasselq.) Gull-billed Tern. Throughout North America; summer, north to southern New England, winter, south to BraziL Genis sterna. Linn. SuiuJKNrs THALASSEUS. Roie. 40 (r.4) STERNA CASPIA. Pallas. Caspian Tern. Whole of North America ; cos:nopolitan si»ecles ; breeds on middle Atlantic coast ; also Pacific coast and interior. LIST OF TIIK H1KI>8 OF EASTKKN NOUTII AMKRICA. .'{2l> A- '> ' • Si KOENUs ACTOCHELIDON. Kwv. NO. 41 (<■).'») SIEKNA MAXIMA. Hold. Royal Tern. Soutlicni Atliuitic coast, (Joorgia, Florida, nm\ llir (Jiilf States; casual in Hiiiniiu'r, north to Massachusetts. 42 (C?) STERNA SANDVICENSIS ACUFLAVIDA. (Cahot.) Cabot's Tern. Southern coast of I'nited States, West Indies, ami Central America, north to North Carolina in siinnn»'r ; accidental in New JMvjrland. 43 (f.K) STERNA TRUDEAUI. At i». Trudeau's Tern. Soutli American species; strajifjlers have been taken on the Atlantic coast of United States. 44 («',;») STERNA FORSTERI. Ni tt. Forster's Tern. North America, in jjeneral ; in winter to West Indies and South Aincrica ; breeds from Virginia to Manitoba. 45 (70) STERNA HIRUNDO. I.inn. Common Tern. •' Mackerel Gull." Throughout eastern North America; breeds nearly tlnouLrliout its range, from Arctic Ocean to Florida ; winters from Virginia southward. 46 (71) STERNA PARADIS/EA. liuVss. Arctic Tern. North America from Arctic Ocean to North Carolina ; breeds from Massa- chusetts nortliward. 47 (72) STERNA DOUQALLI. Moxta<:. Roseate Tern. Southern coast of Ui. ited States; north in summer to New England ; acci- dental in Nova Scotia. SunoExrs STERNULA. BoiK. 48 (74) STERNA ANTILLARUM. (Less.) Least Tern. Southern coast of I'nited States and northern Soutii America; in summer north to New F'ngland ; accidental in Laln-ador ; breeds tin-oughout its range. Si iKiENrs ONICHOPRION. 49 (7.)) STERNA FULIQINOSA. Gmei.. Sooty Tern. Semi-tropical species, common in the West Indies ; in summer north to Nortli Carolina; accidental in New England. 50 (7(',) STERNA AN/ETHETUS. S( oi>. Bridled Tern. Tropical si)ecies, accidental on Florida coast ; South Carolina, one record. Genls HYDROCHELIDON. Boie. 51 (77) HYDROCHELIDON NIGRA SURINAMENSIS. ((iMii.) Black Tern. North America ; breeds from Middle States in the interior northward to the fur countries. 52 (7.S) HYDROCHELIDON LEUCOPTERA. (Meisn. ani> Sciiinz.) White-winged Black Tern. European species, of accidental occurreuce in the United States ; Wis- consin, one record. :VM) LIST OF THK lUltDS OF KASTKRN NOUTIl AMKKICA. ; ' » " ' • (tenls ANGUS. Stkimikns. NO. 53 (T'.t) ANGUS STOLIDUS. (Linn.) Noddy. South Atlantic States of United StatoH ; cominon in the AVrst Intlie.s. FAMILY RHYNCHOPID/E. Skimmers. CJkm s RHYNCHOPS. Linn. 54 (Hti) RHYNCHOPS NIGRA. Linn. Black Skimmer. Coasts of the United States soutli of Virginia; casual to New KughimL ORDER TUBINARES. Tube-nosed Swimmers. FAMILY DIOMEDEID/E. Albatrosses. (iKNu.s DIOMEDEA. Linn. 55 (HI) DIOMEDEA EXULANS. Linn. Wanderinj; Albatross. Species common to southern seas ; chiimed to have been seen at Tampa Hay, Florida. (iKNLs THALASSOGERON. ((ioiLo) 56 («;^) THALASSOGERON CULMINATUS. (Gould) Yellow-nosed Albatross. South I'acilic species, accidental in eastern North America. St, Lawrence River, one reconL FAMILY PROCELLARIID>E. Fulmars and Shearwaters. Subfamily FULMARIN/E. Colks. (;knls FULMARUS. STEPti. 57 (sC) FULMARUS QLACIALIS. (Linn.) Fulmar. North Atlantic Ocean, south on coast of United States to Long Island. 58 (.SOrj) Fi'Jmarns ijldcialis minor. K.i.i:ui5(i".i.i.iN(i. Lessor Fulmar. A small race differing from (ilacialis only in .size ; range about the same. Subfamily PUFFININ/E. Genus PUFFINUS. Bkisson. 59 («8) PUFFINUS BOREALIS. Cory. Cory's Shearwater. Known to occur only on coast of Massachusetts and L«mg Island ; winter and breeding range unknown.* 60 (H.») PUFFINUS MAJOR. Faher. Greater Shearwater. Atlantic Ocean, coasts of both North and South America. * By soinu .authors !-u|>|>o»i-«l to lie Mimilurtu I', kulilii, hut borealis is larger ainl the foet in liff ililferoiitly coliireil. LIST OF THE MIKUa OF KASTKKN NOIMII AMKUICA. 381 A. O. V. NO. 61 C.Mi) PUFFINUS PUFFINUS. iIIkOnn.) Manx Shearwater. Kun)|H'iiii spi'cit's ; accidental on the Atlantic coaHt. 62 (:t2) PUFFINUS AUDUBONI. I tNs. ii. Audubon's Shearwater. Tropical species; coniiiion in West Indies; casind on Florida coast ; acci- dental art far north as New Jersi'V. 63 (94) PUFFINUS FULIGINOSUS. Stijk k. Sooty Shearwater. Haglet. South Atlantic species; ran^injr in smniner north to coast of I'ruted States; New Kn<:land ; common. (U.MS /ESTRELATA. Monai-. 64 (.tM) /ESTRELATA HASITATA. (Kui.) Black-capped Petrel. Tropical and semi-tropical portions of tiie Atlantic Ocean ; accidental in the I'liited States; nnmerous records. 65 (!•".>) /ESTRELATA SCALARIS Bukwst. Scaled Petrel. Hare stra. and Sii.kv.) Bulwer's Petrel. Old world species; accidental in (ireenland. Subfamily PROCELLARIIN/E. Coues. (ii.Ms PROCELLARIA. Linn. 67(101) PROCELLARIA PELAGICA. Liw. Stormy Petrel. Atlanti<' ocian ; Newfoundland hanks not unconnnon, hut rarely seen near land. (iKNUs OCEANODROMA. Hkioiiknhacii. 67(1 (lor,^) OCEANODROMA CRYPTOLEUCA. (Uiihjw.) Hawaiian Petrel. Pacific si)ecies ; accidental in I'nited States ; ^YashinJit<)n, D.C, one record. 68 (lot;) OCEANODROMA LEUCORHOA. (Viiiii.) Leach's Petrel. Northern portions of Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; ltree) PHAETHON AMERICANUS. Gkant. Yellow=billed Tropic Bird. C'oinmon in U'ost ludit's, wIumc it l)roiHls off Kloiida coast in summer; accidental in New York (one record). 73 (113) PHAETHON /CTHEREUS. Linn. Red-biUed Tropic Bird. Accidental on Newfoundland Banks. FAMILY SULID/E. Gannets. Genus SULA. BKii^s. 74(114) SULA CYANOPS. Slnd. Blue-faced Booby. Accidental on Florida coast ; not uncommon in West Indies. 75(11.")) SULA SULA. (Linn.) Booby. Tro[)ical species ; common in West Indies ; coast of Florida, in summer ; accidciital, north to Lon>r Island. 76 (Ur.) SULA PISCATOR. (Lixx.) Red-footed Booby. Tropical species ; accidental on Florida coast. Slbgenls DYSPORUS. Ii.liger. f>i 77(117) SULA BASSANA. (Linn.) Gannet. ' Coasts of Nortii Atlantic Ocean; south, in winter, to Florida and Gulf of j [ Mexico ; breeds from shores of Nova Scotia and (iulf of St. Lawrence, 5 ; northward. FAMILY ANHINQID/G. Darters. Gencs ANHINQA. Hklss. jj 78 (lis) ANHINQA ANHINGA. (Linn.) Anhinga. } I Tropical America ; connnon in Florida ; casual, north to South Carolina ; accidental in Illinois. FAMILY PHALACROCORACID/E. Cormorants. Genis PHALACROCORAX. Bkiss. 79(11!)) PHALACROCORAX CARBO. (Linn.) Cormorant. Nortli Atlantic ; south to Carolinas, in winter ; at one time bred from INIassachusetts, northward ; now becominji; much less numerous, anii. 93 (l.^G) ANAS PENELOPE. Linn. Widgeon. European Widgeon. European species; often taken on our coast, 94 (l;^) ANAS AMERICANA. Gmkl. American Widgeon. Baldpate. Tiiroughout North America, from Arctic Ocean to (Julf coast; ])reeds north of United States. ^ Subgenus NETTION. Kauc. i 95 (188) ANAS CRECCA. Linn. European Teal. ' Accidental in eastern North America; New England, several records. 96 (13. 102 (145) NETTA RUFINA. (Paui.) Rufous-crested Duck. European species; New York, one record. Genus AYTHYA. Hoik. 103 (146) AYTHYA AMERICANA. (Kyt.) Red-head Duck. North America in general; breeds from northern portions of United States northward. 104 (147) AYTHYA VALLISNERIA. (Wn s ) Canvas-back Duck. North America in general ; breeds from .Minnesota north and west to Alaska; not common on New England coast, but abundant about Chesapeake Hay and Carolina coasts; casual, south in winter to Florida and Cuba. Sun(;ENUs FULIQULA. .Stei-ii. 105 (148) AYTHYA MARILA. (Linn.) American Scaup Duck. Blue-bill or Black- head. Tliroughout North America; breeds nortii of United States. 106 (149) AYTHYA AFFINIS. (EvT.) Lesser Scaup Duck. Blue-bill or Black-head. Ranges tlirougliout North America; south in winter to West Indies; abundant ii^ Florida. 107 (l.jO) AYTHYA COLLARIS. (Doxov.) Ring-necked Duck. Througliout Nortli America ; in winter sontii to West Indies; breeds far north. Genus GLAUCIONETPA. Stein. 108 (L'tl) GLAUCIONETTACLANGULA AMERICANA. (UoNAi.) American Qolden- eye Duck. Whistler. North Aimuica ; breeding from northern New England northward j south in winter to the Gulf coast and Cuba. 109 (152) QLAUCIONETTA ISLANDICA. (Umei.) Barrow's Qolden-eye Duck. Northern North America ; breeding from Gulf of St. Lawrence north- ward ; south in winter to New York ; not common on New England coast. 8;iG LIST OF THE IJIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA A <>. u Gknus CHARITONETTA. Sikjn. N<». no (153) CHARITONETTA ALBEOLA. (Linn.) Buffle-head Duck. Dipper. North Aniericii ; south iu winter to Florida and Cuba ; breeds from Maine northward. Genus CLANGULA. Leach. 