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The constitutional formula for the base is therefore — C, He CH, NH, CH, CH, C,H, 3 On the occurrence of Scolithus in Rocks of THE Chazy Formation about Ottawa, Ontario. By Hbney M. Ami, M.A., F.G.S. For years past, the occurrence of Scolithus in the lowei- portion of tho Cambro-Silurian or Ordovician strata, as it is developed in the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Valleys, as well as in the State of New York and elsewhere, was almost invariably taken as the best indication of the pre- sence of the Potsdam formation. Scolithus Canadensis, as described by the late Mr. E. Billings in his first volume of the Palteozoic Fossils, p. 06, was shewn to be eminently characteristic of the Potsdam formation, its occurrence in a number of localities having been recorded by him. Since then it has also been found in rocks of the same horizon in various other localities, and well recognized by geologists in general. The form Scolithus linearis, of Hall, is also referred to by Mr. Billings, as occurring in the measures of the Potsdam, as seen at L'Anse au Loup (loc, cit, p. 2), but in no other Cambrian or Ordovician formation have the remains of Scolithus been recognised as yet, as far as the writer is aware. I * Berichte, xvii, 2573. ^1!W' Scolithus in Rocks. 305 ?• I '5 In the examination ot the me^ures of the Chazy forma- tion about Ottawa, however, the writer has observed nume- rous scolitboid remains from strata newer than those at L'Anse au Loup oi' at Ste. Anne's, l>eaiiharnois, &c. At the Ilog's Back, Nepean, in the county of Carleton, Ont., about three miles from Ottawa city, the Chazy forma- tion crops out in the shape of a partially denuded anticlinal, exhibiting on the eastern side of its axis a considerable thickness of strata consisting of sandstones, sandy shales with calcareous matter, and limestones, given in their natural and stratigraphical sequence from the base up. Some of the shales in the exposure are decidedly argillace- ous in character, and hold abundance of a species of Lin- gula — the L. Belli (Billings). This band marks a well defined zone in our Chazy formation, and is referred to as the zone of Lingula Belli (see Geol. Eep. Trans. O. F. N. C, 1885-1886.) Above this zone, and a few feet above the Scolithus horizon, the " Loperditia band" occurs here in its normal condition, as described l)y Sir William Logan and Ml". Billings in the publications of the Geological Survey of Canada at various dates, so that the intermediate beds of an arenaceous nature, on careful examination, are seen to contain abundance of a species of Scolithus differing but little, ii' any, from the true S. Canadensif< (Billings). The characters of this last agree admirably with the form of those from Ilog's Back, althougli there is no doubt what- ever as to the age of the series in question being Chazy. The second place where the genus in question has been observed is at Britannia, Ont., near the southern shores of Lake Des ChOnes, on the Ottawa River, six miles west of Ottawa city. There at Britannia, some four hundred yards south-west of the railroad crossing or station, numerous remains of a species of Scolithus were collected on the occasion of the excursion of the Field Naturalists' Club, in September, 1885. On finding it, the question arose, and has since formed the subject of a slight controversy, as to whether or not the rocks there wore really Chazy, or that on accoimt of the occurrence of these annelid (?) burrows, the rocks ought to be ascribeil to the age of the Potsdam 306 Canadian Record of Science. formation. Fortunately, the occuri'ence of a similar fonii in the Chazy of Ho^'s ^ck had been previously ascer- tained 80 that this fact, coupled with the one that the almost perfectly horizontal wtratu on the Quebec side of the Ottawa, were truly Chazy, and characterised by the pre- valence of such types as Orthis imperator (Billings), and a Khynchonella not distinguishable from the B. plena of Hall — which measures extended across the river to the Ontario side, beneath the watera of the lake and rapids, without a fault or dislocation in well-nigh horizontal beds — make it beyond doubt that these rocks at Britannia are truly Chazy. From these two instances, it follows that the occurrence of Scolithus remains does not necessarily indicate the exist- ence of Potsdam rocks, but that the beds may possin-ly be newer or higher up in the series. These cases also indicate the necessity of obtaining collateral evidence of every nature, whether palseontological or stratigraphical, in oi-der to ascertain with any degree of accuracy the precise geo- logical horizon of strata. Ifi j The Rhythm and Innervation of the Heart op THE Sea-Turtle.=* By T. Wesley Mili^, MA., M.D., L.R.C.P.,"'.En... Professor of Physiology, M'Gill University, Montreal. The present paper is intended in part as a continuation of a shorter one which appeared in Nos. 4, 5, 6, of vol. v. of the Journal of Physiology on the same subject ; but more especially as^ continuation of my work on Chelonian heart physiology in general. So I'ar as 1 know there does not exist in physiology a systematic comparison of the resem- blances and diiferences of any one family or genus. I pro- pose therefore to do for the Chelonians in physiology, to some extent at least, what has been done for them in mor- phology. It has hitherto been believed that animals resembling * This paper has also very recently appeared in the Jour, of AnaL and Phys., Edinburgh. }^ J M