111 (ir)4) CLANGULA HYEMALIS. (Linn.) Old Squaw. Long-tailed Duck. Northern portion of North America; breeding far north; south iu winter to Middle States ; casual iu Florida. Genus HISTRIONICUS. Less. 112 a55) HISTRIONICUS HISTRIONICUS. (Linn.) Harlequin Duck. Northern North America; breeds from Newfoundhind, northward; in winter, south to Middle States ; accidental iu Florida. Genls CAMPTOL/EMUS. Gray. 113 (156) CAMPTOL/EMUS LABRADORIUS. (Gmi:i..) Labrador Duck. Probably extinct ; formerly, North Atlantic coast, breeding from Lab- rador, northward. Genus ENICONETTA. Gray. 114 (157) ENICONETTA STELLERI. (Pall.) Steller's Duck. Arctic species, which occurs in Greenland. Genus SOMATERIA. Leach. 115 (159) SOMATERIA MOLLISSIMA BOREALIS. (Brehm.) Northern Eider Duck. Northeastern North America; south, in winter, to Massacluiovtts. 116 (160) SOMATERIA DRESSERI. Sharie. American Eider Duck. Atlautic coast of North America ; south, in winter, to Delaware ; breedu from Maine, northward. SuBCENUs ERIONETTA. CouES. 117 (162) SOMATERIA SPECTABILIS. (Linn.) King Eider Duck. Northern species ; in winter, south to New England ; accidental as far south as Georgia ; breeds iu the far north. Genus OIDEMIA. Fleminc. 118 (1C3) OIDEMIA AMERICANA. Sw. AND Kk II. American Scoter Duck. Velvet Scoter. Butter-bill Coot. Breeds from Labrador, northward ; occurs both on coast and inland lakes ; soutli to Florida, in winter. One of the Coots of New England gunners. 119 (164) OIDEMIA FUSCA. (Linn.) Black Scoter. European species, recorded from Greenland. LTST OF TIIR BIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. 337 *\^'V,." Sui5(JKNUs MELANITTA. Hoik. 120 (K.r.) OIDEMIA DEGLANDI. IJunu-. White-winged Scoter Duck. White- winged Coot. Noitherii Nortli America, hiveding from Ijubraclor, northward ; south, in winter, to North Carolina; common on New Enghintl coast (luring migrations. 121 (ion) OIDEMIA PERSPiCILLATA. (Linn.) Surf Scoter Duck. Skunk-head Coot. Northern North America, on both Athintic and Pacific coasts, and interior ialies ; l)ree(ls far nortii ; soutli, in winter, to Florida ; accidental iu Cuba and Jamaica; a common Coot of New England gunners. Genus ERISMATURA. Bonai. 122 (1G7) ERISMATURA JAMAICENSIS. ((Jmel.) Ruddy Duck. Ranges throughout North America, breeding nearly throughout its range; winters in the Southern States and along (lulf ; common in Florida; also in West Indies, and northern South America. GENU.S NOMONYX. Hiixiw. 123 (IGS) NOMONYX DOMINICUS. (Finn.) Masked Duck. Tropical species ; accidental in eastern United States ; specimens have been taken in New York, Wisconsin, and Massachusetts. Subfamily ANSERIN/E. Qeese. Genus CHEN. lion;. 124 (H,«)) CHEN HYPERBOREA. (1am.) Lesser Snow Goose. Rare iu eastern United States ; accidental on New England coast ; occurs in Illinois ; common on Pacific coast ; breeds in Alaska. 125 (l(')i>«) Chen hi/})erhorea nivalis. (Foust.) Greater Snow (ioose. Eastern race of preceding species, the principal difference being in size; exact breeding range unknown ; winters ou Atlantic coast from Virginia to Cuba, 126 (ir.'.M) CHEN C(ERULESCENS. (Linn.) Blue Goose. Little known species, breeding about Hudson Hay, migrating scmth in winter, through ^Mississippi Valley to (iulf coast; api)arently not common anywhere. Genus ANSER. liuiss. 127 (171) ANSER ALBIFRONS. (Gmel.) White-fronted Goose. European species; recorded from Greenland. 128 (171a) Anser cdhifrons gamheli. (Haute.) American White fronted Goose. Larger than European species ; occurs throughout North America ; breeding far north and ranging, winter, south to Mexico and Cuba. iV^H LIST OK Tin; jwuds of kastkhn noktii amkkica. A.O.I'. (1km s BRANTA. Scoroi.i. NO. 129 (172) BRANTA CANADENSIS. F.inn. Canada (loose, TemiH'nitc! Noitli Ainoricn ; l)ivi'(liiig in Northern United States aiul British Provinces ; raniies in winter as far sonth as ^lexieo and Janiaiea ; winters in great munbers on Atlantic coast, sontU of Virginia. 130 (172(() liraiUtt canadensis hntchinsii. (Sw. and Iticii.) Ilutcliins's Goose. Similar to the Canada (loose, hut smaller; wing usually less than IG inches long (carpus to tip) ; western species rare, east of Missis- sippi Valley. 131 (172c) liranta canadensis jiiininia. JJiixiw. Cackling (loose. A still smaller race ; wing, rarely over 1 !..')() ; underparts darker, having the breast and upper belly tinged with brownish; Pacific species casual as far east as "Wisconsin ; not recorded farther east than Illinois. 132 (17:'.) BRANTA BERNICLA. (I,in\.) Brant. From Arctic Circle where it l)reeds ; south in eastern North America to Georgia ; accidental in Florida. 133 (171) BRANTA NIGRICANS. (Ivwu.) Black Brant. Western species, occasioiitilly taken on Atlantic coast. 134 (17.) BRANTA LEUCOPSIS. (15i:. iisr.) Barnacle Goose. The European Binnacle Goose occurs in Greenland ; it is rare on Atlantic coast of United States. The white on forehead and sides of head and chin will always distinguish it from American species. Subfamily CVQNIN/E. Swans. Gknls OLOR. Wa(.i.kk. 135 (17.)) OLOR CVQNUS. (Linn.) Whooping Swan. Old Avorld species which occurs in Greenland, but not elsewhere in North America. It has the base of the mandible and bare loral skin yellow. 136 (ISO) OLOR COLUMBIANUS. (()iii>.) Whistling Swan. AVhole of North America; breeding far north; common on coast of Vir- ginia an. Wuerdemann's Heron. Southern Florida ; probably a colored phase of ^i. occidentalis, or an abnormally colored sj)ecimen of Anlea ivardi. 150 (193) ARDEA WARDI. Hiixav. Ward's Heron. Florida. 151 (19 4) ARDEA HERODIAS. Linn. Great Blue Heron. The commou large Heron of the Atlantic coast (except Florida) ; ranges from Arctic regions to northern South America. 152 (19.")) ARDEA CINEREA. Linn. European Blue Heron. European species, recorded from Greenland. Sti'.cKNi s HERODIAS. Rone. 153 (196) ARDEA EGRETTA. Gmei,. American Egiet. Southern United States to South America ; casual north to New Eng- land ; accidental in Nova Scotia ; breeds in colonies in Southern States in February ; abundant in parts of Florida. SriJciENi s GARZETTA. Kait. 154 (197) ARDEA CANDIDISSIMA. (Imii.. Snowy Heron. Tropical and semi-tropical species, not uuconnnon on Gulf coast; breeds in Florida in May ; accidental iu New England and Illinois. LI8T or THE lUKDS OF KA.sTKUN NORTH AMKHICA. .34 ^,, Suue. Cranes. Gknls QRUS. Pallas. 161 (204) QRUS AMERICANA. (Linn.) Whooping Crane. Interior of North America ; rare on Atlantic coast ; accidental in New England ; casnal in Florida. 162 (20:)) QRUS CANADENSIS. (Linn.) Little Brown Crane. Western species ; two records cast of Mississippi Hiver. 163 (20(5) QRUS MEXICANA. Oli i i .) Sandhill Crane. AVarmer parts of North America; common in parts of (leorgia and Florida, where it breeds; accidental in New England and Illinois. 342 LIST OF THE BIRDS OF EASTEKN NORTH AMERICA. Suborder RALLI. Rails, Qallinules, Coots, etc. FAMILY ARAMID/E. Courlans. A. M. ir. CJenl-s ARAMUS. Vikili,. NO. 164 (L>()7) ARAMUS GIGANTEUS. (IJonap.) Llmpkln. Tropieal spoeies ; resident aiid breeds in Florida. FAMILY RALLID/E. Rails, Qallinules, and Coots. Subfamily RALLIN/G. Rails. Genus RALLUS. Linn. 165 (208) RALLUS ELEGANS. Ai i.. King Rail. Fresh-water marshes of eastern I'nited States; casual north of North Carolina, New England, and Illinois ; recorded as far north as Ontario. 166 (211) RALLUS CREPITANS. Gmkl. Clapper Rail. Salt-water marshes ; New England to (inlf States. 167 (211(c) Halliis crepitanH satnratii.s. (I{iu(iw.) Jjonisiana Clapiter Rail. A dark race of li. crepitans, which occurs in die salt-water marshes of Louisiana. I67« ( — ) RalhiH crepiians ivaynei. Brkwstku. Wayne's Clapper Rail. This race is described as differing from true crepitans^ in being darker, "the underparts with more ashy, the under tail coverts with fewer markings." (Brewster Auk, }>. ;"»(), l.SDO.) Habitat, coast of Georgia to middle Florida (head of Indian River). 168 (211/0 RALLUS SCOTTII. (Senn.) Scott's Rail- Florida Clapper Rail. Florida. 169 (212) RALLUS VIRGINIANUS. Linn. Virginia Rail. North America, Canada to Cuba ; often occurring in large numbers on New England marshes during migrations. Genus PORZANA. Vieii.l. 170 (213) PORZANA PORZANA. (Linn.) Spotted Crake. pjuropean species; recorded from Cireenland. 171 (214) PORZANA CAROLINA. (Linn.) Sora. Carolina Rail. North America; common on Atlantic coast, Florida, and Gulf States; West Indies and South America in winter. SunoiNus COTURNICOPOS. Ronap. 172 (21;")) PORZANA NOVEBORACENSIS. ((iMEu.) Yellow Rail. Hudson Bay to Florida and Cuba ; apparently not connnon anywhere. LIST OF TIIK KIKDS OF KASTKIJN NOKTII AMKUK'A. 'M''\ SumiKNUs CKACISCUS. caiian. 173 (2lt;) PORZANA JAMAICENSIS. {(Jmel.) Black Rail. Kiom .Milssacliiisetts and Illinois to West Imlii's; apparently nowhere coninion ; breeds throiie. Qallinufes. fU.Ms lONORNIS. Hki. II. 175 (21«) lONORNIS MARTINICA. Linn.) Purple Gallinule. (iiilf States ; casually north to New Kniihind and Illinois; breeds from southern Illinois and Carolinas .southward. (iKNLs QALLINULA. Uuiss. 176 (21'.t) QALLINULA QALEATA. (Li« iir.) Florida Oallinule. Warmer parts of America, from Canada to C'liili ; breeds from New England southward ; common in Southern States. Subfamily FULICIN/E. Coots. (iKNis FULICA. Linn. 177 (2>(l) V^ULICA ATRA. Linn. European Coot. Kiii<)i)iaii s[)ecies ; recorded from (iivenland. !78 (221) FULICA AMERICANA. Gmki.. American Coot. Common in wanner portions of I'nited States but casual from Canada (and even (rreenland) to West Indies; abundant in (ieorgia, Florida, and (liilf States. — ORDER LIMICOL/C. Shore Birds. Marsh Birds. FAMILY PHALAROPODID/E. Phalaropes. (iiNLs CRYiVVOPHILUS. Vikii.i . 179 (222) CRYMOPHILUS FULICARIUS. (Linn.) Red Phalaropes. Breeds in Arctic rciiions ; south in winter to Middle States; accidental on Florida coast ; New England, Illinois. Genus PHALAROPUS. I'.his-. 180 (^2-2:^) PHALAROPUS LOBATUS. (Linx.) Northern Phalarope. '• Northern portions of Northern Hemisphere; breeding in Arctic lati- tudes; south in winter to the tropics." (A. O. U.) New England, ,„ Illinois. ;i44 LIST Or TlIK milD.S OF KAHTKUN NOHTH AMKKICA. \. o. r. NO. 181 C-'iM) PHALAkOPiJS TRICOLOK. (Vii.ii.i.) Wilson's Phalarope. C'liii'lty iiitt'iior of North Amcricsi ; Itivcils from nortlu'rn Illinois nortli- w:ir(l ; in wiiitor, south to Soiitli America ; common in Mississippi Valley; casuiil on Atlantic coast. FAMILY RECURVIROSTRID/E. Avocets and Stilts. 2:)) RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA. (Jmki.. American Avocet. 'remiterate North America ; bn'ods from Illinois to the Saskatchewan and (Jreat Slave Lake; in winter. Central America ami AVost Indies; rare on Atlantic coast except Florida, where it is casual; acc'«lental in New Kn') QALLINAGO MAJOR. (Gmici.) Greater Snipe. Old world species accidental in North America, recorded from Hudson Hay. 187 (2:i()) QALLINAGO DELICATA. (Oru.) Wilson's Snipe. Jack Snipe. Breeds from northern I'nited States, northward ; south in winter to West Indies and South America. LI^T OF TIIK HIUDS OF KA8TKUN NOHTH AMKIMCA. .'M,') ^ •;,' (iKNL> MACRORHAMPHUS. Lka(ii. pit >. 188 (2;U) MACRORHAMPHUS (IRISEUS. ((iMKi.) Dowitcher. Red-breasted Snipe. iJrocds ill the Arctic ivj^ions ; in winter to West Indies and Soiitli Anierita; ubnndant on Athmfic coast duiin) TRINGA FUSCICOLLIS. Vikim. White-rumped Sandpiper. Bona- parte's Sandpiper. Eastern North America; breeds in high latitudes; south in winter to AVest Indies and Central America ; New England and Illinois. 195 (211) TRINGA BAIRDII. ((oris.) Baird's Sandpiper. Common in interior of North America; breeds in Alaska; south in winter to South America ; rare on Atlantic coast ; New England and Illinois. 196 (212) TRINGA MINUTILLA. ViEii.i.. Least Sandpiper. Common through the Americas ; breeds north of Unitereeds north of Tnitcd States; winters in West Indies and South America ; common on Atlantic coast during migrations ; Illinois. I 1 201 (217) EREUNETES OCCIDENTALIS. Lawk. Western Sandpiper. Western species; breeding in high latitudes and ranging in winter to South America ; wot uncommon on Atlantic coast during migrations. Genus CALIDRIS. CuvrKit. 202 (24H) CALIDRIS ARENARIA. i^Linn.) Sanderling. Sandpiper. Bull Peep. C'osmo[)olitan species; breeds in far north; soutli in wiut -r to South America ; common on Atlantic coast during migrations ; New England, F'lorida, Illinois. Genus LIMOSA. Ukiss. 203 (24!») LIMOSA FEDOA. (Linn.) Marbled Godwit. North America, chietly west ; breeds from Nebraska northward, migrat- ing in winter to Central America ; not common on Atlantic coast ; New England, casual; Florida. Illinois. 204 (2:)1) LAMOSA H/T^MASTICA. (Linn.) Hudsonian Godwit. Goose Bird. Eastern North America; south in wiuti-r to South America; breeds far north; at one time abundant oa Atlantic coast during migrations, now less common; New England, Florida, Illinois. 205 (2;)2) LIMOSA LIMOSA. (Linn.) Black-tailed God-vit. European siiecies, which occurs in Greenland. Genus TOTANUS. He( ii. 206 (25.?) TOTANUS NEBULARIUS, (Oi nn.) Green-shank. Old world species; acci«lental in Florida; no recent records. LIST OF THE niRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. 347 207 A. I>. U. NO, (2.V1) 208 (•_>.'):)) 209 ( •2'^C> ) 210 CJ.'.T) Si ii(;kni s GLOTTIS. Kocn. TOTANUS MELANOLEUCUS. (Gmel.) Greater Yellow-legs. Winter Yellow-legs. Xortli America ; bieodiiig from nortliorn Illinois uortliward ; in winter, south to South Amorioa (Chili) ; common durin*? migrations on Atlantic C(jast. TOTANUS FLAVIPES. ((iMii .) Yellow-legs. Summer Yellow-legs. North America ; breeding from northern Illinois northward; south in winter to South America ; abundant during migrations on Atlantic coast. Genus HELODROMUS. Kaip. HELODROMUS SOLIIARIUS. fWii.s.) Solitary Sandpiper. North America ; breeding from northern United States northward ; in winter, south to South Aiiurica ; New England, Florida, Illinois. HELODROMUS OCHROPUS. 'Linn.) Green Sandpiper. Kuropean species ; once recorded from Nova Scotia. (iKNis SVMPHEMIA. Hakinesque. 211 (-i.^.s) SYMPHEMIA SEMIPALMATA. (Gmei.) Willit. Eastern North America, from Florida to New England; breeding occa- sionally as far north as Maine; south in winter to South America. 212 c2'if A. (). U. NO. 224 (272) CHARAURIUS DOMINICUS. Mill.. American Golden Plover. Green Plover. Ranges from Arctic regions, wliere it breeds, to South America ; common on Atlantic coast durins migrations; prefers tlie lields t:> the marshes. Gems >EQIAUTIS. Uoik. 225 (27;^) /EQIALITIS VOCIFERA. (Linn.) Kildeer Plover. Ranges from Newfoundh\nd and .Manitoba, l)reeding tliroiighout its range; common in winter from (lulf States and C'arolinas to llie West Indies and Soutii America; as a rule not common on New England coast, but in November, 1S(S8, a great (light occurred on shores of Massachusetts, and hundreds were killed and offered for sale in the Boston markets. 226 (274) /EGIALITIS SEMIPALMATA. Honai'. Semipalmated Plover. Ranges from Arctic regions to South America ; breedinu; from Labrador northward ; common on Atlantic coast (Uu'ing 'uigrations. 227 (275) >EQIAL1TIS HIATICULA. (Linn.) Ring Plover. Old world species ; not recorded from I'liited States; it occurs in (ireen- land. 228 (277) /EGIALITIS MELODA. (Oud.) Piping Plover. From Labrador to the West Indies and South America, being a familiar bird on our shores; breeds from Virginia to Labrador and New- foundland. 229 (277*() .I'Jiiidlitis mcloda circnmcincta, IJiixav. Belted Piping Plover. Is similar to a meloda l)ut differs in havinii an unbroken black band on the ueck foiming a complete collar ; breeds from northern Illinois northward ; migrates in winter to (lulf of JMexico. 229a (27S) /EGIALITIS NIVOSA. ( as.s. Snowy Plover. Western species ; not uncommon in winter on the northwest coast of Florida. SiHGENLS OCHTHODROMUS. inicn. 230 (281)) /EGIALITIS WILSONIA. (Oud.^ Wilson's Plover. Atlantic and Pacilic coasts of North America; on the Atlantic side from Long Island to the West Indies and South America; breeds from Virginia ; southern stragglers have been taken as far north as Nova Scotia. SUHGENUS PODASOCVS. COUES. 231 (JSl) /EGIALITIS MONTANA. (Towns.) Mountain Plover. Western species ; accidental or casual in Florida. i'' f 350 LIST OF THE BIUDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. FAMILY APHRIZID/E. Surf Birds and Turnstones. Subfamily ARENARIIN/C. Turnstones. ^- <;•,'• Genus ARENARIA. Hkiss. I 232 (2s;;) aRENARIA INTERPRES. CI inn ) Turnstone. IJoth coasts of North America, and in the interior on tlie larijor lakes and rivers; breeds in tlie Arctic ret!;ions ; in wintei- to South America. FAMILY H/EMATOPODID/E. Oyster Catchers. (Jims H/EMA TOPUS. Linn. 233 (28.)) H/EMATOPUS OSTRALEOUS. [.inn. Oyster Catcher. Kia'ui)ean s[)eeies, wiiicii occurs in (ireenland. 234 (2.S(;) H/EMATOPUS PALLIATUS. 1 American Oyster Catcher. Coasts ol' tlie warmer i)ortions of America, from New .Jersey to South America ; accidental iu New England ; connnon in Florida, and breeds. LAND BIRDS. ORDER GALLIN/E. Gallinaceous Birds. Suborder PHASIANI. Pheasants, Qrouse, Partridges, Quail, etc. FAiVllLY TETRAONID/G. Qrouse, Partridges, etc. Subfamily PERDICIN/E. Partridges and Quail. •^•^';,'- Oknis COLINUS. Lksscn. 235 (is.r, COLINUS VIRQINIANUS. (I,i\\.) Quail Bob-white. Eiistfni rnitccl States; wi'st to Kansas, Dakotah. and oastcrii 'IVxas ; Itroeds tliroiiu'lioiit raiitic 236 (^2.s'.t(() (\)Iiiiii^ vir(/iiii(i)iiis jlnrithtinis. (Cocks.) Florida (.^uail. A Florida raco, smaller and darkei' than C. rirtiiin'tDins. Subfamily TETRAONIN/E. Grouse, etc. (Ikms CANACHITES. Stkjn. 237 (J.t8) CANACHITES CANADENSIS. (I.iw.) Canada Grouse. Spruce Par- tridge. Tlu'ouiiiiont British America; occurs in United States in noi'thern New Fiiiiiand, New York. Minnesota, and Michiiian. 237t( ( ) ('(UKirfn'/ps r(tna(h')isiyi hdtrdfloriii.^, 1{an(.s. Laltrador Spruce Grouse. A Labrador race of the Canada (Irouse; the males dit!\'r but sliirhtly, but the females are descrilH'd as bi'inritish America as far nortli as James Hay; it occurs in northern New York and n(»rthi'ni New Fngland ; it is more gray on the ui)per parts, and the underparts are more distinctly barred. Gkm s LAQOPUS. Hiiiss. 240 (:'.() 1) LAQOPUS LAGOPUS. (I ass.) WIIIjw Ptarmigaii. Arctic species; accidental in New Eugluud. (351; I:' if' 1 I 3r)2 LIST OF THE HIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. \. o. r. NO. 241 ('M)la) LiK/opns hufopus alleni. Allen's I'tarmijian. A race peculiar to Newfoiiiidland ; differs in having the shafts of the secondaries black. 242 (:5()L>) LAQOPUS RUPESTRIS. (Gmki.) Rock Ptarmigan. Arctic America, from southern J.,al)rador to Alaska, Anticosti. 243 {'M)2(i) Laffopus rnpestris reinhardti. (Bkkum.) Keinhardt's Ptarmigan. A race inhabiting northern Labrador and Greenland ; the female has the greater portion of the back, black, in summer ; the male has the barring on the upper parts finer and more nneveu. 244 (;5();5) LAQOPUS WELCHI. Biiicwsr Welch's Ptarmisan. IVculiar to Newfoundland. Genus TYMPANUCHUS. Gi.ogeh. 245 (;U).-)) TYMPANUCHUS AMERICANUS. (IJekh.) Prairie Hen. I'rairies of Mississippi Valley, Kentucky, (Jliio, Indiana, Michigan, jNlinnesota, Iowa, and Missouri; north and west to Manitoba, Dakotah, and Indian Territory; south to southwestern Louisiana, and Texas, where it is replaced by a paler and smaller race called T. a. attiraferi. 246 (;5()<;) TYMPANUCHUS CUPIDO, (Linn.) Heatli Hen. Island of Martha's Vineyard, Mass. ; once abundant, now nearly extinct; resembles the Prairie lien, but may be distinguished by its barred axiUars, scai)ulars broadly tipped with buff, and tufts of feathers on the neck consisting of less than ten feiithers. Genis PEDICECETES. Uaird. 247 (;i086) PEDICECETES PHASIaNELLUS CAMPESTRIS. Rid.;w. Prairie Sharp-tailed Grouse. Western species, which sometimes occurs in "Wisconsin and Illinois. FAIVIILY PHASIANID/E. Pheasants, Turkeys, etc. Subfamily MELEAQRIN/E. Turkeys. Genus MELEAQRIS. Linn. 248 (MO) MELEAQRIS GALLOPAVO. Linn. Wild Turlcey. I'nited States, from Chesapeake Bay to the (iulf coast, and west to the plains along wooded river valleys. (A. O. I'.) 249 (.JlOa) ^feleatjris gallopavo osceola. Scott. Florida Turkey. Differs in having the white bands on the primaries broken and uneven, and in being somewhat smaller ; also other slight differences in color ; inhabits southern Florida, where the northern Turkey does not occur. LIST or TIIK lUUDS OF KAJSTKHN NOHTll AMKltK^A. 35o ORDER COLUMB/E. Pigeons. FAiVllLY COLUMBID/E. Pigeons. A. «>i'. (Sknls COLUMBA. Linn. NO. 250 (iill) COLUMBA LEUCOCEPHALA. I,inn. White-crowned Pigeon. Wi'st. Iiiditui s[K'cirs ; ('a,sii;il iu suiitlicrii Florida. 250c« ( — ) COLUMBA CORENSIS. (iMi.i.. Wood Pigeon. West Indian species; aocidental at Key West. Fla. (Atkins, Auk, IH'.I'l. 1). 272.) Genus ECTOPISTES. Swains. 251 (31.)) ECTOPISTES MIGRATORIUS. (I. inn.) Passenger Pigeon. Eastern North America; nortli to Hudson Bay; west to the plains; breeds in Canada and northern border of United States; now rare iu loetiUties where it was once very abundant. Uems ZENAIDURA. Uon.u'. 252 (.51(5) ZENA'.DURA MACROURA. (I. inn.) Mourning Dove. Throughout I'uited States and soutliern Canada, Central America, and West Indies ; breeds throughout its range. Cknls ZENAIDA. Honm'. 253 (.517) ZENAIDA ZENA!DA. (Honai.) Zenaida Dove. West Indies and Yucatan; accidental on Florida Ive3's. GiNus MELOPELIA. FioNAc. 254 (JU'.t) MELOPELIA LEUCOPTERA. (I.inn.) White-winged Dove. Semi-tropical species ranging tiiroughout southwestern I'nited States, Central America, and West Indies ; accidental in Florida. GiNis COLUMBIQALLINA. Hon:. 255 (320) COLUMBIQALLINA PASSERINA TERRESTRIS. (iiaiman. (iround Dove. Southern States of United Statt's ; breeds from South Carolina to Louisiana, West Indies, and northern South America. GiNis QEOTRYGON. Gossk. 256 (.'522) QEOTRYGON CHRYSEA. (iossi;. Key West Quail-Dove. West Indian species; recorded from Flori(hi Keys, 257 (.522') GEOTRYQON MONTANA. (Linn.) Mountain Dove. West Indian species ; once recorded from Key West, Fla. 3r>4 LIST OK TIIK niUDS OF KASTKUiN NORTH AMKUICA. ^•<>"- Geni-s STARNCENAS. Monap. NO. 2S8 {•^2•^) STARNCENAS CYANOCEPHALA. (Linn.) Blue-headed Quail-Dove. Cuban species ; accidental on Florida Keys. ORDER RAPTORES. Birds of Prey. I Suborder SARCORHAMPHJ. American Vultures. I I FAMILY CATHARTID/E. American Vultures. i (Iknls CATHARTES. Im-iceh. I 259 (:52..) CATHARTES AURA. (Linn.) Turkey Vulture. Turkey Buzzard. I Greater part of North and South America ; in eastern United States I from New .Jersey to the Gulf of Mexico; abundant and resident I in Southern States. i CiKNis CATHARISTA. Vieii.i. I 260 (.{2(5) CATHARISTA URUBU. Viiii.i.. Black Vulture. Carrion Crow. I Southern portion of North America, West Indies, and Central and »; South America ; breeds in eastern United States from North Caro- ]. lina and Illinois to the Gulf ; accidental in New England Suborder FALCONES. Falcons, Hawks, Eagles, etc. FAMILY FALCONID/G. Vultures. Falcons, Hawks, Haggles, etc. Subfamily ACCIPITRIN/E. Kites, Hawks, Eagles, etc. Genls ELANOIDES. ViEii.L. 261 (;?27) ELANOIDES FORFICATUS. (Linn.) Swallow-tailed Kite. Central and South America; in United States south of Carolina and Minnesota; accidental in New England; breeds commonly in some of Southern States ; especially Florida. J (tKNU8 ELANUS. S.WKiNV. 262 (.528) ELANUS LEUCURUS. (Viiii.i .) White-tailed Kite. Southern United States ; from South Carolina and Southern Illinois, Central and South America; breeds in Southern States. Gems ICTINIA. Vieu.i.. 263 (329) ICTINIA MISSISSIPPIENSIS. (Wii.s.) Mississippi Kite. Southern United States; from South Carolina, Gulf States to Central America. LIST OF THE BIRDS OF EASTERN NOHTFI AMERICA. 355 A"" Genus ROSTRHAMUS. Lissos. No. 264 (:VM)) ROSTRHAMUS SOCIABILIS. (Vikiii.) Everglade Kite. Central Aineiica and eastern Sonth Amerjca ; coninion in Sonth Florida where it breeds. Genus CIRCUS. La( I^.i-kpe. 265 (331) CIRCUS HUDSONIUS. (Linn.) Marsh Hawk. North and Central America; hreedinsT throu^liont its ransje ; one of the most common species in eastern United States; fre(iuentiug marshes. Genus ACCIPITER. Hkiss. SuiJGEM s ACCIPITER. 266 (332) ACCIPITER VELOX. (Wii.s.) Sharp-shinned Hawk. Nortli America ; ijreedin ASTUR. La('J;:i*ki)E. 268 (331) ACCIPITER ATRICAPILLUS. (W ii.s.) American Goshawk. Greater portion of North America, north of the Middle States; breeds from northern border of United States northward. Gems PARABUrEO. Riim.w. 269 (33')) PARABUTEO UNICINCTUS HARRISI. (Aui».) Harris's Hawk. Western species, which occurs in Louisiana. Genus BUTEO. Cuvieu. 270 (33(>) BUTEO BUTEO. (Lixn.) European Buzzard. European species; once taken in United States; Michigan, one record. 271 (3.57) BUTEO BOREALIS. (Gmei.) Red-tailed Hawk. Kastern North America and Canada ; south to Mexico ; Ijreeds nearly throughout its range. 272 (337«) liideo horcalis kriderii. Hoopes. Krider's Hawk. Western race, Avhich occasionally occurs as far east as Illinois; differs in being much paler; more white in the jjlumage ; underpaits, faintly streaked. 273 (337^) Jiiitm horealis calxrus. (Cass.) Western Red-tail. This race lias been recorded from Illinois ; its true range is west of the Rocky Mountains ; it differs in lieing much darker than boreulLs, and shows more (hisky and rufous brown in the plumage ; sf»me specimens are almost entirely black, with breast dark reddish brown. 350 LIST OF TllK imiD!> OF EASTEHX NOUTIl AMEKIC'A. A. O. U. NO. 274 (;i;i)S) Jiiilco hort'idis linrUmi. (Am.) Iliu'Ian's Il.iwk. Differs from borealis in being souu'wlmt heavier; the general phnnage is dark sooty or hhick, showing more or less white streaks, the concealed portio of featliers being white; nnderpiuts, more or less white, with various markings; it occurs in (leorgia and Florida, and the (Julf States to the Mississippi Valley ; north to Illinois and Iowa, and casually to Pennsylvania. 275 (33!>) BUTEO LINEATUS. ((Jmki, ) Red-shouldered Hawk. 'I'ln'oughoul eastern North America ; breeding throughout its range. 276 (;];5i»«) Biileo lhie((tiis dl/cni. Kiixav. Florida Ki'd-shoiddered Ilawk. Differs from linpafns in being snndler, and the adults have no rufous on the head: (lulf States, from Texas to the Carolinas ; but most common in Florida aud along the southern coast. SlHOKM s TACHYTRIORCHIS. Kmi . 277 (342) BUTEO SWAINSONI. Honai-. Swainson's Hawk. Western species; occasionally occurring in eastern United States; casual in Florida ; recorded from Maine and Massachusetts. 278 (343) BUTEO LATISSIMUS. (Wii.s.) Broad-winged Hawk. Throughout eastern North Anierica ; fn^ni Canada to West Indies aud South 7\merica ; breeds throughout its range. SriiiiKNTs BUTEOLA. I'.oxai'. 279 (344) BUTEO BRACHYURUS. \ ikill. Short-tailed Hawk. Black Hawk. Tropical species ; resident in Florida. (Jkms ASTURINA. Vikii.i.. 280 (34(5) ASTURINA PLAGIATA. .S( iii.ixiKL. Mexican Goshawk. Western species ; once observed in Illinois ; no other record for eastern North America. (ir.Ms ARCHIBUTEO. Mijkm.m. 281 (347a) ARCHIBUTEO LAQOPUS SANCTI-JOHANNIS. (G.mei..) American Rough-legged Hawk. New Fngland and Illinois. 282 (34«) ARCHIBUTEO FERRUQINEUS. (bicnr.) Ferruginous Rough-leg. North America; from Gulf States uorthwanl ; breeds north of United States. (Jknis AQUILA. Bklss. 283 (34!») AQUILA CHRYSAETOS. (biNX.) Golden Eagle. North America ; breeding in mountains in unsettled localities through- out ils range; much less common than the Bald Kagle on the Atlantic coast. LIST OF THE BIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. 357 ■[ A-^<^;"- (iENTS HAUAETUS. SAVI.i. 28-1 (:5"»l) HALIA^TUS ALBICILLA. (Linn.) Gray Sea Eagle. Occurs iu Greeuhiiul, but has uot been taken in the United Sf:itt'.s. '1 285 (.{52) HALIAETUS LEUCOCEPHALUS. (I.inn.) Bald Eagle. Throughout North Auierioii to northern Mexico ; breeding tliroughout its ' range ' Mr. C. II. Townseud has lately separated the northern and southern hh-ds, glviuj? the range of Ilnlin'itHS lewDfcphnlus as i)i!H'tieally restricted to the United States. To the bird which occurs in the British possessions west ,? to Alaska, which is larirer. he has given the name of Jlalin'etns laucoci'iiha- his alascamis. Northern Hald Eagle. i,'.^ Subfamily FALCONIN/E. Falcons. f Genls FALCO. Linn. 286 (35a) FALCO ISLANDUS. Urinn. White Gyrfalcon. ! ; Arctic America; soutli in winter to Labrador and northern Maine. ^| 287 (.354) FALCO RUSTICOLUS. Lynn. Gray Gyrfalcon. ^ Arctic America ; accidental in winter as far south as Maine. ^" 288 (.{54a) Fnlco rusticolm (pjrfalcn. (Linn.) (iyrfalcou. |*'^ A grayish race with faintly barred back; occurs in Arctic America; • accidental in winter in New England (Massacluisetts and Rhode ■ Island ) . 289 (3546) Falco rnstirohis ohsoletu.s. ((;mki..; Black (Iyrfalcou. A dark race with back dark slate ; sometimes almost black and not .f barred ; underparts dark ; it occurs in Labrador ; accidental in M winter as far soutli as Canada. Maine, Massachusetts, and New York. 290 (;355) FALCO MEXICANUS. S( iii.k... Prairie Falcon. • j : Western species; casual in Illiiioi-; ; breeds tiirougliout its range. j;' Subgenus RHYNCHODON. Xitzsch. 291 (356) FALCO PEREGRINUS ANATUM. (Bonai.) Duck Hawk. Peregrine Falcon. North America and northern South America ; breeds tiirougliout its range. SuiHiENUS /ESALON. Kaui'. 292 (357) FALCO COLUMBARIUS. Linn. Pigeon Hawk. North America, West Indies, and northern South America ; breeds from • northern border of United States, northward. 293 (3581) pALCO REGULUS. I'ai.i.. Merlin. European species ; recorded from (Ti-eenland. SuBCiENUs TINNUNCULUS. Linn. 294 (359») FALCO TINNUNCULUS. Linn. Kestrel. European species ; once taken in Massachusetts. 358 LIST or THE miJDS OF KASTKKN' N'OIJTII AMKIJIC.V. \. i>. I- 295 (.;•;»») FALCO SPARVERIUS. l.iNV. American Sparrow Hawk. '• \i)rtli Aiiii'iifii ; t'ust of tlii' Rocky Moiintaiiis luid from (rn-at Slave \jn\n\ south to iiortlk'ni Soiitli Ainoric:!." (A. O. V.) 296 (;{<;i) FALCO SPARVERIOIDES. Vk;. Cuban Sparrow Hawk. Cuban species; aecidontal in Florida. Gkm s POLYBORUS. Viiii.i.. 297 (3(!J) POLYBORUS CHERIWAY. (J\(\>.) Audubon's C .ca \. Mexican Buzzard. Texas and Arizona to Sontli Anierica ; occnis in eastern United States only in sontliern Florida where it breeds. Genus PANDION. Savio, 298 (3(54) PANDION HALIAETUS CAROLINENSIS. («;mei.) American Osprey. Fish Hawk. Greater portion of Nortii America, tlic West Indies, and northern South America ; common in many parts of eastern United States; breeds throughout its range. Suborder STRFGES. Owls. FAMILY STRIQID^. Bam Owls. Gknus STRIX. Linn. 299 (.W;:.) STRIX PRATINCOLA. Honac. American Barn Owl. I'hroughont United States. Mexico, and nortliern West Indies; more common in the Southern States ; breeds rarely us far north as lati- tude 40°. FAMILY BUBONID/E. Horned Owls. Gknis ASIO. Hiiiss. 300 (UK)) ASIO WILSONIANUS. (Less.) American Long-eared Owl. I'emperate North America to Mexico; breeds throughout its range. 301 (.507) ASIO ACCIPITRINUS. (Pam.) Short-eared Owl. North America; breeds north of latitude :VJ°. Genus SYRNIUM. Savk;. 302 (.it;s) SYRNIUM NEBULOSUM. (1 oitsr.) Barred Owl. Southern and eastern United States ; north to Nova Scotia ; breeds throughout its range. 303 (.{t'lHa) Siiriiinm ncbnlosiim aUeui. Itiuow . Florida Barred Owl. A southern race of the IJarred Owl, averaging somewhat smaller and darker, having the toes nearly bare of feathers ; Gulf States ; coiu- inou iu Florida. LIST OF THK lUKDS OV KASTKI{\ NOIMII A.MKKICA. .SfjH A- ;';,'• CJkms SCOTIAPTEX. Swains. 304 (;{7U) SCOTIAPTEX CINEKEA. ^Jmii.) (ireat Gray Owl. Arctic sju'cics, which occm-s in winter us far sonth as New Kngland and Illinois ; niiineroiia records for Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, etc. Genus NYCTALA. Hkkiim. 305 (.^71) NYCTALA TENQMALMl RICHARDSONI. (Monac.) Richardson's Owl. Arctic species ; casual in winter in northern United States ; New Eng- land, Illinois, etc. ; breeds north of United States. 306 i^'.\72) NYCTALA ACADICA. ((Jmii.) Saw-whet Owl. Acadian Owl. North America ; breeds from middle United States northward. 307 {'MS) MEOASCOPS ASIO. (Iass.) Screech Owl. Kastern North America ; Canada to (leornia ; breeds nearly throughout its range. 308 (37.^(0 Mvifdsroita usio jloriilanuH. (Hiixiw.) Florida Screech Owl. A rather small southern race of the Screech Owl; somewhat darker and , the markings heavier; occurs in Gulf States from South Carolina to Louisiana. (U:ni s BUBO. Di-Miaui.. "| 309 (-.Mh) BUBO VIRQINIANUS. ((Jmii. ) Great Horned Owl. { Kastern North America ; noitli to Labrador ; breeds throughout its range. ' 310 (:J7.')«) llnho virifiiiimiKS (iMifu.s. Swains. Arctic Ilonu-d Owl. Pule birds have occasionally been taken in northeastern North America which may be referable to this race. ij 311 (37"»<') Bubo I'l'ivjiuiauHs satanUns. I'lixiw. Dusky Horned Owl. i|' A dark race ; ranging from Labrador and Hudson Hay westward to Alaska; south to Louisiana and Arizona; some Louisiana sped- l^ ineus are very dark. li (iKNi-s NYCTEA. SiF.iMi. || 312 (37fi) NYCTEA NYCTEA. (biNN.) Snowy Owl. 'f Northern North America; in winter, south to Middle States; breeds north of United States. ^ ■f Genus SYRNIA. Dumkril. 313 (377«) SURNIA ULULA CAPAROCH. (Mi i.i .) American Hawk Owl. : Arctic North America; south in winter to borders of United States ; . i; New England and Illinois; breeds from New England northward. Genus SPEOTYTO. Gi.o(;eu. - 314 (37S) SPEOTYTO CUNICULARIA HYPOG/EA. (Bonac.) Burrowing Owl. Western species ; one record from Massachusetts. 315 (o78a) Speotyto cnnkidana floriOanu. IMixiw. Florida Burrowing Owl. ; Resident in southern Florida ; a ratluu- dark form, having the feet and legs » (tarsus) almost without feathers ; breeds iu a hole in the ground. 3H0 LIST OF THE BIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. } ■J ORDER P5ITTACI. Parrots, Paroquets, etc. FAMILY PSITTACID/e. A. O. V NO. Genus CONURUS. Ki ml. 316 (3H2) CONURUS CAROLINENSIS. (Linn.) Carolina Paroquet. At oiu' tiino not mu'oininou in many of our Soiitlioi States; at prosont occurs only in Florida, Arkansas, and Indian Territory; breeds iu holes in trees. ORDER COCCYGES. Cuckoos. FAMILY CUCULID/E. Cuckoos, Anis, etc. Subfamily CROTOPHAGIN/E. Anis. (iKNLs CROTOPHAGA. Linn. M7 (;5.s.?) CROTOPHAGA ANI. Lixn. Ani. West Indian sitecies ; recorded from Florida, Louisiana, and IVnnsyl- vania ; the Itird is entirely Ithick ; the l»ill is not like that of a Cuckoo, l)eing very thin and somewhat Parrot-like in shape. Subfamily COCCYZIN/E. Cuckoos. Gems COCCYZUS. Vikii.l. 318 (;{SC.) COCCYZUS MINOR. (Gmel.) Mangrove Cuckoo. AVest Indian species; casual in southern Florida. 319 (;).SG(() Cocriizna uu'nor mai/iianU. Hiugw. INIaynard's Cuckoo. A Haluuna race of C. luimir : casual in soutiicrn Florida; it is much paler on the uu- .T^^-*.- '.---.— —*.^-'". . .■»~^i»aa«ajfc«- LIST OF THE lilRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. 3(J3 ORDER MACROCHIRES. Goatsuckers, Swifts, etc. Suborder CAPRIMULQI. Goatsuckers. i FAMILY CAPRIMULQID/E. Goatsuckers. A. o. V. Genus ANTROSTOMUS. Gould. NO. 335 (4I(;) ANTROSTOMUS CAROLINENSIS. (Umkl.) Chuck-will's-widow. Southern Uuited Stiitfs ; from V'ir'2°, to tlie Gulf of Mexieo ; breeding throughout its rauge ; south in winter to Cuba, Porto Rico, and Mexico. m: ORDER PASSERES. Perching Birds. Suborder CLAMATORES. Songless Birds. FAMILY TYRANNID/e. Tyrant Flycatchers. Genus MILVULUS. Swains. 342 (442) MILVULUS TYRANNUS. (Linn.) Fork-tailed Flycatcher. South American species; occasionally taken in the United States; recorded from New Jersey and Mississippi. 343 (44:^) MILVULUS FORFICATUS. (Gmki .) Sclssor-tailed Flycatcher. Western sjiecies • accidental in eastern United States, New England, Florida, etc. Gknis TYRANNUS. Civikh. 344 (444) TYRANNUS TYRANNUS. (Linn.) Kingbird. Nearly the whole of Noitli America ; south in winter to Cuba and South America ; a familiar species known by various names such as Ike Martin, Bee-bird. etc. 345 (44.'')) TYRANNUS DOMIMCENSIS. (Gmki.) Gray Kingbird. Semi-tropical species ; not uncommon in Florida ; accidental in Georgia, South Carolina, and New England. 346 (447) TYRANNUS VERTICALIS. Say. Arkansas Kingbird. Western species; accidental east of the Mississippi; it has been taken in Maine, Massachusetts (Great Island), New York, New Jersey, District of Columbia, and Iowa. Gknus MYIARCHUS. 347 (452) MYIARCHUS CRINITUS. (Linn.) Crested Flycatcher. Eastern United States; from the plains to the Atlantic, and southern Canada to the (Julf of Mexico; in winter Mexico and Central America; breeds from the Gulf States northward. LIST OF THE BIRDS OF EASTEKX NOHTIf AMERICA. 3G5 A. o. u. Genus SAYORNIS. Bonap. NO. 348 (t.'x;) SAYORNIS PHCEBE. (I-ATn.) Phoebe. Ranges from Colonulo iiiul Texas to the Atlantio, and from Canada to Cuba and Mexico; breeds from tlie Carolinas, norllnvard. 349 (4r)7) SAYORNIS SAYA. (Bonai'.) Say's Phcebe. Western species ; only once recorded from New Kngland ; casual in Illinois and Wisconsin. Genus CONTOPUS. Cab an. 350 (450) CONTOPUS BOREALIS. (Swains.) Olive-sided Flycatcher. North America ; breeding from jMassacluisetts, northward ; south in winter to C'entrnl and Soutii America. 351 (4G1) CONTOPUS VIRENS. (I.inx.) Wood Pewee. Flycatcher. Eastern Nortli America ; from tlie phiins to the Atlantic, and Canada to Florida and Mexico ; breeds tlu'ougliout eastern United States ; north to Newfoundland. Genus EMPIDONAX. Cahan. 352 (463) EMPIDONAX FLAVIVENTRIS. Baikd. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. Eastern Nortli America; breeds from northern liiited States, nortii- ward ; south in winter to Central America. 353 (IT).')) EMPIDONAX VIRESCENS. (\ iKii.i,.) Acadian Flycatcher. Kastern United States; fiom \ew York and Connecticut, southward, breeding as fur south :is Florida; winters in Mexico and Central America. 354 EMPIDONAX TRAILLII ALNORUM. I.kiwstik. Alder Flycatcher. Eastern I iiited States ; from Illinois ami Micliigan to Atlantic ; breeds from northern Illinois nnd northern New England, northward ; winters south to Central America. 355 (407) EMPIDONAX MINIMUS. I$uiii). Least Flycatcher. Easli'rn United States; from Gulf of St. Lawrence to Gulf of Mexico; south in winter to Central Americii ; breeds from northern United States, northward, usually north of latitude 42°. Suborder OSCINES. Song Birds. FAMILY ALAUDID/C. Larks. Genus ALAUDA. Linn. 356 (4715) ALAUDA ARVENSIS. Linn. European Skylark. Accidental in Greenland. ;i(j«) LIST OF THE BIRDS OF EA8TEUN NOUTII AMEKICA. A. o. u. Genus OTOCORIS. Bona p. NO. 357 (174) OTOCORIS ALPESTRIS. (Linn.) Horned Lark. Shore Lark. " Nortlu'iistcrn North America, (Irceiihuul, and nortluMii parts of the old world ; in winter, south; in eastern United States to the Caro- linas, Illinois, etc." (A.O. U.;; breeds north of United States, Labrador, Hudson Hay, etc. 358 (474/>) Oloeoris alpcstris pratiroln. IIknsii. Prairie Horned Lark. The Missisfiippi V'alley form of the Horned liark ; breeds as far east- ward as Massachusetts and New York ; it differs in havint; the forehead and streak over the eye white instead of yellow ; it is also somewhat smaller and paler. FAMILY CORVID/E. Crows, Jays, and Magpies. Subfamily GARRULIN/6. Magpies and Jays. Gknus pica. Bkiss. 359 (47;')) piCA PICA HUDSONICA. (Sah.) American Magpie. A western species ; stragglers have been recorded from Illinois and Montreal, Canada. Gknis CYANOCITFA. Stkick. 360 (477) CYANOCITTA CRISTATA. (Linn) Blue Jay. " Kastern North America to the plains and from the fur countries south to Florida and eastern Texas " (A. (). l'.); l>reeds nearly throughout its range. 361 (477a) (hjanodlla cn'staUi. forinvola. Couks. Florida lilue Jay. Southern race of the Blue Jay, which occurs in Flori(bi and along the (Julf coast; it is smaller and grayer than the northern Hlue Jay, but otherwise similar. Gknls APHELOCOMA. Cahan. 362 (47i») APHELOCOMA CYANEA. (Viiii.i.) Florida Jay. Florida. Genis PERISOREUS. Honai . 363 (484) PERISOREUS CANADENSIS. (Linn.) Canada Jay. " Northern New York, northern New England, and northern Michigan; north to Arctic America." (A. O. U.) 364 (484c) /'erisoreufi canadensiti nirjrirapillus, Kidow. Labrador Jay. A Labrador race of the Canada Jay ; somewhat darker and having the black of the head often extending in front of the eye ; the breast is deep slate gray. LIST OF TllK BIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. 307 Subfamily CORVIN/E. Crows. A. M. I'. Gkni-s CORVUS. Linn. NO. 365 (1S(W() CORVUS CORAX PRINCIPALIS. Kiixiw. Northern Raven. Nortlu'rn North Anu'iicii ; from Illinois, Mieliii!;;ui, IVIaino, otc, iioitli- wtml ; ui'cidentiil us far south as Nortli Carolina. 366 (ISS) CORVUS AMERICANUS. Ai d. American Crow. North Aiiu'i-ica ; from H'ulsou IJay to (Jiilf of .Mexico; hreinls uearlv throughout its vanm'. 367 (1S,S(() Cornis americaniis paxcinis. Cotics. Florida Crow. Florida raoo of the Crow, wiiieh ditTors in luivin8) AQELAIUS PHCENICEUS. (Linn.) Red-winged Blackbird. Coiiiinoii tlir()ii;j;li()iit North Aiiu'rioa ; from ulioiit latitiidt' '>2° to the (Inlf ; iTphicod in soutlierii FloruUi tiHcl Gulf coast of Ijoiiisiaiia l)y the following race. 374 (4ltS/^) ^iijel((iHii ])h(i'mceiis hri/anti. Iiiixiw. Hahaniau Red-wingod Blackbird. A small race, havinp; a more slender bill, which inhabits the IJahaman Islands, southern Florida, and portions of the (rulf coast to Louisiana ; the females are not as heavily streaked on the uuder- parts. Genus STURNELLA. Vikii.i.. 375 (aOl) STURNELLA MAGNA. (Linn.) Meadow-lark. "Eastern United States and southern Canada to the plains; breeds from the Gulf of Mexico northward." (A. O. U.) 376 (aOli) Sturnella mcujna neijlevta. (Aui>.) Western Meadow-lark. Western race which occurs in Illinois and Wisconsin ; it differs in having the yellow of the throat extending upon the cheeks or malar region, also in having the lower under tail coverts white, or nearly white, not buff as in S. miujna. Genus ICTERUS. Bkiss. 377 (r)02) ICTERUS ICTERUS. (Linn.) Troupial. South American si)ecies : recorded by Audubon from South Carolina; no subse(iuent records for eastern North Anierica. Srn(;KMs PENDULINUS. Vikii.i,. 378 (r)OG) ICTERUS SPURIUS. (Linn.) Orchard Oriole. Eastern United States; from northern New England, Michigan, Illinois, and Dakota, to the Gulf of Mexico ; breeds throughout its sununer range ; winters as far south as northern South America. Si iwiENis YPHANTF ,. Vii:ii.i.. 379 (nOT) ICTERUS OALBULA. (Linn.) Baltimore Oriole. Eastern I'nited States ; from Kocky ."Sloiintains to tiie Atlantic Ocean, and froni Ontario to the Gulf of Mexico; winters south to Mexico and South America. 380 (")0S) ICTERUS BULLOCKI. (Swains.) Bullock's Oriole. Western si)ecies ; only once recorded from oui* Eastern States ; Bangor, Me., one record. Genis SCOLECOPHAGUS. Swains. 381 (')()•)) SCOLECOPHAOUS CAROLINUS. (MiiJ.) Rusty Blackbird. Eastern and northern North America west to the plains ; bri'cds from northern United States north to Labrador; winters from Virginia southward. LIST OF TlIK mUDS OK ?:ASTKU\ NOKTir AMKIMCA. 3GI) A. (). r. NO. 382 (AlO) SCOLECOPHAGUS CYANOCEPHALUS. (\VA(ii.) Brewer's Blackbird. A wcstera specios, which soinctiinos occurs in Illinois; sli:i>;lcrs have been kilU'd in South Carolina and Louisiana. Gknus QUISCALUS. Vikili.. 383 ('.11) QUISCALUS QUISCULA. (Linn.) Purple Grackle. ••' Nortln'rn Alahama, eastern Tennessee, and east of the Allejihanies from (leorgia to Massachusetts" (A. O. T.) ; in winter south to the (iulf. 384 (olla) Qitisralus (jm'snila a(/lft'us. (Haihi).) Florida (Irackle. A smaller southern race; ranj'ing from Virginia along tlie Atlantic coast and (Julf States to Texas. 385 (i'tWh) QiiiHi-ali(s (/iiiscula (rneiis. (Rincw.) Bron/ed Grackle. Eastern North America ; west of the AUeglianies ; New England to Labrador and Hudson l$ay; west to Rocky Mountains, and south to the lower ]\Iississipj)i Valley; this Grackle has the back a uni- form bronze or golden-olive, but not the various tints of l>hu'- purple bronze, etc., as in true (/uiscula. 386 (r)l;3) QUISCALUS MAJOR. (Vikiil.) Boat-tailed Grackle. " Coast region of Atlantic and Gulf States; from Virginia to Texas." (A. o. r.) FAMILY FRINGILLID/E. Finches, Sparrows, etc. Gkms COCCOTHRAUSTES. Rkiss. 387 (.")14) COCCOTHRAUSTES VESPERTINA. (( Ooi.) Evening Grosbeak. Western species ; casual in eastern United States; Illinois, Michigan, New England, etc. Gknis PINICOLA. ViKiM- 388 (51;-.) PINICOLA ENUCLEATOR. (Linn.) Pine Grosbeak. Northern North America; breeds from northern New England ni.rth- ward. C;ems CARPODACUS. Kai i-. 389 (r.lT) CARPODACUS PURPUREUS. (Gmki.) Purple Finch. ''Eastern North America; from the Atlantic coast to the plains; breeds from the Middle States northward." (A. <). I'.) Genls passer. Linn. 390 (— ) PASSER DOMESTICUS. (Linn.) English Sparrow. European species ; introduced into United States. 391 ( — ) PASSER MONTANUS. European Tree Sparrow. Em-opeau species ; introduced into United States. 370 LIST OK Tin: luuDs or ea.stekn noktii amkhica. A. <). ir. NO. 392 (.Vil) 393 (.'.22) Gp:ni;.s LOXIA. Linn. LOXIA CURVIROSTRA MINOR. (I^kkiim.) American Crossbill. Nortlierii North AiiU'ricii ; iiuiiiily north of Uiiitetl Stutt's ; occurs irrcgiihuly in eastern United States, as far south as Maryland ; accidental to South ('arolina. LOXIA LEUCOPTERA. Gmki.. White- winged Crossbill. "Northern parts of North America; south into the United States in winter ; breeds from northern New England northward." (.\. (). I'.) Genis ACANTHIS. Bkciist. 394 (r)27) ACANTHIS HORNEMANNII. (IIdlh.) Greenland Redpoll. Northern (ireenland ; breeding from (][)° to 7;5° north latitude, and eastern Arctic America; south to Labrador in winter." (I{ii)(;w.) 395 (r)27't-) Acanthis honiemannii exiUpes. (Couks.) Iloary Redpoll. A race ditTering in smaller size ; length, less than f).;?") ; wing, less than o.iiO; it inhabits the far north, but occurs in winter in the northern United States; casual in New Kiigland and Illinois. 396 (■)2.S) ACANTHIS LINARIA. (Lixx.) Redpoll. Redpoll Linnet. Nortlit rn species, which occurs in winter as far south is Virginia and Illinois; casual in New England. 397 (r)28(t) AcanthU linarin holhn'llii. (Hkkiim.) Ilolbcell's Kedpoil. A somewhat larger bird than ^l. linaria, with somewhat longer bill ; wing, less than :).l.") ; nortliern portion of l.oth continents ; casiud in eastern North America; south in winter to New York and Massachusetts. 398 (i')'2Hh A<'anthi,'< Jitiarid rostndd. (Couks.) Greater iiedpoll. Similar to linnrid, \nit slightly larger, and the bill stouter; wing, over ."{.l.'); soutliern Greenland and Labrador; south to New England and Illinois in winter. 399 CARDUELIS CARDUELIS. Linn. European Goldfinch. Introduced in Massachusetts and New York. Genus ASTRAQALINUS. Cab. 400 (r)2;)) ASTRAGALINUS TRISTIS. (LixN.) American Goldfinch. Yellow Bird. North America; south of about latitude 51° to tiie (iulf States; breeding fi-om about latitude .'}8'^ northward. 401 {i>l]2) ASTRAGALINUS NOTATUS. (DuBus.) Black-headed Goldfinch. ^Mexican species ; recorded by Audubon from Kentucky. 402 {^}\V.\) ASTRAGALINUS PINUS. (Wii.s.) Pine Siskin. Pine Finch. North America; breeds from nortliern border of United States, north- ward ; winters south to (iulf of .Mexico. LLST OF THE lUHDS OF KASTEUX NOKTll AMEUICA. Mi A o u. (Ienus PASSERINA. Vikill. NO. 403 (A.M) PASSERINA NIVALIS. (Linn.) Snowflake. Snow Bunting. Nortlu'in North Aiiu-rifu; breeds in liisrli hititudos ; south in winter to New Enghind, lIHnois. etc ; accidental as far south as Fh>rida. Gknis CALCARIUS. Bkciis. 404 (:>-M) CALCARIUS LAPPONICUS. ^Linn.) Lapland Longspur. Nortiiern North America; breeding in the far north ; sotitli in winter to IMiddK' States; common in tlie interior to Kansas and Colorado. 405 (.".37) CALCARIUS PICTUS. (Swaixs.) Smith's Longspur. '^^ Interior of Nortii America; from the Arctic coast to Illinois and Texas ; l)reedin4(.) AMMODRAMUS SAVANNARUM PASSERINUS. (Wiis.) Grasshop- per Sparrow. Yellow-winged Sparrow. " Eastern United States and soutiiern Canada; west to the i)lains ; south in winter to Florida. Cuba, Porto Rico, and Central America." (A. O. U.) 412 (olT) AMMODRAMUS HENSLOWII. (Aun.) Henslow's Sparrow. "Eastern United States; west to the plains , north to southern New England and Outavio." (A. O. U.) 372 LIST OF THK IJIIiDS OF EASTEKN NORTH AMKRICA. A. o r N(l. 413 (.i4H) AMMODRAMUS LECONTEII. (AuD.) Leconte's Sparrow. (ireat plains and more westei'n prairies; breeding from Daiiota, Minne- sota, etc., to Manitoba: inij^ratinj^ southward and eastward in winter throujrh Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, etc., to South Caroliuii and Gulf States to Florida and Texas. 414 (51'») AMMODRAMUS CAUDACUTUS. (Gmkl ) Sharp-tailed Sparrow. Sharp-tailed Finch. Breast, pale bulT witii distinct dark streaks ; breeds on salt marshes of the Atlantic coast from New England to Maryland ; south in winter to the Gulf States. 415 (.54itrj) AMMODRAMUS NELSONI. Nelson's Sparrow. ' *' Fresh vvater marshes of the interior; from northern Illiuors, north- ward to North Dakota and 3Ianitoba ; south in winter to Texas; in migrations, visits Atlantic coast (New England and Lower Hudson Valley) to Charleston, S. C." (A. O. U.) 416 (r)iO/>) Animodraiiius nehoni snbiurfjatas. (Dwigiit.) Acadian Sliari»-tailed Sparrow. Breast and sides, pale buff, not tawny or ochraceous buff as in ttelsoin. "Coast of southern New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island (and probably Nova Scotia), and southward iu migration to South Carolina." (A. (). l.) 417 (.^:>n) AMMODRAMUS MARITIMUS. (Wius.) Seaside Sparrow. Seaside Finch. '•Salt marshes of Atlantic coast; from Connecticut southward to (ieorgia; accidental in Massachusetts." (A. O. l'.) 418 (.').")(»«) Aminodramus mdritimiis jicniiisuhi', Scott's Seaside Sparrow. A dark race of maritimufi which occurs from South Carolina to the northeast and northwest coast of Florida. 418.7. Aminodramus maritimus Jisheri, Chapmax. Louisiana .Seaside Sparrow. Coast of Louisiana to Texas. 418/j AmmodramuH mdiitimns muctjilUvraiL (Aud.) Macgillivray's Seaside Sparrow. Coast of South Carolina and Georgia. 419 (.").51) AMMODRAMUS NIGRESCENS. Hiugw. Duslcy Seaside Sparrow. Head of Indian River and Salt Lake ; eastern Florida. Genus CHONDESTES. Swains. 420 (552) CHONDESTES QRAMMACUS. (Say.) Lark Sparrow. Lark Finch. From Illinois and Michigan westward to the plains ; not common on Atlantic coast. Genus ZONOTRICHIA. Swains. 421 (553) ZONOTRICHIA QUERULA. (Nurr.) Harris's Sparrow. Middle United States ; Illinois to Kansas, and casually to Oregon ; no New England record. LIST OF THK UIKDS OF KASTKUN NOKTII AMKHICA. 373 A. O. V. NO. 422 (.■.:)l) ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS. (Kokst.) White-crowned Sparrow. ••North America ut hirjfi' ; bn'i'diii^ cliiclly in tlit^ Hi)cky .Mountains, the Sierra Nevaihi, and northeast to Labrador; wonth in winter to the V:illey of .Mexico." (.V. O. C.) 423 (.■..■)M) ZONOTRICHIA ALBICOLLIS. ((i\ii:i..) White-throated Sparrow. Kaslern North .Vinerica ; from tiio phiins to the Atlantic Ocean ; nortli to Labrador, and noutii to tlie CarolinaH, and carnally to Kiorichi ; breeds from northern New Eiii^hmd and New York northward. Gems SPIZELLA. Bonap. 424 (...V.i) SPIZELLA MONTICOLA. (Gmei,.) Tree Sparrow. Kasti-rn Nortii America ; from .Vrctic Ocean to tiie Carolina.s ; breeds north of I'nited States. 425 (.'><;()) SPIZELLA SOCIALIS. (Wii.s.) Chipping Sparrow. Eastern Nfjrth .Vmerica ; from Kocky .Mountains north to fnr countries, and south to tiie (lulf ; breeds nciiily throui;hout its ranjje. 426 (."»(, 1) SPIZELLA PALLIDA. (Swains.) Clay-colored Sparrow. Middle .Xoith .Vmcricn ; from Illinois to Hocky ^Mountains ; bieeds frou) Iowa northward; accidental on Atlauti(r coast (North Carolina). 427 {M->) SPIZELLA BREWERL Cass. Brewer's Sparrow. Western species; once taken in Massachusetts. 428 (.'»•;;•>) SPIZELLA PUSILLA. (Uils.) Field Sparrow. Eastern United States; from the plains to the Atlantic; breeds from the Carolinas and Illinois north to Canada. 429 (."))i;3«) iSpizefla pusilla arcudcea. Chauu. "Western Field Sparrow. This race is of accidental occurrence in southern Louisiana, Genus JUNCO. Wxv.l. 430 (.'(GT) JUNCO HYEMALIS. (Linn.) Slate-colored Junco. Snowbird. New England, Florida, and Illinois. 431 Junco hijemalis ahiifeldti. Coale. Shufeldt's Junco. Western race ; accidental in Massachusetts, Illinois, and Maryland ; it is browner on the back, and the sides are viuaceous brown. 432 ("»<57') Jiiuco Ii>/eiiiahs caroUnensin. IJkewst. Carolina Junco. Rather larger than hi/onalis; the back and breast slate color ; not tinged witii l)rown ; Alleghany ^Mountains, from Virginia to the Carolinas. 433 ( — ) JUNCO MONTANUS. KiDcw. Montana Junco. Northwestern species ; ranging as far east as Illinois, and stragglers reaching the Atlantic coast. Genus PEUC^EA. Ajd. 434 (575) PEUC/EA /ESTIVALIS. (Light.) Pine-woods Sparrow. Southern Georgia and Florida. 874 LIST OF THE BIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. A. I>. I'. NO. 435 (;'»7.')«) Pcncd'a Knfivah's barhmanii. (Aid.) liachinan's Spsirrow. Coast States; from tlie Carolinas to Texas ; north to Illinois in sunnner; it is a darker hinl than (I'stiralis, the back being dark rufous brown, not light chestnut. Gkxus MELOSPIZA. Baiud. 436 (")81) MELOSPIZA FASCIATA. (Gmel.) Son-; Sparrow. " Eastern United States to the plains ; breeding from Virginia and the southern portion of the Lake States nortinvard tothe fur countries.'' (A. (). r.) 437 (:.s;5) MELOSPIZA LINCOLNI. (Ald.) Lincoln's Sparrow. Throughout North America ; breeds from northern border of United States northward; south in winter to Centr:il America. 438 (r»sl) MELOSPIZA QEORQIANA. (Lath.) Swamp Sparrow. Wiiok o*' eastern North America; from Labrador and NewfoundliMul to the Gulf of Mexico; breeds from the northern States northward. Gkm s PASSERELLA. Swains. 439 (r)8r») PASSERELLA ILIACA. ,Mi:ku.) Fox Sparrow. Eastern North America ; from the Arctic to the Gulf of Mexico, west to the plains ; breeds north of the United States. (iKNLS PIPILO. VlEILI.. 440 (.)87) PIPILO ERYTHROPHTHALMUS. (Lixv.) Towhee. Eastern United Statt's; from Canada to Georgia ; breeds from Georgia northward ; common in New England. 441 (.")H7(') Pijiilo en/lhroplillmlntus (illetii. CorKs. Whiti'-i'ved Towliet'. Florida race, which occurs as far north as Soiitli Carolina ; it ditfcrs in having the iris vhUe or yellowish, and only the two outer tail feath- ers are marked with white. , Ckms CARDINALIS. BoNAi'. 442 (593) CARDINALIS CARDINALIS. (Linn.) Cardinal. Cardinal Orosbeak. Eastern United States; from New England (castuil) to the Gulf of Mexico. 442a (."jfCV/) Gai'diviliH ainlhmlis florithnviH. Kidow. Florida Cardinal. Local race ; resident in Florida. Genis HABIA. Rkich. 443 (.-.1).-.) HABIA LUDOVICIANA. (Linn.) Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Eastern United States ; from the plains and from Canada to Central America ; breedini; from Carolinas northward. 444 (.");)•!) HABIA MELANOCHPHALA. (Swains.) Black-headed Grosbeak. A western specie which has been taken in Michigan V- of tiik biijds of kastkux nokih amkimca. htf) *• :;• ^- Genus QUIRACA. Swains. 445 (51)7) QUIRACA C/ERULEA. (Linn.) Blue Grosbeak. Eastern I'nitetl States; from Illinois antl New Enghuid (not conunon^ to the Gulf and Cuba. Gknus CYANOSPIZA. Baird. 446 (oOH) CYANOSPIZA CYANEA. (T.inn.) Indigo Bunting. Eastern I'nited States; from the Canadian border to tiie Gulf and Central America. 447 (fiOO) CYANOSPIZA VERSICOLOR. (Bonai.) Varied Bunting. Western species, which has been taken in ]Miclii. 464 (617) STELQIDOPTERYX SERRIPENNIS. (Aud.) Rough-winged Swallow. United States; from British Columbia to Mexico; breeds in United States throughout its range. LIST OF THE niUDS OF KASTKKiN NOKTII AMKKICA. 'M7 FAMILY AMPELID/E. Waxwings. A. o. V. Gkms AMPELIS. Linn. NO. 465 (618) AMPEIJ.S QARRULUS. I.inn. Bohemian Waxwing. Northern Noitli Aiiu'iicn ; bivodino- north of liiitt'd States ; casual in winter as far sontli as Illinois; recorded from Pennsylvania. 466 (619) AMPELIS CEDRORUM. (Vikim.) Cedar Waxwing. Cedar Bird. Cherry Bird. Throughout North America ; from Hudson Bay to tiie Gulf and "West Indias iu winter; breeds from about latitude (jf Alieghanies north- ward; a familiar New England bird, usually seen in flocks. FAMILY LANDII/E. Shrikes. Gkncs LANIUS. Linn. 467 (621) LANIUS BOREALIS. Vikii.i. Northern Shril A, A. O. U. NO. 494« (OlJSa) Compsothlyjns americumi nsneat. Uukwst. Northern l*:.nil rbler. 1 1 "Averaging slightly larger, but with a • horter bill; adult luale, ;vith less yellow on the underparts and more black or bhu-kish on th» lores and malar region ; the dark collar across the jugulum, Itlack or blackisli, broad and conspicuous; the chest mottled or spotti'd with rich brownish chestnut ; breeding range, New England, New York, and westward, along the northern tier of States, uortiiward. into the Maritime Provinces anir. n(,'rthern New England nortliward. 501 (G58) DENDROICA RARA. (Wils.) Cerulean Warbler. Eastern United States; from Ontario to the (lulf; rare east of the Alleghanies ; breeds from Virginia and Tennessee to Minnesota. 502 (659) DENDROICA PENNSYLVANICA. (Uinn.) Chestnut-sided Warbler. Eastern North America; from southern Ontario to Central America and Bahamas; breeds from Illinois and New York nortliward. 503 (6G0) DENDROICA CASTANEA. (Wii.s.) Bay-breasted Warbler. Eastern North America; breeding from Hudson Bay to New England; south in winter to Central America. LIST OF THE BIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. 381 A. <). V. NO. 504 (COl) DENDROICA STRIATA. (Forst.) Black-poll Warbler. Eastoru North America ; breeding from Labrador nud Crrecnland to nortbern New P^ugland ; south in winter to northern South iVnierica. 505 ((5(;2) DENDROICA BLACKBURN /E. ((Jmei.) Blackburnlan Warbler. Eastern Nortii America; breedin.) Pine Warbler. Eastern United States; from Manitoba and Ontario to the Gulf and West Indies; breeds locally throughout its range. 512 (G72) DENDROICA PALMARUM. (Gmii.) Palm Warbler. Redpoll Warbler. British America to the Gulf Slates and West Indies; mostly in the interior, but casual in New England and Atlantic coast States. 513 (G72a) Dendroku pahnarinn h)ii>ochrysea. Kiixav. Yellow Palm Warbler. Atlantic States; from Hudson Hay to Gulf; common in Florida; in winter differs from j^'dmarum, in having the underparts yellow, not white, or yellowish white, 514 (G73) DENDROICA DISCOLOR. (Vii im ) Prairie Warbler. Eastern United States ; from ^Michigan and New England to Florida and West Indies ; breeds throughout its eastern United States range. Genus SEIURU5. Swains. 515 (674) SEIURUS AUROCAPILLUS. (Linn.) Oven-bird. Eastern North America ; breeding from N'irginia to Labrador; winters in Florida, West Indies, and Central America. 516 ((.7.)) SEIURUS NOVEBORACENSIS. (Gmki.) Water thrush. Great part of eastern North America ; Itrerds fiom northern New England nortlnvard ; winters south to South America. 382 LIST OF TTIF, lUUDS OF EA8TRRN NORTH AMKHIOA. A. <). |!. S!7 (t)?")'/) Sciurns noreboracnnsi.'i notahilis. ((Jrinn.) Giinnell's VVatcr-tbrusb. Illinois, woHtwiinl ; occiXHionully oast to Virginia and New .Torscy ; (litTcis in hi'inij; hir^cr and the 8n|H>roiliary stripe whiter. 518 (liTO) SEIURUS MOTACILLA. (Vikill.) Louisiana Water-thrush. Eastern Unifcd States; from southern New Enghiud to West Indies and Central America. Gknls GEOTHLYPIS. Caban. 519 (677) QEOTHLYPIS FORMOSA. (Wiis.) Kentuclty Warbler. Eastern United States; from southern New Enu;land to the Gulf .States and West Indies, and Central America in winter; breeds nearly throusjciiout its I'nited States ran<>;e. 520 (07H) QEOTHLYPIS AQILIS. (Wii.s.) Connecticut Warbler. Eastern North America ; south in wiuter to South America ; breeds north of United States. 521 (070) QEOTHLYPIS PHILADELPHIA. (Wils.) Mourning Warbler. Eastern North America ; breediiii^ from New En«fland and jNIichigau, northward; South and Ceutial America in winter. 522 {Ml) QEOTHLYPIS TRICHAS. (Linn.) Maryland Yellow-throat. Easteru U'nited States ; from Labrador to the Gulf States, West Indies, and Central America in winter ; breeds from Georgia to Massa- chusetts. 523 ( — ) Gaothii/iiis trirhas if/)iot(i. (iiAr.MAN. Florida Yellow-throat. Southern race, which i;^ resident in southern Georgia and Florida ; it diflfcrs in Iteing deeper yellow below, the black mask o^ the male wider, and the upper parts browner. Gknis ICTERIA. Vieill. 524 (683) ICTERIA VIRENS. (Linn.) Yellow-breasted Chat. Eastern United .States; from Ontario to the Gulf of Mexico, in winter; breeds from southern New Eingland northward. Genus WILSONIA. Bonap. 525 (684) SYLVANIA MITRATA. (Gmel.) Hooded Warbler. Pvastern United States; from southern Ontario to the Gulf .States, and west to plains; breeds nearly throughout its range; West Indies and Central America in winter. 526 (68;-)) WILSONIA PUSILLA. (Wils) Wilson's Warbler. Eastern North America ; from Rocky Mountains to Atlantic Ocean and Labrador, and Hudson Bay to Mexico; breeds from border of United States northward. A. <). U. NO. LIST OF THK lURDS OF EASTFUIN NOFtTII AMKIlirA. 883 527 ((;«(;) WILSONIA CANADENSIS. (F.inn.) Canadian Warbler. KtiHtoin North Aiiicricii ; fioiii tlio jjiviit [tliiiiis to the Athuitic Occmii, and Liihnulor to ('ciitnil Aiiioiicji ; breeds IVoiu the iiioiiiitiiiiiH of Houtlierii New Kngland and tlie Allesj;lianies northward. aKNiH SETOPHAGA. Swains. 528 (G87) SETOPHAGA RUTICILLA. (Linn.) American Redstart. North America ; breeds from about latitudo of North Carolina north- ward ; south in winter to southern South America. FAMILY MOTACILLID^. Wagtails. Genus MOTACILLA. Linn. 529 (Gfti) MOTACILLA ALBA. (Linn.) White Wagtail. Old world species; accidental in (Jrei'iihind, (Jknl.s ANTHUS. Hiiciis. 530 ((;i»7) ANTHUS PENNSYLVANICUS. (LvJii.) Titlark. American Pipit. Whole of Nortii America; breeds fnjin Lai )rador northward ; south in winter to Gulf States and Central America. 5.11 ((ii)8) ANTHUS PRATENSIS. (Linn.) Meadow Pipit. European species; accidental in Greenland. 5.?2 (70(1) ANTHUS SPRAQUEII. (Ai o.) Sprague's Pipit. Western 8i)ecies ; Charleston, S. (,'., one record. FAMILY TROQLODYTID/E. Wrens, Thrashers, etc. Subfamily MIMIN/E. Thrashers Gknls MIMUS. lioiK. 533 (70.i) MIMUS POLYGLOTTOS. (Linn.) Mockingbird. " United States ; south into Mexico ; rare and of irregular distribution ; from JNIaryland northward to Massachusetts." (A. O. U.) Gknis QALE05C0PTES. Caban. 514 (704) OALEOSCOPTES CAROLINENSIS. ([,inn.) Catbird. Eastern United States and liritish Provinces; bre(> I' (iiMs THRYOTHORUS. Vikii.i.. 536 (7l«) THRYOTHORUS LUDOVICIANUS. Lath.) Carolina Wren. Kastcni I'niU'd States; fioin Illinois and C'onnocticut to llie (jiilf of Mexico; bri't'ds noarly thron<>liout its nintfc. 5.^7 (71><'0 Tlir'/dtlionis hi(I(n'ici{(ini.'< niidiiit'iisix. (Hidow.) Florida Wreu. A Florida ract', dilTi'iinir in boins; lariior and darker. (iKNLs THRYOMANES. Sci.atkh. 538 (7Ht) THRYOMANES BEWICKII. f Aud.) Bewick's Wren. '' Fastern I'nili'd States; rare and local east of the Alleghanies, and north of 10° ; west to tlie ed<;e of .) Western House "Wren. Western race, which occurs as far east as Illinois and Minnesota; it is hiiiher colored and the back shows more or less bars. (ii.NLs ANORTHURA. Uhxmk. 541 (722) ANORTHURA HIEMALIS. Vii ii.i.. Winter Wren. Fastern \orth America; breedin. Qray-cheeked Thrush. North America; from Labrador and Alaska to tiie Gulf of Mexico and Central America; breeds from Labrador and Hudson Bay north- ward. 56.^ 564 A. O II Ml (7 ;'»?'<) (7.')Mr») LIST OF Tin: liiKhs (»!• i;\sTi;i;\ noimii amkuica. :m 565 (T.V.t/y) Tni'liiH ulicne bitknclli. (I.'iix.w.; llickiu'll's TliriiHli. '• Moiiiitiiinous ptirt of tin; iioitlu'iiHtiMii Statr.s (CiiIhUiIIs, Wliit.- .Momi- liiiiis, I'tc.) iiiid NovM S('(tli;i ; miniating south in wiiitiM." (A. O. I .) TURDUS USTULATUS SWAINSONII. ((am.) Olive-backed Thrush. KustcMi Noilli Aii)L'iic:i , tVoiii Rocky Moiiiitaiiis to tlio Atlantic; win- tors 111 Central and Soiitli America ami the West IiKhes , |)U'e(lH iii the Aile